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Before the green garbed hero arrived, before the princess’s power arise, before the blade of evils bane, before the kingdom of Hyrule waned, there were kings and queens, soldiers and spies, all battling to keep the kingdom alive. They fought the king of evil’s might, but were all cast down into deepest night. Without their bravery no land would there be, for the hero in green to have set free. So come all ye listeners and harken to me, while I spin thee a tale about the heroes in mail. The common solider whose blood was spilled, to buy time for the hero with the iron will.

Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=The+Fall+of+Hyrule
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Jinom gives his men the order to halt, and the ring around the Gerudo stops tightening. In the brief quiet Jinom calls out. "Why should I? Do you think you deserve my mercy?"

The elderly Gerudo frowns and a quick, hushed conversation happens among the Gerudo. Another Gerudo steps out next to elder one and responds in only slightly better Hylian "You not kill the powerless. Hylians have honor."

The prince nods "We do spare those who surrender, but only those who have honor themselves. Since your people arrived here, you have shown nothing of the sort. Sneak attacks and assassination under a flag of truce, those are not honorable actions."

A tense silence fills the air as the elder Gerudo's jaw tightens and she mutters something inaudible causing her translator to look back at her in disbelief. Several of the other Gerudo take a few steps closer to their leader and the beginnings of a hushed argument can be heard before the elder Gerudo shuts them down with a gesture. With no further argument allowed the translator speaks. "Then let the dishonorable pay for their actions." The elder Gerudo steps forward and locks eyes with Jinom as the translator says "I planned the attack and led the others during it. If you have to punish anyone let it be me."

The prince meets the Gerudo's resolute stare for a long moment, then turning to Sir Nagos at his side he says, "Take them captive." Only a day away from the summer palace now, his brother, Rohm, could decide their fate. After all he had been the one to watch their father die, and he was king now. The fate of captured Gerudo was a matter that he could decide.

As the Gerudos' hands are bound Jinom notices how young some of them are. Smaller, lankier, and oddly proportion Gerudo youths stand beside older, weathered, and age beaten ones. The homespun quality of their equipment also confirms what the Gerudo ambassador had let slip the Gerudo truly were desperate. Hopefully when Jinom finally returned to his brother tomorrow, this information along with everything else he had learned could be used to devise a plan to help end this war.

After months of playing the diplomat Jinom has become a little wiser. Select a bonus for the young princeling.

>Junior Diplomat - Months of traveling to distant courts and meeting a wide variety of peoples has honed Jinom's diplomatic skill. (Reroll one failure when speaking with people in a diplomatic setting)
>Adept Negotiator - haggling over treaties and the minutiae of trade agreements has made Jinom a better negotiator. (Jinom gains a free point in his favor when negotiating, whether it be over a treaty or bartering for goods)
>Inspiring Leader - dealing with people of all stripes and coordinating with allies in battle has helped Jinom better understand what drives people to fight. (Once per battle Jinom can grant his side +2 Courage and ignore any fear effects for one round)
>Junior Diplomat - Months of traveling to distant courts and meeting a wide variety of peoples has honed Jinom's diplomatic skill. (Reroll one failure when speaking with people in a diplomatic setting
I haven't forgotten that zorussy.
>>Junior Diplomat - Months of traveling to distant courts and meeting a wide variety of peoples has honed Jinom's diplomatic skill. (Reroll one failure when speaking with people in a diplomatic setting)
>Junior Diplomat - Months of traveling to distant courts and meeting a wide variety of peoples has honed Jinom's diplomatic skill. (Reroll one failure when speaking with people in a diplomatic setting)
>>Inspiring Leader - dealing with people of all stripes and coordinating with allies in battle has helped Jinom better understand what drives people to fight. (Once per battle Jinom can grant his side +2 Courage and ignore any fear effects for one round)
>Inspiring Leader - dealing with people of all stripes and coordinating with allies in battle has helped Jinom better understand what drives people to fight. (Once per battle Jinom can grant his side +2 Courage and ignore any fear effects for one round)
We are in a state of war.
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Our prince is now a
>Junior Diplomat - Months of traveling to distant courts and meeting a wide variety of peoples has honed Jinom's diplomatic skill. (Reroll one failure when speaking with people in a diplomatic setting)

Months Earlier

"I don't know if sending your brother out on this diplomatic mission was the best choice Rohm" Queen-Dowager Hilma says as the two of them enter the Summer Palace's dining hall, currently a makeshift throne room. "He may be eager, but he has no experience with such things."

"Mother if times had been different and the roads safer, I would have sent you, but with things as they are I couldn't risk it. Besides I'm sure Jinom will do fine." Rohm calms his mother.

"If you say so, I just hope he remembers his lessons in etiquette."

The two of them come to a halt in front of a table with a rough map of the estate strewn across it. "Well, it's not the most defensible location but I guess we'll have to make do."Rohm says studying the map carefully.

"And it's been a forever since we last stayed here, most of the decor is far out of season." Hilma says studying the ornaments on the walls of the dining hall. "But it's nothing that some time and money couldn't fix. Unfortunately, we are short on both."

"Agreed we'll have to plan carefully and be prepared to make sacrifices."


After some planning and a lot of debate it is decided that some of the older decor and valuables from around the palace can be sold off to get a little starting wealth. After considerations for supply and a few other "administrative" expenses, even in times of wars for national defense soldiers must be fed and paid, the King is left with 2 Wealth to spend as he sees fit. And there is a lot to be done with that wealth but certain projects must come first.

>Basic: With the resources and labor at hand it would be simple enough to build a wooden palisade and some ditches around the outside of the palace grounds simple but will do in a pinch. (Wealth Cost: 0)
>Extensive Basic: A large swathe of the place grounds will be dug up to create an extensive series of ditches and wood palisades sure to deter any attacker. Some money will have to be spent on extra tools and timber to accomplish this however. (Wealth Cost: 1)
>Strengthen the key points: With some quarried stone and a few masons the key points of the Summer Palace could be strengthened. Brick up a few windows and reinforce a few doors and this place will start to look like a castle. (Wealth Cost: 2)

>Austere: Bare walls and bare floors with only the few things Hilma didn't sell to adorn the palace it's not much but it is an accurate depiction of your current circumstances. (Wealth Cost: 0)
>Simple: Enough decoration to make the place feel lived in and so that it doesn't look like you're living in abject poverty. (Wealth Cost: 1)
>Renovate the Throne Room: Cleaning up and renovating the dining hall into an actual throne room will project an aura of confidence upon visiting allies and enemies alike, so long as they don't wander too far down the otherwise baren halls of the palace. (Wealth Cost: 2)

Other Considerations:
>Stock the Armory: During the retreat from Hyrule Castle there was only time to grab what you could carry. Now with a new permanent base you'll need to stock up on the essential of war and give your troops a place to store and maintain their gear when not in use. (Wealth Cost: 1)
>Acquire Some Kingly Vestments: Lost along with the castle was also much of the Royal Family's wardrobe. While marching around in armor all day is fine and all, some nice clothes could be helpful for when you meet with potential friends and allies. (Wealth Cost: 1)
>>Extensive Basic: A large swathe of the place grounds will be dug up to create an extensive series of ditches and wood palisades sure to deter any attacker. Some money will have to be spent on extra tools and timber to accomplish this however. (Wealth Cost: 1)

>Austere: Bare walls and bare floors with only the few things Hilma didn't sell to adorn the palace it's not much but it is an accurate depiction of your current circumstances. (Wealth Cost: 0)

>Stock the Armory: During the retreat from Hyrule Castle there was only time to grab what you could carry. Now with a new permanent base you'll need to stock up on the essential of war and give your troops a place to store and maintain their gear when not in use. (Wealth Cost: 1)

Sorry if the wording on this vote was confusing, but please select one option from both the Defenses and Decor remember though you currently only have 2 Wealth (something that will have to be addressed at the next Royal Council).

You can format your vote like so.



Other Considerations:
>these are nice, but optional at the moment.
>>Strengthen the key points

Get this out of the way, then we focus on the decor.
>Extensive Basic: A large swathe of the place grounds will be dug up to create an extensive series of ditches and wood palisades sure to deter any attacker. Some money will have to be spent on extra tools and timber to accomplish this however. (Wealth Cost: 1

>Austere: Bare walls and bare floors with only the few things Hilma didn't sell to adorn the palace it's not much but it is an accurate depiction of your current circumstances. (Wealth Cost: 0)

Other Considerations:
>Stock the Armory: During the retreat from Hyrule Castle there was only time to grab what you could carry. Now with a new permanent base you'll need to stock up on the essential of war and give your troops a place to store and maintain their gear when not in use. (Wealth Cost: 1)
I can see the problem...looking poor is an issue for diplomacy but we are at war too. And i think that armory would really help for start changing things around on the war matter. Even if making the summer palace more of a castle is definetly tempting ....

>Extensive Basic


Other Considerations
>Stock the Armory

The result : a fresh military fort surrounding the now stale old estate, with new war supplies and equipment. And a warrior king inside.

Thankfully Jinom is back in a few months, with some losses to his retinue but a lot of mostly decent diplomatic work done. Some small victories added to his prestige too, which is nice for the honor and prestige of the royal house (but they are small so... not important has winning a large battle).
>Extensive Basic: A large swathe of the place grounds will be dug up to create an extensive series of ditches and wood palisades sure to deter any attacker. Some money will have to be spent on extra tools and timber to accomplish this however. (Wealth Cost: 1)

>Austere: Bare walls and bare floors with only the few things Hilma didn't sell to adorn the palace it's not much but it is an accurate depiction of your current circumstances. (Wealth Cost: 0)

>Stock the Armory: During the retreat from Hyrule Castle there was only time to grab what you could carry. Now with a new permanent base you'll need to stock up on the essential of war and give your troops a place to store and maintain their gear when not in use. (Wealth Cost: 1)
>Extensive Basic: A large swathe of the place grounds will be dug up to create an extensive series of ditches and wood palisades sure to deter any attacker. Some money will have to be spent on extra tools and timber to accomplish this however. (Wealth Cost: 1)

>Austere: Bare walls and bare floors with only the few things Hilma didn't sell to adorn the palace it's not much but it is an accurate depiction of your current circumstances. (Wealth Cost: 0)

>Stock the Armory: During the retreat from Hyrule Castle there was only time to grab what you could carry. Now with a new permanent base you'll need to stock up on the essential of war and give your troops a place to store and maintain their gear when not in use. (Wealth Cost: 1)
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>Extensive Basic Defenses: it will now be significantly harder for a direct attack to succeed in defeating your forces here as well as making it harder for any enemy agents to slip in.
>Austere Decor: While true to your current circumstances it will be harder for you to impress anyone with you rather lack luster appearance.
>Stocked Armory: With some more gear and place to store it your forces will retain their decent equipment bonuses.

Present Day

Queen-Dowager Hilma let's out a wistful sigh and watches through one of the Summer Palace's windows, as the soldiers lower one of the last few palisade timbers into position. Even through the glass she can hear the muffled *thump* as the timber is dropped into place.

"Do you like the new landscaping mother?" Rohm says as he comes to stand beside her. The expression on his mother's face says that she is in no mood for jokes "I'm sorry mom, but this is for our protection." Rohm says trying to placate her.

Hilma sighs again "I know son, it's still hard though. This place used to be so beautiful. I can still remember you and your siblings running around the gardens, laughing, playing, and enjoying life. Now those gardens are trampled muddy messes, encircled within wood defense works."

"It's only temporary, when all of this is over, we can plant a new garden and you can watch your grandchildren trample through its leaves." Almost as soon as the words leave his mouth Rohm regrets it.

"Hmm? and when will I be getting those grandchildren sir, 'I'm too busy to worry about a wife'."

"Just as soon as this war is over," Rohm responds with a wince. "I'll look into getting married.

"That is far too late, a marriage right now is what's needed to help secure our kingdom. I have a few ideas on who might be willing to lend us an army for a simple 'I do'."

"Let's discuss it later mother, at the meeting when Jinom gets back." Rohm says trying to delay the inevitable.

"An excellent idea, with Jinom and you both married we'd have plenty of support."

Rohm winces again Jinom was going to kill him when he got back.

"Your Majesty," Rohm is saved from marriage discussions as one of his Sheikah bodyguards approaches. "Prince Jinom and his men have returned."


"I have to say, you're a better diplomat than I thought Jinom." Rohm says as the debriefing wraps up. "Full Goron support, a good deal with the Zora, and inroads with the Rito. I don't think mother could have done better herself."

Hilma frowns at that remark. "A decent work to be sure, but some of the treaty terms with the Zora worry me, and the Rito situation will require a deft touch if we are to garner more support and avoid angering anymore tribes. But for your first diplomatic tour you've done very well." She says giving Jinom an encouraging smile.

"And these Gerudo prisoners you brought us. You say that they surrendered?" Rohm asks.

"Yes, once it was clear that their sneak attack had failed and that they were clearly outmatched, they surrendered." Jinom answers plainly.

"Another sign of their desperation perhaps. After what their ambassador let slip maybe we can end this war sooner than expected." Hilma muses, half to herself and half to the others "I would be interested in speaking to these prisoners."

"I would be as well although I was thinking more along the lines of an interrogation than a friendly chat." Rohm says, a dark expression settling over his face.

"A friendly chat might yield more than torture," Hilma cuts in noticing her son's expression. "They have surrendered which shows some willingness to cooperate. We can use that to find out a little more about what triggered this war and maybe how we can stop it."

Rohm says nothing, but the dark expression doesn't leave his face as he looks expectantly at Jinom.

Who should interrogate the Gerudo prisoners?

>Queen-Dowager Hilma
>King Rohm
>Prince Jinom
>>Prince Jinom
Although if possible I'd propose we do a 'good cop bad cop' sort of thing.
>Prince Jinom
>King Rohm
>Queen-Dowager Hilma
>Queen-Dowager Hilma
Having a woman talk with them might be a good move.
>>Queen-Dowager Hilma
>Prince Jinom
>King Rohm
Rolled 2 (1d2)

We've got a tie


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The Summer Palace doesn't have any dungeons. So, the prisoners had been split up and stowed in some of the now bare guest rooms on the interior of the palace. Somewhat insecure, but with some well-placed guards, it is secure enough. With Jinom’s support, it is Queen-Dowager Hilma who visits the Gerudo cells. Under the watchful eyes of the guards, she brings the Gerudo their meals room by room and sits with them as they eat. She tests her knowledge of the Gerudo language by asking them mundane questions about their age, where they are from, and about their families.

> Base DC 50
> Hilma’s Wisdom +40 DC
> Queenly Intrigue +2 Re-Rolls
> Soft Approach +10DC
> Average Gerudo Wisdom -20DC
> Total DC 80

> Give me three d100s, the two re-rolls should be used by the original roller

0 Passes = Tight lipped and close knit, the Gerudo give away nothing and prevent Hilma from generating any kind of rapport with them.
1 Passes = While the Gerudo don’t say much it is clear that Hilma has gained a little respect with them. A few more months of this treatment and they might tell you something useful.
2 Passes = Hilma learns much from her chats, namely who the fighters are, and where they are from and from the space in between their words she can piece together some of the reason why they are here.
3 Passes = The Gerudo fold completely even the Gerudo leader is taken in by Hilma’s tactics and valuable insight into the Gerudo is gained.
Rolled 92 (1d100)

Rolled 68 (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

Can we reroll this?
Oh man I hope so. If we get three successes, shit will be cash money.

