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  • File : 1286674436.png-(584 KB, 796x454, 1283302502460.png)
    584 KB Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:33 No.12388781  
    Anon from the game with the "that girl" from the other night here.

    We played the next game yesterday, this is my chance to post about it. Would anyone like to hear an update.

    There was some discrepancy as to what action I should take, but it's only just happened so there isn't really a chance to enact any long term plans like people suggested yet.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:35 No.12388801
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    Here's the archived thread from the other night by the way, in which I briefly described the situation leading up to current events.

    For those who don't yet know the story, or to refresh the memory of those who do.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:36 No.12388806
    You're becoming Batman, right? Yeah, I'd like to remain updated.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:37 No.12388814
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    Well that was one suggestion amidst a multitude.

    Allot of people seemed interested in my predicament, and I'm very grateful for the help.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:44 No.12388874
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    Well so basically at the end of the last game, "that girl" took control of the party with the help of a backstabbing former PC ally, by killing my character's accomplice and leaving my character with a broken body and severed arm in the middle of some road through a forest leading to Russia, leaving me with some bitter parting words/advice, and the equivalent of a slap in the face nearly two years in the making.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:45 No.12388882
    I love that girl.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:46 No.12388884

    Hire army. Lay waste to all she loves. Become the BBEG.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:46 No.12388889

    .hat doesn't sound very 'that guy.' Sounds more epic than anything.

    I haven't read the other thread, but it really does sound like u mad.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:48 No.12388908

    I'm poor now and dishonored, there's probably little I can hire other than cheap cheap cheap prostitutes and some liqueur. That is, if I could find a use for prostitutes with a crippled body.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:49 No.12388914
    I read the other thread. He mad.

    It's an oversimplification since he plays it off all cool, but he acts like the other PC is "that girl" when in fact she RP'd the other players into the ground, in large part because he wouldn't share GMing duties and his party acted like a bunch of asses. So yes, he mad.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:50 No.12388918

    Yo do realize that mercs cost SILVER, right?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:51 No.12388929
    Why does this make me think of slashies?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:51 No.12388930
    link to ther thread?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:52 No.12388937

    Second post.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:52 No.12388938
    He may be mad about it, but that shouldn't mean we dismiss his goodhearted and honest desire for vengeance. Isn't that what life is all about?

    Besides, she does seem evil.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:52 No.12388939

    Warning, it's super long.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:54 No.12388954
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    Before leaving with the others (whom she'd both convinced to want to kill me, but stopped them from doing so), she stayed behind for a few moments to tell me how all she wanted was to be an adventurer with us again, how happy she had been that it seemed like it could be like that again, and then how we ruined her dream by trying to kill her because of old hatreds.

    She said she was done with us now, and she knelt down next to my guy after having just basically broken him in half and ripping off his arm, and gave some words of consolation;

    "Hey don't worry, we'll get through this together alright?"

    Which was the slap in the face, because it was like the catchphrase of my character, and what he had said to her when the party agreed to abandon her all that time ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:56 No.12388981

    Sounds like you got fucking schooled in RP, bro. I'd kill to play with people who were capable of shit like this.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:56 No.12388984
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    Actually I say dream, but I probably should have said hopes.

    Her dreams are of a much wider and much grander scale.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:03 No.12389033
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    I won't deny she's a good roleplayer. Easily easily the best in our group. A nice knife in the ribs, an excerpt from what she said;

    "I tried burying the past, I tried making amends, I tried being kind once more, to be like I once was. That's all I wanted, to go back to how it once was, when we were happy. All you've done is cultivate hatred and live for revenge. Well I'm done with you, as it pains me to say."

    Said in the dark to my character after she'd killed the Nun PC (his accomplice), and holding his broken body aloft.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:06 No.12389048
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    I might as well mention some of what she said in parting before leaving with her brand new party.

    "I have my own group now, and we're going to have have adventures and save the world together, while you fade away. I'm finished, and so are you."

    Said in cold scorn while standing above my dude, before leaning down with a hand on his shoulder and a warm smile like old times followed by her reciting his catchphrase and tossing the money she'd been saving some ways away on the ground.

    Anyway, let's get back to the story...
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:06 No.12389052
    This woman is god-damn magnificent.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:10 No.12389089
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    So the game ended there, and I came here to /tg/ for help on what to do, and the response was amazing and much better than what I expected. Allot of it was fantastic ideas for revenge, forgiveness, and long term plans of intrigue and complexity unmatched.

    However, my head filled with such ideas wasn't a help when the game resumed yesterday, because I had to deal with the short term.

    Which was, that "that girl" departed with her new group and the betrayer, while I was currently laying critically injured in the middle of a road through a forest in the middle of nowhere, and snow looked to be falling soon.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:10 No.12389092
    /tg/ Still doesn't realize that none of this is true.

    Oh u
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:10 No.12389093

    Yo, if you don't want her, send her over here. I'd kill 50 men to have a D&D group half that good.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:13 No.12389113

    Give up, die, and come back as an undead servant of (death god of choice).

    Or, alternately, accept that you got fucking owned and die a depressing death, alone in the woods.

    What are you playing?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:14 No.12389125
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    It's a homebrew taking place in the late 1800's.

    I detail it out in the archived thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:16 No.12389135

    Then you're dead. Give it up.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:19 No.12389162
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    Well first thing was first. I checked what I still had, which was limited to my clothes really, the girl had cleaned me out. Even my police badge! Really liked that, had my name and everything, snazzy as fuck.

    So resolving that, my guy dragged himself with the one arm over to inspect the bag she gave me. Sure enough, not only was it the same bag we'd given her, but the exact amount of money and our old contact information.

    Either she had very meticulously recreated it to be like this, or more likely, she hadn't even touched the bag since we gave it to her, out of disgust or some other motivation.

    Really, the amount of planning/care she had in everything she did had a way of one feeling very small.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:22 No.12389183

    Disregard morality
    Acquire revenge

    I liked the starting WWI and kidnapping the kid ideas a lot. One way or another you MUST kill her. She raped and murdered a 14 year old kid, to say nothing of your fallen comrades.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:22 No.12389185

    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:23 No.12389196

    Wait, wait, wait...she has a HISTORY of EVIL and you're SURPRISED?

    You're fucking retarded, op.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:24 No.12389199
    Hey, OP. I was the guy that suggested you become Magic Cyborg Batman, and I still think that is the case.

    That being said, I'd try to hitchhike into a city, call an ally to see if they can send you assistance, and use that money to get patched up. The first order of business is getting new limbs, which your ally can hopefully assist you in moving towards.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:24 No.12389202
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    So stashing the bag, my guy made an effort to get out of the road first of all. Being crippled with one arm though, it was basically at the pace of an inchworm. By the time he reached some bushes snow started to fall.

    At about that time I realized how fucking hard it was to survive without an arm and majority body movement.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:28 No.12389239
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    Look goddamnit, she managed to survive it, don't give me pussy excuses about cities or hospitals or forests or snow, or bears, you WILL survive, and you WILL have your revenge.

    Otherwise just rip up your character sheet and write up a new one as her little bitch slave.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:28 No.12389240

    ...you should have bled to death in minutes.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:28 No.12389244

    Whoops, meant to say, had a way of making one FEEL very small.

    And she's so humble/smug about it too. DAMN IT!
    >> TG_GENERAL_Heavy 10/09/10(Sat)22:29 No.12389249
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    I agree it is time for this bitch to die
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:29 No.12389261
    ITT: Butthurt

    You lost. Accept your death for the sake of the story.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:30 No.12389270
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    They treated my guy medically before discarding him, as we showed her the same courtesy when we discarded her.

    It's true I was crippled and one armed, and in a terrible state, but I was closer to death when she bent me in half over knee the previous night than I was now.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:30 No.12389272

    Not when she did it already. The bar has been set.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:31 No.12389286

    >I was closer to death when she bent me in half over knee the previous night

    Some guys will just bend over backwards for a girl.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:32 No.12389297
    Steal a car, hit & run at her front door before the next game day, ditch car, appear at game on time. You seem butthurt enough to try.

    You shouldn't have gone out of your way to have the game conform to her whims in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:33 No.12389309
    Become to Magic what she is for Technology.
    Get better and disappear into the Old World, Romania, Eastern Europe.
    Come back as a Knight-Wizard-Lich-Vampire-Half-Lich riding a Were-wolf-dragon accompanied by Warrior monk Zombies.
    Do Solo adventures in Eastern Europe until they forget about you. Level harder and faster than she did and mess her up when you come back with a vengace.
    Become the Old world, and battle the New World she wishes for.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:35 No.12389323

    Just die.

    It would be far more poignant and interesting to have her actually succeed. If you refuse to die it'll just look like you're yelling 'BUT SHE GOT TO!' Turnabout is fair play, and you got what was coming to you.

    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:35 No.12389327
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    I pray to Kord that OP gets his revenge.

    If worst comes to worst:

    Remember, Remember,
    The 5th of November
    The gunpowder, treason, and plot.
    I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.

    ITT if Batman doesn't work out for you, go V for Vendetta on her ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:35 No.12389328
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    Anyway I tried all sorts of shit in that small area I crawled to, like making a shelter or starting a fire, or digging a hole, but it pretty much was useless, save for keeping snow off with some fallen branches and making sort of covers with them.

    Not much longer and the DM made informed me I was to pass out from exhaustion. I made that effort to bury the bag of money.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:37 No.12389347

    >You shouldn't have gone out of your way to have the game conform to her whims in the first place.

    What are you talking about? You realize OP isn't the DM, right?

    She hijacked the game with her mary sue solo bullshit, and now she's monopolizing it as party leader in the exact same way. She's trying to run the show either way. OP is perfectly justified to fuck her shit.
    >> TG_GENERAL_Heavy 10/09/10(Sat)22:38 No.12389357
    you will become stronger! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBbnT-cIDVM
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:39 No.12389366
    Make her your waifu.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:39 No.12389370

    >more poignant and interesting

    ...to give up than to start WWI and set off incredible changes in the game world? I think not.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:40 No.12389381
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    Of note, there are two ways people suggested would mess with her efforts of world peace;

    - Old world magic to combat the new, as you said

    - High tech of Nemo and the other inventors, which is the main cause for all the chaos and disorder she's trying to prevent


    As a general note, my aim in making these updates, besides keeping everyone updated, is to work out a definitive course of action and goals overtime.

    People have suggested loads and loafs of amazing choices and actions to make from here on out, but I can't do all of them. So I want to want to work towards some general consensus overtime with these threads.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:40 No.12389387


    She's the sue, though.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:40 No.12389391
    Of course, OP, when you do return as Magic Cyborg Batman, you'll need something cold and fuckin' cool to say. Maybe when she's on the floor, bruised, bloodied, and beaten, you'll utter:

    "In all the years to come...in your most private moments...I want you to remember my hand at your throat....I want you to remember the one man who beat you."

    Hold on, looking for more Batman quotes...
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:42 No.12389407
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    >Old World Magic
    >High Tech of Nemo

    BOTH nigga.

    Vampires with highly advanced machine guns and sun-proof vehicles.

    Burn the world.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:42 No.12389410
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    I can't be both magic and tech, thought I might mention that.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:43 No.12389417
    When you monumentally ruin her plans you have to say, as she's speechless at your sudden appearance, "How did I survive? With great difficulty. How did I plan this moment? With pleasure."
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:43 No.12389421

    Fire, meet fire.

    If this was coming out of nowhere into the game I'd never advocate it.

    But sometimes there's only one way to stop a sue.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:44 No.12389426

    That's fucking terrible.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:45 No.12389442
    Stop telling him to quote movies and comics, you fucking tools.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:46 No.12389457
    "And I'll whisper...no."

    Sorry, couldn't resist :V
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:47 No.12389462
    Final quote: "Now would be the perfect moment for my biting parting shot, but believe me when I tell you I have no interest in doing you the courtesy of a poignant death."

    Then break her in half. Just kill her. Don't leave her for dead. Don't monologue, don't torture.

    Just snuff her and move on.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:48 No.12389477
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    >Now would be the perfect moment for my biting parting shot, but believe me when I tell you I have no interest in doing you the courtesy of a poignant death.

    Don't quit your day job.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:48 No.12389480
    Spain has enemies, does it not?

    Team up with them. Whether it be pirates in the Americas or other European nations or anything in between, she has enemies and they are now your allies.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:49 No.12389486

    You're welcome to do better, captain macro.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:49 No.12389488
    OR one better.
    Lich up.
    Burst in on a flying undead Shark.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:50 No.12389493
    Buy a gun. Shoot her in the head while she's asleep.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:50 No.12389497
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    Anyway so I was awakened by someone trying to move me. I tried conversing with them in my delirium, but they seemed not to speak the language, or only very broken. Something about "ambush" or "attack".

