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The dim interrogation room lamp hums. You wipe a small dribble of sweat from your forehead and grit your teeth. You've been sitting in this un-air conditioned room for close to an hour now at least, you sigh and lean back in the chair. The steel door to the room opens with a loud screech, you squint at the industrial light now pouring in behind the shadow pushing its way through.

"Apologies for the late meeting but, these streets never sleep. I hope you don't hold it against us." He chuckles, but a glint in his eye shows something else, this was a test. You give a polite smile and a nod.

"Of course, sir. I'm willing to reschedule this interview if you can't get away from your case load." You reply with an even tone. He smiles at you and opens the folder he entered with.

"Your application has already been accepted as you know but the commissioner has a soft spot for in person interviews. You never know a man until you've looked him in the eyes." He recites the last line with an air of mocking authority before sighing and peeling back the first page.

"So. We asked for background on you and you provided us with your own written statements, I'm just going to go over them with you now."

How would you describe your childhood?
>Extremely Happy, my parents were always there for me and supported me in most everything I did and gave me the money to fund it.
>Normal, we never struggled but we were pretty firmly middle class. My parents were fine people but they aren't a major part of my adult life,
>Rough. Mother died when I was eight and my Father used his grief as an excuse to tune me up whenever he wanted. I worked hard as a kid doing my best to save up enough from low tier jobs to finally get away.
>Write in

Have you had any run ins with law enforcement before?
>Never, I haven't so much as shoplifted.
>Not for anything huge, a few fights as a kid some minor trouble.
>Yes, before I turned 18 I was a problem child, judge took pity on me and expunged my record.
>Never (LIE)

Do you, to your knowledge, have any Meta-Human powers or abilities?
>Yes, I realize this may be seen as odd but I'd rather catch bad guys in a uniform than a suit
>No (LIE)

"This final question wasn't on official docs but I like to ask it for my own reasons. Answer me honestly here."
>What does 'Justice" mean to you?

Feel free to put your own Write-Ins anywhere in these questions.
I failed to specify, for the meta question if you vote for meta Abilities please list them in your response and try not to go overboard with them.

>Normal, we never struggled but we were pretty firmly middle class. My parents were fine people but they aren't a major part of my adult life.

>Not for anything huge, a few fights as a kid some minor trouble.

Maybe we once threw a houseparty that got out of control, and there was that other time we got busted for driving without a license...


>What does 'Justice" mean to you?

"Same law for me, you and the meta-humans. Constitution says so."
>Normal, we never struggled but we were pretty firmly middle class. My parents were fine people but they aren't a major part of my adult life,
>Not for anything huge, a few fights as a kid some minor trouble.
>Upholding the law, sir, ensuring that people feel safe, the criminals get locked away, and keep the wheels of the city turning smoothly; but more than that, doing what's right. Not like Batman and all that who do what they want without consequences, but as someone normal just doing what needs to be done.

Just a regular joe in Gotham city. Though I guess a regular joe would be more of a gangbanger than a cop, but whatever.

Actually, what kind of powers would we get if we went for the metahuman thing? I might switch to that if it's small scale and nothing flashy.
Powers would be up to you guys, but I agree with you in K.I.S.S.

Street Level powers at most, you arent going to be duking it out with Superman on your patrols.
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>>No (LIE)
Actually, I want meta-powers.

>Shivers: Raise the hair on your neck. Tune in to the city. Shivers come when the temperature drops and you become more keenly aware of your surroundings. It enables you to hear the city itself, to truly belong to the streets. It is a supra-natural ability; old wrongs play out in present time, scenes across the city happen in front of you. But who is speaking to you?

Basically limited precognition and knowledge of events we have no way of witnessing. Sorta like spidey-sense, but for cops.
+1 for being one of the maybe three normal people in Gotham, with one alteration:
>No (LIE)
>The power to stimulate keratin production, giving us the super-awesome ability to instantly grow our nails and facial hair
Extremely minor superpower that is mostly useless but still could cause legal issues, so we kept it hidden.
>Rough. Mother died when I was eight and my Father used his grief as an excuse to tune me up whenever he wanted. I worked hard as a kid doing my best to save up enough from low tier jobs to finally get away.
>Not for anything huge, a few fights as a kid some minor trouble
>What does 'Justice" mean to you?
"Helping the innocent and the repentant, and taking down the guilty no matter who they are."

I like the idea of a cop who's been around the block. He wants to clean up the city because he's grown up living in this corrupt, mob filled hellhole.
I will give voting a little longer to see if any +1's pop up, right now leaning towards a generally straight and narrow Cop (2 votes) and I will probably include "Cop Senses" described in. >>5755151 because I like the idea a lot.

"You saw my file sir." You start. "I'm probably one of the few normal people in Gotham, family life wasn't anything that special. You also know when I was a 16 I got arrested for breaking and entering at a local pool."

He chuckles at that. "It was a fun read." he taps the file and raises an eyebrow. You take the hint.

"I hesitate to call it a meta human ability but I uh...I've always gotten feelings. You know? I go to get a cup of coffee, feels wrong, like a stomach ache or a chill. I decide to head home and read later the place got robbed."

He raises his eyebrow. "Calling coincidences powers is a new one." He mumbles. You shake your head. "More than that, it happens too often to just be happenstance." You state. He sighs and jots something down in your file. You feel a shiver.

"And justice?" He follows up.
"Upholding the law, sir, ensuring that people feel safe, the criminals get locked away, and keep the wheels of the city turning smoothly; but more than that, doing what's right. Not like Batman and all that who do what they want without consequences, but as someone normal just doing what needs to be done."

He nods and taps your page with a final blot from his pen. "You are now a recruit with the GCPD. Welcome Rook." He says smiling at you from behind the file.

He pulls a final paper from his file and passes it to you.
"Our usual recruitment season has come and gone so I'm afraid while we don't have the most prestigious officers for you to train under we do have three experienced officers that you get free pick from. Any catch your eye?"

>Mitch Hawthorne: Stint on SWAT and Narcotics, tactical expertise but now on the beat as he gets up in age. He has experience only decades in the GCPD can offer and insights to match.
>Charles Gorchakov: Once part of Gangland and Vice units he now works a beat as he waits for word on his promotion, he'll be around long enough to see through your training.
>Luke Kimble: Beat Cop veteran of 8 years, former military, without a trainee due to his strict standards and expectations. He is free after causing his last rookie to quit after 2 weeks on the street.
>Luke Kimble: Beat Cop veteran of 8 years, former military, without a trainee due to his strict standards and expectations. He is free after causing his last rookie to quit after 2 weeks on the street.
>Mitch Hawthorne: Stint on SWAT and Narcotics, tactical expertise but now on the beat as he gets up in age. He has experience only decades in the GCPD can offer and insights to match.
Inb4 only two weeks from retirement.

>Mitch Hawthorne: Stint on SWAT and Narcotics, tactical expertise but now on the beat as he gets up in age. He has experience only decades in the GCPD can offer and insights to match.

Most guys our age are cruising into retirement, but that didn’t sit right with us - against all expectations, you requested a beat. This what you really loved, fresh out of the academy. You’d like to spend a little time here again before you move into daytime soap operas and whatever else the old timers do
Apologies anon this is for selecting a Training Officer, not the MC himself. Apologies if I was vague on that.
>Luke Kimble: Beat Cop veteran of 8 years, former military, without a trainee due to his strict standards and expectations. He is free after causing his last rookie to quit after 2 weeks on the street.

No worries, I’ll keep my write-in as is - I like the character idea even if he’s not the MC
>Mitch Hawthorne: Stint on SWAT and Narcotics, tactical expertise but now on the beat as he gets up in age. He has experience only decades in the GCPD can offer and insights to match.
Naive Newbie and Grizzled Vet, good ol' combo
>Mitch Hawthorne: Stint on SWAT and Narcotics, tactical expertise but now on the beat as he gets up in age. He has experience only decades in the GCPD can offer and insights to match.
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"Hawthorne." you say tapping the older man's picture. He's the picture of an old school Gothamite, pale as the ass of the moon and with a look meaner than sin. You figure there isn't anyone better suited to bring the new in than the old heading out.

"Solid choice, he'll sand out any rough edges you may have." you rise with the other officer and begin heading into the hallway. The bright industrial lighting stings your eyes after the past hour spent in the dark interrogation room.

You see three men standing on the wall, you recognize all of them from the pictures you saw moments ago. They look to the officer with anticipation.

"Hawthorne. Retirement can wait, you got another Rook to get street ready." he says slapping the file into his chest. "You two are off the hook until the next recruits come in."

Hawthorne looks to you and scowls, you can't help but notice every stretch line on his face seems to be on the bottom.
"Fucking Sergeant." He mumbles before looking at you. He gestures quickly with the file. He walks you to an old steel elevator. You walk in and he slaps a mechanical button labelled 'B1' He thumbs through your file aggresively as you descend. "Yeah alright."

The door dings and opens to reveal a plain wall with a square bar cut into it, GCPD Brutalist Design at it's finest. He closes the file and looks you up and down.

"Sergeant Polk's a decent enough guy but I never liked the questions he used for these damn interviews. He never asks the most important one. The one that speaks about your soul." He slaps the file into your chest and stares into your eyes with an unexpected intensity.

>Why did you become a cop?
To beat people
Last post for today very sorry about the short duration but I work the night shift and my free time is slim. I'll do my best to post as frequently as I can.

Enjoy responding to this until the next update, feel free to use this as a "tragic backstory" or "character sub plot" brainstorming session. See you guys soon.
>To help Gotham and make things a little beat easier for it's citizens
Altruism is king
Because our parents got killed by a mugger and we want to fix our trauma by taking revenge on the criminals of gotham

We like our home city. We'd like to do something to help out. And we think criminals are scum.
>I became a cop because I was bored.
>I became a cop for the hell of it. (Secondary choice)
>>To help Gotham and make things a little easier for it's citizens
>We like our home city. We'd like to do something to help out. And we think criminals are scum.
>i worked at a donut shop as a kid and i got robbed but a cop saved me
>To help Gotham and make things a little beat easier for it's citizens
Considering what other anons said regarding our powers.
>This city is fucked, and it ain't getting any better, but I wanted to help. Figured being a cop was one of the better ways of doing that legally. Bring order to chaos, not make more of it. Prevent more people's lives being fucked up by this damned city, if possible.
Hopeful, but a realist.
>Because criminals suck
>To make the city better
Criminals have ruiend Gotham, especially the so-called 'super criminals', and the vigilante set either give them a slap on the wrist or go on berserk murder-sprees of every common pickpocket and movie pirate, with no in-between. At least that's what it seems like. Let's make the system work again.
>Because Gotham's a shithole full of scumbags and deranged freaks and needs all the help it can get.
> Because Gotham is a miserable rotting carcass of a city
Are we in the mafia era, begining of the joker and riddler or full swing of masked lunatics
Apparently it isn't unusual to ask new recruits to the force if they're metahuman, so I figure the last one.
Ah true, would have preferred the mafia era but that wouldn't really give us as much opportunities to stand out as the meta human boom
>some fucking punk killed my dog

You look back into the dark eyes of TO Hawthorne and speak plainly.
"This city is full of deranged maniacs, men in masks, and scumbags. I just want to help Gotham and make things a little better for the people here."

He holds the stare for a few more moments before relenting. "Make it a little better.." He mumbles, rubbing his chin. "Good." he says finally as you approach the opening in the wall. "Too many Rookies get into the GCPD thinking they get to be Batman with a gun. That they can cure this city. But you can't this city was crazy long before we hit the streets and it'll be crazy long after we both end up feeding worms." He dings the bell resting on the counter and turns to you.

"You might just make it out here, Rook. Just don't ever forget why you became a cop." The ghost of a smile hits the edges of his mouth. He speaks for a few moments to the man behind the counter and gets two large duffle bags placed.

"This is Loadout, we pick up our gear for the day here every morning. That will be your responsibility starting tomorrow, you get the bags check our gear and make sure we have everything on the list. Chet here also does double duty as armory and outfitting, he will provide you with your service weapon and our shop weapons. After you pick up the gear you want to go to the motor pool and sign out a shop for the day. Used to be that Beat had their own cars but funding is low under Mayor Dent, he directs the money we use for cars and gear to 'mental health services' as if any shrink in the world could fix a man made of putty or an upright crocodile." He shakes his head and hefts the bags off the counter. He nods to the counter and you see your duty belt already prepped for you.
>Gained Duty Belt

"Now I talked you through it but picking a shop is a right of passage for all Rooks so, go to Motor and pick whichever one is the fanciest. I'll wait here for Chet to get us the 12 Gauge he promised me last week." He gives a pointed look at the man behind the counter who scurries off.

You follow the signage as you clip on your belt and eventually end up at the Motor Pool cage. A Hispanic woman sits at a rickety desk against a dirty concrete wall.

"Morning Rook. I am Officer Mendez, head of Motor Pool. You and your TO are late for vehicle claiming so our options are limited. Take a look at this sheet and tell me what you want."

>The Predator: Standard GCPD SUV with dual mounted spotlights and reinforced caging in the back. A heavy vehicle.
>The Cruiser: Your standard cruiser with all the normal bells and whistles. On-Board P.A. system and a sound based crowd control device built into the siren.
>The Slipstream: Low profile cruiser, cage space and armor are sacrificed for superior speed and handling. This car is built for pursuits and escapes.

>Ask/Say something to Officer Mendez? (Write-In)
>The Cruiser: Your standard cruiser with all the normal bells and whistles. On-Board P.A. system and a sound based crowd control device built into the siren.
Easy now. We aren't gonna' be fighting Killer Croc or Clayface on day 1, our TO's just putting the fear of god into us. No need to go crazy.

>Ask Mendez how often, uh, someone DOES run into a high-powered metahuman criminal, on average?
>The Cruiser

>Ask/Say something to Officer Mendez?
>Got any advice for the new guy?
>>5756183 +1
>The Cruiser: Your standard cruiser with all the normal bells and whistles. On-Board P.A. system and a sound based crowd control device built into the siren.
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"The Cruiser will be just fine." You say signing on the sheet and passing it back to her. She rises from her seat and opens a metal box tossing you a set of keys.

"Solid choice Rook. A lot of you come in here thinking you need to be riding around in something that can stop tank rounds or catch up to a speedster. You were late so you're getting one of the older ones but I made sure you got the one with working AC."

You nod in appreciation, "Thank you Officer Mendez." you start.

"Li." She corrects you. You can't help but furrow your brow slightly. "My Mom is from Hong Kong." she states. You nod embarrassed and look back to her as she gets settled in her seat.

"So..any tips for the new guy?" You ask.

"You got Hawthorne for TO right? Guy knows this city like I know these cars, try to learn as much as you can from him. He can tell you things no other officers on the force can but he doesn't offer it up for free, you have to show him you're worthy of learning from him. I rode with him for a while when I was a Rook and he was yet to be covered in a layer of dust." She laughs at her own joke, you feel a shiver. That laugh is covering something bitter. Before you can ponder a decision to push on it you are startled by the hoarse shout echoing in the concrete garage.

"Where is my car, Boot?" Hawthorne yells. Standing at the far end holding two shotguns but the barrels. You click the button on the keys and identify your shop. A few minutes of packing and some slight chewing out from Hawthorne about not wasting people's time later. You finally hit the street.

"Now, the sun is gonna be setting in about 3 hours, boot. That means three quarters of our shift is going to be a real pain in the ass. When the sun dips, the crazies get all riled up, mainly because the Batman is out there rattling their cages getting them all stirred up." He speaks sternly but not angry as if what he said is as unavoidable as rain or snow. An hour or so of normal conversation while driving the radio crackles to life.
"1-Adam-0, report of a 10-66 in your vicinity noted. Male individual in clown make-up loitering around "Fun Burger" on 22nd." Hawthorne scowls and looks to you.

"Are you waiting for a formal invite boot? Answer the call, I'm driving."

You nod and grab the transponder.
"This is 1-Adam-0, show us responding." You state and hook it up. Hawthorne gives a slight nod of approval.

"10-66, suspicious persons report. Most common one we get here in Gotham, the clown make-up means we go at it cautiously. I want you to take lead on this one Boot. You can't take a man's first call from him. Ain't right."

>Yes sir, I'll handle it
>Are you sure that's for the best, sir?
>I want you to take lead on this one, sir.
>Write In
>>Yes sir, I'll handle it
>>Yes sir, I'll handle it
>>Write In
ask dispatch for more info to see if its the joker or a goon
>Yes sir, I'll handle it
Probably just some dumbass.
>>Yes sir, I'll handle it

And ask our OT if he thinks that there is something up with this one.
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"Yes sir." you reply curtly. "I'll handle it."
Hawthorne eyes you and gives a nod. You reach forward and grab the radio.

"Central, this is 1-Adam-0. You have anymore information on that 10-66?" You ask.

"Cautious." Hawthorne says. His expression neutral.

"Negative 1-Adam-0, caller was short. Suspect was not reported armed, seen loitering by a service entrance." You thank Central for the info and hang up the radio.

"When I say you take lead Boot, I want you to know I mean you take this alone, I am going to stay planted right behind this wheel and unless I think you are in imminent threat of injury or worse." He states. He breaks eye contact with the road to look at you. "You don't want me to get out of this cruiser. For both our sakes." He says steadily.

As you pull up to Fun Burger you notice immediately that the building is closed and probably has been for a while judging by the grime. A smiling cheeseburger gazes down on you from the roof.
Hawthorne leans forward and grabs the radio.
"Central, show us on site. Door on site is open possible 459." He holds the radio up and looks to you. "I'll keep my hand on this and talk to you through the P.A. if anything comes up." He says. He then nods to your door and you take the hint. Exiting the vehicle you walk through the empty parking lot slowly approaching the door to the Fun Burger, the door on the side slowly opens in the wind and reveals a man standing in the door way, smoking a cigarette.

He glances up at you as you approach, hand on your weapon, just like they taught at the academy. "Evening Officer." He states smiling and blowing smoke into the dark interior. "Could I take your order?" He asks chuckling.
You feel a shiver down your spine and shake it off, something is off here. You can't find any indication of a weapon on his person but half his body is still obscured by the shadow of the interior.

>"Sir, come out of the building and face the wall with your hands up."
>"Get out here, now. I won't ask again."
>Draw your weapon. "Show me your hands, now."

Give me a 1d100 Roll for Shivers.
DC:35, Best of three.
Rolled 74 (1d100)

>"Sir, come out of the building and face the wall with your hands up."
Rolled 93 (1d100)

>"Sir, come out of the building and face the wall with your hands up."
Oh boy, here we go.
Rolled 100 (1d100)

>>"Sir, come out of the building and face the wall with your hands up."
Seems we're off to a raring start!
I really hope this quest is roll over.
And there we go, case closed, Gotham's finest living up to their name. We don't need some stupid Batman in this town.
Well shit I guess this loser is fucked

We have ice blood
(Holy Shit)

This isn't right. You're whole body tingles and you can hear...laughter. This man is laughing at you. But his mouth isn't moving. You look back to Hawthorne he watches you with a steady gaze, radio in hand and move pursed tightly. Yet he's laughing. It's more than him too, this whole building is laughing at you, making you the star of some sort of inside joke. You don't get it until you stop looking and begin to see.

His boots. You take your hand off your weapon and place both hands on your hips.

"Would you mind stepping out of the building? Officer." you say, smirking subconsciously. The man pulls the cigarette from his mouth and looks at you confused. You peer over your shoulder and see Hawthorne still in his position but now a smile over his face. "Next time you want to do undercover work. Change your shoes." You state nodding down to him. He looks down and sighs. Flicking his cigarette in frustration.

"Way to blow it, Officer Banks." A voice calls out from inside. The "Joker Goon" sighs and steps out of the half open door. From behind him you see a precession of four other cops. You recognize one of them as Officer Kimble, in his hand is a bright orange plastic pistol with a large barrel. The other officers begin speaking to the undercover as Kimble approaches you.

"Congrats Rookie. You're the first freshie to manage to see through the welcoming party. Although." He looks over his shoulder. "You did kinda ruin his hopes of being a UC, but he probably doesn't hold grudges." He gives you a punch on the arm. You hear the car door behind you open and see Hawthorne walking towards you.

"Good work, rook. They've been running this sham for 5 years now, ever since Kimble became a TO, he likes to think of hazing as a requirement." He says, fingers hooked into his belt.

"You didn't seem to think it was a sham when you ran a 10-91V on me, ya geezer." He says with a laugh. He leans into you. "The old man was my TO back in the day and he took me on my first call and told me to handle it. 'Can't take it from a man, just aint right' he said. We get there and he tells me it's a call for a rabid dog and to take extreme caution. So I climb into this basement for the exterior and he let's the hatch close on me. Suddenly I hear growls, I hear snarling, I'm getting hit with flecks of spit. I freak out and draw my stun-gun and fire it into the dark out of panic." He goes on, smiling widely at the memory. "I gave the officer flicking soapy water in my face the scare of a life time, he's lucky those prongs didn't connect either. The day I left the Field Training Program he gave me the night vision footage as a present. Sentimental old dog." He finishes by tapping Hawthorne with the barrel of the plastic gun.

"I told him nobody could do it like me, rook. Told him the day he had a rookie see through his joke that the tradition of 'First Day Worst Day' would end." He speaks to you and you feel a tingle.
This is far from ending. But you passed for now.

