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The year is 1374 DR. Sixteen years have passed since the Time of Troubles, when the gods were made humble, and forced to wander the Realms as mortals. With the ascension of the mad god Cyric, Prince of Lies, and the recent return of the tyrant god Bane, Lord of Darkness, the future of Faerûn seems increasingly uncertain. It falls to bold individuals who possess an abundance of cunning, might, and determination to shape the future... should they be up to the challenge.

The terrain guides you downwards, into the misty valley at the furthest depths of the Silverwood. Here, the thick canopy squelches the sun's last light, although the shadows are no enemies of yours. The heart of the forest is illuminated by numerous motes of fire, carrying the aromas of cooked meals out into the wilderness. This must be where the followers of Mielikki as well as the Eilistraeans have made camp, assuming that you did not arrive here before Luaue and the others.

The journey was not as uneventful as you had hoped, but you are here. What is first on the agenda?
>Before anything else, I should seek out Luaue, and share with her the news of recent developments.
>It has been quite some time since Willow and I have seen one another. She and I could 'shoot at the breeze,' as the surface dwellers say.
>I can chat as much as I'd like come morning. My feet ache, and I am ready to retire for the day.
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Previous Adventures:

The Rules™:

Jezyrene's Abilities:
>Before anything else, I should seek out Luaue, and share with her the news of recent developments.
She should know we're hunted.
>Before anything else, I should seek out Luaue and Willow, and share with them the news of recent developments.
Better to do it once than to repeat ourselves. Also, we should mention the automaton and see if Willow and her followers might be able to brew a small batch of Pass Without Trace potions when we leave for Everlund.
>>Before anything else, I should seek out Luaue, and share with her the news of recent developments.
>Before anything else, I should seek out Luaue and Willow, and share with them the news of recent developments.

What >>5996423 and >>5996578
Made a guess as to what Amaranth's secret is in the previous thread, one barely more probable than the other. Let me know how far off I am there.

An great guess. But neither Lael nor Ilanis are seers. Some readers may recall that insight into the future is a trait common among all those of Cywir descent, disqualifying both of them from being his biological children. Although, it could be said that he is more of a father to them than Korfel was. And sadly, Ilanis is a mere mortal.

Another excellent guess. But as Arara explained, she and Amaranth did ultimately kill all of their captors, at least to their knowledge. I don't think Jezyrene would forget either of them easily knowing that they defeated several dozen drow warriors in a fight.
I'm going with my original guess, then: The captured elves were sexually-assaulted by the dark elves
+1 if possible
Vote closed.

A reasonable conclusion. Thankfully, this is not the case.

This response in particular is very interesting to me, because it would recontextualize a lot. But the direction is off.

Since a fortune point would be awarded on a correct guess, I will give a hint for the determined theorists. Ilanis gave the biggest clue in Volume IV, when the topic of the council was raised. She isn't a liar, but neither is she a completely reliable source of information.
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Hm. I'll think on this... In the meantime, new Jez art just dropped, courtesy of Olympus QM and the Queen of /QST/ tournament!
>"Well, yeah. They used to adventure together with my dad. Hey, now that I think about it, they were really good friends!" An interesting choice of words. You decide to inquire further. "Were?" You raise an eyebrow. "No more?" Ilanis places her hands on her forehead, both eyes wide as though she's had a revelation. "Huh. I guess they stopped talking to each other a long time ago? Even way before my father went missing..."

>The pieces are falling into place. Arara and Amaranth used to ply the adventurer's trade, together with Ilanis' father Korfel, and perhaps a few others. Something happened between the two of them that soured relations, and they have not been on speaking terms since. The question then is, just what was it that caused the schism between the two?

The schism probably involves whatever happened to Korfel... And perhaps his disappearance is part of the reason for Amaranth's furtiveness. Were they involved in the disappearance? or in covering up some ignoble or tragic reason for his being dead or gone?
You're getting much closer. But Korfel is not a part of this equation.

Anyways, update in a few hours.
Then it has to do something with either of Korfel’s kids… perhaps him leaving had something to do with the birth of Ilanis or Lael.

