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The corpse of King Suial the Third lies crumpled before you, the fury that just minutes ago burned in your chest subsiding. The blade in your hand gleams with his blood. His crimson life pools at your feet, staining the marble floor like an accusation. You feel no remorse, however. The old man was a scourge upon the land—a tyrant who reveled in wealth while the people scraped together scraps. His lust for blood sport and carnal indulgence tainted the realm. And he silenced all who dared to raise a voice against his tyranny through gruesome public executions. Your conscience is untroubled by your actions.
A soft voice pulls your attention away from the lifeless body. "You must take his place as king," she implores, desperation etched in her words. One of Suial’s favored concubines stands before you, her gaze unwavering despite the turmoil brewing in her eyes. "Or else the kingdom will fall into civil war." The revealing, green, silken dress that clings to her pale, delicate young frame shimmers like emerald in the torchlight, reflecting more of Suial's taste than her own. Hair black as ravens frame her delicate face, and eyes the color of polished jade pierce you, unwavering in their plea.
You consider her words, as shadows of uncertainty creep into your thoughts. The kingdom teeters on the precipice, held together by the sheer force of the old tyrant's ruthless rule. Without a strong hand to guide it, chaos is certain. She takes a tentative step closer, her voice steady despite her fear. “The nobles will carve the land among themselves, each vying for power. The people will suffer more.”
In the flickering light of the throne room, you see the terror beneath her composure. She, like countless others, has endured the old tyrant’s cruelty and lust, yet she does not flee, does not turn away from the blood staining your blade.
Instead, she stands before the throne that now sits empty behind her, the gilded chair a symbol of power that bears the scars of Suial’s rule. Your fingers tighten around the hilt of your sword as the weight of her plea settles upon you. The path she offers is fraught with peril, a journey that may well consume you, body and soul.
Yet, as you consider the kingdom’s fate, a resolve forms within you. You sheathe your sword, and as the concubine holds her breath, you make your decision.

> Reluctantly, you ascend the throne, feeling the weight of the people's expectations settle on your shoulders.
> With unwavering resolve, you claim Suial's throne, his crown, and his concubines, all rightful spoils of your victory.
> You decide to establish an uncompromising rule, prepared to crush any dissent with an iron fist.
> You accept the mantle of king, but only temporarily, vowing to hand over power once a rightful successor emerges.
>With unwavering resolve, you claim Suial's throne, his crown, and his concubines, all rightful spoils of your victory.
> You accept the mantle of king, but only temporarily, vowing to hand over power once a rightful successor emerges
>You decide to establish an uncompromising rule, prepared to crush any dissent with an iron fist.
> With unwavering resolve, you claim Suial's throne, his crown, and his concubines, all rightful spoils of your victory.
>> With unwavering resolve, you claim Suial's throne, his crown, and his concubines, all rightful spoils of your victory.

We knew what we were doing, we just won't be a dick about ruling. Gotta make sure things don't go crazy in the first few days, though. As for the concubines...eh, we'll see what we can do for them. I can imagine at least one or two felt they had a cushy gig up here. Interview the lot of them, see what's what and who's who.
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With unwavering resolve, you stride toward Suial’s throne, each step echoing through the grand hall. The old man's crown, his concubines, and the throne itself are now yours, the rightful spoils of your hard-won victory.
The courtiers watch, their eyes filled with uncertainty, their loyalty swaying with the winds of power. As you ascend the throne’s marble dais, you grasp the old tyrant’s crown from his lifeless head and place it upon your own, its weight settling on your brow like the burden of rule itself.
The remaining courtiers fall to their knees in unison, the silence heavy with the fear of defiance. "All hail the king," Their voices rise in a murmur of fealty, each word carefully chosen to signal their allegiance to you.
As you sit upon the throne, its cold stone pressing against your back, the green-eyed concubine steps forward. She kneels obediently then takes her place at your feet, her emerald eyes unwavering in their submission. The torchlight flickers, casting shifting shadows across the throne room, and the concubine at your feet brings the reality of your new rule into sharp focus.
One by one, the courtiers finish swearing their oaths, their promises filled with the uncertainty of survival in this new regime. With their pledges lingering in the air, you rise from the throne, a gesture that sends them scattering back into the shadows of the hall. With measured strides, you make your way toward the king’s bed chambers, the green-eyed concubine trailing behind in obedient silence as she had once done for Suial.
The doors to the chambers open before you, revealing a lavish suite now rightfully yours. The bed, draped in rich silks and furs, beckons. The green-eyed concubine follows you inside, closing the doors behind her. She approaches with the same submission she had shown in the throne room, her emerald gaze unwavering as she surrenders to you completely, acknowledging you as her king, her green dress slipping to the floor.
Throughout the night, you claim her as you have claimed everything else from the old tyrant, her every breath, her every gasp, her every moan, a proof of your triumph. The spoils of victory belong to you, the victor who killed the old king, and now has a kingdom to rule.

> You, a foreigner passing through the kingdom, witnessed entire families crucified by Suial's orders, men, women, and children, and resolved to overthrow the tyrant.
> You were born in Suial's kingdom, and after seeing a friend tortured to death for speaking against the tyrant, you decided to kill him.
> As a foreigner passing through the kingdom, you learned of the king's monstrous enjoyment in feeding peasant children to starving dogs, deciding that such evil had to end.
> There was nothing noble about your conquest of the old tyrant; you were simply paid by a rebellion that collapsed, leaving you the only one left to claim victory.
>You, a foreigner passing through the kingdom, witnessed entire families crucified by Suial's orders, men, women, and children, and resolved to overthrow the tyrant.


As a foreigner passing through the kingdom, you learned of the king's monstrous enjoyment in feeding peasant children to starving dogs, deciding that such evil had to end.