Officer Kimble gives you a mock bow extending the pistol to you in two upwards hands.
"For bravery and honor in the face of danger I award you this 'firearm' Officer..." You watch as he looks up and checks your shirt. "Are you going blind old man? You are letting your rookie ride without his name tag." He says standing up straight. He flips the gun and sticks it out to you, handle first.

>What's your name Rookie?
and also
>How do you respond to this "Practical Joke"

>Jerome Hawthorne
> It's a good tradition, good to welcome rookies and train their perception

Two guys named Hawthorne??

How about “Mark DeLucia”, it sounds pretty coppy.

And demand to be the clown on the hazing run for the next Rookie, it’s good practice
>Joshua Rane
>No harm done
>Jerome Hawthorne
> It's a good tradition, good to welcome rookies and train their perception
+1 >>5756431
>Mark DeLucia
>It was pretty neat, can't find much fault in it
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You smile slightly and take the gun by the handle. "Officer DeLucia, Mark." You state extending a hand. He gives you a single strong shake and nods. "Hope you dont take this the wrong way DeLucia, just tradition you know?"

You chuckle and tap his vest with the plastic gun. "It was good practice, sir. I just really hope when you need a UC for the next rookie that you pick me instead of.." you let your voice trail off as you look at the Officer wiping paint off in a dusty window reflection. "Instead of some clown." you finish. Kimble laughs and slaps your shoulder. "This is a good Boot, Hawthorne. Give him the full treatment and maybe he will turn out half as good as I did." He gives Hawthorne a wink and turns on a heel. "BANKS." He bellows. "I hope you like working the front desk because that's where I told you I'd put you if you ruined my favorite day. Hop in the shop and let's get back to the station."

You watch as they depart and the two other officers approach. They give you a nod and the younger of the two leans in. "Careful, that confetti cannon is loaded." He says before shaking hands with Hawthorne.

"Alright Rook." Hawthorne begins, placing a hand on your shoulder. "You have good eyes for a new fella. Tell me, I have an in with dispatch. How about we do some real policing? What are you up for?"

>Can you get us on a gang case?
>Anyway I can meet a major player?
>Let's let the streets tell us.
>Write In
>Tony Vito "Short Kick" Giancana Costello

>"A nice one. Pops used to do something like this with the new guys too."
>>Let's let the streets tell us.
>Let's let the streets tell us.
>Let's let the streets tell us.
First step on our quest to rape the joker!

>Let's let the streets tell us.

“Let’s see what Gotham has in store for us.”
>Let's let the streets tell us.
>Let's let the streets tell us.
"Let's see what the streets tell us, see what Gotham has in store today." You say hopping into the passenger seat, putting the confetti cannon in the glove box next to your Rookie Manual.

Hawthorne nods again. "Spoken like a real officer already. I think I am going to end liking you at this rate, Rook." He picks up the radio and pulls it to his mouth. "Dispatch, 1-Adam-0 reporting clear on FD-WD. Get us a call asap, Rook is ready to put in some work."

"Copy that Adam-0, will link you to any exciting events."

"Negative, control. Feed us whatever the city is serving." He says the final line with a grim determination.

"Roger that then, reported 502 in Gotham Square. Vehicle is a Silver Pegasus Elite. License plate Walter-India-Sierra-Echo-Gary-Yellow. Driver reported to be in Grey Suit with Purple shirt."

"Roger, show us responding dispatch." He shifts gears and the cruiser suddenly moves with much more power. You realize now Hawthorne had been holding out on you until this little surprise, but with it out of the way you see now how deadly serious he is. Your cruiser roars through the streets until you round a corner and lay eyes on a Silver sports car swerving between lanes of traffic. Hawthorne curses under his breath.
"Dispatch, 1-Adam-0 on scene, we have the suspect in site conducting traffic stop." he looks to you. "Hit the lights, rook." You nod and flip the rusted metal switch and light the cramped corridors of the city with red and blue. The red overwhelms the blue as he slams his brakes stopping dead center in the road. 1/2
>Can you get us on a gang case?
Voting for this to be a contrarian
I guess I should have updated before voting
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"Driver. Pull your vehicle to the side of the road, do not flee or I will make you regret it." Hawthorne speaks sternly into the P.A. The car lingers in the middle of the road, you find yourself holding your breath. You hear the squeak of the wheel under Hawthorne's hands. He watches with the look of a seasoned predator. You swear you almost catch disappointment on his face as the car pulls to the side of the road in a series of stop and start jerks.

"Alright Rook, this one is all yours this time and I mean it. I'll be there with you but just run the stop as you were trained." He gives you a nod and you both exit the vehicle. You see the door start to open and before you even see it Hawthorne has drawn his weapon.

"You shut your goddamn door. Now. Keep your hands out the window." He says firmly. You follow his lead and draw your weapon, approaching slowly. You make your way to the driver door and follow procedure, you holster while Hawthorne covers you. Opening the door you grab the man by his wrist and pull him, pushing him up against the car.
"Hands on the roof." You inform him as you pat him down, you feel a large bulky object in his waist band and move the jacket to reveal a pistol. Slide still wet with oil. "We have a weapon, sir." You say, pulling it with two fingers from his belt and passing it off. You turn the man around and get a whiff of some very strong alcohol.

"Gotham's finest. What a day. You'll find a license for that firearm in my glovebox." He says, Hawthorne looks to you. "Cuff him, I'll check his papers." You turn him around and clamp on the irons. He groans and wriggles in your grasp. "Do you not know who I am? Your chief is going to be getting an interesting call in the morning." He slurs.

Hawthorne pops out of the car holding a paper. "So, Pino Bertinelli. No relation to THOSE Bertinelli's I'm guessing?" He slides the paper over to you. "Bag it for evidence."

He ducks back into the car and comes out again. "And tell me Mr.Bertinelli do you normally carry wads of pre-rolled money in your glove box?" He says holding up a fat wad of bills tied tightly with rubber bands.

"Only, when I'm looking to donate to my local Police Department. What do you say?" He looks at you glassy eyed and smirks.

>Shut the hell up, you're under arrest.
>It's gonna take more than some money to get out of this Pino.
>Sir? You did mention Mayor Dent hasn't exactly been funding us properly..
>Write in.
Sorry Anon, I write slowly.
>Shut the hell up, you're under arrest.
Fuckin' wop.
>Shut the hell up, you're under arrest.
>It's gonna take more than some money to get out of this Pino.
>It's gonna take more than some money to get out of this Pino.
>It's gonna take more than some money to get out of this Pino.
I want a lead or news about something big
>It's gonna take more than some money to get out of this Pino.
>First day out, evade the rookie trap and propose a deal with a mob acquaintance

We fly high today. Are we going to fight 2v2 with Deathstroke and Bane at the end of the night?
"It's gonna take more than money to get out of this, Pino." You state as you pull him over to the back of your shop.

Hawthorne approaches rapidly and shuts the door. "What the hell did you mean by that Rook? Be straight with me." He looks at you sternly but his voice isn't accusatory.

"This guy is Bertinelli right? Their operation used to be massive but we both know they spend more time propping up Mandragora's operations. This guy is a lush and a low level goon, if we can flip him for intel we turn a night in the drunk tank into a case for Gang Land." You state.

Hawthorne narrows his eyes. "We risk stepping on toes with that son. Gorhcakov is a bit of a prick when it comes to this thing." He strokes his chin. "You don't act like any Rook I've ever trained before." He says eyeing you up.

"I have a cop's gut instinct built in." You say, lifting your arm to show the hair standing on edge.

"Metas..." He sighs. "I said I would let you take lead and I meant it, rook. How do you wanna play this?"

>Take him into holding, let him dry up and then take a run at him when he's sober.
>Street interrogation, putting the shop somewhere secluded and putting the fear of God into this guy might crack him.
>A "Hands-On" approach. Test the waters with Hawthorne and see how he'd feel about the suspect experiencing some discomfort.

Last update for this morning guys. Thank you all for playing, feel free to add more to Officer Mark DeLucia's backstory if you want to kill time and keep the thread bumped. I'll see you guys later.
>>Take him into holding, let him dry up and then take a run at him when he's sober.

Nothing like waking up behind bars.
>Take him into holding, let him dry up and then take a run at him when he's sober.
>Take him into holding, let him dry up and then take a run at him when he's sober.

>Take him into holding, let him dry up and then take a run at him when he's sober.

The hangover will reduce his resolve, especially if we start flashing the overhead lights on him, lol
>Take him into holding, let him dry up and then take a run at him when he's sober.
>Take him into holding, let him dry up and then take a run at him when he's sober.

Nothing fucks with a hangover person more than loud noises and harsh lights, wake his ass up by rattling the bar and shine your flashlight in his eyes, generally be a nuisance
>Take him into holding, let him dry up and then take a run at him when he's sober.
>>Take him into holding, let him dry up and then take a run at him when he's sober.
>>Take him into holding, let him dry up and then take a run at him when he's sober.
>Take him into holding, let him dry up and then take a run at him when he's sober.
>Take him into holding, let him dry up and then take a run at him when he's sober.
If we become too dirty a cop, Batman will come down on us, ESPECIALLY as a meta.

>"I have a cop's gut instinct built in." You say, lifting your arm to show the hair standing on edge.
ACAB: Assigned Cop at birth.
>Take him into holding, let him dry up and then take a run at him when he's sober.
We're not really threat meta wise. We have a very minor form of ESP. Barely a drop in the bucket.
>Take him into holding, let him dry up and then take a run at him when he's sober.
Wake him up an hour into his cell nap with loud noise.
Hey everyone, I don't have time to run this morning sadly but I will do my best to be back tonight after around 9pm EST with some updates.

Votes are conclusive and tallied so we will be giving the sleeping prince a rude awakening.
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"Let's get him to holding. When he wakes up with a killer headache we take a run at him." You say.

Hawthorne nods in approval. "The old Gotham alarm clock." He says. He pulls the bulky radio from his belt and holds it up to his face.

"Central, this is 1-Adam-0 showing clear on the 502, suspect in custody. Requesting additional cruiser for transfer to station and a tow for subject vehicle, details matching initial call. How copy?"

"Loud and clear, 1-Adam-0 showing you resolved and dispatching the shuttle service."

You cuff Pino and let him sit on the curb, it isnt long before he is slumped and snoring on the sidewalk. A cruiser pulls up and the officers take him from your custody. "Have dispatch give us a shout when he starts to wake." you let them know. The officers nod and secure him as they begin to search the vehicle proper.

"You may be a rookie son but we have more to patrol so I'm not gonna gum you up with the searching and paperwork that comes with it. Files on Files ever since Dent instituted PTP." Hawthorne says with a scowl.

You get in the passenger and give him a raised eyebrow. He waves a hand at you. "Police The Police. He added 3 more layers of red tape to our jobs to make sure convictions stick, his heart is in the right place but we need more officers on the street not behind desks."

He starts up the car and flicks the radio to SCAN. "Speaking of the streets, let's get back to it and get something the Mayor can't snatch from us."

>What is your opinion on Mayor Dent's PTP program?

Roll 1d100 for Random Encounter, taking the lowest roll on this one. Good luck.
Rolled 14 (1d100)


>What is your opinion on Mayor Dent's PTP program?

Necessary evil - there’s no point in catching these scumbags if the judges just let ‘em walk right out of their cells again. Paperwork sucks, but not as much as catching the same criminal every week…
Rolled 42 (1d100)

>What is your opinion on Mayor Dent's PTP program?
Basically >>5758062
Rolled 87 (1d100)

>What is your opinion on Mayor Dent's PTP program?
What this guy said >>5758062
Rolled 17 (1d100)

>What is your opinion on Mayor Dent's PTP program?
What >>5758062 said
Rolled 86 (1d100)

>What is your opinion on Mayor Dent's PTP program?
Better then shoving then in Arkham just so they can walk right out of the door, or be used by some super criminal for their next master plan.
So basically what tis guy said.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

>What is your opinion on Mayor Dent's PTP program?
same as that anon >>5758062
>Well meaning, but we should focus on catching the criminals before putting them behind bars for good. Keeping them in prison won't do much when the prison's are already overcrowded and there's more waiting to come in.
Rolled 95 (1d100)

What >>5758062 and >>5758089 said. Paperwork sucks, but it's the only difference between us and Batman or Ghost-Maker.

"The PTP Program is sort of a necessary evil dont you think TO?" You ask.

"Necessary how, rook?" He asks.

"I mean, There's no point even arresting these guys if the system is gonna be a revolving door due to judges citing lack of evidence. The paperwork sucks but not as much as catching the same guys every week." You say

Hawthorne nods slightly. "There's a reason we're cops and aren't running around dressed up like a bat or an acroba-" His reply is cut off.


Hawthorne grabs the radio aggressively as his foot slams the gas.
"Dispatch, show us on route. 1-Adam-0 going to assist. Get us an airship. Kimble, go channel 8." He looks to you and nods at the radio, you grab the dial and crank it.
"Kimble, give us the details."

"Officer Banks took Buckshot to the vest, hit his head on the curb after it knocked him on his ass. We aren't taking fire but civilians are inside. Suspect is wearing a wool mask and surplus army jacket, approach from the South and cover the back."

Hawthorne grits his teeth.
"Copy, ETA 3 minutes. How do you want us to handle this." He asks

"He shot at a cop. He's 187." Kimble states.

You remember from academy that 187 is the code for homicide.

>"Sir, shouldn't we try to take him in alive?"
>Keep quiet, you're only a rookie this isn't your place
>"He's not gonna get away from us, sir."
>Keep quiet, you're only a rookie this isn't your place
I can imagine a rookie cop having very mixed feelings about this. I think we should keep quiet for now, and assess.
>>Keep quiet, you're only a rookie this isn't your place

If we do see a point where we can take him down non-lethally, thats another issue. But looking after our own and making sure no other cops or civilians get shot is paramount.
>Keep quiet, you're only a rookie this isn't your place
>Keep quiet, you're only a rookie this isn't your place
The guy blasted a cop in the chest with a shotgun, he's fucking dead unless he surrenders.
>Keep quiet, you're only a rookie this isn't your place
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You keep silent and focus on the road ahead. Hawthorne gives you a side glance but says nothing as he hooks the radio and mumbles under his breath. "Motherfucker."

Your cruiser comes roaring up behind the Gas Station and jump out of your car with your gun drawn. You hear the trunk pop as Hawthorne rounds the back and pulls the shotgun from the trunk, a crack echoes as he slams the action and puts a shell in the chamber. He grabs his radio.
"Kimble, we're in position. Ambulance is on route. Maintain your position and make sure he doesn't escape out the front." He crouches with you behiind the wheel well of the cruiser and looks at you with stone cold eyes.

"Emergencies don't stop training, rook. These situations can teach you more than any words can and they can teach me about you too." He peeks over the hood at the metal door in the back of the station.

"I noticed you being quiet in the car, Rook. If it's nerves then shake em now. Tell me what you'd do in this situation? Suspect may have hostages, is a known hostile to law enforcement, already on the hook for attempted murder, interior unknown."

>Tell me your strategy Rook.

>(OPTIONAL) Roll 1d100 for Shivers, taking the middle most roll of 3 since you've used it once today.
Rolled 86 (1d100)

>Listen to the shivers
>Suggest one of you go in quiet (we can do that, maybe) while the other talks the per down and holds his attention
If we talk him down, great. If we fail, we hopefully can take him out with a sneaky shot to the back. Not glorious, but it saves civvies.
Rolled 5 (1d100)

>>5758170 +1
Rolled 66 (1d100)

>>Tell me your strategy Rook.
"First we need to keep him talking and focused on us. Big flashing lights and a loudhailer telling him to drop his weapons and come out. While hes focused on the ones talking and negotiating with him, we sneak in from behind or an open window and attempt take him down. Non-lethally if at all possible but if hes going to hurt someone, drop him."
Speaking of which, do we have tasers?
Yes. Average duty belt comes with in addition to your gun and 2 additional magazines.
2 Pairs of Cuffs
Can of OC Spray

Joker Toxin Antidote (1 dose)
Rolled 52 (1d100)

>Get someone to talk to him out front, grab his attention while someone sneaks in the back. Then we arrest him or shoot him, depending on the situation and the hostages.
>>5757555 So this is one of the quests you were talking about, nice to see you here. You're a great QM by the way.

Roll: 66
DC: 60

You take a deep breath and focus on the gas station, the sirens and lights fade away and you hear shuddering breath in your ears, you feel a tremble in your hand. Fear.

"If we can talk him down, great. He's afraid I can feel it." You say

"You can feel it..." Hawthorne repeats closing his eyes. "Metas." He repeats again.

"Look lets just try and if we fail then Kimble may have a clear shot to get him in the back. It's not honorable but it saves civvies." You state point blank. Hawthorne takes your words to heart nodding.

"Alright, you advance and try to speak to him. I'll stay here on radio with Kimble and try to get him into a good spot. If you can't get him outside without a weapon then we have to take him out." He grabs the radio and nods.

You approach the building slowly and get close to the rear door. You press your body to the stone building and take a deep breath.

>Try the door and go for solo entry.
>Call out to the robber from outside and try to get his attention.
>Toss open the door but do not enter.
>>Try the door and go for solo entry.
Holster weapon, step to the side of the door and knock first and speak to the assailant before we enter. This way we let him know we are entering and if he does fire a burst at the door, we won't be caught taking it full on.
>>Call out to the robber from outside and try to get his attention.

>Call out to the robber from outside, try the door and go for solo entry.

Guy with the shotgun is scared, I dont want to surprise him
>Call out to the robber from outside and try to get his attention.

Thanks. I quite like this one, seems like it's shaping up to be a good one. Interested to see where we'll end up.

You close your eyes and take a breath. Suddenly you're there, across town, you try to block it out but it pushes through. Your body shudders and you hear the snarling of a dog, the rattling of chain fence, and the scuffing of sneakers on asphalt. Somewhere in Gotham a teen punk corners a dog with rock in hand, you feel his fear. The fear of a cornered animal.

You blink back to the moment and see Hawthorne gazing at you from behind the cruiser, his brow furrowed deeply, you holster your gun and check the door. Hinges aren't showing, that means the door swing in, you test the handle and the door opens silently.

"GCPD!" You shout into the dark backroom.

"Fuck off!" you hear in reply, the voice hoarse and shakey.

"Alright hey calm down. I know you're scared but I am not here to hurt you. I may be the only person here interested in talking to-" Your sentence is cut short by a shotgun blast. Dime sized holes of light shine through the thin door that separates this managers office from the main station. "FUCK. OFF." he repeats from inside. His voice louder but still wavering.

"We have more shots fired, no connection with LEO on site. Where the fuck is my ambulance." You hear crackling over your radio. Kimble's voice.

You hear double of Hawthorne as your radio crackles again. "You tried your best Rook. This guy isn't talking. back off and regroup so we can go in to engage together."

The city is silent. Almost like it's holding it's breath.

>"Listen to me, I am the only thing standing between you and a bullet in the head. You need to put the gun down now and come out." (Req. Roll)
>"Hey man, hear me out. I know you're really scared in there and that's why you took a shot at me. But if you come out without the gun we can work this out." (Req. Roll)
>Fall back and prepare for a breach and clear with Hawthorne.
>Write In (May Req Roll)

I will wait for a consensus before calling for a roll.

>"Hey man, hear me out. I know you're really scared in there and that's why you took a shot at me. But if you come out without the gun we can work this out. The cop you shot is still breathing out there - that means I can still get you out of here alive if you work with me." (Req. Roll)
+1 We're quite literally their only chance of getting out alive.

Going gentle on him. 1d100, Best of Three.
Rolled 85 (1d100)

Wonder if we can end up like Harrier Du Bois
Rolled 14 (1d100)

The roll DCs in this quest are just getting blown past.

Still holding for potential crit success or fail.
Rolled 56 (1d100)


bigger number better person
Rolled 98 (1d100)


Here you go chief


"Hey man, hear me out. I know you're really scared in there and that's why you took a shot at me. But if you come out without the gun we can work this out." You say into the dark.

Your voice reverbs in the bare office. A shadow blocks the pin holes shining through the dark.

"I just fucking shot at you, man. Can't you take a hint?" He racks the slide and you hear a plastic shell clatter to the floor, a live round ejected, the dog bares his teeth.

"Sure I can but I also understand. A man in your position hears the word police and I mean, what can I expect. There's a reason I didn't bust in here."

"You don't understand shit! You stay the fuck out or I'll shoot you." He yells back, his voice breaks ever so slightly.

"I'll tell you what I understand, I am quite literally your only chance of getting out alive. You shot a cop in Gotham."

Your only reply is icy silence. The shadow on the door shifts slightly.

"I know you know I'm right." you continue. "You know that once you pulled that trigger you made a horrible mistake. I can't lie to you and say it's not going to have consequences, but you will at least live to see past those consequences. If you keep this up, you're not making it to see the sun set."

You hear the gun shift and rattle in his hands. The sounds of soft mumbling, then louder.
"Fuck..FUCK." and you hear a clunk.

"I tossed the gun behind the counter okay? I'm gonna open the door unarmed and trust you. Just don't fucking kill me, man. Please don't fucking kill me."