Let's give the original roller 30 minutes, then feel free to re-roll remember, you have two tries if the the first one fails
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Queenie is being lenient towards the conquering foe that killed her husband. Guess she can't deny the Ganon charisma lol
I'm sure that's what the Gerudo are telling themselves to deny that they've been duped into betraying their own people.

especially with that roll
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>3 Passes = The Gerudo fold completely even the Gerudo leader is taken in by Hilma’s tactics. Valuable insights into the Gerudo are gained.

The first thing Hilma notices as she brings the Gerudo their food is the large difference in age between some of them. There are lanky, disproportioned, and stick thin young girls no older than fourteen stuck in with women who look like they should have grandchildren by now. They are slow to trust, but eventually they start to open up to Hilma's genial prodding. Her initial observations were correct, there are Gerudo both very young and quite old here, cobbled together from different families, professions, and walks of life. Room after room of Gerudo tell the same story of a generally hard life scrapping together an existence from the desert and dry grasslands south of Hyrule. Some of the older ones point out it didn't use to be this way and that they used to have a beautiful home in the heart of the desert. When asked why they were still not there the response is simple. The large oasis that had fed their town dried up and they had to abandon everything and wander the wastelands in search of new lives. Until their king brought them here to this lush land of greenery and readily available water. It was a paradise compared to their old life and many of the younger ones express a desire to never return to the desert.

Last stop on Hilma's visits is the commander of the Gerudo force. A woman whose name she'd learned was Calya. "Good day Calya, you slept well I hope?" Hilma says in her improved Gerudo, as she sets the food down on a nearby table.

Calya's face twitches at her name, but she recovers quickly "I slept fine. I see the others have already told you my name. What else did they tell you?"

"Oh, just some simple things. I know that Nali turns sixteen soon, Marta has two wonderful girls waiting for her back home, and that many of them love the greenery around here. Some of the older ones say it reminds them of the old oasis city."

Calya smiles and a far-off look enters her eye. "That it does, Naborata was a wonderful green jewel in the desert. Fruit vines used wind all over town and palm trees used to shade its squares. "

"It sounds like a wonderful place. It's a shame that the water ran out."

Calya sighs "It was bound to happen, the town was so large by then it was surprising it didn't happen sooner. We had consumed so much water that when the oasis began to shrink, we were too drunk to notice until at last, our cups were empty. Queen Ramaji should have noticed it, but I guess she was too old by then."


"Queen? But I thought you were led by a king?" Hilma asks latching on to this new information.

"Ramaji was the old queen, she died about the same time the oasis began to dry up. That was when Gannondorf took over, he was king before, but Ramaji had kept him in check. When she died there was no left who could say no. There is the new queen Nabooru, but she is too young and inexperienced. She lacks the courage to deny him."

"Poor girl, newly queen and already her people are plunged into war." Hilma adds sorrowfully.

"Indeed, we should have done better for her and for our children."

"Not the way you would have done things?"

"No, we should have looked for a new oasis while we still had time there was water in that desert yet, if only we had spent the time to look, but no, our king had decided that we were to throw ourselves at you Hylians and so we wasted our time and resources preparing for war. Thousands died crossing the desert to get here so that by the time we arrived were too drained to fight and had to waste years at a hard scrabble existence that only made us weaker then at the absolute last of our strength and my patience we attack and despite everything win a stunning victory."

Hilma forces herself to bite her tongue at those words. That "stunning victory" had come at the cost of her husband and two of her sons, but she had learned long ago to never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

"But I fear what might happen if this war drags on, I fear what might become of us, and how few of us will remain at the end." Sudden snapping out of her monolog Calya locks eyes with Hilma. "That is why I have told you all this Hylian Queen I ask you to spare us. Are the actions of one man, one king enough to doom an entire people to extinction?"

The question catches Hilma off guard and she is unable to answer for a long moment. Her courtly instincts take hold and she can feel herself mutter "Of course not." Then excuse herself from the room.

Much can be learned from all that was said, but the question remains, can whole be responsible for the one?


Present Day at Hyrule Castle

Over the last three months Laro and his team of librarians, archive curators, and anyone literate he could get his hands on, had been through the archives pulling everything they could on the Triforce of Wisdom. While they had found lots of old stories about how the three goddesses had formed the world and left behind the Triforce when they returned to the heavens. They had found nothing as to its location nor the other two pieces, the Triforce of Power and the Triforce of Courage. Much to his relief and to Gannondorf's annoyance. With three months effectively wasted, the Gerudo King's patience was coming to an end and Laro knew it. He would have to give him something if he wanted to continue on as a spy. Thankfully while the location of the Triforce had thus far alluded him, his team had found a text that spoke of a path to a fountain of knowledge. At least that's what they'd translated it as. The path was said to only open to those who possessed four things. A Lens of Truth, A Rod of Dominion, A Cape of the Roc, and lastly proof of the seekers Royal Heritage. They had found leads on the lens, the rod, and the cape. With the proof of royal heritage meaning likely a member of the Royal Family's blood, or so one of the archives curators had said. Laro could give Gannondorf this knowledge to likely sate him for the moment, but he wasn't going to just give away his whole hand just yet. Giving the Gerudo King the items piece meal could work while giving the rest of the locations to his king giving him a chance to take the items before the Gerudo, or to ambush them at the artifact's location. Question is though, which item should he tell Gannondorf about...

>The Lens of Truth
>The Rod of Dominion
>The Cape of the Roc
>Tell Gannondorf nothing and prepare an escape.
>The Cape of the Roc

It's the least powerful item in general
>>The Cape of the Roc
>>The Cape of the Roc
>The Cape of the Roc
>The Cape of the Roc
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The Cape of the Roc an item said to grant its wearer the ability to fly. While certainly powerful, it seemed the least so among the other two items. Contained somewhere on the Rito's Mountain it also seemed the hardest one to get. Compiling his information Laro writes another letter to his king, then prepares to update Gannondorf on his findings. With luck, the information he presents will only harm the Gerudo, while keeping he and his team safe for a while longer.

A several days later, at the Summer Palace

"The time to strike is growing short." Rohm says, surveying a map of Hyrule. "Summer is upon us and we have yet to rally our our full strength. Our current forces are enough to hold this position, but if we don't start moving the Gerudo will pick us off piecemeal and then we'll be in big trouble."

"I agree, but we'll have to pay for and feed all of those troops somehow. We need to secure our finances before we can think about any major campaigns." Hilma adds

"There's also the matter of these artifacts Laro mentioned" Jinom says, rereading the letter. "Even if they turn out to be nothing but myths, our enemy is pursuing them and we can use that to our advantage."

"Right, cut off some of their grasping hands and they'll start to keep them to themselves. A nice first target."

Jinom nods "Also a possible diplomatic win if we can show the Gerudo to be aggressive land grabbers to the Rito."

"More allies would be helpful," Hilma says "It would be worth considering marriage options as well." she says with a meaningful look at her two sons.

Trying to evade his mother's gaze Jinom pushes on. "Maybe, although I'm curious about what that Gerudo captive said. A Gerudo Queen, we've had no knowledge of her thus far which means she's likely not with this main invasion force. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say that she is with the Gerudo who are unable to fight, those too young or old to wield a weapon."

"Another possible target." Rohm nods.

"A possible hostage and bargaining chip." Jinom nods as well.

"Much to do and little time to do it in." Hilma sighs.

Select Next Seasons Tasks

>Rally the Hylian Army.

>Continue the Diplomatic Mission.

>Gather funds/resources for the army.

>Seek combat with the Gerudo.

>Rest and train the army.

>Seek out marriage alliances.

>Acquire the Artifacts

Sheikah Actions:

>Spy on the enemy. (Provides an intelligence boost to one of your actions this turn)

>Guard the Royal Family. (Protects the Royals from harm when on missions and will make it more difficult for the Gerudo to perform an assassination mission on them)

>Thwart enemy action. (Attempts to cancel one random enemy action this turn)

>Prevent Artifact Retrieval

>Find The Gerudo Queen.

As a reminder, all of the Royals can do any mission with the exception that the Queen cannot perform combat missions. Any royal not selected for a mission will simply assist the King with his task improving his odds of success, unless otherwise specified. The formatting for the votes should be as follows.




> Rally the Hylian Army.

>Gather funds/resources for the army.

>Continue the Diplomatic Mission.

>>Prevent Artifact Retrieval
> Rally the Hylian Army.

>Gather funds/resources for the army.

>Continue the Diplomatic Mission.

>Thwart enemy action. (Attempts to cancel one random enemy action this turn)
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“So we’re all set then?” Jinom asks.

“Yes,” Rohm replies. “I will start to gather our forces, much of our landed nobility was not there the day of the attack, so they should have their forces readied. It should just be a matter of collecting them… I hope. Meanwhile mother will see to getting our finances in order to feed and equip these men though most of that should be taken care of by their lords.”

“We would hope,” Hilma says “But some of the nobility like to skimp on their troop expenditures so having funds to spare will be of great help.”

“And while we are handling that, Jinom you should finish talking to our neighbors get what help you can. When all is said and done, hopefully we’ll be able to stock of a large army, a full treasury, and promises of aid from our allies. Some thing has to be done to hinder our enemy, so to that end. Impa!” Rohm calls to the room at large.

Coming into the light Impa steps up beside Rohm. “Yes, your majesty?”

I want you to strike a blow against our foe. Find a weak spot and hit it. Work with Laro to find a target if needed, but we need to remind our enemy that we are not out of this fight yet, and that they are here on borrowed time. Dismissed.”

With that the meeting breaks up and everyone heads out to handle their assigned tasks.

Queen-Dowager Hilma considers her options for funding. During wars in the past, it was not uncommon for an extra tax to be levied in order to help pay for the defense of the realm. Normally the king would send out messengers to his vassals and tax collectors and they would do the work. With things in their current state of disarray however a more personal touch will be required. Of course there is also the royal mint located away from the castle. In all the confusion of the attack and relocation, she had forgotten about it until now. It might have a small stockpile of unstamped rupees and precious metals lying around and holding it would give them back some legitimacy. Other than that, she could always ask their allies for additional funds. It would be putting them in debt to them, but it would be a fast and relatively easy way to get money. “Goddesses, I wish we would’ve had time to secure the treasury before we left.” She muses to herself. All that money in the hands of the enemy, the thought made her sick. There has to be a way to get it back, or at least deny the enemy its use. As that thought swirls in her head, she catches sight of Impa departing the meeting room. May be there was away to fix their mistake.”

How should Hilma collect funds?

> Levy the war tax
>Secure the royal mint.
>Ask your allies for loans.

*Optional* task Impa with collecting, or destroying Hyrule Castle’s treasury (Note: this will take the place of canceling an enemy action)

>Yes, reassign Impa to handle the treasury
>No, Keep Impa on her current task.
>Secure the royal mint.
>Yes, reassign Impa to handle the treasury
>>Secure the royal mint.
>Yes, reassign Impa to handle the treasury
>Secure the royal mint.
>No, Keep Impa on her current task.
>Secure the royal mint.

>Yes, reassign Impa to handle the treasury
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“Impa. I have a different task in mind for you, or rather a particular target I’d like you to strike.” Explaining to Impa what her target is and as much as she knows about it, Hilma directs Impa to “Take what you can and destroy what you can’t. It is far more important to deny the enemy access to the money than it is for us to acquire it.”

“As you wish your grace, we will ensure that it is destroyed.” Impa responds with a deferential bow.

“Good, thank you Impa, I wish you luck.”

Impa bows once more then departs, leaving the Queen-Dowager to prepare for her own assignment.

Hilma almost couldn’t remember the last time she’d worn riding clothes, but judging by the tightness and chaffing in certain areas, it was clearly before she’d acquired a more matronly figure. Faint images of dusty roads, sunsets, and picnics under shade trees wander through her mind as starts to remember the last time she wore these clothes. Swims in streams, the wind blowing out her hair, and Rham a young man, smiling and laughing as they both tore on ahead of their guards, trying to catch a moment alone with one another. The memory sends a sharp stab of pain into her heart and Hilma forces the memory of her late husband away.

There is a knock on the door to her quarters as a familiar voice calls out to her. “Are you ready to depart Milady?” Standing on the other side of the door is undoubtably

> Sir Bormin, an old and trusted bodyguard. He has served the Queen well since the day of her marriage. Courteous, polite, and above all discrete he is the perfect gentleman protector.
> Sir Cobul, a fresh faced and energetic youth. With two years of service under his belt, the young knight has proven himself to be quite capable. Lacking somewhat in elegance and courtly etiquette, with the boy often bumbling his way through most social interactions. He has nonetheless shown himself to be an excellent fighter, besting nearly every man-at-arms and knight in the training grounds.
> Lady Tephe, an adept and unladylike swordswoman. When Sir Gormash’s only child turned out to girl, it didn’t bother him much. He simply pretended she had been a boy and trained her in the knightly arts. Tephe is an excellent fighter, a match to almost any knight of the realm. Her often crass behavior has left her with few friends, but her lack of knightly vows and virtue has let her do things no honest knight would dream of doing in order to protect her charge.
> Sir Cobul, a fresh faced and energetic youth. With two years of service under his belt, the young knight has proven himself to be quite capable. Lacking somewhat in elegance and courtly etiquette, with the boy often bumbling his way through most social interactions. He has nonetheless shown himself to be an excellent fighter, besting nearly every man-at-arms and knight in the training grounds.
Sounds like a good balance between the two choices, since I'm assuming Bormin's fighting capabilities aren't mentioned for a reason and Tephe doesn't sound like the best for any sort of diplo we'd want to do in the future.
> Lady Tephe, an adept and unladylike swordswoman. When Sir Gormash’s only child turned out to girl, it didn’t bother him much. He simply pretended she had been a boy and trained her in the knightly arts. Tephe is an excellent fighter, a match to almost any knight of the realm. Her often crass behavior has left her with few friends, but her lack of knightly vows and virtue has let her do things no honest knight would dream of doing in order to protect her charge.
>Sir Cobul, a fresh faced and energetic youth. With two years of service under his belt, the young knight has proven himself to be quite capable. Lacking somewhat in elegance and courtly etiquette, with the boy often bumbling his way through most social interactions. He has nonetheless shown himself to be an excellent fighter, besting nearly every man-at-arms and knight in the training grounds.
>> Sir Bormin, an old and trusted bodyguard. He has served the Queen well since the day of her marriage. Courteous, polite, and above all discrete he is the perfect gentleman protector.
>> Sir Bormin, an old and trusted bodyguard. He has served the Queen well since the day of her marriage. Courteous, polite, and above all discrete he is the perfect gentleman protector.
Sorry anons, had a busy night. Update will have to come tomorrow.
No worries, QM. 'll break the tie by switching to

> Sir Bormin
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Sir Bormin’s reassuring voice sounds from the other side of the door as Hilma shakes off the painful memories “In a moment.” she responds as she finishes dressing. When she steps outside Sir Bormin is waiting for her and wordlessly offers her a handkerchief “Was it that obvious?” Hilma remarks as she gratefully accepts the offered cloth and dabs away the tears in the corners of her eyes.