    They dragged me with them for a bit, and then something about on horses, I kept passing out. Eventually I later learned it was a good thing that I couldn't move much, as when "that girl" left me and I tried crawling around, when I thought I was off the road and making a shelter for myself, I was actually still half laying in the road and hadn't moved much beyond where I was left.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:51 No.12389502

    Russia. Team up with Russia. There's still a Tsar about, and he's still convinced he should be king of the world.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:51 No.12389503
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    Ohshi- I just realized - this is pre WWI. Spain's biggest enemy is none other than the YOU ESS AY.

    Become the Super-American (think Teddy Roosevelt on roids), use ultimate Nemo-tech, take over Europe.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:51 No.12389505
    She said that to you, and you failed to point out the hypocrisy in that? You've already lost. Commit suicide in-game. The guilt of your death is the only thing you can give her now.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:53 No.12389520

    "You should have killed me when you had the chance."

    Done. It may be hackneyed, but at least it's not deep purple.

    Or just don't say anything. Or wait to see if she says any last words, and react appropriately. Don't script out some bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:55 No.12389537

    >thinks he's original

    Oh, you.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:55 No.12389538
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    Sorry, I am not very clever.


    This is true and a posibility, but not anytime soon. Currently, even if I wasn't crippled, I'm a disgraced Police Officer, and not even an important one on top of that.

    I have my contacts and friends in high places, but it may be awhile before I get enough rep/influence to actually start major movements.

    It's wholly possible, just might take awhile. For now I think it would be better to stick to things my character himself can do before I try anything major.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:55 No.12389539
    Best thing to say right before you kill her (Or, more likely, she kills you): "I loved you, I only left you because I wanted you to be safe."

    Or something like that.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:57 No.12389552
    >>thinks he's original
    >doesn't know what hackneyed means
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:57 No.12389557

    Pretend to be a holy-healer. Go to the TSAR. Tell him that you cured your arm and spine yourself (Once you fix these, of course)

    Tell the Tsar that you will be his holy worker.

    Tell the Tsar your name.

    Tell the Tsar that you are Rasputin.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:58 No.12389568

    >It may be hackneyed.

    That's where I said I was original, right there. You got me.

    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:59 No.12389569
    In your failure to kill me, you have only made me stronger.

    [Plunge murder implement into her heart.]You had a good run, and you almost got away with it. But you forgot one thing. [Twist the muder implement] If you could come back so strong from a crippled state and screw me over, what's to say I couldn't do the same to you? [Pull out the murder implement out and repeatedly beat her over the head with it]

    That sort of thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:00 No.12389586
    ...Count of Monte Cristo up in this mother.
    Disappear for a few months IC; then come back, completly changed, in charge of some major international super power.
    Flirt with her, kindle a romance, no one knows who you are, mysterious, charming stranger, all that. Use Old World magic to do it.
    Flirt, get her to the altar, or a mask ball...then lean in and kiss her on the nape of her neck and whisper into her hear...
    "Hey don't worry, we'll get through this together alright?"
    As your guards barricade the doors quietly and you jam the knife into her gut, all the paid up loyal supporters of yours who're pretending to be guests ignoring it, when the party attacks, have them all put down, then claim they tried to kill you, backed up by every guest.
    Then declare war on Spain.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:00 No.12389592

    DO IT!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:01 No.12389600
    Quick question OP, has the Franco-Prussian war happened?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:01 No.12389608
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    Being the villain, I would roll my eyes and ask you to please hurry it up.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:02 No.12389613
    this + find magic and sell soul to whatever wants it for magic powerup. help russia pull itself togather then use your great influnce to set the mighty russian army on destroying everything that bitch holds dear.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:02 No.12389614

    ...this has potential.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:03 No.12389619
    These two.
    By your powers combined I am, CAPTAIN RASPUTIN!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:03 No.12389620

    Bitch be SMART. I don't think we're ladykilling our way into this one. Think we should start thinking of direct plans to kill the lady instead.

    >conceded coppis

    Captcha understands your present situation
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:04 No.12389633
    and that's when I'd start beating her over the head.

    Then again, I'm no rogue but a barbarian through and through. I'd personally recommend the microwave gun, than going medieval on her ass.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:04 No.12389635
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    After being taken back to a main procession by what I learned were the scouts, I was placed in a wagon and afforded at least shelter and sleep.

    Then most of the session took place in dreams (it turned out my guy didn't wake up until near nightfall). It was pretty surreal, mostly reliving events and such, however some of them from what I assume to be "that girl's" point of view, or at least how my character assumes she would have seen such events. Again not entirely sure what it all meant and if it indicated powers or something, it all happened in a dream.

    Then we snuck in and convinced her that her father actually lover her and wanted her to be her own person.

    Lol but seriously, disregard that last sentence. Anyway so after the dream, I was woken by some dudes, speaking brokenly in my language. Observing the surroundings, it was a brightly lit and strangely adorned coach. All sorts of trinkets and linens/cloths and designs.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:07 No.12389660
    Intriguing. Go on......
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:08 No.12389680
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:09 No.12389686
    Why all the hate?
    Can't we all just get along?
    Instead of destroying a shot at world peace, work with her- if in spirit if not in actuality.
    She says she wants a better world? Well so do you- you're just not going to compromise your principals to do it.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:10 No.12389695
    She doesn't want a better world. Judging by her actions, she's turned into a particularly nasty case of Lawful Evil
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:10 No.12389696
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    As I understand it, the setting is around 1883 to 1885.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:11 No.12389702
    This book,
    Learn it, Love it, LIVE IT!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:12 No.12389709
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    stupid Captcha
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:13 No.12389713
    Well, her reasoning is "I do what I must to save the world.:
    To beat her, OP's got to be better then her- or else he's just another prick with a grudge
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:16 No.12389735
    Hey, don't knock being a prick with a grudge.
    Being a grudge holding Prick had got me many, many things in the past.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:17 No.12389752
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    She's propagating peace and prosperity in the world, doing all she can to help people of both her countries, improving relations social standards across Europe, and if things go her way, World War I simply might not occur.

    Apart from what she's done to us and specifically those that have gotten in her way of doing good, she's never done an evil act.

    I'm not sure what alignment that is.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:18 No.12389759
    Gypsies. I bet it's gypsies. GYPSY MAGIC TIEM.

    >Bryce fortaxin
    I think I have my next character name.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:21 No.12389790






    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:22 No.12389806

    srsly, though, OP
    Be the bigger person!
    You probably won't be able to outdickery that girl, but you can be a better person then her
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:23 No.12389815
    Don't lower yourself to her level.

    Take a step back, run and DIVE DOWN IN THE ABYSS!

    You won't kill her and the ones that betrayed you.

    You're going to burn Europe to the ground, and if she dies, that's just an extra bonus.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:26 No.12389848
    Fuck you. You can't even write proper english.

    The first World War must come. If it doesn't come, Europe will keep their tyrannical grip on the world.

    It MUST happen, for the benefit of the thousands of oppressed people in the colonies.

    Europe must fall. Realise that.

    Nemo realises this. You must join him, and gain power.

    Instigate nationalism, support fascists and communists alike. The time for the Great War has come.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:27 No.12389855
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    I'm at a loss, and try to explain my situation as best I can but neither of us are really understanding the other. Eventually things are getting nowhere so they send for someone, a young woman and a man I assume is either a guard or her husband.

    They understand me much better, and after conversing a little (under the scrutiny of the other men) I learn that this is a Gypsy caravan, and they're traveling with it as per arrangements of an uncle, although she is German like me. They want to know who I am as I was basically in tattered clothing and crippled, yet out in the middle of some forest with my injuries fairly treated.

    For me, this was a bit of a tense situation, because part of my job description in the past had been detaining Gypsies for magic and sorcery, plenty of whom were innocent.

    I suppose it was a very good thing "that girl" took my badge. I'll have to thank her for that if I ever see her again.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:27 No.12389860
    If you REALLY can't combine cybernetics with magic, just go all cybernetics.

    Since that's easy to combine with allying with Nemo and stuff.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:27 No.12389861
    become the new rasputin, gain control of Russia and turn it into the new germany. take over the world THEN DESTROY IT!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:27 No.12389868
    Are the Mongols still about? Consider teaming up with them. Scotsmen pissed about something? Imagine this: Braveheart 2: All of Europe is going to die. Only Britain will truly live.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:28 No.12389871
    Horse Shit.
    She killed your Nun.
    ...Infact; see if you can being the Nun back, using Psudo-science and Magic.
    As a fucking Robot Right hand to your Monsterous BBEG-ishness.
    Try and learn Fleshcrafting as well. If you catch a PC, turn them into a dress or something.
    And give it to her, never let her know.
    I vote for the Count Of Monte-Lichesdo option. Become ruler of Russia, then become a major agressor that wants to avoid war, but wants more Land, that they'll have to deal with.
    Don't become a monster, but have your character take from this that there's just no reasoning with some people and sometimes you just have to crush a person under your boot to get them to give up and stop.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:28 No.12389872
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:34 No.12389906
    OP, if you get in a position to kill her.

    ...let someone else do it. Preferably a mook.

    Because that shit is colder then cold.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:34 No.12389908
    Fuck yes!
    Become the Gypsie king as well if you get the chance.
    Imagine it...
    Miles of Caravans, all totting wizards and mages.
    Riding into battle against the Spanish Tanks.

    For extra points, learn necromancy; try and research a spell to let you control Horrible amounts of undead.
    And hide it.
    Then Dig in during the War.
    Imagine This for a second.
    The Somme after the first month or so.
    A Near infinite army, unstoppable by bullet or blade.
    Even a single spirit from the Somme would be unstoppable if they're the sort of ghost that are more powerful the stronger the death was as some campaign worlds use.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:37 No.12389925
    A mook with a trench club, or a rifle butt.

    Death by blunt object, desecration of the flesh, you know the drill.

    Piss on her corpse.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:38 No.12389935
    Become a cyborg.

    Shoot your rocket fist through her chest.

    And your other rocket fist through her head.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:40 No.12389945
    The casualties at the Somme were apalling, especially for us Canucks. Then again, they were mostly volunteers. They wanted to fight. In many ways, this made them the deadleist soldiers on the field. I imagine that your best bet is to bring back the Canadian legions, imbue them with their own souls, and grant them great power with which to reap a bloody revenge.....if they help you overthrow THATGIRL in return.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:41 No.12389949
    I thought they all took turns DM'ing.

    And more importantly, players need to know when to call bullshit even despite that.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:42 No.12389959
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    So I'm in a Gypsy caravan heading back into Poland I believe, and I'm like one of their main oppressors. Still though I have no identity, and appear so powerless as to warrant charity/sympathy.

    I figure all is well and good as long as I keep up my poker face and play it like an innocent or a victim, or simply an unlucky invalid.

    However the bombshell hits when after some conversing and the girl and her husband talking with the other men, she tells me they want to take me to the physician to treat me. I ask the girl what this means, and she says as a German I might not understand, but basically they want to take me to a fortune seer.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:43 No.12389966
    archive thread? the one from the other night was
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:46 No.12389986
    If you're near a city...

    Fake a fever dilerium, claiming there are spiders everywhere, run off into the crowded streets.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:47 No.12389995

    I'm a one armed cripple...
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:47 No.12389999
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    Whoop, that's me.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:48 No.12390010
    Okay, don't worry too bad. I get the feeling this might work out in your favour and your group is playing you off one against the other to see who wins in turn.
    Knowing my cliches, the fortune teller will find out you have been gravely wronged and that you are a person of great ability, ect, ect and you'll be passed on to someone important and start your own ascent to a throne or something somewhere along the line if you play your cards right.

    Bring back everyone.
    Anyone who's body is too badly fucked to bring back, wield tanks shut and seal their souls into the tank itself, 40K despoiler style.
    Anyone who's mind is too fractured by their death to be sane, bring back as mindless undead.
    Everyone else.
    Fucking death knights and undead platoons.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:51 No.12390038
    Guess you're fucked when you get to the fortune teller.

    Time for a quick change of heart.

    Tell them you're a policeman, just tell them you locked up gypsies.

    Tell them how you saw how kind and caring people they are, while your government left you to rot in a shallow grave.

    Thank them for their care, blablabla fatalist talk about how they're justified to kill/leave you behind.

