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In the year 2537, the dreaded hosts of Chaos descended down on the realm of Jekatarina Bokha the Great, the Ice queen of Kislev. The hordes of Kurgan marauders mounted on horses struck upon her majesty’s provinces east of the Goromadny mountains (how the Kislevites call the World Edge mountains) and plundered Zhitozemlye (the Wheatlands, or the farming provinces of her majesty’s realm located in that accursed plain). All my estimates place the initial invasion force at some ten thousand bandits that descended down upon those poor and unfortunate souls and suffered by their wrath, no doubt either killed off or enslaved and dragged off to their dark masters. The invasion happened in two prongs encircling the central hills and lake and plundering and enslaving the northern edges of the colony. It is estimated fifteen thousand souls perished in the raids of that year, with a great cavalry battle occuring in the west of the colony, where a Dolgan chief butchered a great many Ungols.
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At the same time, Kislevite lands between the rivers of Tobol and Lynsk were hit with a wave of Baersonling refugees, fleeing the northern barbarians. Initially, doubts were had about whether these savages were connected in their actions with the ones laying waste to the Wheatlands. And while not much is known about the invasion of the Baersonling realm, it is known for certain that their capital fell. There have been mentions that the barbarians sturck into the lands of Kislev on our side of the mountains aswell, but the Cheka has not been interested in letting me know overmuch about it.
In the autumn of 2537, the hordes returned to their lands to recruit more followers to their banners to spread more evil upon the civilized peoples of the old world. Of interest is a small army of Kurgan that remained and offered their services. The boyar-governor of the Wheatlands bought their services. The hordes returned in 2538 and yet again struck, with the same company of evildoers striking at the Wheatlands with the goal of finishing off the remained that had not evacuated from that ill fated attempt at settling past the protection the mountains have ever offered us. Not many fled to tell the tale, but my estimates place the dead at twenty five thousand souls.
Yet that was not the end of the troubles for the Ursuns people, for even more refugees fled southwards and a horde of beastmen and Baersonlings, either driven southwards out of desparation or pragmatic sideswitching, joined the forces of the Zar Hangar, supposedly a Kurgan at the head of this black crusade and plundered the upper streams of the rivers of Lynsk, Severolynsk and Tobol, only being stopped at Praag and Ostrosk. At least fifteen thousand souls perished here.
Yet, that is not all the harm done to the peopls of the fair world, for our short brethren, the Dwarves of Kraka Ravnsvake, were also attacked and lost the port of Sjoktraken and the outpost of Khazid Bordkarag. They are not likely to easily forgive this outrage. We may hope that they will join us in revenge for these strikes.
I write this letter titled to all the Elector counts of the Empire so that all may see the danger slowly brewing in the north against all the fair peoples of the south and so that they may act in time and protect both us and Kislev.
-your faithful servant, Wilerich Franzeir, scholar of the Frote university of Nordland
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Welcome! This will be my second thread in my first attempt at running a mechanically defined game. I hope it will run smoothly and that everyone will have fun with this.
The rules are limited to what you see on the image, however if you have any additional questions, feel free to ask me or to check the previous thread!
So, first of all, everyone in here who wants to participate will need to do a few things:
>Use some method of identification
Be it a tripcode, a name, or something, I will need a way to tell who you are, as this will hopefully last for more threads and as there will hopefully be multiple players.
>Create your warlord
I’ll need a name and a origin, which can for now only be a Hung, a Kurgan, a Norscan, a corrupted Kislevite or a Beastman. Later on, you will be able to get Tong and potentially even other things, but for now, you are limited in your starting options. This will determine your starting unit options.
And, of course, if you desire, for a bit of flavour, a description (if you wish, you can go pretty OC donut steal, as chaos heroes usually are).
>Pick your army
Each new player will start with 60 loot that they can purchase units with to represent their starting armies. Returning warlords are to keep their previous army.
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Chaos wastes and rejoin the great beastherds (recruit beastmen units):
SPECIAL RULE - everyone can move full speed through the forest, can see two tiles in the forest
Ungors – 5 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Gors – 10 loot:
HP 2
D 2
M 3
Centigors – 16 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Minotaurs – 30 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 2

The cold Hung coast to rally the savages and the wildmen (recruit Hung units):
Horse archer – 12 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Hung savage – 8 loot:
HP 1
D 2
M 3
Slave – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Warbeast of the north – 44 loot:
HP 4
D 3
M 4
Chaos warrior – 22 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 1
Chaos knight – 36 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 3

Wheatlands or Eastern steppes and rally the Kurgan hordes (recruit Kurgan units):
Horse archer – 10 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Kurgan cataphract – 18 loot:
HP 3
D 1
M 4
Slave – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Chaos warrior – 24 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 1
Chaos knight – 32 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 3

Stay with the Baersonlings and rally their men for raids (recruit Norse units):
SPECIAL RULE - everyone can construct longboats for themselves (and one other unit) in the interturn (if your army is half Norscan, it is fully amphibious)
Thrall – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Bondsmen – 8 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 3
Huscarl - 14 loot:
HP 2
D 2
M 2
Berserkers – 9 loot
HP 1
D 2
M 3
Chaos warrior – 28 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 2
Skinwolf - 26 loot (SPECIAL RULE – retains full movement in hills):
HP 3
D 2
M 4
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Deployment maps:
Wheatland (expected location of a massive clash with hobgoblins)
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Kislev raid (sprinboard into a strike on the Fjellsende, Ravnsvake and Kislev)
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Northeastern Norsca (mammoth hunting and springboard towards the Aeslings)
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Beasthunting on Ice
quick question. can i drag the longboats over land if i wanna embark somewhere else? it shouldnt be impossible over ice.

or will i have to get back to my boats every time?
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Albino described island.
You can, but at a speed of 1 tile.
good to know but for now i am sworn to support Sarrick and Narvoch hunting for mammoths and plundering villages.

i am going for a bit of scouting before i commit to a landing.

Narvoch. You can carry one of my Horse Archer Units with you and decide where to disembark as well as where you need my thralls and other Horse Archers. they will try to support you.

Lanu, I am but a simple bullman, could you point out Hellpit on the Kislev map? Is it the purple four-house town on the northwest of the map? Just want to make sure I am deploying with Huffud properly.
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Are those purple house towns friendly or yet to be raided?
On this (>>5999546) map? They are beastmen holds. Unfriendly.
Alright, when I get home, I'll take my turn and deploy to go after the pink city.
After that I'll head north west to the rest of the Aesling territory
He'll yeah Lanu, keeping it going, glad to see it.

MULROG THE CRUEL, if you invest 15 & KORTHAK BRASS SKULL pitches in 5 I can really secure the pass, or with just 10 from between the two of you I can still make some more progress.

Lanu, you forgot Ivanoslav & the moats on each side of it on this map.

Lanu, can my units cross the water between land tiles without ships?
well i already deployed. but didnt buy anything else. so i can send the 15 loot. though i expect a good return on this investment.
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>Lanu, you forgot Ivanoslav & the moats on each side of it on this map.
Indeed I did. And I'll do it again!
>Lanu, can my units cross the water between land tiles without ships?
On this map, no.

Great, thanks for clarifying. Will be able to post my deployment later tonight. Hellpit is really Huffud’s mission so I’ll let her deploy her bulbois first.

Huffud, I figure if we survive Rat Vietnam, we can spread out and raid the surrounding beast man and human villages that were missed on the last Kislev deployment.
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Ominous to know we are already coming to the attention of the wider world. If major cities within Kislev fall, it looks like the Empire will begin to take notice and potentially support their neighbors. Also, only Hangar is famous enough to be known by name so far... the rest of us need to step up our game.

Anywho, the host of Sarrick Whispersoul and his young ally Sjur have sailed up to the top of North-East Norsca, where the fleet is currently anchored off the coast. The best boats contain huscarls (HC) and chaos warriors (CW). The bondsmen (BM) transport the hung savages (HS) and the chaos spawn/warbeasts (WB). A couple of the boats are sent around the coast to scout out. We're searching for any trace of mammoths (or anything else interesting, I guess... I'm not fussy).

As am I.

"Likewise. A toast, to the Blood God!"

Korthak spent the winter in Baersonling lands, drinking, brawling, and fighting to his black heart's content.

Over these months of bloody revelry, Korthak burns the brunt of his plunder in rallying men to his banner.

>Sons of the Bastard Skull (50 Loot)
>3 Berserkers (Veteran) Those who fought under his banner and lived. Their wrath burns hotter by the day and they are desperate to kill and be killed.
>1 Bondsman (Veteran) Marauders, less young and less foolish, but no less awed by the brazen skull. As eager as they are to loot and pillage, some have been inspired by their brothers' zeal and started praying to the Blood God alone.
>2 Bondsmen (-16 Loot) A horde of easily impressed drunks and layabouts, filled with stories of bloodshed and promises of glorious victory. Perhaps one in ten has the potential to become anything more. If all goes well, one in twenty will get the chance.
>2 Huscarls (-28 Loot) Two sprawling bands of seasoned Norscan warriors, with iron wills and arms to match. A few of them are made up of the wiser veterans who spent their plunder on equipment over pleasure, most are newcomers, ready to march now that the warlord has proven himself.

Of the mound of treasure remaining, the lion's share (5 Loot) is pledged to the admittedly self-proclaimed High Zar Ivan the Unbearable's project. The last article, a golden chain pilfered from a false priest's vestments, (1 Loot) Korthak keeps around his belt as a lucky keepsake.

I'll take time to consider my deployments here. Mulrog is wise, I think it's better to scout ahead than overcommit.

You bested me in battle and have proven yourself stronger in the sight of the Blood God... For now. This raiding season, I'll follow your lead. I think we could do some heavy pillaging together. Do you think the both of us could raze that Aesling city along the coast?
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pretty sure Rue'Vahn wanted that one near the coast. but those beastman villages in the forest might make for some good targets.

maybe those red crosses could be useful targets. i could redeploy my Skinwolves down there where they can hunt across the hills to get in there and hunt.

however i dont want to stay too long and burn too much since i wanna go hunt sea monsters. so maybe one or two beastmen villages if the opportunity arises. but if i only get the mammoths here i wont be disappointed.
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Rassenkens was the last settlement of the eastern wheatlands that fell before Hangar's riders, so it seems fitting to choose the ransacked town as a springboard for launching his season's ride; the Kurgan Warrior pausing a moment in the burned-out street to dip his hand into the ashes, then pull the shards of ruined dwelling through the ever-growing weight of his moustache in memorium of the change of flame and the decay of time. It is Ghughlukh Khan and his band that Hangar means to slay; and whilst burning out every Goblin Khan to the west would eventually bring him Ghughlukh, it strikes the Hastling Zar that riding south would bring him sooner to the presence of any Khan who might specifically be mustering their warband away from the other Khans and close to the plains of Zharr.
True enough. Some of the followers of Loesh aren't so dishonourable. That ungor, Magor, fought with me last season. I know the beastmen and their ways well but the important thing here's the mammoths. Somewhere along the northern coast, then. It's best we move in force than let ourselves get cut down piecemeal.

If we're lucky, this mammoth hunt could be a milk run but I don't dare tempt Tchar with high hopes.

How did the discussion with Lodin go? Is the exile alright with waiting a couple of seasons for me to hunt mammoths and fulfill my oath? If he likes the cold air, I'm happy to haul him along with my warband. Otherwise, he can stay at the Baersonlings and I'll call him when I'm ready.
wise words. though i promised help to the sorcerer wearing a ravens mask. horse Archers and Thralls shall help them in the south where they plan to raid while we make sure to deploy along the northern coast in search and capture of mammoths.
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My Thralls will sail up the river to get vision on that village. The boat holding my Chaos Warriors and Mulrog's Horse Archers will move to where the Thrall boat was. The Skin Wolf boat and Mulrog's boat will stay in place for now.

And you have my thanks for that, Mulrog the Cruel. I will not forget your assistance.
He's more than happy to wait, as long as he doesn't have to do anything.
I think there is a small mistake here. The Hung chaos warrior has only movement one in your post. But wasnt he changed to movement two?
Yes, that is a mistake. Thanks for catching it.
Quick question!

Where’s Hellpit?
Refere to >>5999605
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With the shares of plunder from Mulrog Half-Ogre, Rue'Vahn Beast-Tamer, Prime Beef Krantagarh, & Korthak Khorne's Gaze, I can establish the Tier 4 Settlement of Ivanoslav (marked with a 4), an impenetrable fortress from which to ensure tribute from trade & a bulwark against Kislev seeking reclamation of their lands. On either side is a moat spanned by raised earthworks worn flat, wide enough only for the passage of a single great beast of the North or a pair of wagons abreast. Leading to the hillside village of Sithopolis (from the old Wheatlands map) is a smaller fort (Tier 1) called Dolgangrad, established to garrison more troops for flanking attacks upon Kislev's forces, as well as to keep an eye on the subjugated village.

Ivan +20
Mulrog +15
Rue'Vahn +11
Krantagarh +9
Korthak +5
Total = 60
Ivanoslav (Tier 4) -40
Dolgangrad (Tier 1) -10
Moat -5
Moat -5
Remainder = 0

I owe favors/interraid tribute to several of you now, & Ivan always pays his debts, whether they be of blood, steel, or gold.

I did not realize from the earlier exchange that the Khanzarian Goblins would be threatening my land, so I may owe Zar Hangar as well by the end of this, although thankfully there's nothing readily available to be raided thanks to how thorough we were in harvesting skulls.
My blindness is staggering, thank you!
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I do apologize if I misunderstood deployment lines… again

You might want to deploy south of Hellpit, since we can’t traverse the dark brown hexes (which are mountains). You’d have to take the long way around
Rolled 77 (1d100)

Lanu, my plans are almost finalized. Can I disembark from a ship & attack a village at the very start or do I have to deploy away from a village & then advance on it from land?

Also, rolling for the Zar's pre-raid dream-walking.
Are you guys still taking new players? Might join in
But we can’t cross the water tiles either, can we?

River tiles can be crossed but only one at a time, so it would take you like 6 turns to leave your deployment site, cross two rivers and attack Hellpit. You’d save a lot of time by deploying directly south of Hellpit and only advancing to attack from there. Up to you, of course.
Excellent! Out of courtesy, Korthak will try to pull some strings to make sure he's kept fat and (relatively) happy. As is, he's probably squatting in a lean-to somewhere. Hell, he might not even be a chief at all and just a persuasive glutton, but that means nothing as long as his warband has an excuse to maim, kill, and burn.

>double sevens
None other than that smelly smell that smells. Kislev wept.
They are the Ungol smell, they are the Ungol idiot

My other question, can we land a ship, disembark, & move our units in one turn or is disembarking the entire initial turn?
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I'm chomping at the bit to get at the delicious loot these not-Melniboneans have, so here's my plan, although if I can move my units on the initial turn beyond disembarking I'll revise it, naturally.

Silver/Grey = Norscan Dragonships
Gold = Baersonling Bondsmen
Red = Horse Archers
Purple = Chaos Knights
Orange = Kurgan Cataphracts
Black = Ulfhednar
One last thing, I see that there are a village & town in the Southwest of the map that should have been raided before, unless they're new. Are those the result of leaving the 6 hill villages but taking tribute from them, leaving enough for them to rebuild at half the rate?

& will the Albino be contributing to my forces attacks?
Still taking players yes. The QM did ask for new people to koin in.

See >>5999537 for reference for new warlords.

Unitprices and availability for starters is >>5999540
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Korthak has pledged to help Sarrick hunt mammoth cubs, for the sake of the Hung and the warlords who'd treat with them, and so he shall. Two mobs of zealous, fleet-footed berserkers and a band of skilled, "disciplined" huscarls have been put under the command of a trusted second, Geb, a stubborn (figurative) bastard who was there when Kharneth's flames stripped his head bare. They'll beach their longships in the north and scour the land for any hint or trace of hairy pachyderms for just that purpose.

However, the skull himself has heard rumours. Most enticing rumours, mumbled between cups as the height of foolishness. Rumours of savage rat-things that walk like men and hoard stolen treasure in the distant reaches. Something about them struck a chord with the warlord, and now he goes in search of a smaller foe than Mulrog. Korthak wants to know if these rumours are true. More importantly, he wants to see if these rat-thing's skulls can be hacked from their shoulders as easy as a man's!
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Krantigarh's winter is a vaguely remembered thing - ungors slain and eaten, mad hunts across the Beast Lands...

When spring came, his oath to Huffud was a vaguely-remembered thing too. Something about sacking a rat-pit? He couldn't remember whether he had eaten rat-men in the past, but he was mildly curious to know how they compared to both rats and men.

His travel to the south was lazy and meandering - and along the coast, he stumbled across an independent Beastman collective. Infuriating - don't they know of his achievements, of his critical role in last year's raid south? They send out no offerings to Krantigarh as he travels by, and he resolves to teach them proper submission to his cause. He will soon by known by all as KRANTIGAR AXE-HAND, BEASTLORD OF THE NORTH...or something like that. Krantigarh hasn't quite figured out his future title, but this will come in time...

>Huffud, change of plans - we might as well take the unaffiliated Beastman villages before we hit Hellpit anyways?
Oh damn the new threads here, lemme catch up.
Btw last thread I did try to pursue the Throgg quest, wasn't sure how that ended up.
Unfriendly beastmen holds?
Would it be possible to defeat them and claim leadership over them?

This is my exact plan, actually.
Ah, already going for them then? By all means. If you believe you can reasonably get most or all of them, well, there's plenty of other targets. Just trying to figure out a good place to send an even greater horde of Ungors. Preferably with someone to help against cavalry.

Feel free to join our horde to Rat Vietnam? Assuming we take control of the unaffiliated hordes we’d need lots of bodies down in the tunnels…
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Let's use some ungors to raid them! (off topic:rate this 'jak please)
Are you looking to join up as a new player?
Would the High Zar's mighty settlement benefit from any additional loot? Magor stands with his allies in Chaos Undivided.
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Alright, here's my turn
BM stands for Bondsmen, WB stands for War Beast, and CW stands for Chaos Warriors.
I'll have the Bondsmen go first and dock their boats a little northwest of the Aesling city. They will scout ahead and see what we're up against while the rest of the fleet stays back until the all clear is sounded.
<agreeing cow noises>

Well, it’d mean that I don’t have to change where I deployed my troops… so sure!

How about we split down the middle everything we get from this raid, yeah?
arent those blueish settlements dwarfen settlements?
Well, the crippled troll is captured. You could use him to find Throggs lair, (north of Sturen ridge and the Troll wastes) but thats about it.
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Is it this Throgg?
Yes. And you might kill him (because it's retarded to have a troll king capture Praag.
or could one... recruit him? having him as a linebreaker with his own unit of trolls that just regenerate all over the place would be pretty cool.
Maybe. Or subduing him.

Not sure, I think I misread Lanu’s earlier post looking back
If the Goat-Tide washed another 10 or 20 loot into the Wheatlands I could expand Dolgangrad to better defend the pass.

Lanu, do you have a post in mind to serve as a bookmark for any questions directed your way?
Yes, those are the dwarven settlements, however, raiding them is always a worthwhile effort.
Good idea, I'll make one right away.
The idea of recruiting trolls and even Throgg is an interesting one, and one I'd like to pursue. And I have lots of loot to entice the trolls.

I want to go to him and try and recruit him or his trolls. If this is something that is more like me deploying on a map somewhere rather than an interaction, let me know though.
Sweet, I ask due to all my prior ship questions last night.
I give thee 10 loot, may it go far to make the Southerners howl!
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You'd need to get to Throgg.
Which ones?
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If you have questions for me, please reply to this post.
With the large number of players, I am losing track of all the questions.
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My thanks, Cloven-One. Kislev will never reclaim their lost lands.

Now the pass is truly insurmountable, a Tier 2 atop a hill (Dolgangrad) flanking the moat before the Tier 4 centred in the pass (Ivanoslav).
Wise words, though Loesh frowns upon such truths.

I also posted my pass fortification map (now updated) & my not-Melnobonean deployment map.
Damn. I'd have to either skirt past fort Ostrok again, or go through Dwarf settlements and narrow corridors. Don't imagine there's a way for me to approach from that passage with a river through the mountains from the north is there?

Blue cities is Dwarfs
Red cities is Humans
Pink/Light Purple is Skaven
And Violet/Dark Purple is (Unfriendly Beastmen)
These correct?
Are the Green cities Orcs?

Suppose I should check if the color coding is universal across the different maps.
>Don't imagine there's a way for me to approach from that passage with a river through the mountains from the north is there?
That would involve you going past a different dwarven hold and through Aesling lands.
>Blue cities is Dwarfs
>Red cities is Humans
>Pink/Light Purple is Skaven
Hell pit specifically.
>And Violet/Dark Purple is (Unfriendly Beastmen)
Violet is Aeslings, purple is beastmen.
>Are the Green cities Orcs?
>Suppose I should check if the color coding is universal across the different maps.
I try to keep them, but I also try to differentiate different Karaks and tribes and states.

So continuing the theme of Krantigarh and Huffud being mentally slow, we are accidentally attacking dwarven holds, lol.

So Huffud - its critically important that dwarves are attacked from multiple angles simultaneously - DONT use only a single unit to attack your target city. We have to overwhelm their defenses with a “beast rush”

Lanu, you might also make it easier on yourself by making RAID ANCHOR and UNIT RECRUITMENT posts. There’s lots of us RPing and doing other things now, will be be tricky to keep things orderly
Kek, Minotaur method rp

But yeah, I’ll do that!
Hopefully they don’t beat us up too badly- Hellpit has things beneath it after all, and I’d rather not lose any minos, ever
>Are the Green cities Orcs?
Yo is that Azhag’s old tribe?
Regardless, someone tell Mulrog, Korthak, and the other Blood God worshippers. Greenskins are among their favorite enemies to fight.

Oh fuck yeah. Unless they send artillery, there’s no way they’ll ever get through that. Ivanoslav could also be a cool base of forward operations for us all to use when planning stuff prior to the raids or stashing loot for later use.

Magor, if you decide to try to recruit or ally with Throgg (and also let the rest of us know this so that we’re not metagaming), then Rue’Vahn would try his best to support your endeavor, weirdly enough.
He’s heard the rumors of an intelligent troll that wants to bestow sapience upon others of his kind. Rue’Vahn desires something similar for his wife, so if Throgg succeeds at his goal, then that might help Sunset too.

Maybe you should wait to attack your dwarven hold until I’m done with my ambush. That way, we can attack your hold simultaneously, and hopefully mitigate damage to our Minos. we could always bail with 30 loot apiece if we get truly jacked up by the dwarves, but I’m hoping to at least destroy Hellpit’s outer defenses this raid.

so maybe just hold position for a turn or two until I can get down there? Best case scenario the dwarves sally out to you but I don’t think they will
Yeah, sallying out isn’t their modus operandi most of the time.

I’ll move to encircle them anyway
There's a lot of unknowns to get there
First, fort Orstok must be dealt with or bypassed somehow. Or I must deal with Dwarves.
Secondly, I'll also need a plan either to deal with or get on good terms with the Orcs.
He'll yeah my chigga, I'll let any who have invested in the pass or are going to fight the hobgob khanzars retire to the Wheatlands for the interraid, pass through to Kislev without a toll, store their loot at my citadel, recruit Kurgan troops, etc., in addition to repaying their investments over time or as a lump sum.

How to talk to Orcs:
Step 1- Burn them alive
Step 2- Burn their dead
Step 3- Collect the ashes into decorative vases
Step 4- Sell the pottery to Cathay
Step 5- Profit
>I'm chomping at the bit to get at the delicious loot these not-Melniboneans have
Literally Melniboneans.
>although if I can move my units on the initial turn beyond disembarking I'll revise it, naturally.
Sorry for replying so late, this slipped by me completely.
You actually can. And you also need to land your ships on the coast to disembark from them.
So ships have movement independent of units, and I can attack while disembarking? I'll edit my plan.
Ships move independently, but fighting out of ships while they are on the water is suicide as your unit is down to 1HP and 0 damage.
You're supposed to scout with ships while keeping away from the coast, and when you find a safe spot to land, disembark, secure a beachhead and then disembark your entire army.
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Turn 1:
The cold wind of the northern sea whips across the skin, while the cold water smash against the coasts and the hulls of the ships. Yet, the longboats move in great masses and descend down on the coast. Mammoths shall be slain, thier cubs stolen, the Aesling camp will be plundered and the beastmen shall be either slaughtered or subjugated.
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The misdirected minotaur hordes march towards the Ravnsvake borders. The dwarven defenders, grim in their determination, will soon test their weapons against the minotaur hordes yet again.
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In the wheatlands, Hangar's forces stumble upon hobgoblin scouts, no doubt soon to bring the horde down on him.
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If I missed someone's forces, please inform me.
If someone missed the window, don't worry, you can deploy in the next turn aswell.
alright for my units we are going with a landing in two spots. The Knights, Cataphracts and Horsearchers will surround the mammoth herd. In the north my Skinwolves will protect my flank.

South of my riders my Houscarls and Bondsmen will protect my southern flank.

if you have questions for me. then i will gladly explain more.

Narvoch. you can command my units. but those Gors that protect that village will demand a bloodprice. they will have three HP and will deal two damage.dont send my Horsearchers to them. they will get slaughtered for nothing.
That's a lot of mammoths. More than I was expecting. Lanu, how's this going to work? Will we get rewards per mammoth dealt with? Or is it more like the skinwolves quest where we need to clear them all/a certain number to complete the quest?
no wait. can my skinwolves move one further to their lower left? they will protect my units better that way.

though sarrick >>6000511
if you want me to. i can commit the SKinwolves to attacking the mammoths up close to where your Huscarls and Bondsmen are.
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Hey there Mr Mulrog… how much for a mammoth? After you see the stats, of course

Huffud moos her challenge to the defenders, rallying her bovine spawn to charge the stunted foe!
You only need 4 mammoths to get the cubs to start a herd. Afterwards, loot compensation begins.
Remember, only 1 movement on hills.
those are hills. you will only move one tile per turn. so doing that will feed your minotaurs into the grinder. i suggest moving the lowest one to his upper right. then into the stream next turn and then start the dual assault upon the dwarfen hold. otherwise they will get caught by the First Strike Dwarfen defenders.
we will see what the mammoths cost and if i can recruit any. i would have to retire to Hung lands after all to get some.
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Ah shite, sorry

This’ll be long…
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Oh, yeah you’re right! I completely forgot you could go into water!

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yeah it will take a while.

i would suggest this plan so you dont engage with just one unit into the dwarf holds. they will survive at least 4 damage and then one unit of minos will be toast since the Dwarfs will get the first strike.

Those gors defending the village have an initiative of M 3 - HP 2 = 1
My skinwolves have an initiatve of M 4 - HP 3 = 1
My thralls will strike first if they attack from anywhere other than the water, but who strikes second in that combat? Gors, Skinwolves, or it's a coin toss?

Worry not Mulrog, I do not intend to waste my resources forces, including those you have lent me.
It's a cointoss.

Feel free to park your boys there if you want help cracking the dwarves? We could do a 3v1 attack if you wait for me, but it will take a couple turns for me to get down there.
File deleted.
Thralls and Skinwolves disembark and prepare to take that village damn that river bent, it's gonna take 3 more turns for the thralls to move around, my other two boats sail on close enough to the coast to see what's there.
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And here's the right pic
Eh, it’ll take a while for me to get there anyway and it’s not like I’ve got anywhere to be. Let’s make this as painless as possible

Besides, the less losses here the more we can fuck up hellpit!

Also, I’ve just noticed- these places both have 30 loot. That’s enough Gromril to get the special armor!

I’m phone-posting again, Lanu, sorry.

1)Northern Minotaurs move one hex northwest.
2)Southern Minotaurs move one hex northwest.
3)Southern Gors move one hex southwest.
4)Northern Gors move one hex southwest.
5) Centigors move one hex south, one hex southwest.

Lanu, I’m basically hoping to set-up a 5v1 simultaneous charge in the next turn or two, and overwhelm the dwarves this way.
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Hobgoblin riders are fast, but so are Kurgan Horse Archers. The Horse Archers gallop forward of Hangar's host in attempt to earn their spurs and pounce upon these scouts to fill them with arrows before they are truly aware of our presence. Alongside them, the Cataphracts wheel away onto the flanks and the Chaos Knights ride inexorably on.

(I'm assuming that a Hobgoblin rider unit is basically a horse archer pallet-swap in terms of stats?)
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Ok, thanks for your patience Lanu, a trait I do not share, thus I'm Chaos (Zerg) rushing my enemies as soon as the ships run ashore. The only unit not disembarking & engaging are my Chaos Knights to the East.

Still hoping Elric will grant some bonus to my efforts since he's coming along himself, & I'm curious what the 77 revealed to me.
I'm assuming I have the element of surprise as well, & if this four-pronged blitzkrieg succeeds I'll have the Chaos Knights (in purple) sack the capital/fortress for positioning purposes.
Bro is practicing for Ulthuan lmao
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Well, those mammoths won't catch themselves. Might as well suck it up and get in there. Sarrick will chill on his boat and send the rest of his forces in to get the two westernmost mammoths.

Hopefully they're slow and retarded, but I fear some casualties are inevitable. I'll write up something a bit more fluffy over the weekend.
We will give the elves a taste of our shoe, inshaLoesh
>>6000669 (nice)
How did you get such a thiccc army, magick-man?

No doubt he’s been skimming your share of loot when you weren’t looking, the bastard…
Source: a talking cow told me in a dream, all in Homeric poetry

That confirms it 100%, Sarrick, meet me in Chaos Antarctica at the end of the Qst
I've bought an extra 110 loot worth of units, got a free huscarl on top of that and only lost one hung savage so far. So there's almost 200 loot worth of guys there. That said, most of it is relatively light infantry. If mammoths count as cavalry (and I'd be surprised if they didn't) I may have far fewer units soon.

Any claims that the sorcerer known as Sarrick Whispersoul may or may not have stolen from his fellow warlords are lies propagated by a cabal of Tzeentchian cultists while drunk. Trust them not.
Me again, just wanted to confirm that the two rando settlements in the Southwest of the Wheatlands (a village & town) are new settlements based on the 6 surviving hill villages' rebuilding for curiosity's sake. Also, my updated plan should still count for turn 1 right
>Your highness, a second manticore has hit the Tower of Hoeth
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Thought I had George Bush as a Primarch, but this shitty edit will have to do.
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Along the northern coast, Geb coordinates both mobs of frothing berserkers (as well as they can be) to strike at a mammoth herd simultaneously to his huscarls. For the four-hundred and eighty-seventh time in his short life, the Baersonling knows the fear of death, for these mammoths are vast and his axes are small. In the end, he trusts in Kharneth to see him through.

Along the southeastern coast, Korthak leads a troop of veteran bondsmen to cut through the undergrowth and stomp their way north. Behind them, a beachhead of longships is established and a reckless band of thugs goes in ahead while the other, savvier huscarls fill in the rear. The warlord is filled with excitement! Rat-things are here, ready to be slain! He can practically smell their reeking hides on the wind!

A small offshoot of the main force further to the north spots Aeslings on the coast and resolves to join their own brethren to the south. They have no quarrel with the Aeslings or, more importantly, the Loesh-worshipper who does and wants them slain for his perverse and unnatural ambitions.
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>7 Ungors last I saw on battlemap
>Recruiting 7 Thralls for 42 out of 45 loot

Magor thinks long and hard where to go.
The way to Throgg lies through either treacherous Dwarf held mountain passes, which would mincemeat his Ungors. Or to go again for Orstok, no doubt stronger than before and with greater human presence.
Though he was enthused about fighting the Hobgoblins, there were not very many woods there, and he could be easily surrounded and overrun by their cavalry. Nor were there many villages to raid to sustain the great horde.
The idea of heading south is tempting, but Magor likes having at least one ally nearby.

Thinking long and hard, he prays to the Eagle for advice, and has the Bray Shamans draw lots and perform the rites, and pull the organs out of slaves for signs. And in that mess of gore and confusion, he hears a birds cry, and a thought plants in his head which he takes for a message from the eagle itself: "Why not try something you've never done before"

Magor remembers seeing the boats of the Norscans as he visited Korthak and saw his great duel, and thinks to himself, "I have never been on the ocean before. . ."

He suddenly remembers that Rue'Vahn had told him he too would like to see Throgg! Rue'Vahn, a Hung warrior blessed by the Serpent! Magor has practiced his hung much from the ramblings of his shrieking slavewife. Did not Rue'Vahn say he wished to see the Aesling's subdued?

