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You blink and find your face pressed against the cool wood of your front door. You pull yourself off it and are disgusted to see a strand of saliva follow from the corner of your mouth. No wonder people at the crime scene reported your behavior. You're beginning to understand more and more about practical application of Shivers. When you fully immerse yourself in a vision you'll, at the very least, move in the real world similarly to how you move in the vision. Angelo attempted to walk out a front door and so did you, this is good knowledge to have in case you ever need to go into a vision somewhere dangerous. The deep shivers give greater context to your visions but also require you to put more into them.

You turn and let your back collide with the door, you hear a barely muffled "Oh dear." from the hallway just on the other side. You smile to yourself, at least Mrs.Dover is taking her job as your babysitter seriously.

"I'm done now." You call out. There's no response for a few seconds, most likely just an attempt to save face but she answers you after a few more seconds of quiet.

"Okay, dear. You have a good night."

"You too, ma'am."

The smile slides from your face as you go over the vision again in your head. You knew Mandragora was a scumbag, but forcing a woman to kill herself and then stealing her child? Your stomach grips and you feel your jaw clench unconsciously, it's enough to make you take a step back and delve into your meditation, when you feel the anger start to fade you switch into an analytical mind. Pushing the tragedy you witnessed, and partially felt, from your mind so you can instead focus on details. You move to the kitchen and grab your Notepad from the counter and you begin to write down everything you can remember, no matter how miniscule the detail.

Soon you fill 3 sheets of the tiny notebook, you set them out on the table before you looking it over...
Your mind reaches back to the vision you received when Rogers hit you, a scared child under a bed avoiding the beam of a flashlight, and you're beginning to stop believing in coincidence. If he isn't an active force in this game then he's at the very least involved. But what he's looking to get out of it you aren't sure. As far as Mandragora and his thug go, if anyone is going to be his hatchet man then it would be Angelo based off that vision, then again that vision was from over a decade ago. The last thing on your mind is Quebec, the pimp that sold Lauretta out, probably too much of a coward to have disobeyed Mandragora. He dumped that body, the only way to find it is to find him, but again it was over ten years ago and pimps tend to have a short shelf life. You sigh and go into your room to collect the rest of Rogers files on this cold case. The thick black bars mock you, hiding knowledge that could potentially crack this case wide open. You spread it all out on your kitchen table and decide to focus your efforts on the lead you feel most strongly about..
You decide to look into...

>Angelo, he seemed cruel and loyal. The perfect qualities for a Hitman, even if he isn't SIM himself it would be a service to put him away.
>Quebec, he didn't seem fully on board with the murder. He might of sold her out but that kind of guilt eats at a man. You need to find him and press him.
>Rogers (direct), No more games, you need to know exactly what his investment in this is and there's no better way than to ask him directly.
>Rogers (subtle), This is suspicious, too suspicious to risk blowing a lead openly. You'll return the files to Rogers and begin looking into him directly.
>The Case Itself, If this much of it was redacted it was done for a reason. You have no way of figuring out fed secrets. But you know a man who does, and he might just owe you a favor.
>Luciano's, If Luciano's was a mob hang out, who's to say it still isn't? Even if it turns out to be clean, that speak-easy is probably still hidden on the property with potential clues.
>There's something else on your mind...(Write-In)

The more you mull it over and look at your leads it's all too much to keep track of alone, you'll bring this to the group at the end of the week and check their leads, if nobody else has made headway you could always..
>Assign Huntress and Question to look into...(Choose from above)
>Assign Hawthorne and Grey to look into...(See Above)
>Keep it to yourself, no need to send everyone scrambling.
I just couldn't help myself, I needed to give you all something to mull over for the weekend while I took my break. Game resumes on Sunday at the normal time.

Any new readers/players who want to catch up on the story I have this link for you.
Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=DetectQM

Cover Art Credit: The fantastic anon in my previous threads who has done some very cool art for the quest so far, if you want to reach out and drop a self promote if you do anything online please reply to this and do so. I appreciate the work you've done for me tons.

Anyone who posts their art in here has a pretty high chance of having it make it as a cover photo for future sessions.
>>Quebec, he didn't seem fully on board with the murder. He might of sold her out but that kind of guilt eats at a man. You need to find him and press him.
>>Rogers (subtle), This is suspicious, too suspicious to risk blowing a lead openly. You'll return the files to Rogers and begin looking into him directly.
>>Assign Huntress and Question to look into...(Choose from above)
>Assign Huntress and Question to look into... Angelo
>Assign Hawthorne and Grey to look into... Rogers
>DeLucia looks into… Quebec

-Question is the right guy to find paper trails on mystery men.
-Grey and Hawthorn are in a good position to look into Rogers without raising a fuss.
-Shivers are the right tool for finding a long-hidden dead body.
Huntress and Question Quebec
Hawthorne and Grey Rogers
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Not the artist anon that actually made this, but I did edit the picture very slightly in the SIM killer's "face" to make it hazier. I like to think our vision of it has an almost glitchy, wavery effect to it. Something like when you get interference on an old device.
>Rogers (subtle), This is suspicious, too suspicious to risk blowing a lead openly. You'll return the files to Rogers and begin looking into him directly.

>Assign Hawthorne and Grey to look into...(See Above)
Look into that cop uncle of his in advance. Ask around. They probably know who the guy is, and his rep. Is he dirty?
backing >>5877612
It's really not, it's just a lasso select and fucking around with some filters in pixlr editor, literally anyone can do it and it takes 0 skill. The dude that made the original is the real impressive one. Thanks though.
>filters in pixlr editor
Tell me
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RGB split with a minor offset and the direction changed until I found one I thought looked good. Then hit it with the Interference filter, toned down a LOT.
With these simple tricks, you too can look like you actually know a thing or two!
>>The Case Itself, If this much of it was redacted it was done for a reason. You have no way of figuring out fed secrets. But you know a man who does, and he might just owe you a favor.
More food for the shivers
>Assign Huntress and Question to look into Quebec.
Question will find him and Huntress will get the answers out of him. If he's alive that is, 10 years is a long time. Plus, it's digging into Mandragora, Huntress will like it.
>Assign Hawthorne and Grey to look into Rogers uncle
Good call, this was suspicious

>if you want to reach out and drop a self promote
Uhhh. I have twitter, but since most things I draw in digital are quest fanarts, it's pretty empty. But hey, no meme reposts or hot takes! Follow today! https://twitter.com/Red__Wisp

That's really cool, anon. I neglect effects and special tools a lot, and get locked into G-pen/eraser grindset. I think it serves me well, but edits like this look nice.
QM, how old was the boy?

If it was roughly a decade ago, what are the odds that he would be the same age as Rogers at the time?
He could be around the right age, you aren't positive Roger's age so it makes it hard to be sure but it's the same general area.
>everyone's faces when Rogers is actually that boy's secret twin brother and he joined the force to try to find leads on what happened to him all those years ago
I will literally kill you if you do this
>The Case Itself, If this much of it was redacted it was done for a reason. You have no way of figuring out fed secrets. But you know a man who does, and he might just owe you a favor.
Happy New Years guys, I'll be back tomorrow and so I'll leave voting up until then. So far we have:

>Mark focuses on the case
>Hawthorne and Grey look into Rogers Uncle
>Huntress and Question on Quebec (for now)

I'll tally em up tomorrow
I mean, it's an actual good twist if it is built right.
Especially as it would add to why he was so much of an ass about us being meta at the start.
>tfw they do look exactly the same but they are in fact unrelated and it's entirely coincidental
"Twin brothers, and doubles generally, must not appear unless we have been duly prepared for them."
There's been nothing to suggest it so far, so unless we start building upon the idea relatively soon, it'll seem like it came out of left field. There's a pretty good reason why it's one of the core tenents of detective fiction to not use the "Suddenly Twin" twist: Because it's hard to actually build it right, and it'll end up shit more often than not. Even in the hands of an otherwise good writer.
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They don't look exactly the same. So far the only things we can confirm is build and hair color, which still fits.

also pic related.
>Rogers (direct), No more games, you need to know exactly what his investment in this is and there's no better way than to ask him directly.
I mean, if Rogers really is SIM it's probably better to confront him when he's not in serial killer mode. If not, then we just get to find out wtf is going on with him because he is suspicious as all hell.

>Assign Huntress and Question to look into Angelo.
>Assign Hawthorne and Grey to look into Rogers Uncle.
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wtf? 4chan is acting weird...
It’s almost like siblings tend to have features resembling each other, like build and hair color.

Without being identical twins.
You can be twins without being identical.
General age range matters too.

Your thoughts come at you like a handful of loose puzzle pieces being thrown, you struggle to think of where these pieces fit with yours. You decide to break it down slowly.

First things first: This case has your eye mainly the fact it's surprisingly sparse for Fed standards stands out. From what you know feds won't even start a file until they're confident it'll lead to something on you. The bold black bars almost mock you, a piece of the puzzle stuck deep behind the couch, it holds it's secrets over your head knowing that you can't reach them. Then, it connects. YOU can't find out the truth behind those black bars, but you know someone who can. Agent Gideon, the very same ARGUS Agent you provided Anarky to on a silver platter. Perhaps that can be traded in for a favor?

You decide you'll ask him tomorrow if he's still hanging around GCPD when you go in. As for the other pieces that tug at your brain, Rogers himself is a mystery. The way he acts is so unnatural to you that it's hard to even think about how he got through the academy, slowly the more time you spend with him the more you attribute his aloofness to something more sinister or just wrong about him. Something about the way he looked at his phone, almost as if he were afraid, it stayed with you. Hawthorne and Grey could look into this themselves with a little more leeway, if his Uncle is a cop then a few veteran officers asking around won't be so suspicious. You hope.

Finally your mind settles on Quebec, the most likely out of the group to be a wild goose chase. The Pimp profession doesn't exactly provide job security and with ten years at the least having passed then it's more likely than not that Quebec is dead, in jail, or out of the game. Regardless, all you need is for him to be alive and accessible to answer a few questions. Question and Huntress will probably jump at the chance to look into this guy and Mandragora.

You shudder. The pale face of Mandragora looming in your mind, that total gripping fear you felt when the weight of the pistol settled in your lap, and the feeling of resignation as your hand wrapped around the grip. You swallow hard and break away from the memory with some meditative thought. Mandragora needs to be stopped, almost as urgently as SIM does, your mind wanders back to SIM's question as you pack away the files and trudge to your disrupted bed. Suddenly worn down and exhausted from only half a days work.

"How would you feel if you had to kill someone?"

You settle down into bed, just to rest for a little bit, as the question recites itself. You pass into a deep sleep praying you never have to find out.
You open your eyes and find yourself floating over Gotham again. The same sort of weightless floating you feel when doing deep dives with your visions. Horns blare, sidewalk musicians play their tunes, and the sound of conversation fill the air. The buildings and streets of Gotham twinkle like the light passing through a dark black gem. A voice disturbs your silent admiration of beauty.

"This is where I found you last time so I figured I would bring you back."

Nia's voice pierces the ambience of the city. You listen as the sounds and lights fade away slowly and you're left gazing into a dark grey cloudbank that shifts over the city.

"Nia, I really don't like it when you mess with my dreams." You say quietly, your chest aching ever so slightly.

"I'm sorry, Mark. But this isn't a social visit or because I want to talk about anything."

You slowly right yourself and face her, both of you specks in a vast ocean of starlight and clouds, she has a smile on her face but you've seen it before. The look she gave you before telling you about her new job and asking you to move with her, scared of the answer.

"Tell me what's going on, Nia?" You ask a little concerned now.

She shakes her head.
"I was told I can't. I just need to tell you this:
Old Teller's Road House.
Five miles outside Gotham along the highway.

You cock your head.
"Old Teller's? That place got shut down when I was a kid for having lead in the pipes, what's this about Nia."

She shakes her head again.
"Really, I can't tell you. Just..please go."

>"Nia, you're starting to freak me out. What is this about can you tell me that at least?"
>"Nia, this is a bad time for whatever this is. If you don't tell me what this is about then I'm not bothering."
>"Not until you tell me everything, I don't see you this freaked out ever."
>"Okay, Nia. I can make time tomorrow."
>"I really don't have time for this. Stop popping up in my dreams, Nia. I don't want to talk to you or anyone else who feels the need to use our old relationship as leverage."
>why are all these capes so into their cryptic shit?
>boy are you glad you're not like that
>"Another cape put you up to this, didn't they?"
>recall Justice League
>think of the most insane possibility
>"It's Batman, isn't it? He put you up to this."
>"Nia, you're starting to freak me out. What is this about can you tell me that at least?"
Probably she won't. but it's worth a go.

You're probably right, but let's ask Question and Huntress if they know anyone else in the League who pulls stunts like this.
>"Nia, this is a bad time for whatever this is. If you don't tell me what this is about then I'm not bothering."
>"Seriously, cut the shit."
>>"I really don't have time for this. Stop popping up in my dreams, Nia. I don't want to talk to you or anyone else who feels the need to use our old relationship as leverage."
>"Nia, this is a bad time for whatever this is. If you don't tell me what this is about then I'm not bothering."
What does she expect, for us to drop everything at a whim because she's our ex?
>"Nia, you're starting to freak me out. What is this about can you tell me that at least?"
I'm curious.
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You put your hand over your face and sigh as you drag it away, shaking your head.

"Nia, this is a bad time for whatever 'this' is. Can you drop the cryptic shit and just tell me what this about at least?"

She looks a little shocked at your irritation.

"I just said that I can't tell you." She stutters.

"Cut the shit." You respond sharply. "Another cape put you up to this, they must have, you know I don't appreciate having you root around in my head when I sleep. So somebody must have pushed you for it."

Her faces grows red and she remains silent.

"Alright then so we do it like this, I'll give you a taste of what my new job has me doing for the past 3 days." You kneel to the ground and close your eyes, focusing hard on your memories and recalling a trick Nia had taught you before, when you open them you see the detective's office where you sat with Grey and Kimble. You approach the white board and clear the pages from it, most of them containing gibberish scribbles and blob-like artwork, tapping a spot you say out loud.

"People pressuring you isn't something that happens often, people know you hate it and have a hard time saying no."
A sheet of laminated paper appears under your finger, a small crowd of people.

"That takes family and friends off the table."

"Mark.." Nia protests but you hold up a finger.

"If you don't want to tell me then I'll figure it out myself. I'm different than you remember and if this doesn't prove it then nothing will."

You tap a new spot.
"In the realm of capes you're very well acquainted with one." You tap and a sheet bearing the bold red S of Superman and Supergirl appears. "But Supergirl is also a close friend of yours, which means she wouldnt push you unless she was being pushed."

You drag your finger down leaving a trail that becomes red yarn, connecting to another image. The Symbol of The Justice League.
"This brings us to your 'colleagues' at The Justice League. I'm not exactly a threat to anyone, and I doubt they care about the work I'm doing now or they'd send help and not a messenger."

"Mark..please." Nia says. You ignore her and tuck your head while you tap your fingers on your jaw.

"That means it's someone who holds a lot of sway, someone who would have reason to have taken note of me, and more than that someone who believes I could be useful to them or the league specifically but also doesn't want me in the City using my abilities on them." Your brain connects the piece and you lift your head tapping the center of the board and very slowly a large profile shot of Batman appears.

Nia looks down and away from you.

"It's Batman isn't it?" You ask, a little in shock of where the pieces led you.

Nia throws her hands up in exasperation, her discomfort all over her face.
"Congratulations." She whispers. "I'm gonna be the one who gets in trouble for breaking Opsec, but I'm glad you got to solve your mystery."
Nia's eyes dance dangerously with the building tears. Your rush from the deduction fades away and you find yourself feeling a little bad.

"Sorry, Nia. But I have way too much on my plate to spend time doing things I don't know the meaning of. I still don't even know, if anything this just gives me more questions."

She sighs and wipes at her eyes with the back of her hand.
"Well it isn't like it matters. I should have just given you the message and then left."

"Why didn't you?" You ask her. The Detective's Room fades away and you find yourself riding the calm dark clouds that hover over Gotham.

She shrugs at first, then opens her mouth, then closes it, and finally she just sighs in exasperation.
"I don't know. I wanted to make sure you were okay, that you were safe."

"I'm a cop, Nia." You say

"That's the entire point!" She says, a cloud nearby rumbles in response, you tilt your head and a new mystery clicks.

"You never wanted me to be a cop, did you?"

Her face tightens up and she avoids your eyes.
"The idea that some maniac could just walk up and shoot you.."

"Is part of the job." You cut her off. "I'm out there so that doesn't happen to someone's son or daughter."

"You're someone's son!" She fires back. "You're putting your life at risk to help people when you don't have to! You never had to!"


"If you joined the League you'd be in the same role as me! Supporting the heavy hitters instead of standing in front of one. Even back in college you could have joined with me and Supergirl and together we could have-"

You cut her off with a raised finger as something strikes you.
"Back in college? You didn't even want me doing it when we were together? You never said anything."

"It was your dream.." She says quietly. "I just thought, or hoped I guess, that I could be as important as that. That I could give you both? A way to help people but also a way to stay safe away from the frontlines of it all."

"You wanted to give me a way?" You ask confused, your brain processes her statement and a cold feeling settles on you like falling mist. "You came back into the apartment with your uniform on cause you knew. You knew I was home and you wanted me to see you.."

Your mind flashes to her bruised face.
"You wanted me to see that the job had gotten you hurt..." You shake your head and scowl. "You were trying to manipulate me. You wanted me to join to protect you, to make it seem like MY idea."

She shakes her head.
"Mark, no that is not how I meant for it to happen!"

The clouds roil and dark grey tendrils of them whip and stretch.
"I didn't plan to get hurt..but I did want to tell you, I just didn't know how to do it without hurting you."

"So you surprise me with it?"

"It was always going to be a surprise." She whispers

You sigh and take some deep breaths.
"Nia, what the fuck?" Is all you can muster.

"I know.." She replies sadly. "I just want you to be safe because...I miss you, Mark."
>Don't be a cop where you can get badly hurt or murdered!
>Join the justice league and risk your life fighting supervillains and aliens from outer space instead!
Ex is dumb.
"Nia, don't do that now." You reply shaking your head.

A calm descending on you as you look at her and realize she isn't who she used to be. You look down at yourself and see your clenched hand by your hip, see your feet positioned how they taught you in the academy, and you realize you aren't who she remembers either. You sigh and the roiling clouds disappear. Peace floods your mind as you realize what this moment actually is.


"I'm sorry, Nia. But what you want isn't ever going to happen. I made an Oath that I plan to uphold until they day I die or retire."

She blinks and spare tears roll down her face like glimmering clear gems.
"That scares me.."

"I'm not yours to worry about anymore, Nia."

She closes her eyes and clears her throat.
"Old Teller's Roadhouse. Go there tomorrow, any time you have free. Go alone please."

You nod.
"I'll consider it. But I'd be a lot more obliged to meet Batman if I actually saw him doing something for the city lately. It seems the entire place is going to hell and he's too busy with League business to worry about Gotham."

She opens her mouth but rethinks whatever she was going to say. She simply nods again before looking down at the city. She slowly begins to distort and fade, she's leaving you to your dream. But she asks, to you or herself you aren't sure, "What's so special about this damn city?"

"It's home." You reply simply.

She turns her head to you, a small smile laced with tears.
"We're really done aren't we?"

>Nod. Say nothing else, this hurts you too.
>"We really are, I'm sorry."
>"We are, don't come to my dreams again, no matter who asks you."
>"That's up to you, I never said you couldn't be a cape. But I'm not stopping being a cop."
>"If you had told me the truth from the start maybe it could have been different."

As always with long scenes like this, please let me know what you thought of the scene. Or just how you feel about Nia.
To give her full credit, her position in the League compared to what it was helping out Supergirl is a lot more 'hands-off' you could say. What Mark would do specifically and what he could bring to the League is a question for someone else to answer however.
>Nod. Say nothing else, this hurts you too.
Break ups tend to suck, yeah.
>"The idea that some maniac could just walk up and shoot you.."
Damn, who could have thought that random acts of violence are random! Why I never. Indeed there is zero chance that a cape signing autographs or taking a breather on the sidewalk after a job may get stabbed or shot. All of them are just as invulnerable as Superman or Aquaman. Silly us.

Nia seems to be under the impression that she can put all the things she loves into a nice safe bottle and tuck it away. That's not how life works. For all any of us know, her included, we could suffer a random aneurysm and die tomorrow without any fanfare. Dammit girl quit trying to be a hero and just be a good person. Not everyone can be saved. Not everyone needs to be saved. Not everyone wants to be saved. And here I thought Mark had a thick skull.

>>"We really are, I'm sorry."
She's gonna wind up hurting herself more by trying to fix things. So nip that shit at the bud.
>Nod. Say nothing else, this hurts you too
Nothing to be sorry for!
>"Congratulations." She whispers. "I'm gonna be the one who gets in trouble for breaking Opsec, but I'm glad you got to solve your mystery."
>Nod. Say nothing else, this hurts you too.
Very nice work DetectQM. I like how you wrote figuring out it was Batman, it wasn't a simple "IT'S BATMAN!" thing, we actually reasoned it out. I really liked this scene in general, Nia seems well meaning, but she just doesn't know us anymore.
>>"If you had told me the truth from the start maybe it could have been different."
also adding on "Nia if you ever contact me from my dreams again I will ignore you"
>"We really are, I'm sorry."

Especially after this shit. She’s only here because one of her cape buddies put her up to it.

QM, I like the long dream scenes. It’s a nice way to introduce story elements that wouldn’t necessarily fit the normal narrative.
>>"That's up to you, I never said you couldn't be a cape. But I'm not stopping being a cop."
I like her, she just doesn't get what it means for us to be a cop yet. Hopefully she finally understands.
>"We really are, I'm sorry."
>"We really are, I'm sorry."
I do feel kinda bad about this, but you can't really have much of an intimate relationship without a solid foundation of trust and communication.
>Indeed there is zero chance that a cape signing autographs or taking a breather on the sidewalk after a job may get stabbed or shot.
I'm pretty sure there was at least one completely random schizo who made plans to murder Batman in exactly that kind of scenario. And where there's one known, there's at least a dozen unknowns.
>"That's up to you, I never said you couldn't be a cape. But I'm not stopping being a cop."
>>"We really are, I'm sorry."
>>"That's up to you, I never said you couldn't be a cape. But I'm not stopping being a cop."
>>"If you had told me the truth from the start maybe it could have been different."

More along the point is she didn't want us to get hurt. But that's what it means to be a 'hero' to us. It's alright she wants to stay out of the line of fire, but we want to be face to face to help where we can. There may be a place for capes, but there has to be cops. Not everyone can be 'above' the populace.

Also think It's less we're upset with Batman explicitly not being around and more upset that there has been a lack of heavy hitters helping Gotham. Like even Flash finds time to help people in his city. It makes the news all the time. Gotham is having some major shit shows going on that aren't being handled.
(It's probably just the fact Joker's back in Arkham again, so there are 'bigger priorities')
It makes sense. Only someone who's heavily attuned with Gotham AND is able to order Nia is involved.

They need to know we have shivers, want to not be read by shivers, believe shivers will affect them AND be able to create this kind of leverage to make Nia work. And he used Nia because she is outside the city and able to message us. Physical media and possibly other people in Gotham may result in shiver traces. Who else would take that many levels of precaution on top of the initial precaution. If you don't know the extent of the power, cover as many bases as possible.

The alternatives are the Bat Family, to some extent, and some of the magical people... which we don't know about. And even they wouldn't know to leverage Nia for this. Which means Batman knows significantly more about us than he probably should. I'm sure we can tell him we don't appreciate his method even if we understand why.
She WAS trying to shuffle us into a support role, I guess.

>"We really are, I'm sorry."
Poor lady. Still, she needs to learn boundaries and proper communication, and that ain't our problem to solve no more.

When you have stopped an interdimensional intercursion and a dark god or two, I guess Mandragora really does start to look like small-fry, but OOC we know what it's been: Batman has been busy doing Bruce Wayne things lately, trying to spend his money wisely and improve the city that way.
>>Nod. Say nothing else, this hurts you too.

>Or just how you feel about Nia
Nia is okay. Realistic well-meaning-but-kind-of-manipulative girl I suppose.

>She WAS trying to shuffle us into a support role, I guess.
And to be fair, this is a good fit for shivers. Mark is more than the extension of his powers though
>"That's up to you, I never said you couldn't be a cape. But I'm not stopping being a cop."
>She WAS trying to shuffle us into a support role, I guess.
>And to be fair, this is a good fit for shivers. Mark is more than the extension of his powers though

I think... that really captures the point that Mark's trying to make. He's more than what his powers let him do. Plenty of non-supers make the same sacrifices, and crime would be rampant without them. Technically, as a cop, we could also just 'stay' in a support role. But that's the point of the choice isn't it? To know the possible consequences and be willing to keep going.
We Really Are:

Nod, say nothing:

That's Up To You:

Tallied and Writing. May be a bit late tonight.
"We really are, I'm sorry." You say quietly.

She shakes her head and as she fully disperses she says:
"Nothing to be sorry for, Mark. Goodbye."

You watch as she goes and let yourself fall backwards. You softly collapse into the clouds behind you and let them envelope your body, the one good thing about Nia visiting your dreams is that it always left you completely lucid even after she left. You close your eyes and let yourself meld with the air around you get licks of the energy Shivers taps into: The Life Force of Gotham. But in this dream the voices don't rise above a whisper, it's a certain type of peace you can't get when you're awake.

You take the time to enjoy it.

You have no idea how long you've been lying here but something tugs at you, tells you it's time to go. You open your eyes and find yourself staring into the dim grey of your ceiling in the morning light. You take your time sitting up and stretching, you feel like you've had your first good nights sleep in over a week, you fish in your pockets for your phone and pull it out to see it's nearly 6AM. You curse to yourself, Nia put you in a deep sleep and you burned through most of the night, part of the downside to her powers. Getting up you rush to get dressed as fast as you can and head out the door. You aren't due until 7AM but the spare time will be perfect for you to find Agent Gideon before having to report in to Kimble and Grey.

The station seems to have run perfectly fine in your absence and you notice your desk seems to have been put back together at least. A few officers give you nods as they pass and Bunko gives you a pat on the shoulder.

"Good to have you back, DeLucia."

"Appreciate it, Bunko."

"Hope you, uh, worked out whatever lady problems you were having."

You laugh.
"I think I finally did, yeah."

He simply smiles and pats your back.
"Good to hear, buddy."

You see his eyes go slightly wide and he jerks a thumb over your shoulder. You turn and see Commander Reiner standing at the door of his office. He points to you and beckons you closer.
"looks like Reiner wants to see me." You mumble.

"Good luck with that." Bunko chuckles before walking off.

You head for the office as Reiner gets settled in his chair. You walk in and smell the scent of freshly printed paper, tall stacks line his desk.

"Go ahead and close the door." He tells you, fishing in his desk for something.

You listen to him and pull the door closed with a soft click.