You grab your radio.
"Dispatch, Suspect appears to be surrendering. Hold for confirmation." You place a hand on your gun but don't draw it. You have to have some trust despite all instincts.

The door creaks and slowly reveals the buzzing yellow tint of gas station lights illuminating the room. He stands in front of you, hands up, one hand clutching a mask. He looks to be no older than 17.

"Turn around and approach slowly. I have to cuff you." You state. he complies and you radio it in.

"Dispatch, this is 1-Adam-0. Show us code 4." You holster the radio and pull the suspect over to your car. Hawthorne watches as you open the back of the car and set the man inside."

He approaches you with a strange look in his eye. You can't tell if it's good or bad.

>Why were you so determined to bring this guy in alive? Rookies usually can't wait to engage a suspect. One that shot a cop no less.
Because it's the right thing to do. There's plenty of psychos running around after one bad day. Don't need to go around making more.
>>Why were you so determined to bring this guy in alive? Rookies usually can't wait to engage a suspect. One that shot a cop no less.

If we wanted to break skulls and blasting, we would have put on a cape and made up a funny name.

We have a police badge.
Gotta call it a little early guys, take some time and think about your replies for a bit. Really enjoying seeing you flesh out the morals of Officer DeLucia and what kind of cop he wants to be.
Because we are cops, not vigilantes. Got to keep the peace without causing even bigger damage. Gotham is fucked enough with the gangsters going gung-ho and shooting everywhere, no need to add the police to the mix.
And there's always the risk of a stray bullet hitting a civilian, or other types of collateral.
We're cops, our main goal is to protect the civvies, our reputation is already shit and we don't want a stray bullet to bury it further.
God knows Gotham is fucked and we don't need to put everyone against us by being lethaly aggressive

“TO, let me explain - this kid owes me his life. Eventually, he’s going to do some thinking and figure that out. I’m going be cashing that favor in if I need help.”

Basically, we just bought ourselves a CI.
To keep the civilians safe. If this guy lives or dies... Well, that's secondary, but ending situations without violence is safest, and best. Does Gotham need more violence?

(Backlinking to my last post at >>5758263. I'm on mobile)
Copchads BTFOing Vigilantecels
>An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind, sir. I don't think anything good can come from killing someone. It just perpetuates the cycle that Gotham's been trapped in for decades.
>An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind, sir. I don't think anything good can come from killing someone. It just perpetuates the cycle that Gotham's been trapped in for decades.

Except kill mass murderers, terrorists and serial killers. I guess batman rule but we get to use a gun and shoot few people
in the heat of the moment everyone does stupid things that we might regret
>Supporting these
Capes like the Bat might be able to whatever the fuck they want with zero accountability but we can't. Plus killing a 17 year old is bad publicity.

Supporting. Honor the Badge.
supporting this

A quick question to the qm, can we expect any snowballing into power because of good rolls or is the meta ability gonna be a static thing? i mean you did mention it'd be a small scale power but are any upgrades in mind?
It's DC. Better use of the low level powers prob can be leveraged well beyond low level problems

"We're cops. Gotham has been dealing with this shit for years and years, the civilians don't trust us and the city is fucked enough without us adding to the mix. If I was looking to do whatever I wanted then I would have given myself a funny name and put on a cape. You say, some of your underlying frustration spilling through. Hawthorne stares you down.

"We have a badge, Sir." you say finally after a breath. He nods. "You're an Oath and Honor Officer." he says simply. "Good thing you ended up with me then. Going with Kimble or some other TO and you'd be labelled a boy scout the rest of your career. But people know me, they know I do my best to walk the straight and narrow." Hawthorne seems to almost look through you. "You remind me of when I was a rookie." He mouth goes taut, he goes to speak but the radio cuts him off.

"1-Adam-0, Your 502 is waking up giving you a heads up as requested." Central comes through crackling.

"Copy Central, show us Code 4 at Officer Kimble's Call returning to the station to process the suspect." He hooks up his radio and looks into the backseat. "Good work." He says simply.

"Thank you sir, I just hope it doesn't ruin his life I mean the guy is so youn-" your voice trails off as you don't see the 17 year old kid who surrendered earlier, you see a man in his late 30's tears streaming in your back seat.
Hawthorne didn't seem to be listening. You blink a few times and shake your head. Overuse of shivers leads to reality bleeds, you wanted your first day to go well so you didn't take your usual precautions. You climb into the passenger seat and begin the drive back to GCPD station.

>Ask Hawthorne something. (What?)
>Ask the suspect something (What?)
>Write In
>Ask Hawthorne something. (What?)
Has there been a meta officer on the force before? How did it, uh, go?
>you don't see the 17 year old kid who surrendered earlier, you see a man in his late 30's tears streaming

The guy’s soul / mind is probably underdeveloped and when we looked at it, it appeared as a 17 year old
Supporting this

Also love the direction we're taking, dutybound characters are a weakness of mine

"Sir. Can I ask you a question?" You speak up after a few minutes of driving with nothing but the sound of sniffles and pot holes.

"Is this a personal question, rook?" He asks without taking his eyes off the road.

"No sir. It's about the job."

Then I am obliged to answer, what's on your mind son?" He gives you a side glance.

"I'm just curious sir if there have been any other meta-officers on the job before and well uh..you know. How did it go for them?" You manage to get out, you aren't typically so open when it comes to talking about your "condition" so it's a struggle to find the right words. Hawthorne seems to take in the question and nods slowly as he makes a wide turn.

"Well the slot on the form exists for a reason, rook. You are one of few but not the first, typically though.." His sentence trails off and he sighs. "I'm not saying this to scare you son but I have a duty to train you for these streets. They are going to test you in ways you can't imagine and I'm not going to lie. Sometimes this city and it's people are going to ask you questions and by simply being you there is no correct answer you can give." He frowns deeply. "You already know this badge attracts trouble like shit draws flies, that goes double for Meta-Officers. All the trouble Meta bad guys have caused in this city there are entire families that are going to hate you before ever meeting you. Officers who aren't ever going to trust you to have their backs on the street. Any joint ops with A.R.G.U.S. You can kiss away a chance of working on those." He shakes his head the entire time he talks.

"My powers aren't dangerous, sir. They really can only make me a better cop." You say. Hawthorne gives his head a shake. "Not good enough son, you are an "other" to some people and no amount of good work is going to undo that. You see Superman on the TV pulling down crashing jet liners like he's setting a baby down for a nap and every other year Congress is considering some bill or legislation to keep him and his Justice Club in check or under thumb. Being different is crime enough to keep you under the microscope, if you get a bad bust it isn't going to be a rookie cop making a mistake it's going to be a headline. It's the world we live in." He pulls the shop into the parking bay of the GCPD and looks to you.

>"How does that make you feel, Rookie?"
"Honestly? It pisses me off. As much as I wanna say that it's just how things have to be... It's too far. It's tying people down, when they could be working for the same people glaring at them. I wish I could say I want to change that, but... Well, I'm just one cop, at the end of the day. No 'Batman with a gun', right?"
"I feel a lot of pressure on me, like I have to fill boots twice as big as everyone else thanks to my gift, but at the same time I know that my power gives me more potential to make a difference in Gotham.

Balanced, just as it should be."
>Disappointed but it's understandable many wouldn't trust metas. Sometimes it seems like most metas think their abilities mean they're above the law and either exploit it for personal gain as supercriminals or decide they'll embark on their own crusade against crime while hiding behind a mask to avoid any accountability. Not to mention the collateral damage metas can and do cause.
>>5760799, with a bit of...>>5760812
"Honestly? It pisses me off. As much as I wanna say that it's just how things have to be... It's too far. It's tying people down, when they could be working for the same people glaring at them. I wish I could say I want to change that, but... But it's understandable many wouldn't trust metas. Sometimes it seems like most metas think their abilities mean they're above the law and either exploit it for personal gain as supercriminals or decide they'll embark on their own crusade against crime while hiding behind a mask to avoid any accountability. Not to mention the collateral damage metas can and do cause. I just wish things were different."
I think this is the better one.
We should probably ask if we should have lied. Just to see his reaction to it. Not that we'd lie about it regardless.
>>5760826 +1
"Honestly, sir?" You start. Hawthorn nods.

"You don't wanna lie to me, Rook." He says in his usual emotionless tone.

You sigh and dump it all. "It pisses me off. As much as I wanna say that it's just how things have to be... It's too far. It's tying people down, when they could be working for the same people glaring at them. I wish I could say I want to change that, but...I get why the trust isn't there. Sometimes it seems like most metas think their abilities mean they're above the law and either exploit it for personal gain as super-criminals or decide they'll go on their own crusade against crime while hiding behind a mask to avoid any accountability. Not to mention the collateral damage metas can and do cause. I just wish things were different." as you start to finish speaking you see Hawthorne opening his door and stepping out of the car.

"Sir?" You ask after him, you get no reply as he pulls the suspect from the back of the car. Almost scared you peek at him again and see he is still in his late 30's. You shake your head, your brain must have still been locked on the kid and the dog across Gotham. Hawthorne stops and looks at you.

"Waiting for a formal invite Rookie?" He says, jerking his head towards the intake door. You take the hint and hop out, you follow your TO and step inside. Despite your discussion Hawthorne doesn't say anything or give you any looks. He passes off your prisoner.
"Handle the intake and paperwork on this one, assault on an officer so keep your hands up." He says sitting the man roughly down on a bench. He turns to you.

"We have a drunk to interrogate rookie. You take lead, don't let me down this far into Day 1." He states.

>"Yes, Sir. Let's get to the suspect."
>"I would be more comfortable if you took lead and I observed, Sir."
>"Do you not have any thoughts on what I said sir?"
>(OPTIONAL) Try to get a read on Hawthorne.
Apologies, failed to label that trying to get a read on Hawthorne will require a roll.
>(OPTIONAL) Try to get a read on Hawthorne.
Make this vote in addition to a Yes or No on taking lead Anon
>"Yes, Sir. Let's get to the suspect."
>(OPTIONAL) Try to get a read on Hawthorne.
>"Yes, Sir. Let's get to the suspect."
>(OPTIONAL) Try to get a read on Hawthorne.
>"Yes, Sir. Let's get to the suspect."
>(OPTIONAL) Try to get a read on Hawthorne.
Give me 1d100 please. Worst of 3 being taken. Hawthorne is a tough customer.
Rolled 11 (1d100)

>"Yes, Sir. Let's get to the suspect."
Rolled 69 (1d100)


Rolled 15 (1d100)

It couldn't possibly get worse than 11
"Yes, Sir. Let's get to the suspect." Hawthorne gives you a nod and you try to get a read on the man or at least a read on how he feels about your rant.

Your thoughts are interrupted by Hawthorne's voice. "I like a good steak, side of mashed potatoes with extra butter, and a mug of beer. I hate bottles." He says to you over his shoulder.

"Sir?" You reply confused.

"The way you were eyeing me up Rookie. Figured I'd let you know what I liked to eat incase you were intent on asking me out to dinner." He says looking through some texts on his phone.

You try to respond but mostly stutter, you got nothing. Not even a tingle on your Shivers. Hawthorne turns to you steely eyed. "If I had a problem with you being a meta, I'd have never let you in my shop. You need to focus on the case you may have here with Mr.Bertinelli in here. My contact in lock up says he woke up, asked for some water and fell back asleep. Once we get in there it's your show. Don't ask me for nothing unless you absolutely need it."

He yanks open the door to holding and gestures for you to enter before him, you oblige and he follows, closing the door behind both of you. You notice a few occupied cells, one being prepped for your masked suspect.

Pino Bertinellie lays stretched out on the concrete slab that covers the back of the holding cell as a makeshift bench, his arms rests on his head covering his eyes.

>Give him the "Gotham Alarm Clock" lots of banging and loud noises, maybe shine your flashlight at him. Get him off balance.
>Request a blanket from the Holding supervisor, go for the good cop approach. get him comfortable and see if he loosens up.
>No time for good cop bad cop, enter the cell and yank him to his feet by his shirt. A guy like this has probably never even had hands put on him.
>Give him the "Gotham Alarm Clock" lots of banging and loud noises, maybe shine your flashlight at him. Get him off balance.

Hungover crims won’t be happy, but are more pliable
>Give him the "Gotham Alarm Clock" lots of banging and loud noises, maybe shine your flashlight at him. Get him off balance.
>Give him the "Gotham Alarm Clock" lots of banging and loud noises, maybe shine your flashlight at him. Get him off balance.
Wakey wakey.
>>Give him the "Gotham Alarm Clock" lots of banging and loud noises, maybe shine your flashlight at him. Get him off balance.
"Gotham Alarm Clock" you say to Hawthorne pulling your heavy flashlight from your belt. You see him smirk before he realizes this is supposed to be a test and wipes it away in an instant.

You take a deep breath and begin walking the length of the cage while saying in your best falsetto "Room Service!!! Welcome to the Chateu de Gotham. This is your wake up call!" As the heavy ended flashlight clanks and clangs off the iron bars.

You watch Pino shoot up looking around with red bleary eyes and holding his hands to his ears. "Ehh?" is all he gets out before he has switches to shielding his face as you blast the light directly into his face. "You have too much to drink buddy? Can't see straight?" You continue.

Pino finds his voice. "Come on man..stop that shit. Fuck off seriously." He says blocking the light.

"You mean this?" you say giving the bar a whack. He holds up a hand in pain.

"Yes. Fucking that." He looks at you miserably. "What the fuck am I doing here?" He asks you. "Aren't I supposed to get a lawyer?"

"Lawyers only come when called, so unless your lawyer can receive messages via dream then no." You continue, you begin unlocking the cell door and step in. Pino assumes the classic wise guy posture, leaning back on the rim of the window with his arms resting on the sill.

"In that case, I want my lawyer." Pino states. Hawthorne whistles. "I'll pass that to the man at the desk." He says looking at you pointedly.

"Try to wrap this up before I'm back." He turns and exits the room. Leaving you alone with Pino.

>You're on a time limit, you have to go at him hard. Get physical.
>Police are allowed to lie to suspects, try that. Tell him you have him connected to something else.
>Wiseguys are still people, maybe you can startle him by switching gears, get personaly and play nice with him.

(Write Ins encouraged for this one, get creative fellas. All options will incure a roll with shifting DC for how "convincing" you are.)
>Use shivers to get a read on him
since this guy is no hawthorne can we use shivers more effectively on him? if he's not really afraid then there's no point in intimidation tactics.
>Police are allowed to lie to suspects, try that. Tell him you have him connected to something else.
>Wiseguys are still people, maybe you can startle him by switching gears, get personaly and play nice with him.
The guy is on defensive after being rattled awake. Let's throw him off balance.
>Wiseguys are still people, maybe you can startle him by switching gears, get personaly and play nice with him.

>Wiseguys are still people, maybe you can startle him by switching gears, get personaly and play nice with him.

“You can expect this treatment for years unless you decide to make it easy on yourself, friend. A few words here and there might see your sentence shortened…maybe even eliminated.”
>Police are allowed to lie to suspects, try that. Tell him you have him connected to something else.
>Wiseguys are still people, maybe you can startle him by switching gears, get personaly and play nice with him.
Play up the naive rookie angle. All but invite him to work us over while Hawthorne's out of the room. Let him implicate himself by trying to bribe or blackmail us while we're recording him.
>>Police are allowed to lie to suspects, try that. Tell him you have him connected to something else.
We've overused Shivers a bit, alas. it's why we were getting reality bleeds. Let's not start hallucinating while alone in a cell with a mafiaso on our first day.

I like >>5761145, and support it.
>>Police are allowed to lie to suspects, try that. Tell him you have him connected to something else.
>Police are allowed to lie to suspects, try that. Tell him you have him connected to something else.

This is smart, I’m switching my vote to back this.

This is my previous vote

Going nice, so nice he feels compelled to hit you.

Give me a 1d100 for Passive Provocation, best of 3.
Rolled 73 (1d100)

Rolled 60 (1d100)

Rolled 11 (1d100)

Roll: 73
DC: 70

"Ah I get it, Pino. Get your lawyer like you were told." You start, slumping against the wall looking out between the bars.

"I know my rights." He says

"Yeah man I get it. You and I are kinda the same in a way." You continue, checking your fingernails for dirt.

"What do you mean by that, pig?" He says, his voice irritated already. You shiver and your head feels hot.

"I mean. I'm a rookie here, literally my first day. My TO didn't even trust me to talk to you alone so he came in here to babysit me. Probably the same thing that lawyer was told to do."

"Excuse me?" You see him start to rise in your peripheral vision but continue to feign ignorance.

"Yeah I mean, we are both the low man on the totem pole I mean.." You laugh. "You couldn't even be trusted to drive a car sober, why would your family have any trust that you wouldn't rat on them first chance you got." You hear a sharp intake of breath. You have him.

"Be honest with yourself Pino, you're a nobody in your family and they know it. The most good you could ever do the Bertinelli's is by keeping your mouth shut and listening to daddy like a good boy." You finish it with a sharp laugh, you make sure to close your eyes. Show your side wide open. An irresistible target.

You feel a force ram your side.
"Nobody fucking talks to me like that you pig bastard." He shouts as he tackles you to the floor.

This is when it gets real, you have to hold out long enough to get some help. He's a boozy trust fund mafioso but he's still got about 20 pounds on you, fat or not. You feel his grubby mitts slamming against your vest and sides.

>Keep this fight hands only
>Go for some OC Spray to hold him off
>Deploy your taser and put him back to sleep
>Get to your feet and draw your weapon, keep him at bay with your gun until the doors open
>Write In

(These will incur rolls)
>Keep this fight hands only
We take some hits, add assault on an officer to his list and we have him.
>Keep this fight hands only
>hands only

Can we double down on defense? It'd be better if he got through this with no bruises until Hawthorne comes back.
>Keep this fight hands only

>Keep this fight hands only

We got him here
Give me 1d100

Taking the middle most roll for how you hold up.
Taking >>5761633 into account and taking this as a battle of withstanding not knocking him out.
Rolled 65 (1d100)

Rolled 66 (1d100)

Gimme the crit boyo
Rolled 13 (1d100)

>66 65
looks like we know what's comin'

This isn't a boxing ring, you aren't here to impress anyone, and you know time is on your side. You keep your hands up and protect your vitals, ensuring to keep your gun hip away from him at all times.

His hands thud against your vest and arms with no effect, you mainly fight back with shoves and bumps keeping him at range and prodding just enough to keep him seeing red. It isn't more than 30 seconds before you hear the door thrown open and see 2 uniformed officers storm into the room guns drawn.

"Bertinelli, back off now!" One officer yells with intensity. From between your arms you see Hawthorne enter the room, baton in hand. Without a word he marches to Pino and slams the thick shaft of his weapon into his thigh. You hear a gasp of pain and suddenly the weight that was pressing against you is slumped at your feet.

"Might wanna explain to your lawyer how a DUI charge ended up as Assault on a Police Officer, Pino." Says Hawthorne standing above him, tapping the baton in his palm.

"You good, son?" He asks you, keeping his eyes firmly on Pino.

"Yes sir." You reply straightening out your uniform. You clear your throat and look at Hawthorne.

"Maybe we can forget this happened if Pino decides to talk to us. Maybe he has something to trade." A gleam of understanding hits Hawthorne's eyes.

"Reckless, Officer DeLucia. I never want to see you put yourself in danger like this ever again." He speaks firmly. His voice is harsh but you catch the smallest sliver of approval.

"Get Mr.Bertenelli to an interrogation room with restraints please." He says hauling him to his feet. He looks to you and comes in close. Speaking quietly.

"Never do anything like that again. Ever. One wrong move and he's slamming your head into concrete or pulling your gun out of your holster or worse. This is a direct order from me, do you understand Rookie?"

>Sir, Yes Sir
>Respectfully Sir, It was calculated.
>I was holding back, sir. Trust me if I had wanted it would be him getting bounced off the concrete.
>Sir, Yes Sir
>Sir, Yes Sir
>>Sir, Yes Sir
>Respectfully Sir, It was calculated.
Probably wouldn't do this to a normal goon, but against a guy who's still hungover and not thinking straight it'd work out.
>Sir yes sir.

Didn't want to provoke him into swinging, IIRC.
>Sir, Yes Sir

>Sir, Yes Sir

Don’t argue with him, he’s our work dad.

Of course, he might’ve done the same thing if he was our age, but we gotta take the verbal beat down here
>>Sir, Yes Sir
>Respectfully Sir, It was calculated.

"Sir, Yes SIr." You say adopting a straighter posture. Hawthorne sighs.

"Regardless, this may end up working out for us. But it's out of our hands now, we pass him off to detectives and let them take a run at him. Until then thanks to that you and I have a date with incident report paperwork and by that I mean YOU have a date with that paperwork." He begins to walk away and throws his hands up. "Ah hell." he says "Why stop with just one stack of papers, you'll probably want to be busy until Pino is done with the detectives so how about you just grab a desk and get settled? I'll get all your first day paperwork and we can get it out of the way before last rounds after sunset." He smiles at you, something unflattering on his face. You nod solemnly and accept this punishment.

Before long you're sat in the hard uncomfortable desk chair of the GCPD writing more than you have since grade school. Slowly over the course of an hour and a half you work through the paperwork until you come to your final form.

