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>You are Son Peppa, Son Gohan, and Izumi Mahogany, children of Earth’s heroes, Maple, Goku, Acer, and Chi-chi

>“Canon” has taken a radical shift from the series’ norm, you’re just one part of it, and things could go even further off the rails from here

>Mechanics and character details in the pastebins here:

Peppa: https://pastebin.com/mYj7hCWk

Gohan: https://pastebin.com/P0nMbAxy

Izumi: https://pastebin.com/fXjzXsyb

>Let’s all try to have some fun, ok?


Last time, on Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai! Gohan spent time training over with the Supreme Kais, Tapion, and Minotia, while also keeping up efforts with the Muramasa. Meanwhile, Peppa learned about the remaining Machine Mutants plotting revenge and attempted to find a way to ease the situation with Kuriza’s help, after a sparring match with him and Videl. Finally, Izzy learned about the ancient Nemurian past, and planned out an expedition to a lost city buried under the waves. What next awaits the Tuffle Trio on their new adventures? Good luck, Peppa! Good luck, Izzy! Good luck, Gohan!
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“Peppa, if you don’t mind going over this one more time…” 19 requests of you as you all are gathered at a Galactic Patrol station, Raditz standing beside a Tech-Tech-looking Patroller. Videl, Pantea, and Maple are all beside you, while 16 stands next to 19, Giru resting on her shoulder.

“Okay, so, we’ll be meeting up with two individuals of note from the PTO that have looked into this potential rogue metallic planet, primarily to see if it can be used as a bit of a peace offering to the remnant Machine Mutants, with Videl being the face of that offering when it’s made.” you nod to your friend. “It’s also mostly a fact-finding mission. We don’t know much more than the bare minimum of it beyond location and vague physical features.” you add, with Raditz having the viewscreen everyone is in front of display exactly that.

“The planet has been determined to be larger than Earth by a significant margin, with what may be a large canyon bisecting the surface.” he adds in. “The PTO representatives should be here soon, once they are, we should be on our way.”

And as if on cue, the door to the area opens up, revealing two people in PTO armor escorted by a pair of taller Patrollers in armor like Jiya’s. The first of the pair is a small, yellow alien with a oval-shaped head, large eyes, and small antennae, in a black and green set of armor with a sort of green dress flowing down from the armor’s chestplate. Beside him is a taller and older orange alien, about mom’s height, in similar green and black armor, though lacking the dress part and instead having a pair of tight green leggings with a few pouches added to them, a Scouter and small wool cap on his head.

“Ra- er, I guess it is Patroller Raditz now, isn’t it?” the yellow alien remarks curiously. “In any case, I am Kikono, Chief Scientist of the Kuriza Force and one of the scientific heads of the Planet Trade Organization. This is my assistant, Lemo,” He gestures to the orange alien. “A veteran of the PTO, former Rear Guard, and current member of our Engineering Corps.”

He salutes, Raditz nodding in acknowledgement. “I assume you’ve been briefed on everything?”

“But of course. We have all the scanning equipment we’ll need to make a proper survey of the world, both at a distance and up close, should it prove reasonable to set foot upon it.” he acknowledges.

>A. Chief Scientist, huh? What kinds of stuff have you worked on, if you don’t mind my asking?
>B. It looks like you guys packed kinda light, what all have you brought?
>C. Should we give ‘em some proper introductions, mom?
>D. We all ready to head off, then? Let’s get going!
>E. Something else?

>E. What kind of food are we packing? We got Saiyans in here.
>C. Should we give ‘em some proper introductions, mom?
>A. Chief Scientist, huh? What kinds of stuff have you worked on, if you don’t mind my asking?
>E. Something else?
"Got any theories on this planet's history? I'm really curious about the big canyon."
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“Should we give them some proper introductions, mom?” you ask with a bit of a grin.

She grins right back, turning to face the two newcomers. “Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong.” she begins with the universal greeting, doing a number of small hand signs in sync with it. “Name’s Maple Son-Mahogany, one of Earth’s former Martial Arts Champions, one of the last legacies of the Tuffles, faster than lightning, defender of Truth, Justice, and the planet Plant way!” Aaaaaaand she poses flamboyantly. You spot out of the corner of your eye, Jaco giving her a proud thumb’s up.

You though, you cross your arms confidently. “And I am Son Peppa, limit breaker, current Champion of Earth and daughter of two of its mightiest champions, a Saiyan, a Tuffle, and most importantly an Earthling that will stand against the worst the universe has to offer.”

Kikono blinks. “…I uh, see.” He looks around the room. “Any… others that need to introduce themselves?” You again notice out of the corner of your eye, Jaco trying to encourage Irico to do the same, only for Raditz to slowly shake his head no.

“No.” 16 states bluntly.

“I am yet to find a proper pose that can bring the kind of energy to conversations that Maple can.” 19 remarks neutrally. You… aren’t sure if that’s a joke or not. Mom at least thinks she’s being genuine, given the look on her face.

Lemo, while keeping a more professional demeanor, does kinda smile for a moment. Kikono rubs his forehead, mumbling, “I can see why the… Ginyus speak fondly of you, Miss Maple.” He then clears his throat. “In any case, I am… pleased to work with you all, Patrollers and Earthlings.”

“So, if you are the Chief Scientist for the Kuriza Force, what all have you worked on? If you don’t mind my asking, that is.” you inquire.

“My works are quite extensive.” he begins proudly. “Back during King Cold’s time, I engineered a number of upgrades to the old Battle Scopes, and perfected the reverse-engineering of the Scouters of-” He holds his tongue with an awkward pause, recalling who exactly he’s in the presence of. Mom even raises an eyebrow at him. “…Ahem. I am also responsible for many of the updated versions of Battle Armor, finding new chemical and mechanical structures to reinforce both durability and elasticity where needed, various autonomous drones and vehicles used in construction, exploration, security, and even medical fields, and some of my proudest achievements have been the numerous iterations of the spaceships used by the Kuriza Force, and the PTO at large.” He smirks and shrugs his shoulders. “Of course, that is but the tip of the iceberg.”

“Oh, so you’re like my mom and grandpa.” Pantea notes. “A multidisciplinary engineer and scientist with a number of groundbreaking inventions. Have you managed to work out miniaturization tech too?”

That seems to deflate the air of importance he’s trying to build up around himself, taking note of the Capsule Corp. badge on her shoulder. “…We have not been able to successfully reverse-engineer Capsule technology, no.”

“Doesn’t mean we’re opposed to using it.” Lemo finally speaks up, pulling out one from one of his pouches. “Lot of them were bought by the Force for storing provisions and supplies. All above the board, of course.”

“Yes, well, let’s be on our way…” Kikono tries to urge you all to head out with him, grumbling a bit.

As you walk, Lemo’s comment reminds you of something. “Say, did we pack enough grub for this trip? I got some snacks of my own stored away, but there’s a chance we might be there for a while.” you ask Maple.

“Yep! Suno even got some precooked meals for us, which we’ve got in our own capsules. Picked ‘em up before we left.” She then nudges Raditz in the side with her elbow. “She even told me she got you one of your favorites packed away. Buttered dino steak with grilled onions and roots.”

His face lights up for a brief moment with a mix of joy and hunger that you empathize with. He quickly tries to shake it off and return to a more stern and professional expression. “Y-yes, well, I’ll be sure to thank her greatly when I’m home again.”

Mom giggles, then turns back to you. “But yeah, plenty of meats, veggies, fruits, heck even enough fried rice to feed an army.”

Lemo looks back with a slight smile. “I do have to admit, the way Capsules can store meals is a massive improvement over the MREs the force used to send us with. Done some cooking myself when on mission, to help keep morale up.”

“During my time, they expected Vegeta, Nappa, and myself to ‘forage for ourselves’ more often than not. Rare we were given anything more than nutrient bars and the like.” Raditz shudders. “Food shouldn’t taste like medicine.”

“The Galactic Patrol opts for things being balanced between efficiency and comfort, though plenty of us are given some extra stipends for local foods.” Irico adds in. “A few really good noodle places I can recommend.”

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The four of them start discussing foods, even Videl starting to add to the conversation, while 16, 19, and Giru stick a bit closer to Kikono. As tempted as you are to add your own input, you decide to approach him as well. “So, do you have any ideas on the history of this rogue planet might be, Mr. Kikono? Theories? Because there are things like the canyon bisecting the world. visible from even long-range scans, that have certainly piqued my own curiosity.”

He is just a bit annoyed, but he brings up a datapad to humor you. “My current theory is that it was a ecumenopolis ejected from its home system in a dramatic cataclysm, perhaps the same one that caused the notable physical feature you just mentioned. It could have been sent adrift the equivalent of thousands, likely millions of cycles prior, given its current position. The cataclysm could be natural or unnatural in nature, the result of a gamma ray burst or massive impact, or even intentional destruction. We do have evidence of certain ancient beings causing untold chaos in the deep past, such as the ancient being Majin Buu.”

That catches you by surprise, but upon considering it, it does make sense. “That could explain why it remained effectively hidden for so long. It also likely means any civilization on it is long-dead…” you note sadly. You know the Machine Mutants likely won’t care about building on top of an ancient graveyard, especially given the true nature of M2, but… still leaves a bit of a sour taste in your mouth.

“Giru-Giru, accumulated damage from eons of interstellar and intergalactic travel could present problems for any organic and mechanical life forms reaching the surface. Radiation shielding highly recommended if no suitable magnetic field exists, along with space suits capable of surviving in case of minimal atmosphere.”

“My barriers should be able to withstand any cosmic rays if they present a problem.” 19 notes. “16 likewise has sufficient shielding to protect himself.”

Kikono looks again at the datapad, frowning slightly. “Yes, well, we have prepared for occasions such as that.”

All of you reach the docking bay, approaching the spaceship previously used on the Black Star Dragon Ball hunt. Not that far away is a smaller and sleeker craft that Kikono and Lemo head towards. “At full speed, we should be within high orbit range of our target planet in about an hour.” Maple announces. “Irico will be joining us on our ship, and Kikono and Lemo’s vessel will be leaving ahead of us. Anyone have any questions before we get things started?”

>A. Nope! All good here! Let’s go!
>B. Should one of us stick with them, just in case they run into trouble?
>C. Uncle Raditz, was this all the Patrol could offer you? Kinda figured Mr. Jaco over there would tag along
>D. Something else?
>D. Something else?
"Hypothetically, if this planet is actually some ancient superweapon from some long forgotten precursor race, what's the protocol?"

>Transformers, Star Wars, Halo, Mass Effect, etc. etc. we have science fiction full of such things and if you count the Big Gete Star we've encountered something like that before.
Hit votes

And support.

Also support this >>5730185

Voting B, and supporting
...but make it more a more general concern about dangerous unlikely-but-precedented anomolies.
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“Two things, actually.” you speak up. “First, should one of us stick with them just in case they run into trouble along the way? Not doubting anyone’s abilities, just want to take all precautions we can for this.”

16 actually speaks up. “If necessary, 19 or myself can accompany them. We do not require much in the way of resources, and as established we can provide some form or protection through barriers.”

Kikono raises an eyebrow, but then shrugs. “Very well. That’s an acceptable arrangement.”

“Second, and it’s more a hypothetical, but do we have a protocol if this turns out to be like… some kind of derelict superweapon from some forgotten race? I mean I know most of us Earthlings have seen or heard about Star Wars at this point, ‘that’s no moon’ and all.”

“Good question.” Pantea remarks in agreement. “I mean, we should probably still try to study it regardless, but what about you guys?”

“While… highly unlikely,” the yellow alien begins, sounding more like he’s trying to convince himself of that fact than dismiss it, “Standard protocol for the PTO would be careful surveys, assessment of capabilities, locating flaws, damage, and weakpoints, doing everything within reason to prevent activation, and… er, as additional Kuriza Force policy, quantifying if it is ‘cool’ or not.”

“If it presents any clear dangers, it’s Galactic Patrol policy to do whatever is possible to disable it, too.” Irico speaks up. “Hopefully, with most everyone here being among the strongest people in the universe, that shouldn’t pose too much a problem.”

“Also it should go without saying, but if it IS some form of ancient weapon, bringing the Machine Mutants over wouldn’t be a smart move.” Maple finally adds in. “So, we all ready?” Everyone gives nods and vocalizations of agreement. “Then let’s get this mission started!”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
>>5730185 +1
Good to be back boss
Pretty sweet return. Thank you QM!
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Thanks guys! Glad to be running again!

Speaking of which, we are back!

The trip there is relatively uneventful for the most part, though as you get within half an astronomical unit of the planet, both ships pick up anomalous debris. Metallic asteroids, a small debris field that stretches in the direction of the planet itself. Thankfully none present any danger to any of you, the ships can avoid them just fine, but Pantea finds something peculiar about them…

“Why does it only extend this far…?” she thinks aloud, rubbing her chin.

“What do you mean?” Videl questions.

“Doesn’t it support Kikono’s theory? That the planet was ejected from its place of origin somehow?” you ask.

“Normally, yes, but the cutoff seems… abrupt.” she points out. “Giru, can you confirm through any scans?”

“Giru, Giru. No significant debris located beyond the 0.5 AU range, with even the smallest detectable ones, those larger than 20 meters, located within 0.1984917 light-years.”

Videl still doesn’t seem to catch the implication there. “What’s that mean, then?”

“An ejected planet traveling at any appreciable speed would have a much longer debris trail like this. It should be measurable in parsecs, at the very least, not astronomical units.” Pantea explains. “Especially if it were as ancient as it’s theorized…”

Maple is next to speak up. “Giru, can we make any solid estimation on the planet’s relative speed? At least based on the direction from the debris field to the planet itself.”

“Giru, Giru. Current estimates would put it between 0.01% and 0.15% c.”

Irico catches on to what you’re all discussing. “That’s… much too slow.”

“It could be the result of a more recent impact.” Kikono comments over the comms. “But that is still an unusual development. Something large striking this world recently as to leave a debris trail like this...”

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“We have visual.” 19 finally states, drawing attention to the viewscreen.

And there it is. A large, metallic world with a giant gash through the center of it… though there are other features that long-range scans didn’t initially pick up. Most notably, a ring system, one that might be the result of the recent impact, but it is bizarrely perpendicular to the bisecting gash. In addition, there are some smaller moons made of similar metallic substances to the planet itself, though “smaller” is probably relative, given the size readings of the world.

“It’s… nearly the size of Neptune!” Pantea exclaims.

“It also has remnants of an atmosphere still present. Thin, but non-toxic to most life forms present.” 19 adds. “Average surface gravity would appear to only be 2.7 times that of Earth’s, though significantly variable based on the significant physical discrepancies across the surface.”

“We will be entering orbit shortly.” Lemo lets you all know over comms. “The big guy here will be the first to let you know if something’s up.”

>A. Sense for any Ki signatures. Maybe this world isn’t as dead as it appears…
>B. Should we help with the scans? There looks like there’s a LOT of planet to cover, after all…
>C. Maybe we should check on those moons. If they’re like the planet, they could give some answers without needing to set foot there directly
>D. Something else?
>A. Sense for any Ki signatures. Maybe this world isn’t as dead as it appears…
>C. Maybe we should check on those moons. If they’re like the planet, they could give some answers without needing to set foot there directly
>A. Sense for any Ki signatures. Maybe this world isn’t as dead as it appears…
>B. Should we help with the scans? There looks like there’s a LOT of planet to cover, after all…
Scouters on everyone, let's look for artificial power signatures. Check for anything that might be dormant.
>C. Maybe we should check on those moons. If they’re like the planet, they could give some answers without needing to set foot there directly
>D. Something else?
"Why do I feel like we should've brought Yamcha?"
>A & C.
Hit supports >>5730753

And I shall too, and these write-ins >>5730755
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You rub the side of your head, commenting, “Lot of planet to cover. Maybe we should have gotten some extra help. Like Yamcha or somethin’.”

“Don’t know if dad would be the best choice here.” Pantea says as she looks over more and more of the data, scrolling through it and trying to absorb as much as possible, as quickly as possible.

“Yeah, guess so. Hm… scouters probably can help with this… hey, mom, can’t they sense any mechanical energy sources?” you ask. “Might be worth a shot, especially if there are things down there that are dormant.” You yourself try sensing out any life forms you can, just in case, as your ship enters high orbit as well. And… you do sense out there are some relatively weak Ki signatures out there, though ones unlike those you’ve felt before. They feel initially similar to animal life, but at the same time, giving off a feeling closer to that of… the Machine Mutants. Yet nothing like the corrupted animals you encountered before. For a lack of a better term, they seem almost… natural? Giving off stronger Ki signatures than most Earth fauna, to be sure, but akin to them to a degree.

In other places though, you can feel much stronger beings. Ones that don’t seem quite as active, though, yet not quite “asleep.” More like they’re in some form of stasis or torpor. These ones feel… significantly more hostile, though. There’s a malice to their energy that’s just bubbling under the surface, waiting for them to wake up. They don’t feel like an immediate threat, at the very least, but you don’t quite like it regardless. There are also some things that feel much stronger deeper down, but attempting to feel it out gives you the more startling and unsettling revelation. One that looks like it’s shared among most everyone there.

Maple is the first to say it. “…If I’m not mistaken, in spite of the damage to it, it feels like there’s a lot of Ki coming from deeper inside the world. Or rather… as part of it.”

“Like Rildo.” Raditz states grimly.

Mom taps her Scouter again, a frown on her face. “Maybe not quite the same, there’s not quite a presence like his that we can feel out, and it just feels… off, somehow.”

“Giru, Giru. Likelihood of a being sharing similar characteristics to General Rildo arising independently of the Machne Mutants is low, but not impossible.” the little robot announces.

“It may not be wise to attempt landing on the world just yet.” 19 states. “Not until more information can be gathered.”

You nod. “Yeah… maybe though, we can take a closer look on those moons? They seem to be made of similar materials, and… I can kinda sense some life forms on them.”

“Fair enough. I’ll pass along what we’re doing to Kikono, Lemo, and 16…” Pantea states, having the ship travel out of high orbit.

Scans of the two closest and main moons reveal them to indeed be made of similar material, though likely heavily damaged by whatever the debris field trailing form the world. There are three others further out, though they seem to lack any significant presences on them, in spite of one of them possessing an odd shape, some large structures, almost looking like “horns” protruding from it. All of them show traits of ecumenopolises, though the two largest seem to be the most “developed” of the group, for lack of a better term. A number of weaker ki signatures can be detected on one, though they number in the dozens, maybe hundreds at most, while the second largest seems to have some stronger Ki signatures residing on it, closer to some of the ones deeper in the main planet.

“...Hey, maybe this is just me being paranoid,” Videl speaks up, “But, if there are some kinds of people around here… don’t you think they’d have noticed us by now? Maybe even attempted to make contact?”

“A big ‘if’ there.” Raditz replies to her. “While there’s definitely ‘life’ in these parts, there’s no telling if it’s intelligent or not.”

“Earthlings, I believe I have developed a new theory on this world based on the preliminary scans… as well as some remarks you’ve made on these open comms.” Kikono addresses you all, sounding nervous. “I believe the cause of the great rift bisecting the world is… indeed the result of some cataclysm. But given the debris trail and the nature of the damage to this planet, my current hypothesis is that it is not the result of a natural collision, or even something attacking it.”

“Wait, then what could cause something like that?” Irico questions.

There’s a foreboding and almost disbelieving tone in his next few words. “...It would be more consistent with something coming OUT of the planet.”

You turn to the screen displaying this metallic world. “You mean to tell us you think there was some… giant creature that escaped from it?”

“I wouldn’t be saying it if I didn’t have evidence to back it up.” he confirms, though you can tell he doesn’t WANT to be saying such a thing.

>A. Maybe we should try landing somewhere on it. It’s got a breathable atmosphere after all, right?
>B. Let’s regroup on the largest moon, maybe that can provide us with more information
>C. You know, maybe WE should attempt to contact them. Find what might be any remaining intelligent life and make ourselves known? We could even offer help
>D. Something else?

That said,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, vote open until then. Did y’all have fun? Thank you all for playing, and stay safe out there!
>B. Let’s regroup on the largest moon, maybe that can provide us with more information
>A. Maybe we should try landing somewhere on it. It’s got a breathable atmosphere after all, right?
Man this is pretty fun. It really is good to be back!
>A. Maybe we should try landing somewhere on it. It’s got a breathable atmosphere after all, right?
Of course we shouldn't assume it will stay breathable.


We should bring up >C as well, but let's not do it just yet.
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oh no.

>B. Let’s regroup on the largest moon, maybe that can provide us with more information
>C. You know, maybe WE should attempt to contact them. Find what might be any remaining intelligent life and make ourselves known? We could even offer help
>D. Something else?
"Kikono what sort of creature grows out of a planet? Is there anything on record?"
>A. Maybe we should try landing somewhere on it. It’s got a breathable atmosphere after all, right?
Hit supports >>5730847

And I support >>5730846
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>what sort of creature grows out of a planet?
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Sorry about that, small thing came up, but we're back now!

“Hmm… maybe we should regroup on one of those moons, if we can get somewhere with a breathable atmosphere…” you comment.

“Not a bad call. Lot of unknowns on that planet still.” Videl says with a nod.

“Yeah. And… maybe we can contact someone, or wait for them to contact us, on a slightly less chaotic bit of scenery.” You look over at the main planet itself. “…Assuming there’s anyone out there, still.”

“I recommend the larger moon, then.” Irico speaks up. “It’s close enough to the planet that it’d be detectable for friendly first contact, but give us some warning if any hostile forces from the planet show up.”

“Kikono, you get all that?” Maple asks.

“Indeed. We’ve even been able to pick a solid landing location.” he informs, coordinates showing up on the viewscreen.

“Acknowledged. Setting down on this plaza area here.”

Both ships make their way there, and along the way, you ask, “Mr. Kikono, sir, you mentioned you think something escaped or erupted from that planet. But… are there any records of such a creature?”

“Not so much ‘records’ as ‘theories’ and circumstantial evidence. As well as mythological references to destroyer gods and the like.” he replies. “The leading theory is a long-lived planetary parasite once existed in ages past that caused untold devastation, though it likely died out thousands of cycles ago.”

“‘Planetary parasite’ are not words that inspire much confidence.” Videl remarks grimly. She then glances at you and asks, “...Does any of that ‘circumstantial evidence’ pertain to a certain planet called ‘Eros’ by any chance?”

There’s a pause, followed by a surprised, “Well… one of them, at least…”

Everyone but Irico look around at one another nervously. “…You think something similar happened here?” Maple asks.

“It’s at least a possibility.” she says.

“Don’t know if the timeline matches up, but…” Pantea shakes her head. “Too many hypotheticals at the moment, we need more information.”

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Landing on the specified plaza, 19 and Giru are able to confirm a similar thin, but breathable atmosphere present, and slightly lower gravity than Earth. Most of you head out, taking in the sights. It certainly looks city-like, but the architecture looks to be made for much larger individuals. There are signs and weird designs around the area, even what might be the wrecks of some vehicles, but no people.

19 and Giru head towards one of the nearby buildings, Giru scanning the signs outside them, while Pantea heads over to Kikono and Lemo, who seem to be attempting to analyze some of the odd symbols present on some debris. Mom’s searching things with her Scouter, while Raditz and Irico are going over the plaza to get a read on it.

>A. Try to sense for Ki, maybe you’ll spot something nearby
>B. See what 19 and Giru are able to find, might be able to help them
>C. Maybe Pantea, Kikono, and Lemo could use some help
>D. What are you able to detect, mom? Scouter picking up any anomalies?
>E. Stick with Raditz and Irico for the moment, they might need some help securing the perimeter
>F. Something else?
Glad you could make it, Kato.
>A. Try to sense for Ki, maybe you’ll spot something nearby
>A. Try to sense for Ki, maybe you’ll spot something nearby
>F. Something else?
Go into ki stealth mode so nothing can pick us up first.
>B. See what 19 and Giru are able to find, might be able to help them
>F. Go into ki stealth mode so nothing can pick us up first.
Hit votes:

>F. See if we can *smell* anything off about this place.

Support, and support this F.
Sounds reasonable. Whatever is here that could sense ki has likely sensed it with the group we arrived with, but going stealth mode among them all should make us less suspicious.
>A. Try to sense for Ki, maybe you’ll spot something nearby
>E. Stick with Raditz and Irico for the moment, they might need some help securing the perimeter

I actually worry that trying to hide our presence after we've been detected might make us more suspicious
Well, they might not pick up our scent if we take care to avoid air vents.
Perhaps a compromise then. We wait and ask the others to go into stealth mode?
No, thanks.
You lower your Ki as you start to sense around, sticking by Maple for the time being. Well… there ARE some Ki signatures off in the distance, and… hey, some weaker ones kinda headed your way! You look in the direction of that energy, and… huh. Birds? Giant birds? You squint a bit, and while they do LOOK like birds, they’re mechanical, with small turbines under their wings, and even what look like jets on their backs. Sizes vary, but all of them easily dwarf any natural avian fauna on Earth, closer in the size to pterosaurs or even small aircraft. They do feel like the Machine Mutants, but once again, there’s a more… “natural” feel to them. Okay, that at least confirms for sure there’s LIFE here. Still sensing things out, you can get the sense of something a good deal stronger than those life forms, and… it does seem to be moving, though not exactly towards you all. Not yet, at least.

“Picking anything up, mom? Anomalies or the like?”

“Possibly. I think you’ve sensed it too, right?” she replies as she noticed you following the robot birds from before. “Scouter did sort of pick up an artificial power source, but it’s more… harmonized with what ‘natural’ energy they possess.”

You point in the direction of the stronger energy source you sensed. “If there’s any intelligent life still here, I’d bet it’s detected us already. And it might be choosing to observe for now, waiting for us to make the first move.”

Maple nods, leaning a bit closer. “Dropping your Ki was a smart move, it might have detected us all as a group, but wouldn’t know us individually. You might be able to get closer to it without causing it to raise its guard.”

“Figure I SHOULD do that right now?”

She shakes her head. “Not yet. Keep watch, see if it actually attempts to move towards us first.”

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“Got it.” You start walk over to 19 and Giru, but as you do, you focus on your sense of smell, too. While you didn’t really take note of it at first, with most of the scents tending towards metallic and dusty and just the slightest hint of ozone, there is a curious… fish oil-like scent? Glancing in the direction of where it’s strongest, you notice a small puddle of some kind of fluid underneath the remnants of a large alien vehicle. Approaching, you see that the puddle is the result of a leak from some it… yet this becomes significantly more ominous as the hole the leak is coming from looks like it was torn, almost… bitten, open? If you were to guess, you might even say it looks like something delivered by some large predator.

That’s… not good. Clear implication is that something might try to go after vehicles for their fuel, or something. ‘Ghost Pepper to Momma Bird. Someone should keep an eye on the ships, just in case any of the wildlife here attempts to use them as new chewtoys. Over.’

