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Murderhobo Edition

>What is this?
"The Mystery Dungeons 2e" is a text-based role-playing game created to expand on the setting created by the spinoff series, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. This has no story relation to the first quest, and is its own new story. Players still isekai themselves into the world and become Pokémon, going on adventures with their newfound guild mates! SFW ONLY

A deeper explanation of rules, related pages, and whatnot can be found here:

>I'd like to participate!
Currently, we're at full capacity as far as threads on /qst/ are concerned. However, there's always the chance that space for another player may grow in the future, or that you simply wish to play outside of /qst/ and the quests hosted here. There are other ways to participate, about which you can learn and do here: https://matrix.to/#/#the-mystery-dungeons-2nd-edition:matrix.org

>Okay, now what?
After you've read up and familiarized yourself with the rules and setting, be sure to hop into the Element: https://matrix.to/#/#the-mystery-dungeons-2nd-edition:matrix.org. Everything that doesn't involve Main Quests occurs here and is helpful for coordination.

Character sheets and the guide to making them can be found here: https://rentry.org/tmd2many_characters

If you feel you might need help, feel free to ask!

Previous threads and summaries can be found here:

Our LIVE main adventures start on Tuesdays/Saturdays around 6:30PM CST in this thread!

Namefag as your character, with your item and level!
e.g. Sparks, Lv. 56 Pikachu
e.g. Sparks L.56 (Sneak Scarf/Team Shock)
Ready to roll!
The days have been...relatively peaceful, lately. Plenty of concerns have made themselves known and clear in the past few weeks, so it comes as a relief that you'll be able to put one to rest after today. Teams Stylish, Clover Force, and Ruckus have been billed for damages incurred to the product growing in the Shoot Stretches by that sleepy Luxray managing the place, and money's tight. When an escort mission for one of Air Continent's nomadic tribes appears as an alternative to paying out, most of you are happy to follow the debtors among yourselves and do a good deed.

The Sashay Tribe has a particularly ideal beach for their courtship rituals and youth development, the Bountiful Sea. Unfortunately, it's on the edge of the Water Continent at the opposite end of a Mystery Dungeon where ferals make feasts of them. Supposedly, there's a pretty nice party to let loose in if you can get everyone across...but without any experience in seaborne Mystery Dungeons, there isn't much more to look forward to. After a couple days' travel from Baram Town, you all find yourselves on the beach these Pokemon are supposed to meet you at before crossing...
>Kaz walks around the beach
"Water dungeon huh? Maybe I shoulda used that Thunder Punch TM..."
"Anyone see the 'mon we're supposed ta be meetin'?"
>Kaz glances along the sands for their contacts
>he let it slip that he was the one from Clover that damaged one of the shoots as he climbed upwards, because he had assumed they were already aware
>he reminds himself to try and keep quiet about such things, even if he thinks to be found out as he walks around on the beach

"Not yet, don't hear them either...and all I can smell is the salty sea air."
Wallis tags along, the group's water specialist. She's got a heart mark from prying a certain someone off at the mention of a courtship ritual. She glances around for the clients to be escorted.
"The beach is... nice today."
She says as she looks around awkwardly.
>Ishmael looks like he's holding his breath at the beach
>don't let it get to you don't let it get to you don't let it get to you.
"Ain't see them. we sure this is the right spot?"
>Spike arrives with everyone else, keeping his distance from everyone on the way there. As of late, it feels to him as if the goodwill he garnered at first has eroded and he would like to prevent any awkwardness.
>He scans the beach, his eyes wandering over the sand, the sea and any other landmarks.

"It looks normal, did we come early?" He asks, pawing at the sand.

"How many of us are actually geared to fight water types?"
"Preeeetty sure..."

"I coulda had an electric move, but I couldn't decide which move ta give up for it."
"Are we 100% certain they didn't reroute?"
"I remember grass and electric being the right moves... I lack both of those. I think we only got Kathy and Evan to rely on for them."
"I might be able to help with that!"
Against her own principles of letting the idiots take their punishment for once, Orner is here. She can't help feeling curious about this irrelevant clan's traditions.
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Some of the shrubs lining the end of the sand dunes that make up the Air Continent's side of the mystery dungeon shudder before spitting out...a lilypad. Then two more, a fourth, and so on before an avalanche scuttling and walking pond plants is headed your way. Their brims tip upward, suddenly revealing the Lotad and Lombre underneath them.
The smallest of them aren't shy about swarming you.
"Cha-cha! Are you guys explorers?"
"Cha-cha, they've gotta be. I've never seen half these species before."
"We usually only get one Explorer to help us-hey, don't crowd them-ska!" A Lombre waves some of them away.

A few Ludicolo emerge onto the beach much more elegantly than the rest, one sporting a ribbon stretching over his shoulders and around his back. He frowns at the sea before strutting his way over.
"Debts will haunt you forever, it seems." Sagira looks around, shaking her head. "From my assumptions, even death does not free you."
"Electric type moves would give you good coverage against flying types too- if you can reach them," Spike suggests, picking up a clean looking twig and letting it hang from the corner of his mouth.

Spike scowls. The message is clear. He would rather rely on someone else.

"Ludicolo?" Spike blinks in surprise before regaining his composure and walking up them.

"Yes! We're the explorers! Happy to meet you! My name's Spike!" He states loudly, reaching out to shake someone's hand.
>his ears flick as he looks over to see...what he assumes are the mons they're gonna be responsible for today
>he waves at the strange fellas on his way over, stopping to speak to the smallest of the group
"We sure are! Nice to meet you guys!"
>Ishmael understands for Kathy, but Evan's good.
>before he hops back on spotting the giant water type crowd, trying NOT to hide behind the team
"Y-yeah! we're here to help you guys if I remember right?"
"Hey, hey, breathing ssspace pleassse! Yesss, we are explorersss. We are here out of kindnesss for the sssmall tribesss! Someone'sss gotta look after the little guysss!" Orner likes the attention.
"H-Hey, no touching! Alright, keep close for us to guard you but not THAT close! I'm Wallis and you'll be sticking with me in water."
"Oh yeah...forgot about that match up."
>Kaz thinks
"Maybe Endure..."

"Woah! Buncha lily pads! With...funky accents."
"An' yeah, we're the explorers. Watcha got for us?"
>Evan! He's here!
>Evan sticks to the back of the group, preferring to just look around.
>Kaz walks over to Evan
"What type are these guys? They came outta the water but they got plants gorwin' on their heads."
"This one a them dual type situations?"
"Yeah, Grass and Water. There's a couple of those."
>Dustin looks on the beach relaxed thinking over what has happened before.
>He's finally at peace
>When suddenly!
"Heh, neat. You think there are any Fire an' Water types?"

"Dust! Good ta see you. Ready ta do a job?"
>Evan thinks for a while
"Maaaaaybeeeeee? I've never heard of one."
"What's the job this time?"
"Well, our new friends here"
>Kaz gestures to the Lotad and Lombre
"Haven't told us yet."
The Lotad stare at you, each one starry-eyed. Though the murmurs of "We're all gonna make it!" feels a little dark despite their mood and cheer.

The accessorized Ludi pulls down the brim of his top over his eyes. "Ooh? We've got a whole army, ain't that swell. most of you look like surface walkers, though. A little odd. Don't expect us to dive, but we can carry you on our pads if you can't swim, just give us a little...knell." He presents his palms to you all, doing a little shimmy. Hopefully rhyming isn't his thing.
"You talk a lot of the water type...let's hope they're the only Pokemon out there that can swim, we'd hate to see you get sniped, ahahah~"

There are Pokemon of all three stages to ride, though the smaller ones look the fastest. Obviously Ludicolo would be more stable, but the Lotad look a bit more spry in the water. That may matter, since none of these pond drifters look too terribly fast. How will you cross the straight?
>Lotad (your max AP+2, Def/SpD -2)
>Lombre (Your stats unedited)
>Ludicolo (Your Max AP-2, Def/SpD+2)
>Swim freely (Your stats unedited)

The lot of them are ready to get this show on the road, so once you make your choice or swim freely, it's into the Southern Strait mystery dungeon with you all.

Chapter 13: Reparition
Playa del Mediterráneo, Sonic BTS

Cress sits motionlessly atop a Lombre as it drifts through the seawater into the Mystery Dungeon. These Lilypad Pokemon move primarily by letting the sea current carry them towards their destination with their pads staying at the surface. It's not particularly fast, but you'll be acting as guards between ferals entering from normal waters and your protectees. Don't let anything through.
"We're going to keep these guys safe on their way to-" he pauses, turning to them and smiling. "-to wherever they're headed!"
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>Evan takes a Lombre ride
"I'm not too heavy, am I?"
>Ishmael is atop a Lotad!
>-2 to defenses, AP up to 9!
"this brings back memories..."
>Ish is fucking terrified
>Ludicolo (Your Max AP-2, Def/SpD+2)
"Oh wow, a free ride? Don't mind if I do!"
Spike runs up to a Ludicolo, waving his paws in their air. "Excuse me sir! Can I hitch a ride! You look big and strong!"
"You sure a Ludicolo isn't more your speed, man? You're shaking like a bush in an earthquake."
>Evan is concerned for his friend
"Speed is my game, I gotta be on the quickest things around, right?"
>it's not helping the size of this thing
"I'll be fine. I have to be fine."
>Lotad (max AP +2 Def/SpD -2)

"I'm...not the best swimmer. If I have to I can but I probably shouldn't."
>he eyes the choice of mons to carry him along before stopping at one of the Lotad

"Hey there! I know I'm a bit bigger than you, but think you could manage carrying me along?"

>he looks over to see Ish's own choice
"You sure you wouldn't prefer one of the bigger ones? Less chance of falling in."
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>Swim freely
What else did you expect? Not relying on the natives as her power allows, Wallis takes point- better her taking hits than the taxis.
"Remember, I can't grab you if you fall off!"
She says back to the escort riders. In the meantime, it's time to go on lookout underwater.
"Like that child frog?"
>Dustin shakes his head.
"Alright, I'm heading with the lily pad."
>He means Lombre.
"Aw sweet!"
>Kaz decides on a Lotad
>8AP, -2def/Spdef
"Let's do this little buddy!"

"You know it! Speed is life!"
"Right... well look, if you fall in just shout and I'll fish you out, okay?"
>Ludicolo (Your Max AP-2, Def/SpD+2)
"I am... not wholly incapable in hostile terrain." Cubone offers not-so-reassuringly. Sitting atop a Ludicolo still proves his best option, though.
"That said... combating Water-types is not my specialty. I will remain on standby in case of emergency."
"Got it."
"It's... not the falling in itself that's an issue, an I doubt I could stay put on them anyway."
>Ish pauses
"Okay the odds of falling in are entirely the issue, but you don't gotta worry about me okay?"
"Well I suppose you are small enough to fit on them without much of a problem...just maybe try sticking close to Wallis?"
The surf and spray is pretty mellow, despite mystery dungeons' inherently chaotic space. The salty breeze and (sometimes literally) bubbly chatter makes for a welcome change of pace given recent adventures, if you can enjoy those things to begin with. Though it takes conscious directing of your rides to get them into good postions for defending the masses.

Oh. speaking of, a mass of Algae bloom is drifting towards your group and catching up. Some kind of film is keeping it rather compact-ah, no. That's a Muk. What kind is it? and why is it spread so wide and thin if it can float on the algae?
"Oilskin, Cha-cha!!!!" One of the Lotad whimpers from underneath you all.

...Is it just him...?
Rolled 9 (1d20)

"Oh for the love of... Get outta here!"
Wallis forms an orb of goldish mud in her twintails and grabs it to fire a stream of mud from her hands at the Muk!
>Wallis used Mud Shot!
11 damage and a speed drop if it hits!
Rolled 5, 8 = 13 (2d20)

>Not dealing with that today
>Ishmael spends his 9 AP on TWO embers! a swan song for a move he'll soon replace, in a situation you' expect it to be fucking useless.
There appears to be some jetsam stuck between that Muk and its platform of plant growth. Is it worth trying to filch? There's a Mind Band, a pair of iron thorns, what looks like a purse, and some Tasty Hone...If you're willing to eat off a Muk.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>Evan yoinks the purse with his vines
"Don't mind if I do..."
(should clock in at 5 damage twice, for 10 before defence)
>Dustin looks to the Lotad and back to the Lombre
"Is that your sibling or something?"
>He notices Wallis using Mud Shot.
"We should probably silently leave this..."
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>it takes some getting used to, especially with being a bit bigger than the mon carrying him but once he settles in things aren't so bad

>the sight ahead is a bit strange though, looks like some kind of slime? From below some of them seem a bit scared and just as he would back down the sight of some garbage? floating grabs his attention

"Hey, think you could speed up a bit? I have an idea..."
>he whispers to his ride, standing up a bit as he awaits for their speed to increase and with it a wind to start to blow
>once it does he intends to use Aerial Ace to turn the pleasant ride into a surfing across the water which hopefully would kick up some of the objects for him and others to grab
>however his focus is solely on the clothing or the purse that seems to be floating there, because there's no way he's eating anything covered in this....goop
Rolled 17 (1d20)

"Pollution? For shame..." Cubone mutters. Has he even registered the presence of a Muk? It doesn't seem like he has, but he starts waving his Iron Thorn outwards in attempts to spear one of these 'trash' items out of the water. How dare someone litter in the ocean?
"Does that thing look like it's coming along quietly to you?! Besides, it can't catch us if it's too slow!"
Wallis snaps back.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

"Gah, one a them poison types."
"Ah well, I got ammo today."
>Kaz grabs around in his bag and produces a Stick!

"Get outta the way!"
>Kaz Flings the Stick at the enemy pokemon!

(If this hits)
3bp + 2atk + 3 power pitcher = 8 damage
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Kath is there!
She was there the whole time, just vibin (Turn lost)
Rolled 15 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

"Hell yeah, lunch!" Orner is in fact, willing to eat honey from a Muk.
>Orner doesn't have Switcheroo anymore, so she's gotta approach the loot to take it! +1 Sea Snake.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

"Hm. . . I think I can loot that band off it!" Spike proclaims. "Get me closer!"

>Spike's shadow darkens, running across the water's surface like a torpedo, circling around the Muk's form to knock the Mind Band off and towards Spike!
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>Lombre (Your stats unedited)
"Ayyr may be a trap or jus' feedin' the rubbish o' the water."
>Sail used Dragon Pulse!
If hit 12 dmg
Rolled 19 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>Ludicolo (Your Max AP-2, Def/SpD+2)

>Sagira's Magician! with Basic Attack!
>Thaumaturgy III
Sagira turns around, observing the approaching 'mon. Attempting to level herself, she aims for a sharp and violent burst of energy, attempting to quickly swipe the thorns away.
Matchia seems to have followed, swimming of her own volition.
"A Muk? In the water? That's not good at all..."
She's too late to take action.
Rolled 4, 2, 3, 14, 4 = 27 (5d20)

Combined attacks deal 26 damage to Muk, as well as a speed drop. He's now matching pace with you all, the crystals scattered through his body ineffectually lined up for an attack that doesn't have a significant chance of hitting anyone save Cubone and Orner...

