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On the star of Velekam, the small eye of the world god known as the continent Vinstraga, the outskirts of the capital of the Archduchy, Strosstadt in Strossvald, a young woman from nowhere tries her best to sail the sea of fates in a place most unfamiliar to her.

For a warrior woman, more at home in the commander’s seat of a panzer than any household or city street, a life away from battle is not so simple. Where power does not come from strength of body or force of arms, can she still steer destiny to her will?

She must, for a life without freedom to her is no life at all.

This is a drawquest taking place in the Panzer Commander setting. You shouldn't need to know anything about it beyond how the current player character acts like and what she knows, but any questions will be answered readily, to aid in staying in character.

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You were asleep, and dreaming. Normally, this was a welcome respite. Yet tonight, somebody had decided to ruin it.

“I love you, Anya.”

Your mother. Her voice. After so many years, it was clearer now than so many other people you would rather remember the sound of.
It was infuriating.

“My entire life was failure after failure. Until you were born. Until your sister. If my life had any purpose, it was for the two of you.”

This dream was a lie. Something your imagination came up with to comfort you. It wouldn’t work. You knew the truth of this woman. She went through existence in a drug addled haze.

“You want me to thank you for the only thing you gave me?” You demanded, “Eat shit! That wasn’t worth a damn thing ‘til after your worthless corpse was nothing but more dust on the wind!”

“I am so, so proud of you, my daughter. I wish so badly, that I could have seen you now.”

“I never want to see you ever again! Now rot in hell, or wherever they send useless, pathetic, irresponsible whores!

A gentle smile on her face that you never, ever saw on her in life. “I am sorry. I am as sorry as I am proud, my sweet baby. My gift that I never knew how much I wanted…”

Shut your whore mouth...! You moved to punch her in her face, that face that looked so much like yours…but your arms were limp, and without the strength to even rise in anger…weak, and worthless…
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You are Anya Nowicki, twenty-four years old, too short for your liking (156 centimeters last you checked) but at least fit and thin. Sergeant Nowicki, as you could demand to be called, though once your Accelerated NCO Training was done, you’d become a commissioned officer of the Army of the Archduchy of Strossvald. Funny thing, since you weren’t even a citizen of the country, but you were a retinue of one of its officers- a personal subordinate. A mercenary, practically, which was fine by you, because a mercenary is what you’d been before.

How you got here was a long story, and there wasn’t any need to dwell on it. The best way to summarize it would have been “you got shot a lot and your adopted father’s nephew seemed like a more fun time than wasting your life in the dustlands you were born in.” It was a waste of time to even try to explain your past in abbreviated fashion. Easier to just say that you were a mercenary from the wastes that distinguished herself. That gave people most of what they had to know.
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Up an at ‘em, fluffy, you told yourself as you rose out of bed, turned on the electric lamp by your bed and did morning stretches. Your left arm was still weak- your humerus getting shattered by a bullet would do that. The sun was coming up- still too dark to just open the shades. Checked the clock. Half an hour before reveille- not that the bugle at the Archduke’s Own Panzer Officer Academy was a strict call for students, but old habits died hard.

It was the weekend. August the 18th, 1933. Four months into your program. No lectures today. No tests coming up. You had a research paper halfway done that wasn’t due until the end of the month, and you could get it done any time you wanted. You were already familiar with the material, after all. No, today, you had something else planned…something you weren’t quite ready for.

>Go through your clothes. You can’t go outside in your pajamas, can you?
>Check the vanity. You needed to refresh your memory about yourself.
>You’re starving. Get food. Your waist wouldn’t bloat before wintertime, best enjoy it while you could.
>Go through your clothes. You can’t go outside in your pajamas, can you?
>>Go through your clothes. You can’t go outside in your pajamas, can you?
>Go through your clothes. You can’t go outside in your pajamas, can you?
>Go through your clothes. You can’t go outside in your pajamas, can you?
I can't tell if I like or hate her PJs, it's a weird color combo but not a bad one.
>Go through your clothes. You can’t go outside in your pajamas, can you?
>Check the vanity. You needed to refresh your memory about yourself.
>You’re starving. Get food. Your waist wouldn’t bloat before wintertime, best enjoy it while you could.
>Go through your clothes. You can’t go outside in your pajamas, can you?
I’m so excited for the tank commander otome quest
Go out topless
Seems like it's wardrobe time.
And she had only just appeared in pajamas. Update coming.
I thought I'd get the other one done first but I've made better progress on this.
look for the time
It's swimsuit morning
Clothes…right. It wasn’t something you had needed to think about often. Usually, you were wearing a uniform, and the only question then was whether you should roll up the middle. Questions like what should I wear today was something you’d often considered stupid girl shit like your younger sister quibbled over. Not a question worth thinking about. Even at university, it was the same. What should you wear? Your cadet uniform. No question. Uniform when up, your skin in the bath or shower (good thing your section was closed off to men), pajamas in bed.

…This was different, though. You were going to meet somebody today, at the capital’s central train station. Somebody you hadn’t seen in a while.

Your boyfriend. Magnus Edelschwert. Officer in the Netillian Army rather than the country you’re in, but one you’d been around a decent amount of time. Long enough to like him. Really like him. Like you hadn’t liked a guy in a long time.

You’d met him while you were over in Ellowie on a mission with Richter- the guy who you were the retinue of (cute, hot burned face, fun dancer, but not your type). Nephew of your adopted father, and once upon a time, before you actually met him, the man you thought you’d marry like a prince in a fairy tale. Now you’re like his big sister. It’s complicated. You’d met Edelschwert over in Ellowie, where once upon a time, your mother had come from (you were an Ellowian, ethnically), and you’d hated his guts once. That had changed. The last you’d seen him was at Richter’s marriage ceremony, where he got shacked up with a ginger midget bitch when he could have done way better, and that was where he went from affectionate interest to boyfriend.

…Well, maybe he was your boyfriend. You weren’t actually sure if he thought that way about you. When you’d decided you were officially an item, you’d been drunk and kissed him on the lips, twice. Had to pull him down to your level to get at that mouth, too. Since then, the letters you’d exchanged hadn’t been what you imagined a couple exchanged. They were matter of fact. Information only. Were you alright with that? Not really.

He was finally coming over now, he’d gotten what he needed to get out of the way back home, he said so in his latest letter. Right now, Richter was up around Plisseau. Strossvald was in a little war with them. You didn’t really care about why they, you’d like to have been there now for Richter’s sake, but you had to be here- getting your officer’s commission.

It's six o'clock sharp in the morning. The same time you always wake up, ready for action!
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So what to wear? Your hair had gotten long. Past your shoulders, you usually cut it once it got this long. Should you do that? Should you style it up some way?

All sort of stupid-ass questions with no clear answer.

You could wear your cadet uniform. He appreciated a professional look. If you wanted to catch his eyes better, you could roll up the middle and show off your stomach, now that it was nice and tight. It’d be your normal look. Or should you appeal to his conservative side? You’d gotten a dress- really not your kind of clothes, but you’d worn them in disguises sometimes. You’d look like an ordinary woman around here, instead of yourself, for better or worse.

Or. You could give not even a single shit about what anybody else might think and dress sexy. You had clothes that showed off plenty while still being normal for training, or a layer under something else. It would turn heads, but it’d turn his too, right?

Unless you were mistaken about the boyfriend thing, then you’d look like a desperate idiot.

Or…it could be time for something different. Not going in your underwear, that’s for damn sure. Close the blinds, Anya, you’re not putting on a show. Though…you had to admire yourself in the vanity at least a bit. Covered in scars…you remembered the first scar you got, across your face. You hated it so much, you cried whenever you saw your face in the mirror. Now, though, all you could think was: what a reason to wear an atom suit to the beach, eh?

>Professional, officerial, militaristic. It was how you knew one another.
>Dress like how you wanted him to see you. As a woman. Not as some part of an army’s mass.
>You’re good looking, aren’t you? Remind him. Dress cute, dress stunning. Show off what you’ve got.
>Draw/Support something drawn on?
>Haircut, Style it, or just brush it loose?
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>Draw/Support something drawn on?

>Haircut, Style it, or just brush it loose?
Leave it just how it is!
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>Professional, officerial, militaristic. It was how you knew one another.
Uniforms are cool, and women look good in them.

Style it. I want to see how Anya would style her hair, and it would complement the uniform well I imagine.
>Dress like how you wanted him to see you. As a woman. Not as some part of an army’s mass.
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>You’re good looking, aren’t you? Remind him. Dress cute, dress stunning. Show off what you’ve got

>Haircut, Style it, or just brush it loose?
>Professional, officerial, militaristic. It was how you knew one another.
Based quest.
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>Here's my submission
>Would like some feedback for the possible Ponytail/Cap and suspenders if yes or no
>Behold a submission and vote
>Dress dapper! Get a waistcoat and a flat cap.
> Style your hair in a nice low bun
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Supporting this >>5967364 just because, god damn
A voter after my own heart... But I doubt Anya can pull it off.
this one has my vote, it's anya-core
This one: >>5967362
I think there was a drawing of her with a Cap before? I think the cap fits.
get ye flask
Backing >>5967363
>dapper with a flat cap and a low bun
Unfortunately I can't bre- draw. I can't draw.
How can I not
Taking after your younger sister.



Ladylike and girly.


Show off what you got. Put that hair up.

Looking like you raid tombs.

Betting on your beau's riding boots and sash and feminine looks meaning something, huh...

It wouldn't be wrong to say you have a history with overly elaborate dresses...even if there isn't a ball tonight.

You can't get ye flask!

Today was doing a lot and I took a short nap to get some energy back, but I'll still delay actually deciding this for a couple more hours before doing one more update for today. Then it will no longer be April Fools and the consequences of mandating I do this as a drawquest will sink in. >>5967331

>I think there was a drawing of her with a Cap before?
Military caps in canon. All sorts of other ones outside it. Anya is not fearful of hats.
switching from >>5967337 (this is me) to >>5967364. I still prefer the uniform but I'd rather go with the dress than the tomb raider getup.
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Hello all.
Sorry for the delay, just had to get back into the swing of things. Proceeding now.
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Maybe running a little late, but posting anyways. I tried to keep it classy and in-character.
Challenge for a One-Thread Sidestory: IMPOSSIBLE
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…You weren’t fully awake or something, because you could’ve sworn you saw…

Never mind. Maybe the shrink saying you had “severe underlying psychological trauma” was right about exactly one thing, and it happened to really be about sailor suits. No time for that load of shit in your life though, this was more important.

The outfit wasn’t something you’d go anywhere near on your own volition. You didn’t know if you wanted to take scissors to it or just blow it to smithereens with a cannon, but it might just be the thing you needed now. It had been a gift- men seemed to have some inexplicable compulsion to put you in fancy dresses, without any compensation at all besides getting to see you in them. Can’t complain about somebody’s lost bierock if it’s in your belly now, as Schweinmann used to say. Would Mag be into this? You thought you looked like cheap arm candy that spent every pfenning she had on trying to look better than she was, to try and lure somebody without the good sense to tell when a wrapped gift smelled like shit.

You’d definitely need help getting shoved into it. There were as many laces as a suit of plate armor on the thing. You didn’t really trust too many people to help you put it on. Not here, at least, though the guy who gave it to you probably would do it without needing a knife to his tenders.

Karel Van Halm. You didn’t know how he got your measurements, either he had an eye way too keen for you to speak kindly of, or he got them from Richter’s mom. Whatever the case, he had randomly gifted you this ensemble of red silk and lace, that probably cost as much as your retinue’s stipend made over months. He was at the Academy like you, for another reason. Said he owed Richter Von Tracht still, for saving his brother in the war over east in Netilland, the same one you ended up both against and alongside Magnus in. But you weren’t born yesterday. You’d bet gold on him just testing the waters to see if the fish were biting, and you’d already fallen for that hook once. Back when…

That wasn’t what he was trying to do. Karel was nice. You didn’t need to be so prickly with him like you’d had to be for years, in the wastelands of Sosaldt.

You went over to the vanity- no matter what you went with, you had to brush your unruly hair. That was when you noticed them- right at the bottom of the mirror. A brass and wood glasses case. A present from Magnus that he’d sent. You’d made the mistake of telling him that you were nearsighted, only by a bit. Even if your eyes were fine you’d have to use binoculars in the positions you served anyways, so what did it matter?

The truth was that you hated how glasses looked on you, so you never put these on, not even when you went to the range, or did academy maneuver exercises. If Magnus was coming back around, though…should you wear them? Even though they looked like crap and you didn’t need them?
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There were a few other things on this shelf with the mirror though. Even though, with what you were picking out to wear, they wouldn’t fit well. One was a medal. The Silver Shield of Roland, awarded for your part in the Battle of Sundersschirm, where you last got wounded. The citation for it was right there on the plaque for it, but you hardly ever re-read it. You weren’t much of a fan of wearing stuff like this, but whenever in uniform, Hell’s brother Geroldt, Richter’s father, had told you to wear that medal. You were used to being messed with, it came with being a short scruffy girl amongst rogues and thugs, but when you wore that medal around here, nobody had a smart mouth. They didn’t even know what you got it for, just that no cadet was in any place whatsoever to shit talk a soldier who’d won a Silver Shield.

The other thing was an heirloom from…family, you guessed you could call it. Geroldt Von Tracht had given it to you- the short sword of an artillerist from the last century, more a tool than a real weapon. Hell had never been an artilleryman, and Gerold said, yes, he’d never been. This sword had belonged to his and Hell’s ancestor, one of the consorts of Helman the Silver Lance, who’d founded the house of Von Tracht. Silke Mondhohe, who was the minder of flying batteries for Helman’s mercenaries.

You didn’t think it was yours to claim, but Richter’s father had insisted that it belonged to Hell. Thus, it was passed to you. If you wanted, you could wear it like a saber- though you wouldn’t even have the right to wear a sword until you got your officer’s commission anyways. Not that it kept you from potentially wearing it anyways, as heirlooms had different rules.

The medal wasn’t supposed to be worn anywhere but on a uniform. The sword, though? Nobody could stop you, if you wanted.

>Wear the Glasses? Even though they’re unspeakably lame.
>Wear the Sword? Even if you’re already overdressed.
>Other Accoutrement?
No to both
How cruel, targeting Anya's insecurities like that.
Also no to both
I'll need to see Anya in glasses to judge. No to sword, though.
>Wear the Glasses? Even though they’re unspeakably lame.
It would be a bit rude not to. They were gifted by the guy she's trying to get with, who she's not sure even likes her, and she's not going to wear them? Unthinkable.

Shame no one wanted to wear the uniform, the other items don't fit with a dress at all and would look great with the uniform.
>Wear the Glasses? Even though they’re unspeakably lame.
To being lame!
Wear a tiara
>Wear the Glasses? Even though they’re unspeakably lame.

A frilly dress and glasses? Very kuudere.
>Wear the Glasses? Even though they’re unspeakably lame.
Yeah let's just go full bore and skinwalk von Metzeler's wife.
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A requirement to see.
This is a far different outfit, but it's the face that matters, isn't it?


Anya does not have a tiara! Or any jewelry for that matter, save for ear cuffs that were another gift.

Updating. As soon as I finish the other thread update.
Actually the outfit matters. The glasses match well with the outfit in the pic, but not with the dress, imo. So I'm voting to omit the glasses
As well as to tie our hair in twintails and embrace the tsun.
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Glasses were supposed to help you see better, but you couldn’t even recognize this thing in the mirror.

Fuck it. As far as you knew, the cards were face down, but even if there wasn’t a royal flush there, you always had a good hand in your sleeve. Not under your skirts, though. That was where this ruffly thing came in handy. You could put a munitions caster on your thigh holster in this thing and nobody would be able to tell.

The dress was starting to grow on you, if you looked at it that way, actually. Loud and bright, plenty of depth to its folds to hide an armory in, some might even say it was like you. “Obnoxious.” Smartasses. Though it didn’t show off any of your good muscles, not that you’d been able to keep that up as well as you could, what with your left arm still healing, still too busted to be exerted safely, even if it was finally out of the sling.

You’d rather Magnus sent you one of those beautiful weapons with plenty of its shells, rather than junk that made you look like a dork. Goggles but worse in every single possible way. One more preparation to take care of, you thought as you glared at the sight of yourself in glasses…

Never go out without being strapped, that was the most important lesson to learn, no matter where you were. Some people might not agree in a place like you were now, but being unarmed was like being naked- and even when the clothes came off for washing, you still had something close. Technically being a part of the Archduchy’s armed forces meant you couldn’t be stripped of your weapons anyways, but an openly worn weapon would just make this bloody bonfire you were wearing look worse.

>Get Equipped. Equipment can only be placed in a slot category it possesses- S, Sleeve, B, Bust, T, Thigh, P, Underwear. No, Anya does not have a handbag.
>Knife- Simple Edged Weapon. Able to be thrown with reasonable accuracy.
>Derringer- Two-Shot Breechloading small caliber defense instrument.
>Automatic Pistol- Compact self-loading handgun
>Magazines- Two magazines for use with Automatic Pistol
>Bra Padding- All the Help you can Get
>Training Grenade- Small-Scale Explosive, Still Dangerous, Mostly Loud and Bright.
>Wallet- Probably Necessary.
>Lucky Razor- Just In Case. Small Roll Bonus.
>Presumption Manifest- Raises confidence by riding up.
>Other things unmentioned? (Anya must reasonably have them, they can’t be better than listed items.)
Oh yeah, this is what I'm talking about.
>Right Sleeve: Wallet
>Left Sleeve: Magazine x2
>Bust: Padding
>P: Lucky Razor
>Right Thigh: Auto Pistol
>Left Thigh: Training Grenade
>S: knife, wallet
>T: pistol, mags
>B: derringer
>P: razor
>S 1: derringer
>S 2: derringer
>B : derringer
>P : derringer
>T 1: derringer
>T 2: derringer
going strapped
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She’s a /k/ommando for sure.
>S1 - Knife
>S2 - Derringer
>B - Padding
>P - Lucky Razor (we're not intending to seal the deal I presume)
>T1 - Training Handgranaten
>T2 - Wallet
Equip nothing. Go commando.
v u l u m e o f f i r e
we are become jetfire jim
fuck we need our wallet
Switching to as voted before but swap out bra for wallet and as much derringer ammo as possible
Supporting >>5969434
>Glasses were supposed to help you see better, but you couldn’t even recognize this thing in the mirror.
It's almost 1934, let's just get contacts. They exist.
>Right Sleeve: Derringer
>Bust: Wallet
>Left Sleeve: Lucky Razor
>Thigh: Knife
>Underwear: Vibe pill.
Padded ranged.

The balanced build.

Doing your best Meryl Stryfe impression.

As Above but with wallet.

Padded melee.

Bear Handed

Out for a walk.
While yes, contacts exist, Anya would still say she doesn't really need them.

I have work tonight so I won't be resolving until either I get back or tomorrow morning.
Luv me .25 acp
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Jetfire Jim, Revengance
Supporting dis
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Alright, time to tally things up according to slot.

Right Sleeve- Derringer
Derringer- |||||||
Knife- ||||||
Wallet- |

Left Sleeve- Derringer
Derringer- |||||||
Magazines- |
Wallet- |||||

Left Thigh- Derringer
Derringer- ||||||
Magazines- |||||

Right Thigh- Tie
Derringer- ||||||
Automatic Pistol-||||||
Wallet- |

Bust- Derringer
Something something Anya's bosom is too small to embrace anything larger.

Pantsu- Lucky Razor
Derringer- ||||||
Lucky Razor-|||||||
Commando- |

This is a bit of an awkward way to count the voting I know, but it seemed the best idea. Anyways, the right thigh slot of the harness under the dress is tied between the handgun (with singular magazine) and another derringer, so I'm rolling off for that now, 1 for autopistol, 2 for derringer.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Right at the last moment huh.
Alrihgt, fine, that ties up the right sleeve's derringer and knife slot, so I'll roll that off too. 1 for D, 2 for K. Donkey Kong.
What are weapon laws in Strossvald like anyway? How common is gun ownership?
>What are weapon laws in Strossvald like anyway? How common is gun ownership?
The Archduchy expects nearly every physically able male to have military training and to be ready for conscription. This mobilization protocol is part of how it's been able to throw its weight around the region so effectively, even if it's decentralized through the individual territorial authorities and the command is distributed.

The Archduchy's laws are a messy tangle that would make a lawyer from any other nation tear their hair out, so the legality of possession of arms is a complicated question, but in most cases a person, or their family by extension, has to have been granted authority by the ruling noble of their land to carry a firearm. Theoretically this prevents the wrong sorts from having the capacity to assassinate any nobility, but the more effective deterrent historically has been to not be a desirable target of assassination, as a gunman might just as readily have been granted access for their criminal activity by another noble house, indirectly.

So in certain cities and territories the only people given the right to firearms are police, active duty armed forces officers, nobility, and the guardsmen of nobility who often have their own wrote permission to wield arms in defense of their lord or lady. The capital is one of these places, as are most of the particularly dense and industrialized cities of the Archduchy. Anybody suspected of having a firearm without authorization is able to be searched on the spot by policemen (or Intelligence Office or other internal security agents). These laws, it should be stated, are actually relatively recent on the timeline.

TL;DR Most people around aren't packing heat. However, Anya is five foot two and slender built, and she prefers to win serious fights.
Jetfire Jim is triumphant
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A derringer everywhere you could stick one- except for the waistband of your underwear (reserved for the lucky razor- lucky if you didn’t need to use it) and your right sleeve, which had a long, slender slicing knife, in case of close encounter. Or a stubborn cut of meat. You had a lot of the little double-barreled holdout pieces. Practically a collector at this point, you didn’t really have anything better to spend money on, considering how much you unintentionally saved up. You were too used to only getting money from doing a merc job and getting a cut of the coin and loot, most of what you considered the most valuable things to you were stuff that you were gifted…or stuff you took. The Dust Devil tank you had, for example. You stole that, and old friends in the Iron Hogs, your old mercenary outfit, fixed it up with some modifications to make it more badass. If they were hoping you’d come back to them, they were wrong, though. You weren’t going back. Not in the way they wanted you to.

