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You are Kuroda Haruka and King Lot of Lothian, Orkney and Camelot.

The day is not quite over yet. You long to hide in your room and try to decompress but keeping a hold on your vassals requires a King to attend to their duties diligently.

Today in the darkest hours before dawn you were forced to fight off a Wyvern who decided to dine on two of your vassals. You went to their rescue with a cohort of Baphomets and dived straight into a terrible situation. Three deadly enemies trapped in an abandoned manor.

The Wyvern who ate your two vassals. The fear illusion plant who trapped you. A Knight of the Round Table who Dueled you.

The night left a mark on you. For you were killed in a Duel by GARETH, KITCHEN KNIGHT. If it wasn't for the Blessings of Avalon, you would have stayed dead. By the skin of your teeth, you survived and rescued the Baphomets still alive.

And now, a Feast!

Past threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=villainess
Character sheet (temporary) https://pastebin.com/zp3atUUC
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The cries of 'Long Live the King' echo into silence as you step through the doors into the Great Hall. The Seneschal whispers in your ear to impart as much information on the ranks and importance of the diners joining tonight.

You have met only a small number of Baphomets since your arrival in Camelot. The Bard introduced you to the various factions rivening the city and a few notables from them, but this feast will show the pecking order. Only the most important and highest-ranking Baphomets are invited to join you in the Great Hall. The rest of the Baphomets will have their share of Mana in lesser halls or after their superiors have eaten. None shall go without; even the Anarcho-Syndicalists will get a share from the Almoner as charity.

Your place is at the head table on a raised floor, a wooden high back throne placed where all can see you. The exposure is uncomfortable; modern dining is a private affair, and there is nothing modern about this feast. There are simple tapestries adorning the cold stone walls, each emblazoned with your coat of arms, and a smoky fireplace shedding firelight. Servants stand ready with platters of food, jugs of drink, or long knives to carve up various dishes. Long trestle tables and benches have been placed on the lower level, where some thirty Baphomets make their obeisance as you walk to your place. More guests could be hosted in the space if needed.

You are unfamiliar with western-style feudal celebrations, but the basic rules and intent are the same with feudal Japanese feasts. A chance to display the authority and power of the sovereign, to recognize vassals and reward them.

You take your seat and immediately realize Kizaemon the cat is missing. The feline had been cordially invited to attend. Perhaps her intention is to arrive fashionably late for the feast.

"Bless be this food and drink that the Gods and the Lady..." a priestly looking Baphomet begins intoning a prayer. A respectful silence comes between all as prayers are said. You take a look at the guests and note that the numbers are balanced and equal between factions. 10 each from the Society, the Longship Meeps and your Castle dwellers occupy three long tables. One table for each faction, and they're visually distinct.

The table hosting the Society are unusual as they have strange brocade scarfs wrapped around their neck. This article of clothing is unique, no other Baphomet actually bothers with wearing clothing. These goatmen look unusually austere and thin compared to their fellows. You eye the Priest sitting at the head of the table and see that he leads not only the prayer but possess the most magnificent scarf of all amongst the guests at his faction table.
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You turn your eyes towards the Longship Meeps table next. One thing that grabs your attention is that one of the 'guests' there is the skull of a Baphomet. It is 'seated' amongst the warriors who accompanied you on your hunt of the Wyvern. There is even a plate and mug set before the skull as though it was a living guest capable of joining in the revels and eating. At the head of the table is the legless Evolved Baphomet looking incredibly uncomfortable at his prominent position.

Finally, the third table contains members of your Castle Dwellers, and you can't help but wonder how the seating was decided. Though Yatagarasu is at the head of the table, Hanbei has placed all five of his clerks as guests. The other three you don't recognize at all. Is Hanbei playing favorites?

You survey them all, and when the last words of the prayer are done, it is your turn to speak.

"My guests, know that though this is my Great Hall and this food is from my lands, the Mana we shall partake in is from Yatagarasu. It is because of you that I Quested in the World and returned safely back to Camelot with my vassals. Stand, Guide, let your comrades all see you, and render thanks."

The Guide beams and rises from his seat to accept the recognition. You aren't done yet! As the servants offer platters of food, you continue.

"There is yet another we must render thanks to. To my patroness, Beira! The meat and drink from my table I serve thee from my hand."

With a knife, you cut choice meat and pile it high onto a wooden plate. The seat to your right is open, so you place the food there. Next, a servant offers a jug; you can smell something sweet from it. You pour out golden foamy liquid into your Tea Bowl before placing it to the seat on your right hand side. A plate of food and a cup of drink, all worthy of a King.

You have fulfilled your Vow, Beira is pleased! Your ice ability grows stronger and with better control.

Now to serve yourself! What is this weird golden liquid? It smells so sweet. You pour it into a plain clay goblet as the servants go around pouring drinks for the guest. Whatever is being served to your vassals is quite different from what is served to you at the high table.

"I declare that the feast begin!" With that, you raise your goblet and take a drink.
It's horrible! Whatever it is, it's alcoholic! Ugh!

The guests down their frothy mugs like nothing, and a cheer erupts as the first flush of Mana warms their insides.

>The Priests are performing divinations by cutting open a wheel of cheese at their table? WHAT!?...
>Something is brewing at the Longship Meep table, the 'Captain' and newly Evolved Baphomet are arguing....
>The Bard is telling a story about the decadent court of Emperor Lucius Hiberius...
>There's a commotion outside the doors of the Great Hall, and a goat walks in...
>You learn that your drink is called mead, maybe you'll get used to the horrible taste if you drink more of it...
>A Castle Dweller kneels before your table, it's the Mason...
>Something is brewing at the Longship Meep table, the 'Captain' and newly Evolved Baphomet are arguing....
Maybe we can talk with the skull, thanks to our...quirk?
>You learn that your drink is called mead, maybe you'll get used to the horrible taste if you drink more of it...
compared to beer, mead aint so bad
>>The Priests are performing divinations by cutting open a wheel of cheese at their table? WHAT!?...
>There's a commotion outside the doors of the Great Hall, and a goat walks in...
What is this?
>>The Bard is telling a story about the decadent court of Emperor Lucius Hiberius...
Checking in but we are all over the place....
>You learn that your drink is called mead, maybe you'll get used to the horrible taste if you drink more of it...
>>The Priests are performing divinations by cutting open a wheel of cheese at their table? WHAT!?...
I'm so damn hungry, what I wouldn't do for some freshly baked bread and a cheese wheel
Changing my vote from >>6066338 to backing >>6066327 for the skull talk
oh, we have cheese, booze or pirates contending now. No other votes? I'll wait for another hour.
>You learn that your drink is called mead, maybe you'll get used to the horrible taste if you drink more of it...
RIGHT! Seems drinking is the order of the day!
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"What did I just drink?"

It is a challenge not to sound disgusted.

"Meep, the honey-wave and the cure of speech. Mead, Your Majesty. Drink deep and well; we have enough to make your horn a waterfall!"

A crowd of servants with various jugs close in to your table. There is pure honey-fermented mead, a damson plum-added mead, a mead mixed with tart apple cider, mead mixed with a variety of berries plucked on the island of Logres, and mead mixed with exotic sweet grapes from across the cruel sea! There is mead and mead and mead!

In desperation, you asked to try a bit of what the Baphomet guests were drinking. You discover that what they're drinking is worse than mead.

It's ale! Horrible, strong ale! It takes a great deal of willpower not to shudder with disgust and swallow the drink from your horn goblet. You decline a second helping offered by an overly solicitous servant.

In addition to the press of drink servers, there are the trays of food. Numberless varieties of food are coming to your table for sampling as suits your whimsy.

Freshly baked hot brown bread with a pat of butter melting to create yellow rivulets, they dribble down the crusty sides. Piles of oatcakes sweetened with honey and sweet red berries. Cheeses of all shapes, hues, and smells that roil your stomach rather than delight. Salads with mysterious greens, flowers, slivers of walnuts, and pieces of fresh oranges. Cabbage stuffed with acorns and carrots with a nutmeg sauce. Stewed pears in piquant sauces, cold green soups sharp with raw garlic, small silvery fish roasted over charcoal, roast beans mashed with turnips and parsnips, messes of stewed root vegetables in a variety of sauces and gravies, ground rabbit meat and chicken liver pates, meatballs in spiced wine sauce, and so much more.

You catch on quickly that you are not to load your plate with food but rather take extremely small portions of each dish before sending it out to the guests to eat. Otherwise, you would explode from food! This is all just the first course too. Hanbei mentioned that feasts can last for hours. You try not to show the servants that you are in the throes of culture shock at the excess of it all. The meals you had before this day were all quite simple, and the meat was limited to fish. This is the first time you've seen meat flesh served. There's no beef, but there's all sorts of bird flesh, pork, chicken, mutton, and other mysterious meats from animals that only reside in Avalon.

There is no way this can be all eaten just by the guests, and you see a steady stream of servants exiting with trays of uneaten food.
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"Hanbei, where does the food go once it's outside the Great Hall?" You take a sip of mead and wince at the taste of it. The Senechal stands just beside your seat and is not partaking in the meal at all.

"Meep, to the lesser halls where Baphomets unworthy of your sight is located. Do not be afraid to only take a single bite and then dismiss a tray; there's four more courses to come."

FOUR MORE!? This is unlike anything you've experienced in your life; you're used to the restrained Japanese feast consisting of small meals with exquisite presentation and ingredients that are in season. Ah, that explains why Hanbei isn't participating in the feast but is always standing by your side. It'd be embarrassing for a King to break etiquette or mess up socially at a feast.

"Have a horn of mead, Hanbei." You gesture for a servant to pour out a serving to your thoughtful Seneschal.

"Meep, my most deepest thanks!"

A servant comes with a tray of pies and tarts. You select one to be cut open. It is a pie that reveals the delights within when your knife breaks the buttery golden crust; first a cloud of steam twirls in the air with the aromas of smoke and spices, and then the secret inward treasures of chicken meat, sliced ham, hardboiled eggs, and truffles in a mess of piping hot white gravy. This might be your favorite dish.

Whole ducks with stewed plums unbraced right in front of you by servants wielding sharp knives, the edge kept honed by constantly scraping the blade against a long piece of metal kept by their sides. Rabbits stuffed with breadcrumbs, dried currants, pepper, and cloves are unlaced before you. Slippery bone marrow poured over toasted bread. Pheasants are allayed, herons dismembered, and so much more. Amusingly, there are even dishes meant for display only and not eating.

The air and earth are well represented, but the sea is not lacking in presence amongst the festivities. Smoked herring and pickled mackeral stored in pots are carried from table to table on serving trays by runners who, upon request, spear the fish on long wooden skewers and place it on individual plates. Then there's sole fish swimming in rich, creamy sauce with slivers of fennel and fritters of haddock seasoned with salt and a dash of sour cherry juice. Roast pike, garnished with parsley and nuts. Sweet shrimp cooked in cheese. Salmon is called 'Wisdom' for some odd reason by the Baphomets and served with rich sauce.

It is at this fish-filled moment in the feast that your cat decides to make her appearance in the Great Hall. She regally pads up to the high table and takes her place at her seat of honor.

"Ah, the best part of the meal. I salute my own astuteness and cunning in delaying my arrival," the cat boasts in her odd TV samurai-inflected accent. Without hesitation, she begins bossing servants to cut the best parts of the fish for her meal.

It is not all just eating and drinking, of course. At various times during the feast, vassals come up to your table all the time and give thanks. Sometimes you are distracted by performances of jugglers, singing, dancing, and some sort of pantomime play. At one point, birds are released in the Great Hall to fly about before exiting!

All throughout, you are drinking mead. At one point, you dared to suggest water, but the scandalized looks on the servants convinced you to stick with the alcoholic drink of Kings. It still doesn't taste great but at least you don't feel like throwing up from the taste of it any more.

You are completely drunk! Don't worry, the guests are drunk too.

You giggle with delight as your head swims....

>Start kissing your cat, Kizaemon, and meow at her...
>A fight breaks out between the Priests and Castle Dwellers...
>Go down from the high table and challenge one of the Baphomets to a wrestling match...
>Wander over to one of the factions and talk to them...
>The Longship Meep factions start tossing food at everyone...
>A servant Baphomet begs a favor from you, you accept without thinking....
>Proclaim grandiose plans for Camelot, including building a harem of handsome men...
>Write in
>Proclaim grandiose plans for Camelot, including building a harem of handsome men...
>Proclaim grandiose plans for Camelot, including building a harem of handsome men...
>Start kissing your cat, Kizaemon, and meow at her...
>>Start kissing your cat, Kizaemon, and meow at her...
>Start kissing your cat, Kizaemon, and meow at her...
>Proclaim grandiose plans for Camelot, including building a harem of handsome men...
For Haruka to ever reach any potential of a villainous harem fantasy, she needs 1 guy first. Where is that first boy located? She might end up deciding against it at that point, for all we know? I'm not a haremfag myself
>Proclaim grandiose plans for Camelot, including building a harem of handsome men...
>second spoiler
>To haruka's surpruse/horror she actually made her declaration a vow
She can accumulate guys to make a harem, then immediately disband it once the vow is cleared. The harem can simply be in name only to make the vow go away. She can pay guys a couple thousand yen to sign a document making them harem members, then burn all the documents to free them once they're no longer needed
>Start kissing your cat, Kizaemon, and meow at her...
>Proclaim grandiose plans for Camelot, including building a harem of handsome men...
Otome game fantasies

Silly cat lover antics.

Being drunk is fun!
No post tonight, have to go to bed early.
>The air and earth are well represented, but the sea is not lacking in presence amongst the festivities.
that's a cool sentence
Sorry for no post, I am watching the Utena musical from 2019 and 2018? I had no idea there was a musical for Utena of all things.
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"Ah, Lady Kizaemon, you are sitting in such a lowly seat! Let me transfer you to the true seat of honor. Tis seldom granted to others."

You make the move to grab your cat, but she's too wise to human ways. She knows that you aim to transfer her to your lap and smooch her like an overly affectionate pet owner. The cat is a streak of fur as she escapes by climbing the wall upwards to a ledge.

"You're a hundred years too early to fool me," Kizaemon loftily proclaims as she smugly looks down upon you from her perch.

You burst out laughing at such a cliché line coming out of the cat's mouth. It's a shame you failed to enjoy the softness of her fur, but no matter.

Sitting at the high table is more like putting on a show for others than enjoying yourself. Particularly because you are the only human in the entire event and don't have many to converse with at the high table. There's Hanbei, but he's rather dull, as he focuses on guiding you through your first feast and describing the guests in the Great Hall.

The Priest with the most elaborate scarf is the recently elected leader of the Society. The role had been empty for months as they vainly waited for someone to become an Evolved Baphomet. The conclave of priests has been particularly contentious, as they are breaking the longstanding tradition of selecting a leader who hasn't reached a higher form. They could no longer wait, as there are rumblings of heretical beliefs and disunity. You almost dismiss them as useless as the Anarcho-Syndicalists but Hanbei states that they operate the Crucible for melting down Relics for Mana or crafting items from Mana. The closer you are to the Gods and Avalon, the greater the efficacy, apparently.

As for the table with your faction, it annoys you that the Seneschal is so politically blind. He should not have seated all his clerks at the table. You would have chosen some other Baphomet to fill those seats and reward them. Like the Baphomet who led the defenders of the Castle and one of the injured guards. It won't do to dispute before the guests, so you'll leave it to later. Yatagarasu beams with his elevated seating at the head of this table. The other four are neutrals from outside the Castle. A 'Cheesemonger', a 'Carpenter', a 'Doctor' and a 'Candy maker' are apparently seated tonight. What their importance amongst Baphomets is remains a mystery, as Hanbei doesn't explain too much about them and instead focuses on the third faction.

