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A website that allegedly grants you the ability to resurrect the dead…

Such a thing could never exist but…

What if it did?

What would you give to bring back someone who died?

Would you be willing to squash the hopes of others with a similar dream?

This is the story of those foolish humans who attempted to do just that, and the wicked beasts that prey on their naivety.

DIGIMON: Dead Site is an interactive narrative based on the Digimon media franchise. This story does not take place in any particular continuity, and will not necessarily follow every rule set forth by existing works. This author is more concerned with writing a fun and engaging story adjacent to a franchise that I have enjoyed since childhood, than writing plausible fanfiction that slides perfectly into canon.

This work will be leaning more towards the Digimon Tamers/Cyber Sleuth/Survive style, and less the Digimon Adventure style.

This author promises to do his fucking best to update this at least once a day. In the case that I die, that fucking sucks and I am sorry.


This story takes place in a world similar to ours, in the year 1999.

In metropolitan X-kyo, a rumor has spread, mentioned only in a hushed tone. A website that claims to bring back the dead, “DEAD SITE.” A secretive webpage that only reveals itself to a select few.

Nobody knows when it was made.

Nobody knows who made it.

Nobody knows its true purpose.

Those who go out of their way to mock the website have a strange habit of never logging back into their favorite chat rooms, and allegedly the story has come under the scrutiny of the XMPD in relation to multiple missing persons cases.

You're not really sure how you heard about it, but for the longest time you simply assumed that even if it were real, you’d never be graced with the strange webpage.

And for the longest time you never had a need for some secretive occult website…

Until that solemn day happened…

It was quick. One day they were here and perfectly fine and the next… they were gone.

Who did you lose on that day?

>My Parent
>My Sibling
>My Sweetheart
>My Best Friend
>>My Sweetheart
>>My Sweetheart
>My Sibling
>My Best Friend
Someone who is both of these things.
>My Sibling

And you blame yourself.
Are you on SV as well?
>My sweetheart Sibling
>My Sweetheart
>My Best Friend
Childhood best friend turned lover would be neat.
+1, kek. But in the very real scenario OP doesn't want to write this

>My Sibling
>My Sibling
Poll closes 12 hours from OG post, so like 40 mins from now. Currently im tallying double votes as .5 for each, if theres a tie im coin flipping to be fair.
i dont know what that is so yes/no/maybe/probably not

tallied up, sibling wins. I shall begin writing now.

>My Sibling

You remember it with a painful clarity, even after multiple sleepless days, your memory of everything that transpired is crystal clear.

Your younger brother Masao, just 8 years old…

He went missing after school one day. The walk home was very short and he normally went along with friends, so your family was never concerned for his safety. But after an hour went by, a panic overtook your family.

The police were called and people began searching the entire ward, but as night fell, the knot in your stomach only grew tighter and tighter.

The following four days were so agonizing, the uncertainty kept you from sleeping, food had lost all its appeal, and the comforting assurances of others just grated you off more and more.

It was a Sunday when you walked by the river.

You had walked this route at least two dozen times over the past few days, but with the aid of the early morning sun, you saw something. The glint of sunlight bouncing off of a yellow helmet bobbing up and down in the middle of the dark water.

You scrambled for your cell phone and called the police, divers were in the water in what seemed like a matter of minutes.

As they pushed themselves to shore, you could feel your legs give out from under you, whatever food you had been forced to eat over the past few days was quickly emptied out onto the gravel and silt of the shoreline.

They quickly covered up his body with a sheet, but the image of his pale, bloated corpse had been stuck in your mind for every moment since. It didn’t matter if you slept, you still saw him.

The moment they found him, the chance of this being an accident was thrown out the window; his entire body was littered with signs of foul play. You remember countless officers promising to bring in the sick monster that did this.

But as the weeks passed by, you saw less and less of those gallant policemen, you saw less and less of the horrified news people asking you for a comment to throw up on television.

What was for a small moment, a national horror story, quickly was relegated to only minor discussion on local news.

The entire police department was dealing with the shame of being unable to solve the case, and now it seemed like the only reason Masao was brought up was to smear egg on the face of the chief of police.

You had stopped going to school the day he went missing. Your friends had tried to comfort you but one by one they all stopped visiting you. You didn’t blame them really, who would want to bear any amount of this burden you had crashing down on your shoulders.

It had been six months since his body was found.

You sat in the darkness of your room, a thousand yard stare aimed at the reflective screen of the Personal Computer set up on the floor of your bedroom.

As you snapped out of your daze, you realized your browser was open to a webpage you had never seen before. The dark page had a small sign up screen, and hanging above the empty boxes was a small, plain bit of green text.

Dead Site.

Dead Site…

It couldn’t be…

You didn’t even realize, but your pale hand had taken hold of your mouse and your fingers were already trembling above your keyboard.

The first field asked the name of the person you wanted to bring back.

You typed in “Kobayashi Misao”

The next few fields ask for information about you. You pause for just a moment as you read the questions, but if this was real, and you really needed it to be, you’d give this website any information it needed.

Are you a

Do you like

If you were suddenly asked to play RPS, what would you pick?
>Rock. Sturdy and consistent.
>Paper. Smothering and adaptable.
>Scissors. Sharp and precise.

Are you willing to do whatever it takes to bring back the one you love?

You know the answer to this question already.

((I have realized i mistyped his name. Great job me. His name is Masao. I shall flog myself 15 times for my indiscretion
Shall we achieve that rarest /qst/ combo?

>Scissors. Sharp and precise
Have you ever watched Ghost Game, btw?
>Scissors. Sharp and precise.

Don't worry about it QM, happens to the best of us.
>Paper. Smothering and adaptable.
It tracks.

>Scissors. Sharp and precise
>Paper: Smothering and adaptable.
i love. i love digiimon. i love

no clue if its too late now but im writing
> Boy
> Girls
> Rock. Sturdy and consistent.
Rock always wins baybee!

Tallying votes, let's go gay boy let's go.


We have a tie counting you, and normally I'd ignore someone who can't answer a prompt in the right order. But since you LOVE Digimon, I'll just flip a coin.

1= Scissors 2= Paper
Rolled 3 (1d6)

lets hope i remember how to roll a coin.
odd number lets go scissors gang scissor scisso


No sense in lying to the website like you do everyone else.

You blink, eyes adjusting as you stare into the dark monitor, the vague shape of your vaguely masculine face glaring back at you.

You are Kobayashi Mamoru. You are a closeted gay teen who has never expressed these feelings to a person in the real world, and only recently had you started dabbling in talking about this in chat rooms online.

As for the RPS question, you found yourself attracted to the slicing scissors, something about the precision and their ability to change those around them, while also being weak to change themselves.

Or maybe you just randomly picked. None of this really matters now, you haven’t had much time for romantic notions or games lately.

After entering the information and hitting enter, you find yourself standing before a simple loading logo, the bar seemingly took hours to fill, but you could barely even blink as you sat there, hands grasping tight to the PC as you lost yourself in the loading bar.

When the green bar finally fills, a glimmer of hope shining in your eyes, the power in the entire block goes out.

You stand there on your knees, grasping the computer and trembling as you find yourself with nothing again.

You slowly stand up and look down at the PC, and wind your foot back to kick it with all your might, when suddenly a blinding beam of light erupts from the screen.

You tumble backwards, falling and knocking over the stacks of your late school work from your desk, a hand covering your eyes to protect you from the harsh light.

This didn’t make sense, but as you lay there being flash banged by your own seemingly dead PC, you watch as a figure starts to pry itself from the computer screen.

You feel your blood run cold as the small humanoid figure stands there, features unreadable due to the intense light still blinding you.

And as suddenly as the light appeared, it was gone.

The power surge seems to end at the same time, the lights flickering back on in the entire house and fire alarms chirping as they surge back to life.
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Standing before you was a diminutive humanoid with a small helmet covering their eyes. The small being looks angelic, with their plain white body and small golden wings. As they stand there, curiously eyeing up you and your room, you feel your throat tighten as you attempt to speak.