Reiner withdraws a thin blue file from one of his drawers and sits back with it.

"This is your Blue Jacket." He tells you simply, he tosses it on the desk and nods at it. "Go ahead and open it up."

You pick up the file and flip it open, revealing a single sheet of paper, your own picture looks at you from the corner where it's paperclipped onto the sheet below. You scan the document and quickly realize it's a copy of the report that was made on you before your suspension.

"That is your first offense. The Blue Jacket is something we use for Rookies, typically we operate off a three strike rule. Easy enough to follow. But the Mayor has insisted you're a special case and that as a Meta-Officer you need to be held to a higher standard than our regular patrolmen."

You nod. Not really sure what to say but with a bubbling frustration towards Dent building.

"What's this mean for me, sir?"

Reiner leans forward and plants his elbows on the desk.
"What do you think of that, DeLucia? I'm giving you permission to speak freely here."

>"Speaking freely? This is a load of shit, I shouldn't be held to a different standard from other Officers. It's unfair."
>"Speaking Freely, I believe Mayor Dent has it out for me since I declined his offer of commendation ."
>"I think Mayor Dent is right, I think someone with my abilities and the authority invested by a badge should be under the microscope."
>"I have nothing to say, sir. If this is what the Mayor and my Commander say then I'll go along with it."
>"Speaking Freely, I believe Mayor Dent has it out for me since I declined his offer of commendation."
>"But if this is what the Mayor and my Commander say then I'll go along with it. That's what it means to be an officer of the law."
>"Well, he's right and wrong. I think it's the right move to put me under the microscope like this, but I don't think it should be just me - it's discriminatory action like this. The GCPD's had its fair share of corruption historically, so it'd be fair to say that every officer should be held to a higher standard. I realize that opinion would probably make me unpopular, though - nobody wants to work with people breathing down their necks...but how else can we prove to the citizens of Gotham that we're changing for the better?"
>"Speaking Freely, I believe Mayor Dent has it out for me since I declined his offer of commendation ."
>" But officially, I have nothing to say, sir. If this is what the Mayor and my Commander say then I'll go along with it."
>"I have nothing to say, sir. If this is what the Mayor and my Commander say then I'll go along with it."
Damn it Dent... truly a two-faced bastard. That's what we get for helping him not get burned and working hard left and right
What the fuck does Dent even want from us? To sit around on a leash and make him look good?
>To sit around on a leash and make him look good?
He's a politician and Mark's a minority I mean "Metahuman", so yes.

"Speaking freely sir, I believe Mayor Dent may have it out for me ever since I declined his offer of commendation."

Reiner grunts in response.

"However, Sir." You continue. "If this is what the Mayor and my Commander say then I'll go along with it. That's what it means to be an officer."

Reiner grunts again, only this one feels mixed with a laugh.
"Easy, DeLucia. There's being a team player and then there's being a pushover." He leans back and folds his hands under his chin. "You declined an offer of commendation from Dent, the same commendation that Banks is receiving I'm assuming?"

You nod, mulling over his words. Are you really a pushover?

"I'm going to be frank with you, DeLucia. Dent and the Mayor's officer should be on their hands and knees taking turns kissing Kimble, Banks, and your asses." He taps the folder hard. "This is your blue jacket with the mayors office." He leans down and pulls up a new blue folder sliding it across to you. "This is your blue jacket with the department."

You pick up the folder and open it to reveal nothing.
"I don't understand, sir."

He shakes his head, sighing.
"I'm saying I don't give a shit if Dent comes in here in person. Nobody is going to tell me how to handle my officers, unless their name is Gordon."

You frown. Something about this feels wrong.
"Sir, are you sure this is the best idea?"

"I find it more palatable than bowing my head to Dent's unreasonable demands because of the 'chain of command' the he forced himself into. You want to be a cop, right? Dent doesn't want that for you. For one reason or another whether it's personal, political, or entirely business does it really matter?"

You swallow hard.
"Why are you doing this for me sir?"

Reiner smirks and sighs.
"I put all my chips on you, DeLucia. I staked my career on the fact that a meta-human could be an officer of the law and a damn good one. I'm all in on the fact that meta-human's have more options than fighting crime, committing it, or living their life in hiding." As he talks he gets a gleam to his eye, determination. "I believe you can rise through the ranks of this department and I'll be damned if I let political dramatics and impotent displays of influence stop this."

He catches himself as he gets to the end, clearing his throat and leaning forward to gather the two blue jackets.
"Can you sit with this, DeLucia? I'll be keeping my own file on you if you keep slipping up, unless it's serious then the mayor's office won't be hearing from me. But that microscope Dent wanted will still be on you, every report will cross my desk and I will hold you to a higher standard because I expect it from you after what I've seen and read from your incident reports."

>"I can sit with it, sir. I won't let you down."
>"I can't sit with this sir, if it gets out that you're withholding details from City Hall we could both lose our jobs."
>"Why are you doing this for me, sir?"
>>"Why are you doing this for me, sir?"
He already just answered that, right? Or do you not buy his explanation up above?

>"I can sit with it, sir. I won't let you down."
>"I can sit with it, sir. I won't let you down."
Reiner seems based, but he's in this for his own ideals and justice when it comes to metas. Let's see if we can uphold that faith
>I can sit with it, sir. I won't let you down."
He already told us why he's doing it, even if it's the surface level and not the whole truth.

I really hope our efforts for catching the SIM Killer and our tip over Anarky helps, but SPECIALLY knowing who the fuck is the mole, we can't forget about that little detail
i think more hes not tell us imo
>>"Why are you doing this for me, sir?"
>>"I can sit with it, sir. I won't let you down."
>"I can sit with it, sir. I won't let you down."
He's probably grooming us to be his successor. How old is Reiner, QM?

"I can sit with it, sir. I won't let you down." You give him a firm nod.

Reiner smiles and nods back.
"Then I believe we have nothing else to discuss, Officer."

He leans across the desk and piles up the jackets, tapping them on the desk, Reiner drops the files into a drawer and looks up at you with a raised eyebrow, you take the hint and head back to the main floor. Mingling with the smell of coffee and old leather, you make your way around the halls wandering until you finally catch a glimpse of Agent Gideon on a call at the front desk. He keeps old style handset phone close to his chest as he whispers.

You feel a chill run over your back, spreading like a wet splotch, and you can't shake the feeling of being watched. The closer you get to Gideon the more the feeling plinks at you like ice cold rain. You catch his eye and he turns, huddling even closer and whispering lower, before planting the handset firmly back into the cradle of the telephone.

"Officer DeLucia, tell Gordon to install phones from this year." He says as he goes to pass you by. You jog backwards a few steps and he sighs before stopping. You can't help but notice the bags beneath his eyes. "What?"

"I was just hoping to talk to you about something. Something private."

He looks at you sideways.
"You should look into therapy, I'm on a tight clock."

You hold out your cellphone, on the screen are photos you took of the case files Rogers had given you, his eyebrow raises but he maintains a cool expression.

"What's a rookie doing with redacted case files?"

"Helping a colleague with a cold case."

He shakes his head.
"Redacted to the point of removing the date means this case is more than cold, it's frozen solid."

"And what if someone had an ice pick?" You ask him.


You shrug.
"I handed you actionable intel on Anarky, you told me yourself how helpful that was."

"I did, and I once again thank you for your assistance."

"How about you thank me in a more tangible way."

"And bypass a redaction that was, most likely, put in place for a good reason?"

He takes your phone and his tired eyes slowly scan over the files. He scrolls through your pictures and for the next two or three minutes silently reads through everything. He sighs.

"Look. This case is old enough that nobody is gonna notice too much if I dig. But I can't look into all of it without getting someone on my back and I don't have the clout in office to pull all of it anyways. The best I can do for you is one specific file from that collection."

>"It'll have to do, get me all the info you can on the crime scene reports. Toxicology, CSI, all of it."
>"I understand, get me the unredacted CI Reports from Lauretta and her GCPD Handler."
>"Right, can you get your hands on the names of the GCPD officers associated with the case then?"
>"That's not good enough, Gideon. I need it all, if you can't get me that info then what about your boss?"
>"Right, can you get your hands on the names of the GCPD officers associated with the case then?"
>>"It'll have to do, get me all the info you can on the crime scene reports. Toxicology, CSI, all of it."
>>"I understand, get me the unredacted CI Reports from Lauretta and her GCPD Handler."

This is the best of both worlds in my opinion. It's a solid lead on her handler who we can talk to for more specific information in addition to giving us an unredacted file that we may be able to use our shivers on. All that without stressing our relationship with Agent Gideon too much.
+1 for wisdom
i agree+1
>"I understand, get me the unredacted CI Reports from Lauretta and her GCPD Handler."
God bless shivers, we're really ought to be a detective. Or a commissioner
>"I understand, get me the unredacted CI Reports from Lauretta and her GCPD Handler."

"I understand, can you get me the unredacted CI reports from Lauretta and her GCPD Handler? She was killed for being an informant which means there has to be a deeper record log kept by her handler."

Gideon nods.
"Sure, I can get my hands on that for you, especially since it's local. After I hand it over though you've burnt your favor with me. I can have it by the end of the day."

You extend a hand.
"See you then, Agent Gideon."

He shakes your hand and scoffs.
"If you ever get tired of writing tickets and dealing with teen thugs, maybe, consider going Federal. I think you'd fit in at ARGUS."

You release your grip and shake your head as you turn to head to the Detective's Offices.
"I'm more of a small picture kinda guy."

You make your way back through the station feeling a surge of confidence, things seem to be leaning in your favor for the first time, information is flooding in. You can't wait until the end of the week for your meeting with everyone else to see what they've scrounged up. Walking into the Situation Room for the SIM case that Grey set up, you see Kimble splayed out on a couch with his arm draped across his eyes, Grey sits in an office chair with his feet kicked up on the conference table.

"Mark." Grey says dropping his feet and sitting up straight. "Glad you decided to join us."

Kimble groans and sits up.
"You get suspended so long you forget your way around?" He asks while rubbing his eyes.

"No, sir. I got caught up speaking to Agent Gideon."


You chuckle and settle on a half-truth for your new TO.
"He told me I would fit in at ARGUS."

Kimble looks you up and down before shaking his head.
"You'd look like you were going to high school prom if you wore a suit."

"What?" You ask him while looking down at yourself. "I would look good in a suit."

"You'd look like you just got out of mortician school." Grey chimes in.

Kimble sits up, a smile playing on his lips now.
"Yeah, DeLucia you're more of a 'Grease' type of Italian than a 'Godfather' type you know?"

"Okay, fuck you." You reply laughing.

"Enough, enough. Both of you sit down." Grey calls.
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>"Yeah, DeLucia you're more of a 'Grease' type of Italian than a 'Godfather' type you know?"
>"Yeah, DeLucia you're more of a 'Grease' type of Italian than a 'Godfather' type you know?"
I'll take that a compliment.
He is the one that we want. Oh baby.
You take your seats at the table and look over the familiar whiteboard.

"While you were kicking your feet up on vacation I've been working with Officer Kimble on some new leads."

"The info we got from the Rehab center was a dead end past a few profiling points. I'm working something new though." Kimble chimes in.

"Bertinelli. Pino Bertinelli." Grey says. Taking a glossy photograph and sticking it with a magnet. He pulls a few more and sets them out below, a few photographs of Pino visiting some locations.

"Pino has been on surveillance since you and Hawthorne brought him into the drunk tank. He's been visiting his local haunts, strip joints, bars, and slumhouses."

"The Holy Trinity." Kimble chimes in.

"Amen." Says Grey. "However this past week he's been heading into the The Bowery. Tails end up losing him when he gets out on foot."

"What's the last known?"

"The Iceburg Lounge."

You groan.
"Penguin's place?"

"That ain't the worst of it. He's also been at Maroni's place."

"The restaurant?"

Grey nods.
"And the Carmine Hotel."

"Jesus christ, it's a mafioso convention." Kimble says.

"As you can probably guess, there's reason to be interested in all of these places. But how does it connect to our case?"
He pulls one final photo and pins it.

A massive pale hand extends from a black tinted car window. Pino stands in frame sweaty and clearly nervous. The next picture shows him kissing the hand.
"Bertinelli's bend the knee." Kimble muses to himself. "This means we could be seeing an alliance."

"Or an extermination." You say quietly. A bad feeling brewing in your gut.

"What it means is that we need to get to work, any preference on where to start poking the wiseguys?"

>"Let's focus on Penguin, he's slippery but he's worked with GCPD before especially against rivals."
>"Chase down Maroni. Between him and Falcone he's the weak link."
>"Falcone is old blood, he has a sort of weird respect for the cops. We talk to him he's liable to give us something even if it's cryptic."
>"Maybe we focus on Pino? If he's being used as a messenger pigeon then maybe we can intercept a letter?"
>>"Chase down Maroni. Between him and Falcone he's the weak link."
All the guys at the top gotta know we have eyes on Pino at this point. We press him now, he's liable to get whacked.
>"Chase down Maroni. Between him and Falcone he's the weak link."
We could use huntress as an intermediary. She's a known killer, so if she lets a chase "go too long" maybe someone could have "called the police"

They wouldn't expect killer masks working with cops

Lets us pressure him with "being in custody too long"
Plus sim will probably be used to kill him if it comes down to it
>"Falcone is old blood, he has a sort of weird respect for the cops. We talk to him he's liable to give us something even if it's cryptic."
>>"Chase down Maroni. Between him and Falcone he's the weak link."
>"Chase down Maroni. Between him and Falcone he's the weak link."
>"Let's focus on Penguin, he's slippery but he's worked with GCPD before especially against rivals."
>>"Falcone is old blood, he has a sort of weird respect for the cops. We talk to him he's liable to give us something even if it's cryptic."
I enjoy uneasy standoffs between mafia and cops
>>"Falcone is old blood, he has a sort of weird respect for the cops. We talk to him he's liable to give us something even if it's cryptic."
Votes tallied, work is busy so the update will come a little later tonight.
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"Maroni, he's gotta be the weakest link right? He's been on the losing end of a feud for a while now."

"His beef with Falcone? That's a little before your time, it's simmered but it's more cold war than Vietnam now." Kimble chimes in.

"Regardless, DeLucia might be right, Maroni has been taking hits for years. It all started when he lost his best enforcer. Mook named Tony Zucco, we found him hogtied to a tight rope with both his arms broken."

"Jesus Christ, Falcone?" You ask.

"Batman." Kimble chimes in. "Gotham's own muscle."

"If it was years ago then the Vigilante Act wasn't in place, how'd we make anything stick?"

Grey laughs to himself almost ruefully.
"Second we cut the fella loose he spilled the beans on himself, implicated himself in a double murder from nearly five years prior. Killed two acrobats for some kind of insurance scam, on Maroni's behalf of course. Dent served him a life sentence."

"Dent? So this happened back when he was still a judge?"

Kimble nods.
"Before your time." He repeats before leaning up from his seat and giving Grey a glance. "I have experience with these types of guys, you okay letting me run point on this? At the very least I can debrief."

Grey gives him a wave and sits back to listen to him along with you.

"Alright. So the way I see it and from what we know Maroni has three pressure points we can leverage. The three things he's short on nowadays. Money, Respect, and Muscle."

You pull out your notepad, Kimble didn't have any gangland experience from your knowledge but nearly ten years on the streets had to give him some insight.

"We press on Money then it's an old school affair. We tell him that we're willing to turn a blind eye to some of his less savory businesses in exchange for intel. He gets a steady flow of cash for a bit and we get to learn something."

You scowl, the idea of letting a mob boss slide on his dirty business doesn't sit right with you.

"The other methods?" You ask politely.

"Respect, this is the most diplomatic option. We appeal to his pettiest feelings and try to get him to spill information just because it'll hurt his competition. Final option is Muscle, the most confrontational, we put even more pressure on him. We tell him he plays ball with us or we end up having more patrols around his businesses. Extortion at a state level essentially."

Grey leans back.
"Thoughts, DeLucia?"

>"I like the idea of pressing his pride, if we can rile him up he'll flip out of spite."
>"I'm not a fan of giving people a free pass, but it's the most convincing way we could get his intel."
>"Muscle, Criminals should be worried about us dropping down on them. Reminding them that all it takes is a pooling of men to drive them out of business is the best tactic.
>>"I like the idea of pressing his pride, if we can rile him up he'll flip out of spite."
>>"I like the idea of pressing his pride, if we can rile him up he'll flip out of spite."
>"I like the idea of pressing his pride, if we can rile him up he'll flip out of spite."
>"I like the idea of pressing his pride, if we can rile him up he'll flip out of spite."
Years of pressure needs an outlet
>"I like the idea of pressing his pride, if we can rile him up he'll flip out of spite."
With Shivers, we're good at finding special little strings to tug at to make a person unravel.
>"I like the idea of pressing his pride, if we can rile him up he'll flip out of spite."

We’re good at that kind of thing, should be easy!

"I like the idea of pressing his pride, if we rile him up, he'll flip out of spite for Falcone."

Kimble nods.
"Sounds more appealing than giving him a hall pass or threatening him."

You nod in agreeance.
"Besides, Shivers makes me specially suited for this kind of thing."

Grey chimes in.
"Don't be so confident. Maroni is on his way out, a washed up mobster who got squashed by the competition, but he's lived his entire life as a made man. A guy like him is not going to give up anything easily."

"Omerta." Kimble says. "You never rat, even on a guy you hate. We're gonna need to make a real good case for him to flip anything over to us."

"What do we do if we can't get him to tell us anything?" You ask.

"We switch tactics." Kimble replies simply. "Feel the room and we either squeeze or look away."

You sigh. This could prove tricky and the worse case scenario is that this could be a dead-end if Maroni refuses to help. Kimble approaches his chair and grabs his duty belt from the arm re-clasping it.

"Get the Shop ready, Rookie. I got a craving for Italian."

"Good luck, if you need me reach out through my cell, Kimble. I have some other leads to look into." Grey says as he grabs his own jacket. He gives you the smallest of looks and nods. He and Hawthorne are working your personal leads while you work his professional ones. You get out of your seat and set off towards the motor pool.

Your shop is set up and prepped to head out in less than twenty minutes. Just as you chuck the last war bag in the trunk and drop it closed Kimble rounds the corner, a tan folder tucked under his arm. He heads for the passenger seat.

"You drive, rookie."

"Yes, sir."

You both climb in and take off. The initial first minutes of the ride are silent as he skims through the file under his arm, from your peripheral you see black and grey blobs of faces on the pages. Eventually he stops and pulls a picture from the file before closing it. The drive to Maroni's restaurant isn't a long one, your shop lingers a distance from the Italian joint, Kimble stares at the building with hard eyes.

"Looks slow." He muses to himself. He hands you the picture he had pulled earlier. Salvatore Maroni's mugshot. "Get a good look at him, that's our man. We wait here until we get a sign he's inside, if we spook them early he isn't coming near this place."

You nod and settle into your seat, fixing your eyes on the business, your fingertips tap the wheel until a side glance from Kimble makes you self conscious. You lean back and try to pass the time by..

>Focusing, stake-outs and observation are cornerstones of police work. Force yourself to just pay attention to the people coming and going.
>Chatting, Kimble seems to be a little rough this morning. maybe some small-talk will loosen him up. (Say/Ask What?)
>Meditation, Let the area around you speak through Shivers. Focusing on what the city sees.
>Meditation, Let the area around you speak through Shivers. Focusing on what the city sees.
Kimble can handle observation, we should leverage our own talents.
+1, though we should let him know what we're doing so he's aware in case things go wrong

>Tell Kimble first
I wonder where his mugshot would take us, if we used shivers on it.
We really gotta nail down the mechanics of just seing things vs being pulled into a vision.
Stake-outs are a cornerstone of police work. Is there any way we can try to meditate with our eyes open? See what the city sees but make sure we don't get too lost? Keep the Shivers from bleeding over too much?
Also yeah, Let Kimble Know before we meditate.
>>Chatting, Kimble seems to be a little rough this morning. maybe some small-talk will loosen him up. (Say/Ask What?)
ask if hes okay and ask if he has some stories that he is willing to tell
Probably to the station that took the photos vs him.


He grunts in response.

"You got the front door I was gonna.."

He slowly turns to face you and you let your sentence grow quiet as he stares at you.
"I was going to see what...shivers could tell me."

"How long are you gonna rest on that?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Your abilities. I want to know if you ever plan on being independent."


He sighs and turns himself in his seat, keeping the front door of the Maroni's in his peripheral vision.
"I heard you have your eyes set on being a detective, one day."

"One day, I know it's not something you can just do. You have to put in the work."

"Then put it in, Mark." He sighs before elaborating. "You have a jump start on a lot of guys in your position, your abilities basically take some parts of being a detective off your plate entirely if you use it right, like you have been."

"I still do plenty of the legwork myself." You defend yourself, part of you is hurt, does Kimble really think you coast by on your abilities?

"I know you do, but I've noticed more and more that you're investing your time into your ability. This whole "spirit walker" thing wasn't going on with Hawthorne, he wasn't getting chewed out because you walked around like a zombie nearly ruining a crime scene, and I think you have what it takes to be a damn fine detective one day. But you need to use your abilities as a foundation for the new things you're gonna pick up learning to be an officer, not as a main weapon."

"I don't. I have plenty of skills outside of my ability. I put time into practicing what you and Hawthorne teach me."

"I'm sure you do, but is it up to snuff with your abilities? Being a detective means a lot of things, you think you'll spend your entire career in Gotham? Multi-State Investigations, Federal Cooperation, these are things that would require you to leave Gotham and be outside the bubble Shivers gives you. You need to be able to take care of yourself when you're outside your element, or all it takes is one lucky asshole." His voice raises in volume as he speaks, it isn't until he finishes that he seems to catch himself. You watch his eyes go dull. A shiver runs down your neck, your eyes burn, and your throat seizes. You fight off the feelings and speak.

"Kimble? Are you okay?"

He takes a slow measured breath.
"Yeah, I'm sorry, Mark. I'm just a little tired is all."

"Seems a bit more than tired, sir."

He nods once or twice before shaking his head.
"I got some news about an old army buddy of mine, just a little pre-occupied. You're gonna be a good cop, DeLucia, I have no right lecturing you."

You sit in awkward silence, Kimble's eyes never leave the dashboard. Before you can speak Kimble rotates back to fully face the building, half his face hidden in shadow.
"Do your thing with Shivers, I'll keep an eye on the building."

You look at him for a few seconds, you feel that burning again.
>"You may have a point, Kimble. Maybe I need to shore up my fundamentals before I start going too deeply into my connection with Gotham."
>"Are you sure you're okay to work today, Kimble? Maroni is gonna be a balancing act, we need to be on our A-Game."
>"My entire life, Shivers was a curse, everyone told me to try and live by normal means, to act normal. But I'm not normal and Shivers, for the first time, is being more of an aid than a pain to me. So respectfully sir, I plan on mastering it as soon as I can and using it to help as many people as possible."
>"With all due respect, Sir. If you speak to me like that again I'll be requesting a new TO."

For after the last word:

>Give me 1d100
Middle of Three, due to some mental interference now.
Rolled 49 (1d100)

>>"You may have a point, Kimble. Maybe I need to shore up my fundamentals before I start going too deeply into my connection with Gotham."
He DOES have a point.
Also he's clearly not on the ball right now. The more eyes here, the better.
Anyways, rolling...
Rolled 13 (1d100)

>>"You may have a point, Daddy. Maybe I need to shore up my fundamentals before I start going too deeply into my connection with Gotham."
Rolled 29 (1d100)

We're gonna be proving him right with this shit roll
Locked in for your "shit roll" Anon lmao.

>Voting remains open until I pick up again, please continue voting on dialogue.
>"You may have a point, Kimble. Maybe I need to shore up my fundamentals before I start going too deeply into my connection with Gotham
Hes right
What if we walk into a rake while using shivers?
This could be US!
>>"You may have a point, Kimble. Maybe I need to shore up my fundamentals before I start going too deeply into my connection with Gotham."
>"You may have a point, Kimble. Maybe I need to shore up my fundamentals before I start going too deeply into my connection with Gotham."

Eesh, these rolls. Kimble was right, we need to shape up.

"You may have a point, Kimble. Maybe I need to shore up my fundamentals before I start going too deep on connecting with Gotham." You tell him thoughtfully. You never really considered if your use of Shivers was impacting your skill as a Police Officer.

Kimble sighs.
"I was being an asshole, don't listen to me."

"No, you do have a point. It's a short jump from tool to crutch, I'll do my best to work on it."

Kimble grunts in reply, a neutral grunt of acknowledgement. You get comfortable in your seat and get ready to let shivers run through you.

You close your eyes and try to conjure that feeling, the weightlessness of your dream state, the rushing vibration in your blood of all the people, and the electric pulsing energy of a city that never rests. You see fleeting images of faces, their names enter your mind but before you can grasp them they blow away like dead leaves in autumn wind. You're so close, in your mind you see a rushing current of red light, the sound like deafening raging water rapids. You feel that same charged current in the air, you're on the edge of taking in all of Gotham again...

But your mind slips. Your thoughts dance away and the fading sound of rushing water rings like the last goodbye of an old lover. You find yourself drifting in thought back towards Kimble's words and you're afraid. Afraid that perhaps he was right, that Nia was right, you shiver violently as for the first time Shivers begins to invert and look into you and not the city. Ancient insecurities and forgotten mistakes float to the surface like dead fish in a polluted lake. You panic and take control of yourself, exerting your will over Shivers, and to your surprise it works. You blink and you're out of the inky black soup of your mind and into bright burning sunlight.

You bounce in the passenger seat of a large truck, circles of cold sweat dotting your body are the only defense against the raging heat of the desert sun. Golden sand kicks up clouds of dust as you drive past. The old radio plays crackling music through equally old speakers, you give it a hard whack with your gloved hand and the music dies for a moment before returning with less static than before.

"Percussive maintenance at it's finest, sir." Says the driver with a smile, brown flecks of chewing tobacco stick to his teeth. You look him over and notice the name tag: 'Mandel'

You chuckle and lean forward grabbing an old soda bottle, you spit your own amber tobacco into the open top before settling it back to it's cup holder. You hear a crinkling from the back seat and spin around shouting.
"Who has food in my Humvee? You know the rule."

You look into the eyes of a young man, he holds a small foil pack in his ungloved hand, a pale pink hard candy sits in his palm extended out to you already. His name sits on his chest just behind the sweet. 'Guerrero'.

"I know, sir. Share with the class."
You pluck the candy from Guerrero's hand and pop it into your mouth. It clacks against your teeth and you sigh as you turn back to face forward.

"What the hell is this, G?" You ask him as your eyes scan the horizon.

"Charms, I got like six packs of em. Marines who came through base passed em off to me."

"I don't think anyone has bought these fucking things on purpose. You just find em in grandma's purse or MRE's. Just like those litte shits with the strawberry wrapper." Your driver chimes in.

