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>You are Son Peppa, Son Gohan, and Izumi Mahogany, children of Earth’s heroes, Maple, Goku, Acer, and Chi-chi

>“Canon” has taken a radical shift from the series’ norm, you’re just one part of it, and things could go even further off the rails from here

>Mechanics and character details in the pastebins here:

Peppa: https://pastebin.com/7ssM5EPi

Gohan: https://pastebin.com/BewhDvDh

Izumi: https://pastebin.com/CtSG5gyZ

>Let’s all try to have some fun, ok?


Last time, on Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai! Izzy made good on her promise to her gang, taking them to a fancy restaurant, and later working on some of her own skills while also helping Pantea and Gohan on a project of theirs. However, the peaceful days took a darker turn as Towa and Dabura demanded parley and finally revealed their hands, attempting to strike deals in preparation for regaining control of the Demon Realm, and even revealing their plan to gain the favor of the Makaioshin. When the Supreme Kais finally arrive and get ready to foil their schemes, Towa and Fu shatter spacetime itself and send shards of them at the gathered heroes! Tien ends up captured in a reversed Mafuba and taken by the Demons, while Chiaotzu, Shin, and Goku are all hit by the shards of spacetime, vanishing to who knows where or when!

In spite of these losses, though, Izzy helps reinvigorate everyone’s spirits and gets them looking forward on how to rescue everyone. With a bit of downtime to digest all that happened, including Basilea and her Majin attendants being handed over, Gohan and Zarid learning how to use the Kai Kai, and Izzy taking her gang and Yamcha in search of treasures to help with the eventual search. But the times ahead might be tougher than they look, can the Tuffle Trio pull through and rescue everyone? Good luck, Gohan! Good luck, Peppa! Good luck, Izzy!
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On the Sacred World of the Kais, you, Son Gohan, dodge another of South Supreme Kai’s attacks. Below, Elder Kai sits and watches from a small table by a tree, Kibito setting down some tea for him. Behind the tree, Princess Snake meekly pokes her head out, unnerved by the power at display, even if this is more a sparring match between you and South Supreme Kai.

It’s been weeks since it all happened. Towa and Fu sending your dad, Shin, and Chiaotzu into who knows where or when, and absconding with the captured Tien back to the Demon Realm. Tarble’s world was thankfully spared from any real trouble, Dabura at least kept his word with Vegeta, though an attempt was made on some other allies, most notably the Galactic Patrol, though thanks to quick thinking from that Merus guy your uncle has been grumbling about it looks like they avoided the worst of it. There have been signs of what’s left of the Machine Mutants roaming the cosmos, but so far no major incidents with them have been detected, thankfully. Additionally, Grand Supreme Kai has gone to the Supreme Kai of Time to try and look for any leads on where at least Shin showed up… though there’s been no success just yet.

And that’s why you’re here. To catch up on things, train up a bit more with the Kais, and hopefully get some insights into what to do next. And… if you were being honest, it’s helping distract you just a bit from more unpleasant thoughts about what you could have done to prevent what happened. You dodge a chop from South Supreme Kai, then counter with a palm strike that hits his chest, following it up with the good ol’ Izumi Combo!

South Supreme Kai hits the ground, and you take a defensive position as he gets back up and dusts himself off. “Hahaha! Very good, Son Gohan. Nothing like clashing against someone directly to truly get a feel for their strength!”

“Good that you’re putting your potential to good use as well.” Elder Kai comments.

>A. So, wanna keep up is sparring match?
>B. I think we’re good on this bout. You guys mentioned helping me with some other skills, did you have any in mind?
>C. You know, I’ve been curious, have you and the Grand Supreme Kai seen any other things of note since you got pulled out of Buu, sir?
>D. Something else?
>D. Where is Buu, anyway?
Support >>5637308
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You lower your guard a bit, placing your hands on your hips. “Think that’s enough sparring for now. Got some other things we should try to focus on today.” Floating down, you first ask, “Actually, sir, I’ve been curious. Have you and the Grand Supreme Kai seen anything really notable since the two of you got pulled out of Buu?”

He strokes his large chin. “Notable how?”