You watch their motions, and they all feel familiar. You couldn’t exactly put it all to words, but watching them idle before you felt like looking at a carbon copy of Masao but… could it be?

As you struggle to your knees and a nervous smile comes to your face, you stop as a sudden explosion sounds off in the distance, a few blocks away from your house.

“Are ya ready to fight some bad guys, Bro?!” He asks, pumping his fist in the air and flexing one of his slender arms before charging for the window.

You tense up and stumble to your feet, watching as he opens up the window.

What do you do?
>Stop him and question him, what exactly is going on.
>Follow after him, he seems to know what he’s doing.
>Collect your thoughts and let him run ahead, with such short legs, how far can he get?

I watched some of ghost game cause it seemed cool but only ever managed to watch like 5 episodes.


I appreciate it, wish you would have said something before i flogged myself, but your kind words make my seeping back wounds hurt slight less.
>Stop him and question him, what exactly is going on.

This plot just reminded me a lot of Ghost game is all. Similar vibe so far, maybe even more so than tamers with the hook of an urban legend of a haunted/magical website. Lots of their Digimon encounters hinged on similar creepypast-style legends.
>Stop him and question him, what exactly is going on.

thats cool. maybe ill check some more out tonight, i honestly just forget it exists most of the time
>Stop him and question him, what exactly is going on.
>Collect your thoughts and let him run ahead, with such short legs, how far can he get?

Stop him has got it, I'll begin writing shortly.

>Stop him and question him, what exactly is going on.

Of course-

You can’t just let him run off on his own the moment he pops out of your computer.

You grasp tightly at his gloved hand, pulling him back inside as he attempts to pull himself out the window.

“Wha- Hey bro c’mon! There’s some bad dudes we gotta go and teach some manners!”

“Could you just… slow down for a second, I’m… I’m a bit confused, could you please tell me what’s going on?”

“Jeez… fiiiine, what do you wanna know?”

“Well, would you mind telling me your name first?”

“My name? Well ain’t that pretty obvious bro? I’m Luxmon! Are your eyes workin’?”

The little angel pushes his hand in your face and flips up your bangs, fully exposing your eyes. You hadn’t thought much about it, but now you realize your hair has grown out quite a bit in the time since Masao passed away. You really should clean yourself up…

“Luxmon… Right, well uhm- my name is-”

“C’mon bro- I already know who you are! You filled out the whole form and junk, they made me read it before I got sent over to ya!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Dude… you just filled out the form to enter the game! Jeez, humans don’t read, do they? You and me are playing a sweet game! We get to beat up some bad guys and if we win you get your deleted buddy back!”

“A game… You mean that website brought you here and… what bad guys are you talking about?”

“Well the other people who joined the game like you! They wanna fight us so that means they’re bad guys!”

This was all too much. If all this was true then that meant… You could actually bring Masao back. You slowly push yourself up to your feet and look down at the eager angel as he bounces around impatiently.

If it meant bringing back Masao, you would go through any trial.

But what was the best way of going about this?

>Charge out with Luxmon, that explosion was big, people could be hurt.
>Sneak your way out and peek at the scene, you don’t want to expose yourself to any danger.
>Calm the rambunctious guy down and convince him you need to hunker down and prepare for anything serious.
>Calm the rambunctious guy down and convince him you need to hunker down and prepare for anything serious.
>Sneak your way out and peek at the scene, you don’t want to expose yourself to any danger.
Precise, and sharp.
>Calm the rambunctious guy down and convince him you need to hunker down and prepare for anything serious.
Probably won’t work given his personality but it’s the best option. Might as well try.
>Sneak your way out and peek at the scene, you don’t want to expose yourself to any danger.

Forward. As fast as we can process the situation.
+1. We just met this guy and need to keep on the same page.
>Charge out with Luxmon, that explosion was big, people could be hurt.
>Sneak your way out and peek at the scene, you don’t want to expose yourself to any danger.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Hey all, this is QM, out of the house for the weekend, will try writing a post up tonight but cannot guarantee it. Gonna call it here and just coin flip for the result
1= Sneak 2=Calm
Thanks for the update, Qm.
Waiting warmly, QM!
Still out of the house, will be returning tomorrow, very eager to write the next couple updates. These damned digital monsters have been on my mind all weekend.

>Sneak your way out and peek at the scene, you don’t want to expose yourself to any danger.

Your mind is racing and you doubt you’d physically be able to stop the rambunctious Luxmon. While it might be safer to hide yourself away in your room, you’d feel horrible just sitting here and doing nothing while someone could be hurt.

“Right well… let me get changed and then we can-”

“Let’s go!” Cheers the tiny angel before he grabs your hand and makes for the window.

Thankfully you’re able to slow him down once you make it to the alley behind your house, and the pajamas you had spent the past two days in were fairly dark and plain, so you hopefully won’t draw any attention as you sneak your way over to the site of the explosion.

The combination of your eyes being used to the constant darkness of sulking in your bedroom, and the constant flickering of the sparse lights on this tiny road make it near impossible to see past the radius of their immediate glow.

As you and Luxmon slowly creep past the house of one of your friendlier neighbors, you crouch down and peek past her white fence, finding a dark figure standing in what seemed like an impact crater near the center of the street.

You instinctively grasp for Luxmon, both arms wrapping around his body and holding him close. You have zero doubt that he will go charging for whatever this being is the moment he lays his eyes on it. (Does he even have eyes? You assume he does, but he is a digital angel child so who really knows.)

You hear what you presume to be the labored breathing of whatever being is on either side of the fence, it’s heavy and bestial, if this creature is like Luxmon, then it is of a much more animalistic clade.

If not for the hand clamped over Luxmon’s mouth, you imagine he’d be complaining that you’re leaving this "villain" alone for even a mere moment.

You close your eyes for a moment, deciding your course of action.

((These choices will all have a roll associated with them so please roll a d100
Regardless of your vote, your roll will be added to the pool, so make sure to aim high.
The first three proper rolls will be used.
In the case someone outside the first three rolls a 100 or a 1, their roll will also be used in tallying the final result. So please always remember to roll when you vote, your vote matters. (In here at least, I don’t know the situation of whatever swamp planet you live on.)

>Stay silent and just observe. You might be in a dangerous situation staying this close, but you could learn something valuable by staying.
>Follow Luxmon’s idea and charge out screaming, the element of surprise and shock might freeze the beast and allow you a few good hits in.
>Run the fuck away, you were ready to maybe have another 4 foot tall gremlin to kick around, not whatever the hell that 6 foot monster is.
Rolled 52 (1d100)

>Stay silent and just observe. You might be in a dangerous situation staying this close, but you could learn something valuable by staying.

Can't move. Too scared.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

>Stay silent and just observe. You might be in a dangerous situation staying this close, but you could learn something valuable by staying.
All of these are terrible options. Might as well choose the one that has a slight chance of not attracting attention
>Stay silent and just observe. You might be in a dangerous situation staying this close, but you could learn something valuable by staying.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

>Stay silent and just observe. You might be in a dangerous situation staying this close, but you could learn something valuable by staying.
Rolled 46 (1d100)

>Stay silent and just observe. You might be in a dangerous situation staying this close, but you could learn something valuable by staying.
A digimon quest? I have hopes this does well and survives.

>Stay silent and just observe.

Has won, counted rolls are: 52. 62, 71. Lemme know if you guys want the DCs for check spelled out in the posts before you pick them, i thought it'd be more fun to not tell them but i also wanna be fair. so lemme know.

>Stay silent and just observe. You might be in a dangerous situation staying this close, but you could learn something valuable by staying.

[DC: 65]
[Rolls: 52, 62, 71]

1 success.

