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>You are Son Peppa, Son Gohan, and Izumi Mahogany, children of Earth’s heroes, Maple, Goku, Acer, and Chi-chi

>“Canon” has taken a radical shift from the series’ norm, you’re just one part of it, and things could go even further off the rails from here

>Mechanics and character details in the pastebins here:

Peppa: https://pastebin.com/CthBLkBC

Gohan: https://pastebin.com/RJtByX4R

Izumi: https://pastebin.com/uWF2f0EZ

>Let’s all try to have some fun, ok?


Last time, on Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai! Gohan went off with Buu, Krillin, Lapis, and Chuu Lee to fix up an ecological catastrophe at Tommy’s old home town. There, they encountered the mothman Leo, son of Mothra, who warned them about a gestalt hive mind of wormlike creatures calling themselves Hulud-Rah. Thankfully, Buu was able to seal the creatures away in a katchin cube, however, it seems that Melanos of the Cell Sentai had some part in the creature’s sudden appearance. Leaving with only vague warnings, Gohan’s group finish their job there and manage to retrieve, to their surprise, a crystal of Dreamstone thanks to the MOGUERA machine they were using to clear the underground fires. Gohan also broaches the idea of assigning some ‘Spirit Detectives’ to help King Yemma out with incidents involving the afterlife. Finally, Buu demonstrates the medicinal skills he’s learned and manages to heal Tommy’s blindness, to the relief of the boy and his adoptive family.

And now, many months have passed since then. Several of Earth’s warriors have been hard at work trying to prepare for some upcoming rescue missions for those who were displaced by Towa and Fu, while also doing what they could to help out with some of the newer issues that have cropped up recently. Has it been enough to prepare everyone for what’s ahead? Good luck, Peppa! Good luck, Gohan! Good luck, Izzy!
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You stand still, calm, focused, as you feel the energy of everything around you. Keli was able to finish up her Yardratian Spirit Control training, and you’re on the precipice of catching up to her yourself. Now it’s the big test: Forced Spirit Fission. Being able to use your own Ki to draw out, split, manipulate, and even put back the Ki of others. If you can achieve this, you’ll have completed all of your Spirit Control training here.

“Are you ready, Son Peppa?” Master Pybara questions.

“I am.” you confirm, confident but not overly so.

He smiles at you. “Very well. There are two ways we can go about this, one is by having you attempt the skill yourself, the other is having you be able to resist it being used on yourself, showing that you have true understanding of the skill and the Spirit Control necessary to use it. Do you have a preference?”

>A. I’ll try it out myself. I’m ready, let’s do this!
>B. I think being able to resist it will be the better test
>C. Could I do both, just to make sure I’ve really gotten it down?
>D. Something else?
>A. I’ll try it out myself. I’m ready, let’s do this!
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>B. I think being able to resist it will be the better test
We'll show how tuff we are!
>C. Could I do both, just to make sure I’ve really gotten it down?
Hit vote:

>C. Can't be a master if you don't do it all!
And support
All righty, roll me 2d20 then, best of three! DC is 13 for both!
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Rolled 7, 12 = 19 (2d20)

>Good luck, Peppa! Good luck, Gohan! Good luck, Izzy!

Supporting oh wait

Rolled 7, 6 = 13 (2d20)

Rolled 6, 20 = 26 (2d20)

Passed one! Writing...
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“Could I try to do both, Master Pybara? Just to make sure I’ve really got it down?” you question, feeling rather confident.

“A reasonable suggestion. I will say that it will only require you to pass one, but being able to handle both will put you on the path to truly mastering the skill and making it your own.” he answers with a fond smile. “Is that what you wish?”

You punch your fist into your palm. “Yes sir. Let’s do this!”

He gives a nod, and then a simple command: “Resist.”

The Yardratian moves quickly, and as you bring up your guard, he dashes and teleports around, striking you with very light taps not intended to do much damage, but just enough to start drawing your Ki out of you. You do what you can to hold your energy in, resisting that initial few strikes… but it proves harder than you were expecting as they continue. You finally feel like a noticeable chunk of your current energy has been pulled from you, and Pybara stops.

You frown a little, seeing him hold up a sphere of energy. Your energy. “Looks like you haven’t quite managed it. But perhaps we can try the other method. Shall we?” With you giving a nod, he actually splits the sphere of energy containing your Ki, and then sends them around the room, with a few other Ki blasts moving around with them. “Draw your energy back in, then try to take my own power.”

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As the spheres of Ki zip and zoom around the room, you keep focus on which ones contained your Ki and which ones contain Master Pybara’s. You dash towards the two that contain your energy first, giving a quick punch at one and instantly recovering that stolen Ki. You smirk, then bolt at the other one, weaving through the Ki blasts zipping around the room, and deliver a quick jab at the orb, pulling the rest of your drawn out energy back inside you. First part’s done, now for the second. Before, the Ki blasts were acting as a detriment, an obstacle, but now, they’re trying to avoid you. You however give chase, and with quick strike after quick strike, you pull that energy belonging to Pybara into your own, letting the flow of Ki harmonize as you take command of it.

He smiles proudly at you, but you’re not quite done yet. As you gather all of that energy you’ve taken into an orb of your own, you appear in front of him, catching him off-guard for a moment… and poke him in the forehead, taking just a tiny bit of Ki from the Yardratian and adding it to the orb. He’s surprised, but chuckles heartily at that, the proud smile returning. “I believe you have done it, Son Peppa. You have managed to grasp the most difficult of Spirit Control skills. Congratulations.”

>A. Thank you, Master Pybara. It’s been well worth it
>B. I’d still like to come back some time to keep training with it, if that’s all right with you. Still gotta get down resisting the technique
>C. Send the energy back to him, you’re all done borrowing it now
>D. Ask if you can try out something with this, maybe you can apply the ideas behind Spirit Control to some of your own techniques…
>E. Something else?
>A. Thank you, Master Pybara. It’s been well worth it
>B. I’d still like to come back some time to keep training with it, if that’s all right with you. Still gotta get down resisting the technique
>D. Ask if you can try out something with this, maybe you can apply the ideas behind Spirit Control to some of your own techniques…
>E. Something else?
Stealth mode + Spirit Fission could provide useful results.
>A. Thank you, Master Pybara. It’s been well worth it
All energy is borrowed, from the food we eat to the air we breathe out.
>D. Ask if you can try out something with this, maybe you can apply the ideas behind Spirit Control to some of your own techniques…
Try to combine the Ki Drill and Spirit Fission, into a drill that can split and absorb energy from other attacks
Cool, supporting.
Support the spirit drill.
>A. Thank you all!
>C. Send the energy back to him, you’re all done borrowing it now
>D. Ask if you can try out something with this, maybe you can apply the ideas behind Spirit Control to some of your own techniques…
Interesting. All right, roll me another 2d20, best of three! DC is 13 for both again!
Rolled 8, 5 = 13 (2d20)

Rolled 13, 20 = 33 (2d20)

Rolled 7, 6 = 13 (2d20)

Rolled 18, 3 = 21 (2d20)

Passed both! Writing...
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You bow politely to him, telling him, “Thank you, Master Pybara. It’s been well worth it. However, if you wouldn’t mind, might I come back again to further my training with this? I’d like to make sure I’ve got this down.”

He smiles warmly and nods. “An excellent idea, Son Peppa. You have managed the skill, but there is no harm in refining your abilites further.”

“Thanks!” you respond with a wide smile. You then glance at the sphere of borrowed energy, and think for a moment. “…Might help to try to experiment a bit with this, if you don’t mind.”

“Oh? How so?” he asks curiously.

You lower the amount of Ki you’re giving off and enter into stealth mode, and teleport near Pybara. It takes him a moment to actually sense you, but by that point you’ve put that borrowed Ki back. Buuut you also take just a bit again with a quick poke. Success! “Something like this. I know how to mask my energy pretty well, and it looks like I can still do it while performing Forced Spirit Fission.”

Pybara chuckles. “Most impressive.”

It’s impressive, sure, but now for a real test. Backing away, you stand in the middle of the room again, then raise your arm up. You form a Ki Drill, and try to harmonize it with the energy around you. Since you’ve gotten used to what Master Pybara’s energy is like, you think you can pull this off. “One last thing, sir. I’d like to see how well I’ve understood the principles behind it. So… can you toss a Ki blast at me? A decently strong one, at the very least.”

He looks at you curiously, but nods. “Very well, Son Peppa.” He holds a hand out, forming a sphere or energy, and then seems to amplify it suddenly, launching it at you.

You bring the Ki Drill forward, clashing it against the blast, stopping it… and then using Forced Spirit Fission to split it apart, but in doing so, it actually gets pulled into the drill. And in doing so, it actually strengthens it quite noticeably. You grin with excitement. You’ve done it. You raise it upward again, then let it fade. You bring your arm down again, clenching your fist and looking at it with a wide smile. “…I think that’ll conclude things for this training. Thank you again, Master Pybara.”

He nods, telling you, “You are welcome. Take care, Son Peppa, and until we meet again.”

Okay, that’s done. You place two fingers on your forehead and get ready to head back home to…

>A. Prep for the winter formal at Orange Star High! You did invite Cocoa to it, after all
>B. Prep for the winter formal at Cocoa’s school! She did invite you, after all
>C. Check back with Izzy on the preparations for the rescue missions. She said things are almost ready last time you checked
>D. Help mom with something that’s cropped up, sounded not too immediate, but you might as well
>E. Something else?

Pick only one.
>D. Help mom with something that’s cropped up, sounded not too immediate, but you might as well
Is something wrong with the harvest?
>B. Prep for the winter formal at Cocoa’s school! She did invite you, after all
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>C. Check back with Izzy on the preparations for the rescue missions. She said things are almost ready last time you checked
>B. Prep for the winter formal at Cocoa’s school! She did invite you, after all
>A. Prep for the winter formal at Orange Star High! You did invite Cocoa to it, after all
Cocoa shouldn't have to be the only one putting effort into us, let's get a good night together for her
Hit votes B.
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…to prep for the winter formal at Cocoa’s school! She did invite you, after all. And so teleport on home to freshen up a bit. You were gonna try to invite her to Orange Star’s, but she got to asking you first, and it seems like it’ll be fine. Izzy and Gohan have their own things going on, and you catch mom as she’s getting ready to head off somewhere. Something happening in Mifan, apparently? Eh, she’s got it handled. She instead just tells you to enjoy yourself, and make sure not to get Cocoa home too late.

And now you just gotta finalize what you’ll be wearing to the formal. You, of course, could go for something actually formal, a flowing nice dress, maybe with a bit of lace and sequins. Or you could go for something cute but casual… yeah Cocoa’s not gonna mind if it’s a bit on the simple side. Ehhh on that thought maybe the two of you should coordinate directly. She’s got a great sense of aesthetics and you bet she’d have a lot of great ideas. Though you could also surprise her… maybe a knight outfit…

Bah, you’ve only got an hour left. Come on, focus, Peppa!

>A. Winter formal, dress formal
>B. Best you be cute but casual
>C. Yyyyeah you’re gonna call Cocoa and coordinate
>D. …Surprise her. She’ll probably get a kick out of it if anything
>E. Something else?
>C. Yyyyeah you’re gonna call Cocoa and coordinate
>E. Something else?
Grab a snack while we do this
Support >>6023382
>C. Yyyyeah you’re gonna call Cocoa and coordinate
>E. Maybe coordinate on how formal and theme and stuff, but keep the details a surprise from each other?
Also good >>6023386
>A. Winter formal, dress formal
Hit supports as well
>Something happening in Mifan, apparently? Eh, she’s got it handled.
Might wanna keep an eye or two on that, we don't wanna be caught wearing blinders in the event of a villain like Baby rearing his head. Would be a total failure to launch on our part.

>A. Formal and Cute!
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Backing >>6023386
Thanks for running Kato, I missed you!
>C. Yyyyeah you’re gonna call Cocoa and coordinate
Does Cocoa go to Blue HAL? That school has actual uniforms, so it could be a very formal affair.
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>Though you could also surprise her… maybe a knight outfit…
Here's a wintery sort of knight! Amaguri... you better watch out, you better watch out, you better watch out, oh, you better watch out~
>knight outfit
Oh yeah, Mai did show up to the Blue HAL dance in a knight outfit! So, looking like Back to the Future levels of formal
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Yeah, yep, you’re gonna check with Cocoa. Time to coordinate! As you tap your goggles, you also head into the kitchen to get a little snack. Groucho looks towards you from the sofa, clearly wanting some snacks too. You telekinetically dance some venison jerky over to him, with the tiger watching the food patiently. Okay, girlfriend’s picked up. “Hey Cocoa, I’ll be over soon, and wanted your opinion on a couple things. You’ve got the better sense of aesthetics out of the both of us after all.”

“Sure thing! What do you need?” she asks cheerfully.

“So I was kinda leaning towards something more formal, because y’know, Winter -Formal- and all, but… I don’t know if that’s really me, you know? Even if I go through with it, I might overdo it. Maybe it’s better we coordinate. What do you say?” You toss some mochi into the air and float it down to you. Ahh, sweet and tasty.

“Oh! That’s perfect, actually. See, I’ve had a few ideas myself. Mom and I had gone shopping for a nice dress, but honestly the super fancy ones didn’t suit me all that well. One was this… really, really fancy pink, flowing, frilly, almost princess-y one, with like gemstones and just… neugh.”

“I bet you’d be able to pull it off.” you respond to her with just a hint of flirtatiousness in your voice. “But okay. Maybe try for a theme, then? That way we can still kinda surprise one another.”

“Oooh, that’s good.” Cocoa cheers. “Theme… okay, not too formal, and maybe… black and white!”

“Black and white, huh?” you repeat. “I could work with that.”

“I think you’d do better in white, maybe add a dash of pink and orange for you. I’ll go for a darker dress, with maybe a highlight of pinks and blues.” she suggests, then adds, “Might also wanna find something that lets you highlight some of your cuter features.”

You do a double-take and nearly miss the second mochi you toss your way. “W-wait what do you mean by features?” She giggles teasingly. “C-Cocoa…!”

“Oh relax, nothing too… scandalous. Unless you plan to throw more panties into the air-”

“Cocoa!!” you grumble out, pouting.

She giggles again. “Teasing, teasing. For real though, I’d suggest maybe something sleeveless, maybe arm bands or long gloves, but not really necessary. And… probably nothing frilly, but at least something with some style and pattern to it. Maybe no crop top, even if you wear it well, try to keep it an actual dress still. Something that’s still cute, but very… you, y’know?”

Finishing the other mochi, you nod, then let her know, “Got it. I’ll be there soon!”

You telekinetically dance over for Groucho one more thing of venison jerky and head into your room. Okay, white dress, sleeveless, styled… maybe a bow? Pink, orange, white bow around the waist. And, oh, shorten it to just below the knees, but add some light pink leggings, aaaand white heels. You spin around in the mirror. It looks good.

…Real quick, you let your hair spike up to see how it looks while you’re a Super Saiyan. Still good! Good, good good. Not like you’re gonna fight anything looking like this, but hey, style’s important. Okay, you are ready! “Groucho, hold down the fort!”

The tiger roars softly in agreement. You telekinetically dance one last snack to Groucho, and finally head off. Arriving at Cocoa’s house, you politely greet her mother at the door, and notice your girlfriend heading down the stairway to greet you… and oh wow. She has a long sleeveless black dress, a transparent blue skirt over it, tied with a blue sash done up in a bow with a bright pink rose in the center. Adorning her hair is a clip with transparent blue cloth like the overskirt with a trio of bright pink roses on it.

“So, how do I look?” she asks with a wink.

“Pretty…” you breathe out, then quickly regain your composure. “Ahem. You look great.”

She giggles as she approaches you, commenting, “You don’t look half bad yourself.” Giving you a kiss on the cheek, she then tells her mother, “I’ll be back by midnight, promise.”

“I’ll hold you to that to you and Peppa both. Have her back her by midnight, Peppa, no matter how many cute little pouty faces you give her.” the woman teases.

“I promise, Mrs. Amaguri.” you tell her with a bow.

The two of you walk out together, and Cocoa takes you by the hand. “Still got ten minutes. Let’s take the scenic route.”

“Scenic route?” you repeat, but then you notice her starting to float up in the air, pulling you up with her. You smile. “So you -have- been keeping up with what I taught ya.”

She grins and simply responds, “It’s a useful skill to have. Pretty sure I’ve got the hang of it by now.”

The two of you fly off together, hand in hand. This night’s gonna be special, you just know it.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Stay safe out there and see you then!
Thanks anon! Glad to be back.
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>So, looking like Back to the Future levels of formal

Thanks for running! And excuse me Kato, might these two members of the band Babymetal play a song at the dance? No especial reason, I think they're cute is all!
Reminder to do lots of pictures. Peppa can draw them later as a gift.
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I feel like Peppa relies on Cocoa too much, to the point she takes her for granted. Just now, when given the option to clothe herself, Peppa had to run it by Cocoa because Peppa can't do anything nice in this relationship without Cocoa there to hold Peppa's hand every step.

A girl prepares for a dance about a month or two in advance, and most of that is worrying about price and what fits. While Peppa doesn't have to worry about those parts of it, she still needs to study up on fashion and looks and weigh both her and her girlfriend's preferences, that all needs at least a week to worry over.

Peppa is deciding what to wear the Day Of. She could have researched this dance a bit more if it was important to her, gotten what kind of dress code was in, gone out trying clothes with friends, and truly put in the effort to impress her girlfriend, but all that is beyond Peppa's consideration until it's relevant.

Cocoa also says she's still deciding on a dress the day of, despite having gone shopping, so it's either meant to be ridiculous or she's just telling Peppa a white lie that she's still deciding on the dress she is, in fact, currently wearing and hoping Peppa's will complement.

It seems as though the most Peppa will ever strive for with Cocoa is the bare minimum, happy so long as Cocoa still wants to be her girlfriend. But Peppa doesn't go out of her way to make her girlfriend happy, she puts it off until the last minute and needs Mommy Cocoa to spoonfeed her the correct thing to do.

And Cocoa, up-and-coming actress that she is, assures Peppa that she's fine with the dress that Cocoa assigned her to make and wear, but when commenting on Peppa's appearance, her words:
>“You don’t look half bad yourself.”
Peppa doesn't look half bad. Sure, it's playful sarcasm, but Peppa didn't get the same reaction that Cocoa got from her. Peppa didn't earn it, Cocoa couldn't bring herself to mimic that much. She is not impressed with Peppa, merely tolerant of her.

This sucks. I want to do a bit more as Peppa to make her girlfriend happy. It doesn't have to be big things, but I want her to show a bit more consideration by prepping things in advance instead of scrambling to cobble her affection into something half-way presentable.

Peppa can also be a bit braver with her love. Communication is a good thing, still, Peppa has to trust her girlfriend as well as herself, and trust is going out on a limb because the reward will be worth it despite the risk. She could have impressed her girlfriend, but she chose what was safe, secure, correct. That isn't trust, asking what to do on everything. It's looking at a walkthrough.

But one more thing... Cocoa, why did you tell your girlfriend to wear a White dress? Cocoa, what do you mean by that? Cocoa, that has implications, are you aware of the implications? Cocoa? Cocoa!

This is fascinating stuff, Kato. I look forward to exploring it further, for better or worse!
Put your trip back on, Angry.
>The two of you fly off together, hand in hand.
"Hey Cocoa, can you read my mind? (luv u)"

Thanks for running OP!

>No especial reason
>Twins with black and brown hair
Only if they gonna play Earth Angel before going into their new shit

That would be something to do, especially since we don't know anyone else at the dance! Should we do caricatures, set up a booth?

I don't think it's meant to be that deep, Kato doesn't really go past the surface level.
>Okay, white dress, sleeveless, styled… maybe a bow? Pink, orange, white bow around the waist. And, oh, shorten it to just below the knees, but add some light pink leggings, aaaand white heels.
May we have a pic, pls?

It could be nothing, for now, but I think we can still do better with her regardless.
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Can if y'all want to.

>May we have a pic, pls?
Something like this.

Sorry about the delay, we're back

The two of you land a bit away from her school and walk in together, the sound of music playing. As you approach though you notice a green fox boy standing outside, one of Cocoa’s friends. “Hakka? What’re you doing?” she questions.

“Waiting for my date. Not staying here for long.” he answers, then greets you with a nod, “Hey Peppa.”

“Someone we know?” you ask with a cheeky smile.

“Of course, you two helped introduce us.” he answers. Just then a hoverbike zooms down the street, stopping near him. “Hey Cheelai.”

She removes her helmet and smiles. “Hey yourself. Ready to head off?” Noticing you and Cocoa, she then waves.

“Team Green’s still going strong huh?” Cocoa asks.

“Yep. Not sticking around here, we’ve got our own plans.” she responds, Hakka getting on the hoverbike. “You kids have fun with your little school dance.”