So he decides, he shall to something few Beastmen have ever done, he shall sail across the salty waters that poison those who drink it, and go attack the Aeslings. Indeed, there were some woods and rivers there that would suit his army well, as well as perhaps some Beastmen to bring to his horde!
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>Me again, just wanted to confirm that the two rando settlements in the Southwest of the Wheatlands (a village & town) are new settlements based on the 6 surviving hill villages' rebuilding for curiosity's sake.
Currently, its based on Dolgans moving in. It hasn't been enough time for the Kislevites to start rebuilding.
>Also, my updated plan should still count for turn 1 right

>Still hoping Elric will grant some bonus to my efforts since he's coming along himself,
You don't expect a Melnibonean emperor to fight alongside your dirty savages, do you?
>& I'm curious what the 77 revealed to me.
I'll write it up during the day.

Also, this is turning into a very bloody and unfortunate fight for you.
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I didn't realize units could disembark and move immediately, here's a little extra movement for my thralls, I hope that's alright.
Oooooohhh, we out here killing Aeslings together?
By all means, welcome!
If you want we can either split all the loot 50/50, or we can coordinate ahead of time on who claims dibs on which villages.
(I think it's funny that by pure chance, Rue'Vahn is developing friendships with all of the Beastmen warlords)

I believe your quest is to clear villages for the Hung right? The thought occurs to me that we need not necessarily be wise to fully descrate them, but leave them intact for the migrating Hung. Any Aesling survivors might be convinced to join Korthak's band. Or I can eat and enslave those who will not fight for the Brazen Skull.

But that does mean I might not get as much loot as I would against the manlings. So I would hope for some of the Serpents generosity from both you and Korthak at the end of this, perhaps even some of the Beastmen villages instead. Or as intact as you can take them.
So, my quest is to specifically clear the Aesling *coastal* villages. You can feel free to raid as many of their inner settlements as you like.
As for the “leaving them intact” or you “not getting as much loot”, I’d been thinking about that.
Basically the conclusion I came to was that if we don’t pick the places apart, the Aeslings will come back after we leave to salvage what they can in order to deny resources for the Hung. So loot everything completely, although maybe not burn what’s left. Then once the migration efforts begin, I’ll give a portion of my own spoils to the Hung settlers.
We could ask Lanu what the details of the situation would be, but overall I’d say that at the very least, don’t let my mission trouble you. You go loot and pillage to your heart’s content, and if this leads to a mess then I’ll handle the clean up.
The four pronged assault wasn't enough to break through? Khorne's Horns, this is rough
More like a two pronged assault, the cataphract and the knight used themselves up on a unit located on the hill.
There was a unit in the hills taking a hit from the Knights and Cataphracts so those two units didnt fight against that Capital .

And thesee dudes deal two damage. If you send cavalery their way then in a city any Horse Archer, Huscarl and Bondsmen units run the risk if getting oneshot.
The rattle of hooves on soft soil. The rythm of the horse in a gallop, the pores of sweat pouring down the nose and side of head, the sweaty hair sticking to the scalp under the padding and helmet. The restricted vision and the large steed under his saddle. A cry in the unknown language. Not Kurgan, not Hung. Not Kislevite, or Norscan. Not even the dark tongue of the beastkin. A visage of a steel clad horseman from the southern lands, as he slowly raises his hand to his throat, then slides off his saddle, the arrowhead poking out from the other side of his neck.
Suddenly a commotion. Ivan's body twists around, turning the horse towards the side of the road, sending the horse forwards, lowering his lance, his fellow cavalrymen doing the same. A rain of arrows, impacting armour, denting the strong southernling steel, sometimes piercing it, as the company charges towards a treeline, chasing a half seen foe. Then, a arrow hits the horse in the eye and Ivan's body is sent flying forwards, rolling on impact with a well practiced motion.
Then, Ivan notices pained screaming. Not his own, but human screaming. And soon after, a clash of steel. And before he can collect himself, it is done with.
Pulling himself up and pulling his sword out, Ivan turns around, scanning the forest for anyone. A towering figure stands in the distance, a long spear in its arms. It turns towards Ivan and starts walking, no, gliding above the ground. Ivan glances around himself yet again, then charges forwards.
Before he can react, the figure, now a half recognizable shape of a slender, black eyed elf robed in dark greens and earthy browns leaps forwards, thrusting his spear into Ivans chest, a blow which Ivan barely stops with his shield, its splinters flying in all directions.
Then, a strong, hewing blow from above comes towards the elf, but it is already out of Ivans reach. The elf gives Ivan a pittying look, then kicks him in the side of the head, not even raising its leg above its hip. The blow breaks Ivans neck.
"Fuck!" Ivan says as he wakes up, jumping to a sitting position.
"Zar?" A Kurgan woman in Ivan's bed asks, wrapping her arm around Ivan's shoulder. "A bad dream?"
Thanks for the clarification lads.
Ships have 6 movement at sea right?
8 movement.
It seems Khorne demands a price from my warbands, and so they shall pay it.

Silver dots are end destinations; I'm looking to have my ships embark & drop anchor away from the shore, while my Chaos Knights are ferried close enough to scout out the two hilltop villages before sailing around to observe any other defenders. The rest will fight to the bloody end.
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Forgot image

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Turn 2:
Norscan raid.
The troops are starting to wonder why such a deployment was needed to hunt mammoths.
The skinwolves in the forests to the south easily repelled a attack by a unit of Gors.
In the meanwhile, TOTAL MAMMOTH DEATH is in progress.
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Zar Hangar's forces bloodlessly butchered the greenskins, but a larger number of them is being found to the east. A small force or a vanguard of a larger one?
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The minotaur herds are preparing a vicious charge at the dwarven forts.
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The Albino steps forwards towards Ivan. "Thank you for your services." He says, throwing, first the sack of gems, then stabbing the black greatsword into the soil. "May it serve you better than it served me. And beware of it's blade. It hungers for souls."
A moment of odd silence later, the albino turns around. "I expect the island will sink in a few weeks. If you have buisness on the island, try to make it quick. Oh, and my kinsmen will die fighting here. The Melnibonean servants are loyal."
With that, he turns off and walks towards the center of the fortified encampment, towards a ruby arch. Walking towards it, he grabs a nearly dead Melnibonean soldier, drags him, slits his throat and starts chanting. A moment later, the gate dims and flashes white. In a moment, the Melnibonean is gone, and so is the gate.
>50 loot gained, Stormbringer (+2D to a single unit) gained
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Now, I really feel I missed someone or something. If I did, you know the drill.

1) Northern Minotaurs stay put
2) Southern Minotaurs go one hex south, one hex southeast.
3) Northern Gors go one hex southwest. Southern Gors go one hex southwest. Centigors go one hex southwest.

I’ll be attacking next turn!
He actually got the Stormbringer, the mad lad.

(Loot like this makes me wish we were represented on the battlefield as hero units)

>Southern Minotaurs go one hex south, one hex southeast.

Oops, I meant southwest here as the second move
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So mammoths were less dangerous than I feared. I'm ok with this.
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No time is wasted. Under Geb's watch, the berserkers strip the fallen mammoths of hide and meat, while huscarls force the cubs into wooden cages, ready to be put in the belly of their longships.

On the distant coast, eager bondsmen hack their way into the forest as Korthak howls. "THE RAT-THINGS ARE NEAR! I CAN FEEL IT IN MY BONES! KILL THEM! KILL THEM NOW!"
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Very simple orders, just some maneuvering!
alright. i would like to have the red arrows go after the next mammoth herd while i secure the others into the boats i already have. then have my knights be picked up by boat and brought over to the other mammoth herd for this turns fighting. is that possible? If not they will stay on board with the bondsmen and stay safely off shore till next turn.

question is above Lanu. Can Mammoths to my right be reached this turn by my Knights or is that unlikely?
Should be possible.
alright thanks for letting me know. though... maybe i should hold back a bit. i cant see the coast up there.

are the mammoths stationary or could they wander towards the sea and just kill me super knights?
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Forward! Toward the other beast village and through the forest! Ungors up front, Thralls behind!
Gonna' be honest with you, I was planning on recouping my losses by either killing him & taking his ring or forcing him to pay me tribute going forward, either way I wanted the island for myself. Raw deal. The damage bonus from Stormbringer isn't going to detract from a unit's initiative right?
new plan Lanu

i dont like the possibility of someone having snuck up there that i cant see. so i will go for a shorter journey and attack those next mammoths next turn.

btw. what did it take to kill/capture the first mammoth? Everything i had there or were the Cataphracts and Archers enough?
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TOP KEK, holy shit

What's the art depicting?

Same color scheme as before: black = wolves, grey = ships, purp = knights, orange = cataphracts
My ships didn't get moved last turn but that's alright as long as they do this time.
are there still crews on those ships? if not you might have a problem getting off that island.
The red sailed ones are rentals, thus definitely crewed. The ones with oars were rowed here by bondsmen, so you may have a point. Hopefully the wolves & some neglible number of surviving/ship-bound crewmen can sail them away.
ah got it. then yeah. you will probably be able to get off that island again. and yes Skinwolves can build and crew ships. at least my can.
He'll yeah borther, the thought had occurred to me that I might be stranded though.
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From the back of his charger, Hangar surveys the terrain stretching before him. Hobgoblins, in his experience, are creatures of the open plains; and camping in the shadow of the hills would make them vulnerable to many of their hated foes, be they Men, Dwarfs, Beasts, Trolls or other Greenskins. And with the Khan supposedly gathering south for a ride against the Plains of Zharr, not north over the hills into the Wheatlands; Hangar thinks it unlikely that this is already the main body of the Hobgoblin host. Yet it is not impossible...

His lead Knights are the first to move; couching their lances into the charge to shatter the nearest wolf-riders whilst the other Knights maintain a pace behind. To his south, the Horse archers are the first to move and combine an attack against wolf riders, a second horse-archer pair then following up and loosing a flurry at the second of the southern wolves. So long as their advance reveals nothing immediately behind the wolf-rider pair, the southern units will then attempt to form a line, advancing further east if they see they still have manoeuvre-room that will not draw immediate fresh combat. The strike of the northern flank is more circuitous, horse Archers pouncing upon the central wolf-riders before the final wolves are pinned against the hills to be slaughtered by horse-archers and Cataphracts. As long as they are not pinned, the northern flank will then double back to line up with the Chaos Knights.
Looks like Hangar & Korthak never posted a pic to represent their warlords. Have you guys found anything suitably evocative?

TO THE (anon) SPIRIT OF ZAR TORCHAK THE RAVENBLESSED, are you still with us? I might use your character's skull for meta-ideas in the future.
Mulrog and Korthak, are you happy to contribute a mammoth each to the four we need for the quest? Including the two I took in the first turn that's the quest done, and the ones you're getting this turn are just for profit.

Besides that, it looks like Mulrog's forces will take care of the central mammoths next, and I guess Korthak that your troops in the south will go for the mammoths there?

If so rather than just standing wasting time I feel like I might as well just load up the mammoths for the quest and set sail for the ice map to hunt some sea monsters next.
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Thrall moves into position to attack that village next turn, everyone else hunts a mammoth.

With Mulrog's help, I am about to get one as well and I intend to split that profit with him. We'll have captured significantly more than requested before we're done here. Just as planned.
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Here's my movement for turn 2
The bondsmen will travel to the hills and get a good lookout vantage point. Then Rue'Vahn will move to the spot where the bondsmen landed, with the flanks secured by Sunset and the chaos warriors.

There's a mammoth close to me that I can kill if you want. I'm going to attack the Aesling city first, but once that's done I can help you guys if you need it.

I mean, there's nothing saying you can't just do what I did, and say that a unit on the map is just a single character instead of a regiment of troops. I'm treating it as fully canon that Sunset by herself can fight like 3 battalions of bondsmen at the same time
yeah no problem. i was wanting to contribute till the quest was fulfilled and then pocket whatever was left over if they paid for more.

as for myself. i will get that last herd of mammoths and then also leave for the far north and the ice. if you wanna go first then iexpect that i will follow somewhat soon.
also i dont really plan to get all the central mammoths. only the one immedialty to my right. and depending on how that goes maybe the next one as well.

i am wondering if we are commiting mammoth genocide that way or if there are other places Mammoths exist
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>mammoth genocide
I mean, we are agents of chaos, we shouldn't really be worrying about the ecological impacts of our actions.

Anywho, we seem to have plenty of folks willing and able to go for mammoths, and better positioned to do so than I am. As they turn out to be pretty easy to go after, I assume they also give pretty low rewards, so as long as we have four to turn in I think turns are better spent elsewhere.

Lanu, my dudes are all heading back to the boats and sailing north towards the ice map.
Sarrick stood on the windswept rocky shingles of the Norscan shore. The fat cages boats had been beached, and teams of his Hung and Norscan servants dragged young mammoths into them using nets and ropes. With their kin murdered and their freedom lost, some of them wailed piteously. Those ones Sarrick suspected would not survive the harsh journey and harsher life in the northern wastes. Other bellowed in rage, fighting against their captors at every step. Those ones would be useful, their fury would see them through the journey, and once trained would make them formidable weapons.

Smaller boats were being laden with meat, fur and ivory. All three would be of value among Norscan and Hung alike. The warriors were in high spirits after the hunt. Indeed, Sarrick had been surprised at the appetite for it, when he suggested this expedition half the warlords of their host had been eager to join. He wouldn't complain though, their enthusiasm had saved him weeks of trekking through this wilderness. Whether it be the mammoths or the sea beasts we sought next he had little personal interest. These tasks were a means to an end, a way to curry favour among the tribes that supplied his armies. In truth he longed to have them done and to head south to where the great cities of men, dwarf and elf called to him.

He saw the young Bearsonling Prince Sjur among his huscarls. The boy seemed much happier here, away from his own lands. He wanted his father's crown, but Sarrick wondered if it would actually satisfy the youth once he had it. The responsibilities of a small crown of a small land, and having to bow and scrape to the passing hosts. It would be... grating for one so ambitious. Especially having to give passage and sanctuary to the minotaurs who cut him down and slaughtered his men. Sarrick would fulfill his bargain though. Once the crown was in Sjur's hands he would offer the boy a choice.
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It is done.

Whoa, that’s phenomenal, anon. Great work.
>are the mammoths stationary or could they wander towards the sea and just kill me super knights?
They are stationary.
>Gonna' be honest with you, I was planning on recouping my losses by either killing him & taking his ring or forcing him to pay me tribute going forward, either way I wanted the island for myself.
Well, sorry for that. I'm going to ask for a heads up the next time, to avoid a repeat.
>The damage bonus from Stormbringer isn't going to detract from a unit's initiative right?
No, it's a flat +2D and after a unit dies, you can recover and re-use the sword.
>Everything i had there or were the Cataphracts and Archers enough?
They're 6HP.
Just a cool piece of AI art I put to emphasize the message.
>My ships didn't get moved last turn but that's alright as long as they do this time.
The ones that didn't move didn't because they have no crews (the bondsmen staffing them died in the fighting).
Based triple dubbs.
wow, awesome mini

>They're 6HP.
Ahh, shit, I need one more damage to kill it in one go. With zero movement, they have "Initiative: No", right?

Korthak, can you move one of your guys to finish off that mammoth before it can retaliate? I left some space for him, as seen in >>6001800
They actually have 3 movement. They just don't use it.
Absolutely dope

Can I have the Ulfhednar sail the Bondsmen boats, or failing that have the Baersonling rental crews buy them & sail them away? I only need 4 ships at this moment anyway, & that could cover my rental costs. (ditch 1 rental ship, their crew sails the 2 oar ships away, I'm reinbursed for those 2 ships their fleet gains)
I'm assuming the rentals are also still mine for the raid season, wherever I take them?
Since I made some exchanges with other warlords, I assume I'm also privy to the sea beast hunts on the ice sheets?
Lastly, is a Troll Country map ready if I choose to sail there next to complete my Sarl sidequest?
the sea hunt probably a bit more unlikely. mulrog only spoke of those with Sarrick, Narvoch and Korthak deep into the winter. you could mabye meet on the ocean or some sort of sorcerer tells you about the armies sailing north.
also glad you like the mini. took some time to paint up.
>Can I have the Ulfhednar sail the Bondsmen boats
I just don't understand the point. The boats with their sails up are crewed by hired thralls, you can just re-board them and leave.
>I'm assuming the rentals are also still mine for the raid season, wherever I take them?
>Since I made some exchanges with other warlords, I assume I'm also privy to the sea beast hunts on the ice sheets?
That would be up to the warlords who know of that, but I'll handwave it and say that you do know of that.
>Lastly, is a Troll Country map ready if I choose to sail there next to complete my Sarl sidequest?
The map of Kislev is there (and so is a chunk of the Sarl lands, but not your quest target), but I you don't have the capacity to push into Sarl lands with 2 chaos knights (one of which is nearly dead), a cataphract and a skinwolf.
Well if I can't sail or sell the boats with oars I'll just burn them, I don't want the Melniboneans escaping.
I can't approach Troll Country from the sea for a quick raid?
I think we'd need a port closer than Baersonling lands to raid the western coast of Kislev. It'd be a long journey to sail the entire coast of Norsca.
You could do that from your own boats, it'd be quicker. Re board, sail, disembark, set ablaze and leave.
As for reaching the troll country from sea, you can.
Alright, thanks for the answers, I definitely ask way too many questions. For the time being I'll continue the raid in Melnibone & post some RP stuff after next turn results. Might sail to the Ice Sheets or Troll Country when I'm finished.
Feel free to abandon the atol, it's definitely too much trouble to bother with.
I won't be sticking around more than another few turns.
Wait, the mammoths have 6HP?

Then the Veteran Chaos Warriors are just as tanky as a mammoth… weird
its probably a combination of natural toughness, armor and numbers.

and yeah. i expect those mammoths will get higher damage numbers when crewd by marauders.
I think everyone has taken their turn Any lurkers still looking to join up? We may just have Chorfs & Chaos Spawn by the end of this raid optimistically.

Who has henchmen, pets/familiar characters from sidequests/RPing? My pet sorcerer got deboned in a horrible dream-related accident.
not yet. i hope i get a demonic mount for painting up that mini
Yo, chaos spawn? The downright BEST part of chaos? Hell yeah
Well both could happen with the sea-beast hunt, just spitballing/hoping here that we'll get something like that out of it.
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The total mammoth death is continuing!
By now, there is more than enough cubs to satisfy the Hung mammoth herds.
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The minotaur herds are finally in position to start their assault.
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The sack of yet another fort is being prepared.
i am quickly gonna capture the cubs and grab the meat, Furs and Ivory of these two herds and then will go up north for next turn. the one bondsman unit wont make it to the boats this turn. i hope they can still leave this or next turn.

the units lend to Navroch can stay here for the moment. and we will coordinate later to where the units will be returned. the backup plan is to just go back to Baersonling Lands.

the units i lend to

a raven arrives at Narvochs camp proclaiming that Mulrog has captured more than enough mammoths and that Narvoch may continue using his troops for the time. at the end of the season he would retire likely back to the steppes or maybe even the wastes. though such things could be spoken off during the hunt on the ice further north if the Sorcerer wished for it.
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And of course, the big bloodbath of this raid is about to begin.
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Messages fly on black wings across the atoll between the ships & bands of the warhost. The Dragonships to the South disembark in a line, pillage en towe, keeping just far enough from the coast (1 tile between) to observe any remaining defenses on the island. The Chaos Knights make landfall & form up for their charge into the battered village. The Ulfhednar & Cataphracts prepare to crush the other settlement that was struck before. The few survivors of the failed raids relay that they are stranded.
>(Can I sell the two ships to the Baersonlings who will crew them away to recoup the cost of two rented ships?)

>(Taking the Throne of Imryrr for clout)
A grand throne of dazzling rubies, hewn from a single gem as vast as several men stand, is slowly lowered below into the hold by mesmerized Norscans & Kurgans alike. Captive Melniboneans are bound atop the deck of a Baersonling-crewed Dragonship, awaiting imminent death at the hands of their wild-eyed captor. The High Zar stalks up & down the line of broken Elf-Men, a black greatsword hanging from his belt, his knuckles white with bloodlust atop the pommel. He selects the most comely of the otherworldly women to be taken to his cabin, & asks the remainder who among them weaves the Eight Winds. Ravens are prepared; their cleverfolk will translate his message or be bled & drowned. Talons carry letters to the five villages atop hills to the East: "Your city is put to the sword. Deliver us tribute, & we will return your kinsfolk to you unharmed. Defy us, & you shall all perish."
>(Ransom Loot from the 5 Eastern Villages)

Okay, I’m getting impatient, time to attack! I’m hoping for a “synchronous assault” but I’m not sure if Krantigarh is tactically skilled to actually do that…

1) Southern Minotaurs attack northwest!

2) Southern Gors attack northwest!

3) Northern Minotaurs attack southwest!

4) Centigors move three hexes southwest , two hexes north to attack the dwarves from the west!

5) Northern Gors moves one hex south, two hexes southwest.
Lanu, I assume I'm good to deploy onto the ice map now?

Now I've seen the mammoths tank attacks this turn I'm glad I went for max overkill on the two I took down.

Fuck me that's a lot of hobgobs.
Alrighty. Two set of troops will disembark onto the ice. I assume based on what was written previously that the monsters are trapped in the isolated water tiles. A couple of boats will remain embarked and have a peak ahead. No actual combat yet, mostly due to huscarls and chaos warriors being slow fucks that neglect their cardio.
Should I wait for you to be done so we can triple flank the dwarfs? Or should I just go in myself?

Well, I’m putting at least 9 damage on them this turn, but I believe they auto-counter with 2 damage no matter what?

If you wait another two turns, I can get a unit of Gors down there and we can limit your hold to one counter attack only. But up to you!
Hmm… I’ll wait! Though it IS a bit annoying, we need to be conservative with our hp to get as much of Hellpit as we can

I’m sort of imagining that we might burst through Hellpit’s front door, and immediately turn around, depending on how horrible it is down there…

Still, being very conservative is wise.
can i just redeploy next round to the icesheet? i have achieved everything i wanted to with the Mammoth Hungt
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Surround the Minotaurs and demand they join our horde! Appeal to them with words of our glories and further trophies to be had to the south. Or eat them if they won't. Send the Ungors up, the thralls are needed for their boats. Luckily they can help us cross the river faster.

No rush, let's focus on surrounding targets one at a time. These are but the preludes to the real fight against the Aesling.
Any other fiction that would be interesting to see combined with WHF, anons? I think elements from Zweihander (which is already a rip-off of the setting), the more fantastical stuff from Hyperborea/Conan, a few bits and pieces from Warcraft, the Shadows of War/Mordor oriented stuff from Tolkien, some bits of Jak & Daxter, & a lot of Mortal Kombat such as the Outworld, Netherrealm, & Chaos Realm could be interesting.
>loot gained, Stormbringer
By the dark gods.


I'm planning to make an abysmal MS paint doodle sooner or later, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

That's good by me and was always my plan to start with.

Certainly so. I'll keep that in mind for my deployments.
Not actually combined, but for fun little crossover ideas to joke about?

Malenia from Elden Ring would be a kino af Demon Prince of Nurgle. Instead of the typical pus, maggots and vomit green aesthetic, she has a sort of autumn theme with falling leaves, butterflies and mushrooms. The scarlet rot is also far more disturbing imo than the typical plagues of Nurgle.

In the same vein, Mohg would make for a unique Demon Prince of Khorne. Someone who is filled with a hunger for blood itself rather than the violence that leads to blood, along with a facet that explores worshipers extinguishing themselves for Khorne.

I have no idea about Radahn, whether he'd be Tzeentch or Undivided or Khorne
Interesting ideas.
Soulsborne, Dragon's Dogma, & The Witcher are other sources for stuff. I'm mostly talking ideas for beasts/daemons/mutants, but other Chaos Gods, nations outside of the Old World, & perhaps even realms to explore & invade like in Age of Sigmar could be neat. Fantasy versions of stuff from 40K too, even though most things are already 1 to 1. Not a fan of any "actual" crossover fiction where characters swap universes or timetravel, etc., just stealing elements as if they were always there.
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Sometimes, there are subtle ways to win a fight. But when you clash your blades with the Goblin-kin, often enough you just need to slaughter enough quickly enough that their morale falters and cowardly instinct takes hold...

The Knights at the rear of the wedge charge forward, to break a Hobgoblin unit asunder. In the north, Horse archers dart forward to finish up the wounded riders unit.
The foremost Knights rush onward to splinter more wolves and riders; the Cataphracts and riders remaining in the north attack the riders locked against them.
Uninjured Horse-Archers combine their efforts to shoot down more riders and wolves.
The remaining Knights unleash themselves. The Wounded Horse-Archers strike forward to try and take out another Hobgoblin before they can act.
And as the blood flows, the cataphracts in the south move forward. If one of the wounded archers has been killed they take their place and administer the execution to the Hobgobs in their stead; but if the Horse-archers achieved their goal the cataphracts instead ride against the Wolf Riders at the very south of the engagement to strike them, tie them up and pin them down. The units in the north that have already struck wheel back to tighten their line and bring them closer to the Knights in the centre.
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The Thrall and the Skinwolf move to seize that village. If the thrall lives after they kill the defender, he'll be the one to enter and loot it. Otherwise the skinwolf will get the loot. Everyone else will just finish off the mammoth.

A small arctic rodent finds Mulrog before he departs. It speaks with Narvoch's voice, telling him that Narvoch will sail to meet them in the northern ice sheet if he is fast enough after he finishes here. The rodent melts after delivering his message.

It's too late now, don't worry about the mammoth. My and Mulrog's forces will finish it off before it can do more damage.

This one was fun, but having too many crossovers will quickly lose their charm. That said...

Mohg is Slaaneshi imo. Radahn opposed Chaos before he was corrupted by Nurgle's rot. Rykard seems Tzeentchian, and Gideon Ofnir was also driven mad by the Lord of Change.

Ah, yeah, that I agree completely with.
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Many berserkers in the north have fallen, their fury meaningless beneath the weight of mammoth hooves. Many more yet live, hungry to avenge their brethren! Geb leads them in a strike on a devastated mammoth herd.

In the north, thirst for glory brings the berserkers to make a reckless assault on the forested coast! Curiosity drives the bondsmen on as much as anything. Are ratmen real? They'll soon find out, or so Korthak keeps shouting at the head of their column. Huscarls, older and wiser, let the rest rush ahead while they watch the rear.
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Confounded map-thralls! I'll flay the flesh from their bones!
I just fucking remembered the similar post last thread.
>Sworn to Valour and Dragon's Dogma
Never played them.
>40K, Dark Souls,
Dislike. 40k as a setting, Dark Souls as a game.
>The Elder Scrolls
I only played Skyrim and honestly, not that enjoyable. It's a few fun quests and such but too much filler constant copypaste scrotum-cave diving. And the combat is a letdown.
The reason I use Conan and Elric of Melnibone is because they're obvious inspirations for WHF.
Kull and Kul are an obvious similarity, Crom and Crom, the shirtless barbarian trope from Conan comics, etc. As for Elric, I simply prefer Moorcocks vision of Chaos to Warhammer's.
As for Zweihande, my knowledge of it was that anons on the sharethread on tg complained it was impossible to get.
Shadow of Mordor was cool, Shadow of War was belh, but I don't find the (very) few tidbits of lore to be worth including.
The other things you mentioned, I simply never encountered them.
Fair points, but Soulsborne games are definitely worth getting into. The Elder Scrolls is only really worthwhile when you get into the deep lore mostly written up by Michael Kirkbride for TES 3: Morrowind, & Sworn to Valour is (alongside this qst & a certain minotaur's Seven Against Thebes) my favorite qst on this board. Heavily inspired by WHF as well, but the setting is original enough to stand on its own. Quite a backlog of archives & old samefag shitflinging to get caught up through though.
I got though the 3 Dark Souls games. Only the first one was worth playing.
As for Morrowind and Sworn to Valour, I'll give them a try at some point in the future.
Just waiting on Rue'Vahn right?
Wait what?
We’re still on turn 2, right? I’ve already done my movement for turn 2
Turn three, my Cathayman compatriot.
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If we're on turn 3 then here's my movement. The chaos warriors will move on to the hill, while both Rue'Vahn and Sunset will position themselves one tile away from combat with the city. Next turn all three will attack at the same time.

Also, I'll say that in my defense, the first two turns explicitly said "Turn One: " and "Turn Two: ". If turn 3 started and didn't say that, then it's understandable that I got thrown off, right?
>(Can I sell the two ships to the Baersonlings who will crew them away to recoup the cost of two rented ships?)
No, the ship construction isn't the issue, it's the staffing of it.
>(Ransom Loot from the 5 Eastern Villages)
Some time later, a bolt flies towards Ivan's ship. Attached to it is a letter: "Threaten all you want savage, after your host is beaten, you shall be fed your manhood and your eyes shall be plucked, your limbs shall be filleted off and fed to you and you shall crawl like a neutered dog!"

Also who gets the Stormbringer (+2D)?
I wrote myself out of using it this turn since Ivan is carrying it aboard a ship; for now the battered seaborn Chaos Knights.

These Chaos Elf-Men have some spirit afterall, perhaps they could be of service once it is broken.
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Next turn (maybe 4)
I have lost track of the number of mammoths slain and their slayers, so I'll leave it up to the players to deal with. The quest requires 4 mammoth cub herds, however, each cub herd may be sold for 3 loot to the Baersonlings (for food).
Korthak and Narvoch both gain 20 loot each from their conquests.
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Zar Ivan's conquest nets him 10 loot plundered from the Melniboneans. They fight fiercely and cost you many knights.
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The minotaurs are in place to deliver a devastating charge while Kran has finished sacking Sjottkar and earned himself 30 loot.
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And knee deep piles of dead and dying cover the wheatlands as the Hobgoblin hordes thin, only question now is who will remain after the butchery is done.
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And finally, the northern hunting campaign presents a interesting sight. Massive seamonsters from the depths, caught in shallow puddles. The question is, can they be killed before they can fight back?
(8HP, 5D, 0M)
well the mammoth surrounded by my knights and, Huscarls and Cataphracts should be dead.

friendly reminder that those knights deal 3 damage and have six health due to my first interraid decision.

i should have dealt six damage and just captured my third herd.

and would now like to redeploy onto the icesheet. everyone can get on boats so that should be possible same as Sarrick did last turn.
What of my ships' movement?
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Shit, yeah, you're right. My bad. Been very tired recently.
Yeah, I missed that.
no problem Lanu i didnt write it down since right now i only have one unit of knights. just make sure you get enough sleep. cant have you running till your feet bleed.

i will redeploy to the icesheet then if you dont mind
Thanks QM man
Well I guess the game here is to get enough swords/spear/axes/tentacles into position to kill them in one go. and pray they don't count as cavalry and have initiative over all my infantry

So yeah, a lot of shuffling about, we shall strike next turn. rd2tpy

Teehee, glad I only took one damage and to a Gors unit. I’ll put out a little RP post later if I have time.

From here, I send everyone south to link up with Huffud.

Lanu, could Huffud and I time-skip to the hexes immediately south of Hellpit once Huffud’s battle is over? Otherwise it will take a long time for us to march south and then west…
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Having trampled the village under steel-shod hooves, the Chaos Knights haul the meager few unhorsed survivors of the prior raid & the great many captive Elf-Men along with their plunder. They stop to burn the ship left uncrewed by their dead Norscan allies before boarding the ship that brought them ashore.

The Ulfhednar hurl themselves at the other assaulted village, the alpha of their pack having gotten word to leave the pillaging to the cataphracts who join them when the walls are breached. The Wolves who Walk as Men are to crew the ship that will carry them all back.

The flotilla at the Zar's command begins burning every vessel along the coast, even those as humble as a fisherman's canoe.
So at first I thought Lanu had made a mistake because the dwarfs did 2 damage a go to my guys. But now I look closer, the sprite for the dwarf on this map >>6003597 actually looks a lot more basic than the one I met in the same place last thread. I guess they've been manned (dwarfed?) by lower level units this time or something?
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Alright here is my deployment.

i will launch a pincer attack upon these monsters.maximising my ships movement to get up the map as far as i can.

The Knights with extra Damage and health will charge together with the Huscarls that brought them there. Horse Archers and Skinwolves come from the other side, From the south the Cataphracts come. And the bondsmen i have with me stay back and wait to ferry my men further.

if i haven made a mistake. The knights will deal 3 damage. +2 from the Huscarls, +2 from the Skinwolves, +1 from the Catapracts and +1 from the Horsearchers.

that should be 9 damage before the creatures can attack. i hope at least. otherwise this could be extremely expensive to do. even with my two other Horse Archer units i would only be able to deal 7 damage before the monster gets to attack back.
The mammoth surrounded by my guys should also be dead
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They're on water, so they have the lowest initiative.
Yes aswell.
>They're on water, so they have the lowest initiative.
Established game mechanics strike again. In hindsight this should have been obvious.
to be fair. they are sea monsters. if any unit gets to ignore water penalties it would be them i think
What's the deal with the Mammoths? How many cubs would I need to raise herds (Recruit Units) within the Wheatlands?
probably at least four. same as the quest Sarrick is currently on. maybe even more since you might not have very capable handlers.
We did catch at least a few extra. Just as planned?
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The uninjured Horse-Archers are the first to strike out against the wounded wolves, the Cataphracts in the south take the scratches and finish off their opponents.
The pre-wounded units of horse-archers wheel around, and try to co-ordinate their strikes against the Hobgoblin wolves.
The wounded Cataphracts in the north swing south, to finish off the now-wounded Hobgoblins if they managed to out-speed one of the wounded Horse Archers
Now the Knights strike, both taking out the wolf-riders next to them.
The remaining Knights charge, to shatter another Wolf-unit.
The Knights (and a horse archer) manoeuvre in the north, forming up a crude diamond.