‘Copy that, Ghost Pepper. Just-’

The stronger Ki signature you felt before is on the move. Not quite headed towards you all just yet, but it IS trying to get closer, circling over in a different direction, and then stopping. You and Maple share a glance, then a nod, and you sneak off in the thing’s direction. Crossing elevated streets and tall buildings, you get to an area near the edge of a ruined section of the city, a crater in the distance. Flying low and keeping to stealth, you finally catch glimpse of the thing you’d been sensing.

A mechanical life form like the birds you saw just a bit ago, but with black, almost bat-like wings attached to a black, purple, and silver body, four sturdy legs with very large claws on them, head with prominent “ears” of a sort that lean into the bat-like wings, but the noticeable tail almost bringing it closer to that of a… dragon, kinda. It first slowly walks on four legs, but then leans up onto two and places its left front limb on the side of a building. Its head tilts with curiosity in the direction of the landing site, and it brings its other limb close to it, tapping its chin with one of its claws. It… vocalizes something, but the vocalization comes off more like a series of beeps and static rather than any words as you can recognize.

Still. This bat-dragon-bot thing is showing clear intelligence, but nothing resembling malice, at least not initially. Do you risk attempting to contact it yourself? Or just relay everything back to Maple? Or… maybe you can keep yourself hidden and observe some more, see what it’s planning.

>A. First contact. Mom’s taught you the Universal Greeting, after all
>B. Give a report on what you found, let mom decide how to handle a delicate situation like this
>C. Keep observing, you still don’t know how to gauge this thing’s intentions just yet
>D. Something else?

That said,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, vote open until then. Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
>C. Keep observing, you still don’t know how to gauge this thing’s intentions just yet
>C. Keep observing, you still don’t know how to gauge this thing’s intentions just yet
>C. Keep observing, you still don’t know how to gauge this thing’s intentions just yet
>D. Something else?
lets DRAW IT! - but be mindful of our surroundings

>D. See if we can determine any of its abilities from its body and movements.
>D. Let's see, robot with three claws on each hand just chirped at us... See if your goggles have a TTS option for "Trinary," then run that against translations of all known alien languages.
>A. First contact. Mom’s taught you the Universal Greeting, after all
Unless it has a name that isn't something like DRGN-2187, I wish to name it "Chohazard."
And support these write-ins
Multiforming would make this work
All righty, we are back!

You keep to observing the thing for now, trying to see if you can better understand its intentions, maybe even some of its strengths and capabilities. The bat-dragon-bot takes a few cautious steps on two legs, tilting its head back and forth, the ears on it swiveling slightly, as you do everything you can to stay stealthy, even holding your breath for a moment. It seems to still not notice or actively ignore you, ears pointing forward, now standing tall with its arms crossed, making more beeping and static vocalizations. As it stands at full height, you get a better sense of scale of it, with it close to matching the height of the large building entrances you’d seen previously, easily standing a good 5, maybe 6 meters in height. Okay, that does make it more likely to be an actual inhabitant instead of wildlife. Could try to record some vocalizations with your goggles for translation later, but you’ll wait for just a bit longer.

You also think to sketch it, getting out some scratch paper as quietly as you can and making a quick little drawing, putting in what details you think are relevant. Kinda hoping it has a name and isn’t like, DRGN-2187 or something. Hmm… you’ll call it, for now, “Chohazard.” Putting that name on your little sketch, finally it does something other than observe… by first raising its Ki slightly, enough to be clearly detectable, before lowering its energy again. It then places a small object on the ground, which springs to life as a little monoeye’d crawling drone thing, before it gets on all fours again and dashes a short distance away. You do your best to follow while still keeping to stealth, finding it… hanging upside-down inside one of the ruined buildings.

‘We all sensed that, Ghost Pepper. What’s it doing now? Over.’

‘Trying to draw someone’s attention, from the look of things. It’s this… bat-dragon-bot thing that’s showing clear signs of intelligence, but hasn’t vocalized anything close to languages we can understand. Over.’

‘Giru and 19 seem to think they have a lead in that regard. The basis for the written language might be some kind of… hexadecimal code, with very precise repeating symbols, and maybe an underlying binary basis for that code. Over.’

You look at “Chohazard” again, which is looking still at the little drone it left behind. Hmm… maybe it’s trying to use it as basis for first contact?

>A. Approach the drone and make it look like you were coming in from the direction of everyone, see how it reacts from that
>B. Think Giru might be able to send it a message? That might work better, let it know we’re working alongside something closer to itself?
>C. Teleport back, see if it notices you as you do that
>C. Stealth mode down, let it know you’re here
>D. Multi-Form to try and do a couple different things at once
>E. Something else?
>B. Think Giru might be able to send it a message? That might work better, let it know we’re working alongside something closer to itself?
Hit votes:

>E. Give it the ol universal.
>>E. Give it the ol universal.
Spoilers for the makai tournament https://youtu.be/8ndBoc6R8_A
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‘Gonna attempt to make first contact, Momma Bird. Ghost Pepper out.’

‘Keep in touch and stay safe. We might head your way in a bit. Over and out.”

You move away, keeping to stealth, and head in the direction of the drone, making it seem like you flew over from the main group. Finally raising up your Ki a bit, it does seem to take notice of you. All right, this is it. You land right in front of the drone thing, tilting your head in faux surprise and looking around to make it seem like you were expecting something else. The drone stares at you expectantly.

You clear your throat. “Ahem. Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni-ni-bong.” you attempt with the absolute best you can manage, using the hand signs mom used previously, to the best of your ability.

The drone is taken aback, but looks you over with genuine curiosity, and… it speaks! “Tî akt’asalb abjatļud.”

You blink. “Pardon?” Those were… words, you think, but you’ve never heard them before.

“Ah, you speak Basic, organic.” the drone clarifies, now speaking in a formal, kinda masculine, though definitely synthesized voice. “A true surprise. I detected your group’s arrival, but was unsure of your intentions.” It moves around you, a soft noise emanating from it as it seems to be scanning you. “Smaller than most I have records on. Significant energy levels present. No augementations detected, no external weaponry, merely equipment. Highly irregular. No outwardly hostile signs present.”

“Um… who am I speaking to at this time, if you don’t mind my inquiry?” you ask, subtly keeping your guard up. It’s not identified you as Tuffle or Saiyan like Giru did, so clearly not related to the Machine Mutants.

The drone stops in front of you. “You may refer to me as Rabaht.” It pauses, the monoeye getting close to your face. “Your designation, organic?”

>A. I’m Son Peppa, of Earth
>B. Are you the only one around here, or are there others like you?
>C. …I don’t blame you for being cautious, but I can still sense your energy over there. You can come out, I mean no harm
>D. What happened here?
>E. Something else?
>A. The Insanely Tuff Peppa, from Earth! Eto, what did you call this place?
>D. What happened here?
Hit vote

Woops looked at the wrong post.

Meant >>5732297

And maybe wait a bit for response, then >C.
"Could you take us to your leaders please? We come in peace." Vulcan salute on it.
Sure, support
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But how do you say "We come in peace" when the very words are an act of war?
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>Vulcan salute on it.
Hm, Star Trek reference. ...a thought occurs to me, that we may have chosen the wrong get-up.
>. I’m Son Peppa, of Earth
>B. Are you the only one around here, or are there others like you?
>C. …I don’t blame you for being cautious, but I can still sense your energy over there. You can come out, I mean no harm
>D. What happened here?
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“I am Son Peppa, of Earth.” you answer calmly.

“Earth…?” he repeats in ever so slight confusion. “That is not a location I am familiar with.” Rabaht states firmly, and in a quieter voice you hear, “Odd name for a planet…”

He… doesn’t know about Earth? Okay, fair, not EVERY alien race would, but does strike you as slightly odd. You close your eyes for a moment and make it look like you’re focusing, then glance in the direction you know he’s hiding in. “Hey, listen, I don’t blame you for being cautious, but I can still kinda sense your energy over there. You can come out, I mean no harm, and my group comes in peace.” Okay what’s that one hand sigh you’ve seen on sci-fi parodies before…?

Rabaht drops down, moving towards you on all fours first, cautious and careful, his ears swiveling forward as his head tilts a bit. “As suspected, you are capable of sensing life energy. Not a common ability among organics lacking augmentations.”

That he keeps using the word “augmentation” like that implies most organics he’s aware of ARE altered in such a way. Which… you can’t say you’ve seen a lot of, in your previous space adventures. But it’s not like you know EVERY kind of alien race out there. “Um… what happened here? If you don’t mind my asking. Are you the guy in charge, or is there someone else?”

“I was one among many, once.” He stands on two legs again, bringing one arm to his chest and giving a slightly modest bow. “Senator Rabaht was my proper title, young organic. These days that title has little power. Though you surprise me by asking what happened here, it should be a known quantity.”

The drone makes its way back to him as you look to him in confusion. “Er… no, it isn’t, sir.”


“The Eruption of the Astrabellua?” he states as if trying to jog your memory. “The Space Police should have sent warnings to any who approach.”

Your confusion only grows. “Space Police? You mean the Galactic Patrol? No, they haven’t said anything. They barely have any information on what this place even is. That’s why we’re here in the first place, we have two of them with us on a scouting mission.”

While you’re not sure you can read the expression on his mechanical face that well, he seems almost bewildered by that response. “Most unusual… I would wish to speak with these representatives of the Space Police as soon as possible.” He paces around slowly, tapping his chin again. “It has not been more than three Stellar Cycles since the Cataclysm, either.”

“I’m sorry, sir. We have little to no information on this moon, the planet, or any other moons that orbit it. We don’t even know their names.”

He stares at you silently, genuinely disbelieving of what you just said for a moment. It passes, and he shakes his head. He begins to slowly walk in the direction of everyone else, motioning for you to follow. “Use your communication device so we do not have to repeat ourselves. If what you are saying is true, then there are problems beyond even vile Nigrissi’s machinations.” You don’t recognize that name, but you give a slow nod and walk with him, making sure everyone can hear as you tap your goggles to put them on speaker mode. “Organics, members of the Space Police, and other life forms with them, I am Rabaht. I have made contact with your envoy, Son Peppa. The moon you currently are on is Cachou, the planet it orbits is Varak. I am headed towards your position near Zelten Plaza with your envoy.”

There’s a beat of silence, and then Irico’s voice comes out of your goggles. “Er… Rabaht, this is Irico of the Galactic Patrol,” He emphasizes the name and pauses to make sure it registers, “We are here on behalf of a joint scouting mission with the Planet Trade Organization, the Patrol, and our respective Earthling allies. These worlds are a relative unknown to us, but since you are capable of understanding us, we may be able to better understand what all… this is.”

“Your envoy showed no understanding of the Eruption of the Astrabellua, Varak’s most recent Cataclysm.” Rabaht begins. “And based on that, I would assume none among your number do either.”

“Your assumption is correct.” 19’s voice confirms. “Are you willing to share that with us?”

“Yes. It began approximately three Stellar Cycles ago…”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
Having fun! I was thinking Rabaht looks kinda like a rabbit, albeit one with wings, and he has those eggs out hunting and all. Silly name.

Can you call Nigrissi something else, please?
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>it's a canon name even
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Okay, we are back!

“Our society, once advanced, enlightened, and powerful, had fallen into disarray. Many dissatisfied with the status quo, their reasons righteous, heinous, or even merely chaotic, had pushed against authority, rumblings of war on the horizons. One individual, Viga, sought to accelerate this, and in doing so managed to gain contact with one of the most notorious mad scientists in the universe.” A hologram is projected from the drone, displaying an odd alien. A fishlike head with a wide mouth, long green eyes, and pointed ears, with a couple blue mechanical bits of detailing adorning the top. Skin was the color of a greyish-purple, though it seemed almost more like carapace. Rabaht stops his story for a moment, looking to you, almost expecting you to display recognition of this individual. When you don’t, he continues, “Nigrissi was tasked with giving Viga the power to dominate our worlds, with his ambitions likely stretching beyond even that. The mad scientist shared in such ambitions, and delved into ancient history until he found reference to things even the Kais feared.”

Okay finally a word you can recognize. And if this was something the Kais feared… “Was this thing a ‘Majin’, by any chance?”

Rabaht turns his head again, tilting it slightly. “No. Never had it been described as such, though I am surprised an organic knows of that term.”

“We… clearly have much to catch up on, but, continue.” You rub the side of your head. Hoo boy.

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“They went by many names, Wild Stars, Wandering Lights, Tyrant Comets, Ker-Tarn, but our world knew them by the name Astrabellua. Terrible creatures once locked away by the ancestors of our people, deep inside Varak.” The hologram shifts, now showing the planet the moon orbits, but in a much more complete state… for only a few short moments, as cracks on the surface show. And… something pops out of each crack, these… you’d guess “techno-organic”-looking creatures, each letting out blasts of energy across the planet. It almost looks like a war breaks out between the inhabitants of the world and these monsters. Finally, a number of noticeably larger ones break out of the planet… causing the massive rift you’d seen on approach.

“That’s… awful. Didn’t anyone try to stop those two before these monsters were unleashed?” you ask. Getting some major flashbacks to the likes of Gero and Baby at this point...

“Once it was clear what the mad scientist wanted to do, there were attempts, but it was too little, too late. The most that could be done was notifying the Space Police and all worlds within reach that such terrors were free… and in the case of many, pray that the Kais and other Gods had a way to stop them.” Rabaht looks up. “You encountered none of them as you approached this world, correct?”

“None whatsoever.” you confirm.

“Perhaps those prayers were answered.” he says in a tone that almost sounds hopeful.

The two of you reach the group, a number of sympathetic looks on the faces of a few people. Irico approaches first, giving a salute. “Everything came over loud and clear, sir. I… am sorry about what happened to your world.”

“Do you believe it is still inhabited?” Kikono questions, approaching next. “That, in spite of the devastation, there are still significant populations like… yourself, on your world?”

“It is entirely possible. I cannot give any solid numbers on remaining populations, but it would not surprise me if many were able to survive the initial onslaught, even three Stellar Cycles after the cataclysm.” Rabaht states solemnly.

“Hm… so much for this being a simple surveying mission…” Kikono sighs.

>A. We were able to detect a number of large energy signatures still on Varak. It might be them… but it also might be something less pleasant
>B. Okay, you’ve mentioned Kais and Gods, you’re aware of Majins, what exactly do you know about them? And how might these Astrabellua differ?
>C. You’re not alone HERE though, right? There have to be others on this moon like you. Maybe you can contact some of them?
>D. Gotta let ‘em know the other reason why you came here. Tell ‘em about the Machine Mutants
>E. Something else?
Hit votes:

>E. Before all that, can we figure out Stellar Cycles in relation to our own timekeeping? Something is weird about how this lines up.
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The fusion of Nigrissi and Viga? Virissi.

>B. Okay, you’ve mentioned Kais and Gods, you’re aware of Majins, what exactly do you know about them? And how might these Astrabellua differ?
>A. We were able to detect a number of large energy signatures still on Varak. It might be them… but it also might be something less pleasant
>B. Okay, you’ve mentioned Kais and Gods, you’re aware of Majins, what exactly do you know about them? And how might these Astrabellua differ?
>C. You’re not alone HERE though, right? There have to be others on this moon like you. Maybe you can contact some of them?
>D. Gotta let ‘em know the other reason why you came here. Tell ‘em about the Machine Mutants
>E. Something else?

"What's your race called by chance Rabaht and you said you were a senator. What party did you belong too?" We need the info for our sketchbook

>B. Okay, you’ve mentioned Kais and Gods, you’re aware of Majins, what exactly do you know about them? And how might these Astrabellua differ?

>E. From the topic of Kais, bring up what we know about dimensions and timelines. See of comparing notes on that leads to any insights on what is going on.
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Would Makai/Ashura fall under Shadow or Disorder?
Forgot to add: Since he's describing what seems like a different reality, we should consider it not being the same as our own. Or maybe it's time travel-ey.
Fair enough, though three stellar cycles could mean three rotations or revolutions of a spiral galaxy without further context.
Support as well
>Or maybe it's time travel-ey.
Actually, that's a fair assumption from the hologram showing Lavos, though it would mean someone from his time or planet had traveled to ours to put that concept in a video game, kinda like with Tapion and the Hero of Time.
>. We were able to detect a number of large energy signatures still on Varak. It might be them… but it also might be something less pleasant
>B. Okay, you’ve mentioned Kais and Gods, you’re aware of Majins, what exactly do you know about them? And how might these Astrabellua differ?
>D. Gotta let ‘em know the other reason why you came here. Tell ‘em about the Machine Mutants
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Welp, gonna call it a night, thanks for running.

I figure the Astrabellua are most likely not the Old Gods, though it is fun to think about and burrowing deep within a planet matches their MO.

I wonder if beings like these choose planets by detecting if they were given the spark of life by a Supreme Kai, a world soul? Is Blue Aurum a byproduct of this? Perhaps this "Azurite" is a resource that blazes blue with the power to grant wishes, and was given the form of the Azure Dragon...
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“Before we get to any of this, I do have to know… how long is one of your Stellar Cycles compared to our units of time?” you ask. “It could mean something vastly different from what we might be familiar with. Izzy told me about the stuff on Z’S and how Nazar measured time differently, once.”

Maple snaps her fingers. “Ah! Good point, Peppa. Here, let’s get the basics down first…” She taps on her Scouter, which makes a small beeping noise for a couple seconds.

Rabaht takes a moment, then nods. “As expected…. Very well, the equivalent of one of our Stellar Cycles, the average time our world once orbited our star, would line up close to that of 228.125 of your Solar Cycles, or days.”

“That’s almost twice the length of a Namekian year…” mom notes.

“Wait, that’s not even two years!” Pantea says in surprise, and you give a nod of agreement with.

“Giru, Giru, equivalent to 22 Earth Months, 15 days, 16 hours, and 14 minutes.” the little robot announces.

Rabaht looks over Giru curiously. “A Micron? No... you’re different…”

“Still, something like that happening just under two years prior is… it isn’t possible here!” Pantea exclaims. “Even if this world is in intergalactic space at present, SOMEONE would have noticed what you’re describing!”

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“You don’t believe his story?” Kikono questions with a raised eyebrow.

“I am no deceiver.” Rabaht states bluntly.

“Okay, hold up, not saying you are. Let’s… try to focus on a different point of commonality.” You walk over to Giru, the little guy floating near your shoulder. “Rabaht, you mentioned Kais and Gods and you even recognized the term ‘Majin,’ but most of what you’ve told us doesn’t line up with anything we’re familiar with. I don’t think these come from any intent to deceive us, but we should try to keep to a common ground.”

“That’s true. Rabaht, if you’re aware of the Gods, then tell me, did your planet have a Kami? A guardian deity or god that helped watch over the world, even help guide souls to the afterlife?” Maple questions.

“It is presumed so, yes.” he confirms. “It may be possible it still does, though I do not know who such a being is personally.” There’s an implication there that he suspects mom DOES, which… true, a lot of you know her, but still.

“A standard religious practice among many races.” Kikono remarks, adding in a soft, quiet voice that’s more him thinking aloud, “Curious that it carries over with your kind…”

“To your prior note, Son Peppa, the Kais and even Supreme Kai are decently well-documented by my people.” He crosses his arms again. “Nigrissi even considered himself something of a ‘rival’ to them, believing his augmentations to many species and even personal creations were the peer of any life they could foster into existence. Though that feeling was demonstrably born more from arrogance than malice.”

“Sounds to me like he’s almost the inverse of Babidi and Bibidi…” your mother says as she rubs her chin in thought. “Oh! Er, the Supreme Kai’s name! Do you know it?”

His arms lower. “…Of course?” He’s genuinely bewildered she’s even asked that question. “Great Lord of Lords Eyre.”

A number of your group look at him in stunned silence. “Eyre?” Pantea repeats.

Videl glances at her. “Wait… do we know the names of the others?” she questions quietly. “The old guy especially…”

Okay. You think you’ve got enough evidence to ask this, then. “...Rabaht, are your people familiar with the concepts of time travel and multiple timelines?”

If his face were dynamic, you think you’d have seen his eyes widen at that question. He leans down on one knee, getting his face closer to you. “That you are asking with such strong confidence shows you know of these concepts beyond just hypotheticals. How is it you’re aware of these things?” His tone seems a little more upset now, not quite angry but more… nervous.

“Long, long story…” You back up just a bit, raising your hands slightly to show you’re not trying to upset him. “But it’s happened to us before. We’ve had time travelers visit us.”

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He looks down at his clawed hands, shaking his head. “What has he done…?” the alien machine asks. His head lifts up, and before you know it he’s leaped into the air and started to fly a bit, his wings stretching out wider to help facilitate it. He then yells angrily towards Varak, the planet looking like a scarred crescent just above the horizon, “VIGA YOU MANIAC! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU’VE DONE?!”

You fly up towards him, Raditz, Irico, and Pantea following. “Hey, hey, take it easy…!” you try to plead.

Pantea though gets in closer before his angry accusations grow hysterical, placing a hand on his large shoulder. “It’s okay, listen-”

“IT IS NOT!” he yells, trying to get her hand off him with a swipe of his hand. Raditz blocks it and keeps the machine’s arm there, though she still lets go regardless. Upon seeing all of you surrounding him, it actually is enough get him to stop and calm himself. “…I apologize. That is not how one of my prestige should act.” His shoulders slump a bit, and Pantea places her hand on one again. “…Viga’s actions, the mad scientist awakening the Astrabellua, may have thrown us all into the deep past…”

Now that’s new. “Assuming that means they have abilities different than those of Majins, then? How ARE they different, anyway? How would they be able to send you… into the deep past, like you’re guessing?”

“They possess the ability to warp spacetime around them.” he answers. “Most cannot use it to any significant degree beyond what their instinct allows… but a multitude of them awakening all at once? Trying to flee off into space?”

“That’d be enough to cause some massive problems…” Pantea finishes, looking at him sympathetically.

Irico exhales deeply. “It’s Galactic Patrol policy to not tolerate time travel, because of the extreme dangers they present, not even getting into the issues surrounding temporal paradoxes.”

“The Space Police possess a similar policy.” Rabaht says with a nod.

“That being said I can’t exactly arrest a whole planet, much less the moons around it too. Raditz here kinda tried with the former…” He points his thumb at your uncle.

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“Eh…” He waves his hand in a so-so motion. “Less direct ‘arresting’ and more ‘attempted to subdue’ if you want the technical term used in official reports.”

The alien robot stares at him. “...What.”

“Um…” You rub the back of your neck. Better give ‘em a short version. “That’s actually related to why we came here in the first place. A race of beings called the Machine Mutants claimed that world as one of their own, M2, with the core of it being one of them called General Rildo. He essentially was the planet… and he was also a warmonger in service to a tyrant, attacking other worlds and trying to gain power for the Machine Mutants, even gain access to powerful artifacts that would have made them unstoppable. A lot of us standing here today fought against them and stopped them… I myself ending up dooming M2 to destruction.”

“From the sound of things, you did the universe a great service.”

“The Machine Mutants aren’t gone, though. And I wanted to find some way to give a peace offering to them, to try and push them into a new direction beyond following the orders of a now-gone tyrant.” You sigh and shake your head. “But that’s much more complicated now. Even with the devastation to Varak aside, we were able to detect energy signatures on the planet while we were still in orbit. We don’t know if they’re all friendlies, but I don’t think many would be pleased with an alien force arriving on their doorstep for colonization.”

Now completely calmed, Rabaht crosses his arms again. “You seek some form of agreement and appeasement, but cannot do either with so many unknowns.”

>A. Can you help us, then? At the very least in trying to better understand the situation in the area, even negotiate
>B. Do you have any contacts on this moon that you could work with, in this regard? The more the merrier, I’d say
>C. We actually have one of them with us here, our ally Giru, though he was exiled from his people for helping us…
>D. Something else?

That said, once more,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, vote open until then! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
>A. Can you help us, then? At the very least in trying to better understand the situation in the area, even negotiate

>B. Do you have any contacts on this moon that you could work with, in this regard? The more the merrier, I’d say

>D. Something else?
Could try to find Viga and Nigrissi. bring them to justice!
>A. Can you help us, then? At the very least in trying to better understand the situation in the area, even negotiate.

Present it as something to consider later, rather than agree to now. He and his past-future experiences can offer a unique perspective for them, to say the least.

>C. We actually have one of them with us here, our ally Giru, though he was exiled from his people for helping us…

Seems like important context to bring along with >A.
Seconding this >D. make sure he knows wed be doing that regardless, and not as a negotiation tactic.

I'm not against >B but I don't think it needs to be all at once.
>>5733334 +1
>C. "We actually have one of them with us here, our ally Giru, though he was exiled from his people for helping us…"
>D. Wait, hold up. In response to hearing your admission of destroying a race's homeworld, Rabaht said "Sounds like they got what was coming to them." ...you don't feel like making any deals with this person, excuse yourself back to the ship and discuss this with the group.
I vote against this D.
Hit supports:


>A. Can you help us, then? At the very least in trying to better understand the situation in the area, even negotiate
>C. We actually have one of them with us here, our ally Giru, though he was exiled from his people for helping us…
All righty, we are back!

“Can you help us, then? At least in trying to better understand the area, or even attempt negotiations, if you’re up to it.” you ask. “Not like, as an immediate thing, but something to consider down the line.”

“My aid may be limited.” he says bluntly. “But I will offer it, especially if it means assessing the damage done by the two renegade maniacs responsible for all this.”

“Hey, speaking of, maybe we can help you bring them to justice!” you declare with a little pump of your fist into the air. “They’re up to no good still, and have to be stopped before they ruin any other worlds.”

Irico smiles approvingly. “Raditz and I could make the arrest official. We’re not about to let people like them run free across the galaxy.”

“Sadly that does not seem possible at the moment. They were last spotted attempting to gain control of one of the Astrabellua.” he says with clear regret. “If they are still alive, they are most likely still in our timeline of origin.”

Your uncle frowns. “Damn. Well, was worth a shot.”

You all fly back down, and you think to mention, “Oh, right, Giru here…” The little robot floats near your head, “The one you called a… ‘Micron’, was it? Well, he’s actually one of the Machine Mutants… though one exiled by his people because of his choice to help us over side with the others.”

“Giru, Giru, a decision that has not once been regretted!” he beeps happily.

Rabaht leans in a bit closer, then nods slowly. “I see… malleable structure, likely the result of nanomachines…” He stands up on two legs again. “Are the others like him in construction?”

“Yeah. It’d proven to be a bit of a pain in the ass, too.” Videl confirms.

“Well then, how should we go about this? There’s plenty more moon to cover.” Kikono notes. “But there’s also so much more of that world to look into, and we have someone who can help guide us at this point. That said, we also might need to break into smaller teams to cover more ground…”

“We do have two ships, and plenty of folks that can get people out of trouble, should it arise.” Maple points out. “But it also might be better to stick together just in case trouble DOES arise.”

