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/qst/ - Quests

You're Hino Yakamura. Student. Just another face in the morning assembly. Last year, nobody noticed your greatness, but this year will be different. It has to be. The sun can only shine so bright for people who refuse to look at it.

The principal speaks first, followed by the Student Council President. You tried getting on the council last year to no avail. Hmph. Bunch of stuck up snobs relying on nepotism anyways.

"Those of you who are familiar with our school will note that it has received quite the makeover. A team of volunteers assembled by yours truly worked tirelessly over the summer to clean and renew every corner, nook and crannies."

"As the representative of the student body, it goes without saying that I expect each and every one of you to help maintain the the state of our school. Council elections are following the new year, and I hope to see you vote Mayumi Kanazuki then!"

You were on that team. You worked your ass off cleaning the school. You haven't seen her wipe the floors, haul furnishings to sweep behind them and meticulously dust the overhead lights. You did all that, alone even! Did she even do anything other than take the credit and use it to help secure reelection? You don't know, and don't care. Man, to hell with the student council.

"Those interested in clubs should know that the Media Club has been newly established. See Ken Minoru for details or await info on our upcoming club fair!"

What? Ken went though with the idea without you? And it actually worked? The idea behind the club was obviously your brainchild, with media being a broad enough term to allow basically anything. Games, anime, manga, all that sorts of stuff. The school shot down the idea of an Anime Club, so how'd this pass without you is a mystery.

Stepping away to the bathroom, you get a few minutes to compose yourself before homeroom. Your fist bangs against the sink counter, stinging. Used, huh. Should've gotten accustomed to it, but man, why couldn't it been different this year? Composing yourself enough to attend classes, you spent the time until lunch thinking of how to get back for these slights against you.

Anyone on the student council is basically untouchable, and as president, Mayumi is doubly so. The chance will present itself when it does, but until then, it's not on the mind. Ken though, you thought he was a loser. Plain, unassuming and background filler. If you shared a class with him you'd give him a piece of your mind, but he must've knew he didn't since he betrayed you like so. A shared interest in otaku culture brought you two together one year ago, and until now, you would've called him a friend. Much easier to get back at, though.

>Spread rumors. See who'll join the club when it's lead is made out to be the worst.
>Get the club unrecognized by the school. I made you, and so I'll unmake you.
>Hide your intent and join the club. Sabotaged from the inside.
>Hide your intent and join the club. Sabotaged from the inside.
It's a shame this hasn't been given any votes. Here have one QM.
>Hide your intent and join the club. Sabotaged from the inside.
Dethrone him!
>Hide your intent and join the club. Sabotaged from the inside.
I'll give this quest a go. Thanks for bringing it to my attention in the /qtg/! Even if you were weirdly passive aggressive about it. Fits the vibe of the quest, so maybe that was the joke?
All appreciated. Writing now.
On habit, you check the seat beside you but stop yourself from saying anything degrading. Used to be seatmates with Ken in the back row, both of you. He got the window seat then, and yourself, the one besides. It’s yours this year, but the view is crummy in this room. All treetop and nothing else.

If you’re gonna ruin something, you’re gonna have to know it inside and out. Without you, it's easy to believe the execution is half assed and will fail, but Ken already surprised you by running it. Maybe he blabbed the idea to somebody else and they’re using him as a proxy to avoid you. Hah, that would be nice.

A club needs a room, a staff sponsorship and a sufficient body of people to establish itself, all wrapped up in a proposal forum. Basically, a to-do list on things to dismantle, if you can get your hands on it, but should the entire club go? It’s the last resort. Right now, you’re gonna wrest the presidency back into the hands of its rightful owner, you.

The lunch period finally arrives dragging its feet. The classes before then were icebreakers interlaced with basic work. None of it stood out, and with yourself too busy mulling over on what to do, neither did you. All students will know of Hino one way or another, that's for sure.

With a bit of luck, you hoped he would be in the neighboring classes, but alas, he was not. Not looking good, Ken, plotting away for you like this. A bulletin board catches your attention, a fair few notices posted. Already, Mayumi posted her face on these, election posters being some of the first pinned.

Your fist snatches the poster, balling it up while closing in fury. If you met her as you are now, you probably wouldn’t control yourself.

“Excuse me?”

The surprise of it turns to shock. Reprimanded already? Turning to face the somewhat familiar voice, it's another student, one you don’t know, and fortunately, not of note, or staff for that matter. Wide circle brimmed glasses, and low hanging pigtails, you pegged her as a nerd.

“You need something?”

“The board, please.”

You step aside, letting her pin a poster for the Culture Club. In league with him, then.

“You’re in the Culture Club? Heard the announcement, I wanted to join.”

“Yep. We’re not expecting that many people to join until the club fair, but feel free to drop by after school. We’ll be glad to have you, but just not right now. I still need to spread the word.”
The stack of flyers she has tells you that you won’t be able to keep her for long. She could answer one more question for sure, and then you’ll lose her.

>”I had this idea first, ya know.”
>”Where can I find Ken? Used to be classmates last year.”
>”How’d you start the club? I thought the school were prudes about this sort of topic.”
>”So uh, you know him before the club, or did he find you?”
>Write in
>>”So uh, you know him before the club, or did he find you?”
>>”So uh, you know him before the club, or did he find you?
>”How’d you start the club? I thought the school were prudes about this sort of topic.”
Gonna write this now.
Sorry >>6090886 majority rules.
This isn't my first quest, I know how it goes.
Wasn't doubting that, but I like to give back on the (you)s I get.
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“So uh, you know him before the club or did he find you?”

Took the girl a moment to figure out who you’re referring to. It should’ve been obvious, given the circumstances, but not everyone can be quick on the uptake.

“...Ken, right?” You nod in approval.
“Yeah, we go back a little bit. ...Met in middle school and all, what’s he to you?” She blushes a little reminiscing of the past. Whoever she is, you don’t think he ever mentioned her to you. Graced him with your company, and you don’t get so much as an idea on his side of life.

“I, for one, only met him last year. We were classmates then. I’m Hino Yakamura, and you are?”

“Rinkou Suzuki. You know, I’m really glad the school gave the club the go ahead. Ken was really worried about it failing.”

Really now? So certain they would reject this without you thinking of a better cover, you would’ve proposed it yourself if it could succeed as it is.

Another voice interjects. One from this morning. “Hey! What happened to the poster here?”

You don’t need to see it, you heard it was the SCP herself. Hand clenched further, you hide the evidence still in a ball of anger. Gave her a mean side eye, but you quickly shirked away. The attention isn’t a good idea, seeing as you could be caught red handed.

“S-sorry, hope to see you at the club.” Rinkou took this opportunity to go, abandoning you to her.

Mayumi’s presence forced you to step aside, moving to put up another poster in place of its predecessor. The thinned stack meant she was more or less done putting hers up.

“You, can you help me put up another one? I’m gonna make sure this one doesn’t disappear.”

It’s already taking a bit of control not to show her any part of you she can bludgeon and chastise you over. Sure, she’s asking for your help, but she knows, doesn’t she? Wanting to see the facade slip. She’s damn well capable of doing it alone. You take a deep breath, planning to act on your next one.

>Insult her.
>She asked. Help her to the best of your ability and restrained anger. (Dice Roll option, 3d6)
>Leave. She doesn’t need you, and best not to tip your hand.
>She asked. Help her to the best of your ability and restrained anger. (Dice Roll option, 3d6)
>>She asked. Help her to the best of your ability and restrained anger. (Dice Roll option, 3d6)
Alright, locked in to rolling. Roll 3d6, and each dice will have to hit a 5 or above to count towards success. 2 rerolls per ID, by discarding the previous. Only the best roll will count.

1 dice hitting is a partial success, 2 dice a success and all 3 a critical success. Managing to fail all three dice means critical failure.
Rolled 6, 4, 3 = 13 (3d6)

Let's goooo
Rolled 2, 6, 4 = 12 (3d6)

Rolled 2, 5, 6 = 13 (3d6)

Rolled 5, 3, 1 = 9 (3d6)

The best roll so far, managing a success where everyone else is only partial. You have one more reroll, if you so chose to do it at the expense of this roll.

I can’t really stay up for longer, so I’ll come back to this tomorrow. More time for people to roll and reroll though.
Thanks for running, QM!
Rolled 5, 6, 1 = 12 (3d6)

Rolled 6, 4, 6 = 16 (3d6)

Rolled 6, 6, 5 = 17 (3d6)

Close. Trying one more time
Rolled 3, 6, 5 = 14 (3d6)

Congratulations on the near perfect sixes. I finished burning to death so now I'll start writing.
“Ok, hold up the top here while I tape it all over.”
While she's fincking around trying to find the edge of the packing tape, you drop the ball that was the previous flyer, and crush it underfoot. Not noticing, both hands are free and decrepit of evidence against you.

Seriously though, that was it? Do it your damn self next time. Words you wished to say to her face right now, but currently you’re the shining example of student apathy.

She runs the clear tape all over the flyer, starting from the bottom up. Not a single bit of paper will be exposed for vandals to snatch away, that is until tragedy struck. Left limp hanging forwards from the top half without you, Mayumi ran out of tape for her precious visage.

“Shoot, done already…? Oh, here hold on to these, I’ll be back.”
She almost departs for another roll of tape, but remembers she still had the stack of flyers tucked under her arm. For whatever reason, they’re currently yours to hold onto.

Finally getting to toss the evidence away, the thought to dump the flyers along with strongly intruding upon the trust placed in you not to do such a thing. It’d be too obvious if you went with it, the only reason why you didn’t. Anything of value in here? Election posters, general notices and what’s this? Near the bottom of the stack was the Culture Club application.

