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You look the Anarkist in the eyes and grip Bass Head's shoulder.

"For ten thousand dollars, I may be sold. But I'm keeping the kid, that way if you fuck me over he can go to Calc and spill everything he knows about your gang." You pat Bass Head on the shoulder and smile menacingly. "Sound good?"

"Sure thing. I can get you an address for a meet. You gotta come in person, Anarky wants to talk to you himself." He slowly reaches in his pocket and pulls out a scrap piece of paper. You lean out and snatch it from him, causing him to recoil a bit.

"I'll be there. The money better be what you said too, otherwise this Cobra is gonna have to STRIKE!" You emphasis the final word with a small lunge towards him cut short. It is pretty amusing to watch him skip backwards as if you actually were going to bite him, but any sense of cool is drowned out by the look you're getting from Bass Head. You sigh.

"Beat it, I'm taking this kid to my partners just down the road a bit. They can hold him for me." You check the scrap as you speak and see it's a meeting by the docks at eleven tonight. You look back up at the goon staring at you absently, you flick your fingers at him and he takes the hint to leave. You turn your back with Bass Head in tow and breathe a low sigh of relief. You also shake your head and pinch the bridge of your nose. The fucking "Cobra" why did you give yourself a name?

As you get to the car you see Huntress carrying a much larger crossbow than the small hand-bows you had seen her with before, Question carries a small club in his lap. You walk past them and open the back seat for Bass Head to crawl in.

"This is the boy?" Question asks you, same flat tone as ever.

"Obviously." Huntress chimes in, rolling her eyes. "The real question is what were you talking about with that Anarkist? Why were you talking at all instead of putting some hurt on him?"

"Because he's apparently recruiting for THE Anarky."

"That isn't possible." Question says quietly. "None of my sources heard anything about this."

"Apparently he's been laying low, really low. But he's not happy with how the Museum attack went. Whoever he wants, they didn't get it."


"Yeah, the job was a kidnapping. I have an in, they think I work for Calc."

"Explains why he was so jumpy." Huntress says, slowly releasing the tension on her crossbow and folding it up. "But Calc usually doesn't get that kind of reaction from people, he hires some serious goons though."

"That's my cover for now, I go by.." You pause

"You go by what?"

"Cobra." You say quietly.
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Huntress' eyes bore into you like silent judging drills. Question's blank face just sort of rotates towards you. The entire car is silent for about fifteen seconds.

"I also pointed out this car and you both as my co-workers."

"So we're supposed to be your clutch or something?"

"Den." Question chimes in. "A group of snakes is called a den, or a pit."

Huntress stares him down. Question holds it a few moments before turning and facing straight ahead. "Just trying to help."

"Well you aren't." She turns to you. "You aren't going to that meeting alone either. I'm coming with you."

>"I was told to come alone and I plan too."
>"I was told to be alone so if you'd have to be hidden."
>"I'd rather have Question join me on this."
You do not know how much I wish we could have gone 'The Cobra doesn't make deals' in our best nick cage.
Can we get like, a cobra jacket?
>"I was told to be alone so if you'd have to be hidden."
I don't have a plan. Cobras don't plan. They STRIKE. From the SHADOWS.
>>"I was told to be alone so if you'd have to be hidden."
Tunnel Snakes rule!
>"I was told to be alone so if you'd have to be hidden."

>pic related
We need snakeskin shoes.
>"I was told to be alone so if you'd have to be hidden."
Italian-American schizo psychic city boy cop becomes snakeman gangster on the side?! What will GCPD think?!
"Just another say in Gotham. Fuck's sakes."
"Meta cop assumes fake criminal identity asspulled on the spot based on unexpected psychic vision of kid at Gotham Zoo." I can see the headlines now. It'll be discussed over the coffee breaks for weeks when the rest of Precinct 1 finds out
>"The Cobra; newest scum or clever sting by Gotham's finest?"

"I was told to be alone, so if you're coming you need to be hidden."

She huffs and folds her arms.
"Why don't you just tell them that you don't go anywhere without your 'pit' or whatever?"

"Huntress, I don't know these guys. They think I'm useful because I might have info on Calc or from him that could help with whatever this kidnapping is. I cannot be setting terms before even meeting with Anarky."

"Why are you even going to this meeting in the first place?" She asks you, her voice rising slightly. "You agreed to help us and it seems like every day you have something new to handle that isn't part of our deal to take down Mandragora."

You sigh and offer a weak shrug.
"That's Gotham." You say simply. "Shit happens. But if I can stop a kidnapping, then as a police officer I am obligated to do so."

"Then get your boys in blue to back you up. Set up a sting." She replies. Her expression changes as she notices yours.

"They don't know you're out here do they?" She laughs and leans back in her seat. Question looks at you sympathetically, at least you think.

"Officer DeLucia has been suspended for a few days. It won't affect any of our plans."

"You knew!?" You and Huntress both say at once.

"I have my sources." he replies stiffly.

"Then you know it was because of my ability."

Question nods his head.
"I'm sure the CSU Head only had your best interests at heart. His report seemed quite remorseful. I think he likes you."

You hold up a hand.
"It was the CSU you snitched on me?"

"Snitched? Officer, it was only part of his duty. He was obligated."

You hold up your hands.
"You cannot spy on the GCPD, Question. This isn't okay."

"I only found out because I bugged Officer Hawthorne's phone. He was discussing your suspension with Commander Reiner."

>"Tell me everything."
>"Well stop, deactivate the bug and stop looking into Hawthorne. I told you he was clean."
>"How many bugs do you have? Have you bugged my phone?"
>>"Tell me everything."
>"How many bugs do you have? Have you bugged my phone?"

Goddammit Question
This could be a good thing!

The other cops will stop bullying us for being meta, and instead will start bullying us for being a dumbass.
>"Tell me everything.”

We already know he bugged our phone.

And seriously, they’re right. We need to go in there wearing a wire with a SWAT team in tow. If there’s even a 1% of a 1% chance we can bag ANARKY, we need to take it.

Even if we need to our ourselves as the Cobra to Hawthorn.
Well the Cobra isn't a real person. Just like John Smith isn't a real federal agent. And I really doubt we plan on actually trying to do some dumb persona shit on the side. That's silly.

"Tell me everything." You say quietly, you feel guilty about gleaming things from a private conversation but you can't help but be curious.

"Nothing to tell, Officer. Hawthorne seems as clean as you say, he tried to fight for you to get out of the report with only a verbal warning on your jacket. Otherwise it was the usual about how he's healing." Question takes a few moments at the end of his statement to turn his head downwards. "There was only one other thing."

"Which is?"

"Today is the anniversary of his Wife passing."

You freeze, suddenly guilt falls on you like a ton of brick.
"I'm a piece of shit." You mumble rubbing your face.

"You're human, Officer." Question states. You look past him and see even Huntress' stone gaze soften. She just gives you a small nod and looks in the backseat.

"Should he be hearing all this?"

"He's deaf." Question replies, you stand there still beating yourself up internally. Huntress nods and turns to face Bass Head, he's been looking between you all with a curious gaze, Question seems to be the main focus of his curiosity. Huntress lets off a flurry of hand symbols and movements and it brings a shine to Bass Head's eyes.

"You know sign language?" You ask, pulling yourself free from your own brain.

"Learned it as a kid, didn't really have a choice. One of my instructors were deaf."

"Well if you have your hands full he can read lips as well."

Question turns around fully in his seat.
"Good to hear, are you hungry?"

"Q.." Huntress says quietly

"Are you not hungry?" Question asks turning his head to her.

Huntress reaches out and pokes Question in the lower half of his face.

"Ah." He says, running a gloved hand over his smooth face. "I see. Ask him if he's hungry then please. I feel like Burgers."

"After digging through their trash all night?"

"Especially after digging through the trash all night. My investigations require fuel."

You shake your head, thankful to be back in the realm of controlled insanity.
"You both really don't mind holding him?"

Huntress shakes her head.
"So long as we handle this Anarky business quick so we can cut him loose. I'll be meeting you tonight so I guess it's up to Question to handle him."

"I'll need to learn the sign for 'Search for bugs' and it'll be fine."

You and Huntress share a horrified glance and share a sigh before you head your seperate ways.
About an hour later dealing with the morning rush you end up at the Blue Brass, like you had told Hawthorne, with it being closer to eleven now you see the bar is filling out for the lunch rush. Hawthorne sits at a bar with a large mug of a half drank beer and his arm sling resting on a stool beside him.

You approach him from behind and toss out a greeting. He responds with a silent nod and throwing up a hand to the bartender.
"Joe's Pale." He calls out before looking to you. "That's your preferred right?"

You pick up his sling and toss it into his lap.
"It's cheap that's for sure."

"I'll drink to that." Hawthorne says with a tight smile. He drains the last half of his beer and taps the bar throwing the bar tender two fingers. He nods and get's to work filling a second mug. You settle down and look over at Hawthorne.

"What number you on?"

"Four. I drink slow, been catching up on some reading." He lifts his phone off the counter and wiggles it. "Some Electronic Files for my cases when I get back."

>"So what's the occasion, are we drinking to celebrate your good health?"
>"Well I have some catching up to do then."
>"I need a drink after my day, Bass Head is safe but it didn't go smooth."
>"I am the Cobra."
>"I need a drink after my day, Bass Head is safe but it didn't go smooth."
>"And I'm sure you're gonna love how that whole thing went... But maybe I can tell you somewhere else, it's to embarrassing to say on public"
>"I am the Cobra."
So begins the story of Mark "The Cobra" DeLucia
Yup, this. Hopefully it at least gets a chuckle out of him.

>Captcha: HA888
…well THAT’s ominous.
Whether we embrace The Cobra or not, it’s out there now.

Now there’s a kid we scared shitless who’s gonna go talk to Anarky about Calc’s crazy minion Cobra and how he’s gonna hand over his boss. There’s no telling how far this will go.

"I need a drink after my day, Bass Head is safe but it didn't go smoothly."

He gives you a quizzical eyebrow raise and nods for you to continue.

"I'm sure you'll love how this all went down. Maybe I can tell you somewhere private? It's a little embarrassing.

A sincere smile breaks out on Hawthorne's face.
"That does sound good, no better place than right here. Jimmy can keep a secret can't you Jimmy?" He probes the bartender, Jimmy runs his fingers over his lips and throws away an imaginary key as he approaches with your drink.

"I don't know." You say quietly. A frosty mug is set in front of you and Jimmy leans in with a hand on under his chin. You go to take the mug and Hawthorne places a hand on it.

"Uh uh. You don't drink for free, son. Regale us with your experience."

You feel your face grow warm and you sigh.
"Alright fine.." You begin before letting them know the whole scoop. Minus Question and Huntress of course. By the end of it, Jimmy has a sideways smirk and Hawthorne is holding his stomach and wiping a tear from his eye, the hilarity of the situation increased by alcohol.

"Oh holy shit, Rookie. Say it again." He insists

"Hawthorne, I haven't even finished my beer yet."

"Come on, I'll buy you another round just say it one last time please." He signals for Jimmy to pour and Jimmy does, while leaning close enough to still hear you that is.

You sigh deeply and close your eyes.
"This is a sorry excuse for an ambush, and it's not gonna work on a cobra." You begin

"Why...Why won't it, Rookie?" Hawthorne asks choking on his own laughter.

"Because The Cobra is an ambush predator." You repeat in a low tone.

He doesn't let any out but you see Jimmy's mug hand shaking as he holds back his own giggles and you swallow down the rest of your beer, letting the burn of your embarrassment shine. Hawthorne takes a few ragged and rapid breathes to compose himself. You'd never seen the man laugh so hard or smile so wide in your entire time with him.

"Yeah, glad you enjoy the story of me almost getting killed."

"Lighten up, Rookie. You put me on my ass and I'm three times the man of any Anarkist." He sighs and shakes his head. "Fucking Cobra. What were you thinking anyways? You're suspended so going to that meet is out of the question, any evidence coming out of that is fucked."
You grab a fresh mug from Jimmy and look to Hawthorne.
"Why? I didn't use any force or use my position as an officer. The guy pretty much gave the meet and intel to me."

"Fruit from the poison tree son."


"Meaning Dent isn't gonna touch this with a twenty foot pole even if you were the one holding it. Anarky is wanted by more than Gotham Police son, he's federal. That little commie prick glows like lava and anyone who gets too close is gonna get melted. The smart play is to pass it off to the Commander and let that work itself out."

"Without me?"

"Without you." He says as if it were as apparent as the sky being blue. He notices your glum expression and sighs. "Look son, you can't be the hero all the time. It's part of the job. That kind of work is for Undercover and the Masks, it's just above our paygrade. Let it go."

>"You're right. I'll call the Commander in a bit and pass off the intel."
>"You're right, but maybe I should just take it straight to that ARGUS Agent who's hanging around the precinct."
>"I understand if you think that, but I think this is a chance to get a big win for the department."
>"No way, after the way Dent and that Agent treated me I'm not handing them a career making case without getting a piece of it."
>"I can't. They have a kidnapping victim planned, someone IN Gotham. We protect our own around here."
>"Shit. Maybe someone should pass it on to Batman then. Maybe he'd finally make an appearance."
That's all for now until Sunday my friends, didn't want to leave the thread with only two updates before I took my weekend so I stayed up late to squeeze another in. As well here is a link to the archive of Thread One for any new readers:

Gay shit below:

Thanks for following me through these three threads, it means a lot that people would like my writing enough to follow and play along like this with my wack schedule. Also a major shout out to the other QMs who have shown me a lot of kindness, IndonesianGentleman who made the fantastic cover art for this thread and Hypercrisis Bro who wanted to give a nod to my game in his own (Batquest) which is really cool. As well I want to shout out Naruto: Feeling Blue which is one of my personal favorite reads at the moment, it should be coming back for a second thread soonish so keep an eye out and check out all those fine QMs quests. Have a good weekend guys.
>"I can't. They have a kidnapping victim planned, someone IN Gotham. We protect our own around here."
Honestly, ARGUS is most likely gonna be ham-fisted about it, the police has a mole and Batman will either jobb or have something more important to take care of.
>>"I can't. They have a kidnapping victim planned, someone IN Gotham. We protect our own around here."
>"You're right, but maybe I should just take it straight to that ARGUS Agent who's hanging around the precinct."
We're skirting WAY too close to the cape shit that we criticize if we end up doing in without informing anyone. I think we should at least get ARGUS authorization. Anarky is a valuable target, and keeping the intel between just us and the superfeds makes it way less likely for Anarky to either get tipped off before the meeting or to escape the clutches of what is essentially two nutjobs with a crossbow and a gun respectively.

Plus, you know, shit can't hit back at us as hard if we get fed authorization on it. And putting Anarky right into their hands would get us and the department some brownie points with them, possibly.
>trusting the feds
It's not a question of if they will fuck us over, but how.
Yeah, but think about how much harder they'll fuck us if they learn about this shit after the fact.
You really wanna give them that ammo?
>"You're right, but maybe I should just take it straight to that ARGUS Agent who's hanging around the precinct."
>"But there's one more thing... They have a kidnapping victim planned, someone IN Gotham."

This is currently one of the best quests on the board, so keep up the good work, DQM!
>"You're right, but maybe I should just take it straight to that ARGUS Agent who's hanging around the precinct."

I’m not thrilled at the idea of sticking our neck out for fucking Calc of all people, the bio-terrorist who’s threatened to kill two children.

Anarky is out of our league anyways. And now that we’ve been given a recognizable gang alias AND have our face in the newspapers, I don’t think we should be hanging around these guys much more.
you are doing a fan-fucking-tastic job and if its not too much trouble can we see what batman has on file on mark
Just dont off yourself on us like our late Henchman Quest QM.
>"I can't. They have a kidnapping victim planned, someone IN Gotham. We protect our own around here."
love yer writing, love yer character
>>"You're right, but maybe I should just take it straight to that ARGUS Agent who's hanging around the precinct."
>>"But there's one more thing... They have a kidnapping victim planned, someone IN Gotham."
Yeah, I agree. But also, >"Because I'm the Cobra."
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There's something in gotham's water supply, I have no other way to explain it. Something that makes literally ANYONE turn into some sort of capeshitter eventually. Our boy held strong for 2 threads, but now it's all over, the snakeskin jacket is coming, I can feel it.
Remember how many masked identities henchman quest ended up having? This is our future.
Oh please, we could never be that cool. And we don't even have a super badass rival. We'll never be him. Ain't no way.
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>There's something in gotham's water supply, I have no other way to explain it.
>There's something in Gotham's water supply
Yeah, lead. Do you know how old the fucking pipes in this city are?
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The only lead you'll be drinking is this magazine full of it
Lead does lead to a sharp increase in criminality due to anger and stupidity heightening qualities generationally
The only thing in the water is Venom. Cobra Venom!
Did you know there's actually some correlation between the drop in violent crime in the US and the drop in lead exposure over time?

"You're right. Maybe I should just hand it over to the ARGUS grunt who's been hanging around."

Hawthorne lifts his mug up and takes a long sip.
"Maybe." He says flatly.

"But there's another thing, they have a kidnapping victim planned, someone IN Gotham."

"Shit." Hawthorne mumbles. "Any details on their target?"

"None except apparently the museum was their chance to get em and they failed."

"Shortens up the list, Dent?"

"No, he was on the chopping block. The guy who came after Harvey didn't exactly have zipties and a bag with him."

"Fair enough, Wayne then?"

"Would be an obvious choice, Wayne is out and about though, plenty of places to grab him if they just had some patience."

"Maybe now that Anarky is back from exile they got that back too. Could be his new plan to skip the theatrics and get to a low down, old school kidnapping. Maybe they want you to drive the van." Hawthorne chuckles at his own joke at the end.

"Come on, it's not funny. This is someone from our city, we protect ours here."

Hawthorne sighs and looks down.
"Yeah, you're right. Get the info to ARGUS, see if they have any space for you and me to get involved."


"Wouldn't be the first time I worked with Feds, Rook. Make the call and if he has room we can work it as a special assignment, I'll pull a favor. If there isn't room then we just sit here and drink tonight I suppose."

You push up from the stool with a nod and head outside into the brisk noon air. Fall was starting to grip Gotham in full now, you pull out your cell phone and look down at it.

>Call Agent Gideon and give him the information.
>Call Huntress, tell her you're confirmed for tonight. You'll have to lie to Hawthorne.
>Call Nia, If she want's to prove the League cares about more than just the big picture then this is her chance.
>>Call Agent Gideon and give him the information.
>Call Agent Gideon and give him the information.
>>Call Agent Gideon and give him the information.
>Call Agent Gideon and give him the information.

You sigh and decide it's best to leave this to bigger fish. It was exhilarating to be on your own and to only have yourself, your wits, and your gun to rely on. But that isn't why you got into police work, to be a rogue cowboy, you got into this to help people and to show that everyone, even meta-humans, should be held responsible for what they do. Accountability. It's a word that echoes in your mind, you took an oath for a reason and you won't betray it for a shot at glory.

You dial the front desk for the GCPD.
"Officer Greene? Can you call Agent Gideon to the front desk? Tell him Officer DeLucia has information for him regarding a POI."

You wait a few moments and the line crackles as the phone is passed off.
"Agent Gideon, what's the news DeLucia? Progress on the SIM Killer?"

"No sir, someone else who may be of interest to ARGUS however."
You spend the next few minutes informing the Agent of everything you found out, the kidnapping, the return of Anarky, and this time you leave out the mention of 'The Cobra.'

"Holy Shit, DeLucia. This actually is big news, I'm gonna give a full report to my boss on this. She may be in contact with you."

"And Hawthorne and I?"

"It could take the sting out of making something in Gotham a federal case if we bring in two GCPD Officers to be liaisons."

"Appreciate it, Gideon."

"You did good bringing this to me, DeLucia. Your government thanks you." The last part sounds a little plastic but you still thank him for his time and hang up.

You bang out a quick text to Caesar as well.

"Bass Head is all good, he's with a friend of mine and his.." You pause as you think about it. "Wife. All is good I'll call you soon."

You pocket the phone and breathe easy. You feel a weight off your shoulders, that is short-lived as you remember Huntress saying she'd come with you tonight. You'll have to let her know that you passed it off to ARGUS. Suddenly that weight is back.

>Call Huntress now and explain
>She can wait, go have some drinks with Hawthorne and relax
>Head home, text Hawthorne the news about Anarky and go home to just est for the day and relax.
>Text Banks, see if he's up and recovered enough to come to the bar.
>>Call Huntress now and explain
best we get this out of the way
>>Call Huntress now and explain
Better she get pissed off now rather than during the operation. She'll get over it.
>Call Huntress now and explain
She won't understand, mind you. Probably even Question won't. They're like Nia in that way. Jut let her know we thought on it, and we had to do the right, legal thing.

"But what about the kid?" she might say

Well, it's one thing to save and protect a child, and another thing when it's for our own glory or ego. We got all swept up in it, but when we cooled off, it just wasn't us. Sorry, not sorry.

>Go have some drinks with Hawthorne and relax afterwards
We'll need a cold one.
>>Call Huntress now and explain
>Call Huntress now and explain
Anarky is not the goal. Mandragora and the GCPD Mole are. Siccing the feds on Anarky might do us more good than harm later
Question, however, is going to slap us with lukewarm pizza and ask us if we have drank anything offered to us by glowies.
>Call Huntress now and explain
Should probably give her some kind of opportunity to do what she wants. Maybe a promise to keep her in the loop for when we go for Mandragora or something?
She shouldn't get THAT mad, right? It's not even about that mafia family she wanted.
Ah whatever, can't please GCPD, feds and vigilantes at the same time.

You sigh and take out your phone again after thinking on it. She doesn't seem the type to enjoy being stood up. After a few rings you hear her pick up.

"Hello?" She answers in a surprisingly nice sounding voice.

"Uh, Hey. I was calling to talk to you about tonight."

"About the reservation?"

The pieces click.
"Ah, this is a double speak phone call isn't it?"

"Well I'd hope you would know, you set the reservation." She replies

"Well it's off. I passed the case on to ARGUS after sitting with it for a bit."

There's a long pause, you hear some muffled speech and can make out the words "Guest room" before a few more seconds pass and Huntress speaks to you in a tone you've heard far more often from her.

"Why the hell did you clue ARGUS in on this?"

"Because I thought about it and I'm a cop. I don't do shady meetings with crime lords in my spare time, that goes against everything I've been telling you people."

"Okay, but does this not still leave the kid in the crosshairs?"

"You two are the ones who told me that ARGUS is an unstoppable federal boogie man. So I fed a big fish to them to clear us up."

"Clear us up for what?"

"Mandragora. You were right, we've sat on it too long. We need to start making actual progress on this, we know he has something to do with the SIM Killer and something to do with Calc. Whether he's just acting as a sort of tour guide for his guys we don't know, but we can find out."

"You have my attention. Find out how?"

"The mole in GCPD, I have a hunch on who it could be. Hawthorne does as well."

"Well from what Question told me if that salty old man has a hunch it's generally correct."

"You and Question have talked about Hawthorne?"

"We talk about a lot of things, Mark. Don't worry too much about it, he's only had good things to say about you both." She pauses a few moments. "For the most part."

"What does that me-" Your question is cut off by the call ending. "Son of a bitch." You mutter to yourself. Your phone buzzes and you see a text.

"Coming back in?" From Hawthorne. You pocket the phone and turn back to go inside. You need a cold one to unwind all that mess in your head.
"So then the rookie looks at em and he says 'I can see your soul.' all ominous and shit." Hawthorne laughs heartily as he tells the story to a few officers from Precinct 2 who gathered at your table. You'd been seated like this approaching an hour or two now, Happy Hour was well into effect.

"That's some wild shit, DeLucia can you really do that?" Asks a shabbily dressed officer, nametag: O'Lee

"No." You say laughing. "But they didn't know that. They were just kids, figured a little scaring would do the job."

"Shit, if it was me the second a guy threatens to flame me with a can of hairspray I'm busting my own spray out." O'Lee says, to a chorus of agreeance from the other small group of officers.

"You can't be afraid to get your hands dirty." Another officer chimes in.

"He isn't." Hawthorne interjects putting an arm around your shoulder, well and truly buzzed he loosens up. "This kid here put me on my ass in a sparring match."

You wave dismissively to a small wave of props and raised mugs.
"Did he tell you he could have been a Gotham Golden Glove?" O'Lee asks, a few people laugh. "Cause he tells everyone about that."

"I don't doubt it, Hawthorne has hands like lead cannonballs." You say shaking your head and finishing the last dregs of your mug. "I'm gonna grab another beer, anyone else want a top off?" You ask. You get more answers than you have arms.

"I'll help you out, kid." Hawthorne says smiling. "But we ain't paying for em, it's pay to play around here."

You both walk away from the group and you feel something you haven't felt in large amounts before, you feel accepted. The men over there all laugh and joke with you like anyone else. The same ball busting and the same stoic respect they give to Hawthorne. You wonder how much of that is due to you being Hawthorne's rookie.

"A round of mugs for the table, Jimmy." You say, Jimmy gives you a silent nod and gets to work filling up mugs.

"This has been a good time, son." Hawthorne says, almost to himself. "Thanks." He gives you a pat on the shoulder and you just smile in return.

"You seemed a little down but "The Cobra" seems to have brought up your spirits a little."

"Yeah." He says breathily. "Just that time of year I guess. I'll be alright though, always am."

You just respond with a nod, a nod that says 'You can talk to me' Hawthorne replies with his own nod. 'Not today, but maybe someday'

Arms laden with mugs and beer you get ready to turn around when you hear a familiar voice.