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“Say, there any other contacts on this moon you’re aware of, Rabaht?” you question.

“I have been able to detect at least 12 other individuals with energy readings similar to his across the surface.” 19 points out as she looks up at him as well.

“My allies have been in communication with me ever since I approached all of you. I have delivered the details of our first contact to them. Some are more wary of your intentions than others.” he responds. “Two others are willing to offer assistance, as I have, if you request it.”

Well, that’s something, at least. Still…

>A. I think we should stick together, even with some additional help
>B. Two more guides means three groups, that should be enough to cover a decent amount of ground in a reasonable amount of time
>C. Think you can introduce all of us? Might help ease tensions
>D. Should stay here, on this moon, for the time being
>E. Let’s head down to Varak, need to survey the damage done and if there are any ways to fix it
>F. Something else?

Write-ins encouraged!
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>“Are the others like him in construction?”

>“Yeah. It’d proven to be a bit of a pain in the ass, too.” Videl confirms.
Why does Videl hate Giru?
>A & C.
>F. Ask if there's anything we can do (or not do) to help ease the concerns of his allies.
>F. 3 out of 13 doesn't win a vote. Let us know when you've all settled on a course, Senator.
>E. Let’s head down to Varak, need to survey the damage done and if there are any ways to fix it
>G. Remove our goggles, monkey mode.
>C. Think you can introduce all of us? Might help ease tensions
>D. Should stay here, on this moon, for the time being
>F. Something else?
Ask if they know about equivalent exchange and if Rabaht would be inclined to E.E. Can we trade techniques with an inorganic?
Voting against, I don't feel like doing that.
Good idea!

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Wait a sec, what if he isn't completely inorganic?
This F.

Voting against, pick one to support and stick with it.
>B. Two more guides means three groups, that should be enough to cover a decent amount of ground in a reasonable amount of time

I think that comment was more about how the machine mutants being made from nanobots resulted in the Silver Goo situation that traumatized her
Sounds legit. Wish Kato could clarify.
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“I think we should still stick together while we’re on this moon, but maybe work out at least three teams should we need to split up.” you tell everyone. “With two of your allies helping, that’d make it work.”

“Very well.” he says with a nod.

“And hey, maybe you could introduce us to the others? Or maybe there’s something we can do to help smooth over the unease your other allies have.”

“I can get the aforementioned two to meet with you, at the very least.” Rabaht taps his chin again. “Hmm… cooperation already will give a better impression to them, but if there is something more…” He pauses, ears moving as if hearing something. “Hm. That might work.”

“What might?” Videl asks.

“A suggestion from one of my allies, Eagalia.” His little drone displays a hologram again. “During the Cataclysm, several civilian ships crashed on the moons during escape attempts. We have reason to believe many occupants survived the crashes, though, as we had found some and helped them into more sheltered areas.”

Just then, a bunch of you sense two more presences approaching. Looking in their direction, you notice what looks like another of those robot birds you’d seen when you landed… though it’s a bit different in color. Predominantly a silvery-white, with a bit of red and blue detailing. Near it you see a… giant flying lion?! No, it’s… got large mechanical wings, horns on its head, a longer neck, and a long tail, ending in what you think might be a cannon weapon. Primarily an even mix of black and red and gold in color, the gold most prominent across its mechanical mane. You guess it’s more a robot… manticore? Woah okay it’s even bigger than the bird. The two land close to Rabaht, the larger of the two bigger than even your ship.

“A-a-are these two your allies?” Kikono questions nervously, and you spot him hiding behind Raditz, while Giru leaps behind you, shaking as he pokes his large monoeye out from over your shoulder.


“Yes. This is Eagalia, former Air Commander, former Chief of Security Forces, and current Primal Guardian. She led the charge against Viga when his forces launched their first attacks.” Rabaht introduces, motioning a clawed hand to the robot bird lady.

“Greetings, organics.” she acknowledges with a slight tilt of her avian head. Her voice is calm and welcoming, but focused.

He motions to the other, larger robot. “And this is Bravyj, a-”

“Noble warrior-philosopher, accomplished author, learned scholar, respected educator, and skilled leader.” the robot-manticore interrupts in self-introduction, his voice surprisingly eloquent for something so large and imposing.

Rabaht facepalms. “…A bit of an egotist, as well.”

“Do not fear, organics! I mean you no harm, for I am well aware of how delicate non-augmented organics can be.” he announces, ignoring the bat-dragon-bot’s comment. “I shall take extra care around you lot.”

“...Getting Jaco vibes from this guy.” Irico mumbles under his breath, causing Raditz to snicker slightly. Still, it’s enough to get Kikono and Giru to stop cowering.

“We’re not as delicate as we look.” Videl tells him with a slight glare.

“Getting back on point.” Eagalia draws attention to herself. “This is something that should benefit both of our groups. We can work as teams to look for further survivors still locked in stasis while you all attempt your surveying of this moon. It will also help convince the rest of allies that your intentions are as you claim.”

“I see. A form of Equivalent Exchange.” Maple remarks with a bit of a smile.

“Oh? This concept sounds intriguing. Please, do explain what you mean by that.” Bravyj requests.

“In essence, it’s a philosophical concept the late teacher of my brother and I instilled in us, as a way to share and develop skills to help deepen bonds and grow. Mostly it’s used in a context of martial arts, but it can work in broader contexts.” your mom tells the large robot.

“Oho! Fascinating, fascinating. Perhaps we should engage in dialogue on this subject once we have the chance.” He almost seems giddy with the prospect.

“It… is still primarily used within the context of martial arts by most of us, though.” you add, looking to Rabaht. “We’d share how we could perform certain skills with one another, then see if we can develop our own spins on them.” Heh. Spins. “Not sure it would quite work the same for you guys, though…”

“Knowledge is knowledge, and knowledge is power. Even if it cannot be replicated immediately, it can still be used to further one’s greatest inner power. Their mind.” the robot-manticore states in a tone that brings to mind some of your school teachers back home.

“So, how shall we do this? Splitting into teams, right? Each of us take a group of you to look for survivors?” Eagalia asks.

“It is a logical choice.” Kikono comments.

>A. If you don’t mind, I’d like to be on your team then, Eagalia
>B. Rabaht, you okay with me sticking with you for the time being?
>C. Should go with Bravyj, might get ‘em to ease up on the ego a bit
>D. Someone does still need to stay with the ships…
>E. Something else?

That said, yet again,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~4:30 pm PST, vote open until then! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
>C. Should go with Bravyj, might get ‘em to ease up on the ego a bit

Sabat's using the Armstrong voice for this guy in my head
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>“...Getting Jaco vibes from this guy.” Irico mumbles under his breath, causing Raditz to snicker slightly. Still, it’s enough to get Kikono and Giru to stop cowering.
>"We’re not as delicate as we look.” Videl tells him with a slight glare.
Why does Videl hate Irico?
Videl is talking about Bravyj
>C. Should go with Bravyj, though refrain from getting him to ease up on the ego. It makes him him.
Hit vote:

>C. Should go with Bravyj, might get ‘em to ease up on the ego a bit
>Or at least understand each other a bit better.
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Okay, we are back!

“Well, if it’s all right with you, Bravyj, I’ll stick with you.” you state. “Videl is right though, we’re much tougher than we look.”

“A bold statement!” he responds in an amused tone. “I shall see if your actions can back it up.”

“I’m sticking with you then, Peppa.” Raditz states adamantly. “Much as he reminds me of a certain coworker, I can probably tolerate enough to get this job done.”

The robo-manticore seems to chuckle, almost. “It shall be a pleasure working with you then, Space Policeman.”

“Galactic Patroller.” Raditz corrects.

“Yes, that.” he waves one limb a little dismissively.

“I shall be part of your team as well, then.” 19 adds. “Giru and I have already made headway into analyzing what text and language we can find. An ‘accomplished author’ and ‘learned scholar’ should prove more than enough in bettering our understanding.”

You notice Bravyj’s mouth sorta grin, in as much as the strange robot lion face can. “Oho! An excellent suggestion! I have many texts I can share with you if you-”

“Please try to keep your focus on search and rescue first and foremost.” Eagalia interrupts. “They don’t need you to try to download your entire bibliography onto their systems.”

“That only happened twice!” he protests. “And in both cases it proved quite enlightening to those involved!”

“I can understand her point, though.” 19 says. “Large files can come later.”

Bravyj sighs dramatically. “Very well…”

“I think I’ll stick with you then, Eagalia.” Maple tells the robo-bird-lady. “Kikono, Lemo, you guys should pick a team too.”

“I… think I’ll stick with, erhm, Rabaht, then.” the little yellow alien states, still a bit unnerved by the largest of the robots.

“Sure. Big guy, you with us still?” Lemo asks 16.

“Affirmative.” he replies bluntly.

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The rest of the teams divide up. Mom, Irico, and Videl with Eagalia, while 16, Kikono, and Lemo are with Rabaht, and you, Raditz, and 19 with Bravyj. Pantea and Giru opt to stay behind and keep watch on the ships, with Pantea reasoning that it’d be easier for someone to teleport back to them if they could sense a strong Ki signature. With the teams decided upon, Eagalia is the first to lift off, declaring, “All right people, let’s fly!”

You head off in different directions, taking a bit of a leisurely flyby of the area. “You have any idea where some of these crashed ships might be?” Raditz questions.

“Multiple leads, but individuals will be harder to detect, as they’d be locked in stasis for safety reasons.” he answers. “To put it in more organic terms, it would be akin to torpor, reducing rates of bodily activity to conserve energy and protect vital functions.”

“The PTO has devices like that.” your uncle remarks. “Helps keep long trips through space more manageable, especially in Space Pods.”

“Should there be noticeable energy signatures, still?” 19 asks.

“Not nearly as high as the ones you’ve likely detected thus far, however!” He raises one limb dramatically. “There would be a key tell of a number of low energy sources grouped together. Subtle, but if you keep sensors attuned to them, there’s a high chance of that being what we’re looking for.”

>A. Try to sense for just that, that description should be enough
>B. What if there’s just one or two in one place? Should we still try to see if there are people in need of rescuing?
>C. What if we sense any larger energy signatures? Ones that are clearly active?
>D. Something else?
>A. Try to sense for just that, that description should be enough

>B. What if there’s just one or two in one place? Should we still try to see if there are people in need of rescuing?

>D. Ask if there's anything to be aware of that might give a false positive. Like... robot flora? Or something.
>A. Try to sense for just that, that description should be enough
>D. Hey Brah, can you list all the slurs in your language so I can know what not to say?
Hit supports >>5734673
And same.
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Rolled 10, 11, 2 = 23 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 16 for all!
Rolled 8, 10, 14 = 32 (3d20)

Rolled 14, 18, 6 = 38 (3d20)

Rolled 7, 6, 2 = 15 (3d20)

Rolled 12, 17, 11 = 40 (3d20)

Passed one!
Rolled 5, 18, 8 = 31 (3d20)

And writing...
Well, seems we're in company!
Rolled 15, 8, 4, 19, 15 = 61 (5d20)

“Are there any things that that we should be aware of that might cause any false positives?” you ask. “Like, groups of robot fauna or even flora or something?”

“Good question, little organic!” Bravyj replies. “I can understand why such signals may be confusing to you, as you are likely unfamiliar with any subtle differences in flow. But fear not! For though subtle, once you are familiar, you are sure to pick up on those differences in no time, with my help.”

“Those being?” your uncle asks, eyes narrowed.

“Any local ‘fauna’ as you would understand them would still be more active, moving to follow programming or directives. Their own stasis states would also be giving significantly weaker signals. And ‘flora’ as you might understand them would instead be directing that energy towards something, either their own growth, or towards systems using them for extra power generation. Autotrophic organisms, after all, have ways of energy generation/conversion that takes from freer, surrounding sources, usually in passive or semi-passive manners.” he lectures.

“Would it be correct to compare such flora to living solar panels, then?” 19 inquires.

“Aha, indeed! Very good!” he praises, even giving her the gentlest of pats on the head. She is ever so slightly annoyed by that.

“Okay, okay, that makes sense. A cluster of low energy signatures all in one place, but not too low, and not active or transferring that energy.” you sum up. “What about if there are only a one or two individuals, though? Might that be mistaken for a false negative?”

“A trickier distinction to make, but one that is possible with time. Hence why you should focus on larger groups to start, that will familiarize yourself with the right signals to detect.” the robot-manticore replies.

“Okay, here goes…” You close your eyes and focus, with Videl and Raditz doing the same, 19 scanning carefully.

You… do start to pick up something, and Videl seems to as well, the two of you opening your eyes again and heading in that direction. But when you get there… it’s a flock of those robot birds again. All of them glance up at the two of you in confusion, letting out beeping sounds as they do. When you and Videl stay hovering there, they start to beep louder, some flapping their wings and snapping their beaks in warning.

“Okay, okay, sorry!” Videl exclaims, raising her hands and floating back a bit, and you do the same. You go back to sensing for energy signatures, though Videl does end up questioning Bravyj, “Hey, um… I don’t mean to offend or anything, but why does Eagalia look so similar to those things?”

“Videl!” Raditz exclaims, breaking concentration. “You can’t just ASK someone why they look that way!”

“S-sorry!” she says with a slight flinch.

Rolled 19, 18, 17, 17, 11 = 82 (5d20)

“Aha, it is okay. Organics such as yourselves are likely unfamiliar with our race’s abilities.” Bravyj’s tone doesn’t sound offended, so guess she didn’t commit any alien faux-pas. “Most of us possess the ability to change forms. Usually for purposes of travel, able to cover longer distances under shorter amounts of time than our base or combat forms. Eagalia’s preference ended up being something with more aerial mobility.”

Raditz again stops trying to sense out survivors and opens his eyes, raising an eyebrow. “…Well, that sounds… vaguely familiar.” He then goes back to trying to sense energy.

…You make a mental note to show off your own transformations later, but keep trying to sense some out. You do get two more things that register close to what Bravyj describes, but the second seems like it’s transferring energy slowly from one place to another. The first though… Raditz and 19 pick up on it too. The three of you fly forward, and you notice a bit of a crater with debris of collapsed buildings on it… but underneath those, you spot it. A ship!

Bravyj sets down with all of you, seeming quite pleased. “Well done! It does appear to be exactly what we’re looking for.”

“Got a way in?” Raditz questions.

“Main hatch should be over here…” He points out, walking a bit of a ways over, noticing some debris blocking it. “Does not appear to be damaged, but it will take a moment to-” He notices as Raditz walks to the debris. “Ah, you should stay back, organic, I do not wish for you to harm yourself trying to get in-”

“Hup!” Your uncle lifts one of the bigger chunks, flies up, and then sets it down a bit away. “Hah! Little heavier than it looked, but nothing more than a couple tons.”

19 is next, carefully sliding some away, and you move in to hold up a section before it falls down, allowing Videl to get the last big chunk from blocking the door. “Yeah, couple tons at most. Lifted heavier than that.”

The rest of the teams divide up. Mom, Irico, and Videl with Eagalia, and you, Raditz, and 19 with Bravyj.
>You head off in different directions, taking a bit of a leisurely flyby of the area.
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Rolled 19, 16, 7 = 42 (3d20)

The robot-manticore is definitely surprised. “…Well. That is… quite impressive. Ahem!” Videl smirks just a bit, and all of you look towards a what’s clearly a large door. Bravyj taps on a console near it, and it slides open. Inside, you notice it’s build for individuals within Rabaht and Eagalia’s size range, needing most of you to float up a bit to get a good look at everything, while Bravyj sorta needs to just poke his head in. It’s actually not that that large a ship, comparatively. An empty cockpit, equally empty navigation room, engines, storage, what are probably crew quarters, and most important of all, a room with four large pods that you can sense the lifeforce of a number of individuals inside from. Ones similar to that of the three others you’ve met here recently.

“Found what we’re looking for, organics?”

>A. Affirmative! How do you want us to get ‘em out of here?
>B. The internals of the ship don’t look too damaged, all things considered. Should we try to free it from the rubble?
>C. Check in with the other teams, see if there’s been anything happening on their ends
>D. Something else?
Why did Videl ditch Eagalia?
Slight mixup. It's fine, meant for her to be on this team.
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Videl has been acting very erratic lately! Well, alright then.

>A. Affirmative! How do you want us to get ‘em out of here?
>A. Affirmative! How do you want us to get ‘em out of here?

>B. The internals of the ship don’t look too damaged, all things considered. Should we try to free it from the rubble?

Make >A is the priority, and only act on >B after the people in the pods are secured.
>>5734926 +1
Support >>5734926
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Rolled 11, 8, 14 = 33 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 2d20 this time, best of three! DC is 12 for both!
Rolled 4, 3 = 7 (2d20)

Rolled 19, 19 = 38 (2d20)

Rolled 19, 17 = 36 (2d20)

Rolled 7, 6, 8 = 21 (3d20)

And passed both! Great job! Sadly I need to get some rest, but we'll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Thank you all for playing, stay safe, and see ya then!
See you at 8:30 cst then.
Rolled 6, 11, 20 = 37 (3d20)

And one more before I sleep...
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Okay, we are back!

“Affirmative! How do you want us to get ‘em out of there?”

“The pods you see should be relatively self-contained, not hooked up to the ship’s systems beyond the bare minimum for diagnostics. Better to protect those inside in case of power surges or systems failures. This means they can safely be removed from the ship proper, but to do so you must take care to properly release the manual security locks on them. Two on the bottom sides, two on the top sides, but please take care that you do not let them fall once released. It could deal minor damage to those inside, as well potentially squish you organics.”

Raditz rolls his eyes at that comment. “Right… well, everyone take one, let’s get these out of here.” He starts to get the bottom locks undone, then goes to the top ones… and the pod leans forward, with him failing to get a good grip on it. “Woah hey! HEY! NGH!” 19 manages to not only undo the locks on hers properly, but even catch the one Raditz unhooked, setting it down safely. “…Thank you, 19.”

She looks over the pod, then nods. “There is no detectable damage.”

“Good, good! Just bring them outside the ship for the moment, then I can get them loaded for transport.” Bravyj states confidently.

You and Videl bot manage to get the ones you two were assigned, and thankfully there are no further problems with them. “They all seem to be fine, still.” you note, placing your hands on your hips. “They all look good to you, Bravyj?”

“Indeed! Life signs are stable, and while some have suffered minor injuries in the crash, it’s nothing a medical professional can’t buff out. Should wait until we can get them to one before awakening them, though.”

“Makes sense to me.” Videl acknowledges.

You though look over the ship one more time. “You know, the internals didn’t seem too damaged, all things considered, and while it’s pretty decently rubble-covered, it’s probably salvageable. Now that we’ve got those inside it to safety, should we try to salvage this shuttle too?”

He seems to smile again, at least as best he can. “An excellent idea! While it might be a bit large to bring with us, freeing it and storing it in a safer place will allow for potential repairs, later. Let’s get to it!”

All of you start clearing rubble, and as you do, you sense mom’s group and 16’s group have stopped searching too. Looks like they’ve also found survivors. Great! …And you sense something strong approaching mom’s group. Potentially less great. Her Ki signature spikes up… as does Eagalia’s, by quite a bit. They aren’t saying anything yet, probably got this handled, but…

>A. Check with them, just in case
>B. Try to get a better idea on what’s going after them, keep sensing it out
>C. Hey, just so we’re on the same page, are there any things we should know about in regards to, y’know, potential enemies or threats on this moon?
>D. Something else?
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>D. Eagalia seems pretty strong. Surprised you didn't go with them Videl, usually you're all for the birds- you're really into birds, I mean.
>C. Hey, just so we’re on the same page, are there any things we should know about in regards to, y’know, potential enemies or threats on this moon?
>E. You just had a terrible thought. "H-hey, Bravyj? Are their manticores on this planet? I uh, heard they could shoot spikes from their tails..."
>B. Try to get a better idea on what’s going after them, keep sensing it out
>C. Hey, just so we’re on the same page, are there any things we should know about in regards to, y’know, potential enemies or threats on this moon?
>D. Something else?
"Hey Bravyji, wanna see something cool?"
MULTI-FORM. Peppa Alpha can continue dealing with the ship, Peppa Beta can go provide back-up.
>B. Try to get a better idea on what’s going after them, keep sensing it out

>D. Ask Bravyji if he also detects what we're sensing, see if he can give more detailed info.
Serves the purpose of C but without hypotheticals.
Hey, equivalent exchange, I support you and vice versa?

But let's not jump in immediately, observe first.

Also Hit supports >>5735721
Voting against
>But let's not jump in immediately, observe first.

Keep it to one post you're supporting, please.
peppa beta scouts in ki stealth mode while peppa alpha relays what they find
You could always ask Maple what she's dealing with.
You're changing from >>5735726 then?
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Rolled 18, 19, 15 = 52 (3d20)

Okay, roll me 3d20 this time, best of three! DC is 13 for all!
Rolled 8, 18, 12 = 38 (3d20)

Rolled 20, 17, 7 = 44 (3d20)

Rolled 4, 3, 4 = 11 (3d20)

Rolled 16, 20, 19 = 55 (3d20)

Passed the first two! Writing...
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>Rolled 16, 20, 19
Goodnight, looking forward to catching up in the morning. I really wish these sessions could start on time.
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You keep sensing out what’s going on over there… but you also get an idea! “Hey Bravyj, wanna see something cool?” He gives an initially confused look, but when you use multi-form to send out a copy of yourself, he’s genuinely shocked.

“Wh-? How…?” The robot-manticore questions. “…Wait, your energy is lower now… oh, fascinating! So you organics have the ability to duplicate yourselves by by splitting energy…? What an interesting ability! Do all of you possess something akin to it?”

“It’s more a technique she ended up picking up.” Raditz answers. “Some of our allies have also picked up that skill, especially those under the Crane School.”

“There a reason you’re doing this, Peppa?” Videl asks.

Your copy heads off, then you point out, “There’s something going on over in that direction.” you point out towards mom’s team. “Gonna check it out, just in case.” Crossing your arms, you add, “Bet you’re sensing it too, Bravyj. You got an idea on what that might be?”

“Hmm… it could be a few things, but given the type of energy it’s giving off, it is very likely it’s one of the remnants of Shokun Vzryvala’s experiments.” he answers. “Eagalia’s fought off legions of them before, it shouldn’t be too-” He stops himself, then with slight concern, asks, “…One of your own is fighting alongside her?”

“That’d be my mom, Maple, yeah.” you confirm. “She’s handled way tougher things before.” Your copy meanwhile has lowered her Ki and is making her way through some of the ruined buildings and streets and structures, carefully hiding to get a better look.

That doesn’t dissuade his concerns as much as you’d hoped. “Hmmmn… well, if she is following Eagalia’s direction, she should be fine…”

“We require further context. Who is Shokun Vzryvala? What experiments would these be? And why would it be a problem that Maple is fighting one of them?” 19 inquires.

“He was one of Viga’s allies, an amoral madman of a scientist driven by his own twisted ideas of logic and ‘progress’ to concoct horrific experiments to bring forth the ‘next step in evolution.’ He had an… odd ‘appreciation’ of organics, often seeing it as his duty to ‘improve’ them, force unethical augmentations upon them to ‘accelerate the evolutionary process’ with them. Many alien lives were lost at his hands. Little wonder, Nigrissi once took a liking to him as well…” Bravyj shakes his head. “Thankfully, he was vanquished a short while before the Cataclysm. But many of his experiments managed to escape in his final downfall. The one over there feels similar to some of the ‘Metal Beasts’, as he termed them. Creatures that use esoteric energy sources and nanomachines to attempt self-propagation and self-evolution, especially on organic life.”

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That sends a chill down your spine. “The… the Machine Mutants seemed to try something similar, under the direction of Dr. Myu…”

As he explains this, Peppa Beta becomes immediately nervous of any puddles of silvery liquid, keeping a sharp eye out for anything like what he’s describing. Ugh, just when you thought you done with this crap… But thankfully, you do make it to where you hear the sounds of battle. You first notice Irico moving away a one of the pods you’d seen in the ship, over to a collection of two others. Next, you spot mom up in the air, taking a defensive stance next to… Eagalia, but in a much more humanoid state than before. Her head is mostly a smoky black color, with rolden eyes and a sort of faceplate covering where her mouth would be, what looks like a diadem with small horns adorning the top of her head. The bird wings are still present, though now they’re spread out from a more humanoid torso, predominantly red with a white and gold center. Arms white save for blue forearms, but with the jet engines you’d seen previously now adorning the shoulders and kinda elongated, and her fists glowing with noticeable, substantial amounts of power… genuine Ki, it seems. And finally… you see the thing they’re fighting, a sort of mix of robotic insect and amphiptere, massive wings, beetle-like head, long and tapering serpentine body, with clawed limbs coming out of its torso.

Thankfully, it hasn’t noticed you, so you’re free to watch. You… do get an odd sensation in the air, though. Not something you can say you’re very familiar with, and not quite like the rancid smell of the Black Water Mist or Aquma, but… odd.

“Are you sure you’re holding up okay, Maple?” Eagalia asks.

“Yeah. It hasn’t been the first time I’ve dealt with this stuff. I know what to do.” she responds grimly. “Let’s deal with this quickly. Irico, make sure you keep your distance! The gas still might affect you!”


You blink. Gas…? …Wait. Waaaait a second. Maple starts to use telekinesis to pull in some… purple substance from the air, and the thing you guess is the ‘Metal Beast’ lets out a bizarre, mechanical roar that leaks more of the substance your mom’s pulling from the air. Eagalia brings both her hands together and thrusts them forward, releasing a powerful Ki blast on it, striking the torso hard enough to knock it back slightly. Beams erupt from its limbs as it attempts to fly forward, but Eagalia swerves around it with ease and grace, forming large Ki blades from her hands and slashing at where she struck its torso, tearing it open and revealing what’s likely the machine’s core. It’s… beating almost like a heart, but each beat seems to shift and morph small faces across its surface.

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“PHANTOM SHOTGUN!” Maple thrusts her fist forward and punches it into the substance, which super-charges it almost like her Spirit Bit gates do. The blast bores right through the Metal Beast’s open chest cavity, leaving nothing but a hole remaining. “Core destroyed!”

The monster then begins to fall apart, with Eagalia firing at each large chunk as it falls, your mom doing the same to the smaller ones. There’s one that falls close to where you’re hiding, and it starts to change shape into a weird worm-like creature with a cyclopean eye at the center of its front part… and a few smaller eyes sprouting from the sides of it irregularly. They take notice of you, and the thing starts to slither away right before you can try to blast it. Thankfully, Eagalia notices it and shoots a beam down at it, destroying that bit for good too.

Well, so much for staging some cool last minute entry and telling them they missed a spot. You stand up a bit, mom noticing you and giving a wave. “Hey Peppa, things go well on your end?”