Near fully strapped down with derringers, one on each thigh holster of your rigging, one in a sleeve’s sewn pocket, one pushed down against your chest, your heart reassuringly beating against the warming steel. A spritz of perfume, if you were going out like this anyways. It smelled softly of vanilla and cinnamon, rather than your usual scent. Like you spent more time in a patisserie instead of a tank.

Were you forgetting something?

Nah. Everything you needed, you had. Not that you were gonna shoot Magnus, unless he did something really stupid.

Ready as you were going to get for this, you checked the clock again. 0650. Did it really take you this long to get everything ready? Judge above. Not like you were supposed to meet Magnus until noon, but you hadn’t even heard the bugles going. Must’ve been the dress’s fault.

Stepping out of the women’s dormitory compound, you readily noticed that the other residents weren’t the types to even wake up at a proper time like you. Must have been here thinking they were on holiday.

You’d have to go to a courier truck to get into the city. The Archduke’s Own Panzer Officer Academy was situated a few klicks away from the city proper, where there was open land and rolling hills for the tanks to go around, and the air was cleaner. Once within the city, the air was heavy with soot, a dirty cloud hanging close to the streets depending on how close to the industrial district you were. Most people cursed the factories’ pollution in spite of the business and wealth they made, but in a funny way, the smog reminded of the filthy air of a battlefield, so you weren’t much bothered by that.

An odd sight, as you walked down the path towards the Academy’s front gates. On a day without lectures or maneuvers, the students and professors alike were lazy, but there was already a uniformed man sitting at a bench in front of the women’s dormitory. A pervert, hoping to look into the baths?
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No, actually, you realized as the man on the bench seemed to look to the sky, but noticed your approach, and squinted at you. A fair, golden-haired man in a cavalry dress uniform, like was common for events here, tanks being descended from cavalry and artillery in Strossvald.

“Who is this lovely creature,” said Karel Van Halm as he rolled his chin down, “Who’s taken Anya Nowicki’s body and dressed her up in something so flattering?”

“Aw, shove it,” you said, standing in front of him and pumping a fist behind your arm. He was a friend, though, and allowed to smartarse. “What are you doin’ up so early? What are you doin’ here?”

Karel Van Halm smiled at you and raised his palms to his shoulders. “I wanted to wish you luck before your big date. Isn’t that what you put on the finery for? Will you finally thank me, when it works its magic?”

You had all the luck you needed. “…Yeah, sure. Deal.” You paused. “Hey. Can you check the laces on my back?”

Karel rose to his feet and walked behind you. “Of course. Do you want them tighter?”

“Don’t smash my ribs,” you snapped as you felt him tug on the laces on your spine. “My arm’s busted enough.”

“You only got out of that sling last week, didn’t you?” Karel sighed, “Your laces are all uneven, you should have just come with them loose and saved yourself the pain.” You felt his fingers work against your back, undoing everything and setting it back.

You stared back down the walkway as he fixed your dress, “Is this really why you’re here?” You asked, “Y’know I told you he’s not even gonna come in ‘til at least noon?”

“There was one thing,” Van Halm said, tying a knot and moving up, “Maybe it’s for the best you dressed so fancily, if you’d oblige me.”

“Spit it out.”

“I’ve been arranged for a date of my own today, on short notice and against my will,” Karel said, “My family wishes to marry me off, and the young high house lady they want to set me up with isn’t much to my tastes. So I’d like to fend her off with a false image of myself. A harmless but dissuading slight against her, if you’d help me build it up with a restaurant visit. I need us to be associated for the morning. I’ll let you ride in my car instead of taking the dispatch, since you’re going into the city anyways.”
“You want me t’ pretend to date you?” You rolled your eyes. “What if you just didn’t show up, and we could do something fun instead?”

Karel gave you a quizzical squint. “Dates are fun, Anya. But yes, if you don’t want to do that, we can go to the range, if you like. Or spar. You might have to change out of that dress for that, though, and since you already went through the effort, you shouldn’t waste it.”

>Fine. Go on a false “date,” you had to pass the time anyways. And you were hungry.
>You needed to watch your waistline right now. You’d rather go shooting, or spar. The practice would be good for you.
>He knew who you were going to meet today, didn’t he? You didn’t have any time for anybody but your boyfriend. Sorry, maybe another time.
What's the tonk?
>You needed to watch your waistline right now. You’d rather go shooting, or spar. The practice would be good for you.
>>You needed to watch your waistline right now. You’d rather go shooting, or spar. The practice would be good for you.
>>Fine. Go on a false “date,” you had to pass the time anyways. And you were hungry.
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>Fine. Go on a false “date,” you had to pass the time anyways. And you were hungry.
It's august, might as well get a head start putting on that winter coat.
Looks like a PW-3, maybe with local mods.
>You needed to watch your waistline right now. You’d rather go shooting, or spar. The practice would be good for you.
If we show up smelling like gunpowder, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for Anya, & we could stay in the dress.

>Go shooting
>Fine. Go on a false “date,” you had to pass the time anyways. And you were hungry.
Really don't want to waste the effort we put into getting dressed. We will have less time to shoot with needing to get undressed and dressed again.
>>Fine. Go on a false “date,” you had to pass the time anyways. And you were hungry.
The only nourishment you need is that of firepower.

The classic midriff isn't out right now anyways.

>What's the tonk?
As >>5970944 says, it's a Pw-3, a Grossreich tank, but after the Emrean War they got scattered to the wins in various ways, whether sold directly or copied outright. Strossvald no longer uses the Pw-3 in any fashion, so this demilitarized one is taking up space as a decoration.
Also it's a "female" variant. Placed in front of the women's quarters. How very subtle.
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All tied up, still.
I'll wait a couple hours and roll off if needed, and call the vote there.
I'll swap to break the tie:
>Fine. Go on a false “date,” you had to pass the time anyways. And you were hungry.

Is Van Halm still in the army? I assume his panzer unit is based around the capital?
>You needed to watch your waistline right now. You’d rather go shooting, or spar. The practice would be good for you.
Well nvm then, keep it the same I guess.
>>You needed to watch your waistline right now. You’d rather go shooting, or spar. The practice would be good for you.
>Is Van Halm still in the army? I assume his panzer unit is based around the capital?
He is, yes. Though he's not in a unit presently- he's taking a sort of graduate program. What exactly he's doing at the academy will be brought up soon enough.
Napped for too long.

Doing the shoot. At least, that's what I assume. Updating.
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“Don’t have t’ change out of anything,” you declared, “Gunpowder’s not a bad smell. C’mon, let’s go shoot some while we don’t gotta share the range.”
Karel’s smile ebbed a little. “Are you sure you don’t want to change into something else? Besides, surely you haven’t eaten yet today.”

“Nah,” you said, losing patience, and not wanting to have food brought up again while you were famished, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him along the path. “Besides, I don’t wanna pull this thing off ‘til I have to.” If getting out of it was as hard as getting it on.

You had pulled Van Halm about halfway across the Academy grounds before he shook his wrist loose of yours. “Judge Above, Anya,” he said with a stifled laugh, “The lady is nowhere near here to offend, you’ll give the rest of the city gossip.”

That concern was returned with a stilted shrug. “Fuck ‘em.” You had nothing to hide. Not like Richter’s own crewmen hadn’t stuffed you and him into a hotel while drunk in Sosaldt once, and that implied more than a date. “Who’s this lady, anyways? I haven’t heard you talkin’ ‘bout her before.”

“I haven’t,” Van Halm told you, “But I’m sure you know of her. The family of Von Blum only has one marriageable daughter from their main household left, and her sister is married to the man who retains you.”

Oh, her. “Yeah, I know who that is,” you said, “I don’t remember her name, just that she looks exactly the same as her sister. And her sister’s a huge, massive bitch.” Though not in stature.

Karel tilted his head with a frown. “That isn’t an appraisal I hear often. Do you have a rivalry between you?”

“No. I didn’t do anything that she’s got any reason t’ be so sour about as she is,” you chuffed, annoyed now. “Ain’t my fault she’s at home sittin’ on her fat ass instead a’ being out there with somebody she cares about.”

“Are you sure you are one to talk about that?” Karel asked.

…That stung a little. “Hey, I’m here t’ help more than I could before, I didn’t ask the Almizeans t’-“

“What? No,” Karel interrupted you, “I wasn’t talking about that.” He leaned himself back, exaggerated his tilt, pointed his head down.

“…Fuck off,” you reached out and flicked his nose like a fly, “I don’t have a fat ass.” It hadn’t been grabbed in a while. But you were relieved. Honestly, you’d rather be up there, but what was down here, everybody agreed, had been more important to do- especially while your arm was broken.
Yet Richter wasn’t your fiancée, not your husband. And you’d gone over to Magnus while it had been worse.

Even so…
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“I’ll say nothing else,” Karel paced himself back to be slightly ahead of you, “besides that the seats on many a tank would benefit from more padding.”
Enough talk about your ass, as you rubbed your hip, feeling it through your skirt to see if it had grown. “Whatever. What’s wrong with her, that y’ don’t like her? Not up to your standards for looks?”

Karel laughed softly, and slightly, “No, I have her picture right here, actually. She’s lovely, and her family is the high house of Von Blum. Logically, I have nothing to complain about, being matched with her.”

You had to admit that she had you smoked as far as being pretty went, but that field was lost ever since you took that knife across the face. How she looked, though…this wasn’t Maddalyn Von Blum? She looked so exactly the same that it creeped you out a little.

“The Von Blums are pretty powerful,” you didn’t have to remind, but it was a point impossible to ignore. High houses had their own armies, their own industry. “So’s your house. Both territorial lords.” How the Archduchy split up its lands. Each territory was ruled by a different high house family. “So what’s the catch with…what’s her name.”

“Mathilda Von Blum,” Karel said, “Power is what her family and mine see, yes. Our lands are adjacent, and a solid alliance between us would benefit us all, and smooth over any lingering rivalries from eras before. Territories may never combine under the Archduke’s reign, of course, but my brother is the prince of Van Halm, anyways. Many would say that there is no catch, that the wealth and power is enough. Would it be enough for you?”

>Without power, you can’t have anything. The beast will make you its booty if you have no blade. That’s just the way the world works. Best get used to it.
>You knew what it was like to have nothing. To be devastatingly destitute. It didn’t take much wealth to tolerate a lot, for plenty of people. It had been enough for your sister, after all.
>Call yourself uncharacteristically romantic, but did either of those things matter if there was an irreconcilable difference? Something no force could overpower, and no luxury could assuage?
>Other? (Any vote will be converted to appropriately rougher dialect)
>Without power, you can’t have anything. The beast will make you its booty if you have no blade. That’s just the way the world works. Best get used to it.
>You knew what it was like to have nothing. To be devastatingly destitute. It didn’t take much wealth to tolerate a lot, for plenty of people. It had been enough for your sister, after all.

Both are very very true, but:

>Call yourself uncharacteristically romantic, but did either of those things matter if there was an irreconcilable difference? Something no force could overpower, and no luxury could assuage?
>Call yourself uncharacteristically romantic, but did either of those things matter if there was an irreconcilable difference? Something no force could overpower, and no luxury could assuage?
>>Call yourself uncharacteristically romantic, but did either of those things matter if there was an irreconcilable difference? Something no force could overpower, and no luxury could assuage?
>Call yourself uncharacteristically romantic, but did either of those things matter if there was an irreconcilable difference? Something no force could overpower, and no luxury could assuage?
I'd like to think Anya has felt safe in Richter's employfor long enough to leave survival mode.
>Not up to your standards for looks?
>I have nothing to complain about
Nonce moment.
>You knew what it was like to have nothing. To be devastatingly destitute. It didn’t take much wealth to tolerate a lot, for plenty of people. It had been enough for your sister, after all.
>>You knew what it was like to have nothing. To be devastatingly destitute. It didn’t take much wealth to tolerate a lot, for plenty of people. It had been enough for your sister, after all.
Someone needs to marry Mathilda and unfortunately I can't so
>Call yourself uncharacteristically romantic, but did either of those things matter if there was an irreconcilable difference? Something no force could overpower, and no luxury could assuage?
>>Call yourself uncharacteristically romantic, but did either of those things matter if there was an irreconcilable difference? Something no force could overpower, and no luxury could assuage?
You knew what it was like to have nothing. To be devastatingly destitute. It didn’t take much wealth to tolerate a lot, for plenty of people. It had been enough for your sister, after all.
>You knew what it was like to have nothing. To be devastatingly destitute. It didn’t take much wealth to tolerate a lot, for plenty of people. It had been enough for your sister, after all.
True love must triumph!
Okay, nerd.

Being on the edge of a cliff makes you want to not be there.
Falling off makes you need a parachute.

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“I used t’ be really poor, when I was a kid,” you said. A kind of poor that nobody in this country could even think of. After your mother died, you had next to nothing, save for a place for you and your sister to sleep, a small hut only left to you for pity’s sake. Most of what you had even before was picked out of garbage, or stolen, as more money went to your mother’s drug addiction than anything else. Back then, you couldn’t even dare to dream of having what you enjoyed now. You tugged at the silk fringe on your sleeves. “This thing’s worth as much as I’d a’ been, back then.” Actually, you probably weren’t worth that much. The child kidnappers had wanted Alina, not you. “When you’re hungry for long enough, plenty a’ people would do anything for it t’ stop. These days, though? It’d take more than that t’ lure me in. Wouldn’t matter what was in it for me if I couldn’t stand the guy, y’know? I’d need somethin’ that can’t be bought.”

“You’ve lost some cynicism, then?” Van Halm asked rhetorically. “I prefer when romance triumphs, also. I wouldn’t trade myself for what I’ve already had anyways, not for that alone. No, Mathilda Von Blum is simply not to my tastes in other ways.”

“’Cause she looks like she hasn’t grown past twelve years?” you smirked, “Or ‘cause she’s a ginger?”
Van Halm cocked an eyebrow at you. “Has nobody told you? It’s because she is…controversial. She is known to be a minx of the courts. A woman of shadows and rumors, though nobody good at such things allows there to be more than such. So I’d rather not, you see. I don’t like the concept of marrying a half-truth.”

“Oh. So she’s a slut.” You didn’t like those, either. Or lies, for that matter. Who did?

Karel snorted in an uneasy laugh. “Brazen, aren’t you? Back in the day, you might have been made to pick a man to fight a duel for that comment.”

“I’d do it myself,” you challenged, “Always ready for it. Can’t use the best banter if you’re too weak t’ carry the words yourself, y’know?” You let a knife slip from your sleeve and tossed it in the air, let the same happen for the derringer in your other sleeve, caught them in opposite hands, and gave a toothy grin. You were as good with one hand as you were with the other, but this still had taken practice to do so well.

Van Halm applauded politely. “We’re not quite at the target range yet, Miss Nowicki. Are you going to shoot me for my earlier comment?”

“Nah,” you said, letting the weapons slip back into the sleeve pockets, “I’d have t’ think too much on which one deserved it most.”
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The range was, as predicted, quiet, yet was actually available rather than closed down, even though the bleary-eyed armorer was clearly not enthusiastic about early risers.

“Sergeant Nowicki,” he recognized you with a yawn, and raised an eyebrow at your outfit, but said nothing else. “You don’t have that shotgun on you?”

“Couldn’t find a place t’ put it.” It was a good idea, though. You’d have to buy a rig for that if you were feeling in a dress-mood anytime in the future.

“The usual, then,” the armorer said, slouching to the back.

You had a smug thought. “Got any ammo in pocket pistol caliber?”

The armorer stared queerly back at you over his shoulder. “Yeah. If you can pay for it.”

“I’ll handle that,” Karel interjected, and he said sidelong to you. “It’d be cheaper than buying you brunch anyways.”

“You’re buying your own breakfast right now with that sort of talk,” you growled. Even if he wasn’t wrong.

The range was an outdoor one, enclosed by embankments with enough of a backstop to halt a cannon shot. Not that you’d be needing anything past a hundred meters, or even entirely within that.

The targets laid out, maybe you were expected to pick up one of the arms of the tanker- the pistol and the carbine, but you wanted to try something out right off the bat. Whenever you moved you felt a derringer, and they were eager to come out…

“Ladies first,” Van Halm said, leaning against the back wall with his thumbs in his sash. He was looking at your eyes- your spectacles. They didn’t let you see that much better… “Say. Do you want to make a wager?”

The response was reflexive. “Deal.”

Karel blinked. “I didn’t even say what it was, yet.”

“It’s for shooting, right?” You flexed your fingers and relaxed your shoulders. “I’ll win.”

“My marksmanship scores are as good as my academics, Anya,” Karel warned, “But fine. If you’re so confident, then you make the stake. I’ll give you proportionately what you offer. Standing shots. The more hits on target with whatever you pick up, the better the score. I’ll choose whatever you don’t, the carbine only half loaded, for fairness’s sake.”

Funny as it would be to bet your entire monthly stipend, Karel Van Halm was too rich for that to be interesting. He’d probably just forfeit as some form of joke.

>What do you want to bet?
>Choose your weapon. (Includes those on your person)
>Loser pays for dinner.
>Winner makes lose eat an exotic and probably gross dish of the winner's choosing at the loser's expence.
>Derringer, gotta train what we have.
God, these targets are so goofy-looking, I can't even
>Exotic Brunch
>Jetfire Jim's Brace of Derringers
When are we meeting the other fellow again? I'm new to these qsts.
>A dare
Supporting >>5973603
>What do you want to bet?
The honor of telling Mathilda von Blum to kick rocks.
>Choose your weapon. (Includes those on your person)
8mm Messer.
I want dinner.

If you're hungry, then taste the meal of defeat.

A dare. Of what, perchance.

Telling midgets to back off.
Aren't you greedy.

Using all your holdout weapons.

Revolver Ocelot


>When are we meeting the other fellow again?
At noon.
Or rather, practically speaking, in a couple updates or so.
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“I’ve already got my weapons,” you said with a cool, growing smile. The intent was for each different distance target to be hit at least one, you were sure, but it’d hardly matter with your approach. “Pick whatever you want. You’ve already lost.”

“Oh?” Karel leaned forward slightly, “Then let’s see if that boldness is favored by fortune.”

“Fortune’s waving her skirts around and she isn’t wearing underwear,” you said, “Whoever loses has to eat the worst crap that the fanciest place around Strosstadt has to offer. Jellied Liver. Pickled toe-poppers. That sorta thing.”

Karel shook his head plaintively. “You’re making a serious gamble, considering who you’re planning to meet. You should have a clean taste about the mouth.”

“Doesn’t matter,” you stretched your arms over your head, “Like I said. I’ll win.”

“Very well. I hope you enjoy the taste of fried milt, then,” Karel said cheekily.

That tone made you glance over your shoulder. “What’s milt?”

“Shoot well or both you and your beau may find out.”

Maybe you’d make Van Halm eat milt. Would wipe that smug look off his face real good, whatever it was.

Out came the derringer from one sleeve. One that Karel already knew about. Yet he didn’t know about the other one you reached for against your breast.

>Roll 4 sets of 2d10, and 1 of 1d10. DC is 4+, 6+, and 8+, with 5+ for the Knife Toss.
The fourth set, I should say, is 6+ DC. Which is to say, matching or higher.
Rolled 8, 7 = 15 (2d10)

Jetfire Jim rides again.
Rolled 6, 1 = 7 (2d10)

Rolled 4, 9 = 13 (2d10)

Rolled 7 (1d10)

Rolled 10, 6 = 16 (2d10)

PLAK-PLAK, PLAK-PLAK, both derringers were emptied and tossed onto the table in front of you, and without checking to see if you had indeed hit any bullseyes, you hiked up your skirt and pulled two more derringers from your thigh holsters, pointing one out, the other arm bent to brace your aim. PLAK-PLAK, You changed up your shooting arm and your brace, PLAK-PLAK. Not quite done. With a final flourish as you let the derringers fall from your fingers with a clatter onto the table, smoke twirling in the air in front of you, the knife came out of your sleeve. With a final draw of the arm and flick of the wrist as you flung your arm forward, the knife spun out to the closest target.

With a catch of your breath, you squinted to see how much you’d win by…

The knife hit the closest target with a thwack, sticking into the wooden back plate. You’d hit six out of your eight shots, too, including one on the further target. Not bad for such runty guns. You flung a victorious grin back at Van Halm. “You lose,” you sneered, “Seven hits. Even if you aced every shot with that revolver, you can’t win.”

Van Halm put up his palms. “Surely the knife doesn’t count, even if all those derringers counted as a singular weapon. What happens if we tie?”

You shrugged. “You’ll have to tie me, first.”

“Do I get to borrow your knife, then?” Van Halm asked as he strode out to the target and yanked the knife from the head of the target board.

You made a noncommittal tilt of your head. “Just get on with it and lose, already.”

Karel stood at the edge of the range, picked up the wheel gun, and with a twist of his wrist, spun the revolver on a finger before locking his arm out, a determined flintiness in his eyes and a snap of his lip into a concentrated curl, before he squeezed his finger on the trigger.

BANG. The first shot echoed, and you saw a hole appear perfectly in the center of the head of the nearest target. Four more shots in quick succession, each a hit on the bullseye. A moment’s hesitation- then you saw him relax his hand for a second. BANG. The final shot visibly hit the ground.

“Well,” Van Halm laid the gun down and sighed with a smile, “I suppose we won’t have to worry about a tie, then. Be merciful, if you would, will you?”