The Longship Meeps have greater prestige now that one of their own has become an Evolved Baphomet. They are mostly surprised that it was the 'Axeman' rather than the 'Captain' who reached the lofty evolution first. You wonder about the change in dynamics within that faction. The Axeman looks utterly uncomfortable at the head of his faction's table and is drinking his mana-infused ale quickly.
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Ah, you have a brilliant idea. From the depths of your razor sharp 'sober' mind, you conceive to get down from the high table and mingle with your guests. You grab a full jug of mead from a servant.

"My guests! Amongst us are heroes quaffing good, strong ale, but Kingly- Mead suits them better. From my hand, I pour. Rise and hail them. To you, Yatagarasu, for braving the Perilous Gate with your King!"

There is a cheer as you pour the mead into the cup of the drunken Yatagarasu who barely looks like he can stand. He spills a good deal of it rather than drink it, and he is barely able to speak before collapsing back into his seat.

"Aye, a hero you are. But there are others worthy of noble mead too! Brave spearman who risked life and limb in the haunted manor against the Wyvern, hold out your cups. Funeral ale shall be funeral mead." You stagger towards the table where the Longship Meeps are sitting.

The Evolved Baphomet sits in a sedan chair. You had been curious how he had gotten into the Great Hall; it is clear his fellow shipmates had carried him in.

"To you, I grant thee a name along with the mead. Thou art Mototada!"

Mototada, stunned by the name, lifts his cup to receive his mead. You take it and place the cup in a bowl. Many curious eyes wonder why, and then they gasp as you begin to fill it. You are doing the sosogi-koboshi overspill style of serving drinks: pouring until it overfills and then filling a container holding the cup.

You pour the mead into the cup and keep pouring until the mead spills over the brim. Then the excess is caught by the wooden bowl, and it too is filled to the brim. Clearly, the Baphomets had never seen anything like it before and see it as extravagant. The Evolved Baphomet desperately sucks at the edge of the bowl to prevent the mead from spilling out before doing the same with the cup.

You go down to the next warrior. You name the hammer welding warrior Naito and generously pour using the same overspill style. Then you come to the youngest hammer wielding warrior, the one who used Criant to plead for the swift rescue of his shipmate. He sits closest to the skull of the deceased Baphomet he so desperately tried to save.

"To thee young warrior, I grant you a special name. Hear me, you are Matsudaira Ietada, and thy deceased brethren shall be Matsudaira Chikamasa! All shall know of your devotion and bravery to dare come between contending duelists to rescue by the link of your name to his."

To the living Baphomet and to the skull set up with a cup, you generously pour the mead to the loud cries of your vassals. It's so loud that you can't even hear what the living Matsudaira is trying to say. Hm, wait, is it the dead Matsudaira?

You're too drunk.
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"This Great Hall shall be finer the next time we feast. With your assistance my fine vassals, none can stop us. For we shall have greater treasures to adorn it's walls, finer food and drink to the envy of other Kingdoms, greater number of guests to grace our presence! Ah, I know! We shall have the Walls rise once more! White and shining, strong and whole, to show all that Camelot is restored!" You begin to babble about how to better the Kingdom, it seems like such a good idea. The wave of enthusiasm rises in the Baphomets as they shout their desires.

"MEEP! A fleet of swift and fierce ships, brimming with war-making Baphomets. Shining shields, sharp spears and axes, darting arrows to slice the air as we rove the waves and raid the coasts! Woe to our victims, they shall keen and wail with despair."

"Aye, aye. The Temple raised once more to the glory of the Gods and Avalon. Voices of praise to the Lady rising to the smoke of myrrh and frankincense. Pressing Mana from the lifeblood of mortals and Relics of the hateful World."

"The houses and streets of Camelot for all who live within the Walls. Meepl. To each goat, their fair share and reward. Hammers and tongs, pickaxe and shovel, we shall labor to the glory of Camelot!"

There are boasts, there are promises, there are breathless hopes! On and on as you hear the outpouring, it occurs to you that you can be a bit selfish. Why shouldn't also reap a small reward for all this work that you are going to be taking on. You've always been a fan of otome games with the bevy of hot handsome men to pick from. You particularly liked '100 Renai Bakumatsu Kareshi' and 'Black Hawk Flies to A Thousand Loves'.

"Ahahah, yes. New markets, new fountains and aqueducts, maybe we'll build a bathhouse for all. Ah, but a King such as I will be lonely. A boyfriend! I deserve to have a boyfriend. I know he's out there somewhere. I Vow that I shall have a boy like me and go out with me. No, I'll have a bevy of handsome boys to keep me company! Who is to stop me from enjoying my rights as King!?"

There's a roar of laughter from the guests.

"Why just mortal men? Why not mortal women too?"
"Meep, so long as they're willing."
"And add in cards, dice and racing."
"You'll end up getting gelded, just like Ser Rodomonte."

Huh? What's that about Rodomonte?

A God has overheard your 'Vow' and is amused.... You now have a lesser Binding Oath, anyone who hears it knows that a God will enforce its keeping. Breaking a Binding Oath has consequences. On the same token, keeping a Binding Oath has rewards?

Lesser Vow : Create a seraglio of men for your pleasure.

WHAT!?!?!?! That's bullshit, you are clearly joking. Why would...

King Lot does not like your Vow.


I made a google doc, hopefully you can access it.
"Am I to endure the mocking of fidelity? Am I to consent to breaking my covenant to sweet Anna because some whelp is carelessly spewing words? What are ye? Are ye like lewd Gawain, chasing women like a dog? Damned boy needs to stop sowing his wild oats! Or ye plan to caper nimbly in a lady's chamber to the lascivious pleasing of a lute like that damned licentious King Pellinore?! Men!? Ye say men!? I'll not consent to buggery!"

The guests look frightened and back away in alarm. There are more ranting words but the excess of the evening catches up with you. You begin throwing up the mead and food, stopping whatever else you are about to say. The room spins as the servants help you stagger away to your bedroom.

You are stunned, what was that?! Anger roils your blood, you can feel the veins in your forehead pop with annoyance but it is not yours. Just like those words earlier were not yours. Exhausted and overwhelmed you drop off to a drunken sleep.

You dream of...

>Hachiman jinja shrine, it's December 31 and the family is getting ready to greet the New Year...
>School, the day before the ill-fated trip to Hokkaido...
>A wide rolling field of wheat, swaying in the wind...
>A ship enduring the wild waves of a storm....
>Your older brother Touma, trying to teach you how to use a spear...
>Your younger sister Sakura, reviewing her shogi board...
>Horses, proudly pawing the earth in a line, getting ready for a charge...
>A ship enduring the wild waves of a storm....
Something to echo the irritation of a king
Also fuck this setting and how finicky it is. These people really want Haruka to be a full villain over all this bullshit. We could satisfy that lesser vow by simply gathering a lot of men together and having them engage in blackjack and hookers. Or cards and dice and racing like that one meep suggested.
So Haruka is not really King Lot, but occupying his place here for... what purpose?
>Your younger sister Sakura, reviewing her shogi board...
>>A wide rolling field of wheat, swaying in the wind...
That was fun
Did you know the Revolutionary Girl Utena theme was used prominently in the totally epic Five Nights at Fuckboy's series of RPG Maker games?
>>Hachiman jinja shrine, it's December 31 and the family is getting ready to greet the New Year...
>>School, the day before the ill-fated trip to Hokkaido...
Yes Virtual Star Embryology. I also really like 'I am all the Mysteries in Creation' when I watched Utena. You could say this quest is partially inspired by Utena sort of.

The World, Duels, etc. The use of terminology in Utena often has these terms that no one bothers to really explain in depth but reveals over the course of time.

As for votes, we're everywhere again.
>Hachiman jinja shrine, it's December 31 and the family is getting ready to greet the New Year...
>>School, the day before the ill-fated trip to Hokkaido...
>Hachiman jinja shrine, it's December 31 and the family is getting ready to greet the New Year...
Tiebreaker requested, tiebreaker delivered.
Ringing in the new year.

I checked way too late, I don't think I can post tonight.
Looks fuckin great!
Work was busier than expected. Arrive home too late.
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Another dream?

You are standing in the crowded courtyard of a Hachiman Jinja Shrine. It's snowing but the temple ground has a roaring braziers of fire to keep the parishioners warm and good cheer is everywhere. You look about the crowd trying to find a familiar face but only end up getting unnerved. Every individual in the crowd has no face; there is only smooth flat mask of skin with no holes.

Noppera bou, faceless ghosts.

That is the first thing that pops in your head.

"What are you doing Haruka? It'll be our turn soon, get over here."

Your father calls you over from somewhere in the crowd. Probably at the temple itself if you go by dream logic. Elsewhere the Buddhist temples are ringing their bells 108 times to ward off evil, the long deep reverberation shaking the air despite the long distance away from the Shinto shrine.

You push through the crowd of faceless merrymakers and come upon your family standing before the shrine. The faces of your family are intact which eerily makes them all the more unnatural given that the crowd is faceless. Touma and Sakura cast their coins; it noisily clatters into the offering box while they clasp their hands in prayer.

"Your turn, Haruka." Your mother hands you a five yen coin to throw.

Other than the faceless Noppera bou everywhere creeping you out, this isn't a bad dream. Nothing dangerous has happened yet. You are on your guard for anything suspicious even if it's just a dream. You go up and take your turn to toss your coin with the crowd.

Behind the coin box is strangest sight you've ever seen. A gigantic kotatsu table with thick quilted cloth placed on the landing where worshippers are to pray at the god Hachiman takes up all the space. And on top of that kotatsu, beaming with delight, is Lady Kizaemon of the Kuroda Family. Her tail twitches as she surveys the dream crowd of humans bowing and clapping hands in worship.

Somehow the tension and paranoia that held its grip on you loosens. Honestly, it's a bit like a balloon deflating in a rush. The sight of it so utterly silly.

"This is a dream. My dream. How did you get in here?"

"I am a cat, I go wherever I want and all places are alike to me. Toss thy coin and worship me!"

Kizaemon stretches and curls up on the kotatsu table. Contented purrs rumble out of her. It as though she's inside a warm house and not exposed in the open air on the veranda of the temple. She must be pleased to be the object of worship, as the dream people clap their hands and pray for the New Year trough her.

"Are you going to explain anything?"

"Hmph, no."
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It occurs to you just then as you watch that your cat is a perfect spy. No one would ever suspect the feline if you ever decided to send her out to the World. A cat popping out of nowhere, even when witnessed by humans, is likely to be dismissed as utterly mundane. That would mean Backlash would not accumulate.

Well, so long as the calico cat doesn't talk.

"Lady Kizaemon, have you ever spared a thought of going back to Tokyo? I'd like to conduct an experiment with you."

That gets the cat's attention, her closed eyes open a fraction. She says nothing and observes you.

>Two rolls of 3d6 and one roll of 2d6 required!
Rolled 4, 6, 1 = 11 (3d6)

I hate d6 with 5 and 6 as successes
Rolled 6, 5, 6 = 17 (3d6)

huh, turns out we just need to insult the rolls and they do good
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d6)

And praising them makes them do bad.
Great success!
The Charisma finally winning?
Extremely hot and humid day again. I have to take a quick trip tomorrow so I won't post tonight. See you later.
"Am I to endure the mocking of fidelity? Am I to consent to breaking my covenant to sweet Anna because some whelp is carelessly spewing words? What are ye? Are ye like lewd Gawain, chasing women like a dog? Damned boy needs to stop sowing his wild oats! Or ye plan to caper nimbly in a lady's chamber to the lascivious pleasing of a lute like that damned licentious King Pellinore?! Men!? Ye say men!? I'll not consent to buggery!"
Truth brutally spoken.
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It's adorable to watch the cat try to feign disinterest in your proposal. Her tail swishes too energetically to hide how attractive the idea is. Heck, she even purred with delight for a few seconds.

Just one more push.

"Alas, it appears that my suggestion was most displeasing to you. I shall struggle to find an alternative, but I understand my guest if my problems are not yours."

That does it. There's no hiding how excited the feline is at the idea and how she can't let it slip from her grasp.

"Hm, rejoice, King Lot. I shall render you the needed aid in your endeavor. That is but a trifle to my prodigious powers. Yes, let us try your experiment. I shall be trod in my Kuroda demesne once more. You have the honor of petting me as your reward for such a daring idea."

You smile and reach out a hand to stroke the soft fur.

Lady Kizaemon will cooperate with an experiment in the World. She will join your next Quest!

Now, with that out of the way, all that's left is for the dream to end.

You take a look at your family. Well, the family the dream created. Their wide, smiling faces look as though they are on the verge of cracking into insanity. It is a rictus so unnatural that it should repulse any sane soul.

But you miss your family so much that seeing this twisted illusion is almost comforting.

"Hey dad, mom, big bro, little sis... I'm trying my best, but it hasn't been easy. It's a nightmare."

What is the point of talking to mere illusions? Kuroda Nagasato, Kuroda Tamaki, Kuroda Touma, and Kuroda Sakura reside in Tokyo. A happy family without an additional daughter or pet cat. That's the reality. It will remain reality until you succeed in reclaiming what is yours..

"All nightmares end eventually. I am not giving up. I will come home!"

When the dream ended and consciousness began, it is impossible to tell. The aftereffects of the feast last night are making themselves known, which is nothing. It seems your body is enhanced to the point that hangovers don't affect it. And that's good because the servants have once again thrown open the shutters at dawn and let the cool breeze into your room. White puffs of ghostly white mist seep in through the window, and the sound of light rain patters over the Castle stones.

"Call Hanbei. Now."

Those are the first three words out of your mouth. When the Senechal arrives, you begin to ask him questions.

"What happened last night?" You go straight to the point.
"Meep. It appears that your Namesake did not like your jesting Vow. Tis a minor problem; it happens when a King is not completely in tune with themselves. Even Lord Mordred had arguments with her Namesake sometimes. In time, the problem will go away as you become a perfect King! It is a slow but inevitable process."

"If the problem doesn't go away, what happens?"

"Terrible things, you get out of tune with the Namesake. Disorder in the music of the spheres ensues."

Hanbei goes on to claim that it's not a major problem; in fact, Namesake may give good advice and provide an alternative perspective to issues. The Namesake shares his power to the Lost Child and assists them.

You find the idea of suddenly losing control of your body is a major problem! What happens if you end up in perpetual conflict with the Namesake? What happens then?! Unfortunately, Hanbei is not too sure. Ser Rodomonte was constantly arguing with his Namesake, nothing visibly seemed to have changed. So perhaps there are no consequences in being out of tune.


It is time to plan another week of tasks for the City. With some 400 Baphomets at your command, delegating tasks should be simple. The streets of Camelot are easier to navigate from last week's city improvement efforts though still in need.

What orders will be you issue?

Choose 4 tasks...