“Yeah, not as exciting as what the two of you got up to though.” you reply. You look back down at where Eagalia blasted the thing, frowning a bit. “…Mom, when you mentioned a ‘gas’ just now…”

Maple frowns as well, giving a nod. “Looks like Ghost Dad wasn’t the only one insane enough to experiment with it. Guess even in this time, some madmen will try to make use of Destron Gas.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
>Destron Gas
Be honest. How long were you waiting to make that connection, Kato?
>Thankfully, it hasn’t noticed you, so you’re free to watch. You… do get an odd sensation in the air, though. Not something you can say you’re very familiar with, and not quite like the rancid smell of the Black Water Mist or Aquma, but… odd.
Raditz would probably be way better at smelling things, being a full saiyan.

>Irico, make sure you keep your distance! The gas still might affect you!”
Oh hey, Irico does have a nose. Nostrils.

Duuuuude, Krillin should have been the MVP during Raichi times!
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Ey, new Touhou just dropped.
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Tournament of Power.

People still have to breathe.

And okay, we're back!

“How?” is the first question that comes to mind. “How’d something like THAT end up here?”

“While we never were sure of the source of it, there was always the suspicion that Shokun Vzryvala managed to find a way of self-propagating that energy through the Metal Beasts through assimilation of organic life forms.” Eagalia explains. Now that you’ve got a clearer view, you notice her mouthplate moves as she talks. Heh, that’s neat. “You still haven’t given me the details on how you are familiar with it, Mrs. Maple.”

“Well, I told you about ‘Ghost Dad,’ right? He engineered my brother and I to be effectively immune to its effects. When he finally attacked Earth, he used it to spread chaos across the planet. Not only did it weaken most organic life, it also allowed the spirits of the dead to persist in the living realm. We were able to destroy the machines producing it and eventually put an end to him. My kids, my daughter Peppa here,” She gives a wave in your direction, “And my son Gohan, along with my niece Izumi, both of them back home on Earth, are all likewise immune to the effects of Destron Gas.”

The robot lady’s arms cross. “Engineered for revenge, but rejecting that and forging your own path to protect your adoptive home. I can certainly respect that.”

“It’s still a MASSIVE coincidence that someone was able to not just discover, but weaponize it, even if you’re all form another timeline.” you point out.

Eagalia nods at you. “It is. And I hope it is just that, a coincidence, because the implications outside of that…”

“Aren’t pleasant ones.” mom finishes.

You sigh and rub the side of your head. Could have gone the rest of your life without more of Raichi’s garbage haunting you. Irico calls out to get everyone’s attention. “Hey! Now that you’re all done over there, we should get these people to safety!”

>A. Here, let me help with that!
>B. Do you think there’ll be more of those Metal Beasts on the planet itself?
>C. Say, Bravyj did mention that you folks had different forms, Eagalia. Would I be right to assume this is one of them?
>D. Something else?
>A. Here, let me help with that!
>B. Do you think there’ll be more of those Metal Beasts on the planet itself?
>C. Say, Bravyj did mention that you folks had different forms, Eagalia. Would I be right to assume this is one of them?
>D. Something else?
"Weird question but do your kind have 'mutants', not like those metal beasts but folks with abnormal powers. Mom calls them 'Wild Cards'."
Hit vote
>A & B.
>A. Here, let me help with that!
Supporting the write-in. I think Maple and Acer are the Tuffle version of Space Marines tho.
>>5736388 +1
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“Here, lemme help you with that!” you call back to Irico, taking one of the pods. Mom takes another, as Eagalia transforms back into her bird form to get the last.

“We’ll get these looked over by medics. Thank you, organics, you’ve saved lives today.” Eagalia tells you all proudly.

Everyone takes off, with the group back with Peppa Alpha doing the same, and you can sense Rabaht’s group flying in the same direction as well. As you head off, both your Alpha and Beta selves move a bit closer to your robot hosts, asking them similar questions. “Do you think there will be more of those Metal Beast things back on the main planet itself?”

“Almost certainly.” Eagalia confirms. “I’ve faced plenty of them before, but the Cataclysm presented both the prime opportunity for many of them to escape into dark corners across the world and even the surrounding moons. Thankfully, they’d also not be spreading to any significant degree, and very few would be in larger forms like we just faced. Too energy-intensive, and with almost no organic life to attempt to assimilate into.”

“I estimate a few dozen specimens still on the loose on Varak itself. It would still present a danger, but most of our kind would be able to hold them off in their weaker states.” Bravyj remarks. “I would not recommend any organics approach them, though if you and your mother are indeed immune to their Destron energy, that does present a bit of an exception. It is quite the curious that such a trait can be passed on genetically, though. An induced, rather than natural, mutation that renders something so harmful to organic life effectively inert isn’t what I would expect to be passed along to offspring by design. Then again, I am by no means an authority on any forms of ancient, non-augmented organics.”

“Probably just a bit of luck, there.” you reply with a bit of a shrug of your shoulders. “Say, are those among your kind that are like that? With some kind of induced or natural immunity to what’s normally intensely harmful? Or how about other oddities like that?”

“Oh quite a few, quite a few indeed!” Bravyj confirms. “Not to any large population number, mind you, but still enough to be noticeable and notable. Some were forged through less ethical means for purposes of turning them into weapons, but many exhibit inherent exceptional abilities all on their own. Often termed ‘Outliers’ due to them having abilities beyond what might be expected of them. I actually have written a number of articles on this subject.”

19 looks to him with intrigue. “You have?”

“Absolutely! In fact, I can send a few dozen of them to you, Number 19. It would surely help fill some gaps in understanding-”

“Bravyj, focus. Cultural exchanges can come after we’ve made sure these people are all right.” Eagalia reminds him sternly.

“Sounds a bit similar to your ‘Wild Card’ thing, mom.” you tell Maple.

She shakes her head. “Not… exactly. That status is more in relation to being able to change predicted outcomes. Affecting and changing fate, in a sense. While things like immunity to Destron Gas certainly play a part in it, it’s not the defining characteristic.”

“I can’t say I’ve ever put much stock in things like fate and destiny.” Irico adds in. “Too deterministic, especially in a universe as messy as this. If there is such a concrete thing, we probably all are ‘Wild Cards’ in our own right to some degree.”

“It is a curious concept, though. I cannot say there are many that would quite fit that description.” Eagalia tells you and mom.

“Though it might not be entirely unheard of.” Bravyj adds. “Prophecy and mysticism aside, there existed a school of thought at the Hexa-Polity University of Science and Mathematics that large-scale trends could be predicted within reasonably small error ranges through precise mathematical formulas. Not so much individual actions, it couldn’t tell you if you were to win a lottery, but demographic trajectories.”

“...Should I be surprised they have lotteries too?” Videl asks Raditz.

“Nope. Pretty common among many societies. PTO even sometimes used that system for certain planets it couldn’t auction off at price ranges they originally wanted.” he responds.

“However, even within that school of thought existed those who held to certain variables could derail those large-scale predictions, often individuals, though not always those with grand ambitions. Why, there is even a (likely apocryphal) account used to support this theory that Viga’s start to villainy can be traced to a bar fight he got dragged into, which began with one individual spilling someone’s drinks while trying to ask for a crazy straw.”

“The fact that you not only have bar fights, but even crazy straws, implies a lot.” Videl adds with a slight smirk.

Raditz laughs. “Hah! No surprise there, either. Getting inebrieated is another near-constant among the universe.”

“And the straws?” 19 asks.

“They’re novel and funny.”

As all groups close in on one another, heading towards where you sensed the other large Ki signatures, you decide to ask next, “Say, Eagalia, Bravyj had mentioned that your people have different transformations. Am I right to assume that more, er, humanoid form you were in while fighting that Metal Beast with was one of them?”

Her avian head nods in confirmation. “Indeed. While I can still fight reasonably well in this state, my base state is better suited to it. I can channel my energy in it with more efficiency and ease, as well as use certain weaponry with greater dexterity.”

As she answers, you notice you’re all headed towards a much more pristine and intact area of the moon, with a rather important-looking building being the place you sense the other people at.

>A. While it’s probably not quite the same, a lot of us have our own kinds of transformations. We should compare ‘em some time!
>B. Given that name, would I be correct in assuming that’s the form you start off with? And you acquire this alternate form later?
>C. Are they all ‘humanoid’, or do some have more varied shapes they change into?
>D. Do you have any forms beyond it? Stronger ones in case of stronger enemies?
>E. Something else?

And once more,
>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, vote open until then! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
>B. Given that name, would I be correct in assuming that’s the form you start off with? And you acquire this alternate form later?
>D. Do you have any forms beyond it? Stronger ones in case of stronger enemies?
>A. While it’s probably not quite the same, a lot of us have our own kinds of transformations. We should compare ‘em some time!
>B. Given that name, would I be correct in assuming that’s the form you start off with? And you acquire this alternate form later?

>D. Do you have any forms beyond it? Stronger ones in case of stronger enemies?

>A. While it’s probably not quite the same, a lot of us have our own kinds of transformations. We should compare ‘em some time!

>E. Something else?
"Can you become other things like vehicles, space-ships, or other types of mechs?"
>B. Do you think there’ll be more of those Metal Beasts on the planet itself?
We're asking too much about her race's capabilities. Maybe if they were asking us about our transformations, what we ate, and our grooming habits, as well as the combined history of Plant and Earth, we could ask them about those things, but they're not asking us, so we don't have to either.
Ah, my bad, copy and pasted the wrong B. Still, I do wish to get a move on to fighting these metal beasts.
>E. Refrain from asking her rabbit food questions and comparing transformations, instead ask for what needs doing around here and volunteer.
Ehhh, I'm being a dick. Nevermind.
Hit supports >>5736630
And same
I don't feel these choices are worth our time.

I think they're all reasonable things to ask, and Peppa should bring them up in conversation. So much so, one has to wonder: why are they a vote?

Here are the options, paraphrased:
A. Commit time later to query about transformation
B. Query about transformation
C. Query about transformation
D. Query about transformation
E. Write-in

The only option of these which could have consequences is A. There could be some situations where asking someone a specific question could affect the involved parties in that moment, but all these about transformations isn't likely to produce anything more than wasted time asking when we're going to see them in action soon. (...right? We are, right?)

Please, I wish that choices you present to us in the future will be forks in the road we will have to determine which way on.

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Apologies for the delay again, problem came up in the middle of writing, but we're back!

“So, given that name, I’d assume that’s the form you start out with, and you acquire an alternate form later in life?” you ask.

“That’s correct.” Eagalia confirms. “Some take to certain alternate modes than others, though.”

“So, can you take on as many different transformations as you want?” Irico asks.

“Most can only take on one or two. It takes phenomenal amounts of concentration, spiritual control, and training.” she answers.

“Oh! So do you have forms beyond that one?” you ask, letting just a bit of excitement into your voice.

“I have managed two additional ones.” she confirms. “Though the focus in both is to increase power to different degrees.”

And you’re grinning. “A lot of us have transformations like that, actually. We should compare, some time.”

Even with her mostly stoic avian face, you notice a bit of a smirk appear on it. “Perhaps we should, when we have the time.”

Everyone finally reaches the destination you were headed towards. Outside, there’s a tall and stoic-looking robot with a large, serrated sword, his hands resting on its crossguard of it, two very large… engines or cannons or something adorning his back. It… kinda looks like he turns into some kind of robot dinosaur? That’s cool. You notices his eyes narrow and a scowl form on his face, but he gives a slow nod as your three guides approach.

“Looks like you were successful.” he comments as he notices the pods you all are carrying. “Very well. But! Organics!” He brings his sword up slightly and then brings it down to get everyone’s attention. “Be on your absolute best behavior. Or else.”

“Yessir.” Kikono replies with a nervous gulp, cowering behind 16. Lemo and Irico force themselves to keep stern faces, but even they sweat just a bit.

Your group though just give a simple, respectful nod, and carry in the pods without really showing any of you are all that intimidated. The dinosaur-guy does raise an eyebrow at that, but goes back to scowling as you pass. Inside, you’re directed over to what look like two more stoutly built robots, one with details that seem almost elephantine, save for the form having two trunks instead of one, while the other looks like he turns into the cross between a rhino and ceratopsian dinosaur. They do seem wary of all of you, but focus on the more important tasks at hand.

“I take it they’re your medical staff here?” Videl asks.

“Indeed! Rohatty and Khrapovyk are skilled doctors. They should be able to resuscitate those in stasis in no time.” Bravyj confirms.

“More to the point, this should convince the others of your good intentions.” Eagalia comments. “Come, let’s make sure those here understand that clearly.”

Everything okay Kato?
Mecha- oh wait, that's not where the dome of the rock is
It's fine now, promise!

As all of you walk, you notice three other robot folks in their alternate modes, a bulky arachnid that oddly seems to have vehicle parts on him, a robo-shark that’s moving through the air like it’s water, even one that looks a bit like a mole thing. Glancing up at your hosts, you ask, “Say, are you did mention that your people can take on one or two different forms, but can you take like, vehicle, or space ship, or other mechanical forms too?”

“Indeed!” the robot-manticore replies. “In truth, this is my base state. My alternate form is that of a space-capable transport. All the easier to head between Varak and the moons with reference material, after all.”

“So if you need, you could get people from this moon to the planet with some allies in tow?” 19 questions.

He nods. “Quite so! I had done the reverse recently, extracting some folks off the planet to bring them to the greater safety of this moon.”

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At last, you manage to reach two robots stationed on elevated platforms. One looks surprisingly humanoid, a robot lady a bit smaller than the others with a sort of crown adorning her head, green wires hanging from the top of her head almost like hair, and most surprisingly of all, robes that bare striking resemblance to the outfit you’d seen the Supreme Kai and Kibito wear. That catches everyone’s attention, especially mom’s. Next to her, is a purple robot… rabbit? Wait, no, it has both horns and wings, too. Winged… jackalope-bot thing.

“Eagalia has informed me of your deeds thus far, organics. You may call me Zevana.” The lady speaks in a formal tone that kinda reminds you of Trip, and her following statement explains why, “I am the current Guardian, or Kami as you’ve referred to prior, of Cachou. You may make your case.”

Kikono gulps, but clears his throat and steps forward. “Madam Zevana, I am Kikono of the Planet Trade Organization. I am here with my allies in the Galactic Patrol and these Earthlings on its behalf on a mission of survey and research, though this has been derailed slightly. Our scans had very minimal information on the planet this moon orbits, much less the moons themselves. We initially believed them to be vacant, though clearly we were wrong in that regard. It is remarkably intact, all things considered, and...” He looks over to you, as if prompting you.

You nod and speak up next, more confidently. “The reason we’re out here is because of the Machine Mutants, and our attempts to ease relations with them, because we thought we’d be able to get them a new home. This has changed. Both because of the world still being occupied, and the harm done to it. I don’t know if you would appreciate new neighbors like them, and I’m not sure how they’d take to a world that’s suffering damage like this. Plus, based on what we’d heard in our recent encounters, there may still be threats down there.”

“There are.” she confirms. “What do you plan to do now, then?”

>A. We head down there and stop ‘em. We’re more than capable of handling them, especially with any help your people wish to offer
>B. Well… I guess I’d like to know if you WOULD be willing to host them here, even if as a short-term agreement
>C. Rabaht mentioned earlier that Varak likely did, and potentially still does, have a Kami down there. Can you confirm if that’s the case or not?
>D. You’re likely aware of the fact that you may have been temporally displaced, too. Do you require help on handling that?
>E. Something else?
>E. Guardians report to the Kai. Have you spoken with King Kai recently?
>A. We head down there and stop ‘em. We’re more than capable of handling them, especially with any help your people wish to offer
With your permission of course, we aren't trying to intrude on the affairs of this world merely extending our hand in aid for those that need it.
>B. Well… I guess I’d like to know if you WOULD be willing to host them here, even if as a short-term agreement
If not that's fine, we got other possible worlds to survey but we would still like to assist you.
>A & D.

>E. The Machine Mutants may be looking for a home, but they are also a new species in a universe populated mostly by organics. We want to help but we're also the ones they were most in conflict with. It might be good for them if they have people to talk to that isn't as... like us.
Supporting a variant of this, we shouldn't expect her to have already talked to him but should still suggest it. And maybe help get the ball rolling if necessary.
>D. You’re likely aware of the fact that you may have been temporally displaced, too. Do you require help on handling that?
For this next part, affect our best new york accent,
>F. Y'know, the Time Patrol, or Temporal Police as you may know them, have a way of making anomalies disappear, y'know? Sooooo, we wouldn't want word of this world of illegal- sorry, displaced immigrants, to spread upwind to the Kais and the Supreme Kai of Time, you catch my drift? And since we're in an accommodating mood, we can have the Machine Mutants stay for a while, kapeesh?
Also also, they *really* need a new name, and they sure as hell won't take our suggestions on the topic.
How about the Primaris Machines? Much more potential for branding.
I think if they kept "Machines" in the name they would want to keep te MM alliteration..Not sure what works with it though.
Primaris is the most optimal of options, optically obvious of course.
On further review, F is too evil.

Mavericks could work.
Hit vote:

>E. "Whatever you and the people of this place need to recover from this crisis. This is your place, not ours."
Voting against, no people owns a planet.
>A. We head down there and stop ‘em. We’re more than capable of handling them, especially with any help your people wish to offer
>C. Rabaht mentioned earlier that Varak likely did, and potentially still does, have a Kami down there. Can you confirm if that’s the case or not?
>D. You’re likely aware of the fact that you may have been temporally displaced, too. Do you require help on handling that?
Thanks for the support Exen.

Retiring, thanks for running. As little as my approval is worth to you, the questions we were given this post were a lot more impactful, thanks.

Hey, you do kickstarters ever? Obojima looks cool, 5e setting, seems like you'd like it.

Anyway, goodnight.
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“First and foremost? We head down there and stop them. Most of us have faced threats like that once before and come out on top, and with any of your people helping, we’d be done with it in no time.” you declare with determination. “With your permission, of course. We want to offer aid, but it isn’t our world, so it isn’t exactly our call to make.”

Videl punches her palm and grins. “Even so, I’m ready. Just say the word.”

She looks to the both of you with a stoic expression. “Is that all you wish?”

“Well…” You rub the back of your neck. “No, not all. I’d like to know if you would be willing to host the Machine Mutants, even if for a short time. I don’t say this because I expect you to do so, we do have other places we can look into to try and smooth over relations with them, but… well, are you?”

“You ask much of us, organic.” the winged jackalope-bot speaks up, his voice surprisingly gruff, stern, and blunt. Honestly kinds reminds you of that Kibito guy. “From what information we have been given, information Rabaht forwarded to us, these Machine Mutants are not a peaceful race. Us harboring their kind, even if they are kept under close watch, presents a threat to our people. It almost sounds as you are attempting to unload one of your own problems onto us.”

“At ease, Tsyklon.” Zevana cautions calmly. “While I understand you have the best of intentions, he does bring up a valid point.”

“Then perhaps you can send an envoy?” Kikono brings up, the attention of the machines all on him. He gulps again, but continues, “That is, we could set up a meeting with a representative of theirs to find some common ground. Allow you to express those concerns directly rather than through proxy.”

You nod in agreement. “Yeah, that could work. And… look, the Machine Mutants may be looking for a home, but they are also a new species in a universe populated mostly by organics. We want to help but we’re also the ones they were most in conflict with. It might be good for them if they have people to talk to that are… closer to them than people like us.”

“A reasonable argument.” Rabaht adds. “Even if they have been hostile towards organics, I would guess they are currently in disarray because of their defeat. Extending a helping hand could be just what they need to begin forging a new path. That one among their number has chosen peace with organics rather than continued hostilities shows it is possible.”

Looking up at the big purple bat-dragon, you smile appreciatively at that. And it seems like the additional vote of confidence you need. Zevana gives a slow nod. “Very well. That arrangement would work best.” The rabbit next to her grumbles in disapproval, but says nothing further. “Is there anything else you wish to add?”

“Oh, uh, one thing!” you speak up with a wave of your hand. “Given the theorizing that’s been done so far, you’ve probably heard you’ve likely been temporally displaced, too. Do you require any assistance in dealing with that? Maybe we can get King Kai involved in something like this…”

She seems intrigued by the suggestion. “While usual connections to the Kais above have been severed, an attempt to contact King Kai through other means may prove fruitful. However, given that you apparently do not recognize the Great Lord of Lords Eyre as Supreme Kai, we may be so far back that King Kai is not the one we recognize either.”

“He likes jokes.” Maple interjects. “Trying something funny will absolutely catch his attention.”

She blinks, taken slightly aback at that. “...Very much not like our King Kai, then. Regardless, that shall be taken into consideration. It may however be beyond even your power to send us back into our original timeline, for the time being. At this point, we are likely stuck here, and will remain as such for the foreseeable future.” Zevana smiles slightly, still. “Your offer is appreciated, though.”

“So, what next?” Raditz asks.

“We shall take some time to prepare. Once ready, we shall offer you locations for potential threats still on Varak, as well as places where civilians may still be in danger. From there, you may handle them as you wish.” She bows her head a bit. “Good fortunes to you, organics.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
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>Trying something funny will absolutely catch his attention.”
what have we wrought
Wait a minute... there's a mystery to untangle here, with a bunch of clues presented.

Okay, so Videl likes birds, it makes sense that she would pick Eagalia's group to go with. However, she instead chose to go with Bravyj, even with his lustrous bluster rubbing off on her the wrong way, him dubbing her fragile and her (internally) dubbing the manticore a prick, so it was an unlikely grouping, yet it happened all the same.

So why would Videl choose to go with Bravyj instead of Eagalia? It could be that someone was on Eagalia's team who she didn't feel comfortable being around. Eagalia seems in sync with Videl's personality, so not her. Irico... has had no interactions with Videl. They met today, and unlike her father, she has no qualms with spacemen that we know of.

That leaves... Maple.

Maple's great. There's no lack of positive qualities within her, and the people who hate having her around are grumps. Videl can give a mean look, but she's only like that half the time. She's not like that around Maple unless Maple does a bad joke that anyone would go "Maple..." and shouts "Maple no!" with the rest of the crowd. Maple saved Videl's mom, after all.

So, it's not a personal distaste that Videl feels towards Maple, it could just be being uncomfortable. What reason would Videl have to be uncomfortable, especially around Maple?

Well, let's the consider the circumstances prior to this chapter, they were on a spaceship headed to the Galactic Patrol station. So that means on the way over, all of Peppa's party was in close quarters. And on a spaceship, everyone can hear you.

So, with the newly widowed Maple likely having been overheard by others trying to sleep, that could be a reason why they would now feel awkward around her.

But, night terrors aside, there could be another reason why Videl opted out of going with Maple and Eagalia. That reason is...
...they are so fucking cute together, holy shi~it!


>"We can work as teams. It will also help convince the rest of our allies that your intentions are as you claim.”
>“I see. A form of Equivalent Exchange.” Maple remarks with a bit of a smile.
Maple smiling up at Eagalia for suggesting a team up.

>“I think I’ll stick with you then, Eagalia.” Maple tells the robo-bird-lady.
Volunteering to stick with her.

>With the teams decided upon, Eagalia is the first to lift off, declaring, “All right people, let’s fly!”
Eagalia shows initiative, and a take-charge attitude, also seen when reining in her teammates when they get too eccentric, traits which complement Maple well.

>He stops himself, then with slight concern, asks, “…One of your own is fighting alongside her?”
>“That’d be my mom, Maple, yeah.” you confirm.
Fighting side by side against danger.

>Next, you spot mom up in the air, taking a defensive stance next to… Eagalia, but in a much more humanoid state than before.
Covering each others' back, and oh hello, that humanoid form! Diamonds, sparks!

>“Are you sure you’re holding up okay, Maple?” Eagalia asks.

>Eagalia tearing it open and revealing what’s likely the machine’s core. It’s… beating almost like a heart.
>Maple thrusts her fist forward and punches through the Metal Beast’s open chest cavity, leaving nothing but a hole remaining.
Eagalia opening its heart and then Maple thrusting her fist straight through its cavity, they're so in sync, sigh...

>The monster then begins to fall apart, with Eagalia firing at each large chunk as it falls, your mom doing the same to the smaller ones.
Cleaning up trash together~
>Thankfully, Eagalia notices the worm-like creature and shoots a beam down at it, destroying that bit for good too.
Babe, you missed a spot! Hahahaha!

>“You still haven’t given me the details on how you are familiar with it, Mrs. Maple.”
Maple brought up that she was married to Eagalia. Eagalia uses Mrs. Maple when she refers to Maple in conversation to remind the both of them of this.

>“Well, I told you about ‘Ghost Dad,’ right?
Maple has been sharing stories of her childhood with this bird.

>"My kids, my daughter Peppa here,” She gives a wave in your direction
>The robot lady’s arms cross.
...oh shit.
>"(...) to protect your (adoptive) home. I can certainly respect that.”
Oh shit, our family life is in the way of the two of them exploring this!

>Eagalia nods at you. “It is. And I hope it is just that, a coincidence, because the implications outside of that…”
>“Aren’t pleasant ones.” mom finishes.

>"we probably all are ‘Wild Cards’ in our own right to some degree.”
>“It is a curious concept, though. I cannot say there are many that would quite fit that description.” Eagalia tells you and mom.
In response to someone saying anyone can change their fate, Eagalia disagrees, while looking at Maple and her daughter.

>kato slipped a doomed yuri subplot past us
I kneel
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Sorry again about the delay. Short night once more, but we're back:

As you’re given some time to refocus, you’re all mildly concerned when you feel a few Ki signatures near Pantea and Giru, followed by the former’s energy spiking up.

“Pantea, everything okay?” Maple asks.

“Some local fauna trying to go for the fuel lines.” she responds over the comms. A few of them seem to run off. “Scared most of ‘em off, but there’s one that looks like it wants to be a problem. I’ll handle it.”

Rabaht taps his chin once more. “Did they cause any damage? What do they look like?”

“Not yet, and hoping to keep it that way.” she responds confidently. “And mostly like giant beetle mechs.”

“Ah, those shouldn’t be any problem then, just local Rovarangok searching for fuels. You may wish to bring your ships to this location, however. Even if you knock down a group leader, they may keep coming back to known fuel locations.” the bat-dragon-bot tells her.

“Got it! Be over soon!”

Well, you’ve still got a bit of time. What to do while you wait?

