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Welcome all, to the POKÉ-POKALYPSE! It's the end of the world as we know it, brought about by the adorable little critters from that series we all know and love. This quest will be mostly free-form, based on some stuff I've seen on akun, along with Pokémon Wilds for those who've played or heard of it. Pokémon will be more lore accurate, some will be super huge, others small, and a great many of them will be Dex literal. We’re going manga rules in here baby. Can you survive and carve a place for yourself in this new Poké-Centric world?

Carl Sagan once called the Earth a pale blue marble. A mote of galactic soot floating in the pitch-dark abyss, surrounded by exploding stars. Within the cosmic ballet, the history of the whole Human race would barely account for a fraction of a millisecond, barely a blink in the stars. If that be the case, and metaphors withholding, then the following events would seem as if pocket sand was tossed into the eyes of the empyrean void, upsetting the delicate balance, and forcing the universe to blink. Where this would be but a bit of dust to the universe, for the inhabitants of the blue marble… it was like the end of days.

Upon a coastal city of North America, there rests an apartment complex of a young…


They sit in their home, parents away at work, shifting idly through their phone on their social media, occasionally checking the group chat where their friends post. Tiktok, Discord, Instagram, and Snapchat, all share hilarious memes of the latest trends, shitposting and ragging on each other.

'Goku slaps desu'
'Who asked?'

These were followed by a gif of 'talking to a Goku stan', where a man argues with a brick wall. The youth smiles, chortling to themselves over the crap people laugh about nowadays. When they got up to leave for the kitchen, leaving their seat, they looked over their room. It was a fairly average dwelling, With one or two posters on the wall of their favorite bands and shows, as well as some memorabilia from family trips friends group get-together, and admittedly one or two weeb-ish items. They might own some figurines and action figures but they can proudly say that they have never fallen so low as to buy a Funko Pop.

They would definitely need to clean soon however because they noticed that in the far left corner of the room, there sat a spider web. There, its 6-legged denizen sat in the middle, watching him from afar. Then the clock hits midnight. 12 pm exactly on September 8th, 2023. This was when the world changed...
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All of a sudden, the world trembled, as the foundations of the house suddenly shook and wobbled as tremors rocked the entire apartment complex! The shaking was so intense, cracks began to form along the walls, while the skies outside suddenly exploded to life, a gale-force wind suddenly blowing against the building, rattling the windows and howling wildly! The sudden shakes and hurricane winds nearly knocked them off their feet, forcing them to their knees.

The winds outside continued to buffet the apartment, and the phone began to ring with the emergency signal warning for extreme weather. However, their phone wasn't the only thing that they felt in their pockets… in a panicked state, they emptied their pockets. In their right hand, their phone and wallet. In their left… a small spherical ball. Anyone who’s spent any amount of time online, watching TV in the 90s, or playing video games would know… this is a Poke-Ball.

The youth shakes their head. They could ponder over the poke-ball later, right now, the apocalypse was happening right outside their door. They needed to do something!

>Quickly send a text to the group chat a, ask if everyone is alright?
>Look outside and see what the hell is happening!
>Check the emergency broadcast on their phone, so they can see what caused the storm and quake.
>The walls might be cracking, and the storm might be raging outside… but how the hell did this Pokeball get in their pocket? Examine it.

>>Look outside and see what the hell is happening!
>>The walls might be cracking, and the storm might be raging outside… but how the hell did this Pokeball get in their pocket? Examine it.

>Quickly send a text to the group chat a, ask if everyone is alright?
gotta check on our besties and establish ourselves as a leader to form team rocket later

Overwhelming consensus seems to be girl, but what that girl wants to do seems to be split 3 ways with a lean to socials. Gonna let this simmer for a bit before I call it!
I only voted girl so that is resolved quickly enough

I don't think you can text and look outside at the same time, right?
You cannot! Turns out eing in an emergency situation means you can only focus on so many things at once.

Nah but for real if it comes down to it I'll just combine the most popular options.
Finally got some time, y'all gonna be a girl, and check up on the homies! Writing.
since your IÜ already changed, get a trip, dude
I was just phone posting my mans, no worries. But you do have a point. Think I'll just go with what the typo gave me. B.
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The young girl can barely get her bearings, managing to balance herself on one knee as an aftershock suddenly hits, further shaking the already wobbly building. Between the sudden earthquake, the storm raging outside, and the questions now postulating in her mind as to how she ended up with a Pokeball in her pocket, she could barely get enough time to crawl to the window to see outside. What had previously been a bright afternoon with an orange setting sun in the city of…

>San Diego
>Key West

… had turned into an ugly dark grey, where curtains of rain could be clearly seen pelting street lamps and flooding the streets. Water flowed freely from the gutters, quickly overtaking the water main that was not prepared for this sudden storm surge. But what was even more odd was the inclusion of little shapes and shadows in the street. They appeared to be trash bags floating in the water, occasionally accompanied by distinctly animal shaped silhouettes riding on top of them. Oh God, did the storm somehow sweep up a bunch of animals too? She hoped not… she needed to check with her friends. She quickly entered her password into her phone and opened up her Snapchat, seeing if her friends were experiencing something similar. To her horror she found that the chat was flooded with panicked messages, including photos and videos of the sky and seas that churned with black storm clouds and choppy waves. The most repeated pic was of a giant dragon-shaped shadow in the clouds. The caption over the pic read ‘BICH WHAT THE FUCK’.

‘Guys what the hell is going on?!’ the girl types.


Emma, your best friend responds, ‘LOOK at this!’

She posts a picture of herself and a fat-lipped, purple-faced, blonde-haired plush doll next to her, both of them making a kissy face. She captions the photo, saying ‘it’s calling itself Smoochum, it came from the ball’.

‘Has anyone seen Maddie?’ you type, to which the chat responds no.

Sydney, the sporty fit bitch, responds, ‘She went to go see her dad in the hospital, I think she’s okay.’

Jay, the first shitposter who exchanged texts with Emma over their shared love of Dragonball, adds that he 'got a mf DUSKULL’, which he promptly shows off. The floating white mask and eye combo lend an eerie behind him.

‘Leave it to Jay to get the child abducting ghosts’ Emma writes, to which Jay and his Duskull respond with a pic of their middle fingers.

‘Is everyone else okay?’ she texts.

‘I’m stuck at the gym,’ Sydney answers, ‘place is flooded.’

‘SAME,’ Emma responds, ‘and I nearly dropped my Pokeball in the damn water going upstairs’.

‘I’m stuck in my car,’ Jay responds, 'My parents are at home'.

A sigh of relief leaves her system. Her friends, for the most part, are safe. The only major cause for concern is Maddie, trapped in a hospital somewhere. But little does she know... she is not totally free of danger...
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The sudden sound of skittering comes from the corner of the room. She turns around, startled, but doesn’t see anything… the spider-web is empty. She looks down over the corner of her bed and has to muster up all of her courage not to scream then and there… over the side of her bed, where once rested a normal spider… now sits a foot-tall spider-like creature, with red fangs and yellow legs ready to spring at the first sign of movement. The beast doesn't wait for her response, however, and instead decides to launch a string of sticky thread right at her face! She barely dodges in time, throwing her head back and nearly falling off the edge of the bed as the spider creature crawls about to the foot of the bed as if it was trying to catch her! She screams, shouts, and throws pillows at the massive insectoid, which only seems to anger it!

