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Previous chapters: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Heretic%20Cultivator%20Quest
MC info Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/x5rCdZpq
Sect/ disciple info Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A0Yghkqs4WxALnnlVJ2uPpphQk9NQ4ME32DzC1qWp7Q/edit?usp=sharing

You are the Wild Princess of beasts, the rightful ruler of the living and the dead and the future empress of all you behold, justified and dignified in all your doings, Huanliuxue (欢流血, Happy Bloodshed/ Happy to Shed Blood), one of the greatest demonic beasts to ever live and certainly the most splendid and magnificent to awaken from base beastdom in ten generations of cultivators. And amongst Daoists, you too are supreme beneath the heavens, having formed core of such superb quality that it broke beyond the system used to measure and rate them and established a new zenith that the rest of the blind world of cultivation doesn't even know exists yet! Thus proving that superiority of your self taught law the Ruler of the Great Wheel's Law(统治者的这重大轮回法律, Tǒngzhìzhědīzhèzhòngdàlúnhuífǎlǜ) and the Dao of Ghosts and Grudges. However, while you formed this prize beyond prizes, this treasure that would make some divinities green with envy, chaos erupted in the world outside of your secretive and purposefully hidden sect of heretics and outcasts, the Palace of Natural Laws (宫殿的野生彝宪, Gōngdiàndīyěshēngyíxiàn) Sect. Ghosts rampaging from the Yin Qi of your aura, a witch an an ogress turning battlefields into a slaughter house, an old fool turning to an ice statue freezing half of Chuan to spite you, Armies of the orthodox sect being humiliated by swarms of ants and bees and some jealous gods cracking the mountain above your beautiful temple.

And with the Ling bastards and the former sect of your mother Monu and your disciple Ping setting aside their rivalries to seek your head and all their fighting against your little sister's respective army and the enchanted blizzard they summoned just to draw lines in the sand to mark their controlled territory wrecking untold devastation on the innocent mortals of the Chuan region, you decided to put your paw down and do something about it.

Drawing the best of both sects into a fight by trashing their weaker members on the outskirts of your territory to measure the strength of your enemies , while commanding your students to perform acts of charity and relief for those stuck in the ice storm.

And you know at least one half of your plan has worked, because both the Guardians of the Celestial Sunlight and the Winter Blossoming Wisdom Sects had sent two rare and valuable Golden Cores to lead a hunting party that included valuable core formation experts, foundation establishment experts and a doomed gaggle of Qi Condensation novices to take your head and both of your cores!


And while you had been dominating the fight, starting by afflicting the weaklings with a curse of a murderous rage in their blood and then leading up with taking control of one of the golden cores hearts in an effort to reduce her into a Mutant blood sucking Jiangshi under your command, the last few moves of this fight hadn't been in your favor. Sure you've lethally wounded the three Core Formation experts that were capable of standing and the few foundation establishment cultivators who hadn't fallen to your spell and had been harassing you with spells as you battled the Drunk master sent by The winter blossoming fools, but that same drunkard had managed to grasp how to channel and summon Destructive Yin Qi and nearly split open your skull with a kick enshrouded with it. And worse, the man was proving too clever for your liking with his eerily accurate speculation.

However, he was still desperate to put you in the ground, so he might as well be dancing atop the pads of your paw. Having lured him into charging, breaking the stalemate between both of yours prescience and thus forcing him to commit to attacking you, you could safely heal your wounds with the Scarlet Healing Armor (鲜红瘉铠, Xiānhóngyùkǎi) and mend your skull and spine before the injuries to either proved your downfall.

Running circles around a drunk, even a towering and murderous one, is second nature to a cat after all.

With a wiggle of your tail, twitch of your whiskers and lifting of your ears, you're soon wearing a second layer of protection over your spider demon silk armor. The scales of carmine blood Qi cover you completely and begin to urge your skin, flesh and bones to heal back without leaving any ugly scars behind.

"Hnnr?" The drunkard grunts, seeming baffled by your decision as you leap away from his first attack, a sphere of spinning destructive Qi that he has wrapped around his fist.

The crater you were both standing in deepens as a hail of rocks flies up from the blow striking the earth. And the sensation of your skull pushing back to close the crack in it makes your tremble all over. It is a very unpleasant and gross feeling!

roll 2d100. DC 80. Best out of five
Rolled 63, 61 = 124 (2d100)

Rolled 85, 65 = 150 (2d100)

Rolled 95, 39 = 134 (2d100)

Rolled 47, 68 = 115 (2d100)

Rolled 59, 54 = 113 (2d100)

Amazing success! Exactly 70 over DC. Update will arrive shortly
The immortal cat indeed.
But it is not enough of a distraction for his next attack to be even a glancing blow. From out of his jacket, he pulls his other hand, revealing a blade carved from pure ice and his own blood from within, sheathing his open hand as he twists around, pivoting on his heel and slashing for your throat and neck as your leaping away from his lunging punch that might've just lowered the height of the surrounding forest by a couple of feet for a fair few leagues. Turning with your shoulders and hips, you roll around the blade, falling parallel with its edge, your specter lightness skill making you ethereal enough that your like a mote of dust floating gingerly upon the air currents it kicked up. But the moment your paws touch dirt, your under his legs, galloping beneath them and nearly making him trip before he steadies himself, purposefully stumbling back and lurching around as the sword encasing his hand becomes a pale blue gale of pure Qi, ice magic refined to the point of insanity. Stronger than any cold your honored mother could conjure.

It could probably flash freeze someone if it struck them, turning their flesh to ice and turning them into a statue of colored ice where they stood. And even with your constitution and resistance to the cold, you're not certain you'd be able to endure that spell's frostiness. So instead you leap over it, jumping upwards and then bending back to roll over it and through the air, continuing to bowl up and over as he steps forward with a ground shaking stomp and whips the hand that had been stuck in the hole he made in the ground at you, sending a storm of blood icicles your way as a web of water Qi bounces between them like an ensnaring net. He must not know enough about cats because he the spaces in his net are more than big enough for you to fit your head through. Slipping past his net and flying over his head, your flash him a mocking smirk and delight in the expression of disbelief and outrage as his face reddens towards a deeper and more pleasant blood red hue.

He launches himself skywards, covering his head with both of his arms as the wine coating the crater's flour is whisked up and begins to spiral and surge from above you. It pops and sizzles acidically , and you simply lift your upper body up, stretching out as far as you can before gracefully pressing a paw upon his crossed arms and launching yourself through the smaller, but still head sized hole in the vortex of flesh melting wine he's formed into a cage above you.

The spirit crashes down on him, wetting him and making him reek of booze even more if such a thing was possible. He doesn't let up his impotent assault when your elegantly touch your forepaws down, deigning to step upon mud again. As the moment you land, a strip of icicles taller than you erupt from the ground faster than some bolts of lightning race across the sky.

You sidestep it and run along its side, moving so swiftly naturally that the air around you begins to whistle and wail.

But something isn't right. The light reflecting off the pale blue ice is all wrong and the changes in air pressure you feel through your whiskers feels like something far larger and heftier than some pointy blocks of ice is rushing towards you. And just as fast as the row of frozen spikes burst out of the ground. Jumping again, a might fist and arm thrust out of the icy wall and try to clothesline you. If you hadn't leapt, your head might've been knocked off of your neck. The rest of the drunkard rises out, his other, skinless hand grasping for your tail as his first strike flounders miserably. Flicking your tail out of his reach, you land back behind him and judging from how there isn't any tingling atop your scalp and the twitching inside your head and moving your neck around no longer makes it click and hurt, your healing protection spell is already doing its job. And well!

But you have no time to stop, as not only are you still healing, but the Drunken master has just thrown all of his weight and strength behind a drop kick. While that is an eye opening surprise seeing a man so large and muscular move so acrobatically, the attack itself is easily dodge. Why all you do is bow your head and press yourself flat to the ground and let him fly over your head. Rising back up, your whiskers twitch again and you hop in place as a sheet of ice shoots across the ground and just from the chill rising over it, you know that it'd have frozen your legs solid. Unless of course your resistance to cold was strong enough that you could just shrug off being flash frozen. The exact limits of that is something you're in no hurry to test.

So you kick off the air, moving as easily as a moth through the stagnant air of a grave and land on a patch of dirt that can't possibly freeze any part of you solid. The Drunkard has already picked himself up and is flying towards you, but from how he's huffing and puffing, you aren't certain if the redness of his cheeks is from anger or exhaustion now. Flashing a murderous grin you extend your claws. He's running out of breath and stamina. Slicing his throat open will be easier than trampling dried and rotted grass!

The drunkard is out of breath, reducing The DC of offensive and Defenses actions against him

But there's movement in the air, a familiar whistling. Danger!

You throw yourself to the side, avoiding a kick that explodes one edge of the crater, turning it into a deep gouge through the once well maintained road through the forest. And just as you anticipated, golden locks stupid ribbon sword coils through the air, its ludicrous length ripping across the crater chaotically. But you track each portion of it and where its edge is aligned as it uncoils and whips everywhere. The movement of it is entirely inelegant, lacking the refinement of her earlier attacks. Wild. Desperate.

And easily avoided. In fact, as your running under and hopping over it, you realize that with your Youling Qingong you could easily drift through the air so as to fall atop the flat of it, pinning the stupid weapon to the ground and humiliating the Ling bitch more than you already have. So you do just that, pinning the weapon beneath first with your forepaws before settling your hindlegs down on it and sitting on top of it.

The whole of the ribbon blade stiffens, ringing as it straightens out all at once and goes still. The sound isn't pleasant or musically, and tears at your ears, reverberating between them and giving you nearly as much of a headache as having your skull cracked did. But the presence in the air is different from before, and coldly triumphant sneer stretches across your face

The drunkard yelps in pain, clutching his shoulder, where he'd been cut by a part of the now unmoving blade. Golden locks, with her one arm tensed and twitching from the exertion of fighting back against a full body paralysis enacted by her own blood looks down at him. Her alchemically refined eyes have changed color to a dull pinkish red. Almost the same hue as the drool dripping down her chin, mixed with her own blood. She's biting into her lip with teeth that are more like fangs, and her skin is unhealthily pale now instead of the beautiful white it had been before you tore off her arm. Now it isn't like fine milky jade or snow, but rather the cold flesh of a corpse.

And her heart is no longer beating, you can feel that as easily as you feel the movement of your own tail. The blood in her veins is only moving by your will now. And the only thing keeping her from going berserk is what remains of her will and pride as a Daoist, slowly eroded by a growing, dark thirst. You could easily kick it down with a thought. And while the drunk gathers his breath, and you try to decide what to do with the Ling girl now that she is a Jiangshi, you realize you've completely healed from every injury you took in this fight as well as every bit of fatigue. While these two are on their last legs, you've return to the state you were in when you started this fight! Heh-Heh-Heh!

What do you do Huanliuxue?

>Make a show of popping Golden lock's hair and let her drop, deciding not to impose your will over her, to see if she can resist the curse of Carmine mysticism or if she goes berserk (Magic Trial. Auto success)

>Try to break the ling bitch's crumbling will so you can have her fight the drunkard instead (Will/ Command trial. DC 95, DC lowered by the completion of her transformation)

>Knowing better than to turn your back on a foe as troublesome as the drunk, go on the offensive and turn your claws and fangs on him again (Martial trial. DC 100)

>Use the Weeping Scar curse on the drunkard. Seems that the newly minted Carmine Mystic likes the smell of blood and your curiosity cannot be contained! (Magic Trial. DC 110)

>Write in
>>Knowing better than to turn your back on a foe as troublesome as the drunk, go on the offensive and turn your claws and fangs on him again (Martial trial. DC 100)
>Break her crumbling will
>Ask the Drunk his name. "You'll have this one chance to be remembered in the annals of history, as I crush you in the first deciding blow against your sects toppling. Your name, to be remembered, rather than the drunken lout who lusted after goldenlocks of his sects rival enemy."
>Command the Ling Bitch to go preserve the lives of her frenzied comrades while you engage the drunk.
Option 3, but I’d like to see if we can remove the Ling as a threat without dominating her completely by giving her an order she may not be entirely opposed to. I’d like to know more about how well she manages the transformation later, and puppeting her fully won’t really give the picture I’d hope for.
>Use the Weeping Scar curse on the drunkard. Seems that the newly minted Carmine Mystic likes the smell of blood and your curiosity cannot be contained! (Magic Trial. DC 110)
>Use the Weeping Scar curse on the drunkard. Seems that the newly minted Carmine Mystic likes the smell of blood and your curiosity cannot be contained! (Magic Trial. DC 110)
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>Knowing better than to turn your back on a foe as troublesome as the drunk, go on the offensive and turn your claws and fangs on him again (Martial trial. DC 100)
Let no witness escape our grasp, their superiors will only know what we want them to know.
I mean, once we kill him someone can probably track him down in hell or summon him and pump him for info. Killing people doesn’t put them beyond reach, unfortunately.
You really think the orthodox cultivators would be capable of such a thing? Especially given our abilities over ghosts and grudges and quick access to hell? I don't, eliminating a ghost that has a grudge against us seems right up our wheelhouse.
At this point, I don't put anything past the Ling leadership and their ilk. Who knows what secret demonic techniques they are keeping hidden or hypocritically claim are righteous.
I don't doubt that but my point is that they won't be able to pull such tricks before it's too late. We're already here at the site and are specialized in fields that are useful in the clean up. In short, we got a huge head start.
Absolutely. The Ling have soul-destroying arts and that’s some serious heretical shit. Or it would be if orthodox sects weren’t hypocrites. So I’d expect some sect to have some arts that let them “call on the ancestors for their wisdom and guidance” as reskinned undead summoning.

Do we have the tools to actually contain him here? Soul-destroying would work, but incurs a heavy karma cost per the last time it was offered.
Meant to link >>5733684, not >>5733678.

I’ll also back
>Ask the Drunk’s name
per >>5733660. I’m sticking with my action vote though.
>Do we have the tools to actually contain him here? Soul-destroying would work, but incurs a heavy karma cost per the last time it was offered.
Doesn't have to be here, though it would be best if it were, and doesn't have to be soul destruction because of the great wheel of reincarnation.
We do have the soul jars.
A drunk's soul trapped in a wine jar, now that's some irony!

>>5733643 #
>Use the Weeping Scar curse on the drunkard. Seems that the newly minted Carmine Mystic likes the smell of blood and your curiosity cannot be contained! (Magic Trial. DC 110)
>Use the Weeping Scar curse on the drunkard. Seems that the newly minted Carmine Mystic likes the smell of blood and your curiosity cannot be contained! (Magic Trial. DC 110)
>>Knowing better than to turn your back on a foe as troublesome as the drunk, go on the offensive and turn your claws and fangs on him again (Martial trial. DC 100)
>Knowing better than to turn your back on a foe as troublesome as the drunk, go on the offensive and turn your claws and fangs on him again (Martial trial. DC 100)
No survivors
>Make a show of popping Golden lock's hair and let her drop, deciding not to impose your will over her, to see if she can resist the curse of Carmine mysticism or if she goes berserk (Magic Trial. Auto success)
>Knowing better than to turn your back on a foe as troublesome as the drunk, go on the offensive and turn your claws and fangs on him again (Martial trial. DC 100)
>Ask the Drunk his name
Question for QM: for our sect, are the beasts more like beastmen, or straight up uplifted animals still walking on four legs? Just coming into this so I'm unversed on your rules or aesthetic.
Uplifted animals with the option of learning how to take human form
The second, although a bunch of beastmen (which we acidently created by unleashing a wave of primordial qi after we unlocked our human form) showed up as refugees during our breakthrough, but we haven't had time to meet them yet.
>Use the Weeping Scar curse on the drunkard. Seems that the newly minted Carmine Mystic likes the smell of blood and your curiosity cannot be contained! (Magic Trial. DC 110)
Ending the vote, tallying the result now

Knowing better than to turn your back on a foe as troublesome as the drunk, go on the offensive and turn your claws and fangs on him again:5

Try to break the ling bitch's crumbling will so you can have her fight the drunkard instead : 1

Ask the Drunk his name. "You'll have this one chance to be remembered in the annals of history, as I crush you in the first deciding blow against your sects toppling. Your name, to be remembered, rather than the drunken lout who lusted after goldenlocks of his sects rival enemy.": 3

Use the Weeping Scar curse on the drunkard. Seems that the newly minted Carmine Mystic likes the smell of blood and your curiosity cannot be contained!: 5

Command the Ling Bitch to go preserve the lives of her frenzied comrades while you engage the drunk.:1

Make a show of popping Golden lock's hair and let her drop, deciding not to impose your will over her, to see if she can resist the curse of Carmine mysticism or if she goes berserk : 1

And we have a tie! So I'll break it real quick

1: Use your claws and fangs

2: Use the weeping scar curse

The 2nd, though they are larger and oddly colored/ marked in comparison to ordinary animals. Like Siwang has blue eyes with white star pupils, Chuandapo has a violet shell, Zhurou has unicorn horn, Baifenchi has skulls on her wings and head...etc and of course Huan herself is blood red


Currently only three can, Huan and the Geges.

Also, here's a fun little exercise, what do you think some of Huan's beastly students may look like if/when they attain a human form, juniors?
Rolled 2 (1d2)

I did not just forget to roll, you have seen nothing.
All right, so you'll turn the weeping scar curse on the drunkard, satiating your curiosity!

Update will arrive shortly
And now that there's little risk of being booted over the horizon, stomped to paste, sprayed with corrosive wine or slashed with that ridiculous sword pinned beneath your paws, your curiosity finds a few cracks in your focused, battle ready mind. The newly made Ling Jiangshi certainly seems to like the smell of blood. Carmine mystics did gorge themselves on it, it was how they cultivated lifeforce and power, how they kept their rotting husks moving and leaping around, how they made an afront to the natural order by refusing to evacuate their corpses, stubbornly clinging to a bleak imitation of true life.

They were obsessed and driven by blood. Its one reason their crimes were so easily noticed and spread across the world of cultivation, why they were so abhorred. Why innocent blood sorcery and refinement and even Blood Qi itself was outlawed and branded demonic cultivation. But you never imagined they'd act like addicts around the stuff, you enjoy the aroma and color of blood but its never made you drool so grossly and shamelessly. Indeed, from what you recall of your meeting and conversation with the ghost of one of the true carmine mystics of that tragic sect, despite being starved and deprived of fresh blood and the life force within it, the fellow was polite and more courteous than a masterless, wild Jiangshi had any right being. He remained well spoken philosopher despite being an insane blood guzzling monster. Not to mention, he moved with a fluidity and grace that would be beyond any normal Jiangshi.

'The more I think about it, the Jiangshi born from Carmine mysticism are really bizarre~' Your thoughts meander 'They cultivate and steal away blood rather than Qi, like an ordinary Jiangshi does, and store it in their hearts, imperfectly straddling the line between life and death. At least until I perfected the art"

Your eyes narrow as you focus intently on the bloodied drool shamelessly flowing out of the Ling Girl's now fanged mouth, wincing as the sound of creaking bones and tearing leather echo from somewhere within her body as the final changes of her transmutation take place, unseen and unknown.

'The old mystic mentioned the curse of Carmine mysticism, an endless thirst for life, an ever present chill of death and gnawing emptiness. But he was so well composed and affable to me, I thought he must've been exaggerating somewhat' You think with a pout, lifting up your paw to your chin and huffing as you ponder this mystery as your curiosity grows and grows "But now I see he didn't embellish his suffering in the slightest. Ah! That must be it. He had been so long deprived of the lifeblood that would keep him sane for so long, he found a kind of peace in insanity. But She hasn't. She is only now experiencing what only those who have died from thirst have felt and by sheer happenstance, a delectable drink is staggering right in front of her eyes. Like a cup of crystal clear water in the middle of a desert"

And then the moment you realize and understand that cause for her gross behavior, a question presents itself, like it was written in bright gaudy ink just above your head. How strong is the endless thirst of Carmine Jiangshi? How powerful is the urge to glut oneself on the blood and lifeforce of the living? Is it stronger in the first moments after being turned? Will more blood spilt deepen their hunger pangs or dull them? Just how strong is this bitch's force of will? How long can she resist the maddening desire to sink her teeth into he who sacrificed his own flesh to protect her? Oh you just can't resist.

Flashing a mischievously cruel grin, you turn to face the drunkard who had closed the distance with heavy, half dragged steps, his eyes burning with a hateful resolve as he holds his bleeding fist to his side, a layer of ice covering both it and his skinned leg.

Narrowing your eyes, you remember the chant of the curse that brought Fu into the foundation establishment stage. The Weeping scar curse (哭泣疤痕魔咒 , Kūqìbāhénmózhòu). Your tongue curling to chant the mantra that will bring the spiteful wish of old wounds to bleed anew to reality

roll 2d100. Best out of five. DC 110
Rolled 48, 32 = 80 (2d100)

Rolled 74, 89 = 163 (2d100)

I'll do one more but that's all I'll take responsibility for
Rolled 30, 63 = 93 (2d100)

Rolled 17, 69 = 86 (2d100)


yes well you'd better take responsibility for a roll that good.
Rolled 16, 13 = 29 (2d100)

Rolled 44, 61 = 105 (2d100)

Fantastic success! 50 over DC

Update will arrive shortly.
And the moment you began to speak it, the words of the vengeful curse spill out as if they've chosen to be spoken themselves and have made their will clear by possessing your tongue and your breath. In a low, guttural voice, like the rasping of a dusty corpse, you speak the weeping scar curse, eyes darkening as your aura that had been blazing wildly around you condenses and darkens around you, your eyes alighting with a malevolent violet glow as you, despite being in the shape of a cat, strike the perfect image of a hermit hag, of a witch like your adoptive mother. With a gloomy look and half lidded eyes, you continue chanting, without stumbling over a single word, speaking so calmly and measuredly that it feels more like you're copying the dread mantra down on a scroll rather than speaking it.

It oozes up from your lungs, clawing its why up your throat as a tingle like the lifeless breath of a hungry ghost upon your back. Purest malice and spite refined, the essence of a grudge condensed and cleansed of all emotion besides its guiding enmity. The will of old wounds, of scarred flesh to open and bleed fresh again. Curses on dying lips, spat as their killers blood dripped upon the cooling faces. The wrath of broken blades and shattered spears. You aren't even certain what you're speaking is Chinese anymore, for as familiar as it sounds it feels foreign and distant, like you're repeating the words of someone else and channeling their emotions. But you aren't possessed. It is simply the grudges within you whispering as you chant, muttering along with you as your hiss of vengeance and mumble quietly of bloody retribution. Black tendrils of smoke twist out of your mouth, hanging to your chin and crawling up your gangs like blood draining vines as your eyes flash violet and then burn with an ethereal, sickly carmine light.

Your tongue dances in your mouth, sparks of Qi flying from it when it touches your fangs as a depressive gloom falls around you as you rock your head side to side and flick your tail off rhythm with it, chanting and chanting louder and louder, speaking over yourself as if there were four speaks crying out this curses. The mantra changes from what you know, as you speak grievances against the drunkard and wishes of his painful death that you hadn't known or thought up yourself. He stops, having been a pace and a half from what you recognize as the absolute edge of his striking range and his furious, ogreish expression turns into a stricken look of horror. He recognizes the words you speak, the dying curses and the oaths of vengeances and enmity without end.

Imprecations spoken by men and women dead by his hand or actions. Words you shouldn't know, declarations of animosity that have never graced your ears with their harsh words and crude, unrefined vitriol. Yet you speak them anyways as if they were your own words, and that clearly terrifies the drunkard.

His lips part, his spiritual and magical defenses dropping for but a moment as he instinctually moves to demand an answer of how you know of his past transgressions and regrets in his long life.

And that is all you need to speak a word that you know for a fact is yours and yours alone. Focusing on your own grudge against the heavens and the status quo they enforced upon the world of Daoism and cultivation as a whole, you muster all of your personal resentment and spit a single word that embodies your true and honest feelings against those bastards who'd see you dead for being born a cat and who have cut down so many promising beasts due to a lie told and repeated so often that it is held up as fact.


It rips out of your throat, making you wince in pain. You hadn't been expecting it to be so strong, and it was your own grudge you unleashed. It reverberates in the air, poisoning it as the whole of the crater fills with its Miasma that is darker than any black. And then as quickly as it came, it vanishes and fades away. Like a red string being snapped the tension in the air breaks. The drunkard's expression briefly flashes between confusion and concerned before he spite up blood and falls to one knee, wincing in agony as he begins to choke and hack up more and more blood, his back bleeding freshly as his veins begin to burst, his skin tearing all over his body as he clutches at his belly and wails as blood sprays out of him, as if it were held under great pressure just beneath his skin. He begins to shrink down, no longer able to maintain his technique now that literally every wound he's ever bore is torn open. The curse is ripping him apart from the inside and blood is shooting out of him almost like a festival of fireworks.

You're several steps away from him, and you're still drenched in his blood. It shot out of him so quickly, it felt like you were being pelted with rocks! Incredible!

But he doesn't take his eyes off of you, or allow himself to fall any further than one knee. There's determination burning in his dimming eyes.

There's an animalistic howl, and a blur of gold.

He smirks, and in the moment before the ravenous jiangshi falls upon him, he raises his hand up to his chest and sets it over his heart. The heart you can see thrashing and bulging, threatening to exploded from the sheer shock of being rent asunder by countless old scars. You don't like that smirk, that look in his eyes. Its mocking. Triumphant. Why does he look so convicted? So confident.

He grips his chest and when he breathes out, a white cloud of vapor comes out as frost covers his body. And his heart vanishes from view. The Vein Hunting Eye couldn't have failed, you invented it. He just

He just turned his heart into a solid block of a ice.

You step back, a pang of something like fear slamming into you hard as he stands up as more and more veins vanish from your sight as the frost on his skin turns to ice and his uncountable wounds burst with icicles.

A suicidal technique. That's what you're seeing. The idiot killed himself. That's obvious but he isn't done fighting. He hasn't dropped dead.

"Fuck" You hiss, realizing exactly what he's going to try to do.

He places a hand on the head of the crying Ling girl, whose fangs have broken the skin of his neck. Another fatal wound, but the blood there had already turned to ice by time she bit down.

"I forgive you, your actions are not your own" He says she lifts her lips from his neck, trembling "Know that I do this, not just to kill our enemy, but to remove the temptation of my blood from your sight. I refuse to allow a fellow daoist to turn into a mindless beast for the amusement of a rampaging demon. If I must die so you may retain your humanity, so be it. Wish we could've gotten to know each other better. Hope you can forgive me for handling a lady of your caliber so roughly. Goodbye"

Then he flings her from his body, launching her up to the sky as he gives a defiant yell.

"I am Xue Ming, Grandson of the illustrious Xue Laohue! Inheritor of the Intoxicating Lotus flower (醉人莲花 , Zuìrén Liánhuā) Law and the Swaying Palm ( 漂摇手板palm , Piāoyáo ) Style! And with my last breath, I shall drag you to the icy depths of hell demon! Let this body become a coffin of solid ice!"

Your eyes widen despite your best attempts to look unaffected by his bluster and crowing. Did this lunatic just weaponize the injury that is slowly turning his grandfather to an ugly ice statue? Detonating his heart and golden core to rapidly freeze his own body into a block of ice that'd make the waters of hell seem like hot tea? That's incredible. You'd be in awe if you weren't the target of this suicide attack, and even then you can't help but feel a little amazed by how determined the drunken lout has proven to be. Its a rare thing for a man to not just accept his death but to welcome it with a smile and boisterous laugh.

And despite biting your tongue, a single word of praise escapes your lips, betraying the feeling you tried to run away from and bury. That of respect.

"Magnificent" You purr with a subtle tilt of your head

What do you do, Huanliuxue?

>Simply trust your body to be able to endure the cold that is colder than hell. You aren't the princess of ghosts for nothing after all and it'd be shameful to turn away from such a glorious attack! (Fortitude trial DC 160. DC lowered by resistances and Living source: Blood Qi )

>Step outside of your body, and possess him to steer his body away from yours. He's already mostly a corpse, so his resistance against it will be mostly gone as well (Will trial, DC 144)

>Send him off with a bang and give him a glimpse of your true power. Turn human and lunge at him, and tear out his heart the moment before he explodes and cancel his suicidal spell by crushing it in your hands (Martial trial. DC 130)

>Yeah no. Fuck that, get out of his range with the blood red lightning cat step. It might be cool, but you don't want to be turned into a catcicle (Magic/ Haste trial DC 75)

>Write in
Swaying Palm would be Piaoyaoshouban, messed up the formatting and didn't catch it until I hit post, my bad
>>Yeah no. Fuck that, get out of his range with the blood red lightning cat step. It might be cool, but you don't want to be turned into a catcicle (Magic/ Haste trial DC 75)
Trying to catch a cat? What a fool he is. Also, he's already dead and we need to make sure goldielocks isn't currently chasing some poor idiot around who has nothing to do with this, wherever the hell she lands. And all the little goobers they brought with them.
>Yeah no. Fuck that, get out of his range with the blood red lightning cat step. It might be cool, but you don't want to be turned into a catcicle (Magic/ Haste trial DC 75)
Go to wherever he threw the Ling girl before she runs off by herself, it's time to tie up loose ends.
If only there was material suffusing our environment which could be used to bolster yang techniques and grudge defenses to their maximum. If we're not going to incarnate Monu for her icy glares, I'd suggest activating our eclipsed yang physique to full effect and using the significant amount of blood on the battlefield to fuel an inferno as part of a targeted magic trial. Thankfully we are healed, and so we can use a portion of our own blood to offset the type difference in the cultivators.

So long as his target is us, and with his death vow as it was, I doubt he's going to remove himself from it so long as we are also inside. This is also an effort to prevent him from freezing the entire battlefield and controlling the blood already spilled via ice. We're effectively in a low pool, and vs. ruptured golden core ice that's foolish.

Dodging is easy, which makes me feel his objective may be more complex than a suicide pact. I don't want giving him a chance to circulate our techniques by, say, throwing/transporting an item he's written blood-ice on while we're occupied in gofast.

Burn him and the battlefield using blood as fuel with our eclipsed yang physique activated.
Yeah, just dodging is suspiciously easy. I'll support >>5735368
You make a good point that running is suspiciously easy, I chalked it up to it being a desperate final attack but the Drunk has been dangerously quick witted. I'll switch from >>5735364 to your write in if it's DC is lower than the other attack options. Can Grandfather confirm?
I’ll back this. As a living source of Blood Qi we should be able to output a fair amount of power even if there isn’t sufficient blood on the battlefield.

Since he got his dramatic moment, we should get one too.
>As you prepare, announce your own name and titles.
> Huanliuxue, awakened beast, guardian of Chuan and protector of children. Born of housecats and innocents caught in war. Our inheritance is the grudge of those stamped out by wickedness, and We refuse to die until this world rejects the idea that existence alone is a sin.

I’m sure Grandfather can dress that statement up more.
>Yeah no. Fuck that, get out of his range with the blood red lightning cat step. It might be cool, but you don't want to be turned into a catcicle (Magic/ Haste trial DC 75)
I'm not going to gamble on a unknown DC for a write-in.
>Send him off with a bang

I want his core.
>>Send him off with a bang and give him a glimpse of your true power. Turn human and lunge at him, and tear out his heart the moment before he explodes and cancel his suicidal spell by crushing it in your hands (Martial trial. DC 130)
I think you can only harvest the core of magical beast and not of humans.
I'll support this write in
And the taunt as well
Maybe even turn human to send him off properly with our full strenght.
I see no reason to not try.
Besides, he's a golden core cultivator of respectable power and potential, his body itself will be a goldmine of Qi rich materials.

Even now, his ice flesh will be ice qi rich

Blood fire vs blood ice? Sounds like fun!
>Your a good man Xue Ming. A shame you die on a lie of the world. May you become my disciple in the next life. If he asks what lie tell him the truth.
>Yeah no. Fuck that, get out of his range with the blood red lightning cat step. It might be cool, but you don't want to be turned into a catcicle (Magic/ Haste trial DC 75)
Oh, to actually respond to the point this made about it being easy - if we run away, we can assume that we lose the Ling girl. It makes the most sense to ice her if he can’t target us.

He may still have other tricks to get word out on our abilities or help other disciples escape with their own knowledge. Someone like the aggressive girl, who had enough sense to fight us and even do it up close, would be a good witness if someone has techniques to help her think through the rage she was feeling at the time.
Sure it might be a difficulty bump, but rule of cool requires me to back this, also supporting >>5735409 addition of stating our own titles.
you know what, I'll add the declairation to my vote here >>5735509
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Ending and tallying the vote now. Meant to do it yesterday, But I had a terrible migraine.

Yeah no. Fuck that, get out of his range with the blood red lightning cat step. It might be cool, but you don't want to be turned into a catcicle:4

Burn him and the battlefield using blood as fuel with our eclipsed yang physique activated.:6

As you prepare, announce your own name and titles.:4

Send him off with a bang and give him a glimpse of your true power. Turn human and lunge at him, and tear out his heart the moment before he explodes and cancel his suicidal spell by crushing it in your hands:2

Your a good man Xue Ming. A shame you die on a lie of the world. May you become my disciple in the next life. If he asks what lie tell him the truth.: 1

So You'll burn him and the battlefield with blood as fuel, aided by your eclipsed yang physique and your status as a living source of blood QI

Dc will be revealed in the intermediary update, which will arrive shortly

I liked this btw
You never expected to find a lion amongst the dogs. To find a pursuer of immortality so ready and willing to toss away all of their hardwork and its rewards for another's benefit, to use their own life as ammunition against an enemy not out of overfattened and grown pride but out of a simple desire to protect others even when they've been turned into blood crazed abominations. Magnificent! A suicidal attack fueled not by despair or hubris but hope and righteous conviction! What a truly rare show this drunkard has put on for your benefit, the sheer brilliance of this man in his final moments are almost enough to make your eyes water. He might've gotten to where he is now and only reached this level of cultivation and power through Nepotism and familial favoritism but he has more than earned the right to stand on the peak he's chosen as his gravesite through sheer guts and grit alone!

Absolutely no fear of death as he charges into its maw open wide, not a tremble or a tear shed, just an audacious look in his eyes and a satisfied smile as both begin to turn to ice. Even through the cold in the air you can feel the heat of the fires of his raging spirit and drive, to shield the weak even if it costs him his life. Like Fu's father did, throwing himself upon a monsterous tiger's back to save his valiant son. The sacrifice of self, a ideal few could ever accomplish even if they praise it as a virtue of peerless grandeur.

While your first instinct is to run away as fast as you can, not wishing to gamble your life on being able to endure the remorseless cold your opponent has summoned from his own heart and golden core, you throw that gutless self preservation away from yourself as far as it can be flung. This man might be your enemy, in battle and beliefs, but it'd be a grave insult to a man of his quality to let him die whiffing an attack, simply uncalled for even if he'd have shown you none of that respect if your positions in this fight were switched. He might be a blind fool and opposed to your kind's very existences, but for his absolute fearlessness in the face of death, the least you can do is tip your head in respect and respond in kind to his flashy final attack.

With extravagant display of your own power.

Even the air here is saturated with blood, so much of it has been spilled and your aura has infused itself into the atmosphere. It is humid, like bloody rain is falling in a torrent all around you and it is spread out in puddles. Qi rich blood of cultivators and daoists who have spent all their lives honing and refining their bodies with training, alchemy and spirituality. But it is still crude, unrefined, tarnished, and polluted. Not to mention the spiritual energy that lingers within it is all of different sorts and types. But there is a lot of it, enough to drown someone. And beneath the heavens, you have no equal in the art of blood refinement.

And your body itself is a fine temple to cleanse this material within!

You close your eyes and breath out the breath of the dead and when you breath back in it is brimming with the warmth and essence of life. The cruel and unforgiving life that all creatures struggle within. The Blood of Life. And with twitch of your jaw, you spill your own blood, adding it to the blood covering the rapidly freezing battlefield, using it as a vector to purifying and strengthen the rest of the material to make it worthy of your use and need of it.

Getting really fired up from the drunkard's magnificent display and acceptance of his own unavoidable end, the only thing that you can think to do is ignite everything with that same fire burning in your belly! Creating an inferno with blood as a source, by transmuting the rich blood Qi into The essence of fire itself! Creating a ritual on the spot to set ablaze this sea of blood and wine.

And the Eclipsed sun in your soul crawls out from behind the moon that hid it, glowing blindingly white and hot as you for the first time muster its strength and unleash the white flame lurking in the near total blackness of your cultivation, like a new born sun lightning in the dark of the astral realms!

The aura you haven't cared to repress since this fight started turns from the bleakness of a graveyard and desolation of a forsaken battlefield into a pale white cornea like a cloudless summer sky over a vicious clash between two armies from which none will escape alive! A different reflection of your grave presence! Different yet unmistakably familiar!

[Magic Trial. Roll 2d100. Best out of five. DC 88. DC vastly lowered by living source Blood Qi+ Eclipsed Yang physique+ Massive amounts of blood! [/b]
Rolled 51, 44 = 95 (2d100)

Rolled 11, 90 = 101 (2d100)

hope is rewarded and it is crushed
what matters is who wears the boot!(claws!)
Rolled 78, 74 = 152 (2d100)

Rolled 37, 26 = 63 (2d100)

Fare well Xue Ming. You shall be remembered by the glorious we as a misguided lapdog, but a lion still.
Rolled 75, 69 = 144 (2d100)

Rolled 18, 41 = 59 (2d100)

Seeing red never looked so good.
That’s a 60+ difference, RIP drunk
Fabulous Success, 60 over DC. Update will arrive shortly

You got bops Gramps. But allow me to release, for the consideration of my juniors, something I've been waiting for a +60 win for.


They are absolutely messing with the best.
The gamble payed off, thank the dao.
Shame the title speech didn’t get enough support, but I’ll accept getting 60 over DC as an acceptable consolation prize.
Perhaps he'll add it in the update? It is dialogue and not an action after all.
In Xianxia, talking IS a free action. Even if the monologue is a twelve hour spiel. It's only polite to let them finish.
Twelve hours? More like twelve pages.
Of course, the valiant and dauntless Xue Ming will never know of the kindness you've performed for him by unleashing a fraction of your limitless potential against him. For he's already died. You watched as the last flicker of his life fled his frozen corpse and with it his immortal soul, towards whatever life he's earned for his deeds in this one. Yet he died standing, and his will continues to push his empty vessel forward containing the spell intended to entrap your life forever in ice at the cost of his own. Even dead he has not given up or turned away from his path. Magnificent, simply Magnificent. But this flashy finale is still for his benefit, so no observers or survivors of this slaughter may dare to claim he died pointlessly or without reason or worse was a fool who gambled everything and lost it on an unwinnable bet. He may share blood with the man who crippled your mother and killed your sister, he may have wished nothing more to see you and your kind wiped from the world, but he has earned your respect with his raw cunning and tenacity.

And his funerary pyre is one you shall light yourself, turning the night to day with its blazing flames! Heh-Heh. All this excitement is starting to make you feel a little light headed, you might've gotten a little fired up but who cares! Grinning ear to ear, minature white suns form in your eyes as you call on more and more of the eclipsed Yang within your body and spiritual essence, channeling and calling up every bit of Yang aligned Qi within your meridians, cultivation base and two cores and outside of your body radiating in the airs, slumbering in the trees and boiling in the blood spilt in this festival of carnage! There is no spark and there is no smoke. One moment there is nothing and the next there is a heat so intense in the air that it could melt down ore without any flame. Every blade of grass dies, the trees wilt and shrivel as the intensity of your aura alights the night and makes it brighter than any sunny day.

The Corpse of Xue Ming charges forward but you doubt he'd have turned away even if he was....wait a second. There's still light in his eyes?! How is he still alive! There's stubborn but this is just unbelievable! And you've traveled across time and into places that don't exist~ Just how determined is he to kill you! That's beyond sanity! That level of crazy resolve simply cannot exist! Incredible! Even with his last breaths he keeps you on your toes! Grinning just a bit more brightly, you complete the funerary fire you've been preparing for him, finishing the ritual carried out within the sea of blood you've gathered, super heated and reduced to kindling for...


A Sun that was born beneath the sky, of course! Though in actuality, it is far less grand than that, being simply a super charged ball of fire more than anything else.

But why undersell it? If any one asks about this new technique you've made up, you'll still call it a sun for it is a rival to its burning radiance!

All becomes and burns to white, your whole world consumed by flames without color or hue, purified in the crucible of your eclipsed sun and within your own beating heart. There is noise, a roar unlike anything you've ever heard. A scream. Is that the squalling of a newborn sun? Heat so intense that it makes a sound, an eerie cry that puts even the most nasty of hungry ghosts to shame? Your ears ring, and even with your body's resistant to heat, your nose begins to bleed as every drop of moisture in the air is turned to steam and cooked away in an instant.

Anything unlucky enough to be caught in the body of the white sun you created out of the pools of sage's blood, must've been instantly evaporated, leaving not even dust behind. In fact its kind of a surprise you haven't caught on fire. Usually your attacks are so expertly crafted that there's no risk of them injuring you by mistake, but this inferno you've birthed is so intense it has, in spite of all your skill and natural talent. So you're so powerful to be able to defeat yourself? As expected of the great Huan...

The thought dies, as you see a shadow trudging through the flames.

'No. no. no. How the hell is he still alive! How the hell is he in one piece! He should've been reduced to steam! How is he still coming for me!?' Is what replaces them as you begin to panic, wondering just how cold his ice has to be to resist the unmatched power of a sun! He comes closer, moving faster than before as the ice weighing him down melts away, letting the suicidal bomber approach you faster than you anticipated.

Acting quickly, you pour more blood and Qi into the conflagration, the pure white light once more obscuring Xue Ming's form, but he closes the distance and lunges at you.

There isn't much left of him. Half of his body and head have been burned away and as he reaches you his lower half is vaporized. His arm reaches out for you, evaporating skin first then flesh leaving behind bone that chars first black then turns to white ash. His face, stricken with agony you cannot imagine even in your most sadistic moments flashes with amazement. He cannot speak, any words that escape his lips would turn to more screaming light.

But you can tell as your eyes meet that in his last moments, he is earnestly amazed. Is it because you unleashed a Yang spell that'd put the Ling clan's techniques to shame, while he believed you to be a master of Yin Qi? Or is it simply that he failed in the end? Or is that simply the face someone makes when they find themselves in the heart of the sun? Who can say, you certainly don't know.

And even if he can't hear you, you speak some parting words that only the two of you could hope to hear "I, Huanliuxue, Vengeful Empress born of unjust suffering and undying grudges , acknowledge you. Know that in your final moments, Xue Ming, you impressed royalty and earned this housecat's respect"

And while you'd like to think his is a look of respect, and that he's thinking "Magnificent" you wouldn't bet even a coin of copper cash on it. The dogs of the orthodox are all the same, in the end, no matter how magnificent that end might before.

Sighing, you close your eyes after the last of him is burned away, allowing the earthborn sun to rage for awhile longer before you snuff it out and quite the inferno. Though there's still a quite a few white hot fires raging around you, burning the parched soil or greedily devouring the trees that had been dried to nothing.

And the moment its roar is silenced and your eyes and ears begin to recover from the sheer intensity of that blaze, you hear another. A woman's. The Ling Bitch's. Filled with grief and rage. She didn't flutter away in search of prey? She was enemies with Ming until this night. Did his chivalry win her heart so easily? He was pretty cool, but that'd be just kinda...pathetic if that's all it takes to win her affection. Ar is she simply rushing towards the biggest source of blood Qi? No that can't be, her transformation should've made her subservient to your imperial majesty, right? Sure the exact nature of Carmine mystics eludes you, but you're pretty certain that's what should happen.

