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  • File: 1333485244.jpg-(1.24 MB, 2000x2000, Zanzia_March_4_2012.jpg)
    1.24 MB Zanzia Dictator Quest P1 (We're Back!) Grand Leader !2RRlyIA6Zs 04/03/12(Tue)16:34 No.18562511  
    WELCOME SIR! Welcome back to Zanzia. After the plane crash, it seems the entire head of state had a joint halucination.. rest assured, things like "nano tech" does not exist.

    In fact, your nation is currently in the midst of a cease fire in a civil war... information on this is to follow shortly!

    Info posts to follow so everything is in one thread. Then action posts.

    Nation: Republic of Zanzi
    Information: Free Religion! Republic!
    Resources: Average Resources. Specific to come soon.
    Location: West Africa near Ivory Coast. Fictional location. To be mapped.
    Political Ties: Russia is a close friend - when they remember we exist... China has sold/loaned equipment to us before.
    Era: Near Future / Modern. Late 2012.

    Leader: President Negasso Garawa. Also known as "Xavier" - Elected President For Life.
    Race: Black Male
    History: Graduated from Moscow University with a business major. Has contacts within the Russian government.

    >> Grand Leader !2RRlyIA6Zs 04/03/12(Tue)16:45 No.18562629
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    Late 2011, early 2012, the Zanzian North rebelled against our rule, possibly supplied by Mali or outside forces. Our nation quickly fell to turmoil... all thats left is our little section, Port Liberty and our own base...along with the listed equipment.

    Times are hard, and a cease fire has been forced by French-UN Troops who have set up at the Desalination plant to insure all supply of fresh water is sent safely to both sides.

    The UN is also investigating accusations of genocide from both sides... but now that you are awake, perhaps we can figure a solution!

    The Wamanzi are a local tribe who came into power through political maneuvering in Tropicgrad. A quick uprising and their control extended through the region. Claiming all of these lands as their ancestral home they took the war to the southern Zanzians...and before they could arrive in Port Liberty to purge unwanted populace, the UN stepped in. Or that is as much as we can tell. They claim we did the same, but to them.

    - Unlike last time, each session will start sometime during Tuesday Afternoon, with a new "tick" every hour or two or as needed. Each week will be "one month." to allow for more 'fine' control of things.

    Action options to come, also accepting questions.
    >> Grand Leader !2RRlyIA6Zs 04/03/12(Tue)17:08 No.18562943
         File: 1333487320.jpg-(48 KB, 900x599, 1326769849419.jpg)
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    -The UN would like a meeting with the leadership of Southern Zanzia (Republic of Zanzia)

    -Our General would like to have a meeting with you to explain the situaiton.

    -Advisors note we are low on food and propper combat vehicles, though plenty of citizines would like to fight for us.

    -North Zanzia (Wamanzi Territory) is requesting a secluded meeting with them to negotiate our surrender.

    -Ice Cream Production is down, our only major export right now.

    -Black Superman is back on the streets rallying people to your name.

    -BBC is withdrawing it's TV crews from the city to stay with the UN in their camp. Citing safety concerns.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:17 No.18563064
    We need to meet with our general first to learn the situation. Then we will meet with the UN.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:23 No.18563162
    In addition, do we have the equipment to arm some civilian militias to help patrol the DMZ? We need to get more of our citizens trained in preparation of our eventual counterattack.
    >> Grand Leader !2RRlyIA6Zs 04/03/12(Tue)17:28 No.18563242
    I'll be posting a new post after this Wargame session. Its...addicting.
    >> Grand Leader !2RRlyIA6Zs 04/03/12(Tue)17:37 No.18563328
    We have enough AK47s and misc. small arms to arm a portion of our population yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:44 No.18563417
    While we confer with our generals, have what remains of the Agricultural Ministry survey territory on our side of the DMZ for crop production. Make sure they have military escorts. Also have them take a look at our civilian fishing operations and if production can be safely increased.
    We need ice cream to buy weapons and pharmaceuticals and food to feed our populace.