You laugh, being careful not to swallow your treat. You shake your head and glance out the window to see something that makes your heart turn to ice. A lone shadow on a hill, over his shoulder a long slender weapon, an RPG.

"Fucking drive!" You scream as your hands scramble to lower your window and raise your rifle. You only hear a grunt of confusion from Mandel, you only see a cloud of smoke and sand from the hill, and you only feel your stomach go into freefall as the shot impacts the ground next to you and Mandel pulls the Humvee into the roadside ditch. As the roof rushes up to meet your head you close your eyes.

It's all silent, and dark, and cold. Sweat layered on your forehead and upperlip. You take a slow breath and peek open one eye only to find yourself looking at Maroni's place. You open both eyes and blink, your breathing unsteady and shallow. You glance over at Kimble and see him rubbing a thumb thoughtfully against his lower lip as he stares at the sidewalks around the building.

>Mention the vision to Kimble. (Say what?)
>Keep that to yourself, pay attention to the building.

ROLL: 49
DC: 50
RESULT: Near Success?

Hope you guys liked.
>Keep that to yourself, pay attention to the building.
I'm not about to tell him we fucked up AND invaded his privacy on accident.
>in the fucking humvee
>Keep that to yourself, pay attention to the building.
I'm not sure exactly what it means or how to use it yet, anyway, so no point making a big deal out of it.
Oh, doi.

Thanks, I'm dense and forgot that our TO's emotional state could be interfering with our psychic signals.
>>Keep that to yourself, pay attention to the building.

You gulp down the ball of fear that was rising up your throat and let out a quiet breath. You softly swipe the sweat from your forehead and lean back into the seat, letting your heartbeat slowly settle.

Minutes pass in silence as you gather yourself and Kimble continues to stare emptily towards the entrance. The silence is broken by a low whistle from Kimble, your eyes lock onto the cause, a shiny black town car pulls up slowly to the curb. Kimble gets lower in his seat but you see his eyes now have a dangerous edge to them. You both watch intently as the driver of the vehicle climbs out and walks to the back, opening the door and stepping aside as a sharply dressed man steps out. Your eyes flicker down and even through he looks a few years older this is most definitely Salvatore Maroni.

"There's Sal." Kimble whispers.

You watch as the door is held and he's guided inside by a few men in expensive suits.

"He doesn't look like he's hurting all that much from Falcone." You observe.

"In his line of work the second you let the other guy know he wounded you, he goes for the kill. It's like a fucked up game of chess, rule one is to protect your king."

"Keeping up appearances, is that gonna make it harder for us to convince him you think? If he has to keep up this illusion of strength?"

Kimble shakes his head.
"If he thinks we can help him he's gonna listen to us, if you're losing the chess game you don't say no to free pawns on your side of the board."


"It's how he'll see us, personally I like to think of myself as more of a knight." He jokes as he opens the door, a slight bit of his normal self returning.

You open the door and hop out with him. As you both approach the building Kimble nudges you.

"Check the door."

You look ahead and see a skinny man at the door, a coat hangs loosely around his shoulders, besides the coat all his clothes sit cleanly with his figure.


Kimble nods.
"Good eye, gangsters like their oversized pants to hide the nine in their belt, but mobsters have a little more class to em. Love their shoulder holsters."

"Think he's gonna give us any problems?"

"Not if he knows what's good for him." Kimble mumbles, his eyes keeping that razor sharp glint. As you both draw close the man at the door turns to face you both, his hands clasped at his waist.

"You take lead, I'm not really a people person, I'll play muscle." Kimble says to you.

You open your mouth to protest but you're already at the door.

"Officers, I'm very sorry but we're closed for lunch. We have an event going on, you can always come back for dinner." He smiles at you and a silver tooth glints at you.
Kimble glares at him from behind you as you decide to...
>Play it close to the vest. "We were hoping to speak to your boss, can you let him know the GCPD is out front."
>Wield your authority. "I'm here on police business, get out of my way or spend the night in a cell. Your call."
>Show your worth. "Your boss and I have business to discuss, something that could be mutually beneficial, you don't want to keep me from him."
>Bargain. "I've got a get out of jail free card with your name on it, let me in to talk to your boss and if you run into trouble you can call me."
>>Play it close to the vest. "We were hoping to speak to your boss, can you let him know the GCPD is out front."
>Play it close to the vest. "We were hoping to speak to your boss, can you let him know the GCPD is out front."

Nice work on the Shivers vision by the way.
>Play it close to the vest. "We were hoping to speak to your boss, can you let him know the GCPD is out front."
>>Show your worth. "Your boss and I have business to discuss, something that could be mutually beneficial, you don't want to keep me from him."
>Show your worth. "Your boss and I have business to discuss, something that could be mutually beneficial, you don't want to keep me from him."
Update is coming late tonight, apologies fellas.
Don't sweat it, QM.

"We were hoping to speak to your boss, can you let him know the GCPD is out front?"

The skinny man looks you up and down, his eyes flicker to Kimble.
"Sorry, Officer, Boss isn't in at the moment."

"Must have been a different sharp dressed Italian I saw get out of the car then."

His lips tighten and he folds his arms. Kimble speaks at once.
"Keep your hands where we can see em. We know Maroni is here. Tell him the cops need to chat with him."

"I'm telling you, he ain't here." He replies, spitting his words.

You decide to take a more dramatic approach, you shrug and hold out your hands. You tap Kimble on his shoulder.
"Nothing we can do about it, guess we should go offer it to Falcone."

Kimble shrugs back.
"At least Falcone's goons know better than to make a choice on their boss' behalf." He looks the man up and down. "You aren't gonna make it long in the game if you go around turning away your boss' friends."

You both turn in unison to leave.

"Hey hey hey, just wait a minute would you?"

Kimble gives you a side glance, he stops but doesn't turn around.
"The only voice we want to hear is Maroni's, so be a good doorman and get us a table for three."

You hold your breath as silence lingers, broken by a sigh and an Italian curse that reminds you of your grandmother. You hear the door open and finally you and Kimble turn around.

"Good work, DeLucia. Keep cool when we get inside, Maroni has a lot of experience dealing with cops. We just need to find out what all the heads are meeting for, or even better where it's going down."

You nod.
"I'm good."

"I know."

You're cut off by the door opening, a scrawny man with a waxed moustache and tuxedo, he bows deeply and extends an arm.
"Signore, il suo tavolo è pronto." He speaks in thick accented words.

Kimble shoots you a glance. You rack your brain for everything your grandparents tried to teach you.
"Uh, I'm pretty sure he's saying he has a table for us."
Kimble nods.
"Then let's get in there."

You both step past the mustachioed waiter, as you cross the threshold the air becomes thick with cigar smoke and the sweet sharp scent of frying garlic, to say the décor is outdated would be an understatement. Kimble's head remains still as you walk but you notice his eyes constantly scanning and as the door outside closes gently behind you it's hard not to notice his hand resting a few inches closer to his gun.

You let your hands brush along your waist, the heavy weight of your snub-nose giving you some comfort, you take a breath and let it our steady. You feel a shiver run over your spine, your knees hurt and your wrists burn, this restaurant has seen some dark things. You have no time to dwell on it as you both get led to a back room, covered by thick red curtain, Maroni sits at a table cutting into a breaded cutlet doused n red sauce.

"Gentleman." He says without looking up. "Please grab your seats, when I finish my meal we can discuss business."

The waiter from the door pulls two chairs. The skinny tall goon stands behind Maroni, his eyes focused entirely on the floor. Kimble remains standing.

"We won't be here long." He says.

Maroni groans as he puts another piece of chicken in his mouth.
"Mmm. It took the man ten years but Gigi has perfected Chicken Parm. So this is gonna take as long as I say it does, Officer." He wipes the corners of his mouth with a white cloth napkin. He finally looks up, his eyes are a deep grey green. "So sit the fuck down until I finish my meal, cause there's nothing worse than a plate of cold food."

Kimble looks to you, his chin sliding side to side as he grinds his teeth.

Please vote for both:
>Take a seat? (yes or no)

>"Take all the time you need, Mr.Maroni. After all, it's not our territory being taken while we enjoy a hot lunch."
>"Talking business on an empty stomach is never good, why don't you get us some as well and we can talk about how Falcone is bending you over on your own turf?"
>"Show a little respect, Maroni, one phone call and this place is swarming with uniforms."
>"Of course, Mr.Maroni. Take your time with your dinner, my partner and I can wait."
>Take a seat? (yes or no)
>"Of course, Mr.Maroni. Take your time with your dinner, my partner and I can wait."
Showing that we respect him is important, to maintaining his narrative, the least thing we want to do is make him get defensive before we have even broached the topic.
>"Talking business on an empty stomach is never good, why don't you get us some as well and we can talk about how Falcone is bending you over on your own turf?"
Couldn't they poison the food? As much as the food must be good here, I don't want to die for it
That's a fair point. But would they risk two officers suddenly disappearing?
>Take a seat
>"Of course, Mr.Maroni. Take your time with your dinner, my partner and I can wait."

As much as I want to try that chicken parm, Kimble is ready to explode and I don’t think serving him Mob Chicken will help things.
>>"Talking business on an empty stomach is never good, why don't you get us some as well and we can talk about how Falcone is bending you over on your own turf?"
No way in hell Mark would turn down free Italian cuisine.
>Take a seat? (yes or no)
No, until our food arrives.
>"Talking business on an empty stomach is never good, why don't you get us some as well and we can talk about how Falcone is bending you over on your own turf? So take all the time you need, Mr.Maroni. After all, it's not our territory being taken while we enjoy a hot lunch."
Then stare him down and eat slowly.
Random thought but Mark is Italian and from Gotham. Old Gotham too, I assume. Does he have family on the Other Side? I can't remember if we wondered about this.
>"Of course, Mr.Maroni. Take your time with your dinner, my partner and I can wait."
But ask if we can have a glass of water. See if he's going to be polite when we are. It's the little things that speak the loudest. Tell us if you'll play ball, Mr. Mobster.
>Yes, take a seat

>"Of course, Mr.Maroni. Take your time with your dinner, my partner and I can wait."
feels like a response for when we already used shivers
>"Of course, Mr.Maroni. Take your time with your dinner, my partner and I can wait."
Bend over:

Take your time:

Make sure you include the glass of water!
You step in front of the seat and sit down, Kimble shoots you a glance but gives a subtle nod before moving behind you.

"Of course, Mr.Maroni. Take your time with your dinner, my partner and I can wait." You give him your best Roger's over-enthusiastic smile and hold it.

He continues to scrape sauce from his plate and pile it atop his chicken, pale yellow noodles peek out from the rich red sauce and you notice more and more Maroni breaking eye contact with his food to glance up at you. When he does you make sure to maintain eye contact and give him a friendly encouraging nod. It isn't long before he sighs and drops his silverware with a clatter, wiping his face and tossing it on his plate.

"Val, take this shit away, I'm not hungry anymore." He says shaking his head. He reaches into his pants pocket and you hear a metallic click behind you as Kimble pops the button on his holster strap. Maroni slowly brings up a pack of cigarettes and a silver lighter.

"My partner is just cautious, Mr.Maroni, I'm sure you can appreciate that."

Maroni puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it with a flick of his thumb.
"I appreciate a lot, but the police busting in on a nice lunch. What's the occasion?"

"A proposition, a helping hand." You say, teasing out any reaction you can get.

"I'm not hiring at the moment, I got enough piggies on payroll."

Your neck hair bristles at the comment, but he didn't dismiss you. He wants to hear you out.
"Well none of them are helping you hold your territory it seems, every day Falcone or someone in a mask is taking your revenue away." You glance and watch as Maroni only takes a silent drag, his eyes boring holes into you. You have his attention.

"Maroni, we came here to talk business about something big going down." Kimble chimes in. "My partner here thinks it could be worthwhile to work with you, but I don't see it. You're washed up even by Mobster standards.

You hold up a hand, good cop silences bad cop, and lean forward.
"Forgive him, he has a problem with watching what he says sometimes. My family is old country, Maroni, I know how much respect matters to you."

"Then you know what happens to snitches."

You hold up your hands.
"Nobody is asking you to snitch, there won't be a file or record on this if there doesn't have to be. Pino Bertinelli is giving all the old bosses of Gotham mail. We can hazard a guess that this is a sit down, right?"

Maroni glares at you through a thin cloud of cigarette smoke.

Kimble chimes in again.
"He probably doesn't even know he got his letter last, poor fella barely made the cut."

You turn now and shoot a sharp gaze at Kimble, you give him the smallest motion with your eyes. He nods and walks off.

"What the fuck is the idea? You come into my own business and harass me? Insult me?" Maroni stubs out his cigarette. He's emotional now, you have him where you want him. Now to prod.
"Could I get a glass of water before that? All this talking is leaving my throat dry." You ask, buying time to craft your next move.

He glares and slides over an untouched glass from his side of the table, a small stained coffee cup sits next to it. You take the glass and offer a thanks quietly, letting him stew in his own anger. As you set the glass down you sigh and proceed to tell him...

>"The real insult you're suffering is from Falcone and Mandragora. They treat you as a third string thug. Why protect them? Give me some info and they can feel what you feel now."
>"My partner doesn't get it. But I do, you and I come from the same culture, which is why I know that you know it's in your best interest to tell me where I can find Falcone and Mandragora."
>"Enough subtlety, your on the losing end of a long war and I'm on a hunt for a real psycho. You tell me where to get to your rivals and they end up away for you to do as you please, in return I get to get closer to catching a child killer."
>>"The real insult you're suffering is from Falcone and Mandragora. They treat you as a third string thug. Why protect them? Give me some info and they can feel what you feel now."
He doesn't need to know about SIM and playing the Italian card might be too obvious. Let's keep playing on his emotions now that he's riled up. Hopefully he ends up making a decision without thinking about it first.
>>"The real insult you're suffering is from Falcone and Mandragora. They treat you as a third string thug. Why protect them? Give me some info and they can feel what you feel now."
>"The real insult you're suffering is from Falcone and Mandragora. They treat you as a third string thug. Why protect them? Give me some info and they can feel what you feel now."

Agreed. Sound logic.
>"The real insult you're suffering is from Falcone and Mandragora. They treat you as a third string thug. Why protect them? Give me some info and they can feel what you feel now."

You smack your lips and sigh.
"The real insult you're suffering is from Falcone and Mandragora." You start, leaning back in the seat and letting your casual attitude further fan his flames. "They treat you like a third string thug, only sending you the location of a meet after THEY talked it over. Why protect them? Give me some info and they can feel what it's like to be the one in the dark."

Maroni thinks it over, his eyes scanning the table, you see him battling with his criminal code of morality. Kimble grunts and taps your shoulder with the back of his hand.
"I told you, he doesn't know shit, Falcone and Mandragora left him in the dark on purpose. He's washed, let's go talk to Falcone."

You take his hint, you give Maroni a crooked frown and shrug, you start to rise from your seat when his voice rolls over the silk tablecloth like thunder on a horizon.

"Sit the fuck back down."

You freeze and look back to Kimble, he gives a nearly imperceptible nod, you slowly lower yourself back into the seat.
"What's the word?" You ask quietly.

Maroni leans on his elbows, sighing as he digs another cigarette out of his pack, he speaks barely above a whisper.
"Falcone and Moby Dick are looking to have a sit down. From what I've heard it's regarding an alliance."

"More like a corporate takeover." Kimble says, further fueling Maroni's anger.

"That's what I was fucking thinking, part of me wanted to go to that meet with five men and a line of tommy guns." He notices your expression and leans back blowing a stream of pale smoke. "Of course that's just a little fantasy, blowing off steam. What's real though is the fact they're pulling that waddling Figlio di puttana, The Penguin, into our thing."

"What are a bunch of mob heads doing meeting someone like Cobblepot? Figured you guys weren't too fond of the people with funny names and costumes."

He waves a hand, the smoke chasing it.
"As far as those types go he and Black Mask are the only ones who still concern themselves with business instead of bank robberies and fighting the Batman."

"So Mandragora is trying to bridge your factions, under him I'm guessing."

Maroni flicks from under his chin, sending ash scattering on the white tablecloth.
"He calls himself a liason, but I know that fat fuck doesn't do shit unless he thinks he can come out on top. Falcone wouldn't know his ass from his glasses either, so I doubt he's savvy to what this is."

"But you are, if you give us the place this meet is happening you can pull the rug out from under Mandragora's feet instead of him treating you like a fool."

He shakes his head.
"Nah, I don't show and they all get arrested then it's pretty obvious. I told you all I'm willing, you officers should be heading out."

"Unless." Kimble chimes in, finally taking a seat next to you. "Unless you do show, and when we start putting people in bracelets you're the last one in line."
You raise your own eyebrow but hold your tongue.

"Meaning?" Maroni asks, snubbing the cigarette in the stained coffee mug.

"Meaning that's a lot of people to handcuff, a lot of people to cart away, and who's to say when it's your turn to get taken out we don't forget to Mirandize you?"

You suppress a frown, this seems like Kimble is taking it down the route of 'tit for tat' and you aren't too happy about it.

Maroni however smiles a greasy crooked smile, the smile of a business man looking at a deal. A shiver runs down your neck, somewhere in Gotham a spindly man rotates the top layer of a multicolored cube. He rotates it slowly and sees all the sides a solid uniform color. He smiles the same smile.

>Interject, this wasn't the plan, "However maybe it would be better if you weren't there. Flex on Falcone and let him know YOU sent us."
>Cough warningly, let Kimble know you don't approve of his audible, maybe he'll switch things up.
>"Exactly right, Mr.Maroni, we both get what we want this way."
Apologies for the delay, I post from a mobile signal so sometimes I just get screwed and get a banned IP Range.
>"That would be right, but if someone hears one made it, who's to say the rest won't figure it out"
>"A safe gamble is still a gamble.".
>"Exactly right, Mr.Maroni, we both get what we want this way."

We can have a wtf moment later in the car, but when an opportunity to pack away this much scum comes around we should take it.
>"That would be right, but if someone hears one made it, who's to say the rest won't figure it out"
>"A safe gamble is still a gamble.".
Hes got to know we aren’t serving it like a silver platter. Him even knowing that we are gonna bust that sitdown like jeffrey epstein in a grade school is a big advantage
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>most Batman rogues are more like terrorists or thrill-seekers than organized criminals
Checks out. Penguin is such a lowkey great villain as the "only sane man" in that madhouse, though.

+1 to >>5888935, I'm not sure collaboration to enrich a criminal is strictly above-board, but I don't want to undermine Kimble with all he's doing for us, and especially given his shit day he's having. Could damage our working relationship. Plus, this meeting ITSELF isn't necessarily 'above-board', and that's before you get into our extracurriculars with Q and Huntress.

Unanimous decision. Writing.
Except THIS guy >>5888962 lol
He's doing his best
You lean forward, speaking in a hushed tone.
"That would be right, but if someone hears a guy made it without being charged, who's to say the rest won't figure it out?"

Kimble gives you a hard stare, he speaks out of the side of his mouth to Maroni.
"Sure, but it's a safe bet that nobody is going to suspect anything of you."

"A safe bet is still gambling." You reply.

You maintain eye contact with Kimble, giving him back just as much as he's sending you, Maroni, in your peripheral, rubs his palms together in contemplation. You and Kimble break eye contact and turn towards him.

"Just hand us the letter, and we'll handle Falcone and the others." Kimble says. He extends a hand. "If you don't want to catch a minor charge then don't be there, it seems my partner is intent on making this look as legit as possible."

Maroni sighs.
"I hate this motherfucker." He whispers to himself, fishing in his jacket pocket, he pulls out a thin envelope. "I'll be there, but if it's anything more than a slap on the wrist Officer then we may have some problems." He says menacingly.

"Excuse me?" Kimble says leaning forward.

"You heard me. Kimble." He spits his name after glancing over his name tag. "Anything goes." He extends the envelope.

Kimble gives you a glance and snatches the paper from Maroni's fingers.

"Let's fucking go." He says to you, standing up, his chair letting out a screech as it goes backwards.

Maroni looks at you and flicks his fingers.

You give him a nod and stand up to follow Kimble out. The dark interior of the restaurant giving way to blinding sunlight as you step outside into the bright grey atmosphere of Gotham again. Kimble walks ahead of you, tapping the envelope on his palm anxiously, he stands at the passenger door of your shop and stares into the distance.

>"What the hell, Kimble? I thought we were going to press his pride and not make a deal with him."
>"What did he mean by 'We would have problems'?"
>"Kimble, what happened in there?"
>"Hope this letter turns out to be worth helping Maroni terrorize civilians more freely without competition."
OP check this out
>"Kimble, what happened in there?"
>"Kimble, what happened in there?"
>"I thought we were going to press his pride and not make a deal with him."
Just caught up with this on sup/tg/, lot more engaging than what I had first assumed. Good job, QM.
>"Kimble, what happened in there?"

Any chance of a Section Eight April Fools mission?
Woops, this (>>5891870) was linked to the wrong post.

"Kimble, what happened in there?"

He sighs and and pops the envelopes flap, pulling the folded paper from within.
"He was about to fall off the hook, so I had to step in."

You shake your head in disbelief.
"Kimble, I had him thinking. We were going to press his pride not make a deal with him."

"We were gonna do what we had to so we could find this meeting." He says, emphasizing his point with a wriggle of the paper. His eyes shift down to it as he reads. "Looks like it's going town at the Tobacconists' Club. Shit."

"Shit? Why shit."

"That place is a strip club officially, unofficially it's the goddamn Gotham Boys Club for Pricks. We've run raids before but the place has to have some sort of escape hatch because out of the four raids that place has had not one has brought anything substantial. The most we usually get is a few girls who are here from overseas without papers."

You rub your temple and sigh.
"So we just promised to let Maroni slide, and in return we know this meeting is taking place somewhere people just vanish from?" You sigh and mumble to yourself "Fuck."

Kimble's face softens as he frowns at the letter, eventually stuffing it into his pocket.
"Fucking Maroni. Fucking Falcone. Fucking...fuck!" His final exclamation is punctuated with a firm kick to the wheel of your shop.

"Kimble." You say lightly. Keeping your negative feelings from your voice. "You're usually calm and collected, whatever has you off kilter today you gotta put it on the back burner." He looks at you with tired eyes. "Or at least talk about it." You state.

"Get in the car." He says, his voice almost hollow. You feel that wave hit you again, your throat stings as you hop into the driver's seat. You look to Kimble but he shakes his head just motioning for you to drive.

You keep silent and get going, aimlessly rolling down dim Gotham roads.
You drive on in silence for near fifteen minutes before Kimble turns his head to you, clearing his throat before speaking.

"I got news about a guy, a kid, from my old unit."

The vision flashes in your mind, the cool air from your AC vents turn to a warm stream, you focus on the present and push the vision back.

"What happened, sir?"

He shakes his head.
"He died." Kimble states flatly.

You feel your mouth go dry and the palms of your hands feel slick against the wheel.
"Was he sick?" You ask, gently probing.

"In a way." Kimble replies, a bitter look in his eye. You feel your heart begin to slam and thunder in your chest. "When we were out there." He motions vaguely with his arm. "We ended up taking contact on the road, RPGs, Full auto AK's, the whole nine yards."

From behind the thin glass windshield your heartbeat becomes the pounding rhythm of gunfire, simultaneously far and near. You hold your tongue, letting Kimble unravel this story at his own pace.

"We flipped the damn car, fucking asshole missed us by a few feet but still hit close enough to send us into a ditch, I wake up after slamming my head into the roof." He chuckles without smiling. "Fucking helmet did it's job I guess."

"Your friend?"

"Two of em actually." Kimble says. "I had just gotten my promotion, our old Squad lead got sent up the chain so it was my job to take his place, we were heading back to base from our first mission out. Mandy, uh Mandel, was at the wheel when we got hit. When I woke up he was in the same position I was but.." He pauses, his eyes shine with a sheet of tears, "But he didn't make the wreck. It was just me and Guerrero, he hit comms and the two of us settled in for the next hour trading pot shots with the fuck who fired at us."

"He didn't fire anymore rockets?"

Kimble shrugs.
"Maybe he only had the one, or maybe he just didn't want to waste it on two guys who were as good as dead anyways. It didn't matter anyways, after we radio'd in the cavalry was coming so we just held on with Mandel right fucking there."

"Jesus." You whisper.

He nods.
"Fucked up Guerrero. Bad. I had to lay into him to get him to return fire, I was." He pauses again a catch in his throat. "I was harsh. I pushed him when he was far past broke, but I had too. Help was forty-five out at the least."

"At least?"

"Command didn't want to send more units into a trap, they had to wait for aerial to clear it before they'd come up. It doesn't matter anyways, we made it. Both of us were taken in for shrink checks, G didn't make it through his and ended up being sent home."

"And you?"

"I finished up my contract and got the fuck out. Any plans I had for promotions or any of that shit went out the window after that. I couldn't do it anymore, I didn't start getting decent nights sleep until I joined up with GCPD actually. Hawthorne and the others I came up under, they taught me a ton. They taught me shit I could have used if I wasn't so wrapped up in my own shit.
You give him a quizzical look and he answers it with a sigh.

"Guerrero and I stayed in contact after he left, but he never could let it go even a little, even after three years whenever he and I talked he would bring it up and I'd be there again. You know? Looking at Mandel, screaming at G to fucking shoot something." He shakes his head and a tear comes free, he swipes it away disdainfully with his thumb. "I couldn't do it anymore, Mark. I couldn't keep talking to him about it, not when I started feeling better finally."

"So you stopped talking?"

"Nah, we still talked. But it was less and less every month. Until eventually he was just asking me out to bars, out to a dinner, or something. I would always tell him work was too crazy." He looks up to you, his eyes looking deep and tired. "I was scared to be around him, I thought it would undo all the progress I made. So I just never went out. Eventually he stopped asking."

"So when you say he died?"

He nods.
"Yeah." He says grimly. "His sister found him, after their mom I was her first call."

You pull off to the side of the road and put the shop in park. You both sit in silence for a few seconds.

>"Do you know why?"
>"It's not your fault, Sir. You can do a lot for people but you can't make them want to get better."
>"For someone to get to that point, a chat at a bar wasn't going to make a difference, you can't blame yourself."
>"I understand why you've been off today, you won't hear anything else from me about it."
>Write-In (Recommended, I'd like to see what you guys come up with)

Appreciate it, Anon. Pretty sure I saw you in QTG asking about the quest. Glad to see you're enjoying it so far.
>>"I understand why you've been off today, you won't hear anything else from me about it."
>>Write-In: "Seen profesional help yet? I'm afraid I cannot do much more than being a listening ear."
+1; there isn't much we can do but be there
I just posted before looking at the responses. Write-in anon had a way better answer desu.
>>"I understand why you've been off today, you won't hear anything else from me about it."
>>Write-In: "Seen profesional help yet? I'm afraid I cannot do much more than being a listening ear."
>"I understand why you've been off today, you won't hear anything else from me about it."
>Write-In: "Seen profesional help yet? I'm afraid I cannot do much more than being a listening ear."
>”You want to talk to Hawthorne about it later, or will this remain in here? He’s your mentor too.”