Both seem plausible at the same time. The first one if we can only pick one, though.
>You, a foreigner passing through the kingdom, witnessed entire families crucified by Suial's orders, men, women, and children, and resolved to overthrow the tyrant.
> You, a foreigner passing through the kingdom, witnessed entire families crucified by Suial's orders, men, women, and children, and resolved to overthrow the tyrant.
As morning light filters through the windows, you awaken to find the concubine, once Suial's, now yours, lying beside you. Your mind drifts back to the journey that led you here. Passing through this kingdom as a foreigner, you had witnessed entire families crucified under Suial's orders, men, women, and children, their cries etched into your memory. The stories of his monstrous delight in feeding peasant children to starving dogs spurred you into action—such evil had to be stopped.
Your resolve and fury brought you here, to claim the tyrant's throne, his crown, and his concubines.
When the concubine stirs from sleep, you turn to her and speak, "I forgot to ask your name yesterday."
She offers a timid smile. "I'm called Lana, if it pleases you, my king," she responds, her voice submissive.
"What led you to the old tyrant's harem?" you ask, curious about the young woman who shared your bed last night.
"I was born into a peasant family," Lana begins, her tone hesitant as she reveals her past. "Each year, King Suial chose new slave concubines for his harem. I was chosen... a great honor... my family was given a bag of coins, and I was brought to his radiance's palace."
"What would have happened if your family refused to give you over to Suial?" you murmur, the words barely more than a whisper.
"That was... never an option, my king," Lana replies, her eyes downcast. You understand all too well what fate awaited those who defied the lecherous old tyrant: crucifixion, flaying, or being fed to starving lions. The choice her family faced was no choice at all.

> You have the freedom to return to your family, for I will not keep you here against your will.
> I promise to treat you with more kindness and respect than Suial ever did.
> Tell me about the other concubines left behind by the old tyrant.
> I sense your intelligence, and believe you could be a valuable ally in ruling.
>Tell me about the other concubines left behind by the old tyrant.
After that I’m on the side of letting them leave if they wish.
>> You have the freedom to return to your family, for I will not keep you here against your will.
>> You have the freedom to return to your family, for I will not keep you here against your will.
>> Tell me about the other concubines left behind by the old tyrant.
>> You have the freedom to return to your family, for I will not keep you here against your will.
>> Tell me about the other concubines left behind by the old tyrant.
You turn to Lana and say, "You have the freedom to return to your family, for I will not keep you here against your will."
She appears to ponder your offer for a moment, but then she shakes her head, sadness shadowing her eyes. "I'm no longer the fourteen-year-old virgin I was when I was taken from my village, my king. I would rather stay here at the palace than return to my family, if you will have me."
"You were just fourteen when Suial claimed you?" you ask, grimacing at the thought.
"He often took even younger slave concubines, my king," Lana whispers, the pain of the memory clear in her voice. "He usually grew tired of us after a few years and acquired newer, younger slaves."
Disgust churns in your gut. Suial was already an old man when you ended his life, yet that didn't stop him from indulging his depraved lust on slave girls young enough to be his granddaughters. Is this the legacy you are supposed to uphold?
"Tell me about the other concubines left behind by the old tyrant," you ask, wanting to know more about King Suial's harem, now yours by right of conquest.
"King Suial left behind a wife," Lana begins, "though she is almost forty, far too old for his tastes, so he hadn't bedded her in years. And there are several favored concubines like me. We served him sexually at night and sat at his feet while he held court."
Suial treated his slave concubines like objects, mere symbols of his power and virility. The old tyrant enjoyed flaunting his control, displaying them scantily clad at his feet in court, a constant reminder of his authority. Disgust for the old tyrant surges within you as you grasp the full extent of his depravity.
"What happened to the girls who got too old for him?" you ask softly.
"Some were given to his generals and courtiers as rewards for their service," Lana murmurs, her voice heavy with the weight of memory. "Some were executed at the king's whim, a warning to the rest of us. Would you like to visit the remaining concubines, my king?"
You consider the remnants of Suial's legacy, women left behind by a tyrant who saw them as nothing more than pawns in his twisted game. "Yes," you say, "take me to them."

> The old tyrant's legal wife draws your attention, a handsome woman in her forties, radiating mature beauty that intrigues you.
> A blonde foreign concubine captures your interest, openly admitting she prefers the decadence of the harem to starving on the streets.
> A dusky-skinned concubine piques your curiosity, the daughter of a noble family eradicated on Suial's orders.
> A boy slave catches your eye, a grim reminder of the old tyrant's twisted perversions and corruption.
> A red-haired concubine gazes at you with wary eyes, once the daughter of a prominent merchant before Suial claimed her.
> Write In
>A dusky-skinned concubine piques your curiosity, the daughter of a noble family eradicated on Suial's orders.
+1 for the pic.
> A dusky-skinned concubine piques your curiosity, the daughter of a noble family eradicated on Suial's orders.