“Just in general, really. A lot changed since the two of you were absorbed by Buu, right?” You look around. “Hey, speaking of, where’d you go, little guy?” As if on cue, you hear something snoring in the distance. Looking in that direction, you spot Buu beside the Muramasa, napping away on a large bean bag chair. “Well, at least you’re keeping out of trouble…”

“Ah, but of course. Grand Supreme Kai’s initial priority had been checking up on some sealed and vanquished foes.” the tall Kai explains. “Thankfully the old goat we faced so long ago was still stuck in his poweless state. Additionally, the trip to Konats had proven quite insightful. Grand Supreme Kai was able to determine more about the Majin, Hirudegarn, and the Kashvar that attempted to use it to bring destruction throughout the universe.”

Now that catches your interest. “Tapion and Minotia have filled us in with most of the story, but was there anything new the two of you figured out?”

“The summoning ritual used by the Kashvar is likely similar to the one Bibidi used, based on a recovered document the Konatsians saved for a millennia.” He gives a nod towards a storage structure off in the distance. “Or what’s left of said document, that is. The remnants of a spellbook.”

Intriguing. “How much of it is left?”

“One half a page in readable condition, with twelve scattered fragments of other pages. Overall, two and a quarter in total.” he replies. “The half page has some of Bibidi’s handiwork all over it.”

You cross your arms. “Guess the universe was dealing with the aftermath of his ambitions to a degree that even Shin hadn’t realized…”

There’s a soft grumble from the large Kai. “He was rather single-minded about his responsibilities, yet lacked focus on others. Should have kept watch out for things like-” South Supreme Kai stops himself and sighs. “No, that’s not entirely fair. He was underprepared and left with little guidance on what to do next. We should have done more.”

Kibito looks down in shame. “He did the best he could. I still feel I should have done more to help him as his attendant.”

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“Eh, no use beating yourselves up over this.” Elder Kai states. “Part of the blame goes to a certain someone taking cat naps through many universe-threatening crises.”

The larger Kai exhales deeply. “That is one other thing we did look into. Last time he was active was approximately 36 years ago, going by your world’s standards, even allowing that Freeza some ‘delegated’ work.” Shaking his head, he grumbles, “Was tempted to set off some of those alarm clocks myself…”

Betting that’s that Beerus guy he’s talking about. “Well, I’ve been told not to catch his ire already, so no need to worry about that. In any case, how about we move on to the other reason I’m here. You said I might have other skills I can develop?”

That brightens his spirits. “Yes, that we did. So Gohan, the fact that you were able to utilize the Kai Kai indicates you’re still considered apprentice to a Supreme Kai. Tell me, have you attempted any healing arts yet?”

You blink. “...I can do that?”

“Yes, that should be within your abilities, as they are in mine.” Kibito confirms. “You were able to pick up exorcising quite quickly, and the Kai Kai without any significant help. Healing should be quite simple for you.”

“Nice! I mean, my mom learned that technique a long time ago, as have a lot of the rest of us on Earth, but if I can do it too, that’ll help out a lot.” you reply excitedly. “What else do you want me to attempt?”

“Once the Grand Supreme Kai returns, we should see if you can manage any sealing techniques.” South Supreme Kai states. “It may prove vital in turning the tide if beings like Dabura and Towa and their cohorts attempt anything like they did recently.”

>A. Well what’re we waiting for! Let’s work on that healing technique!
>B. Oh, speaking of the Kai Kai, have any things I should work on to really practice that?
>C. Sealing techniques, huh? Like the Mafuba? Or closer to what Tapion and Minotia can do?
>D. Hey, maybe we should bring Tapion and Minotia over here. They could use some of these skills too
>E. Something else?
>E. We can eat while we wait! Buu would like that.
Support >>5637524
>C. Sealing techniques, huh? Like the Mafuba? Or closer to what Tapion and Minotia can do?
>D. Hey, maybe we should bring Tapion and Minotia over here. They could use some of these skills too
>E. Ask how their healing arts are different from the ones mom knows? Is it just different energy?
Support as well

Can we also work on Gohan's leadership skills while doing this as well?
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Apologies, something came up.

“Sealing techniques, huh? Like the Mafuba that mom and grandpa Roshi can use? Or closer to what Tapion and Minotia can do?” You snap your fingers. “Oh, hey! Might want them over here too. Might be helpful if they can learn these things too.” You place your hands behind the back of your head and smile. “Maybe have some lunch while we wait?”

South Supreme Kai gives a nod. “Very well. Kibito, you know where the two are, yes?”

“Yes sir.” Kibito bows politely, then heads off.