    What's the status of our education system? We need mechanics and engineers, not philosophers or artists.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:44 No.18563421
         File: 1333489480.jpg-(731 KB, 1007x748, MRLS_FUCKYOU.jpg)
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    The proper reply to the Wamanzi.
    >> Morrowindfag 04/03/12(Tue)17:50 No.18563500
    That map kind of looks like a fat man with a grey skull for a head ragequitting on everything and tableflipping the flag.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:51 No.18563504
    What happened in last thread? Or were can I find it?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:52 No.18563522
    Really, I saw a topless chick stretching.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:54 No.18563547
    Fuck the rebels.
    If UN asks us for truce, tell them no.
    Meet the General and do everything to supply the army.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:57 No.18563579
    I see a fellow in a pompadour, looking rather bored.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)17:58 No.18563592
    This cease-fire can be made to work for us. We need to stabilize our economy and restructure old revenue streams while investigating new ones; for that, we need time. We need to get our economy back on track if we're going to prosecute a war.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)18:00 No.18563624
    Grand Leader, does this mean that we never entered into a joint nuclear program with India for thorium power plants? And that we didn't find off-shore petroleum reserves that we used as leverage to have Russia finance the construction of an off-shore oil rig?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)18:03 No.18563653
    LG, do we have domestic arms production capability? Can we make our own guns, ammunition, and rockets? What about light APC's and IFV's?
    >> Grand Leader !2RRlyIA6Zs 04/03/12(Tue)18:52 No.18564189
    We've restarted the session entirely. Thorium and India is gone for now. Russia is too.


    Also reading posts and making new action.
    >> /人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ 04/03/12(Tue)18:58 No.18564254
    Delicious nanotech... all gone!


    *laps up his own despair and tears*
    >> Grand Leader !2RRlyIA6Zs 04/03/12(Tue)19:00 No.18564281
         File: 1333494027.jpg-(106 KB, 853x1280, 1327546504690.jpg)
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    -Your General has advised us that, while our air and tank forces are superior, we are low on fuel and parts to fight to far from our territory. The enemies out number us 3 to one at this time, and are known to fight insurgent style. It is unknown what their exact 'elite' forces make up, but we are missing our artillery and several tanks... one officer reports they were destroyed by our own men before it could fall into enemy hands.

    -Our program for mechanics is well advised and the UN sees this as a sign up us being 'civilized' - Wamanzi announces a new and better education plan than ours.

    -Oil off shore is known to us but not tapped at this time. The only functional rigs are in Wamanzi northern territories... and they likely do not know how to operate those oil wells properly.

    -Our industrial center Tropicgrad, being in enemy hands, will prevent us from mass-producing the parts needed for our forces...
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)19:04 No.18564323
    It's back!
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)19:13 No.18564433
    Our focus should be on taking back Tropicgrad. Let's try to slip as many troops as we can through the DMZ and launch an assault, full force.
    >> OP !aXFaDdx3g. 04/03/12(Tue)19:21 No.18564549

    We should attempt to seek international support against the rebels! And then use it to build our military forces.

    Is Wamanzi land-locked? If they depend on us to get goods or ship goods out, we should blockade them. Total embargo. Nothing in or out.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)19:40 No.18564822
    Bombing raid viable? do we even have the ammo stores for it?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)19:50 No.18564925
    Take a look at the map.
    They can use overland route to our three neighbors and they have access to the sea, if not an actual port.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)20:02 No.18565039
    Has our agricultural ministry been able to find a way to increase civilian fishing? What about attempts to open up more farmland in order to get more food and help bolster our ice cream industry?
    >> Grand Leader !2RRlyIA6Zs 04/03/12(Tue)20:04 No.18565052
    New post incoming soon.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)20:07 No.18565073
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    Guerrilla tactics, hit and run attacks and international media/social media coverage to get international sympathy/help
    >> Grand Leader !2RRlyIA6Zs 04/03/12(Tue)20:21 No.18565208
         File: 1333498875.jpg-(21 KB, 394x305, dprkaf_mig-21pf_dropping_bombs.jpg)
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    -General says a bombing raid may work, but it would mean flying past the UN DMZ in secret somehow, and at great risk to our pilots.

