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You are Noel Tiberius, the reigning warrior-queen of Hazaran. This is very much not Hazaran.

The community you have found yourself in is one small part of the main continent, far enough from your homeland that its existence could be hidden from you for centuries. Five half-blooded warriors like yourself have come here with you as a show of strength and solidarity, along with eight Hazari infantrymen as a token ‘honor guard’. There can be no doubt as to your status, since even on the continent nobody seems to wear crowns set with almond-sized precious gems aside from you. And none carry any visible weaponry, let alone swords nearly as long as they are tall.

That’s probably one reason why when Leto Aristo, mayor of the port town of Kirkines – where you’ve found yourselves – listened to you when you politely insisted that he take you to his leader. He quite simply doesn’t know what to make of you even after you explained who you are. Almost everything about you must be absolutely foreign to his worldview, and so instead of trying to figure you out for himself, he’s chosen to hand off responsibility for whatever you turn out to be.

“At least the food is nice,” Aurora muses, nibbling at one of a few dozen identical baked crackers, topped with thin slices of firm white cheese and what seems to be a jam made from fig. “Very tasty.”

With a little bit of spice added, even your mother seems to appreciate the gesture, and washes her light snack down with an incredibly clear ruby-red wine. “It seems the production methods are quite different here.”

True, the crackers in particular point to mass production of such specialty foods. Where you come from fine bakeries can aspire to some uniformity, but this goes a clear step further than that. The men – and two women – also seemed to appreciate being brought something to eat despite being relegated to sitting outside the room where you and your fellow warriors will be meeting with a figure standing above Leto Aristo in continental politics.

That man soon makes his appearance. His clothing is very much like the three-piece jacket and waistcoat combination which seems to be the norm for men in this community, albeit more finely tailored and with buttons made with fine horn rather than some obviously fake imitation. You rise from your seat to greet him, make a little gesture to prompt Salem to do the same as the last straggler, then just as quickly return to your seat.

“So, mayor Aristo tells me you’re claiming to be some sort of queen,” the man in the nice suit muses, walking to a seat opposite from you across a low table. He produces a pipe from a pocket in his coat before setting the jacket over the back of the stuffed chair and taking a seat. “May I hear your introduction for myself, please?”
“Would you prefer to hear all my titles and stylings?” you inquire.

“If you would be so kind.”

“I am Noel Tiberius di Hazaran, Lady of House Tiberius of Scaithness, Queen by Right of Birth of the Kingdom of Hazaran, Sovereign of the Territories of Cuilan, Inner Tarsus, Western Bretonne, and the Province of Daria.”

The newcomer sits and listens patiently, and takes a puff on his pipe while you speak – no doubt the proper names simply go in one ear and out the other aside from Hazaran’s, but most likely he noted the list of territories over which Hazaran has dominion.

“Who might I be speaking to?” you ask.

“I am Sir Arthur Clairemonte, Third Earl of Wickeshire and Governor of the Territory of Arondeight.”

“Earl, Governor,” you muse. “To whom do you swear loyalty?”

Clairemont nods. “To King Philip the Seventh of Errancia.”

You recall from the last time you looked at a map of this coastline that Errancia is a reasonably-sized nation, and that where you are currently falls within its marked borders. That tells you a little bit more about your new surroundings, one little tidbit among the many others that are accruing.

“Well, that told me just about as little as my own introduction probably told you,” you admit with a sigh.

“Then it sounds as if our first exchange has been an equivalent one.”

After a moment, you nod in agreement. “I suppose that is true.”

>Out of an abundance of generosity, I will permit you to ask the first question of myself and my kin.
>I will ask the first question. Am I correct in assuming that your King has empowered you to represent him, at least initially?
>I’m curious about one thing. Is it normal that the Asarakam – the ‘Dragon’s Kin’ – are not represented in a meeting like this?
>>Out of an abundance of generosity, I will permit you to ask the first question of myself and my kin.
>Out of an abundance of generosity, I will permit you to ask the first question of myself and my kin.

It only took 4chan 10h to let me vote
>>Out of an abundance of generosity, I will permit you to ask the first question of myself and my kin.
>I’m curious about one thing. Is it normal that the Asarakam – the ‘Dragon’s Kin’ – are not represented in a meeting like this?
“Out of an abundance of generosity,” you continue, your voice even and calm, “I will permit you to ask the first question of myself and my kin. I will even answer it truthfully, assuming it crosses no lines into the impermissible or the impolite.”