>young lad
>experience lady
>party girl

Honestly, I can see a place for all of them in our court.
> A red-haired concubine gazes at you with wary eyes, once the daughter of a prominent merchant before Suial claimed her.
>> A boy slave catches your eye, a grim reminder of the old tyrant's twisted perversions and corruption.
> A red-haired concubine gazes at you with wary eyes, once the daughter of a prominent merchant before Suial claimed her.
>> A boy slave catches your eye, a grim reminder of the old tyrant's twisted perversions and corruption.
>A dusky-skinned concubine piques your curiosity, the daughter of a noble family eradicated on Suial's orders.
Knowledge of the political climate is more imperative as a foreigner. Were our character a local, the red-haired woman would have been the pick for her economic education.
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Lana leads you through the halls of Suial's palace to the old tyrant's harem, a collection of his trophies and playthings. The first you meet is his legal wife, a handsome woman in her forties, exuding a mature beauty that still commands respect. "Your radiance," she greets you gracefully. Lana had told you Suial had long ignored her, finding her too old to entertain him. You suspect she harbors little regret over his death.
Next, you meet a blonde foreign concubine, draped in jewels and silk. She admits openly that she prefers the harem's decadence to starving on the streets and wishes to remain in the palace as your concubine.
A red-haired concubine follows, gazing at you with wary eyes. She was once the daughter of a prominent merchant before Suial claimed her. She lived comfortably before being pulled into the tyrant's harem, and she now considers returning to her family, though she requests more time before making her decision.
"Suial's sons?" You raise your brows at the sight of beardless boys in the harem. "No, they are slave concubines, just like us, trained to pleasure the old king," Lana answers. Disgust wells up within you at the depth of Suial's perversions, more so when you learn that these boys were castrated before puberty or fed to starving lions once the tyrant grew bored of them.
You meet more concubines. One has her back scarred by whips, marked by Suial's cruelty after a failed escape attempt. Another, a once-proud warrior woman, has had her spirit dulled by years of captivity in Suial's harem. You also encounter a mute concubine, her tongue removed by the old tyrant for one of his twisted games.
"He fathered no sons?" you ask, surprised at not finding a son who might threaten your rule. "King Suial ordered his sons to be buried alive after birth," Lana hesitates before continuing, "because he didn't want any competition to his rule." The more you learn of the old tyrant, the more you despise the monster. How can you possibly succeed such a man as king?
Among the slave concubines, a dusky-skinned concubine piques your curiosity, the daughter of a noble family eradicated on Suial's orders. You learn that the old tyrant had ordered a temple of the gods demolished and a new one erected in its place where he would be worshiped as a god. The dusky-skinned concubine's father had protested this blasphemous act and was buried alive for his defiance. Her mother was handed over to the soldiers, to be ravaged endlessly until she died. Her brothers were crucified, and the rest of her family was burned alive, even the babies smothered. She was kept alive only to satisfy the king's perverse lust, forced to worship him as a god.

> You express your condolences, acknowledging the pain she has endured.
> As a foreigner, you seek her knowledge of the political climate in the kingdom.
> You commend her resilience, noting the strength it took to survive such cruelty.
>As a foreigner, you seek her knowledge of the political climate in the kingdom.
...I can't see a reason not to do all three, honestly.

> You commend her resilience, noting the strength it took to survive such cruelty.


> You express your condolences, acknowledging the pain she has endured.

and lastly

> As a foreigner, you seek her knowledge of the political climate in the kingdom.
I’d swap the first and second one around but yeah. If we can only do one then we seek knowledge.
Agreed. Maybe something like this
>You express your condolences, commend her resilience, and ask her to share knowledge of the political climate, which you are in need of as a foreigner.
> You express your condolences, acknowledging the pain she has endured.
I must know the generation parameters. Please.
The what?
>You express your condolences, acknowledging the pain she has endured.
More new girls?
>One has her back scarred by whips, marked by Suial's cruelty after a failed escape attempt
Would want to be gentle with this one
>Another, a once-proud warrior woman, has had her spirit dulled by years of captivity in Suial's harem
Reigniting the fire of her spirit would be fun
>You also encounter a mute concubine, her tongue removed by the old tyrant for one of his twisted games
Never need to worry about backtalk I suppose

I could be wrong, but I think he's talking about what kind of AI-prompts QM is using to generate the harem-girl images.

And yeah, honestly, there's a lot of potential here with all of these ladies. I'm not really fussed about having a lot of them in our court/inner circle; they're HERE and if they wanted to stick around, that saves us a lot of time and energy with tryouts and sifting through people for the positions. My thoughts on positions needing filled and who best fits them:

The concubine that we've lain with. She seems nice enough and seems to know a thing or two about a thing or two, and even if she doesn't, she had the bravery to convince us- of course, part of that is having to bear some burden herself. At worst she can be a very nice figurehead of the new regime.

>Prime Minister/Chief Advisor
The elder queen. In her 40s? I bet she knows more than a few things about the castle's inner workings as well as a few dos and do nots about nobility and trade and whatnot. She'll be someone to lean on for quite some time and should probably be our next port of call.

>Domestic Advisor
The lady we're talking to now. As a noble, she seems like she knows well about the local religion and what's up with the populace, good, bad, and inbetween. We 100% need that to what are the flashpoints of the city right this second.

>Financial Advisor
The merchant girl, doy. Nuff said there.

>Cultural Minister
Blonde girl. She was starving and a guttersnipe, so she knows where the BIG trouble spots are. She'll take whatever she can get- but I bet she's got at least a couple ideas rolling around for how to keep folks from despairing and can likely help keep morale up during this great rebuilding period of ours. Also she'll probably be fun in the sack.

>Servants of the Castle
The young boys, those who don't want to go back home, would probably be well served as well-treated butlers, keepers, and other such duties that need able hands.

>Captain of the Guard
The warrior woman, if we can reignite that fire. At the very least, perhaps she could be a trainer or tutor of our future military.

>Internal Affairs
The scarred woman, again, if she even wants to stay. I doubt she'd want to inflict what was inflicted on her, but that escape attempt tells me she likely at least knows how to pay attention to routines and knows how to listen. She's not TOO good otherwise she wouldn't be here, but still.

>Royal Scribe
Mute woman. A tongue is not the only way to communicate, and we'll see to it that she'll be able to be a voice in things no matter what's been taken from her. Her silence will be her strength.

Of course I'm not married to any of these ideas, I just think they're good ones. Though as I've been noting, any or all of these ladies could decide to GTFO and that's that.
Solid choices, and I too am curious about the harem AI prompts.
>Demoting the queen to an advisor
This could be dangerous if she's ambitious. Or this could be useless if she has no political acumen. And the space between these two possibilities is narrow. We'll need to take a measure of her first
>I could be wrong, but I think he's talking about what kind of AI-prompts QM is using to generate the harem-girl images.
Prompts and generation settings both. Mostly for those amazing fingers.
I agree on the whole. Like I said, these are just ideas that I think are good. It's why I said she should be our very next port of call- like you said, to get her measure.