"DL, what's happening? Mind grabbing one more?" A very chipper voice breaks through the crowd. You turn and see Officer Rogers in civilian clothes, eyeing up your mugs with that same wide toothy grin on his face. Hawthorne stands tall and eyes the Officer up.

"Is this Recruit going to be an issue, Mark?" He asks you.
>"No sir, he and I are good for now."
>"I don't know, are we cool or not Rogers?"
>"I think he might be, probably would be better off drinking by himself."
>Say nothing and walk past them to deliver the beers
>"No sir, he and I are good for now."
This fucking guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Put a pin in it for now, let him think we're none the wiser.
>"No sir, he and I are good for now."

But put laxatives in his beer
>"No sir, he and I are good for now."
As annoying as he is he hasn't done anything that deserves us cold shouldering him, YET.
>"No sir, he and I are good for now."
This fucker is max suspicious, but we have nothing real to show for it yet. The best thing to do is sit tight and act normally
>>"No sir, he and I are good for now."
>"No sir, he and I are good for now."

It wasn’t Rogers who reported us to the watch commander… so I dunno what we have to pin on him here.

Still hate the guy though.
>"No sir, he and I are good for now."

I suspect he is a psycho or will turn into a villain when we confront him and the other cops turn their back on him because it turns out he is a creep or something.
Or maybe our QM will do a twist and make him a swell guy in his private life that feeds the homeless and has a loving family
Would Roger's have lost the 'game', if we went for it? I can't remember. Want to reference that somehow.
Watch it just turn out he's overcompensating for being a dick way back and we're just being overly dickish for way too long lol
>tfw rogers is just autistic
Hey guys sorry for the late communication here.

I have a family member in the hospital set for some emergency surgery tomorrow so I don't think I'll be able to focus on writing much tonight. Provided everything goes okay during the day tomorrow I will resume posting then. Apologies for the interruption fellas but that's life.

Fill the time by telling me things you'd find cool to see in the game going forward.
Don't get QM Curse'd
I'm enjoying the quest quite a bit so far. I'm pretty interested to see through some of these existing plots (the Bertinelli/Mandragora crime family drama, where Anarky fits in), but after that it would be pretty cool to explore some Cadmus/Task Force X stuff or even a Joker breakout and something like No Man's land from a ground-level perspective. or, shit, even something involving Gotham's supernatural elements, like Swamp Thing, Grundy, Amadeus Arkham, and Zatanna. Lots of fertile ground that you don't normally see a relative 'normie' who actually respects rule-of-law caught up in.
Oh, and while I suppose it should go without saying, best of luck to you and your family. Take the time you need. Real life comes first.
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>Fill the time by telling me things you'd find cool to see in the game going forward.
This is probably wishful thinking on my part, but I'd love to see some of Tommy Monaghan and his bunch make an appearance.
Where's my boy Harvey Bullock? Also good luck to your family member, don't force yourself to write if things are too stressful.
No worries QM. Take all the time you need, and best of luck to your relative!

I saw someone else saying they wanted a ground-level perspective of a massive city-wide event. A riot response scenario might be fun to play through, maybe if the Joker’s henchmen get a little too riled up.
>"No sir, he and I are good for now."
I know it's an easy nickname to think up for DeLucia, but him using the same nick for us as Caesar has me paranoid.
>>5836975 +8

"No sir, he and I are good for now." You say, resisting that urge to set your jaw, he creeps you out but thinking on it he hasn't given any sort of real reason to distrust him. But you still do.

"It's all good in the hood, sarge." Rogers replies with a doofy grin.

Hawthorne grumbles to himself and takes some mugs off your hands.
"I'll go drop these off."

"I don't think he likes me very much, not that I can blame him." Rogers says, that smile fading for a second as he thinks back on their first encounter. He shakes his head slightly and looks to Jimmy holding up a finger. "One Joe's Pale Ale." He asks.

"Add it to the Precinct 1 Tab, Jimmy. It'll be handled."

Jimmy gives you both a silent nod and moves to fill the mug.
"Fucked up what happened to you." Rogers says leaning on the bar. "Whatever happened to the blue shield you know what I mean?"


"The CSU, writing you up. I watched him do it and pass it off to my TO."

"What the fuck? You didn't say anything to me about it because?"

"Because you left for coffee with your TO and never came back. I didn't get the chance."

You sigh and rub your eyes.
"Yeah we got a lead and went to check it out."

"What was the lead?"

"It's not your case man." You reply, alcohol lowering your ability to hide irritation.

Rogers takes it in stride just nodding. The mugs get dropped down and you go to grab them as Rogers extends a hand.
"Look man, I know you don't really like me. I don't blame you either I was a real piece of shit when I didn't even know you."

You raise an eyebrow in response to this.

"Look man. After you kicked my ass I looked into you, the gas station, those Anarky guys in a parking lot. I read the AA Reports and you're a born negotiator, then you're at a scene picking things up and putting them together like Nana's favorite puzzle. You have the makings of a good detective or a good negotiator and those are both high end jobs in the PD. Jobs I'd like one day you know what I mean?"

"I don't really, Rogers. Can you just speak plainly?"

"I want to learn to be like you, learn how you break down a scene, how you break down a person and get them to listen to reason even when they can't reason themselves. I think you could teach me a lot and we're both rookies so maybe this is like a friendly rivalry type thing." He speaks as if he can't stop his train of thought from carrying on without him. You have to hold out a hand again to get him to stop.

"This still doesn't tell me what you want from me, Rogers."

"Teach me how to do what you do." He replies simply. "If the answer is no, just tell me now and I'll drop it. But you're destined for bigger things than a beat and I want to be along for the ride if you'll let me."

He hits you with that smile as he waits for an answer, his hands still resting on the beers. Their foam tops slowly popping and deflating.
>"No." Grab the beers and walk away.
>"I'm a rookie myself, I don't think there's anything I could teach you that your TO couldn't."
>"We could meet up outside of work, a bar or something and talk shop if you want. It won't be free though." (Ask for what in return?)
>"I have a duty to help my fellow officers, lets meet up again sometime and I'll see what I can do for you."
>"I have a duty to help my fellow officers, lets meet up again sometime and I'll see what I can do for you."
>"I'm going to warn you right now, though... Part of it's my abilities. I try not to let them do ALL the heavy lifting, but they're useful. I'm not sure I'd be AS good a negotiator or detective without them."
>"Now you're starting to sound like my ex. I never understood why everyone wants to dream big - I'm happy to just stick to the beat and help the little guys where I can. I'll leave Grand Destinies to the guys like superman. Anyways, I'm barely getting a hang on things myself, so I'll have to pass for now...maybe when things are a little less hectic. Knock on wood."
>>"No." Grab the beers and walk away.
>"I have a duty to help my fellow officers, lets meet up again sometime and I'll see what I can do for you."
>"I'm going to warn you right now, though... Part of it's my abilities. I try not to let them do ALL the heavy lifting, but they're useful. I'm not sure I'd be AS good a negotiator or detective without them."

You nod, you get why maybe he's been a bit too pushy with trying to be your friend now.
"I have a duty to help my fellow officers, lets meet up again sometime and I'll see what I can do for you."

"Awesome." He mutters, his eyes light up with excitement and that in combination with his smile makes you uncomfortable again. You feel goosebumps rise, shivers or just your own hang ups you can't tell.

"But." You state holding up a finger, dulling the luster in his eyes. "I'm going to warn you right now, though... Part of it's my abilities. I try not to let them do ALL the heavy lifting, but they're useful. I'm not sure I'd be AS good a negotiator or detective without them."

He shakes his head.
"No no, you're different I can tell. What's the saying? It isn't the tool it's the man wielding it." He seems to hesitate a little. "Speaking about your power though, do you have like anyone to talk to about that?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like, obviously it takes some kind of a toll on you. CSU definitely noticed, if it takes a physical toll then I can only imagine the mental or..emotional toll."
Something about the way he says emotional makes your skin crawl.

"You really need to work on sounding less creepy, Rogers."

You see his cheeks turn a light red as he rubs his neck and looks down.
"I guess so, I just can't help myself. You interest me and I feel like you can teach me a lot."

"About police work I hope, my abilities are a little personal."

"Of course I won't press on that anymore, just y'know if you ever wanna talk about it I'm around." He gives you a dulled smile, obviously held back from his full toothy potential. Before you can answer another figure approaches, in a fresh dress suit, vest and with a new shoulder holster Gorchakov approaches. He lets a toothpick bounce between his lips with each step. He plucks it out of his mouth before offering you a hand.

"Officer DeLucia. I'm Charlie Gorchakov, I wanna talk to you about an opportunity in the GCPD."

"Detective. I was just finishing up a conversation." You motion to Rogers who stares Gorchakov down.

"Well, he can take a walk." He turns to Rogers and extends the toothpick out to him. "Find a place to throw this away. Give me and Officer DeLucia a moment alone."

Rogers smile is miles away and you see a small fire behind his eyes. Your neck hairs rise, something is in the air between these two but you can't tell what, your come down from the massive influx you had in your dream seems to really dull your senses. Rogers slowly reaches out and takes the soggy toothpick.

"I'll find a place for this, sir." He says quietly.
Gorchakov grunts in response and leans on the counter between you both. Rogers gives the back of his head a few more seconds of intense staring before turning and walking off. Dropping off the two beers he had been guarding at the table with Hawthorne before turning and heading to the bathrooms. Hawthorne from the table watches you and Gorchakov carefully, he continues to laugh with the other officers but his eyes never leave you two.

"You just sent away the man who had my beer, detective." You say with a frown.

The detective waves to Jimmy.
"Two glasses of Old Fashioned on ice, James." He turns to you and flashes a smile. "My treat."

You nod in response, still suspicious of Gorchakov approaching you randomly.

"What's on your mind detective? Seems everyone is fighting for my attention tonight."

"You're the belle of the ball, Rookie. Legacy TO, Good record from Day 1, Abilities that make you more cop than most people on duty today, and not to mention a loop in on a budding Serial Killer case and a personal savior of the mayor. I'd be surprised more people aren't trying to get in your cotton beat pants." He ceases speaking as the drinks arrive, he hands Jimmy a folded twenty and slides a drink to you. He takes a long sip and sighs. "James can make an Old Fashioned like nobody else."

"Detective." You say, the frustration of your multiple interruptions finally weighing on you.

"Right, right apologies. I'll skip the foreplay, I think you're wasted working a beat and I heard a very interesting story about you and a cobra. Could use a man like you in UC." He gives you a dangerous look over the rim of his glass.

You freeze.

"I hear things, being a detective means having a nice little network of CI's outside and in house."

"And you think because of the Cobra stunt I'd be good in Undercover?"

"Mhm." He says quietly, already draining the last of his drink and tapping the counter for Jimmy to re-up.

"I don't think Officer Banks will appreciate me moving in on his turf. I know he's been trying really hard to get into UC." You spin the glass in place on the bar top.

"Yeah well, no offense to the kid. He ain't cut out for it."


"He stinks!" He says, taking a sip from his freshly refilled drink. "He couldn't trick a rookie fresh out of academy and I mean especially now he isn't built for it."

"Especially now?"
"His burns are what we in the know call 'Operational Risk' it's really hard to forget a guy who looks like a toy soldier who spent too long under the magnifying glass. Working with you would be better not only operationally but also on my eyes, because that kid. Yikes. I get taking one for the team but you'd never catch me ruining this pretty face saving a tool like Dent." He chuckles at his own joke.

You feel your hands clench the glass.

>Throw your old fashioned in his face. "Fuck you."
>"I'll have to talk it over with Hawthorne, but UC isn't high on my priority list."
>"I think I'd rather spend every day on the beat with Rogers than work a single case with you."
>"Yeah he is pretty noticeable now, probably not a good fit for UC."
>"I'll take you up on that offer. I'd make a good undercover I think."
>"I did my best to keep him alive and healthy and you're going to insult my handiwork? Besides, you really think he would fit in better if he looked plain? Half the goons in this city have ink, or scars, or piercings, or all sorts of crap going on. And don't get me started on the turnover rate, there's a new thug every couple days in any given gang. All I'm saying is if you can't shape him up to work past that, maybe give him some makeup tips or prosthetics - that's something you guys know how to do for deep cover, right - then I probably won't do much better in his shoes, my face has been in the papers."
We've been drinking. If he gets really mad and pissy just blame it on the booze. He doesn't know we aren't that buzzed yet anyway. Prick.
the booze is on our side, plus we're right
we worked our ass off that event and we saved Banks' life
>"I'll have to talk it over with Hawthorne, but UC isn't high on my priority list."
Let's be diplomatic. Neither yes or no. Remember Gorkachov is suspicious as hell and currently our main suspect for the mole in the department.
>>"I'll have to talk it over with Hawthorne, but UC isn't high on my priority list
polite but not an outright rejection
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Got inspired by thread cover, made some fanart.
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>>"I did my best to keep him alive and healthy and you're going to insult my handiwork? Besides, you really think he would fit in better if he looked plain? Half the goons in this city have ink, or scars, or piercings, or all sorts of crap going on. And don't get me started on the turnover rate, there's a new thug every couple days in any given gang. All I'm saying is if you can't shape him up to work past that, maybe give him some makeup tips or prosthetics - that's something you guys know how to do for deep cover, right - then I probably won't do much better in his shoes, my face has been in the papers."
This, but every "I" or "my" should be 'The Cobra'.
We're drunk enough, let's roll with it. He loves us pulling out the Cobra out of our ass enough to walk up and try to make us his new undercover dupe, he's gonna get the FANGS
>>Throw your old fashioned in his face. "Fuck you."

Even more on the tail end of that.
"maybe" down the line when we aren't nearly as famous... but down the line we're gonna be too 'hot' for it.

Also it's not that hard for him to hear about the cobra. We literally just shared that with everyone in that bar. This motherfucker talking about "CIs" and whatnot when half the bar and precinct 2 knows.

This guy’s a grade-A tard if he thinks that getting the famous hero meta cop into undercover is a good idea, but a goddamn burn scar is too revealing.

By the way, does anyone else think this guy glows a little bit?
Thank you very much, Anon! This is fucking rad, I'll make a folder for these and save them for future threads.


could you fit in those Batman TAS police blimps in that?

Those things are so iconic.
Nice work.
You do your best to push aside your annoyance and put on a tipsy smile.

"I do my best to keep Banks alive and you insult my handiwork? Ice cold detective. Besides, you really think he would fit in better if he looked plain? Half the goons in this city have ink, or scars, or piercings, or all sorts of crap going on. And don't get me started on the turnover rate, there's a new thug every couple days in any given gang. All I'm saying is if you can't shape him up to work past that, maybe give him some makeup tips or prosthetics - that's something you guys know how to do for deep cover, right - then I probably won't do much better in his shoes, my face has been in the papers."

"Is that right? Too famous for UC?"

You shrug and give him a dumb smile.
"Just saying it doesn't make sense to put the famous meta-cop into undercover. I'm slick enough to slide by but a burn scar is too noticeable?" You laugh and shake your head.

Gorchakov stares at you with a granite jaw, you see it tense.

"Yeah well maybe you aren't as famous as you think buddy."

"Yeah?" You toss out lightly with a raised eyebrow.

"Go out on the street and ask anyone about the Meta Cop from GCPD. See what they say." He says, picking up intensity as he goes along.


"Go ahead ask em, ask em what that cop can even do. Wanna hear some theories I heard from in department? Some people think you read minds, a couple of em say you can brainwash people, and I even heard once that you could shapeshift. You know what that tells me?"

"That I-"

"That you aren't as 'famous' as you seem to think you are, Rookie. I mean hell you didn't even get credit for saving Dent." He chuckles and downs his drink.

"Wait what?"

"You never got name dropped, not a picture, not a description, and the real kicker is it just calls you what everyone sees. 'Meta-Human Officer' isn't that a bitch." He says smiling now, he takes the old fashioned from your hand and leans back. "Bruce Wayne got more coverage than you, Banks and Hawthorne combined and you know what he said? He thanked 'The Brave Officers of the GCPD' and then shook a few hands and probably made half a million dollars in residuals by the time he walked off stage."

You hold your tongue and just look at him, doing your best to make your eyes confused and unfocused.
"I'm not really a fan of press conferences so I'm glad he took that bullet for me." You joke. Gorchakov polishes off your drink as well and rises to a stand from the bar stool.
"Maybe you're right though, maybe this sort of move isn't in your best interest. I'll pass it up the chain that you aren't currently interested in any special assignments or promotions. Maybe after languishing in Hawthorne's shadow for a few more years you'll come to me ready to play outside the junior leagues. Until then I suppose I can settle with Banks until he burns himself out." He chuckles again as he pulls out another twenty to throw on the counter, clean and crisp. "I crack myself up, enjoy a few more drinks. On me."

Gorchakov walks away and you finally relax. You sigh looking over to Jimmy who watches you with a raised eyebrow.

"You didn't say anything to him about The Cobra shit did you?"

Jimmy shakes his head. You sigh, the bar was practically empty when you mentioned that. You'd just spent the last hour telling people about the Gas Station and the Anarky stand-off and not once did you mention what went down at the orphanage. Whoever Gorchakov's snitches are they work fast. A sudden rail of ice cold blood shoots through your heart as you realize.

You might have been seen talking to Question and Huntress.

You put your head in your hands and feel something clap your back, you jerk your head up and turn to see Hawthorne.
"Everything good, son?"

"Yeah, just Gorchakov trying to poach me from beat to be his errand boy or protégé or something."

"You still have your theories about him?"

>"If anything I'm completely sold now. I think he's our mole."
>"I don't know yet, he didn't ask me anything shady. He just seemed like an asshole."
>"I don't think it's him, guy like that doesn't seem careful enough to stay unfound for this long."
>>"I don't know yet, he didn't ask me anything shady. He just seemed like an asshole."
>>"I don't know yet, he didn't ask me anything shady. He just seemed like an asshole."
His response to being told he should work harder and do his job is to try ego destruction on a rookie. What an absolute dweeb lmao. Bet he peaked in high school.

Should definitely send a tip to Question about possibly being spotted though. I trust him not to do something really stupid or illegal. Well, -too- illegal. He probably doesn't pay for cable.
>>"I don't know yet, he didn't ask me anything shady. He just seemed like an asshole."
what a guy
>"I don't know yet, he didn't ask me anything shady. He just seemed like an asshole."
+1 to >>5839087, but also finish it with:
>"I'll have to talk it over with Hawthorne, but UC isn't high on my priority list."

Oop, should have updated first.

>"If anything I'm completely sold now. I think he's our mole."
He knew we were doing weird shit off-duty and brandishing our piece. He may have never seen Huntress of Question, since they didn't get out of the car at the orphanage if I remember correctly, but if he WASN'T dirty and saw a cop pull bizarre shit like we did while off-assignment, he'd have questioned or reported us... Because to anyone who doesn't know what we're up to, WE would have looked dirty.
>>"I don't know yet, he didn't ask me anything shady. He just seemed like an asshole." (lie)

Jimmy is still literally sitting right there.
>"I don't know yet, he didn't ask me anything shady. He just seemed like an asshole."

Watch Jimmy pull off his mask to reveal Jim Gordon
>"I don't know yet, he didn't ask me anything shady. He just seemed like an asshole."

"I don't know yet, he didn't ask me to do anything shady. He just seemed like an asshole."

"Then what did he ask you?"

"He asked me to consider going into UC, and when I told him no he went on some rant about living in your shadow and how I don't get any respect or whatever."

"Sounds like projection." An unknown voice chimes in.

You and Hawthorne both look towards Jimmy, who dries a mug with a towel while giving you both a shrug.
"You pick things up tending bar. You also learn how to keep secrets." He says, his voice very delicate.

Hawthorne chuckles and taps your shoulder.
"Well forget about him, Gorchakov is a known shitbag. Slacks on everything that doesn't have a commendation or praise attached. He's a Glory cop, he wants what you see on TV where the cop enters the room and the crooks starting shaking in their boots. But a guy like that, all he's ever good for is being some department head's lapdog."

"Who's lapdog is he then?"

"Head Detective Wallace Meyer. Guy runs an inter-precinct team directly under Gordon, bit of an elite club but Gorchakov got in by putting in some work with Meyer and handling some cold cases for him. He can be a good detective when he has to be but there needs to be something in it for him."

You look at the door Gorchakov walked through and stare for a few seconds.
"The other Detectives though? They're solid."

"As they come." Hawthorne says with a nod. "They just need to be socialized a bit more and maybe people will stop treating them like the boogeyman."


"The handle the most sensitive cases for the department, including most of IA investigations."

"Oh." You say simply.

You and Hawthorne stand in silence for a few more moments before Hawthorne breaks the silence.

"What do you want, Rookie?"

"I'm sorry, sir?"

"For your career. What is it you're aiming for with all that you're doing? You have your finger in a good amount of pies right now and that's well and good. But the Baker is gonna make you buy one at the end of the day."

You stroke your chin and think, what ARE you looking to achieve in the GCPD?

>"As long as I can help someone everyday, I don't care if I walk a beat the rest of my life."
>"Administration seems like the biggest way I could change things. Commissioner DeLucia has a ring to it."
>"What you do, sir. Being a TO and teaching other officers about how to be a good cop is all I could really want."
>"The SIM Case and all this Mole talk has me thinking about going Detective. Putting puzzles together.
>"Well I got a call from the Justice League so maybe I'll put on some spandex and a mask."
>"Agent Gideon probably has an in at ARGUS, maybe one day I could go federal. Help people see Metas in a new way."
>"I could do what you do, go the sergeant route. Try to be a leader while keeping close to the streets."
>>"As long as I can help someone everyday, I don't care if I walk a beat the rest of my life."
>"The SIM Case and all this Mole talk has me thinking about going Detective. Putting puzzles together.
>"My connection to the city, it lets me in on stuff that could make or break most cases. Feels like it'd be the best immediate use of my "talents", ya know?"
Wonder if shivers would be useful at all in commissioner's chair.
Would be a massive flex on all the capes, too. Have powers? Wanna help? Just rise through the ranks into a position of power, bro.
Supra-natural detective is way more romantic of course.
>"As long as I can help someone everyday, I don't care if I walk a beat the rest of my life."
it is our core it is what we make decisions based off of. Plus i really like the patrol sequences and all the interactions in them.
>"As long as I can help someone everyday, I don't care if I walk a beat the rest of my life."
Negotations are good, too.
>"The SIM Case and all this Mole talk has me thinking about going Detective. Putting puzzles together.
Detective De Lucia has a nice ring to it. Plus it works really well with shivers.
>"As long as I can help someone everyday, I don't care if I walk a beat the rest of my life."
>"I don't know yet, he didn't ask me anything shady. He just seemed like an asshole."

Screw this guy. I’d rather be on the beat for my whole career than take marching orders from this prick.

What kind of professional cop takes rejection like a loser at a club?
>"The SIM Case and all this Mole talk has me thinking about going Detective. Putting puzzles together

>Maybe moonlight in negotiations too, I seem to have a knack for it.
>>"What you do, sir. Being a TO and teaching other officers about how to be a good cop is all I could really want."
>>"The SIM Case and all this Mole talk has me thinking about going Detective. Putting puzzles together.
or go full ambition
>>"Administration seems like the biggest way I could change things. Commissioner DeLucia has a ring to it."
>"The SIM Case and all this Mole talk has me thinking about going Detective. Putting puzzles together.

That seems to be the place where we can achieve what for some may be impossible.

But honestly, being a TO doesn't sound bad either, even being a beat cop isn't that bad.
>"The SIM Case and all this Mole talk has me thinking about going Detective. Putting puzzles together.
...but ultimately:
>"As long as I can help someone everyday, I don't care if I walk a beat the rest of my life."
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>could you fit in those Batman TAS police blimps in that
This anon is MVP. New title card?
Another one for the collection. Thank you, Anon, for the artwork.

For American Anons Happy Thanksgiving. For my non American anons, I hope you guys have a good day. Game will resume tonight as usual.
Very based
>"Administration seems like the biggest way I could change things. Commissioner DeLucia has a ring to it."

I want the big chair! though I don't know if our boy could shuffle all the egos of the Department
City knows best though
>>"Administration seems like the biggest way I could change things. Commissioner DeLucia has a ring to it."
Break the meta-glass ceiling and prove to all these spandexed wimps that you don't need to put on a mask to change the world
Somewhat off-topic, but DeLucia's current off-duty carry piece is a snub-nose 38 special, right?
If it is, we should probably consider upgrading sometime soon given how much more eventful life has gotten.
QM, will you use any of the Arkham games as plot? Or are you basing this only on comics?
if i remember correctly the qm said that the batman canon was fluid
I would like to avoid Batman's fluid cannon.
>>"The SIM Case and all this Mole talk has me thinking about going Detective. Putting puzzles together.


The Little Guy:


I am kind of cherry picking things I like from a multitude of Batman stories, The Arkham Games have some influence on what I have in my internal 'canon' of Beat Cop. As far as biggest inspirations so far A Serious House On Serious Earth, Batman TAS, and the wider DCAU as a whole. JLU and that are the guiding lights I'm using for the most part though. At the end of the day though if this ever feels like purely a Batman story then I have probably veered off course from my original goal.
"The SIM Case and the talk about moles, it has me thinking about going detective some day."

"Yeah?" Hawthorne looks at you slightly surprised.

"Putting together puzzles, not to mention my connection to Gotham. It let's me in on things that can make or break most cases. Feels like that would be the best immediate use of my 'talent', if you know what I mean."