“Take care!” you and Cocoa both call to them as they head off.

And so the two of you enter the gymnasium the formal’s taking place in with many other couples. Rather lively inside, music’s clear but not too loud, there’s a big ol’ punch bowl, many appetizers and other snacks, a few photo booths, and even what look to be some small games with prizes set up. And, of course, the center of the gym is one big dance floor.

So! What to do first?

>A. Photos! You and Cocoa should get your photos taken, and maybe some extras just in case
>B. You should see what games they have, maybe you and Cocoa could get something cute to remember the night by
>C. Get a plate and load it up with some appetizers!
>D. Dance floor’s there for a reason. Come on, let’s dance!
>E. Just relax and chat for a bit, no need to rush things
>F. Something else?
>B. You should see what games they have, maybe you and Cocoa could get something cute to remember the night by
>A. Photos! You and Cocoa should get your photos taken, and maybe some extras just in case

>A. Photos! You and Cocoa should get your photos taken, and maybe some extras just in case

But we can chat a bit about >B while we're at it. Good to plan those things out.
Supporting, and adding
>"How old are Cheelai and Hakka?"
>A & B.
>B. You should see what games they have, maybe you and Cocoa could get something cute to remember the night by
Games, games, e-maaaailll, chawactews
Backing >>6024267, don't see why not
>B. You should see what games they have, maybe you and Cocoa could get something cute to remember the night by
You take Cocoa by the hand and tell her excitedly, “Come on, let’s get our photos taken before there’s a big line!”

“Good idea.” she affirms, and heads on over with you.

The pair of you line up after a couple others, then get a quick couple photos. First one’s a bit more formal, the two of you holding one another, the biggest smiles on your faces. Second is a bit sillier, with you holding Cocoa up off the ground by her legs (and with your tail wrapped around one), smirking towards the camera, while she’s got her arms on your shoulders, giggling cheerfully. It… does kinda emphasize the height difference between the two of you, but eh, you’re not gonna pout about that right now.

As the two of you move on from the photo booth, you head towards the games area. You do think to ask her, “Hey, how old’s Hakka, exactly?”

“Hm? Oh, he turned 18 at the start of this year.” she answers. “Why do you ask?”

“Was kinda surprised he decided to head off with Cheelai instead of stay here, but I guess that explains it.” you respond with a nod. “…I think Cheelai’s in her early 20s or somethin’. Guess that’s fine.” You never actually asked Izzy how old the girl was. She did look relatively young-ish, but...

“I thought she was a teenager.” Cocoa comments, but shrugs.

The two of you next happen upon a blonde girl in a white, green, and orange dress, and black haired boy in a blue and black suit at a shooting gallery game, a pair you also recognize as some of Cocoa’s school friends. “Hey Latte, Java, whatcha tryin’ to win?”

“They’ve got a couple 10,000 zenni platinum gift card for West City Grand Mall, covers basically every store there.” Latte answers, letting out a sigh. “And Java’s on his third attempt to get one of them.”

“That’s… quite a bit.” Cocoa comments. “No luck yet though, huh?”

“Almost… almost… gah!” He missed the last two targets. “Damn…”

>A. Ooh, sounds fun! Lemme try!
>B. Well, good luck with that. Check out the other games there
>C. He looks like he wants to give it another go, wanna cheer him on, Cocoa?
>D. Something else?
>C. He looks like he wants to give it another go, wanna cheer him on, Cocoa?
>C. He looks like he wants to give it another go, wanna cheer him on, Cocoa?
>D. Something else?
We could help out with telekinesis but that'd be cheating. Let's just make sure this game isn't rigged.
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>C. He looks like he wants to give it another go, wanna cheer him on, Cocoa?
Backing >>6024333
>A. Ooh, sounds fun! Lemme try!
>if shooting doesn't work, throw the gun
Rolled 14, 7, 12 = 33 (3d20)

Okay, real quick, roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 12 for both.
Rolled 4, 19 = 23 (2d20)

Rolled 6, 19 = 25 (2d20)

Rolled 5, 5 = 10 (2d20)

Rolled 19, 8, 17 = 44 (3d20)

Passed one! Writing...
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You turn to your girfriend and ask, “Looks like he’s gonna give it another go. Wanna cheer him on?”

She nods, then calls to him, “Come on, Java, you can do this!”

“One more round!” you add in supportively.

Latte frowns slightly at the two of you, but turns around and joins in, seemingly to humor you all, “You’ve gotten closer every round, one more time should do it.”

He refocuses and gets ready for one more game, taking aim once more. As he does, you try to sense for anything out of the ordinary around the machine. No fun if it’s rigged, after all, just like how you’re not gonna help him by using telekinesis to cheat. He gets the first few shots in just fine.

“Keep it up!” you cheer, and attempt to get a supportive chant going, but it proves a bit less helpful than you’d have liked it to. Still, next few shots hit their targets. And… aha, there does feel like there’s something a bit off in the area. There’s someone nearby behind one of the curtains next to the games. You notice they’re right by a cord. Suspicious. As Java goes for one the last few shots, you notice that cord move slightly. Aha. Sabotage! You instead make it look like you’re cheering Java on while you telekinetically hold that person in place.

He hits the last few targets, and all three of you cheer for him, even Latte, who shyly admits, “I didn’t want you stuck on this the whole night trying to get something for me, but…”

Java just winks at her after getting the grand prize. “I told you I’d be able to do it. Here you go, Latte.” He hands her the gift card, and the two hug. Aw.

You meanwhile notice whoever was behind the curtains trying to sneak away.

>A. Psst. Cocoa. We got someone trying to cheat at the games through sabotage. Wanna do anything about it?
>B. You think they’ve learned their lesson, not your job to handle this any further
>C. Cocoa, you want a shot at this?
>D. Okay, my turn!
>E. Something else?

That said,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Stay safe out there and see you then!

Also, vote open until then!
>B. You think they’ve learned their lesson, not your job to handle this any further
>C. Cocoa, you want a shot at this?
>D. Okay, my turn!

Have a good night!
Support, thanks for running!
>A. Psst. Cocoa. We got someone trying to cheat at the games through sabotage. Wanna do anything about it?
>I can finagle this set-up to have a dunk tank pretty quick

See you tomorrow!
>B. You think they’ve learned their lesson, not your job to handle this any further
D. Okay, my turn!
>B, C, D.
Let's both give it a try.
Supporting! I wanna try it and flub it because the guy goes back to cheating, and then we go "Man, I'm so angry I could demolish this stand with an energy blast" and then Cocoa takes a shot with that statement in the air, and we hold the guy in place again for good measure.
What kind of prizes are left?
Rolled 9, 13, 13 = 35 (3d20)

Interesting. All righty, we're back!

And with that, roll me 1d20, best of three! DC is 11!
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 10 (1d20)

Oof, just barely missed the mark! Writing...
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You do glance towards the person that was trying to sabotage the game, but figure they’ve learned their lesson this time. No need to start up a fuss. “My turn!” you call out, though you then turn to Cocoa. “Unless you wanna go first…?”

She shakes her head. “By all means, Peppa, give it a try.”

You take the blaster and take aim at the targets. This should be pretty easy. Giving her a smile, you start off pretty well, hitting the first few targets. Heh, no prob. You smile at Cocoa. Just gotta keep it up and- wait wait crap you got that one right? Okay no focus, focus-!

You missed the last targets.


Hanging your head low, you feel Cocoa pat your back reassuringly. “There there, can’t win ‘em all.”

Letting out a sigh, you hand her the blaster. “I have the reflexes to dodge punches going multiple times beyond the speed of sound, I’ve managed to hit things kilometers away, I’ve been able to hit a planet with another planet, how is it I keep messing up on things like this…?” you ask aloud.

Cocoa takes aim. “Maybe you’re just relaxed enough to allow yourself to miss. You’re not in a fight to save the world or anything. It’s just a little shooting gallery game.” She then manages to actually hit all the targets. You’re not even sure if she was trying that hard, because even she seems a bit surprised by it. Regardless, she gets her prize as well, and gives you a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t stress over it, okay?”

>A. …Okay, a fair point. I’ll just continue to relax tonight, then
>B. Better make sure that person that was trying to rig the game isn’t still messing with it, just in case
>C. Check out the other games, see if they have any fun little prizes
>D. You should head over to the dance floor next!
>E. …Should probably grab a few things to eat, some of those appetizers look good
>F. Something else?
>D. You should head over to the dance floor next!
"Challenge you to a dance off Cocoa!"
>E. …Should probably grab a few things to eat, some of those appetizers look good
See if they have any oysters, some avocado salad, and top it all with tartar sauce!
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Supporting, I have dance in mind even!

Here's the first part...
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And here's the part where we throw them into the air!
>A. …Okay, a fair point. I’ll just continue to relax tonight, then
>F. But you put a lot of work into it, prepping for tonight. I appreciate it! And you! I wanna do things like that for you, I had so many chances leading up to tonight to do them and I didn't and I blew it. My training to get stronger is no excuse, you're who I'm fighting for. I... I'm going to go stuff my mouth with hors-d'oeuvres real quick, k?
>E. Stuff this mouth saying these dumb words full of food!
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Supporting >>6025302
>F. Return kiss!
>E. The dance of snacks commence.
Support >>6025317
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>. …Okay, a fair point. I’ll just continue to relax tonight, then
>C. Check out the other games, see if they have any fun little prizes
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Real quick, one more roll of 1d20, best of three! DC is 9.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 17 (1d20)

Rolled 8, 1, 17 = 26 (3d20)

Passed! Nice work! Writing...
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>Rolled 8, 1,
Oh no!
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Night, thanks for running!
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Thanks for playing!

Softly sighing, you shake your head and turn to face her. “…Okay. Fair point. I’ll just continue to relax tonight then.” You give her a kiss back, and you start to lead her away from the games and towards the tables with appetizers on them. “But you’ve put a lot of work into this, prepping for tonight and helping me get everything together and just… I’ve had plenty of chances on my own to do some stuff for you, but I’ve spent a lot of them training and trying to get ready for the next big threat. I feel like I should be doing more for you, especially since you’re the biggest thing I’m training to protect and…”

Cocoa giggles and gently pets your head. “You’ve done a lot already. You still do what you can to make time for me, and I appreciate that. I know you’ve been trying hard to be ready for what’s next, but don’t think I want to push you away from that, okay?” Her hand moves down and takes yours, holding it gently. She then adds with a playful smirk, “You’re blushing again, you know.”

Dang it, you are. “...Imma stuff some hors-d'oeuvres down my maw so I stop babbling on like that.” That gets her giggling, but you do make good on that, dancing some of the appetizers over to your mouth with telekinesis, to the bewilderment of the lady serving them. Wait one of those ain’t shrimp, that’s lobster! This place can get LOBSTER for high schoolers? Better funded than you thought. You try one of the bao buns and- ooooh that’s a pizza one! Let’s see, and there’s some fish tacos, and crab rangoon, and jalapeno poppers, and dragon roll sushi, and deviled dino eggs, and- …you smell something vaguely off near the punch bowl.

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“Feeling better?” Cocoa asks, having one of the jalapeno poppers herself.

“Mhngmfgbuh.” you mumble out, then properly chew the deviled egg. “Ahem. Yeah, I think so. In fact…” You look to the dance floor. Still got quite a few people there, but not super crowded. “Come on, dance-off! Let’s go!” You take her by the hand and pull her with you.


She’s initially surprised by the sudden movement, and stumbles for a bit as she tries to follow along, but you’re already dancing. You’ve got a good groove going, and while it takes a bit for her to match it, Cocoa is able to follow along pretty quickly. You’re still rather quick on your feet, moving around the dance floor, energetic but very well coordinated, matching the beat of the song well. Near the end, Cocoa moves toward you quickly, and you toss her into the air, catching her with both hands. That gets a few cheers from the crowd.

The music switches over to a slower, more emotional, romantic tune, with plenty more people taking the opportunity to try and get on the dance floor. You and Cocoa look at one another, with her asking, “Wanna keep going?”

>A. Absolutely! May I have this dance, my Cocoa?
>B. Eh, maybe next song, less crowded
>C. Let’s get a drink real quick (and maybe hint at the punch bowl potentially being off)
>D. Something else?

That said, again,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Stay safe out there and see you then!

Also, vote open until then!
Throwing them in the air was a reference to
>“Oh relax, nothing too… scandalous. Unless you plan to throw more panties into the air-”
The girl in that video did a flip that upended her skirt, so that would be throwing them in the air, not her, our gf, in the air

>C. Let’s get a drink real quick (and maybe hint at the punch bowl potentially being off)
>A. Absolutely! May I have this dance, my Cocoa?
>C. Let’s get a drink real quick (and maybe hint at the punch bowl potentially being off)
>D. Let Cocoa lead this one and just take in the scenery.
Support >>6025401
If we do C, bring a cup over via telekinesis
>D. Look at the band playing Earth Angel, why do those girls have fox masks on? And why do those look similar to the one from Great Grandpa's things at home?
I prefer "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" desu

Supporting, but beware that levitating a cup through a dance floor is asking for it to be spilled on someone dancing and then a brawl happens
>A. Absolutely! May I have this dance, my Cocoa?
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Rolled 11, 8, 10 = 29 (3d20)

Okay! We are back!

And again, real quick, roll me 1d20, best of three! DC is... 8.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 6, 2, 2 = 10 (3d20)

Passed! If with slight difficulty. Writing...
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“Absolutely!” You bow a little, holding your hand out. “May I have this dance, my Cocoa?” You also are kinda thirsty, though, so you telekinetically bring a cup over to one of the water jugs and get yourself a drink, trying carefully to float it over to you.

She takes your hand and pulls you closer. “That you may, my dear Peppa.”


The slow dance starts, and you let her take the lead. You smile at her, while trying to navigate the drink over to you. “By the way, watch out for the punch bowl. Something smelled off about it.”

“You sure?” she asks in a hushed voice.

“Mhm. Trying to not cause any commotion over it, but be aware.” You keep floating the drink over, trying to navigate it through the dancing couples. One or two almost knock into it, but swerve out of the way. It does kinda splash a bit as it bumps something, but it’s not anything major. Mostly it seems a couple students are complaining that… “the ghost is back”? Okay what. “…Cocoa did something try haunting this school recently?” you ask next.

“Ssssorta? Some here handled it, I think.” she answers vaguely. “Hasn’t caused any problems recently.”

“Oh this is a story I gotta hear more of… but that’s for later.” You take your drink and lean into her just a bit, letting her lead you around more. You get to look around a little, taking in some of the scenery. You can actually kinda picture how you and Cocoa look right now, dancing together, having a nice little moment. One that’s almost spoiled as Cocoa fails to notice the bit of water you spilled as she leads you around, and you end up slipping on it and falling forward into her. “Whuah!”

…And you end up in a slightly more compromising position than you really wanted to. Damn your shorter stature. Cocoa though just gives you an amused smile, teasingly remarking, “You’re not usually that forward.” Your face goes beet red, and she pulls you back up. “Kidding, kidding.”

Softly sighing, you look her in the eyes. God she’s so pretty. She looks so happy and radiant and just… you’re so lucky to have her. Your Cocoa. The song reaches its end, and… you and Cocoa pull in towards one another again, sharing a sweet, blissful kiss.

The two of you leave the dance floor. “That was nice.” she comments with a smile. She does however notice someone going for the punch bowl, and asks, “…Should we, uh, warn someone?”

>A. Yeah, better do that, just in case
>B. Eh it should be fine, they’ll find out soon enough
>C. Check around, Ki sense, see if there’s anything out of the ordinary
>D. Something else?
>A. Yeah, better do that, just in case
>D. A cardboard cutout of Spike the Devilman standing near it should do the trick! Whaddya mean no one will get it?
>A. Yeah, better do that, just in case
>A. Yeah, better do that, just in case
Exen vote:

>A. Yeah, better do that, just in case
>D. If necessary, have the bowl "spontaneuosly" break with a small invisible wave of ki. Or magic materialize something more obviously, undrinkably bad in the mix. People here already suspect some ghostly shenanigans anyway.
>B. Eh it should be fine, they’ll find out soon enough
>“Ssssorta? Some here handled it, I think.” she answers vaguely.
"So what is it, some kinda, Youkai Watch?"

>B. While I strive to live honestly and not deal in misdeeds, Grandpa also gave the teaching, "Don't be a narc, missy!"
Hit supports >>6026246
And yeah same
>A. Yeah, better do that, just in case
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“Yeeeaaah better do that, just in case. But let’s not make too big a deal about it, right?” you ask.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” she affirms.

You find that there are a few people that’ve got some cups of punch. None of them seem to be suffering much from whatever’s in it so far. Still, better safe than sorry. What to do about it though, exactly? You could just like… break the punch bowl, or maybe…

You grin a bit.

Oh you know what to do.

“Cocoa, gotta rely on my acting skills just a bit.” you tell your girlfriend.

She raises an eyebrow. “Um… okay.” She’s hesitant but at the very least intrigued. You explain a bit through telepathy, and she grins a bit as well.

The two of you approach one of the teachers chaperoning the winter formal. “Pardon me sir.” you speak up. “The punch is haunted.”

He turns to you. “…Pardon?”

“Punch’s haunted.” Cocoa affirms with confidence.

You point over at the punch, the ladel in it swirling around on its own (thanks to your telekinesis). “See? Haunted.”

“What the…!” He marches on over to the bowl, and you and Cocoa follow. “Again?!”

...You look towards your girlfriend once more, and the “again” is news to her, but she’s nonchalant about it. Okay, time to get your acting skills going! The ladel stops swirling and gets a cup out, filling it. And… yeah you can definitely smell something off about it. You think you know what it is now, at least. Not some nefarious scheme by grand villains, not some actual haunting, just someone trying to spike the punch bowl. You’re surprised no one’s actually able to taste it, though maybe some can and are trying to pretend otherwise.

“Hey! Hey you put that down, ghost!” the teacher tries to demand of it without raising his voice and drawing attention. He picks up the whole bowl, sighing. You use telekinesis to make the ice and orange slices form a face, which laughs at him. “Oh you’re not pulling this again! Out with you! Out!” Turning to you and Cocoa, he exasperatedly says, “Thank you both, we’ll handle it.”

You hear a soft “Damn it!” from a… pink lamp near the table. You can sense… Ki off of it too. Aha. Prankster spotted. But you’re not here for that, so you and Cocoa just head on your way.

>A. Okay you gotta hear the ghost story now. How’d the school get haunted by one?
>B. Find a place to sit down with your girlfriend a bit, and just relax
>C. Well, we should wrap this up soon. Shall I take you home, Cocoa?
>D. Something else?

And again,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Stay safe out there and see you then!

Also, vote open until then!
>B. Find a place to sit down with your girlfriend a bit, and just relax
>Nice to take my mind off training! Speaking of, how's your training to be an idol going? You still gonna "cream that Meringue girl" in the audition?
>B. Find a place to sit down with your girlfriend a bit, and just relax
>>6026348 #
>B. Find a place to sit down with your girlfriend a bit, and just relax
>D. Pay some attention on the Pink Pranksers ki, just in case.
>B. Find a place to sit down with your girlfriend a bit, and just relax
>D. Wrap tail around girlfriend while relaxing.
Support this D. >>6026725
>A. Okay you gotta hear the ghost story now. How’d the school get haunted by one?

And supporting
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Thanks for running! Later, can you please make a version of the dance with the throw replaced by the
hand-stand and flip, done by the not-familiar-with-skirts Peppa?

>C. Well, we should wrap this up soon. Shall I take you home, Cocoa?
Her parents won't be expecting us home until midnight... her parents won't be back home until midnight!
Supporting too
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Support, but can her rival be called Marjorine instead? I'm still fine with it either way, Lillie just seems like a Marjorine.
Smart thinking, support!
Nice~! Support!
Please don't.
>Support, but can her rival be called Marjorine instead?

Changing to "cream that Marjorine girl"
>A. Okay you gotta hear the ghost story now. How’d the school get haunted by one?
Peppa's worn skirts before.

Apologies, got caught up at work earlier, things were a bit of a chore to deal with. Won't be running much tonight, but we will be back for this:

You make sure that the pink prankster doesn’t try anything else, keeping watch on through sensing its Ki, but otherwise don’t make much of a deal about it. Instead, you find a place to sit down for a bit with your girlfriend, a nice place on the roof. Same one you ended up running off to when you… ended up with a very enthusiastic display during her school play. Quite a lot’s happened since then, huh?

You wrap your tail around her waist gently, relaxing against her, cuddling with her. “This was nice.” you say sweetly.

“It was.” she agrees, petting your hair gently. Then, with a slightly mischievous smirk, her other hand pets your tail gently and aaahhh.

“C-Cocoa…!” you call out, blushing a bit. She giggles, and you bury your face in her shoulder.