The group of you head over to a small building, you picking up the sword in one arm and Buu in the other. Little guy is still napping peacefully at this point, but you know he’ll be happy to wake up to food. South Supreme Kai explains things as you all walk. “The sealing techniques are more than just sealing away dangerous individuals, they are also meant to seal away the power and abilities of those individuals.”

“Wait, really? How?”

“Putting limits on what can be drawn out, accessed through their own abilities or borrowed powers.” he states. “Often, especially powerful and dangerous threats may be prepared for even being sealed away through their own special techniques, but if they lack access to those in the first place…”

“Ah, I get it! …Why does it feel like there’s a downside to this though?” you question, Kibito appearing with Tapion and Minotia.

“Depending on the foes, such sealing techniques can take a substantial toll on the user. Sometimes near-permanent reduction in one’s abilities.” South Supreme Kai responds in a more solemn tone.

Tapion and Minotia look at one another. “That… sounds similar to what our Kami had to do, to seal Hirudegarn. Though that was to seal him completely…”

“Your Kami likely used up most of his Divine Ki to pull off such a thing, and likely some of his very lifeforce as well.” the buff Kai states. “Still, the fact that you both were able to hold in a Majin, even separated, likely means its power was weakened when it was sealed.”

“Don’t want to imagine Hirudegarn getting any stronger than it was…” you remark in a low voice, recalling how it was starting to transform before Izzy struck it down.

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As everyone’s set at tables, Kibito and Princess Snake go fetch you all some food. Nothing too fancy, some rice bowls with veggies and strangely sweet, kinda nutty meats. Buu finally wakes up, and is more than happy to wake up to food, shoveling as much as he can into his mouth. You of course chow down, but to your surprise, South Supreme Kai seems to have an appetite almost as large as your own… though with some pretty decent table manners. He even gets an oversized onigiri and gets it to vanish almost as quickly as dad would.

…Aaaand repressing that sad thought.

And repressed.

That’s better.

“Say, how might the healing arts you guys are capable of different from the ones mom was able to learn?” you ask the Kais.

“Efficiency. Better utilization of Ki in restoring one’s body to proper condition, as well as restoring significantly more energy if one so chooses.” Kibito states, drinking some tea.

“Ahh, okay, that does sound useful!”

Once everyone’s finished, the Grand Supreme Kai appears near you all, removing a small ring from his finger. There’s… a melancholic smile on his face, one he doesn’t so much hide but attempts to shift into a happier one. “Son Gohan, good to see you here. And Tapion, Minotia, good to see the both of you again as well.”

You try to force a smile, but you can tell even without him saying anything: no luck yet. “Good to see you too, sir.”

>A. Don’t dwell on it. Let’s get started on those sealing techniques!
>B. If healing is that basic, it’s probably better to start off with that
>C. We should get Tapion and Minotia up to speed with the Kai Kai first
>D. Something else?
>D. Briefly contemplate stealing evil summoning rituals to summon saiyans from other timespaces.

>E. No, that's probably too much. For now.
All this repressing ain't good for you Gohan. Sounds to me like he needs some therapy. Something to talk with Maple about for later.

>B. If healing is that basic, it’s probably better to start off with that
"What about Yardratian spirit control healing? How does that differ?"
>D. Something else?
"How does one train God Ki? Is there a special routine or ritual I need to do?"

Thats how we get a Giblet or a Cumber.
>D. Maybe mom's kind of healing has different advantages, and if both are combined...
Okay, real quick, roll me 1d20, best of three. DC is 11.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d20)

Rolled 18 (1d20)

Rolled 7, 14, 6 = 27 (3d20)

Passed! Good work! Sadly I'm gonna have to sleep, but we'll be back tomorrow starting ~6:30 pm PST. Thank you all for playing, stay safe, and see y'all then!
Rolled 3, 18, 20 = 41 (3d20)

And one more before I pass out...
Apologies for the delay. Gonna be a short night, had to deal with a continuation of the stuff from yesterday. We're back:

For a brief moment, you contemplate if you can use those summoning rituals to try and pull out… say… a Saiyan from another timespace… maybe one lost in it? Eh, no, those are thoughts for another time. “So, basics on healing techniques might be the best for us all. Really useful. Though I’m curious about something else, Peppa learned something like that from the Yardratians, how does the godly version of the technique differ from theirs?”