Well doesn't matter, cause she gave away her sneak attack with that scream. Even kittens should know to be as silent as a mouse when hunting one, and she's leapt towards a tiger. But cornered mice still have teeth, so better to be thorough.

"Oi, don't you know you're trampling over a brave man's grave?" You snarl, leaping up to meet her and catching her in the bubble of the Specter lightness skill. She's holding a sun of her own in her hand, the soul killing flame, the secret of the Ling Clan and the sect they lead. She turns, seeming astonished by the look of recognition on your face.

Thought that quickly passes when you see that ethereal light swirling in the palm of her hand is turning her to ash as well. Or at least that's what it looks like, she might've just been on the outermost edge of the white inferno you sparked just now.

Either way, that'd hurt if it hit. Luckily she's an idiot. When she thrusts he arm out, you simply duck beneath it, slipping past her side and biting into where her arm connects to her shoulder and bite down hard enough to crush bone. And tear it off, ripping it from its socket while tossing her to the ground? What, did she think a little fire would scare you off, after you harnessed the unparalleled power of the sun itself!?
"Imbecile" You snarl as the screaming Jiangshi hits the ground, spitting and cursing as the color in her hair drains away, gold replaced with the color of dried grass as her cheeks become sunken and her eyes turn a deeper red

Slowly falling to the ground, like a daffodil's seed, you approach her as she struggles to stand, wondering what to do with her now that she's subdued when

An axe flies past your head and strikes her in the head. It doesn't kill her, just makes her ranting even more incomprehensible

You glance back and to great astonishment see the axe girl standing, still alive. She soon falls over, passing out from heat exhaustion, but just seeing her there and having an axe launched at your head is enough to make your jaw drop and steal your breath away. She looked like she was about to say something before her eyes fluttered and she tipped backward unconscious

"Hey hey! Just because Xue Ming impressed me with his defiant attack, doesn't mean the rest of you will earn my respect trying to replicate it!" You shout angrily, scolding them all and hopefully intimidating anyone else with the balls to try to attack you. Not that there's anyone still standing who could.

"FUCK YOU!" Golden Lock's shrieks through tears "Don't you dare speak his name, animal, beast, abomination! You sully it! He is worth more than a thousand yous! How dare you make a mockery of him!"

Funny between the two of you, you're certain she's more of an affront to nature AND the apathetic gods than you could ever hope to be.

Well that battle seems to be yours unless Xue Ming comes back from literal evaporation. Most of the berserk rabble have been...well reduced to hot air, though there's still stragglers standing frozen in fear just beyond the bleached white soil. And maybe the other three core formation experts and foundation experts would've survived a bit longer if you didn't need their blood to fuel the massive inferno that reduced one of the rarest existences in the cultivation world to memories and light.

Really the axe girl has to be blessed by a god of fortune if she managed to have crawled outside of the radius of the blaze just before you called it.

Now that the battle is won, what do you do, Huanliuxue? two actions can be taken

>Having lost interest in the idea of a pet Jiangshi, kill the ling bitch for having the audacity to attack you right after Xue Ming.

>Fully subjugate Golden Locks to your will and reduce her to your slave, and make her humiliate herself for your amusement [bad karma]

>Congratulate the few survivors, and axe girl for her dumb luck and send them off back to their sects in defeat with a declaration of war

>Turn human and crouch over the Ling girl and pettily mock and pester her, annoyed by her insistence that your honest respect for her better counterpart is empty and mocking

>Grab Axe Girl, deciding to take her home with you.

>Visit the monks who care for you old home and apologize for the mess you made

>Write in
>Congratulate the few survivors, and axe girl for her dumb luck and send them off back to their sects in defeat with a declaration of war
>Visit the monks who care for you old home and apologize for the mess you made
>Turn human and crouch over the Ling girl and pettily mock and pester her, annoyed by her insistence that your honest respect for her better counterpart is empty and mocking and having lost interest in the idea of a pet Jiangshi, kill the ling bitch. Along with the other stragglers with the exception of the Axe Girl, having been intrigued by her mysterious tenacity and deciding to take her home with you.
Tie up loose ends, do a (relative) clean up of the place and go home. We can do a more proper and thorough visit to the monks later.
>>Visit the monks who care for you old home and apologize for the mess you made
>>Write in
>Finish off the remainders, and make a simple graver marker for xue ming, just a humble thing to commemorate his awesome death
>Kill the Jiangshi, Call her blind and a bitch, her corpse will be ours for mother to use.

>Grab axe girl.

You're being collected.
>Grab Axe Girl, deciding to take her home with you.
Study material and because who else survives a localized supernova without being destined for some crazy shit.
>Turn human and crouch over the Ling girl and pettily mock and pester her, annoyed by her insistence that your honest respect for her better counterpart is empty and mocking
Is our battle truly over if we don't tell the Ling to eat shit and die?
>Turn human and crouch over the Ling girl and pettily mock and pester her, annoyed by her insistence that your honest respect for her better counterpart is empty and mocking

>Grab Axe Girl, deciding to take her home with you.
We are killing the stragglers right anons?
Write-in 1:
>Order the remaining cultivators to begin caring for each other if they’re healers, with the rest assisting in cleaning up for the monks while you apologize to them. Allow them the option of building graves for their own fallen if they wish.
They’re our prisoners now, make them do some good while we apologize.

Write-in 2:
>Round up the survivors and depart for the Five Purities sect to turn them over, using it as an excuse to make the survivors provide aid to the weak and helpless as you have directed your own sect to do.
Make them do good part 2. While traveling, we can take the opportunity to prod the survivors, see what they tell us about their sects (or they let slip when they think we can’t hear), and force them to confront their own evils.

I say Five Purities so we can try turning them over so they can get credit for negotiating the release of prisoners. We can get something small in exchange. We’ll be keeping the axe and jiangshi girls of course.
Hmm. Yes.

Specify here that Kill Ling bitch means Kill the other Ling.
Let the Winter guys live.
Why just the Ling? We have a grudge against the Winter sect as well.
they are qi condensing novices.

And frankly, the grudge against them is quite weak in comparison to the ling. I'm content to allow mercy
That seems like a waste. I’d be okay with something like
>Declare that as they have seen our techniques, we can’t allow them to return home. They are therefore undergoing a trial to prove they may live: travel with us and do good for the people of the land, and we will simply keep them prisoner for the duration of the war before being released. If they can’t do good for others, they die. Very simple.
>Should they attempt to escape when we aren’t watching, explain that the blood curses we have in them will be detected by their elders eventually and they’ll be killed as spies. Such is the life of one seen as heretical.
We could wander around while heading any other place as the trial period. Blood curses is a bluff, but they have no idea of what our rage spell means long-term. They saw enough in the fight to know it might NOT be a bluff.

We kept some of them alive throughout the fight. May as well put them to use while we deal with the two important fighters.
>Having lost interest in the idea of a pet Jiangshi, kill the ling bitch for having the audacity to attack you right after Xue Ming.
This axe girl is really too bold.
>Grab axe girl.

I would like to. Their vanishing is more advantage than having witnesses. Two of our beast students are watching us right now, Siwang & Yinying, so if there is an example we want to lead by we could do number of things.
> And frankly, the grudge against them is quite weak in comparison to the ling.
Fair enough.
> I'm content to allow mercy
Just feels like a half measure to me.

Waste? What you suggest seems more like a chore, a chore at a time where we are at a total war against enemy sects.

If you're insistent on the idea then delegate it to Ping and his Ling friend. Way more appropriate for them to deal with their former sect mates rather than us.
It is a half measure.

but we've got better things to spend time on.
Time? We can kill all these twats in like 10 seconds, 20 tops.
I do not wish to kill the WBS's weakest members, they are beneath our notice and have survived stupidly dangerous situations.

The other option then is to capture them then, but we have better things to do.
So I choose to let them leave by their own power.
> I do not wish to kill the WBS's weakest members, they are beneath our notice and have survived stupidly dangerous situations.
That's a different argument. An argument which under different circumstances I'd agree with. The problem comes when they inevitably go off to babble about what they've witnessed to people who aren't beneath our notice. People which I see no reason to allow this aid, however minor it may be.
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>I do not wish to kill the WBS's weakest members
I do.
fair point.

It's the same reason for me however.
I don't want to kill the weaklings. So any other option take time to deal with, which I do not wish to spend.
But that's me.
>>Fully subjugate Golden Locks to your will and reduce her to your slave, and make her humiliate herself for your amusement [bad karma]
>>Turn human and crouch over the Ling girl and pettily mock and pester her, annoyed by her insistence that your honest respect for her better counterpart is empty and mocking
I see it as something we do on the way to something else we care about. The problem with the vote is that I don’t know where we’re going next. Back to base? Further digging into other sects? Stopping by hell to pick up something? Can’t take them somewhere that we can’t hand them off of course. So it’d a bit hard to rally people around that.

I figured the ones that manage to be inoffensive and/or impress us can live long enough to get turned over to disciples to manage, like axe girl already has.

On that note, I will switch my second vote to whatever as long as it allows the few people remaining to try and prove themselves worthy of sparing. We may end up with only two people left besides our pet projects, but it’s about the principle of the thing at this point.
So you don't want to kill them just because?

The principle of the thing? Bah! Those only apply to the uninvolved or to our associates. The fate of our enemies lies solely on our feline whimsy and the circumstances we find ourselves in during the decision. These orthodox whelps, axe girl excluded, are unworthy of our time at this point.
>Grab Axe Girl, deciding to take her home with you.
>Visit the monks who care for you old home and apologize for the mess you made
Could have them swear to the heavens or die to not say anything about us. Swearing to the heavens is a big deal as at best you will cripple your cultivation and worse have your soul torn apart.

Qm can you confirm this is the case for this story?
>Congratulate the few survivors, and axe girl for her dumb luck and send them off back to their sects in defeat with a declaration of war
>Visit the monks who care for you old home and apologize for the mess you made
A bit unsure at this point, some of these kids are surprisingly based so it's kind of a waste. On the other hand I really don't want too much information about our secret techniques getting out (especially now that we're turning human for shits and giggles after the battle). I prefer for the orthodoxy to just come upon this massacre and wonder what the fuck happened. Maybe we can even stage this in a way that it looks like a ling vs winter thing?
>Having lost interest in the idea of a pet Jiangshi, kill the ling bitch for having the audacity to attack you right after Xue Ming.
>Grab Axe Girl, deciding to take her home with you.
>Do NOT turn human
Seriously, we've managed to keep this technique secret for the whole fight, and now you want to give it away?
Also that's too petty for us.
>Grab Axe Girl, deciding to take her home with you.
>Finish off the remainders.
Yeah for real, I'll throw in my lot with NOT showing our human form.

Like for what fucking purpose? We're gonna kill her anyway, why act like some cut-rate villain in some three yuan novella?

>So you don't want to kill them just because
Basically. I've a whimsy of mercy and I don't wish to bully the weak, given they have lasted this long.
We will fill our grudges with Ling blood and let the winter sect walk, if we follow my wish.

because I agree with the rest of your post, I only have a different whimsy.

Oh yeah, that's a thing. If we change form, we've got to leave no witnesses. Like what the hell?
As well, +1 no human.
These are beaten enemies. They are not the individuals our superiority is best impressed upon.
>Having lost interest in the idea of a pet Jiangshi, kill the ling bitch for having the audacity to attack you right after Xue Ming.

Frankly, letting a golden core blood sucker loose on the world would be irresponsible of us.

>Grab Axe Girl, deciding to take her home with you.

Come little berserker, let me show you the truth of the world, and then you will finally have an injustice worthy of your rage.
I don't want to spam or be too emotional but I have to say something about leaving anyone to speak about our fighting methods.
It is very unwise, ego-driven arrogant foolery.

Our fighting style has balanced itself into an interesting consistency, this means it can be defeated by preparation. And of course it could be, as preparation is the consistency among our great victories. We can't say different rules apply to our genius when these are the rules by which our genius has been enabled.

In essence we have avoided the limitations of our various techniques by never relying on any one of them, this is probably the most important secret to keep presuming the sects are unkeen on begging demons for gossip, it is as well an important lesson to our students. Being able to hold many complete techniques of opposed natures is due to our special heritage and exceptional experiences, but its wisdom still bears gifting. Many of our students may well become capable of seeking out their ordinary opposites, Siwang foremost a great example. To him justice is like the wind, it's obvious why his beliefs share this origin in his cultivation. While to humans justice is like a pillar, a mountain, and he is currently choosing to see and hone it differently because of course an owl would, as those are in a word: earth. While an immortal's justice can like the wind, or a flame, or even a river of blood. He's already on the path where his best benefits may come from looking down, or back. An Owl won't have deep trouble with that.

Returning to point, once the usability of our techniques is exhausted we are a big cat. Then, a cultivator our equal or a number lesser would not be courting death to stamp on our tail. This is not too different from any other genius with limits beyond the standard, and for this fight we weren't expecting as much as we got from these foes. There are some tactical measures that come to mind for 1v2 or even 1v3 against cultivation strength close to or equal to ours where there can still be victory due to our versatility. Yet the reality is, if that happened now? We would lose. That is what this fight has taught us.

All of these inferior opponents, their experience well compensated the talent gap. Not enough to prevent us from attempting research mid-battle, but our victory follows the previously mentioned balance in extremely strict adherence; our talent met the statistical differences, our willingness to use the battlefield or material is what gained us strategic advantage, and victory was bought by persistent versatility in UNKNOWN techniques.
Opening with wide tactics, unfamiliar magic techniques to alleviate their numbers advantage (blood rain), severing their experience advantage by applying magic they have no individual or collective experience in addressing (forcing carmine mysticism upon goldy), while attempting to close the battle with our traditional fighting and standard methods, then ending the fight with raw cultivation ability (in trait form) gained by exceptional circumstances, rolls permitting.

I didn't expect the Eclipsed Yang Physique to be so effective, making the DC 88 against what would've been a GC wine monks icecrowned suicide charge. At best I'd thought 100-115. Our gain of lesson two is then that activating EYP is a true trump card wherever our blood techniques can be employed. (meaning we could have used it earlier here in any of our carmine mysticism, and though that informs the opponents of our nature it would have permitted those rolls greater success) And so rather than entirely a trump card its best use may be large form strategic operations, though its use alongside something like the Blood Red Lightning Cat Step would probably turn us into a yowling fuzzy ICBM. Lesson three is the battlefield we set up provided incredible assistance; and this itself is a form of high strategy, leaning the battlefield into serving our techniques the longer it goes on. This is easily countered if any sufficiently strong opponents, in talent or number, are made aware of our carmine mysticism.

Holding back so much for so long while our opponents pointed out our strengths before was fun, but it was only at this point in the battle the cultivators realized we are strong. I don't doubt for an instant that those having lost their will to fight will be thinking of ways to inform their masters of our great threat the moment they find their feet.

Think about it this way; how would they have fought differently if our techniques were known to them? With simplicity, Goldy and would've made it a priority to remove.

Still, fighting 1v2gc + 1v3cf + many lesser opponents while hiding our strongest abilities, strategic victory was achieved with nearly no high strategy. We, in holding back, offered them many more opportunities for success. This isn't terrible, we just did not fight with full force or backing from our students because we'd taken this as a test of our own Golden Core development. What have we ultimately learned from our test?

Fighting this way against the elders of their sects will cause us extreme failure. They, who are overall holding back just as we were here, whom still now despite everything choose to avoid showing their hands against each other. After this fight, no matter how we end it, I can't predict their infighting to keep increasing if they know its result was a near perfect demonic victory alongside measures of our combat capability. As opposed to allowing them more pointless speculation. Knowing us gives them material to plan on and focus their efforts.
Freely slipping information, it turns this relatively disorganized sortie of vaporized fleshsmoke into the beacon that signals they set aside themselves against a true threat. Sometimes not giving an enemy details or confirmation is like giving the condemned man in his cell the rope holding his destiny. He can know everything about it, he can helplessly gnaw it until every tooth is broken, he can split his fingernails trying to claw it apart, this won't save him. And of course it wouldn't; it is rope, not a key. He could fuss over it so much he could never realize the door is unlocked. Now that we're awake and tested, that can be accomplished with strategy.

At this juncture we can simply choose to leave them ropes. Abuse their doubts, curate their fears.

The world of cultivation has been slumping like a drunkard, yet this drunkard's talent shined despite it. Their sect heads and elders are truly arrogant, but their hesitation is shifting and we cannot guarantee its stupidity. They are the ones hoarding this land's cultivation power and knowledge. Despite arguing pointlessly they still sent a joint force that would have done a measure of damage to our stretched sect if it weren't for us, these golden cores are not even their heaviest hitters. They're just politically compatible and convenient. We're not being taken seriously. Before this, I wasn't thinking too much of their leaders. Now, I know we can actually lose if we give them enough opportunities to think better. Just as it remains true even with T0GCR1, if we were to offend an evil dragon of comparable power to the kin we'd met, we could fight a delaying battle for perhaps two moves, and if they crave our death it would be inevitable.

Even if we exceed them all in genius, we can cheaply buy defeat by forgetting secrecy is a slow growing seed, its fruit sweet. What we've planted up until now has shown its benefit in the entirety of how this has played out. Our enemies still remain largely unprepared, they should not be told about us in ways that let them change that with precision. What we need is time for additional development, not just for ourselves, which cannot be bought without thoughtful suppression. Time to further greater techniques and extensions of our currents with training we couldn't accomplish before.

What is the form of this land truly conquered by us? In part, it is one of acknowledgement. One where we're in the light, as true royalty, seen as the protector we claim to be. Where we are the Empress and beasts are not just material. Knowing that, we cannot let them know our extent! Dumby?! We can be acknowledged the good ruler after our enemies are red mud. After we have made them realize their lives are cheap as grass. Then we can focus on bigger enemies, who will respond to the changed lands by our palaces' mandate...
Strategically, there are numerous benefits to allying with the Five Springs Sect and potentially other sects too, but it all depends on leadership and acknowledged accomplishment. Nobody can ally to us openly, yet, simply put it costs too much. The paradigm we represent is a debate against the heavens. In this, it decidedly isn't a debate the greater and lesser sects will entertain if their leadership is not made suitable. By us.
Though I'm saying it can be direct, it can also be by providing them ample opportunities as the situation progresses. The alternative is boastfully showing our hand before we've even trained ourselves at the GC level or begun outlining a proper strategy for the path our victory demands.
Hm! *
>Goldy and the drunk would've made it a priority to remove the blood and disrupt our buffs more consistently.
>Kill them all

>I don't want to spam or be too emotional
>Proceeds writing a four post long essay
We spared Ping long enough to convert him, and he was certainly no friend either. Burying him so he couldn’t kill or turn our disciples against us would have been the safer thing to do.

My position boils down to being good and just doesn’t just mean picking good things only when a reward is involved (like good karma) or when it’s convenient. We also gave up the pretext of doing good things solely out of feline whimsy long ago so that’s no excuse either.

Give them a chance (and only a chance, not a guarantee) to prove worthy of long-term mercy because it’s the right thing to do, even if it does mean a risk of letting out some secrets earlier.

The above is also my main response to this chain too. It’s arguing the cost of giving up information, but if simply giving weak cultivators a chance is an unacceptable risk then we should admit that either we’re good only when it doesn’t cost us or that we’ll never bring justice to world because our thinking is based first on what could go wrong rather than what we’re trying to make right.
I morally agree. But in my mind, writing that I was speculating worst case scenarios. It isn't us alone shouldering the costs of mismanaging a war, our intel, and the propaganda we aim to usurp by proving our spirit in action. You're not wrong it's rather purpose defeating if we must essentially cull the hateful helpless to maintain the persistence of our strength.

Worth noting, I didn't say they all must be killed, though like the idea in efficiency terms. More important is that letting them gab won't help our aims and in truth we don't actually have to murder every weakling here to accomplish that.

Prisoners, if well kept and monitored, have potential to meet both requirements of principled mercy and manage the intel risks. Then it's a matter of their maintenance. The specific beast students we have nearby watching us are actually the pair most well-equipped to assist with this.

Ensuring this battlefield is clueless or at least misdirecting with nobody informing the sects of our abilities in depth is the goal, not any special brutality.
I thought that Grandfather had updated for a moment.
>>Having lost interest in the idea of a pet Jiangshi, kill the ling bitch for having the audacity to attack you right after Xue Ming.
>Visit the monks who care for you old home and apologize for the mess you made
Ok I've just read the last update of Grandfather but i'm here to say that I don't want to kill the survivors, less the axe girl.

I say we kill the Ling (after telling her how our fight is more noble than the grudge the Ling and the Ming have with us because they couldn't kill us before), kill the core formation, and we take with us the little group of Qi Condensation and Foundation Stablishment or whatever it's called to cure and recruit them. They're the more weak of the bunch of there's still any of those alive aside for the axe girl surely the frenzy of Blood Rain, Chaos Cloud won't let them remember exactly the fight, and once they see our actual help on the villages near our town they might be more welcoming to being recluted. They're just innocent kittens, yet to be tainted and blinded by the Orthodox, they might see the light

>Captcha: GGGMAH
> kill them all. They are mass murderers (the blizzard has a high death toll, including children) or soul-killing Ling. The soul-killing seems to be endemic to their sect.
> harvest cultivation materials from their bodies and make the rests unusable to the body part stealer
I would also prefer enslaving the Ling female, but know it wouldnt gain a majority. Considering our very monontonous karma-associated behaviour, I would even see "bad karma" as more of a boon. We are becoming a boring character if we dont watch out. I would force her to search hell for damaged souls and to see to their repair/restauration. She arguably left behind quite a mess and should help clean it up.
> We are becoming a boring character if we dont watch out.

Personally I think our good karma nature contrasts nicely with our powers being tied to the cosmic concepts of hatred, violence and revenge.

More generally I wouldn't mind a more nuanced approach to our ling vampire, possibly one where we dangle the carrot of a cure to get her to do some service, but the exact nature of that service is beyond my creativity.
Your concept of "interesting character" is deeply flawed.
>Having lost interest in the idea of a pet Jiangshi, kill the ling bitch for having the audacity to attack you right after Xue Ming.
>Grab Axe Girl, deciding to take her home with you.

Personally i don't see value in keeping goldilocks, it's just that more than being fearful of bad karma i would prefer not to weird out our allies and sect.
As for the survivors they passed most of the battle being maddened by the blood rain. they probably just snapped out of it only to see the sun we made, which we can't really cover up anyway and that it made tabula rasa of most of our tracks already.
Just get the promising youth and go.
>Having lost interest in the idea of a pet Jiangshi, kill the ling bitch for having the audacity to attack you right after Xue Ming.
>Kill the rest, they are unworthy to be slaves
>Kill Goldy Locks:8
>Enslave Goldy locks:1
>Congratulate and return the survivors:2
>Turn Human and Mock Goldy Locks:3
>Grab Axe Girl:9
>Visit the monks that care for your old home:5
>Kill everyone BUT Axe girl:1
>Kill the survivors and make a grave for Xue Ming:1
>Take the survivors prisoners, letting them care for each other:1
>Hand survivors to Five Purities sect:1
>Kill just the GotCS survivors, spare WBW and Axe girl:1
DO NOT turn human:4
>loot and desecrate the bodies:1
>Spare the weakest survivors:1

Sorry this is so messy, but holy moly the write-ins just kept coming.
I salute you anon, I really didn't want to try and count this mess, but you stepped up to the challenge.
You're a saint.
It seems the disputes lie in deciding the fates of the stragglers. Everyone wants to kill the Ling girl and capture Axe girl but with the rest it's all over the place.
Though killing them does seem to be in the lead.
I'll join the group voting to take axe girl and all the other survivors back home.
We can decide whether to keep them prisoners, try to recruit them or hand off to another sect when we actually get there.

But I'm keeping my vote to see the monks.
>>Grab Axe Girl, deciding to take her home with you.
>>Visit the monks who care for you old home and apologize for the mess you made
>Grab Axe Girl, deciding to take her home with you.
>Visit the monks who care for you old home and apologize for the mess you made
I can try.

>Tell her we’re not morally inclined to keep her enslaved, but she’s too dangerous to let loose. We also acknowledge she hates us and won’t turn easily. So here’s a bargain - we know an exorcist. Work with him as an enforcer in Hell to extend our protection to good-natured demons and punishing the wicked. If she performs faithfully, we’ll see if we can reverse or refine the worst parts of her transformation so she may return to the orthodox world… after we win our war, of course.

Keeps her out of our hair, puts her in a place where she can’t hurt us much, leverages her own talents, she doesn’t have to hurt her comrades, and she gets to kill things she wouldn’t complain about anyway.

We get to expand our Hell influence and leverage that for more souls/materials/relics etc.

If she can’t accept that deal by the time we drop off the other prisoners, then there’s no salvaging her.
Oh, and one more thing to toss at her:
>Hell respects strength. As our name grows, so will hers. She can always use that reputation against us later, when she feels she’s gathered enough allies to beat us. We’re allowing it because it’s a waste to kill cultivators of her level, and we’re that confident she’ll accept we bring more good to this world than we take.

I kinda want to see her get summoned from hell by her sect and kicked back as a demon because of her Jiangshi nature now.
She won't cooperate, we just clawed out her face and turned her into an undead abomination.
Just have her march home and then kill her to gift the corpse to mother monu.
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Ending the vote. Thank you for your patience.

Junior is a true dragon amongst men for undergoing this trial that would've made even I, your grandfather, cough up blood. You have my deepest gratitude, tally anon

And with the votes made after the tally was made

Kidnapping Axe Girl, and executing the Undead Ling Girl won out

Update will arrive shortly
What about the stragglers? Will that be the next vote? Because it was really contentious.
'Really what are the odds of that?' you think idly, watching the still form of the axe girl, her chest rising and falling with her ragged half choked breaths, puffs of smoke still rising from her lips 'Even for a cat, that kind of luck would be impressive'

But the cursing of the arm beetle at your feet distracts you, drawing your eyes back to her pitiful bloody corpse. What a horrific mess you've made of her, she's in tatters, her guts spilled off and her skull is exposed where your claws raked across her face. The flaps of torn skin quiver as she continues assaulting your ears with libel and insults, not caring about anything much less maintaining composure and proper decorum. Perhaps she's hoping to urge you into killing her, and to be honest you were planning on it. The idea of a pet Jiangshi has lost much of its allure the more you reflected on just how disgusting the creatures born from improper carmine mysticism truly are. Disgusting and unnatural. And while her the accusations and insults she are hurling towards you certainly upset you and are prodding you towards a rage that would make Xiongji's state of never ending rampaging seem like a raised voice and smoldering glare in comparison, that isn't what has made you furious with her.

Its that she had the audacity to attack you right after the incredible performance Xue Ming gave. Somehow that felt more insulting than any of the mud she was slinging towards you now. And not just towards your imperial self, but towards the fallen Xue Ming! The man gave everything he had in his last attack and despite the vast disparity between your power and his and your numerous advantages, the mad man still nearly landed that strike. And he charged through a miniature sun to do it, refusing to die until every piece of him was scoured from the world.

And Golden Locks here had the audacity to attack moments after the light he became faded away. What's up with that? isn't that rude as hell? Any sensible person would've realized the fight was over with that, that to continue on was to steal the spotlight of a dead man!

Silence should fall in respect for amazing men when they die. An up-jumped hungry ghost trapped in their bloodless corpses has no right to interrupt that silence with a cry, and she didn't just do that. She dishonorably struck at your turned back. Sure you wouldn't have hesitated if your positions were switched, but that isn't the point! In your own way, you were warning one of the few cultivators you had acknowledge as a fellow daoist, and she had the audacity to interrupt you and then further claimed you were making a mockery of him! All because you were a "Demon". Can a demon not be allowed to bow their head in reverence for a worthy opponent?

It was that impudence, that arrogance that surpassed your own at its worst heights, that condemned the ling bitch to a true death.

Sure she probably wants to die anyways, rather than existing as some bloodsucking monster but...

If you leave her, abandon her, cast her to the winds like an unwanted pet she'll survive. Instincts are stronger than many realize. And from the fear in her blood red eyes, you know that is what she fears. That or she thinks you're still entertaining the idea of putting a collar around her cute neck and dragging her off into the dark to live as your personal corpse disposal...Heh-Heh.

"A corpse should be silent" You huff disdainfully, extending a claw and hooking it under her rib cage. Her pale body stiffens like a bamboo shoot, her eyes widening as her already sunken cheeks fall further in and blood pours out of her eyes and dribbles out of her mouth. Her heart is hardened, feeling almost like stone, but with your expert blood manipulation and natural strenght, you're able to impale it on your claw.

Her chest caves in as she gives a final, exhausted breath and the unnatural light in her eyes empties and she slumps down, eyes closing peacefully as a maiden's smile graces her bloodless lips. Ethereal flames, grey rather than sunlight gold, flicker on the edges of her wounds and rapidly begin to consume her, leaving behind naught but bones. You sit on your haunches for a moment, admiring the utterly blissful look of peace of her mangled face, watching her for movements or any other sign of life. Apparently Carmine Mysticism made Jiangshi are destroyed when their heart is pierced. A curious weakness, which is why you're making certain the old stories were true and not mere exagerations passed down to frighten children.

Oh well, at least this means you can take her bones even if the rest of her alchemically refined body is burnt away by spectral flames. You would've liked to give her eyes to Monu, but those nails in her arms are at least worth many times their weight in spirit stones.

A twig cracks and you turn, seeing Axe girl standing, holding herself up against a tree, having lost her axe in the skull of the now truly dead Jiangshi. Your eyes sparkle with delight, and whimsically, you pounce towards her. The few survivors of your final move cry out in fear, expecting further bloodshed.

But instead of biting down on her neck like they expect, you gently grab hold of the collar of her robes and lift her up like a kitten by its scruff. She's too weary to struggle much, but that doesn't stop her from kicking her legs and flailing her arms. And you're certain if she could turn around, she'd try biting to. Adorable.

Which is one reason of many you've decided to take her home with you. Her tenacious spirit and strong sense of will have endeared you to her. She just didn't quit, not even when her mind was polluted with potent grudges and burning rage. So bold and brave, she caught your eye easily and the more she tried to take your head with an axe, even though she kept failing, the more fond you became of her.

It'd be a waste not to take her home with you, even if her luck was a fluke and not some kind of hidden bloodline or something. Assuming of course you could convince her of the truth of the world and its history like you did with Ping.

Since with proper guidance and care, she could easily surpass her two fallen elders. She has the character and personality to flourish as a cultivator without any horizons forbidden to them, free from boundaries and stifling traditions and their restriction. Hers is the sort of pluck that deserves to be rewarded, assuming of course you can tame her once she calms down. If nothing else she'll be a pretty song bird to look like, if she doesn't turn over to your way of thinking after seeing all she knows and has been told is a lie.

"LET HER GO MONSTER!" Some snot nose punk with a meteor hammer splatter with blood and brains yells, tears in his eyes and snot dribbling down his chin

Your snarl and with a glance freeze him in place. He's overwhelmed by your aura and glare and drops, fainted...maybe. That might've just had killed him. He's probably in the later stages of Qi Condensation. His heart might've just stopped.

You pad over and press a paw atop him as Axe Girl continues shouting, still deep in a berserk haze. No, surprisingly, his heart is still beating. What a strong body he has! But now that the stragglers have gotten your attention, looking over them, you realize they're a problem that needs solving.

double vote

What do you do with the stragglers?

>Kill them to keep knowledge of your techniques from spreading.

>Take them as your prisoners, entrusting Siwang and Yinying with the boring job of watching them

>Send them back to purposefully spread stories about you, hoping to cow their peers and elders.

>Coyly offer them a chance to survive if they pledge their loyalty to you, it'd be a waste to kill of newbie cultivators after all.

>Write in

And where do you go with Axe girl, Huanliuxue?

>Suiqi, you'd sent most of your sect in that general direction to help people, and you're curious to see how effective their charity has been

>Back to your temple. You're the best defense it has after all, even considering the armies your little sisters command

>A secluded peak, away from your students and sects. She may be a weakling to you, but she's a real threat to everyone, even Monu, back home

>Shoushan and Yongzheng's temple. The Buddhists there are your friends and most Daoist wouldn't think of stepping into one.

>Write in
>Take them as your prisoners, entrusting Siwang and Yinying with the boring job of watching them
>Coyly offer them a chance to survive if they pledge their loyalty to you, it'd be a waste to kill of newbie cultivators after all.
Or both

>Back to your temple. You're the best defense it has after all, even considering the armies your little sisters command
>Take them as your prisoners, entrusting Siwang and Yinying with the boring job of watching them

>A secluded peak, away from your students and sects. She may be a weakling to you, but she's a real threat to everyone, even Monu, back home
>Shoushan and Yongzheng's temple. The Buddhists there are your friends and most Daoist wouldn't think of stepping into one.
>Back to your temple. You're the best defense it has after all, even considering the armies your little sisters command

I don't care about the stragglers.
Suiqi is interesting to let her see a side of ours that's completely opposite of what she saw until now..
But The sect must be protected and even if it's not under attack we brought our own entertainment to occupy our time.

>a real threat even to monu
It still feels unreal how we shot past that whole tier of power in one sitting
>Prisoners, put them under care of Swiang

I'll go with a previous anons idea of selling them to the five purities sect for their reputation, but I honestly don't care.

>A secluded peak
You dangerious girl

>>Take them as your prisoners, entrusting Siwang and Yinying with the boring job of watching them

Hostages or recruits both are interesting possibilities, but I wouldn't trust any that betray their sects immediately. Give them some time to calm down, and for us to evaluate them, and enlighten them with the true history.

>>A secluded peak, away from your students and sects. She may be a weakling to you, but she's a real threat to everyone, even Monu, back home

Let's make sure someone knows where to find us though. I imagine we have a little time to engage axe girl though while the sects are reeling in disbelief at their defeat.
>Coyly offer them a chance to survive if they pledge their loyalty to you, it'd be a waste to kill of newbie cultivators after all.
>Suiqi, you'd sent most of your sect in that general direction to help people, and you're curious to see how effective their charity has been

Risky, but maybe if she sees us doing good it will be easier to turn her
I'll change from the lonely peak to
>Suiqi, you'd sent most of your sect in that general direction to help people, and you're curious to see how effective their charity has been
>Take them as your prisoners, entrusting Siwang and Yinying with the boring job of watching them
>Suiqi, you'd sent most of your sect in that general direction to help people, and you're curious to see how effective their charity has been
>Kill them to keep knowledge of your techniques from spreading.

>Suiqi, you'd sent most of your sect in that general direction to help people, and you're curious to see how effective their charity has been
>Kill them to keep knowledge of your techniques from spreading.
>Back to your temple. You're the best defense it has after all, even considering the armies your little sisters command
>Take them as your prisoners, entrusting Siwang and Yinying with the boring job of watching them
>Suiqi, you'd sent most of your sect in that general direction to help people, and you're curious to see how effective their charity has been
>>Kill them to keep knowledge of your techniques from spreading.
>>Suiqi, you'd sent most of your sect in that general direction to help people, and you're curious to see how effective their charity has been
>Take them as your prisoners, entrusting Siwang and Yinying with the boring job of watching them
>Back to your temple. You're the best defense it has after all, even considering the armies your little sisters command

Since the owl and fellow housecat was mentioned, might as well take a little time thinking about the exercise proposed in >>5735211
>Kill them to keep knowledge of your techniques from spreading.

>Back to your temple. You're the best defense it has after all, even considering the armies your little sisters command
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>Take them as your prisoners, entrusting Siwang and Yinying with the boring job of watching them
And tell them to meet up with our sect members in Suiqi. After some thought, I'd like to extend the courtesy of allowing Ping and his Ling friend to attempt to redeem their former sectmates.

>A secluded peak, away from your students and sects. She may be a weakling to you, but she's a real threat to everyone, even Monu, back home
Perhaps we could get to know each other over a board game.
Supporting. I’d prefer the Buddhists in case the winter and an increased crackdown on “heretics” due to sects fighting us has negatively impacted them. They’re unlikely to see much support if not from us.
Tho I prefer if we tell Siwang to give the news to Ping and Ling instead of taking them to Suiqi, and also telling Yinying to use this opportunity to truly advance his sneaking skills: Let's tell him to keep watch on the disciples and making sure they don't scape, but he can't let them see him unless it's extremely important. He needs to use his wits and find means to achieve this goal
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Ending the vote and tallying the result now, sorry for vanishing over the weekend, juniors. Had a hiccup of writer's block.

Take them as your prisoners, entrusting Siwang and Yinying with the boring job of watching them:11

Coyly offer them a chance to survive if they pledge their loyalty to you, it'd be a waste to kill of newbie cultivators after all.:3

Kill them to keep knowledge of your techniques from spreading.:4

Back to your temple. You're the best defense it has after all, even considering the armies your little sisters command:6

A secluded peak, away from your students and sects. She may be a weakling to you, but she's a real threat to everyone, even Monu, back home:5

Shoushan and Yongzheng's temple. The Buddhists there are your friends and most Daoist wouldn't think of stepping into one.:2

Suiqi, you'd sent most of your sect in that general direction to help people, and you're curious to see how effective their charity has been:6

So you'll take the survivors as your prisoner, and there's a tie between heading for your temple or Suiqi with the Axe girl

So I'll flip a coin on that real quick

1 = temple
2 = Suiqi
Alright, you'll head to your homebase with your prisoners

Update will arrive shortly
This update is a big one
While the easiest and most pragmatic choice would be to simply cut them down like dry grass, leaving behind only corpses isn't exactly going to win you the hearts and minds of the people and make the stories of you as a heartless maneater all the easier to believe. Sure, death would silence even the stubbornest of gossips and just the thought of losing the secrecy behind even one of your techniques makes your fur stand on end, the element of surprise is after all one of your best shields against your enemies and a favorite tool of yours as well. But it feels...needlessly cruel killing novices like this, even after you made them go through their own personal hells and fight like wild animals against their brothers and sisters and have their blood on their hands which is a crime the guilt of will surely haunt them for the rest of their lives.

They just feel like scared children, with their wide eyes and frightful expressions and the moment that thought flashed inside your head, any violent intentions or callous pragmatism were drowned out by your natural, sometimes annoyingly strong, maternal and protective instincts towards youngsters. Sure they're all older than you, probably, since you still aren't clear exactly how long your magnificent transformation took your to achieve, but as cultivators they're children. Innocent and unaware of just how many shades of grey the world is truly composed of. Sure their elders, who you are certain were your elders by age as well, with their minds of stone and settled in the ways of their ancestors and their ancestors, could hardly be convinced that all they knew and were taught was a lie.

But these newbies still have malleable minds and heart. It'd be easy convincing them of the true history of the world and of so called Demonic beasts. Well easier than their now dead elders and the still struggling girl you're holding by your mouth like a misbehaving kitten, but you've done it before with Ping, and Ping was able to somehow convince his friend whatshisname to also turn his coat and run away from the light of the self righteous sects, so making them believe will be as easy as licking the back of your paw.

Besides, it'd be an utter waste of potential and talent to just kill them all. And what better way to show the orthodox sects their hypocrisy by a "Man eating devil" Sparing and adopting a host of the best and brightest of their latest generation of disciples? Of course, those excuses will certainly convinces others of the sensibility of your choice, but in reality you know in the depths of your heart you're sparring them because, compared to you, they're all a bunch of bumbling children despite their actual ages and you can't even bring yourself to harm a suckling pig. And by taking them as prisoners, as the just and strong ruler you are their well being and health is now your responsibility.

You sigh, realizing the moment before you open your mouth that you can't address them with a mouthful of silk, so you drop Axe girl atop her courageous junior and swiftly pin her by smacking a paw down onto her back, knocking the wind out of her to calm her since she still hasn't given up despite how clear it has to be just how far above her you are!

"Monster?" You purr, tilting your head as you lift your eyes from the two cultivators beneath you and grace the trembling novices with your full attention and beautiful eyes like polished amber "My my, how impolite, how truly impolite. If I were of lesser birth or poorer upbringing, I might just have torn your tongue out of his throat for speaking so vile a lie about the beneficent and merciful Me!"

None of them say a word, not even a squeak, they're frozen stiff with terror like so many mice.

"Oh, just because I'm half drenched in your senior brothers and sisters' blood doesn't make me a monster, I'm sure they all killed their fair share of your beloved friends and the elders you respect and idolize, how exactly were they any more monstrous than me? How many of your generation due you think Xue Ming melted without a thought, or golden locks cut down without even blinking! To be a cultivator is to be a killer, and to be alive is to eat or be eaten" You say sweetly, lifting up your chin in a properly imperious manner, making clear your superiority if there were dullards amongst them who didn't see it after all of your feats in the fight you just won

One of them mumbles under their breath, too cowardly to raise their voice. There must've been a glint in your eyes when you step up to them, some of them shying away and looking for a means to escape or divine providence in the form of a bigger, meaner daoist than yourself.

"Speak up, boy~" You say with a rumble in your throat, threatening him with just a glance, knowing that actually glaring at him might make his soul flee his body, Heh-heh-heh "I couldn't hear you, though I would remind you it is impolite to speak poorly of your betters, especially when it is by their grace alone you're still drawing breath to whisper such filth"

He clenches his jaw and tightens his fists

"If you're going to kill us, just get it over with, there's no reason to play mind-games. Even a demon cannot be so cruel" He spits, astonishing you with both his courage and audacity, though the latter also makes you want to pop out at least one of his eyes or claw off an ear

"She's a cat" A girl with a freckled face and missing a few teeth from what looks like a blow from a hammer says meekly, drooling as the sharp tongue boy trembles, sweat streaking down his face as the truth of her words really soaks into him

"Oh gods, you're going to kill us all slowly aren't you, now that there's no one strong enough to stop you" He says quietly, nearly wheezing out the words as Axe girl groans.

Hope brightens their eyes, which you swiftly dash by pulling Ghost Empress Melody from out of the trees and smack her back unconscious with it, and leave it to rest atop her back.

"Tch, first off, there wasn't a soul present here tonight that was mighty enough to keep me from doing whatever the hell I wanted" You boast, doing your best to sound dignified and regal rather than a drawling delinquent or churlish thug "That's simply the truth, though Xue Ming challenged it a couple of times. Secondly, if I wanted to torture you, I wouldn't waste my breath speaking to you would I?"

It'd be hilarious to flick out a claw and slice it in the air above his belly, but if you did that they might just wet themselves with fear and having urine soak your fur is something you'd do anything to avoid.

"How am I to know what a demon thinks? Wouldn't our fear taste better salted with hope" He says, nearly sobbing as terrified tears fill his defiant eyes. You wouldn't know, you've never tasted fear, but you imagine it'd be blander than a well fermented grudge "Or worse, you want to keep us like songbirds, in cages of bone and"

And he's fainted. Fantastic. Rolling your eyes, you turn to the girl with the half smashed in face.

"You seem like you have more sense rattling in that pretty little head of yours" You say kindly, stepping closer to her and hiding your fangs even though the urge to smile is strong "Listen, I'm going to chop nails and sever iron, I'm taking you as my prisoner...well you and all the rest of you fortunate survivors standing before me and don't think I don't see you trying to sneak off, my eyes are sharp enough to pierce the darkness of tombs buried beneath mountains and see the bleakness of hell in as much color as yours see the mortal and mundane world"

The novice in a bandana slunk back in with the rest of the crowd of a dozen or so surviving Qi condensation and foundation establishment cultivators

"Oh you really are as much of a cat as a demon" Smashed face frets, shivering and crying rivers "You're going to lock us up in cages and starve us, until we'll even eat human flesh when its offered"

"Wow" You titter, raising a paw to your mouth "What a gloomy girl you are, and imaginative! How macabre!"