>Hey. That doesn’t count. You’re not taking a match that was thrown.
>A win’s a win. He would have beefed up the knife throw anyways.
>Let him know you know he lost on purpose. But you appreciated the gesture.
>Hey. That doesn’t count. You’re not taking a match that was thrown.
>Let him know you know he lost on purpose. But you appreciated the gesture.
>>Hey. That doesn’t count. You’re not taking a match that was thrown.
>>Hey. That doesn’t count. You’re not taking a match that was thrown.
>Let him know you know he lost on purpose. But you appreciated the gesture.
Let's see if we can't turn tonight into 'trench warfare', if you catch my drift.
>Hey. That doesn’t count. You’re not taking a match that was thrown.
>Hey. That doesn’t count. You’re not taking a match that was thrown.
Hey, no throwing, that's cheating!

I know what you did but I think that's cool.

I'll be updating after I finish the other one I need to do.
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“No, hold on,” you snapped, and pointed a rude finger at Karel, “Pick that back up and redo that shot. That didn’t count?”

“Why? Because it missed?”

You banged a fist on the table with the weapons and ammunition, rattling it all. “You threw that!” you said, “I’m not taking a match you lost on purpose! Now do it again, dickhead!”

Karel sighed, and picked up the revolver once more, along with a single shot for it, breaking open the revolver and loading it in, the cylinder given a small spin as he inspected the gun. “If you insist.”

“I do. Now give that far target a new asshole.”

“Right in his head, then,” Karel straightened his back and stretched out his arm, the same intense look crossed his eyes as he squeezed the trigger again. *click*.

“Quit screwin’ around,” you picked up a spent brass casing and pitched it, bouncing it off his head.

Karel gave you a sidelong toying glance, and this time- BANG. The far target’s head target received a new hole in it, and then Karel swiped your knife off the table in front of him, and flung it straight out with not a bit of spin, throwing it so hard it staked through the middle of the closest target.
“Huh,” you couldn’t help but be impressed, as you both walked downrange and you looked at the knife jammed halfway through the target. “I didn’t know you could throw that good.”

“I didn’t know either. I was motivated to perform. Were you, with that many derringers?” Karel grabbed the knife and wiggled the handle, trying to convince it to slide free. “If you were more precise, I’d have no choice but to forfeit. Are you sure you didn’t miss any shots on purpose?”

You rolled your eyes and stuck out your tongue. “Yeah, sure. I just can’t make up my mind on how much I want to eat milt.” Whatever that was.

“Then what is to be done about this tied score?” Karel asked, raising his palms in inquiry, “I’d presume you’d refuse the easy out as usual, but if you’re truly unsure...?”

He saw through the sarcasm, of course. You were just a bit annoyed that you had missed those shots. You’d have loved to see the look on his face if he’d found himself stuck without a chance.

>A tie means you both lose. Hope Van Halm’s hungry for the taste of defeat, because he’d have to share it with you.
>If he was going to be such a pill about it, then you both win. When you ate brunch you were in a mood for it to be normal.
>Nah, this arbitration wasn’t your style. You had an idea for a tiebreaker…(Write In)
>A tie means you both lose. Hope Van Halm’s hungry for the taste of defeat, because he’d have to share it with you.
>A tie means you both lose. Hope Van Halm’s hungry for the taste of defeat, because he’d have to share it with you.
>A tie means you both lose. Hope Van Halm’s hungry for the taste of defeat, because he’d have to share it with you.

Let's suffer together
>>A tie means you both lose. Hope Van Halm’s hungry for the taste of defeat, because he’d have to share it with you.
Misery(?) loves company.
>A tie means you both lose. Hope Van Halm’s hungry for the taste of defeat, because he’d have to share it with you.
I'm pretty sure there's no India in this world so we're safe.
>A tie means you both lose. Hope Van Halm’s hungry for the taste of defeat, because he’d have to share it with you.
>A tie means you both lose. Hope Van Halm’s hungry for the taste of defeat, because he’d have to share it with you.

I wouldn't be so sure, there's a china
>>A tie means you both lose. Hope Van Halm’s hungry for the taste of defeat, because he’d have to share it with you.
Sheesh you really want to go with this guy and eat some milt, huh.
Alright, updating.
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“We both lose,” you declared, poking Van Halm’s chest, “So you’re treatin’ us both t’ some real rancid gourmet. Hope you’re hungry, because you’re sharing the taste of defeat with me.”
Van Halm shook his head with an amused smile, “You didn’t have to share in it, but if you insist. The hour is still early, though, and our ears are yet to ring through the plugs. Some academy students might be asleep, even.”

Shame this wasn’t the cannon range.

Another set of shots was gone through, this time, just for fun.

“May I have a go with one of those derringers of yours?” Van Halm asked. After a round, he commented, “Handy things, aren’t they.”

“Can hide ‘em in just about anything,” you agreed, “Could stick one in an atom suit on a twig even.”

Van Halm glanced at the pistol in his hand. “Where were you keeping this one again…?”

You honestly didn’t remember. “My sleeve.”

“Ah, good.” Hmph. “Carrying a brace of pistols like that reminds me of stories of boarding officers of old Valsten. Before repeating arms were common, they’d have as many guns on them as cannons on their ships, it was said.”

“How many was that?” Naval history wasn’t a strong suit, and it wasn’t demanded for landlocked Strossvald.

“Depending on the ratings at the time, a century before the Shattering, twenty to one hundred,” Van Halm said, “A gross overstatement in other words. But it’s a fun tale to tell.”

You were hefting up the carbine. The full-length rifle was too long for your tastes. This was far handier, though the power of the round made it a loud and feisty piece of kit. “Your family’s from Valsten, ain’t it, kliefnaz?” The slight difference in title was the tell. “When did that happen?”

“Last century,” Van Halm said, “The Valstener Rijk once spanned the south seas of Vinstraga and beyond, before the Shattering. When the Grossreich took over Valsten, we found ourselves up north, and when the Valsten Civil War broke up the country, the last ancestral lands were seized.”

“Thinkin’ of gettin’ them back?”

“No,” Van Halm tilted his chin up, “The Archduchy would have to be bold indeed to attempt that these days, and expand its border with the Kaiser. All I would want is a patch shore to push a ship off of, and sail for seas unknown.”

You didn’t know how to imagine it. You didn’t remember what the ocean looked like, let alone been on a boat bigger than a river barge. “Have you been to the sea?”

“In more peaceful times with Valsten, I’ve visited with the family,” Karel said, “They dream of the shores once had, and I dream of the horizon none could take from us.”

“Yet you’re here.”

“Alas.” Van Halm sighed a short relent.

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Van Halm had his own automobile, a convertible sport thing meticulously crafted with the curvature of a statue rather than the blocky look of other, more utilitarian cars, with bright indigo paint and red trim, chrome lining diligently polished, white walled tires that were practically a show of how much maintenance this machine required to look so pristine. It also only seated two, which gave implications, but so what? How often did you get to ride in a nice motorcar? Not like it was more cramped than some tanks you’d been in anyways, definitely cozier than a dispatch truck.

“You’d be surprised what some noble sons say about the indignity of a dispatch vehicle,” Van Halm said about that, “They’re in for a rude awakening if they see any actual service.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if you rolled around in a tank with this paintjob,” you jabbed back at him.

“A time and place, Anya,” Van Halm said, not taking his eyes off from the road, “I can hardly put you in what you’re wearing in the field, now, can I?”

“Maybe not this,” you gave the ruffle at your shoulder a flip, “But you’d be surprised what some people in the dust’ll put on just for the show of it, no matter where they’re at.”

“Yourself included?”

“Yeah?” You put your hand on your chest, “Am I gonna be the one that looks like shit, or am I gonna look good, better, probably? Easy choice.”

“Hm,” Van Halm cocked his head and glanced at you- you looked back. “I haven’t seen you wearing those glasses often,” he said, “But I have seen you squinting in some rooms. Are you nearsighted?”

“Fuck off,” you scowled and turned your head away.

“Are those spectacles from your Magnus, then?” He kept probing, “Has he seen you in them?”

You took them off, testing to see how the world looked again without them. “Nah. Netillians use tear gas. When we were last around each other for a long time, they wouldn’t do good. He sent me them a month or so back.” You looked back again, sideways. “What do y’ think of ‘em?” Karel hesitated for a noticeable time. “Don’t blow smoke up my ass, I can take it.”

“They’re not to my taste, Miss Nowicki. But that doesn’t matter, does it?”

“…Yeah, I guess,” you said as you looked back out the car again.

Karel drove further into Strosstadt- the Silversmith district, home to the finer goods of the largely industrial capital, a hub of trade and tourism that supplied the comforts for the rest of the city.
“Tell me, Miss Nowicki,” Karel said to break up the quiet that had fallen, “Have you gotten a gift for your man? We’re in the right place for it, if not.”

You realized you had forgotten your wallet. “Shit,” you said under your breath.

“We can get one.” …You could hardly ask Van Halm to do that for you. “Or did you have other plans…?”

>You were a woman. Magnus was a man. You yourself were a gift enough, weren’t you?
>It’d be a good idea. Though you’d need some help with…getting it.
>Should you be so presumptive? Maybe it’d be better to get something like that after you found out how…he felt for sure.
>It’d be a good idea. Though you’d need some help with…getting it.
>It’d be a good idea. Though you’d need some help with…getting it.
>Pastas got btfo by the Dhegyar
>Dhegyar got conquered by the kliefnaz

So Valsten>Vitelia confirmed?
Also Valstener Twaryi sounds cursed as hell
>It’d be a good idea. Though you’d need some help with…getting it.
>So Valsten>Vitelia confirmed?
A Vitelian would object to such a statement and say that the rise of Valsten's maritime empire came long after the Dheg Khans were broken and buried.
Valsteners would say they never would have fallen in their place.
>Also Valstener Twaryi sounds cursed as hell
While the Twaryians currently occupy that territory, they weren't actually that widespread over that part of land in that era. It was only after their stint as an Ellowian subject that the peoples became so rabidly expansionist.
>It’d be a good idea. Though you’d need some help with…getting it.
>Should you be so presumptive? Maybe it’d be better to get something like that after you found out how…he felt for sure.
>>You were a woman. Magnus was a man. You yourself were a gift enough, weren’t you?
>They’re not to my taste, Miss Nowicki
van Halm gets more and more literally me the more he appears.
>It’d be a good idea. Though you’d need some help with…getting it.
Be Polish do crime.
>>It’d be a good idea. Though you’d need some help with…getting it.
A gift, yes. Though buying it might be hard. Hey, seagull, you're rich, aren't you?

Wishy washy on investments.

I'll pay you back in kisses.

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On second thought, taking a break for today. I'll be updating tomorrow.
This makes me want to see an edit of the newish Polish fighter chick from Tekken 7 as Anya
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“Nah, that’s a good idea, I’ll get something. But uh.” If this was Richter you’d just take his wallet out of his back pocket. Not that you couldn’t steal Van Halm’s without him noticing, but, “I just need…help…getting it.”

“With picking it out?” Karel asked as he stopped and got out of the car, “I think you’d know him better than I. Men can have a variety of tastes, as you know Von Tracht can prove.”

Actually, you could guess perfectly well what Richter was into. “More like…” You grit your teeth, getting out, “Payin’ for it. I didn’t bring my wallet.”

Karel suppressed a snort as he walked on. “Yet you packed your stockings with pistols?”

“Shut up and give me a loan. I’ll pay it back.”

Karel smiled and squinted at you like you’d told a joke. “Loan? Please. Unless you’re buying sacks of gold I’ll buy it for you.”

You cocked your left arm reflexively and punched Van Halm in the side. “That’s not the point, siren boy, it’s a gift from me, not you.” A snap of pain burned in your arm, not healed enough for what you wanted it to do. You blamed Van Halm for it and punched him again in the chest, “Retard.” It didn't make your arm feel any better.

“Fine, fine,” Van Halm brushed your hand off of him, “Twenty per cent interest, compounding per day.”

>What do you want to get? General idea is good enough.

After the brief detour, Van Halm drove you to the so-called Blau District, supposedly named that for the vividness of the skies above, but it was only a bluer grey than the rest of the capital. It was, however, renowned for higher culture.

“This don’t seem like a place to get anything gross,” you said as you glanced around skeptically at the menagerie of fancy establishments, each a different sort of richly decorated cake, like a shelf of illuminated books on each side of the street, itself tiled in patterns that stretched into mosaic when looking down the road and sidewalks.

“Did you think I’d take you to another tripe grill this time?” Van Halm blinked at you in curiosity, “you wanted a shock to the senses, not a warm bath.”

You wouldn’t say no to a tripe grill, or a sausage shop. Cheap as it was good, both of those, but too greasy for you risk this dress on, not with the company that gave you it in the first place.
“At least tell me where we’re goin’,” you said.

“A south shores style seafood place,” Van Halm said, “It’s in this district even if it’d be as common as the butcher’s basics were we near the sea. Sea fish has to come a long way, and it takes an investment in special technology to keep it fresh this far inland, even for less desirable pieces of the sea’s bounty.”

So milt was seafood, then? You’d hardly ever eaten fish. It was hard to think of what it could be.
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Van Halm continued, taking your quiet for interest (it was, sort of). “It has to be kept this fresh this far in, you see, because even though this place does have its own fish, there’s little room to raise them. And they must be a certain degree of fresh-killed to be eaten without cooking them. It’s a common style amongst the eccentric coastals.” Karel turned his head and pointed. “There it is.”

The restaurant, styling itself Zee in de Stad announced itself loudly and proudly through its design. Blue and green like the seas, with white wavey surf patterns crisscrossing the walls. You’d seen its style of round roof somewhere before, and it was wider than the other buildings. At this early hour of ten o’clock, it was just opened, and not a place ritzy enough to require reservations when many nobility might apparently be barely out of bed.

The inside seemed more like a bathhouse to you than a restaurant- the middle was dominated by a series of pools with bridges over them lit by an oculus two floors up, the walls also clear, backlit glass before the brick. Inside those tanks, you could guess that what was in them was the same as the center. This place was as much an aquarium as an eatery, though it seemed that now wasn’t the most popular time- you were the only customers inside.

“Sheesh,” you couldn’t help but say, “They want y’ to pay in gold for a brunch here?”

“Believe it or not, no,” Van Halm said, “This was initially an eccentric merchant’s private holdfast. Now, it’s a curiosity sustained so long as highborn wish to supply it with what they desire prepared, or researched. I myself have a few fish here being cared for.”

“You brought me here to look at your fish?” You snickered, “Careful, or I’ll eat ‘em.” More seriously, you added, “Didn’t think y’ were the type.”

Van Halm put on a false display of hurt. “You should know I’ve an inquisitive mind, Miss Nowicki. I’m fond of studying all sorts of strange creatures.”

You seated yourselves, and an attendant quickly paced over to you, a heavyset, thin haired man light on his feet and small of eye. He reminded you of Schweinmann, in a way, who you could call an uncle in the same way Heller Von Tracht had been a father of sorts.

“Pardon us, Lord Van Halm,” the attendant said, “We did not know you were bringing such…” the man squinted at your face. The look of searching for the right word and failing. “…company, or else we would have prepared appropriately.”

Van Halm waved his hand. “Sergeant Nowicki is a friend, Mano. We are here on a whim. That said,” He tapped his finger twice on the table between you. “Milt, nude and pale, soft and wet. Is the Crescent Cod in season?”

“Yes, milord.”

“That, then.”

With only a slight furrowing of the brow, Mano bowed and walked off.
You gave Karel a withering stare. “Nude and pale? Soft and wet? The fuck?”

“No dressings, uncooked, and…you’ll see.” Karel said, “To not minimize the experience. Why, would you prefer I not share the same?”

>No, he’s right, you’re doing the same thing. Wouldn’t be fair otherwise.
>It’s not fair for him to order something he knows, is it? Make him eat something else from here that he won’t be so smug about.
>>No, he’s right, you’re doing the same thing. Wouldn’t be fair otherwise.
>What do you want to get? General idea is good enough.
A sidearm, whether it be bladed or firearm

>No, he’s right, you’re doing the same thing. Wouldn’t be fair otherwise.
>You’d hardly ever eaten fish. It was hard to think of what it could be.

Isn't Todesfelsen near a river? Or are Sosaldtian waters too polluted to fish from?
>What do you want to get? General idea is good enough.
A cute ribbon for his braid.
A VERY cute ribbon.

>No, he’s right, you’re doing the same thing. Wouldn’t be fair otherwise.
Todesfelsen isn't too close to a major river, though Anya lived for some time in Gussiesenholz which is on the same, but yes, it wouldn't be a good idea to eat a freshwater fish from anywhere near a city's output, and by the same token drinking water from the same source would not be wise. While Sosaldtian city states aren't as mechanized and productive as proper countries might be, they still operate mining, refining, and similar extraction based industries, as well as the effects of large human settlements on their surroundings, and generally have zero concern for environmental damages if it isn't poison being dumped directly on their faces. Considering that the lifespans of the poorer off are often brutal and short anyways in the wastes, whether they blew in from another place or had the misfortune to be born there, the grim prospects of long term health have likely been given little attention until recently.

That doesn't completely explain a lack of piscatory diet on Anya's part, though, as the coastal city states do export their stocks of sea-derived dried and smoked fish further inland. There's a few factors at play here resulting in a general unfamiliarity though not a particular revulsion.
>>No, he’s right, you’re doing the same thing. Wouldn’t be fair otherwise.
>No, he’s right, you’re doing the same thing. Wouldn’t be fair otherwise.
Everybody's eating fine for brunch.
Going with a weapon and a bow. To put on a man, not a gift.

“No,” you muttered out the side of your mouth as you leaned back in your chair, “You’re right. We’re doing the same thing, wouldn’t be fair if we weren’t.” You watched the waiter disappear into the back. “How long d’ they usually take for this?”

“Not long at all. Such is the benefit of raw fish, Miss Nowicki,” Karel said, “You don’t have to wait for the iron to get hot.”

He was right, and you barely had time to ask about the fish that were silently observing you, with their gormless gazes staring blankly in the same way merc recruits looked whenever they were told to clean their gear or do laundry, or that they smelled and had to take a shower. Soon enough, your attention was called back by the sound of swinging doors and approaching galoshes, the waiter approaching swiftly with two dishes on a tray balanced on one arm.

Mano set a saucer on a plate in front of each of you, a wooden deep-scooped spoon tucked onto the white lower dish. The dishware wasn’t as fancy as you might have thought- it wouldn’t have been out of place at the Von Tracht house. The stuff was laid in a pile in the saucer, a hill of slightly pinkish white lumps barely coming up to the edge, limp as overdone porridge. The only color was a pair of citrus slices placed on one peak of mush.

“This guts?” You asked, “Or boogers?”

“I’ll tell you once you try it,” Van Halm gestured at you with his spoon, “It isn’t poison, I’ll say that much.” He gave you a coy glance with a tilt of his head as he tapped his utensil on his saucer. “Bon Appetit, Chatte Errant?”

Emrean talk garnered nothing but a glance upwards, then straight back down to the milt, which you toyed with, poked with a finger- damp and chilled. You put some of the soggy lumps on a spoon and sniffed it. Smelled just slightly like fish, which told you nothing about it you didn’t already know. It didn’t seem that gross compared to organ meat, that you weren’t put off by. What was there left to do but pop it in your mouth?

So you did. It was soft, subtly salty slightly sweet, and perplexing, and then it was gooey and slimy, invading every cranny of your mouth with a rush of what felt like raw egg running about.

“You know caviar, I presume. Roe.” Van Halm explained to you as you wrinkled your nose, more put off by the texture than the taste, which wasn’t bad at all. You actually had dipped the spoon down for another bite without thinking about it. “Milt is the mirror of that. Being blunt, it is the sperm sacks of a fish.”

“There’s an old wives’ tale from Valsten about crescent cod milt,” Karel spoke with a whimsical air, “If you don’t cook them before eating, they say, you’ll become pregnant with a mermaid.”

>Spit it out. Fucking gross.
>Swallow. It’s food, isn’t it?
>Spit it in Van Halm’s face.
>Swallow. It’s food, isn’t it?

Anya's pride wouldn't allow her to spit it imo.
>Swallow. It’s food, isn’t it?
>Swallow. It’s food, isn’t it?
>Swallow just to spite Van Halm. Look him in the eyes the whole time.
>>Spit it out. Fucking gross.
I knew it would dribble down her chin but I didn't want to be the guy to say it.
>>Swallow. It’s food, isn’t it?
>>Swallow. It’s food, isn’t it?
A lady does not spit
>>Swallow. It’s food, isn’t it?
This is really gross. But cowardice is for the weak.
>Swallow. It’s food, isn’t it?
>>Swallow. It’s food, isn’t it?
Where we come from people have eaten weirder things for stupider reasons. Probably.
Swallow. For honor and valor.

Spit. Because it's gross.

Well, she's taken it better than some others have. Updating after I wrap up my other thread.
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You’d seen a lot of nasty things. Stuff some people never saw if they lived good lives, or even normal lives in plenty of places. Things you couldn’t even talk about with most people.

This was gross in a way you weren’t prepared for, though. You grit your teeth, stared Van Halm spitefully in his crystal, icy blue eyes, and tried to muster up your best look of spiteful contempt. If he thought this would defeat you, he was dead wrong, and you swallowed thickly, the…fish nuts leaving a slimy feeling in your mouth and your throat. It was over soon enough though. You’d won.

Then you put the newly loaded spoon into your mouth again. Damn your hunger thinking for you.

“Donf juth starr,” you talked through that new spoonful, “You god your owhn sfpherm thack t’ chow.”

Karel had been resolute, amused even, until that, where he recoiled. “Judge Above, Anya, don’t talk with your mouth full of that.” Heh. Served him right, you thought as a smirk replaced your revulsion and you choked down the second portion, making sure to stash your spoon away in the bowl in case it got any more ideas. “Don’t wipe that on your sleeves, either!”

