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Turn 14
The world of Pavilion falls under a pall. Mortal meddling strains the fabric of the world as wizards war with increasingly uncontrollable magics. To the west, a new land arises, ushering the Vizari into a harsh yet protected refuge from raiders and pillages. A presence stirs in the deep wounds they left behind, feeding on blood and souls, seeping through cracks in the firmament. The Northern nations seek glory in other lands, sending their armies outside of reality itself to fight wars in a strange new world. The Tyrns Without Summer march on all the while, food stores deplete, emergency measures turn to mitigation, and hunger yields to famine. Dark times indeed.

>We're currently full on players, though that can change with short notice. If you're interested, join our discord. The invite code is: F2Patcf.

GLOBAL DISASTER: The night sky darkens, the stars torn from their seats in the heavens and cast into the western seas. The earth itself quakes with indignation, stirring up great waves that batter the coast. The days that follow are unseasonably cool and dry. The sun is enfeebled by a dry fog that reddens and dapples its shining light. Crops fail, lakes freeze, animals starve to death for want of grazing ground.
Apologies, it seems I reposted the blurb from the previous turn. Without further ado:

Turn 15
GLOBAL DISASTER: The long dimming of the sun continues unabated. Starvation and desolation, especially in the unreasonably long winter continues, with many forced into hard decisions. The first frost of winter (always too soon) often marks the quiet departure of the elderly into forests and plains. One particularly vicious winter entire villages seemingly enter a feral state together, transforming into a cannibal cult when faced with impossible decisions.
As magepriests and Domo settlers scatter across the planes they find scattered and broken people eager for any to unify them back together into a people, and desperate for aid in the face of the everwinter. Unfortunately they also find the bureaucrats, settlers and preachers of the Barza, who are also finding fertile ground for their guidance. Ultimately the region becomes a patchwork of villages swearing allegiance to different lords, but with both the Barza and Domo armies occupied elsewhere the conflict largely remains a cultural and religious one, with neither nation truly asserting true control over the area.
Where the Domo control does take root though the remnants of the Vizari ways are absorbed into the Domo traditions. The precise mathematical nature of Vizari golem craft is applied to the animistic mud golems of the Domo, resulting in a highly refined Eternal Watchmen, a body of baked clay housing the spirit of a honored warrior or shaman.

The smiths of Guliseare set to work refining their craft, experimenting with various alloys and techniques, developing techniques for the creation of lightweight armors that should help the aerial skirmishers stay safer in the air against the arrows of the lessers.
A technique to help modulate the height of the new experimental airships is created. By filling a thin membrane of cloth with hot air a small amount of lift can be generated or vented easily. In a properly balanced vessel this is enough for altitude control, an acolytes meditation on the light of Aelelox can be sufficient to raise the craft into the air, and simply venting the air by lifting a cloth flap can allow the ship to drop. Fighting the wind on the other hand is providing a difficult task.
Hunger stalks Ordelan, more deadly and persistent than any elf lord on their drakes. The chill of the everwinter has snuffed out many isolated villages, and worse still proved a constant distraction for many of those same villages are rising up from the dead, drawing away the pyre axes to extinguish the grim threat. Other isolated villages fall to cannibalism, their surrounding roads falling into disrepair as they become little more than bandit-cults. New hunting grounds are established as quickly as possible on the border with Barza, who seems to be handling the crisis better than most thanks to a new innovation of their geomancy.
Desperate for more warriors for the front lines, Ordelan enlists Anelk slaves with promises of freedom, sending hundreds of the bird folk to the front lines with little more than a tunic and a simple spear. Still, in the first early clashes at the tail end of the tyrn they provide effective and even loyal, with many talking excitedly of a new life should they survive the war.

>Krovian Bands
Krovians surge across the straight, looking for new hunting grounds and new food in the face of the everwinter. They settle onto the familiar sandy dunes, living off fish and adapting old Vizari water stones for blood rituals.They find a vast chasm on the sight of the old Vizari fortress and soon the location becomes home to brutal games of bloodsport between Krawl and Krovian, with pulse shamans gathering the blood as an offering to the great chasm. Far below the shamans feel the power of pulse gathering, concentrating, transforming.
It seems there may be a bit of disagreement on where the boundaries for the bloodsport lie--for as the Krovians muster in the province they have set aside for bloodsport, ravenous Krawl-forms roam a wide swathe of the desert, killing, consuming and sacrificing Vizari and Krove alike.

Jold is a curious, and dangerous metal to be sure. In most practical applications the metal must be regularly cleaned to purge it of dangerous buildup of its patina, though some speculate the patina should instead be harvested and used as a fuel of some sort. Still it is a sturdy and tough metal, and the golden sheen quickly finds itself into use in weapons and tools both, though stories do spring up occasionally of old sheds being filled with dangerous levels of jold patina, then exploding in a burst of lightning in the midst of a gentle rainstorm.
The new Mechanism workshop sets to work finding uses for jold. The most difficult task for most devices is finding a means to prevent it from shocking the user, most jold devices end up being thrown as a result, or are only used by pain resistant polymyria who simply ignore the arcing burns caused. Perhaps some sort of insulator could be found in the jungles?
The grand docks in the bay of Rudam have a singular mission in the face of the everwinter, staving off the ugly spectre of starvation. And indeed the construction of the docks will be viewed as wisdom for tyrns to come for the everwinter drags on with miserable harvests and weak faltering summers, as just off the shore is found a great abundance of dogfish, easily fished with pole or net. The bounty of the sea, hauled in by crew after crew and painstakingly brined, preserved and shipped to hungry villages across the land helps to stave off many grim outcomes that are occurring in other lands. Aid also arrives from across freshwater as well, with foodstuffs arriving from Habitun, though much of it is quite strange and unusual, many claim they have never seen the like, with many peculiar meats, fruits and grains present.

Port Sainac is rebuilt, larger and finer than before, with great pillars of red granite built far out into the water and a sprawling boardwalk built upon it. The entire area becomes something of a community center, with never ending faire like attitude enveloping it even in the midst of the everwinter, with children running about gawking at sailors as they unload wild frost chimeras caught in the north or set sail to the island in the north. Games and stalls and entertainers fill the area, where dock workers aren’t moving the latest shipment of fish in from the sea to feed the hungry victims of the everwinter.
Joining the fish is the latest discovery of the white island, what the locals call Hot Root. This hardy plant grows barrel shaped snow white tubers that often prove a struggle to remove from the ground. Though potently spicy the tuber proves a critical foodstock as it is largely unaffected by the everywinter and the hillsides of the frozen island are covered in vast numbers of wild crop. Spiced and salted fish stews rapidly become the favored meal of those who work in the grim winters.
Attempts to track down the unaccounted for changelings of the nation unfortunately are stymied by time and the relative unimportance of those being tracked. Evidence points to them still being within Orcmanie, though exactly where is difficult to say. Perhaps more investigation will turn something up.
Prayers rise from the desperate people to the holy one above. The everwinter continues unabated, unbroken, each feeble summer and long winter following the next. The kingdom of Barza fairs better than most, its bureaucracy letting it track and manage villages in distress, but ultimately it is a triage of starvation and hunger made worse by banditry of the equally desperate. The prayers of the faithful are not in vain however. As yet another early winter begins to creep in, threatening an already meager harvest, there is a great rumbling in the earth. In the mountains over Barzaenium the mountain cracks, and great plumes of steam rise up. Boiling water races down the mountainside, joining into a stream of steaming water that rushes down the hills and into the farmland of Barza. The warmth of the new river revitalizea the farmland, protecting it from winter until the harvest comes in.
Barzantine soldiers and settlers march forth to find the land fiercely defended by a tribe of stunted creatures. A few veterans of the old wars identify them as Domo, raiders and savages who kidnap innocents for gruesome rituals. Land to the west proves easier to settle, though it does bring Barzantines uncomfortably close to the fungus-infested lands of the Krawl.

The council of Inter-Habitun is a mess of contradictions, cultural mishaps, and conversion errors. No small number of accidents, misunderstandings and mistakes occur on the basis of mixed up mathematics (Habitun 88’s members all have four fingers and count in base 8, and the less said about the haughty attitudes of 83 the better. Every nation seems to have some small variance on the standard weights and measures, apparently all tracing back to a chaotic accident a survey team had nearly five hundred years ago. It is no small effort to convince all nations to adopt a single unified system of measurements, numbers, and terminology (Stige 7 still insists on referring to portals as doors) but once done it does result in a remarkable increase in efficiency.
The efficiency proves critical as Habitun and Skrit forces (and friendly alternate Guliseare forces as well) from across multiple universes band together to push back the menace of the wasp variant Skrit. While initial assaults prove failure difficult, with some analysis Central manages to concoct a disruptive chemical concoction that temporarily breaks the mental control of the parasitic wasps over their victims. With the sudden surge of rebellions the coalition forces manage to push the expansionist slavers into a retreat, though the war is far from over.
In more mundane news the cave fish projects prove quite effective, with the greedy fish gladly devouring the dead horror worm flesh, and the cave slime, algae, and fungus that grows from it. Supplies of fish, heavily processed horror worm and extradimensional food stuffs flow out along trade routes, greatly alleviating the suffering of the everwinter around Supkha.
Black marble stands out in this new world of blinding white. The dark-tinted glass that begins to arrive from the north pairs well with the cold shine of the stone. Boneyard mammoths are the accumulation of ancient bones and pelts, piled together and given life by some unknown magic. The oldest mammoths have ancient runes inscribed into their bones, the meanings and origin of which elude even the best scholars of the Vizari.

>The Urotti
The settlers of the snowy plains have taken on a local creature for a pack animal, though many have come to regret it. The Yeti Sloth is a massive lumbering creature covered in a thick layer of shaggy fur, foul tempered and prone to biting, spitting, and grumbling, but there’s no denying the use of the creature's shaggy wool and incredible capacity for carrying cargo, even if it is a bit slow.
Fear of the sun’s demise begins to grip the land in a fever, and the beliefs of habitun begin to sweep across the land. Chief among these beliefs is a panicked need to move key infrastructure beyond the light of the sun. Mushroom cellars are dug beneath the land, fed with the detritus of lumberyards and farms and snow melt and only ever seen by the dim light of a rune lantern. Sawdust and potato peels are offered, and rats kept out, and in return mycelium fruits are given. Common White Buttons are a typical foodstock, though Mountain Lace, and Ooze Cap provide some much needed flavors and textures, and other smaller niche products pop up as well.
Beleaguered by foes on all sides, the armies of Ordelan are eager for any recruits that can be found, and changeling agents find it quite trivial to join the forces of Ordelan. A few manage to find their way into positions aiding quartermasters, working as messengers, and other critical assistants where they discover a critical piece of information, Ordelan is deeply overstrained dealing with the everwinter, cults, bandits, and even patches of undead are springing up in isolated villages, providing a critical distraction.
There are several major obstacles to learning to mimic the magical styles of other nations. The first and simplest obstacle is simply knowledge. Vizari sorcerers for instance spend much of their life learning the fundamental skills and knowledge required to enact their magical arts, then further specialize into a variety of sub magics, again spending years acquiring a deep knowledge of the arts. Domo mystics form deep spiritual connections with ancient spirits of the land, Guliseare Acolytes must meditate and train deeply to learn the secrets of their arts, opening themselves up to the brilliance of their god. Even a Barza geomancer is a heavily trained individual who can enact complex magic with a casual muscle memory like efficiency only learned after hundreds if not thousands of drills and casts of the same spells. For any one spy to learn the skills to mimic such a role would take years, no number of interviews and conversations with visiting foreigners can change that. Naturally, changeling spies cheat. A simple set of illusion spells are developed, insufficient for serious displays of power, but enough that they can mimic a variety of simple sensations and effects, the flash and heat of a burst of flame, the whisper of a Ordelan songbow, the warm light of a Guliseare Acolyte. None of these effects are real of course, merely sensations brushing against the outermost layer mind of observers, but they are often enough to let a spy bypass scrutiny for a few critical moments.
The everwinter drags on and proves particularly rough on the changeling city states. Already dependent on outsiders for most of their food, save the ailing orchards of Bahay, the people of the Tagaya city states are suffering brutal levels of starvation, especially distant Urong who fares worst of all. A grim madness seems to seize many of the people there, causing them to shift into fish-man hybrids and vanish into the sea, never to be seen again.
>Turquoise Turbans
On the limited grasslands the Turbans control new farms spring up to fight off the hunger and desperation of the everwinter. The staple crop of the region is the Mediokre, a bland but filling tuber that grows like a weed, perhaps because only the hungriest of animals will stoop to consuming it. Fortunately Turban merchants soon master the art of mixing it with a variety of spices and other ingredients, bulking up otherwise lacking meals.
Should their culinary skills not be enough to dissuade the Krovians, Godeliva, the Steel Queen herself, sets to work commissioning a mighty fortress to protect the iron mines, sparing no expense to set palisades of steel deep into the ground all around and no small number of vicious barbed spike and hooks along its thick walls.

>The Krawl
As the corpses of the dead and are delivered to the great chasm a growing sense of unease begins to develop between the high minds of the Krawl. Something is growing and developing down in the darkness below, though what exactly is quite beyond them. No connection to the hive mind of the Krawl develops, whatever forms in the darkness below as Krovian shamans chant and pour blood from the hunting grounds into the pit is without a doubt its own master.

Other nations might have found the parasitic body snatching wasps a nightmarish horror and difficult to stomach, but for the Skrit it is simply another colony of insects to subjugate then employ. Captured nests of the wasps are doused in chemicals to subdue them, then drug back to Central to be analyzed and integrated. Their nature as puppeteers of other creatures is slightly hindered by their alien biology to this world, native life tends to perish after but a few weeks of being piloted by Central.
Great swarms of the Skrit set to work building a new colony in the jungles on the southern shores of the Tarn. There they find the bones of those who come before some tiny race with no small proclivity for companionship for insects, though unfortunately they live on only in the alternate roads of this world. More pressing than echoes of might have beens though is the presence of the Krawl, a rival hive mind of gelatinous creatures, clearly bred more for war than anything else. It remains to be seen how interaction between these nations might play out.
>Adenai Confederacy
Adenai prepares itself for a long war even while confidently proclaiming this one is but a moment from its end. Advanced tactics and advanced motivations meant to keep men in the fight, mind and body, longer than their enemy are instituted. Much of this is funded by the sale of surplus food to the changeling cities who are hit particularly hard by the everwinter. Adenai is better placed than most nations to withstand the ravages of the everwinter, with ample farmland and plundered hunting grounds bolstering its food supplies. The changeling cities in particular pay a premium for any grain Adenai can spare and that funding flows directly into pay and luxuries for the soldiers of the war. Only the fates can tell for sure who the war front will favor though.


> Krovian - Krawl Lumbermill Brawl
Lacking the organization of a true battle formation, the Krovian bands founder against even light Krawl defenses. For the moment the Krawl maintain their control over the lumberyard, fending off more and more aggressive assaults from local Krovians, though presumably the Krovians will take the lumberyard eventually, should the Krawl not see this failure as a sign of weakness.