“No, but I’ve been around long enough to know when a lady needs a little help.”

“Thank you Sir Bormin, is everything else ready to go?”

“Yes, my lady I apologize that we won’t be taking the carriage, but the king insisted we travel a less conspicuously.”

“A wise king my son. A very reasonable precaution during these troubled times.”

“Yes your grace, I have the rest of your escort assembled and ready to depart all of them handpicked for their dependableness.”

“Good, let us go then.”

The trip to the royal mint is an uneventful one and besides a few extra stops for rest and water in the increasing oppressive summer heat, it is a swift one. The mint itself is a rather unassuming building. Outwardly it looks like a mill. its water wheel turning over slowly in the river's placid current. On the inside however is not a mill stone grinding grain, but presses, bellows, smelters, forges, and myriad other things to turn the raw metal and gems into cut and stamped currency.

Coming to the door of the mint Sir Bormin knocks. No response. He knocks again a little louder "Master minter the Queen is here to inspect the premises, open the door." Again, no response. Bormin pounds on the door now with a mailed fist. "Master minter do not keep her majesty waiting!" He shouts through the door. Silence. Bormin tries the handle but the door is indeed locked tight. Bracing himself Bormin rams his shoulder into the door. The solid piece of wood does not budge. This time however a voice calls out from inside. “Go away. The door is bolted and I have crossbow.” The rather shaky voice of the minter calls out.

“Good minter, her majesty the queen has come to check on you. Open the door please.”

“Liar! Everyone knows that the queen is dead, so sod off you no good lying bandits. Unless you want a bolt through the head.”

Bormin opens his mouth again to respond when Hilma steps forward “Master Cozo, I can assure you that I am not dead. Open the door please.”


There is a long pause, then the sound of bolts being pulled back and a large crossbar being removed. The door opens just a crack and the face of Cozo the minter peers out crossbow in hand. Cozo’s looks tired and the crossbow wobbles somewhat in his grip, but a manic terror fills his eyes as he scans the outside. He sees Bormin and the rest of the armed retinue and almost closes the door again when he finally locks eyes with Hilma. His relief is palpable as he sighs “Oh your majesty.” He says as he lowers the crossbow and allows the door to swing open. “Your majesty.” he repeats sounding on the edge of tears this time “You’re alive.” Suddenly and without warning the minter wraps his arms around Hilma and pulls her into a needy hug as he starts to sob. “They’d said you and everyone at the castle was dead.” Hilma can smell the alcohol on the man’s breath as the days of pent-up stress and worry seep out of him. “And they’d said the Gerudo had took over and that we were all going to end up as slaves and that… and that…” the man continues to sob into Hilma’s shoulder, his whole body shaking uncontrollably as words pour out of him. Sir Bormin gives Hilma a questioning look, as if to say, “Want me to take him off your hands?”

>Allow Sir Bormin to take the crying minter off of your hands and move on to inspect the mint itself.
>Wave Bormin forward and let him inspect the mint. It’s obvious that the minter needs a little consoling right now.
>Pull the blubbering minter off of you and sober him up. He is the royal minter for the goddess’s sake not a child.
>[Write In]
>Wave Bormin forward and let him inspect the mint. It’s obvious that the minter needs a little consoling right now.
>>Wave Bormin forward and let him inspect the mint. It’s obvious that the minter needs a little consoling right now.
>>Wave Bormin forward and let him inspect the mint. It’s obvious that the minter needs a little consoling right now.

He has probably lost family. Give him sometime then time to talk
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With a little wave, Hilma sends Bormin and the retinue forward to inspect the mint, meanwhile she puts on her motherly voice and attempts to console the weeping minter.

>Wisdom Check auto-pass. The Dowager-Queen was definitely the right choice for this mission.

“It’s okay dear,” Hilma soothes, patting the man on the back. “Help is here, tell us what happened.”

Between sobs the minter says that a few days after news of the attack on the castle, his workers and guards decided that the cause was hopeless and that they had to look out for themselves now. They stole all of the prepared currency and raw material and left. “I tried to stop them your grace, but they were all in agreement better that they take it than some foreign invader or bandit. When I got in their way, they beat me and said they’d kill me if I ever told anyone.”

The minter shudders and another sob leaves him “I haven’t left the mint since your grace. I’ve been here for weeks waiting for some invader or bandit to kill me for some treasure that ain’t even there anymore. It’s been so long I don’t know what’s going on anymore. I haven’t seen my family in forever and I just want to go home your majesty.”

The man breaks down crying again and Hilma consoles him. “You did well master minter. The money may be gone, but you’ve saved the equipment to make more. That’s the important part.”

“Aye, that I did miss.” The minter says, coming around some “After the others left, I pulled the important parts out of the presses and hid them and all the necessary tools so that no one but me could use the equipment.”


At that moment Bormin steps back out and confirms everything that the minter had said while Hilma relays most of what the minter had told her.

“Well, it seems that the money truly is already gone. Master minter, do you know who the people who took the money were, where they would have gone?” Sir Bormin asks.

“I do sir, but if I tell you they’ll come after me and my family. Besides they’ve probably spent it all already.”

“Even if they have spent it already, they should be punished for their treachery and an example made of them.”

Hilma nods, but voices a question that had been burning at the back of her head since Cozo the minter had told her of the theft. “Cozo how often do you get new shipments of material?”

“Every few weeks your grace, once a month at least.”

“Would you say that you’ve been here longer than a month?”

“Yes, your grace.” Cozo says, then he gets pensive “Our shipment is late, very late.”

“Where do your shipments come from?” Bormin asks, catching on.

“Northwest of here in the foot hills around Death Mountain. Most of the stuff comes here through Brak Town, in the same direction.”

“Sounds like something to follow up on.” Hilma says to Bormin.

Right my lady, do we head there immediately, or dispense justice upon some traitors.”

>Track down the thieves and recover what money they haven’t spent. Then punish them for their cowardice and treason.

>Head to Brak Town and see what’s been delaying the shipments

>Abandon the mint idea for now. It seems that there is no guaranteed money here and you want to come back with some definite funds for the treasury. Time to try one of the other funding ideas.

>[Write In]

What do you do with the minter?

>Send him home, his work is done for the moment.

>Give him some guards and set him to work getting the mint back into working order.

>[Write In]
>Track down the thieves and recover what money they haven’t spent. Then punish them for their cowardice and treason.
They can pay us back by helping us sort shit out. They're conscripted now.

>Send him home, his work is done for the moment.
He's no good to us as he is, and we need materials before we can get it running. Go home, see your wife, sober up, come back. Assign him one guard to make sure he's not accosted (and doesn't run off).
>>Track down the thieves and recover what money they haven’t spent. Then punish them for their cowardice and treason.
>Send him home, his work is done for the moment.
>Head to Brak Town and see what’s been delaying the shipments
>Send him home, his work is done for the moment.
>Head to Brak Town and see what’s been delaying the shipments
>Send him home, his work is done for the moment.
>Track down the thieves and recover what money they haven’t spent. Then punish them for their cowardice and treason.

>Give him some guards and set him to work getting the mint back into working order.
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“Let’s follow up on those thieves. It is especially important in times like these that order is maintained and that justice is meted out and if we happen to recover the stolen money, all the better.”

“Quite true your majesty.” Sir Bormin agrees, then begins gathering the retinue.

Master Minter Cozo, gives Hilma the names and likely locations of the thieves, all of them in relatively close villages. With that last service rendered Hilma orders the minter to go home, see his family, and rest for a few days while everything gets sorted out. A solider is assigned to him to make sure the drunk and very tired man makes it home.

“Oh, thank you your grace.” The minter says, the relief bringing up another batch of tears.

“You are most welcome master minter. We much appreciate your loyalty and devotion in these dire times.” Hilma says before remounting her horse. “We will call upon you to return to your post once we have sorted out these supply issues. Until then please rest.”

“Yes, your majesty,” Cozo says with a bow that nearly tips the exhausted man over.

Since most of the thieves lived in the village of Siferton, that is where the Queen-Dowager’s party heads next. The village itself is of moderate size with a few dozen houses, a blacksmith, and by the looks of it, a small market square. While Cozo had furnished Hilma with a general description of the perpetrators. Finding them in a village this size might prove difficult.

“If I may your majesty?” Sir Bormin says, seeing Hilma deep in thought. “An official door to door search of the town, might scare our traitors into fleeing before we can catch them. If you would allow me, I could go down to the village alone and see if I can’t find out where our thieves are hiding then with a few discreet men, we could catch them all before they know we’re there.”

Bormin’s plan does have merit, the last thing needed is for the targets to figure out they’re being hunted and flee. There are alternatives though, to sending alone old man, knight may he be, to track down a bunch of possibly violent criminals.

>Go with Bormin’s plan, you trust the knight enough to see this through.

>Find the village’s elder, or chief. Maybe he could be persuaded into assisting you. He likely knows where the men are and could help you track them down easily. If he’s willing to help you that is.

>March in and perform a door-to-door search. You have the authority to do so it’s time to exercise it and a show of force like that would be good in deterring any other future criminals. Remind everyone that the Royal Family is still alive and still in charge.

>[Write In]
>Go with Bormin’s plan, you trust the knight enough to see this through.
Discrete and diplomatic knight, do your magic.
>Go with Bormin’s plan, you trust the knight enough to see this through.

Maybe we can simultaneously

>Find the village’s elder, or chief, and discuss the local conditions, and call a meeting to boost morale and address any incorrect rumors of your family's demise
>Go with Bormin’s plan, you trust the knight enough to see this through.
>>Go with Bormin’s plan, you trust the knight enough to see this through.
>Send in some Sheikah to scout the town discreetly.
Did we bring any? If so, I'd support assigning them to Bormin.

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Hilma looks the old knight in the face, “Go Sir Bormin, track these men down.” If Bormin didn’t think he could do it, he wouldn’t have suggested it. The old knight is still very capable and he has yet to let the Queen-Dowager down.

Bormin nods and dismounts his steed, then disappears into the bushes for a while. When he comes back out, he is nearly unrecognizable. Out of his armor the regal knight looks far older. He hunches where he once stood tall and he leans heavily on a walking stick for support. Under the large cloak and hood is the dirty face and hair of a hermit with a far off look in his eye. Bormin’s appearance almost brings a tear to Hilma’s eye. Before her is a vision of what noble Sir Bormin would look like if he hadn’t become a knight in her service.

Almost as if sensing her distress, Bormin stands up straight and give her a warm smile. “Pretty good, right your grace?”

“Y-yes, I could hardly recognize you.” Hilma says clearing her throat.

“Worry not your grace, I will have those thieves found and caught before they know it.”

“May the goddesses keep you safe Sir Bormin.” Hilma says as the knight totters off, the disguise fully back on again.

> Base DC 50
> Sir Bormin’s Wisdom +30 DC
> Old Fox +1 Re-Roll
> Average Thief Wisdom -10DC
> Total DC 70

> Give me three d100s you’ll have one re-roll for this

0 Passes = Sir Bormin is sniffed out and cornered by some of the thieves
1 Passes = The locals are wary of strangers, and Bormin is only able to find out the location of a single perpetrator.
2 Passes = With sharp eyes and ears Bormin is able to find out where these low lives lurk. All that remains is to gather the men and take them in.
3 Passes = Masterfully done, Bormin is able to lure the unsuspecting thieves right to the Hilma and the others.

Unfortunately no, all of the the Sheikah have been assigned to getting the treasury back with Impa, good idea though.
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Rolled 72 (1d100)

So close.
I'll wait for the last roll before rerolling.
Rolled 79 (1d100)

Big money big money big money!
Rolled 31 (1d100)

Whew, close one.
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>2 Passes = With sharp eyes and ears Bormin is able to find out where these low lives lurk. All that remains is to gather the men and take them in.

The proprietor of the Drowning Zora Ale House surveys his domain from behind the bar. Business had been good lately, the stress of recent events had brought many people to his establishment to drink, play dice, and to forget about the world in general. Money, booze, and laughter had been flowing freely through the place making him quite the bundle. Money like that needed to be reinvested, he thought to himself as he idly wiped down a mug. Maybe some more tables and chairs, perhaps a few imported brews, or maybe even expanding this place. Knock down that wall there and make room for more customers.

Lost in thought, the owner almost doesn’t notice the door open to admit another customer. Dismissing thoughts of expansion, the owner shifts down to serve the newcomer as he takes a seat. “Welcome to the Drowning Zora, what can I get you?”

“A cup of water, and something to eat.” The stranger wheezes as he pulls his hood back to reveal the face of an old man.

The owner returns with the old man’s cup of water, and some bread and cheese. Normally that would be all there was to it, but something bids him to speak with this old man. “Begging your pardon master, but what’s an old man like you doing all the way out here?”

The old man takes a big drink from his cup, beads of sweat trace trails in the dirt on his face as they race down his temples. Setting the cup down with a satisfied sigh, the old man answers “I’m going to see my nephew’s family over by the eastern sea.”

“All by yourself? At your age? Er, sorry master I shouldn’t be prying so.” The owner says realizing his nosiness.


“It’s alright, you can’t be too careful with strangers in times like this.” The old man says with a friendly, if tired smile. “I’m going there to get away from all this fighting near the capital, with the wife dead and me living by my lonesome, I just don’t feel safe there anymore.”

Ah, a refugee. The owner thinks to himself, he had seen a lot of those pass through all looking to get away from the fighting near the capital. “I see master, very understandable, sorry for being so nosy.”

Just then, there is a loud clatter of bones followed by a roar of cheers and curses as the men at the table in the far corner erupt in excitement. “Forgive me my nosiness, but who are those rowdy men.”

“Ah them, just a couple of out of work locals. They came into a windfall recently, some kind of severance pay they said. They’ve been in here drinking and dicing nearly every day for a while now.” The owner says with a shrug before returning to his duties. Over the course of the day, the owner catches sight of the old man staring into his cup lost in thought and slowing picking at his bread and cheese. Eventually, the old man approaches the dice game in the far corner. He stands there for a while and speaks to the men. There is another eruption of laughter as the old man apparently tells some joke before paying for his meal and leaving. As the old man heads out the door, he turns back and thanks the owner. In that moment as the old man turns the owner catches a glint of something metal buried in the old man’s cloak. Was that a sword?”

The majority of the perpetrators have been located how do you bring them in?

>Gather your trusted men and storm the ale house, the drunken fools won’t know what hit them.

>Wait for the men to leave and pick them off as they stumble home.