"Its worse than that isn't it, your intentions for us" She sniffles, weeping openly as her fellows gather together, thinking you can't hear their hushed talks of dying like men and on their feet instead of cattle.

"No" You say plainly, shaking your head "It'd reflect poorly on me and mine if I..."

"Grind us up into red dust! Feed us to your underlings! Hunt us for sport!" She wails, blood mixing with her tears beneath her smashed in nose. The sight of her splintered teeth makes you wince "Or...or worse! Use us as stock to breed monsters or..or transform us into cauldrons or"

"Shut up! Seriously what have you been reading to give form too such horrific thoughts! At least I have the excuse of keeping the company of deranged ghosts for my more macabre fantasies!" You snap, furious at being interrupt and though not at all disturbed by the girl's ravings "And the rest of you, I won't kill you even if you attack me all at once! You're my prisoners now! And as I was saying, it'd reflect poorly on me and ruin my reputation if I'd treat prisoners under my care poorly. Certainly, I'd lose face and be acting beneath my station if I do anything you think I'm planning on doing to you"

And suddenly you have over two dozen eyes staring at you like you've suddenly sprouted wings. You growl in your throat and narrow your eyes at the gaggle of weaklings.

"I am not a demon, I'm a Magical Beast, an Ascended house cat" You explain slowly and through your teeth "There is a vast difference between me and true demons. I am not two facedly scheming to pounce on the lot of you the moment you let your collective guards down, nor am I planning on fatting you up or reducing you to raw materials for some diabolic elixir or pill!"

"But..But" The girl in front of you starts

"Do you seriously think we're so dense! So stupid to listen to the words of a demon!" the man with the bandana shouts

"I don't know, is one here?" You giggle "And you talk as if you have a voice in the matter, you're my prisoners. If you believe me or not, means absolutely nothing to me."

"A...you're a" The girl rambles on, struggling to even wag her tongue to accuse you of treachery or having some sadistic death game in store for her and her peers

"I am Huanliuxue! Known here in Chuan as a guardian spirit, a cat eared goddess protecting its people and namesake family" You snicker, bapping her on the head, maybe that'll help get her thoughts in order "Do you truly care so little about the normal residence of the worlds to have no knowledge of their beliefs?"

"You..you ate people!" She manages to spit out

"And who told you that?" You ask innocently, even though that accusation is perhaps the only one she could make that actually holds some water, you did eat quite a few people when you were just starting out as a demonic beast "I've only been friendly with humanity, besides the worst examples of it. I might be a cat, but cats by nature aren't cruel creatures"

She studies you intently

"My gran's cat would break the legs of mice and watch them crawl for hours, didn't even eat them" Bandana snorts

"Are you a mouse?" You ask disdainfully "I never said I was a friend of mouse kind. Most people have little to fear of me, I do not eat people"

Regularly at least.

Someone raises a hand in the middle of the crowd of young cultivators.

"Nor do I make a habit of caging them like dogs and feeding them other people, or tossing them into furnaces to scatter their ashes over my gardens, nor do I sell them to other demons, which again I am not a demon" You say exasperatedly, rattling off every accusation you can think of to disprove them one after the other "I also do not string people like living puppets, nor enchant them to a dreamless sleep without end, Nor am I planning on taking any of you as my concubines or turning your into seedbeds to create new demons"

The raise hand slowly lowers

"I" You say, pausing for emphasis and looking over the group to make sure your words sink into their thick skulls "Am simply taking you as my prisoners because I can't think of any other way to deal with you besides of course killing you all. You should be honored to be granted mercy by one as influential and powerful as myself"

None of them seem too thrilled by the prospect of entrusting their lives to your tender mercy, and still surely believe you're going to toss them in a cooking pot or else eat them raw like some kind of savage ogre. Though maybe humans would taste better cooked? No, don't think that. It might slip out and frighten them all to death.

"And you shall be granted a further and even greater privilege of being allowed into my temple" You say merrily "Truly a storm of blessings has fallen into all of your laps. So try to smile and realize with my senses, both the ordinary and spiritual, are sharp enough to hear any plans you make or if any of you try to sneak off. Now please, gather those amongst your number who can't stand or who are knocked out, and follow me"

They're hesitant to obey the orders of a demon so you urge them on by shouting "NOW!"

And they all fall in line, shuffling off to reluctantly follow your orders and march in your footprints.

"Oh what ill luck! I knew the promise of immortality was too good to be true! I should've stayed a pig farmer"
"Please make it quick when its my turn, do what you want with my body but don't make me watch it"
"I'll never be a wife now, a demon's going to gobble me up! How is this fair! Gods please hear my prayer and smite this monster"
"Oh I shudder to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind those sparkling eyes. What dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty do you nurture, demon cat!"
"Demonic cultivation...Demonic cultivation, we might not even be free after death, the air around her feels stagnant like the air inside a grave, necromancy...oh we won't even rest in death"
"What if this is the kind of demon that also eats the souls of their victims?"
"Surely this devil is drunk off our fear by now. Any moment now, they'll turn around and begin spilling guts with wicked laughter"
"I'll do whatever you ask if you spare me, madame Huan!"

By time you reach Wusheng Siwang and Yinying, you're exhausted and tired of listening to the doomsaying and pitiful pleading of your prisoners and can feel your face wrinkling as you get grumpier and grouchier the longer you have to suffer their mewling!

"SIWANG! YINYING!" You bark angrily, causing two men carrying Axe girl, who you've learned is named Tian Mei, to faint and drop along with their senior to the ground

There is a cry, as Siwang soundlessly swoops down over the heads of your herd of prisoners and to their eyes appears suddenly atop a near by roadmarker, one wing lifted over his chest and half covering his face, leaving his bright blue, starry eyes gleaming in the dark

"My princess calls, and I answer" Yinying coolly proclaims, emerging from the gloom of night

"Your son?" Someone dumbly calls out, which oddly makes Yinying lose a bit of his composure and flash a murderous glare in their direction

"Her loyal servant" he snaps, seething for reasons unknown to you. Maybe he's just like Qiang and hates misunderstandings.

"Master Huanliuxue! As expected of one as sagacious and cunning as yourself! You've captured a host of prisoners, despite the fierceness and chaos of your battle! I am humbled by this showing of prowess, clearly I have much to learn until my talons can be as gentle as your own claws!" Siwang exclaims, hopping down and trotting up to the crowd, eyeing each cultivator carefully, judging each of them in turn as if he could measure up their sins and crimes with a glance. And he might just be able to. Siwang rarely brags about his progress unless he's made a great leap in it.

"Hah! I knew we were being lead to be devoured, just not into her own belly!" The girl with the missing teeth cries out, pulling on her hair

"Such an accusation! if it were not an excessive punishment for slander, I'd have your impudent tongue out, young miss!" Siwang scolds, thankfully doing so by summoning a gust of wind at her instead of nipping his beak in the air, like he usually does "I am a hero of justice, not some ravening beast, I'd protect you even if my master ordered your death unjustly"

"I wouldn't" Yinying admits plainly "The strong prey upon the weak, and the princess is the strongest feline beneath the heavens. Her will is law"

"Hah! you know little of law, brother" Siwang huffs irriatedly, hopping to Yinying

"Don't start arguing again. You two. Watch them" You say sternly, stepping between the two younger beasts to pick up Tian Mei again "I cannot be bothered to watch over them all, so I'll leave that responsibility to you"

"Hmm, saving your keen hearing and eye for the gravest threat. That one would give even the grand elder some trouble" Siwang sagely stated, pointing out the obvious "Though not you of course, Lady Huanliuxue"

"Why are there so many beasts in the world all of a sudden?!" One of the cultivators wails in frustration. Yinying flashed a knowing smile, before bowing deeply and purring

"Your will is my command, princess, I shall not let a single one of them out of my sight, nor forgive any transgressions against you" He says, threatening the host, before Siwang flutters over and pecks at his ears

"No killing or maiming our prisoners" He hoots in annoyance "We have a duty to see them safely back to our territory"

"Some crimes are unforgiveable, as we agreed in our discussion" Yinying snickers

"Insulting our master is not a crime that befits a death sentence!" Siwang rages, clearly exasperated. Seems the two of them have repeated the argument brewing between them several times in the short span it took you to eradicate most of the subjugation force sent after you

Luckily, Yinying and Siwang manage to keep control over the prisoners despite their on and off bickering about the nature of justice and to your endless gratitude, keep them quiet or at least keep their delusions focused on the two of them rather than yourself, allowing you to take Tian Mei and travel ahead of them to get some blessed silence away from your terrified prisoners.

Tian Mei, now that her rage has fled her, refuses to open her mouth and remains stubbornly silent no matter how much you prod and pester her. It doesn't take long at all to reach the boundary of your territory, since all of your prisoners are so cowed and terrified of displeasing any of the three "demons" that they don't ask for time to rest and hustle along to fulfill any order they're given, even if the only order they've been given has been to march forward or shut the hell up.

"So its true that the happy bloodshed had a connection to the brat at the head of the army of vermin was true" Tian Mei suddenly spoke up as the fortifications The Gege's made came into view "How depressing, seeing common folk marching along with insects, enslaved to the will of simple beasts. It is merciful the others died rather than see such tragedy with their own eyes"

"Oh no, not a tragedy" one of the farmers said happily "They might be scary at first, but they're obedient to their mother like good little children should be"

"How terrible! To think this is what is happening beyond the snow storm!"
"The heavens have forsaken us, forsaken us all"
"Wait, you mean the beasts are working together! What next, this damn cat is friends with the fucking ogress!"
"Ghosts! They must be forced into subservience"
"No that's my uncle, died of pneumonia last year"
"They're even enslaving the dead of these lands!"

The farmer looks at you, utterly baffled.

"Ah, Master owl" He huffs, wiping sweat from his brow "We've word from the village up the frozen river, that thief was pilfering the donations box has been caught"

And you've never seen Siwang have more murderous intent in his eyes before. Spooky~

"How shameless, to try and take what was freely given just as soon as my seniors have left. I am sure Lady Huanliuxue will not mind if I take my leave to judge this criminal?" Siwang asks

"I do not, and do not return immediately after you have" You say, deciding you're close enough to home that Yinying will be enough to keep your gaggle of prisoners from driving you mad with annoyance "Head to Suiqi and see if the others have reached the city yet, and how their efforts from there to here have been going. I'll be too busy here to check on them myself"

"I will be as swift as the wind" Siwang promises before taking flight.

"He might get distracted chasing cut purses" Yinying chuckles under his breath, now walking at your side as the two of you lead Tian Mei and her juniors past the defenses Jionghuagege grew, the towering trees, flowers and their thorns, and the trenches and tunnels Tiexingege's kids have carved across the landscape and the forts the two of them have built together out of wax, mud and living pillars.

And as you get closer to Fu's village

"RED FUR!" Tiexingege shouts from a trench that looks like many of the others you passed by, her sudden appearance making some of the cultivators behind you scatter. Seems her kids have left quite the impression on the rank and file of the orthodoxy, Heh-Heh-Heh

"Black iron" You return, bowing your head slightly "They're with us, prisoners of war"

"Understood" She says, antenna drooping as she crawls out of the dirt and marches alongside you "There have been no further assaults on our territory since the last charge was utterly broken"

"What happened to the survivors that were carried off by those terrible giant flies"

"BEES!" you and Tiexingege correct, and if you had to guess, Jionghuagege probably wanted to heal them, or save them from Tiexingege's army devouring them alive.

"I don't know, Jiong-Jiong hasn't told me" Tiexingege huffs, but you're guessing she's just wanted to play the role of the merciful princess and has been forcing them to play court with her or something "Hasn't impacted our supplies, so I haven't cared. They're casualties of war either way, Sis"

"Eh they're probably fine" You flippantly shrug "I'll look into it later, don't really care"

"But my brother was there!"

"He was a shit fighter then" Tiexingege bluntly drawled "Like all the rest, no grasp of tactics or teamwork. Worthless as soldiers! You should be ashamed to share his blood, Softie"

"So we're not alone in the den of evil..." Tian Mei mumbles, rubbing her chin in thought, before her face screws in frustration "YOU! Why aren't you appalled and terrified! You're surrounded by ghosts and demonic beasts"
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"JU?!" You gasp, as you see Fu's younger sister, who you scarcely recognize with how much she's grown since you've last seen her. Which...actually you can't remember the last time you've seen her or visited Fu's house. Usually you skip by the village unless you want to bother Yuyi. Maybe when that Ogress beat Fu and the rest black and blue? You remember promising her and her mother that you'd protect Fu while he healed, then you spent three or so years cultivating, before you met Siwang and the others, then your search for human wisdom added on with however long you spent forming your golden core in one go. She certainly looks older than before, but younger than Fu was when you met him. Maybe?

Wait. Why is she here!? Serving in the trenches with Giant ants!

"Yes!" Ju shouts happily, marching up to you with a pot on her head and a pitchfork under her arm, saluting you in a very Tiexingege manner

"She's my apprentice!" Tiexingege snorts "Ima train her to be stronger than her brother"

"Why?" You ask, completely lost. This had to have happened recently, when Fu left to do charity, he'd never allow Ju to follow under the influence of Tiexingege with how protective he is of her

"Cause it'd be funny for him to be beaten by his little sister is why!"

"Ah. I see, I see" you grunt, nodding your head as little, innocent Ju continue saluting, covered in mud.

"I wanna surpass my brother! It's a pain living in the shadow of a legendary hero ya know!" Ju exclaims. Buddha, she even talks like Tie-Tie! Or Houmougui, now that you think about it.

Double vote

Where to you put Tian Mei

>In one of the cells in the lower levels of your sect, after specially preparing it to make certain she won't escape.

>In the catacombs, she's too dangerous too keep even in the dungeon the temple

>Hah! Drag her to hell and call in some favors to imprison her there until you figure out what to do with her

>A well appointed room with a pleasant view like the other prisoners, and the romance novels Anjing forced on you

>write in

And what is the first thing you do now that you're back home, Huanliuxue?

>Start working on converting your prisoners, asking Qinxin to help out since he's a turncoat and Ping is away, and showing them to truth of the world, as you know it.

>Scold Tiexingege for taking Ju as her student and try to separate the two before Ju becomes just as much of a meathead as Tie-Tie

>Take command over the Gege's armies and push back the borders of the winter blossoming wisdom sect, snatching up the first couple villages your disciples have passed through and putting them under your protection

>Decide to drop the prisoners on Jionghuagege's lap, since she's already taken some of her own, and to see if she really did take them to have tea with like you suspect she did.

>write in
>Hah! Drag her to hell and call in some favors to imprison her there until you figure out what to do with her

>Scold Tiexingege for taking Ju as her student and try to separate the two before Ju becomes just as much of a meathead as Tie-Tie
Can we all agree that Ju's smile must be protected?

>A well appointed room IN THE CATACOMBS with the romance novels Anjing forced on you

>Decide to drop the prisoners on Jionghuagege's lap, since she's already taken some of her own, and to see if she really did take them to have tea with like you suspect she did.
>In the catacombs, she's too dangerous too keep even in the dungeon the temple

>Start working on converting your prisoners, asking Qinxin to help out since he's a turncoat and Ping is away, and showing them to truth of the world, as you know it.
>A well appointed room in the catacombs with the romance novels.

>Take command and snatch back the villages.

I'm fine with the addition of Ju to our forces
>A well appointed room with a pleasant view like the other prisoners, and the romance novels Anjing forced on you

>Start working on converting your prisoners, asking Qinxin to help out since he's a turncoat and Ping is away, and showing them to truth of the world, as you know it.
>"Her loyal servant" he snaps, seething for reasons unknown to you.
..ranking servant higher than son there, eh yinny boi?

>A well appointed room with a pleasant view like the other prisoners, and the romance novels Anjing forced on you
inb4 she takes one look at the novels and cries heresy

>Start working on converting your prisoners, asking Qinxin to help out since he's a turncoat and Ping is away, and showing them to truth of the world, as you know it.
May as well put in the effort asap before their sects learn their defeat.
> Tiexingege taking on Ju
Hey, if Fu wants to protect her then he’ll need to be the better teacher. War is here, and she won’t be safe enough on the sidelines either.

Onto the vote:
>A well appointed room with a pleasant view like the other prisoners, and the romance novels Anjing forced on you
If she’s confused by this, we can spell it out to her - she’s in our base. Even if she can justify leaving behind the rest of the prisoners to escape, which we don’t expect, there’s considerable information to be gleaned here before she tries to run away. Much of the same information will show that we are as well-intentioned as we claim, so why heavily restrict her?

Just be polite, don’t hurt anybody unless it’s during training, and she can be treated like anyone else.

>Take command over the Gege's armies and push back the borders of the winter blossoming wisdom sect, snatching up the first couple villages your disciples have passed through and putting them under your protection
>Start working on converting your prisoners, asking Qinxin to help out since he's a turncoat and Ping is away, and showing them to truth of the world, as you know it.
>Take Tian Mei alone to Jionghuagege to see how she has fared with her other prisoners before sending her back to her room. You’d rather not put everyone together so Tian Mei can foolishly try to stage a breakout with all your prisoners.

For the above, we’d be leaving the converting to others. We’d just lay some groundwork before heading off.
>In the catacombs, she's too dangerous too keep even in the dungeon the temple
>Take command over the Gege's armies and push back the borders of the winter blossoming wisdom sect, snatching up the first couple villages your disciples have passed through and putting them under your protection
>A well appointed room IN THE CATACOMBS with the romance novels Anjing forced on you
>Scold Tiexingege for taking Ju as her student and try to separate the two before Ju becomes just as much of a meathead as Tie-Tie
>A well appointed room with a pleasant view like the other prisoners, and the romance novels Anjing forced on you
>Take command over the Gege's armies and push back the borders of the winter blossoming wisdom sect, snatching up the first couple villages your disciples have passed through and putting them under your protection
Don't think I didn't spot that reference to meet the pyro, Gramps
>A well appointed room with a pleasant view like the other prisoners, and the romance novels Anjing forced on you

>Start working on converting your prisoners, asking Qinxin to help out since he's a turncoat and Ping is away, and showing them to truth of the world, as you know it.

Tempted to let it drop that we have a human for to Tian Mei, to lure her into staying in hopes of seeing it and bringing back good intel.
Damn, thought of one more thing for conversions.
>Head to the village and see if Yuyi would be willing to visit Tian Mei on the pretense of a doctor’s visit and speak with her. She may visit again whenever she’d like if they find things to talk about.
I want to confirm Yuyi is doing okay, and she’s also one of our best advocates. She’s a normal person willing to trash talk us due to personal experience, and that makes anything good she says about us meaningful.
Yo it would kinda be funny if the brother fell for the bee queen and watch as his brother freaks out.
With the war I think now is the time to use a bunch of our treasures to bring our students to the next stage, after all the stronger every member of our sect is the better the odds we will al survive
Good idea. And too, stronger students will get better results when we send them on missions for more treasures. Who should get what?

It would be a good opportunity to suggest more direct dao paths, or dao explorations, to those with unclear ideals.
The powder of the black orchid might allow Quiang to break through

For Huli I am thinking either one of the fire body stabilizers or maybe some of the Orange Yellow Sunburst Poppies

The blood cleansing drug could be helpful for Canlan Yuanquan.

For Senlin Zheren plenty of bones coming from cultivators above Qi Condensation Stage Rank 5 might do the trick

For Houmogui maybe some Red Thorned Nettle.

For Fu I am thinking of having a discussion on the nature and usage of grudges and maybe teaching him Enmity incarnation, Devil of Grudges

The Jade Ghost taming Seal and Record of Wraiths and Phantoms should be helpful to anyone who follows the Night lantern sutra.

The Crown of Trapped Sands and Caged Winds' ability to control wind would be great for Swiang

As a turtle Chuandapo might benefit from the dragon turtle shell, and that is all I've got
I wonder if we should give Qiang a ghost eye.
I say we should discuss it with her. Hell, we could even look out for that cultivator that was following Huan's sister and ask him how he graft those body parts on himself before killing him.

A part of me says we should make a brand new eye from a pool of blood so we can test a way to bring best snake girl to life and also our Sister. Something like Shang Tsung clones, but we make sure there's no new soul getting in there before our girls.

Other part of me also likes the idea of the Ghost eye, but then she would be like Ping but to some more drastic way: It's not like her eye was still there on her and we shoot Yin Qi, and then the Yin Qi made symbiosis, it's literally taking a incorporeal eye and somehow stitching it in her head. That would either make her a Stand User like Fu, or worst she could actually die, or maybe even turn into some kind of zombie because of it. The ramifications of something like it are infinite, but we should bring that Idea to Qiang and send her to a quest to get the eye, and then she could do a ritual to stitch it to herself while we make sure nothing goes wrong
I'm sure it was Xuebai who taught him to graft bodyparts in the first place.
>A well appointed room with a pleasant view like the other prisoners, and the romance novels Anjing forced on you
Finally we have someone we can make our novel discussion partner (willingly or not)
>Start working on converting your prisoners, asking Qinxin to help out since he's a turncoat and Ping is away, and showing them to truth of the world, as you know it.
tough choice between this and pushing our borders, but I want to hold off from entering what is likely to be another big battle for a little bit.
Baifenchi might benefit from us giving some pointers with Carmine Mysticism and our recent experience with creating a Jiangshi, but the one's not listed by >>5744156 would probably get more growth out of tutelage from our other senior disciples and maybe even the bugs to straighten out Jiangliehuo and to a lesser extent Youzaiwang.
>A well appointed room with a pleasant view like the other prisoners, and the romance novels Anjing forced on you

>Start working on converting your prisoners, asking Qinxin to help out since he's a turncoat and Ping is away, and showing them to truth of the world, as you know it.
I want to get this squared away at least a little bit before we go off galivanting somewhere.
Ending the vote now, tallying the result. Nice to see some hearty discussion and planning!

Hah! Drag her to hell and call in some favors to imprison her there until you figure out what to do with her:1

In the catacombs: 6
-she's too dangerous too keep even in the dungeon the temple: 2
-A well appointed room IN THE CATACOMBS with the romance novels Anjing forced on you:4

A well appointed room with a pleasant view like the other prisoners, and the romance novels Anjing forced on you: 7

Scold Tiexingege for taking Ju as her student and try to separate the two before Ju becomes just as much of a meathead as Tie-Tie:2

Decide to drop the prisoners on Jionghuagege's lap, since she's already taken some of her own, and to see if she really did take them to have tea with like you suspect she did.:2

Start working on converting your prisoners, asking Qinxin to help out since he's a turncoat and Ping is away, and showing them to truth of the world, as you know it.: 7

Take command over the Gege's armies and push back the borders of the winter blossoming wisdom sect, snatching up the first couple villages your disciples have passed through and putting them under your protection: 4

Take Tian Mei alone to Jionghuagege to see how she has fared with her other prisoners before sending her back to her room. You’d rather not put everyone together so Tian Mei can foolishly try to stage a breakout with all your prisoners.: 1

Head to the village and see if Yuyi would be willing to visit Tian Mei on the pretense of a doctor’s visit and speak with her. She may visit again whenever she’d like if they find things to talk about.:1

So Tian Mei will be given a well appointed room with a pleasant view like the other prisoners, and some of Anjing's romance novels.

And you'll start trying to convert your prisoners, alongside Qinxin since the man betrayed his previous sect on Ping's account, and try to show them the real history and truth of the heaven's hypocrisy

Update will arrive shortly

I was hoping it'd be noticed
Oh I'm sure there are plenty of options like the Carmine Mysticism pointers that I just didn't think off
"My my, what's with that stricken look on your faces?" You giggle as a few of your prisoners look up at the cracked peak of the mountain atop your hidden home, a look of such intense dread that makes it obvious they recognize it by reputation and old wife tales if not looks, though their spiritual senses have probably pinged it as overflowing with types of Qi they've been taught to think of as "Demonic" or "Malevolent" without really knowing why "it looks like you've seen a rotting corpse swaying up in the tree branches, or a wandering ghost"

"A fitting den for a wretch that is half a ghost like yourself" Tian Mei spoke sharply, barely trying to mask her disdain with a veneer of cordiality, she'd fit perfectly inside the politicking and intrigues of an imperial court "It is obvious in hindsight that an eater of the corpses of noble and valiant men would make their lair amongst the unmourned and sinful dead"

"I will admit that the history of the place is one of the things that drew me to it, though it was its grave beauty that convinced me to settle" You snicker playfully, flicking your tail over the cocky girl's nose, nearly making her sneeze "Though I wouldn't call the particular corpses you're probably referring to with that smart remark qualify as noble or valiant"

Tian Mei's face remains passive, but her eyes narrow into slits smoldering with contempt, but she keeps her composure and otherwise remains perfectly calm and obedient.

"Do you mean to lead us to our graves?"
"No, she's obviously going to feed us to the old spirits lurking their"
"Haaah!? No wonder why there's so many wandering phantoms in Chuan of late, look! The mountain sealing that accursed tomb has been rent wide open!"
"Do you think that is the Huanliuxue's doing as well? You saw how monstrously strong she is"
"I..I'd prefer to be buried beneath the son, and not amongst those heathen barbarians bones"
"Miss Tian, please stop tempting the Demonic beasts wroth! Our lives are on the line each time you pester them with that sharp tongue of yours!"

"Oh you're acting like I'm leading you all into untamed wilderness" You cackle, prancing merrily ahead of your prisoners while Yinying trails behind them, austere and graceful in his silence "And again, it'd be unbecoming to allow my prisoners to come to any harm! I assure you, so long as you don't wander out of your appointed rooms, there is nothing to fear within the halls of my temple"

Unless any of them have a phobia of snakes or ghosts. Yujijiao was one of the few members of your sect you didn't send out to aid the regions of Chuan caught in the lethal and mystical snow storm one of their so called protectors brought down on their heads without a twinge of guilt or hesitation. Yinying and Siwang had left that mission, refusing to leave you march to face the executionary force sent after your head alone, and from what they had told you, it seems the rest of them had reached Suiqi.

But you hadn't asked them about the details of their journey since the excitement leading up to that one sided slaughter made you kind of forget to ask at all. Eh, if you lost your patience waiting for a messenger, you'd ask them about what happened directly.

Oh, and unless Monu had decided to run off to play, she was probably in the sect grounds as well and Xuebai to, unless she's ran off to guide her disgusting pet like a common hunting dog. Fearing those three would be sensible, for the average cultivator at least. But you decide not to mention that, since while it might be funny for a few seconds, your prisoners are already so terrified that they're jumping at the sight of their own shadows.

To your surprise, your mother isn't who greets you, neither is Yujijiao, or one of the talentless friends of Fu who don't have any potential to cultivate at all. No, it isn't Xuebai standing up on the incline leading to the secret path leading down the cliffside to the proper, hidden entrance of your sect.

Its Qinxin. The stray Ping adopted while hunting for your sister's flea ridden mutt.

"A Jiangshi with a familiar face" The girl with freckles and missing teeth mutters, which your unwanted house guest hears

"I am no hopping corpse, though I have cast aside the name you used to know me by, little sister" He says kindly, cupping his fist and bowing deeply towards, remembering the respect you demand him to show you "I go by Qinxin now, for personal reasons"

"You're the last person I'd expect to go traitor" Another one of the Ling survivors hisses furiously, his face wrinkled and contorted with rage and disgust "Let alone scrape and kowtow to a demon"

Qinxin stiffens, clearly offended with how his hackles have raised and the cold gleam in his eyes. Which is enough to make his accuser back down. You've never paid much attention to Ping's friend, and he tries his best to avoid you knowing your feelings towards his former sect and masters, but if you'd have to venture a guess he was either in the late stage or peak of Qi Condensation, like Ping was when they met. Stronger than the two who recognized him and started wagging their tongues. And from how many ghosts he carries on his back, despite being a weakling, he's killed his fair share of cultivators before forcing his way into your sect. The foundation establishment stage cultivators amongst them however continue glaring at him

"And to forsake the name you were gifted !" The coward shouts, hiding behind an amused Tian Mei, who also looks to recognize Qinxin, though not in the same way as the others have

"Sever your arms and slice your throat, simpleton" Qinxin coldly replied, hand reaching for his blade "Were it not for the fact I know you speak those accusations from a place of ignorance, I would've cut you down for those baseless insults. Yes, I have betrayed The Guardians of the Celestial Sunlight, but I did so righteously and without regret"

"To serve a demonic beast" One of the winter blossoming sect spits "After being the toady of that Ogre girl"

"I have no love for Yaonan! I simply opened my eyes. These Heretics I've joined are more righteous than all of the warring sects combined" He snapped back "And ascended beasts are not by nature evil or cruel, but if you do not know that then I must assume that you are not here willingly. Illustrious sect head, am I correct that these men and women are your prisoners"

"Of course they are" You say with a shifty smile as you realize that Qinxin might be useful for once, since from how his former martial brothers and sisters talked to him, he had a rather upstanding reputation in his old sect. A reputation that could prove useful in convincing them to do like he has, and pull their heads out of the sand of ignorance

"To be executed, ransomed or held or..." Qinxin asks suddenly before wincing and covering his mouth "Ah, forgive me, I spoke out of turn. If you wished them dead, they would be"

"You nearly said eaten, didn't you?" You bluntly press, stepping closer to him as he shakes his head

"If it were Huili escorting them, I would have suspicions what awaited them was a dinner plate. I merely forgot my place, I assure you, Huanliuxue" Qinxin hurriedly explains, trying to defend him

"So this is where the Ash gale vanished to...You've been collecting demonic beasts for sometime, then" Tian Mei suddenly speaks up, as Qinxin's face loses some of its color and a few drops of sweat bead on his forehead. Good, he's realized his fuck up, so you don't have to scold him for it.

"I shall take my leave, and alert the grand elder of you've returned " He whispers in quiet humiliation, cringing as he sprints down the treacherous path leading to the cave leading to your temple.

"I won't wait for her" You call out, bidding Tian Mei to lead the train of prisoners after Qinxin with a subtle lifting of your chin "And you lot, follow after that loose tongued idiot"

"This road is remarkably well maintained, and fortified" Tian Mei muses to herself, not even hiding that she is taking her sweet time walking said path to study its defenses and exact location within the mountains

To say she and the rest of your captives were stunned to find no hovel in the dirt and mud or a den carved out of pilfered graves, but rather a well maintained and luxurious underground temple, with Qi rich waters flowing through it and ornate decorations grace its floors and walls, would be a grave understatment.

And the way some of them look at the accommodations, facilities and creature comforts of your sect, with blatant envy and amazement, makes your heart flutter and spirit's soar with satisfaction and pride.

"Hah?" Monu grunts, lounging atop the golden lotus altar when you guide your convoy of prisoners down the lantern lit steps leading to the true gate of your sect "Mei?"

"Oh" Mei squeaks, for the first time losing her cool head and strict sense of composure at the Sight of Monu. Seems she's old enough for your mother to recognize her "Oh no. It all makes sense now! You made her! They should've taken your head off you witch! Do you even realize what kind of monster you've unleashed into the!

Monu's hand is around her throat in a moment, squeezing and crushing, a vein popped on her brow and her teeth crushing the the metal of her silver pipe.

"Mother" You say gently, locking eyes with her as her mask of murderous rage softens to her usual casual and self indulgent looking smirk

"How much you've grown" She says sheepishly, releasing her neck and stepping back to bow, gathering her loose hanging robes so they don't just fall of her "Last time I saw you, you were a little brat who couldn't even reach my knees. And while I am flattered you still think highly enough of little old me me to believe that I could create a magical beast of such high quality as my Beloved daughter, you will hold your tongue or I'll rip it out of your skull, you little bitch! My adorable Huan is no monster!"

Tian Mei just rubs her throat and shoots your mother a look of hatred so intense it cuts through he air like a blade.

"You act like you're strong enough to command me, how many virgins did you bleed dry to keep your beauty, hag!" Mei snaps as the other prisoners wisely step back and away from her. Qinxin is leaning by a stone lantern, calmly peeling an apple as he watches the cat fight

"How much of Xue Laohue's seed did you swallow to cultivate to your current level? A brainless brat like you couldn't have gotten so far by her own talent alone" You mother haughtily and bitchily mocks, placing a hand over her mouth as she cackles "Heh-Heh-Heh"

"Enough!" You command, stomping a paw down on the ground and releasing enough Qi to make a massive false ghost light shaped like a skull come screaming into the still air above your head "Don't pick a fight with my prisoner"

"Oh my oh my, such a fierce glare, you're making me light headed" Monu giggles cutely, patting you on the head as Tian Mei grinds her teeth, seemingly trying to glare her to death while she showers you with her usual amount of affection "I don't think my heart could stand such an angry look from your face again, forgive me, forgive me. You know I can't tolerate fools besmirching your good name, sweet daughter of mine"

You huff, thankful that no matter how embarrassed she is making you, any amount of blushing will be hidden by your fur.

"You are forgiven, I can't ask you not to be outraged on my behalf" You pout as you wiggle your head out from beneath her hands "But don't go causing trouble, mother, especially with that one"

Tian Mei's expression very much resembles the demon head carved above the gate into the catacombs proper.

"Why did you bring that bitch here? I don't question your wisdom of course, but that is a dangerous animal to keep around here" Monu says sweetly, capering and hopping around you as you lead your prisoners past the sect gate, and the "animal" she is talking about, hasn't moved an inch since their little scuffle, stubbornly refusing to follow to instead glare daggers at your poor mother's back "Hard to keep caged and with a vicious bite! Ah! I see! We're going to lock her away is that right? in the darkest, deepest tunnel of our sect! OH! better yet, we can drag her down into the kingdom of the dead and leave here there until her strength has been snapped and that willful nature and sharp tongue of hers have been blunted!"

"No, she's getting the same treatment as the rest of the prisoners" You say just as sweetly and happily as her, looking away as her pretty smiling face starts to look much more like a toad's as she winces and cringes at your words

"Ah..ah" She stammers, glancing back fretfully at the girl glaring murderously in her direction "Oh I see, all of them will be taken to the cells, of course, why wouldn't they be, they are prisoners of war, right, right? Huanliuxue?"

"No, well appointed rooms with pleasant and soothing views of the valley, in the upper reaches of the temple, near the gardens on the mountain top, with fresh air and sunlight" You state, which makes Monu pull at her hair and grimace, clenching her teeth and wincing again as she looks like she's about to throw a fit or throw up

"Whhhhhhy~" She croaks mournfully, falling to her knees and clinging to your neck

"A beaten dog is only obedient until it bites you hand" You sagely reply, feeling rather clever. But you soon have to avert your eyes and look towards the ceiling to avoid looking at the mother your respect so much fighting back tears of regret.

"Okay!' She chirps spiritedly, flashing a blithe grin as she pats you on the head again "I shall prepare their rooms. Do our..."Honored guests" require any special accommodations"

"Give Tian Mei some reading material, the books my tailor friend lent me" You mischievously snicker, hoping that will cheer her up and because the thought of forcing that proud girl to read trashy romance novels just tickles you pink "And do try to keep from pissing her off when I'm not around"

"I've lived too long of a life to have a death wish" Monu says quietly "I Probably should start training seriously again..."

And with that, she heads off to the prepare the rooms, followed by a small army of wooden and stone puppets. And then you turn your attention to Qinxin, who tries to avoid your stare as he goes about cutting up his apple, while the prisoners stay close together near the entrance of the temple, not daring to step closer or wander.

Except for Tian Mei, who thankfully isn't snooping around, but instead is standing before the entrance to the catacombs, inspecting the paper seals on it and even going so far as to place a hand upon it

"Am I too be punished for saying too much, sect head?" Qinxin asks, as you keep one eye on him and one on Tian Mei, to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid "Mentioning Huili was a mistake, I didn't expect to see a core formation expert amongst our prisoners"

"Eh, not everyone has an eye for cultivation levels like I do" You say in a casual way, to cut the tension in the air and reassure him you aren't punishing him, at least not yet "And if I'd slap anyone it'd be my mother for picking a fight, and so crudely as well"

"That is one of your greatest talents, sect head" Qinxin praises, wisely not saying anything about Monu he'll regret when you're no longer mad at her for losing her temper like that "But if you aren't going to scold me..."

"Why am I looking at you with such bright eyes! Why I've decided to give you some responsibility around here, and give you a job worthier than spreading shit across a field or picking grains of rice out of dirt" You exclaim jubilantly, grinning ear to ear as Qinxin falls to the ground in a show of gratitude

"Oh I am honored to be trusted with whatever duty you see fit to give me, I shall humbly and graciously take to it with vigor and pride!" He exclaims, very earnestly showing his thanks by smacking his head on the ground once or twice, and hard enough to draw blood as well. Seems he hasn't given up getting in your good graces, despite how poorly you've treated him since he's arrived here

"Tell me, what role am I to be give, Sect head?" He asks, rising up and reeling back, rubbing his aching head as you watch his antics bemusedly, struggling not to laugh and tease him

"Why you're going to be working with me, a great honor of course" You say, smiling as a snicker escapes out of your mouth "A privilege few have been awarded"

He has a full body shiver at hearing that

"How am I to assist you, I am of course humbled by this chance to aid you, but I must ask, what exactly I will be helping you do" He asks hurriedly, with a worried look about him as he wrings his hands fretfully

"I am glad you asked, you couldn't help me if you didn't know what we're doing" You say, a little drunk off his praises despite yourself "You're going to help me convert our prisoners"

"Forcefully?" He asks after a moment of silence and a grim expression on his face

"No, I'd ask Monu if I wanted brainwashed lackies" You snap, and he nods hurriedly, an awkward smile on his face "I just want to show them the truth of the world of cultivation and all the hypocrisies of the nine heavens, is all"

"Then why ask me instead of Rejungui or" he begins before you interrupt him

"Cause they know you? Or some of them do at least" You answer with a flippant wagging of your paw "And besides that, The students I'd trust more are"

"Look like heretics should?" Qinxin helpfully answers in the politest way possible

"Exactly!" You exclaim "Ping might be a better example of a turn coat, Fu might have a heroic reputation, Feiqing has a good heart, Qiang is smart but... well their looks and manner are all wrong for convincing people that we aren't, ya know, evil villains. "

"And Hong, Lanfen, Liu, Niu, Bo, Mao Yue, and Wang Wencheng?" He asks curiously

"Hong is too cheeky, Lanfen too vain, Liu too charmless, Niu too gloomy, Bo too stupid, Mao Yue too flighty and naive, Wang too cowardly" You answer rapid fire without pausing for breath "And though you didn't mention Lei, well I shouldn't have to explain why the only true demonic cultivator in our ranks is"


"Ah, I've said too much, though Ping or Feiqing would've mentioned his history to you by now" You snicker, delighting in Qinxin's horrified expression "But even if he wasn't, it should be obvious why Lei would be a poor choice"

"Yes of course" Qinxin says, sounding rather shaken "I understand your wisdom in choosing me to be your par...assistant. But if I may be so impudent as to ask, how exactly we're going to convince a score of proud cultivators and true daoists to forsake their lives and reputations to serve a demonic beast who slaughtered their peers and betters before their eyes?"

"Good question, why are you?" You ask plainly, idly licking the back of your paw

"Its the right thing to do" He answers without blinking or pausing "And instead of my first encounter with you being a one sided slaughter, I saw for myself how a heretic could be righteous and the hypocrisy of those who call themselves as such. The only honorable thing to do was to join those who remember their duty, even if it meant betraying those who have forgotten it. I humbly advise that we show them the virtuous and benevolent side of you and your follower, sect head"

"Hmm" You hum, pondering what to do and if you should listen to Qinxin's suggestion

What do you decide to do, Huanliuxue?

>Listen to Qinxin, and provide irrefutable evidence of your benevolence and nobility before trying to convince them of the reality of demonic beasts

>Just bribe them with good food, drink and comfort while slowly introducing them to the reality that's been hidden from them. Sure a few might think you're fattening them up, but it should endear most of them to you enough that they listen to your claims

>Why overcomplicate things? You're gorgeous! Just turn and stay human. Your peerless beauty will make them lower their god and make them like clay in your hands!

>Bah! Just tell them the true history of the last ten generations . It might not get through their thick skulls, but you can have Qinxin do the hard work of convincing them

>Write in
>Listen to Qinxin, and provide irrefutable evidence of your benevolence and nobility before trying to convince them of the reality of demonic beasts
>Listen to Qinxin, and provide irrefutable evidence of your benevolence and nobility before trying to convince them of the reality of demonic beasts
Roleplay that wisdom we supposedly possess.
>Listen to Qinxin, and provide irrefutable evidence of your benevolence and nobility before trying to convince them of the reality of demonic beasts
>Why overcomplicate things? You're gorgeous! Just turn and stay human. Your peerless beauty will make them lower their god and make them like clay in your hands!

I feel these two aren't mutually exclusive.
Maybe a tour of the village so they also see huan goofing off with yuyi?
(She's had a child while we were cultivating didn't she?)
I see we didn't brag to Monu of our double kill hunt, she probably thinks we only captured tian mei.
Will be funny to mention as an offhand comment later and see her eyes boggle.

I got an idea to further speed up the conversion of the prisoners, we could assign each to a separate magical beast to interact with and follow during the day while they are at the temple so they can see they are not as evil and demonic as they think.
>Listen to Quixin

>As an aside, break them down into groups of three to speak too. It makes them easier to handle
Nope, they have to be in solitary confinement for conversion. Otherwise it'll be significantly more complicated.
I know it'll be harder to convince them, due to self-reenforcing their prexisting belief systems and taking solidarity in being together.

But it'll be more expedient, and easier to move along, if we take them out in threes.
>Listen to Qinxin, and provide irrefutable evidence of your benevolence and nobility before trying to convince them of the reality of demonic beasts
>Bah! Just tell them the true history of the last ten generations . It might not get through their thick skulls, but you can have Qinxin do the hard work of convincing them
>Listen to Qinxin, and provide irrefutable evidence of your benevolence and nobility before trying to convince them of the reality of demonic beasts
We did ask for his advice.

>Arrange for them to assist in the village and train with your other demonic beasts
Turning >>5744699 into a vote along with the regular text from >>5744695. I’d back small groups for this effort since we don’t have all our cultivators here, but Tian Mei should be separate and travel with us at all times. Huan can do the math to see if we really need groups though.

I also realize we’re giving away info with that, especially to Tian Mei, but my reply to her is
>We’re showing her this because we believe she can see the good in them with time. Also the bad, but such is the nature of people.

For conversions, I’ll toss in a starter question to serve as an opener:
>How do you raise a child? How do you raise a child who can stand equal to a qi condensation cultivator? How about one who stands at foundation establishment?

Once we begin converting in earnest, we can start our lessons by answering how orthodox sects would, re: butcher the children and harvest them for cultivation parts. Because awakened beasts are too simple to be called anything but a child before they’ve learned how to be part of the human world.

Give them the opportunity to prove what we’re doing is wrong by grasping our logic and finding fault in sheltering and training them to use their abilities responsibly. It’d be worth a good laugh.
>Listen to Qinxin, and provide irrefutable evidence of your benevolence and nobility before trying to convince them of the reality of demonic beasts
I think you underestimate just how MUCH harder it will be to convince them.
I'm gonna second this idea too.
If this idea picks up traction, I'd say to exclude Jiangliehuo (too much of a thug), Canlan (too innocent and potentially susceptible to being tricked), and Baifenchi (Would probably freak everyone not named Tian Mei out with her obsession).Senlin, Chuandapo, and Siwang would probably see the best reception.
>>5744699 +
>>Listen to Qinxin, and provide irrefutable evidence of your benevolence and nobility before trying to convince them of the reality of demonic beasts
Sect brother is skipping over a few steps. Benevolence FIRST, demonic beasts LATER. It's already said in the option.
I refuse your slander, sect brother! I skipped no steps! First benevolence, then beasts and village as stated! To disregard the proper order of those steps would be folly!