>Try to crush it with the nearest blunt object!
>Run out of the bedroom, and into the living room!
>Throw the Pokeball, maybe you can catch it?!
>Jay and Emma got a Duskull and Smoochum, you hope what you get can protect you! Open the ball!
>>Jay and Emma got a Duskull and Smoochum, you hope what you get can protect you! Open the ball!
I have no idea what's special about any of these cities, so I'm gonna pass
Mostly just determining how screwed the starting locale is. They're all suffering a 40-day storm regardless but two of them are crime-ridden holes (Baltimore's nickname was "Bodymore, Murderland" in the 90s), while Key West is in Florida, which should tell you all you need to know. Malibu's next to LA.
>San Diego
>Jay and Emma got a Duskull and Smoochum, you hope what you get can protect you! Open the ball!
>Try to crush it with the nearest blunt object!
So the decision seems clear, toss the ball and see what you might get, but the starting locale and name are iffy. Gonna let this sit a while longer before getting back to it. I rolled your starter options in advance, by the way, so while I wait, y'all might as well vote on the starter! Your options are...

>Key West

If this is an apocalypse having electricity pretty much on tap is gonna be vital. Plus I think it's cuter than Spheal.

one spherical baby (also best when i consider the evo lines XD elekid gonna take effort for a newly pokemonified world. and crawdaunt honestly wouldnt be my first pick spheal is a 3 stage levels only line
I will admit to a slight Spheal bias cause I LOVE Walrein but I was super excited when I rolled all three of my fan favs. I will forever love Gen 4 for adding Electivire to Electabuzz's line, and Corphish was on my very first team when I played Emerald.
Fuck you, Baltimore!

I love the round ones, shame it's not a Marill though.
In fact fuck it, y'all know what I think? Gens 3 and 4 are peak Pokemon. Peak designs, peak regions, peak music, peak legendaries AND pseudo, what other gen can claim to have introduced TWO pseudo-legendaries?


Also, you never know, this is a coastal city, you're likely to find an Azurill somewhere.
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just because I think electric would be OP in a modern society
but Spheal is a good choice too
All right so if I'm counting right, that's four Spheal and two Elekid, with no votes for Corphish. Sadge my prawn boy got no votes but Spheal is good too!

I'll count up the name and city votes, but Malibu seems to be the city with the most votes at 2, so I hope yall like hurricane conditions with no hurricane preparedness. Totally thought you'd go with the Florida meme option. This'll be a fun little tutorial in real time societal collapse!
Now that I think about it though, the blame does partially lie with me and my American-centric ideas, thinking that people know which cities and states are on which coast. Like I said, it's cool, they're all gonna flood regardless.
>‘Leave it to Jay to get the child abducting ghosts’ Emma writes, to which Jay and his Duskull respond with a pic of their middle fingers.

That's Drifloon, not Duskull.
My favorite
Looks like i'm late to the party.
You'd think so, but it seems Duskull's known to do much the same, chasing kids, spooking and even abducting em. At least that's what's implied in its dex entries. Says it tracks mfs down till sunrise but doesn't say what happens when it catches them. The world may never know.

And yeah, sorry amigo, Spheal won out by two votes. Post soon tho!
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The six-legged spider creature hisses at Christine, fangs flexing as it tries to climb up onto the bed. She kicked down the covers, forcing it backward, its teeth clicking, and all the while the frowning face on its back almost seemed to furrow its brow and morph into an angered expression.

“Spin! SPIN! SPIN!” The beast spoke, legs skittering as it tried to bite at her. Christine needed to think of something fast. She tried to throw her bedside lamp at the arachnid, but all that managed to do was bounce off the spider’s horn and further enrage it. It was climbing up the bed, looking at her with beady black eyes that were hungry for revenge for all the times she had tried to wipe it from her room. Finally, with no more pillows to throw and her lamp well on the other side of her room, Christine grabbed the last thing she could feel for. The Pokeball that had mysteriously appeared in her pocket and had fallen out onto her headboard. She grabbed the ball, feeling a button click in its middle and watching it grow in size to match the whole palm of her hand. She hoped this would work!

With a mighty toss she threw the ball directly at the spider's head, but halfway through its arch, the ball spun and popped open to produce a bright beam of white energy that materialized above the spider. The white beam coalesced into a proper form, a two-foot large orb with flippers that fell from the ceiling, splashing down onto the bug!

“Spheal~!” said a high-pitched voice, while the bug let out a shocked choke as it was smacked.

Christine was now set between a wall and a round place, looking over the colorful mauve fur of the orbed creature. Even if it was another color, she actually remembered what this thing was. She had gotten Emma a giant plushie of it for her birthday, and she would go on for hours about how adorable it was. This was a Spheal! If the sudden storm surge, the pictures from her friends on their Snapchat, and the attacking green spider monster weren't enough proof already, this was definitive evidence that Pokemon had truly lept from the screen and become real…

“Spheal, Spheal!” the little round plush ball chirped happily, turning about on its belly to see Christine, “Spheal~!”

It approached her, lurching forward in that way that seals do, but then rolling forward on its face to approach her. Christine brought her hands up in anticipation, trying to protect her face in case it bit her, but instead, the purple Spheal brought itself around and met her hand with its nose, happily putting its face into her palm. Its nose was wet and cold, kind of like how she imagined a sea-lion’s was. It smiled happily at her, the fangs jutting out from its mouth only serving to add to its adorable face. Her panic subsided slightly at the sight if it'd adorable antic, but the danger was still very much present, as the spider reared itself back up and shakes off the headbutt it had received. Hearing this, Spheal turns about, and growls at the spider.

It seems it’s ready to duke it out… but the Spider beats it to the punch, lunging at it with its fangs! The spider bites down hard… but fails to make a dent in the Spheal’s tough fur! Spheal spins on its spherical body, tossing the spider into Christine’s closet doors, then glares at it… Christine pauses for a moment, unsure of what to do. The last time she’s even laid hands on anything pokemon related was when she was a child. Should she order the Spheal to attack? What moves does it even know? Can it act by itself?

>Christine books it out of the room and locks the spider inside! Taking the Spheal in her arms, obviously.
>Christine orders the Spheal to attack! Maybe… Water Gun?
>It can handle itself, Christine needs to run out of the room and lock the door behind her!

Let it be known I rolled for Shinies in the whole friend group, using an RNG to choose between 1 and 4000. Guess what y'all rolled, you lucky bastards?
WOAH what luck. honestly think thats the first shiny ive seen in a quest? not sure XD. but seeing qms roll.

pftt you shoulda rolled on thread though so we coulda seen that


>Christine orders the Spheal to attack! Maybe… Water Gun?
>>Christine orders the Spheal to attack! Maybe… Water Gun?
>Christine books it out of the room and locks the spider inside! Taking the Spheal in her arms, obviously.
That thing just withstood having a fucking lamp thrown at it, there’s no reason to stay. Also, playing a coward might be fun.

Years of reading shitty Pokémon webcomics has conditioned me to flinch at the sight of a shiny in the main-character position, but knowing this place and knowing the people who browse it I can easily believe that shiny’s legit. Jesus Christ, that’s some luck.
Was a pretty sturdy lamp too, not one of those black metal ones with the malleable neck

And thank you anon, your faith in my integrity means a great deal. I shall strive to uphold that trust you have given me. Can't say I've read many Poke-web comics, the only one I can remember reading was a Nuzlocke one, involving what I think was a Graveller with a scar? I can't remember. Do you have any good recommendations?
Oh god, I was actually imagining that the lamp was plastic. Hearing it’s sturdier makes the situation so much worse lol. My mind is firmly made up.

Yeah, it was probably a Nuzlocke. 90% of comics are either that or PMD. Here are a few recommendations since you asked:

A long-running anthology series that breaks down PMD tropes either for the sake of poetry or for the sake of making you think. Author is having irl troubles so updates are sporadic, but it’s easily worth reading through regardless.

>Milos from Home
Unique art style, likable characters, and an update schedule that isn’t as slow as molasses. What’s not to love? (First few chapters have very experimental art, but it stabilizes later)

>Abridgestery Dungeon
A completed “retelling” of Blue Rescue Team that’s full of memey shit but still endearing (somehow). Worth reading due to the fact that it’s the one of two PMD comics I’ve ever seen fully completed and it isn’t super long.