>[Write in]
>Gather your trusted men and storm the ale house, the drunken fools won’t know what hit them.
>>Wait for the men to leave and pick them off as they stumble home.
>Wait for the men to leave and pick them off as they stumble home.
>Gather your trusted men and storm the ale house, the drunken fools won’t know what hit them.
>Wait for the men to leave and pick them off as they stumble home.
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As daylight dwindles over the village of Siferton, the evening rush files into the Drowning Zora. Over the course of a few hours those that went in either walk, stumble, or crawl out, completely oblivious to the fact that they were all being watched, very carefully from the shadows. As the moon begins to rise high into the night sky, the first of those being hunted staggers out the door. Using the walls of nearby houses to feel his way forward, the man begins heading home. While in the shadows, figures move in on the unsuspecting victim.

> Base DC 50
> Bormin’s Retinue Wisdom +20 DC
> Average Thief Wisdom -10 DC
> Well Pickled Targets +10 DC
> Total DC 70

> Give me three d100s

0 Passes = There is a struggle, screaming, and in the dark the target gets away to warn the others.
1 Passes = The thieves are bagged one by one, but a concerned villager sees several armed men leading off a group of locals.
2 Passes = Picked off and quickly bundled away, the thieves are quietly retrieved.
3 Passes = In the course of capturing the thieves, it is found that many of have quite heavy pockets. A portion of the ill-gotten gains has been recovered.
Rolled 81 (1d100)

Rolled 91 (1d100)

dropped my dice
Rolled 68 (1d100)

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>1 Passes = The thieves are bagged one by one, but a concerned villager sees several armed men leading off a group of locals.

The first man steps in front of the thief causing him to stop short, “Who th-“ is all he manages to slur before wad of cloth is stuffed into his mouth and two other stout men seize hold of him from behind. One by one the other thieves are taken as they exit the Drowning Zora. Gagged, bound, and threatened at dagger point to keep silent, the drunken thieves prove little trouble, that is until…

The last two of the thieves come out together, supporting each other as they shuffle home. Bormin’s men, well-practiced by now, grab the two men. This time however, in spite of or maybe because of the target’s drunken state there is a brief struggle before the gags and bonds are in place “Hey what ar-!” one manages to shout before an elbow to the stomach cuts him off. The other target kicks over an empty animal which clatters as if falls to the ground. The targets are eventually subdued, but before Bormin’s men can abscond with their prize a nearby door opens and a man with a lantern in his hand peeks out of his door.

“Who’s out there.” He challenges the darkness. Extending his arm outward he casts his light into the street. In the dim light of his lantern, he sees some cloaked and armed figures carrying off some familiar men. The man takes in a sharp breath and shouts “Kiddnappers, bandits, help!” before the Bormin’s men stop him. With little choice they haul off their prize and meet up with the rest of the retinue. The cry for help was spreading now and villagers were stepping out into the streets, torches and makeshift weapons in hand. It would seem this village was more full of brave men than cowards.

You have to get out of the village before the mob catches you.

>Pick up the prisoners and run for it. If you’re fast enough you’ll get out before the mob can organize.
>This calls for a little misdirection, Sir Bormin’s old man disguise worked before, it might work again to lead the mob away from the prisoners.
>A distraction is necessary. Setting fire to one of the thatched roofed houses would be a good diversion. You only hope the villagers can put the fire out before any serious damage is done.
>[Write In]
>This calls for a little misdirection, Sir Bormin’s old man disguise worked before, it might work again to lead the mob away from the prisoners.
>>This calls for a little misdirection, Sir Bormin’s old man disguise worked before, it might work again to lead the mob away from the prisoners.
>>This calls for a little misdirection, Sir Bormin’s old man disguise worked before, it might work again to lead the mob away from the prisoners.
>Pick up the prisoners and run for it. If you’re fast enough you’ll get out before the mob can organize.
Leg it!
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“Go, I will lead them away.” Sir Bormin orders in his loudest whisper. Several pairs of eyes turn to stare at the old knight. “I. Will. Be. Fine.” Bormin grumbles, “I’m not some ancient codger yet. Now go, before we’re all caught.” The men-at-arms linger for only a moment longer before heeding Bormin’s order and escaping with the prisoners.

Sir Bormin turns to face the growing torchlight, slipping back into his old traveler persona.

> Base DC 50
> Bormin’s Wisdom +30 DC
> Old Fox +1 Re-roll
> Average Villager Wisdom -10 DC
> Total DC 70

> One last time, hopefully, give me three d100s, you have 1 re-reroll for this

0 Passes = The suspicious old man is not believed. Sir Bormin is caught and his retinue surrounded
1 Passes = The mob is diverted, but Bormin is detained for being very suspicious.
2 Passes = Misdirected, the mob fails to find the retinue and Bormin slips away in the confusion.
3 Passes = So convincing an actor is Bormin, the mob doubts there were any bandits to begin with.
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Don't job this time
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Rolled 25 (1d100)

Aaay, they old man clinched it!
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> 3 Passes = So convincing an actor is Bormin, the mob doubts there were any bandits to begin with.

The first of the mob rounds the corner, torch and hatchet in hand with a serious scowl creasing his face. The man catches sight of Bormin tottering down the street, lantern swinging from his walking stick. “Hold there!” the man shouts, directing the mob toward the old man. “Old man did you see a group of people just go by? Bunch of cloaked bandits carrying off some other men?”

Bormin gives the man a confused look “I did see a group of men go by, but they didn’t look like bandits.”

“But I saw them go this way.” A man in the mob says. Bormin recognizes the man as the one who had initially spotted them.

“They might have looked a little rough,” Bormin admits. “But all I saw was three men, the two outside ones carrying the weight of the man in the middle. They looked to be a little tipsy and the one being carried was definitely having trouble walking. Looked to me like two friends helping another friend make it home after a night of drinking.

“There was way more than just three of them.” The man who had seen them protests.

Bormin fixes his gaze upon the man “What did you see friend, what’s all this about?”

“It’s a kidnapping. I heard them outside of my house, I did. The men being nabbed were struggling so hard and making such a racket it woke me up. Then when I stuck my head out the door to see what the noise was, I saw a whole bunch a cloaked bandits nabbing a couple of us townsfolk.”

“You woke up to a bump in the night and while you were half asleep and swinging a dim lantern,” Bormin says soberly gesturing to the dim light emanating from the lantern dangling from the man’s hand. “You thought you saw some men being kidnapped?”


“But I did!” the man complains, his voice becoming unsure and whinny.

“Are you sure you just didn’t hear three drunks stumbling around in the street and in the dim light of your lantern, with a mind clouded by sleep and fear, mistake the shadows of three pickled men for a crowd of bandits?”

“N-no… I er I mean it looked like a whole bunch of them” man says even less sure now. Several of the mob curse under their breath and shoot glares at the man before turning away and heading home. As the first few depart, the man tries harder to convince the others to stay. “I saw them I know I did, there was this big one with a club and another with a scar and and,” but the more the man talks, the less convinced everyone is. The mob starts to disperse quickly now and soon only the man who saw and one or two others remain.

“Look, if it will help you sleep better, I saw the three drunks go that way.” Bormin says gesturing away from the direction the retinue ran. “If you hurry, you might still catch them, but from the way it sounded they were almost home.”

Not wanting to give up, the man and his few followers head off in the direction Bormin had pointed. Once he was sure no one else was watching, Sir Bormin slips away into the night, following after his retinue of kidnappers.


>Interrogation auto-success, The queen’s bonuses are just too good for targets this weak.

The following morning, at day break, after letting the thieves sober up and sweat it out overnight. The five of them are brought before Hilma. Standing over the bound and kneeling men, Hilma holds court. “The five of you are accused of stealing from the Royal Mint, what do you have to say for yourselves?”

“Who the fuck are you bitch.” One of the men curses. A guard steps forward and strikes the man.

“I am Queen Hilma Hyrule and you will address me as such.”

“I knew she looked familiar, just like the face on them coins.” One of the other men blurts out.

“Shut up,” the bold man hisses “What makes you think we robbed your mint?”

“Besides what your man just admitted, there is you and your friends suddenly knew found wealth, and the fact you, Durro, and your men were seen by Master Minter Cozo.”

Durro manages to keep a straight face, but the man who had broken earlier, Zamul, cries out “I told you we shouldn’t have done it. Please your majesty,” the man begs “We didn’t mean to steal it. We thought you was all dead, we were just trying to keep it out of the Gerudo’s hands.”

“That’s right.” Another of them says “We didn’t know anyone had survived. We thought the money would be better off in Hylian hands then in the hands of some desert wenches.”

“An admirable goal, or it would have been had you not spent the money on drink.” Hilma dismisses their pleading, stinging the beggars into silence.”

Seeing his moment Durro speaks again. “Not all of it, there is still some left. If you let us go, I’ll tell you where to find it?”

“Hilma glances at him, then fixes her glare upon Zamul. The shakiest of the thieves, cracks like an egg under the Queen-Dowager’s attention. “It’s in the roof thatch.” He squeals.

“Good goddesses shut up Zamul, you’ve just killed us all.” Durro swears.

“Oh, please spare us your majesty” Zamul begs on his hands and knees. “We were just taking it so the Gerudo would have it, honest. Please spare me.” The man sobs, shaking in every limb. The others hang their heads dejectedly knowing that its over, while Durro continues to curse Zamul, the goddesses, and the world in general, as he stares angrily at his knees.

How do you handle the thieves?
>Conscription, these men will repay their debt serve Hyrule as soldiers, regardless of their quality.
>Punishment, the men will have their fingers broken and be branded as thieves. The standard punishment for a common thief.
>Execution, the criminals will be hung, an easy death for those guilty of treason. Their bodies will be an example to all who loot from the Royal Family, especially in this time of war.
>[Write In]
>Execute Durro
>Break fingers and brand anyone who harmed the master Minter
>The remainder will be conscripted
>Conscription, these men will repay their debt serve Hyrule as soldiers, regardless of their quality.
Sorry anons, had a long day today. I'll have to get you the update tomorrow.
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“Is there anyone else who participated in this crime, who is not present?” Hilma asks the bowed men. Zamul cringes and names two more people. “Very well, Zamul you will lead Sir Bormin to these men and along the way return what remains of what you stole from the mint.” Zamul bows low again and Hilma drops him from her attention. “Now, who among you struck the master minter?” two of the men raise their hands and after Zamul glances at him Durro raises his as well. Hilma nods “You shall be sentenced to the standard punishment for thieves, you will have your fingers broken and shall have your skin branded.” The men flinch and one looks up, a horrified look on his face. “Be grateful,” Hilma warns “Stealing from the crown is tantamount to treason and that carries a far harsher punishment. As for the rest of you, in times like these more men are required to serve their king, therefore you shall be conscripted and repay your debt to the crown by serving it upon the battlefield.”

Those men conscripted relax somewhat knowing that their fate is not to die immediately. “Durro.” Hilma turns to the man “I assume that you were the ringleader of these men?”

Durron looks up and glares at the Queen-Dowager “Aye,” he grumbles.

“For that, and for your completely unrepentant behavior, you are sentenced to death by hanging.” Sentence drops like a lead weight upon the court. The angry and red faced Durro pales and he visibly swallows his next words. By the look on his face, Hilma can see Durro’s mind working feverishly to understand what just happened and how he can get out of it. Unfortunately for him there is nothing more to be done and death at the end of a rope shall be his fate.

How do you carry out the sentences?

>Carry out the sentences immediately and privately
>Perform the sentences in Siferton, they need to see what happens to opportunistic war profiteers.
>Hold off on the sentences until you return the summer palace and to a more receptive crowd.
>[Write In]
>Perform the sentences in Siferton, they need to see what happens to opportunistic war profiteers.
Rumors will spread if so many people jist go missing, and everyone will continue to assume the Royal Family are all dead we don't announce our return. Two birds, one stone.
>Perform the sentences in Siferton, they need to see what happens to opportunistic war profiteers.
Hopefully this isn't too hasty.
>>Perform the sentences in Siferton, they need to see what happens to opportunistic war profiteers.
>Perform the sentences in Siferton, they need to see what happens to opportunistic war profiteers.


The people of Siferton are in for a show, make it a good one.

> Base DC 30 (Local Victims/Unestablished Crimes/Unlawful seizure of persons)
> Queen’s Power +15 DC
> Queenly Authority +2 Re-rolls
> Average Villager Courage -10 DC
> Total DC 35

> Give me three d100s, you have two re-rolls on this one.

0 Passes = Down with the despots. The people of Siferton surge forward to rescue their own.
1 Passes = Unjust murder. The execution is carried out, but the only thing inspired here is resentment.
2 Passes = An example to all. The sentences are administered and at least in this region, the authority of the royal family is reestablished.
3 Passes = A display of justice. Whether or not they people believe your charges against them, word of the Royal Family’s “justice” will spread far and wide. Making those who would act against them think twice.
Rolled 8 (1d100)

Come on, come ooonnnn
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Rolled 93 (1d100)


I'd say its time to open up re-rolls to anyone. You have two re-rolls to use up.
Rolled 76 (1d100)


Re-rolling for this guy
Rolled 98 (1d100)

kek I wish this was roll over
The Goddesses have forsaken us.
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>1 Passes = Unjust murder. The execution is carried out, but the only thing inspired here is resentment.

With the lack of a gallows in Siferton, a sturdy tree on the outskirts of the village is selected as the site where the sentences are to be carried out. Hours before, Zamul and a group of guards go into the village and retrieve the remaining wealth from the mint. Afterwards, they spread word that an execution is to happen.

>After all that the thieves spent, you gain +2 Wealth.

It is a little after noon when the prisoners are brought to the tree. Three men of Hilma’s retinue, chosen at random, stand ready to execute the sentences that Hilma reads off herself in front of the small assembled crowd. As the names of the condemned are read there is a stir among the crowd, the names and face are familiar ones, local ones. Maintaining an official and steely disposition, Hilma reads off the crimes and their punishments. The crowd stiffens and Hilma can see a few brows furrow in anger, but no one moves to protest. “For these crimes your punishments shall be carried out in sight of the people Siferton and under the supervision of her majesty Queen-Dowager Hilma Hyrule.” Hilma can feel eyes lock on to her as she says the words, the heat of their ire tangible from up on the hill. “May the goddesses preserve your spirits.” She finishes, and the sentences are carried out. First are the ones to have their hands broken a flesh branded. The executioners take out their swords, and using the pommels smash the condemneds’ splayed fingers. Their shouts and screams of pain make the crowd flinch at every blow. When the condemneds’ fingers are sufficiently mangled, the branding iron is brought out and the symbol for thief, is branded into the backs of their hands. Punishments over, the men are taken away and Durro is brought forward. The noose if place around his neck and he if forced up onto a stool. Weights are placed around his ankles and the rope is tightened. Then at a nod from Hilma, the stool is kicked out and Durro dangles freely from his neck. He kicks squirm, and chokes, face reddening as the life is choked out of him. The man lasts for a long time before he finally stops twitching. Sir Bormin confirms the man’s death and the execution is brought to a close.