You can see and hear a little disturbance in the water underneath Muk as your damage is dealt. It gets more agitated the more injured and slow he gets, occasionally swimming out from underneath him. Muk has a smidge more fight left in him, but three silhouettes swim out ahead of him and up to your party!

Brook's fabricated wake spreads Muk just a tad thinner, decreasing the coverage of his trash. The items should be easier to grab, though only one of the Thorns drifts off towards himself...
The second Thorn pops into Sagira's Possession with a miniature gate. It's still got a little ooze and algae on it, but it's otherwise as irony and thorny as any other.
You've got Tasty Honey!...Or is it...? Seawater and semisolid muck can't get through cork, right? Questions for after your tail isn't between rows of oil-crystal.
Your Ludicolo apprehensively stops sculling forward to let Muk catch up with her drift. unfortunately, high noon doesn't afford your shadow enough reach. It's thrown and distorted by the waves...
Meanwhile, the Mind Band he aimed for is speared on the tip by an Iron Thorn. Fortunately, this variant of Muk is the less sticky of the two...The accessory gives Cubone a calm, yet alert sensation on contact. The feeling isn't unlike switching from an SD to HD display, only over your eyes and thoughts. Just what does it do?
The purse pops free of the gunk with a snap. It's pretty snazzy looking, so it must belong to a noble or some such...but it's sealed shut by dried griminess. You can see something shiny just past the opening though...if only you could pry it or something.

"I'm sure we all are if you trace us back far enough. but We're all related to Swiveling Prince! Even if it's not by blood, Cha-chaaAAAAYAY!! Whyyyyy...?" Your Lotad mumbles as you clamp down. She skitters over towards the rest of the Pokemon you're supposed to be defending.
The sea spray suddenly tastes a bit saltier. Perhaps a few tears are being mixed in.

Rolled 14 (1d20)

"Oy so sorry! I thought you were a slimy fella!"
>Rolling for persuasion
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The lines of Crystal suddenly clamp down on Orner's grabby tail. That's 17 Dark Damage through crunch.
A similar pair of surrogate jaws lunges for Cubone, but the mud mixed in with the sludge Pokemon's Body gives Cubone's Ludicolo enough speed to panic-tread away. The other Three Pokemon surface for attacks of opportunity; Three Arrokuda! They go for Flip Turns, bouncing off Ishmael, Sagira, and Wallis's faces and into the waters ahead of them for 15, 15, and 12 damage respectively. They keep rushing ahead-they're trying to skip the battle and go straight for your charges!

Not helping is the spiky-looking creature looming ahead of the tribe, which is currently swimming in front of you all. Its facial expression reads...territorial, and the current is bringing everyone towards it...
But He's at least a turn's distance away before anyone can think about dealing with him.

Otherwise, your attacks are breaking away enough algae from Muk to stand on safely, separate from him. It could be cover, a net, a tether, or just gross!

"Why are you being so mean!! I look like a Muk????????????? I should have stayed on the shore. I'll never find my special someone..." Dustin's ride sinks into the water a little.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

"That. . . doesn't bode well. . . I'm going to deal with that seaweed-lookin' thing!" Spike shouts as he grabs onto the fur of Ludicolo and leans back to face the spiky-looking creature. He opens his eyes wide, an otherworldly force flows out through his yellow eyes, direct at him- trying to pin the creature in place.

>Spike uses Torment to buy more time!
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>Evan looks at the big motherfucker headed their way
"Hoo, boy, that's way outta my league."
>Evan uses a Vine Whip on an Arrokuda (whichever's closest)
"Away with you, fish! Begone!"
>Should be 10 DMG unless fail/crit
Rolled 11, 13 = 24 (2d20)

"Ah great, more a them!"
>Kaz watches the Arrokuda speed off!
"Oh no you don't!"
>Kaz urges his Lotad to move faster!

>When they get within range, Kaz lands a Rock Smash on one (5AP), then, as its dazed, pick it up and Flings it (3) at a second!

"Go bug somebody else you flounders!"

(First roll for Rock Smash, second for Fling)
Rolled 12 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>HP: 16/27
"Rrr... Fins off of me!"
Wallis feels the pangs of fear as the arrokuda touches her and reflexively counterattacks! She summons a conjured wave with Surf and it has breaks in the wave to avoid hitting allies. Focusing on pure knockback, Wallis pushes the wall of water outwards to distance the foes from the group.
>+3 Repulsion
"And no skipping in line, either!"
Rolled 16 (1d20)

(7/22 HP)
>Blaze is active! not that it'd help.
>the flip turn in fact, knocks Ish off the lotad! trying to get to safety, his flails of "fire type in the open ocean" lead him to trying a basic attack, followed by a double kick
>that kick, will be rolled in a seperate post, as it uses different dice
Rolled 3, 5 = 8 (2d6)

(that's a 5 on damage, let's do DK)
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>Dustin thinks for a minute.
"It's uh... not me being mean. It's called tough love?"
>Rolling for persuasion
(Rock Smash)
4bp + 1stab + 2atk = 7 damage and defense reduced by 1

3bp + 2atk + 3power pitcher = 8 damage
(14 total damage! 5 from basic, 9 from DK)
Rolled 7 (1d20)


*The thorn is barely spared a glance as Brook focuses on the group of mons they're meant to keep an eye on*
"Be careful, I think they're planning to go after you guys!"

>tapping the Lotad he's riding, he signals with a paw to try and keep everyone not currently giving rides together, before using Aerial Ace to kick up waves in a circle trying to keep anything that might harm the group at bay*
Rolled 2 (1d20)

"Well shot, we in dragalge territory. Prepared fer a storm. A ambush await."
>Sail fire a bolt of draco energy at the draconic sea horse with Dragon Pulse!
>Sail shout out a war cry
Rolled 15 (1d20)

(HP 9/22)
>Consumed Oran Berry!
(HP 19/22)
"Oh, hell no!"
>Orner sends an explosive deterrent to the Arrokuda! (Seed Bomb BP 8 + 4SE + 4 Attack + 2 Type Specialist = 18 Damage if it lands!)
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Kath tries to hit an Arrokuda with a razor leaf!
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Rolled 9 (1d20)

Cubone haughtily yanks his Iron Thorn away, as if keeping it out of the hands of a greedy child. Wiping it off, his attention is turned to the more mobile of the newcoming Pokemon. Rather than comment on the obvious, he continues his abuse of marine life in the name of anti-pollution or something by tossing his battered Iron Thorn towards the second of the airborne Arrokuda.
...he side-eyes Dustin and the associated Lotad, given the depressing commentary. What's that about..?
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Seeing a set of new foes appear, Matchia swims forward to slap an untouched Arrokuda silly with Fake Out! 4 + 3 + 4 damage! If all Arrokudas have been hit, 4 + 4 damage!
>Dustin turns to Cubone and then turns back to Lotad.
"Oh right that thing."
>Dustin uses Dragon Tail on Muk!
Focusing entirely on position, the fish are kept well enough in range for the rest of your allies to attack. These Pokemon look mostly uninterested in battling, merely picking off the defenseless. To that end, a dark Braviary soars in towards the commotion from elsewhere...

It keeps the overwhelming height between the battle and itself, sizing up everyone.

Orner and Kaz's attacks KO the first fish, while its impact with the second, an Iron Thorn, and a Razor Leaf KO the second. It faints, sinking
sadly into the ocean with the thorn embedded. There that goes...
The last Arrokuda takes 28 damage, and...it's down.
...While Dustin blams the last of the original attackers. There isn't a good angle to strike from other than above, so the tail swat ends up spiking Muk down through the algae bloom, like a raw egg down a sink drain. He's left on top of the mass of greenery. Even without Muk, it's pretty big...

Dragalge is...still too far for either move to have any effect. She's a ways away from the tribe, which is itself ahead of you as stated. However, the sea dragon Pokemon is only concerned with the perceived challenge. It bristles and spreads its plumage with a cry of its own, now focused on your party more than the defenseless Sashay Tribe closer to itself.

These fish Pokemon vanish upon defeat, indicating that they're dungeon ferals. Muk however resurfaces unconscious, and this Dragalge and Braviary are exuding more power than those 20 HP whelps.The Bird looks about as strong as the Muk, defeatable if it comes down from the sky, but that territorial Dragalge is giving a pretty explicit demonstration of its age and experience over mere dungeon variety ferals...
Lv: 80
HP: 44
Atk: 0 (+4)
Def: 8 (+7)
SpA: 2 (+4)
SpD: 10 (+5)
Spe: 0 (+4)

,,,Perhaps there's a better way to handle this Pokemon than through combat. Fortunately, this one looks more interested in defending this space than actively hunting, unlike that Braviary...

...But all the nearby enemies are KO'ed.


"Hmm-mm-mm. Big Purple, we meet again. She's a lot smarter than the rest of 'em. Don't underestimate him, or you're in for a world of hurt-ple~" Spike's Ludicolo mutters. That's not a rhyme.
"Ska-ska! That big lug likes to loiter around the end 'o Sothern Strait. We must be close!!" Evan's Lombre chimes in through mouthfuls of water.
Lotad-riders are more maneuverable; they'll be the best if you need to herd the Tribe or set anything up. Ludicolo-riders will have a little more safely interacting with that beast. Everyone else is in the middle of the road, so to speak.
...Or you could just pick this fight.

Either way, you'll have a couple days to come up with something. We'll be back on Tuesday the 30th at 6:30 CST. Have a night, all.
Sagira is familiar with such violent combat on and within water, and doesn't devolve into a panicked mess when she impacts the surface of the ocean. She is, however, coughing violently from the brutal hit.

Doggy-paddling in the water, she quickly munches on the berry in her hand and tries to collect her thoughts.
>Oran Berry

"...it seems the situation prefers to change in a moment's notice," she comments as she attempts to keep her head above the water.
Cubone spends his turn equipping his newest Thing: the Mind Band. He's aware it's beneficial, even if it's... not from the best source...
Back to business, then... "...That thing's clearly not overtly hostile yet... what about that Braviary? What could we do about it?"
The Dragalge is the only threat left to objective left, but it's strength demands a response. Assessing his current team's strength. . . A frontal assault would be ineffective.

Diplomacy is an option, but how can you convince a feral to stop it's pursuit? Evasion and distraction? Plausible, but with high risk. . .

Spike turns to the other factor in the sky, a Braviery. Perhaps they could help?

Spike closes his eyes and concentrates, reaching with his mind to the feral bird and using emotions and concepts to make his plea.

'Dragalge bad. Distract. Pester. Reward after.'

Dragalge are. . . Dangerous 'mon. He hopes this works.
"D'you think we could drive him to the sea monster? Make 'em fight one another?"
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>Evan leans down and talks to his Lombre
"I can't really do anything against that, try keeping away from it, sorry."
>Evan directs a group to stay away from that beast
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 18 (1d20)

>Orner Screeches at the Braviary, just to probe.
"Hey, if everyone handsss their throwablesss to Kaz, we might be able to beat that thing!"
"Wanna beat the competition? Heh!"
>Kaz has seen Orner practicing her slithering in water. It would seem she wants to be top snake of the seas!
Wallis gets a bad feeling and immediately opens her arms. A pink, sparkly barrier forms around each ally, including the escorts.
>Wallis used Wide Guard!
"Don't try it! We're just passing through!"
Matchia stares at the Dragalge and the Braviary.
"...Can't deal with that."
Matchia hums.
"Hm. If it fails, I don't doubt that we'll be in massive trouble."
She uses Detect, in case something goes horribly awry. She takes the opportunity to also keep moving the group along.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

*freezing for a moment to gaze up at a shadow in the distance before finally flying into view in the shape of a huge bird...though it seems to just be watching for the moment...*

*It's a little bit mean but it does give the dark fox an idea, though it's pretty risky, before deciding on a move his eyes wander back to the scared mons they were hired to guard....sighing he bends down to talk to his ride
"Hey, think you could charge forward toward that weird dragon thing?" *he leans down to his living lily pad ride* "Don't get too close though, only enough to get its attention before immediately getting away."

>as soon as they get close enough, he plans to form an illusion around the both of them in the shape of that big bird flying over head. Maybe it'll get their attention away from the group and over towards the real thing
"You know it!"
"Hey, itsss a foolproof plan! Not even Kaz could messs it up."
"So that means it couldn't get any worse with you coordinatin' it!"
"You... overestimate your chances of success greatly." Cubone is.. clearly mincing words. "I need not remind you that this Dragalge is entirely incidental to our clients as well.. I would prefer to avoid dealing with potential Blast Seed fallout."
Why listen to this nerd, though? It's not like he has a better plan.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>Sail toss a blast seed to Kaz
(- Blast Seed)
"Aye, though might dodge those peckin' eagle pillage before then."
Rolled 14 (1d20)

"Hey! Here!"
Kath hands her unused blast seed to Kaz
"Alright sssmartypantsss, prove me wrong if you got gutsss!"
"That'sss what I'm talking about, THANK YOU!"
Rolled 3 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

"Thanks Sail! I'll use this in a sec!"

"You too Kath!"

"You know, I think I got another idea..."

>Otherwise, your attacks are breaking away enough algae from Muk to stand on safely, separate from him. It could be cover, a net, a tether, or just gross!

>Kaz instructs his Lotad to drive him closer to the algae net left behind by the Muk!
>He grabs hold of the net then performs a drive by on the Dragalgae, hoping to ensnarl it and slow it down!

>He gives it an extra spin as he tosses it, just to make sure it lands
> +3 Trick Shot
Rolled 1, 8, 2, 18, 12 = 41 (5d20)

you certainly have the both of them agitated and on eachothers' minds now. All that's left is to draw them towards eachother and nature should take its course...now it's just a matter of luring them close enough to engage eachother instead of you all. That bird is still soaring and hanging back for a safe opportunity to come down and strike, despite the foreign want for violence on its mind.
...Which comes when the dragon is ensnared by algae growth wrapping around its body from the side. The entanglement is weak enough to only shave an action being rid of it, but that's enough for Braviary. It dives in, emboldened by the prospect of such a big takedown...
That Screech neutralizes Braviary's level bonuses to defense, but it doesn't look particularly upset by the drops.
The breed that can glide over extreme distances is the one you're likely to catch out in the middle of the sea like this...The other giveaway being the glowing eyes.