This document is to be filled out at the end of the trainee's first day and be provided by their Training Officer. This document is not to be filled or filed until the completion of the entirety of Trainee Officer's first shift. After being filled out this document is to be submitted to the Watch Commander on duty.]
The form is 2 pages with boxes to write your answers.
>What is your honest review of the methods used by your Training Officer?
>Do you wish to request an exchange of Training Officers, if so why?
>Have you at any point during this shift felt as if your TO did not have your best interests at heart?
>Any General Comments or Concerns regarding your Training Officer?


>Do not fill out this file yet, your shift has yet to conclude.
>>Do not fill out this file yet, your shift has yet to conclude.
>>Do not fill out this file yet, your shift has yet to conclude.
>Do not fill out this file yet, your shift has yet to conclude.
>What is your honest review of the methods used by your Training Officer?
They were useful for getting us ready for what the job is like, at its best and worst. We got a fee for how to handle ourselves in real-world situations.
>Do you wish to request an exchange of Training Officers, if so why?
>Have you at any point during this shift felt as if your TO did not have your best interests at heart?
>Any General Comments or Concerns regarding your Training Officer?

Hawthorne seems cool. No reason to gush, though, or to call him out for the minor issues (the 'first day worst day' ritual could easily get someone killed if a rook was too trigger-happy, but I guess we ended that by beating their trick anyway).
>>Do not fill out this file yet, your shift has yet to conclude.

You take the file, and put it in your desk drawer. You'll get this later after your shift. Hawthorne approaches with a white grease stained bag and hold it up to you.

"Burger and fries as a reward for the paperwork." He says. He takes a seat in a loose chair next to you. "Detectives have been working Pino this entire time, he actually gave something up which means he isn't gonna get anything for putting hands on you." He grimaces and puts his foot up. "Hate making deals with these scumbags."

"Necessary evil." You say while unwrapping your burger and getting into it.

"Well this evil yielded a chance to do some good. he gave up a warehouse for stolen cars that they are holding onto." He says

You choke down your burger. "Really?" You ask, smirk on your face

"Try not to feel so proud of yourself." He says through a chuckle. "I managed to get us a spot on the scene." He says, giving you a sly look.

You give him a smile back. "Sounds good sir."

"It's nothing special just guarding perimeters, but don't say I never did nothing for you. Get the shop set up and take this special request form to the armory. Get yourself something for the occasion.

You finish up your meal and head to the armory.
You Request Out:
>A Long Gun, a rifle with good stopping power.
>Trauma Plates for your vest, extra protection
>Flashbang Grenade, kept in a locked box until needed
>Write In
>Trauma Plates for your vest, extra protection
Gear keeps you alive
>Trauma Plates for your vest, extra protection
>Trauma Plates for your vest, extra protection
>Trauma Plates for your vest, extra protection
Can't say no to plates.
You get a few trauma plates for you and Hawthorne, you know that a Mafioso hideout has a chance of going loud and it's better to be safe than sorry. You slot in the extra plates on your vest and make sure it's comfortable.

Minutes later you are rolling down the dark streets of Gotham. You look up to the sky and see the usual roiling clouds. Plastered against the dull grey clouds is a bright shining symbol, a light background and a dark bat emblem.

"Yeah get used to it, Rook. You're probably gonna end up seeing that light in the sky more than the fucking moon at the rate things are going. Dent wants a team to be dedicated to the Batman but half the department loves the guy. There's always a rookie looking to make his bones by bringing in the Bat."

>"What about you, Rookie? What do you think of The Batman?
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I forgot the picture.
I don't like how he operates outside the law but we need his help, better to have him more or less on our side then have him fully against us
>Don't like him. I mean, I guess he's Justice League and maybe even a meta, but he's the kind of guy who makes things tougher for the rest of us because he thinks he's above the law... And above boring paperwork.
Seems in-keeping with our characterization so far.
>Well meaning idiot. He fights the bad guys we can't deal with but that no-kills rule is gonna get him killed someday. Or get people killed, if it hasn't already.
>Don't like him. I mean, I guess he's Justice League and maybe even a meta, but he's the kind of guy who makes things tougher for the rest of us because he thinks he's above the law... And above boring paperwork.
>Probably some rich fratboy who acts like he has dissociative personality disorder and is in tight with the commissioner. There's no other way I can think of that he hasn't been caught yet.
>You like that one of the tights wearing loons is on your side, but hate that he feels necessary.

Ultimately, Batman is a symptom of a much simpler, but also more complex problem. The government and the police are incapable of keeping people safe. It'd be ideal if he put all that gear and skill into the police force, but he doesn't believe it to be the best option. This most damning thing about the vigilante schtick is that, against the nutters walking in and out of Arkham, it works. And not just in Gotham. Metropolis, Bludhaven, Jump, anywhere some maniac in a costume knocks over a jewelry shop, it's usually another maniac in a costume that stops them. It should be a cop, who can be held accountable for the mistakes they make while still beinv effective.

A kid who wants to stop villain should dream of badges, not masks.
"I don't like him." You begin flatly. Hawthorne raises an eyebrow.

"Didn't expect you to have such strong feelings, Rook."

You shrug and continue. "Don't get me wrong I mean, he's Justice League and maybe even a meta like me, but he's the kind of guy who makes things tougher on people like us because he thinks he's above the law, I bet all the boring paperwork I just did in an hour is more than he does in 5 years." You sigh and rest your head on your cheek. "It just doesn't feel right. You're a kid dreaming of catching bad guys and you're more attracted to the mask than a badge." You stare out into the inkly blackness of Gotham letting your words hang in the stifled air of the cruiser.

"You're definitely the most philosophical Rookie I've met in GCPD. But I don't entirely disagree with you. I've met him you know?" Hawthorne says, switching on his high beams to penetrate the slow rolling fog creeping in from alleys and sewer grates.

"Batman?" You ask, pulling your head from it's resting position on the window.

"And the little guy. Robin. I was probably about two years into my career and I had the case that got me into Narcotics Squad. Shipment of a drug called 'Vertigo' old school for a guy like you I may as well be talking about Quaaludes. Guy running the shipment went by "Count Vertigo" dressed up like a cheap Vegas Magician. Imagine it, 9 years into the force and you watch a man get kicked in the chin so hard the sequins fly off his cape. It was like magic." He chuckles reliving the memory.

"Did you say anything to him? To Batman?" You ask, curious.

"I told him Freeze and Get on The Ground. Found out that night his suit is bulletproof."

"You shot at Batman?"

Hawthorne shrugs. "It was dark, who's to say which officer fired the shot."

Before you can continue your questions, red and blue lights catch your eye.

Hawthorne scowls. "This was supposed to be a quiet operation." He roughly grabs the radio.
"Central this is Adam-0 requesting an update on Gangland's Event at Dan's Discount Auto."
Static crackles in reply before the radio speaks up.
"Adam-0, we are showing multiple DB's on site. No report of gunfire, suspect unknown, Gangland is requesting officers to hold perimeter while they search the building, stay cautious."


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You both get out of the shop. At Hawthorne's request you double check your weapons and belt. You give Hawthorne a thumbs up and he pops the trunk. "Grab a shotgun, when holding perimeter where there may be an active suspect I like to have superior fire power." He grabs his own and slings it over his shoulder. As you approach you notice two bodies facedown in the lot. A detective sits crouched over the body, pen in his hand poking at a stiff item emerging from the bodies back. He waves you over.

"Hawthorne, you old dog. Good to see you again." He smiles and gives Hawthorne a firm handshake.

"Detective Hans, this is my Rookie. Mark DeLucia. Officer DeLucia this is Detective Samuel Hans, former narcotic detective gone Gangland." He smiles and claps the shoulder of the Detective. "I'm guessing you have a job for my Rookie Sammy?" He smiles knowingly.

"Indeed I do Officer Hawthorne. Rookie, Your TO and I are gonna go secure the rear door. He's gonna be on duty there. You stay near the front and be contact for the next car that pulls up, as well I hope you have gloves because the items embedded in these suspects need to be recovered." He motions to the dead men and smiles. "Best of look Rookie." he chuckles as he walks away with Hawthorne. "Don't forget to bag em rookie. Nobody with a brain is coming out the front door so stay near the car and radio after you collect the evidence."

You sigh and watch as they head off, at the very least this is a good chance to see if you have any chops at being detective one day. May as well make the best of it. Slowly and carefully you remove the objects from the victims, short and stout but with sharpened perfect points. Crossbow bolts?

You hold the bolt in your gloved hand, illuminated by your cruiser headlights, it looks expensive. Whoever had this didn't get it at a sporting store. As you bag the bolt you feel something.

You stare at the door into the auto dealer's warehouse, it twists into a screaming mouth. A woman's scream pierces only your ears as you stare into the growing maw. All that waits inside is pain and terror. But the screaming goes silent. Everything is silent. You feel goosebumps brush against the rough wool of your uniform.

Someone is watching you. Somewhere.

>Rush to the car and get the radio, call for Hawthorne.
>Shake it off, this is more reality bleed from overuse earlier. You can't trust it.
>Prepare your shotgun and call out.
>Write In
>Note it for later, but otherwise continue as normal. You whatever's out there is beyond one hallucinating rookie with a shotgun.
>Rush to the car and get the radio, call for Hawthorne.
Don't call him back, just say we got a feeling that something bad's in there. Really bad.

You swallow and let the fear of the unknown slip down to your gut where you can bury it. You have a job to do and getting spooked by something isn't an excuse to shirk your responsibility.

You finish bagging the evidence. Two crossbow bolts, two kills. Whoever the shooter was they hit 2 heart shots on moving targets, guns still in their belts so likely a surprise attack. You chew your inner cheek as you stare at the scene, nothing more you can do at this point. You have two bagged bolts in hand as you head for the trunk of your cruiser. You open the trunk and feel that shiver again. Watching. Looking without eyes. Seeing without looking. You take a deep breath.

You take out your keyring and open the lockbox in the trunk, putting the evidence inside you close the lockbox and turn the key. As you close the trunk the feeling that has been screaming at you is finally silenced by a feeling. A physical feeling. This is happening.

You feel a circle of cold press against the base of your neck, the chill of metal sets your teeth on edge.

"I need you to open that trunk Officer. The evidence you're holding is vital to my investigation." The voice behind you states.

"And don't even think of reaching for that radio. Radio Waves enhance the growth of cancer cells, keep using it and you'll be dead from worse than a bullet." It continues rapidly. You try to turn your head and feel the cold metal press deeper into your neck.

"The evidence officer, your commissioner has no problem cooperating with any fascist with enough money to get a fancy suit tailored so I can't trust this with the GCPD."

>Surrender, he got the drop on you. Better to live another day.
>Feign Surrender, you have more supplies in your trunk open it feigning compliance and then attack. (Roll)
>Get aggressive, he's expecting you to try something sly. Take the direct approach, turn hard and fast and give him everything you have. (Roll)
>Try to talk him down (What do you say?) ((Roll))
>Write in
>Surrender, he got the drop on you. Better to live another day.
>Feign Surrender, you have more supplies in your trunk open it feigning compliance and then attack. (Roll)
>Try to talk him down (What do you say?)
>There's no scientific evidence that Radio Waves are harmful, who are you kidding? And you want me to hand over this evidence to the hands of someone who believes in nutty horseshit like that? Let whoever did this get away? Who the hell are you anyway?

Guessing this is the Question?
I guess that would explain the bolts, his girlfriend is nearby.

This guy is obviously a little loose in the head already, you figure the best thing you can do is try to buy yourself time. Hawthorne has to come back to the car eventually and other units were already on route.

"There's no scientific evidence that Radio Waves are harmful, who are you kidding? And you want me to hand over this evidence to the hands of someone who believes in nutty horseshit like that?" You say incredulously. You hear a sigh. "That's just what THEY want you to think, Officer. Your living proof of state sponsored brainwashing, I bet you could tell me your badge number forwards and backwards without even looking, or the fine for Littering in a city park." The more he talks you feel the pressure increase and decrease on the cylinder. He's jumpy. You grit your teeth.
"I'm not brainwashed, I'm a cop and it's my JOB to know that stuff. It's also my job to catch criminals and you want to stop that? Let whoever did this get away? Who the hell are you anyway?" You keep going. You think you hear a muffled "Code 4" from inside your shop. The cavalry is close you just need to hang on.

"No. It's because I want to catch them that I can't let you have this evidence. Your department is dirty and this evidence is going to disappear into the ether if I let you take it in, I won't let justice be swallowed by the void officer. If you're true to the spirit of the law and not just the letter you'll hand over the evidence." You feel a hard shove as you get bent over slightly, metal creating an uncomfortable pressure point in your neck.


>He's serious now, you have no choice but to hand over the evidence to protect yourself.
>You have no choice but to fight back, with the Calvary coming it isn't a fight you even have to win anymore. Just survive.
>He may be right about GCPD being dirty, a new scandal drops every 2 months, but can you really trust someone willing to intimidate a cop? (Specify yes or no with this one)
>Just keep him talking. (Write In)
>>You have no choice but to fight back, with the Calvary coming it isn't a fight you even have to win anymore. Just survive.
>Just keep him talking. (Write In)
>"You expect me to just believe you? I get that the GCPD has more than it's fair share of dirty cops but how do I know that you aren't some crook or deranged freak fresh out of Arkham or Blackgate? Hell, you could be the fucking Joker for all I know."
>>5762819 +1
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You raise your hands higher and reply.
"Okay okay, I'm just saying You expect me to just believe you? I get that the GCPD has more than it's fair share of dirty cops but how do I know that you aren't some crook or deranged freak fresh out of Arkham or Blackgate? Hell, you could be the fucking Joker for all I know!" You speak rapidly with frustration creeping into your voice.

You feel a rough hand grasp your shoulder.
"Do I look."
You're spun around and feel the metal press into your lower stomach below your vest. You gaze upon the slightly illuminated man holding you hostage. A man without a face, a sight so bizarre you consider if it's a reality bleed.
"Like a goddamn clown?" He says inches from your face, the skin around his mouth stretching and contorting. You feel a pain in your lower back as you are pushed against the trunk roughly.
"I am taking your keys officer, then you will get on the ground and I will-" his speech is cut off by the shine of a blue beam. A patrol car coming to assist with the perimeter, it's just at the end of the road. You hear the faceless man curse.
"Someone is dirty officer. Find the mole or this case goes up in smoke. I'll be in touch." He says to you, giving you a hard shove away sending you sprawling. You catch sight of what he had been sticking you with, a small silver canister with a spray top. He sprints into the darkness.

>Stay down, no need to go after danger after just escaping it.
>Get to your feet and pursue, use the radio to get the patrol to assist
>Draw your weapon and fire at the retreating figure. (Lethal/Non?) (Roll)
>Get your shotgun from the trunk and take a shot at him (See Above)
>Stay down, no need to go after danger after just escaping it.
>Get your shotgun from the trunk and take a shot at him (Non-Lethal)
Since we are cops, we should have bean bag rounds at the ready. Even should we miss we can just tell the weird dude later that we have to make his escape tonight look convincing to the 'mole'.
>Stay down, no need to go after danger after just escaping it.
A mole in the force eh? We want to reduce the cities burden so why not have an internal cleansing first.
>Get your shotgun from the trunk and take a shot at him (Non-Lethal)
Interesting. Wonder what this case is going to turn into? And why is there a dirty cop involved?

Backing this, we don’t want to have a meta-friendly rep on the force anyways
>A mole in the force eh?

The guy was retarded, that is like saying "Bro, there are fishes on the river" this is gotham you dipshit, that is not reason to pull a gun on us
>Stay down, no need to go after danger after just escaping it.
>Stay down, no need to go after danger after just escaping it.
Just because it's common doesn't mean we have to ignore the tip. And nowhere in any option does it say that we are immediately trusting the cape, why do you want to use violence now only because of having a gun pulled on us when before we forgave the guy for taking a shot at us?
>Stay down, no need to go after danger after just escaping it.
We don't kill that guy because he was a scared rat on a corner and there was people around, this is a delusional goon running and we are not shoting to kill.
Taking a nonlethal shot with a shotgun is a potential act of manslaughter. Shooting a fleeing suspect in back is shitty policing. Just my opinion.
The man is armed and fleeing, considering he is armed and COULD harm civilians makes it a justifiable shoot. Lethal force is technically allowed in such a scenario. There are actual rulings for this exact thing. So no, taking a shot with non-lethal would almost never be considered manslaughter in this context. The last thing anyone wants is some psycho in a mask getting away and assaulting or killing some random person.

And we'd still be being nice by not actually trying to kill him.
>Stay down, no need to go after danger after just escaping it.
I bet we have to do more paperwork if we shoot
At least we dont have an arrowhole
Look man, if you want to shoot (and maybe kill, be realistic) an obvious superhero in the back, in Gotham, and face the courts, Internal Affairs, AND The Batman over it, well, be my guest. We'll see how the vote goes.
>Stay down, no need to go after danger after just escaping it.
On mobile, backlinking to >>5762703
I'm just saying it's an incorrect assessment.
>>Stay down, no need to go after danger after just escaping it.
>Stay down, no need to go after danger after just escaping it.

>You catch sight of what he had been sticking you with, a small silver canister with a spray top
It wasn't even a gun.
>It wasn't even a gun.

Lol you think anyone on this board actually reads the posts instead of scrolling down to the choices and mashing the first one they see?
>because deadly gasses aren't used by anyone anywhere at any time
Unknown mask man with unlabeled can of something or other. Could be spray paint, could be ant poison, could be a deadly neurotoxin. But hey, whoever is choking on the shit will feel better knowing we didn't even try to stop him because he didn't have a gun or knife.
I did.

I'm sure they'll feel better than if Batman broke our shins over it.
Why would they give a shit at all if Batman broke our shins? This is Gotham, no one cares about anyone else.
Our TO probably cares. Any family we have may care. Our department who now ahs to contend with a watchful, vengeful Batman paying them special attention may selfishly care.
Not detaining a deranged man threatening police and obstructing an investigation out of fear is bitch-made, anon.
I deem it prudent more than cowardly. Seems I may not be alone, since discretion is winning right now.
Sometimes being right ain't being smart. That's why the rightest of people're not the smarterest of people.
It's not about detaining him being unsafe. It's about reasonable use of force.

This isn't a quest where voters are going to choose to act like police officers. We're going to choose to act how we think a police officer should. So instead of shooting someone in the back with less-than-lethal intentions, we're going to focus on the job we're here for instead.
I'm pretty sure when a masked freak shows up if the cops wanted to shoot him to death on reflex it wouldn't be seen as unusual or even unreasonable given the number of supervillains. If we weren't in comics verse then yeah, but here where weird shit happens on the reg, no one would bat an eye. And the existence of masked superheroes doesn't really change that either, considering that there is no way of knowing who is who at any given time if they aren't big damn heroes with known sightings and good track records. And getting meta here, which I have been avoiding, but it's important to note, Question does not have a stellar reputation and he also tries to keep as far out of the public eye as possible, so no there is no way of us knowing he is a hero right now.

It's still not an excessive use of force when contextualized.

>This isn't a quest where voters are going to choose to act like police officers. We're going to choose to act how we think a police officer should
Weird take but okay. Since people could decide to take our service pistol out and remove his ankles with it. I mean, voting for what we do is already the name of the game, no real reason to articulate that, but I will applaud you for it nonetheless.
Most people don't feel pulling out a gun and killing someone should be anything but a last resort. Even, and especially, for police officers. If we did, we would have killed the man with the shotgun a few chapters ago.

What you're advocating is more in line with how an American police officer would actually behave, not how most people, Americans included, believe a police officer SHOULD act.
My guy don't listen to the news so much. Most cops don't actually shoot people in the back. It's just that it has happened before and legal precedence has been set by it.

And no, shooting the guy at the gas station would not have been a justified shoot, since he announced he was disarmed and complying. If the gun was still in his hand and he was moving quickly as he opened the door you might have been able to get away with it, but as he wasn't, it wouldn't fly. Also you're not supposed to shoot through walls or doors. Doubly so when there may be hostages.

And still, this is Gotham. Where shootouts with police involved happen once, twice or even thrice a week on average. It doesn't run by civilized rules, it's basically the wild west out here. Police response is going to be particularly hostile on average and no one would think it unusual who is from here. Someone in Central City or Metropolis would hear it and think it's crazy, but not Gothamites. That'd be like criticizing soldiers deployed in the middle east for being jumpy at a guy standing next to a pile of garbage on the side of a road.
It doesn't matter whether or not he's running away from us, anyone who has the gall to poke metal things at police officers should not be surprised when he gets shot. That we're not using lethal force is already discretion enough. Also this whole 'not what we're here for' reasoning is just cowardly, if you're on traffic duty and saw some women getting dragged into an alley would you not intervene because we're only there to hand out tickets too? Seems justice is only what is convenient for some people.
Love to see my players enjoying a lively debate.

Team Stay Down

Team Shoot Him

Votes are clear.
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You watch the man fade into the dark as your radio crackles.

"Central this is 1-Adam-1, We spot an officer in distress suspect fleeing westbound towards Gotham Harbor requesting ambulance and an air ship. Trench Coat and Trilby hat, color unknown but dark. Moving to assist the Officer."
The radio crackles again.
"Kimble? Where is this officer down, is it at the front?" Hawthorne's voice comes over the radio.
"Son of a bitch. Moving to cover, chase the suspect." He orders.
"Copy, Sir. Moving to pursue."