>PMD: Another Perspective
Great art with a fun premise. Rocket Grunt gets isekai’d and doesn’t lose her memory. Is paired with a somewhat standard PMD partner. Antics ensue! Not super long, but updates Abe started becoming more frequent.

>Myths of Unova
The best Nuzlocke comic out there purely for being finished. It has an unbearably 2000s sequel that is sometimes referenced, but isn’t really necessary to read. Read this Nuzlocke and no others…

>Pouch Creatures Dark Difficult Version
…except for maybe this one, which doesn’t take itself seriously whatsoever and has the energy of that one guy you know who responds with threatening non-sequitirs when asked to pass the salt. Honestly funny and seems to be nearing completion.

This is what i’d recommend off the top of my head. There’s a loooooot more. Like, so much more than I could ever list, and 99% of it is crap. There’s also a few other stories I could recommend, if slightly less- Jet’s Black Nuzlocke, Blooming Glory, Pi’s and Pea’s Adventures- but what I offered initially should be more than enough, and it seriously isn’t worth bothering with anything beyond that.

Hopefully you don’t mind the list clogging up your quest a bit…
Thank you anon, I'll be checking those out!
NUZLOCKE CONVO?/ pkmn comic convo?

(ALSO never did i ever expect to see someone promoing some peeps i know


more recommendations

...i unfortunatly dont know how to spoiler so keeping it short


by the sword , first summer, relic radiation, on borrowed time, a knights gale, endurance in our blood. anddd cant thing of anything else . mostly nuzlockes i recommend thoug have not read a lot of original comics but working on it.
>Christine orders the Spheal to attack! Maybe… Water Gun?
I remember this poisony fuckers.
No way I'm turning my back to any spiders.
Else, before i know it my back will itch 'cause of stinger
And with apocalypse, no luck going into ER to take care of my injure
Spoiling text is easy anon! You just type in at the beginning of your sentence you wanna spoil, then again but with with / at the beginning of the spoiler in brackets.

Kinda like this.[/spooler]
I did it right by accident but you get the idea.


While we are on the topic of nuzlocks, This shit will be going by nuzlock rules. Death is a very real possibility.
ive wanted a nuzlocke quest for a bit so heck yea
I don't mind death being final, but I want to still be able to catch every pokemon I come across
(ignore most of this anon's recommendations

>Relic Radiation has not updated in almost a year, is a gjinka (or however you spell it) comic, and is too edgy for its own good. Also pure tumblr.

>By the Sword has terrible art but I haven't read enough of it to comment on the writing

>On Borrowed Time was cool until it sidelined its plot for gay romance and forgot about the more interesting main character in favor of constantly pushing two side characters to the forefront. If you can tolerate genuinely interesting worldbuilding and concepts being sidelined and mostly ignored in favor of the main character angsting over her girlfriend it might be tolerable. art is good

>Endurance is also centered around gay romance, alongside being a bit needlessly melodramatic, but isn't terrible. Not worth reading though

>A Knight's Gale has barely updated and only has 30 pages, alongside having a main character directly descended from a canon x fanon ship and bad art

did not expect someone from the Nuzlocke Forums to be here of all places since 4chan is the antithesis of those fags' sensibilities, but it's interesting to read what they consider "worth reading")

going to shutter this convo until the next update since this is getting off-topic and clogging up the thread
Water Gunning the Spinarak wins out, expect the post soon fellas.

Oh, before I forget, give me a 1d100 roll, Best of 3.
Rolled 39 (1d100)

And you shall! Pokemon realism so real you'll be able to drag as many mons as you can carry. Hell, you might not even need HMs.
Rolled 90 (1d100)

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Rolled 72 (1d100)

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Nice rolls!

Damn son
Hey, how OP a porygon 3 would be in universe?
I'm pretty sure society can more or less collapse before rebuilding, so city exploring with porygon to hack our way in can rack a delicious bounty.

Also, we will need pokeballs. Can we kill Voltorb and turn its body into a capture device?
I think you'll be pleasantly surprised as to how poke balls are produced. Also, Porygon 3? Do you mean 2? Or Z? Is there a new Porygon form I ain't aware of?
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Thoughts begin to race in Christine’s head as the rounded seal Pokemon guards her against harm. The idea and practical application of a Pokemon in real-world combat seems almost insane to even consider. From what little she remembers of Pokemon and media that she watched and played as a kid, she remembers that even some of the smaller baby Pokemon can be incredibly powerful. Now the question running through her mind is just how powerful are they really? Spheal luckily doesn’t seem injured from the spider bite, but it does look like it wants to pay back the favor. without your order it begins to roll straight at the spider and meet it head-on, butting heads with it and smacking against the horn on its head. Its thick fur and blubbery hide protect it once again from any major damage, but Christine can tell that they are locked in a deadly stalemate. In a brief fit of calm, she suddenly gains the courage to speak up and help the indigo-colored seal Pokemon!

“Spheal! Water Gun!” She shouts!

The indigo-furred Spheal hears the command and smirks as it eyes down the aggressor. It takes in a deep gulp of air, but rather than water coalescing at the tip of its lips, building up pressure to fire at the spider, Spheal rolls like a ball and uses it momentum to SMACK the spider right in the face!. It doesn't even have a chance to react as the fluffy ball of death makes contact directly with its face, carrying both it and Spheal off of the bed in a miniature line backer’s tackle. The attack is so strong that when the pair are thrown off the bed, they crash into the sliding door of Christine's closet, denting it and knocking it out of its door frame. The spider is down… Christine’s closet is demolished…and Spheal is very pleased with itself.

“Spheal, Spheal~!” It says, managing to bring its fins together to happily clap for itself. Rolling backward and turning about with an eager puppy expression on its face, it presents itself to Christine like a child showing off for their parents. It looks up to her expectantly. Christine… gives it a hesitant pat on the head. It eagerly rubs back, letting out happy chirps.

>Spheal is now Lvl. 2!
>Spheal knows Roll-Out, Defense Curl, and Aqua Ring.

As Christine pets the Spheal’s soft fur and it happily purs, she looks over the destruction in her room. The place is a mess, never mind the K.O’d spider-creature in her wrecked closet. But at least now she has a moment to collect her thoughts. Pokemon are real, she just had two of them fight them out in her room, some of her friends might be in danger, along with her mom, and the world seems to be ending as she knows it. Malibu is pretty much screwed since the storm hit them with no warning, which means that people are going to be looking to evacuate anyway they can, or worse, start looting. She can't even imagine the chaos on the street once people realize they can fight with these things… God, she hoped her mom was safe. Speaking of, a ping sounded from her phone. It was from an unknown number, but when she checked it, she saw it was her mom!

‘Sweeite, it’s me, lost my phone, using friends, are you alrrht?’ the panicked message came through.
‘I’m okay mom, are you okay?’ she replied.
‘I’m still at work. The place is flooded, but we’re safe, helping civilians. Where ar eyou?’
‘I’m home, don’t worry. I think you should look at this’

Christine snaps a picture of Spheal.

Another panicky message came through, ‘THRW IT OU T RIGH NOW’

‘Mom, it’s okay! He saved me, look’

Christine snapped another picture of the destroyed closet.

‘I had a spider monster in the house and it protected me. You should have a ball too,’

‘I did, but someone opened theirs first. Now we have a snail made of lava outside. They’ve since been collected for safe keeping until we can have a hold on them. Stay safe, I’ll find a way back somehow. I love you baby.’