You weigh your words thoughtfully, knowing this is beyond your skill-set in the end.
"I understand why you've been off today, don't worry about hearing anything else about it from me. Have you seen anyone professional to talk about it? I can't offer much more than a listening ear."

"I've done the therapy stuff before, I'll be alright. Just need some time to myself to deal with this stuff." He leans back and sighs. "Being someone who will listen is good enough for me, Mark. Appreciate it."

You give him a nod and pull back onto the road.

"You ever consider talking to Hawthorne about this? He's the understanding type, he also trained you up didn't he?"

"He did, but he and I never really got on like that. It was more of a Student Master Rivalry thing." He laughs as his eyes drift off into a memory. "We had a week where I had to bring in as many perps as I could solo, he made a prediction and put it in an envelope and said if he was off by anymore than 1 I'd be the winner."

"What was the bet for?"

"I wanted to drive the shop."

You laugh.
"I get to drive it now."

He waves a hand.
"The old man is soft now, needs to be pampered and chauffeured around." He chuckles and slowly lets his face rest on a smile. He doesn't say it but you feel the thanks regardless.

"I'm thinking about taking the day off to drive up to see his family. Could you handle the day alone, the letter has a date for the meet so I can drop it with Gray at the station."

"I think I can manage."

"Good shit, drop us off and I'll sign out for the day and get the letter to Gray. He can put it into evidence when he's done looking it over."

"You might be waiting a while before he's back."

Kimble shrugs.
"Then I'll wait, I'm pretty good at it."

You head back to the station and park up the shop out front. Kimble extends a fist as he gets out. You tap it and he gives you a small nod. Another silent thanks. With him gone you end up sitting in the car thinking about what to do next...

>Head to your meeting outside town, Nia never gave you a time so if you had to guess you can probably just show up whenever.
>Head out to meet with Gray and Hawthorne, see if they need any help on their investigation into Roger's relative.
>Get in contact with Banks, see if he's up for anything today.
>Take the day to just drive around answering some calls, try to be a normal police officer even for a few hours.
>>Head to your meeting outside town, Nia never gave you a time so if you had to guess you can probably just show up whenever.
>>Head to your meeting outside town, Nia never gave you a time so if you had to guess you can probably just show up whenever.
>Head to your meeting outside town, Nia never gave you a time so if you had to guess you can probably just show up whenever
Confront the Batman
Face the dark knight head on
>Head to your meeting outside town, Nia never gave you a time so if you had to guess you can probably just show up whenever.

Batman has already picked out a nice shady spot that he can jump out at us from when we walk inside.
>>Head to your meeting outside town, Nia never gave you a time so if you had to guess you can probably just show up whenever.
>>Head to your meeting outside town, Nia never gave you a time so if you had to guess you can probably just show up whenever.
Has anyone ever lit up the meeting area with batman very brightly with one spot of complete darkness to see if he spawns from it
>>Head to your meeting outside town, Nia never gave you a time so if you had to guess you can probably just show up whenever.
Slim-to-none chances, but take our Superman patch along, just in case he's making a quick visit to Gotham. He'd probably get a kick out of how we got it and sign it.
>Head to your meeting outside town, Nia never gave you a time so if you had to guess you can probably just show up whenever.
We can be a "normal" cop after we settle all this abnormal shit.
Haha, as if... This is Gotham, after all.
Chances are there is a TV there streaming from another town that was purchased from another town for a videocall.

Bats might be paranoid enough to worry his costume is enough to trigger shivers.
I'm just saying if we're talking into a radio that is broadcasting onto a TV that went through a satellite phone I'm voting to dip straight outta there. Ain't nobody got time for that hullabaloo

Locked in, update will come in a little bit.
You glide through the streets of Gotham, your head filled with thoughts of what could be coming at this meeting, a face to face with the actual Batman. Nia's words echo in your head, her offers to join the League or be an asset, you can't help but wonder if this meeting is just a more forward recruiting attempt. Batman's history with the GCPD started long before you even graduated, his career and Gordon's rising entwined together, whether he was a wanted man or an unofficial police aid The Batman was always working to help Gothamites, but his work wasn't without collateral damage like civilian vehicles, property, and the cause for greatest debate: Does Batman create more problems than he solves?

The "Hero Question" as it was called in the media. Does the mere presence of heroes invite the problem of villains? It was a question asked in your Criminal Justice classes and the class was near evenly split. Before you can think back more on the debate you feel a shiver run over your body, a cold spreading sensation almost like a gentle vacuum sucking the air around you. You look around and spot it just as you pass it: Now Leaving: Gotham City.

You feel almost naked, a discomfort grows in your gut as you feel the connection to the city strain to maintain with you before it drifts away to near silence. The rumble of the road brings to attention the total silence in The Shop, you lean forward and flick the radio on letting some music fill the vacuum left by Shivers absence.

The roads leaving Gotham are empty, it's strange the city grows and shrinks but you don't recall ever seeing the comings and goings of new or former residents, the land surrounding Gotham leaves you feeling lonely in a strange way. It isn't too much longer before you pull your cruiser into the gravel parking lot of an weathered wooden building, a long dead neon sign sits lopsided on it's roof.

'Old Teller'

You open the door and step out staring at the building, it's windows looking down on you like pools of pure darkness, a ripple of uncertainty rolls up your arm.

>Step inside, brazenly. If the Batman wishes to speak to you then you will show no fear.
>Step inside, cautiously. Have your hand on your weapon. Batman is a vigilante after all.
>Stay outside, Call out. If he wants to meet you he can face you in the daylight.
>Stay outside, stay silent. Put those practical skills Kimble mentioned to use. Examine the building and see if you spot anything off.
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>The "Hero Question" as it was called in the media. Does the mere presence of heroes invite the problem of villains?
Only if you're not the Flash. All his repeat offenders tend to just be petty crooks and nuisances rather than mass murdering psychopaths. Well, except for one.

>Stay outside, stay silent. Put those practical skills Kimble mentioned to use. Examine the building and see if you spot anything off.
I don't want to get jumped or caught on a tripwire or something. It's a fun exercise to imagine all the ways something might pop up at you when entering a building. Also nice to know where fire exits are.
>>Stay outside, stay silent. Put those practical skills Kimble mentioned to use. Examine the building and see if you spot anything off.
Practice makes perfect. If we wanna make Detective someday, we should be able to do so without Shivers.
>Stay outside, stay silent. Put those practical skills Kimble mentioned to use. Examine the building and see if you spot anything off.

>Hero Question
Any hero whose rogues' gallery includes a lot of mad scientists, fluke mutations, or space-conquerors can be exempted as well, since their threats exist and emerge independent of them and aren't fixated upon them. Well... Most aren't. Looking at you, Cyborg Superman.
>>Stay outside, stay silent. Put those practical skills Kimble mentioned to use. Examine the building and see if you spot anything off.

It's Nia and it's Batman. We're probably 'safe'. That said, we're angling to be a detective. Lets try doing some detecting BEFORE we go in anyway.

We're already certain of the level of paranoia behind the meeting. Could always joke a donut shop would've been easier to get to.
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You let your eyes wander the building, starting from the outer edges inwards. You take in the frayed splintered edges of the roof tiles and the dark shade in the center of some boards where rot spreads.

You shift your eyes downwards to the old sign, it only glows now with the reflection of what little sunlight can break through the clouds, the layers of dirt clearly visible on the dark tubes. The front porch area lies in shambles, old chairs and tables lay in pieces with patches of mold growing on them from the abuse of the elements, maybe some bored teens ventured out of the city and put these rock shaped holes in the windows as well.

Finally you examine your surrounding area starting with the large gravel lot surrounding the bar, it brings an idea to your head and you slowly meander over the gravel testing lightly with your foot and pulling away revealing an indent. You gaze over the area and spot it, a single line from the main road to behind the bar, a single thin tire most likely from some sort of motorcycle. You follow the trail around back and gaze over the rear of the building, a rusty metal door chained shut with equally old chains and padlock keep the back door shut but what really interests you is a pair of old storm cellar doors where the line disappears. You approach slowly and lean down to pull them open only to find they are sealed shut. You check for locks or other blockages but you find none, all you find is that the hinges stand out to you as the only piece of metal on this entrance that shine instead of chip away with rust. Odd.

You head back around the front thinking about what this means, why such an old place would have any sort of improvement to it, your pondering is interrupted by a jolt to your heart as you round the corner and look to the shadowy front door only to see a tall, bulky, figure with piercing white eyes. The same dim glow from the whites of Nightwing's mask, even through the surprise of the moment your brain fires off a question. Could they be collaborating?

"Come inside." He speaks to you, his voice even and deep. He turns and with his face hidden he almost melts into the shadow of the bar interior completely. You check your snub nose and take a breath before walking into the bar after him..
"Interesting place to meet." You nervously say as you step into the choking dust of the old road house. "Donut shop could have been easier to get to."

His only response is icy silence as he keeps ahead of you, the thing that unsettles you the most is how eerily quiet he is even when stepping on half dead creaking wood planks you have to strain your ears hear his footfall. You clear your throat, the dust and awkwardness getting to you slightly, he lingers around the bar letting a hand rest on the bar top.
"I want to apologize." He begins

You raise your eyebrows.

"The method that I got in touch, Dreamer told me everything."

"So I was right, you really were the one behind it."

He turns and faces you, mostly obscured by shadow with the edges of his shape bleeding into the surrounding darkness.
"Anarky. You passed information to ARGUS."

"And they passed it to you?" You ask surprised.

"They held it for me." He answers simply. "You were smart, listening to Agent Gideon. Amanda Waller is not someone you'd want to work under."

"What? Have you been spying on me?"

"I make it my business to know what happens in my city."

You grit your teeth.
"For a guy who thinks he owns the city I sure haven't seen much of you in it, Nightwing has spent more time giving a helping hand than our own 'Dark Knight' has. Though judging by the fact you both have the same tech in your masks, maybe that's been on purpose."

He turns to face you fully now, what little of his face that shows is stoic and cold, the dim white light of his eyes narrow.
"Observant." He remarks.

"If I didn't know better I'd say that was a note of warning in your voice."

He shows no reaction, a figure of stone and shadow.
"My absence from Gotham is part of the reason I wanted to meet you, face to face."

He begins to step towards you, slowly, his feet now dropping like stones onto the floor.
"What do you mean by that?" You ask him, stepping back slightly.

"Relax, Officer." He tells you, his voice softer but still firm. He slowly closes the gap until only feet separate you both. He looks you up and down and you see the whites of his mask take on a slight blue color. "Elevated heart rate." He remarks.

"Because you're weirding me out." You clarify.

He grunts.
"Are you feeling anything?"

"Besides weirded out? Not really."

"Your abilities, they really are tied to Gotham."

"I could have just told you that." You reply frustrated, finally breaking free from the strange stupor of meeting such an odd figure. "What the hell am I doing out here? You manipulate my ex girlfriend to call for me, I come out and you start, what, trying to intimidate me? I know what your game is."

"Tell me then, what do you know?" He asks, his air is challenging but not aggressive. Almost a playful competitiveness if not for his grim expression.
>"Here's what I've deduced so far on just this place alone..." (Let me do the line connecting for you guys, explaining the deductions Mark has made. This will be limited to events from tonight's updates.)
>"I don't think so, you asked me out here with something in mind and I'm not playing games with you until you get to it."
>"I know you want me to join your superhero club, I can be a Justice Leaguer and forget all about the people I pledged an oath too so I can focus on the 'bigger picture' Nia told me about."
>Write-In (Flex your detective skills anon, what deductions, assumptions, or baseless accusations can you make with everything you've seen so far? Doesn't have to be limited to this meeting either. If you wish to spill everything from the SIM Killer to the GCPD Mole then feel free.)

I hope this makes sense, what Option 1 and Option Write-In mean, if anyone is a little hazy on it please feel free to ask and I can answer in more direct speak.
the only clue i have is nightwing being there but not batman but that is nonspesific enough that the mayor can be batman
Do we really want to try to go for the Bruce=Bats reveal right here, or leave him to his shadows?
are you worried about me deducting your secret identity or something why are you so worried about your identity but not nightwing or any random telepath or wizard with that touching past reading spells like those gypsies
nah its just the obvious worry he would have
>Write-In (Flex your detective skills anon, what deductions, assumptions, or baseless accusations can you make with everything you've seen so far? Doesn't have to be limited to this meeting either. If you wish to spill everything from the SIM Killer to the GCPD Mole then feel free.)

Does his voice remind us of anyone we have met? If Batman was / is using a Vocal modulator would lead to a similar though wider pool of identities as either someone we could identify due to having met them, or otherwise being notable in the media or otherwise "on-air" often enough for that to be a concern.

Further "his" build and color of his ?stubble? / body hair also shrinks the pool significantly.

Outside implications on his identity, there isn't much we can tell bats, maybe ask if he knows whats up with "magical escape route(s)" from the Tobacconists' Club.
Ask and you shall receive. From your observations Mark would list Batman as.

Between 6'2 and 6'3
200-210 maybe 220 at max? Hard to tell.
Clean Shaven

As far as the voice there is no obvious distortion that would indicate his voice is being altered by a device, nor does the voice sound similar to anyone you have spoken with before. His build is hard to discern from the dark environment and his outfit breaking up his figure quite effectively.

If anyone else has specific questions please ask.

(Also side note, this is less of a "I know who you are" moment and more of a "I'm more observant than you think." type of move.)
He'd also know from previous files and stories: A man very used to being in control, has either big connections or big money to be using the tech he uses.

Also very skilled with CQC, especially if he can walk into mobs of goons and take them down, mostly alone. Most of the other capes that appear in Gotham usually have a theme centered around him.

And one final thing, Batman refrains from killing, but not maiming.

Though these might be things any gothamite knows.
I'd still see it as beneficial, as it would likely prompt a reaction. Also we are trying to make ?Detective? so, stray thoughts can be useful. On top of remembering to use all our senses.

Whatever surveillance method(s) is / are being employed will probably adjust, or intensify. Both have their pros and cons. Especially if we fuck up somewhere and attract major heat, beyond what Huntress and / or Question could handle.
Yeah, I know why we're here.
>You don't know the full capabilities of my shivers and you feel threatened that I would be able to INSTANTLY ping your position/identity if you ever go out streaking in your costume in the city premises. That's why nightwing is active in Gotham instead of you. You called me here, out of the city so I can't learn who you are, or other important secrets. You called me here to secure my silence.
>You don't know the full capabilities of my shivers and you feel threatened that I would be able to INSTANTLY ping your position/identity if you ever go out streaking in your costume in the city premises. That's why nightwing is active in Gotham instead of you. You called me here, out of the city so I can't learn who you are, or other important secrets. You called me here to secure my silence.
Batman can’t really batman depending on his relationship and attitude towards gcpd.
It makes sense to approach us like this due to paranoia

Out of character though, we stood right next to Bruce Wayne and Shivers didn’t tell us shit. Gotham wants to keep him hidden as well, it would seem.
With a side of
>You must also be extremely famous if you think even a hint of your identity
>Combined with how much money is obviously needed to fund your outfit and the obvious renovations outback, nice touch by the way, you need to add something notable to it so people aren't weirded out by the unmoveable door with unnecessary padlocks on it.
>The only person of note who can both afford, and has been trying to speak to cops regularly about what's going on recently besides Dent, the Feds, and my various cape contacts was....Bruce Wayne
>That's you I presume. Your as paranoid as the Question you know that?
But that's what detective reasoning is for, for when Shivers fails us on purpose.
>hint of your identity would be relevant*
There were some weird news reports I seem to remember from a few days/threads ago about Boomtubes or some other Apokolips nonsense from Star Labs I think? Could that be the reason that Batman hasn't been about?
>You must also be extremely famous if you think even a hint of your identity
Shivers showed us plenty of non-famous people though?
>Combined with how much money is obviously needed to fund your outfit
That's also a stretch in my opinion. Huntress has a cool costume and gadgets, but she isn't nearly as wealthy. I don't actually know if in this canon Gotham has seen the crazier stuff he has, like a plane or a mech.

Anon, I understand that you want to speedrun the reveal, but come on.
>Shivers showed us plenty of non-famous people though?
However it showed us nothing on Wayne, a total blankspot. Which only happens to the Sim Killer, which as far as we can deduce means one of two things. Wayne is the Ego of the city, or the city treats him special just like Batman. Both ways would point to him being the Bat due to Shivers refusing to say anything about him. Because he sure as shit isn't our serial killer.
>That's also a stretch in my opinion. Huntress has a cool costume and gadgets, but she isn't nearly as wealthy. I don't actually know if in this canon Gotham has seen the crazier stuff he has, like a plane or a mech.
Being able to afford setting up a secret hideout outside the city while still being able to reach it is proof enough that he needs serious cashflow, on top of the gadgets he uses to literally check our pulse. Huntress is small time compared to that kind of money, and nobody else has that would also be willing to ask the weird question Wayne did with just our deductive reasoning alone. Wayne would also be the one guy that could tangently learn about our girlfriend. if he asked the our bed ridden buddy at the time after our heart to heart. I gave at least three different ways to catch him. Suck it up and get the real out of the way so we can move on with whatever he has to tell us.
>"Here's what I've deduced so far on just this place alone..."
My guess (as Mark) would be that he heard about our psychic connection to significant figures in the city and, as >>5894056 suggested, became worried we would discover his secret identity if we met in-town. He's brought us out here to war us not to fuck with him.
Fucking early work hours…

I’ll go with >>5894086, but with a bit extra tacked on about what we want…

>”Look, I know you’ve got to keep an eye open for situations and powers like mine to mitigate the risk to your identity, but I just want to stay in Gotham, and not get transferred either to the Justice League or Antartica, depending on how this meeting goes. Nia never really understood that, her powers are much more general than mine are…”

"The problem with hosting your meetings out of the way is it gives someone time to think. Think about why you'd be so concerned with my abilities. You're afraid."

He remains silent, but you feel like you're being analyzed.

"You feel threatened that I would be able to INSTANTLY ping your position or your identity if you ever go out streaking in your costume in the city limits. That's why Nightwing is active in Gotham instead of you. You called me here, out of the city so I can't learn who you are, or other important secrets. You called me here to secure my silence."

He grunts.
"Impressive, but only half-way there. I was also testing the accuracy of our information regarding your abilities, as well as bringing you here for an offer."

"An offer? To join the League I'm guessing? Nia gave me the entire speech about the bigger picture and how my 'gifts' are wasted with the GCPD."

"She was wrong to say that." He cuts you off, the surprise of the statement pushing you to silence. "Men like you and Gordon are the future of Gotham, the public needs to trust the GCPD. The truth is I've been busy making plans."

"Plans? The future? You're talking like you're thinking of hanging up the cape."

He stands silent again, his mouth a taut line.

"Jesus, are you actually?"


"Then plans for-" Your question is cut off.

"I'm putting together a task force. My attention had been divided recently, that bigger picture you mentioned earlier has a habit of including Gotham. I'm looking for people who can look after Gotham when I'm gone, on League business or otherwise." He speaks the final word with a grim coldness.

"A task force? I'm a police officer not a vigilante."

"Your off the books investigation with The Question says otherwise."

"That's not.." You trail off. "I'm doing it because of a mole in the GCPD, it's something-"

"Something that has to be handled outside the official channels." He finishes. You sigh.

"I'm not sure what I have to offer you that the Justice League can't offer you."

"You care about Gotham, you share a connection to it and it's deeper than anything surface level."

"Like what?"

"Like magic. Search your apartment you'll find a hex bag and some warding charms, I had an associate place some in your vehicle a while ago as well. You continued to use your abilities without issue which rules out any sorcery."
"What. How?" Is all you can muster through your confusion.

"I have associates." Batman says over a shoulder as he reaches behind the bar and pulls out a small silver rectangle, the size of a small briefcase. "I also have that offer."

He presses a single button and a low tone plays.
"This great misfortune, of not being able to be alone." He speaks to the box, you hear a high pitched beep and the latches pop open with a satisfying click.

Inside the box you see a small plastic panel with a red button, next to it an old school phone attached via stiff cabling, the texture of everything strikes you as odd, rippled patterns as if it had been 3D printed. The top of the case contains a collection of small items, metal canisters and small sprinkler heads.

"What the hell is this?" You whisper.

"Communication directly to me. I'm offering that you use your abilities to help me, help my associates, protect Gotham when the job is too advanced for the GCPD. You press that button and you'll be instantly connected."

You reach out and press the button, you hear a small trilling and then a muffled accented voice comes from the phone.
"Yellow?" A cheerful voice answers, the familiar voice of Nightwing. "A lot of silence on your end of the phone, this is either show and tell or you butt-dialed me. Unless this is a drunk call, do you want me back?"

Batman's gloved hand taps the button again and the call disconnects. He sighs deeply closing the case.
"I want you to act as my eyes and ears in Gotham, for the times I'm not around."

>"This is a lot to agree too, you hardly even know me and I know next to nothing about you. I need more to go off of than blind faith."
>"You speak of your associates, but besides Nightwing who, actually, is assisting you?"
>"No, you tell me you broke into my apartment, have been surveilling me for who knows how long, and bring me out of the city so you can intimidate me without my abilities? I'm not interested in helping someone more paranoid than Question."
>"No, you tell me you broke into my apartment, have been surveilling me for who knows how long, and bring me out of the city so you can intimidate me without my abilities? I'm not interested in helping someone more paranoid than Question."

Bruce you autist, learn how to not be socially inept.
>>"No, you tell me you broke into my apartment, have been surveilling me for who knows how long, and bring me out of the city so you can intimidate me without my abilities? I'm not interested in helping someone more paranoid than Question."
When will they learn. That their actions have CONSEQUENCES. Also this sounds an awful lot like entrapment. It's not, probably, cause they aren't cops. But still, it fits the same M/O. We're not going to jeopardize our career and goodwill just to play patsy for Vengeance over here. We're already doing that enough working with Question, who is FAR more amenable to requests and cooperation despite being a borderline head case.

And above all, he's already got a bat signal, he has Gordon on his side. The fuck more does he need in department? Fuck off and ask your Comish buddy to strongarm us into doing regular sightseeing with Shivers for reports to him that he can pass on to you. Use your twelve separation steps or whatever that way. What a dork.
>"No, you tell me you broke into my apartment, have been surveilling me for who knows how long, and bring me out of the city so you can intimidate me without my abilities? I'm not interested in helping someone more paranoid than Question."
>i want a room i can use my powers safely in. Im trying to not rely on them completely but if i have to use it then i need a safer place
>count exactly how many known instances you have had of people breaking into your apartment
>release the exasperated tension >>5894817
this, this this this
>"No, you tell me you broke into my apartment, have been surveilling me for who knows how long, and bring me out of the city so you can intimidate me without my abilities? I'm not interested in helping someone more paranoid than Question."
>>"No, you tell me you broke into my apartment, have been surveilling me for who knows how long, and bring me out of the city so you can intimidate me without my abilities? I'm not interested in helping someone more paranoid than Question."

I think this puts it at five times.
It’s only been like two months.
>"This is a lot to agree too, you hardly even know me and I know next to nothing about you. I need more to go off of than blind faith."
For the sake of being contrarian.
>"This is a lot to agree too, you hardly even know me and I know next to nothing about you. I need more to go off of than blind faith."
>"This is a lot to agree too, you hardly even know me and I know next to nothing about you. I need more to go off of than blind faith."
>"One more thing...PLEASE stop breaking into my fucking apartment. You and everybody else! How would you feel if you had somebody rifling through your shit every other day?"

>Ask the Commissioner to ask us, so we know it won't jeopardize our career or get us on a shit-list with our superiors and prevent us doing our job
>Otherwise, no.
This: >>5894817
>"This is a lot to agree too, you hardly even know me and I know next to nothing about you. I need more to go off of than blind faith."
>"At the very least, go through Question and Huntress if you need to check out my apartment for something. Huntress can pretend to be normal for low key situations, and Question is probably as paranoid thorough as you are if it's a big enough problem."
>"As for the trash, I've given up on telling Question not to look in it. Just... go through him for that, please?"
>"You said men like Gordon are the future of Gotham. Ask him then, he is my superior. And then he can tell me. I already hate working through unofficial means, adding this task force would be just expediting the issue."
also this, lol >>5894817

Now to tell him about SIM or not is the question. Bat gang has crazy reach and can help a lot. Are we gonna be stubborn and not ask them for help to prove a point? Rejecting an invite and then asking for help is a bit iffy too. FUUCK bat, why couldn't you just fund a swat unit or something.
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>tfw people are voting for things that aren't meant as votes
It's just reeeing that's added on top. Actual answers are still being voted on
I meant more the whole suggesting Gordon tell us what to do. You shouldn't encourage that kind of bullshit. Bats is smart enough to figure that out on his own. We shouldn't walk into that.
>fund a SWAT unit
That's the Batfamily. he just likes personally vetting people because he's a compulsive control freak and, in fairness, because the GCPD and the city as a whole was HIALRIOUSLY corrupt when he was growing up and getting started at vigilantism.

And yet he's going around behind Gordon's back.
>And yet he's going around behind Gordon's back.
He's also smart enough to know having a direct line is better than having those degrees of separation. He's doing what is optimal, really. Except it isn't because he's autistic kak
Just spitballing but wouldn't it be cool if we ran into into Gunsmoke or Jonah Thema (paranormal private eye)?
Don't say that name....it hurts that he is gone....rip
Know he looking down and liking that were keeping the spirit of excellent dc grunt quests alive

Declining this offer + finally releasing the pent up frustration of being the town break in spot.

I played in those Quests when they were active, very much enjoyed the tradition of kneecapping various Batfamily members. However I don't think I'll be adding any of the characters from that quest into mine in an official capacity.
Plus I don't feel comfortable taking things from someone I can't ask permission. So out of respect I'll be leaving them out.
Tell you what man, if I ever do run a DC quest I'll include Jonah as one of the naming options. As the guy who came up with the name, it still stabs me in the guts knowing how everything played out with Axis. In retrospect, GGs suicide was probably Axis' cry for help, consciously or subconsciously, and everyone was very enabling of Jack. It twists me up inside to be reminded of. But that pain does mean I'm alive. I can only hope Axis botched his shit and gave himself brain damage instead and he's currently in a hospital recovering or something. That's my cope.

Based boundary respecter.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, a warmth building in your chest like your heart is swelling.

"No." You let out quietly, then you repeat slightly louder. "No. You tell me you broke into my apartment, that you've been surveilling me for who knows how long, and to top it off you bring me out here and try to intimidate me?" You laugh out of frustration. "I'm not interested in working with someone more paranoid than Question."

He glares at you but you barely notice as you just let everything pour out.
"Do you even know how many times my place has been broken into? By gangsters, killers, masks, women!? Is it too much to ask that I get to go ONE FUCKING WEEK WITHOUT SOMEONE BREAKING INTO MY GODDAMN APPARTMENT." You accentuate your outburst with a swift kick to a nearby chair. It flies back and clatters into a pile of rotted wood and rusting nails.