"I do, I felt the same way once. Working Narco and SWAT, I thought I had my fill of the streets. Got an offer for detective but the longer I stared at the paper the more I didn't think I could leave it behind." He stares blankly at a spot on the bar and picks at it absent mindedly before continuing.
"Just don't walk the beat so long that you end up wearing a groove down, one day you may look up and see it's too steep to get out." He looks at you, his eyes surprisingly sharp despite his drinks.

"Promise me."


"Promise me you won't spend your entire career walking a beat if it isn't exactly what you want to do. Don't let fear stop you from taking a leap to somewhere better."

You inhale and let his words ruminate. Looking back up you answer with firm purpose.
"Sir, as long as I can help someone everyday, I don't care if I'm walking a beat, digging through cold cases, or loaning out cars in the motor pool. It's who I am at my core, I just want to help."

Hawthorne holds your stare nodding, extending a hand to you. You grasp it and he gives your a firm handshake.
"If you end up in the motor pool, the only cold case will be where I put your body. My rookies don't end up in the motor pool. Don't go blemishing my record now." He smiles. You smile back.

"I want you with a detective's shield before I kick the bucket, otherwise my ghost boot and your living ass are gonna have a meeting." He slaps his arm around your shoulder as he chuckles and guides you back to the table. You laugh with him and give him a two finger salute.

"Yes sir."

Hours Later...

You stumble up the steps to your apartment, your stomach feeling bloated and tight from the raw amount of beer you put down with the Precinct 2 boys, your bladder screams as you fumble with the keys to the front door and upon getting in it's only a short jog to relief. You let your head hang back and think about your day, given how poorly it started you aren't too mad about how it ended. You exit the bathroom and decide to go get ready for bed, without the mounting pressure of potentially pissing yourself you notice something strange, your living room is cold and the air has a scent to it. Almost floral and sickly sweet. You cast a glance around and notice your side window is slightly open. Your heart sinks to your stomach as you drop into a ready stance and pull your gun from it's holster. Armed and Buzzed isn't a good combination. You wish you could call in right now but your phone died at the bar. You silently curse yourself out and vow to get heavy locks for every way in and out of this apartment.
You creep slowly, avoiding the parts of the floor you know creak. Whoever is here definitely knows you are as well, but for whatever reason they didn't jump you as you took your leak. At least there's some honor among criminals, you think to yourself as you edge closer to your bedroom door which is cracked ever so slightly open. The warm glow of your bedside lamp peeking out from between frame and door edge.

You stack on the door like you had at the gas station and try to get a peek through. All you see is a figure on your bed with their back to you, only getting a glance of some shoulder and a deep tan trenchcoat.

You take a breath and try to think through the haze of alcohol. Just as it always has, the drinking drowned out the voice of Gotham. You're flying in the dark.

>Throw open the door, aim your weapon, and bellow your loudest "GCPD."
>Try to crack the door a little more, get a better idea of who and how many are waiting for you.
>Stack up on the side and swing the door open slowly, letting out a "Hello?"
>This is fucked, the only right move is full withdrawal. Get out of the apartment and find a neighbor or someone else to give you a phone.
>Throw open the door, aim your weapon, and bellow your loudest "GCPD."
I would go for the Ehrmantraut Maneuver, but something tells me they'll just keep waiting on us to come into the bedroom.
Might as well do so on our own terms.
>>Try to crack the door a little more, get a better idea of who and how many are waiting for you.
i know its not the question because he would be in our living room and not our bedroom
>Try to crack the door a little more, get a better idea of who and how many are waiting for you.
>Try to crack the door a little more, get a better idea of who and how many are waiting for you.
>>This is fucked, the only right move is full withdrawal. Get out of the apartment and find a neighbor or someone else to give you a phone.
Poison Ivy?
>Try to crack the door a little more, get a better idea of who and how many are waiting for you.

We don't need to expose ourselves at all to talk to them.
>>Throw open the door, aim your weapon, and bellow your loudest "GCPD."

You reach out slowly barely grasping the edge of the door with your fingertips, you keep your gun hand pulled back so you can react as fast as you need too. The door starts to widen revealing more and more until you see familiar hair.

The room illuminated not by the warm bulb of your bedside lamp but instead some candles. A tall bottle of something sits there as well. You straighten up a little and say softly, still keeping the gun behind the door as you open it and slightly step in.


You see the face of Banks' Ex. Her eyes red and puffy even in the candlelight, light streaks of black barely covered with foundation. She looks back startled, head whipping like she just came back from a daydream.

"Hey there Officer." She says quietly. She stands and twirls around, her hands pulling clumsily at the looped belt around her waist. The trench coat opens to reveal a set of lace lingerie, she opens her arms and gives you a strange expression. Smiling but her eyes still look like they want to cry.

"What the fuck?" You whisper to yourself.

"I figured you were shy so I'd try a direct approach." She sniffles and raises her eyebrows.

>"Ma'am, I don't think you're alright right now. Do I need to call an ambulance?"
>Pull your gun from behind the door. "You need to get out of my fucking house or else."
>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.
>"You could have just asked me out to dinner or something."
>>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.
Yeah no, this is super fucking sketchy. We need to get where somebody can hear us make a ruckus.
>>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.

"Ma'am, this is extremely inappropriate and I cannot deal with this right now."
Guess who just got told in no uncertain terms that they got dumped ages ago? Oof. Poor girl. Unfortunately, immediate rebound sex really doesn't work the way you want it to. Also hardcore stalking, B&E, potential sexual assault. Fuck lady next time leave a letter or something. This is the problem with unstable women.

>"You got guts breaking into a cop's place. But it won't make the hurt go away. Talk to me, a shoulder can be a lot more comfortable than a warm bed, figuratively."
But do be sure to get a better look around, just in case. You never really know when someone is just a sacrificial lamb.

Then again, maybe we should just back out and get some backup. Preferably female backup, just to dodge allegations. But I don't need her to break down even harder and take a pair of scissors to her throat or something.
>this is the problem with unstable women
No, this is the problem with this fuckass apartment. The shoddy locks on the windows and doors make this place the number one hangout spot in Gotham.
Also very true. I was gonna suggest we find a new place to stay after this. Because the landlord is clearly not going to put better intrusion prevention hardware in.
Fine, I'll amend my gut reaction.

me >>5841013
>>"Ma'am, I don't think you're alright right now. Do I need to call an ambulance?"

I still saw we move away from the door first and message someone we know. something like 'HELP. STRANGE HALF-NAKED WOMAN IN MY APARTMENT'. Just to cover our arses.
Nah anon, trust your gut. Instinct is surprisingly right a lot of the time. I'm going with mine after all. This is Gotham, half the time anything happens it's because there's a gun on the other end. She very well could be forced into doing this. Being prudent is always good policy.

And staying away from her is very, very wise kek.
>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.
Nope. We are not nearly drunk enough for this. This seems like a good time to go see how Bass Head is settling in with Q, and Huntress.
>This seems like a good time to go see how Bass Head is settling in with Q, and Huntress
That sure would be a great thing to do if we had our keys, weren't piss drunk, and had a phone that wasn't dead.
>>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.
>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.
Yeah no
>"Ma'am, I don't think you're alright right now. Do I need to call an ambulance?"
You know, I briefly considered that it might be her but then thought "nooo surely she isn't THAT insane" but I guess I was very fucking wrong.
>"Ma'am, I don't think you're alright right now. Do I need to call an ambulance?"
>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.

Let’s tally this up, shall we?
-Banks has been struggling with this lady.
-Banks used to work for Gorkachov.
-Gorkachov knew about The Cobra (TM) after a grand total of… six… people excluding us in the whole world knew. So he knows a lot more than we think he does.
-We suspect Gorkachov of being the GCPD mole. Who we are currently tracking.
-And we just pissed him off and he threatened retaliation IMMEDIATELY.

Time to lawyer up, boys. We’re being entrapped.
>"What the fuck?" You whisper to yourself.
Kek. Everyone in this city is crazy.
>>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.
Peak drunk logic. See crazy lady in lace who has broken into our apartment, turn 360 and walk away.
>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.
oh shit that's a nice catch
> Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.

We should ask Question to help us find a better place to live even if he will suggest some abandoned bunker
>>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.
How about a place with a working deadbolt?
>turn 360 degrees
The only proper response to a break-in… spin in a circle and walk straight forwards!
>"…It’s not you, it’s me - I’m WAY too wasted for this."
>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.
DEFINITELY something in the water.
This bitch is from Bludhaven if I remember correctly. She didn't need Gotham to go nuts.
>>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.
If she engages us im firing 47 warning shots point blank to her back
File: 360 walk away flamer.gif (38 KB, 300x200)
38 KB
gotta keep your eyes on the threat tho
>"…It’s not you, it’s me - I’m WAY too wasted for this."
>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.
>>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.
>Close the door and leave your apartment. You are not dealing with this without someone else here.

She is gonna end up on as one of our boy's villains, won't she...

Aaand the worst thing is, she is most likely gonna escalate to abducting one of our colleges and threatening their lives.
>floral scent
>crazy lady
>fluid Batman canon

Are we looking at a proto-Poison Ivy here?
Anons, I think it's just perfume.
Incel Ivy
Forbidden fruit indeed.

You freeze like a deer in headlights and stare at the woman. She shakes slightly as you lean back and grab the doorknob again.

"No..." You slowly whisper as you shut the door breaking off sight. Followed by the click of the door latching are the muffled sounds of sobbing. You exhale and look down at your gun. You aren't drunk enough for this. Or you're too drunk for this. Regardless, the best move is to just get out. You walk back to the front door nd grab your coat before stepping into the hallway and heading next door. Mrs.Dover is your neighbor and landlord, at least she is now since her husband died. You knock and pray that her bedtime isn't before ten and to your surprise the door opens.

"Oh Marcus! I've been waiting up for you." She tells you, her old bathrobe tightly tied around her waist. Her silver hair sits neatly rolled in plastic rollers.

"Does it have anything to do with the woman in my apartment?"

"Yes, Shelly came by earlier actually."

"Shelly?" You say, holding onto the door frame and leaning, suddenly feeling quite tired.

"Mhm. She was looking for your spare key, couldn't find it though so I went ahead and let her in." She leans in. "I know your lease says to tell me if you have someone move in, Marcus. But you're a good boy so I know if you're thinking about bringing her in that she's a good one."

"Mrs.Dover I-"

"You don't have to tell me anything, I don't want to be nosy. If you'll be up though I could brew a tea or coffee and we could-"

"She's not my girlfriend, you let a stranger into my place!" You snap. You put a hand to your forehead, suddenly being flooded by emotions. You're finding it hard to maintain patience but you try to manage. Mrs.Dover suddenly looks very down.

"Oh..I'm so sorry." She whispers shrinking from the doorframe.

"I just need a phone so I can call the cops, I don't wanna be alone with her, she isn't well mentally." You hold out a hand and continue to rub the bridge of your nose.

She nods and shuffles off to bring you the phone, a few minutes later you hang up on dispatch and sigh deeply. You look back to your apartment and shake your head. Mrs.Dover waves a hand at you.

"Do you want to come in for a tea or a coffee? While you wait?" She asks quietly.

>"Yes Ma'am, I'll take a coffee."
>"Some tea sounds great."
>"How about an Irish Coffee, if you don't mind."
>"I should probably wait in the hall for units to show up."
>"You've done enough, I'll wait out here."
>"I want to apologize for snapping at you, I've had a long day but you didn't deserve that."
>"I want to apologize for snapping at you, I've had a long day but you didn't deserve that."
>"Just a glass of water, please."
Shit situation all around
>>"I want to apologize for snapping at you, I've had a long day but you didn't deserve that."
>"Some tea sounds great."
I mean, as a landlord who knows people broke into our apartment like... A week ago... She really ought to know better.

>"Yes Ma'am, I'll take a coffee."
>"I should probably wait in the hall for units to show up."
>"Sorry for being snappy, though."
>"Yes Ma'am, I'll take a coffee."
>"I want to apologize for snapping at you, I've had a long day but you didn't deserve that."
>"Also I am very slightly drunk."
>"I want to apologize for snapping at you, I've had a long day but you didn't deserve that."
>"Yes Ma'am, I'll take a coffee."
>as a landlord who knows people broke into our apartment like... A week ago... She really ought to know better.
But those were ruffians and crazy folks in Halloween costumes! Besides, what kinda criminal would ask to be let in?
I'm just reiterating her thought process, I don't actually agree with the points above.
Next your tell us she's a sweet doddering old lady and not a hardened criminal mastermind hellbent on causing as much suffering and devastation as she possibly can.
I won't lie, there IS a non-zero chance that she's actually the Joker in a wig.

"Yes Ma'am, a coffee would be very nice. I'm a little.." You let your sentence drift off.


"Yes ma'am, sorry for being snappy."

"I understand, come in."

She waves you in and gets you a cup of some instant coffee, most of the time it takes to make your mug you pace in front of the door, checking out the windows occasionally. As she approaches you with a steaming mug she offers it up in two hands, you nod thanks and take a sip immediately upon getting it, the dark coffee is ambrosia to the drunk Gothamite. You see her lean back satisfied and see her watching you in shock. You chuckle.

"You get used to the heat, never know when I need to gulp it down and hit the road."

"I suppose I never thought about it like that." She chuckles as well. "Gerard was a big fan of his coffee as well, I could never really stand the stuff myself. I still find myself going to buy some when I'm out for groceries." She sighs and let's her eyes look back upon some memory. You think about what you could say next when you see the red and blue lights hit her curtains.

"Son of a bitch." You mumble

"Is that not good?"

"I told them no lights or sirens, don't wanna freak her out."

"Poor thing." She mumbles

You walk into the hallway and wait maybe two or so moments before two uniformed officers approach, you recognize one. Officer Bunko, the same who took Caesar and his Mom's statement.

"DeLucia." He says, you see bags beneath his eyes. "I heard you had an unwanted guest. Where is she?"

"The room, I think she's a little sensitive right now."


"Unstable but not violent, wouldn't put it past her to lash out though."

"Roger that, any unattended weapons in the house, aside from kitchen knives and the such?"

You try to rack your brain, the coffee and time pulling on the earplugs that deafened you to Gotham and the fog that blinded you to thinking too deeply. It clicks. You feel a cold crushing pain in your chest, it drops to your gut like it was made of lead.

Your service pistol. You were suspended. You never took your gun out. It's been in it's usual place this entire time, your bedside table. You blink a few times and see Bunko raise an eyebrow.


>"It's fine. Head in." (Lie?)
>"My service weapon is in my nightstand, a few feet from her."
>"She may be armed with a pistol."
>"Can you guys actually just stay here in the hall as back up? I can head in alone and coax her out. I don't want to freak her out and I definitely didn't want to freak her out alone."
>"My service weapon is in my nightstand, a few feet from her."
Gonna have to glue the fucking thing to our hip from now on.
it just keeps getting worse
>"My service weapon is in my nightstand, a few feet from her."
"Officer Bunko is helping me find my gun"
>>"My service weapon is in my nightstand, a few feet from her."
>>"My service weapon is in my nightstand, a few feet from her."
>"My service weapon is in my nightstand, a few feet from her."
Hope that will keep them from wanting to shoot on sight.
Maybe she just won't touch it?
We're in Gotham, she's from Bludhaven. You do the math.
Well then she'd already HAVE a gun and not need ours.
>"My service weapon is in my nightstand, a few feet from her."

How could this possibly get any worse.
She uses the gun to kill herself right in our bedroom, and this entire event hits the papers.
Holy shit.
I just had to ask…
But hey, at least it's not raining, right?
>Cue lightning strike
>But hey, at least it's not raining, right?
Saying that in Gothan is basically inviting God to piss on your head.
We ask so optimistically, while standing in 6 inch flood waters…
I didn't know He was kinky like that

"My service weapon is in my nightstand."

"Ah no.." Bunko says "Is she?"

"A couple feet away from it, I have no idea if she found it yet."

"You know then.." He trails off

You nod and sigh.
"Do what you gotta do."

Bunko nods to his partner and they both draw their own weapons. He grabs his shoulder radio and calls in:
"This is Bunko, on scene of the 10-51, possible 10-72 have EMS on standby." You hear the affirmative come through the radio and he sighs. "Let's get this over with."

"Want any assistance?" You ask. Bunko looks you up and down and shakes his head.

"You need to dry out, if anything goes sideways I don't want 'armed a drunk suspended officer' in my jacket."

You nod in understanding and move to sit on the window sill at the end of the hall. Bunko approaches your door and gently turns the knob.
"GCPD!" He hollers as he opens it. Your apartment replies with icy silence. Bunko looks to his partner, nods and they both head in.

You hear them walking through your old apartment, their heavy boots echoing out into the hallway, Mrs.Dover looks at you worriedly. You hear their footsteps and voices become muffled as they move deeper in.

>Get close to the front door, don't go in but stay close enough to hear what's going on.
>Head inside, he didn't want to arm you but you can still be back up through talking to her or offering advice
>Hold your position, you were told to wait and Bunko is still a superior officer.
>>Hold your position, you were told to wait and Bunko is still a superior officer.
I hate it but this is the right move.
>>Hold your position, you were told to wait and Bunko is still a superior officer.
>"Can you guys actually just stay here in the hall as back up? I can head in alone and coax her out. I don't want to freak her out and I definitely didn't want to freak her out alone."
>>Get close to the front door, don't go in but stay close enough to hear what's going on.
technically we aren’t going in
>Hold your position, you were told to wait and Bunko is still a superior officer.
The die is cast and we are still drunk
Let's just sit this out
Ah shit, I was too late.

>Hold your position, you were told to wait and Bunko is still a superior officer.
>Get close to the front door, don't go in but stay close enough to hear what's going on.
I wonder how Banks will react if we get rid of his ex problem by getting her shot, lol.
We're drunk AND we're suspended. If we acted on this, we'd be acting as an PLAINCLOTHES without permission while drunk and while suspended.

Our skills may be optimal for this situation, but that's the kind of thing that upgrades our suspension into an investigation. We're kinda SOL here, especially thanks to the CSU officer.

Sadly, if this goes sideways, the landlady will be the one absolutely royally screwed for this. She knew something bad happened here before, let someone in without permission into a known officer's home, where a gun was present. Even if we don't want to press charges, the city of gotham will effectively be forced to if things go bad. If things 'play out okay', then they can sweep it under the rug.

Real issue we should be asking is how she managed to get inside the home. Also how the woman didn't think something was wrong with a woman in a trenchcoat trying to get access.
>where a gun was present.
THAT part can't be held against her. As she would have no way of knowing. If she was abiding by privacy clauses in the lease or whatever at least. At least I think. Unless someone here is a lawyer in the state of new york. Which Gotham would be in.

But otherwise yes, she didn't perform due diligence and all. The prosecutor would probably try to hit her with as much of the book as he could. You know how prosecutors are.
>Unless someone here is a lawyer in the state of new york. Which Gotham would be in.
I thought Gotham was like old Chicago or something.
Gotham is not!New York City. And I don't mean that in the comics only. At one point some satirist in the early 1800s and called NYC "Gotham". But Gotham City has always been analogous in location with NYC.

You lean back, letting the cool glass of the window seep through your shirt, you just want this to be over so you can get some sleep. Your peace is broken by shrill screaming.


You hear shuffling inside now, the words of Bunko are muffled since unlike Shelly he isn't screaming. But considering this yelling isn't being matched you breathe out a sigh of relief, she's probably unarmed.

"MARK, I'M SORRY MARK. PLEASE!" She calls out for you now. You shake your head and rub your temples, you can taste the hangover already. A few minutes pass and you hear the clunking and thumping of your furniture being kicked around as the two officers walk out holding her beneath her arms, her hands cuffed low and her ankles sharing the same jewelry.

She squirms and flails. Bunko throws you a tired look.
"Jesus Christ, DeLucia what did you do to make her so wild?"

You hold up your hands defensively.
"This has nothing to do with me."

"I know your bosses! Let me fucking go now! I want to talk to Anthony Banks."

"Lady, you aren't talking to anyone until you relax." Bunko replies to her harshly, pulling up on her arms as she hangs between him and his partner.

"Go in and make sure she didn't sneak anything. We'll put her in the shop and come back up to talk what happens next." He grunts as he starts to carry her away.

"Don't let them fucking do this to me, Mark! Get Tony on the phone, tell him he needs to help me!"

"You definitely need help." You mumble to yourself before heading inside.

Your apartment is a mess, she looks like she kicked over half the furniture you own, your small coffee table lay on it's side, your recliner tipped back completely, and your room is even worse. Pillows in random corners, your sheets are in a pile at the foot of the bed and she snapped one of your curtain rods yanking them down. You ignore the mess and make your way to the night stand, you pop it open and sigh a breath of relief. Your gun is still here. The relief is replaced by confusion. Beneath your gun is a folded piece of paper, you lift the pistol and pull it out only to discover it wasn't paper but a folded photo. You open it up and feel something grip your throat tightly.

A photo. You standing outside a vehicle, speaking to a man without a face. Scrawled across it in scratchy lines of white ink is a phone number, the area code is Gotham. You put your hand to your pocket but remember your phone is dead. Muttering a curse you plug it in and stand up, staring down at the photo. Your charger blinks as you stare. Only broken from your despairing trance by the sounds of heavy boots and heavier sighs from your living room. You fold the photo and tuck it in your pocket as you head out to meet Bunko and his partner.
"Gun alright?" Bunko asks, taking off his hat and slicking back some sweaty hair.

"Yeah, it's alright. She probably didn't even know it was in there."

"Good for us." Bunko's partner, Chen, says. "She was scrapping hard with just pillows and high heels. If she had some heat.." He trails off and shakes his head.

"So DeLucia, I gotta ask. This isn't like a lover's dispute or anything is it?"

"No, I've met her maybe twice. She has this obsession with Banks and she knows that he and I are friends so maybe she was just trying to get to him through me."

"So he and her are?"

"Broken up. Although she has some trouble believing that."

"Yeah, crazy broad belongs in Arkham. She tried to bite me while I was restraining her." Chen chimes in again holding his unbitten hand for emphasis.

"Are you gonna want to press charges? She assaulted two officers tonight so at the very least she's getting the ward. You want her on breaking and entering?"

"Breaking and entering?"

Bunko nods and points to your open window.
"Lock on that is busted, looks like she just took a screwdriver or something and jammed it through the gap until the lock warped enough for her to open it. Only a trick you can do on these old ass windows."

"You should get your landlord to replace this shit, you get broken into more than piñatas." Chen continues to chime in, now walking around your kitchen and giving your fridge the up and down.

It clicks for you, you got broken into twice tonight, whoever left this photo and probably Shelly right after. You close your eyes tightly. Are you cursed to be the most unlucky man in Gotham?

"DeLucia, she can't sit in the truck all night. Are we pressing charges for you or no?"

>"No charges from me, just make sure she gets psych and not a cell. She needs help."
>"I have to be honest, we can't give her breaking and entering, my landlord let her in. Whoever broke in also left me something." Show them the photo
>"Yes charge her, make sure she knows never to come around me again either."
>"Charge her, call up Banks see if he wants to get an RO on her, she's going off the deep end soon.
>"No charges from me, just make sure she gets psych and not a cell. She needs help.
>And call up Banks see if he wants to get an RO on her, she's going off the deep end soon.
Probably should talk to Question about the blackmail.
Out of curiosity, can we tell which particular meeting with Question this photo has on it?
Because there's important clues to WHO could have taken the photo depending on that.
Yes, it is very clearly from earlier today outside the orphanage. Sorry if that was vague. I have one more update this morning in me, so I'll leave this up a little longer so some of the morning crowd can get some votes in or influence some dialogue.
Wise moves. Q&H could track them down knowing when this was from, plus the vantage point
How well do you guys think we could tank the blackmail? Would we end up straight up arrested?
Also, what year is it? I think "social media" was mentioned once, but IDK. Gotham is a place out of time.
Pretty well I think. We were talking to a confidential informant about an ongoing investigation. Totally normal police stuff.
We're not the first cop to get help from capes on unusually tough cases. And we won't be the last

"No charges from me, just make sure she gets psych and not a cell." You hear Chen scoff, you give him a pointed look. "She needs help." You state flatly. "Also see if you can contact Banks, he may want to consider an RO, she's heading for the deep end fast."

Bunko nods.
"Understood, I'll get someone from the station to call the hospital."

He looks over and whistles sharply. Chen turns with a hand on the handle to your fridge.
"Get off his fucking fridge, we can get you something if you're hungry." He mutters to himself something about manners. He puts his hat back on and gives you a tip. "We can handle the paperwork since your statement seems to be along the lines of: You came home, saw a crazy woman, left and called us. Sound about right?"

"It does." You say offering a hand. He shakes it firmly and jerks a thumb towards the door. Chen sighs and releases your fridge. He gives you an up nod and heads out with Bunko trailing behind, quietly chewing him out. The door closes behind them and you deflate, you rub your forehead and start getting lost in a spiral of thoughts. This picture is clearly blackmail, but it's easy enough to shoot down you think, just a meeting with a CI. You imagine telling that to Commander Reiner and envision his eyebrow arching high.

"Your CI is the faceless man who assaulted you? The man we still want to bring in for the murders at the car warehouse? I'm only learning of this now for what reason?"