Let us now see if unnatural courage keeps the remaining Hobgoblins in the fight, or if the morale of the horde will shatter...
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Two mammoth herds lay butchered, their carcasses stripped of the meat and hides. Nearly half of the northern force lay dead or frostbitten but it was worth it, for their cubs now sit crammed into cages. Geb's work here is done. The Baersonlings pile into their longships and set off for familiar shores. They'd reunite with the rest of their host later. For now, came rest.

>Northern Berserker and Huscarl withdraw

Farther to the south, Korthak is (quite literally) burning with rage and dulling his bloodied axe-edge trying to fell a tree. "THE RAT-THINGS AREN'T REAL!" Over his shoulder sits a rope of several beastmen skulls and his coat boasts several new tatters. "WE ONLY FOUND GORS! DIRTY, STINKING, ROTTEN GORS!" In the distance, a camp is in ashes, the smoke trailing to the clouds as bondsmen load plunder into sacks and try to keep a wide-berth from their leader. "RAAAAAAAAAAGH!"

Finally, with a terrible creaking noise, the trunk buckles and crashes to the forest floor. The warlord begins to calm, smoke pouring from his nose as he starts sharpening his axe once again. "...Enough of THIS! We're hunting MAMMOTHS!" A ragged cheer rose up from the ranks.
…I didn’t do my attack yet

Sorry, I’m already jumping one step ahead - I’ll have my southernmost Minotaurs join your attack against your dwarven hold and then we can roll out to Hellpit
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It was a long, LONG scouting expedition and getting lost in a RIVER somehow, but FINALLY Huffud’s herd can fulfill their destiny!
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Magor is rather annoyed that the Minotaurs refuse to submit to his horde, even when faced with overwhelming odds. Still, he is not surprised - he had spent so much loot on the Thralls, he knew it would be a hard sell. Even beastmen don't show up without loot. That being so, he'll move the army west, again using the Ungors forest experience with the Thralls ability to move them over rivers at pace.
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One mammoth and one beastman town down, one more to go before we sail on.

My forces are in place to help you with that mammoth, if you want.
I've been distracted IRL lately. I'm glad you didn't take any casualties. For all of their HP, it doesn't seem like the wild mammoths hit very hard.

I'd appreciate it. If you do we'll split the mammoth's loot, 2 to me and 1 to you, because most of the units attacking it are mine. I would offer to help you out with that town but I doubt there's enough beastmen there to threaten your host. After this, I think I'll retire for the raiding season.
Who has Mammoth Cubs, & how many? If I'm privy to the hunt I may just make some offers.
Just to consolidate questions & get the full Mammoth rundown:
What's the minimum amount I need to be able to recruit Mammoths from the Wheatlands?
If I have more than the minimun, can I get a reduction in the recruitment price going forward, or at least for the first unit?
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Alright, here's my movement for the newest turn.

The attack is signaled by a mighty roar as the manticore and chaos warriors charge the Aesling city. The warband was told ahead of time to not intentionally set anything on fire.
I have three sets of cubd. One is already promised to sarrick though.

And you will have to pay better than the Norscans if you want em
Lesser men would attribute my forces not suffering any losses in either engagement to mere luck. I know better, and so should you. The Raven God favours me, and luck is his mere plaything.

The split ratio is acceptable, though Zar Ivan may pay better than my old people. Move to engage it and you will have my help. Thank for your offer, but I am indeed confident in my ability to take that town.

I have one, Korthak will soon have another. Between us and Mulrog, we can give you an amount equal to what the Norscan get. It's enough for them to start a herd, it may be enough for you if you can find capable trainers.
Well three of those units Horsearcher 1/2 and Thrallsare mine.

And i am also glad that they havent been destroyed yet. They did cost money to recruit after all
Of course. They will be returned to you in the same condition they were when you lent them to my command, or you will be compensated for the loss in full should the God's designs demand sacrifice. And I know you didn't ask, but you will have a share of the spoils they helped me get as well. Let it not be said that Narvoch Ravenwing is ungrateful to those who are of use helped him.
I think Lanu might be taking a well-deserved day off, otherwise it looks like everyone went already.

Krantagarh, you should take the advice I was given and grab a shitty drawing app to show your movement. Pocket Paint doesn't let me do much better than lines & blotches but it's better than nothing.

Sarrick is heading up the Mammoth & Seamonster hunts I take it? Since there was communication & loot investments during the interraid, I'm assuming, unless Sarrick or Mulrog feel like I shouldn't know about them, that I am privy to the hunts. In that case, I'll buy Mammoth Cubs when I get there.
nah. Sarrick had mammoths to hunt. mulrog offered to help. when it became clear that i had a quest to hunt sea monster i asked him if he wanted some of the spoils of that in return. at the time i did not know that the monster would be completely immobile or would always loose initiative. if i had known then i would have told no one and just gone up there on my own..

i only told those that i would be raiding with that season. so unless the others told Ivan you did not hear it from Mulrog.
What’s the speed an HP of the mammoths?
If I can kill them in one turn without taking damage then I might be willing to help hunt them.
6HP and three movement. so initiative -3

they deal 1 damage back.
Well in a meta-context I'm willing to give word of the remaining Melniboneans once I leave the isle in return for word of the Seamonsters & Mammoths. That's 50 Loot (5 Villages) that can be approached quickly by the sea. The defenders do not leave their homes to attack/pursue, but have H3 (+1) D2. If a letter reached me late in my interraid planning while I had already set-sail, I would be inclined to reply...
Slight change to this; I forgot that one of my units is supposed to move onto the settlement once the fight ends. So I'll have the warbeast closest to the water occupy the city after the battle.

Fr? Well shit, then I might join in on the capturing. There's two mammoths near me right now, and the manticore's would wreck them easily.

Yo Ivan, if 4 are already going to the Bearsonlings, how many do you still need to get enough for the wheatlands? I should be able to send you 2.
I won't know until Lanu tells me, but if there's a cost reduction incentive for receuiting them later by amount of cubs, I'll buy all of them I can get.

Yes, boss! I sort of imagining that I’d be doing more PC posting but here we are…
If there was a cost reduction for getting more then we'd be better off taking them all to the original quest destination instead of splitting them between two areas.

I think the hunts can be considered general knowledge at this point. Even if someone wanted to keep them secret there are too many troops and different warbands involved for it to work.
Fair points, but the Qst-givers only want a set amount, and the rest can be sold for a small sum. I would of course offer more than the Baersons who just want to eat them. Being able to recruit from my own territory would benefit me.
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I live!
Life is a fuck!
Ivan's skinwolves engage the Melniboneans in ferocious combat, but the cataphracts finish them off and ride into the fort, setting it ablaze after plundering all of value, as only a Kurgan knows!
Fuck the 60s timer
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The feast is a lively one, as alcohol brought from further down south is drank and fatty meats of sea beasts are cut, roasted and consumed. Yet a disturbing sight is seen as campfires from up north are also seen.
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The Gor falls to the spears, arrows, javelins and darts of the Ungortide as the warbeasts of the northern savages plunder a Aesling town.
wait. is there no sea best north of my position? THis is a question towards you Lanu
alright then i guess i will have to go and check out whoever has stolen my kills.

i came here to kill great beasts and test my might against creatures rarely seen. oh well. lets see who i will have to murder to get all the loot and trophys i want.
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Zar Hangar's trials are over. Thirty thousand skulls lay at his feet (tho only half of those are of humans or greenskins) and a mighty pyramid may be erected before a trip is taken to the fire dwarves.
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There is, I just messed up the layering.
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The minotaur charge swept the Dwarven defenders off their fortifications and only gors died in the assault. A great success by any metric. Now, only plundering remains and a thought on how to press into the dwarven heartland.
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The warbands of the Zar gather their treasures, slaves, provisions, & wounded, then board their ships. Though the Cataphracts are a bit apprehensive of sailing with Skin-Wolves...

The Zar's ships returned to anchor alongside his own vessel, having scoured the shores of the atoll for even so much as a raft. He stood staring at the dwellings atop the sea-cliffs, just close enough for the defenders to see their captive kin bound along the deck. His words were relayed once more by way of messages carried on black wings, decrepit elders released upon the beaches to return to their folk, & through the very dreams of the Melniboneans as he travelled beyond the waking world.

"Elfen-Men of these Isles, you have proven yourselves capable warriors & in the spirit of Khorne's Law, cost me a great deal in blood for the treasures I have taken from you. Yet to resist me further is pointless. I have burned your mighty navy at port & every seacraft along your coasts, destroyed your city, crushed your army, & enslaved half or more of your people. I now wield the black sword of your kings, Stormbringer, & have taken the Ruby Throne to be the seat of my own realm. We both worship the True Gods of Chaos, a testament to your wisdom, so I shall grant a great mercy by appealing to it. This isle will sink into the sea, as betold by the albino warrior who wielded this greatsword before me & led me to this forgotten place. Any who would fight under my banner, be they warrior, youth, or slave, or who would serve me as a smith, sailor, or sorcerer, may come & earn riches in the greater world, with a place to make homes anew within my lands for all of their folk. I am willing to return your kin by my goodwill & fair dealings. For those who will not pledge themselves to my service, there will be no escape from this doomed island, only a painful death in the darkness beneath the waves."
>(Convert Loot/Captive Melniboneans into Settlers, Found Melnibonean Settlement in the Wheatlands I can Recruit Melnibonean Units from later)

The Zar awaited nightfall for those who would see reason to emerge from their holdfasts. In the morning, he would abandon the fools to their fates.
>(Sail for the Mammoth Herds of Norsca)
It is not only the thralls that disgust the beastmen, but also the fact Magor is a Ungor.
>What's the minimum amount I need to be able to recruit Mammoths from the Wheatlands?
Since the Wheatlands are not a place natural for Mammoths, you'd need 6 of them and they'd be more expensive (46) to recruit there than in the Hung wastes (40).
For each cub after the 6 needed, you'd get a -1 cost down to the same cost as in Hung wastes (if you get 9 cubs, you'd have 3 extra cubs and the cost would be down to 43 loot per mammoth).
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i will get into position for the next turn. bondsmen and Horse Archers moving out and disembarking across the straight to make sure they dont get into a fight they dont want to be in just yet. Mulrog, the Huscarls and Cataphracts position more towards the northern coast that i can drag the ships over. dont wanna get risked getting caught during movement.

Mulrog feels a dark hunger gnawing at his gut. these Sea Creatures a worthy fights even restricted as they are. Huge Seawyrms and Kraken had cost him men but not in any noticeable quantity. that the Krakens had no skull he could claim was very much so an annoyance. however the great teeth of the monstrosity would make fine daggers for his men and gifts for other warlords.

During the feast he sat upon the skull of the largest Sea Wyrm they had brought down as his own personal throne no matter how much the creature disgusted him.

But sitting atop the creature made him wish for a greater, faster steed to carry him into combat. Maybe he could find something up here that would please the gods enough to grant him a demonic steed or make one of the sea beasts subservient to him.

But for now more blood needed to be spilled and Mulrog was not one to let Khornes Thirst go unanswered for any large lenght of time.
Zar Ivan recieved a reply by a raven.
"Your petty princelings of Chaos measure up not to our Gods of Chaos! And likewise, it is fit for Melniboneans to rule, not to follow! If you can abide by those truths and grant us reign over petty savages that dwell in mud, sticks and stones, we shall consider your offer!"
(Decrease income from Wheatlands by 50%, rounded up, for as long as Melniboneans are alive, you do not get to sack their forts, they join your ranks, but if they feel they are being sent to die, they rebel)
Interesting. How much mobility does each unit have, & how many units would I get to start? How much would they cost going forward to recruit? When you say I can't sack their forts, you mean here on the island I take it, but does that preclude others from doing so since the atoll is supposedly doomed anyway?
They're 3HP, 2D, 4M, there's 5 of them and there would be no further recruiting, as you'd be recruiting a small field army right here and now, with the agreement of them sustaining themselves off your territories.
>When you say I can't sack their forts, you mean here on the island I take it, but does that preclude others from doing so since the atoll is supposedly doomed anyway?
The only things of value in those forts are the things the Melniboneans would pick up and carry away with themselves as they entered your service.

Huffud, I still think we can go for Hellpit here, our Minos are untouched, what do you think?
Do I need to wait a turn to deploy to the Mammoth Herdlands of Norsca?

"We are all followers of the Eight-Pointed Star, which unites us in our recognition of the Mighty Ones who rule in the next world and to whom we owe our due in this life. You will swear yourselves to me as your new Dragon Prince, & from those Ladies of Imrryr I have taken for my own the line of your emperors will be maintained. Among yourselves you will name the greatest warrior & sorcerer, & these shall advise me at my court. Within my lands you may dwell amongst yourselves, & each season your warriors will collect the tribute that is owed to me on my behalf, keeping half for your own. I will tolerate lesser Gods amongst those whom I permit to settle, but it shall fall to you to sacrifice those who Blaspheme the Four in my name."
(>Accept Offer, Recruit Melniboneans)

"Warlords of our Great Hosts, I have come victorious from raiding a land of plenty. Word has reached me of the hunts for Mammoths to be eaten & raised for war. I offer you a heftier sum for each cub than would otherwise be gained by their butchering."
(>Ivan offers 4 Loot per Mammoth Cub vs 3 from Baersons)
When Khorne grants you such a bounty of skulls, you make a skull Pyramid. Once the bloody work has been done and a great pile erected, once the true gods have had their due; Hangar commands his remaining men - his remaining Knights, for with the rewards of the fire Dwarfs all will now be made Knights - to plan a return to the Wheatlands, where his tribe will sup for the remainder of the season on the grasses, game and herds that pass through these lands now that they are ruled by Kurgan-folk.

But first, he has to take a trip and see the Dawi-Zharr...
Hmm, so we have company out on the ice it seems. Mulrog, I guess we need to be careful not to spread out too much in case we get ambushed in mid squid hunt.

Still, likely a problem for future turns. For now, Sarrick's troops will go for the two sea beasts they have surrounded. My math says 9 damage to one and 11 to the other, so we should be all clear.
Now… Krantargh? I’d suggest just heading STRAIGHT for Hellpit and *maybe* rounding on the dwarfs if we’ve got anything left
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If I don't have to wait for the next turn to timeskip to Norsca, here's my plan:
Grey = Ships
Green = Melnibbers
Purp = Chaos Knights
Orange = Phractal-Cats
Black = Skin-Wolves

Once again, I'll pay 4 Loot per Cub vs the Baersons' 3.
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You witchlings are clever, damned clever, just like Tchar who whispers in your ears. I'm sworn to Kharneth and your ways aren't my ways, but if we're both spilling blood, your sorcery means little to me. Do not mistake this for peace. I would love to have your skull, just like I would love to have any man's skull. You witchlings are special. I hate your kind but you see, I love to hate your kind. If you fell at my blade, that would be that and then it would be done, I'd be empty, but if you live, you stoke the rage! The fire burns hotter, the axe bites deeper, you see!?

Let us fight together, Ravenchosen!

Mammoth tusks and mammoth hides! Onward we go!

My horde has slain two mammoth herds, soon to be three. Four are promised to Sarrick, he's slaughtered two, Mulrog has another two, and with mine, that counts for six. Plenty of pachyderms. I figure... I give one mammoth herd to Sarrick, as promised, and two more to you, yes? One of my own, for me, the other to split between myself and Narvoch. I'm no Hung and don't plan to settle with the Hung. It makes little difference to me where the mammoths go, so long as oaths are kept.

>proceed directly to Hellpit and batter the rats with five units of healthy Minotaurs

Yes, this is what I would like to do! We can always hit the other dwarven settlements if Hellpit ends up being too much for us to handle and we retreat to the surface.

Let’s take the minobus to hell!

Based, here's my proposed deployment - basically, we alternate minotaur units on the advance, and then my non-Minotaurs units will come in the rear.

KM = Krantigar's Minotaurs
HM = Huffud's Minotaurs

Of course, it would be preferable to start close to Hellpit since otherwise it would be very slow to move down there. Lanu, could we timeskip to this if possible?
Krantigarh's axe drips with dwarven blood and gore. He was surprised to find a dwarven hold buried in the forests - he had been expecting a beast horde to cow into submission, not a fortress.

No matter - he finds dwarf to be quite delicious, once appropriately tenderized. His forces had simply swarmed the entrances of the hold with such feverish intensity that the dwarves hadn't a chance to shut their gates - the forest lending his troops with uncommon stealth. He didn't bother to learn the name of the hold - after all, it has ceased to exist.

It was a great victory - heaps of silver, good, foodstuffs and booze are transported out of the hold, along with their former masters. These dwarves have been stripped naked and brought into the great clearing around the dwarven hold.

Krantigarh's piety is a vague one - ill-formed and childish, but he honors the Four as best as he can.

One-quarter of the naked slaves are systematically decapitated - the great gouts of lifeblood pleasing to the Hound.

One-quarter of the naked slaves are given to the beasthordes for pleasure - the screams of delight and agony alike pleasing to the Snake.

One-quarter of the naked slaves are impaled, left to writhe in agony and rot - the better to please the Toad.

One-quarter of the naked slaves are... Well, Krantigarh is not sure how best to please the Raven. He is not very familiar with the whims of Tchar, after all. He mulls over his options for a few minutes before deciding to cut out the slave's tongues, blinding them and deafening them with molten lead. Rather than simply kill them, he lets them live, having been rendered blind, deaf and mute. He has changed them! Surely, the Raven will accept this sacrifice nonetheless.

Feeling satisfied with his work, he directs his hordes to move south, and join alongside his compatriot, Huffud. He wonders how she has performed in the south...
Huffud was frustrated. Very, VERY frustrated.

Her and her spawn had gotten lost for days wandering the mouth of a river, then exploring hills for nice grass, then they spread out until they found a big stone hut- and immediately stomped it to the dirt out of frustration.

At least they found some shiny bits there- Huffud likes them, though she knows not why.

But she moos happily at the sight of the only Minotaur similar to her in size!
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>For each cub after the 6 needed, you'd get a -1 cost down to the same cost as in Hung wastes (if you get 9 cubs, you'd have 3 extra cubs and the cost would be down to 43 loot per mammoth).
If we get extra cubs and take them to the Hung wastes, would it reduce the cost to a price even lower than 40? Or is 40 the minimum?

Also, not sure if it's turn 5 or not, but if it is, then here's my movement.
The chaos warriors will begin to head back to the boats, whilst the manticores head towards the mammoths. The bondsmen remain on lookout duty.
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I know this is extremely premature, but here's my rough fortification plan for the Wheatlands. I'll have small forts (tier 1 settlements) across the natural boundaries of the region in tribal lines, named after the tribe (X-ostrogs). Also, I've outlined major regions for resource exploitation. This is all dependent on subjugating tribes & drawing enough settlers of course. I separated all the Norscan tribes from each other and gave them access to rivers & forests so that they can build and sail ships out of the area.

Black = Mining
Brown = Grazing (Mammoths & Horsies)
Gold = Farming

Northwest Kuls in Orange (Kulostrogs)
Northern Hastlings in Red (Hastostrogs)
Northeast Aeslings in Maroon (Aesostrogs)
Eastern Tahmaks in Light Blue (Tahmakostrogs)
Southeast Baersonlings in Tan (Baersonostrogs)
Southern Melnibbers in Neon Green (Melibonostrogs)
Southwest Dolgans in Dark Blue (Dolganostrogs)
Southern Corner Sarls in Grey (Sarlostrogs)
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My orders for this turn. The town I just looted should probably be marked as burned.

I already have captured one mammoth I will send to you, Zar Ivan, and perhaps another one soon.

I take your meaning, blessed of Arkhar. A ||meatshield|| warrior of your skills has an important part to play in the grand design.

Let us fight together. Our forces combined can kill this mammoth then hunt the other one to our immediate northwest. Another reward to split between us.

An ambitious plan. Surely the Lord of Change will be pleased.
Is the settlement just outside the pass here a new one belonging to me, a new Kislevite fortification, or just a village that wasn't raided?
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So Ivan... I say this with nothing but oog good intentions, but that looks fucking retarded.

That is WAY too much territory to try to successfully hold. Even if that's the end goal, it's still an enormous investment of resources.
I'd say that you should try to start out a bit smaller, or compact the developed territory into single areas at a time.
Here's an example of what I mean. The region in purple is significantly more manageable to work with. It has the rivers as natural barriers, along with the hills and forest. If you focus on only establishing a loose chain of towns along the east river, then a few horse archers with 5 movement would be able to safely patrol back and forth along the area and keep it safe. Once that's been secured and stabilized after several interim's, then maaaaaaaybe move on to the rest of the Wheatlands.

Like, I'll contribute and support the cause either way, but for your own sake, be practical
Fair points, my megalomania was hitting hard lmao, plus this would be far in the future, not something I would be asking for investments for.
Ambitious plans are blessed by the gods. Practicalities that limit our ambitions should be of no concern to men such as us.
I've been waiting to hear those words!
Also made a small army to help out in the wheat lands but been IP banned. Get the spikey short boys in and you'll have all the infantry you can shake a stick at
Nah, with the Hung wastes you can't get lower than 40 cost. The cost reduction only works with the Wheatlands, where Ivan has made his life's goal to establish a realm for himself.
Kislevites rebuild and fortify aswell.
How about for the Bearsonlings? Mammoths are a native Norscan unit, after all, would the Bearsonlings have better success setting up a herd?
I think we're just waiting on Magor, and you forgot your map, Krant.
I doubt their meager lands are sufficient. You might be onto something when it comes to recruiting Norscan tamers though...
You can do the same with them, tho their initial cost starts at 42.
The reason I assumed noone would do it is because Baersonlings don't bend the knee to any of you (yet).
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Oh darn did my post not go through? West! Toward the village!
The Baersons are already sending us recruits. To turn on them would mean half of our armies would rise up against us. Everyone can get something out of this if enough of you sell me your cubs, win-win situation with the cheaper Mammoths. All that said, perhaps they should be cheaper in the Wheatlands afterall....

From the wiki:
"It is the Dolgan tribe of the Kurgan that have historically had the most success adding the prodigious strength of the Chaos Mammoths to that of their tribes through the jealously guarded secrets of their Shaman-Sorcerer, Sayl the Faithless. These Chaos War Mammoths, or vraszas as they are known among the Dolgan, make fearsome foes in battle against which few mortals have a hope of standing firm against. The greatest warriors of the tribe ride into battle on their backs, fighting from fortified wooden platforms called howdahs, while others, given over to the tribe's Shaman-Sorcerers, carry the mighty war-altars of the Chaos Gods, held aloft and inviolable for all below to see.[1a]"
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Oops, here’s my map
> because Baersonlings don't bend the knee to any of you (yet)
I'll be working on that as soon as I'm done with the giant squids.

I suspect if you went through some old army books/white dwarfs/etc then for every source you could find claiming mammoths were primarily a Kurgan thing, you could probably find another saying they were more Norscan. You may even find conflicting statements in the same book.

That said, full respect to you Ivan for taking the mechanically suboptimal path for roleplay reasons. Although it will inevitably be destroyed when I bring about the apocalypse in the name of the dark gods, I hope it goes well for you until then.
LMAO well I'm not travelling all the way to the wastelands of the H*ngoloids (even if mechanically it makes no difference), plus it's more convenient if I can recruit all sorts of units from my own territory.
Well fought, Hangar. It's clear to see why the dark gods chose you for our warleader. My warband will fight for Fort Ostrosk at your side. I want to see it in ashes, even if I don't care for the witch's sister one way or another.

This is bold, incredibly bold. It's going to need a lot of murder to accomplish. I'll be willing to help your ambitions, if I'm paid a fair share or feel the warpath suits Kharneth. I have little will to settle down myself, not when there are mountains of skulls and rivers of blood just sitting there in the Southlands, ripe for the taking!

A fine plan. More blood for the both of us, more mammoth cubs for Ivan... I see no reason not to make the bid.
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The minotaurs are finally arrayed for their strike against the ratmen.
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The coast is almost entirely cleared from minotaurs.
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And the northern hunters are visible on the icesheets.
do those guys look like Hung Savages?
Zar Hangars battered Horde, or what remains of it now, make their way to the Dawi-Zharr lands. The target is not hard to spot, the pillars of smoke darkening the sky above. Many of the horsemen utter prayers and curses as they approach the eternally distant scenery.
Yet, eventually, through the choking air, a Dawi-Zharr trading post is finally reached.
"You understand that we do not trust you to take you any closer? Right savage?" The dwarf speaks.
A vicious glare is all the reply he gets.
He hands Hangar a menu of costs.
New retirement area discovered - chaos dwarf trading post
Suit of chaos armor - 12 loot (can convert thralls, savages, bondsmen, huscarls, ungors, gors and slaves to chaos warriors, can convert horsearchers, cataphracts, centigors to chaos knights)

Yes, yes they do.
They're definitely using the same sprite. So H1 D2 M3. Relatively high initiative but any cavalry will style all over them on this map that's all flat ground. I can only assume there's the potential for them having other hung roster units too though which would complicate things.
i agree. maybe i can get this monster and make sure that i block any entrance to my island where they can attack my exhausted units.

Start the advance! Krantigarh will show the ratmen that their Horned God is powerless to save them!
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Move, men, move! Follow the ravenwitch and mind your axes! Today, we fight for the same cause- mammoth cubs and ivory tusks!
Holy shit, the Chorfs are powerful as fuck
Now I’m wondering what the Tong will offer
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Sarrick did not like this place. There was no metal here, even the metal of the ground was endlessly distant beneath ice and water. Chamon blew weak in this place, and it made him feel... vulnerable. Weak. He masked such feelings of course. Only the gods themselves would know, but he still detested the feeling. He envied his fellow warlords, the certainty they could derive from their physical power, even if it in turn limited them. Only the younger mage, Narvoch, would perhaps understand his worries, the simultaneous thrill from and dependence on the winds of magic.

He cast runes, almost subconsciously, the runes engraved in them flashing and sparking as the bones rattled against one another. His scouts told him there were others to the north. Who they were he knew not, though few enough would venture onto the ice of the Sea of Chaos that it was easy enough to guess. The only question was what direction they had come from. Norscan, Kurgan or Hung, though if the latter a tribe so removed from his own they could hardly be called the same people. The runes told him little, as they had so often since the start of this strange quest. He wondered if their 'guide' was somehow interfering with his castings.

Meanwhile, behind him a great sea beast died. It was trapped within walls of ice. Whichever way it looked, Norscans and Hung drew back, shouting taunts and crashing weapons against shields. Whichever way it did not look men rushed forwards to throw axes and spears. Great tentacles crashed against the ice, even a hundred paces off Sarrick felt the impact beneath his feet and heard the ice groan. Even the great beast did not have the strength the ocean's crust though, and for all its power its rage was impotent. The hardy men of the north laughed as they killed it, competing to see who could get closer, who could dodge back later. An odd few judged poorly, and were dragged into the ice pool or crushed to bloody smears against the ice. Weak ones, for poor judgement was a greater a weakness than brittle bones or scrawny limbs could ever be.

A fine proving ground for the warriors of chaos. No doubt the spoils of their hunt would bring great prestige. He still hated this place.


Moves attached. Some guys to move into position to kill the next squid. The southern grouping all head back to their ships, as do the bondsmen on the central island, leaving the north most ship to be used by the huscarls later.

Considering the play may be to leave the other hunter alone. They do their thing, we do ours. Plenty of monsters to do round and fighting them seems a waste of time when we have a proper civilizations to destroy to our south.
Finally… FINALLY the attack can begin! The last stretch is here! Advance!
Advanced conga line tactics on show from the cows.

You’ll get to see them up close and personal some day soon!

<enraged snorting>
Zar Hangar looks down from his armoured steed at the Chaos Dwarf, his own Moustaches slick with Hobgoblin-Gore and charred with incense-flame lit to rid himself of Goblin-stink.

"I understand where I might go. As you understand that my Warriors are due their Thousand pledged and promised suits for what they have wrought. Let us both be thankful that the whims of Tchar are allowing so much understanding to flow."
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Are only Sarrick & Mulrog in the know when it comes to the ice beasts? My next move will be determined by that knowledge.

As for my plan, green = melnibonobos, black = skin-wolves (sailed the ships the cataphracts were on so they should be there), & orange = cataphracts (with Stormbringer +2D)

A group of riders from the Zar raise a salute as they approach the warcamp of Rue'Vahn. The foremost of them delivers a letter scrawled on a small cut of Mammoth hide, speaking in a clipped, halting smattering of Kurgan, Tong, & Hung:
"Rue'Vahn Loesh-Blessed, rather than fight over these beasts that we would both overtake, I have dispatched riders with a sum of silver for you. Leave the cubs to me, the meat is yours once we depart."
>+2 Loot to Rue'Vahn, -2 Loot from Ivan (70 - 2 = 68)

Blackbirds carry further messages to Korthak & Narvoch: "Lords in service of the Four, I come to claim the cubs of these great lumbering beasts. Deliver them to me, & I shall share in my plunder more than men would pay to merely roast them in their halls. When the shaman of my tribe raise them into weapons of war, they shall be on offer to you."
>+4 Loot per Mammoth Cub, reply here to seal the deal
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Forward! One more herd, one more town, one more step in the dark path.

One cub sold, soon another. The pact is sealed.

>+4 Loot from Ivan, 24 total
Some days after his message is sent, a ragged man, shirtless and delirious stumbles into the outskirts of the Kurgan's camp. The Axefather's brand marks his hide and though he's well-fed, he acts as though he's starving, leering at the warriors and twitching at the sword at belt with a hunger that food can't satisfy. He mutters, jeering at the coast and rambling about how the ratmen aren't real after all. A glare gets the berserker to shout his piece.

"Two sets of mammoth cubs, one more, a fourth, HALF OF EIGHT, soon! That one's the Raven's, too! TWO! Two from the Skull's three! Third to the wizard... the WIZARD! Haaagh! Just like the Hung, to fight for a WIZARD!"

Once that's said, he flees for the southern plains without another word, moving with tenacity to rival a draft horse. The meaning is clear. Three mammoth herds, then, to be given for payment. Not now, but as soon as Korthak can disentangle himself from the ongoing hunts.
>68 Loot -4, +1 Mammoth Cub
>64 Current Loot, 2 Cubs

This was impressively confusing yet coherent, solid berserker ravings.
Sarrick just needs 4 right, and Mulrog is giving him 2?
Generally speaking, great Kharneth does not articulate men make, kek.

Right. Sarrick needs 4 mammoths and caught 2, Mulrog caught 2, and Korthak caught 3, one with the help of Narvoch, and we're in position to catch a 4th. I'm not sure what Mulrog's plan is but I believe at least 1 of his mammoths is going to Sarrick, possibly both. I plan to give 1 mammoth to Sarrick and sell 3 mammoths to Ivan, counting the one we're about to seize, keeping all of the loot from the first but splitting both of the latter between myself and the sorcerer, since we both fought for them. I figure it would be simpler to have one exchange instead of one with the initial 2 and another for the 3rd.
I caught three mammoth cubs. So i can sell Ivan 2. But that will have to wait till i either return from the north or till Ivan makes his way up there
>"Rue'Vahn Loesh-Blessed, rather than fight over these beasts that we would both overtake, I have dispatched riders with a sum of silver for you. Leave the cubs to me, the meat is yours once we depart."
Oh okay cool, that works for me.

I should now have 32 loot from this raid. With the 3 left over from last time that leaves me at 35 total.

Lanu, I don't know if we're on a new turn, but if we are then I'll have all of my troops that are on land head back to the boats and depart for the water.
From there they'll start heading for the Aesling coasts.
Speaking of which, I assume that I can just sail to the north west of the map, towards the blanked out white section, right? Or do I need to fight the dwarfs next to that yellow tile in order to move to the next zone?
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this should work for now.

close off the island from enemy landings by trapping them on water if they wanna cross or the will have to throw themselves with 0 damage into my ranks. keeping me pinned there for a turn. but hopefully unable to do any damage to my troops.
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Maneuver the Ungors to prepare to surround the Minotaurs. Thralls follow up, some can sail down the river if need be.
Thanks for the breakdown lads, it looks like there were 11 Mammoths here total.