"Feeling better?" He asks, his voice still that same monotone.

You sigh, finally feeling this emotional knot loosen.
"Yeah, I guess. It's just...why not go through Gordon for this? You have the signal already so it's not like the GCPD and you don't have a connection. Why not just have Gordon order me to use my abilities for whatever you're wanting or make this 'task force' idea of yours official and assign me."

He shakes his head.
"I wanted it to be your choice. If it came from your commissioner you wouldn't feel you had a choice."

"And you thought coming from The Batman it would be less pressure?"

"You already said no."

"I guess. But that doesn't answer my question."

"Gordon and I have worked together for years. Many years." He lets the sentence linger as he moves his hand to the lid of the case, with a flip it snaps closed.
"The case will always be here, if you change your mind. Use the passphrase to open it. Trying to open it any other way will activate the canisters inside and douse the filament inside, melting it."

"Hey I said to answer my question."

"We'll talk again, but for now you're needed back in Gotham." He raises an arm and points behind you to your shop. You throw a glance over your shoulder and see your red and blues on and spinning.

"How the fuck-" You ask as you turn around only to find Batman gone and the silver case resting on the ancient bar top.

"How the fuck?" You repeat.

>Investigate this place, Batman didn't leave you feeling all that confident in him. Maybe this place has some information.
>Head back to your shop, this meeting was a waste of time. You should get back to Gotham.
>Try to summon up shivers, despite being far from the city limits maybe there's a trace of something you can scrounge up.
> Write-In

>Take the case back with you
>Leave the case in the Road House.
>>Try to summon up shivers, despite being far from the city limits maybe there's a trace of something you can scrounge up.
>>Take the case back with you
>Head back to your shop, this meeting was a waste of time. You should get back to Gotham.
>Take the case back with you
>>Try to summon up shivers, despite being far from the city limits maybe there's a trace of something you can scrounge up.
>Take the case back with you
>Look on the ceiling
>Try to summon up shivers, despite being far from the city limits maybe there's a trace of something you can scrounge up.
>Take the case back with you
>"The shit I put up with..."
>was HIALRIOUSLY corrupt
Might still be, we don't know for sure

You lean your head back, eyes closed, and sigh.
"Why am I putting up with this shit?" You mumble to yourself before dragging your hand across your face.

You let out another focused breath and focus, you focus on your surroundings, letting yourself go so that Shivers can inhabit that sensory vacuum. You maintain that focus and eventually...nothing. You open your eyes and shake your head, you knew it wouldn't work but you also knew you couldn't go any deeper into your visions a few months ago, maybe with time you can maintain it even outside Gotham or maybe not. Either way you've wasted enough of your day here, you give the case some serious side-eye before making the decision to go ahead and grab it. The last thing you need is to come here in a moment of desperation and open up the case to some plastic soup because someone decided to try prying it open.

You get to the Shop and see your passenger door open ever so slightly, a pair of light indents in the gravel leading up to it. You open the passenger side and rest the case gently against the seat, flicking off the lights at the same time. You head back around to the front and hop in, time to get home.

The drive is as uneventful as it was the first time, only now you leave the music off and keep a silent vigilance, slowly as you approach mile by mile the senses of Shivers return to you. The fleeting smell of a hot dog cart, the rippling chill of autumn wind, and more than the rest that familiar hum of disembodied voices always whispering just too faintly to understand. You never thought you'd be relieved to hear the sounds of the city again but your encounter with the Batman and the lack of control you felt in the situation left you craving a return to your home field.

You feel a buzzing in your pocket as you approach the sign proudly proclaiming: Welcome To Gotham City!"

The screen reads 'Banks' you flip the cell open.

"Hey Banks, what's up."

"Mark, I'm about to head home man. Hospital cleared me to head home later today, I still gotta come in for PT but other than that I'm free as a bird."

"Hell yeah, that's great to hear." You tell him, genuinely happy.

"I know, but that isn't the best news I have to give you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, how about we go out for dinner or a beer or something tonight? Get to enjoy something other than hospital food, it'll be on me too as a way to say thank you for coming back and saving my ass."

>"Absolutely, just text me where you wanna meet up and I'll be there."
>"Can we schedule it for later? I have a bit of a tight schedule lately."
>"Why wait, drop the good news on me now, I could use something to cheer me up."
>"Absolutely, just text me where you wanna meet up and I'll be there."

There's always two or more things to spend our time on, whats one more?
>>"Absolutely, just text me where you wanna meet up and I'll be there."
Is ya boy getting hitched?
>"Why wait, drop the good news on me now, I could use something to cheer me up."
>>"Absolutely, just text me where you wanna meet up and I'll be there."
we need some amount of normalcy
>"Absolutely, just text me where you wanna meet up and I'll be there."
Please get us away from the shitshow for ONE night
>>"Absolutely, just text me where you wanna meet up and I'll be there."

Wow. A phone conversation that isn’t with a cape, serial killer, or Rogers.

What did we do to deserve such good fortune?
>"Absolutely, just text me where you wanna meet up and I'll be there."
>"Absolutely, just text me where you wanna meet up and I'll be there."
he got into undercover? He got engaged? What's up? I'm excited for our bud!
>>"Absolutely, just text me where you wanna meet up and I'll be there."

A break from the horror that is life in Gotham, locked in. I'll start the update asap.

Don't worry Anon this is part of my normal posting schedule but thank you for the reminder to say it again for new-frens or people who have just forgotten:

>I take a 2 day break on my weekends (Friday/Saturday) to be with my family, avoid burn-out, and plot out more of the quest as you guys react and make decisions in the game. The game always resumes when I go back to work (Sundays) and I will provide updates every day starting around the same time (now) up until it's my weekend at which point we start the whole cycle over.

(Only exception is I've been toying with the idea of rarely posting micro-updates, like different character perspectives, those would come on my weekends and involve no choices just a little extra flavor for you guys.)
Ah, right. Glad all's well!
"Absolutely." You start, grateful for a chance to escape all this for even a little bit. "Just text me where you wanna meet up and I'll be there."

"I got you on the phone now, don't I?" You can hear the smile in his voice. "It's a new place in The Hill. It's called Rye's Guys."

"Rise guys? Like they're floating?"

"What? No, RYE, like Rye Whiskey. It's a mob movie themed Whiskey bar."

"Ah." You reply, not wanting to tell him you've already had your fill of mafioso's today. "Well a drink sounds pretty good."

"Doesn't it always? I'm finally off the pain pills completely so I figured something stronger than a beer was a good idea."

"I'll get the address and see you there later tonight."

You hang up and head for the precinct, before you can do anything you have paperwork from today and some backlog from your suspension to file. If you put your nose in the folders then you may be able to finish up in time for your meet up. You check the Shop back in, re-log your war bags, and get to work. It isn't long before the banality of paperwork lulls you into a sort of trance of shuffling papers, scratching in a signature, and sliding it off to the side. Eventually closing the final report from Kimble about your work at the Rehab Center, reviewing to make sure it's all accurate and then signing off on it. You lean back in your chair and crack your back, letting out a sigh. They never mentioned how much writing you'd be doing in the academy.

A quick change of clothes in the locker rooms and you're out and in your old car, eager to leave things behind just for a while. You enjoy your drive, playing some music quietly and letting the end of day traffic serve as a chance to zone out and feel the city. You didn't realize how lonely it would feel to be cut off from shivers, you'd never experienced it before but before you weren't really utilizing your shivers as much as you were just trying to live normally with a low rumble of whispers on the back of your mind. It almost seems now that normalcy is all but out the window, you can't help but long for it again, your work with Shivers and Gotham are important but you feel yourself almost slipping away at times in your visions. Your memory goes back to that rushing current of light you saw when trying to feel the city with Kimble. You aren't sure how you know this, but you're confident touching that wall and immersing yourself in that light would bring you back to what you felt in your dream before Nia pulled you out. The mainline of Gotham's 'spirit' and all the feeling that came with it.

A honk behind you breaks you free of your own thoughts, the stoplight shining bright green, you make your turn and end up on the road to Rye's Guys. A quick text to Banks lets you know that he's already inside. You dip in and are greeted by a man in a white suit with a fedora, a fat plastic cigar hangs from his lips.
"Nyaa...Welcome to Rye's Guys. Where our Whiskey is sour and our girls are sweet."
"I have a friend in here already." You tell the young man working the front podium.

He nods.
"Go enjoy your drinks then, Don. If any cops come sniffing around though, I ain't seen nothin." He gives you a wink and you chuckle.

"Thanks, buddy." You tell him before stepping past.

Banks sits in a small booth, a decanter, some glasses, and a small crystal bowl of orange rinds and sugar cubes sit on the table top which is a clean polished metal. He gives you a wave and you sit down.

"Glad to see you made it out of the paperwork pits." He says with a chuckle.

"Barely, the thought of getting to share a whiskey underneath a chandelier made from 1911's was all that go me through it." You joke as you gaze up at the interesting décor of this place.

Banks taps a button on the side of the table and within a minute a woman in a full pinstripe pantsuit and heels approaches.
"What can I get for yous guys?" She asks

"Two Whiskey Sours, and a bowl of...Capone's Kettle cooked chips?" He asks confused. The waitress simply nods confidently and marks it down on her pad before walking away.

"This place definitely has an atmosphere." You remark, Banks smiles and waves a hand.

"It's fun, I'm in a good mood so we could be drinking two dollar beers under Trigate Bridge and I'd still be good."

You check his side of the table again and see a single glass already drained and tucked away behind a menu.
"You got a head start on me."

You see Bank's face go light pink as he rubs his neck.
"Yeah well, I got big news like I told you." He takes a breath and nods. "I'm getting married!"

"Holy shit!" You reply with a smile. "That's fucking great, Banks congrats!"

"Thank you, Mark. I proposed to her as soon as I got out of the hospital."

"To which one?"

"Alright, alright, you dick." He laughs. "I just...I almost died. It kinda shook my life up by the frame you know? Made me realize some things were more important to me than they were scary."

You nod.
"I'm really happy for you Banks, she seemed like an amazing girl. She obviously loves you to death."

He smiles and lets his gaze wander.
"Yeah.." He suddenly turns his head to you and makes brief eye contact before his eyes begin skating across the table. "I just wanted to invite you out because, it isn't soon. The wedding, I mean. But you know it's gonna come and I told you before I kinda moved here from where I had been for a while so I don't really have many friends here besides the guys at the station, I mean you're a guy from the station but like more than that you know?" He rambles as the waitress approaches with your drinks. She sets them down as Banks gets around to finally asking you.

"I just, I know we aren't like best friends or anything but, you've were there for me in the scariest moments of my life. So I just wanted to ask if you would consider, maybe, being my best man?"
>"Absolutely, Banks. Am I gonna have to give a speech or something?"
>"You sure? I mean, I'm flattered but you don't have any family like brothers or anything you wanna ask first?"
>"Hey, look. I really am flattered, Banks. But it's like you said, we're friends but a best man that's an entirely different level."
>"You sure? I mean, I'm flattered but you don't have any family like brothers or anything you wanna ask first?"
If not, then sure. I just don't want the dude to feel obligated because we kinda' sorta' saved his life.
>>"You sure? I mean, I'm flattered but you don't have any family like brothers or anything you wanna ask first?"
>"You sure? I mean, I'm flattered but you don't have any family like brothers or anything you wanna ask first?"
>>"Absolutely, Banks. Am I gonna have to give a speech or something?"
>>"You sure? I mean, I'm flattered but you don't have any family like brothers or anything you wanna ask first?"
>"You sure? I mean, I'm flattered but you don't have any family like brothers or anything you wanna ask first?"
>>"Absolutely, Banks. Am I gonna have to give a speech or something?"
>"Absolutely, Banks. Am I gonna have to give a speech or something?"

You grab your glass and take a sip, using the time to think of the most tactful way you can say this.
"I'm flattered, Banks. But are you sure?"

"What do you mean?" He asks, his face in limbo on what emotion he should be feeling.

"I just mean, is there anyone else who you'd want? A brother or some family? I just..I don't want you to ask me because you feel like you owe me or anything."

"Well I mean, I kinda do owe you." He counters. Grabbing his own drink and dropping in an orange peel.

"Not really, it was work. It's my job to help a fellow officer, I know you'd do it for me too. I just dont want the day to come and you look over and think that you could have maybe picked someone else. Someone you're closer with."

He shakes his head.
"Nah. I already did think about it, I don't really have any family that I wanna share this with. My brother is uh, a lot like my Dad."

Your mind goes back to the Hospital, when he told you a bit of his troubles at home, you remember the sting on your face from what Shivers managed to scrape off him. You take another sip and plan your next move.

>"Well, then I'd be honored. I'll be your best man."
>"How long has it been since you last spoke? Maybe you could try making amends, I'm sure they'd love to see you get married."
>"I'm sorry, Banks. I just really don't think I'm the right guy for the job."
>"You mentioned some trouble with your family but it how bad are we talking? It's crazy to think a father wouldn't want to see his son get married."
>"Well, then I'd be honored. I'll be your best man."
>"Well, then I'd be honored. I'll be your best man."
that said, also including this write-in:
>"How long has it been since you last spoke? Maybe your brother at least is willing to amends, I'm sure he'd love to see you get married."

Even if the dad's a lost cause, his bro might not be. Well be his best man, no problemo, but more's the better if he can restore some of his old support network.
>"Well, then I'd be honored. I'll be your best man."
>>"Well, then I'd be honored. I'll be your best man."
>>"Well, then I'd be honored. I'll be your best man."
>>"Well, then I'd be honored. I'll be your best man."
>"Well, then I'd be honored. I'll be your best man."
Who's gonna crash this?
>"Well, then I'd be honored. I'll be your best man."
Obviously his crazy ex, after she’s been doused in experimental plant pheromones and becomes the Poison Ivy.

Which come to think of it, is a really terrible plant to be named after. It’s not even dangerous, just extremely uncomfortable.
>>"Well, then I'd be honored. I'll be your best man."
>"Well, then I'd be honored. I'll be your best man."

Locked in.
"Well, then I'd be honored. I'll be your best man." You hold up a glass and Banks' anxious expression evaporates as he gleefully clinks the rim of his glass with yours.

"Thanks, Mark. I appreciate it." He says softly.

You enjoy a long sip of smoky sweet whiskey before continuing.
"But, I'm curious. How long has it been since you last spoke? To your brother I mean."

Banks shakes his head and shrugs.
"Couple years, at the very least. Around the same time my dad stopped talking to me for dropping out he stopped calling. He was always the 'yes sir' type you know?"

You nod, leaning back in the booth.
"You ever think of reaching out?"

He shrugs.
"Sometimes, I just don't think he'd want to hear from me is all. What would we even talk about? We don't really know each other anymore, he went into the family practice and I chose to be a cop. Even worse I married 'the enemy' as my dad put it."


He nods, draining his glass.
"She's defense, my dad and brother were prosecution. Dating the enemy in my family and dating the enemy as a cop. Maybe I'm just a contrarian."

"Hey, I'm no better. I want to make detective someday but I never even noticed I was dating a meta until she walked through the front door in costume."

"No shit?"

"No shit."

"Well you know my history of Ex's a little too in depth."

"You're telling me. What are you doing right to get a girl that...invested in you?"

"If you ever figure that out let me know, because I can't see it."

"Yeah well, my ex keeps using her powers to get into my dreams so. You aren't alone in the pushy ex department."


"Mhm." You reply as you finish your glass.

Banks collects both cups and slides them to the edge, a lingering waitress approaches with a fresh ice bucket and a bottle. She refills your cups.

"This place is uh, pretty fancy for being a gimmick joint." You remark

"Yeah, that's why I like it. Something kinda funny about something so high quality being this...quirky." He says the final word with a laugh. "Thanks for coming out, Mark."

He raises his glass to you.

>"To terrible exes."
>"To being contrarian."
>"To the GCPD."
>Something kinda funny about something so high quality being this...quirky.
Ain't that just Gotham in a nutshell?

>To Gotham City, and all its high-class quirks and weirdos
>"To being contrarian."
Hey, sometimes that's just how it shakes out. Can't be anything but yourself.
Why not both? +1!
>To the city of contrarians itself!

I will make the contrarian vote of voting against toasting to contrarians.
Apologies, I got two hours of sleep and cannot think straight and still need to do my usual workload.

We will return tomorrow at the usual time.
Gnight fren.
His bud showed up later and did a q&a.
Asked nobody continue it, but seemed okay with inclusions

Imo its nice to have something live on
Rest up, QM.
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Pretty funny. I made this one blue instead of red.
Yes, I know batman isn't THAT fuckhuge. It's for dramatic effect.
>Look here buster, you just admitted to committing multiple felonies to an officer of the law.
Also, based.
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It's another episode of "I realised I fucked up that finger, but only 30 minutes after posting"
nice art brother!
Badass! Dare I say... Thread 5 cover art?
You're a legend, bro
You could easily do this for a living if you don't already
Hot damn, thank you Anon!

You dare and you'd be right.


A toast!
You chuckle to yourself and smile.
"Something that's high quality and quirky? If that ain't Gotham in a Nutshell I don't know what is."

You pick up your glass and tap the crystal rim against his.
"To Gotham City, and all it's high-class quirks and weirdos."

"Damn right." Banks replies with a wide smile.

The next hour or so is spent on some idle conversation, some more drinks, mob-pun food items explaining your recent medical suspension. As you move past recent events you end up answering the usual questions people have about your abilities.

"So if you moved?"

"Time varies on how long before the Shivers start back up again, dependent on a couple of things but I don't know any specifics. Places I was comfortable in and enjoyed I seemed to pick it up quicker."

"What if you like, rode your bike all over town? Would that make it work faster?"

"I don't know, actually. But I never noticed a difference in it turning on when I was in smaller or bigger places just being dragged around by my parents."

"Oh yeah, you know about the problems I have with my dad and his choice in my profession." He takes a sip as he asks before following it up somewhat timidly. "How did they feel about yours?"

You shrug.
"They grew up here in Gotham, during the rougher times when the GCPD wasn't exactly the most trustworthy."

Banks face goes grim, the worst period in GCPD history, when it was revealed nearly 60% of the GCPD was corrupt and in the pocket of various criminal organizations. This was the first big case that legitimized The Batman in the eyes of the city, it's rumored this is where his relationship with Gordon started near thirteen years ago.

"They didn't have a problem with it per say. But they told me to be careful a few too many times for it to be habit."

Banks nods and takes another drink, his cheeks a dull red as he clears his throat. Asking in a quiet voice.
"How did they handle, you know? Being 'more'? or are they also gifted?"

"They don't have any abilities, also you don't have to use those words, Banks. You can call me Meta, I'd prefer it over stuff like 'Gifted' or 'Different' those seem a little...egotistical."

"Sorry, how was it growing up meta with em?"
>"Great, my parents have always been understanding. They even moved with me a few times out of the city hoping to help with the Shivers problem I had as a kid.'
>"Good, I love my parents and I know they love me. But there were times as a Kid I could tell they were afraid. I don't know if it was of me or of shivers. But I could tell."
>"Fine, to be honest we never interacted much. My dad had to move constantly because of work so he was rarely home. My mom didn't think a kid who had a city as a friend needed much supervision I guess."
>"I didn't really, my parents took care of me and did what they should as parents but, I spent a lot of holidays and weekends with my Grandparents. Those two were fresh off the boat from Italy and loved to have me around. I was always a little bummed to go back home.
>"Great, my parents have always been understanding. They even moved with me a few times out of the city hoping to help with the Shivers problem I had as a kid.'
>>"Great, my parents have always been understanding. They even moved with me a few times out of the city hoping to help with the Shivers problem I had as a kid.'
>"Good, I love my parents and I know they love me. But there were times as a Kid I could tell they were afraid. I don't know if it was of me or of shivers. But I could tell."
>>"Great, my parents have always been understanding. They even moved with me a few times out of the city hoping to help with the Shivers problem I had as a kid.'
>"Good, I love my parents and I know they love me. But there were times as a Kid I could tell they were afraid. I don't know if it was of me or of shivers. But I could tell."

Seems like a pretty normal reaction to the city whispering in your kid’s ear.
>Seems like a pretty normal reaction to the city whispering in your kid’s ear.
Yeah when you phrase it like that, it really just sounds like some serial killer type shit.
Which uh...yeah.
>>"Good, I love my parents and I know they love me. But there were times as a Kid I could tell they were afraid. I don't know if it was of me or of shivers. But I could tell."
I wish, but thanks for the vote of confidence
>"Great, my parents have always been understanding. They even moved with me a few times out of the city hoping to help with the Shivers problem I had as a kid.'
Just to be contrarian. Also moving makes sense. Gotham is not the best with children I think.
What you should do is float some of your pieces on shirt-sites and poster-sites. You never know, they might take off. The stark colors work really well for stuff like that.

"Great." You tell him honestly. You aren't positive but you're pretty sure that emotion that washes over his face is relief. "My parents were always understanding, they even moved me around out of Gotham and sometimes out of other cities hoping to help with the Shivers when I was younger."

"Holy shit, yeah. I didn't even think about how you had to deal with this growing up."

"It was scary." You tell him quietly, your voice tinged with reflection, even at this age you still don't think back on your childhood too often. "It's one thing to see a shadow in the dark, or to hear a bump in the night, and to turn the light on just to see it was an old coat or the dog knocking over a lamp."

"But it's different when something is talking to you." He finishes your thought.

You nod.
"My parents took me to a lot of doctors, they thought the obvious things. Mental illness, schizophrenia, a few chalked it up to a kid's overactive imagination."

"What changed their minds?"

"When I started repeating the things I was told and saw." You tell him flatly. You drink, not to sate thirst but instead, to steel yourself ever so slightly for this minor dip into your memories. "I had to prove that I wasn't making it up, that I wasn't crazy."

"That's fucked." Banks whispers. You look at his face and see him looking directly into your eyes. No pity. Just empathy from one guy with a shitty childhood to another.

"It worked. We actually moved back to the city to meet with a doctor based off a recommendation from a Neurologist in Michigan. I got to a new doc and he fixed me up, gave me some medication to help with the sensations and eventually I didn't need em anymore."
You smile lightly, trying to give off a sort of care-free look. But your memories of those years are as clear as Oil Paintings in the rain, a vulgar blend of anti-psychotics and sensory deprivation therapy, it all left you scrambled. It was only after the peak of your treatment and the slow withdrawal of medicine that you began to be able to remember clearly again.

"Must have cost a fortune."

"The doctor did it pro-bono, said my case could stop others with similar abilities from suffering. Lucky for us but I didn't really care about that when I was young, I just wanted to be normal."

The last droplets of amber whiskey disappear into Banks' mouth.
"That's a lot of shit to go through." He says almost to himself, you notice his pupils swaying to stay on you. "If it makes you feel any better, I think you ended up more normal than most of the people in Gotham."

You smile. It does make you feel better.
"Anyways!" Banks says a little too loud as his palms hit the table, bouncing your ice in it's glass. "I need to piss, I'll handle the tab but would you be willing to get me a taxi? I shouldn't drive."

You let the smile linger and laugh softly.
"Yeah man, I'll get a taxi."

As he walks away you pat your pants and coat only to sigh in frustration. All that paperwork fried your brain and paired with running a little late you must have left your phone in the car.

You push yourself up from the table and feel a slight sense of vertigo.
"Better make it a taxi for two." You mumble to yourself.

A sudden chill runs down your spine. You feel heat, a familiar kind. Spreading slow over your neck and chest, it moves in a slow steady beam like a hot spot light. You look around the bar and see nothing. But the feeling lingers, it isn't until you head towards the front and try to walk out that the same host from before holds a hand out.

"Nyaah, trying to skip out on your bar tab? We got ways of handling that, see?" He says in his cartoonish voice to you.

You shake your head.
"No man, my buddy went to take a piss. I'm grabbing my phone from my car."

He looks you up and down in an exaggerated fashion before stepping aside and speaking in a low voice.
"Sorry man, boss gets mad if I don't do the bit."

You wave it off.

Leaving behind the strange host you feel relief from that searching scanning heat in the form of crisp autumn air. A breeze runs through and you feel the slight bitter chill of winter that is soon to come. Popping open your car you lean down and grab your phone which rests right in your cupholder, you must have set it down when you arrived and shut off your GPS. You pull it from it's resting place and hear something that turns your blood to ice.

A vibration from your glove box.

A single pulse, nothing more. You squeeze your eyes tight and open them, feeling the dry burn of a long day spread across. You can't stop yourself, you need to know. You pop open the glovebox and pull out SIM's flip phone.

1 Missed Call: 2 Hours ago

New Text Message: "Call me back, I'm at the bar :)"

You swallow hard and look up to the bar and feel it. That radiating heat. The same you felt before at the museum, the same heat you felt diminished during your phone calls with Caesar.

>Call back, this is a threat and he's given you a clear manner of responding.
>Drop the phone and head inside, this may not be a threat. SIM is sadistic enough to have already done something and call you just to brag or rub it in.
>Head back in while calling, only risky in the sense that if this proves to be just an empty threat then you'd be grabbing Banks while panicked with a phone he's never seen and he isn't the type to let that go without questions, even drunk.
>Call back, this is a threat and he's given you a clear manner of responding.
>Open with "So which would you call yourself? A quirk or a weirdo?"
If he was at the bar the whole time, he would have heard us.
>>Head back in while calling, only risky in the sense that if this proves to be just an empty threat then you'd be grabbing Banks while panicked with a phone he's never seen and he isn't the type to let that go without questions, even drunk.
banks is dead. sadface
>Head back in while calling, only risky in the sense that if this proves to be just an empty threat then you'd be grabbing Banks while panicked with a phone he's never seen and he isn't the type to let that go without questions, even drunk.

No time to waste, gotta do it all at once!
>>Call back, this is a threat and he's given you a clear manner of responding.
>Drop the phone and head inside, this may not be a threat. SIM is sadistic enough to have already done something and call you just to brag or rub it in.
>>Drop the phone and head inside, this may not be a threat. SIM is sadistic enough to have already done something and call you just to brag or rub it in.
>Head back in while calling, only risky in the sense that if this proves to be just an empty threat then you'd be grabbing Banks while panicked with a phone he's never seen and he isn't the type to let that go without questions, even drunk.
>Drop the phone and head inside, this may not be a threat. SIM is sadistic enough to have already done something and call you just to brag or rub it in.
No no no no no NOOOOOOO
This is why girls piss in groups. Must be.
>>Head back in while calling, only risky in the sense that if this proves to be just an empty threat then you'd be grabbing Banks while panicked with a phone he's never seen and he isn't the type to let that go without questions, even drunk
>>Head back in while calling, only risky in the sense that if this proves to be just an empty threat then you'd be grabbing Banks while panicked with a phone he's never seen and he isn't the type to let that go without questions, even drunk
Call back:

Leave the phone:

Why not both:

Heading in..
You lean back slamming the car door as you hit the redial button heading for the doors of the bar.