“Well, you put it there.” She gives you a kiss on the forehead, the two of you staring out at the night sky for a bit.

The flustered response over, you turn to her and ask, “Really, it’s nice to be able to take my mind off training. Speaking of, how’s your own training been going? I remember you mentioning auditioning against… Marjorine, was it?”

“Still don’t know what was in that bag of hers…” Cocoa grumbles. “But yeah, I’m plenty ready. Role of La Maupin is as good as mine, and Marjorine ain’t gonna know what hit her when give my performance.”

You raise an eyebrow. “...Pretty sure she knows what ‘cream’ is. You did tell me you were gonna cr-AAahhh!~” She gives your tail another soft pet before you could finish and your body shivers slightly.

“Cheeky.” she teases, sticking her tongue out at you. You give her a quick kiss before she can say anything else and go back to resting against her.

“...Guess there’s one more thing I gotta know.” you bring up.

“What’s that?”

You sit up a bit, telling her, “You gotta tell me that ghost story. Not every day I hear about a school like yours have to handle something like that.”

“Ohhh right right right, that.” Cocoa sits up as well. “So a month and a half ago, there were these weird noises reported coming from the elevator. After a day or two, there was this… spirit or something that kept showing up, telling anyone who interacted with her, ‘…no… you’re not the one…’ or something to that effect.”

“That’s… spooky.” you remark.

“It kept up for a while, until the ghost got more and more upset over not finding the person she was looking for. Started flinging around things near every time it left the elevator, became more and more demanding. They had to close it for a time, but an amateur exorcist here was able to work with some other students to find who this ghost might be. Think it was like… Honoka? Helena? Something like that. Latte got roped into helping them at the time, and from the sound of things they were able to pacify the ghost. Or something. At least got it to stop haunting the elevator.”

You shake your head. “Sounds like they went through a lot. What exactly was the ghost looking for anyway?”

Cocoa rubs the back of her neck. “...She, er, got stood up by a guy apparently, right before she… y’know, passed on, and… didn’t cope with it well. At least that’s how it sounded to me. Latte dressed up like an old friend of hers and spent much of the night trying to ease her away from a number of crazed lovestricken ideas that’d been floating around her mind for the last 20 or so years. First the ones about trying to kidnap the guy, then the ones about trying to put a curse on him, and then the ones about taking over the ‘skank’ that he picked over her. To her credit, Latte handled it really well.”

“Wow, that’s… yeah, vengeful and obsessive spirits haunting elevators is a bit outside the norm for regular high school students.” you express, holding her a bit closer.

She smiles and nuzzles you, and the two of you sit together for another moment. Cocoa then asks, “…Hey, Peppa?”


“Have you… thought about what you want to do once all these big threats to Earth are all settled and done with?” she questions, her voice a bit more serious.

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>A. Well, I’m a martial artist. My training, skills, body, all of them are parts of an ever-changing expression of art. I want to keep getting stronger, honing myself and my skills, maybe pass them on to someone some day. Doesn’t mean it’ll consume my life, but it’s always going to be a part of it
>B. I wanna keep working on my drawings, actually. It’s something I still really enjoy doing, and want to keep doing and improving on. Heh, who knows, maybe when I’m older some will get featured in a big name gallery somewhere
>C. Well… I kinda want to try some more charity work some time. I’ve seen that there are still places here on Earth that need help, to say nothing of those among the stars. People out there need help, and I’d like to help them
>D. Oh, I dunno. Two of us get married, I get to live a wonderful life with my hot movie star wife, maybe raise up a couple kids if we’re up for that~
>E. Something else?

Sadly, again,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Sorry for things being cut short, it should be better tomorrow. Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Stay safe out there and see you then!

Also, vote open until then!
>A. Well, I’m a martial artist. My training, skills, body, all of them are parts of an ever-changing expression of art. I want to keep getting stronger, honing myself and my skills, maybe pass them on to someone some day. Doesn’t mean it’ll consume my life, but it’s always going to be a part of it
>B. I wanna keep working on my drawings, actually. It’s something I still really enjoy doing, and want to keep doing and improving on. Heh, who knows, maybe when I’m older some will get featured in a big name gallery somewhere
>C. Well… I kinda want to try some more charity work some time. I’ve seen that there are still places here on Earth that need help, to say nothing of those among the stars. People out there need help, and I’d like to help them
>D. Oh, I dunno. Two of us get married, I get to live a wonderful life with my hot movie star wife, maybe raise up a couple kids if we’re up for that~
>E. Something else?
"What about you? I wanna support what you wanna do most of all."
>A. Well, I’m a martial artist. My training, skills, body, all of them are parts of an ever-changing expression of art. I want to keep getting stronger, honing myself and my skills, maybe pass them on to someone some day. Doesn’t mean it’ll consume my life, but it’s always going to be a part of it
>E. Something else?
"What about you? I wanna support what you wanna do, after all."
>E. I can't imagine these kinds of threats will ever be OVER, at least not enough to be sure of it, so dropping training entirely isn't really an option... but I also can't spend my entire life fighting. And I can't keep worrying about needing to. Or waiting for just the right time to let myself relax and be happy...
>E. ...there was a time period lasting four score and 200 years in which the Dragon Balls hadn't needed to be used. It ended when my Mom came to Earth!
>Where we go, trouble follows, and vice versa. It's a fact of life that there will always be bigger threats to deal with, but also people who need help with them.
>C. Well… I kinda want to try some more charity work some time. I’ve seen that there are still places here on Earth that need help, to say nothing of those among the stars. People out there need help, and I’d like to help them
>A. Well, I’m a martial artist. My training, skills, body, all of them are parts of an ever-changing expression of art. I want to keep getting stronger, honing myself and my skills, maybe pass them on to someone some day. Doesn’t mean it’ll consume my life, but it’s always going to be a part of it
And supporting
and >>6027148's E
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Woop, almost forgot!

>D. Oh, I dunno. Two of us get married, I get to live a wonderful life with my hot movie star wife, maybe raise up a couple kids if we’re up for that~
Though, I really want this to be an internal resolution. We're not even out of high school, that's way too young to be making a proposal!

So in the Journey to the West, chapter 53, there's this one magic river. Can we find a magic river like it?

Anyway, thanks for writing a story I love, Kato! It's been a great trip.
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>Peppa's worn skirts before.
Okie dokie! Please, can you make an edit the scene with the handstand and a flip, and Peppa is aware that her girlfriend and others are getting an eyeful?

I'll be honest, the skirtflip is why I suggested the dance and it's what I want to see.

>A. Well, I’m a martial artist. My training, skills, body, all of them are parts of an ever-changing expression of art. I want to keep getting stronger, honing myself and my skills, maybe pass them on to someone some day. Doesn’t mean it’ll consume my life, but it’s always going to be a part of it
>B. I wanna keep working on my drawings, actually. It’s something I still really enjoy doing, and want to keep doing and improving on. Heh, who knows, maybe when I’m older some will get featured in a big name gallery somewhere
And I agree with >>6027190 that the idea of D is nice, but No Way can we spring that on her now!
>“Still don’t know what was in that bag of hers…”
Lu lu lu, she got some apples!

>B. I wanna keep working on my drawings, actually. It’s something I still really enjoy doing, and want to keep doing and improving on. Heh, who knows, maybe when I’m older some will get featured in a big name gallery somewhere
>C. Well… I kinda want to try some more charity work some time. I’ve seen that there are still places here on Earth that need help, to say nothing of those among the stars. People out there need help, and I’d like to help them
>E. "And I wanna support you most of all. I'll be your biggest fan... especially in Summertime!"
I don't think we really need that.

Hit Vote:

>"Well, I can't just assume threats will end, and honestly my training and development of myself and my techniques as works of art will always be part of me, but I -would- like to expand; both my own artistic horizons and my experiences. Being out there, around the world and across the stars is so exciting and fulfilling. Being able to learn about and help so many different people. And I'd like to capture it all in my drawings to show everyone what I've experienced."
>After that, a sly look and
>"You know, when I'm not chasing after a beautiful movie star."

Support, and support this E. >>6027148

And >B.
>I don't think we really need that.
Please hear me out, tl;dr at the bottom.

Peppa flashing her pantsu on purpose is flirty, but it's still done on purpose. It puts the control in her hands, and any consequences from it are hers to reap. Like wrapping the tail around Cocoa, that tail is something extremely sensitive and is ripe to be taken advantage of, but Peppa trusts Cocoa with it, and Cocoa does play with it. The tail doesn't have a mind of its own to tease Cocoa without Peppa's knowing, Cocoa doesn't grip it by mistake or lean on Peppa's tail to produce a reaction. Any teasing with it is done entirely with the consent of them both.

We did have that tumble straight out of TLR because of the nat 1, but it was an accident inflicted on them and Peppa cursed herself for it. I didn't feel good about it despite how explicitly fanservicey it was meant to be. It wasn't until Cocoa's being cool about it that I could enjoy how much trust she has in Peppa because right now I'm emulating Peppa and can only take away as much from this as she does.

tl;dr If something racy can just happen to us from rolls and leave us embarassed even when its out of our hands, we should allow us to do it on purpose and make it ours.
We really don't need to have Kato write a scene involving Peppa flashing her girlfriend, accidentally or otherwise, especially since it's well past the point of it mattering.

Please stop.
Can you stop fighting people? They told Kato they wanted to do a panty-flip in their vague-ass write-in, and asked her to write it. And if you'll read that out loud, you may see that you don't need to do anything.
I will admit this does require a lot of trust to pull off, between the players and the QM. I want to see this happen, but it's still up to Kato to roll with it, and if she says "No" that's the end of it. I hope she can trust it's a bit of teasing to make a dance scene more amusing, but I figure I need to show I can leave it at that.

I brought this up to her immediately, and she replied "Peppa's worn skirts before." So I accepted that and proposed Peppa do the handstand knowingly. It's not a yes or no yet.

I also don't appreciate your words, you're speaking for the rest of us, and you're not acting like it's past the point of it mattering, you're currently arguing against it now. The vote for this happened days ago, I just want to see a version of the scene where the write-in's intent is expressed, for better or worse.
>they wanted to do a panty-flip in their vague-ass write-in
How was it vague?
I had a video for it and the filename was "pantsu dansu"
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Cocoa, that ghost story wasn't scary at all! It needs the little details, first-hand accounts, creaks and groans the elevator makes, shadows in the flickering lights, the button to the sixth floor lighting up three times, so annoying but doesn't this school have three floors? I want some mystery, the little details that mean little on their own should clue us in on what her deal is, having it all layed out there like that kills the interest deader than the girl what died!
You really need to work on your rakugo routine, any story can be a performance. As of right now, you don't even what she's got in the bag, but she's for sure got it more than you! Git gud!

>Now I don't wanna do anything else as nasty as that critique besides kissing! C'mere!
>D. Gee lesbos, how come Shenron granted you TWO kids?
>E. I love your performances so much and want to watch you make Marjorine go "I can't believe it's not meeeee!" I'm rooting for you!
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>you don't even what she's got in the bag, but she's for sure got it more than you!

Supporting, if it's not too late. Also,, I wanna add on,
>"My mom is really good at ghost stories, you should ask her to tell you some! The one with the Scissorman scared us straight on playing with scissors, lemme tell you hahaha!"
>smooth over the hairs on our tail as Maple's whispers of 'snip snip' ring in our ears
>"On an unrelated note, can we go home it's dark out please."
Supporting >>6027783 but didn't you already vote?
Oh hey forgot this one. Cancelling it and doing >>6027783 please.

Thanks skirtflipper!
And thanks for the support, but I do not get the reference, sorry. Is the scissorman Puar? Is it a deep cut Puar joke?
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>Thanks skirtflipper!
I am against skirt flipping for the underage girl because it makes me feel uncomfortable.
Nah, Maple speaks German sometimes so then she'd read her kids stuff like

Glad to hear you say that, I'm a bit iffy on all the dancing, kissing, petting and planning how many children to have when they're of age.

Ooh, would Cocoa be into getting groomed by the monkeygirl, or are bugs too icky?
>I am against skirt flipping for the underage girl because it makes me feel uncomfortable.
You don't have to read it if it gets made, then? Oh that's a good idea, may I see the write-in edit in a pastebin, please Kato?
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Yeah, no, we're not doing that. At least make it clear what you're actually voting for when the vote's being made.

Also I can be lenient this time, but no more changes after 6:30.

Anyway, we're back.


You… actually have to think that over for a moment. There are a number of things you want to do, things you’re striving toward, that you know would be easier during times of peace. But that’s a bit of a qualifier, isn’t it? “If… if I’m being completely honest, it’s hard to imagine a point where the threats to Earth are really ‘over,’ at least it’s not something I can say for certain. Even if the current threats we’ve been facing are beaten tomorrow, there might be something else on the horizon. So it’s not like one day I’m gonna stop my training…” You glance at Cocoa, noticing her looking a little sad. You smile at her though. “…but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna spend my whole life fighting. It’s a part of it, sure, it always will be, but I can’t let a worry that I have to keep preparing for the next big battle direct where I want my life to go. I can’t let it dictate when I should allow myself to just… relax, and be happy…” You rest your head on her shoulder to emphasize that last part.

She smiles again, nuzzling the top of your head. “Peppa…”

“I do still want to keep up my training, though, for my own sake. I’m a martial artist. My training, my skills, my very body, they’re all part of an ever-changing expression of art. I want to keep at that, honing my abilities and getting stronger, some day passing them on. I know not to let it be something that consumes my life, but it’s always going to a part of it I enjoy.” you express passionately, holding a hand out, spreading your fingers, and making a fist. Then, however, you ease it and make a shape like you’re holding a pencil or pen. “Just as my actual art is a part of my life. I really do enjoy drawing and want to keep expanding my skills there. I can keep expanding my horizons there, maybe some day… I dunno, see my works featured in a big name gallery or something when I’m older. I’m not entirely sure if I’ll be going to some art school for it or something, but going forward, that’s something I’d like to do beyond my training.”

“Martial Artist and Professional Artist…” Cocoa muses with a sweet look on her face. “You know, some might find those to be completely different directions to go in, but, I kinda get it. They’re both expressions of your art, of yourself.”

“Let’s see… beyond that, I guess I’ve still been pretty affected by my time exploring the Earth and even the worlds beyond. Being out there, traveling the world, venturing across the stars, it’s exciting and fulfilling. I’d like to capture some of that in my drawings, but beyond that, I also know there are those that still need help out there. I guess… I’d still want to do some kind of charity work? At least, I’d like to still go out there and help people. It’s probably not the more immediate ‘peace time’ thing I want to focus on, not going to be something I’d seek out constantly, but it’s still something I’d want to do going forward.”

Your girlfriend nods. “I do have to admit, even with all the crazy stuff we’ve gotten into… there is still a bit of a thrill in getting into those adventures with you. And sure, helping people’s nice, though not exactly gonna try to seek out trouble.”

“I know, I know.” you reassure her. “But… thanks. All the same, I wanna still be there for you, when you’ve got a big audition or play or something coming up. Rooting for you, keeping pace with you. Even when you’re a big name movie star.” you add with a sly smirk. “I’d have said ‘beautiful movie star’ but you’re already beautiful.”

She giggles. “You flatterer.”

You hold her close. And… a few thoughts float around your head. In a slightly teasing tone, you comment, “Correction, actually. When you’re -my- big name movie star wife.”

Cocoa gets a bit flustered by that. “P-Peppa!”

“But, really, it is what you wanna do, right? It’s the path you want to walk down. And I wanna be there supporting you every step of the way.”

She sighs and kisses you again. “Thank you. And yeah. It’s the goal I wanna keep working towards.”

>A. It is getting late, let’s get you home
>B. Wanna head off and see the sights a bit before we call it a night?
>C. Something else?
>A. It is getting late, let’s get you home
>A. It is getting late, let’s get you home
"I said I'd have you home by midnight. Doesn't mean we have to instantly return. Let's just enjoy each other's company on the way."
>A. It is getting late, let’s get you home
>C. Clothes Beam her a pokeplushie!
Should it be pocket sized, or- WAIT, a button in its paw to have it change size from "Keychain," "Snuggle," and "Beanbag"! And it'll shoot out the evolve light when it does too, niiiiice!

No offense, but B's right there shit-ass
>A. It is getting late, let’s get you home
>C. Fly her home in a huggably-close princess carry.

Absolutely gratuitously unecessary to do. We can teleport, she can fly. So... its perfect. And maybe go over a scenic route if possible? Of course when flying around in the early evening everything is gonna be scenic by default...
Cute I'll support that C.
>Yeah, no, we're not doing that. At least make it clear what you're actually voting for when the vote's being made.
Thank you for the straight answer, and I did make it clear what I was voting for. I had a video, and the post said "and this is the part where we" so you would need to watch the video to understand it. I tried to make a joke that I thought you would get, and it failed. That is all.

>A. It is getting late, let’s get you home
Supporting write-ins.
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>And maybe go over a scenic route if possible? Of course when flying around in the early evening everything is gonna be scenic by default...
>B's right there shit-ass
>A. It is getting late, let’s get you home
>C. Fly her home in a huggably-close princess carry.
We're still doing >A its just including a little bit of the *intent* of >B. We aren't actually putzing around going back and forth to places, we just get a birds eye view and a casual speed for our flight plan.

Probably should have pointed that out better. Apologues.
Flying hand in hand sounds great.
Support >>6027938
A kiss on the hand once she's home to close out the night.
It is acceptable. I do still like the princess carry but at least be hand in hand before showing up to her house. She's gonna flustered enough as it is.

As intended.
All me, BTW. This mobile signal ain't consistent. Should keep on using the name.
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Sound so nice, we're doing it twice!
I also like this C. It's a classy move. Support.
This is good, yes. Drown the world in wholesome affections.
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Supporting the C, I have a pair of plushies in mind.
>"Black, or White?"

Supporting, but I want to be princess carried by her while she's flying, or fly her while we are being princess carried.
Oh yeah, we each get one to keep.
No... to trade every time we sleep over!
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But of course!

And One More Thing to give the creation of them a bit more razzle dazzle, and to show how far we've come with the clothes beam and our training,
>We ask Cocoa to produce some energy, borrow it, and meld it with our own to use in the creation of our two plushies!
>And when she's tired from doing that, she hugs the plushy close
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Supporting again,

And goodnight, Kato! Thanks for running!
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“Well, it’s getting late, let’s get you home.” you tell Cocoa, standing up and taking her by the hand. “I did say I’d get you there by midnight. Of course, doesn’t mean teleporting you to your house or anything. Let’s fly on back.” you suggest, starting to float upward.

She stands up with you, then lifts into the air with you. “Sounds like a plan, Peppa.”


You both fly hand in hand across the city, taking in the sights, but making sure you don’t take too long. Midway, you pull her close and hold her in your arms, shifting around and princess carrying her the rest of the way, her arms wrapped around you close as she looks on lovingly. Landing at the door, you carry her inside, with Cocoa giving you a soft kiss on the cheek. You set her down, and then bow to her, bringing her right hand up and kissing the back of it. “I’ll see you again soon, my Cocoa.”

She blushes but smiles. “I’ll hold you to that, my Peppa.”

You then Clothes Beam up a paired couple of plush figures, a couple Pokemon the two of you like, and offer her one. “We’ll make sure these two see one another again, too.”

Girlishly giggling, she says a simple “Thank you.” as she picks the white one. “Maybe we’ll trade ‘em back and forth, yeah?”

“Sounds good to me.”

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“My my, 11:49, you kept your word, Peppa.” a familiar voice speaks up in an amused tone.

“M-mom!” Cocoa exclaims, almost leaping up.

She giggles softly as she heads down the stairs. “You two are adorable together. And it looks like you both had quite a fun time.”

“Ahahaha…” you laugh bashfully, rubbing the back of your neck. “W-well, I should be off now…” You place two fingers on your forehead and lock on to Groucho’s Ki.

In the seconds before you leave, you hear Cocoa’s mother teasingly comment about how she remembers being bridal carried- gyah! You weren’t-! …Wait what’s the difference between bridal and princess-? Guh, nevermind, home home home home!

You teleport next to Groucho, who himself is relaxing with your brother. You spot Buu snacking over near the couch, and notice mom’s back as well. She looks to you with a smile. “Have fun, Peppa?”

“From the look on her face, I’d say so. In fact I’d even bet things went over even better than you planned.” Gohan comments. “Aren’t you a little young to start propo-?” You Clothes Beam a “DOOFUS” shirt at your brother’s smug face before he can finish the sentence.

“Don’t tease your sister.” Maple scolds lightly. “Anyway, glad you had fun, Ghost Pepper.”

“Thanks, Momma Bird.” you say with a bit more ease in your voice. “Everything go well in Mifan?”

“Yeah, we handled it before it could get out of hand.” She walks out of the kitchen and into the living room, hands on her hips. “We have a different thing to focus on now anyway. Peppa, Gohan, I want the both to get plenty of rest. Tonight, and prep anything you might need.” Her voice is noticeably more serious. And you can probably tell why.