Ah, the objective. Right. Many of the Sashay are flavorful and skilled, but not powerful as swimmers. You can herd most of them into resisting the current drawing them towards the feral Dragalge in the path ahead, but some of the Lotad frontrunners are still ahead of your Lombre ride by the time you direct everyone. The Dragalge is about to engage, but its attention has been thoroughly drawn for for now...will they be safe?

Dragalge must spend an action freeing itself...and it's struggling to differentiate between Brook's movements, Spike's pestering, and the real Braviary soaring nearby. It settles for a poisoning Sludge Bomb into Brook for 18 Damage and attempts to snipe the Sky High Pokemon with Twister for 14 Damage.
Meanwhile, Braviary attacks with a pair of Psychics!...One misses, resulting in...4 Damage. Witnessing the pitiful effect, it switches to a physical technique in grabbing the sea dragon and flying upwards. It's Sky Drop! Dragalge is trapped in the air until Braviary's next turn!

...what a development. Your move. you all are catching up with the Sashay, while a few of their number are still ahead of Evan and directly under the ferals.

Rolled 20 (1d20)

>Meanwhile, Ishmael
>Back on a lotad, he's trying not to remain afraid, checking his inventory for anything to distract himself
>Oh, and investing his 9AP into trying to help play spotter for his lotad, to avoid hits
>Dustin takes a look around the damage that is being brought.
"Uh... uhhh..."
>Dustin looks at Lotad.
"Get moving! That'll get us a bit of time!"
Matchia urges the group forward.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

"Yyyyyyyyyep-ep-ep-ep-ep-ep, keeeeep goin'..."
>Evan keeps the party swimming further safely
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>Kaz takes this opportunity to help herd the tribe!
"All right, come on guys, keep it movin'!"

>Kaz moves to the front and uses Aerial Ace to provide a water current that will assist in moving all of them faster!
Rolled 3 (1d20)

"Good option!"
Kath is in full escape mode with a rapid spin
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Cubone watches Dragalge soar up.
"I... see." is all he really manages. As chaotic and ridiculous as this turn turned out, he isn't going to complain about a free opening. "...We should proceed." he suggests.
Taking his own advice, he adds some haste... in familiar fashion. Facing away from the direction they're swimming, he starts using Water Gun on the open waters... jury's out on how effective that'll be at propelling the Ludicolo he's riding, though.
"Hah, lucky us the big bird's more into seaweed. Let's get through while there's an opening!"
Wallis says, trying to advance while she keeps up Wide Guard.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

"WHEW! That took me by sssurprisse. Suckss to be Brook, but what can you do? Get moving!"
>Orner looks for the Iron Thorn left behind by Brook!
"Alright! Lily pad thing, FORWARD!"
>Dustin points his hand straight ahead.
>The slime ball explodes directly behind them as they're trying to flee, sending the both of them flying through the air with a sharp cry as the corrosive sludge burns into the both of them

>thankfully they splash back down into the water removing, the foul goop before it can do any permanent damage

>the living lillypad eventually floats back to the top and a moment later a wet paw bursts forth and climbs back atop it

>while the sludge may be gone, the burn still lingers at least for now
>unable to do much Brook raises a shaky paw into the air, a soft glow covering it before letting it fall into the water letting his Aerial Ace give them enough speed to keep up with the rest in their current state
"Go! They're occupied!" Spike urges his Ludicolo ride, dropping his childish act.

"Brook! Catch!" Spike chucks an Oran Berry at his friend.
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>Pyromancy III
Sagira clambers back onto her transporting ally, soaking wet. For now, it seems they aren't the primary concerns of that dangerous feral. Holding onto the Iron Thorn she secured, she begins heating and cleaning it up, trying to return its sharp edge. "Let's try and stay with the others. Best not to be left behind."
>An eye lazily moves to the voice, seeing a round blue blur quickly flying towards him

>IQ Skill: Item Catcher
>The paw that isn't currently submerged immediately flies up and grabs what he can recognize as an Oran Berry which he quickly bites into.

>Eating half he drops it in the water, allowing the mon carrying him to eat up as well

>he can only manage a cough, so a wave will have to suffice as "thanks"

HP: +5! (9/24)
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>Sail propel the lillypad with Water Gun!
Rolled 14, 19, 8, 10, 8 = 59 (5d20)

Well, you've got an iron nugget. It's like an Iron Thorn, if it didn't do any damage, wasn't aerodynamic, or did anything a thorn did. So, not an Iron Thorn.
Not that it's a great moment to prioritize frugality anyway, but your efforts are about as successful as Sagira's. Which is to say, they're not.

The majority of you opt to sneak past the belligerents, though it's Matchia and Spike lagging closest to the soon-seaborne Dragalge. Cubone is moving near their pace, though his water propulsion puts him further ahead than either of them. They've caught the ferals' attention...

Evan's directing is...not expedient at all, until Kaz breaks the surface tension. Most of the innocents manage to cross under the midair battle, save the Chieftain marked by his gaudy sash. He's resigned himself to helping Evan and Kaz push his tribe forward, putting him in the same position as the slowest of you...

Braviary kicks Dragalge downward back into the sea, throwing the nearest of you for a loop in the swelling water. The impact deals...0 damage. The hunting bird huffs, marking the end of your break from its attention. It moves on to more vulnerable targets in Matchia and Brook, upon which Psychic and U-Turn deals 21 and 12 damage respectively.
As it makes its pivot away, it grabs Brook, preparing to fly off with him...
Dragalge, meanwhile, wants the other two explorers out of its space. Twister catches Braviary for another 14 Damage, while a Dragon Pulse catches Spike for 18 damage. Sludge Wave is blocked by Wide Guard...
Its eye falls to the Sashay Chieftain still recovering from the wave nearby. What will the two of you do? Perhaps if it cannot be beaten, you can make it clear you're only passing through, or make peace more appealing to it.
...Or maybe you should just make the swiftest escape you can.

Braviary is making off with Brook, while the Ludicolo leader, Spike, Matchia and Cubone still need to leave the territorial Pokemon's space. The rest you and the tribemon are behind the battle and drifting to the end of the dungeon...
Rolled 1 (1d20)

"Hey, give him back!"
>Evan tries to yank Brook out of the Braviary's grip with his vines
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>Ishmael spots his friend being dragged away, and attempts the only thing that makes sense to him
>that is, Bouncing, screw using it as an normal attack, ish is aiming to hit Braviary on the way up
"Brook!" Spike shouts for his friend before glancing around.
"Brook, can you make it?" Spike shouts.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

"...Ugh." Cubone winces as he witnesses Brook get carried off. He has precious little to do here: there's no ground to work with on the open water, and what's Water Gun going to do?
Well, he can always throw a Hail Mary...
Or a Hail Brook, in this case, as he attempts to aim the Tiny Reviver Seed in his inventory at the moving, incapacitated target.
Rolled 16, 15 + 3 = 34 (2d20 + 3)

>Kaz sees the Dralagae gaining on the Lidicolo Elder!
>He rides his lotad close and launches both blast seeds given to him earlier to distract the beast away from the Elder!

"Eat this ya over grown guppy!"
>Kaz tosses one high in the air, hoping to make the Dragalgae look up, while he spins the other one, hoping to skim it along the water to hit the pokemon while it is distracted!

> +3 Trick Shot
Rolled 5 (1d20)

"Hey, I have an idea!"
>Dustin uses Bite on Braviary to loosen the grip.
Matchia doesn't deal with psychics well. Crazy! This is normally when she feels the most excited, but she's kind of treading water right now.
"Ah fuck..."
She does as she does before, and continues swimming forward, looking forward to being out of the enemy's range.
'Let go of him,' Spike commands the Braivary telepathically, his thoughts booming towards the feral in some attempt to recover his friend.

"We need to go, Ishmael and the others are already taking care of it. .," Spike taps Ludicolo's back, telling him to get out of the Dragalge's territory.
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Rolled 12 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

>Sagira's Magician! (Thaumaturgy III)
>Sagira used Blast Seed on herself!
Sagira turns around to see Brook being carried off like fresh kill. Scowling something furious, she shakes and shapes the still warm iron nugget in her hands before leaving to rest it on the edge of her palm. Carefully, she aims her arm, like a barrel and crosshair. Fishing the Blast Seed from her bag, she forces two portals together as close as she can pull off, forming one just right at the shoulder (notably in her face), and another right where she would normally receive the item.

"This better work," she hisses to herself. "Or I'm going to look like a complete buffoon."

She rolls the slug into the exit portal, and raises the Blast Seed to her shoulder portal. Gritting her teeth, she crushes the item and braces.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

"... play nice?"
Kath tries soothing the braviary from a distance to be less mean with a play nice
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Sail watch the spectacle of the explosion.
"Aye, wha' a site o' blastpowder barrage those drakk."
>Sail shot a spark of draconic fire at the dragalge with Dragon Breath!
>Feeling a bit better after eating the berry, a sudden flash of burning pain from the corrosive slime flares up making him close his eyes just as the bird from before dives down for an attack

>His body fighting against him, he's completely unable to avoid the flying tackle that takes him off the back of the lily pad mon and spinning head over heel through the air

>With his vision starting to fade, he feels something strong grab his limp body stopping his momentum instantly...at least he won't be awake for the possible fate awaiting him as the bird begins it's escape

>That last hit has knocked him unconscious it seems, his body hangs limp in its talons

(Ignore if you decide not to go with it)
>at least he won't be awake for the possible fate awaiting him as the bird begins it's escape...was what would've happened had it not been the case that a seed managed to find its way into his open mouth

>immediately the world starts coming back into view as his a renewed sense of strength courses through his body

>opening his eyes he's extremely confused to see he's...flying? Is this a dream? Then he notices that he can't exactly move...looking around he instantly notices the bird

>he kicks his feet as he struggles to try and break free but it's no use

>looks like he has no choice, shutting his eyes he waits for the stinging pain to come before suddenly finding himself falling down at a fast pace, the bird currently carrying a fox shaped doll
Wallis sticks back with the semi-Clover Force, specifically Evan and the chieftain, to secure their escape.
"Like I thought! That thing has a spread move! We've gotta go!"
Seeing the others focus down Braviary, Wallis moves to cover Evan and the Chieftain's escape as she keeps up Wide Guard.
Rolled 10 (1d20)

"Alright, job here isss done!" Orner absconds!
Rolled 8, 10, 11 = 29 (3d20)

Venturing this far from dry land, and to feed...Braviary won't be suggested away from its purpose so easily.

A hit! It lands straight down his throat. Whole. That'll probably sting. You can spend your time making that substitute, but it might be more prudent to conjure something for the dragon you're falling towards.

In different ways, it looks like you're just out of reach. Vines pulled taut, you don't have enough reach to get a solid wrap around either of your teammates up there.
They're close enough to do something about the impending fall, though.

Brought into motion by Ishmael and Sagira. He throws himself as high as Braviary has been hovering this entire time, now in reach to make a grab for Brook or its talons. Preferably Brook, since Sagira already blown herself up to shoot it out of the sky. The nugget can't be propelled as hard as it could with a closed chamber, but 10 true damage is a relatively small price to pay for KOing the bird kidnapping an ally. 7 true damage
fells the bird, putting Ishmael and a waking Brook into freefall. Underneath you are a few Ludicolo carrying Cubone, Spike, and a deeply unhappy looking Dragalge...

Your flames fall upon Dragalge, washing off its scales for...0 damage.

The other true damage attacks are more successful. The seeds capture Dragalge's undivided attention and 20 HP. Cubone, Spike, the Chieftain, and the freefallers have an opportunity to help themselves before the dragon can brutalize them repeatedly...

And much like all the others, the rest of you are safe from long-ranged attention or spread moves. However...

As all the others make their way out of range from retaliation, a thoroughly insulted Dragalge fires a trio of Sludge Bombs as high as it can, trgetting Kaz with all three. they land for 18 damage apiece, though better a distant target than one of the tribe members or one she can get her leafy appendages on...
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>Evan desperately tries to catch Brook with some vines!
>Kaz's eyes widen at the last second before impact and he uses what little time he has to cover the Lotad that has been keeping him in this fight for so long
"Oh shit-"
Rolled 14 (1d20)

>Ishmael is falling, with brook!
>but still falling.
"One of these days we'll end up going somewhere dry."
>he tries to joke, knowing things will suck.
"But, uh... we may want to get aiming for the lilypads. or..."
>Ishmael lands his bounce, on the Dragalge!
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Cubone taps on the Ludicolo he's riding on's sombrero with his foot to get its' attention. "...See if you can get your Lotad to catch the freefallers." he instructs, or rather, requests. It's not a very forceful command.
With Brook's final aerial move, he does some quick intuitive mental pseudo-math to try and predict where most of the fallers (except Ishmael, on the sole grounds that leading a Lotad to the Dragalge directly is a horrendous, counterproductive idea) will land in the water, then aims a Water Gun to hope for the best and produce ripples in the general location for the Lotad to collect the others. Hopefully his quick draw isn't terrible... it is a pretty haphazard way to go about it.
Rolled 19 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Wallis remains closeby to Evan and the Chieftain.
"Seriously, the sooner we leave its turf, the sooner it stops being a problem!"
Wallis pushes the straggler escorts along with a Surf wave, comically sliding across the water and hopefully offscreen.
(Original roll was 16 +1, rewrote it to sound a bit better)

>Brook wakes up to a painful soreness in his throat, made only worse by the harsh wind blowing into his face

>his eyes blink open, the scenery in front slowly coming into more focus until finally when his vision becomes clear his pupils dialte as he realizes the situation

>The pain in his throat completely forgotten, he lets out a scream though whether it's from the falling or due to seeing the mon waiting below is hard to really say but it doesn't really matter
>What does matter is the strength he feels returned to him, he isn't sure why or how but at the moment he doesn't care

>As if by instinct he extends all four legs, making his body resemble an X to not only slow his descent but also allow for a lot more air to blow over his falling form
>Finally when the sky blue glow begins to form on his paws, he releases the energy in the form of an invisible vertical platform. Pushing off with his hind legs he hopes to escape his current trajectory and hopefully grab Ish along the way
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The bounce lands with its 0 damage, and it's with Ishmael is able to land on the Sashay Chieftain instead of in the open waters on the rebound.
...He's preoccupied guiding your landing towards him like an air marshal, so Evan has to pull the two of you away to safety.
Cubone and his Ludicolo are able to direct a Lotad to catch Brook with time to spare; they are the best for getting around of these Pokemon. A thank you and apology may be in order, as Brook's hasty aim and decision making has himland with enough forward momentum to crash into his other savior, Sagira. One out of two ally grabs successful.