You sigh. You're so fucked. You speed walk back to the room and pick up your phone, it has just enough battery to turn on. You get to your dialer and stare at the numbers, pulling the picture from your pocket you begin to dial. The air around you freezes as you hear a muffled ringing from the living room. You slowly lean down and pick up the familiar sidearm, it brings you some comfort but not much. You leave the phone calling on the bed and slowly make your way out. Gun at a low ready, you keep your eyes on the window as you move to the source of the ringing. Your fridge. You go to grab the handle and realize, you don't want to smudge and potential prints. You put your hand in the bottom of your shirt and pull lightly at the lowest point. The door swings open.

In the middle shelf sits a flip phone. It rings one last time before the voicemail kicks in, you see:


You gulp and reach out, touching the phone only with the parts of your hand that are covered. You move it to your counter and flip it open. Tapping one with a cloth covered index finger, then tapping the speaker. You put your back to the counter and keep your eyes scanning the apartment. Twisting shadows making innate threats while fear is turning you stone cold sober.
"Hello Detective." A voice comes out from the phone. Modified clearly, it's voice is high pitched and cherub-like. Impish.

"It's Officer, who is this."

"An admirer of your work, and your abilities. Detective." The voice spikes on the final word, it's gleeful in it's defiance.

"I'm just a rookie buddy, not sure I'm worth all this." You say, making your own voice light. Don't let it know your nerves are shaken.

"Not based on your actions. Hunting me, chasing leads, pulling in outside resources, and that's just the tip of what I think you'll do Detective."

"Hunting you.." You repeat the phrase and let it hang in the air. The SIM Killer.

"Hunting me." It confirms. Again, gleeful. "Asperation births action, Detective. Word is you want that position, you certainly act like it."

You remain silent. It's prodding you, it wants a reaction.

"The cold shoulder is certainly a tactic, make the suspect uncomfortable so they fill the silence with words. Words mean information, information is God in your world. The same can be said of mine."

"You were at the bar." You state.

"Maybe, or maybe my mole is very very good at getting me my intel quickly. Funny how fear does that to a person, when someone thinks you'll do anything to them they suddenly want to do anything FOR you." It chuckles to itself.

"Mole?" You ask, playing dumb, trying hard not to overplay your hand.

"Yes, the same one you and Hawthorne discussed at the hospital." It chirps. "You are a subtle man, hard to know what's going on in your noggin but Hawthorne? He's your classic case of Brawns over Brains, requesting those files through official channels. Very very sloppy." It sings the last words. You grit your teeth, you can't shake this feeling in the back of your head.

"What do you want?"

The phone is silent. The vacuous silence of your apartment is louder than jet turbines, you can hear your blood rushing. Or is it your blood? You feel as if you're going to take a leap, like the first time you asked Nia out.

"Companionship." It replies finally. "You and I are connected, through this city. Through our abilities."

Now it's your turn to remain silent. The voice continues, it senses your hesitation.
"You write very good reports, Detective. Very detailed. I know, that you know. So we don't have to pretend like we don't. I just want to know how you do it."

"Do what?"

"How do you make it heel? How do you keep the city from burrowing in your ears like some sort of insect. Laying it's eggs until they buzz in your head. The endless noise. The hate."

"We hear different things." You state flatly, not intending to play this game.

"I know that for sure, because I was bombarded with orders to hold you down and drive a knife through your eye. To pull your brains out of your skull and seek my answers there. But I'm not crazy. I know better. That's why I resist."

"You resist?" You ask disgusted. "You've killed tens of people, just that we know about. You're a sick fuck."
Bunko and Chen were the only people in our apartment besides the crazy bitch. We didn't see anything inside before we came in, but we saw Chen with his hands on our fridge
>He looks over and whistles sharply. Chen turns with a hand on the handle to your fridge.
>"Get off his fucking fridge, we can get you something if you're hungry."
Chen could have also planted that photo at some point? Or maybe they were too busy restraining the broad to do it. Maybe the photo was left by the first mystery person, and the phone by Chen? Wait, who the fuck knows about our gun being there? Besides us telling Bunko... with Chen in earshot. God this is one hell of a web we're in.
Use shivers on the photo? It could be THAT easy
"Only bad ones!" It insists, it's voice like a child bargaining his way out of a grounding. "I direct my urges towards those who are already fueling Gotham's seedy world. I do this city a service."

You can't contain your temper and grab the phone, pulling it close.
"You killed a child you fucking animal. I watched it happen, and I'll be damned if I'm going to sit here and listen to your shit."

The phone remains silent once more. This time almost a full minute, you feel a churning in your gut, your face burns hot. Guilt. Shame. Anger.

"It was necessary." It retorts, it's voice empty of mirth now. "He saw my face."

"I'm going to find you, and make sure you spend your life in a cell or worse." You growl

"No you won't Detective, I don't mean to offend you but I would have never reached out if I believed you had that capability." It speaks matter-of-factly and in an almost bored tone. "I didn't call you for a cat and mouse game, I called because I want you to help me."

"Yes. Help me control this voice, Gotham's Id."

"It's Id?"

"Yes, it's Id. The feral instincts of this city. It speaks horrible demands into my ear, it wants chaos. The city isn't content with the state of affairs, Dent's policy changes, Wayne's new real estate developments, and the newest shining star of the GCPD. It wants you gone."

"The city is telling you to kill the mayor, a billionaire, and a rookie?"

"This isn't a chess game, Detective. Gotham doesn't want pieces removed, it wants the table on it's side. It burns my blood when I don't kill. It forces me."

You blink and find yourself back in the vision from the first murder. That desire, stronger than anything you had ever felt. Telling you, taunting you, with the fact that you would need to kill again.

"The way I see it, Detective. You are the Superego. Gotham's moral side, the counter to feral instinct. We don't have to destroy each other though, because in the middle lies: The Ego. Balance. Harmony. Peace." It speaks softly and breathily as if thinking of some grand fantasy.

"Sure, turn yourself in and I'll make sure you get the help you need."

It laughs at you. Hearty and screeching.
"No, Detective I have my own plan. It's half baked now but I do my best work on the fly. I just need your help."

"Like hell."

"Stop resisting, Detective. I'll be in contact with more details soon, this was just a meet and greet."

"Fuck you, I'm going to find you." You say quietly, but your your heart burns with righteous anger.
"Detective." The voice loses all emotion and speaks flatly. "If you interfere with my plans, or if you decide to try and bring this to the Department. I will have no choice but to kill again, and this time it won't be the wicked. I don't like this but I have a compulsion and you are my last hope to fight it. If you won't help I'll give in. I'll start with your friends, Hawthorne, Banks, maybe even that Shelly girl. She seemed nice. If that doesn't get you in line then I'll move on to harsher punishment. Your mother and father still live in Gotham right?"

You gulp. Burning hatred trailing down your throat to the furnace of your gut.

"Who cares if a few gangbangers and thieves end up in the ground. They aren't people. They're criminals. Your role in this is to stop me before I have no choice but to go after people. You're the last stop before the train runs off the end of the tracks, Detective."

"What do you want?"

"Keep this phone nearby, or set up call forwarding, whatever you have to do. When I misbehave I'll let you know and we can work through it together."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"I'm not sure yet." It muses. "But unless you want me to grant Gotham's darkest wishes. You'll say Yes Sir, and we will speak later."

>"Yes, Sir." Hang up.
>"Go fuck yourself." Hang up
>Hang up without a word
>Try to force shivers through the alcohol and stress. Who is on the other end of this phone?
Holy Dialogue Walls, Batman. That's my last for this morning everyone, please let me know what you think of this new situation and the SIM Killer. Curious to hear your thoughts and theories especially. See you later tonight!
>Try to force shivers through the alcohol and stress. Who is on the other end of this phone?

Probably not gonna go well but we have to try at least something.
>>Try to force shivers through the alcohol and stress. Who is on the other end of this phone?
hope our powers work
>Try to force shivers through the alcohol and stress. Who is on the other end of this phone?
I don't belive anything coming out of this fuckers mouth
SIM Killer:
>I just want to know how you do it
>I want to learn to be like you
Is SIM Killer Rogers all along?
I'm convinced SIM Killer is Rogers.
>He smiles at you but it doesn't meet his eyes. There's a feeling you just can't shake after seeing that vision, but that type of thing is exactly what makes people suspicious to begin with.
>You look and see your dark arm hair standing on end, as if electrified.
>In the fight he landed that hit on my cheek. I got a Shivers vision, a kid hiding under a bed, seemed like someone was looking for him. Shivers aside something about the guy just makes me skin crawl, all his "them vs us" talk just. I don't know, gut feeling is something about him is weird."
>Apologies for giving you the evil eye earlier. I thought you were..." His voice trials off. "I thought maybe you didn't earn your spot. Figured you'd be a decoration for brass to break out when GCPD was accused of being hostile to Metas, but I see now. We're on the same side here."
>"Companionship." It replies finally. "You and I are connected, through this city. Through our abilities."
>Usually they had something bad happen to them, victim of a crime, rough homelife, and stuff like that. Join the force to feel strong and safe again.
>"Only bad ones!" It insists, it's voice like a child bargaining his way out of a grounding. "I direct my urges towards those who are already fueling Gotham's seedy world. I do this city a service."
>What is that like by the way? Having a city in your ear all the time?" He looks at you with something in his eye that says this is more than just a friendly question. He's probing you for something.

>"Approach the scene as though you were doing it solo, and I'll do the same. We'll compare notes afterwards, and do a final sweep to double check each other's work."
>He smiles, the corners of his mouth curling up like a cat's. "Out of all the ways to get rid of me that's a good one." He chuckles and digs in his bag for a note pad. "I'm game though, I respect you enough to let you do your own thing on the sly if you want."
>He fishes a pen out of his pocket and clicks it, he holds it in his left hand. Your arm hairs rustle, but whether it's your own suspicion or Shivers you can't exactly tell.

>he holds it in his left hand.
>"Hey, Rogers. I wanted to apologize a bit. I just got done watching some pretty intense visions and then your idea it just, it hit me a little sideways is all."
>He gives you a look of understanding.
I am not going to post more, go look at the rest of this shit yourself. The moment we let slip we know it's Rogers, it's shit hitting the fan. We need to act and act FAST without him possibly knowing
holy shit, welp this enough evidence to convince me that we need to kill Rogers
It's evidence for the player, for Mark, but not for the courts. We have nothing concrete tying Rogers to Gorchakov and both to Mandragora. Only suspicious and tenuous connections that can all be handwaved as "coincidence" or other excuses. Our dislike towards Rogers is also bias against us, further burying us in the dirt. We need a plan, to reassess the situation, to talk things in REAL PRIVATE with Hawthorne and Question.

The thought occurred to me: if Rogers claims to be killing to help the City, then why is he doing Mandragora's dirty work? Why is he not killing them like Huntress is?
In the light of all that:
Do you guys think using Shivers through the phone is a trap? We only got surface level indicators via personal interactions with him, or flashback visions via checking his crime scenes. Using the power consciously on him when we KNOW he has his own murder-based Shivers could backfire badly on us, on top of still being drunk.
well we can't kill him ourselves but Huntress migh be more willing to do the dirty work for us if we give her the evidence
I think this can all be our downfall if we go down that road. Huntress is connected to Question who is connected to us. The police digging into that eventually will lead them to Huntress doing the mafia killings, and if Rogers becomes one of them then we're doomed. Rogers - A COP - dying to the same way the warehouse gangsters died will set off GCPD for sure. I don't think we can conspire to kill Rogers in the face of all the loose ends. In addition, we are playing an Honor Cop and not a murderhobo, anon. Curb your autism
>>Try to force shivers through the alcohol and stress. Who is on the other end of this phone?
Good thing we don’t need to kill him.
We have the world’s greatest schizo on our side, let’s just point Q in the right direction and let her rip.
Nah, you know Gotham's reputation. Gotta' be New Jersey.

>Hang up without a word
How about just going
>"Alright, Rodgers"

And see how he reacts? Worth a shot at least...
Adding this >>5846944 to my vote>>5846464
Why Rodgers? Just say "Alright Rookie"

Him having confirmation may result in issues. HIm not having full confirmation leaves him more room for mistakes as well trying to figure out how we know so much/what we do know
Because he’s not killing for the City. He’s killing for his own fucked up mind.

Maybe he can pull targets from the City, but but there’s nothing meta about “a compulsion to kill”. That’s just normal serial killer stuff and everything else is cope.
Not sure that’s a great idea.
If we let him know that we know he’ll go nuclear and cut mom’s throat and flee the city.

Not to mention he could just lie to us.
>"Yes, Sir." Hang up.
I have a feeling using Shivers on him directly might be a bad idea.

I wanna say Rogers is the killer but I'm afraid he might just be an autistic red herring and is just a weird guy. I'm guessing his plan is to find out who represents Gotham's Ego and hope they'll be able to fix everything, which is a dumb assumption to make.
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>tfw you're beating the absolute shit out a guy suspected of being a serial killer but it turns out he's just developmentally challenged

Roll 1d100 For Shivers.

Worst Of Three
Rolled 80 (1d100)

>"We'll see." Hang up.

That's all extremely circumstantial though. It's suspicious as hell, but it's not something we could make an arrest over.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Rolled 23 (1d100)


ROLL: 23
DC: 80

>DC: 80
>first roll 80 >>5847503
I expected as much
DetectQM, thoughts on all that?:
You asking the QM to spoil the mystery?
Wait I got you

Pretty please?
You close your eyes and clench the photo in your hand. The killer was here. This photo is a direct physical link. You focus.

The winds outside scream and rise in volume. The chill of the night air passes through your skin and muscle like cheesecloth and grab hold of your bones directly. You blink.

You open your eyes to find yourself staring into the dead eyes of a man. A man you recognize, The Anarkist who gave you the details for the meeting with Anarky. Thick dark blood runs down his cheeks and pools behind his head, his entire lower jaw a mangled pile of carved meat. You suppress the urge to gag when a low sigh frightens you. To your left a man sits on a silver garbage can, leg crossed over another and a glowing phone in his hand. All color is muted, his outfit and form blurred around the edges.

"Detective." The voice says quietly, warning. You stare into him and see a ball cap dropping impenetrable shadow over his face except for a series of small glowing tally marks. Twenty one in total.

"I can't exactly be mad at you for trying this. I expected you would." He speaks into the phone but looks directly at where your vision has you placed. You feel paralyzed. "Gotham protects me, Detective. I'm her immune system, she won't give me up so easily."

You feel your chest heaving and your legs grow weak. As you stare at the figure and make out any detail your vision goes fuzzy and you feel a burning pain across the top right of your forehead and a slow itch descending down it.

"Don't try this again, Detective. We can consider this a freebie, I'll be in contact."
You watch as he clicks the phone shut, fog emerges from where his face would be. He speaks. But Gotham deafens you to his words. He leans down to the dead man and scrapes cold gelatinous blood with the edge of his blade, a small glob of coagulate forms and falls thudding onto the man's skin. You open your eyes.

You find yourself staring at your kitchen floor and the flip phone open, the cold tiles reach through your t-shirt. You slowly push yourself up and feel a wave of vertigo hit you and a sudden pain in your head. You reach up and touch the area, pulling your hand away to reveal blood on your fingertips. You look at your counter and see a small amount on the edge. You must have fainted, hit your head on the way down. You blink a few times to fully collect yourself and scoot backwards into a corner of cabinets. Leaning your head back you sigh.

What the fuck do you do now?

>Call Hawthorne. This has gone too far, you need to be honest with him. About everything.
>Call Question and Huntress, you can't go to Hawthorne or the GCPD for this. Just once you'll need to operate outside the law.
>Call Commander Reiner, he said he had big dreams for you. Tell him the truth and beg forgiveness. Maybe you can keep your job.
>Patch your head up and go to bed. If you pull anyone in on this it risks innocent bodies. You're all alone on this one.
No comments on accuracy for obvious reasons, but I love replies like this. Theory posting with evidence you think backs up your claim, theory crafting in general I really enjoy.

Speculation is the greatest form of flattery as far as I'm concerned and I encourage anyone to go ahead and do so. I have my mind set on certain story elements so don't be concerned with influencing the story in any way.
>Patch your head up and go to bed. If you pull anyone in on this it risks innocent bodies. You're all alone on this one.
>>Call Hawthorne. This has gone too far, you need to be honest with him. About everything.
>>Call Hawthorne. This has gone too far, you need to be honest with him. About everything.
We can't fix this guy, first of all. Second of all, his shaky justifications do not in fact do him any favors. He didn't HAVE to kill the kid. Even if he saw his face. He is already only hanging on by a thread and he's using that as leverage betting on our good nature. There are plenty of ways to avoid killing he could have taken, even if it meant hearing the voice without pause or a more absolute resolution. But he never seems to have taken them.

This guy is a timebomb, and our "help" will only delay the inevitable. I'm sure his solution will result in more murder, even if "reasonable". That is an affront to justice. One I cannot abide. We were never gonna be able to stop him from killing innocents. So get out ahead of him instead.
>Call Question, see if he can get you into contact with John Jones again. You have some suspects, and a mindreader would be more than capable of confirming it for you.
Gotham might protect him from someone else using the shivers, but John showed us that his mental abilities don't seem to trigger any defenses. At least not our version of it.
Inb4 he gets a headache and gets shanked when he tries to read the killer even though he's THE MOST POWERFUL PSYCHIC IN THE WORLD and can turn intangible. I fucking hate jonn so much, it's ridiculous how easily he gets merked in EVERY SINGLE ENCOUNTER he gets into.
>Call Hawthorne. This has gone too far, you need to be honest with him. About everything.
Should probably mention it to Question and Huntress too eventually, I'm just voting for Hawthorne since he's our mentor and all. Also how ironic is it that we're a meta on the force and we already have a nemesis?
that we did our utmost to keep Huntress and Question both by the book after we got in with them speaks to our resolve in doing this legit
but Rogers is fucking nuts and we've been hit left and right nonstop by stupid shit lately
even we have our limits; how long can we possibly keep this up alone without our daily life work suffering because of it?
Every squad of heroes needs a designated jobber. When Jonn isn't around it's Green Lantern. When GL isn't around it's Hawkman.

You lean over and grab the flip phone, closing it hard, the snap echoing through your quiet apartment. You pull yourself up and fight the waves of vertigo, you need to patch yourself up at least a little, stumbling into the bathroom you disinfect the cut and slap a bandage on it. The wound isn't that bad, you'll probably end up with a nasty looking bruise though. Heading into the room you sit on the edge of your bed and observe your destroyed room. You just keep taking hits from every direction, you grab your phone and open the contacts. You stare at Hawthorne's name. You can't keep doing this alone. You hit call.

"Uh?" Hawthorne answers. His voice deep and tired.

"Hey." You start awkwardly.

"You forget something at the bar?"

"No, I need to talk to you."

"Can it wait until morning?" He asks, the fog in his voice clearing up

"No, sir. I need your help. It's.." You trail off. "It's bad, Hawthorne. I really fucked up."

You hear rustling, the sounds of jingling.
"Where are you, son? You didn't go somewhere after the bar did you?"

"No, I went home. Could you come? I can't talk about this over the phone."

"Absolutely, I already have my keys. Just let me get my boots and I'll head out."

"Are you sure you're okay to drive?" You ask, remembering the beers he put away.

"I started nursing my drinks a whole hour and a half before you stopped, I'm too old for hangovers." He chuckles dryly before clearing his throat. "I'll be there in less than twenty, son. Just hold out for me."

"Yes, sir." You say. Hanging up the phone you slowly lower yourself onto the bed and stare into the ceiling. You feel your body pulsing and it takes a moment before you realize it's your heartbeat. You close your eyes and meditate, using your heart as a metronome. You take in slow breaths and let them out. Shuddering at first. But slowly you gather yourself and get smooth exhales, you flex your fingers and feel the rush of blood in them almost like a vibration. This won't be easy, you only hope Hawthorne won't be too angry with you. You remain in your meditative state until a knock at the door comes. Gentle but still firm. Your mediation cleared your mind, you see an American flag folded tightly in a triangle and trails of mascara down an unknown woman's face. You push the shiver away, slightly disgusted with your ability. An ability shared with evil. You get up and move like the living dead towards the door. You thought about it and decided that it would be the best to..

>Tell Hawthorne absolutely everything, Question, Huntress, John and the League. No more secrets.
>Tell Hawthorne what's needed, Question is one thing but Huntress is on the GCPD radar for murder, done to protect someone else or not, and you can't put him in that position.
>Tell Hawthorne the bare minimum, tell him about the killer. But keep the photo and your side work to yourself. You can both work this case together without them anyways.
>Tell Hawthorne absolutely everything, Question, Huntress, John and the League. No more secrets.
Fuuuck, I wanna tell him everything. But he's so god damn bad at keeping secrets. I don't know what to do.
Ok, I'm going full retard, getting fired from police any% speedrun. I can already see the headlines "META COP GETS COMPROMISED AND SELLS POLICE SECRETS TO META CRIMINALS NOT EVEN 1 WEEK INTO HIS JOB"
>Tell Hawthorne absolutely everything, Question, Huntress, John and the League. No more secrets.

Also, cool, we got our very own dark reflection. Our very own jonkler even. Except this one is not going to arkham, this one is going 6 feet under. No "by the rules" for this guy, we gonna scream that he's reaching for the gun and put a cap into him.
Lastly, holy shit QM, what an update pace. You're a machine.
Appreciate it, Anon. I take
weekends off from writing, so I like to aim for two to three updates a day if I can manage.

Speaking of the game will be slightly delayed next week. I'm taking a long weekend in Las Vegas, so instead of resuming at 11pm Sunday night, it'll be resuming on Monday night. Just so nobody thinks I died or something.
This is becoming do or die very quickly
>Tell Hawthorne absolutely everything, Question, Huntress, John and the League. No more secrets.

>I'm taking a long weekend in Las Vegas
Did you know that in 1955, Johnny Cash shot a man in Reno?
>Just so nobody thinks I died or something.
Yeah avoid that
>Did you know that in 1955, Johnny Cash shot a man in Reno?
Why'd he go and do that Anon?
>Tell Hawthorne absolutely everything, Question, Huntress, John and the League. No more secrets.

Ok, so did nega version of us use his scuffed version of Shivers on us to and see who we want to become, to be so insistent on calling us Detective?
Shame on me
If he did, I want to learn how to do what he does for Shivers defenses. It'd be pretty cool to completely shut him down and maybe leave him reeling for a bit if he tries it again.
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Sorry if I was a little vague, I wrote a ton so I get it, hopefully this section isolated helps to illuminate the answer to your question.
Just to watch him die. Despicable.
>>Tell Hawthorne absolutely everything, Question, Huntress, John and the League. No more secrets.
>Tell Hawthorne absolutely everything, Question, Huntress, John and the League. No more secrets.

We’re out of shadows to hide in. We need as many people in our camp as possible or Mark is gonna end up dead.
>Tell Hawthorne absolutely everything, Question, Huntress, John and the League. No more secrets.
Just outright saying that attempting to use shivers being a fail would have been quicker since success was <1%. Asking for rolls was a complete waste of time other than to teach a lesson or something.
But he's right in that if the <1% did happen, it'd be wild as hell. You have to have room in quests for unexpected and crazy plot shifts and skips to occur. If you don't want a good degree of freedom in your quest, then just fuck off and write your story as a book. That's how I see it. We got a fail as expected, but we still got information out of the failure and for even choosing the shivers attempt option.
Sorry you feel I wasted that time, Anon. Thanks for playing regardless.

I called the vite because I like to leave the option for hail mary attempts. (I run Crits, so a 100 clears it regardless.)
Also this is the first time you've had a roll really be against you (With the come down from the dream, alcohol, etc) so I figured it was a good chance to let you guys know what the deal is with pushing shivers when you maybe shouldn't. (Among other reasons which are story related. Better to ding your head on a counter than collapse while trying to talk some jumper off a ledge.)

Shivers won't be a get out of jail free card guaranteed to hit every time, especially not in times you have active nerfs. I did ask earlier in a previous thread if people wanted to know their odds ahead of time, and I was told it's fine to keep DCs hidden until the roll is final so I intend to keep doing so. Hope that explains why I felt it necessary to call the roll.
Nah, I think it’s important to let us make impossible choices and suffer the consequences.

I don’t regard it as a waste of time at all, just a logical in-character choice that has poor odds of success.
nah the rolls for this quest have been absolutely dogshit. It's wild how much good writing can carry a quest. I mean there are NO crits and yet i am more hooked than ever!
I suspected it was to teach us a lesson and the decision to try at all was particularly foolish that rightfully ended poorly. I just prefer to get hit with a stick for it off the bat rather than having votes called with the express purpose of failing (as opposed to just being regularly very difficult) and *then* getting hit with a stick.
>>Tell Hawthorne absolutely everything, Question, Huntress, John and the League. No more secrets.
>I'm taking a long weekend in Las Vegas
First tip, keep a timepiece on you if you're going into a casino. They don't have clocks inside and most of them don't have windows either. Another tip, the girls on the side of the streets are either giving out pamphlets or STDs. If you're looking for -that- kind of action drive out along the freeways and look for a "ranch". You'll know when you see them because they'll have big billboards and nice signs with shit like "bunny" "moonlight" "kitty-kat" "love" etc. before "ranch". Those are brothels. The girls there are at least supposed to get regular checks and be clean.

And finally do not fuck around. Las Vegas metropolitan Police Department is I think the current or previous holder for "most police involved shootings" in America. They're kind of high strung. Probably because of how often they have to deal with people coming to Vegas for a bender, getting drunk as fuck then doing a line of coke or shooting up some god-knows-what and starting shit.

Otherwise have fun lol

All our cards on the table, Writing.
You open the door slowly, Hawthorne stands in a wife beater and jacket, you step aside and usher him in.