I'm not sure whether to sail with Rue'Vahn towards the Aeslings, if Mulrog would have provided word of the Ice Shelves, or whether to just go for Troll Country.
Look at >>6004676
And decide for yourself if, where and how you heard of the hunts
Well that would justify it, but ultimately it's your ice beast sidequest right?

As for the Aesling lands, I mostly just want more mammoths.
I dont carr either way now that the cat is pretty much out of the bag. So long as i get a good haul from here to build up a big force.

Might go to dwarf lands later if i get enough loot and upgrade a Couple of my units
Wait, is the Chorf upgrade outpost available to everyone, or is it exclusive?

Hopefully everyone, because I could get mega-discounted “Chaos Centigors” by going there…
Exclusively to Hangar. If he wants to resell it to others, it's up to him.
If we're sailing to troll country, do tell the Ungors. I'd like to get some trolls too.
huh.... kinda sad. but maybe i can pick up a quest for the Dawi Zharr in the future. such cheap knights would be super juicy.
I'll hyu via RP letter when I do go that route, for now I've decided to scout the Aesling Lands for mammoths.

Another rider hails Rue'Vahn's host, this time speaking entirely in Hungolian, albeit at the level of a horseless youth. He hands over another letter composed entirely from the remains of a Mammoth:
"Rue'Vahn, raider of Aeslings. My hunt for mammoths drives me, as does my desire for more settlers within my domain. I will sail ahead of you under the cloak of peace, trade my espoused intention, & scout the coast. I will offer land to those who would join me & seek out more herds as well as those who can tame them. Those fools who do not flock to my banner I will leave to suffer at your hands. If any should yield but cannot be taken as slaves, I would ask that you send them to me. Our most clever birds we shall exchange so that they may return swiftly & not be intercepted, thus may we relay our findings along the shores of the Aes."

Lanu, I saw a "Goromadny Tribe" listed in Total War, are they a neighbor of mine in the mtns. of the same name between the Baersons & Kuls or are you not including a group so vague as that?
Perhaps I could come back with some spare armour for re-sale next time I visit the Chorf outpost? Can't really do it this time though, I'm afraid; I spent all my loot buying reinforcements in prep. for the Hobgoblin horde, and the Chaos Dwarfs are only due to give me armour for five units in exchange for beating the Khan's riders... which covers the (previously) non-Knight survivors exactly.
"If it's suffering at my hands that you want for them, then worry not. All the slaves will be sent to the Druchii next season, and we both know the infamous cruelty of the Dark Elves. As for sailing ahead; I only ask that you don't forewarn them of my impending attack. The element of surprise is a useful weapon, and what would the blood god think of softening the weapon of another warrior?
That said, if I find any other mammoths then I'll send them your way, and the same goes for any weaklings unfit for chains. I might desire sovereignty over their land, but I have no need of their people. The Hung will replace the Aeslings, and those kin of mine will know who they owe fealty."

Oh if it's just five units worth, then don't worry about us, those are all for you. You earned it fair and square.
It just means that we'll all now be salivating at the chance to cement trade relations with the chorfs
The reply doth state "naturally brah, I'm no narc"
"Zar Hangar the Hastling, word has reached me of your great victory against the degenerate hobgobs. I would hear of your triumph, of taking the head of the green khan, & the sacrifices performed in the aftermath. You are most welcome to await my return within mine own castle of Ivanoslav. Guest chambers there shall be prepared for you, with food & drink aplenty. You may seek out new blood for your raids amongst the settlers of my domain for this season at your leisure. I owe a debt to your steel, which I shall repay in due time."
maybe. Mulrog would certainly question where Hangar got all those Knights so suddenly. and probably be interested in getting more suits of armor for himself.
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Your men are boarding the ships. Feel free to draw the deployment on the Aesling map. And no, you don't need to conquer the dwarven fort.
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The northern icesheets are covered in savages. If there is to be more hunting, a breakthrough will need to be made.
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The great hunt is nearing its end.
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And the minotaur column has reached the outskirts of the Hell pit entrance. The skaven dead are already piled high as the slaves are let forth to ward off the minotaurs. Already over a thousand slaves lay dead, at the feet of some 8 minotaurs, but the defense still holds strong.
Sorry for the delay, I was extremely busy and tired yesterday. I left to do shit at 8 in the morning and was only done at some 10:30 in the evening.
no need to apologize. make sure to take some time for yourself. dont wanna get you burned out.
Am I unable to do math or were there actually 12 Mammoths total?

No need to apologize, Lanu. This is a hobby, not a job!

In terms of my orders, I keep beating the shit out of the Skaven.

a raven reaches Sarricks troops carrying a message written in the black blood of a sea monster on a scale from a Sea Wyrm.

"Sarrick. in the north there are many savages of the Hung. I can stop them from advancing further south. though if you could find a way to force them to disengage i would be happy sharing some of my spoils."
You're more dedicated than the vast majority of QMs, it's much appreciated Lanius.

Would you be opposed to me splitting my party between two maps?
I can't say I know.
Yes, I would be. Forcing you to chose where to engage is one of the reasons.
you would probably have to do something like me and temporarily give command over some of your units to someone else.

i basically loaned some Archers and Thralls to Narvoch so the sorcerer could get some more things done.
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The Zar's Warhost board their ships to sail for the Aesling Lands, preparing messages of trade for the coastal villages & shares of pillaged treasures to secure more cubs from the Berserker Warlord Korthak before they depart.

(same colors as usual)
grey/silver = ships
purp = CK
orange = KC
green = M
black = SW

Lanu, why are some of the Melniboneans damaged? I didn't think the Mammoths had enough initiative to strike through a Zerg-rush.
They are still cavalry, so they'll automatically hit before your infantry units.
That makes sense, although I figured they were cav due to their movement speed.
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not much interesting is happening here. just gotta hope they are bloodhtirst/stupid enough to try a landing with smaller parties.

because i cant easily get out of this one without leaving me massively exposed.
right now i could really use my other horsemen to flank the savages and slowly grind them down.
If you feel like waiting, after I finish scouting the Aesling coast I can come up there & commit hungoloid genocide
we will see. these hungs will probably try to go for the surround. so i will probably require reinforcements relatively soon.

Lanu, Do I have to retire to the Chaos Dwarf Trading post to collect my Payment in armoured suits, or has that payment been handed over anyway, but I'll need to retire to the Trading post if I ever want to buy more or do more Chaos Dwarf dealings?

If it's the former, then I'll retire to the Dawi-Zharr Trading post for the season to get everyone who wasn't a Knight before armoured up in the Thousand promised Suits; and if it's the latter then after collecting the armour I'll head to the Wheatlands for retirement.
>Lanu, Do I have to retire to the Chaos Dwarf Trading post to collect my Payment in armoured suits, or has that payment been handed over anyway
It's been handed over.
>but I'll need to retire to the Trading post if I ever want to buy more or do more Chaos Dwarf dealings?
Lanu, how are we supposed to capture those settlements out at sea? They are only a single tile, and if there's defenders then they'll instantly sink our ships due to the 1 HP.
: )
It wouldnt even matter if you had a billion HP.

You have damage 0 so it would be impossible to deal damage. At least that is what i got out of Lanus last statement regarding boats
I'm thinking surround it with thralls, but if water = no initiative it's just impossible.
So to start with, two more sea beasts are being surrounded by 8 damage worth of units each. My spare units head north to engage in a staring contest against these other Hung. One unit of bondsmen brings a set of boats around so that I can try for a parley. Can't hurt to try, after all.

I think the bigger issue is that embarked units explicitly have zero attack, so can't do any damage. As you also can't withdraw once engaged, however many units you send the enemy will eventually kill them all.


Sarrick marched north across the ice with some of his followers. The rest of his warband still hunted behind them, but Mulrog's message had given him mixed feelings. Part of him was glad to have a chance to put his fellow warlord into his debt. Another part of him knew his own people, and suspected a pointless battle in this gods forsaken place might be inevitable. A test sent by the Blood God, perhaps.

At the northern edge of his ice sheet he stared out, seeing small figures swarming the ice on the other side of the channel. They certainly looked more like people of the northern wastes than those of the Norse or Kurgan, though he did not recognise their tribe at a glance. Perhaps unsurprising, as his own was so far from the east. Still, even amongst the Hung of another tribe his position as a sorcerer would afford some respect. At least enough for one conversation.

Some of his ships came around the ice and he boarded, being rowed closer to the north sheet in a single vessel until they were close enough to shout across. Shields held ready, of course, in case anything was cast towards them, and other hands ready on oars to make a swift retreat.

Sarrick stood at the prow, clad in robes and bearing a staff of brass and silver to mark his station. “Well met, kin of the wastes. I am Sarrick, called Zerei Kao in the east, known as the Whispersoul, sorcerer of the Kuj. I would speak to your chieftain.”
Helps to post the map of what I'm doing with it.
I guess we'll have to wait for a year when the ice freezes out to those islands
Or bait them into disembarking for the mainland, although I doubt they're that stupid

The tzarreena would be an excellent slave for that.

still surprised we havent seen snow storms to stop us in our tracks or buy kislev more time.
Letters fly across the shallows to each village as the flotilla sights them in their passing:
"Northmen of the Aes Tribe, High Zar Ivan of the Dolgan, ruler of the Wheatlands taken from Kislev, has come to your ports for trade & more besides. I seek the cubs & herds of mammoths, as well as those that can tame them. I am also in search of settlers for my new lands, as the skulls of Kislevites do not make for good farmers, herders, miners, lumberers, shipwrights, sailors, or smiths. Those with a warrior's spirit I welcome as well, whether slaver or raider, as my host reaves the Southron lands with every passing of the seasons. My warband is ever restless, & my passage swift through these seas; hail us as we pass, or forever regret the timidity that kept you from land & glory."
Oooooohhh now that's an idea
Maybe they can turn a water tile into ice once or twice per raid.
I wonder how we'd ensure loyalty other than by the usual methods of torture and threats
Warpstone. Similarly to how you break a slave. Though it will probably take more in the way of exotic resources and time than a normal breakingm she is a very powerful sorceress after all
We just need to find some sea monsters, enslave them to our will and have them clear the defenders before we step on those villages. Easy.
I'll wife one up, nbd
i hope i can get my hands on some up here.

kurgans dont do wifes like that i think.

though with how southern ivan is becoming i wouldnt put it past you.
Rue'Vahn would never, N E V E R cheat on his beloved Sunset
What was sunset? Chimera or Manticore?
I’m pretty amused that the weirdo bestiality angle is only being pursued by the human Chaos Lords…
By the one Slaaneshy chaos lord
You forgot Magor & his "Hung" woman
Thanks for the clarification.

In that case, with no discretionary funds right now I will not have Hangar linger at the Chorf trading post, though I'm sure he'll be back there in future seasons. Instead, I'll accept Ivan's invitation, and Hangar's riders will retire upon the conquered Wheatlands.

I can buy more to pass on when I go back in future seasons. Just don't have any funds for more right now.

"To Zar Ivan, High-Standing upon the Goromadny Peaks,
I welcome and accept your offer of hospitalities, for the grasses grow long across the Wheatlands; and the Hastling herds will take great sustenance from their grazings across the pyres of the villages laid waste by our raids and conquests. I shall await your return, and to hear the aftermath of the great exploits and victories you are weaving across the lands of the Frozen Sea."
>"I can buy more to pass on when I go back in future seasons. Just don't have any funds for more right now."
Oh well in that case, what if we just send you our loot right now?
I've got 32 at the moment, and another 20 imminently. The other warlords and I could just send our wealth to you so that you can bring home more armor for us.
Fuck, I'll even put some extra aside just for you so that you are fairly compensated for helping.
Once you go 'core, you'll always want more
Once you go fluff, nothing else is enough

While not to the same extent as the other warlords, Rue'Vahn still somewhat looks down on the Beastmen, but for a different reason. It's not because they're "not as intelligent" or because they're "animals that are beneath us". It's because they're lightweights who half assed it.
Beastmen are half beast half men. Rue'Vahn is a 100% monster f-er, so in his opinion the cloven ones are not extreme enough.
He'd have significantly more respect for Huffud than Magor or Krantagarh because she's basically just a giant mutant cow rather than someone with an identity crisis.
You got sunset. I have Fluffles

Ooc: this is hysterical logic
Ic: I’ll enjoy gutting you, manling, after I kill Sarrick
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Keep marching, men. We'll surround these mammoths and hack them down in one fell swoop.

It's all good dude, just make sure you're not getting burnt out or overworking. /qst/ isn't worth putting the rest of everything on hold.

The pleasures of the flesh are fleeting, fickle, and will fail every one of Loesh's thralls in the end... but its destruction? It is incomparable. There is no deeper intimacy than burying an axe in another warrior's skull. If they fight and die on their feet, be they a man, woman, beast, or mutant means less than nothing. There's deeper catharsis to be found in a ragged war chant than any quiet bedside whisper. So few understand that the climax of rage is passion for the foe. Kharneth demands blood, and where else does blood flow than the heart? If you don't know your heart, you'll never truly know the blood god. Love to hate and hate to love, that is the eightfold truth.

Ah but you forget that in-character, this is secret and Rue'Vahn keeps these opinions to himself.
Tzeentchians know how to lie, but followers of Loesh are wield honeyed words, silver tounges, and compliments abound.

Actually speaking of, that reminds me about the loot I still owe you for clearing the Skinwolves last season. Huffud got hers but I almost forgot about your portion.
Krantagarh will be sent 5 loot worth of silver and weapon. It's given freely with no expected reciprocation, but Rue'Vahns messengers will point something out. That while Sarrick is not a direct rival, he's the only other Hung warlord. If he were to die, that'd make Rue'Vahn the sole leader and champion of an entire tribe; a very valuable position.
Hey, if you move your lads a tile further we can double-team the rat bastards!

Actually that’s a good idea.

>new orders, continue to advance the Minotaur conga line!
Now that's just slander. Tzeentchians never lie.
>move the conga and attack!
I take it no one else besides Hangar is retiring from raiding this season anytime soon? I have a fair bit left to do, & it seems like everyone has a decent number of troops still.
I'm thinking over the next interraid I'm going to have an extended RP sesh feast event with gifts for each warlord, probably post it in the QTG too as an invitation for newcomers. When the time comes I'll make an RSVP anchor.
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Move into position.

Probably not, no.

A good idea.
Rue'Vahn, are you waiting for the results from me scouting the coast before you move?

Hangar, I wrote up a description of the accomodations along with an RP decision mini-qst thing if you'd be interested since you won't be raiding for a bit.
Oh right, I forgot to take my turn.
Here we go, the bondsmen will scout ahead and land the ships in those forests. If it's all clear, then the chaos warriors and manticores will follow suit next turn.

I'll also make sure to have our banners blatantly displayed (I'm thinking a claw with a ring on it), that way the Aeslings don't get my warband confused with Ivans.
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I forgot the image. Fuq
Nice dubs, hopefully they bode well for a solid beachhead.

Magor hasn't gone yet either.
Lit quest lanu. I'd like to create an army whenever I can slide in.
you can start creating an army right now. though getting to play in this current season wont be possible. rules for creating your army are >>5999537
Also question lanu if you give skin wolves Dwarven armor what would happen? And is the dwarves only selling armor? Or can you buy weapons?
3 horse archers -30

I'll send a crow to Hangar to ask him to get me 2(3) sets of Dwarven armor.

I'll pay him. if he fronts me 6 loot. So I can have 3 sets. I'll pledge my loyalty for a raid and assist him in his endeavors. I will also back him if there is a power struggle for being the leader.

>Oh powerful Zar Hangar. The winds have caught all the beautiful screams your horde has caused the greenskins. I, Drakothraen the Bloodletter wishes to join you in making a beautiful cacophony of lamentations of the enemies women as we drive the filth from this world. I bring with me a small under-equiped horde. With your assistance we will be nigh unstoppable. We shall stack skulls high enough to block out the sun! Our loyalty will be unto you as warmaster. And we shall assist you on your next endeavor. So we can gain glory, slaves and skulls for the blood God's.
Welcome aboard, the more Conan influences in this qst the better
Here's my picture I didn't have any luck getting an ai generator to work >.>
I must be retarded.
So another Kurgan`?
Have you chosen a tribe? No mechanical benefit but Ivan is a Dolgan, Mulrog a Kul, Hangar a Hastling, & Torchak was never established but I'm thinking probably a Tahmak.

You could be a Hastling as well since you're joinging Hangar, or one of the other tribes:
Iron Wolf
I'll be a good lil half hastling half iron wolf. Father was a strong chaos knight and raided the iron wolves taking a woman for his own. I'm the strongest of 8 brothers now there is just me. There can only be one.... ;)
Apologies for lack of posts, basically keep moving west and plan to surround the village and its minotaurs with Ungors before making the assault.
Lanu, feel free to take some time off, just let us know
Even if you send Hangar more loot right now, I've already confirmed he's taking seasonal retirement on the Wheatlands, not at the Chaos Dwarf post. So I can't actually buy any more suits until Hangar retires to the Chaos Dwarfs after a season.
But I can start everyone thinking of what they might wish Hangar to purchase after our NEXT raiding season, so they can start allocating and saving up the funds from this raid and the next.

Think of it as a wonderful way that Lanu has given me to keep you all obedient and in-line when you follow Hangar in the next ride...

>To the Upstart Drakothraen,
>You would find an impossible task in seeking lamentations from the women after a ride against the Green-skin; but my next season offers greater prospect for sewing songs of our foes with Hatred, Agony, Hubris and Despair.
>Since you are distant kin to me, I will accept you into my service as my outrider; but know that I am Zar of the Hastlings and I will brook no other to claim that title whilst my life still flows.
>Serve me and serve the four true gods faithfully, and I would see your followers rewarded with the armoured plate they crave.
You might want to raise more warriors for your band since you can't buy armor during this interraid.
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So if you're willing, then it seems we'll all start sending you 12 loot per set so that you can buy armor for us from the Chorfs. In which case, I'll definitely throw in extra loot on top of that for you to keep as a thank you. My only question is how much would you like? I'll trust what you oog think is fair.

>Think of it as a wonderful way that Lanu has given me to keep you all obedient and in-line when you follow Hangar in the next ride...
lmao, triple digits worth of troop discounts would sway almost anyone
Uhhh I'm not. From what I understood only hangar has the dwarf connection and only the great zar can get the armor and weapons for others if he so chooses. I assumed Hangar will buy them for me and then I'll pay him the 30 loot I have left over and owe him a group of slaves(6 loot). Which I will pay back after the next raid. As long as lanu is cool with it of course.
pretty sure he has to spend his winter there to buy more suits of armor. and the ones he got are going on his own units i think.

for this winter he retires to the Wheatlands.
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No can do. No movement in melee, remember?
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Oog Hangar are you keeping all 5 of the reward for yourself or you willing to give me 3 for my last 30 loot? Otherwise I'll repick my troops and I'll rescind the assistance for the upcoming raid and change what I write to you. Since it wouldn't make sense anymore. And I wouldn't be useful with just 3 HA.
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Ah, I wasn’t sure if I was misremembering that rule or not.

Anyways, I keep up the assault. How many ratslaves can there be? Haha but really how many are there?

>Krantigarh has worked himself up into a frothing rage as his Minotaurs shatter the ratslaves!
>Krantigarh bellows and joins the fray!
Letters are sent to Zar Ivan, ranging from dismissals of ever following a Kurgan, to demands for tribute, to offers of trade and in some cases, invitations to negotiate. Give me a 3d20, each roll represenets how much loot a village from said offer would cost.
Based artistman.
Welcome! Always nice to get more players, especially with how I intend to stiffen up the resistance the NPC's will present. Your warband will be free to join at the next raid, which might happen in this thread.
>Also question lanu if you give skin wolves Dwarven armor what would happen?
A quest reward for later.
>And is the dwarves only selling armor? Or can you buy weapons?
I'm lumping in weapons alongside the armour.
I should be back in regular rythm within two to three days.
So far you've killed about two and a half thousand. About five hundred remain before you can enter the keep.
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Rolled 19, 12, 7 = 38 (3d20)

Beyond dealings with amenable villages, my men follow the wisdom of the Champion of Loesh, Ellen the Degenerate, & just keep swimming, or in this case sailing.

A slave, selected by random lots, is sacrificed by way of being skewered with a spear & pushed off of it from a plank. TCHAR ACCEPT THIS SACRIFICE & BLESS THESE ROLLS
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The Hound cares not whence the blood flows.
But Magor dearly wishes the Serpent gave him the gift of tongue to persuade these Minotaurs to spill the blood of southerlings instead of his own Ungors.

Oh well, if they refuse to submit to the Four then they can account to them in person. This time instead of desecrating a village, Magor looks forward to actually having a beast den of his own. Perhaps he could find a fat minotaur cow to add to his harem of slaves.
Those are still gors. Minotaurs would take significantly longer to dispatch
Well, if we can’t move during melee I guess I’m just… chilling?

Trust in the conga-line, Huffud, this is 4D chess from a man bull … who cannot play chess
Lanu, did these Hung ignore my attempts to communicate?

If they did then I'm not sure this is a fight we want to take Mulrog. There's a fuck of a lot of these boys and I can't see them having much loot on them.
My offer still stands, I wouldn't be opposed to wiping them out if compensated...
i agree. i will probably try to disengage what i can over to you side. i just dont have the units to push forward while keeping the island secure enough.

i just wonder how those Hung Units learned to pilot ships since at most i could see the Chaos Warriors being Noscan units capable of building them.

but i will have to think about how exactly i move and what i sacrifice.
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Alright, here's my movement for turn 7
The bondsmen will continue their task of scouting ahead through the forest, and I'll tell them to stop once they reach the river. All the other troops will land and unload from the ships into the now secured beachhead.
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We strike again. With the sorcerer at our side, these mammoths have no hope of victory.
Oh woops. Should have looked closer. Thanks!
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No update tonight, sorry, but I'm way too hammered.

Kek, sleep well my prince
Don't forget to drink water
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Updated schizo map for future Wheatlands fortification, edited from:

I took Rue'Vahn's advice & limited the number of projected settlements, spacing them for cavalry to patrol between them. Limiting each tribe to a more reasonable 6 Settlements each besides the 5 for Melnibonobos & 8 for my own Dolgans. Mining & grazing areas once again highlighted, keeping any mining away from water sources, & the interior would be fully viable for farming.
Purp = Zar's Forts
Orange = Kul
Light Blue = Tahmaks
Maroon = Aeslings
Red = Hastlings
Gold = Baersonlings
Neon Green = Melniboneans
Dark Blue = Dolgans
Grey-Blue = Sarls
Savour the reveries of Loesh whilst they last, for Tchar's whims will change and sway your state of mind in their passing, and Nieglin's inevitabilities bring back what you have savoured within the bile of copious retching and passing.
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a general retreat towards Sarricks Lines. the Huscarls and Cataphracts are too slow for now.

so the Huscarls will probably just die.

the cataphracts are moving back. maybe just maybe i can get them out on the next turn.

also please answer Sarricks Question here >>6010375

could have been pretty funny if you had chosen a combination of clans already present. could have been the son of one of the other warlords that wanted to be independent.
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The entrance to hell pit falls. While the plunder in material is pathetic, thousands of slaves are corralled away by the minotaurs.
And finally, after the thousands of ratmen are killed, eaten, or enslaved, a large pit leading into the depths is uncovered. Now a question is posed, who will lead the charge?
>40 loot for Kran.
No, I just missed it.
"Well met Sarrick Whispersoul. Before you stands the warband of Djurassek. We are here to hunt and will not tolerate your encroaches." Shouts a Hung man.
Rue'Vahn's scouts inform him of a cave housing a powerful beast in the mountains to the south. Riding there with just the bodyguard and slaying it would be a glorious feat. But also a dangerous one.
A point to consider, Zar Ivan, is that such tight control would require a lot of Ivans attention and foregoing the more social aspects of warlordism to so tightly control the lives of the followers of Chaos.
I spent two days hammered. Alcohol is truly a great thing.

Lanu, thanks for this update.

Huffud - let’s split the Hellpit loot 50/50, so you get 20 and I get 20. If I’m doing my math right, we currently have 50 loot apiece from knocking over the dwarven holds as well. I think we should keep going, these ratbois are delectable.

Would you be willing to take the lead into Hellpit? I want to shuffle my wounded Minotaurs to the back of the conga-line.
speaking off.

i think Niegelin blessed me after having to work in the rain last week.
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A raft, inferior in almost all ways to your nimble norscan logboats, in great part a chunk of ice with a wooden platform staked into it, carried and pushed over a icy bank, slides down with the weight of two warbands of chaos warriors. Heading west, it impacts the icy shore of yet another icebank and with a blow of the horn, 400 chaos warriors rushed off it, yelling warcries against both beasts and fellow men.
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Yet another beastmen camp falls to Magor's ungortide. Two more, and the beastmen of this region shall bow to him.
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Ivan's ships sail by the coast, the settlers eagerly awaiting his reply to their offers (spend 7 loot for a settlement, spend 12 loot for a settlement, spend 19 loot for a settlement).
A raven is send to Sarricks forces. this time the message is written on the dried skin of a thrall written on in their own blood.

If you wish to i would offer to split the beast to our north. and repulse the warriors as well. otherwise i ask you take on some of my Cataphracts and Horse Archers while returning south. i can get them here and would wish not to abandon them to the other Hung.
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Here's my movement for the new turn.
Where exactly is the cave with the beast? Is it that bit where the forest curves up, or is it down that mountain stream?
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"I have no quarrel with Djurassek. May the Gods smile on your hunt. My band heads back south, the ice is yours. To the East lies a... companion of mine and his warriors. I yet have use for them, so would appreciate they be allowed to follow. Next season we raise a great host to march south. If you wish the God's rewards come to join us!"

At least a basic understanding seemingly established, Sarrick turns away. No friends made perhaps, but likely an enemy avoided, and hopefully the gratitude of Mulrog earned. He draws a steel needle across his palm. Blood drips, hissing on the ice, as he traces out a message in the air with his finger.

Miles to the east, a message written in crimson letters appears in the air before Mulrog.

"Withdraw south. Continue your hunt as we go if desired. Before we return to Urslo I have a proposition."

My folks all head back to the boats and sail south again. One unit of huscarls can't make it back in time to embark this turn, I assume because they're stuck tardwrangling the spawn.

Mulrog, I think if we just back up we can avoid a pointless fight, and we can probably nab the three sea beasts I've circled on our way out. Even if it annoys this Djurassek we can probably hunt them and leave before he notices.
It is a event, rather than a map presented location.
Fuck, looks like I was too late and missed a turn.

Lanu, can I do an extra set of moves this turn to catch up? If not it's my own fault for being slow.

Honestly, I was more hoping we could leave them to kill that sea beast at the top of the island (impossible with just those warriors anyway), while we go for some easier pickings further south.
Sure, go for it.
Oh I thought I'd have to walk somewhere to start the event.
In that case hell yeah, let's go slay a monster!
Cowards don't make the gods smile
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sure we can do that as well.

Mulrog does not care for waisting his mens lives for little gain.

another Raven returns to Sarrick with a short answer that Mulrof is somewhat interested in your proposition. though he will keep judgement to himself if it is worthy of his time when he might just get back in time to do some more raiding of the southlands.

here my next movement orders. the cataphracts go back to meet up with the Huscarls and drag the ships across the ice.

otherwise i make it look like my units will retreat completely across the sea. though i will not stay on the water under any circumstances.
if its the overthrowing of the king of the Baersonlings i am very much still interested if sarrick wanna ask the runes about Mulrogs possible reaction.
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Merciful Lanu. Thanks.

Assuming I moved last turn as shown here >>6012200 I'm pretty sure I can end up as pic related this turn. Some dudes disembark, the back boats just catch up.

Mulrog, without much reorganising, I'm in easy position to do 4 damage to the north sea beast next turn and 5 damage to the south one. If you can supply the rest (which I'm pretty sure you can) then we can kill them both, take one each, and the turn after get back in the boats and set sail for Baersonling lands to cash in and then launch a coup.
<agreeing cow noises>

Exactly what I was planning as well! Come now, my spawn shall lead the charge down the entrance

Shuffle the conga, drink deep and descend (undamaged Minotaur first)
sure thing. if they dont attack my huscarls and Cataphracts i can probably get my huscarls to the northern beast where the Skinwolves will be able to finish it.

and for the south i can get my chaos knights in there.

I’m pretty optimistic about our raid - we have four undamaged Minotaur units, plus my other troops and then the wounded Minotaurs.

We can certainly reverse the conga-line and bail if Rat Vietnam turns out to be worse than expected though...
Before I put in my movement plans, would buying these settlements also get me the ships to transport the settlers for this turn? If so I can use them to move the rest of my Melniboneans.

My other question, can I keep sailing West into another map at this time?
Actually I'll just post movement regardless, need to complete scouting the coast. The town circled in red I passed by twice, so I'm assuming it's empty, correct?
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Magor, I assume you're going to conquer the rest of the beastmen in the region. If so, that leaves plenty of time for me before we link up later for troll-hunting.

Korthak & Narvoch, I have no idea what your plans are. If you aren't going to stick around much longer, I'll head back to buy the cubs next turn.

Mulrog & Sarrick, I would be willing to thin out the marauders & leave the sea beasts in return for the cubs.
I only have four mammoth cubs. Two I got myself and one each given by Mulrog and Korthak. As these are all going towards the quest I have none spare to give you.
i could only sell you two. however up here the maneuvering would be pretty bad. so i dont deem it worth much to try and kill all those savages and warriors just to get to those sea monsters. there are two easily accessible left.

so we will probably leave next turn.
How much is the sideqst reward? With those last 4 cubs, I'll have 12 total, enough for each unit to cost 40 from the Wheatlands, just as they would in Manchuria. If sea beasts & loot are worth enough to you, we could come to some arrangement where everyone benefits.
I need two more turns to raze that minotaur-defended town, then I'll be sailing away. Either for more raiding if others are willing to continue or retiring for the season if not.
Sorry home slice but I have several reasons to decline.
-The Wheatlands could potentially be lost again leaving us unable to recruit mammoths at all.
-Two sources of mammoths seems more useful overall than one at a couple of loot points cheaper, especially as in the version with two sources the cheaper one is just as cheap anyway.
-IC Sarrick would consider mammoths in Hung land something he has more influence and control over and thus the better option.
-I'm probably going to retire to Hung lands because I also want to pursue the story hooks Lanu dropped about Sarrick's mentor because I'm hopeful that will lead to cool magic shit. But I also want to hire mammoths.
-I want to complete my quest for purely sentimental reasons.
Understandable, have a nice raid
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Closer now.

It was not exactly a glorious battle, blessed of Arkhar, but it served our purposes. I would work with you again in the future. I intend to raze that beastman town in the forest then sail on. Will you continue raiding this season?
I have a post drafted for your stay at Ivanoslav
You passed 4 tiles away from it. It's too far away for you to see.
>would buying these settlements also get me the ships to transport the settlers for this turn?
No, you'd be paying/buying groups of dredges, slaves, thralls, outcasts, etc... to start moving towards the wheatlands.
I'll followup & ask about buying/renting ships as well then, & fund the group looking to resettle for 7 Loot (64 -7, 57 left). I'll also ask again about mammoth herds & cubs. Am I able to keep sailing past this map to the next one?
That's not three tiles?
It is done. The mammoth cubs are ours, and it has been by your help, Ravenchosen. There's little glory in spells but even less in defeat! Well-fought!

I plan to sell the cubs to Ivar and retire for the raiding season, to lick my wounds and prepare for the march on Kislev. In the meanwhile, here is your share.

>Give 4 Loot to Narvoch, half from both of the 2 mammoths slain together

I would like to fight again soon.

I have three sets of mammoth cubs to sell! I know better than to bandy words haggling, you're a man who keeps his deals.

>Offer 3 mammoth cubs at 4 Loot apiece
Shit my bad, there's a housecarl there.
>I'll followup & ask about buying/renting ships as well then
The Aeslings aren't open enough to you to offer you any.
>I'll also ask again about mammoth herds & cubs.
The Aeslings aren't looking to sell them.
>Am I able to keep sailing past this map to the next one?
Please no. I don't have the other map ready.
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Magor, I persumed you'd want to continue subjugating the beastmen rather than striking at he dwarves. If I was wrong, tell me.
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Also, Rue', I'll do your even tomorrow, I have a killer headache.
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i am doing my part Sarrick. now for yours.
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Your word has been honoured, nothing further is owed. Rest well this season.
>+4 Loot from Korthak, 28 total

Attack! Those minotaurs are only the next, short-lived obstacle on our long path.
Sounds good, though there's no excess need to start sending me loot immediately; we've another raiding season to go in which we'll all hopefully jump up and down on Kislev a bit before I get to buying from the Dwarfs, and there might be things you want to buy this season (Should Mammoths be coming on-line immediately after the quest, or will you have to wait?). And of course, there's always investing in the Unbearable Bank...