Thus, a frantic and winded swim-away is made from the Southern Strait's visiting guardian. It's a little graceless with one of you KOed, a messy escape and many panicking ride Lotad fretting over your injuries...but nobody's been taken or gravely injured! That's a success!
Before long, the seawater below begins to light your path better than the setting sun. Underwater dugouts let out an entire community of glowing Staryu and Tentacruel ready to welcome your arrival, with a few stray Chinchou and Lanturn to light and mark the Water Continent's shores. The sand and plant life is robust enough to make a little underwater neighborhood, and the Sashay Tribe are already celebrating their safe crossing on dry land. A few are even scuttling past the dunes and already bringing back headfuls of fruits and berries! This is Bountiful Sea, if anywhere ever was.

Before you get to soaking in the atmosphere next session, go ahead and take 40 Exp. You've earned it, no?
...And that's the stage for the Sashay Tribe's meet and greet. of course, it's small enough that pretty much everyone knows eachother, but the air's different here, more alive. Even the few members all of you have talked to are suddenly much more jovial and festive when bumping back into you on their ways around. And there's plenty to see. Leafy picnics have been set up all over the beach loaded with food and berries both prepared into dishes and raw, bioluminescent Pokemon provide ample light well into the night sky, while Lotad and Lombre litter every surface performing extreme exaggerations of tangos; they spin around on eachothers' heads, throw eachothers' bodies around to be caught by new partners or recovered with excessive panache, and chatter out absurdly brisk, jaunty acapella tunes. Even the Chieftain is continuing his weird air traffic jig between counting head (and couples). He and those followers are significantly more business-oriented than the others around, however. He's huddled around an out of place swell of plant growth, too...?
So between the foods, party, seamons, and the chief's suspicious business, there's a lot to look at here. Any of those four spots catch your eye?

The food's fine, the socialization finer, and the chatter and music-well, it's a bit loud, but it's part of the energy, y'know?

SEGA Carnival, Sonic Riders
>He's huddled around an out of place swell of plant growth, too...?

>A now healed up Kubfu meanders over to the Chieftain and his current fixation

"Heya chief. Makin' a salad?"
>Kaz points to the odd plant growth the pokemon is huddled over
"I could get you a knife or somethin' sharp."
Matchia... doesn't seem too excited by the festivities. She's sure other people will get the important stuff with or without her.

She's gonna check out the food!
Orner settles for raiding the buffet. It was a long journey here after all.
"What'sss a Ludicolo'sss meal of choice, hmmm? Pinap berriesss?"
>Still reeling after his near brutal fall, the zorua relaxes on the outer edges of the party. The loud music pounding through his still sore body

>Though it isn't long until the soreness in his throat has him drawing closer, looking for something cold to quench his thirst
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Wallis is taking a Break in the corner. With an anime sigh, she stays a wallflower while she recuperates from the trip with the help of her IQ Skill, Second Wind. If shiny pokemon are considered desirable in this world, someone's bound to approach anyway.
"How did the weirdo that put us up to this expect to get that done with just 3 teammates?"
Sitting next to a group of less active Ludicolo, Spike is enjoying his successes by drinking some strong fruity beverages.
>Ishmael, grab snacks
>god, jumping like that is FUN, but it's also tiring. especially when there's panic involved from the whole fucking ocean around you and a metric blaze moment.
"gonna be real, I have NO idea. I'm still winded from that first hit."
>Ish says as he passes his fellow shiny
>Evan decides to look around at the party
>He thinks to himself about that bag he picked up earlier. Probably should open that at some point.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

As a form of thank you, Spike is conjuring some shadows against the wall like a live shadow theater.
>Sail grab a drink and went off to the shoreline enjoying the sea breeze.
>Mostly observing the sea 'mons than off to the sky.
Snacks. There's no shortage, as Slowking and Staryu are building and handing out refreshments from unrealistically tall mounds of food and wooden mugs from little drink tables. For rp purposes, indulge as you please while you're here, but there's enough to take one item with you for keeps. There are...
>Juices from every status curing berry, with effects intact
>Cheesy Flat
>Starry Smoothie
>Another Cheesy Flat!
>Stir Fried Berries
>Magma Macaroni
...As well as enough base berries to take home two, if you're feeling cooking later.
>Figy Berries
>Wiki Berries
>Mago Berries
>Aguav Berries
>Iapapa Berries

The seafront seems like the best spot for that, if any. One of the wandering Lanturn catches sight of the purse and approaches. She explains, "Ooh, found some floatsam? Hunting used 'ta be pretty popular, but the Oilskins starting taking to the water, and they always gum up whatever you find. Here, lemme get that for ya!" While she works at the gunk, "...You both new to Water Continent?"
The Starmie and Chinchou in the water continue lighting up the sea from below like little fireflies. It's a pretty unique sight...
"Oh, nonono, nothing so incidental. Making everyone cross that vile dungeon just for a salad! It'd damage my......credentials." He does a little shoulder shimmy with palms outstretched. That wording was a huge stretch for a phrase that wasn't even a rhyme anyway...
More importantly, the Ludicolo behind him are huddled around that bed of flowers, each bulb of which is big enough to sit on top of. In the center of them is a somewhat familiar sheet of paper, reacting to their dances and mantras. The more they speak, the more vines from below entangle the scrap, and its surface begins buzzing and skittering with what look like eyeballs.
"Care to join our fortune jig? The deal is pretty...big!" He offers to Kaz.

Among a little less crowded corner of the party, some of you have convened. One of the many green silhouettes makes its way over to you, but it's a bit taller than even the Ludicolo and Slowking present. After vanishing from sight for a moment, you all hear a voice behind you. "A shadow puppet show at night-this little ritual is never wanting for something to see. I thought meeting a pair of hued at the same time might be fun, but I'm forced to remember you all as killjoys. Care to start fresh...?" Little bubbles and strands of light appear on the backdrop of Spike's shadow puppet, making a little crude background for it.

Cress is in a secluded corner of the beach, shaking out her bag over the water. "Come on, you're even among your Pokemon...! Just get out!"
Cubone happens to be fetching a refreshment in the form of water as he overhears this. A social butterfly he is not, and he would prefer to stick around Pokemon he already knows personally, anyway, so he ends up building on Wallis' offhand remarks.
"...An entirely apt question... I don't think I've even seen any of them use a Move the whole time, in fact. Were they expecting to slip by unnoticed..? That seems unlikely..."
>Upon seeing the smoothie, Brook reaches out and takes a small sip
>instantly he starts to feel the effects flowing through his body, starting with a tingling in the tips of each of his legs and spreading up

>the soreness forgotten for the moment, he HAS to move.
>Grabbing the smoothie for later, he starts to run to join the other party goers trying to work off this excess energy
>Evan Begins talking to the Lanturn, sneaking glances at the undersea lightshow
"Yes, we've just arrived. Well, hey actually, have you been here before, Sail?"
>Evan looks to the one-eyed Goomy
"Anyway, thanks for your help with this thing."
Kath is there
>Ishmael picks up Two mago berries, and a Starry smoothie. on top of grabbing a pecha drink
>this isn't related to poison, he just likes pecha.
>after, he returns to Wallis, Spike, and Cubone.
"Start fresh? what'cha on about? and who are ya?"
>he idly asks the mystery voice, while watching the shadow play.
Hm. Quite the set of food to choose from.

Matchia's not feeling particularly thirsty, so she gets some Magma Macaroni. She'll grab a Cheesy Flat to take back later.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>Kaz shrugs
"Yeah, sure. Why not?"

>Before Kaz can begin dancing, he looks a bit closer at those eye balls.
"Hey...wait a minute..."
"I think I've seen this stuff before."
"It's that language stuff that...ah, makes things happen right? Magic stuff?"

>Kaz looks at the paper to discern any coherent words as he prepares for a jig.
"I just kinda got clipped and I'm still feeling it."
She looks around with a huff.
"These guys look free spirited. There may not even be room in their hea-!"
>HP: 19/27
Wallis is feeling the healing... and awkwardly reeling from the presence she's appealing. She snaps to and steps away with her signature expression. Wasn't she against a wall...?
"H-Hey, I'm the life of the party! Don't tell me you're..."
The strands are reminding her of the ship cabin escape room. But the culprit couldn't be here, could they? She feels too uneasy for a second Break.
Cubone appears to be visibly unsettled by the sneaky voice, but he shakes it off quick enough to reply to it.
"...I cannot speak for the rest of these Pokemon, but the term 'killjoy' is a perfectly apt descriptor for me." ...He seems to almost take pride in that statement...
Orner nabs a Cheesy flat and two Iapapa berries! Then gorges on whatever's left.
"Nay, been t' the continent time t' time. Mostly visitin' kin thar. Nah much t' the muk o' that line. At least doin' some swabbin' the gak o' the sea. Some me kin mix some o' the oilskin gunk wit' brew. Nah bad t' taste compere t' the other me kindred concocted."
"Aye, 'ave kin o'er thar."
>Sail went back sipping his drink.
"Hey! I thought you guys were goners out there! Cha-cha!" A Lilypad roombas its way over to you before revealing itself to be the one partnered with Brook in the Southern Strait. "Usually we start with a big speech and remember everyone who didn't make it- I thought for sure we'd have to include some of you, but we can get straight to business this time around!" She spins around, checking Brook with the side of her lilypad. "It's tough out there, since we don't really battle. But Sashay's on a comeback! We aren't missing anyone! Well, one, but he wasn't lost to the sea. I just wanted to thank you all in person, heh-heh-heh. Cha-cha! Ooh, wanna show off some of your moves?"

The bag's open now, washed of muck and Muk. "Well, I'll save you a trip to get any of that brew. Sea families, am I right? Oh, and lucky you, finding a hobbyist before a professional cleanser then. I don't think they'da let you off and let you know how valuable this could be!" She shows you the contents. There's about 3500P, but moreover, a sheet of paper undamaged by water and set into a discarded green Kingler claw. "We use oil for big fancy paintings that need to stay good for a long time. See that Charcadet? He's our late prince! We lost him at sea, the whole country's been a little down about it. But this Glameow with him must be pretty highborn to get himself painted alongside him. It could fetch a good coin with the right Pokemon! You boys must must travel all over seas and see all kinds of things, hmm?"

Her entrance is punctuated by a rose blossom flicking itself into the sand at Cubone's feet. Somehow, it sticks straight up like a pin or arrow. "If you insist, I won't tell you anything, then." The lights stop interfering with Spike's show. Leaning over you is a Meowscarada. "Who am I...? Yeah, that's the spirit. Small world, hmm? Sashay only comes here once every seven or eight cycles. And to answer your questionnnnn...they huddle up at sea. No amount of predators can take out all of them while they travel, after all! But we're here to celebrate aren't we? Let's not concern ourselves with something so morbid."

"It's gives Bountiful Sea its-" The Chieftain makes a rainbow with his hands, "aura. My ancestors had brims only as wide as my belly, but now! Look at us. Look at me!" His lilypad bounces, covering almost a full foot outward from his body. "We live long and beautiful lives, all thanks to the Sashay Sash. If you're implying there are more like this blessing out there...that'd make quite the stash. Non'a these look like any language to me, though."
Well, it might to you. Pic related is what it looks like, when the surface isn't completely obscured by eyes. Its activity is reaching a fever pitch, but there's still time to interrupt the ritual. You know, if you wanted to or had reason to do that.
"Just look at the view! Full flowers braving the seawater, harvests..."
Next to Cress, watching something in her bag clamp down on the Cinderace's arm.
It's a Shellder from...somewhere.
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hm. forgot image.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

"Congrats on your baby!" (Vibes)
"...I'll be sure to keep my distance. I'm here for fun." The rose plucks itself from the ground and resets itself a few inches closer to the others.
>Evan pockets the cash. He's not poor anymore! He also claims the sweet painting
"Huh. Wonder what this was doing all the way over where we came from..."
>The realization sets in
"Wait, LATE prince!? How long ago did that happen!?"
>Ish pauses
"Ah, I get it. you're the one who bombed us."
>he says non-chalantly, before enabling the Vibes(tm)
"been a bit, so long as you don't start shit, like say... trying another terrorism. I guess I can let live for now, but lay a paw on my friends and I'll torch you for it."
>rabbit, check bag, wonder if that Compass will do anything interesting all the way out here...
Rolled 12 (1d20)

>Kaz nods
"Yeah, I've seen this before. My buddies and I came across another piece like it."

>As Kaz converses with the Cheiftan, he begins following thier motions and dancing away!
>Or as best he can
>Rolling for dance!

"So ah, I take it you guys wanna keep that paper on you?"
>Kaz is looking for a way to ask for the paper
>He also tries to make out the lettering
>Is...that an 8?
>Or... a B?
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>huh that voice sounds....familiar but who is...
>body currently full of smoothie powered energy, he hop straight into the air upon getting hip checked by the living lilypad

"O-oh yea! I'm really happy too! I'm glad you're alright, sorry I sorta led you into danger so many times!"
>he tries to sound apologetic but with having basically consumed an energy drink he blurts out his words in the same excitement filled tone

"I'd love to dance! C'mon let's go!"
>normally he could never see himself participate in something like this but with the party atmosphere combined with his current buzz, he practically falls over himself in his haste to get down...not before giving his former ride a return hip check of his own

>hopefully he doesn't make too much of a fool of himself in the center of the party
(rolling for dance performance)
"Er, moves? Like... Dance moves?"
Matchia looks at Brook, before looking back at the
"I... only know how to dance for two."
She says lamely.

>While Kaz is getting his dance on, he motions for Ishmael, one of the few to interact with the last magic scroll, to come over
Rolled 4 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

"I dunno... If I hadn't been there, these guys would be caught up en masse in a wave of poison."
She tilts her head.
"And, uh, small world? We've never met!"
And she's technically right, Wallis did not opt to confront the flowery felid alongside Turning Trails like some others. She hasn't met him, either. The closest she's come is the tripwires this creature left and just revealed to let her make the connection. Play it off, Wallis...
"B-But you can't be that bad if you were drawn to me. I suppose I could tell you my name if you tell me yours."
She folds her arms and her twintails twitch.
"Unless, of course, you've already heard of me. I'd remember meeting a showmon that makes an impression like you."
Was that an unintentional pickup line? And on a grass type, too! Worse yet, her tsundere acting out has mistakenly added some of her attribute, Razzle Dazzle, to the mix. Perhaps it'll distract the showmon from certain, less favorable lines of inquiry.
"...Have you met?" Cubone inquires. Cubone certainly doesn't remember a Meowscarada, let alone one that warrants threatening.
"...Wise." Perhaps there's something funny in how nonchalantly he reacts to a rose moving itself, though.
"We had a run in before you came along, involved recovering a boat"
>on that, ish hops over to Kaz
>Sail pocket some of the P as well
"Like enough lost ashore or jus' lost in transportation o' who the original holder are."
"C'mon Matchia, it's a party! You don't gotta do anything, just let your body move to the music!"