    -Slipping troops through tunnels and other passes might work, the UN can't have ground eyes EVERYWHERE...infact our enemy may be doing the same.

    -Agriculture improvements are being offered by the UN if we cooperate.

    -Farmers will try to produce more milk for the Ice Cream industry.

    -Fishing is our most stable food source at this time. Thankfully with the UN Presence, piracy is down to 0.
    >> Military Stuff Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)20:27 No.18565293
    I suggest we do the following:

    Reform our armed forces into a more usuable structure. Or rather, give them some form. Given our fuel and supply shortages, I think we should put all our armoured vehicles into one battallion, if only to shorten the supply chain and give us a solid fist with which to defeat our enemies.

    1st Mechanised Battallion
    --1st Mechanised Company (BMP's go into here)
    --1st Recce Company (BRDM's go into here)
    --1st Armoured Company (T-34's/55's go into here)
    --1st Light Infantry Company
    --2nd Light Infantry Company (Both full of infantry trained to fight from the collection of Toyota Technicals we have)

    Sure, we don't actually have the numbers required to properly fill out a full battallion, but we don't have to let our enemies know that. Keep them at the military base so we've got some warning if the Lieutenant Colonel in charge decides to stage a coup. We'd be looking at having 1,200 odd men in that battallion.

    The rest of the men can be formed up on the DMZ, save for a regiment in Port Liberty. I'd also suggest starting to train up militia and paramilitaries, accepting volunteers for those positions. Don't give them too much training, as they'll likely fold in any combat situation, but they can buy time for the trained soldiers to react.

    I'd also advise against launching any attacks. We don't want to look like the international badguys here, especially with the UN within our borders. Let's wait for our enemies to give us the excuse first.

    One last thing, everyone gets a uniform. We need to look like professionals.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)20:37 No.18565419
    Grand Leader, what is the current state of international opinion re: our government. If we mess about with the UN, can we expect to see US Marines taking over our capital in 48 hours and deposing us, or will no one care? Do any of the UNSC members have our backs?

    Speaking of that, is Zanzia a former colony, and if so, of which country?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)20:37 No.18565420
    Seconding on the military side.
    Especially us not being the ones to attack first.
    If we let the rebels attack us first, then we will have international support behind our actions.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)20:41 No.18565454

    This is incredibly important. If we launch the first strike now, we potentially risk having the US bring democracy to our country. This is a bad thing for us.

    I assume Obama's in charge of the US at the moment in our world?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)20:57 No.18565637
    I've a question about the 19,500 men. Is that all ranks/positions in the army, or front line soldiers? I'm assuming it's all ranks/positions, in which case, how many men do we have for the front line?
    >> Doc 04/03/12(Tue)21:15 No.18565852
    rolled 63 = 63


    -Have we spoken to the UN yet?

    -The rebel held area must have some loyalist still in their areas, what are they doing to our loyal subjects?

    - In addition to loyalist holdouts, there must be some parasites willing to make a few bucks. Look to establish a underground supply chain from tropicgrad. We need to stockpile any parts they can smuggle out, through the tunnels. Once the DMZ goes, we can begin operations for a longer period of time.
    >> Minister For Propaganda 04/03/12(Tue)21:16 No.18565860
    We should send a delegation to the BBC and news networks to have coverage of our more charitable actions, they should be as follows.

    > Relocating the young and the infirm
    > Handing out water
    > When international aid comes, it is dispensed initially to those it is meant for.

    To control the people we must control and influence the media. With luck this should make the international community more sympathetic to our just cause!
    >> More Military Stuff Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)21:36 No.18566064
         File: 1333503406.jpg-(107 KB, 656x312, Proposed Deployments.jpg)
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    Ok, got a possible deployment and order of battle, providing we actually have the manpower.