> The Civilizing War
> Rose Garden Battle
The Barza forces meet the Domo in battle amidst the vast fields of roses. At the height of the battle the Barza call magma up from deep within the earth, but receive so much more than they expected. The bones of Domo past, unearthed by the geomantic might, jump to life and storm the Barza lines. As geomancers are scattered in panic, the volcanic spell they are casting goes out of control. Soon the fields of roses are blazing merrily, forcing both sides into retreat as the Rose Garden burns. Glum-faced Barzan officers draw straws to determine who writes home about the results of the battle.
>The Main Front
Guilsearan forces sweep into Adenai territory, cutting through lands depleted of their garrisons by the war to the south. Westward progress is halted by a stone fort the locals call “Castra Orienta”, whose squat walls defend against searing strike and aerial assault alike. Still, the advance is sufficient to trap the invading Adenai in a cauldron, their previously bountiful supply lines cut down to what little can be moved piecemeal on barges over the Orienta river.
Hunger, cannibals and resurgences of undead are proving a deadly distraction, and Changeling spies are feeding much information to Adenai. The Nixen feel beset on every side by shadows and traitors, and paranoia proves as lethal as any sword or blade. Avila pulls her Queensguard from the front to prepare a counter invasion, keeping her plans close to her chest to avoid exposure by the Changeling spies she knows infest her military. Followers of Janos assume the worst, that the queen and her Shwaerz backers are preparing to mount a self-coup to purge other faithful from positions of power. Nixen crowd the streets of Sturnes in protest, while a few Janos-aligned generals divert their troops from the front in anticipation of an attempt on their lives. The twice-weakened front cannot hold up to the Adenai attack, and collapses. Only a frantic recommitment of the Queens own troops saves Sturnes, though her hopes of a counterattack are dashed in the process.
Rumors of Lucius’s half-divinity have nearly become doctrine among the Adenai as the young Patriarch leads the army from strength to strength. The enemy seems to melt away in his path, it is rumored that his mere presence causes Nixen chariots to sunder and Ash-Tigers to flee. Lucius advances his forces to the very brink of Sturnes, so close that the roofs of city buildings could be picked out from one another. Though his men are pushed back somewhat by a desperate counterattack, elf and human alike can feel that Sturnes--and victory?--are within their grasp.

~~~~~END OF TURN 15~~~~~~
> Missionary Addendum (Again)

Only the most courageous of missionaries dare to enter Krovian territory, and there is little expectation for them to return. And indeed many of them perish to Krovian aggression. Yet the determination of the survivors earns respect among the Krovians, and from that respect the missionaries form an ideology blending the Pulse with Luxosophic faith that makes good inroads with into Krovian culture.
Report on Lesser Activities to Cyra, Noreusper of Guliseare, executioner of Thessa, bane of Kaenum, unifier of the Aripan, Ruler of all the hallowed mountains, Aelelox's chosen prophet, most blessed and holy Aripan to fly upon the skies and walk upon the earth.

The lessers we face are limited in number as the majority of their forces are elsewhere dealing with the Ordelan. For some reason, our forces seem to have instead of focusing on finishing the encirclement aimed to attack the fortress not far from Bahay... This has been rectified. As it stands, the Ordelan are sieged not only by the Lessers to our west but also some to the far south, and the Barzaentine seem to be defending the Ordelan's southern border from these strange lessers. Regardless, the situation for Ordelan is desperate. Our efforts must be concentrated if they are to survive. Fortunately, despite our...delays. We should be able to provide a major bit of relief to their beleaguered forces. Further, there are concerning rumors regarding movement by the Kaenumites to the north.

Your faithful servant, Kallixeina.

>Action One. Better Steelmaking (2/2)
Far better quality steelmaking techniques have been discovered, including lightweight armors that can even be worn by those in flight greater than that of leather. While still relatively thin and modest they are far better than the leather and cloth which was held before. Furthermore, new smithing has found incredibly durable blades that hold a deadly edge that even have a ray like pattern akin to the sun. A blessing to add to our arsenal to be sure, and weapons that surely will aid Guliseare in it's endeavors of war. May our smiths be the greatest in the world, better than any pale imitations the lessers can come up with.

>Action Two. Aelelox's Gentle Breeze.
The problem of moving a vessel in the air is difficult. Recent usage of a 'balloon' of cloth for enough lift to make a balance vessel is a useful step to allow us to solve the other early issues our vessels face. In fact the solution coming so soon is quite the blessing. Still, the first major step is that of movement. If we cannot find a way to be free of the winds we are doomed to be at their mercy. Two idea's have come from this. The first is a unique and new sail system, designed to be akin to the fins of fish. While hoped that this would potentially solve the issue of being at the winds mercy, this seemed to fail much like the old sails did. However, with the balloons, old sails were...impractical in most cases to say the least. The other was looking to Aelelox. The goddess whom we worship made not just the two greatest celestial objects, but the sky. So, some priests have delved into prayer and study in an attempt to learn how to harness the very winds of the sky. An avenue that should prove most useful to our efforts, as in conjunction with the fin like sails the biggest hurdle to the creation of these ships will be solved.

(War actions will be posted later.)
The world is askew, pulled taut by unworthy life. In the gaps of the braid, what is meant to be falls far earlier to the grasps of the Lord of the Earth before they are meant to. The westward cities of An and Koll sponsors ever-further fishing expeditions to south and west, daring the borders of the Slaugish weirdsea and the cursed west for schools of fish that hasn't feared the ships of men yet. Ever more arbitrary laws falls into place and cannibalism is accepted as a method of execution, for the Domo yearns for souls in a fading world.

>War Action: Let's Not Cross Another River
The plainsmen judge the insult inflicted by the Ordal to them fulfilled, and considers the sanctity of their ancient dead secured when they burn in the Earth's blood itself. The cities still pays though, and a large cohort of the boar riders with an insect swarm escort is hired by the Archpriest and Magnates to assault Sturnes itself with the Domo mercenaries. Some of the goods and rights they promise is conditioned under the no-immediate-blood-sacrifice in the hopes of the plainsmen moderating their behaviours.

>Action 1 & 2: The Second Lord-Priest(ess)
Some people live to see their grandchildren born to the world, while some may not even see the person they were meant to be before cessation. Some are tragically given the life to see their grandchildren's grandchildren before they descend to Kholan's grace. A fate of that third category is bestowed to a child to a Domo-(ex)Vizari pair, and with the world wrong, what should be a long and insignificant period in one's elder age of yearning for the secrets of the Vizari (The consequences of a lovestruck Domo being lenient to their partner whispering the secrets of matter to a child is immense.) is instead a particularly eventful childhood of absorbing nearly all of the Vizari remnant's lore and also being tutored in the arts and speech of the priesthood. Feats of great working is attributed to this child even before she was granted the vestments of the Magepriest, of lullabying fields to sleep in the winter, of convincing a Gruumtusk to gore itself so that its blood may feed its children, and most miraculous of all, of convincing the many spirits of life to orient itself to the wealth and booty of the deep earth rather than the waning sun. Ascending to the Lord-Priest's position on his death (his life stopped having much of a meaning when all the plains belonged to the Domo), life grows strange as more and more fall into her faction and learn the way of a bona fide Great Druid. How shroomish the rice feels like, the strange cries from the trees at dusk, or humanlike eyes on the boars and insects goes unprotested when one usually meets one of these druids to feast for the week.

Below the notice of many a priest, the encounter with Barzae forces stirs at-this-point forgotten memories, and some of the Domo dreams of burning gods and the Liberator in the wind for a while.
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The scene of Sturnes is not a pleasant one. Adenai did not reach the city, yet corpses litter its streets. Famine has taken its toll and the Nixen are too busy not freezing to death themselves to remove the bodies. Avila wanders the streets, lamenting the decline of Ordalan, and so soon after being crowned the new queen. What good were allies? Orcmanie sits idle, Tagagaya undermines us, Adenai starves us, Barza burns us, Vizari abandons us. And we thought we could take on the Nachetars. But Avila is queen, until death, so she shall see it through.

>Action 1: More hunting grounds, now southeast of the lumber mill. Desperation for food has us scour more of the forests for game.
While the desperate start to feast upon one another, the hunters of Eastern Ordalan delve yet more into the woods to look for game. There are meagre pickings, but as long as it staves off our starvation, it'll have to do.

>Action 2: The Red Hood Vagrants. Among the displaced, some take to the sword, fighting bandits and undead, becoming known for their red hoods.
With our first, second and third rate warriors out fighting the war, our lands become plagued with undeath and banditry, but Ordalan's fourth and fifth rate warriors are unable to keep order. Yet, among the desperate and homeless, arise a horde of vagabond warriors, tied to no church, instead they are adventuring bands, going where trouble is thick, fighting bandits and undead. These consist of unideal warriors, deemed unfit or unsavoury, but they come in great number, and while many die or fall to banditry, those that remain earn great respect. While there are a hundred different bands, they all are identified by the red hoods they wear. The nobles dub them the Red Hood Vagrants and give them permission to loot the dead. However, they also demand each Red Hood Vagrant register with a band, so they can threaten to decree a band as bandit should they fail to keep their members in line.

>War Plan: Avila's Charge. The Queen takes centre stage, her axe pointed at Lucius. Either to be her fall, or when the tide is turned.
The ancient walls of Sturnes are of no use, having been picked apart to build houses. Furthermore, we lose out on many of our strength limiting ourselves to city streets. Thus, we can defend no longer, we must attack. Queen Avila has a target in mind, the enemy commander, Lucius. They think him a god, then Avila shall face him. She will rally the armies of Ordalan, the Ashen Dawn, the Silver Storm, the Rosenfeuer and the Chaerda. The order is basic, the details are to be determined by each commander, as long as it's an attack. Avila herself will find where Lucious is leading from and strike at him. Having the blessings of Schwaerz and Janos she will be a dangerous opponent, combining the speed of Spark Step with the strength of Nixenzorn. Either she dies with her people, or she shall herald the dawn.
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The majority of the Lesser forces that we face are further to the south. The forces that went to the fortress that was briefly sieged are recalled from it and the commanders chastised for the massive waste of time and faithful. Given the Tizzonarden seem to be incapable of flying a modest distance for some reason, future reform is noted as being required for them in the future. However there is still some use that can come of them in our advance. The main force is to march south, fully cutting off the Lessers from their supply and forcing them to rely on makeshift ports to transport goods rather than any overland route while also being able to apply pressure on the enemies main forces flank. Given the majority of our enemies lands are occupied and hold Ordalan civilians. At least, we believe they do. For all we know the Lessers could have purged the Ordalan and started settling their people in the lands already.

Still, while the main force marches to join up with the Ordalan and strike the main lesser force from behind, the Imbuato and Tizzonarden will move ahead, the former being sure to strike at any foraging parties to ensure that the already limited food stocks of the Lessers becomes even more strained. Meanwhile, the Tizzonarden, armed with flame potions, will head to any makeshift docks along the coast that are found to destroy them and the vessels docked there. Due to the nature of these locations, it is expected that the fires will consume much in the way of vessels and the supply upon them. Similarly, any sort of camps set up by the Lessers will likewise be struck. If their camps are alight, not only will their dwindling food stocks be destroyed but so too will their weapons. These actions will ensure that their continued march and attack in a hostile land will be an absolute nightmare.

All of this damage, combined with the fact that we are striking from their flank and they are an invading force that has been bloodied by combat while our own forces are mostly fresh should ensure that their invasion force is completely destroyed with no escape to their home which, after these devastating losses, will surely be defenseless and force the enemy to the table. The only question is how long it will take to destroy the Lessers in the pocket they have blindly walked into.

1. Strike south to fully cut off the Elves and hopefully link up with Ordalan forces. Grey line is initial advance. Once these tiles are taken, link up with Ordalan via the Blue advance and put the squeeze on the Elves.
2. Tizzonarden actually make themselves useful by destroying any makeshift docks the Anedal and/or Moivadal find along with the ships in these ports that the Elves are using to resupply troops via fire potions. Any supply depo's likewise will be struck in this way.
3. Imbuato, our specialized ambush troops, are to try and hunt any foraging parties sent out by the Elves to further ensure their forces starve as surely, they will struggle to live off the land in the current disaster.
4. Anedal, Moivadal, Tizzonarden and Imbuato will attempt to talk with Ordalan civilians in the occupied area to have even greater information of Elven movements, patrols and supply locations. Provided the Elves haven't killed all of the locals, of course.
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Action 1: Spidersilk Couture
>Syer Iskaf's Garbs and Garments is to be given exclusive right to purchase nine out of every tonnes of spider silk imports from the Skrit. Siblinghood, Huntsmen, Scouts, and Council-accredited Fumancers and Shadowmancers will be given exclusive right to commission three out of every four garbs and garments that come out of the couture.
>Furthermore, house Katan is to provide Syer Iskaf's store with promising seamsters for apprenticeship, until further notice.
- Council decree

>The death throes of Solaire have thrown the world into a kaleidoscope of monochromatic doom and triumph.
>For those languishing in the former, we offer our sincerest condolences, with a tiny crumb of "we told you so". But to soften, and prepare for the coming long winter seasons, we offer a warming, fashionable assortment of Dulce-dyed frocks and cloaks, with options for glittering stars and moons to be sewn in a pattern at the customer's choice and discretion, as well as our latest addition for races of finite age: Pellucid Ornaments; statements of individuality, from crystalline beads to pins to customized clips. Order one in your design of deity or patron, and receive it included with up to six different glowing shades of color, to be adjusted by yourself using an attached guide, whether to indicate the season, one's age, one's station, or even one's emotional state.
>As is customary, we only sew custom and on demand, and so any outsiders seeking our wares must travel to the port of Gronn Dal, wherein a seamster shall sail out to open water to take measurements. Such efforts will doubtless be rewarded, as you frolick through hill, forest, plain and court, feeling comfortable and recognized at all times.
>And for our precious, valiant servants in service to Habitun's council, we've you the best in living memory: Spidersilk. It's breathable, it's soft, it's light, it's sturdy, and above all else, you can present it as readily to the foes of Habitun as you could to a family dinner. No more complaints about dirt, grime, or scent as our revolutionary treatments see the fine threads easily washed with but a few splashes of water and a half-hearted scrub. Durable enough to dive with through thickets of thorn and emerge unscathed, it is the ultimate in contemporary craftsmanship. Let they with lead or iron armor stumble on their feet as they struggle to pin you with a sluggish blow, whilst you dance circles around their sunken smelly boots, Syer Iskaf's Garb and Garments have you covered, literally!
"Syer Iskaf's Garb and Garments brochure"
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Action 2: Systematic Cave Exploration And Mapping With Inter-Habitun
>Vandal 016: Communication in session. Subject is the plumbing of the tunnels under Fuaha
>Vandal 038: We have already surveyed them
>Vandal 083: What? When?
>Vandal 038: While half were dealing with northern neighbors and other half were repelling invaders
>Age 001: Irrelevant, historic mishaps have shown a precedent regarding differences in culture and measurements, and the Skrit shadow ants have demonstrated difference in terrain features across realms
>Vandal 083: Mistwess Age?
>Vandal 005: W--t ar- -ou d-ing h---
>Age 001: My Vandal was overzealous and overconfident. Breathed in lungful after lungful of Glitter Vapor. He is undergoing treatment, and I am here to ensure you do not repeat his mistakes
>Vandal 032: A valid assertion, for our arithmancers deduce each number of our "realms" correlates to differing portents, yet some must be joined and common
>Vandal 016: We have combed through shared records and identified key joint events and endeavors, through which we can average out the most common of tunnel formations
>Vandal 066: Any theories as to what caused the tunnels to form to begin with?
>Vandal 088: A remnant of the... before times, perhaps?
>Age 001: We do not speak of that, Vandals. Ill omens, ill portents, the more you speak them, the stronger they become. Drop it
- Excerpt from shadow ant communiques between Vandal Jaffars and one Age Bani

Military action: Continue Aiding Habitun-066 and Habitun-083's defensive efforts
>Bjorn 083: Hewwo?
>Bjorn 001: Finally. Where have you been all this time?
>Bjorn 083: Fuwgewwomen focuwsed sowaiwe gaze, fiwed haphazawdwy acwoss the wand, used nowthewn snow as miwwow. Bikuwbe was hit
>Bjorn 001: Your accent is atrocious
>Bjorn 083: Bwame Stige 016
>Bjorn 032: Let us focus. I presume you finally repaired damages to Bikube? What is your status
>Bjorn 083: Dwagon cwushed nowthewn saboteuws, pwomised to defend land bettew, suppwies can continue awwiving
>Bjorn 066: On our end, the wasps are being pushed back, more thanks to Skrit "alchemy" support than anything. Forces slow to adapt
>Bjorn 001: We will be supplying incoming soldiery with new spider silk armors
>Bjorn 038: Spider silk armors? Can we have some for our own? Our Skrit refused to "enslave" any spiders, and the Yakmen have expanded into the land wherein the pixies used to dwell, making portal construction untenable
>Bjorn 001: ... no
- Excerpt from shadow ant communiques between Bjorn Sayyads
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After the longest reign of all Kings over Vencia and having saved his people from the long ravages of the Tyrn Without A Summer, the King is Dead. Long Live the King! Born the same tyrn both his father and sovereign grandfather joined the choir eternal, the High Reeve will act as Regent until he becomes of age.
Following the death of our King and given the infancy of his heir, I, Blanzour-Kare his Reeve and Regent, am by the laws of our Lord and this land given to hereby order;
>The continuance of his late Majesty's plans, the construction of a port in the southern Gulf of Hygran where the lesser streams of the great Ave & the River Festan empty and in them the building of a second large fishing fleet. Between these two safe harbours there shall be easy trade by sea 'twixt Rudam & Cærys.
The continuing crisis worsens still. New land must be exploited to produce the goods we need, we cannot over exploit our current sites any more than we already are.

To that end, the underdeveloped fourth province of Vitruvia receives further attention. Never named, these lands have mostly been left wild and only visited for mineral extraction. With all these recent developments, many believe that a fully fledged fourth city is only a matter of time.

The dark secret held by this province is known only to very few, a source of reluctance in developing here that had prevented a city developing sooner. Time will tell if the burgeoning province of Somnbarre (the name mangled from ordelan tales) proves a worthy investment.
Action 1: Additional buffalo farm (red)

The food shortage naturally brings with it risk to life, but failing to feed the Rocs could bring about a true catastrophe.

The Buffalo herd is split, and new grazing land is found by the foot of the more south westerly mountains. The additional grazing pastures should bring food security to our Rocs, allowing us to maintain their appetites even through this chaos.

Should the disaster pass, the additional food produced here can be dedicated to supporting additional birds or feeding more carnivorous Cavia, granting food security to the whole nation.

Action 2: Third reagent farm (green)

The blight upon our crops calls for another drastic measure, a reserve farm.

Great sections of the mountain are cut, flattened and terraced and all sorts of relatively common alchemical plants and basic foodstuffs.
This third reagent farm is not intended to provide any new reagents to our stores, but to secure large supplies of common alchemical reagents (such as most of those involved in Homunculus creation and potion stock making) without the hassle that comes with cultivating rarer and far more demanding specimens.

With the addition of this “bulk” farm, and its various silos, we increase dramatically our resistance against famine, safeguarding our ability to continue producing new Vitruvians.
1. Prospect Food (Result given: Vizari Grapes)
A pleasant discovery was made on the underside of many wooden beams in home, a strange mushroom. After a little desperation in a harsh winter the mushrooms are found to be not only edible but have a pleasant, herbal, taste. New farms are quickly made to cultivate this new crop. Many a new dish is made using it from simply cooking it to drying it out and pounding it into a powder to add a nice herbal flavor to dishes.

2. Prospect resource (Result: Jade)
With the new Graveyard Mammoths acting as mounts, companions, and impromptu tents into the harsher lands of the island new resources have become available. Prospectors seeking out riches stumble upon deposits of jade among the harsh lands. Not only would the men on the expedition be rich for the mining of this beautiful stone but the nation itself would find the stone a boon. While the magical benefits of gems and stones are not as straight forward as metals they still hold use; and jade is known for it's use in focusing magics of cosmic interest with different colors of jade holding different leanings in cosmic forces.

If We are to acknowledge the presence of this beast in the soup, then it must show itself. Until then, We choose to increase our populations, in order to prepare for what it might be.

>1: Form the dark lake (pop increaser)
The krawl’s natural form of magical travel is applicable in many ways, best as a stationary shelter. And as such, We are as of now planning to boost population production inside a giant shelter, a giant subspace bubble that stretches from a wide base on the ground, to high into the sky. If any dared to enter, they would be eternally assaulted by the krawl inside until there’s nothing left of the body. The dark lake stands tall, a deep blue hue in a black whirlwind in the distance for miles upon miles around, up into the stratosphere.

Krawl vortexes, of course, emerge from the multiplying krawl within this hive away from the hives. Surrounding this dark lake, they would spread across the land, exit their vortexes to consume surface samples or specific materials, and bring their findings back to the basin, in order to be cycled upward into the swarm.

>2: Increase pop
More fungus should do, just as before. More chambers in the chasms for them. Et cetera. Their lives will be contributed to amassing the dark lake.
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>Action 1 - Tide-Talkers [Improved Boats/Sailing]

With the stars no longer fixed to the firmament, Krovian sailors looking to sail to the distant southern isles must find new ways to make the harsh journey. It is no singular great achievement, like the re-taking of the bronze mines which heralded the last improvement, but a half-dozen practises which streamline the already adequate Krovian sailing. Animal fats and burnt wood-tar render a passable pitch, Krovian intuition in reading currents, sturdier cloth for larger sails, all this and more allows the hungry sharks to make their journeys in record time.

>Action 2 - Prospect the southern mushroom isle (Animal)
Humans built their villages around springs and freshwater wells. Elves seek sacred saplings to mark their new conclaves. Ordo require a great battlefield to be within reach of pilgrims-to-be.
Krovians? They would set up colonies around a vending machine, if one existed. For now, however, a more primal source of food will do very nicely...

>Disaster Response:
It is an unfortunance, that the world tyrns ever harshly. The nobles of the Orcmanie are charged with survey of all their held domains, that they might be registered and tallied and their capacity to produce and consume foods both be assessed. The Crown pledges food and support for those areas found to be hungry and wanting - and in this time of national crisis, it will be seen no shame to be faltering despite best efforts; but those that turn instead to feral cannibalism will receive instead the arms and the Knights of the Orcmanie riding them down and granting out these lands to worthier tenants.

>The Succession
Duke for many a jidtyrn and recently King, Guyard's age has been showing a while now. But it is the death of his son whilst hunting a frost Chimera that finally breaks the old Orcman's failing heart. Hearing the dire news, one tragedy too far, he slumps from his throne. His coffin is sent into the sea at the lowest tide, vanishing beneath the rising waves. The land of the living is now behind him; may the tides carry him on Ganuz' path to Hilda's deathly realm, where he might again be united with those he has lost.

With his son never having taken the throne, it is his eldest grandson who is hereafter proclaimed as King Guyard II.

>Action 1: Appeal to Loter
Loter is the Goddess of plenty and the laden vine, but right now there is very little plenty to go around. We pray to her in the Pantheonic halls, and the inns and gaming-dens; and at the barns and fishing-wharves and hunting lodges. May there be relief, may her gifts come again... and if she does not hear our words direct, more of the Orcmanie will take to the waters and find more grounds to fish, so that through our works her plenty might yet provide.

>Action 2: Troubadours
In the depth of this crisis, we must cleave together; the unity of the Orcmanie cannot be left to wither before hunger and despair. Against despair, we must ride to re-light hope; and proudly and boldly we shall sing songs of unity and past heroes to bring our Warriors and people all together. We must tell of the tales of the gods, recount the legends in the Rexen records and sing of Heroes against the Nachetars and the sunless age that was, and the breaking and the rising and the rebirth. Though the world is yet darkening, it has not yet extinguished.

>Bureau Renseignement
The investigation continues. This mystery need be solved, so we might discern what peril these unaccounted might have landed themselves in...
Turn 10

> Action 1: Make Cheese
With the success of the mushroom farms and the appearance of hardy new creatures like the Yeti Sloths, the Urotti dwarves shift their focus to bolstering their food stores. In cool, stone-lined cellars beneath Virn-Urdor and Thul-Garuhm, master crafters begin perfecting the art of cheese-making. Drawing milk from mountain goats (and occasionally risking a nip while milking Yeti Sloths), they skillfully curdle and press the cheese before aging it on wooden shelves.

Process & Lore:
Churners’ Circles: Dwarven dairy hands gather around large churns, chanting soft hymns that pay homage to their ancestor gods, seeking a bountiful yield in both flavor and quantity.
Flavors & Experimentation: Some producers rub their cheeses with pale pepper or mushroom extracts, creating varieties with a fiery bite or earthy undertones.
Cultural Importance: Aged cheese quickly becomes a prized delicacy, serving as both a trade good and a winter staple. Families proudly share and trade unique “house cheeses,” sparking friendly rivalries over who can craft the most mouthwatering wheel.

> Action 2: Make Whiskey
In tandem with cheese-making, renowned dwarven brewers turn their attention to whiskey. Already famed for their potent ales, these artisans see an opportunity to create a spirit that resonates with the kingdom’s robust character.

Process & Lore:
Mash & Fermentation: The dwarves boil grains in water heated by charcoal kilns, creating a mash that ferments over days.
Iron Stills: Forgoing copper, the dwarves employ sturdy iron stills forged in the depths of the hold, adding a unique tang and strong body to the resulting spirit.
Aging in Oak Barrels: Using barrels often carved from logs once gnawed by Yeti Sloths, the whiskey acquires a smoky, faintly wild flavor. Rumors abound of experimental blends incorporating mushroom essences or pale pepper, each offering its own distinct twist.
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Turn 10

> Action 1: Make Cheese
With the success of the mushroom farms and the appearance of hardy new creatures like the Yeti Sloths, the Urotti dwarves shift their focus to bolstering their food stores. In cool, stone-lined cellars beneath Virn-Urdor and Thul-Garuhm, master crafters begin perfecting the art of cheese-making. Drawing milk from mountain goats (and occasionally risking a nip while milking Yeti Sloths), they skillfully curdle and press the cheese before aging it on wooden shelves.

Process & Lore:
Churners’ Circles: Dwarven dairy hands gather around large churns, chanting soft hymns that pay homage to their ancestor gods, seeking a bountiful yield in both flavor and quantity.
Flavors & Experimentation: Some producers rub their cheeses with pale pepper or mushroom extracts, creating varieties with a fiery bite or earthy undertones.
Cultural Importance: Aged cheese quickly becomes a prized delicacy, serving as both a trade good and a winter staple. Families proudly share and trade unique “house cheeses,” sparking friendly rivalries over who can craft the most mouthwatering wheel.

> Action 2: Make Whiskey
In tandem with cheese-making, renowned dwarven brewers turn their attention to whiskey. Already famed for their potent ales, these artisans see an opportunity to create a spirit that resonates with the kingdom’s robust character.

Process & Lore:
Mash & Fermentation: The dwarves boil grains in water heated by charcoal kilns, creating a mash that ferments over days.
Iron Stills: Forgoing copper, the dwarves employ sturdy iron stills forged in the depths of the hold, adding a unique tang and strong body to the resulting spirit.
Aging in Oak Barrels: Using barrels often carved from logs once gnawed by Yeti Sloths, the whiskey acquires a smoky, faintly wild flavor. Rumors abound of experimental blends incorporating mushroom essences or pale pepper, each offering its own distinct twist.
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> Brak’Thar: The Grand Feast of the Moot
A grand moot takes place—a time when clan heads, artisans, and common folk converge to reaffirm their bonds and chart the kingdom’s future. This year’s moot culminates in a lavish Brak’Thar, a colossal feast brimming with dwarven pride and tradition.

Ancestor Reverence:
The festivities begin with prayers to Adir, Aira, and the rest of the ancestral pantheon. Newly crafted cheese and freshly distilled whiskey are laid at stone altars, symbolizing gratitude for the kingdom’s prosperity.

Celebratory Banquet:
At the Brak’Thar’s peak, massive tables overflow with cheese wheels, hearty breads, mushroom stews, and the kingdom’s first drams of whiskey. Laughter and clinking cups fill the air as dwarves savor each bite and sip.
Yeti Sloths, adorned with colorful ribbons, lumber through the crowd, their initially foul tempers soothed by the festive atmosphere—and perhaps the promise of leftover scraps.

Toasts and Traditions:
Clan leaders raise their cups in toasts, hailing the unwavering spirit of the Urotti people. Young dwarves, newly introduced to the moot, exchange crafts and stories in a rite of passage that binds them to their heritage.

> Rumors
Sunset Portents: As talk of Habitun pilgrims intensifies, some dwarves whisper that the sun’s demise looms closer than ever. Fears of a coming darkness lead a few to urge continued expansion of mushroom cellars—“just in case.”
Serpent Carvings: Scouts traveling through the snowy plains mention strange engravings on abandoned boulders—shapes like serpents devouring spheres. Nobody knows whether it’s a cryptic warning or some ancient decorative motif.
Phantom Anvils: Late at night, certain guards claim they’ve heard echoing hammer blows from empty forges, accompanied by fleeting flashes of light. Most dismiss it as overactive imaginations, but an undertone of unease lingers in every tavern conversation.
Unfinished Rune Fragment: Librarians reveal finding a peculiar rune-engraved stone deep in a disused corridor—an incomplete incantation for “unbreakable fortitude.” Scholars excitedly debate if it’s part of the dwarves’ lost rune lore.

>Begin create parasite computers.
The parasites, now simply referred to as "integrators", are a niche acquisition by the swarm, but one that is perhaps their greatest asset. The Skrit have always been great problem solvers, able to collectively run numerous calculations in parallel and solve multiple problems at once. But they always lacked the deeper thinking required to ponder dilemmas with any real depth. The integrators can change that by allowing Central to tap into the abilities of more developed life forms. It starts small, acquiring animals and imbeding integrators into them. Central soon discovers that the animals die fast, the foreign biology of the integrators and native life not mixing well. But what it also realizes is that the animals die slower if their physical activity is kept to a minimum, their nervous system burned at a reduced rate if the integrator simply had to focus on maintaining neural activity. So Central began incorporating living creatures into its systems, but not as active members of their "society", instead they acted as machines. Birds for instance would become the stationary cameras that would detect threats. Monkeys would be integrated for the use of their hands in crafting more complicated goods. Livestock for the purpose of optimized reproduction to feed the swarm's needs. The sights of Skrit colonies soon became a gruesome spectacle, with life of all kinds having their mind shackled in service to the Skrit's own needs.

>Evolve the integrators' to slow down the rate of host burnout.
It would take time, but the integrators are bugs like every other... more or less. Generations would need to be born, but sooner or later progress could be seen. Central recognized that the integrators' glaring weakness was how fast they burned through their hosts. Thought this might not be alleviated soon, or even with the next 1000 tyrns, steps could be taken to at least evolve a species that was more agreeable to native life. The end result would be wasps that were more indemic to this world. Though they would still eventually kill their hosts, the sub-species could now at least remain imbedded in their hosts for a decent time longer if their host was physically active. The real advantage was that their host's lifespans were kept significantly longer if physical activity was reduced to a minimum, allowing for integrated life-form computers to remain active for a longer time.
>Actions 1 & 2: Orchards & Farms
City organizers reel at their miscalculated abilities to out-purchase food from the farmers of surrounding starving nations. Noting that their money won't save them in such a time, the poor of Tagagaya see a sudden rise in wealth as they buy up the land of the deceased in Negosyo and Urong, creating for themselves whatever agriculture is suitable for their respective climates.
Adenai continues to enjoy a level of acceptable famine due to the wisdom of The Maple in organizing farmland for The City. The army continues to subsist off of what game remains in occupied Ordalan and the supplies able to be delivered from home.

>Action 1: Parachutes!
Large cuts of cloth are sewn, and connected to a harness worn by a rider on the back of a Drake.

To an outsider this may seem a move of cowardice or abandonment, a rider leaving his companion mount to fight in the skies alone and disadvantaged without it's other half.

In reality, the opposite is true. A rider may leave their trust completely in their companion Drake, releiving their mount of the burden of maintaining its rider in the saddle. Without a rider, Opal Drakes are capable of fighting in an aerial melee with complete freedom and brutality - all the while their riders are now able to provide support from the ground with bow and arrow - a weapon far more likely to graze the tough scales of a Drake than to strike a lightly armored harpy.

>Action 2: Prospect for a Strong Stone.
The war has begun taking a turn for the worse! To prepare for the unthinkable, we must find a source of solid and plentiful stone, able to significantly bolster the durability of forts, and to turn Adenai into the single largest, most prosperous, and defended city in the world.

Tagayan intelligence agents repay their debt to the liberators of Bahay many times over - revealing intimate details of enemy troop movements.

Using this information, an ambush in the woods is set. A fake rear guard is revealed to the Ordals, enticing them for a strike to what appears to be a withdrawing army. When they take the bait, from either side our forces burst from their concealment.

With any luck, their forces will be shattered before any help can arrive. If time is willing, we can take Sturnes and end the war before fate turns against us.
The stars are still dark and the Suns till dim in the face of this disaster. Yet with Luxor's benevolence famine is held off, for now. With the surety of his people being able to eat and the pursuant reduction in banditry except by the truly desperate, he is content to let what garrison forces and the inquisition are left in Barza proper to maintain order. Yet he cannot stand Idle, for the world moves ever onward....

>Action 1
Firstly, he orders an expansion of the Iron Mines, while it was sufficient for Barza needs alone, it is now not just supplying Barza, it is also the lifeline of Ordalan military supply, the Iron there helping arm and armor one of the few allies Barza has left. As such more is necessary.

>Second Action
Yet the Iron is not all solely for Ordalan, Barza needs it too. For Barza alone holds the secret for the finest steel, a result of Hammer blessed by Luxor. Yet the hammers have a distinctly limited throughput, not nearly enough to armor and armor Barza's armies when needed. Thus Iron, with the Wood traded so dearly to us by Ordalan rendered to Charcoal, and then used to purify and fortify the metal into steel. Something that our people can use and use well.

Because the Adenai march upon the City of Sturnes, the Capital of Ordalan, while the Domo lick their wounds after our regrettable faux pas at the Ros e Field. The Barzan army would march, erecting earth works and manning them, to provide a proper backstop that can and will throw any aggressor back into the Earth.

On a Lighter note, the missionaries to the Shark men had started to make inroads. He gave the Basilica his blessing to keep at it, perhaps they might yet see reason, or failing that keep from trying to eat him and his.
This is me
>Prospect for resources.

>Increase military size by offering better wages
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> Global
At long last the everwinter ends. The sun brightens, the crops grow rampant and high. Grown men openly weep as storehouses and granaries are filled for the first time in what seems a lifetime. Animals of all sorts flourish across the land, creeping out of dens and hibernation at last.

>The Divine Republic of Guliseare
A forge as hot as the sun and a hammer as heavy as the earth below it. Smiths practice and study their art, hammering out metal so thin and delicate that it is a marvel it holds together, but still strong enough to turn aside an arrowhead, or at least slow it down.
A Guliseare airship travels only by the will of Aelelox. Perched on the deck of each ship, in thoughtful meditation and prayer is a dedicated acolyte whose prayers alone can command the wind and sun that control the ship.

What does it mean to walk with a Great Druid, a mortal vessel for one of the great spirits of the land? How does one speak to those who might share a kill with a bear, or converse with an ant? Such things are commonplace in the presence of the Great Druid, but it makes them no less strange as the wild world bends to the will of the Domo. Many move to join the Great Druid and learn from her, to have the wind part before her or the beasts kneel as she passes, but only a few are worthy. Those that are go to create strange new farms of shroomish rice, and tame great beasts of the plains, or event command the trees to uproot themselves and march like men.

>Kingdom of Ordalan
There is no lack of courage in Ordelan, where even the timid must take up spear and bow and defend their homeland. While some plunge deeper and deeper into the forest seeking prey to feed hungry mouths others don the red hood instead and take to hunting bandits and undead instead. Bravest still the battered forces of Ordelan rally their courage once more and fling themselves at the foreign invaders.
>Habitun cult
Fine spider silk fashions soon prove a favorite across Supkha, with elegant dresses, waistcoats and brocades showing up as far as Barza in due time. They quickly become a favorite of the security conscious young ladies of nobility and the a handful of discrete elite Guliseare skirmishers. Still, there are limits to what cloth can do, though it can turn away glancing strikes quite well a direct stab can cut through handily enough.
The deep caverns and ancient tunnels that lay beneath Fuaha, where the plumes of Glitter Vapor rise out of the earth are in most realities expansive and vast, prone to wandering and weaving. There is evidence scattered about that once long ago the Skrit, or some ancestor of them, dug paths and tunnels through here, then were forced out by some great calamity, perhaps flooding if the shells are anything to judge by. Cross dimension analysis leads Habitun 001 to discover an ancient underground pond filled with a black shelled oysters, the addition of which should prove another useful tool for underground life. Deeper still the plumes of glitter vapor grow stronger and more frequent, but sibling realities warn that the way is filled with beasts of illusion and vicious knife like claws, and that they have lost many explorers trying to plumb its depths.
Above ground, and in another reality entirely, the war against the wasps stalls for the moment as the enslavers throw waves of bodies at the problem, not a sustainable defense, but an effective one. Still, it is only a matter of time before the wasps collapse.

>Gladron I, King of the Venks
The little fishing village of Hygran soon becomes a bustling port town, filled with a busy business of fishmongers and cargo captains, moving goods betwixt Rudam and Caærys. The fishmongers in particular do well, finding all manner of curiosities in their nets from wave washed smooth figures of pale white stone to iridescent scales the size of a man's hand. The scales become a favored decoration of the little port town, with earrings and necklaces of the material becoming common place. The figurines make many uneasy though, and the local church finds itself in possession of many of them, wondering if they are the mark of some heretical sea god, or something else entirely. Many mysteries may yet lurk beneath the waves.

Ever practical the Vitruvians focus their efforts on expanding their food production, the harshness of the everwinter, though coming to an end, has crippled the Vitruvian’s large population, with only vigorous imports from across the lake having prevented total collapse. But in the warmth of a true spring the buffalo herds see waves of twins, enough to split the herds, and likewise field after field of reagents and foodstuffs are planted into the earth.
>The Tower Archmage
The Vizari grape makes for a fine seasoning, those true connoisseurs insist the true flavor only comes out with eaten raw, or lightly roasted. They also ferment well, though the resulting liquor tends to result in ‘green fever’ a serious of mild hallucinations always revolving around the color green. Some believe the hallucinations might have a thread of divination to them, though such a thing is suspect.
A wide variety of Jade stones is present on the island, ranging the spectrum of the rainbow. More common folk quickly take up the stone for jewelry and splashes of much needed color against the dark stone of Vizari buildings, though undoubtedly it will be the wizard colleges who study it most intensely, seeking to unlock the cosmic mages within.

Ambitions for the dark lake outpace the capabilities of the Krawl, for the moment the blue bubble of twisted space is less a rod piercing the heavens and more a great boil on the land, a city’s worth of krawl frothing in place. The construction of this megastructure strains the Krawl’s food supplies to their limit. Further population growth will require a renewed focus on the basics.

The settlers of the mushroom island have added a curious new creature to their ranches and farms, the Maned Frog. This large frog (Krovian children take to riding them, much to the creature’s distress) sports a large ruff of soft hair just below its mouth, suitable for textile work. In the water the frog lurks on the ground or walls, letting its main billow about like a clump of thick weeds, hiding it from prey and predators alike. Their bulky legs quickly become local foodstuffs, and their shaved manes are woven into all manner of useful blankets and clothes.
Tar sealants and better sails do well to make Krovian vessels stronger, but the true breakthrough comes from the pulse shamans who study the ways of the ocean. Just as blood pulses through the body, so too does the ocean pulse with the beat of the moon. Just as a bite or a blade changes the flow of blood, so too might the keel of a boat or the gust of the wind change the flow of the ocean. Is the moon a vast heart? Is the ocean blood, the very world one great beast? A Krovian ship is lost at sea, its guiding stars having faded from the night sky, but a shaman leaps into the waves, and there to meet him is a great shark of water itself. They wrestle, biting and striking each other until the shaman devours the water spirit. He climbs back aboard the ship, the sea itself in his eyes, and takes the helm of the ship, he knows the way of the waves now, the Pulse of the Ocean. He will guide them home.
Once more the sharkmen surge aggressively toward the logging camp, and this time manage to dislodge the Krawl occupying it, killing some and driving others off. A fine meal of squirming krawl soup is had by all before the business of lumberjacking begins anew.
Loter, Goddess of plenty and the laden vine has always been favored by, and in turn favors, those not afraid of hard work. The farmers of the field, the workers of the mine, and the those bold orcmen who sail the sea chasing the schools of great fish. Her devotion shines on the fishermen this tyrn as the seas fill with a great pod of whales, each one large enough to feed a hundred hungry mouths, and whose oil will light a hundred lamps. As the everwinter breaks the thanks and prayer to her rise higher and higher, the goddess of plenty will be well kept for ages to come.
The spirit of Orcmanie endures through the end of the everwinter, and it is the songs of the troubadour to thank for that, exalting the gods, roving bands serving as reminders of the nobility of their people and lightening the heart with song and dance and music. Even the most distant of villages are tied by threads of faith to the nation, not just to the gods, but to Orcmanie itself.
The tracking of unaccounted for changelings weaves through many a path of obscurity, but inevitably each one leads to a common citizen, a washer, a baker, a blacksmith, a scullery maid, a lady in waiting. The common thread between them all is their potential for spycraft, each one has some minor connection to a noble or piece of important infrastructure, though after several weeks of watching it becomes apparent that each one is an inactive agent, simply living a normal life and waiting for orders that may never come. Of course should they come the Bureau would be watching.

As the sun at last brightens again the dwarves gather for a grand moot, and a grand feast! The vicious everwinter has led to many efforts toward the creation of fine food and drink, both to preserve what can be acquired, and to enhance what little there is. Great casks of whiskies, traditional and flavored with all manner of things from stones to sloth spit are tapped and drained, while blocks and wheels of cheeses are produced by the hundreds. An amusing tradition begins where each guest to the moot brings a ‘brick’ of aged cheese and the younglings are charged with building a great tower from the ‘stones’ of cheese. Naturally in time the tower reaches too high and comes crashing down, and then much merry making and consumption occurs.
>Skrit Colonies
Central has little concern over the niceties of the world, having resolved them to something of a tax to be paid for interaction with the wider world. So it is that the unpleasant business of integrating larger life forms into the Skrit goes on with little concern for the wide diplomatic concerns, only the possibilities that fingers and thumbs might unlock for the teeming hive of insects. Unfortunately while most lesser life is straightforward enough to hijack and control, and burnout can be kept to a minimum, there are a number of fairly hard limits that may be impossible to circumvent. The first is the retrieval of memories, the extraction of such things from a host is quite impossible. The second is the inability of any creature to shoulder the burden of Central’s full mind. Even the most intelligent of creatures struggle to manage even a tiny portion of Central’s full thought processes, each puppet must be restricted to a small core task. The last, fortunately easily surmounted issue, is finding enough parrots able to mimic speech for Central’s newfound desire for direction conversation.

City organizers reel at their miscalculated abilities to out-purchase food from the farmers of surrounding starving nations. Noting that their money won't save them in such a time, the poor of Tagagaya see a sudden rise in wealth as they buy up the land of the deceased in Negosyo and Urong, creating for themselves whatever agriculture is suitable for their respective climates.

Amongst the cultured and civilized Changelings there is little desire for common agriculture, but the grimness of the everwinter has taught a harsh lesson, a hungry farmer has little desire for coinage, and when stomachs are empty even a common potato might be worth more than its weight in weeping silver. On the coasts of Urong farmers begin cultivation of Shore Carrots, a pale blue tuber fond of the beaches that seems to thrive in the areas where the tide washes over them. Their intense salty flavor pairs well with slabs of meat and more bland vegetables, though a meal of Shore Carrots alone is usually a bit difficult to stomach. Negosoyo instead opts for a different crop, well suited to the dim light of the everwinter, a black mushroom speckled with white spots. The Ash Shroom is fond of growth in the ashes of fires and charcoal, and exhibits a mild spicy flavor that soon proves a critical supplement to the food needs of the city, even as the everwinter finally comes to a close.
Initial attempts to design a parachute for drake riders run into a simple problem, there isn't enough time for a parachute to deploy in most combat situations. Prototypes launched over a thousand feet in the air work well enough, the snickering of drakes aside, but combat operations are typically only a few hundred feet in the air, a distressingly short drop in terms of time. Instead a simple glider is designed, allowing the drake rider to vault from his mount and for a short time swoop about himself. The very best riders even manage to fire off a few bow shots during their controlled descent.
In more down to earth business a new quarry is struck of Slate, a black and sturdy stone with a number of uses.

The forge of war demands fuel, and the common laborers of Barza rise to the situation. New veins of iron are located and tapped beneath the earth and vast amounts of lumber are reduced to charcoal, then fed to the forges, all to feed the never ending need for more defenders of Barzaentine. Spears, shields, and chestplates of fine steel are produced as quickly as possible in the grim knowledge that all too soon they will be needed.
The missionary work in Krovian lands stalls for the moment, while the mixing of Luxos and Pulse faith holds, removing the Krovian savagery from the equation is proving difficult.

> Turquoise Turbans
In the sandy dunes of Turquoise lands rain is a rare and precious thing, but with each rainfall comes a brief explosion of life. In the midst of one of these explosions a lost caravan discovers the Maiden’s Refuge plant, or more commonly the Silk Pod. This meager grain encases itself in soft fibers that delicately billow and dangle in the wind, catching moisture in the dry times and letting the plant ride the wind during the rare rainstorms of the desert. Water resistant and tough, the fibers can be woven into a pale yellow cloth that is smooth and soft. Clever merchants soon take to attaching sails and skids to their wagons and sailing across the sands using this new material.
Still fearing the oncoming Krovian and Krawl menace, the Turquoise Turbans aggressively expand their military forces, spending their coffers on expanding their forces and training them more aggressively.
> The Civilizing War
The pieces on the great board move into place. From the southwest Domo forces march forth, great boar riders and mage-priests and immortal warriors moving through Adenai controlled territories toward Sturne. In the northeast the Barzeantine legions march, first through the Ordelan lumbercamp, then on to Sturnes. In the north Guliseare harpies lash out at the supply lines of Adena and march south, cutting a wide swathe. Just outside and inside of Sturne Adenai and Ordelan soldiers eat a hasty meal, knowing it might be their last.

In the north Guliseare struggles to traverse the Adenai territories, making slow progress. Sabotagers fly deep into Adenai territory, but find much to their frustration that the key supply lines of the war, and the key farming infrastructure lay three and four hundred miles to the west, so deep into enemy territory that any meaningful destruction is almost impossible. While supplies from the hunting lodge are all but halted, no end of barges move freely across the channel, far from Harpy incursions.

In a stroke of utter cruelty, Ordelan has been played for a fool, with its routes and plans known by enemy spies, the desperate gamble of Ordelan falls right into the Adenai ambush. The Nixen fight with ferocity and valor, and none more than Queen Avilia herself, but the enemy has cut too deep already, their numbers and allies carrying the day. Thrice Lucius and Avilia clash on the battlefield, and though on the third bout Lucius is bested the elven commander can only laugh as Avilia demands his surrender, for the queen stands alone, her forces routed and scattered. By the end of the day the Adenai flag flies over Sturne. The Adenai forces are on the brink of exhaustion, but the soldiers cheer as they celebrate in the streets of Sturne. Will this mean the end of the war?

The Barza and Domo armies move unopposed, and only a few days later Barza reaches Sturnes first, and faces a dilemma. Many of their most powerful spells are devastating indeed, but would tear the city asunder. In the end the battle takes to the city streets and rooftops, where half elf archers and drake riders manage to drive back the Barza from retaking the city. Domo forces finally reach the city, bringing reinforcements and critical supplies, and the Harpies are unable to push far enough through Adenai controlled territory to contest the capture of the city.
~~~~~END OF TURN 16~~~~~
Report on Lesser Activities to Cyra, Noreusper of Guliseare, executioner of Thessa, bane of Kaenum, unifier of the Aripan, Ruler of all the hallowed mountains, Aelelox's chosen prophet, most blessed and holy Aripan to fly upon the skies and walk upon the earth.