Before we go around appointing ANYONE to any position we should talk to them, first. I'm just stating what I think we should do in optimal conditions. Now's the time to see what our ACTUAL conditions are, though.
This isn't AI generated, it's by an artist named martanael on artstation
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Holding a throne often proves more challenging than seizing it. The old tyrant ruled for many years, drawing on several advantages you lack. First, he was Suial the Third, the scion of a bloodline that had ruled the kingdom for centuries. Many of his subjects believed he held a divine right to rule due to his lineage. While you cannot alter your blood, you feel a sense of relief knowing that Suial's line—and their monstrous reign—have come to an end.
Second, Suial wielded cruelty like a weapon, ruling with unbridled sadism. His subjects lived in terror, knowing rebellion could end with crucifixion or being buried alive alongside their families. You have no desire to mirror his tyranny and instill such fear, so this is not an advantage you seek either.
Third, Suial was a native of the kingdom, while you are a foreigner raised in a distant land. You lack insight into the kingdom’s political climate. However, perhaps this can be rectified by speaking with those who possess the necessary knowledge, like the dusky-skinned concubine who hails from noble stock.
"I'm sorry for what happened to you and your family. You are strong to have survived such cruelty," you tell her, recognizing the potential ally her knowledge could make in navigating the political landscape. As a foreigner, you appreciate the value she can offer in understanding the kingdom's complexities. You express your condolences and commend her resilience, then ask her to share her understanding of the political climate that you lack. "I do not wish to be a tyrant like the old man. I would like your help in navigating the political climate and ruling well."
"Thank you for your kind words, your radiance," she replies submissively, but you sense doubt and hesitation in her eyes. You can hardly blame her, given what the previous ruler subjected her to, and a foreign warrior like you is not easily trusted. "Please tell me what information your slave may offer?"

> Tell me about the powerful noble houses and their influence.
> Tell me about the local religions and their hold on the people.
> Inform me of any potential loyalists who could pose a threat.
> Tell me which regions of the kingdom are most likely to resist my rule.
Huh. I though it's AI because the top on the woman in red makes no sense.

>All of the questions
I don't see a reason not to ask them all.
>Tell me about the powerful noble houses and their influence.

Horny logic at work
I know it sounds like a cop out, but seriously, all of these are important. I suppose if we had to pick one that was the most important right this second, it would be

> Inform me of any potential loyalists who could pose a threat.
> Inform me of any potential loyalists who could pose a threat.
"Tell me about the powerful noble houses and their influence," you command the dusky-skinned concubine, once a noblewoman and now a harem slave.
"There are five great noble houses in the kingdom, your radiance," she begins. "They are called the Blood, descended from the five heroes who fought alongside Sumdaq the Great. Sumdaq the Great was the hero king who founded this kingdom eight hundred years ago, and King Suial the Third was his descendant."
The old tyrant was the last of a line tracing back to a mythical hero king, which lent him a supposed divine right to rule in the eyes of many. "But Sumdaq wasn't a god, was he?" you ask the concubine, seeking to understand the local religions and their influence on the people. "Did Sumdaq claim divinity?"
"No, your radiance," she replies, hesitating as if recalling her father's fate for challenging Suial's own claims to godhood. "Sumdaq was aided by the gods in his adventures and founded the kingdom with their help. In their honor, he built many temples. King Suial the Third tore down one such temple and built one in his own image, declaring himself a god and his lineage divine."
"Did any truly believe the tyrant to be a god?" you ask, probing for potential loyalists who could threaten your reign.
"There are some," she admits, "Priests of his temple, and children raised to worship his radiance as a god. They may resist your rule. However, those who believe in the old gods might see you as a liberator who killed the blasphemer."
"I see," you nod, contemplating the delicate balance of power. Perhaps it could be framed that Sumdaq the Great rose to power with the gods' aid, and his line ruled as long as they honored the gods. But when King Suial the Third destroyed the gods' temple, he lost his divine right to rule, and his line was replaced. "Tell me about the five great noble houses, and which regions of the kingdom are most likely to resist my rule."
"The great noble houses, in order of power, are Chion, Daeus, Thonius, Erenor, and Lorus," she explains. "House Chion is the most powerful. The queen, Suial's only legal wife, is a daughter of House Chion, and her brother is the current lord. If you have them as allies, pacifying the other Blood will be easier. But making them enemies will weaken your rule."
Perhaps this is why Suial never cast aside his wife, even though a woman nearing forty was far too old for his tastes. Replacing her with a younger woman could have turned her powerful family against him.
"As for the others—House Daeus and House Thonius are ambitious and may try to expand their influence in the chaos, possibly even starting a civil war. However, they have been rivals for centuries and would likely attack each other first in a conflict. House Erenor are traditionalists—they'll resist regime change but dislike civil war due to their focus on stability. House Lorus is the weakest of the Blood, and their next move remains uncertain."

> Write In
Hmmmm...alright, so, yeah, my initial idea remains unchanged- we should meet with Lady Chion and talk to her. See which way the wind is blowing with her personally. Sounds like she'd be better to have on our side regardless of whether we like her or not, but hopefully we can convince her to leave us largely alone in exchange for making sure they're still top of the heap, if not seemingly compliant in tyranny. Phrase it like 'we need you to take a step down so it's clear that we're not just replacing one tyrant for another, but you're still in a major position of influence.' I hope she's a reasonable lady, really, but the fact that her and her family made it through these times largely unscathed may have them think 'it wasn't THAT bad...' So we'll see.

At the moment right this second, however?