Christine gave a sigh of relief at the news from her mother. She worked as a firefighter, and she could only imagine the stress they’re dealing with from a storm surge and earthquake emergency. Christine was just happy she was safe… or as safe as one could be in a hurricane-earthquake combo. Now that the battle was done she could feel the light after shocks that rocked the building to and fro… those cracks in her walls were a lot smaller a minute ago. Maybe staying here isn’t the best idea. She checked the rest of her messages and saw that Sydney was still stuck at the gym, meanwhile Emma and Jay had managed to meet up in Jay’s car. The two of them seemed the safest, so she decided to give them a call. Thankfully the lines were still operational, and it was Emma who picked up.

“Christine, damn girl, are you okay? We just felt that aftershock,” Emma asked.

“I’m fine Emma, are you and Jay okay?”

“We’re trying to get to Sydney, but the whole place is flooded, shit is wild out here! There are people out here with guns and shit bro, we had to duck a stray bullet!” Jay says in an exasperated tone.

“But guess what! Smoochum knows Ice Punch!”

“I don’t know what that means, but good!” Christine responded.

“We’ll tell you if we find Sydney,” Jay spoke, “if you can, meet us at the hospital.”

Jay hung up on her, and Christine returned her attention to Spheal, who was now nuzzling up on her leg. Turns out all those doomsday preppers were right in the worst possible way… the world is ending… what’s a girl to do?

>Christine exits her room and bonds with Spheal over some snacks while there was still power. She’ll also check the news, and make sure to prep if the power went goes or if she needed to leave the building, but otherwise, she’ll stay home.
>Call her mom, and tell her it isn’t safe at home. Instead, she’ll meet her at the hospital where her friends and their parents are meeting.
>Christine decides to throw caution to the wind and go rescue Sidney herself. Inform her loved ones, pack her rain gear and a bag of tools! She’s got a friend to save.

As I wrote this it occured to me I had to make a choice between whether or not I want a level-based system or a narrative-based system, and that if I want a level-based system I immediately screwed up because Spheal learns water gun at level eight… so let's just chalk this up as a screw up on my part and be happy Spheal leveled up. This being said, it can learn Water Gun when it DOES reach Lvl. 8, or learn it just by doing, all while keeping the other moves it already knows. ‘Cause that’s Realism baby, yeah!
>>Call her mom, and tell her it isn’t safe at home. Instead, she’ll meet her at the hospital where her friends and their parents are meeting
>Call her mom, and tell her it isn’t safe at home. Instead, she’ll meet her at the hospital where her friends and their parents are meeting.
>Call her mom, and tell her it isn’t safe at home. Instead, she’ll meet her at the hospital where her friends and their parents are meeting.
>Christine exits her room and bonds with Spheal over some snacks while there was still power. She’ll also check the news, and make sure to prep if the power went goes or if she needed to leave the building, but otherwise, she’ll stay home.
>Call her mom, and tell her it isn’t safe at home. Instead, she’ll meet her at the hospital where her friends and their parents are meeting.
no reason she can’t do both
frankly, I think it’d be a lot more efficient to call her mom while she gets to know Spheal and packs for the hospital
>forgot to remove the bit about staying home
excuse my retardation
just pretend it isn’t there
Heading to the hospital wins out!
And yeah, I suppose there's no reason you can't bond with Spheal while packing. Writing!
ded quest?
No, not dead, just busy! Sorry y'all, post soon, swear it. Writing about bonding between people and semi-sentient magical animals is hard. The Poke-Pocalypse is scheduled to continue!
“Spheal~!” The rounded Pokemon exclaims happily, nuzzling up against Christine’s leg.

She returns the favor and pats it more acceptingly on the head, scratching it behind its ears which it seems to like. She paused a moment to take in her situation. There was a superstorm earthquake outside, and while her power is still on in her room, the cracks in her walls are proof enough that this disaster could be life-threatening… the aftershocks that accompanied the earthquake were not exactly helping matters either. Another light shake, and dust fell from the ceiling and onto her bed, as yet another crack spidered out from the wall and to her ceiling light. That couldn’t be good… maybe it was best she left and met her friends at the hospital. once more the teenage girl picked up her phone and texted her mother.

‘Mom, don’t come home, the building’s going to come down, I’m leaving and heading to Malibu Urgent Care with everyone else’

‘Be careful, stay up on high places’

Now that her mother knew where she’d be going, she had to start packing. She looked at the mauve seal creature… more of a pet she wondered? The shows and games always made it seem more like a partnership than a subservient master-slave relationship, but if Christine was being honest, it was hard not to interpret it that way… maybe if Spheal could understand her, then it would ease the tension? It understood orders well enough.

“Hey Spheal,” Christine began, “thanks so much for taking care of that spider from before,” she says, to which Spheal actually smiles, “Do you want a treat?”

Spheal’s already joyous expression widens to one of inexpressable happiness, like an excitable dog. It clapped its fins together, shouting ‘Sphee- Sphee~’. It seemed that Spheal understood basic English, to the same extent a dog or a child did… Christine had to wonder about the moral implications later. For now, she smiled, and stood up off the bed, creeping around the unconscious spider in her demolished closet and opening the door to her room, headings down the small hallway and into the kitchen. The living room and dining area were hit harder than Christine’s room, it seems, as one of the shelves that held their books and pictures in place had completely toppled over. The plates and glasses had fallen from their cupboards, spraying sharp objects everywhere. Thankfully the fridge still worked. She told Spheal not to roll in the kitchen and fished out some slices of bread from the bread box and chocolate from the fridge, and fixed up her favorite guilty pleasure snack, a choco-wich. Pieces of chocolate between two pieces of bread. Simple pleasures she might not get to enjoy for a while if this keeps up.

A thought occurred to her… could seals eat bread? Or chocolate? Weren’t they like the dogs of the sea? Christine wondered… but now was perhaps time to test out another theory.

“Spheal,” she said, “spin!”

The Spheal… did not! Instead, it tilted its head, looking at her indignantly. It looked back to her room… was it trying to say it owed her a reward?

“Well, Spheal, I pet you behind the ears for that. This is different. I could just eat it by myself…”

Christine made a motion of eating the sandwich, but Spheal spoke up, chirping as if to beg no. In the end, he spun around, and made an adorable puppy dog face, begging for the sandwich. Christine smiled and handed the sandwich over. She watched as the large maw opened up and seemed to swallow the whole sandwich in one chomp, chewing on it and savoring the sweetness. She made herself a sandwich too while she was at it, and also made sure to stock up on water. She had plenty of bottles, but there could always be more. Christine turned on the TV while she worked to gather materials, nabbing a large sports bag she could sling around her shoulder. It was covering the emergency broadcast of the sudden Storm Surge as well as strange sightings of what people were calling “cryptids”, but she knew that was only what people above the age of 30 were calling them. Anyone with any kind of sense would call them Pokemon.

“- reports of a huge loch ness monster-like cryptid with a ship on its back has been entering flooded areas, and depending on reports, abducting or even saving people, we go live with our correspondent Jasmine Walker for the story, Jasmine?”

Christine idly pays attention to the rest of the story, sometimes turning her head to see pictures of the “giant loch ness monster”. It turns out the reports were not wrong, this thing was huge! It almost looked like a cruise ship with a ring of sheet music surrounding it, only instead of musical notes there were little ice crystals all around. The newscast was showing a live video of a family that had been rescued where the monster was using this magical barrier to move debris out of the way and lead people out of the storm. The reporter says that younger people are calling it “Lapras”. 'That’s Lapras?', Christine thought. It hit a serious growth spurt... Pokemon must have changed a lot since she last played.