Pocketing that, she still hasn’t come back yet. The unfinished poster bothers you, threatening to papercut innocent bystanders and people of value, such as yourself. If it worked the first time, it’ll work the second time. Doing your civic duty, you tore down the offending piece and tossed it just as she returned.

“Again?!” Her brow narrows, strongly suspecting you. A look that just asked why you failed to do anything about it. The narrative flows from the mouth, directed at sending her on a wild goose chase.

“Guy just came on by, tore it down again, and ran off past the corner. I think he had more of them in his hands-”

She cuts you off mid story by snatching back her papers. “Gimme those. When I get my hands on you…”
With that she storms off in pursuit of this nonexistent assailant. Laughter escapes your lips just as you believe she won’t hear it. Was it that easy? Maybe she isn’t as invincible as you thought. Her being gone allowed you to review the club application.

It’s been signed off by the school and labeled a copy. The actual one must already be filed away. Room number, you just learned from the board. Sponsor, last year’s homeroom teacher, Koyasu Kadoya. He was your first guess, but a confirmation is nice. Initial roster though, now we’re getting somewhere. Ken, Hino, Rinkou, Tsubasa, Mayumi.

Strange. You don’t recall ever signing such a thing, but pretending otherwise, you would’ve signed over Ken’s name under president. No idea who Tsubasa is, but what’s Mayumi doing on here? Contrary to popular belief, being a council member isn’t the same as being on a club, and last you knew, she was on the debate club. Can’t join two at once.

Whatever. Answers aren’t going to come standing around. Lunch is halfway done, so enough time to do something else.

>Check out the club room. Someone or something might be hanging around.
>There aren’t many classes left to check. Finishing hunting down Ken.
>I’d hate to be called a liar. Tear down all the election posters. It’s that easy.
>>Check out the club room. Someone or something might be hanging around.
Mystery box?
Writing it up.
Third floor. Above where your homeroom is this year, but not quite exactly. The door was locked, a deterrent that would stop lesser men, of which you are built superior to.

Just take your ID, slip it between the door and latch, boom. As good as having the keys themselves.

The clubroom isn’t a classroom, it’s too cramped for that. This is one of those multipurpose rooms. A single table lies in the middle, lined with chairs. It makes it difficult to get around, but as you can see, there wasn’t much to it.

Someone was already inside, their back turned to the door hunched over working on something on the table.

“Yo, Minoru, any word on when we’ll get a television?”
The guy then turns to actually see who entered the room. Upon his failure to recognize you, he hastily stuffed whatever it was into his bag, keeping you from seeing whatever it was.

“How’d you get in here?”

“The door.”

“It was locked.”

“Yeah. It opened for me.”
He saw your ID palmed in your hand, and got the idea.

“Sure it did. Get outta here.”

“This is where the Culture Club is gonna be, right?”

“Yeah, but come back later. We got security issues to deal with.”
The guy keeps his hand over his unzipped bag, keeping it closed. He really doesn’t want anyone to see what's inside. No idea what it could be, but you can guess who he is. You’re Hino, he’s not Ken, and not female like Rinkou and Mayumi. If he’s anyone in the club, it has to be Tsubasa.

“Well what’s the big idea? Kinda rude to keep out a fellow member.”

“No way you’re on the roster yet, the year just started.”


“Nope. It’s a waste of time.”

“Because you know who I am?”

“Hell no I don’t. You wanna see how wrong you are? Fine.” Zipping up his bag, he pulls out a clipboard lying nearby. Ken, Tsubasa, and Rinkou. Nobody else.

“Now assuming you can read the lines, could you kindly get lost? I’m busy.”

>His bag is unhanded. Snatch and grab. (roll, difficult)
>Stand your ground, how’s he gonna kick you out anyways?
>Leave, and wait outside. Ken sounds like he’s expected to swing by.
>>Leave, and wait outside. Ken sounds like he’s expected to swing by.
>Show the flyer with two additional names and ask why there's such a discrepancy. Did they lie about initial members to get the club approved? It's false advertising at the very least.
To be clear, the paper showing both your name and Mayumi isn't supposed to be publicly displayed. Its a copy of the application meant only for those handling the paperwork behind the scenes.

And speaking of behind the scenes, I'm still working on something, so I'll give it a little bit longer than I'd like before locking it. Seeing as leaving and your write-in are incompatible, I'll include it if the vote sways towards standing your ground instead.
Whoops, maybe don't show it then, just say that the club application had 5 people so why does his roster only have 3?

Maybe it's evidence they've USED us, EXPLOITED us for secret advantage. At the very least, it's a strange mystery worth tugging at, and an in.

Yeah, this phrasing makes more sense. Good thinking.

QM, please amend >>6091608 to support this.
I'll support this, sure.
And that makes 3 for our first write in.
Writing this, and finishing up my earlier thing so I can sleep. I don't work tomorrow, so that should translate to more progress then.
Your ability to read is questioned, when there’s clearly some discrepancy between facts and his reality. If you try pressing him further on this, you might get the truth.

“This isn’t what I saw on my paper, clearly there were more people on mine.” His eyebrow raises inquisitively, entertaining the implication for now.

“What other paper?” You considered showing it to him, but seeing as you’re not supposed to even have it, it's better to keep gatekeep this one.

“The one I had. 5 people were on it, and one of the names missing from yours is mine. I think the minimum to start a club is 5, so you only having 3 is kind of a problem, hm?” Bluffing. No idea if there even is an enforced minimum. A ‘sufficient body of people’ is too vague to actually mean anything.

He seems to be backing down, deeming it pointless to continue against such prowess. “And what name is missing from our oh so woefully inadequate roster?”

“Am I gonna get yours first?”

“...Tch, couldn’t put two and two together? Tsubasa Izayoi.”

“Hino Yakamura.” His face renews with recognition. Seems like he heard, but not seen you. Bag now slinged onto his shoulder, Tsubasa concedes.

“And I should’ve figured that out myself. I got something I wanna do, and if I’m not getting that privacy here, I’m getting it elsewhere, have fun doing whatever you wanted to do, cause I’m gone.”

“We’re not done here, you got anything you can tell me about-”

“About what? It’s just two damn names. Get outta the way.”

Brushing you aside, he makes for the door and he’s gone. Rude. It didn’t seem as if he could’ve told you anything more about the discrepancy anyways. You’re left with a free reign to inspect the place, but there isn’t anything of importance that you could find.

Cabinets have nothing of value, junk all over the table and Tsubasa didn’t leave anything behind in his haste. There was a locked drawer, but opening it is currently beyond your means. You check inside the closet on the corner, but nothing is in it yet. You hear someone enter the room just before you decide to exit, whoever is unaware of your presence.

“Tsubasa, could you step out for a- Huh. Where’d he go…? Ah well, that's convenient. You can come in now.”
You know that voice. It’s Ken. You slink down the door, ear pressed against it. Doesn’t seem like you’ll be caught, and it sounds like he’s gonna meet with someone here. Things seem to be going your way, the world compensating for setting you up.

>Keep hidden and eavesdrop.
>Come out the closet. Nobody will be expecting it like this.
>Keep hidden and eavesdrop.
We'll remain closeted a bit longer.
>Keep hidden and eavesdrop.
Not the right time to come out of the closet
>Keep hidden and eavesdrop.
>>Keep hidden and eavesdrop.
>Keep hidden and eavesdrop.
>>Keep hidden and eavesdrop.
Door whining with a creek before shutting with a click, the mystery participant makes herself known.

“I lost the application.” Mayumi. Enemy number 1, and enemy number 2, clearly conspiring against you.

Pause. Ken just starts laughing, breaking the silence. “Ha ha, phew. And here I thought it was just like summer again.”

“Well don’t just make fun of it! I already made enough mistakes today, and I don’t make mistakes.”

“Sorry, sorry… You made up for them, didn’t you? Take it one step at a time, and it’ll be fixed just like the others. Where did you think you lost it?”

“I don’t know.” Said with a twinge of defeat, the admittance is clearly wounding her ego. “I know I had it, I was gonna file it off when I finished making the rounds. Chased down someone taking down all my work, got him too.”

Someone else has it out for her? Missy here has more enemies than you thought, even if you’ll prove to be her greatest.

“The other one though, you lost that one too?”

“No. That I know for sure. It’s filed away already.”

“Then it’ll be fine. Nothing to worry about, see.”

“Yeah I guess, but what if? I bent the rules for you, you know. If there’s even the slightest chance of it unraveling, I’m not gonna sit idly by and let it happen.”

“Alright, when would you have lost it? Did you have it with you the entire time?”

“Yeah…” She thinks. Does she have the capability for it? “That little rascal! It’s got to be him!” Drat. She can. Took her long enough.

“Who?” He’s right here, you just can’t see him.

“Yakamura. I gave him the stack of papers with it earlier. It has to be him, no other way.”

“You ran into Hino? I was looking for him too. Wanted to call him, but the number he gave me was for a restaurant in another city.” Sorry, not sorry. Too busy over the summer grinding to be bothered.

“Yeah, not that long ago. Come with me then, you can have him after I’m done. Shouldn’t have gone far.” Click and a creak. The door opens once again.

“Ok, let's go. Oh, and about the room, there’s this locked drawer…”

And they’re gone. The conversation ended for you with them out of earshot. It’s safe for you to exit, and so you finally come out the closet.
What is this other, and how can you expose and ruin her with all this? How long did they know each other for? Talked like they knew they were being eavesdropped but that might just be good security. Ken though, he takes it all in stride. So sweet, it’s sickening.