You paused in bringing up your arm, and put it down. “Didn’t y’ hear what I said? Eat your milt, seagull. I’ll start callin’ down artillery if y’ take too long.” You turned the spoon’s handle towards Van Halm and placed a threatening hand down, testing the weight that might find itself flying out with enough sudden application of force.

Van Halm put a hand up in surrender, “Fine, alright, goodness,” He brushed a bang of hair behind his ear with a finger and closed his eyes, “If I didn’t know better I’d say you were fond of it.” He ate a spoonful, and cringed as he chewed. “It’s an…acquired taste. I’m surprised you didn’t spit it out. Maybe you’re more ladylike than you care to admit.”

“The hell’s that supposed to mean?” You squinted at him, “Guess you’re knocked up with a mermaid now, huh? Weird story.”

“It’s a more innocent tale than another old myth for a different sort of fish’s milt,” Van Halm said as he set down the spoon. He thumped his chest with a fist, clearing his throat. “Khh-hrrm. Ah. If you eat both kinds of roe, that tale says, then a great fish grows within you and you are eventually split down the middle, the fish carrying you away as your body becomes one with its head. A much nastier sort of way of becoming a mermaid, isn’t it.”
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“Sounds like you’d just die,” you said, catching yourself reaching for the spoon again. No. No, bad. Reach for the napkin. “With a fish’s face jammed so far up your ass it’s looking out your mouth. Not a way I’d want t’ bite it.”

“You would think, but not so,” Van Halm said in a tutor’s tone, “At least, not if you consider a mermaid and a siren the same. Fish aren’t known for their talent at singing, to lure their prey of enchanted menfolk. So, they have no choice but to suffer your half, and yourself, no choice but to suffer their tail’s wont. Work as a team or perish, no matter your spite for each other.”

“Ain’t that a familiar feeling in uniform,” you grimaced in reflection. “…Hey, can we get something t’ eat that ain’t fish balls? At least, not soft an’ nude an’ whatever the fuck?”

“So picky,” Van Halm tutted, “This is the first time I’ve seen Anya Nowicki turn down free brunch, especially of such expense…but, something more appropriate for the time can be arranged. Mano!” He called, and the waiter came, “Nothing wrong with the preparation, but the texture needs an alternative. Crab Pierogi and Toast Points, please, with mint seltzer and coffee. That will be all.”

“Steamed or fried, milord?”

“Anya is partial to fried, so that,” Karel said, “Though only a half portion.” C’mon. You gave Van Halm a sour pout. “What if your Sir Edelschwert wants to eat, Anya? You’ve plans for when you walk out of the Lady Consort’s Grand Station, do you not?”

“Sure,” you said, “Whatever he wants to hit first, I guess.”

“Strosstadt is a large city, Anya,” Karel advised, “I doubt he’d be able to make up his mind. Were I in his place, I’d ask where you want to go. Most ladies would expect to be taken to one of the Courts of the High Houses, if they stated no particular preference. I’m going to guess you’re not interested in that.”

You clicked your tongue. “I don’t think they’d let me in if I wanted to be there.” Though he had a good point. You ought to decide what you wanted to take Magnus to when you met him at the station…

A steaming bowl was set before you, Mano this time helped in carrying all needed by another younger attendant. It smelled great- but you glanced skeptically at Van Halm, then thought of a jab.

“This ain’t secretly Crab Cock or whatever, right?”

Halm’s face scrunched up with an inscrutable expression of humor. “Of course not, Miss Nowicki. It’s crab meat and cream cheese with sweet glaze alongside. A transplant from Ellowian cross-cultural innovations, even. Quite popular in any ports whose sailors have touched the Seas of Dragons’ Blood.”
You decided on where you wanted to go as you ate real food. Though you hesitated before you bit into the first heavy dumpling- you ought to not eat while distracted, or else this whole bowl would go right to your waist. If only it worked out like it did for Alina, your sis, where it just made her chest even heavier…

>Fried Food made you want to eat more. Everybody liked food. Not like Mag would be riding a luxury train with fine dining coming from Netilland anyways…
>Take him to a Bathhouse. Not overly direct- but an excuse to put on less and maybe hit a weak point? (will require a suit)
>Your Academy attendance was something to be proud of. Show him around there. Maybe get at the tanks or see if an impromptu exercise and demonstration could be arranged as a show.

Sorry for the delay, I had some post-thread ennui that's typical but I'm not usually running something concurrently
>>Your Academy attendance was something to be proud of. Show him around there. Maybe get at the tanks or see if an impromptu exercise and demonstration could be arranged as a show.

Can we go to multiple places, or do we only have time for one?
That depends on how long you want to spend somewhere, I guess, though I think it's probably better to keep to a relatively brisk pace. I won't say you can't, but I might need to adjust based on things...not seen yet.
>Your Academy attendance was something to be proud of. Show him around there. Maybe get at the tanks or see if an impromptu exercise and demonstration could be arranged as a show.
>Fried Food made you want to eat more. Everybody liked food. Not like Mag would be riding a luxury train with fine dining coming from Netilland anyways…
>Your Academy attendance was something to be proud of. Show him around there. Maybe get at the tanks or see if an impromptu exercise and demonstration could be arranged as a show.
>Your Academy attendance was something to be proud of. Show him around there. Maybe get at the tanks or see if an impromptu exercise and demonstration could be arranged as a show.
Frankly, these are all terrible date plans.
Gotta temper the expectations,this is Anya we're talking about, after all
Write ins are an option, but it's true that Anya is used to being the one asked, not the one doing.
>Fried Food made you want to eat more. Everybody liked food. Not like Mag would be riding a luxury train with fine dining coming from Netilland anyways…
>Take him to a Bathhouse. Not overly direct- but an excuse to put on less and maybe hit a weak point? (will require a suit)
>Take him to a Bathhouse. Not overly direct- but an excuse to put on less and maybe hit a weak point? (will require a suit)
To tanks!

To food!

To hygiene!

Somehow this will always return to its roots. The salmon must return from the sea. Updating.
>Take him to a Bathhouse. Not overly direct- but an excuse to put on less and maybe hit a weak point? (will require a suit)
You put two of the pierogis into your mouth at once. They were immediately sweet, starchy, gooey, but in a way that wasn’t…like the other thing. A more familiar and nostalgic sort of food. Pierogi were Ellowian like you were, depending on who you asked, but even if your blood was that, you’d never felt any familial relation to that land. Your mother had been from there and the john who knocked her up could have been from anywhere. Yet people seemed more comfortable calling you Ellowian rather than the truer descriptors. Those you were friendly with, at least.

“Anywaysh.” You swallowed. “Was thinkin’ of goin’ back by the Academy. Showin’ him what I’m up to. There’s plenty t’ show off.”

“Your scores?” Van Halm asked.

“Nah. The tanks.” Your scores weren’t a fair comparison. Yes, they were around the top or at it all around, but you also already knew the material for a while, and were around four years older than other students, or more. Even so, if it weren’t for that Silver Shield then you’d probably be messed with a lot more out of jealousy by the younger men, whose honor couldn’t be assuaged with anything that spoke to their heads instead of their balls.

“Your head always goes straight to those,” Karel tutted, “There are other things in life that don’t smell of steel, powder and gasoline, you know.”

“That’s why they’re the best, though,” you objected sullenly. “No bullshit to ‘em.”

Karel gave you a sly sideways glance. “I think many a cadet forced to learn the maintenance of them would beg to differ on that.”

“Nah,” you scowled, “That’s like whinin’ about havin’ to get up to walk, or that you need to stretch to flex. For what you give ‘em, tanks give it all back and more.” Pure strength, to any who dared to master them, no matter how small and scrawny their body was. Enough steel to overcome any beast, yet yielding to grip with proper will to it.

“Men must be envious of the forgiveness you grant machines,” Van Halm smiled slightly like he thought he said something funny.

“No tank ever fed me fish sperm,” you said sorely as you speared more pierogis.

“Tell me when you find a tank that buys you free food,” Karel waved a finger, “Not too much, now. I won’t have your man accusing me of trying to shape his lady to tastes I lack.”

Psh. He only said that to be miserly, surely…


By Karel’s recommendation, you kept your eating light. It was the same sort of thing your younger sister Alina would have said, but she had more fat on her than you anyways- just that she had it in the right places.
Chin up, Anya, you told yourself as Van Halm dropped you off at the train station at eleven hours and thirty minutes time. Boyfriend’s here in half an hour. Focus up. Drink water, chomp on a mint tablet. Put the glasses on. Being in a dress was suddenly harder than being in a uniform all of a sudden…people stared at you loitering, confused, and you scowled back at them until they turned and walked off. It wasn’t the kind of look you were used to, with young men gawking and women turning their noses up at your bared middle. It wasn’t like you cared what they thought either way, but what about the one guy coming who you did care about?

You could just hope that Van Halm hadn’t planned to prank you twice today, as you ran your fingers through your hair, thinking if it was actually best off loose, or this long. Not much more time that you could distract yourself with silly shit like this before it was time to do or die.

What are you waiting for, young lady? Who are you all gussied up for? Oh, my boyfriend. Coming back from against Plisseau, for Almizea and the Archduchy? No, Netilland, actually. Why was he away, then?

You had this imaginary conversation with yourself while you watched the minutes tick away on the clock at the center of the concourse, where each platform linked and all travelers passed to and fro. Nobody was asking and you knew all the answers- except one. That last question. Why Magnus had left you after that night on the bridge, insisting to you on finishing business left undone after you’d directly, if drunkenly, confessed your feelings. You’d understood why it was more important. Most of it.

One thing bothered you though. The business with the person he’d called Yuliana. He hadn’t talked about her in any of his letters, even when you asked in writing back. You’d never met her, never seen her, didn’t know anything about her besides that she and Magnus were close somehow. And you didn’t like that. If she was close to him, then you should have seen her while you were fighting alongside Magnus…

The clock struck twelve. Bells rang, announcing the coming of noon to all not watching. The whistle of an oncoming train gave its shrill reply to the welcome, and there was no doubt in your mind of who else had come.

What would you talk about? What would you even do? This day had felt distant enough you hadn’t even thought about it. Yet here you were. Sitting on a bench. Gift wrapped parcel at your side. A fancy double-edged dagger, with a wide pommel and guard to make it reminiscent of a miniature knight’s sword. Around its handle was wrapped a hair ribbon. Blue to match his tastes. You were gift wrapped too, even had…friggin’ ribbons. Except his birthday had been last month. Happy Belated, come and open your present, dickhead.
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Then you saw him. He was easy to pick out of a crowd- pretty faced, long, girly braided black hair. That blue sash he insisted on wearing overtop everything no matter what it was. That hair like his, that blue like his cloak, they reminded you of Hell. Your father figure, your first love however unrequited, however much you didn’t know it. Magnus had captured some of that fading light that you remembered less perfectly than you hoped, and let you see it again.

Your feet carried you forward without thinking, and he didn’t notice you until you were practically right in front of him. Was it the dress? The glasses? Both? Had he expected you in something else? You wouldn’t say the first word, at least, you’d resolved yourself to that, as you stopped six paces from Magnus and waited, arms at your sides, expectant. Butterflies in your stomach like the last time you’d met him, cursed little bugs whose only favor was that they waited to hatch and swarm around until the shells had stopped flying near the two of you.

He bowed, ever so slightly, with a reverence you felt wrong to show towards you, but he ever did as he felt- and you couldn’t help but like that.

“Lady Nowicki,” he led off. Lady Nowicki. That way he insisted on calling you, even if it irritated you. He peered at you, a confused tilt to his eyebrows for a moment at your clothes, but that hint vanished when he arrived at your eyes, and the spectacles atop them.

Then you realized that each of you was waiting for the other to do something. Just like before…damn it all. At least this time you weren’t sauced up.

>What was there to think about? Girls kiss their boyfriends. Don’t be a pussy, snog him.
>Give him a hug. Even if you weren’t sure how he felt, you were close enough for that, weren’t you?
>Salute. Silly as it would be in this dress, it was the mutual respect you knew you shared.
>Salute. Silly as it would be in this dress, it was the mutual respect you knew you shared.
Let him think we're a proper lady for just a moment...
>and were around four years older than other students, or more
Woah, Anya's a hag...
>What was there to think about? Girls kiss their boyfriends. Don’t be a pussy, snog him.
>Give him a hug. Even if you weren’t sure how he felt, you were close enough for that, weren’t you?
>Give him a hug. Even if you weren’t sure how he felt, you were close enough for that, weren’t you?
>Give him a hug. Even if you weren’t sure how he felt, you were close enough for that, weren’t you?
>>What was there to think about? Girls kiss their boyfriends. Don’t be a pussy, snog him.
>Give him a hug. Even if you weren’t sure how he felt, you were close enough for that, weren’t you?
The kiss was when he asked Anya how she felt. With the circumstances as uncertain as they are, I think a kiss is too far right now.
>What was there to think about? Girls kiss their boyfriends. Don’t be a pussy, snog him.
>Give him a hug. Even if you weren’t sure how he felt, you were close enough for that, weren’t you?
Is he a giant or are we a midget?
>What was there to think about? Girls kiss their boyfriends. Don’t be a pussy, snog him.
>Give him a hug. Even if you weren’t sure how he felt, you were close enough for that, weren’t you?
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Pretend you're in the uniform of anything but a last-century era fancy doll.

See if you can give him some tongue this time.

Nobody can complain about the embrace of the tomboy.

Vote will remain open til I call it for updating in the morning.

>Woah, Anya's a hag...
She's only twenty four! Probably. Not even her own mother could recall when she was born...

>Is he a giant or are we a midget?
Magnus is just above six feet tall and Anya is five feet two inches, so he's got about a full foot on her. So I guess it depends on your metric for giant and midget. Anya's short, that's for certain.
Alright, afternoon instead of morning, no chances, updating.
Was he your boyfriend, or wasn’t he? Before, you wouldn’t have hesitated. Now, though?

You could indulge yourself safely. You stepped forward again, arms open, and put them around Magnus’s back, not pushing yourself too close. It was a friendly gesture. Not an intimate one. What you did with anybody else.

“Hey, girly hair,” you said, looking out from his chest, “Took you a while.” You paused, then growled, “This is a hug, y’know.”

Magnus finally put one arm around you. “Sorry. I’m glad to see you again. Being at home would be a relief for most, but for me, it’s only when I leave that I can find some respite.”

“Don’t sound like home to me, then,” you said as you let him go. “Not like I think that sorta thing’s a place anyhow.”

“Perhaps not,” Magnus said, and he glanced over his shoulder. “Do you have plans?”

Finally. “Actually, I was thinkin’-“

He cut you off, clearing his throat. “I wasn’t quite finished, Lady Nowicki. If you do, I’ll have to inform you that we won’t be alone.”

Uh. No. “That’s not gonna happen,” you said, frowning, “We talked about this. I ain’t draggin’ anybody else along. You and me, that’s all.” You looked around, “Who’s tryin’ to tag along anyways? Don’t see nobody.”

“She’ll be along soon,” Magnus said, “She hasn’t been in this country, there’s matters of travel to account for. Passports and permissions. Especially with the recent changes in regimes, governments…” All you paid attention to was the first word out of his mouth. She. Your teeth grit reflexively. “Ah. There she comes. Anya, I ask that you be patient. Her feelings about you are a matter that have yet to be resolved.”

Magnus’s words slipped out of your senses as you narrowed your eyes towards the entrance from the station platforms. You knew who she was without having to guess- nobody else was alike her, save for perhaps the haughty strides of bluebloods. The garb definitely matched her posture.

There is supposed to be a picture of Anya hugging Magnus here. It has been delayed for the sake of my sanity and will come later.
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She had hair like opal, pale as the face of the moon, with just the slightest hint of blonde to declare that it hadn’t turned white from stress. Her hair was shorter, like yours had been not that long ago. She came closer, noticed you by Magnus. A dour turn of the lips and a cold stare made you unsure if that was an imperfection of her face or just how little she thought of the sight of you, like she was looking at trash littered in a flower garden. Even though she was only a little taller than you, she looked down at you like she was doing it from the top of a mountain.

“Yuliana,” Magnus reached a beckoning hand out, “This is-“

“Stand aside, Sir Edelschwert,” The girl’s voice was icy and tinted with an accent you hadn’t heard in a bit. The color of northern Ellowie, the border highlands with Netilland. “And let us be. I don’t want you acting as an obstruction.”

Magnus wasn’t the sort to be pushed around like that, so you blinked in surprise when he backed away without a word, and began to pace to the other end of the station. “Find me when you finish, then.”

The woman watched Magnus leave. As soon as he was out of earshot, she spoke coolly and levelly. “I am Yuliana Sanmorza, of blood more ancient than even the Nauk,” she said, “And you are a thief who thinks to take what has been promised to me.”

Not even a chance to introduce yourself? You’d do it anyways. “My name is Anya Nowicki,” you said back, “And I don’t need to color myself with any blood of any ancestors. I’m nobody’s person but my own, and if I’ve taken anything, it’s because victory rewards the worthy.”

“Humph. You are better read than your low character implies.”

Verbal catfighting would just piss you off more, and you didn’t like Magnus seeing you really angry. Even if that had been how you’d first come to know each other in the first place. “Get to the point,” you swept your hair back behind you, “I don’t give my time away to anybody who asks. Magnus didn’t bring you t’ me ‘cause he wanted to, I can tell. So, what the hell are you doing here?”

Yuliana curled her lip. “You already know that. We are at an impasse. Do you think my knight Edelschwert has not spoken to me about you? Two women cannot share the same man. It is an abomination unto God and our pride both.”

“Guess you think you’re a better fit for him then?” You tested her, ready for whatever bullshit this bitch might spew. Even if Magnus had told her about you, he hadn’t done the same for her, to you. Something you were prepared to bring up, after any other guns she might bring up would turn out to have no ammo.

Yet her response wasn’t what you expected. “The truth is, dust girl,” Yuliana said severely, “I envy you terribly.”

“I ain’t surprised,” you shot back without hesitation, “Happens all the time.”
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“Quiet. You are still an alley cat, dust born,” Yuliana remained icy, frigid and unable to pick the sand out of her cunt. “But you charged headlong into what you wanted, to not risk losing it for anything, not even the smallest chance, as long as you were physically able. I did not do that. You were beside Magnus in his fight for his people, his fight for my wishes, instead of I. That will forever be a blemish upon me, until I prove myself your superior.”

You felt a grin spread across your face. This was more like it. “I’m listening. What’cha gonna do, sheepdog?”

“Three matches,” Yuliana said, “Three contests of skill. One chosen by me, the other by you, and if neither of us triumphs twice, then we duel in the way of the old warriors, where we cut one another under the moon until one cannot stand any longer. Or, if you wish, we can assume that last match is the only necessary one. Your face is already split in half, and another cut in it cannot possibly make you worse off.”

Hah. “Sounds fun,” you said, letting your toothy smirk open wide, enjoying that blink she made, that showed how little she knew you. “What if I say no, though?” Your left arm was only recently out of a sling. To say you were as fighting fit as you once were would be a lie- if you had to rely on that arm right now, it could fail you badly.

The silver haired girl stepped close and leaned close to you. “If you don’t accept my conditions,” Yuliana said softly into your ear, her breath cold, “I’ll kill you.”
Maybe that threat would have worked on some ordinary woman. Somebody soft and bubbly like Alina, or somebody domestic like Richter’s mom. Not you. Never you. The first thing you thought to say, and bit back for something better, was to tell this bitch to take that threat and shove it up her ass.

>Refuse. You’re not playing a game to win somebody’s heart. You didn’t enter any contests, and you sure as hell won’t take part in one. If love can be forfeited then there wasn’t love at all. (Give up Magnus to her)
>No, you won’t play games to win a man who’s yours by right. She can try what she likes. You’ll be ready for her when she comes for your head like so many have before.
>Fine, you’ll accede to a best of three contest. You’d win no matter what she pulled. Some people, like you, were just better that way.
>Suggest that Yuliana save her death threats for when her kill count has more tallies than her bedpost. Cunt.
>Suggest that Yuliana save her death threats for when her kill count has more tallies than her bedpost. Cunt.
I'm tempted to throw her onto the train tracks but I'm sure Magnus would oppose that and there is no India in this universe so homocide by train doesn't exist.
>Fine, you’ll accede to a best of three contest. You’d win no matter what she pulled. Some people, like you, were just better that way.
>Suggest that Yuliana save her death threats for when her kill count has more tallies than her bedpost. Cunt.

>I am Yuliana Sanmorza, of blood more ancient than even the Nauk,”
Ellowians are pre-Nauk?
>>Fine, you’ll accede to a best of three contest. You’d win no matter what she pulled. Some people, like you, were just better that way.
>>Suggest that Yuliana save her death threats for when her kill count has more tallies than her bedpost. Cunt.
>Agree to contest only to not hurt Magnus. Make it clear that we could murder her any time.
>>Refuse. You’re not playing a game to win somebody’s heart. You didn’t enter any contests, and you sure as hell won’t take part in one. If love can be forfeited then there wasn’t love at all. (Give up Magnus to her)
>Suggest that Yuliana save her death threats for when her kill count has more tallies than her bedpost. Cunt.
Looks like what we equipped ourself with in the morning will probably turn out to matter. Hopefully missing out on the lucky razor or autopistol in favor of a meme build won't come back to bite Anya.
>Ellowians are pre-Nauk?
They're in a similar realm as Emreans and Vitelians on that where it's not exactly clear, no matter what some claim. They're not like Mountainfolk, Pohja, Yaegir or Vyemani where they were definitely around before, as they were one of the peoples who record only starts during the long reign of Nauk Imperial before being dumped out of the collapse of that same state.