> "And what of you? I am aware your house is no more, sadly...but I will need advisors. If you are willing to stay by me, I will see to it that you will be no mere concubine, but an advisor of the crown's domestic affairs, with all the rewards and responsibilities thereof. You could, perhaps, remake your house, if you wish it."
Is there anyone I could marry to secure power?
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"What about the other noble houses?" you inquire, seeking insight into the lesser noble families.
"The other noble houses, like mine was, rise and fall, and may be replaced," the dusky-skinned concubine responds, her voice heavy with experience.
"And what of you? I know your house is no more, sadly... but," you offer, "perhaps you could rebuild it, if you wish it."
"My house is gone, your radiance," she says sadly. "A house can only continue through the male line, not through a daughter. Here, noblewomen serve to secure marriage alliances and are treated as trophies and playthings."
"Is there anyone I could marry to secure power?" you ask, seeking her advice.
"A mere concubine should not comment on the king's marriage, your radiance," she says uneasily.
"Speak freely," you command. "I will need advisors. If you are willing to stay by me, I'll see that you are more than a concubine. You'll be an advisor on domestic affairs, with the rewards and responsibilities that come with it."
After a moment's thought, she suggests, "You could marry the old king's widow. With her on your side, you could secure the loyalty of the most powerful of the Blood. She is almost forty, not in her prime childbearing years, but she may still give you a son. And even if she does not, you could name one of your sons by a concubine as your legal heir."
"I see," you nod thoughtfully. The old tyrant neglected his queen, having not bedded her for over twenty years. He chose younger concubines over her as she became 'too old' for his tastes. Perhaps the queen will appreciate being the focus of attention once again. And despite being old enough to be your mother, she possesses a mature beauty. "Any other options?"
"You could marry a daughter of House Daeus or House Thonius, but that would slight the other house," she explains. "That would mean choosing a side, gaining an ally but also an enemy. House Erenor is conservative and prefers to marry within the family. They wouldn't marry off a daughter to a foreigner, and forcing them would cause resentment. House Lorus is too small for a beneficial alliance, and the same applies to the lesser noble houses."

> You seek out the old tyrant’s neglected queen for a discussion about her future role in the kingdom.
> You meet with the palace's guard commander to get his bearing.
> You arrange a meeting with the head of House Daeus to assess their ambitions and possible alliances.
> You arrange a meeting with the head of House Thonius to assess their ambitions and possible alliances.
> You visit the temple to understand the influence of the local religions on your reign.
>> You visit the temple to understand the influence of the local religions on your reign.
"A house can only continue through the male line, not through a daughter. Here, noblewomen serve to secure marriage alliances and are treated as trophies and playthings."

Well, we're king now. We'll fix that issue down the line.

>You seek out the old tyrant’s neglected queen for a discussion about her future role in the kingdom.

Been saying it, time to do it.
>You visit the temple to understand the influence of the local religions on your reign.
What if we institute ploygamy and marry both noble daughters?
>You visit the temple to understand the influence of the local religions on your reign.
> You seek out the old tyrant’s neglected queen for a discussion about her future role in the kingdom.
>You seek out the old tyrant’s neglected queen for a discussion about her future role in the kingdom.
+1. No more than 7 spouses, though. That way we can give each of them at least a day of our attention.
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After inspecting the royal harem, you visit the temple to understand the influence of the local religions on your reign. As king, you travel in the royal carriage, and arrive at the grandest temple in the capital, erected in Suial the Third's honor. A colossal statue of the old tyrant looms, depicting him as strong and noble—two qualities he never possessed in life.
The high priest, an aged sycophant, bows low before you, addressing you with reverence. "Your worship," he murmurs, "shall we tear down the statue of the old king and build one in your likeness? Or have you come to deflower the virgin priestesses or be attended by the beardless altar boys, as the old king often did?"
The priest's obsequiousness and readiness to indulge in the same depravity as the old tyrant serve as a reminder of the corruption that plague the kingdom. His devotion is hollow, driven by a desire to please whoever holds power. His offer hangs in the air, but you have no desire to emulate Suial's perversions. "No," you say firmly, scanning the temple's opulence. "I have come to understand the true teachings of the gods and how they can guide this kingdom."
The high priest appears taken aback but quickly masks his surprise with a nod. "Of course, your worship," he says, leading you deeper into the temple.
"In this kingdom, hundreds of gods are worshipped, each taking precedence in different regions," the high priest explains as he leads you through the temple, his tone dripping with sycophancy. "However, the most honored is Polemos, the god of battle, who blessed Sumdaq the Great in his quest to found our kingdom. Each year, a grand tournament is held in the name of Polemos, where slave gladiators fight to the death in his honor."
You know about the blood sports, where men are pitted against each other to the death while the crowd revels in the sight of blood. Religion is wielded as a tool to both entertain and suppress the populace—a tool wielded with ruthless efficiency by those in power.
The high priest gestures towards a series of murals depicting the gory tournaments and chants a prayer to Polemos. "May his blessing guide you, your worship," he says.
"I take it blood sport is considered the highest form of worship, then?" you ask the obsequious high priest.
"There are theological debates, your worship," the high priest replies. "House Daeus burns slaves at the stake to honor the sun god Khorshid, considering it the highest form of worship. House Thonius drowns maidens at sea to honor the moon goddess Selene, and for them, that's the ultimate act of devotion. Different regions, different practices, your worship."

> You assure the high priest that a grand tournament will soon be organized in Polemos's honor.
> You inform him that such blood rituals must cease, signaling a change in religious practices.
> You make no promises and head back to the palace, deep in thought.
>You make no promises and head back to the palace, deep in thought.
I would really like to stop the human sacrifice, but we don't have the power base to take a swing at the entrenched religion.
>> You assure the high priest that a grand tournament will soon be organized in Polemos's honor.
>Make non-committal statements, but ask about all the other forms of sacrifice within the realm
>Also ask about polygamy
>You assure the high priest that a grand tournament will soon be organized in Polemos's honor.
>> You make no promises and head back to the palace, deep in thought.