You hear the crunching of gravel and decide to just pull yourself up enough to lean on the car bumper. You swipe bits of gravel from the scratches on your palm, you lean your head back against the cool trunk of the cruiser and sigh.

Hawthorne rounds the corner at blinding speed, Shotgun level with his shoulder, his veteran eyes scanning the darkness.
He sees you and pulls up his radio.

"Officer mostly unharmed, minor scrapes. Show us Code 3, focus additional units on the manhunt. Stand by for additional intel." He kneels down to you.
"You see anything, son? That could help us catch him?"

>"He didn't have a face, sir. Not even eyes."
>Intel can wait, he needs to hear what you 1did. "He told me there was a mole in the GCPD, working for the Bertinelli Family."
>You don't even know if what you saw was real or a reality bleed. "Nothing of note sir, I didn't see anything."
>"He didn't have a face, sir. Not even eyes."
>>"He didn't have a face, sir. Not even eyes."
>>"He didn't have a face, sir. Not even eyes."
we can tell him about the mole later
>"He didn't have a face, sir. Not even eyes."
Goddamn metas.
>"He didn't have a face, sir. Not even eyes."
We talk Hawthorne's a straight shooter so no lies with him

"He didn't have a face, sir. Not even eyes." You say with eyes closed, adrenaline leaving your body.

"Goddamn Metas." Hawthorne mumbles as he pulls up the radio to transmit your information.

"Odds are we never get to see that guy again, Rookie. Meta-Human Investigation department is going to take this one up. The Commissioner's Personal baby." He says the last part rolling his eyes. He leans down and helps you to your feet. "Sadly all that paperwork you bellyache'd about isn't over yet. You'll need to write an incident report about this entire thing, everything he asked for, asked you, or answered needs to be put to paper. It's a big ask for a rookie on his first day, so I'm gonna do you a favor and push it to tomorrow morning so you can at least get some sleep and get the first perp jitters out of the way." He claps your shoulder and looks at you with understanding.

"He wasn't my first perp sir." You say

"First one that got away, son. That rattles every officer, even ones near the end of their career." He removes his hand and goes to enter the car but pauses. He watches you brush dirt and gravel from your knees and opens his mouth like he may something, but whatever it is he decides against it and gets in.

The ride back to the station is silent, your radio was switched off after the third response from a patrol that couldn't locate the suspect. Your only company besides thoughts were the mumblings of Hawthorne cursing out other officers under his breath.

Before long you are back at GCPD and heading to your desk.
"I saw you only had one Day 1 paper left, get it handled and report in early tomorrow for your verbal statement and written report." He speaks without looking at you but as he goes to step away he looks at you and hesitates again. This time the thought wins out.
"I'm sorry." He says flatly, shoulders pushed back. "I was wrong to leave you at the scene alone, especially after what happened with Pino. I haven't been a TO in a long while and I forgot how enthusiastic you guys can be, I just thank Christ you listened to what I told you about Pino and didn't try to fight your perp. Tussling with a meta is a dangerous game." He slides into a ramble the more he speaks but eventually his brain catches up with his mouth and he stops. Letting out a sigh. "Just glad you're okay, son. See you tomorrow." He waves wearily and heads off to the locker rooms to put away his gear not waiting to hear any sort of response from you.

You sit at your desk and pull out the form you had stored earlier....
This document is to be filled out at the end of the trainee's first day and be provided by their Training Officer. This document is not to be filled or filed until the completion of the entirety of Trainee Officer's first shift. After being filled out this document is to be submitted to the Watch Commander on duty.]

The form is 2 pages with boxes to write your answers.
>What is your honest review of the methods used by your Training Officer?
>Do you wish to request an exchange of Training Officers, if so why?
>Have you at any point during this shift felt as if your TO did not have your best interests at heart?
>Any General Comments or Concerns regarding your Training Officer?
>What is your honest review of the methods used by your Training Officer?
Officer Hawthorne's methods are effective. He prefers to allow me to take the lead so that he can gauge how much of my training has been properly integrated and how quick I am to engage that training, providing tips and feedback during and after as appropriate. He's also taken early steps to ensure that I mesh well in the social spheres of our local officers, promoting a group cohesion and tradition.
>Do you wish to request an exchange of Training Officers, if so why?
>Have you at any point during this shift felt as if your TO did not have your best interests at heart?
Officer Hawthorne has always had my best interests at heart, prioritizing my safety and wellbeing to the best of his ability.
>Any General Comments or Concerns regarding your Training Officer?
Officer Hawthorne cares greatly about the members of the Gotham Police Department, and his experience shines brightly. My only concern is that this same experience and care may have formed a point of contention between himself and the criminal elements of Gotham, as empathy seems low in interactions regarding them - especially if harm or the threat of harm is levied towards his fellow officers. His dedication is nothing short of commendable, but care should always be taken to ensure we view and treat criminals humanely while performing our duties.
Seems "justice" isn't "shooting someone out of spite" for some people, either.

I support all of this EXCEPT the criticisms at the end. Keep that to ourselves, until we know more. We can't even be sure that's accurate -- he muttered "motherfucker" when the other cops wanted to put down our first perp, but that could be outrage at the crook OR outrage at the officers, and he's been straight-and-narrow otherwise.
Supporting but as in
I don't think the "concern" is warranted. He didn't seem too terribly upset at all when we brought the hostage perp in alive, rather he seemed quite pleased if you read his response to why we did so in >>5760030
this is me and i'm changing my vote to >>5763645
This except the concern part.
Supporting, but without the concerns
+1 >>5763645
>"justice" isn't "shooting someone out of spite" for some people, either.
Dude threatened us with a metal implement to steal police evidence. Doesn't matter whether we hate him or not, anyone who is willing to use force to get what they want cannot participate in civil society and should be detained for the good of everyone, including him. As far as I can tell, we are opposed to precisely that sort of vigilante justice when we chose the badge instead of the mask.
Anyway, support for the assessment.
Then we arrest him when we can, not shoot him while he's running.
Hey man, a beanbag or two into his ass might slow him down enough to catch him. You don't just say "Well, he's getting away, guess I'll try next time.". Truly lacking in JUSTICE, anon.
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You fill out the form pretty easily. After the day you've had you don't want find it difficult to give your TO a good review. You consider briefly putting some concerns in the back of your mind on the form but decide against it, you'll have plenty of time for that later if you need to.

You grab your form and head off to the watch Commander's Office, only to see his glass cubicle empty and lights off. You lean down and slide the form under the door before heading to the locker room to get back into your street clothes. You enter the locker room and find it mostly empty, night shift has already been through here and gone out to the street. The only other officer in the locker room is Officer Banks, the one who got hit by the shotgun earlier and the one who tried to trick you. He sits shirtless rubbing some sort of cream on a multitude of blue and yellow penny sized bruises. You pop your locker and jump back as a flood of items comes pouring out at your feet. Patches.

You bend down and pick one up. Superman's Logo. You look over your shoulder and see Banks looking at you tired.

"Cause you got the guy who shot me out alive I guess." He says, shrugging.

>"Did you see who put these in my locker?"
>"I'm sure it has nothing to do with being a Meta."
>"Would you have preferred I shoot the guy?"
>Say nothing. Put your hear away and head home.
(Multiple Answers are allowed)
Shrug. Can't win em all. Pocket one to bring home. A badge for one less death, I'd take it.

"Glad you're alive, man. Heard you took a bad hit to head, you feeling ok? Need a lift back?"
+1, wonder if they can give us other superhero patches
Supporting. But privately, be on guard for anti-meta sentiment.

If QM clarifies if we have beanbag rounds next time (not those eye-exploding rubber bullets or anything, but something genuinely unlikely to maim or kill) I'll consider it. For now, the vote is done. Let it lie.
>(not those eye-exploding rubber bullets or anything
Ah yes, because a beanbag won't destroy an eye or its socket. It's almost as if any high speed projectile is dangerous to one of the most vulnerable organs on the human body. I'm assuming that since non-lethal was an option that meant we probably had beanbags or something. Primarily because there is no such thing as non-lethal when using regular ammo. Thanks to the body having all the blood tubes in it and all. But that may very well be a failing on my part I'll admit.

Also no, I will argue forever. I didn't even vote on that one. I'm just being contrarian.
Less lethal than solid baton rounds/rubber bullets, which is the idea behind them, but the idea that it could still kill The Question when he was no longer an actual danger to us is all the more reason to not vote for it, even if we disapprove of capes and masks.
If we were using rubber bullets, the only way they could deliver any real harm to him because he is running away would be if it hit him square in the back of the head or directly on the spine. Which are both incredibly unlikely shots to land at a target mid-sprint especially at any appreciable distance. His wearing a trench coat actually gives him a decent means of protection against them. Still hurt like a motherfucker though.

I guess we could hit a kidney and make him piss funny for a while, too. But eh.

But again, it was a man, potentially armed, fleeing to an unknown place. The rules are pretty clear that it's okay to shoot someone doing that. Because he threatened a police officer with an unknown can of something or other it can only be assumed that whatever was in the can was dangerous. Then he gets shot, falls down, people look into it and "Oh it was just a can of Pam to grease a pan for cooking" and the judge says "well shit no one could have known, you're off the hook, just don't shoot any more rogue cooks, okay sonny".

I can see it now. The jokes about tagging Gordon Ramsay from the rest of the force.
"We could get away with it" and "we should do it" are different things, and we know where the votes fell. I'm going to let this go now.
We should have done it, though. You didn't read any of the argument earlier, did you? We've been over this.
I'm personally happier we didnt now that we know hes investigating corruption in the force. Some contacts to discuss these matters and aid investigation will be key.
Trusting a faceless wacko who threatened you in the middle of the night at a crime scene? Kinda silly if you ask me. Probably a crazy person.
I'm gonna be honest, guy, you seem to be alone in the 'shoot someone in the back as they flee the scene' camp. To my understanding, it comes down to the fact that a lunatic fleeing the scene isn't actually a danger to anyone if he thinks he can just leave. Will he be a problem later? Maybe, but it's not our job to fight and possibly kill people over what they might do.

Next time someone presents a clear and immediate danger to life and limb might be a good time to try this tack. Though I suspect people will try to deescalate again, if possible, especially since our power is suited for it.
>Will he be a problem later? Maybe, but it's not our job to fight and possibly kill people over what they might do.
This is the exact thing people say before asking why cops didn't do anything to stop the guy who was clearly crazy or going through an episode before he kills someone(s) and they had ample time and evidence that he was unwell.

>it comes down to the fact that a lunatic fleeing the scene isn't actually a danger to anyone if he thinks he can just leave
This is also extremely flawed thinking. Does that mean if the Joker walks up to us, knocks us to the ground, asks us for directions to an orphanage and then skedaddles we shouldn't even try to stop him or get him to elaborate? I mean it was just assault, and he is fleeing so he clearly isn't a threat, right?

The fact of the matter is, you voted to let an obvious weirdo get away scot free after breaking the law in multiple ways, with potentially dangerous contraband, and all you did was throw your hands up and say "Oh well". To me that just seems like a convenient way to absolve yourself of making the hard choices. Which sets a worrying precedence of not making the -right- choices when it comes down to it. We'll see in the future. Hopefully we won't have to, though.

>you seem to be alone in the 'shoot someone in the back as they flee the scene' camp.
There was that other guy, I think. Though I never said to kill him, just that with all the information we had that it wouldn't be unreasonable to do so. But I didn't actually vote to shoot him. I'm just here to play devil's advocate every now and again. For funsies. It also helps to get people's noggin juices flowing, so long as no one gets too heated.

>Next time someone presents a clear and immediate danger to life and limb might be a good time to try this tack
If someone points a gun at someone we better shoot the fucker instead of talking. Much faster, much more likely to save whomever is on the other end. There is certainly a time and a place.
no one is going to completely trust the meta, we have a brain and can come to our own conclusions as well. If we can get tips from the gangster about hideouts why does getting tips from a cape become more silly according to you?
Gotham already has bad people hurting each other so sticking to a more non-violent approach is better I think
>If we can get tips from the gangster about hideouts why does getting tips from a cape become more silly according to you?
Because we had Pino by the balls. What leverage did we have over Featureless McGee? None. Why should we trust the no name no face? He didn't give us any reason to.

Do you trust a stranger who walks by you and says something about the company you work for? You never even considered that maybe he is trying to foster division in the force himself, did you? Or that he was saying any random bullshit to distract us just to get those crossbow bolts. We don't know the guy, we got no reason to trust the guy. Now if we go home and find a manila folder full of evidence that indicates some corruption then sure, we can consider it holding water. But we would still want to scrutinize it as if it's fabricated.

All I'm saying is, analyze, don't believe.
Exactly, now we have some food for thought regarding our own department. We truly do beleive in justice and if our own instituion turns out to be non-corrupt and robust we can more confidently deal with policing the streets. But in the off chance that our department's corrupt then doesn't any policing work we do not matter at all becasue the next day itself criminals will be free to walk, crucial evidence red taped etc etc.
other guy who supports shooting here, I completely agree. The guy has demonstrated himself to be a lawbreaker who is willing to use force on a police officer. God knows what he has done/ will do to other citizens who are less capable of resisting his coercion. Letting him go may be mitigated by our tiredness, but it was still a massive dereliction of duty to let an active threat escape like that.

You shrug and stick the patch in your pocket.
"Can't win em all, I'll take a souvenir for keeping a man alive. Speaking of, I'm glad you're okay for the most part. Heard you took a bad hit to the head, you feeling ok? Need a lift or anything?" You ask as you remove your vest and put it up. You grab your off duty and tuck it into your concealed holster.

"Only thing that's a bigger target than a cop is a cop out of uniform." Hawthorne told you at lunch earlier. You decide to trust your TO especially after tonight.

"Uh..nah man I'm okay." Banks answers you, he turns his head and points at a large bandage. "I just am taking a second to catch my breath before heading home, you know?" He avoids your eyes and stares at the floor.

>"Is everything okay, Banks?"
>"Work on your clown outfit if you wanna make UC one day, your posture and attitude was perfect."
>"Alright, have a good night Banks."
>"Is everything okay, Banks?"
Feels like a place where we might want to use shivers
>"Is everything okay, Banks?"
"Alright then."
Clap him comradely on the shoulder. "Any day we can all come back to hang up the vest is a good day. Lets grab a coffee and donuts sometime, my treat. And you can tell me of all the other rookies you've spooked with your mask."

We're too new here to delve too deeply and hes likely reflecting with his close brush with death. Some light 'we're all ok' talk, promises to meet up again in the future is good enough for now.
>"Is everything okay, Banks?"

"Is everything okay, Banks?" You ask him casually, trying not to seem prying. He nods in response but doesn't look at you.

"You know how it is, man. Long day." He sighs and rubs his eyes. "Can't sleep for another few hours though, doc's orders." He manages a half smile and makes eye contact. "I'm cool though, really."

You give your own nod and clap a hand on his shoulder. "Any day you get to come back in here and hang up your vest is a good day. We should grab coffee and donuts sometime, my treat. I want to hear about the other Rookies you managed to scare with your Joker Goon routine." You put on your best smile and try to look warm. He chuckles.

"You're one of those cops that actually eats donuts huh?" He asks leaning back against his locker.

"Sugar and carbs, need to keep energy up." You say with a comedic shrug. He chuckles again. "Amen, man. Yeah uh. Yeah that sounds like it would be cool. Maybe later this week after my head stops buzzing." He extends a hand and you gladly grasp and shake it.

"See ya round, DeLucia." are the last things you hear as you leave the locker room.

The drive home is quiet, but uncomfortable, all the adrenaline of the day has left you feeling drained and your mind is overwhelmed with all the new things you have picked up and taken in on just a single day. You shake your head as your eyes start to feel heavy. Thankfully it isn't long before you arrive at your apartment, you lock up and decide to head straight to bed once you get inside. Maybe a beer if you aren't asleep by the time you walk in. You unlock your door and step inside the dark apartment you've spent the past year and a half getting used to. You wander through the dark interior, illuminated by the light of the streetlamps outside, maybe you will have that beer. You open your ancient fridge and grab a "Joe's Pale Ale" your cheap beer of choice. As you pop the top you flick on the light and take a sip as the sound of a voice causes you to choke on your beverage.

"I wouldn't drink that, it has trace levels of radiation in it so THEY can track you better."
The voice belongs to the faceless man who seems to be quite comfortable on your couch, legs crossed.

>Draw your off duty weapon and level it at him.
>Chuck your beer at his head and drop behind the counter for cover (Roll)
>Try to play it cool, get your phone secretly while leaning casually on the counter. (Roll)
>Hop the counter and make a dash for your front door. (Roll)


>Say something to the man in your apartment (Write-In)
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I have to stop forgetting these fucking images.
>Chuck your beer at his head and drop behind the counter for cover (Roll)
>Chuck your beer at his head and drop behind the counter for cover (Roll)
Great, now we're friends with the neighbourhood conspiracy nut. I'm sure nothing will go wrong.
>Chuck your beer at his head and drop behind the counter for cover
>"Want some of this? Let me quickly go get my radiation tracer."
He won't get away this time
At least the conversations will be somewhat interesting.
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>>Chuck your beer at his head and drop behind the counter for cover (Roll)
I knew we should have given him some extra bruises. Emergency beer, go
>Chuck your beer at his head and drop behind the counter for cover (Roll)
Take a sip before throwing

Roll 1d100 for beer chucking. Best of 3.

DC: 60
Rolled 57 (1d100)

Rolled 87 (1d100)

I really just want to hear him complain about someone beaning him with a beer. Aim for the face.
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Aim the head!

You can't lie. He scared the shit out of you. Beer spews from your lips as you pull your arm back and release a near perfect spiral aimed right at his forehead. As soon as the bottle leaves your hands you duck behind the counter and pull your off duty weapon as well as grab your phone. In the meantime you hear a satisfying clunk.
"Damn it! This is a poor way to treat company Officer!" You hear from the other side of the counter. You didn't see the impact but judging by the hissing you hear your bottle hit him square in the forehead.

"I'm unarmed officer. Before you hit send on that call to the station, how about you hear me out. I know there's a reason you didn't include me on your paperwork about tonight's incident. It's because a part of you knows that I'm right!" He proclaims, you hear his feet shuffling on your hardwood.

"I didn't even turn in a report tonight!" You call back as you navigate to the station dispatch number you have saved.

"Then I read a very boring Officers paperwork for no reason." He says, following up almost in a whisper to himself. "I thought for sure I had his handwriting style down based on how he broke his fall." You slowly stand with your gun aimed before you get a glimpse and see him in your living room, hands locked behind his head and on his knees.

"This is as close to submission you'll get from me officer." He says. Mask flexing and stretching with each word. He speaks again to himself in a whisper. "Well you aren't an officer are you? So it's different."

>"You have the right to remain silent, I'm cuffing you and calling for back up."
>"You have a single minute to explain this entire mole business to me or you leave here in handcuffs."
>"Who are you talking to? Are you talking to yourself?"
>This whole situation is beyond bizarre, reach out into the city and see what it tells you. (Shivers Check)
>Fire your weapon, he assaulted you and broke into your home he is a danger.

[Keep in mind you can vote for multiple options especially in dialogue when you think just one won't suffice.]
>>"You have a single minute to explain this entire mole business to me or you leave here in handcuffs."
>This whole situation is beyond bizarre, reach out into the city and see what it tells you. (Shivers Check)
while he talks we use shiver

>"You have a single minute to explain this entire mole business to me or you leave here in handcuffs.“

I’m tired of this moron’s shtick, he’s a Walmart brand Meta at best. Tell us what you on about or fuck off
>"You have a single minute to explain this entire mole business to me or you leave here in handcuffs."
>This whole situation is beyond bizarre, reach out into the city and see what it tells you. (Shivers Check)
>"Who are you talking to? Are you talking to yourself?"
>"You have a single minute to explain this entire mole business to me or you leave here in handcuffs."
>>This whole situation is beyond bizarre, reach out into the city and see what it tells you. (Shivers Check)
>glance out the windows, make sure there isn't some other nutjob out there, and stay away from any doors, who knows if he's schizo or actually talking to someone
I have to go sadly, but hopefully I will be clear to come back and do some more updates later today.

Looking forward to seeing how you guys want to push forward with this. Also enjoying the debates I get to read between posts, just be sure not to get too heated over stuff online though I doubt anyone is.

Any comments, questions, concerns I'd love to hear em. Thanks for playing.
so far i like where we're headed and i'd like to see more on the side of investigations, patrols and what happens after criminals are put under bars. Also what made you start the quest?
>"You have a single minute to explain this entire mole business to me or you leave here in handcuffs."
>This whole situation is beyond bizarre, reach out into the city and see what it tells you. (Shivers Check)
>>"You have a single minute to explain this entire mole business to me or you leave here in handcuffs."
>>This whole situation is beyond bizarre, reach out into the city and see what it tells you. (Shivers Check)
>"You have a single minute to explain this entire mole business to me or you leave here in handcuffs."
He can start with...
>"Who are you talking to? Are you talking to yourself?"
(But yes, stay away from windows and keep an eye out for accomplices)
Fucked around with mobile until I could actually get it to work, just cause I wanna answer this. White Pill Old-Fag Rant below.