>Improve living quarters for your vassals (this will make your vassals happy)...
>Order repairs on the Temple (this will improve relations with Society)....
>Order repairs on the Docks (this will improve relations with Longship Meeps)....
>Fix up parts of the watersystems and aquaducts of Camelot...
>Order the exploration of the island of Logres Major, maybe new resources can be discovered...
>Revive the Guild system to better organize the vassals...
>Form special task group for a specific task, what will it do?...
>Order military training exercises, you want better cooperation and fighting skills...
>Your Guides are running low on certain Stones, order the manufacture of more....
>Order a raid on the World, set the Longship Meeps to steal Relics or harvest Mana (you can potentially lose vassals)...
>write in...
>Improve living quarters for your vassals (this will make your vassals happy)...
>Fix up parts of the watersystems and aquaducts of Camelot...
>Revive the Guild system to better organize the vassals...
>Order military training exercises, you want better cooperation and fighting skills...
our fighting skills are shit and the meeps overall like us. might as well take advantage of that until we get stronger
>>Revive the Guild system to better organize the vassals...
>>Order repairs on the Docks (this will improve relations with Longship Meeps)....
>>Your Guides are running low on certain Stones, order the manufacture of more....
>>Order repairs on the Temple (this will improve relations with Society)....
>Order the exploration of the island of Logres Major, maybe new resources can be discovered...
There's a reason 4x games focus on exploration first, maybe one resource close at hand can make fixing the castle easier?

>Fix up parts of the watersystems and aquaducts of Camelot...
Water is always important.

>Revive the Guild system to better organize the vassals...
And an organized workforce can be more efficient.

>Your Guides are running low on certain Stones, order the manufacture of more....
Those are important should we need to go somewhere.

Also I noticed the fgo servant "Jacques the Molay" has cute meeps as familiars of sorts, dunno if it can be of help in finding pictures of special meeps.
This is fair - initially I was going to support the other one, but this is logistically superior.
>Improve living quarters for your vassals (this will make your vassals happy)...
Fix up parts of the watersystems and aquaducts of Camelot...
>Order the exploration of the island of Logres Major, maybe new resources can be discovered...
>Order military training exercises, you want better cooperation and fighting skills...
All those years playing strategy games were not wasted!

(I would also note that after the banquet the meeps are probably happy enough as they are but the next round of upgrades should include their homes too to keep them on the upside... who knows maybe well rested meeps will also work harder.)



We have made the choices for the week. Next up will be our individual choices.
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Your Seneschal suggests tasks matching the level of resources available. Camelot has many areas that you could concentrate on, but a focus on basic infrastructure is for the best. Water supplies are barely sufficient for present needs; there are cisterns and wells located in inconvenient areas of the city. The most convenient location for a water source is in the main square.

"Assign a group to fix up the main aqueduct to the main fountain. How long will the task take?"

"Hm, unknown. The main fountain has been a problem for many moons, and the Engineer examined the issue previously. No King ordered repairs until now.""Even if the task takes longer than a week, I want that water flowing. It'll free up a number of Baphomets acting as water carriers once it's done."

The clerks write down orders for the repairs, but the annoying problem of informing the right group of workers to get at the task reveals itself. Last time, the bells rang to summon Baphomets from all over the city into the Castle grounds, where you burned the order tablet in a brazier. The rainy weather prevents that. Also, it's inefficient.

"Next order, revive the Guild system. I want new Guild heads selected and summoned to the Castle. The Baphomets can decide who they are. Send out someone to spread the news."

"Meep, I will send out a Crier to announce it in the main square to spread the news. Given our current population, we'll limit the number of Guilds to the traditional five. They are Purveyors, Educated, Major Craft, Minor Craft and War. In the future, as our numbers grow, another Guild can be added."

A weekly meeting with those new Guild heads to give orders to will make things much easier in the future. Next is the petition from the Guides, they're running out of Stones and need to make more. That's not good; you need to be able to travel between the World and Avalon for Quests.

"Granted, tell the Guides they can start right away."

"I'll ask for some warriors to protect them while they journey to the Quarry."

"Are you saying they have to travel away from Camelot to source their tools? Isn't there one somewhere within Logres?"

"Nay, or at least, none that we know of. Things shift on the island. What we have today can change tomorrow, and where things once were can be moved elsewhere."

"Then we had better send out goats to explore the island once more. There might be new resources."
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Logres consists of two islands. The largest island is called Logres Major to differentiate it from the smaller one housing the Lighthouse. It's not possible to sail over the waters to Logres Minor yet; the Longship Meeps only have a few small boats at their disposal and aren't confident of reaching there yet. The main focus of exploration will have to be Logres Major. You don't know what the search parties are going to find.

With the weekly tasks set, it is time to do some work. You ask Hanbei to accompany you; there's no privacy in your quarters for discussion as the servants are everywhere. To avoid being overheard, a nice walk through the garden works. The misty white fog of the morning makes everything look very ghostly. The conversation with your Seneschal is light and easy at first, but you get to the main point you've been wanting to discuss.

"In the future, Hanbei, if there are Baphomets who risked their lives in defense of the Kingdom, remember to invite some of them to the Great Hall. I am going to see the injured guards from the Wyvern attack, so summon their leader."

Never criticize. It takes an immense amount of self-control to avoid scolding the Seneschal for being blatantly partial to his underlings. He still hasn't explained the importance of the 'Cheesemonger', 'Carpenter', 'Doctor', and 'Candymaker' invited to the feast yet. If they're truly important, you'll run into them soon enough. Perhaps some of them are going to be the new Guild heads.

The 'Constable' is summoned as you are guided to where several guards are temporarily housed. The injured have been healed from the Mana-infused ale served last night, and they stand at attention as you render praise for their bravery defending the Castle. They beam with pride and appreciate your attention to their injuries. A good leader always makes sure their underlings are being taken care of. The barracks housing the guards are not in the best of shape but there's only so many goatmen to assign to much needed tasks of repair.

Every Baphomet is at work.

This week's task is set, certain tasks may take longer than a week to complete.

Today you'll....

>Mingle with the Baphomets of Camelot as they try to reform Guilds...
>Join the exploration group and travel around Logres Major...
>Join the Guides to go see the Quarry...
>Explore Camelot with Kizaemon, she mentioned something about the southern wall...
>Examine your Relics and see if there's anything unique about them...
>Help out with repairing the main fountain...
>Listen to the Bard and his stories about Avalon...
>Go on a Quest, see if Kizaemon triggers backlash and charge your cellphone...
>write in
>Meet with the Anarchists, attempt to sway them back to loyalty. Perhaps it won't see immediate results, but these things take work and patience both. Being previous guides, they surely possess useful knowledge...besides, the other Meeps are clearly frustrated with their lack of cooperation.
>>Join the exploration group and travel around Logres Major...
>Join the Guides to go see the Quarry...

This is a task I would rather not see fail from something we could easily prevent just by being there...
This. We Charisma build or not?
>>Examine your Relics and see if there's anything unique about them...
Indeed. I want to use our strengths here.




kind of a tie?
will leave it open tonight, I have to get to bed.
we have a try to make nice with the anti-monarchical revolutionaries.

My workplace just slammed me with a request to do 15 hours of overtime this week. So writing will be slow again. We'll see how I do.
Dying of exhaustion from work, hopefully it'll be over soon. Longer than usual pause, but maybe tomorrow.
Please take care of yourself, iceman
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Today you'll meet with the Anarchists.

Actually, more like an attempt to figure them out. Fanatics advocating a political theory tend to be very resistant to change or giving up their beliefs.

You don't know much about the Anarcho-Syndicalists or their beliefs. They've interacted with you only twice.

Once was to throw buckets of crap at you from their Watch Tower. The other was to send a written petition demanding better work conditions. So far, they've kept out of your way and done their own thing. Wait, what are these guys doing with their time? They can't all be arguing with each other all the time, like some weird socialist debating group. You need to gather some more information on them.

"So Hanbei, tell me. What do you know about the Anarcho-Syndicalists? What do they do?"

"They're rebel Baphomets who need to be brought to heel! The Spy reports they spend their time standing watch during the night, debating, going off on journeys, bothering other Baphomets with speeches, and occasionally working on things that strike their fancy. Meep. They don't even know the trades they try to dabble in. They say all sorts of nonsense about how any goat should be free to try whatever trade they have a fancy in and learn for the greater community. They tried to import some strange machines from the World. For example, once they brought something and called it a 'jackhammer'. Of course, Avalon hates such unnatural creations and causes them to fade away within a day. They're always talking about hierarchy being abolished, as no Baphomet needs a ruler or someone commanding them. I expect that they will loudly protest over the Guilds being re-established as a form of oppression. Meep. Nonsense, pure nonsense. We're only restoring the natural way of life here in Camelot."

So the Anarchists aren't just rotting away in their Watch Tower. And what is this about importing technology!? Wait, they're all former Guides. That suggests they are going into the World and stealing things on their own. Unreal. Is that even safe for Camelot? The only problem here is that you are getting information from a biased, conservative bureaucrat. You need to get another perspective on the weird Faction.

"Call in Yatagarasu, and, uh, one of the normal Baphomets from the city. I'd like to hear their opinion."

The first summoned to your room is a laborer who happened to be in the Castle on an errand. He's a rather dusty-looking goat man and is rather frightened by the sudden summons to appear before you. He makes a clumsy obeisance while you order a cup of ale served to him. He's confused by your request to talk about the Anarchists.
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"Well, they do blather about the idea that we don't need a King. Meep. Pardon me, Your Majesty; ye did want an honest goat's report on them. Something about how, er, having superiors is not necessary when we can run Camelot without them. They keep saying that we shouldn't be forced to do things we don't want to do. But if we follow an idea like that, who would do the stuff that no goat wants to do? I'm just a simple Baphomet; I do my honest day's work and get my honest day's reward. Oh, and they go about saying we can take breaks and such. Some of the upper-class goats don't like that they can't get away with ordering the work day to be longer than 12 hours. The Cheesemonger is red-hot angry that they went into his cheese mines and told the Miners to put down their tools and go home when it was time. If a King tells me that the World is round that there is only one moon, or says the workday is only 12 hours, I'll not question their wisdom. Uh, well, they also bring back strange objects from time to time, but they often turn out to be False Relics. Lots of us Baphomets would be glad if they just stick to being Guides; the more the Mana we got, the happier we get!"

So it seems that Hanbei's report is pretty accurate. The information that the Anarchists are going around like a bunch of union reps doesn't really surprise you. Also, what does he mean by cheese mines? This is Avalon, but surely he can't mean that Baphomets go into the depths of the earth to mine cheese. Wait, there's a literal Sickle Tree just outside the walls of Camelot. Okay, so you have a mine apparently full of cheese run by a Baphomet who tried to break your new labor law but was prevented from doing so by the Anarchists.

You dismiss the laborer after he gulps down his ale. Finally, Yatagarasu comes, his pack ready and his guide stick in hand. If ever you need to re-establish the Wayfarer Guild for the Guides, your first choice for leadership would be Yatagarasu.

Since the Anarchists are all former Guides, he is able to identify all twelve of the members with full details of their careers and travels, and it is an impressive list. They've been to at least six countries, visited all parts of Japan, know dozens of secret Gates hidden around Avalon and each boasting a unique assortment of Traits.

The 'Chairman' as you suspected, is the most experienced of them all. Serving Ser Rodomonte and Lord Mordred extensively in their travels. He also trains others in the craft. In fact, he's Yatagarasu's master and has taught a great deal. Before the utter gutting of the Guild system, the veteran Guide was in command of the Guild after the Dean of the Wayfarers got 'unmade' going against his Geas.

"You goats are pretty loyal and non-suicidal. Exactly what would compel the Dean of the Wayfarer Guild to disobey orders from their King?"

"Because the Dean was not a murderer."

That catches your attention, and the tale recounted by Yatagarasu is disquieting and disgusting.
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Ser Rodomonte came up with the 'brilliant' idea of kidnapping orphaned girls to act as Mana batteries. Draining them every day to avoid Questing for Mana. The girls also pulled double duty as a human shield against Lord Mordred at the same time. For when the Knight of Betrayal returned to issue a challenge to Rodomonte for the city, he took one of the girls up the southern wall. There, he duly informed his challenger that if she did not give up her claim to Camelot, he would throw the girl off the wall to her death.


You feel a chill settle in your heart, and your face freezes into a hard mask. Yatagarasu takes a few seconds to collect himself.

"Ser Rodomonte knew that if Lord Mordred took back her challenge for Camelot to save the girl's life, then Dread Agreste would declare she would never be able to take the Kingdom back ever again. Once you set out to fight for Camelot, you cannot change your mind. Aye, the Dread Agreste was unmoved by arguments and pleading from Lord Mordred. The only advice the Spriggan gave was this: 'If ye yield now to a tyrant's boot, then ye shall never rise up from under it'. She knew there were others and that Ser Rodomonte would never stop. So she refused to yield and pressed forward with her challenge. High up on the southern wall, Ser Rodomonte proclaimed that Lord Mordred just murdered the hostage and that her death was all on her head and selfishness. Then he ordered our Dean to push the girl---."

At this point in the story, the door is kicked open with a bang, and in walks the 'Chairman' with a pack and guide stick in hand. A bitter look twisting his face and a brow heavy with anger, his eyes blazing with unfathomable sadness.

Trait: Unto Death: You died. As a result, the dead recognize you as one of their own.


The 'Chairman' is a fellow corpse. He is 'dead' and he knows you're 'dead' too. This fact doesn't make him pause though.

"Girl this, girl that. Her name is Hayakawa Minako, ten years old. She loved to draw and wanted to go home. Aye, the bastard was too much of a coward to murder a completely defenseless girl. Thought it was sporting to let the mook do the dirty deed and keep his hands and conscience clean. Our Dean looked him straight in the eye and said one word, 'no'. That is all it took! All it took for Avalon to reach down and proclaim the sweetest, most courageous of all Baphomets worthy of death. Aye, and swift death did come like an arrow of destruction. That bastard watched, annoyed at the very thought that one of his slaves would dare to refuse a direct order."

Trait: A True Heart "Magokokoro", bonus in one on one interaction with a hostile opponent.

The 'Chairman' looks like he wants to cry or murder you. Possibly both, and some of the vassals must sense it. Servants shift positions to interpose themselves. There's no danger of attack, in your opinion; the odds are stacked against the hostile Baphomet, and he has no weapon.
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"The bastard mocked him and asked if there were any last words our Dean wanted to say. Aye, there was. Words from the Lady of the Lake herself. 'May those who follow their fate be granted happiness; may those who defy it be granted glory!'. Come along, young kid; the tale is over, and everyone is waiting for us to go to the Quarry."

"Wait. You did not tell the ending properly. What happened after? What happened to the girl?"

A deathly silence falls as the Baphomets shuffle their feet with shame.

"What do you think happened? Minako died screaming in terror. The sight of such a dreadful crime was too much for Lord Mordred to bear that day. Her resolve shaken, and though she fought hard, she lost. Camelot remained in the hands of the murderous scum, and the Knight of Betrayal got tossed into the wilds of Avalon somewhere. It would take many nights before she could crawl back."

"Nidingr. Nidingr. Nidingr. This wretched tale from beginning to end speaks of a wolf, snapping and chewing up all things good with it's icy maw. A kin of Fenrir, vicious and unbound. Hiding behind the helpless to avoid battle? Truly, men without ideals are only animals."

The voice you speak is not your own wholly. It blends with the voice of a man, rich in years and experience. The outrage in perfect harmony. You would never have noticed until the Feast that King Lot sometimes spoke through you. You are more outraged because of the murder and deliberate callousness. King Lot is more outraged that a supremely powerful warrior would stoop to such cowardice and underhandedness. What the hell is wrong with Rodomonte?! How could one boy be that callous and cold blooded?

You remember what Gareth said back in the manor. 'That not one Accursed from Avalon ever remains sane or who they used to be.'

"Oh spare me, enslaver. It could easily be you doing something similar. Even Lord Mordred was showing cracks the longer she remained in Avalon. If you truly mean what you say, give up being King of Camelot and leave us Baphomets alone!"