    They're gypsies, notoriously chaotic good/neutral/evil so it's unlikely they'll just kill you.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:51 No.12390041
    Raping and murdering a 14 year old boy so she could steal his inheritance is a hell of a long way from good. She's neutral at best.

    There are other royal families she could have shoe-horned her way into. Setting it up so that she's both unstoppably more powerful than the party, and in direct conflict with the party, is a wagon-full of douchebaggery. If she (the player) wanted to interact with the party, she could have hired them (the party); she has the resources as a Duchess, no?. Maybe ferreting out a love potion kind of magic to marry her way into queendom?

    But no, she has to kill half the party (again). And then she worms her way into your party. The two survivors (justifiably paranoid of the person who killed their friends TWICE) take action against her, and get thrashed. She gives you the same goddamn bag you gave her, clearly a sign of petty vengeance.

    Become the Bat. And bring her to justice. A cozy cell in Arkham for her crimes!
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:51 No.12390042
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:51 No.12390046
    I know last thread; I said you should find employment with the Krupp family, or their in-universe equivalents. This is because they are an incredibly rich Prussian dynasty of Merchants/Capitalists. Coincidentally they produce the vast majority of the cannons/other munitions that the Prussian army uses. This is important.

    If you are able to find employment working for the Krupp's, then your next goal should be to acquire cybernetics. The arm first, as you can always get a wheelchair. Your main goal should be to rise high up enough in the company that the Krupp's let you marry into their family. After marrying into the family, you should be a good husband towards your wife. Out of the marriage, you should have a child, to whom you will try to be a good father.

    On the business side of things, during your rise to power you will have hopefully made friends with members of the Prussian General staff as well as the nobility. Once you get somewhat close to the top, use your contacts to increase the size and power of both the Prussian Army and Navy. His should have the effect of scaring France, Russia, and hopefully Great Britain, which will undermine That Girls attempts at world peace.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:54 No.12390073
    Become the Joker.

    Turn the world into Arkham.

    "You... did this... to my arm. I did... this... to your world."
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:55 No.12390078
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:58 No.12390098
    She's the Evil Batman right?
    Sane, sharp, good at planning, use technology and planning and general dickery to get her plans done.

    There is only one thing you can do.
    Become the Good Joker.
    Totally off the wall plans, improvise, make plans so twisted that she'll never understand if you won or not, then harass her constantly.
    Make your goal in life not to kill her, but to fuck with her head as much as possible and hurt anything she cares about.
    Because it's so much fun! Aha, HAHAHAHA!!!
    Bonuses for Liching up while doing this.
    >> TG_GENERAL_Heavy 10/09/10(Sat)23:58 No.12390107
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    oh god I can hear kefka's laughter right now
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:59 No.12390114
    And remember, if you face off with her... make sure you have a good suicide-bomber trick. In case stuff doesn't go in your favour.

    Like if you get stabbed on a spear, stab her too... drag her off a castle wall, implant an explosive device in your chest... the usual deal.

    Say something cheesy or creepy. Like together at last, or something like that.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:00 No.12390122
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    >Raping and murdering a 14 year old boy so she could steal his inheritance is a hell of a long way from good. She's neutral at best.

    Taking his inheritance such that she could have a position to actually do good and have power to act upon her empathy.

    >There are other royal families she could have shoe-horned her way into. If she (the player) wanted to interact with the party, she could have hired them (the party); she has the resources as a Duchess, no?. Maybe ferreting out a love potion kind of magic to marry her way into queendom?

    She was sort of singled down to the Prince because he was the sole heir, and he was so young. As well, he happened to be visiting our country at the time, so it was very easy for her to gain access, rather than go to some other country and act there.

    She didn't hire or adventure with us, because there were still survivors from the first party, and also she wasn't of enough power to set her plans of peace in motion yet. Now that she is, she can actively take a role and have a hefty influence in the things they do because of her position. Also the new party all support her.

    >But no, she has to kill half the party (again). And then she worms her way into your party. The two survivors (justifiably paranoid of the person who killed their friends TWICE) take action against her, and get thrashed. She gives you the same goddamn bag you gave her, clearly a sign of petty vengeance.

    The second TPK was because we were in her way. Also there were three survivors including me and the Nun, and she only took vengeance on me and the Nun because we still were suspicious and tried to kill her.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:02 No.12390160
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    Become the Jokester? Could also be good.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:04 No.12390185
    Look dude.
    Fuck good and evil now.
    This isn't about that anymore; now, it's about balancing the books, which means kicking her to death in an allyway somewhere having brough her world crashing down around her smug little ears.
    She killed your friends.
    You break her life.
    Fuck if that ruins the world or not. Don't go out your way to ruin things for everyone else, but if you need to hurt people to hurt her? Do it.
    She didn't think of not raping and murdering a Prince.
    In fact, try and find some people important to her and rape them, even things out somewhere along the line.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:05 No.12390193
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    Anyway so I'm afforded some time before I see the fortune teller (the game ended there), but I'm sure you can see my predicament.

    I suppose I should be thankful that even though I helped detained many Gypsies, I was never OK with it, and let many go that weren't actually magic/sorcery practitioners. Still though, I put many away, and other Gypsies probably wouldn't see magic practitioners as bad, like we did.

    So now that I have about a week to suss things out of what to do, what should I do?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:06 No.12390198
    All of them... except OP.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:06 No.12390205
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    And not "that girl" either.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:07 No.12390211
    Already posted it here.

    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:09 No.12390223
    Gain Gypsy magic.
    Ensorcell your way into the Royal Court.
    Put an end to this madness with steel and flame.

    Death to the usurper bitch!
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:11 No.12390241
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    Thanks, I appreciate the advice.

    This goes for everyone, I really appreciate everyone's help and support.

    Everyone in the group wants to see where I take this whole thing and hope I make it interesting, "that girl" especially who's been endlessly encouraging and supportive. As a personal goal, I'd just like to one-up the formal ball. That was easily the best and most intense bit of roleplaying and plot in the whole game so far.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:11 No.12390249
    When you're about to strike the killing blow, OP, for fuck's sake, don't delay it with soliloquy (I know I spelled that wrong).

    The monologue can be over her rapidly-cooling corpse.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:12 No.12390256
    Yeah now your cop guy needs to see how oppressive these old regimes are. Look at these gypsys giving you kindness. Even before you let people go, you knew in your heart it was wrong. Now you need to bring the old order crashing down, free the gypsies, free the slaves, free the Indians, free the Asians, free the Africans from the tyranny of the European Order.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:12 No.12390257
    >>12390046 again, expanding on some of my ideas.

    If you should go the capitalist way, you could also form an agreement with the Captain Nemo types, they share their superior tech with you, and in return you mass produce weapons and such for the, while simultaneously selling the superior weapons to Prussia as well. This has the dual effect of making the guys who want to cause WWI stronger, and making it look like Prussia has allied with them, further kneecapping Prussia's foreign relations. Actually, now that I think about it, in the books at least part of Nemo's ship WAS manufactured by the Krupps.

    TL;DR don't become Batman or the Joker, but become a Lawful Neutral/Lawful Evil Bruce Wayne.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:14 No.12390275
    I know ways how to keep her corpse a bit longer warm... if you know what I'm talking about.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:16 No.12390284
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    I remember your advice from the last thread as well, and I also thank you for is, as you detail actual historical examples and such.

    Again, many thanks everyone.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:20 No.12390313
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    I hope you're not implying I should have any sort of... "involvement" with her.

    My dude wasn't into her when they were friends, let alone now that he has a reason to hate her.

    Even if he has seen her naked...
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:20 No.12390314
    Freeing the colonies?

    Sounds like you need Nemo.

    Nemo hated the colonial powers, remember.

    Look at it this way.

    Secretly start stirring up shit causing WWI.

    Get deals with Nemo, the United States (hating Spain), and radical groups in the colonies.

    Overthrow Europe.

    Burn the bitch.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:21 No.12390320
    You can stop calling her 'that girl', now, you know. Everybody is aware that she out-roleplays you, and the group loves her. She is in no way 'that guy'.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:24 No.12390344

    Too late, it's her nickname now even if it doesn't really describe her.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:30 No.12390391
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    I think that for reference I should note that if I do end up joining/assisting Nemo in the future, I will probably have to help him and the inventors with their problems first.

    Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just that it will probably be quite difficult.


    Well the problem with combining magic and tech is that those competent in magic, and natural forces abhor tech, while tech itself would decrease a persons magic capability.

    The only ones in the setting who have mixed tech with magic to some success are the Ottomans, and only because they've shunned the new high tech of Nemo and choose to progress at their own pace, while simultaneously they haven't shunned the magic aspects of their land and people like Europe has.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:33 No.12390426
    >Taking his inheritance such that she could have a position to actually do good and have power to act upon her empathy.
    Yet still rape, murder and theft. Mighty convenient that "doing good" involves killing half the party and massive personal power advancement.

    >She was sort of singled down to the Prince because he was the sole heir, and he was so young. As well, he happened to be visiting our country at the time, so it was very easy for her to gain access, rather than go to some other country and act there.
    Is the DM not able to direct the story? Are you forced to adhere the plot to some empirical datum that cannot be negotiated with? Could not another suitable target or method been pulled from your goddamn imaginations?

    >She didn't hire or adventure with us, because there were still survivors from the first party, and also she wasn't of enough power to set her plans of peace in motion yet.
    And you (as an RPG group) couldn't work around that? That sounds like a perfect set of obstacles, both for her and the party. Let her use her cunning to reunite the party rather than kill it.

    >Also the new party all support her.
    Which (in-character) justifies nothing. She still murdered your friends (TWICE!).

    >The second TPK was because we were in her way. Also there were three survivors including me and the Nun, and she only took vengeance on me and the Nun because we still were suspicious and tried to kill her.
    She chose her goals so that the party were in the way. It was a setup. The DM didn't have to put you in charge of her target. She didn't have to choose her target so that she'd be in conflict with the party.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:34 No.12390441
    What are you, a blubbering fool?

    You have no vision.

    Gain magic, first.

    Use your magic to create magical tech. Or to infuse your magic into tech.

    They will see you coming with a biomechanical arm, but what they will not expect is the imbued magic still resonating inside you like a burning fire, raging to engulf all that cross you and your journey.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:35 No.12390447
    Clearly you must bring Nemo and the Gypsy king to the Ottoman empire, to usher in a magitech age!

    Alternative, screw the Ottoman empire, steal their concepts, and let the Gypsies and Nemo create glorious magitech.

    Another alternative, just let the Gypsies and Nemo create magitech.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:39 No.12390492
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    Protecting the target was all part of our mission. We couldn't abandon that. It's when she realized the Prince was visiting our country that she decided to act. She could have had another target or opportunity, but this was right there, right then, and would have been a foreign investigation, as well as meeting other requirements.

    She chose the much, much easier of two choices.


    As for being in her way, like I said it was our job. From the start she besought those she killed not to fight, and she only killed those that tried to kill her in turn.


    Lastly for the current party, they don't really believe she killed us before or did bad things. Only the betrayer knows.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:40 No.12390501
    >Well the problem with combining magic and tech is that those competent in magic, and natural forces abhor tech, while tech itself would decrease a persons magic capability.

    Just go make magitech.

    Don't believe in the you who believes in me. Don't believe in the me who believes in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself.

    >if you don't create magitech, i'm gonna drill-pierce your asshole so hard i'm gonna break the universe
    >remember that
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:41 No.12390508
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    Like I said, getting a mechanical arm will not only make my magic competency lower, but anyone who knows magic will avoid me. I can't just learn it to start, I need to be taught at least in the very beginning.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:43 No.12390532
    Herp derp are you not listening?





    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:45 No.12390559
    Mr. Nemo, meet mr. Gypsy king.

    Mr. Gypsy king, meet mr. Nemo.

    Dark and desperate times ahead, lots of war. We need to liberate the oppressed masses. Time to take back the world for the common man.

    Liberte, fraternite, egalite.

    So step on that magitech research.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:47 No.12390585
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:48 No.12390592
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    Hmmm that could work then.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:50 No.12390626
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    I think once Nemo has his problems resolved, then that could be a good alliance. But until then he and the inventors have little interest in the rest of the world, except for trading purposes to help in their struggle.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:51 No.12390635
    If the rest of the world blows up, there would be no need for his inventions now would there?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:54 No.12390671
    Well now your path is clear.

    Become Batsputin.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)00:57 No.12390697
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    Well they're out in the Pacific and like keeping to themselves. They only started showing up for trading because they've encountered something out there they're having trouble dealing with. Otherwise they'd steer clear of everywhere else.