Spheal clapped at Lapras saving people and also clapped when it saw a huge Walruses on TV in one of the posts sent from an Arctic research center, which were swimming in the freezing water, accompanied by a giant whale with six fins that breached the wave. The news also mentioned that everyone all across the globe now had Pokeballs. The situation around the world was wild. Flooding in coastal cities, severe draughts, sandstorms, some people were even rioting... 7 billion people meant 7 billion Pokemon, and that's not even including the legendary ones. God, she hoped no one had any super-powerful Pokemon yet. Even handling them by accident could cause serious damage. Spheal followed Christine around the house as she prepared, also grabbing useful items as it rolls about. To further confirm its intelligence, Christine tells it to grab certain objects, describing them to the rotund mammal. She tells it to grab a charger, and a minute later it comes rolling right back from her room with the wire she described wrapped around its body.

“You know,” Christine addresses the Spheal as she packs, “I think we ought to give you a name. I mean, I can’t just keep calling you what you call your whole species…”

Spheal chirps, tilting its head, as if waiting to hear suggestions.

“How about…”

>It almost looked like a cruise ship with a ring of sheet music surrounding it, only instead of musical notes there were little ice crystals all around.
oh shit, gigantamaxing already? interesting…

Would come up with something on my own, but I’m tired. I’ve always named my Spheals “Reginald” (or “Regina” if they were girls) for some reason and it’s taking all my willpower not to suggest that lol.
I have no logical arguments for this name, I just think a Spheal named 'Soap' is funny.
>Michel (or Michelle)
is a solid Spheal/Walrein name
can work too for a male
whether Reginald or Regina
Rolled 47, 34, 18 = 99 (3d100)

All right, it seems that Reginald or Reggie has won the general consensus! Now I'm gonna roll for some encounters on your way to the hospital.
Oof, man, this is gonna be rough. Hope you guys like sashimi
>mfw the one name I tried and failed to resist suggesting won out in the end
these bad rolls are punishment for my hubris
I apologize profusely
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“How about Reggie? Reggie the Spheal!”

The newly dubbed Reggie claps his flippers together, chirping excitedly as he lets out little ‘Sphee~’s. Looks like he likes it!

“Alright, Reggie it is!”

Christine pats Reggie on the head and finishes packing up her survival gear for the trip to Malibu Urgent Care. Her bag was stuffed with as many essentials as she could carry, namely clean water, a universal charger, a pair of pliers, and a first aid kit that she had Reggie fetch from the bathroom. She slung her bag over her shoulder, making a quick check to make sure she had everything on her person, including the Pokeball Reggie came in. He looked at Christine, tilting his head as if to ask if he should return to the ball for now.

“Sorry big guy, think it’s better you head back inside for now,” she says, to which Reggie gives a disappointed ‘Spheal’, but relents and pushes his cute nose to the middle of the ball, returning to it in the same bright flash he came. Christine briefly wondered what it was like inside that ball. Was it just a big empty space? Did it account for Reggie’s wants and desires? It must be comfortable at least, for him to return voluntarily. She may never know. Regardless, she pocketed the ball, but found that instead of simply slipping into her pocket, the Pokeball seemed to clip the hilt of her waistband, as if it had some sort of feature to lock onto her hip! It seemed to stick to her clothes, and only ever released if she hit the button in the middle to have it grow. That meant she could holster and unholster it as needed, without ever having to fish for it! Cool!

She left her apartment and locked the door behind her, more for posterity’s sake if nothing else. She didn't know when she would be back, but she at least wanted her things safe from any looters. Luckily their apartment was only on the third floor, so the stairs were not that difficult to traverse. Even so, the stairwell was littered with cracks and newly formed crevices from the quake, so she felt that she needed to exit as quickly as possible. When she arrived at the foyer, it was a complete mess. The place was flooded with murky water coming up to her calves, while a crack could be seen beneath running along the floor and up the stairs that let outside to the door. She was happy she brought her rain boots. The glass door itself was now shattered, so leaving was just a matter of making sure not to get cut up on any glass. The storm had subsided slightly, but a light drizzle continued to buffet all around as waves crashed on the nearby beach and into the street. The whole place was decimated, with debris floating around aimlessly, and houses nearly coming off their supports. Christine never thought she would see such destruction in her lifetime, but if magical animals coming to life was now her reality she was willing to bet that this wasn't going to be the last of it.

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She wadded through the knee-high water, making sure to keep her balance and feel out where her next step would be. All around her, she could hear the loud whistling of the wind and the splashing about of water… but she also heard something else. A panicked voice, repeating the same thing over and over, ‘Wishi, Wishi, Wishi, Wishi’! That could only mean one thing. More Pokemon!

Christine turned her attention in the direction of the sound and squinted her eyes to get a better look. Coming right down the street at a breakneck pace, occasionally jumping out of the water, were what appeared to be a dozen or so fish, all swimming rapidly down the water-logged street. Behind them, she could see something large cutting a path through the water as it chased them down, a pair of red dorsal fins slicing through the water. The poor things seemed to be crying, eyes watering and tears mixing with the dirty water all around. Whatever was chasing them was huge, far larger than even the two-foot spider that Reggie had to deal with in her room! She needed to get to safety, and quick, to hide and get away from whatever was chasing this small school of fish!

>Roll 1d100 Bo3!
Rolled 94 (1d100)

Rolled 85 (1d100)

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Ohh, let's wet!
I only now realize I wrote a PAIR of fins when the Mon I had in mind in fact technically has three. A trio.
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ah yes
Rolled 57 (1d100)

Rolled 54 (1d100)

Of FINS anon, of fins. Still keked, well done.

Nice goin' boys, will resuming writing soon. Hope more people show up to discuss stuff, I hate how dead the place seems.
yeah, /qst/ is pretty quiet
also sucks when like 5-6 quests get a decent amount of engagement and all the others are left in the dust- it’s really demotivating
but hey, in that case you just keep trekking on yk?
Christine quickly followed her mom's advice and climbed atop what she thought was a sturdy bit of debris that floated about in the flooded street. She used it as a foothold to climb higher onto a car and watched as the fish swam past her in terror. Whatever beast was chasing them was huge, as it displaced loads of water in its attempts to hunt them down and presumably chow on them. Her immediate fear wasn’t attracting the attention of the thing chasing them, but attracting any attention from the school, as Christine didn't know what they were capable of. Sure whatever chasing them might have been just as dangerous if not more so, but if these fish were Pokémon, then who knows what they're capable of?

She lifted herself up onto the flooded car, keeping herself stable as she hoisted herself onto the roof, lying flat on her stomach. The small school of terrified fish did their best to run away from the monster beneath the water, occasionally turning back and vomiting a hail of steaming hot water behind them to dissuade the thing chasing them. This didn’t work, however, and the thing chasing them simply zigzagged and serpentineed through the water at a breakneck pace, faster than anything she thought could swim. It was like watching a nature documentary unfold right before her eyes, but the real terror came when the thing chasing them finally breached the water. from up beneath the flooded street came a gigantic crocodile, its three red dorsal fins shining brightly as it leaped up in an attempt to crunch down on one of the fish. Christine wasn't the biggest fan of Pokemon, she didn't have all of their names committed to memory as Emma did, but even she knew this one.


Its thick jaws full of razor-sharp teeth snapped shut as it tried to bite down onto one of the slower fish, but came just short, letting the little guy escape and join up with his friends who make a massive hurdle over a barricade of junk. Its splashes back into the water then bring its head back up to see if its prey hasn't decided to stick around. No such luck. Christine, meanwhile, completely unprepared to take on such a beast, even with Reggie at her side, silently prayed that it hadn't noticed her in all the commotion. just to be extra safe, Christine slowly and methodically inches herself off of the roof of the car and hides behind the other side. The Feraligatr’s lidded eye blinks, and for a moment she fears she's been found, but instead, it merely sinks its head back beneath the water and turns around, swimming back up the street. She breathes a sigh of relief, thanking whatever new Pokemon legendary gods that might be listening out there that she managed to avoid drawing that thing's attention.