Here Hanbei outraged by the suggestion shouts angrily at the 'Chairman'.

"Silence wretch! You dare---"

"I dare. I was there. I was ordered to push Minako off the walls. I am the murderer. I choose to murder her. I will never forget it. I will never forgive myself. And I will never stop until every Baphomet is free from their Geas."

No one tries to stop the 'Chairman' from leaving with Yatagarasu. You consider joining the group to go the Quarry but it's not a good idea given how upset the 'Chairman' is. There are eleven other members of the Anarcho-Syndicalist faction you can try to come to a possible understanding with but their most prominent member is someone who will take months to build any sort of relationship with.
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"Hanbei, how many girls did Rodomonte kidnap?"

"Eight girls. All of them died. They are buried in the Garden."

>"Good god...." (Go visit the Cheese mines, there's probably an Anarchist there)
>"I need a freakin' drink...." (Go visit the Watch Tower later, see who is in)
>"I have no words...." (Go visit the main fountain, there's an Anarchist making speeches)
>"Everyone out..." (Go to the Garden, see off the Guides going to the Quarry, the Chairman will be there.)
>"Fucking hell..." (Go visit the Guild Hall, there's Anarchists arguing there)
>"Fucking hell..." (Go visit the Guild Hall, there's Anarchists arguing there)
>>"I have no words...." (Go visit the main fountain, there's an Anarchist making speeches)
>"Fucking hell..." (Go visit the Guild Hall, there's Anarchists arguing there)
Rodomonte DIES
We just set up the guilds to be back, and this helps us see it firsthand and puts us personally there to check one of the things we ordered done. It also lines up with the Anarchist talks

Those Anarchists are valuable. That much experience and expertise in a small group is too important to lose. Their Chairman is already the former Wayfarer Guild dean to boot. No wonder he established and leads the Anarchists after Rodomonte made his predecessor commit suicide and him to kill a ten year old. I hope the further we go and stick to being a noble lady stuck in villain role, that he and his compatriots will have faith in their ruler again. Right now it is too early for their minds and hearts to be swayed by Haruka.
>not one Accursed from Avalon ever remains sane or who they used to be
The LARP consumes the people? Or something else?
>'May those who follow their fate be granted happiness; may those who defy it be granted glory!'
Is Haruka defying her fate by going against Arthur and the other knight bitches? Or is she following it?
>"I have no words...." (Go visit the main fountain, there's an Anarchist making speeches)
Rodomonte is pure scum. May death and misfortune fall upon him on raven wings.
>>"I need a freakin' drink...." (Go visit the Watch Tower later, see who is in)
>"I have no words...." (Go visit the main fountain, there's an Anarchist making speeches)


vote is called, no more overtime. Joy.

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"I have no words..."

With one hand, you wearily rub your face and absorb this revelation as calmly as possible. Genuine speechlessness is something that does not happen very often to you. This is the second time in your life you've become close to revolting malice. The first time had been seeing your weeping aunt in the hospital; a few weeks after her divorce, her face was smashed to an unrecognizable pulp and her soul was utterly broken by her former husband.

And now, this.

"Why is it that every new piece of information I learn about Ser Rodomonte is always horrifying? Is there absolutely nothing good about him at all!?"

The servants take your rhetorical question seriously and answer it.

"Raoul the Falconer might have a drop or two of good things fall from his mouth about Ser Rodomonte."
"Meep, I forgot. He did get a name."
"He's still alive and tending to the hagards."
"Aye, caught a few birds for the feast last night."

New pieces of information. So you aren't the only one bestowing names on the Baphomets; it must be quite a dishonor to get one from such a hated tyrant. You note the ill feelings towards the Falconer; from this little exchange, you can tell he is shunned by his fellow Baphomets.

You turn your mind to how to tackle the issue with the Anarcho-Syndicalist Faction. Surely not all members are so militant and against the concept of authority and Kings governing. It is time to go for a quick walk around the city.

When you exit the Castle, a familiar feline makes an appearance despite the dreary weather. Your senses are sharper now that you are King; the fog doesn't hide the cat's presence.

"When shall we go to the World? I am very excited at the thought of revisiting my rightful domain."

The cat trots with nimble feet, easily keeping up with your longer strides.

"Hm, not today. Most of the Guides are on a special journey to their Quarry to get stones. Until they restock their tools of the trade, we aren't heading out to experiment in the World."

"A pity. I hope it is soon. In the meantime, I shall accompany thee on thy duties. Be grateful; my expertise in ruling shall aid thee."

The Guild Hall, when it comes into view, is a grand building. It is well kept and undamaged; the Baphomets must have maintained and rebuilt the edifice one stone at a time on their own without using Mana, as no prior King had made any effort in repairing the city. Clean white stones of pure marble have marvelous carvings. They depict Baphomets at work in various trades, warriors on chariots pulled by chocobo-like birds, sheaves of wheat tall and ready for harvest, grand ships roving the waves, and so much more. In the fine mist of the fog, it is a haunting and majestic-looking place.

But today, you are not interested in seeing what's inside. The politicking, voting, and debating of Guild leaders will take awhile. The Crier has only begun announcing the reestablishment of the Guilds today, so you doubt there's much going on inside.
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No, today you are going to the largest fountain in Camelot, where not only Baphomets go to get water but to mingle with friends or transit through to reach other parts of the city. The amount of traffic going through this hub makes it the natural target of the Anarchists to stage speeches.

Hm, what's this? The Crier is arguing with one of the Anarchists about something.

"Meep. It is tyranny to force all free goats to join an organization against their will and make them obey the orders of another. A voluntary, cooperative association of the working class is---"

"Oh, for the love of the Lady! Shut up and let me do my job!"

Here, the Crier shakes his bell at the Anarchist and meeps with increasing annoyance. There is a tall platform of sorts right in front of the fountain, and it is occupied by the Anarchist. There is only enough room for one Baphomet.

Hm, time to intervene.

"Here, Crier, I shall lift you up on my shoulders. Make your announcement up there."

Before the Crier can protest, you scoop him up and lift him up. Baphomets are unusually heavy despite their small size; this is an unfortunate discovery, as his little hoof feet rest upon your shoulders. The Crier gives up protesting and begins ringing his bell loudly.


Your ears are ringing! Cripes, that is loud! Like being too close to a loudspeaker blaring out, but it does the trick. The traffic in the largest public square of Camelot comes to a halt as Baphomet listens and makes their obeisance to you. And the announcement of the re-establishment of the Guilds is electrifying. As many Baphomets began talking, some ran off as their little hooves could carry them to spread the news.

The Anarchist growls at your intervention and no longer speaks. When you put down the Crier and approach the Anarchist, you note that he is the former Guide known for finding invisible secret Gates. Yatagarasu called him an expert in finding them or, more accurately, stumbling on them due to Fortuna. Yatagarasu explains that Fortuna is simply luck in all its iterations, both good and bad. There is no concept of good luck or bad luck for the Guides, only Fortuna.

"You seemed like you had a lot to say. Not going to share your opinion?"

This is a light tap to see if there's a reaction, and the reaction you get is surprising. The Fortuna Guide does not say a word to you; he just glares at you with hostility.

Ah, you recognize this reaction. The silent treatment. Well, that won't stop you from talking.

Trait: A True Heart "Magokokoro", bonus in one on one interaction with a hostile opponent.
>Three anons, I need two 3d6 and one 2d6!
Rolled 5, 1, 3 = 9 (3d6)

Rolled 2, 2, 1 = 5 (3d6)

Rolled 5, 6 = 11 (2d6)

Ooof, got distracted. post tomorrow hopefully.
Hoping to post tonight. People are quitting on the job and leaving us short lately. Almost end of summer.
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The Anarchists have been raiding the World for all sorts of loot. Part of that loot was stolen left-wing literature. It's how they got the idea of being Anarchists in the first place. So it's not surprising that the Baphomet might have learned the tactic of 'Kanzen Mokuhi'.

The policy of maintaining 'Complete Silence' during questioning in order to deny the legitimacy of the authorities. Words are important in Avalon. They can bind, heal, destroy, protect, and more. Heck, you even have a stupid Lesser Vow to build a harem of men because of a joke. If you don't speak, you can't say something you regret.

It's a battle of will; can the practitioner remain silent?

Too bad for the Fortuna Guide; you don't have to shut up, and you know his weaknesses and strengths. Yatagarasu was able to give you a sketch of the personalities making up the Anarcho-Syndicalist faction. This particular Baphomet is, in reality, a blabbermouth; he has trouble keeping his mouth shut when others aren't understanding him. And you know what to say to needle him.

"Tell me, what does 'bourgeois' mean?"

You direct this question not at the silent Anarchist but at the Crier. The baffled Baphomet, with his bell, ponders the question before giving his answer.

"Anyone who resides in a walled city? I mean, that's everyone in Camelot."

The Anarchist's jaw drops at the answer. He struggles not to explode into a stream of words to correct the other goat man.

"Another question, my good goat. When you hear the term 'working class', what do you think it means?"

"Eh? 'Working class'? Well, something to do with the Educated Guild?"

This is all too much for the Anarchist.

"NO!!! My brother, it means the proletariat!"

The point of this isn't to improve the rhetorical skills of your target or make him aware of how his jargon makes absolutely no sense to his audience. This extraordinary faction puts in a lot of effort to avoid you; they only put forth the barest effort to interact with anyone in a position of authority. You need to normalize and acclimate these stubborn Baphomets to not avoid you like the plague and lay the foundation for getting them to talk to you.

"There you go again. Your audience has no idea what you're saying. What makes you think throwing out more obscure words is going to educate them? Use simpler words and concepts." You rub the back of your neck as you say this.

"I don't have to listen to you!" The Anarchist barks back at you, completely forgetting his earlier intent on remaining silent.

"Meep. Well, neither do I! I have places to be and news to cry out." The Crier shakes his bell once in irritation and turns away in a huff.

The Fortuna Guide slumps in defeat as he watches the other Baphomet march away. Soon enough, he's glaring at you and returning to stubborn silence.

"You already failed at not talking to me earlier. Remember?"
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This annoys the other goat man into getting off his platform and walking away with a facade of dignity. You don't go after him; today's skirmish is your victory.

The foggy mist covering the city begins to lighten as rain falls harder. Your cloak, The Black Prince, has excellent waterproofing. You remain dry as a bone beneath the voluminous cloth, and it is a relief. It is a wet day and Lady Kizaemon hates every second of it. The cat jumps into your arms under the cloak to remain dry.

You still tour the city despite the rain and note the excitement of the news and orders. Occasionally, a vassal approaches to confirm the information and meeps away with joy upon getting confirmation. It is not surprising there are only a few candidates trying to convince his fellows to select him as a Guild leader. The goats are used to being led by Evolved Baphomets and the city is bereft of such natural commanders. It must be clearly regarded as an unnatural situation for them. You've stumbled upon groups of Baphomets debating whether it's such a good idea, and they're all nervous about the precedent.

There's only two in Camelot: Seneschal Hanbei and Mototada. Speaking of Mototada, the axe-wielding Evolved Baphomet is currently the most powerful warrior in Camelot. The War Guild is probably going to be led by him. The Longship Meeps seem convinced they are going to win command.

Is it wise to have an already powerful faction have command over other warriors? You spend some time talking and listening to Baphomets to get an idea of likely candidates.

Baphomets suggest -
Mototada for War Guild.
Cheesemonger or Candy Maker for Purveyors Guild.
Engineer or Doctor or Priest for Educated Guild.
Carpenter or Ironworker or Roadworker for Major Craft.
Weaver or Candlemaker or Artist for Minor Craft.

Hm, so the Priest from the Society faction has thrown his hat in the ring the Educated Guild. Another faction leader trying to gain more power. Well, if you don't like the candidates, then you can simply refuse to appoint them and find someone else. However, intervening and revoking the free choice of your vassals is something you want to avoid.

The bells of Camelot start ringing to announce the end of the workday and the return of one of five exploration parties. That was faster than you expected, what did they find?

>New Baphomets wandering around the fishing village close by Camelot...
>Barrels filled with red honey....
>A wet bedraggled human child, he looks utterly traumatized....
>News of lights seen at sea, a ship is heading towards your island...
>A new cave found, a Miner needs to examine if it contains resources...
>A mysterious white crystal, it glows with light...
>They bring three Horseclaws with them, the things look like Chocobos from Final Fantasy....
>A wet bedraggled human child, he looks utterly traumatized....
Rolled 5 (1d7)

Honestly, all of the options are equally tempting to me. I feel as though this is one of those things that should, in a way, be randomized. And so randomized shall my vote be.
1 for baphomets, 2 for barrels, 3 for child, 4 for ship, 5 for cave, 6 for crystal, 7 for horseclaws.
Rolled 1 (1d7)

Fuck it, I'll roll too!
>A wet bedraggled human child, he looks utterly traumatized....
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>News of lights seen at sea, a ship is heading towards your island...
A prince perhaps? Prepare the throne
>>A new cave found, a Miner needs to examine if it contains resources...
>News of lights seen at sea, a ship is heading towards your island...
>>News of lights seen at sea, a ship is heading towards your island...




Lights at sea.
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When you make your way to the central gate, various Baphomets are also dashing to see the return of the exploration party. There is excitement in the air and hope for new discoveries of resources to strengthen Camelot. The sight of one lone goat at the gate rather than the complete exploration party of six goats is a surprise and causes a murmur.

"Lights seen off the coast! It's a ship, no colors hoisted up mast. No idea who it is."

The messenger shakes off the water vigorously, sending a fine spray of water all over, and rubs his hand over a fire burning close to warm stiff muscles.

"Tis a windy and rainy night that promises to get worse. I can just feel it in my horns, meep. I left my party to keep an eye on the ship. It should be arriving at the shore of Logres tomorrow if it somehow avoids the shoals."

The crowd of Baphomets is in an uproar at the report. What a time to have unexpected visitors when you haven't set up a formal government yet with the Guilds. You give swift orders to call the Constable and Mototada to your presence while questioning the wet goat man.

"Is it common to get unknown ships heading our way?"

"At this time of season, your Majesty? Yes, but the way is full of hazards and dangers for a ship approaching the west side of the island. Truly, they avoid the Dragons to the east, but in exchange, they must dare the shallows and rocks hidden beneath the churning waves. We haven't sounded the depths, so not much is known about the locations of such dangers. Also, the edge of Avalon is nearby; no one wants to get too close going that way. Unless the ship originated from the dreaded west."

"Was no one on watch? Why aren't there Baphomets posted around the island to keep watch of the coast?"

Here, a Baphomet guard with a spear answers.

"Your Majesty, we just don't have the herd numbers to post sentries all over the island. If we had an additional one hundred or so more Baphomets, we could spare a few to keep watch in strategic locations and a cohort of reinforcements to respond to emergencies as needed. As of now, it's all we can do to keep Camelot protected."

There are about four hundred souls at your command, with the responsibility of protecting and maintaining them. Paltry numbers for such a large city as Camelot. You know this because you see how much disrepair and abandonment haunt the streets and buildings. You need more Baphomets to populate the city.

The Constable arrives, as does Mototada, carried in his sedan chair, wet with the rain. Four Longship Meeps attend to him by bracing the long wooden handles to transport the larger Evolved Baphomet. The look of discomfort on Mototada's face is almost comical, as though he cannot understand why he has been brought here in the first place. The thought does not last long as your attention shifts to listening to the speculation about who is onboard the ship.