    That's all we know, they've been very hush hush on the matter, the few instances they've shown up.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:08 No.12390815
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    Ok so the idea for the short term, is to try and be honest/come clean to the gypsies?

    Hopefully they'll be lenient. Even if they aren't I doubt the DM will just kill me outright without alternatives.

    So I guess that'll be it then until about a week. Otherwise I don't have much to post about, unless people want to hear of past events from this game.

    Anyway, thanks for all the help guys, I really appreciate it as I've said. I'm sure with your help, I'll be able to make this interesting.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:12 No.12390850
    >Protecting the target was all part of our mission. We couldn't abandon that. It's when she realized the Prince was visiting our country that she decided to act. She could have had another target or opportunity, but this was right there, right then, and would have been a foreign investigation, as well as meeting other requirements.
    I wasn't saying the party should have abandoned their charge. I'm saying that the DM is in control of the story, and That Girl is in control of her character. They don't have to set everything up so that her character is in violent conflict with the party. The DM doesn't have to give the party the job of protecting her optimal target. The DM doesn't have to drop the target on the girl's doorstep. She doesn't have to pursue it.

    >She chose the much, much easier of two choices.
    How noble of her.[/sarcasm]

    >As for being in her way, like I said it was our job. From the start she besought those she killed not to fight, and she only killed those that tried to kill her in turn.
    Why was it your job? I presume it was a hook from a DM. The DM didn't have to make your job "protect the macguffin from your vengeful, super-powerful, ex-party member".

    And "I'll only kill you if you try to stop me from raping and murdering your charge" is not an example of goodness.

    >Lastly for the current party, they don't really believe she killed us before or did bad things. Only the betrayer knows.
    Which is irrelevant to your character's motivations. It also doesn't make her character not a petty, vengeful, self-serving, murderous bitch.

    You can do whatever the hell you want. But you are completely justified in making your character's goal be bringing That Girl's character down. Anti-party shenanigans are apparently A-OK in your group, and she's definitely given him reason to go after her.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:14 No.12390872
    >Ok so the idea for the short term, is to try and be honest/come clean to the gypsies?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:23 No.12390977

    That, and get to the ocean.

    You need a new arm, regardless of how much it destroys you-

    Wait, fuck.

    Do Golems exist?

    Golem arm, motherfucker. Practice magic, while your crew trades weapons and tech, deal in weapons as the anon above said (Kneecap Prussia, etc.) and generally get your hand into the world arms market.

    Stir up things-trade against allies, FORCE people to go to war, by arming others with weapons. Basically destroy international relationships.

    She's going to realize it's you-and that's the point. They're going to come after you, and know it's a trap. Around this point, start spreading very secretive rumors (Keep it hush hush) That you're going to be returning to land for a VERY short time, to gather supplies and to prepare to spring the trap, preparing to lure your enemies out into the middle of the ocean and destroy them. Start dressing in concealing clothing, fearing "Assassinations", and being a bit more paranoid in general.

    Make some SMALL mention of it that this is going to be your last trip to shore in quite a while. Maybe even dress your crew in the same concealing outfits as you.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:23 No.12390978
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    Everyone including the DM was unaware that she was even going to show up again so soon, or to the formal ball, let alone what her master plan was. The DM of her game that time told us she said right away once she learned of the Prince that, that she wanted to attend the formal ball.

    So the DM only found out about it, and it switched the next session. As for whether or not they should have stopped it, in our games the DM sets the story, the scene and what happens, and lays the rules, but they don't interfere and say "No you can't do that" unless it's against the rules, fluff, or setting. Which nothing she does is. Our players and games are capable of playing like that. Notably because no one ever had a problem with what she was doing, even when they were being killed. Again we didn't even know she was going to be there, let alone her motivation.

    It was our job to Protect the Prince, and when the bomb went off we thought it might have been terrorists or something. It wasn't our intent or the DM's that once it went off, she went into plan mode.

    Hope that explains some things, sorry if I'm not making any sense so far or not being clear.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:25 No.12390992
    Have a skeleton crew ready aboard a separate submarine, trusted, secretive men, preferably proficient with firearms. Make the switch en route, by transferring several of your men over to their ship, and several of yours to theirs. Have them dress up once on board-then have your direct subordinate use a recording of your voice onboard your own ship, giving orders on what to do-and making people believe you're still there.

    Have your own ship head to port, while you shadow them with the skeleton crew ship. Your old allies will come-go through all the standard fare, such as arming your own ship with guards, hiring guards in the seaport who are relatively discreet, etc...

    ...And then, when your old allies break into your ship, and you know they're onboard?

    Sink it. Torpedo it until its' nothing.

    Then laugh. Laugh, because you've won.

    The point of the crew switch, btw, was to make your crew think you knew your old allies would attack, so you were hiring mercenaries.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:25 No.12391002
    Your going to notice he tends to either ignore posts that call him out on this dumb shit, or just repeat what he's already said.

    He's either a troll or...no, he's probably just a troll, a good one, since he now likely has two threads going, both of which are likely up on suptg, but still just a troll.
    >> The Harlequin Rose 10/10/10(Sun)01:26 No.12391005
    Honestly OP, being a good persona nd taking the high ground just wont make a good story.

    For a good story, good rp, become her opposite. Dont attack her. Instead gain power. Instead of cybernetics, gain magic. Instead of cultivating peace, sow discord and war. Just focus not on killing her, but disrupting her plans (eventualy she will try to find you, easier to kill her when things are on your terms).

    Maybe you can have the gypsies start rebellions around the countries, or gain them as minions, become some gypsy messiah. Just basically do everything you can to start World War 1 so that even if you die, your final words can be "Sure.. I"m dead.. But everything you worked for was for nothing."
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:26 No.12391013
    But that would require him killing his own men. We will not stoop to HER level, Anonymous!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:28 No.12391030
    No offense OP, but she's CLEARLY much more intelligent than you, and will probably see through pretty much anything you try.

    Still, my short-term plan would be - learn magic from the gypsies & get a magical prosthetic arm, then come up with a way to kidnap her kid and raise it as your own (you did say she cared nothing for it). It's the rightful heir, and she, as an unmarried commoner, has literally ZERO rights or powers under the Spanish feudal system. The only power she has is what the child gives her, and even that is completely unofficial. Take away the child (or kill it, if you're going full-evil) and she'll almost certainly be disposed of by someone with a better claim to the throne.

    It's actually pretty silly that she has any claim right now, historically speaking - what should have happened is, a Regent would have been put into power by the grandees (spanish nobility), until the King was of age, as laid down by the Siete Partidas (Spain's Magna Carta). The Regent would also have to be a male member of the royal family, not some random chick (it has to be someone who could inherit, and Spain, like most of Europe, follows male-preference cognatic primogeniture).

    Of course, this is assuming your DM is interested in running a fair campaign, one grounded in reality, and not just giving her a playground to assert her Mary-Sue tendencies. Which seems pretty unlikely.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:29 No.12391047
    This guy is definitely a troll.

    He's got some crazy rotating DM thing and apparently nobody has any control over the plot or the setting while one Mary Sue runs rough-shod all over it and everyone else, but it's okay because they're all "mature enough to play like that."

    What he's NOT mature enough to do, however, is play his own god damn character. Instead he's got to keep making threads asking what he should do. I don't know OP, how about YOU do some roleplaying?
    >> The Harlequin Rose 10/10/10(Sun)01:31 No.12391056

    The rotating DM thing isn't that crazy. I've done it before and its fun.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:31 No.12391061
    Apparently not in OP's campaign.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:33 No.12391075

    >Some guy poking at story
    >OP doesn't reply to him fast enough
    >"OPs a troll"

    Never change /tg/
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:34 No.12391084
    I don't know. I could see the rest of the group working, if they had some kickass players and GMs, but this guy is definitely the weak link.
    He won't DM, he bitches about incredible moments that most people on the board would kill to have, and he can't play his character worth shit.
    However, I do appreciate the story, so at least he's not all bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:34 No.12391086
    Side note:

    OP might just be the girl in question. Looking for ideas on how to stop said character if he comes back hunting her. Hence how "Smart" she is and "Dumb" he is.

    Also, I'm the submarine switcharoo guy;

    Talk this stuff out with your DM. Tell him what you're looking to do. Don't just leave the poor guy in the dark.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:35 No.12391102
    Although to be fair, the party is now being led by a higher level cybernetic murderer child rapist who is also somehow Neutral Good, in position to become the ruler of Spain, and gets her own solo campaigns. And the rest of the players are eating it up.

    I really don't think it matters who's DMing, this group is destined for fail.
    >> The Harlequin Rose 10/10/10(Sun)01:37 No.12391112

    Didn't the OP say that he and everybody is liking the story? He even said that the girl in question is encouraging and is curious to see whats going to happen.

    This seems less like the OP is mad and more like hes just having writers block about what to do with the story and his character.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:38 No.12391131

    He had a full thread of people giving him all sorts of suggestions that he just ignored, and now he's back at it again. Nothing new has happened, he just feels he needs another thread.

    It's time to take the advice he's been given, come up with a plan of his own, or admit the character has run its course and reroll.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:41 No.12391155
    >>12391030 It's actually pretty silly that she has any claim right now, historically speaking

    Yep; being the mother of a bastard, even a bastard who's heir apparent, is not a position with any power. Her whole plan is pretty stupid, and depends on a complete ignorance of how royalty works.

    What would have happened in reality is; the kid would have been taken from her and raised by the royal family. At best, she would have been given some hush money, at worst, "silenced" by other means.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:42 No.12391160
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    Everyone's having a great time. I am too, I just don't like that it's at my expense, but that doesn't mean it isn't intriguing or fun.


    >I don't know OP, how about YOU do some roleplaying?

    Because by now /tg/ has as much stake in the character as I do. It started when I came asking /tg/ about advice on what to do now that the girl showed up again, and the unanimous opinion was killing her.

    That failed, now I'm a cripple, and poised to take glorious revenge, or make glorious forgiveness, which is also /tg/'s suggestion.

    If I'm going to ask for advice and follow what's suggested, then when it goes badly everyone withdraws their involvement, then this place isn't as helpful as I remember it being.

    I don't like being outwitted, asking /tg/ for help, and being called a troll for it. Maybe I'm expecting too much. I'm not putting it upon /tg/ to save the day, I'm just asking to share the experience of playing against a competent player and deliver an account of it.


    Sorry if I annoy or upset anyone by posting these threads, if it's that big an issue I'll stop.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:44 No.12391181
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    >He had a full thread of people giving him all sorts of suggestions that he just ignored, and now he's back at it again.

    This too. I have a list compiled of every suggestion everyone's made, and will use it greatly. For it I appreciate everyone's input.

    Please direct your attention to;


    >inb4 I start taking lots of fire for these last posts
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:50 No.12391225
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    Do not stop OP cause I at least like hearing about the stories. As for advice i still stand by learn magic, use that to kidnap prince, tell the prince about the evil things "that girl" has don, and end her by beating her to death with that damn bag of gold.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:52 No.12391247
    Your first mistake is asking for help on /tg/. There are some skilled players on here to be sure. They enjoy a good tale or two, see what the writefags/drawfags are doing, and make some homebrew, but advice seems to be mostly saved for the 40k army builders and for helping the odd DM or two. Players, as what seems to be an unspoken rule, are expected to clever their own way out of the proverbial paper bag then relate to /tg/ers how they did it. Also, seeming as how you originally went with the poison suggestion in the last thread, you don't know the difference between bad advice (ie, the advice of morons and trolls) and good advice (which is few and far between). Also, your story has had some moments of inconsistency, especially as you related it in the previous thread, so I am slightly leaning towards the "might be troll" side.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:54 No.12391275
    >>12390257 here

    Yeah, don't stop OP, I find these threads to be particularly interesting, and as long as you keep making them, I'll keep posting my history based suggestions.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)01:55 No.12391280
    >Everyone including the DM was unaware that she was even going to show up again so soon, or to the formal ball, let alone what her master plan was. The DM of her game that time told us she said right away once she learned of the Prince that, that she wanted to attend the formal ball.

    >So the DM only found out about it, and it switched the next session. As for whether or not they should have stopped it, in our games the DM sets the story, the scene and what happens, and lays the rules, but they don't interfere and say "No you can't do that" unless it's against the rules, fluff, or setting. Which nothing she does is. Our players and games are capable of playing like that. Notably because no one ever had a problem with what she was doing, even when they were being killed. Again we didn't even know she was going to be there, let alone her motivation.