As Hilma and her retinue depart, she looks over her shoulder one last time at the scene below her. A portion of the crowd had gone by now, to take care of the injured men, or back to their tasks. A sizeable amount is still there though, staring at Durro or her, she does not know. Hilma wonders briefly how long it will be before they cut Durro’s body down, but she does not dwell on it long, she can’t. What’s done is done, and done justly. Dwelling on what could have been will not prepare her for tomorrow.


The following day, with the execution of the thieves taken care of, those conscripted are simply added to the retinue as there is no time or men to spare escorting them to a proper army camp. Not when the next stop, Brak Town was so close. The missing shipments to the mint had to be investigated if the place was to ever get back up and running. Cozo had pointed to the town as the location from which his shipments of materials had come from and it made sense to check there first as well. As Hilma remembers it, Brak Town is a sort of clearing house for most of the goods that came off Death Mountain. It is a town of smelters, gold, silver, and iron smiths, gem cutters, and jewelers. With lots of warehouses and merchants to store and move everything. It is a place that produces fabulous wealth, but uses very little of it. Coming over yet another hill, Brak town finally comes into view. The smoke of a several dozen furnaces hangs heavily over the town and even from this distance the sound of hammers pounding on anvils can be heard. Getting closer, the streets can be seen choked with carts, wagons, and wheelbarrows full of goods and material. Coachmen and wagon drivers curse and brandish their whips at pedestrians and each other for getting in the way. A few food sellers weave in between the traffic trying to sell bread, meat, cheese, and even hot soup to the throngs of people. The place had certainly changed since Hilma had seen it last. From a hamlet of craftsmen to a bustling industrial town on the verge of a becoming a city who knew what changes would come to this place in the next decade.

With the gawking out of the way, Hilma returns to the issue at hand, finding out what’s delaying the mints shipments. Cozo the minter had given you the name of merchant who brought him his shipments so seeking him out would be the most straight forward option, if you can find the man in these throngs. Another option would be to visit the local lord, a man named Galis. It is partially his responsibility to ensure that the royal mint is supplied with quality materials. He might know why the shipments were delayed, or at least he could fetch you the merchant doing shipments. Although as Hilma remembers Gallis was not the most pleasant noble to deal with.

>Look for the merchant yourself, it shouldn’t be too hard if you ask the right questions.
>Go to Galis, unpleasant as he might be. It would be the fastest way to get what you want.
>[Write in]
>Go to Galis, unpleasant as he might be. It would be the fastest way to get what you want.
Can't afford to be choosy with subordinates right now.
>Go to Galis, unpleasant as he might be. It would be the fastest way to get what you want.
>>Go to Galis, unpleasant as he might be. It would be the fastest way to get what you want.
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Gallis’s home is in the cleaner part of the town, were the wealthier citizens of Brak can relax with out the constant pounding of hammers and stench of forges hot at work. Crowds dwindle, and streets become cobbled and cleaner as Hilma and her retinue approach Gallis’s manor. Instead of the modest manor Hilma had last seen however, Gallis’s home had grown, into a luxurious estate. Fountains, gardens, and marble statues fill the space between the outer gate and the manor proper. The manor itself, a three-story marvel of glass and intricately carved stone, is scrubbed and polished to a shine. Even the guards and servants are well dressed and groomed. the place rivaled and perhaps surpassed the Capital in terms of wealth. It’s clear being lord of Brak, has made Gallis very wealthy.

After introductions at the gate, Hilma and her escort are led into the manor, the interior of which is just as, if not more opulent than the outside. The floors are well-polished and carpeted, the walls are covered in tapestries, banners, and paintings, and the many windows ensure the place is warmed and well lit by sunlight. The head servant leads Hilma on to what she can obviously see is a dinning hall of sorts, and sitting at the head of the table with a large quantity of food laid out before him is Baron Gallis Cordlon, Lord of Brak.

Gallis had been a heavy-set young man with a protruding belly, when last Hilma had seen him. Now he was just a fat man with large paunch spilling out over his thighs. In spite of this, or maybe because of it. He his immaculately dressed in the latest fashion, with colorful and finely cloth clothes that fit him well despite his bulk. Seeing Hilma enter, Gallis sets down his cup of wine and rises to his feet, to her surprise, he waddles his way over to her to greet her in person. “Your grace,” he breathes, the act of waddling over having left him out of breath. “It is a surprise and a relief to see you here.” He continues, bowing as low as his stomach and multiple chins will allow. “We’ve been hearing the most awful rumors and I am glad to see that they are totally unfounded.” He says his red and bloated cheeks curling up into a smile. “But where are my manners, come sit your grace, you must be tired after such a long journey. I was just about to have lunch, are you hungry?”


The man did seem genuinely relived and happy to see her, and his manners were impeccable as ever. Such things were not the problem with Gallis however. No, Gallis’s problem was with his eyes. No matter what, his eyes always looked out hungrily from the flesh of his face. Person, animal, or object, Gallis looked at them all the same “How can this be used to satiate me.” The look seemed to say. It unsettled Hilma to say the least, and while no one of noble blood could say anything against the man. Servants often whispered, the female ones especially, “Don’t be caught alone with lord Gallis.”

>Decline Gallis’s offer and get straight to the business at hand. The less time spent in this man’s presence the better.
>Accept Gallis’s offer. You can tolerate one lunch with the man, as noble etiquette demands.
>Take advantage of Gallis’s hospitality. Unsettling he may be, but Gallis still acts the gentleman and would likely allow you to use his opulent estate to rest and prepare for the task ahead.
>Accept Gallis’s offer. You can tolerate one lunch with the man, as noble etiquette demands.
>>Accept Gallis’s offer. You can tolerate one lunch with the man, as noble etiquette demands.
>>Accept Gallis’s offer. You can tolerate one lunch with the man, as noble etiquette demands.
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“Thank you for the offer, Lord Gallis. A meal would be most appreciated.” The servants quickly set another place at the table for the queen-dowager, while Gallis makes polite conversation. After the mandatory pleasantries are taken care of, Gallis asks about the attack on Hyrule Castle and about all that has transpired since then. Again, Gallis’s tone is one of genuine curiosity and concern and as Hilma tells the tale, he listens attentively reacting as he should to such news.

“You have my condolences your grace. A truly terrible day for the kingdom and for yourself no doubt. If there is anything I can do help in this troubling time, please let me know.” There it was, the offer of help. Intended to be used to ask for another cup of wine, or a shoulder to cry on, Hilma had other uses for it however.


“Thank you, Lord Gallis. I could use some help.” Hilma’s words catch Gallis off guard and he flinches slightly. “While your company is certainly pleasant, it is not the reason I came for a visit. The Royal Mint has not been receiving its shipments of raw materials I have come to investigate why.” The statement, while innocent enough carries the hint of suspicion. One that Gallis quickly tries to dispel.

“It hasn’t? that is strange, I entrusted the merchant Nialm with making sure that the shipments arrive on time and he hasn’t let me down so far?”

“Master minter Cozo confirmed it he’s received nothing in weeks now.”

“Hm,” Gallis frowns and turns to his servants. “Fetch Captain Kilny, quickly now,” he orders, his polite tone gone. “That is very concerning your grace, I too wish to know why the shipments haven’t been sent. I try to run a responsible town, where promises are kept, and thieves are punished. Incidents like this must be addressed quickly,” he says as a scruffy looking man in clean, but scuffed looking armor enters the room.

“You called, your lordship.” The man says in an almost bored voice.

“Captain Kilny, Her grace Queen Hilma tells me that the merchant Nialm hasn’t been making his deliveries to the Royal Mint. Fetch him for us will you? We have some questions for him.” Gallis says emphasizing the words “Fetch him”.

“Right your lordship, your grace.” Kilny says bowing only to Hilma before exiting the room.

“Hopefully this is some big error somewhere and will get it cleared up quickly.” Gallis says, the polite tone returning to his voice. “Would you like another glass of wine while we wait?”

> “Please” Enjoy the meal while you wait for the merchant to be brought in. Its likely all of your questions will be answered then.
> “Actually, I’d like to ask you some questions Lord Gallis.” You find it strange that Lord Gallis knew absolutely nothing about the missing shipments, it is part of his responsibility after all.
> “I would and then we can discuss this Gerudo war, and what we will require of you to see it through.” Focus on the bigger picture.
>[Write In]
>> “Actually, I’d like to ask you some questions Lord Gallis.” You find it strange that Lord Gallis knew absolutely nothing about the missing shipments, it is part of his responsibility after all.
My gut tells me not to fully trust the guy.
>“Actually, I’d like to ask you some questions Lord Gallis.” You find it strange that Lord Gallis knew absolutely nothing about the missing shipments, it is part of his responsibility after all.
>> “Actually, I’d like to ask you some questions Lord Gallis.” You find it strange that Lord Gallis knew absolutely nothing about the missing shipments, it is part of his responsibility after all.
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“Actually, I’d like to ask you some questions Lord Gallis. Namely, why wasn’t this problem caught earlier. It is your responsibility to ensure that the Royal Mint is adequately supplied.”

Gallis bows apologetically in his chair. “That is correct your grace and I do apologize for this failure. I chose Nialm to handle deliveries to the mint, specifically because of his trustworthiness, but clearly my faith in the man was misplaced. I will personally make sure that deliveries are made to the mint from now on your grace.”

A very reasonable explanation, Hilma likely would have never known about the missing shipments if she hadn’t gone to the mint in person. “See that you do Lord Gallis it is vitally important to keep the money flowing.” With nothing to go on Gallis is let off the hook for now and the two of you enjoy a somewhat tense lunch.

After lunch Captain Kilny returns, Nialm in tow. The merchant is obviously flustered and glances around equally nervous and fearful as he brought before Hilma and Gallis. “Nialm, the queen here tells me that the Royal Mint has not been receiving its regular shipments, why is that?” Gallis asks, his voice a warning that the answer had better be good. Nialm looks at Hilma stunned after recognizing who she is. He bows to her before addressing Gallis. “I-I do not know your lordship, I sent out my usual cart driver with his load twice now, and both times he has come back with a receipt from the master minter.”

“When did you last send out a shipment?” Hilma asks.

“Last week your grace.”

“May we see these receipts?”

“Of course, your highness.” Nialm says fishing the papers out of a pants pocket.

While Hilma scrutinizes the papers, Gallis asks “Where is your driver now Nialm?”


“I don’t know your lordship.” Nialm says looking toward Kilny.

“I checked after the driver when the merchant told me his excuse.” Kilny says “No one has seen the driver recently, and his house is empty. It looks like he bolted.”

“Damn!” Gallis swears, pounding his fist on his chair. “Looks like our thief got what he wanted and got out before he was found.”

Looking over the receipts Nialm had given her, Hilma sees nothing wrong. The language of the documents is correct and while she wasn’t an expert on the Cozo’s handwriting, the style seemed to match.

“The documents seem okay, if the cart driver did steal the shipments, he must have done so with the help of a good forger.”

“Or with the help of the minter.” Kilny adds.

“Indeed. Kilny, you have your next lead the it would seem the master minter has some explaining to do. Bring him in.” Gallis orders.

“If I might say something your lordship?” Bormin says, startling the man somewhat. He’d forgotten that the old knight was still at Hilma side, she’d almost forgotten as well. “While Kilny looks into the minter, perhaps I could search around for some forgers. If that is indeed what they are, it’d save us some time.”

Recovering from his shock, Gallis nods “An excellent idea Sir Bormin, it would be good to cover all the angles at once.”

“Anything else to add your grace.” Sir Bormin asks turning to Hilma.

>Any other places or angles you wish to look into anons? [Write In]

And on a side note:

>Who do you think done it?
>Actually, I would prefer to speak to the Master Minter myself
We DID give him a lot of favor, punish those who accosted him, etcetera. He seems very loyal, too. And he'll probably be able to tell us more about his experiences with this driver, and if he had any debts or dodgy connections that could have been leveraged to make him turn thief and traitor.
>>6074539 +1
Sorry anons, was very busy today. No update today.
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"Actually, I would prefer to speak with the master minter. I believe we will get better result if we do."

"Very well your grace." Gallis acquiesces "In that case why don't you accompany the queen, Sir Bormin. I will have Captain Kilny track down any forgers."

Sir Bormin gives a nod and preparations are made.

Setting out for the minter again, this time Hilma's escort includes several members of the Brak town guard, courtesy of Lord Gallis. Traveling in total safety, Hilma visits Cozo at his home.

"No, I signed no such acknowledgement." Cozo says looking much better than he had at the mint.

"Then this is not your handwriting?" Hilma says showing Cozo the paper with “his” writing on it.

"Well, it looks like mine, b-but I never got those supplies. I-I didn't steal them." Cozo says growing more distressed.

"It's okay Cozo, I believe you." Hilma says soothing him. "If you were guilty, you wouldn't have stayed to guard the mint. Tell me about the man who made the deliveries what was he like?"

"That would be Baloh," Cozo says relaxing "A good man, he'd bring his son on deliveries sometimes."

"Did he ever mention money troubles, or someone threatening him or his family?"

"No... Wait you don't think he stole the goods?"

"Well, the merchant who hired him to carry the goods didn't have them and Baloh's house was cleared out when we went to check on him."

"Oh dear, and he seemed like such an honest man. No, I don't believe it, he seemed happy enough when I spoke with him and he never showed any desire to run away with the goods."

"Would you know of any other place he would have gone to then? If your judgment is correct, then a simple conversation with the man should sort things out."

>Persuasion auto-pass, the man knows and trusts Hilma enough.

"Hm, I do remember him talking about having family in Siferton. Maybe he went to stay with them?"

Siferton, that place again. Returning there might be a problem, but it's the only lead available right now. Following up on it while the trail is still relatively warm would be the obvious thing to do, but maybe reconvening with Gallis to see what he's learned would be wiser.

>Follow up on Cozo's lead and head to Siferton.

>Reconvene with Gallis, see what he's learned, and plot the next step together.

Any additional questions for Cozo?
>[Write In]
>Reconvene with Gallis, see what he's learned, and plot the next step together.
>Reconvene with Gallis, see what he's learned, and plot the next step together.
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“So, the man’s got family in Siferton. Hm, and you’re sure that the minter had nothing to do with this?” Gallis asks.

“Positive. He’s proven himself to be nothing but loyal so far and had he stolen the shipments he likely wouldn’t have stuck around.” Hilma affirms.

“Good point, that also matches up with what Kilny found. Captain.” Gallis says turning the conversation over to Kilny.

“I found our forger, he said that the cart driver came to him and had him make the acknowledgements. Said the driver didn’t even haggle, just paid the fee up front. Amateur.”

“Thank you Captain,” Gallis says in a warning tone.

“Right,” Kilny clears his throat “Anyway, those papers weren’t the only things the man forged for him. According to the forger, he also asked for some travel papers. A writ saying he was moving a large sum of Rupees and precious metals for the crown and that he was not to be waylaid. Looks like our man prepared well for his escape.”