The Ordalan have charged blindly into an ambush and have seen themselves cut down, Sturnes has fallen and despite everything our forces have hardly advanced despite direct orders and the overwhelming majority of lesser forces being south fighting the Ordalan. While we are currently unsure what will happen and if this war will continue or if piece will come in play, it might be best we prepare for the worst. As I would not be surprised if the lessers make unreasonable demands against us for our participation under threat of bringing in the riders of the north west. Ilias as I am sure you are aware, has suggested trying to talk with the north westerners in preparation for what might come and perhaps warn them of the path they tred. In related news, I advise you deal with the current leaders in charge of our armies. Their caution and ineffectiveness in leading our forces is problematic at best. You have lead our grand forces when I was a mere groundling. It might be time for you to do so again.

Your faithful servant, Kallixeina.

>Action One. Merchant Airship Designs
While we have solved many of the issues tied to our vessels, all we have at this period of time is a number of experimental ships and no actual standardized vessels. As such, a proper merchant Airship design is to be developed. Taking in the lessons we have learned and the methods we have developed for transporting our vessels through the sky, we can make designs of vessels capable of carrying great amounts of cargo that not only could serve as great vessels for trade with the Vitruvians, but also better be able to supply our holy forces in times of war.

>Action Two. Savilofen. Scratch rooms.
The airships are costly. What is also costly is the massive cloth balloons that are attached to them. Further, these balloons can be a weakness that could be targeted by those with the capacity of flight, like the Roc's that the Vitruvians have, or the draconic creatures that the lessers to the west have. As such, a possible solution to reduce the need of our ships to rely on these cloth balloons is worked on. A possible suggestion that holds promise is to, instead of relying on a few large central shards is instead to make a number of small shards built into the hull of specific rooms. These individual pieces can then be scratched to reduce their individual lift capacity and allow a far more fine amount of control over the lift of the vessel and ensure that the ship isn't forced to remain docked for days or weeks on end before it has enough lift to take off again. While it is debatable if it will be able to fully remove the balloons, it should at the very least improve the control and perhaps ensure that if something is to happen to these balloons that the ship won't simply fall out of the sky.
As the sun begins to shine and the crops begin to flourish the Vizari begin to realize, to their surprise, that this land wasn't as harsh as they first thought. It was still far different from their previous home but with the crops and livestock doing better the future seemed brighter than before.

1. Research Divination
With the discovery of jade and the fermentation of green wine some of the more religious take this as a sign; and the fairly non-religious take this as a good point to start research into divination magic. While the future can never, accurately, be predicted the use of magic aided by jade dice of various colors, sometimes replaced by or with a green fever, and used to get insight into far off actions and future events. The dice are carefully carved into specific shapes, marked with symbols, and in some cases given a core of a certain metal to attune the dice such as using copper to attune the dice towards physical energy. Once the dice are cast with the magic, or the drink infused with magic and consumed, the signs are interpreted to give the best understanding they can.

2. Magic Boat
While the use of magic boats has been a common staple of the Vizari they have had a better method of propulsion for quite some time; the spellglass pylons that lie around the harbor used for protection. With some alteration and redesigning of the ships small pieces of spellglass are placed around the ship to direct the water and propel the ship forward. While costing more magic power than previous golem ships it should, theoretically, make the ships much faster and potentially reach farther from our shores.

“Frierekeit”, the Everwinter, has ended.
All are grateful that the sun shines brightly once again. Our farms may produce great yields, our livestock may redouble, and our diminished population may recover.
All that will happen on its own however, more or less. Our priority is to take advantage of our temporary state of weakness and our low population to rebuild our cities entirely, there will never be a better opportunity than the tail end of this tragedy.

Plumbing work is done all over, efforts are made to make our cities (and especially Holmbastus) cleaner than before, more accommodating and with superior amenities (public fountains, free and unlimited water, sanitation). Much has to be ripped up and rebuilt in order to install all these new developments and entire new legions of Polymyria are spawned to undertake the work.

The Everwinter has taken a toll upon us, but we are set to recover well.

Action 1: Sewer network
Underneath every street and boulevard, through layers of dirt and rock, tunnels are dug, a narrow under-way beneath every settlement for waste and refuse to be washed away and out of sight. No more accidentally stumbling into a cesspit or waste being left to fester, now that we are host to so many foreign merchants we have a certain level of civilisation and cleanliness to uphold.

Traditional waste ends up discharged into these underground pass-ways, travelling great distances before inevitably being flushed out into the Tarn a good distance away from our common waters where it will not be our problem. The sewers must be vast, servicing, countless toilets, drainage pipes, baths, sinks and more that are soon constructed all over the nation and all feed back into the sewers.

Vitruvia, unfortunately, also deals a lot in Arcane refuse, and in industrial quantities. Huge masses of undesirable magical byproducts, unfun reagents, bad potion batches and failed Homunculi all need to be disposed of somehow, and what better place to dispose of them than this new sewer system? Deep maintenance halls of the sewer network are lit by Joldlight, but haunted by wretched things best left forgotten…

Action 2: Hydraulic Plumbing
With the new sewer system installed, a new water supply system is decided on. Water has always been gathered from the odd aqueduct here or there, but this revolutionary development will pump water directly from the river into people’s homes. With a mere turn of a tap, hydraulic pressure with release clean water into one’s bathtub or release from a tap in their kitchen, or flush their toilet!

These systems are expensive. Luckily Vitruvia remains exceedingly wealthy. These systems are of use to all, but they are of most use in impressing foreigners with our superior technology, providing a high standard of living for wealthy merchants to stay in our lands.
It is assumed that this scheme will pay itself back many times over and save countless hours in convenience once fully installed. Possibly.

>Action 1 - Mushroom Port
The Maned Toad is a popular delicacy, which comes to no ones surprise. What is a surprise is it's status as a coveted pet. For the first time in history, edible animals can live among Krovians and manage to die of old age! Cherished by children and aged Krovians alike, the hairy amphibians find many-a home in the growing village amidst the mushroom stalks. More and more Krovians sail the gap between here and the mainland, buoyed by the increasing Krovian dominion of the open waters. Where the sharks go, the toads follow.

>Action 2 - Repair Mushroom Iron Mine
The tiny island between the capital and the colony has long been nothing more than a glorified signpost. For ages, especially when the sea was more treacherous and the night sky less illuminating, it served as a hearty sign for wayward sailors. "You're half-way there! You're on the right track! Keep going!"

Still, the odd little island has been little else. The tiny village of shark-folk can barely scrounge enough food to feed themselves, much less to act as a re-supply point. The ancient ruins of shell-y buildings has been the only other thing of note, along with the red rocks that litter the shores. No longer. Hearty Krovians from colony and mainland alike can now alight on these shores, pickaxes in hand, ready to plumb the earths left untouched by all but a snail's hand... sucker, pseudopod thing.

>Warpost? Nah, we RAIDING post now - Icon on map
It's not sanctioned by official Krovian government, of course. This is just a couple blokes getting three or four of the finest Krovian ships, stocking them up with as much salted meat as they can gather, and setting out into the untamed sea to see what the world has to offer! Now, perhaps some of their weapons are of exceptional make, and these ships DO seem to really be of tip-top nature, but ANYONE could be paying for these! Certainly not Chief Drevino.
Anyway, SS Drevino and co set sail to loot and plunder!

For now, they find themselves outside the city of Kuttikrahr. The Krovians have brought along some of the Turban bards (and no doubt, a few of their guards) at their behest, under the guise of "coming along to get a good image for a carpet or two!" Sadly, this does mean that a spot of raiding is unlikely to be done here, lest the fellow passengers get upset (for some reason?)

Below deck of one of the ships, something Krawl-y pulses softly. Initially just a normal Krawl corpse brought on as a snack, it absorbed a side of bison, grew a cocoon, and began gestating. Maybe something interesting will come out?

[Turbans and/or Krawl can join in on RP or events this venture will make]
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By the great grace of our Lord Aagen,
who has granted us this tyrn of the sun, and in remembrance of our own blessed father & grandfather, alongside mine own majority, I, King Gladron of the Venks do hereby order;
>Relocation of all white stone curios from the Gulf of Hyngran to the spa town of Hosgate to a specially erected college there, to be studied in search of their origin and the source of their strange aversive nature
>Completion of the Kings' Highway to join all peoples of our nation, even unto Central [Skrit capital]
>The end of each tyrnly Great Moot be celebrated in all Vencia in thanksgiving of His most bountiful mercy after the long winter of our true and bitter repentance

[last point is just fluff, I'm not trying to get a sneaky third action]
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The world is righted, the spirits at calm. The Great Druid is seemingly ageless for this era's time. Is this worldrighting her feat, and that she spent all that power to do so and now does not need to? Is this simply her gaining power because the world is right and so is she right? There's a plot in that templecity, of an order that shall take the insights of the now gone wizards and the rising Lord-Priest and teach it to those of the right blood. The Vizari remnant ages, the Vizari letter entering some level of prominence over traditional Domo runic for its simplicity, and their children's children given enough magical training to hopefully become a Magepriest when they mature.

>Build "Patron of the Profane" Temple Complex / Karn-Ur Temple - a temple complex dedicated to education and exploration of the world's mundane matters in the One's name. The Domo is mainly supporting courses and studies on combat skills.

Beyond dreaming of becoming the next magekings of the lands, there was enough people to buy in the First Lord-Priest's ideas of the One who sleeps beneath the plains that the ideology persists even with the Huir's current fascination with magic. Seeing the current Lord-Priest's priorities as far too focused on magic than necessary, some of this good folk took it upon themselves to reap in the ongoing surplus post-winter and distribute it on the post-Vizari territories.

There's an association, a pattern now, due to the Magepriests. Magic is a way to proclaim dominion over the world, and just as the Vizari ruled over this people with magic, Kholan dominates nature by magic. Magic is God, but the people of the south, adjacent or on the plains are godless. The Gorehorn and Vizari is seemingly purely secular while the Turbans are so polytheistic that it rounds out into secularism. One can argue that that is the spirit of madness, but the Domo doubts the spirit to be completely unrelated to the One. Let this definition be strengthened and thought of, and the One is defined by more than sleeping.

Back to the post-Vizari, they're the ones heavily targeted for this missionary work, in the hopes of having an energized mass to keep the One's awakening ongoing and seeing if this Lord of the Mundane idea resonates with them.

>Initiate Trade Route to Adenai
It's to moderate prices. The Turbans themselves are seemingly also gathering strength (as any good mortal should) so let's lessen that burden of iron from them by seeking it from the Aden. There's enough food and sail to trade for their metals, and the decrease of volume to the Turbans can be replaced with the coal, silk, and boar.

Borders must be set though, and ship-to-ship exchanges are still one of the best policies the Domo can host in their own homeland, besides barter on beach or seasonal meet at forests. The vast majority of trade to Aden being crewed by the dogmen should be enough to keep the distance on that side.
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Action 1: Build Inter-Timeline Library/Knowledge Brokerage
>Vencian ambassador wishes for partial access to archives. Revealed racial weakness to curiosity.
>End of Solaire wane could lead to less than favorable trade terms for arms and armaments. Need new trade good to entice them with, lest Habitun-066 war suddenly turn badly.
>Requesting access to some form of sub-archive to sate Vencian curiosity.
- Report from Vandal Jaffar to Habitun Council

>Seer of Smoke: What of archives containing valuable knowledges that could be turned against Habitun, or over to her enemies who could do the same?
>Seer of Souls: We already keep such knowledges behind contracts, much as my house do with our Medqa rearing and Juhr lures.
>Seer of Smoke: Non-Habitun are not obligated to follow contracts. They do not think as us. Always does Captain Sihtric inform us of suspicious movements from the Fuglemen.
>Seer of Souls: Seeing things is he?
>Seer of Shadow: Our siblings suffer onslaughts. We've none the luxury to delay and debate. I propose thusly...
- Excerpt from Habitun Council meeting

>... record excerpts to be marked with three digits at the end, as proposed by Stige-032.
>The first informs of the peoples allowed access. 0 for any. 1 for Habitun-Dverger eyes. 2 for Habitun of their own timeline alone. 3 for those named in the document and record keeping Siblings, requiring destruction of the record as soon as it is read and understood by those unnamed on it, followed by immediate reporting to nearest Sibling.
>The second informs of the degree of censoreship present in excerpt, allowing better understanding of the completeness present. 0 contains no more than barest minimum of information required to deliver a specific piece of information. 1 Indicates a chapter or more were omitted. 2 indicates a paragraph(s) or word(s) were omitted. 3 is the original copy.
>The third informs of the danger inherent in the unlawful reading, distribution, or practicing of the material contained in the document, from legal fines to mancy backlash resulting from unskillful casting. 0 is deemed common knowledge fit for children to know. 1 requires a degree of common sense to peruse. 2 is best left to those with skills relating to the subject matter. 3 is dangerous to all, with no exception, involving mortal peril.
- Excerpt from Siblinghood record keeping instructions, 130

>You are to produce an order of two thousand six-by-two tomme plaques, each with the attached document's information of name, record clearance, and the symbol of the Habitun Library. More to come. Budget attached.
- Habitun Council order to True Katan Lapidary, 120
Action 2: Found the Geists (border patrol)
>News from wars to the southwest, beyond Fuglemen. Concerning reports of spies, scouts, and skirmishers, springing both from the Fuglemen, and a yet unmet race of shapechangers, the Aufmen. Increasing trade through Gronn Dal and plans to establish stronger relations with the Vizari and Orcmanie are blocked by such worries.
>With the Huntsmen otherwise engaged in the fight for Habitun, and the Scouts plumbing the depths, we require a new, dedicated force. The resources accrued from the brief waning of Solaire have enriched the council treasury, and it is now opened to you. Do not fail us, do not fail Terra.
- Missive from Habitun Council to Marshal Bjorn Sayyad, 232

>All able bodied men and women wishing to serve in service to Habitun's security against the heathens of the beyond (with generous compensation) are to report to Blue Eye Don's homestead
- Announcement in Fuaha and Bikube square, 130

>"One eye's all ya need ta navigate that which Solaire po-llutes. Ya cova the otha till it's time to enter Terra's embrace. Now about yer paces-"
- Excerpt from Blue Eye Don's training regimen for the 1st Geist squad, 112

>Greetings, King Torin of the Urotti,
>In the interests of her security and the security of your own lands, Habitun has need of a census of your own peoples, detailing their names and lineages, that it may be granted to her guardians to ensure the passage of none but your own and her peoples through our joint lands. Attached you may find a census of Habitun herself.
>We hope to hear from you soon.
- Message to the Urotti from the Habitun Council, 132
Diplomacy: Adjust trade with Venks, luxury stones for iron arms and armor
>>Goa 2nd, Bewitchment age
>>Two tone past Arisen Solaire
>>Ten hourglasses
>Vandal returns baubles to chest, locks, passes chest and key to ambassador. Quoting:
>"Council advisory says it is best not as a sale, but a sample gifted to-"
>Vandal pulls out note, begins narrating. Quoting:
>"-uh... 'loudest, most boisterous and vapid of court attending noeuveau riche couple with wealth to showcase, like that Druhrer fell-' oh, forget that last part. Kare tells us you've an embarrassment of selection in that category, so I've hope you'll direct it to where it shall have the most impact on the women of the courts, and through them, their husbands' purse strings"
>Sigurd wishes it noted that the 'vapid wives of the seers' will hear of the above quote, but that her silence is negotiable[1].
1. Next ration will contain additional tea rations and biscuits to enhance her gossip sessions
- Ulf Qanas Observation Report, 221

Trade: Shadow Jelly for Krovian amphetamines
>Busied self with calming squads. Shot down whispered request to deploy Juhr Tunnel. Discipline might need ratifying.
Collected three fallen Alfar, as well as Haiman that triggered kerfuffle.
- Huntsman Erik
"Records of Huntsmen Dispatch, Log#770", 222

>Noted cold bloodedness. Boon and bane. Agreed to continue deal, if only to spare us further bloodshed, but pointed out next trade might be delayed indefinitely due to bad blood back home.
- Huntsman Ivar
"Records of Huntsmen Dispatch, Log#770", 222

>The tea trade will continue. Increase security, improve communication between shadow ants and Huntsmen.
- Reply from Habitun Council, 222

Military: Continue with Skrit and Habitun forces' assault on Habitun-066's wasps. Recruit further Dverger into the fight
>Habitun calls for aid!
>Monsters from the beyond assail Bikube.
>Aid generously compensated.
>Consult with nearest Sibling for details.
- Announcement pinned on Thul-Garuhum and Virn-Urdor city squares, 131
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> Action 1: Construct a Fortress on the Western Coast
The Urotti dwarves began construction on Gul Kragsvard, a fortress destined to safeguard their western coastal borders.

Engineers surveyed the rocky crags, selecting a site where the stone itself could be shaped into towering walls and hidden tunnels. The fortress was designed not only to endure sieges but also to blend seamlessly into the landscape, making it nearly invisible to prying eyes from the sea.

The dwarves worked tirelessly, carving out chambers for storage, barracks, and even a grand hall that overlooked the ocean. Massive gates were planned to connect the fortress to the sea, with hopes that one day they might be used for trade or naval ventures. High above, watchtowers crowned the cliffs, their amber steel lanterns casting a warm, steadfast glow over the waves.

> Action 2: Expand the Underground Road Network
Deep beneath the snow and stone, the rhythmic tapping of chisels echoed through the tunnels as the dwarves expanded their underground road network. This new phase of construction was driven by ambition and a desire for connection. The roads would now stretch to Gul Kragsvard and to the enwly founded towns throughout the kingdom while an extension was planned to connect the Dwarves to the Habitun's capital.

Master masons oversaw the work, employing techniques refined over generations. The Three-Tap Rhythm, precise and deliberate, allowed the stone to yield without unnecessary waste. Teams of miners worked tirelessly, carving grand halls and wide passages that could accommodate caravans and even marching troops. Along the way, smaller chambers were hollowed out for storage, resting areas, and shrines to the ancestor gods.

> Rumors from the Western Coast
The Singing Cliffs: Workers at Gul Kragsvard claim to hear faint, mournful songs emanating from the cliffs at night. Some say it’s the spirits of the sea, while others believe it’s the mountain itself lamenting the intrusion.
Golden Waters: Fishermen near the fortress site report strange, shimmering schools of fish just beneath the surface. Their scales gleam like gold, but they vanish the moment anyone tries to cast a net.
Tunnel Whispers: Miners expanding the road network whisper of soft voices heard in the dark. Though no one has seen anything, the stories grow with each passing day, lending an eerie edge to the otherwise mundane work.

> Warpost: Aid for the Habitun
In response to the Habitun's call for aid, the Urotti mustered their forces. A few hosts of armored dwarves, led by seasoned commanders, marched from Thul-Garuhm to aid the Habitun.

> Archaeological Dig at Bikube
At Bikube, a small team of dwarven archaeologists began their careful study of the Tenebrism circles. Using finely crafted tools, they documented carvings and inscriptions, searching for ties to this ancient titan and other mysteries of the afterlife.
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With the fall of Sturnes and its queen, Avila giving her life in battle against the Adenai invaders, the responsibility of leading falls to the local Princesses. But they stay the course, we shall fight against the invaders. The sun's light has returned, but we are still in the thick of war. The Nixen are hungry, cold and tired, but we have gotten through worse. Ordalan shall survive.

>Action 1: Another lumbermill, east of the current one. Utilizing a different river for its waterwheel and Barzae steel for its saw.
We trade lumber with Barzae, giving less for our own people. Nixen live in tent villages in the woods of Ordalan, even with the sun's return, many freeze to death during the winter. The Princess of house Grimhallow arranges the purchase of a great Barzae saw and the building of a sawmill, on the river we share with Barzae. Nixen foresters soon flock into the region the sawmill is made, chopping trees and selling the lumber which is then turned to planks and other goods. For making homes, weaponshafts, and firewood.

>Action 2: Nixian Round Shield. A smaller and thicker shield, yet still lighter, allowing more nimble manoeuvre.
In the days of Tellden, Nixen used the shield as their only means of defence, it thus necessitated a large shield. The shield was cumbersome and thin as a result of this, which wasn't an issue against the weapons of that time, but now they are hacked apart and even penetrated at times. But the Nixen of today also wear armour, even the poorest Nix warriors can afford a good gambeson. The face of war is also changing, requiring more manoeuvrability, so a smaller shield enters service, allowing it to be lighter and thicker, able to withstand greater punishment before breaking. This shield especially excels in melee, where you need to be able to react to new threats even in the midst of fighting another.

>Military: The fork of Sturnes. Forcing Adenai to deal with 2 fronts at once, one heading for the Adenai shore to deny them supply and deliver our vengeance upon Adenai, the other to retake our church and join forces with Guliseare. After that, Sturnes awaits.
While the loss of Sturnes is a great blow to morale, Ordalan is the Nixen, not just Sturnes. Also, we are not alone, Barzae and Guliseare forces are not as battered by the dark sun. Thus, the plan is a decisive push with our army, alongside that of Barzae, the Varangians helping coordinate between the two forces, as we push to the Church of the Blossoming Dawn and onward to Guliseare lines. From there, we can push to Sturnes. However, our enemies have been able to anticipate our movements thus far, so we shall make another push, weaker but still just as real as the first. We shall hire hunters and Red Hood Vagrants from the southern regions, and push through to Adenai's shores. These may be lower rate warriors, but Adenai will not be able to simply ignore them, lest they not only lose sea access, but have their coastal lands sacked and pillaged.
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The time for blood is at hand.

An army of armed and trained folk gathers from Koll'naud and its surroundings, the magnates hoping that such numbers would truimph over inexperience and opposition, and the aid of the druids from Huirsas'toir enough to defeat the Ordal's hidden aces.

An army of boars and skirmishers, augmented by mages and their ancestor-possessed golems, marches from Sturnes towards Barzae, intent to once again fight the ancient enemy.

What is common in both of these armies is the relaxation of blood sacrifice. For the Barzae, their ancestors had caused enough deaths to make their blood sin. For the Ordal, their willingness to extend a pointless war and ally themselves with the ancient enemy time and time again. The unworthy shall be provided to Kholan, with or without consent.
These actions are committed to work towards further solving the problems aplenty presented to the krawl most recently, such as a population that’s not high enough yet. The image supports their directions, and an aggressive land-grab that will be committed in the south.

>1: Further underground cropping
In order to support more krawl, there needs to be nutrients reserved. Our most immediate effort is to create more chambers in our underground garden of fungus, where new giant fungal crops may grow. Closer to the dark lake would help the most.

>2: Metal refinement
We will need to use precise machinery for manufacturing and quality of life soon. It is time to refine our metal in gigantic furnaces, over the intense heat of the constant magma flow beneath Pavilion, which we have exploited plenty already.

>War: Rally the troops to attack!
All at once, a message is sent across the Krawlspace to rally the troops to attack a kingdom known as the Domo. Our objective is to consume as many resources and do as much damage to life and the like as possible. Feed on, consume, and stockpile what's left of their lands, in any natural or unnatural splendor there may be. This will be a land grab, as we seek to occupy the area and secure it, so that the humble and awesome might of the Krovians may lay claim to it later. (Pic related for effected area. Push in as far as what's doable, but We are hoping to reach that river so that it may be poisoned.) While We do not know anything of this Domo, we hope to learn as much as possible. All varieties of offensive krawl forms, pure, impure, mixed, massive, and small, save for Zabacraw, are sent to team up with the forces by the chasm.
>Create phara-lingua language.
The introduction of integrations in the Skrit's overall operation has opened many doors, but there are still many more that remain closed. This is largely thanks to the inability of extracting host memories for immediate use. However, hosts themselves are not prevented from acquiring their own memories. The other challenge is that communication between integrations is a slow and arduous process. Central devices then that the solution is to create a new form of language which the Skrit can use to more easily interface with the integrations, and even allow them to communicate with each other without the need for skrit input. The language itself is rather simple, with no real spoken words. Instead, it operates off of distinct sounds, simply called "bits". The bits themselves are verbal representations of a kind of pheromone, which individually hold little to no meaning, but when said in sequence holds some semblance of information. With this language, integrators can train their hosts to respond to certain inputs, and produce expected outputs, or even call upon them to repeat information they're trained to store. Furthermore, the host, should it possess the power of speech and hearing, can verbally callout to other integrations who can receive this information via hearing, improving the ability of integrations to work in sync.

>Develop combat strategies using integrated war-beasts.
Not all integrations are used purely for operational or computational purposes within the Skrit's ranks. Some animals are recognized for their powerful and aggressive characteristics. Animals well suited to the task are kept, bred, and sourced in times of conflict. Various wagons are designed to transport fresh animals to frontlines where they will be integrated for use in combat. Primitive armors of hide and thin plates of lead are developed to protect the key points of integrated beasts.

>Action 1: The Heat that Drives the Forges
For many a Tyrn, our Steel forged from Meteoric Iron had been an exceptional product; but even we are starting to notice as the new techniques from other lands allow the quality of their goods to surpass our own. This is not a craft we can easily allow ourselves to be eclipsed in; and so bands of surveyors and prospectors search out across the lands of the Orcmanie, seeking our own deposits of coal from within our own realm so that we might advance our own methods.

(If no source of coal is to be found on our lands and no equivalent forge-fuel is there to be discovered, we shall instead set up Charcoal kilns across the river from the forges)

>Action 2: Standard Infantry Training
Conscript Levvies can certainly fill out the numbers of the ranks in an army; but despite the enthusiasm and strength inherited from Orcish ancestors they rarely provide much actual use when compared to our trained Longbowmen or the elite Garde Forestier. As such, it is decided by a proclamation of the Regent in the name of King Guyard the 2nd that from henceforth the training for new recruits to the ranks will be improved and enhanced. Serjeants will be assigned to drill the raw recruits with training and discipline, teach them how to use their weapons effectively, and teach them how to obey orders and what those orders mean. No longer will they be a rabble; we shall make the Orcman at Arms a soldier worth their steel.

>Bureau Renseignement: Arrest of the Uncounted
These infiltrators shall be taken in for questioning. Changeling Freemen are allowed to live openly within the Orcmanie if they are honest of their origins, so these that have hidden their nature are suspicious even without their concealment and assumed positions. Have they lied and presented false detail or document to obtain these roles in society? Worse, is it possible that they have stolen the identity of true Orcmen subjects, and harmed or killed these subjects? The Bureau must detain and thoroughly question each infiltrator uncovered, and if they refuse to answer; bind them with cold-iron bonds and keep them captive under enhanced questioning conditions. Conversely, those that spill the truth easily and readily to Orcman authorities will be kept comfortably, and the Bureau will assess where their loyalties lie to see if any might be recruitable...
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War Post - Rally the Troops!
The skinny runts who form the scout forces of the Krovian bands will be sent forth, plying the borders of the Barzaentine country for the lay of the land and potential vulnerabilities. Fresh weapons are forged, and fatted pigs are herded up the Crimson Tide temple steps in preparation for the festivals and sacrifices to come.

Times are good! So it is time for war! Let us prove the Pulse faith can remain pure and true from foreign influence.
With Steel being made in large amounts, the King turns his attention to his sword. The largely ceremonial Blade he used to Decapitate the skinchanger that was once his Elder Brother. Silver has always and ever had connotations of purity, yet the metal itself is too pliable and prone to Tarnishing too easily. Steel is strong, a metal that has physical potency yet leaves the spirit untouched. Perhaps His geomancers working in concert with the Luxite priests could make an alloy of the two. Silversteel, a metal that boasts the best properties of both to make a metal that would boost the efficacy of Geomantic ritual, Luxite devotions, and be hard enough to be used as a weapon when needed. He would ask them to work on it, and perhaps something might come of it.

Action 2.
A Priest of Luxor has been attributed with ability to heal the flesh of those who had been stricken with a malady or wounded by misadventure. He in turn attributes his powers of mending the flesh to a rod of silver, wrapped inscribed with prayers to Luxor. After much prayer and effort the Rod touches the suffering person, and heals them of wounds, but the Rod itself tarnishes in the effect, commensurate with the damage healed. Justinius orders his priests to study and hopefully replicate this miraculous ability, for the good of all Luxor fearing Barzans.

Missionary Action: The Luxite missionaries despite not making much headway, continue to try to make inroads to the Krovian Bands.Justinius wishes them luck, but with their continued bloodthirst he sees little chance of success.

Military: Barza's army, now armed with Steel and ready for a fight march as Ordalan requests, but with a caveat. Fortifications are made as they move, and the Adenai forces will be baited, with large rocks thrown at their encampments thrown at them to deny them sleep and make them irritable. When they take the bait, they will be obliterated in fire, and if they fail too, they will be pinned to Sturnes, and ripe for death by lava spout.
>Action 1: Dignitas of a Demigod (Magic/Hero? Idk, Swift pick one for me)
The most popular man Adenai has ever seen; A faltered army steeled by his mere presence felling their foe as an axe to a dead tree. His iconography is surpassed only by the most divine Branches. His men would follow him into the hells themselves. He is the most interesting man in the world.

>Action 2: Sewerage
The population of The City makes it the largest in the world, a status most eagerly boasted. However this comes with the drawback of dense population centers, large apartments filled to capacity with the poor. The squalor produced by these conditions are distasteful to say the least, and it becomes clear that the issues of sickness and disease can be ignored no longer.
Construction underneath the city is bankrolled by ambitious young men, hoping that such public works will give them favor in their future careers. A sewage system disposes of waste, travelling through a large series of underground tunnels and dispensing it in the sea, as far away from the fishing waters as the engineers can get it.

A limited amount of information is gleamed from what few scraps remain of the Ordalan military. Splitting what they have left is an action most perplexing.
The forces they send south are unprofessional and would likely turn back given a small scare. Lucius sends a few Drake riders to spook them from the sky, and wagers a token force would be enough to spare Adenic villages from revenge. He even sends the captain in charge of this force with several wagons of food, wagering there might be an opportunity to avoid conflict altogether by offering peace.
The forces sent north are focused on, hoping to cut them down before they can unite with the harpies.
Then, we can focus on fending off the harpy advance.
Sturnes is mostly held by a skeleton crew; just enough to look completely garrisoned. The Barza likely lack the stupidity to assault over a river and into the city, though if they do what garrison remains should be able to contest such a herculean attempt. If the changelings are able to give a forewarning of such an attempt, reinforcements may be arranged as needed. If Sturnes falls it will burn, and the blame will not fall on us.
>Action 1 & 2 : Miho Emerges
After countless tyrns of legacy and legend, finally it is time for the most immortal being - greatest amongst mankind - to emerge from the shadows, and embrace the Tagagaya as their leader and protector. Finally now, with a leader that is powerful and irreplaceable enough to rally behind, the Tagagaya can have a true leader who cannot be deposed and impersonated by another. Furthermore, with such a worldly and powerful leader, one would have to be a fool to stand against him the Tagagaya, and especially Bahay - the city which he now calls home.