"Hello, Detective. Enjoying your night out?" The familiar modulated voice flows through.

"So which are you? A quirk or a weirdo?" You answer as you cross the dark street.

"Strange thing to start a conversation with."

"Cut the shit, you told me you're here so you know what I mean."

You hear a dry laugh.
"I was lying." it says flatly. "It's called 'rattling your cage' did they not cover that tactic with you at the academy.

Your hand freezes and lingers on the door.
"You aren't here?"

"No, but an associate of mine is. He called me to check in and ask me a question."

"Which was?"

"Should he kill you or not." It says softly. "Obviously, I told him to contain himself."

"Kill me? I thought you wanted to learn from me?"

"Well of course I do, but it's still public knowledge in my circles that you are running an investigation to find me."

Your stomach tightens as an anxious fear grabs you.
"Oh yeah?"

"Oh yes, a bit underwhelming of a force though isn't it? Detective Bennett is a little past his prime and Kimble seems to be a meathead, I'm assuming you're doing most of the heavy lifting."

Your gut unclenches.
"They're good detectives in their own ways, better than me."

"You are far too humble, Detective. On top of that you are also focused in the wrong direction, why are you learning from bags of bones and thick bodies when you could be learning from me, and I could be learning from you."

He sighs dramatically.
"But I know you aren't there yet, members of my organization obviously would prefer if you weren't doing your thing so damn well."

"Yeah well don't expect me to stop anytime soon."

The laughter comes out this time in full force.
"I hope you don't, if anything I hope you ramp it up. Seeing these bastards sweat is a nice change of pace." His voice goes low and serious, you can almost feel his warm breath through the phone. "I wouldn't mind to see them get dropped a few pegs."
You furrow your brow. Your mind goes back to what he told you, of his father, of his childhood.

"You're being forced into this hatchet man job, but people still take orders from you?"

You hear a shuffle on the other end of the phone.
"We can discuss that another time, Detective. I just wanted to call and to let you know to watch your back. I don't want you getting hurt. I even put in a word for your friend you were with, told them that killing cops right now is bad news."

"You have a funny way of showing you care."

"Yeah well, we only have each other when you really think about it. Tell your cop buddies about our secret calls after this long and your career is axed. I tell my Father or Boss and well, my axing is a little more literal."

"Still. That's more than self interest, covering for me makes sense.."

"But why your friend? A good question, Detective. I have a deal if you can't help but sate your curiosity, an exchange."


"Of what else, information. You want to know why I would help, and I want to know why you vanished from Gotham earlier today."

You swallow. Did Gotham sell you out, or can he just tell when you leave? Would you be able to tell if he were to leave? Your silence triggers another prod.

"This offer is good for the next minute, so think it over. I can promise you it's some premium juicy gossip."

>Tell him, maybe hearing you're on the radar of Batman could back him off a bit.
>"No deal, keep your secrets and I'll keep mine."
>"Only if you don't just tell me why you're protecting Banks but also how you know I left Gotham."
>"Been leaving Gotham every now and then since I was a kid. Makes everything a little less intense for a while. Even if it's just an hour or two, it's nice to have a break from it all. You should give it a try, it might help with your urges."
>>"No deal, keep your secrets and I'll keep mine."


"Been leaving Gotham every now and then since I was a kid. Makes things less intense for a while. Even if it's just an hour or two."

It lets out a low "Hmm."

"Nice to have a break from it all, maybe you should give it a try, may help with the urges."
You struggle to keep a casual tone as a few customers walk out, you peek inside and feel relief flood your body. Banks stands at your table looking around and patting various parts of his body while that same Host from before stands with his hands on his hips.

"No, I don't think it would. When I leave Gotham, I think it actually gets worse." It replies after a few moments of contemplative silence.

"Worse how?"

"I feel...well I suppose the word would be yearning. Like I'm drawn to Gotham and can't resist, last time I tried I even.." It stops itself. "We can save personal stories for when we meet."

"When we meet it'll be with cuffs in my hand."

"Oh I know you feel that way now. That's why I'm working on a few things."

"Excuse me?"

"I guess you could call them contingencies, maybe 'plots' if you're feeling theatrical. You think I'm crazy, Detective. But I understand this divide between us more than anyone, even you, and the key to overcoming something is to understand it. That's why when our sessions with one another wrap up, I'll be the one on top. Because I understand you."

"You don't understand shit, you crazy fuck." You harshly whisper, using your hand to cup around your mouth.

"I understand that right now you've been drinking, so you probably aren't the calmest. But you also never have been, you have a history of a short temper from what I've been able to dig up."

You swallow hard. You've been so focused on pursuing him that you never stopped to consider covering your own tracks, a horrible thought enters your mind: Are you the hunter or the hunted?

"Still there, Detective?"


It sighs.
"Good, good. The reason I called you tonight is because I have another question for you, seeing as how last time you got me to blab about my father, I figure we can do it how we did last time. I'll ask you something and you answer me. If I feel you're being honest then I'll answer something you want to ask."

"Anything I ask?"

"Obvious exclusions apply. But you aren't dumb enough to jump straight to asking me my name, date of birth, and social security number."

"Why give me a question at all? Why should I even expect you to answer honestly?"

"Because I loathe an unfair game, Detective." It answers, it's voice deadly serious. "Our abilities, our resources, and more. I think you're the first person who's been in a position to give me trouble, and things are never more exhilarating than when you know you shouldn't be doing them. Giving you information and going behind my father's back make this a game with dire stakes. I know you feel the same, in some form or you wouldn't even be playing."
You feel hot anger brewing inside but you temper it with meditative breathing.

"This isn't a game to me, it's my job."

"You may be right, maybe this isn't a game. It would be more apt to call it a race, a race to see who can understand the other first. You understand me and tracking me will be a breeze, I learn to understand you and maybe I can finally put this old bitch of a city out of my head. The end result either way is an end to the killing, a result we BOTH want."

You close your eyes and lean your head back letting it rest against brick.
"What's your question?"

"Do you believe in redemption, in atonement? I don't mean the easy kind like returning something you stole or apologizing after acting in the heat of the moment. Does a killer, or something even worse, have a chance at being a good person again?"

>"I think anyone can be redeemed, but that doesn't mean you should be free from punishment. If you wrong someone then the price needs to be paid, legally."
>"There's always a chance at redemption for people who truly feel bad for their actions."
>"No, once you cross a certain line there's no going back. The only place for those people is a cell where they can't hurt anyone ever again."
>"No, some things are too horrible to ever be atoned for in a way other than death. But that isn't for me to decide."
>"I don't know, it isn't my place in the world to make those calls. I leave it to the courts to decide the punishment, whatever they decide is how it should be.

And after that:
>What question would you like to ask in return?
(When we come back from our weekend break I will take some of the popular suggestions and turn them into a vote if there isn't a solid consensus, please feel free to debate among yourselves.)
>"Only if they still bear the capacity to change. You know the story of Mad Dog - Martin Hawkins? That's a man who sought redemption but didn't have the capacity for it. Sometimes it's not a matter of being too far gone, but being wired in a way that makes you incompatible with the rest of society. Nurture can't fix every nature, no matter how hard you try. I guess it remains to be seen if you're a man that can be redeemed, or another mad dog needing to be put down."

>"You talk about your father a lot, but what about your mother? Tell me a bit about her, your relationship with her."
>Redemption and atonement are two different things. Atonement means you are seeking forgiveness, usually from former victims, but seeing as you killed them all; especially that kid, I don't think you're going to be getting any from them any time soon.. Atonement is about punishing yourself, you know what you did is wrong, it's sinful, so you take steps to punish yourself for those acts. Redemption.. Redemption is different. When you're redeemed, it's usually through no actions of your own, it's by a higher power that looks at the deeds you have done, the sincerity of your actions and grants you redemption; the ultimate forgiveness... If you want an example, look at Jesus... Not sure if you're religious, but his story is pretty much the prime example; He died for us, because only he was capable of Atoning for the Sins of Mankind... And buddy, if you try to claim to be the next Jesus I will hang up on you.

Have my tired schizo rant about atonement and redemption.
>>"Been leaving Gotham every now and then since I was a kid. Makes everything a little less intense for a while. Even if it's just an hour or two, it's nice to have a break from it all. You should give it a try, it might help with your urges."
I dig your schizo rant, Anon.
I wonder if Superman's the more immediate example if he's gone through his death & rebirth arc yet?
thanks, I figured what better example than Jesus who through his atonement redeemed all mankind.
Tbh, if he wants redemption, he may as well turn himself over to the league.

Then again, even they have issues
He doesn't want redemption, he wants to atone. If he wanted redemption he'd turn himself in, this is just remorse showing.

Also anyone else notice how our main villain is a woman?

>Daddy issues
>Obsessed with us
>Angry when we miss calls
>keeps giving vague threats
>Hang up on him.

This motherfucker is so annoying, I can't wait to shoot him already. Waking up next morning after the day we kill him is gonna feel so nice.

"Only if they still bear the capacity to change. You know the story of Mad Dog - Martin Hawkins? That's a man who sought redemption but didn't have the capacity for it. Sometimes it's not a matter of being too far gone, but being wired in a way that makes you incompatible with the rest of society. Nurture can't fix every nature, no matter how hard you try. I don't know yet if you're a man that can be redeemed, or another mad dog needing to be put down."

"Faulty wiring.." It muses. It's voice distant with thought. "You really are a Gotham boy through and through, Detective, bringing up Mad Dog Hawkins."

"I guess that's my wiring."

It scoffs.
"Maybe. But atonement?"

"Different thing entirely. Atonement means you are seeking forgiveness, usually from former victims, but seeing as you killed them all; especially that kid, I don't think you're going to be getting any from them any time soon.. Atonement is about punishing yourself, you know what you did is wrong, it's sinful, so you take steps to punish yourself."

"Believe me, I take plenty of punishment Detective. It doesn't make me feel any better, if anything it only makes me worse." It sounds almost frustrated. Like you aren't giving it what it thought you would.

"You don't want any of these things. You want forgiveness, for someone to tell you it wasn't your fault and to take that off your shoulders. But it isn't happening, you aren't getting that from me. When you're redeemed, it's usually through no actions of your own, it's by a higher power that looks at the deeds you have done, the sincerity of your actions and grants you redemption; the ultimate forgiveness. If you want an example, look at Jesus, not sure if you're religious, but his story is pretty much the prime example; He died for us, because only he was capable of Atoning for the Sins of Mankind."

"Didn't expect you to be the religious sort, Detective."

"Italian." You reply curtly, getting annoyed at this drawn out conversation. "Enough about me, I played your game and now we play my rules. You talk about your father a lot, but what about your mother? Tell me a bit about her, your relationship with her."

"Fishing to see if my nature can be nurtured, Detective?"

"Answer my question or I'm hanging up on you." You state harshly.

A few seconds of silence linger.
"My mother abandoned me, left me with my father when I was three or so. Of course this is all according to the old bastard himself." You notice when he says 'Old Bastard' his voice lowers. Fear? Or is he not alone?

"You don't believe him?"

"He's lied to me before, he's fond of...tests. 'Two things will kill you faster than anything else in our world' he told me, 'Being naive and being sloppy.' and he figured the best way to teach these lessons were practical exams."
"He took me to the park once, that should have been enough to have me on edge, and vanished. He slipped away from me and I was alone. Eight years old and terrified because of how dangerous he had told me things were. Another man walked up and told me he was a friend of his, my father, and told me to follow him. He led me behind some bathrooms and taught me a lesson."

"Jesus christ." You mumble.

"Don't jump to conclusions, DeLucia." It snaps "The man simply beat me, it was one for the books and by the end I could hardly stand. My father came around the corner smoking a cigar and told me that I couldn't trust strangers, the only people I could trust are family and the people I vet personally."

"Explains why you know so much about me."

"Exactly. I know I can't exactly trust you with who I am or where I am. But trust can come out in different ways, like this I suppose. You're the first person I've ever shared that story with.." The voice trails off again, introspective.

"That's truly touching." You say dryly. "But you've dodged a question about you mother by talking about your father again."

"Not much to say, as far as I knew she worked with my father. According to him she didn't think she could take care of me and dumped me on his doorstep. I never really knew the woman and that makes it hard to have a 'relationship' as you put it. All these years and not so much as a letter, if I knew her at all I may hate her."

A few moments of silence pass as you take in all he said. He remains silent, perhaps doing the same for what you said or maybe lost in the introspection again.

"This has been illuminating, Detective. I think our next chat should be in person or as close as that could be."

"Yeah?" You ask him, cracking the door to the bar slightly. You see Banks heading your way.
"Send me your schedule, I'll get back to you."

The voice giggles. You snap the phone shut before he can reply, digging your cell out and calling the nearest taxi company.

Banks exits the bar none the wiser and before long you have him set up in a taxi ready to get home.

"Wanna split the ride? It'll save you a little cash."

You shake your head and paste on a smile as plastic as that burner flip phone.
"Nah, I think all this night air has sobered me up." You lie

Banks shrugs and gives you a tap of his knuckles before climbing in and setting off into the dark of Gotham. You swallow and taste copper, somewhere in Gotham a man spits that same taste from his mouth and runs hands over empty pockets. You head to your car.

>See if Hawthorne is still awake, that call rattled you more than you want to admit and sharing the burden could help.
>See if Question will answer his phone, that man never sleeps so if you want someone to help settle your nerves after that call it's him.
>Head home, everyone else has their own burdens with the secret task force. You dragged them into this and the price you pay is carrying the weight of somethings alone.
>Head home, everyone else has their own burdens with the secret task force. You dragged them into this and the price you pay is carrying the weight of somethings alone.
At least until morning. Let's not interrupt people's work or wake them up.
>>Head home, everyone else has their own burdens with the secret task force. You dragged them into this and the price you pay is carrying the weight of somethings alone.
>Head home, everyone else has their own burdens with the secret task force. You dragged them into this and the price you pay is carrying the weight of somethings alone.

What are the odds of coming home to another break in?
>>Head home, everyone else has their own burdens with the secret task force. You dragged them into this and the price you pay is carrying the weight of somethings alone.
Not only is it a woman, it's our sister, jesus christ.

>Head home, everyone else has their own burdens with the secret task force. You dragged them into this and the price you pay is carrying the weight of somethings alone.
>our sister
How do you figure?
>>Head home, everyone else has their own burdens with the secret task force. You dragged them into this and the price you pay is carrying the weight of somethings alone.

The drive home is quiet, part of you is expecting to pull up to your apartment and see a massive hole in the wall, thankfully as you park it seems all is quiet at home for the first time in weeks. You hop out and reach under your passenger seat to withdraw the silver briefcase you had taken from the Road House. Thoughts bubble to the surface about how you could hit a button and just pass this case off to whoever Batman has in his little group already.

You sigh. Accountability is a bitch. Heading up the stairs you open your door and for the first time in a long time you are greeted by cool darkness and silence. A small note at your feet catches your eye, you sigh and lean down.

"I hired some locksmiths to come and change your doors and window, I'll have the new keys tomorrow.

Apologies for before, dear. -Mrs.Dover"

A bit of good news finally, you toss the note on your counter and head straight for bed. You lift your mattress and slide the case in deep, better safe than sorry until the new locks come in. Your head hits the pillow and hours later you wake up, having not dreamt a moment. Your eyes resist the light peeking through your blinds and your body rejects the cold creeping autumn air that lurks outside your blanket, you whisper a silent curse and throw yourself up to sit on the edge of your bed. Your morning routine goes by per usual and as you leave you stop by Mrs.Dovers to leave her your old keys, in the name of security you give her an impassioned plea to "Just watch the locksmiths, make sure they only touch my front door and the living room window, don't let anyone in my bedroom." after another repetition she agrees.

"You seem nervous, Marcus. Are you getting enough sleep?"

"Yes Ma'am."

When you arrive at the station you're surprised by a familiar face hanging around by the locker rooms.
"Hawthorne!" You let out, excited and bit too loud as a few officers turn to look at you both.

One icy glare from the old man is enough to discourage their curiosity. He gives you a grin and a firm powerful handshake.

"You're back?"

"Not quite, Rook. I'm still on limited duty but I managed to convince Reiner to let me work a desk in a more specialized setting."

"Specialized like a certain taskforce?"

"Detective Jr cracks the case." He jokes. "I pulled a couple strings, I heard Kimble took a couple hours yesterday getting some paperwork squared up and sent in. Figured another pair of hands that are familiar with the players involved could be a good addition, the Commander agreed."

"What's the catch?"

"It's not approved for the budget, I'm basically working for free."

"Oh shit." You lean in a little and lower your voice. "No offense but, can you afford that? Sir?"

"You calling me poor, Rook?"

"No, sir. I just...people usually like to get paid for the work they do."
"Would you consider me usual? That's a roundabout way of calling me average."

"That's not what.." You start before you see the sly smirk. "Yeah, alright." You tell him easing up.

"You're wound tight today, kid. What's got you this way."

"Just some out of work problems." You tell him, a lilt to your voice.


"Yeah, got a call last night. Bad news." You emphasize call and you see the cold hardness set in his eyes.

"I understand, Rook. But don't let that change how you act at work. When you put on your uniform there are standards you have to meet, expectations that citizens and your other officers have. You gotta keep your head on straight." He puts a firm hand on your shoulder and you nod in response.

"Now put your uniform on and grab me a cup of coffee, I'm heading to the war room."

"Shouldn't getting coffee be the job for someone like, an unpaid intern perhaps?"

Hawthorne makes a sad face.
"I know the GCPD doesn't pay well, son but no need to go calling yourself unpaid. I like it black, you know that."

You smile despite your mounting stress and feel the weight spread. You aren't alone in this.

Arriving in the war room with two cups of coffee you see everyone has beat you to it. You set down the cup in front of Hawthorne and grab your own chair.

"We get coffee for secretaries now?" Gray says with his back turned as he pins up a series of mugshots and aerial photos as well as old news articles.

"We do if you want me to wear the blouse that shows my cleavage." Hawthorne sends right back as he sips the scalding coffee. He gives you a nod of thanks.

"Another one of you." Kimble groans, looking much better than yesterday. "The average age of this room has gone up 20 years with you around."

"Average IQ went up as well, heard you got lost in the filing system. M and N sound so similar I can see why you got confused."

Kimble gives Hawthorne a middle finger and they both smile at one another. You find yourself smiling too, there isn't a group of cops you'd rather learn from.

A sharp clap grabs your attention.
"Enough flirting." Gray states as he steps aside revealing the board. "We got actionable intel thanks to Kimble and DeLucia yesterday, today is where we start the game plan. Let's get Hawthorne up to speed on what we got so far..."
"So the meet between the big bosses is happening in about three days, we got no SWAT support, no gangland, no funding, and no clue how these scumbags keep slipping away every time we raid the joint?" Hawthorne asks, his finger now slowly circling the stained rim of his coffee mug.

"Pretty much." Kimble says. "We also have a thinly veiled threat from Maroni if we don't find a way to cut him loose or at least keep his charge MD or lower."

Hawthorne blows out a sigh.
"What a fuckin mess. What's the fresh, Gray?"

Gray points to the photos on the board.
"Not much except speculation and a theory on that escape. First up is speculation: These guys are the biggest names in 'traditional' crime in Gotham. All of em being in one place is gonna make every single one nervous, if anyone wanted to be top dog then there wouldn't be a better time to take out your competition."

"So you're thinking it could be a hit?" You ask.

Gray shakes his head.
"Unfortunately not, as much as I'd like our job to be as simple as bagging up bodies and slapping cuffs on the last one standing. The Tobacconist's has been used by all sorts of scumbags in Gotham's history. Costume Criminals, Old Mobsters, New Age Bangers, They've all had their finger in the pie. It's Switzerland for thugs, so the good news is I think we can expect small numbers. One MAYBE two bodyguards per guest, minimal staff if any at all, and probably the owner or manager there to maintain the peace and mediate."

"Small numbers are good, means if we have to get heavy SWAT may not be necessary." Hawthorne says.

"They probably are gonna rely on their escape plan being bulletproof, which made me think. We have aerial photos of this place, helicopters, squad cars, and shit I think they even broke out The Behemoth to run watch once and we never find em on the street?"

"You think they aren't taking the streets. You're thinking the sewers?" You say, automatically as the pieces connect in your own mind.

Hawthorne tries and fails to hide a prideful smile. Gray makes no attempt and points his marker at you.
"Dead on. About eight years ago city hall had a break in, remember?"

"Yeah, it was after the whole Killer Croc rampage shit show." Kimble says. "He was MIA until we found him tied up with..what was it again? Titanium cables or something and he got shipped off to Blackgate."

"Exactly, there was an investigation but they didn't find anything to be missing. Considered it some vandalism and called it. But I think it could have been some street level thugs taking advantage of a Meta-Hunt to get something. Something like the plans to Gotham's sewer networks."

"But wouldn't we notice that if it were missing?" You ask

"Not if they replaced it with plans that kept the areas they wanted secret erased. Now I have no proof, but it's a theory."

"Better than the squat we got now." Hawthorne says.
"Which means we MIGHT have a way of solving the exit issue. The only question is what do we do with it? We can have some uniforms scout out drainage pipes and manholes around the club seeing if we can track a way back to the club. We got 3 days to find the yellow brick road."

"And our plan for getting the meeting itself?" Hawthorne asks

"Easy." Kimble pipes up first. "We go hard and fast. We can't get a whole team but I have friends on SWAT who owe a favor. Four man team, two uni's and two swat. Breach the front and funnel the rats into the tunnels where we net em."

"That's IF we find the tunnels they use." Gray says. "I think a lighter touch can work here. Someone who is new to the force, no history with these sleazeballs, and can work Maroni a little bit for a way in." His eyes drift to you.

"Me? I'm in the papers." You reply incredulously.

"Barely, your name and a blurry picture of your face from academy is in the papers. These kinds of guys aren't gonna know you from Adam. I think sending you in UC as a dirty cop could play well. We get to actually hear the meeting and then when Kimble does his shock and awe you can send them into the tunnels if we know the way or just stall em long enough for back-up to get in the room. According to the floor plans it would be less than twenty seconds if they hustle."

"Less than one second to pull a trigger." Kimble replies, looking at you uneasy. "He's good, Bennett but he's still green as all hell."

"He can handle it." Gray replies, keeping a stare on you. "My vote is for us to try it quietly.

You look to Hawthorne who puts up his hands.
"I don't think secretaries get a vote. Tell em what you think we should do." He tells you, his eyes sharp and focused on you. He wants to see what your choice is, or what your plan is."

>"We go hard, if it's a short a trip as you say with that many bodies we are gonna catch a few stragglers. Hopefully we clean up the rest in the tunnels or flip the mooks we do pick up."
>"I can handle it, I can play dirty for Maroni and listen in to the meet. The only risky part is when the doors come down but I trust Kimble and his SWAT buddies."
>"I actually have a plan of my own..." (Write-In)

Jesus Christ, that was a lot of dialogue. Apologies if I bored some of you there, as usual when I do these massive updates I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'll leave this up for a good bit so people can vote and discuss.
>>"I can handle it, I can play dirty for Maroni and listen in to the meet. The only risky part is when the doors come down but I trust Kimble and his SWAT buddies."
Believe it or not, I think having Mark on the inside is our best bet. He's shown a surprising capacity for improv and undercover work, not to mention his Shivers might be able to sniff out where the secret exits are without giving much away.
Also don't worry man, I'm here for these long updates with dialogue. It's dense, but formatted in such a way to be readable. Plus I'm a sucker for any and all banter and other interactions between solid characters.
>"Me? I'm in the papers." You reply incredulously.
Never gets old kek

>"I can handle it, I can play dirty for Maroni and listen in to the meet. The only risky part is when the doors come down but I trust Kimble and his SWAT buddies."
I'mma be honest I don't even know how you manage to write so much dialogue. Shit's crazy. But you present it in a digestible way so it's not that heavy despite there being a lot of it. It's cool , bro.
>>"I can handle it, I can play dirty for Maroni and listen in to the meet. The only risky part is when the doors come down but I trust Kimble and his SWAT buddies."

Appreciate it fellas, just wanna clear up I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing the amount I write. I just sometimes get a little carried away with myself lmao, just wanna make sure it isn't ever feeling like its slowing stuff down. I trust you guys to keep me honest.
So, he never met his mother, we don't know much about his parents, and all we know about them from my spotty memory is.. Well a dark shape the kid saw when he got stabbed.

They have severe father issues, they have issues with authority, they have the same meta power as us. Maybe we should ask our mom some questions, or hell, our dad, for all we know, that dude's dad might not be his actual dad.
>"I can handle it, I can play dirty for Maroni and listen in to the meet. The only risky part is when the doors come down but I trust Kimble and his SWAT buddies."

I don’t mind long updates.
By all means, write as much as you want. Makes my morning trip to the toilet that much better!

Don’t burn yourself out though QM. My morning “ritual” wouldn’t be the same without you and DL.
No need to worry about that. I take my weekend breaks to avoid that very threat, it's almost the opposite of overdoing it when I really get into a scene. I'll just keep writing until I hit a point I feel is good to stop at and offer up a choice, usually without realizing how much I did until I look at it all.
>"We go hard, if it's a short a trip as you say with that many bodies we are gonna catch a few stragglers. Hopefully we clean up the rest in the tunnels or flip the mooks we do pick up."
Shock and awe.
>"I can handle it, I can play dirty for Maroni and listen in to the meet. The only risky part is when the doors come down but I trust Kimble and his SWAT buddies."
I think this is the play. We can use this reputation for UC work to also explain away if we get caught doing dodgy shit with Q and Huntress (or batman), and the rep for being dirty with underworld schmucks means we can maybe pump them for leads on SIM.

Your characters are fun to 'listen in' on and your writing is punchy. Don't sweat it. it's good stuff, QM.
I think it's a stretch. Lots of metas have same/similar powers. No shortage of psychics. We essentially have a municipality-specific form of whatever Superpower Wiki calls 'Location Analysis", and just the fact that it ahs an entry on that site is enough to tell you that we aren't the only one who does this stuff.
>>"I can handle it, I can play dirty for Maroni and listen in to the meet. The only risky part is when the doors come down but I trust Kimble and his SWAT buddies."
>"I can handle it, I can play dirty for Maroni and listen in to the meet. The only risky part is when the doors come down but I trust Kimble and his SWAT buddies."
The only bad side is if Mandragora knows about us from SIM. He shouldn't...

You take a moment to mull it over and come to your decision pretty quickly.
"I can handle it. I'll play dirt for Maroni and listen to the meet. Only dicey part is when the doors come down."

"Which is exactly why I think it's a bad idea." Kimble grumbles.

Hawthorne holds up a hand.
"Rooks made up his mind. Let him do it."

"Yeah, but you aren't his TO anymore."

Hawthorne's face softens.
"I'm not. But I was, I was your TO too once and I never let you go through with things I didn't think you couldn't handle. I never led you astray did I?"