*In the middle of an attempt at a dance move that ends up looking more like he's got a really bad itch, he waves Matchia over*
"Hey, check that sheet over there."
>Kaz points to the page within the plants with the eye shapes

"Look familiar?"
"You're not inspiring me."
Matchia says flatly.
>Ish nods
"yeah, looks familiar. still seems to have it's charge too."
"Wait, fuck. it still has it's charge. that thing's a time bomb for all we know."
>he pauses mid shake to look over at Matchia...before immediately throwing her a smile and finishing the move he was in the middle of by jumping up and spinning in the air

"Whaddya mean? You can't possibly be any worse than I am!"
"So come on, turn that frown upside down!"
Matchia is really biting her lips (metaphorically) for this one if this hesitation is anything to speak of.
"I'm... I haven't danced solo before. I'd rather not embarrass myself."
"Look around, you think anyone here's gonna care even if you did? Besides I can hide you with an illusion if it's really THAT bad."
>his friendly smile turns into a smirk
"Gotta stay pretty close to me for that though...."
Matchia shakes her head, not noticing the smirk.
"I... guess it's a more of a matter of my own feelings than how others feel about me..."
"Oh well if you ever change your mind feel free to jump in!"
"And hey I wouldn't mind seeing what you could do in a duet."
>he turns away, returning to the center of the makeshift dance floor....but not before looking back to give the weasel a wink
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Matchia didn't gloss over that like she did with the smirk.
She makes a blank, if slightly negative, face, not knowing how to respond.
Ska Cha Cha (Blazy), Sonic Rush

The duckthing reels over the wet sand before circling back and scooping you back onto her lilypad. Lotad aren't quite built for complex ranged of movememnt, so the smallest of the tribe but all of their energy into moving as emphatically as they can. Being Brook's platform, Lotad has a real goal in her movements now, to counterbalance any missteps you make. A couple other Lombre and Ludicolo cheer on your jig with errant pinaps and 15P.
Meanwhile, a Lombre moves on over to Matchia with a series of flips, landing on his head in the sand. He's clearly stuck, but he ignores it to offer a hand to her. "Then it's a good thing we're all here to dance for two-ska-skaaa!"

"Hmm? Oh, it was a moon cycle or two ago. Fell to some unknown illness; it took him so suddenly and young, real sad affair. He's already been succeeded, but the courts look like a heartbroken Maushold the way Pokemon are coming and going through them. This new group looks promising, but our new crown princess...is a piece of work. Come back to Water Continent soon, it could look like anything with her in the throne. Whew! Nothing like the prince.
Oh, 200 in a side pocket for you. "Nono, not to the sea, at sea. It was illness that took him from us. Charcadet can be so frail, but better nature than an enemy, yeah? But they're not going to go around parading him. I am a little curious what his business was, but-ooh, I'm no noble. I'm not gonna be the one to pry."

"Myeh-heh-heh, s'long as there's nothing to fight ove-"
Ish's compass is twitching violently...in the direction Kaz and the Chieftain are, to boot. The eye-shape in the center in spinning around, too. It hasn't been active at all since that incident with the Sprigatito pairates...
"Come now, right in front of me?" Their leader whines.
She doesn't look too impressed by Wallis's presence. Actually, she's puzzled. "My siblings told me about some explorers with a couple hued among them. We'd never forget, we rightfully appropriated that ship! But I'll take the compliment. She bows, revealing the trick flower bulb hovering behind her. "Call me Meowscarada. We're not highborn enough for long grandstanding names." That last line is spat with a bit more venom than her politeness thus far.
"Thehe Sashay Sash is the cornerstone of our community. Don't imagine we can just take it with...impunity. This land belongs to no one. We merely renew its blessing, and reap the benefits by feeding our newborns here. That being said-" The Chief flips over to spin on his top. "Change is life. Bountiful Sea could be convinced. A part of everything...is strife."
Meowscarada sighs, having followed Ish and company over here. It's not much of a secret that she wants it. "What are the chances..."

Cress sticks the Shellder onto Katherine.
"It's blessing?"
>Ish looks over the scroll, trying to avoid setting it off
"Something like this seems more... creative than destructive. while I understand the need to keep ahold of it, I also know a place that could use it. even if it might not have the same power afterwards."
>he pauses, tapping his foot to whatever music is around
"What say, if on the way back, we take a moment to fix a disaster zone?"
>Evan is curious now
"Oh? How different was the prince to her, if you don't mind me asking?"
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Matchia seems to be doing a mental debate as she stares at the Lombre's hand.
A moment passes, and she helps right him by the hands with ease.
It looks like she's.... okay dancing with others on certain conditions that wasn't met with Brook.
"I'm... probably out of practice."
"Something gives me the impression that your idea of appropriation fails to meet typical standards of 'rightful'..." Cubone pretty quickly catches on to this Meowscarada's deal. Or so he thinks, anyway. Still, this individual is probably worth tagging along with to the chieftain, anyway.
"...Was the pilgrimage always that treacherous?" Cubone wonders.
Considering how hesitant she was before all of this, she's not taking the initial steps. She does look ready to go with whatever moves Lombre does, though.
Wallis' eyes trail to the flower, then away.
"Hmph! Wave Catalyst."
She says with some veiled dishonesty to match Meowscarada's evasiveness. Wallis doesn't realize that's the species name.
"Can't say I'm super into the idea myself, but we don't always get a say in how it goes, huh?"
She folds her arms.
"We've had to take care of a few of your stragglers in your place, y'know. And the tripwires I've had to be wary of since that ship returned to port... You could say you owe us amends, so yeah. I'm good putting that away if you are."
>momentarily stopping his performance he both gathers the small collection of coins and waves toward the small crowd of mons
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much for having us, I know the trip here wasn't the best experience....but that's all in the past. Now it's time to party!"

"...And I especially want thank you"
>Brook leans down, to give a personal thanks towards the mon that had served as his ferry across the river

"It's probably not easy keeping up from down there so...got any special requests? Anything you want for being such a great "ride."
>that cocky smirk he had earlier returns to his face
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>Sail take the Kingler claw and inspect it
"Mmr. clue perhaps or hint o' the contact. Also I reckon veil o' that brew somethin' around."
>Sail take out veil of ration brew form his band and toss it over to Lanturn.
"May the wind align up course."
Rolled 1 (1d20)

"Aaalright fellasss, I'll ssshow you the ssstyle of the Almandine brand, improved by yoursss truly!"
But can her moves back up her words?
>Rolling for Orner's booty swing!
Rolled 15 (1d20)

"Hey! I'm not a nanny! Not without pay!"
She sticks it back to Cress, in a hard-to-reach place
Rolled 7 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Orner gets a wide berth for her performance! Nice! Just don't think about why. Or look, lest you find out. Once it's done, several Ludicolo are KOed. It's unclear whether she struck them on accident or if they were merely horrified by her fell wriggling.
Lombre nods to Matchia's initial movements, pitching her a Rawst Berry seeing her overcome the shell. "Ska-ska! Here, just match my pauses and do whatever you feel inbetween. Even if it's sad or embarassin'! Let it all out!" Embarassing, like still being stuck on your lilypad head as you do a chugging motion with your arms and pretend to walk. This Lombre at least isn't worried about looks.
Lotad skitters in place, unable to vent her excitement and glee under Brook. "I'm dancing with an explorer-!!!!!! Alright, alright. Here, throw me into the air! You can't do this one alone!" She squees.

"Aren't you a charmer! You talk just like those seafarers too...it could work!...almost. I've got my eyes set on someone already. The nobles who are in the know aren't too talkative about the whole deal, so laymon like us won't ever be privy to the lurid details, I suppose...sensitive secrets and all that~"
"Anyway, the princess! She's...approachable...kind! And. Umm." A Starmie rolls in. "A total fool, just dumb. An' anyone who'll spend an hour in a country without the monarchy can tell. Make yer peace, t'was nice knowing Ava-lu while it was the peak o' society." Rudeness aside, the fact that Lanturn doesn't disagree or deride his manners speaks. "Our coffers're gonna be empty."

Meowscarada sighs again into her palms, blowing some glittery pollen into the wind. "Ahah, lucky you! getting to choose your definitions of right and wrong. I've got a party of thirtysome to cater and treat for. Either way, it's not I separating Bountiful Sea from its lifeblood..."
Speaking of, The Sashay Chief deliberates. "Disaster? Is it on the main nomadry route? We have no battle proficiency to tout(e?). As nice as world peace is, we have our own to look after; we spend a full moon cycle spawning before returning to the homeland, and we need some assurance of safety if the sash will not be our...safety grafter." Okay, graft is far too rare a word to get a suffix and count as a word. Otherwise, it makes sense that an Air Continent clan would be concerned about vitality given the "epidemic". Can you convince him?

On a humanoid body, that could only be on the small of her back.
Cress sucks her teeth and stuffs Katherine in her bag, resigning to letting the Shellder clamp down on her.
If aura could kill.
>Ishmael ponders
"I can understand your unwillingness to be seperate from it, and may conceed if you must keep it until your return to the air continent."
>he pauses
"But, there is a disease of the mind across the air continent, one that threatens to claim all to it's madness, as if the world itself is sick. I can see the potential in your scroll to help with it, though time to prepare may be needed in turn."
>one more pause
"Please, come to Baram once your trip time here reaches it's conclusion. finding one of those that still functions, and with such properties... can't let the opportunity pass by."
"Oh. Big spender, I take it? Regardless of economic troubles, someone like that... well, they're notoriously easy for less kind sorts to take advantage of. I know the sort, happened a lot back home. Worst part is, when someone convinces her to do something 'for the good of the empire' or 'because we're such good friends', it'll be nearly impossible for anything to smack some sense into her. So yeah, like you said, money'll be gone, society crumbling, the nobility will probably carve up the place for their own little kingdoms and end up in wars. Bad times all around."
>Evan sighs
"Sad, really. But I guess it's just something that happens eventually. Those sneaky, back-stabby types always ruin things."
"Do you not have values, Ms. Scarada?"
She mumbles, then waves her hand dismissively with a sparkle.
"...Yeah, 'cater and treat.' About sums up their loitering around our neck of the woods. How'd that happen, anyway? They seem kinda... out of it to pick as underlings."

Wallis shtomps over to pocket a Sweetbread, Mago Berry, and Iapapa Berry for the road. She's sufficiently hydrated from swimming all the way herself, however.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

"Haha yeah!"
>not wanting to keep the lady waiting, Brook hops off their back and gives them exactly what they're asking for
>Gently he takes their paws? into his own and gives 'em a twirl
Meowscarada sighs, suddenly moody. "Far be it from me to poison the mood. Ugh, I won't be able to recover knowing I can't pinch that scroll. Trails!! Lift!" She cries out.
And then she begins flying. The Chieftain, Ish, Wallis, and Cubone feel a sudden sense of weightlessness, like when cresting a peak on a rollercoaster...and then then they float into the air for a moment before being set down. Meowscarada continues upward however, to meet a familiar Orbeetle in the sky. Clearly he's using Gravity to lift them up and away, but that exit is rather extravagant...What's her deal?
Rolled 17 (1d20)

>Ish stare
>Ish... look up, to trails
>ish, BOUNCE. or try to. gravity is gonna stop him but he's going to try.
"...I would be more sympathetic were there not a dozen tribes with the same issue, many of whom do not feel the need to steal seafaring vessels." Cubone decides that this is only half of an excuse. A light chiding from this individual is a slap on the wrist, though, really. "...But since the vessel is back in its' place, and Lady Wallis has had the nobility to look forgive these transgressions, I see no reason to hold it against you."
As for the Chieftain, well... it really isn't Cubone's place to get involved in their affairs. Especially not when he's technically representative of another tribe... he abstains from commenting on the matter. The exit, comically, does not phase his lecture any.
With a thanks to the nearest tribe member, Cubone quietly dismisses himself, packing a lunch to (presumably) be shared: a Magma Macaroni as well as two Aguav Berries.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

Lotad spreads her negligible limbs to feel the air before picking up speed and hovering a little into the air! She uses Flash, releasing a refreshing mist of water in every direction that glimmers and sparkles brightly as it spreads. She's like a firework launcher if they used water instead of sparks! She continues spinner while she drifts back down towards you like a helicopter leaf while nearby Pokemon continue cheering on yourself, Matchia, and Orner for some reason. In some cultures, Brook and this Lotad would have been considered soul bonded for performing that move. I can't seem to remember if Sashay is one of them.

"She's about to make her first call what'fer things we don't know, but er tastes're expensive and frivolous."
Lanturn shakes her head. "W-we have balance. It's not like she's a despot. She's quite radiant, even! We owe her some faith before she's done anything, at least."
"..." Starmie curves around towards her. If his kind had eyebrows to level, well...
"I think there's nothing to worry about. Besides, Ava-lu has the most plentiful resources and the power to affect and weather any change! It's true, I talk with many foreigners; they all agree. Don't get any nasty despairful thoughts in any of your heads."

"Myeh-heh-heh. Underlings? We're equals! No sibling left behind!" Isn't one of them recovering from the hotel fire in Baram right now? "It's not a matter of choice. Tribes have power and knowledge to fill their needs. We are a family of 32, about 3% of whom aren't kittens. Know I appreciate your grace, even if we'll still be enemies if we meet again."
The geezer chimes in. "I know I mentioned something about an old adventurer's tale when we last spoke young man..." The Pokemon is using Gravity in a rather unfamiliar way, in changing its direction rather than magnifying it. So you reach his height a lot easier than you should, actually.
"...But now's a bad time! We have places to be!" Not according to the cat...? She stops herself by latching onto his carapace, swatting at his face. "Why in Patron's skies would you spread that rumor?"
"I didn't think we'd see them again! Ohoho! Persistent little sneasel, aren't they?"