“...Izzy’s done it, hasn’t she?”

Mom gives a nod. “Yeah. At minimum, we’re gonna get two teams set up, because the rescue missions will start tomorrow.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Stay safe out there and see you then!
>Peppa, Gohan, I want the both to get plenty of rest. Tonight, and prep anything you might need.”
>"You said it, I sure am," yawn
>Look out the window to see daylight
>"...hungry, what's for lunch?"

Aw, I thought you would like the part where we borrow Cocoa's energy to tie it in to the beginning. Oh well, thanks for running!
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>“We’ll make sure these two see one another again, too.”

>“Aren’t you a little young to start propo-?”
Bro was stalking us? Super creepy. Can we go on separate teams?
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Okay everyone, it's go time! We're back!


There’s a massive gathering of people at the area near Kress Castle where Towa and Dabura had their “parley.” You, Gohan, mom, Buu, Izzy, uncle Acer, aunt Chi-chi, uncle Raditz, Izzy’s gang, Monty, 19, Videl, Pantea, Yamcha, 16, Sala, Hado, Jaki, Chuu Lee, Lapis, Lazuli, Krillin, Piccolo, Lao, Basilea and her Majin attendants, and even Melchior and a woman with him you hadn’t actually met much before by the name of “Wyerta” (apparently Melchior and Jaki know her, and Izzy rescued her), are all gathered there. You also notice a conspicuous white vehicle parked somewhat nearby, but according to mom it’s fine. Izzy’s gathered up a portion of the dreamstone and sets them down on a kind of Magic Circle.

Just then, in teleports Grand Supreme Kai with a few others, Tapion and Minotia, but also Buula, Percel, and… oh hey, Bra! He smiles pleasantly at you all. “Greetings, warriors of Earth. It seems like you all have your preparations ready.”

“Grand Supreme Kai, sir.” Gohan welcomes. “Given your company, I’d assume you’ve got some good news as well?”

“Indeed. The Time Patrol has found a lead on Shin.” he confirms.

“We’re also here to ensure whatever it is you’re trying to do doesn’t go awry.” Buula states bluntly.

“Hey! I’ve taken every precaution possible, I’ve learned everything I can, and I’ve got a few experts on this with me.” Izzy protests.

The Majin girl shakes her head. “Look, this is what the boss is asking of us, it’s just a precaution.”

“We’re also here to ask for any other volunteers in retrieving Master Shin.” Tapion speaks up with a smile. “Minotia and I have already decided to join in.”

“I think that works out well.” Maple says. “We shouldn’t send too many people out there, though, but it does make things a bit easier.” While she says this, Grand Supreme Kai also notices the vehicle parked somewhat close by, giving an amused look, but after glancing at Maple, who nods to him, he seems to be fine with it.

“All right people, listen up!” Izzy calls out, drawing everyone’s attention. “Three team setup! Those of you who are gonna go with to help save Chiaotzu, over here! Those of you going to rescue Shin, with the Grand Supreme Kai! Those of you attempting to rescue Tien, with Basilea!”

“It’ll still be best if we have some stay behind to keep watch over Earth.” Maple brings up. “Just in case.”

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19 marches right towards Izzy, standing near her. Expected, but good regardless. Keli, Lao, and Yamcha approach Basilea. Also expected. Piccolo heads on over to the Grand Supreme Kai, with the Kai giving a nod of appreciation.

So, what will you do?


>A. Team Chiaotzu
>B. Team Shin
>C. Team Tien
>D. Hold the fort
>E. Something else?


>A. Team Chiaotzu
>B. Team Shin
>C. Team Tien
>D. Hold the fort
>E. Something else?


>A. Team Chiaotzu
>B. Team Shin
>C. Team Tien
>D. Hold the fort
>E. Something else?

Try to pick one for each, and choose wisely. Also, if there are any team preferences for each, let me know now, otherwise I will pick them myself.
>C. Team Tien
>C. Team Tien
Don't think Gohan and Peppa have been around Basilea at the same time since they were kids. Last time Gohan met Basilea, it got ugly. Should be interesting.
>B. Team Shin

File deleted.
>C. Tien
>E. "Any leads on Dad?"

He's in the Goku Room I bet.

>B. Shin

>A. Chiaotzu
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>C. Team Tien
>E. Buula, Mini Buu said he wants to play with you / >D. Hold the Fort
>B. Team Shin
>B. Team Shin
>C. Team Tien
>D. Hold the fort

>E. Buula, Mini Buu said he wants to play with you
Daddy-daughter time can end before you know it...
I like these.
Support >>6028878
>B. Team Shin

>A. Team Chiaotzu
>He needs our help! We know what it's like to not have friends and be short and weird, Mood Kindred!

>E. Invade Makai.
The best defense is OFFENSE
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>A. Team Chiaotzu
>B. Team Shin
>Ask if there are any relics Shin had as Supreme Kai that could be linked to him in some way.
>D. Hold the fort
>See if we can use the Big Hakkero and our own to establish a network or energy to power big barriers.
>I get to live a wonderful life with my hot movie star wife
I'm a bit confused. Cocoa Amaguri was a pop idol before she was a movie star, and a big part of her canon character is lamenting that she's a washed up idol who had to fall back on blockbuster movies for her looks rather than her talent. Why is Cocoa the Actress being put front and center?
It probably has to do with Kato taking the character White from the Pokemon Adventure BW manga and overwriting Cocoa with it. That, or she didn't do any research on idols.
What are you trying to prove, exactly?
apologies, passed out for a bit

“Any leads on dad?” you ask the Grand Supreme Kai, and then look at your cousin.

He smiles sadly, shaking his head. “From the sound of things, finding your displaced father has been even harder than getting a lead on where Shin ended up at.”

Gohan looks down with a frown, “I see…”

“We will get him back.” your cousin declares. “This will work. It might take more time, but we’ll get him back too, I swear it.”

She’s trying to reassure you all, but she’s confident about this. You give her an appreciative smile. “Thanks, cous.”

You then watch Gohan head on over to the Grand Kai’s group. You kinda figure he’d be picking that one. Mom actually heads on over with him, as does Buu, who gives a wave to Buula. The Time Patroller awkwardly waves back to him. So. Mom, Gohan, Buu, Piccolo, Tapion, Minotia, will all be going with the Time Patrol and Grand Supreme Kai. An understandable grouping. So they’ll be the ones trying to find Shin.

Meanwhile, you yourself walk towards Basilea, and you notice Pantea and Videl march alongside you. They both give you confident smiles, with Keli giving you a nod of appreciation. Krillin and uncle Acer actually walk on over as well. That means you, Videl, Pantea, Keli, Lao, Yamcha, Krillin, and uncle Acer will head off with Basilea and the Majin twins to try to get Tien out of Majin Ozotto.

Lastly, Chuu Lee, uncle Raditz, 16, and Sala and Hado head over to 19 and Izzy, with your cousin declaring, “I’ll be going with them. I’ll be able to get everyone back with greater ease if I’m actually part of this. Jaki, Melchior, and Wyerta will be able to reopen the rift once our mission’s complete, but it’ll be safer with me helping stabilize it on the other side.”

“Sounds like you have thought this through.” Percel remarks. “Very well.”

“All right big shots, listen up!” Shun Shun calls out to your group. “This isn’t a sightseeing tour, you’re going to be tresspassing into the Demon Realm trying to find someone you all know is as sinister as he is clever, Majin Ozotto! If by some miracle you can punch Tien out of his guts or whatever, great, mission accomplished! But you’re probably going to be facing him somewhere he has the advantage, so you’ve got one shot at this before it goes to shit!”

“To keep this simple, the rules are: do not get captured, avoid detection as best as possible, and prepare for the worst.” Haru Haru states bluntly. “Our goal is to get you people in and out, so don’t screw this up.”

“There’s a high chance of him just up and leaving, and a slight one of him having some kind of reinforcements.” Basilea states. “If either happens, I want you all to abandon the mission, not chase him around the Demon Realm trying to end him. We don’t need this to cascade into some bigger problem.”

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“Fine.” Videl agrees.

“Understood.” Pantea says with a nod.

“We go in, get Tien out, and leave. Solid plan.” Keli confirms.

Uncle Acer gives her a thumb’s up, then pats the Masamune’s hilt. He looks over to his daughter and tells her, “Stay safe out there, kiddo.”

“Same goes to you, dad.” Izzy responds. “So, teams ready?”


There’s a resounding shout of agreement. Here it goes. Izzy transforms into her Mahou state and readies the Dreamstone, Melchior and Jaki close by, supporting her. The magic circle activates, and then she clasps her hands together, a dark sphere of energy forming between them. She flings it up, then spreads her arms, with the sphere widening into a swirling mass of darkness, crackling with power. But then, Izzy pulls her right hand back, and thrusts it forward, palm open wide. The darkness shifts into a calmer blue color, opening up into an almost trippy swirl of energy. Yet there seems to be something far, far into the middle of it. Something that looks like… an alien city, maybe?

She’s done it.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~5:30 pm PST. Stay safe out there and see you then!

Also, stick with Peppa, or switch to Izzy or Gohan?
I'm all for switching to Izzy, to start.
Switching to Izzy is fine
>This isn’t a sightseeing tour, you’re going to be tresspassing into the Demon Realm
We're trespassing? Can the Supreme Kais and Trip get some passes issued?

Let's go with Gohan!

I didn't mean to say you're wrong to focus on that one part of her, please don't lump me in with him, but will we see her idol phase?
Izzy, please!
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Cocoa should have debuted by now if she was ever going to do it, average age for new idols to do so is 15-16.

But she was never going to be an idol.
>“So, thinking on switching from actress to music idol?” Lime questions teasingly.
>“Hardly. But outfits like this are really useful for what I wanna do.” Cocoa replies, sticking her chin up.

Funny. For a character that was called "Super Popular Idol Cocoa Amaguri" as much as she was in the anime, pretty much all of it went in one ear with Kato, got bored, and died.
Izzy time
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Please make her an idol!
Hey, hey. It sucks that she's not going to be an idol, but why can't she be an actress?
Hit votes for Izzy
>Can the Supreme Kais and Trip get some passes issued?
Seconding. If we don't have passes / run them out in the dark demon realm, do we die, or get sent back to Earth?
Let's stick with Peppa, why not?
I don't think she's good at acting. If she gets a career as an idol then that could pave the way to being an actress but right now,
her work just isn't impressive.
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...you don't think you could have brought this up before we staked our future on Cocoa being a movie star?
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You're not even trying to be subtle about it at this point.
Stop getting cold feet, if she's "not good at acting" we just need help her improve.

Ok I'll bite. Who are you talking to?
All right, that's enough.

Anyway, we're back:

You’ve done it.

Looking over at the Time Patrollers, they seem to confirm that there’s nothing going awry with it. Good.

“It’s go time, people! Into the wormhole!” you yell out.

And so, 19, 16, Sala, Hado, Chuu Lee, and Raditz all hop into the portal, with you jumping in after, giving one last nod to Jaki, Melchior, and Wyerta, and finally a thumb’s up towards your mom and dad. And you then backflip and spin jump into the portal, just to make sure your entry into it looks cool.


All of you traverse through a bizarre show of lights and sounds, feeling yourselves accelerate through the wormhole. You catch some glimpses of things beyond this, shards of spacetime floating around. You can barely take in all of it, but you’re able to focus on the path forward well enough that you get through without any problems.

You all arrive on a planet that looks strikingly futuristic, appearing in what should be the outskirts of a major city, though as you get your bearings, you realize it’s actually a massive park area inside it. It’s actually surprisingly warm, even though it looks to be evening. Off in the distance looks to be some kind of... massive pyramid structure, maybe even larger than the skyscrapers around the city. Also, there seem to be a number of humanoid people walking around, the only real difference between them and humans of Earth being more pale-grey skin and pointed ears, but also some more alien folk walking around too. None of you have been spotted yet, but you’re not sure you’d cause any commotion if you did just yet.

>A. All right, everyone, start scanning everything! Scouters, sensors, Ki detection, whatever you can do
>B. Head into the city proper and try to blend in a bit, get some information passively
>C. Keep to the park area, don’t draw any attention just yet
>D. Let’s split into teams and start searching!
>E. Something else?
Don't get me wrong, I still want to have her babies, however That's gonna work. I just wish she was good at the thing she picked instead of the ultra cute idol she could have been?

Oh no, it's the New Humans.
>E. Dive in the sewers!
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>C. Keep to the park area, don’t draw any attention just yet
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Hey, this looks like Z'S! Wonder if we can do anything with that?
>A. All right, everyone, start scanning everything! Scouters, sensors, Ki detection, whatever you can do
>A & C.
She did good in the school play, and she's confident about the audition. I think Cocoa was just relaxed when she told us that ghost story, and it's good that she can relax around us.

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Rolled 14, 9, 19 = 42 (3d20)

All righty, roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 11 for the first, 9 for the second.
Rolled 16, 11 = 27 (2d20)

Rolled 16, 5 = 21 (2d20)

Rolled 10, 3 = 13 (2d20)

Rolled 17, 12, 7 = 36 (3d20)

Passed both! Writing...
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So here's the thing about the school play: it was The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. It's about an alien princess who gets courted by some japanese noble dudes and the Emperor and she says No to all of them, and then she says "My planet needs me" (Emperor died when she went to her home planet).

The role of Kaguya is not a human role, she is a pretty face that men will go to the ends of the Earth to win. She doesn't do anything that shows empathy to the other characters besides formality, she just looks to the moon and wants to go to the moon. There is one moment where she is having a sad goodbye, but then Buddha gives her a magic cloak and erases all her emotions. Everyone else around her is pretty sad, but she's an alien and above that.

The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter is a play where the Onus to Act is on Everyone but Kaguya, and this is Cocoa's favorite role she's done, a role where she didn't have to do much!

I hope La Maupin has some singing in it, some youtube clips of a professional opera singer would be Something to distract from Cocoa's Nothing.
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“We shouldn’t draw any attention.” you comment. “Let’s stay in this area, but start searching. Check for Chiaotzu’s Ki, use Scouters, whatever we can.”

“A smart move.” 19 acknowledges with a nod, looking around.

You all stay in a more wooded, mountainous area of the park, keeping track of any Ki signatures you all can sense while you try to feel Chiaotzu’s. You come across a recreational area that doesn’t have too many people around, noticing that, at the very least, the written language present on the planet isn’t one you or anyone else know, but the spoken language is whatever counts for galactic basic here, so it’s understandable enough, given some of the advertisements. Gravity is a bit higher than Earth’s, but only maybe twice that at most, probably less. Hado and Sala actually note something interesting: “There’s… Magic present almost all throughout this park. And even beyond it.”

You… can actually sense it too. You look upward and notice some floating platforms that have some kind of repulsor tech augmented by Magic. In the park especially, there’s Magic being used alongside irrigation and soil management systems. The pyramid structure in the distance especially seems to have a substantial amount of Magic present.

Raditz also picks up on something unusual. “The inhabitants of this planet have a fairly wide range of strength, but the average is higher than many PTO worlds.”

Chuu Lee nods in agreement. “A lot of people here are actually decently strong. I can even sense some that… are at least comparable to the Ginyu Force, and others-” She stops, eyes widening, and all of you can feel a sudden surge of Ki almost halfway across the planet.

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It… it’s MASSIVE. Whoever it is, they’re probably at least on par with the strongest of your group all put together. Hell this person could probably give Kuriza a run for his money. It’s… odd, too, there’s a sense of darkness to the energy, yet it’s balanced in equal measure with an odd sense of virtuous, righteous power. But more importantly, there’s someone with him. Someone much more recognizable.

“Chiaotzu!” Chuu Lee states in surprise. “It’s him, he’s with that strong power!”

“Oi, what’s the lil’ guy tryin’ to do? Fight that big bloke? That’s nuts! There’s no way he’d last more than a second!” Sala declares.

You cross your arms as you sense them. No… this isn’t some desperate battle, this is… “It… feels more like they’re training.” you comment.

Bizarrely, just as quickly as the training started, it stops, and the massive spike in power drops. A weird sensation hits you all as well, as if for the briefest of moments a shiver traveled down your spines, only 16 and 19 not really reacting to it. While still hidden away though, you see that your group aren’t the only ones that have sensed that spike in power. A number of people have worried expressions on their faces, and they’re murmuring to one another.

>A. Doesn’t matter, we have Chiaotzu’s location, let’s go!
>B. Telepathically try to contact him, get his attention and hopefully he’ll come to you all
>C. Try to see what they’re all so worried about, someone sneak closer to some of the inhabitants
>D. Something else?
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>B. Telepathically try to contact him, get his attention and hopefully he’ll come to you all
>D. "Eyyy, what's 19 times Chiaotzu?"

La Maupin looks like it will have swordfights. Chin up, Cocoa may get some roles in Kung Fu movies!
>D. Something else?
"Something feels off. Did anyone else get that shiver down their spine? I think whoever that power level belongs to knows we're here. If he's familiar enough with Chiaotzu to train with him, we might be expected. Worse, we could be walking into a trap."
>C. Try to see what they’re all so worried about, someone sneak closer to some of the inhabitants
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>A. Doesn’t matter, we have Chiaotzu’s location, let’s go!
And supporting the write-in! The best way to deal with a trap is to Spring it, and they don't call us Izumi for nothing!
Hit supports >>6030006
And same
>D. Giant Robo, Galactic Basic translator, Balance on the Pyramid's top Zero-Style, "CITIZENS OF THE MEGACITY, DO NOT BE ALARMED"
>Wait for the strong one to come to you, shoot off some fireworks in the meantime, harmless and flashy
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>B. Send messages to each other using reflected light and morse code!
>And when that doesn't work, telepathy.
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passedd out agsain, sorry

“Okay, before we do anything, did anyone else get a weird shiver down your spines just now?” you ask.

“Damn right I did.” Sala confirms.

“Yeah, that was… off.” Raditz says with a nod.

“It felt like a wave of energy was released across the planet… but not one that seemed destructive?” Chuu Lee remarks, unsure.

“Whoever that strong guy is might know we’re here. And they might be expecting us. Even if they’re training with Chiaotzu, we have to consider that this could be a trap.” you explain. “Let’s try to contact him first, and maybe listen on to what’s bothering the people nearby.”

“What will we do if this does indeed end up being a trap?” 16 questions.

“The best way to handle it is to spring it, on our terms.” Raditz comments.

“Yeah. But let’s check to be sure.” you state, trying to focus on Chiaotzu’s Ki, trying to telepathically contact him. ‘Eyyyy… what’s 19 times Chiaotzu?’

There’s a pause, and you worry just a little. But… he responds. ‘Izumi? How?!’

‘Long story short, magic crystals, and we’re here to rescue you.’ You give 19 a thumb’s up, and she smiles slightly.

There’s another pause. ‘...I, well, have something I still need to do first.’

Okay that’s suspicious.

Managing to listen on with the other conversations going on, you hear something… also ominous. “Do you think it was them again?” one person asks.

“It might be… or maybe they never left.” another suggests. “Maybe they’re trying to finish what they started.”

Very, very suspicious.

‘Chiaotzu, what’s going on?’

‘Master and I are preparing for our mission… we, ah, are out to stop a mad tyrant.’

…And just like that, this mission just got a lot more complicated.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Stay safe out there and see you then!
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>“We will get (Goku) back.” (Izumi) declares.
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Okay, we are back!

Relaying what he just said, there’s an air of confusion and tension left hanging. Questions mount, with Raditz and Chuu Lee joining in asking questions of their own. He does seem glad to hear that you’re all doing well, but things here have been… different.

Apparently Chiaotzu’s been here a bit over 13 months now. He and the person who took him in have been facing off against some of this mad tyrant’s “enforcers” across a few worlds. This world was the one Chiaotzu first arrived at, and also a world they faced one of the enforcers in battle, managing to defeat their foe, though in the process potentially turning the place into a big target. They returned in part for training, and in part to try to draw out any other enforcers that be on the planet again.

He’s… been through a lot, from the sound of things.

>A. What training have you been doing, exactly?
>B. Can our groups meet up somewhere? That might make things a bit easier
>C. Does your new master really need you to help him? From what we could feel, he’s plenty strong on his own
>D. Can we get a bit more info on this “mad tyrant” guy and his enforcers?
>E. Something else?
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>D. Can we get a bit more info on this “mad tyrant” and her enforcers?
Not trying to go "Make the mad tyrant a woman," just going "The mad tyrant could be a woman?"

Pantyflasher raises an excellent point, women can be Hitler too! Supporting.

In fact,
>C. Does your new master really need you to help her? From what we could feel, she’s plenty strong on her own
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Support. We're in different times, and we need to get with them!