Kimble remains silent, his eyes firmly fixed on the table.

"Look at me son."

His eyes lift up reluctantly.
"It'll be fine. I got confidence in the kid."

Kimble releases a built up sigh and shrugs.
"I'll be second in line on the stack then, just to make sure he has back up if he needs it."

Hawthorne looks to you and gives you a nod.
"Don't fuck this up and make me look bad." He tells you with a smirk. "The kid is going in Gray, where's that leave us on prep?"

Gray writes on the board.
'UC: M. DeLucia.'

He caps the marker with a smack of his palm.
"We have our interior but we need to work our flanks. Figuring out the escape routes, the sewers, and whatever else crops up. We also aren't entirely sure who'll be in attendance so I want Kimble out working his CI's." He moves the marker to pointing at you. "And you, our illustrious rookie, need to pass your first milestone on your road to full fledged officer."

Hawthorne chuckles.
"I think it may be easier for him than you think."

"What will?" You ask, slightly nervous.

"Your first CI, usually your TO would go out with you to secure one but seeing as you're in some special circumstances."

"I mean I already have a few contacts don't I?"

"Caesar doesn't count. This needs to be an official CI with the GCPD, they get paid and the whole shebang. Then we give you a month to get actionable intel from em and then we check it off your list." Hawthorne then dusts off his hands as if it's simple as that.

"Where do I get a CI?" You ask.

"Good question, Rook. Hope you figure that out." Hawthorne replies. Your glances around to Gray and Kimble are met by similar shrugs.

"Hawthorne, head to city hall and work on scrounging up any old documents for the sewer systems. Try to find anything that looks like a giant section of missing pipes."

Hawthorne nods and stands from his chair with a grunt, he slaps your shoulder as he heads out. Kimble follows soon after to meet his own CI's. Gray looks at you and gives you a reassuring smile.

"Focus on getting a CI today, this is a serious case but you're still learning. Focus on that."

"What are you going to be doing?"

"Trying to leverage anything I can with the Commander and the Commissioner for bodies for this raid and wild goose chase to find missing sewer pipes." He sighs.
With Gray leaving you alone you sit in the office chair leaning back and racking your mind.

Where do you even start looking?

Do you have anyone you've met already you could try?

If you have to start from scratch what even is your strategy?

>You could try Pino, you've had some history with him and you know he's involved in whatever this meet is. It's a risky bid though, he could blow things up.
>Caesar has to know some friends still in the game, maybe those two kids who were drinking?
>Better to start fresh, there's always petty crime in Gotham. Spend the day riding around with an ear on the radio, answer any calls that sound like they could be part of bigger groups.
>Criminals can't make their money without customers, or middle men. Check out some of the sleaziest alleys, corners, and pawn shops you can think of looking for a fence, dealer, or drop head.
>>Better to start fresh, there's always petty crime in Gotham. Spend the day riding around with an ear on the radio, answer any calls that sound like they could be part of bigger groups.
I'd like to see what Gotham has for us before we turn to our existing pool. Also it feels like it's been a minute since we've walked the beat.
>Better to start fresh, there's always petty crime in Gotham. Spend the day riding around with an ear on the radio, answer any calls that sound like they could be part of bigger groups.
>Criminals can't make their money without customers, or middle men. Check out some of the sleaziest alleys, corners, and pawn shops you can think of looking for a fence, dealer, or drop head.
>>Better to start fresh, there's always petty crime in Gotham. Spend the day riding around with an ear on the radio, answer any calls that sound like they could be part of bigger groups.
>>Criminals can't make their money without customers, or middle men. Check out some of the sleaziest alleys, corners, and pawn shops you can think of looking for a fence, dealer, or drop head.
>>Better to start fresh, there's always petty crime in Gotham. Spend the day riding around with an ear on the radio, answer any calls that sound like they could be part of bigger groups.
>>Criminals can't make their money without customers, or middle men. Check out some of the sleaziest alleys, corners, and pawn shops you can think of looking for a fence, dealer, or drop head.

Back on the beat...
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You head for the motor pool after making up your mind. You've spent too long recently dealing in office rooms and crime scenes that are already taped up and being processed, you need to get reacquainted with the streets. When you're packing for one it takes less time to get your shop set up and your bag loaded in the back. It feels lonely pulling out of the station with nobody in your passenger seat but the discomfort of being on your own is matched by a desire to prove yourself, Hawthorne said he had faith in you and you aren't going to let that be for nothing. You lean forward as you hit the main roads, flick on your radio, and wait for the calls to come in...

Some hours pass as you drive the street, petty theft, a few muggings, and other small crimes. You give it a minute or two on open channels always settling back into your route when you hear another unit take the call. You're starting to worry that today might be the first quiet day in Gotham. That's when the call comes in.

"1-Adam-0 we have you marked near Robinson Park, report of a 507, possible 10-50."

Public Disturbance isn't that big of a deal but a 10-50 means drugs, and drugs come with dealers.

"1-Adam-0, Show me responding."

"Copy. Will provide details as they come."

You flick on the lights but leave the sirens silent. One thing you were taught about users is if they hear you coming they'll bolt like rabbits. The park isn't far and before long you're parked up and outside the shop. Your hand grabs the walkie and you radio in.

"Dispatch, show me on scene. Not seeing anything at the park entrance, how are those details coming?"

"Caller describes the subject as 5'10, Caucasian male, wearing "Hippy attire", glasses, and medium length Brown hair."

"Are we talking 'Woodstock' Hippy or 'Cult leader' Hippy?"

"Unknown. Subject last seen near the Finger River bridge."

"Copy." You reply, a little sad you didn't even get a chuckle.

Heading into the park you beeline it for the bridge, a building excitement in your chest as you take some deep breaths. You hadn't been in Robinson Park since you were young and it seems like nothing had changed, the more you thought about it the more it seemed time stood still in Gotham, maybe that's why you love this city so much.

As you round a bend of trees you see two men having a loud argument. One of them you very clearly see is the subject described in the call, he faces off with a man slightly taller than him in joggers attire and points a long silver trash picker at him as they both yell back and forth.

"Dispatch, 1-Adam-0, there appears to be a dispute between two males one of which being our subject. Hold tight I may need a hand."

"Copy that, 1-Adam, be careful."
"I'm telling you man, if you touch me with that fucking filthy thing I'm gonna stuff it up your ass." The jogger yells, sweat dripping off his veiny neck.

"It's only filthy because you can't pick up after yourself, it's people like you who are turning this city into a shit hole!" The hippy retorts, waggling the trash picker in the man's face.

"It's already a shit hole, genius! This is Gotham!"

You clear your throat and use your 'Cop voice' just like Hawthorne taught you.

"Hey. HEY. Both of you settle down, now. Sir, drop that stick and both of you keep your hands where I can see em."

"Officer, this fucking freak is harassing me over a little accident. Tell him to leave me alone."

"An accident!?" The hippy cries out. "I watched you stuff this POISON into your face and toss your garbage into a bush man!"

It's now that you can see the trash grabber holds a Flash! Energy bar in it's small rubber grippers. The hippy swings it towards you to emphasize his point.

You let your hand rest on your belt and look him in his eyes. Red, glossy, and squinting despite it being a typical overcast day.
"Sir, I'm asking you politely to put that down. Do it. Now."

Only now does it seem to click for him as he looks you up and down before dropping the stick and putting both hands up by his chest with palms out. The wind catches the bit of trash and as it blows by you shoot out your foot to trap it before it gets away. You slowly bend down and pick it up, holding it to the jogger.

"Is this yours, sir?"

"Well yeah. But I was literally just about to throw it away when it fell out of my hand and this guy snatched it up off the ground and started screaming at me about how I was 'soiling the earth' and all this other shit. He's out of his mind."

"Oh bullshit man, I watched you throw it. If that ended up in the river do you know what that could have done? If a duck tried swallowing it? That's basically animal cruelty..no it's basically animal MURDER." He says leaning towards the man. You hold up a hand and he takes a few steps back showing you his palms once again and nodding.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why the FUCK would a duck want a protein bar?"

"Why would you?"

You take the trash and stick it in your pocket as you step forward and put both hands up.

"Enough. Both of you need to take steps aside right now. Opposite sides of the bridge, hand me some ID."

The jogger opens his mouth to protest but a Hawthorne-esque stare from you is enough to send him grumbling as he digs in his fanny pack. Eventually producing a small laminated card. You turn to the hippy and waggle your fingers.
"ID, Sir."

"I'm a child of the earth, Officer."

"Do children of the earth have names?"

"I'm Wisdom." He tells you quite proudly. The jogger behind you scoffs.

"Do you see what the fuck I'm talking about."

"Side of the bridge, sir." You say over your shoulder.

"If your name is Wisdom I need to see it on some sort of ID."
The Hippy looks at you and gulps. You get a tingle down your back. The sound of bubbling water, a light glow of warmth on your forehead and knuckles, and an aching in your lungs.

"Sure thing." He mumbles. Slowly moving over to a backpack that sits by a small garbage bag. You see it's filled with crushed and dented cans and wrappers smeared with mud.

"Slowly. Please." You ask him, never too cautious.

He nods and unzips the bag a grand total of three inches before reaching in with long skinny fingers and fumbling until he attempts to pull out a wallet. He chuckles nervously as it doesn't fit through the hole, another inch or two and he withdraws it. The sight of the wallet almost makes you crack a grin. He fishes out an ID and hands it over.

"Thank you sir. Stand on the bridge please, away from your bag."

You watch as he walks away and idly flips the wallet around in his hands.

"Dispatch." You say quietly to the radio. "Situation is diffused, both parties are compliant. Can I get a run on two names? Robert Hewes and Wallace Singer, Singer may have an alias 'Wisdom' let me know any priors."

"Copy, 1-Adam, just a second."

Dispatch relays to you that Hewes is squeaky clean. Singer on the other hand has a history of possession and dealing charges. Always minor and no violent charges or elusion and with no outstanding warrants.

"Appreciate you, Dispatch. Show this as Code 4."


You walk back to the bridge and motion both men to approach you, handing back their ID's , Hewes taps his foot impatiently.

"Officer, no offense or anything but I really don't have time for this. I'm just out here on my lunch break trying to get a workout in."

"I understand that sir and I sympathize, if you give me a moment I'm about to explain how this is gonna go."

Singer looks at you with a face that reads plain and clear that he's been through this before.

>"Mr.Hewes you are free to go, I'm sorry to have taken up your time you are free to go.
>"Mr.Hewes, I'm going to cite you for violating Gotham City Ordinances in relation to littering. It's gonna be a one hundred dollar fine or you can fight it in court."


>"Mr.Singer, I'm gonna need to take a look in your backpack. I think we both know why."
>"Mr.Singer, I appreciate your passion for the environment but I'm gonna need you to keep confrontation to a minimum. I'll be letting you off with a warning but if I get called out again it isn't gonna be nice."
>"Mr.Singer, I was hoping to have a word with you in private. Would you mind following me back to my Squad Car so we could speak in private?
>"Mr. Hewes, I'll let you go with a warning because of the apparently accidental nature of your littering. Please make sure you do your best to clean up after yourself in the future. And a fair word of advice, it would be wiser to leave when confronted by aggressive individuals rather than argue with them - not everyone in Gotham has as much restraint as Mr. Singer."
Dude's gonna get himself killed if he goes around with that attitude.
>"Mr.Singer, I'm gonna need to take a look in your backpack. I think we both know why."
Partial to littering fee beacuse Gotham is enough of a shithole without the trash even with all the lead pipes
>>"Mr.Hewes, I'm going to cite you for violating Gotham City Ordinances in relation to littering. It's gonna be a one hundred dollar fine or you can fight it in court."
>"You have a nice day."
>"Mr.Singer, I'm gonna need to take a look in your backpack. I think we both know why."
+1, but add
>"Please make sure you do your best to clean up after yourself in the future. And a fair word of advice, it would be wiser to leave when confronted by aggressive individuals rather than argue with them - not everyone in Gotham has as much restraint as Mr. Singer."
>"And not every mistake with them will cost you $100."
+1, and add:
>"Please make sure you do your best to clean up after yourself in the future. And a fair word of advice, it would be wiser to leave when confronted by aggressive individuals rather than argue with them - not everyone in Gotham has as much restraint as Mr. Singer."
>"And not every mistake with them will cost you $100."

Maybe a $100 fine will stick into this numbskull’s head that arguing with armed strangers is a bad idea.
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I get forgetful sometimes, I included a line about the wallet making Mark smirk but never attached the image.

Late addition.

Kek. This is our guy.
No fine:

Close one, writing.
"Mr. Hewes." You begin, pulling the long yellow citation pad from your belt's back compartment. "I'm citing you for violating Gotham City Ordinances in relation to littering. It's a one hundred dollar fine or, if you choose, you can fight it in court."

"Are you serious? I was going to throw it away, Officer."

"Which can?" you ask him without looking up as you scribble the details.

"The one over..uh.." You see in your peripheral he looks around nervously. "The one by the park entrance?" He offers you with a rising pitch in his voice.

"Mhm." You reply tearing off the bright NCR paper and handing him his copy before tucking the other in the back of your notepad. "Mr. Hewes, please make sure you do your best to clean up after yourself in the future. A fair word of advice as well, it would be wiser to leave when confronted by aggressive individuals rather than argue with them - not everyone in Gotham has as much restraint as Mr. Singer does. Nor is every mistake like that only going to cost you a hundred dollars."

He grumble as he reads over the ticket.
"Maybe I will fight this in court."

"That's your right, sir. You have a nice day now."

With Hewes gone you turn your attention to 'Wisdom' you half expected a cocky smile or some sort of joy at seeing the man he was arguing with catch a fine but all you can see on his face is dread. You sigh.

"Mr. Singer, I'm gonna need to take a look in your backpack. I think we both know why."

He swallows nervously and looks at your shoes.
"No chance of a fine or anything huh?"

"Just please hand over your backpack, sir." You ask him quietly.

He nods slightly and picks up the backpack by a strap and extends it towards you. Being this close to it you have no doubt this is stuffed with enough marijuana to give him another hard charge. Opening the bag you're suspicions are confirmed.

"Jesus." You mumble as you stare at a truly staggering amount of weed. You pull out a single bag marked with black sharpie: '15$'

Wisdom groans and puts his head in his hands.

"This amount alone is a problem. But already bagged up? WITH a price written on it? Mr. Singer..." You say shaking your head, in awe of his stupidity.

"Rent in Gotham isn't cheap, man." He mumbles before shaking his head. "I know it's not cool regardless, just..do what you gotta do, Officer." He turns around and pre-places his hands behind his back.

You toss the baggie back in and zip up the bag. Supply like this means one of two things: A large customer base, or a large sales area covered by deliveries or simple walk arounds. You shake your head, even the dealer's walk a beat. You have him dead to rights, but is a street dealer who you want your first CI to be? It isn't glamourous but it could be a good work horse for some minor busts.
>"Mr. Singer. This amount of drugs is enough to get you in serious trouble. But I have an offer to make you that could benefit us both."
>"For a guy named Wisdom you don't seem to be very bright. This amount could put you away for a couple years. If you don't want that then you're gonna be my snitch."
>"Wallace, I can understand struggling for funds but 'this'? This isn't the way to do it. If you're willing to hear me out I think I can offer you a gig where you can make some money, stay out of a cell, and maybe do some good in the community."
>"I appreciate you being compliant, sir. I'll include it in my arrest report and suggest the judge go easy on you." (Arrest him)
>"Drug dealers ruin this city, turn a place for families like a park into a hot spot for thugs. Let's go." (Arrest Him)
>"Wallace, I can understand struggling for funds but 'this'? This isn't the way to do it. If you're willing to hear me out I think I can offer you a gig where you can make some money, stay out of a cell, and maybe do some good in the community."
>"Wallace, I can understand struggling for funds but 'this'? This isn't the way to do it. If you're willing to hear me out I think I can offer you a gig where you can make some money, stay out of a cell, and maybe do some good in the community."
>"Wallace, I can understand struggling for funds but 'this'? This isn't the way to do it. If you're willing to hear me out I think I can offer you a gig where you can make some money, stay out of a cell, and maybe do some good in the community."
So pot isn't legal in Gotham...noted.
Poison Ivy's gonna FREAK

>"Wallace, I can understand struggling for funds but 'this'? This isn't the way to do it. If you're willing to hear me out I think I can offer you a gig where you can make some money, stay out of a cell, and maybe do some good in the community."
>Poison Ivy's gonna FREAK
Why would she smoke the reefer, man? She's all about that vegan lifestyle.
She's actively not, sometimes. She's often... Like the opposite of vegan. Lots of versions of her kill thousands of people and animals before she'd hurt a bunch of innocent plants. Maybe she's a fruitarian, I guess? Or subsists on photosynthesis?

Anyway, she'd just produce cannabinoids in her own body or as fruit from a plant if she wanted to get high. She weaponized that capacity against Batman in a Kevin Smith comic one time.
I was trying to be facetious. I see now that I could definitely have worded it better. If we were to ascribe a real world diet to her it'd probably be, funnily enough, that goofy ass "Breathearian" shit played straight without the smoothies. She can totally photosynthesize.

Also, pass. Killer Frost is my waifu, not vine-pegging-girl.
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>>"Wallace, I can understand struggling for funds but 'this'? This isn't the way to do it. If you're willing to hear me out I think I can offer you a gig where you can make some money, stay out of a cell, and maybe do some good in the community."

"Wallace, I can understand struggling for funds but this?" You hold up the bag. "This isn't the way to do it."

He slowly turns around and gives you a slightly confused look.
"Am I under arrest?"

You shrug.
"That depends, if you're willing to hear me out I think I can offer you a gig where you make rent, stay out of jail, and maybe do some good for the community." You nod to the bag of collected garbage. "I can tell you care about Gotham, work with me to make it a better place."

"I do care, I grew up here. But work with you? You mean like.." He looks over both shoulders slowly, his bloodshot eyes scanning the trees. "You mean like a snitch?" He whispers, his breath hitting you with a new wave of pungent smells.

"It's called being a 'Confidential Informant' and it's okay. I doubt anyone here in the park is gonna be on the lookout to see if you're talking to the cops."

He looks around again and you watch as he slowly begins to settle.
"I mean..I could do that maybe. What's it like?"

"It's pretty simple, if I have questions about things going on in the streets or if you hear about something you think the police would be interested in knowing then we get in touch. If your tips pan out you get paid by the department and we maintain that relationship."

"Like a deputy?"

"No." You respond flatly. "Wallace, I need to be clear with you that this in no way is going to make you anything like a police officer. We exchange information only."

You point to yourself.

You point to him.
"Answers. Then you get paid, simple as that."

He strokes his stubble and purses his lips, deep in thought.
"So if I told you that there was this guy, right, like a real straight button suit type of guy. He bought some pot off me. ALLEGEDLY." He adds the last bit with raised eyebrows. "And then he asked me for something stronger like I don't know...a little of the white stuff. Would that be worth something to you?"

"You mean someone asked you to be their connect for cocaine? This isn't cable we don't need to dance around the subject, Wallace."

His shoulders slump.
"Yeah, man. A guy asked me for coke. Apparently some big party, said they already had a lot of other 'party favors' but wanted something with kick. I told him I'd get back to him."

"You have a coke connection?"

"Hell no." He replies. Then he pauses and thinks for a moment. "I mean I could probably scrounge one up, but I odn't like messing with that stuff."

You mull the thought over and a drug bust on potential business types could be a nice catch for the department, especially if you pull in whoever the coke supplier ends up being.

"I can work with that." You tell Wallace.

He beams a smile at you.
"Radical, does that mean I can have my bag back or.."
"We aren't working together yet. You'll have to come into the station and sign some papers, get registered, and then we can talk money."

"All good, Officer, all good. I just really would like my bag back today if possible."

"Wallace, this is easily a pound of weed in your bag. Already bagged up for sale."

"This may be true but like, if I'm gonna be your snitch-"


"Right, my bad. If I'm gonna be your 'informant' shouldn't I like...keep it flowing as usual? Talk to my people, work my usual routes and try to get you some more leads?"

You sigh. You hadn't really considered that a CI is only as good as they are active.

>"Sure, you can keep your bag and what's inside. Consider it a goodwill gesture for our deal."
>"Absolutely not, this is all getting bagged and put away as evidence. If your tip for the party works out then you can use that money to finance your 'Flow' or whatever."
>"Fine, but I'm taking back more than half of it. Just because you need to be active on the street for information doesn't mean you get to flourish."
>"Sure, but I have some rules. Everything you sell, I want you keeping books. Who got it, how much, and where. If I find even a hint of you lying to me or, even worse, I find your product with a kid or at a crime scene. You and I are going to have a serious problem."
>"Sure, but I have some rules. Everything you sell, I want you keeping books. Who got it, how much, and where. If I find even a hint of you lying to me or, even worse, I find your product with a kid or at a crime scene. You and I are going to have a serious problem."
>"Sure, but I have some rules. Everything you sell, I want you keeping books. Who got it, how much, and where. If I find even a hint of you lying to me or, even worse, I find your product with a kid or at a crime scene. You and I are going to have a serious problem."
>"Sure, but I have some rules. Everything you sell, I want you keeping books. Who got it, how much, and where. If I find even a hint of you lying to me or, even worse, I find your product with a kid or at a crime scene. You and I are going to have a serious problem"
>and animals before she'd hurt a bunch of innocent plants.
Bitch where's your fertilizer
Bitch where's your pollination
Bitch where's your bees
Bitch where's your seed migration
You still need animals and insects to keep these things going, retard. So much for your doctorate, huh?

>"Sure, but I have some rules. Everything you sell, I want you keeping books. Who got it, how much, and where. If I find even a hint of you lying to me or, even worse, I find your product with a kid or at a crime scene. You and I are going to have a serious problem."
>>"Sure, but I have some rules. Everything you sell, I want you keeping books. Who got it, how much, and where. If I find even a hint of you lying to me or, even worse, I find your product with a kid or at a crime scene. You and I are going to have a serious problem."
Weed isn't *that* bad. No kids and no troublemakers is a pretty good rule. Just sell to potheads, bro.

Shame I missed the "how do we bust the meeting" vote. With shivers we could find the escape tunnels, and then scare all the big mafia boys into those and bag them. Also would be a cool big operation with our guy being used for his niche – the info gathering.
But no, we're just gonna go in by ourselves with no UC training or much combat prowess. Shit, man, okay.
>"Sure, but I have some rules. Everything you sell, I want you keeping books. Who got it, how much, and where. If I find even a hint of you lying to me or, even worse, I find your product with a kid or at a crime scene. You and I are going to have a serious problem."
>"Sure, but I have some rules. Everything you sell, I want you keeping books. Who got it, how much, and where. If I find even a hint of you lying to me or, even worse, I find your product with a kid or at a crime scene. You and I are going to have a serious problem."

>And if I EVER catch a whiff of you cutting in fentanyl…

“Wisdom” seems alright but I wanna get his reaction to the idea. If it scares / disgusts him then I think we can roll with this guy.
>>5910655 +1
Fentanyl or drops. Drops seem pretty bad. Or any meta mutagen shit.

>So much for your doctorate, huh?
Her doctorate was in toxicology, and she's mentally ill, but I don't think she generally wants to kill ALL animals. She just likes plants more and wants animal life subordinated to it.
Depending on the run, she genuinely does want to kill all animals. But I think those versions of her are a bit bland. No room for nuance.

Also, let him sell the sleepytime no breather drug man. Don't be the Man, man.
>>"Sure, but I have some rules. Everything you sell, I want you keeping books. Who got it, how much, and where. If I find even a hint of you lying to me or, even worse, I find your product with a kid or at a crime scene. You and I are going to have a serious problem."
Also I just want to say how funny the timing is that we are here getting a pusher as an informant and the new DC quest that dropped anons voted to know how to drugs.

"Sure." You tell him before extending the bag out to him, only to pull it back when he reaches. "But I have some rules. Everything you sell, I want you keeping books. Who got it, how much, and where. If I find even a hint of you lying to me or, even worse, I find your product with a kid or at a crime scene. You and I are going to have a serious problem."

You say the final words with a deadly seriousness. Wallace gulps slightly, you extend the bag again and he takes a strap. You hold firm.

"Final thing. If I EVER catch a whiff of you cutting into what you sell with anything. Drops, Fentanyl, even laxative..." You let the unspoken threat linger as he shakes his head violently.

"No way, Officer! I only deal in naturals, I don't get down with chemistry like that."

You release the bag.
"Good to hear. Pick up your trash bag and let's head back to the station, we can get you on file and you can get back to enjoying your day in the park."

The fear and uncertainty starts to dissipate as he nods enthusiastically.
"Yeah, totally."

You head back and endure the short trip to the station. By the time you get him out of your cruiser you're positive the dank reek has sank into your upholstery adding another smell to the ever expanding list. You catch a few looks, pulling along a very nervous looking hippy who clutches his bag like a nervous woman in the subway, but the one look you care about is from the Commander's office. You see Gray in there with a file wide open in his hands and a pen moving up and down as he explains. Commander Reiner takes the file and looks over it while nodding slowly, while he does you see Gray look up and lock eyes on you before shifting them back to Wallace, Grey gives you a thumbs up and a nod of respect before turning his attention back to his explanation.

It doesn't take very long to talk Wallace through the paperwork and get him signed up and registered under your name as your very first CI, he's unlikely to bring you any front page worthy busts but then again you didn't get into this job for the glory. At the end of it all you shake hands, get him the number for the CI line, and set him on his way.

"I wanna thank you for being chill, Officer DeLucia. You're the man, man! Well like...not THE man. Just the man!"

"I get it, Wallace. Thanks."

With a CI secured you head back to the war room to see if anyone else is back yet..
The room is mostly empty, it seems Grey took a lot of the pictures and other files away to bundle up so he could present them to the Commander. At the table there sits one man, fresh cup of coffee steaming next to an open bag of sunflower seeds, Hawthorne reads over some paperwork that sits stapled in front of him.

"Rook." He acknowledges you, without looking up.

"Sir." You reply, grabbing a seat next to him and leaning to look over what he's got.

He shifts his hard eyes to you and leans back.
"Did nobody ever teach your personal space?"

"No, sir. My TO didn't get to that lesson yet."

"Yeah, well don't expect it anytime soon. Kimble's a military man and to them space isn't personal until you're basically in em." He cracks a sunflower seed and spits the shells into his empty mug from earlier, judging by the amount already in there and how dry they are he's probably been going over these files for a while.

"Finding anything useful?"

"Not much. Ever since Dent got in things have cleaned up a little but.." He flips the page and sighs. "What I'm looking for was under the purview of the last mayor and he couldn't keep track of a goddamn dog if he had a leash tied to his belt." His teeth crack another sunflower seed free from it's shell.

"So we have no lead on ways to get into those sewer's near the strip club?"