Gallis sighs “Quite well prepared. If he was this ready to run, I doubt he would have stayed with his relatives in Siferton long.” With a head start, man could be anywhere by now, money in tow and with a fake writ to leave him unmolested.”

“We could send word out and have every guard, solider, and citizen be on the lookout for him?” Hilma suggests.

“We could… But then you’d have every thief, bandit, and fortune seeker on his trail too and I doubt they’d return the man with the money. If you just want the man then by all means we can spread word, but if you want the money back, we’ll have to stay quiet for now. You can of course send your own men out your grace. A trustworthy soul like Sir Bormin could discreetly search the roads for signs of the man.”

Sir Bormin nods, assenting to the possibility.

“Wait a sec.” Kilny says half in thought. “If this driver was moving as two shipments of money, he would have needed an extra cart and horse and he would have likely had his goods checked when leaving Brak. We need to check the local stables, and see if any of my men saw the bastard leaving. Get a better idea of when the man left and where he was headed.

“Good thinking Captain.” Gallis says giving his man an appreciative nod, “Well your grace?”

(Select two and specify who should look into them [Kilny] or [Bormin]) *I assume Hilma will go with Bormin unless otherwise specified

>Start searching the roads and nearby villages, someone must have seen the driver. [Investigator]
>Check with the Brak guards and investigate local stables for signs of Baloh. [Investigator]
>Look for Baloh at his relative’s house in Siferton. [Investigator]
>[Write In]
>Look for Baloh at his relative’s house in Siferton. [Bormin]
I have a hunch, and our subtle associate is the man for the job...

>Check with the Brak guards and investigate local stables for signs of Baloh. [Kilny]
>Start searching the roads and nearby villages, someone must have seen the driver. [Bormin]
>Check with the Brak guards and investigate local stables for signs of Baloh. [Kilny]
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Looks like we have a tie for Bormin's action, let's see what the dice say

>Look for Baloh at his relative’s house in Siferton. [Bormin]

>Start searching the roads and nearby villages, someone must have seen the driver. [Bormin]

Let's see how good Bormin's tracking skills are.

> Base DC 40 (Old Trail)
> Bormin’s Power +30 DC
> (No Old Fox re-roll on this one as this is more a test of tracking skill than social manipulation)
> Total DC 70

> Give me three d100s

0 Passes = Neither hide nor hair of the driver can be found.
1 Passes = ……………………………………………………………………………….. :|
2 Passes = …………………………………………………………. :)
3 Passes = …………………………………………………………………………………………………. :o
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Rolled 60 (1d100)

Rolled 56 (1d100)

Apologies ahead of time anons, going to be taking care of some irl responsibilities this weekend. The next update will come Monday.
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While the prospect of simply trapsing around the countryside looking for signs of Baloh is a daunting one, Sir Bormin takes to it well, somewhat to Hilma’s surprise. It isn’t until after visiting the third roadside inn and tavern, that she truly understands why Bormin is so unbothered by the prospect of tracking the carter.

“No sign of him here either your grace.” Bormin says, with the smell of beer on his breath.

“I see, if I didn’t know better Sir Bormin, I’d say you were using this search as a reason to spend the day drinking.” Hilma says, only half joking.

“I’m glad that you know your grace. Indeed, it is far easier to let other people’s eyes and ears do the searching for you, than to spend all day with one’s nose in the dirt like a blood hound.”

“Quite, and is all the drinking a necessary part of letting others search for you.”

“It is, people... innkeepers especially, are more forth coming to those who drink. I’m sure we’ll hear something about our man soon.” Bormin says reassuringly.

Hilma certainly hopes so, a few more stops and Bormin will be well and truly drunk.

Thankfully the fourth inn does have news on Baloh’s whereabouts. A sheep herder had seen a man of Baloh’s description driving a covered cart recently, a day ago in fact. He was following the road east toward the ocean. The trail was hot again. Without a moment to lose, Hilma, Bormin, and their retinue take off down the eastern road, hoping to find more traces of Baloh. It takes most of the day, but as the sun touches the horizon, something is found. They would have totally missed it, had the thunderous pace of their ride not frightened up a flock of carrion birds.

Calling for a halt Bormin dismounts to examine what unfortunate creature the birds had been dining on. Bloated and covered in flies Bormin nevertheless identified corpse as Baloh's, his body was stripped of clothes and tossed into the tall grass. The cart and money were nowhere in sight.

“Looks like our carter met an unfortunate end.” Bormin says staring down at the desceased.

“Bandits?” Hilma says covering he nose and mouth with a handkerchief to block out the smell of rotting corpse.

“Too early to say, but it’s very possible. Let’s have a look around, see if the person or people who did this left anything behind.

> Base DC 50
> Bormin’s Power +30 DC
> Hot on the trail +10DC
> Crime Scene Cleaner’s Wisdom -25 DC
> Total DC 65

> Give me three d100s

0 Passes = Nothing is found not a trace of who did this, or how.
1 Passes = There is enough evidence to figure out how the killing was done, but as for who, there is not much to go on.
2 Passes = You’re giving a clue on who might have done this, with how it was done. Maybe you can piece together why.
3 Passes = The who, when, and why are supplied to you via an unlikely source.
Rolled 2 (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

Rolled 82 (1d100)

Better than nothing. Maybe we can find a trail?
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“The grass is pretty trampled down here, must have been about five or six of them waiting on the side of the road for our man.” Bormin says to Hilma as he surveys the area around the corpse. “Must not have been here long, no sign of a campfire or bedrolls.” Taking a handkerchief out of his own pockets, Bormin ties it around his mouth and nose and approaches the body of Baloh. “He hasn’t been here too long he’s only just started to rot, but the birds and flies have done a number on him” Bormin says as he shifts the dead man’s corpse around. “Ah here we go, looks like the driver was shot with an arrow.” He says prodding an ugly looking wound in Baloh’s side. “Yep, they shot him and pulled the arrow back out.” Bormin stands up and looks back toward the road. “It’s about twenty paces from here to the road. Whoever made the shot was pretty decent with a bow. Assuming they shot him from here of course.”

Glancing curiously at once side of the trampled grass in an attempt to not stare at the rotting corpse, Hilma notices another patch of trampled grass. Following it, the group finds another body, this one, a small boy. Bormin examines the body and confirms that the body is indeed that of a young boy and that he too had been shot by and arrow, this time in the back. “Looks like the boy was running and they put one in his back. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say this is the cart driver’s son… poor boy.” The group returns to the road, and Bormin begins to look for tracks hoping that Baloh’s killers had left some kind of clue behind, but myriad animal and other tracks pattern the road, and in the fading light not much can be seen.

“Well, your grace I don’t believe there is much more we can do here. We can stay at a nearby inn if you wish and tomorrow, we can ask around and see if anyone saw the killers. That or we can go back to Brak and see what Captain Kilny has learned. We could also follow up on that lead we had on Baloh’s family even though we know he’s not there, we could notify them that he and his son are dead and where they can find the bodies.

>Stay nearby and search for the killers tomorrow.
>Return to Brak and see what Kilny has learned.
>Find an inn and tomorrow, go to Siferton to inform Baloh’s kin of his death. Maybe they might have some idea of who’s done this.
>[Write In]
>Find an inn and tomorrow, go to Siferton to inform Baloh’s kin of his death. Maybe they might have some idea of who’s done this.
>Find an inn and tomorrow, go to Siferton to inform Baloh’s kin of his death. Maybe they might have some idea of who’s done this.
>>Find an inn and tomorrow, go to Siferton to inform Baloh’s kin of his death. Maybe they might have some idea of who’s done this.
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After a fitful night’s rest, the image of the bloated corpses the Baloh and his son plaguing her mind most of the night, Hilma awakes and the retinue heads off to Siferton. After what happened last time they visited Siferton, Hilma isn’t exactly thrilled to return, but duty calls. Thankfully after a brief discussion with the conscripted thieves in her retinue, Hilma is able to locate Baloh’s relatives without stopping to have an awkward conversation with one of the locals. As Hilma and her retinue enter Siferton a second time, she can feel eyes on her watching her every move and silently judging her. While not a foreign sensation to a queen, the feeling that at any moment one of them could jump out and attempt to avenge one of their own, isn’t.

Word of her arrival travels ahead of her and the streets are empty of people, doors and windows are shut as Hilma and her retinue process to the house of Baloh’s relatives. With a gentle knock on the door, Hilma announces her presence. The is no response. She knocks again, more insistently. Again, no response. With another knock and the assurance that she is only there to discuss Baloh, the door opens a crack to reveal a small girl in sackcloth. In a very rehearsed sounding speech, the girl says that her family isn’t home and to return later.

“I see can you deliver a message for me then?”

The girl turns to look back into the house, obviously looking for instruction from those inside, before turning back and nodding.

“Good, can you tell them that Baloh has gotten himself in serious trouble and that you all might be in trouble.” She says in a loud enough tone that the others can hear. “I just want talk with you about Baloh.”

The girl stares at Hilma blankly for a moment, then turns around at the whispering behind her. With an audible sigh, an older looking woman answers the door and tells Hilma to enter.

> Base DC 25 (Bearer of Bad News/ Unwelcome Guest)
> Hilma’s Wisdom + 40 DC
> Queenly Intrigue +2 Re-Rolls
> Baloh’s Relative Wisdom -10DC
> Total DC 55

> Give me three d100s You will have two re-rolls

0 Passes = Baloh’s relatives either do not know, or are unwilling to share much about their kin.
1 Passes = They give you what they can, but it is clear Baloh didn’t share his life with his extended family.
2 Passes = Sharing their suspicions about Baloh, his relatives reveal another lead for you to follow.
3 Passes = Much is shared by the relatives, and the who of this murder becomes clearer.
Rolled 78 (1d100)

Rolled 69 (1d100)

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Rolled 64 (1d100)

Please reroll anons.

Opening up re-rolls to anyone. Let's see if you can turn your luck around.
Rolled 100 (1d100)

... what the actual fuck
Rolled 94 (1d100)

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>Ouch Crit-Fail

The interior of the house is plain, but homey with a large, rough table and chairs dominating the room. In the far corner of the house, crouched and fearful are most of the house’s occupants. Two men, three women, and myriad children watch carefully as the older woman stops and turns around to address Hilma.

“So, what is this about Baloh?” The older woman asks maintaining a calm demeanor.

“Your kin Baloh was under suspicion of having stolen materials from the royal mint.” Hilma begins explaining. The woman immediately freezes at the words her body unmoving as the Queen continues. “We tracked him transporting a large cart of goods from the town of Brak, east toward the coast. Yesterday at sundown, the corpses of Baloh and his son wer-“ Hilma gets no further. The older woman’s hand darts out and snatches a knife off of the table. With a scream of “NOOO!” she stabs at Hilma

> Base DC 50
> Hilma’s Courage + 20 DC
> Baloh’s Relative’s Power -10DC
> Total DC 60

> Give me three d100s

0 Passes = The knife bites deep and seriously/potentially fatally, wounds Hilma
1 Passes = The attack wounds Hilma but the woman is pulled off before any serious harm is done.
2 Passes = Hilma manages to hold back the woman until help arrives.
3 Passes = Hilma is able to disarm the woman physically and emotionally.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

Rolled 55 (1d100)

Rolled 87 (1d100)

It would've been a crazy world if the dowager queen of Hyrule got shanked by some random peasant.
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With reflexes she did not know she had Hilma steps back and turns as the knife plunges for her. There is a tearing sound as the knife catches her clothing and tears a gash through the cloth. The woman retracts the knife and goes for a second stab, but Hilma’s hands lock down around her attacker’s arms holding them back. There is a struggle as the woman tries to overwhelm Hilma, the knife pressing closer with every exertion. Suddenly another hand latches on to the older woman’s wrist, then a fist slams into her gut. The woman lets out an “Umph” as the air is driven from her lungs. The strength leaves her arms and she staggers back, the knife peeled from her grasp as she withdraws. Looking over, Hilma sees Sir Bormin tuck the knife into his belt then stand between her and Baloh’s relatives.

One of the men of Baloh’s family rushes forward to catch the falling woman as she splutters, coughs, and descends into tears. Several more members of the Queen-Dowager’s retinue rush in to stand in front of their charge. Several of the children begin to cry as the tension in the room increases. “Please don’t kill us your majesty,” the man tending to the downed woman begs “We didn’t know what Baloh was up to, honest. He never visits us, he don’t write, or send words. We don’t know nothing about what he was doing. Please don’t do us in like you did Baloh and them others.” He pleads, body shaking.

Honest as they may seem this attack more than gives enough of a reason for suspicion. It could easily justify having them dragged away for interrogation to see if they truly know anything, but such an interrogation would only worsen the already bad relations with Siferton.

>Take in Baloh’s family for questioning, you will find out what they know and even if it comes to nothing it will be just punishment for attacking royalty.
>Just leave, it is unlikely that these peasants know anything useful and it would best to go before any more harm is done.
>[Write In]
To be fair stranger things have happened in history.

>Take in Baloh’s family for questioning, you will find out what they know and even if it comes to nothing it will be just punishment for attacking royalty.
>Take in Baloh’s family for questioning, you will find out what they know and even if it comes to nothing it will be just punishment for attacking royalty.
>Take in Baloh’s family for questioning, you will find out what they know and even if it comes to nothing it will be just punishment for attacking royalty.
>>Take in Baloh’s family for questioning, you will find out what they know and even if it comes to nothing it will be just punishment for attacking royalty.
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Heart still pounding and adrenaline still flowing, Hilma takes a moment to calm herself and check the hole in her clothes for blood before giving the order. “Sir Bormin bind their hands and prepare them for transport. We’ll take them back to Brak and see how much they really know.”

Carrying out the order, Bormin and the retinue seize hold of the family and bind them. Baloh’s relative’s now secure, all are marched outside. Waiting outside however is an increasingly large mob Siferton residents, makeshift weapons in hand. Upon seeing Baloh’s relatives bound and being hustled off, the tension among the mob increases. Some gasp in shock, others mutter darkly, and a few shout in outrage. The mob begins to spread out enclosing Hilma’s retinue. Sensing the danger, Sir Bormin steps in front of Hilma and rests his hand on his sword. Villagers start brandishing weapons in response and bloodshed feels imminent when, like a ship cutting through the water, a man passes through the crowd and emerges at the front. The eyes of the mob follow the man and some of the villagers lower their weapons as this middle-aged man bearing no weapon but projecting an aura of confidence and authority stands before them and speaks.

“What is all this?” He asks both to Hilma and the mob.

A man shuffles forward from the mob and in a tense and angry voice says. “They’re taking Otha and her family this time Titos, going to do them in like Durro. We ain’t going to let that stand Titos.” The man says taking a step forward.

Titos sets his hand on the angry man’s shoulder and restrains him. “Easy Babas,” Turning towards Hilma, Titos asks again “What is this?”