But while we're at it,
>E. Does energy reveal gender?
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>Does energy reveal gender?
If it does, will our Hakkero be able to function as an Egg Detector?
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>“Do you think it was them again?” one person asks.
>“It might be… or maybe they never left.” another suggests. “Maybe they’re trying to finish what they started.”
Wait a second... does this mean to say that We're Darth Revan?
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It all makes sense! That's why the world resembles Z'S, Dark Izumi built it that way. The Pyramids contain Octagonal Reactors. Her enforcers are malefic versions of our companions. The reason why they are Malefic? All the Dark Energy that Peppa shunted outside of space-time. Towa used this in shunting Chiaotzu and Shin to different times. That's the reason why we couldn't go directly to the time Chiaotzu got sent to, we had to be sent 13 months in the future... and the past, where part of us got consumed by darkness.

To return back to our time, we and Chiaotzu have to go fight our Doppelgangers and become whole again.
>D. Can we get a bit more info on this “mad tyrant” guy and his enforcers?
Backing >>6030979
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Oh yeah, the reason why Chiaotzu didn't go 13 months in the future when we did is because we locked onto to the heartless version, his nobody arrived 26 months in the past, or 396x2 days.
>E. Real quick, is your Master a shaman?
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And if we can be affected with this dark energy, how many Time Patrollers have gotten turnt?
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‘Chiaotzu, might we be able to meet up somewhere with you and this person you’ve been training under? That’d make things substantially easier.’ you ask him next.

‘I… think so. Let me check real quick.’ he replies, and after a beat, he confirms, ‘Yes, that’d be good. We’ve got a location, just head towards us.’

You sense the Ki signatures move away, and all of you stealthily take to the air and fly off, tracking them. You pass through the park area and the rest of the city, which genuinely stretches for dozens of kilometers before you actually reach the outskirts of it. Even outside, there seem to be structures, gardens, and what look like massive temple complexes that meld seamlessly with nature, with some floating mountain ranges up in the sky. Along the way, you ask both aloud and telepathically, “Can we get some more info on this ‘Mad Tyrant’ dude and the ‘enforcers’ working for ‘em you two have been fighting?”

‘So… the group are a set of powerful warriors that call themselves the “Archons” led by one that calls himself “Yalbadoth.” They’re…’ Chiaotzu pauses for an uncomfortable moment, then continues, ‘They’re effectively worshiped and feared in equal measure as “gods” in these parts, and from what I’ve heard and seen, that’s not an inaccurate descriptor. They were once a few worlds’ Kami that went from Guardians to Cosmic Rulers, with their leader having something like the blessing of the Supreme Kai to enact this.’

“Wait… you’ve been fighting a bunch of rogue Kami with delusions of grandeur?” Raditz asks.

‘They’re far stronger than any back home. Even the weakest of them here was easily stronger than the likes of Freeza, Cooler, and Cold. And the Archons ruled over many worlds, often with an iron fist.’

“Why would a Supreme Kai allow this, then?” Chuu Lee inquires, a frown on her face.

‘It... well the concept is still odd to me, but it’s apparently for the sake of the “Mortal Development” or the like. The Archons keep things balanced, under control, and steadily progressing and advancing. They just… do so by crushing all opposition to them, forcing strict rules and draconic laws upon the people underneath them. And recently, Yalbadoth had grown only more determined to “accelerate” things, demanding stricter standards and harsher punishments for those who failed to meet them. Like he’s gone mad with power. Hence, Mad Tyrant.’

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“If you don’t mind my asking, and I don’t wanna sound rude or anything, but does your new Master really need the extra help? From what we could sense, that’s someone that could go blow for blow against Kuriza in his transformed state.”

‘W-well… Master mostly took me under his wing because he saw I had a lot of potential still, and unique skills I could develop if given enough time. Plus the Archons are pretty tricky fighters themselves, and I have helped turn the tide more than once.’

“Getting Maple vibes from whoever this is.” Raditz comments, which gets a number of you to look at him. “What? It’s true. Some very skilled and strong warrior going out of their way to help another realize their full potential. Hell, you’re basically the prime example of it.” he adds, gesturing at Chuu Lee.

She rubs the back of her neck at that. “I mean… I guess you’re not wrong…”

All of you approach a floating mountain, with Chiaotzu and this new master of his waiting there. You happen upon a more humble lodge, something with a bit of an eastern aesthetic to it, while still looking noticeably more advanced than many places back home. Chiaotzu opens up the door, smiling at you all welcomingly. “You guys… you really did it.”

19 approaches him first, and after a pause, she hugs him. He’s surprised at first, but quickly hugs her back. “I am glad you are safe.”

Raditz chuckles a bit, commenting, “Well this is adorable and everything, but let’s not keep this tough guy you’ve been training under waiting.”

19 lets go, and Chiaotzu nods. “Right. This way, everyone.”

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Leading you all inside, you see that the entrance hall is wide but surprisingly spartan, lacking much in decor, though you can sense some Magic running through it much like some of the areas you’d sensed before. At the end of it looks to be a tall man with slicked back blonde hair, pale-grey skin and pointed ears, a long black coat with a puffed, furred collar, and as he turns to face you all, you see he has a brown belt with gold buckle over a yellow sash, black pants, white boots, red gloves, and a massive scar in the shape of an “X” across his bare chest, red eyes behind a large, yellow visor, sides of his face adorned with what look like yellow tattoos. The at first has a stern expression on his face, taking stock of you all… but his expression changes to a more pleasant one. “I take it these are the friends you mentioned, Chiaotzu?”

He nods. “They are indeed, Master Hearts.”

>A. …Hearts, huh? How’d you get that name, exactly?
>B. We heard what you’re up to. Are you sure you still need Chiaotzu’s help with it?
>C. Guys, hear me out. Maybe we could help him?
>D. Something else?
Oh great, the Demiurge. So we're fighting the Metal Beasts again? That's all?
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>D. Destroy the world and bounce.
Okay, probably not gonna be able to stay up for the next post, so,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Stay safe out there and see you then!

Also, vote open until then!
Rest well boss
>A. …Hearts, huh? How’d you get that name, exactly?
>Sorry, that was rude. I'm Izumi Mahogany, I was named after an Izumi I've never met.
>A. …Hearts, huh? How’d you get that name, exactly?

>D. Something else?
"The darkness in your energy, I think I understand it now. That's shadow magic isn't it? You must be quite an expert with gravity magic."
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Your wrong by the way. They did meet. Tuffle Quest Kai 39.
Ah, my wrong indeed.

Fixing that last bit,
>"I was named after a lemon."
So if we're assuming Kato hadn't decided to reference the Gnostic pantheon twice for two unrelated parties, is Izumi fighting Peppa's sloppy seconds, or did Peppa fight Izumi's?
>C. Guys, hear me out. Maybe we could help him?
Helping Chiaotzu, right?

Introducing before asking questions is polite, sure, and you could extend that politeness to our namesake. Support.
Think you're coming in a little hot with the flirting there, buddy! Supporting asking him "That's shadow magic isn't it?" but let's leave out the preening and flattery, okay?
Have you considered not playing? Just now you laid out a bunch of expectations in a stream of consciousness which could not have possibly been met and when what Kato's been planning for months was obviously different, you got snippy. How can you be anything but disappointed going on like that? You're bringing an energy with you that makes things less fun, and if you're going to insist on showing up you could make an effort to be pleasant. Like, what do you expect when you act like broken glass? No one's gonna go "eh maybe it's not broken glass" they're just gonna steer clear until one of your rants is ban-worthy.
Eh. Didn't think a compliment was flirting but alright.
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>C. Guys, hear me out. Maybe we could help him?

Stop feeding him, shit-ass
>A & C.
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Okay, we are back!

You look at him with a raised eyebrow. “…Hearts, huh? How’d you get a name like that?” …Wait that sounds kinda rude. “Oh, right. I’m Izumi. Izumi Mahogany, Princess of the Ox Kingdom. Named after my dad’s first mentor, Izumi Citron. …So, y’know, namesake’s a lemon. I get it having a slightly weird name.”

With an amused look, he answers, “I know how it sounds, but the name I’ve taken comes from the first skill I ever really developed, a long, long time ago. I can read the desires, the intent, the very hearts and souls of other people. It isn’t mere mind reading, but a much broader, much more thorough method. Even inorganic beings like your friends here.” he gestures at 19 and then 16, which catches them by slight surprise, then turns back to you. “I can tell you’re all beings with mostly good natures, with some interesting strengths. You especially have very powerful Magical abilities, Miss Mahogany.”

“So you can tell that much, huh? Then let me elaborate something I was able to pick up on, you’re massively adept at Shadow Magic, especially in manipulation of Gravity.” Smirking a little, you ask, “Am I wrong?”

He lets out a genuine laugh. “Hah! Not bad, not bad at all.” He then looks to Hado and Sala, commenting, “You two have some powerful Magic your own, if not on the same level as Miss Mahogany here.” Next, Chuu Lee. “While you are both quite powerful on your own, but more importantly someone adept with her usage of Ki.” And finally Raditz. “And you’re the real powerhouse here, aren’t you?”

“Hmnh. So you have some idea on what all we can do. Impressive and everything, but what’s that supposed to mean, exactly?” Raditz questions.

You actually speak up for him. “Hey, guys, hear me out. Maybe we can help him and Chiaotzu?” The former’s surprised by that offer, but appreciative, while Hearts just gives you a smile.

That catches them off-guard, with Chuu Lee especially looking unsure. “Izzy, I don’t know if that’s the best call to make here…”

“Ah quit yer bellyachin’, Miss Magic Princess Pants here’s got a point.” Sala speaks up. “They got some big bad rogue god they’re off to wallop, they’ll be done quicker if they’ve got our help, right?”

“Sala you could sense how strong this guy was, what exactly could WE do against the kinds of foes he’s up against?” Hado questions.

“For one, the Magical abilities you two have might be able to catch them off-guard.” 19 suggests, showing support to the offer of aiding them. “And even if it isn’t fighting such foes directly, playing a more supportive role could turn the odds in our favor.”

“Betcha there’s plenty a’ treasure out there too…” the blonde lady adds under her breath, with Hado narrowing his eyes at her.

16 is neutral to all this, while Chuu Lee still isn’t quite sure, and Raditz doesn’t look all that convinced.

>A. Pleeeeaaaassseee Uncle Raditz? (Give ‘em the ol’ Tuffle Eyes. They never fail!)
>B. Look, what do you expect us to do while these two run off to try and beat some mad tyrant god? Sit around, take some souvenir photos, maybe enjoy local cuisine? Or would you rather be out there fighting against a new, tough foe?
>C. I mean ultimately it’s up to them if they want our help or not, but we should at least make the offer
>D. Something else?
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>A. Pleeeeaaaassseee Uncle Raditz? (Give ‘em the ol’ Tuffle Eyes. They never fail- wait a tick, we got super wiped out by the Saiyans.)
>(Give 'em the ol' Saibamen eyes!)

inb4 Raditz gives us "I'm not your Uncle" worthy of Spy Kids
>C. I mean ultimately it’s up to them if they want our help or not, but we should at least make the offer
>D. Something else?
"I want to help you, but I think we need more physical evidence before we get involved in a 'holy war'. We just met you and we can't read your heart after all. I trust Chiaotzu, but I would like to see proof for myself and perhaps it will convince the others we should help as well."
>C. I mean ultimately it’s up to them if they want our help or not, but we should at least make the offer
>D. Maybe give us a better idea of the tyrant you are facing, what danverous are involved, and how we might be of use against him? We all have a home to protect as well, agreeing to throw ourselves blindly into a danger we don't understand is a hard sell. Could be our involvement could even make things worse, somehow...
I'll support this D. Basically in line with mine.
> what *dangers are involved
Huh. One of my weirder editing typos.

Also I'm not against >A as the clencher for Taditz at the end, but don't thinking relying or leading with that is smart. Or in character.

"Taditz" is gonna be a new OC or something, I deep it.
>A. Pleeeeaaaassseee Uncle Raditz? (Give ‘em the ol’ Tuffle Eyes. They never fail!)
>B. Look, what do you expect us to do while these two run off to try and beat some mad tyrant god? Sit around, take some souvenir photos, maybe enjoy local cuisine?
Useful information, we need to know the fashion of this planet and configure our hairstyle to hide our round ears, secure food, and scout out important infrastructure to know what things are able to blow up.
Similar lines asking for details, but I'm asking for tactics to inspire confidence, not proof of justification. I think we should give our diminuitive friends judge of character more credit.

Not voting *against* but I think a less accusational tone would be appropriate. Maybe another angle, ask about the stakes and consequences or something?
Sure that makes sense.
>saibamen eyes

Support, but I don't think we trust Chiaotzu, this would be the first time we've spoken with each other. Prove me wrong, if you can! Kyahahaha!
I dig this approach.

If everything is on the level, then we can do >A. I guess
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>I want to help you, but I think we need more physical evidence
>We just met you and we can't read your heart after all.
>I would like to see proof for myself and perhaps it will convince the others we should help as well.
We're already asking him to take his shirt off? Down, girl!
Yeah, it's a good write-in.
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Looking to your uncle, you comment, “I mean, ultimately it’s up to them and everything, but we should at least make the offer… within reason.” You turn to face Hearts, crossing your arms and telling him, “I at the very least want to help you, but I also think it’s fair that we know what we’re getting into. Something physical, something solid to really get the nuances. You say you can read our hearts, but we don’t exactly have that luxury. And while I’m sure a lot of us trust Chiaotzu, myself included, having some more clarity on what exactly this might entail, the dangers involved and the capabilities of those you’re up against, would at least ease some concerns. We have a home to protect too, people counting on us, and others we are trying to save. Plus we need to make sure our involvement won’t, you know, make things worse.”

Hearts looks to you, considering your words. He nods, giving a softer smile, and oddly remarking, “This is why they’ll never understand the hearts of mortals…”

“...Uh, pardon?” Chuu Lee asks in confusion.

“Your hearts are pure and strong, filled with conviction but tempered with reason. The Archons, and honestly many of the so-called ‘higher gods,’ could never truly grasp just how capable you all are. They flaunt their authority and demand obedience, that mortals bend to their whims, and if they’re found lacking, they’re blamed and punished for it. Even if they never were told they were being held accountable to such standards. I want to free people from that kind of tyranny, so they may live their lives on their own terms, not those dictated to them by some higher power. Especially not the likes of these…”

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Hearts waves a hand, and a holographic cube forms in front of him, one you can tell is filled with Magic, expanding up into something about his size. The sides of the cube turn into screen displays, each showing a rather imposing figure in strangely particular outfits, a mixture of the getups that the Supreme Kais and Kibito wear, Annin’s getup, and some kind of ceremonial armor.

One shows a blue lion-like man marching through a large street as if leading a parade, legions of soldiers behind him, crowds of aliens on either side kneeling to him. Another shows a fishlike man leading others in some kind of ritual or ceremony… with numerous people being led in chains to some glowing doorway, filled with a bright but unpleasant light. Yet one more shows an avian alien, standing on the bridge of some sort of starship, with a number of other aliens cowering before him, each of them appearing fabulously wealthy, letting out pleas to try to appease him… only for each of them to start to choke, unable to breathe. And one more shows a woman with draconic features, floating in the middle of a massive chamber with hundreds of people in tense political debate… and when one seems to step out of line, a flick of her wrist causes that person to burst into flames. A fifth screen displays a woman with, somehow, more demonic features, seated on a throne with… uh… very, very scantily clad men and women performing suggestive dances, yet you notice a look of fear in their eyes as they continue. Finally, you see a larger and more imposing figure, one that seems more humanoid, bearded face and long white flowing hair, a curious golden clip on one of his pointed ears, floating in space above a world, one the man looks at with contempt and disgust. He raises up a hand, and you watch as the world is engulfed in a horrific light.

Hearts explains how each of these are some of the head Archons, in order, Authadia, Kakia, Zelos, Yao, and Epithymia, with the final one being Yalbadoth himself. He then goes on to reemphasize his points, showing the Archons engaging in further displays of tyranny. The meticulous and ruthless quashing of dissent. “Displeasing” peoples being forced to alter themselves through various means, be it intense study, training, invasive mechanical replacement, even Magic, as punishment for failing to “better themselves” of their own will. A program that seems… almost eugenics-like in nature, leaving a foul taste in your mouth. Displays of arts and culture forced to display some intent of “merit” and “improvement” lest they be wiped out utterly. You even see a young man set ablaze for accidentally littering, of all things.

Chiaotzu shakes his head sadly. “I’ve seen some of it happen with my own eyes. From first glance, the worlds they and their acolytes rule over might seem like utopias… but there’s a heavy price to pay for each. Enforcers of ‘cosmic order’ don’t tolerate any form of disharmony.”

“How… how many have you been able to beat?” Chuu Lee asks.

“Three so far.” Hearts responds, giving Chiaotzu a proud look. “And about a dozen of their weaker acolytes. Authadia, Kakia, and Epithymia will no trample upon the lives of mortals. The remaining ones, Zelos, Yao, and Yalbadoth, are exceptionally strong in their own right. Zelos has powers over air and wind, able to even create vacuums devoid of atmosphere, and wields a whip sword able to ignite with blazing light. Yao has immense Magical abilities matched with unyielding physical strength, befitting the one who calls herself Dragon Goddess; she’s been able to conjure up storms that cover whole worlds, command the seas into a ferocious ally, and can take on her monstrous true form should she face foes that actually demand it. Finally, the mad tyrant himself is the strongest of their group, just as skilled in attacks on the mind and soul as he is on one’s body. He too has a more monstrous form I’ve seen him take in battle. What’s more, his powers have taken on a more… Destructive tint as of late, so he must be fought with extreme caution.”

You look towards Raditz, and give him an almost pleading look. Might even have to bring out the ol’ Tuffle Eyes dad and aunt Maple showed ya. He places his hand on your face and grumbles, “Izzy. Don’t do that. Please.” And with a sigh, he adds, “Fine, fine, I… guess we can help, if you want us.”

“It would be appreciated.” Hearts responds.

Moving your face away from his hand, you tell him, “Thanks, uncle Raditz.”

>A. When are you planning your next battle against them?
>B. Should we try to train for a bit? Maybe show each other some of what we can do?
>C. You know, the way you talk about ‘mortals’ almost makes you sound like you’re not one of us yourself…
>D. Something else?

And again,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Stay safe out there and see you then!

Vote open until then!

sorry for delay. been exhausted.
>B. Should we try to train for a bit? Maybe show each other some of what we can do?
>D. That talk of elements and magic our foes will be using has me wanting to go back to the basics a bit. I wanna focus on our elemental shields and attacks instead of the giant robot, I feel I rely on it too much and I do have mahou armor already.

Unlike Peppa and Gohan, Raditz and Izumi have no relation. She has an Uncle Goku, but that's by marriage to her Aunt Maple. Please don't have her call him Uncle.

More importantly, it's better if you get some rest tonight. Even if you're not tired, just lying down with your eyes closed while your favorite music plays will get you rest. Please, take a cheat day!
>Please don't have her call him Uncle.
why did you vote to call him uncle

But yeah get some rest please. Thanks for running!

>A. When are you planning your next battle against them?
>D. Seems he's ready at any time... wonder if he's walking around with his PL unsupressed as a boast or a taunt or a form or deterrence, or if that is him supressing his PL?
>don't look at his abs.
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Huh....they sound. Familiar. Why do I also feel like we're missing one?

>A. When are you planning your next battle against them?
>D. Something else?
If you've defeated 3 so far, then they must be on high alert against you both. They don't know who we are. We could use that, get close to the remaining members and minimize any collateral damage. I'm not saying we become assassins or anything but it is an option.
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>>6032394 here
And I'm supporting the write-ins of >>6032267
And >>6032397

>Huh....they sound. Familiar. Why do I also feel like we're missing one?
You might wanna expand your horizons... to the West! or to Monkie Kid?
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>Finally, you see a larger and more imposing figure, one that seems more humanoid, bearded face and long white flowing hair, a curious golden clip on one of his pointed ears, floating in space above a world, one the man looks at with contempt and disgust. He raises up a hand, and you watch as the world is engulfed in a horrific light.
Oh! I really need to watch that series. It's on the list.
Hit vote:

>D. What kind of campaign are you waging, and how aware of you are they?
Support, and support this >>6032397
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>A fifth screen displays a woman with, somehow, more demonic features, seated on a throne with… uh… very, very scantily clad men and women performing suggestive dances, yet you notice a look of fear in their eyes as they continue.
>"Okay, we're gonna try that again, but there's gonna be way way way, way way way more flipping, there's gonna be way way way more twirling, and you're not just gonna stand there with your pantsu in their air rotting like a dead fish, it's gotta be a glimpse, a flash, you gotta leave 'em wanting more- ARE THOSE SPATS?!? That's it, no more merciful god!"