"We could do it the old fashioned way and start prying up manholes. But word gets around that the GCPD is starting to do that and it tips em off." He looks up at you and taps his temple. "Criminals think like cops, ironic as it sounds, they're always on the lookout for threats and things being out of place. We put our lives on the line but they add their freedom into the pot too, makes for someone even more motivated to be paranoid."

"Unless you're someone like Pino, going around in broad daylight handing out letters."

"Yeah well." He spits another shell. "There's stupid in every line of work. Some are just more apt for it."

You nod and both sit in silence for a few moments while he continues flipping through the pages.

"Sir?" You ask Hawthorne quietly after mulling over your thoughts, now blessed with the time to be introspective.

"Mhm." He grumbles.

>"Do you think I made the right call? To go into the club? I don't have any UC training and I'm not exactly a hitter like you or Kimble."
>"Do you think when you get back to full duty, that we could convince the Commander to reinstate you as my TO?"
>"Who was your first CI? I just pulled mine in and, to be frank, I don't really think I'm gonna get that much out of him."
>"Do you think we're gonna get him? Not Mandragora, or Falcone. But 'HIM'..you know?"
I like it so far, I'm in there following along but haven't voted yet. I just wanna see how it gets rolling before suggesting anything.
>>"Do you think we're gonna get him? Not Mandragora, or Falcone. But 'HIM'..you know?"
>>"Who was your first CI? I just pulled mine in and, to be frank, I don't really think I'm gonna get that much out of him."
Tell us your glories, Badge Papa.

But what if you miss out on voting in something wacky like "MC smells like lilacs. He never uses lilac shampoo."? I'm wondering if it's going to be a narrative quest or a dice quest.
>"Who was your first CI? I just pulled mine in and, to be frank, I don't really think I'm gonna get that much out of him."
nice, calm segue, but also...

>"Do you think we're gonna get him? Not Mandragora, or Falcone. But 'HIM'..you know?"
This mean SIM, or The Penguin? 'Cause the latter has me antsy about this bust. Cobblepot isn't one to take lightly.
>"Who was your first CI? I just pulled mine in and, to be frank, I don't really think I'm gonna get that much out of him."
If Hawthorne thought we didn't have what it takes to in the club, he'd have said something.
He's gonna make it a point to make sure we train up for it though, I can see that.
>>"Who was your first CI? I just pulled mine in and, to be frank, I don't really think I'm gonna get that much out of him."
>Why not try my shivers on the sewers? Or on the altered city plans? Or on the club itself? Shouldn't take too long.
>You think this bust is gonna turn into a firefight? Because if it will, thats gonna be 3 mafia bosses, with 1-2 bodyguards each, against only one me. Should probably bring a grenade.
>"Who was your first CI? I just pulled mine in and, to be frank, I don't really think I'm gonna get that much out of him."

Using shivers isn't that bad of an idea actually.

"Who was your first CI?"

He looks up from his papers and you see his eyes wander as he digs into his memory.
"Heh, that's a story from forever ago. What's got you asking?"

"I just pulled my first one in and, to be frank, I don't really think I'm gonna get that much out of him."

"Why is that?" He turns to face you now, setting aside his mug of shells.

"He's below bottom tier. A free love pot dealer."



"Good." he reiterates. "It's better to start small, son. I'm an example of that, my first CI was an arms dealer."

Your eyebrows shoot up, before you can ask Hawthorne's hand comes up. Silencing any question you have brewing.

"He wasn't big league, so don't get all starry eyed on me, he was a minor league player for some of the gangs in town. Back when things were a bit more..lawless." His eyes fade and you can see him reliving the moments he had with his CI. "Pot peddling and Pistol peddling are two different tiers, my mistake as a rookie was thinking I needed to push to impress. I brought him in with a suitcase full of pistols after he tried to sell me a .22 at a club."

"You went to clubs?"

"I did when I was looking for leads, things to fill my time that weren't wild goose chases after guys with nicknames and doodads."

"And he just walked up to you and tried to sell?"

"The club wasn't exactly known for the most straight and narrow types, and apparently when I was young I had a sort of look to me."

"What kind of look?" You ask him with a teasing tone.

"The kind that says Thug for Hire I suppose." He answers you, skating by the tone in your own voice. "Anyways I get him outside alone and wrangle him. Worked on him at the station for three hours before he agreed to work with us. That should have been the first clue."

"The first clue?"

"That he wasn't built for it. He fought hard, but not out of some street code or whatever. Fear." He lets the word hang as he nods his head. "He was afraid and for good reason. The people he dealt with were serious and if they got one whiff of the police? That's that."

"Oh." You respond, not sure how to approach this. "I'm guessing then.."

He nods and you stop your statement short.
"We found him in Gotham Harbor, tied to his driver's seat with a brick on the pedal."



You both sit in silence for a few seconds, you feel icy coldness creeping up your legs, a rash like itch around your biceps and shoulders, and a gripping pain on your lungs. It's only for an instant but the sensation makes you shudder.

"Ah shit, I'm sorry son." Hawthorne tells you. "Didn't mean to bring you down, you should be feeling good. You did a good thing today, did good work, just let that story be a reminder that you got a lot of time to learn and even more to prove yourself. Don't go pushing the envelope for other people's respect, cause one day the only person who's respect for you'll matter is yourself."

"Thank you, sir." You tell him before looking around carefully, leaning in after to speak in a hushed tone. "I was meaning to ask you something else as well."


"I got another call the other night, from him."

His eyes harden as he checks over your shoulder. He slides the paperwork between you two and starts sliding a pen down the margins.
"Tell me about it."

You relay the story with near perfect recollection, part of you wishes maybe you had forgotten some details, you wonder if you'll ever have these memories be distant and hazy. You doubt it.

"Jesus Christ." He mutters, shaking his head as he flips a page.

"I know, I just wanted to know if you thought. Do you think we're gonna get him?"

"You're goddamn right we are." He tells you, full of certainty. "We just need to buckle down and wait for our opportunity to get at this shithead. He's a drama queen and they just can't wait to get on stage."

"And when he is, we nail him."

"Fuckin right we do." He says, giving you a hearty pat on the back. "I'm making progress on Rogers' family in the department. Apparently his uncle is a detective from Precinct 4."

Your mind goes back to what you know, Gotham's four precincts that split the city into it's sections. Precinct 4 handling the area surrounding Blackgate and City Hall districts.

"The gate?"

He nods.
"Means he's probably old blood, that's where cops go to turn to dust."

"Is that where you're transferring when you get back on active duty?" You ask him

He looks at you with a smile and leans back chuckling.
"You know I held back during our sparring you know that?"

"Yes, sir. Of course, sir."

Hawthorne pushes the files away from him and sighs.
"I'm not getting anywhere with this. So how about I run something by you?"

"What's on your mind?"

"Let's go on a drive, plain-clothes. Put your shivers to work and see what we can scrounge up on the streets instead of on a page."

>"Say no more, I'll go get changed."
>"You aren't back on the force yet, sir. I don't think it's a good idea."
>"Maybe we should play it a little safe, I know you want to get back out there but maybe we try the city plans or something else?"
>"Say no more, I'll go get changed."
Based Hawthorne strikes once again.
>"Say no more, I'll go get changed."
>"Say no more, I'll go get changed."
I want our cool old guy mentor to NOT die early in the quest
>"Say no more, I'll go get changed."
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again.
If Hawthorn dies, we riot.
Surely he'll be fine. I mean, he's so close to retirement.

>"Say no more, I'll go get changed."
>>"Say no more, I'll go get changed."
>>"Say no more, I'll go get changed."
Ayo Hawthorne wants to do jump-out-boy shit? Based.
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You stand up with a grin.
"Say no more. I'll go get changed."

"Thatta boy." Hawthorne says as he rises from his chair. "I'm gonna let Grey know we're cutting out for the day, meet me out front."

You go and swap into your spare clothes, a white t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of boots. You slide on your usual jacket and head out, making sure to clip your snub nose holster into the waistband and put your badge in your opposite side jacket pocket. "Standard procedure for plain clothes." Hawthorne told you over lunch when you first started. "You wanna keep your badge far from the gun as you can, all it takes is a jumpy Officer seeing the gun to lead to a bad time."

You head out to the front lobby and see Hawthorne waiting for you in a familiar fit. Black Jacket, Dark Pants, and a Skullcap.



"Remember when you told me your first CI approached you because you had a 'Thuggish' look to you?"

He narrows his eyes at you as you look him up and down.
"I see what he was getting at."

You hold your hand out expectantly.
"You askin for a tip?" Hawthorne asks

"No, sir? The keys?"

Hawthorne lets loose a solitary bark of laughter.
"No way, junior. Nobody drives MY car but me. C'mon."

You both head outside and you see why he may be a little protective.

"You drive a Cadillac?" You ask a little stunned.

"Mhmm. A 76." Hawthorne says pridefully as he walks around to the driver door and pops it open. "It was a gift from my wife, when she got it the thing had more dirt and rust than paint. We'd work on it together."

You climb in the passenger seat and get comfortable, the interior clean but you notice another cup of sunflower seed shells.
"Really getting into sunflower seeds, huh?"

He groans and waves a hand.
"I'm tryna quit smoking."

"I didn't know you even did. I've never seen you with a cigarette."

He turns his key and the car roars awake, fading to a gentle shake as it begins to idle.

"I stopped before you even joined up, was doing the patch, but things have gotten a little more active lately, so I'm feeling the cravings again, I chew the seeds to give myself something to do."

He shifts the car into gear and you feel a tinge of sadness over bringing stress to his door. You're snapped out of it by the sharp click of his fingers.

"Don't do that, I see you getting all thoughtful over there. I'm a grown man, this is on me, got it?" He stares you down until you offer up a nod. "Good. Now pop this in for me, we have a bit of a drive."

He digs through a few tapes before finding one and chuckling to himself.
"This is the one alright." He passes it to you and you toss it in, settling for the drive ahead.

The Cadillac rumbles through the muted streets of Gotham like a storm cloud, drawing more than a few pairs of eyes.

"Not exactly subtle, sir." You say

"Neither are we, son." He replies, popping a seed into his mouth. "If you were looking for undercover cops what would you be looking for?"

"Gun, badge, wire.." You start listing off.

He holds up a hand.
"Yeah sure, those are all the physical things but what about the stuff you can't 'see' but you can still pick up on."

You let the question roll around in your mind, giving it some thought before answering.
"How they walk. The look on their face, if they seem nervous or lost, and that sort of thing."

"Half-Right, Rook. You're on the right track, you and I have an advantage in this department. We're born and bred Gothamites. You aren't the only one who can talk to this place. Say we drop your baby face in an old neighborhood? It screams police, right? But if you're with someone like me then what does it say?"

"An Old Head teaching a new guy the ropes."

"Even bangers and mobsters have TO's. Nobody learns the streets alone, nobody who makes it very far at least."

"I need to fill a hole where I'm going, or at least like I slot in."

"Bingo." He says, a grin on display. "So tell me when we're in an old district popular with what's left of Gotham's Mob, how do we slot in if someone's lookin or asking?"

>"The classic Father and Son routine? My dear old dad showing me around the old neighborhood that he used to run around."
>"The Fake Case, we wander around a bit. We peek in a few windows, whisper and point at a few cars. We look like any ordinary hoods."
>"The Naturals, we walk it like we've been here forever. We pop into a pizzeria and grab a slice or dip into a store for some drinks. Then we sit and watch."
>"We split up. One man is harder to pick up on that two, we both head different directions and see what we pick up just walking around."
>>"The Fake Case, we wander around a bit. We peek in a few windows, whisper and point at a few cars. We look like any ordinary hoods."
>>"The Fake Case, we wander around a bit. We peek in a few windows, whisper and point at a few cars. We look like any ordinary hoods."
The Naturals and the Father and Son are no-go's. They'd sniff us out in an instant.
Even if we act like we know the place, nobody here would recognize us, meaning we ain't from here.
Best we work with that and act like two mooks out for a score somewhere we THINK we can't be traced so easy.
Seems sensible.

>"The Fake Case, we wander around a bit. We peek in a few windows, whisper and point at a few cars. We look like any ordinary hoods."
>"The Naturals, we walk it like we've been here forever. We pop into a pizzeria and grab a slice or dip into a store for some drinks. Then we sit and watch."
>>"The Fake Case, we wander around a bit. We peek in a few windows, whisper and point at a few cars. We look like any ordinary hoods."
Is that an unsecured radio in that sedan?
>>"The Fake Case, we wander around a bit. We peek in a few windows, whisper and point at a few cars. We look like any ordinary hoods."

"The Fake Case." You tell him with a smile.

He nods.
"You read through the old playbooks?"

"Nope, but I remember a couple of the ones you told me about when we were doing paperwork late one night. The Fake Case, we wander around a bit and actually try to look suspicious."

"We look in some car windows, point at a few cars that look half decent, and generally act like goons. It could invite a little confrontation but nothing that can't be squared away with some raised hands and backing off."

"If someone presses us harder?"

Hawthorne shrugs.
"We'll worry about that if it comes up."

Another ten or so minutes of driving takes place before Hawthorne pulls his car into the parking lot of a gas station, still a little bit out from where you're both heading.

"We're gonna walk the rest of the way."

"What? It's freezing out."

"Grow up you pansy, it ain't even winter yet and even if it was I ain't bringing my baby into a neighborhood like that. Not only would it be asking for it to get stolen, it would be suspicious as all hell for two mooks like us to roll up in a car like this and then start walking around looking for a pick up." He taps his temple. "Think, Mark."

"Yes, sir." You tell him quietly getting out of the vehicle. "Doesn't mean I gotta be happy about it."

"Shit. When you got another two decades on your bones maybe you can complain about the cold. But until then enjoy being able to hop fences and tangle with perps without a prescription dose of Tylenol the next day."

You both hop out and start walking. It had been a while since you actually walked the streets of Gotham, some people live their whole lives in the city without getting behind a wheel but the idea of that is crazy, but maybe that's just because you're work takes you all over the city. You take a deep breath of that cold autumn air, the whispers of winter creeping into the fibers of your jeans, thankful you thought ahead to bring a jacket. Hawthorne sniffs and hunches a bit, the entire way he moves shifts little by little as you cover more blocks.


"Call me Mitch, just until we get done with this, less suspicious that way."

"Alright, ay why are you walkin like that?" You tell him with a little flair to your voice.

"Is that an accent?"

"Well I mean..I feel like it kinda fits right? Shouldn't I disguise my voice?"

He stops walking and turns to face you, a mixture of amusement and embarassment playing on his features.
"Have you been cold calling wise guys telling em you're coming to get em?"


"Then why would they know your voice? Secondly, I'm walking like this so people don't ping me as a cop, when you do the job as long as I have you get used to walking with a belt, holster, and all that other shit jangling around on your hips. Makes you walk a little funny."

"Should I disguise my walk then?"
"You haven't been on the force long enough to develop it yet. It's just like developing an accent, which you shouldn't be doing. What was that anyways?"

"Chicago, I lived there for a year with my parents."

He pauses a few seconds.
"It wasn't half bad, but that's not needed trust me. All it's gonna do is make it hard for me to keep a straight face if anyone gives us some guff."

"Do I really not walk like a cop?"

He shrugs.
"You've got the 'Gunslinger lean' where your gun hand kinda hangs down where your pistol would be. If you want to hide it then you do what I'm doing now and just keep your hands in your pockets. But you'll be fine."


"Cause you got half a holster peeking out from under your coat."

You raise your arm and look down and sure enough sitting in the car messed up your placement, you go to fix it when Hawthorne interrupts you.

"Leave it, it looks sloppy. Flashing a little bit of heat accidentally could also buy us some breathing room. Criminals tend to not shit where they eat, at least the smart kind don't."

As you both talk you get closer and closer to your destination. A massive neon sign sits dim against the pale grey backdrop of clouds.

'The Tobacconists Club' complete with a cigar and rising smoke trail. It sits atop a hill that overlooks the district and even further beyond. You get a chill looking at it. Images of Gotham's skyline illuminated against pitch black sky flash in your mind, the lights of the city like smoldering embers. You blink and find yourself back on a dreary street with Hawthorne leaning over a car, cupping his hand over the window and looking inside.

"Hey, Mark. Come here." He whispers.

You creep over and peek inside seeing...absolutely nothing. You pick up on his play and begin nodding your head, leaning back up and tapping his chest with the back of your hand. You give a sharp jerk of your head towards another car further down the street and he jams his hands in his pockets before setting off.

As you walk there aren't many people out and about, the cold probably dissuading them from roaming the street proper, but you see plenty of people posted on stoops and in the metal chairs of coffee shops. Their eyes casually looking but always pausing on you for a few seconds at a time.

"Hey. Locals are active, we need to make our play soon." Hawthorne nudges you. "Where are we setting up for your shivers?"

>"We should get as close to the club as we can, the closer we get the better my chances of getting a strong reading."
>"I need privacy, it's not gonna be close to the club but an alley or something would be best in case I end up zoning out."
>"We should skip the club, if you can find me a manhole I'll climb down and use shivers down there. If the sewer's have any sort of connection to it, I should feel it."

Random note, but I have a ton of fun writing dialogue between Hawthorne and Mark. Glad you guys have taken to him so much as the mentor
>"The shitter. If we can use the club's, great. If not, the nearest building that'll let us. Trust me, those things have a direct line to the sewers. It'll give me a clear read, and an excuse to sit in there quietly and zonk out for a bit."
>He taps his temple. "Think, Mark."
Invincible reference kek

>"I need privacy, it's not gonna be close to the club but an alley or something would be best in case I end up zoning out."
>Invincible reference kek
And not the first time either

>"I need privacy, it's not gonna be close to the club but an alley or something would be best in case I end up zoning out."
Can frame it as Mark taking some psychedelic and Hawthorne being the sour minder
>"The shitter. If we can use the club's, great. If not, the nearest building that'll let us. Trust me, those things have a direct line to the sewers. It'll give me a clear read, and an excuse to sit in there quietly and zonk out for a bit."
>"The shitter. If we can use the club's, great. If not, the nearest building that'll let us. Trust me, those things have a direct line to the sewers. It'll give me a clear read, and an excuse to sit in there quietly and zonk out for a bit."
>"The shitter. If we can use the club's, great. If not, the nearest building that'll let us. Trust me, those things have a direct line to the sewers. It'll give me a clear read, and an excuse to sit in there quietly and zonk out for a bit."

So, when we go undercover at the Club, we're going as The Cobra, right?
>"The shitter. If we can use the club's, great. If not, the nearest building that'll let us. Trust me, those things have a direct line to the sewers. It'll give me a clear read, and an excuse to sit in there quietly and zonk out for a bit."
>The Cobra needs to take a Anaconda sized shit
>"Mm, this tequila has some BITE doesn't it?"
i supporting going as cobra
If Mark is going as Cobra, should he refer to Hawthorne as "Adder"? Oh, maybe "Python"? I'm pretty sure he'd punch us if we tried.
>"The shitter. If we can use the club's, great. If not, the nearest building that'll let us. Trust me, those things have a direct line to the sewers. It'll give me a clear read, and an excuse to sit in there quietly and zonk out for a bit."

+1 to Cobra

Underwood. After Eophis Underwoodi, one of the oldest known snake species.
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>tfw DL went home and researched snakes after the cobra fiasco just in case
Mark now needs a pet snake to complete the Cobra persona.
Maybe it'd keep his apartment a little safer kek. Thank god the little old landlady changed the locks. Bless that woman.
It'd be funnier to me if it was just a an oriental rat snake we pretended was a real cobra.
No it's an extremely deadly and dangerous killing machine. It just hasn't grown up all the way yet. Trust us.
>"The shitter. If we can use the club's, great. If not, the nearest building that'll let us. Trust me, those things have a direct line to the sewers. It'll give me a clear read, and an excuse to sit in there quietly and zonk out for a bit."
We should give everyone else on the task force snake themed names.

Even question and huntress.

Speaking of those two, what have they been up to lately? Haven’t heard from Gotham’s favorite autists in a hot minute.
for the record I'm joking here I think going as the cobra is dumb especially since we are trying to look like some random mooks (out to steal some shit)
Oh yeah no of course, I'm also just taking the piss.
Yeah, but technically we haven’t settled on an operation name yet

There’s nothing saying that this bust couldn’t be filed under the name “Operation Cobra”…
How about "Operation Pipe Snake"?
I now realize that depending on the exact date of the quest, Mark very well could have played some of the Fallout games and conceivably know about the Tunnel Snakes. And so could Hawthorne.
fallout 2 was in 1998 and Fallout in 1997. I remember it and Starship troopers coming out.. I miss those days.
People have smartphones in this quest.
He almost certainly had an XBOX 360 or PS3 in his teen years.
or a pc
Oh shit, is DeLucia a console-kiddy or PC master race?
I'm pretty sure Mark didn't grow up poor, so was probably an Xbox kid.
what genre do you guys think Mark likes best? personally, I'm leaning towards RPG's and FPS's

>capthca: RPGJG
even 4chan is agreeing with me.
He played LA Noire once after somebody told him it was just like GTA and got hooked on the whole detective angle.
Did the Shivers help him find secret areas in Doom?
I can only imagine the kinda nightmares you'd get using Shivers on a Doom WAD.
This makes me wonder how the shivers interacts with things like the Internet. The internet has fingers in all parts of Gotham, but obviously it extends far beyond it. It's an IV of information being fed into the veins of Gotham. A entity both foreign and native to it, becoming a stranger the further it drifts away. It's a strange thing, I would imagine.
>Somewhere, on the banks of the Gotham river
>Located in one of the many mob safehouses belonging to the Falcones
>A fresh mafiosi goon of 2 years presses "Submit" on his finished message
>It is sent out along the datastream, one nameless voice of many
>What kind of plant does Ivy's pussy smell like?
I came here to check why I had so many new posts in the thread on the off days, I'm glad I did. You guys are hilarious, thank you lmao.
Your welcome, now hurry up before we debate if Ivy's pussy scented candle would work like car air freshener.
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Also it's obviously Lily-scented.
Maybe Mark doesn't have that kind of connection, or maybe we didn't developed Shivers to get that ability Yet like the others that we have. But I really want to investigate the weird Magic stuff Batman slipped into our house that he mentioned on our talk, if Shivers is either magical or biological nature.
>His FBI monitoring agents:
>"Gotta be Lily, right?"
>"Dunno man, could also be quivering rose"
You know, I'll throw honeysuckle into the mix.
Wait a second guys, she said her lips are poison before right? I bet nightshade.
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I'd suckle some of that honey!
Shut up carlos
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titan arum

Locked in for finding the closest 'shitter'

Update will come tomorrow my friends, very sorry but work is a bitch.
No worries, QM. Sometimes RL gets busy, and it takes precedent.
Firebug burned all of their documents. Truly criminals have no respect for the working man.
"I need a shitter." You say out-loud, slowly turning your head scoping out the area.

"Ah hell, that gas station shit does a number on you too huh?" Hawthorne plays along before adding under his breath. "What the FUCK are you doing?"

You lean in, speaking low while pointing vaguely down the street and rubbing your gut.
"If I can get into a bathroom then that's a direct line to the sewers, at least I think it should work that way for shivers. The club bathroom would be the best bet."

Hawthorne shakes his head and throws a thumb over his shoulder before replying.
"No shot, you need to go into that place as a dirty cop in a few days. They see you know and it'll be suspicious."

"But being on the street isn't"

"We are keeping our goddamn distance, Mark. You want a bathroom then you got it, but the club is a no go."

You nod and jerk a head towards a nearby coffee shop.
"This place is gonna be our best bet for getting close. I could use a black coffee anyways."

You both keep your heads down and head for the door as quick as you can. Two rotund men in sweatsuits and paper boy caps watch you both as you hustle in.

"Fellas." Hawthorne tells em as you walk by. He shoots you a look that says it all. Be quick.

"You got a bathroom?" You ask a disinterested looking man behind the counter. He nods to a tight hallway with a powerful chemical smell wafting from it. You swallow hard and head for the door, opening the thin wood and stepping inside. Old petrified wads of toilet paper hang from the ceiling tiles like paper stalactites, sharing the spotlight with a number of odd stains that could be mold, blood, or something worse. A shiver rattles through your body, fueled by disgust rather than the city. You lower the seat and lower yourself gently onto it.

Your deep breaths are much more unappealing in this environment but slowly you manage to slip into that familiar space of meditative stasis. Your mind connecting with Gotham, you feel a rumbling from this block of the city, and connecting even more deeply with the buildings and people around you.

>Focus on The Tobacconist Club
>Focus on The Sewers
>Focus on this entire district

>Roll 1d100. Best of 3 due to proximity.

Top voted answer goes through with the best of three roll attached.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

>Focus on The Sewers
Rolled 57 (1d100)

>>Focus on The Sewers
Rolled 64 (1d100)

>Focus on The Sewers

ROLL: 64
DC: 60

Result: PASS
You close your eyes and the scent fades along with the wet and heavy feeling in the air only for it to return tenfold.

Underground miles and miles of old leaden pipes, creeping mold, and rushing grey waters thunder. You can feel it as if you were running your fingers along a smooth metal bar, only stopping when the discomfort of a burr caught your finger. You drag back and begin tracing again only for suddenly in the black sightless void a scent appears. Tobacco, Perfume, and Sweat cutting through the rich reek of waste and mildew. You let yourself follow it, you pass beneath buzzing buildings and homes, eventually ending up beneath the center of the road. Unseeing but fully aware of your exact location.

A slow breath exits your lips as you try to catch the scent again but now two scents pull you in two different directions, one way leads to that sweet smell of tobacco and vanilla while the other leads to another foul smell but one that interests you none-the-less: raw fish and old leather. You push to continue but feel resistance, the warm glow of a hot cup of coffee and the cold steel of a pistol grip and trigger.

>Follow the scent of Tobacco and Vanilla, it must lead to the club.
>Follow the scent of Raw Fish and Old Leather, you've already mentally mapped a mostly complete route to the Club. This could be a new lead.
>Stop your vision, something may be wrong in the coffee shop.
>Follow the scent of Tobacco and Vanilla, it must lead to the club.
Hawthorne can handle himself...right?
>Follow the scent of Tobacco and Vanilla, it must lead to the club.
>Follow the scent of Tobacco and Vanilla, it must lead to the club
Let's leave Killer Croc alone
>Follow the scent of Raw Fish and Old Leather, you've already mentally mapped a mostly complete route to the Club. This could be a new lead.
>>Follow the scent of Tobacco and Vanilla, it must lead to the club.
>Follow the scent of Raw Fish and Old Leather, you've already mentally mapped a mostly complete route to the Club. This could be a new lead.

I thought Croc was captured at the moment?
>Follow the scent of Raw Fish and Old Leather, you've already mentally mapped a mostly complete route to the Club. This could be a new lead.

Anything in those sewers is gonna be a threat. We need to be absolutely sure before we send our guys in.
We're on page 10, by the by
Archive this please
After tonight's session I will make sure to archive the thread (if someone hasn't beaten me to it.) and will try to get the new one up late today or early tomorrow.