Is one of them a bastard? Did Korfel have one of them out of wedlock through an affair? Perhaps the ill fated adventuring team Amaranth and Arara also had either Ilanis’ or Lael’s mother in it, and she died… or perhaps Arara took such an interest in being a surrogate mother is because her sister was Ilanis’ actual mother.
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Wending through the woodland, you enter the camp, which is nestled inside the clearing once ruled by the Beastlord Malar. Long gone is the rancid stink of dried blood and the rich odor of beasts that once polluted this place, just as the myriad remains left in the wake of the werebeasts are markedly absent. A layer of short grass and the pleasant aroma of surface flora have taken their place. Willow spoke of restoring a sort of 'balance' to this land, and the primal instincts of the ancient Ilythiiri that you harbor in the deepest recesses of your brain assure you that this is how things ought to be.

As you make your way through the camp, you are regarded with respectful nods from the familiar faces of the few older Eilistraeans, who busy themselves with tending fires and preparing meals. You suppose that they did carry enough supplies with them to last a tenday or two. At the edge of the camp are the children, all sitting in a misshapen half-circle facing Luaue, who is joined by the very last person you wish to see right now - Lael Lathalas.

"Sister?" Asks the half-breed priestess, who requires a moment to confirm your identity now that you are marked by Sune. Grinning, she throws her arms around you, causing you to cringe in response. "What news of Everlund's council? Have they agreed to shelter us?" She glances over her shoulder as Lael speaks an incantation that produces a sphere of green flame between his hands, which he shapes into forms that resemble various creatures for the children's amusement. "The Mielikkians have been very kind, but they cannot provide for all of us. Most of their time is spent trying to restore the forest, as well."
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"Not yet, but I dealt with the worst ones on the council," you mention vaguely, an answer that prompts Luaue to raise a curious eyebrow. "What is he doing here?" You spit, gesturing at Lael. "'HE' was sent by the High Sorcerer to assess the situation with the dark elves after recent events, and report back to the council. 'HE' is also here to collect one of these children as tribute," states the apprentice, who saunters over to you.

Luaue gently elbows Lael in the ribs, causing him to recoil back in pain. "What 'HE' means is that 'HE' is searching for an apprentice of his own," explains the priestess as she lowers her voice. "The truth is, apprenticing under a mage is a chance for one of the little ones to have a better life. Lael is..." she pauses, weighing her next words. "... eccentric, but he did play a part in our rescue, in the end."

"That I did, and my selfless deeds are still yet to be rewarded," he interjects, provoking another appropriately forceful elbow jab from Luaue. "Ah! Cyric's blood woman, cut that out!" Shouts the apprentice. She huffs in response. "Come with me," you command, urging the priestess to follow in your direction. "Sis-" she clears her throat. "Sindiira, I can't. I need to be here with the children while the others finish their chores for the evening."

"I can watch them. What's the worst that could happen?" Queries Lael innocuously. Both you and the priestess exchange knowing looks and shake your heads in unison, an act which leaves him visibly ruffled. Clearing his throat, he begins to address you with faux indignation. "Oh, I see how it is! No good deed goes unpunished! Even after everything I did for you-"

"Fine, fine!" Cries Luaue, her words resounding throughout the forest valley. "Just... just stop," she sighs, defeated. The mage boy nods to himself contentedly.
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The two of you find Willow tending to the Malar's altar. Once naught but a large flat rock caked in blood upon which the severed ears of a hundred or more of your people rested as tribute to the Beastlord, it has been converted to serve the designs of the High Ranger's forest goddess. The stone is now shattered, with a mighty oak tree shooting up from the ground beneath it. Gone is the blood, and with it the ears of the dead Ilythiiri. The surrounding stones, once resembling a feral beast's jagged teeth, have been completely overcome by a some leafy climbing plant that appears to behave in the same manner as cave moss.

"Well hey," hums the ranger as you approach her. "Been a long time, hasn't it, Sindi? Really feelin' the new look, by the way." You nod vigorously. By the metric of a long-lived Ilythiiri, it may as well have been only a day or two since you last met. Yet between coming face-to-face with the orc warlord and his army and putting an end to Tenpenny's tenure as Master of Guilds, it feels as though it has been an eternity since you last met.