Oh, Neat! Apologies if I've been a bit slow of late. How much more campaigning is Ivan up to this season before he heads back to his growing Kingdom?

Yup. My army damn near killed itself against the Hobgoblins, the armour is the reward for the survivors who made it through the gauntlet. If you need to re-pick then re-pick, but I can't justify taking my warrior's prizes from them.

As the empty plains of the Zorn Uzkhul are left adorned with a new, leering Pyramid of Skulls; Hangar's riders return across the river near the ruined town of Rassenkens. Now clad in plate from the forges of Zharr and armed to match as new-minted knights, they carry with them the corpses of those who could not ride their own way back. Halting by the ruins of the town, the riders dismount and set to work, corralling captives and slaves and any labour they can press into labour more gruelling. Where Khorne had his due in the aftermath in blood and skulls, now three mounds are crudely cut into the earth, equidistant with carved channels between them; the corpses of the fallen Hastlings lain within in smaller tripartite circles. Here, the remains of the fallen will be to rot and decompose; the residue of their forms set to lie in some small plot of Neiglin's garden eternal.
I'm there for you. And this seems like a nice moment for Sarrick to try to get Mulrog on board with his plan for the Baersonlings. In reality I'm not even sure this will do much beyond being kind of cool, but there we go.


The hunt continues. A pair of great sea beasts trapped in two pools almost close enough to touch one another. The warbands of Sarrick and Mulrog swarmed around them. Gangs of warriors distracted the great beasts with insults and thrown weapons, only for others to run between the two beasts, braving a gauntlet of flailing tentacles to prove their skill and courage. The two warbands cheered their own, heckled the other. For a time, at least, any possible enmity was forgotten for a time, replaced by the thrill of a deadly challenge, something Hung, Kurgan or Norscan all had equal appetite for.

Sarrick and Mulrog stood together to watch their underlings.

“That youth,” said Sarrick, pointing. Before them Sjur threw himself to one side, a massive tentacle cracking the ice where he had stood a moment before. The young warriors scrambled to his feet and ran on, clearing the gauntlet to the cheers of his friends on the other side. “A young prince of the Baersonlings. When Krantigarh's beasts stormed the walls of Urslo he fought them, while his father and brothers hid in their hall and offered tribute. He is young yet, but he shows some promise. He asked me to help him kill his father. It is a warriors duty to be loyal to his lord, but it is a lords duty to be strong, to lead. I think the father betrayed the son first, so I will help him, to right a wrong in the eyes of the Gods, and to put a stronger guard to our back next season as we burn Kislev. You sail to Urslo after our hunt anyway, why not join young Sjur and I in a trip to the king's hall?”
Thanks for the clarifications, take a nap if you can.
Am I able to rent another two ships from the Baersons mid-campaign so they can come pickup the rest of my Melniboneans? Failing that, could I retire some units in order to use the ships they're sailing on to pickup my Melnibbers?

"Their defenses are pitiful, though the Norfs (Norse Dwarfs) may prove more formidable. May the Gods favor you in your raids, & see you amongst our host next season."

+12 Loot to Korthak, -12 from Ivan (57 -12 = 45 remaining)
"Khorne's truth radiates from your skull, as blood bought these cubs, & they too shall earn blood once raised to our standard. Troll Country beckons me, as it does the Arch-Goat Magor. You are welcome to join us on our further raids."

Troll Country awaits, once my affairs are settled there I'll likely retire for now.
"I'll do the best I can with the flames crackling where my ears used to be. I never cared much for comfort, not even as a thrall, but it strikes me that now that I've got the wealth to enjoy it, most of it's beyond me. Fine food burns in my mouth, pillows burn under my head, a lover's kiss on my teeth would burn the lips that gave it... all this and more. No heaping treasure could change that."

"The dark gods have a sense of humour. I don't miss what I've never known and give my bloody thanks to Kharneth. This way, there are no distractions. No nonsense. None of Loesh's whispers pulling my eyes from the skull throne, because the ears to listen are already gone! Blood! Blood for the Blood God and for myself, so I can revel in the only rush that's left!"

"Aye. If my skull isn't cast at the foot of the skull throne, I'll take you up on that offer in the years to come. We'll cross oceans of water to spill rivers of blood. Such is the path of the Blood God. There are no tracks to reach him. Every man has to find a way with his axe."

The half-Southron's fleet ventures back to familiar shores, creaking hulls shining with ivory and reeking with the stench of half-cured pelts. He idly muses on how funny it is he's got to keep his head away from the sails. If a bondsman were waving a torch willy-nilly, he'd be put to death, but the warlord with a roaring hearth on his bronze dome? Why, that's just fine! On the prow of his longship, Korthak finds himself laughing along to the whistle of the winds.

>Korthak retires to Baersonling lands
>Total Loot: 32 (+1 from last season, +20 from Beastman Town, +3 from selling Mammoths to the Hung, +8 from selling Mammoths to Ivar)
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Here's my movement if we're on turn 9

It's cool, don't sweat it
The guest chambers presented to the Zar offered a bed with suspended curtains that resembled a small yurt resting upon the steppe, the bedding itself stuffed with feathers. Every morning a slave girl brought bread & wine before stoking the fireplace, every evening another brought meat & liquor & did the same. The low flame burned below a stone mantle built into the wall, a shield perched atop it bearing the Blue Stallion Crest of the Dolgans. The doorframe was arched, but the ceiling within was flat & carved with a pattern invoking the Eight-Pointed Star of Chaos.

Gazing out of the tall, narrow window that looked down on the city & pass, a gap in the mountains was evident in the far distance; the Wheatlands proper. Below, the Zar's steeds roamed freely with other herds in the perimeter lawn between the citadel itself & the inner wall of the city's kremlin, aqueducts feeding their troughs, fountains, & public baths.

Upon arrival, a guard had presented the Zar with a rolled cut of hide, the mark High Zar Ivan bore upon his face burned into it. The sentries on the ride through the plains had initially asked questions, but also stated that "a Kurgan was to always bear their saber," doing little to impede the travel of armed warriors. With the High Zar's Mark however, none bothered the guests further wheresoever they roamed.

The Hastling's men were accomodated in barracks connected to the interior of the city's main walls, with barrels of ale & cauldrons of stew provided to them. To slake the maruaders' thirst for blood, unruly slaves fought under the sight of the walls on a small outcropping that jutted from the earthen bridge leading into the gates. Bored Dolgan archers stood waiting for an excuse to practice their aim by skewering the rabble. Every so often a vat of acid would be poured down from the battlements into the moat to dissolve the piling corpses & offal.

On an early morning with chill winds running through the crennelations, one such display was unfolding as the Zar watched on. Three men in rags stood upon the stone circle, holding shivs of rusted iron as they warded off a rabid mongrel between them. The tallest had the frame & jaw of a Norscan, though his hair was dark & his beard short. Another was sprouting small horns & tusks from a bald head, limping as he lunged & recoiled from the beast's foaming maw.

The last had the thin moustache & almond eyes of an Ungol; he wedged his shiv into the ribs of the Norscan while sweeping out the man's leg. The hound wasted no time in tearing out a chunk of the downed slave's throat. The Ungol did not hesitate as he shattered the distracted mutant's knee with a sharp kick, taking hold of a dropped shiv. The mad dog's frenzy was cut short with a stab into the base of the neck, while the horned wretch was kicked over the edge to drown. Soaked in sweat & blood, the survivor looked up at the walls & met the eye of the Zar. He shouted a plea in a broken attempt at the tongue of the Eastern Steppes:

"Great Khan, Khagan-Tsar-Lord, free me from thralldom! I was accused of stealing by a Tahmak liar, my family awaits me in the mountains!"

The bowmen watch on impassively; the fate of a single slave does not matter to them.

>Punish his Insolence; Ungol blood will have to suffice to satisfy the Gods
>Grant him Mercy; the rabid hound's blood has likely sealed his fate
>Return him to Bondage; having faced a grisly death, perhaps he will have learned his place
>Take no Part; a slave belonging to your host is none of your concern
>Swear him to your Service; a skilled warrior is always welcome under your banner
>Free the Slave; innocent or not, he has earned his liberation

Hunting these beasts was easy now. these ones had not been so grand as the ones further north. And as such Mulrog had little time or want to butcher them. He had dragged the flayed skull of his first and greatest kill back onto the ships and that would have to do for a personal trophy. A brazier, burning the dried bones of seabeasts was dragged close to them by thralls,

Now he watched his warriors for who would be allowed the right to challenge his knights to be allowed into his personal retinue. Though most of his time was occupied with a small object in his hand and a knife that was a shortsword being used on the bone of a beast.

The pair of warlords marked a stark contrast. the bronze skin of the Kul Warlord and high stature against the robe clad frame of Sarrick of the Hung though both excuded power in their own way.

When Sarrick spoke and pointed out the young warrior Mulrog stopped his work before his gaze followed Sarricks outstretched hand.

"So his father hid away, hoping his son would save him from the approaching beastmen. If that had been me i would expect any son of mine to come for my head and grind it to dust to mark that great shame." Mulrog replied, inspecting the object in his hand.

Satisfied he nodded, pulling a small crucible out of the flames filled with brass. Swift hands filled the hilt of the new dagger Mulrog had been carving before slamming the fang of a smaller sea dragon in place. Runes burst into light for a short time before setteling to a faint shimmer.

Holding the Dagger against the light of the sun Mulrog before storing it for later. "II see you want a thral on the throne sorcerer. But i agree. i rather have someone that fought for his right of survival under you than a coward that surrenederd to some beasts at our back. I assume he offered you tribute in metals, men and slaves. I want some of that if i am to stay in Baersonling Lands instead of returning to the Steppes that call for my return."

Mulrog nodded slowly to Sarricks reply, thinking about how he might need to replace some of his knights afterall.
You're absolutely right. I very much would like the beastmen camps.

Is the last one deep in the center of the map, past hostile Aesling's? That's gonna be hard to get at innit?

I'm on a very long plane trip and taking a quick break to post before my next flight. Please carry on! I think taking the two beastmen camps is definitely what I need after such expenditures. Use my thralls to facilitate movement by sea to speed things along.

An Ungor arrives to the camps of the men of Chaos, delivering a missive scrawled on skin parchment: Magor Gorebow congratulates you on a fine hunt. His wish is to subjugate the remaining beastmen, and so claim the region for his own.

He does however say that, he also is eager to meet with the trolls of troll country, to bring some into his fold, and if it seems that it would be sooner there than for him to claim the beastmen here, he asks his allies in Chaos to advise him.

[This is the flowery version, the actual inscription is a lot cruder, but gets the message across]
Kek, nice ref

If you feel like lending me two thralls/ships for the rest of the raid I can transport my other units in the background while I wait for you to reach the other beastmen encampment, then we can sail for Troll Country with a stronger force.
He has 2 thralls too many. He should be able to lend you 2 thralls if he wants to.
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As the hunt came to an end Mulrog stirred again. "It looks like it is time for your little plan sorcerer. Tell me. Do you plan to stay in Urslo after helping the little princeling to a throne he is margianally more worthy of than his father and brothers? If so i might ride out a bit more and try to plunder the Aeslings or somewhere around there."

Sail south again towards Baersonling Lands for Sarricks Quests.
"There's been a ambush here." A Hung scout says explaining the bloody patch of ground on a forest path. "I think some beast."
Rue'Vahn looked at the scout, then back at the path, the puddle of blood collecting next to the path shaped like a giant avian footprint and a strange mixture of three fingertips, a blue eyeball and a fragment of the skull.
Giving the scout a glance, he slaps him across the back of the head. "Of course it was an ambush!" Rue say's as he leaps to the back of Sunset and directs her to sniff the puddle and the dismembered remains. "I should be back before sunset." He said from atop his beast-wife.
Within two hours, Sunset had led him to a cave entrance in the rough Norscan mountains. Dismounting her, he hefted his great axe above his head and entered the cave, his wife at his side. The fight wasn't a long one, but it was a bloody one, as three pairs of eyes, tenfold as many long teeth and again as many spikes and nails glinted in the dark for a second, then lunged at Rue. Yet, the warlord lunged forwards, bringing the great axe downwards. Blows were exchanged, blood was spilled and three creatures nearly met their death.
Exiting the cave and wincing with each step putting weight on his wounded leg, he sat down to think for a moment as his scouts rushed after him.
>Finish the beast off, gift its corpse to the locals (gain 2 units of huscalrs, rear unit of chaos spawn is down to 1HP +)
>Tame the beast (rear unit of chaos spawn is down to 1HP, gain 1 more unit of chaos spawn that is also on 1HP)
also Lanu. there was no way to capture a young sea creature to use as a mount right?
Not right now. But I'll try and remember it as a quest reward.
Was meant for >>6014508
alright thank you. might help assaulting settlements on the water. with something that can still attack even when in water and losing initiative.
I'll be waiting in Northeast Norsca for Magor's Thrall-Ships unless one of the other options I mentioned would work, as well as awaiting Sarrick & Mulrog's passage to buy cubs. Unless I could rent more ships from the Baersons before continuing on to Troll Country, in which case I could buy the cubs there as well.
could you also tell me what my reward would be for the three seabeast i slew and gathered up?

i can then decide if i will just retire for the season or continue on after helping Sarrick out.

eh i can probably just give you two sets of cubs for four loot each. so you get two cubs for eight loot.

the ravens can probably reach now that Sarrick and Mulrog are returning south with holds full of Ivory, Pelts, Trophies, and the Meat of Sea beasts.
Each slain seabeast can be exchanged for:
>1 huscarl and 1 bondsman
>3 berserkers
>1 chaos warrior
>4 thralls
Like Mulrog, my business on the ice is now concluded, and my forces set sail back towards Urslo to cash in and to begin our Baersonling revolution.

I imagine that Sjur could hugely increase his legitimacy in the eyes of his tribe by returning with a great fleet alongside Sarrick and Mulrog, with captive mammoths and dead seabeasts to show off to prove his qualifications. With the two warlords support he can demand the throne, and if his demands aren't met then violence is the only option.

I have five sea beasts. I like this. I'll be taking 3 chaos warriors, a set of berserkers and a huscarl/bondsman combo to go please. Do we get our new units immediately on arriving in Urslo or only after we retire for the season?

Sarrick looks towards his ships, where caged mammoths rage against their imprisonment. "The beasts will need a fortune in food, and the steppes give little wood nor iron which will be needed for the howdahs. Hunting has only inspired my warriors to greater bloodlust. Once Sjur rules the Baersonling as our ally, I see little reason not to subjugate the Aesling next. Uniting the Norscans to our cause can only bring benefit."
>+8 Loot to Mulrog, Ivan's 45 -8 = 37 remaining

(8 Mammoth Cubs total)
Clarity of purpose. That was Arkhar's true gift to you. The crass pleasures of the flesh are but a mere distraction on the path to true power.

Lanu how did that Minotaur die? The warriors and the skinwolves should have only dealt 4/6 damage to it.

If you're taking requests for future quest rewards, I want a Disc of Tzeentch :)

Hangar's tall, armoured form glares down into the almond eyes of the slave, his own heavy moustache now bound together by Hobgoblin-bone as it rattles, twitches and sways with the turning of the winds.

"You are not mine to free, Ungol. Zar Ivan has welcomed me his guest here; as he has made you his slave. And I will not stoop to steal chattel from my host whilst he gifts me so freely of his stores. It is Ivan's words that shall decide your fate."

He eyes the man a moment more, searching his gaze of any sign of feebleness or falsehood. Then, he turns to the closest guard marked with Ivan's sigil.

"Zar Ivan seeks all over the north for souls to settle his new realm. And this... 'champion' of his bout lies so close beneath his boots, boasting of a family already lurking in the fringes of these lands. Should he survive until Ivan's return, should his ways prove changeable; he might be of more use to your master's grand project then he would be mouldering with the moat-flesh."
hmm..... i would probably wanna get two sets of berserkers and a unit of chaos warriors.

though as sarrick said. do i get the units when i return for the quest or do i have to stay with the Baersonlings to get the units?
Murolg hopes that violence will be needed. though only after his knights have disembarked.
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>Tame the beast (rear unit of chaos spawn is down to 1HP, gain 1 more unit of chaos spawn that is also on 1HP)
No way am I giving the corpse to the locals. I won the fight fair and square, IF there's a skull to take as a trophy then it'd be for me.
Besides, I'm kinda liking this theme of Rue'Vahn becoming the beast lord moreso than even the beastmen lmao
Afterwards, I'll retire both of the 1 HP units for the rest of the raid.

Here's my movement for the turn if we're on turn 10.
Rue'Vahn in manticore mode will let out a thunderous roar, and ford the river next to a unit of bondsmen. If the battle is won, then he and his bodyguards will enter the town and use it's defenses to get the +1 HP in order to help in the fight against the adjacent village.
The injured chaos warriors and backup bondsmen will get closer whilst Sunset retires.
Only after the retirement.
It's a mystery of the druids.
alright. but do i have to stay there for the winter or can i go somewhere else?
That minotaur really is dead, it wasn't a mistake? In that case

The Chaos Warriors will march in the undefended town and loot everything of worth. The beastmen who resist will be killed swiftly and unceremoniously. Those who don't resist will be sent unharmed to Magor Gorebow, who wishes to rule over them, with one exception. Their shaman will have his mind erased through sorcery and potion then bleed out in honour of the Raven God. There is nothing that the Lord of Change values more as a sacrifice than the loss of hard-gained, secret knowledge.

>20 loot gained, new total 48

Everyone will then embark and sail north to find Mulrog and Sarrick.
Careful, Sunset might get jealous!
You're free to go elsewhere.

Any update for us Hellpit delvers? No rush, I am imagining that there’s another map for this and you’ll need time to generate
pretty sure Sunset is just getting ready to teach the new arrival the pecking order.
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Yeah, I've mostly been thinking on how I want to present the multilayer nature of it. I think I have an idea. Deploy within the red circle. The black tiles represent the fog of war, the yellow the access points between the levels.
'It's time, for, darkness!'
Makes sense being underground.

Lanu, are we still able to go to the ice sheets? If not, I'll keep awaiting Magor's word on borrowing ships/thralls so I can sail for Troll Country with my whole force.
Sure, tho there are better ways to gain loot.
there is like one beast left i think in the lower left. everywhere else you will have to fight a lot of hung to get to the beasts.
Rolled 59 (1d100)

A fleet of ships sails southwards into Urslo. The slim longboats sail up the bay and gently dock into the harbors, the dockhands not daring to interfere with the veteran soldiers, their ships loaded with the meat, fat, bones and skin of the great sea-beasts.
Sjur's return, alongside two warlords is greeted by horns, but not by eager crowds. Everyone can sense it. Blood will be spilled. Sjur, not consulting with neither Sarrick nor Murolg, gathers up his bloodied warband around him and marches through the city. A few houses are set ablaze and a few heads chopped off as the band stops before the clan hall. With a vicious roar, Sjur's band charges uphill towards his father's band.
I need either Sarrick or Murolg to give me a d100 to see how the young prince fares in the fight.
Rolled 27 (1d100)

lets see how this goes.
not great damn.
Rolled 20 (1d100)

You'll get them on the next turn.
Lower is better.

The warband hardened by the cold ice and the freezing water and the whipping winds cleaves their way upwards, up the stairs and leaving a bloody trail and a cleaved corpse on each step of the high staircase. Axes chop, spears stab and swords slash the flesh of the old guard, many a old warrior being left dead or dying under the ever advancing feet of the young claimants band. The chief's warband is close to breaking.

Give me another d100
Mulrog follows not too far behind, flanked by some of his knights, impressed how the young warrior had grows during this raiding season. the bone blade he crafted weighs heavily on his belt waiting to see if it would receive a new owner. or a grave without having be drawn once.

now it was all a matter if that father of Sjur had at least some martial might to bring to bear.

i feel Sarrick should be rolling at least once during this. so i will take a backseat
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Not so quick! Your warriors find themselves surprised by a strange horn blast, echoing in the forest. The next moment, a cohort of southerner knights charges forwards into your ranks. The fight is a uncertain and a bloody one.
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The Aesling bondsmen bravely give their lives defending the river crossing under the attack of your chaos spawn. Yet, their sacrifice, despite the butchery being one-sided, is not in vain, as their neighbors rush to take their place.
As for Magor, I'm thinking of just timeskipping his warband into taking the northernmost beastman settlement as he'll really not have any trouble with it, assuming noone else takes it before his band could take it.
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Yay! Whelp, here’s my deployment and plan!
Wtf? Southerner Knights? In Norsca?

Has lower always been better?

I don't think anyone else wants it, everyone is leaving Norsca
could be on an errant. or maybe. just maybe. be from an order of knights that pledged to hunt beastmen in the north.

there are quite a few minor orders of knights from the empire that scattered all over the world.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Sarrick chuckles to himself, glad his trust in young Sjur has been proven correct. The young prince would become a king today... or perhaps mortal peril might cause his father to remember a little of what he once had been.
noice. he is just ever so slightly better than his old man and brothers i think
Indeed he does. Also, forgot to mention in that last post, but thanks for the pass, chief. Glad I didn't waste it.

Those knights look distinctly Bretonnian to me. Probably looking for elven cups.
Luke i said. Could be errants. Though i also wouldnt discount random order of imperial Knights

And no problem for the pass. Its your quest. I am just taking part. Everyonr is supposed to have some fun with it
Hey keep up the good work Lanu. Still super crazy busy on this trip. If Ivan wants ships to borrow and I have ships to borrow without difficulty, he certainly may.
I'm pretty sure the blue monster is male, and Rue'Vahn doesn't swing that way.
Besides, Sunset has nothing to worry about, he would NEVER cheat on his beloved.

Yeah this ^^^
So you got a plan to get out of this situation?

Staying ther will grt your warbest killed i believe
The knights are Bretonnian.
It is with a final effort that the old mans bodyguard is shattered. Men are dragged by their hair, decapitated on the stairs, while the king is dragged off and impaled on a stake raised above the gate.
Victorious chanting echoes through the halls, old banners are torn down and new ones are painted with the blood of the king.
Siiiick, with two ships/thralls borrowed I get the rest of the Melinobeans prepared & await Magor raising his own anchors. Next stop, Troll Country.

Ivan seeks out the Norscan who once told him of the Sarl Lands. "Unless you know of one more knowledgeable, you will be the navigator for our fleet's raid, & well-rewarded. Ormfell awaits us!"
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Looks like my Centigors will need to wait before they descend. Please note that I'm not actually attacking, apart from placing my Minotaurs within range of the eastern settlement - want to get the lay of the land before we sally out.
If there aren't any rat-bastards held up there you should be good, otherwise your Minos will likely be attacked.

I'm hoping that our dynamic entry into the "underpit" will give me a turn to position appropriately. We just killed thousands of rats above ground, so hopefully the local zone is devoid of meaningful enemy combatants, but we'll see
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Here's my movement if we're on turn... 11?
If units are allowed to move after combat is resolved, then I'll have my bondsmen move onto the land after the enemy bondsmen are dead. If I'm misunderstanding it and that's not how it works then nevermind and I'll just keep moving my other troops closer so that they can go around.

Yeah I honestly didn't know they could enter a village before me like that.
Sunset was the one who was sent home and retired for the raid, so that means Rue'Vahn might fucking die rn
In which case, I've actually got a story thing prepared for that, so I hope Lanu lets me handle the lore side of the outcome.
I could maybe try to bargain with them and call for a ceasefire, but that's lame af
I might get lucky and win, but even if he dies, I'm actually kinda excited either way.
Blud is going brazy
Maybe pull yourself back across the river in your monster form so your chaos warriors Warriors will kill whoever tries to cross it to finish your form off
"That does sound like he made it. And can you smell it? Patricide is in the air. The Brass Lord shall be pleased that once again a strong warlord shall be taking the Baersonling Throne." Mulrog murmured, loud enough that it could be misinterpreted for the spoken words of a normal man.

Moving towards the Kings hall where Sujur would now reside. The stench of coppery blood sent his body into overdrive wishing to spill blood himself.

Bowing through the too small door he steps towards the newly crowned king. His Knightguard followed him dismounted, though hands still at their weapons.

"You fought well and i have to say. Unlike your father you have certaily made a good impression. I hope you will accept this gift." The Warlord proclaimed, unbuckeling the bone blade from his belt. It was wrapped in the leathery rubber, skin of the Kraken Sujur had slain while Mulrog witnessed it.

"May, it remind you if your path to victory. And that the gods will always gettheir due when a meader gets weak."
I thought you can't move during combat?
I'm stuck here, so I might as well at least have some fun while I'm at it
You can move afterwards though if you check the rules. Any planned moves get interrupted by being next to an enemy. If that enemy dies though any further movement is made as normal.

And your bondsman will kill the enemy bondsman if he isnt struck and killed in the river so you could retreat your heavily injired warbeast that counts as cavalery and will lose initiative in the citied.
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If this is true then here's how I'd take my turn instead, Lanu
If not, then stick with the turn 11 that I previously posted I guess

The reason I thought I couldn't move is because my previous movement order was for Rue'Vahn to enter the village so that he could get that +1 HP from the defenses. That didn't work since an enemy unit of bondsmen moved onto the tile before I could (after I killed the original residents). So I assumed that that meant that they'll keep starting combat before I can move away.
Surrender-diplomacy is disgusting, but retreating in order to reposition for a fight is not abhorrent in his eyes.
you could not get into the village due to just stepping into the stream. your movement was at an end the second you enter a village, forest, stream/river or mountains. you would have to enter the village from a plainstile to be able to move onto it right after fighting.
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second point of the movement rules about why you couldnt make it to the village in the same turn.
Ah, so I could move onto the village after fighting 'this' turn.

My mistake.
For some reason I was thinking that the enemy was using the combat movement locking in order to keep me stuck in place while they send in new units after the old ones are cleared from the tile.
Depnding on how long this whole coup takes i might be able to come over to help you out. I wanna do some more raiding after all
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Foolish. How foolish of me. I should have realized the Architect of Fate was testing me when the minotaurs perished faster than the plan called for, and I failed the test. No matter. Retreat is not an option, kill these southerner interlopers in the name of the Raven!

Gods, I hope Bretonian knights have a Chaos Knights statline, this raid will have been almost a wash if I lose my warriors now.
So the Norscan Chaos Warriors have slightly better mobility than the other options for recruiting them?
They shouldnt. I think Lanu just made a Mistake when copying information
I presume that the older ones were just copy/pasted directly from their entries at the start of the first thread; Lanu upgraded Chaos Warriors to two movement after the game had started but before he'd written up the Norscan list.
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"Yes, yes I shall." Sjur says, grabbing the blade with his still blood soaked hand, slightly trembling from the labour. "You and Sarrick will be always welcome in my halls." He says. How much he means it, you can never tell.
Mulrog and Hangar are completely correct.
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The quick scavenging and questioning of some of the more traveled merchant-warriors and reavers reveals the southerners as Brettonian knights on quests to prove themselves. Foolish perhaps, but not much different from the norscan traditions for the young warriors eager to make their name known.
Yet, why here? If only there was someone to ask.
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Ivan, feel free to deploy anywhere left of the yellow line. You have two of Magor's ungors.
So Rue. You want some help later?

I assume the Coup is over now.can i redeploy back onto the map. Or do I/Sarrick have to stay here for a bit to help stabilize the situation
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You can redeploy.
alright thanks. if Rue wants some help i will redeploy there. otherwise i will do some raiding on my own.

you got anything to add to Sujur taking over?
and Sarrick Mulrog does expect at least a token of appreciation. doesnt need to be loot exactly. something symbolic could do as well.
All recruitment in Baersonling lands is 1 loot cheaper for the two of you.

Lanu, should Huffud and I expect that those rat units have 5-6HP each?
3. The one at the entrance had 5 because of a level 4 settlement.
Yeah definitely. Sorry for the late reply.

If you choose to head this way, then do you want to split it 50/50?
There's about sixty loot worth of villages up here by this corner, with several more further ahead.
Thanks QM, you mean Thralls I take it.

The Norscan navigator should have told me where Ormfell is, so which of those settlements is it?
Also, is the hill city Chamon Dharek?

As for Qst rewards, at some point down the line I want to get some jesters, bodyguards, & faster steeds so that I can increase unit mobility & have a reason to link Thunderhorse by Dethklok.

Thanks for clarifying, should be able to post my turn later.
With the Bretonians dead, we'll first ask the remaining beastmen if there is something in their village that the accursed Bretonians might want (A Chaos Sorceror, his warriors and his skinwolves can be very persuasive when seeking answers), then proceed as previously planned. Loot, kill, send those who submit to Magor, sacrifice their shaman's mind in thanks the Lord of Change for the endeavour's success and for the lesson he delivered to me: Never take anything for granted, always consider the reason behind even an event that seems fortuitous.

Do we get an answer of something interesting, or can I sail away now?
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My ships + units are broken down in the bottom left:
Grey = Ships
Green = Melnis
Black = Wolves
Purp with Black = Depleted Knights
Orange = Cataphracts + Ivan wielding Stormbringer
Purp = Less Depleted Knights
Red = Thralls
Red on Grey = Rental Ships

I circled a point of interest from Troll Country maps in red, is there anything worthwhile there?

The Zar speaks to his navigator, "You have done well leading us here through rough seas; now tell me, where is Ormfell? The Gods will have the blood they are owed!"
Btw, the 1st thread is archived, right?
One evening a message is brought forth by the servant who fetches the Hastling's meals.
"Zar Hangar,
I hope your stay has proven amenable. My raids continue, the season not yet spent, & with them fortune & glory are sure to be amassed. I will not be forgetting the debt I owe you & your riders; tell me, did you burn the Khanzarians' bodies, & what became of their wolves, arms, & leader? Once my reavings are concluded for the time being, I will be hosting a great feast for all those who march in our hosts. I look forward to the gathering of zars & other servants of the Great Four.
So say I, High Zar Ivan"
Actually no, I don't think it is. Lanu, you should hurry and archive it before it's gone from the chan.
Bit late tonight, but tomorrow I'll write a wrap up for the little coup plotline.

I think I'll be redeploying up to Aesling land as well. Lanu, could you show us where we can deploy now, or is the same as before when Ivan and Rue went up there?
Anyone know how to use suptg? Lanu probably won't check the thread again until tomorrow & it might disappear by then.
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Nice, does anyone have a link to the thread?

we can do 50/50.

if you can pull your weight ;)

will post my plan a bit later. just woke up, checked this and now i want to go back to sleep.

good to know. then i might as well always recruit berserkers while here as they now cost as much as bondsmen, are faster though with less health. so maybe some bondsmen might still be useful

just did the archive. sorry if i interefererd with something. though it took a while to process.
Preciate you
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SO Lanu. I can land in that village i can see as being free from dudes and disembark yeah. and unload the knights to just above that to have them not stop to loot as well as not being caught on landing and just destroyed?

the last part is a theoretical. if need be i will just stand on the village with the knights and my own hjuscarls will stay on the water and disembark next turn..

A Raven arrives at Rue Vahns camp in the wood. It holds a bloody message written on Skin.

"Greetings chosen of Loesh. If you need support. my Skinwolves and Kataphracts stand ready to support your flanks. My knights will put pressure on their northern flanks and we will tear them apart between your swift claws and my inevitable Axe"
Ormfell isn't on this map. I'll try to draw the map Sarl lands today or tomorrow, but I'm very busy.
>Also, is the hill city Chamon Dharek?
It's the crimsonish-brownish level 4 one.
The interrogation of the beastmen leads to a wounded gor barely clinging to life who mentions how a southernling of their kin chose to serve the dark gods and how he thinks they were sent after him.
Thanks m8.
Yes, you can.
>The interrogation of the beastmen leads to a wounded gor barely clinging to life who mentions how a southernling of their kin chose to serve the dark gods and how he thinks they were sent after him.

Wait..... that is the knight that wants to assault the Chaos Dwarfs isnt it?
A raven with a message written in Mulrogs Hand also reaches Narvoch informing him that the northern ice is infested with enough Hungs to make the Ice slowly sink and hunting more beasts might be possible but costly. Mulrog is heading towards the Lands of the Aeslings to raid some more led by visions of glorious slaughter
Sjur and Mulrog had entered the High Hall of Urslo, but Sarrick remained outside. He looked up at the lifeless body of the former king, impaled and displayed for all to see. Sjur had grown impressively quickly, and Sarrick doubted that any in his tribe would question his right to the throne after he had seized it so decisively.