“Very neighborly of you,” Governor Clairemonte replies. “Do you speak for all polities present within your homeland?”

You shake your head. “I do not. Are you authorized to treat on behalf of all Errancia?”

Clairemonte takes a puff, and exhales slowly. “I am not. I may only establish an agreement within bounds of my own governorship – so yes, only agreements which affect the territory of Arondeight and no others. In addition, such agreements are subject to royal assent.”

It seems as though he’s genuine in answering your questions, and so it would seem that withholding to the extent you typically would isn’t called for. You’ll have to make it a point to make that decision clear to him as you proceed.

“When was the last time anyone within Errancia had occasion to deal with the ‘Asarakam’, or the ‘Dragon’s Kin’, as I’ve heard them called?”
>3d10 best of three
Rolled 2, 5, 10 = 17 (3d10)

Rolled 3, 7, 7 = 17 (3d10)

Rolled 9, 6, 4 = 19 (3d10)

What follows is that sort of loud silence you expect when someone is asked a troublesome question. As for why that’s an uncomfortable position for the Governor, only his answer will tell you.

“Well, I suppose if you already know that word this is an unusual situation,” he muses. “We generally try to keep this whole topic out of the public discourse.”

So it was the sort of discomfort you get when a taboo comes up in conversation, not when you ask a question the other party has been explicitly told not to answer. That’s hopeful.

“Their existence is some kind of secret?” you wonder with a frown. “Having fought one I find it difficult to believe they can be hidden outright.”

“You fought one?” Clairemont asks, his wonderment genuine rather than your own idle sort. “Talk about hard to believe.”

“Not alone mind you,” you clarify, “but yes, we defeated one before setting sail for your coast.”

“Well, I suppose that answer makes us even again,” Clairemont shakes his head, still clearly surprised to hear that the Asarakam are in fact beatable. “To finish answering your question, the Asarakam – the ‘Dragons’ Kin’ – are treated as a myth by most people. They’re seen so infrequently, the general agreement among those “in the know” is that they’re better off not discussed.”

“After all, even if we planned for them… well, today is the first time I’ve heard of one being defeated in a fight.”

“Did you win that battle ‘fairly’, or was there some trick?” he asks.

>We won fairly. A combination of raw strength and superior tactics.
>Describe what the Organization did to you and your kind. THAT was actually the key.
>Leave it vague, but ferret out his intentions as best you can. What will he do with the truth?
>>We won fairly. A combination of raw strength and superior tactics.
>>Leave it vague, but ferret out his intentions as best you can. What will he do with the truth?
The goal of military strategy is to avoid a fair fight. Always try to stack the odds in your favour.
>3d10 best of three
Rolled 5, 6, 6 = 17 (3d10)

Rolled 4, 3, 4 = 11 (3d10)

Rolled 9, 6, 1 = 16 (3d10)

“The best tactics make things unfair,” you observe. “That having been said, we had a few strengths of our own to rely on.”

“Then those massive swords of yours aren’t showpieces,” the Governor muses. “That’s slightly terrifying.”

“They were designed to kill Asarakam,” you tell him. “Or at least to give us a chance to do so.”

“I see,” he answers. “That’s quite specific. There are no Asarakam presently in your homeland?”

You shake your head. “None. Only derivatives of their bloodline – ourselves, and monsters we call ‘yōma’.”

So he does understand – the truth that you and your kind were designed to address a problem in his part of the world not in yours.

>It’s my intention to speak with the Asarakam. Where might I find one, or someone who knows where to find one?
>It’s the humans of the continent that are my present concern. Is there anyone who can speak on all your behalf?
>I want to study your history, learn as much as possible before the next phase. Where would be the best place to do so?
>I want to study your history, learn as much as possible before the next phase. Where would be the best place to do so?
>>I want to study your history, learn as much as possible before the next phase. Where would be the best place to do so?
>>I want to study your history, learn as much as possible before the next phase. Where would be the best place to do so?
>I want to study your history, learn as much as possible before the next phase. Where would be the best place to do so?
>3d10 best of four
Rolled 9, 4, 1 = 14 (3d10)


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