"I think Sindiira here wants to speak with both of us," explains Luaue, who gives you a puzzled look. "She... wasn't very clear about her intentions." The ranger snickers, giving you a friendly clap on the shoulder. Ordinarily you would have a hostile reaction to such a gesture, but you are willing to permit it for a proven companion. "Yeah, that's her alright. So whatcha got cookin' lady?" Asks Willow.

You may choose no more than three.
>Luaue has already been informed that the most problematic council members have been dealt with, but I would still provide them with all of the details of my exploits.
>Let us say that, hypothetically, I am theoretically being tracked by some imagined pursuer. Could they possibly provide me with a means of evading such a hunter?
>It has been at least a tenday since I have seen either of them. What have they been doing in the meantime?
>That apprentice boy is uniquely awful, and I feel the need to complain vigorously about him to someone else.
>What became of Talassysnre, and the blade Nelgetha? Can Luaue wield it?
I fell asleep at my keyboard. Whoops.

Getting colder there, chief. It's not Korfel, or either of his children.
>Luaue has already been informed that the most problematic council members have been dealt with, but I would still provide them with all of the details of my exploits.
>What became of Talassysnre, and the blade Nelgetha? Can Luaue wield it?
>Let us say that, hypothetically, I am theoretically being tracked by some imagined pursuer. Could they possibly provide me with a means of evading such a hunter?
>Luaue has already been informed that the most problematic council members have been dealt with, but I would still provide them with all of the details of my exploits.
>It has been at least a tenday since I have seen either of them. What have they been doing in the meantime? I would hope it involve hitting Lael every so often with various limbs and implements.
>Let us say that, hypothetically, I am theoretically being tracked by some imagined pursuer. Could they possibly provide me with a means of evading such a hunter?
Actually, we completely forgot to use our magic acorn. We should ask Willow later about talking to some animals about the construct.
>Luaue has already been informed that the most problematic council members have been dealt with, but I would still provide them with all of the details of my exploits.
>Let us say that, hypothetically, I am theoretically being tracked by some imagined pursuer. Could they possibly provide me with a means of evading such a hunter?
Both important, though perhaps we should lead with the iminent threar from the robot dog.

Did Arara do something awful, perhaps committing an inarhuably evil act against their dark elf tormentors, causing Amaranth to reject her as a paramour? Could explain his complciated feelings around her, and his reactions to Jezyrene could involve a desire to put things right or make up for his complicity in an atrocity...
If he was familiar with the Eilistraean faith, perhaps some of them helped their escape but ended up being caught in a spell’s blast radius from Arara when she saw who was helping her?
>Did Arara do something awful, perhaps committing an inarhuably evil act against their dark elf tormentors, causing Amaranth to reject her as a paramour?

This is close enough. Enjoy your fortune point, anon.
Oh shit, Arara, what did you do??
>>Luaue has already been informed that the most problematic council members have been dealt with, but I would still provide them with all of the details of my exploits.
>>It has been at least a tenday since I have seen either of them. What have they been doing in the meantime? I would hope it involve hitting Lael every so often with various limbs and implements.
>>Let us say that, hypothetically, I am theoretically being tracked by some imagined pursuer. Could they possibly provide me with a means of evading such a hunter?
>Let us say that, hypothetically, I am theoretically being tracked by some imagined pursuer. Could they possibly provide me with a means of evading such a hunter?
>It has been at least a tenday since I have seen either of them. What have they been doing in the meantime?
>What became of Talassysnre, and the blade Nelgetha? Can Luaue wield it?
Vote closed.
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You recount to them the details of your latest adventures, of how you raided Tenpenny's estate and drove both him and Greycastle from Everlund. Tactfully, you omit any details pertaining to Emitia. You are different now, in a way that you are incapable of verbalizing, and divulging such information seems somehow inappropriate, doubly so now that you share an allegiance with the girl. Treachery is widespread, even encouraged amongst Lolthites, but the fact of the matter is that no follower of Lady Firehair has done you wrong. Yet.

"Ha! Shit, wish I coulda been there ta see that. I jus' spent a whole tenday shovelin' dirt and, uh..." she glances at Luaue, shaking her head. "Y'know what? Never mind." The Eilistraean looks to the ranger, expecting her to elaborate, but Willow offers naught but a shrug in response. Luaue sighs, returning her attention to you. "You have done so much for us already, and even still you bring us good news, si-" she grunts. "Sindiira. What does this mean for us?"