I will accept slander suggesting I am voting on things that are better suited for a second vote, as many (including myself) were guilty of in the vote regarding prisoners. We’re all just impatient like a cat.
Tian Mei really doing their courteous info-gathering best.

>Listen to Qinxin, and provide irrefutable evidence of your benevolence and nobility before trying to convince them of the reality of demonic beasts

I like this. We can even frame it to our beast disciples as a lesson for them, too.
..It takes a lot of patience to escort thick headed cultivators.
>>Why overcomplicate things? You're gorgeous! Just turn and stay human. Your peerless beauty will make them lower their god and make them like clay in your hands!
>Just bribe them with good food, drink and comfort while slowly introducing them to the reality that's been hidden from them. Sure a few might think you're fattening them up, but it should endear most of them to you enough that they listen to your claims
>Listen to Qinxin, and provide irrefutable evidence of your benevolence and nobility before trying to convince them of the reality of demonic beasts
>Listen to Qinxin, and provide irrefutable evidence of your benevolence and nobility before trying to convince them of the reality of demonic beasts:10
>>As an aside, break them down into groups of three to speak too. It makes them easier to handle:1
>Why overcomplicate things? You're gorgeous! Just turn and stay human. Your peerless beauty will make them lower their god and make them like clay in your hands!:2
>Bah! Just tell them the true history of the last ten generations . It might not get through their thick skulls, but you can have Qinxin do the hard work of convincing them:1
>Just bribe them with good food, drink and comfort while slowly introducing them to the reality that's been hidden from them. Sure a few might think you're fattening them up, but it should endear most of them to you enough that they listen to your claims:1
>Arrange for them to assist in the village and train with your other demonic beasts:5?
Question marks are for the former not putting it as an actual vote but more an idea, while the latter said they liked it but did not give a clear vote of support.
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Ending the vote now. I'll offer some face for making my juniors wait over the weekend but, armored core is nearly as addicting as fire emblem

A thousand accolades for my illustrious junior Tally anon, a grand show of filial piety.

So you'll follow Qinxin's advice and provide irrefutable evidence Huanliuxue is a good girl at heart before trying to draw them into the conspiracy of the true nature of the heavens and the tragedy of ascended beasts, or introducing them to her more beastly disciples

Update will arrive shortly
Another large update.
And with all of your sagely wisdom, you see no reason you shouldn't. It isn't flashy, complicated or devious by any measure but its sound in its simplicity. There's no way any orthodox cultivator, experienced or not, would believe the stories and tales of a demonic beast that captured them after massacring their peers and squashing their seniors like insects. Sure some of them are novices and youngsters, but even those green horns have probably spent as many or more years as you have in the world of cultivation being fed lies that have been believed so long they're indistinguishable from fact. Lies that have even bled down into the myths and legends of the mundane world of mortals. That level of brainwashing won't be broken with a pretty smile or any amount of natural beauty, not that you'd degrade yourself by using your magnificent body in a similar manner to a hot meal offered to a road weary traveler. Your beauty is meant to be admired from a distance not sold or devalued for meager benefits, after all, thus is the nature of a proud beauty such as yourself.

And while a hot meal made out of tasty and nutritious ingredients would be enough to break the will of a man forced to subsist on kongee that's mostly water or the dew that condenses on the wall of a prison cell, you aren't treating your prisoners so poorly as to make luxury goods enough to sway them into feeling fondness for you. Using your good looks would just make them see you as a wicked spirit trying to seduce the righteous from their benevolent and noble path, trying to bribe them with food like a starved animal would just make you seem like a different type of corrupter bidding them down the path of hedonism. And while you could probably convince a few of them that magical beasts are no more evil by nature than humans are, exposing your beastial disciples to scared and defiant prisoners is a recipe for disaster and tragedy. They might cower in the presence of a princess, but before her students? A cornered mouse will lash out with its fangs with the same ferocity of a lion when its cornered.

Qinxin is simply right. You'd be a fool to think otherwise. Its common sense. You can't win hearts through lust or hunger alone, and trying to convince them of the true history of primordial beasts and the traitorous heavens without first showing them your integrity ,good nature, and inherent nobility would be like trying to hammer a nail through water, utterly pointless. And the headache and frustration would surely cause you to lash out if you were stubborn, stupid and vain enough to try to do it anyways.

"You speak my thoughts, Qinxin" You austerely answer, modestly bowing your head in recognition of the merit of his simple yet wise advise, even though you had already come to a similar conclusion by time he gave he "I haven't gathered so many students by being the strongest or being smarter than anyone else, Everyone who swears loyalty to my name does so because of a kindness or mercy I've given unto them"

Qinxin gasps, surprised that you've spoken his name and in so respectful a manner, as usually you call him things like dog or Ping's lackey or friend, if you speak to him at all.

"Really, its just common sense. Anything I tell them, whether its true or not, will be considered a lie unless I can make them stop seeing me as an untrustworthy demon" You continue pacing around Qinxin, circling him as you think out loud "Of course, showing them my human form might make them more amicable towards me, due to the prejudices passed down from their elders, but it also might make them more wary. I'll need to approach each of them individually, and sus out the best means of showing them the sincerity of my virtues and reliability of my beneficent, I might live my life by values and laws more befitting a beast than a man, but even by the standards of mankind, I'm something of a saint even if I hold myself to the rules of nature and its morality more than anything else"

"The people in the village adore you" Qinxin says after a moment of silence, clearly basking in the sheer brilliance of your mind "Perhaps they can be of assistance"

"Perhaps for the more trusting and less guile some of our guests, maybe. They will more readily believe them bewitched or forced into compliance, like your old friends no doubt believe you to be, if they do not think you wholly corrupted into a demonic cultivator, Heh" You rigidly reply, shaking your head as you complete another circle around Qinxin, brow furrowed and eyes narrowed in thought "Which will only be worsened if they meet say, Fu or Qiang, before they're convinced of my noble character. Since if one compares their actions as martial heroes with their techniques and cultivation methods, it would appear as though I've lead them down a wicked path, no?"

"Senior brother Fu does carry ghosts upon his back and Senior sister Qiang is...well, there is a reason people think you're related, she reeks of blood no matter how long she bathes" Qinxin remarks off handedly, stowing away his hands in the sleeves of his pink and red robe "And just the sight of poor Feiqing would strengthen their biases against you and our sect, sect head"

"I already know that, again, you voice my thoughts" You snicker drly as you pause behind him and flop onto your side with a sigh

Clicking your tongue, gathering your thoughts, you continue to ramble on "The cultivators know Tiexingege's human face, but unless Jionghuagege has been as audacious as her oath sister and not taken care to hide her human form, I think the princess of honeybees could prove as valuable an assets if not more so than you yourself in convincing these whelps to see the best side of me, so they may be shown then the true face of their ancestors and the rule they serve"

"Jionghuagege she's the one who cultivated the titanic plantlife that encircle our territory, yes?" Qinxin asks, kneeling down so as not to look down on you

"Correct, and she is a good girl, well mannered and sweet" You chirp happily "I don't doubt she's secreted away some prisoners of her own. She's gentle natured enough that I find it hard to believe she could stomach watching her fellow daoists be picked apart by Tiexingege's soldiers, even knowing they would not give her the same kindness if their positions were swapped"

"An act of supreme mercy and forgiveness that is to our benefit, Jionghuagege's purity will surely help to lower the defenses of your prisoners and make it easier for you to change their first impressions of you, even if it won't make them forgive you for killing their fellows in battle" He agrees, nodding his head

"Eh, I thrive off grudges. If they have any sense they'll realize its their fault they got killed. If they wanted to keep on living, they wouldn't have sought me out" You say, deciding not to voice your own prejudices against the Ling, as in all honesty you did kill Golden Locks not just to spare her of the sorry fate of being a bloodthristy monster, but also because she was a Ling herself and you still have a chip on your shoulder with that family and their followers "But time heals most wounds, and if Ping was convinced of my nobility just by traveling with me, I'm sure it won't be a great challenge for them to see me in the same light as he did a few years back"

"Still, some of them will be more set in their ways and convinced of the false history you stand against as well as the libel laid against all demonic beasts for the crimes of a few long dead" Qinxin muses out loud, rubbing his hairless chin "They'll be harder to deal with, and when their juniors come to see you in a new light and recognize the true and beneficent you, surely they will be driven further into self sophistry, and cling more stubbornly to their misguided beliefs"

"Tian Mei especially" You mutter as you stand back up "She's got a sharper wit and deeper intellect than the rest, has previous history with my mother instead of just knowing her as a boogeywoman or a cautionary tale, and actually remembers what happened while she was under the sway of my curse clearly, unlike the rest of them"

"A curse?" He asks warily, glancing at you from the corners of his eyes as you start pacing around him

"My mother is a witch not just in name" You answer shamelessly "In the wild, there's no such thing as fighting dirty. You either eat or are eaten."

"The weak are prey to the strong" He says after a moment of hesitation, pressing a hand on the ground to steady himself as he stands, his eyes downcast

"Only if the strong are selfish bastards" You retort without missing a beat "It is the truth of the world, but the strong also have a responsibility to the weak. If they are truly strong that is. Seeking strength without reason besides one's own benefit is the height of foolishness and the way of the weak, in my eyes. Strength without direction is meaningless. A ruler is obligated to be strong, for the benefit of their subjects. A weak ruler brings nothing but turmoil to their land and one who is strong only for their own sake is nothing no matter how powerful they are"

"There is not much difference between beasts and men, though you are wiser than most of either" Qinxin says brightly, smiling after he spent a few moments digesting your wisdom "Few rulers realize they have a duty to rule, not a right. But I must admit, I had never thought that that old saying could have depth beyond being an excuse made by bullies and tyrannical villains"

You smile knowingly. That same realization is what lead you to break ten generations of heavens' enforced tradition and take on a human form when no other beast had in living memory

"If you were born with a hide of fur or covering of scales, you'd have an easier time walking on two legs" You coyly praise him, swishing your tail as you leave to begin planning how to show your good side to your prisoners without coming off as insincere or two faced "Now come along, Outer Disciple Qinxin, we have hearts and minds to win"

"At once, Seat of the primordial mountain!" Qinxin barks like a good dog, cupping his fist and bowing deeply before he races after you.

First you check to see if each of the prisoners is comfortable in their rooms. You checking some, while Qinxin checks on others making sure to tell them he's doing so by your orders and his own concerns. You leave the ones who know him to him, since even if they think he's a traitor to humanity and a demon worshiping heretic, they know him and his deeds. Monu offers to help, but you turn her down, for the same reasons you aren't relying over much on your human self's jade like refinement and eye catching beauty. You'll reveal that form of you when they're comfortable with you as a cat, since doing otherwise would seem incredibly suspicious...you think?

Progress is slower, much slower than you'd like, but there's still progress. At least with most of the prisoners. Some are stubborn and refuse to talk to you, like you're going to goad or coax them into revealing some lethal secret or hidden fault of their betters or their entire sects.

Fulfilling their requests, talking to them cordially and casually, making sure they're all comfortable with their arrangements and don't feel trapped even if they're restricted to their rooms and the dining hall can only do so much, but once they're all know longer shaking at the sight of you like any moment in your company may be their last, you spring the next step of the plan by actually giving them a chance to see the mostly well meaning and gracious side of you, to glimpse your nobility through deed and action rather than from hearsay and gossip.

You accomplish this through different ways with each of them, some are simple, like providing for Fu's village in one way or another, like using a trick you learned from Chuandapo to summon up shoals of fat fish or helping them with the more troublesome ghosts awoken by your mere presence. Others you sit down with those fortunate souls who've turned half beast from the roar you gave at your challenge to the gods or after when the primordial beast energy flowing from you affected them strangely, and show them that they're still human. And while you and Qinxin are escorting them through the village, you allow them opportunities to wanderer and converse and listen to the locals, who have nothing but good things to say about you. Luckily your students like to talk about your good deeds when they're in town, sometimes to get free food and drinks, others just because they were asked of their splendid teacher, Heh-Heh.

You also take the chance to visit Yuyi to make sure she hasn't turned catty again, and to see how she's been fairing from all the trouble your momentous breakthrough has caused. Also to play with her, since its been awhile since you've gotten into her hair and bothered her for fun, at least from her perspective. And while going up to a seemingly normal woman's house to loudly complain about a stupid twist in one of the garbage books Anjing lent you might make some of the captive cultivators more open to see you as something besides a scheming devil, its a private matter and you make certain none of them follow you when you go to visit your friend.

"Eh?" You gawk as you spot her mate , who you just realized you don't know the name of despite making something of a habit of dropping by their house for tea, sweets and toying with Yuyi. They're flecks of grey in his hair and his face is thinner than you remember, all of him is. But he can't be much older can he? Ju didn't look like she aged too much. So why does he look so worn and ragged. You blink, seeing a few of the maids you took from the trash emperor milling about the garden, as you look up and see her home/ apothecary has also expanded and changed you last visited. And the maids look just as worn out and exhausted as Yuyi's man does.

What's up with that, hm? What up with that!?

AND WHAT'S UP WITH ALL THE OFFERINGS PLACED OUTSIDE OF THE WALLS? Why are there walls anyway? This is a nice city, there's no crime to speak of, since there isn't a criminal stupid enough to cause problems on your doorstep, but why is there a wall? And one with its white bricks painted all sorts of colors, like a child scrawled over it with a bunch of paint on their hands and fingers..

"OH!" You gasp, grinning ear to ear as you hear Ju smack one of the cultivators over the head from across the street. She must've had a good reason to wallop them with a pan, so you won't scold her for it. Yuyi's has kids, hasn't she! Or a kid. Humans usually don't have litters do they?

Of course you invite yourself in, and after dodging a cleaver and pinning Yuyi to the ground, find to your delight that she has had a litter of brats. Well, that's until you see why she's so angry with you again, as no less than four toddlers with cat ears and tails rush over to try and save their mother from the stranger whose sitting atop her and holding her arm behind her back. While you nearly faint from their cuteness as they bap you with their pudgy fists, you also immediately recognize the problem here. First, Poor Yuyi had all these adorable little girls at once, which you know must've been hell. And secondly, your worries that her kids would inherit the feline traits you removed from her have come true. Did you forget to warn her about that? Oops, explains why she came at your with a cleaver again. Actually did you ever tell her she was the progenitor of a bestial bloodline? You did tell her she could be a cultivator if she wanted to be...eh

Well better late than never.

With her kids trying to bite and claw you, as you find they have already grown fang like teeth, much earlier than most human kids do surely, you explain this to her as her scarlet haired and furred progeny clamber on you and try to save their mama, not know you're just rough housing with her.

Surprisingly she isn't as mad as you thought she'd be. Seems the offerings were left out because her children being Huanliuxue-like was seeing as most auspicious and a sign of heavenly favor on her part and despite initially being steaming mad about the whole, looking more like you than her, it seems her mate and maids put in a lot of effort to uh...blunt her anger long enough for her to recognize herself and her partner in their less feline features. Though you'd be lying if the girl whose tried to tackle you off of her mother at least five times now didn't have eyes that look unmistakably like your own. And more surprising is that she doesn't ask you to make them "Normal", once you've decided to get off of her, mostly due to her kids blubbering and crying, since Yuyi herself knew trying to appeal you to stop doing something is at the best of times a vain struggle.

In her own words "They've had such a blessed life looking like that, it'd be cruel to take that away from them when they're celebrated as children beloved by the gods...What do you mean you didn't like that part! The confession surrounded by flames right? How couldn't you be heartbroken by two star crossed lovers uniting in their last moments? Huh, you thought the series should've ended their, but their next life romance was even more bittersweet!"

And for the rest of your visit her four girls eye you warily and suspiciously, trying to intimidating you with glares even as the fur on their tail is fluffed up and they jump at your slightest movement and scurry away.

While its hard to tell their personalities at such a young age, the eldest with eyes like your own is called Yanyu and is the loudest and most boisterous , the second born, with hair growing over her eyes is called Huian, a fitting name with how meek and skittish she is, The third born with the longest hair and most mature attitude is Ya and seems to know more than she lets on behind her lazy eyes, and the forth and most clingy and needy of the litter is the teary eyed Jiao. And you adore all of them, though there's something familiar about Yanyu beyond her eyes that you can't put your finger on.

You decide to spend more time with Yuyi and her kids when you bring your prisoners down from the mountain to "Help" with the various good deeds and public projects you deign to do in town, like clearing the river of ice, helping Yuyi with medicine, reuiniting them with their sect mates that Jionghuagege did spirit away. Who seemingly never realized her human self and natural bee self were one and the same, and had grown fond of the lady sage who tended to their wounds and "Tamed" the wild beasts. Which is so amusing you decide not to burst their bubble of ignorance even after asking your little sister to help you out in convincing the prisoners you took of your good heart.

And soon, most of the prisoners stop calling you deep and speak your name with the respect it deserves, even if they remain warry around you and suspicious of your intentions, one even questioned you personally why you were treating them so well. Soon you'll be able to begin to lecture them on the real history of the world and the nature of ascended beasts such as yourself. Though Tian Mei was proving a tougher nut to crack, more so than even the surviving foundation establishment experts who needed to see you save a woodcutter from a bear, a priest from a horde of vengeful ghosts and a dozen other heroic deeds to even begin to ponder why a "demon" like you wasn't endangering the very lives she had saved. it was taking baby steps, but you were making progress, slow and irritating as it may be.

And not long after, Siwang returns with a message from Suiqi, seems every one of your students had made it to the city safely and had established a proper temple there, and were welcoming pilgrims from all over Chuan. And that they had met some disciples of the winter blossoming wisdom sect when they first arrived, and had to have fend off a few more attacks after.

Unfortunately, Siwang didn't linger there long enough to ask questions, and the writer of the letter, who you're guessing is Lei from the eccentric style and bombastic manner of the writing, didn't say if they killed or took prisoner these interlopers. Though it does mention some of your students were injured in the scuffles, but not severely enough to be a cause of concern for you. You read the letter once more, as Siwang flaps his wings to get them out of the reach of Yanyu, who seemed intent on plucking out his feathers even after she cut her fingers on her first attempt to snatch a handful of them

Shrugging, you set it down, already planning the next way you'll showcase your virtuous and beneficent self to your captives, to make certain they didn't just think you weren't a demon but that they also admired you for how upstanding you were, Heh-heh-heh! Surely they'd be showering you with praises and compliments any day now!

What do you do now that your prisoners are starting to see you in a better light, Huanliuxue?

>Take Tian Mei to Suiqi, to show her the good your sect has done. Even she can't deny your nobility if she sees all the good done in your name

>Begin to spend more time as a human amongst your prisoners, revealing your form to each of them as a show of trust with them and begin to slowly approach the topic of the actual history of the last ten generations, testing the waters with their reactions

>Push Jionghuagege to be more active in converting your captives, planning for her to reveal her natural form to them once you're certain their trust goes past skin deep, so you can reveal your human form at the same time! That should shatter their view of the world!

>Decide to leave Qinxin and Jiong Jiong to tend to the prisoners for awhile, spending more time playing with Yuyi's kids, and offering to take her to meet your friend Anjing. Along with Tian Mei, cause it'd be stupid not to take her, even if the trip is short.

>Write in

Had a little too much fun writing this update.
Introducing a catgirl lineage into the world is a deed that alone is able to place Huanliuxue among the saints and Buddhas.
Had a lot of fun reading this update

>Establish a book club with ourselves, Yuyi and (forcibly) Tian Mei, gathering to discuss romance novels and play with the kids
I think going to Hell to visit Anjing will be counterproductive to converting Tian Mei right now.
Meanwhile discussing human behavior in the novels would give Tian Mei a window into our virtuous and sagely thought process; and once she is irritated enough by our misunderstandings to try and educate us, that's when we get her. Rapport established.
>>5748477 +1

We also shouldn't forget to fix Fieqing's appearance asap
>Take Tian Mei to Suiqi, to show her the good your sect has done. Even she can't deny your nobility if she sees all the good done in your name
I get the feeling Yanyu is the unborn dragon we met in the primordial forest.
Nah, I still believe he’s cooking up some way to change his own appearance with his cultivation and taking that from him wouldn’t be right. Now something like Fu’s scars I’d be more open to healing if he was on board.
>Take Tian Mei to Suiqi, to show her the good your sect has done. Even she can't deny your nobility if she sees all the good done in your name
Are we making Yuyi a cultivator? Should do that when stuff calms down. At least thanks to her changed bloodline she'll no doubt live quite a long time. Figured she would walk the dao of medicine or pill making and become an alchemist. Though now she has kids she'd probably put it off.
>Decide to leave Qinxin and Jiong Jiong to tend to the prisoners for awhile, spending more time playing with Yuyi's kids, and offering to take her to meet your friend Anjing. Along with Tian Mei, cause it'd be stupid not to take her, even if the trip is short.

I'm feeling whimsy today
Everybody buckle up, we're going to hell!

Feiquing should reforge himself into a golden statue.
I kind of want Feiqing to fix it on his own.
I have a gut feeling that reforging his entire body is going to be part of his dao.
>Begin to spend more time as a human amongst your prisoners, revealing your form to each of them as a show of trust with them and begin to slowly approach the topic of the actual history of the last ten generations, testing the waters with their reactions
But also this.
Because it's funny
>Take tian Mei to suiqi.
>Make a book club, as >>5748477

>Decide to leave Qinxin and Jiong Jiong to tend to the prisoners for awhile, spending more time playing with Yuyi's kids, and offering to take her to meet your friend Anjing. Along with Tian Mei, cause it'd be stupid not to take her, even if the trip is short.
I’d mix in the book club idea from >>5748477 because we’d have all the real key players at that point. Anjing is the one who gave us the romance novels to start, and she’s likely to have an even larger collection to share.

I would see if we could meet nearer the portal though. Set up a picnic-like area so Yuyi and the kids don’t have to see most of hell, and we can kick them back quickly if anything dangerous comes along. Yuyi will have enough of a shock seeing Anjing, let alone a pinwheel spider.

Tian Mei will probably think she’s going to meet a demon who seems pleasant on the surface but is enabling some darker purpose. Let’s laugh at her when we show even hell can birth good-natured souls. The place and nature of her birth are not the ways she should be judged.
I have some spare time for lunch, may as well have fun with the “talk” we’d need to have with Tian Mei first.
>”I know you normally let what I say pass through your head like wind in a valley, but I will be bringing you within striking distance of my greatest weaknesses. So it behooves you to listen this time.”
>”It seems rare for cultivators to form bonds beyond other cultivators. Time passes differently for us, and our concerns are worlds apart. I myself only have a few such bonds, and you will join me so I may spend time with them with less worry of you doing something rash.”
>”As they aren’t cultivators, you can kill them easily. To make sure you understand what this means, join us in the discussions. Take part in our playtime, coax the stories of when I have upset and helped them, see how we interact to know what their influence over me is. Weigh it against what I would be to the world without their influence, and if it means less bloodshed then strike knowing you die hurting me more deeply than you ever could in straight combat.”
>”However monstrous you may see me or them, I expect you will stay your hand. They are good-natured women and children, and if I am to ever be content to no longer shed blood it will be when I am able to spend time with them knowing other good-natured souls won’t consider murdering them for associating with me.”
>”A simple ask, in my humble opinion.”
>”Now, I hope you’ve been reading the books I left in your room. Anjing gifted me them and I’m hoping she has a wider collection. I’m starting to find ‘lovers die and their next life is bittersweet’ trite, which is an opinion Yuyi doesn’t share but how long can you repeat the same plot like that! To say nothing of how I’m now noticing that some of the love interests are so vapid, relying on characterization from their prior lives to suggest a personality but that’s run over in their curr-“
Dialogue continues, rising in pitch and intensity, for as long as Huan cares to vent or until we meet up with Yuyi and her kids distract us.
Gold is weak. Celestial steel is where it's at.
Spider silk has a better strength-to-weight ratio than steel, so demonic spider silk ought to be better than celestial steel. He’ll need to up his game even further if he wants to claim he can forge stuff strictly better than what some make naturally.
I trust Feiqing to forge something to surpass both heaven and hell!
Well he is a metalsmith, not a weaver.
Sure, but if we wear Anjing’s armor into battle instead of something he forged then he’ll know he has further to go.

I kinda want to see what they could make together now. Anjing may even be more comfortable around him than most humans given his looks.
Also, we forgot Feiqing has also read all this stuff too. He should join the book club as well. We’ll have kittengirls from Yuyi running around, Feiqing won’t raise additional eyebrows.
>tfw by hell standards feiqing is a pretty average looking dude and has a largely harmless and inoffensive personality
>tfw feiqing easily brushes past the whole giant spider thing because she is a true artisan worthy of respect
The best friendship they could ever have.
>Also, we forgot Feiqing has also read all this stuff too
Right, recruit him too!

Damn, that's true! better not exclude him

Adding to my vote:
lol supporting
>>Begin to spend more time as a human amongst your prisoners, revealing your form to each of them as a show of trust with them and begin to slowly approach the topic of the actual history of the last ten generations, testing the waters with their reactions
I'll add my support to bringing Feiqing into the club.
We WILL have the funny
>Begin to spend more time as a human amongst your prisoners, revealing your form to each of them as a show of trust with them and begin to slowly approach the topic of the actual history of the last ten generations, testing the waters with their reactions
Is it bad that I still want to pretend that our human form isn’t us, it’s Qiang’s mom instead?

As annoying as the misunderstandings could be, Qiang is the only person who follows our self-taught cultivation law and is an assassin so having her mother under us as Qiang+ (stronger, same law, actually not well-known since she’s better at hiding her tracks) seems like it’d be more believable than it being our human form.

It’d give us an excuse to pal around as a human and engage people for conversions as a “friendlier” face.
Not bad at all.

It's be a better idea, honestly. Better story too.
Speaking of future planning, we still have a undyed spiritual root, so when we've settled the sect wars that's something to look into. The only thing I can think of at the moment would be Time as the connecting point of Life and Death (without external circumstances time is the killer that spills no blood and grudges can be heavily influenced by the lack of time, the "should of, would of, could of"s), but I have no clue where we would even find a sufficient quantity of time Qi.
Time sounds pretty interesting to cultivate. Maybe time qi could be cultivated by realizing that time is apparently very permeable? Or maybe by trying to find a common energy in any/everything, since time effects all?

But didn't we also have an idea to try and cultivate using the qi from the cycle of reincarnation itself? That is an idea that does have a bit more of a direction to try and cultivate with than time at the moment.
For more mundane Qi, I liked the idea of plant Qi to grow a blood/death gardens.

For exotic/connecting Qi, we could try finding the Great Wheel (reincarnation) that our law is named after and see what we can gather from that. We’d have enough pieces from bridging both life and death that we can experiment with finding Qi linked to both but isn’t either. But that sounds like a nascent soul project and we’ll likely have a fourth slot then.

Beyond that? We could try finding a Qi that only exists in hell. The Qi of demons, much as we have the Qi of the living and ghosts. We could join Zhurou in pursing Qi found only in nobility as we have the divine soul of an emperor still. We could follow our mother with Qi of poisons. We could dye our root in Primordial Qi and harness its chaotic energies more directly as we’re already a living source for it.

My vote would be for plants to make that one anon happy, and we wouldn’t need to wait long since Jiong Jiong can guide us on that path. There’s plenty of benefits with alchemy too and that worked out very well for us in the crow fight.
I'm thinking of dying it in primordial qi
It can't be it, wasn't the dragon going to be born to other dragons, it even had parents we could meet?
It might be one of the kids that took care of us, or the jianshi that we promised we would teach in his next life.
Also, here's a quick tally

>Votes - 10

>Book club - 6 (7?)
Omyb07qX (?)

>Suiqi trip - 3

>Anjing visit - 2

>Human form - 2

The ? is because >>5749358 supported the addition of Feiqing but didn't support the original vote, so I'm unsure if he wants the book club or not
>Establish a book club with ourselves, Yuyi and (forcibly) Tian Mei, gathering to discuss romance novels and play with the kids
>Begin to spend more time as a human amongst your prisoners, revealing your form to each of them as a show of trust with them and begin to slowly approach the topic of the actual history of the last ten generations, testing the waters with their reactions
time confuses the fuck our of us. I instead posit that rebirth is a better dao
actual spoilers: Baoli set their soul to search out our essence while we were cultivating and missed his target by a mile.
I wouldn't put past the crow-stalker to try and reincarnate as our friend's child.
Also I'm now morbidly curious of what would happen if reincarnated Baoli drank a potion made using past Baoli's corpse as reagents.
I was joking, but now I am scared.
I'm just channeling my inner heretic, don't worry about it.
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ending the vote now

Many thanks junior for tallying in my place.

So you'll start a book club and forcefully recruit Tian Mei to discuss romance novels and play with Yuyi's kids

update will arrive shortly
Don't forget Feiqin please!
He's still in Suiqi, but yeah, he'll join the book club when he and the others return
You aren't certain when you started spending most of your days at Yuyi's house, but somehow, whenever you're down in Fu's town you find your feet guiding you to her front door. First you just wanted to check up on and play with her adorable daughters while Qinxin or Jionghuagege were chaperoning the well behaving prisoners throughout the city to give them a bit of fresh hair and sunlight. Yet somehow, whenever you visited, inevitably you'd stay for a few cups of tea or to help Yuyi organize or refill her medicinal supplies and while you were there the conversations had a way of turning from business or directionless idle chatter towards the books Anjing lent you, that both Yuyi and Feiqing were huge fans of. Though you couldn't see why, most of them were absolute tripe.

But it was fun to relax and let your worries bleed out for a few hours when you had nothing better to do, in the company of a friend. Though you spent most of your time complaining about and critiquing the books you had read while bored late at night, when you had a sudden burst of energy and wakefulness and couldn't find any place in your temple warm or secluded enough to fall back asleep after a hard days work entreating with your prisoners or studying the history of your illustrious ancestors. But while Yuyi was unusually bold in her defiance of her beloved novels and the two of you spilt tea and wiled away the sunlight in your heated debates of what made a good romance story where you learned that your apprentice in medicine was very much a sucker for classical sickeningly sweet romance stories, most of which you found eye rollingly boring and yawn worthy. And while it was fun pocking and prodding her to see what her limit would be, after a particular shouting match about a red bound novel of a commoner and supposed court eunuch's chaste romance that Yuyi nearly fainted while she defended it without pausing to catch her breath or breath, the next time you invited yourself into her house and sat down uninvited at her dining table, you found a stack of books nearly as tall as you were in human form and an exhausted Yuyi with dark bags under your eye.

You suppose that is where your book club began, since Yuyi had taken it upon herself to, after carefully taking notes of every complaint, critique and grudging praise you spoke about the books you had read. And she had to pull the praise you did have to give those particular stories out of you like teeth, since some of them were actually...well not good or well written but at least enjoyable to read even if the plots were predictable and most of the characters either bland or stupid enough that if they were real you'd personally nail them to a tree out of sheer exasperation of their blind naivety. Something you couldn't say about the first book you grabbed from the towering pile and read together with Yuyi while she bounced little Jiao on her knee.

While her husband was somewhere else in the house trying to control Jiao's three sisters and failing miserably from the sounds of things, you spent a few hours reading the book together for the first time. Yuyi turned out to be a very fast and voracious reader, so despite the leatherbound book, the Cunning Poisoners Manifesto in the Palace of Ruin, being heavier than Jiao was, you were halfway through it by lunchtime.

The protagonist of that book, unlike the often fainting, meek and demure flowers of the novels Yuyi would defend to the death was a shrewd and calculating woman with a fascination for poisons and a clear ambition besides garden side walks and romantic poetry. And the writer of the book was actually knowledgeable of poisons, not nearly as much as yourself and an absolute simpleton compared to your mother, but he had an eerie depth of understanding of the sorts of low tier poisons mundane folk make do with and even a few more exotic kinds favored by martial artists and cheap ass cultivators. And the story was really captivating, with the main character struggling to align her ambition of revenge with her growing feelings with one of her targets, a crown prince far from the line of succession who, despite being the image of a chivalrous noble born love interest, was entertaining in his own way.

Especially since he didn't just vanish for a chapter when he was needed for his duties as one of the few competent general's under his brother's command but that his campaigns and strategies were actually shown instead of just being regulated to off handed mentions of heroic victories or dramatic defeats that somehow fooled Yuyi into thinking one of the main character's had died fighting desert bandits off screen.

And that the ruthless protagonist's fall for the naïve but well meaning prince was well written and believable, being a slow burn instead of the instant infatuation and fated lover's cliches that Yuyi's favorite author used more often than the ink she scribed the pages with, made the Cunning Poisoner's manifesto an instant favorite of yours. Not that the great Huanliuxue liked romance novels enough to have favorites, of course.

If you hadn't been dragged away from the book you'd have kept reading, since the place where you left off was actually really suspenseful and you couldn't stand waiting to figure out if the latest death would be connected back to the main character, since she had gotten sloppy, distracted by the prince's illness from a campaign in a frigid neighboring kingdom. And Yuyi wouldn't stop smiling as you theorized about what would happen next while also complaining about having to help her with the boring work of fermenting ginseng roots to make medicinal elixirs out of.

And you were so distracted about thinking of the fate of the heroine and wailing about the tedium of preparing ginseng for fermenting that you had entirely missed Yuyi mentioning bringing over more friends to read with whenever her kids were asleep after you ran out their energy with games kittens and children both understood, like chase, hide and seek or kicking a ball around.

In fact you were more occupied figuring out how to repay Yuyi for the ball you kicked clean through her house, to the amazement of Yanyu, earlier that morning.

But you aren't complaining, since you found a few more friends in the village through the book club you accidentally founded. Like Fu's mother Shu, who has been widowed for years now and since she lived a life of luxury had plenty of time to read or garden. She also was apparently the one Yuyi asked for suggestions of better romance novels to read, and as you found by snooping a local bookstore and looking up the novels she listed on her introduction to the rest of the members, had a taste for absolute filthy smut and abusive love stories. Which nearly shocked your beautiful red hair stark white when you found that out by choosing to open the innocently titled "Chrysanthemum Garden". And she also ignores the actual story to instead focus upon the relations, real or imagined between men and has been trying very hard, even though the club has only been open for a few days, to drag you down into the mire of Danmei as well.

Old lady Fan, a friend shared between Shu and Yuyi, who was apparently one of the original villagers you saved from old crooked fang, is also a fan of cutsleeve romances like Shu, but far more innocently. She doesn't talk much, and when she does its usually to tell a story about her youth. She however isn't picky like Yuyi, Shu or even yourself are and will read anything that is put in front of her. You're fairly certain you could get her to read a cursed text written in blood if you sat it down in front of her with enough flowers and hearts drawn on it.

Then there's Yingtai, a low born made who came with Niu and Yue, and like the others who didn't have the potential to cultivate, were hired on by Yuyi as live in servants. She's much like Yuyi, but prefers stories of more fantastical leanings. Like romance between rival martial sects, like the Clashing blades, longing heart series or of romanticized cultivation stories, like a thousand lives, a thousand heart breaks. Which was actually written by a cultivator under a pen name. Judging from their pen name of, Dreaming of crashing waves, one of the Summer Sea Dawn sect. And the inclusion of a mysterious red haired beauty, you have an inkling of exactly who it is. Well, good thing you didn't kill him for annoying you, he's actually a fairly talented writer.


But all this reading and playing around does give you an idea, a whim swishing around in your head like a cattail in a breeze. Why not bring Tian Mei to these meetings, to read romance novels and play with Yuyi's four adorable daughters. It'd be an easy way to establish a report and show her your sagely mind and virtuous thoughts by discussing human behavior using the novels as a spring board. And if you can get her annoyed enough by misunderstanding it, either truthfully or pretending to not understand human hearts or common sense, to try and correct or educate you out of irritation, then you'd have your hooks in her deeply enough to convince her of your nobility like you did her juniors, some of whom had taken it on themselves to fetch snacks the day you had come up with this most brilliant of schemes!

But the question was, what book would you lead with? The club had just finished reading the last one, one of the series that Feiqing thinks highly of, which reminds you that he needs to join the book club once they return from the mission you sent them on is done, though he and the rest of your disciples are still defending Suiqi from the winter blossoming wisdom sect and its magical blizzard.

Which means you have authority to choose the next one, since Yuyi suggested the last one, and Shu, Fan and Yingtai were usually content reading anything so long as it was with friends that they'd just vote for whatever was suggested first. And romance was a varied genre, so you had to carefully choose what story you'd use to build a bond with Tian Mei after forcing her to read it with you. Wouldn't want to send the wrong message or make her misunderstand your intent, after all. Hmmm...Hmmm.

You pondered that, while you lifted Yanyu and Huian on your arms as you drifted lazily through the air with the specter lightness kill.

What book do you use to make a rapport with Tian Mei, Huanliuxue?

>Something sappy, one of Anjing's books. They aren't to your tastes, but your complaining should be loud and frequent enough to make her more eager to "Correct" you and thus understand you

>One of the Cutsleeve stories Old lady Fan donated to the club, old and well worn. Tian Mei is around Monu's age, so an older story would be best. Also you want to see how she reacts to homo-romance for laughs

>She's a serious, calculating girl. So an intrigue heavy story and one with lots of daoist elements would be best and provide ample room for the two of you to discuss your daoists beliefs. How better to make her realize you are a fellow Daoist and not a complete heathen?

>Try to write one yourself, specifically to "De-claw" Tian Mei! How hard can it be (Artistry Trial DC variable (Higher result = better outcome)

>Something else (Write in)
>Something sappy, one of Anjing's books. They aren't to your tastes, but your complaining should be loud and frequent enough to make her more eager to "Correct" you and thus understand you
Writing a book of our own is an option once we know Tian Mei better.
>Try writing one yourself.

How can this possibly go wrong? We either have a masterwork, or utterly horrifying failure that we must hide from the world forever. Can't destroy it, that'd be admitting defeat, but we must hide it!
>>Something sappy, one of Anjing's books. They aren't to your tastes, but your complaining should be loud and frequent enough to make her more eager to "Correct" you and thus understand you
>Try to write one yourself, specifically to "De-claw" Tian Mei! How hard can it be (Artistry Trial DC variable (Higher result = better outcome)
Fuck me I now need to give prompts for it too. Write what we know.
>A romance novel never told through the main character, each arc is written about someone else who is connected to her with parts of their stories referencing each other as well.
>The spiteful yet noble male warrior and the female assassin sent to kill him, who got to know each other after repeated failed attempts to kill him and eventually journeyed together.
>The ‘normal girl cultivator’ and her struggle to be noticed by her cool senior in cultivation. A mildly bittersweet ending as she eventually accepts he’s not interested and ends the arc speaking with another guy who she’s always gotten along with, setting up hope for the future
>An loner ogre who terrorized people but wanted to perfect his craft, starting a simple journey to find better materials after mastering his home, meeting rare people who accept his company as he forges gifts that speak to their character with his growing skill and materials. The story ends in hell itself, where he meets a spider weaver of equal skill and they both find love and respect in the skill of their counterpart. The arc ends with their a joint creation, an allegory for their love.”
>The exorcist and his apprentice, traveling around and putting the dead to rest. Significant homoerotic subtext, no action.
>The spider assassin and the man who loves him. Absurd homoerotic overtext, all action.
>Two generals, once friends and now enemies, whose kingdoms unite to deal with an invasive threat far larger than either. One specializes in frontline tactics and sabotage, the other in training winged creatures to bring cavalry to the sky. Moderate lesbian undertones, ends with the enemy defeated and rapprochement between the kingdoms.
>The MC, a woman who interacts with all of them at some point whose questions that serve as a turning point in each arc - what is a partner in a world that rejects you? Do you think someone in the world is right for you? Her story is a single chapter at the end, alone, reading books and trying to find something that seems right to her. The story ends before she finds it.
>Fu's mother is a fujoshi
>Something sappy, one of Anjing's books. They aren't to your tastes, but your complaining should be loud and frequent enough to make her more eager to "Correct" you and thus understand you
I'm really tempted to write a book about the budding love appearing in the battlefield between a golden haired bitch and and a washed out drunk.
But Tian Mei may not appreciate that one.
>The spider assassin and the man who loves him. Absurd homoerotic overtext, all action.
Okay, I need to know who this one is based on.
I think the spider assassin is that anjing's brother we fought, the one that was very polite.
>She's a serious, calculating girl. So an intrigue heavy story and one with lots of daoist elements would be best and provide ample room for the two of you to discuss your daoists beliefs. How better to make her realize you are a fellow Daoist and not a complete heathen?
>Huan inspired one of the cultivators we bullied when we first got our human form to write a wish-fulfillment novel
I want to visit this sect just to dangle this over his head
>She's a serious, calculating girl. So an intrigue heavy story and one with lots of daoist elements would be best and provide ample room for the two of you to discuss your daoists beliefs. How better to make her realize you are a fellow Daoist and not a complete heathen?
While I find the first option funnier, a challenge of the minds will be more productive for our goals as well as letting us see into her mind a little bit. Also Gramps, I'm a little bit curious on what Tian Mei's name means since you didn't do the usual name translaton.
What >>5751103 said. The man he’s with isn’t based on anyone, he’s just a plot device to give Fu’s mother what she wants.

I picked the spider assassin so at least one character could be grounded semi-realistically and to add to the exoticism of the encounter. Fu’s mother has probably seen a lot, let’s give her something most wouldn’t dare to dream of writing, let alone do it.

All those extra arms will see their use…
Toss them in as low-key characters in the story with the two generals. They could be commanders to happen to get deployed to the same battlefields as their other counterpart, first as enemies then as part of the joint fighting forces. Perhaps they can have meltdowns on what all the death and fighting was for if they were going to stand with their enemies against another one. They can then cameo towards the end after the war is over as chatting and laughing with each other from a distance.

It turns it into a multi-leveled allegory where we’re the evil to be beaten, but the generals are our sisters so the evil could also be humanity. The greater moral is that enemies can find they have fewer differences than they think when a greater context is introduced. The story paints it as a war against a greater foe since everyone can understand that, but seeing that everything is under the Dao would also be acceptable. So the real lesson is that we need to be vigilant that narrow-mindedness isn’t making the world a more miserable place for no good reason, and having it take a war to realize that is a moral failing for all involved.
>Try to write one yourself, specifically to "De-claw" Tian Mei! How hard can it be (Artistry Trial DC variable (Higher result = better outcome)
>And show your human form at the end after asking her opinion on the book and declare that you wrote it.
>Something sappy, one of Anjing's books. They aren't to your tastes, but your complaining should be loud and frequent enough to make her more eager to "Correct" you and thus understand you
>Be in human form
>Try to write one yourself, specifically to "De-claw" Tian Mei! How hard can it be (Artistry Trial DC variable (Higher result = better outcome)
>Try to write one yourself, specifically to "De-claw" Tian Mei! How hard can it be (Artistry Trial DC variable (Higher result = better outcome)

I cannot resist picking this option. How did the quest get so slice-of-lifey again? Weren't we defending against an invasion force?
Our mother, big sister, little sisters, students and ourselves successfully won the battles.
This is the calm before we go on the counter-attack.
>She's a serious, calculating girl. So an intrigue heavy story and one with lots of daoist elements would be best and provide ample room for the two of you to discuss your daoists beliefs. How better to make her realize you are a fellow Daoist and not a complete heathen?
We're not an Author and there'd be no living with Yuyi if we wrote a bad one.
>She's a serious, calculating girl. So an intrigue heavy story and one with lots of daoist elements would be best and provide ample room for the two of you to discuss your daoists beliefs. How better to make her realize you are a fellow Daoist and not a complete heathen?

I would actually like to treat her with respect and in open debate.
>I would actually like to treat her with respect
We're a cat.
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I have crawled out of Mecha hell once more, Ending the vote, tallying its results.