You open your eyes and tighten your grip on Luxmon, charging out is idiotic, but running away and abandoning this situation won’t help you figure anything out.

You monitor your breathing, making sure to take only the slowest and shallowest breaths required. You will stay as quiet as possible, and even though Luxmon attempts to pry your hand from his mouth, you are able to will yourself to fight off his flailing limbs.

“Just be quiet okay- We’re gonna listen in on the uh… bad guy, and then we can beat him up when he reveals all his evil plans.”

You can almost hear the gears spinning in his head before he gives you a thumbs up with his pink gloved hand.

You slowly let him go and you both peek out past the fence again. Your eyes have had time to adjust to the low light in the area, and you can finally make out the shape of the strange beast that rests in the crater.

The creature resembles a canine, though its limbs are gaunt and its body must be at least 5 feet at the shoulder. The massive dog pushes itself up from the ground but stumbles again.

On closer inspection you see that one of its front paws is missing, though no actual blood or bone sticks out from the limb, instead a fuzzy aura like TV static buzzes and drips from the wound.

After its third attempt to stand under your watch, it finally rights itself up and lets out a howl that shakes your bones as you listen to it, a sense of dread overtaking you.

Luxmon also tenses up, and as best as you can read from his half covered face, he seems ready to attack.

Before either of you can decide on a course of action though, a masculine voice calls out from the other side of the street.

You can’t make out the man very well, but he seems to be an adult in his mid-late 20’s, he has short dark hair and is wearing a white dress shirt and a black vest.

The canine turns to face the man, and you can see its small nub of a tail wag. This man calling for it must be his master.

“Dobermon! You managed to survive that attack, I really thought you were-”

“Yes master, I won’t go down so easily.”

“That’s right… How about we just go home and-”

“Master, get down!”

In a blink of an eye, Dobermon leaps from the crater and tackles his master to the ground, and only fractions of a second later, a blast of light slams into the head of the beast, sending him hurtling back and slamming into the wall adjacent you and Luxmon’s hiding spot.

You duck with Luxmon, but debris fly from the wall and small bits of rock slam into your face and arms. Luckily you don’t receive anything but some superficial damage, but your hands are trembling as you see the state of Dobermon.

Half of the beast’s face and right shoulder are now missing, replaced with that fuzzy static blood that oozes like a broken plasma screen. His body twitches and eventually flops to the ground with a thud. Dobermon was still moving, though it seemed to be at the precipice between life and death.

You feel Luxmon tremble, though not in fear like yourself, as you look at his face you see a wide grin on his face.

“Finally, it’s action time!”

The time for battle draws near, what shall you and Luxmon do.

>Race in and defend Dobermon and his master, that blast nearly decapitated the canine, you doubt the master will be able to take the hit so easily.
>Ignore Dobermon and his master, focus on whoever it was that knocked out the dog and go all out!
>Finish off the dog and then take out whoever attacked it, two digital birds, one digital stone.
>Nope, it's time to flee, that blast will eradicate Luxmon just like it did the dog!
I'm fine either way.

>Ignore Dobermon and his master, focus on whoever it was that knocked out the dog and go all out!
>Race in and defend Dobermon and his master, that blast nearly decapitated the canine, you doubt the master will be able to take the hit so easily.
>Race in and defend Dobermon and his master, that blast nearly decapitated the canine, you doubt the master will be able to take the hit so easily.
Better not to get on his master’s bad side right before he’s about to have the emotional impetus to beat the shit out of anyone.

I’d prefer DCs stay hidden so that it keeps an air of suspense about the result. If you make them obvious, it doesn’t make for much interesting conversation once a roll surpasses it. The post becomes a bit of a foregone conclusion and less interesting to read.
>Ignore Dobermon and his master, focus on whoever it was that knocked out the dog and go all out!
>Race in and defend Dobermon and his master, that blast nearly decapitated the canine, you doubt the master will be able to take the hit so easily.
Honestly, keep em hidden, especially if we're rolling when we pick.
>Race in and defend Dobermon and his master, that blast nearly decapitated the canine, you doubt the master will be able to take the hit so easily.
Don't want to see a dude get turned into chunky salsa tonight
>Ignore Dobermon and his master, focus on whoever it was that knocked out the dog and go all out!
The best defence is a good offense.

Race in has got it. Also thank you to the anons i shall continue to keep DC's secret.

I shall begin writing now!

>Race in and defend Dobermon and his master, that blast nearly decapitated the canine, you doubt the master will be able to take the hit so easily.

Before you even rationalize a reason to go out, you find yourself charging out with Luxmon and nearly run into Dobermon’s master.

The man’s eyes go wide but you simply look at him and give him a nod before you position yourself between the writhing canine and his assailant.

You and Luxmon look forward, eyes locked onto the two figures before you.

One outsizes the other by at least a foot, a hulking ape with what seems to be a cannon replacing one of its forearms, the other seems to be an older woman with a dazed expression on her face.

The woman appears to be wearing a zookeeper’s uniform, her eyes partly hidden due to the shadow of the wide brimmed safari hat she wore. She walks up right behind the ape and giggles, her ambling gait makes her stumble and flail her arms seemingly at random.

Once you lock eyes you feel an intense sense of dread coming from the woman, as if something had been eating away at her soul and now all that was left was this husk.

“Gorillamon… Shoot 'em with Energy Cannon~!”

“I don’t have any more juice and you know that, stupid bitch!” The ape swings its arm back and smacks the woman, nearly toppling her over but she rights herself and just chuckles, a trickle of blood leaking from her nose.

You let your eyes flick down to Luxmon and then back to the white furred ape. The height advantage was quite severe, but your little angel seemed quite ready to tussle with the opponent nearly triple his size.

“Finally! Time to pummel this monkey!”

“HE’S NOT A MONKEY! DO YOU SEE A TAIL ON HIS BUTTOCKS?!” Screeches the woman, before her face returns back to a blissful expression.

You tense up and look at Luxmon, he nods back at you and smirks, as if he could read your mind.

What shall Luxmon do?
(Please roll a d100 with your vote)

>Close the distance and make sure Dobermon has plenty of room to retreat. Let Luxmon throw hands as he pleases.
>Punch and run, keep close to you, and don’t allow the ape to grab Luxmon.
>Maintain your defenses and tire out the simian, he said he was out of juice so just make him wear himself out.
Rolled 17 (1d100)

>Punch and run, keep close to you, and don’t allow the ape to grab Luxmon.
>Taunt the zookeeper to keep her distracted
Their partnership already seems someone off with Gorillamon smacking her in the face, so keep messing with it
Rolled 88 (1d100)

+1. Poitn out that cladistically-speaking, all apes are monkeys.
If they all went to the same site, fid Well Dressed Man try to bri g back his dog? And did Zookeeper try to bring Harambe, or an abusive ex?
Rolled 21 (1d100)

>Punch and run, keep close to you, and don’t allow the ape to grab Luxmon.

Votes are in, writing beginning shortly!

when we get to the end of the first thread, id be happy to do QnA, but for now, your speculation is appreciated

>Punch and run, keep close to you, and don’t allow the ape to grab Luxmon.

[DC: 75]

[Rolls: 17, 88, 21]

1 success.

Luxmon springs forward, moving at an astonishing speed for a creature with such small legs, and closes the distance between him and the ape in a matter of seconds.

He hops up and punches Gorillamon right in the windpipe, before hopping off his chest and running circles around the ape as he clutches his throat with his one hand.

The moment he swipes his massive cannon arm at Luxmon, he ducks away and comes back to your side, grinning like an idiot and chuckling as he shadowboxes a series of rapid punches while grinning at the ape and his flummoxed master.

“Gorillamon! Are you okay?!” She squawks, grasping at his arm before getting tossed back.

“Don’t touch me! Useless bitch… I’ll drain you dry if you keep pissin’ me off!” His eyes are bulging from his skull, his face contorted into a snarl as he focuses on the cocky little angel.