"Won't mean nothin' if the next ones on the council're jus' the same," answers the ranger.

"But they won't be. Will they?" Queries Luaue, her posture diminishing as she braces herself for the reply. Willow places her hands on her hips, looking up at the nearby oak. "Can't say I know much 'bout who's gonna take over fer Fat Rupee. But I can guarantee that Willard Cawley's gonna be the next Keeper." 'Willard...' the name rings familiar, but you cannot quite place it. Are you forgetting something? In unison, both you and Luaue lean toward the ranger, wordlessly demanding that she elaborate.

"He gots this big ol' caravan company what trades in these here lands. Real shifty type'a man. Hires his own fightin' guys 'n' all that. I could spit further than I could trust 'im." Had you not been told otherwise, you could easily mistake her words as a description of Greycastle. Whether he will be more amenable to the interests of your people is, unfortunately, an unknown, but unless you can find a way to oust the Keeper of the Bridges a second time, you can do naught but hope.
"What about you? What did you do when I was not here?" You query to both of them. Luaue elects to speak first, briefly glancing over her shoulder. "You already know that we have been traveling. The Silverwood has treated us kindly... I can feel that this place is healing." She nods toward Willow, who smirks coyly. "Most of my time is spent trying to manage the children. Many of them have been deprived of their parents, and with so few adults between us, it has been difficult. Still, we are managing, and most grateful to finally see the moon again," she reports, nodding firmly.

"Jus' been buryin' the dead, mostly. Only a few of us, 'n' we been tryna make sure they're all laid ta rest proper" states Willow bluntly, an answer which causes Luaue to visibly deflate. "I admit that I was afraid to ask what had become of our fallen," confesses the priestess, who adjusts her posture and manages to regain her composure. "Our way is to cremate the body in silver flame, so that their spirits might ascend to join our goddess," she explains.

"Aw shit. Did we do bad?" Asks Willow, who turns flush, sheepishly turning her head to hide her face. "No! No," stammers the priestess. "Your ways are not ours, but they are not wrong. My sisters and brethren are at peace now, in the embrace of a kind and loving goddess. The ranger exhales, nodding along with her words.
"As for yourself, I take it that all is well with you?" Asks the priestess, who seems eager to change the subject. You briefly describe your encounter with the metallic creature, hoping to gain some understanding of it. Alas, your inquiries turn up nothing of use from either the Mielikkian or the Eilistraean - neither of them possess any insight into its nature, nor are they aware of its existence. "Didn't feel no strange thing like that scurryin' 'round these parts, 'n' I can sense the forest real good now that the balance came back. It was just you comin' this way," says Willow, suggesting that she could detect your presence, though not that of your pursuer.

"Yes, I feel the same," confirms Luaue, who gives you a once over. "Whatever it is, it is very adept at avoiding nature's gaze. I wish that I could be of more use," she says sheepishly. Supposing that tracking it is out of the question, then... "I need to avoid it," you mention vaguely, hoping that they will offer up their assistance without questioning your circumstances. "I gots a spell," offers Willow. "Won't last real long, though. Huh."

"What about a potion? I had one that worked," you explain, hoping that they might be able to produce one for you. The ranger shakes her head. "Maybe if we were in the city I could ask one of our druid friends. Fact is, we got nothin' but essentials out here right now." Luaue interjects. "Why not ask for Lael's assistance? Not to sound ungrateful, but he is... unique," she coughs, "though I cannot dispute that he is powerful. It would be wiser to consult him on such matters."

However much you loathe to admit it, there is merit to her words. Infuriating as the boy is, you have never found his talents to be lacking. In Amaranth's absence, his abilities would serve you best.

How do you proceed?
>I have been on my feet for days. A night's rest will do me well.
>Alas, it seems that I have no recourse but to enlist the aid of that deplorable boy if I am to properly deal with that metallic creature.
>I would like to know what became of Talassysnre and the Nelgetha. Such an artifact could be of great use to me, in the hands of the right user.
>I have been on my feet for days. A night's rest will do me well.
Can we even touch Nelgetha? Sune's great, but not exactly Elistrae. Isn't it a faith-specific weapon or something?
>>I have been on my feet for days. A night's rest will do me well.
>Alas, it seems that I have no recourse but to enlist the aid of that deplorable boy if I am to properly deal with that metallic creature.
>"Aw shit. Did we do bad?" Asks Willow, who turns flush, sheepishly turning her head to hide her face.
D'aww, Willow's a sweetheart.