I recently entered a Game Jam where I was the writing lead for dialogue and story and the game actually finished in the Top 10 out of 500 entries, I plan on working on bigger projects but have a lot of time in between so I am keeping my teeth sharpened just running a quest idea I had until I get the call the start work.

I started reading and running quests back in High School (I ran a decently popular X-COM quest about being resistance) and transitioned into DnD Campaigns and Literature as time went on. Now I get to do something I've always wanted to.

Any aspiring or thinking about it QMs reading this, do it. Even if you aren't writing "well" its a skill you cultivate over time just as anything else. Find a concept you really like, write a barebone plot structure for it and then run it. See how you do, you may surprise yourself.

Based motivation post, the golden age of /qst/ will return!
Ah so this particular quest is a one shot then? I quite like dialogue heavy quests with more focus on characters so this was right up my alley.
Not a one shot don't worry, I plan to see this story out for better or worse. Up to you guys
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Hear hear!
Oh hell yeah. More of the good stuff is always nice
>>"You have the right to remain silent, I'm cuffing you and calling for back up."
>>This whole situation is beyond bizarre, reach out into the city and see what it tells you. (Shivers Check)
>This whole situation is beyond bizarre, reach out into the city and see what it tells you. (Shivers Check)
>"Who are you talking to? Are you talking to yourself?"
>"You have a single minute to explain this entire mole business to me or you leave here in handcuffs.“
I wouldn't do a shivers check if I were you guys, given the day hasn't ended, and our last roll for shivers was a worst of 3.
>"You have a single minute to explain this entire mole business to me or you leave here in handcuffs.“
>"You have a single minute to explain this entire mole business to me or you leave here in handcuffs."
>This whole situation is beyond bizarre, reach out into the city and see what it tells you. (Shivers Check)
Based QM
Yeah we're already getting side effects od overuse. Better let it rest for now. Don't want to give ourselves a nosebleed or something
Hope you had a good weekend everyone. Let's continue.

"You have a single minute to explain this Mole business to me or you leave in handcuffs." you say holding you're off duty weapon level with his chest, finger gently resting on the trigger.

The faceless man nods, "It's rather self-explanatory. Your organization has a mole, GCPD is no group of Saints, but the identity of this mole is eluding me."

"What was going on at the warehouse? Why would a mole want the evidence I found?" You ask, closing distance slightly but staying well outside of his grabbing range, you make sure to keep a piece of furniture between you both as an obstacle in case he decides to try you.

"Inside that warehouse your detectives discovered a dead body. Elsa Kraborvitch, an exotic dancer at a seedy club. The exact type of seedy club that would service people who would peel a girl's fingernails off for sharing information with rival groups. By the time we arrived it was too late. Elsa was dead and the men on the scene, who you pulled those bolts from, were the cleaning crew."

"How does any of this confirm a mole, you have ten seconds." You state.

"She mentioned him. A fellow customer apparently." He states flatly.

"You said it was too late when you got there."

"It was, when I arrived they had already shot her in the gut, without an immediate ambulance she was never going to make it. I elected to stay hidden and observe rather than step in for a lost cause." You watch him cringe raising his shoulders. "Which I realize now was a cowardly decision." He follows up quietly.

This is beyond bizarre you've tapped into the city a lot today but this is ridiculous you need the perspective.

>Roll For Shivers.
Worst Of Three.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

Whelp. 'ere we go~

Rolled 97 (1d100)


You call that a bad roll? I'll show you, poseur.
Rolled 71 (1d100)


Pitiful. Watch and learn.
Rolled 43 (1d100)


DC: 40
Barely Passed!

You take a deep breath and feel the sharp cool night air enter your lungs. Your eye hurts from maintaining focus on one target this long, you see yourself through your own living room window. You blink again and see a man bringing his son home from the carnival, he holds a red balloon and it slips from his hand. You watch it fade away into the black of Gotham. You come too and see The Faceless man is now on his feet, crouched slightly.

"You there Officer? Or has all that pasteurized milk finally gotten to you?"

You blink a few times. His face turns to your own, you hold yourself at gunpoint. If you fire, you kill yourself.

You stumble back away from the window into your own kitchen.
"I believe you scared the Officer." You hear him whisper. Your head spins.

>Show of faith, set down your gun. Tell him to bring his partner inside.
>You're most vulnerable right now, you need to get out before this escalates. Break for the door.
>You're out of the way of fire now, this is your only chance to take a shot at him without retaliation.
>Show of faith, set down your gun. Tell him to bring his partner inside.
>Show of faith, set down your gun. Tell him to bring his partner inside.
>>You're out of the way of fire now, this is your only chance to take a shot at him without retaliation.
>Show of faith, set down your gun. Tell him to bring his partner inside.
>Show of faith, set down your gun. Tell him to bring his partner inside.
our officer might need to grab another drink to deal with this weirdness
>You're out of the way of fire now, this is your only chance to take a shot at him without retaliation.
>Show of faith, set down your gun. Tell him to bring his partner inside.
>Show of faith, set down your gun. Tell him to bring his partner inside.
Why is your name anonymous with a lower-case a?
That’s because I’m a named anon. I love when that makes people get tripped over finding out my name is literally anonymous.
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You take a deep breath and control your spinning vision. You hold a hand out to the faceless man and lift your weapon. "I'm going to have some faith in you, that you actually believe what you're telling me about this mole." You say as you place it on your counter, still in arms reach but out of hand."

"I appreciate that officer, this entire investigation will be easier with a man on the inside." He says walking casually towards you.

You hold up a hand and shake your head.
"I haven't agreed to anything, you need to bring your partner inside as well." You see him freeze mid-step.

"You aren't exactly subtle. You're a little looney but not so detached to be talking to yourself." You grab a clean mug and get yourself a mug of water, which you sip slowly.

The faceless man nods and leans down to his collar.
"You heard him, come down from your perch." He says clearly. A few moments pass until you hear a thunk near one of your windows and hear a knocking. Leaning from around the corner of your own kitchen you see a woman crouched against the side of your window. Holding a grappling line and urging for the faceless man to let her in. You watch in shocked disbelief at this scene while the faceless man struggles to figure out your window locks. A sharp pain strikes your head and you see behind her a flood of balloons as the window opens and she enters. She holds a hand crossbow by her side, the other hand resting on her hip.
"I didn't want to break it." She says nodding towards the window.

>"Can you two just tell me what it is you want from me?"
>"You killed two men tonight, you were ready to kill me. Is there any reason I shouldn't report this?"
>Now that she is here you can finally handle both at once, pull your gun from the counter and hold them at gunpoint.
>>"Can you two just tell me what it is you want from me?"
>"Can you two just tell me what it is you want from me?"
>"Can you two just tell me what it is you want from me?"
>>"Can you two just tell me what it is you want from me?"
>>"You killed two men tonight, you were ready to kill me. Is there any reason I shouldn't report this?"
Yo, who the fuck breaks into someone's home, and then attempts to "persuade" them into doing what they want? Literal criminal activity.
>"You killed two men tonight, you were ready to kill me. Is there any reason I shouldn't report this?"
Not a lot of metas out there willing to kill. The again, you don't want to get on the bad side of Batman.
>"You killed two men tonight, you were ready to kill me. Is there any reason I shouldn't report this?"
and it better be a damn good reason too
changing my vote to >>"You killed two men tonight, you were ready to kill me. Is there any reason I shouldn't report this?"

Your head aches, the city speaks to you in voices you can't deafen. This has to stop.
"Can you just tell me what it is you want from me?" You ask, eyes clenched in pain as you set the mug down gently on the counter.

The faceless man leans against a part of your wall. "That depends on if you'd be willing to help." He states. Frustrated you sigh and clench a fist.
"You killed two men tonight. She was ready to kill me. I am asking for a reason to not report this and it better be a damn good one." You speak with an authority you didn't know you had. The woman looks to the faceless man who remains in cool silence. She elbows him sharply in the ribs. He grunts and leans over.
"Stop toying with him, Question." She says.

Question. The name is vaguely familiar to you. All you really know is that he is Justice League, at least he might be.
"Alright fine. This is my compatriot, Huntress." He states, rubbing his ribs. "She has insider information on the Mandragora crime family. A double murder she witnessed with her own eyes, all evidence, testimony, and record of which seems to have been wiped away by higher powers." He speaks the final words with mocking venom. "I promised her I would help bring this murderer to justice, and based on what we saw at the Warehouse, it is far overdue."

Huntress steps forward.
"Steven Mandragora owns more police and judges than I own bolts. He's the greasiest slimiest wise guy to infect Gotham, he's also muscling in on Penguin Territory."

This news shakes the reality bleed for a moment. Oswald Cobblepot, Nightlife provider and cancer on Gotham, his money is so entwined in legitimate and reputable business that every warehouse or truck of goods seized from him feel like nothing but concession prizes. Treats to keep an angry dog sated.

"A gang war is going to come to Gotham if someone doesn't stop Mandragora, innocent people are going to die. HAVE already died." Question starts now, impassioned. "The Police are rotten to their core and well as you said. You're a rookie. Clean and untoutched from the slime of Gotham."

"I'm a native." You reply dryly.

"A wonderful city in it's...own ways." Question states as Huntress sends another elbow into his ribs. She then looks to you and sighs in frustration, stamping her boot.

>"Are you willing to help or not?"
>"I'm always willing to help pursue justice. But I'll do it my way - by the books, without skirting the law or hiding my face underneath a mask. If we want Mandragora put away for good, we need hard evidence so solid that it can't possibly be ignored that we acquire legally. We can't use it if we acquire it through criminal acts. And the killing has to stop, now. Otherwise you're out of luck."
I support this >>5767222 with the addition that we can and will share info. If we get enough for a warrant/arrest, she can go ahead and drop a present at the gotham prison.
>>5767222 +1

You lean onto the counter and stare into Huntress' eyes before answering. "I'm always willing to help pursue justice." She smiles. "But I'll do it my way - by the books, without skirting the law or hiding my face underneath a mask." Her smiles disappears. "If we want Mandragora put away for good, we need hard evidence so solid that it can't possibly be ignored that we acquire legally. We can't use it if we acquire it through criminal acts. And the killing has to stop, now. Otherwise you're out of luck."

"The killing only happened because those creeps would have killed Question if they had found them." She protests.

"I would have been fine." Question says back to her, shifting his shoulders back. "I agree with the Officer on this one. This journey for..." He lets his voice trail off and for the briefest moment you see fear on Huntress' face. It fades as he continues. "This journey for Mandragora. Ending it with violence isn't going to do what you think it will for you." He moves close as he speaks and caresses her arms, speaking softly. You clear your throat, feeling awkward.

Question straightens up. "Needless to say Officer, I agree with Non-Lethal use of force." He turns his head towards Huntress and her shoulders slump. "Okay. No more killing."

"Getting evidence in a legal way is more of a challenge." Question begins stroking his chin. "Of course I could always dig through their trash. I have ample experience in the field, and it's considered public property." As he says this Huntress shakes her head and places a hand on her forehead.

>"Work on your own leads, I have a day job. When you think you have something come to me."
>"I am the only one capable of legal searches, so how about you let me find a lead worth chasing and I will get in contact with you then?"
>"Before we take this any further it's clear you have some sort of stake in this Huntress. What's your connection?" (Roll)
>"I'm not working with two masks, I need to know your names and faces. If you step out of line you will be held accountable, I'll be sure of it." (Include if this is a deal breaker for working together)
>Look, I'm still a rookie, but I'm also a cop. You send me good, solid information I can work with and I'll see what I can do. I'm also going to need some pointers on this "mole" you mentioned, since I can't take down a murderer if I can't trust the folks I'm working with.
>"I am the only one capable of legal searches, so how about you let me find a lead worth chasing and I will get in contact with you then?"
>If you want something to work on in the meanwhile, I could use a list on the people I can and can't trust in the GCPD. If you can identify some moles, I might be able to work them over for some information.
"'Legal' in the eyes of the law. How it gets to that point is another matter. The GCPD has a legal reason to be on the spot and take evidence? Good enough for me. So we can trade information and if we might have something to nail them but the GCPD can't move in, we can engineer a situation where we can intervene."

We're working with vigilantes on this, some give is required.
Bit of a slippery slope, and if Mandragora's people gain any evidence whatsoever of the situation being manufactured you can bet your ass our evidence will be discarded
Not manufactured.

Evidence be real. Just the reasoning why the police is there to collect it. Also the reasoning to it being manufactured would require the vigilantes to be captured and brought in by police and I find their possible capture by the mafia to be a far more likely possibility.
>Goons plant manufactured evidence
>Prosecution picks it up thinking it's genuine
>Goons show evidence it was manufactured without revealing they planted it, destroying the prosecution's case

This and suggest an actual “mole hunt”, maybe we can leak varying information to various teams within GCPD and see which set of information makes it back to the Mandragora people?
I meant the false manufacturing of a reason to enter or such without a warrant. While we CAN conduct a search if reasonable suspicion or probably cause is present, it'll reflect poorly on the GCPD and on the prosecution's case if it's discovered that the 'reasonable suspicion' was deliberately created to bypass red tape.
However, eQJV7IV1 makes a good point - we should be extremely cautious about what evidence we DO collect. I have no doubt that an experienced criminal like Mandragora would plant false evidence of his own as traps.
probable cause* whoops

We need leads and tips from them, we can handle the rest
You got into this to help people, to help your city. You wanted to do it with a badge so you will.
"Look, I'm still a rookie, but I'm also a cop. You send me good, solid information I can work with and I'll see what I can do. I'm also going to need some pointers on this "mole" you mentioned, since I can't take down a murderer if I can't trust the folks I'm working with." You begin. You take a deep breath. "I am not promising anything either, but if we have the evidence to nail them but the GCPD can't move in? We will cross that bridge when we come to it." You lean against your counter and look the odd pair up and down. Masks through and through.

The pair lean close and speak in whispers. You notice Huntress folding her crossbow up and storing it in a holster strapped to her thigh. Question as far as you can tell doesn't have any weapons apart from whatever that can was, you can't see it now however.

"Agreed Officer, we will stick to more 'civilian' forms for surveillance. We know a few high ranking men in his organization, we can tail and stake them out. Give information that may be of use to you." Question pulls a small notepad and pen out of his jacket and scribbles. He hands it to you and it's a local phone number.
"A local bakery, when you call ask them if they make Cornbread, they'll ask if you want corn in it. You tell them you don't consume corn because the agriculture companies spray pesticides laced with mild sedatives. They will connect you to me." He nods and puts his notepad away. Huntress walks up and places a hand on his shoulder gently. "Or just ask them for Question and they'll handle it." She says. Question shrugs.

"Alright well, then I guess I'll see you when I see you." You say quietly. Your head now dully throbbing. "I need to somehow manage some sleep after all this." Question and Huntress nod approaching your window. "Can you please just use the door?" You ask them.

"Do you want the anchor bolt removed or not?" Huntress asks sharply. You simply sigh in exasperation and grab your off duty weapon and holster it. The Masks make their departure and you hear another thunk as the bolt is dislodged and retracts to a neighboring building. A small puddle of beer and broken glass taunts you from the living room and you wave a hand at it lazily and head to bed...
You wake up to a grey and hazy Gotham. Your dreams were filled with nightmares of the city, a beast pursuing you down empty foggy streets unseen but ever present, the smell of sewage flooding your nose. You get dressed in uniform and head to the station, as you come in you see Hawthorne chatting with Kimble by the station coffee pot. Kimble laughs at something Hawthorne says but you cant hear it.

Dead ahead you see the glass walled office of the Watch Commander, he reads through papers on his desk, you were supposed to hand in your paper to him personally but your day ran late.

You also catch sight of Banks heading into the locker rooms on a call, he seems pretty frustrated.

You could also just go get the Shop set up ahead of time and make sure you and Hawthorne have all the gear you need before you head out.

>Go talk to Hawthorne and Kimble.
>Go talk to the watch commander
>Go see what's up with Banks
>Set up the shop.
>>Go talk to Hawthorne and Kimble.
>Go talk to the watch commander
>Go talk to the watch commander

Don’t want a bad rep that we’re avoiding the routine parts of the job
>>Go talk to the watch commander
>Go talk to the watch commander
>Go talk to the watch commander
>Go see what's up with Banks
I have a suspicion he's the mole.
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"You remember what Hawthorne told you yesterday, your statement is still required for the incident with Question yesterday. You figure if you talk to the Watch Commander you can knock it out before hitting the streets.

You knock on the Commander's office door and he looks up from his paperwork. He stares you down with a raised eyebrow behind his glasses. The watch commander, Walter Reiner, strikes you as more the academic than Police Officer, time for questions later. You straighten up in his doorway.
"Sir, Officer DeLucia. I had an incident yesterday and was hoping to speak with you about it."

Reiner nods. "I was reading your First Day Report. Officer Hawthorne may even put this up on his fridge." He smiles stiffly and closes the file. Looking to you quizzically. You shuffle awkwardly in place as he sighs and pulls off his glasses. "When you interrupt the Watch Commander, it's wise to have a reason." He says motioning for you to speak.

"Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir." You begin, he waves dismissively at the apology. "I was hoping I could give my report on yesterday's incident to you, Sir. My TO informed me I could give it verbally if I wanted." Reiner nods in affirmation and opens his desk drawer pulling old an old and dusty recording deck.

"The one thing I love about Old Tech is how hard to reach it is." Reiner says with a smirk as he sets the device. "I'll get the tape wound and we can record your statement and let you get back to work. While I set it up, you have my full attention if there is anything you'd like to tell me about." He says the final words with the weight of knowledge behind them. Your brain races, what could be on his mind.

"Save it." He says holding up a hand. "Tape is ready and will be live right after...this." He ends his statement with a tap of the record button.

>"Officer DeLucia, in your own words, under penalty of perjury. What happened between you and the unknown suspect at the crime scene last night?
A few options for the players who aren't creative writing enthusiasts.
>Tell the entire truth, The man with no face coming to your apartment, your reality bleeds, that you agreed to hunt a mole. All of it.
>Tell the truth that won't get you fired. Disclose the entire altercation at the warehouse with Question but nothing else.
>You can't have him going after your new partners in this mole business, try to mislead him with fabricated details about the incident.
>Ask if you can do this later

Above option remains as a >Write-In
>Tell the truth that won't get you fired. Disclose the entire altercation at the warehouse with Question but nothing else.
"Yes Sir, at X:XX last night, I was responding with Officer Hawthorne to an incident at the warehouse. I had bagged evidence and had just locked it into the cruiser's lockbox in the trunk when I felt cold metal press into the base of my neck.

The assailant told me to hand everything in the lockbox to him for his investigation. He started ranting that his investigation was paramount, above GCPD authority and warned me not to reach for my radio as the radio waves would cause cancer.

I refused. As an officer of the law, I cannot just hand over secured evidence to every masked loon that demands them and argued with him as such, trying to buy time for any help to arrive.

He quickly got fustrated and spun me about, pushing what i assumed to be the gun into my gut. He...he had no face and that 'thing' scared me. I... I thought I was going to die there but as he was reaching for my car keys, my backup arrived. He threw me to the ground and ran off without managing to loot my evidence locker.

I finally managed to see that it was a spray can he was threatening me with as he ran off. I was in shock at what I thought was my last moments and was unable to respond as he fled the scene."

Mostly factual account. Remove the mentions of the dirty cops, cover not taking further action with possible shock, play up rantings of a madman.
>Tell the truth that won't get you fired. Disclose the entire altercation at the warehouse with Question but nothing else.
supporting mine was kind of the same
>Tell the truth that won't get you fired. Disclose the entire altercation at the warehouse with Question but nothing else.
Supporting this.

>Tell the truth that won't get you fired. Disclose the entire altercation at the warehouse with Question but nothing else.

Which is essentially this anon's great write-in (>>5767972)
>>Tell the truth that won't get you fired. Disclose the entire altercation at the warehouse with Question but nothing else.

You take a breath and begin reciting the events to the Commander. "I was responding with Officer Hawthorne to an incident at the warehouse. I had bagged evidence and had just locked it into the cruiser's lockbox in the trunk when I felt cold metal press into the base of my neck.

The assailant told me to hand everything in the lockbox to him for his investigation. He started ranting that his investigation was paramount, above GCPD authority and warned me not to reach for my radio as the radio waves would cause cancer." The commander holds up a hand.

"Radio waves cause cancer? That's what he said to you."

"Yes sir." You reply. He nods and you continue.
"I, of course, refused to give him the evidence trying to buy time for my back up patrol to arrive."

"Risky." Says the commander penning something on a sheet of paper.

"He got frustrated at my refusal and spun me around to face him, he stuffed that metal object into my lower gut." You take a deep breath and put on your most convincing voice and speak slowly and solemnly. " He...he had no face and that 'thing' scared me. I... I thought I was going to die there.." You let yourself trail off.

"But you didn't." Says the Commander. He pens something down again.

"No, Sir. He threw me to the ground when it was clear back up had arrived and he ran for it. I saw in his hand it was a spray can of some sort, no bigger than a can of soda but skinnier like the barrel of a gun. I was a little too shaken by the encounter to get up and pursue straight away. I apologize for my failure to respond." You finish and stare at the floor, hoping the Commander doesn't see through the omissions in your story. He leans forward and taps the STOP button on the recorder.