With the lack of any real advance for the past while Cyra, the Bane of Kaenum, Noreusper of Guliseare, executioner of Thessa, unifier of the Aripan, Ruler of all the hallowed mountains, Aelelox's chosen prophet, most blessed and holy Aripan to fly upon the skies and walk upon the earth, High Priestess of all Priests, Guardian of the most holy land, Protector of the Aripan, Sorrow and Doom of Kaenumites and many, many more titles, has taken charge herself much like the old days where Guliseare was first unified. While certainly something of a risk, it is one considered worth it by Cyra given the possibility of the situation with the lessers getting even worse and that simply could not be allowed to happen.

The plan is much the same as before but now directly guided by Cyra. Advance south and cut off the Adenai lessers off from any route of escape, freeing Ordalan's territory from their ilk and ideally linking up with the Ordalan's and Barzantine forces in a devastating strike that will force many Adenai soldiers to surrender to the Ordalan or Barzantines, or be forced into slavery by Guliseare. Against the Drakes, a simple tactic is devised. Two priests work in conjunction, one burns the rider and the other blinds the beast, nearby soldiers then strike at the overgrown lizard's eyes while it's rider is burned alive. While the scaled monsters are still a threat to us even blinded, they are much less of one and potentially could even be lead to unwittingly strike against the Lesser's own forces if done in the right place and lead there. However, even with these new tactics, the overall strategy remains the same.

Ruin the lessers morale by making them starve, making them never get rest, making them constantly paranoid for the next raid by the Imbuato. And given how long we have been doing this, surely, their forces must be coming to a breaking point of exhaustion and starvation. Even with the blessed sun and moon unburdened with Aelelox' just fight against Kaenum. Starving soldiers are weaker. Tired soldiers are slower. While their elites certainly are likely to still be in good shape, the average Adenai soldier is certainly not going to be.

1. Focus is mainly to finally link up with the south and if possible encircle a portion of Lesser forces focusing on the Barzantines and Ordalan in the north. We are pushing in the same direction as last time.
2. Imbuato continue to harass the Lessers and worsen their supply situation as best they can and prevent their forces from getting any rest.
3. Our finest arms and armor due to our new high quality, and most importantly light, steel equipment should be a boon in ensuring our forces have much more survivability and be able to take on the Lessers much better than before.

>Free Action. The Tizzonarden make themselves useful with the information the Moivadal have gained. Let Kaenum's precious little things be dashed against the rocks of her own creation.
Invited to some conferencee in the north representatives of the nation go. They give diplomatic answers not tilting one way or another in their responses. The northeners however lack any interest in trade, oh well maybe we can sell them some extra iron later.

In the east however new trade with the sharks is established.

>Action 1 trade with the sharks:

(Trade deal
I get: I get to learn Shark blood magic. Half of Frogs, Half Iron, I get ruin excavation rights in sharkland (shared discoveries with sharks)

Shark get: half coal, half silk wall carpets

I pay the trade route action, trade by sea.

>Action 2: Begin carpet protuction
We promised them carpets so we shall put our hands to use. Previously luxury items reserved for nobility we shall make more of them and better! ( wall carpet manufactory)

The wall carpets are like woven tapastries or paintings you hang on walls.

The Domo have been invaded and need our help? Well sure, we don't want our trade routes raided i guess. (aid Domo in the Barzite war)

With piece with the sharks secured we shall Aid the Domo in a solely defensive fashion. (defend south krawl invasion) Send out scouts on boarback disguised as Domo-men to the front. Once enemy forces are spotted entering Domo land an attack is to be planned. It's to be preferably executed on flat land my heavy steel clad cavalry shall bumrush the mages and any magical costructs if present to make use of the Spellbreaker boars.

Infantry shall hold the line. If mages can't be spotted the heavy cavalry shall harass the edges of the formation.
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Jade Divination dice come in pairs, each marked with six unique symbols for a total of twelve. While many variations exist, the most common bare subjects on one dice, and activities on the other. The subject die often features Tower, Forest, Blade, Eye, Fang, and Golem icons. Meanwhile the activity die often features the Arrow, Flame, Flower, Cup, Coin and Hammer icons. While there are broad meanings associated with each of the symbols, it is widely accepted that interpretation is guided by the magic of the spellcaster.
A Vizari Magic Boat is a wonder to behold, skipping from wave to wave, the very sea reshaping itself under and around the vessel to propel it forward. With a sharp cutting prow, billowing sail and a trio of mages taking turns managing and empowered the spell glass embedded into the prow the Magic Boat is able to jet across the water at impressive speeds, even when the wind and currents aren’t cooperating.

The creation of an airship is no small feat. At its heart are two long beams of priceless Orichalcum, aged for a hundred years, encased in wax, then wrapped tightly in layers of imported spidersilk, then finally sealed within mundane wood in the frame of the ship. Next are ‘Bolted Essentials’, quite literally every part of the ship that is considered essential is bolted firmly down. At this point the ship has been precisely measured, crafted and sanded to a precise weight of zero units.
Further cargo, and crew, must be accounted for by the Savilofen, or Scratch Room in the common parlance of sailors. Everything that enters the ship must be paired with a precisely calibrated number of thin, segmented Orichalcum rods that are stored in the Savilofen. When removing cargo at distant ports the segments of the rods can be scratched, increasing the weight of the ship, or alternatively the ship idles in port while it waits for darkened rods to accrue their weightless nature. When a ship returns home to Sonistia scratched rods are exchanged for aged ones as needed. A small balloon of hot air is still kept on the vessel to manage small fluctuations of weight.
The great sewer project of Vitruvia begins with little fanfare, as teams of polymyria begin digging deep trenches from the rivers and lake. Behind them are cavia architects and seeria foremen and more work crews laying brick and hauling away debris. In front of them is a single, poetry spouting roc cavia demolishing a line of buildings to make way for the work crews. The sound of menia complaining about permits fills the air. The cities of Vitruvia are for a time one vast mess as great pipes are strung along in one direction and drainage tunnels are carved in the other. Likewise large pipes are strung along the road, carrying water pumped by a system of water wheels powered by a great waterfall near Holvania.
The end result is quite impressive, if you ignore the webwork of pipes over the rooftops of the city and the occasional flooding incident. No longer does excrement pile up in the streets, the cities of Vitruvia become remarkably clean, aside from the occasional murder, alchemical disaster and slobbering abomination. Lab efficiency sees a notable improvement as well, with no more inefficient trips to dump ingredients outdoors, instead opting to let the drains carry them out to the great lake.
A peculiar discovery is located tucked away under a dock in Holbastus. A crate, carefully packed with straw, is filled with fine weapons marked with curious symbols. Though some efforts were made to be stealthy, an ancient Deva styled after a stone gargoyle watched the entire thing, and what's more provided vivid sketches of the scene afterwards. The packages were left by dwarves, though why is quite the mystery.

>Krovian Bands
The new port on the distant island is assembled from the stems of giant mushrooms lashed together and arranged out into the open harbor. Rather than deal with the limited supplies of lumber and stone available the dock itself becomes free floating, held to the land by great ropes, with numerous pathways of bobbing mushroom caps forming walkways from ship to land proper.
The main cargo of the dock is of course iron freshly mined from the deep seabed. Nodules of black magnetite, long precious and rare among the Krovians, flow more freely through the nation, though the rusted relics of old often prove more popular that ‘lesser grey’ new iron that arises from these impure deposits. Mixed in amongst the loads of ore are bits of broken shell, remnants of a lost civilization. Some Krovians insist the shells can be used as cookware, imparting a fleeting remnant of that lost delicious taste of molluscoid.
For now, the warming relations between the Turbans and Krovia prevent raiding Kuttikrahr. But perhaps there will be other tasty mortals on the other side of the cape?
>Gladron I, King of the Venks
Careful investigation of the strange white curios reveals that they have not been shaped out of stone, but something more akin to pearl. Layers upon layers of deposited mineral shape a small spherical core into crude figurines of women and animals. The aversive feeling defies easy explanation, though. Around the same time as the investigators make their conclusions, a report comes in from the fishing village on the Gulf. A number of smaller boats have disappeared, gone out to sea and never returned.
On and on the road goes, stretching across the land, allowing goodmen and good ants to travel vast distances and ways, through deep forests and across vast grasslands, all the way to the grand ocean. People gather from all over the kingdom for the Great Moot, though a grim shadow is cast over the event when a rash of murders occurs, the corpses set in melancholy poses in out of the way places.

The Karn-Ur temple’s stepped walls extend far into the sky, such that some rural Dom believe that it extends up to heaven itself. The priests of Karn-Ur harbor no such delusions, though they will admit that bening so far above the ground has a way of unmooring one from more worldly attachments. It is in this isolation that the first Domo discover the paths of the stars. Of course, it is well known that the stars in the sky rise and fall with the seasons. But there are stars that are affixed to the heavenly sphere, and others that cross the night on their own pace. At times, these “stars” can be almost stationary. At times, they double back upon themselves, moving in the opposite direction as their usual plane of travel. The purpose of these regular movements is unknown, but some of the oldest priest claim they tell of the world to be. As for the conversion efforts, it is too early to tell if this “Lord of the Mundane” mythos will resonate with all the Vizari remnants, but it does seem that a good number of the younger members have picked up a half-hearted worship of the new god. The Domo suppose it could be called a start.
>Habitun cult
If you search far enough, you can find an expert on anything. So it goes for the Inter-Timeline Library, where scribes work day and night copying, sorting and managing data from across the multiverse on a vast number of topics. Likewise a wide array of schematics, plans and conceptional drawings also fill the halls. The trick comes down to sorting out fact from speculation and more irksome still the occasional discovery that some previously thought assumption is not quite as universal as previously thought. Habitun-43 for instance has thicker water, rendering their manual of hydrology designs quite useless to other universes. Still there is a wealth of knowledge available that with some effort could be applied to various ends.
Habitun has long depended on esoteric magic, obscurity and paranoia to protect it from the outside world, but there is no denying that only the most former is not slowly fading. So the call goes out to form the Geist Border Patrol, a band of elite rangers, trained by old veterans of ages past. Elusive as a Shadow and as deadly as a falling Medqa, or at least so the stories go.
An unpleasant report from the anglers of Supkha arrives. There has been an usual level of aggression and intelligence in local fish, in particular the Kha-Pike species seem to be growing much larger than usual, and in one incident the normally solitary fish worked together to capsize a small rowboat and attack the fishermen aboard, though fortunately they were near to the shore and able to escape. A small silver lining, the new aggressive breeds have a delightful tang to their meat that proves quite popular.
The parasite puppeteers of 66 soon find themselves crushed against the anvil of Urotti, Skrit and Svaltfar forces. There is cleanup to be done, isolated nests to track down and root out, but the threat is finished. Still, for a tyrn or two more Habitun-66 would gladly offer up luxuries for a bit more assistance with the cleanup, though no hard feelings would be had if other issues are pressing.

The extension of the tunnel networks is painful, dangerous, and grueling work, but the dwarves persist as they always have. When planning a path to the Habitun lands, a natural concern arises. So far, the Urotti have been able to rely on the hard stone of mountain lands and the stability of the permafrost to stabilize their tunnels. As they go south, however, these friends will grow less common, and the techniques used to bore through the rock will have to change as well. Even the path to Fuaha will be slower and tougher than expected, though certainly still doable.
Prospectors scour the land, seeking fuel for the forges, though what they discover is quite unconventional. Due south of port Sainac, near a bend in the river a boggy swamp is discovered, frothing and boiling and steaming. Dredging the swamp revealed a foul malodorous substance, rapidly given the name Dragon Shit by the workers, though doubtlessly Orcman nobility will have other opinions. Though unpleasant in odor and appearance both, the material smolders with an intense green-blue flame when splashed with water, more than hot enough to render starmetal soft and pliable.
The trap is sprung quietly. A scullery maid carries a pot of spoiled produce to the midden and never returns. A blacksmith’s apprentice goes to fetch a load of coal and vanishes. A cart driver slips around a corner to take a piss and all that is left is a steaming puddle. All across the kingdom there is a rash of sudden unexplained disappearances. The vanished, if given a voice, all seemed to have the same story though, just an ordinary citizen, confused about their situation.
On the shores of the tiny snowy island isolated in the ocean a strange discovery is made. Left on an isolated shore, discovered by a whaler, is a crate of weapons marked with symbols, possibly a runic dialect different from the one used by Orcmen. A few witnesses report spotting a small boat sailing away to the snowy lands to the west. Perhaps people lurk there after all? Though to what end they leave these weapons is anyone’s guess.

Verbal languages have long been a vexation of Central when dealing with other races. The fiddlesong of the cricket, the buzz of the mosquito, and the agitated buzz of the hornet, all these things have their place of course, but in terms of raw information they are quite limited. The typical mutterings of other nations on the hand are filled with information, but all of it horribly vague and imprecise. Enter the phara-lingua language. Each sound and syllable chosen with care and precision, none of the irksome ambiguity of natural languages, and no superfluous sounds. A perfect language.
The animal legions of the Skrit are quite useful as tools of war. Individual mice for instance survive by stealth and fear, but as extensions of Central’s will they become a terrifying swarm, an enemy that requires a dozen blows to kill and has no self preservation to distract it. And of course there are other tools, flocks of birds, packs of boars. Each creature is small and simple, but overriding their instincts of fear makes them quite terrifying.
>Justinius the Young King of Barza
To alloy silver and steel into a workable metal is normally impossible. The two metals simply refuse to cooperate in a meaningful way, but the smiths of Barza are hardly bound to normal. The techniques of prayer folded steel, augmented by geomantic enchantment allows the two metals to bypass mundane limitations. The resulting alloy is similar in physical properties to fine steel, but acts as a powerful spellcasting tool. When wielded by a spellcaster the movements of the blade can unleash errant magical power, though with training this power can be manipulated and shaped into useful and powerful effects instead of the fumbling sparks and lights a stumbling beginner might produce.
The war has produced no end of injured soldiers, but Luxos has provided a solution. A silver rod, shaped by the techniques of prayer folded steel, can be used to channel divine healing energy into the wounded, restoring and stabilizing their bodies. Unfortunately the process tarnishes the silver, and after too much use it must be melted down and reforged anew to restore its power.
Even as the Krovians surge across the border to go to war the missionaries continue their work. At the core of their work is correcting the corrupted version of Luxosophic faith that has taken hold here, a task that is proving more than a little difficult. Luxosophic faith at its root is a pursuit of virtue, this has taken hold well. Unfortunately Krovian ‘virtue’ is quite distinct from Barza virtue, and is more focused on violence, glory and gluttony than service and humility. The Krovian ‘church’ sees Luxos more as a gladiator king than the Barza ideal, a concept that is proving hard to dislodge.

>Adenai Confederacy
His recent victories in battle against the Nixen have inflated the legend of Lucius to improbable and fantastic levels, though in the presence of the elven leader it is difficult to dispute them. Within the bounds of Adenai itself even the beasts of wild acknowledge the elven lord as their sovereign, stories swap around even as far as Holmbastus of a hulking grizzly bear stopping at the side of the road and bowing as the elf prince rides past. In other stories rows of trees bloom as he approaches. The effects are sadly diminished on foreign soil, though there is no denying the elves under his command fight with an unparalleled cohesion and fury, with nearly unbreakable morale.
In more mundane news the great city of Adenai has become a fairer place, having carved out a network of underground tunnels for the disposal of waste. Each day, as the sun sets a dozen wagons laden with sea water are taken to the highest point of the sewer system and poured into the tunnels, sweeping the foul matter downhill, past the forge district, and out to sea where hopefully the beasts of the ocean can handle the matter without soiling fine elvish hands.
>The Free Association of Tagagaya
The streets of Bahay erupt into parade and pomp, snarling trade across the land in the process as feasting and celebration fills the city. But who could blame them, as Miho takes the throne at last, as the eternal king and lord of all changelings. Amidst the pomp and circumstance of Miho becoming the first king of Tagaya, more level headed spymasters note a worrying trend however. In several nations, with Orcmanie being the latest, their networks of agents have been rooted out, leaving them quite blind in Barza, Guliseare, and Orcmanie. It might be time to reassert networks in those countries, although given the local opposition it could prove difficult.

>Turquoise Turbans
Better than steel and fortresses, perhaps the best tool for the job of keeping the Krovians at bay is simply arranging a steady flow of trade with them, providing them with luxuries and fuel for the forges in exchange for frog wool and raw metal and most interestingly a window into their fearsome blood magic, though such a thing will likely need more study before it can bear crimson fruit fruit.
Key among the luxuries the Krovians request are fine carpets, tapestries and wall hangings, usually decorated at length with gory scenes of Krovian conquest over their many enemies, both real and fantasized. The Turbans dye individual fibers with the limited selection of colors available, before weaving threads into mats in intricate patterns. A favorite tapestry design is of a Krovian priest plunging a dagger into the sun itself while another consumes a vast ocean filled with hapless victims.
>The Northern Fork of Sturnes
Domo and Adenai pour out from the city as Harpies fly in from the north, the Barza from the east, and the remnants of Ordelan from the south. The armies meet for their climatic clash at the site of the Church of the Blossoming Dawn. The battle rages for what seems an eternity, with neither quarter nor mercy given. The Domo in particular are bloodthirsty and eager for battle, a trait used multiple times to lure them into ambushes of Barza walls and Guliseare fire. The Adenai are paragons of war within the battle, but badly outnumbered and fighting enemies on two fronts while their allies are undisciplined and unreliable. It rapidly becomes apparent that at any moment the battle might tip one way or another.

In the skies above Harpies swoop hurling javelin and arrow while swarms of Domo insects hound and chase them. Barza forces rip and reshape the earth, luring Domo and Adenai forces into sudden lava spouts, or more rarely wall them for Guliseare forces to unleash searing beams of light that leave soldiers screaming in agony. Domo ancestor golems wade through Barza lava and sieze the spellcasters and drag them screaming into it. Adenai drake riders circle and clash with elite harpies or leap off, gliding down to flank and reinforce key locations, occasionally transfixed by brilliant beams of light mid air. Domo boar riders crash into Barza shield lines until the dirt is ground to mud.

The battle rages in spats through the night, battle lines shifting, the stink of blood filling the air, a pale full moon staring down on the sorry sight. A band of Domo mage priests erect a makeshift altar in the middle of the night, calling upon whatever spirits might rest beneath the land. Every spellcaster on the field feels the ritual begin, and the presence below begin to respond to the power. In a snap decision Barzan geomancers work together to sunder the earth below the shaman, sending him topping into the crevice. With a scream of defiance he rips his own throat open with a ceremonial knife as corpses topple onto him.

Reports from the frontline become hazy at this point. A foul haze covers the battlefield. A dark madness seems to seize those present. Changeling assassins descend upon Lucius, each one bearing the guise of Miho the Immortal. A harpy Consecrated brutally tears an Ordelan princess to pieces before Barzan soldiers manage to cut it down, only for a band of Nixenzorn to assault them the next moment. Domo boar riders howl joyously and run down elves and men alike. The forces of all nations retreat in a panic as a foul malaise envelopes the land.
To say the Adenai troops are war-weary is an understatement. Soldiers fight with spears and swords that have been mended thrice over, entire companies of elite drake-flyers converted to brute infantry for lack of mounts. Whispers of desertion ripple through the retreating forces in the north, until Lucius himself takes command of the effort personally. A plains-eagle perched upon his shoulder, he praises the men, urges them to fight onwards in his service. Some say it is a trick of the light that makes his armor shine bright in the dark-before-dawn. Some say it is the Urim, Light-of-Heaven, shining down on a nascent godhead. Whatever the cause, their leader’s radiance in sight and speech is so overwhelming that soldiers fall to the ground and begin to pray. They rise to find new strength in their limbs and new flight in their feet. Lucius’s sheer presence is enough to keep a broken army fighting for a tyrn longer. Somewhere on the margins of the crowd, a scribe scribbles, adding another miracle to a burgeoning mythos.

>The Southern Fork of Sturnes
Distracted by marauding Domo, and anticipated by the Adenai (or their spies), the ragtag and undisciplined army of volunteers in the south are soon either scattered by swooping drakes or worse exchanging their weapons for food from Adenai tables. The Oradalan resistance is flagging--though the will to fight persists, the Nixen are nearly too exhausted to continue forward.

>Domo Blood March
The domo terrorize the countryside, sacrificing Ordelan civilians as they go, so much so that in the midst of pillaging the land they make little progress in subjugating the greater Ordelan, whatever remains of it. Instead the Domo grow merry with blood sacrifices and stolen plunder.