With the creature gone, she climbed back up to her feet and did her best to keep herself dry, hopping from one platform to another as the rain intensified once more. She kept everyone updated in her group chat and saw that Jay and Emma had managed to rescue Sydney from the gym! Perfect. Next up were their parents, and everyone seemed to agree to meet at Malibu Urgent Care, to huddle together until the storm passed, or failing that, await rescue. Maybe even escape Malibu? Only time would tell. Maddie likely wouldn’t be able to leave if she couldn’t bring her recently hospitalized father, and Christine wasn’t about to leave her friend behind. She hoped they could find a solution. Maybe Emma would come up with some kind of crazy Poke-related plan. They'd think of something together. The world was changing around them faster than they could think... maybe the best way to deal with it is to change faster. Maybe all of this was a change for the better.
And I forgot to put my name on for those posts like an amateur, damn it.

Going to leave this thread to simmer for a bit guys, got alot of my plate right now with classes starting back up and I wanna finish my damn degree already. See you guys soon!
so, we selling that shiny to the highest bidder, or what?
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Under no circumstance are we selling Reggie the Spheal to anyone. Get that heresy the fuck out of my face.
Well to be fair, Reggie is not only a weapon of mass destruction in his own right, he's a rare Variant WMD. Highly sought after by collectors. By the time everything settles down there will definitely be a black market for this kind of stuff.
Well, to be fair, Reggie can be used to bread rare variant WMD sellable to highest bidder.

What do you faggots want in our team?
Here's a list of my go-to.
Think about the utility of a ghost-electric hackerman sonic screwdriver. However, we'll have to deal with the mischief.

Speaking of toolbelt...
Can turn into any object. A missing Key, a crowbar, a comforter or a tent in a cold night in the wild.

>A Cleric
Petilil, Flabebe, Spritzee, Swirlix, and of course Happiny or audino.

If we settle somewhere that we protect, we'll need to build and rebuild.

It's the best Emotionnal Support Animal possible; that might help in a grimdark setting
What does game freak means by giving it a trans flag design?

>Alolan Muk
Trash eater; we might meet it in Malibu; extremely solid double type

Helicopter palmtree is one of my favorite, and he can supply some delicious fruits

The edgy fucker sense natural disaster. Presight OP.

>Coalossal line
They create coal. Energy OP in winter.

>Galarian Wheezing
Air purifier

Any ideas ?
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>he didn't mention Zorua
Imagine the amount of safety a literal illusion-maker would give
Ditto has that face as a dead giveaway, but a Zorua can create flawless and large-scale illusions easy-peasy. With that thing tricking our opponents' eyes into believing what isn't there we can avoid fighting before it ever becomes a problem.
Also, fluffy fox that can evolve to give hugs and act as a fluffy pillow. Primo emotional support material.

I was also going to mention Bibarel for easy availability and their proficiency with making dams (could make decent shelters), but I highly doubt a beaver would be very plentiful in Malibu and we already have Reggie if we want water transport/a tank.

Some kind of fire type is also a must for obvious reasons. Electric types could work, too, but they kind of depend on dry grass being nearby for fire so it's not worth the risk imo.

Tropius is an incredible suggestion- not only a consistent food source, but also air transport? Perfect. Let's just hope Reggie doesn't sneeze a Powder Snow on it and kill it lol

In terms of a cleric, it's also worth considering a Pawmot/Rabsca (preferably the former) due to Revival Blessing. Depending on how moves work, they could literally bring you back to life. Also Pawmot would just be good regardless since it's a living defibrillator with a unique typing.

Anyways, you're forgetting about the 6-mon limit. I'm not sure if it applies here, but it likely does- so all of that stuff you suggested wouldn't be able to fit.
I'd prioritize the Ditto, Cleric, Tropius and Zorua on top of Pawmot. Absol is cool and all, but knowing about a disaster hardly lets you prepare for it (considering how vague its predictions are) and there's no way we're abandoning Reggie, so this team should provide not only decent type coverage (ignoring that most of these mon are subpar battlers at best) but also the most value in terms of survival.

...just teach the Zorua Flamethrower when it evolves for fire, I guess.

>6 mon limit

I'm well aware of it - and the format will make each mon exponentially more complex to deal with, I'm aware. But we won't choose what we get, this are just a list of instant-catch suggestion on my side (we'll need pokeballs for that though)

>Sub-par battler

And no mention of Rotom. Shame
catch everything, then see what's useful

(my id probably changed)
people will come after us for reggie regardless. It's an option I just wanted to put forward
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Well, I got good news for both of you, there IS no real limit to the number of Mons you can carry! Want 7? Want 8? Go nuts! I'll probably set a hard cap later tho since remembering so many individual characters will be a pain.

Galarian Wheezings are popping near or migrating to where there's the most air pollution, so right now that's primarily India and China. The irony of Bri'ish Pokemon showing up there and imperializing their air pollution is not lost on me. Loads of Bidoofs and Bibarel's are already up in Oregon too, along with the great lakes, Mississippi, Chesapeake, and more. Anywhere there's water that needs damming really. Rotoms are more likely since y'all literally live on the same coast as Silicone Valley, but the odds of y'all running into a Zeraora are low... they ain't zero tho.

They just might anon! Loads of people want that rare variant cover WMD for their collection.
Fuck me, SILICON, and ZORUA. Fuck am I on about, Zeraora's in Florida right now.
Please QM let's turn that into a post-apo city builder and kingdom manager
For the record, I'm me in all those ID
I thought Zeraora would be more partial to Seattle myself
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Zeraora is definitely at a British power station.

For the record, as an anon coming from a first world country... Are there palmtrees in Malibu? If yes, we can go hunt for Tropius.

QM, what is your position over fanmade Mega/Gigamax?
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>Baby Tropius
Dex entry :
"It seems to spawn from planted fruit hanging from Tropius neck. Forsus love to play on sunny cliff, where they jump and see who can glide the farthest away with their leaf-cape."
See I wanted to put him somewhere like that but figured that was more Zapdos' deal? The way I figure it he's likely to converge where there's the most natural lightning, which just happens to be in the American South West. It's also where there are the most Electabuzzes and Electivires. Speaking of, are there any other legendaries/mythicals y'all might wanna know about? Been fleshing out this scenario and really wanna share.

As for new forms, I'm open to ideas! Def ain't gonna Mega/Gigantimax EVERY mon, but if the idea's cool, I'm likely to include it, like maybe this Tropius. I can just see him firing off Bananas from his neck, dropping mango bombs.
Is Mew in Guyana?

Are legendary uniques or are they rare, like one Groudon taking charge of one tectonic plate, the most powerful the Groudon the bigger the plate?

Can we create our own legendary dogs by burning alive eevelutions under the gaze of Ho-Oh?

Speaking of
Is there a Native American Ho-Oh?
Mew is currently in Ethiopia but can be found most often in Guyana, yes. Being the playful little scamp it always is, it's leaving behind fun little pink bubbles for children and adults alike to play with in this trying time.

More often than not legendaries and Mythicals are unique, yes, at least for the really big deals. As in there's one big fuck-off Groudon in charge of the Earth, Kyogre's got the Sea, Rayquaza's atmosphere, Lugia's storms, etc. Others, like Shaymin, Heatran, and the Regis (barring Regigigas) can be found in appropriate places. There's a large concentration of Shaymin in Iceland for example, and some Heatran can be found in Volcanoes.

I wouldn't recommend it, since you don't have any real idea where or when Ho-Oh would show up at any given moment. But on the subject of Ho-Oh, it is currently residing in the Yellow Mountains.
Now, for the hardest question...
>When is the quest next update?
Sooner than you may think.
>nobody got the joke

oogh, hopefully not
fan designs are terrible, and including them alongside canon will make it hell to keep track of what’s actually in the quest and what isn’t
hoping and praying there isn’t any fanon shit
What was the joke?
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I'm happy not understanding your joke by not being a furryfag
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call me autistic, but every pokemon should be able to mega evolve.
I know what the limitations of game design are, but technically if a handful of pokemon can temporarily get a power increase through some magic stones, every mon should

also regional variants. That's just how nature works.