"Jesus Christ." He mutters looking around at your strewn furniture. He turns to you and you see his eyes lock on the head wound. "Who did this?" He asks quietly.

You shake your head.
"Bank's has a stalker ex, she was in the apartment when I came home, she was trying to seduce me I guess? But she was clearly in the middle of a pretty serious mental break."

"Some fucking break, she clock you over the head with something? Where is she now?" He moves to try and inspect your wound but you wave him off.

"Sir, really. It's fine, she got picked up by Bunko and another officer. She also didn't do this."

His eyes scrunch, confused, as he takes a seat he gestures. "Tell me what's going on, son. You're pale as a ghost."

You gulp. Your arms move sluggish like pushing through thick gel as you reach for the picture in your back pocket. You close your eyes and withdraw it, you're committed now. Hawthorne deserves the entire truth. You hand him the image and he stares at it for a few moments before speaking.

"This is that faceless fella who threw you down in the parking lot, I'm guessing. Not too many people without a face around here." He looks up to you with piercing eyes, you recognize this look from the Simmons Interrogation. "You need to talk to me." he states. You nod and lower yourself to a seat across from him.

You tell him everything. You start with Question's warning of a mole in the GCPD. At first he's completely silent, at the mention of meeting Huntress however he groans and clasps his hands together. He never breaks eye contact, but he also never speaks, only acknowledging points of your story with nods, grunts, or sighs. You expect him to break his silence when you describe the meeting with John, an apparent contact of the Justice League, and all that you learned and saw from him. But he doesn't miss a beat, only nodding when you reach the end, his cold pupils locked on yours like laser beams. You break down everything that happened at the Orphanage and your passing off Bass Head to Question and Huntress, you even retread the Cobra story lost in your own memories. He doesn't even crack a grin this time around. You get to the end. Recounting all the visions regarding the SIM Killer recently, how you feel like you reached the core of Shivers in a dream, and how Nia came to you with an offer from the League to meet. When you finish reciting the conversation over the phone you explain hitting your head and now...

"I don't know what to do, sir." You say quietly.

He finally breaks his eyes from yours and stands up slowly.

"Get up." He says, firmly. An order.

You swallow hard again and stand on unsteady legs, you can't help but realize how strange it is that this moment has you more fearful than staring down FireBug in an alley. Hawthorne looks you up and down slowly. You take a breath.

"I'm in too deep, Hawthorne."
He reaches out and grasps your shoulders.

"I should take your ass to jail, Mark." He begins sternly. His eyes bore into yours like drills.

"Yes, sir." You say weakly.

"You've lied to me, for weeks. You had no problem doing this on your own, or with your super-friends. I need you to tell me why now?"

You give him a confused look.

"Why tell me now, and not ask their help?"

You stutter for a few moments before Hawthorne gives you a rough shake.
"Don't think, Rookie. Answer me now." He commands.

"You're my mentor, sir." You blurt out. "I don't want to be a super anything, I just want to be a good cop, I stepped too far and now people could die because of me." Your voice trembles as reality sets in fully. You've fucked up. Innocent blood, your parent's blood, your friend's blood, It all could be on your hands if you don't clean up your mess as fast as possible. Your eyes burn hot, and your throat twitches.

Hawthorne stares at you a few moments. He studies your face.
"We aren't okay right now, Mark." he says. "You broke the cardinal rule of police work and left your partner out of the loop. Now things may end up getting a hell of a lot worse before they get better."

You open your mouth and struggle to speak.
"I'm sorry." You croak

Hawthorne pulls you close into a tight hug.
"I know, son. We're going to fix this if it's the last thing I do." He says, his voice still stern but softened. You feel the weight of every decision so far pressing on your shoulders. You blink and see no apartment but a city street, illuminated by flickering fire. An old sedan consumed by roaring inferno and a man in GCPD uniform on his knees, staring into the whipping flames.

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

You blink again and feel Hawthorne's death grip around you tighten. The burning in your eyes reaches an apex, you look up to the ceiling and..

>Let it out.
>Hold back, maintain your composure
>Just one tear, but not for you.
>Just one tear, but not for you.
Stiff upper lip, chaps.
>>Let it out.
>Be unable to look directly at the flame, and close eyes.
>Also, one tear.
>>Just one tear, but not for you.

The heat of the fire still fills your apartment but you close your eyes tight and push the vision away, a single tear squeezes out and rolls down your face leaving an icy cold path.

"I'm sorry, sir." You say again. Hawthorne replies with a hearty pat on the back.

You both stay that way for a bit, until he breaks off. He holds you at an arms distance.
"You get Question and The Huntress for me, if I'm helping you then I'm making sure this entire operation runs smoothly. Find the mole, flip him on SIM and take him in."

You pause and look at him unblinking.
"What if we don't take him in?" You say


"He's dangerous, Hawthorne. He threatened my family, you, and he has a mole. Anything we do he's going to be on top of."

"I never said this was gonna be by the book." Hawthorne says with deadly seriousness.

You look at him surprised.
"So that means?"

"It means we take him in and use Gotham's vigilante policy while it's still active. Dent is trying to get rid of it but it's tied up in council paperwork. We'll do the leg work and have your masked friends handle the drop off."

"He's going to spill everything, including that we helped."

Hawthorne smiles a wicked smile, this one makes your hairs stand up, "Who's going to believe him? He's crazy."

His face returns to his scowl.
"You and I though, if you ever leave me out of the loop on any case you're working on or off clock again, I'll boot you from the department so help me God. You want to be a cop right?"

"Yes, sir."

"This is the ugly side. The truth is that not every case can be handled proper, but that doesn't mean we go rogue without any supervision. You need to be accountable, if not to the station then to each other. You want to take the easy road then put on your briefs on the outside of your pants and get back together with your ex-girlfriend, but if you want to make a difference while still being able to look at yourself every morning.." He pauses. "I can't even promise that, but I'm going to do my damnedest to make sure you don't hit the same pitfalls I did."

"What do you mean?"

"After my wife.." He takes a breath. "I was in a dark place for a while after my wife was murdered. I never requested a desk job, I was given one as a favor. I'm only back on the beat now because so long has passed that the new commander figured I was worth another chance."

"He said something similar to me." You say

"He's a gambler." Hawthorne says while pacing.
"Nobody else knows the entire truth I'm guessing?"

"No, sir."

"Consider changing that. It's no Justice League but the GCPD takes care of it's own. The main thing we need now is to take stock and plan, when I worked SWAT we would always debrief before making entry. We talked game plan, contingency, the roster of men, and each of their roles. I figure we may as well work backwards, follow it in order of things we actually have intel on."

"So you're asking me if there's anyone else I want to bring in?"

He nods.
"I'll take your lead on that, pick people you trust, people who can help, and most of all people who may be able to handle themselves if things get too dirty."

You put a hand to your chin and think.
"Anyone in mind?" He asks.

(Choose as many as you'd like.)

>"Banks, I saved his life and have been dealing with his Stalker, he owes me."
>"Kimble, he's a good man to have in a fight and I think he has more brain than he gets credit for."
>"Mendez, she and I bonded somewhat when I helped her out in the motor pool."
>"Rogers, he asked me to help teach him about police work. Or at least my version of it, he'd keep it zipped."
>"Detective Gray, he's an old friend of yours and has been breathing the SIM Case for a bit now."
>"Commander Reiner, he has some sort of soft spot for us. I think at least. It's risky but I think he's willing to help."
>"Caesar, the streets are hot for him but if he's careful he's probably our best source of information on Anarky and their associates."
>"I don't know how to contact him but the Detective, John Jones, he got through my mental walls pretty easily. I could ask Question to get in contact again."
>"Jimmy, you seem to be pretty close to him. We know the Mole is a cop, if anyone is gonna notice a cop acting funny it's him."
>"Agent Gideon with ARGUS, they already want the SIM Killer, I was warned about his boss but whatever price she wants for this I'm willing to pay it."
>Write-In (get creative)
>"I don't know how to contact him but the Detective, John Jones, he got through my mental walls pretty easily. I could ask Question to get in contact again."
>"As much as I'd like to keep it within the GCPD, the SIM killer might be able to find out who we bring in if they're natives of the City or if they live here long enough. I'd like to bring in from people from out of town that we can know and trust. Do you have anyone you know outside of Gotham we can rely on?"
Realistically speaking, if his shivers work like ours, it's currently keyed to Gotham. We just need non-gothamites to help run interference.
For bonus points, it's unlikely for non-gothamites to be moles here.
If we happen to know, as part of our backstory, any cops or detectives from out of town...I'd suggest calling them ourselves. See if they're willing to spend a week helping us out.
>I'd like to keep this between us for now
Fuck. I only just now thought of it, but I'd also like to append:
>"...How about Nightwing? We know he's willing to help out here, but he primarily operates out of Bludhaven. He might be the edge we need here."
To my vote.
>>"I don't know how to contact him but the Detective, John Jones, he got through my mental walls pretty easily. I could ask Question to get in contact again."
He seemed like an okay guy. He also watched a woman die in a fire, just like you Hawthorne.
Don't say that, this is a joke.
>John Jones
Backing >>5849029
The SIM Killer is totally Rogers, so being a cop he has access to all the other cops and cop resources we do
>"Detective Gray, he's an old friend of yours and has been breathing the SIM Case for a bit now."
>"Jimmy, you seem to be pretty close to him. We know the Mole is a cop, if anyone is gonna notice a cop acting funny it's him."
Best bang for our buck while keeping things tight.
>"Detective Gray, he's an old friend of yours and has been breathing the SIM Case for a bit now."
>"Jimmy, you seem to be pretty close to him. We know the Mole is a cop, if anyone is gonna notice a cop acting funny it's him."
>"Detective Gray, he's an old friend of yours and has been breathing the SIM Case for a bit now."
>"Jimmy, you seem to be pretty close to him. We know the Mole is a cop, if anyone is gonna notice a cop acting funny it's him.""Detective Gray, he's an old friend of yours and has been breathing the SIM Case for a bit now."
>"Jimmy, you seem to be pretty close to him. We know the Mole is a cop, if anyone is gonna notice a cop acting funny it's him."
>>"Detective Gray, he's an old friend of yours and has been breathing the SIM Case for a bit now."
>>"Kimble, he's a good man to have in a fight and I think he has more brain than he gets credit for."
Nightwing is gonna have a chuckle learning that batman would have more trouble with this than he would

Also Jimmy would be great normally, but if we're blood cells, the bars an artery. It might put him in much more danger than normal just knowing info

That said, we might wanna try talking to the city there some time soon.
We're not getting Banks? Why, you guys don't trust him?
Just not sure what unique skills he brings to the table. plus, he's still recovering and ahs a lot on his plate already.
That's B-E-A-E-N-K-E-S. No E.

"Fuck." You whisper. "The one person who could probably help us most I don't know how to contact."

"Jones? The fella with the mind powers?"

"He got through my mental walls with pretty much no problems, I could ask Question to get in contact again but who knows how long that will take." A sudden thought strikes you. "Sir, as much as I want to keep this in the GCPD, this guy seems to have some relationship with the city, like me."


"Meaning, the SIM killer might be able to find out who we bring in if they're natives of the City or if they live here long enough."

Hawthorne pauses and rubs his chin. You continue.
"I'd like to bring in from people from out of town that we can know and trust. Do you have anyone you know outside of Gotham we can rely on?"

Hawthorne scoffs.
"I was born here and the only time I ever left was for a honeymoon, there are a few acquaintances I have, Officers who moved to other departments or men I was on SWAT with but they aren't exactly close friends. You're telling me you think he may be able to just sense this kind of intel?"

"I can sometimes.."

Hawthorne sighs.
"Hell of a thing to bring up after inviting me over and getting me in on this."

You gulp. You hadn't even thought of that. If he has the same ability as you, and it functions in a similar way then a life long native like Hawthorne is going to ping on his radar for sure.
"Fuck." You whisper. "Fuck Fuck Fuck." You hiss. A reassuring hand hits your shoulder.

"Relax, Rookie. I've been in plenty of situations where they know we're coming, the only answer is to plan deeper and hit harder when it comes time to execute." His eyes have a resolve behind them that helps instill some calm. You take a deep breath, meditative process, and exhale slowly.

"Then we have a few options to keep it as in-house as we can. Having someone from outside the city is a good edge to have." You take a few seconds to think. "How about Nightwing? We already know he's willing to lend a hand around here, he's from Bludhaven so that gives us a mask with the element of surprise."

Hawthorne nods.
"I'll ask around discreetly, usually if you spread word about them around enough a mask is bound to show up, in my experience."

"We should also consider Gray and Jimmy."

"Gray, I understand. He's lead for the case already so he's already a known piece on the board. Jimmy on the other hand is a bartender."

"For the most popular cop bar in town, nearly every Officer in the city has passed through his bar at some point and if anyone is going to notice the odd men out, it's the guy serving them drinks."

Hawthorne screws his face up as he thinks about it, eventually ending it with a shrug.
"We can give him limited information, I knew his father, he'll give us a hand if I ask him."

"I'll get in contact with Question and Huntress as soon as I can and ask them to meet with us."
"I have a condition to that meeting." Hawthorne says.

You have a feeling you already know but you say it anyways.

"No masks."

"Sir.." You protest. Hawthorne holds up a hand. "If they want to help us then they need to put just as much skin in the game as we have. You and I got no choice but to take part in this now, it's about our city, our homes. Those two I'd never heard of until recently, when things start to get dirty and it becomes life or death I need to know they wont run out."

"They won't." You state confidently. "They're odd but not cowards."

"Nobody's a coward until there's something worth being afraid of, Rookie." Hawthorne's jaw sets. "You trust em as is? Good. But I need something more, only I'll take a look at them without the masks and get their names. But I don't trust my life to someone I can't look in the eye.

"Their names too?"

"I'll make myself clear, if they step in to help us and back out before the job is done I'll go public with their names. Otherwise they'll stay secret." He taps his temple. "Right up here with all the other shit I know that I shouldn't."

"I really don't think threatening them is going to be necessary."

Hawthorne shrugs.
"Maybe not, but I'd sleep a hell of a lot better at night. If they aren't willing to do that then they should stay away, a crutch is only useful when you can be sure it won't go flying out from under you."

>"Alright, I'll contact them and let them know your terms. Be ready to meet tomorrow."
>"I'm sorry sir, but I already know how this is going to go. It would be better to just leave them out of the loop."
>"Alright, I'll contact them and let them know your terms. Be ready to meet tomorrow."
Let's not forget that they're both in it for Mandragora and not the SIM Killer specifically. The SIM Killer just happens to be working for Mandragora in killing people and also has a mole in the GCPD. Sound about right?
>"Alright, I'll contact them and let them know your terms. Be ready to meet tomorrow."
Doesn't hurt to ask.
This is probably the relevant part. The don't have skin on the sim killer?
>>"Alright, I'll contact them and let them know your terms. Be ready to meet tomorrow."
>>"Alright, I'll contact them and let them know your terms. Be ready to meet tomorrow."

"Alright." You relent. "I'll contact them and let them know, try to be ready to meet tomorrow. We shouldn't waste any time if we can."

"Agreed." Hawthorne sighs and shakes his head.

You both stand there in the silence of the night. Eventually you break it.
"Thanks, Hawthorne."

He looks at you and sighs.
"Thank me when it's over. This is what partners are for."

"Not TO's?"

"I'm only your teacher on the clock. While we do this we're equals, you play straight with me and I'll do the same for you."
He offers you a hand.

You shake it without hesitation.

You watch Hawthorne leave and get to the near impossible task of getting some sleep. You feel so exhausted you don't even bother putting your sheets back on. Somehow you shift into sleep and spend the night dreamless and restless.

The next morning you wake up, the clouds above Gotham actually dispersed letting pale Autumn sunlight through your windows, you hope in vain that the last night was only a poor dream. The photo crumpled in your back pocket proves you horribly wrong. You have the phone and the number, you grab a metal bowl from under your cabinets and hold the photo above your burner. When the edge catches you drop it into the bowl and watch it burn to ash.
You take your own phone and call Question.

"Q, it's me."

"Hello, Officer." He replies, his voice the same tone as always.

"Hawthorne knows. That killer I've been tracking, the one who left the SIM Cards at the warehouse Huntress visited, he knows I'm onto him too. He's trying to get me to help him."

"Help him with what?" Questions voice has the slightest tone of uncertainty now.

"Apparently he wants to learn from me, about how to talk to the city. He says it's the reason he kills."

"I see."

"Hawthorne wants to meet you. No masks. Says he needs to know he can trust you when things go bad."


"His words."

"Hm." Question quietly muses. "She won't be happy about it."

"She'll get over it." You say, frustrated. "Just pass it along to her, meet me at the usual place later. If she isn't comfortable with it, or if you aren't. Then don't show up."

"I'll be there." He says definitively. You find yourself surprised.

"Uh, good. Same place as usual."

"Understood, Officer."

He hangs up without another word.
You toss your phone on the bed and get ready for the day. Shower and a shave. Maintaining any normalcy you can.

In the shower you think about what you're going to do for the day before your meeting. Hawthorne is probably making preparations of his own.

>Head to the range, get some more practice with your pistol in. You feel you may need it.
>Head to the hospital, Banks should probably hear about what happened last night from you.
>Scour the internet, he said he'd look into it but maybe you can find a way to contact Nightwing first.
>Call Caesar, maybe you can check in on him and his family. remind yourself why you do all this
>>Head to the range, get some more practice with your pistol in. You feel you may need it.
Sometimes the answer really is simple.

I wonder if Hawthorne will recognize Question without the mask. How often does he watch the news outside of Gotham.
>>Head to the range, get some more practice with your pistol in. You feel you may need it.
>Didn't use shivers on the photo immediately in the morning
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I wanted to know who took the picture and from where. Someone was clearly tailing us, and I doubt it was the SIM killer.
>>Head to the hospital, Banks should probably hear about what happened last night from you.
Banks you bastard, why is your crazy woman now my crazy woman?
>Head to the range, get some more practice with your pistol in. You feel you may need it.
Dirty Harry time.
>>Head to the hospital, Banks should probably hear about what happened last night from you.
His crazy ex, his problem.

>Call Caesar, maybe you can check in on him and his family. remind yourself why you do all this
>Head to the hospital, Banks should probably hear about what happened last night from you.

It’s best he hears about what happened from someone he knows.
>Head to the hospital, Banks should probably hear about what happened last night from you.
while we're on our way to the hospital we
>Call Caesar, maybe you can check in on him and his family. remind yourself why you do all this
Change my answer to

There’s time for both.
>>Head to the hospital, Banks should probably hear about what happened last night from you.
>Call Caesar, maybe you can check in on him and his family. remind yourself why you do all this
>Head to the hospital, Banks should probably hear about what happened last night from you.
>Call Caesar, maybe you can check in on him and his family. remind yourself why you do all this
>Head to the hospital, Banks should probably hear about what happened last night from you.
I'm dropping in just to say again that the game will be resuming around 11pm on the Fourth.

Thanks for voting and sticking around. Feel free to use the free time to ask me any questions you might have or just drop some general comments if you feel like it.
>just drop some general comments if you feel like it.
I don't much care for soup. I much prefer more solid sustenance.
shivers that photo we got
hey just wondering does marks parents know hes a meta or no
QM burnt it in the last update, so we can't
Welcome back to real life, QM!

How’d ya do in Vegas?
Yes. they do. Neither of Mark's parents are metas but they've always been supportive of him and his dreams. In my mind I always wrote Mark's father as an academic, like a professor, and his mother I actually haven't put too much thought into already. If you guys want to throw out ideas for names and occupations/traits I would love to hear em.

Thank you Anon, I did alright. I never go into a casino with money I care about seeing again, I ended up hitting direct on Roulette but burned it all. Blackjack, I'm better at, though. I dropped twenty and came out with 110, playing low stakes. I'm refreshed and excited to run tonight, I'll probably end up doing an extra update or two more than my usual to make up for the extra day off
My apologies for that Anon, I figured you guys wouldn't be very interested in holding onto physical evidence of your connection with Question on person or in your (very secure) apartment.

Also you DID use shivers on the photo while also on the phone with the target if your shivers directly, and that ended with Mark bouncing his head off a counter. In the future, though, I'll definitely pose those sorts of questions as little addendums on some updates for you.
Arthur DeLucia and Alice Delucia, formerly Alice Castillo. Arthur used to work in the Information Technology sector, but eventually decided that he would have a much better time teaching others about IT rather than wrangling it himself. He still has traumatic flashbacks to the days when he worked for private corporations and was essentially treated as a Technology Wizard that performed esoteric and dark rituals (turning it off and on again) by everyone else.
Alice is an economy major, and was one of the financial advisors at one of the companies that Arthur worked at. They hit it off after some predictable shenanigans, and once he decided to move on, she moved on with him to the kind of work that can be handled entirely from home - stock trading, remote advice, etcetera. She still doesn't really know how to use a computer beyond its most basic uses, and is still stuck in the tech she's used to.
>Arthur and Alice

Very Italo names... Here's my head-canon: Mario DeLucia (a grumpy , but honest and hardworking man) owns a taxi business that was successful enough for him to semi-retire, and for his wife, Antonia (a trained nurse) to focus mostly on social activities - she is one of those ladies considered the heart of her community and will be a prominent figure at any fund-raiser.
I like these ones.

No worries, QM. That decision makes a lot of sense. Considering we already know he can sense when we use Shivers on him and retaliate, doing so again right now seems a bit silly. it's fine by me if you make logical inferences like this part of an update rather than having us micromanage things like that.

If they're Italian-Americans several generations removed from Italy, it's entirely feasible. There are multiple real people with those exact names, after all.
Nah, Giuseppe.
Ah, yes, a good old-fashioned Italian name.
Grandpa hated his kids.
Especially Waluigi.
Cowboy Training:

Hospital visit:

With a side order of calling Caesar.
Hopping out of the shower it doesn't take long to get dressed and head out the door with your new gift, SIM's Flip Phone. You head outside and can't shake this feeling, this new phobia, that SIM is out there and could be using his own connection to keep tabs on you. You shake it off, he was asking you for advice and guidance, so you doubt he has more control over his than you do. A strange thought strikes you, what if his connection to the city is an inverse of yours? Your shivers reach out like nerves all over the city and when they get struck you get taken away and shown visions without context, it's almost a guessing game at times what it's trying to get across to you, while his seems more defensive and vocal in a strange way. Maybe it's only strong in short proximity, trading range for more clarity from Gotham, then again the clarity he has is a city telling him to kill.

You drop into your front seat and crank the key, you blink a few times and resolve yourself to try and take your mind off things. At least for a little while, you'll head to the hospital and let Banks know what happened first hand. You know the guy is already the anxious type so he's probably worried about how you're handling all this. As you shift into drive and start heading down you also get struck by another thought, you haven't checked in with Caesar really since Bass Head got to safety. You grope around your pockets and pull out your cell, the brick of the flip phone feeling like ice against your fingertips as you slide out the cell.

"Hello?" A tired voice answers.

"Caesar, It's Officer DeLucia." You say, casting a glance at the clock on your dash. Around 9:30.

"Oh shit, what's up DL?" He says, groaning as he shakes off the sleep.

"Nothing much." You lie. "Just wanted to check in with you, see if you had any questions or anything. I know you were thinking of trying to handle things yourself."

"Yeah.." He says, his voice trailing off. "I'm sorry." He states.

"For what?"

"I was gonna sneak out if you didn't help Bass Head out yesterday. I was all ready for it and about to head out when you texted me."

"Caesar, I told you-"

"I know, man." He interrupts you. "I'm apologizing ain't I?"

"Yeah." You say apologetically.

"Look I'm just saying, where I'm from you see a GCPD uniform and it means the opposite of being safe. You're the first vato I've seen with a badge actually end up not being a piece of shit."

You frown. Is the reputation of GCPD really that bad? You grew up doing alright for yourselves so your interactions with police were near none.

"Well you and El Mono."

"El Mono?"

"The one who put a foot through our front door."

You chuckle.
"Hawthorne. He's my Training Officer, he's teaching me to be a cop."

"He made mi hermana pequeña some food, she asks about him."

"Your sister does? Maybe when things cool down with Anarky we can set up a meet so she can thank him in person."
"Doesn't sound like a bad idea." You can hear the smile in his voice.

You find yourself smiling too. It hits you at once all over again, the reason you became a cop, to help people in Gotham who have nobody else.

"How's your mom and sister handling witsec?"

"Shit." He starts. "We eat better on your guy's dime than we did ourselves. Mom is worried though, about something, she can't really sleep I guess. She has these bags under her eyes." He trails off.

"How are you handling it?"

"Good. Just waiting to hear from my Pops, they say when he gets out they'll see about getting him back with us in WitSec as part of his Parole."

"That's..impressive. Who is handling that?" You ask curious.

"A lady who apparently is pretty tight with your department, at least that's what she told my mom over the phone."

You grunt questioningly. You may look into that later.

You look up from your thoughts and see the entrance sign for the hospital coming up.
"Hey I gotta go, Caesar. Visiting a friend. Stay out of trouble."

"Will do, DL. Thanks again for helping Bass Head, you didn't have to do that."

You take a moment before responding.
"Yeah I did, I'll hit you up later. Text me if anything comes up."

You hang up and feel a warmth spreading through your chest again just as you did last time. You can't tell if it's shivers, pride, or something else. You park your car and crack the door, crisp autumn air putting out the ember inside. You get out and head for the doors...
Heading inside you basically get the fast pass experience, the GCPD Officers on guard know you by this point. A few give you a polite Good Morning, you swear one of them hisses at you before turning away to conceal a smile.