>Guliseare Sabotage
Forces manage to sneak deep into Adenai territory and creep into the rookery where drake broodmothers rest with their eggs. They evade the half elf guardians and close in on the nests, javelins at the ready, then the drake mothers catch the scent of the intruders. By the time the Adenai soothe the drakes there is little left of the intruders save bloody scraps.

~~~~~END OF TURN 17~~~~~
Turn 17 Addendum

The firewood of the lumbermill may be the offcuts of larger projects, but to the freezing Nixen they may as well be plated with gold. In the midst of a grinding war, the comfort of a well-stocked woodpile cannot be understated.
In the increasingly degenerate battles of attrition being fought around Sturnes, flexibility and individual protection are key. The round shields strike an excellent balance between providing enough heft to block a drake's claws or Adenai arrow while remaining maneuverable enough to deflect a spearpoint or bludgeon an enemy. Veteran Nixen paint their kills in ochre on the outside of their shields, a bloody testament to their resolve in combat.

Krawl forms are heaped in ungainly masses on the borders of the Domo. From afar, it is as though a few new hills have appeared on the horizon. Beneath sheets of earth-colored fungal mass, however, lies writhing swarms of Krawl forms, gibbering with excitement at the prospect of new flesh to conquer and assimilate.

>Krawl Against Domo
Krawl forces meet stiff local resistance, the very trees and roots rising against them. The steel clad boar riders do well against the mindless Krawl, harrying the edges and flanks of the enemy but the emergence of the great beast Zabacraw throws the beasts into a panic and the Turbans must retreat to calm their steeds. Still, the Domo line holds for now.
Correction, Zabacraw does not appear, but massive Krawl forms throw the Turban's forces into retreat instead.
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The attention of all that is natural is redirected yet again, with plots brewing in the plains and forests thrown and thrown again into the far later. The collective presence of the Domo is thrown yet again into a dreaded thing in the woods, much more weightier when the nation has tripled in size from the first rendition.

>War Action: Is it I against I or me against you?
Abandon the southern attack. Conscript whatever man or woman that is willing in the Domo's forests. The Domo shall march to the Forsaken Dawn.

>Action 1 & 2: Lord of the Depth/ad, heed our call. (Establish Khesos-Kholankorda at Forsaken Dawn) x2
Whatever force remains north of Sturnes, and the forces in the south of Sturnes, they all shall come and witness the great Lord's miracle on the accursed's land. Let them march and let them sacrifice those who dares to stop their path. Let them establish another temple in the our Lord's name with the knowledge and secrets we have now. Then, let us sacrifice those of our blood who are weak and meant for nothing more than to serve, and let them be a call to the long dead to rise up again and gather as a host to rid the world of the ancient enemy.
1&2. A Research of Ice and Fire (magic)
With the better control of the high seas and their new location on a frozen northern island it becomes more readily apparent that the Vizari need better methods to control the seas to protect themselves and to project their power. A simple and elegant solution is developed due to the abundance of copper on the island and former knowledge from the glass work industries. Fire and Ice are two sides of the same coin, you add fire to water and water turns to steam, add steam to a cold box and it returns to water. Even the simplest of Vizari farmer children could tell you that. So Ice and Fire magic is all about controlling secondary elements of air and water while adding or removing heat.

This is where the beauty of copper spellglass comes into play. With the right tuning spellglass is used to store heat drained through ice magic; and used as a battery for fire magic. Those that only practice one can trade their spellglass to another. Copper rods, accessories, or lining can also be used to further empower these magics and allow mages to truly become fearsome in combat. Many also question the unusual dichotomy of the magics as fire magic requires the concentration of heat into a point to be released like a sling bullet or directed in a blast; while ice magic requires the draining of heat from a large area to rapidly form the ice.

Action 1: City in Somnbarre Province (Holtzahnad)
At last, our population has recovered enough and our infrastructure improved that a gleming new fourth city in the province of Somnbarre is ordered to be built. This is a city of Jold and Steel and gears, the nexus of the regions metallurgical development. Indeed, it is to better provide for the local artisans, smiths and miners that the city grows to begin with, sprouting up from a craggy inbetweeny trading village and soon absorbing the local gear-halls and mechanism workshops.

The city itself is a complex and sprawling thing. The sewers and plumbing are installed first, all else built atop of it. This makes it unique among Vitruvian cities, making it neat and compact. At least it would have made it neat and compact, if it were not for the sprawling clockwork devices left all around, assortments of levers and gears and cogs the size of five men that stretch from house to house as part of colossal, insane contraptions.
Joldlights illuminate dark corners (and occasionally zap people for no good reason), and one wrong turn might send you off to get crushed by a clockwork contraption or send you walking off of a mechanical bridge as it is retracting.
Given the nature of the city and its purpose, it may be no suprise that it attracts a significant number of Polymyria, their many hands well suited to the tough and complex labour that keeps Holtzahnad, the Clockwork City, running.

Action 2: Forge Quarter
This unexpected gift from the dwarves of the north is welcome. The weapons found are curious and of exceptionally high quality, and seem to incorporate some very advanced techniques and curious symbols. With the development of Holtzahnad, a new forge quarter is demanded to supply enough worked metal for the demands of the city, breaking Holmbastus monopoly over worked metal. This step is viewed as something overdue, merely one proper forgeworks cannot supply a nation as vast as Vitruvia has grown to be.

The new forge quarters are built to exacting standards, using the dwarves gifts as inspiration for some of our own works. While we may not be able to replicate the odd metals used, we may do much with our coal, iron (imported from the Guliseare) and Jold. Replicating what we can, we hope to learn some amount of the dwarves own ingenuity and apply it to our own tools, weapons and armour going forward.
In the heat of the forge district many new items can be worked on, and far more troops than before can see the benefits of proper weapons and armour. As one might expect our Jold goes towards the production of thunder spears, lightning arrows and all other manner of electric weaponry almost exclusively. Iron is used for defensive purposes, outfitting our grunt infantry with thick plates of protective armour designed to stall and distract the enemy with killing them, while our forces achieve victory via other means than a ground melee.
Action 1: Mobile Field Portals
>Bjorn 066: Our nation is very grateful for the aid
>Bjorn 001: Our nation is our nation
>Bjorn 005: I--ed
>Bjorn 016: It is not over until we have extricated everything of value
>Bjorn 066: Explain?
>Bjorn 016: Wasp forces are routed, but not exterminated. They yet exist in manageable chunks. This makes them perfect for testing a new tactic we had been considering for some time, one that 001 can help with greatly. Portable Portals
>Bjorn 083: Intwiguing. It couwd awwow us much-
>Bjorn 038: Could you PLEASE fix that filter, 016? It is abhorrently distracting in these meetings
>Bjorn 016: We believe that is the point. To disincentivize 083 from voicing itself, without breaking any of our pre-agreed rules regarding censure and interference
>Bjorn 032: Such skirting of the rules does not bode well for any form of inter-timeline goodwill
>Bjorn 016: We shall take that into consideration going forward.
>Bjorn 001: As 083 was no doubt attempting to elaborate upon, the portability would allow for decisive flanking maneuvers, seeming spontaneous conjuration of Juhr Tunnels in the midst of key leadership and forces, and more accurate scouting in conjunction with shadow ants.
>Bjorn 083: I wouwwd have expwained it faw bettew, no need to condescend me so
>Bjorn 032: ... I retract my opposition to the filter
>Bjorn 016: We will take that also into consideration going forward
>Bjorn 066: Has any Stige indicated any viability on this approach?
>Bjorn 016: It was his idea
- Excerpt from shadow ant communiques between Bjorn Sayyads

Action 2: Boarding School, baseline national education center in Bikube
>Halfway through Shadowmancy forming session, Erika broke my door open, my shadowmancer's fingers, and one of my teeth. She also stole my patient, one of the fuglemen babes.
- Assault incident report between Erika Mura'Bya and Grimhild Hitab, 113

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>Erika: You were over the line. How did you even obtain council permission to... to procreate such children into your shoppe of horrors?!
>Grimhild: I was authorized to perform any and all procedures necessary to keep the patients sane. 'Procreation' was light on the budget, and kept their stress low.
>Erika: And you sought to inflict their parents' fate upon them? They committed none of the sins of their fathers!
>Grimhild: The council had approved the transference of sin. They would grow to be just like their fathers. You would dare to oppose the council's judgement?
>Erika: ... I submit myself to the council's judgement.
>Grimhild: I thought so-
>Erika: -and submit my own propos-my own assertion regarding the natures of children, as nursery tender of many a century. Children are what you make of them, not what they are born as!
>Grimhild: P-preposterous!
>Seer of Souls: Peace, Grimhild. Let her say her piece.
>Erika: Thank you, Roar Murawid. I knew I raised you well.
>Grimhild: O-objection! She is clearly leverag-
>Seer of Smoke: Overruled, I too wish to hear this.
>Erika: As I was saying. Should we raise these children properly, amongst the good children of Habitun herself, they too would grow into fine individuals. Thus, they would be blank slates, sinless on birth.
>Seer of Smoke: And should they be raised amongst the dverg, a boisterous industrious lot? Amongst the skrit, an emotionless obedient swarm? My, my, I should say this does bear study!
- Excerpt from court hearing on incident #324987, 113

>Neighbors from the south. Generally belligerent, but these children have been deemed sinless under Habitun. An experiment on nurture overcoming nature has been approved, and we implore that you raise them as your own. We will send delegates to observe their progress over the years.
>Recommend down beds, and that the nanny performs hugs frequently. They seem to be unnaturally clingy.
- Note attached to shipment of ten orphan Fugleman baby baskets, sent to Urotti, 113

>Hostile southern colony failed scouting attempt. Imprisoned scouting party. Allowed prisoner cohabitation.
>Attached is partial result of cohabitation. Habitun proposes experiment in effects of nurturing on nature. Results will be shared between experiment participant nations.
>Accept: Y/N
- Note attached to shipment of ten orphan Fugleman baby baskets sent to Central, 113

>Wanted - Instructors In Matters Of Habitunness
>Survival: Swimming, Archery, Medqa Riding
>Artistic: Limpid Skelle, Weaving, Calligraphy
>Skill: Mining, Fishing, Base Mancy
>Report to Bikube
>Generous wages
- Note pinned in various Habitun public squares

>Schoolchildren to be granted access to records of designation 110
- Missive to Bikube Librarians

Military: Field Test Portable Portal On Wasps
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By the great grace of our Lord Aagen,
who has granted us this tyrn of the sun, I, King Gladron of the Venks do hereby order;
>Expansion of the borders of my Kingdom across the Tarn to the very edges of the Krawl in the west, and north along the Iscoast across the forest of the Skrit up into the ice
>Funding be granted to the College of Notables in Hosgate for the enlarging of their faculties, to include a below ground safe store for all things strange and ungodly, for the research of these said things, and most chiefly an investigation into the matter of deaths in Rudam and the potential links between them. Also to be stored in this place are the many artefacts of a Spidery nature, including the wicked Rock of such, long displayed at the Palace
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>Action 1 - Siege Weaponry
Krovians are NOT forward thinkers. The immediate is of much more concern (usually because of lack of said forward-thinking) which means that Krovians are usually scrambling at the last minute to put something together.
So it is with this invasion. A heavy fortress looms over the tranquil sea-side forest of the Barzaenite lands, overlooking waters untouched by boats in ages, that the Krovians finally start cracking skulls together to convince someone into making something appropriate to take down such a fortification. Battering rams, ladders, all the basics will covered and manufactured, in due time.

>Action 2 - Repair Mystery Mine
With a fresh source of iron secured from the mushroom colonists, new tools and gear flows into Krovain society. Bronze is softer, less durable, and is thus relegated to the role of trinkets and cheap, replaceable equipment. With the new tools, comes new opportunities. The Vitruvian mines, long collapsed and flooded, have held SOMETHING in their depths every since the catastrophic disappearance of their former masters. Something with a Pulse...

Time to find out what it is!

>Raiding Post
Smooth sailing is all well and good, but the Krovian raiders are growing antsy... THIS IS SO BORING! Nothing but desert dunes as far as the eye can see!
The Turban bards insist that new peoples are just over the horizon, so the sulking shark-men sail on.
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>War Post - Invasion of the coastal fort!

Chief Drevino has never been prouder. The iron weapons of his new battle-horde are fearsome indeed, rending their bronze ancestors into bent hunks of worthless metal when tested. The crude iron will serve them well...
Indeed, this will be a tough battle. Drevino has already told his men as such, likening the Barzaenite lands to a particularly irksome turtle. It's shell must be cracked, and this fortress is the weakpoint (though it does not look it)...
He has sent his swiftest men home to bring forth tools of siege, but his men are hungry, and his own bloodlust is rising. Still, he urges his men to hold...
Sailing through the ragged whirlpools, the dregs of the Krovian navy, crewed by nothing more than a skeleton crew, limp up the shoreline. Like some dying whale, they beach themselves onto the sands just south of the gathered army. The survivors hop overboard, eager to join up with the main horde, and all together, LIFT the remaining vessels overhead! Drevino clambers aboard one, urging his boys onward, the vessels serving as shields against any defensive attacks, and then battering rams once they reach the fort's gates!

Of course, not even close to the entire army can fit under these, but they will serve to protect enough. Those without protection will need to rely on their own sturdiness and luck to survive. Drevino has prioritized a certain group of Krovians to remain under the ship-shields. Miners, with their new pickaxes, and hefty doses of both blood and strength potions. Since only one or two ships can feasibly assail the gates, the rest can serve as a cover, propped against the fort walls to allow those underneath to work on breaking the fortress walls with their freakish strength.

Once the walls fall or the gates open, the first to enter will be the beast-masters and their basilisks. In the confines of close quarters, the paralytic monstrosities will surely wreck havoc, allowing Drevino's mens (whoever survives, at least) to mop up the remaining defenses.
>Oh yeah, the giant Krawl siege beast Zabamacraw does what the giant Krawl siege beast Zabamacraw will do.
Justinius looks upon the world with more than a bit of sorrow, it seems that ever since he had taken the throne, things had only and ever gotten worse for Barza and the world around it. Yet he could not let ennui take him, for the enemies of Barza and Luxor's teaching grew in number and potency by the hour. There was much to do.

>Action 1
That the smiths of the Great Forge had created Silversteel so quickly was a blessing. That they had done so and made enough blades to arm everyone who could use them properly was nothing less than a Luxorsent Miracle. Yet it is not enough for man to have a blade. More tools must be at hand for when the beasts and the blackness come calling. To that end Arrowheads and ballista bolt core are commissioned to be forged from Silversteel, to make sure that when the time is right, range is not an issue.

>Action 2
After setting this and the machinery of state in order for the time being. Justinius goes on a religious retreat. Officially he is fasting and praying at the Grand Basilica. Unofficially a fair youth in a garb of severe austerity seeks to climb the mountains, to find the source of a boiling spring, and to meditate on the teaching of his god while praying for the strength and wisdom to lead his people well.

>Missionary Action:
The Missionaries of the Grand Basilica do not return to the lands of the Krovians this tyrn, as they had previously. Instead, they go to Ordalan to offer succor, aide and the Good Word to those who are in most dire need of it.
Military Action: With more than a little advanced warning, the Barzan military makes good time back to the soon to be besieged Fort, and fortify it even more than they had previously intent on breaking the back of the Krovian army here before it could get inland.

Large formations of troops are disrupted with sink holes and rough terrain, while arrows and ballista bolts fall on them unceasingly. Those attempting to use ships are shields or rams are quickly disabused of the notion that such are worth any protection at all, stone or worse lava from below smashing, entangling and or burning them and their wooden luggage as so much kindling.

Multisegmented walls fall upon the sharks, only to be reassembled in short order, the preprepared stone more responsive to Barzan geomancy than most. Lava will flood the surroundings of the fort, premade ditches and places hidden until needed by Barzan cunning, the liquid consuming even the hardiest Krovian in a fiery tomb. Statue and other seemingly needless ostentasions are weaponized, falling upon the Sharkmen, only to be cleared away with minimal effort by the geomancers who ahd unleashed them moments before.

Should by some miracle they breach into the fortress itself, they will find men armed with Silversteel blades, more than able to make them regret what they have done.

Luxorn Lanterns are displayed prominently in the fortress, to avoid any sort of chicanery on the part of the sharks or more likely by far, a third party. Silver Rods are stockpiled for the inevitable casualties.

As for giant beast we know they can call up? We are ready, they cannot hide from us, not here, not in our domain, and should it appear, it's armor shall avail it nothing, we have sent it scurrying into the darkness once, and we can do so again.

This day shall be that day Krovian blood runs in such furrows that even the Sharkmen lose their appetites!
These actions are to, once more, solve the nation's need for access to more diverse forms and commit to supporting the inevitable population increase. Intense war of strategy is being committed as well.

>1: synthesis of genetic materials
The long-kept dormant egg of arachnids has been sat on the stone where it was found, extracted from the ruins site with care. We also have corpses of tiger moles, and the remains of their keratin pieces and skeletons, and the feathers of the long-extinct stumble birds, stolen from the Krovians when Novenary first met the bunch. We utilize the claws of the moles to make barbed hooks that can go anywhere on a krawl form, to a reasonable extent. The feathers will find use as a pattern for plated armor to grow on the bodies of some new krawl forms. Finally, the locomotion of many legs will be vital to the krawl’s ability to climb walls, stick to ceilings, and work faster in the hives. However, all of these new forms will require significant action in order to be made in numbers.

>2: Look for fruits on trees
By the site of the dark lake, look for surface animals and fruits that offer high nutrients. (Prospect?)

>War: double advance
Assault on the fortress of the bay:
It seems the Krovians, try as hard as they might, are lacking in siege technology. This is where our plan, which had been brewing since before Zabacraw’s creation, will come in to sweep out the humans and their ultimately punitive strategy of rebuilding their stone.

On this day, Zabacraw will earn its keep. As such, it will be put under maximum stress in capacity and maximum stress in being a siege weapon. Being used for what it was designed, to erase settlements and knock down walls and destroy rampart turrets instantly. But also, being used for what it was not designed, as a bus, to hold (at least) fifty Krovians, If not more. Their expertise with rope and willingness to cooperate makes them perfect for having them fasten their bodies lying down to the walls of a capsized Zaba, snug between the ribs.
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They were a hand-picked and willing force of Krovians, most equipped with sharp weapons that assist in cleaving meat so it may be eaten, and others to cooperate with them in delivering blunt force trauma with pickaxes and hammers to anyone who dares to defend their body with stone. Each one all at once, tied up on the walls, some above others, are instructed by Maja as to what will happen.

“As I travel within your fleet, I will command Zabacraw to stop just barely lodged inside the biggest structure in the fortress, by its mouth. At that time, the rumbling and shaking of this vessel will stop, and you all will chew your ropes off, fall out to the light, out the mouth, and raise havoc on all the combatants watching the sky and walls suspecting Our fantastic beast to jump in at them. After you’re all out, Zabacraw will slip away and do as much damage to as many other buildings and people as possible, then escape in the direction from which the Krovian siege is incoming, just in time for them to arrive and take advantage. It will be there that you all will make your escape in the commotion and join back up with your comrades, to continue slaughter! Or for some earned rest, whatever you do, it does not matter, but the outcome of this battle will hinge heavily on you all thinning the human numbers fast before your friends arrive. Thank you all, and good luck.”

There was another precaution she did not tell them. Were Zabacraw to die in battle, Zabatar would spend its effort laying the fortress to waste with its powerful pavilion-chucking ability, brutal strength for demolition, and a burrowing speed that’s just as effective as that of its chariot. This will allow it to pick up where its partner left off, and much more effectively, in terms of neutralizing targets of highest priority. Zabatar knows it will die if its partner dies, and will fight to its last effort.

Advance in the south:
Fast! Occupy this point! (Pic related)
Siege any nearby interfering structures and set up a defense around this point. Consume any nutrients along the way, as We do not yet know when We may prioritize excavation and fungus farming in this area.

>Action 1: Warrior Priests
The news from Ordalan is a dire development. Blossoming Dawn, the Grandest cathedral built by the descendants of the Nixen; has been laid waste and perverted by foul magics. The shrines of those Gods of old Telden that still we kept, blasphemed and desecrated. It is a call to war that echoes through our Hybrid spirit, and a body struck will rise to defend itself. Priests across the Orcmanie and the Blanc Isle come fourth upon the rising tide and clamour for battle, offering themselves to lords across the land to join their gathering, mustering bands and lend support and aid to the War effort in their own capacity.

The most numerous of these by far are the Pantheonic Reverends; priests yet pledged to the service of all the Orcmanie gods without distinction. In matters spiritual, they encourage and guide the Orcmen on the march and lead them in prayers at dawn and dusk; ministering to many charges as they would back at their own pantheonic temples and shrines to shore up faltering spirits and provide encouragement and direction.

But though Orcmen have come to worship their gods mostly as a Pantheonic whole, the individual natures of both Orcman and their Gods have still led many to the favour one or another of the Pantheon. Devotees of Loter join the assembling muster to aid with the provisioning and supply of an army on the march, whilst those men of Vaerz will keep the campfires burning and their armorer's repair-forges fed and chiming. Those drawn to Anos are fewest among those who join the muster, but those that come bring with them charts of sky and stars to guide the journey, and poems and song to implore for good weather. And the swords of Hilda who have come are near to exclusion those late in life; mothers for whom all children have grown to adulthood and widows to fallen Knights, but yet strong and able enough in both mind and body to give sincere rites and last service to the Goddess of Death.

Of all the Gods of the Orcmanie, it is Ganuz alone who is not shared with the Ordalan; for he comes to us from Orcish forebears rather then the Teldenic legacy of the Human Rexen; and thus lost no shrine and little worship to the forsaken calamity. But to the Orcmanie, he is the God of both life and War. When life is at threat from the forces of death, when War is at hand; the sons of Ganuz must march to shatter the foe and win glory eternal.

>Action 2: 'Dragonforged' Starmetal Steel
Because we're not calling it 'Shitforged'. We'll probably reluctantly change the name if anyone starts forging weapons from the flames of actual Dragons. But with the intensity of this heat, we can refine and improve our techniques to bring our Starmetal Steel to a higher quality and raise the quality of weapons and equipment of all sorts across our lands. Not only will we again reach the quality of our neighbours, but we shall hope to rise it further still.
Fear. Fear is something that follows men wherever they go. Is Bravery the lack of fear or the act of conquering? Well whatever philosophical nonsense we come up with it better fucking lead to an answer first. The Domo need to live if they are to pay us and we'll be damned if we lose the trade deal we got with them.

Whatever it is we need to reform our army rapidly. While our equipment is exquisite the hearts of our men and steeds have not tasted true battle and thus lack the streangth of spirit to actually properly fight the enemy.

>Action 1: Military reforms
Equip the soldiers in weapons more suited to fight giant enemies mainly:
1. Slasher lances - lances made for cutting soft material notp iercing armor. Extremely thin steel blades slowly thickening as they approach the lance shalft. They should be better to fight the titans we saw
2. SawbladeLauncher- we invent a mechanism to spin up giant sawblades previously used to cut wood to high speeds to launch them at the enemy to cut their flesh
3. Coal-Launchers - Our catapults are loaded up with burning coal to cause damage to enemy fleshy units.
4. Morale training - the connection between rider and mount is strengthened by forcing them to train, sleep and bathe together. Fyrthermore mounts are trained to try to make them less prone to fright

>Action 2: Berserkir
Finally somethign to make the Orcs happy. Studying Shark blood magic in their very own libraries we figure out spells to make blood boil (figuratively). These blood spells drastically increase the bloodlust of the target. Making them crave fight and battle like a drug or aphrodisiac. We shall use this in battle if a morale break seams inevitable. (on mount or rider alike)

To boost morale the Lord of Iron herself and lead the troops next battle. The battleplan remains simmilar. Observe enemy forces (Crawl). wait for them to enter Domo land maybe even let them walk unoposed a bit in before hitting them with a downhill cavalry charge.
They don't seem to possess mage units. As such we shall target their infantry instead. They may be able to wreck chaos with the titanic units, but they are certain to fall if we cut off their supply routes and even if they take shit with them they can't hold it.
>Fortify Delta
Delta is a unique settlement for the Skrit in that it is practically a severed limb of the wider nation. Still, it maintains contact with Central through regular shipments of pheromone storages, essentially allowing both colonies to stay "updated" on each other's situation. During one of these shipments, Delta receives it's oders: The colony is to fortify itself and put into place defenses to safeguard the Skrit's interests towards the South.

>Industrialized military.
Throughout the colonies, the order comes in. Quotas are issued for the mass production of warrior class Skrit, lead based weapons and armor, and the acquisition of weapon-beasts. Mock battles between colonies are run at regular intervals, the outcomes painstakingly recorded and analized by Central. Chemical plants churn out biological weapons en mass. Something within the swarm has stirred, to what ends remains to be seen but it is either preparing for the worst... or for war.
Report on Lesser Activities to Cyra, Noreusper of Guliseare, executioner of Thessa, bane of Kaenum, unifier of the Aripan, Ruler of all the hallowed mountains, Aelelox's chosen prophet, most blessed and holy Aripan to fly upon the skies and walk upon the earth.

The Adenai are being extremely bothersome during the peace meetings acting as if they have done no wrong as I am sure you are well aware given your short stint having the misfortune of observing them and their so called diplomacy. At least this arrogance will win them no friends and they have been forced to give up this conflict while we focus on another set of Kaenumites whom, ideally, we can more easily extract something from. Even if they hold nothing we particularly are interested in to our knowledge. Though, given the acts of the Adenai I would not be surprised if they alienated everyone to the point the war continues and their lands partitioned. Other than this, I hope you are doing well after the incident. If you would like, I can personally investigate that matter further. We have not talked with our southern neighbor for quite some time after all. Perhaps Aelelox favors them in some way for some strange reason?

Your faithful servant, Kallixeina.

>Action One. Airshipyard.

With merchant ships designed, their numbers are currently limited and production slow. Through proper organization of a place for their construction, we can prepare the groundwork for a mighty fleet, mercantile or military. While further sections of the lowland forests will likely need to be cut for lumber, current production should suffice. And while the first airships made from the yard will be for transport, fools focus on tactics for any master in the art of war will study logistics. While trade with the Vitruvians can be increased through these ships, the more important application for the time being is their service for our holy armies, as even in deep slumber our forces and their equipment can be safely on the move, untouched by anyone unable to strike the skies.

>Action Two. Bilistria

While developments in our airships have gone absolutely wonderfully, we still lack proper weaponry to make the most of this advantage. Various siege weaponry the lessers hold are impractical due to their very nature. However, the creation of what is, in essence, a massive crossbow, allows us to have something that can be mounted, aimed, and have a line of fire that will not interfere with any balloons a part of the vessel rather than a wide arch that most certainly would. Of course, various sizes of these devices are required for testing, but the most important aspect is that these weapons should be able to strike dead any of the detestable drakes the Adenai have and have reasonable accuracy that they reliably could slay them. Further, if any other than the Vitruvians manage to tame the mighty Roc's, we will have an answer to them once our military vessels are properly designed.

While the war has certainly changed there is still fighting to be done. Any Domo forces to the north are to be slaughtered. Any captives can be made slaves to work under heavy guard and chain until their lineage is suitably untainted by Kaenum for more less heavily guarded slave labor. Most importantly however is the prevention of the Domo forces from moving. All scout parties that are held by the Kaenumites are to be ruthlessly hunted by the Imbuato. Any supply stashes that the Domo Kaenumites have in their camp are likewise to be met with the traditional response of a fire potion. Likewise, ensuring that these barbarians are unable to cause further damage to the Ordalan and are driven into well fortified positions held by our allies with their coordination or past Adenai borders so their only method of escape is drowning in the sea is to be engaged. Far better to ensure their destruction quickly and cleanly than risk even one of them escaping and continuing to spread their taint after all. Besides, it's not like they'd actually cause damage to their fellow Kaenumite allies in the Adenai whom have thrown them under the cart.

A significant effort however will likewise be made to prevent the Domo from getting to the accursed land they had created, as well as plenty of priests focusing on trying to burn this unholy land away with blessed light wherever possible. Yet, caution made not to go too close to these lands until purity is assured and efforts can be made to move further to continue cleansing these lands, likely with the assistance of the other members in this anti-Kaenum coalition. Some seem to have some experience in dealing with these unholy festering abominations that stain this already impure world after all.

>Free Action. Scout the far south, into the nest of the southern Kaenumites from the safe territory of the Ordalan.
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>Bureau Renseignement
With one infiltration network closed down, the Bureau watch and detect to try and prevent any others from establishing and uncover any other that might already exist. The Orcmanie is now at war with the Domo, so impending threats from the Domo are to be prioritised if a division of resources is required.

>War Action
King Guyard II, newly of age, does not place his Regent - Count Grenlug Morthochet - aside now that he has come into adulthood. Instead, it is the priority of war that holds the young King's attentions. And so King Guyard joins with the muster of the forces from throughout his kingdom, and the army of the Orcmanie heads southward.

At Castra Orienta, the Adenai have agreed to open the gates; and the Knight Sir Pierreutz Craneaile enters with his retinue to take command as Castellan and supplement the garrison with Orcman troops, whilst half the former Adenai garrison joins the Orcman march.

Entering Adenai-occupied Ordalan lands, King Guyard II brings the Adenai forces and Tagagaya mercenaries under his personal command; restoring local governance and Ordalan rulers where possible and setting up Orcman military order and stability where that is not yet an option. The intent is to stop any Domo move to secure the lands for themselves with the Adenai occupation ending, and to break any Domo armies on the field of battle to stop them providing assistance and reinforcement to the blight on the landscape that has been named Forsaken Dawn.

Should this plan go perfectly, the Adenai armies will then be sent on to reinforce the Adenai borders with the Domo, the Tagagaya further in to wage their irregular war and turn the Domo against each other; and the Orcmen will work to liberate Ordalan lands and provide support to holding the Ordalan borders.
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The Nixen are... enduring. The fall of the Church of the Blossoming Dawn is a terrible event, as are the horrors that emerge. But we cannot lose hope, and the news of Orcmanie coming to Ordalan's aid is a relief. Though people are not happy about Adenai getting away with no punishment. They see us as nothing more than a whetstone to sharpen their blade on. Still, Ordalan endures, and we can face the Domo. Of course, we have issue maintaining our forces.

>Action 1: The Winged Hunters. Anelk take up the traditions of the Chaerda, hunting and raining arrows from the sky.
As the Anelk continue to serve Ordalan, they advance in their status. Anelk are born free, but the needs of the war sees them continue to fight alongside the Nixen. However, one major development, is what the Chaerda do. The mystical hunters see potential in the Anelk and teach them the ways of the Arrowsong, how to use the Chaerda Songbow. They hone their craft hunting in the woods, while those who prove talented soon find employ in the Ordalan armies.

>Action 2: Establishing the city of Emberglen near where the Ash Tigers are raised.
As Nixen are allowed to leave Sturnes, many do. While there is some appeal in living in the ancestral Nix capital, the approaching barbarians make it a dangerous prospect. The nobles seek a new place to live, not keen on rural living, to which they flock to the town of Emberglen in eastern Ordalan. Having a secure supply of material and food it has grown in prominence, and with nobles moving in, it builds estates, churches and administrative buildings. Soon the town of Emberglen becomes the city of Emberglen. Though its character is distinct from Sturnes. The people here are hunters and foresters, there is a prominent church to Sigurd Chaerdefrey, who becomes the 5th Ordalan god, the god of hunters and sanctuary. Furthermore, it heeds the call of house Grimhallow first and foremost, regardless of who is queen at the time. Thus weakening the crown's authority.

>Trade: Reroute Barza's trade route to Emberglen.

>Military: Consolidate our forces. Recover some strength.
Our forces are battered and uncertain, not quite knowing who is friend or foe. Furthermore, we need to weed out the skinshifters among our ranks. Thus, there are few operations at this moment, we need to replenish our numbers with what people we can find, and fix our gear. Also there is the issue of food, as despite plentiful stocks, they haven't been reaching our forces, that must be rectified.
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>Action 1: Expand Eastward
Absent a desire to invest in a navy as of yet, and after thorough examination of maps provided by Habitun, Urotti pathfinders estimate several hundred miles of uncharted territory past the eastern Skrit forests, the "Itching woods". Unexploited, unclaimed territory. The bug buggers might have trouble with the snow, but we've long since adapted to the harshness of this north. Crimson Ale aplenty and a dream, that's all we need.

>Action 2: Dam Up Lake Hulua
Initial expeditions through Bikube noted the massive reservoir of water, dubbed "Hulua" by the Habitun. After much research, studies, and ancestors-damned paperwork, we've established a way to make use of the river that flows out of that lake without endangering their magical city.

Surveyors set about searching for the shallowest, firmest segment of the river, where less work is needed for foundations, and the flow is manageable. Meanwhile, woodworkers set about lugging lumber from the lumberyards, the sloths making slow but steady progress pulling the heavy sleighs.
Once a spot is selected, several trenches are dug upstream to divert some of the river flow, carefully spaced to not divert the entire river away.
Sufficiently drained, foundations are placed on the river bed. Selected and chiseled gneiss and mortar is piled up with artisanal precision, nary a gap allowing water to leak through the outer layers, yet enough from within to absorb any shocks without cracks cascading into catastrophe.
On and on the structure would be built upon, coalescing into a mighty testament to Urotti craftsmanship, with sluices and spillways to allow for adjustment of flow during rainy seasons.

Once finished, the dam should attract many an industrialist wishing to invest into watermill-powered productions.

Rumors from the Eastern Expanses
The Helmed Men: Explorers at the farthest northeastern edges, where no soul lays for miles, claim to have seen faceless figures rising with the tide, heads a cross between stone and mushroom, shambling across the coast. On approaching, the figures seem to meld back into the ground, leaving behind only a strange toadstool-looking stone.
Will o' The Wisp: Fireflies, the southern border guard says. Yet none we know of glow with such brightness. They seem to spontaneously show alongside the Skrit border. Some new abomination of theirs, perchance?
Lake Mermaid: A digger swore upon his ancestors that he had seen a half fish, half maiden on Hulua's southern shore, of skin fair as the first of snows, and a voice much like the wind whistling through the last icicles of summer. The Habitun seemed unwilling to elaborate, which is the only reason his claims were not laughed out of the bar immediately.
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>Action 1: Opal Drake Dens Expanded
The symbiotic relationship between Drakes and the Branches have fostered an increasing population of the reptiles.

>Action 2: Slate Cobblestone
Dirt roads have a habit of dirtying one's carriage. Go figure. The new deposit of stone in the north makes for good and flat cobblestone, paving the roads of The City and even the highways. [TARN PLEAASE MAKE MY ROADS A DARK GRAY IT WILL LOOK SO COOL. PLEEEEEASE. Also, since this is a road-relevant action, please connect my two strips :^) Love you.]
>War Action?: My Fate was Sealed
A message from the Aden's general has revealed a fleeting opportunity. Considering their temporary departure from this war, Domo forces must act to secure the now-unoccupied Sturnes. The Aden's remnant forces are to be asked to leave the occupation in our hands. Preliminary sacrifice of dissidents is to be undertaken, and the churches to their gods devastated.
>War Post Addendum

Adenic armies stay back and lick their wounds. Token forces are left in Ordalan for a handoff back to their original owner as the bulk of the forces retreat to genuine Adenic soil, where they recuperate and reorganize.
(OOC Note, if the Adenai return the lands of the Ordalan to the Ordalan's control we shall return the lands we occupied of the Adenai back as well.)
>(Amendment?) War Action: The lord is in another castle.
The southern fork is abandoned, and the Koll levy, reinforced with conscripts from the Domo's forests, marches north. The Sturnes force marches as well, first to the Dawn, second to the relatively-unoccupied Sturnes. The Koll's force shall also do the same, first to the Dawn, second to Sturnes, following the General's words. The heart of the Ordal's geist is too precious to not be taken with the Dawn in hand.
Action 1 - Miho's Army
Finally organized under Miho, the Changelings are finally capable of organizing themselves meaningfully - existing under a hierarchy that lasts and is not merely bound to secrets known, or talents withheld from others out of fear of replaceability. Witnessing the terrors taking place outside of Negosyo, Miho orders whatever troops he can muster to the city, preparing a tentative defense should the havoc reach them. Whilst the collective Negyosos and Bahay armies are organized and in Miho and his attendant's company, he takes this time to teach them - sharing the wisdom of strategy, and the art of magic.

Action 1 - City Walls
Pandamonium abounds outside Negosyo. Motivated by the protective presence of Miho and his armies, works are conscripted or volunteer to go forth and construct walls around the city in fear that the demonic activity may soon reach them.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Your army can be in one place at a time. Please only make a single war action in a turn. Your army is also physical organization. It can't teleport across your nation instantly (think 5 tiles of movement a turn). Also, please attach a picture when conducting army movements. Whether it's arrows or a physical icon, we need a visual aid for where your army is starting and where it's going.

Turn 18
What the Domo find within the Forsaken Dawn defies explanation. People of the six nations working side by side, all differences forgotten. As if knowing their intentions the Domo are ignored, allowed to follow a path through the haze leading ever deeper into the mists. The main project of the Forsaken seems to be the gathering of bodies, though construction and repair of field fortifications occurs as well.
In the center of the haze the Domo meet the Never Lord, a grotesque mockery of life, seemingly formed of a dozen bodies intertwined. A cluster of heads looks upon the Domo and finds them acceptable, for the moment. It speaks in a chorus, of pain and regret, of people and heroes that never were, of nations that could have been, but were not, of gods spun into existence and cast down. The Never Lord speaks with all their voices, speaks with stolen tongues of a future stolen from them. It asks for aid from the Domo to set the world right, to scorch it black, to wipe the slate clean that those who were not, might be. It offers no rewards, no promises of power or grandeur, only the conviction that the people and nations and gods it represents were denied a future, and revenge must be returned to those who have one. The message of injustice and lost futures resonates with the Domo, no strangers to loss themselves, and soon an accord is struck, that the Domo will inherit the world scrubbed clean. In turn they set to work fortifying the desecrated temple, transforming it into a great fortress, and aiding the Forsaken Dawn in the grim task of gathering the dead, who will serve as puppets for the will of those without a future.
Holtzahnad rises from the rolling hills of South Vitruvia, implementing the most cutting edge Vitruvian technologies. Perhaps a little too high-tech, as all but its designers find its workings too complex to fully understand. The city fast develops a reputation, even among other Vitruvians, of madcap designs and harebrained schemes, of excessive use of jold for uses entirely unsuited for it from electrical fences (using live rabbits to shake a membrane, scattering jold dust into a basin of water, typically killing the rabbits at regular intervals) to crackling arcs of electricity used for lightning even in setting better served by the calm flame of a candle. The city is soon covered by a web of pipes, metal cables in wooden troughs and clouds of black coal smoke that rise high enough for the Barza smiths on the other side of the mountain to take note.
The weaponcraft of the dwarves is quite interesting, especially the curious symbols on them. Archives are trawled, and in the midst of a moldering stack of papers on the entrails of the Zebra, a clearly fictional striped horse of some sort, old documentation, possibly dictated by a smokelit master even, descriptions of a ‘magical language’ is discovered, with a complex grammar. The dwarven weapons here, while fine in make, only seem to scratch the surface of what is possible with the symbols on them. The enthusiastic application of them to devices in Holtzahnad tends to result in more chaos than anything, though a box that flash freezes objects within it is created. Sadly no one seems to be able to create a second one, though several severe cases of frostbite do occur in the attempt.
>Habitun cult
Rapid Tactical Cross Dimensional tactics runs into a few key issues as it is field tested against the slaver wasps of Habitun-066. The primary of course is the intense cost of magical reagents required for cracking open a door between worlds, the sheer number of envelopes containing requests for Glitter Vapor, imports of Vitruvian reagents, the blood of political enemies, and other magical items threatens to overwhelm the quartermaster’s desk. The second, more limiting factor is that even the very best shadowmancers struggle to open a portal in under a minute, resulting in a highly visible circle of light, and worse still quite shrill noise on both ends of the portal, an attempt to insert a saboteur directly into a privy nearly resulted in the death of the agent when he emerged to find a host of wasp slavers waiting for him. Nonetheless potential exists for many otherwise impossible maneuvers, provided an isolated staging point can be located and verified, and in the cleanup stages against the wasps many such strikes were carried out.
The Bikube Boarding School quickly proves to be a wise investment, providing Habitun youths with a broad education such that any master of craft can make certain reliable assumptions about the knowledge of their apprentices. Additionally the broad knowledge afforded to the youth gives a general understanding of any crafts and industries to those who will one day be leading the nation. The Harpy education program is a startling success, though melancholy is a common issue among them, perhaps as a result of their awareness of their failings compared to elven superiority. Nonetheless the clutch shapes up to be a typical mix of citizenry, faithful to Terra and seemingly loyal to Habitun. There’s no denying that Harpys are certainly different, more prone to rashness and passions, but the boarding school finds great success turning those passions toward worship of Terra and zealotry toward Habitun. Perhaps concerningly though is the ripples of desire they seem to provoke among the Habitun, that if Harpies can be model citizens, then perhaps there is more to be seen in the wider world than previously thought. The Geist border patrol picks up more than a few adventurous youths trying to sneak out and see the world.
The Grim Parade as it comes to be called in Holbastus in the weeks afterward nearly devolves into riots and violence before a group of polymyria and seeria guards forcibly prevents the angry mob from assaulting the Habitun elves and their charges, and escorts them back to their ship where a menia lists all 612 statutes prohibiting rabblerousing. What little can be overheard from Harpy traders in the weeks to come generally veers more toward anger and disgust than fear. A particularly graphic description involved systematically torching the forests of Habitun until the elves had nowhere left to hide.
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The Skrit mostly stay out of sight as the Venks begin to settle within their lands.
The College of Notables, previously a minor institution in the hinterlands of Hosgate, eagerly expands in size and scope as funds from the King’s coffers are bestowed upon it. The hewn-rock walls of the campus are replaced with polished stone, a new department of Venkish history is established, and the office of the chancellor is outfitted with a fetching set of crystal dinnerware. The accompanying order for the college to store and study various nefarious artifacts, by contrast, is carried out with reluctance. The new Arcaneology Department is established in the old animal husbandry facilities, and the stench of hay and manure still tickles the noses of those brave enough to pay a visit. The below ground storage space is little more than an old basement, four cold stone walls that bead with condensation whenever too many Venks are in the room at once. Still, a single space for the investigation of the occult will surely speed up the process of determining the nature of these artifacts.
The investigation of the murders turns up little unfortunately, though a disturbing link is pointed out to a series of murders that several tyrns ago. Is this some sort of copycat killer? A demon possessing unwitting Venks? A wandering monster who occasionally strays through Vencia?

>Krovian Bands
Krovian engineers are a rare breed, usually chosen among those krovians who are able to think while acting, or in rare cases even before. Their creations and designs generally must keep the slowest swimming Krovian in mind, typically the first to charge. Thus the hammerhead comes to be. Appearing to be a great metal shark from above, it is in actuality two dozen krovian with hefty wood and iron shields made to interlock and form a single great beast, with a sturdy ramming nose at the front. The plan is simple enough for even the dimmest or most impatient of Krovians, hold the shields and run hard.
As the rubble is cleared and the miners dig deeper into the earth one bite of the pick at a time they all slowly come to feel the drumbeat of their hearts, louder and louder, each sharkman feeling the same beat together as the blood rushes in their ears. Then without warning, gleaming Krovians of shining metal burst from the rubble and attack the miners! There is a desperate and brief struggle, and the miners manage to shatter the constructs at no small loss of life and limb before erecting a hasty barricade. The metal fragments gathered are strange indeed, in the hands of a shaman they flow like water, and when a berserker's blood is raised the metal moves and shifts to accentuate his movements and strikes, flowing over teeth for a bite or into his weapon for a strike. Marvelous, magical stuff, and no doubt worth the trouble of having a warband assert dominance over it.
The commoners call them star arrows, or light arrows, for as they clip through the air they leave a shower of sparks and transient glowing smoke in their wake, a consequence of the arrowhead cutting through the ambient magic that spellcasters pull upon. Internally they are referred to as Spellbreaker arrows for their ability to disrupt spellwork and spellcasters. Their larger ballista bolt cousins are simply referred to as Breaker Bolts however, and operate with more elegance. The bolts spin as they launch through the air, and are designed to cut, shape, and collect the magic within into a powerful spell. When the ballista impacts the ground the spell is released, ripping crevices and ridges into the land in devastating fashion. Both of these weapons, built to counter spellcasters, are not much use in low-magic battle, being of equal effectiveness to their less elaborate cousins while being significantly rarer and more difficult to manufacture.
The reputation of the boiling springs, whose appearance in Barza’s darkest hour rescued the nation from famine, receded into mythic curiosity across the intervening tyrns. A small village of wood and thatch grew up around the fissure in that time, offering weary travelers and a few pilgrims a place to rest, food to eat, and a shrine to pray. The young man takes up residence at one such shrine to Luxor, sitting beneath a wooden triptych depicting the creation of the springs. For fourteen days and fourteen nights, the fair youth sits there in contemplation. He is not quite praying, for prayer requires purpose and in this new darkness the path to light is cloaked in shadow. On the fourteenth night, the king dreams of the path south, awash in the noonday sun. Staggering down the road is a young woman with white-gray eyes, bent over under the weight of a towering pile of cloth. As Justinius approaches, he can see the lady and her cargo alike have been shredded by a great force. The same tears cross without distinction across fabric and flesh alike, both materials oozing a glittering black-red fluid from their wounds. Justinius rushes to provide aid to the stranger. Even as she raises a hand of warning, his careless foot lands upon a loose bolt of fabrics, and a ripping sound echoes in his ears. The world shakes, the land heaves, a heartbeat is heard. When Justinius comes to, the woman is silhouetted by the blue sky, chuckling at his spread-eagle form. As he sits up, she crouches next to him. She offers him a silver-steel needle with a beseeching look. She cannot fix herself alone. She needs his help.
Justinius wakes in a cold sweat, clutching a silver-steel needle of unparalleled make in his right palm. It is time for him to return.
Tiger-mole barbs and feather armor come easily enough--the Krawl have spent long enough assimilating the flesh of animals that their early hangups are now a distant memory. The spider eggs however, are a different matter entirely. These are no mere animal-variants. Their structure is different from that of any earthly organism, distinct down to a subcellular level. The legs can be cultured separately and then grafted onto a Krawl forme, but even still the process has side effects. The Krawl that undergo this procedure acquire an “accent” to their communications to the hivemind, a garble to their speech that gets worse as they mature. They converse with fellow spider-grafts in a tongue discernable only to others of their kind, denying knowledge of such exchanges when queried by the collective.
In the jungles of the eastern Krawl, broad-leafed bushes drooping with red dagger-like fruits are discovered. When an adventurous Krawl chances digesting one, it reports a sweet, floral taste, followed shortly by an intense burning heat. As the poor Krawl writhes upon the ground, a few of its compatriots inspect the plant more cautiously. The fruits are full of seeds, and even their juices produce a peculiar warmth upon the skin. There’s no detectable signs of fire magic, so it is concluded that the effect must be a very realistic illusion. Regardless, this certainly deserves further study, and so a few specimens are brought back to the capital, where they take root quite nicely and begin producing prolifically within the year.

In this time of biblical upheaval, it feels appropriate that even men of the cloth must take up the sword in defense of all that is good and holy. The Orcmanie clergy turn their oaths of service to the concrete matters of feeding, housing, and tending to the needs of a rapidly growing army. With them comes swells of adherents to the various gods of the faith, from strapping lads to wizened widows, all in service of the cause of beating back the abomination that the southern war has unleashed.
The searing heat of burning dragonmetal sadly is not the key that unlocks the improved quality of steel the Orcamanie are hoping for. What it does allow, however, is for the full melting of steel into a liquid that can be cast in molds instead of forged. Not only is casting cheaper than the labor-intensive forging process, it is also far more productive. When ten spearheads can be cast in a single mold, and each can be made ready by the attention of an apprentice rather than a master smith, it is no wonder that the Orcmanie very quickly rise to be among the most prolific producers of steel products, whether for the army, export, or (for the first time) daily use by ordinary folk.
Internal investigation turns up little at the moment, though whether that is a lack of things to find or the ones they seek hiding better is hard to say.
The Turbans have been going to war quite a bit of late, and as such figure they ought to at least make a proper go of it. Aided by scouting reports regarding the fleshy, plantlike nature of the enemy, it is decided that the army shall focus on weapons designed to stab, slash, tear, and char flesh. The best successes are seen in the Sawblade Corps, whose soldiers are hardy lumbermen accustomed to hardship and peril. Their commander, a young Naga man, makes a name for himself through his valor and the respect of his men. Even outside of the standouts, though, the military reforms proceed smoothly and are well regarded by command and commoners alike.
The Bersekir is viewed with more than a little suspicion by Turban commanders. After all, their nation is bound together by shared interest and common respect, and thrusting soldiers into an involuntary bloodlust runs counter to that philosophy. Still, as reports of monsters and far worse begin to pour in from the north, it is decided that any advantage the Turbans may possess cannot be discarded so easily. Therefore, in addition to the three specialized units produced by the military reforms, a fourth is stood up: the Bersekirs. Organized into small squads protecting a central spellcaster, this volunteer-only force primarily focuses on aiding the larger force with targeted applications of battlefield magic. At a critical moment, however, they understand that they will rally the troops and lead them in a spellbound rage towards the enemy.
The Urotti have long been accustomed to the snow, but the northern frontiers still represent a dangerous challenge. As one travels away from the coast, the comforting permafrost and stone hillsides give way to deep and vast stretches of ice. Treacherous crevasses lurk beneath unbroken snow, large enough to swallow an unsuspecting settler whole. The winter cold is such that the sea itself freezes over such that one can walk upon it by foot the same as land. Seasonal blizzards drive temperatures past frigid and into lethal territory. The sorts of dwarves that make the journey to settle such places are understandably outsiders--religious splinter groups, outlaws, and plain weirdos. Strange superstitions abound so far from the capital, and most are written off by government officials as the stuff of legend. Still, when those on the absolute margins of the empire report sighting massive silhouettes through the haze of a blizzard, it raises a stir in the halls of Thul-Garuhm.
In the harsh conditions of the far north, damming up a river is easier said than done. The originally chosen point for the dam is quickly ruled out as the initial coffer dams lead to the inhabitants of Bikube finding themselves ankle deep in the rising reservoir. Traveling downstream leads to the identification of a far more suitable site, but here too there are complications. The river here is kept unfrozen by its constant flow, and bringing water to a halt quickly results in a thick surface of ice forming. The ice can be periodically broken up by releases from the dam over winter, but this requires constant manning and inspection of the reservoir. More than a little grumbling is heard from the engineers tasked with such an endeavor, to say nothing of the accountants who are ordered to find the funds for such a massive project so far from the nation’s core.
A new wave of Terra worship has begun to sweep across the nation, following on the heels of the Everwinter, the prophecies of the dark elves seem more pertinent than ever before after the flickering of the sun, and many clamor for more efforts into deep roads and other underground facilities.
Delta is fortified in true insectile fashion, with massive piles of earth protecting the cities core from bombardment or assault. Tunnels lead from these mamelons to the warrens of Delta proper, allowing defenders to rapidly mobilize and shift forces as conditions dictate.
The Skrit know of steel from their trade with the western nations, but supplies of the precious metal are heavily constrained by the war in the south. In its absence, lead is a poor but necessary substitute. The heavy, soft metal is more likely to be dented by a blade than deflect it, but the insects are strong and in the end any protection is better than nothing. The other avenues yield far more promising results. Tactics are honed in Skrit-on-Skrit combats, while vast vats of acidic irritants are stockpiled for dispersal to some hypothetical front. Whether the Skrit wish for war or not is a matter for Central to decide. Regardless, the nation prepares for the worst.

>The Divine Republic of Guliseare
The sky docks, built into the cliffs not far from the Orihalchum mines are a bustling site of activity and innovation, with steady shipments of lumber coming up from the lumber yards below. Indeed the shipyards begin to consume so much lumber there are complaints from the quartermasters managing the war, if Guliseare wants to maintain a fleet of ships they’ll need to supplement their wood supply somehow.
The weapons design team for the airships must plan for two major foes in the air. The small and nimble drakes of the Adenai, who move and swoop with stunning agility and the mighty Rocs of Vitruvia, who fortunately seem to have little interest in war and expansionism. The Bilistria solves the two problems with different forms of ammunition. For the Rocs there are heavy bolts designed to rip through wings, grounding or hindering the bird enough for acolytes to swarm and kill it. For the drakes the favored tool is a carefully packed weighted net that opens up as it flies through the air, snaring the smaller drake and sending it and its rider hurtling toward the ground.
Scouting attempts into Domo territory go poorly, with many scouts just barely escaping with injuries as the trees they rested in suddenly sprung to life, filled with grasping limbs that sought to restrain and capture the scouts. The scouts managed to escape, but unfortunately were only able to probe a single hextare into Domo territory in several places. Still, they managed to discover several useful pieces of information. The Domo have many of their food sources along the border, farms of rice, herds of cattle, and orchards of some pale cursed fruit, all ripe for easy strikes.
>Kingdom of Ordalan
The people of Ordelan have been in a state of disarray for much of the past tyrns with Sturnes under occupation, the death of the queen, and the heavy toll of the war, to say nothing of the paranoia of changeling spies amongst the ranks. The rise of the city of Emberglen does much to ease that however, giving the people of Ordelan a place to rally toward, a centralized place of authority, and a firm symbol that Ordelan still exists at all. And not a moment too soon, with villages all along the border rumored to be in talks of defecting to the Barza, Adenai or even the Domo!
The inclusion of the Anelk into the ranks of the Chaerda heralds a remarkable change in the fates of the Anelk, completing a transformation from slaves to full citizens. While they lack the true flight of the Aripan, with training and the aid of the arrowsong they master launching themselves from the branches of trees, launching into the air to strike at enemies from above for a short time before returning to earth. Their inclusion does result in much uneasiness though given the alliance with Guliseare, the free Aripan can hardly look kindly on their enslaved brethren.

>Adenai Confederacy
Longtime friends and allies of the Adenai, it is no surprise to see efforts undertake to expand the space available to brooding drake mothers. Works clear out deadfalls and drive away problematic wildlife, clearing caves and other ideal locations for the drakes to nest and raise their families.
Fine slate slabs are hewn and put into place across the nation, creating ribbons of fine roads that allow for easy, and clean, access all across the nation.

>The Free Association of Tagagaya
The swirling clouds of reddish haze on the horizon seem to grow larger by the day, impossible for Negosoyo to ignore. A hasty palisade is thrown together, and no small number of couriers are dispatched to frantically negotiate shipments of stone blocks from distant quarries, though with the roads blocked how those shipments will arrive is anyones guess. Miho himself takes command of the city, organizing and training a makeshift militia, though it is a grim reality that the city is cut off from outside aid, and there are more tools than weapons available to the city. Still, whatever can be done is done. Perhaps it will be enough.
>Krovian and Krawl Attack on Barza
Though the soldiers of Barza rush home to defend their border they struggle against the weather, with heavy storms delaying their movements. At the border Krovian attacks grow more insistent, straining the undermanned fortresses. Krovian vessels, battered and in shambles make their way up from the south, having braved the whirlpools of the south, bearing waterlogged reinforcements, those who survived anyway. The shark men fashion the ships into makeshift rams and begin their assault on the fortress. The Barzan skeleton crew throws them back again and again, sacrificing outer walls they lack the mainpower to raise again. Then comes Zabacraw, great landshark of the Krawl! The beast bears within it an elite squad of Krovians whom it intends to unleash directly into the fortress itself, a devastating plan on the poorly manned fortress if all goes well. Alas, not all goes well, but for a single simple oversight. The Krovians skipped lunch.
Deep within the belly of the Krawl beast, the elite warriors grow hungry. And surrounding them is one of the most delicious creatures known to the Krovian palette. Unbeknownst to them a mild delay has caused the Krawl to delay the attack for an hour, and that is all time the elite Krovians within Zabacraw need to grow ravenous, then fall into a feeding frenzy within the great beast. The great beast flies into a panic, thrashing into the assembled ranks of the Krovians, who take the thrashing as an attack. By the time order is restored those present are busy nursing wounds, Zabacraw has retreated to regenerate, and the Barza forces have reinforced the border.

>Krawl Attack on Domo
The Krawl meet stiff resistance against the local domo defenders, but make slow progress into Domo controlled territory, overwhelming defenders and devouring local vegetation. Then a spectacular charge of Turban calvary crashes into the enemy lines, scattering ancestor golems, insect shaman and treants, clearing the way for the Krawl to advance with ease. It’s only after the fact that the Turbans realize they’ve mixed up their contracts and routed the wrong force!
> Forsaken at Negosyo
The rust colored haze of the Forsaken Dawn shifts, and surges out like a great crimson thundercloud toward Negosyo. Those few scouts who dare its mists find a motley legion composed of many nations marching grimly toward the changeling city. Many bear wounds that ought to be lethal. A hasty defense is organized of town guards, militia and mercenaries, and as the size of the approaching army grows it quickly becomes every able body able to hold a spear or club. The Forsaken Dawn deals little in tactics or strategies, simply surging forward with unnatural manic glee written on their stolen faces. Hails of arrow and javelin do little to slow them down, otherwise mortal injuries ignored or shrugged off. Positions find themselves sometimes swarmed by crawling arms and hands or flailing headless corpses. The defenders of Negosyo fall back, then fall back again, until there is nowhere left to run. The city goes dark, eclipsed by the rust colored haze of the Forsaken Dawn.

>Forsaken in Ordelan
Tendrils of haze sweeps across the Ordelan border, carrying with it small groups of corpse puppets. The smaller force attempts to infiltrate the region, masking themselves as refugees and normal soldiers, but meet disaster almost immediately. Barzan missionaries, armed with Pale Lanterns reveal the menace for what it is, and coordinating with the Nixen turn the tables with a series of ambushes, purifying many of the invaders and returning them to their senses. Even more bizarrely this includes many believed to have died in the conflict! In some roundabout way the horrors of the Forsaken Dawn and the power of Luxor have combined to bring back the dead! Luxite faith spreads like wildfire through the land.
>Forsaken at Sturnes
The Never Lord, a great chimeric snake of stolen bodies, leads the advance on Sturnes. Guliseare forces swoop in, harrying and slowing down the force, buying time for Orcmanie to arrive. At the same time Adenic forces abandon Sturnes, leaving only a token force behind. The Domo swoop into the city, slaughtering the token guard, and seize control, beginning public sacrifice rituals almost immediately.
Just outside of Sturnes the forces of Guliseare are driven into retreat when a dark mirror of their own forces emerges from the haze, forcing them back. Then the main body of the Forsaken Dawn meets the Orcman lines.
Orcman bards will sing songs of the battle for centuries to come. Of the Never Lord’s devastation, cutting through ranks of Orcmen and puppeting their remains. Of King Guyard II and his honor guard and the dozen times they assaulted the great monster, hewing bodies from the beast with bastard sword and mace and great axe. Calvary charges and last stands, bitter retreats, the savagery of frost chimeras and the power of Orcish honor. All of it is laid bare on the fields outside of Sturnes until at last, atop a heap of broken and hewn corpses the young king crushes the Never Lord’s skull with a heavy mace, halting the advance toward Sturne and extinguishing no small piece of the Forsaken Dawn’s power.