"That will do just fine, Officer. Don't worry this won't be held against you. Your time as a rookie is meant for exactly this, to rattle your tree and see what falls out. Others may fear you'd freeze up in the line of fire but judging by Hawthorne's report on your talking down of the Gas Station robber, that isn't a concern." He leans back and looks over the paper on his desk.

"Tell me, son. How did you talk down a man who had already fired on a Police Officer?"

>"I used my ability sir, I could sense how afraid he was. That he was lashing out and not really malicious."
>"I wasn't sure that I could sir, I held a tactical angle during my approach. Maybe shooting a cop rattled him enough to give in more easily."
>"Good old fashioned Police work, Commander."
>"I'm not sure myself, sir."
>>"I used my ability sir, I could sense how afraid he was. That he was lashing out and not really malicious."
>"I used my ability sir, I could sense how afraid he was. That he was lashing out and not really malicious."
>"I used my ability sir, I could sense how afraid he was. That he was lashing out and not really malicious."
>>"I wasn't sure that I could sir, I held a tactical angle during my approach. Maybe shooting a cop rattled him enough to give in more easily."
>"I wasn't sure that I could sir, I held a tactical angle during my approach. Maybe shooting a cop rattled him enough to give in more easily."

"I used my ability sir, I could sense how afraid he was. That he was lashing out and not really malicious." You say keeping your eyes on the floor.

The commander stands up and rotates the paper he was looking at on his desk.

"Read this." He says flatly. Standing back slightly, looking you up and down, observing you.

You look to the paper and see it is Officer Hawthorne's first day report on you.
The words rash and confident have many uses. He details the mistake you made with Pino and how you apparently fixed your behavior when confronted with a violent suspect the same night. Overall Hawthorne gave you a 8.5/10 on Officer Readiness. At the very bottom are scrawled quotes from you that you had given Hawthorne throughout the day.

"No other precinct in Gotham would have taken you." The commander says. "Meta-Humans are too much of an unknown for them. They are afraid." He rounds his desk and removes his glasses. "But I'm not. I see Meta-Human's as a variant of mankind but no less human. No less suited for good or evil, just greater opportunity to act on either." He sits on his desk and picks up Hawthorne's report. "This report cements my opinion. I think you'll make a damn fine Officer. Not in spite of your abilities, but due to them. I can only hope the rest of the department comes around to seeing that as well. I've already fielded a few complaints, not from any officers who have personally worked with you of course. Just the loud types who insist on being heard when the conversation is taking place a room adjacent to them." He smiles at you warmly as he closes the report and moves back around to his chair.

"Officer DeLucia, don't take this the wrong way, but I intend to make you my pet project. Before I end my tenure here you better be a full fledged officer with a long career ahead of him." He puts his glasses back on. "To do otherwise would make me look foolish." He says with a bit of a smile.

"Anything else?" He asks as you stand awkwardly in his doorway.

>"Why the interest in me, Sir? I'm sure other Metas have applied to the GCPD."
>"No offense, sir. But I'm here to help Gotham. Not make you look good."
>"I've only had one incident, some superman patches left in my locker, but I don't know if that has to do with my Meta status."
>"No, Sir. I should go set up the shop for Hawthorne."
>"I wasn't sure that I could sir, I held a tactical angle during my approach. Maybe shooting a cop rattled him enough to give in more easily."
>"Why the interest in me, Sir? I'm sure other Metas have applied to the GCPD."
Probably ones with better powers and fewer drawbacks, too...
>>"Why the interest in me, Sir? I'm sure other Metas have applied to the GCPD."
>>"Why the interest in me, Sir? I'm sure other Metas have applied to the GCPD."
>"Why the interest in me, Sir? I'm sure other Metas have applied to the GCPD."

"Why the interest in me, if I may ask, sir? I'm sure other Metas have applied to the GCPD."

"Sure they have. But on average they wash out of the academy faster than any other recruits. You however made it through academy without a blemish. Your background shows you have about as average a life as anyone can in Gotham. Being a local definitely won you a few points with some folk." He continues

"Not you sir?" You ask

He chuckles "I'm not a Gothamite son, no I actually transferred here from Metropolis about three years ago."

"Why the transfer, sir?" You ask, unable to stop your eyebrows from knitting together

"None of your concern for right now." He says curtly. "I guess you could say Metropolis didn't have the type of Cop I needed for an idea I have. Gotham breeds a different kind of man and woman, this city of yours gives an edge you can't get anywhere else." His vision seems to pass through you as he stares blankly.

After nearly fifteen seconds you clear your throat and see the Commander blink a few times. "Dismissed, Officer DeLucia. I've kept you long enough. Be safe out there today." He gives you a nod and returns to his paperwork.

You leave his office confused, what sort of cop is he looking for here? Could it be you? Questions for another time.

>Go find Hawthorne and talk to him
>Go to the locker room, maybe Banks is off the phone now.
>Go get the shop set up, you've wasted enough time.
>Go get the shop set up, you've wasted enough time.
We can chat with Hawthorne when we're out and about, if he's still training us.
>>Go get the shop set up, you've wasted enough time.
>>Go get the shop set up, you've wasted enough time.

No mention we saw the report Hawthorne gave to the commander later.
>Go get the shop set up, you've wasted enough time.

You decide you've wasted enough time this morning, you hustle to the armory and get your war bags and shotguns. You're ambling towards the motor bay when you hear a voice from behind you.

"Little late getting to the shop this morning, Rook." Hawthorne's voice rattles behind you. You look over your shoulder and see him holding two cups of office coffee. "This is your reward when you're finished loading everything up. I'll leave it on the hood for ya." He says sipping from his own cup.

You both make your way to the motor pool and you see Officer Mendez giving you the evil eye. She waits patiently hand behind her back as she watches you load the bags and guns into the trunk. Hawthorne doesn't attempt to hide the smirk behind his coffee cup.

"Officer DeLucia." She begins

"Officer Mendez?" You reply.

"Tell me, Officer. When you return your shop to my garage what is the proper protocol?"

You take a moment to think.
"I turn the keys into you, sign the vehicle back into the GCPD garage, and do the vehicle checklist." You reply

She gives you a fake smile. "No partial credit, Rookie." from behind her back she pulls a giant orange plastic gun. The gun Kimble gave you from the prank yesterday.

"You are supposed to also clear the vehicle of all weapons." She says

"It's a confetti gun, ma'am." You start. You hear Hawthorne take in a breath.

"Oh? Is it?" Mendez begins. "This is a device capable of firing a foreign projectile, with an unsecured barrel entry and a air powered firing sequence. What does that make this weapon under Gotham Penal Code?" She asks, her foot tapping.

"It makes it an improvised firearm." You state slowly before being cut off. "Punishable by up to 12 months in Jail or a fine of no less than 5,000 dollars." She takes the gun and holds it in front of you.

"This is an infraction Rookie. I should be writing up a report on this right now that would keep you under Hawthorne here for another month at least."

She turns to Hawthorne. "Do you want that?" She asks aggressively.

"No Ma'am." Hawthorne replies before taking another long sip. The smile on his face growing.

"Instead Rookie, I'll let you make it up to me. There is plenty to do in the motor pool in some of your off hours. What do you think?"

>"I could wash the cruisers for the rest of the week?"
>"I could make sure the shop always comes back with a full tank of gas and filled tires?"
>"I could cover a shift for you, let you have a day off and man the sign in and sign out sheet?"
>"Maybe I could make it up to you with a dinner?" (Roll)
>Write In
>>Write In
"Yes ma'am. How can I best serve the motorpool?"

Rather than volunteer for something that may be more than expected, have them pick out something for us to do. More likely they'll undersell it and we'll end up with something lighter.
>>"Maybe I could make it up to you with a dinner?" (Roll)
>"Maybe I could make it up to you with a dinner?" (Roll)
Backing this.
Ah, hazing.


"Yes, Ma'am. How can I best serve the Motorpool?" You ask straightening up. She looks to Hawthorne and raises her eyebrows.

"You have him trained well for his second day." She says, anger dissipating as quickly as it began.

"He came that way out of the box." Hawthorne says back as he drains the last of his coffee.

"After your shift I want your help cataloguing stolen vehicles. The commotion at that warehouse last night brought a lot of cars in for us to go through. We need VIN numbers, License Plates, Recording any and all forms of damage, things like that. Don't worry, I won't be kicking my feet up watching you, it's at the very least a two man job." She speaks quickly as she walks to her desk and fishes around before tossing you a small set of 2 keys.

"These open up the motorpool office after we lock it up an hour or so before your shift ends, Let yourself in there and call for me, I'll let you into the restricted areas myself. " She holds up the Confetti gun and waggles it in your face. "You can have this back at the end of the day. Now get going your TO is eyeing up your coffee." She finishes, tossing the gun on her desk and walking away.

"She's a ballbuster kid, you did good handling her." Hawthorne laughs as he climbs into the driver seat.

"Time to hit the road and see what the streets have for us today."

>"I wanna talk to you about something, sir..." (Optional Write-In)

(Mandatory Roll 1d100, taking middle of 3)
Rolled 36 (1d100)

Rolled 57 (1d100)

Rolled 82 (1d100)

>cataloguing stolen vehicles.
Noice, lighter than the other options. Also actually let us note funny and suspicious things for our private investigations.

"Sir, has anyone on the force ran into that maniac I met yesterday?"
>"We find out what was in that spray canister?"

Roll: 57 (Random Encounter)

As you patrol the streets you decide to kill some time with small talk. "Sir, has anyone on the force ran into the maniac I met yesterday?" You ask Hawthorne.

"The guy with no face?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Nah, not to my knowledge. We've seen those bolts around before but never in a homicide, usually just leg and shoulder wounds. Couple of pierced hands." He takes a hand off the wheel and wiggles his fingers. "We have a pool on who we think it is going on." He continues.

"I haven't heard of any sort of pool." You tell him. He nods.

"You wouldn't. You're still a rookie. Nobody wants to risk getting to know you, y'know incase you end up washing out."

"Well who's in the pool?"

"We got a few takers. Someone is guessing it's an entirely new meta, that's the prevailing theory most of the time. Couple people think it's a normal guy with a really good looking mask, someone without powers like that Archer fella in the Justice League. Green Arrow I think is his name?" He shrugs

"What's your guess, Sir?"

"I always put the same thing down every time, Rook. Clayface."


"Clayface." He repeats. "He can look like whoever he wants to and eventually I'll be right." He looks at you and gives you a firm nod. "Don't take offense to people betting on the guy who roughed you up son. It's just a part of the job. Gallows humor." He clears his throat and puts his eyes back on the road.

A short bit of driving and an uneventful traffic stop later you get a call over the radio.
"This is Central, reporting a 594 at Gotham Central Bank, 4 males matching jackets defacing bank property. Suspects are all roughly Five foot 10, jackets have Red A symbol on the back."

Hawthorne reaches down and grabs the radio.
"This is 1-Adam-0 show us responding, check-in with us in about say 15 minutes. We are Code 2"

Code 2, No lights or sirens. You look at Hawthorne sideways

"I'm thinking it's a couple Anarkists." He says scowling. "They've been not a lot more than general annoyances since their leader disappeared and now they just kinda seem to sprout up doing something childish."

You remember the case, Anarky was a domestic terrorist who was pretty well covered on the news. The GCPD, with Batman's help, managed to stop a chain of bombs set to detonate under every major Gotham bank vault. Anarky wanted to drop all the money into the sewage systems and flush it out into Gotham Harbor.

Hawthorne hits a turn and you are en route to the bank.

>Ask Hawthorne some questions about Anarky or The Anarkists (Write-In)
>Mentally prepare yourself for the scene (Skip to the action)
>>Mentally prepare yourself for the scene (Skip to the action)
"How do you want to handle them?"

Background info some other time, just how to approach.
>These anarkists usually the violent thug type or the idiot kid type?
>Mentally prepare yourself for the scene (Skip to the action)
Woop woop, time for some punks to eat a boot.
>Mentally prepare yourself for the scene (Skip to the action)
Dumb ass kids

You take a deep breath and try to clear your mind, as usual a night of good rest pushed the reality bleeds and the side effects of them out of the way.

"These guys violent punks or punk punks?" You ask with eyes closed.

"Depends on the group, usually the guy in charge is a blowhard but most of these idiots are kids. Repeat truants usually."

You nod and let out a slow exhale as you get into your zone. You're ready...

The cruiser pulls into the parking lot quietly, you see two guys standing on an overturned trashcan spraying the walls. Two more sit back leaning on a dumpster drinking a couple beers. You manage to remain inconspicuous until you both get out. Hearing the car doors you see a couple of the Anarkists turning and whispering. One of them hops off his garbage can and approached you. Holding up a hand to his boys at the dumpster. The one behind him remains on a trash can, spraying away at their art piece seemingly unaware of anything going on.

"Fellas, one of you guys order breakfast? Cause I got two sides of bacon delivered straight to us." He slowly moves his hand towards a zipper on his chest. Hawthorne puts a hand on his gun and you hear the leather strap of his holster snap off. You put your hand on the same. The Anarkist Leader reaches in his breast pocket with two fingers and slowly pulls out a Zippo with the anarchist A emblazoned across it. Hawthorne's hand stays exactly where it is.
"So how do you wanna be served up, bacon? Extra crispy?" He flicks the lighter and lightly rattles the can in his left hand. His cronies by the dumpster laugh.

The next thing that happens startles you. Hawthorne begins chuckling to himself.
"Rookie. When you work the streets as long as I do, you're gonna hear a lot of jokes. That was one of the few rare ones." He continues chuckling and wipes his eyes. His opposite hand still fixed on his gun. "You know this reminds me of a joke I heard a few years ago. I was in an airship, working an Arkham breakout. So here I am in this bird with a pilot and I'm trying to make heads or tails of anything on the ground for our manhunt. I look at this fella and I ask him 'You think we're ever gonna find this guy?' and he looks at me and he says 'When pigs fly!' " Hawthorne really cracks up at that one, but the laughter never reaches his body, from the chin down he is stone still.

The Anarkist sneers in anger as Hawthorne finishes his chuckling fit. "Why don't you put down the paint can and get to school before I have to call your mom, Son." Hawthorne says, still smirking.

"Is that an order, pig?"

"This is a teachable moment actually. Rookie, give these gentlemen a lawful order."
You pause, you have a couple different options.

>"Drop what's in your hands and drop to your knees with your hands behind your head."
>"You two, I doubt any of you can drink, hand over your IDs"
>"Hey! You in the back still painting. Drop the can and get over here."
>"You two, I doubt any of you can drink, hand over your IDs"
>>"Drop what's in your hands and drop to your knees with your hands behind your head."

>"Alright, people - drop what's in your hands and drop to your knees with your hands behind your head.”

No point in asking for IDs, these kids think they are anarchists. That being said, be chill about the order, don’t bark it at them.
>>"You two, I doubt any of you can drink, hand over your IDs"
>"You two, I doubt any of you can drink, hand over your IDs"
Reckon these are just dumb kids
>"You two, I doubt any of you can drink, hand over your IDs"
File: AnarchGoon.jpg (42 KB, 564x902)
42 KB

"You two over by the dumpster. I doubt you guys can legally drink so why don't you come up and show me some ID." You point and gesture them towards you. Hawthorne sighs.

"What the fuck?"

"These is just sparkling waters, pig"
They both cry out. The man with the lighter holds up a hand.

"No boys. Listen to the officer. Join me up here."

Hawthorne sighs again, but this one a steady release of air. He's wound up and waiting to strike.

"Sure thing, Czar." One of them says chuckling and chucking a half empty can on the ground. They slowly approach their friend and Czar's nervous eyes flick between you and Hawthorne.

You feel the hair on your neck go stiff. A small but consistent ringing is in your ear amplified by the still air around you.

"Boys. Reach for your IDs like he asked." Czar says, eyes now locked on Hawthorne's steel gaze.

>Get the jump on them, Pull your weapon and fire. (Lethal/Non-Lethal)
>Take down one so the rest fall, Pull your taser and hit...(Leader, Goon 1,2)
>Pull your OC spray and let loose, wide arcs to hit all three of them.
>No time for gear, rush in with hands and baton

Needless to say all these will require rolls after votes are tallied.
>Pull your OC spray and let loose, wide arcs to hit all three of them.
File: AnarkyTag.jpg (84 KB, 525x700)
84 KB
>Try to deescalate this verbally

QM is braindead and retarded and forgot to include a choice. Any written responses with that vote may lower or increase DC.

Bonus Image of the art being sprayed on the bank.
>Try to deescalate this verbally
"Don't try anything. I know you are planning something stupid."
If he asks how do you now, we can look at him with our powers and simply tell him.

>Pull your OC spray and let loose, wide arcs to hit all three of them.

This is appropriate force usage and has the entertaining side-benefit of letting us watch a bunch of punks cry
>Try to deescalate this verbally

Backlinking to >>5768899

"I can see your soul, kid."
Anarky, huh? Wonder if the kid was inspired by V. V for Vendetta takes place in this universe, right? In london.

Please roll me 1d100, Best of three to use your power for intimidation.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Rolled 91 (1d100)

Rolled 84 (1d100)

Rolled 23 (1d100)

Check this natty

Roll: 91
Extreme Success!

You take your hand off your gun and lift your hands. "Don't try anything. I know you're planning something stupid." You start This doesn't seem to dissuade the youths as they simply slow their movements. You'll need to go harder at them. You focus on the leader, you stare into his eyes and whistle to pull his attention from Hawthorne.

"I can see your soul, kid." You say just above a whisper. You notice him shrink slightly in confusion. "What the fuck are you talking about?" He asks you. You hold your hands palms facing him. "I'm not just a cop. I'm a Meta." You close your eyes and take a deep breath.

"Hey hey hey what is he doing?" The leader asks in fear.

You have never tried using your powers for anything other than passive detection. You focus on him and try...

>Gifted Insight: Try to give the leader a brief taste of your power, overwhelm him with the city.
>Scry: Focus on this kid specifically, those connected to him. Reach through the city and find a thread and keep pulling
>True Foresight: Focus on this area. This single parking lot in the city. Not just what it's seen but what it will see.

If you have any questions on clarifying these please ask.
>>True Foresight: Focus on this area. This single parking lot in the city. Not just what it's seen but what it will see.

"Your next line is 'You didn't do anything!' isn't it?"
Late anyway, but a 91 ain't bad.

>Scry: Focus on this kid specifically, those connected to him. Reach through the city and find a thread and keep pulling
Tear him apart psychologically with psychic deduction.
>Scry: Focus on this kid specifically, those connected to him. Reach through the city and find a thread and keep pulling
>Scry: Focus on this kid specifically, those connected to him. Reach through the city and find a thread and keep pulling
>Scry: Focus on this kid specifically, those connected to him. Reach through the city and find a thread and keep pulling
>Scry: Focus on this kid specifically, those connected to him. Reach through the city and find a thread and keep pulling
>>Scry: Focus on this kid specifically, those connected to him. Reach through the city and find a thread and keep pulling
>True Foresight: Focus on this area. This single parking lot in the city. Not just what it's seen but what it will see.

Being able to pull a "your next line is" would be amazing

You listen to the city all the time, sometimes against your will, but for the first time you talk to the city. You make a request of it, you want to know everything you can about Czar.

Your vision is taken somewhere else. A warehouse, the smell of gunpowder, the smell of fuel. You see a young girl, maybe 11 years old in a dingy apartment.

"When is he coming home?" She asks

A woman stands at a stove, making a pot of instant noodles.
"I don't know mija. Caesar has a lot on his plate right now. He'll be back soon though." She smiles wearily. You can sense her sadness and uncertainty, she isn't sure he'll be returning at all. She never is.

You breath in and smell disinfectant and rubber fills your nose. The buzz of industrial lights overhead. A hospital room but your body isn't in a traditional gown. It's in an orange jumpsuit, a man stands in front of you, your eye stings as he rubs above your eyebrow.

"Please. Just tell them it was an accident." You find your mouth speaking in a voice that isn't your own.

"No can do Mr.Garcia. Any injuries as a result of inmate fighting is zero tolerance."

"Please man, I was supposed to see my fucking son today man."

The man's face is a blur but his words ring clear in your ears.
"I've already submitted the report. Your visitation is cancelled for another month."

You return to the parking lot. Almost no time at all has passed it seems.

>"Caesar, you need to give this up. Your mom is waiting for you at home, with your little sister. They are waiting for you. Hoping you come home. Don't make me break their hearts."
>"Your old man canceled his visit with you today? Is that why you're so eager to pick a fight with some cops?"
>"I know your name Caesar. I know a lot more about you than you might think. Dad in prison, a little sister, and I can learn even more if you want to push me."

(UNLOCKED SCRY: Use your Shivers to reach into the city itself for answers to problems or insights on inhabitants. Just like shivers this is limited to Gotham city and those inside it.)
>>"Caesar, you need to give this up. Your mom is waiting for you at home, with your little sister. They are waiting for you. Hoping you come home. Don't make me break their hearts."
"Do it for them, do it for your dad. You be able to see him again next month. Think of how he will feel if he has to see you inside, knowing the rest of the family is alone outside. You have to be the big man till your family is reunited."
+1 really drive the guilt
+1 Drown him in guilt, really make him feel like a piece of shit.
>>"Caesar, you need to give this up. Your mom is waiting for you at home, with your little sister. They are waiting for you. Hoping you come home. Don't make me break their hearts."