Traders? Raiders? Lost travellers? A ghost ship?
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"If there's light, there must be someone on board." You say this fairly confident based on the report of lights seen.

Mototada corrects you quickly.

"Nay, Your Majesty. A light on a ship is no proof that anything alive is onboard. The ship came from the West, where the ocean's edge is located. Anything coming from that direction could be a gift from the Lady or a curse from the Void."

Here the Constable adds his comments.

"Meep. Indeed, it might be better that nothing be on that ship at all. That they approached our island without hauling up their colors is most unnatural."

The way they're going on about the edge of the ocean or the edge of Avalon....

"Avalon is a globe, right? It's round. If we sail west and keep going, we'll eventually reach the island of Lyonesse over on the other side of the map."

Here, the Baphomets pause and look at you with wonder and confusion.

"Tis the same odd thing Lord Mordred said when she proposed to 'circumnavigate' Avalon. Meep. We were barely able to stop her from proposing we sail right off the edge or into the great mountains rimming the edge."

You remember the crayon-drawn map of Mordred and try to grasp the idea that Avalon is a flat world and can sail off the edge somehow. Wait, if it's flat, shouldn't I be able to see all the islands just across the east somehow? But no, your Baphomets explain that Avalon is not perfectly flat; there is a slight curvature because the large mountains rimming the world are weighing down the edges.

"Twill be many hours before the ship arrives. Meep. What are your orders, your Majesty? Should it arrive? If it wrecks, we can slaughter the western spawn and take the goods."
"Aye, salvage for all! MEEP! Oh, and minus the King's portion naturally."
"Even better, no one is onboard, and we can take the ship for ourselves!"

The enthusiastic cheers from the more martial section of the Baphomets are loud. A smaller, more peaceable portion of the crowd demurs.

"We don't know if they are truly from the west. It could just be a lost ship and friendly."
"And if it's truly from the west, do we really want a cursed vessel anywhere near Camelot?"
"As long as they aren't Danes, I prefer to hear news from elsewhere and trade."

You consider your options, there's too many unknowns about the ship. There is the possibility that the ship won't even come close to Logres and land on the shores. There's no way of knowing what's on board either. Are they friendly or hostile? Now you keenly know the worries of a bygone age who sight unknown ships off shore.

"My goats, we'll keep watch on the ship and remain on guard. It may not even land on Logres after all. Mototada and the Constable shall work together to select the spears who will be ready to respond if the ship attacks. If they come in peace, I expect they'll send an envoy to Camelot to negotiate."
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The morning will reveal what shall happen. It's getting late, you should return back to the Castle and rest so that you're ready for it. You start heading back as the crowd of Baphomet dissipate to spread the news all over Camelot but to your surprise, Mototada orders his goats to follow you rather than stay and talk with the Constable.

"Your Majesty! I need to talk to ya in the morning! I'll be hauling meepself over to the Castle in the morning."

What an odd request. Just what does he want to talk about that he can't say right now? The rain comes down even harder now and the wind is picking up. When you go to bed, you discover to your discomfort that water is leaking in through the shutters and pooling onto the floor. Parts of the Castle have leaks and drips coming down from the ceiling. The bad weather exposes the state of repairs in certain parts of the Castle.

On the bright side? Lady Kizaemon sleeps next to you and allows you the luxury of petting her.

The morning comes and it is still raining. As you ready for the day, you receive word that the ship is still afloat and off the coast of Logres. It has navigated to the southern part of the waters and will head towards eastern parts where Camelot is by noon.

But before then, you have talk to Mototada. From your vantage point at the window, you can see the sedan chair of the legless Evolved Baphomet carried up towards the Castle. You still have no idea what Mototada wants to discuss with you.

You read over reports from the other exploration teams. One has discovered a storehouse filled to the brim with arrows, another has discovered piles of metal in the woods for the taking, two report new caves that require Miners to check out while the fifth is tracking the ship offshore.

You have 2000 arrows! But no bows.
Limited Metal resources, your vassals will be pleased.
Two unknown caves, send a Miner to check them out.

The Aquaduct project is still ongoing; they haven't found the blockage yet. The Guides are still at the Quarry or traveling there still, you don't know precisely what they're doing. And the Guild 'election' is in full swing.

When Mototada finally arrives, you note that his entourage is smaller than usual. You see Naito and Matsudaira Ietada carrying the sedan chair while trailing after them is the 'Captain'. The 'Captain' used to be the leader of the Longship Meeps faction and he looks annoyed at Mototada for some reason.

When the Evolved Baphomet arrives and sees you in the Great Hall, he immediately suggests taking a walk in the ruined galleries of the Castle instead. The rain is heavy, but it doesn't bother the goats at all. In a reasonable private area of the Castle, Mototada finally launches into what he has been waiting to talk to you about.

"Right, straight to bone and blood, your Majesty. Appoint him as War Guild leader!"
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With a finger he points to the 'Captain' who rolls his eyes.

"The rest of the crew won't accept it! You have become a higher being over all the Baphomets and you have a name!"

It takes you a few second to realize that your previous assessment of the true source of conflict between Mototada and the 'Captain' was wrong.

"Why do you not want to become the War Guild leader?"

At this, Mototada groans.

"I can't read. And I work for a living. Put me in a squad of warriors, and I shall wreck havoc! Or tell me to raid and burn a city down, I'm your goat! I don't want to bother about something like 'how many packs of food do we need' or 'talk to this bunch of kids for things we need' or whatever. He's always taken care of that shit. Let me bath in the blood of the enemy and do battle against foes to please the Gods of valor and war."

How do you react to this situation?

>Take a third option. Appoint your Constable as War Guild leader, this will keep the power with your Faction...
>Appoint Mototada anyways, tell him he can use the other goat as his second in command or some other warrior....
>Appoint the 'Captain' as the leader of the War Guild...
>write in....
>Take a third option. Appoint your Constable as War Guild leader, this will keep the power with your Faction...
>Appoint Mototada anyways. Establish the office of the Chief of Staff to handle the things he doesn't want and give it to the Captain.
this: >>6084678
>Appoint the 'Captain' as the leader of the War Guild...
This guy really hates all the prestige that evolving brings. He just wants to kick ass, not take names. Why not let the Captain do it?
I will be absent for the next three days. So I'll leave the vote open but it seems we're going to put Mototada as War Guild and tell him hand over logistics/crap he hates to the Captain
>Appoint the captain as guild leader and Mototada as royal guard.
Giving such a prestigious role should placate his supporters while leaving the usual organization duties to the captain in an official capacity.
I've been thinking a bit about vows and the Rodomonte situation.

It's probably worthwhile to have witnesses were we ever to pronounce a vow against Rodomonte to attest to others our distancing from him...
but also I won't put it against such a reviled blackguard to have some sort of ability getting stronger depending on how many vows of vengeance have been declared against him...
Your vassals know that previously when he was King he had no such Trait to gain power from others vowing vengeance.

But then again, it's been months since he has been last seen by the Baphomets. He may have gained the ability.
I really wouldn't put it past him to keep such an ability secret from his vassals, altough I would be surprised if Mordred didn't swear bloody revengeance on the cur.
Perhaps we should interrogate our vassals on known abilities and vows of past kings, that might net us some juicy information for later...
(For those who keep them in good esteem we best frame it as getting to know their heroes rather than snooping.)
>>Appoint Mototada anyways. Establish the office of the Chief of Staff to handle the things he doesn't want and give it to the Captain.
I returned, but tired tonight.
Hoping to post tomorrow.

>>Appoint Mototada anyways. Establish the office of the Chief of Staff to handle the things he doesn't want and give it to the Captain.
Damn, I was more tired than expected and writing is slower than usual.
Sorry, no post tonight.
No problem op
Hang in there OP
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Your mind weighs the ramifications of appointing an unwilling leader, the balance of power amongst Factions and the long-term consequences of the appointment. The 'Constable' is a loyal Castle Dweller and your go-to goat to defend Camelot. Having him as leader of the War Guild strengthens your hand and command. Also, he is a commander well able to field an army of Baphomets with his organizational skill.

Whereas appointing a battle-loving Evolved Baphomet with no interest in logistics or anything outside of combat is likely going to kill off many warriors. The Longship Meeps will happily follow his orders without realizing their impending doom. Such is the trust and prestige invested in Mototada by virtue of his elevated status.

As you ponder, there is a calculating look flashing in the Captain's eye. The former leader of the Longship Meeps is politically astute too. His Faction has turned to Mototada for leadership, and he can no longer hold command while Mototada is around. Though it must have pained him, the Captain gave up power to maintain long-term unity. A castle divided is doomed to fall after all. If only the goat men weren't so blinded by the idea that Evolved Baphomets are the best leaders.

There is no perfect answer to this thorny political calculation. There are always trade-offs and risks. The question you have is, are you comfortable with the upside and downside? You make a decision.

"You are the frontrunner and first choice of all warriors for the position. They are unlikely to accept an alternative War Guild leader. By the end of the week, I expect that you will be elected..."

"Meep! Camulus, war god of the ever-victorious and brave, why did you allow my horns to grow longer?" The lament was about to begin on Mototada's lips, but you cut it short with an exasperated sigh.

"I'm not done yet! You can't read? Well, I can't read either, but I have dedicated goats at my command to read for me. So if you don't want or can't deal with certain tasks, then give them to someone else. There's this neat skill called 'delegation', where you give the task to the best person able to deal with it. I declare that the office of the Secretariat established and is to be headed by an experienced and skilled Baphomet at your command. There, now you're free to concentrate on what you do best."

At this moment, the Captain who looks greatly relieved that greater power didn't slip away from his Faction's grasp. The Captain remains silent and deep in thought; it is hard to read his reaction and keeps his own counsel. You wonder if it's such a good idea to give more power to a Faction that is partisan toward a rival King, but you figure Lord Mordred isn't all that interested in ruling Camelot.

It's possible you can win the loyalty of the Longship Meeps and get Mordred to swear fealty to you.

"Meep, we'll help you Chief!" Naito says.

"Tis not a bad thing to learn new things. Who knows, maybe you'll enjoy it!" Matsudaira Ietada adds.
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The Evolved Baphomet shudders at the thought.

Mototada is to be Chieftain of the War Guild! There are no other candidates for the position. By the end of the week, you will officially appoint him. The office of the Secretariat will assist in his tasks.

Now it's on to business regarding the ship approaching Camelot. The Baphomets tasked with keeping watch on it have reported movement on the deck of the ship. The sails are trimmed and tacked when necessary to head to port. Someone or something knows the way to Camelot. A past visitor to Camelot perhaps.

Guards are posted and ready in case of an attack. The usual armaments are out, but they don't attract your attention. Instead, the sight of wooden contraptions dragged and set up on what is left of the Walls of Camelot grabs your attention. The Artillerist and his goats have mounted arbalests and trebuchets, aiming them at the harbor to cover the unknown ship. Given the woeful accuracy, you are worried that the artillery would just do greater damage to Camelot, but you learn that the Artillerist is not only a specialist in the operation of the machines of war, but he also has a Trait called 'Direct Fire' that allows him to aim accurately.

Well, aim accurately just one shot from each artillery piece once per day. Given that there are several of these machines primed and ready, the ship is sure to be obliterated by accurate fire if it isn't friendly. This is all assuming, of course, that the ship doesn't have someone with a bullshit Trait to negate the Artillerist's Trait.

If there's anything you've learned during your days in Avalon, everyone and everything connected to this damned place has bullshit powers.

Ah, the ship has dropped anchor and lowered the sails. All watching strains to see who is on board, but you can't make out who is out there. Eventually, the sharpest eyes belonging to the Look Out announce a crew of strange beings working the masts and decks. He mutters more to himself than to inform anyone of what he can see.

"Meep. Lower the sails handsomely, they do. They be experienced sailors, but why no colors up the main mast? Did they strike their colors while out on the cruel sea? Strange looking matelots they are. Aye, they be lowering a jolly boat. Expect them here in Camelot soon."

You strain to hear the words, but now you know that the intentions of the occupants of the ship must be peaceful. At least for now.
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"Ring the Bells to salute them!" You order.

Baphomets promptly obey, and Camelot is soon alive with the peals of Bells. You better head to the Castle and sit on the Throne. Hanbei explained how the envoy will be blindfolded and guided to the Castle to talk to you. You are tempted to stay near the Docks and watch the strangers come ashore, but the prestige of a King must be maintained.

However, it is hard to maintain dignity with the patchwork of clothing you wear. Your feet wear simple wooden geta clogs because Avalon apparently hates modern shoes. Only the Black Prince is worthy of a King. The Tailor says he can prepare some new clothing in the future if he can get access to the necessary materials but that means getting more Mana or a Quest to raid the hateful World.

The Throne is....

>A shattered white marble seat with scarlet velvet, it is slowly being glued back together by the Mason with gold....
>A silvery tree bent and shaped into a living chair, there are leaves of jade sprouting from it but they are wilting as though dying...
>A bleak and broken iron chair, uncomfortable to sit on but possesses a menacing aura of violence and command....
>A black and white ivory throne with many damaged etchings and some fine carvings of dragons, unrepairable but beautiful...
>An entirely red stone throne, you hear it pulse steadily like a heart when you sit on it. A thoroughly disquieting experience for you...
>Write in, because why not?....
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It was sort of fun to look at neat thrones for this post. Russia's thrones are pretty neato.
What about that one they had for that Dune movie? You know the one?
Wait it was this one
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Are we thrones posting today? Because I have a few ideas
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Mototada is hating it now, but he'll feel better once he passes the work he's shit at and hates doing to the Captain and others he knows. This way the Captain handles the leadership logistics and strategy parts, and Mototada handles the fighting and asskicking and bloodshed parts. Win/win, right?

Is the throne always the same or does it alter itself to suit the current king of Camelot?
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Here, I'll throw in my two cents
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The Throne does not alter to suit the current King. That was a neat idea but unfortunately I went with a different one.

The standard throne is the White Marble seat one.

Also check out Charlemagne's throne. I didn't think it still existed.
Pretty boring though, and probably uncomfortable.
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Well in any case, I need people to vote for their throne.
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>A bleak and broken iron chair, uncomfortable to sit on but possesses a menacing aura of violence and command....
Alright. It's hard to appear regal when you're half naked but at least we can appear cool and fearsome?
>A shattered white marble seat with scarlet velvet, it is slowly being glued back together by the Mason with gold...
The damage done makes it all the more beautiful. Every line of gold is a testament to the history of it.
>A black and white ivory throne with many damaged etchings and some fine carvings of dragons, unrepairable but beautiful...
Nevermind I have a better idea.

>Write in, because why not?....
A throne of everlasting ice shaped into a dragon's roaring mouth. Sadly parts of it are broken with the dragon's upper jaw entirely missing. Despite that the throne still feels very cold when you sit in it....

>Write in, because why not?....
>A throne of everlasting ice shaped into a dragon's roaring mouth. Sadly parts of it are broken with the dragon's upper jaw entirely missing. Despite that the throne still feels very cold when you sit in it....
>>A shattered white marble seat with scarlet velvet, it is slowly being glued back together by the Mason with gold....
>A silvery tree bent and shaped into a living chair, there are leaves of jade sprouting from it but they are wilting as though dying...
>A shattered white marble seat with scarlet velvet, it is slowly being glued back together by the Mason with gold....