>A. When are you planning your next battle against them?
>D. If they're enforcers of order, I bet they would haaaaate a little chaos thrown into the mix.
>Izumi, consult all the letters you've exchanged with your penpal Misa, all the gags and props you and Sachie have gotten from Penguin Village, all the memes Giru has compiled, etc. Do not treat these Fart Sniffers with anything resembling respect. Clown on them to your dying breath, and if they try to claim your immortal soul, possess a whoopie cushion to blow a raspberry at them! Let not one iota of their pride go untarnished!
Gags vs Gods, let's a go!
Also supporting
but voting against don't look at his abs I will look anywhere I damn well want to!
>why did you vote to call him uncle
I thought voting A would lead to something funny but it did not. Really didn't mesh well.

Excuse me Kato! Please, if some of the options clash in tone can those options with fewer votes simply lose and not get written?
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I think it's super cool how you linked the Archons with the Sworn Brothers, and even some other characters! I don't know what all the rest of them are from, and prob not ever gonna find out at least two of them, but I really had fun piecing that together! Thanks for that Kato!

>Why do I also feel like we're missing one?
And you know what, you're right on the money. There is someone missing, unless C is indicating the answer lies... Close to Chest
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Hey, I'm sorry everyone, I do think I'll have to take the night off. I've been exhausted all day, and nearly passed out at my desk at work twice today. We should be back tomorrow around 6:30 pm PST, for real this time. Sorry again.
Thanks for taking a break, we love you!
All good. Thanks for letting us know.
Glad you're taking care of yourself.

See you tomorrow! Heheh, little did she know we had ulterior motives, the cooler a dream she has, the potential for the quest to be cooler goes up! Mueheheh!
>“Displeasing” peoples being forced to alter themselves through various means, be it intense study, training, invasive mechanical replacement, even Magic, as punishment for failing to “better themselves” of their own will.
So like how Maple treated her friends and family?

>A program that seems… almost eugenics-like in nature, leaving a foul taste in your mouth.
So like how Maple obsessed over matchmaking and monopolizing Goku?

>Displays of arts and culture forced to display some intent of “merit” and “improvement” lest they be wiped out utterly.
So like how Maple couldn't enjoy anime without getting a technique out of it?

really makes ya think....

eh, goodnight.
It's a pretty good cartoon, right now it's between seasons
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Okay! Sorry again for delaying things last night, but we are back!

“When are you two planning your next battle against them, then?” you question.

“Fairly soon. Within the next day or so, two at most… oh, er, days here are closer to 20 hours than 24.” Chiaotzu answers.

“So the two of you were getting some more training in before then, right?” Hado questions.

Hearts nods in confirmation. “Indeed. That, and we were making sure to keep their attention on us directly. They’re a prideful, arrogant group, and they’d target us over any populace we might have aided, purely so they could try to make an example of us.”

“How exactly have you guys been going about this? Like, what kind of campaign have you been waging against them, and how aware of the activity of you two of you are they?” you inquire next.

“We hit targets that will draw attention for each of them that don’t involve substantial risk to other mortals.” Hearts responds. And there he goes, using that word again. “For Authadia, loud and proud as he was, all it took was a display of strength and a direct challenge, lured out away from his underlings as he was determined to put an end to any ‘rebellion’ personally, with a captive audience. Kakia on the other hand, not as open to a direct fight, much more focused on his rituals and ‘works’. Mess with those, and he won’t ignore that. Threw some of his underlings at us first, even tried calling forth a creature of pure madness designed to drive the minds of mortals into despair when things didn’t go his way.”

“...Okay, sorry to interrupt, but you’ve used the term ‘mortals’ in a very particular way a few times now.” you remark with a raised eyebrow. “Almost like you’re excluding yourself from that grouping…”

“Kid’s got a point.” Sala agrees.

“My sensors have detected that you are still flesh and blood, even with your unusual Ki signature.” 16 adds in. “You do not have the trademark identifiers of demons, either, even if your unusual energy reads closer to them.” 19 gives a silent nod of agreement.

Chiaotzu… has a sad look on his face, then glances up at Hearts. He smiles, but it’s the kind of smile you can tell isn’t one that comes from recalling any pleasant memories. Moving beyond bad ones, sure, but… “I threw away my mortality long ago. Rejected it in a decision I have to live with until I’m finally able to pass on. Your mechanical allies aren’t that far off the mark, though the man I am now is no being of those below the worlds. Even so, I am not doing this as one seeking any form of redemption for what I had done in the past. And I say this with the strongest conviction I can: I do not believe the lives of mortals should be treated as the playthings of the gods.”

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Raditz seems to finally give him a more sympathetic look, 19 and 16 doing the same. Yeah… for as good as they are now, it’s not like they don’t have some darker pages in their pasts too. Hell, you started up your gang to help out Cheelai and the Para Para bros. And given what he’s kinda implying… you look again at the X-shaped scar across his chest- don’tlookathisabsdon’tlookathisabs. AHEM. You cross your arms and nod. “That you’re being honest about that is reassuring. Thank you, Hearts. Perhaps we can train a bit, then? Show each other what we can do, plan things accordingly. Given your track record, three victories against three of their best, they’re at least on the high alert for you guys. Us though? Probably not. We’d be able to catch at least one by surprise. Not act as assassins or anything, but more in the hopes of not causing further collateral damage.” You place your hands on your hips and add, “Plus, as you noted, I’m quite the adept at Magic, and I’d be more than willing to reinforce my basics. I’ve got some pretty strong things I can pull out if needed, but wouldn’t hurt to get some new skills under my belt. And I think that goes for the rest of us, too.”

Sala laughs. “Oi you kiddin’ me? This’d be perfect! Get some new skills, maybe snatch a trinket or two from an upstart god, what’re we standin’ around here for?”

“I do agree that we could do with learning more about our foes and our new ally, at least for now.” 19 affirms. “And while it might not be as apparent, I have been learning how to better utilize Magic as well.”

“Oho? Rare that I’ve heard anyone with a mechanical body like yours even suggest that.” Hearts remarks. “Very well. I can arrange a few places less conspicuous if you’d like to keep yourselves from being noticed immediately.”

“Probably for the best.” Chuu Lee agrees.

All right! Time to put in some training! …But how’ll you go about this?

>A. Show off a sampling of what you’re capable of. You are, after all, Mahou of Earth, might as well flex that title!
>B. You should try to train with Hearts first, he’s the bigger unknown of the two, let’s see what he’s got!
>C. All right Chiaotzu, let’s see the fruits of your training!
>D. Something else?
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>A. Show off a sampling of what you’re capable of. You are, after all, Mahou of Earth, might as well flex that title!
>Combine Hell and Heaven with Will'o'Wisp, new technique you've never tried, what could go wrong?
Hit vote

>D. Keep senses extended for any watchful eyes.

And support
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>A. Show off a sampling of what you’re capable of. You are, after all, Mahou of Earth, might as well flex that title!
>D. Elemental Barriers could counter the New Gods' magic in a pinch, could be for a short time only but an instant can work wonders. And when it's time to go on the offense, that energy from the barrier can be directed with a thrust of our Braver Rapier to do a devastating counter attack.

Hearts might kill us for thinking about it, but if we play our cards right, we could take the New Gods' thrones for ourselves! ...but I don't know what timeline or universe we're in. We'd get homesick.
I notice he didn't say how they punked the third-
>Chiaotzu… has a sad look on his face, then glances up at Hearts. He smiles, but it’s the kind of smile you can tell isn’t one that comes from recalling any pleasant memories. Moving beyond bad ones
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Rolled 13, 16, 20 = 49 (3d20)

All right then, roll me 4d20 this time, best of three! DC is 12 for the first, 15 for the second and third, 13 for the last!
Rolled 17, 20, 15, 2 = 54 (4d20)

Rolled 18, 9, 7, 12 = 46 (4d20)

Rolled 5, 12, 2, 1 = 20 (4d20)

Rolled 19, 4, 3 = 26 (3d20)

...Well! Passed the first three!
Rolled 12, 8, 3 = 23 (3d20)

And writing after this one...
Rolled 2, 20, 8 = 30 (3d20)

“All right, let’s do this.” you declare confidently.

Hearts holds out another hand, and another cube surrounds you all. Yeah… like you suspected, a very, very advanced form of Shadow Magic, but not just that. You sense some Light in there too, along with… Wind? And in an instant, you’re all teleported away from the little shack and over to a more barren area of the planet, looking like a hilly meadow with pink and blue flowers scattered around that stretches out for dozens of kilometers, yet in the distance you notice a slight shimmer in the skies. As you sense out, you can tell there’s a massive barrier around the area. Good.

Turning to Hearts, you place your hands on your hips, letting your emerald aura flare up around you as you really show off your Mahou state. “All right then. Allow me to more properly introduce myself, with a more relevant title to this. I am Izumi Mahogany, Mahou of Earth. And as much as I’d like to see what you’re capable of, I’d also like to show you what I can do too. And I’m not gonna pull any punches!” Let’s try something flashy. Hmm… flashy, but a classic! You hold your hands out, letting Light and Shadow Magic swirl around in them. But as you bring your hands forward, you snap your fingers, adding an extra blazing surge of energy to your hands, as if chaotic flaming claws have formed over them.


Chiaotzu looks on a little nervously, but Hearts seems… almost excited to see this. You launch yourself towards him, and… your attack hits a barrier as he holds his hands forward. Okay, not bad… but not enough! You let out a ferocious roar, letting out the full force of chaotic swirling sphere in front of you clash against his barrier. Hearts actually has to start trying… and even that doesn’t seem to come quickly enough! You overcome the barrier in a brilliant blast of power!

When the smoke clears, Hearts has moved back a ways, not injured, but absolutely impressed. “Hahahaha! Mahou of Earth… you show truly fantastic power!”

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Rolled 20, 7, 12 = 39 (3d20)

Next up, you’ve gotta try your defensive skills. You get ready to form the Hero’s Barrier around yourself, your left hand extended, as your right hand moves to the hilt of the Sword of Braves. “You’re not the only one with defensive skills either. You’ve got a good measure for the kind of power and abilities these foes might be able to put forth, so let me try to hold out against such a thing.”

He smirks, then casually tossed a sphere of Ki into the air. You track it, and notice it has substantially more power than you’re expecting. What’s more, a cube forms around it briefly and… amplifies its strength hundredfold! It rockets back down at you, and you notice everyone else taking their own defensive positions. Right before it hits, it actually shatters into six different blasts. Oh, tricky! Thankfully you were able to time the Hero’s Barrier well, boosting it with Light Magic to both counter the Shadow you’re feeling them influenced with, but also reflect them away, drawing your sword with a swift motion and stabbing it forward, letting your Ki and Magic flow into it, the reflected attacks following through with it!

Hah! Perfect! Just-


You blink.

Where… where did those Ki blasts go? How…?

Your senses catch up to them… being held in place, quite some distance away. You look over and see Chiaotzu, a peculiar and powerful aura around him as he holds his hand up, keeping the reflected Ki blasts in place with his telekinesis. Honestly, he’s even doing it without much effort on his part. Which… yeah okay you can kinda figure that, but that happened in the fraction of a second! Is Chiaotzu really that fast now or…?

“It’s one thing to keep in mind, young Izumi.” Hearts speaks up. “Your power is impressive, your skills truly unique. However, the foes we are up against know how to turn the tide quickly. Luckily, one thing we’ve worked on is ensuring time is on our side.”

Chiaotzu laughs a little, commenting. “Guldo always told me he figured I might have more potential beyond just normal psychic skills. Master Hearts helped me awaken that and refine it. Probably not quite the same thing Guldo can do, but it’s close enough in application. I call it… Time Slip.”
>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Stay safe out there and see you then!
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>You hold your hands out, letting Light and Shadow Magic swirl around in them. But as you bring your hands forward, you snap your fingers, adding an extra blazing surge of energy to your hands, as if chaotic flaming claws have formed over them.
I didn't get support for my technique? Welllllll I was going to call it Jack'o'Lantern and style it after an exploding pumpkin, so that is an entirely different beast, good job on it!

I'm interested in finding out if Time Slip has any relation to Instant Transmission and Glass Powers since they all involve crystals in some way. And maybe that other place from the Broly movie?

The Glass people seem to be on the gods' shit list, with there being only one left in their universe from the two cases we've seen, and allying themselves with rogue immortals to get back at the gods. What if it had to do with Glass, by its very nature, being created from destruction? Sure, someone like Chilled can shatter their planet, but it's possible that Glass could be a counter to Destruction? Let's find out!

Remember when the Ginyus were all instant transmissioned to Konpei?

>The Ginyus all start panting. “I think I saw time itself...” Guldo comments, shuddering. “It’s after me after all those times I stopped it...”

Coincidence? I think not.
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>I call it… Time Slip.”
Real quick, question for the room:
Izumi's read JoJo. Did she Get what King Crimson's power was?
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Whoops, apologies, misread the votes.


It just works.

Anyway, apologies again for the delay, but we're back now!

With your display over with, it’s time for some of the others to show what they’ve got. Chuu Lee shows off her full strength, her proficiency with Ki, her adept skill with Wind Magic, and even some of the techniques she’s picked up like Instant Transmission. Hearts is impressed, though Chuu Lee notes she’s still trying to find new ways to improve herself. He suggests she be one of their frontline fighters, given her strength, stamina, and skill.

Raditz is up next, and he shows he’s still a true powerhouse, showing off his Super Saiyan 3 strength to Hearts. However, he shows he’s rather clever about utilizing that strength, using the power to ensure he can get up close and hit something with full force without tiring himself out with it. The Spiral Beam Cannon he picked up from Piccolo proves to be something Hearts especially takes interest in, though there’s something about Super Saiyan that he finds personally intriguing, especially with the range such a technique has.

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Then it’s 19’s turn to show off her skills, specifically managing to show off some of her own Magical skills she’s picked up, and to Hearts’ surprise, she actually absorbs one of his Shadow Magic Gravity Cube things, even if it takes some effort. She’s shocked by the sheer sophistication of it, and ends up commenting that she’ll need to put some more time and effort into analysis of the technique before she can properly replicate it… but notes she could send out a very watered down version of the skill. Regardless, Hearts tells her that such an ability might just turn the tide against even the strongest of who they’re up against.

And Sala and Hado give a quick demonstration of their skills, the varied Magics at their disposal, and more importantly to the group, their support abilities. Sala shows a few Magic techniques that can block out or at least dampen spells cast by foes, ones that can enhance defenses against physical, Ki, and Magical attacks, and of course, the good ol’ MP Buster. Hado on the other hand shows off his Magical boosting skills, in addition to some depowering ones, and a few of his healing skills. Hearts notes that they might actually work best with Chiaotzu and Chuu Lee, with both able to get them in and out of combat quickly and apply their supportive skills without a foe being ready for them.

16 is contemplative, noting that he’d probably just be best served as assisting 19, as while he’s been able to get a few minor upgrades and better improve what he’s able to do currently, it hasn’t been nearly as substantial as the likes of the others at this point.

>A. You should work with 19 and Hearts to better understand that Gravity Cube thing
>B. Working with Chiaotzu, Sala, and Hado might be a good idea, better coordinate the support skills
>C. Well, Chuu Lee and Raditz are gonna be some of the heavy hitters, and you yourself can hit well above your weightclass, try working with them for a bit
>D. Hearts, who’d you recommend forming a team to take on which of the remaining trio of foes?
>E. Something else?
>B. Working with Chiaotzu, Sala, and Hado might be a good idea, better coordinate the support skills
>E. Introduce the concept of Elemental Clones to Hado, he might be able to figure it out!
>Demonstrate the technique for him


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>A. You should work with 19 and Hearts to better understand that Gravity Cube thing
>Whoops, apologies, misread the votes
No worries! I'll try to suggest a Pumpkin attack later and if it goes through then hopefully I'll roll somewhat decent performing it! fingers crossed

>B. Working with Chiaotzu, Sala, and Hado might be a good idea, better coordinate the support skills
>D. Hearts, who’d you recommend forming a team to take on which of the remaining trio of foes?

I wonder if Zelos' blazing light whip sword would work in vacuum or would that be his Logical Weakness?

Which elemental multi-form should we focus on? I vote shadow clone. Clothes beam in tandem should also make it more solid and even the copy its own equipment and sword. mmmh. Might need to learn the full magic materialization skill now that I think about it.
>The shadow clone names herself after an instrument and tries to supplant these kamis as Demon Queen
And uh... thank you, sword.
Gravity clone would also be cool. If we could make one of each element, I think that'd be neat but we should start with one.

You are welcome.


It might also help to use a music device like we do with our hero barrier to enhance the effect now that I think about it.


This could work.
>B. Working with Chiaotzu, Sala, and Hado might be a good idea, better coordinate the support skills
>E. Introduce the concept of Elemental Clones to Hado, he might be able to figure it out!
>E. Focus on overall strategy, control the battlefield. These "Archons" are probably used to the home field.
ooh also wanna support this. controlling the battlefield - with elemental clones! Imagine it, your on the battlefield fighting Izzies. One hits you and ah! your gravity just increased by 10! Another gets you with a blast of electricity, paralyzing you further until you get hit by the 3rd - AND YOUR ON FIRE! You think your okay when one turns into water, but its only so you get frozen by Icey Izzy, blown away by wind izzy, and blinded by light izzy. And then the real izzy comes by and hits you with her giant robot.
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>B. Working with Chiaotzu, Sala, and Hado might be a good idea, better coordinate the support skills
>E. Practice sparring with Sala using knives and barriers, the slow blade penetrates the shield
But if Sala doesn't use knives please disregard


And support
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Rolled 1, 11, 8 = 20 (3d20)

All righty! Roll me 5d20 this time around, best of three! DC is 13 for the first, 14 for the middle three, and 15 for the last!
Rolled 4, 20, 5, 5, 6 = 40 (5d20)

Rolled 15, 13, 2, 10, 18 = 58 (5d20)

Rolled 5, 8, 2, 18, 15 = 48 (5d20)

Rolled 1, 15, 6, 3, 9 = 34 (5d20)

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>blinded by light izzy.

ughhh, finally I found the image, had to resort to trawling through archived moe! Niconico, why are you down?
Rolled 17, 3, 15 = 35 (3d20)

Passed four of 'em!
Sadly I'll have to call it a night here, don't think I'll be able to finish the post before passing out again. My apologies for another short night, but thank you all for playing, hope ya had fun, and we'll be back ~6:30 pm PST, hopefully with no further delays. Stay safe and see y'all then!
Rolled 15, 7, 18 = 40 (3d20)

...Aaaaand one more roll before I get some rest.
TFR! The short nights are still fun, no worries!
>controlling the battlefield - with elemental clones!
Rember a sequents, simportan
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I don't get kato's twitter no more, is there an update like "my car's at the vet" or something?
Patience is a virtue. The best things are worth the wait.
Not what I asked, fortune cookie!
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My sincerest apologies everyone, I'd passed out as soon as I got home and was out for a bit over an hour or so. Just got done scheduling a doctor's appointment for next Friday. Gonna have to put this off until tomorrow. We should be back Saturday, ~5:30 pm PST. Sorry again, and thank you all for your patience.

Uhhh, get a good night's rest? Don't die at least. Eventually, I do want you to read the chocolat thing.
Always remember that if you don't plan your maintence it'll suddenly show up without asking. Rest all you need to and don't push yourself too hard!
Glad you're seeing a doctor about it! In the meantime would you consider running every other day? It'd be reassuring.
Thanks for letting us know, hope you recover! Now, a riddle: what kind of panties has Phanty got on? See-through!
>You do think to ask her, “Hey, how old’s Hakka, exactly?”
>“Hm? Oh, he turned 18 at the start of this year.” she answers. “Why do you ask?”
>“Was kinda surprised he decided to head off with Cheelai instead of stay here, but I guess that explains it.” you respond with a nod. “…I think Cheelai’s in her early 20s or somethin’. Guess that’s fine.” You never actually asked Izzy how old the girl was. She did look relatively young-ish, but...
>“I thought she was a teenager.” Cocoa comments, but shrugs.
Fun Fact: Videl's 20 and in her junior year.
Can we get her to buy us liquor at Prom?
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>B. I wanna keep working on my drawings, actually. It’s something I still really enjoy doing, and want to keep doing and improving on. Heh, who knows, maybe when I’m older some will get featured in a big name gallery somewhere
May I take this back kinda? I don't want to do the last part with the galleries, I just thought we would lose out on her hobby unless we voted B.
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Sorry, this is harsh. Just because Cocoa played a role that needs to be emotionally suppressed when others are heartbroken doesn't make her job easy. The more I think about it it does reflect what her acting has been so far: putting on a calmer face in bad situations.

And that ghost story isn't reflective of her abilities. I'm sure if we asked her to tell it like a Ghost Story she would. It was just that it was another vote that had to be included in the post and didn't get the focus to make it a Ghost Story.