>A. Should ask about the locations that are high priority on the planet itself, scope things out ahead of time
>B. See if there’s anyone else that’ll be joining you on the mission there, might be worth it to get to know some of them
>C. Ask Pantea if she wants any help getting the ships over here, just in case
>D. Say, Eagalia, now that we’ve got a moment, feel up to show those other transformations you have? I can show you mine!
>E. Something else?
>A. Should ask about the locations that are high priority on the planet itself, scope things out ahead of time
>B. See if there’s anyone else that’ll be joining you on the mission there, might be worth it to get to know some of them
>E. Something else?
Snack break!
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>E. Whisper to Mom, "So Mom, uh... you and Eagalia. Is there something there," gesture as if you're reaching for the right words, "that, wasn't there before?"
>A. Should ask about the locations that are high priority on the planet itself, scope things out ahead of time

>B. See if there’s anyone else that’ll be joining you on the mission there, might be worth it to get to know some of them

>E. Working off of >B, talking to multiple people and getting a better idea of everyones thoughts and sitatuation regardless may be a good idea in both short and long term.
Snacks are a good idea.

Supporting that write-in!
Voting against, please pick one.
>“That only happened twice!” he protests. “And in both cases it proved quite enlightening to those involved!”
>“I can understand her point, though.” 19 says. “Large files can come later.”
>Bravyj sighs dramatically. “Very well…”
Joke involving huge loads from his D:\ drive coming up later.

>“Would it be correct to compare such flora to living solar panels, then?” 19 inquires.
>“Aha, indeed! Very good!” he praises, even giving her the gentlest of pats on the head. She is ever so slightly annoyed by that.

I think Bravyj regularly holds himself like some bravo of old, but he is also preening in front of her.

So, I think we can use this: We can convince Maple that there's something between 19 and Bravyj, and try to get her help in making a match. Eventually she will see that despite 19 supposedly being an item of, koffkoff, with Chiaotzu, that doesn't set the rest of her future in stone. Then Maple will reach the epiphany that hers isn't either, and despite loving Earth's sky (空), she can in fact make do with any sky, going her own way. The Bird Way. She'll fly.

Voting against, pick one to support and stand by it to the point that you would go so far as object to Kato if what you supported didn't make it in despite having your support.
>A. Should ask about the locations that are high priority on the planet itself, scope things out ahead of time
>B. See if there’s anyone else that’ll be joining you on the mission there, might be worth it to get to know some of them
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Well, not in an immediate need to head out just yet, so you think you’ll go for a snack break and a bit of a look around. You first head over to Lemo, giving him a small wave as it seems like he’s got the same idea, getting a storage Capsule opened up. “Hey, kid.” he greets with a nod, pulling out a thermos, what looks like some kind of blue meat jerky, and a rectangular MRE pouch of some sort. “I take it you’re about ready for a bite of grub too?”

“Heh, yeah.” you say with a smile and short nod, getting yourself out a Power Cronch. “Can hold myself over for a while still, but couldn’t hurt to have a quick snack, y’know?” You sit down, with him opening up the MRE pouch slightly, then pouring some water from the thermos in it. “Whatcha got there, anyway?”

“Quick thing to tide Kikono over.” he responds as the pouch starts to steam, taking a bite into the jerky. When it stops steaming, he pulls a smaller pouch from it, with said pouch noticeably puffed up. He opens it and hands it over to the passing by yellow alien, who takes… what look like blue bao buns out from it. Huh, neat. “This though, is something I’d been waiting to try.” He gets a second MRE pouch out, repeating the process.

Taking a bite from your Power Cronch, with the satisfyingly loud and crunchy namesake giving way to a soft, jammy filling. Ahh, delicious. “And what might that be?”

He takes the second pouch out and… you can smell a quite familiar aroma escaping from it. Lemo grins a bit as he presents it. “I believe you Earthlings call it ‘pizza.’” A rectangular bar of it, but nonetheless, yes indeed pizza. Kinda close to cafeteria pizza if you were being honest, but you have to keep yourself from drooling. Lemo takes a bite, and ooooh it’s actually got a good cheese stretch too. He’s actually quite surprised, and even remarks under his breath after he’s done with the bite, “Damn, they really weren’t kidding about Earth food…” He takes notice of you, and laughs a little. “Ah don’t worry, I’ve got plenty more.”

And as if your uncle suddenly learned Instant Transmission himself, he’s arrived close to you. “Where did you even get that? It wasn’t part of any MREs during my time.” Raditz questions, doing his absolute best to hide the fact that it’s gotten him hungry too. His absolute best being actually quite poor, at that.

“New meal options, Lord Kuriza’s been trying to diversify the lineups a bit. Heard it improves morale, and finally giving it a taste myself, I can see why, hah.” Lemo tosses you and Raditz a MRE pouch each. “Here, on the house.”

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“Thanks, Mr. Lemo!” you declare appreciatively, getting your own personal slice ready after washing the jam taste from the Power Cronch down. Repeating the process shown prior, you have your own slice nice and ready. Definitely is basically cafeteria pizza, but hey, pizza’s pizza. Your uncle likewise appreciates the newfound meal, a smile on his face as he walks with you, Irico deciding to sit down by Lemo and have a snack break of his own. The two of you notice Bravyj and 19 talking some more, with him apparently giving her more texts for analysis. Rabaht meanwhile is talking with 16, listening as he shares a little bit of what Dr. Gero was capable of, the purple bat-dragon-bot nodding in understanding. Mom and Videl are with Eagalia, going over some of their respective skills.

Wandering a bit more, you see the spider-bot working on several terminals, each of his large eight limbs tapping away on different screens, each one displaying the same alien language you’d first seen when you arrived, alongside schematics of some kind. You guess he’s some sort of engineer? “Hey there!” you attempt to greet. He looks back at you curiously, but then turns towards his work once more. “…Not much a talker, got it.”

“At this present moment, I’m quite busy.” he replies, his voice strangely echo-y and odd. You notice one of the schematics resembling the shuttle you got the civilians out from. He turns back and notices you and Raditz haven’t left yet. While still working, and figuring you’re not going to leave without at least something more to go off of, he explains, “I am tracing multiple trajectories of escaped civilian, military, civil, labor, and other craft and their points of origin. Most that have survivors seem to follow a pattern. It will narrow down later rescue efforts.”

“What do you mean by ‘most that have survivors’ exactly?” your uncle asks.

“72.4% of cataloged craft, that being 181 of the known 250, were not as lucky as the ones you found.” he replies grimly.

“Oh…” You rub the back of your neck apologetically. “Sorry.”

“I have much work to do.” he responds neutrally, going back to the screens.

Feeling just a little soured, you and your uncle keep walking. Next, you see the flying shark guy has gone over to the two medics as they resuscitate the multiple recovered civilians, greeting a few of them in a rather jovial voice, though in words you can’t quite understand. The civilians themselves have varied shapes and sizes, some of them with details that are definitely more vehicle-like than animal-like, others… not really sure what they’d turn into, but most seem to be similar enough to the folks you’d already taken note of.

“From the sound of things, most of the ones we’ve recovered are doing okay.” you comment to him with a smile.

The robo-shark flips around to face you. “Ah, the organics that have offered help in this trying time. Though some may still be wary of you, let it be known that your efforts are appreciated.”

“And who might you be?” your uncle asks.

He turns into a more humanoid form and bows. “You may call me Zubastik, an entertainer, explorer, and extraction expert in a former life. Currently though, you may consider me something of a morale officer, keeping spirits high and helping those who’ve suffered through the Cataclysm find their footing again.”

“...Extraction expert?” you repeat as a question.

“Open conflict often sees those put in hostile positions in need of recovery.” He smiles with a surprisingly sharp-toothed grin. “I’ve done my fair share of said recovery. And given that you’ve offered your aid to us further, my skills as such are ready to be put to use.”

“Oh! Well, thank you, sir!” you say politely. “If that’s the case, I’ll look forward to working with you.”

Finally, the mole-looking guy is off in a smaller area, relative to him, in apparent meditation, to your slight surprise. While he briefly acknowledges your presence, it looks like he doesn’t look like he wants to be disturbed at the moment, though. He does look kinda familiar, though. You catch glimpse of two other robots sparring, to your surprise, both of them having clearer vehicle transformations than most of the others around.

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Finishing your pizza, you make your way back to mom, Videl, and Eagalia right about at the moment you sense Pantea arrive with the ships. “So, have any others that might be joining us on our mission to the planet? Also, should we go over any priority locations we should be heading towards?”

“There will be a total of 20 different high-priority targets.” the bird-bot lady informs you. A hologram of the planet appears, with several points highlighted in red. Most are on some relatively intact areas of the planet, but you notice four are quite close to the massive gash across it. “While not all need to be cleared, the more that can be done, the better. Five of us will be offering aid in this operation. Splitting into smaller teams would be smart, though they shouldn’t be made too small. Easier to be overwhelmed that way.”

“We’d like to keep it between three and five teams.” Maple states. “That way each one can have a host to help guide the team through a specific area.”

“Rabaht and Bravyj have agreed to continue to help with this, and you’ll have Tverdokhvat, the one who greeted you at the entrance, and Zubastik, an accomplished field guide that’s decently acquainted with organics, along with us.” Eagalia explains.

“Uncle Raditz and I just met with the latter. He seemed friendly.” you note with a smile. You look again to the hologram of the planet. Hmm… a few options there, then. Some targets that look like they’re near what appear to be bodies of water, while others are in more of the typical cityscape, and yet more look to be in mechanical mountain ranges that had some gravitational anomalies, and finally a few in what you honestly could be best described as a robot rainforest. And of course, there are those near the gash in the planet…

>A. I’d like to be on one of the teams headed for the those… lake or ocean areas, here or here, if that’s all right
>B. Might be best to stick with what you’re familiar with so far, gonna stick with a cityscape team
>C. Wanna check out those mechanical mountain ranges, they seem kinda odd
>D. Robot rainforest? Well hey, why not?
>E. Betting some of the stronger ones are hiding near the cataclysmic gash. Who’s with me on that?
>F. Something else?

And once more,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, vote open until then! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
>E. Betting some of the stronger ones are hiding near the cataclysmic gash. Who’s with me on that?
>D. Robot rainforest? Well hey, why not?

Is Eagalia gonna be okay?
>E. Betting some of the stronger ones are hiding near the cataclysmic gash. Who’s with me on that?
Best to take on the stronger ones then work our way down. Plus we've expressed interest in the super-ultra-mega-grand canyon already.
>Plus we've expressed interest in the super-ultra-mega-grand canyon already.
We have a girlfriend.
>E. Betting some of the stronger ones are hiding near the cataclysmic gash. Who’s with me on that?
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Hokay. Delays over. We're back!

“Betting some of the stronger ones are hiding around that cataclysmic gash. I wanna be ready to stop ‘em. Who’s with me on that?”

“I’m up for it.” Videl declares with a grin. “Maple? Raditz?”

“Tempting, but I think it might be better to have at least two teams with those who are immune to Destron Gas.” she replies as she looks to you. “Peppa, stay safe out there.”

You give her a nod. “Will do. Promise.”

“I’ve been itching to get a good fight in.” Raditz declares. “If that’s where you think the best fights will be, I’m in.”

You grin. “Thanks, uncle Raditz.”

“Very well. In that case, I’ll be part of that team as well.” Eagalia states. “I am familiar with some of the areas near there.”

Everyone starts to gather around, Pantea and Giru walking in as well. She actually looks rather enthused, like there are a million different questions going through her head at once. Still, she does her best to keep a more professional presence about her. Rabaht goes over the mission one more time: 20 locations, clear out as many threats there as possible, three to five groups, with you, mom, and 19 being the head of that minimum three. 16 is opting to stay behind again to act as bodyguard to Giru, Kikono, and Lemo, who have decided to keep up surveying efforts from what can be gleamed from archives.

Looks like things are ready. Anything needed before you head out?

>A. We’re good, let’s go!
>B. Oh, Pantea, you wanna be on our team? Would be nice to have you along
>C. Irico, wanna stick with uncle Raditz?
>D. Ask the shark guy, Zubastik, if he’d like to be on your team
>E. That Tverdokhvat guy seemed tough, might be good to have him with you
>F. Something else?
>D. Ask the shark guy, Zubastik, if he’d like to be on your team
>E. That Tverdokhvat guy seemed tough, might be good to have him with you

The shark and dino guy, HFIL yeah!

>F. Something else?
Pantea, I had an idea but you might be better at then me: Can you get their information on organics like us and fact-check it?
>A. We're good, let's go!
>F. "Eagalia, since we're headed near the cataclysmic gash, are you able to tell from the planet's energy flow which areas would be the most critical? It would be best not to cause more eruptions with the planet still in such a sensitive state, kami forbid we bring about a second Cataclysm."

>F. Check in with what Pantea is up to, she has a unique and extra relevant skillset here.

She should have a better idea of how she can do the most good here, but if she needs a suggestion we can go with >B.

We could ask if either of them want to come with is, but we don't need both of them. Between the two I'll vote for the shork.

>D. Ask the shark guy, Zubastik, if he’d like to be on your team
>F. "I mean, I have been delving into harnessing energy flow on an internal and external level, but on a great divide of this magnitude my experience is merely theoretical at best. Though I've run plenty of tests on my own, I have yet to have them peer-reviewed."

Support >>5739082
“Hey, Mr. Zubastik, was it? You still up for being on our team?” you ask the big shark guy.

“I’d be more than happy to work with you organics.” he responds jovially, flashing a big, toothy grin.

“Nice! Glad to be working with you then.” You look to the large guy with the serrated sword next. “…You got a team preference, Mr. Tverdokhvat?”

“I don’t like taking orders from politicians, and someone needs to keep Mr. Modesty in line.” he replies as he nods towards Bravyj. “Besides, still have a few members of my team I still need to account for.”

“Team?” Pantea inquires. He simply nods.

“The Geisters.” Bravyj clarifies, earning a bit of a glare from the Tverdokhvat. “Members of his Clan that ended up forming a military special ops unit. They were separated during the recent Cataclysm, with only two recovered, one confirmed deceased, and six others still missing.”

“Why is it so hard for you to keep the trivia lectures to yourself?” he grumbles.

“They are a group that has presented a willingness to help us, there is no harm in sharing information like that.” the robo-manticore responds without a hint of intimidation. “Who knows? If they know what to look for, it may be easier to find them.”

“Not a bad suggestion.” Pantea remarks. “If you pass along any descriptions to us, we could at the very least keep an eye out.”

He grumbles again, but relents with an “I’ll think about it.”

This does get you asking, “Who’re you planning to go with, Pantea? You’ve got skills that are probably among the most valuable in this situation, so any team you go with is gonna benefit from it tremendously.”

“She’s right. I mean, we’d love to have you with us, but we’ve already got a pretty well-stacked team as-is.” Videl adds.

“Hmm… then I think I’ll go with Bravyj.” she answers. “If you guys don’t mind.”

“I can accept that.” 19 confirms.

“Why I welcome you openly, Miss Pantea!” Bravyj welcomes. He then looks over at Tverdokhvat and gives him a nudge with his tail.

“Whatever. Just be sure you pull your weight.”

Pantea adjusts her glasses a little and smirks. “Oh I can do more than that. Just watch me.”

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So, the teams are decided. You, Videl, Raditz, and Zubastik will be with Eagalia, heading towards one of the closest points of interest in the large gash across the planet. 19, Pantea, and Tverdokhvar will be with Bravyj, apparently deciding to go into that robo-jungle. And mom and Irico will stick with Rabaht, first going into one of the mechanical mountains with gravitational anomalies. Everyone else will stay on the moon.

Your allies see you off, and finally head down to the planet. As you do, though, you get the oddest feeling that something’s actually waiting for you. Expecting you all, almost. And… whatever it is, it’s likely not very friendly…

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
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>“Hmm… then I think I’ll go with Bravyj.” she answers. “If you guys don’t mind.”
>“I can accept that.” 19 confirms.
>But internally, 19 was like

Looking forward to tomorrow, hopefully we can be a good wingman for Eagalia! In many respects.
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Wish you well, Kato. And Hira and Exen and HAGWAG I think, lot of unfortunate Californians here.
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All right, things are ready, we are back!


You arrive in a quite literal post-apocalyptic wasteland. Ruined buildings and machinery as far as the eye can see, crashed ships and vehicles and… a few robot corpses, though those seem surprisingly rare. It almost seems monotonous, except for the very sudden and clearly jagged upturned sections of the surface near the horizon. The air’s acrid, rusty, and thin, but not an active danger to anyone, as far as you can tell. From just looking at it, things would seem eerily quiet and barren… but you can tell that none of you are alone. Weaker Ki signatures are almost all over the place, with some stronger ones lurking down further below.

Videl cracks her knuckles. “From what I can sense, plenty of foes out there. I say we power up and try to bring them up here, make ‘em know we’re ready for a challenge.”

“Or we can try to corner some of them and flush ‘em out.” Raditz offers, stretching his limbs.

“Both can work.” Eagalia says to the pair of them, changing into her more humanoid form. “Just be aware, any of the Metal Beasts can still be a problem to you. If what Maple’s said about your encounters with Destron Gas before is true, it might be best to let either Zubastik, Peppa, or myself take the lead on fighting them.”

“We should also keep an optics looking for survivors.” the shark-bot recommends. “Though there likely aren’t very many still alive in an area like this, we can’t rule out the possibility.”

What to do…?

>A. Videl’s got the right idea. Power up, give ‘em a wake-up call!
>B. Should follow uncle Raditz’s idea, stealth mode engage, try to flush some out!
>C. Zubastik is right, try to see if there are any survivors in the area first
>D. Something else?
>C. Zubastik is right, try to see if there are any survivors in the area first

>D. We are around hostiles, and we should plan around possible attacks during rescue efforts. Lets try having Videl keeping her power normal or higher and keep some distance from the resuers using less energy - not to draw *more* attention but to label her as the larger or only threat to anyone aggressive. Of the others can similarly

If no attacks happen now we can scale up the method for tactical attack reasons later.
That last bit of greentext was accidentally not deleted, disregard.
Hit vote:

>D. Don't gotta be quiet about it, though!
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Rolled 13, 13, 1 = 27 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 4d20, best of three! DC is 13 for the first two, 14 for the last two!
Rolled 18, 5, 14, 12 = 49 (4d20)

Rolled 11, 1, 3, 7 = 22 (4d20)

Rolled 3, 19, 14, 19 = 55 (4d20)

Rolled 16, 5, 3 = 24 (3d20)

Passed all! Nice work!
Rolled 1, 3, 7 = 11 (3d20)

And writing...
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Rolled 1, 1, 12 = 14 (3d20)

“Zubastik probably has the right idea. We should see if there are any survivors in the area first and foremost, but there’s a good chance hostiles know we’re here already. Videl, if can you keep your Ki up, maybe that’ll draw them towards you and give us a better chance of rescuing any people still left behind.”

She nods, and brings out a noticeable increase in her strength. “Let’s do this.”

You all sense around, and while there’s movement, you do get the read on a couple weak, stationary Ki signatures. They feel even fainter than the ones you noticed on the ship. You and Zubastik start making your way towards them, though you don’t yet lower your Ki. Don’t have to be TOO quiet about this. Not yet. Managing to find one of the two, you notice it’s for a slightly smaller robot, only a bit bigger than Raditz, predominantly blue, a helmet that seems to cover the head that has a central, yellow optic, with what might be a helicopter blade on the back. Looks like this one turns into a vehicle, though there’s what initially looks like rubble on top of the bot… and then the “rubble” looks at you, a single large eye, some fang-like parts jetting out from underneath it dripping with a substance that reminds you of the oily, fishy smell you noticed when first arriving.

“Metal Beast larva.” Zubastik states sourly, confirming what you were thinking. “Don’t think it’s done any significant damage yet, no injuries on this one’s body. Still, we need to get it off before it does.”

It looks back and forth at you both, then at the small bot. Finally, it looks at you with what you think is hunger, and lunges!

…And you thwack it away casually, not really using much of your strength, showing it you don’t consider it a threat. Zubastik changes to his humanoid form and catches it. “Haha, thought you were sneaky, did ya? Well you’ll not-” It latches on to his face. “AGH! OW! OFF! OFF!”

You giggle just a little, and pick up the bot. He was right, no recent significant damage, but some older scratches and broken parts. Ki IS quite weak though. “Think this one will make it?” you ask.

He finally gets the Metal Beast larva off his face and destroys it with a Ki blast from his central chest gem thing. “Ahem. Let me get a look…” He leans in closer, a few soft beeps emanating from him. “Yes, she will make it. Little one’s been through quite a lot though.” He takes the bot into his arms. “Let’s get her out of here.”

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Rolled 17, 13, 14 = 44 (3d20)


As you do, though, you all sense a number of stronger Ki signatures headed your way. Videl stands confidently. “Take ‘er to safety, I’ve got this.” Erupting from the ground are several mechs resembling a the savage mixture of scorpion and dragon, maws with mandibles, large wings and tails with cannons on them, multiple segmented legs, and two massive claws with what look like chainsaws on them. Each one… feels surprisingly strong, all things considered. Could give Izzy a run for her money in her base state. Unfortunately for them, you’re all leagues above that. Videl’s aura erupts around her and she charges them, Raditz and Eagalia behind her.

As Zubastik gets the small bot out of danger, though, you can sense some of the draco-scorpions making their way towards the other weak Ki signature you sensed. “Other one’s in danger, I’m getting ‘em out of there!” you tell the robo-shark. Before he can even respond, you jump up and lock on to that weak Ki, using Instant Transmission to get to it. You appear in front of a much, much larger robot, one that’s definitely more heavily armed, but also more heavily damaged than the smaller one. Predominantly red and blue, with a bit of white and grey, and looks like he turns into some kind of tank thing.

However, you also teleport right in front of one of the things that were about to attack him, and have to twirl your body around to catch the maw of the monster in your hands. It… then LAUGHS at you, the cannons on the tail charging up and blasting at you, forcing you to guard to block both the attack and protect the big bot behind you. It actually hits a bit harder than you expected it to, but you hold, to the thing’s surprise.

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Rolled 13, 18, 17 = 48 (3d20)

Lowering your arms, you smirk. “Stronger than you expect, huh? My turn.” You fly up and grab the Metal Beast by its tail, twirling it around in the air and the tossing it off into the distance. And… it ends up crashing into your uncle in midair, as HE is tossed up there by a stronger Ki signature you notice towards the ground. Much stronger. It… looks like a large, shifting MASS of those things. Okay, injured person first, fight that thing next.

You pick up the big bot and teleport over to Zubastik again, who’s surprised by your sudden appearance. “How did…? Where did…?”

“Can teleport. No time to explain more. Big guy, he savable too?” you ask in a hurry.

He scans the one you’re carrying, then nods, and you sign in relief. “Set ‘em down here. He’ll need more repairs, but he’ll live.”

You turn back to the ongoing fight, Videl knocking apart most of the draco-scorpion Metal Beasts while Eagalia gets to Raditz, helping him up. The shifting mass of Metal Beasts lumbers forward, firing off a few beams into the sky to keep anyone from flying up for a moment. It is… actually quite a bit stronger than the draco-scorpion ones, by at least a couple dozen times. And then you notice it’s letting out Destron Gas…

“Tch. This could be a problem.” you mutter.

>A. Power up as much as you can without going Super Saiyan. No need to pull that out just yet
>B. Super Saiyan, let’s go! Wanna take this thing down quickly!
>C. Power Pole Extend!
>D. Ki Drill, let’s smash it apart!
>E. Meteor Combo!
>F. Videl, you focus on that thing, I’ll take out the small fries!
>G. Something else?

And sadly, once more,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~4:30 pm PST, vote open until then! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
A. Power up as much as you can without going Super Saiyan. No need to pull that out just yet
>F. Videl, you focus on that thing, I’ll take out the small fries!
>G. Multiform and have one Peppa telekinetically keep the gas away from anyone vulnerable to it
>A. Power up as much as you can without going Super Saiyan. No need to pull that out just yet
>F. Videl, you focus on that thing, I’ll take out the small fries!
>G. Something else?
Do the same with Raio-Ken and Kaio-Ken power as well.
>H. Double Geist Magnums (Wind) on the small fries.
>B. Super Saiyan, let’s go! Wanna take this thing down quickly!

A rescue effort is not the place for a fair fight. Smash the attackers, and give any further hostilies a damn reason to reconsider.

>C. Power Pole Extend

Extra reach always opens up tactical options, even if we are already fast and teleporty.
Also supporting this >G.
Hmm... Okay well how about this mod? I'll support >A and >F instead but if the shit fans sideways we shift to >F.
>*shift to >B.
>>H. Double Geist Magnums (Wind) on the small fries.
Voting against, Peppa doesn't know Double Geist Magnum.
>doesn't know Double Geist Magnum.
What? It's just firing a Geist Magnum from the other hand.
Peppa doesn't know it, it's not on her sheet.

PLEASE stop trying to multiform all our problems. It leaves us vulnerable.
Vulnerable... to be hit with another Peppa?
>A, B, C, F.
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Rolled 17, 3, 9 = 29 (3d20)

And we are back!

Okay, roll me 5d20 this time, best of three! DC is 13 for the first three, 12 for the last two!
Rolled 1, 19, 14, 4, 18 = 56 (5d20)

Rolled 4, 17, 1, 9, 2 = 33 (5d20)

Rolled 2, 11, 20, 19, 15 = 67 (5d20)

Rolled 15, 2, 3 = 20 (3d20)

Passed four of 'em! ...And missed one by quite a bit.
Rolled 11, 4, 15 = 30 (3d20)

And writing...
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>...And missed one by quite a bit.
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“Videl, focus on the big guy!” you declare. “I’ll mop up the small fries!” You power up as much as you can without quite transforming just yet. You then charge in, Videl kicking off one of the draco-scorpions as you fly towards where she was. “POWER POLE EXTEND!” you yell out, swinging it forward to one of the Metal Beasts. And… it not only notices you, but catches the Power Pole in its claws. “…This is new.” you remark under your breath.

Another one grabs it as well, and the two work in unison to swing YOU down into the ground, and repeat that for a couple more times until you get your bearings again and pull them up, using the pair of Metal Beasts now as a makeshift club with your Power Pole and smashing them into others with all the force you can muster. This has the intended effect, for the most part, as you smash several of them apart, and finally fling what’s left of the two that were latched to the Power Pole up into the air.

You then fly up a bit, glaring down at the remaining ones. “All right, anyone else?”

The two you flung up into the air end up crashing down on you. The ones you were attempting to intimidate into backing off… mockingly laugh at that. Okay. That’s it. You fling them off, ready a Ki drill, use multi-form, and in the blink of an eye you and all your copies briefly go blonde as you rush through the remaining Metal Beasts. You drop back out once you’re done, and turn your attention towards the other major threat.

Over with the big mass of the metal monsters, Eagalia zips around it, slashing at the thing with her Ki blades. Raditz and Videl keep back as it releases more Destron Gas, trying to fire Ki blasts at it along where Eagalia slashes, though the blasts are noticeably weakened. That’s still gonna be a problem. Your various copies keep some distance, but use telekinesis to pull that gas away from the gestalt to provide Videl and Raditz an opening. “Finish ‘em off, quick!”

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Your uncle pulls both his hands back, grinning. “Gladly.” He goes Super Saiyan, brings them forward, and yells out, “DOUBLE SUNDAY!”

