sup/tg/ Articles - STORYTIEM Fluff, fiction, and epic tales en-us Copyright 2007-2008 News 60 Jachin Akhenaton: Epic Death in Two Sessions So, what's more epic than a character who steps in, kicks a ton of ass, delivers some awesome one-liners and rides away with the girl at the end?A character who goes out with a bang while saving the party, the world, the girl or all of them. Especially ... Mon, 10 Nov 2008 11:09:14 CET DF Let's Play - Episode One Oh god I was hungover and grumpy because i recorded this once but didcked it up i'm sorry i sound so horrible oh god how did this get here i am not good with computer (Editor's Note: ... Thu, 06 Nov 2008 07:14:14 CET DORF FORT ELLPEE Alright, because I'm a huge dumb, I'm going to be doing a DORF FORT LP for all you lovely people. However, there are going to be a few changes to how it's going to be played. Kobold Fort, because ALCOHOL ALCOHOL ALCOHOL I NEED MORE is only fun for so long. Legendary ... Sun, 19 Oct 2008 08:59:03 CEST Razamon, Barbarian of the North One of the things I really enjoy about my gaming group, is the cultural diversity amongst other things. This small story pertains to a friend of mine, who will be referred to as Gahgoosh; for his continuous use of the word to express his excitement while role playing his ... Fri, 17 Oct 2008 12:34:24 CEST