Mulrog and his warriors came out, and Sarrick turned to meet them before they left. “A warriors betrays his lord, a son his father. Sometimes it is condemned, other times accepted, even celebrated. Loyalty between men is such an ethereal thing.” The sorcerer stepped up to the warlord. “But loyalty to the Gods is so certain. I feel this was a task they set me, and you aided it. When next you have matters of the Gods, call for me, for this is a debt they guarantee, and the Gods suffer no default.”

Of course, how exactly he repaid the debt was up to him. He would find a way to benefit from even this. Perhaps the mighty warlord would have too much pride to call for a small sorcerer anyway. His word given to Mulrog, he strode up into the Great Hall. Sjur, for a moment, was alone. He sat on his father's throne, bloody sword resting across his knees. A bloody gash across one cheek seemed to be his only injury from the coup, and blood dripped down his short beard. He looked up slowly as Sarrick stepped over bodies to approach.

“King Sjur now,” said Sarrick, bowing his head ever so slightly. Not mocking, but only an acknowledgement, not obedience. Sjur may be a king now, but he was not Sarrick's master. “Yet this is only a beginning, young King. I think you can see it too. A season ago you wanted nothing but to survive your father and brothers. Now you sit on the throne of one tribe, but a whole world lies beyond your power. The Gods ever watch and they hunger for our ambition in their service. Solidify your rule for now, but soon look beyond. When you are ready to march again send me word. I think the Gods sent me to guide your way, and there are still greater paths I can show.”

Sjur does not answer. What is he thinking? Sarrick is not sure. He has changed much, no longer a youth, now a leader. Perhaps in the future they might become enemies. Or perhaps he has truly earned Sjur's trust. A problem for the futrue. Sarrick turns away, but call over his shoulder as he goes. “The Baersonling will thrive for now, I think. I go North. The Aesling are next.”

Okay, here's my plan.

1) Wounded gors retreat one hex south to line up with Huffud's minotaurs.

2) Wounded minotaurs retreat one hex southwest so that they're protected by my Gors, and Huffud's minotaurs.

Huffud, once we clear a beachhead here, we should be able to start double-teaming the rat slaves with no damage incurred, and we take this 60 loot.

If we're successful in taking these and don't lose any units in the process, total loot for this raid will come to ~160 - pretty good haul.
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Oops, forgot my deployment map
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So we're redeploying to Aesling lands. The plan is for a two stage assault. First step is the upper picture. Two boats full of hung savages and huscarls land in the central open area. The huscarls go north, the savages south, and both kill the bondsmen defending the two small coastal settlements. At the same time, warbeasts are dropped off down the coast and storm that settlement, and the bondmen who dropped them off then march past to protect them against counter attack from the south.

Second image is step 2. With the way through now clear, the rest of the warband comes in. More hung savages and bondsmen clear the size two village defended by huscarls in the centre, while the chaos warriors push toward the size 3 settlement further inland.

Having sacked four settlements this turn, Sarrick will release some captives back into Aesling land with the following message:

"We eight warlords embark on the God's dark crusade. The Aesling will kneel and join us in our sacred duty. The only question is how many of their towns must burn before their submission."

Are there still eight of us? We had eight to start, but a few dropped and a few joined? Either way, I guess the Aesling don't know the right answer either and eight is a fitting number to make my point.
>double-teaming the rat slaves with no damage incurred
Don't think it'll work like that. Minotaurs are M2 and HP5 for an initiative of -3. The rats are M? HP3, but assuming their movement is >0 they have initiative and will always get at least one hit in before they go down. That said, as minotaurs have so much HP if you can engineer it to only take one hit per rat you can kill a lot of them before they wear you down.

Looks like it. Though that makes me wonder something, Lanu. The knight (I think he was called Geffray?) was at the Last Hope. Is he just hanging at the inn getting wasted until I follow up on the quest he offered me? Is there some kind of time limit or anything? Or has he already gone off alone to Chaos Dwarf lands?
There's now 11 total including Drakothraen, & we have a 12th awaiting to join as a Chorf. Any other lurkers thinking about joining up?

Messages from each ship reach the Sarl villages along the Bay of Trolls:
"Your Chieftain has earned the ire of the Gods; a Sorcerer true to The Four journeyed all the way from the Southron Lands to the Eastern Steppes to tell me of his blasphemies. Thus I have come to give him his due; bring him to me alive, & I shall return to my own domain to trouble you no further. I will march on Ormfell to act as their instrument if not.
I have taken the Wheatlands from Kislev, & seek more warriors true to the Gods of the North to raid further South. Bountiful are the lands of my domain, & free for the taking to be settled by those who would swear fealty to me. Whether slaver, reaver, blacksmith, shaman, sorcerer, farmer, boatwright, miner, or herder, fortune awaits those who simply choose to grasp it. I also seek mammoths, their herds, cubs, & those who would tame them.
It is my sincere wish to raid Kislev alongside the Warriors of Sarl in a forthcoming season, but a tribe disfavored by the Four cannot march in a Great Host without bringing misfortune. If my appeal through ink does not sway you, I will bring forth steel.
So say I, High Zar Ivan"
A southernling of their kin? Interesting. Very interesting. Can I divine his current location? I have means and resources available.

A fish jumps out of the ocean and lands in front of Mulrog's feet. It slowly disintegrates as it thrashes about on the ship's deck and words form from its remains. Narvoch will join Mulrog after he finishes with one last task.
Yeah if I don’t pull my weight then it’s fair if you get more.

A messenger raven will be sent to Mulrog, Sarrick, and anyone else who joins Rue’Vahn in the north.
“Welcome to the lands of the Aesling! I have been offered a great prize if the coastal settlements are cleared of Norscans. Settlers of the Hung will migrate south and claim the territory that we purge. If we accomplish this, then I would be glad to share some of the benefits with those who assisted.”
dont overextend yourself in these woods. our cavalery based style is gonna be at a disadvantage here. we are gonna need that monstrous strength when overrunning Kislev in a Storm of Chaos.
Won't be able to do anything tonight. Or tomorrow morning.

No worries QM, see you tomorrow
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Ahem, don’t forget that I am moving as well, Huffud. For Lanu’s sanity, could I suggest that my turn goes before yours? See below for my movement

Surely blessed by Tchar

Rest up QM-Man
so i was thinking about which warlords we have now.


Magor The Ungor of Legend bringing usually higher ranked beastmen to heel.
Kranthigar. The one Handed
Huffud the Big


Korthak Bronze Skull
Narvoch Ravenwing.

Sarrick Whispersoul
Rue'Vhan The lovestruck Monster


Ivan the Unbearable
Drakothraen the Bloodletter

and last but not least
Mulrog the Cruel

also possibly CDwarf-Chan if Lanu would allow Chaos Dwarf units.

did i miss anyone?
That's everyone so far besides Torchak, RIP in piece, bro only lasted two posts.
I'd like to see some Chaos Mutant units, maybe low tier in everything besides mobility or something.
Skaven would be cool.
which is why i didnt include him. you are right though

you will probably need Tong units for that.

maybe even variable each turn/Raids stats.

like fixed HP and like a D2/D3 for damage and a D4/D6 for Movement
Piping in to say I should be ready to post regularly for sure come friday hopefully earlier.

Hope QM is making good of a break too.

Keep at it, for the Glory of the Four my bretheren!
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"Ormfell is to the west, yet it is of little use to sail to it. The Sarls watch their coasts vigilantly."
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The next morning, a blind and armless Baersonling comes forth. On his chest is carved a message:
"Karnath welcomes all those who would dare rival his favoured sons! Come forth and meet your end!"
A single reply arrives.
"My father has earned his freedom from the whims of the gods and will not give it up as easily as you wish for him to! Abandon this quest and join him in the great hall for a feast and for mead, or die fighting the one who has outsmarted the gods!"
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lanu. if Rue disagrees dismiss the brown lines i drew.

also to piece together what happened last turn. i assaulted the village which still had defenders?

Then the Huscarls came up and attacked me. did i get the bonus HP from the Village fortification or not?

this turn i want to kill the Huscarls with the Skinwolves who advance into the woods to make way for Mulrog to butcher another set of bondsmen and loot that village.

landing next to the enemy wont count as being caught on a ship correct?

for you Rue >>6017644
if you assault from over the river you can kill the bondsmend and get that village in the next turn. if you want to i can send you my huscarls down there but i think your Chaos Warriors are gonna have those other bondsmen well in hand.

No map today, sorry Lanu. My phone sketch software isn’t cooperating.

1)Northeast Minotaurs sweep own hex northeast, one hex north.

2)Northern Gors moves one hex northeast.

3) -3hp Wounded Minotaurs goes two hexes northeast to pillage one-house village.

4) Southern Gors moves one hex north, one hex northeast.

Huffud, the name of the game here is “stay tight, don’t get seperated”. The rats are going to be trying to draw us out of position, but we should stay grouped up in a ball so that they need to take 4hp damage any time they attack.

If we’re lucky, and the rats are dumb, we can tank any inbound attacks, pillage this first set of villages and then bail before the true Horde arrives.

I’d be pretty satisfied this season with ~70 loot apiece
There was a unit of bondsmen next to the village. Then the Huscarls came up. You will get the bonus HP.
>landing next to the enemy wont count as being caught on a ship correct?
It's safe. The only danger is when you're caught on waer.
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alright thank you very much. something i just noticed though.

could i see into this village marked with a black cross?

if so was it empty? My scouting forces should have been able to pass withing scout range during their movement.
You can't see it.
Solid idea for Mutant Unit stats

Aeslings? More like Basedlings
Also I've apparently managed to clone my forces, or at least create a spectral illusion of them.

The ships of heavily wounded Chaos Knights & Skinwolves at the bottom of the map sail directly North for 7 hexes, stopping before they touch land.

Reply letter states:
"The High Zar will come as a guest to your father's hall for discussion, but the matter is not yet resolved."
alright thanks. then i will treat it as occupied by at least some bondsmen. will see about how to encircle that and get in there only when ready.
thanks. though the idea is more one inspired by Chaos Spawn and how they worked on the tabletop for a while.

also probably best to roll for them once a season than any turn. that would involve a lot of rolling which this format is not the best at.
Yeah, I would say have dice for the stat lines upon recruitment, so their stats are only randomized when you first get them. For units within the Chaos Mutants you could have:
Turnskins (Ungors without Forest Movement Bonii)
Cultists (Initiative Bonii vs Settlements due to infiltration, Skaven should have that too)
Mutants (totally rando stats via dice)
Chaos Spawn (high rando stats vs dice)
& some more specific types of Mutants
Maybe Chaos Ratmen/Man-Rats that get Initiative Bonii vs Skaven due to looking similar enough to get close.

I've also been thinking about Chaos Sorcerer Units. Would need to have low health, high damage, & low initiative due to casting time/prep. Movement could be low normally, but have the ability to teleport in a certain direction with a diceroll determining number of hexes.
sorcerers would probably be more akin to some sort of artillery with Battlefield affecting abilities and spells.

low movement and HP would make it necessary to keep them protected while on the move. so you slap em on a ship and make sure they get to where they are needed.

could also offer support abilities to idealize terrain for a unit that is gonna fight (so they automatically get initiative) or something with spells
He'll yeah borther, I like the cut of your homebrew. Artillery, Buffs, & Debuffs, maybe Heals but IDK how that would mesh with the Ruinous Powers. For that matter, they should probably suffer a Combat Malus when actually attacked due to close quarters fighting, or just only have 1 HP.
probably just one HP with 1 or two Movement while damage in Close Combat is 0 or something.

heals are only something for Nurglite sorcerers i think.

buffs for slaanesh

Artillery is for tzeentchian sorcerers.
Also, Chaos Sorcerers would be a good way to get access to a Daemon Unit Roster, opening up recruitment as long as you have at least one unit.
Could also roll every time a Ch(aos) (S)orc(erer) attacks to see if a miscast occurs & they explode, spell fizzles out, mutatations on surrounding units, portal unleashes unbound daemons, Chorc becomes Daemonically "Blessed," etc.
Chorc Alignment:
Nurgle - Bonii to Heals & Debuffs
Khorne - Bonii to Damage & Health (stronk)
Tzeentch - Bonii to "Arty" Range & Attack Initiative
Slaanesh - Bonii to Buffs & Debuffs, Extra Loot? (more captives)
Unaligned - Random Bonii from List^
Undivided - Random Attribute Bonii
[Malal/Zuvassin/Necoho/Malice] - Higher Miscast Chance, Enemy Chorcs Auto-Miscast

Typed out "Spaanesh" by accident for a second there. Also on second thought maybe Chorc should be reserved as shorthand for Chaos Orks.
.... Chaos Sorcerers... Khorne......

find the problem please.

some blood priests or something maybe. but not sorcerers. they would just explode into fountains of blood. maybe could be used as sacrifices to summon demons.
Fair point, but there are definitely Shaman that draw from the Boar/Hound/Khorne. Reduced Daemon Unit Recruitment Cost maybe?

& for the Malalites, Bonus Damage & Initiative to Daemons & other Chaos forces.
yeah. i wont debate that. a true sorcerer though would not be accepted by Khorne. if they are more like a Priest. similar to someone like Volkmar could channel Khornes powers.

something Mulrod will probably seek out from amongst his own tribe when he return to the Wheatlands.

I mean, a “khorne sorceror” should probably be a front-line fighter who provides combat boosts to neighboring units.
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do you mean a Slaughter Priest?

this is not mine. i just grabbed it of the internet. couldnt find my own model anymore.....it was shit in comparisson anyway.

Yes, exactly. Krantigarh is mighty interested in their warp-steroids even though he doesn’t feel that he needs MORE bloodlust…
They said come forth, so here we come.

Green arrows go first. The warbeasts march up to the southern hilltop town and clear the defenders, tanking a hit in the process. They don't enter the town to avoid getting hit by the enemy unit next to it.

The bondsmen next to the warbeasts cut across to kill the injured enemy unit to the east of their main battleline. Might take some damage here, might not, but the enemy go down either way.

In the centre, a unit of bondsmen enter the empty size two settlement for that sweet 20 loot. These guys definitely lucked out this turn, while everyone else has to fight and run about they just get to party.

To the west of my line, a unit of bondsmen pins the lone enemy to the west in place, while hung savages push past them and kill the west most enemy unit in their little battleline.

Orange arrows to follow next. The two huscarl units shuffle down to get into position to attack the size 3 settlement next turn.

In the centre, one unit of chaos warriors pins the enemies in the size 3 settlement down, trading damage but making sure they can't move. The other unit of chaos warriors kills the last remaining enemy outside the settlement. Behind them, hung savages move up to support next turn.

In the east, the final unit of hung savages heads towards the town cleared by the warbeasts. They casually murder the unit standing outside the settlement, then move up into the town on the hill to loot it.

Think that's about the best I can do. Wish I had a couple extra savages or some cavalry. On that note, Mulrog, Rue, although I'm sure you love sending your cavalry units into the hills, woods and rivers of the south I can't help but wonder if you might do better up with me in the nice flat central plains where you can kill enemies before they fight back and take advantage of those big movement stats.
i have some bondsmen and Horse Archers in the Area. do you want any support on the plains?
and i will soon get up there. i was mostly bailing out Rue down here to make sure he doesnt get himself wiped out with him missing one warbeast and himself being pretty wounded.
Honestly this turn I don't think you can help much, my plan is pretty self sufficient. I'm mostly worried about the enemy pulling out berserker units which are a terrible match up for me, as only my warbeasts can deal with them efficiently. A couple of cavalry hanging about ready to run them down if they show up would make me much less nervous.
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this should be more suitable towards that. the Huscarls arent exactly needed for the future fighting and can pick up the cataphracts on their way up north. and my skinwolves get the boats into position to pull back the chaos Knights next turn and faster up there towards your part of the fight.

new plan for me Lanu.

though it depends on Rue'Vhan doing his part to neutralize the more southern bondsmen.
and despite how it might seem i dont enjoy these woods at all. i also wonder why Rue decided to deploy down here without beastmen support. but that is not for me to know. long as we get out of here somewhat intact and can despoil a good chunk more. i am probably gonna make 40 from this. combined with the 8 from Ivan for the Mammoths and the meat from the monsters that will be a quite significant in numbers. will probably buy a lot of Horse Archers during my downtime so i can operate both on the steppes and in woods.
the 40 is just from down here. and i will aks for part of the spoils from fighting further up north. i want to one day get some Knights without it being considered ruinous to my wallet.
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I've gathered 60 loot here so far and as I've pretty much cleared it out I'm taking the 30 from the size 3 for myself as well. Beyond that I will of course be willing to split loot with those who help me take it.

Obviously it will depend on what enemies are revealed, but at this point I'm hoping to take the six settlements marked. At that point either the Aesling will have submitted or I will likely be forced to withdraw due to attrition.
Yeah no problem. Just saying that i dont fight and risk my troops for nothing. I will see if i can even make it up there in a meaningful timeframe to affect things significantly. For now the Archers will have to do. Maybe some cataphracts next turn
Has anyone seen Drakothraen since I turned down his initial proposal? I don't know if the guy's still watching.
I'm curious just how many lurkers we have.
When I make the feast happen before the next raid season starts I plan on posting in the QTG, unless Lanu feels like more players would be too much of a headache
Hey Mulrog, I’m on board with your suggestion in >>6019516 I just need to get home before I can post my turn
Well, I will say that I will probably scale down on the "beauty" of the quest either way. I'll probably go down to letters, since the icons are very slow and boring to do.
They can't be copy-pasted?
They can, but each time I'm making a new unit type for each player, I need to make a layer, a sphere, lower the opacity, merge layers, mess with the tolerance of the wand tool to make sure I can select the token in a single click.
And it doesn't look like that much, but with 10 active warlords and most of them having 3-4 unit types, that adds up very quickly. If someone knows some other way to do this that's faster and easier (and free), I'd gladly employ it.

Feel free to make it easier on yourself, that seems like a ton of work. Maybe just post a visual guide of the units you’ve already made and we can use our imaginations?
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Alright this should be my movement for turn... 12?

>i can send you my huscarls down there but i think your Chaos Warriors are gonna have those other bondsmen well in hand.
Yeah I'll send my CW and spare unit of bondsmen after the Aeslings that I circled in red. After that, they'll head north and continue clearing a path.
The rest of my troops will cross the river again and kill the enemy on that settlement.

Does that sound good, or am I forgetting anything?
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Yeah, I’m afraid you’re right… I’d be sad to not be able to wreck all of Hellpit, but I guess it can be a little work-in-progress?

Juuuust tightening up the formation
I'm here just lurking. I was the one that said skaven would be cool.
My best idea off the cuff is to just highlight each player's units with a drawn outline so you don't have to do layering for the color scheme, not sure if that would help at all.
Lanu, I have no idea how to help with the tokens, but can I get an answer to the knight's current location and sail away to raid elsewhere?
For the difficulty with the tokens, maybe just say it's the player's responsibility to handle/display it correctly, and Lanu just confirms that our turn movement was legal?
I'd suggest just using roll20. Load everything into the map. Then you just drag the tokens to new location and screen cap... rinse repeat. You just have to make one token then you can copy paste as many as you want. You can also color code them. That'd be my suggestion.
Okay finally at a place I can sit down open up a laptop and read and type. Anything I can know to help me get caught up to speed?
I would use Roll20 for something like this, then screencap it for updates. I don't like it as a platform for actual tabletop but it makes tokens very simple. This is the website I used for tokens back when I was messing around with it:
He was last seen in the Last hope inn near the Baersonling lands.
Wouldn't help at all really.
Both me and the players would lose the idea and it would be too disjointed.
I'll check it.
Do so. Roll 20 can be a useful tool. Only problem i can see is with the size of battlemaps being uploaded.

If you need help. Dont hesitate to ask. I use it quite often and some other people here also seem to have experience
Nah you can make them literally as many pixels as you want. Slows the load in time but you could easily. Id personally Put a map in each tab. Keep them roughly the same size. Then load in your tokens copy paste locations. It'll do a hex map for you. You can then copy paste your current maps in each tab. Size it so your maps current hexes match the hex grid. then set the map picture as the map layer and it'll become untouchable when you're in the token layer.
I had some problems uploading very large maps in the past. Though if the resolution is low enough it should still work
Who hasn't went yet & who's retired?
Feeling slightly lost atm, trying to catch up, was wondering if someone could inform me of what's going on and where I am atm.
I think Lanu was fastforwarding you to the minotaurs on the Norsca map
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Kran had some traffick problems due to hills.
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I fastforwarded you to here.
>New retirement option unlocked - Sarl lands.
"You are welcome as a honored guest. I shall send my mystic to guide you, if you wish."

Shit, I’m liking this less and less.

Huffud, do you think we should bail? I’m a bit worried that those rat units to the southeast are going to ambush us.

Also, Lanu - are my northern Gors unit in combat with the rat unit in the village?
>Shit, I’m liking this less and less.
Damn, invading Hellpit is shit?
>Also, Lanu - are my northern Gors unit in combat with the rat unit in the village?
Yes. They will, assuming no external involvement, clear it out the next turn.
i dont think this will need much in the way of explanation. general shifiting north for the units. some positioning to allow my archers to maneuver forward..

next turn my knights and Cataphracts will arrive and be able to help out Sarrick.
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fuck. forgot the picture and name.

Thanks for clarifying! Still, I think if we’re smart, we can get some more loot and get out safely, but perhaps it was unrealistic to assume that we could grab the whole set of villages here.

Huffed, maybe we should grab these two nearest villages, and then begin the retreat?
"What can this mystic do, & what exactly did you do to earn the ire of the Gods according to the words of the Southron Sorcerer? Who dwells at Chamon Dharek & on the river bordering your lands?"
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Lanu, a question. A unit of my hung savages (highlighted with orange and green lines in the attached image) had orders to kill a unit and then use their last remaining point of movement to move into and loot the size one village beside them (highlighted by a pink drawing of a penis). Is there a reason they could not do this or is it just an oversight? Wouldn't normally bother to question it, but if they need to stop to loot in this turn it will actually affect my plan for the turn.

Possibly I have remembered wrong and units are not able to move after combat. I thought I'd seen others doing it but I may have imagined it.
moving after combat has been a thing far as i know.
lanu might just have made maistake processing the turn.

Magor has his Ungors bring up the prettiest sows and thrall Slave women and vast piles of meat he can to entice the villagers to join him willingly under the banner of the Serpent!

Elsewise, they shall die and be eaten like the rest, the bones fashioned in weapons armor and trophies for the horde, and the survivors enslaved themselves. Soon, with all the beastmen villages in this region under his helm, they will be able to retire and sire another great force of Ungors to aid his allies
I made a mistake.
Thanks for the confirm, chief. Without further ado:

Orange arrows up first. Huscarls swing round to put some hurt on the warriors defending the size 3 settlement. One of my own chaos warrior units advances, takes some more damage, then kills a unit of enemy bondsmen. To the east a unit of my hung savages advances to kill the enemy bondsmen in the woods, then back up again in case there are more enemies behind them.

Greens go next. At the top of my line, the hung savages more forwards, kills the injured bondsmen, then back up to where the huscarls used to be. A unit of my bondmen advance to the edge of an enemy village marked with the question mark to shield my badly injured warriors from whatever might be in it. The warbeasts move up in the south and kill the unit of bondsmen out in the open.

Yellows move third. Other unit of huscarls comes down and finishes off the chaos warriors defending the big settlement. The bondsmen next to them, now free from combat, pull back to the north.

Last, purples. The chaos warriors move into the now empty size 3 settlement and get their loot on. The hung savages at the back run past them and murder some enemy bondsmen to provide further screening to my badly hurt chaos warriors.

The only unit guaranteed to be hurt is one of my chaos warriors, though probably also the bondsmen who move next to the question mark town. Hopefully its just an enemy bondsman in there. The enemy chaos warriors that remain unhurt will likely kill either some huscarls or savages of mine, but such is life in the chaos horde.

Perhaps that can be avoided by releasing some new 'volunteers' taken from their big settlement. The message this time shall go as follows: “The Tower of Varrl burns, your slain warriors pile high. Even the greatest among you cannot stop us. You seek a petty tribute to Karnath in this place, but I dream of a far greater one elsewhere. Join us and be a part of this glory.”
I made two references to the village marked with a question mark, but now see I never marked it on my image. This makes me feel unclever. At the small lake with a village at each end, the one to the south east.

Also if I get a bit more time later this evening I might do a little fluffpost for attacking the Tower of Varrl and the general situation as I haven't done one for a few days.
So Rie. What are planning on doing now? I left that one village behind for you.

Also Lanu shouldnt my Chaos Knights be on maximum 3 damaged suffered. since i took 1 from the bondsmen before plundering the village. Then 2. One damage was negated due to the settlement bonus for two toal damaga. And then another one damage from assaulting the southern settlement that i am moving out of now..

Since Rues Bondsmen are dead i would assume that they took the hit and there shouldnt be a fourth point of damage on my knights
Lanu, can I redeploy now with Mulrog and Sarrick?
Yeah, it might be best to just retreat… I don’t know what the chaos warrior wanted exactly, but we certainly gave a damn fine showing of it

Basically attacking this last village and then bailing
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Forgot picture kek
Unit proposal: Hungoloids (Hungs with down syndrome due to mass Chaos mutations)
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Alright, after some thought, I have only one move order:

1) Have my wounded minotaurs flee back to the surface.

Huffud, I'm basically keeping my troops in line with yours so that we don't get picked apart by the rat bastards. Assuming we don't get our shit wrecked, we definitely should bail next turn.

Lanu - could you specify if Huffud's mission requires total extermination of Hellpit's rats, or is knocking over the surface town sufficient for mission completion? Huffud, we'll probably need to return with more Minotaurs two raids from now (since we're doing the Kislev Forest deepstrike next) if we want to engage in TOTAL RAT DEATH.
going there will get one of your minotaurs caught by the rat ogers and they will probably be able to swarm them and drag them down later.

Skaven Lives are CHEAP and CHEAP and most of all CHEAP.
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Here you go Lanu, this should be my movement for turn... 13?

So I circled some of the villages in orange. I'll try to go for those and then see how my troops are doing. If it seems fine to press on then I'll keep going into the Aesling mainland, although if it seems too risky then I might retire.

With the settlements that I take down here, that'd be forty loot for me, and with the settlements up there along the coast that'd be forty loot for you. That's a 50/50 split. Does that sound fair in your opinion, or do you want me to throw a little extra loot your way?

Separate of that...
Sarrick, on my pic related map, I circled those two northern villages in magenta. If those get cleared, then I'll get a reward from my interim quest that I'm happy to share with you and Mulrog.
i will see about those upper settlements. my knights are pretty damaged already. and i dont have a lot of infantry that can take the punishment. though probably a set of Bondsmen and the Skinwolves can kill the Huscarls before they kill my dudes. so i can probably take the pink settlements on my own.
"The mystic is there to guide you through the rough waters and the ire was earnt in defying their curses."
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The minotaurs are all but guaranteed to fall on the next assault, when one of them, a wounded one, stumbles forwards out of their lines.
"Spare us, great ungor." He says through his clenched teeth, blood dripping from a wound left on his scalp by a arrow.
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Yes, I think I made a mistake when you sent two different orders and didn't ctrl+z far back enough.
You got the longboats? If so, yes.
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You might have to consult the questgiver.
And I forgot to fix the extra damadge on the knight yet again.
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so the knights only have 3 damage on them? Good to know. thank you.

i am gonna take those northern units and villages if that is alright with you. my knights and Cataphracts will be able to help you out next turn Sarric.
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"I came to these lands to make sacrifices to the Gods at Chamon Dharek, for it is sacred to my people. Who among your men will march with me to gain their favor? What will I find there?"

White line was my previous movement, & I'm assuming nothing was spotted along the shore.

Lanu, sorry to be annoying - shouldn't my Gors unit have killed the Rat unit to the north? I'd loot the one-house town and begin a general retreat to the surface if so.

P.S. how much damage do the Rat Archers do? Looks like they do 1 damage per attack?

i think those are Skaven slaves. Skaven dont have ARchers. They do have slingers and guns though.
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Here's my movement for turn... 14?
I believe I now have 42 loot, with another 30 or 40 soon to be grabbed

Oh right, speaking of quest givers, have I cleared the coast to what is a satisfactory level for that Hung warrior? Once those two settlements up top with the huscarl and bondsmen are raided, then I think that's everything right?
Magor welcomes him, and is glad to have him. "With most of your brothers gone, there are too many cows and not enough bulls. You, my friend, are going to help me rectify this starting today. I need at least a few minotaurs to my horde. May the serpent bless you, for you shall need it."

Consolidate the villages, and gather up and loot and spoils (if any) we are going to recuperate in our new holdings and make preparations to join our allies in another war!

>Unless I'm mistaken and there is one village left, then we'll go for that
Looks like Skavenslaves & Clanrats with shields, you guys should be ok until Rat Ogres start showing up.
These guys have a fuck load of dudes. Just going to shuffle about this turn and wait for my reinforcements. The warbeasts and one unit of bondsmen will storm the isolated settlement next to the lake though.
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Actually, just realised if there is anyone in that village those hung will die. Cancel that move into the woods.
I was going to send my CW's that way.
Do you want me to raid the village and we split the loot, or would you prefer that I stay away?
Feel free, but I'll probably just overrun it with my warbeasts next turn.
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Fog descends down onto the marshy ground as your melniboneans advance.
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And this is what the Hellpit expedition should've looked like the last turn.
>P.S. how much damage do the Rat Archers do? Looks like they do 1 damage per attack?
Clanrats do 1 damage per attack.
If I missed something, please tell me. Life is extremely hectic.
I should see who's occupying Chamon Dharek & the purp city from where my units are at, right, or are they just undefended?

Thanks for the update, real free to take some time off if you need to, chief.
Purple settlemet is shrouded in mist. Chamo Dharek is unoccupied.
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Fuck this shit I’m out
Sweet, the Sarl Shaman can dispel the mist or something like that? Is the chief willing send his men with me to clear out whoever is in the mist, & did he state who it might be?
>Sweet, the Sarl Shaman can dispel the mist or something like that?
>Is the chief willing send his men with me to clear out whoever is in the mist, & did he state who it might be?
Nope to both of these aswell.
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Oh shit, that's a chaos warrior. I thought that settlement was unoccupied.
Okay nevermind, I'm heading down the mountain trails instead. I'll grab one or two more villages before retiring.

Here's my movement for turn 15.
I should now have 52 loot.
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Ok, I'm tired of wasting time with these Sarls.
Light Green = Melnibs with 1 Wound
Other Wounds listed next to the unit in Magenta
Skinwolves = Black
Chaos Knights = Purp
Cataphracts = Orange
Thralls = Red
Melnibs in Dark Green are fully intact
Depleted Skinwolves (sailing the ships) & Chaos Knights checkout Chamon Dharek.
Some Melnibelfs guard the Northern ships, while the Thralls both head down to guard the Southern ships.
Ivan rides at the head of his Cataphracts, coordinating his forces to attack the large settlement within the mists. He speaks to the Shaman from the Sarls that rides with him.

"I have questions for you. Why has your chieftain sent you forth with me, have you earned his ire? What exactly has he done that has caught the sight of the Gods? What awaits us in the mists, Fimir perhaps? Name yourself & answer me. I will reward you for your services should you avail yourself well."
resistance is getting stiff.

Sarrick. Next turn we can attempt a breakthrough if you still want to attempt it. but its gonna be costly.

Knight still has four damage marked when he only should have three damage marked.

but i got that in hand.
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forgot the fucking picture. sorry about that Lanu.


now that i am looking at this again. we are gonna need a concerted effort to sweep these defences away at even one point. the concave does not favor us..
Will be able to put my turn later tonight but I’m also bailing with Huffud. Even if we didn’t conquer Rat Vietnam I think we’ve come ahead by toppling the dwarven holds and smashing the surface settlement of Hellpit.
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So before I move around, a question for you Mulrog. Do you feel lucky? The best plan I've got involves gambling your ulfwerenar.

As per pic related, if I shuffle about this turn, we can move into the shown positions next turn. We start at the south. My spawn attack the enemy chaos warriors, get punched in the face and survive on 1HP but leave the warriors on 2HP in return. My warriors and huscarls then move in from south to north, the wounded huscarls kill the chaos warriors in the village, then my own chaos warriors and huscarls roll up the bondsmen, each of my units getting hurt as they go.

Your chaos knights come down and kill the bondsmen defending the village in the middle of the line. Your horse archers and cataphracts kill the unit next to them, the cataphacts will take a hit back from the other unit but survive. The ulfs will then run in and kill the huscarls at the top of the line.