“KAMEHAMEHA!” Videl adds in, firing her own beam with him.

The two attacks combine, overwhelming and destroying the Metal Beast mass in one fell swoop. Videl and Raditz fist bump, Eagalia approaching them and confirming, “The Metal Beast has been neutralized. Good work.” She then looks to Raditz, and then over to you, and back to him, remarking, “Interesting. I assume this is the transformation you were talking about prior, Son Peppa. A Super Mode of some sort... not too much visual change, but that boost in power is tremendous.”

“Hah! Indeed, this is the once legendary state of the Super Saiyan.” your uncle declares with pride, puffing his chest up a bit. “But through great effort and skill, my family’s been able to draw it out.”

“You sure it’s gone?” you ask, looking at the crater where it once was.

“Positive. No remaining signs of Destron or Metal Beast energy signatures.” Eagalia reassures you.

>A. Let’s check in with everyone else, tell them the good news
>B. Where to next? We got one point of interest checked off, let’s keep up the pace
>C. Zubastik, do you need to get the two we recovered off-world? I can help with that
>D. Something else?
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>“I’ll mop up the small fries!”
where my mind went

>D. "Good to hear! And since we're on the topic of sensing energy," lean in conspiratorially with a grin, "What is with the sparks I see between you and my mom? Dish!"
Despite our times together, I'm not out to troll with this. From the scenes they've shared, I do think there's some potential for something between Maple and Eagalia, but I just want to ask them in private first for now.
>D. "Eagalia, you've fought these before. Any improvements you can recommend for our approach?"
Supporting, it's reasonable. But also,
>Addendum, "And I can give you some tips on how to approach my mom, favorite meals, interests, dates..."
Support >>5740872
>>5740872 +1
Excuse me y'all, can I ask you something? I thought that matchmaking was something you would be into, which is why I'm making votes for that.

Like, this post just demands I "Stop" without explaining why I should. I don't see how what I'm suggesting is objectionable compared to how we normally do things.

So, is there something wrong with my reasoning for why Eagalia x Maple, "Mapalia" for short?
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Rolled 11, 6, 6 = 23 (3d20)

Okay, first thing’s first… “Zubastik, do you need help getting those two off-world quickly? If so, I can help with that.”

He’s intrigued, and has both of them placed on his back. “It is quite a ways back, and your ships are back on the moon, but if you can, let’s get them to the medics.”

You hop on, placing two fingers on your forehead, and lock on to one of said medics’ Ki. “Hold on tight.”

And with Instant Transmission, you appear near the robo-rhino medic guy. He’s taken aback, almost stumbling. “O-organic?! What are you…?”

“We found two that need help. Here you go.” you reply, helping the little blue one and bulky red, white, and blue one. “Thanks!”

Getting back on the slightly stunned Zubastik, you teleport back to near uncle Raditz. The shark-bot looks dazed for a moment. “…Gonna need to take that teleportation into account.” he remarks woozily.

You dust your hands off and ask, “Where to next? We got one point of interest over with, but there’s still more to go.”

“Next location is within four klicks of this one. We should get going.” Eagalia states, turning back to her bird form. She flies off, and the rest of you follow, all of you feeling relatively good about this early success.

Along the way, you think to ask, “Just so none of us start getting overconfident about this, Eagalia, as the one who’s fought them the most, do you have any improvements you can recommend going forward? We did do pretty well… some minor slapstick aside.” You add that last bit in a hushed voice.

“I would say you did very well. You all picked up on the necessity to destroy all of their component parts, you yourself Peppa were quick to remove the Destron it was producing, and Videl, Raditz, both of you acted quickly and efficiently. Overall, you have a good pace in dealing with these. However, some Metal Beasts are likely going to be significantly more intelligent than the ones you faced so far.”

“...Heeey yeah so, on that. At least a couple different ones actually LAUGHED at me, thinking I fell into a trap in one case.” you point out. “Are these things like… actually sapient or something?”

“Yes and no. Their intelligence can vary significantly depending on the organics or even other beings they’ve… integrated into themselves. Most start off with intelligence closer to that of fauna, but others possess not only a degree of self-awareness, but unnerving displays of cunning. Some will attempt to set up ambushes and traps, some will pick off those they perceive as weaker targets, especially if it puts stronger ones at a disadvantage trying to protect them, and some others will know when they need to try to escape if they’re outmatched.”

>Getting back on the slightly stunned Zubastik, you teleport back to near uncle Raditz. The shark-bot looks dazed for a moment. “…Gonna need to take that teleportation into account.” he remarks woozily.
Heheheh, we jumped a shark
>some minor slapstick aside.”
It's called a Power Pole, Peppa! I know it hit you hard, but not That hard!
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Rolled 2, 9, 11 = 22 (3d20)

“Hmh. So smart ones will fight dirty.” Raditz sourly grumbles. “What about the big ugly one we just dealt with? It seemed almost mindless.”

“Its gestalt form was probably incapable of properly coordinating the minds that made it up. End result is each thought crashing into each other constantly, driven mad and violent. Doesn’t make it any less dangerous, though.”


Once you get to the intended location, you don’t sense as many strong Ki signatures, only three or four. But you notice there are… quite a few more bodies lying around. Corpses, clearly dead, and left there for a while. Though something is… off, about them. Some look like they were gunned down, others almost purposefully torn apart, a few with bodies impaled on large spikes, yet more almost look like they were… executed. By an intact building, there’s even a pile of them, whole bodies and body parts, stacked up into an exceptionally morbid “throne” made for someone at least Bravyj’s size. And you can tell the place is just lousy with Destron Gas.

Zubastik is appalled by the sight, Videl having to cover her mouth for a moment as she takes in just how gruesome the scene is. Raditz scowls, stating, “This is bringing back some very, very unpleasant memories from my days under Freeza.” He looks up at Eagalia as she transforms into her humanoid form again. “Work of the Metal Beasts, or something else?” he asks.

“...It’s too purposefully sadistic for the Metal Beasts. While they might display ruthless and cruel intelligence, this would be wasteful, excessive and unnecessary.” she replies grimly. “It has all the hallmarks of one of Shokun Vzryvala’s more twisted ‘experiments.’” She looks around, scanning the area. “No sign of it currently. But there are energy signatures within that building there.”

As Eagalia motions to the intact building, Videl crosses her arms and glares. “I smell a trap.”

>A. She’s right. Whatever is here, better we draw it to us than play into its games
>B. We can handle any traps it set before us, and more importantly, this thing needs to pay
>C. Should use telekinesis to try and clear out as much Destron Gas as you can again, before it starts affecting anyone
>D. Might not even be here still. Should we try to make finding it a priority?
>E. Gonna lower Ki and attempt to sneak in

That said, again,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, vote open until then! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
>C. Should use telekinesis to try and clear out as much Destron Gas as you can again, before it starts affecting anyone
>A. She’s right. Whatever is here, better we draw it to us than play into its games
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>G. "I smell Destron, be sure not to breathe too deeply now!"
>C. Don't think too hard about it, blow the gas away with wind ki.
kihihihihi, blow away the gas with a strong wind
>C. Should use telekinesis to try and clear out as much Destron Gas as you can again, before it starts affecting anyone
>E. Try to figure out what the trap actually is. To avoid it or perhaps use it to our advantage somehow.
Err meant for that >E. to say >F.

>F. Create a pseudo-'bansho fan' at the end of the power pole and use that to enhance our wind magic to blow away the destron gas in tandem with with controlled telekinesis
Yeah, we're all forgetting F exists today.

Although, I do like this one!
Why are you unable to commit to one person?
Rolled 8, 3, 1 = 12 (3d20)

Okay folks, we are back! Real quick, roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 11 for all!
Rolled 20, 5, 16 = 41 (3d20)

Rolled 10, 18, 10 = 38 (3d20)

Rolled 2, 15, 14 = 31 (3d20)

Rolled 13, 19, 4 = 36 (3d20)

Passed all! Great job!
Rolled 18, 2, 18 = 38 (3d20)

And writing...
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Rolled 15, 3, 11 = 29 (3d20)

You get an idea, and materialize up a sturdy fan, then attach it to the Power Pole, with Eagalia giving you a curious, slightly surprised glance. “Gonna clear out some of the Destron Gas in the area, and scout out a bit too. I know there’s a trap waiting for us, but I can get out of such a thing easier than most.”

“Be careful, Son Peppa. We don’t know what’s in there, but we can guess its intentions lean towards the… psychotic.” Zubastik cautions, looking back at the… corpse throne.

“You sure you don’t want anyone to go with?” Videl questions with a frown.


“I’ll be fine, promise.” You start using telekinesis to gather up the Destron Gas, your fan attachment to the Power Pole helping to gather it up with just a bit of Wind Magic added in. As you get most of the stuff in the area outside, you notice that for… just the briefest of moments, there was a tiny bit of movement from one of the corpses, a tilt of the head to look towards you all. But just as quickly as you noticed it, the movement stopped, and the corpse slumped over yet again.

Raditz and Eagalia noticed it too. “…Please tell me I imagined that.” your uncle asks in a groan.

“Might be more reason for us to stay outside, then. If some of these have hidden life signs and are just playing dead, that might be the intent behind their trap.” the bird-lady-bot states, going into her humanoid form again and forming her Ki blades.

You walk in cautiously, lowering your Ki as you try to stick to cover, still doing your best to pull in as much of the Destron Gas from the air as possible. Turns out there is a LOT down here, way more than even outside, and as you head in deeper, you notice that the building extends a good deal deeper. You… also notice a few more corpses along the way, most of them hanging from the ceiling or attached to the walls, with bits and pieces taken off them.

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Rolled 18, 1, 9 = 28 (3d20)

And finally, you happen upon some Metal Beasts… but they’re not roaming the area. They’re locked up in cages of some kind. You hear movement, and duck into a little corner, keeping the gathered Destron Gas in a tight sphere with Telekinesis. Glimpsing what was moving, you first are immediately struck by… how it isn’t even ALIVE. There’s no Ki in there. Second thing that catches your attention is that it’s moving almost in a zombie-like shuffle, yet still… well, mechanical, robotic in appearance. Third, it isn’t alone, as there are a few others following behind it.

Each one grabs one of the cages containing the Metal Beasts, carrying them away. Okay, reasonable deduction: someone is ordering around those zombots. You follow them, and after a short time, arrive at a rather large laboratory. In there, a surprisingly small robot, about the size of the blue one you and Zubastik just rescued, stands near a large monitor. It… looks vaguely feminine, and has traits of both spiders and octopi, either possessing multiple heads or a head with multiple faces, a primarily silvery sheen to it that brings a shiver down your spine, and unlike the zombots, it’s clearly alive. And the monitor… it’s showing the area outside. And a few inside. Crap. But… it hasn’t noticed you just yet, so maybe you’re in the clear for now.

The figure lets out a series of computer-y beeps, orders apparently, and brings up a… video file of you entering the building. Not good. But… still hasn’t noticed you THERE yet? Okay, it’s having one of the robo zombies look for you. Next, it has the screen zoom in on your allies outside. The beeps it’s making take on an almost… mocking tone, and you sense a strong energy build up near everyone.

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Rolled 3, 10, 17 = 30 (3d20)

‘Guys, look out!’ you warn telepathically to Videl and Raditz, then are about to quietly tell the same to Zubastik and Eagalia over comms, but most everyone managed to notice the energy buildup. Videl brings up her guard as the ground underneath her erupts, and she’s a bit too slow to properly hold what comes out of it back. A massive, clawed hand, which swats her into a nearby building… said building starting to shift as well, revealing itself to be PART of whatever the hell this thing is. With most everyone taking to the air, this thing looks like it’s vaguely dinosaur-shaped… no, almost Godzilla-like! M-Mechagodzilla? …No, not quite. The thing is slow, sluggish, and it looks like only half of it has properly taken shape. You DO sense some smaller Ki signatures inside it though.

‘Peppa what the hell are we looking at?!’ your uncle asks telepathically.

‘No idea. But there’s someone controlling it in here.’ you reply. The figure seems frustrated, several scans going on at once, with one visually indicating something is exceptionally low. It beeps in frustration, pulling up the prior video of you again. …Ahaaaa. ‘I think it’s being powered by Destron Gas, though. Somehow? That’s not how it’s supposed to work. I think.’

>A. I’m gonna send visual to everyone. Eagalia, you know who this might be?
>B. If it’s drawing on Destron Gas, you need to get out there and help! Teleport away!
>C. …You do still have a bunch of the gas built up. Wonder if you can pull off what mom did with it?
>D. Drop down, raise up your Ki, and confront this thing. Get it to stand down
>E. Something else?
>C. …You do still have a bunch of the gas built up. Wonder if you can pull off what mom did with it?
On one hand, that stuff was made to Eradicate the Saiyans. On the other, maybe the modifications that Raichi made to Mom and Uncle's embryos passed on down to you and Gohan somehow. I dunno, you aren't one foot tall like most tuffles., so at least there's that going for this.
Power up to Super Saiyan 2, take aim at the big guy while still in the lab, Rasen Magnum into it and blast both it and the Destron Gas away
Sounds cool.

Throw in a pose if successful
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We don't wanna die, Ghost Pepper is just a code name!
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Rolled 6, 1, 3 = 10 (3d20)

All righty, roll me 2d20 this time, best of three! DC is 13 for both!
Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d20)

Rolled 4, 11 = 15 (2d20)

Rolled 17, 1 = 18 (2d20)

Rolled 20, 1, 19 = 40 (3d20)

Passed one!
Rolled 4, 16, 14 = 34 (3d20)

And writing...
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>Passed one!
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Rolled 2, 7, 9 = 18 (3d20)

You look over at the Destron Gas you’d gathered and get… quite the idea. Placing the Power Pole down, you gather more of it out of the air, and then start to power up. Your Ki spikes tremendously, and you’re able to draw it out quite quickly. The robot first notices the golden glow filling the lab as your hair spikes up, electricity surging around you, head turning slowly. Okay, faces are definitely feminine, and the initial look of confusion in one of them shifts over to genuinely stunned shock.


“Doing something a little tricky, everyone. Stand back.” you tell your allies through comms.

‘Peppa what are you-? AGH!’ Videl attempts to fly off, only to end up caught by the not-Mechagodzilla’s giant hand, trying to crush her. She’s able to hold it off at first, but the Destron Gas emanating from the thing is making it harder than she first thought.

“I’ve got her!” Eagalia calls out, using her Ki swords to slash into the hand and allow Videl a chance to escape, even carrying her out. An attempted swipe by the other hand does cause her to stumble a bit, making the initially heroic rescue look a bit more clumsy than she probably intended, but they’re safe, at least.

“We’re all clear!” Raditz declares, even though the monster’s mouth opens up, starting to charge an energy blast… with enough power in it to easily blow apart a planet, what the hell?! Okay, need to stop this thing NOW.

The silver robot lady glances back at the screens with one of her faces, but when you start charging an energy attack she turns her attention back to you. The limbs that look like some unsettling combination of spider legs and octpoi tentacles back her up a bit, some of the zombots in the area moving in front to guard her. However, you don’t take aim at her. Your hand making a gun shape, you aim into the swirling ball of Destron Gas in it. “Rasen Magnum!” you declare, making sure your aim is true as you fire into the gas. Just like what mom did prior, you manage to harmonize them together briefly, amplifying its power a couple times over.

The swirling blast not only bores through the building, passing through it like a hot knife through butter, but the attack hits the not-Mechagodzilla dead on… annihilating its head, and a good chunk of its upper torso as well! The body goes limp, falling to the ground in a heap. Target neutralized.

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Rolled 3, 8, 13 = 24 (3d20)

You then grab the Power Pole with your tail and leap down from the ledge area you were just standing on, intending to strike a pose when you land… only, either you sorta misjudge how hard you intended to land, or gravity in the area just jumped up a dozen times above the norm, as you end up kinda smashing into, and then THROUGH the floor, with a shockwave traveling from it from the sheer force of the impact. Well. That was embarrassing. Pulling yourself up and out of the hole you made, clearing your throat as you spot the robot zombies knocked down. “Ahem. I believe you should surrender, ma’am. Because that’s just-”

She’s not there.

You look around, sensing out through the area, and… no, no no no she left! Damn it, can she teleport?! Both of your hands slap against your face and pull down slightly. Great. Great! She can teleport!

“So you’re one of Eagalia’s new little fleshling pets.” a feminine, slightly sultry and husky voice calls out from the screen, which has shifted to show one of her faces. “You certainly did give me quite the scare, far stronger than any baseline organic encountered thus far. I’ll admit, the dramatic display almost worked. But a bit too slow on the follow-up, little one.”

With an annoyed scowl, you cross your arms and question, “And just who might I have the pleasure of speaking with?”

“Not the tone a meathead like you should take with your better, but you may call me Demiurgos, the New Grand Architect.” she answers, her multiple faces smugly looking down at you.

Oh she’s one of THOSE types.

A Towa.

>A. And what’s your beef with Eagalia, Dummy?
>B. Sense around again, see if she left any surprises headed your way
>C. Everyone, we’ve got a situation down here!
>D. Let me cut to the chase: what were you doing with the Destron Gas?
>E. Something else?

And yet again,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, vote open until then! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
>A. And what’s your beef with Eagalia, Dummy?
>B. Sense around again, see if she left any surprises headed your way
>C. Everyone, we’ve got a situation down here!
>D. Let me cut to the chase: what were you doing with the Destron Gas?
>A. And what’s your beef with Eagalia, Dummy?

If she corrects us about her name, start calling her Dummy-gross,

> A Towa.

Well in that case...

>E. Prod her about her plans and then ciritize them. Raise our ki while supressing it,why we try to locate her. Telepathically ask Maple and Pantea to assist. The moment we both know where she is and she's begun monologing, immediately teleport and beat the shit out of her.
>E. Grouse, "Oh great, Eagalia's Ex!" Perk up, "Say, what are some of her interests and favorite dates? Trying to hook up my recently single mom with her."
>If she corrects us about her name, start calling her Dummy-gross,
I am curious if puns will translate over. "Organic, I just heard you call me Stupid-filthy, but you almost got my name right. You need to enunciate it correctly, 'Demiurgos,' not 'Moron-stinky.'"
Hey, would >>5742155 work as a taunt to distract her, you think?
It's like Towa combined with Wheelo, Baby, Raichi, Gero and 21 and its very smug!

>A. And what’s your beef with Eagalia, Dummy?
>B. Sense around again, see if she left any surprises headed your way
>C. Everyone, we’ve got a situation down here!
>D. Let me cut to the chase: what were you doing with the Destron Gas?
>E. Something else?
Clothes Beam a shirt on her titled: 'Demiurgos, the New Grand Architect', bright neon pink and bright new yellow for the words to help it really stand out.
"I hope I spelt that right."
For kicks make it as heavy as possible.
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Supporting >>5742337, I like clothes beaming embarassing clothes onto opponents.

May I also have support for >>5742155, please?
Nope. Making shit up is momentarily confusing, but it being obviously lolrandom gives the game away. Also it could distract Eagalia which doesn't help either.
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I think this person has a history with Eagalia, and she reminds us of Towa, so I think there's a decent chance she could be covetous of Eagalia even with their falling out. There is a chance Eagalia could hear us, but I don't think she's currently around so that chance is low.

But, that's flimsy excuses which rely on gut feelings, it's not a good argument, I know.

You ever have something you really wanted to pursue, but you never made any progress towards it because you weren't allowed to, so you keep looking for chances to do so no matter how slim and you get tunnel vision and purposely ignore problems with your plans in the hope that you'll get a little something of what you want? Well. It's a problem of mine, thanks for pointing out the failings of my write-in.
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Her top-center head has a :3 face
Rolled 14, 2, 20 = 36 (3d20)

Okay, we are back! And real quick, roll me 1d20 this time, best of three! DC is 16!
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Rolled 7 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 10 (1d20)

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Rolled 4, 17, 3 = 24 (3d20)

...Well. Off by one! But didn't make it.
Rolled 17, 1, 1 = 19 (3d20)

And writing...
Maple has a drinking problem.
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You place your hands on your hips, tilting your head slightly. “Okay, and what’s your beef with Eagalia, Dummy?”

One of her faces’ eyes twitch. “Demi-”

“Oh, right, Dummy-Gross.” you correct yourself, raising up your Ki a bit again. ‘Everyone, we got a situation in here!’ you telepathically call to your allies. You also try to sense for any other traps in the area, and you do get the impression that the remaining Metal Beasts haven’t been moved, but also you can’t hear or smell or get the impression of anything else in the area. Gonna try to lock on to her, then. Gotta keep sensing…

‘On our way!’ Raditz responds.

“Arrogance seems to go hand-in-hand with overconfidence with you, fleshling.” she grumbles through the monitor. “And my ‘beef’ with Miss Goody Two-Shoes is that she is a constant thorn in the side of progress and evolution, probably because she still thinks of it as a way to make up for her Clan’s prior actions.”

You raise an eyebrow. “Meaning, what, exactly?” You try to telepathically contact both mom and Pantea and let them know what’s going on, as you sense everyone else in your team converging on your location.

‘Sorry Peppa, kinda busy here!’ Pantea responds first. ‘Can’t deal with any Mecha-Towas right now!’

“Ahh, the ignorance you naive little fleshlings constantly display is amusing. Though I guess she wouldn’t be willing to share her old shame with your kind.”

“Okay, you’re going to be coy. Let’s cut to the chase then, Dummy-Gross: what were you doing with the Destron Gas? What are you trying to accomplish with it?”

After a brief scowl, her multiple faces smirk. “It’s a fascinating little thing, isn’t it? Affects organics to such a dramatic degree, even allowing the Metal Beasts to assimilate them into their mass. But with high enough concentrations… its effects can be used to disrupt the boundaries between dimensions. Even the boundaries between life and death.”

Your eyes start to widen as you recall how Dr. Raichi sent the legions of the dead to attack Earth. Just then, your allies all fly in through the hole you made, Videl standing beside you at the ready, Raditz behind the two of you, floating slightly above the ground, while Zubastik and Eagalia stand behind him. The bird-bot lady glares at the screen. “I should have known.”

“And there’s Miss Doo-Gooder herself.” the silvery and smug mad scientist acknowledges. “You’re all too late, in any case. Even if you’ve brought some new pets along with you, ones admittedly strong enough to bring down the prematurely reanimated Eschaton, my works will continue. And I still have a special surprise waiting for you, Eagalia.”

“We’ll see about that.” You think you’ve gotten a lock on her Ki! Okay, just gotta-!

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The screen shuts off, and the Ki you thought you locked on to vanishes. Uuuuggghhhh! Your hand lowers from your forehead. “Hold on, we might be able to trace the signal.” Eagalia declares, with her and Zubastik at the consoles.

You kick a bit of scrap metal from the hole in the floor you made in frustration… and it ricochets off a nearby table, up to the ceiling, and knocks down a corpse that had been hanging from it. Right on top of you. Or it would have, had Videl not managed to pull you out of the way at the last moment.

“...Thanks.” you sigh out, shaking your head.

“Don’t thank me just yet.” she replies, as… the corpse moves, because OF COURSE it does. In an instant, Videl delivers a trio of swift kicks that knock the newly awakened zombot through the hole you made. “NOW you can thank me.” she tells you with a grin. You laugh just a little at that.

‘Momma Bird here, Ghost Pepper, were you able to lock on to Mecha-Towa? Over.’ Maple asks.

You sigh deeply. ‘Negative, Momma Bird. Gloating strategy didn’t work. Everything okay with you all? Over.’

‘We’ve been able to get through the worst of it so far, but it’s been more of a struggle than we’d have liked. Over.’

“Found her last location, where she was transmitting that message from.” Eagalia declares. “13 klicks away.”

“But not where she went after that…” Zubastik adds solemnly. “Most likely, she’s already left that location.”

The bird-bot turns back to you all. “Still might be worth tracking it down. It’s close to one of the target locations.”

“Could be another trap.” Raditz grunts. “Might expect us to trail her.”

>A. It’s the only lead we have, and someone as dangerous as that is only to cause more problems in the future
>B. We have other locations we need to check off, don’t we? Let’s pass the info along to our allies and see if any of them might want to tackle it
>C. We should take a short break and go over what we’ve all been through so far, mom and Pantea’s groups sound like they were going through a lot
>D. Eagalia, I tried to keep her distracted and gloating, but… she did bring up something about your “Clan’s prior actions.” What was she talking about?
>E. Something else?
>“It’s a fascinating little thing, isn’t it? Affects organics to such a dramatic degree, even allowing the Metal Beasts to assimilate them into their mass. But with high enough concentrations… its effects can be used to disrupt the boundaries between dimensions. Even the boundaries between life and death.”
>E. "She's in the walls... she's in the Goddamn Walls!!!" let loose with a ki barrage.
Hit vote:

>C. We should take a short break and go over what we’ve all been through so far, mom and Pantea’s groups sound like they were going through a lot
>D. Eagalia, I tried to keep her distracted and gloating, but… she did bring up something about your “Clan’s prior actions.” What was she talking about?

Bring up how that is the best option for chasing her so far, but see if anyone else has ideas on where she might go after it. Maybe we can attempt to corner her.
Supporting this E.
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All righty folks, gonna have to get some rest, sadly, but we'll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, vote open until then! Stay safe, and hope to see y'all then!
I'd wager that her Clan's prior actions were something along the lines of... due to being enslaved with a device known as the Anima ex Machina by a warrior race of organics, she and her clan were forced to act as their war machines, giving that race air superiority over many planets in their path of destruction. Only an organic could interface with this device manually, shorting out the circuits of any mechanic who tried with its sheer enchanted power, and Eagalia and the other clans could not break free until one planet, Cachou. Cachou's Guardian called down lightning on the invaders and destroyed the Anima ex Machina. Eagalia's people were freed and no longer forced to become war machines. But a good portion had embraced their time as war machines as either a way to cope or because they grew obsessed with the power to slay organics and even other mechanics. They turned on their former masters in a one-sided slaughter, and also continued their war against the organics, seeing them as lesser beings. Eagalia's flight vowed to protect life of all kinds from their former friends and new enemies, wanting to protect the galaxy from this idea of "survival of the fittest" and fight for a better world where no one was forced to fight.

Or I dunno, they could have egged Demiurgos' house one time.

>E. "Eagalia does Demi have any old labs you know about? She might have a few sub-basement you all missed. How about any assistants that aren't - reanimated androids that we can investigate?"
Support this E.
Okay, sorry for the delay, but we are back!

“Let’s take a short break to go over our options, group huddle, comms open, and see what mom and Pantea’s groups have been dealing with first, because it sounds like it was a lot.” There’s a general murmur of agreement, and you all take a bit of time to catch up. The good news is, everyone’s okay so far.