You were just about to leave, but one more surprise comes in the door.

“Oh, uh, hi again. Yakamura.”


She didn’t expect to see anyone, and admittedly she caught you off guard. Maybe it goes both ways, she seems clearly on edge.

Not waiting for you to do anything else, her head pops out the doorway, the words following dictating the next course of action for you.

“Hey guys! Come back here quick!”
First thought was to run, and thus it was your first act as well. The idea to get away simply overwrote any other idea you may have.

Roll 2d6 and hit a 5 or above. 2 rerolls per ID. Yes, critical successes are impossible for this one.
Rolled 1, 6 = 7 (2d6)

Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d6)

And we did well in waiting till they left
Rolled 1, 5 = 6 (2d6)

Sorry for my misspeaking, but when I said hit a 5 or above, this was in reference to per dice and not a sum like the previous roll. If i continued with these rolls, it would be a partial success thanks to the singular 6.
I did wait quite a while, so I’ll roll myself and wait just a tad bit longer before I continue writing.
Rolled 2, 6 = 8 (2d6)

Rolled 3, 4 = 7 (2d6)

My last reroll.
Now I close the gates. Sorry. Gonna write.
Scrambling for an escape, you peer out the window. Locked. Too much work to fiddle with the mechanism, and the fall would kill you, but that’s secondary.

Valuable time would be wasted working through the sellout, and going the long way around the table is how losers get caught, so option C it is, slide over the tabletop. All the junk is now strewed on the floor in front , and scooting by Rinkou is easy, she weighs basically nothing to you.

Lunch is about to end, so the hall is beginning to fill with students looking to beat the chime. It’s all just obstacles between getting away from the scene of the crime. Where did the time go?

From past the corner behind you appears the two you were just hoping to avoid. Didn’t get far enough for you to clear it in time, and they just had to be in the way of the nearest stairwell. Shoot. You lock eyes with Ken for a moment, him wondering what exactly led to this happening, but circumstances don’t seem to deter Mayumi from pursuing.

“Hey! Stop right there!”

“Dunno what you’re talking about, I didn’t do it, and I don’t know those people!”

“Then why are you running?!”

“Anytime is a good time for cardio!”

Is she gaining on you? Damn it, she is. She’s your only pursuer, the other stopping to speak with that snitch. Fortunately, you know this school better than her, having cleaned it out and all. Can’t hide in your own class, she’d know where to camp for next time, but one of the bathrooms has a busted lock on it’s door, so you just need to get there without her seeing you.

Running along the wall, you hoped to be faster than anyone trying to leave their rooms. Instead of providing an advantage, students start clearing out of the way. Without having to weave through a crowd, she will catch you. Coming up from behind a mess of red hair, Tsubasa is woefully unaware of what’s happening with those headphones on. His loss, your gain. Shameless, you knock him over when passing by to hopefully impede her progress.


He can just fix it again then, that was for being rude earlier. Serving his purpose, you make for another stairway with the distance now gained. Cheating one more time, you slide down the handrail, those using it properly forced to respect your oncoming body. Second floor in a breeze.
Out of each other's sight, you make for the bathroom and in one swift motion, open and shut the door. Footsteps running past, you’re certain she fell for it.

You let out a sigh of relief. You should probably head back to class now, but a little delinquency won’t harm you. Seriously though, why did she just sell you out like that? What did you do? You might not know a whole lot about her, but if it’s a spot she wants on the list of enemies, Rinkou will be warmly welcomed by her peers.

There goes the element of surprise though. Now they know you’re gunning for them. That’ll make things interesting. Your eavesdropping will probably be assumed, if not found out, but you already know. Taking out the application she wants so badly, this will somehow be the first step to her downfall.

>Dispose of it. You know what's on it already, and it won’t do you any good to be caught with it.
>Hide it away from your person. Might be useful later.
>Leave it somewhere for her to find. Makes playing innocent easier if she can doubt her assumed conclusion.
>Hide it away from your person. Might be useful later.
Risky and maybe stupid, but it could have its reward down the line.
>>Leave it somewhere for her to find. Makes playing innocent easier if she can doubt her assumed conclusion.
>>Hide it away from your person. Might be useful later.

We lost our cover after getting outted so now we have to scramble for any information as they already assumed we are involved.
Now writing. This coming weekend, my family wants to take me somewhere as a surprise for my upcoming birthday, so I'm likely not able to post at all during then.
But just in case, I'll set this trip up for future use.
>Hide it away from your person. Might be useful later.
Where would you keep a lousy piece of paper that isn’t on your immediate person and wouldn’t be somewhere that would indicate you?
Time to get just a little bit crafty. Peeking out to see if its clear, you dart towards a storeroom for a folder. Now, leaving it in said storeroom would’ve been easy enough, but effortless as it was for you to acquire said folder, it also means someone can snatch it, unaware of the immense weight they would now hold.

The notice boards come off the wall, so you thought to hide this behind it. With a little bit of tape also procured, you head to the board closest to your class and lifting up the underside, move to secure the folder behind it. Taking a step back to admire your handiwork, nobody would suspect a thing.

Back to the regularly scheduled grind then. You were only a few minutes late, but seeing as this is the first day back, that's not a good impression to make. It landed you cleaning duty after everyone else is dismissed, but hey, you were good at it. Won’t be much of a timeloss at all.

Finicky time, always on the slower side when you want things to end. Maybe you should start plotting against everyone associated with Ken and Mayumi preemptively. It’d save you the time and effort of dealing with more surprises like this. Naturally, everyone would want to keep a rising star like you down, and in your naivety, thought otherwise.

Come to think of it, Rinkou was pretty quick to enter after them. It could be a coincidence, but that’s unacceptable after what she did. What was she doing, eavesdropping on them as well? Clearly had something in mind when entering, but what? Any good idea eludes the mind. If only you knew more about her…

Clearly Ken and Mayumi are acquainted, but since when? Pretty sure you would’ve known about a relation that major earlier. Something happened involving them over the summer, but unfortunately for you, there isn’t the faintest idea on where to start digging into that.

Day finally ended, for everyone else. You let the others filter out so you can start cleaning in peace. Staring out the other windows, you see SCP camping the gates. For you? Guess it’s a sign to take your time. Stepped out to gather some cleaning supplies and collect water real slow like, just in case anyone is lingering around looking for anyone.

I copy pasted the update but didn't check if it was below the limit. Sorry.
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When you got back, someone got their hands on the folder already. Before she was able to open it, you snatched it away, just in time. Nobody you know, but that white blazer indicated councilship. Sent the goons after you?

“Hey! How’d you get that?”

“Oh, just checked behind the boards. That’s not really the safest spot for any secrets, if you want to keep them from me~”

“You spend your time poking around the school for stuff like that?”

“Well, not in this way. I had the same idea, but if you thought of it as well, guess I’ll just have to find another place for mine. But cmon, what's in it?”

“Figure it out yourself, I’m busy.”

Challenged, she proceeds to take you up on that.

“You're cleaning, those supplies mean it so. You could’ve kept this in your bag or footlocker, but the choice to hide it like this indicates that you don’t want this linking back to you. So you need somewhere close by, but not out of the way. That's a lot to carry, and there’s the nearest storeroom, so you’re definitely around Class 2-C, and wouldn’t you know it, my dearest president was looking for someone, and she narrowed it down to that very same class. So, is that someone you, hm?”

“No. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Talking crazy, that’s what you’re doing.”

“Well, that was the chance to just fess up, Yakamura. Guess you won’t mind if I call my superior then?”

Unpocketing her phone, she shows just one tap away from calling Mayumi.

“Fine, fine, call her, see if I care.” More amused than bothered by your no-sell, she lets out a chuckle.

“Re-lax. I don’t let her know all that I do anyways. You got moxie. No wonder you get people so bothered.” Her phone shuts with a click.

“I’ll cut you a deal, and go first even. Anything you want to know? There isn’t a lot that I don’t get to hear about.”

“Anything, for what’s in this little ol folder?”

“Anything, I’ll put my professional guarantee on it. I already have an idea, but I want to see for myself.” Crossing her arms with a smile, she’s confident she can answer you to your satisfaction.

>Ask about Mayumi and Ken.
>Ask about Rinkou.
>Refuse her offer.
>>Ask about Mayumi and Ken.
>Ask about Rinkou.
And I come back to a tie. On the hour, I’ll tiebreak it myself if nobody comes in.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

In an effort to remain unbiased, I’ll set this one up to chance.
First option is 1, second option is 2.
Writing this.
>>>Ask about Mayumi and Ken.
Ah didn't see this.

Anyway theory time. This agent is way too competent to found us so fast so either they have access to security cameras to find our stash or Tomomi also has her own secret plans completely different from the council if she also was looking for some place to hide material.
Leaning against the wall, she makes herself comfortable.

“Those two? Be a tad more specific. If it's relationships you want to know, you don’t need me to tell you it’s just what it looks like.”

So much for knowing everything. Couldn’t figure out your exact intent from that much? “Not that kind of stuff, those two are plotting against me, I know it for a fact. I need to know when they started to team up against me. I suspect summer was when they joined forces.”

“Uh huh. Summer. Normally, I don’t keep track as much during then, gotta take some time to relax, but fortunately for me, I still have enough to talk about.”
“Prez ran into a little bit of a problem here at our very school. You were here on the volunteer force over the break, weren’t you?”

“Yeah I was. Don’t make me reminisce about it when I’m reliving it now. What was the problem, someone wanted her to work or something?”

“Please, you don’t need to tell her anything to get her working. Swear, school faculty puts too much trust in us.”
“I don’t know why she was poking around after hours, but whatever she drove her to do it, she found it.”
“It’s no secret that her election as president was a real upset, and the proof she found, well I can see why her predecessor was so mad about losing, despite being about to graduate.”