Something sappy: 4

Try writing one yourself:5

An intrigue heavy story with a lot of daoist elements:4

show your human form at the end after asking her opinion on the book and declare that you wrote it:2

Very close vote this time around

But you'll try to write a novel of your own.

Update will arrive shortly

Pretty much, though its gonna heat up again soon, since word has probably reached Monu's old flame about his grandson's demise by now...

I'd actually really enjoy reading every part of that prompt myself. Though it feels mean casting Feiqing as an actual Ogre, hasn't he suffered enough?
> though its gonna heat up again soon, since word has probably reached Monu's old flame about his grandson's demise by now...
Oh boy, this'll be a interesting fight. Our raw talent vs how every many decades of experience he'll throw against us.
'But the problem is none of these books send the right message' You think despairingly as you continue to drift through the air, playing with Yanyu and Huian as they clamber over you and pull at your hair and notched ear 'And most of them would make it seem like I'm trying to insult her or worse, court her. And if its me, then she'd have no choice but to fall in love if she thought she had even a flea's chance at winning my heart. Thus is one downside of being irresistibly beautiful, I suppose"

Shuddering at the thought of an unwanted admirer and suitor, you make up your mind then and there that the only way to avoid pushing Tian Mei further into her prejudices against beasts and her belief of the righteousness of the nine heaven's rule or else making her become smitten with you and attempt to throw herself into your arms, neither of which are something you want, is to simply write your own story. Can't be too hard to write a book write? Penning a novel can't be a challenge, especially compared to all the rigors and trials of cultivating. Especially since you're a natural talent, anything you've put your mind to you've proven talented in one way or another, so writing shouldn't be any different right?

"Yah!" You cry out, more out of surprise than pain as Yanyu decides to poke your eye for some reason only known to her young mind. And she knew what she was doing, cause she giggles mischievously and closes one of her own eyes as tears well up in the one she poked. With her claw like nails. You glower at her, but your expression softens quickly. It wasn't like you were mad at her to begin with, and if it had happened to anyone but yourself, it would've been kind of funny. So instead of glaring at Yanyu, you stick your tongue out at her and tickle her with one hand, while you rub your chin with the other, Until Huian decides to tug on your arm, jealous of the tickles you're giving her more fierce minded sister.

Now with both of them occupied, and your hands to, your mind is free to wander and begin plotting out the story you'll present to the romantics in the reading club and Tian Mei. You have to put some thought into it, since it'll bear your name and you wouldn't want to make something as trashy and low brow as some of the other novels you've had to suffer. Even if they had some good parts between them, this one is going to be a Huanliuxue work! So it has to be a masterpiece! Or else you'll lose face and be humilated. You grind your teeth, imagining Yuyu teasing you for proudly showing off a story that's just as cheap and cliche as the ones you love to complain about.

But that can't happen! You're royalty! And your tastes are as refined as your cultivation and good looks! There's absolutely no way you'd write garbage.

So making up your mind and refusing to consider any other story besides one penned by your own hand, you get to work...once you've tired out both of Yuyi's daughters you were babysitting by playing with them and telling them child friendly versions of your adventures. But once both Yanyu and Huian have fallen asleep and have been safely carried to their beds by one of Yuyi's maids, you get to work!

Beginning by borrowing a few brushes and ink bottles from Yuyi and as many pages and scrolls of paper as you can carry in your arms, you hustle back to your temple and to your private chamber to begin writing the novel that'll take the world, the heavens and even hell by storm! Heh-Heh-Heh

"Now...how to begin it?" You ponder to yourself, covering your mouth with one hand while holding a ink soaked brush with the other. You sit there in silence, staring at the blank white page as a drop of ink falls from the tip of the brush. But you catch it before it can sully the page.

Sighing, you cross your legs and tap the end of the brush on the desk, struggling to figure out how to open your novel

roll 2d100. Best out of five. DC variable Higher results = better outcome
>I have crawled out of Mecha hell once more
It's a very good game, can't blame you.
Rolled 10, 58 = 68 (2d100)

Rolled 43, 71 = 114 (2d100)

Rolled 45, 97 = 142 (2d100)

please no 1,2 roll
Rolled 71, 14 = 85 (2d100)

Rolled 36, 7 = 43 (2d100)

Alright, 142. Astounding success.

Update will arrive shortly
Missed you asked this.

Well Mei means beautiful if its written like 美 and Tian means day, sky or heaven 天

So there's a few ways to read it, but she's one of the ones whose names don't have a lot of meaning behind it, like Lanfen or Qiang or Fu. Its just a name. Sorry if that's disappointing

Anyways back to writing writing
Well, it has to ensnare the reader immediately, catch their interest. Dumping a mountain of information about the setting, the character backstories or frivolous details about their looks or their surroundings will just bore them and encourage them to set down the book instead of reading further. It'd be best to sprinkle all of those descriptions and details throughout, naturally explaining things to make it all make sense. And since you're writing this to improve Tian Mei's perception of Ascended beasts and make her more amiable specifically to yourself, without going past fondness and leaping into outright attraction and desire, it would be beast to slowly introduce her to the idea that so many of her juniors have already accepted.

That by nature, beasts aren't demonic or dangerous. So starting off with a sympathetic perspective to demonic beasts such as yourself isn't the way forward. Nor is having the main character be of a beastly nature themselves. So they'll have to be human. And since people sympathize the most with characters they share traits with...


The brush in your hand snapped, as the realization that dawned on you as you began laying the grounwork for your masterpiece, building up its foundation piece by piece made you clench your jaw and both of your hands as a twinge of pain shot through you and made you cringe out of sheer distaste of what you knew you must do to best lure Tian Mei into liking you. But not too much. The Main character of the novel will have to be a beast hater. The sort of daoist you most abhor, the common breed of cultivator, a lackey of the nine heavens. But, while it pains you and nearly physically hurts you to make this decision, isn't it genius? Not just for convincing Tian Mei of the benign nature of most intelligent beasts, but also for teaching her and the other prisoners the truth of the nine heavens as you know it, and the history of their injustices and abuse of power and authority? If nothing else, slowly revealing it in text will certainly pry open their minds of stone and make it easier for them to accept the truth when you offer it to them.

It'll be like choking down poison, but this really is the best solution to the problem. Now you need to figure out the protagonists personality and the opening scene. Well, considering that everyone who you want to read this novel besides Yuyi and the girls has had to deal with the tragedies wrought by the pride of men and the arrogance of young masters, considering it was the ego of both Ling and Winter Blossoming Wisdom sects that lead to the war that only stopped when your existence was revealed to those squabbling morons, he'll be more likeable if he isn't of that type. More down to earth and humble and YES! Connected to nature! That's how he'll eventually come to love the romantic interest when she's a beast. He'll practice a cultivation law and method that requires a connection and respect for nature, to be in balance with it.

You'll just make one up, since the details of his techniques and abilities don't matter as much as his character and demeanor. And speaking about the romantic interest and secondary lead, what kind of person would they be, and more importantly what kind of animal? Humans favor some flavors of beast more than others, for appearances or temperament. While your first instinct would be to just make a stand in for yourself to show off how amazing you can be and your awesome power, quite a few humans have strange superstitions about cats and regard them as cruel and heartless, which certainly isn't true, but considering that the subtlty of convince someone to change their mind on matters they've held close to their hearts for most of their lives would be lost if you made a blatant stand in for yourself the female lead and that would make any lesson you wish to impart bounce off from their heads like a rubber ball...you'll have to make her her own "Person" and considering how easy it'd be to just write yourself in her role, you have to make sure they're little like yourself?

How about a rabbit? For some reason humans find rabbits cute. You don't. They're cry loudly when you bite into them and they're ruthless and violent to their own kind, but those who adore them only know the tamed sort who won't eat their own children or slaughter one another trying to win the right to mate or simple dominance . So a pet rabbit. A tamed beast.


You discard the now broken brush and grab another. Actually that's also a good idea. Sure rabbits in the wild are vicious little bastards with too little meat on their bones for how hard they are to catch, pet ones are sweet and affectionate and can apparently die if they get too lonely according to Lanfen, who had once told you of her desire to get a pet rabbit. You weren't certain why she hadn't already, maybe she thought it'd offend the beast disciples? Why would they care? You didn't. It'd be a stupid, witless beast so keeping it as a pet wasn't offensive.

Wait. Wait! That's golden! That's a perfect idea! She'll be a pet rabbit, and specifically the protagonists pet rabbit who awoke from the feelings of fondness and love between them! That adds conflict and a reason he won't just cut her down immediately. Unable to murder his one true companion and friend in his lonely, dutiful life, the protagonist will bend his morals and stay his hand. Ultimately he will spare her, but that gives you plenty of content to write between his struggle with his duty and his close bond with his former pet

And that also makes it easier for you to explain why she isn't hostile towards him and grows closer to him despite his duty as a hunter of demonic beasts. The set up for one falling for the other is as clear to you as the back of your own hand! And its brilliant.

Well now that the two main characters have had the foundations of their character, motivation and goals built up, you should think about the opening scene again.

You gnaw on the sandalwood handle of the third brush, savoring the aroma it releases as you chew it to splinters in thought. Bah, you're getting nowhere! Better come back to it. For now, you should think of the two main characters names and uh...the novel's title! If you have those figured out then starting to write will be easily done, won't it? Right?

Hmm, hmm. Well a name is often indicative of the contents of one's heart and their overall personality. Or at least the face they want to present the world if its an art name or a alias

The protagonist is a salt of the earth fellow, a humble, hard worker, Loyal and true to those who've earned it, Stern, terse and bristly around the edge but with a tender heart if one can make him open up to them, that's why he had a pet rabbit. He might be a badass but he has softer, more feminine side. Likes cute things, but isn't afraid to get his hand dirty, a loner and a wanderer, kind of like a rogue wolf. Wolf . Wolfish? WOLFISH! YES not a dog, but a wolf. You know wolves. So you'll take some of Huili's personality traits and mix them with Fu and....Feiqing. If it wasn't for his face, he'd make friends easily. And a bit of Qiang's dullness and curtness for his apparent personality, plus her nigh incapability of lying or acting. Yeah, now what kind of name would fit a man like this?

Xie ( 谢) , written as to thank, to apologize or to wither or decline will be a nice sounding surname, though it won't impact the symbolism of his personal name though it could be complimentary. Hmm.. Hmm, well he's spends a lot of his time in the wilderness, amongst trees. Pine tree...Pine tree.

Pine tree child? Pine tree Heir? That'd be Songér (枩儿. Kind of childish, kind of girly, but it makes a nice contrast with his outward appearance and solemn and severe demeanor.

Xie Songér!

And now about the rabbit. Well she'll be naïve, spoiled, energetic. The kind who gets clingy easily, entirely guileless, innocent and pure as untrodden snow. Lacking common sense and also fear because she was raised lovingly by Songér when she was just a rabbit. Smiles easily, curious...Hmm, but her name is one he'd give to her, since she was a put. You could call her Xuebai, snow white, like your sister, just to mess with her, but Tian Mei would surely remember that name and the pleasure you'd get at naming such a flighty girl after your elder sister isn't worth risking foiling your plan over. Hmm. What would Xie Songer name an adorable, white furred and fluffy pet rabbit?

White rabbit. He isn't a very creative man.

But you'll use Piao (皫) instead of bai (白) since he's formal and also because he imagines himself to be creative.

So Piao Tùzi. A cute name for a cute heroine.

And that gives you an idea for the name of the Novel.

Hare and Hunting Hound, and it'll be written 兔子与猎犬 (Tùziyǔlièquǎn), Which is really clever, since it can be also read as Giving a rabbit to a hunting Dog, or Hare together with Hunting dog. And since The hare is in the title now, you should probably write from Tuzi's perspective a couple of chapters, so as to give readers time to adjust to the idea of a beast being as gentle and kind as her and that she isn't an early enemy or temptation but a main character in her own right. So she'll be on equal footing with Songer!

Now to start writing the opening seen, introducing Songer and showing off how skillful he is at hunting beasts and how strong her is...but how will you do that and also show off his gentler side with his affection for the still dumb rabbit that becomes Piao Tuzi? Hmm. Well a fight would be good but it...it doesn't feel right

OH! OH! you should probably flesh out a few more characters first. Songers sect mates who can play the role of earlier antagonists or threats to his and Tuzi's relationship, and you should also figure out how Tuzi will get a human form early since it'd be weird for romance to start if she was just a rabbit and you should also name the sect, and a few others in the same region and map out the region and populate its lower realms with factions and intrigue and come up with some flashy names for Songer's martial techniques and mystical spells...And that should help you figure out how to open the novel.

By time you've finished fleshing out the world and the characters inhabiting it, there are four stacks of paper as high as you are tall and the sun is setting.

And you're getting desperate. This is a bottleneck harder to by pass than the three you've broken through in your cultivation, not that that's saying much since you meditated through one without even realizing you hit it!

You scream and pull at your hair, slumping against the desk.

And then an idea! You're just too tense, you need to relax, you're trying to force a breakthrough, and you can't force brilliance. You need to be calm and serene of mind.

You frown, furrowing your brow and wrinkling your nose. There are ways to calm down that are pleasant and enjoyable, but the problem is you're overthinking things as well as stressing over making the opening words perfect. Just doing what you usually do and practicing the ancestral art of relaxing passed down through generations of house cats won't be enough.

You stomp out of your room, and return to it with a bottle of stolen wine and anything sweet you can find in the sect's kitchens. You hate how liquor tastes and smells, but with a human tongue, you can taste sweetness. So you just need to sweeten it to hell and back, and then you can drink away your stress and dull your overthinking with intoxication.

What happens next is a blur. But when you wake up, you've lost your clothes, have a few more bottles of liquor and empty plates of food around your room. And you aren't in your room but Feiqing's thankfully empty forge, covered in sweat

And have a fully written and bound book laid out on your lap.

You're also covered head to toe in ink, and in some places have clearly doodled on yourself words of encouragement or stick figures playing out what you guess to be scenes from Hare and Hunting Hound. Fearing the worst, you hesitantly open up the book to its first page, expecting a jumbled incoherent mess.

You are instead blown away to find that its exactly as great as you imagined it to be! The opening sentence just suck you into the imaginary world you crafted, the prose being smooth and tantilizing. Songer's voice is expertly translated, in fact he's so realistically and well written, he feels like a real person rather than a fictional character.

You sit down, not bothering to dress yourself, your head throbbing and aching terribly and the world being too bright and wobbly anyways for you to dare to leave the nice dark forge. So with a pounding head, you begin reading, and as you go through it begin to remember the story you wrote and the writing process. But you read it cover to cover and through the glossary, timeline and the travel guide for the fake world you made, in what has to be a record setting pace. Its beautiful, a true masterpiece worthy to bear your name

With tears in your eyes, you hug the book close to your chest, crying not just because of how wonderfully you succeeded, but also the beauty of the story between Xie Songer and Piao Tuzi. A slow burn, pure and innocent romance. And this is just the first volume of it! The ending isn't a cliff hanger, but a promise of new adventures and a deepening bond, through both of the main character's perspectives, showing how far their affections had grown and deepened over their adventure together in search of answers for why Tuzi became a demonic beast and Songer' battle to protect her, not just against his fellow beast hunters, but from his own sense of duty!

All that was left now was to introduce Tian Mei to the book club, and present them with a few of the first copies of a Hare and Hunting Hound!

Though you don't feel ready to reveal your human self to Tian Mei, even if reading and turning pages is awkward in a feline body, and even if the world of cultivation knows that at least Tiexingege can turn human, you just don't think it is time to show that trick yet, so you'll keep it hidden away in your sleeve.

Tian Mei is as silent as a corpse as you lead her from the mountain and into Fu's city in your natural form, and she wears an expression like she's chewing on a sour lime the whole walk there and through the streets, looking disgusted by everything she sees and how the people under your rule adore and respect you.

Nothing changes as you introduce her to Yuyi, Who you warned ahead of time to make sure her daughters were out of the house before you brought Tian Mei out of her room, Shu, Old lady Fan and Yingtai, who despite Mei's rudeness, greet her warmly and kindly, introducing themselves in that order and telling her a bit about themselves.

Old lady fan manages to get Tian Mei to say her name, which might've been because her defiance was worn away by the sheer confusion of why you'd brought her out of the mountain and down to the city. You could practically see smoke spilling out of her ears as she struggled to figure out what you were planning, and how bringing her to this house to meet some ordinary women and girls fits in with all the intel she gathered and conclusions she's drawn while being cooped up in her room with only your pleasant self as company.

She faints when Yuyi hands her a book, and she realizes exactly why you brought her here. Not for any villainous shame or plot to kill her off out of sight from her fellow daoists whom you have already lead astray, but to read romance novels and drink tea. With people who she must think are insane, for reading and having tea with a demonic beast. She must've gotten her head steamed by struggling to comprehend that. Heh-Heh-Heh.

But once you manage to wake her, she relaxes enough to obediently read along with you, and the rest of the book club. With only a little forcing and glimpses of your imperial aura.

And while at first she stubbornly resists any attempt at conversation, and while that doesn't change, the reason it does does. Since at first she simply refuses to speak to anyone under the sway of the demon Huanliuxue, soon she's so enamoured and consumed by Xie Songer and Piao Tuzi's journey that she simply can't hear what anyone says to her. Even if you shout in her ear.

And while Shu's mind has wandered off to fantasize about The old, white haired sect head of the Beast Subjugation Sect (野兽征服) and poor Songer, Yuyi, Old Fan and Yingtai are nearly as obsessed with the story and burn through it with madness in their eyes while you laugh and laugh and laugh in exultant triumph

"You..you had to have enchanted this book" Tian Mei sobs, tears falling down her cheek in two great rivers as she reaches the half way mark and what you consider the most heart wrenching scene in the book "That's the only..only explanation for this"

"So goood!" Yuyi cries, also crying nearly as much as the cultivator sitting on the couch beside her who could turn her to red dust with a flick of her wrist, a worry that the meek doctor has completely forgotten

"Oh I am so glad I lived long enough to read this, thank you lady Huanliuxue, so bitter sweet" Old Fan says, much more composed, though her eyes too are misting over. Shu meanwhile isn't reacting at all to the drama, involving The Old Sect head's past and the reason he founded the beast subjugation sect to begin with.
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Namely that he was forced to kill a beast whom he was friends with, who had fallen to the temptation of actual demonic cultivation. But that's just because she hasn't read that the demon horse was a Stallion. You like Fu's mother too much to not throw her a bone with a glimpse of cut sleevery.

And, with that, Tian Mei is declawed and has become much less aggressive, confrontational and on edge, though you watch her a few days to be certain. Her opinion of Monu hasn't changed, but she doesn't look at everything around her like it needs to be cleansed from the world with fire. And while she hasn't called you or any other Beast demon since she read that book, she is still wary of them and you, though you have managed to get her to at least entertain the idea that the heavens may not be entirely above suspicion, but for now she seems to firmly believe while they may not be entirely justified in their approach to awakened beasts, they are merely apathetic rather than outright corrupt and in a needing of being torn down.

"That witch made actual demonic beasts" She explains when you question why she still looks at your mother with contempt "Man eaters and malevolent tricksters. You'd do well to cut ties with her"

And while she rushed away before you could point out that meant she didn't see you as the sort of monster she'd been taught Xuebai was, you still allowed a smirk to cross your face and a purr to rumble in your throat. Since that proved that her perception of beasts and you was almost the same as her more easily swayed juniors

double vote

What is the final push you give to fully "Corrupt" Tian Mei (Can succeed or fail)

>Meet her in her room in your human form, pretending to be an eager and curious Outer disciple of the palace of natural laws sect, and listen to her thoughts of demonic beasts, before revealing your identity and exactly how you achieved a human form, by understanding humanity and feeling "human"

>Force Monu to sit down with her and tell her side of her and xuebai's story and what actually happened to lead her to being branded a witch and heretic

>Let Qinxin handle it, since he has experience being convinced to forsake the views that once dominated his world view already

>"Accidentally" drop a manual detailing demonic beast creation outside of her room

>Write in

And What do you after the successful start of the conversion of your prisoners, Huanliuxue

>Head to Suiqi before it gets attacked by a cultivator your students can't fend off, and "adopt' The villages and towns along the way, chasing away the blizzard as you do so

>Figure out why the Ling have stopped attacking your sect's borders

>Release your converted prisoners, or at least the ones who want to leave, to spread word of your mercy and courtesy

>Look to the other local sects, and figure out which of them might be willing to make an alliance. You may be strong, but facing down the full might of two larger sects alone? That's suicidal

>write in
>Meet her in her room in your human form, pretending to be an eager and curious Outer disciple of the palace of natural laws sect, and listen to her thoughts of demonic beasts, before revealing your identity and exactly how you achieved a human form, by understanding humanity and feeling "human"

>Look to the other local sects, and figure out which of them might be willing to make an alliance. You may be strong, but facing down the full might of two larger sects alone? That's suicidal
>Meet her in her room in your human form, pretending to be an eager and curious Outer disciple of the palace of natural laws sect, and listen to her thoughts of demonic beasts, before revealing your identity and exactly how you achieved a human form, by understanding humanity and feeling "human"
>Release your converted prisoners, or at least the ones who want to leave, to spread word of your mercy and courtesy
>Force Monu to sit down with her and tell her side of her and xuebai's story and what actually happened to lead her to being branded a witch and heretic
>Look to the other local sects, and figure out which of them might be willing to make an alliance. You may be strong, but facing down the full might of two larger sects alone? That's suicidal
>Let Qinxin handle it, since he has experience being convinced to forsake the views that once dominated his world view already

>Figure out why the Ling have stopped attacking your sect's borders
>Meet her in her room

>Head to Suiqi

Guys please remember that Monu was almost a complete villain in her youth and sorta is now.
their "true accounts" are still with them as not rightious.
>>Meet her in her room in your human form, pretending to be an eager and curious Outer disciple of the palace of natural laws sect, and listen to her thoughts of demonic beasts, before revealing your identity and exactly how you achieved a human form, by understanding humanity and feeling "human"
>Head to Suiqi before it gets attacked by a cultivator your students can't fend off, and "adopt' The villages and towns along the way, chasing away the blizzard as you do so
I would watch this donghua so hard.
Also lol at Huan falling under the worldbuilder's curse.
>Yanyu decides to poke your eye

>Meet her in her room
I think this is a good usage. So long as we keep her prisoner, our guise won't lose potency against our current foes.
>Head to Suiqi before it gets attacked by a cultivator your students can't fend off, and "adopt' The villages and towns along the way, chasing away the blizzard as you do so
>write in
The blizzard is still raging. Placing a storm on the world and keeping it going isn't a cheap power.
Someone, something, sustains it. Array, artifect, so on. Even if we dispel it, they can double down can't they?
Maybe a little change of targets could benefit us greatly in the long term? I'd like to try tracing its source to see if it's within their sect, or something they setup outside it. Attacking it would be decided later depending on its qualities.

Monu did call us her redemption. And this would be the third, fourth? time another cultivator from her sect said she raised multiple demonic beasts, while we only truly know of two. Neither have referenced others.
Maybe we don't need to know? It's not like we're too stupid to guess a previous version of Monu is someone our current self may not have mercy for, if the worst potential implications are true.

Even if they are, it isn't relevant. Monu raised us without a yoke or any direct means of controlling magical beasts.
>Meet her in her room in your human form, pretending to be an eager and curious Outer disciple of the palace of natural laws sect, and listen to her thoughts of demonic beasts, before revealing your identity and exactly how you achieved a human form, by understanding humanity and feeling "human"


>Release your converted prisoners, or at least the ones who want to leave, to spread word of your mercy and courtesy
>Meet her in her room in your human form, pretending to be an eager and curious Outer disciple of the palace of natural laws sect, and listen to her thoughts of demonic beasts, before revealing your identity and exactly how you achieved a human form, by understanding humanity and feeling "human"

>Head to Suiqi before it gets attacked by a cultivator your students can't fend off, and "adopt' The villages and towns along the way, chasing away the blizzard as you do so
Do NOT let the prisoners go.
>Let Qinxin handle it, since he has experience being convinced to forsake the views that once dominated his world view already
>Look to the other local sects, and figure out which of them might be willing to make an alliance. You may be strong, but facing down the full might of two larger sects alone? That's suicidal
>Meet her in her room in your human form, pretending to be an eager and curious Outer disciple of the palace of natural laws sect, and listen to her thoughts of demonic beasts, before revealing your identity and exactly how you achieved a human form, by understanding humanity and feeling "human"
>Release your converted prisoners, or at least the ones who want to leave, to spread word of your mercy and courtesy
Sorry, but Huan's writing is how I'm am now going to interpret how you write Grandfather, going into a trance and waking up with some words.
>Meet her in her room in your human form, pretending to be an eager and curious Outer disciple of the palace of natural laws sect, and listen to her thoughts of demonic beasts, before revealing your identity and exactly how you achieved a human form, by understanding humanity and feeling "human"
>Look to the other local sects, and figure out which of them might be willing to make an alliance. You may be strong, but facing down the full might of two larger sects alone? That's suicidal
5 colors if they're close enough is my first choice, but I imagine we'll be given more options.
>Present her with a straightforward challenge - work with her to show you a path in which demonic beasts such as yourself can rightly exist. As you two flesh out that vision, present her with the various teachings and knowledge you’ve acquired during your studies on the history of beasts, culminating on the distinction between humanity and beasts and how beasts surpass that gap, so that when she fails to see a peaceful path she’ll also see how cruel and unjust the status quo is.
If you want to break her heart, give her the chance to stop the madness. She’ll eventually learn we’re just the latest symptom of a war that has gone on for centuries, and neither of us is good enough to see how to resolve it peacefully. The grudges have been left to poison the world for too long.

>Figure out why the Ling have stopped attacking your sect's borders
I’m okay with any of the choices here though.
>Head to Suiqi before it gets attacked by a cultivator your students can't fend off, and "adopt' The villages and towns along the way, chasing away the blizzard as you do so
>>Meet her in her room in your human form, pretending to be an eager and curious Outer disciple of the palace of natural laws sect, and listen to her thoughts of demonic beasts, before revealing your identity and exactly how you achieved a human form, by understanding humanity and feeling "human"

>Head to Suiqi before it gets attacked by a cultivator your students can't fend off, and "adopt' The villages and towns along the way, chasing away the blizzard as you do so
>Votes - 15

>Meet her in her room in your human form - 10

>Force Monu to sit down with her - 1

>Let Qinxin handle it - 2

>Present her with a straightforward challenge - 1

>Look to the other local sects - 4

>Release your converted prisoners - 3

>Figure out why the Ling - 1

>Head to Suiqi - 6

>>5753913 hasn't voted for the first vote
>>Meet her in her room in your human form, pretending to be an eager and curious Outer disciple of the palace of natural laws sect, and listen to her thoughts of demonic beasts, before revealing your identity and exactly how you achieved a human form, by understanding humanity and feeling "human"
>>Look to the other local sects, and figure out which of them might be willing to make an alliance. You may be strong, but facing down the full might of two larger sects alone? That's suicidal
>>Meet her in her room in your human form, pretending to be an eager and curious Outer disciple of the palace of natural laws sect, and listen to her thoughts of demonic beasts, before revealing your identity and exactly how you achieved a human form, by understanding humanity and feeling "human"
>>Look to the other local sects, and figure out which of them might be willing to make an alliance. You may be strong, but facing down the full might of two larger sects alone? That's suicidal

Buddhists are pretty much our ally no? Can we send an envoy?
Not sure how powerful they’d be, but I’d include them regardless. They’ve done right by us.

I’m also now imagining letting them tag along for a trip to hell, setting up a forum, and holding a religious expo so they can try converting there. It’s a pretty hardcore religion given one of its tenets is that existence is suffering, so I imagine a few disciples might be willful enough to consider preaching to demons.

Get a daoist to join them, see if you can pull in faiths from elsewhere (in hell, of course) for dialogs, then head back to the living world after a week or so with whatever manuals and texts we can convince participants to part with.
>buddhist in hell
>"We'll pull your soul out and use it to floss our teeth"
>"Cheers bro, it'll be an experience. When you get your chance we will understand each other better."
How do you torture dudes who are willing to set themselves on fire just to make a point? Hell never stood a chance.
Ending the vote now.

A thousand accolades for the illustrious tally anon's diligence and loyalty

And with the two votes added after their tally

You'll meet Tian Mei in her room in your human form, pretending to be an eager and curious outer disciple of the palace of natural laws

And since there is a tie in the second option, with both going to Suiqi and reaching out to the other sects having 6 votes a piece, I've decided after some deep meditations that the two are not mutually exclusive so there's no need to tie break, but Huan will send a messenger in her place while seeking an alliance with one (or multiple) of the local sects. Since that makes sense to me

Update will arrive shortly

this is gonna be the largest update ever in the quest, finishing it up now
Even larger then the cultivation breakthrough and the human form unlocking?
Pretty sure
Which meant the present was the perfect time to decisively strike down her beliefs once and for all and fully and completely "corrupt" her. Since the moment she steps out of the lines drawn and planned from her since she became a cultivator of the orthodox flavor, she will surely be branded a heretic, apostate or diabolist of some manner by the old codgers and dementia stricken fossils who are as much slaves as they are the masters of the traditions and laws they and their predecessors have obediently practiced and propped up, sealing and forbidding anything not approved by the usurpers in the heavenly realm. How sweet it will be to lead such a paragon of that self serving heavenly mandate astray and reveal to her the full breadth of the dao and Qi cultivation. Why you're giddy just imagining it!

And of course the best way to drive a stake through her once unshakeable belief in the righteousness of the nine heavens, is to let her meander over the unseen line that separates the dogs in the cages from the wolves running wild and free in pursuit of whatever destiny awaits them at the end of their long journey. The way cultivators should live and act. However she won't stumble into the "heretical" lifestyle on her on, that head on her shoulders is piggish and stubborn, even after being forced to admit that not all intelligent beasts are monsters Tian Mei still tightly clings to other delusions and outright lies that that realization should've done away with. But rather than tearing out her nails by pulling her from her anchor of self delusion, you'll just wiggle it out of her hands until she can stand on her own, without ten generations of lies at her back.

But approaching her openly will just make her suspicious again and set back her enlightenment or in the worst case lead her to willingly strike herself blind. She has a proud mind and strong conviction, even if her views on magical beasts have been gradually softening, she remains wary of them. That caution could easily turn to paranoia. You'll have to treat her like an easily startled animal, like a rabbit. Approaching her too loudly and obnoxiously will just send her fleeing back into blissful ignorance.

So it is a good thing she's never seen you in your equally beautiful human form, and that anyone who knows of it was smart enough to keep their mouth shut about it around her and anyone else who you want to keep it a secret from. Sometimes a bit of common sense is worth more than the rarer kinds of wisdoms and cunning.

So, you hatch a plan on the fly, improving as you approach her room. First, instead of heading for your own closet and supply of fine and luxurious clothes and jewelry, you instead waltz into the outer disciples shared dormitories, the ones specifically for those without the talent or potential to cultivate even the lowest levels of Qi condensation, with murky meridians and naturally seal acupoints.

There's only a few of that sorry lot milling around, as most of them are busy with their daily chores, probably tending to the farms and fish ponds higher in the mountain or organizing the various medicinal and cultivation supplies or sweeping the temple grounds. They stand at attention, cupping their fists and bowing as you intrude upon their humble accommodations, none of them daring to speak to you, their Sect head, or else being to stunned by your beautiful face, enviable body or graceful movements as you walk down the length of their shared quarters, inspecting each of the female disciples bodies closely, quietly measuring them against your own frame. A few of them blush fiercely for some reason and look away meekly as you narrow down your search for a similar build to a handful of them and begin to more closely and rigorously inspect them, standing beside them to see which of them is nearest to your height with a similar shoulder width and arm length.

You need to borrow a set of basic, uncustomized and unadorned daoist robes, since none of your wardrobe looks like something a naïve and innocent new recruit would wear. Damn your extravagant and regal tastes! For once your fashion sense has become your down fall. For some reason, the girl who you end up borrowing clothes from seems disappointed when you tell her that's why you were lining her and her martial sisters up and inspecting your bodies. You don't get why she would be, maybe she though you were looking for someone to fill the prestigious and perilous position of your body double? Who knows, you certainly don't.

Taking the red and pink robes and leaving, you make a quick stop at your personal quarters to wash your face of the makeup you'd put on, since again, your unique design and way of wearing your make up is far too elegant to pass for something a girl who just stepped into the world of cultivation would dare or even be capable of wearing. That and your favorite cosmetics are also very pricey, when they aren't homemade by you or Monu. Luckily, you still have some of the cosmetics you borrowed from Yuyi and wore while you were possessing her body. Resisting the urge to simply copy cat the way you wore them back when you wore the good doctor like a coat, you purposefully hide away your natural, stunning beauty with a thick layer of foundation and powder over your face and even mar it further with a few fake freckles dotted over your nose and cheeks. You smirk, giggling when you accidentally make a glum face that makes your disguise somewhat resemble Jionghuagege's human face, you set down the powder and look over the crime against yourself and nature from a few different angles to make sure the illusion of plainness won't fall apart if you're viewed from a certain perspective or lighting.

Before realizing you got carried away in your excitement and start undoing all of your hard work de-beautifying yourself.

Since going to such lengths to disguise yourself would just make you seem more suspicious when you reveal your identity, as fun and challenging as it was making yourself look utterly unremarkable and plain, like Yuyi. It'll just be a pain in the ass later. So you quickly wash your face again and scrub the excessive layer of makeup off your face and out of your pores, and decide to not put any more effort or waste any more time messing around with makeup, your natural beauty is more stunning by itself after all. And since you remembered that there's no reason to disguise yourself beyond your clothing and demeanor, that means you also don't need to tackle the challenge of combing your beautiful crimson hair into any sort of a style and can just leave it to its natural flow and shape. Which is a weight off of your shoulders nearly as vast as that of the nine heavens. But you still give it a quick comb and brushing, and spritz it with a bit of perfume for a subtle floral scent.

Then, giving yourself one last look in the mirror and taking a few moments to tear your eyes away from the kingdom shattering beauty looking back at you, you head to Tian Mei's quarters practicing the mannerisms and posture of the fake disciple you're pretending to be for a few moments. Your elegant swagger turns into an eager, jubilant skip as you close in on your prey and the smirk your expression defaults to stretches into a gleaming grin as your eyes sparkle with a pretend curiosity as you pull your fists back and pause, wondering if your usual manner of knocking would blow your cover.

You shrug, and rap your knuckles against the door, only taking care to not put so much strength behind them that you break it down.

There's a clattering inside Tian Mei's room, and you hear something fall over with a crash. Tian Mei clicks her tongue and can hear her sweeping something hurriedly before walking up to the door and opening it a crack to peer out into the hallway. Having suppressed your aura and hidden your cultivation, she has no way of knowing who you are! Though her eyes linger a bit too long on your blood red hair, but that's to be expected, very few people have that color of hair. Its a rare hue. You can only think of yourself, Qiang and Yuyi's four daughters, so of course having red hair, especially as vivid and colorful as your own, would stand out and draw attention.

Her sharp eyes soften, relaxing as she drags them away from your blood red crown to look at the innocent smile on your face, and bright sparkling eyes.

"Were you sent to check in on me?" She asks kindly and happily, opening the door a bit wider "I wasn't doing anything suspicious, just writing in my journal"

She keeps a diary? This is the first time you've heard about it

"Hmm, no!" You chipperly exclaim back at her, holding your hands behind your back as you, uninvited, push past her and enter into her room.

Shockingly, she doesn't shout at you or push you back, but keeps a close eye on you as you waltz up to the window and make a show of being amazed by the view outside of it, while secretly checking that she isn't lying about her diary and wasn't sending a secret message to her sect...somehow.

You wince when you see what was the cause of the crashing sound you heard, a flower pot made out of fine porcelain lies beneath her bed, in pieces, clearly hurriedly hidden even though streaks of water were left behind it. She's going to pay to replace that

"Then why are you here?" She asks slowly, lifting an eyebrow as she glances down the corridor "I'd have thought it'd be forbidden to visit prisoners here"

"Why would it be?" You asks blithely, smiling ear to ear, fretting internally if it looked overly cat like like, blinking rapidly before pouting "Wait you're a prisoner? I didn't notice. That'd explain why you're wearing different colored robes than the sect uniform, I was curious about that"

She purses her lips and crosses her arms, stepping out of the door way so as not to cut off your one escape route besides the window, eyeing you up and down

"Is that so?" She says with smirk and titter "Do you make a habit of forcing your way into other's rooms without being announced or asking? Isn't there a saying about curiosity and a cat"

Fuck is she on to you? You smile to keep from reacting if she is and just shrug

"I wouldn't know, I just want to get to know all of the faces of my seniors, even if you aren't one" You say, acting as sweet and innocent as you possibly can, doing your best to seem like a harmless, if overeager, newly weaned recruit "Besides, its not like you're dangerous if you're kept in a luxurious room like this! Are you sure you're a prisoner"

"I..I don't know" She stammers, scratching the back of her head awkwardly as she looks down the hall again as if expecting a handler to come racing to drag you out of her room and hair "That's been bothering me. Usually prisoners are stuck in dark, dank cells and denied food, unless they come from a good family or have enough of a reputation to demand respect"

Another sign of the incompetence of the orthodox sects. That just breeds resentment that can easily ferment into grudges. Was the only reason there was peace in the world of cultivation because they hadn't fought any battles where prisoners could be taken to be abused and mistreated until the Ling tried to throw their weight around with baseless accusations and dragged the sects of The Ling and Chuan lands into war all for the sake of their egos.

"You don't think that makes sense do you?" She sighs, sitting down on her bed and slouching forward "You're furrowing your brow like I'm talking a different language"

"It really doesn't" You admitted with a nod of your head "Shouldn't you be thankful at least, that you aren't being mistreated here miss..."

"Tian" She answers with a nod of her head and strange smile "And I am, but I feel guilty as well. I was expected to die, not be captured and treated like a spoiled pet. I thought I'd be tortured, not given a comfortable bed in a luxury suite"

"Why? Because the sect head is a cat? Cats aren't cruel by nature you know" You ask energetically, prancing up to sit beside her, making the bed bounce as you flop onto it "And isn't being a pet an easier life than cultivating?"

"Because that's what heretics should do!" She snaps, gritting her teeth "And its humiliating, I'm not even considered enough of a threat to chain up! If the Guardians of the Celestial Sunlight or any of their toadies caught me, the best I could hope for was execution. I didn't even dare to think of what would happen if an actual demonic sect captured me"

"But the palace of natural laws isn't one" You answer airily, scooting closer to her but allowing her some room to breath before pressing her with more questions and unrelenting curiosity "Everyone here is kind and welcoming, they aren't strict or demanding and I've never been more free in my life"

She looks at you blankly, mouth parted in disbelief

"Clearly" She says with a roll of her eyes "And that's the problem, it makes no sense. I've been on guard, waiting for the other foot to drop, but nothing has happened. My juniors have started to lose their respect for the heavens and grow fond of that beast leading this pack of outcasts, to the point of blasphemy in some case, but they haven't been struck down for it, or changed and become heartless"

You smile a bit more. Its working!

"Some of the guardians even made amends with that Qinxin fellow, who they accused outright of being a demon worshiper when we first arrived here" She continues to rant "And even though I thought his reasonings were ridiculous, they only make more sense the longer I'm cooped up here! The people here are ruled by a man eating demon, but rather than suffering, they're flourishing, quiet happily. They live amongst ghosts and half beast abominations and idolize the kind of monster cultivators should be protecting them from, yet she's doing a better job of keeping them safe and content! Its infuriating"

"Do you have something against beast cultivators?" You ask, interrupting her and she reacts as if you'd just stabbed her in the heart

"No I..." She stammers again, shutting her eyes and gnashing her teeth "It just...doesn't make any sense! Its common sense that sapient beasts are inhuman by nature, with cruel characters, driven by greed and their own ambition. They're animals, all they care about is their own survival and hunger"

Your jaw involuntarily twitches as you hold back the urge to slap her hard enough to shatter her jaw for saying something so mean and rude.

"That is what we're taught. It's been imparted down the generations, from master to student. They're monsters, that's what they've always been" She raves on, biting the back of her knuckle hard enough to draw blood "Every cultivator has heard stories, the personal experiences of their seniors meeting with these monsters, warnings of those who lowered their guard around them, accounts of their rampages and stampedes but...but"

"But?" You press, scooting closer and biting your tongue to keep from grinning ear to ear in delight

"These beasts are different. Even that ant brat" She says, as you hold down your hand to keep from striking her for referring to Tie-Tie as a brat "Are way to human! They aren't acting like they usually do! They aren't devouring people, they aren't abusing them or demanding tithes of blood and lives, they're just..."

"Living like cultivators, why is that so surprising. If they're as smart as people, surely they wouldn't act like brutes" You state, tapping a finger on your chin with a huff and a sigh "Why is it bothering you so much that they aren't acting like monsters to scare misbehaving children"

"You're accustomed to this, this is the world of cultivation you know, it isn't supposed to be like this" She growls, eyes narrowed into snake like slits "I know, I've studied the records and have encountered my fair share of demonic beasts. None of them have acted like this, ever. But it isn't an anomaly with some pampered house cat retaining its fondness of humanity and acting weird"

Maybe you should just tear out her heart. Pampered? How are you pampered!

"There's that bee who sheltered her enemies and tended to their wounds, whose more polite and well mannered than half of my generation of cultivators" She continues on, sounding panicked now "And her little sister the ant might be bloodthirsty, but she cares about protecting the weak as much as she does finding strong opponents. And that Owl has been keeping the law in a land that has become consumed by anarchy in all levels, from the mortal realm to ours!"

"Big brother Siwang is cool!" You chirp happily, nodding in agreement

"They aren't being forced to abided by the rules of the stronger beast, they're just living in harmony with the people they should be predating upon. They build and nurture instead of burn and tear down!" She yells, ignoring your comment about Siwang's admirable nature "instead of devouring us to strengthen themselves, that cat put us in rooms fit for royalty! She lets us wanderer around and barely keeps us in check"

"Didn't you complain about that being humiliating?" You ask teasingly, kicking your feet back and forth "And it sounds like you're ashamed for assuming they were monsters to begin with"

Her expression darkens and she wraps her hands together, bringing them up to her mouth and bowing her head as she taps her foot on the ground.

"Yes. Because the longer I'm in their company and see how peacefully they live while not being hunted and pursued, the more I wonder....if I just imagined the monstrosity of the one's I've met before" She admits "And I can't..I can't stand the thought. I..I've killed my fellow daoists in this worthless war, but that was in self defense, or to protect my comrades or for revenge. It was never without purpose or reason"

"You could always wash your hands of guilt, find an excuse for why it wasn't murder" You answer, seemingly baffling her with your suddenly sagely wisdom

"I could run away from it yes, but how can I ask bones how they lived?" Tian mei answered wearily, unaware you had a dozen ways of doing just that "When I didn't listen what they had to say when they were alive, didn't pause to let them speak or consider how they were living. When a beast was found, there were always bodies nearby, corpses. But now I wonder if it was just a coincidence, when the beasts in this sect are so"

"Kind? Peaceful? Wise? Not causing problems or doing evil?" You assault her with suggestions, urging her forward

"Yes" She answers plainly "And that the only evil one is that witch, Even local heroes that my sect had marked for recruitment live alongside the demonic beasts living in this sect without complaint. It makes me wonder, how blind we've been and if the violent nature of demonic beasts is only cause because our first reaction is to hunt them down. If they can live so peacefully when left alone then why do we need to protect people from them. It doesn't make sense, surely the elders in their wisdom would've realized this by now. So why is part of our divine mission to hunt them, if they can just coexist"

"Well, I don't recruit every beast I come across" You sigh, adopting your usual speech patterns, tone and mannerism, flippantly waving a hand "Some by nature or choice can't live with humans, either they have a taste for their flesh or are too violent or instinct driven, or have lived alone so long the struggle to stay alive has kept them selfish even when their breadth of emotions expands and becomes far more colorful and complex"

"Eh?" She says, as you sigh in relief. So she didn't catch on it was you after all. You were worried with how she was acting that she was just playing along, with how perspective she's proven herself to be while in captivity.