>Taunt the zookeeper to keep her distracted

You take a deep breath, there was obviously some tension between the two of them, and the woman was obviously unstable, so provoking her might strengthen the feud they seem to be having.

“H-hey! Lady! How about you just walk away with your dumb ape, you two aren’t worth our time!”

You gulp, you definitely did not have an intimidating presence seeing as you were standing around in pajamas with a head of messy hair, but perhaps that would just irritate her more?

The woman has a visible twitching in her eye and scowls, grasping onto the back of the ape, brushing a hand over his massive shoulder.

“He is not dumb! You impetuous little moron! Goriki is one of the smartest-” Before she could finish her sentence, that massive cannon whips back and smacks her in the face again.


He slams a hand against his chest, frothing in the mouth as he looks at the scared woman as she crumples to the ground and curls into a ball. He stomps against her leg and you hear a sickening snap as at least one of the bones in her leg snaps like a twig beneath his massive foot.


The corner of your mouth twitches, a bead of sweat dripping down from your forward and nearly hitting your eye as you look to Luxmon. The minuscule creature had stopped his mocking motions and now had a serious look on his face, his hands held up in front of him like the pose of a boxer.

>Continue to press from both sides, if you’re lucky Gorillamon will tire himself out dealing with the lady.
>Focus on the ape, the woman is already injured, and the ape could kill her if he snaps at her again.
Rolled 13 (1d100)

>>Continue to press from both sides, if you’re lucky Gorillamon will tire himself out dealing with the lady.

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67 KB
Rolled 33 (1d100)

>Focus on the ape, the woman is already injured, and the ape could kill her if he snaps at her again.
Eesh, this bitch fell for Shibani meme... Better try to save her if only so our boy Mamoru isn't a sociopath.
Rolled 45 (1d100)

>Focus on the ape, the woman is already injured, and the ape could kill her if he snaps at her again.

Heroism in front of the cop & dog should keep them from stabbing us in the back
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>Focus on the ape, the woman is already injured and the ape could kill her if he snaps at her again.
Best to end him now.
>Focus on the ape, the woman is already injured, and the ape could kill her if he snaps at her again.

Focus the ape has won, I shall begin writing now

>Focus on the ape, the woman is already injured, and the ape could kill her if he snaps at her again.

[DC: 45]

[Rolls: 13, 33, 45]

1 success.

You look back to the woman and take a deep breath, before gazing at Luxmon, who wordlessly nods and gives you thumbs up. You can’t bear the weight of letting the crazed woman get squashed by that feral ape, even if she wouldn’t afford you the same courtesy.

You both start moving forward, Luxmon advancing much faster than you and slapping the ape on his ass before ducking away from the brutish creature.

“You can’t catch me you big dumb ape!” He cheers, slapping his behind and sticking his tongue out before skittering away.

The ape takes the bait and lunges at him, following around the mini seraphim as he skitters around, ducking through his legs and narrowly dodging his massive swiping hands.

You get to the woman and start to pull her away, that dazed expression on her face seems to have cracked along with her femur. She looks at you with a pained smile.

You loop your arms up under hers and scoot away from the middle of the road, resting her against a fence before you give her a once over.
She’s clutching at her leg, no bone was sticking out thankfully, but she wasn’t walking out of here.

“I’m sorry I… I just wanted Goriki back… he was such a nice boy… it's not his fault that brat snuck into the exhibit. He wasn’t going to hurt him…” Tears started to stream down her face, the sudden clarity and pain was hitting her all at once.

“Listen lady don’t worry about it just- can you get him to stop?”

“Make him stop? That’ll only happen once his batteries run dry… heh…”

“Well how do I do that?!”

“You really don’t know what you’re doing, do you? These beasts aren’t from our world… they need our energy to keep themselves together. They either extract it from us or… other people. I thought I could just keep him going off my own energy, but the more I give him, the less control I have over my body.”

You feel your throat tighten as you peek over to see Luxmon hop over another punch from Gorillamon, his arm lodging into a wall. Lux starts to slam his gloved hands into the apes face in a blur that you can barely notice.

You snap back to look at the woman as she flops over, you try to right her back up, but she flails her arms as you grab her.

“Just kill me… then he won’t have anything else to drink up and your little friend will get you a bit closer to your goal. I was such an idiot… all of this for a monkey…” She chuckles softly, the laughs mixing with her sobs before she curls up into a ball.

You push yourself up onto your slipper-clad feet, taking a moment to collect yourself before you call out to Luxmon.

“Is there any way to get rid of that ape without hurting the lady?”

“Huh? I guess I could try and extract his-” A shower of concrete bursts from the wall as he pulls his arm out from the wall. Luxmon hops off and skitters back over to you. “Sorry. If I can extract his core I could sever the connection and delete him in one blow!”

“Well then do that!”

“It ain’t as easy as walking over and spanking his heinie, bro! And I’d know, I’ve been beating his white butt!”

“Well then how do we get his core, smart ass?”


“Erm… sorry.”

“If you give me some extra juice I could definitely do it! I don’t got any spare energy for a finishing move, bro.”

“Whatever you need… as long as it's from me. Take your fill, Luxmon.”

“You dah man!” The small male grasps my hand and curls it into a ball. “Pretend you’re ballin’ up all your data up into your fist and then throw a punch the same time as me! Let your fist be my fist!”

“My data?”

“Y’know, all the junk that is you but isn’t like… touchable.” He waves his hands around a bit, fluttering his fingers.

“All of me that isn’t touchable…” You close your eyes and focus on your balled fist, knuckles turning white as you tense up. You let all your thoughts and worries flood into your hand. You feel a warmth, as if you are now holding a light firecracker in hand.

Your eyes shoot open and you watch in awe as a stream of numerals and characters fly circles around your fist. They fluctuate too quickly to be legible, but you find them similar to the plasma ‘blood’ that was seeping from Dobermon.

“I’m squashing you and then that damned bitch! This fight isn’t worth all the hassle of dealing with you humans!” Gorillamon cocks his cannon up at you and Luxmon, scowling as he takes a deep breath, his body seemingly going out of focus as he starts to fade like static.

It all feels like slow motion as Luxmon charges forward, each of his rapid steps slowly plodding to the ground as your senses race to match the speed of your partner's movements.

Before the beam can even leave the mouth of the cannon, Luxmon throws his right hand forward, which is also glowing with an aura similar to yours.

“SHINING-” calls out the high-pitched voice of your partner.

He doesn’t need to tell you what to say, because in this one moment, as you also wind your arm back, you and Luxmon are one in the same.

This punch seals your fate as a fighter in this war you find yourself in, and you can’t help but grin.


Your fist feels like it's burning, as if you had plunged it into boiling water, but you can’t hold back. You can’t risk your brother getting hurt again-

Luxmon’s fist collides with the ball of plasma and slams past it, turning the cannon concave as his fist slices through the ape’s arm and right into his chest. An explosion roars at the core of the beast, the noise slamming into your ears just a moment later.

A gaping hole now rests in the chest of the teetering gorilla, at the center of the rainbow bleeding wound, a sphere of radiant energy rests in Luxmon’s palm. He pulls it out and Gorillamon flops to the ground, as if his heart had been torn from his chest.

The static-y ape starts to dissipate like ash in the wind, even his plasma blood evaporates as quickly as it gushes from his wounds.

Luxmon skips over to you, grinning ear to ear as he holds up the beast's core like a young child showing off a pretty bug he plucked from the bushes.

“We freaking did it, Bro!”

You blink and realize all the pain has gone. You look at your hand and realize you’re now holding something. You examine the small device, it somewhat resembles a cellphone, but the odd shape and the odd warmth radiating off of it clue you in to its uniqueness.

You hold out your hand with the device to Luxmon, and as he holds up the core, it suddenly starts to break up into lines of data like the ones that had been surrounding your hand, and quickly slither into the devices through a port at the top.