Basically I feel the same as >>5996927
>You make no promises and head back to the palace, deep in thought.
One mess at a time.
> You make no promises and head back to the palace, deep in thought.
You'd like to put an end to human sacrifice, but you don't yet have the power base to challenge entrenched religious traditions. The death of a tyrant, you realize, isn't enough to magically fix everything. Corruption and depravity still linger, some rooted in Suial's reign, others stretching back further.
The kingdom teeters on the edge of civil war as a direct result of the tyrant's death. Suial the Third was a monster, but his cruelty and sadism kept the populace subdued. He ruled with an iron hand, but he was also the force that held the kingdom together. In killing him, you may have sown the seeds of a conflict that could kill hundreds of thousands more than he ever would have.
To prevent the kingdom from breaking apart, you might need to commit acts as monstrous as those of the old man. You may also need to turn a blind eye to evil practices because trying to change them could make things worse.
The greatest question you face is whether the man who succeeded the depraved tyrant can retain his humanity, or is he destined to become a depraved tyrant like his predecessor.
You don't share any of this with the sycophantic priest. Instead, you shift to a more practical matter. "Can the king take multiple wives?"
"Of course, your holiness," the priest replies obsequiously, "though it is more common among kings to have one legal wife and keep the others as concubines to avoid confusion over succession. After all, if two wives give birth on the same night, there may be doubts on which son would inherit the throne."
"I have heard that the old tyrant buried his newborn sons alive," you comment, recalling the tale Lana shared, pondering the depth of the old man's paranoia.
"Yes, your holiness," the priest nods, his voice tinged with a disturbing admiration, "It is considered a very noble act, to sacrifice one's own offspring."
"There was nothing noble about what he did," you grimace, feeling a churn in your stomach. "The old man was a coward, afraid his newborn sons would grow to challenge his tyrannical rule and perhaps even end his life."
"You are right, your holiness," the priest quickly agrees, adapting his stance like a reed in the wind. "It was indeed a vile and cowardly act!"
You snort in derision at his swift change of heart and turn away, leaving the temple. You return to the palace in your royal carriage, deep in thought about your next move in this game of power and morality.

> You meet with the palace's guard commander to get his bearing.
> You inspect the palace treasury to understand the financial health of the kingdom.
> You seek out the old tyrant’s neglected queen for a discussion about her future role in the kingdom.
>You seek out the old tyrant’s neglected queen for a discussion about her future role in the kingdom.
We need allies.

>"You are right, your holiness," the priest quickly agrees, adapting his stance like a reed in the wind. "It was indeed a vile and cowardly act!"
In my view, a religious man who stands for nothing is worse then one who stands for something vile.
>The death of a tyrant
He said the thing.
>You seek out the old tyrant’s neglected queen for a discussion about her future role in the kingdom.
This guy is disgusting, but at least it sounds like we'll have the priests' support.
>You seek out the old tyrant’s neglected queen for a discussion about her future role in the kingdom.
>You seek out the old tyrant’s neglected queen for a discussion about her future role in the kingdom
>You seek out the old tyrant’s neglected queen for a discussion about her future role in the kingdom.

Also blood sacrifice you all we don't need to abolish it overnight just change it to people who rape, murder , and do other horrific things like that will be bood in the blood games as sacrifices.
Damn i am gooning too hard over this quest when will we get next update so I can finish
I take it you're looking forward to helping the cougar/milf "feel young again"?
>You seek out the old tyrant’s neglected queen for a discussion about her future role in the kingdom.
Damn right, i make her scream like a young girl, and give her the joy of motherhood ;)
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After returning to the palace, you seek out the old tyrant’s neglected queen to discuss her future role in the kingdom. The queen possesses a mature beauty, nearly in her forties, with raven-black hair and dark eyes that contrast starkly against her pale skin. Despite her regal allure, she was deemed far too old by her husband, Suial the Third, who had a notorious preference for much younger girls—preferring fourteen to forty.
You find the queen in the royal harem. "Your radiance," she greets you gracefully, showing no hint of distress over the death of her husband.
"I wish to discuss your future role in the kingdom," you say, opting for frankness over the courtly doublespeak typical of nobility. "The old tyrant was a monster, and I do not regret ending his reign. But to be a better ruler than he was, I will need experienced allies and advisors—people like you."
"What role would you envision for me, your radiance?" the queen asks. Her voice is deferential, yet you detect the undercurrent of a keen mind. She is a daughter of House Chion, the most powerful of the Blood and a house as ancient as the kingdom itself. Her influence and knowledge could be invaluable.

> I propose that you become my legal wife, as you were to Suial, but with a key difference: you will rule by my side, not live in neglect as he forced upon you.
> I hope you will bear my child, securing an heir who combines the ancient bloodline of House Chion with my own; our son will be raised with love, instead of being smothered by a paranoid tyrant.
> I would like you to serve as my chief advisor, leveraging your deep knowledge of the court's intricacies and the nuances of nobility and trade.
> While I understand that motherhood at forty might be challenging, I would honor you as the adoptive mother of my firstborn with a concubine, ensuring your legacy endures in history.
First this
> I propose that you become my legal wife, as you were to Suial, but with a key difference: you will rule by my side, not live in neglect as he forced upon you.
> I hope you will bear my child, securing an heir who combines the ancient bloodline of House Chion with my own; our son will be raised with love, instead of being smothered by a paranoid tyrant
>While I understand that motherhood at forty might be challenging, I would also honor you as the adoptive mother of my firstborn with a concubine, ensuring your legacy endures in history. Incase you are unable to bear my seed
The hornyposting shall escalate
>I would like you to serve as my chief advisor, leveraging your deep knowledge of the court's intricacies and the nuances of nobility and trade.
There's no way she doesn't have a lover. Let her stay with him. We'll go for two other noble houses.
> I would like you to serve as my chief advisor, leveraging your deep knowledge of the court's intricacies and the nuances of nobility and trade.

> While I understand that motherhood at forty might be challenging, I would honor you as the adoptive mother of my firstborn with a concubine, ensuring your legacy endures in history.

A lot of the rewards of high standing with faaar less social scrutiny.
+1. If she’s discovered to already have another lover, I vote for advisory as a backup plan.
Most noblest of cause
>I propose that you become my legal wife, as you were to Suial, but with a key difference: you will rule by my side, not live in neglect as he forced upon you.
>I hope you will bear my child, securing an heir who combines the ancient bloodline of House Chion with my own; our son will be raised with love, instead of being smothered by a paranoid tyrant.

(marry two daughters of the two other major noble clans)
You can fuck without marrying her
Yes indeed

That may be the case but then we wouldn't actually get much value out of it (I don't see her being interested in being a side-hoe if that's all there is to it in the relationship, so political support would be less forthcoming).

Ironically, seizing power through seducing her is what I find titillating rather than the act of sex itself.