    1st Infantry Regiment, 3000 men
    2nd Infantry Regiment, 3000 men
    1st Guards Battalion, 1,200 men
    1st Mechanised Battalion, 1,200 men

    Now, lets call our 2,300 trained/experienced soldiers Class A. These Class A soldiers will go to fill up the Mechanised Battalion, as we want our best men there. That battalion is probably stronger then anything the rebels can possibly throw at us, and should be equipped to turn the tide anywhere. As I said before, filling up the 1st Mechanised Battalion should take around 1,200 of our Class A soldiers, leaving us with 1,100.

    The remaining Class A soldiers should be spread out amongst our two infantry regiments and guard battalion, to give them some steel.

    Our less trained/experienced soldiers currently in the army can be put into Class B. These men can fill out the regiments and guards battalion.

    Any new recruits that are physically fit enough for the regular army can be put into Class C1. They'll join up with the regular army as standard, and be trained properly.

    Any new recruits that aren't physically fit enough for the regular army can be put into Class C2. They'll join the local militias/paramilitary forces we can put into place.

    All this is assuming that we don't actually have 19,000 front line soldiers. If we have more, we can just add in more infantry regiments.

    Oh, and coming up with cool sounding names for our regiments should be done.
    >> Grand Leader !2RRlyIA6Zs 04/03/12(Tue)21:49 No.18566229
         File: 1333504185.jpg-(81 KB, 625x469, 110506_putin.jpg)
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    - Situation in World Politics - Most the world gives no shit right now...we're just another african nation. Only neighbors and African Union really cares- and France, since we border Ivory Coast.

    -Obama is in charge yes. Elections have not occurred yet.

    -Our intelligence (limited as it is) says that there are some loyalists in the enemy's territory.

    -The 19,500 are combat personnel. The forces have been consolidated as according to >>18565293

    -Our invitation to media has been accepted if they can be guaranteed that their safety will exist.

    -We were once a colony of France, until the 50s where our old government lined up with the Warsaw Pact. Eventually with local conflicts and the like, the majority of our equipment has been run down or lost...especially with the rebels in the north.

    >Captcha ate my name
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)21:51 No.18566248
    rolled 4 = 4


    Then of our neighbours, who is still friendly to our government?

    Who does the AU officially support?

    What is our relation with Ivory coast? Are they still in their civil war shithole?
    >> Grand Leader !2RRlyIA6Zs 04/03/12(Tue)21:57 No.18566327

    AU supports us, neighbors have no standing.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)22:05 No.18566427
    Clearly we need to not do anything stupid, and focus on fortifying our position so that our enemies cannot smite us.
    >> Doc 04/03/12(Tue)22:07 No.18566469
    rolled 41 = 41


    And what of the ZIA? What resources can they bring to bear?

    Are they with or against us?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)22:11 No.18566503
    Zanzia looks like a guy flipping a table.
    Can't unsee it.
    >> Grand Leader !2RRlyIA6Zs 04/03/12(Tue)22:12 No.18566511
    God damnit...

    I drew that from scratch too.

    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)22:13 No.18566529
    We should agree to meet with the UN, but ask for an African Union delegation to come along too. Make it clear that we're willing to co-operate with the international community on this.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)22:19 No.18566619
         File: 1333505973.jpg-(116 KB, 668x328, Proposed Deployment Revised.jpg)
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    >19,500 combat personnel

    Excellent. In which case I suggest the following structure to our forces.

    1st Infantry Regiment: 3,000 men
    2nd Infantry Regiment: 3,000 men
    3rd Infantry Regiment: 3,000 men
    4th Infantry Regiment: 3,000 men
    5th Infantry Regiment: 3,000 men
    Guards Infantry Regiment: 3,000 men
    1st Mechanised Battalion: 1,200 men

    That's 19,200 total, which gives us a leeway of 300 men to account for training, casualties and the like. Keep to the same Class A/B/C1/C2 structure outlined before.
    >> Grand Leader !2RRlyIA6Zs 04/03/12(Tue)22:28 No.18566748
         File: 1333506504.jpg-(108 KB, 1024x680, kariyesrpg.jpg)
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    I'm going to sleep...I sort of run a pony tumblr and I draw every morning. I'll make actions for tonight, leave you guys with some food for thought, and reply in the morning + suptg log this


    I personally back this deployment, but will see what /tg/ thinks.