Well, Ish is up to these guys and in front of Trails. Of course, they'd have turns too. "Myeh-heh-hehI was a little worried you'd be wary of my sudden exit, but if you're going to hand deliver...!" The magician Pokemon makes a beckoning motion with a claw, after which Ish feels a tug at his side. When she jumps off the Orbeetle away from him, something gets ripped out of his compass and towards herself. "Tadaaaaah~"
"Don't think nothing is happening, and you'll make a great explorer!"
She drops the pilfered item. "...Oh."
"I'll be... cautiously optimistic, how's that? Seems there's all kinds of things going on at once."
>Evan looks over to Ishmael's big jump
"What are they doing over there..."
"I was going to claim you still owe me the rest of the pay after that shelter"
>ish states, combined gravity and natural lightness making it VERY easy to stay airborne
"But, I need to go pick up something that's mine. so much for that forgiveness, aye?"
>he smiles, sparkling himself while staring down a soon-to-be nemesis
"and thank you, wonder if I'll get another rank by the time I'm ready to kick your behinds?"
>and with that, he kicks at trails to Bounce his way back down
>mostly to catch that Compass on the way.
"Hey that was amazing!"
>Brook says running up to catch her just before she touches down
"You're really talented with this stuff! Ya know if we ever get another chance like this, I might be the one swooning at a chance for a repeat performance."
>he says with a cheeky smile, the burst of energy from that drink having now ran its course and exhaustion soon begins catching up
"Though now...I think I could go for a nap. You wouldn't mind one last ride on your back wouldja?"
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"I did it well?!" You hear a piercing sound as she crouches down a bit further. "Urgh. My...heart..." but she resists passing from joy.
Lotad drops her dish so he can climb on. "The p-picnics get thinner as the food goes. It doesn't get quiet, but it's more p-peaceful..."
And off you are.

Without your attention focused on attacking, you can grab the sheet without incident. It was torn from your compass by another of those invisible stems, as the shell was still in your possession. It's another heavily rolled up scroll making up the "compass's" innards, revealing itself to be a Q-shaped eyeball pointing straight down. Well, there's another one.
"As long as you save the beatdowns for her! Whew!" Turning trails sighs with a hand over his chest. Meowscarada however, is much quieter. Pic related.
The Orbeetle disengages Gravity to hover and catch his partner in crime, hovering away to who knows where.

And that's how the bulk of excitement plays out for the lot you in this 'courtship party'. Couples are already finding eachother and hitting it off, many are passing the next morning in food comas, and some of you catch a taste of old rivals before turning in for the night. The Sashay Tribe spends quite a bit more time at Bountiful Sea than you explorers need or want to, so a few of their number are willing to ferry you back across the strait between Air and Water Continent early when you're ready to leave. It's a much more peaceful trip, as the eastward current doesn't pass through a dangerous mystery dungeon or near territorial feral territory.
As for Ishmael's request, the Ludicolo accompanying you all back are also surveying the needs he describes as well as reporting your success. The Sashay Chieftain still has decisions to weigh and others to consult. Whether the Growth Script will land in your hands will be revealed...later! For now, catch some rest and enjoy yourselves.
So it's been a few nights since your seaside excursion; some of you have been recovering from days-long exposure to that infectious madness, the Twilight Syndrome, others investigating the nature of their existence, and more awaiting the Sashay Chieftain's verdict on whether the Growth Script should land in your hands. All of you await another lead to chase down and corner the plague, and all of you take the opportunity to rest and relax to full health upon the ample foods, lazy drifts atop Ludicolos' tops back to the mainland, and a few quiet nights in Baram. It's looking to be another uneventful evening when you're called yet again amidst your sleep.
It's that hazy technicolor environment yet again, a familiar voice welcoming you.

"You have been sampling my Creation well in our time apart, I hope. You're growing so quickly...!"
"...We have business."

Crystal Cave, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers

Chapter 14: Call to Adventure
"Well, hello Bosss! What'sss the matter?"
"Ah, you again. Long time no see!"

Mohka has been absent attending to matters of his own of late, causing him to miss the last couple excursions. However, he is not immune to being sucked into more dreamworlds.
>ah, one of these dreams again
"Oh, hey... I'm still not sure what to name you. leader? patron? whatever's going to work by you."
>Ish smiles
"Either way, I got a couple questions still. been a bit."
"Ugh, dammit, not another night call..."
>Kaz scratches his back as he awakes.
Spike's eyes snap open and lock onto the source of the voice.

"Gardevoir, is that you?" Spike asks, regaining consciousness of his form in the dream.

"I thought you were unable to contact us. What changed?"
"Your creation? Are you telling us you made the world here?"
>Evan picks up on that quick
"Actually, I guess that's implied. So, what's the business? More dark shadow demon things coming to kill us again? That was really uncalled for last time."
>Oh, this one's demeanor is different from last time...
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Kath vibes
"Ah, this again..."
Matchia blinks slowly.
>the hazy surroundings slowly begin to unblur, a cascade of colors filling his vision as he slowly blinks

"Oh hey it's been a while, is....something wrong?"
Cubone rubs his eyes as he gets adjusted to the dreamscape. He still sounds a bit groggy... this guy's sleep schedule is definitely messed up.
"No doubt it's important, then. Dispense with the pleasantries." he says, stifling a yawn.
It's Skitty time.

Skitty stands up shakily. "Hhhi." The sight of the Gardevoir still sort of unnerves her after the first encounter. "Your...?"
Wallis remains motionless. She's almost assuredly pissed off to go through the dream invasion song & dance yet again. Too bad there's nothing she can do about it.
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Espurr is feeling a little better now that they've had some rest from previous events, but they still aren't in a great place. They need to keep resting and begin mediating again, but what they need and what they know are two different things.

They are apprehensive towards the Gardevoir, but they don't have the drive nor the energy to put up a fight or fuss about it. For now, they listen
Rolled 14 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Spike's eyes glance at Espurr and suddenly he's in front of him.
"Espurr! Are you alright? I haven't heard of you- what happened?" Spike asks question after question- it feels his eyes are trying to bore into your soul- more forcefully than usually.
Communication amongst this group is horrible. Word never spreads around, nobody ever tells anyone anything. At least that means keeping secrets is easier.
"I am adequate." That's all they have to say, really. They aren't the best source of information on this line of questioning, considering they were not readily able to remember everything as it happened. They just stare back at him blankly. These eyes belong to the undefeated Baram Town staring contest champion.
"Mmr.. this again, wha' despise o' a dream. What to tale."
>Sail glance into the dreamscape.
"Well shoot, glad to see ya back."
>Kaz fails to stifle a yawn
Spike pulls Espurr into a hug, patting his back.
"That's good. . .That's good. . ."
Mohka is equally as surprised as Spike to see Espurr here - visible, perhaps, on his face - but he does not question it. Espurr is a strange sort, coming and going as he pleases.
>Why does this site keep removing my name?
>Ish has been keeping up to date on who's around or not, but is still pleased to know Espurr is okay.
"I-I'm glad you came back, was worried you were gonna get yourself hurt out there....just when you were starting to open up too."
He does, however, make his pleasure known.
"Good ta see ya back.
"Oh~ a greeting! My children spoil me! I wager that means you're doing well. What a relief! The thought strangers might not be accepted into my creation warmly had me beside myself with worry. My plan worked-almost...And where are my manners? Helloooooo!"

"...Be honest, little one. I can feel others' emotions!...Dependence on others is a we all share. Overcoming that weakness takes time, and is not always possible. Until you've done so, you do yourself no favors by suffering in silence. A burden shared with friends...

"Have I created this world?" The shiny Gardevoir appears before you, before kneeling. She strokes her chin. "The accurate answer would be...in part. There are many Pokemon responsible for shaping the world you stand in, and I am but one of them. I couldn't even call myself their creator." She giggles.
"Any title is fine, though given the circumstances, 'Boss' may be the most appropriate!...I've taken a liking to the Voice of Life, given recent campaigns. Shorten it however you wish, I know it's a mou-"


The Gardevoir cringes. "Oh. yes. I have been forced back into proximity with you all-" She winces a second time, much more viscerally. She backs away from something unseen before laying on her side.
She begins again, this time in a hushed whisper. Maybe she's in hiding..."I am currently being trapped, and am close to being caught. I am back on the Air Continent and in need of assistance."
...Was she making small talk just now despite that?
"I may be able to speak yet despite my predicament...but my contact with you is...poisoning. More of those who hunt you will fall upon you the longer we're in contact..."

>Where are you?
>Why are we in this world?
>Got any life advice for me too?
>I'm outta here!
One type of question may be responded to per turn, with both answers and enemy spawns. Majority rules...
>Evan asks the most important question
>Where are you?
"Yeah, well we've already had to deal with that mind-break crap, so first thing on the list should be getting you help. Where can we find you?"
>Where are you?
"You're physical?" Spike asks, surprised in his voice.
"Aight then, I'm still gonna have to think on that one. Captain would be the norm but... bad memories"
>Why are we in this world?
"Anyway, why us? I mean. could you not have brought along anyone if you made this world? what makes us special?"
"Oh! So it is you. Hey there."
>Kaz gives a lazy wave at the shiny Gardevoir

"Oh damn! Uh..."
>Where are you?

"Where are you? We can come get you outta there!"
>Kaz tries to ascertain where their mysterious benefactor is
Wallis can't express herself in this state of stillness. The Gardevoir can feel some serious frustration emanating emotionally from her, along with fear in equal measure.
>No vote.
"I have a lot of questions I'd like to ask, like why exactly where we chosen for whatever all this is...but"
>where are you

"I thought you were only in this place, you mean you exist outside of here? Where?"
>Why are we in this world?
"...I still don't get it. Why us? Why... nobody else?It doesn't seem fair-- there are a lot of better people than me in my world that deserve it more. Hell, even if they aren't..." She frowns. "Is there just a limit? Because a lot of people would prefer this."
"If you need our help, you're going to need to tell us where you are."
Matchia says straightforwardly.
>Where are you?
>Where are you?
"There'll be more time to shoot the shit if we get you safe. If yer on the continent, jus' makes it that much easier."
>Where are you?
Cubone doesn't see any reason to prolong risky measures if not necessary. In fact, he did surmise it was important and tell the Gardevoir to dispense with the pleasantries, so the question practically asks itself.
"...The Air Continent is not a small place. Do you have any idea where you may be taken if captured? Where you currently might be?"
>Where are you?
"That'sss a good reassson to group up ASAP."
"Ssspeak for yourssselvess! And itsss not like there'sss a guideline for thisss ssstuff, if what it takess to sssave everyone isss sssending a bunch of maladapted aliensss to the grinder I'd sssay that'sss a hell of a deal."
"oh excuse me then, princess. I guess I'll just accept being proverbial cannon fodder without knowing why then! not as if it's the first time it's happened."
Espurr is quite surprised by the attention. So many others happy to see them... It's a little uncomfortable. Very unfamiliar. They don't know how to respond to it, so they don't. That's a safe option.

"I do not know..." They don't even know to which of her thoughts they're responding to. They'd ask a question, but such inquiry is nothing in the grand scheme of things of which they want nothing to do with. Espurr holds their tongue accordingly.

Though, they can't help but wonder if it's possible that someone else knows them better than they know themselves.
"So where are you? Who are those things? Why are we here? Can i get a stomp tm?"
Rolled 18, 15, 11, 18, 20, 1 = 83 (6d20)


"I do exist..." She stifles a chuckle. "There is a large island on the Northwestern end of the Air Continent in the only mystery Dungeon at a Savannah within. I believe I can stall for a few days, but my avenues of escape have been cut off..." Her body crackles and sizzles, lower portions vanishing from the dream entirely. She doesn't move from her position, however.
The place poisons one upon entry due to the sour air and and toxic puddles-it smells deeply of egg. Only poison-immune Pokemon spend large amounts of time here, and even some of them get trapped in the black pools that form along its fissures. A cute and unique location, no?"...No????? "They call it the Swalot's Stream. Be prepared to have failsafes against continuous strain on your vitality or cures...Help me..."

Ripple Red, Kirby Triple Deluxe

A cabal of amorphous dark shapes spring forth from her body to ambush you. Could they have traced her connection to you?

File: 1of1.png (16 KB, 889x358)
16 KB
hmm. 'match 1 of 1'.
"We'll find you! Cut the connection an' get hidin'!"
>Kaz yells to Gardevoir!
"Sssoundss like a job for me- oh, come on!" Orner prepares for what's coming.
>Evan yells at the dark shapes
"Got it!"
>Ish is preparing to make a map, before spotting the blobs
"Ah, damn, we got company!"
Skitty shudders even more. "You have to be kidding me..." They seem different every time, but it's never any less unnerving. Her fur spikes. "Should we just wake up now????"
Spike's eyes harden as he spots the dark shapes.
"It's them again," he says lowly.
>Brook slowly steps back as the black shapes begin to make themselves known
"They're back again..."
Matchia flinches back, uncomfortable seeing the shapes emerge from the Gardevoir's body.
"Ugh...! Enemies...!?"
"Not exactly the kind'a company I'd been hopin' fer." Mohka prepares himself for a tussle.
Wallis seems to register the information, but is helpless, or perhaps unhelpful as she's yet to move from her starting position.
The first shade attacks with four appendages at once! Spike takes 18 physical damage from a resisted critical strike! It's a Crobat's Cross Poison...
Shade #2 splits into separate bodies for a moment to fire a beam that singes, frosts, and shocks Kaz for 14 damage! It's Magneton with Tri Attack!
Shade #3 tries to Swat Espurr with a tongue for 12 Physical supereffective damage. It's from a Pokemon that...stays as a nonspecific shadow.
The fourth Pokemon, a Sneasel, uses Ice Punch against Kaz. It hits for 15 damage.
Feraligatr singles out Ishmael with a torrential...Heartbeat? A critical Water Pulse deals 15 Damage and confuses him...
The sixth shade is a spindly thing dual-wielding some rather useless-looking implements.
Alakazam uses Psyshock against Wallis. That's 0 damage from a miss...

"This would be a horrific place to fall, my little wayfarer. Such a terrible way, lost and afraid. I would wish nothing less than for it to happen to you, dear. This does not appear to be the last time you will be spoken to in this way. Or even attacked, dear? Channel that anger, use it to face your fears, my child...don't let that passion burn out, turn it into something good..."

The shock these attacks bring wear away at your mind as well as your body. You're sure you don't want to be knocked out here, whatever might happen...Fleeing may not be a fruitless action, and doesn't require a group consensus.
And more reinforcements are on the way. If you wish, you could stay out of the battle to cross examine and question question VoL more instead of fighting them off, but the battle might come to you if there isn't anyone new to attack. Should you choose not to fight the enemies off...

>Why are we in this world?
>Got any life advice for me too?
>I'm outta here!

Rolled 17 (1d20)

"Dammit!" Orner has to choose a target... She decides on the Alakazam.
>Orner used Gunk Shot!
Skitty wavers for a second, but stays. She has to know. "Hey! Why us? What about everybody else who deserves... a chance like this...?" Her question ends awkwardly. 'This' is the chance at a new life as a Pokemon in this world, but the way she phrased it sounds like she's talking about what's happening right now... which is not all that idyllic, actually.