>Clearly this Titos is some sort of village leader, treating with him might be the best way out of this. Of course, that will require some give and take.
>These villagers are no match for your trained soldiers. Order the mob out of the way, this is royal business. If they don’t disperse, you will simply cut your way out.
>This is bad. The mob is on verge of violence and the last thing you want now is a massacre. Let Baloh’s relatives go and depart quickly before things get worse.
>[Write In]
>To be fair stranger things have happened in history.

Indeed with all of this travel and contact with some of the lower classes, you could contract typhus or cholera and die of a fever while endlessly voiding your bowels. Fortunately "everyone died shitting themselves" doesn't make for a good story. Even though it would be somewhat funny.
>Fortunately "everyone died shitting themselves" doesn't make for a good story.
Getting sick could be a punishment if we anons get too reckless, or for any number of things like pushing the characters into doing too many things at once without thinking of the consequences.

>Clearly this Titos is some sort of village leader, treating with him might be the best way out of this. Of course, that will require some give and take.
Polite gentleman knight, don't fail us now!
>Clearly this Titos is some sort of village leader, treating with him might be the best way out of this. Of course, that will require some give and take.
Probably point out that the queen almost got shanked.
>Clearly this Titos is some sort of village leader, treating with him might be the best way out of this. Of course, that will require some give and take.
Sorry anons, no update today. Was busy helping out family and ran out of time.
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“These people are being detained for questioning.” Hilma says locking eyes with Titos. “Their kin, a man named Baloh stole a shipment of materials destined for the mint. He and his son were found slain on the side of the road yesterday.” This news sends a ripple through the crowd and Otha, the woman who tried to stab you begins crying again. “Before I could even ask her what she knew about Baloh, she attacked me.” Hilma adjusts her clothes enough to briefly show the slash the knife had made.

“I see,” Titos closes his eyes and lets out a quiet sigh “Otha did you do this?” he asks, his tone as cold and serious as the grave.

Otha looks to Titos, tears still rimming her eyes “I thought they were here to take us away. Kill us like they did Durro. She talked about Baloh being dead and I thought we were next.” Otha says choking back tears. “I was scared and was only trying to protect my family.” Otha pleads taking a step toward Titos, but one of Hilma’s retinue restrains her.

Titos’s lips tighten into a line and he speaks his next words with restrained sympathy. “Otha, did Baloh mention anything to you about coming into some money.”

Looking both shocked and hurt, Otha responds, “No. Baloh never said anything like that. He was an honest man. He would never steal.” She says with rising conviction and anger.

Titos looks from Otha to Hilma, “There is your answer your grace, Otha knows nothing about what Baloh was doing and while she may have attacked you it was only to defend her children. You no doubt would have done something similar if someone barged into your home.” Titos keeps his gaze locked on Hilma, seemingly willing her to take the out he just offered her.

>Take the out offered. Baloh’s relatives aren’t worth the possible fight.
>Press Otha and Titos further, they’ve got to know something, even if they don’t know it themselves.
>With Titos and the mob on her side Otha is just lying to save her skin. They know something and they will reveal it once you take them back to Brak.
>[Write In]
>Take the out offered. Baloh’s relatives aren’t worth the possible fight.
>>With Titos and the mob on her side Otha is just lying to save her skin. They know something and they will reveal it once you take them back to Brak.
>Even though it would be somewhat funny
the true hero of time is ganon catching dysentery.
>With Titos and the mob on her side Otha is just lying to save her skin. They know something and they will reveal it once you take them back to Brak.
Someone HAS barged into our home, and killed our husband in front of our eyes. Their KING. And ever since then, the people of this village have taken this loss s an excuse to assault our loyal retainers,s teal our money, squander the soils, and now to dodge accountability for attempted regicide. This mob will stand down or face judgement as well.
>Press Otha and Titos further, they’ve got to know something, even if they don’t know it themselves.

Ooo spicy add-ons that will get you some nice bonuses

> Base DC 35 (Unpopular/Another “Abduction")
> Hilma’s Wisdom + 40 DC
> Mother’s Fury [Write In Bonus] +20 DC
> Mob’s Courage -15 DC
> Total DC 80

> Give me three d100s

0 Passes = Your demand comes out like the whining of a spoiled brat. Your demand is ignored and what little fear or respect these people had left for you is gone.
1 Passes = The mob is unwilling to give up, but Titos is willing to compromise by letting you do an interrogation here, under his supervision.
2 Passes = Cowed by your anger and demands, you are allowed to take Baloh’s relatives in for questioning.
3 Passes = The mob is thoroughly shamed and modicum of respect/sympathy has been recaptured. Baloh’s relatives are also stung by the shamming and will be easier to break.

A good rebuttal channeling Hilma's frustration that means that you get to use your Wisdom score for this instead of your Power.
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Rolled 43 (1d100)

Rolled 24 (1d100)

Situation: salvaged!
Well said.
I cant imagine her being nothing but furious especially after hearing "You no doubt would have done something similar if someone barged into your home"
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Hilma turns to look at Titos, the heat of her stare forcing the man to take a step back. “I do know what its like to have someone barge into your home.” Hilma says, words dripping venom. “They entered my castle and killed my children, my husband, and YOUR KING in front of me.”

The whole mob takes a step back as Hilma pushes past her bodyguard, coming face to face with Titos. “I was forced out of my home by my husband’s killer, forced to send my daughters into hiding, and forced to come here to find out why the mint wasn’t sending money, in one of the direst hours of our kingdom.”

Hilma turns her withering gaze from the flinching Titos to the mob. “And what do I find when I get here? That the people of this village had assaulted a loyal retainer, stolen money from the mint, and squandered it on gambling and drink.” The mob shrinks back further as Hilma takes another step forward “And now, as if everything else wasn’t enough, I come here to ask some simple questions and someone attempts to kill me. Worse yet, the whole town comes out to defend the regicide. It is a testament to my patience and kind-heart, that I haven’t already ordered this town and everyone it to destroyed for their actions. Well now that patience is at an end. This mob will disperse and return to their homes before I give the order to have this town’s just punishment enacted.” Hilma finishes, her rage at its climax.

Sir Bormin stands to Hilma’s side reinforcing her threat, while the retainers behind them stand smartly to attention.

Thoroughly stung by Hilma’s words and threats, the rear of the mob starts to retreat. It isn’t until Titos, with a bow and quiet apology, departs, that the mass exodus begins. Just as quickly as it had formed, the mob disappears and the streets are empty and silent, once again.

The prisoners as well are wordless and defeated, as they are led off to Brak and lord Gallis’s prisons.

Who will lead the interrogation of the prisoners?

>Sir Bormin
>Captain Kilny

>Sir Bormin
She's established herself as a terrifying bad cop. Let's let the old boy play good cop a bit. Bring in Hilma with a sword and a grim look if they keep being difficult.
>Captain Kilny
>Sir Bormin
give them a break from the angry woman
>Captain Kilny
Rolled 2 (1d3)

Looks like we've got a tie




Sir Bormin it is now, how do you wish to approach this interrogation

>Keep the pressure on, they might be afraid of Hilma now, but you'll give them something else to fear [Power: 3]
>The facts are there, plain to see. With a little indirect and subtle pressure you can make them crack [Wisdom: 6]
>These people are isolated and alone. Show them a little kindness, that you're on their side and they might just tell you what you want to know. [Courage: 4]

While Bormin's stats might make some approaches easier, certain approaches might deliver bigger bonuses, or better outcomes.
>These people are isolated and alone. Show them a little kindness, that you're on their side and they might just tell you what you want to know. [Courage: 4]
>The facts are there, plain to see. With a little indirect and subtle pressure you can make them crack [Wisdom: 6]
>These people are isolated and alone. Show them a little kindness, that you're on their side and they might just tell you what you want to know. [Courage: 4]
>>These people are isolated and alone. Show them a little kindness, that you're on their side and they might just tell you what you want to know. [Courage: 4]


> Base DC 40 (Genuinely Clueless)
> Bormin’s Courage + 20 DC
> Old Fox + 1 Re-roll
> Dungeon Atmosphere + 10 DC
> Previous Shaming + 5 DC
> Soft Approach + 10 DC
> Baloh’s Relative’s Wisdom -10 DC
> Total DC 75

> Give me three d100s

0 Passes = Baloh’s Relatives really do know nothing about what was going on, or they are tougher nuts than originally thought.
1 Passes = At least one of Baloh’s kin is willing to deal, get him out of here, and off of the hook and they might tell you.
2 Passes = Relaxing under Bormin’s gentle touch the relatives reveal what they do know about what Baloh and his crimes.
3 Passes = The truth in its entirety. As far as they know.

"Would you like a glass of water?"
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

Rolled 1 (1d100)

Rolled 26 (1d100)

I'll do the last reroll anyway just for funzies
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>Crit-Success: Pointing the finger

Upon return to Brak, the prisoners are thrown into the dungeon and instruments of interrogation are prepared. Meanwhile information is shared. Kilny confirms that his men did unwittingly let Baloh out of the city and that he had been following the east road. They also revealed that Baloh’s son had gone with the man hauling a second cart of goods. Hilma shares the information that both Baloh and his son had been found dead and that the carts were missing.

“Such a shame,” Gallis says “I guess we won’t be seeing those carts again.”

“For the moment maybe,” Hilma corrects “I have hope that Baloh’s relatives might reveal clues as to who might have killed him, perhaps Baloh wasn’t working alone in his thefts.”

Gallis gives Hilma that sympathetic look one gives a child when they hold out hope that their dead dog is merely sleeping. “I hope so your grace, but I fear that Baloh’s luck ran out and now bandits have the shipments.”

Sir Bormin enters the cell, the relative called Opin had been bound to chair and a small table of pain inflicting instruments had been laid out nearby. The man wide eyed with fear begs Bormin that he knows nothing and is innocent. “Please have mercy sir.”

Bormin was starting to believe it. In his previous interrogations the other relatives had revealed just as much. They truly did know nothing and Baloh had kept his distance from them, likely so that they wouldn’t be implicated in his schemes. So much for that hope.

Bormin heads over to the table of instruments and carefully rolls them back up into their leather container. Then he unties Opin’s hands before offering him a cup of water. “Thirsty?”

“Opin eyes the cup suspiciously for a moment before taking it in trembling hands. “It’s poisoned, isn’t it?” he says despairing.

“Nope its fresh clean water, just pulled from the well.”

Opin takes a sniff then a sip of the water, then, determining that it is indeed not poisoned, greedily gulps down the cup’s contents.

“There now that your tongues been wetted. I am hoping that you can tell me about Baloh.”


“Please sir I don’t know anything.” Opin whines

“I know that,” Bormin says sympathetically “But you see my liege doesn’t, she thinks you know something and she will do whatever it takes to get it out of you. I’m hoping it won’t come to that, but if I don’t come back to her with anything she’ll send someone else down to find out what you know and well.” Bormin looks over his shoulder at the rolled-up torture instruments. “They won’t be as pleasant.”

“Oh please sir, don’t let them torture me.” Opin wails.

“I won’t let it come to that if I can help it.” Bormin soothes “But you have to give me something. Think back when was the last time you saw Baloh?”

Opin’s brow furrows as he tries to think back, “It must have been last winter at least we- no wait, several weeks ago, the start of spring I think. I did see him I was surprised too because it was at Kesey’s.”


“Yeah, it’s a little inn out east of Siferton. Baloh never really liked the place, always said Kesey watered down the drinks which is why I thought it was weird he was out there when there are better watering holes in Brak.”

“Did he say why he was there?”

“No, or I don’t remember. I was pretty far in when he showed up. I do remember that he was nervous though, kept looking over his shoulder and around the room. He asked if I could take care of his boy for a few days. I said sure, or maybe I didn’t things are pretty blurry.”

“It’s alright, what else do you remember?”

“I must have said yes, because we had a few drinks then… then…” Opin’s face screws up in concentration. “A man walked in. No, a guard, in uniform. Baloh got really scared after that. He said… He said…” Opin looks Bormin square in the face a look of dawning horror on his face. “Take care of his son and not to trust the guard. Oh goddesses, he did steal the stuff didn’t he.”

“Yes, he did, but what did Baloh do after he told you.” Bormin says trying to keep the man on track.

“Nothing, he left, in a real hurry too,” Opin frowns his memory dredging something else up. “When he left the guard that had come in left right after him. He hadn’t even stopped for a drink, just came in and left after Baloh.”

Following his gut Bormin asks, “What did this guard look like?”

Opin proceeds to give Sir Bormin a good approximation of Captain Kilny.

“And that was the last you saw of Baloh?”



Bormin’s mind raced as he started putting pieces together. Baloh visited a watering hole he didn’t like far away from Brak, he was nervous, paranoid, and trying to get his son out of harms way before he’d even stolen the goods. Then why was his son still with him when he left with the goods? And why was Captain Kilny following him before the theft happened. If he was, he should have caught Baloh as soon as he stowed that first delivery. None of it made sense unless… Kilny was in on it.

Any other questions for Opin?
>[Write in]

Reveal what you know?
>Play your cards close to your chest hold on to your suspicions for now. You need more information before you make an accusation
>Inform only Hilma she must know of your suspicions
>Tell everyone and reveal Kilny’s suspicious behavior.
Alright anons, that is it for the weekend. I'll be "busy" again and won't update till Monday.
>>Play your cards close to your chest hold on to your suspicions for now. You need more information before you make an accusation
>Play your cards close to your chest hold on to your suspicions for now. You need more information before you make an accusation
>Play your cards close to your chest hold on to your suspicions for now. You need more information before you make an accusation
>Inform only Hilma she must know of your suspicions
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What Opin had just told Bormin was dangerous information. Gallis’s Captain of the Guard was possibly dirty. At least, that what the clues seemed to suggest. Bormin decided to keep his suspicions to himself. It wasn’t worth worrying the Hilma yet, and he was going to need more proof if he was going to make an accusation against Kilny. But what would he say? If these interrogations had come up with nothing there would be know leads left? With the money gone and no clues as to its whereabouts the investigation would have to end, officially at least. That might not be a bad thing however. If Kilny thinks the investigation is over he’ll let his guard down and it might be possible to recover more clues, but Bormin would have to work alone, and do so in his free time so as not to arouse suspicion.

What to do?

>Maintain an official investigation, you’ll have to lie and give more plausible leads but you’d be able to spend all your time investigating with official backing.
>End the official investigation. Again you’ll have to lie, but it will be far more believable that the family knew nothing. You’ll have to investigate on the side but you’ll be able to do so with less possible interference.
>[Write In]
>>Maintain an official investigation, you’ll have to lie and give more plausible leads but you’d be able to spend all your time investigating with official backing.
>Maintain an official investigation, you’ll have to lie and give more plausible leads but you’d be able to spend all your time investigating with official backing.
>End the official investigation. Again you’ll have to lie, but it will be far more believable that the family knew nothing. You’ll have to investigate on the side but you’ll be able to do so with less possible interference.
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“Ah Sir Bormin, how did the interrogations go?” Lord Gallis asks as Bormin enters the drawing room where Hilma and Gallis had been having a “light” lunch. Kilny is there was well, watching Bormin expectantly.