“So when do we get to the part where Ken gets involved? What did she even find?”

“What she found, you don’t need to know. But they knew Mayumi found it, and so all the bullying and harassment behind the scenes came to its peak. Oh boy, would you believe they did not want to be exposed.”
“This was probably when your guy came into the picture. He just kinda runs into people that need help, just like that. The specifics elude me, but they must’ve come to some sort of agreement.”
“Just like that, it’s done. Personally, if I wasn’t out of the country, I would’ve done more for her. She didn’t deserve any of it, but it’s over now.”

Sounds like a lot of drama. Ignoring the fact you weren’t privy to any of it, none of it would happen if people would just focus their energies on positive things. Like respecting their betters, you.
So they’re involved in a coverup with the old guard. If they were driven this far for it to spill outside of school, it must’ve been real serious stuff.

“Alrighty then, let me at it.” Without so much as a please, she snatches the folder back and opens it, eyes glued to its meager contents.

As quick as she got it, she closes it up with a sigh. “Wow. She really does have a talent for it. Good thing she’s mostly on the up and up.”

“Talent for what?”

“Forgery. Here you go.” She passes it back over.

“Wait, how’d you know what was forged? “

“Again, I had an idea of what to look for, but you didn’t know? That’s your name on it, is it?”
The signatures. It’s got to be, you never signed it, but who cares if a few students were faked?

“So the school never really approved the club??”

“They did. That’s the new stamp they’re using this year. The mistakes of the past aren’t going to repeat themselves. And I am not gonna keep you for much longer. There’s my card in there, by the way.”

Flipping open the folder quickly, an extra there just as she said. “Before you go, who are you?”

“Why are you asking questions you can see the answer to?”

“Funny, now how about a real name?”

“Figure it out yourself, I’m busy.” Hey, shes mocking you! Only you get to do that to others.
“Later, Hater~”

She turns on her heel and walks away, leaving you and ignoring anything else you had to throw at her. Going back to your classroom, cleaning commenced in peace. Finding a new hiding spot was easy in an empty classroom void of witnesses, you just pulled back a shelf and hid it there. Nobody ever checks back there, or cleans either as summer taught you. Ugh. Some people are just nasty. The card she left was kept in your pocket instead of resigning it to collect dust with the application.

Chatterbox’s Services
For all the things people do and don’t talk about

There’s her number. Saved. Now, is she just trying to sound cool? Whatever, it won’t be hard to find her with hair like that in the council lineup. Now, to figure out how you can fit into all this. Blow this whole thing wide open. If Mayumi found something, she probably still has it, as you do the dirt on her. Where though? That’s the question. If it happened during the summer, it’s quite possible that it’s still in the building, and speaking of, is she still around? Looking out the window, she’s gone.

Someone else is coming down the hall. They sound strained, something dragging along their way, but too low to identify. Going unnoticed, the hallway becomes empty again as whoever it was ascends the stairs. You peer out the hall, nothing. Now you just played yourself. Just when you’re done cleaning too, so there goes that obligation. Freedom at last.

>Go crash the Culture Club. Proudly declare open war to Ken.
>Poke around the council room. Mayumi probably kept something important there.
>Satiate your curiosity. Go figure out whatever it was that passed by.
>Go home, sweet home.
This is likely going to be my last post until I get back later on Sunday. I'll try for one more today, but expect me to return in full force come Monday.

Thanks for reading this far though. 5 hours without anything after making the thread really dissuaded me.
>Satiate your curiosity. Go figure out whatever it was that passed by.
I really hope that conversation wasn't a setup by that shady girl.

We'll see you on Monday. Hope you do well in whatever it is you're doing in the meanwhile, QM!
>>Satiate your curiosity. Go figure out whatever it was that passed by.

The only people that would willingly stay afterschool are plotters or club activities.

Qst is slow and voters can be busy with life stuffs.
>Satiate your curiosity. Go figure out whatever it was that passed by.
>Go home, sweet home
Plot our revenge from our secret lair.
>>Go home, sweet home.
>Satiate your curiosity. Go figure out whatever it was that passed by.
>arrive home early monday
>tired, decide to sleep it off and write it when i wake, i sleep lightly anyways
>it's tomorrow
Oops. Writing.
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What did your dad teach you again? Don’t go poking bears, and let sleeping dogs lie. Too bad he didn’t tell you why, but you’ll figure out why one day. Could just be nothing, you know, but that's the thing. You know nothing about what goes on in school, and frankly it’s insulting that none of it ever passed by you.

Now, where’s this guy going? It hasn’t been that long since they’ve passed, so with a bit of light footwork you end up back on their trail. Staying a flight below, their steps arrive at the third floor landing, and then the telltale creak of the door swinging open whines through the stairway. Swung wide open, there was enough time for you to catch it before it closed shut.

They turned the corner on one end of the hall, and a door quickly slammed shut. Just take a peek, see how mundane it is, and then just do literally anything else. Sounds nice. Before you were able to do any of that though, someone tapped your shoulder from behind. Surprised, you turn to face them first thing, and a fist landing in your stomach sends you reeling onto the floor.

“Tsubasa…” You look upwards, crumpled up at your ambusher. The crimson haired punk is flicking his hand clean as if touching you was dirtying.

“That was for lunch. Wanted to come to club today? Don’t bother. School walked back on the new club openings. Waited alone this long to be told jack and shit.” Standing over you, Tsubasa’s face holds only indignation, and satisfied with himself already, makes no effort to help you up nor any to hinder recovery.

“Well, sorry for you buying cheap crap that breaks easily.”

“Excuse you? This stuff isn’t cheap, or crap.” A threatening glare dares you to insult his gear further, one you match in return.

“Lucky you though, all you did was break the cosmetic shell. Hmph. I’m outta here.” Swinging him now would be so easy with his back to you, but picking fights isn’t what you came here to do. Your abdomen still hurts too, but whatever. Totally would win a fair one.

“Wait, how’d you know what happened to the club?”

“Council member came by, the one with the red and blue hair. Never told me why, and nobody else came. Go find someone else to bother, I don’t have the energy to keep dealing with you today.”

“That I will, so long, punk.” Descending the stairs, Tsubasa makes his leave, unbothered.
The encounter this quick, you hoped to be able to catch sight of your original objective without any more delay. Going off to the end of the hall, there’s only one room it could be, judging from how loud the sound was. Rinkou is just sitting on a desk, looking out of a window with her blazer draped over her shoulder. What, posing for an opening?

“Hey, what was earlier for?” You enter, wanting to give her a piece of your mind.

“O-oh.” Clumsily turning to see you, she fumbles around trying to get her glasses from her blazer pocket. “What are you doing here?”

“Nothing. Just looking for trouble.” Apparently mundane is what you came across. Boring.

“None of it here, I guess. I just finished delivering a pile of textbooks and thought, hey! Maybe I can enjoy the view a little bit. We should go though, I really need to lock it up when I’m done.” Nothing at all, huh. Well, that’s taken care of. Her slacking and relaxed posture disarms you with ease.

“Not so fast, I didn’t ask for what you’re doing here, I wanted to know why you ratted me out earlier.”

“Sorry, sorry. I just got startled you know, like why would you be in there and all? I heard them talk about finding you and well, that’s just what I ended up doing. Ken didn’t seem to mind the mess you made, so I don’t either.” She plays with her fingers, fidgeting around. Is she always nervous when caught off guard?

“One helluva way to deal with a surprise. Sellout.” Apparently, she doesn’t seem to care why you were in there too. Good, it would save you an awkward explanation.

Fine. It’s over I guess, dealing with this sappy atmosphere with her reminiscing about whatever isn’t worth sticking around school for. You turn around, hand on the doorframe about to go. But you’re no tool. A lot of things don’t seem right, a moment of silence being all you needed to gather that much. None of it is popping out at you, but it just feels that way. Blindly accuse her of what though? Why would she be telling lies? “It is what it is” keeps ringing though your mind.

>Blindly accuse her of something. Maybe she’ll break under pressure.
>Whatever. Go home, I like to be sure when I expose people.
>"You know, it'll eventually get found out." Say something vague. It might make her think about what she's doing and maybe let up something. If it's really nothing then it'll just confuse her, you guess.
>>Whatever. Go home, I like to be sure when I expose people.
What was she looking at if she needed glasses to see you properly?
How did she carry these so called books, there isn't any mention of a bag, nor would you just drag them across the floor anyways?
Did she spend this long doing this, long enough that Tsubasa had no idea she was even around?
So, I take these as write ins on confronting her. Being vague and actively questioning her isn't impossible to meld together, but if the second guy are just questioning me and not meaning to write-in, no comment.
Half an hour more before I start writing, give or take.
I'm not actually voting to keep on questioning her, mostly just say something foreboding before leaving. I should've made that last part clearer in my write-in, sorry.
Well that makes things harder for me. That means there's effectively a three way tie going on. I'm not in a hurry to write though, and people do seem to be more willing to vote later on at night from my time zone, so I could put it off further until the choice more definitive.

Or ask /qtg/ for a tie break, but truthfully, I don't really want a tiebreaker coming in for the sake of tiebreaking.

>>"You know, it'll eventually get found out." Say something vague. It might make her think about what she's doing and maybe let up something. If it's really nothing then it'll just confuse her, you guess.