To be fair to aspiring claimants of ancient legacies, an infamous aspect of Pre-Nauk is that there's basically no historical record whatsoever outside of vague and secretive oral traditions so it's mostly based off of what Nauk Imperial records say they encountered in their expansions, and even that has some aspects of Legend to it, given the semi-legendary origins of Sversk the Conqueror.

Current in-setting anthropology has concluded that if you're from Vinstraga and have ancestry going back to Pre-Nauk, you're either some hybrid of Nauk and one of the aforementioned Vinstragan races, or just pure Nauk or one of those mentioned. Western migrations like the Dhegyar and uncertain seaborne ones like the Sea Vitelians being exceptions.

TL;DR version- A few of them claim they are and they can't be proven wrong. Anya would know the general history of such things, but not the esoteric evidence that pre-Nauk claimants would cling to, especially since it's reaching back two thousand years and nobody in greater society really thinks it's relevant to anything at all in the present.
>Suggest that Yuliana save her death threats for when her kill count has more tallies than her bedpost. Cunt.

Anya has survived Kamilla and Maddy, what is some random exiled noble?
>Run her over with a tank
>Suggest that Yuliana save her death threats for when her kill count has more tallies than her bedpost. Cunt.
>>Fine, you’ll accede to a best of three contest. You’d win no matter what she pulled. Some people, like you, were just better that way.
Well we might as well humor her and have some fun ourselves but really this whole situation is pathetic. Girly Hair needs to grow some balls and decide for himself which woman he wants to plow rather than letting the results of some dumb contest decide for him.
Courtesy was never an option.

Accept this contest. Not like you won't win.
...The bedpost comment may or may not be included.

If you want him, you can have him.

Error- Tank not in inventory

This'll be open for the rest of the day, I'll call and update when I get back from work, just gonna give myself a breather that I wouldn't think I'd need but eh.
>Fine, you’ll accede to a best of three contest. You’d win no matter what she pulled. Some people, like you, were just better that way.
>Suggest that Yuliana save her death threats for when her kill count has more tallies than her bedpost. Cunt.
>Fine, you’ll accede to a best of three contest. You’d win no matter what she pulled. Some people, like you, were just better that way.

>homocide by train
I hope you mean what I think you mean heh.
>Suggest that Yuliana save her death threats for when her kill count has more tallies than her bedpost. Cunt.

Do we still have the 6 or so Derringers, we should blast her if she tries anything funny.
>Suggest that Yuliana save her death threats for when her kill count has more tallies than her bedpost. Cunt.
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Another two for best of three.

Just tell her to get fucked.

Seems like there will not be an agreement. At least, not while your blood's up.

Sorry this was delayed so long, the drawing energy was just not flowing today. Or yesterday really. Anyways, update's on its way.
>Fine, you’ll accede to a best of three contest. You’d win no matter what she pulled. Some people, like you, were just better that way.
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Playing her little game might be fun. No matter what she pulled, you were sure you could win anything decided by a fight. Entertaining that would have required more respect though. For now all Yuliana had earned was a scornful retort.

“Oh, yeah?” you cocked your head questioningly, manic smirk not leaving your face, “You’re gonna kill me? You know how many people have tried to do that? You’re soft and you know it. How about you save your empty threats for when your kill count’s got more tallies than your bedpost, huh? Cunt.”

Yuliana snatched out her right hand and it sped towards your left. Reflex was interrupted by a sharp twinge of pain as your left arm failed to quicken to what was demanded of it in time.


You’d been slapped in the face before. That was nothing, besides the sting and the rawness left after. You’d been punched, kicked, shot, stabbed, cut, beaten nearly to death before. The pain might as well have not been there. That wasn’t what made you pause; made you glance to the floor in silence.
The spectacles Magnus had given you had taken the blow too, and they weren’t built as tough as you. They’d been bent, and on hitting the floor, one of the lenses had cracked and broken. You stared, then glanced back to Yuliana, your breath catching in your chest, your heart furiously hammering in your ears. You hadn't liked them in the first place, but it wasn't hers to break...

“How dare you?” Yuliana’s voice went taut and thin, “How dare you brush me off like a common moth, what gives you the right? What I have held in my heart for years, a lifetime, and you dare to think you feel anything near what I do? That what I have is alike to your passing fancy, your blithe desire for a handsome diversion? How many notches do you have on your bedpost, dust whore? Dozens? Hundreds? To you, what is my knight but another man?”

Every word that she spoke was pissing you off more and more. You could barely take another moment of the sound of her voice.

Make her pay. Make her pay. Make her pay.


No, don’t. Kill her where she stands. A knife drawn and thrust upwards below the ribs, and that heart would empty her lifeblood into her guts. She’d kill you? No, not even a ten percent chance.

Stop. You’ll hurt Magnus. What would killing somebody else be amongst the uncounted lives you’ve taken already? Would the moment of satisfaction be worth hurting everybody near you, everybody most dear?

Breathe. There’s no war here.

You had to bottle it up. Or let it explode while it was still manageable. Take out your anger on something, either here, or soon. It was about to run over, and the only place anybody could hide from you then would be the darkest pit of the Abyss.

>If she was asking for a fight, you’d deliver. Even if this tacky dress would only get in the way.
>Let it go. You’ve endured worse. Though you’ll have to take out your anger on something else…
>Draw steel, if she really wanted to be serious about this. (Dueling is illegal in Strossvald)
>Let it go. You’ve endured worse. Though you’ll have to take out your anger on something else…
She's nothing. Just another common bitch that thinks she's worth something. You've dealt with this type before and while hitting her or putting her in her place would be personally satisfying, simply laughing it off and ignoring her will hurt her way more than a fist or a knife ever could.
+1, go find Magnus
>Call her a whore and move on.
>(Dueling is illegal in Strossvald)
Damn where's Malachi to kick shins when you need him?
One armed Anya could probably pull it off without resorting the old razor blades and grenades down the underpants trick, but she's put too much work in at the academy to blow it over this, so I'm gonna have to go with the sensible option
>Let it go. You’ve endured worse. Though you’ll have to take out your anger on something else…
Let it go and then take out the anger by pulverizing magnus's pelvis
>If she was asking for a fight, you’d deliver. Even if this tacky dress would only get in the way.
>If she was asking for a fight, you’d deliver. Even if this tacky dress would only get in the way.
There's growing as a character and then there's folding when you absolutely wouldn't. Kick her ass Anya!
>Flying knee to the face, followed by an elbow drop
Nasty insults don't hurt quite as much as having your bones split by bullets.

It's about the principle of the matter.

Updating. I'm not really used to votes coming in this fast, but if they will, then I can try and up the pace.
>If she was asking for a fight, you’d deliver. Even if this tacky dress would only get in the way

Give that cunt a face scar to remember us.
>If she was asking for a fight, you’d deliver. Even if this tacky dress would only get in the way.
>If she was asking for a fight, you’d deliver. Even if this tacky dress would only get in the way.
It would have felt really good to let Yuliana have it. To let her know just what she was dealing with. Her attitude would change if you repeated what you smashed her nose in like you’d done to the Duchess Von Katski back in Ellowie, and so would her tone of voice. You could hit her where it would hurt but not wound, you could even surprise her with just how trained you were, do something crazy that she’d not forget.

Yet. The most harm she’d done was on a gift, something Magnus would probably forgive. You’d endured worse. Had things taken away that hurt more, been insulted more severely. That fact didn’t make you less angry- you ground your teeth together and clenched your fists, but you’d find something else to take out your anger on. Not here, not now. Not yet.

So, you bit your lip, exhaled. The heat in your blood wouldn’t fade, not for a while, not when it got bad like this. You said nothing in reply yet, as you stepped over to the glasses and picked them up, and felt a twinge of sadness when you took in better how ruined they were. You’d let Yuliana stew in being ignored a little longer.

“Y’know what?” you finally said to her, “Fine. I’ll take you up on that challenge. Best of three.” You tried to crack a cocky smile, but you knew your eyes were narrow in fury. It must have made you look insane. “I hope that shot wasn’t the best you could do. You never answered my question, by the way. What’s the tally?”

Yumilia’s eyes flashed with fury, but she hadn’t been hit by this as hard as the first time she’d heard it. “Just one,” she said firmly.

You blinked at that, but you kept your smirk wide. “Guess you only gotta eat shit once t' know better after. I’ll see you later, whore.”

It made you feel a bit better, to know how much she’d like to hit you again, but you were already on your way over to Magnus, whose expression had turned hard and serious.

“Are you alright?” He asked as he caressed your cheek before you said anything. It was a far more tender touch than that half-assed hug earlier. “I’ve not seen her that angry in an age. What did you even say to her?”

“I’m okay,” you said, but you didn’t brush his fingers off your cheek as he brushed his nails against the sore, surely pinkened imprint. “Barely felt it. She threatened me, so I called her a whore and she didn’t like that too much. Better bet she deserved it.”

Magnus gave a tired, exasperated sigh. “Lady Nowicki, Yuliana has been a dear friend since before we could remember. I’d rather you not call her a whore.”

“She did it to me too,” you said with a pout, “If she doesn’t like it maybe she shouldn’t act like such a bitch.”

“Are you truly alright, Anya?” Magnus asked, “You look…very upset.”

“I said I’m fine, goddamnit,” you snapped. “Lay off. We’ve got other places t’ be, don’t we? And we have to drag her along too?”
“If she’s going to be rude and violent,” Magnus said lowly, “I’ll have her keep her distance. She’s had time enough with me recently. I did come to see you, after all.” A little more than that, you hoped. “Where did your glasses go? I thought you looked charming in them. They suit a clever woman.”

That was more like it. Hit on me, pretty man. Praise me. “When that cunt smacked me, they broke,” you said, pulling the glasses out of your corset’s only real pocket where they’d been stashed. “…I should’a been more careful.”

He took them, and peered at them. “I can have them fixed,” he said as he put them in his pocket, and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Women…”

You ignored that last bit. “She said somethin’ about a challenge. Three matches. I’m down for it, but I’ve got a problem with what it’s for.” You reached up and grasped Edelschwert’s braid, and tugged on it lightly. God. You wanted to pull him down. Touching his hair made you less mad, but you weren’t having any trouble working yourself up regardless. “Havin’ a contest, a few fights, a duel? That’s one thing. What’s this she’s sayin’ about it deciding who gets to have you? That’s not her decision. That ain’t up to some stupid contest. That’s your choice.”

“No,” Magnus said, “It isn’t really. Yuliana has a right to have a say where my future is, Lady Nowicki. Just as I’ve decided that you do. Indulge her request, please. I feel that she deserves to be satisfied on that. Besides, even if I did choose her…” Magnus looked over to where she still seethed, her arms crossed and glaring at you, “She has doubts that will not be free of unless she feels worthy beyond them.”

“It’s still your life,” you insisted, grumbling, “Make up your mind on who you want t’ plow, I don’t wanna win you like you’re a trophy or some shit.”

“Anya,” Magnus dropped the Lady bit whenever he got frustrated enough with you, “Mind your manners. Besides, I remember our talks, in Netilland, in the nights before the Capital was placed back into the hands of the Netillian people. I remember you saying that if you truly wanted something, you’d get it, that you’d gain it by whatever means necessary. That any object of your most heartfelt desire couldn’t keep from your grasp.”

You’d said that plenty of times, and you twirled his braid in your fingers. “Yeah? What about it?”
“If I said that I wanted to be with my childhood friend, a woman who grounds me, rather than a loyal companion and comrade,” Magnus said patiently, laying one hand out to her, then towards you, “Wouldn’t you want a say? What would you do if I callously decided that, instead of letting you contest my will but once?”

>You’d let him know what your feelings were on that bridge in Blumsburgh. You’d just said your piece about his free will. If he chose somebody over you…you’d have no choice but to accept it.
>That wouldn’t happen. The Magnus Edelschwert you knew was a stouthearted, knightly man, and he wouldn’t lead you on just to deny you. Why was he afraid of feeling for you like you did for him?
>Punch him. (Fury Reduction) This wasn’t something to waste words on. Just let him know you didn’t like this no matter how he framed it. Not like you weren’t going to win the stupid contest anyways and put it all behind.
>Punch him. (Fury Reduction) This wasn’t something to waste words on. Just let him know you didn’t like this no matter how he framed it. Not like you weren’t going to win the stupid contest anyways and put it all behind.
It's Anya.
This is the only real reaction.
>>Punch him. (Fury Reduction) This wasn’t something to waste words on. Just let him know you didn’t like this no matter how he framed it. Not like you weren’t going to win the stupid contest anyways and put it all behind.
>"Are you unsure of who to choose and trying to push the decision off onto outside circumstances? What kinda soap opera shit is this? The Magnus I know is a man of will and decisiveness"
>That wouldn’t happen. The Magnus Edelschwert you knew was a stouthearted, knightly man, and he wouldn’t lead you on just to deny you. Why was he afraid of feeling for you like you did for him?
>pinched the bridge of his nose. “Women…”
Me when I'm reading Panzer Commander Quest.
>That wouldn’t happen. The Magnus Edelschwert you knew was a stouthearted, knightly man, and he wouldn’t lead you on just to deny you. Why was he afraid of feeling for you like you did for him?

If Magnus is a knight shouldn't he be a von?
Swapping to
>That wouldn’t happen. The Magnus Edelschwert you knew was a stouthearted, knightly man, and he wouldn’t lead you on just to deny you. Why was he afraid of feeling for you like you did for him?
I don't see why we can't do both, you know. Punch him, then tell him he wouldn't do that.
Punching/getting punched does seem to be the secret ingredient in a good relationship with Anya, maybe Mags needs breaking in sooner rather than later.
>>5988271 I'll add a fist to my vote >>5988309 if I may
You may do both if you so choose.

>If Magnus is a knight shouldn't he be a von?
That's sort of the thing, he isn't one, thus the lack of a von. Even though titled, landed nobility is in his ancestry, the Ellowian Republic stripped those titles from exile knightly lines. So he isn't really a knight, and he doesn't really think of himself as one rather than somebody who has an obligation to act chivalric.
One might wonder why he didn't try and reclaim his titles, now that Ellowie is under the control of a constitutional monarchy, or even before when the old nobility of Ellowie was being granted every favor possible to be loyal puppets for the now-deposed Netillian Military Government.
>You’d let him know what your feelings were on that bridge in Blumsburgh. You’d just said your piece about his free will. If he chose somebody over you…you’d have no choice but to accept it.

because punching him sounds like a bad idea
>>Punch him. (Fury Reduction) This wasn’t something to waste words on. Just let him know you didn’t like this no matter how he framed it. Not like you weren’t going to win the stupid contest anyways and put it all behind.
A loose variable on "I'd hit it."

The theory of the flawed theoretical. What if the sky was polka-dots?

Make a choice, damn you.
I'd assume this is in the lines of the second, but write in dialogue is something I like to stick in in the right circumstances.

Rejection is survivable.

>Imagine caring what a bunch of filthy Republicans think

Though my personal guess is being kind of a wanderer himself land and titles aren't as important to him as his vows.
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If Magnus was trying to make you feel better, it wasn’t working. The best he was doing was making you pissed at him.

“What is this shit?” You demanded, balling your right hand into a taut fist, “You been listening to Afternoon Maid Radio? The Mag I know is a man of will and decisiveness, not a guy who’d take his uncertainty and say, oh no, I can’t bear that weight. You sayin’ you’d just lead me on so you can tell me to screw off? No way.” Your arm was moving in the way it did when it knew better what you wanted to do than your head. “Why are you afraid of feeling for me,” You pivoted your hip and took a step. You wanted this to hurt like it hurt you. ”Like I do for you!?”

You let all your anger flow into this strike. The sort of passion amplified by having to hit somebody you felt for. Magnus was tall and strong, and you were short and slim. This wouldn’t be like punching Alina, where you had to hold back, to take her softness into account. This wouldn’t do much unless you put everything you had into it.

He could take what he deserved.

>Roll 3 sets of 1d10, best of 3. Lucky Razor adds 1 to rolls.
>Default punch location is diaphragm. Anya won't punch guys she likes in the face or the crotch.

Was working on a different sort of update before I had the idea to have this for the shot, next update won't take long after I wake up I think thusly.
Probably a good time to start thinking about what you want your choice of challenge of the contest of three to be.
Rolled 4 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

Rolled 1 (1d10)

Rolled 8 + 1 (1d10 + 1)

Rolled 10 (1d10)

>Probably a good time to start thinking about what you want your choice of challenge of the contest of three to be.
Eating milt? And make Magnus pay for it if he's such a fence-sitter.
I was thinking something that would count as an excuse to pummel her face. Is "bareknuckle fistfighting" a contest?
I think it's a distinct possibility that Yuliana can stomach more milt than Anya can, and Anya's down an arm for a fist fight which can be a large hindrance if Yuliana is actually a trained fighter. I think something like a shooting contest would be more suitable.
She's a noble, probably be as fussed about it as van Halm was. Shooting as one of them sounds fine though.
Definitely a shooting contest.
He wasn’t ready for it, and you’d put plenty of power into this one. It hit how you wanted, Magnus’s abdomen was relaxed, but even then it was like punching a tree.

“Uhff,” Magnus exhaled sharply as you drove your fist into his solar plexus, and he grit his teeth and clutched where you’d hit him, but he only stooped his back a little. Heller called this one the Bridler- this sort of smack was usually followed up on, though not this time.

“Magnus”! Yuliana called from over where you’d left her, and she was starting to storm over, “Dust girl, your arrogance beggars-” but Magnus fixed her with a stare, and she hesitated, before turning her head like she’d been kicked.

“Alright,” Magnus wheezed after a moment, “Are you satisfied?”

Sort of. You weren’t about to blow your top anymore, at least. “Answer the question.”

Magnus straightened his back, and coughed. “Why I can’t just choose.” You nodded once, sharply. “…I don’t see it as the same as the other things I’ve had to choose on. Lack of decision on the battlefield is toying with the lives of others. You must be strong willed in your command there, or die. The lives of many were placed in my hands, innocent and not, loved or no. Now, away from there, away from the steel and shot? A decision made solely for myself…is something I have grown unaccustomed to.”

Hitting him had cooled you down a lot, but you clicked your tongue. “Tch. No excuses. I’m going to whoop Yuliana’s ass at whatever she thinks she’s gonna do, and then, no matter what happens, you’re making a choice. Got it?”

“Anya,” Magnus said with exasperation, and you grabbed his braid again and pulled him down to your face.

“Hey.” You said, the frustration touching something in you besides anger as you stared into his eyes. “I’ve been with you out there, in the shit. I’m with you here now. Don’t I deserve the same in both places?”

Finally, he relented, and put one hand on your shoulder and another on the hand holding his braid. “Very well.” You let his braid go so that you could knit your fingers into his measured grip. “You’re right. I didn’t intend to condescend, but if I’m to act responsibly, I should pay proper mind to what you wish to see of me. A man in my position shouldn’t disappoint his fellows.”

“Yeah…” you sighed, “Yeah.”
“Is there a problem here?” A dark blue uniformed man approached, stout bodied and bespectacled, a high cap with the lotus of the archduchy printed onto its face. A constable. Ah, fuck. “You are disturbing the peace.”

“No, no,” Magnus stepped between you and the policeman, “I just enflamed her passions by accident.” Was he afraid you’d kick this one like the last time you’d met one in Ellowie? You had better sense than that here.

The constable looked from Magnus to you, and then back. “This is your-”

“Boyfriend,” you interrupted, snatching Edelschwert’s arm in your own, “Leave us alone. I haven’t seen him for months and he’s been away soldiering.”
Not entirely true, given that what he’d been doing was cleanup compared to the actual war that had finished in Netilland and Ellowie, but it was excuse enough to make it less of a problem for this glorified janitor.

Edelschwert leaned forward to the constable and muttered something quiet, and the constable nodded to him with some understanding. “We’ll be away from the station in but minutes, officer.”

“Fine,” the policeman said, “Be on your way, then.”

“First a courier for our luggage, then a room…” Magnus said as the effects of your strike on him faded off. “I’ll set Yuliana on that, but she will want to rejoin us. It should occupy her mind away from you for a minute at least.”

Yeah right. “I’ve got a room, y’know. I’ll have t’ get a doggy bed for the bitch, though.”

Magnus let that one hang. “Where did you want to go?”
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“T’ show you around the Academy,” you said, “Nothing special happening today, but there’s plenty to see. Maybe something can be arranged, for a visitor like you, foreign officer and all?”

“I’d be impressed if the Archduchy would do that for an unplanned visit.”

He hadn’t seen the enthusiasm and energetic pride of some of the young men, how much just a little taste of clout could fuel them. Where they lacked sense, a healthy portion didn’t lack for ambition. It was a familiar frame of mind.

“Let’s hurry up, then,” you said, “Too late and they’ll eat dinner and want to be ready for a nap.”


“So this is what you did with it,” Magnus said as you led him into a shed full of vehicles. The Academy hosted visitors, especially foreign ones, all the time. You’d arranged what little had to be done ahead of time. Yuliana would have required more work, but you felt no need to enable her visiting anyways. This time was for you.

“What did you think I did with it?” you asked back, leading him to the object of his attention. “I don’t wanna sell it, and it’s a waste to throw away. The Academy said they’d store it for me as long as they got to study it.”

Magnus gave a disconcerted hum. “The Netillian Armed Forces would begrudge their latest development being made available for public study so quickly after its first deployment…”

You snorted at that. “Maybe they shouldn’t a’ let me take it so easy, then.” Even the most expensive, most deadly machine could be made impotent by a lackluster crew. All it took was a single mistake, a single lapse in judgment. For this crew, it had been leaving the tank open and not wearing chemical protection. The Netillians used tear gas enough that they should have been more wary of it being used against them, but if they had been, you wouldn’t have been granted a pristine tank either.