I am reminded of the "siege perilous"
Or perilous seat which was the seat of the round table reserved for Jesus and would kill the unworthy who would dare to sit on it (and became a game among the knights to haze the new recruits to get them killed, another reminder that most of the round table knights were either mad or dicks.)
I am constantly surprised by how much of a dick Gawain is in a bunch of stories. What the hell is this guy's problem...
>>Write in, because why not?....
>>A throne of everlasting ice shaped into a dragon's roaring mouth. Sadly parts of it are broken with the dragon's upper jaw entirely missing. Despite that the throne still feels very cold when you sit in it....
>A bleak and broken iron chair, uncomfortable to sit on but possesses a menacing aura of violence and command....

ice throne

silvery tree

kintsugi throne

I just thought of a cool idea that mix ice and gold. So I'll mix them up a bit.
Ended up reading some pages of Vampire Hunter D rather than writing. The translation for the book sucks, I do not recommend.

Stick with the movies.
Do the cool ice throne thing
Most translations are bad
QM is easily distracted it appears
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The Throne is something out of a dream. A fantasy made of ice and gold, shaped into a rampant dragon's maw, split open as though in the middle of a roar. Or so you guess, the jaws of what you think is a dragon are missing. This seat of everlasting ice, hewn from some unknown source then shattered and desecrated by unknown hands, is the Throne of Camelot. During your first tour of the Castle, you barely paid attention to it. Now that you are right before it, you can feel a radiating coldness emitted from the seat.

Attempted repairs are evident. Thin rivers of gold run over the many cracks, affixing pieces of ice back together with the unconventional 'cement'. It reminds you of kintsugi bowls and cups from tea ceremonies; your knowledge of such aesthetically pleasing art adds to the pleasure of seeing such a beautiful creation.

"Amazing work, Mason. I can't believe how much work you put into repairing this... Or how much gold you had to use! I can see that there's even gold within to keep the pieces together."

It's hard to see through the opaque white ice, but secret veins of gold flash at certain angles of light, revealing a wondrous nervous system of within. Golden branches, stems, roots, and thorns unveil themselves the longer you stare.

Wordlessly, the Mason brings out a small gold ring from a damask purse, and he begins an explanation.

"This here is the great Relic Draupnir; it births eight gold rings every nine nights. I melt the gold spawn to knit the eternal ice together again. Meep. It is not a lot of gold, Your Majesty. The rings birthed are the same size, same weight, and same form as the original. Ah, and they only regenerate after I melt all eight rings. Oft time, I must wait until I gather enough metal before I can work. We must take care not to destroy the original Draupnir, lest we lose the ability to birth the gold. Twas sheer luck we discovered the Relic's limitations and flaws. The work has been ongoing for months, mayhap even years. Even before Ser Rodomonte and before Lord Mordred ever reigned in Camelot."

He places the gold ring in your hand to feel the heavy weight of precious metal. It is a plain band with no details or markings on it. If this original ring got mixed in with the gold spawn, no one would be able to figure out which ring is which. You try Draupnir on a finger and discover the size of it is larger than the circumference of your thumb.

"Before Ser Rodomonte and Lord Mordred? Who else reigned over Camelot then?" You ask and give back Draupnir. The Mason carefully puts the gold Relic away before rolling out a brilliant red velvet cloth to cover the hard, icy seat for your comfort. Yet when you sit down, the chill still penetrates through the cloth.
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"I know naught. Meep. This task was set upon me when I became a Mason. The echo of an order from a forgotten King, none thought to cancel it as it takes very little time for me to perform the task with such little gold. You will need to question Dread Agreste; I do not think there are any old goats left alive from such an era."

The idea there are previous Kings who possessed Camelot should not surprise you. You wonder if they succeeded in escaping Avalon and returning home. Perhaps they died in the Quest to take back their True Names. There must be one or two goats who can tell you more about them and not just Agreste.

The Bard enters the Throne room on a palanquin carried by breathless Baphomets. Being so short, he cannot run or walk as fast as his fellow goats and needs transportation. One reason why you are here at the Castle rather than at the Docks to see the Envoy is to give time to glean information about the unknown guests from the ship as they journey to the Castle. Hanbei promised to send the Bard after observing who they are.

"Meep. He claims he is a Legatus from Roma and has sailed the cruel seas for many weeks. Emperor Lucius Hiberius knows where our Kingdom is. How a foreigner knows is a mystery! The Bard with his baritone voice announces.

The servant of a fellow sovereign has found you. It seems unlikely their arrival was by accident. Someone has told them or they figured out somehow where to go. Could it be a trader who sailed to Camelot before or one of the previous Kings of Camelot telling them, or is there hidden within Camelot a traitor?

The Bard begins to explain that Roma is a powerful but fractious Kingdom. He proclaims that tales speak of a grand decadent city with endless Games and Plays to entertain it's jaded and arrogant inhabitants. A city of trade where the markets ever shift and change and those who can meet the price can buy anything at all.

"How do you know about Roma and it's people, if no Baphomets have ever been there?"

You are completely baffled how the Bard can even know anything about the place.

"I can sing the lays, tell the tales, and carry renown from the well-placed cities Avalon. All who hear me, believe! The Gods have planted the gift in my heart. They give me the words on my tongue without my having to seek it. Harken well, the craft of skalds and bards and believe, for indeed these words are True."

The words are True but limited. The information provided by the Bard doesn't include things like how many reside in Roma or how powerful the Emperor and her Legions are or even how many Romans have arrived in Camelot. In fact, the Romans are very cagey and hiding their numbers by sending a small cohort with their envoy and keeping most on board their ship.
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Five Romans are approaching the Castle right now. Blindfolded and guarded by armed Baphomets. You consider carefully how to handle the situation. Strategy is difficult, as you have no idea what these Romans are seeking from your Kingdom. One thing is clear though, you must protect Camelot.

The Legatus arrives at last with four warriors, blindfolded and guided carefully where you sit. They make for an unnerving sight; all are tall fabric dolls of some sort with facemasks. They look very human but something about their movement sets you on edge. They move rigidly, like toys. No, not toys, but rather a stiff corpse.

The Legatus is a tall doll; it towers over his fellow Romans. He carries a head, which is also blindfolded. With a patient hand, blindfolds are removed, then the Legatus lifts the head high up.

"Ave, Loth Rex, Rex Camulodunum. I, Legatus Gaius, comes bearing the words of Imperator Lucius Hiberius to your sea-girt island." The severed head begins speaking.

The envoy is not the tall doll, that's just a porter. Legatus Gaius is the head being held aloft. It takes a lot of effort not to jump up from your Throne in surprise.

"Welcome to Camelot, Legatus Gaius. You have braved many leagues over the cruel sea to the twin islands of Logres."

The dance of diplomacy and mutual suspicion begins...

>Two anons roll 3d6, one anon roll 2d6!
Rolled 5, 2, 2 = 9 (3d6)

Rolled 1, 6, 4 = 11 (3d6)

Rolled 1, 3 = 4 (2d6)

Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d6)

That was quick, 2 success!

Throne roll bonus
Ah, 2 success only. Arrogance and insolence from the Romans.
Hope they don't bring up our state of dress
Returned home just, wll be expected to work the weekend. So we'll see if I can get a post out.
What are the throne's bonuses btw?
Frankly I would expect nothing less than arrogance knowing how often their diplomacy failed historically (and often on purpose just to have an excuse to go to war.)
Imagine if the goats make short work of the puppets and turn them into roofing material. And once their "war" fails and they need to come to negotiate, the Roma puppets see entire houses in Camelot with the roofs made of out their fallen puppet soldiers
Basically, it looks impressive and rich with all that everlasting ice laced and glued together with veins of solid gold.
It's basically how throne rooms are made to awe visitors, it gives a bonus towards that so +2 dice for meeting people there. Meaning in total Haruka had 10d6 dice to play with.

The Romans are an avaricious bunch... also I have barely any knowledge about the Roman Empire, so I'm reading up on them. I realized this the moment I chose Lucius Hiberius as a King in this game. Oops.

Fun fact, I grabbed a map of Carthage to use as a visual example of Camelot.

So perhaps the Romans will 'carthago delanda est' one day.
Imperial Rome is another beast from republican Rome, altough what you described sounds more like Costantinople as Rome itself was less a centre of trade as it was the centre of Roman civilization into which tribute flowed to be devoured by the subsidized citizens.
Free bread and circus to keep the millions whose opinion mattered sated and happy.
By the way, chariot races were the most popular form of entertainment with color coded teams and fans who happily beat each other out of loyalty to their team.
Surprising that you don't know more about the romans considering that the romans kind of is behind many of the core events in arthurian mythology

Lucius Hiberius/Tiberius is the emperor of west rome so he would rule from Rome and not constantinople
Just have them say we're uncivilized half naked swamp people or something
Thing is, I read the Arthurian mythology lopsidedly because I had a few books on it. Then decided I could probably write a Quest based on it but with Magical Girls.

This Quest isn't only for fun, it is also to force me to actually read my library and par down the collection I have. I had books on Norse/Vikings, Mughals, Russia, Japan, etc.

I have about 300 plus books. All of them unread and that's after I managed to weed a bunch by reading through a few. I just realized I don't have any books on the Romans and can't recall if I read anything about them. If I did, it must have been years ago.

To give you an idea of the sort things I read last year

Count belisarius by Robert Graves
Norse: Atlantic Saga by Gywn Jones
A soviet Odyssey by Suzanne Rosenberg
Philosophical Dictionary by Voltaire
Guin Saga volume 1 to 5
The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin
Street of Crocodiles by bruno Schulz
Arabian Sands by Wilfred Thesiger
Marsh Arabs by Wilfred Thesiger
Smuggling under sail in the Red Sea by Henri De Monfreid
Sherlock Homes vs Dracula
Foundation Series by Asimov
Six Four by Hideo Yokoyama
Japanese Destroyer Captain by Tameichi Hara
Scifi of Edgar Allan Poe
Eiger Dreams by Jon Krakuer
Mr. Beethoven by Paul Griffiths,
Foucult Pendulum by Umberto Eco

It's only now I realize I don't really know much about Western Rome and it's empire.

Heck I have Procopius on the wars which is about the Eastern Roman empire.

My cultural background is Japanese so it was never something I would read up on for fun.
In other words, time to act like Japanese anime script writer and write whatever sounds cool....
To anons who want to read about Rome but don't have books on it, I strongly recommend www.acoup.blog. Most webpages on Rome just rehash the same pop-history slop, while this is a blog by a legit history professor specializing in Republican Rome.
It's also amazing for worldbuilding in general.
Yes, ok. But the point I wanted to make was that imperial Rome had eventually become basically just a gaping maw devouring the riches of an empire to sustain its unemployed and overly-entitled population.
Which is one among the reasons that forced the emperor of the time to move the western capital from Rome to Ravenna after the split between eastern and western.
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Legatus Gaius launches into a flowery introduction that leaves you bored and uninformed as to what his true intentions are. By the gods, this envoy loves the sound of his voice as he goes over the glory that is Roma. You ponder how much these 'Romans' are like the Romans from your world. It's improbable they're anything alike. If you ran into a Kingdom calling themselves 'Japan' here in Avalon, you doubt that they would be anything like the Japanese of your world.

It is a challenge to keep polite attention on the envoy until, at last, he comes to the meatier substance of his speech.

"That King Mordred did arrive and kneel before Imperator Lucius Hiberius as supplicant. Therefore we declared the Kingdom of Logres; amici populi Romani! Whereupon the Senate and people...."

"A moment, Legatus Gaius. You did it again; you used another foreign term I don't know. Please explain what 'amici populi Romani' is supposed to mean."

This question annoys the dollman; he can't quite believe how many times you had to stop him mid-speech to explain his foreign terms plainly. It is curious how presumptuous the Romans are; they simply expect you to understand innately what they are saying. They really don't like it when you call their language 'foreign'.

"It means that the Kingdom of Logres is 'friends with the Roman people' and we are allied for our mutual benefit. The Imperator and Senate ordered I, Legatus Gaius, to assist in enlightening Camelot to the glory of Roma and build it up. King Mordred had the map to show us the way over the cruel seas. Yet what do we discover upon our arrival? That there is a different King who rules Camelot."

Ah, so Lord Mordred is the one who told the Romans where Camelot is located. Or did she truly? If what this envoy is saying is true, then why did they not come back with any Baphomets? Surely, Lord Mordred would send back a few goat men with these Romans and come ashore with them to inform Camelot as to what is going on.

That's when you realize something. If there was a Baphomet, they would have immediately informed the Romans of the change in Kings. The envoy has inadvertently revealed that no Baphomet is on board the ship out in the harbor. The moment you took over Camelot as King, every goat man no matter where in Avalon automatically knew. Even if that vassal is thousands of miles away on a distant island, they would know. This is something Hanbei told you during your 'education' on Kingmanship.

Something isn't right. You try to keep the same placid and polite face to the envoy but observe the Romans very closely for other discrepancies.

"Since the Kingdom of Logres are socii, a word which means allies in your inelegant tongue, we expected a ship of warriors to help defend the Roma under the command of the Imperator."
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The Romans are demanding your vassals go fight in their battles under their orders. It takes a lot of effort not look irritated. Did Mordred swear Fealty to the Emperor? No, that's not possible either. Just as a change in King at Camelot can be sensed no matter where in Avalon they are, the Baphomets know through their mysterious link that their King is bound to be loyal to another. Hanbei told you, it's automatic for Baphomets to realize that the King is subordinate to another, as it is a unique ability of theirs. He said it is highly unlikely that other denizens in Avalon have it.

Also, there's something that has been bothering you about the Romans before this point. You can't read Legatus Gaius very easily, he seems very calm and intent on not giving anything away with his demeanour. The same can't be said of his escorts who look amused. They are staring at something and you follow their gaze.

That's when it hits you.

Though the Black Prince is a long and fashionable cloak worthy of a King and is covering up your less than ideal attire, it is not long enough to hide your feet shod in wooden geta sandals. You ordered the Baphomets to make the traditional Japanese footwear as a short-term solution since there are no shoes. Your feet are dirty from the streets of Camelot because the 'ha' teeth elevating the geta's 'dai' isn't quite high enough. It's not your vassals fault; they've never seen geta sandals before and didn't know how elevated they should be.

The Roman escort's masks subtly shift into smiles and mirth before quickly shifting back into a look of serious calm contemplation, unable to hide their feelings. All the while, they are whispering in a strange tongue to each other. You don't need to know the words to know they are mocking you as a filthy barbarian; you cut your teeth on mockery by listening to bitchy Japanese teenage girls.

Trait: Let No Insult Pass! can be used against these rude Romans...

Your eyes flash with barely suppressed embarrassment and anger, but you force yourself to smile and speak politely.

"My guests from across the cruel sea, the promise of warriors to assist your Kingdom was made by the previous King. I cannot fulfil such a promise. What I can promise is if you came to this island with peaceful and friendly intent, I shall welcome you as friends without heavy demands."

"Amici with Roma is to gain a powerful patron for far flung Logres. There are obligations and benefits naturally. If you are not interested in friendship, then we can at least trade between our islands."

The Envoy waves his hand and one of his escorts' steps forward with a large bundle filled with something. With a dramatic gesture, the bundle opens to reveal pieces of jewelry, fine clothes, two silver knives, a 12 package of miso ramen that Avalon didn't delete, a notebook are some of the things shown to you.
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This isn't a decision you want to make without thinking things over. There's a lot to consider.

"Let us rest for the night and talk again in the morning. There is much to think about and talk about; my Castle shall host you tonight."

The Envoy bows his head politely and servants to them to a nicer part of the Castle to rest. There's no rest for you though, you beckon Hanbei to come closer.

You need...