    -Information has come in about food aid from France and US going to North Zanzia and ourselves. North Zanzia is getting the lion's share it seems.

    -UN forces have finally met with us, they wish to discuss us stepping down peacefully but insure than their policing forces will prevent any genocide if such a thing were to occur.

    -Police have arrested two men trying to set fire to a car near our government buildings.

    -Wild Fires have started in North Zanzia in their fields - this may hamper their food production.

    -Black Superman is back on the streets stopping crime.

    -Does not exist at this time. You have a network of personal spies and informants, but no official organization.

    -A supply chain of smuggled parts has been looked into and is possible, shall we deploy our operatives to 'visit some family?'
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)22:33 No.18566834

    Given this is Africa, those things are probably more feasible than they have any right to be. It hurts my brain.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)22:35 No.18566854
    >NATO counters

    I am so hard right now.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)22:38 No.18566914

    Going by Wiki, T-34's have been used in Africa at least in this decade. They'd probably have been 2nd line or even training tanks in our armed forces, but called up into service due to the massive civil war we have pretty much lost.
    >> Grand Leader !2RRlyIA6Zs 04/03/12(Tue)22:40 No.18566947
    They're in use across Africa, including our neighbors....

    Going to bed now, continue posting, will check it later.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)22:48 No.18567076
    G'night Grand Leader.

    Been thinking about names for our regiments and our camp. Given we're a former French colony, perhaps French sounding names would suit us? Camp Fraternité, perhaps?
    >> Doc 04/03/12(Tue)22:56 No.18567188
    rolled 63 = 63



    I like it but i'd like to keep either the 1st or 2nd in reserve as well, if they are Class A/B Troops. Since we'll need a reserve inorder to handle any additional problems that may crop up.

    We should also second a company of men to help in guarding the desalination plant.

    >Food distribution

    Understandable, since the bulk of the population is on the other side. We need to stir shit up, there.

    Look to our personal network. Let it go to local rebel leaders that they can increase their wealth and standing should they withhold food supplies, except to those who can pay.

    Greedy bastards who think might always equals right will get behind this immediately. While this will create havoc for our people in the short term, it will facilitate our takeover.

    In the meantime, are we getting enough food for those on our side? If not, we have to make noise about it. The BBC will be useful in that regard.


    Out of the question. As the true government of the Republic of Zanzia, that the UN would support insurgent forces in a hostile takeover of our country is deplorable. Have our UN representative lodge a formal complaint at the General Assembly.


    A police matter. Have our Civil service deal with it as usual. Direct them to step up patrols near our government buildings.

    >Wild fires

    Good. I'd like to suggest deploying 100 to 200 of our native scouts deep into enemy territory to stir up trouble. Find out what tribals further up north think of the whole situation, start up fires in areas and forment unrest.

    >Supply chain of smuggled parts

    Yes. Begin operations to do so. Operatives to visit families should first offer incentives. Good positions in the factories once the civil war is over before moving on to threats.
    >> Lamestream Media 04/03/12(Tue)23:28 No.18567555

    "-And now we turn to West Africa, where tensions in the coastal nation of Zanzia continue to escalate. Dave Mandingo reports from the southern capital of Port Liberty.."

    Cut to establishing shot of Port Liberty skyline at midday. Ambient noise fades, disembodied voice begins.

    "On the bustling streets of Port Liberty, with its mixture of antique French architecture and African modernity, it's easy to forget that this..is a city under siege."

    Smash cut to shaky cam footage of a gun battle between Zanzi and Wamanzi forces outside of Tropicgrad. Close-up of a Wamanzi guerrilla on the back of a technical firing a .50, then cut to pictures of dead bodies littering the side of the road.

    "The Wamanzi tribe, situated in the north of the country, rebelled just one year ago and since then have taken control over most of the country."