We're left with one enemy bondsman who has already attacked, and can be finished off by your cavalry before he gets to attack again next turn. However, the huscarls in the coastal village would be able to walk down and kill your ulfwerenar if they wanted to. They may just decide to sit tight in their village, but they may not. I was going to move up my hung savages to cover them, but then I realised that not only would that not help, but I couldn't because I need to move first and they're currently trapped by your troops.

The second issue here is that between us I believe we take a minimum of 6 damage, leaving the warbeasts, knights, cataphracts and a unit each of huscarls and warriors on 1HP, while also likely killing your werewolves and with all our units attacks spent for the turn. If there are any units behind the enemy line which are out of sight range, the counterattack will fuck us right up the ass.

And all of that to get 20 more loot.

Unless you can come up with anything better.
That plan is risky. I would have to think about it for a knight if that is alright with you.

And gambling could be done. The Wolves are seriously expensive and qould require replacwment later. But as long as its not my knights then i am okay with taking a bit of a gamble.....

Though maybe i might just decide to retreat for the season. This resistance and our damaged units might quickly make this thing no longer profitable. Or hell. make us break even.

Though again. I will have to think about it more and reposition a bit to allow for movements that you want to do.
Honestly I think I'd probably rather back out as well. The risks don't seem worth it and I have plenty of loot already.

A part of me was hoping that once I showed you that plan you'd spot something I'd missed that would make it work properly.
If we need to fall back, then that’s fair.
My interim quest doesn’t have a time limit (I think), so we can always come back another season to kick some Aesling ass. Not next time, of course, since we’re all going for Ostrosk, but the one after that or more.
So I guess I'll be arriving too late to make a difference, my forces, along with what Mulrog lent me, aren't that many anyway. Might as well spare Lanu some effort, skip deployment and go straight to downtime.
i dont have as much loot. but i think retreating for now and returning in either one or two seasons depanding on the state on our forces after kislev, would be for the best.

Mulrog is after all. A Khornate with tactical sense.

yeah likely wont make much of a difference if any.

we would have to start rolling the enemy up from the south and that would take forever. not with the forces we already have being so battered.

so yeah. Lanu. A general order for an ordered retreat is given.
Narvoch's ships will rendezvous with Mulrog's fleet on the way back to transfer the loaned forces, along with Narvoch's thanks and 4 loot for their services. Two mammoths were felled with their help, half the reward paid by Ivar for each of them. Is this satisfactory?

>-4 loot, new total 44

Lanu, I will retire first to the Inn of the Last Hope, then to Baersonling lands for the season.
On the planes, outside one of the burned out settlements Sarrick and Mulrog met on neutral ground. Mulrog forces were somewhat battered, same as Sarricks. But neither warlord seemed to care as they observed the battlefield before them as reported by scouts and sorcery.

"Breaking them frontally would be a waste when we are marching south next year. I suggest we send a raven to Rue'Vahn and tell him we are disengaging. Rolling up these battlelines from their weakpoint in the south would take months and too many casualties. The Ice is already growing and soon returning home would be very difficult. Espevially for you Sarrick." The Khornate Warlord suggested, bile in his words. He strained against recklessly charging into the enemies lines and butchering as many as possible before being dragged down.

After a short discussion with Sarrick he turned and ordered his men to return to the ships. For this season they were done raiding. It was time to indulge in the spoils.

On the seas several ships are spotted by Mulrogs forces. Had they not been told to expect this contact they might have started preparing for a fight.

The meeting with Narvoch had been a slightly tense one. Still the Warlords parted amicably enough with Mulrog wishing Narvoch a good Winter before sailing on to Urslo to unload the prepared meat, tusks and furs fromt their hunts. Leaving several of his most trusted lieutenants behind to handle the recruitment of new followers willing to follow Mulrog's Cause.

The Warlord himself set out across the mountains to return to the steppes. Still his path took him across the pass, where Ivan had created a nigh unbreakable fortress as Mulrog had to damit.

Seeing the Banner of Zar Hangar fly across the wing of one wing of the fortress he opted to stop for a bit and seek out the other Zar. For the amount of Chaos Knights that Hangar now held under his banner had grown incredibly high during this season. And mulrog wanted to know hie that had happened and where Hangar had fought.


I am retiring to Kul Lands in the Eastern Steppes
you good man?
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Sarrick stands atop the Tower of Varrl. The greatest fortress of the Aeslings was his for a time, though right now it was a shadow of its former glory. Parts of it burnt still, and the flies, crows and rats were swarming in to feast. Below him, his servants dragged Aesling corpses by the hundreds, arranging them carefully in the courtyard.

Sarrick turned to the south. In the distance, the enemy camps could just about be seen. Distant tents and the smoke from camp fires. The Aesling had refused his first message and ignored his second. They showed no sign of submission. He could beat them still, but at too great a cost. The winter was closing in, and come spring the hosts would be marching on Kislev in earnest. There was no need to exhaust himself here, and a huge swathe of Aesling land had been overrun by his forces. Even now, great columns of carts took stolen goods back towards his ships, with lines of slaves trudging alongside them. And far distant, in the lands of the Baersonling, he knew a new army was rallying to his banner, inspired by his hunts and urged on by the new ally he had on their throne. Yes, a fruitful season, even if he had not achieved quite all that he hoped.

Below, the arrangement of enemy corpses in the courtyard was almost complete. A great message spelt out in slaughter, with letters ten paces across.

“Twice you refuse me. The gods call me and I answer them. My sacred calling spares you for a time, but your arrogance costs you a place in the god's design.”

Only the final line was still being put together, made of the Aesling's greatest warriors. They had died just like the rest. As more would. They had turned down his offer twice. He would not offer it a third time. Instead, he left a simple promise, spelt out in their dead.

“I will return.”


So yeah, bugging out. My forces took 100 loot here in Aesling land, so really can't complain. My ships will meet up with the sea beast funded reinforcements being raised in Baersonling land, and then Sarrick and company will be heading back to deliver their mammoths and spend the off season in sweet home Hung Wastes.
The great minotaur herds manage to reach the surface, the ratmen hosts biting at their heels. Yet the incursion has been more than worth it for the battered hosts. The plunder from dwarven holds and the vast slave herds from the ratmen tunnels will buy much loot from wherever the bull and the cow retire to.
The Aesling coasts will be left plundered and the Aeslings won't be in time to defend their coasts from the Hung raiders that will cross over the frozen over sea. Vargs alone won't have the strength to defend Bloodfjord.
Life is a fuck, I hate higher education, I literally just wanna work a physical job for a solid wage.
so rue still managed to have the mission fulfilled?

he better thank us properly for that.

and i get the whole higher education thing. i dropped out and learned a trade instead. but not something for everyone.

I recognize the plight of a graduate student. Don’t give up now - if you’re going through hell, you keep going until you’re out!
Narvoch's visit to the Last Hope inn brings him a interesting gallery of drinking partners to spend time with:
>A tall, slender, androgynous figure, wrapped in fine cloths, with only a pair of hard, black eyes being uncovered, sitting quietly in a corner and cautiously eyeing the other guests. As you sneak a more brazen peek, you spot a flash of metal, a warning. Or a invitation.
>A ropsman muttering to himself about the dead Aponnians
>A Estalian cripple, lacking both of his feet and one of his hands. Yet he is serviced by a trio of Albionese slavegirls.
>A quiet drink
Afterwards, you are, as is customs, celebrated in the Baersonling lands, maybe with less vigor than the lords of larger hosts, but still vigor. During your drunk days, you are reached by a interesting proposal uttered by
>Vigi, a youthful and darkskinned girl (or boy, you can't quite tell and don't care about inquiring), asking for aid in reaching and desecrating a monolith at the spring of the river Lynsk and promising his own weight in gold and gemstones as reward (50 loot).
>Tofa, a middle aged blonde woman of immense beauty and a master smith, asking you for dwarven metal (gain at least 50 loot from the dwarves) so she could practice her craft with the dwarven metals (provide a +2D +2H -2M to any unit you wish).
>Sigfus, a older norscan warrior, offering his warbands services in exchange for helping him settle his host on the coast of the sea of claws.

As is Kurgan tradition, feasts, celebrations, orgies, sacrifices and drinking is held to welcome the warlord and for 8 days, the whining of slaves slowly sliding down upon brass plated stakes is heard in the camp. Warriors flood to the ranks, eager to join the next years invasion, slaves are traded, weapons handed out, armor re-fitted, animals skinned, rations prepared and a interesting opportunity found:
>A mysterious Kislevite offering to open up the gates of Praag, should he be compensated
>Asena, a young strigany woman, predicting great fortunes to you should you strike westwards and despoil the hall of the troll king.
>A escaped Kurgan slave that had slain three of his pursuers and is now offering to join your ranks with the band he amassed (Horse archer with +3 damage
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After a short uneventful stay in the Wheatlands talking a bit with Zar Hangar before his final return to Kul Lands, Mulrog is glad to be back on the steppes where the winds of fortune blow.

Exhaled by the gods themselves they bite with bitter cold in winter to collect the sacrifices being made.

The woman speaking of great fortunes falls beneath his gaze and he has her brought to him, escorted by two knights and an untransformed Skinwolf.

"Tell me of these fortunes you see woman. If they prove true i offer you a position as one of my advisors. If not... well the gods always demand more blood." he speaks, sitting on his throne carved from the jaws of the Seawyrm he slew
Is my stay uneventful? >>6024120
or would something happen when my host passes through the pass and the wheatlands?

no pressure. just curious.
while the Horse Archer would be nice. they would be WAY too glass cannony i think
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An old man croaks in front of you "Orokia." He says, pulling the robes and uncovering a bald head worn by age.
"My chieftain has sent me for he has faith you will treat me fairly." The old man says. "And besides, I fear death not. I have been on this world for too long." He says, leaning forth on his staff. "As for my king, he was cursed, or as some would say, blessed, by the lords of the north, to wander the world slaying in their name. He has, by the deception of a Kurgan sorcerer, earnt his freedom from their will. They wish not tolerate this. As for what awaits us in the mists, it is indeed Fimir."
I feel for you, I've been there and done that.
Asena nods. Sweat obviously pours down the side of her head. "Give me until sunrise and I shall commune with the voices." She says, obviously nervously. You let her go, but post a rider to ensure she doesn't run away.
The next morning, she emerges from her tent, barely upright and the guard you posted carries her to you. "A great realm reigned in the north, before the Gospodars conquered west, before the Ungols and before the Norscans and before even the Ropsmen. Many of their great kings ruled and the king of trolls squats in the mountain hall of one of such kings. The hall of King Korax, where silver-steel was mined and forged."
"A cache of weapons and armour?" Mulrog asks.
Asena shakes her head. "The troll king has amassed only wealth. But deep in the tunnels, deeper than even he dares wander, the dead still toil and work. They can be reasoned with and they too love gold as much as any."
The Lord of Fate has decreed that I not meet the hunted Brettonian this season. So be it.
>A ropsman muttering to himself about the dead Aponnians
The ancient ruins may hold long lost knowledge and power. It is an opportunity I cannot pass.

>Vigi, a youthful and darkskinned girl (or boy, you can't quite tell and don't care about inquiring), asking for aid in reaching and desecrating a monolith at the spring of the river Lynsk and promising his own weight in gold and gemstones as reward (50 loot).
A task compatible with next season's raid, as decreed by Zar Hangar, and the power of this monolith is intriguing.
"An interesting proposal. You shall travel south with us next season and receive your just reward upon completion of the task. First Kislev will burn. then the Troll King shall be brought to heel. And if he does not yield i shall take his head." Mulrog declares. Calling upon his warriors to spread tale far and wide of his plans to raid Kislev and what riches he offers those following his banner.

Buying units:
Baersonling Trade for Sea Monster Meat.
6 Units of Baerserkers
1 Unit of Chaos Warriors

Buying Units with loot in the Eastern Steppes. Available Loot 40 from Aesling Raiding, 8 from selling Ivan extra Mammoths, 4 from Narvoch.52 total loot

2 Units of Horse Archers
1 Unit of Chaos Knights

Total available units for next season
1 Chaos Knight +1 Damage +1 Health
1 Chaos Knight
1 Kurgan Cataphract
5 Units of Horse Archers

1 Thralls
1 Bondsmen
1 Huscarl
1 Skinwolves
6 Baerserkers
1 Chaos Warrior

also personal question. any bonuses for painting a Mini for Mulrog
I am not really serious here. if you wanna give something for it thats fine. but if not i can completely understand.
Wait, I don't think I ever got my seasonal retirement choices from the Wheatland retirement. Could I request them?

"Mulrog! It seems Ivan may well be the last back to his own halls this season." Hangar laughs, heavy moustaches bristling, their bone-decorations clattering. "You ask of my Knights? Many are new-forged, for they have earned their spurs in blood spilled across the Zorn Uzkhul. My riders rode out against the host of Ghughlukh Khan; and have left his horde cast into the dirt across the plains; their skulls piled high in our victory. The Armouries of Zharr-Naggrund have opened to my riders for this service, and in the coming season I shall make good use of the Stunted ones to clad our hosts."

"Now, I hear rumour of a grand hunt, of much blood shed in the north! Tell me of it!"
"So it was true what i heard that you rode in defence of the Wheatlands against he Hobgob Hordes. And you arose victorious as a true Kurgan would when fighting across the plaines" Mulrog rumbeled

"And the Armories of the Dawizhar have opened for you.... hmmm. i might have to ask you to acquire some suits of armor for me at a later date. For now i have to return to the Lands of the Kul. The winds call me there. But they can wait a few days. Let me regale of the hunts across the ice." Mulrog started gesturing to a stone alcove he could sit in comfortable while a table and chair could be brought to Hangar.

Spinning tales of the great Seawyrms and Krakens Sarrick and him faced Mulrog regaled the other Zar and finally offered a token. It was a shortsword made from a Seawyrms tooth and a grip carved from bone.

"I know it is not as grandiose or glamorous as a blade crafted by the dark smiths but it will still slice a man apart. I made sure of it. I offer this freely to you as a token of respect" he concluded his tale after finishing with the coup he witnessed in Ursolo and the hosts he is assembeling there to join them in spring.
If everyone else is retiring, then I might follow suit, but before I commit, I wanted to ask about the mammoths. Will we need to wait a full year before they're broken in and trained, or will we be able to recruit them in time for Ostrosk? If so, do we know their stats and where we can recruit them from?
I only ask because it might determine whether I return to Aghol/Hung lands for the winter.
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The Zar leads the way wielding Stormbringer at the head of his cataphracts, charging into the mist with abandon.
The rest of his forces converge to attack as well, the unwounded Melniboneans striking after the cataphracts, then the rest.
The Kurgan knights enter Chamon Dharek cautiously & with reverence for the site so revered by their people.

Damn, I was hoping to hear what the Roppsmann had to say myself.

I have 8 cubs total, so based on the prior math given, each unit should cost 44 loot, unless my lore example of Dolgan War Mammoths gets them reduced. I'm also curious how soon they'll be available, & if I can get a free unit considering I acquired more than enough for a large herd.
Whenever you can post again, we can still go after your objectives here during this raid.
I'm here, was waiting for a reply or a result of >>6022962

I usually try and look for an update to my ungors by Ctrl+F "Magor" or "Ungor" or what have you, uhh, if Lanu gave me an update I missed it lemme look again
stats of wild mammoths were damage 1, movement 3 and 6 HP. they will cost 40 Loot to recruit i think.

no idea about availability right away though.
"What are you mumblinging about?" Narvoch asks.
He doesn't respond.
A firm shake of the shoulder gets him going.
"The dead." He replies. "The long dead."
"Which ones. There are a lot of long dead."
"Aponnians." He whispers leaning in.
"Never heard of them." Narvoch says plainly.
"Troll country. Were there long before the trolls."
"And why have they caught your attention?"
"I was with a company of Ungols, patrolling, as normal. We got attacked by Norscans. Got bloodied, went west to hide. Found we would do best in some ruins." He pauses, stares into his mug and then downs it.
"Go on." Narvoch says.
"Well, they found us. Entered the ruins before we could act. Just as it was about to start, a undead with a golden cleaver-sword appeared. A next moment, fifty of them were there. The Norse charged them, the damn fools. We tried running away, but found we were encircled by them on all sides. Took us three charges to get out, and maybe ten of us made it out." He swings his mug again. "Thank god it was night, otherwise I'd have seen more of how we got butchered."
Narvoch thinks a bit. "Gold? Cleaver swords?"
"Plenty of gold there. All the undead wore gold. Their weapons were of gold too. All of it cursed, I'd wager. Why else would the dead be up?"
"You destroy the living monument, you get the wealth of the Blood-spring clan." Vigi says, his voice doing no service in identifying much about him.
"And care you elaborate why?"
Vigi's face tightens a bit. "No. And it is better if you do not know."
You know it is not good to prod too much.
I said a bonus, I mean a bonus. A further +1 D.
As a visitor to the ravaged lands, especially ones he helped ravage, Hangar's reception is far form a warm one by the majority of the remaining habitants, the Kislevites nested in the hills. Yet, the Dolgan settlers are more receptive and eventually, a interesting individual is found to entertain Hangar:
>A reanimated corpse pile that arose from the battlefields
>A utterly traumatized and mutilated greenskin speaking of southern horrors
>A Kislevite explorer asking for funding for his wanderings of the mountains
War mammoths would be D2, M3, H6 and immediately available at mammoth cub determined price.
I'm not sure what village you mean Magor, as unless you're going after dwarven holds, you have nothing else to plunder on this map.
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The charge at the Fimir fort goes well enough, with the exception of a vicious charge that leaves dozens of knights dead, their bodies broken on the floor.
However, Orokia speaks "I can communicate with them. If you don't kill them all. It's up to you."
(HP 2, D 2, M 2, special power, can move across streams and rivers and treat them at combat over hills).
As for Chamon Dharek, I'll write that up later.
ah nice. damage 4 is gonna be huge. saved for the most important of moments. like taking Throggs head. or burning Fort Ostorok.
so yeah. with that bonus. Mulrog is probably more a half giant by now with an Axe to match.
Can I still loot their settlement if I swear them to my service as well? If so, I allow the sorcerer to communicate. I want the eyes of their dead sorcerers though.

Will I get a free Mammoth Unit out of raising so large of a herd?
"You honour me with such a prize taken, Mulrog." Hangar's gaze rises high into the face of the giant warrior; the blessings of the gods clear and evident within his swollen frame. He takes the seawyrm's tooth blade in his hand and moves, tasting the weight of the weapon in his hand. "It will send many to the gods."

He turns, and barks his command to a Dolgan attendant who steps momentarily from the chamber; returning beneath the weight of an enormous Wolf-fur cloak which he holds up for Mulrog; many dozens of Wolf-hides stitched together and bound with clasps and fasters of Zharr-Steel, together with a rack for Mulrog to mount any trophies of chosen worth upon.

"The bones of the Hogobla left nothing as impressive as the great tooth to craft from, yet with the quantity of their mounts slain, there was also a quality within that we could harness. It is a gift offered freely, but I will take no offense at whatever fate it is passed to."

He waits a moment, studying Mulrog to see if his gift will be taken or turned aside.

"When we ride for Ostorok, I would be honoured to have you on my flank. With the might of Mulrog, we shall have no need to a ram to breach the gate!"

>A reanimated corpse pile that arose from the battlefields

The slaughtered sent back from their piles of raised skulls by Khorne to fight again? The honoured bodies that his warriors had left to rot beneath the mounds raised to Nieglin, returned to spread his gifts? Or perhaps merely some whim of Tchar to change the fate of this mound of souls? Whichever, this is not something that the gods would have him ignore... not to mention if not met and dealt with, the thing will be leaking corpse-juices all across Ivan's new-wrought halls...
Hah! I appreciate the consideration!
Also, we're of one-mind when it comes to the dire wolves. You still never wrote back whether or not you burned the greenskin corpses.
I actually had that idea as a gift for Mulrog too funnily enough, thinking that you had left the corpses to rot.

["First, a gift befitting one of your stature." A vast coat was carried out, held aloft by several slaves, looking more the size of a small tent than a man's garb. A great many pelts of direwolves ridden by the Hobgoblins of Khanzaria were sewn together into the grand tunic. "A cloak to warm you upon the steppe & sea, wherever your reaving takes you."]

I'll think up something else for a gift at the feast.
Did anything happen with Korthak's retirement?
Ah, I meant the Beastmen Villages. Have they all surrendered/been taken?
btw Ivan when you meant "my objectives" what did you refer to specifically? If I've gotten all the beastmen locations here in the region, I'll want to consider where to move next.
Weren't you after trolls?
Yup! I absolutely was.

I'm going to check with Lanu if I can go ahead and sail towards the nearest ally whose making their way towards the trolls. Ideally I'd want to check if subduing the beastmen on the place I'm at now nets any sort of loot or not.
Pretty sure the only two people that currently have missions leading to conflict woth Throgg is maybe Korthak and definetly mulrog. Korthak in Baersonling Lands and mulrog in the eastern steppes.
"I accept your gift Zar Hangar. It shall be added to the cloak of this Alpha Skinwolf i slew to subjugate his pack" Mulrog replies, lifting the cloak up as if it was a bundle of light cloth.

"As for Ostorok. I have raised a vast host of the Warriors of the Baersonlings and these Skinwolves cross hills like the Breath of the Gods. They shall be most useful when assaulting the garrisson while we slaughter the enemies outriders foolish enough to stand against the Kurgans in their natural territory" he concluded.

when their time together came to an end Mulrog offered his best wishes of fortune upon Hangar before mentioning that if the Warlord found any somewhat trustworthy witches or sorcerers. Mulrog wouldnt be adverse to taking them off his hands since he was looking for someone to help interpret the signs and messages of the gods. Even with his blessings those message had become no clearer to him.

its why i chose the little shaman. probably the closest Mulrog will be able to stand on a regular basis.


nice idea. not sure if Mulrog will be there for the feast since he is continuing on to Kul Lands pretty soon.
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Alright, I think I'll return to the lands of the Aghol / Hung in order to claim the rewards of the tribe's gratitude for clearing the Aesling coast. I might even donate some supplies (loot) in order to help the resettlement process for them.

I also look forward to the chance to see that Druchii slaver again. I have plenty of wealth to spend on captives this time, and it'd align well with the impending attack on Ostrosk.

Shame that I won't get to recruit mammoths this winter, but there's always next year.

Don't worry, I fully intend to split whatever the reward is.

Oh right, Krantagarh
I spoke earlier about your compensation for clearing the skinwolves... After retiring for the season, I can now officially send you what I promised.
5 loot is sent, that way Krantagarh and Huffud were given the same amount
So, 52 - 5 leaves me at 47 loot.
>Can I still loot their settlement if I swear them to my service as well?
No, it's a either or, either loot their settlement or get them as a recruitable unit.
>Will I get a free Mammoth Unit out of raising so large of a herd?
No. You can sell the excess mammoth cubs and put that money into buying a new mammoth.
"Who are you, raised by Kharneth to fight again or by Tchar as a whim of fate?" Hangar asks. "And what do you seek from a Zar?"
"I am Widowmaker. Whom I have been created under the eye of, I know not, nor care not." The hulking corpse pile says from a multitude of it's heads. "And I seek a lord of Chaos to serve under. Will you take me or will I look for a better lord?"
Where did you retire to?
On this map, yes.
If you retire to here (I'll call it northeast Norsca) It allows you to get either two ungors or a gor per season you retire to them. Also Ungors can be sold as slaves for 5 loot a piece.
Alright, I'll allow the Fimir to serve me. I take it they'll be sending warriors from their river-crags while maintaining their homes there. What do my knights find at Chamon Dharek?
Would you mind clarifying what you meant here about their movement rules?
The Chamon Dharek is as much of a wonder as you've imagined. Approaching the burial mound, you very quickly find yourself drawn in by a tall, roaring flame centered at the top of the mound, its blue, green and white hues seeming to rise to the heavens in unnaturally tall and twisting spires. Approaching it, you see a crown of stone pillars and stelae on the mound and a circle of horsemen standing deathly still, yet you dare not draw your weapons as you approach the sacred mound. It is good that you do not, as the horsemen soon turn out to be mummified, standing still and undamaged by the weather, despite the raging storms. The magic of the dark lords, you presume. As you climb the mound, you see a small collection of buildings, barns and houses on the other side of it and are quickly greeted by a collection of warrior priests and their sisters and mothers.
"Warrior." One of the priests speaks, his head unnaturally long and thin. "Welcome to Chamon Dharek."
The warriors are lodged in sturdy and comfortable lodging, are served by the women and are fed great meat. "Tell your warlord he is welcome here and that he may find it good to rest here."
By the time the chaos knights rest and prepare to leave, one of them choses to stay, saying "It is my place here. I will stay to guard this place. I will join the mummies."
For movement, they treat streams and rivers like flat terrain (can move across them without losing movement points), however, if caught in combat while crossing streams or rivers, they treat it like combat where one of the combatants is on a hill (infantry has higher initiative than cavalry).
Pretty sure dou wont be getting any eyes from them thoughm they only habe ones and their singular witch Queen probably wont give hers away
Rue'Vahn's retirement to Hung lands is immediately celebrated, not just by his kinsmen, but by others seeking to move southwards aswell. As is custom, beast-meat roasted on fish fat is served along with alcoholic drinks made of beast milk and blood complimented by southern alcohol. Yet, the topic of southern incursion is present on everyone's minds. The Hung buzz in activity, collecting their possessions and waiting to push southwards, yet they do not let it harm your relaxation and debauchery. A single figure dares approach you:
>A Druchii slaver, a tall, slender figure you cannot place the sex of until he speaks. "I seek slaves warlord of the dark prince. And I seek them in the troll bay. You shall be compensated in elven craftsmanship."
>A estalian scholar, a dark skinned, two headed man. "I heard of your deeds. I am interested in crafting beasts."
>An elf, towering high above you, clad in white plate. You can tell he has things of import to tell you and you can see he has handsomely bribed your guard just to get to speak to you.
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Moving along to see what awaits me further afield.

I have the slain Dirach/Balefiends' eyes harvested & preserved, while the Sarl Shaman tells their queen that I will require their greatest warrior & sorcerer still living to accompany me. As for the Sarl, I offer him a place at my court.
I retired to Baersonling lands, although I admit, I was very tempted to attempt the Chaos Wastes
I choose
>A Druchii slaver, a tall, slender figure you cannot place the sex of until he speaks. "I seek slaves warlord of the dark prince. And I seek them in the troll bay. You shall be compensated in elven craftsmanship."

The elf in heavy plate intrigues me, but he’ll have to wait until next time. The Druchii have always been allies to Loesh, so helping them is certainly going to please Rue’Vahns patron god. What’s more, establishing trade with Naggarond might be a valuable asset to the assorted warlords, similar to Hangar’s interactions with the Dawi Zharr.
If we impress them, perhaps the Witch King might even invite us (admittedly, as cannon fodder) to his next invasion of Ulthuan.

Rue’Vahn will ask the slaver for details on the craftsmanship. Is it armor or is it weapons? Is it for infantry, cavalry, or both? Those sorts of questions.
The burning head retires his host to Baersonling lands and, as usual, the former dregs are welcomed with celebration that returning warriors always merit in Norsca. And as usual, the winter is spent in intrigue and chatter, where the hollow burning eyes lay their gaze upon:
>Tofa, a middle aged blonde woman of immense beauty and a master smith, asking you for dwarven metal (gain at least 50 loot from the dwarves) so she could practice her craft with the dwarven metals (provide a +2D +2H -2M to any unit you wish).
>Sigfus, a older norscan warrior, offering his warbands services in exchange for helping him settle his host on the coast of the sea of claws.
>A nameless old warrior, long past his prime, barely standing and asking to be sacrificed at the gates of Kislev.
The Druchii speaks with the sadistic glee only his kind can deliver. "You shall be paid in elven make for each unfortunate soul you deliver to us."
"And what is this craftsmanship in?" Rue'Vahn asks.
"Helmets and cheastplates and shields and weapons." (Transforms Hung savages to chaos warriors)
"And armour for horsemen?" Rue asks.
The Druchii looks at you and smirks. "No." He says flatly. "Tho, if you serve me well enough and get me enough slaves, I have a sister you might like."
As Rue'Vahn starts contemplating his next campaign over the following days, a bladestroke outside of his tent alerts him, and the sound of two bodies hitting the floor even more. When, in the next moment, a elf clad in white plate steps through the tent flaps, standing at some three meters, and pointing his sword towards him, tip entering the skin on his throat, Rue'Vahn's heart skips a beat.
A moment later, the elf sheath's his sword. "It is in your interest to not let Ostrosk fall." He says plainly.
"Why, you'll kill me?" He asks, eyeing his axe.
"Your employer will. And he'll kill your tribe aswell. And everyone you know of."
"And what am I supposed to do? Talk everyone else out of striking at Ostrosk?" Rue asks.
"Kill them if needs be. I'll compensate you if you stop them from striking at Ostrosk." The elf says as he peeks outside of the tent. "Your manticore's weight in gemstones (150 loot). Strike at your employer, not at Ostrosk. Do not let Ostrosk fall and do not rescue that witch's sister." And with that, he lunges his blade into a warrior passing outside and sprints outside. A few moments later a shriek of pain. By the time you exit your tent with your axe in your hand, he is outside of the camp on his horse.

I think we might need to have a serious talk about all these ominous warnings we are getting. Convincing mulrog probably wont be too difficult. He mistrusts witches anyway
Pretty sure we wold have mostly burned their corpses, there's little else to use as firewood out on the plains. Though we may not have been as thorough as Ivan might have wanted; the Piles of Skulls were probably left raw and bloodied...

"Sometimes the gods do not care themselves. Sometimes they find the issue of lethal import. And which is their whim, we cannot know until their wills stands revealed." Hangar eyes the strange, amalgamated pile of a warrior. "If you shall serve me loyally; then I shall accept your bonds of service, Widowmaker. Zar Ivan's men hold regular fights between prisoners, slaves and caged beasts upon the outcropping; I would have you enter the next of these exhibitions, so that I might see a demonstration of your prowess, to better understand how to use you; and the Warriors watching shall no doubt receive a show in spectacle."
I’m willing to listen, but so far, no one else has told Rue’Vahn about any of the other ill omens. This elf is the first he’s hearing of this.

If possible, I’d like to consult the Aghol tribe’s shamans and/or priests, and ask them how does Slannesh in particular feel?
Not just about this Ostrosk business (although that is important), but about Rue’Vahns actions and behavior in general. Is he doing a good job and making his god proud?
I’m not trying to get any mechanical advantage here, just some extra lore stuff
so far only Ivan has heard anything related to that prophecy. and his pet sorcerer got murked by something when he tried to dig deeper.

and i dont think he has told anyone else yet
Great. I shall retire then, for now.

I'm going to retire and recoup some of my losses, let me know how soon you think the Ungors should march to either of your aid. I wish to help you reach Throgg, so that I may recruit Trolls one day.
well. probably after Ostorok has fallen. or maybe even.... if Rue/Ivan can convince me enough even before that. killing some Greenskins sounds like good fun after all.
That's the big topic we'll be covering at the feast beyond pleasantries, gifts, & sidequests.
so its gonna be an invitation and Feast before the next raid starts?

basically on the way from Kul Lands to Kislev for Mulrog.
That's the idea. Once I'm done raiding & everyone finishes recruitment & sidequest NPC encounters, as long as Lanu doesn't have a problem with it.
Troll Country west? I suppose I will not get a more accurate location from this wreck of a man. I will speak to no one of this for now, not even my own men, until it is time to use this information in the raid season after the next one.
I have not heard of this Blood-spring clan before. Is there anything more I can learn about them?
But better if I do not know?
There is no such thing as knowledge better left unknown. The Raven God would surely forsake me if I ever flinched in fear of acquiring more. Vigi may be unwilling to tell me more, but there will be other ways to learn what I want, once I am able to study this monolith free from distractions. If there is power there, then it shall be mine.

In the meantime, time to recruit
>1 unit of Skinwolves
>2 units of Berserkers
>Loot: 44->0

>Narvoch's Warband:
1 Chaos Warrior
2 Skinwolves
2 Berserkers
1 Thrall

And while we're in the off-season:
Narvoch's growing pack of skinwolves stood eerily still and silent, staring their master with vacant eyes as he alone approached the High Hall of Urslo. The band of Chaos Warriors he had been granted as his retinue were likewise left behind. It had been some time since the new King of the Baersonlings, the people considered his own by the boy Narvoch had once been, crowned himself in the blood of his family. The King's Hall was now immaculate. No sight of the fight for the throne remained, King Sjur had made sure of that.

Narvoch had learned that the former king had been impaled and left to rot outside, but no trace of his corpse remained either. The carrion eaters had long feasted on his flesh. Dark birds watched him from the roof of the Hall. Ravens, not crows, he noted. It could be difficult to tell them apart for the uninformed.