Yeah no bag and her happening to be looking out a window is too bullshit but we got no proof about what she is doing. Better to be vague and leave to see if she spills something or knows to stay out of our way.
Unless we have something concrete we can't accuse her of anything and plus I doubt we can lie convincingly to get her to break. We look more like a prepper and not a manipulator type.
>Whatever. Go home, I like to be sure when I expose people.
>Whatever. Go home, I like to be sure when I expose people.
All for going home, with just a passing remark to leave behind.
I can get this out the way this morning before I go on the rest of my day.
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Nothing. There’s nothing immediately wrong for you to point out. All you have right now are suspicions, and that might just not be enough. You’ll just have to take it by her word that nothing is going on.
“But you know, it’ll eventually come out one day.” Words to leave behind with her. You turn your head slightly to peek back at Rinkou. She just wonders what you’re talking about, then breaks out into a giggle.
“Are you trying to go in style? I’ll see you around.” You leave after this. Seems like it was nothing at all. Trying not to think about what happened, seeing as the chance to pounce on them just passed.

One more school day until the weekend arrives. Yippie. Would it have killed them to just delay the academic year by 4 days just to have a full starting week? These two days will feel near pointless, but lets chalk this up to the usual suspect, incompetence. Going home later than everyone else does hold its advantages. No crowds on public transportation for one, so the ride home was spent sitting instead of crammed standing.

It isn’t long before you made it home, and dad’s home to greet you as you walk in. “Hey son! How was your day been?”
Aw man, where to start? Betrayed, beaten and trying to make a name for yourself in the concrete box called school.
“Well, I feel like my efforts aren’t being recognized, but that’s alright, I did the work in the end, so I guess it went by great so far.” Nothing worrying, not that there's anything to sweat about yet.
“That’s good to hear, but a couple of your classmates came by earlier looking for you. Told them you weren’t around, but I let them wait a little bit for ya.” …So they bought the fight to you then.
“Sorry, didn’t catch their names before they left. You just missed them. They went that-a-way if you want to catch up.”
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You plop down on the couch, not wanting to give chase. Ken and Mayumi, the latter probably responsible for getting your address. Is nothing sacred? Something vibrates, and it isn’t your phone. Scooting around on the couch, you find a white blazer, a cute little phone ringing out for its owner in one of the pockets. Unfortunately, the number is unknown and any chance to respond fails as the caller hangs up. Without a password, her secrets are hidden away from you, so with dad busy, you tuck both away in your bag. If he knew, he’d make you return it.

How much of a klutz can you be? Making it too easy like this. You retreat into your room upstairs in hopes of figuring out how to crack passwords on the internet.
The doorbell rings, and you peek between your blinds. Mayumi and Ken. As if you needed further confirmation. Damn it! Played right into their hands. They must’ve figured you were close, left her phone behind as an excuse and waited for you to bite. Now they can waltz right in knowing for a fact you’re home. One problem, you found the bait.

Dad answered the door, and knowing him, he’ll let out the idea that you’re home. How dare they take advantage of his kindness like that, but sadly, there’s nothing you can do for him now. Only a matter of time before the sharks close in.

>Jump out the window and escape with everything.
>I have nothing much to hide anymore. Look normal and confront them here.
>Confront them, but before then hide anything important about this whole situation.
With the way the mc is and how the qm writes the folder will get found and taken from us without realizing it. I bet the dad will work against us and demand we give back their stuff. So the best plan might just be going forwards and denying we have anything of theirs, and refusing to show them anything.
I almost want to go out and escape, we could even tell dad they were bullies or something afterwards, but I fear this will get us caught by another trap of theirs or just them outmatching us.
After thinking about it I'll change my vote to
>Jump out the window and escape with everything.
We ball.
I’m gonna write that soon.
My mother arrived home, so I have to delay writing to accommodate her.
I expect this to take awhile, and I didn’t really get far so voting is reopened for those that see this.
>Write-In: Slip the folder underneath the bed and grab the blazer and phone to return it to Ken and Mayumi. Then >! have nothing much to hide anymore. Look normal and confront them here.

We return them their items, say we have nothing, and if they try to butt into our room we can say we have homework to do from a hardass teacher. Plus if we bail out they will know to constantly hunt us at our home and will have to stay out constantly to avoid them.

There is no folder on your person to squirrel away. The club application is safely tucked away in a new hiding spot in your classroom, behind a shelf fixture. The spot will work because nobody ever checks there, or pull it back to clean that often.
To be clear, returning the stuff we do have was implied on the second option, as it is believed they left it behind on purpose and was coming back to reclaim it, but yeah, I didn't feel as if I had to write that out. Sorry.

Seeing as that write in was abandoned by its proposer, the vote is kinda in a 3 way tie again. The other write in though wants to lead into the same option as you do, so its more like a 2 v 1 vote. No reconciling this one, since hiding her phone and not are mutually exclusive. It's not even guaranteed to work, since again, its implied the two are checking the only reasonable spot it could be at. If this option goes though, it'll be on as a dice roll, threshold of 6 with a +1 to represent homefield advantage.

After I drop my mother off, then I can start writing. Hour drive roundtrip if things go well.
I guess I'll go back to supporting my original write-in >>6097055
Even though I don't like it that much anymore I don't want to give the QM too much of a headache.
Just in time too, I just got back. Traffic. Crazy. I hate this damn city.

This write-in has won. I interpret the phone being something worth hiding, and not her blazer. Attempting to gaslight someone into believing they never wore something with multiple witnesses being able to testify otherwise is flat out impossible. A phone wouldn't be that much easier, but it would be possible.

As mentioned before, I'll be making it a dice roll. A lazier person could just say to roll before I write, but that'd be no fun for me, really. Writing, hopefully this will be quick.

Anyways, you can get your rolls in early, but a follow up won't be coming until next time.
Roll 3d6, adding a +1 to the results of each individual dice. Sum does not matter. Threshold to hit is 6. 2 rerolls per ID, discarding previous.
>Roll 3d6, adding a +1 to the results of each individual dice.
Wait so should we roll a 3d6+1 or just a 3d6?
Rolled 2, 4, 4 = 10 (3d6)

Just a 3d6, with the +1 being manually calculated.
So whatever I roll now, you add a +1 to each of the dice. I have no idea if the dice command will recognize bonuses like that, or if they do, that it won't just apply it to the sum only.
Come to think of it, this is just the same as if the threshold is at 5 isn't it? Perhaps making it a 4d6 would've gotten what I wanted across better, but that's what happens when I neglect numerical stats when using this system. Oh well, already committed to the 3d6.
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d6)

You dump the phone under your dirty laundry, making sure it’s muted. It shouldn’t be able to vibrate loudly, should they try calling.
“Ah, you two came back. My son arrived too, so you can go check up on him as you wanted. Here, I’ll show you to his room.”
Not even an ounce of resistance. Thanks dad, really. A little pressure makes things interesting.
“Be there with you in a moment Ken, think this is where I left my phone…”
“Alrighty then, not like we’re going far.”

She’s here for her stuff, that now confirmed. It isn’t even that warm here, but she’s blowing hot air all the time, so no wonder she took it off.
Wanting them away from your room as much as possible, it's time to face them head on. You swing out the door to pop out in the hall. Dad and Ken.
“Ah, here’s your friend, Hino. Think I’ll go help the other one look then. Ciao.” A light push to encourage Minoru, he goes back down the steps.
“Yo. Whaddya want?” Just play it straight and cool. See what he does and doesn’t know.

Ken’s hands reach into his pockets, head tilted slightly. “Not much. Gave Suzuki a bit of a scare earlier, but why’d you run? Knew we were looking for you?”
“For me? For what? I ran cause I thought it’d be funny.”
“Well, I wanna talk about the clubs coming up, but we hit a snag, and till then, they’re not happening.”
Again. Clubs. Plural. Thought there was only one coming up?
“Aw, sorry to hear about that.” Voice dripping in sarcasm, bouncing off his density. It’ll hurt once it really sets in.. “That’s why I was there, saw the flyers and all. Funny how that works out.”

“Gone, gone, gone! Everything’s going missing today, and I know for a fact it could only be here!” She’s been had. Now it’s the time to play it off.
Dad’s trying to placate her, but it isn’t enough, her storming up the stairs in time for you to show off her blazer to her.
“Saw it when I came in, thought I pass it to you tomorrow, or maybe after laundry day.”
“Gimme that.” She takes it away, inspecting the pockets.
“Really now, miss, take it easy. Getting angry won’t help the situation at all.”
“Yeah, listen to my dad, or save a step and listen to your peers too.”
“My phone’s gone. Little thieving delinquent, can’t you keep your hands to yourself?”
You raise your hands in mock innocence, trying not to break into laughter over her fuming.

“Stop leaving your things around then. Lose something else?”
“My phone, my papers, my time and my patience. You have it all, I know you do!”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, but if it makes you feel any better, you can see for yourself all my stuff, right through here.” You show her the door. Not the one leading out, sadly, but to your room. Here’s hoping she finds nothing.

Roll 3d6, adding a +1 to the results of each individual dice. Sum does not matter. Threshold to hit is 6. 2 rerolls per ID, discarding previous.
Rolled 2, 5, 3 = 10 (3d6)

Rolled 2, 6, 4 = 12 (3d6)

Alright, thanks QM.

>first roll is always a 2
Huh. I almost don't want to reroll because of how weird this is.
Rolled 4, 1, 2 = 7 (3d6)

Rolled 4, 1, 2 = 7 (3d6)

Rolled 4, 5, 4 = 13 (3d6)

Rolled 6, 3, 1 = 10 (3d6)

More bizarre rolls.