    >It was our job to Protect the Prince, and when the bomb went off we thought it might have been terrorists or something. It wasn't our intent or the DM's that once it went off, she went into plan mode.

    So when was the DM made aware of the details of her plans? Was your party afforded a fair chance to detect and interfere with her plans?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:00 No.12391345
    >>12391086 OP might just be the girl in question...Hence how "Smart" she is and "Dumb" he is

    The strongest piece of evidence for this, IMHO, is his continued insistence that "that girl"'s character is good, despite becoming dictator of a country by raping and murdering a 14 year old.

    I mean, that's some fucking EVIL shit, right there.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:01 No.12391348
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    I think the most delicious thing right now would be to turn her actions against her. It seems like her character's philosophy is "The ends justify the means." This is a dangerous balancing act between "Chaotic Good" and "Lawful Evil", and now's your opportunity throw that balance. She fashions herself a good character, but she commits crimes to do it. If we can use those crimes against her it would be oh so wonderful. Make her "fall" in a sense. I love tragedies.

    A good start I think would be the royal family. Murder and rape are serious crimes, and I really doubt she could justify it if you could possibly get the royal family to see the truth. She used them. She used them to get to their wealth just so she could have revenge/whatever else. Use this. There also must be other times when she got her hands dirty. Finding that evidence is imperative. You should reveal her true colors for all to see, and if it all goes well it will be her own actions that defeat her.

    I wish you great luck OP.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:05 No.12391392
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    Yes I suppose that was a mistake. At the very most basic level though, all I want to do is make a good story for the other players and to tell you guys.

    I feel I have a golden opportunity with this amazing reversal, and I simply don't want to waste it when everyone is expecting something of me, especially the girl who's spent months at this and painted me her rival.

    By my own hands, I simply feel I won't do it justice, and taking all the advice /tg/ gives me into account, I can better construct a story. There's a reason I never DM, because I'm just no good at it. I'd like a chance to at least not let the others down.

    Also what are the inconsistencies? If there are any I'll happily explain to the best of my ability if something seems off. Keep in mind I'm detailing all this on the internet in individual posts, if I don't capture everything in exact detail it isn't entirely my fault. God damn this game is complex!


    The DM was made aware when he happened to refer to her that the Prince would be attending one of the big formal balls of court. There she announced she wanted to go, and haphazardly set about trying to plan how to make her goal work.

    Yes, I think we were afforded a fair chance to detect and foil her. It's just that we didn't suspect she was there for the Prince, or that she would use something like a bomb which could be mistaken for terrorists.

    So when it started happening we were split up, where she could take advantage of us.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:08 No.12391420
    >Everyone including the DM was unaware that she was even going to show up again so soon

    This, this should never happen. The point of being the DM is that you control the flow of the action and the plot by manipulating the NPCs and grand scale events in the setting, you are supposed to be, in a sense, omniscient. Anytime someone is doing something and the DM doesn't know it, it should be unacceptable. If I was running the event and didn't know the character was going to be at the ball because I wasn't told she would be, I would have told her "nope, your not there" This is why rotating DMs is weak sauce, bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:09 No.12391424

    Last word, forgiveness is a bullshit path in this scenario. You take revenge, and bring the world crashing down. I mean which sounds like the more exciting plot to you?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:12 No.12391443
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    OP, on the telling the gypsies your original identity front, tell them the truth before it comes out on its own. After that try to learn gypsy magic.

    (pic related) best gypsy mage i could think of
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:12 No.12391444
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    Well I just think she's good from the alignment perspective. That's just my opinion though. I mean there's many people in history we generally view as good, but did bad things as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:14 No.12391466
    That Girls char alignment changed at least twice in the previous thread, and I think I saw a new one pop up here, between various uses of Neutral, Lawful, and Good, and yet you claim she plays to her alignment. So what exactly, and I will call you on it if it changes again that I see, is her alignment as of right now.

    You also bring up certain important points for the story vastly after the fact, some of which might have changed opinions, such as that her character may have had feelings for yours. I'd point out more, but my eyes are going blurry on me, so I can only marginally see the screen right now.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:21 No.12391540
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    Well get some sleep then!

    The alignments mistakes were mistakes on my part. Reading other people interpretations and trying to type about it gets confusing, words read replacing the ones intended to type.

    She started out as Chaotic Good, but she now says and is standing by that her character is Neutral Good. It has been this way since after the first revenge killing.

    In the last thread I actually addressed this point, and corrected it there, confirming that she claims to be Neutral Good.

    Whether or not she actually fits it is up to people to decide. I can see how she fits the alignment, but other people have found flaws in that belief. Again, to finalize it, officially Neutral Good, but it's really up to the reader to decide I suppose. Such the way with the alignment system.

    As for bringing up points, it's only when I feel they're relevant, such as the example you gave, when someone questioned it. I hope people don't expect me to detail out each and every single aspect of such a long story, I simply can't do it.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:26 No.12391590
    I really want to see your vengeance happen but it sounds like you need to mentally toughen yourself up a little bit.

    You can respect her but you need to stop admiring her and you need to stop seeing her as "good."

    Also, you need to do some solo games (if you aren't already) to follow the batman path. Additionally, there are other Batmen besides Bruce Wayne (The Jason Todd or Damian Wayne approach would work nice).

    On last thing though, if everyone loves her and everyone DMs you need to find a way to become what you want to be without alerting too much suspicion from the other players/DMs. I suggest you state that you want to follow the Batman path to show yourself that you can do good in the world and that you are done with her.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:27 No.12391594
    It's clear YOU believe she's Neutral Good, despite the constant proof to the contrary you have provided and we have shown you. If her end goal was power, worldwide peace best serves that, as it solidifies her standing for a longer time. Evil can do what appears to be good. She is not good.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:34 No.12391659
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    Combine Magic and Technology, Gain Power.

    Undo Time
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:38 No.12391692

    >It's clear YOU believe she's Neutral Good, despite the constant proof to the contrary you have provided and we have shown you. If her end goal was power, worldwide peace best serves that, as it solidifies her standing for a longer time. Evil can do what appears to be good. She is not good.

    Burn this entire post into your brain and think of it every time you thing of her. EVERY TIME!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:39 No.12391702

    Have you addressed how she actually became in charge of Spain? as a couple of people have pointed out, merely being the unmarried mother of the heir gives her pretty much zero rights under a feudal system.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:41 No.12391724
    I don't know man, the blurry affect is rather interesting, though god so help me when playing anything with vaguely FPS elements in it, which means I won't be finishing up Stalker tonight, ah well.

    Okay, I'm a bit confused, does the system not have set alignments? Like D&D does? You say its up to the reader, but what we want is her given alignment, if her given alignment is Neutral Good, you really can poke the shit out of that with things like the murder and rape of a child, as being Good is a very strict thing, and those do not fit into it.

    As for what to do, let me start off with something a bit more mechanics based in suggestions. Start trying to find ways to enhance your charisma scores, your diplomacy skills, bluff skills. Your a police officer right? Start using whatever investigating skills you should have, and make sure your DM (or would that be DMs?) don't try to dick you on that front. Go back to that ball room incident and start looking into it, you may still find some interesting info, perhaps even dig up an accomplice of hers that grew a guilty conscience. Then start looking through the papers, get some contacts who know people who can perhaps land that most important piece of the whole game in your lap; evidence of what she has been doing. And give it to everyone, EVERYONE. Her actions just might lead to the kind of growing tensions and suspicions of foul play amongst nations that will lead to the great war all the faster, making her the instigator of the conflict, and then, and then, you pull out a trollface pic, and tell her that it is the new face of justice, courtesy of /tg/.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:41 No.12391728
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    That's just because I simply don't believe a handful of evil acts can cancel out a plethora of good acts, nor define how a person is. I mean they can, of course, but contextually it matters.

    Regardless, to make the story better and for retribution, I don't think alignment really matters in this scenario, in how she's wronged us.

    Other people, the general populace can see her as an amazing person, a living saint. But for my character, who I'm playing, none of that matters. You don't do what she's done without making enemies, and I'm one of them.


    Oh hell yeah.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:41 No.12391731
    Can bastards even inherit the crown in Spain? they can't in any other European country I can think of.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:44 No.12391764

    No but all evidence points to the fact that this group is either pants on head retarded ignorant of these kind of things or that dumbass stuff like this flies in their setting.

    Historically the throne of Spain switched houses several times, regardless of any bastards.
    >> TheDeathMerchant !!XI/WQ3Th2z1 10/10/10(Sun)02:44 No.12391766
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    >Combine Magic and Technology
    >Gain Power
    >Commit atrocities to go back in time and undo your mistakes
    >only 20 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:48 No.12391819
    >>12391764 No but all evidence points to the fact that this group is either pants on head retarded ignorant of these kind of things or that dumbass stuff like this flies in their setting.

    Then OP should abuse the hell out of it. Give a back massage to the Tsar of Russia, then claim that, by ancient law, this somehow makes you his heir.

    Shit, it makes as much sense as what she did.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:50 No.12391839
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    well, you may have not won that campaign but the heroes certainly lost it.

    >decision? monionce
    captcha's telling me france is a good staging area for your return, also don't play the political game like she did, all that can be lost, personal, true, power will be the key to swet, sweet victory.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)02:58 No.12391936
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    I said in the last thread, although she's part of the royal family for bearing the child, it's only by name/definition really and they hold her at arms length.

    They'd rather just get rid of her, but from the things she's done for people and relations she's made with Prussia and encouraged with other countries, she's become quite popular. If ever her usefulness were to run out, I'm sure they'd cast her out/get rid of her.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)03:01 No.12391968
    >Everyone in the group wants to see where I take this whole thing and hope I make it interesting, "that girl" especially who's been endlessly encouraging and supportive

    Am I the only one that think "that girl" wants OP and is just taking a REALLY roundabout way of showing it?

    >Captcha: bosedeff her
    What he said.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)03:03 No.12391987
    >>12391936 I said in the last thread, although she's part of the royal family for bearing the child

    And we're telling you; that makes no sense. Firstly, mothers of bastards were treated extremely poorly, and secondly (and most importantly): that child is a bastard and cannot inherit the throne.

    It'd go to the kings brothers, and if he has no brothers, his uncles on his father's side, and if he has no uncles his male cousins and so on. There is no way on earth a bastard would EVER inherit it.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)03:03 No.12391992

    I think the heart of the question steams from the fact that what she did and who she is, even in the best of light would not give her the power and position she wanted? The mother of the only heirs bastard doesn't get brought into a royal family. Hell, the little bastard shouldn't even be the new heir, it should now be some distant cousin. If she wants to go be the queen of Spain marry him, but I doubt he would marry a woman who had a child out of wedlock.

    She was rewarded for doing something that should have given her no reward and that shit is confusing.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)03:13 No.12392101
    Given the weird dream/vision thing, you may have to worry about the DMs (and her) having a role already planned out for you, so watch out son.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)03:17 No.12392142

    This could actually work in OP's favor - if he finds the rightful heir, that guy is probably going to be PISSED THE HELL OFF that some bastard is stealing his rightful inheritance. He could provide material support to the OP's mission, and could probably be talked into doing the whole "steal & raise the baby to hate the mother" idea.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)03:22 No.12392204

    With the Prince's death, war was nearly started. He was the only heir, a child, and killed in a foreign country while under guard of foreigners. He was almost the equivalent of Franz Ferdinand. And with looming uncles around and people set to benefit from such a war, for them it was a godsend that she showed up carrying the child of the Prince. That she was a foreigner, and not of actual royalty, didn't much matter so long as it solved their dire problem.

    Again, two things to consider;

    1) I'm telling this, although I am neither the girl nor the DM, all of this I just learned from people telling me.
    2) It's fantasy. She wanted to be royalty and this was at least a method more plausible than massacring the royal family or seducing the king.


    There's alignments, but you can change alignment depending on what you do, as is the case with other systems.

    Before we abandoned her she played and always had been Chaotic Good and fit it. During her little reign of terror she seemed Neutral or Chaotic Evil and fit it. Now after, she plays Neutral Good and fits it.

    Like that basically. So I guess you're right, overall from all her actions she'd probably be some sort of Evil. However since said evil actions she has been, is, and probably will continue to be Neutral Good.

    So you can kind of see how it's difficult to establish some common ground we can all agree on?
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)03:24 No.12392226
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    Whoops shit, that posted for some reason when I wasn't done.