~~~END OF TURN 18~~~
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>Action 1: Oh God Oh God (Empower the Great Druid)
The enemy approaches, our forces broken and fleeing to the Turban's "accidental" misaligned assault. This is not without its benefits, for their adjacency has allowed further examinations from the wise men of Huirsas'toir. The somehow-stable amalgams of earth and flesh that greets them would be immensely terrifying. In the midst of doom and prophesizing, the Second Lord Priest has proposed of a solution, to empower her will beyond all else through sacrifice, and let her power be directed through rite to dominate a portion of the beasts on the horizon and turn them against eachother. Much of the victims of this plot would be her acolytes and followers, the fledgling art of druidicism nearly swallowed whole by its founder. Some flees to the west and their business against the north, but the majority of the dissenters would flee south, to...

>Action 2: Found the School of Basic Spiritual Competence (Establish Khurnaire at the Red Cross)
It was the price of the Turbans' aid, and it seems mightily relevant as to the previous tyrne's catastrophe. A great flock of magepriests, who currently has their homes be temporarily occupied or would bet their chances on the Turbans rather than the increasingly inauspicious west and threatened Huirsas'toir, shall be gathered and sent south to be another center of Domo magicks, in the worst of scenarios where Huirsas'toir falls. Ensconced in a labyrinthine complex of shrines and temples, these masters of the art attempts to pass on the ways of volition, of the control and wielding of one's own spirits above all else, upon the masses of the Turban who seeks their wisdom. If one doubts the efficacy of a whole gaggle of sages out of their towers and temples, a little year-long stint in one of the many cells dug in Khurnaire can give anyone an unparallaled understanding of themselves, helpfully guided by the sages in question.

>War Action: Bide Time
The somewhat troubling casulties on Sturnes can be filled with time, with more golems shaped from the blessed earth, with more insects born and bred in the ruination of the Domo's enemies, perhaps even more of our dead's souls called back in darkness. But now, the Domo can only wait, can only aid the Dawn in their skirmisher/raider capacity, to poke and prod at the surrounding lands to see where the Dawn can come and overwhelm and gather more bodies. It's honest work, for honest pay, and what more can the faithful do?
No matter how many times a novice is taught that fundamentally fire and ice magic are in fact one and the same, ultimately it requires years of experience and training in both fields to reach the deep level of comprehension required to effortlessly channel fire and ice simultaneously, to trigger a rain of frozen devastation with the same masterful stroke that produces a wall of flame. Nonetheless both skills are highly useful, especially in the frozen island the Vizari call home. During the spring as temperatures rise, frost mages bundle up heat within spell pylons to keep foods fresh, only to hand them off during the winter to keep homes and outdoor workers warm. An amusing side effect of the spellglass storage of heat is that many fire mages become quite physically imposing, as their profession often relies on carrying large number of spellglass casings, given that each can only hold a limited amount of power before growing viciously hot, then exploding.
The trip to the Domo lands runs into several issues. The simple and practical one of course is the sheer distance a family or errant wizard would need to travel to return to Vizari, much of it through warzones, without major roads to speak of. Next is time. It has been four tyrn since the disaster. Many of those who remember old Vizari have passed, while others have established lives never having known it. Last is the sheer distance and number of people to speak to, there is simply not enough time to spend more than a day at each village before the envoys must depart for the next one. Some magic is exercised, some more subtle than others, in an attempt to stir up the hearts and passions of those who remember the glories of yesteryear, but much of it falls flat or the feelings fade all too fast. Grandfathers nod toward their children playing with other Domo children, fathers speak of logistics and concerns of the wars in the north. In the end only a scattering of wayward Vizari accompany the envoys on the long trip back home, often the poor, desperate, or misfits.
Action 1: Runic Workshop (Holtzahnad)

The discovery of this “Magical Language” is a remarkable event that sends shockwaves through the academic circles. A grand workshop is devised to study this language and apply its secrets to our own equipment en masse, manufacturing huge amounts of runic equipment for our use.

Jold is exclusively used for complex gadgets and weaponry. It is the focus of our runic efforts, as the combination of runes with the local forgeworks and mechanisms workshop is incredibly promising, and should deliver new weapons as well as arcane devices.
Steel is used for armour and construction and high quality civilian goods. Of secondary importance compared to Jold, but still highly prized.
Bronze is an affordable metal used for civilian trinkets and civilian goods. Very rarely is something made of Bronze engraved with runes.

The sprawling workshop is a remarkable facility, designed to mass apply runes to our equipment and grant us an enchanted edge to our arsenal that we had been lacking until now.
The most sought after design is an upgrade to our current Thunderspears. The hypothesised “Mk3 Thunderspear” is a design that would unite our mechanical expertise with the odd properties of Jold as well as Runic inscriptions to allow the electric charge to be stored within the blade tip and only released on a successful hit, allowing several consecutive lightning strikes before needing a recharge.
The discovery of such a complex combination of runes that would allow specific control of Jold Lightning is considered to be a “Great Work” in and of itself that many Cavia scratch their heads trying at, and many attempt the creation of this new design hoping to become famous for their genius. Others focus more on experiments into other, less militarised avenues of runecraft.

Action 2: The Pipeworks

Great tubes are lowered into the deep, hundreds of them. Countless, countless columns are lowered into the Deep Dark, connected to a gargantuan oil pumping complex topside. Slowly, the oil begins to rise, up through the pipes and towards the surface, where massive containment silos have been constructed to store the vast quantities of Nachetar Oil that will be brought to the surface.

Somnbarre will be drained and soon we will be able to see what it at the bottom of the deepest wells.
We understand well the risks involved here however, at least we think we do. In the case that the storage silos are compromised, they are placed such that gravity will not cause them to fall down onto our side of the mountains, but will instead spill down the other way. Just as a precaution.

WAR: Bomb the Forsaken Dawn

We have been offered a significant payment if we deploy our forces against this strange Nachetar-Oil derived phenomena. It should be a trifling matter.

Assemble a few squadrons of Custodian Rocs, load them up with Alchemists Fire and bomb whatever this thing is from a high altitude, then it’s off for a spot of tea.
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Action 1: Hulua College of Thaumaturgecraft and Magimancy
>Seer of Shadow: You know our laws, Erika. Once exception is made, a host of angered families demand restitution for the inequality
>Erika: And should a solution not be implemented, the losses shall continue. Lessened anger, but ever-growing.
>Seer of Souls: You've a solution once more?
>Erika: Mine is to tend to children, honored Seers. I've learned multitudes of tricks in corralling them, making them think themselves cleverer than I, whilst carrying out the will of Terra
>Seer of Smoke: Like you are attempting right now?
>Erika: My, naught escapes your wise eyes, Linjal.
>Seer of Smoke: Why must you vex me so, o' rejecter of my affections?
>Erika: Ask Bjorn about the art of picking one's battles. I know now, as I knew before, that I would have gone mad corralling your Stige
>Seer of Shadow: Focus
>Erika: Yes honored Seer. The bane and blessing of our children is curiosity. Lest we provide them a local spring to quench that thirst, they will travel far where the waters may not be as clean of those of Habitun. Capital punishment only takes away the allure so much afore they foolishly chance it. It must be made foolish from both ends
- Excerpt from court hearing on incident #325380, 113

>>Heyannir 2nd, Bewitchment age
>Thrown again from cliff with one wing tied. Elias and Rosa laughed when my leg twisted. Told on them to Hunt Instructor Annika. She gave me yak bladders full of pee and winked, then threw me off cliff again[1].
>I laughed when Elias and Rosa had to ask for new clothes.
>>Heyannir 3rd, Bewitchment age
>Elias and Rosa hid away my pants. Said I wouldn't need them with my feathery bottom. I scratched them with talons. They tied both wings and threw me out of window.
>Fell on strange scary lady. She laughed saying Terra delivered. Took me away to hut and fixed my broken legs, like miracle. Said to come back if injured again.
>Annika was busy, but cat Broderick handed me live rats, and winked.
>Elias and Rosa ran through woods with full pants. Too tired to laugh.
>>Heyannir 6th, Bewitchment age
>Scary lady came by. Said she could fix me into proper Alf, to not get bullied again. Ran away when headmistress Erika walked by.
>Erika said bullies blind.
>>Heyannir 8th, Bewitchment age
>Class had race. I won by flying over forest and animals. Elias said I was fast and smiled. Rosa turned her nose and frowned.
>At night Rosa pulled me to woods. Showed off shadowmancy. Threatened me to stay away from Elias.
>>Heyannir 19th, Bewitchment
>Finally managed to move shadow. Rosa congratulated me.
>Scary lady came by again. Looked cross. Said it was my fault she lost argument with headmistress. Said I would never be pure. Brick shattered on her head[2] and she ran away, chased by headmistress.
1. For Terra's sake place a guard at that cliff
2. Utilize as evidence of no wrongdoing in incident #325411, tell Grimhild to stay away from school outside of healing duties
- Robin's diary, 113
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>Wanted - Professionals In Matters Of Habitunness
>Magimancy: Shadowmancy, Fumancy, Ignimancy, other mancies
>Limited wages, free alfpower
- Note pinned in Habitun public squares

>College students to be granted access to records of designation 221, graduated and exceptional students 232
- Missive to Bikube Librarians

Action 2: Construct the Cognita cathedral
>Seer of Souls: I do not think it will work
>Seer of Smoke: I disagree. Fumancers getting paid to have assistants will work excellently for our research initiatives
>Seer of Sepulchres: Believe he refers to the foolish dreams
>Seer of Souls: Lands beyond, being worth visiting. As if they forget the very reason Habitun was founded
>Seer of Shadow: If the problem is of forgetfulness, then it is our responsibility to remind, as it is to mind
- Excerpt from Habitun Council meeting

>Two hundred fot is not deep enough. If you wish efficient drainage, reverbeating acoustics, and sufficient encapsulation, three hundred is the least I would have Age dig to
>Not yet received the tonnage of stone required. Do you want this built out of straw?![1]
>Shadowmancers acting uppity. "Not enough glitter vapor for runes" they say. Well I need some to shut them up. I know you were wasting much on Stige's crackpot projects again, but if you want this built during this age, you will send me what I need
>Juhrs functioning wonderfully for the vents and sound holes. If we had these during the acoustic tunnels construction, work would have gone much more swimmingly. Plan on connecting narrow tunnel series with dulce pipes to acoustic tunnels. Whatever words Siblings say on pew, will echo throughout mountains for all of Habitun to hear
>True Katan working tirelessly on organs. Skipping meals and sleep again. Rectify
1. You are digging into stone. Sculpt out of that stone. Fool
- Foreman Arvid Bani

Military action: Provide support to Habitun-083 against harpy invasion
>Bjorn 001: Why have you not indicated the emergency sooner?
>Bjorn 005: I- -s fu-ny -t-ll
>Bjorn 016: Time and place. Send positions of enemies
>Bjorn 032: Utilize acoustic tunnels, we can evaluate optimal dep-
>Bjorn 083: We nevew buiwt tunnews
>Bjorn 001: No issue. We have finished development of the portable portals. Hilsen has the same consistent design, yes?
>Bjorn 083: Yes
>Bjorn 001: Then we shall send a strike force into our own Hilsen. Captain Sihtric shall lead it from storage room west 42. Stream out, crush garrison, take over, begin harrassment of supply lines
>Bjorn 016: Optimal. Other reinforcements will have to stream through Bikube normally, providing sufficient holdup on advance forces until their supplies run out
>Bjorn 032: I will send each 58 of my own. No more alas, busied with 005
>Bjorn 005: Th--- yo-
- Excerpt from shadow ant communiques between Bjorn Sayyads
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>Action 1: King Guyard II
When he left Rooin on the ride south, Guyard deGorbashe had still been considered a boy by many. A boy of prestigious blood from a union of Noble dynasties, but still a boy - his lessons still raw, his training untested. But as the days have passed on the march to campaign, the boy has slowly peeled away to reveal the man inside. When the day of his birth comes around, he is Knighted by the master-at-arms of Rooin at Castra Orienta; and a lightweight crown is placed upon his head, for now command is truly his. This he soon demonstrates, an aptitude for leadership demonstrating and growing as he grows in confidence, skills at tactics and strategy showing themselves as outriders start encountering ranging Domo warriors and lurchers of the dreadful Forsaken. And as the clouds of the Forsaken Dawn become visible above the treeline, he steels his heart. The priests attend him, and he makes vows anew; to be the shield of Ganuz and Hilda's blade.

And then, the fields of Sturnes. Through the Madness, he remains focused. Through the trial, he remains committed. Through the smoke and the slashing and the breaking and the rending, he fights with a vigour and a valour against the awful, impossible creations spewed out by the forsaken forces. Again he rallies, again he charges; inspiring and commanding and breaking through the deathly ranks over and over. And at the crux, at the tipping point, it is him at the centre with weapon and shield, never relenting. It is his moment. It is his training. It his his vigour. It is his valour.

It is his Mace.

And the Never-Lord is shattered, a malignant entity of broken gods and broken bodies and broken dreams... broken forever. Extinguished by mortal strength. Drawing back his Mace, the head still coated in the shards and viscera of the ungodly entity, the Young King steps across the body of the demonic abomination and lets out a shout of triumph; one that echoes about the battlefield, taken up as a cry of Victory as their opponents loose all heart and their army dismantles, and is dismantled.

And a Heroic tale worthy of his ancestors is forged that day. Let the Troubadours sing it across the lands. Let the Orcmanie celebrate their King and Hero, let the Ordelani sing stories of the Savour of Sturnes; let even the Guliseare and Adenai give whisper and swallow their enormity of pride to find respect.