Before you can question your acquisition, you look back to the woman and make your way to her. After a quick check you can see that she is still breathing, though it was quite shallow.

You sigh and clutch at your chest, only now realizing that your heart had been racing at top speed for the entire encounter. As much as you’d like to sit down, you still have Dobermon and his master to deal with.

You slowly make your way over, and find that Dobermon had healed his massive wound, though he still laid on the ground as his master crouched over him, forcing him to rest.

“Just stay down, partner. You need to catch a breath.”

“I do not require oxygen like you do, master. You are quite aware of this fact, as I have told you so many times.”

“I told you not to call me that… makes me feel like a daimyo or something.”

The older man stands and turns to you, a small smirk coming to his face as he tips his hat to you.

“I appreciate the save, kid. You and your buddy really pack a punch!”

He cocks a fist and mocks a punch before he tucks both hands in his pockets.

“My partner here has pretty sharp ears, and he heard that you don’t know much about anything going on here. We don’t have much time, but I’ll give you my number and we can have a little pow-wow tomorrow.”

He flicks his hand out of his pocket, a business card clasped between his middle and pointer finger.

You give a small, nervous bow and take the card with both hands, your eyes quickly skimming over it.

‘Dog Eye Agency. Ishiyama Noritoshi. Private Investigator.’

He smoothly spins around and starts a brisk jog away from the direction of your house.

As you feel the urge to call out for him, you hear the shocked voices of one of your neighbors as they start to notice the damages to their home. You feel the lump in your throat swell and double check on the woman one last time before you race back home with Luxmon, collapsing onto your bed once you return.

As you let everything that happened to you wash over to you, you feel sleep overtake you. You peek over and see Luxmon already passed out, lounging on a bean bag that had been tucked into the corner of your room.

As you fall into slumber, how do you feel?

>You saved lives and vanquished a monster, you feel like a hero.
>You risked your life for a total stranger who might just be putting you in more danger, you feel like a fool.
>You gave away some part of yourself to slay Gorillamon, you feel inhuman.

((Holy fuck sorry this update was fucking massive, I just kept writing and writing cause I've had this scene in my head since the weekend.))
>You gave away some part of yourself to slay Gorillamon, you feel inhuman.

Freaky. I like this fresh take. This is everything digimon could be and failed to attain since Tamers. Fuck yeah.
Kinda reminds of Savers/Data Squad with us generating energy to power our partner. Also did we technically rip out its "heart"?
>You saved lives and vanquished a monster, you feel like a hero.
Won our first fight, with no casualties (that we know of at least), celebrate! Despair can come later
Cool scene!

>You saved lives and vanquished a monster, you feel like a hero.

With this power, we could have saved our brother... Maybe we still can?
>You saved lives and vanquished a monster, you feel like a hero

Take the win. Got into this thinking about our dead crush, so it's gotta feel good to save some people.

Detachment option is cool too if we're feeling sadboy
>our crush
I sure hope not. "Sibling" won, which is how we got Luxmon. One's partner seems to be based partly on who you wanted to revive.
There seems to be some ambiguity here. Is Luxmon in part Masao or is "bro" just being used casually as an acquaintance?
Also. Dicks out for Harambe.

You know what it means.

((I only now realize as i am preparing to write the next update, that i forget like a paragraph that should be between the third and forth post ))

He waves his hand and the massive canine slowly stands up, looking his master in the eyes. He pulls out a device strikingly similar to yours, though his had a dark navy blue color as opposed to the creamy yellow of yours.

“Dobermon, Return.” The canine dissipates into a stream of light and slides into his device, which he pockets and turns back to you.

“I’d get running home, kid. Our little friends make a sort of haze whenever they’re riled up, but now that the fighting’s done, people are gonna start noticing the holes in their houses. Ciao.”

Votes are in, I shall begin writing now. And thank you very much for the kind words so far.
I think, like Goriki/Gorillamon, you get assigned a partner who RESEMBLES whoever you tried to resurrect.

It happens.
File: Cupimon.jpg (98 KB, 600x600)
98 KB

>You saved lives and vanquished a monster, you feel like a hero.

As all the tension melts from your body, and you feel yourself sinking into the bed and falling deeper and deeper into the sea of unconsciousness, you can’t help but let a proud little smile curl on your face.

Your dreams are shockingly boring for the first time in months, no dead brothers, no lurking shadowy figures, just… a field.

The tall grass around you seemingly goes on forever. The sky is a blue that you only see in watercolor paintings, with dozens of giant floating statues lazily moving through the sky like clouds.

Your attention is broken from the sky as you hear a rustling in the grass. You start to crawl around on the ground and slowly part the grass until you find a small angel creature, even tinier than Luxmon.

The cute little guy waddles around ignoring your presence and waving around a stick like a sword. He swats at the grass and chuckles in a familiar voice as he plays pretend all by himself.

You follow behind him for some time until he comes to a statue like one of the many that float miles high in the sky. He uses his tiny wings to fly up and plop himself down in the lap of the angelic figure carved into the statue.

He curls up into a ball and starts to sleep, a soft purple aura slowly growing from the statue until it grows so blinding that you cover your eyes.

You hear a booming masculine voice speak, but the words mean nothing to you. You try to reach out to it, but suddenly you feel a massive weight slam into your chest.

Your eyes fly open and you find Luxmon bouncing up and down on the bed, snickering as he seems to have regained every ounce of energy that he expended during the fight.

“Get up, Bro!” He leaps from your chest and does a flip as he flops down face first into the beanbag.

“Ish breakfast time” he mutters into the bag before he pulls himself up, staggering on his feet before he regains composure.

You wipe the remaining sleep from your eyes and sigh deeply the remnants of your dream already crumbling as you try to remember them.

Your stomach loudly growls as you slowly sit up, a rather unfamiliar feeling over these past few months. You slowly get to your feet looking over to your alarm clock and checking the time.

10:17 A.M.

Your father should already be at work now, so if you head down to the kitchen you would only be seeing your mother. You hadn’t talked to her for more than a minute in weeks. You slowly put your slippers on and stretch your back, hearing a satisfying ‘Pop-pop-pop.’

What should you do first now that you are awake?

>Go get that breakfast and if mom is there, try and talk with her.
>Sneak some food and get back to your room, mom can wait.
>No time for food, you have a private eye to contact.
>Go get that breakfast and if mom is there, try and talk with her.
Might as well be honest. Liar revealed plots suck, no need to tempt one with that other mom-related option.
>Go get that breakfast and if mom is there, try and talk with her.
>Sneak some food and get back to your room, mom can wait.
>Sneak some food and get back to your room, mom can wait.

Time to talk with Luxmon.
>Go get that breakfast and if mom is there, try and talk with her.

Oh dang Sibling won, should have double checked. I didn't pick up on Luxmon being like a brother, that's cool
>Go get that breakfast and if mom is there, try and talk with her.
That dream has me curious what'll happen once evolution's on the table
Hey guys, no update today, will try and get one done tomorrow. Sunday will be free so no weekend worries after Saturday.
Thanks for the heads up, QM!

Votes are in, writing now, thanks for your patience.

>Go get that breakfast and if mom is there, try and talk with her.

You can't keep ignoring your needs if you're aiming to survive for much longer. You tell Luxmon to stay here and you slowly walk down the stairs and over to the kitchen.

Your mother was sitting at the table with nothing but a cup of something in front of her, probably tea.

“Morning…” you muster

“Oh- good morning Mamoru. Are you hungry? I can make you something if you'd like.”

“Uh… yeah. Thank you, mom.” You don't maintain eye contact for long, but you see some genuine surprise on her face.

You had spent most of the past six months hunkered down in your room and rotting away, but today you felt some genuine drive to actually do things like you did before Masao passed…

You sit yourself down at the table and fidget a bit as your mother quickly whips up something rather quickly. While she cooks you look over to the television and watch as the news scrawls on, the supposed gas leak just a few blocks away barely gets a mention.