He entered the Hall standing tall and steady. His warped wooden staff thudded with every step. A malevolent light came from the red gemstone at its top and made it difficult for others to look at. His face was completely obscured by a Raven mask that did not let even a glimpse of what lay hidden beneath through. Nor was any other feature of his visible. His leather gloves and boots, his luscious robes adorned with arcane symbols covered every inch of his flesh. His voice was muffled by that same mask, lending it a touch of the otherworldly. Or perhaps the voice itself came from a now otherworldly mouth? It would be impossible to tell without removing the mask and that would be painful for the one who attempted it.

He bowed deeply and respectfully, though not slavishly, in front of the King. He had to strike a delicate balance here. To interfere with another's puppet was a dangerous game, yet one so potentially rewarding, if a deft hand could seize the puppet's strings from their current holder.

"Greetings Sjur, King of the Baersonlings. I have come to pay my respects to the one who ascended by his own hand. The manner of your ascension marks you as a man close to the tenets of the Great Schemer. Your cunning and your strength were rewarded and will be rewarded further still should your ambition not dull by what you have already accomplished. Raising to ever greater heights, or being supplanted by those who do and cast down. Such is the Fate decreed by its Architect to all in this world.

And I have come to offer you my meager services. Should you require something of me, please, do not hesitate to ask."

Narvoch was keenly aware of his current position. He could not claim to be the first Sorcerer the new King of the Baersonlings had dealt with, or the most influential. Nor could he claim to be the most powerful. Sarrick Whisperwind held claim to that.

For now.

After his meeting with the King, Narvoch will seek out Korthak in the Baersonling lands, to discuss future plans and opportunities.
Give me a d100, I'll roll a d100 on my own. Depending on how close they are, you'll get a response.
Magor's retirement to the recently captured forests is a delicate thing, at least as far as his hosts and the shamans are concerned. For him and his ungortide, it was a thing of simple pleasure and violence. While the hosts tried to appease their new overlord and while the shamans delicately touched the winds, his warriors would take what they wanted. And what Magor wanted, he got. Until a plea reached him:
>A call to conquer to the south, to plunder the dwarven holds of Ravnvake, where the riches lay.
>A call to conquer west, to set flame to Kraka Drak, the dwarven jewel of the north.
>A call to conquer along the coast and to take the Aesling women.
If you want to snoop along the sagas, legends, obelisks, stelae, monoliths and carvings, you too can give me a d100.
Sjur stays silent for a moment. "If I find need of your services, you shall be contacted."
Widowmaker gurgles, and you would sware the gurgling sounded irritated. By the time of the next clash, he has entered the arena. When he is ordered in, you see him, the giant bulk of corpses, move forwards and break limbs of himself over his enemy, leaving pulpy messes of limbs both of himself and of his foe. By the fifth fight in a row he wins, he is called out and leaves the butchers pit
So… no chaos warriors reward?
Rolled 54 (1d100)

I forgot. Yes, there is a chaos warrior reward.
Roxana arrives. "You've butchered them well." She says. "You haven't killed all of them, yes, but you killed a lot of them. We'll put in with you, as promised."
Huffund, as usual, with her her of minotaurs and her interest in grazing, attracts attention, this time from:
>A bovigor of miniscule stature for his kind, but clad in chaos plate and with mechanical arms, wielding a great gun.
>Bindo, a Tileian man with three eyes in his right eyesocket, his robes tattered and torn by his long journey up north.
>A Tong warrior cautiously observing the minotaur herd. He seems poised for a fight more than anything.
Your investigation into the Bloodspring tribe eventually connects it to some older sagas of a tribe that died to the last and butchered so many foes it eventually caused a river of blood to spring up. Yet, the tribe that is described in that saga, the Gorehunt, had died out some four hundred years ago, and in Araby no less. Maybe Vigi's ancestor was a child of rape that lived? Not that it mattered much, the monolith would be connected to the Gorehunt tribe, either erected by it, if Vigi felt shame or hatered, or for a victory against it, if he felt pride and duty.
Lanu. I am pretty sure Kranthigar also retired to the wastes to recruite more minotaurs.
I have also retired and not had my event yet. Given that Ivan is still in field though, I guess there's no rush.

Also, as I've returned with the mammoths requested, I assume these are now available for recruitment this off-season? You already mentioned that they would cost 40 loot in Hung lands somewhere in the thread, but could you confirm if they have the same stats as the wild herds (M3 D1 H6, if I remember right)?

Sorry I’ve been very busy lately.

Yes I would like to retire to Beastman wastes.

I don’t know exactly how much loot I have but I’m pretty sure I picked up ~60 loot between the dwarven hold I knocked off and my share of the Hellpit loot.

So I’d like to hire two units of Minotaurs.

P.s. can I hitch a ride on someone’s boats for the Kislevite forest deep strike next raid?
mammoth stats confirmed today here >>6026691
you can probably catch a ride with some of my norscan units.
I read that post as well. Not sure if I'm blind or just retarded. Thanks.
Once everyone has decided upon their interim choices, recruited their new units, and the winter starts coming to an end, are we all meeting at Ivan's fortress to draft up invasion plans and decide upon whether or not we betray Lanu or continue as planned towards Ostrosk?

Rue'Vahn will openly tell the other warlords that he has been offered more wealth to not attack it than the 90 loot that we were originally promised.
well i will have to pass through the pass anyway to get to Kislev. so he will probably invite me in then.

Why not betray your quest giver and then sack Ostrosk anyways?
Where'd you retire off to?
I'll try to write one tonight.
Hung Wastes. Had to take my mammoths back after all.

I can also take a pass for a post-raid quest if you’re swamped, you’re already juggling quite a bit here…

Krantigarh would be perfectly happy feasting on ungor and boozing all winter until the Kislev deep strike
>Sigfus, a older norscan warrior, offering his warbands services in exchange for helping him settle his host on the coast of the sea of claws.
War. It is a simple thing, a bloody thing. Above all, a beautiful thing. There's a catharsis to carnage that can be found nowhere else. If this Sigfus would fight with me, my blade will be his!
Actually, I’d like to retire to the bearsonling lands! If that’s okay
Lanu, thanks for all your efforts thus far. At the moment, I seem to be the only one still raiding. I did tell everyone I was taking my time with this one to be fair, & there are a few Kislevite outposts & what looks to be a troll den that have caught my eye.

All I need now are brief intros for my henchmen: I'm thinking two Melnibbas (Court-Sorcerer & Lord-Captain/Tax Collector), three Fimir subordinates (Dirach Balefiend, Fianna Fimm Bodyguard/Chief Warrior, & the Meargh Hag-Queen of the tribe that will remain here), & the Norscan Styrsman/Navigator who's already been mentioned, but if you have other ideas by all means. All of these can wait though (as can my free mammoth unit, I just need one, I'll pay you back I swear)
Also a survivor of Torchak's band, whom I've been assuming must have been a Tahmak.
>Betray the guy who snuck into my camp, effortlessly killed my bodyguards, and could have easily killed me if he felt like it
I’m sure that’d go real well.
More importantly, he’s saying that the hirer is going to kill me and my entire tribe if Ostrosk falls, so I’m not exactly keen on taking any chances.
¿Por que no los dos muertes?

Forgive my poor grasp of Estalian.

Point taken, but here’s a counterpoint - will he risk a war with the eight swinging dicks who just stole his money and then knocked over Ostrosk anyways like absolute chads?
Okay that’s actually a good counterpoint, but like, what do we do if he was right and the hirer suddenly betrays us and kicks our asses?
We can hash out details at the feast, but off the top of my helm & totally out of character:
>Find Elf lurking, tell him to meet us at Mt. Dûm
>Raid Ostrosk
>Lead Chains for the Prisoner (so she can't weave)
>Deliver to Mount Dûm
>Get payed by the Crone
>Lead crossbow bolts
>Get payed again by the Elf
>Sacrifice all 3 to the 4
>Drinks back at my castle
>Raid Kislev

Honestly I think betraying the quest giver is just a fun thing to do and would be in character for a bunch of sociopathic chaos lords, even if we all die later.
A possible alternative is that we don't outright "betray" the bird beak

We could probably just let her know that are now declining the job offer.
It's not like she paid us in advance or that we swore some kind of oath to her.
She just said "if you bring me back my imprisoned sister, then I will give you 90 loot". So as far as I understand it, we could just go "no thanks, we're good" and it wouldn't be double crossing her.
We get 150 loot without making any enemies.


If we still want to sack Ostrosk anyways and ignore the warnings, we could also go to Lanu and tell her that someone made us a better offer, and ask her to match it. She's powerful and wealthy, so surely she can cough up an extra 60 loot. Maybe we could even get some answers out of her while we're there.
I could beseech Khorne for a Brass Collar. If she tries to weave magic her head would probably just explode into a fountain of blood.

Tryong to get some more information would be very useful.

And have you rolled your d100 like Lanu asked here >>6027466 ?
Also i wont be availabe for most of the day and maybe the weekend. Got a long drive to go on
Rolled 88 (1d100)

I completely missed that. Didn't even see it until you pointed it out.

Here's my roll. Sorry for the late response
Rolled 34 (1d100)

khorne might not send you no visions but those that taunt you. maybe he will grant me visions as well XD

rolling for a Joke here.
Sure. No Roxana then.
Huffud's herd is welcomed into Baersonling lands with reservation beastmen ought to be treated with. Yet, as the loot wagons are pulled, interest overtakes reservation and celebration, as is only normal in the norsemen society takes place.
>Tofa, a middle aged blonde woman of immense beauty and a master smith, asking you for dwarven metal (gain at least 50 loot from the dwarves) so she could practice her craft with the dwarven metals (provide a +2D +2H -2M to any unit you wish).
>A mutant from the north, hooded in blue robes and with a raven's beak protruding from the face.
>A nameless old warrior, long past his prime, barely standing and asking to be sacrificed at the gates of Kislev.

Krantagarh's minotaur horde is welcomed with great excitement to the great northern herds as sleds filled with plunder are pulled by slaves as far as the horizon, escorted by a small army of minotaurs. Orgies, duels, arenas, feasts, it all comes together in a pool of debauchery that is long remembered. And as is custom, speakers are brought before the warlord to plead for their wishes:
>A bovigor of miniscule stature for his kind, but clad in chaos plate and with mechanical arms, wielding a great gun.
>Bindo, a Tileian man with three eyes in his right eyesocket, his robes tattered and torn by his long journey up north.
>A Tong warrior cautiously observing the minotaur herd. He seems poised for a fight more than anything.

The conversation between the two warlords is a simple and quick one. The troop numbers are inquired, the quality and equipment, the wargoals, all in all, within a fifteen minute timespan, just over a thousand huscarls (3 units) have said they would swear their swords to Korthak if he would swear to clear the coast of the troll country from all other settlements so they could muscle in.

I'll try and get this during the day.

The shamans say that you should kill the birdbeak, as she has displeased the she who thirsts. And that the elf should also get killed, or at least ravaged. And that you should fuck and kill everyone at Ostrosk too.

But Mulrog, does Mulrog get visions. Of himself betraying the Beaked witch of Dum and then getting impaled, as he did with many of his slaves, except, on his legs, pulling down, are 4 disciples, one of each of the gods.

Have fun(?) and drive responsibly.
You got it boss! Punish the bird, punish the elf, and punish the Kislevites. Right away!

Although, just to be clear…
>”And that you should fuck and kill everyone at Ostrosk too”
Does Loesh want ME to do all the raping, or is it fine if my men handle that?
Rue’Vahn has an all-consuming obsession, but it’s with one being in particular. For most Slannesh worshippers that person would be themselves, delving to unimaginable depths of narcissism (kinda like Sigvald the Magnificent). In this case however, the entity in question is his spouse. Pampering her, showering her in gifts, brushing her mane until it shines like a mirror, and treating her as the perfect muse; like beauty incarnate.
To ntr her by personally raping all the kislevites would feel wrong. Like trying to break an addiction.
Hangar watches from a rise above the crowd as the battles resolve, holding himself stoic as he observes Widowmaker's performance.

(Can he observe the stats/ abilities that this thing has?)

I mean, that guy's a High Elf. Using the riches of Ulthuan to sow dissent and cross our purposes to suit the will of his kingdom might perhaps mean that his purpose is not necessarily in line with our goals or those of the powers we worship?
That lines up with what the shamans said. I believe them because everything they said is exactly what I’d expect Slannesh to say.

The hirer might be an enemy, but so is the elf. The god(s) want both punished.
The beaked one is a mystery, but the elf is opposed to chaos even if the infighting he desires is actually what aligns with the will of the gods by pure coincidence.

Tl;dr the elf wants us to fight the hirer because he thinks we’ll lose. The god(s) want us to fight the hirer because they think we’ll win
>(Can he observe the stats/ abilities that this thing has?)
Widowmaker is a +2HP to any unit he's assigned to.

>A bovigor of miniscule stature for his kind, but clad in chaos plate and with mechanical arms, wielding a great gun.

Alright, let’s see what Tiny wants
I am driving responsably.

And those dreams. Probably for when i would attempt it alone. Sent by a sorceress fearful for her life...

It will probably have to be a concerted effort in overthrowing her. True Chaos Undivided
Well, I have all the dwarven loot from earlier… does that mean I can just pay for the armor?

I’d like to keep it, so I can armor the chaos warriors late
Cuz if I can’t, I’m sticking to the beastmen lands
>A call to conquer along the coast and to take the Aesling women.
Magor is no Ghorros Warhoof, but fancies there is nothing wrong in following the legended Centigor's cloven footsteps. He has raised many fine sons, whether from recent captive gor and ungor doe's, or his Hung madwoman whom he has grown fond of. However, he is concerned about this last part.

To grow fond is to become satisfied. And complacent satisfaction is a sin in the eyes of the Serpent.

His tribe is ill suited for war against the Dwarfs anyway, their narrow passes, their mountain strongholds are not so easily taken by numbers and hordes.

(According to >>6022623 do I really only have 4 Ungors and 5 Thralls left? Oof. And I don't know if I've taken any loot at all. I should have 2 more Ungors from the current retirement yes? Just trying to keep track of what I have and who I have.)
You lent me 2 Thralls with ships, so those are coming back to you at the end of my raid, along with some compensation.
Pretty sure you got at least 20 loot from one village guarded by Gors.
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Ivan watches as Chebelech, a tall and powerful Melnibonean sorcerer draped in golden cloth and with a cresent topped staff enters in to his tent, followed by a trio of Fimir, first Vorrox, the hulking warrior brute, then Gokzoxa, the Hag Queen and finally Duzzug, a mage, with another Melnibonean, a champion-captain, Arioyin, clad in the black and gold armour of his kind, behind them and a Tahmak, wrapped in fine furs and wielding a long handled metal axe named Ykthuk.
"What do you need us for chief?" Ykthuk asks.
Ah, great!

If that's true, I'll buy 4 more Ungors too
Depleted knights return to the ships, all of which consolidate & moor at the shore of Chamon Dharek.

The rest continue to march inland.

"Bog-Queen Gokzoxa, I offer you a choice. You may resettle your clan within my lands by way of my ships, & be beholden to the laws of my realm; your raids would have to be launched beyond my borders, & I would take my due from among your captives, but your den would not be assailed. If you wish it, you may instead remain here, & send warriors & shaman to my domain in the Wheatlands to join my raids each season, though if enough cannot make the journey through treacherous lands I will require more of your tribe with all haste."

"Chebelech, highest among the Dragon Sorcerers, & Mist-Mage Duzzug, you shall accompany me further as we conclude our raids for the season. Together with the Sarl Shaman Orokia you will prepare sacrifices from among the captives for our pilgrimage to Chamon Dharek when our time here comes to a close, & then you shall attend my court going forward."

"Lord-Captain Arioyin, you are the leader of your people now under my throne, yes? You shall return to the ships along with my knights & be sure that all of your kind have been safely brought to my lands, to settle in the southern hills. Once your homes are built anew, you shall be Tribute-Taker of my court."

"Ykthuk of the Tahmak, you are a survivor of the fallen Zar Torchak as I understand it. When we return to the Wheatlands you will lead me to his corpse so that I may claim his skull & inter his body beneath a tumulus of stones. Wise or foolish, one of the Kurgan deserves at least as much."

"Where is my navigator?"
"Vorrox, you will serve as my personal guard."
Looking at the wikis there aren't many concise pantheon listings with the names each group refers to the Chaos Gods with, thus:

Beastmen Pantheon
-Morghur (The Great Prophet)
A case could be made for The Great Horned Rat or perhaps even Kweethul Gristlegut among certain warherds IMO.
I also prefer the totemic/animist names for the Beastmen personally.

Hung Pantheon
-Chen the Deceiver
Nurgle & Khorne are said to usually be the most important.

Kurgan Pantheon
-The Great Kurgan

If anyone knows the names used by the Tong or the other two for the Hung I'm all ears.
Oh shit, is Shaarnor the Hung name for Slannesh?
Dang, I've been using the wrong one this whole time bc 1d4chan told me that the Hung also use Loesh
Could be interchangeable, I'm not entirely sure. 1d4chan is kill btw
Just saw my post didn't go through.
They will be welcomed back and I hope they have served you well!
Oh wait, I forgot to double check; the migration effort was a success?
If so, what does the reward look like? If it’s more troops then I’ll need to start planning how to allocate it so that Mulrog and Sarrick get their fair share.
I wouldn't worry about the difference between Shaarnor and Loesh. Kurgan and Hung are massive, overarching terms used by people elsewhere, similar to real world European or Asian. No one calls themself a Kurgan, they call themselves a Torchak or a Kvellig. These are very loose groupings of tribes spread across thousands of miles. Distant tribes within one grouping likely couldn't even understand each other, let alone share the same names for things. There is also no hard line between the two, they more gradually fade one into the other, which is apparent with the name of the tribes, going from European sounding Hastlings and Dolgan next to Norsca across to the more Asian sounding Yusak and Khazags bordering the Hung.

Also I'd contest Nurgle and Khorne being primary among the Hung. Morathi has spent centuries promoting Slaanesh among them (reasons why unclear), so definitely for the Hung north of Naggaroth Slaanesh is now the primary deity. Among those closer to Cathay it may be different. I might argue the fact you can only find specific Hung names for Slannesh and Tzeentch is itself a hint already.

For the Tong they live extremely far north on the edges of what can be considered reality. Exposed as they are to pure Chaos, I suspect they might use the Chaos Gods 'true' names.
Fair points, although the Hung do recognize other tribes as belonging to their overall race as I understand it, & the Kurgan as I'm RPing them are loyal only to their tribe but do recognize others' descent from the Great Kurgan as well as the pre-Kurgan Scythans from which stemmed the Gospodar & perhaps other Old Worlders. The Tong are stated to be throughly miscengenated besides the Tsavags, with some Kurgan, Hung, & even Beastman tribes.

Good news by the way, it seems that 1d6chan archived most of 1d4chan
The shaman shrugs. "I told you what I was told."

The shaman navigator acts as an interpreter translates your words to the fimir.
"Gokzoxa says her clan would never endure such a long migration across such lands and away from the bogs the fimir can live in and that her numbers are far from great enough to net you enough warriors. She offers you refuge should you ever need it, quarters to winter in and her soldiers for hire."

Chebelech, Orokia, Vorrox and Arioyin seem to accept their roles without much deliberation, while Ykthuk wows to lead your company to the vicinity of Dum, where the skull of the fallen Zar is.

"What do you need?" Orokia steps up.

Yep, give me a d6 for a number of Hung savages and a d3 for a number of chaos warriors that flock to your banners. A major ofshoot of the Aghol tribe is now settled in Ejsgard, between Aeslings, which were busy getting their teeth kicked in and Vargs, which failed to combat the Hung warbands.

Your forces are currently 4 ungors and 5 thralls, which will rise to 8 ungors ( >>6028444 ) and 7 thralls and 1 minotaur.

Oh shit yeah, I'll type this up. Good call.

I'll swear to clear the coast of Troll country, and some more besides. So long as they fight for me against the Kislevites and then to prop up the old king, it makes no difference if I should please Kharneth with the blood of monsters or of men.

I'll plan out my troop recruitment soon, there's a lot to take into consideration. Thank you for running, Lanu!
"A solid performance, Widowmaker. Can you mount a horse? My riders are well-named; though perhaps with your abundance of limbs you might undulate yourself as do the Centigors of the beast-herds."
For the next raid, you have 3 extra units of Huscarls.
You look at the mass of flesh as it composes it's answer. "A chariot with four horses can drag me fast enough to keep up with your warriors." The Widowmaker grumbles.
Roxana approaches Huffud, Tofa a few steps behind her. "Huffud, Tofa." She says, presenting the two of other females to eachother, then, seeing the uncaring cow drinking from the stream, decides to continue. "Tofa could do quite some smithing, and my warriors could use the additional arms and armour."
Huffud moo's.
Roxana thinks a bit, then speaks. "I'll help myself to it, if you don't mind."
"Warlord!" The bovigor speaks. "I come offering services. I know the fire-dwarven methods of smithing. If I am helped, I can arm and armour your warriors, but I require forges and mines."
Kran's eyes focus. "And which forges and mines do you require?"
"Those of a dwarven hold. Either the western or the fire-dwarven kind. I can make chaos plate and weapons, not as well as them, but better than you have now."
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I thought I was waiting on Lanu & realized I just never posted movement, my apologies.

Keeping the advance going towards what I assume is a troll den on the edge of the map.

"Gokzoxa, I will accept as much so long as your Fimir that fight for me carry your enchanted banners that bring forth impenetrable mists." (+Initiative &/or Map Anti-Detection Distance around Fimir Unit)

"Orokia, I was asking for the Norscan warrior who told me of where to find Ormfell, but no matter. Between yourself, the Fimir Dirach, & the Melnibonean Dragon-Sorcerer I require preparation for sacrifices at Chamon Dharek, but I also need a more direct application of the Winds from you. Once we have gathered the skulls of Zar Torchak & my old sorcerer, I would have them imbued with the spirits that vacated them, so that I may have their counsel."

Lanu, can I send the bovigor to the dwarven holds that Huffud and I just conquered, or does it want a fresh dwarven hold?
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He wants a Kraka, Barak, Karaz, Karak or Karag, not some dwarven goonshed.

>I thought I was waiting on Lanu & realized I just never posted movement, my apologies.
It happens to all of us.
>Keeping the advance going towards what I assume is a troll den on the edge of the map.
It's a collection of ruins.

"I will send my warriors, but my wizards are nowhere as powerful as you imagine them to be." (The Mist is only a thing when Fimir defend settlements)

Orokia nods. "That is a heavy sacrifice and a hard spell, but I think the three of us will be able to do that." (Chamon will be quite something)


Kek, loud and clear, QM

so a level 4 settlement then? Or even higher?

back from vacation. 6 hour car trip. plus an hour spend stuck in trafic because a car flipped over on the freeway and blocked the entire fucking thing
Rolled 2 + 1 (1d6 + 1)

> The shaman shrugs. "I told you what I was told."
“Fair enough.”

>Yep, give me a d6 for a number of Hung savages and a d3 for a number of chaos warriors that flock to your banners
Alright, rolling

>REMINDER, TYPE UP: 6028120. 6028166
I’m dumb irl, what does this mean? Do you need us to do something?
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Basically, the head settlement marked by a dwarven banner on this map.
Also I hope you enjoyed your trip and that everyone was fine and noone died from the carflip.
That's 2 savages. Gimme a d3 for a number of chaos warriors.
>I’m dumb irl, what does this mean? Do you need us to do something?
That was a note for myself.
Rolled 2 (1d3)

Oh whoops, I did a 1d6+1 instead of a 1d6+1d3
Here’s the roll for the CW
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The advance continues, as does the rendesvouz of the rest of my forces. More loot must be gained to offset my losses, more villages burned.

New map about to drop? Sheeeesh
news said they survived but were injured.
trip was nice with a couple friends from ye olden days at college. just a lot of driving to and fro.

and yeah. its one of the great Dwarfen Karaks. those will be a bitch to break. probably siege maps in and off themselves. like Skavenblight

that will be tough to split concerning a reward for helping out.

i also kinda dont wanna demand units from you that you desperatly need to bolster your numbers. though three units of warbeasts are a beastly force in and off themselves.
there was a really nice restraunt there. real family run business atmosphere. owner was pretty nice and personal. portions were big, but not overwhelming. and it tasted great. they even had mead. served in real drinking horns made from animal horns.
Okay, so for Mulrog and Sarrick
I’ve gotten 2 units of Chaos Warriors and 2 units of Hung Savages from my previous interim event

How do you guys want to split this? It’s awkward because there’s 3 of us.
If you guys want, instead of dividing up the troops into a way that would be unfair for one person, do you guys think it’d be easier if I just sent you loot instead?
There’s 60 loot worth of troops here (22 + 22 + 8 + 8), so if I send 20 loot to each of you that’d be 3 equal shares.

I think I’ll be okay. This upcoming slave trade with the Druchii will let me turn a large number of Hung Savages into CW which is equal to an 8 loot discount per unit. Not as crazy as Hangar with his Dawi Zharr deal, but still, pretty good.
i could live the loot agreement if you have enough left over.

would be another two units of horse archers... but i think i would rather save up for next raid where i might retire to Baersonling Lands to get more Skinwolves. helps me deal with one of my banes. Hills.

so i guess the handoff would probably happen after returning for raiding in spring. since i am in Kurgan lands and you get your reward when returning to Hung lands.
Actually wait, I have 47 loot rn and still need a large portion of that to buy slaves that I can give to the Druchii. What if instead I give you and Sarrick the CW’s and you just pay me back 2 loot in order to split the difference.

Actually, now that I think about it…
A messenger will be sent to the other warlords, letting them know that Rue’Vahn has secured a deal with the Dark Elves; slaves for armor.
If anyone wants to participate in this transaction to gain the benefits, now is the time to speak up. Buy your slaves, send them next to mine, and when they get turned in at the Bay of Trolls, your portion of the armor will be given right away. (The elf also said that if we bring enough to impress him, he can probably get us a contract for cavalry as well).
So yeah

i appreciate the offer for the Chaos Warriors. they can be useful to work together with the Huscarls with their low movement speed.

i dont plan on buying slaves to get them there into the troll bay since i kinda need my units for Kislev proper. or the witch if we wanna fight her. Or Throgg and his trolls to subjugate them and the greenskins that surround them. i also kinda think the druchi wants us to raid stuff there.
Though i do have some thraals i could maybe give. If that is okay for the druuchi
Would Karak Dum count? I mean, we started the campaign there, so it's at least not as 'currently crawling with living Dwarfs' as any other hold will be. Though I guess the availability will partly depend on the result of Ostorok and how things are resolved with our original Quest-giver.
I would assume that its probably too despoiled by now to be useful for the purpose.
I assume the Druchii see no difference between Thralls and Slaves and either will do for their purposes. I will contribute some if so, thank you.
You doing kislev witch quest or this dark elf thing?

I'd be willing to come.
Sure, I'm happy to take the loot. I'm sitting on 110, so an extra 20 means I can afford another mammoth or warbeast.
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Both, I hope.

If you take a look at pic related, the pink circle is Ostrosk, and the red line is my warpath.
From there, it's an easy, if moderately long trip to the coastline where the Druchii will be waiting.
So I'll help with the big siege, and then afterwards escort the horde of slaves west. If my troops still have good HP, then I'll go south and help the beastmen in the southern forest.

I have not been tracking my loot closely but I’m 99% sure that I can pay for one unit of armor, so sign me up. I’m hoping to “balance my checkbook” when I get a spare minute
Don't forget about the 5 loot I sent you!
At the start of the thread it was mentioned that new warlords could be Kislevites aligned with Chaos, but there aren't Kislev Units to recruit from. What's up with that?

We started with 8 warlords, lost 1, gained 3, have 1 more joining soon, & have at least another waiting in the wings. That would leave us with 12. It would be quite auspicious if we had a Skaven warlord for the 13th.
my guess. Baersonlings or Kurgan units now that the Wheatlands where Kislevites lived is ruled by a Kurgan.

Wasn't his 'armour for horsemen?' response from the Druchii a flat 'no'? The other thing he offered if you did well enough was his sister....
could be interpreted one way or another. she could be an expert for Cold One Armor instead. if he sells his sister to Rue then we could maybe go so far as to get her to Ivan. Ivan wants to play lord. He can get a dark Elf wife as his queen.
Great. Onwards then, towards the nearest Aeslings!
Yay! 8HP chaos warriors!!
What does your armor do? Upgrade units into chaos warriors?

Hey, do you remember how much loot we got from all those raids? 60 each, innit?

I think it was

Your dwarf goonshed - 30
My dwarf goonshed - 30
Rat Vietnam - 40
Underground Ratsheds - 20 total

120 total
60 loot apiece
Just want to claim a few more villages before I retire lads. Should I bother with an RSVP anchor post once all is said and done or is everyone going to be at the feast? I might still make one to get new warlords from the QTG unless Lanu would rather I didn't.
probably best saved for next thread. we are on page 9 already. so enother raid probably wont be started here.
The armor turns Hung Savages (costs 8 loot) into CW (costs 22 loot)
Hopefully it will also turn Berserkers into Chaos Warriors. Slightly less of a discount
The Bread must be Baked (archived)
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>New map about to drop? Sheeeesh
Dear god no. If I was to make a map that big it'd be like 80x10k and I'm very far from that point of autism.
Well, I'm glad you had fun.
If you can take it ( :
I forgot, simply put. But the recruitable units, so far, are:
militia (equal to thrall), 6 loot
strelsy (equal to bondsmen), 8 loot
ungols (equal to horsearchers), 10 loot
druzhina (equal to cataphracts), 18 loot
This season (thread) with the 9 low tier full hp units in total or the next one (when you've promised to strike at Kislev)?
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Thhis Red Panda is my spirit animal. So i would say. Worth it. But tiring
I honestly think we have enough warlords. And besides, I will be taking a few days to a week off to finish this exam term after this raid is done.
Well good luck with that. Will you open a new thread before that so we can have that meeting at Ivans before we start the next raid?
Thanks, and yeah, I will.
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Fair enough, I'm sure you'll do well
You know, when you put it that way.
Maybe we'll just grow some more this season.

I made a promise, I'ma keep a promise. And some more ungors for it is best.
Speaking of time off, I'm going to be away for about a week from the 22nd and probably won't have much if any access during that period. Don't know how that'll correspond to the game's downtime, but thought I'd better give a heads up.
I myself will be away a fair bit of next month.
Could be a good time for Lanu to take a hiatus and we can resume in the later summer/fall?

Any player turnover can be explained away by “chaos infighting”
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The ruins to the west are occupied by a massive horde of undead. Your first estimates put them at more than a thousand, perhaps as many as two. The assault would be a costly one.
Yet, what worries you more is the quickly amassing Ungol horde to the south, and one that you reckon will strike north towards you soon enough.
So when do you guys reckon you'd like the next thread? Mid/Late July?
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Yeah, fuck that, I'll pass on the undead.

The Melniboneans all take up positions on the hills to prepare for the charge. More Melniboneans disembark from the ships to join in the defense. The Skin-Wolves return to the ships.


"We have searched for worthy sacrifices to honor the Gods at their most sacred site, & now we are blessed with the great fortune of having our victims gather for us! Their charges shall falter upon reaching the hills & their blood will flow like a river into the sea! I shall bring lances & blades around the crags to crush them like a hammer upon the anvil. Blood & Guts to honor the God of Karnage!"
Yeah, you should take a break anyway. Might want to post in the QTG beforehand to see how many warlords are available at that time.
You still gonna make a new thread? I always miss a thread start unless it's linked in the previous thread. I check the catalog like once a week maybe...
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Would you like your feast for discussion to be in Chamon?
Soon, in a bit, probably when Ivan backs off.
I'd prefer Ivanoslav

Looks like I'm screwed, but I forgot about the Fimir I have. I'd like to sail them up to the river tile two South from the Skinwolves (who should be back on the ships). Another Melnib unit should be on the hill tile just South of Chamon Dharek. Lastly, my Cataphracts, Ivan at the head wielding Stormbringer (+2D), charges into the northern section of the Ungols, Red Streltsy coats flowing as barding from veteran marauders' Kurgan horses to further strike fear into the Kislevites. (Cats to Northwest tile above the Ungols to engage in combat).
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To clarify, the map should look like this:
Green = Melnib
Blue = Fimir
Orange = Cats + Stormbringer
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JACKIE! One more thing! A final edit if you will.

Might as well make use of all my forces if this might be the end of my raids.

Red = Magor's Thralls
Black = Wolves
Purp = Knights (remain in place at Chamon Dharek)
Sounds good to me. Whenever suits you best, really.
I don't check QTG or the catalog very often, I'm very likely to miss next thread unless there's an announcement in some other way

We could also just have an interrim thread where we can discuss like Meta stuff or something
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Next thread!

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