>Action 2: New Roads
With the nation at war, the transit and transport of goods and people around the realm and further off along the road becomes of ever greater value. Regent Grenlug Morthochet of the Orcmanie takes inspiration from the recent works of our southern neighbours and draws up a plan for new roads that will further bind the realm together. Of most import, a road to link Cadon to Rooin by way of the forges and port Sainac, and a road to Fort Orest. Beyond that... let us see how the budget stretches.
1&2. Construct a new city, Costa Nord, and docks on the new city.
On the northern shores of the isle of Avalantis a town has recently grown to the status of an actual city. Next to the Jade mines and glass works it was always a common area to store these goods along with the black marble and herding the boneyard mammoths before moving them south to Vizari proper. Now though, as population grows and better fire magics make even the harsher winters more mild proper homes are built and docks prepared to increase the movement of goods south and to prepare fishing fleets for future fishing of the Nord sea.

>Action 2 Continued
For building material for the new roads, Grenlug entertains the idea of using slate as the Adenai have; but eventually decides upon Red Granite. Red Granite is local to the Orcmanie and a stronger and more durable stone, and moreover earns him and his liege greater favour from House de Moonhurleur of Cadon. So purchasing internally from fellow Orcman and using Orcman labour just makes sense... it goes around, and comes back in Tithes and Taxes.
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By the great grace of our Lord Aagen,
who has granted us this tyrn of the sun, I, King Gladron of the Venks do hereby order;
>Establishment of orchards of such fruits and nuts within the forest shared with the Skrit which the Ants do find most pleasing but difficult to farm themselves, as thanks for our continued fair dealings and their willingness to share this land with us (>>6178962)
>Enlargement of iron mining operations in Rudam, and if no new seams be found therein then the prospecting of middle Vencia
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As the city of Sturnes is recaptured, or, what's left of it, an election is held. Ordalan has weathered the tide against Adenai and now has the Nachetar's shadow loom over it. For times like this, we need whatever unity we can get. There is some disagreement as the eastern nobles don't think the Sturnes nobles should hold equal power, but the two both oppose the Domo, so as long as actions are made against them, they will at least not oppose one another. The new Queen of Ordalan is Lady Trude of house Ewig, a follower of Hilda, she does not wear the same resplendent regalia of previous queens, being a follower of the goddess of humility and death. Thus she strikes a cord with the Nixen, who have suffered greatly. But our duty is not yet done. Ordalan will survive.

>Action 1: The Songfeathers. The Anelk learn to infuse their feathers with the Arrowsong, making them glide through the air for longer.
As the nature of our foe changes, the Anelk considers the importance of manoeuvre. The ability to launch oneself into the air is good, but the Arrowsong can do more than just launch the arrow, it can also guide it. But a big difference from Anelk and Nix is having feathered wings. Feathers that are also used for arrows. The Anelk thus find they can imbue not just the feathers on their arrows, but also on their wings. Having the arrowsong guide them through the wind, gliding on it, allowing them to fly further. The more familiar with the Arrowsong they get, the better they can utilize their Songfeathers to achieve flight that may even rival that of the Aripan.

>Action 2: The forges of Emberglen. With resources aplenty, production scales to match.
While Ordalan is richer than ever in raw materials, we have been struggling to make good use of it. Much of our equipment has been reforged, what new equipment is made is made hastily. But as smiths move from Sturnes to Emberglen, an opportunity arises. Buying large urban plots they can secure the space to build large forges, which can smelt more efficiently, they need more hands to operate the forges, but there are plenty of Nixen wanting for work. Thus arise the first industrial district of Ordalan, where it is easy to find arms and armour that fits you.

>Military: The Forest of Spears. Focus on the Domo invaders, while our allies deal with the Forsaken Dawn.
We have secured the aid of the great eagles of Vitruvia and their alchemical fire. Combining this with the Orcs and Aripan, we can expect them to burn down the Forsaken Dawn. But the Domo skirmishing needs to be dealt with, so we enact the Forest of Spears doctrine. A military camp is setup at each settlement, the garrison of Spears will fend off any raiding force long enough for reaction forces of Chariots to arrive and run down the raiders. Meanwhile the Pyre Axes and Winged Hunters track down any Domo camp and assault them. These are our lands, the invaders will find no gain or respite here.
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>Bureau Renseignement
The Bureau continue their watchfulness for threats and infiltrators across the Orcmanie

>War Action
The army of the Orcmanie returns to their northern position within Ordalan, raises basic defences, and prepares for the upcoming attack to be launched against the Forsaken Dawn. Warriors Drill, Bowmen Practice, the Knights patrol and the Brise-seiges raise their Trebuchets. The priests of the Orcmanie dispense aid, hear their charges and conduct their sermons; whilst the visiting Barzaentines are allowed to sweep with their pale lanterns to check for signs and presence of the Nachetar-corrupted and excise their foulness from any afflicted Orcman.

But let us not be fooled by the calm before the storm. The attack against the Forsaken Dawn is coming; Vitruvian Rocs will descend with their fire from the skies to make the Dawn burn, and the Guliseare flight will add their scalding light and rapid strikes against the forsaken forces. Like as not, when the Domo raiders are forced back on the defence, the Ordalan will also commit with bows and darting blade... and when the Dawn burns, beset by a thousand cuts and strikes; it will be the Heavy wedge, the arms and armour of the Orcmanie with their King in glorious charge, that will break the centre of the Forsaken host and finally extinguish this forsaken blight upon the world.
>Action 1: 2nd anti-magic boar farm.
They may come in useful in war and if lucky we can export them too. So we need MORE

>Action 2: Spirit magic - spirit walking
We learned spirit magic from the Domo. We shall devise a new creative spell from it.

Spirit walking. In meditation one makes their soul become like a spirit. To wander the world without form. Spirit forms are feintly visible but can't touch stuff or be touched. Strong emotion being directed towards them makes them dissipate retiring the soul to the caster.

>War post:
Apparently we're crossing the sea to get to join up with the sharks. The shark navy shall get us across. Let's move our navy in as well to help in troop transport
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>Action 1 - Fort by Lumbermill
With the army out and abroad, the local Krovians look to their own defense. Retribution is a well understood and logical course of action any Krovian can understand, and the Lumbermill was the last known target of these strangers we are fighting to the west. So! Let us prepare for their inevitable counter-offense, when they see how strong and mighty we are, and strike out in jealousy.

>Action 2 - Steel
Teaching a Krovian is quickly becoming a Turban expression meaning "To Attempt The Impossible"
Still, we've been buying Coal from them for ages, and our grasp of metalworking is solid enough to (eventually) understand the concept of Steel. Hoorah!

An accord has been struck! We will face the Barzaenite in open combat, but first, a turn to recuperate! The Krovians camped outside the fort gather their rations, and the spoils of local hunts, and start throwing a party! Come the next tyrn, true glory will certainly be had! No more bashing one's head against a great stone rampart for us!

Raiding Post
Finally! Land, once again! The Krovian pirates can even see strange ships sailing too-and-fro along the coast, and so look to find the slowest, juiciest target to sink their teeth into. Booty for all!
[Map is movement, and the question marks are "where would we go based on what looks good and raidable" cuz I dont know if this Pirate group can raid Ports or if that's suicide.]
Ruination approaches from all corners now and the future of Barza hands on but by a thread. Justinian strokes the divine needle he was given while in thought. His men had bought time, his sister would approach the Orcmen to hopefully finish the Forsaken dawn once and for all, and that would have to be enough.

Action 1: Wingclippers
Wingclipppers, a curious name for the device derived in the service of a war that his people had withdrawn from so long ago. Yet the utility of such devices cannot be understated. It takes a long time for a Barzantine man to be able to be called a master with the bow, yet these smaller replicas of the ballista while not able to reach such highs, are far easier to reach competency with, and can be used en masse by those who are less skilled to ruinous effect. A fusillade of these smaller bolts would cause even armored foes a great deal of pain.

Action 2: Unified Doctrine
A great deal of new techniques, arms and magic has been added to the Army of Barza in a relatively short order. Now is the time to make sure we can use it, all of it, to maximum effect against the foes of the kingdom. It will be most necessary in the coming battles.

Army Action: Rest
The Krovians are biding their time and waiting, whether to honor the deal or for treachery's kiss is not truly known. Regardless with them partying and the Forsaken Dawn mostly in hand, Now is the time to recover what we can, and to fill the army with fresh recruits so we can train them to acceptable standards.

Missionary Action: The loyal sons and daughters of Luxor accompany the brave Orcmen and Ordalan armies to Forsaken dawn, to help prevent Corruption by the foulsome shades there and the heal those afflicted by maladies less spiritual and more mortal besides. Luxor willing this threat will be cleansed soon.

Justinian's Action:
Justinian accompanies the missionaries and itinerant knights guarding them, intent on using the Silversteel needle to close the gap and shut the way for the Nachetar to cease issuing forth.
Extra: The captured Gulisaere scouts are remanded to their people in exchange for an apology and some support as agreed upon. (Basically, QM's let that one pop whenever need be given transit time.)
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The objective this tyrn is to prep for war against the barza in Our ways which We devised. Action 1 and War are related to each other and this effort

>1: ParacHog
Developed at the chasms of magma fungi, the first hive, nearby to the active battlefield of barza, new krawl forms are developed with a specific purpose in mind. Hog encasements, made entirely of krawl, which have chutes with intricate patterns in their very shape. They would extend their rope-like multi-tendon muscles of krawl mass behind them, to expand their parachutes outward and catch the air. This would be done at just the right time, to allow the hogs to soar as far as possible. Once the hogs land safely, the krawl forms attached to their bodies will release them, in order to roam free and graze the land with their brethren. The lumbering pure forms will squeeze themselves on to the hogs, preventing them from moving, so that they may be loaded into the turban’s catapults and subsequently launched aloft. As soon as they are ready, they’ll ferry themselves to the front in groups by means of their vortexes. After they land, they won’t need them anymore. Due to their temporary nature and single case of use, they are dubbed “ParacHog”s.

>2: The refinery mk. II
The refinery, a massive chamber of mixing, molten metal, which has been first constructed of krawl, alongside the magma fungi. When krawl comes in contact with molten metal, it tends to harden into a ceramic-graphite-silicate-like material. This material is called kudd, and will turn back into the average krawl if it sees no contact with molten metal for an extended period of time. While in this hardened state of kudd, krawl mass acts as a highly conductive surface. The heat of pavilion’s molten underbelly will suffice plenty to raise the chamber’s temperature. Tubes of kudd are added at different heights in the chamber, so as to extract specific pure metals from their combined alloys. Underneath, the chamber may also open in order to be flushed out or cleansed. The tubes on the refinery run to various molds and may be modified so that they could go elsewhere in the future.

>War: army movement
Our entire armies will advance back across the sea, to mercifully withdraw from the Domo lands, accompanied by the turquoise turbans and their many anti-magic hogs. Once they return and meet up with Maja and what Krovians that may be out of the fray, they will wait for the wargame between that of barza and Our allies to be over. The krawl will take the boats that they rode in on, while the turbans are up to using the shark vessels and their own to transport their catapults and their warriors and their hogs. As the turbans are the masters of hog-handling, they will be responsible for their hogs until they are flung far past the field of combat, next turn. As soon as the turbans arrive, the hogs must be encased in ParacHogs and launched past their fortress, passively.

(Pic related: army movement this tyrn)
> Action 1: Build a New Hold in the Frontier
The Urotti shift their focus to Virn-Lodahr, a new hold taking shape in the heart of their expanded domain. Thick undergrowth and jagged outcrops are cleared by skilled masons and laborers, each slab of quarried stone laid with deliberate care to withstand frigid gales. Plans include deep cellars for provisions and shelter, while a proud gatehouse—etched with runes of unity and fortitude—stands as a testament to dwarven ambition in these untamed lands.

> Action 2: Construct an Underground Water-Powered Workshop
Farther downstream, dwarven engineers divert the dam’s outflow through carefully carved tunnels beneath the earth. Here they install a series of water wheels, harnessing the swift current to drive wooden gears and iron shafts. The resulting power operates grindstones and mechanical hammers, easing the toil of crafting tools, armor plates, and runic engravings. Rumors already swirl of future expansions—perhaps forging halls with power-driven bellows or specialized saws to cut lumber more efficiently. Each shift ends with the quiet “Turning of the Wheel,” a dwarven ritual honoring the ancestors and reminding all that true resilience is found when stone, water, and dwarven will converge.

> Rumors
Footprints in the Frost: Scouts traveling near Virn-Lodahr whisper of large, four-toed prints spotted at the edge of the forest at dawn. Some suspect wandering beasts; others mutter about lost giants from northern legends.
Veins of Light: Miners digging out the water tunnels claim to have glimpsed faintly glowing mineral veins deep in the rock. No one can say whether these veins hold ore of value or if they’re a mere trick of the low lanternlight.
Silent Observers: A few workers report seeing shapes on distant ridgelines at night. Could be migrating animals, or perhaps figures from beyond the kingdom’s borders.
Distant Drumming: Late in the evenings, when most are asleep, a rhythmic pounding can be heard far below the new hold. Some believe it’s ancient machinery stirring; others insist it must be the heartbeat of the mountain itself.

> Warpost
The Urotti mustered a stalwart host to march so that they may aid their allies against the winged menace that threatened the habitun in far off realms.
Report on Lesser Activities to Cyra, Noreusper of Guliseare, executioner of Thessa, bane of Kaenum, unifier of the Aripan, Ruler of all the hallowed mountains, Aelelox's chosen prophet, most blessed and holy Aripan to fly upon the skies and walk upon the earth.

The northerners have caused an incident lately involving captured Aripan whom, according to reports that have been recently confirmed by Ilias by virtue of the Vitruvians, they have mangled and mutilated. This horrific slight is to be brought up to the other powers shortly. Also due to Ilias, we are aware of the Vitruvians entering the war against the unholy lands that the savage lessers have created. As a part of this letter, a second report of the information you requested regarding the Barzantines is included along with a number of observations. I am also pleased to report that a number of Moivadal presumed dead are alive, all in exchange for minor support which we can quite easily provide.

Your faithful servant, Kallixeina.

>Action One. Military Airship Designs.
The creation of military airships was always bound to happen after the creation of functional vessels. However, there are many different uses airships can have, some more different from the initial merchant designs than others. The simplest are armed merchants made for transporting soldiers and their supplies, while more complex designs such as small, light and fast ships with fire potions and a method to drop them with ease are created. The most important thing these ships grant us however is a place for our priests to organize their rituals in safety with a vantage point. Allowing the gaze of Aelelox to be called down without putting our most blessed and holy at risk. With these vessels, our army may never cease in it's march thanks to always being carried by the winds of the sky, all while leaving our soldiers fully fresh and ready for battle without any tiring march or flight while having support from the sky that can aid in devastating any enemy camp while Bilistria rain down upon them. Likewise, they allow for far more liberal use of various resources, as now one need not fly far away to a supply depo when one is flying and fighting in the battle itself.

>Action Two. Further Lumbermills.
Airships, by their nature, are mostly made of wood. Tools, likewise, have their handles made from lumber, along with many less important goods like furniture. While our supply was enough to satisfy demand for many tyrns, the new navy being made has spiked that demand. As such, further lumber mills are to be created in the nearby woods. Two hextres of land with sawmills dotting the forests should ensure that no shortages happen and will finally develop the valley's lands a bit further beyond the limited small villages that dotted these places for so long.

>Free Action. Scouting for the Barzantine.
A small contingent of the Riconorie are sent to aid intelligence gathering for the Barzantine forces to help them deal with their barbarian problem. Likewise, a merchant airship shall be provided to carry supplies for their army and help their logistics. Minor support, but important none the less.

>War Action
The cursed lands need to be purified. The coalition to contain the mess the lessers made should be enough to prevent further expansion from this unholy site of Kaenum to the south. However, merely containing it is akin to allowing a cancer to fester before it spreads across the body. The tumor must be cut, and fortunately, the Vitruvians are taking action. As such, our forces are to try and protect the north from further Kaenumite expansion and likewise protect the rocs and aid in providing their payload to target. If the dawn can be purified, or at least be brought as close to purified as is possible so that it stops spreading it's foul miasma of corruption, then it will only be a matter of time before our attention can turn to the Kaenumites that created it, or at least one of the groups of them, and ensure their sinful existence is cleansed with the pyre or redeemed through work and the chain. Priests to Aelelox are likewise to attempt to utilize Aelelox's burning gaze to help purge these cursed lands as well, so long as they are a safe distance away, of course.

Also of importance is the Inquzonie. They shall be on high alert given how this taint can spread so easily and pervert even the most pious into grotesque forces of Kaenum. If not something even worse.
>Action 1: A quest for stone (prospect)
Due to the inability of previous prospectors to achieve results, a number of twigs find themselves coordinating in financing new ventures in search of a source of quality, hard stone. The wooden walls of Adenai have been long since outgrown, and the costs of maintenance have nearly grown to the size of the initial construction.

>Action 2: A quest for iron
A similar process manifests itself for the search of metallic goods.
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>Build port in Delta and mobilze.
The mobilization and militarization of the Skrit becomes clear, their direction determined. It's military might is aimed to make landfall at Delta, and the colony is to welcome the strength of the Skrit empire with readied and open arms. A port is constructed to facilitate and accommodate the vast shipments of troops, weapons, supplies, and other resources the city might need in the coming days ahead.

>Expand into neighboring regions
It is time to take to strike out towards new frontiers. Whether they are already occupied or not matters nothing to the Skrit. Their troops and scavengers march forward, guided with Exploratory and militant Arrays. These lands will become part of our domain one way or the other.
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Turn 19

Across Pavilion, rainbows are seen in clear skies. Bright-colored hues in irregular, spiked bands stretch from the horizon, sometimes lasting for minutes or hours.

A great migration of Domo is underway, new threats pushing people out of the east and new opportunities luring them west, north and south. The lands around the Krawl incursion are nearly depopulated as a result, refugees and exiles into vast caravans that stretch out from Hursatoir. Those who can neither see the beauty of the Forsaken nor the appeal of spreading Domo teachings to the new land have a third option, giving their lives to further empower the Great Druid. The old crone sups greedily on followers and victims, growing in fell power with the waxing moon. Her heaving belly distends with flesh, her jaw enlarges till it can swallow a man in a bite, her feet grow tendrils and roots to absorb the blood spilt at her feet, her skin hardens and crazes with barklike cracks until it can be pierced by neither sword nor arrow. Hail the Great Druid! Crone Mother! Blood Tree!
Despite its name, the School of Basic Spiritual Competence is far from “basic”. Conscious of the risky path their nation has chosen, the scholars that head south take with them copies of the whole of Domo knowledge and practices. The majority of these are not disclosed to their Turban hosts, brought into the school under the cover of luggage or midden carts.
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On the eastern edges of Vitruvia reports come in of the Skrit moving into the jungles. They tend toward the bothersome, have no respect for personal property, and typically lower the property value of the neighborhood, but by and large the locals get by with strategic bribery of the ants, feeding them waste rubbish and bribing them to deal with local animal pests.
The gift of the dwarves is much appreciated, and more analytical research of the runes begins in earnest even as the walls of the Runic Workshop are being built, which is for the best given that no one is quite sure what a Runic Workshop should even contain. There appears to be five distinct symbols, the Spike, a prerequisite for other runes to activate, Bang, which seems to emit light, Chute, which seems to cause magical darkness, Brazier, which causes heat, and Bin which seems to remove temperature. Useful runic lab tools quickly find themselves in use in alchemical pursuits, and there’s further talk of developing weapons based on the runic abilities.
Vitruvia rarely pauses to ask ‘should’, usually more concerned with ‘could’. So it goes with the Pipeworks, a complex pump network powered by the hard labor of two dozen polymyria. With many a groan and gurgle and whisper of madness the Nachetar oil is pumped up from the deepest darkness. Here and there patches are applied, alchemist’s fire is applied to spills, possessed renovants put down. Slowly but surely the oil level falls.
There at the bottom are ebon statues, appearing to be of polished jet stone, only the faintest shine of reflected light revealing their contours. Each one is a remarkable work of art, startling in their beauty. They form little tableaus, each cluster a different race never seen. Tiny lizard men playing a game with a ball, lithe women with long staves topped with sizable crystals kneeling before a queen, a single twelve foot cyclopean giant reading a book, a pair of insect men with broad butterfly like wings, one gesturing his mouth open to speak words that will never be heard. The scene stretches out in all directions for some distance as the explorers trudge along in thick boots, there might be over a thousand statues here. Each and every one of them weeps a small but steady stream of Nachetar oil.
>Habitun cult
Hulua College soon sprawls out across a wide campus as a premier sight of the future of Habitun. The study of the arcane arts flourishes here, manipulation of shadows and smoke and fire and the weaving of enchantments, as well as more mundane lessons that any alf might need in the fullness of time. The Cognita Cathedral on the other hand, sunken as deep into the earth as is practical, meanwhile concerns itself with dire warnings on the fickle nature of the sun. More than one curious youth finds themself assigned to long shifts at the cathedral where they have plenty of chances to hear sermons on the dangers of the outside world.
Investigation into the fish problem unfortunately doesn't turn up many clues. Holmbastus certainly seems to have the same issue with aggressive pike, Fisker witnesses a blade armed Vitruvian engage in a ferocious wrestling match with one of the beasts that cruised into shallow water, though it seemed unconcerned by the arm it lost in the process, perhaps because it had five more. The bumbling seeria/polymyria pair of guards following Fisker with an obviousness that even a Vencian could notice certainly hints that something is afoot, though unfortunately spying on the pair reveals that they’re utterly clueless as well.
Habitun-16’s Fort Hilsen is retaken, by thin margins, the keening screech of opening portals unfortunately alerted a sentry, and swiftly the entire fortress came crashing down on the storeroom. After a fierce struggle however the portal invaders managed to push back and reclaim the fort, though it almost immediately comes under siege by Harpy forces. Still it is a welcome distraction for Habitun-16.

An old Rooin saying goes “times of hardship are times of legend”, and indeed men of note are sprouting up all across Pavilion. King Guyard has yet to reach the near-deity level reputation of the Adenic Lucius, but killing such a powerful force of evil at such a young age certainly smacks of divine intervention.
As slate roads replace packed dirt in the Adenai Confederacy, Ormanie roads are resurfaced with the light red hues of granite cobblestone. Though the red dust does unfortunately stain most Orcman clothing and armor rust red.

Costa Nord grows out the surrounding industry in the north, and quickly establishes a fine port, which quickly proves the favored form of transport during the harsh winters of Avalantis, rather than trek across the snowy tundra. The city fast develops a minor industry of artisans working with the jade, black marble and glass easily available, with a few braving the trip to port Sainac to peddle their goods, hoping to catch the eye of an orcman noble in Rooin.
Stands of apple trees sprout up across the cooler forests of the southwesterns Skrit kingdom. While the fruits have long been prized by local insects of the collective, both apples and apple trees have proven far too unwieldy for the Skrit to farm. The hands of the Venks, on the other hand, are well suited for plucking fruit and pruning branches, for stoking flames and boiling whole bushels into a sticky, honey-sweet goop that quickly becomes a favored treat across the region.
A second iron mine is established south of Rudam.

The arrowsong swells in the hearts of the free Aripan, dancing not just along their bows and arrows but through their wings as well. Maintaining flight control, firing a bow, and maintaining the arrowsong at the intensity needed for flight is no easy task, but with training many of the Anelk can dart and weave through the air with bow or javelins for several minutes, which hopefully will prove an effective deterrent to other airborne enemies.
The forges of Emberglen run hot, working at all hours of the day and night to restore the depleted military supplies of Ordelan, forging new equipment and mending broken pieces. Of note is the discovery that a handful of ash tiger claws added to the smelter fuel results in a fine iron with a faint red sheen, though rarity of the ingredients limits this metal to only a few warriors.

>Turquoise Turbans
The Spellbreaker Boar is shaping up to be a key piece of the Turban Armies, so it is no surprise that more land and resources are dedicated to raising and training the fierce beasts. Soon enough the beasts can be found nearly everywhere in the Turban lands, working fields, hauling caravans, or guarding them with a steel clad rider.
Domo mysticism is a strange and curious style of magic, focused on the spirits of the land and the power of sacrifice. One of the first exercises along this path is the spirit journey, where the practitioner unmoors their soul from their body. For the Domo it is a practice of meditation used to speak to nearby spirits, though the Turbans take it farther, unmooring the spirit enough that it can travel great distances, passing through mundane obstacles with ease while the body rests inert. The only concern is the prevalence of Spellbreaker Boars, the spiritual threads connecting the soul to the body wither and break upon contact with the heavy face plates of the boars. This is not always doom for the spirit walker, but does often result in severe complications, especially should the spirit have wandered far.
>Krovian Bands
The sturdy forts of the Barza are no end of frustration to the Krovians, but the sharkmen know a good idea when they see one. Pale white stone from the quarry is brought north and soon enough a sturdy stone fort rises out of the ground, though no one builds it particularly high, given the Barza’s capacity for earthshaking. The main defense of the fort will be the newly reforged arms and armor pouring out of the smithies as Krovians slowly but surely master the nature of steelworking.
Krovian vikings find a port town creeping over the horizon, and better still it seems undefended and bustling with trade! In a stunning display of cleverness the Krovians cobble together a facsimile of a local flag (unbeknownst to them copying an Adenic vessel’s flag) and creep into the port at sundown, weapons at the ready for a slaughter, as music and lights begin to fill the town. A local festival has begun. Just before the sharks charge out of their ship to storm the port, a band of drunk party goers boards it instead, bearing drinks and food! Great drinks and food! Soon the sharkmen are partying, eating, and drinking in the streets, assumed to be some distant naga relative or another in the motley collection of Domo natives. Unfortunately in the morning the least hungover Krovian spots their ships, crewed by Adenai half elves, sailing away down the coast! After them!

>Justinian the Pious of Barzeantine
The wingclipper crossbow is in many respects a fairly simple device, designed for mass production and ease of use, and in most ways it is largely inferior to the work of a proper bowman, who can fire faster, farther, and more accurately. What a proper bowman cannot do however, is be formed from a gaggle of freshly trained recruits into a useful hail of iron tipped death in just a few days. So while experienced scouts and sentries favor a sturdy bow, the rank and file troops instead carry a simple crossbow and count on sheer numbers to do the job.
The crossbow training is just the latest addition to the military doctrine of Barza, and serves as yet another useful tool in the arsenal of weapons in the Barzaentine army. Field reports are gathered, analyzed and compiled into little black books of tactical strategies, command wisdom, and more than a few tongue in cheek proverbs.
>The Krawl
The Parachog is a bizarre innovation, but not one without its merits. Besides its intended effect of launching spellbreaker hogs into enemy lines it can also encase other Krawl or Krovian soldiers, allowing their rapid deployment for tactical flanks, and if the Krawl finds itself holding the high ground in an engagement they gain a powerful advantage in terms of deploying troops to key locations to lower ground.
The great refinery is an awe inspiring spectacle, a mix of heaving krawl tissue and great stone slabs that work and twist flows of lava to manage a series of forges and smelters, though it does beg the question of why the Krawl are creating such a complex and sizable forge structure when they lack any metal to work beyond simple tin. Perhaps they can arrange some trade with the Krovians for some?

Strike the earth! Mattock splits ice and stone as the Urotti dwarves carve a new home out of the earth in a mix of deep cellars and earthen homes. The new hold quickly proves a vital hub in the region, providing a central location for maintenance on the dams and the new workshops spinning off of them, though most of the new workshops still remain above ground, the labor of their construction taking most of the time, leaving little labor for the construction of large underground chambers.
Rumors continue to grow, to the point where settlers cluster together for fear of what lurks in the driving snow beyond the settlement walls. The impulse benefits Virn-Lodahr, which might otherwise have ended up little more than a few walls and a mark on the map. As it is, the city largely empties out in the sun-drenched summer months, before hosting a large chunk of the population during frigid winters. Though the weight of testimonial is too great to ignore, concrete evidence has yet to found, leading to calls for a state-sponsored expedition into the Urotti frontier.
In distant realities not their own, the Urotti acquit themself well, carrying the charge through the portal into the other world’s fort Hilsen, then weathering the storm of Harpy counter attacks.

>Divine Republic of Guliseare
A fleet of warships is a thing hungry for lumber and new lumbermills are spun up to supply the need. The craftsmen of Guliseare work long hours constructing the new fleet, a combination of sleek lightweight ships designed to swoop and strike at targets on the ground, while others are bulkier vessels designed to carry cargo into warzones. The powerful advantages of the fleet is only tempered by its priceless nature, the thick beams of Orihalchum at their heart are incredibly hard to replace, and worse still could be lost and stolen by the enemy. Almost as bad is the possibility of severe damage to the ship causing it to shoot high into the sky, never to be seen again, or violently eject its main counterweights into the sky, sending the ship plummeting to earth.
>Adenai Confederacy
The prospectors of Adenai set out across the kingdom and make two new discoveries. The first is a hard stone that occasionally has a subtle glitter to it, Quartzite. The second is a ravine studded with outcroppings of lead. Not the proper iron the twigs were hoping for, but useful for many things where an easily shaped metal is ideal and the weight is of little concern. Already there is talk of pipes and fountains and other things of beauty.

Skrit by the thousands swarm across the great lake, some flying, others paddling on crude rafts. They land at the new docks on the southern shore and line up in neat eerily still ranks, waiting for the burst of pheromones that will trigger them into movement. Workers and foragers swarm out into the jungles and even up the harsh snowy mountains, though the small insects of the Skrit struggle to survive in the snow and cold, and there is no food to be found on these high peaks, only wild rocs that delight in swooping down on larger members of the swarm. To the west are Vitruvian settlers, who for the moment coexist with the swarm the same way those of Vencia and Habitun do, engaging in barter and subtle discouragement where required. To the southeast however are the Krawl, a fellow swarm working to absorb and strip the jungle of food. Skrit and Krawl drones almost immediately begin to squabble and fight over food sources in the jungle. It seems unlikely the two will be able to coexist for long without the intervention of their governing intelligences.
>War Against Forsaken
The allied forces arrayed against the Forsaken Dawn face an insidious foe, their own internal divisions. Outbursts of paranoia brought on by the insidious influence of the Nachetar lead to paranoia and infighting and mistrust of the very forces best able to root them out. It is all the beleaguered and frustrated Barzan missionaries can do to hold the alliance together as the phantoms of the enemy haunt them. In the midst of all of this the enemy strikes, surging out into Guliseare and against the Orcman lines while the Domo lurk in the reddish haze of the Forsaken Dawn, raiding the surrounding countryside.

The Orcmanie are driven back by the surge as they face a grim sight, a new Neverlord sewn and woven together anew from the corpses of Negosyo and many question if this enemy can ever truly be put down for good. The Orcman army is forced into retreat for the moment, giving up their gains just north of the Dawn’s epicenter.

The forces of Ordelan struggle to contain the Domo raiders as they strike into the countryside, abducting villagers and plundering supplies for the Forsaken Dawn. The damage may have been worse, given the vast hordes of Domo spotted amassing on the horizon, but thankfully the masses remain at a distance, fortifying their own lands and assisting the Forsaken.

Villages in the outskirts of Guliseare flee as the darkness surges across the border, raiding graveyards and the living alike.