“I’m going to have to have someone come by and check our gas lines, it's so lucky that no one got hurt by the explosion.” Your mother mutters as she sets a proper breakfast down in front of you.

As you look down at the meal presented to you, you suddenly feel the weeks of nothing but nibbling on snacks catch up with you, and before you even realize, you have an array of emptied bowls in front of you.

You peek over at your mother and see a small smile on her face, those dark tired eyes of hers having a glimmer of some hope that hadn't been there in some time.

You get to your feet and rub at the back of your neck, you didn’t want to worry her, but you also didn’t want to lie to her about everything going on.

“Mom I uh… I’m gonna be going out to see a friend today, I don’t know when I’ll be back but I’ll call if I miss dinner…”

“Oh! That is just great… Do you need any money? I’ll give you some pocket money-”

“No I really don’t think I-”

“Nonono- You take this money and you go have fun. Don’t worry about missing dinner, I’ll save your plate. Just go have some fun and enjoy yourself, Mamoru.”

Your sigh softly and nod, taking the bills from her and stuffing them into your pant pocket. “Thank you, Mom.”

She nervously stands in front of you for a moment before she leans in and hugs you suddenly, her face pressed against your shoulder. “I love you so very much…”

You feel your eyes immediately growing wet and hug her with one arm, your head resting atop her’s for a moment before she lets go, wiping her eyes and putting on that smile that you couldn’t help but mirror.

You couldn’t tell her exactly what you were doing, seeing as you weren't exactly sure yourself, but you were going to make sure that whatever you did, you made her proud.

You quickly make your way back up to your room, and find Luxmon flicking through one of your manga, though he was holding the book upside-down.

With your morning mostly done, what shall you do now?

>Contact Ishiyama and hopefully get some information about everything going on.
>Talk with Luxmon and ask him about his life, you feel as if your dream had something to do with him.
>Go and hunt for other users. If there were other dangerous monsters roaming the city, best to find them before they find you.
Aw jeez we've been worrying Mom so much...

>Talk with Luxmon and ask him about his life, you feel as if your dream had something to do with him.
>Contact Ishiyama and hopefully get some information about everything going on.
We need some grounding.
>>Talk with Luxmon and ask him about his life, you feel as if your dream had something to do with him.

Questions upon questions for the mysterious otherworldly monster.
Ask about the rules of the "game" we're playing. Ask about Luxmon's relationship with your brother. Ask about your dream. Ask Luxmon if he knows who killed your brother. Cry a little.
+1 to all of these, to be desu.

Votes are in, writing shall begin shortly.

>Talk with Luxmon and ask him about his life, you feel as if your dream had something to do with him.

You sit yourself down in front of Lux and pull the manga from his hands, “Luxmon, I need to ask you some questions.”

“Huh- Oh sure thing, bro! Ask away, I’m like a master at answering questions!” He leans back in the beanbag and smirks at you, eager to start.

>Ask about the rules of the "game" we're playing.

“Oh, well uh the rules are super easy, I got the jist of it from the ArkhaiAngemon that told me about it! There are a bunch of other people and we gotta beat 'em to get your buddy back. Each of you humans gets a Digimon that is supposed to remind you of your deleted friend. I guess that’s so you feel closer to us or something? Uh… normal humans can’t really see us, they like to ignore us or whatever… Oh and uh you get stronger by deleting other Digimon that are fighting or something. Once there are like a certain number of guys left then there will be like a big tournament and then you win! Super simple!”

Your head is spinning by the time he finishes with the very first question, maybe your ADHD angel wasn’t the best source for rules information.

>Ask about Luxmon's relationship with your brother.

“Oh well I guess I am similar? Was he also like a big strong dude who hates villains?”

“Uh… I guess he was, yeah…”

>Ask about your dream

“Oh that does sound weird, well I used to be Cupimon so that might have something to do with it?”

“So you used to be that form…”

“Yep! And I can still do some stuff from when I was little! I can’t make anyone fall in love anymore, but I can see if someone could fall in love with you! Then you could get some cute babe all up on you, or a cute boy in your case.”

You wince a bit, smiling softly. You really hope he didn’t go telling everyone that could see him about this.

>Ask Luxmon if he knows who killed your brother.

“Nah, I’m not really sure who did it, but it must’ve been some super evil villain that deleted your friend!”

>Cry a little.

You’re fine right now, your head hurts a bit but even with all this new information weighing on you, the tears don’t feel like coming out.

You figure that this is all you’ll be able to get out of your little friend, at least for now. You get up and push Luxmon into your closet so that you can change into something a bit more fitting for being out and about.

What outfit do you go with?
>Your school uniform. Clean and simple.
>Oversized hoodie and some baggy pants.
>Band Tee and some shorts.

And where will you be heading?
>Hunt around town for other Digimon.
>Go and meet with Ishiyama.
>Just go have a nice time. You deserve a fucking break.
>Your school uniform. Clean and simple.
>Go and meet with Ishiyama.
>>Oversized hoodie and some baggy pants.
>>Go and meet with Ishiyama.
I like to imagine that Luxmon referring to us as "Bro" and calling our brother a "Friend" is starting to grate on him.
>Oversized hoodie and some baggy pants.
>Go and meet with Ishiyama.
>Your school uniform. Clean and simple.
>Go and meet with Ishiyama.
Makes sense. I'd personally give a little leeway to extradimensional aliens.
>Oversized hoodie and some baggy pants.
>Go and meet with Ishiyama.
no update tonight, very tired today. will be trying my best tomorrow
>Your school uniform. Clean and simple.
>Go and meet with Ishiyama.
We’ve gotta properly meet this guy with a bit more class than we showed him last time.
Rest well, QM!
Rolled 1 (1d2)


Votes are in, coin flipping for the outfit due to the tie.
1=School 2=Hoodie

>Your school uniform. Clean and simple.

You are hard pressed to make a decision, but you finally cave and just grab your uniform. It was rather simple, with a dark blue long sleeve, though the pants did have a nice plaid pattern, and the entire ensemble fit well on you.

You look at yourself in the mirror and grimace as you check your hair again. You take a few minutes to brush it out and realize it’s even longer than you had initially thought. Your long hair reminds you of a character from a tokusatsu you used to watch with Masao.

>Go and meet with Ishiyama.

You let Luxmon out of the closet and make sure you have your cell and the odd device you received during the fight with Gorillamon. You make sure to slip the money your mom gave you into your wallet, and look over to Luxmon.

You remember how Ishiyama was able to make his giant canine disappear into his device, and you hold yours out eyeing the small screen before you emulate his pose and swipe at the air.

“Return… Luxmon?”

You watch as your little friend smirks and degrades into lines of data, before slipping inside of the yellow device. You look at the small screen and see a tiny pixel recreation of your ally smirking at you.

You make your way to the center of X-kyo, your little partner rattling around in your pocket as you stand in the bus. They weren’t very busy this time of day, so you lucked into a fairly comfortable spot.

You try to avoid eye-contact with anyone, a bit of paranoia overtaking you as you start to realize that anyone you meet could also be holding a little digital monster in their pocket just like you.

Once you get to your station, you quickly make your way out and try to act like you belong here. It was a school day, so your outfit might not have been the best idea, but as long as you didn’t act like a delinquent you probably won’t have any issues.

It takes a bit of maneuvering and checking for directions with a nice old lady that ran a cigarette shop, but eventually to find yourself standing in front of a rather plain looking building. The second floor of the building has a small sign with the same logo as the back of the business card Ishiyama gave you earlier.

You take the stairs and walk up to the door of the office, which doesn't seem all that large now that you really get a look at it. After a moment of psyching yourself up, you knock on the door. And then after a few minutes you knock again. And then you check the time.

12:42 P.M.

No answer.

What do you do?