>Why are we in this world?
(17 damage plus poison btw!)
"Gah!" Spike growls as he's suddenly pierced in the side and he feels poison flood-

Flashes of a Drapion tearing through his side, blood seeping through his clothes-

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Spike panics, reaching into his mane and shoving an Oran Berry in his mouth as he scrambles away.
Cubone watches several attacks, Critical Hits among them, pass by and strike his associates. He's aware this is a bad time to be pressing things, but building trust in this Gardevoir is perhaps a worthy endeavour. It's a chance for some extra transparency they've lacked for a while.
"Perhaps... it is not the best time, but... what, precisely, do you want with us all..?"
>Why are we in this world?
>Brooks head moves back and forth as his head snaps left and right, the attacks being fired off into their group making him retreat even further back

"W-we need to go, come on!"
>after urging everyone to flee, he shuts his eyes and cringes. Seems even here using this is gonna sting.

>When his eyes re-open, a stuffed version of himself appears right in front of him but not for long because as soon as the pain fades he moves even further from the front lines
Rolled 16 (1d20)

No time to talk now, Matchia has a battle to do.
She charges the Crobat, looking to prevent further strikes from it! Fake Out! (4 + 4 + 3 if first strike and hits)
(oops forgot to put HP from using Substitute)
HP: 18/24
Upon closer examination, her essence, removed for this particular series of out-of-body experiences, is stiff as a statue. Not only that, her energy signature emblematic of a human is... weaker than the others. Only scant traces of her humanity remain, enough to make her more closely resemble the natives. Just what happened to her?

Wallis doesn't leave. Does that mean she's struggling against whatever this is? She's got questions for this Gardevoir, but no way to communicate them. There's a flare of frustration from the Voice of Life's statement, but little else.
>No vote.
"Sorry kids, no time to play with the demons tonight! I'll kick your spectral asses back to hell next time, for sure."
>Evan turns to VoL
"But you, I plan on seeing first. Try not to get got by whatever this stuff is, alright? I'll be wanting more than a couple things answered when we've got more than a minute and a half to get caught up."
>I'm outta here!
"Alright guys, let's get outta here. Since SOME PEOPLE are too nosy for their own good, we gotta take our revelations elsewhere, like uh, you know, awake?"
Rolled 20 (1d20)

"Hidden in the mist t' occur." Sail shot a bolt at Crobat.
>Sail used Dragon Pulse!
(It hit, 12 dmg)
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Mohka jumps into action, and lashes out at the Sneasel with a Drain Punch! (17 damage if hit)

He would've loved to ask a question, but several others already asked the obvious that was on his mind... Just as well!
...or not.
(Crit! 19 dmg)
(11/23 HP)
Should've invested in Defense, little Espurr. Now look what happened.

In response, Espurr attempts to call upon Gravity before stopping and remembering the pains of its prior usage. Their fur stands on-end just thinking about it. Poor cat.
They try something else... running away and hiding behind one of their larger allies.
>Espurr is hiding behind Mohka!
>6 AP into Dodge!
If they have to spend the whole "battle" leaping into the shadows of their teammates, that's fine by them. Once they have a moment to breathe, Espurr can try to think of something else.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

...While Cress wordlessly nods and lights a Pyro Ball for use against the Crobat Shade.

"I speak on behalf of Life itself when I say...it's dying. It wishes to be saved. Pokemon use their political and physical power as well as the law to steal agency and prosperity from the defenseless, they starve and agonize to death in silence or inflict the same on others..." She closes her eyes. "...All over the world. It happens naturally of course, but...this isn't natural. The world is deteriorating, and I need heroes to breathe hope back into it. Heroes to unite Pokemon against the nebulous forces pulling our lives apart. Against Pokemon that take advantage of our trust and love to abuse and end thousands for their convenience. In short, I called you here simply to do good..."
"...I seek an object. It's an artifact that reveals the true nature of the hearts of Pokemon. Life is a beautiful and miraculous thing, but also so much less idyllic than the pictures we paint for it to weather problems caused by Pokemon we cannot solve. Something that can bring the world together against a common threat and set us all on the right path? I can only call it Unity's Heart. To the Pokemon poisoning daily Life with themselves, my life is a small price to pay to maintain the current world order and the power they hold over it. It is likely they are aware of the ruin it could bring both to the reality of the world if let to lie, or our understanding of it if used. I needn't specify which outcome is preferable to myself..."
"Ordinary Pokemon are bound to both the order of society and the ambit of this 'natural decay'...but I'd heard once of a being of myth- one that defies the entropy of the world and carves its own path to the future. Beings not from this world. I no choice but to discern the truth of this myth for my needs-" The Voice winces, bringing an elbow inward to avoid something around her real body. "I am past my depth, by myself. One of the almighty patrons that earn regular worship, I am not..."

...Heavy. Unfortunately, my hierarchy of needs places raisons d'être baser than survival, so you'll hear about the battle's progression...sometime between tomorrow and the session finishing up this encounter on this Saturday. Keep eyes peeled.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>that's 17 damage after defence and SE, so...
>7/22 HP
>ish is blazing
>fuck I'm late to this
>Ish prepares to defend the group! despite being dizzy from a water. he aims a fire fang at the magneton!
(18 total damage, and a burn!)
"It's not the weirdest reason I've been given to fight."

Sagira stares at the shades, attempting to glean if there's anything spiritual or esoteric. Magical, too, if that's the case.
Rolled 16, 2, 1, 18, 8, 4, 16, 9, 9, 16, 14, 15 = 128 (12d20)

A poison! Against expectation, it wears away at his endurance to boot for 2 more damage after an initial 16. He must not have that famed mystical irreverence...
And another 10 against Crobat. He looks yet unbothered by the feint, though...
Followed by 19 Damage. Crobat looks to be a stiff breeze away from fainting...
Following the supereffective attack, magneton looks another solid blow from going down...


A miss...
...While the Zorua both focus on running the clock. Spike heals while Brook draws up a fake, but Spike and Wallis's reactions don't go unnoticed by your benefactor. "How awful that this could be your fate. And yet...I have faith you can overcome your troubles; Do not expect this to be the end of your trauma; whatever happened to you, my children...are now mere phantoms of the past. Go forth...! Please..."

While Evan absconds with his astral self intact. for the single turn exposed to the growing mass of adversaries, take 10 IQ.

Six more Pokemon join the fray, though they appear significantly weaker and frailer than the original attackers. They might even fall in a single hit, given enough strength...
>Getting hit by two moves takes a lot out of a guy!

>Kaz down!
The attackers' bodies seem ethereal and inconstant, all spawning forth from the Voice of Life's own body. She's whimpering and watching you intensely, but keeps herself flattened and pinned to the ground in response to some unseen scenario in the waking world. It's clear enough these uncoordinated attackers are reaching you by tracing the Gardevoir's connection, their uncharacteristic tails fading back towards her like stereotypical stock ghosts. Perhaps doing something to/with her would affect them all...if you can set aside the ethical concerns.
Only one emery from each party has an item; Rhyperior's Slacker Band and Alakazam's Apathy Tie. The latter is surrounded by a white void where your shared dream would normally have open space...

Crobat...Yet again rushes Spike down with a resisted Cross Poison...?
10 Damage this time. It looks fascinated by your reaction...
Magneton tries to Magnet Bomb Espurr...only to bounce off harmlessly from Mohka's scales in the way.
Gengar misses a lick against Matchia...
While Sneasel forces a flinch against Mohka with Icicle crash!
Alakazam breaks Brook's substitute with a psyshock, while Feraligatr hits Sagira with a second Water Pulse. That's 10 Damage!

From the newcomers...
Arbok uses Glare on Matchia.
Rhyperior notes Sagira's scouting and moves between herself and Gardevoir...? He's bracing his mind...
Magcargo uses Rollout on Sagira! That's 9 damage on that first hit...
Magmortar uses flamethrower on Orner. That's 12 Damage...
And Aggron hits Cress with a Head Smash! That's 18 damage!
Mismagius notices Wallis's distress and hovers over to use Dream Eater. You are already asleep after all...10 Damage.


>Got any life advice for me too?
>I need to know...(Other)

>I'm outta here!

Cress, seeing Spike's use of items fish out her Reviver Seed to toss Kaz's way. "...Make it count."
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>Ish fire fang, again on the magnet
"I'll do my best to hold the line, but with blaze up I'm not sure how long I can!"
(another 18 slap)
Matchia grimaces at the fact that there are two ghosts, and 12 foes on the field at once.
This isn't a winning battle.
She glances at the Alakazam. Psychics WOULD be the ones doing fucked up things to a dream, huh?
Matchia drags herself closer to the VoL.
>I need to know...
"Why are they spawning so... viscerally from you? Is this a manifestation of... whatever's after you hijacking this connection...?!"
Matchia's probably running outta here after this question.
>Conveniently after Ishmael does his fire, Evan starts shaking him awake
"Any life advice you can give me?"
>exit dreamland, ishmael
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>the psychic wave crushes the plush zorua until it pops into dark wisps...
>though while the yellow mon would be focused on taking care of his substitute, they wouldn't notice the dark fox circling around using the crowd and his quiet steps to creep closer and closer

>his desire to deliver a surprise attack being focused into a dark energy in his paw, and once he draws close enough jumps ready to deliver a Sucker Punch to the psychic foe

(16 Damage if it hits)
>HP: 20/27
Fortunately for Wallis, she has Special Defense to weaken the blow. Less fortunately, she is still unable to lend aid. Said aid would likely be quite helpful, such as Surf to damage all foes. Instead, she is forced to work with what little she has to do. Wallis tries to dull her emotions to blend in more. She can't even exhale, or de-tensify her stiff self. However, she is able to cease her exertion, effectively taking a Break while she remains at the Voice of Life's side.
>IQ Skill: Second Wind
>HP: 23/27
>No vote.
"...Unity's Heart? I see... Given your apparent protection of us, I... have decided to trust you on this." Cubone is aware that a bit of suspicion is warranted involving the Gardevoir, but with the way things are shaping up recently, he's decided it's best to return the rescuing favour. Furthermore, his allies (but miraculously not Cubone himself) are being besieged by a group more closely described as a small army than a gathering. The way forward seems clear to him, and it's not here. No more time to waste!
"...Very well. We ought to make haste to the stream, then." With perhaps a slightly reckless calm for the situation at hand, Cubone gets going while the going's good for him.
>I'm outta here!
Rolled 18 + 3 (1d20 + 3)


"Gaaah!" Spike screams his ethereal flesh is pierced once again, his dead heart is beating like drums and he scrambles away from the painfully familiar attack.

His yellow eyes are darting all around him. There's 1 2 3- 5- 7- 10- 11 hostiles- too many threats- what he do?! He needs to extract- escapte- get away---

Spike scrapes where the ground trying to distance himself from the Crobat, but as his eyes fling side to side wildly he sees the Alakazam tearing through Brook's shield.

"HEY! HEY BACK OFF! LET HIM GO!" Spike snarls, regaining his footing and bounding towards the Alakazam.

His attacks are not strong enough to challenge an Alakazam- Especially if they're the own tracing the dream. . . But he can stun it.

>Hex Maniac + Telepath + Phantasm 3

Spike reaches deep into his mind, focusing his thoughts towards the psychic type and connecting them to something beyond himself. Something that gnaws at his subconsciously constantly, something that perhaps in this space within the mind and through a ghostly vessel will overwhelm the Alakazam's mind.

The Flow. All of the esoteric knowledge that gnaws at his sanity.

Spike's HP: 9/22
Rolled 16 (1d20)

(HP 10/22)
>Citron Splash consumed!
(HP 22/22)
>+1 Def and Sp.Def.
"Oh come on, that'sss ssuch a wasste! Dammit..."
>Orner uses the super-effective Aqua Tail on Rhyperior!
Rolled 8 (1d20)

(because GM never said it, that's 16 damage. 9/22 HP)

The cold has always gotten to Mohka. The Icicle Crash chills him to the core... the shaking will make it harder to land his next hit (-12 accuracy).

He's not gonna let this aetherial sneasel get away so unscathed... not if luck's on his side, at least. Fist glowing, he lets loose another Drain Punch...
...another miss. Shame.
So the others were brought in to warp the cycle of entropy. Orner, Sail, perhaps even Bomb are all just sidekicks on this adventure? Is that a fact?
Espurr is greatly moved by this idea, it makes their fur stand on-end like it's some grand revelation. To them, it is. How do they tell who is special and who is not?

Espurr succeeds in evading danger for now, thanks to Mohka's hardened scales. All things considered, the dragon might not be the greatest place to linger considering his dwindling health. They look to their >>6016999 retreating allies and >>6016984 remaining teammates and wonder how much longer they stand to last.

That item, whatever it is, that the Alakazam possesses. It seems... useful.

>Espurr remains where they are behind Mohka and attempts to pull something useful into their possession. Could there be a remnant of something here? A desire cast into this dream for them to put to use?
>Espurr used Recycle!
Rolled 6 (1d20)

>Sail fire again on the blood sucking bat with Dragon Pulse!
"Agora on the shadow onto the deep end."
Rolled 12 (1d20)

"Thanks Cress!"

>Kas makes a quick assessment of the situation!
>It's not looking good!
>Noticeably, Kaz spots the Rhyperior playing puppy guard...

>Kaz charges over and picks up the yellow fox
"Go long!"

>Kaz Flings Sagira to Gardevior!
> +3 Power Pitcher?

Skitty watches Mohka whiff his strike... seeing as she hasn't taken a hit yet, she takes a deep breath to psych herself up and uses Baton Pass to pull him away from their assailants. Puts her in the line of fire, but it'll be fine so long as she wakes up right after. Yeah? Yeah. Definitely.

>3AP into Dodge
(9 BP + 4 Atk + 7 SE + 2 Type Specialist = 22 damage!)
Rolled 1 + 3 (1d20 + 3)


Sagira stumbles back from getting struck by the assault, first by the burst of water, and then by being directly slammed into by the weight of a speeding magma snail.

Despite whatever force keeping her form cohesive appearing to waver, she remains steadfast.

She doesn't even blink in the face of being thrown and hurtling through the air at the Gardevoir. It looks like she's hoping to manipulate some of the arcane and the shadows by cutting the little connections stringing it all together.

"In the realm of thoughts and dreams, in the plane above that is beholden to the soul, let the Light wash over you."