"But many of them are never given a chance to mature, to learn to be more than their instincts, to live life beyond fulfilling basic necessities" You continue on, as she scrambles back, finally realizing exactly who you are as your purposefully smile in an overtly feline manner, and brush back your hair to reveal your slightly pointed ears and the unmistakable notch in one of them

"Huanliuxue!" She gasps, blinking rapidly

"You're right, many of them wallow in filth and mud like the mindless beasts they were born as, because they never learn there is life beyond it. They're hunted, chased away or killed before they can. And anyone who could teach them, thinks they're man eating monsters by birth. Its Kind of a self fulfilling prophecy since Qi rich flesh tastes more delicious and nutritious, so the few who get lucky and kill their hunters become monsters and man eaters" You continue on sorrowfully, reflecting on the sorry lot most of your kind lives, and one of the reasons you founded the palace of natural laws "They can barely rub the sleep from their eyes and become fully aware of the world around them, before they're put down or learn to hate humanity for their own sake"

"Aha! I knew you were hiding something! At last you reveal your wickedness!" She accused, jabbing a finger at you

"I've never hidden the fact I have tasted human flesh. I speak from experience, I was born from a grudge ya know!" You shout back, incensed by her accusation "And even then I only hunted people to fulfill that grudge, out of hatred for the colors they wore and loyalty to"

"You stole some poor girls body! I knew it was suspicious that doctor had four children effected by the wave of primordial beast energy! Especially with how young they looked!" She shouts as your jaw drops and you can't help but laugh

"Eh? No! This is my body" You laugh so hard it makes your stomach hurt," I earned this, I worked hard for this"

Her triumphant expression flips to a baffled frown, making her look like a puppy yelled for tearing up a silk sheet

"See, what I was trying to tell you before you got excited, if beasts are actually allowed to live, to fully open their eyes and awaken to the world, they'll usually turn out as well as any other kid" You cackle, still laughing despite the seriousness of the conversation "But most don't get the chance, even as their thoughts become more complex and their minds deepen, they have no one to raise them and live short, dirty lives in the wilderness, as beasts, never pushing or refining their minds more than they need to. Some are content, for a time until"

"Oh" Tian Mei gasps before her eyes sharpened "If you didn't steal that body from someone else then..."

You flick her forehead

"Don't interrupt me!" You shout angrily "As I was saying, they're content to continue on living as they used to, happily ignorant of their place in the world or their potential until someone like you, slaughters them for the crime of existing "

"No, you are telling me exactly how you turned human if you didn't forcefully take someone else's body MMMPhg!" She yells back angrily before you cover her mouth and press her head against the nice, sturdy stone wall, her eyes bulging out and her cheek reddening as you hiss "Shh" at her while forcing her mouth shut

"As I was saying, or else, they taste meat with an unusual amount of Qi inside of it. Like I did when I ate Ling Meng's putrid coprse. Now this is where most beasts stop, realizing there's some humans with power in their blood and flesh they can take and then die because absorbing Qi like that is a shitty way of gathering it! And even a wet around the ears Qi Condensation novices has a good chance at killing them before they get too powerful" You manically lecture, leaning so close to her as to press your brow against hers, pressing her harder against the wall and climbing on top of her "I, though the heavens really hate my guts, have pretty good luck, cause I met Monu, who taught me all about Qi and how to gather it inside of myself through breathing exercises, meditation and how to move it through my meridians to refine it. And more importantly, she told me about the world that hated me because I was born with fur, fangs and claws"

Tian Mei relaxes, going limp beneath you

"That's a sore point, cause, you know how crazily talented and strong I am! I am overflowing with potential and genius! Yet your elders treated me like any other beasts gotten fat and content on the easiest prey around" You snarl and spit, barring your teeth like fangs "And would've killed me long ago if I didn't hide away. And somehow, I ended up more righteous than most of them! Even though I practice a cultivation law following heretical daos, even though I sought out forbidden types of Qi! Oh sure I could be stronger, but I didn't degrade myself chasing methods that were forbidden for a good reason or go against my three views, despite having every reason to become a villain and pursue power at any cost, isn't that weird?"

She nods, grunting under your hand

"And I wondered that for awhile, struggling to admit to myself I am just a good person by nature, that I tend to help more than I harm and enjoy doing it! Even if I'm not given any gratitude or my good deeds go ignored" You giggle, fond memories bubbling up to fill your head "I was born from enmity I felt towards those bastards who killed my people, that is what made me a Demonic beast to begin with, and the longer I lived, the more I began to understand humanity, the closer I became to being human, the more I learned to think like them and feel like them and then one day I wondered, what separates me from them? How is humanity different from every other kind of animal. So I searched for the answer, and one day"

You lift your hand from her mouth

"While I was chasing the wisdom you all view as common sense, learned about the vagaries and contradictions of your civilized lives, the abstract ideas that were like weeds in your heads, the unintuitive virtues and invisible concepts, like faith, One days I came to the realization that...There isn't a difference. The difference is in the worlds we live in. The only obstacle is our fear of being tamed, a cage I built when I became aware of myself and the world beyond myself. We're as similar as we are different. Its just your instincts have voices, and name themselves your conscience. Once a beast becomes aware of themselves and the world, when they realize they are "I" and "Me!", they are the equals of mankind, and only need a bit of teaching to realize it"

Tian Mei says nothing, not forcing you off despite how you've pinned her against the wall, simply listening closely and weighing your words carefully

"And when I realized that, I was able to turn into a human and back whenever I wished. The only difference between your thoughts and mine, are our three views and the laws we follow. I follow the natural laws, the order of the beasts and nature. The laws I made for myself" You softly explain, crawling off of her and crossing your legs to sit in a very Monu-like manner "And like little Siwang has shown you, that doesn't mean I don't understand the concept of law, I just find the laws YOU follow to be abhorrent"

"Because they're laws that demands the slaughter of children" She says so quietly as to nearly be whispering

You snap your fingers and jab a finger in the world

"Exactly! The laws the rest of the cultivation world follow brand me a monster and outlaw, so why the hell should I respect them" You laugh, slapping your knee as Tian Mei slumps against the wall, looking distant and empty as the weight of the realization you brought on her crashes down and buries her "I have nothing against humans, hell, I'm as much of a human girl as I am a cat...mostly, its the heavens I despise"

"...you know why your kind is hunted then?" She asks, her voice hollow and dry "Tell me"

"I'd be happy to" You answer joylessly "But I'll warn you, it will turn your world upside down and ruin your view of the gods you so adore and..."

"Just Tell me you damn talkative cat!" She snapped, slamming a fist against the wall

"Well, first off. Did ya know the five color emperor and the supreme devil mind were married!" You exclaim excitedly, clapping your hands together "Eh? Did you just faint"

She had! Seems leading with the most shocking piece of forbidden knowledge you know wasn't the best idea. Oops.

You wake Tian Mei up, and tell her everything. She doesn't say a word, going deathly quiet and somber as you reveal all the painful truths you've learned and stumbled upon by happenstance or rigorous study.

And when you're done, she just sits there, eyes empty with a forlorn expression as she stares down at her hands looking like a lost doll.

You give her a shake or two, but she doesn't budge or react. Until an hour or two passes of her shutting herself away inside of herself to deal with having her whole world shattered by harsh reality.

"I...I see" She says out of nowhere after you've spent an hour or so poking at her face waiting for her to react and hoping you hadn't broken her mind "Your claims of being more benevolently minded than most other cultivators wasn't an empty boast. You have every right to cut us down the moment our eyes meet"

"But that'd waste so much potential, and be far too careless" You cackle with a sneer

"So why do you call that witch your adoptive mother?" She asks curtly, crossing her arms and pouting as she tries to figure that out "especially since she's one of the reasons your kind are so persecuted, maybe even the main one"

"Monu isn't a...She didn't...haaaah" You begin, before realize how hard of a battle it'll be to get through Tian Mei's thick head a second time. Admittedly, your mother isn't a saintess by any means But she didn't raise a legion of man eating beasts!

'Another day, I'll save it for another day' you tell yourself as you slap your head with a defeated sigh. You've spent enough time enlightening your prisoners, and with Tian Mei knowing the truth, you don't need to sit down the rest to give them lectures on history and the crimes of their beloved heavens.

And you have responsibilities to see to, as Sect Head, you need to protect your followers from danger. And with all the ruckus they caused following your orders in improving the Palace of Natural laws' reputation by actually doing the supposed jobs of every cultivator by saving the lives of and protecting the ordinary mortals of the world, they were exposed to a great deal of danger. Especially because they had turned the mortals worship from the sects who abused or ignored them to you, and had even made one of the largest cities in Chuan openly align with you and your Sect, just by being good and generous souls.

And of course, the arrogant bastards would make certain to stamp them out for that offense. So you need to go to Suiqi. Along the way you could overwhelm the formation keeping the blizzard raging and shatter it, and extend your territory all the way to Suiqi, stealing a not insignifigant portion of the lands owned by the Winter blososming wisdom sect but.

But your mother's vengeful ex was an issue, as was the fact that currently you were facing down two large sects alone. Sure every disciple of yours was worth ten of theres, but they had more than enough numbers to make that point moot, and currently, you really only had yourself and Monu capable of batting aside their fodder, and your encounter with their hunting party taught you they both had some powerhouses of their own held in reserve.

The Ling had stopped attacking The gege's defenses and were probably just gathering their strength and doing the unthinkable of planning their attack, but the Winter blossoming wisdom sect kept regularly sending assaults to try and find a weakness in their defenses.

The sects that had once fought beside them were bidding their time, but that wouldn't last forever. Sure you were a genius prodigy and stronger than anyone you'd met besides Old five colors, but you were just one woman. Trying to face two sects, and not just all the world of cultivation by yourself was just suicidal. You needed allies.

But you needed to protect your students from the lion's den they had taken and held for you and all the innocents whose loyalty they earned by saving their lives from their former guardian's apathy.

Dammit! This was a pain in the ass. You'd have to send an envoy to nearby sects in your stead, since you had to rush to Suiqi to keep your enemies from making an example of your students via public execution!

But no one knew you! Or of your good deeds! You had no face outside of hell and your own sect! Huanliuxue was a myth at best, and a wild demon at worst. There was no respect on your name, and no benefit for aligning with a heretical sect of demons and outcasts! You slammed your fist into a wall in frustration, cracking it.

But, then, as blood dribbled down your knuckles, clarity.

'They haven't attacked us yet. The war between the sun and snow has taught them how to be ambitious again. They're waiting to see if their former allies will come out on top before committing any of their own forces to the subjugation effort' you realize 'the chaos of this era has effected them. Perhaps enough for them to be convinced of the truth, or to forsake their righteousness to become heretics for power alone. Yeah, I can work with that. Either their virtuous minds will drag them my side like it did with Ping or Tian Mei, or their lust for power will. But that will only work for those with righteous minds or ambitions beyond diligently and ponderously cultivating for a thousand years'

Which Sect do you send a messenger to while you travel to Suiqi, Huanliuxue (And who is your messenger)

>The Five colors and five wisdoms. They might be weaklings, but that just means they'll be all to happy to have a strong ally. Besides, their spring will make a good bargaining chip for future alliances

>The dusk marsh wolves. They already owe Fu and Co for slaying that plant monster. So forcing them into an alliance should be child's play, if they'll honor the debt they owe

>The summer sea dawn sect. Like the dusk marsh wolves, they're south of your sect, but unlike them, they owe your disciples nothing. But, one of their members wrote a book about you. So they might be easier to convince that you're not a demon?

>Hey, there was that kid you met right after you attained your human body. You have no idea who or where they are, but he had an honest nature and kind personality. Wouldn't hurt to ask them.

>They're all Daoists. Their scriptures have been altered and twisted by the unworthy heavens. But Buddhists, they haven't been blinded and have mysterious powers. And you have some Buddhist friends. Why not start a holy war?

>There's no time to be picky! Send out messengers everywhere! Someone is sure to take the bait, and you don't care if they're a sect of demonic cultivators or the most self righteous of the righteous sects!

>Write in

Got a bit carried away. oh, and I'd be remiss to not give a shoutout to my Fellow Daoist and encourage my juniors to check out Zodiac Cultivation Quest, especially since its the only other Cultivation quest on the board in quite awhile

And I want it to LIVE dammit!
>There's no time to be picky! Send out messengers everywhere! Someone is sure to take the bait, and you don't care if they're a sect of demonic cultivators or the most self righteous of the righteous sects!
Don't worry grandpa, I'm already part of the rat gang
And for messengers, who do we have available right now?
>There's no time to be picky! Send out messengers everywhere! Someone is sure to take the bait, and you don't care if they're a sect of demonic cultivators or the most self righteous of the righteous sects!

I feel like a few letters of introduction penned by huan herself and personalized for each sect may go a long way to endear ourselves to them, or at least not put them against us.

Once we have options and naturally risen as leader of a coalition we can try to become more selective.

(I'm also part of the rat gang)
>There's no time to be picky! Send out messengers everywhere! Someone is sure to take the bait, and you don't care if they're a sect of demonic cultivators or the most self righteous of the righteous sects!
I doubt we can find the kid, but we may as well write a letter for them for the messenger.

No sense not thinking through what to include for each of them though.
>Five colors should get a letter referencing the events that led their lazy cultivators to become respectable, and mention that we would like to repay the hospitality given to a traveling doctor many years ago (the manuals that imprinted on us). Let the letters suggest we were the benevolent benefactor long ago, as they seem motivated by virtue over power.
>Me tion the debt that is owed by the Dusk Marsh Wolves, and that you wish to collect in kind. Your disciples defended their land, you seek their assistance in doing the same.
>Offer the Summer Sea Dawn sect the possibility of speaking with the red-haired woman again. She reached out to you when she saw mention of her in a book and asked if she could aid in diplomacy for her home. You laugh at the idea of needing to approve a formal request that will aid people, but have agreed to send the letter anyway.
>You don’t expect the Buddhists to fight, but they will find safety in your land and may preach freely in the meantime. You would appreciate if they aided your own daoists in their journeys though as you have seen the Dao and their Nirvana are not incompatible. Their wisdom may prove beneficial.
>The horned ape and dragons in the Gege’s forest may be coaxed to build support in their lands and send other awakened beasts to join in your war for equality.
>Have a letter delivered to the wall that separates the forest from the cultivator’s lands. The Gardeners have relocated on word of their benefactor who has gone unnamed, but one of them spoke of people they led out of the forest who seemed amenable enough to aid a righteous cause. The letter is to seek their support.
>Send a letter to the FCE thanking him for the support he has already given because why not? You have no idea how the letter will find him but you expect it’ll happen somehow.
>Pen an open letter to all half-beasts who now exist, promising a safe place within your borders if they are being persecuted. These letters can be nailed to posts in any village your messengers cross to spread the word amongst locals. You will host any who seek aid, but you know beasts will suffer harshly under orthodox paranoia.
>Send a letter to the generals and remaining leaders in Chuan for aid in protecting the lands. Armies (moreso the logisticians who help run them) would do wonders for coordinating resources.
>Send a letter to Aniing, seeing if you can contract the services of a particular assassin you met some time ago, as well as to see if her mother would be interested in a trade deal with what will be the largest heretical sect in the living world.
I, uh, ran out of room. Suffice it to say I’ve mentioned everyone I can think of that could even theoretically help us besides maybe the crow king’s mother and wife.

For runners, the hell message will need to be personal or by Qiang, but getting to Anjing won’t take long. For everyone else, lower-level disciples will do. Send Lanfen to some of the other sects to see if she can hit it off with some other hot cultivator, and I have no opinions for the rest.
>inviting hell spider assassin boy to collect some "righteous" souls and orthodox materials of highest grade
I'm sure he'd have fun. But boy the heaven's would be pissed if we started getting active assistance from hell. Making deals and getting stuff is one thing, summoning powerful demons and letting them run amok is another.
Well most of the sect is in Suiqi or along the road to it, carrying out your edict of mercy and succor, helping those trapped beneath the enchanted snow storm.

So if you waited until getting to Suiqi to send messengers, you could choose from any of them (Due to the sudden arrival of a whole lot of giant ants and bees),

But right now, since you haven't reached Suiqi yet
Monu, Qinxin, Yinying, Siwang, and Yujijiao.

Though that of course is just counting the official members of your sect/ the ones with names, since their are a few nameless disciples who can't cultivate left at the temple to keep it running/ tend the gardens, The recently Huan pilled prisoners, a very grateful populace in Fu's city (Including the half beasts who have flocked to it and Suiqi for Huan's protection), Yuyi...etc

And of course you could have Monu make some puppets to deliver the messages. And that's without any write ins coming up with more creative alternatives.
As far as the heavens are concerned (the ones active enough to care at all anyway) we’re already a demon, we’ve colonized an entire region in our name already in the living world, and when this is over we’ll be reaching into the heavens to rip them down and establish a new order. I don’t know if we can end up higher on their shit list than we already are unless we summon the supreme devil mind herself.

I’m also not thinking the spider assassin is super powerful. We beat him pre-core after all. But he is an assassin, so he’d be useful for targeted strikes on weaker cultivators who help keep the overall war effort going. He could also serve as a spy/scout against the Ling since they’ve been quiet. Not a game-changer, but welcome nonetheless.

Also, question for Grandfather - Is the ogress still defending our sect or has she wandered off by now? Kinda curious if she factors into the Ling plans.
I mean he's stronger than the vast majority of cultivators present in the world. And considering that Huan managed to kill Baoli despite the sheer difference in that power kind of proves that preparedness makes all the difference in the world. Which he had none for the fight. If he really wanted to kill us we very well could have died that day. But he's a nice guy and didn't want to go full spy on us.
Yuyi could make a great messenger for the buddhists. Maybe the five wisdoms too? We were wearing her when we visited, but it might cause confusion if she doesn't remember what happened.

Only Qinxin would be good for that list for the sects, would rather if our messenger didn't get attacked. Otherwise, the outer cultivators are our best bet.

The prisoners could work, but it might make then question if they are brainwashed. And I would rather not send villagers out in what could devolve into a battlefield.

If we send someone from Suiqi, maybe Lanfen could be a good messenger? She was a noble, she should know something about diplomacy.

Talking about the mortals, I'm now wondering if we could send messengers to the Chuan royals, and to the three brothers in the court. Either Yuyi or Qiang for the brothers since they were involved, and the lord might be best if we did it personally, or Fu since he was treated as our high priest when the city was founded. Maybe get the monks that live near our village involved for that one? There's also that village with the not-bandits.
Yaonan's exact whereabouts are currently unknown , but Monu gave her enough poison to last awhile and it'd be pretty easy to find her since the ogress isn't exactly subtle

Also there is a reason the Ling haven't been attacking the wall or Tiexingege's army as often as the winter blossoming wisdom sect has been...
I'm now very worried of her unlocking her devil trigger with all the bloodshed.
Quite possible. I know I voted for trying to broker a deal with her after we woke up but it was shot down. Hopefully when she visits again for a battle it’s not at an inopportune time.

Adding some of these to my vote for all the letters. I already had one mentioning the Chuan royals, though I forgot exactly who they were and just generalized them as leaders.
>The three brothers who aided you in killing the former emperor. Will they accept defending the land yet again for the common people?
>The monks near your village and the village of (former) bandits likely can’t contribute much, but perhaps a letter is all it will take to turn them into more vocal advocates for your expansion. They may turn up other allies to aid your efforts too.

Those two won’t help against cultivators, but any group that can aid our relief efforts and keep the peace frees up our cultivators to fight themselves.
I thought the royals would be important to give special attention other then just a blanket statement because they declared we are their guardian spirit, and now there's a snowstorm being made by the sect that used to be their protectors, while they hunt them down.
And now a city (or two to three, I think I remember something about Suiqi being merged with other big cities?) and some reason is saying that Huan and her disciples is directly responsible for saving them.
There must be chaos going on the palace.
Of course, I might be grossly overestimating how fast rumors spread, or how much the mortals know about the events of the cultivation world.
I can try finding the thread where they were mentioned tomorrow when I’m fresher (it’s past 11 PM where I’m at) and update my draft for them. I don’t remember enough details to personalize it myself.

Thoughts on the other letters?
>There's no time to be picky! Send out messengers everywhere! Someone is sure to take the bait, and you don't care if they're a sect of demonic cultivators or the most self righteous of the righteous sects!

Rat gang represent
>>Hey, there was that kid you met right after you attained your human body. You have no idea who or where they are, but he had an honest nature and kind personality. Wouldn't hurt to ask them.
>There's no time to be picky! Send out messengers everywhere! Someone is sure to take the bait, and you don't care if they're a sect of demonic cultivators or the most self righteous of the righteous sects!
Ironic how the other cultivation quest has a rat based MC. Hopefully it lasts (RIP Ring Grandpa, died to bad rolls)
>There's no time to be picky! Send out messengers everywhere! Someone is sure to take the bait, and you don't care if they're a sect of demonic cultivators or the most self righteous of the righteous sects!
I would like to make sure that we don't exactly send a letter to the Five colors and five wisdom sect, the summer sea dawn, the kid we met after getting our Human form and the Buddhist asking for alliances.

I would like to write the letters on the same order with each corresponding text, with HOW i would like the letters to be written, or at least to give off the idea of what i'm trying to explain

>Hello, this letter it's for the Elder of the 5c5w sect. We've proven each other with gifts and courtesy, we've exchanged and showed our goodwill, but our Sect Head would like to meet with you finally face to face after she finishes some business, in case you accept, you may choose the place of our meeting, tho our Sect Head politely ask if the meeting could be held on your illustruous sect, we hope you accept. (Insert Huan's sect name here)
>Greetings, we hope this letter had come to you well. One of our associates on the (Huan's sect name) have come to us to try and get in contact with one of your members, She's a tall woman with an intense red hair who found that the member apparently wrote a book about her, and we've decided to use this opportunity to perhaps meet and try to discuss some matters in a friendly way. Tho we insist you tell your disciple that he shouldn't make minds, our associate isn't interested on your disciple, she just decided to meet him so he could get some closure. We propuse the meeting is held on Suiqi, or if you prefer it on any other neutral grounds we can discuss
>You've been invited to (Huan's sect name) and evening to meet our Sect Leader, hope you can assist
>Hello (name of the old blind Buddhist) and (name of the other young Buddhist we tormented), after our misadventures, moments of great tension and enlightening conversations, the great Huanliuxue invites the Buddhists of your illustruous sect to have full permision to visit or maybe pass on our Sects land for religious porpuse or any other reason. You're also invited if you wish, to visit our Sect, and if any other Daoist it's looking for trouble let them know that any transggresion against your fellow Buddhist, it's going to be at a great cost. But be weary, our lands at the moment are on conflict, so we won't feel insulted if you decide to stay out of harm until things finally settle on our part, but we still hope to recieve a letter. —Huanliuxue

Also I would like to make a write-in for
>Send a letter to the three Warrior Brothers, for a lovely dinner with the healer Yuyi and her family, and also discuss a couple of matters with the company of the local Daoist sect, a certain redhaired woman and her associates would be present. We suggest that your visit and method to arrive should be on the low profile, Hopefully you can assist
>They're all Daoists. Their scriptures have been altered and twisted by the unworthy heavens. But Buddhists, they haven't been blinded and have mysterious powers. And you have some Buddhist friends. Why not start a holy war?
Buddhists, it must be said; have a pretty storied history of Heroic Animal Sages. Though, we're no Sun Wukong. Maybe Zhu Wuneng.
Though that's making assumptions that this isn't taking place before the Journey to the West.
>Hey, there was that kid you met right after you attained your human body. You have no idea who or where they are, but he had an honest nature and kind personality. Wouldn't hurt to ask them.
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I am just emerging from my closed door meditations to inform the sect that the vote will continue on for a little while longer. I've become afflicted with heart demons and nearly coughed up blood from the trials I've endured.

I beat armored core 6, but since I decided to power my way through from chapter 3 to the last boss of my first playthrough, I am exhausted in every sense of the word. I'll kowtow and give as much face to my junior as is required.

And besides being worn out from pursuing the dao of Gaming too diligently, I also think since the update was so big, I should give a little more time for anons to vote

Now to turn to red dust and fade from this world
Ok, now I'm very worried for what I have in front of me, I'm still in chapter 4.
Go ahead and take your time! Between “send EVERYTHING” being well in the lead and all our write-ins to make sure we don’t forget anyone it’s likely to require proper materials to achieve this vote’s breakthrough.
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Alright, I'm finally awake enough to write again, so I'll end the vote and Tally the result now. Sorry for making you all wait four days, I'd break my arm as recompense but I kinda need it.

There's no time to be picky! Send out messengers everywhere! Someone is sure to take the bait, and you don't care if they're a sect of demonic cultivators or the most self righteous of the righteous sects!:6

They're all Daoists. Their scriptures have been altered and twisted by the unworthy heavens. But Buddhists, they haven't been blinded and have mysterious powers. And you have some Buddhist friends. Why not start a holy war?: 1

Hey, there was that kid you met right after you attained your human body. You have no idea who or where they are, but he had an honest nature and kind personality. Wouldn't hurt to ask them.: 2

Send a letter to the three Warrior Brothers, for a lovely dinner with the healer Yuyi and her family, and also discuss a couple of matters with the company of the local Daoist sect, a certain redhaired woman and her associates would be present. We suggest that your visit and method to arrive should be on the low profile, Hopefully you can assist: 1

So you'll not be picky and send messengers everywhere, throwing a wide net hoping to catch more fish.

Update will arrive shortly.

And I will do my best to work in the write in details some of you wrote
I've broke the record for this quest's largest update, again.

Had way too much fun writing this update hope it was worth the wait
And with that in mind, there was no time to be picky and concerning of who exactly you'd reach out to with this illustrious offer. Any of the sects in this region could be a hidden ally just in need of a push or suitable bait for them to turn their coats over and betray their ancestors in favor of their own ambition or in pursuit of their own view of righteousness and benevolence. It'd be best to cast a wide net over all of Chuan to catch as many fish as you can. Even if it wasn't exactly subtle or prudent, it was the choice with the best chance of your sect's survival. Your goal was ensuring the palace of natural laws endured the whirlwind you had unwittingly sowed the winds of with as many of its disciples alive as possible. And in this new era of chaos and anarchy, allies could be found in the strangest of places. And you didn't care if they were the most self righteous of the so called righteous sects or a school of true demonic cultivators, you and your sect desperately needed allies. They didn't even need to swear oaths of brotherhood or fight alongside you, even just words of approval and acceptance would drastically increase the odds of the Palace of Natural laws and those it shelters surviving this storm that had engulfed all of Chuan, and might've spread to the rest of the now broken empire as far as you knew.

Willing the blood dribbling out of your knuckles back into your veins and healing the scrape with a minuscule web of scarlet healing armor, you skulked back into your room and sat yourself once more at your writing desk, with a determined expression and darkened eyes.

First you'd begin with a template with empty spaces you could simply drop the names of a sect and its head into, with just enough details of your sect's plight and present circumstances, as well as yourself, to give both the ambitious an idea of what they'd have to gain having the great Huanliuxue indebted to them as well as the gentle hearted and empathic amongst them a just cause to rally behind and throw their influence in support of. Greedy or generous, any of your fellow daoists would do so long as they'd give assistance and support the newly revealed sect of outcasts and beasts. But you had to take care not to reveal too much about yourself or how the palace of natural laws functioned internally, its exact location or the rough hierarchy that had formed within its ranks. After all, each of these letters might find their ways into the hands of an enemy. They needed to give just enough information to make an alliance with outspoken heretics more beneficial than dangerous, and being vague in some areas would arose the curiosity of those who would not be swayed by the tearful pleading of a girl, who are weaker to promises of power and reputation than they are chivalrous ideals and the simple pleasure of a good deed done for another's sake.

But not every kind of bait worked for every fish. You'd need to carefully balance between appealing to the noble hearts and minds of the earnestly righteous and appealing to those who only were not heretics because of how risky it was to displease the orthodoxy of cultivation. And it wouldn't work for everyone who read the letter, you knew this, and accepted this. At least it'd plant the idea that the palace of natural laws and magical beasts as a whole were legitimate and not something to be feared and branded as demonic cultivation. Some of the recipients might even changer their mind when they see proof of your generally benign nature and good influences on the lands you, unofficially, hold rulership over. And others might reveal themselves once its clear to them the palace of natural laws is no mere upstart whose gotten itself into too much trouble than its worth.

If your sect can endure the aggression of two of the strongest, then both the righteous displeased with the cruel apathy of their peers and the heretics hidden throughout the world, would be given more of a reason to offer their support and friendship and be encouraged to give assistance openly.

But that is a big gamble. One that bet on you getting these letters written and dispersed widely enough that even the hermit sages deep in the mountains and deserts and the cults lurking in the dark corner of the world would hear the name Huanliuxue and know of the palace of natural laws. Hopefully the other sect heads of Chuan were as big of a gambler as you were sometimes.

It doesn't take you long to perfect these generic messages for help and offers for an alliance that was as risky as sticking one's head into a lake filled with hungry piranha. Then all you needed to do, besides let the ink dry, was to learn the names of the sects, minor or mighty, within Chuan and near its borders. Luckily, Monu and Qinxin both knew enough about local politics to provide you all you needed to know to customize each letter for every known and established sect within your reach. Sure, unless each of the sect heads and the elders beneath them were witless and naïve fools without a lick of sense or life experiences, it'd be as clear the back of their own hands that you'd just slapped their names and sects down onto a prepared letter, and unless they were all shut ins and hermits, it'd soon be obvious just how many letters you'd sent out into the world.

But, for some of them, you know just enough from what Monu remembers and Qinxin has heard through gossip to lightly personalized a few of the letters to be more...fitting for their intended recipient. Sure you're going of hearsay and the recollections of an over two hundred year old woman, but its better than nothing. You finish each of these letters with a spritz of Harmonious five elements spring water and a handful of dried white lotus petals to make them see more decorative and fancy.
You roll them up and seal them closed with the finest wax Jionghuagege can spare from the hives she has started to build in the forest somewhere beneath your cracked open mountain. And once you've carefully organized each of these letters and labeled them so they don't get mixed up and cause an embarrassing disaster you begin to write the actually unique and personalized letters

You start with the the Five colors and Five purities (五彩和与五純度, Wǔcǎihéyǔwǔchúndù) sect, since out of all the ones you know, its the one you've encountered the most personally. You've even visited their temple once or twice and spoken with their sect head, the kindly Su Zhe'xínglǚ [哲' 行旅, Wise Vagabond. Hell, most of your sect's cultivation techniques are taken directly from their manual repository, Heh-Heh. And its for those reasons they're the ones you're most confident will answer your call for an alliance, even if most of them were weaklings the last time you dropped by in disguise, when you first met Yuyi. Even if you did steal a bit of their miraculous spring water, but it was for a good cause, and your spring was mature enough to pay that particular debt back ten fold without issue if they pressed the issue. And you doubt they will, since they seem the sort to put virtue before power

"Five times venerated and five times honored head of the admirably humble and virtuous sect, the Five colors and five purities, Su Zhe'xínglǚ, though many may look down upon your modesty and name it meekness, your humility is to be praised as the merit it truly is. There are few as pious and wise in the ways of the world as yourself, Master Su, and rarer yet is the man who is so wise as yourself but is also your equal in gentleness, kindness, open heartedness and generosity. I cannot personally claim to be your peer in such a manner, but I hope you, I and our respective students, can become friends. You may remember meeting one of them, a doctor by the name of Yuyi whose name is renown throughout the mortal realm, and you may recall a series of curious events that lead by happenstance to your once indolent and sin-ridden disciples to reform into diligent and proper daoists. I would like to repay you for the hospitality and patience you showed that girl a few years back, and that those strange occurrences prior to her visit and this letter are more connected than they appear. I am Huanliuxue, perhaps you've heard of me, you should considering the hardships caused by those after my head and the stories spread about me, good or ill. In the past you've shown my underlings courtesy and it'd be improper to let a debt of kindness and generosity go unpaid for much longer. I would like to meet you in person, to exchange introductions and pleasantries"

Your brush goes dry right as you were nearly finished writing. Rolling your wrist to keep it from becoming stiff, you dip the brush in fresh ink and try to decide how to properly and politely wrap up this message
Once you've made up your mind, you continue writing

"You may choose the time and location, though I would prefer if it was on the grounds of the retreat of your illustrious sect, though I will not raise complaint if there is not enough trust between us to invite me to your temple. If this meeting goes well, perhaps a mutually beneficial alliance could be in both our futures. - May your life be as bountiful and rich as the spring you guard, Lord Sui Zhe'Xinglu of the five colors and five purities. Penned personally by Huanliuxue, Wild Princess"

And then, you weigh the paper down to let it dry, careful not to crinkle or tear the finer parchment you've used to write it on. It even has a nice, shimmering gold cover on its opposite side. Rolling the shoulder of your dominant hand, you use the other to grab a new blank scroll of parchment to write the next letter. The next letter will be addressed to the Dusk marsh wolves sect. From what little you know of the politics of the world of cultivation, they're considered low class bumpkins, because they make their home in a swamp and the only people under their protection are yokels. You aren't certain if they're inbred yokels like some claim, since the one time you wandered into their turf, you only encountered corpses and beasts. And the beasts you adopted from those marshes are just as well mannered and natured as anyone else, so that's probably just a mean rumor. But even if it isn't, they are directly to the south of your sect, and could pose a threat if they decide that the glory of killing the Huanliuxue and ending a beast stampede before it can begin is worth the suicidal risk.

So you'll try to curry favor with them.

"Shidi (湿地, Wetland) Xiudao (銹 刀, Rusted Blade), Master of the Dusk Marshes and tenth head of the fearsome Dusk Marsh Wolves Sect (薄暮沼泽狼, Zhǎozébómùláng). First, I ask forgiveness for not using the tournament invitation you granted my disciple, Two axe Fu, and thus being unable to assist your sect against your loathsome rivals, the summer sea dawn sect (夏季海黎明, Xiàjìhǎilímíng), But my students were busy with their meditations, studies and training and I was busy with other matters when the tournament began. If you wish, I shall return the jade slip, in the hopes that will mend any damages done to your reputation due to our absence in the brackets. However, since I did not make use of this gift, I believe I am still owed a debt, due to the heroic deeds of my disciples. They saved a member of your sect from a queer monster, and ended the threat it posed to your comely swamp and your followers within it. Since I was unable to make use of this invitation, I feel its fitting to demand an alternative reward. But I shall not beggar you or your sect, or demand more than such heroics deserve. My disciples defended your land. And I need help defending mine. I hope your reputation as a man of honor leads you to making the right choic."

Damn, you don't know how to sign off that letter. You don't know how fond of beasts and local legends the patriarch of the Shidi clan is. But it should be obvious to anyone with ears that Fu of the two axes is the follower of Huanliuxue, so it wouldn't hurt to use your name on this letter as well. Well, at least it wouldn't be an entirely reckless thing to do.

"Signed. Lady Huanliuxue, first head and founder of the palace of natural laws sect"

And with that, you weigh down the letter, and set it beside the one you're sending to the five colors and five purities, taking care not to smudge the writing as you lay it down to dry. And since the summer sea dawn sect are nearly next door to the dusk marsh wolves and also to the south of your sect, you should also send them a letter. Seeking the favor and assistance of two rival sects might be asking for trouble but...who knows, maybe they won't notice the other is lending a helping hand as well or bury the hatchet as brothers in arms. A girl can hope, can't she?

"Xia Jīnsè-shāyú (金色 -鲨鱼, Golden Shark), Master of the Summer Dawn sea and tenth head of tremendous Summer Sea Dawn Sect. I am writing you in the stead of a member of my sect, who noticed that one of the disciples of your temple who I am to understand is one of your sons, The fair and upstanding Xiaosi, wrote a book that featured a character clearly based off of her. Perhaps you have read it? A tall woman with vivid scarlet hair? She doesn't wish to seek royalties or retribution for this unlicensed inclusion, instead, she's asked for a meeting to resolve this matter in a friendly, non violent manner. From what I understand, this son of yours with ambitions to be an author has caused troubles for you in the past, consider this an opportunity for him to right some of his wrongs and earn some face for the Xia clan and gain some experience as a diplomat, as we, the palace of natural laws sect are currently in something of a pickle. I hope you will approve this request, and are understanding of our reasons for reaching out, both personal and political. - The founder and head of the Palace of natural laws

PS. Make sure to impart onto Xiaosi that the red haired beauty isn't interested in him romantically, carnally or instinctually as he may have deluded himself into believing. PSS. The meeting can be held in the city of Suiqi, though other neutral meeting spots can be discussed and decided upon before the meeting if you prefer"

You sigh, shuddering at the thought of meeting that lech in person again. But you promised the meeting, if it happens, will be friendly and non violent, so you can't break his golden balls again if he gets on your nerves as you can only imagine he will. Nor can you snap his arm into splinters, or turn his ass red with a thunderclap of a kick. But maybe he's matured since then? Doubtful, but again, a girl can hope can't she?


Next you'll write the Buddhists you befriended, who you don't need to put on any pretensions of your identity when you write them, since you're confident every monk in that temple knows the Yuyi they met was actually Huanliuxue! Nor do you have to put on airs and force yourself to be overly genteel and painfully deferential out of fear of offending or driving them away

"Yo, Uncle Shoushan, Yongzheng and all the rest! Its me, Huanliuxue! This letter is an official invitation to my lands and temple, and pass to pass freely and proselytize as you see fit within them. The Dao and Dharma are not so different, and I think my daoist followers will have much to learn of the primordial source from buddhist minds. We all can obtain buddha nature with proper guidance and teachings, friend. Know that any monks who decide to visit or move into my territory will be under my protection. I will even fund the construction of new monasteries or repairs on your current one if you want, I value your wisdom enough that such a price would be a pittance to pay in exchange for even one of you to share it with my disciples. However, do take head that the lands here are tumultuous presently and fraught with danger , and I will understand if you do not choose to risk your lives to visit, even under my protection. But know that if other daoists pick a fight or try bully you while you're visiting if you do decide to travel, I'll kill them for you! At the very least, I'd like a letter back. Hope the cats at the temple are doing well - Maybe one day, all daoists and buddhists can be friends. Sincerely, the adorable Huanliuxue!"

Next you design a colorful poster to be nailed and glued around villages, cities and any remote inn promising any half beasts shelter and safety within your borders, since you can imagine how terribly they're suffering under the restrictive and paranoid laws and mandates of the orthodoxy.

And then, once you've finished designing a few posters for varieties sake, you realize you haven't spent all that long writing letters, and decide to reach out to the mortal realm as well.


"Chuan Jianjun. Your lands suffer while you avenge the numerous crimes committed by the Ling Clan upon it and its people. Wicked immortals, once your protectors, have been corrupted by their arrogance and apathy to the world. They allow a organ stealing monster to rampage for years, and now call upon a blizzard to subjugate the divine protector of the Chuan family and lands. I know you are a stalwart protector of the common man, a hero of the people, but now you must show that you share the faith. Turn your armies back and return home. The villains who have subverted the ancient sects and turned them against the divine spirit Huanliuxue will only cause greater harm, persecuting and killing her worshippers."


You yawn, stretching out and shifting in your chair, your tongue curling as you lean back and nearly fall out of your chair. Once you balance it again, and scrub the ink you flicked over your face in your desperate flailing around to not fall over, you get back to writing.

"It is your duty as Patron of her faith to protect her followers, and in her time of need, renew and express your devotion for her and her blessings against those who seek her enslavement. Your enemies are strong, but Huanliuxue gives you her blessing renewed. Remain faithful, and the Chuan family shall remain in her favor and protection. - I trust you shall act benevolently and wisely, signed, a friend"

And then, wiping your eyes to keep awake, and finding another drop of ink you'd some how missed, you write another letter addressed to a mere mortal. Well three of them. The three Dian brothers. And while you're doing that, you might as well write to the monks tending your shrine and the former bandits in the village you passed inside of Yuyi. They probably won't do much, but it wouldn't hurt to have more voices advocating for you and your sect. The three Dian brothers may not be in Chuan, but they're revered all throughout the broken empire, since they're the ones who killed the trash dog emperor and they have to have earned Lord Bao's ear for avenging his pride after Tiantunri cucked him, the monks will, if given a little red fur, will help you press Chuan Jianjun into openly defending and supporting you to the public, and the bandits...well, you've already won the hearts of the people caught in the blizzard, but having people praising your name beyond both your and your enemy's territory would be a great help.

And while you're at it, you should probably also write a letter for old five colors. He'll probably show up to receive it so you don't have to worry about delivering it. Maybe you could see about making a contract with the spider demon clan, if things get really bad. And worse comes to worse you can see about seeking allies in the primordial wilderness, but those are all risky plays. Outright hiring demonic assassins will chase away any other friends you make, at least until they complete renounce their orthodox beliefs and common, "righteous" sensibilities. Not to mention the whole gardener yarn you dreamed up to chase out the winter blossoming wisdom sect from the ancient basin will become a real headache to keep up if you sought alliances within that wilderness. Sure they might be too stupid to connect that to you, but that also means they might go poking their noses looking for the gardener clan to see what's happened and then they might find say...a massive fuck off tunnel the Geges, Feiqing and Lei dug from there to your home! Neither are worth the trouble, at least now. Maybe you could make some deals with Anjing's family or convince dragons to come out and play, but you're cautious by nature and know when you're overreaching.

"The Three brothers Dian, who in service of the brave lord Bao slew the false emperor Long Tiantunri and freed all lands from his misrule and tyranny, must hear the plea of the people of Chuan, who have come under attack by a sect of evil sorcerers seeking to capture the spirit guardian of the land of a thousand rivers and the noble line of Chuan. Saintness Yuyi, the merciful jade doctor, beseeches you to plead with your honorable lord to send aid to her people. Her family is threatened by the machinations of these villains who wear the names of heroes. Lord Bao must once again see through the veil of deceit and treachery, and must once again take up his sword as the hero of anarchy and defend the innocent of Chuan, as he once protected all the kingdom against the false emperor's madness. Only the three heroic brothers can possibly protect the lands from such foul sorceries..."

And you'll cut off the letter there things seem more dire then they actually are. And the letter for the monks and former bandits? Well they'll be short. The monks will recognize your fur and those idiots who didn't realize they were bandits will jump at the chance to help people, so all you need to do is pen a short message for both and include a tuft of fur in the former, and you're certain they'll...do something

You're not sure what you intend or hope for them or Lord Bao and the Dian brothers to do, but it'll at least be better for you and your sect than them doing nothing at all, right?

And with that done, all you need to do is find enough messengers to get all these letters where they need to go. Which is going to be a massive pain in the ass, isn't it? Well you can send some when you get to Suiqi, all that matters now is the letters are written and they'll eventually find their way to the right address. Maybe you can have Monu make a couple wooden puppets to carry them? Eh, you'll figure it out eventually.

You decide it'll be safer to walk to Suiqi in your human form, even if every village from Fu's to Suiqi owes you there continued existence, the eyes of adoring peasants aren't the only ones who will be watching you. And while the sects may know of Huanliuxue the cat, they don't know about Huanliuxue the girl. SO even if they'll notice you're wearing the colors of the palace of natural laws sect or your blood red hair draws their attention, they won't realize who you are and come down in force immediately to try and avenge Xue Ming. Besides, traveling like this lets you see just how much the people love you without being drowned in their praise. Even you have your limits, as much as you enjoy being praised and complimented.