I'm kind of worried that this "metallic" beast can track us here eventually since we are de-potioned so to speak, which would not be good for all the other people here/the kids.

>I would like to know what became of Talassysnre and the Nelgetha. Such an artifact could be of great use to me, in the hands of the right user.
To be clear, it would not be in our hands since I recall it being hardwired to be wielded only by an eilistrean, but still.

When that's done, then
>Alas, it seems that I have no recourse but to enlist the aid of that deplorable boy if I am to properly deal with that metallic creature.

And for later
>Discuss with Willow methods of laying traps and ambushes in the woods, you are not used to digging pit traps where the ground is so soft
I figure best case scenario we go full on Ewok and catch the beast in a pit trap or net trap or the like, with Willow's insight?
>>Alas, it seems that I have no recourse but to enlist the aid of that deplorable boy if I am to properly deal with that metallic creature.
I appreciate the enthusiasm, but all of these choices branch off into different choices. You're going to have to pick one.
That being said, the preferences do seem to lean one way in this case. Vote closed.
All roads lead to... Ugh... Lael.
Come on, Anon. He's handsome, charming, intelligent. And he's almost as good a magician as Amaranth. What more could you want?
The ability to look at women his own age in the eyes? That's be nice.

Hell, men too, if I remember his preferences.
Ultimately, Luaue's counsel gets through to you. Yes, Amaranth's apprentice is a half-breed and nearly as insufferable as a full-blooded darthiir. But alas, you are in dire need of a magician's talents, even if that magician is Lael Lathalas. "I need to talk to the boy," you huff, marching off. The priestess and yourself bid Willow farewell for the moment, rejoining the apprentice as he amuses the gathered children by dancing a flicker of green flame along his fingertips. "We need to talk," you state directly, gesturing for him to step away with you as Luaue takes his place.

"As charming as ever, I see." He flicks a strand of golden hair away from his face, following after you. "So, what will it be this time?" Keeping it succinct, you describe the creature to the best of your ability, half-expecting him to withhold whatever he might know about the thing. Defying your preconceptions, however, he decides to deliver that which you seek, his eyes alight with recognition.

"You're describing what's called a 'Steel Predator,' a creature indigenous to the Outer Plane of Acheron. You can think of it like a devil, of sorts, if that helps. Bringing it here to the Prime Material Plane would require learning a great deal of planar lore, but their talents as excellent hunters would make it worth the effort. You must be some sort of infamous criminal on the run, or the rightful heir of some dark elf dynasty fleeing your treacherous family," he concludes, studying your reaction. Maintaining a placid expression, you hold your tongue and feign ignorance. He shrugs, leaving it uncertain as to whether or not he believes in your ruse.
"Just tell me how to deal with it," you demand, your patience for the boy's usual tomfoolery wearing impossibly thin. He clicks his tongue and wags his finger at you instructively, shaking his head. "Now now, Sandra, I was just getting to the good part. The Steel Predator is a living, thinking creature, with intelligence that might even exceed yours - though I suppose that isn't saying much, given how you walked right into that Resilient Sphere trap the other day," he adds. You grind your teeth and remain silent, refusing to let him get a rise out of you. He continues.

"It's deaf, but it compensates with a sense of smell sharp enough to detect prey, and even has a way of scanning for magical objects. Ah, but it doesn't have much of a taste for flesh," he goes on, pacing back and forth. "It eats metal, and has quite the appetite for magic weapons. Those swords of yours would serve as a nice appetizer, though they wouldn't last you long in a fight. Did I mention that its roar can shatter stone?"

"Get to the point. How do I kill it?" You ask, folding your arms. "Well, you don't! Whoever sent it after you knew that you would have no means of defeating it. A perfect counter, if you will. However..." you tap your foot impatiently as he trails off. "... I could easily banish it to its home plane. But I'm going to need some compensation. How are you going to make this worth my while?"