Pantea’s group went through two of the areas in the mechanical jungles… which from the sound of things technically sounds like it functions almost like a power station complex? Almost like a hybrid solar farm and water collection area. Still local fauna there too, but more importantly they’d fought some intelligent Metal Beasts there that were trying to siphon energy from the complex, including a massive one with a semi-humanoid shape, one that not only had actual fighting skills, but durability that gave even Pantea and 19 problems. Luckily though they also found three of the Geisters that Tverdokhvat was looking for, a swift pterodactyl-like lady, a styracosaurus-like guy with multiple cannons serving as its horns, and a massive, heavy artillery brachiosaurus-like guy.

Mom’s group on the other hand encountered a… mute ronin skeleton tank man? …A mute ronin skeleton tank man with Shadow Magic?! The revelation that one of those guys can even use Magic is a surprise, but worse is the revelation that the gravitational anomalies seem to be coming from deep within the mechanical mountain itself. They intended to investigate a secondary location in the mountain, but are willing to wait on that.

“Okay… so, our best lead so far is right now that location is the only lead we have on Dummy-Gross. But maybe there are some other priority targets, or places that she might turn to as she attempts to escape? Maybe we could set up a pincer maneuver.” you suggest. “Eagalia, do you know of any labs she operated out of? They might have basement or even sub-basement levels she managed to hide. And maybe some assistants that aren’t robot zombies.”

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“Hmm…” She brings up a hologram of the planet, lacking the massive gash in it this time, as a trio of dots light up. “The recent Cataclysm wiped most of the known locations out. Likely because she was working with Viga and Shokun Vzryvala on them.” A red area highlights where the gash is currently, with some yellow areas showing the upturned parts of it.

“Wait, what about here?” Raditz points out one of the yellow areas, and it seems to match just where one of the labs were. “It might be thoroughly trashed and ruined, but it’s still technically there.”

Eagalia has it zoom in, then shows a different location. It’s much further away, closer to you all… but that’s when she notices a pattern. They’re equidistant from each other. Your current location, the one she was last at, and the three other known ones form before the cataclysm… but there’s a bit of a discrepancy. Two of them are too far apart, unless…

“There’s a sixth location.” you point out, then point at the hologram and add, “Right about… here, I think!”

“And it just so happens, there’s another priority target.” Eagalia confirms. “This would complete the hexagon shape.”

“Give us a moment to go over our options.” Rabaht asks everyone, and a small debate starts.

As Eagalia closes the hologram, though, you look up at her questioningly. “Hey… so, I tried to keep her gloating while attempting to lock on to her Ki, but Dummy-Gross did bring up something about ‘your Clan’s prior actions.’ If you mind sharing, what exactly was she talking about?”

Eagalia looks down slightly, regretfully almost. “My… Clan once had a notorious reputation for producing a lot of renegade and anti-establishment leaders. And the irony was those that weren’t tended to support… more authoritarian goals. During his rise to power, Viga managed to actually gain support of the most notable of the latter, thinking he could use Viga as a tool to take power, while the most notable of the former fought against him not for any noble goal, but because he wanted to be the one in charge. Still, they genuinely did display care and appreciation for those who followed them.” She shakes her head. “In the end, both of them ended up falling at his hands. Both of them also being my direct progenitors. I was formed with the hope that I’d be able to embody the best aspects of the two.”

Zubastik gives her a sympathetic look. Videl is at first a little shocked, then shares the sympathetic look, but that’s followed by a question, “Wait, so… they were effectively your… er, dads?”

“Not quite in the way organics would understand it, but that is one way to compare it.” she answers. “Most of that is old history now. Let’s focus on the task at hand.”

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The rest of the group finishes debating. “Well, personal histories aside, we have been able to narrow things down to three options.” Bravyj declares. “We could converge on Demiurgos’ locations, perform the pincer maneuver Peppa suggested. Or, we could continue on with our current tasks and leave your group to handle her, because the threats we’re currently facing aren’t things we can ignore either. Or, lastly, we could send someone to shadow her and keep tabs on her while not engaging, so she ends up under the impression we are at a loss with how to handle her, while instead we get information on what her current goal might be.”

“Anyone have preferences on those options?” Maple asks.

>A. First one, let’s strike while the iron’s hot!
>B. Second one, you guys have your own important tasks to complete
>C. Third one, we’ve got an initial idea on the goal but it’d be better to have a complete picture before rushing her
>D. Something else?
Wait, is her humanoid form Starscream or Vajra?
>Eagalia, but in a much more humanoid state than before. Her head is mostly a smoky black color, with rolden eyes and a sort of faceplate covering where her mouth would be, what looks like a diadem with small horns adorning the top of her head. The bird wings are still present, though now they’re spread out from a more humanoid torso, predominantly red with a white and gold center. Arms white save for blue forearms, but with the jet engines you’d seen previously now adorning the shoulders and kinda elongated, and her fists glowing with noticeable, substantial amounts of power… genuine Ki, it seems. And finally… you see the thing they’re fighting, a sort of mix of robotic insect and amphiptere, massive wings, beetle-like head, long and tapering serpentine body, with clawed limbs coming out of its torso.
Ohhhhhhh. The pic was for that one sentence at the end.
>B. Second one, you guys have your own important tasks to complete
Hit vote:

>D. "Before we engage her again, does anyone know anything about her to get under her skin?"
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>During his rise to power, Viga managed to actually gain support of the most notable of the latter, thinking he could use Viga as a tool to take power, while the most notable of the former fought against him not for any noble goal, but because he wanted to be the one in charge.

>D. Viga was using Viga as a tool to take power and they had a power struggle over who was in charge? Actually, I've been wondering about that. Dummy-Gross had a bunch of heads. Are you able to combine? It seems like whatever they once were had a cockpit that they stuck another mechanic's head into.
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>E. Wait a second, six spots? What would Thrawn say here? Three fingers on each of their hands, a hexadecimal way of speaking, Hexa-PUSM... These people are unable to count higher than six!
>...okay, maybe that's the wrong conclusion to reach here. Instead, what is the purpose of a hexagonal shape, equidistant from each other?
>Perhaps, the six points have devices of some kind to shield or jam her location from being picked up by sensors. Or maybe she chose an area to set up her base that would already throw off any sensors, as well as common sense: Within the Cataclysmic Gash. And with the high concentration of Destron surrounding it, she doesn't have to worry about getting caught up in that from having a cloud of Destron making her own boundary.
>Draw that graphic design logo the teacher gave you to study on the map, inspect the seventh point.

The >C. vote isn't a bad idea, but its a bit risky for the scout. How about:

>D. Send a scout to shadow her and get some information, then after some info is got we port in our group to their location and face her directly.
>C. Third one, we’ve got an initial idea on the goal but it’d be better to have a complete picture before rushing her
Support this too
>"Support this too"
Eh? Was there a "Support this one"?
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“I mean, as much as we do need to stop someone like her, we all still have our own important tasks to complete. I think the second option is the best we can work with, for now.” you state. “That said, getting someone to shadow her, get a better read on what her plans might be, would be smart. We have a vague idea what she’s trying to do with Destron Gas, but the better-informed we are, the better we’ll be able to stop her. It IS going to be risky for the scout, though.”

“You’ve got an idea then?” Videl inquires.

“We send in the scout, but be ready to teleport to that scout’s location the moment problems arise. As many of us as we can get. Even if SHE escapes again, it’ll provide safety for the scout and get us some kind of advantage.”

“Reasonable.” Eagalia gives a nod. “But the question is, who do we send in as a scout?”

“I might.” Irico’s voice comes in over the comms. “I’m both a smaller and weaker target, and I’ve got some decent scouting abilities.”

“Decent, sure, but it’s also significantly more dangerous for you, Irico.” your uncle responds.

“I’m aware. But I’m also aware that I’m not as significant a target for someone like that. I can slip under the radar a bit better than most. Even if you’ve got your stealth, Peppa, she’s going to be expecting you.” Irico explains.

You rub the back of your neck. “Got a point. Though maybe I can use that to our advantage? I could try getting under her skin, get her to act sloppy.” you say as you look up at Eagalia.

“Getting her to monologue was a good plan. She loves hearing herself talk. But showing disinterest, dismissal, or especially correcting her on certain aspects will drive her up a wall.” she tells you. “That said, it’s a trick that doesn’t work as well on repeat. And now that she knows how much a threat you can be to her, she’ll be much more wary of you, Son Peppa.”

“If I might interject…” a lady’s voice you hadn’t heard before comes across the comms. “I’m still at 90% efficiency, and that can be topped off to 100% with a short recharge. If it’s a scout you want, I can absolutely fulfil that role, but more importantly, I can probably get a better read on the specifics of Demiurgos’ current plans. I’m more than qualified in understanding the minutia while able to still keep myself relatively well-hidden, and I’m both a bit tougher and yet not an active target for her currently.”

“Uh, who is this?” Videl asks.

“Technician, mechanic, scientist, scout, and proud member of the Geister Clan, Nalitaty, at your service, organic!” she answers enthusiastically.

“Are you sure that’s wise? We only just recovered you.” 19 inquires.

“Again, I can hit 100% efficiency with a short recharge, ma’am. I’ll be more than ready for a scouting mission like that!” she declares.

There’s a grumble that you know belongs to Tverdokhvat on the line. But it seems one of reluctant acceptance rather than disagreement.

>A. I still should be the one to scout things out, but thanks for the offer, guys
>B. Irico brings up the best points, I’ll back his decision to go
>C. Nalitaty, was it? If you’re offering, we can absolutely use the help
>D. Something else?

That said, once more,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, vote open until then! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
>B. Irico brings up the best points, I’ll back his decision to go
>C. Nalitaty, was it? If you’re offering, we can absolutely use the help
>D. Delegate to the max!
>C. Nalitaty, was it? If you’re offering, we can absolutely use the help
>D. Eagalia, Tverdokhvat, do you have any concerns about this? I have no idea if "charge" is the only thing to be concerned about for her current condition.
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Nalitaty: Did someone say "Charge"? I wanna charge. Can we go for a charge? Please please please?
>B. Irico brings up the best points, I’ll back his decision to go
>C. Nalitaty, was it? If you’re offering, we can absolutely use the help
Personally don't feel comfortable sending just one out, while Nalitaty recharges we can have Irico get familiar with the area's terrain and such then send them both out together.

>D. Something else?
Let's try contacting the Kais while we wait, see if they have any information.
"Hey King Kai! What happened to the robot when he couldn't find a wrench? He went nuts and bolted!"
Funny joke, would this be asking him for information on a breach between the realms of Death and Life?

And support >>5743951
You should probably clarify what you want to ask King Kai with your vote.
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Rolled 8, 9, 4 = 21 (3d20)

Okay, sorry again for the delay, we're back!

“Hmm… Nalitaty, was it?” you ask.

“Indeed!” she responds in a chipper tone.

“I appreciate the offer, but are you sure a ‘quick charge’ is all you need?” you inquire.

“Absolutely! My energy levels are almost at maximum, any damage to my chassis is superficial at best, and I can definitely hold my own in a scouting mission.”

Well… “Eagalia, Tverdokhvat, you guys have any thoughts?”

“She’s stubborn, but she’s also tough, and smart enough to know her limits.” the grumpy guy grunts. “If she says she’s good to go, she’s good to go. Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

Eagalia gives a nod. “I can accept that.”

“Hmm… how about this, then? Irico, you think you can work with her on this scouting mission? I don’t doubt either of your abilities, but I think the two of you being able to watch each other’s back will help significantly. Might not be as stealthy as you’d be individually, but he brings up some great points too, and more importantly we’d be able to get there a bit quicker if the two of you end up in trouble.”

“An excellent idea, Peppa!” Maple praises.

“I can work with that.” Irico confirms.

“Well… okaaaaay.” Nalitaty relents. “Give me a bit to top off the energy levels, and I’ll be on my way.”

So, that’s settled. You’ve had a bit of time to rest up, recover, and plan things out. You all fly off, this time towards the upturned part of the gash in the planet. As you approach, it’s like… the planet itself kinda slopes upward at an angle, metal folded roughly, buildings broken and collapsed, and… what is clearly the point of interest. A massive building giving off very, very clear “villain” vibe to it. Heck, it looks like the mix between some kind of temple and evil lair. Weirdly though, you’re sensing energy going through it, along with some Ki signatures inside. There’s also Destron Gas in the area… but another subtle energy you’re feeling deeper inside the supervillain temple.

“...I take it subtlety isn’t a strong suit for some people.” Raditz remarks.

“Bets on it turning into a giant robot to try and fight us?” Videl asks.

“High.” Zubastik says bluntly. “But the fact that it hasn’t yet is… encouraging.”

>A. I’ll take point again, try to clear out the Destron Gas
>B. If it DOES start to enter some kind of battle mode, I’ll be ready outside to fight it
>C. Maybe you can catch the Ki signature inside by surprise with Instant Transmission
>D. Something else?
>A. I’ll take point again, try to clear out the Destron Gas
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>B. If it DOES start to enter some kind of battle mode, I’ll be ready outside to fight it
>D. In my own Monkey Mode, remove zhe goggles!
Hey Kato, how's it going?
Hit vote:

>D. "If it DOES turn into a giant robot, what ridiculous name do we give it?"

Are you asking us or the other characters?
It looks like an evil temple, so a place of damnation. And it has that segmented spire with pointy bits at the top, those archways that look like legs, and those two wings look like big meaty claws. So, a name... Damn the Scorpio!
>A. I’ll take point again, try to clear out the Destron Gas
>D. Pay attention to the gas itself, is being being created around here? Is it moving differently? Evidence of it eventually powering a giant fortress robot is also probably relevant.
Support too
You throw a bunch of shit at the wall in the hopes that it will all somehow manage to stick, and when it doesn't you go "It can't be helped, that was a lot of shit to throw at the wall." It's not helpful.
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Rolled 16, 10, 8 = 34 (3d20)

Okay, roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 13 for the first two, 14 for the last!
Rolled 20, 6, 12 = 38 (3d20)

Rolled 11, 14, 11 = 36 (3d20)

Rolled 2, 16, 20 = 38 (3d20)

Rolled 4, 6, 1 = 11 (3d20)

Awesome! Great job!
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Rolled 20, 10, 9 = 39 (3d20)

...Less than good! Writing...
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Irico... dead?
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Rolled 4, 9, 5 = 18 (3d20)

You twirl around the Power Pole. “So. If it DOES turn into some kind of giant robot, what kind of ridiculous name do we give it?”

“Oversized sand scorpion?” your uncle recommends.

“Rejected ‘Mummies Alive’ playset.” Videl suggests. You laugh, but raise an eyebrow at her just a bit.

“Hmm... how about Lok? Sogi? Jart?” Zubastik offers. “Ah! I know. Gronko.”

Videl chuckles a little. “Okay, kinda feeling that last one.”

“Let’s stay focused.” Eagalia says as she carefully moves forward in her bird mode.


“Right. Leave the Destron Gas to me.” you start to use telekinesis to gather it up again, attachment to the Power Pole and Wind Magic helping bring it into one place.

As everyone walks in, crossing the vaguely arthropod leg-like arches, you get the feeling that there’s something much further down that’s actually producing the Destron Gas. But the stuff outside seems to… almost be byproduct, if anything. Given what you just went through with the not-Mechagodzilla the size of a small city, that’s definitely not a good sign. Inside it’s… ominously silent. There are distant, computerized beeps, but they don’t seem to be like the language you’d heard prior, and definitely doesn’t feel like there’s any Ki with them. You come across a series of tubes leading across some walkways, and from them you can notice the presence of Destron Gas flowing through.

You motion for everyone to start following it, gathering up a substantial amount of Destron Gas along the way, and… finally starting to locate a proper Ki signature in the area. Except it’s not one you were expecting. It feels… twisted, in a way. You come across several Metal Beast larva things in compartments with transparent barriers in front of them, monitors tracking some things you can’t read, but they’re strangely docile, or at least in a state of torpor. They barely even notice you all as you pass through.

That’s when you finally see it. In a large room with several of the tubes leading to it, downright lousy with Destron Gas, there’s a purple chamber with of all things, an organic inside it… though not quite one you were expecting. It’s small, possibly possessing purple skin, a skinny tail with a stinger on the end, and horns. And that Ki, though small, is unmistakable. “A… a demon…?” you exhale in almost disbelief.

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Rolled 7, 17, 2 = 26 (3d20)

“How?!” Videl demands, looking around.

Both Zubastik and Eagalia look at you in confusion. “Are you absolutely sure?”

“We are very familiar.” Raditz bitterly growls. “There’s no mistaking it. Videl’s point stands though, how did a demon end up here?”

Just then a barrier slams down around the chamber containing the demon. There’s an ominous laugh, followed by several more barriers that form around all of you. “Oh HELL no.” you roar out, surging up your Ki and bringing down your Power Pole. “EXTEND!” It slams into both sides of the barrier, bending and eventually shattering it. Destron Gas is already filling the area, and seeping into the barriers around your friend and uncle. Videl manages to shatter hers almost as quickly as you do, but when you see your uncle you notice a surge of energy jolt out from the demon’s body and into the Destron Gas. While you don’t hear anything, the demon seems to writhe in pain for a moment, before going still again. That energy hits Raditz, and he screams out in agony as… you feel his Ki actually start to spike!

Eagalia slices through her barrier, and then breaks the one containing Raditz, and almost as if you’d practiced it, you draw in all the Destron Gas that was surrounding him, pulling it into the large, dense orb you’d collected so far. “What’s…? Agh…! AGH!” Raditz clutches his head… with an ominous aura around him. “GET OUT… OF MY HEAD!”

>A. Try to subdue him! You need to keep him in place while he fights this off!
>B. Try to break the barrier around the demon! Whoever is in charge here is using its powers!
>C. Videl, can you hold off my uncle? I’m gonna try to find who’s responsible for this!
>D. Momma bird, we’ve got a situation here!
>E. Something else?

And sadly, once more,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, vote open until then! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
>E. More organs means less gas concentration, earth girl! Power Ball him into giant monkey!
Yeah, I'm having fun. This is an interesting change of pace from our last grand tour, and these transmorphers we're fighting against and along side are a fun twist.

So much fun, I am currently writing a Maple x Eagalia fic, I hope you'll read when I post a link.

I wonder if Destron could be used to disrupt the barriers between dimensions to the point we could go through space-time?

But also, are you having fun? Is there anything you'd like me to do or stop doing to help that?
Oh no! Raditz is being Yamcha'd!

>B. Try to break the barrier around the demon! Whoever is in charge here is using its powers!

>D. Momma bird, we’ve got a situation here!

Maybe she can run psychic interference? She also might have quick advice on the demon aspect.
>Mummies Alive, now that cartoon doesn't get talked about enough, the themesong and transformation scenes are still good

>B. Try to break the barrier around the demon! Whoever is in charge here is using its powers!
>D. Momma bird, we’ve got a situation here!
Oh boy. Another Cell/Baby scenario. Feels like these guys just stole Saiyan incubator pods and went crazy with the idea.

Power up to Super Saiyan 2 (Enhanced)
Ah dang, we don't know Power Ball. Nevermind!
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Rolled 15, 19, 7 = 41 (3d20)

All righty, we are back! And with that, roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 14 for both!
Rolled 8, 12 = 20 (2d20)

Rolled 14, 1 = 15 (2d20)

Rolled 4, 15 = 19 (2d20)

Rolled 16, 7, 7 = 30 (3d20)

Passed both!
We should start swearing more!
Rolled 19, 20, 11 = 50 (3d20)

And writing...
Hey, who would Acer and Maple's voice actors be?
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Rolled 10, 4, 14 = 28 (3d20)

“Videl, try to keep him still!” you call out, gripping the Power Pole tight and powering up, right into Super Saiyan 2, and beyond its normal limits!

She leaps into action and grapples him, holding him still as he starts to thrash about, with him powering up into Super Saiyan 2 as well… and even starting to power up beyond it! Still, she stands firm, keeping him steady. “Better hurry, Peppa!”

‘Got a situation here, Momma Bird! Over!’ you telepathically contact Maple, and get ready for a nice, hard swing. You avoid another couple barriers that descend from the ceiling and give the one around the demon a powerful thwack! “HRRAAAAAHHH!” You strike it with enough force that it visibly warps around the Power Pole, and… you break through! The barrier shatters!

And it shatters with enough force that it forces everyone back, letting out a powerful wave of energy that even breaks some of the pipes containing Destron Gas. You brace yourself and draw it in with the rest, Eagalia and Zubastik protecting Videl and Raditz as your friend keeps your uncle in place.

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Rolled 15, 2, 15 = 32 (3d20)

‘Talk to me, Ghost Pepper, what’s the situation? Over.’

‘We’ve got a demon here!’ you respond, pulling yourself back up and launching yourself towards it… and right before you get there, a metallic cylinder slam down around the demon’s tank, which then lifts up and takes the demon with it! ‘And someone who’s either made it or is trying to use it for very unsavory purposes! Just pulled the demon away, and has used something from it and mixed it with the Destron Gas to try to corrupt uncle Raditz with something! Over!’

Raditz attempts to throw Videl off of him, only for her to fling HIM over and hold him in place from behind in a Full Nelson grapple. “Come on, Raditz, you’re better than this!”

His golden aura takes on a black and red tint, but he’s starting to fight back against it harder. “I… KNOW…! GRAH!”

As Eagalia attempts to slash into the ceiling to find where whoever is in charge here took the demon, Maple teleports in and quickly places her hand on his forehead. “CURSE… BREAKER!” There’s a sudden surge of energy through your uncle, the red and black tint to his aura fading as he starts to calm down. Mom exhales in relief. “You all good, Raditz?”

“Y-yeah… ugh…” With Videl letting go, he holds his forehead. “The hell was that?”

“Likely, something similar to Babidi’s Magic, channeled through that demon you saw.” she responds seriously. “Which means… that’s no ordinary demon. It might be a full-on Majin.”

Eagalia stops trying to slash into the roof and flies back down, the shark-bot behind her. “A Majin?” she asks in surprise.

She nods. “Yeah. I don’t know how whoever is responsible managed to capture or even create one, but given what they just tried to pull right now, I think they’ve been watching us the moment we arrived on this planet.”

The laugh from before echoes through the area, but there’s no taunt to accompany it, nothing but the laughter. Raditz scowls. “Great. What do we do about it?”

“The interior structure is surprisingly well-reinforced.” Eagalia remarks, drawing attention to the slash marks she made in the ceiling.

“The demon, or Majin, or whatever it is, is being moved still.” you note, sensing it traveling to another area, but its faint Ki growing fainter.

“Will you be assisting us with this, Maple?” Eagalia asks.

“As much as I’d like to, I can’t. I have to head back. But let me know immediately if anyone else ends up under that influence.” mom responds, placing two fingers on her forehead. “Best of luck.”

>A. I’m going after that Majin, while there’s still a chance to stop this
>B. Okay, laughing guy, Gronko, or whatever you are, show yourself! (Try to distract ‘em into gloating their evil plan)
>C. The longer we stay in here, the more chances there will be that someone else gets hit with that, we need to get out of here now!
>D. Something else?
Rolled 4 (1d20)

>B. Okay, laughing guy, Gronko, or whatever you are, show yourself! (Try to distract ‘em into gloating their evil plan)
>Sing a song about showing yourself
The song isn't very good, hopefully Cocoa won't ask us to write for her.
>A. I’m going after that Majin, while there’s still a chance to stop this
>A. I’m going after that Majin, while there’s still a chance to stop this
>D. Something else?
Is Stealth mode on? if not, turn it on.
Hit vote:
>A. for Peppa
>C. for everyone else

Support, and support too >>5745459
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Supporting. OOC I don't think it's going to work, but IC it's a sound move.
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Rolled 19, 20, 8 = 47 (3d20)

Okay, real quick, roll me 3d20 this time, best of three! DC is 14 for the first two, 16 for the last!
Rolled 12, 4, 9 = 25 (3d20)

Rolled 3, 8, 12 = 23 (3d20)

Rolled 1, 18, 14 = 33 (3d20)

Rolled 1, 10, 2 = 13 (3d20)

...Well! Passed one!
Rolled 4, 17, 15 = 36 (3d20)

Oof. That is. Not as good.
primus, Raditz. your gonna need a senzu after this one.
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Rolled 3, 19, 15 = 37 (3d20)

And with this roll I gotta call it a night.

Thank you all for playing! We'll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST. Stay safe and see ya then!
See you tomorrow! Thanks for running.
This is why we need to hurry up and make enertrons. G'night Kato-sensei!
If you can't sleep, you can't make memories. Let's all make some memories in this last thread, eh?

Btw, here's that story I was working on, private link for VIPs only, so y'all can read it while we wait.
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Apologies for the delay, some problems at work that were a pain in my ass. Not going to have a lot of time to run anything, so instead I'm leaving this up and open until 4:30 pm PST tomorrow.

You try to lower your Ki, while calling out to everyone, “The longer we stay in here the more chances whoever is in charge of this place will have in trying it again! Get out of here, quick!”

“Okay, let’s-! Wait, what’re you planning to do, Peppa?” Videl asks as she notices you placing your fingers on your forehead.

“Gonna try to stop whatever they’re doing with that Majin!” You lock on to its Ki and get ready.

“Peppa wait-!” your friend tries to protest, but Raditz pulls her back and gives you a quick nod as you teleport away.

You arrive close to the Majin, and attempt to be stealthy about it. This does not go as planned, as in this state you’re already giving off substantial amounts of energy, and the attempt to hide it doesn’t go unnoticed. The Majin is pulled into a larger chamber and sealed shut, while around it are… these strange scorpion drone things that start to skitter towards you, firing off electrically charged Ki blasts. You bring up your guard to block, but the ones that hit you stun you for a moment. A barrier slams down around you, and Destron Gas starts to fill it. All around you, the structures starts to shift and move as the drones close in on you around the barrier.


A holographic display appears in front of you, and sitting on what looks almost like a throne is another robot person with black and gold armor, a large X-shaped scar on his chest filled in with some kind of purple mesh, and a segmented appendage draped from one of his shoulders almost like a long ponytail, a bright crimson in color. “Come now, you didn’t really think I’d let you barge in without a countermeasure, did you, fleshling?” he taunts with a smug smirk on his face. “Hahahahaha!” Ugh, he’s the one who’s been making that damn laugh!

“I think you’re MASSIVELY underestimating me, Gronko. Take it you’re the brains behind this?” You let the gas start to fill the barrier, let him think he’s got you cornered.

“You may call me Lord Pandinus, at least for the short time you continue to draw breath.” he responds haughtily. You notice that the throne he’s in is actually hooked up to him directly. Maybe he’s like Bongo? …Which would make this almost like the Big Gete Star, except with a Majin empowering it. Not good.