May as well use my reroll.
Rolled 6, 1, 6 = 13 (3d6)

Yeouch. This dice must be rigged. Could be a sign that it isn't meant to be.
I'll be writing after I roll my 3, and do dailies.
I'm abiding by my own rules and sticking to this. This 12th hour roll marks the choice as a success.
Rolled 6, 3, 2 = 11 (3d6)

Rolled 3, 2, 2 = 7 (3d6)

Rolled 6, 1, 2 = 9 (3d6)

Not gonna lie to you people, I got carried away gaming to write this one.
It's coming, real soon.
Mayumi is the first one through the door, then you and everyone else. Four’s a crowd. Room wasn’t a mess, to the surprise of the interlopers. She's tearing through anything not bolted down, looking for anything you shouldn’t have.
“Cmon, gonna leave it a mess?” You clean up after her, trying to keep up with her hellbent on discovery.
Dad chimes in, “If it’s your phone you lost, we can just call it-”
“I left it on vibrate, so we won’t hear it. Of course, this shouldn’t be happening if you didn’t snatch it up. Ken, go check his bag.”
Interrupted, dad is left tapping his foot, waiting for you to come clean or for this to go far enough.

Sighing, Ken digs through your bag after you give him a nod. At least he does it with more tact. Pay him no mind, he won’t find anything.
Now she’s trying to check under your bed after tearing through some more loose stuff. Cutting her off from a black box, Mayumi believes it’s her stuff you’re trying to keep her from.
“What are you hiding down there?”
“Not telling. It’s not important either, trust me.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” A bit of a scuffle, but she gets past your defenses and opens Pandora's box. Boxed anime figures and merchandise, stuff you don’t want to display yet. As quick as she peeked, she resealed it.

Clearly frustrated, but that isn’t enough to stop Mayumi. It was, however, the end of your dad idling by.
“Enough, miss. I won’t have you messing up a storm in here any longer when it isn’t getting you anywhere closer to finding what you need. Now, let's try reason.”
“What’s there to say? I lost my stuff, and your son has it.” Clearly, someone not capitulating to her authority is something she’s not used to. New to her, but you’ve lived with it a long time.
“And why do you keep suspecting him?”
Ken finally finishes his search, zipping up your bag audibly. “Yeah Mayumi, I gotta say, he’s been clean so far.”
“Oh come on, you told me he was in the club room immediately after we left. He’s clearly up to something.”
“True, but that doesn’t make him guilty of what you accuse him of either.” With Dad and Ken working against her, that makes a 3 v 1. She was already outmatched by you, but now she’s outnumbered.

“Bag didn’t have anything of yours, and you didn’t find anything yet. What else do you want to see before we move on?”
“But my phone! I know I had it on me on the way!”
“Look, we can call your phone anyways. If it’s in here, we’ll hear something.” Dad’s insisting. Here’s hoping nobody notices it.
“Hmph, fine. Ken, try it again.”
He calls. The phone is trying to ring, but it's muffled well enough to not be found even with everyone dead silent.
“Alright, it isn’t in here then. Maybe it slipped out on the couch?”
“Checked between the folds already, no dice. Ugh, Mom’s gonna freak…” Trying to offer a solution, your father once again has an idea.
“We can just look up the device location with the log-in with the cloud services. You’ll get a better idea of its general location then.”
“Thanks, but I need to get the account details from my mother for that. I’ll have to do it when I get home…” She seems to loathe the idea of bringing this up to her mother. Fortunately, this isn’t your problem at all.

“So, was this why you guys wanted to see me?”
“Well, that’s why she wanted to see you. We already had our talk.”
Great! No more reason for them to linger.
“Sorry about everything, really, but if there isn’t anything else guess it’s time to be on your way then.”
“Now son, hold off on that. They stayed this long, might as well have something to eat. Better more people eat the dinner fresh than when it’s leftovers.” …Thanks alot Dad. A meal wouldn’t be the end of the world, though, so you can bear with them.

So, you sit next to your dad, Ken sits with Mayumi, and she’s glaring daggers across you whenever she can get away with it. Those two seem to enjoy the cooking alot more than you, but you hardly see why thats so. Maybe you’re used to it.
“So, what do kids do at school? I note you don’t wear the same uniform as everyone else.”
Not missing an opportunity to stroke her ego, Mayumi attempts to impress your dad. “Well Mr. Yakamura, I’m the Student Council President, and we get to wear this to immediately establish ourselves as important. I was the first one in a while to win the election within their first year. It’s my second year this time though, so after this shaky start, here’s to another great semester.”

“Ooo, must be nice to hear yourself called President often. What about you, Minoru?”
“Nothing like her, just going through the motions sir. Well, I was gonna be a club founder, but that fell through. But you know, me and Hino were tossing a club idea back and forth at each other last year.”
Mayumi interjects. “Till he stole your application…” And stole my idea too. It goes ignored by Ken and everyone else, who continues onwards.
“No hard feelings, but she withdrew her support at the last moment and the new clubs just fell through. I tried to convince her otherwise, but now the Culture Club and Media Club are just ideas once again.”
Eyes widened, you almost choke trying to get a word in. “What?! Media and Culture?” Nope, nope, nope. Not being gaslit like this.
“Well, I had a chance to have my club, but I was able to get Prez to do both of ours until recently. I know firsthand how much you were attached to the idea, so I wanted to gift it to you.”
“Both? The morning assembly had her announce the Media Club as yours. Then later on, Culture club flyers were posted everywhere.”
“Yep, Rinkou sure does speedy work. Mayumi forgot to amend her speech to include both of ours.”
“Hmph, last second change of heart, I had this speech prepared days ahead of time. I only said it was Ken’s because I wanted people to give it a fair shake. People know you for the wrong reasons, ya know.”
“That was last year!”

With a hearty chuckle, Father gets everyone to settle down, you included. It sounds like a story to laugh about as a good time, but this is no misunderstanding, this is clearly by far an attempt to lower your guard. The next day? Interrogation! Everyone’s in too deep to just write it off like that.

Dinner’s done, and you couldn’t be happier to see them prepare to leave. Go on, go! Gonna crack open all those plots and secrets hiding about sooner or later.
Fate tosses a curveball at the 11th hour. Ken takes a call, and while you can’t listen in on it, his face turns to surprise.
“Sorry Minoru, Kanazuki. I really need to rush home now.” Nobody had any time to protest as he made off on his own.
“Not even so much as a bye… Fine. I can walk myself home anyhow.” Not that she needs the company. Sun is setting but it isn’t dark out yet. Dad thought otherwise.
“Well son, are you gonna be a good host and go with her?”
Mayumi turns her head hearing this, and the fact she didn’t immediately reject it as you would means she recognizes the opportunity to torment you. Fiddlesticks.

>Walk her home. This way, you know where to strike when you need it.
>Refuse to go with her alone. Convince Dad to drive you. (dice roll, easy)
>She can take care of herself, so she can go home by herself. Refuse outright. (dice roll, hard)
>Ask if she wants dad to call her mom to pick her up instead.
She isn't the only one that can do a little trolling.
>>Ask if she wants dad to call her mom to pick her up instead.

Suck it bitch get parent called. Also phew offering the blazer and hiding the phone was smart but we might have to destroy the phone fast to avoid the trace if she does bring up her mother.
But if she declines...
>Walk her home. This way, you know where to strike when you need it.

Keep your enemies closer, after all. We can gather dirt.
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Sorry it took me awhile to check in on you guys, and also that you had to wait this long just to hear how this write-in wouldn't work. Voting will go on for longer since I can't properly update the quest, but that doesn't mean I didn't write anything. If nothing changes by when I can write, we'll be walking her home. Tangentially related image attached.

“Why don’t you just call your mom and have her pick you up. Oh, my mistake. Well, I guess I could get my dad to phone her.” Shrugging this off and acting cool, you refuse to show weakness when dodging the request.

“Well-” Mayumi’s retort was cut off by dad before she could even start it proper.
“Well I don’t have her mother’s number, and I doubt she lives that far off anyways. She was gonna walk after all.” Why is he so insistent on making this happen?

Anguish marks the regression in your plans, and a mix of smug curiosity paints Mayumi’s face. As much as she doesn’t understand why this is so, it doesn’t stop her from pressing on an avenue to annoy you.
“...What he said.” She hesitates, trying to excuse this properly. “I don’t know mom’s number, that’s what my contact list is for.” An obvious lie. When does she not know anything?
“Besides, she probably isn’t home yet, long commute and all.”

Dad understands the pain of the working class, and you just sigh wondering why on this topic he’s working against you. He looks again at you, eyebrow raised and expecting a response. As much as dear president seems to enjoy this, standing around and gawking isn’t high up on the to-do list. Just drive us yourself, or better yet, just let her go like she wanted to, please.

>Walk her home. This way, you know where to strike when you need it.
>Refuse to go with her alone. Convince Dad to drive you. (dice roll, easy)
>She can take care of herself, so she can go home by herself. Refuse outright. (dice roll, hard)
>Walk her home. This way, you know where to strike when you need it.
Well we tried.
>>Walk her home. This way, you know where to strike when you need it.
>>Walk her home. This way, you know where to strike when you need it.

is our dad trying to wingman us? admit nothing no matter what she says
>>Refuse to go with her alone. Convince Dad to drive you. (dice roll, easy)
Are we being set up? Sure looks like it, and it's about time I start writing it.
There isn’t any easy way out of this, is there?

“Fine, fine, I’ll do it.”
“There we go, see, don’t be long now.”

You can hardly put on some shoes and a jacket before being harassed by Mayumi, seeing your compliance is a bit sudden.
“Didn’t think you had it in you. Just gonna run off on me past the corner, are you?” Doubt clouds her expectations, who’d blame her
“Is that what you’d do? Father asked me, so I’m gonna see it though.”
“Anything happens to the house, I’m gonna make you clean it.”
“Pfft, like it’s worth the effort. Let's go.”