    Cut to reporter in flak-jacket and helmet on the Port Liberty street, walking toward the camera as he speaks.

    "-Only Port Liberty remains in the hands of the Zanzian Republic and largely because of a zero hour UN brokered ceasefire that drew a DMZ just outside the city's borders. Since then, the ultimate fate of Port Liberty..remains in limbo."
    >> Lamestream Media 04/03/12(Tue)23:28 No.18567563
    Cut to footage of Zanizan BMPs rolling down a dirt road, stock footage of uniformed soldiers manning checkpoints, etc. disembodied voice returns.

    "The Wamanzi rebels claim the entire country is theirs by ancestral right, and the residents of Port Liberty are descendants of the servants of the country's former French colonial masters. Its these claims which have also led to suspected crimes of genocide against southern inhabitants. But, as rebel officials are quick to point out, reports of similar acts have been made against the ruling Zanzian government for some time. In this war torn country, the search for justice has become secondary.."

    "Despite the imposed ceasefire, the government has begun moving the bulk of its military forces to strategic positions along the DMZ. But whether this is for one last push..or a last stand..remains unclear. Reporting for BBC, I'm Dave Mandingo."
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)04:51 No.18570695
    rolled 53 = 53

    Bumping to save this thread
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)06:58 No.18571391
    We need some intel. We need to find out how unified the rebels are, and the position of enemy forces. I'm not too fond of sending our native scouts across the DMZ to check out those positions though, as they might just turn their coats and join with the rebels.

    What do we know about the rebels? Are they acting in good order and discipline, or are they looting and pillaging as they go? Are their troops massed along the DMZ, or stationed throughout the country?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)07:07 No.18571437

    Oh, and to start with, I suggest we see what intel we can gather from public sources, like the BBC, CNN.

    One other thing. The UN Peacekeeper Base, how many men are there, and can they offer us a serious fight? That's not to say we should go do something suicidal and attack them.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)07:52 No.18571692
    Hopefully they'll be split into factions. If that's the case, then we can pull a Uganda and bring one of the rebel leaders and his men into the government in exchange for help. We can then deal with him at our leisure.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)13:53 No.18574172
    Supporting this deployment.

    >-A supply chain of smuggled parts has been looked into and is possible, shall we deploy our operatives to 'visit some family?'
    Yes. Tell them to not take unnecessary chances, we can't afford them getting caught.

    Grand Leader, what's our funding look like? Can we hire a PMC with recon air assets? Maybe buy a unit of recon drones from BAE or General Atomics?
    Even a bunch of remote-controlled hobby airplanes with digital cameras would be good enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)16:40 No.18575700
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/12(Wed)21:57 No.18578801
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    Waiting on Grand Leader
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)01:45 No.18580997
         File: 1333604749.jpg-(51 KB, 600x431, Vickers Mk1 MG.jpg)
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    You know, I wonder if we could get some old machine guns to use on our technicals and third-string defenses.
    Like the Vickers, or maybe some Maxims. They're still effective, if heavy, and their tech level makes fabricating spare components well within the capabilities of our small workshops.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)05:32 No.18582407
    Bump for the bump god, posts for the post throne.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)05:50 No.18582478
    iirc, Grand Leader mentioned that he'd only be free on Tuesdays to do this.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)05:55 No.18582500
    But..... bumping threads is all i have left... Don't take this away from me...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)06:24 No.18582683
         File: 1333621487.jpg-(55 KB, 300x448, Uniforms.jpg)
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    Two things I do want to mention though.

    Uniforms: I strongly suggest we make sure we have a standardised uniform for all our men, something like pic related as going by the map, we've got some substantial greenery around here. For the militias (I still prefer the term paramilitary) green shirts and trousers if we don't have enough uniforms. We want our men to look like professional soldiers, for PR purposes mostly.

    Women in the military: Strongly suggest we allow this for everything except front line fighting. If nothing else, we could do with the extra manpower.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)06:54 No.18582866
    Agreed with both points here.

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