>Try the handle and let yourself in.
>Wait a while longer, maybe he’s out getting lunch.
>Give up and go grab yourself something to eat.
>Try the handle and let yourself in.

>you start to realize that anyone you meet could also be holding a little digital monster in their pocket
Like some kind of... Pocket monster, or something!
>Wait a while longer, maybe he’s out getting lunch.
>Try the handle and let yourself in.

votes are in, shall start writing now, might not get the post up tonight cause my allergies are flaring up
Thanks for the update, and feel better soon QM. Allergy season is almost over!
noooooo the polls are in im too late for the count!!!! now they surely will start playing mahjong in the investigators office!!!!

>Try the handle and let yourself in.

You were invited to come, so you suppose it wouldn’t hurt to just let yourself in. You reach for the doorknob and find that it is in fact unlocked. So you take one last look around before slowly pushing the door open and letting yourself inside.

As you peek your head in, you find a rather normal looking office, though it was quite messy, papers and stacks of files all over the desk and on every shelf and table available.

You let your eyes skim over a large cork board, dozens of photos from across the city are pinned to it with a complex series of colored twine connecting the mess.

You notice a pile of folders related to your ward. You start to flick through them and come upon a file with your brother’s name hand-written on the label. Your hands tremble as you hold up the folder, but you hesitate to look inside, lest photographs of that horrid scene reenter your memory.

Your inspection is short-lived, as a jingle of keys sounds from the door. You turn on your heel, staring right into the eyes of Ishiyama who has his arms full of brown grocery bags. You two exchange an awkward stare and blink before he finally straightens his posture and looks down at you.

“Well hey there chief, wasn’t expecting you to let yourself in but I respect it, that’s the real detective way.”

He sets the bags down on the ground and locks the door behind him before he makes his way to the only other door in the office, opening it up and revealing what seems to be a makeshift bedroom with the small rollout mattress and portable stove tucked into the corner.

“Hope I didn’t make you wait long, there was a sale on vegetables cause they’re all going bad quick.” He pulls a peach from the bag, juice trickling down his chin, a satisfied little moan escaping his stuffed mouth.

He looks to his desk and grabs up the pile of files, along with your brother’s which he tucks into a sliding cabinet as he makes a spot for you to sit.

Once he cleans up, he sits himself down in a cozy desk chair, while you make yourself as comfortable as possible in the folding chair you were offered. He lets Dobermon free from his device, and you copy him, letting Lux sit in a chair beside you.

“Alright kid, what do you wanna know? You totally saved me and Dober’s behinds, and I’m not the kind of guy to go without repaying a debt.

>Ask about the Digital Monsters
>Ask about your brother’s file.
>Ask about his living situation.

(Apologies on the delay, allergies hit my eyes the worst and that makes it hard to work on the comp.)
>He pulls a peach from the bag, juice trickling down his chin, a satisfied little moan escaping his stuffed mouth.
Realest thing I've read.
>Ask about your brother’s file.
>>Ask about your brother’s file.

We vaguely know the rules to the digimon battle royal. Now to find the killer.
>Ask about the Digital Monsters
Let's not bury the lead: monsters are real, and they live in computers??
>Ask about your brother’s file.

Votes are in, time schedule is fucked, but I shall be writing

>Ask about your brother’s file.

After a moment of contemplation, you steel yourself and stare right into Ishiyama’s eyes, your intense look causing him to freeze in place.

“I want to ask about the murder of Kobayashi Masao in Ward 7. I didn’t mean to snoop but I found his name on one of your files… He’s my brother.”

You see the smile on his face quickly fade into something more serious.

“I’m aware of who you are, Mamoru.” He adjusts the black flat cap on his head as leans forward, resting both his hands down on the desk and folding them together.

You flinch, your throat tightening as you keep your gaze locked with him. You should have expected this, he was a private eye after all, and your face was all over broadcasts just a few months ago.

“Listen- I’ll let you see the file if you really want, but I don’t want you getting your hopes up.” He rummages through his desk and pulls out the folder, tossing it onto the desk and looking back at you.

“I was there when they dragged him out of the river… I can handle it.”

You hesitate to look, but flick through it, flipping through and checking at the notes.

There was nothing solid, just a series of motives and a list of people to follow up on. No leads. No suspects. Nothing.

“I told you not to get your hopes up, if I had something solid there’d be a bastard in jail already.” He adjusts his cap and reaches over, grabbing your shoulder.

“You and I are in this game for something similar, kid. So I understand why you’re doing all of this. But just please make sure you don’t get yourself killed while attempting to win some contest run by someone we can’t confirm the motive of.”

You take a moment to collect yourself and look him in the eyes, “If you’re in this for a similar reason, then you understand why I have to take this risk.”

He sighs softly and leans back in his chair, crossing his arms and kicking his feet up onto the desk.

“If you really want to follow up on what I have, you can keep the file, but don’t do anything stupid.”

You take the file and tuck it into the small bag you had brought with you, before putting that down and returning your attention to Ishiyama.

Before you can ask him about anything else, you feel an aura of dread overtake you. Luxmon and Dobermon both jump to their feet and start looking around nervously, a deep growl emanating from the canine.

You and Ishiyama both shoot to your feet as well, the waves of dread washing over you over and over until your stomach feels like emptying out all of its contents.

“Is this normal?” You ask with a nervous smile on your face, your hands clutching at your bag.

“Far from it…”

You look at Luxmon and gulp down the lump in your throat before you…

>Run the fuck away. Whatever this is, you want no part of it.
>Hunker down in the building and hide.
>Head out with Ishiyama and investigate.
apologies, been resting up and trying to not rip my eyes out. Hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow
Take the time you need, QM.

>Head out with Ishiyama and investigate.
>Head out with Ishiyama and investigate.

Hang in there!
>Head out with Ishiyama and investigate.
>Head out with Ishiyama and investigate.
Also take care of yourself QM
>Head out with Ishiyama and investigate.

Hang in there QM

votes are in, thank you for your well wishes, my eyes are almost back to normal. Writing now. Thread will most likely finish at the end of this week, and then ill be taking a break before coming back with thread 2. start thinking up any questions because ill be doing QnA soon.

>Head out with Ishiyama and investigate.

You sling your bag onto your shoulders and charge right for the door, Ishiyama vaulting over his desk and following right behind you.

“Let’s be careful, kid. This feels like more than one person, we might be poking our nose into the middle of a great big mess.”

“I poked my nose into your mess last night, and that turned out pretty good.” You say with a small smirk, a cheer coming from Luxmon as you run out and race down the stairs.

As you get to the ground floor, you both flinch as you hear a high-pitched scream, and watch as a young man races past the building while barely dodging a car that is knocked his way.


The young man had short, spiky blonde hair, multiple piercings in his ears, and a face you’d expect to see on television. Frantically running along with him was a white feline who sported some large yellow paws, and was wearing a monk’s necklace around its neck.

“Well that’s weird,” quips Luxmon.

“What are you talking about?” You ask as you look to your angelic partner, only to look back forward as a fireball flares past the young man.

“Gatomon normally have a holy band on their tails, but that one doesn’t…” He puffs out his cheeks, wholly unperturbed by the fireballs and crunching cars.

You notice the white cat, who pats away another of the fireballs and winces as it realizes a little too late that the ball is headed in your direction.

You and Ishiyama both dodge opposite ways from the fireball with your partners, hiding behind a mailbox and a small car respectively.

You peek out from the mailbox and see the source of the carnage, a small green reptilian being held in the air by a rather well dressed girl with long, raven black hair. She was dressed up in an black outfit with gold and silver trim which belonged to a highly esteemed private school in the area.

“You broke your promise Anji! I’ll never forgive you ever ever ever!” She gives the small dragon a squeeze and it shoots out another of those fireballs.

“I’ll do anything but I’m not doing that!” He exclaims, looking even more mortified thinking of their promise then the threat of molten death whirling at him repeatedly.