Dad waves the two of you off, just a bit too happy about this. Questions for later.
If she isn’t going to tell you where it is, there isn’t much choice but to let her lead. Just look at her, relishing in this artificial inequality.

Silence reigns at the beginning of the trip, a question breaking through some distance away.
“You have any idea what Ken’s deal is?” She asks this genuinely. What brought it on?
“Why would I know anything about that? I don’t.”
“You’re no help then. You know, that guy just takes off whenever just like that at the drop of a hat.”
“I saw. Enjoy his company better than mine? I didn’t think I’d need to say it aloud, but here we are.” All this set up just to be talking about another guy. Sorry dad, but you tried.

“It’s not like that! He’s more dependable than everyone else around-”
“Let me just stop you right there, because I don’t want to hear it.” She storms ahead, wanting to get away. You would’ve let her off right then and there, but if you’re gonna go through this, you might as well break off with her address in return. You catch up, a huff of disappointment escaping her lips.
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“You gonna fess up to having my stuff?”
“First, I’d have to have it. Sorry.” The sarcasm is dripping on that faux apology.
“Then just go home.” A dismissal colder than usual. Real smooth blowing that chance to know her better. Here she was offering her back and you just passed up a prime backstab opportunity.

She probably thinks you and Ken were closer friends than she thought. Guess he has his own skeletons in his closet, and not himself.
“Look, do you really think it’s anything to worry about? Besides, what makes you a better arbiter on what he should do over himself? I don’t know anything suspicious about Ken, so what would you want me to do about it, Mayumi?”
Gritting her teeth and closing her eyes, she has no immediate counter from your words. She grips the gate to a house, her own, you presume.

Her back turned to you still, she addressed you once more.
“Hino Yakamura. When I find that you’ve lied, I will know about it.”
“That is if-” A tone this serious, you’d think you’d know better than to try your usual.
“When. Not if. In the case that you did deceive me, what occurred is enough for me to get you suspended. But do this for me, and I won’t press it further when it does come to that.”
“Ken’s nothing to worry about? Fine. Prove it to me. Find out what’s going on with him. That’s it, all I want. Deal?”
Blackmail. All for his sake. Chatterbox was onto something, and apparently, it’s ok when she does it.

>”You’re bluffing. If you had the means to know what I did, you’d know what Ken was up to.”
>”So you’re threatening me. Cool. What would everyone else think about it?”
>”You know, if you asked nicely, I’d do it, but now I need a little something for me.”
>”How dare you ask me to do this to a friend of mine. It’s frankly insulting that you’d think I’d consider this.”
>Walk away.
>”So you’re threatening me. Cool. What would everyone else think about it?”
Something something, she's becoming like the people she hates.
>>”How dare you ask me to do this to a friend of mine. It’s frankly insulting that you’d think I’d consider this.”

First one might out us about knowing something, second no one will believe our words over the council president, third we are no lap dog, and fourth seems the safest option as investigation ken is not a top priority but something we can get back to later.
>”So you’re threatening me. Cool. What would everyone else think about it?”
And going to write this.

Yeah, it looks like I'm getting lazy. Time is always so plentiful until I want to spend it. I don't want to give up, but I also have no idea how other QMs do it everyday. The board is slower than the others here, so the thread isn't going anywhere, but still, it doesn't look good on me to be inconsistent even if I can't help it. Maybe I should take a break though, but not nessicarily close out the thread. I have a little window full of ideas I just jot down and don't really develop thoroughly and I really should get on that since I just write the update and then get on something else that I want done. But not yet. I don't think it's a good place to close it out here anyways.
You haven't been inconsistent, as far as I can tell.
Inhale. Exhale. Gotta turn this in on her. Nobody is around to testify otherwise, so her true colors must be showing.
“So you’re threatening me. Cool. What would everyone else think about it?”
A ghastly chuckle, as if you just asked how does her wallet taste this morning. You can’t see her face and you don’t want to see what kind she’s making under the contrast of the warm street light,

“Good question. What would they think of it? You, the troublemaker nobody likes, or the prim and proper example I so set… It’s okay, because I know you’ll do it anyway. You just can’t keep your nose out of things where you don’t belong.”
Damn. If only you had clairvoyance to record this conversation beforehand. Her grip goes pale, and not from an abundance of effort. A deathly chill blows past as if something changed, and you turn her by the shoulder so she can look you in the eyes and say this to your face.

Mayumi’s surprised? At what, that you’d grab her like this? She swats away your hand and works her way inside.
“You running? Try finding someone more docile to blackmail you-”
“SHUT UP!” Pushing open the door, it slams with a shut.
What the hell is her problem? Totally unbecoming of her, but she’s right about one thing. Without proof, nobody will want to believe you.

You mark her address down, and then walk off home. You think about last year, and then you don’t. The school had an award so important that they let it get ruined by you. Embarrassing for them how careless they were, but it was easier to pin it as sabotage rather than an accident. Who’s holding this grudge for over a year now on behalf of the school? All this melodrama is getting on your nerves. Everyone else is gonna see her for who she is one day. Hopefully, within this year.
You pass by a convenience store hoping to get something nice to drink. Who was going to be on line just in front of you? Ken? Too convenient. Dad? That’d be funny. Tsubasa? What about him?
“Hi. In the neighborhood?”
Were you right? The girl turns to see who it was, you. Rinkou. For a moment, you thought you were talking up a stranger. It gets harder to regonize these people without uniforms. Or glasses, again.
“Oh, hey there. I could say the same to you.” Can’t see what she’s buying in her basket, not that it should matter, but suspicions recently keep your eye where it shouldn’t be.
She notices, shying her stuff away from you. You only have a drink in hand, so it’s hard for her to return the favor.

Were you expecting small talk? It’s awkward now just waiting in line. It’s her turn, but she lets you pass her.
“Go ahead, I have more than you anyways.”
“Thanks.” You buy it and go. But why is she here?

First time, fine, perfectly reasonable, but Mayumi entered the picture and suddenly she scurried away. Second time she barges into her own club room just as it emptied out. Coincidence? Maybe. But what was she doing after school? Really should’ve pushed her then in hindsight, if she would slip. Now you find her here. Just as you finished with Mayumi yourself. It’s just all too much to brush off under reasonable assumptions, so now is the time not to let it be.

>Just ask her straight up what’s going on.
>No other way to sugarcoat it. Stalk her. (Dice, Normal.)
>This isn’t an appropriate time or venue for it. Leave it for tomorrow.
Well, I wanted to do once per day, but that hasn't been working. I like to stick to that as a guideline for my own performance.
>No other way to sugarcoat it. Stalk her. (Dice, Normal.)
>No other way to sugarcoat it. Stalk her. (Dice, Normal.)
She's sus.
Time to roll.
While I write the preroll interlude, the choice is locked in to this option.

Usual rules, 3d6, 1 roll + 2 rerolls per ID discarding previous, and target of 5 and above per dice.
Rolled 4, 1, 5 = 10 (3d6)

Outside, you don’t think she noticed you fail to leave entirely. While she pays, it’s time to drink. Good thing this is a bottle. Twisting it open, you down some of the latest trends in beverages and shudder in disgust. God, this is crap. Why did you buy it?

The more you know of people, the less normal they appear to be. Could never be you. Just wear what you are on the sleeves and not under them, then let people sort out your character for themselves. Another sip. It’s still crap, but crap you paid for.

Just stand beside the store in a recessed doorway and hope Rinkou doesn’t go your way. The telltale jingle that accompanies the sliding door is your cue, and what’s taking it so long? Almost tempted to peer over to see the glass front to see what’s happening, but no. It’s got to be soon. Drinking more of the bottle, it's better to down it than to pour it down the drain.

Seriously, something’s also wrong with Mayumi. Fine, you don’t like her, and now that you know she’s crazy, any chance of that changing has gone kaput. Is she bipolar? Does that come with weakness, or are you just that overwhelmingly present?

And Dad, really? It isn’t that hopeless that you need to be set up like that, but fair is fair, there wasn’t much reassurance for him to think otherwise. Bit your fault, that one. All cause Ken had to step away to do what? You don’t know, she doesn’t know, and that really needs to change for number 1. Tomorrow. Another chug, but instead of drink, you down air. You check to see if she’s even there still, but scurry to hug the wall trying not to be noticed again.

Done, Rinkou takes her bag of whatever, and heads the way you came. From that alone, you made quite a leap in conclusion, but well, there were only 2 ways to go on this street. Just follow her. Easy. Don’t be seen, don’t be heard and don’t lose her while not being suspicious. Her pace is brisk, as she has somewhere to be on a tight schedule. Probably before it really gets dark. Tossing the bottle aside, you’re never buying this crap again for today.

Usual rules, 3d6, 1 roll + 2 rerolls per ID discarding previous, and target of 5 and above per dice.
Rolled 1, 3, 2 = 6 (3d6)

Rolled 6, 2, 4 = 12 (3d6)

Rolled 5, 5, 5 = 15 (3d6)

We GOT this.
Epic roll bro. Unfortunately, you immediately trip and fall. Pushing your arms out to catch yourself, the pavement instead gives way to nothing. Clouds of thought pass you by, formless, incomprehensible as you fall indefinitely.

A resounding smack to the back of your head snaps you back to reality. It's that nag everyone calls president, checking up on you. What are you talking about? Get back to work, these desks don't wipe themselves clean.