But that all does raise a few points. Cocoa has used her acting to suppress her emotions so far and I'm not sure how she'll take to roles that need to be more expressive. And the big thing Kato, any story she helps tell or acts in? In order for it to be more than "Cocoa did a play and everyone clapped" we need to be taken into the story. Scenes would need to be played out just like your own, not ALLOFTHEM!? but I would like to see some Best Hits!

Cocoa the Idol falling down on Cocoa the Actress would have been the easy route so I take it you have a reason for sending her up this one. A harder road for you both! To paint the picture of Cocoa the Actress I believe you're gonna need to pull double duty as Kato the Storyteller.
Cocoa used to like music.

>And some day, Gohan and Peppa are going to find someone they love, that they want to marry... even if you might have an idea on who Gohan might pick. Still, that is way further down the line. You turn your attention over to the kids. “In other news, school will be starting again next week, kids. Are you two ready to go back in there? Your teachers might have some really interesting classes waiting for you.”
>“I wanna see all my friends again!” Peppa declares. “I betcha Cocoa is gonna have a lot of questions for Gohan and me!”
>“Cocoa... she’s the soft-spoken little brunette girl, right? She likes music a lot?”
>“Uh-huh!” Peppa nods enthusiastically.
I wonder how Peppa being friends with Cocoa took away the girl's passion for it?

>Peppa are going to find someone they love, that they want to marry...
"Speak of Cocoa and Cocoa arrives!" Goddamn Maple, your matchmaking abilities are too powerful! How far a shot is that, 10 years?
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Cocoa also used to have some bite to her.

>“Ah yes, the ones that know the secret to REAL ultimate power.” you joke. “Learned through being the ultimate paradox.”
>Annoyed, Cocoa explains, “No crews or cameras were around, I’ve been keeping track of the filming schedules in my area. These were the real deal.”
>“With the REAL ultimate pow-”
>“The point is that they were just out in the open, looking for something.”

“What even would they want with those things?” Lime asks.
“Well they already have the secret to real ultimate power-” you start, but don’t continue after Cocoa glares silently at you. “...Could be anything, really.

>You look over to Cocoa innocently, clapping your hands together. “(F)avor, really quick?”
>She gives you a worried glance. “Before I say yes, does it potentially involve something dangerous?”
>“Nnnnot for me in particular?”
>Cocoa pinches the ridge of her nose. “...I’m going to regret this. What is it?”
>“If I could borrow just a few bits of the wardrobe, something to hide my face...” you ask her meekly.
>You can tell she wants to explain why that’s a bad idea, but a look over at her school causes her to shake her head. “Nothing expensive. Make it quick. DON’T. BREAK. ANYTHING.” She pokes you on the forehead as she emphasizes each word. “Clear?”
>“Crystal.” you affirm with the kindest smile you can manage.
>“If there’s a single scratch on anything I swear to God, Peppa...”
Where the HFIL did this girl go to??? I wanna see more of her! Hopefully she didn't get replaced with a ninja double, or a machine mutant, or a 21 clone, or a
Please stop.
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>“Nothing expensive. Make it quick. DON’T. BREAK. ANYTHING.” She pokes you on the forehead as she emphasizes each word. “Clear?”
...Peppa Can Have Little a Mommy Cocoa, as a treat
Welp, gonna be writing something real quick. Expect a pastebin shortly.
Uh. They're 16. Nothing too far.
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What's happened has happened. More than one person voted for B regardless.

Once more, I am sorry for the delay. Haven't been feeling great today, but I don't want to put this off twice in a row. So while brief, we're back.

So, with all these things laid out, you think over who might be the best group to work with at this point. And… honestly, the supporting members are probably the ones you should be working with the most. Chiaotzu’s new Time Slip ability and his improved skills with telekinesis is a potent combo already, so imagine what he could do with some of your help. And Hearts is absolutely right, with Sala and Hado backing him up, they could turn the tide of battle dramatically. So… how would you best work with them?

…Oh, oh you’ve got a GREAT idea. Pulling a page from Sachie’s book, you go for multi-form again, but once more work on an elemental variant to it! Shadow Magic! And just a bit more Magic Materialization to go with it. Now, what did Sachie say her dad called it…? Ah yes! “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!” Haha, true Shadow Clones! You send each of the copies towards them, allowing them to get a feel for how such a technique works, and what it could be capable of. Striking them still feels physical enough, but it’s going to slow down a foe that dissipates them, and of course, you can just direct them to rush someone.

Hado tries a shot at this… and it very much does not go the way he wanted it to, with his attempt at making a Shadow Clone just results in a vaguely Hado-shaped blob of darkness. If he launches it at someone, it’ll certainly have a dramatic effect, but… yeah it’s not convincing anyone that it’s a copy of him. He’ll need a lot more work to get something like what you’ve been able to pull off. Still, it’s at least a starting point for him. He might be able to figure something out with it with enough training.

Now is the more pressing issue, actually devising a proper strategy against these foes. And the thing that you figure might need focus on is proper battlefield control. It’s highly likely that these Archons will have some kind of home field advantage, or at least have some way to bring it about, so doing what you can to minimize such a thing will prove paramount. You and everyone else go over the three that Hearts mentioned with him, the known strengths, weaknesses, fighting styles, and where exactly they’ll be fought.

For Zelos, his ability to manipulate the very atmosphere around him and others can prove quite pretty dangerous, especially how he can create airless vacuums at a whim. The broader abilities he’s capable of tend to be things like Wind Magic, Lightning Magic, able to conjure up whole storms and even create pockets of atmosphere in the void of space if needed. The blazing whip sword he wields has some pretty substantial range, even able to separate into shards enhanced with his Magical abilities. However... while these abilities sound dangerous, all have some obvious tells, and he himself would probably be particularly vulnerable to anything that can counter them, even briefly, and relies on those vulnerable to such things. 19 in particular is effectively a hard counter to him, not needing to breathe, able to absorb Magic and Ki blasts, and with the right support skills, she could take him down with relative ease. Lastly, his home turf is a place with a number of Magic artifacts and the like he might try to call on, in a massive temple complex that serves as his home. Sala suggests that all of you could infiltrate it while he’s away and make off with some of those before he gets a chance to use them, which might make any fight against him all the easier.

Meanwhile, Yao, the self-styled Dragon Goddess, might prove more of a challenge. Her Magic is exceptionally strong, true, but she’s not nearly as reliant on it as Zelos is, able to back up her magic with substantial physical prowess. And that ability of hers to take on a more draconic, monstrous true state sounds like it’s something a simple MP Buster won’t render inert. Whoever goes up against her will need to be one of the heavy hitters, though having someone that can counter some of her abilities sounds like a must, especially with the grander scale of what her magic can do. Chuu Lee might be important for that fight, as she can at least hold off some of those skills, though anyone going into a fight with Yao will need to be extra careful. On top of all that, she makes her home in a very large palace complex that might even be the residence of some other, subservient dragon-beings to her. Keeping her from gaining any assistance from them should be a primary focus, maybe keeping her in a barrier like the one you’re in to ensure she’s only able to throw so much at you all.

>What's happened has happened. More than one person voted for B regardless.
I'm fine with changing. As my favorite vtuber would say "The people who present their art at galleries are Fart Sniffers."
Finally, Yaldadoth, prideful, arrogant, but merciless and ruthless, going by how Hearts describes him. Aside from a simple throne on the world he was first made Kami of, he doesn’t seem to have a particular place of residence… at least, in the mortal realms. Hearts theorizes he may actually spend most of his time with the higher gods, but can be drawn down to the lower realms to “punish those failing to live up to the standards set by the Gods” or the like. Hearts further notes that in addition to unprecedented Destructive powers, he’s shown capabilities of creation, very advanced kinds of Magic Materialization, and seems to have some form of foresight. From what you saw before, he can at minimum exist in high atmosphere or even space, so battles against him might be the hardest of all. However… there’s something that comes up that might be the thing that can turn the tide against him: his actual madness, and what might be pushing him into it. It might be that he’s acting more irrationally, more tyrannically, because he has something he’s trying to prove to one of those higher powers. Corny as it might sound, you might be able to beat him in a battle of the minds. At the very least, him attempting to justify his actions might prove enough a distraction that it can turn the tide. Couple that with an illusion here or there for good measure, with elemental multi-forms potentially being a big help at that.

With all this said, Hearts suggests you, Chiaotzu, Sala, Hado, and 19 all work together against Zelos, while he works with everyone else against Yao. From there, you all can work on

>A. That sounds good! Let’s wrap up this training and get ready!
>B. Actually, we should switch up the teams a bit (how?)
>C. Something else?
I can't tell what Yao is. Is she Saurian, Two-Horned, or Rhino Horned? I need to know which would fit Izumi the Ox Princess who uses the Eight Trigram Furnace.
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>Meanwhile, Yao, the self-styled Dragon Goddess
This before or after the transition?

>A. That sounds good! Let’s wrap up this training and get ready!
Kakia and Epithymia didn't have their heads elaborated on, and Kakia could have been a lizard, so I am confused. Please tell me!
>A. That sounds good! Let’s wrap up this training and get ready!
>C. "I'll do my best. The gods won't have their way with me!"
>A. That sounds good! Let’s wrap up this training and get ready!
>C. Something else?
"Hearts if someone named Fu shows up, purple skin, white hair, red eyes - punch him in the schnozz for me will you please?"
Voting against, his mug is ours.
>Whoever goes up against her will need to be one of the heavy hitters, though having someone that can counter some of her abilities sounds like a must, especially with the grander scale of what her magic can do.
Izumi can do that.
>Chuu Lee might be important for that fight, as she can at least hold off some of those skills, though anyone going into a fight with Yao will need to be extra careful.
She might be important in that fight. She will definitely be important against Zelos with her wind mastery.

>B. Switch Izumi and Chuu Lee, Izzy with Yao and Chuu Lee with Zelos.
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Oh hey, Zelos uses Lightning Magic as well as Wind Magic. Hey Kato, is Chuu Lee familiar with any fighters who use Wind and Lightning Magic?

Changing >>6036722
to support >>6036733
>A. That sounds good! Let’s wrap up this training and get ready

One more thing to test, let's make a new technique! We're facing elemental specialists, so why not create a counter to it?

>D. Try to combine MP Buster and wind magic to create an elemental suppression effect that can shut down the storm specialist.

Targeted or Area effects could be differently useful here.
We did that.

>Next up, you’ve gotta try your defensive skills. You get ready to form the Hero’s Barrier around yourself, your left hand extended, as your right hand moves to the hilt of the Sword of Braves. “You’re not the only one with defensive skills either. You’ve got a good measure for the kind of power and abilities these foes might be able to put forth, so let me try to hold out against such a thing.”
>He smirks, then casually tossed a sphere of Ki into the air. You track it, and notice it has substantially more power than you’re expecting. What’s more, a cube forms around it briefly and… amplifies its strength hundredfold! It rockets back down at you, and you notice everyone else taking their own defensive positions. Right before it hits, it actually shatters into six different blasts. Oh, tricky! Thankfully you were able to time the Hero’s Barrier well, boosting it with Light Magic to both counter the Shadow you’re feeling them influenced with, but also reflect them away, drawing your sword with a swift motion and stabbing it forward, letting your Ki and Magic flow into it, the reflected attacks following through with it!
>We're facing elemental specialists, so why not create a counter to it?
Ah, posted too soon.

It seems like Gravity Blow does that, it suppresses all the elements in a zone of control.
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Hold the phone, if he uses wind to fly with his bird wings, then if he's caught in vacuum, he would be especially susceptible to gravity magic.
Supporting C
Good points, changing from A to this B
Not bad, but not the same. Proactive suppression allows making any other attack as a counter instead of only defending against the magic. But the real trick is isolating one element at a time, then suppressing or otherwise blocking the use of that element. With MP Buster it could drain the magic from an area as soon as its used, or if targeted might disrupt only the casters control of that element.

I have no idea what could actually come of this but I am betting theres something to be had.
...hm! This is awkward. Exen, you mind looking though Izzy's pastebin real quick?
One modification to my >D vote:
>E.Work with 19 on this, her experience with magic absorption should be invaluable.
I think there should be another modification to your D vote to account for how Izumi does not possess the technique "MP Buster"

But this E is good.
Fine, did I miss something specific you can point out?

My mind is a seive as always.
Oh whoops... Wait how? Dammit. Some here can use it though so it could be a team effort. Or a comboor something. Worth a shot at least. Maybe we can help our MP Busting ally learn how to do it instead.
Ah, scratch that.
>And… it looks like Pantea might actually be down for the count. Keli gives Peppa a thumb’s up… and is then hit by a surprise MP Buster from Izzy.
It's her Surprise MP Buster.
She has it, just not on the sheet. Make sure to fix that when you get the chance boss.
Kato would notice that post quicker if you linked it to her like this >>6036714

I swear, you always let grudges get in the way of good sense.
Supporting some more!
So get this, art galleries Are a bogus institution where the rich inflate the value of lovely crap for their own games of tax write-offs and shit like that, but we can use that to our advantage! We're world famous, we have friends and family in the right circles, so all the royalty and corporate heads and dandy boys can drum up the price of whatever we put out there, AND THEN we can use that money for charity!

We'll be scamming the 1% into thinking we're the New Freshest Talent on the block, when really they're wasting money on some dumb monkey drawings!

And supporting this C
Hit supports these
And same
>A. That sounds good! Let’s wrap up this training and get ready!
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Can the suptg person add NTR to the tags? RIP Fu's Face x Izzy's Fist, you had a good run
Rolled 7, 16, 17 = 40 (3d20)

Mostly humanoid lady with dragon horns, tail, eyes, etc.

Kakia looked like a Toriyama-style fishman. Epithymia looked like a Toriyama-style demon lady.

apologies, I'll get that fixed.

Okay. Gonna roll real quick, and I'll call it a night. Roll me 2d20, best of three. DC is 13 for both.
Sorry, second meant for >>6036723
Rolled 17, 15 = 32 (2d20)

How horny is she???
Rolled 11, 1 = 12 (2d20)

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Rolled 4, 20 = 24 (2d20)

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... I'M ON FIRE!!!!!!
Rolled 13, 7, 12 = 32 (3d20)

okay, passed both! if with slight complication

and gonna call it a night here. we should be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. If there are any complications again, a statement will be made. Promise. Thank you all for playing, stay safe, and hopefully see you then.
Rest well boss
Thanks! Have a good night!
Wait, no. No thanks! That answer came too late to matter. I wanted to fight Evil Ox Queen and there's a chance I could have swayed the others to join in with that reasoning! I wanted to know it immediately and before I made a decision and that information on their horns should have been included in their descriptions!
But still, good night, see you tomorrow~!
I want Zelos' sword damnit. Dragon Woman has nothing that interests me.
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>but we're playing a girl rn
Okay, feeling... marginally better mow, we are back

You could probably do pretty well helping out the team going to face off against Yao, but… you’re probably best suited towards the fight against Zelos. For now, at least. “All right, sure. Just mention anything if your battle requires any extra help, though.”

“Noted.” Hearts accepts.

“Do you think you’re all set then, Izzy?” Chiaotzu questions.

“Hmm… maybe, though I figure all the Wind-based skills he has might require something extra to help deal with it. Maybe more of an area of effect technique…” You ponder on it, then snap your fingers. Oh you’ve got just the thing. “Mind if I get some help with this? How about… 19, wanna help me out with a thing?”

She steps forward and nods. “Very well. What do you have in mind?”

“Something to drain broader-range skills like the ones we’ve been warned about.” All right, you want to apply an MP Buster effect over a broader area. And the best way to probably go about that is through some kind of creative application of it combined with Wind Magic. At least, for this kind of foe. Maybe trying other kinds could produce similar countering effects, but one step at a time. Harmonizing the energies you’re attempting to control, you clap your hands together, then spread them wide! You let out the energy in a field around you, trying to stretch it out far and wide. A slightly distorted color follows it, traces of emerald light with hints of blues, greens, purples, and whites shimmering through it.

19 attempts to launch a Wind-enhanced Ki blast through the affected area… and while it doesn’t stop it, it does diminish its power. Perfect! Next up, you try to get her to work alongside you, using this field you’ve created to try and help siphon in energy towards her better, so she can try to absorb things with greater ease. Now a test: you both have Chuu Lee launch her own Wind-enhanced Ki blast between you and 19. And it… does actually work! She struggles with it at first, but working in tandem allows the two of you to not only weaken Magical attacks headed into the field, but redirect them into 19, letting her absorb them. …Almost a little too well, as you end up sending some of this field of energy into 19 too, which does provide a little boost, but kinda… unbalances her systems for a moment.


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You rub the back of your neck apologetically, but 19 makes the best of it, commenting, “I probably should try to work with the concepts behind the MP Buster regardless. It is a useful skill to have on its own, but you’ve shown it is capable of even more than one would have thought.”

Slamming your fist into your palm, you declare confidently, “Okay, think we’re ready. Those gods ain’t gonna know what hit ‘em. They’ve had their way with this universe for too long.” you point your thumb at yourself. “Ain’t gonna happen to me, or any of us though!”

…You notice Sala snickering a little. “Ya really said that with a straight face?”

“...Shush.” you mutter with a pout. Bah, whatever, motivational speech worked, everyone looks ready. While everyone’s making their final preparations, you remark to Hearts, “Say, if you ever see a guy with big dorky glasses, white hair with a side cut pulled back into a ponytail, purple skin, pointed ears, red eyes, and a tendency to experiment and ramble? Deck ‘em in the schnozz for me.”

“I… see?” he responds in the first show of confusion you’d ever seen with him.

“Good.” you confirm.

Now, how to go about this next part? You’re going to need some plan for the infiltration part…

>A. Let Sala and Hado sneak in first with Chiaotzu, you and 19 should hold back until you’re needed
>B. Everyone, this is a sneaking mission! Use of stealth is required! Someone, get the box, and be ready to grab everything you can!
>C. Someone should try to draw out Zelos from the palace complex first, then let someone sneak in
>D. Something else?
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>feeling... marginally better mow
>D. Have buffs ready to go as soon as we need to move in.
>C. Someone should try to draw out Zelos from the palace complex first, then let someone sneak in
>A. Let Sala and Hado sneak in first with Chiaotzu, you and 19 should hold back until you’re needed

Nah, we don't know what's in there so let's keep calm.
Like, buffs will be a good idea when the fight starts, but Gohan and Krillin kept their Power Levels low when they were on Namek, so keeping unbuffed has its advantages, you know?
>A. Let Sala and Hado sneak in first with Chiaotzu, you and 19 should hold back until you’re needed
>D. Something else?
Lets work on exit strategies with 19 while we wait incase they get caught early and we need to throw away the plan.
Exit strategies as in getting everyone out - not leaving them to be clear.
>And the best way to probably go about that is through some kind of creative application of it
Izumi, to herself:
>"I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean, S-M-A-R-T!"

>B. Everyone, this is a sneaking mission! Use of stealth is required!
>Clothes beam a disguise, Acer and Chi-Chi didn't raise a fool! They raised the Smartest Princess in the World, that's what they did.
I also forgot to say support alongside my stuff.

And clothes beam some disguises, I have a couple in mind,
Aight, backing.
And Hado!
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>Slamming your fist into your palm, you declare confidently, “Okay, think we’re ready. Those gods ain’t gonna know what hit ‘em. They’ve had their way with this universe for too long.” you point your thumb at yourself. “Ain’t gonna happen to me, or any of us though!”
>…You notice Sala snickering a little. “Ya really said that with a straight face?”
No, Sala. I didn't vote to say that, I didn't vote to say it to you, and I didn't vote to say it as a motivational speech.

>B. Now get in the box with a fox.
Supporting Ds
Supporting Bs and the disguises.
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Why do we need those when we have The Box?

>No Outfits, Box Only, Final Destination!
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Rolled 7, 9, 10 = 26 (3d20)

Okay, real quick, roll me 3d20, best of three. DC is 13 for the first two, 15 for the last.
Rolled 16, 18, 11 = 45 (3d20)

>A. Let Sala and Hado sneak in first with Chiaotzu, you and 19 should hold back until you’re needed
>B. Everyone, this is a sneaking mission! Use of stealth is required! Someone, get the box, and be ready to grab everything you can!
>C. Someone should try to draw out Zelos from the palace complex first, then let someone sneak in
Rolled 20, 12, 17 = 49 (3d20)

Rolled 8, 3, 20 = 31 (3d20)

And then we get to Zelos and roll three 1s
Rolled 3, 13, 18 = 34 (3d20)

Well, passed all of 'em!
Rolled 4, 17, 5 = 26 (3d20)

And one more...
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>redirect them into 19, letting her absorb them. …Almost a little too well, as you end up sending some of this field of energy into 19 too, which does provide a little boost, but kinda… unbalances her systems for a moment.
I was hoping her clothes would rip off.
Rolled 15, 14, 1 = 30 (3d20)

Okay, after this I am gonna call it a night early again, and I apologize for this. However, we'll be back closer to ~6:30 pm PST tomorrow, promise, and if there is anything wrong, y'all will know before then. Stay safe out there.
Can we let you know if something's wrong?