Though your students keeping the train of charity going from your borders to Suiqi recognize you, they don't refer to you as Huanliuxue, which makes the peasants and farmers think you're simply a highly ranked disciple of the Palace of Natural laws.

And so despite your best efforts to pass by unnoticed, you still get mobbed and assaulted by wave after wave of questions by the curious, and thankful masses.

"Can Lady Huanliuxue bless my newborn?"
"Is it true the guardian of children devoured that bastard Ling Meng?"
"Is it true she came from that border village some monks turned into a temple? I want to know the truth before I give them any donations"
"Some of her priests said she can turn human, is that true? I've heard that beasts can possess human corpses before, but never that they can turn human...er, no offense, I just want to know more about her"
"Can she set me up with her daughter? She may have one eye, but she's still an eye turning beauty!"
"How'd she meet Two axe Fu? I've heard he's her first follower, but no one can agree how that happened"
"Wait? That girl was her daughter? How'd a cat have a human baby?"
"Can Snowball become a divine spirit to, pretty lady? I think she'd be good at it!"

And those are just the most common questions that you hear in every village you pass by. You try to answer them as best as you can, only sometimes giving conflicting or nonsensical answers to amuse yourself and add a bit of mystique to your image as you hurry as fast as you can to Suiqi, eroding the magic that's keeping the blizzard in place by breaking the spirit stone pillars that make up the formation and scarring off the cultivators tasked with keeping its magic powered with their Qi. And so, the enchanted storm begins to wane and draw back, the natural climate returning as you methodically break apart the mystical diagram across the country side until, at last, you reach the outskirts of Suiqi and

"LADY HUANLIUXUE!" Hong shouts, pausing from shoveling snow by the river side while he and Chuandapo smash the ice blocking it.

"Oh, hi master" Chuandapo dreaily sighs, lifting up her head as the blind man covered in furs and warm clothing waves at you in the moment before all hell breaks loose.

"The Guardian deity?"
"The goddess of revenge?"
"Protector of the Youngins?"
"Lady Huanliuxue!"

And soon it all becomes a din of senseless noise as seemingly thousands of mortals, half beast and all human alike come streaming out of the city, they heard Hong's jovial greeting to you. And suddenly you're being mobbed by more people than you knew existed in the world.

And that's how you find out there's also a limit to how much you can tolerate hearing your name shouted in adoration! Which you didn't think was possible!

"Lady Huanliuxue! We're so grateful for your mercy!"
"Please, chase away this weather! End it!"
"HAH! I knew it was you! They called me crazy, but I followed you all the way here! I knew you were Huanliuxue in disguise!"
"I don't care if It'll cost me my life, please have my baby lady Huanliuxue"
"No! I want to have her baby! She's magic so its possible! Get out of my way"
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"Can we burn the villains tarnishing your name in a pyre, or would you prefer them served raw!"
"I can already feel the cold receding, praise be, praise be!"

You lock eyes with where Hong's eyes used to be a glare at him furiously as he gives a careless shrug, and returns to smashing ice with his oversized hammer while Chuandapo crawls over the riverbank, looking a little too smug

"Please, just kill the bastards who did this!"
"Oh please visit my restaurant ! I'll make it a shrine! A shrine worthy of you wait"
"W..wait! I remember you, you're the one who beat up those two ruffian immortals!
"Oh Huanliuxue! you simply must visit the orphanage I run!"
"Lady Huanliuxue!"
"Heavenly Huanliuxue!"
"Our protector! Our divine guardian!"
"We tore down the shrine to that old drunk auntie to build one of yours in her place!"

This is gonna take awhile isn't it. You sigh, and try to not look annoyed as you meet the adoring masses face to face for the first time. Some how, this isn't as nice as you always imagined it'd be when you were hiding yourself away, the praises and worship of the masses. Somehow it isn't as sweet as you dreamed it'd be. Weird.

What do you do once you get free of the adoring mob, Huanliuxue?

>Decide to enjoy their worship and languish in it, accepting every offering and meeting with the one's whose gifts please you, while your disciples tell you how many enemy cultivators they captured or killed as you indulge yourself

>Make a public show of breaking the last piece of the formation, and with a flourish, end the enchanted blizzard. This will probably be kicking a hornet's nest, but fuck it! Ruin the image of the winter blossoming wisdom sect!

>Congratulate your disciples for doing such a good job, and fending off as many attacks as they did on their own, and command Suiqi to throw them a party

>There's no time to mess around. Bring the Gege's to Suiqi and fully take control of it and the land between the city and your temple and begin fortifying while you wait for replies from the countless letters you've sent to the four winds

>Write in

Not certain if this is longer or shorter than the last update, hope you've enjoyed it.
>Make a public show of breaking the last piece of the formation, and with a flourish, end the enchanted blizzard. This will probably be kicking a hornet's nest, but fuck it! Ruin the image of the winter blossoming wisdom sect!
>Make a public show of breaking the last piece.
>Decide to enjoy it the worship.
>There's no time to mess around. Bring the Gege's to Suiqi and fully take control of it and the land between the city and your temple and begin fortifying while you wait for replies from the countless letters you've sent to the four winds
>>Decide to enjoy their worship and languish in it, accepting every offering and meeting with the one's whose gifts please you, while your disciples tell you how many enemy cultivators they captured or killed as you indulge yourself
>Congratulate your disciples for doing such a good job, and fending off as many attacks as they did on their own, and command Suiqi to throw them a party
>Make a public show of breaking the last piece of the formation, and with a flourish, end the enchanted blizzard. This will probably be kicking a hornet's nest, but fuck it! Ruin the image of the winter blossoming wisdom sect!
Time to create a new holiday.
>Congratulate your disciples for doing such a good job, and fending off as many attacks as they did on their own, and command Suiqi to throw them a party
>There's no time to mess around. Bring the Gege's to Suiqi and fully take control of it and the land between the city and your temple and begin fortifying while you wait for replies from the countless letters you've sent to the four winds
>Destroy the blizzard, but don’t make a spectacle of it. If the Winter sect isn’t daft they’ll have real defenders around the last stone pillar knowing you will come to it, and protecting a thousand mortals in a fight is a senseless risk to take.
The disciples can enjoy a day off. Let Huan get away from the crowds a bit and focus on the real work in their stead.
>>Decide to enjoy their worship and languish in it, accepting every offering and meeting with the one's whose gifts please you, while your disciples tell you how many enemy cultivators they captured or killed as you indulge yourself

The disciples deserve their moment, but the war goes on. And everyone knows a cat is only pet when it wants to be.
>Congratulate your disciples for doing such a good job, and fending off as many attacks as they did on their own, and command Suiqi to throw them a party
>>Decide to enjoy their worship and languish in it, accepting every offering and meeting with the one's whose gifts please you, while your disciples tell you how many enemy cultivators they captured or killed as you indulge yourself
Why didn't my reply show? Like wtf???

Anyway, what I said was: really? That's based. I think I like the both approach better than one or the other. It means that at the basic level of cultivation, they become uplifted, but with enough qi and time, they can ascend to two-legged beastmen. Might have to go back in the archive and punch this one out.

Keep it up, QM. (I know the people I'm not replying to are the QM. Just saying in general.)
>>Make a public show of breaking the last piece of the formation, and with a flourish, end the enchanted blizzard. This will probably be kicking a hornet's nest, but fuck it! Ruin the image of the winter blossoming wisdom sect!
>There's no time to mess around. Bring the Gege's to Suiqi and fully take control of it and the land between the city and your temple and begin fortifying while you wait for replies from the countless letters you've sent to the four winds
There'll be time for revelry and worship when we bring Monu the head of her Ex. Now, there's work to be done.
>Sitrep with the disciples, parties sadly must wait until WBS and the Ling are dealt with, and possibly the internecine Daoist conflict we've invited into Chuan's borders
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Ending the vote now, tallying the result. Meant to do so earlier, but I ate something that made me sick again. Think it was some chicken

Make a public show of breaking the last piece of the formation, and with a flourish, end the enchanted blizzard. This will probably be kicking a hornet's nest, but fuck it! Ruin the image of the winter blossoming wisdom sect!:4

Decide to enjoy their worship and languish in it, accepting every offering and meeting with the one's whose gifts please you, while your disciples tell you how many enemy cultivators they captured or killed as you indulge yourself:4

There's no time to mess around. Bring the Gege's to Suiqi and fully take control of it and the land between the city and your temple and begin fortifying while you wait for replies from the countless letters you've sent to the four winds:7

Destroy the blizzard, but don’t make a spectacle of it. If the Winter sect isn’t daft they’ll have real defenders around the last stone pillar knowing you will come to it, and protecting a thousand mortals in a fight is a senseless risk to take.: 5

Congratulate your disciples for doing such a good job, and fending off as many attacks as they did on their own, and command Suiqi to throw them a party: 7

Sitrep with the disciples, parties sadly must wait until WBS and the Ling are dealt with, and possibly the internecine Daoist conflict we've invited into Chuan's borders: 1

So since they're equal and don't seem to conflict in my eyes

So you'll congratulate your disciples for a job well done, commanding Suiqi to throw them a celebration, while you waste no time in bringing the Gege's to Suiqi to bring it and the lands betwixt it and your temple under your control, fortifying it while you wait for the replies for letters.

And since there's more votes than either to destroy the last spirit stone pillar keeping up the blizzard, but a debate how to do it, I'll have that be part of the vote this update (and expand on it)


update will arrive shortly

Eventually, you're able to make the mob surrounding you disperse, without having to shout or threaten them away, by simply raising your voice and speaking imperiously so as to impart the importance of your words deeply into their minds, your regal voice carrying across the snow swept landscape and over the frost covered city walls so the whole of the adoring mob can hear you and won't try and swarm you again and impede you in your visit to the city. All you have to do is, with your most queenly and stern voice you can muster while flustered as you are, is telling them it is gravely important for you to meet with your disciples. Now you may have been vague as to why it was important, so their imaginations would frighten them off from smothering you with their adulations again before you could sit down your students and gather as much intel as you can off the on and off attacks sent by the winter blossoming wisdom sect, the composition of the strike forces and how many prisoners they have taken. And also so you can establish an official response for keeping overly annoying worshipers away from the sect head when she has no patience or desire to be assaulted with beggars and unwanted suitors.

So you stride through the now pale faced crowd, which parts away as Hong and Chuandapo ponderously lead you through the now nearly unrecognizable city. There are posters and murals of you all around, of you fighting a bunch of malformed monsters and ugly looking sorcerer types that you don't recognize or remember cutting down with your claws until you walk up and take a closer look, squint your eyes and tilt your head. It would seem that your faithful have drawn nearly everyone of your note worthy battles, the ones you like to brag and boast about, or at least their own interpretation of them. Since Fu didn't fight that old child eating fucker in the mountains with you, he was too injured and young back then, and Feiqing, Ping and Lei didn't do much besides hide when you fought the other child predating slime in the tunnels beneath the earth, nor did Ping have white hair back then or much at all considering he used to walk around with a shaved head. They got the crow king fight right, with Qiang being just a spectator to it, but they gave her cat ears and a tail. An adorable fluffed up tail, making her look like a frightened kitten, as you fought a hideous version of the crow king with three heads and four arms all holding horse chopping sabers, a very standard depiction of what most people imagined a demon to look like, with tusks and horns and garish red skin. Though they at least gave him crow wings. You spent awhile, admiring the artwork and wondering if you could get a few scrolls of it or have some scenes painted on Chuandapo's shell while she slept, before Hong realized you weren't following him and hurried back to grab onto your sleeve, tugging on it to urge you forward impatiently.


You decided not to make a scene, it wasn't like the murals would wash away with the rain anyway, and followed him to where your disciples were gathered. Which was a familiar garden. The one where you tore open the belly of that cannibalistic beauty beneath the wisteria tree where Fu now sat, meditating with his axes and...speaking with her ghost who seemed to still be indignant despite how long had passed. Well you weren't going to listen to her whining, you needed her heart more than she did, to make the ghost mask pellet you needed to break into the foundation establishment stage.

Her still living mother, looking half a ghost herself, was being bullied by Lanfen through Liu, who ordered her around to the amusement of your beastly students, who were milling around the garden or playing games. Canlan Yuanquan was meditating or sunbathing in one of the decorative streams running through the garden, Houmogui and Siwang were sitting on the branches over Fu's head, the former hanging upside down and napping through the day while the other looked around with sharp eyes, keeping a look out for any skyborn attackers. Baifenchi was nearby, clinging to the tree and fluttering her wings as she watched the ghost complaining at Fu. Huili was playing with his pack mates, some who were...looking a bit bigger than wolves shoulder, leaving smoldering paw prints in the grass as he chased and wrestled with them, Chuandapo hurried to join in on the fun, moving faster than you've ever seen her move on land to get to her friend quicker. Meiwei Zhurou sat like an idle god, surrounded by platters of jade and gold piled high with food, picking through it and talking with some brown nosing nobles who were desperate to get into his good graces, while the horned pig himself was dressed in fine silks and jewelry. Senlin Zheren was nearby, lecturing the pig about temperance and restraint as he tried to keep up with the conversation of his sycophantic peers and the constant stream of delicacy being placed before him. Youzaiwang was relishing in the praises of the servants, along with Yinying, who seemed bored with the tiger's company. Niu, Mao Yue, Bo, and Wang Wencheng were covered in bandages and bruised all over, sitting at a table with an oddly subdued looking Jiangliehuo , who also seemed to have taken a beating.

Actually, now that you looked a little closer, it seemed everyone had at least a scrape or two from the fighting to reach Suiqi and the fighting to keep hold of it.

Feiqing was sitting away from everyone else, drawing lines in the dirt with a stick, which Ping looked over the scrap of scroll given to him by the ancient sages down in hell. It took you awhile to spot Qiang, as she was dressed in ...well a dress. She preferred men's clothing, and rarely bothered with makeup.

But now she was decorated and painted up like a princess, with red agate and red jade beads woven into her hair and a long sleeved Hanfu covered in golden paw prints. and she was surrounded by monks, who were praying and offering her gifts while she looked on gloomily. Seems she and Zhurou were doing double duty to act as your intermediary or avatars in the mortal realm, and were tasked with hearing the scrapings and prayers of your new found followers and self appointed priests. Cute. But your smile vanishes when you realize, after looking for Yujijiao, you remember that she's stuck at the temple and still...well, dead. You'll have to fix that one of these days. Somehow, it was sad thinking she couldn't join in on the fun the rest of you disciples were having.

But then a fun idea brought a mischievous smirk to your lips and a playful glitter to your amber eyes. This place was a little too peaceful and organized, you should make it a bit more entertaining and wild with your grand entrance, and scare off those who are unworthy of basking in your radiant presence with a flashy show of power. So you, without thinking, act on that whim and make your presence known in the most bombastic way you can think of that isn't so showy that it'll attract the attention of anyone keeping an eye on the city and inform them that Huanliuxue had arrived there. Nor is your display of power strong enough to kill anyone, even if an untrained eye might look at your theatrics and think a deadly curse is being conjured.

You release just a glimpse of your graveyard aura, like the experience of briefly glimpsing a figure out of the corner of one's eye or tripping on a rotting corpse or walking by a graveyard or tomb and pausing to look inside as you leap into the air, shadows surrounding your the yawning maw of a vortex as you spun around and wove the darkness and Yin Qi around yourself and turned them into flickering false ghost flames as the shadows peeled away like a cocoon and fell apart like old spider webs as you then expressed a minute amount of blood Qi, and revitalized the grass, flowers and unfortunate servants who were drained of life force by just the murmur of ghostly Yin Qi you released from your back to form ethereal wings that danced with bone whites, ink blacks and carmine reds, the grass turning green, the flowers blossoming anew and reaching towards you rather than the sun and the servants waking up from their dead faint, looking confused as to how exactly they ended up on the floor.

You then skip up to the center of the grand garden, wilting grass and regrowing it whenever your toes grace the ground before you tap your heels down and spin around with a glowing grin and throw out your arms. Glancing around to make sure all eyes are on you, you then open your mouth and laugh haughtily, like a princess is allowed and expected to.

"Fantastic!" You declare, addressing all of your disciples without singling one of them out to heap praise upon "You've surpassed even my greatest expectations when I sent you out into the cold to provide food and protection to those unfortunate souls trapped beneath the curse born blizzard. I was already filled with pride to know you had saved so many from undo and undeserved suffering, but when I heard you had saved the great city Suiqi and lead those who had lost their homes, farms or even family's as refugees to it, I was over the moon with joy. And to then hear you fought off those apathetic bastards who began this trouble to begin with, not just once but five times all on your own beneath a magical storm, why, I couldn't stop grinning! You all deserve congratulations and rewards equal to your services to the people of Chuan. For every life you saved, you shall be thanked and praised and..."

You pause as you noticed Fu has a curious scar on his neck as he approaches you to kneel before you

"Did one of those dogs slice your throat?" You ask from the side of your mouth, quietly, so as not to interrupt your grandiose speech to your disciples, since its as much for the benefit of the normal folk in the garden as it is for them

"Actually I had my head cut off" He answers, far too casually "Turns out that isn't enough to kill me. So I picked it up and held it in place until it healed back together"

"Huh" You say, not really sure how to respond to that "Good job?"

He nods, and then carefully wraps his throat with bandages, seeming suddenly ashamed of the new scar.

"And you should all throw a festival in their honor, not mine!" You shout, twisting on your heel to face the lady of the manor, who trembles and glances back to her husband, who nods and begins shouting orders to his guests and servants, but you meant a city wide party, not a private celebration "Across the city! Let their names and deeds be sung from the high to the low quarter until they reach the first of my shrines built in the slums. Spread the word, and be quick about it"

You snap your fingers, and suddenly the garden is much less populated than it was moments before.

"Lady Huanliuxue" Fu says, sounding like he's blushing "Such things are wasted on us, your praises alone are worth more than a celebration thrown in our honor"

"Lighten up, Fu, and enjoy yourself, it'll be the only relaxation any of you will have for...well I don't know how long" You titter as you hop and skip over to Qiang, who you now see has had her hair done up to mimic cat ears, which is just adorable

"Thank you" She groans, rubbing the shadow off of her eye, since she's covered one with an eyepatch that...has very cute cat's face drawn on it. That couldn't have been her first choice. But was Lanfen or the people Suiqi to blame for it? "I was beginning to wish for death, they were so annoying!"

"Well, you have my permission to slink away from the party to catch your breath and enjoy some peace and quite" You say sweetly as she grunts, more focused on removing the numerous pearl tipped pins, jade bracelets and other accessories before she got out of the stuffy looking outfit someone had shoved her into.

You leave her to her grooming and click your tongue, motioning for Siwang and Yinying to come up to you

"Unfortunately, you two will miss the start of the party. I need the both of you to race back to our temple and grab The Geges. We're claiming the every piece of land from there to here, from the smallest farm to the wealthiest monastery, all of it will be ours" You command humorlessly

"Won't that outrage the winter blossoming wisdom sect?" Yinying asks, more to warn you than any other reason

"Of course, but we've shown we should rule these lands instead of them, and can do so better than they could. If a land lacks a capable ruler, one shall appear and take those lands under their protection" You answer with a pleasant smile "The Gege's will fortify Suiqi with their magic and their armies, and since I've chased away the blizzard, the winter blossoming wisdom sect won't be able to contest our claim"

"The blizzard is still over Suiqi" Siwang states as if that wasn't obvious

"I'm going to finish the job, while I wait for a few very important letters to be sent" You answer with a nod "I just haven't figured out how I should break the last piece of that spell array"

You sigh and pout, tapping your foot on the ground and a finger on your chin in thought.

Double vote

How do you go about destroying the last spirit stone pillar

>Do it publicly and with a crowd, so word will spread of both your beneficence and the "wickedness" of the winter blossoming wisdom sect, completely ruining their public image

>They aren't idiots. You've been very loud lately, smashing their toys and having your students humiliate there's. They've probably have someone keeping an eye on it. So go alone, and break it covertly, expecting a fight the moment you do

>From a distance, compromising your desires to show off and keep the innocents under your rule safe, by simply blasting the pillar to pieces from a couple miles away

>Corrupt it with your Qi and take over the last piece of the array to shroud Suiqi in a spell of your own(Magic trial. DC 70. Effect depends on the Qi placed inside of it)

>Write in

And what do do after the array is broken, Huanliuxue (if there's a fight, this action will follow it)

>Join the party and live a little, and take the chance to see how your disciples have improved

>Read through the letters as they arrive, so they don't pile up and you can reply quickly if necessary

>Help the Gege's fortify you're newly taken territory, not wasting a second on frivolous things

>Rip Fu's head off to see for yourself why that doesn't kill him (Fu won't die from this)

>Write in
>Corrupt it with your Qi and take over the last piece of the array to shroud Suiqi in a spell of your own(Magic trial. DC 70. Effect depends on the Qi placed inside of it)
Kind of want to put Primordial Qi in it.

>Rip Fu's head off to see for yourself why that doesn't kill him (Fu won't die from this)
This (doesn't) kill the crab
This also gives us a way to test the Living source Primordial beast essence we got from our breakthrough.
Oh, and grandfather, I think we never voted for what to put in the empty spiritual root we got from reaching core formation stage.
You should probably put it in an update before we forget about it completely
>From a distance, compromising your desires to show off and keep the innocents under your rule safe, by simply blasting the pillar to pieces from a couple miles away

>Help the Gege's fortify you're newly taken territory, not wasting a second on frivolous things
>Corrupt it with Blood Qi.
Make it a spell of fortification/healing for our own subjects. Primordial Qi may be cool too though.

>Rip Fu's head off.
So yeah, Fu uh. . . what the HELL?! That "unrbeakable disciple trait" is mad.
>Corrupt it with your Qi and take over the last piece of the array to shroud Suiqi in a spell of your own.
>>Primordial Qi
I can switch to Blood Qi to break a tie since I’m okay with either. We’re a source for both and our Ghostly Qi is a bad idea. I’m marginally for Primodial over Blood since the latter would attract a certain ogress’ attention eventually.

>Spend some time with Feiqing and see if he’d be up to a trip in hell to meet your weaver friend and find some unique materials. She’s rather sweet, and as another type of craftsman they can find common ground in their art. Also romance novels as she’s the one who gave you your first sets.
Poor ogre-bro. No one spending time with him because they all think he’s a demon.
>Read through the letters as they arrive, so they don't pile up and you can reply quickly if necessary
>Rip Fu's head off to see for yourself why that doesn't kill him (Fu won't die from this)
Have Qiang and Baifenchi around for this. Anything we learn can also benefit Qiang and Baifenchi’s necromancy focus may give different insights on the nature of what happens.
the bit about the ogre makes sense.

>changing blood to Primodrial QI
>Corrupt it with your Qi and take over the last piece of the array to shroud Suiqi in a spell of your own(Magic trial. DC 70. Effect depends on the Qi placed inside of it)
>Rip Fu's head off to see for yourself why that doesn't kill him (Fu won't die from this)
>Corrupt it with your Qi and take over the last piece of the array to shroud Suiqi in a spell of your own(Magic trial. DC 70. Effect depends on the Qi placed inside of it)
>Primordial Qi
The only way Yaonan is getting Pure Blood Qi is by killing us. Ghostly would probably kill people like we did when we flashed our aura.
>Rip Fu's head off to see for yourself why that doesn't kill him (Fu won't die from this)
Fu might have some kind of Ghostly Physique due to his unique law, that or local man too angry to die. Thought I kinda want to get a flashback to him getting decapitated and still being able to fight.
>Read through the letters as they arrive, so they don't pile up and you can reply quickly if necessary
Should be possible to do while decapitating our boy.
>Do it publicly and with a crowd, so word will spread of both your beneficence and the "wickedness" of the winter blossoming wisdom sect, completely ruining their public image

>Join the party and live a little, and take the chance to see how your disciples have improved
My money is that his ability to shoulder grudges to enhance/puppet his body has now extended to his own grudge. He’s closer to a grudge piloting a meat sack, much as Huan is a ghost piloting one.

Yes, local man too angry to die. Wonder if he’s angry enough to possess other people like we can. That gives me another idea.

>Before Fu’s head is cut off, possess Qiang and Baifenchi without taking control for a baseline, the possess Fu so you may see how his spirit responds to his body’s violent end. Perhaps you can tell him something of what’s he’s doing differently compared to others.
We have experience possessing people, unlike Fu who gets possessed instead. We may be able to aid his own cultivation with a trained eye on his soul and grudge as he draws power from us. It may teach us how to better bolster others with our own grudges and possession too.
>Corrupt it with your Qi and take over the last piece of the array to shroud Suiqi in a spell of your own(Magic trial. DC 70. Effect depends on the Qi placed inside of it)

I'm good with whatever but I have to wonder what metal qi would do?
>I'm good with whatever but I have to wonder what metal qi would do?
Lightning rod.

Perpetual storm? Probably counterproductive since we're trying to remove a blizzard. Blood or Primordial probably are the most likely to make local life better then.
Blood for vigor, local food production, and the blood garden idea (in a very different form), Primordial to turn Suiqi into the half-beast haven I tried establishing long ago with other strange effects possible as a chaotic Qi.

I didn’t think about that but it’s another reason for me to vote Primordial!
Blood might have some side effects too, like increased aggression that the cloud caused. Although Huan could try to prevent it somehow.
it also might make the sects we invited feel wary, blood is more macabre then wilderness, and most people don't share Huan's tastes.

But a side-effect for primordial being an increase of the beastmen population makes sense, the roar transformed humans that were already closer to nature, I imagined that the altered array would lead to more children being born with animal traits, like what happened to Yuyi. Or making it easier for beast to awaken, cultivate or breakthrough.
Likely both given the abundance of Qi, though the array may enhance some effects more than others. I would expect migrants/residents to eventually gain bestial features even if they weren’t born here.

If all that happened, Suiqi would be the best place to establish the first true academies/sects/whatever to educate beasts until they can attain human form. The abundance of Qi may make them more wild, but many of the residents will be stronger too and a number of instructors will be cultivators/beasts that could fight back against that behavior. That same Qi surge should also make any beasts here more capable of understanding their nature as it fuels their growth, letting Suiqi churn out grads quicker.

The former crime-ridden city turning into a university town. At least all the noise won’t be people dying.
Dean Siwang of the Suiqi University of Law
>step one of cross examination is to STARE AT SUSPECTS SO HARD YOUR EYES BORE INTO THEIR SOULS
>Thesis paper
>”…thus, with the proper application of Qi a hand (or talon, or paw, or any other appendage) placed on the witness may be used to reflect and amplify the intent to deceive on the Truthsayer’s own Qi. Such Qi can be seen and read by even pre-Foundation Establishment cultivators and beasts, allowing jurors and audience to receive the basic instruction on how to read the Qi prior to trials and see the results for themselves. The potential corruption of Truthsayers to suggest or withhold deceptive intent has already been addressed by the feedback loop of both modifying and amplifying deceit causing scarring on the meridians that will affect the weave of Qi in sight of all, leaving us to address…”
>Corrupt it with your Qi and take over the last piece of the array to shroud Suiqi in a spell of your own(Magic trial. DC 70. Effect depends on the Qi placed inside of it)

I'd go for pure Yang qi to create some blessed land where the sun never sets. Fine with beast essence too though!

>Join the party and live a little, and take the chance to see how your disciples have improved
>They aren't idiots. You've been very loud lately, smashing their toys and having your students humiliate there's. They've probably have someone keeping an eye on it. So go alone, and break it covertly, expecting a fight the moment you do
>Write in
>Corrupt it with your Qi and take over the last piece of the array to shroud Suiqi in a spell of your own(Magic trial. DC 70. Effect depends on the Qi placed inside of it) Primordial QI
That primordial Qi is gonna go wild. No doubt increased animal disciples' cultivation levels. But could awaken latent bloodlines. It'll also make spell usage much easier.

>Rip Fu's head off to see for yourself why that doesn't kill him (Fu won't die from this)
>Read through the letters as they arrive, so they don't pile up and you can reply quickly if necessary

Grandfather question can we heal up our disiples with blood Qi?
Here's a count, it's likely that I made mistakes though, i'm kind of busy right now.

>Votes - 11

>Corrupt it with your Qi - 8

>>Primordial - 5

>Pure yan - 1

>From a distance - 1

>Do it publicly and with a crowd - 1

>They aren't idiots - 1

>Rip Fu's head off - 6

>Help the Gege's fortify - 1

>Read through the letters - 3

>Spend some time with Feiqing - 1

>Join the party and live a little - 2

>Before Fu’s head is cut off - 1

>Coalesce - 1
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Ending the vote now

thank you junior, for tallying it

So you'll take control of the last pillar of the spell array, to throw a spell of your own over Suiqi, using Primordial Beast essence to "Corrupt it"

And also rip Fu's head off to see for yourself why being decapitated doesn't kill him.

Update will arrive shortly

Depending on the application, yes. Though for them to be healed through blood itself, you'd need to turn them into carmine mystics.

But no matter how hard you try to focus, your thoughts are dominated by a question instead of reasonable and unreasonable answers to the question of how the great and magnanimous Huanliuxue will smash the last spirit stone pillar. Since while that glorified rock is making everyone in Suiqi shiver and sneeze, even if its worth nearly as much as the whole city itself, you can't get this nagging question out of your head

'why doesn't that kill Fu?' it yowls, echoing through your mind as if it were an empty canyon 'everything and everyone dies when their head is cut off'

'But that isn't true' you remind yourself 'I've read stories of carmine mystics surviving their heads being lopped off, and I know some mundane beasts can as well, for awhile anyways. Is it really so strange for a cultivator to be able to shrug off a light decapitation?'

Especially one whose Dao is centered around willing possession and channeling of the will and grudges of the dead? Wait, the more you think of this, the more sense it makes

'Did Fu stumble across the Severing of the Eternal soul and Mortal vessel ( 刌 永恒魂会死㿾 Cǔn-Yǒnghénghún-Huìsǐzhù) in the midst of combat?' You wonder, tapping your finger on your chin and pouting as you consider what exactly could be happening with the boy, spiritually and internally 'But that wouldn't keep his body from dying, sure there are ways to heal from an otherwise lethal injury with the right medicine, but just plopping your head back on the stump of your neck? That'd require blood Qi, specifically the scarlet healing armor , Which Fu doesn't have, unless he cultivated off of the Carmine breath radiating from me'

And the longer you think about it, the less sense it makes and the more questions you ask. Its turning your head into a knotted mass of yarn and giving you a headache. You can't think straight until you get to the bottom of this and find an answer the satisfies you. At least enough for you to forget about it long enough to break the array over Suiqi.

You glance around the garden, and smirk devilishly when you see that its been emptied except for your disciples and a few others who judging from their dress, you assume are applicants who wish to apply to join the Palace of Natural laws at some level or another.

"FU!" You shout, snapping your fingers as Lanfen preens herself beside him and tries to get his attention away from the various ghosts of your past victims as they complain about you for killing them, as if they were not all villains who brought naught but sorrow and ruin to this now much fairer city.

"Yes, master" He answers solemnly, marching up to you, Lanfen and Liu trailing behind him as Baifenchi flutters off of the wisteria tree and languidly trails behind them

"Come here for a moment, I need to test something" You answer innocently, using blood control to flush your cheeks, holding your hands behind your back as you saunter up to him while Lanfen pouts, seething with jealousy

Fu frowns, but nots and takes another step forward as you sway around his side and point at a spot on the ground, where your grandiose entrance left a patch of dead grass.

"Kneel there, sit up straight and hold your head still" You command, and he obeys without question or complaint

"What are you doing, lady Huanliuxue?" Lanfen asks suspiciously, guessing you're up to something not too pleasant for Fu. Or rather Her, since she's probably thinking you're just playing around and intend to steal him away from her, as if she owns him like she does Liu

"You know how the master is, this is probably just some wayward whimsy that is leading her by the nose" Liu chuckles as you dramatically raise up your hand, pulling back your sleeve so it doesn't get coated in blood or spine fluid and pat it down onto Fu's messy black hair peeking out from his bandages

"Master?" He asks, sounding adorably embarrassed, but you can't see if he's blushing. If he was, he probably stopped when you tightened your grip onto his scalp, wrapping hair and bandages around your fingers and digging your nails into his skin. He doesn't make a noise or voice his discomfort. But that might be beacause you ripped off his head from his shoulders, like plucking a peach from a branch.

Lanfen shrieks and faints as a geyser of blood sprays from Fu's neck, covering her head to toe as she covers her mouth and her eyes roll back as she sways backwards and falls. Liu catches her, but looks like half a ghost with how white his face has become with eyes as wide as an owl.

You scratch your chin as you turn Fu's head around in your hand and see that he's wincing rather than grimacing in mortal terror. Like you just slapped him across the face.

"Curious, curious, how curious" You muse as you pet his disembodied head as he moves his lips, trying to say something, but without lungs, all he does is mouth the words while his spine hangs limply. You caress his cheeks and hold him in both your hands, tilting your head

"Huanliuxue, why did you rip Fu's head off?" Qiang asks calmly as she saunters over "Were you really so curious to not ask him first"

"I did" You state, nodding to the only other person in the garden who can see what you're seeing, though Baifenchi is also observing and giggling grossly as she watches you roll around her elder martial brother's head in your hands "Royalty shouldn't have to explain themselves"

Fu glowers as Qiang taps her sheathed sword on her shoulders

"So I have a few theories of my own about this" She dryly states, pointing at the grudge miasma pouring from both Fu's severed neck and the place it used to sit between his shoulders "but what do you think, teacher"

Fu's lips move, but you don't pay them any mind.

"He controls grudges in a unique way, and that could be playing a part in this ridiculous level of durability" You ponder outload "But his soul is unusually stubborn. Normally, it'd have left his body by now. But this also isn't like a hungry ghost or vengeful spirit puppeteering a corpse. His heart is still beating and blood is flowing from both his head and his body. Its weird, isn't it"

"Right?" Qiang agrees with a bored expression while Fu rolls his eyes, tired of you messing around with his head.

"Sorry" You cheerfully chirp, placing his head back where it belongs before turning it back around. His body then moves, grabbing hold of both hands and roughly adjusting it before taking some bandage and using it to secure it in place.

"Honestly, you couldn't have given me a warning, you gave me the fright of my life, master" He hoarsely complains "and you're much too calm about this, Qiang"

"She is!" Liu shouts angrily. Qiang shrugs

"Not the first time I've seen him decapitated" She answers, sounding almost offended "So, what do you think? Is this some kind of Aberrant physique of a ghostly nature? Or is he just too stubborn to give up the ghost?"

"He might just be too vengeful to die, but from just one decapitation I can't be certain what exactly that is I saw" You explain "His flesh was producing enmity energy, but his soul was also clingy and sticky. It could be a combination or something else. But I'd bet good money on it being an evolution of his law, like a secret art, born out of his close relationship with the dead and the way he absorbs their grudges"

"I do it differently than you two do" He answers with a nod, rubbing his neck like its still sore "I don't know what it is either, my body is racked with chills even when I'm not harboring a guest inside of it"

"Weird. Weird~" You chant, patting his head as you check where it was ripped, pulling down his bandages to get a better look.

"You'll blush from that, but not from her chest bouncing around your face?" Qiang teases, poking his other cheek as she crouches down

"Is he a walking corpse, teacher?" Baifenchi asks, finally reigning her obsession in enough to talk

"No, his heart is still beating. Rather than being a walking or hopping corpse, Fu is difficult to turn into a corpse" You answer off handedly while Liu fans Lanfen's face and tries to rouse her with gentle and not so gentle shaking "Which is odd! He follows a ghostly dao, but practices Yang techniques with it. He is often possessed and carries a swarm of vengeful ghosts on his back, but he isn't weakened or turned sickly by it"

"You spend a lot of time around much stronger spirits, Lady Huanliuxue" He answers, as if that'd provide some grand revelation about why tearing his head off doesn't strike him stone cold dead

"Yeah that is weird now that I think about it" Qiang sighs, narrowing her one eye in thought as she cups her chin "Leader, why is that"

Fu shrugs

"I've always been healthy and robust since I was a child" He answers

"You did survive a tiger mauling" You agree, bobbing your head up and down "But still, losing one's head is usually lethal. You mentioned you usually feel chilled. You might've adapted to harboring ghosts a little too well. Your own soul has had to become quite tenacious to keep from being pushed around or forced out, and you've infused your flesh with so many grudges that its began to bleed into and fuse to that stubborn soul of yours"

"And that means?" He asks, as Qiang silently leans closer, saying the same without speaking a word

"Soul refinement. I did it once. You did it in a different manner. You've refined your soul in a crucible of ghosts and grudges. But different from the way I did it" You answer, standing back up to your full height and holding your arms behind your head as you stretch out "Without realizing it, you've founded a secret art that will be the back bone of the way of the avenging warrior (衜的报复战士, Dàodebàofùzhànshì). Congratulations! You've proven yourself worthy of the title of my first disciple. Be proud of this accomplishment, celebrate! Boast a little! Do it, come on"

"Hrrn, once my head stops swimming and it doesn't wiggle when I move" He huffs, rubbing his neck like scratching an itch

"Seems everyone of your students who reaches the foundation establishment stage becomes a little bizarre" Qiang points out "Ping with his cursed arm, Feiqing with the metal he's sunken into his arms, Everything about Lei"

"You have just a bottleneck to break before you turn weird to" You titter teasingly, playful poking her forehead, her face never shifting from a quiet gloomy frown

"I am aware" She chuckles, sticking her sword back in the sash of her robe "I'll get Fu something to drink to ease his pain"

"And get some cold water for Lady Lanfen as well" You giggle, lifting your sleeve up to your face as you shuffle over to the girl who passed out from fright

"Please do not scare her like that, she has a delicate heart" Liu whimpers like a dog at it's ailing master's side

"Or rip my fucking head off" Fu shouts, angrily shaking his fist "You might be royalty, but that's no excuse! You said just to sit still, not that "Oh I'm going to tear your head off, Fu, Tee-hee!"

"My my, so angry" You giggle under your breath "I don't think that's enough of a reason to lose your head over it"

"Hah. Hah" he sardonically laughs, gripping his head by his hair and shaking it around to check if its stuck in place, blood dribbling out of his mouth as he does so.

"A soul dyed by grudges" Baifenchi hums to herself "What an interesting idea. Not as fun as a walking corpse though"

Now that you've satisfied your curiosity, you can actually focus and think about how best to break the last pillar of the array. And Baifenchi's off handed remark gave you a pretty good idea.

Why not steal it? The others were reduced to worthless blue grey dust after you shattered them, the Qi inside of them releasing all at once and draining the Spirit stone base entirely, rendering it worth less than worthless. But what if you simply replace the spiritual energy invested into it. Judging from how all of them have been infused with Pure water Qi, these pillars were probably grown synthetically, rather than occurring natural in the world. Basically being ice magic given form. But if you replaced that water Qi with your own spiritual energy, you could usurp control over the spell and reform it to your desires.

Your primary Ghostly Yin Qi would turn Suiqi into a graveyard and paradise for ghosts. Blood Qi you could see having unforeseen and unpleasant consequences. Even if you think both could improve the atmosphere and ambiance of the city, you don't want to depopulate it, especially since it is filled with your worshippers and people who have had enough hardship for their next four lives, or make it appear like the lair of a villainous demonic cultivator. And elementally aligned Qi, well, that would change the temperature, but the amount that would be required to take over the array would...well make it cause a different kind of enchanted storm.

But what about Primordial beast essence. It has become more common in the world as of late, and your body is a wellspring of it. And it wouldn't cause anything nasty to happen to the people living here, or at least not as nasty as waking up dead or whatever excess blood Qi might do to someone's body. Though that is something to try later, how beautiful a city of walking corpses and Pure carmine mystics would be.

No. Focus! Enough day dreaming about spires and castles beneath a blood red sky. You have work to do.

Fortunately, the spirit stone pillar won't be hard to find. Its just buried under Suiqi. In its sewer system. And you're not going down there. But you don't have to.

You just need to draw a diagram roughly over it and then slam a waterfall of Primordial beast essence over top of it! So that is exactly what you will do. And will be done, while the city is distracted preparing for your disciple's victory party.

Roll 2d100. Best out of five. DC 70

Had a lot of fun writing this update

I will, soon. Also you can try to evolve as a demonic beast, as well. don't forget that either
Rolled 61, 55 = 116 (2d100)

Sorry Fu. . . but it's reaaaaaaaaaally interesting and it only hurt a bit!
Rolled 16, 40 = 56 (2d100)

Rolled 71, 80 = 151 (2d100)

Rolled 90, 63 = 153 (2d100)

Rolled 71, 40 = 111 (2d100)

Idk if it will count but I just wanna speed things up
An incredible success, 80 over dc, The blue sea turns into mulberry fields at Huanliuxue's command!

Update will arrive shortly
Rolled 61, 66 = 127 (2d100)

> "Seems everyone of your students who reaches the foundation establishment stage becomes a little bizarre" Qiang points out
Curious how she’ll advance into a weirdo, especially since she follows our original law. Maybe some kind of ghostly eye, maybe she learns the evolution of the spectral lightness skill that slows time that we skipped since she is a quick draw specialist.
And the last thing you needed was to be distracted while you drew the diagram to contain a spell strong enough to usurp the array of the winter blossoming wisdom sect. It was small now, but it was the centermost pillar of their magically created blizzard. You had sensed it since you were a few leagues from Suiqi. The soil and air practically thrummed with the spiritual energy it gave of, like so many ripples through a pond, constantly pressing around you and thickening the air. It was like static before a storm, crackling throughout the city and roaring in defiance in the back of your ears. It'd be easier to just break it, smash it like any other spirit stone, grind it to dust that Monu could smoke in her pipe. But, well, now that you're sect had properly entered the world of cultivation, it could use a little extra wealth in its treasury vaults. And what better way to announce its entrance into local politics than by a display of power. That'd certainly push a few who were on edge on whether to oppose or support your heretical band of upstarts that arose in the middle of the chaos that all of Chuan had been dragged into by your expert cultivation. And it didn't matter if they chose to be smart and ally with you, or were stricken with terror and ran back to their temples with their tails between their legs or were stupid and decided to throw their lives away opposing your ambitions.

It didn't matter, but ending the blizzard would win you even more supporters amongst the mortal populace, even if it didn't sway a single cultivator from their traditions and seats.

You draw the diagram across the city, through the alleyways and up towers with your own blood and bone ash, mixed into a crude sort of ink that you dip your hands into. With your fingers as brushes, you write a spell across the whole of the city, within and outside of its walls and even frozen atop its water, adjusting the exact dimensions and shifting the characters around with blood control as you dream up a spell that didn't exist until the moment you decided you wanted a big pillar of spirit stone filled with Primordial beast essence.

The sun makes it journey through the sky as you slip around the festival being thrown in honor of the palace of natural law's beneficence and opposition against those careless immortals who wrought misery and pain upon the good people of Chuan for reasons beyond mortal understanding. You were careful not to be spotted, less your grand work of mysticism was interrupted or you were forcefully dragged into the revelry. The ritual could not be bungled. It had to succeed. Both for the benefit of Suiqi and her people, and to make a mark that'd never fade from the memory of even those who'd live for a thousand years. A legacy that couldn't be erased, even if you were killed and your memory buried like so many others.