Both of you stopped in front of the machine you spoke of. It was a Netillian tank that they called an NKH, but you’d stolen it while helping Magnus. Down an arm, a tank was the only way you could be helpful to him. It would be the second of the tanks you owned, after the Dust Devil, which was in a garage next to your house you’d gotten for Alina back in your home village.

Its name was emblazoned on its face and flank, a challenge for any who faced its heavy armor, which was well tested at this point, dinged, dented, scratched, but not pierced nor broken.

>The name of this beast?
>Anything you want to chat with Magnus about?
>Dicker Max
>How was the trip?
>Backside Bastard.
>How was the trip. How are things back at home? Been any good fights recently?
>The name of this beast?
>Anything you want to chat with Magnus about?
Had a good birthday?
>Knight's Knocker
>He's still in the Netillian army right, as long as his oath to Yuliana stands? Why'd she make him swear to defend the pepperheads anyway?
Lady's Knockers
>The name of this beast?
Ehemals Bohrfutter
Die Stahlbrust
>Brass Lance
>>How was the trip?
Are his parents still around? Any siblings?
A variety of names. And trips. Not the same thing.
I'm not sure what's with the name. There's some sort of bust versus bum debate going on here, but I think the most singular support is the backside. As per usual in these quests it seems.
Anyways, updating.
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There was time to talk. Time you intended to use. “So uh,” you coughed, “Hey, let’s go up to the top of the tank, yeah?”
“It doesn’t have a name?” Magnus asked quizzically, “I thought you usually named your vehicles. Wasn’t this one’s name something like…I’m unsure, but it was something crude relating to breasts.”

“It had to get painted over anyways,” you said, “So the new name’s Hintern-Bastard.”

Magnus scrunched his face up. “Why are you like this? Was there a crasser name that you passed over before that one?”
“What, not into bastards now?” You said with a bit of sullenness. The Hogs had liked it. “Hey, help me up, I can’t climb up with this thing on.” It would get grease all over it for sure, and even if this dress wasn’t your style at all, it’d make Van Halm a bit upset to know you ruined it. The stain still hadn’t quite bleached out out of the shawl the mosshead got for you back in Sosaldt, during the so-called Alpha Two operation.

Magnus picked you up by the waist- the way his firm hands gripped onto your abdomen and effortlessly lifted you mad you think funny thoughts, and you stumbled slightly when finding your feet on the top of the hull. Magnus climbed after you, and both of you sat on top of the turret.

“Anyways,” you said, “How was the trip over here? Last I heard, the border between Strossvald and Netilland wasn’t a nice place to pass through. ‘Specially if you’re a pepperhead.”

“Once, certainly,” Magnus admitted casually, “Now, however, there is a temporary understanding. Old grudges do not vanish readily, but since men of the Archduchy aided in the defeat of the Military Council, and in the chaos afterwards, a callous grab for land was not made, there is more peace than there was before. As well as the concerns to the east. The people of Netilland are not so fearful of the Archduchy’s perfidious scheming right now. There is a greater enemy. I trust you’ve read a newspaper at least once in the preceding months, but I do not know how much the Archduchy thinks of this crisis.”
“Oh, they do,” you said, knowing what Magnus was referring to easily. “Caelus. Twaryi. That shit storm happening in Vynmark, and now in the ocean. A lot of people here think it’s too far away.” None of the professors or higher officers seemed to share that apathetic attitude, however. You knew just enough about how the world worked to know how big it was that Caelus and Naukland had begun to feud over what was once thought to be just a territorial war between Twaryi and Vynmark.

The funny thing though, was that nobody seemed to have any guess as to why Caelus would spoil what was thought to be a very good thing for them. As far as anybody knew, they had no reason to breach the Stor Ankomst Accords as they did. They had every reason to not provoke Naukland and continue to invest, to collect on fat profits, to influence subtly and through mutual gains. Nobody cared that they heavily invested in Twaryi, traded with them. They did that all over the continent where they could reach, in Vynmark too. Yet now they might lose it all…over what? Nobody could say, and if anybody knew, they hadn’t breathed a word about it to anybody.

“It’s distracted the Netillian people from other outside threats, and the Ellowian Republic…is even more threatened than we are. There’s been an alliance formed, an uneasy one. An extension, perhaps, of what was already beginning to form before. Both Netilland and Ellowie are badly wounded, though. Before, Netilland might have used Ellowie as a bulwark against the new rival of Twaryi. Now, most believe we need one another to survive, regardless of our history of wars.”

“Sounds like everybody should be agreeing inside back home, huh?” You said, but you knew better from Magnus’s letters to you during the time he’d been away. “So what’s the issue, that you were so busy with?”

“The Netillians of today can agree upon the primary foreign threat,” Magnus sighed, “But they cannot do the same when they see enemies amongst one another. I won’t bore you with a history lecture, but to greatly summarize, the Military Council’s seizure of authority was seen as a good thing by many. They ousted an ineffectual and weak-willed democratic organ. Now that democratic government has returned, and plenty of people fear both vengeance from those wronged by the Military Council, but also that the representative government will once again fail to address the problems of the country, as it did before. A surprising amount of problem people different sides of the problem that I am called to deal with.”

“Any of those troublemakers throw a birthday party for you?” You joked.

Magnus gave a single hollow laugh. “Almost a month back? To tell you the truth, I was so exhausted then, I remember all I wanted was a good day’s sleep. Although my family at home would have preferred I was home long enough for to make up for the ones I’d missed.”
…Oh. You’d gotten so worked up at Yuliana, and at your boyfriend, that you’d forgotten you actually had something for that. “I mean, it’s been a while, but, y’know,” you pulled the gift box out from your sleeve, “Here. Hapy Birthday, sorta.”
Magnus blinked at the white box, wrapped in a single black ribbon, and took it wordlessly, pulled the ribbon loose with two fingers, and looked inside. “A dagger?” He asked.

“I thought a blade suited a knight,” you said, “And, a ribbon around the handle, for your hair. If you got sick of the old blue one.”

“It’s a handy size,” Magnus said, taking the dagger out of its brass and velvet sheath and inspecting it, “I was never fond of wearing a saber. Though, it’s rather small for a knightly blade, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, well,” You mugged a flash of a smirk at Magnus and held up a finger and a thumb, “Fits, don’t it?”

Not that you knew that, but he took it in good humor anyways. “I’ll take your interest in fitting blades as flattery. This ribbon, though…you said it is a hair tie? It’s rather…feminine.”

“Same as I said before.”

Magnus put everything back in the box, and put the lot into his pocket. “Thank you, Lady Nowicki. Even if that ribbon might look better on you. Although…I do wish I could reciprocate this well-wish. I don’t think you’ve ever told me your birthday, have you?”

…It wasn’t that important. You didn’t actually know when your birthday was, and forgot when you claimed it was all the time. You actually had to think on it to remember. “June Sixteenth.” You’d picked that because that was when Hell Gitt had found you. Took you in. Gave you your life and future.

“While we’re taking care of belated birthdates then,” Magnus said, “Do you want anything?”

To be honest, you hadn’t even considered it. Each year passed and you got older, and the need to celebrate that had gone when you’d passed over to people who felt no need to commemorate another year that you were alive, let alone give you gifts. Well, except those given by mercs who thought it would mean they could get into your pants for it. Not that you ever gave them what they sought in return.

If he was going to give you something, though…

>You already had everything you wanted right here. You’d have to pass.
>No reason to object, but you couldn’t think of anything. Surprise me.
>Alright. How about dinner? Though you supposed you were assuming you’d get that anyways.
Other conversation topics proposed will be covered
>>Alright. How about dinner? Though you supposed you were assuming you’d get that anyways.
>No reason to object, but you couldn’t think of anything. Surprise me.
>>Alright. How about dinner? Though you supposed you were assuming you’d get that anyways.

Desert is mandatory.
Also I assume the blue border is supposed to show a Netilland-Mittelsosalian-Ellowian coalition, but what does the green one represent?
>No reason to object, but you couldn’t think of anything. Surprise me.
>No reason to object, but you couldn’t think of anything. Surprise me.
>No reason to object, but you couldn’t think of anything. Surprise me.
No fish though.
>Alright. How about dinner? Though you supposed you were assuming you’d get that anyways.
Get me something to eat.

Surprise me. Maybe by eating me.

I'll call it and update in a couple hours.

>I assume the blue border is supposed to show a Netilland-Mittelsosalian-Ellowian coalition, but what does the green one represent?
While Mittelsosalia has aligned itself with said countries regionally, they're not in an official alliance or any convergence of government or army command. Some are trying to push Netilland and Ellowie, reformed, as "Twin Republics," but Mittelsosalia hasn't been part of any initiative for a "Tripartite Republic" if you will.
Which is to say, voting open for another two hours for any who still haven't.
How are the Ellowians still claiming they're a Republic with a straight face? Even if Wladyslaw doesn't have that much political power compared to his ancestors he's still a King.

Also are the Valstens fighting again, or is the map just depicting their general cold war state?
>How are the Ellowians still claiming they're a Republic with a straight face? Even if Wladyslaw doesn't have that much political power compared to his ancestors he's still a King.
The other parts of the Ellowian governmental and military structure, namely those returned from exile, are very unhappy about him yet are not foolish enough to think they can oust him from his position, especially in the world's current state.
Thusly they still call Ellowie what they believe it should be rather than what it is, in a passive-aggressive sort of reference where they claim, having returned, that they are a continuation of the Republic from before.

Wladyslaw lets them play this game. After all, open spite is tolerable, while any secret sorts might call for...housecleaning. Like Field Marshall Rummel needed to be cleaned up.

>Also are the Valstens fighting again, or is the map just depicting their general cold war state?
The latter. They've not had a proper peace treaty instead of a simple ceasefire since their initial breakup.
What is Zuide Confederacy doing in Vynmark?
Alright, still in for "surprise me."

>What is Zuide Confederacy doing in Vynmark?
Considering how many were in Ashen Dawn, there's plenty of reasons. Mostly, though, the Zuide aren't a national polity so much as a tigher knit conglomeration of what was already there, so their "doings" are practically just generous mercenary contracts, serving their interests in keeping the Twaryians away from them.
You’d been caught off guard, and your initial thought was towards food. How couldn’t it be, having left brunch still hungry? A nice dinner, plenty of meat, and definitely with dessert. A cream filled pastry, maybe? So long as he didn’t call you by it.

You touched your stomach, though. It was taut and strong, even if it didn’t show. It was still the warm season and it was hard for you to gain weight, especially with your training getting back in schedule, but the distraction made you consider something else.

Didn’t you want to see what he would think to get you?

“Okay,” you said, leaning over closer to Magnus, “Surprise me.”

He had to think about it for a moment, before seeming to realize something. He reached out and touched your hair. “Have you been growing it out on purpose?”
Not really. You’d just left it alone for months. “Do you like it?” You asked, not answering directly.

He didn’t answer straight either. “I’m not used to seeing you in it. Have you considered putting it up?” He pulled the gift box from his pocket, drew out the ribbon, and pulled his own ribbon loose from his braid. It loosened, and he drew a finger through it, undoing the whole thing into a sheet-black mane that made your heart seize up seeing shaken loose. “Here. How about these ribbons?”

You pouted at Magnus with a dim weight to your eyes. “You’re not s’posed to re-gift my own present t’ me on the spot…”

“If you want for more, then ask for more than a surprise,” Magnus said defensively as he pulled your own ribbon out of your hair, even though you weren’t wearing it as much more than a band. “Tell me how you want your hair, and I’ll style it for you.”

Was a man really supposed to know how to style hair? You supposed if anybody did, he would…

>Have your hair styled. The only accessories available are those pictured.
>A simple ponytail. Practical and stylish. Showed your ears, for better or worse.
>You’d never tried pigtails before. Arranged a bit further back. It was a little more interesting than a ponytail that way and kept it behind.
>Tie it into a bun. Leave your bangs free. If he liked short hair better and didn’t say it, maybe that’s what he preferred.
>Other? (Describe it or draw it on.)
>Tie it into a bun. Leave your bangs free. If he liked short hair better and didn’t say it, maybe that’s what he preferred.
Maybe cover the bun, covered buns are all the rage. I'm scared of seeing Anya's ears, they're probably cones like a female Twi'lek.
>Tie it into a bun. Leave your bangs free. If he liked short hair better and didn’t say it, maybe that’s what he preferred.
>>A simple ponytail. Practical and stylish. Showed your ears, for better or worse.
with the red bow headband across the front of her head, and the smaller blue bow tying off the ponytail.
Supporting >>5991070
Free the ears.
>You’d never tried pigtails before. Arranged a bit further back. It was a little more interesting than a ponytail that way and kept it behind.
A frilly dress demands twintails.
>>A simple ponytail. Practical and stylish. Showed your ears, for better or worse.
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Not as many bun enjoyers when they're up on the head.

Ponytail time.
A bit stock isn't it.

Twin tailed red. Almost like you want her to join the eyepatch crew.

Y2K Harbinger.

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“Do a ponytail then,” you grumbled, “Do what you feel like otherwise.” Magnus moved behind you on the turret, and you felt his fingers draw your hair back, test how it fell. The hairs on the nape of your neck stood up in reflex- this was too much like getting pet on the head for your tastes, something you’d normally react to with a smack. “So,” you kept talking as he worked, to distract you. “How are your folks doin’?” Magnus had a full family. Mother, father, younger sister and brother. He was a good age gap away from them. Ten and twelve years.

“They’ve been adapting,” Magnus said, “Palatenhugel is close to Ellowie and Sosaldt both. Every time war has reared its head, they’ve wondered whether the family will once again have to move like they had to from Ellowie. However, with Mittelsosalia in command of the wastes and Netilland and Ellowie begrudgingly allied, it is calmer than it has been in decades. How about you? Is your half-sister well?”

You just called Alina your sister. It wasn’t like your mother had known who either father had been. Neither had stuck around. Both may as well have been mist on the wind. “Alina is fine,” you said, “She’s got a guy locked in, she thinks. Some Strossvald Silver Lance that she cared for while he was wounded. Alina thinks he’ll pop the question any day now.” It had only been a few months. Alina had wrapped that Von Rotehof guy around her little finger, much to the chagrin of his family, apparently.

“You must be happy for her.”

“He’s a better catch than she would have gone for locally, I guess,” you said. “Not like she’d listen t’ me if I told her to do different.” Same for her to you. You were blood, the only family in the world, but whenever you tried to make her see your way, or vice versa, you ended up fighting, yelling, to the degree that everybody seemed surprised that you still cared about one another, would sleep in the same bed on occasion, if there were visitors.

She was like Richter in a way. You ought to be apart, but the thought of losing someone so close, so irreplaceable, made your blood run cold.

“You should be happy for her,” Magnus told you, seeing you fail to hide the resentment, the regret. The time you’d failed to have been there for your sister, because you had thought her dead, your failure so long ago a total one. “As I’ve heard, marriage was uncommon in the wastes until recently.”

That wasn’t quite true, but it may as well have been. Most of what the wastes had had, and still had, was what would be referred to here as common law marriage. “It’s just that,” you said with a bit of hesitation, “She’s in too much of a rush. I feel like she hasn’t seen enough of the world t’ know the most important things.”

He finished and moved to your side. You’d appreciate a mirror right now. “Have you?” He asked.

You shook your head. “I know I could know a lot more.”
Magnus leaned forward and gazed at you questioningly. “You’re not interested in marriage, at your age? I’d say you’re ready.”

You grit your teeth and didn’t look at him. You didn’t want to tell him why you didn’t want to get married yet. Why you were afraid of it, of it becoming an inescapable prison when the world and the hunt for glory still called to you. Not when, out of anybody who was still around, he was pretty high up on the list of people you’d want to bind yourself to forever. “I don’t wanna talk about that.”

Magnus crooked his eyebrows at that, unsatisfied, but he shrugged. “Very well.”

Anything to get away from this topic. “So your family fled Ellowie when they deposed the King,” you recalled, “But that means they could just move out of Netilland again. So could you. So why did the silver haired bitch make you promise to fight for a place you may as well have left? I get why your oath’s important t’ you. What’s Netilland’s importance to her? They do her any favors?”

“Hmm.” Magnus put a finger on his chin, “How much do you remember of what I told you, of Palatenhugel?”

“The basic idea.” It was a rural Netillian borough- a town built around an ancient Nauk fortress. It was an old, old settlement, yet it had retained some measure of self-governance throughout the years. Much like a city-state of the wastes, though in much more pleasant lands. Over the centuries, it became part of Ellowie, then part of Netilland. “One-Notch’s family owns it, yeah?”

“One-Notch?” Magnus furrowed his brow, “I won’t ask. Yes, the Sanmorzas have ruled Palatenhugel since its founding, though they haven’t been nobility for some time. The Netillian Republic allowed them to retain rulership, but they are not considered nobility, but rather the de-facto Burgomeisters. In spite of all of its history, Palatenhugel is rather small and irrelevant on the greater picture.”

That wasn’t the answer you anticipated. “So they’ve got no reason t’ care about Netilland either, not really.”

“Yuliana always had an outsized sense of justice,” Magnus explained to you, “Even if she isn’t very important, she’s tried to be as great as she could be, and as she has claimed me as her knight, I followed her cause. When the nation fell to infighting, she called upon me, to fight for her cause. To topple the Military Council and free Netilland. Perhaps to free Palatenhugel too.” He frowned, “Even if she herself felt she could not do that with her own power…”

You squinted at Magnus, clicked your tongue. “Tch. So she uses you because she can’t fight her own battles?”

“She has been my moral guidance for a long time,” Magnus said, “She guided my ambition. When I left her, even though she was most upset with my departure, it was because she inspired me to be a person of lordly caliber, deserving of both my legacy and my place in her future both. To leave a boy, and return a knight.”
“So what’s your place in her future now?” You asked.

Edelschwert hesitated. “It has been many years, and the world has changed much. I am no different. You know well that I struggle. There is no need to speak of this further.”

Tit for tat, you supposed. Yet. Was that what this was about? Whether he should be bound to a woman that had given him purpose when he wasn’t the man he was now? Why should he stay shackled to her, when she had only been driven to change her idleness when you came along? With me, you would be free, you thought but didn’t say, and I would be beside you to share that freedom.

“…Hey, so,” you broke up the quiet again, “Any of those fights you been in lately good ones?”

Magnus made a slight side to side motion of his head. “I should be thankful that they’ve been dull. For all the tension, there’s enough strength for sense to restrain most.”

That made you think of your own match-to-be. Where neither you nor Yuliana had any desire to back down, unless something seriously changed. “What’s with this match of three shit anyways? The last thing too. Does it have t’ be knives?”

“It’s called the Ciecieksiczyca. The Moon Cutting. Ellowian tradition, the general region, at least, during the Ellowian Kingdom’s height, before the Shattering. Instead of a duel, women were supposed to agree on non-violent contests, but nobility preferred to do as they do, and add onto it. Especially because, as it turned out, each choice of contest would be whatever the chooser felt they were certain to win, while their opponent would be certain to lose. Thus, the formality of skipping that and going straight to the duel under the moon, with Edges. Knives with a squared tip, that cannot stab. Supposedly there’s some connection to Pre-Nauk Moon Rituals, or so Yaegir might claim.”

The Yaegir didn’t incentivize battle between women, though. You’d frankly prefer if Magnus went about this sort of thing the way their men handled courtship. “So you’re sayin’ she’s just gonna pick somethin’ I’d suck at,” you said, “Like what?”

“Cooking.” Magnus said immediately. You grimaced at that. Yeah, she’d have you beat there. “You’d do the same, of course, so I have no doubts that you’ll be meeting each other under the moon, and I’ll have to have needle and threat and bandage ready.”

“Ain’t that considerate of you.”

Magnus sighed. “You could forfeit and avoid a fight.”

“Nah. She wants it, she’s gonna get it.”

The accompanying picture for this will be posted later.
A moment of silence. “So what do you want to challenge her with?” Magnus asked, “Yuliana certainly doesn’t have your experience as a fighter. She was a peaceful sort until quite recently, but she has practiced in preparation for…this. She was well practiced in fencing, but in brawling and actual combat, you’ve years of experience over her.”

>No experience in war, huh? Sounds like you could trounce her in a shooting contest.
>Might as well wear her down for later. A bare-knuckle fight would be riskier with your bum arm, but if you were ready for one, you could really give her a thrashing regardless. (Clothes Change Optional)
>…She ever ride a motorcycle? Seemed nobody ever appreciated your driving skills. Not many people played Chicken over here for real… (Necessitates Clothes Change)
>Why waste time flexing on each other if it was going to come down to the knives anyways? You’d see her pale faced mug under the moon next, and maybe, you’d give her a pretty face more like yours.
>Anything else to ask/address?
>No experience in war, huh? Sounds like you could trounce her in a shooting contest.
>Why waste time flexing on each other if it was going to come down to the knives anyways? You’d see her pale faced mug under the moon next, and maybe, you’d give her a pretty face more like yours.

>Anything else to ask/address?