Bouffalant is 100% a Tauros variant but regional variants were introduced only two generations later. Similar to gender on Nidorans.
Humans are just bad at classifying things and set standarts they later found out were wrong, but don't bother to go back and change.
>Plusle, Pachirisu, Emolga, Dedenne, Togedemaru, Morpeko, Pawmi are all regional pikachu
I mean besides the obvious pikabait
yeah, and at what point does a regional difference become a different species?
When it says it's name differently
one does not need to be a furfag to know of rainfurrest
You're autistic! Nah but for real, while I see your point, it'd be a bitch to keep track of ALL the mega and giga forms. I'll likely QM Fiat it later. Regional variants will def be a thing though, ecology demands it.
Good news y'all, weekend is comin up, means I got me more time to write the next update! Expect it by end of Sunday/Monday afternoon.
The rest of Christine's trip was luckily uninterrupted by any new crazy Pokemon. She was fairly certain she saw a floating piece of trash with a pair of eyes, calling itself “Garbodor”, which was helping a load of Ratatas and other smaller Pokemon as it floated in the floodwater. Trash as it may be, at least its heart was in the right place. Along the way, she had to summon Reggie out of his ball to help move some heavy obstacles that blocked her path, and more than once she had to make certain not to antagonize the new wildlife. She saw what she thought was a Tauros on a roof, but it kept going ‘boouu’ rather that ‘tou’, so maybe it was a new breed of Tauros? Regardless, her greatest trial came in the form of an angry fish.

“Car, Car!” it went, as it tried to leap out of the water and snap its jaws around Christine’s leg! Reggie came in with the save, hitting it with the same move that it used to dispatch the spider from last time. ‘Sphee~!’ he happily exclaims, splashing about as it uses the unconscious fish as a ball on the tip of his snout. As cute as that is Christine tells Reggie that they need to go, and he understands, returning to his ball. When Christine arrives at Malibu Urgent Care, the place is just as much a mess as the rest of town. Although the inside isn't flooded, there are one or two cars in the parking lot that have been rolled onto their sides and even onto their backs. At the door stand a pair of policemen along with a male nurse, standing guard and ushering people in. Christine approaches but is stopped by one of the officers.

“Woah there miss, we can’t allow you entry.”

“What? Why not?”

“That ball on your hip,” the officer points out, “has to be logged in here.”

He points to a bag his partner is holding, and to the nurse who is wielding a clipboard with a label gun.

“Whole thing was my idea,” the young nurse spoke, “I figured it’d be safer inside with fewer Pokemon running around, you know unless those Pokemon were Chancies or Audinos.”

“You know Pokemon?” Christine asks.

“Love it! Still can’t really believe this is happening… we’re trying to keep the situation under control, even using some Pokemon to help, healing as many people ask they can, but… well, people are understandably scared. Unless your Pokemon can somehow help heal people you have to leave here. Rest assured your Pokemon will be safe, I swear it. Simply hand me your Pokemon, and I'll keep it until you come back. You have my word."

Christine is skeptical… but the sincere look on the male nurse's face is quite disarming. The police officers don't seem untrustworthy, aside from their body language, keeping themselves in wide intimidating stances, putting on airs. They have their weapons holstered, and no Pokeballs on their waistbands, which means they must have given their Pokeballs up willingly as well…

>Christine agrees to save Reggie's ball here with the nurse. She needs to see if her friends made it.
>She refuses to leave Reggie's ball with any strangers. She knows a ploy when she sees one! She'll find another way in…
>Propose an alternative. Let Reggie loose to hide in the parking lot, but leave his ball here.
>Christine attempts to convince the nurse that Reggie could help the younger children. Like a clown. They need all the levity they can get.
>Christine attempts to convince the nurse that Reggie could help the younger children. Like a clown. They need all the levity they can get.
>>Christine attempts to convince the nurse that Reggie could help the younger children. Like a clown. They need all the levity they can get.
>Test the nurse's knowledge by asking him to take a Pokémon quiz
look I know this sounds retarded but if he truly loves the series he'd probably be able to name at least a few easy-peasy
besides, that'd be a decent way to catch him off-guard and test his trustworthiness

if the idea is too dumb to fathom then I'll just go for
>Christine attempts to convince the nurse that Reggie could help the younger children. Like a clown. They need all the levity they can get.
like everyone else because I'm pretty sure Spheals were naturally-born for one-man circus work
>They look like real life equivalents of the infamous cartoon villain
>Refuse to leave the ball and stay outside
>Contact frens

>Small-talk and ask the pokemon-savvy if they know where to find poke balls
>Show Reggie. it's a baby pokemon, it's barely more dangerous than a cat
>Christine attempts to convince the nurse that Reggie could help the younger children. Like a clown. They need all the levity they can get.
Seems like convincing wins out, go ahead and roll me a big ol' 1d100+10 let's say, Bo3
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Rolled 49 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

Thanks for rollin' well
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Well done! You've successfully convinced an emergency worker to let a shiny seal entertain kids. He will be safe there with the kids so no worries.
Do we forage a spare ball for the unprompted crit?
Sorry big man, outta range, it was Bo3.

But if you bring me some Pokemon Post-Apoc art I haven't seen yet, I might consider it!

Maybe there's some you never seen from astero? Here's all his stuff, roughly 1/3 is pokemon on a fitting vibe. I especially love those :





I'll admit I've seen one or two of these, but not the whole thing! They're very nice, thank you very much anon. I'll be posting soon, after making the adjustments.
“Well… I could probably help the children.” Christine said.

“Oh? How?”

“My Pokemon is a Spheal, and he loves to entertain. He could help distract the kids from all the terrible stuff, you know?”

“Hmmm…" the nurse contemplates for a moment, "Show me.”

Christine does so, letting Reggie loose in the flooded parking lot. His shiny purple coat earns a ‘Woah!’ from the nurse, and the two guards gently put their hands to their pistols on the hips. He waves them down, however, calming their jittery nerves, and kneels down to look at Reggie. For his part, Reggie does his best to appear cute and fluffy, which luckily comes naturally to him. He balances his Pokeball on his nose, tossing it up and down as he claps his flippers.

“Man, these things are just as cute and terrifying as I imagined they’d be… a friggin' Shiny too! Alright, fine, you’ve convinced me. Gerald here will take you to the pediatric ward, where you can let Spheal here play with the kids.”

With her diplomacy successful, Christine follows Gerald the policeman inside. The center is thankfully dry, or at least, dry when compared with the flooded street outside. Malibu urgent care is located on the top of a hill which meant that it was far easier for the staff to keep the waters at bay, but the floor is still soaked, and the quake and flooding have caused a huge influx of injured people, absolutely packing the foyer. You notice that a few Pokemon go about the hospital with nurses and doctors to aid the injured, some more utilitarian than others. A Machop hefts heavy mechanical equipment on his back, an Audino helps apply triage to a wounded man, and a Chancey works on what looks like medication over a table with a nurse. The pediatric ward has parents and young children being taken care of, but the rooms are so crowded that some people have had to rest in the hallway.

The policeman grabs everyone's attention and announces that the hospital has received a very special entertainer for the kids, and though one or two of the adults seem non-plussed, even a bit peeved at the idea of entertainment in such a dire circumstance, the kids are curious. When Reggie is loose, The children are wowed and amazed by his soft mauve coat, which they pet heavily, and his outstanding juggling skills that ease the tension in even the hardest of hearts. The policeman thanks Christine and says he’ll stay behind to ensure Reggie is well taken care of, radioing for someone to take his place. Reggie, for his part, is extremely amused and playful as he rolls about, claps, and juggles for the children. She bids him to stay here and be good for the kids, to which Reggie chirps and claps.