    I was going to say, thanks allot for the advice. I can totally do those things you said, looking into and investigating her crimes. It would check out with my character and not hinder the overall progress of him becoming batman, or war instigator, or magic cyborg as people have suggested.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)03:40 No.12392366
    The thing with alignments is that they're supposed to be something you take and stick with throughout the game, as a way of saying "this is my char's alignment, this is how they will act," it's really a way for the DM to say your not acting the way you claim the character is supposed too. So ultimately she has been changing alignments so she can get away with doing things her char wouldn't do. You need to tell her, then, to find a goddamn alignment and stick with it, instead of changing alignment at the drop of the hat to justify some pretty big bs. Alignment changes, when they do happen, are really supposed to be slow, gradual things, and don't change much, especially not the damn flip-flopping she has been doing.

    Also, the idea that the DM went along with that whole "th bastard can be an heir since it keeps the whole royal family from going to war" is called sheer laziness. Shit like that has happened in history, and no one, especially someone who could gain that kind of power, would allow something normally unacceptable go without so much as speaking out against it.

    Sadly, most of these problems are now far past enough that sayign anything about them, while true, would just be seen as bitching. The game is already pretty broken to allow her to get here, I say, fuck it, break it some more yourself, might convince the group not to let that shit happen again. Also, I'm gonna say again, rotational dm'ing = bad idea, its alot of flaws with little benefit. Try a regular game, with a set DM, this shit would not happen, especially the DM not knowing what a player is doing, god that is just, bad.


    Enough from me, I need sleep, is this shit getting archived? Please archive.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)03:47 No.12392426
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    Well I think she had always intended to play Chaotic Good, but when we abandoned her, that caused a drastic shift in her character. From then on she said she wanted to play Neutral Good, and to do that she went through a bout of Evil to make the transition. That's my guess at least, as good as anyone.

    As for the coming to royalty thing, there was definitely allot opposition to her. It was as you said though, taken as a quick fix to a big problem.

    Anyway I don't think it's been archived, no one's archived it yet.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)04:07 No.12392593
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    there, I archived it for you.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)05:37 No.12393286

    K, sorry, but why were we not supporting this?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)07:30 No.12393894
    I know I'm a few hours late but I gotta add my two cents.

    In the grand scheme of things OP's character is just baggage from the past of a political figure that has potential to good things. If you continue to plot against her you will just bring up her worst sides and you will just end up loosing again, helping noone. You have lost three times and by now your character could realize that he simply has no chance, even if he is one of the rightous kind seeking revenge for the nun and that prince.

    Also, siding with gypsies? I don't think Zigeuners should trust a Cop, even if your GM(s) would handwave it. Your character has hit rock bottom and not everyone gets up again. In my opinion it would make for a better story if your character didn't. I am not saying he should die but a somewhat bitter/resigned retirement from adventuring could do.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)09:39 No.12394450
    >>12392204 It's fantasy. She wanted to be royalty

    And that's fine, but if your DM is allowing MASSIVE departures from reality in order to service her wishes, he should do the same for you. You should be able to say something like "My guy disappears for a few months and rigs the US elections in his favor".
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)09:42 No.12394459
    If anything, that's far more believable than some bastard being made heir apparent to the throne, and his unwed, commoner mother being given any power at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:16 No.12394558
    Yeah, the sheer fact that she got away with all the crap she pulled suggests a) your group is made up of fucking morons who're easily manipulated or b) she's really hot and you're all neckbeards.

    Either way, it sounds like no matter what you do, you'll never have a chance to get any sort of revenge. She'll just convince the DM to rule against whatever elaborate scheme you pull.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:17 No.12394567
    Dear OP,
    - Travel and learn. Go to places like India, Africa, America and the darkest places in Europe and learn from mystics, voodoo priests and witch doctors.
    - She wants to pacify the nations and stop WWI from ever happening? Let her. Who says WWI has to between nations, when it can be between magic and technology. The day it's clear that -her- idea of WWI will never happen is the day the werewolves leave the forrests, the undead shuffles out of their graveyards and the trolls leave their mountains. That is the day -your- idea of WWI comes to pass.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:18 No.12394571

    this. a million times times this.

    you might as well just give up and make a new character. you will never prevail against tits.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:25 No.12394597


    Get your own faction.

    Shape things up for an epic showdown.

    Or just assassinate her.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:29 No.12394611

    Go with assassinate. That's the one that will take the least time, and the one you mmight have a chance of pulling off.

    Also- When you get the chance, just fucking kill her first. Monologue later. KILL FIRST. That's the mistake everyone else makes.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:31 No.12394617
    Seriously, don't copy her and go REVEEENGE.

    Let your character resign and just bitterly give up.

    Make a new character.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:35 No.12394634
    Boy, sure is DEFEATIST in here.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:38 No.12394646

    They're all faggots. Seriously, OP, the only way to go is to take her down with you. I fucking mean it. You totally need to disrupt her plans.

    Your new arm should like something from Berserk. Or, barring that, a magical replacement that's your new favored weapon, with a glamor to make it look like a hand.

    Can you say...RIDERMAN?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:39 No.12394649

    just trying to be realistic. trying to kill a mary-sue is doomed to failure because she is perfect and everyone loves her.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:40 No.12394660
    Not necessarily. If OP can find evidence that proves she murdered the Prince beyond a reasonable doubt, then she's screwed.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:44 No.12394679

    All the more reason to go beyond the impossible and fucking DO IT.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:46 No.12394694
    So OP should just lie back and let her trample all over him? Like she probably wants him to do?
    Good idea! Not doing anything about a problem always works!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:48 No.12394708
    OP should learn gypsy magic then head to Prague.

    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:49 No.12394713

    A truly magnificent (evil) bastard should be able to prevail against tits, but maybe I just underestimate how desperate and hopeless the gamers in question really are.

    But OP, you will have to be likeable even as you go about your quest for revenge, and you will have to be subtle. Easier said than done, I know, but I'm sure you can pull this off if she doesn't really understand what you're up to until the last minute. So pretend that all is good between you, be really nice to her when you talk OOC, and even strongly suggest that your character has learned his lesson, given up, and is going to just go do some pointless side quest and be emo or discover his spirituality or some other bs.

    Hopefully, by the time she realizes that you've actually made powerful allies who can fuck her shit, it will be too late. Just don't even broach the subject of fucking her shit, even *with them* until the time is right.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)10:58 No.12394757
    This. This so hard.
    Also, think about the magical world war idea from a few posts back.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)11:02 No.12394780
    From his description and how he describes her as "that girl", I'm guessing she's way out of his league and far more intelligent than he is.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)11:08 No.12394814

    not sure if OP will read this but I think that is the best way to go. I can think of dozens of mythological things for the character to get off the top of my head.

    1) go on whirlwind world tour of everything magic
    2) convince monsters that technology is going to exterminate them
    3) magical WWI!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)11:08 No.12394817
    >>12394660 If OP can find evidence that proves she murdered the Prince beyond a reasonable doubt, then she's screwed.

    OP, don't know if you're still reading this thread, but this is LITERALLY the only way you could possibly win this. Ignore everyone telling you to kill her - she'll have planned for it if she's half as smart as you make out. She has vastly more resources to spend protecting herself than you have to spend trying to kill her.

    Spend the next few sessions doing nothing but investigating that murder. Befriend people who work for her and chat to them in bars, talk to the police, contact the next heir, exhume the body and pull some CSI shit, spread rumors about the murder, use some gypsy magic to talk to the princes' ghost, recruit that other PC that knew about the murder to your side... whatever.

    She is only untouchable as long as everyone loves her... So you need to take that from her. Make her a pariah. Make her an outcast. Make her so hated that people spit after speaking her name. Do it right, and you won't even have to kill her.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)11:14 No.12394857
    OP, if technology diminishes the power of magic, then just be extra fucking powerful mage. You seem to be steered towards choosing magic, what with that gypsy caravan and fortune teller. Go with the flow for a while. Ask about learning magic to help you walk, regenerate, so on. And when you ARE strong enough and very deeply invested in the occult, when you can level entire towns, THEN go to Nemo and offer your services to him, asking for tech in return. They may not see it coming, thinking you're locked in the wizard archetype.
    I reckon the fortune teller may divine your past. Beg for fucking forgiveness and suck gypsy dicks like there's no tomorrow, and be truthful about that.
    Becoming Batman? Bah, become Doctor Doom!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)11:15 No.12394867
    another thing is that WWI did more than just kill lots of people. without it the world would look very different.

    the rise of Nationalism
    launched Russia as the worlds first Communist power
    rise of Islamic Jihad
    launched America as a world power
    >> Omegon 10/10/10(Sun)11:37 No.12395037
    So, the major source of worry for OP seem to be that fortune teller?
    How do they work?
    If they work by hands - you can try and erase whatever they could possibly read on your remaining hand. Don't admit anything.

    As for the next step: find those who are gullible. It'd be metagaming much, but still worth a try. Find students, find revolutioners, find terrorist. Worm your way into their think tank. Injuries and stories of the horrors and injustice comitted by aristocrats should work well for that.
    Then? Then you'd have a power base. Organise them better, asqure some tech, kill some royalty. Then you can start re-establishing your old connections in high places, using organization of suicidal fanatics at your disposal as leverage.
    From there, your road is even more open.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)11:44 No.12395086
    didn't read the entire thread, but if you become the joker, the only way you can win is if you make her kill you. She's nobility, right? So force her to the brink of sanity and take her to the stage of the world, where everyone can see, and when she's weakest, place your neck in her hands and let her snap it. Only then can you truly have won.
    >> Omegon 10/10/10(Sun)11:47 No.12395112
    Also: tell us more about our character already. So, he is former policeman, had some friends up high, horribly botched several jobs...ok
    But! What are his ideals? What are his motivations? What are his skills? What does he know? What are his secrets?
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)12:13 No.12395291
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    It doesn't matter anymore. Good, evil, right and wrong; such things flimsy and interchangeable.

    Remember VENGEANCE BEGETS VENGEANCE. And aren't Gypsies all about vengeance?

    picture is how the world should know you when you start your war against her.
    >> Omegon 10/10/10(Sun)12:24 No.12395365
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    Superior mask is superior
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)12:37 No.12395453
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    That is a good mask, though I still prefer the bandage face look.

    I guess this means that OP needs to deck his character out in a face obscuring mask.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)12:45 No.12395520
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    If we are going to go for the bandaged face look i can only recommend one man

    >> Omegon 10/10/10(Sun)12:54 No.12395587
    I by no means dare to deny the appeal of bandage face. However, 'my' mask is superior because of what it stands for.
    To elaborate, it's mask of The 'Friend' - the villain in 20th century boys. He was a leader of cult that managed to get himself proclaimed savior of the world, its ruler and in essense a God. And by proclaimed i mean worldwide and very, VERY officially.

    Since OP's character had that nice catchphrase with "pulling together" and stuff, IMO he should at least try going that route. If for some reason he succeeds, that would be GLORIOUS.
    Applying that template to situation 'at hand', we get working against "that girl's" goals, than after some good victory (like Ferdinand's murder) which she fails to prevent, outing her as The Enemy Of All, who desires only to plunge the world into war. Andhimself as Savior of the Europe. Of course, common enemy would be needed - and i think America would be quite good scapegoat. What makes it easier is the fact she is already power-hungry raping and murderous hypocrite, and with some ingenuity it's possible to forge some evidence of her real crimes during The Outing. (and present it to right people, of course)
    >> weird 10/10/10(Sun)13:03 No.12395644
    I read the 2nd thread from suptg...

    My first comment:

    Do NOT be Batman or any kind of vengeance-taker. You have lost moral high ground the moment you tried to assassinating her.

    Despite of whatever had happened, your (& Nun's) machinations had caused two unrelated lives to be lost.

    My two cents, troll that player and character this way:
    1. Acquire power (magic for contrast is nice trolling)
    2. Start contacting those who had been hurt or harmed in the character's attempt to gain power
    - 3. ?????
    - 4. PROFIT! . . . Not.

    3. Make amends for those victims.

    Your (1st) party's decision, and your inaction had brought about the birth of this Mary Sue. So now you atone for those mistakes.