>There's no way she doesn't have a lover.
You may have a point here, but I'd suspect whoever her hypothetical lover is is some expendable guy that she could have thrown under the bus and accused of rape if her late husband found out.

With that said, I'll add a caveat to my +1 from >>5998150
to also ask her what her ambitions are since we aren't going to force her to marry us if she'd rather retire from the palace and spend her time elsewhere/with someone else. Also mention that we don't share our women so if she's become "close friends" with another man she'll need to change the nature of their relationship to more distant going forward.

I would also try some matter-of-fact flattery to encourage her to stay, something along the lines of
> I won't keep you here against your will, but I would be remiss to not tell you that I'd prefer to not lose a woman of such sharp wit and captivating beauty
Feel her out, first - see what she envisions her house's role to be. We need to understand what her biases and personal goals are before we accept her. She may in fact hate her house or leaders in it. Also, understand her house. Tell her this is the opportunity to make her house's interests known to us.

Right now we're discussing how to best make a good foundation for our rule. If we marry into a house that's fractious or hard to manage, we might be stuck trying to change our house at the same time we're trying to change the kingdom. We need that house backing our changes instead.

I'd ask her about her house's holdings, their wealth (especially where it comes from on a renewing basis), the power of their house (standing guard forces), what their goals are, how the house views itself in the kingdom, and what people think about the house. This should give us an idea of what their potential power bases are, in case we need to, placate them, strengthen them or neuter them.

Right now, I'm assuming this is garden variety feudalism. After this, when we talk to the treasury, we should figure out what the odds are of raising a personally loyal army In case we need to impress upon the other houses that we mean what we say. I'd rather do that than have to send assassins in case the leaders of our houses don't get the hint - an autocracy backed by our agents isn't a good moral foundation to get people to believe what we say.
> I propose that you become my legal wife, as you were to Suial, but with a key difference: you will rule by my side, not live in neglect as he forced upon you.
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"I propose that you become my legal wife, as you were to Suial, but with a key difference: you will rule by my side, not live in neglect as he forced upon you," you propose to the queen. She is nearly twice your age but retains a regal beauty. Marrying her could stabilize your reign and secure powerful allies.
The queen ponders your words. "It is not uncommon for a conqueror to claim the wives and concubines of those they defeat. You have slain my husband, seized his crown and throne, and now, by the right of conquest, you could claim his wife as well. Yet, I am nearly forty, perhaps too old to provide you an heir," she points out.
"I hope you will bear my child, securing an heir who combines the ancient bloodline of House Chion with my own; our son will be raised with love, instead of being smothered by a paranoid tyrant," you assure her. "However, I also recognize the challenges of motherhood at your age. Should you become my wife, I would honor you as the adoptive mother of my firstborn with a concubine, ensuring your legacy persists through history, in case you are unable to bear my seed."
The queen looks contemplative. "An intriguing proposal," she finally responds. Your offer has resonated with her. For years, she watched as her husband favored younger women, sidelining her in both the kingdom and his life. Now, you offer her a chance to shine once again, to be a queen in more than just title.
"I would not coerce you nor keep you here against your will, but I would be remiss to not tell you that I'd prefer to not lose a woman of such sharp wit and captivating beauty," you say, weaving some straightforward flattery into your dialogue to sway her favorably.
Your words have the desired effect; she appears gratified. "I accept your proposal, your radiance," she declares. With a graceful gesture, she leads you into her bedchamber in the royal harem, her dress soon slipping to the floor.

> You take a dominant role, asserting your position as the conquering king, claiming the woman of the old man you vanquished, and making the queen submit to you completely.
> You assume the role of a devoted lover, attentively exploring her every desire, as eager to bring her pleasure as you are to find your own, ensuring a mutually gratifying sexual encounter.
> You defer to her experience, adopting the role of a young man eager to learn from an older woman, allowing her to guide you through new heights of carnal pleasure.
> You assume the role of a devoted lover, attentively exploring her every desire, as eager to bring her pleasure as you are to find your own, ensuring a mutually gratifying sexual encounter.
> You assume the role of a devoted lover, attentively exploring her every desire, as eager to bring her pleasure as you are to find your own, ensuring a mutually gratifying sexual encounter.
>You assume the role of a devoted lover, attentively exploring her every desire, as eager to bring her pleasure as you are to find your own, ensuring a mutually gratifying sexual encounter.
And keep going after she "finishes" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>You assume the role of a devoted lover, attentively exploring her every desire, as eager to bring her pleasure as you are to find your own, ensuring a mutually gratifying sexual encounter.
You assume the role of a devoted lover, attentively exploring her every desire, as eager to bring her pleasure as you are to find your own, ensuring a mutually gratifying sexual encounter.
As you assume the role of a devoted lover, you attentively explore her every desire, as eager to bring her pleasure as you are to find your own, ensuring a mutually gratifying sexual encounter.
Her husband neglected her for years, leaving her starved for attention. You diligently attend to her, helping the older woman feel young again, drawing out screams of pleasure that she hasn't voiced in decades.
"I haven't felt like that in twenty years," she admits breathlessly after you are finished. "Be honest with me," you muse, tracing a thoughtful line across her skin. "You're glad that I killed the old man and claimed you, aren't you?"
"I am glad," she admits without hesitation, her eyes meeting yours directly. "Being ignored for over twenty years is not just painful, it's humiliating. A powerful man spending more nights with his concubines than with his wife might be understandable, but to not visit your wife for a month, a year, or even a decade? It was a daily disgrace. I know every courtier laughed at me behind my back, though they bowed and scraped in front of me."
"I'm surprised you didn't take a lover of your own," you comment, considering her situation. "Take another lover?" The queen chuckles bitterly, the sound tinged with sadness. "A man may take as many lovers as he wishes. But a woman isn't afforded such luxuries. Besides, every male servant and guard in this palace is a eunuch. Suial would never allow his favored concubines—or his queen—to be 'tainted' by another man."
"Then I will take great pleasure in 'tainting' each of them," you snort, determined to claim everything the old tyrant held dear. "Aren't eunuchs considered much weaker than true men?"
"They are," the queen nods, her expression somber. "But Suial was paranoid about being assassinated. He surrounded himself with eunuchs because he saw them as weak, non-threatening, and docile. He was always a coward, that is why he even murdered his newborn sons... something I deeply despised him for."