You sigh but smile yourself, you're starting to feel a little more accepted by everyone in the department. You get to the desk and ask if Banks is awake and available, the nurse checks a chart before getting back to you.

"He's in PT at the moment, his grafts were a success so now he's working on regaining some mobility with his arm and neck."

You smile and nod, a relief to hear.
"When will he be back?"

"Should only be around another fifteen minutes." She tells you, she pulls another clipboard and looks down. "What's your name?"

"Mark DeLucia."

She nods and takes a pen, making a small marking.
"You're on his friends and family visitor list, Mark. Feel free to wait in his room if you'd prefer."

You look over and see his room empty apart from some get well soon balloons and gifts, his sheets dangle from the bed between plastic railing. You notice though a black reflective brick on his pillow, his phone.

>"I can wait out here, it's no issue." Take a seat in the lobby.
>Head to his room to wait, minding your own business in the process.
>You remember the last time something was up with his Ex his phone was blowing up, maybe instead of waiting you can do a little snooping.
>>Head to his room to wait, minding your own business in the process.
Check the phone, make sure to use your police issue gloves to avoid fingerprints. If it has a password , turn the phone off and look for smudges around where the corresponding numbers on the pin are. The four largest smudges should line up with the four-digit pin code. That leaves 24 possible options for the code. In 15 minutes you should have time to try all 24 of those numbers even with incorrect passcode cooldown times.
But why?

>Head to his room to wait, minding your own business in the process.
>Head to his room to wait, minding your own business in the process.
To go through his phone. Valuable sources of intel are likely to be on it, especially from another GCPD member.
>Head to his room to wait, minding your own business in the process.

Anon what the fuck, why would we do that?
Banks is our bud, though, and this risks losing his trust and making US look dirty.
Yes you
You are retard
while this is an intresting play, it is way out of our character.
>"I can wait out here, it's no issue." Take a seat in the lobby.
idk why we need to be in his room lol
>>Head to his room to wait, minding your own business in the process.
>Head to his room to wait, minding your own business in the process.

And see if we can get a coffee
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You nod and say a quick thank you before turning and heading to his room, he has more than a few chairs pulled up against the wall near the foot of his bed. He's probably had a good amount of visitors coming through. You take a seat and yawn while leaning back. You didn't sleep well last night, you have a feeling that's a trend that will be continuing at least until this SIM Case is resolved.

You hear a buzz from his pillow, your eyes flick up and you see the screen light up before fading to black again, you resist the urge to snoop. You still felt bad about checking his phone out the last time and getting Question onto his ex, better to just keep to yourself with everything going on.

You take the time to check out the news on your phone. The Arkham Escape is still in the media cycle, apparently that other prisoner who got out alongside Scarecrow goes by the name The Mad Hatter. You snort and shake your head, what a world you live in. Apparently Dent is set to address it at a Town Hall. The next couple articles are about a series of new installations coming to Gotham, A revamped concert hall, The old movie theater being reopened, and all being paid for by Wayne Industries. Finally you hit something that makes you stop.

"Research into 'Father Box' reaching stand-still as STAR Labs face lay-offs."
You feel a ripple of goosebumps up and down your arms. Your mouth goes a little dry and you flick away from the article, instantly the feeling starts to ease. You aren't sure what that's about, shivers shouldn't be reacting to a story in STAR City, so maybe it's just some internal thing making you feel this way. Before you have time to think further on it you see in the doorway of Banks' room is a man. Black baseball hat pulled low with a pair of wide sunglasses. Your own warped face stares back at you. In his hands he has an envelope.

"Oh." he says. "Didn't expect to see you here, Officer."

The voice is familiar, the only place you remember it from was..

"Mr.Wayne?" You ask

He holds up a hand and looks over his shoulder, pulling up a coat around his neck.

"Oh, my bad." You say a little embarrassed.

"It's alright, Officer." He leans in and points a thumb to the bed.

"Do you know if Officer Banks will be returning anytime soon?"

"He's in physical therapy, Nurse said about fifteen."

"When was that?"

"About six minutes ago." You say checking your phone.

He sighs and enters the room, walking to a seat next to you and dropping down. He pats the envelope on his leg and removes the ball cap and glasses. His hair matted and a little greasy, like he had been sweating heavily. you notice he's also starting to sport some stubble.

"I'm a little embarrassed I didn't clock you before you spoke." You admit.

He waves a hand.
"Don't be, it's trope in movies for a reason."
You nod and the both of you fall into an awkward silence.

>"So, what's in the envelope?"
>"It was really kind of you to pay for Banks and Hawthorne's treatments."
>"Where are you coming back from? The gym?"
>"Can I ask why none of the officers in your speech to the Gotham Gazette were named? It just feels a little weird to only be known as Meta-Cop or 'A brave officer'."
>"So...how bout them Knights?"
>Sit in silence.
This is one of the most gothamy people we know

And he's far out of the loop with the crime shit we're dealing with

The fact we're working on that case isn't top secret either.

Couldn't hurt to get an opinion on our situation... with hypotheticals
>"It was really kind of you to pay for Banks and Hawthorne's treatments."
>"You alright? I understand losing some sleep after everything that went down, but you look beat."
>"It was really kind of you to pay for Banks and Hawthorne's treatments."
Come on Bruce, nobody's gonna buy the playboy persona when you look like you do shit.

Also, kek, I think we just have to quietly ignore the fact that Mr Wayne takes holidays the same time Batman does.
I mean we can always ask if he doesn't have something more 'billionaire' to do
>ask him if he knows any detectives from out of town. Mention it may help with a case and with our shivers ability
Billionaires know people right?

"It was really kind of you to pay for Banks and Hawthorne's treatments." You say quietly.

"Hm?" He grunts and looks towards you, you see that his eyes are deep and a sort of dark shade lies around them. His eyebrows shoot up and he shakes his head.

"Oh, yes of course. It was the least I could do really, there's no way to put it other than the Sergeant saved my life." He pauses and his eyes almost seem to look through you. "Banks, well he's just a hero. I regret I can't do more for him." He wiggles the envelope. "This is actually why I'm here, I came from a breakfast with Dent and he's going to be awarding Banks with a reward. This is the official invitation, he plans on handing it out at his speech he has planned."

"An award." You let your voice trail off, you remember when Dent was offering it to you. You wonder if Banks came with any strings. "Banks deserves it, he's a good cop."

"All four of you. Kimble and Hawthorne included. I actually offered to deliver this in person hoping to see the Sergeant. The nurse told me he checked himself out."

You chuckle.
"Yeah, he's stubborn like that."

Bruce gives a single exhale laugh.
"I figured as much. I was hoping to convince him to accept the Wayne Foundation paying for his treatment but he refused."

"Sounds like him, he doesn't like hand outs."

Bruce just smiles and looks down, nodding.


"Hm?" He grunts sleepily

"You alright? I understand losing sleep after everything that went down, but you look beat."

His face remains stoic.
"I'm fine." His voice comes out a little harsh, reminds you of Hawthorne almost.


He sighs.
"No, I am Mark. I'm nursing a nasty hangover, after the museum I decided to go out of town for a few days on my yacht. Party in the bay."

He rubs his head slowly.
"I suppose I'm not as young as I used to be." He says it with a jovial chuckle but you sense a sort of bitterness behind his words. Your neck hairs go up in a wave.

"Sorry if this is out of line, Sir."


"Bruce." You correct yourself.
"Sorry if this is out of line, Bruce." You continue. "Is that what all this construction is about?"

You pull up the article on your phone.
"You want this to be a kind of legacy for you?"

Bruce looks down at the article and smiles gently.
"Something like that." He takes a deep breath and rotates in his seat. He looks out the window over the small slice of Gotham you can see. "What do you think of when you look at Gotham? In just a word."

"Home." You answer without thinking.

He nods.
"Me too, we're kindred spirits. At the end of the day beneath the money and beneath the badge, we're Gothamites."

"Damn straight." You answer without thinking again. You cover your mouth.

Bruce waves it off.
"When you think about other cities around the world. New York, New Orleans, Paris, and Tokyo. What do you think then?"

>"I don't really think of many places other than Gotham, I have a thing with it."
>"Not home."
>"Not home."
It's not just about proximity, it always feels far away. Like a dream or ideal. Being in Paris isn't the same as thinking about Paris. The same is true for any city lauded as some shining jewel. You've got to "know" the place to see past that.
let's not forget in a different city long enough, Shivers shifts to tuning into that city instead
+1 support.

I wonder if he feels the same...

"Distant." You say quietly, distracted by your own thoughts.

"A bit literal." Bruce says with a weak smile.

"No, I mean in more than just proximity. The idea of those places feels far."

He turns to you now, his eyes lit with curiosity.

"They just seem, larger than themselves. Like a dream or an ideal. Being in Paris is not the same as thinking about Paris. Though I guess the same is true for any of those sort of 'crown jewel' cities. You have to get to 'know' it before you can see past that ideal and appreciate it for what it is."

Bruce smiles, warmly.
"You get it." he says quietly. "I want the world to know Gotham. For more than crime, or me, or.." he trails off gesticulating.

"It's 'characters'?" You say throwing up air quotes.

He smiles again.
"Exactly. I want to make Gotham a cultural gem but also make it more than what you said, an ideal or a dream." His eyes go distant as he stares over the city. "I want good people living here, building families, and get to feel that unique hold that only Gotham has to offer. But in order to do that I have to sell the 'dream' of Gotham. Then it's up to men like Dent and the City Council to make it a reality. Up to men like Commissioner Gordon and you and your Sergeant to make it safe again."

"I know what you mean." You say chuckling. "About that special grip that Gotham has."

"You really do." He says, almost to himself. His smile slowly fading and a strange sort of calm coming over his face.

You wriggle in your chair uncomfortably as you feel a wave of overwhelming emotion roll over you, like sadness, anger, and exhaustion all at once.

"I just want a child to be able to go out with their family and none of them worry. A picnic, a movie, it doesn't matter." He sighs, looking up at you. Something behind his eyes sets you on edge, almost like he's examining you. Your reaction.

>Let that emotion you felt play on your face. Let him know you feel what he feels.
>Push down that emotion, it's only your shivers and you're an expert at ignoring that.
>"I feel like you want something from me, Mr.Wayne."
>"You should just say it if you want something, Bruce."

(This will probably be the last update for this morning, thanks for waiting and I'm glad to be back.)
>>"I feel like you want something from me, Mr.Wayne."
>"And a Compensator Cop?"
>"I call em Rebounds. Usually they had something bad happen to them, victim of a crime, rough homelife, and stuff like that. Join the force to feel strong and safe again. They are the flip side of the coin from Guardian Cops. The guys who have something bad happen to them and spend their careers torturing themselves trying to stop bad things from happening to anyone else." He pauses after he says this.
>"Not many of them left in the GCPD."
From thread 1
>"I just want a child to be able to go out with their family and none of them worry. A picnic, a movie, it doesn't matter."
From right now
Bruce is clearly having that "my parents are dead" flashback right now. Let's tread lightly shall we?

>"I feel like you want something from me, Mr.Wayne."
Keep it simple
>Let that emotion you felt play on your face. Let him know you feel what he feels.
>"Chasing it after it, that "dream"...feels like it's gonna kill me one of these days."
>Shake off those Shivers and sigh, taking a brief moment to collect yourself.
>"The worst part is, it'd be worth it. I can't bring myself to stay off the beat, even if all Hell broke loose. Not while I can do something about it."
>"You should just say it if you want something, Bruce."
I'm terrible with write-ins, I know, but I couldn't resist.
We can touch on what shivers is. We haven't exactly been hiding it.

Also our shivers in Gotham might be different than other towns by virtue of it being our home. Should check on that.
Before he leaves we have to ask him how he thinks the Knights play out this season because, come on, there is no way we are gonna fumble against the Brawlers again this year, or god damn Boston.
Also >Let that emotion you felt play on your face. Let him know you feel what he feels.
As much money as this guy has, he's a lot like us. Let him know that.

+1 for a tension breaker, no need to leave off on a bad note.
Let's mellow the guy out. Everyone knows what happened to the Waynes, right? Even without knowing anything about, say, his 'coping mechanisms' outside of philanthropy, it's easy for a cop like us to guess why a violent attack by criminals involving Bruce Wayne might triggers some sort trauma response, especially when he starts rambling about kids feeling safe going to movies with their parents while doing a thousand-yard stare.

>Let that emotion you felt play on your face. Let him know you feel what he feels.
It would be kind of funny tho to get caught up in a terrible chemical accident, go insane, and become clayface or something
But Clayface already exists?
Yeah it's not like there's a whole mud pack or anything.

You think on the source of this, it doesn't take long, everyone in Gotham knows the tragedy of Bruce Wayne. The death of his parents and then his subsequent disappearance only to come back to Gotham and take up the mantle of training to take the family business. He was accepted back with open arms, even though he has some very vocal detractors, Bruce Wayne really is Gotham's golden son. The idea intrigues you, a man who may see the city itself as his parent at this point. You can't help but let some of that pain show on your own face as you sigh.

"I understand what you mean. Chasing after it, the "dream", feels like it'll kill me someday." You wipe your hand over your face and grunt. You notice the entire time he watches you with an unbreaking stare, something playing behind his eyes, you shake your head and the emotions from shivers pass. They don't fade like usual, they completely evaporate, the anomalous moment is skipped over as Bruce addresses you.

"Does that scare you?"

You shake your head without hesitation.
"That's the worst part, it would be worth it, I couldn't bring myself to stay off the beat. If all hell was breaking loose, I'd be out there doing something about it, it's just who I am i guess." You chuckle, not meaning to have gotten so open with Bruce. He continues to look you over, his eyes analytical.

"You know, I'm getting the feeling you want something from me Mr.Wayne."

He raises his eyebrows and nods.
"I do, I want to see you doing something more one day."

"More than being a cop? This isn't a private security offer is it?"

He laughs.
"No, I have that covered."

"Guy like you is probably surrounded by former military or something." You joke

"I have a butler." He jokes back, at least you think. "But no, I want to see you off a beat and somewhere you can make a difference. Maybe one day you'll be a Watch Commander of a precinct. Maybe a commissioner." He smiles at you before it fades upon hearing a buzz. He reaches into his coat and pulls out a slick black phone, he checks it and sighs.

"Bad news?"

"Only good news is no news." He says, standing up he hands the envelope out to you. "Pass this on to Officer Banks for me? Let him know I'll get in contact to say thank you personally some time."

"Sure thing."

He heads for the door and as he passes through the frame you call out.

He turns and raises an eyebrow.

"How do you think the Knights are gonna perform this season? If we fumble it to the Brawlers or, god forbid, Boston this year I may have to throw out my jersey."

He laughs.
"They better not, Wayne Entertainment is their main sponsor after all." He taps the door frame and strolls out. His step a little lighter than when he came in.
Now alone you lay the envelope down on the chair next to you and get comfortable. Another ten or so minutes pass when you finally see a familiar face.

"DeLucia!" Banks says happily, jolting you from your phone. He smiles widely and approaches you with his arm in a sling, he turns and goes for a side hug with his good half.

"Banks, you look good." You say smiling returning the side-hug.

"Oh yeah." he says sarcastically. "Susanne likes her steaks well done so I've probably moved a little closer to her league with this move." He chuckles.

"Glad to see you're feeling good too."

"On this much pain medication I don't really have a choice." His smile fades and he coughs awkwardly. "So I heard about what happened. Bunko came by in the middle of the night. I just want to tell you I'm so sorry, Mark. It's my fault for not setting boundaries earlier after we broke up."

You wave a hand.
"She's sick, Banks. You can't help that, you end up going forward on the RO?"

He nods, heading over to the bed he gently lowers himself onto the edge. "I had told her earlier in the day that it was over, I wasn't mean about it but I made it clear that whatever she thought we could be, it stopped being an option a long time ago." He stares at the floor for a few seconds. "Guess she didn't handle it well."

"You're telling me, she owes me a new bedspread."

He laughs.
"Yeah she was always dramatic like that, though I guess those probably should have been red flags eh?"

You raise your eyebrows but say nothing. Banks laughs and waves a hand.

"I got something for you, from Bruce Wayne." You say, leaning down to the chair and picking up the envelope.

"No shit?" He takes it from you and tears it open with one hand, his other arm in a light sling. He reads the paper for a few moments before looking up with wide eyes.

"Holy shit, Dent wants to give me a Gotham Cross. I guess saving a guy's life nets you a little reward."

>"This is the first you're hearing about it then?"
>"Be careful of Dent, Banks. He offered me the same award but it came with strings."
>"I have something I want to tell you about Dent, Banks." (Recount your Shivers Vision)
>"Congratulations, you deserve it, Banks."
>"Politicians. We take the hit for them and they make themselves feel better about it with some tin and ribbons."
>>"Congratulations, you deserve it, Banks."
no need to sour the mood unnecessarily
>"Congratulations, you deserve it, Banks."
Gotham politicians may be twisted but Dent is a rare outlier.
>"Be careful of Dent, Banks. He offered me the same award but it came with strings."
But good on you for getting it anyway. You deserve it.
>"Congratulations, you deserve it, Banks."
>"Just watch out for Dent. He offered me the same award but it came with strings."
>"Congratulations, you deserve it, Banks."
>Susanne likes her steaks well done
Does Banks get nothing but schizos?
>"Congratulations, you deserve it, Banks."
>"Be careful of Dent, Banks. He offered me the same award but it came with strings."

"Congratulations, you deserve it, Banks." You say with a smile.

He smiles back and returns to looking over the letter. You revisit that memory of Dent speaking to you and can't stop yourself. He deserves to know, just in case.

"Hey, Banks." You start.

"Hm?" He looks up to you.

"I just wanted to say be careful around Dent. He offered me the same award, but mine came with strings."

His face sags.
"I see." He says quietly. He sets the paper on his bedside table and lays back looking up at the ceiling. "Always seems to be that way with me, Mark. I don't know what I do wrong."

"What?" You ask, a little shocked at his reception.

He lifts his head and looks at you.
"It's been my life story man, started with college. My dad would pay for me to go but I had to get into Law, not law enforcement."

"You were gonna be a lawyer?" You ask

He lets out a single laugh, you feel your neck hairs rise.
"Yeah, can you believe it? Said if I didn't want to get into the family business then I may as well go into construction."


"Yeah, he's an asshole." He sighs. You feel a stinging on your cheek. "When I told him I was dropping out he didn't take it well." He says absently, like he's lost in a thought.

"Why'd you end up dropping out, if you don't mind me asking."

He sits up.
"Susanne. We were in class together, we were friends but eventually I had my fight with Shelly and when she and I broke up. Susanne was the one I went to." He smiles and moves to the edge of the bed again. "I told her everything, opened up about my dad, about Shelly, and about how I didn't want to be a lawyer. I wanted to be a cop, to help people." He hesitates.

"I also wanted to prove the old bastard wrong. That being a cop could lead to me getting recognition and uphold the name. But the strings, I wanted to do UC work but Gorchakov had strings and now he won't even return my calls."

You grit your teeth thinking about what Gorchakov had said about Banks at the bar.

"Then I got put on the museum, with the string that I had to listen to everything Dent said with Kimble. That alley was a security risk but he had to have a cigarette so.." He trails off. "And now this." He taps the paper and shakes his head.

"You're a good cop, Banks." You say

He laughs.
"Yeah well, all I've accomplished is throwing away my chance at a job that could make a serious difference, gotten one of my few friends stalked by association, and earned an award that cost me.." He gestures to his neck and shoulder. "This." He closes his eyes tightly and his breathing grows quiet.


"How do you do it, Mark?"


"Things just seem to work for you, the gas station, the anarky kids, saving my ass and Dent's." He shakes his head. "I'm a fraud, I don't deserve this award. All I did was get in the way."
>"Banks, you're one of the best cops in the GCPD and that isn't due to skill or luck or anything like that. It's your heart, you care."
>"Don't say that shit, Banks. You're one of the bravest guys I know. Without you Dent was as good as dead."
>"If you really feel that way maybe you should reject the offer. Send it back and tell Dent to shove it."
>"You're appreciated more than you know, Banks. You know who delivered that? Bruce Wayne. By hand, wanted to drop it off and thank you personally. You're a fucking hero man."
>"Feeling sorry for yourself isn't gonna change any of that, Banks. if you want to make a difference in Gotham you have to be willing to put it all on the line. For your city and your people."

Write-Ins for this are very encouraged. I'd love to see what pep talk you guys could come up with. >>5854964 Especially you fren. I like your write ins quite a bit so don't get in your head about them. Please provide if you feel the urge.
>"It's not just you, Banks. Every success I've had, offers I've accepted or turned down, they've all hqd strings. In the end, maybe that's a part of life, though... Strings. Learning to see them. Learning how to avoid getting tangled in them to the point you can't move, that they strangle you."
>"I didn't tell you about Dent because I thought you should turn it down.i just didn't want you to go in blind, like I have in the past. Say, I ever tell you about my ex, the one who tried to get me all tangled up in superhero shit, and didn't want me ocming nack to Gotham? Oh man, talk about strings!"
>"You're a goddamn hero, no matter what anyone else says. You deserve this award. Just make sure you pick the strings you can live with, and keep an eye on them. I've got you back if you ever need help untangling shit."
inb4 this strained metaphor turns him into some marionette-themed supervillain
>"You're appreciated more than you know, Banks. You know who delivered that? Bruce Wayne. By hand, wanted to drop it off and thank you personally. You're a fucking hero man."
>"And trust me, you're not the only one who's made a few mistakes. I'm in no shortage of shit at the moment..."
>"But enough about me. You wanna help people and prove those assholes wrong along the way? You gotta stick with it man. You may not feel like it now, but I think you have the makings of a damn good cop. It just takes time and commitment."
Naw, the string metaphor ends up causing Banks to visit some clairvoyant gypsy woman, becoming a vigilante who overturns the tragic fates she sees in her visions.
He dies in some big crossover comic as a tearjerker before DeLucia goes sicko mode and becomes One with Gotham.
Part of being a rookie is making mistakes you CAN come back from because you're a rookie.

He's still getting a reward. The strings he's getting are probably not the same as we would have. Learning to work around those things is part of the job.

Plus lets see Gorchakov explain why a mayor decorated cop can't try working that desk.

"It's not just you, Banks. Every success I've had, offers I've accepted or turned down, they've all had strings. In the end, maybe that's a part of life, dealing with those strings. Learning to see them. Learning how to avoid getting tangled in them to the point you can't move, that they strangle you."

"You've dealt with strings too?"

"Trust me, you're not the only one who's made a few mistakes. I'm in no shortage of shit at the moment..." You sigh.

"Damn, you too huh?"

You wave your hand.
"Don't worry about me. You wanna help people and prove those assholes wrong along the way? You gotta stick with it man. You may not feel like it now, but I think you have the makings of a damn good cop. It'll just take time and commitment."

Banks smiles slightly, still tinged with sadness.
"Thanks Mark. I just hope I get a chance to show people what I've got."

He leans over and picks up the paper.
"I'll accept this, if anything I'll use it to try and move up in the department."

You smile.
"That's the spirit, I'd like to see Gorchakov explain why someone decorated by the mayor himself can't work in UC."

"Fuck Gorchakov." He says firmly. "I'll get into UC myself, I'll go around him if I have too."

"Damn right." You offer out a hand and Banks claps it firmly.

"I just need to find something where maybe I don't get messed up in the process." He chuckles, his eyes glow with a new determination. You feel goosebumps roll up your forearm, maybe it isn't shivers.

>"How about catching a serial killer?" (Full disclosure)
>"How about catching a serial killer? The lead detective is a friend, I can get you on the investigation."
>"When you find something, let me know if you need help. I have your back."
>"When you find something, let me know if you need help. I have your back."
>>"When you find something, let me know if you need help. I have your back."
>"When you find something, let me know if you need help. I have your back."
Banks is too connected to gotham at the moment.
>>"When you find something, let me know if you need help. I have your back."
>"When you find something, let me know if you need help. I have your back."
>"When you find something, let me know if you need help. I have your back."
Too connected to Gotham, and also he doesn't have any special skills that can help us that we know of. Also, and this is the biggest factor: we're operating in the grey here. If we bring him in, and shit goes sideways, we'll really ruin his career.
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You consider saying something about SIM, but bite your tongue. It would be too risky, not only for you since Banks involvement could reveal your progress to SIM but also a risk to Banks. If things were to go poorly his fears of a ruined career would be the best possible outcome.

"When you find something, let me know if you need help. I have your back."

He smiles and stands up, letting the paper float down to his bed. You both clasp hands and shake firmly.
"Thanks, Mark. Really, I don't have a ton of friends in the department so it's nice to know I have someone other than Kimble looking out for me."

"Anytime, Banks."

"The same goes to you, if anything comes up just let me know and I'll be there."

You swallow.
"I'll do that." You lie.


Heading out of the hospital you get to your car. Banks and you shared some more small talk but ultimately his PT had worn him out, you figured it best to let the man get his rest. Approaching your car you get a buzz on your phone. A text from Hawthorne.

"Your friends agree?"

"Yes." You reply, tapping out a quick message. You sigh and stuff your phone in your pocket. You take a deep breath and climb behind the wheel after checking your rear seats, a new habit acquired by working with Question, you start up the car and make the drive. You wonder what it'll be like, having Question and Hawthorne meet, you wonder if Huntress will even come. Only one way to find out. Pulling up to pizza palace, your usual haunt for clandestine meetings for some reason, you decide to park a block down and walk the rest of the way. You're not playing any games any longer with precautions, you keep your mind sharp and listen to every rustle and twitch of shivers. As you round the corner you see a familiar trench coat and hat.