Good night.
Rest well boss.
Good night Kato, I'll most likely get banned in the morning.
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Okay, we are back!

The following day, after a decent amount of rest for everyone, all of you are ready for your respective missions. Since this is going to require a good amount of stealth, disguises are going to be needed! And while you’re going to let Chiaotzu lead this infiltration with Hado and Sala, you and 19 holding back a bit, you all still make sure you’re not too far behind one another. You and 19 need to appear the most inconspicuous of all, and so you’ll use a classic technique: the ol’ box trick.


After being transported to the world he rules over, you notice that the temple complex that makes up Zelos’ domain is… interesting. In the center is a massive pyramid structure, and there’s a mixture of very ancient aesthetic styles and more futuristic touches strewn across both interior and exterior, almost reminding you of the Kyodai Pyramid, though with more modern/futuristic sensibilities, and you can tell the place is… just brimming with Magics of all kinds. And right in the middle of it all is a very powerful source of it, but that’s not all, the same source is substantially strong. At least a match for you and 19 combined, probably even moreso.

You make sure everyone’s ready with whatever buffs, debuffs, and other supportive skills they need, while you and 19 try to devise an exit strategy. That, and it doesn’t hurt getting a good look at some of these things. There are definitely some guards and the like patrolling the complex, but avoiding them proves easier than you expected. If anything, they seem to be more focused on escorting around… well, various scholars, scientists, mages, and the like making sure they’re kept under close watch. There are a few folks that seem to be priests around too, though they also seem to have more of a warrior basis to them… Paladins, maybe? Clerics? …Warlocks? Maybe some bizarre combination of all of the above.

Uuuggghhh you’re able to find a dozen magical tomes being actively used but you can’t understand the written language of them. Beh. Sneak one or two out with you just in case. However… you might also have something you can use to get everyone out of here when things get dicey. Not only are there some places that seem to have Magic Portals, of all things, they look to be relatively simple to activate. And even if not, you can… maybe brute force them? Well, keep that as a last resort. Either way, there’s a way out of here if there prove to be any major traps or the like giving you all too much trouble.

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…Which is when you get some bad news from Chiaotzu.

‘We’ve been able to sneak a few things of note out from where they’ve been contained, deactivate some warding and controlling spells, but guards near us are on alert, and what’s more, I think Zelos has barrier traps that- Sala no!’

‘Wait what? What happened to Sala? …Chiaotzu?’

There’s a tense few seconds, but Chiaotzu gets back to you. ‘That was close, she almost got caught up in a barrier trap. Okay, we should start getting out of here, and soon.’

‘Right, right, okay, we found some Magic Portals just a bit ago, and…’ After explaining the potential escape route, you and 19 look to one another. It’s go time. Might need some way to distract Zelos now.

>A. Get as close as you can and make your presence known, that’ll keep the god and his servants from targeting your allies
>B. 19, try to get close to Zelos, I’ll be on Portal Duty just in case they need help
>C. Maybe you can have Chiaotzu’s group go to one set of portals, while you and 19 go to another, drawing Zelos there and shoving him out of this temple complex!
>D. Something else?
>D. Do a dance as a diversion!
>A. Get as close as you can and make your presence known, that’ll keep the god and his servants from targeting your allies
>D. Something else?
Time to test out our two new techniques. Prepare a Shadow clone for the new elemental breaker move together. This should allow us to keep 19's systems balanced better while fighting Zelos.

Do a dance with our shadow clone in the diversion, make it classy and stylish.
>C. Maybe you can have Chiaotzu’s group go to one set of portals, while you and 19 go to another, drawing Zelos there and shoving him out of this temple complex!
Tentatively supporting, what dance?
Exen vote:

>>> >>6038476

>The "dancing" though could maybe be closer to blade dancing. Danger can be more distracting than spectacle, but splitting the difference is best of all.
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And supporting the dance and shadow clone in
I have a dance, I have a dance, I have a dance
In honor of our mother, also father's favorite song.
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>The "dancing" though could maybe be closer to blade dancing. Danger can be more distracting than spectacle, but splitting the difference is best of all.
Can we do it like this, please? https://youtu.be/vDz-CToMoUw?si=ma5cNuCtrPE4ut2X
Supporting! Let's duel our clone, en garde- hol up are we swordfighting our clone or are our clones swordfighting each other?
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Do we have the Para Para Bros' Woofers in a capsule? That would help the dance a lot.

I wanna have the Chichi wo Moge song play in the background while we swordfight, it has a swordfighty rhythm. May we please?
If we go for any song, clearly this is the best choice:
No, the song I posted is the better choice for swordfighting.
This seems good.
I do not agree. The base song was the best, it had an energetic Spanish guitar, but if we are to change it, I have shown my preference.
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>D. Fireworks up a display (in their own alphabet) of pic related
Your song is for something epic, I want something that will make things a bit sillier to suit a big distraction, hopefully with slapstick and hijinks.
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Rolled 9, 13, 19 = 41 (3d20)

Okay then. Roll me another 3d20, best of three. DC is 13 for the first two, 14 for the last.
Rolled 10, 9, 13 = 32 (3d20)

Rolled 16, 18, 15 = 49 (3d20)

Rolled 16, 12, 15 = 43 (3d20)

Rolled 6, 17, 18 = 41 (3d20)

Passed all!
Rolled 7, 15, 14 = 36 (3d20)

And one more...
Rolled 17, 1, 9 = 27 (3d20)

And writing...

>And one more...
Can we roll for our clone too?
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‘Chiaotzu, get your team close to one of these portals. We’ve got a plan.’ you tell him telepathically. Turning to the robot girl, you next ask, “Ready to put on a bit of a show?”

“I am ready.” 19 confirms.

Okay, you both find a place to get this ready, and… now! Shadow Clone! You and your copy face one another… and draw your blades. “Let’s get their attention as we make our way towards Zelos, with a little dance.”

“Number 19, the music, if you will!~” your copy calls forth. She seems… bemused by the request.

You then notice the very slightest hint of a smirk on her face. “I shall use one of Giru’s favorites.”


…Cheeky. Bah, not slashbuckling enough. Or silly. Or… egh, whatever!

Ah well. The two of you flare up your auras and begin a blade dance against one another. The sudden clash is noticed immediately by the surrounding peoples, confusion and anger coming from the guards. “What are you two kids doing here?!” one man demands, but when you fail to answer in time, he holds his hand forward. “Apprehend these troublemakers! Sealing Chains!” He and a few others shoot out Magical chains, but they’re ones you and your copy don’t have to worry about, avoiding them easily.

“Haha, you thought you could make off with some priceless artifacts and make ME take the blame for it, did you?!” you ask your copy, trying to get a narrative going as you let out just a bit more power. Good, more have noticed, but they’ve taken pause.

“I did, and I shall, foolish do-gooder!” she retorts, forcing you back with a twirling, flashy display, that lets out just enough power that it’s getting the attention of some of the stronger people in this place. Good, very good.

“Well met! You fight just like my sister!” And now, a snap of the ol’ Will o’ Wisp! An explosion of flame erupts around your copy, only to be blasted away with tremendous winds.

“I -AM- your sister, big-headed braggart!” she declares. Noticing several of the stronger guards taking aim at her with… oh hey, Magicians’ staffs. Neat. Well she snatches them all away and instead uses them in an attempt to blast YOU with them! …Not the face not the face nottheface!

The Hero’s Barrier forms around you and deflects them all with ease. “Yet you relying on such paltry tricks, rather than your own strength!” Channeling your energy through your sword, you slash out with a draw cut that hits a wall and breaks through it, and several others in the process. Closing in on where Zelos is.

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“I’d only use my best against a worthy foe! You’ll have to do better than that to prove yourself as such!” Okay, some proper Paladin/Cleric types now, all of them trying to trap your copy in a swirling vortex of Wind and Shadow. “You still rely on weaklings like these to make up for your lack of strength, I see! FOOLS!” Throwing the Spirit Bits out, she breaks through the barrier they’re trying to make and blasts each of them with just enough power to knock them out.

“Your battle is with me, my vile twin! Leave them alone!” One last declaration and-

…He’s coming.


Here you go.

19 has secured the portal, and in the commotion, Chiaotzu has gotten everyone else out (with Sala snatching one last thing and almost getting caught for it). While you and your counterpart have finally happened upon Zelos in-person. An alien humanoid with a long beak, elaborate dress with many Magical charms woven into it. He leads a procession of priests, mages, scholars, all behind him in a protective barrier. He observes the battle between you and your copy for a moment, bemused. And his eyes narrow.

“Acolytes. The discussion of the Polar Shift and its affects on the Consciousness Grid will have to take pause. It seems I have a troublemaker I must deal with personally.” he declares. “Child. You should not have interrupted me.”

“Great Zelos! My evil twin was trying to make off with some of your artifacts!” you call to him, trying to keep this up.

“Trying to? I -AM- making off with them, fool!” she declares, taking to the air and starting to fly off.

He is not amused by the act. You can sense a substantial amount of energy build up around him as he lazily starts to raise a hand. Okay that’s… some kind of sealing spell, do NOT get caught by it! You take after your copy, with her making her way towards one of the portal rooms. Zelos follows, now a bit more focused. “Why do you insist upon such an obvious trick, child? This game you attempt to play will not end well for you.”

“Empty threats, oh ‘Great’ Zelos! This is- WOAH!” Your copy just narrowly avoids being surrounded by an aura that you… can guess would have shut her down completely, no longer able to keep separate form from you as her Magic and Ki would have just… stopped working. Yeah better avoid that. Okay you’re at the right place! 19’s in position, Zelos is too focused on the distraction that is you.

A dismissive sigh escapes his mouth. “You do seem to have some unique abilities, child. Give up the game you are trying to play and perhaps I can show… a degree of mercy for this blasphemous act.” An aura surrounds him as he holds his hand up… and suddenly the air starts to feel thin. “If you refuse though- …what in the underworld is making that noise?”

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Now or never! You and your Shadow Clone slam your hands on the portal device, activating it with a quick boost of power, and then try to counter his attempt to rob the room of air. He’s so focused on that sudden action and trying to counter it that 19 coming in and blasting him through the portal doesn’t register until it’s too late.

From what you can sense, he’s on the other side of the planet now. Good. Time for a proper battle!

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Stay safe out there and see you then!
Kato this was the best time I've had in the whole thread, very entertaining! Thanks for rolling with it!

>Izumi steals the show to the point where she wins an audition across space and time
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All righty, we are back!

Okay, the fight’s at hand. Chiaotzu’s evacuated with Hado and Sala, you and 19 have gotten Zelos out of the complex and halfway across the planet. And he is pissed. You’ve got a brief moment to press what advantage you have, but how shall you go about it? 19 seems ready to charge in after Zelos…

>A. Shut down the portal from this side, let’s regroup with Chiaotzu, Hado, and Sala first
>B. Send your Shadow Clone in with 19 after Zelos, and then shut down and regroup with Chiaotzu
>C. The battle’s on, charge in with 19, have your copy close the portal, and be ready to battle!
>D. Something else?
>C. The battle’s on, charge in with 19, have your copy close the portal, and be ready to battle!
>D. Something else?
Shadow clone go regroup with Chiaotzu, Hado and Sala
Mahou Shield on 19.
>A. Shut down the portal from this side, let’s regroup with Chiaotzu, Hado, and Sala first
>D. He said something about a consciousness grid and polar shift. Sounds like bad feng shui to me, and our hakkero EATS feng shui!
>Of course, back on Earth and Z'S and the Otherworld, we've gotten stern lectures on how abusing the hakkero's mechanisms would be bad, potentially catostrophic.
>But we're not on those worlds, are we?
Support >>6039413
Exen Vote:

>But also:
>D. Send our Normal Type self across instead of Dark Izzy.

>...IF there is an advantage to doing so, in terms of his ability to shut us down.
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>B. Send your Shadow Clone in with 19 after Zelos, and then shut down and regroup with Chiaotzu
So the clones can still function if they're cut off? Hm...
>inb4 our clone, filled with shadow magic, calls Zelos birdbrain, a booby, and a bustard without us there to moderate

It does say Zelos can control the atmosphere with his magic, so we could try absorbing all the magic out of the atmosphere.
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Supporting C and D, and the E only if 19 doesn't have that barrier the other androids use, Izumi has a hakkero but she is not a powerhouse. Gotta use our energy wisely.
Also supporting. We can probably interfere with Zelos a lot using our Hakkero, so I say going directly to him and cribbing Celes' Runic could work well.
Heh, you said "bust"
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Rolled 6, 3, 1 = 10 (3d20)

All righty, roll me 4d20, best of three! DC is 15 for the first two, 15 for the third, 17 for the last!
Rolled 5, 5, 3, 20 = 33 (4d20)

bird is the word
Rolled 3, 14, 2, 3 = 22 (4d20)

Rolled 14, 13, 6, 4 = 37 (4d20)

>DC is 15 for the first two, 15 for the third,
Is the DC 15 or 14 for the first two? urgent
Rolled 17, 2, 6 = 25 (3d20)

...So. I realize too late that I hit the wrong number. DC is indeed -14- for the first two. Apologies.

Passed three!
15 for the first two and 7 for the third!
Rolled 17, 12, 16 = 45 (3d20)

And one more...
Rolled 3, 13, 7 = 23 (3d20)

And writing...
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...it occurs to me that because of how multi-form works, we are also Dark Izzy and can go do Dark Izzy things.
eh we can worry about it later
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Good point, we Can do Dark Izzy things! And for her, I have something in mind so vile, something that offends all who see it, something that might be too much for a blueboard,

>D. Before we leave, Dark Izzy and Lemon Izzy touch foreheads
>whisper "Tuff Luck"
>pat each other on the back twice
>refuse to elaborate
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Well, if 19’s going through, you’re gonna back her up! You give her a bit more protection with the Mahou Shield and fly forward with her, leaving your clone to stay behind and shut down the portal, then regroup with Chiaotzu and the others. The other side of the portal is a more desert-like region, with some floating islands in the sky, and a scattered oasis here and there. And it’s dusk, with the sky showing brilliant shades of red, purple, yellow, even a hint of green.


A swirl of winds erupt from the sands, and for a moment it’s like a dust devil has appeared out of nowhere, but it eases into a more concentrated flow. Zelos floats in the middle of it, glaring down at the two of you. “You have made a substantial mistake, children.” He tilts his head slightly, observing 19. “…You’re no organic being, yet I can sense Magic within you. Curious.” Then back over to you. “And I see you have chosen… poorly, child. Both of you have committed a blasphemous act. You should know this if you paid any attention to the condemnations of the renegades, but any mercy I may have shown for ignorance is gone. I will teach you both…” A blue and purple and green chaotic aura erupts around the birdman, almost flame-like, and… with Ki that you seem to not really be able to sense all that well, combined with a Magical strength even greater than your own, and even drawing in power from around himself somehow. “…the punishment fit for the blasphemy you’ve committed.”

Okay, that’s enough time for your copy to get over to everyone else. “Talking a big game, bird brain. But I think it’s time for some new management.”

19 bolts towards him, and with a thrust of his palm, those swirling winds return, drawing in sand with it, blasting out towards her. But she’s able to avoid it, and instead holds a palm out. She doesn’t launch an attack, but instead she absorbs some of the Magic he’s blasting off, empowering herself with it. With an angry twitch in his face, he swings his other arm at her several thrusts of sparking, metallic spikes conjured with that, 19 only barely avoiding them and backing away.

You meanwhile launch into the air, trying to fly up higher, but as you do you notice the first attack Zelos let out hasn’t stopped. In fact, it’s still tracking you… and now seems to be electrified, thanks to 19 avoiding the electric spikes. Well… shit. You dodge and swerve around, even getting the Hero’s Barrier up to defend, but it only barely holds back the worst of it. Ow… well, his attention is back on 19 at least. You pull out the Hakkero. “Consciousness Grid, huh…?” you say aloud quietly, closing your eyes to focus. It might not be connected to this planet, but… maybe, just maybe, it’ll prove close enough in concept that you can get some kind of reaction working.

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After focusing, you notice… a flow of energy towards one area, and follow it. There ends up being some kind of… “node” of Magic that’s actually channeling energy from across the planet, Ki, even the mental energy of many, many people. Guess it lives up to its name. All right, hold the Hakkero up to it… AGH! Well, it’s reacting all right! You feel the energy flowing through it, the Ki, the very thoughts of those… shackled to it, almost.

So many things rush through your head, unrelentingly. Fears, hopes, aspirations, regrets, and yet… there’s an underlying sense of… seeking betterment, improvement, at almost any cost. It’s… almost like this whole thing is in place to reinforce that idea, to make sure it’s a unified thought among all under the grid. And in doing so, it’s somehow… not completely in sync with this plane of reality. You can feel places beyond it, places that really, really shouldn’t be connected to it. And in doing so, something in there takes notice of you.

Something… wrong. Seething, festering, changing... rotting, almost.

And in that moment, you hear Zelos’ voice screaming at you psychically, ‘YOU IDIOT CHILD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!’ Welp. He knows you’re up there, doing something he very much doesn’t want to happen. ‘CEASE AT ONCE WHILE YOU STILL HAVE ENOUGH OF A MIND LEFT TO COMPREHEND HOW RIDICULOUSLY FOOLISH YOU’RE BEING!’

Oh you’ve got some ideas now.

>A. Try to bait him up here. If he’s actually showing worry about this, whatever in there might not be his pal
>B. Nah. Imma break this… mind node thing. Watch!
>C. Use the Hakkero to try and channel some of this energy to use against him! He’s not gonna expect that!
>D. Reunite with your copy, you need full focus for whatever you’ll do next
>E. Have your copy try to find another node like this, maybe some of the stuff Sala and Hado found with Chiaotzu can have a similar effect to the Hakkero
>F. Something else?

However, sadly,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Stay safe out there and see you then!

Vote open until then!

>B. Nah. Imma break this… mind node thing. Watch!


>F. Don't tell him what you're trying to do, just act like our weak mind that you shoved into a power socket is oh so terribly afflicted due to our hubris.


>C. Use the Hakkero to try and channel some of this energy to use against him! He’s not gonna expect that!

Break it in a way that blasts him.
>E. Have your copy try to find another node like this, maybe some of the stuff Sala and Hado found with Chiaotzu can have a similar effect to the Hakkero
>F. Commune with the grid:
>Look, we have all felt at one point that we're not good enough. Our parents say we have to do better than the other kids because we're special, so we have to work harder to fit their standard or we are failures, and making other kids into failures is making our parents proud.
>We have trouble finding a nice partner, it might be because we don't fit the criteria of the people we seek out, and it's also likely that the people we overlooked in our search for the one were similarly judged by us. But we have to get a partner, if we can't get a partner before we hit our 30s, we're trash, a cake that's gone stale. But we can't go for just anyone, and we can't be just anyone, so we all have to do insane regimens so our bodies will look good naked.
>Our livelihoods will always be dead-end, low-wage Sisyphean torments, which we'll only be doing for a short-while, we're just temporarily embarrassed millionaires who have to flip burgers this one time and then we'll go places.
>We are never going to improve like this.
>Our students will only pursue scholarship so they don't fall behind a mandated standard, not to better their lives with knowledge that suits their passions. And we all won't get to go to university for further improvement because only a lucky few get picked for scholarships and a bigger portion get student loans and a biggerer portion settle for community college and the rest have to make do with the military and whatever else that Nepotism can scrounge up for them.
>Our courtships will be shallow affairs, but there is a chance they will go in the deep end, where half the people are clinging onto anyone they can get for validation, and the other half will feel constricted by this ball and chain weighing them down. Glub glub.
>And our jobs- man, I do love burgers. Society needs the people who flip burgers, it's okay to be that, the profession is more essential than the investment bankers and these, artifact fetishists, and we shouldn't be treated worse because we found a way to contribute to society that actually interacts with actual society.
>I will admit, there is one big improvement we can make, and that is to find treasure in what we have. Doing just okay on the spelling test but finding spelling fun, preferring solitude because what you can do on your own is more fun than hooking up, and having a job where you can see a customer smile that also pays you a decent wage with benefits, those are all things that are achievable right now without the deceit of self-improvement, the only thing keeping us from them is this fucking bird and his magic doodads that can be hacked into by, his own words, "An idiot child."

Izumi Mahogany, Working Class Ally Also Princess
>B. Nah. Imma break this… mind node thing. Watch!
>B. Nah. Imma break this… mind node thing. Watch!
>E. Have your copy try to find another node like this, maybe some of the stuff Sala and Hado found with Chiaotzu can have a similar effect to the Hakkero
>F. Break'em at the same time.
This F.