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“I bet you think this was really clever of you, don’t you?” you comment as the Destron Gas continues to fill the barrier. You quickly pull it into a sphere with telekinesis, and ready a Rasen Magnum. “Big mistake.” Aiming it forward and in the direction of the Majin, it’s enhanced by the Destron Gas and fires into the barrier, shattering it with tremendous force… only for you to realize that the ensuing explosion of energy is contained by further barriers all over the walls, ceiling, even floor of the structure. It manages to get the drones that were bothering you… but the Majin’s gone again! And… you can’t sense where it’s been moved to, the whole place has its energy signature now!

“Clever? Yes. Quite clever. I’ve separated the powerhouse of my foes, baited her into trying some heroics typical of that wretched Eagalia, and locked her away from my prized experiment.” he retorts. You thrust the Power Pole through the hologram, but it just goes through and hits one of the barriers instead. You strike harder, finding that they won’t budge, and he continues, “And best of all, now she’s either stuck in here, or will have to face certain death outside.”

“Son Peppa, are you okay?” Eagalia asks you over comms.

“Mostly, but looks like we’ve got the mastermind here gloating at me.” you reply. Ugh, can’t sense his Ki either, not with the whole interior of this place feeling like the Majin’s energy. You feel the place start to move, and a surge of power travels through it. A powerful blast is launched out, and while most everyone avoids it, it strikes Raditz and sends him flying! Damn it! “UNCLE RADITZ!”

“Worry about your own hide, fleshling.” Pandinus tells you mockingly. “Hahahahaha!”

>A. These barriers can’t hold me! SPIRAL BREAKER!
>B. Fly through the area, maybe you just need to be closer to the Majin to sense it again!
>C. Okay, get him talking, maybe you can distract him and get everyone a chance to fight back properly!
>D. You do need to get outside and help, trying to fight inside isn’t going as planned
>E. Something else?

As said,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Apologies again for the delay. We’ll be back tomorrow ~4:30 pm PST, vote open until then! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
Smarts vs smarts against this kind of threat?


>A. These barriers can’t hold me! SPIRAL BREAKER!


>E. Operation "Flip The Board" - We make sure everyone else is safe enough, then go SSJ2 and start breaking EVERYTHING, prioritizing whatever both feels like a majin and looks important.

That said, if we fail at >A. to begin with lets not beat our heads against the wall too long. We want to play with berzerker mode but not actually be dumb.
Oh also my >E. should include the goals of >B and >C, in terms of being a distraction and sensing for the Majin as we go.
Hell yeah let's do this
Supporting. I wish we could have done this as a giant monkey, so I wanna learn power ball when we can.
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I'll support.

>It was at this moment that Peppa decided she was going to hit Pandinus with his own giant robot
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>Apologies for the delay, some problems at work that were a pain in my ass.
Apologies can be made again and again, but I think it'd be better to be accountable. Telling us that there will be a delay would let us know to expect one instead of fretting over why you're absent for a few hours.
Rolled 9, 9, 15 = 33 (3d20)

All righty.

We are back! And with that, roll me 4d20, best of three! DC is 14 for all!
Rolled 15, 6, 2, 1 = 24 (4d20)

Rolled 5, 1, 14, 11 = 31 (4d20)

Rolled 19, 13, 14, 20 = 66 (4d20)

I think I've figured out why these animals are so big on all the Sixes...
Rolled 11, 17, 5 = 33 (3d20)

Passed three!
Rolled 20, 10, 6 = 36 (3d20)

And one more...
Rolled 9, 17, 12 = 38 (3d20)

Oooh, interesting. Writing...
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‘Videl, I’m gonna go all out. When you sense it, try to keep everyone at a safe distance.’ you telepathically tell your friend.

‘Peppa you-! …Fine, but you better come out of there alive!’ She sounds frustrated, but she’s trusting you on this.


Better show her trust isn’t misplaced. Your aura surges around you, sparking with power, as your eyes narrow. “You think you’ve won this game you’re trying to play, don’t you?”

“Hahahahaha!” he laughs again. “I’ve kept close watch on your little gaggle of interlopers, fleshling. It’s not merely a thought, I have won.”

You form a Ki drill. “You haven’t. And you know why? YOU CAN’T PLAY YOUR GAME IF I EAT THE PIECES!”

“...What.” is all he can verbalize as you fly upward and punch into the barrier at the ceiling. “Oh, I see, despair has given you temporary insanity! Hahahahaha! It’s hopeless, you can’t-”

You push beyond the limits of Super Saiyan 2 and roar out, “SPIRAL BREAKER!” And in doing so, you pierce the barrier and slam through the ceiling, tearing into more of the structure before you arrive on another floor. You get to work and start trying to smash around as you look for the Majin. The smug asshole is momentarily stunned silent.

“...Fine. I guess we’re doing this the hard way.” he finally grumbles at you through speakers set across the structure. A portal appears in front of you, and while you attempt to back away, it actually gets FLUNG at you! You fall through it before you can react, and end up crashing into an electrified energy cage somewhere deeper in the fortress. You grit your teeth as more power is pumped into the cage, several scorpion drones skittering forward, tail weapons aimed at you. “That should shut you up for a bit.” Pandinus remarks, a hologram appearing again to show his smug mug. “And just for that little act of defiance, I’ll give you a front row seat to the deaths of all your pathetic little allies!”

A second holographic screen appears, this one a view from outside at least a hundred or more meters up. Videl swerves out of the way of a massive, clawed hand, landing on the arm and pulling her fist back. “FALCON…!” The other arm comes in and attempts to punch her off, only for Videl to pivot on her heel and face it! “PUNCH!” she yells out, clashing with the massive claw… evenly, to your surprise. She shockwave from the impact is powerful enough that you feel it even trapped in the energy cage.

Raditz is back up, in Super Saiyan 2 again, and is blasting at the floor around the feet of the giant mech, managing to cause it to cave in and briefly trap the giant. But that’s a distraction, with Zubastik firing a blast from his chest that hits the optics of the giant mech. It sadly doesn’t do the damage you might have wanted it to, but it does blind it, and Pandinus with it, who ends up having to shield his eyes from it.

“Not… as weak… as you think we are, huh?!” you growl through gritted teeth. You draw the Power Pole out and call out, “EXTEND!” and have it push both the top and bottom of the energy cage away from you, managing to ground it into the ceiling and floor of the large room you were thrown in. You then use your Ki drill to break through it and shatter the energy cage, but as you do the various drones open fire on you.

“Minor setbacks at best!” Pandinus retorts. “You’ll still all fall at the unquenchable power of my new Majin-!”

“HRRRAAAAAHHH!” you roar out, your golden aura taking on a reddened tint as you bring out your Limit Breaker, the eruption of power knocking away all of the drones and smashing them into the barriers. At the same time, the viewscreen for outside has detected a powerful energy spike, the blinding effect from Zubastik’s attack fading to reveal Eagalia wreathed in a blazing aura surprisingly close to your own current one. You grin, and start to smash through the inner structure again, tearing apart as much as possible to ensure it stays in place and doesn’t get a chance to retaliate, dodging another attempted portal trap as you get closer and closer to the Majin.

You can sense Eagalia’s blazing form charge forward, and you manage to time it so the moment the mech uses its one remaining arm to defend itself, you reach the captured Majin. Thwacking aside some more drones that try to stop you, you charge forward and tear apart all the machinery keeping the container in place. Power drawn from the Majin stops flowing, and Eagalia smashes through the arm like a hot knife through butter, and seemingly decapitates the giant mech in the process!

You pant heavily as you can sense the thing is no longer active, letting your body power down out of Limit Breaker for a bit. Thankfully the Majin is still in the container, nor does it seem to have been awoken from its state of torpor.

>A. Pick it up and teleport outside with it, you don’t wanna take any chances
>B. Find Pandinus, it’ll be easier to sense him now that this place isn’t active any longer
>C. You know what? This place has to go. Finish breaking it apart, just in case there are any remaining countermeasures in it
>D. Something else?
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>C. You know what? This place has to go. Finish breaking it apart, just in case there are any remaining countermeasures in it
Majin Destron seems like a fitting name for'em. Yknow cuz of the gas.
"Do we have anyone who can turn into a giant robot head and take control of the giant robot?" - to the group.
Hit vote:

>D. Give it over to be taken away.
Return for >C.

Support, and support >>5747280

If no one wants it, let's smash it
Another unborn Majin... Buu could use a playmate!

Needs a bit more magic... Majin *POOF*
>A. Pick it up and teleport outside with it, you don’t wanna take any chances

>D. Inform Maple and see if she has advice on where to take the Majin. Then ask if she can check to make we didn't leave behind anything else dangerous.
>If no one wants it, let's smash it
Pfft, I was thinking we could take it back to Capsule Corp to shelf with the pirate head.

Hey Hit, do you need a pass?

I think we're relying too much on Mom on this mission. We should show some initiative on this.
I would normally agree, but the whole "immune to destron gas" means it would be dumb to send in anyone else. That said it is a low priority as it *should* be safe.

My vote is mostly to confirm that.
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>Eagalia wreathed in a blazing aura surprisingly close to your own current one.
>Eagalia smashes through the arm like a hot knife through butter, and seemingly decapitates the giant mech in the process!
see pic

I think Eagalia might be immune to it. I thiiiiink robots could do without breathing it in, and fire usually proves immune to gas.
Sword, you have a problem with wanting everyone to like you and it ends up infringing on everyone's time by making Kato take longer to write to accommodate your sickness.
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Rolled 11, 8, 12 = 31 (3d20)

Please stop trying to pick fights with other players. I don't want to say it again.

You make sure the Majin’s secure as you comment, “Come on, let’s get you out of here, Majin-” …You know, never did get a name for it. You should think of one. “…Majin Destron.” Yeah. That’s fine. Okay, lock on to Videl’s Ki, aaaaand…

You teleport near them all, placing the tank containing the Majin down. Videl’s the first to notice you, giving a relieved smile. “You look like crap. Everything go okay?”

“Yep! Just had to endure the jerk responsible for all this thinking electricity is a toy.” you respond with a weak laugh. Eugh. Parts of your body still feel numb. Tail especially. You start to wave and flex and stretch it a bit. You look down… oh, yeah parts of your clothes are singed too.

Videl frowns slightly. “If you say so.”

Raditz ruffles your hair. “Hah! As if my favorite niece could be brought down by some power-mad machine meddling with Majins could beat my favorite niece!”

“Wow, throwing Izzy under the bus there, huh?” you ask with a slight smirk.

“Hah! Well, if you think she can take your spot…” he trails off, ruffling a bit more.

“It is still good to see you mostly unharmed though, Son Peppa!” Zubastik declares. “A song of triumph for a job well done, perhaps?”

“We still have much we need to do. Save it for when the job’s finished.” Eagalia tells him, with a smaller robot with clamps around the arms and legs, who you recognize as Pandinus.

You cross your arms and glare at him. “Not so tough without your big ‘bot, huh? Any countermeasures in there waiting for us?”

He scowls and then looks away silently, and Eagalia tells you all, “He’s no threat currently, but he still needs to be locked away.”

“Oh! Got just the thing!” You contact Maple and give a quick rundown of what’s happened, asking what to do with the Majin and Pandinus, and if things were save from the Destron Gas.

She actually teleports over to check for herself, confirming that the Destron Gas has mostly been nullified. “I’ve got an idea on what to do with these, though.” she states as she picks up the Majin’s container and nods at Eagalia to hand over Pandinus. “You’ve got holding cells back on the moon, right?”

“That we do.” Eagalia confirms.

“Then I’ll take these off your hands and bring them there. Oh, and Peppa!” She turns to face you. “Please try to be a bit more careful.” She hits you with a quick Clothes Beam to patch up your outfit, then teleports away.

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Rolled 15, 19, 2 = 36 (3d20)

You look back to the headless giant mech, placing your hands on your hips. “…So. Anyone you guys can think of that might be able to make use of some kind of multi-hundred meter tall scorpion-man mech?”

“The ones I know of aren’t around anymore, or have their own.” Eagalia responds. “Best it’s not left for someone to take control of again, even if it lacks the Majin it was using for a power source.”

You crack your knuckles. “Good. I’d like to finish the job I’ve started.”

“Woah woah woah woah, hold on a moment!” Raditz calls out as he places a hand on your shoulder. “Just where do you think you’re going…?” You frown slightly, but he grins brightly at you. “Without your uncle Raditz joining the fun?”

You grin back, and the two of you fly off to make sure the fortress-turned-mech is thoroughly destroyed.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
Fun had as always, boss.
I wish he would stop selecting so many posts to get in. It takes up time and his support is fair-weather.

>“It is still good to see you mostly unharmed though, Son Peppa!” Zubastik declares. “A song of triumph for a job well done, perhaps?”
Oh dang, they have music? We should do an exchange!
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I'm learning so much about Transformers and Go-Bots in this adventure. The Zoids stuff is a nice touch too. We gonna meet Rom the Space Knight next too? Or whatever is Russian/Ukranian equivalent is. Everyone has Eastern European accents thanks to that naming scheme for me now. Keep up the great work and I'll see you tonight about - well whenever its worth the late wait.
Oooooohhhhh, it's Hira. Sorry Sword, all you anons look the same to me now.
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Can't wait to see their version of the fusion technique. But we should probably not try to emulate it ourselves...
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Well, I am now blanketing my antagonist with the name of my former friend, which seems to be reflective of where my head is currently at. I shouldn't be playing with y'all this evening.

>Did y’all have fun?
Well, fun is something I usually have to find from a quest. Sometimes a fun option will present itself, like going on a rampage (good job on that Exen! Great stuff), but usually I try to find something that the quest could potentially provide and then try to get it by steering the story that way.

So far on this thread, my main source of investment is reading way into Maple's and Eagalia's dialogue and shipping them, so if possible I would like to see more of that, but I fear the golden goose has been cut open now that I've outed the shipping potential. My declaration of want may as well be poison.

I can give support to other people, and still never get it in return. I can ask for support in a tit for tat exchange, but then someone who will go out of their way to overstuff the vote with write-ins will undercut me on that. I feel like the only contribution I can make now is rolling dice on how other people's plans go. It's not fulfilling.

But, that's just the logical endpoint of where my behavior took me, and it's not like I can do anything to fix it now. I've crossed over many thresholds I shouldn't have, and have absolutely broken trust with y'all, so I have to learn to cope.

tl;dr The occasional write-in from others is pretty good, but I'm not as invested as I could be from exclusion that is probably also "My ideas are bad." Irrelevant to you tho, so please have more of Maple and that bird-bot, they make my feelings go aflutter!
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Glad to hear!

Also glad to hear! I've got a lot I've still got in reserve like-
>We gonna meet Rom the Space Knight next too?
Stop reading my notes!

Well, there is something the Ginyus developed...

And okay, we are back!

“Okay, last unimportant chunk!” your uncle calls out, hefting up a big piece of the mech’s internals. You take your position, Power Pole gripped tight in your hands, extended up a few meters. “BATTER UP!”

He flings it at you, and you swing the Power Pole, using your Wind Magic to make sure this hit doesn’t smash it to pieces but instead send it flying. And… it’s going… it’s going…! IT’S OUTTA HERE! You pump your fist in the air, the crow goes wild!

…Well actually they seem mostly just kinda amused by your antics, but hey, you had your fun. Sadly, you gotta focus back on important stuff, as Irico contacts you all. “We’ve successfully infiltrated the laboratory. A couple near-misses, but no detections just yet. Nalitaty is currently trying to hack into a central computer.”

“Good to hear that you’re both safe still. What have you been able to uncover so far?” Eagalia asks.

“Well, Demiurgos has definitely been attempting to track you all still, but it looks like you’ve delivered her quite the setback by destroying that scorpion mech thing.” Irico answers. “There are a couple other ‘projects’ we’ve come across in the infiltration. Big focus seemed to be on reconstructing some kind of silvery alien jet and a red, white, blue, and chrome… jetbike of some kind?”

Eagalia looks down and sighs. “I shouldn’t be surprised. Are they active?”

“No, though concentrations of Destron Gas are high in the area around them, from what Nalitaty has been able to detect.” Irico replies.

“...And we might have bigger problems. Recently accessed files include two standouts: Project Mugenbine, and Project Ashura-X.” Nalitaty says hesitantly. “I can try to access both of them. It’ll take a moment.”

Zubastik crosses his arms. “…That’s another risk you’re taking. Are you sure that’s wise?”

“We’ll be fine!” she enthusiastically replies. “How about the rest of you? We caught some stuff on what Eagalia’s group was up to.”

“We’ve recovered most of your missing Clan members.” Pantea states over comms reassuringly. “And cleared out both the Metal Beasts and the Rust Devil.”

“...Rust Devil?” Videl repeats.

“A… sort of nanite swarm thing that could take solid form. Didn’t have a way to affect organic life, but had a pretty close call for a moment there.” Pantea explains. “Nalitaty, we probably have sufficient forces for apprehending Demiurgos, but we’ll need a bit before we can head there. One more point of interest we’ve got to go through.”

“Everyone, we… have some bad news.” mom’s voice comes over the comms.

“Talk to us, Maple, what’s the situation?” Eagalia asks.

“This ‘mountain’ isn’t anything of the sort. It’s… as far as Rabaht can tell, one of the Astrabellua.”

There’s a tension that fills the air as she says that. A pause is followed by Eagalia asking, with genuine worry in her voice, “Are any of you in danger? Do you require evac?”

“No. I think I’ve got a way to handle this, the thing isn’t awake as far as I can tell, but if complications arise, I’ll let you all know.”

>A. If mom says she can handle it, I believe she can. Let’s focus on our own tasks first
>B. Nalitaty, can you send the files over to us as soon as you access them? You and Irico are still at risk, so let’s make this quick and get you both out ASAP
>C. Mom, now that you’ve got a good idea on it, can you sense if any others are still left? Those might be the biggest priority at this point
>D. Let’s try to provide a distraction for Irico and Nalitaty, get Dummy-Gros to focus on us instead
>E. Something else?
>“Everyone, we… have some bad news.” mom’s voice comes over the comms.
>“Talk to us, Maple, what’s the situation?” Eagalia asks.
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We can distract by tunneling, setting up mines and with help from that robo-mole friend we met earlier.
Hit vote:

>E. Any sites left on our list we should hit while we're waiting for intel.

>B. Nalitaty, can you send the files over to us as soon as you access them? You and Irico are still at risk, so let’s make this quick and get you both out ASAP
>D. Let’s try to provide a distraction for Irico and Nalitaty, get Dummy-Gros to focus on us instead

>Well, there is something the Ginyus developed...
Uhh.. is that the 5 way fuse we already saw them working on, or did they dfecide to turn a combined team pose into a "Five Ginyus in Trenchcoat" fighting style?
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Rolled 11, 7, 12 = 30 (3d20)

Indeed, five-fighter fusion is an option. However-
> or did they dfecide to turn a combined team pose into a "Five Ginyus in Trenchcoat" fighting style?
Hey! You stop reading my notes too!

And all righty, roll me 2d20, best of three. DC is 13 for both!
Rolled 9, 20 = 29 (2d20)

Rolled 20, 18 = 38 (2d20)

Rolled 2, 14 = 16 (2d20)

Rolled 17, 5, 20 = 42 (3d20)

Fantastic! Passed both!
Rolled 17, 13 = 30 (2d20)

>Hey! You stop reading my notes too!


Oh well.
Rolled 11, 10, 16 = 37 (3d20)

Oooh, also good. Writing...
Nicely done! You really rolled them 20s.

I wonder if Astrabellua and Majins are related?
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Okay, let’s think this through… oh! Idea! “Nalitaty, can you send over the data as soon as you get it? You and Irico are still at risk, and the quicker we can get you out there, and we want that ASAP.”

“Sure thing! Will start the transfer as soon as I can!”

“Got a plan, Peppa?” Videl asks.

“I do. We’ll give them some more time by providing a distraction. Any sites on the list that we need to hit while we’re waiting for that intel, Eagalia? Preferably ones closer to where Dummy-Gross might be monitoring.”

She taps the side of her head and looks around. “Hmm… I believe there’s one that fits that description, a few klicks away. But it poses significant risks.”

“We wouldn’t still be here if risks were all it took to scare us off.” your uncle declares with a grin.

“Then let’s get going!” Zubastik declares, turning into his shark form and taking off with all of you.

‘Momma Bird, now that you’ve got a good read on one of those Astrabellua, do you think you can sense out any others at this point? Those might end up the bigger priority. Over.’

‘I can give it a try, Ghost Pepper, but I need to do this first. Will let everyone know ASAP. Over and out.’

As you all head towards the location, you actually reach the edge of the massive gash in the planet, allowing you to properly look down from it. The sheer carnage from the twisted metal and debris stretches down for kilometer upon kilometer, with almost no end in sight. You do however catch glimpses of many, many of the Metal Beasts lurking about, wandering through the ruined area, some even taking on insect-like or aircraft-like forms and flying around the place. “…Damn. Looks like we’ve got our work cut out for us.” you remark as you look over all the potential opponents.

“Based on older intel, Demiurgos had a lab in this general area before the Cataclysm.” Eagalia points out. “While it’s a long shot, we might be able to uncover what’s left of it. Let’s try to find it before-”

There’s a low rumble as energy starts to surge in an area about 100 meters deep into the gash. Many of the Metal Beasts that were previously flying around on their own start to make their way towards where you can sense the energy spike. And… there’s movement, through the tons and tons of metal. You all take defensive stances, with Videl remarking, “Looks like the ‘lab’ is trying to find us instead.”

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Rolled 2, 5, 18 = 25 (3d20)

A giant claw erupts out, though it doesn’t just break through, it… almost seems to be using the surrounding metal to help form it, like it’s growing out of the wound in the planet. Another claw, and finally a figure hundreds of meters in size, a dark aura surrounding it, with the clear sign of Destron Gas around the thing, though to call it a “gas” anymore is probably underselling it substantially, it’s almost like… a Destron “aura” around the thing. A massive, spiked head lets out a chilling roar, the body of this thing shimmering with power. It raises up one of its arms, and the swarms of Metal Beasts that were lurking in the area all start making their way towards you.


So that’s how it’s gonna be, huh? “Fine, WE’LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!” you roar back in defiance, breaking the limits of Super Saiyan 2 again and charging forward, Raditz powering up into Super Saiyan 3 this time as Videl’s aura erupts in a blazing white. Eagalia has Zubastik take a defensive sniping position and be ready to receive the data transfer as her own aura blazes into a flaming red you’d seen prior, and she charges into battle with all of you. Videl punches through a few of the smaller ones at first, but a larger form that… in all honesty reminds you of some kind of metal… bug Godzilla thing, actually flings out a sphere of intense Dark Magic at her! Videl’s forced back, but you keep going! Swerving around the maw of a snake-like monster with multiple mandibles erupting from its mouth, you actually end up grabbing on to the tail part of it and fling it across several others, sending them careening down into the canyon below!

“HEY, BIG GUY!” your uncle calls out, bringing both his hands back and filling them with massive amounts of Ki. “Nice army you got there! Shame it won’t be enough! DOUBLE SUNDAY DESTROYER!” He blasts out a beam from each hand, and then swipes them across the incoming hordes. It gets tons of the small fries and incinerates them outright, but the fact that some of the bigger ‘bots are only pushed back is… definitely not a good sign.

Eagalia rockets towards a more humanoid one with a giant mace, who attempts to stop her in her tracks with it, only for the mace to shatter on impact, and for the bird ‘bot to charge through the Metal Beast’s torso, setting it ablaze and causing it to explode! She then brings out her Ki swords, now wreathed in the burning flames that surround her body, and starts slashing through some of the ones that Raditz knocked back with his attacks.

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Rolled 17, 14, 6 = 37 (3d20)

You keep going forward, landing on one of the metal beasts with two heads at the ends of long necks. It tries to fling you off with an Explosive Wave, but before it gets the chance you hit each of the necks at the base with a Rasenken, decapitating the Metal Beast outright. Kicking off it, a trio of giant aircraft-like ones fly towards you, blasting out multiple beams that you dodge away from, running across one of the necks you decapitated and using your Power Pole on a centipede-dragonfly mech with mandibles strangely shaped almost like eyeless horse heads, extending it through the open maw and all the way down its body, leaping up and having it crash into another, kraken-like Metal Beast. The aircraft ones from before jet ahead of you as you twirl the Power Pole to deflect a multitude of beams, the three of them actually COMBINING into one machine, a spindly one with a giant drill arm that starts spinning as you approach, an ominous green glow erupting from it.

Two can play at that game. You form your own Ki drill, and charge forward at the enemy’s weapon, clashing with them briefly but powering through, managing to break the entire arm off! The aircraft separate, though, heading back to the main Metal Beast… which you notice is starting to charge up its own attack from what you think is its mouth area. And... it’s got enough energy in it to break the planet and several moons in half! And it’s aiming right at you! Thinking quickly, you use Instant Transmission to teleport down to a Metal Beast below the big guy, and… kinda thankfully it repositions itself to keep targeting you. You spread your arms out, swirling energy building up in your palms. “RASEN…!” You bring both hands together, then pull them back. “KAAAA… MEEE… HAAAAA…! MEEEEE…!” Right as it fires out the green beam of energy, you unleash your own attack with a defiant “HAAAAAA!”

The beams clash, and for a moment you almost feel like you’re being pushed back. But you give it one final surge with Limit Breaker and let your attack blast out, taking out the Metal Beast’s head! The beam travels off into space, aimed carefully to avoid it hitting any moons. Doesn’t feel like the thing is dead yet, but you dealt a significant blow to it!

“Transfer’s done! Both projects copied and sent!” Nalitaty informs you all, and just in time!

Rolled 16, 10, 8 = 34 (3d20)

>A. Teleport to her and Irico, get them out of there!
>B. Mom, job’s finished! You need to go get them!
>C. Videl might need help, go to her first!
>D. You know what? Taunt Dummy-Gross, she deserves it at this point
>E. Something else?

Sadly, once more,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, vote open until then! Thanks for playing! Did y’all have fun? Stay safe out there!
>A. Teleport to her and Irico, get them out of there!
>D. You know what? Taunt Dummy-Gross, she deserves it at this point
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>You actually reach the edge of the massive gash in the planet, allowing you to properly look down from it. The sheer carnage from the twisted metal and debris stretches down for kilometer upon kilometer, with almost no end in sight. You do however catch glimpses of many, many of the Metal Beasts lurking about, wandering through the ruined area, some even taking on insect-like or aircraft-like forms and flying around the place. “…Damn. Looks like we’ve got our work cut out for us.” you remark as you look over all the potential opponents.
Here, this can help with that.
I don't think we should taunt while in the midst of a rescue mission. Taunting usually provokes an attack, which is not conducive to safety.

>A. Teleport to her and Irico, get them out of there!
>A. Teleport to her and Irico, get them out of there!

I say we wait to insult her until we actually learn to speak their language. I wanna call her an ass-butt in broken not-Cybertronian. Maple got to learn some Namekian, so it'd be fun if Peppa learned an alien language too.