It is as much a poem as it is a spell, both an ode and an elegy to the soil, and the corpses that became it. Countless beasts and men, across the ages, returned to dust and settled down to the earth, feeding new life and being reborn in an endless, whirl wind dance that all life was apart of. Of the wildness that had been ground down over centuries by the feet of humanity, replaced with rigid walls and laws. Of the landscape that had been cut apart and tamed, the beasts that once grazed and hunted the riverside and hills that had been buried beneath stone streets and houses. To those beasts and their ancestors, and the first tribes that settled these fertile lands, before a drunk of a godess tripped down and spilled a thousand rivers and lakes across it. When Chuan was an extension of the northern desert. To the people whose way of lives were changed by the carelessness of the divine and the beasts who died out from the sudden shift in enviroment, unable to adapt. And to those who did and changed and became something different than their ancestors. To the grass and trees that took root and were cut down to fuel fires and make charcoal and build houses and inns and too many kinds of industry to count.

It is an elegy to the primordial world, the world of generations past, before mankind became civilized, before history itself. It is an ode to pure wildness, the untamed past. To prehistory. Before Daoists organized, before the strife with the buddhists, before men separated themselves from beasts, and beasts awoke and looked upon their fires with jealousy and fear.

To the world that could never be returned to. To the world uncolored by thought and untainted by ambition and greed. A pure world. Dharma. Dao.

The natural order.

And, when you have finished your masterpiece of sorcery, you dot the eyes by placing yourself in its center. You toss of your clothes, and allow your primordial beast essence to flow freely from you as you shift back to your feline form and place one paw directly above the pillar and the other atop of it.

From what you can sense with your spiritual sense, its in a cavern a few miles beneath you, hidden away. You don't know how long its been there or its history. But it matters not.

Because you're invoking something far older than it. The world as it was at its beginning.

Your eyes flash green, every shade of green from early growth to near yellow wilting to deep near black jade to shimmering emerald. Dust lifts around you, as bands of green light rise up from your paws and ring around you. Nine upon each limb, nine upon your tail, nine upon your neck and Nine around your body.

Then throwing your head back, you give a great yowl, crying out to the moon as it rises in the east.

And then, your cry becomes a resounding note, like the tune of a struck gong. Pure. Uncolored. Untainted.

There is a single wave of primordial beast essence, that surges through Suiqi and beyond its walls. And then, green sparks shoot from your paws, moments before a great pillar of emerald light erupts from the ground and pierces the heavens. The violet, autumn oranges, fiery golds and wine reds of the sunset change, becoming tinged green as the moon's silver blue light turns chartreuse.

And for a moment, you're a kitten again, looking up from your mother's nest in the straw of a horse's stable, looking up to the moon, the colors of twilights dying its golden glow yellow green. You blink as the pillar slams down, cracking the earth and piercing down through miles of stone and dirt, bidding it to remember what it once was. There's movement, groaning of wood growing swiftly and confused cries all around as every cloud in the sky takes the shape of fluffy white kittens, but only one with a notched ear, bounding towards the moon to make fulfill your first dream.

To bat at the curious light in the sky, that graced your eyes when you first pried them open. The others...you can't recognize even though they feel so familiar.

A massive tree, unlike any you've seen before in all your wanderings across the world, is beneath you, you're sat atop its top most branch, looking down upon a tiny pearl that has to be Suiqi. And judging from all the mewling. Beneath you are many newly awakened beasts, and newly made beast-kin, all blessed by your cry.

Result: The Beast Empress's domain. Suiqi has become a mingling of the Civilized and Primordial worlds

And once you get down from the tree to explain what's happened and calm the terrified masses and all but command them to resume the celebration, you receive some news, before you can even climb all the way down from the newly born ancient tree you encouraged to grow from some descendant of its, probably some stubborn tuft of hograss growing between the alley's stone

First, Siwang and Yinying are back, and they've brought the geges. That's good
Second, the changes you enacted through the array have gone a little further than Suiqi.
Third, you've gotten a few letters back from the many you've sent out into Chuan's world of cultivation.
And forth, there was another blizzard on the horizon. But this one was moving, and you could feel a single man's killing intent radiating from the chill winds that carried downwind from it.

The three most important letters to arrive are from the Five colors and five purities sect, the Dusk Marsh wolves sect, and the summer sea dawn sect. This is understandable since they're relatively close by, and you know the buddhists, Lord Bao, Chuan Jianjun's reply will come later because of the distance between here and there. But some of the others who answered to your generic letters, peak your interest.

Like the Seven Slaughtering Swords School, who are thrilled by the "boldness of a fellow rebel against the blind heavens" and have sent a letter reeking of iron and death. Or the Temple of Celestial Fire, one of the Ling subordinants, who according to the missive are "Tired of dying for the grudges of our supposed elder brothers". And this one written by the Sages of the Shifting Sands who wrote you to insult and decry you as a demon and abomination, and restating their loyalty to the winter blossoming wisdom sect, especially against "Man eaters, temptresses, and heretics". And you'll have to pay their pitiful temple a visit once you found the time to.

But more letters pile up as you read just these six! And more will come when their readers look to the horizons and see...well, what you did to Suiqi!

"Hah" You cry in frustration, both due to being half buried in letters, having to deal with the citizens of your new city asking too many questions and of the threat on the horizon that has to be your mother's shit head of an ex. And because its gotten really hot in Suiqi! its sweltering like the jungles in the primordial wilderness, and you're not comfortable in your fur or clothes.

"The dusk marsh wolves will only speak to Fu, The Summer sea dawn's head is probably sending his bastard son here in the hopes he dies" You complain to Jionghuagege, who is at your side, fanning you as you read the letters, both of you in your human forms "So he has a reason to declare war against us as well, He didn't even try to hide it in his letter, The five colors and five purities are sending their elder and heads here...Hah! What a pain! Can't they just say yes or no"

"They expect proper etiquette and decorum, they're testing your manners, elder sister" Jionghuagege says, as if you didn't know that already. It was obvious they wanted to see if you knew how to act like a daoist and could treat them civily. Hell Jinse-Shayu might hope you kill his son just to do away with him without a scandal, rather than for a reason to fight. But it was still a pain in the ass having the deal with them all at once. Why couldn't they have sent their letters in a nice, orderly fashion and get in line rather than rushing you all at once with requests and demands to discuss the matter of allying with the palace of natural laws further.

But you couldn't whine about it. You had to act like a proper ruler and deal with this rather than complain or hand it off to someone else like a spoiled child, even if it was frustrating. And boring, reading through each reply individually. Which slowly started to piss you off, as there were too many letters for your liking that just outright mocked you and insulted the palace of natural laws. Such arrogance!

No. Don't get angry. You could deal with the idiot young masters who laughed at you from their temples later. Now you needed a plan, or rather, an order of plans laid out like a list of chores in order of importance.


Double vote

Which sect to you parlay with first?

>Five colors and five purities, arranging to escort them to Suiqi

>Dusk Marsh wolves through Fu (Travel with him, yes or no)

>Summer Sea Dawn Sect, inviting Xia Xiaosi to Suiqi as you requested.

>The Seven Slaughtering swords, in their hidden temple

>One of the others (Write in)

And what do you do, Huanliuxue?

>Help the Gege's fortify Suiqi as they did your other territories

>Explore Suiqi and figure out exactly what your "Primordial Weather" has changed about it and its inhabitants *Can be taken with other choices*

>Find the ogress and bully her into helping you deal with Xue Laohue

>Have Xuebai send her pet out to die, to distract the winter blossoming wisdom sect's patriarch from marching directly to Suiqi before you can prepare.

>Infuriated by the few mocking letters you've received and stressed by looming threat of Xue Laohue, lash out and decide you'll march to meet that old bastard yourself, to kill him and show all of Chuan you're to be taken seriously!

>Write in
>Five colors and five purities, arranging to escort them to Suiqi
Have Xuebai send her pet out to die, to distract the winter blossoming wisdom sect's patriarch from marching directly to Suiqi before you can prepare.
>Explore Suiqi and figure out exactly what your "Primordial Weather" has changed about it and its inhabitants *Can be taken with other choices*
>Five colors and five purities, arranging to escort them to Suiqi

>Explore Suiqi and figure out exactly what your "Primordial Weather" has changed about it and its inhabitants *Can be taken with other choices*

>Find the ogress and bully her into helping you deal with Xue Laohue
I was going to vote to help the Geges, but I can't pass the opportunity to bully Yonan.
>Five colors and five purities, arranging to escort them to Suiqi
>Explore Suiqi and figure out exactly what your "Primordial Weather" has changed about it and its inhabitants *Can be taken with other choices*
>Help the Gege's fortify Suiqi as they did your other territories
>>By Createing a spell formation to help fight against Xue Laohue when he comes a knocking. Using the primordial essence pool you've created as a base.
>Five colors and five purities, arranging to escort them to Suiqi

>Dusk Marsh wolves through Fu (Travel with him, no)
Those two should work together

>Explore Suiqi and figure out exactly what your "Primordial Weather" has changed about it and its inhabitants *Can be taken with other choices*

>Have Xuebai send her pet out to die, to distract the winter blossoming wisdom sect's patriarch from marching directly to Suiqi before you can prepare.
>Five colors and five purities, arranging to escort them to Suiqi

>Have Xuebai send her pet out to die, to distract the winter blossoming wisdom sect's patriarch from marching directly to Suiqi before you can prepare.
>fu gets embarrassed by mommy experience
Today on the game of "Kink or touch starved" Two Axe Fu!
>Five colours and purities
>Dusk marsh wolves [don't go with Fu[
He can go by himself. He's a big boy.

>Fortify Suiqi.
>Explore Suiqi to figure out what's changed.
>Have Xuebai SUMMON her pet to the city limits.

Scaring off the monster isn't gonna work and he's too canny to just jump at a golden core cultivator like the patriarch. He'll turn tail and run.
So what we do is we draw him CLOSER and act like we're going to use him as a reserve troop, send him against soft targets. . and as bait for the big lad himself.
Think smarter, not direct.

He absolutely is touch starved.
>He absolutely is touch starved.
Not when Qiang's done with him.
Come to think of it.
Fu needs more mothering. He needs to be hugged and petted, like a good kit.

Quiang just needs her hair grooming. and if she behaves we won't use our tongue. Our law's Heir cannot be unkempt!
Isn't Lanfen the one that is into Fu?
>Five colors and five purities, arranging to escort them to Suiqi
>Explore Suiqi and figure out exactly what your "Primordial Weather" has changed about it and its inhabitants *Can be taken with other choices*
>Help the Gege's fortify Suiqi as they did your other territories
Qiang might be the absolute worst choice for this considering her past of "Assassin or Prostitute are your only paths in life". But yeah, Fu needs someone to give him headpats
Yes, but she keeps failing. Step up or get replaced, biiiiiiiiiitch

though as >>5766874 points out, She's his martial sister. JUST a martial sister from both their dispositions. She can still provide headpats though.
>Summer Sea Dawn Sect, inviting Xia Xiaosi to Suiqi as you requested.
You call that a good novel? Read mine and weep peasant.

>Help the Gege's fortify Suiqi as they did your other territories
We need to even the field of battle as the big bad icicle can only be beaten by us, also i'm sure monu has some special poison just for him and those pack a punch quite high regardless of cultivation.

I don't want to ask the ogress help, she's totally going to betray us if the occasion present itself.
And xuebai's pet deserves to be sent to hell by portal until ping is strong enough to face him.

>Explore Suiqi and figure out exactly what your "Primordial Weather" has changed about it and its inhabitants *Can be taken with other choices*

We need to know the battlefield, i feel like we may find something to help us fight mr. Frost.
Qiang needs a cat-shaped comb. Non negotiable.

I meant in a platonic way. They're just friends, after all.
A comb is a must to keep the cat ear shaped hairdo that she is rocking right now.
It's adorable. It's now a staple. If she undoes it on her own on missions we'll have to do it back up every time she gets back from an outing. We are a menace.
>Five colors and five purities, arranging to escort them to Suiqi
>Explore Suiqi and figure out exactly what your "Primordial Weather" has changed about it and its inhabitants *Can be taken with other choices*
>Find the ogress and bully her into helping you deal with Xue Laohue
I mean, when you put it this way I can’t help but vote it.
>Five colors and five purities, arranging to escort them to Suiqi
>Explore Suiqi and figure out exactly what your "Primordial Weather" has changed about it and its inhabitants *Can be taken with other choices*
>Use the ogress and Xuebai's pet together to test Xue Laohue while you watch to study his techniques and see how close to death he is.

If we are throwing expendables at Xue we should toss the ogre and flesh grafter both at him at once so they can actually do some hurt before they die and Huan needs to watch to be able to analyze Xue's abilities, just one of them will likely get crushed or refuse to engage in a meaningful way so Huan wouldn't see his techniques.
I forgot something important, let me adjust my write in a bit.

>Use the ogress and Xuebai's pet together to test Xue Laohue while you watch to study his techniques and see how close to death he is, provide poisons, pills, and other meaningful resources to aid in their fight

Huan pulled off the practically impossible act of killing the crow king by drugging herself up to the eyeballs so I wager the evil duo could pull off the same and since everything we hand over would be one use only it can't be turned on us later.
Both of them going at him at once and well equipped by Huan should make them either believe they can win or trust Huan to step in to help them once things start getting dicey.
Worst case scenario is they kick his ass and both profit greatly then become a demonic cultivator duo, but what are the odds of that?
Please do not underestimate these people. Yaonan and Jingyu are both potential MCs and geniuses in their own right. Our last encounter with Yaonan had several close calls and she has certainly become stronger since then. So I am not even sure we can control her, trying to control both and even loading them up with performance enhancing drugs is pure madness, they are just as likely to team up and tear us a new hole as anything else!
Jingyu character was the simp right? I can definitely see him falling for Yaonan giving the weird flirting/teasing/mocking she does.
Yaonan may very well fall for us. She loves blood, and we’re a living source of it Qi-wise. Whether that makes us safe or not is up in the air.

Still, safer to have her where we can see her than where we can’t.
He isn't really a simp. More like a particularly well-trained dog. I don't think he'd fall for her in such a way. But would he enjoy her company? Absolutely with all the corpses she leaves behind and how casually she goes about murdering people.

And she'd probably enjoy his company as well, because he's 100% down to kill at any given moment to look for fresh meat. They're freaks and they're made for each other, certainly.
>Dusk Marsh wolves through Fu (Travel with him, yes or no)
>No, but send him with Qiang, Lanfen and Liu
>Explore Suiqi and figure out exactly what your "Primordial Weather" has changed about it and its inhabitants
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Ending the vote and tallying the result now, didn't mean to make you wait two days, I shall offer some face to mend this folly.

Five colors and five purities, arranging to escort them to Suiqi:9

Dusk Marsh wolves through Fu:3
-No: 2
-Send him with Qiang, Lanfen and Liu: 1

Summer Sea Dawn Sect, inviting Xia Xiaosi to Suiqi as you requested.: 1

Explore Suiqi and figure out exactly what your "Primordial Weather" has changed about it and its inhabitants:10

Find the ogress and bully her into helping you deal with Xue Laohue:2

Help the Gege's fortify Suiqi as they did your other territories:4
-By Createing a spell formation to help fight against Xue Laohue when he comes a knocking:1

Have Xuebai send her pet out to die, to distract the winter blossoming wisdom sect's patriarch from marching directly to Suiqi before you can prepare.:3

Have Xuebai SUMMON her pet to the city limits: 1

Use the ogress and Xuebai's pet together to test Xue Laohue while you watch to study his techniques and see how close to death he is, provide poisons, pills, and other meaningful resources to aid in their fight: 1

So you'll invite the five colors to Suiqi, arranging an escort for their elders. And then explore Suiqi to study exactly what has changed beneath the primordial weather you've summoned, while waiting for them to arrive.

Update will arrive shortly
Shit, only the optional action won, so we wasted our time.
Actually, if I change my vote >>5766457
>Help the Gege's fortify Suiqi as they did your other territories
Would it be enough for it to pass? And is it too late?
I'll allow it
Thank you Grandfather.
And sorry for any troubles this sudden change might have caused.
First on the schedule. You'd send a reply to the five colors and five purities. You were planning on meeting with the other sect's who had replied kindly or at least showed an interest in forming an alliance with your palace of the natural laws sect. But only the five colors and five purities offered to meet on your turf, which showed they were more serious about their offer of an alliance than the rest and entrusted the lives of their head and two elders in your hands in a show of faith, unlike the others who even if their letters came scented with fine perfumes and filled to the margins with praise and high compliments, they wanted to arrange the meetings on their own territory where they would hold the upper hand. On familiar terrain, where they'd have every advantage against you in an ambush or sneak attack.

Perhaps that would change after they had all seen how you'd welcomed Su Zhe'xínglǚ and the two twins named Fa, into what appears to be your new strong hold, without deceit or treachery, treating them as honored and privilege guests. Certainly some of the more established and renowned sects would gnash their teeth when they realize their hesitation and caution had lost them the grand honor of being the first to enjoy the hospitality of Princess Huanliuxue. You'd have to make preparations, careful preparations to ensure their visit was a pleasant one and as comfortable as possible for that old man and his hot headed second. You didn't know anything about the other Fa boy, besides that he was the twin of Tang, who you annoyed to hell and back while wearing Yuyi's face, Heh-Heh.

"Jiong-Jiong, tell Ping, Feiqing, and Lei that I have another job for them to do, once they've worked off their hangovers" You say, so suddenly and loudly that the poor girl nearly slips off of the tree branch she had been sitting atop, helping sort through your mountains of letters and scrolls, with an adorable squeal. The wing light markings on her back sparkled, and tiny, ethereal bumblebee wing's curled like steam from them as she flailed and slowly fluttered back to your side embarrassedly.

"Of course, elder sister" She dutifully replied, nodding her head and rubbing her hands in the air where her antenna would be over her messy silver hair "What duty are you entrusting to those three chivalrous sworn brothers, something important no doubt? I hope it isn't dangerous nor life threatening"

"Just escort duty for three of our fellow daoists. It may be a mistake to send Lei, considering its a sect head of one of our potential allies they're escorting, and his company can be a bit of an acquired taste" You explain casually as you lean back and look up to the sky, the air sweltering and waving from the heat of the day as sweat drips down from your brow and neck "But, those three make a good team, and Lei knows his manners...usually. Ping will give them a good idea of what to expect when meeting me and Feiqing, well Feiqing needs to be given more respect"


"I've noticed humans mistake him for the third "enlightened beast" amongst the Palace of natural laws, it is quite unbecoming for them to treat him so just because of how he looks" Jionghuagege pouts, puffing out her freckled cheeks as a whimsical idea fluttered through your head much like a buzzing bee

"Exactly!" You declare with a snap of your fingers as you hop to your feet and motion to her with your hand "Which is why, as Princess of the flowers and embodiment of grace, you shall also accompany them to explain his circumstances and unfortunate looks, so that word will spread of his good character and affable personality rather than his uh, ugliness"

"Eh? Why me?" She asks, taken aback by your sudden command for her to help escort Master Su and his seconds in command "I may be royalty like yourself, but I have no actual experience in diplomatic matters or the like, I might make a mistake or ruin everything, besides, I'm also a beast"

"And? You've taught other stick in the mud daoist that doesn't mean anything, and that you're a sweet girl" You say, playfully pulling on her ear as you idly groom her hair into a more presentable style, after it got messed up from her sudden fall "I'm sure the Seat of the five colors and purities will not mind your company, besides, out of all my beastly disciples, you are the most'

"Approachable?" She offers, even though there are several more impolite terms and turns of phrase that could be used

"Yes, especially compared to little Tie-Tie, who would probably try to fight him if I sent her. And the others, well, there's still prejudice against our kind. So since you can appear as an ordinary girl, is all the more reason to send you" You say cheerfully, encouraging her as you braid and tie up her long, lustrous silver hair "To help begin chipping away at those nasty prejudice"

That seemed to have convinced her and turns her hesitation into gleeful anticipation and brings a bright smile to her face.

"Well if you would trust me with a duty as momentous as improving the perception of magical beasts like us, in the eyes of our fellow thou misguided and lead astray daoists, I would be honored to accept this task!" She shouts happily as you finish playing with her hair

"Of course, I trust my darling little sisters in all matters, but don't stress over making a good impression with them, just be yourself, Jiong-Jiong" You say, as you send her off to fetch Ping, Feiqing and Lei. Not mentioning that sending four foundation establishment cultivators as an escort when four Qi condensation novices would've sufficed is an excellent way to subtly show off and boast about your sect's strength, as well as dissuade any hot headed winter blossoming wisdom sect disciples who happen upon the party from attacking them.

And as you watch her bumble through the air, even less dexterous in flight in her human form than as a honeybee, you figure now would be the best time to inspect Suiqi and her inhabitants for changes, since the primeval weather you conjured has caused quite a stir and quite a few changes to the city and those who live inside of it, though you've hadn't had time to see exactly how much it has changed and how drastically since you were up to your neck in jade slips, silk scrolls and hastily written letters until now.

And since most of the city is exhausted or passed out drunk from the festival you ordained, now is the perfect time to go snooping and exploring.

So you walk the streets, strewn with the left overs from the party and strange roots and vines that have burst from the soil or are growing out of trees that have grown out of old timber and wood from old buildings or the rubble of them. They aren't like any trees you've seen, out of the primordial forest of the tragic lovers or the primordial wilderness itself. They radiate with spiritual energy, the air is thick and bristling from them. A wood aligned law cultivator would flourish in this city, but how odd that ancient and extinct trees, vines, bushes, flowers and grasses have started sprouting up between the cobblestones of Suiqi. If it wasn't for the fact it was still inhabited it'd look like the ruins you've seen in the land of the wild beasts. The poem you wrote into your spell must've really reached resonated with the hearts of the meek and meager plant life of the city and made them return to the glory days of the past.

And while you're inspecting the strange flowers and fruits of these ancient plants that make the streets and alley seem as much a jungle a city, you notice something about the locals. Not just the people, who seem more energetic, active and hale, with one old lady easily climbing up a steep set of stairs, despising her fretting son walking behind her and you walking closely beside her, but the beasts as well. And it isn't just something in the air making them healthier and more lively, because some of the beasts have turned...strange. Like you used your blood alchemy to mutate them into their ancestral forms or to evolve them into something knew, it seems like there is so much of an abundance of Primordial beast energy in the air that they're turning into Monsters. At least the ones who haven't had their potential awoken and have been turned into Demonic Beasts, there are a lot of newborns wandering the streets, some being lead by your students, namely Chuandapo and Huili who you spot corralling a couple of up jumped rats, wild dogs, pigeons and alley cats, and Senlin Zheren and Zhurou, who you on the otherside of the river talking down a frightened looking pampered house cat, who seems to have fled up their former owner's peach tree in a panic at awaking.

And that's another odd thing, there are a lot of newly ascended beasts walking Suiqi. But most of them are house cats from what you've seen. The mousers, alley cats, lap pets and feline performers of the city seem to have all been made into demonic beasts. as you can't recall seeing a normal cat in Suiqi since you called down the Primordial sunshin. You have to wonder if that's because the primordial beast energy drowning the city came from your own, regal beast core. That would make sense. That would also explain why most of those who've turned a little bit beastly have cat ears, tail and claws like Yuyi's daughters do. Though, those fortunate souls blessed with a fraction of feline beauty, are very much relishing their change, unlike the beastkin refugees who were hunted or abused for a change that was no fault of their own.

And one of them goes to far in fawning over themselves in front of one of those your students saved from persecution, and you have to step in to keep the young man from getting his face rearrange by a man with the supreme misfortune of having sprouted a pig's snout and ears. Who immediately falls to their knees and bangs their head when they see your head of red hair and notched ears, begging for forgiveness as the cat eared boy scampers away.

"Oi! Its our empress, innit?" One one eyed alley cat cries out at the sight of you, as his pack gathers behind them, talking and milling about like thugs, each of them with a differently colored coat, though their colors are dreary and dull "I heard her voice, whispering to me when I opened my eyes and started thinking about more than filling my belly"

"Oh! Oh! Huanliuxue! That's your name right! It's been ringing in my ears since I found myself as big as one of those stinky beasts that bit off half my tail!" Another, even scruffier cat cries out "How'd you learn to walk on two legs"

"Hey, I remember when you killed that mean two legs who kicked me, years back" One cries out "He liked to jab people with needles that smelled like death! I chewed off one of his cheeks"

And the moment that group of three cats starts talking to you, and saying things that remind you of when Yinying met you in the swamps of the dusk marsh wolves, a dozen more cats emerge from their hiding places, chirping and trilling in delight at the chance to meet you. And as they make a racket, more and more come bounding from alleyways, rooftops or even clamber out of the streams running through Suiqi to come and greet you.

Delighted, the realization dawns on you as your smile stretches ear to ear, that you have many more subjects now than you did before the day started. And so you bask in their adoration and relish in indulging in the act of petting and scratching them behind the ears, which is something you always wanted to try, since humans seem to have fun with it, and the sensation of being scratched there is a delight.

Until Yinying comes and puts a stop to it, demanding they swear their fealty to you before being allowed to serve you, his molted green cheetah hide seeming like liquid shadow as he stands between you and the youngsters trying to get a look at you, even batting a few of them away and hissing as he protectively circles your legs, glowering at any awakened house cat that gets too close for his approval. Like a loyal imperial guard, all he lacks is a uniform. And he sticks closely by your side as you continue your wanderings, surrounded by demonic cats like yourself as you investigate all the changes you've brought to Suiqi.

Before you run into Tiexingege holding up an awakened rabbit by their ears, frowning as she sits atop one of her children's head while a few others stand at attention in front of her, looking different from the rest of her black iron army ant legions. Oh, so some of her daughters have finally awoken to the world like she did.

"Why are you bullying that child Tie Tie?" You ask angrily as she drops the rabbit, who immediately answer your question by bounding up to try and kick her, but she grabs them by the ears again "Ah"

"They're being an annoying little shit" She answers bluntly as she holds the rabbit cursing up a storm as they continue to trash around and try to kick her anywhere they can reach "I was going to ask how they became big and smart like I did once, so I could figure out how to give my other daughters some brains, but they're feisty and don't know when to give up"

"Oh have you given names for your intelligent children yet?" You ask curiously as she nods and points down at the first of the five dutifully sitting in front of her, with a cocky smile on her face

"One, two, three, four, and five" She answers, as the ants raise their heads proudly as you slap your forehead and groan

"Black iron, you're a terrible mother" You growl as you look at the five girls who think being numbered like that is an honor, their eyes sparkling with innocent, child like wonder as you walk in front of them while Tie Tie gnashes her teeth, and the rabbit she's holding continues cursing and threatening to rip off her ears until you approach, and your graveyard presence calms them down from sheer fright. And Tiexingege lets them go the moment they stop trying to kick her head off of her shoulders

"Eh? You wanna pick a fight red fur!" She shouts, looking hurt and confused, not realizing that just giving her few intelligent daughters numbers for names is almost hilariously abusive. In fact, you can think of several comedically villainous characters in romance novels who did similar

"Later, we have work to do" You say, deciding it isn't worth the hassle explaining to her she needs to put more effort into naming her kids than that now "We need to fortify our positions in this city, a strong enemy is coming our way and we need to be prepared"

"Hmph, well after a brazen insult like that, I'd almost not listen to you, but I'll forgive you this one time" She pouts, crossing her arms and looking the image of a bratty little girl. Actually, come to think of it, if a few of her kids were forcibly turned to demonic beasts, then shouldn't at least a few of Jionghuagege's brood have as well? The Queen of bees rarely leaves her hive without a few guards, even if she doesn't want any of them to follow her. Her daughters are protective like that

"If you keep being so snappy with me, you'll get your fight sooner rather than later" You drawl, lifting your chin up as you look down on her "But I'll forgive you this once"

She smirks boldly and laughs, hoping off of her mindless daughter's head as her five smart progeny look confused, trying to figure out if your a threat to their mother, and being too fresh in their second life to know or understand much. Hopefully they were still young enough you could give them new, better names before the crappy one's Tie Tie gave them got stuck in their heads.

"If you spare my life, I'll help!" The rabbit cries out, whimpering. so you kneel down and place a hand on their head and smile

"I don't hurt children, let alone kill them" You sweetly coo, trying to comfort them, but for some reason they seem more terrified of you "You have nothing to fear from big sister..."

"You're a cat, I can smell it on your hands!" They shriek, tears filling their eyes "Please, i'll lead you to my warren, just eat the others and spare me"

You frown, what a scummy little bastard. Its almost endearing.

"So how shall we start, Red fur? A warm up spar? Or do you want me to make this city a hellish hive of trenches and tunnels?" Tie-Tie asks with a murderous glint in her eyes "Or I could call the rest of my dumb daughters here to bolster our ranks..."

"You're thinking small time Black iron" You laugh, slapping her on the back repeatedly as the cowardly rabbit listens in "With the blood Qi flowing from me and my perfected carmine mysticism, there's a lot of "Fun" we can have preparing for our unwanted guests. And that's without even touching on my other techniques"

"Well if you're taking the reigns, were do we start, red fur?" She asks impatiently, crossing her arms to try and look intimidating despite how short and childish she looks

"Well I have a few ideas" You purr as the rabbit and one, two, three, four, and five nod along, as if they understand the topic or know what either of you are saying.
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Double vote

How do you shore up Suiqi's defenses

>Find a few volunteers who'd be willing to be transformed via your blood refinement to make a more substantial fighting force than the city's guards, and turn a few mindless animals into real monsters as well. And turn a very select few into "Pure" carmine mystics like yourself, taking a few local alchemists to test the process on first.

>Take some of the ancient trees, and have Jionghuagege help you create a blood draining forest outside of Suiqi, forming a natural barrier around it.

>Just put Tiexingege to work doing what she's best at, waging war, and give her free reign to fortify, dig and trap the city and bring in as many black iron army ants as can fit inside of Suiqi

>Take a few pieces of Baoli's processed body and put them to good use as components in a ritual to make a nasty curse, with Monu's help, of course

>Write in

And how do you welcome the Five colors and Five purities, and discuss with them, Huanliuxue?

>With much pomp and ceremony, presenting yourself as an empress of demon cats, surrounded by your adoring subjects, and immediately telling them how their sect would benefit from allying with yours

>Just meet them at a tea house and thanking them for coming so soon after receiving your letter, and tell them that you and your sect aren't a malevolent force in the world to convince them ally themselves with you immediately

>Try and remember proper decorum for two sect head's meeting, and follow it to the letter and tell them how your subjects are already flourishing under your rule

>By admitting to having stolen their spring water, and their laws as your own, and asking why they'd still their necks out for a wicked demon cat

>Write in (Would be much appreciated)

Next update will probably be the start of a new thread, btw.
>Find a few volunteers who'd be willing to be transformed via your blood refinement to make a more substantial fighting force than the city's guards, and turn a few mindless animals into real monsters as well. And turn a very select few into "Pure" carmine mystics like yourself, taking a few local alchemists to test the process on first.

>By admitting to having stolen their spring water, and their laws as your own, and asking why they'd still their necks out for a wicked demon cat
I bet every one of Tie-Tie's daughters will look older than her in their human forms.

>Take some of the ancient trees, and have Jionghuagege help you create a blood draining forest outside of Suiqi, forming a natural barrier around it.
>Try and remember proper decorum for two sect head's meeting, and follow it to the letter and tell them how your subjects are already flourishing under your rule
>>Find a few volunteers who'd be willing to be transformed via your blood refinement to make a more substantial fighting force than the city's guards, and turn a few mindless animals into real monsters as well. And turn a very select few into "Pure" carmine mystics like yourself, taking a few local alchemists to test the process on first.
There is no greater source of sovereignty than the ability to hold and field a fighting force
>>By admitting to having stolen their spring water, and their laws as your own, and asking why they'd still their necks out for a wicked demon cat
>>5769384 +1
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>Take some of the ancient trees, and have Jionghuagege help you create a blood draining forest outside of Suiqi, forming a natural barrier around it.
>Just put Tiexingege to work doing what she's best at, waging war, and give her free reign to fortify, dig and trap the city and bring in as many black iron army ants as can fit inside of Suiqi
It speaks for itself!

>By admitting to having stolen their spring water, and their laws as your own, and asking why they'd still their necks out for a wicked demon cat
Though ask the latter before admitting the former.
>Find a few Volunteers who'd be willing to be transformed.
>Allow Tiexingege free reign OUTSIDE THE CITY. to fortify it.

>Write in. Have Tie Tie form a trench around the city in the style of a grand defensive formation, that in the future we could quickly activate to shield the city with our Qi.
If this is set in the middle of other fortifications, nobody should notice. . until it's too late.

>By admitting to have stolen their spring water.

>Meet them in a modest but good view having room in the city, with Quiang and Yinying with us
My idea is having our Martial daughter/Law heir with us and our unofficial "imperial guard" is proper presentation for an Empress and a daoist.
>All in Suiqi now bear your imprint, the mark of a feline, and no skill is more intrinsic to you than stealth. Have Yinying begin training cats and particularly gifted humans in your martial styles and in team-based misdirection while you use blood refinement and teach alchemy and “pure” carmine mysticism to turn the most promising or unassuming candidates into dangerous assassins. Any who would hunt you should know the cat you see is the least of your concerns.
Assassins makes the most sense given our heritage. Keeping the blood refinement/“pure”carmine mysticism stuff to help make some people truly terrifying without showing our hand much.

>By admitting to having stolen their spring water, and their laws as your own, and asking why they'd still their necks out for a wicked demon cat
Since a write-in was requested I’ll expand this.
>Search the city for a place that “feels” like home did, before you awakened. Hold your first meeting there.
>Welcome FCFP to our first official meeting together. If they ask about the accommodations, use it as an opportunity to share with them the story of your pre-awakened life and the event that led to Huanliuxue. If not, exchange some basic pleasantries and open with it anyway.
>”Experience shapes people. My hatred for child-killers and the Ling may never fade given my violent birth. Something to keep in mind at the end of my plea later. But before then, I’d like to hear from you! I have only been able to visit once since I terrified your slovenly cultivators in rage until they shaped up!”
>Swap stories on their sect’s growth and share your own. Use this to apologize to them for taking their’s sect’s treasure for your cultivation and sect, promising one of yours (the peach?) should they desire it, and thanking them for sharing their manuals with their “savior” before they truly met her.
>Afterward, open with your request. Given their virtues, an honest plea is likely to work.
>”I seek little more than the right to exist. A right given to all as part of the Dao, yet denied by five immortals who generations ago decided that only those born human may pursue it.”
>”I will not mince words here. I walk a dao of grudges, and I have seen its fabric. It bears the bad karma of what those immortals have wrought in rejecting the Dao. I cannot compromise, for only the Buddhists believe that to exist is wrong. Faced with that, my path has one destination it can’t avoid. To do whatever I must until I may bear the weight of countless children wronged and slain and correct the heavens for their fundamental transgression in denying the Dao!”

Have a part two since I’m a wordy mofo.

>”But who will say what is right or wrong along that path? My mother, who loves and protects her beastly daughters, is a witch. My sister, now a ghost for the same sin every beast supposedly bears. The Winter sect? Their head marches to avenge himself on my mother’s curse for killing her kit. The Ling? Their violence is reason I exist to bear these grudges instead of some other. My first disciples, an assassin and a boy whose father was killed by an awakened beast left on its own, respect me too much along with many others because I have managed benevolence when surrounded by so much hate! Siwang, a disciple who flies on the winds of his own justice-based dao? Can I trust him alone to act when he first sees me straying, or will his respect hold him back later like the others? The geges? I am their awakened elder, how easy it be to twist their beliefs to my own ends! I myself despise the Ling and so many cultivators who have accepted the hypocrisy in their actions that justify killing newborn beasts, too young to understand what they are and why they are hunted, so I am no impartial judge in this matter! I SEEK TO STRIKE DOWN THE HEAVENS FOR CAUSING ALL THIS PAIN AND MISERY! WHO CAN I PERMIT TO TELL ME MY ACTIONS ARE WRONG WHEN I BECOME THE GREATEST THREAT THE WORLD HAS SEEN SINCE THE FIVE-COLOR EMPEROR AND THE DEVIL MIND, FOR ANYTHING LESS WILL SEE ME ERASED AND THIS KARMIC SIN BUILD ACROSS EVEN MORE GENERATIONS TO MORE CATASTROPHIC RESULTS?”
>Take a moment to recover
>”I know I already owe you more than you have given, but I am seeking one more favor. Ally with me. Speak honestly to my cause and convince others to join in spite of the other company I will keep so that when I overturn the heavens it will not shatter our world as well. Above all else, if all these grudges lead me astray then be forceful in correcting my path if no others will be. We have all seen that it can lead to better people when done in the right time and place.”
I'm going to second this guys idea for augmenting people.

Assassins are great, and the beasts we produce can be played off as a part of the primordial effect.

But uh. Do not give them the peach. No. Blood Qi is OURS. Not theirs! and that's got so much use to us.

I also reject the idea of asking them to "keep watch for us" because we follow fundementally different belief systems. What's wrong to them is normal to us, like eating men.

But elaborating on our grudge with heaven and asking for them to be the most passive of allies with us is good enough. Offers them the chance to take it further.
>Take some of the ancient trees, and have Jionghuagege help you create a blood draining forest outside of Suiqi, forming a natural barrier around it.

>Just meet them at a tea house and thanking them for coming so soon after receiving your letter, and tell them that you and your sect aren't a malevolent force in the world to convince them ally themselves with you immediately
They could say the same thing about the five-color spring water we stole from them. Literally took their sect’s treasure and started our own spring with it. And stole our first blood peach and grew it using our stolen spring water.

We have no moral high ground to stand on concerning treasure sanctity.

I don’t really expect them to want any “treasure” that we’d consider equivalent to their spring though. The peach is the only thing I can think of and what would they do, plant it? It’s super heretical right now and they would want our advice for growing it anyway. We can also plant it and just let them take some samples from it or something instead.

Maybe that’d work, a piece of the tree we grew using their spring water? To be delivered when it won’t ruffle many feathers.

I also don’t think we follow different belief systems fundamentally, and eating people isn’t an example of that. They kill and use demonic beasts as cultivation materials, we ate people for their Qi. Same thing, different semantics. Younger beasts may eat people because that’s what they did before but the whole point of the human transformation is when they understand they aren’t beasts anymore, they’re people too. They’re kids until then, and it seems pretty universal that kids get treated differently than adults.

So we can come to a shared understanding easily with people unless they want to be hypocritical. We don’t eat human kids, they don’t snort awakened beasts before they’ve learned to transform and start being “people”. It’s an easy equivalency to make. Adults? As long as we’re equivalent I wouldn’t care.
It has been remarked on several times in the past that our way of looking at the world is a reflection of three views, that of the wilds being foremost.
What is natural is acceptable, while what is natural but abhorrent is bad character.

So they absolutely do not have the standing or the understanding to sit in judgement over us.

Secondly, a cutting of the tree, fine. But i do not intend to allow us to hand over a near unique treasure because we took some water from them. They weren't hurt by its removal, they have more and we took it in payment for services rendered. No harn is done to them by the act.
Because we are soon to be empress of the world and greatest of all cats, our taking of whatever we like is also lawful and good.

>Take some of the ancient trees, and have Jionghuagege help you create a blood draining forest outside of Suiqi, forming a natural barrier around it.
>Just put Tiexingege to work doing what she's best at, waging war, and give her free reign to fortify, dig and trap the city and bring in as many black iron army ants as can fit inside of Suiqi
A little worried about long term trade for Suiqi.

>By admitting to having stolen their spring water, and their laws as your own, and asking why they'd still their necks out for a wicked demon cat
Their elder totally knows already, and it'd be funny.
>Write In
>See if there's some change on our other beastly Disciples and the human ones. Maybe that Primordial Qi explosion might helped to some breakthrough. Look out specially for the Pig, maybe all his regal Dao training and the Primordial Qi could develop some Law where he or others can command the "Monsters" of this new Primordial Suiqi.
>Gather random people from Suiqi, either refugees or natives and see what effects the Primordial Qi had on these normal mortals, maybe there could be some intrinsic connections between them and the beasts
>Hell, even make a try and see if you can command the Monsters, maybe this way you can see if there's some actual use of our sovereignty on cats over other creatures, specially after we changed them.
>In the meantime, tell Xuebai to summon her dog, maybe we can make him of good use to kill and avenge the honor of her benefactor by killing the same man that killed her, and perhaps put an end to the limb stealer
>By admitting to having stolen their spring water, and their laws as your own, and asking why they'd still their necks out for a wicked demon cat

I really wanna see at what extent the changes on Suiqi changed anyone here. I say we can honestly fare well with some ghost army we can conjure with our Guqin and Fu's help, maybe make that powerful combo we did on the Primordial Forest tho that should be kept for later

My vote it's basically as the first option, but I don't want to just put a bunch of amateurs and people without not a single fraction of proper training into Carmine Mysticism. We're going to actually unleash the Pure Blood Qi once we can produce and make our project for the Pure Blood Qi garden as we've been theorizing. Hell, now that I think about it, maybe the Jiangshi we met in hell could have either reincarnated on that daughter of Yuyi, or maybe the worst outcome is that it's Baoli... That's definitely something that we should look out once we finish our business on Suiqi
>Take a few pieces of Baoli's processed body and put them to good use as components in a ritual to make a nasty curse, with Monu's help, of course

>Using bodyparts from your stalker to poison your mother's shitty ex.
Only in xianxia.

>By admitting to having stolen their spring water, and their laws as your own, and asking why they'd still their necks out for a wicked demon cat
I would suggest a "formal" informal meeting by welcoming them in the city with a small ceremony before leading them to a particularly suggestive spot (maybe at the base of the tree?) to have tea and talk before proposing the alliance.
>Find a few volunteers who'd be willing to be transformed via your blood refinement to make a more substantial fighting force than the city's guards, and turn a few mindless animals into real monsters as well. And turn a very select few into "Pure" carmine mystics like yourself, taking a few local alchemists to test the process on first.
We're getting tonthe point where mfers are going to start flying in on swords. So tunnels and trees won't do much. We need an Army.
>By admitting to having stolen their spring water, and their laws as your own, and asking why they'd still their necks out for a wicked demon cat
>Votes - 12

>Find a few volunteers - 5 (7?)
2kCLjb9Y (?)
LjaqOuGu (?)

>Take some of the ancient trees - 4

>Just put Tiexingege to work - 2 (?)
gvRzT65g (?)

>Allow Tiexingege free reign - 1

>All in Suiqi now bear your imprint - 2

>Gather random people from Suiqi + Other ideas - 1

>Take a few pieces of Baoli's - 1

>By admitting to having stolen - 9

>Try and remember proper decorum - 1

>Meet them in a modest but good view - 1

>Just meet them at a tea house - 1

>Giant write-in speech - 1

The (?) is because I thought the write-ins were modifications to the original idea, either adding thing or changing how to go about it, like going with the idea to build an army or letting Tien fortify but with restrictions, but I'm unsure if it counts or not.
Why so little support for the baoli option?
It's the perfect mother daughter bonding to get back at her ex!

And since baoli was adept at using flames it's also advantageous!
(Unless the yang flames would counterbalance the yin freezing thus curing his crippled cultivation?)
Ending the vote now, and I've already archived this thread (Though it isn't showing up on the /qst/ page or in the tag searches for this thread, despite me making certain I put them in right, it is still archived. really odd)

Thank you anon for tallying in my stead

So you'll find a few volunteers willing to be transformed through your blood alchemy to be formed into elite soldiers, and a few of the evolved/ devolved mindless beasts into true monsters, and select a very select few local alchemists with some potential into "pure" carmine mystics like yourself

And you'll meet the Five colors and five purities masters by admitting to stealing their laws and special water, and asking why they're sticking their necks out for a wicked cat like you

New thread will arrive shortly

After three hours, it is done. I'm going to go nap now
Don't forget to archive this one.

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