>Someone to spy on the Romans here and at the ship somehow, maybe you'll learn something about them...
>The Bard to talk more of his tales on Roma...
>To share concerns with Hanbei of what you heard from the Envoy...
>To form a Privy Council with Baphomets and get their opinion on the situation.... (Anyone in particular you want to invite?)
>write in
>To share concerns with Hanbei of what you heard from the Envoy...
>>To share concerns with Hanbei of what you heard from the Envoy...
>To form a Privy Council with Baphomets and get their opinion on the situation.... (Anyone in particular you want to invite?)
Bard and Hanbei at minimum, also someone from the Longship faction for naval expertise and someone from the Guides

>sustain its unemployed and overly-entitled population.
That's a misconception, anon.
Hanbei I do not trust these miscreants whatsoever. We need goat eyes on them at all times
>>Someone to spy on the Romans here and at the ship somehow, maybe you'll learn something about them...
>>The Bard to talk more of his tales on Roma...
Might be true, I'm not a learned historian and certainly there's more nuances to it.
As for the entitlement part however it's kind of difficult to dispute since those who weren't either affluent enough to have slaves and weren't slaves themselves were still courted by demagogues and politicians.
Being considered the only people that mattered in the empire just for being born in Rome (as free men) was a hell of a boost to the ego.
>As for the entitlement part however it's kind of difficult to dispute since those who weren't either affluent enough to have slaves and weren't slaves themselves were still courted by demagogues and politicians.
I'm a bit lost on what you're trying to say here. Are you saying that anyone who didn't own slaves was "unemployed and overly-entitled"?
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Needless to say, given the variety of opinion and levels of knowledge about the Romans (my knowledge being rather hollywood esque level), the Romans of Avalon will be a mishmash of stuff and not historically accurate as possible.

They'll have a Coliseum, Gambling, Trade and overweening arrogance as the most powerful Kingdom of Avalon. If only because Emperor Lucius had more time than you to get established and make things run.

The Kingdom of Logres in the north west corner is protected and isolated.
>the Romans of Avalon will be a mishmash of stuff and not historically accurate as possible
I'm okay with this as I would also be okay with if they were maximum historical accuracy. And here OP, you might enjoy this video
Of the Romans who lived in Rome (the city) during the middle imperial era? Yes.
They didn't need to work for real since food was guaranteed and most jobs were offloaded to slaves both public and private since they could be taught a trade and couldn't leave employment whenever.
Perhaps its better to say that more than entitled the low income (but free) individual was more of a hanger-on for affluent friends whom offered to their entourage free stuff.
The crowds however were REALLY nasty, heckling even emperors with impunity since the only ones allowed to bear weapons within the city were the pretorians and there weren't enough to police the multitudes who had nothing to do but amuse themselves.

...And I've really let myself regurgitate all the facts I've been taught in Italian school. Sorry, it's kind of a big deal here.
As far as I know the concept of "slave economy", at least as applied to Rome, is considered outdated, and modern scholarship thinks that most jobs were done by free men. I can't speak with confidence on the Imperial period though.
>To share concerns with Hanbei of what you heard from the Envoy...

Only consult with Hanbei.

Also, there must be more people reading this quest that I though.
I love your autism and I will stick with this however long I can
Have to go to bed early tonight. No post.
I like this quest because it's a good mix of humor and intrigue
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You consider getting more opinions on this matter, but there's not much time to gather a meeting of knowledgeable Baphomets. You are the host and on a clock. After giving the Romans a brief moment to freshen up and rest, invitations to the Great Hall to feast and to exchange gifts will be issued. Serious negotiations about alliances, trade, and such will not take place at such a social event; it'd be inappropriate.

"Well, you heard all that. What are your thoughts?"

While you ask the loyal Seneschal, you take off your geta sandals and order a servant to bring a ewer of water to wash the muck off your feet.

"They are lying naturally, but to what extent is the question. I think there are elements of truth in their speech. Lord Mordred was eager to find allies in Avalon, and she is a touch naive. Meep. Noble and straightforward, she would accept friendship without thinking of an ulterior motive. As for kneeling and swearing Fealty to another, such an act is a waste of words. Meep. 'Knight of Betrayal' isn't an empty title. No oath of Fealty can oblige her. No Vow can bind her. All know the moment they meet her that nothing can force her to keep her word. Only she deems what promises she wants to keep. Avalon scorns to impose retribution for betrayal; the Gods do not castigate her for treachery. She suffers no penalty for breaking binding vows or promises."

"So she can Vow to do something and then just break it. Nothing bad happens to her. What a great ability."

"Meep! It's a terrible thing. Why would Avalon or the Gods abhor her words and refuse to punish perfidy? Every denizen of Avalon would be suspicious of such a being."

Oh, he has a point. A Chosen who can lie and betray with impunity is indeed hard to trust from the point of view of those who dwell in Avalon. The Gods and Avalon enforce Vows for everyone, but somehow this one Chosen is unaffected.

"But she can still swear Fealty and the Baphomets would know she did, am I right?"

"Meep. Yes, Your Majesty. She could swear Fealty to another, and we would know of it. I'm more concerned about how they managed to find a way to Camelot. Either Lord Mordred did indeed tell them the way or they stole her map. Perhaps at the feast we can ask what happened to Lord Mordred and her Baphomets."

"Tell me of her Traits while I get ready."

Your bare feet are now clean, and so are the geta sandals. Gods above, what you would give for some cotton socks. Hanbei sighs and wearily attempts to answer.

Lord Mordred possesses the following Traits. Trait: Knight of Betrayal - Nothing you say shall be punished by Avalon or the Gods, and and and----- ----- ---- --- -- --- -- -- --- - -...
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What? A partial description of one Trait? That's it?! What's with the 'and and and'? Where are the rest of her Traits? Rodomonte had one hell of a list he gained during his time in Avalon. There has to be more she is able to do. Why can't Hanbei tell you the rest of the Traits for the Knight of Betrayal?

"Hanbei. Tell me, what Traits does she have?"

Lord Mordred possesses the following Traits. Trait: Knight of Betrayal - Nothing you say shall be punished by Avalon or the Gods, and and and----- ----- ---- --- -- --- -- -- --- - -...

Ah, you get it now. Hanbei can't tell you.

"Sorry about that, Seneschal. I understand; you can't tell me. Forget about it; let's move on to a different subject. What shall we do with these Romans?"

"Meep. They are representatives of a powerful Kingdom. We do not know the full measure of their strength. Worse, we do not know where their Kingdom is. I would not risk their wrath, even if they speak untrue words. Since they apparently are a nation of mere merchants, parasites who profit from the labor of others through selling and buying. Even accepting trade is a woeful proposition. What could they possibly seek from our perfect Kingdom. Why, we have all that we need! Avalon provides. They would bring useless luxuries that would weaken the spiritual iron of our goats and deplete the material wealth of our Kingdom. We seek renown and the blessings of the Gods, these Romans desire things."

Seneschal Hanbei sounds like one of those old samurai texts lambasting 'useless' greedy merchants upending the social structure of feudal Japan through worldly excess. Economic development goes hand in hand with a better Kingdom. Maybe you should introduce the Meiji slogan, Fukoku Kyouhei, 'Rich Nation, Strong Army' to Camelot. You hope the Seneschal's attitude isn't a common one amongst your vassals.

Servants announce that the Great Hall is ready and that the Romans have been invited to dine. Despite the short notice, the kitchen managed to prepare the food. It helps that they didn't have to prepare enough to feed some four hundred hungry Baphomets.

Tonight, Legatus Gaius with his porter sits on your right hand at the high table while the remaining four Romans sits at the Castle Dwellers table. There will be other guests from the Longship Meep Faction and Society Faction too.

As you rise up to go to the Great Hall....

>Lady Kizaemon jumps up into your arms. Maybe you can ask a favor, get Kizaemon to pretend she's a simple cat and observe the Romans...
>The Cheesemonger and Candymaker are waiting at the door of the Throne Room, these rival goats seem ready to come to blows...
>The Artist enters with his tools, and asks for permission to draw portraits of the Romans at the feast...
>The Constable reports a number of Baphomets have been arrested for gambling, punishment needs to be levied....
>There's a brawl somewhere in the Castle, you can hear it. Who is fighting!?...
>The Cheesemonger and Candymaker are waiting at the door of the Throne Room, these rival goats seem ready to come to blows...
These two seem to have some influence due to their access to important food resources. Let us figure out what's going on; we can't have this sort of conflict in our own higher-ups
>The Artist enters with his tools, and asks for permission to draw portraits of the Romans at the feast...
I wonder if his portraits are magical
Also Hanbei's reservations are pretty funny considering it's exactly what IRL Romans were afraid the Greeks will do to them
>>Lady Kizaemon jumps up into your arms. Maybe you can ask a favor, get Kizaemon to pretend she's a simple cat and observe the Romans...
>>The Artist enters with his tools, and asks for permission to draw portraits of the Romans at the feast...
The Japanese samurai hated merchants/trade a lot and regarded as spiritually corrupting due to Confucian beliefs. I was cribbing off that but it's always amusing to know how many other civilizations possessed similar beliefs.
>Lady Kizaemon jumps up into your arms. Maybe you can ask a favor, get Kizaemon to pretend she's a simple cat and observe the Romans...
>The Artist enters with his tools, and asks for permission to draw portraits of the Romans at the feast...
>The Artist enters with his tools, and asks for permission to draw portraits of the Romans at the feast...
cheese and candy


Returned home late, no post tonight.
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Do we have our own portrait yet
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You hear the fakest cough ever to grace your ears. It is loud enough to echo in the room, and your eyes rest upon the source. A Baphomet wearing a black French beret and smoking what looks like a cigarette, he holds a sketchbook and box of charcoal.

Wait... It is a real cigarette. Where the hell did this Baphomet get cigarettes from?! As if on cue, the Bapohmet blows out a thin plume of grayish smoke, which rises up in the air and curls into the shape of a bird in flight.

"Zeep. Permission, votre Majesté, to draw ze Romans at the feast?"

It is a hideous and hilarious fake French accent. You wait a moment thinking it's a joke, but none of the Baphomets are laughing.

"Do you normally talk like that?"

"Meep. No, but Lord Mordred suggested I should. She gifted me the official Artist hat from the World, so I try to honor her wishes." At this, the Baphomet points to the beret with pride as a badge of his position before he starts talking again. "Do you want me to speak normally?"

"Speak however you wish. As for drawing the Romans, I don't see any harm."

"Zen I shall make a picture tres magnifique for ze occasion."

You're curious as to what is contained in the Artist's sketchbook. You motion the Artist closer to look at it. The Artist hands over his collection of sketches. The paper is clearly handmade. The quality is remarkably rough and is not white like modern paper. There are splotches of brown and green as well as imperfections in the thickness of the paper, but there are many leaves to go through. You flip through casually and see sketches of Camelot, scenery of Logres and Bapohmets in charcoal relief. The quality of the drawing is high.

A page catches your attention while you rapidly flip through. You accidentally went past it and have to turn back the leaves to see it fully.

It is a portrait of a teenage boy with a thousand-yard stare. He has an athletic build and seems to be very tall for his age. His clothing is a strange mix of modern and medieval clothing. You want to regard him as average-looking but can't because of how dead the eyes are. He holds a large sword casually in one hand and a whetstone in another.

You stare hard at the picture and see there are Runes in the upper right corner of the sketch. The Artist helpfully clarifies who you are looking at.

"Zat is a sketch of Zer Rodomonte. I also drew Lord Mordred."

Ah, so you now have a face to the ruthless villain. He looks very generic, the type you would pass on the street without noticing at all. You wonder what Rodomonte was like before he arrived at Avalon and gone widdershin'. You guess his musculature is the result of this time in Avalon and that he was not naturally athletic before arriving here.
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You turn to the page containing the sketch of Mordred next. The girl drawn on the page is a rambunctious-looking girl. You know the sort. A sporty girl who loves competition and has a wonderful group of friends, it reminds you of a few classmates of yours. The major difference between them and Mordred is in the eyes. Her eyes are harrowing, hardened by combat and everything she's experienced in Avalon. The armor she wears is full of gouges and scratches, as though put through hard combat.

Will your eyes look the same as these two one day? Or perhaps they already are like them.

"Excellent portraits; I can tell you put a lot of effort into drawing them. Do you have any Traits you apply to your art?"

"Zeep. Oui, my Trait iz amazin' and helps when I do art. Let me show you, I am about to run out of bones."

The Artist claps his hands, and a large black rectangle box appears in his hand. It has some strange mark emblazoned on it that you don't recognize. Trait: Mr. Vice Guy - Summon one large box of tobacco, a small bag of coffee beans, and a bottle of absinthe once every few weeks.

You blink a few times. The Artist, on the other hand, is in throes of ecstasy as he reverently strokes the box, his eyes glistening with the knowledge he has his nicotine fix.

"Truly a gift from ze gods themselves."

With that, the Artist crushes his spent cigarette on the ground and opens the carton of cigarettes eagerly. There are ten smaller, blue-colored boxes within, and the Artist promptly takes out a single cigarette from one of them and puts it in his mouth. Then he rushes off to the nearest lantern and opens the metal grate to light his cigarette.

Seneschal Hanbei frowns at the rudeness of the Artist.

"See what I mean by vices and luxuries corrupting the iron of our Baphomets? Imagine if more of it floods into Camelot through Roman trade."

"I think the worst thing about this is the Artist doesn't give me the traditional King's portion."

The look on the Artist is a remarkable sight; it's as though his entire world is ending in a conflagration of doom. He holds his cart of cigarettes protectively in both arms like a precious treasure.

"Meep. None of the other Kings demanded it. Ser Rodomonte took the strange green coffee beans once, but never again!"

The Artist drops his ridiculous fake French accent in distress. It takes some cajoling, but the Artist agrees to give up his coffee beans since he has no idea how they're even prepared, but it is a struggle to get him to part with one box of cigarettes. His preferred vice is his nicotine, and parting with even a little is a battle. As for the bottle of Absinthe, he readily gives it up since one bottle of the stuff will last him well over a month because it is so strong. He apparently has about twenty bottles of Absinthe lying around in his atelier to trade with his fellow Baphomets for art materials and assistance.
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Acquired one 5 kilogram bag of green Coffee Beans, one bottle of Absinthe, and one box of Cigarettes. Use them up or trade them!

"What did you do with the coffee beans? You can summon a bag almost every month."

"We feed them to the sheep. A few odd Baphomets chew on them in the morning, but most hate the taste and only do so if they have to be up before dawn."

You wonder if every Baphomet in Camelot has a Trait. If so, then you have a force of some 400 Baphomets with their own unique Trait or multiple Traits. It'll be something to ask Hanbei, but you need to get moving. You place the coffee beans, cigarettes, and absinthe in a small chest and order it carried to the Great Hall.

Who knows, maybe you can get a use out of them with the Romans. Either as a gift or trade item.

The Great Hall is buzzing with activity. Trestle tables seated with prominent Baphomets, servants ready with knives to carve meat, and entertainers ready to do their wonders. It seems Hanbei took to heart your advice not to overly favor his clerks; the Castle Dwellers table is a much more mixed group than usual.

"Long Live the King! Long Live the King! Long Live the King!" The Baphomets cry out and rise to greet you. At the door, the Roman envoy and his escorts are ready to enter with you. A show of amity and welcome as though they are dear guests who haven't visited in years. The Artist takes a place at a corner and prepares to draw.

The Roman Envoy sits at your right hand at the high table, while his escorts sit at a lower table where all can see them. This time Hanbei sits to join the feast, but he takes his seat with the other Romans lower down with a few other Baphomets you don't recognize. You are alone with Legatus Gaius at the high table.