You curse the evil luck that has befallen you. Through some freak accident of probability you have consistently found yourself in situations where the boy holds the leverage over you. However much it would please you to separate his head from his shoulders, the fact remains that you must somehow secure his support unless you intend to face this Steel Predator unassisted.
>Perchance Luaue might be able to convince him, if I ask this of her. She owes me this much, at least.
>I shall appease his ego and pay compliment to his power and wit, humbly begging for the much-needed assistance of the great and wise magician Lael Lathalas, whilst trying to hold back my vomit as I do so.
>The Council of Elders has promised me a generous reward for my exploits. I could grant him a portion of it, if that will appease him.
>To the Hells with this. Armed with the knowledge that he has given me, I will seek some other way of defeating the Steel Predator.
>I shall appease his ego and pay compliment to his power and wit, humbly begging for the much-needed assistance of the great and wise magician Lael Lathalas, whilst trying to hold back my vomit as I do so.
>"I'll introduce you to my little sister. She's probably the one who summoned it. I'd be willing to bet you two would hit it off like hungry pyrimo to an unfortunate cave rat."
>"You mentioned sponsoring one of the Eilistraean children as an apprentice, yes? I'd be willing to help you with talking to the council, particularly if Dulnur and Arara take any issue with having another Ilythiiri in Everlund, even if it doesn't help convince you to help with this matter."
Well, I must back a write-in this amusing.

+1 to this, especially the 'introduction to sister', kek. Hype up her beuayu and magical talent. Don't tell him she's the one who sent this predator MF after us.
>Perchance Luaue might be able to convince him, if I ask this of her. She owes me this much, at least.
Vote closed. Do anons really want to risk the consequences of Lael hooking up with Phaere, though? They're both magicians with the same type of crazy and similar mommy issues.
It'd be a fun way to punish both of them for constantly making fools out of us without killing either of them, and if they do hook up, the hate sex will probably be amazing enough for Sune to take notice.

Plus I kinda want to keep Phaere alive so we can show her what an actual bunny looks like and be actual sisters on the surface world, without Lolth's teachings hanging over our heads.
"Help me, Lael Lathalas. I need the help of one so wise," you start, urging the muscles of your throat to keep the rising bile contained within your stomach. "And powerful. And..." he folds his arms, nodding toward you. "Tell me about it!" He exclaims, allowing a moment to pass before he urges you to continue. "No, seriously. Tell me more about it." You clear your throat.

"And smart. A true ulath'elzaren among m'elzaren. Others are jealous of your power. You are..." you cough.

"Magnificent," he suggests.

"Magnificent," you repeat.


"Incon... incontro... that," you sigh.


"Sexy," you grumble.

"Well, I'm glad that you've finally seen the light and come around to admitting the truth, Jenna, but you're going to have to do better than that if you want me to bail you out of your own mess for a third time. What else have you got?" He asks brazenly, as though you did not just defy your very nature to play sycophant for him mere moments earlier.

Your face scrunches in frustration as you fight back the urge to mangle this awful half-breed boy. Evil - he is evil, there is no other adjective suitable to describe him. He is an evil mage, much like...
"My sister!" You shout, the inspiration entering your mind like an arrow through the skull. Quickly, you attempt to recall the numerous merits of your sister Phaere which you had never appreciated until this moment. "You can meet my sister. She is wise, and powerful, and beautiful, and a true ulath'elzaren among m'elzaren. I will sing to her my praises of you." You study his features, intent on determining whether or not he is convinced by your efforts to persuade him.

Lael taps his chin meaningfully, giving serious thought to the proposition. "But is she sexy?" He inquires, his expression dead-serious. "With big honking boobas?" He pats his scrawny hands against his flat chest and squeezes to convey his meaning. Vexed, you let out a beleaguered sigh and nod. It is true that of the three of you, Phaere would grow up to have a substantial reserve of useless flab thanks in part to her mostly sedentary lifestyle compared to Vierna and yourself. "Yes, she is sexy, with 'big honking boobas,'" you choke out through sheer willpower.

"Well, why couldn't you just start with that?" He asks, rubbing his hands together conspiratorially. "All right, Sanna, I'll solve your little issue, and you'll put in a good word for me with your sexy sister. But if I find out that you're not giving me a fair deal here, I'll turn you into a toad. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll need to spend the night preparing a little surprise for tomorrow." Smirking, he breaks away from you and withdraws beyond the camp's boundaries before you can reply.