Now in the hospital proper, Christine returns to the lobby and looks around for her friends. The mob of injured people doesn’t make things any easier, but after scanning the crowd, she sees someone waving her down. It was Emma, with Jay, Sydney, and their parents!

“Christine! Thank God you’re okay.”

Christine approached her friends, hugging them. It seemed that while they had rescued Sydney, she had been injured along her leg, requiring medical attention.

“Thank god, are you guys okay?”

“We’re dealing. Some moron lost this though,” she said, showing off the balls on her waistband, “so I’m calling dibs on whoever’s in here. Sydney didn’t want hers so maybe you can have it!” Emma said.

“We’ve found Maddie…” Jay said solemnly, to which Emma adopted his solemn expression.

“What? What’s wrong?”

Jay and Emma went silent… but finally answered Christine with a somber tone.

“It’s Maddie’s dad…” Jay speaks up, “He… he didn’t make it.”

Oh… oh no…

“She’s… kind of in denial about this whole thing. The Pokémon showing up, her dad, these disasters…” Jay’s voice trails off.

“She’s… pretty much catatonic.” Emma finishes for him.

Maddie was always a sensitive soul. The appearance of magical beasts destroying the neighborhood and shaking the earth is traumatizing enough, but she could only imagine what Maddie was going through… her mother who works in emergency services is constantly in the line of fire, so fear for her parent is something Christine knows well. But to have that fear realized… she could hardly imagine it.

“She’s on the second floor, but we haven’t said anything. We’ve had to care for Sydney down here.”

“What happened to her?” Christine asks.

“Pokemon in the water nearly got me, managed to nab her leg,” Sydney answers, “Jay’s beat it up though. I don’t want anything to do with Pokemon right now so, I gave Emma my ball.”

“She’s being taken care of but the doctors say if it’s not life-threatening, then she’ll just have to deal with bandages. The Audino was super nice too...” Emma finishes.

This is a lot of information to process for one person. A grieving best friend, an injured pal, and the world as they know it, coming to an end…

“How are your parents taking this?” Christine inquires.

Jay shakes his head, “Cell service is down, so my dad can’t call Grandma or my cousins.”


“My mom and dad wanna move out of here, see if it’s any better out in the Rockies with my Uncle,” Emma says, “I’m trying to tell them if Pokemon have been showing up then the Rockies are probably super dangerous, but nooo, don’t listen to the one person who knows these things almost by heart!” Emma huffs, "What about you, Christine? Your mom’s coming around here, right? You have any plans for the end of the world?”

If anyone had asked her that question before today, Christine would have likely had an answer. some quirky icebreaker or a witty retort. But now… now that the end of the world was happening… she had nothing truly clever to say. Now she needed to think of something with real substance…

“I don’t know…”

>I’ll think about it, but for now, I should go see Maddie. She might be in shock right now and I need to at least talk to her.
>But I can figure it out later. Do you mind handing me the extra Pokeball now? Do you know where to find more?
>Is it alright if she and her mother went with Emma? If you’re heading into the mountains you’re going to need some help…
>I was wondering if my mom and I could come along with Jay to find their cousins. They live farther out than the Rockies, in the plains where things are probably calmer, that seems like a safe bet…
>My mom and me are likely to stay here, if only because we have nowhere else to go.
Wew. Writing dialogue is a BITCH. Sorry that took me so long y'all, hope you're enjoying so far.
>I was wondering if my mom and I could come along with Jay to find their cousins. They live farther out than the Rockies, in the plains where things are probably calmer, that seems like a safe bet…
Safe bet is probably understating it considering the circumstances
The worst that could crop in the plains is probably a tornado or tumbleweeds, and the latter’s issues with fire-spreading can easily be dealt with via literally any water type
Not to mention that the mon who live there would be way way safer than anywhere near sea or in the mountains

Granted, actually getting there might be a bitch… maybe if we go further down the “evacuating to the plains” route we could see if anybody has a Corviknight/other big flying type Pokémon.

If nothing else, someplace that safe would make an excellent base of operations until further notice, which is probably important during a literal apocalypse.

I am so far! Definitely enjoying the descriptions of places the most, it gives just enough detail for a vivid image but not so much as to overwhelm.
>I was wondering if my mom and I could come along with Jay to find their cousins. They live farther out than the Rockies, in the plains where things are probably calmer, that seems like a safe bet…
interesting idea for a quest, i like it so far
>>But I can figure it out later. Do you mind handing me the extra Pokeball now? Do you know where to find more?
Very simple strategy first: assure immediate survival before worrying about long term survival
Like don't build a shelter before knowing if that's even the place you want to spend long term

Can we put "raid a library" on our short trérm goal list? We need some survival books.

Don't worry about your writing speed. Just check in every day to show us you're not dead.
A multi-post update every other day is fine.

If you have trouble with group dialog, just don't. At this point in the story we barely know our MC, much less the other girls.
I get that's not how real life works, but in stories characters need to be introduced one at a time for the reader to aclimate how they behave with the protagonist one on one before a group dynamic is shown.

I like the concept of the quest and your execution so far, and I'm eager to see how this will go because it can seriously go many directions.
>>My mom and me are likely to stay here, if only because we have nowhere else to go.

>But I can figure it out later. Do you mind handing me the extra Pokeball now? Do you know where to find more?
>Hope you're enjoying
I'm a sucker for poke quest; even ran my shitty one in the past. So yeah, quality time with good writing and solid visuals.
>even ran my shitty one in the past
which one would that be?
South Kalos, made a map, scrubbed my fav fangame for mons, ran all fight extra crunchy with smogon battle similator including level, abilities, custom fusion stats, drew a map, write up lore with lots of fucked up in the head people including a martial art school that pretend to teach moves to human but was in fact replacing them with metamorphs and supplied the bodies to another cult that tried opening a portal to Darkrai dimension with lots and lots of human sacrifice, the professor was an ancient equivalent-to-nazi-scientist that invented the TM for the war against Kanto
wew. that's uh... that's something. I'm happy y'all enjoy my visuals at least! I'll try and post Monday but if not then Tuesday at the latest.
So bad news yall, my charger went and exploded on me, cause an electrical fire. Post might be a bit late.
no worries, thanks for informing us
Above all keep yourself self QM
oh shit, that’s rough
don’t worry about the post, that should be like your last priority right now
hopefully you come out alright!
Plz QM tell us you didn't got hurt
I wasn't hurt anon, no worries there. The good news is I got a new charger, so I should finally be able to post!
I heard in a dream QM went kil in a submarine.
Rest in pieces.
no, his new charger choked him to death
RIP, I guess
No, no, no resting in peace JUST yet. Been having some personal shit on my end is all, but no worries, I'm still here. In all likelihood, this shit's gonna turn into a base builder but hey, that's okay with me.

Any base-building quests y'all recommend whose systems I could pilfer? Preferably something simple?
Shamelessly advertising my own "Dragon's dungeon quest" where in the end, the player are attempting to build a city in a Old Warhammer world spinoff.

However, I won't say my system is anywhere close to "Simple"
take your time
Hello QM,
I hope your personal shit have been sieved through and you'll get back to the story soon
Can't say it has anon. I've had to put down one of my cats. When I first got her as a kitten she nearly crawled into the engine block of our car. She had a beautiful pure-snow white coat, even as her kidneys failed. I loved her dearly. I'll be spreading her ashes soon.
Well, this suck. Sincere condolences.
The QM curse seems each month more of a real thing.
i'm sorry for your loss :(
Hey B, would you like the thread to be archived or do you prefer to do it yourself?
Howdy anon, I'd appreciate it if you'd do it please, thank you. I'll see what I can do about posting again soon, till then I'll be lurking.
It's done

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