"Officer." Question says quietly as you approach, he sits cross legged on top of a dumpster. His hands resting on his grease stained slacks.

"Question, digging in the garbage again?" You ask gesturing to his pants.

"Not here I haven't, I've uncovered everything I could here. I wouldn't order my pizza with sausage if I were you."

Before you can ask why the clicking of thick boots grabs both of your attention. Hawthorne rounds the corner in a black jacket, jeans, and skull cap. Hard to be inconspicuous at his size but you appreciate the effort.

"Rook." He says giving you a nod. He looks to Question and scowls.

Question stares back, his blank face leaving his thoughts a mystery. You can't lie you feel a little excited to finally see him truly.

"Where's the woman?" Hawthorne asks

"Which one?" Question challenges, his voice calm but with an undertone of mocking ignorance.

"The murdering one." Hawthorne growls back.

Question hops from the dumpster to his feet.
"You should be careful."

"Take your own advice."
A third voice breaks the tension, cutting through the filthy air like a knife.

"Relax, Officer. I don't share well with others." A familiar voice says with a chuckle.

You turn and see Huntress. Already de-masked and smiling in the Hawthorne's face.

"I go by Huntress." She says, her usually serious and aggressive air missing strangely.

"I've heard. You and Faceless have been leading my rookie down a bad path." Hawthorne says, his eyes narrow as he scans her face. Something like recognition flashes but it's followed by a puzzled look.

"Your rookie? He's his own man, Officer."

"It's Sergeant." He growls. "And the kind of 'man' he's trying to be is a man of the law. A police officer."

She pouts and sighs.
"Agree to disagree."

You furrow your brow, why is she pushing Hawthorne's buttons so much?

"We're all here, so we may as well talk." Question says, walking back to his dumpster and fishing in his coat's pockets.

Hawthorne's hand slides to his waist.
"Keep your goddamn hands out of your pockets."

"Hawthorne, he's not gonna try anything." You protest, one glare makes you wish you had stayed quiet.

"I don't know these people. She's catty, but she came without the mask like I asked. This one though, I can't even see his eyes but I know he's giving me a dirty look and I don't like it."

"Then perhaps you should back out of my investigation." Question retorts, his hand still frozen in his pocket.

"Boys.." Huntress warns in a low voice. She's ignored by both parties squaring up to one another.

"Take off your goddamn mask." Hawthorne says

"Come and take it." Question replies.

>"Question, I trust Hawthorne and you agreed to this. Stop being difficult and take the mask off."
>"Hawthorne, Question is slow to trust. You need to ease off him and let him get a feel for you before you start making demands."
>"Both of you need to stop this now, time we spend fighting is time that another murder is being plotted or carried out."
>"Huntress? Give me a hand here, you came without the mask so just get him to cooperate please."
>"Huntress? Give me a hand here, you came without the mask so just get him to cooperate please."
She seems to be the only person who can get him to do anything he doesn't want to.
“Would the both of you stop acting like two elementary kids fighting over a toy you’re both grown adults!”
>"Huntress? Give me a hand here, you came without the mask so just get him to cooperate please."

He did agree to it… After telling us that huntress would be the bigger problem here…
>>"Huntress? Give me a hand here, you came without the mask so just get him to cooperate please."
We're going to get the Vic Sage face reveal?
"Question, I don't know who she is, and unless you're someone famous like Bruce Wayne, I won't know who you are either. Neither will Hawthorne. And if we do, we won't say anything, right?"
>>>"Hawthorne, Question is slow to trust. You need to ease off him and let him get a feel for you before you start making demands."

The feds literally aren't even aware of his existence in this case. That's how good he is at being inconspicuous. He isn't a normal cape.
Is Question even technically a cape, or just a really good spy?
Same goes for huntress, really. Isn’t her whole deal that she’s just that good with a crossbow?
Well being a cape is really just being a vigilante. Having powers isn't relevant. For instance, DeLucia isn't a cape despite having super powers. But Batman is despite not having super powers. I think Question still counts. He's not really a spy since he isn't employed by a larger body to gather information.

>>5857710 +1
but also, then turn to the lady and say
>"Huntress? Give me a hand here, you came without the mask so just get him to cooperate please."

"Huntress." You turn to her and open your hands. "Give me a hand here, you came without the mask just try to get him to cooperate."

She sighs and walks forward.
"You control yours and I'll handle mine."

"I don't need to be handled." Hawthorne and Question both say in unison before giving one another dirty looks.

"You're acting like elementary schoolers fighting over some kind of toy! You're both grown adults!" You say, louder than intended, your frustration getting the better of you.

"This isn't about toys and it's not about games, Mark." Hawthorne says quietly, but sternly. "This is about my life, and your life." He turns to face Huntress and points a crooked finger at her. "It's about her goddamn life. If I can't trust you then when shit hits the fan there's always going to be the smallest part of my mind wondering if you really have my back, if you're really going to be willing to give everything to get the job done. You didn't take an oath, not like us."

"Sergeant.." Huntress says holding up a hand.

"No. We are committed to seeing this through even if it ends with a bullet in the head or a knife between our ribs. We are willing to be held accountable for what we do, for who we save." He pauses and takes a deep breath. "We are willing to be held accountable for who we don't."

The area grows silent. The air freezes in place as Huntress looks at Hawthorne with..understanding. She turns to Question and lightly touches her fingertips to his cheekbones.

"It's okay." She whispers.


"What did I tell you?"

"Not in your eyes." He replies. He sighs and reaches in his pocket. "I'm just getting my spray, Sergeant."

He removes a familiar silver canister and hands it to Huntress.
"Give me a hand?"
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She nods and sprays the canister onto his face, he slowly removes his hat and you watch his onyx black hair slowly turn to red.

She runs her fingers along the sides of his face, you watch as the edges begin to peel and pull away. Revealing his face, Hawthorne sighs.

"Son of a bitch. I get why you were so jumpy about this."

"What?" You ask

"He's famous, Rookie. A little before your time though. Vic Sage."

You squint and stare at Question but nothing comes to mind.
"Famous for doing what?"

"I was a reporter. A long time ago, I left that life behind."

"From what was in the papers you had some sort of mental breakdown."

"I woke up." He says, his eyes now hard and staring before softening and breaking away from Hawthorne's. You can't help but look at the limp square of flesh colored whatever in his hand, gripped in a gloved fist. He shifts awkwardly in place avoiding yours and Hawthorn's eyes. Huntress holds his free hand gently.

Hawthorne purses his lips, he thinks for a few seconds.
"Put it back on, you look like you're about to cry."

Question actually cracks a small grin.
"I'm not used to being seen anymore. I prefer to keep it that way."
He takes the flap and reapplies it, Huntress sprays and you watch it shrink and conform to his face, he runs a finger along the seams and applies another spray to his hair putting it back to it's dark color.

"With that handled. We should speak meeting place for the future, somewhere we will be able to gather with our team and discuss the case."

Hawthorne looks around and sniffs.
"Is the greasy dumpster of a pizza joint not good enough?"

"I worry about security."

"May be out the window with this guy's abilities."

"Hm." Question puts a hand to his chin.

>"We could meet at my Apartment?"
>"Huntress, don't you have a place? Bass Head is already there so it must be safe."
>"Question we could meet where you stay. Actually where do you stay?"
>"Hawthorne, you know of any spots in Gotham that are private?"
>"We could meet at jimmy's bar after last call? Late in the night means privacy."

Apology for slow updates work is very busy tonight for some reason.
>"We could meet at Jimmy's bar after last call? Late in the night means privacy."
Nobody would expect capes to meet in a cop bar after all.
>>"Question we could meet where you stay. Actually where do you stay?"
>Hawthorne purses his lips, he thinks for a few seconds.
>"Put it back on, you look like you're about to cry."

>"We could meet at jimmy's bar after last call? Late in the night means privacy."

I also just realized: if we get caught by brass working with masks and capes, we can probably try to appeal to Gordon. I mean, he's Batman's bud, right? Is the Bat Signal public knowledge by now?
The Bat-Signal is public knowledge, you've seen it before, as well Police cooperation with masks is well known and something Dent is currently trying to dismantle and take off the books.

The "Vigilante Law" has been mentioned and basically means that evidence and criminals brought in by "Verified" Supers like Batman can be prosecuted normally as if they were brought in by a cop.
Well we ain't as dead in the water as I'd feared, then!
hey qm what does batman know about mark
>Out in the boonies, west of Gotham River. Just past the city limits, where it's dead quiet. No beating pulse of the city, minimal connection to the city itself without having to go too far out. Should be a biker bar somewhere around there we can meet at. Remoteness and unimportance is the best counter to our connection to Gotham.

This bodes a question I've had in my head for a while. I'll host this as a second vote of sorts.

Do you guys want to know things outside Mark's perspective such as this? Given that I'm going for a mystery I am very much so cautious about telling too much about anything. Should I?

>Yes, give us some small updates from Batman's perspective occasionally.
>Yes, but only in the form of "files" Batman would have on Mark or main story events. Avoid personalizing this Batman outside of direct interactions with Mark.
>No, It would rattle my immersion in the story and make understanding Batman/Bruce's motivations too clear.
>No, I'm just not interested in what Batman is doing or thinks about Mark.

If you have other reasonings to be for or against this let me know.
>Yes, but only in the form of "files" Batman would have on Mark or main story events. Avoid personalizing this Batman outside of direct interactions with Mark.
These would make for nice epilogues after major events. Doesn't always have to be Batman's case files either.
It could be Question's journal, Hawthorne's reports, Waller's briefings...
I know that fat bitch is spying on us right now don't you lie to me
>No, It would rattle my immersion in the story and make understanding Batman/Bruce's motivations too clear.
I do really enjoy that DC has somehow made one of the most intimidating people in the world a short, fat, middle-aged civil servant
She's the epitome of a spook, of course she's fucking terrifying. The things a proper spook gets up to make the Cartels look like hippies.
>>Yes, give us some small updates from Batman's perspective occasionally.
i think maybe if you throw in a few other perspectives from other characters would also be great if its not too much trouble
>"We could meet at my Apartment?"
Safest place I know lol

>No, It would rattle my immersion in the story and make understanding Batman/Bruce's motivations too clear.
>Yes, but only in the form of "files" Batman would have on Mark or main story events. Avoid personalizing this Batman outside of direct interactions with Mark.
This is one of the things i miss from dc:henchman quest

"Jimmy's place." You blurt out.

"Blue Brass?" Hawthorne asks with a furrowed brow.

"Two vigilantes walk into a cop bar, stop me if you heard this before. It's the one that ends with handcuffs." Huntress says shaking her head.

"That's what they want us to think." Question says quietly, still running his fingers along the edges of his face, checking to make sure all trace of his mask is hidden. "Or rather, what we want THEM to think."

"Exactly." You say pointing to Question.

Hawthorne and Huntress exchange a glance of confusion.
"I think your boyfriend has rubbed off on my rookie."

Huntress replies with a shrug. Question steps forward, his anonymity giving him back the steel in his voice.
"You joke but think about it. If you were looking for two masked vigilantes the last place you'd look is the most popular bar with the GCPD. Honestly, what idiots would be stupid enough to operate in such plain sight."

Huntress sighs.
"These idiots, I guess."

"Exactly!" Question cries out. "It's so stupid that horseshoe theory demands it to be genius."

Hawthorne rubs his eyes.
"Oh, Jesus Christ."

"Any better ideas?" You ask him.

He opens his mouth to speak but after a few moments closes it and shrugs.
"If we're going to be dumb we may as well be as dumb as possible. I already told Jimmy I had something to discuss with him tonight. Last call isn't until 3am, we meet then in one of the back rooms he uses for poker."

"He has back rooms for poker?"

"Not for you, rookie. You need at least three years on the job before you can even think of getting invited."

"Hardly seems fair." Question comments.

"Yeah well neither is losing half your check to a babyface straight out of the academy."

"Speaking from experience?" Huntress asks with a smirk.

Hawthorne just replies with a smoldering stare before starting to turn around.
"I'll get in contact with Jimmy and Gray. Let Jimmy set up the room and convince Gray to break his bedtime." He begins to walk off, hands stuffed in his pockets.

"That went better than I expected." Question says to himself. You hear a dull thud and see Huntress pulling back her hand from where it had just met the back of Question's head.

"You almost blew up my best chance at getting to Mandragora." She says, her usual demeanor coming back to her.

"I thought I was ready." Question murmurs as he begins to fix his now askew fedora. "I thought I was ready to be without the mask."

"Me too." You comment. "Especially after you were all for the meeting." You turn to Huntress. "Can you believe that he told me you were probably going to be the sticking point for this?"

"Oh he did?" She says, her eyebrows arcing high.

"Why did you have to tell her?"

"Looks like while you drive me back to my place we have a lot to discuss, let's go." She grabs him by his wrist and begins to drag Question away. "I'll see you at the bar, Officer." She calls over her shoulder.
"Please stop, that's my profile sketching hand." Question complains as he's shoved into the front seat of his old beater. A disgruntled Huntress drops into the passenger seat next to him and blows a stray lock of hair out of her face with a frustrated huff. You watch as the car pulls off and Huntress begins to lay into Question.

"Good luck." You mumble to yourself.

You feel a buzz in your pocket. A text from an unknown number on your cell.

"Hey! It's Rogers, wanted to text you about what we talked about the other night at the bar, Detective Douche waved me away before we could exchange numbers so I just reached out to the precinct and got your personal from records. Hope that's okay LOL. You have some free time today? I wanted to try and run something by you that I think could be a good learning experience for me and a mental exercise for you, it's a cold case from a long time ago and solving it probably means some recognition for both of us. Rookies gotta stick together right? Call me back or text me whenever, k? thx."

You groan looking at the message, you can picture his somewhat creepy smile in your head already. You go to type a response but hold, this entire time he's been giving you bad vibes and whether or not it's shivers you aren't sure it matters anymore. You can't say you're certain he's the mole but you have him on your list, a small part of you says he may even be SIM. You aren't sure why you feel this way but it's just a gut feeling that something is wrong with him. Another part of your brain worries that he may just be odd, he doesn't seem to have many friends in the department similarly to Banks, like you do with anyone you meet on patrol you want to believe the best about him. But is the chance of him being an odd guy or socially deficient only enough to ignore this gut feeling? Another question enters your mind on the flip side of that coin, if he really is SIM or the Mole, is it more costly to keep him close and let him learn off you? Or to keep him at an arm's length and potentially spook him?

You rub the back of your neck and feel your ears start to burn. You decide to tell him...

>Nothing, just ignore his text for now. If anything later on when he asks about it you can just tell him you spent the day dealing with fixing your apartment up.
>"Sounds good, where do you want to meet?" The only way to get a clearer picture on if he's malicious or simply odd is to spend more time with him and observe him.
>"No can do, I have a lot on my plate today." If he's SIM or the Mole then being close risks intel leaks and who knows what else. Even if he's harmless and just lacks social grace you can't afford distractions right now.
>"Sure, when my recovery leave is over. The commander would chew me out if I so much as read the first page on one of those cases right now. You know how it is."
Should give us some delay time.

I've decided that I am going to go ahead with adding some additional perspective flavor text from time to time. It will be from multiple perspectives as suggested by >>5858661 and >>5858650 and I will post them when thematically appropriate. Expect them, when they pop up, to be on the weekends when I take my days off from writing, this will give you guys some content to chew during the breaks and let me see your conversation and thoughts on the info you receive since my favorite part of running is seeing discussion about the story or characters etc.

I am also doing a compromise, let me know if it seems reasonable to you.

I see some of the No votes, so out of respect for the people less interested in that sort of thing or who prefer to not know some information I will be posting them in this format during my off hours so they do not interrupt story flow:

Insert flavor and some minor information here
>a small part of you says he may even be SIM
That's ME, you nigger!
>"Sure, when my recovery leave is over. The commander would chew me out if I so much as read the first page on one of those cases right now. You know how it is."
Basically, backing >>5858772
I'm dead certain Rogers is SIM Killer. I will call bullshit if he isn't.

I for one like brief interludes framed as other characters' reports or notes or journal entries
Guess you'll just have to keep reading to see if you need to chew me out, eh Anon?

I take it as a compliment, though. Thank you for being invested. I'll take your interlude idea into consideration, especially doing journal entries since every comic book hero at some point seems to keep a diary of some sort.
>Yes, but only in the form of "files" Batman would have on Mark or main story events. Avoid personalizing this Batman outside of direct interactions with Mark.
And >>5858650
Like, files, speaking to people who know any capes. I wouldn't mind talking to John or our Ex and hearing what Supes or batman may have told them about us. I'm assuming that's not gonna happen a lot and you don't need to make it too clear.
I just wanna know if Bruce really cares about the Knights or not.
>Nothing, just ignore his text for now. If anything later on when he asks about it you can just tell him you spent the day dealing with fixing your apartment up.

Annoying bastard. Who falls this head over heels for a guy who kicked his ass?
All we have is stuff easily excused by circumstance. If we really think he’s the SIM killer we should have Q put a tracker on his phone. Won’t be admissible in a court, but it could at least get us on track.
>"Things are pretty hectic right now. Rain check?"
Keep options open, avoid spooking him, and don't offend him by ghosting him.
This yes. And apologize. I am the voice that kinda likes this socially awkward rook.
>>Nothing, just ignore his text for now. If anything later on when he asks about it you can just tell him you spent the day dealing with fixing your apartment up.
I voted against it but I'll sure as hell read everything you post and suck in all that lore lol

Support. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Support with a apology
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Your fingers rapidly bounce off the glass screen of your phone as you type out:
"Sorry, The commander would chew me out if I so much as read the cover of a case right now. You know how it is. Once my leave is over though, sure. i wouldn't mind lending a hand."

You hit send and before you can even pocket your phone a buzz hits it. You check and see a single thumbs up emoji. You stuff the phone and get on with the rest of your day.

You're going to be free until night and it only seems like things are going to be ramping up from here. You have one more day of medical suspension then after tomorrow you'll be back on the beat, Gotham won't cut you any slack and the situation with SIM just seems to be escalating, you figure there isn't a better time to sharpen up your skills at the range. You can't act as a GCPD officer in any cases but you still enjoy the perks of being an Officer, including access to the Gotham Armory and Firing Range. The drive is a little out of the way but you figure it doesn't matter much with all the free time on your hands. Walking inside you hand over your ID and recite your badge number to a bored looking front desk worker before being let into the back.

"DeLucia. Hawthorne's runt." You hear a voice call from across a room, if driving on a gravel road could be an accent it would be this man's. You look and see an older man looking at you from behind a counter, racks of shotguns, rifles, and assorted long guns mounted behind him, he drops a rag and waves you over. As you approach you smell something sharp and pungent. He notices your expression and gives a chuckle that sounds like it may erupt into a coughing fit at any second.

"Apologies, kid. The grease I use for these things is a house blend, a little strong when the whole can is left open. He peels a stained blue glove from his hand and offers it to you, you shake and pull away with a layer of cold sweat now wrapped around your fingers, he peels off the other glove and gets to work sealing what looks to be a small paint can. You can't help but notice the grease smears and powder marking all over the lower half of his, otherwise, neat and crisp dress shirt.

"Sorry, Sir, but have we met before?"

He shakes his head, his glasses loosely wobbling from side to side.
"Nuh uh. I've seen pictures though, from Mitch."

"You know Hawthorne then? Also, wait, what pictures?"

He grunts in affirmation as he digs in the pocket of a coat laid sloppily over the glass counter. He taps the screen a few times and turns it to face you.
"This is you, right?"
You find yourself staring at an unflattering image of yourself, clandestinely taken from a distance, with the better half of an Italian sub stuffed in your mouth. A slice of pizza and a burrito sit a few inches away. You feel your cheeks begin to burn.
"I don't eat like that normally." You weakly mutter.

"Don't be embarrassed, enjoy it while you can. Before you get the GERD." He lets the phone clatter to the counter as he leans forward. "But I doubt you came here to listen to an old man envy your lunch, or complain about why Mitch has never brought you around when I'm working." He adds the second part grumbling.

"No, Sir, just came in for a bit of work on the range today."

He nods. "What are you looking to get done?"

(All of these are contingent on a successful roll, some will be harder than others.)
>"Just keeping up with the fundamentals." (Flat bonus to shooting rolls involving pistols.)
>"I wanted to try and learn something new with my revolver." (Random New Shooting Technique)
>"Wanted to pick up a new trick for my service pistol." (See Above)
>"I was thinking about getting to learn a long gun, maybe the rifle?" (Flat bonus w/ AR Platform weapons)
>"I was thinking about getting used to a shotgun, haven't had the chance to fire one since the academy. (Flat bonus w/ Shotguns)
>"Just drilling home what I already know, trying to get some more consistency in my shot." (Upgrade Hair Trigger or Quick Draw skills. Specify with vote.)
>"I had something a little specific in mind..." (Write-In)

Refresher on Hair Trigger and Quickdraw Below:
QuickDraw: Combat move only available when your weapon is holstered or held in a way that is not readied. Makes any center mass shot a Best Of Three roll.

Hair Trigger: When drawn upon; when you have your weapon out of holster you can cause a Middle Of roll to attempt to take the first shot, at the cost of any other actions.
>"Wanted to pick up a new trick for my service pistol." (See Above)
>"Going to work on the dreaded 'Less than lethal with lethal' routine."
>>"I was thinking about getting to learn a long gun, maybe the rifle?" (Flat bonus w/ AR Platform weapons)
better for us to get ready if we need it
>>"I was thinking about getting to learn a long gun, maybe the rifle?" (Flat bonus w/ AR Platform weapons)
>"Just keeping up with the fundamentals." (Flat bonus to shooting rolls involving pistols.)
>"Just keeping up with the fundamentals." (Flat bonus to shooting rolls involving pistols.)

We're not walking around with SWAT weaponry... yet.
I wouldn't call it SWAT gear. You can even find them in some patrol cars.
Rolled 2 (1d2)


tied with


Rolling to break tie.
Getting in some work with long guns.

Please roll, Taking best of three
Due to the old man giving pointers whether you want them or not
Rolled 77 (1d100)

Here's hoping the old man's not a massive fudd.
Rolled 10 (1d100)

Kid's a natural one
Rolled 65 (1d100)

Hopefully we're not using one anytime soon

Roll: 77
DC: 60
Result: PASS

"I was thinking about getting around to really learning a long gun. I've seen that Hawthorne has a rifle he keeps around in the trunk and figure if I ever end up needing to use it it'll be good to have some practice."

The old man nods.
"Mhmm, that was his Rifle from the SWAT days. Boy loved that rifle."

You laugh lightly.
"Never heard anyone call Hawthorne a boy before."

"That's because he's got a face like a pissed off bulldog and arms like a gorilla."

You hold back another wave of laughter, shrugging instead.
"Well, Sir, anyone who's a friend of Hawthorne is a friend of mine."

"William Church. You can call me Will if you're feeling casual." He talks over his shoulder as he turns and begins scanning the wall of weapons. "I figure if you had your eye on Mitch's old shooter then you might wanna get familiar with the model." He lets our a small breath as he spots his selection. A small step-ladder later he's pulling down a very familiar if not generic looking rifle.

"The Colt M4 Carbine. This thing has been putting holes in bad guys since the early 80's and it's still used for good reason."

You examine the gun as he holds it out in front of you, slowly rotating and tilting the weapon to give you a better look at various components. You can't lie, it looks pretty much like what you think of when you think 'Assault Rifle', you find yourself looking at some of the fancier models on the wall behind him.

"Wandering eye, eh? I don't blame you son, see this weapon right here is like a slice of bread, those guns behind me already got the fixings but when it comes to adaptability this gun will be your huckleberry. Even if you're a southpaw."

He holds it out and you take it from him, feeling the weight and letting it wobble from hand to hand to get a good feel for it's center. You frown, hard to judge without a magazine in, almost as if he read your mind you hear the rattle of an ammunition box sat on the counter and the clunking of a box of magazine's as he pulls the dull plastics from below and starts to load them up. Within a few minutes you're on the range, with a very enthusiastic Will next to you.

"Don't mind me, take some shots, I'm just observing." He smiles, his thick moustache raising up just below his glasses. You nod and get to it. It's hard not to notice his hand resting on his chin and the disapproving slope of his eyebrows. You fire the last round and watch it pierce the paper, you sigh and set down the rifle, flicking the range switch and bringing your target in close.

"You're anticipating too much recoil, son." Will immediately chimes in, seemingly unable to contain himself as his finger extends and traces a circle around your grouping.
"My grouping is about two inches, I think that isn't too bad for not handling a rifle before."

"The difference between not too bad and adequate is a closed and open casket. I don't know why they wouldn't include Rifle training at the academy."

"They did, Sir, It was just only mandatory for the SWAT track. I went beat so they focused on handguns, shotguns, and de-escalation."

"De-escalation." he grumbles looking over your target, shaking his head slightly. "Gonna turn you kids into a bunch of damn pussies." He whispers even quieter. Noticing your raised eyebrow he clears his throat.

"Look, this isn't like Scarface is all I'm saying. This gun isn't going to go out of your hands and into the ceiling if you speed up your shots, seat it properly against your shoulder and let the recoil bring it in, you fire twice and check for effect on target, repeat. I'm not asking you to shoot an apple off his head, put two in center mass and check for effect."