It seems you're on your own this time. The Priest says the customary prayers to the gods, and then it's your turn to speak.

"My vassals, tonight we have guests from across the cruel sea. Sent here to us by our departed sister sovereign, Lord Mordred, and by the grace of the glorious Emperor Lucius Hiberius of Roma. May the Gods bless us as peace and good relations flourish between the two Kingdom. Long may she reign."

Here the envoy speaks.

"Iuppiter Optimus Maximus, we raise our cups to thee and the Gods for the blessing of xenia. Let the King Lot flourish and let friendship bloom between glorious Roma and Camelot!"

The feast begins with good cheer and wishes. You down the mead after the toast, as does Legatus Gaius, who also drinks despite being just a head. Where does the liquid go? You discover he can eat as well, with the food disappearing into thin air after entering his mouth. His porter meticulously cuts and feeds each morsel to the Legatus with care.
You can make some light conversation if you want....

Choose a maximum of two options

>Ask about Lord Mordred and her crew...
>Ask what the city of Roma is like...
>Ask about Emperor Lucius Hiberius...
>Ask if Roma had encountered other Lost Children...
>Ask what he things of Camelot...
>Ask what he meant earlier about 'building up' Camelot...
>Write in....
>Ask if the Romans ever encountered Ser Rodomonte.
>Ask if the Romans ever encountered Ser Rodomonte.
That bastard... must be out there still.
oh right, maximum of 2
add this to >>6098469
>Ask if Roma had encountered other Lost Children...
>Ask what he meant earlier about 'building up' Camelot...
>Ask if Roma had encountered other Lost Children...
I assume Rodomonte counts
>>Ask if Roma had encountered other Lost Children...
>>Ask what he meant earlier about 'building up' Camelot...
>Ask what the city of Roma is like...
>Ask about Lord Mordred and her crew...
We need to loot a coffee machine and see if it works here without power. Then all we need is to loot filters and use boiled water. Then the coffee begins... though the most likely path is having to learn how to use actual green coffee beans
surprised I missed this quest for so long, I liked Crescent Dream. this quest has a nice mix of personal adventures and civ-building
>Ask about Emperor Lucius Hiberius...
the temperament of our counterpart is the most important thing here. the romans could probably roll right over camelot in its current state
nothing much we can do about that but:
>Ask what he meant earlier about 'building up' Camelot...
we can see if we can change that state of affairs, even if their help might come with some strings
Laser focus on Rodomonte.

Lost children in general

Building up

ask about Roma
Lord mordred

About the emperor

Guess it's 'building up' and Lost children
Always nice to see someone who remembers that Sailormoon quest. I just hope I don't die from being utterly destroyed by work again.

Also researching about Aum as a basis for that cult in that game was depressing as fuck. I really should have created a cult wholesale rather than crib notes on an existing one.

In any case, I won't post tonight.
Also no post tonight. We are approaching the end of this thread I think. We are a page away from 9 and then falling off.
No post tonight. Ran out of time.
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It's a good time to strike up a conversation with the envoy and hear what information he is willing to drop. You pour a cup of mead for Legatus Gaius, and he returns the favor by ordering his personal porter to fill your cup too. A clink of the simple clay cups and then another generous mouthful goes down your throat.

You figure if you drink enough mead for long enough, it'll eventually taste delicious. Right now, it's anything but tasty. Luckily, your drinking partner isn't paying attention to your reaction to the drink but instead smacks his lips with pleasure.

"This mead is almost as good as wine. After so many weeks at sea, even the simplest of food and drink would satisfy me. Ah yes, on behalf of Roma, I ask your Majesty to prepare water, firewood, and food for the men still on board the Zama."

"Of course, we would not let guests from away starve. I shall have supplies prepared to send on board your ship."

This is a stroke of luck. If a small boat of supplies sailed by your Baphomets gets close enough to the ship, they'll be able to spy more information and details about the Romans. Perhaps they'll even be able to get on board and have a look around.

"Tell me, I'm curious given how much effort the Emperor put into coming Camelot if she has found others. In particular, I want to talk about a boy going by the name Ser Rodomonte."

You don't bother keeping the edge out of your voice when mentioning the blackguard's name.

"Ser Rodomonte? Hm, yes, King Mordred did spew calumnies about such a boy. Oh pardon, I mean Lord Mordred. We promised to Lord Mordred that any dealings with this Rodomonte are nefas, but as she is not King any more... alas, things might change."

Is this envoy being serious? Surely he heard straight from Mordred what Rodomonte is like. You want to say something to the envoy but feel something restrain your mouth.

This Roman likes to talk; let him run his mouth. He is so arrogant that he can't imagine how much he is giving away.

'Speech is silver, silence is gold.'

Is King Lot advising you? In any case, you lost the chance to interrupt, and Legatus Gaius prattles away.

"We have not found Rodomonte. As for the others, the most troublesome one for us is Queen Guinevere. He's a slippery one and opposed to the ardent desire by the Imperator to come and reside in Roma. Ah yes, should you meet the Queen, please consider capturing him. The Imperator will richly reward anyone who catches and delivers him to Roma!"

Queen? Guin is a Queen?! Wow. So that's why he asked if you were going to make fun of him. This shouldn't be all that surprising if you had given it any thought. Despite being a girl, everyone calls you King, and you are most definitely not a boy. Wait, why does Lucius want Guin? It takes all your strength not to interrupt but to allow the envoy to continue his monologue.
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"Damsel Vivian of the Waters visited Roma once many moons ago. However, this was before the Imperator ruled the city. Despite later entreaties, the Damsel has never returned. Escanor Le Grand is wholly unknown. In my personal opinion, that girl is going to die soon, as all her messages are pleading for a way out. If she had the misfortune to be where no one could assist her, it's only a matter of time. Truly, a Lost Child gone widdershin' on an isle without vassals is a tragedy. I'm sure the plays on her brief life shall be a nice little act for the theater halls of Roma."

With that, the envoy takes a long drink of mead to slake his thirst, his long spiel at an end. He didn't mention the Bitch who trapped you here in Avalon. Could it be that he doesn't know of her existence? You are worried about Escanor more after hearing the Roman's little commentary.

The Bard takes over the center of the Great Hall and begins an announcement of the presentation of gifts to the Romans. Baphomets arrive carrying each a small pile of treasures. Thick elaborate silver bracelets and neck torques, polished drinking horns chased with thin lines of gold, warm quality cloaks with silver pins shaped as birds, and other precious items are laid out on round polished obsidian disks for each guest. There is an abundance of silver in Camelot, and the Baphomets deem the metal virtually useless for their needs. They would trade all the silver in exchange for more useful metal, such as iron, if they could.

"A good offering to Roma; if there's more of that in Camelot, than it'd be worth journeying out to this isle to develop it."

The eyes of the Romans glitter with greed. To your surprise, they accept the gifts but don't offer any gifts back! The Baphomets are taken aback too as they watch the Romans grandly accept the silver and sit back down. Gift-giving is supposed to be mutual; this is a serious faux pas or a deliberate insult.

'Neither. They assume the treasures are tribute.'

"Yes, you did mention earlier something about 'building up' Camelot'. What did you mean?"

Legatus Gaius smiles genially, and what he says next is enraging.

"Tis evident that Camelot lacks many critical goods and expertise; this Kingdom needs the might and blessings of Roma to uplift it. The Imperator sent us as the first ship to establish relations for mutual exchange and benefits. I am here not only as Legatus but also as a quaestor to await the others who will assist in establishing profitable trade and building up the necessary industries. This was all agreed upon with the blessing of the then King Mordred! But alas, Mordred is not King. It is you, Your Majesty. Which is why we should discuss tomorrow how to go about this and enrich Camelot and Roma mutually."
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'Building up' means Romans settling in Camelot to develop the resources of the island of Logres. Then there could be trade, and the Romans would send manufactured goods and expertise in exchange. The Romans want to build a settlement or create their own quarter within Camelot for that purpose. That is the gist of Legatus Gaius's little speech.

At first blush, it sounds like a good idea. Except you read similar situations from history books. This grasping cotton-stuffed doll is basically saying that Emperor Lucius Hiberius is going to treat your Kingdom like a fucking colony to extract resources from.

If the twin islands of Logres are like Japan cocooned in isolation by the Sakoku policy of old, then the ship in the harbor is the equivalent to Perry's black ships. Intent on cracking open the isolated island for exploitation. You have a lot more sympathy now for the Japanese back in the dying days of the Tokugawa shogunate trying to deal with the crisis of foreign empires intruding on the country.

Other ships are on the way evidently. It took these Romans weeks to sail here. Who knows how far away those other ships are or how many intend to arrive in Camelot. You can barely speak pleasantries as the Roman envoy extols the virtues of Roma and the bright future of Camelot to come.

The feast ends and the guests are lead away to their rooms in the Castle to sleep.

You can't bring yourself to sleep. Instead you slam open the door to the 'office' and kick at the stones in frustration at your situation.

>"Bring me Hanbei, now!"
>"Well old man Lot, any good ideas?"
>"I am going to murder those arrogant felt fabric bastards..."
>"Kizaemon, where are you? You weren't at the feast..."
>"I pray I am worthy of my rule, watch me Gods of Avalon..."
>Write in
>"Well old man Lot, any good ideas?"
>>"Kizaemon, where are you? You weren't at the feast..."
>>"I pray I am worthy of my rule, watch me Gods of Avalon..."
>"Well old man Lot, any good ideas?"
I want to establish good relations with the namesake. Maybe telling him that since the vow he hates was made in jest and drunkenness (which many a vow has been done by past others in similar circumstances!) we will also complete it in jest. Nothing says we can't get guys together to satisfy the vow then immediately disband them
>>"Well old man Lot, any good ideas?"
bother an old man

kitty kat

Pray to the Gods

I figure this will be the last post and then in a week and a half, a new thread once I generate some more plot points/ideas.
More drunken vows and clothing shenanigans
no post tonight. Trying to find an appropriate image for King Lot is hard. I might just go for psycho William Adams from a manga instead.
Bit of a writer's block on how to end the thread. no post tonight.
Also, I am greatly entertained by Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, I'm glad someone recommended me this manhwa.
Still writing through writer's block.
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The Romans are here and intend on opening up the Kingdom for 'trade'. There's no changing those facts. As tempting as it is to whine about the unfairness of it all, it's pointless.

You have to manage the situation with whatever resources and tools you have.

Camelot has incredibly loyal vassals devoted to you; they are the base of your power and future security. You are going to use them to overcome this problem. You doubt that Emperor Lucius Hiberius could boast of a more loyal group of followers. And many of them have unique powers and abilities. Of course, not all of them are useful.

You stare at the bottle of Absinthe, box of Cigarettes and bag of green Coffee Beans extracted from the Artist and sigh.

Camelot is on an island full of resources available to exploit, and the city has many buildings containing industries awaiting revival. Once elections for Guild leaders' finishes, there'll be a government able to lighten the load on administrating and governing. Getting a wider range of knowledge from the Baphomets will help make up for your ignorance of Avalon.

It would never have occurred to you that Avalon is flat and you can't circumnavigate around to reach the islands to the east. You get up to look at Mordred's crayon-drawn map with wonder. You place a single finger on the paper, tracing the voyages by the intrepid explorer to discover new islands.

Did Mordred tell the Romans, or was the information taken from her unwillingly?

If you were in Mordred's position, you wouldn't tell anyone, even if they're a fellow human. Not unless you can trust them or have more power than them. If Roma is as powerful as the envoy is suggesting, then telling them about the existence of a weak, vulnerable Kingdom is tantamount to handing it over. And there's the question of the Baphomets that were with her: what happened to them? None of them are onboard the Zama.
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"For a King, it is always a good policy to assume the worst. Ye shall seldom be disappointed."

Was that your own thought? Or was that King Lot's? Or perhaps you are in tune with your Namesake, in harmony with the 'music of the spheres' that Seneschal Hanbei blathered about and sharing the same opinion on the situation.

In addition to faithful vassals, there's you. The powers from being Blessed by Avalon and the favor of the Gods is at your command. Or at the very least, one Goddess who greatly favors you.

And there's King Lot of Lothian and Orkney.

"And Camelot."

You almost laugh at the insistence of tacking on Camelot to the list of titles.

"Well old man Lot, any good ideas?"

You ask wondering how the Namesake will respond. Would he propose? So far the only alternatives you can think up is to eject the Romans which could result in war. You aren't keen on that idea. The other is submission to demands from the Romans which is a recipe for future impoverishment and your ego might not survive the humiliation.

"Delay, temporarily put off the Romans while Camelot is strengthened. A weak Kingdom is meat for the strong. Mayhap we can on more equal terms with the invaders."

That sounds like a bad idea that will piss off the Romans. History only shows that the powerful can only be put off for so long with delaying tactics. Heck, you only have to read what happened to the Tokugawa shogunate in history to know how untenable such a tactic is.

And yet... It wasn't as if the former regime in crisis was idle and doing nothing productive during the delay. New technology, new weapons, reforms were enacted to strengthen the country resulted. It formed the base for the later Meiji Revolution for Japan and did overturn the Unequal Treaties.

The question is how to delay things.

"The Guild elections... I can tell the Romans that nothing can be done until the elections are over. If I hint to the participants to proceed slowly in selecting a Baphomet..."

You don't know much about the Roman Empire but you do recall they had elections for positions. If you tell them the election season is ongoing, they might accept and delay serious negotiations and demands for a little while.

Can you gain enough power and resources to fend off ships of avaricious Romans by then? You don't have a lot of time to do so, but it might just be enough. It doesn't hurt to try.

You walk over to your Relics and stare at the motley collection. A Black Mask, Cellphone and charger, Tea Bowl and 2 Survival Booklets.

2 Survival Booklets.
At first, you cannot tell what is bothering you about these thin paper booklets. They are the printed materials Fushimi Miki prepared to give to classmates because she had no faith in the camping ability and knowledge of citified Tokyoites running around in the Hokkaido wilderness. The black print of 'How to Survive in the Hokkaido Wilderness' title pricks at your memory, and then...


When you first arrived in Avalon, you had 5 of these booklets. Each had names written in them to designate who was going to receive them. You burned one to make a fire on your first night in Avalon.

Then you carried the remaining 4 booklets in the backpack when you went off on your first Quest. You know it because you opened all up after Yatagarasu explained the way to return to your old life has a first step: discovering your True Name! You found it written in there! The other booklets had the names of Tatemichi Haruhi, Yanagi Naomi, and Nagumo Kyouya. Wait, you also wrote in a thank-you note to Fushimi Miki in the booklet with your True Name.

The Backlash from the hateful World burned the items. How can you have 2 Survival Booklets here in the office?!

You grab the booklet and open up to the first page of each.

The first has your name, Kuroda Haruka, written in it. It has to be the same Survival Booklet from when you opened it on that lonely sandy island with Yatagarasu because it contains the thank-you note you wrote to Fushimi Miki in it.

The second has Nagumo Kyouya's name in it.

You stare uncomprehendingly at the sight. There's no damage on them at all; they're as pristine as the day they got stuffed into the transfer student's backpack.
End of this thread.
I propose that Sep 22 be the start of the new thread. I shall be generating new ideas and continuing the adventure.

It's a good thing my writer's block happened right at the end rather that in the middle.
Thanks for running!
Thanks for writing!
Did Nagumo's booklet get erased because Nagumo was not trapped in Avalon, but she got pulled into the dimension once again offscreen?
Page 11. See you next time, space cowboy!

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