So if Anya wins and presumably Magnus gets released from his oath, will he move over here? Follow her for the next deployment? (As long as the Major is cool with it, but Judge knows Richter could use another experienced officer with Rondo still half-Tranced) Or will he stay and continue his current work in Netilland, oath or no, and the long distance relationship continues?
>…She ever ride a motorcycle? Seemed nobody ever appreciated your driving skills. Not many people played Chicken over here for real… (Necessitates Clothes Change)
>No experience in war, huh? Sounds like you could trounce her in a shooting contest.
>>No experience in war, huh? Sounds like you could trounce her in a shooting contest.
Even though it's tempting to try and shiv the bitch with a blunted knife anyway.
>>No experience in war, huh? Sounds like you could trounce her in a shooting contest.
>…She ever ride a motorcycle? Seemed nobody ever appreciated your driving skills. Not many people played Chicken over here for real… (Necessitates Clothes Change)
>>…She ever ride a motorcycle? Seemed nobody ever appreciated your driving skills. Not many people played Chicken over here for real… (Necessitates Clothes Change)
>>No experience in war, huh? Sounds like you could trounce her in a shooting contest.
>…She ever ride a motorcycle? Seemed nobody ever appreciated your driving skills. Not many people played Chicken over here for real… (Necessitates Clothes Change)
If we decide to play a game of motorcycle chicken, we better be willing to channel Akagi and go in without ever having the intention to pull the brakes.
>…She ever ride a motorcycle? Seemed nobody ever appreciated your driving skills. Not many people played Chicken over here for real… (Necessitates Clothes Change)
Card games on motorcycles
>No experience in war, huh? Sounds like you could trounce her in a shooting contest.
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You're good at shooting, really. Even without glasses. Nevermind that you're best with automatic weapons and explosives...

Bring out the whetstones, it's time for scars.

Head game of cock, as nobody says.
I'll be real, I was planning on drawing The Slide on a good roll of that.

Would have done this earlier, but I woke up this morning and it was one of those mornings where you stumble around for a few hours then go right back to bed after realizing the battle is lost.
Anyways, updating now. Probably won't be out til pretty late though, on account of lost time to sleep.
>I'll be real, I was planning on drawing The Slide on a good roll of that.
Noooooooo! Is it too late to change my vote?
I'd think a possibility of such based on excellent success might might not be enough to sway that decision, but, if that's what you want. The way things are looking schedule-wise I won't be able to start working on things for a few hours anyways, so I'll call instead when I can get straight to it.
Though you'd best not be bringing the bedroom rolls to it.
Then I'll switch to
>…She ever ride a motorcycle? Seemed nobody ever appreciated your driving skills. Not many people played Chicken over here for real… (Necessitates Clothes Change)
and hope that the Judge likes Anya much more than he likes Bonetto.
>…She ever ride a motorcycle? Seemed nobody ever appreciated your driving skills. Not many people played Chicken over here for real… (Necessitates Clothes Change)
No experience in war seemed an easy indicator of what to do. Shooting well took practice, and even with all the experience you had in it, you weren’t a crack shot. However, if your enemy had learned to shoot and simply hadn’t ever done so in anger…that’d be a bad miscalculation. She knew you were a mercenary, after all. She might dare to take you on. Something that was impossible to simply practice was another idea.

“Does One-Notch know how t’ ride a motorbike?” You asked.

Magnus thought a second. “Not that I know of. She knows how to ride a bicycle. Why, are you thinking of a race?”

“Something like that,” you said, “I’ve got some idea of fair play though. Back in the red dust, sometimes, on patrol, you run into other motorcycle patrols. If y’ don’t want t’ shoot, or can’t, you can still do Chicken. You rush at each other, fast as you can, and whoever bugs out or falls off first, they had less nerves.”

“That sounds extremely dangerous.”

No shit. “She wants us to chop each other to bits with knives. I think crashing a motorcycle’s a bit more civilized. All either of us has to do is drive in a straight line.”

Magnus’s lips made a taut line. “I think you might just smash into one another out of sheer stubbornness.”

You shrugged. That could happen, but you’d never heard of it before. Usually, at the very last moment, somebody would turn away. That somebody had never been you, though, in the six face-offs you’d had.

“Lady Nowicki,” Magnus said seriously, “Even if I’ll allow a duel, I don’t want either of you to die.”

“You keep your nose outta this” You pointed accusingly, “Besides. I’d win. Easy.”

Edelschwert looked up and down at your outfit. “You don’t plan to ride in that, I presume.”

…You thought about it. Tested the weight of the skirt, twisted in the corset. “Nah, I don’t think so. I’ll have to put on pants at least. Might as well change while we’re here.”
>Again, dress yourself.

“Are you planning on taking whatever Yuliana’s challenge is, then?” Magnus asked, “It might be more dignified to forfeit such. I’ve not seen you cook something that didn’t come out of a can…”

It was, unfortunately, true. Your sister was the domestic one. Mercenaries didn’t cook, they had money and strength to not have to do such things. Though…how hard could it really be? It wasn’t like any man you’d been near had thought it important for you to know…

>If she was going to come up with some bullshit to win effortlessly, you wouldn’t entertain her. Not like you couldn’t win with a handicap anyways.
>She expected you to forfeit, but you wouldn’t. Even if a battle was hopeless, you weren’t the sort to give up just like that.
>Surely you could debate the point. You picked something she could win- the least respect she could give was extending the same to you.
>She expected you to forfeit, but you wouldn’t. Even if a battle was hopeless, you weren’t the sort to give up just like that.
I'm going to go for
Looks cool, and we get to show Magnus some skin.
>She expected you to forfeit, but you wouldn’t. Even if a battle was hopeless, you weren’t the sort to give up just like that.
Come into OUR quest, try to steal OUR love interest, call US a hoe? She must pay.
>C, to show that our abs are better than hers. The goggles add extra style as well.

>She expected you to forfeit, but you wouldn’t. Even if a battle was hopeless, you weren’t the sort to give up just like that.
Very stylish.
>She expected you to forfeit, but you wouldn’t. Even if a battle was hopeless, you weren’t the sort to give up just like that.
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>But with midriff exposed.
>She expected you to forfeit, but you wouldn’t. Even if a battle was hopeless, you weren’t the sort to give up just like that.
>C. Dust Rider
>She expected you to forfeit, but you wouldn’t. Even if a battle was hopeless, you weren’t the sort to give up just like that.
>C: Dust rider
Can't beat the cropped corded high collar.
>She expected you to forfeit, but you wouldn’t. Even if a battle was hopeless, you weren’t the sort to give up just like that.
>No surrender, take her wallet when she wrecks
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Calling back to the old times. Showing that the wild is still in your heart.

Dressed for a major event.
Albeit with...significant modification. As per your wont.

Aside from that, it appears that there is a totality of attempting the strange sorcery of cooking. Who knows? Perhaps you're a savant?

I'll call things in an hour and a half, though I think everybody's already made their vote.
I sort of wonder what would have been drawn on if no options were provided, ah well.
This is unrelated. I was asked to draw Maddalyn in this dress a while ago, and I finally actually completed it. Now just to address the rest of the backlog...
>She expected you to forfeit, but you wouldn’t. Even if a battle was hopeless, you weren’t the sort to give up just like that.
Anya looks so tiny here.
God, just imagine covering her in a towel and stuffing her in a fruit crate on the front of your bicycle, like E.T.
>Anya looks so tiny here.
Anon, she isn't in the bottom (top?) 5 smallest PCQ girls.
I know, it's just the lack of the usual fluff is deceiving the eye and warping the mind.
>5 smallest PCQ girls.
I hope Eakova being reduced to several perforated chunks doesn't count amongst those.
I think the ghost is technically the smallest
"And then she climbed into the barrel and turned herself into a pickle. Funniest shit I ever saw."
>>Again, dress yourself.
I'm sorry but this is asking too much. I can't even be bothered to dress myself in real life.
And anotha one.


>she isn't in the bottom (top?) 5 smallest PCQ girls.
The smallest could mean a few things. Though the true difference between top and bottom smallest is which ones are your favorite. Or the opposite, I suppose.

Put on the clothes, Shinji.
>The smallest could mean a few things
Just overall dimensions. Not even counting Emma I feel like there are two more who are smaller than Anya besides the von Blums or the actual child.
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Pact is, but she's also still a kid.
That random red haired woman the boys abducted on the bog brew bender into Twaryi might have been of equal size to the von blum gremlins.
How does Chiara compare with the other womanlets?
She's shorter than them by whatever their height is, plus about six feet.
Regrettably the update is going to be delayed today.
At the poor pace I'm going I'll need to make a brief follow up thread, most likely, which isn't what I wanted but it can't be helped.
I haven't actually arranged Revolutionary Man characters by height properly, or if I did I've either adjusted it since initially, but I think that Chiara was around Anya's height.
“She expects me to do that,” you said with a condescending sniff, “She wants me to admit that I’m so outmatched I may as well not even bother. Well, I’m not gonna. Even if the battle’s hopeless, I’m not the kinda bitch to give up just like that.”

“If that is what you want,” Magnus said with a doubtful hesitancy.

“…Y’know,” you added, “I want to ask. When I win, does that mean you’re free from that oath of yours to her?”

“Not until my duty is done for her cause,” Magnus said, “Though I doubt she would summon me further after the current troubles are over. She like as not wouldn’t truly forgive rejecting her now.”

That would have to do. “So if that happens, will you…move over here?” You asked, appraising.

Magnus gave you a half-lidded glance. “I’ve no love for the Archduchy, Lady Nowicki.”

“That’s not what I mean,” you said grumpily, “I meant if you’d come with me. Or if you’d go back to Netilland, to Palatenhugel or wherever, and things would be…well, like they were before. Now.”

Edelscwhert stared into your eyes, took a slow breath in and out. “Lady Nowicki, while I need not be in Netilland, I wouldn’t want to become the servant of any state rather than a protector of blood and fellowship. That isn’t a concern I believe I would have if I accompanied you. What I do believe would be… is that, with all that has happened, I have thought about how I might move from one part of my life to the next.” He shifted his gaze out, towards the shutters that contained the tank stores. “And that I would like it to be soon, but I wouldn’t want to hurry you. Not when I know you aren’t ready.”

You didn’t know how to feel about that. Whether the turning of your stomach was gladness or apprehension, unease.

“Perhaps,” Magnus said, seemingly caught by that same feeling by the hitch in his tone, “That bridge ought to be considered for when it is time to cross it.”

A clearing of your throat. You had to agree, wordlessly. “Anyways,” you said, pointing to the doors, “I oughta get changed out of this. You should come with. Bein’ a Netillian and all.”
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You led Magnus to the Women’s Dormitory where you stayed at the Academy, and a few wary women students looked surprised to see you leading a man by the arm. Haughty glares that you liked to think were jealousy, not bewilderment.

The key was fished out of your shoe, and you opened your door. Held it wide. “Y’ can come in.”

Magnus raised an eyebrow at you. “Aren’t you going in to change?”

You rolled your eyes. “God, never mind, then.”

When you came out from your room again, you’d lost the baroque red silks, and replaced them with something much more practical, and of a style echoing the lands of your turbulent lifetime.

Plenty of midriff, top tight to your chest to show off what you had there. Time for your pretty man to see what that dress had been hiding, and what Yuliana lacked. Tough leather short jacket, fingerless gloves, dark tights to keep kickup off your legs. This jacket was new- this was a good time to break it in. All your concealed arms were transferred as well.
Girly Hair hadn’t ever been visibly appreciative of your sense of dress, and was nonplussed when you stood and waited for comment.

“You tired of red, I take it?”

The last thing to go had been the ribbon set at the front of your head, now replaced with a pair of goggles. Slimmer, less heavy ones than for tanking. “This suits me better, don’t it?”

“It’s no less audacious. I’ve not seen you wear something so close to your legs before.”

You grinned up at Magnus. Maybe you ought to wear shorts more often. “Speaks for itself in a better voice I’d say.” He could try and be overly gentlemanly if he wanted, but as Hell said a few times, no man could help being hungry when they smelled fresh bread. You’d have his praise for your looks whether he voiced it or not.

When you departed from the dormitory, on the path out again, wondering what you might show Magnus next, you saw an unexpected person. Alone, small, yet her posture was supremely confident as though she stood a giant rather than diminutive as an upright twig, a loose cardigan over her shoulders and arms, light as befitted the current warmth. She stood in your path even as you approached, and clearly, was waiting for you to cross.

“…Huh,” you said to the woman, guarded. “You’re that Von Blum girl, aren’t you?”

“Sergeant Anya Nowicki, Officer Candidate,” The redhead said, “Retinue of my brother-in-law. Indeed, I am Mathilda Von Blum. I wanted to speak with you.” She glanced at Magnus, “Preferably with a small allowance of privacy.”

“I will leave you two for a moment,” Magnus said, “But Lady Nowicki hasn’t had much company with me for some time, so we’d prefer for you to be quick about it.”
Mathilda raised a confused eyebrow over the way he addressed you, but didn’t comment like one of the other smarmy noble brats here might have about who called who what. He left you, and Mathilda spoke once again, as you hoped she wouldn’t be annoying like the last blueblood woman you’d dealt with today, even if Yuliana apparently wasn’t even technically one.

“Sergeant,” Mathilda said mildly, “I don’t believe we’ve any reason to be opposed to each other.”

You didn’t like where this was going already. “No, I guess we don’t.”

“I am not upset with you, Sergeant,” Mathilda said as she stepped to your flank, “I’m only confused, especially seeing your company. It seems that you already have a man for company to yourself. So why do you try and take mine as well?”

You returned that question with an exasperated eye roll. “Karel asked me to brunch. I like free food.”

“I had plans to meet with him this morning, and you did not,” Mathilda said, voice still even. “I am not a fool, Sergeant. I know well when I am conspired against to be slighted, to dissuade me.”

“Okay,” you wanted this over with, “And? What do you want? Sounds like your beef is with Van Halm, not me.”

“All I want is to ask you not to interfere,” Mathilda said simply, hands kept tight behind her back, “You have your man. I wish to have mine. Do not aid Van Halm in his games to defy the will of our families, and I promise to compensate you with whatever you wish, as well as furnish you with information you might find concerning. There’s no reason for competition, unless you are greedy enough to want for both, but I think only men of low character wish to share a woman.”

>Request denied. Van Halm was only your friend, but friends helped friends when they were asked to.
>Or else what? From what you heard, plenty of men had shared Mathilda Von Blum, after all.
>Fine. You could agree to that, not like Van Halm couldn’t watch for himself. What about that compensation, then?

Taking a break for Sunday, won't call and update til Monday Morning.
>Fine. You could agree to that, not like Van Halm couldn’t watch for himself. What about that compensation, then?

Though if she thinks that's stopping him she'd better not.
>>Request denied. Van Halm was only your friend, but friends helped friends when they were asked to.
Anya is probably going to make an enemy here anyway, best to be true to herself while doing it.
>Request denied. Van Halm was only your friend, but friends helped friends when they were asked to.
Buddying up with Mathilda probably won't do Anya many favours on the path towards the functional working relationship with Maddy that Richter's been trying to negotiate.
>See if we can't talk to Van Halm again tomorrow, while we did go behind Mathilda's back, that was his doing not ours, it wouldn't be right to go behind his. Basically try and stall her.
This outfit suits Mathilda though, maybe it's cause we usually only see her at home or when Maddy is around. This has to be the most concerned expression I've seen on Anya's face.
>Fine. You could agree to that, not like Van Halm couldn’t watch for himself. What about that compensation, then?

Depends on what she can she offer us in our struggle with the silver bitch.
>Request denied. Van Halm was only your friend, but friends helped friends when they were asked to.
>Or else what? From what you heard, plenty of men had shared Mathilda Von Blum, after all.
>>Fine. You could agree to that, not like Van Halm couldn’t watch for himself. What about that compensation, then?
i fucking love compensation
>Fine. You could agree to that, not like Van Halm couldn’t watch for himself. What about that compensation, then?

Should inform Karel soonish though so he gets a heads-up, plus being a friend.
>Fine. You could agree to that, not like Van Halm couldn’t watch for himself. What about that compensation, then?
How very mercenary of you.


Let me check with my man. I mean your man.

You smell like milt.

“Hold on a sec,” you held up a hand, “Maybe he went behind your back for this, but I ain’t doin’ the same to him. Let me talk with him about it before anythin’.”
Mathilda’s face was stone. “Now, why would that be necessary? Are you having second thoughts?” She glanced to Magnus. “Besides, I have already spoken with him. He knows I’ve come to ask this of you. So why wait?”

If she was lying, she did it like she breathed, and you couldn’t say for sure that she hadn’t done what she said.

She looked so much like Richter’s wife that it had been creeping you out a little, put you on guard automatically, with how much Maddalyn Von Blum seemed to (unrighteously) hate your guts.

“…Fine.” You relented, “Not like Karel can’t watch for himself. I’d prefer t’ tell him ‘bout this myself, though. But if you think he’ll just give up on this ‘cause I ain’t sticking my nose in this…”

“I expect not, no,” Mathilda said, a smile creeping across her cheeks, “But it’s one less avenue of escape. Besides.” Her smile went south, “If you were insistent,” She glanced down to where her frown went, “I know well the feeling of aspiring to where you are unwanted by the world. Conspired against. Considered detritus in spite of any effort you might make to rise above that notion, treated like a bastard.”

“It ain’t like that.”

Mathilda’s eyes flicked back up annoyedly. “Yet if it were not.”

What a weirdo. “How about that compensation, then?”

The corners of the little woman’s mouth went tight. “You are a mercenary, after all. I thought you might feel more remorse.”

“If I backed off for nothing, Van Halm would be upset. If I’ve got somethin’ to show for it, I think he won’t mind at all.”

Mathilda closed her eyes halfway. Almost like she was a bit annoyed at you just going for the metaphorical consolation prize so quick, even if she was getting what she wanted. “Firstly. The information you should be concerned about.”

“How about the material thing?”

“Did I not say anything you want?” Mathilda raised an eyebrow, “Do you doubt my ability to provide? Simply name it. But hear this first.” She waited for a retort, but you said nothing, and she took it as prompt to continue. “The Fall of the Netillian Military Government resulted in many people being put out of comfortable positions, into places where they feel safer elsewhere. My family is resourceful. We have obtained permission…well, I obtained permission for them, to allow in those with useful skills to our lands, to find gainful employment. A swathe of Netillian immigrants has thus come forth, besides your own accompaniment.”
“Alright,” you shrugged, “Good for them. Why should I be concerned?”

Mathilda tilted her chin up. With how much shorter she was than you, it must have been a developed skill to still look like she thought she lorded over you, regardless of how well it worked for her. “Not all of them have chosen to break cleanly, as it turns out. Some of our new friends told us that their friends, as well as deep cover former Komissariat Office operatives, have elected to pounce at the first chance they can for petty revenge. Unreasonable, but alas. This has been given to the Intelligence Office, of course, in what capacity we can manage, but if I were you I would be wary of anybody who might know of you or your Magnus Edelschwert from your time reinstalling the present Netillian Republic.”

…Great. As if you didn’t have enough to worry about. “So gunmen, then.”

“Not quite,” Mathilda said, “They’re not very heavily armed, or so we’ve been told, and they hardly want to attract the attention of the Intelligence Office. They’ll like as not present themselves as common gangsters or street toughs, suspiciously aged youth gangs and the like. But a knife or a length of pipe does the job of a machine pistol if underestimated, so I hear.”

“Right.” Didn’t even have time to tense up before you could relax again. Street toughs. Just normal life in Sosaldt, or in Occupied Ellowian UGZs. You could win in fights like that, especially since you’d probably be better equipped. You would just have to not let your guard down at the wrong time. “So. That reward.”

Mathilda blinked. “You’re not concerned?”

“Nah. I already have enough to think about without little distractions like that. Just get your stuff to my mitts good an’ quick.”

>You knew the Von Blums made tanks. How about one of those? Three was enough for a toon all of your own…
>Your wardrobe was a bit lacking. How about some fancy wear, suitable for your knightly company?
>Well. There were things you knew that Mathilda could do, and you didn’t know how to, that you were sure men appreciated a lot, you know? You don’t know, but she did, and…you know?
>>You knew the Von Blums made tanks. How about one of those? Three was enough for a toon all of your own…

The tonk reverse harem must grow.
>You knew the Von Blums made tanks. How about one of those? Three was enough for a toon all of your own…
Disregard thots, aquire tanks.
>>Your wardrobe was a bit lacking. How about some fancy wear, suitable for your knightly company?
>You knew the Von Blums made tanks. How about one of those? Three was enough for a toon all of your own…
>Well. There were things you knew that Mathilda could do, and you didn’t know how to, that you were sure men appreciated a lot, you know? You don’t know, but she did, and…you know?

I think this is a chance to pick up a skill we otherwise couldn't. Dresses and tanks are more easily acquired from our existing friends.
I'm pretty sure this is talking about bedroom stuff.
>Well. There were things you knew that Mathilda could do, and you didn’t know how to, that you were sure men appreciated a lot, you know? You don’t know, but she did, and…you know?
I'm a ESL. Can someone please explain what this means?
>“It ain’t like that.”
>Mathilda’s eyes flicked back up annoyedly. “Yet if it were not.”

>You knew the Von Blums made tanks. How about one of those? Three was enough for a toon all of your own…
>Well. There were things you knew that Mathilda could do, and you didn’t know how to, that you were sure men appreciated a lot, you know? You don’t know, but she did, and…you know?
I'm sorry, but I NEED to vote for this. I can't turn down the possibility of "Girl Talk" with Mathilda.
Please, let clearer heads prevail.
>Well. There were things you knew that Mathilda could do, and you didn’t know how to, that you were sure men appreciated a lot, you know? You don’t know, but she did, and…you know?
>>Well. There were things you knew that Mathilda could do, and you didn’t know how to, that you were sure men appreciated a lot, you know? You don’t know, but she did, and…you know?
>Well. There were things you knew that Mathilda could do, and you didn’t know how to, that you were sure men appreciated a lot, you know? You don’t know, but she did, and…you know?
>>Well. There were things you knew that Mathilda could do, and you didn’t know how to, that you were sure men appreciated a lot, you know? You don’t know, but she did, and…you know?
Ah yes, the request that starts with, "So, hey, you're a whore, right?"
>Well. There were things you knew that Mathilda could do, and you didn’t know how to, that you were sure men appreciated a lot, you know? You don’t know, but she did, and…you know?
>You knew the Von Blums made tanks. How about one of those? Three was enough for a toon all of your own…
I need my "tank harem." Jury's out on whether that necessitates a crew harem.