    Never let on to the player or the character that you are doing this for atonement. Or... If the player/character is the cunning/smart type, admit it vocally. She won't believe you. :D

    To be contd...
    >> weird 10/10/10(Sun)13:04 No.12395653
    Things to do:
    - Keep loss of arm, uncripple self (got lots of things to do with one hand tied behind your back, don't want to do them lying on your back)
    - Approach puppet prince with kindness and warmth, be the father figure that had been lost, teach him how to be a good/great/kind ruler (becoming indispensable or at least better than that girl in his eyes);
    - Take back Nun's & Prince's corpses (find unmarked graves with magic), bury them together near the Prince's hometown, carry memento from each for reminder of your failures (and severely creeping out that girl...), get some necromantic spells to talk to the dead for bonus troll (hey, an investigator at that time doesn't have Grissom to help them!);
    - Try to keep the peace that she created, run around putting down fires, generally do good (and gain favors from many...);
    - Keep the heck away from her!

    These are simply ways to troll her, but it is severely lacking in vengeance. IF you do it well enough, it might end with the re-enactment of your and Nun's attempt at her life, only reversed. Hopefully you'd get enough power/spells/political clout to notice her undoubtedly more cunning plans... IF you succeed and survived, troll her by forgiving AND even flat out asking for HER forgiveness of your own past sins. ;)

    But this plan only works if she doesn't realize your Atoner intentions!

    If the plan fails, either by you failing an OOC Bluff check in front of the player, or the character believes of your character's atoning ways (unlikely, if she is truly a paranoid), or by her character simply decides to stay away, try organizing a meta ball invasion kind of event with the DMs, only this time it's Big Damn Hero moment than a TPK attempt. Try appealing to their roleplay sides.

    Good luck, whatever decision you decide to take. Hope you continue to have fun in the game.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)13:06 No.12395662

    “Even without the events of forty years ago, I think man would still be a creature that fears the dark. He doesn’t face that fear, he averts his eyes from it, and acts as if he never had any memories of his history. But, forty years can be both a brief time and yet a long time. Man’s fear has withered, and even time tries to wither the desire to know the truth. Is it a crime to try and learn the truth? Is it a sin to search for those things which you fear? My purpose in this world is knowledge, and the dissemination of it, and it is I who am to restore the fruits of my labors to the entire world. Fear. It is something vital to us puny creatures. The instant man stops fearing is instant the species will reach a dead end, only to sink to pitiable lows, only to sit and wait apathetically for extinction. Wake up! Don’t be afraid of knowledge! Humans who lose the capacity to think become creatures whose existence has no value. Think, you humans who are split into two worlds, unless you want the gulf between humans to expand into oblivion, you must think!
    --Signed Schwartzwald”
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)13:12 No.12395712
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    So now our options appear to be as such:

    1: Become the dark messiah and conquer the world
    2: Become Batman
    4: Become her bitch (subvert her from within optional)

    Confirm /tg/?
    >> Omegon 10/10/10(Sun)13:22 No.12395794
    >4: Become her bitch (subvert her from within optional)
    Not currently an option, from what we know

    Anyway, we should focus more on immediate things like what should cripple in a middle of a gypsy camp do to raise to power.
    >> weird 10/10/10(Sun)13:23 No.12395807
    12394713: That post has almost the same general idea in the short term, but it differs in the endgame goal.

    I went for doing good, atoning, but not re-rolling, or attempting to do an N-th backstab attempt because the former is cheap and not interesting to all of the players on that game, and the latter because OP has admitted that the girl is the better roleplayer and much more smarter.

    Better to troll her by looking like you seem to be doing the backstab, feeding to her paranoia (cunning ones are typically these types), but you are actually just derping along (and gaining powers and favors, but those are incidental, though at the same time instrumental if she does an attempt -or more- at your life).
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)13:26 No.12395837

    Clearly, OP must unite the Gypsy magic along with African voodoo, Arabic Djinn conjuring, Chinese alchemy and ancient Aztec blood magic, and fuse this with technology.

    Within this path, will be the path to ascension. Godhood.

    But do not become a god alone. Your trusted friends and allies must become gods too.

    Like Nemo, and that Gypsy girl.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)13:43 No.12396007
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    The fourth option was added on how the OP keeps justifying everything 'that girl' does. A 'sardonic' choice.
    >> Omegon 10/10/10(Sun)13:45 No.12396043

    Say, OP, is it too late to reveal her you are 'that girl's long lostbrother/cousin?.. Maybe you just need more soap in the game..
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)13:51 No.12396097
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    Perhaps the 'one who tried to kill that girl' was actually an evil clone and/or a Nemo!doom bot?
    >> Omegon 10/10/10(Sun)14:00 No.12396166
    No, in reality it's Nun's fault. You see, Nun knew they were related and has done evrything to keep them apart. With les, manipulation and attempted murder.
    Poor policeman went along, because she made him psychologically dependent. Also, she kept him under hypnosys an denied him free will. In fact, the main reason Nun was angry at 'Her' was because she planned to rape the Prince herself.

    In short, Nun was the real villain all along.
    i have a feeling i may have let my imagination run too wildly here
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)14:09 No.12396266
    I suggest going for "Kill the world and everything she cares about, the Lord will know his own!"

    Insane laughter and HAM AND CHEESE optional, and I suggest knives.
    >> weird 10/10/10(Sun)14:27 No.12396445
    A point where that girl's Good 'intention' is strangely missing: raping (and killing?) Prince in front of his avowed guardian (Nun).

    Or did I remember OP's post wrongly?

    Also, try to ascertain last survivor's thoughts.
    Is he bought? Or was he simply repulsed by assassination plot? Does he buy to the 'end justifies means' way of the girl?

    For present goal: Survive, stay in the pure path... This time. :|
    Asking atonement for past deeds against Gipsies is my vote.

    I guess I'm kind of the 'be her bitch' voter.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)14:42 No.12396649
    My advice is simple:
    -Get your ass to Prussia, use contacts to keep tabs on her and try to scrape together cash for new spine.
    -Find Nemo, supposedly this girl is going to deal with him after she's done in Russia, and so YOU CAN BE OF HELP TO HIM, the enemy of my enemy, ect.
    -Increase hostilities between Spain and the USA, somehow.

    The most important of those is Nemo, seriously, he's got the tech to repair you, and the power to take her down. If she's going to try to destroy him then you can offer your services, after all, who knows what she can do better than your police man?

    CAPTCHA: one-third freker
    This seems appropriate.

    Oh, I have another question. If you rotate GMs, then does everyone in your group know the plot?
    >> Omegon 10/10/10(Sun)14:52 No.12396779
    About Nemo.
    Try to act as a liason between him and Russia. Nemo's natural enemy is England, with him being India and stuff. From the other hand, Russia...
    Ok, while Russia and England aways had bad blood between them, despite being allies often, it could be hard to overcome british influence in Russian court and actually change policies agains GB and to alliance with Nemo.
    However, while this plan has its rocks under wheels, it has some benefits. First, one could raise in rank and have actual influence on politics in that period in Russia by having ties with a certain monk. And i forgot second. Maybe it was: with Russia's natural resources put to good use, everyone shall become one with Russia in no time at all.
    >> weird 10/10/10(Sun)14:53 No.12396790
    Oh, another thing to potentially atone for:
    What happened with the maid Nun stabbed and the servant you poisoned? Try to atone for that too.

    Now, with the rotating DMs shenanigans, they all will be falling over themselves to offer you power to one-up that girl. And she would know this, definitely. Following my atoner-troll advice, only accept those that come to you with clean conscience. You don't want to fall to that level, again.

    Some catch-phrases to inspire your DMs:
    - "The end does not justify the means..." Do this in soft whisper, chastising yourself
    - "Inaction does not cause evil, but permits it to act." Likewise, this is self-chastisement

    PS: The ex-Nun DM might be an ally. The last survivor DM might try pushing sell-your-soul kind of deals to you. Be wary.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)15:26 No.12397217
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    Hey I just got to my computer and saw that the thread got a load of replies after I went to sleep.

    I'll be back in a bit to read it all, but thanks to everyone who's posting. Help, criticism, I appreciate it all.

    Thanks again.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)16:40 No.12398152
    >Right. If you really want to start the First World War, here's the stuff you are going to know about to do it.

    Towards the end of the 1800s, all the nations of Europe were tired down by a big network of interlocking friendship pacts and mutual defense treaties. This had grown out of the Congress System that got set up following the Napoleonic Wars, and only got more restraining once Otto von Bismarck took over the job of running Germany.

    That said, there were a lot of tensions and antagonisms present in the nations of Europe. Austria-Hunagy wanted to expand down into more of the Balkans (which England and Russia were against) and the Unification of German had pissed the French off to no end, mostly because the Germans snagged the Alsace-Loraine as the last part of Germany's coming together (the Franko-Prussian war awas not a happy event for France). France hated Germany as an affront to both their pride and regional power, France and England hated each other because they've been doing that for centuries, England and Germany hated each other because Germany's was building piles of modern battleships that were a threat to the Royal Navy's total control of the seas, Austria-Hunagy hates itself because it is a hopeless conglomeration of disparate ethnic groups, and EVERYONE is scared of Russia because of the size of the Tzar's army.

    If you want WW1 to happen, you need to play on these tensions. This should not be that hard, as there hasn't been a major land war in Europe since Napoleon, and the Congress System has let everyone get comfortable running their mouths with the most jingoistic shit imaginable, with no consequences. AND no one has realized the machine guns will be just as effects on white people as they have on black folks out in the colonies, so people tend to see war as a "low risk and consequences" endeavor, so getting them pointing guns at each other isn't really all that hard.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)16:42 No.12398192
    If you can get Bismarck out of power, that's good. He'll be replaced with Kaiser Wilhelm II, who is both ultra-nationalistic, jingoistic to the bone, and balls crazy to boot. All by himself he does an excellent job of destabilizing Europe in our timeline. A-H is a house of cards. If you can get it to collapse (either anarchists or early communists would be a good tool for this but if you can get a magic gypsy rebellion going that might work too) then war will happen as its neighbors try to tear off parts of the corpse for themselves (Italy and Russia have both been eying parts of A-H for YEARS). If you can get Russia to try and start a major expansion of its territory (into A-H or at the Dardanelles against the Ottomans), then you've got war because no one wants to see Russia get any bigger than it already is. If you can convince either France or Germany that a war with Germany or France is a nice idea for this year, then you have war. If you can get Germany and Britain squabbling over colony rights to some particular part of the world (esp. something that could threaten Britain's holdings in India or the Suez Canal), then you have war. Also, the mutual defense pacts that are supposed to keep all the nations out of war will handily draw everyone in if anyone manages to get into if one actually starts, so you only need to get one really good conflict going to pull everyone in. War anywhere is war everywhere.

    Towards the end of the 19th century, Europe was an enormous pile of dry kindling. You are a spark. So the question really is 'how do you want to get the political power needed to help people make bad decisions that they are really enthusiastic about?'
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)19:12 No.12399807
    From what the OP has said I doubt the group is smart enough to realize that WWI was pretty much going to happen regardless.

    I mean "Herp, derp. She is nice to people so probably no WWI!" Obviously every country just wants someone to "be nice." Also, the "good" act of not having WWI is causing the perpetuation of the European colonies being raped and enslaved.

    I mean they even think the girl is smart. Here's how the assassination attempt probably played out.

    DM: So, they go off to their secluded meeting leaving you sitting in front of food that <Nun> and <Cop> made. Are you going to eat it?
    Her: I'm going to wait around a bit and see what happens.
    DM: Ok, but are you going to eat the food?
    Her: Uh, I guess I'll just go to bed.
    DM: Going to eat the foooood?
    Her: Uhm... no.
    DM: FINE! You go to bed.
    -------Some time Later----------
    Guy: I eat some food
    DM: You be dead!!!1 ROFL!!
    Nun: Damnit!
    Cop: Fuuuuuuuuu!
    Girl: <huh, someone died eating the food?>
    Girl: (to DM) I'm going to switch beds with the maid.
    DM: Good idea!

    So she I think what OP was trying to say her most brilliant was switching beds with the maid, which she totally had no reason to before meta seeing someone die. Also, the fact that she happens to go back to her room right after the cop does.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)19:22 No.12399913
    Dude.. You've said many times she's better at this then you are.. Don't go near her. Don't try to steal her son or stay in Europe. She's the head of a European power the US hates during this time period. She's taking over Europe. You need your own power base to mess with her.
    Get healed, get on a boat and head to New York and tell your story all of it.. And I'll give you the names of who to tell it to: Joseph Pulitzer who owned the St. Louis Post Dispatch and the New York World. He was also a big wig in the Democratic party. William Randolph Hearst is the other dude you speak to. He owned The New York Journal.

    Why are you doing this OP? Google ‘Yellow journalism’ these are the guys who basically started the Spanish American War. They’ll print anything, that fits their world view of America as the new world leader, Europe sucks and that’ll help them sell more papers then the other guy will.. Pulitzer and Hearst hate each other and will bend over backwards to sell more papers.