“They reveled little,” Bormin says “Whether that was out of ignorance or stubbornness I do not know, but I did learn that…

Where will you investigate first?

>Retread old ground, you want to investigate some of the places Kilny had been sent to just in case there’s something there that he deliberately missed or tried to hide. This might be difficult to justify though.
>Canvas the entrances to the city. If Kilny was in on the theft he was probably the one ambushed Baloh and took the gold, meaning he likely would have brought it back into the city to hide.
>Interrogate a few of the city’s guards. Point the finger at the city guard in general as having helped Baloh. This will require a lot convincing though.
>[Write In]

Feel free to include justifications for your investigation target as it will help aid Bormin’s lies.
>Retread old ground, you want to investigate some of the places Kilny had been sent to just in case there’s something there that he deliberately missed or tried to hide. This might be difficult to justify though.
They reveled some specific hiding places Baloh could have used as caches of notes on his dealings... including this one bar...
One Kilny's been too, where we can gather more intel on the guy's dealings there. Maybe he meets other crooks there sometimes, too?
>Retread old ground, you want to investigate some of the places Kilny had been sent to just in case there’s something there that he deliberately missed or tried to hide. This might be difficult to justify though.
>Retread old ground, you want to investigate some of the places Kilny had been sent to just in case there’s something there that he deliberately missed or tried to hide. This might be difficult to justify though.
>>Retread old ground, you want to investigate some of the places Kilny had been sent to just in case there’s something there that he deliberately missed or tried to hide. This might be difficult to justify though.

> Base DC 50
> Bormin’s Wisdom + 30 DC
> Old Fox + 1 Re-roll
> Reasonable lead/ Half-truth [Write In Bonus] +15
> ???’s Wisdom -25 DC
> Total DC 70

> Give me three d100s, You have one re-roll

0 Passes = Bormin’s lead is dismissed as simple, desperate peasant lies and the investigation is pressed to a close.
1 Passes = There are severe doubts as to the validity of the lead, but Bormin will be allowed to investigate the bar. It must bear fruit however, or the investigation is over.
2 Passes = Bormin is convincing enough that investigation is allowed to proceed unhindered.
3 Passes = Expertly pleading his case, Bormin gains leave to continue the investigation and he is surreptitiously able to lock Kilny out and keep him from interfering.

"I've just got a gut feeling about this place."
Rolled 88 (1d100)

dropped my fucking dice.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

Rolled 49 (1d100)

Rolled 28 (1d100)

And our reroll, I guess?
May want to archive soon, btw. We're on page 9.


>3 Passes = Expertly pleading his case, Bormin gains leave to continue the investigation and he is surreptitiously able to lock Kilny out and keep him from interfering.

“…In his final days, Baloh frequented a tavern out east of Siferton. I believe that is where our investigation should head next.”

“A tavern?” Lord Gallis questions. “Tell me Sir Bormin do you plan on visiting every watering hole this man has visited in his entire life? That lead seems flimsy at best and an excuse to waste time and drink at worst.”

“Yes your lordship, I initially thought that too, until I was told that Baloh hated that particular place. I thought it rather odd that Baloh would go so far out of his way to drink at a place he hated, when there are far better options closer by. Then it occurred to me what if he wasn’t going there by choice.”

“You think he was being forced to go.” Hilma concludes

“Exactly your grace.” Bormin nods.

Gallis chews his current mouthful of lunch thoughtfully before swallowing, “Alright, take Kilny with you and see about this tavern.”

“Actually, your lordship, I think it would be best if I went alone. This alehouse is a place of ill repute and the presence of the captain of the Brak guard would spoil my investigation.”

“I assure you Sir Bormin, Captain Kilny can be very discreet, I assure you that he won’t be any trouble. Besides in a place of ill repute such as this tavern you will likely need backup.”

“It will be alright Lord Gallis,” Hilma interjects “Sir Bormin is a very capable individual, I have full confidence he will be able to handle this by himself.” Hilma gives Bormin a meaning full glance as she speaks, as if to say ‘I am trusting you on this.’

Gallis sighs and raises his hands in surrender, “As you wish your grace.”

“Thank you, your majesty, your lordship.” Bormin says bowing to them both.
As he departs Bormin sneaks a look at Kilny, watching for his reaction, but the man continues to wear the same bored expression he had on when Bormin had first walked in. The man is incredibly unflappable.

Next stop Kesey’s tavern and with luck some decisive evidence of Kilny’s collusion.

>You’ve got the manpower, and official backing enter the tavern in force and question its occupants. At sword point if necessary.
>Time to bring out the traveling old man disguise again and ask some pointed question to the right people.
>Perhaps, in this instance, an honest plea would work. Baloh is a local boy after all, if you frame as a search for his murderer, which it might well be, you might be able to get some people to help you willingly.
>[Write In]
>>Time to bring out the traveling old man disguise again and ask some pointed question to the right people.
>Time to bring out the traveling old man disguise again and ask some pointed question to the right people.
>Perhaps, in this instance, an honest plea would work. Baloh is a local boy after all, if you frame as a search for his murderer, which it might well be, you might be able to get some people to help you willingly.
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> Base DC 50
> Bormin’s Wisdom + 30 DC
> Old Fox + 1 Re-roll
> Rough Men’s Wisdom -15 DC
> Total DC 65

> Give me three d100s, you have one re-roll

0 Passes = The tavern’s patrons don’t take kindly to strangers poking in their business.
1 Passes = No one at the tavern saw anything, or is willing to admit they saw anything at least
2 Passes = A few whispered words and hushed conversations tell Bormin all he needs to know.
3 Passes = Ale and secrets both flow freely at Kesey’s tavern and Bormin is able to tap into that stream.

Loose lips sink ships
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Rolled 81 (1d100)

Rolled 19 (1d100)

Rolled 15 (1d100)

And rerolling
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Compared to the Drowning Zora, Kesey’s tavern is a step down. The patrons are rougher, the furnishings rougher, and the whole place feels dingier.

“What do you want old man?” the barman demands as Bormin approaches.

Realizing the traveling old man persona won’t hold up here, Bormin changes tactics “Whatever’s cheap,” Bormin says roughing up his voice some and slapping a few small green and blue rupees on the table while avoiding eye-contact.

The barman glances at the money then sweeps them off the counter and into his pocket. He turns around and fills a mug and places the cloudy brown liquid in front of Bormin before wandering off to tend to another patron.

Sipping on the watery drink, Bormin opens his ears and surreptitiously surveys the room. The atmosphere is quieter here, but there is still a low rumble of muttered conversations between the patrons. As Bormin looks around, he catches sight two men, one with a haunted look, just in earshot at the end of the bar. Focusing his ears he hears one of them say “He looked just like my nephew too, poor lad. Why’d you go and shoot him for.”

“When a man like that tells me to do something I do it. I’ve seen what he’s done to people who don’t do what their told.” The man shudders before going on. “Besides I told you what we were getting into and you said still said you needed the money.”

“Yeah,” the other man says looking into his mug.

“Look it was a clean shot kid probably died quickly, and besides if he had gotten away, he would have shouted far and wide about who just did his da in. Then we’d’ve ended up swinging or worse no matter who the person who told us to do it was.

The haunted man’s nose crinkles in disgust. “How does a man like that even become Captain of the Guard?”

“Those noble shits need someone to do their dirty work right? So, they pick someone whose hands are already dirty and give him some fancy title and let em keep doing what they’ve always been doing. Only now the mean bastard gets paid to do it.” The man shakes his head. “Wish I could have a job like that.”

“I wouldn’t, it makes your beer taste awful,” the haunted man says taking another drink from his mug.

“You just ain’t a killer.”

“And you are?” the haunted man questions.

The other man stares at his mug “No. I did what I had to. It was my life or the boys, but that still don’t make my beer taste any better.”

The two men fall silent as they stare into their drinks.

>That’s all you need to hear time to go back and confront Kilny.
>These men were involved in the killing of Baloh and his boy. Perhaps more direct questioning would reveal more, like where they took the money carts after the ambush.
>This is a good start, time to move on to one of Kilny’s previous investigations and see what he left behind, or what he tried to hide.
>[Write In]
>>This is a good start, time to move on to one of Kilny’s previous investigations and see what he left behind, or what he tried to hide.
>This is a good start, time to move on to one of Kilny’s previous investigations and see what he left behind, or what he tried to hide.
>This is a good start, time to move on to one of Kilny’s previous investigations and see what he left behind, or what he tried to hide.
>This is a good start, time to move on to one of Kilny’s previous investigations and see what he left behind, or what he tried to hide.
>>This is a good start, time to move on to one of Kilny’s previous investigations and see what he left behind, or what he tried to hide.
>These men were involved in the killing of Baloh and his boy. Perhaps more direct questioning would reveal more, like where they took the money carts after the ambush.
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Alright that’s going to be all for this thread. When next I return, probably sometime around October 25th we will continue with Sir Bormin’s investigations as he goes to…

>Investigate Baloh’s house, perhaps the dead man left clues behind Kilny failed to destroy
>Question the Merchant Nialm, he employed Baloh to make the deliveries, perhaps he was in on the plot as well.
>Look into the Brak Guards at least some of them must know what their captain is up to and would be willing to talk, with the right incentives.
>[Write In]

Kakariko Village: Present Day

“No,” Eldest Princess Lomia says decisively.

“It is a dangerous world for a child to grow up in, she should learn how to defend herself, and so should the rest of you.” Iphath the Sheikah Elder says ignoring the princess’s tone.

“Princess should not learn swordplay. It is not something that they do. And if mother were here, she’d say the same thing.”
“I wouldn’t think so. Your mother is a wise woman and she would see the value in her children being able to defend themselves.”

Lomia pauses considering the truth of Iphath’s words, but rallies quickly saying “but Zelda is just a child she should be learning etiquette, how to sew, or at the very least running around playing make-believe. She is far too young for all this.”

Our people start learning to fight much younger than her and death spares no one especially children. Besides, that girl is a child no longer. She has seen her father and brothers die in front of her what innocence you believe she still has, is no longer there.”

Lomia glares at Iphath, trying to capture that stare her mother uses on people to get them to do what she wants.

Iphath gazes impassively back at her unaffected by her attempts at coercion. The ancient Sheikah sighs and looks off into the distance behind the eldest princess for awhile then smiles knowingly. “Perhaps we should ask Zelda what she wants to do?”

Lomia looks at Iphath incredulously, but Iphath ignores her and calls out “Come out child.”

Lomia looks on in astonishment as sidling in from the doorway Zelda shuffles forward. “Very good child, I almost didn’t notice you.” Iphath says as Zelda flushes with embarrassment.

“Zelda! How long have you been listening?” Lomia frowns down at her sister.

Zelda looks away, ashamed, but Iphath beckons the child closer, “Long enough to know, and make her own choice I suspect” Iphath smiles warmly as Zelda stands before her “What do you wish princess?”


“I-I want to learn how to fight.” Zelda says, her voice starting small but growing firmer as she speaks.

“No, she will not,” Lomia counters.

“I don’t believe the choice is yours to make anymore.” Iphath says her smile growing wider. “Tell me,” She says turning back to Zelda “Why do you wish to know how to fight?”

“I want to control my own fate, to never let darkness drag me down again. I want to fight back.” She says, her body starting to tremble and her fists clench.”

“Very well child.”

“No!” Lomia protests.

“Your grace, your sister has made her choice, there is nothing more you can do.” Iphath chides “I suggest you look to yourself and look after your own fate.” She finishes, dismissing the eldest princess.”

Lomia storms out grumbling threats under her breath

Iphath turns back to Zelda and speaks to her in hushed words, meant only for her “A good start child of Wisdom but one such as you can not alter their fate.” Zelda frowns, but Iphath goes on “Your path is set and while I can’t help you change it. I can help you to stride down it as the Fated Princess should.

>Zelda begins Sheikah training
>>Investigate Baloh’s house, perhaps the dead man left clues behind Kilny failed to destroy
Thank you for running! We'll see you in October!
Has the thread been archived yet?

>Investigate Baloh’s house, perhaps the dead man left clues behind Kilny failed to destroy
>Investigate Baloh’s house, perhaps the dead man left clues behind Kilny failed to destroy
>Look into the Brak Guards at least some of them must know what their captain is up to and would be willing to talk, with the right incentives.

Thanks for running! I'll be looking forward to your return.
Don't forget to archive
>>Look into the Brak Guards at least some of them must know what their captain is up to and would be willing to talk, with the right incentives.
Zelda a Sheikah ? Will she go on missions ? I suspect not entirely, she is still a royal
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The thread has now been archived, Thank you all for reading.

On a side note how is everyone liking the investigative arc with Hilma and Bormin is there anything you want to see more of, or less of?
It's pretty good. I like the slight medieval detective feel to it.
As for more of? I'd like to see more battles and duels.
I like it! Funny that the queen almost got shanked.
I'd have to second wanting to see duels and battles. I'd love a ganon and eldest prince type confrontation again.
I have liked it so far. From Prince Jinom and Sir Nagos arc of battle and diplomacy, and : more battle. Him being the youngest prince leading knights and other warriors eagerly while having a certain battle hunger was quite nice. Its what i expect from him after his father died : afterall he has sword, shield, armor and a horse why shouldn't he bring the fight directly to the Gerudo and cut them down for the realm and the king ?

Hilma and Bormin explore more the kingdom it self, its not just a matter of investigation and law, but the relation with their people and a vassal of theirs. And Hilma is not exactly in the best shape emotionally, not with the war going and her dead husband (worst thing is that they couldn't even bury the king body and make a funeral). Bormin is a goodamn column that aids her, and an honorable man. If Bormin wasn't old he would probably have no issue in taking out Kilny in combat, still i think if it comes to combat he would still have skills and experience for deal with the guy.

Rohm from what we have seen has it a bit rough. He keeps going and accepts ideas from his family, i expect we will see more of him next. Hopefully Hilma will be successfull, because Rohm does need the cash for begin to rally a new army. After all the first battles what remains of the army is not that much, and he needs to recover those troops and soon.

Maybe more Lomia ? I dont mind, or see whats up with our ex soldier (training, training, training). The resistance group we aided perhaps ? The good captain in the capital ? A priest ? The POV of the second in command of Rohm (Jinom has Sir Nagos, Hilma has Sir Bormin. Who is the man of Rohm ?) ?

I would like more Rohm or Jinom, after Hilma. Hilma did hint to her two young men that is time to look at marriages. Which kind makes me raise an eyebrow when Zelda starts full on Sheikah training, because Hilma likely wants her daughters to marry too.
I could see it, even if its not in the interest of Rohm to fight directly Ganon too soon. He could fight for quite a while 1vs1 against Ganon, but it was hard even for him.

If it happens again at the very least Rohm will be ready for war in all senses, and not just in royal clothing with his sword.
> just in royal clothing with his sword
Still performed like an utter hero. Almost killed the bastard.
I wouldn't mind returning to Matthias soon, but following the royal family has been fun.

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