Clearly my collection of pretty dresses must expand.

Somebody asked me what a dik4 file is, and I knew, but then they asked me what a dikhau is.

Updating. I expected the tank vote to dominate honestly.
>I'm a ESL. Can someone please explain what this means?
She's talking about if Anya was trying to compete for Van Halm's hand.
This is a romance sidequest, not panzer commander
Sad, but it is what it is.
Mathilda tilted her head and waited for your request. You knew what you wanted, but saying it properly wasn’t…something you’d practiced.

“Well, y’know,” you said, dragging out the words initially, “There’s things I know you can do, that I don’t know how to, and…they’re things that guys like, you know?”

Mathilda’s brow furrowed and she squinted at you quizzically.

“I don’t know how to, but, you do, and…y’know?” Your smile turned awkward and pained.

Mathilda blinked, and tilted her head. “Oh. You’re talking about sex.”

“Uh. Yeah.”

“The implication in your phrasing could constitute an insult, but I believe somebody of your sort wouldn’t fear being direct about that. What a curious request, though. I expected you to ask for a tank, or a gun or something.”

“Yeah. But, y’know, I’ve got those already…” You put your hands behind your back. “Y’said you’d give me whatever I wanted. Can you not do that?”

“No, I can,” Mathilda said, recovered from any surprise, “I wasn’t expecting a woman like you to be a maiden, though.”

“I ain’t a maiden,” you said sorely, thinking it something like the tiresome lady.

“Yes, you are,” Mathilda said, “Even if you are a contradictory one. You dress like you want the attention of men, but don’t act as though they give it to you. Else you would not be asking me about something like this.”

“Oi,” you snapped, pointing to your abdomen, “I dress like I’m good looking, not like I need attention. Get to the point.”

“I apologize. I am thinking out loud.” She didn’t sound very sorry, but it was a lot more than her bitch sister ever gave. “It’s just that what you’re asking about is usually developed through experience. I may as well be asking you how to kill a man.”

You shrugged. “A soldier can be trained. Plenty of ways to kill, but plenty of people do it for years not bein’ any good at it. Plenty a’ wives probably don’t know how t’…y’know.”

“Indeed not,” Mathilda said ruefully, “It’s a cheap request for certain. Very well. I’ll try and tutor you,” she glanced over at Magnus, too far off to hear, “For the benefit of you both. But I should gauge you first. How much experience do you have? Have you ever touched a man intimately?”

“Do kisses count?”

“No, then.” Mathilda surmised for you, “Have you ever been touched that way?”

You’d been groped plenty, sure. “Goofing around, I guess. Butt touching.” No need to mention the times you’d almost been raped. Most of those times were luring in the unwary to kill them anyways.

“Practically a schoolgirl, then,” Psh. Not what you'd say, but whatever. Mathilda nodded, and gestured for you to come closer. “Just one thing for you.”

She whispered something in your ear.
A detailed, instructive lesson. You made affirmative hums whenever she asked if you understood, and sometimes, she asked you to describe something in metaphor, and you did your best to. It took a few minutes, and Magnus stared at you oddly the while, wanting you to hurry up, perhaps. It wasn't something you'd never heard of...but you'd never heard it told so viscerally.

“It will make sense after the first time.” Mathilda finally wrapped up, “But this should at least ensure that that won’t be a disaster. Just remember, you have a tongue. If you don’t use it, then your mouth may as well be a loose hole. A worn anus. Uncompelling.”

“How does it feel taking it up the ass, anyways?” You blurted out.

Mathilda gave you a disapproving frown. “Have some tact. We’ve only just met.”

“Fine, fine.”

“Besides,” Mathilda turned away, “If you move in the opposite order of digestion, your man considers you alike to a doxy who has little difference between either end. I will arrange some esoteric literature to be delivered to you, the sort that is enlightening rather than merely pornographic. Consider it supplementary. I’ll be seeing you again soon enough.”

“Yeah, sure,” you said, still digesting what you’d been taught. “Later.”

As she walked away, Magnus came up to take his place at your side. “What did you talk about?” He asked.

You wrapped your arm around his. “Oh, you’ll find out,” you purred. Even if Magnus was such a choir boy about such things. “Hey. Let’s spend some more time before I have t’ kill Yuliana, yeah?” Magnus’s hand brushed your cheek. “C’mon, I’m just kidding…”

“If only you knew how hopeless either of you are,” Magnus sighed, “Very well. Where to, then. I can’t say I’ve ever been taken on a date to a tank training ground, but at risk of seeming like a spy, I can’t think of anything arranged here that wouldn’t be interesting.”
Interesting was one thing. Fun was another, though…

>Wrangle up some cadets and stage a mock battle. Make it a gamble. Like playing teams against each other. Or making bugs fight.
>Take a tank out to the cannon range. You were better dressed for a shoot anyways now.
>Staying here wasn’t so great. The motor pool, however, was the real draw. You were going to be on motorcycles anyways. Bring a couple out for a spin, to tear up the roads on the way back to the bitch.
>Staying here wasn’t so great. The motor pool, however, was the real draw. You were going to be on motorcycles anyways. Bring a couple out for a spin, to tear up the roads on the way back to the bitch.
>Staying here wasn’t so great. The motor pool, however, was the real draw. You were going to be on motorcycles anyways. Bring a couple out for a spin, to tear up the roads on the way back to the bitch.
>Staying here wasn’t so great. The motor pool, however, was the real draw. You were going to be on motorcycles anyways. Bring a couple out for a spin, to tear up the roads on the way back to the bitch.
>>Staying here wasn’t so great. The motor pool, however, was the real draw. You were going to be on motorcycles anyways. Bring a couple out for a spin, to tear up the roads on the way back to the bitch.
>Staying here wasn’t so great. The motor pool, however, was the real draw. You were going to be on motorcycles anyways. Bring a couple out for a spin, to tear up the roads on the way back to the bitch.
Play some card games with him maybe.
>>Staying here wasn’t so great. The motor pool, however, was the real draw. You were going to be on motorcycles anyways. Bring a couple out for a spin, to tear up the roads on the way back to the bitch.
Taking another impromptu break, just so you all know. I'll be back tomorrow.
>>Staying here wasn’t so great. The motor pool, however, was the real draw. You were going to be on motorcycles anyways. Bring a couple out for a spin, to tear up the roads on the way back to the bitch.
Alright, I'm back.

Motor rad it is.

You know, as cool as bikes are, I hope nobody's expecting the exposed engine bits to not be abstracted. Updating.
“It’s not the academy that I’d want to take you out for,” you said, “It’s this place’s motor pool. It’s got everything y’could ever want. Trucks. Tanks. Recovery Wreckers.” A classic lesson for cadets was apparently tipping into a particular shallow crevice at the side of a particular bend that was hard to see. Rolling Ridge was never filled in due to being both educational and not dangerous enough to be anything more than comedy and extra experience for maintenance trainees. “But also,” you led him towards the stable where the steeds you had in mind were, “Motorbikes.”

“Motorbikes?” Magnus asked, “I thought the courier cars were the norm.”

“They are. ‘Cause the academy has fancy bikes that they don’t like disappearin’.”

The particular bike in possession of the school was the VAM-6C (Von Apfsen Motorrad), the Archduchy’s latest courier motorcycle. It was fast, tough, and not cheap at all, but damn if it wasn’t a lot of power in a smooth ride. Smooth compared to Sosaldt bikes at least, which wasn’t saying much. They were prized by the Academy- which is why most students couldn’t take them out without explicit permission from the Academy Director. However, the Silver Shield of Roland was special permission for even a foreign-born retinue like yourself.

They were also prized by the local ruffian youths, which some cadets were (not very secretly) members of a particular gang called Die Armel, the Sleeves. If they couldn’t be stolen from the garages, a daring gang would readily try and take one on the streets, when and where constables weren’t on the prowl. The bulky figure of the bikes was their preference to thinner framed, smaller engine rides.

It hadn’t actually been the biker gangs that had finally stopped motorcycles from being available to students, though. It had been some young lady with as much fondness for motorcycles as you, but without a shred of inhibition for certain theoretical temptations. Nobody knew more than rumors, but apparently this cadet had decided to have a late-night affair with one of the machines, and which one it was had remained unsaid. The straw that broke the donkey’s back.

Honestly, you weren’t sure if you could blame her. The VAM-6C was, as per its number-based nickname, a sexy machine in the buff kinda way, but it wasn’t a quiet one either, and the walls of the garage weren’t nearly as thick as the ones of the dormitory.

You told Magnus all of this as you walked to the bike garage, and he seemed oddly squeamish at the conclusion of the second story. “That seems…unsanitary.”

“Yeah. So?” You asked, brushing your hand down his chest, “I never complain ‘bout you getting sweaty an’ greasy. There’s good kinds of dirty.”
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“What did you speak with that Von Blum about…” Magnus said under his breath, “You aren’t concerned about those gangs, then?”

“Nah. They’re nothin’ I haven’t dealt with before.”

You wondered if you should have told Edelschwert about the Kommissariat Operatives that Mathilda had warned you of, but…then he might not want to put you at risk. He was brave enough not to fear those clowns of course, but whenever you had been involved in something, he’d tried to keep you from the worst of it, got mad when you defied him and dove in anyways, put himself in the way between you and harm.

If you told him, he might not want to go on this date with you, might want to go away for your safety, and you just couldn’t bear that.

Let them come. Biker gangs, Kommissariat vengeance seekers, let them test Hell’s Wildcat, let them test the Knight of Palatenhugel. Let them prove if they were worthy of concern at all.

You cleared taking two VAM-6Cs out with the garage master, and led Magnus along to a set, rolled one out and put your foot on the kickstart. A fierce stomp was needed to get these things in gear- you appreciated how they played hard to get, as you gave two or three pumps with your foot before the bike roared to life, then growled a heavy thrumming in idling. You grinned up at Magnus. “Makes those Netillian budget bikes sound like they need t’ eat more eggs, huh?”

Edelschwert raised his eyebrows, obviously impressed. “I feel like I’ve competition in that mount.”

You winked at him in a flirty tilt of your head as you threw your leg over the machine and sat down on it. “I’m running away with it, don’tcha know? If y’ don’t like it? Come and catch me, pretty man.”

With a turn of the throttle, you felt the power under you build and roar. You loved motorbikes so much for that. So much strength, with such a delicate motion. A beast that was but an extension of the body, barely more effort needed to master it than raising a finger.

If Edelschwert wasn’t on your tail when you looked back, you might have to turn the joke into a threat.

>Take him down into the Capital. It’s where you’d have to go anyways- and the traffic made things interesting.
>Go into the winding hill roads. Test your man’s driving- and your own. It was more scenic and prettier.
>The roads out into the countryside were long and straight- you could go the fastest there, and you’d have a better chance of being alone with your boyfriend.
>Something else?
>The roads out into the countryside were long and straight- you could go the fastest there, and you’d have a better chance of being alone with your boyfriend.
Here's hoping the countryside is also pretty enough.
Maybe we'll run into Richter out on a hunt or something silly.
>>The roads out into the countryside were long and straight- you could go the fastest there, and you’d have a better chance of being alone with your boyfriend.
>Rough roads
Something something sosalian girls make do.
>Go into the winding hill roads. Test your man’s driving- and your own. It was more scenic and prettier.
It's supposed to be a romantic drive
>Go into the winding hill roads. Test your man’s driving- and your own. It was more scenic and prettier.
>Go into the winding hill roads. Test your man’s driving- and your own. It was more scenic and prettier.
>>Go into the winding hill roads. Test your man’s driving- and your own. It was more scenic and prettier.

Sounds like Anya would have been a horse girl if she were born under other circumstances.
I have not played any of these qsts. Anyone have an archive link? I take it they're mostly tank warfare & the occasional firefight with politics mixed in?
>I take it they're mostly tank warfare
Oh my sweet summer child
(From thread 11 on; does someone have the previous threads?)
(this one really is tank warfare)
https://pastebin.com/UagT0hnh This should have the first 10 threads in it
Which one's the one I need to get invested in this character?
Panzer Commander
>the one that's 70~ threads
If this drawquest goes on for another few threads and isn't a one-shot I might
Panzer Commander stands well on its own virtues. I recommend you just read it because it's fun.
>>Go into the winding hill roads. Test your man’s driving- and your own. It was more scenic and prettier.
>>The roads out into the countryside were long and straight- you could go the fastest there, and you’d have a better chance of being alone with your boyfriend.
Thanks, anons.
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Rural Speeding. Sure, motorcycles of this era don't really go faster than modern highway speeds, but no reason not to test them.

Appreciate some curvature.

I'll call things tomorrow, be they tied to flip on or no.

>I take it they're mostly tank warfare & the occasional firefight with politics mixed in?
...That depends on who you ask. Though there is a reason for the saying that there are no tanks in Panzer Commander.

Honestly I expect this to only go for one more thread as a side story, but the intention was to let this be standalone enough to not need more than a brief summary of prior events if need be. If more's needed than what's been given in writing at least.
Mostly because the perceptive of the main deal isn't from this character's viewpoint anyways.
>Go into the winding hill roads. Test your man’s driving- and your own. It was more scenic and prettier.
>>Go into the winding hill roads. Test your man’s driving- and your own. It was more scenic and prettier.
All of that is related to this series of qsts? Wtf
Read it for yourself and find out anon
And it's for the hills.
Updating. I'll be taking tomorrow off this, and with the thread so down in the catalog, this'll probably be the second to last update. As per tradition at this point this will have gone on longer than expected, but it will definitely be wrapped up in a second one, not a third and a fourth like the Pasta Prologue.

Knock on wood, of course, but I don't even know how it could.
How's Pasta Main Quest coming along?
Every time you ask the quest is delayed for another week.
Nah, it means whatever we're currently on gets extended a thread
Too tired to do anything today. Woke up just before having to go to work. I'll post tomorrow.

Honestly, it's been more theory than anything concrete thus far. There's nothing to really show.
Down the Academy’s main road you went, passing a pair of open-bed military trucks delivering black-uniformed riders. Crews, likely newly trained for those who didn’t have crew retinue ready. With no maneuvers scheduled for today, they must just be getting settled in. They’d be going to a barracks separate from the rest of the academy, assigned haphazardly upon any officers receiving commission and assignment.

At some point you’d have to think on picking people out, or maybe, you’d just get the guys over from the Hogs. Mittelsosalia’s new laws concerning mercenary gangs were finally making Hell’s old company move out. Whoever wasn’t packing up was joining up with the new Republic’s army. They hadn’t decided where to move the headquarters yet, but you’d been told you’d be getting a letter about it when it happened. Just in case, after all the times you’d refused before, you’d pick now to reconsider.

As you looked back curiously over the tankers, you saw Magnus coming down the road, and you smiled to yourself. Good. He was motivated. Time to test him, then- and yourself. A meeting of four roads met the main road from the Academy to the city of Strosstadt, and you leaned into a turn to take the rightmost path, a narrow and twisting road into the gentle sloping hills of the capital’s outskirts.

You didn’t know these roads as well as you might have liked, but that made this an adventure. Who knew where the two of you might end up? Wherever it was, out here, it was bound to be pretty. It was just far away enough from the capital’s smog for the air to smell fresh and clean, the wind sang as it rode over top and in between the hills, carefully maintained woods kept like gardens by the noble estates out this way. No factories, no traffic, just endless wandering until you got sick of it. When you stopped, it could even be at one of the little villages or towns that dotted the region, idyllic rural retreats away from the pounding of the industrial heart that were a mix of old sleepy settlements and new villages younger than you were, founded entirely either for stewardship of an image. No poor scrapings were these- any seeking a change in prosperity swarmed into the nearby city instead.

The beauty extended to the roads themselves. Not dirt, they had been metalled and manicured, even if they remained thin. Not that such was a problem for motorcycles of course.

Suddenly, you heard a throttle behind you and Edelschwert sped past you on the inside curve of the road- the opposite side of proper traffic. Not so goody two shoes when he was on a machine, huh? Did he want to make this a race?

…Well, good. If he’d hung out behind any longer then you’d have to call him out for staring at your ass. Just to make him squirm.
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“Oh yeah?” you challenged under your breath. A turn of your wrist lurched your bike forward with a revving wail, and you chased after Magnus, leaning deep into your turn around the arc of the hill to make up for lost ground hanging on the outside.

Already you were right behind him. The wind in your hair, the clouds lightening and letting patches of sun shine down, all in these hills that begged to be gazed down on from atop one- but your attention was on the road. On him. On the race. Where were you going? Maybe the tallest hill for that look down?

Then, after a gut-bending twist down to the bottom of that hill and weaving around the next, to go up another, Magnus suddenly motioned his left, and slowed. He took the turn there, and you had to skid to a stop and turn around, caring nothing for blowing past him. When you got back to him, he was waiting, and went on, upwards, to a village that rested in the saddle of this hill, the top of it dished in like a giant had punched down on a round hat.

“Hey,” you said, confusion and disappointment leaking into your voice as you called out after Magnus when he stopped, “Why’d ya stop? That was fun. You don’t want t’ race?”

“Race?” Magnus asked blankly, “We can do that later, Lady Nowicki. Look at-”

You pouted at him and put your hands on your hips, gestured to your open midriff. “Anya. Anya. You know my name. Do I look like a lady right now? At least say Sergeant or something.”

“Anya,” Magnus sighed, but agreed with your will. “Anyways, I saw a sign saying that this village, Schalehaus, offers the finest country tea in the heartlands. Quite a boast, isn’t it?” He pointed to a white-stone cottage with a bright scarlet roof. The only one in town with that hue. “It’s that right there.”

You blinked. “Alright. A teahouse. Sure, let’s go.” You liked cola or soda pop better, but if this really was the best, then how could you not try it? “Only for a bit, tho. There’s plenty of gas and a lot of speed t’ go.” You idled your motorbike forward after his as you went closer. “I didn’t see no sign, though.”

Magnus glanced back. “Perhaps you would have with glasses on.”

You looked skyward. “Shaddup. Couldn’t a’ been that far off.”

As you got closer, Magnus started to turn off, to signal for you to stop too. “Hum,” he made a contemplative noise, “Look at that. Motorbikes, three of them. Uniformly painted.”
You moved past him, and squinted. “Not many people it could be, huh.” A rhetorical statement. The only people who painted their motorbikes green with a white stripe, a saber stenciled on each side, were the Sleeves.

“Perhaps we can race after all, Anya,” Magnus said warily, like he hadn’t made up his mind on how much trouble this was. Like he considered just going anyways. “If those bikers are feeling like causing trouble, perhaps it’s better to err on the side of caution. Or at least, to not invite trouble.”

>It might be the best country tea in the region. Maybe the country. Maybe the continent. Were some punk bikers going to stand in the way of you and him? You didn’t think so.
>Back to racing? Sure. You weren’t about to object. Though you wanted to add a wager to this race… (What ante for victory do you want to make?)
>Nah, inviting trouble sounded fun to you. Go and rev your engines over there. Let those Sleeves come out and see how you had better bikes than them. Show them how tough they really are.
This'll be the last update for this thread, voting will go till the falloff. Might as well tack the extra questions and requests and other such things to the end of this- will take a break for some days. This'll only take one more thread, since we're more than halfway through what I wanted to get done.
>It might be the best country tea in the region. Maybe the country. Maybe the continent. Were some punk bikers going to stand in the way of you and him? You didn’t think so.
Can always race on the way back.
>It might be the best country tea in the region. Maybe the country. Maybe the continent. Were some punk bikers going to stand in the way of you and him? You didn’t think so.
>were the Sleeves
The Earth Federation always shows up to ruin things.
>It might be the best country tea in the region. Maybe the country. Maybe the continent. Were some punk bikers going to stand in the way of you and him? You didn’t think so.
Why would bikers be at a teahouse?
>>It might be the best country tea in the region. Maybe the country. Maybe the continent. Were some punk bikers going to stand in the way of you and him? You didn’t think so.
>>It might be the best country tea in the region. Maybe the country. Maybe the continent. Were some punk bikers going to stand in the way of you and him? You didn’t think so.
Stubborn Anya is stubborn.
>It might be the best country tea in the region. Maybe the country. Maybe the continent. Were some punk bikers going to stand in the way of you and him? You didn’t think so.
We're going to have tea AND hold hands, and no one can stop us.
How big is Strosstadt, a million plus inhabitants?
>It might be the best country tea in the region. Maybe the country. Maybe the continent. Were some punk bikers going to stand in the way of you and him? You didn’t think so.
Ha ha, time for tea
>>It might be the best country tea in the region. Maybe the country. Maybe the continent. Were some punk bikers going to stand in the way of you and him? You didn’t think so.
It seems that nothing will stand in the way of tea, huh.
Anya prefers bubbles, but I don't actually know what carbonated tea would be like, probably not great.

>Why would bikers be at a teahouse?
In character and context, you'd have a pretty good idea of it- a decent number of the "leaders" of the Sleeves are the rebellious youth of noble families. Particularly, ones that have not rejected the fashion of teas and tisanes and infusions over the decidedly more Republican coffee- which Sleeves folk would probably trash the establishment of, with their recent rise.

>How big is Strosstadt, a million plus inhabitants?
I haven't thought overmuch about such specifics-the map has actually changed size scale over time, and prior population numbers I've guessed at in the past probably need adjustment, but I'd say about one and a half million maybe.
>Why would bikers be at a teahouse?
maybe they were thirsty?
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Slipping this in at the last minute because I can, I just finished a sketch set around the theme of "reading before bed" with the other...I don't know what you would call them, three main female characters? Albeit they have not appeared in this. Figured, why not post it anyways, since the thread's done anyways.

You could reasonably see Hilda but that'd be diverting a date.
Cool cool cool cool

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