> Suial was a despicable tyrant; I vow to rule with honor and justice, not cruelty and fear as he did.
> You have endured much, and you have my deepest sympathies; know that such cruelty ends with his reign.
> By surrounding himself with weak eunuchs, Suial inadvertently made it easier for a foreign warrior to overthrow him and seize his kingdom.
> A man who fears his own offspring is no man at all. Tell me about Suial's younger days, before fear twisted him into the paranoid tyrant he became.
> What changes do you hope to see in our kingdom, for House Chion, and for yourself?
>You have endured much, and you have my deepest sympathies; know that such cruelty ends with his reign.
>What changes do you hope to see in our kingdom, for House Chion, and for yourself?
Again, all of these work, but primarily?

> You have endured much, and you have my deepest sympathies; know that such cruelty ends with his reign.
> Suial was a despicable tyrant; I vow to rule with honor and justice, not cruelty and fear as he did.
> What changes do you hope to see in our kingdom, for House Chion, and for yourself?
>Suial was a despicable tyrant; I vow to rule with honor and justice, not cruelty and fear as he did.
>What changes do you hope to see in our kingdom, for House Chion, and for yourself?
>Ask for her name
We don't even know what she's called, the same with the concubines.
>You have endured much, and you have my deepest sympathies; know that such cruelty ends with his reign.
>What changes do you hope to see in our kingdom, for House Chion, and for yourself?
Can she make fun of the tyrant's tiny dick
"You have endured much, and you have my deepest sympathies; such cruelty ends with his reign," you vow. "Suial was a despicable tyrant; I vow to rule with honor and justice, not through cruelty and fear as he did. What changes do you hope to see in our kingdom, for House Chion, and for yourself?"
"I would like our kingdom to prosper and grow stronger," the Queen muses thoughtfully. "The kingdom has stagnated and weakened under Suial's reign, as has House Chion. I would like both to return to their former glory, as they were in the times of Sumdaq the Great. And for myself, I envision myself as a matriarch, though my own son was taken from me long ago."
"I am sorry," you express your sympathies sincerely. "I cannot even begin to fathom how a father could order his newborn sons to be buried alive."
"I believe Suial feared a prophecy, one that claimed he would be killed and usurped by his own son. That fear drove him to such horrors," the Queen sighs deeply.
"Yet, in the end, it was not his son who deposed him, but a foreigner raised by sheepherders in a distant land," you murmur, reflecting on the irony and the tragic consequences of the false prophecy. "Are there any prophecies I should be wary of?"
"There is one," the Queen grimaces. "It's said that the kingdom, founded by Sumdaq the Great, will be destroyed unless someone from the direct male bloodline of Sumdaq sits on the throne. Many commoners hold this belief, which might complicate your reign."
"Well, I cannot change my blood, so that prophecy will have to be proven false," you shrug. "As insensitive as it may sound, I am relieved that Sumdaq's line has ended. I wouldn't want monsters like Suial to rule simply because they had the 'right' blood."
"You cannot change the nature of your blood, true," the Queen nods, a thoughtful look crossing her face. "Though, I must admit, you bear a striking resemblance to Suial when he was a younger man."
"I hope to look better than him when I reach his age," you chuckle, the laughter hiding a serious hope that your reign avoids the monstrous transformation Suial underwent. "By the way, I just realized I neglected to ask your name, my queen."
"It's Jocasta, my king," the Queen replies, her voice carrying a hint of warmth for the first time.

> End of Chapter I
Damn it i want more !!! Is he the son incest wincset when !!!
If you go through with this I'm dropping the quest.
I only know of the Jocasta from the Star War
And Suial is Laius backwards. The QM planned this from the start, the fucker.
Normally I find the /qst/ bait QM anon extremely annoying and consider them my personal nemesis, but even I have to admit that this was handled with some artistic flair and I even chuckled at the big reveal.

/qst/ deserves a better class of criminal, keep it up
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QM, you son of a bitch…now I need a chapter 2.
...Well, that's both impressive and disappointing. I was hoping this was an original setting. But I'm not interested in this kinda mythological history quest.
Suial is Laius spelled backwards https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laius.
Sumdaq is Qadmus or Cadmus spelled backwards https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadmus.
The five great noble houses (Chion, Daeus, Thonius, Erenor, and Lorus) are named after the five surviving Spartoi who helped Cadmus found the city of Thebes (Echion, Udaeus, Chthonius, Hyperenor and Pelorus) with a few letters removed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spartoi.
Jocasta was a descendant of the Spartoi Echion in the original myth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jocasta.
Suial was always planned to be the protagonist's birth father but it was supposed to be revealed much later "I'm glad Suial's bloodline has ended", "I'm nothing like Suial and I'll never be like Suial", "The prophecy says the kingdom will break apart unless a descendant of Sumdaq rules the kingdom since the kingdom hasn't broken apart, it means the prophecy is false".
Major spoiler I haven't decided yet if his birth mother is Jocasta or some unnamed concubine.
Well played QM. Truth be told I was expecting a low-mid effort hornyquest and you've exceeded my expectations significantly.
>Major spoiler
Just a risk of this makes me want to drop the quest. Please decide now.
Quite the setup. Hints were certainly there, shame that anons uncovered it too early. Hopefully the QM can roll with the punches.
Major plot spoiler I plan to write a scene where the protagonist believes he slept with his mother and the options are hang yourself, blind yourself, castrate yourself, etc..
It will later be revealed to the readers that Jocasta's son was killed and the baby smuggled into the sheepherder's kingdom was some other unnamed concubine's.
Chapter II is coming.
No that's cowardly
Don't take the easy way out. If it's good enough for the romans, it's good enough for /qst/

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