But in all seriousness, good, clean, straight 5s. Critical Success, writing.
I have become the night, the terror, the batman.
She doesn’t look back not once as you pursue. Confidence, or carelessness? Either way works. It’s getting all too easy, honestly. Crossings are clear with ample time everytime one comes up, nobody is really paying either of you any mind, so no need to look unassuming. One would think you’re just going the same way Rinkou is instead of assuming you’re stalking her specifically.

She’s retracing the same steps you just took away from Mayumi’s house. Not looking good if she’s trying to beat the allegations you just made up. Rinkou takes out her phone and puts it to her temple, a call underway. Oblivious to you and basic decency, you’re able to hear her side of the conversation as she yaps audibly in the street.

“You there? Did you find it yet?”
“No? Well, take your time, be thorough. I’m almost at her house, Might as well check there.”
“Nothing. Talks a lot, but she really knows how to clam up. Amazing how one can say so little with so much.”
“Nobody will notice, and no proof to boot. So many ways to hurt without it showing…”
“...We don’t need her, and this is a personal matter for me anyways. Talk to you tomorrow.”

She hangs up, and there it is, lights off. The Kanazuki residence. Damn it, damn it, damn it. Why here?
Maybe Mayumi really wasn’t feeling well and called someone over for help. Except, she has no phone, so there goes that. Just mind your business and leave her be. Well, you got this far without being noticed, so you just can’t help it. Rinkou, with practiced ease, climbs the fence without so much as a rattle. Slinking though the shadows, she slips to the backyard, and out of sight.

Pretty sure this is trespass. Calling out someone actively trying not to get caught is totally a dick move, which is exactly why Mayumi pulls up her window to yell at you.
“What are you still here for? Please, just go home...”
Rustling can be heard, and then running. Guess Rinkou spooks easily.
Dressed in sleepwear, Mayumi really doesn't want to have to deal with anything. She didn’t call you out by name, so at least you remain anonymous.
Without telling her off for once, you stroll off, and then double back. Only a fool would come here thrice. Unlatching the gate, you pull it slowly so as to keep it from creaking. Why are you doing this? What do you hope to gain? Phone out and ready, you aren’t sure what you expected to see.

Backyard is devoid of people. Just you, and a plastic bag on the floor in front of the sliding glass door inside. Hard to discern what's inside without opening it, and you have no time to do it. She’s coming back, and you hide in a bush just as she reappears. Writing it off as an animal scurrying about, Rinkou is actively attempting to break into the house. Thanks to advances in technology, low light photos are not unintelligible grainy messes. Hand steady and wide eyed at what you are witnessing, you catch her in the act.

Muttering curses under her breath, Rinkou appears to give up, running with the bag in tow as a beam of light bleeds through the glass. It wasn’t looking for her specifically, but it was enough to dissuade her attempts for tonight. You’re certain she does not know of your involvement. Nobody needs to know you took this, but everyone could know what she did.

>Rat her out to Mayumi right now or later. If she can threaten you like that for delinquency, she can do worse for illegal acts.
>Chatterbox is willing to trade secrets for hers. This should be good for several. So nice you have her number.
>Rinkou can do this for herself, when she can be doing this for you after giving you a prime incentive to listen.
>Rinkou can do this for herself, when she can be doing this for you after giving you a prime incentive to listen.
>But remember to make copies of the photos before anything.
We can ask her what she's trying to do here and who she was talking with.
Yeah better to make copies and save this ace for later or a trade to chatterbox so if Mayumi finds out she lost something we can easily blackmail Rinkou for a favor.
>Chatterbox is willing to trade secrets for hers. This should be good for several. So nice you have her number.
I've decided to close the thread after my next update, before I start to hate writing. I think I write better when I do it on occasion instead as a regular thing. I'll probably put up another thread later this month or early October under this trip. I want to get better images, specifically one for the OP because I keep mistaking the one I used here with another thread. Kinda ran into a wall where its getting harder for me to think of what to do next, while still trying to make sense at least to myself. Trying to keep things inline with what I wrote down on my notes and what you guys are actually supposed to know. Dice too is something I need to flesh out more. Probably need to introduce bonuses and stats to make things more interesting for myself at least.

Do ask me questions though, I find those fun. The whole Culture Club and Media Club distinction happened because I made a mistake. It was supposed to just be the Media Club, but the Culture Club was one of the names I was throwing about and almost ran with it, just because I thought of making a joke with it. Ken's Kulture Klub. I ended up reverting anyways because I didn't update my notes to reflect the last minute change and didn't just refer to the post above it. Oops.
In my experience the only way to write better is to keep doing it consistently. I know I struggled but just kept pushing as I liked writing small omakes for another website. Even on qst it takes a lot of patience to force out writing to get use to a schedule and just wing the plot as it comes up as I did not plan out any plot points.
Dang. Well we'll keep on waiting for when you post it next.
Thanks for the thread QM!

Question, what's the family situation in the Yakamura household?

Wait, wait and wait. Don’t want to get caught in case she doubles back for the third time.The gate opens, shuts and following that is the front door, so you believe. Someone’s home, probably Mayumi’s mom.
Getting caught like this would be very compromising, and you refuse to take the blame for Rinkou should she have left evidence. No point in dwelling in what won’t happen, since you’ve made it off their property without so much as peep.

Are they talking in there? Can’t hear it properly, and don’t care to catch anything as you stalk your way out. Oh. Right. Mayumi was gonna ask her mom to track her phone. That’s probably it. Once on the street, you hightail it home, making off in the dead of night. Looking back, you just wonder, what exactly was Rinkou planning to do there? Mayumi doesn’t know it yet, but she owes you twice over now.

Wasn’t long before you made it home, short of breath and of time. Lots of cardio today, and you’re not used to most of it. Taking a seat on the steps of the doorway, leaning back to recover, you fall over as the door opens unexpectedly.
“So son, how’d it go?” Ah, Dad. Who else really? He helps you up, and thinking about it now, you should’ve took a rest inside instead of out here, but your legs didn’t want to haul you any further.

“Oh I dunno, talked about another guy, so I guess not as planned.” Chuckling, he didn’t mind if you took longer than he expected. If he was worried, he’d call. Amazing how quickly the sun takes to set. You look over inside. Dad’s packing luggage for one.
“Are you going somewhere?”
“Maybe. Your mother called, said to be ready incase she needs me overseas.”
“To do…?” Mom left a week ago for business. What exactly does that entail? No idea.
“If she doesn’t want to tell you, I won’t. If I do go though, I might stay with her for the rest of the time.” That’d be a long time. She was expected to be gone for 10 weeks, so if he goes now, you’d have about 9 weeks alone.
Seeing you realize that as well, he reassures you as you hang up the coat and shoes. “But hey, that’s only if I have to go. You’ll be fine without me for some time when you’ve got good friends like that!”
“Wha- Oh.” Should you really refer to them as friends? Makes things easier with dad, so guess so. “Kanazuki and Minoru are a real handful, but they’ll get as good as they give soon enough.”

“So, never told them about your old man? How about your day? How was it?” Inside, you try making it to your room, too tired to answer much.
“Tell you about it over breakfast, ok? Tired. Good night.”
“Ah. Night then.” With that, he drops the topic for now and goes back to packing.

Opening the door to your room, you find the room cleaned, and worse, the laundry bagged up for washing. Crap. Did he find it? Untying the top, you find Mayumi’s phone inside the mess, having been unnoticed. You never lost a phone before, so you can’t tell if it’s being tracked right now. Low battery, no wifi and after searching for a paperclip, no more service received with the SIM now ejected. You keep that inside the phone’s case, just so you don’t lose it. That should keep it from being found for now.

To do list, get the technical know how to crack phones open. Internet’s got to have this info somewhere, but here’s something they don’t have. Plugging in your phone to your laptop, you make several copies of your photo roll. How to use this compromising photo against Rinkou? Do you need to? She isn’t against you directly, and is actually going after Mayumi herself. Shouldn’t that make you two allies? Well, with this, you could encourage her to lean more your way. She has no idea you have any of this, which would protect you from anything rash and drastic. If only you had a way to contact her while remaining anonymous, but that’s a problem for tomorrow.

Bed’s been made. Sorry dad, but you’re gonna lie in it. School awaits tomorrow, unfortunately, and there’s lots to get done. Knock Ken out of his goodie two shoes, Take down Mayumi a peg or two, and see what skeletons are in the school’s closet, just out of curiosity. That’ll get people talking about Hino. You hope.
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The Yakamuras appear unassuming, yourself not withstanding. Small family, consisting of just Hino and Mr. and Mrs. Yakamura. I wrote out the mother as you just saw since I couldn't think of what to do with her. I wanted dad to be a mediator, a bastion to retreat to within reason. Someone you don't want to disappoint, but is a bit too dense or hopeful of things and people. There isn't any domestic problems to deal with at home, since I wanted to save those for other characters to suffer though.

And yeah, he was trying to set you up. Yeah, he saw what happened earlier about the phone and at dinner, and he still thought it could work out. That just goes to show just how unserious and laidback he takes things, though he'd be singing a different tune if the dice roll failed then and saw that you actively were plotting against the two.

By the way, this was the image I used in my character sheets to represent Hino. I have no idea when I was ever gonna use it here in story, but this just had the face of being a nasty little shit that I thought represented the character perfectly.

Additional minor thing, I was gonna name Ken, Chihiro instead, but then I thought his role would be too obvious once you take into account his last name starts with a M. Then again, I might've been better off without the subtlety and made it as clear as a hammer going though glass.
Alright, thank you for responding QM. Hope you have a good one.
>though he'd be singing a different tune if the dice roll failed then and saw that you actively were plotting against the two.
Makes me wonder what that 'tune' would be.

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