You slip back behind the mailbox and think.

((Please roll a d100 with your votes))

>Race out and fight the girl.
>Grab the boy and run.
>Hop up and stop them with your words.
>Grab the boy and run.

Its suprising to see another digimon draining its tamer but this tamer seems to be using them like the lasercats meme. The key here will likely be to let them waste their energy, then counter.
Rolled 77 (1d100)

>Grab the boy and run.
Rolled 46 (1d100)

Nust noticed dice didn't work earlier. Huh.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Well nobody else voting so ill call it and roll myself to get the third result
Rolled 69 (1d100)

>Grab the boy and run.
I guess it makes sense the angel would know about the holy rings. But first, save em and see what is their situation.
still working on the update, expect it tomorrow night
Thanks for looping us in, QM.
dead site? more like dead quest amirite

please come back op this was interesting
I do really wish one of these promising Digimon quests would stick around... And this was probably my favorite so far.
Have faith and patience. I worry our dear QM may have been effected by hurricane Helene
It does seem to have struck a few. I hope QM's okay.

>Grab the boy and run. DC: 65

Rolls: 77, 46, 51. 1 success

You take a moment and wait for her to launch another fireball before you charge out and make your way over to the boy. You grab his hand and pull him up off the ground as you start to sprint away with him. Ishiyama distracts the girl and a howling attack from Dobermon sends the girl flying to give you some space.

The boy nervously looks at you, his dumbfounded expression glued to that handsome face as you turn a corner and book it toward a walkway.

“Th-thanks for the hand! I’m sorry about my friend, she gets a bit irritable when we have a disagreement-” He says with a nervous little chuckle, tightly squeezing your hand for a moment, before you pull it back, cocking your thumb to point at the girl.

“She’s your friend?!”

“Well yeah! We’ve been friends since grade school… She’s really nice most of the time!”

You both make your way up onto the walkway and see Ishiyama waving you off as he runs the opposite way, and you watch as the girl charges after him.

“Geez… girls, amiright?” He says, panting softly and clapping your shoulder, the both of you bent over as you catch your breath.

“Uhm.. y-yeah, haha…” you mutter nervously, not really sure what to do with the direct threat of fire-based death out of sight. “We should probably make some distance, just in case she doubles back… give her some time to calm down.”

“Yeah that’s pretty smart… Kiyome will be easier to talk to once she vents some energy. Though I feel bad for your friend, that may take a while.” He says and checks his phone, the small white feline along with him just silently staring at you and Luxmon.

“Yeah let’s. Oh uhm… My name is Kobayashi. Kobayashi Mamoru.”

“Nice ta meetcha Mamoru!” He exclaims with a chipper expression, waving you to follow him as you make your way to wherever he leads at a brisk but comfortable pace. “My name’s Fujisaki Anji, feel free to call me Anji!”

“Yo- Bro bro, I gotta tell you somethin’ in private…”

“C-can it wait, Luxmon? It’s nothing dangerous right?”

“Well no but-”

“Yo! Keep up Mamoruuu” he trills the end of your name, pointing to a bus that you both hop on.

The tight space leaves little room to talk, but he mentions something about his uncle’s place. The throng doesn’t seem to pay Luxmon or the feline much mind, they’ll look at them, stop a moment, and then keep moving their eyes as if they stop existing while they remain still.

After a quick ride, you both hop off in front of the stairs to a shrine, which Anji quickly starts to climb with the ease that betrays someone who had taken a flight of stairs up and down a thousand times.

You both make your way up, you taking quite a bit longer then the fit male.

“I thought… you said… uncle’s…” you spit out between heavy breaths as you plop yourself down on a bench, ignoring Luxmon as he pokes you, needing to collect yourself first.

“Well this is my uncle’s place, technically. He maintains this shrine, we live in the house behind it!”

You rub at your throat and nod softly, that made some sense actually, explains the necklace on the cat…

“Hey so uhm… why exactly was Kiyome chasing you, she mentioned something about a promise?”

“Oh. That. I suppose you deserve the truth for helping me…”

He rubs at the back of his head and sits himself down next to you, smiling down at you. You quickly realize he had at about ten centimeters on you. “I had promised to marry her when we were kids. That was a long long time ago… She was my best friend at the time, and I didn’t really understand what it meant at the time, y’know?”

You give a small nod, the innocence of youth overtaking you for a moment.

“But she took it real serious, and we have basically been like… secretly engaged since we were 7. And yesterday I finally told her my feelings.”

“Oh… that is kinda… rough.”

“I know! I totally led her on for years!”

“But you also couldn’t just say yes forever… lying to a friend never leads anywhere good.”

“True… And well, I don’t wanna marry her now cause like… She’s honest, generous, loyal, kind… like every good thing ever! And she is super pretty, like… so regal and her fashion is so trendy!” He sighs softly, obviously holding something back.

“Yeah uh… she sounds like a really nice person when she isn’t shooting fireballs at you.” You say with a soft, assuring smile.

“She’s like the best friend you could ever have, and she’s like the best girl you could ever wanna marry but…”

Luxmon nudges you again, trying to get your attention. “Bro-” he whispers. You nudge him with your arm and turn back to look at him.

“...but I don’t wanna marry a girl.”

You blink, giving him a small nod. He couldn’t mean-

“Well marriage isn’t for everyone, that’s fine.” He couldn’t possibly… “Maybe if you told her that you could still-”

He groans and stands up, looking down at you with a harsh gaze. Orange leaves blow around you both in that painfully drawn out second.

“I’m gay!” He exclaims, a pained look on his face, obviously not expecting a great reaction to this fact.

You blink softly, Luxmon shaking your shoulder and grabbing onto you from behind. He cups his hand to your ear and whispers, “This guy has a crush on yooooou”

Your cheeks flush, you do remember Luxmon mentioning something about him being able to see love but… that can’t be-

What do you do?

((Thread One. End.))
Thank you all so so very much for the patience and all your kindness! (I feel like I’ve said this a dozen times already but this means a lot)

This is not the end! I have been so inspired by this thread and am already so excited to share more of this world and its characters with you all.

As I said earlier, I will be taking a short break before thread 2. But do not lose hope! I will be returning with the start of thread 2 on the 13th of October: a week from now.

If you have any questions, comments, or opinions on the thread and where it is going, I will be happy to answer! (No Spoiler-y Material) I’m also putting together a playlist of songs that I have listened to as inspiration for this world, and will be sharing that some time this week.

Again, thank you all. If this were a book we would already have close to 50 pages. That tier of output is insane for me, and it’s thanks to you. So good job everyone. Stay safe out there, and be prepared.
Also, Thread has been Archived here https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/6101844/
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>mfw we save his lad from being a LITERALLY flaming homosexual
But sure, I'll give Airhead Anji a shot. he seems nice, at least.

I'm very glad we're still going ahead. Thanks for running it!

Do you have plans for branching evolution path options and such?

>Do you have plans for branching evolution
i do have three champs in mind, later on choices will state their importance to the growth of you and Luxmon, but the specific mon won't be said outright.

>mfw we save his lad from being a LITERALLY flaming homosexual
i love writing punny shit that i dont even realize
Thanks for the update. Hope you're doing ok.
would we have gotten a Kiyome romance route if we'd chosen to be a lesbian?
Thank you for running, though I will warn you /qst/ is slow enough that this thread will last a few more weeks (however I can see the appeal of a good book end)
I’m guessing if we use Survive’s categories We’re effectively on the Moral Route with Harmonious being a close second

Kiyome would be a romance option for straight male, but wouldn't have unlocked as early as Anji did.

Talked about this in the general thread, but I'm mostly doing it cause i like keeping stuff separated and organized nice. Double dipping a thread just feels gross to my brain even though I know it's fine. Future threads may be longer, all just depends.

I'm fine, some family stuff but nothing serious, thanks for the support

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