You nod, trying to ignore the harsh tone he's bringing out. He reaches forward and touches your hands to help you position, that's when you feel your neck hairs raise, suddenly the air tastes damp feels like it clings to your skin. Your calf muscles twitch as if they could cramp at any moment, you recognize a smell that makes your throat tighten and heart slam against your chest. The same smell that came from the dumpster outside your apartment. You blink and find yourself positioned, barrel pointed square at the chest of a fresh sheet of paper already down range, it settles into place. You close your eyes for a moment and take a breath. Another zone out.

"Your form is near perfect, son. Send some lead down range, and remember to-"

"Check for effect." You finish for him.

He nods and goes silent, watching you intently.

>Give me another 1d100 Mid of three for how you perform. Higher the number, higher your flat bonus going forward.
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Rolled 41 (1d100)

Rolled 78 (1d100)

Very nice
Very nice, Anon.

I'll pick back up tonight. Sorry for the minor updates, I'm just feeling somewhat sick so I figure I'll just med up now and resume when I'm feeling better later.
Very sorry, but I am not feeling any better. I will return when I can.
It's okay, QM. Almost everyo QM on this site has been hit by cold/flu/covid season this year. Get well soon!
Get better man.

You breath in but don't hold it, you remember something Hawthorne taught you during your week of firing leading up to the museum. You set your stance in a way that when you exhale, your body naturally rests with the sights on the target. You take a few breaths to set a baseline, from then it's as simple as firing.

Two shots in rapid succession. You lower the barrel and remove the magazine and eject the chambered round. The whirr of the target gliding in brings a small tension to your stomach, not the same rending knots that a hard case or thinking about your general situation brings you. This was a nice distraction.

"One inch grouping, second shot is a little up and left of your first but that's fine. Damn fine even." Will says as he runs a finger over the sheared edges of paper.

"Not too bad or adequate?" You ask with a smirk.

The old man chuckles to himself.
"You're definitely trained by Mitch, unless being a smartass comes natural to you, he was always a little mouthy coming up. Didn't earn him any favors with the Incident Commander that's for sure."

"You were both involved with SWAT?"

"I was his Commander for two years." He says proudly, his eye gets a gleam to it.

"Wow, he's never talked about his time in SWAT with me outside of a few comments here and there."

"I don't exactly blame him, SWAT is what ended up catching the eye of Steven Mandragora, in most cities SWAT operates a handful of times a year. In Gotham, it felt like damn near every other week we were getting called out."

"So SWAT interacted with Mandragora? Wasn't that a gangland case, or vice?"

He shakes his head.
"Joint Op between Narcotics, Vice, and Gangland. Besides who do you think found the evidence for those to open in the first place?"

"So SWAT are the ones who led to those cases opening?"

"Mandragora was always a slippery little weasel, but he could never get his fingers into SWAT. We ran a raid on a location of his, father called in a missing persons on his daughter but ended up finding her himself. Couple goons sent him to the hospital with 3 broken ribs and a cracked skull. The Incident Commander was convinced to let us run it as a hostage situation so we went in hard. Found a lot. Found too much for some people." His eyes defocus as he speaks. You capture a passing scent for a brief moment, human waste and ammonia, you blink away some water from your eyes.

"After that the other teams took over?"

He nods.
"Hawthorne left a couple months after, transferred to narcotics to try and finish what we started."

>"Would you be willing to tell me what happened with his wife? Why Mandragora went after him specifically?"
>"Jesus, what did he see in there that made him give up SWAT?"
>"How long did you stay with the unit after that?"
>"How did a SWAT Commander end up manning the Armory?"
>"Thanks for the stories, Will. I should probably get going though, I have a late night planned."
>"How did a SWAT Commander end up manning the Armory?"
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Two New Abilities Added. (If you ever want to see a list of your current abilities I keep them all saved and prepared to be copy and pasted at a moments notice.)

>Rifle Training: After an afternoon at the range and some tips from a former SWAT Commander you're good enough with a rifle to not embarrass yourself. +10 To all Rifle Attacks in the future

>Effect on Target: For the cost of taking longer to set your breathing and line up your shot you can fire TWO shots on a target while only rolling for the DC of one.

A full listing of your current abilities and perks in the spoiler-ed image attached: (Please note I believe in fluid Char-Gen so as time goes on and we explore more and more of Mark's backstory and history I may add some things retroactively.)
>"How did a SWAT Commander end up manning the Armory?"

Thanks, QM! I hope you're feeling a little better?
I am, not 100% but I can think for more than a couple seconds without getting confused now. Appreciate the looking out, anon.
>"How long did you stay with the unit after that?"
Glad to hear you’re feeling better QM.

Take as much time as you need, we’ll be here!
>"How did a SWAT Commander end up manning the Armory?"
>>"Jesus, what did he see in there that made him give up SWAT?"

"How did a SWAT Commander end up manning the armory?"

He lets out a snort as he collects your spent brass and tosses it into a small tin bucket by your feet.
"What do you think? Age."

He groans as he stands up and motions for you to collect the rifle, glasses, and earmuffs. You follow behind him as he continues.
"One day, you're gonna wake up and feel like someone put glue in your knees or your back is gonna be tighter than a ball of rubber bands. On that day you're gonna want to go into work, pretend everything is as it always was and get on with the job. My advice? Don't."

"Sorry, sir?"

"Don't do it. When retirement calls your name, answer. If you're even thinking about hanging it up then do it."

Your mouth hangs open in confusion.
"Out of everything you were going to say I wasn't expecting you to tell me to just give up."

"Not now, Junior. Just one day in the future, there's gonna come a time when you aren't sure you can put 100% into the job anymore. Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and when that day comes you need to know to hang it up."

You both enter the showroom floor and he takes the rifle from your hands, his old fingers deftly pulling and prying to disassemble the thing for cleaning.

"Look at Hawthorne, for example." He says, grabbing a long stemmed brush.
"Hawthorne is on the back half of his life, near fifty-five and still pushing like he's some kind of terminator. I got a suspicion for why he never came around here with you in tow."

He blows down the barrel and a small mist of black powder flies past his white moustache, imbuing it with small onyx specks.

"Shoot." You tell him.

"He knows I would tell him to quit being such an arrogant ass and sign his retirement papers before he ends up getting you killed." He points the brush at you accusingly as he speaks. "If I had to guess, he's looking to keep you around because you remind him of himself when he was green, it's always nice to have a mirror around especially when it shows you the past. But he's past his prime, not just physically either."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means the man had something taken from him that you ain't ever supposed to lose. It changed him. It didn't make him a worse person or a worse cop. But it made him harder and it made him angrier. You follow him around long enough he's gonna lead you into something he's confident he can handle and when it overwhelms him you'll be the one paying for it right next to him."

You chew your inner cheeks, the irony of that statement isn't lost on you with your current situation.

"All I'm saying kid is if you really care about your TO then you need to tell him that he's too long in the tooth to be going after Mandragora like some kinda Old West Sheriff. He needs to leave it to someone else, someone better suited." He accentuates his point with a final hard brushing.
You go to respond and feel your throat contract. A heavy feeling settles in your heart, pulling on it like a line and anchor. You feel guilt. For what you don't know but you recognize the feeling without doubt. Something else is there too, when he looks at you, embers of irritation and anger. But why?

The old man grabs a bottle of oil and lets a few droplets of amber fluid run down the metal. He shakes his head and mutters to himself.

>"All due respect sir, you're wrong. Hawthorne has been the one pulling me out of the fire recently. He's still got it."
>"I get it, you're just scared. When Mandragora targeted Hawthorne it shook you and you left the force to work somewhere safe."
>"I'm starting to understand why he never brought me around here too, have a good day, Sir."
>"You blame yourself for what happened to his wife, don't you? You just don't want him to end up the same."
>"You think this is my fault, don't you? You think I'm some hot shot trying to make a name for himself off Hawthorne's back."
>Write-In (Encouraged, would like to see what you guys have to say in defense of Hawthorne or agreeance with Will)
>"I'd prefer if you didn't project so hard onto my TO, Sir. We all know he's old, I think he knows that better than anybody. That's why we're trying to go about this the right way. I didn't trust him enough to do that at first, and I regretted it. Like it or not, I gotta trust him on this."
>"And if you still feel like he should sign his papers and turn in his badge? You can tell him yourself. I'll even do you a favor and call him up right now if you want, my treat."
Remember QM… if hawthorn dies, we riot.
>>"You blame yourself for what happened to his wife, don't you? You just don't want him to end up the same."
>>"You blame yourself for what happened to his wife, don't you? You just don't want him to end up the same."

>>5863973 +1

I think the guess that he feels guilt for Mrs. Hawthorne, but nobody lieks a nosy psychic in their business.

You see through his words, you feel that regret and you know that deep inside he blames himself at least partially for what happened with Hawthorne's wife. You open your mouth but decide to hold your tongue, instead saying.

"I'd prefer if you didn't project so hard onto my TO, Sir."

"Excuse me?"

"We all know he's old. Hell, I think he knows it better than anyone, but that's why I'm trying to go about being a cop the right way with him. I didn't trust him enough to do that at first and ended up regretting it. So like it or not I'm trusting him now."

"I'm just telling you kid, eventually something's gonna give."

"If you really feel that way, that he should sign his papers and turn it all in, then tell him yourself. You have his number, right?"

Will sets down the brush and crosses his arms.

"If you don't think he'd answer your call I can call him up myself, my treat."

He sighs and unfolds his arms.
"Alright, I get it."

"The only time you should give up on being a cop is when you don't think you can help people anymore. If you have skills in any capacity to make the lives of the people around you better then you're obligated to see it through until you can't anymore. That's what the oath is about."

Will holds up his hands.
"I said I get it, ya damn boyscout. Hawthorne was certainly right about one thing, you're an Oath and Honor type for sure."

"Thank you, Sir."

"Mhmm." He hums. He rattles under the desk and produces a clipboard and pen. "Sign this."


"I'm a state approved firearm instructor meaning I can award certifications, at least in Gotham where the rules are a little loose, so I'm giving you a long gun cert and behind that is a form so I can have a rifle assigned to your war bags."


"Really. I'll be holding you responsible if anything happens to the boy while he plays out whatever this thing you have going on is, which means I gotta make sure you're responsibly armed."

You nod, signing your name on both forms.
"Thanks, Will."

He sighs with heavy eyes, he suddenly looks a lot more his age.
"Be safe out there, kid. Tell Mitch to come visit sometimes, I won't get on his back about nothing."

You say your goodbyes and head back out, killing time until the meeting..
"We're Closed." A soft voice calls out as you close the door behind you.

"It's me, Jimmy." You reply

There's a momentary pause and from behind the bar you see Jimmy poke his head out.
"Next time come in through the back door, champ." He jerks his head towards a door you've noticed before but never really given a lot of thought.

You give him a nod and head for the door, cracking it open to see a surprisingly fancy backroom with a long poker table. Everyone turns to look at you.

"Officer." Question states quietly. His trenchcoat draped across his chair. Huntress sits to his right and gives you a silent greeting.

"Rookie." Hawthorne says shuffling a deck of cards slowly and methodically. Grey sits on his side, giving you a slow shake of the head as he stares you down.

"You really stepped in it, DeLucia."

"Yes, Sir." You agree.

"Give him a break, he came clean in the end didn't he?" Huntress chimes in, her normal abrasive attitude back in force.

"I liked you better when you were trying to butter me up, lady." Hawthorne says as he spreads the cards in a wide arc before him.

"Well that was before you told me you weren't interested in handling Mandragora."

"I said I wasn't interested in flat out KILLING Mandragora." He responds calmly. "I plan on dealing with him, believe me, but we have a more pressing issue at hand. Our sweet innocent, Rookie has a real sick fuck keeping an eye on him. So we are going to handle that first, then we can have a long chat about what we're doing with Mandragora."

She goes to speak again but Question lays a hand on her shoulder.
"Now that's he's arrived, Sergeant. Why don't you go ahead and explain what you and the Detective have come up with as far as a game plan."

"Right." Hawthorne begins, flipping the arc of cards so their suits are exposed. Slowly he begins pulling out face cards.

"Grey and I went over the case notes and selected two of the strongest lead trails, the King and Queen, as well as a third trail that may end up being a wild goose chase. The Jack."

Grey stands up and takes the Queen card holding it up.
"This card represents our most recent victim. Abigail Reyes."

Your heart skips a beat and for the briefest of moments you're back in that cramped crawlspace. The scraping of knife blade on concrete drowning out the briefing. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, letting the memory fade, you need to focus on the present.

"Her crime scene has recently been released by CSU meaning with a little subtlety we can freely come and go or investigate the surrounding area. As his name implies, The SIM Killer takes SIM cards from his victims phones, most likely to hide any contacts they may have on them, why he didn't destroy them is a mystery but one I will gladly take advantage of. Text messages have some names and locations, one group of us will handle looking into these."
Hawthorne leads forward and grabs the king.
"And this, Mrs.Mask. Is the other lead we have, The King. Mandragora."

Huntress sits up now, paying full and close attention. Hawthorne holds up the card and continues.
"This lead is going to involve squeezing some of his men. We know SIM is working with Mandragora, apparently these killings are mob related and the fact the victims are in the game to some level makes our killer feel a little less sad about what he's doing." His face is a mix of disgust and irritation as he speaks about SIM.

"You're saying to beat our way up the food chain until something falls out?" Huntress asks.

"I'm saying sometimes you gotta shake the tree to get the fruit." Hawthorne says. "Mandragora isn't the type to take that lying down though. So we start with rival families, like Pino and the Bertinelli's, they've been absorbed by Mandragora to an extent but that sort of thing doesn't come without bad blood. If we only go after his men then he'll find a way to make it hard on us or to kick back at us for it. We only start pulling his strings when we know what questions to ask. This lead will be one of the more difficult ones to handle, we need a straight head that can keep track of what info is useful and what is just going to waste our time. With any luck we run into someone who can tell us something, anything, about Mandragora's Hatchet man."

"What's the third lead?" You ask, leaning down to pick up the Jack card.

"The Mole." Question tells you.
"I've been looking into it since I got to Gotham with Huntress, there was a case on our radar involving Mandragora and we watched bit by bit as evidence and witnesses started to disappear."

"Including witnesses and evidence that only could have been accessed by police resources." Huntress adds.

"How did you know about them exactly?" Grey asks with a raised brow.

"I stole a badge from a janitor and let myself into your files and evidence rooms. I appreciate the GCPD sticking to paper filing, I've never been a fan of computers."

Grey leans back in his seat.
"Mitch." He begins.

"I don't wanna hear it, I explained this entire deal to you, you knew coming in what this was. So quit your bellyaching."

Grey grumbles and waves his hand.
"Do go on, faceless man."

"Thank you." Question replies politely.
"Essentially I ran my own investigation and came to the conclusion the only possible answer was a double agent within the GCPD who is also working for Mandragora. However it was only due to Officer DeLucia's further digging at my request that we have made additional progress. We suspected Officer Anthony Banks of being the mole and cheating on his girlfriend, but after further investigation we concluded neither was the case."

"What?" Grey says.

"Unimportant, Officer Banks is monogamous and trustworthy, if anything he is just naive. The top suspect we have is newly promoted Detective Charles Gorchakov, who was using Banks desire to join Undercover as a leash."
"Ultimately, this lead is going to be a deep investigation on Gorchakov and his connections to Mandragora. A man in that position will definitely have information that gets us closer to SIM, however if our work is wrong or the investigation bears no fruit then we will have wasted our time and tipped our hand to the mole."

You all sit in silence.
"My general thoughts are this." Hawthorne says tossing his card back onto the table.
"Grey and I have the most police leeway, we can work the most recent crime scene and area as part of his case already. It avoids the most suspicion that way. Masks work on squeezing thugs for info, and when I say squeezing that is the upper limit of what you're going to do. If someone turns up with an arrow in their back so help me god I'll bring all three of us down to put you in jail."

Huntress huffs and crosses her arms.
"I have a lower fatality rate than most police in Gotham so maybe talk to your own side."

"We are all on one side." Question chimes in. "I agree with the Sergeant, we can do this without any killing."

Hawthorne and Question exchange a respectful nod. Hawthorne turns to you.
"Since I'm not your TO anymore you'd have to find a way to work around Kimble or fit a mole hunt into your daily schedule."

"Gorchakov did offer me a sort of job the other night, more so like being a protégé or something."

Hawthorne grunts and lowers himself back into his seat.
"This is your case, Rookie. SIM is your killer to hunt. If you don't like my idea then speak now or hold your peace."

>"Grey and Hawthorne will handle the re-sweep of the crime scene and start reaching out to Reyes' contacts."
>"Question and Huntress will handle tracking and interrogating mob affiliates, starting with Bertinelli associates and moving their way up to men in Mandragora's crew."
>"I will handle looking for the mole, I'll do my best to find evidence of Grochakov's involvement with Mandragora."

>Follow Hawthorne's plan
>Switch things up a bit. (Swap Team Members to different assignments.)
>Write-In. (Anything you want to bring up to the group while you're here?)
Not gonna' lie, QM, the option you've pitched up seems the best. Including sucking up to Gorchakov and trying to play protege for a bit. Banks is going to hate our guts for it, though.

>Follow Hawthorne's plan
>>Follow Hawthorne's plan
I hope it doesn't feel railroady. Up to this point Hawthorne has been pretty open to letting you work things out yourself as a teaching thing but it feels like maybe it would have been a little uncharacteristic of him to let you take lead on this, at least immediately, due to the circumstances.
Not to backseat QM, but maybe if you want it to be more open-ended next time, have him say something like "here are my thought" or "this is the plan" and then just present options as coming from Hawthorne. With how much the players respect Hawthorne, having him lay out a step-by-step guide after we apologized to him and defended him mans we're all but GUARANTEED to just do what he suggests unless he makes a really obvious error.
Not a bad call, Anon. I'll work on fixing stuff like that going forward, thank you for the feedback I appreciate it.
>Follow Hawthorne's plan.
>Say that you suspect that Rogers could be the SIM killer, or possibly a second mole. Explain all of the clues that line up with him, and that they should keep him in mind when looking for other clues.
The left handed son of a bitch.
>Follow Hawthorne's plan
>"This is gonna sound crazy, but Rogers has been setting off my Shivers way more than most people. I'm probably gonna be spending some time with him in the near future, so I might be able to see what he's about myself. I just thought you all should know that in advance if I we hit any dead-ends."
>Follow Hawthorne's plan
>Write-in: Tell everyone about Rogers setting off your Shivers. Request that Q puts a tracker on his phone.

"Your plan sounds solid, but I do want to bring something up even if it makes me sound crazy or paranoid."

Everyone gives you their attention, Question quietly flips to a new page in his notebook and holds a pen ready.

"Rogers, the other rookie from Gotham By The Sea, he's been giving me really bad feelings. In my gut and my shivers seem to be hyper-sensitive around him."

"The kid you sparred with? The one who you saw the vision of?" Hawthorne asks, his face an expression of deep thought.

"He's the one, he sets my hair on edge and I don't know if it's just because I personally find him a little weird or if it's something more."

"Trust your gut." Question says firmly. "Even if everyone else calls you crazy, follow that feeling until you know for sure."

Hawthorne scoffs.
"Either he's getting sane or I'm going nuts cause I agree with No-Face. If this kid is giving your shivers something to play off then look into it. Carefully."

You nod.
"Alright, I plan on spending some time around him here soon. Hopefully I'll be able to get at what he's about myself. Figured it's not a bad thing to know in advance if we hit any dead-ends."

"I get to spend my days wailing on wiseguys, can't complain. We'll kick up anything we hear to Mark."
Huntress says, picking at her nails with a bolt.

"Same on our end. Probably safest person to keep the information with, assuming his attempts to 'sense' you or whatever could be blocked the same way his blocked you."
Grey states.

"We don't know that for sure."
Question rebuts.

"Better than knowing for certain that I don't have a way to stop whatever the hell it is they can do."

They look to you.
>"I'll hold the information, any notes or vital intel we get I will take care of hiding it."
>"Someone else should really be in charge of containing our intel maybe Jimmy, since if he plays it right he won't ever be suspected of knowing anything."
>Maybe Question should hold onto the intel, he's been at this longer than we have and isn't a local."
>Maybe someone outside our group, Hawthorne did you have any luck getting the attention of Nightwing?"
>Maybe my ex, She's a little pissed at me but generally trustworthy. If I ask her to hold it, then she's unlikely to be suspected as being involved.
>Maybe Question should hold onto the intel, he's been at this longer than we have and isn't a local."
>Maybe Question should hold onto the intel, he's been at this longer than we have and isn't a local."
I think the fact that his identity is so deeply ingrained into facelessness might be its own defense against the Shivers. It's not like the shivers ever told US anything about his identity or activities.
>Maybe my ex, She's a little pissed at me but generally trustworthy. If I ask her to hold it, then she's unlikely to be suspected as being involved.
Plus, she's an out-of-towner and a cape. U likely for a serial killer working the mob with municipal powers to sense, track, target, to take down.
>>Maybe Question should hold onto the intel, he's been at this longer than we have and isn't a local."
>Maybe Question should hold onto the intel, he's been at this longer than we have and isn't a local."
i trust him
>Maybe Question should hold onto the intel, he's been at this longer than we have and isn't a local."

"I think Question should hold onto the intel."

Hawthorne and Grey lift their brows in surprise. You notice Huntress isn't excluded but does a better job keeping it contained.

"I appreciate the faith, Officer. But maybe it would be better of someone else to hold onto any files in the case."

You shake your head.
"No, the more I think about it the more it makes sense. You've been doing this the longest."

"I've been a detective for eleven years." Grey chimes in with his hands in the air.

"A vigilante detective? Have you had to handle the details and documents in a case where if it's found we don't have copies and back ups to fall back on?"

Grey opens his mouth but closes it after a moment.
"I suppose not."

"On top of that, Question has almost never triggered my shivers. Not the night he got the jump on me, not the night he scared me jumping out of my own backseat at me, and not when he and I had an argument. I think being faceless kind of extends beyond the mask."

Question looks down, you can't tell if it's out of thought or sadness.
"I see. To Gotham as a whole, I'm as faceless as I am to any other resident here. Perhaps this does mean something."

"Plus, I trust you." You add finally, putting a hand on his shoulder. He looks up and his empty face stares into yours.

"I won't let you down, Mark." He says quietly.

You catch a vague whisper from Hawthorne to Grey, all you manage to catch is Grey giving a shrug and replying:
"Guess we'll see."

Hawthorne leans back and nods.
"We will. I have a gut feeling." He turns to address you. "We're in, Rookie. Anything we get we can stash away until we can pass it off to Question."

You all square away final details and have some light conversation about Jimmy's place before you all decide to split. The late night air frigid and chilling. Sitting in your front seat you start your old car out and head into Gotham.
The cold of the air is only rivaled by the bitter chill that runs down your spine as your glove box begins to let out a low droning buzz. SIM's burner locked inside. You swallow harshly and pull to the side of the road, you pop the box and look at the ID.


It's SIM. You hold the phone in a numb hand, each vibration going to your marrow as the dim blue light of the screen illuminates your face.

>Answer the phone
>Decline the Call
>Send a text instead of picking up. (Saying what?)
>Answer the phone
Here we go
>Answer the phone
I'm half-tempted to go "Hey I'm going to stop by the convenience store on the way. Do you want anything?" at him
>>Answer the phone
>Answer the phone
"Lex Luthor speaking, who is this?"

>>5866033 +1

You set your jaw and flip the phone to answer.
"Lex Luthor speaking, who is this?"

You hear a giggling, altered by a voice obfuscation program, "You're a funny guy, Detective. What's got you out so late?"

"I'm stopping by the convenience store on my way home, you want anything?"

The laugh comes through again but noticeably drier.
"I haven't heard of you joking much, is this a nervous trait of yours, Detective?"

"Why are you calling?" You try to ask with an edge to your voice.

"I couldn't sleep, too excited. Then all of a sudden my ears get to burning, you know the saying, I couldn't help but wonder if somebody was talking about me out there. If it was you?"

The voice is jovial but you sense a sinister undertone, a soft accusation.

"No. I can't exactly admit to a lie I've been harboring since my first week of work, especially not with a new TO, and the commander already on my ass." You answer frustrated, speaking a half truth.

"I see...so you want me all to yourself as well?" The voice goes high pitched near the end, gleeful and childish. "Let's call it 'Going Steady' then. That means we can get a little personal can't we? You know what I want from you, but what's your motivation for catching me?"

"Because you're a fucking maniac."

"Sure, sure. But I was wondering how positive you were of that? What would you do if you caught me?"

"Excuse me?"

"I want to know, Detective, if you'd try to capture me. Or kill me."

"You aren't getting off easy with a bullet." You say into the phone.

"How principled of you." It responds dryly. Then it gasps as if realizing something.

"You." It whispers.
"You've never killed anyone have you?"

You stay silent.

"How do you think it would make you feel? To kill? From an outsider's perspective."

>"I don't wanna find out."
>"I'd be willing to find out if you want to meet."
>"I wouldn't feel anything if it had to be done."
>"I don't fucking know, man. What the fuck do you want?"
>"You don't have to kill someone to know how it'll make you feel. Especially so for me. It sickened me, everything about it felt wrong. Was it the same for you?"
Some psychological profiling doesn't hurt.
>I could put every round from my service weapon into you and still not know what it’s like to kill a human, you fucking pest.
I've been reading this for the last couple of days and just wanted to say this has been a blast to catch up on.