You pinch the bridge of your nose and squeeze.
>I am going to find a warm place to lay down and pretend that the previous conversation was a mere nightmare.
>With that unpleasantry out of the way, I would follow up on Talassysnre and the Nelgetha.
>What has Luaue been teaching the little ones? How to speak proper Ilythiirra, I hope?
>Perchance I could take the time to mingle with the older children, to see how poorly they fare as Ilythiiri.
>What has Luaue been teaching the little ones? How to speak proper Ilythiirra, I hope?
>>With that unpleasantry out of the way, I would follow up on Talassysnre and the Nelgetha.
>What has Luaue been teaching the little ones? How to speak proper Ilythiirra, I hope?
>I am going to find a warm place to lay down and pretend that the previous conversation was a mere nightmare.
Vote closed.
With Amaranth's apprentice gone and the threat of your pursuer soon to be dealt with, you feel as though the weight of several boulders has rolled off of your shoulders. Exhaling, you approach Luaue, who addresses the assembled children instructively, and observe her lecture. "... This place was our home, once, and it could be again someday. But for now, we will have to find a place for ourselves in the city, with people who are not like us," she explains in simple terms, her words conveying a cautious optimism.

"Many of you are old enough to remember when we traveled and met humans, and dwarves, and halflings during our festivals. But visiting and them and living together are very different. Some of them feel like drow do not belong with them, but this isn't true. Eilistraee always meant for us to be their friends, and though it will take time, I know that they will accept us one day," she asserts, taking notice of you as you enter her view. "Did you need something, Sindiira?"

"Just watching," you state coolly as you survey the crowd. The older children must be busying themselves helping out around the camp, for there is not a child here over twenty. They look upon you with timid wonderment, a reminder that you are quite unlike any other person that they have ever seen. Their parents were already born and raised on the surface world, and even the old woman Chessayne has lived more years as a surfacer than a priestess. With the deaths of their elders, it seems that the link between these young ones and their culture has been completely severed. A tragedy that you could potentially undo.

"I will teach them something," you hum. She tries and fails to suppress a smile, pleased by your proactive decision, and steps aside to spectate.
>AHEM. I am MALLA JABBRESS Sindiira Torani, here to teach these pitiful little mongrels how to speak the proper Ilythiirra of their ancestors, such that they might be liberated from the indignity of being forced to use the feral surfacer tongue amongst their kin.
>These unfortunate surface-born children must be enlightened to our glorious history, lest they grow up in ignorance. We are not 'drow,' we are the mighty Ilythiiri, the people of the ancient kingdom of Ilythiir, denied our birthright by the perfidious darthiir...
>I will share with them the secrets of our homeland in the Underdark, of all that I have seen and fought and killed. For below the world there is another quite unlike this one...
>These unfortunate surface-born children must be enlightened to our glorious history, lest they grow up in ignorance. We are not 'drow,' we are the mighty Ilythiiri, the people of the ancient kingdom of Ilythiir, denied our birthright by the perfidious darthiir...
They should a least not grow up referring to themselves with a slur.
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>These unfortunate surface-born children must be enlightened to our glorious history, lest they grow up in ignorance. We are not 'drow,' we are the mighty Ilythiiri, the people of the ancient kingdom of Ilythiir, denied our birthright by the perfidious darthiir...
>>AHEM. I am MALLA JABBRESS Sindiira Torani, here to teach these pitiful little mongrels how to speak the proper Ilythiirra of their ancestors, such that they might be liberated from the indignity of being forced to use the feral surfacer tongue amongst their kin.
>AHEM. I am MALLA JABBRESS Sindiira Torani, here to teach these pitiful little mongrels how to speak the proper Ilythiirra of their ancestors, such that they might be liberated from the indignity of being forced to use the feral surfacer tongue amongst their kin.
>These unfortunate surface-born children must be enlightened to our glorious history, lest they grow up in ignorance. We are not 'drow,' we are the mighty Ilythiiri, the people of the ancient kingdom of Ilythiir, denied our birthright by the perfidious darthiir...
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Page 10, might want to archive!
We are moving directly to the next thread. Once we finish up our business in the forest and possibly not die, it will be the last chance to tie up loose ends.

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