"Caesar." You speak and your voice trembles a little.

"Ay yo what the fuck?" Says one of the Dumpster Drinkers

"Caesar, you need to give this up. I know you have family. You got a mom and a little sister waiting for you at home right?" You slowly begin to walk with weak knees. Hands still raised. Caesar stares you down, mostly confused but you also see fear.

"You don't wanna do something stupid to a cop Caesar, think of your mom and sister. Do it for them." You plead. You notice Hawthorne looking at you with an expression you've never seen before.

Caesar gulps and you see his hands tightening around the lighter and spray can. He's trying to steel his nerves.

"If not for them then do it for your dad." You say finally. "Do it so he doesn't have to see you on the inside. Think about how that would feel? To trust your son to step up and be the big man of the house and he gets himself hemmed up and leaves them all alone on the outside. He doesn't want that. You don't want that. You get to see him again in a month, make sure it's on the right side of the glass." You continued moving as you spoke. Caesar's eyes brim with tears at the bottom and his hands tremble. Finally being close enough you slowly reach out and put your hand on the lighter and take it from his palm.

"This isn't what you or your family needs. They need structure, you need to be able to provide that for them."

Caesar speaks, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Why the fuck do you care man? Why do you even know all of this?" His voice trembles, you see his cronies looking between each other. Shaken by your rattling of the boss' cage.

"I'm a cop, Caesar. I got into this to help people. Help the people of the city that made me who I am." You smile gently and pocket the lighter.

Caesar looks to his men behind him.
"Go the fuck home foo." He says to the one closest. They simply nod and give him an odd look, like they don't recognize him. He taps the other dumpster drinker on the chest and they retreat to the dumpster and scoop up their bags. You nod past Caesar at the one still putting finishing touches on the spray paint artwork.

"What about him?" You ask

Caesar shakes his head. "That's Bass Head, he's deaf you'll have to tap on his shoulder or something I don't know man." He doesn't look at you, he keeps his eyes down as he wipes at tears before they spill. "I'm gonna get these guys to head home and uh maybe I'll come back and paint over this later. Make it right." He says quietly.

"Not so fast." Hawthorne interjects, he approaches you and gives you a stern look. "I don't know what hoodoo you pulled there but this is still an active call and needs a resolution." he folds his arms, "You know I like to let my Rookies lead. So tell me Officer DeLucia. What do we do with these gentlemen?"
>"I think they've learned their lesson. This is letting them off with a warning."
>"At the very least I'm going to cite you for damaging city property. It'll be a small fine but nothing major."
>"Someone has to go in for this, I'm sorry. Pick one of your guys and we will bring him in for something small. He'll be in and out in a day."
>"Someone has to go in for this, I'm sorry. Pick one of your guys and we will bring him in for something small. He'll be in and out in a day." (LIE/Throw the book)
>"Having regret doesn't fix what you did. I'll put in a good word for you with the judge but you have to come in. All of you."
>>"I think they've learned their lesson. This is letting them off with a warning."
>"I think they've learned their lesson. This is letting them off with a warning."
>>"I think they've learned their lesson. This is letting them off with a warning."
Additional: "They're also agreed to make amends and make right the damage. I think thats a fair outcome for everyone involved."

"I think they've learned their lesson. This is letting them off with a warning." You say, you give Caesar a small smile and he gives you a nod.

"Gracias." He mumbles before jogging to Bass Head and sending off a flurry of sign language. Bass Head turns and notices you and Hawthorne for the first time. Hawthorne waves politely. The gang of kids rapidly packs up all their things and head out, you watch them disappear down the sidewalk.

Hawthorne looks at you with a serious expression.
"I need to know if you're holding onto anymore surprises, Rook." He asks point blank

You shrug. "I didn't know I had that in me sir, I was just. I don't know, I knew if I didn't do something that it was going to get violent and I really didn't want that to happen. So I made my power work for me, instead of with me." You struggle to find the proper words but Hawthorne takes each one in with a nod or a grunt.

"You treated those hoodlums." He starts poking a finger into your chest. "As people." His voice softens. "You're adverse to violence at the very least, which I'm not gonna lie makes me worried. I need to know that if it comes down to lead flying you're gonna be able to hold your own and watch my back. I'm not saying you need to go push some guy into taking a shot at us but you need to really think if you're reluctance to fight is a virtue or flaw. Before one or both of us get hurt." He steps back.

"Yes, Sir. I'll do that."

"Good. Because you may be one of the few decent men in Gotham." He speaks this line with conviction but follows it up. "But being a good man and being a good cop are not mutually exclusive." He stares off at the sidewalk the Anarkists took to leave. "Hard to say you didn't make the right call today though." He looks at you and jerks his head towards the shop. "Get in the driver's seat, you're taking us to lunch."

"Where are we eating?" You ask him

"Same place as always." He says hopping in the passenger side. "The Food Trucks by Jitters Coffee, plenty of variety and the bathrooms are always clean." He chuckles and buckles in.
"Central this is 1-Adam-0, Situation is resolved, send cleaners to Gotham National Bank."

You lean over and press the radio button.
"Cancel the cleaners, someone on scene said they'd handle it." You chime in. Hawthorne gives you a death glare.

"Show us out to lunch, Central." He speaks into the radio before releasing it. "And you, don't touch the radio when I'm on a call. He hooks it back up and you both set off for lunch...
You pull into Jitters, it's a nice looking place, this is the first one to open up outside of Central City.

"I always hated the commercials for this place." Hawthorne sighs. "Their whole 'Coffee In a Flash' gimmick really rubbed me the wrong way. Using a vigilante as a mascot just feels wrong." He lets himself out and starts heading for the building.

"I'm getting us both a cup Black, brewed fresh, I'll be a minute so grab something to eat." He waves at you without looking as he walks to the store.

Looking around you see a few other Officers at various outdoor tables or in lines at one of the three food trucks. You spot Officer Banks, scrolling on his phone as he eats a meatball sub.

You spot Kimble leaning against a van talking to a civilian who seems to be very irate. Kimble's face is also red as they both speak in aggressive whispers.

Finally you spot an officer you only remember from photos on your first day. Officer Gorchakov laughs heartily at a video on his phone, one ear bud hangs from his ear. He takes mighty swigs of an Extra Large coffee between laughing fits. Strangely he's the only Officer not in uniform, he's plain clothes.

Your stomach grumbles, maybe you outta just eat.

>Go speak to Banks
>Go listen in on Kimble's angry conversation with a citizen
>Go offer Kimble a helping hand incase he needs it with this angry civilian
>Introduce yourself to Officer Gorchakov
>Ignore the others and get yourself something to eat. (Hot and Cold Subs/Sushi/Pizza?)
>Get something to eat before going to talk to someone. (See Above and include who you want to approach.)
>Get something to eat before going to talk to someone. Sushi.
>Go speak to Banks
>>Ignore the others and get yourself something to eat. (Hot and Cold Subs/Sushi/Pizza?)
Tacos. No wait, burritos.
>>Get something to eat before going to talk to someone. (See Above and include who you want to approach.) Pizza
Nothing like a good pizza to fill us up
Officer Kimble
>Ignore the others and get yourself something to eat. (Subs)
Sandwich supremacy

Backing this, man’s gotta eat
support i would not trust sushi in gotham and its not time to eat a good steak, side of mashed potatoes with extra butter, and a mug of beer yet.
Just wanted to let you know I appreciate you for this Anon, Update coming soon.

You look between all the trucks, you could go for some sushi..no wait. Burritos...but that Pizza also smells good then again you've always been a huge fan of sandwiches. Before long you've broken and end up getting something from each truck. You carry a massive plastic tray of food and your mouth is watering, you didn't realize how hungry actually using your powers would make you. But you are starving. You decide to sit down yourself and enjoy this feast alone.

A STAR City Roll, 6 Inch Italian Sub, and Half a slice of Supreme Pizza later Hawthorne finally sits down holding 2 cups of coffee and a sausage, egg, and cheese bagel. Looks like he will be your partner for lunch.

"Jesus, Rook. You're gonna pop the buckle on your Duty Belt eating like that." He shakes his head and takes a bite from his bagel. "I wish I could still eat like that, I go any harder than this and I end up spending my night eating antacid." He sort of chuckles as he watches you chase a parmesan dusted crust with a mouthful of coffee.

You take a breather to sip some coffee with less ferocity and let your Shrimp and Chicken Burrito cool down. Maybe you'll bring it on the road for later. Hawthorne checks his phone and taps out a few text messages before setting it down. He sighs and sips his own coffee.

"You got a lady back home?" He asks you.

You look at him quizzically.
"Or uh, a man?" He follows up awkwardly.

>"Nope, I haven't found anyone who caught my interest enough to commit."
>"I have a girlfriend/boyfriend, they don't live in Gotham though. We do long distance."
>"Recently ended actually, about the time I entered the academy."
>"Was more than that. Ex-Wife/Husband, I got married right out of high school and shockingly it didn't end up working out."
>"No offense sir, I'd rather not talk about my personal life."

>"What about you, Sir?"
>"I have a boyfriend, they don't live in Gotham though. We do long distance."
>"What about you, Sir?"
>"Nope, I haven't found anyone to commit too."
slight difference but a important one
>"What about you, Sir?"
>"Nope, I haven't found anyone who caught my interest enough to commit."
>"What about you, Sir?"
>"Nope, I haven't found anyone who caught my interest enough to commit."
Aside from being a meta, anon is an Odd Individual. My headcanon is that something happened in some point of his life that made him not chasing a career, or had goals or something until the idea of being a cop actually interested him. An empty guy with the only drive on this moment is being a good cop
>"Nope, I haven't found anyone who caught my interest enough to commit."
They've gotta be a vigilante or supercriminal for maximum drama.
>"What about you, Sir?"

>"Nope, I haven't found anyone who caught my interest enough to commit.”

Maybe had a couple of nonserious GFs in high school but haven’t really played the field
>"Recently ended actually, about the time I entered the academy."

Might be cool to have a super ex girlfriend that we broke up with because we found out she was a superhero and we wanted to be a cop.
>After a dozen or so tries, I figured something out: Relationships and I don’t tend to work out well. Being a meta draws them in, but it turns out that it causes more problems than it fixes in the long run. Maybe it’s the type I go for, or maybe everyone needs white lies to make things work. Can’t exactly fool someone like me with a lie, though.
>"What about you, Sir?"
>>"I have a girlfriend, they don't live in Gotham though. We do long distance."
>"Nope, I haven't found anyone who caught my interest enough to commit."
>"What about you, Sir?"

Romance?in a quest I'M playing?
>"Recently ended actually, about the time I entered the academy."
DeLucia fucks.
>"Nope, I haven't found anyone who caught my interest enough to commit."
>"What about you, Sir?"
>"Nope, I haven't found anyone who caught my interest enough to commit."
>"What about you, Sir?"
Delucia fucks
>"I have a boyfriend, they don't live in Gotham though. We do long distance."
>"What about you, Sir?"
>"Nope, I haven't found anyone who caught my interest enough to commit."
>"What about you, Sir?"
> "It's quite progressive of you sir, good for you. but..."
>"Nope, I haven't found anyone who caught my interest enough to commit."
>"What about you, Sir?"
That sounds like fun
>Me and my Meta ex-girlfriend who's definitely not a Yandere stalking me because she believes we were made for eachother, powers and all
Actually, that does sound fun.

>>5770124 switching to this.

I'll change >>5770026 to support >>5770052
Maximum drama.
Sounds very fun supporting
>"Nope, I haven't found anyone who caught my interest enough to commit."
>"What about you, Sir?"
>>"Nope, I haven't found anyone who caught my interest enough to commit."
>>"Recently ended actually, about the time I entered the academy."

"Uh..Recently ended." You say.

Hawthorne looks down.
"Ah. Sorry to hear."

You wave a hand.
"No, it's okay. Her name was Nia, she actually got me to move out to the coast with her for a while. I was kinda aimless in National City, it probably wouldn't make sense to anyone who wasn't from here but.."

"National City wasn't Gotham. Wasn't home." Hawthorne says

You nod. "She also was kinda meta as well." You say

Hawthorne sets his coffee down.
"You didn't know?"

You shake your head.
"I mean secret identity is secret for a reason. So sorry but I can't tell you much more than that."

"How did you find out?"

"I wanted to be a cop, even out there. She told me I'd be wasting my time, I could do way more good working with her and her team."

"She had a team?" Hawthorne asks, leaning in. Fully enveloped.

"Yeah, she knew that wasn't what I wanted. She just knew once I found out.." You trail off and shrug.

Hawthorne puts a hand on your shoulder and pats you.
"That's life kid, the biggest mistake people make is hiding parts of themselves from the people they love. They always say it's about protecting them but it's actually only protecting themselves." He taps his phone. "Been married 28 years, Suzanne always hated me being a cop, especially when I was working in Narcotics. She was always worried about me, she's the reason I'm back on the beat with you Rookie." He laughs and sips from his coffee. "Getting old is awful, son. Never do it."

Hawthorne stands up and goes to toss his coffee away.

"She's across the country son but I know you promised not to share her name. But could I get what she calls herself? Maybe I know her." He says

"She goes by Dreamer." You say, wrapping your burrito and picking up your trash getting ready to toss it away. Hawthorne nods thoughtfully.

"Yep. Never heard of her." He walks off...
File: Dreamer.jpg (56 KB, 564x1008)
56 KB
You check your phone as you go to throw away your trash, a few messages from her that you still haven't opened. About a week old, You hadn't really thought about her since you started actually working the streets.

This conversation brought up old memories of drinking wine in her apartment, good times. But it also reminds you of the bad times.

"With your 'City-Senses' and my Dream Energy powers we'd be like, the ultimate power couple!" She left you in a voice mail. "Just think about it, Dreamer and Wake! I just, I know I should have told you about me from the start, about my job and everything but I just. I was so happy to finally be with someone who liked me for me and wasn't pursuing me because I'm a meta or work with Supergirl." You shake your head, the sound of her voice crystal clear in your ears.

You remember having to tell her to stop Astral Projecting into your dreams to try and talk to you, she was a little clingy near the end. But she was also incredibly kind and caring, she always looked out for others before thinking of herself. Ever since you told her about Academy in Gotham you decided to try and leave her behind. But you just don't know.

>Text Nia back, keep it strictly text for now though. (Say what?)
>Give Nia a call real quick, just check in let her know you're okay and that you made it as a cop.
>Resist the desire, this is just bitter sweet nostalgia. You broke up for a reason.
>Finally block her number.
>Resist the desire, this is just bitter sweet nostalgia. You broke up for a reason.
let it go
>>Resist the desire, this is just bitter sweet nostalgia. You broke up for a reason.
>>Resist the desire, this is just bitter sweet nostalgia. You broke up for a reason.
Begin again
>>Resist the desire, this is just bitter sweet nostalgia. You broke up for a reason.
That's all it was. All it has to be.
Post a selfie on FB.
“2nd day on the job. Stopped some kids from getting into trouble. Doing the job i was born to do, living my best life.”
The hell did we suddenly become a teenage girl? These shivers sure are getting weird.
>Resist the desire, this is just bitter sweet nostalgia. You broke up for a reason.

>Resist the desire, this is just bitter sweet nostalgia. You broke up for a reason.

The past is gone. Let it die.
>Resist the desire, this is just bitter sweet nostalgia. You broke up for a reason.

You shake your head and pocket the phone. The past is the past, you're living what you've always wanted now. No use pining over lost love. You dump your trash and keep the burrito in your hand as you head back to the shop with Hawthorne.

"Mendez is gonna expect you in a few hours, let's do some more of the basics. Traffic Stops and the like, I want to make sure you have the basics down by the end of today on your ticket writing and observation."

You spend the rest of your shift sticking to mostly boring calls, thoughts of Nia, Question, and Huntress dominating most of your sub-conscience. Before long Hawthorne calls Central and relieves you from duty for the day.

You both head back to the precinct, Hawthorne even lets you off putting the war bags and guns up.
"I believe you have a date with the Motor Pool." He says chuckling to himself. You head to the locker room and get into plain clothes before setting off for the motorpool and letting yourself into the front office.

You see Mendez's desk and her wall of keys for all the vehicles. A small document on her desk says: Officer Car Assignments. A few pictures surround it.

>Snoop a little, check out the photos and the car list
>Check the wall of keys, maybe there's a secret car they don't lend out to normal officers
>Just be a normal person and wait.
>Use this time to try and practice your Scry ability more. (Use it on who?)
>Snoop a little, check out the photos and the car list
Doesn't hurt to know, also did we know what Nia's powers were?
In the future I'd enjoy working out our powers to get gud at Detectiving things, or doing range time
>>Snoop a little, check out the photos and the car list
>>Check the wall of keys, maybe there's a secret car they don't lend out to normal officers
>Just be a normal person and wait.
>Just be a normal person and wait.
A test?

>Just be a normal person and wait.

Let's not push it just yet.
>Just be a normal person and wait
Mendez worked there for years, probably could tell immediately if we had fucked with her stuff.

You decide for once n your life to just be normal, you see a comfy looking chair in the Motorpool lobby so you make yourself comfortable.

Maybe it was everything you ate combined with the strain of advancing your powers but you fall asleep without even realizing it. The sound of the door opening jolts you awake as you see Mendez entering, she's also in plain clothes. She carries two cans and tosses one into your lap.

"Good morning, you may want to crack open that energy drink now. We have a couple of hours worth of overtime ahead of us." She sets hers on her desk and shuffles the papers around before tossing them in a drawer. She pulls a key from her pocket and nods at you to get up.

Entering the GCPD Motorpool you go down a long set of concrete steps until you enter the massive complex beneath. You usually don't get to see this place since most shops are already waiting in the top level garage for loading in the mornings. Lines of cars extend deeply in this dim garage, near the back you see a floor to ceiling cage separating police vehicles from the impounded ones.

"Used to be a bomb shelter, massive facility built way back in the Cold War by some wealthy Gotham elites or something." Mendez muses while cracking her drink. "Eventually they gave this place to the GCPD and we knocked down all the walls and just made a big garage down here. Not much else it would be useful for." She approaches the cage and unlocks it, stepping inside and over to a small fold-out table that contains some clipboards.

"You'll take this clipboard and the blank sheets on it. Just follow the blanks it asks you and when you're done." She leans over and lifts the many blank forms to show a sticker sheet. "Slap a GCPD sticker on it so we don't count it twice. Simple enough to do on your own, it'll be faster if we split up."

>"Would you mind sticking with me for the first few, until I'm sure I have it right?"
>"Sounds good to me, I'll start deeper in and move my way up. Meet you in the middle."
>"Could I maybe observe you doing a few of these before trying some on my own?"
>>"Could I maybe observe you doing a few of these before trying some on my own?"
>>"Would you mind sticking with me for the first few, until I'm sure I have it right?"

>"Could I maybe observe you doing a few of these before trying some on my own?"
>"Could I maybe observe you doing a few of these before trying some on my own?"
>"Sounds good to me, I'll start deeper in and move my way up. Meet you in the middle."
11 votes for nope and 8 votes for the recently ended relationsship....
It was a tie actually Anon, appreciate the concern though. I made an executive decision to go with the one I thought would be more fun to explore.

NOPE: (11)

YUP: (11) Don't forget to count swapped votes next time, Anon.
woops haha i forgot those yeh

"Could I observe you doing a few before trying my own?" You ask, anxious to not mess anything up in your first week.

"You can watch me do ONE, I will not slow down, I will just talk out loud about my process. Only thing worse than babysitting a rookie is that same rookie messing up and screwing a case in the future. So listen closely."

She grabs her drink and walks it towards the vehicle setting it down on the trunk.
"So. I'm examining the exterior of the vehicle for markings. That means stickers, dents, scrapes, paint from other vehicles, and any sort of exterior devices like trackers, in the rare case they're here." You watch as she circles the vehicle slowly, her eyes scanning the vehicle with a slow methodical gaze.

"Now we take details. License Plate, VIN Number, Tags, and don't forget to check for an oil change sticker. People are creatures of habit, knowing these locations can be important." She opens the car door and peers inside.

"Didn't CSI go through the interior?" You ask Mendez. She nods and gestures you closer.

"CSI is looking for evidence, we are looking to catalogue other things. If the vehicle was fired on how many shots penetrated the inside upholstery, any structural damage to windows or dashboard, and finally we peel off this sticker here and slap it on the interior."

She leans back, checks a few final things off her board and puts her hadns on her hips.

"So any questions?"

>"Yeah I was wondering...(Write-In)
>"You were right, seems simple enough. I'll handle it."
>"Should we be wearing gloves or other stuff to make sure we don't taint the vehicle?"
No problem buddy, thanks for reading and if I make a mistake like that in the future don't hesitate to bring it up. (Though I always reserve my god given right as a QM to pick options if I really really like them.)
>>"Should we be wearing gloves or other stuff to make sure we don't taint the vehicle?"
>>"Yeah I was wondering...(Write-In)
(This is likely gonna give us more shit to do but) "How about the undercarriage? Or has CSI gone over that?"

A question does sp