Vitruvian Roc riders swoop down with flame and fury just before dawn, but the swirling red haze forces them to dive low into the mist to see their targets. Great swarms of insects rise up to harass and harry them and the great birds struggle to deal with the pests. Worse still are stitched together abominations of harpy and drake wings that recklessly swarm out of the mists and latch onto the rocs, biting and clawing until the roc riders can fight them off. The situation quickly grows dire as the haze rises higher and the roc riders become lost in the mist. Then as dawn breaks Guliseare forces cut a path through the mist with powerful magic of light and wind, burning or blowing away the haze, revealing the targets below. Vitruvian rocs strike decisively, setting flame to terrible heaps of corpses and pits of Nachetar oil. Great columns of black smoke rise up as the bodies burn, and the Domo scramble to put out the blazes, but harassment from Guliseare keeps them from their work. Though ground has been lost to the menace of the Forsaken Dawn their reserves of bodies and foul oil have been obliterated.

~~~~~END OF TURN 19~~~~~
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>War: March upon the Krawl
The Skrit expand in all directions, and with it they encounter two new nations: Vitruvia and the Krawl. In Vitruvia there is little threat, or rather the Skrit see them as just a prolific herd of animals that graze upon the land, no more than livestock. But in the Krawl they recognize a kind of kin, a competitor. Central has had a very long history of dealing with competitors. The forces stationed at delta march forward. As the Skrit expand they are to clear and seize the lands of any Skrawl they may cross paths with.

We have only just begun to stretch our legs after a long period of atrophy. The Skrit continue their expansion, aiming for horizons beyond those that currently rise to greet them. Whether these lands are occupied or not is of no consequence, for its denizens shall either serve or be served.

>Bolster defenses
Their hand is played, and the world takes notice. Whether Central realizes this or not is unclear, but in it's idiot wisdom it deems it necessary to bolster Delta's defenses further in light of its expansionist ambitions. Along the border of the city, a long mound is constructed, forming a single continuous hill that runs the length of the region. This mound both doubles as a wall, and a cluster of colonies spanning its body, all dedicated to breeding warrior Skrit, and auxiliary militant species to serve primarily in the defense of Delta.
>The colors in the sky, see how brighter they are when Solaire is out. A lure, and only the most foolish of minnows shall chomp on it. Curfew to be extended an hour before and after Solaire's Triumph, for all good, well-behaved children of Terra.
- Excerpt from tyrnly sermon from the Cognita Cathedral

Action 1: Found the Vodnik (Frog amphibious Janissaries)
>Observation of Fuglemen students suggests no lack of commitment. Excessive in fact. In specific avenues, they seem to equal, if not exceed their peers. Predictably, they seem to fall significantly below par on all others.
>Exhibit A: Robin, Hulua college. Subpar scores all around, above average in athleticism related to aboveground mobility, though that is easily explained by her wings. Excellent Shadowmancy, topping her class, attributed to desire to impress classmates.
>Exhibit B: Subject Rho, Central. Negligible scores in all physical and mental aspects, save pure processing power, which exceeds any I am aware of.
>Hypothesis: Non-alfar possess Skrit-like quality of hyperspecialization, provided sufficient impetus. Given a specific task, they may equal the best of Alfar. With their numbers advantage, they can supplant the lack of well-rounded skills with coordination.
>Proposal: Introduce hyperspecialized non-Alfar in controllable numbers, perfect upbringing, turn towards the good of Habitun.
- Vinge Sukon,
"Habitun Council Public Issue Proposals: Northern Quadrant, Level 3, 12th Wall, Shelf #5, Issue #8549379"

>>Tvimanudur 21st, Dawn Age
>Saw big fleshy naked maiden on Supkha shore. Tailed. Slipped away and under the water.
>>Tvimanudur 22nd, Dawn Age
>Saw maiden again. Tailed. Greeted. She slipped away again. Tried swimming after her. Tired after mil. She didn't.
>>Tvimanudur 29th, Dawn Age
>Got close enough to grab maiden. She sliced me with dagger. I sliced back. Didn't hit her, but got her satchel[1].
>>Haustmanudur 1st, Dawn Age
>Sky temporarily darkened as a star fell from the sky.
>>Haustmanudur 3rd, Dawn Age
>Still no sign of maiden. Family starting to disbelieve me.
1. Only known record of Magôkre-001, found in the Dawn age: "Tōzoku Nenkan: Taiga chapter, first draft"
- Fisker's diary, 132
>- Weather: ... The window of opportunity in this type of biome is most challenging. While the land is not lacking in moisture, it is of the unwarm, dead kind. Snowfall is more common than rain, and the mists can lull one into a false sleep, from which they may never awaken should they be found by enemy before friend. Knowledge is as limited as what warmth and cover we can find in the brief summer showers...
>- People: ... Of prey, we have seen little. We assume that we are on the outskirts of their land, for all we see are lone individuals, or groups no larger than three. We have split them into two: warriors, and woodsmen. The distinction is not due to apparent martial fearsomeness (for their equipment was at the time seemingly identical), but habit observed through prolonged periods...
>Warriors wander through the land on regular, sporadic intervals, clearing out predators and surveying for intruders, such as the Ari[1] we'd met prior. We conclude that they are dispatched from a far off settlement to attend to issues that cannot be resolved trivially by the Woodsmen. They travel nearly always in groups of three apiece...
>Woodsmen are more predictable in their habits, not straying far from their homes. They fish, hunt, clean, chop wood, and other typical activities. Their homes are too isolated in thick copses to observe in detail from afar, but we know that they take the form of dug out mounds. They seem to live alone, or in pairs. We've yet to observe a trio of Woodsmen yet...
>- Defenses: ... We have seen animals caught in snare traps. The Ari are warded with some form of strange rock crystals that the Warriors carry with them. Everyone is armed with daggers, axes, and bows. Leathers cover their skins, but nothing a well-aimed dart cannot bypass. There may also be some magic in the air. I swear I have seen shadows move...
>- Valuables: ... Aside from their weaponry, equipment, and measures for dealing with the Ari, the locals seem to have cultivated several orchards of edible plants. Some have taken to processing them in their homes, but more cannot be gleaned without getting uncomfortably close...
1. Term for "ants", referencing the Skrit.
- Scout Shizume
"Tōzoku Nenkan: Taiga chapter, first draft", 131

>Unable to find trace of fishy business. Distracting guards. Only so long I can swim before fleeing Kha-Pike. Need assistance.
- Report from Fisker Hitab to Habitun council, 232

>Vinge Sukon seemed to find evidence of your Froskemenn. Efforts being made to establish refuge trade if possible, spiriting away if not. Once raised and fully trained, they will be assigned to you.
- Reply from Habitun council to Fisker Hitab, 332
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Action 2: Build Glitter Vapor refinery
>Portable portal too loud, nearly caused our forces to be crushed on breach. Glitter Vapor supplies stretched thin, Stige and Gronn Dal complaining that we take from their limited supply. Request some form of arbitration, downsizing of operations, or evolution. Your job. I will do mine and hold the fort.
- Marshal Bjorn Sayyad report to Habitun council

>"Wh-yes, I suppose you could, in theory, extinguish a candle by over-burning another, but that is a niche, nigh-useless application when you could otherwise use your own fingers..."
- Ignimancer Sigurd Shula
Excerpt from "Apprentice Ignimancy" class in Hulua college

>But then I considered whether it was not so useless. Air seems to move with the differences in temperatures, and in some tests, it seemed that when temperature was raised and air reduced, temperature reduced nearby.
>... On attempting to amplify the effects to better study them, I requisitioned 2.3 orts of Glitter Vapor, as much as my budget allowed. When placed in two interconnected crystalline half-filled beakers, I increased the temperature of one whilst doing nothing to the other. Lo and behold... bubbles.
>... As cleaning of the beakers became more and more intensive, I applied several layers of easily removable thin reed peels, so as to keep the worst of the mess within them...
>... Even after I managed to get Robin to spit out half of the reeds, her mancy remained at superlative levels, her mental state anything but stable. It took three bricks to knock her out...
>... Effects seemed to persist for a week, and that was on an approximate 1.1 ort of the refined result, not accounting for impurities and subpar dosage injection methods...
- Ignimancer Sigurd Shula
Excerpts from "Intermediate Ignimancy" draft, submitted as report to Habitun council

>Budget to be ordained for the construction of a facility for the refinement of Glitter Vapor utilizing the Shulan method.
>House Shula has granted indefinite leave for the utilization the Shulan method by the Habitun council, in exchange for a permanent five seats at minimum to be allocated to their sons and daughters in the Hulua college, as well as a sum of 10% of earnings from Shulan method efficiency increase in Glitter Vapor production.
>Run-off from refinery shall be deposited into river, pending ecological impact report by Grimhild Hitab and Huntsmen corps.
- Habitun Council decree

Action 1: Military Runes

The discovery of many aspects of the runic language is fantastic, and already has lead to an arcane revolution in Vitruvia. The runic fridge which may chill food indefinitely, the runic lamp which may shine bright lights indefinitely without any need of fuel (though can’t be turned off and is controlled via shutter), the runic stove, the shadow plate, the forge pre-heater (such that forges never grow cold and are always warm to at least 100 degrees) and many, many more technologies.

Sadly however all of these runes seem lacking in direct military application. One particular avenue is explored, a rune to make an item stronger, given the provisional name of “Root” until further research can be completed.
Such a rune can be utilised for all manner of advanced technologies. Peerless armour that is no more heavy than it was prior, superior weapons which do not lose their edge, a revolution in terms of runecraft.

Work on this new rune is undertaken rapidly. Theory suggests it to exist, but divining its specific location and the geometry involved in inscribing it is an endeavour in and of itself.

Action 2: Sabbatical, One and Every

Confronted with the existence of other hiveminds, including one particularly expansionistic one, Sabbatical lobbies for (and is granted) additional responsibilities.
Learning much from his assimilated Skrit drones, and reports of the Krawl hive structure, Sabbatical begins rapidly improving his own nature as a hive mind. Establishing relay towers in the eastern rainforest, organising his drones, developing his ability to assimilate and command other lifeforms and further refining his general competency, Sabbatical soon grows massively in ability to fill the gap he views between him and his rivals.
There is no doubt that he is surely still hugely reliant on the Vitruvian state for the bulk of his power, but working in tandem with them, he is likely now capable of holding his own if the other hive minds attempt to cause trouble.

Border defence: Sabbatical

The Skrit have been informed that if they intrude into secure areas they will be assimilated, and they have not objected to this. Now they continue to expand, threatening to rush into our capital. Sabbatical is our first line of defence against this and now that’s he’s evolved somewhat, he should be strong enough to passively put our house in order.
Deploy Sabbatical to sort out this Skrit incursion. Assimilate any who cross into unwanted territory, segregate their gatherers into approved harvesting zones, make use of the drones for our own resource gathering and tightly patrol their approved harvesting grounds to make sure they don’t get rowdy.

War: Raze Negosyo

We have been granted express permission to burn Negosyo to the ground. Flying in tandem with the Guliseare, we are to incinerate the entire city.
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Rainbows in the skies, a curious thing. Is the ephemeral Anos celebrating in the skies, or merely changing his fashion on the whims of his winds? Many curious Orcmen ask the Pantheonic priests, and they in turn ask those who the sky-god holds most close and dear.

>Action 1: Food for Cadon
Coffee is a fine flavouring, well known as an additive and as a drink that helps with alertness; but Orcman cannot live on coffee alone. The area around Cadon is surveyed again to see if any delicious meats, fruits or vegetables in the surrounds may be harvested, multiplied and used for food. And if there is none around Cadon to be found, the house de Moonhurleur will instead command that their subjects clear areas of forest and set up more standard farms.

>Action 2: Blanc Isle Resource Survey
Everything currently of worth on the Blanc isle is alive, be it the ubiquitous and munchable Hot root or the Frost Chimerae used as mounts by the more daring sort of Orcman Knights. Looking beneath the snow-cover to investigate the mineral wealth that might be found on the isle is overdue, and so prospectors are once again commissioned, starting with the Blanc isle as they survey the land beneath the ice to see what unknown material might still be untapped within Orcman lands

>Bureau Renseignement
The Bureau continue their watchfulness for threats and infiltrators across the Orcmanie. And a light reminder is issued through the network that Bards also have both ears and mouths; a canny Orcman wife might keep her own family secrets whilst drawing a bard to sing out all of theirs.

>War Action:
Falling back upon the Adenai border and the Orcman-appointed castellan of Castra Orienta, the army regroups and gathers supplies and reinforcement in readiness to begin an immediate counter-offensive. The Guliseare and Vitruvians will be continuing their sky-attacks to bomb out the Forsaken core, but ground strength will be needed to actually break the Forsaken host. King Guyard II stands ready with his mace 'NeverBreaker' in preparation to ride out once more, and now that he is back in Adenaic territory he also issues instructions to the Adenai army to join with him. Them coming under Orcman command for use in this conflict had been a core element of the settlement of the previous war, but so far they had been left, exhausted, to defend their own borders. Now the forsaken lie directly upon their own borders. Guyard II was given prerogative to instruct the Adenai army by treaty agreement and so uses this prerogative; whilst the Adenai could of course refuse this cooperation, to do so they would have to actively issue their own counter-commands and wilfully violate the treaty agreement.

Should all go as hoped and the Adenai co-operate, both forces will strike out together against the forsaken host, hopefully to finally shatter the remainder of their presence.

The Tagagaya mercenaries that remain will be sent to disrupt the Domo.
1. Prospect Fish action: Results given Red Spritods
Off the shores of the island the mages now call home a strange discovery is made by a group of fishers. Schools of bright red fish swimming close to the surface in a circle. As they spin in their circle power seems to gather and burst the fish high into the sky where their large fins seem to catch the wind and allow them to glide. An incredible sight to be seen; but also a boon of both reagents and food. Fishermen are seen setting the schools as they glide down or catching some as they gather. Due to their coloration and ability the common name of Red Spritods, after the Red Sprites in the clouds, seems to stick.

2. Prospect action mineral: Results given Mortion Marble
Prospecting for further resources the dice are cast and miners seek their riches among the frozen hills. What they find is considered proof by many that either the gods have a cruel sense of humor or that this land is drenched in some kind of dark power. An ebony black stone that seems to naturally break into jagged, saw like, formations. Natural mana is felt within and it's potential is quickly uncovered as a prospector cuts themselves on the blades. While bandaged quickly the wound did not stop bleeding hours later. Even with stitches and life transfers to stave off exanguination the wound still seeped blood weeks later and, reportedly, still ached. While an obvious danger the militarists see the finding of this stone a major boon; it's use for blades obvious to all.

>Action 1 - Ephedra Flower Refinement
The heydays of the drug cartel are locked in the past, and the Stumble-bird merchants (and those who succumbed to them) are long dead. Their ancestors peddle the much softer temptations of foreign cuisine and energizing tea. With their base of operations mostly in Hohenholm, it's a rare sight indeed to find any of these gangsters (or schoolsters, as they are technically called) in their home nation.
Still, a Krovian is always hungry for more, whether that is food, recognition, or power. The merchants and runners of the Ephedra flower have grown fat on their wealth, and smarter in their time abroad, surrounded by the merchants of the world. With aims to increase their riches, they rally some of the more timid, scholarly Vitruvians, aiming to bully them for their intrinsic knowledge of alchemy. Soon, the Ephedra flower's influence will be that much more sharp and powerful. Eleanor has her work cut out for her!

>Action 2 - City Founding
The once-village of Grib had little to boast off, save for being the largest village on the mushroom-caked island down south. With time, and trade, it's size has only grown, and more and more Krovians see it's spore-laden air as home.
It's reputation among the shark-kin is that of a softer, gentler land. The nights are alight with the cyan glow of the fungi, and any predators or dangers have been eaten by the Krovian settlers long ago. One can enjoy a peaceful life here, if they are alright with a little bit of monotony in their diet.

> Not!Pirate Raiding Group
After that ship! Running alongside it on the shore would be pointless, and not even a Krovian can outswim a boat with the wind behind it. There's nothing for it! The rowdy, hungover Krovians will merely have to 'comandeer' another vessel. By force, preferably!

>War Post
It's a day of celebration! The Krovians have been hard at work, clearing a great field by the seaside. The land is packed flat, grasses and rocks uprooted and set aside. Tree's have been felled, and to the battlefields side, a great stand has been erected so that any who wishes to watch can have the best view! As the Krovian army takes to the field, pigskin drums begin their frenzied beat, the cries of animal sacrifices setting the perfect mood for the battle to come. Let the war-game begin!
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The streets of Sturnes are quiet, with barricades along the major streets and patrols of Spears of the Ashen Dawn. There are still Nixen living here, but mostly out of obligation, overseeing the houses of their families, as the rest of the family live in work camps across the river or over at Emberglen. The mood at Emberglen is the opposite, with the noise of industry and plenty of feasts. Makes one almost forget the famines suffered earlier. Meanwhile in Sturnes the people wonder how much worse things will get.

>Action 1: Reinventing the Tellden Spatha. A lightweight and versatile sidearm for all warriors of Ordalan.
As smiths gather in Emberglen and having plenty of iron to work with, a long lost art of Tellden smithing makes a return. Consisting of various techniques safeguarded by smiths for generations, the smiths gather, talk and experiment. Then during a full moon's light, through careful adherence of the lost arts, the first complete Tellden Spatha since the Great War, is forged. The smith then shares the process with the other smiths, who soon forge their own Spathas. Soon the market is flush with Spathas and it doesn't take long for them to find their home on the hips of Nixen or even Anelk. The Spatha is the ultimate sidearm, it is not your primary weapon, you have spears, bows and axes for that. But if your primary weapon is broken, lost or ineffective, you have your trusty Spatha at your side. While there are Nixen who train extensively with the sword, no true warrior will use it as a primary.

>Action 2: Digging a rampart. Spanning between the two rivers going around Sturnes, so it will no longer be an opening for invasion.
With the Domo staging in the Adenai land, they may try to attack Sturnes again, so Queen Trude commands the construction of a rampart around our lands. The Domo will surely try to assault any material transport, thus we shall only bring the tools the Nixen can carry. They will dig a large trench, use the earth to create an embankment on our side, then fell any nearby tree for use in reinforcing the rampart. The result will be a relatively low wall, but a thick one. Even if the Domo manage to get over it, they'll be unable to skirmish far, lest they be pushed back down the rampart, as it'll be no small task to dismantle even a segment of it. It'll also stem the tide of any Forsaken Dawn movement.

>Military: Defensive operations. Protect our workers as the ramparts are made.
While it would be glorious to rush out and meet our foe in the field of battle, we are not in the position of strength to pull that off. Instead, we must take a methodical approach. Ordalan forces will patrol the Sturnes region, garrisons ready at every settlement, to stave off any Domo assault. We will preserve our strength until the rampart is built. After that we will have the strength and opportunity to take decisive action.
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The pendulum swings back north as the plains reconsolidates into bipolarity between the founding cities (and their trading partners south and north) and Huirsas'toir, currently undergoing some kind of reconstruction in accordance to the Blood Tree's wishes. The Posviz is vastly reduced, with the occupation of the southeastern plains and the near-Vizari desert under the Kraw, refugees either going to the now founding-cities aligned Karn'ur or taking their chances in the west, in desert or forest.

>?Anti-Raid Action?: Go Here
The Krovians would be lead by a pack of gnolls who claims that they serve no one to a sizable galley, unusual for the Domo's penchant of multihull constructions. The ship is packed with decent enough supplies to last for a tyrne and half and enough sail for replacement if something as unfortunate as a rogue storm or sudden tsunami happens upon the ship, and some tools to help with gathering and treating fish for further tyrnes, as the gnolls do. A map is given before the pack bids them goodbye.
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>Action 1 & 2: It all comes back, eventually. (Create the Ever-Burning Hero, a Golemancer)
Look upon the south and the soul blessed with a long future, and how that witch fell into bestial nature, perhaps a point in the long-argued debate of how the gnolls and nagas truly came about. That is a soul left largely to deal in the mysteries of nature, and who deals with allies and enemies in nature. But what of the north? So soaked in the past, so eminently surrounded in the workings of man, and all the follies with it.

It is a seemingly unremarkable soul that would fill this empty role, perhaps notable for its survival, yet even more lesser for its cowardice, passivity, or even the lack of will to impose itself upon the coalescing remnants of ancestral spirits within itself. All of that lesser nature blessed it with the right madness to approach the Flame and not fear it and remember what its kind did against Home. There's a lot of talk between it and the Flame, a lot of getting to know each other, and maybe a little feeding things to the eternally alight fire.

"Why eat the soil, the flesh, and all things material, when you could eat the spirit and the time for all things and be fulfilled forevermore?"

At some point, the Hero would invite the Flame into itself, and cultivated it within its soul. Slowly, it became alike to the Flame, and its burning spirit now bleeds from its body. Everything can be gained if one sacrifices the right things after all, and what the Flame eats is "replenishable".

Still, this isn't purely a love story between the Hero and the Flame. One of the bottlenecks to the Domo's golemancy is the fact that it all requires the continual persuasion of the ancestral spirits to keep possessing their vessels and follow the magepriests's commands. What if all that was ignored? What if, all the things that would convince the spirit that it has better places to go or better things to do, is simply burned away?

Disfiguring the ancestors in this way would surely have some sort of repercussions to it, but the malignance is strangely unpunished, and the Domo follows the Ever-Burning Hero's lead in devoting even less time in shaping the golems and more on trying to convince even more spirits to be trapped in their golems.

>War Action: Thunder March
The Dawn needs more bodies, the Domo needs more sacrifices. Sturnes is awfully defended, but look southeast and how much more can be gained just from attacking there. Masses of golems marches with the Ever-Burning Hero's will commanding them, seeking to successfully take Emberglen before the Ordal can defend itself.
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>Event: The Rainbows gracing Pavillion are viewed with careful optimism. That Luxor smiles down upon them and that all will be well. After all, Luxor's light blesses them.

Action 1: The coming battle approaches and with rapidity. As such, win or lose, roads will be needed to uphold either of which two deals are necessary. So construction upon them will begin, and other areas of import will also be linked to Barzaenium too.

Action 2: A fortress will be built upon the same Hextare that our Charcoal operation is, to protect it and the Grand Basilica against any assault from the Forsaken Dawn or Domo upon Luxor's Faithful.

Faith Action: The Faithful of Luxor continue to aid the armies assaulting the holdings of the Forsaken Dawn to safeguard their minds and souls from the Nachetar's influence and to protect their bodies from wounds and other maladies. Let Luxor's Light banish the darkness ever and again.

Justinian Action: Justinian continues to help push towards the gaping wound in Pavillion, that hole called the Forsaken Dawn. If he can close the breach, then this madness should hopefully end, and the tide of darkness put to rest.

War Action: The Barzantine Army marches against the Krovian Army upon the field. The Barzantines will let the Krovians charge them, Wingclippers reaping a toll upon the forward ranks whilethe Geomancers endeavor to do something seldom done before, make the Earth a sucking morass of heavy and unmanageable mud. It won't stop the Krovians, not nearly, but it will slow and disorganize them so when they approach Barzan lines it will be uncoordinated and piecemeal, once they momentum of their charge has been expended, then the coutner attack begins. They will be puished backwards back into the muck, their shamans and chieftains pierced by Spellbreaker arrows, while the mud is brought to a boil by the Earth's volcanic might. The Krovians will feast, not upon Barzan man, but an earthen stew made of their own kin.
Report on Lesser Activities to Cyra, Noreusper of Guliseare, executioner of Thessa, bane of Kaenum, unifier of the Aripan, Ruler of all the hallowed mountains, Aelelox's chosen prophet, most blessed and holy Aripan to fly upon the skies and walk upon the earth.

The northerners incident has shown that our other northern neighbor unconditionally backs them and see's such as justifiable because of the Bahay war despite the clear and obvious differences that Ilias has presented to them. They even had the gall to demand that we return to the talk of strategy and not interrupt the meeting despite the clear silence that was held, only to bring up a singular piece of new information regarding the unholy lands that the barbarians had created before ending the meeting! Other than this, there apparently are now Aripan in the northerners lands whom have lived a life completely unaware of Aelelox and fed heresy. At the very least they are not completely tortured and maimed unlike the unfortunates sent to the Vitruvian's lands, at least, the one they presented anyway.

Your faithful servant, Kallixeina.

>Action One & Two. Zeal of the righteous. Holy Warriors of Aelelox. The Unshakable Discipline in Duty to the Divine
Faith is a powerful thing. Our soldiers in our holy army must have it strengthened like steel. For far too long our forces have lacked the fanatical level of discipline we have desired. That changes now. By ensuring they know that martyrdom against our enemies is a worthy cause, that they will be rewarded in this life and the next for their bravery, extolling the virtuous whom do great things in battle and of course shaming those whom act with cowardice, a good portion of these issues shall be dealt with. The other half is simply through drilling our soldiers rigorously. While our more specialized forces have had a decent amount of this, more is always better, and ensuring that all of our forces have the same amount of order instilled into them shall make our forces ever stronger. None will think of leaving the battlefield until victory, martyrdom or they are ordered to. And, if, Aelelox forbid, we must retreat, they will ensure we do so orderly.


The first bombing run by the Vitruvians was a success thanks to our assistance. The second shall not only be escorted by our forces, but joined by it. For it is time for our mighty airships to join the fray. While there is risk in using them given their value, the purgation of the unholy lands demands it, and they hold the tools to deal with any Roc's that get corrupted in combat. It helps the vessels cannot be corrupted themselves, lacking the spirit that is required for the foul Kaenumite magics to twist and taint that which fights against it. They likewise will aid with any drakes that still are held by the unholy, should they still be capable of being utilized. After this second strike, it should only be a matter of time before the abominable reprehensible unholy army is purged.
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Military action: Fortify Habitun-083's Hilsen using shadow rune and worm bomb traps, add more tunnels to harass from
>"Besieged is good, but it can be better. Our fort's strength was never keeping the enemy out, but allowing us to whittle them down on the way in. Sadly, it seems this Hilsen has not been kept up to par. I want shadow runes on each junction's ceiling and walls, in alignment with ground torch-stones, to allow maximal shadow coverage, boosting Shadow and Fracture Blade effectiveness. Juhr Tunnels in sporadic lengths, dug into the earth, to detonate upon tripwire pulls"
>"Issue arises should they decide to surround but never approach. Utilize our Juhrs to carve additional tunnels, as the pre-existing ones might have been mapped and either trapped or guarded. Utilize additional tunnels to funnel through Bakhold Pouncer squads. Lightning strikes at supply convoys on mountain trails to be prioritized. Fall back to acoustic tunnels should the need arise. If the opportunity presents itself, torch a settlement or two south"
>"No place for overzealousness here. No heroics. We are here to waste their time and forces while conserving our own, until the front is pushed back. Time to die for Habitun will come, but for now, she needs you alive and ready for the fights to come"
- Marshal Bjorn Sayyad, war council record
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By the great grace of our Lord Aagen,
who has granted us this tyrn of the sun, I, King Gladron of the Venks do hereby order;
>Continuance of the work begun by our forefathers in the draining of marshlands in the far south
>About the crossroads of Fort Ave, the construction of kilns and forges most redoubt
> Turn 14

> Action 1: Open Trade with the Habitun
With the promise of warmer days and trade, dwarven merchants gather in Thul-Garuhm’s courtyard, loading up caravans with casks of crimson ale, amber steel tools, and carefully quarried stone. Under the watchful gaze of Urotti guards, these goods roll out toward the Habitun’s capital, marking the official start of steady commerce between the two realms. Along the routes, traders from both sides meet at provisional waypoints, exchanging not only wares but stories—seeding the foundations of a deeper alliance.

> Action 2: Extend the Underground Road to the Habitun
Meanwhile, dwarven engineers continue chiseling the next leg of the Veins of the Stone, the ambitious underground passage linking Urotti territory to the Habitun’s domain. Master masons work by torchlight, measuring corridors with runic instruments, supporting the tunnels with carved pillars etched in ancestral wards for safety.
>Give: 1/2 Lapidary produce in the form of fine lenses and laboratory instruments
>Receive: 1/2 Reagent farm #1 produce in the form of tree growth potions
>Give: Shadow Trade Route #1 in the form of precious stones and gems
>Receive: Iron Mine #1 produce
>Give: 1/2 Cave Fish in the form of Shadow Jelly
>Receive: 1/2 Coal Mine produce
>Give: 1/2 Juhrs for purposes of mining and tunneling, disseminate 10 library cards of access designation 122 to each Dverg house of note, enable merit-based admittance of Dverg to school and college
>Receive: Underground infrastructure, 1/2 Lumberyard produce, 1/2 Gneiss quarry produce
- Habitun Council national trade audit, 122
>Actions 1 & 2: Adenic Engraved Steel
The quality of a steel is not evident to the naked eye of the layman. It matters not how tough and refined the metal is if it's inherent quality is not obvious to potential admirers. As a result, foragemasters have either become talented artists, or partnered with one. Every new sword blade, armor plate, and spearpoint is meticulously engraved with Elven iconography. A chest plate for a Leaf Captain may show their Twig and Branch flowing from the Tree of Life and across the armor, their line of course larger and longer than the rest. Accompanying the focus on flare, the quality of the metal increases as well, as the smiths are able to afford more quality materials and more numerous assistants now that buyers are willing to pay a premium for the beautiful engravings.

>War Action:
Adenai forces have sufficiently recovered at the Castra. They accompany an attack on the Dawn, though "accidentally" run into some travel delays to make the other forces take the brunt of the assault, so Adenic forces can clean up the mess and reap the credit.
The war in the north is going confusing. it feels like they're wasting our time first months of walking and now we're supposed to just camp out and wait!? Well, the longer the Krovian and Krawl armies are north the longer they're not invading our nation.

>Action 1: Scout for resources
Who knows maybe we'll find something interesting?

>Action 2: A wall is a useful tool.

Built a wall at our Domo border specifically the furthest east point where we eventually expect Krawl or krovian expansion to reach, if the krovians/Krawl complain we'll say it's to protect from Domo and if Domo complain we'll say it's to protect from the Krawl and Krovians

Our soldiers are spending years at this point staring at Barza castles they may as well do something useful with their time and copy the design.

An important part of the design will be a Boar pen inside the walls to minimise damage done from artillery type spells. Worst case they're emergency food rations
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The objective of these actions is to cover all Our bases, in addressing the ant invasion, and waiting out the wargame. Outside war, we’re focusing on feeding Our vast population and establishing the rest of the high krawl.

>1: Design new high krawl
Once more, Maja returns to the hive’s refinery with new materials and malicious intent.

She determines the shape and assembles the composition of her first servant wench. By that, she means diligent scholar.

Rivaruo, the clairvoyant of great perception, researches the pathway of Our consciousness through her many all-seeing eyes, attunement to the morphic resonance of the universe, and lifelong devotion to catalogue and study of life, matter, or otherwise therein. She will assist heavily in opening the gateway in meeting Our planar mother in kind, Darkroe.

(The pic of Riva is a wip. Finished pic following soon!)

>2: Chemosynthesis (prospect for thermal vents on any ridge running under the sea)
Collect toxins and feed on them slowly, contained and preserved within the forms of the submerged Trilogowl, as they are no-longer needed at the front of war. Where? The ocean ridge, of course, along the aquatic thermal vents. Given their vast experience with molten lava, the chemicals and temperatures from within the vents should not be any trouble for their massive, otherwise empty forms.

>War: Zabacraw, going deep!
Send Zabacraw to the ant invasion, to feed on them in rapid, careless passes, like bugs submerged in water. The Zabas will be accompanied and remotely controlled by Maja as Rivaruo, as soon as she’s ready, negotiates with the Venks on the ants and their recent expansion.

Novenary is Still waiting for the results on Barza and Krovia’s wargame, but cares not for the offer of worming negotiation by the turbans. He will wait to see the results before he determines how this exchange of materials will go.

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