    Have someone ghost write your memoirs, also common, and quick. One of the publishers can have a small tract out in a couple of weeks. Make you look like a hero and her even more evil then she is. Talk about the dangers of a united Europe, that'll take over the world and the US. Move onto Canada (backdoor into England), then hit Japan (a rising power) and Russia (established power). You don’t need to rule the rest of the world just convince them she’s a threat. Wait for her to mess up and use your power of the press to push the world into WWI.

    Also always talk about how she’s going to silence you, so when she does or if she does. World believes you.. When you die roll up Teddy Roosevelt as next character.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)19:22 No.12399921
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    I'm back. It's late in the thread, but I'll set about answering things I missed.


    All of these are actually very good and very viable options.

    Once I gain back some reputation, I can set about doing any number of these.


    Currently Nemo and the inventors are dealing with their own problems in the Pacific, and until it is resolved (by one of the PCs I assume), they'll only have a trading role in the setting.


    As I understand she want's to do away with the threat Nemo poses, however she'd be very foolish if she tried to oppose him and his ilk, so powerful they are.

    She'll probably go about trying to free the enemy of his we captured, to help in her fight, but likely she won't be able to do that for a while.

    As for me aligning with Nemo though, that's a total possibility.


    No you're right, she made the Nun watch while she did what she needed to with the Prince. Again just something out of spite. It was during her phase of being evil.

    As for the betraying survivor, I think it's a combination of him buying into her goals and ambitions, as well as being bought off/being promised wealth and such.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)19:27 No.12399968

    Oh and left out one more.. European nations hate each other. England is watching her and is not ammused by this bullshit.. End your world tour there becuase it'll be one of the more dangerous places you can go. Due to physical proxmity to her power base.

    If you can get the English to be against her. Well her attempts at stopping WW1 will start one.. Oh and if she kills you and you for some reason don't want to be Teddy.

    Theres always a certain painter thats going to be born in Europe pretty soon..
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)19:33 No.12400032
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    Well the way she's setting it up, she's working towards uniting Europe, rather than global peace. Apart from painting Nemo and the inventors out as villains, she's also making enemies of the Ottomans, the US, and probably eventually Russia.

    So while there probably won't be a World War I in the typical sense, it's likely that with Europe working towards alliance/unification, there will probably be wars (simply not World War oriented, not nearly as large) to establish European dominance. Much farther in the future though.

    This is all my take on it though, I can't actually know what her actual plans are, I'm not her. I'm just guessing.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)19:39 No.12400093
    But what at least I am trying to say is that the people at the time didn't want to work for mutually sharing Europe, people wanted their own piece of pie. It isn't until after major losses in TWO wars spanning the globe that really got majority of people to say "Oh shit, we don't want THAT again."

    One reasons US is still considered so "war hungry" is that US hasn't suffered those losses in a war and they aren't close enough to people that have.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)19:41 No.12400108
    Hell, even the most liberal of the artists at the time (I think 3/4 or something of the instigators of the Surrealist movement) were rearing to go to war.

    To claim that she is being nice to people and creating Pax Europae is just plain ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)19:41 No.12400115
    >>12399921 No you're right, she made the Nun watch while she did what she needed to with the Prince. Again just something out of spite. It was during her phase of being evil.

    Holy shit dude, that's pretty fucking evil. If I was DMing, I WOULD NOT be letting her call herself Neutral Good after that without serious atonement. And no, using the power she gained through that evil act for "good" ends is not atonement, particularly not when it leads to her being the dictator of entire countries.

    Seconding the "prove she raped & murdered the heir" plot. Hell, you don't even need to prove it, you just need to get the story known - it must already seem INCREDIBLY suspicious to the spanish court that their 14 year old heir is murdered at the exact time some random commoner starts claiming she's pregnant with his kid. If they start hearing a rumor that she murdered him...
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)19:43 No.12400131
    I agree, the world needs to know, that's why I second going to America and getting in with the yellow journalists. News spreads like wildfire, especially BAD news.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)19:44 No.12400142
    >>12400108 To claim that she is being nice to people and creating Pax Europae is just plain ignorance.

    I think we already know that the group doesn't exactly have the best knowledge of European history from the whole "random unclaimed bastard inherits the crown, and his unwed, commoner mother gets brought into the royal family" thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)19:50 No.12400189
    >Late 1800s
    >Magic/Technology divide

    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)19:53 No.12400216

    Yeah.. Missed my point. It doesn't matter what she wants or plans. Or what you know. You're trying to take down the leader of a country.. bucking for leader of Europe. You can't have revenge on her if she runs the world. Well you can but it'll be damn hard.

    >> Europe working towards alliance/unification, there will probably be wars (simply not World War oriented, not nearly as large) to establish European dominance

    Thats the point. The US wants its time as a major power. England wants to be free from Europe and have its empire. Ottomans don't want another crusade. Russia doesn't want or need a fully on superpower next door. United Europe can own Japan's military and they've ducked being a colony so far. Etc Etc. These are people who'll oppose her. They have armies, industry and politcal power.

    Batman's fun but heres the thing.. She has you pegged. And last time you stepped to her, you lost your arm.

    You can form the bed rock of maybe not an alliance.. But a set of regional powers and up and coming world powers to check her.

    Then you can set to work on the Nationalist movements in Europe.

    Eventually you might want to go after her in person but by then you'll have messed up her goals. So if you die you can still die claiming you've beaten her and sowed the seeds for a larger conflict.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:05 No.12400318
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    OP, I think what you need to do is learn magic and start WWI, probably gypsy magic and feed stories to the papers.

    Also, this is your god now. Picture related. And whenever you do something leave a mark, something to do with dancing, and right before your final blow send a message to the world "The dance is over!" Except make it sound better.

    Do not let them know you are referencing Shiva until after the fact (they may find out, it isn't like the Hindu gods are completely unknown).
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:07 No.12400337
    OP, the kruppfag here again. Just a few friendly reminders in regards to Spain. Firstly, the Carlists were still around in Spain at this time. If a bastard child is next in line for the throne, you can bet they are planning another uprising against the Spanish crown, especially as the bastard child's mother is a foreigner.
    Second is that the Spanish-American War has not happened yet. This means that the American people are likely getting angry about the various atrocities that Spain is committing in order to maintain its hold on its remaining colonies in the Americas. Unless there is some major shift in Spanish colonial policies soon, the Spanish-American War will happen. Provided that Spain looses, this will cause a major blow to the Spanish peoples faith in their monarch.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:12 No.12400382
    1. Learn Native American magic
    2. Turn into a bear
    3. Maul her face
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:13 No.12400389
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    You must become Doom.

    Hell, you already have a strong desire for revenge and are traveling with gypsies. Learn everything about science and magic and become a leader in your own right (Zog of Albania maybe) and do everything out in the open like a man.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:26 No.12400521
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    Got confused on time line.. You have to talk to the papers in America now.. You can give them tons of fodder for starting the war.

    Imagine the news headlines..

    "Rapist sits on the throne of Spains! Plots control of Europe and the Americas! How long with the Whore of Spain dispoil the poor citizenry of Cuba and the world?"

    When the Maine blows up, shit'll get real.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:30 No.12400564
    inb4 she stops the Maine from blowing up.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:32 No.12400579
    >>12400337 If a bastard child is next in line for the throne, you can bet they are planning another uprising against the Spanish crown, especially as the bastard child's mother is a foreigner.

    Wait, she isn't even spanish? a fucking FOREIGNER got brought into a royal family because she had a bastard?

    Do your players just know nothing about history or something? I mean, I'm European, and I guess it's possible that this may not sound that crazy to Americans as it does to us, but it's about as stupid as someone claiming they became the US president by killing the last one and stealing his crown.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:34 No.12400598
    Which part did I get mixed up? Just out of curiosity.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:35 No.12400608

    No one knows why it blew up. But blame it on her if it does like it did in history..

    If she tries to stop it..
    "Spanish forces attempt hijack of the USS Maine! Insult to America will not be forgotten!"

    The papers want a war, OP wants a war.. Spin it. And when she complains about facts being wrong.. She's a lair..
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:37 No.12400629

    Not you me.. thought this was post Spainish American war not pre.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:37 No.12400636
    Well, both of those scenarios sound equally stupid to THIS American. And history is my worst subject.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:42 No.12400683
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    This is all pretty viable.

    I think what I'll do, at least initially before making any long term arrangements like becoming magic or batman, is do some simple police work (including investigate that girl's past crimes) to get some money and reputation back. Once I can do things comfortably and not have to worry about survival, I'll start looking into how to to heal myself, and also about what long term plans to take from there (head abroad, join Nemo, learn magic, etc...)

    Regardless of everything though I do like the idea of stealing her child. It's really the only reason she has any holding in Spain. That does leave the probability that if kicked out of Spain, she can always go back to Prussia, but it at least drastically cuts down on her power.

    Also for people who want to know, her child is only a few months old, so it doesn't have an opinion or feelings about her. It's just a little baby. Like I said, she stayed around for the first few months after the birth to take care of it and act upon some of her ambitions in Spain, but now she's more or less abandoned it with the Royal family and left Spain for the time being. Which is just the way the Royal family wants it.


    So far the character I've been playing is just a young Policeman. He cares about justice and wanting to do good, as well as the future of his country. His skills (cutting out the physical) are good language skills, logic/investigating skills, experience with advanced technology and the occult, as well as decent social skills.

    His secrets are obviously from his experience, not only what he's seen the girl do (secrets alone which are quite valuable), but also secrets of the occult, high tech, and higher workings of politics in several countries.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:43 No.12400699

    >claiming they became the US president by killing the last one and stealing his crown.

    Hey, President Booth and President Oswald were two of our finest leaders!
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:44 No.12400721

    The Vice President can do that. Actually, after enough killing, anyone in the cabinet could become the President.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)20:56 No.12400860
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    Atleast setup a fall back plan before you go after her kid.

    See example in pic..

    Becuase you're probably gonna die. You've said she's smart.. There's no way the kids not guarded. Or its not a trap.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)21:13 No.12401052
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    I could be very wrong, but I believe she's just left the child with the royal family, for them to take care of.

    As such I'd only have to deal with them rather than her and her schemes. As a PC that should be easy enough.

    This is all assumption of course.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)21:14 No.12401070
    This is presumably not long before the start of World War I. What should you do?

    1. If the Gypsy seer looks into your past and sees what you have done, and you are being honest with us, then she will know that you did it to protect your people, and that you didn't enjoy it.

    2. Learn magic. White magic, specifically. Develop spells to heal your handicap and regrow/regenerate your arm.

    3. Find a way to the good old U.S. of A.

    4. Make friends with Nikola Tesla. PROBLEMS FUCKEN SOLVED.
    >> Disarmed Policeman Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)21:19 No.12401126
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    Oh yeah that's right, Tesla's around about now isn't he?

    We've mainly focused on Europe in the game/setting, but going to America would mean the DM would have to detail out Tesla if I pursued it.

    I bet he'd love to take apart Nemo tech.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)21:22 No.12401158
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    10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943

    Yup, he would be a bit on the young side but still ready to role.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)21:23 No.12401162
    Let me tell you OP, take two of the best bits of advice.

    You kidnap here kid, and you turn her kid into the fucking batman. Make him a paragon of good, let him see what his mother did and let the ball roll. With any luck the kid decides of his own accord to kill her after you've trained him in the ways of combat.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)21:24 No.12401170
    IIRC, he just recently moved to America in your game's timeline.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)21:25 No.12401190

    I'd still be wary.. Make sure you have some other screw you left over. She has to know that kid is her ticket to power.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)21:26 No.12401204
    That's assuming the campaign keeps going for 18-20 years in game time.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)21:28 No.12401218

    That's the flaw yes, but hey, if he does kidnap the kid as he's planning that's what he should aim for
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)21:35 No.12401307
    >>12400579 it's about as stupid as someone claiming they became the US president by killing the last one and stealing his crown.

    Pfft, how absurd. Everyone knows you have to kill the Vice-President as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)22:01 No.12401580

    White magic, eh?

    OP, do this. Longer/Eternal life, slower ageing, using magic to up STR and DEX…

    Fucking do it, if the system allows.

    Captcha: lefech constant
    >> Anonymous 10/10/10(Sun)22:09 No.12401666

    >> Anonymous 10/11/10(Mon)01:14 No.12403543
    Please are not making this thread to be unlife.

    Captcha: abundantly renlied

    One letter off Captcha… *tear*

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