Sagira used Flame Charge on the shadow tails!
>Pyromancy III
Rolled 6, 7, 15, 1, 10, 2, 16, 7, 14, 2, 17, 7, 7 = 111 (13d20)

Magneton is KOed! It sinks into nothingness, vanishing into the smoke and flames over Ishmael's attack.
It seems the Gardevoir's connection to you enables a glimpse into what you're feeling. both she and Alakazam go wide-eyed for a moment, exposed to the overwhelming sensitivity to nature...before nothing happens. Alakazam's Apathy Tie dissipates your phantasmal projection, only long enough for his readied attack to be cut off by Brook's Sucker Punch...the Pokemon fades away, leaving the Tie between the two of you. That diversion's failure is disappointing, but you've learned something quite useful about it...
Meanwhile, 22 damage is enough to KO Rhyperior. Order unblocks the path to VoL...should any of the battlers want it.
Espurr regenerates an Oran Leaf, while Mohka narrowly whiffs another attack. The first emote from any of these Pokemon, Sneasel holds a claw to its mouth, basking in your struggle to hit it. it looks...giddy.
Before Spike can be terrorized any further, Crobat is felled by a Dragon Pulse from Sail! It disappears with a frustrated screech...
Sagira's position and margins of success are helped by Kaz's toss...only for the tackle to carry too much momentum and crash straight into Gardevoir. She rolls back a few feet, gasping upon landing. Wherever she is, it looks like she's now compromised...! She covers her mouth and you can see her sprinting, though you don't have any reference to tell how close she is to any hazard or Pokemon.
Moreover, all of the enemy combatants take 10 damage, softening the pressure against all of you.
Sneasel takes a moment to let Mohka reflect on his predicament before moving to finish him...only to be interrupted by an instant jump to safety in front of VoL with Matchia and Katherine. Skitty's taken his place between Espurr and Sneasel...

Cubone rouses at the Shore Thing, finding everyone asleep. The only activity to be heard is from Evan awakening Ishmael a few rooms over with a mantra...the three of you are safe now.
For two turns fighting, Ishmael awakes with 40 points of bonus experience.
For two turns in the Voice of Life's proximity, Cubone gets 30 IQ.

Five more assailants enter the battle, these a little weaker than the last...
A second Crobat?

Rolled 1 (1d2)

Gengar slides through his own shade under Skitty to Lick Espurr. That's 12 damage...
Sneasel's Ice Punch lands upon Skitty instead of Mohka. 13 damage!
Feraligatr's Ice Punch cracks Kaz for 14 Damage!
Arbok misses a Glare into Matchia...
Magcargo's second Rollout hits Kaz for 5 damage...
Magmortar targets Orner again with another Flamethrower! 12 damage!
Aggron follows up with a second Head Smash, ramming into Orner for 13 Damage!
Mismagius continues feasting on Wallis's consciousness, settling into sitting on her shoulders while dream eater deals 10 more damage. She heals for 3...
Houndoom lands a Night Slash Against Wallis, for another 9 damage...
Honchkrow retaliates against Sagira with a Drill Peck for 11 Damage.
The replacement Crobat looks o have a slightly different temperament...And yet it aims squarely for Spike's chest with a third Cross Poison anyway. 12 damage, another critical hit! This has to be intentional, no? Its gaze is fixed on Spike unwaveringly...
Gyarados uses Ice Fang! Skitty is struck for 7 Damage.
Weavile's gaze is fixed on Kaz and Sagira in particular...it uses Dark Pulse on Sagira for 10 Damage...

That Crobat has an item, a...Psychic Gem?

Gardevoir wipes her cheek, speaking without slowing down her movement. "They hunger for your suffering, little ones. They will not cease as long as they have an opening to reach you-get away safely...for your sakes. Strike me again or break our connection-!" She crouches and looks behind herself between whisper-pleads. It seems that accidental exposure to her pursuers doesn't have her at all upset or out of sorts...?

...You get the feeling more enemies won't stop coming.
(HP 1/22)
"BLEGH!" Orner is on the verge of vomiting and passing out, or on, oe whatever the hell happens here!
>Landing back to the ground after his sneak attack, he can't help but notice the object that had fallen to the floor
"Is this a...tie? Kinda weird looking though."
>Only eyeing it for a brief moment before he wraps it around his neck, he can worry about making it look nice later....assuming it can even be brought out of the dream world

>After having put on the tie, Brook shakes off the faint dark aura that still clings to his paw before turning towards Spike
"I appreciate the help, but I think you were the one in trouble."
>his expression changes to a grin as he extends the paw he had just shaken towards his far more injured white twin

>....until another bat flies over and slashes into him
>reaching into his items he throws his tiny-reviver seed at Spike before his body slowly starts to turn into glass
>seems like the dark energy he summoned up from that earlier move is causing him to leave the dream realm in much the same way he did previously

>get outta there

>his entire body soon shatters like glass, the shards soon fading away
Orner limps towards the Slacker Bandanna, her just reward. Fittingly or unfittingly.
"Alright guysss, terrible fucking showing! For mossst of you at leassst... Call it a beating, call it a night, I'm going home.."
>I'm out!
"Hold on for ussss, Bosss!"
Rolled 8 (1d20)

"ow oW OW!"
>Kaz is buffeted again by 2 moves!
>Thankfully he survives this time...
"These guys are the worst!"

>Looking around, Kaz sees his group's time is up.
>These guys just wont stop coming
>Now who can he hit for one last big bang?
>His fist crackles with Electricity

>With his last bit of energy, Kaz runs forward, bobbing and weaving through the shadowy pokemon, aiming for his target!

>Kaz launches a Thunder Punch at Gyrados!
>No crit today, maybe next time
8bp + 2atk + 7SE = 17 damage!
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Matchia is ready to go, but...
Well, she'd rather be the last 'mon out, especially since she's got a spare reviver, and a particular failsafe to let her stick around for just a bit longer. Just in case.

Matchia used Detect, trying to push through her paralysis!
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>Sail fire another bolt of draconic energy at the Crobat, eyeing the gem with Dragon Pulse!
"Another bat appear t' the swing the side. On last the tide."
Hearing the mutterings of Evan waking one of the others up, Cubone powers through his own grogginess to stand up and help awaken the others as well.
Unfortunately for Kaz, Cubone is conveniently nearby, and not very nice. At least he's efficient about it, choosing to backhand him with a stern reprimand. "Get up! Furthering this dalliance is pointless. We have better things to do."
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Another attack lands, nearly shattering his dream form- he collapses onto the floor a familiar darkness overtaking him until his dark counterpart rushes to his side and slips something into his mouth.

The darkness recedes and his eyes snap open. "Thanks Brook," he manages out, scrambling onto his feet only to see the zorua shatter into glass. The Pale Fox turns around. . . He doesn't have any items or strong enough techniques to move. . .

He could just release the Twilight Syndrome here, eviscerate the minds of the tracers. . . and everyone else here.

Spike scowls. He's just. . . not strong enough.

>>I'm outta here!

"Good luck everyone," Spike closes his eyes and concentrates, trying to cut off his mind from everything.

>Mental Fortress.
>HP: 8/27
Wallis automatically consumes her held Oran Berry somehow, per the rules, recovering 10 HP. Perhaps she's seep eating in the real world.
>HP: 18/27
She feels the faintest tinge of Torrent, some water springing from the still Marshtomp before it quickly fades away. The Mismagius is touching her, which provokes her fear of touch. However, she is unable to reflexively attack, instead Bracing her body as she tenses up.
>No vote.
She remains beside the Gardevoir, however... The statuesque pokemon beneath Mismagius is beginning to tremble. The rumblings of a Beedrill's nest as it's poked spring to mind.
>Evan pranks Mohka by walking in and loudly saying
"Yo, who's fuckin' CAT is this?"
>He invokes the memory of the grass cat. Evil Evan
(-1/23 HP)
Espurr has a flash of unknown emotion the moment before they fall to the ground from a spectral attack which stops their heart and makes their entire body freeze up for a second. Could they have avoided this, or was it yet another pointless cosmic accident? Some help this Voice of Life has been.

Shaken up and winded, they have no choice but to rest.

>Espurr fainted!
This fight started poorly and it's only getting worse...

It'd be the smart thing to leave, but this fucking Sneasel is TAUNTING him... he won't leave before punching its face in. There's nothing stopping him from (finally) landing a drain punch...

Mohka poofs out of the dream right before the punch lands. The waking spasm narrowly avoids Evan.
Sagira makes a noise of stark disapproval just before all the attacks hit her.

Her form vanishes, gone in the blink of an eye.
"...I cannot sever our bond so casually, not now. It takes time and focus I do not have right now..." The multicolor haze behind all of you shifts blue as she looks down. "If I cannot move, it will all be over, all for naught...what an envoy, showing you all my inability...I am out of options, my children. I could no longer guarantee safe contact, but I have nowhere to turn for help..." She wipes her eyes, steeling herself for action and authority. "Leave, now. All of us shall survive."
>I'm outta here!
Cress bails, along with Orner, Spike, Kaz, Sagira, Espurr, and Mohka. Battling for two turns, you all awaken with 40 extra Exp to show for your efforts. 60 for Kaz and Mohka.
Sagira and Espurr wake up feeling enervated and disaffected. Having been defeated in the dream, your fortitude and discipline feel softened...
-6 Special Defense for the next two outings.
"wa-woah WOAH!"
>Kaz makes karate chop hands as he's awoken by the hard slap!
"Oh, hey Cubone. Thanks for the wake up call! Was just about ta get iced by that feather head in there. Or maybe that big blue fish since I hit him before you got me out..."
Skitty recoils from the dual icy blows, struggling to remain on her feet– but she's still up, and Mohka wouldn't have been after that. A good deed. That he owes her for.

Shit. She fumbles in her bag for her Tiny Reviver seed, before she realizes her teammate is already gone–

This fucking guy. She JUST got him out of there and... oh, never mind, he's gone too.

Not looking great. Only one thing to maybe try that wouldn't trap a teammate in the midst of the enemies: try to wake up. There's no place like home? Where Espurr hopefully is...?

>I'm outta here!
Rolled 1, 12, 13, 10, 2, 3, 16, 12, 14, 4, 17, 7, 9 = 120 (13d20)

Lighting knocks the serpent skyward...it doesn't come back down. Gyarados defeated!
Wallis and Matchia prepare themselves for the coming onslaught. Fortunately, only one enemy is coming this turn, but...
12 damage! That's a KO against the weaker reinforcement!

Spike is rejuvenated with enough energy to make his escape!...Only for Brook to find himself exposed after committing to the help. Severing the connection to VoL takes just a moment longer than he anticipated...an action's worth. How unfortunate.

Wave four, it's...just a Butterfree.
Skitty whisks away in silence, only marked by the displacement of dream 'air'.

Gengar Licks again...only into Matchia's braced arms ineffectually.
His attack is followed up by a Feint from Weavile. 3 damage, the first strike of many...
Feraligatr lunges for Brook with Crunch, dealing 10 Damage.
He's spat out into the path of Magcargo's third Rollout for 13 damage and Arbok's Glare, while Magmortar uses flamethrower for another 12.
Aggron misses a Head Smash follow-up, while Mismagius continues to drape herself over Wallis. She's cradled and drained on contact over the back and cheek with Dream Eater while the Pokemon dances over her. The remaining dark types fall upon her with Night Slashes for a total of 28 Damage...
While Gyarados and Crobat both swarm Matchia with constricting Aqua Tails and a third critical Cross Poison for 10 and 15 damage.
Butterfree sweeps up Katherine in a Hurricane for 22 damage.
>Sail grab the Psychic Gem that the bat dropped.
"Wave ankor t' shore. Perhap time t' leave that dream 'n toward the maelstrom."
>I'm outta here!
"Argh, that just barely got me..."
Matchia laments the fact that she couldn't hold on for a tiny bit. She almost had it.
"You're not dream lady anymore, are you?"
>So, about that life advice?
Matchia's experience against the numbers has made her slightly better as a fighter.
She even gets +1 HP at this level, which would've been useful. She'll try not to go down next time.
She scowls a bit, as the uncomfortable feeling annoys her.
>As he's about to escape, a sudden pair of jaws clasp around his arm and drag him through the air

(13 HP)

>Strangely the fangs hurt far less than they probably should, the feeling he has as the teeth bite down...dark....

>he doesn't have long to think about this though, as when he lands on his feet he's immediately struck by a spinning intently hot shell that flings him through the air

(1 HP)

>with his body steaming from the attack he manages to struggle and just barely get back to his feet
>though before he could manage to even think about escaping he locks eyes with a snake completely freezing him in place

>here he is lying weak and vulnerable with a predator staring him down ready to finish off their prey...though (un)luckily for him just as said snake would begin to slither over to deal the final blow a sudden intense heat that only just passes over his rear makes him jump straight into the air and over a charging steel dinosaur

>.....when he lands in a completely beaten up heap, his body slowly turns to ash completely defeated
Wallis fallis, her Brace barely failing her. In spite of this, she remains unmoving as her form fades. She wakes up deeply unnerved and screaming from the night terror, but she's alive. Her displeasure for this Voice of Life grows with the HP she lost, as well as an Oran Berry.
>when his eyes snap open he feels completely drained, an itch starts to make itself known on his neck. When he goes to scratch it, he realizes it's not his scarf he feels but a strange looking tie?

>a feeling he can't quite place his...claw on seems almost overwhelming, he stares up at the ceiling hoping for it to fade soon
Brook, Wallis, and Matchia awaken, beset by an uncomfortable sense of banal indifference. -6 Special Defense for the next two outings, but...
Brook and Matchia receive 60 bonus exp.
Wallis wakes up with 45 IQ!
Skitty awakens with 15 IQ and 20 exp!


>So, about that life advice?
>Battle the 13 marauders alone!
>I'm outta here!

Sail awakens, and much like Orner with the Slacker Band and Brook with the Apathy tie, he finds a new item in his inventory...and 60 exp.

The Gardevoir waits for a few moments to mount her response. Her eyes tighten at the question. "The forces looking to silence myself and the Heart are more than a single Pokemon can best. Even a true patron like the Clergy's could fall without support..." She shakes her head, laying down flat again, returning to a whisper. "I...cannot be alone in this battle any longer. I don't want to be alone any longer. If my utmost need is to protect you humans, then..........yes, I am no 'dream lady' or guardian...I am sorry. But you must see the truth. Live, so you can make your own judgments." The Voice of Life reaches out to Katherine, granting her 60 IQ.
Perhaps you can buy a skill to soften the impact of thirteen separate entities swarming you with ceaseless, indiscernible attacks overwhelming you from all sides.
Katherine wakes up, enervated for -6 Special Defense on the next two outings.

To all participants, feel lucky it's only a dream. Or unease, that a mere dream could affect your constitution so tangibly. Everyone, whether you spoke or battled, take 25 experience for your adventures tonight.

next time (chronologically), it's to the Swalot's Stream.
When Espurr wakes, there's a ringing in their ears and a faint but persistent headache. It's not too similar to the ones they usually get, and despite their soreness from thrashing around in their sleep, they still have a distinct lack of disorienting mental static occupying their mind. Do they feel... better... now that they've been debilitated?

...They'll have to meditate on it. Strangely, meditating doesn't feel all too appealing to them right now.

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