“The Yardratian technique is about the same as the other mortal ones from what I have seen.” Kibito responds. “Meaning the answer should be the same.”

“Gotcha. Okay, ready guys?”

“Indeed.” Tapion agrees, Minotia giving a thumb’s up as well.

You’re all given the basics to start with, though it’s a basic you hadn’t really seen used before by anyone else: restoring damage done to a large tree. You… guess it makes sense, actually. It’s not quite the complicated system another person might have, even discounting alien biology, damage is easy to spot, and recovery is just as easy to confirm.

South Supreme Kai focuses, pulling his hands back, then giving two quick jabs up at the tree with each hand, several leaves falling to the ground as the strikes have left four marks to heal up. Kibito approaches, and explains that utilizing this skill properly requires understanding the damage done and how much to repair, but also the amount of energy that needs to be restored to the thing being healed. Interesting. He then demonstrates, healing one of the damaged spots.

You give it a try first, laying your hands on one of the marks… and it works! You undo the damage done to it, and you notice it’s even started to bud a few of those missing leaves. Tapion’s next, and he passes with relative ease too. And finally Minotia… and you notice he actually does even better than the rest of you did, with those leaves completely sprouting out.

Grand Supreme Kai smiles proudly. “Very nicely done, the three of you. Do take care to not overdo it, Minotia. While you’ve become adept at it at the first try, you must be careful when restoring another being’s energy, as it will still cost some of your own. If the gap is too great you may put yourself at risk.”

He nods. “I getcha. Though, all the more reason to get stronger myself, no?”

South Supreme Kai grins. “That’s a good way to look at it. May that training prove fruitful.”

>A. Any other things you want us to practice on?
>B. Okay, got that done, how about we get you two up to speed on the Kai Kai, Tapion, Minotia
>C. We should try to work on those sealing techniques soon
>D. Something else?
>B. Okay, got that done, how about we get you two up to speed on the Kai Kai, Tapion, Minotia

>D. Gohan does not know the solar flare: Let's make our own version with light and lightning magic and call it Superflare.

>Superflares are very strong explosions observed on stars with energies up to ten thousand times that of typical solar flares.

Make it an interruption move. Let's blind Towa next time she tries to use that time move on us.
>A. Any other things you want us to practice on?
I think we can wait on the Solar Flare for after we train with Kais.

I'll also support this too, just to be on the safe side.
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Rolled 2, 5, 13 = 20 (3d20)

Okay, real quick, roll me 2d20 this time, best of three. DC is 12 for the first, 13 for the second.
Rolled 20, 10 = 30 (2d20)

Rolled 15, 7 = 22 (2d20)

Rolled 15, 1 = 16 (2d20)

Rolled 1, 2, 15 = 18 (3d20)

Well, passed one of them! Sadly gonna be getting some sleep, we'll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, for real this time. Thank y'all for playing, stay safe, and see ya then.
Okay, no significant delays today. We are back!

“Okay, now that we’ve got that done, how about we get the two of ya up to speed on the Kai Kai?” you ask Tapion and Minotia.

“I’m ready.” Tapion replies with a confident smile.

“Yeah, let’s do this!” Minotia cheers.

“Sweet! Oh, but, uh, anything else you want us to work on first, sirs?” you question the Kais.

“I believe the Kai Kai is a fine next step.” Grand Supreme Kai responds warmly. “Gohan, how about you demonstrate how you figured such a technique out on your own?”

“Well, I used what I knew of my mom’s technique as the basis.” You place two fingers on your forehead. “Attempting to sense out the place where I’m trying to go, just using the kind of… vibe of the area instead of a specific Ki signature. Zarid actually did it first, focusing in on his home. I managed it after picturing Penguin Village, and specifically where I could sense Buu in there.”

The little Majin puffs his chest out. “Buu helped!”

“That you did, bud. Anyway, once I got that down, I was able to teleport there. Is that how you guys do it?”

“You are definitely on the right track.” Grand Suupreme Kai acknowledges. “It does seem it requires more effort for you at the moment, though.” He looks around, spotting one of the moons in the sky. “Gohan, how about you try to teleport over there? Do not seek out energy signatures, but do your best to visualize a specific place.”

You look to that moon. It’s… the one you faced Pandel at! Aha! “Sure thing, sir!” Okay, focus on a specific place. And… there! Here it goes! “Kai Kai!”

A vast, mostly white-grey landscape appears around you. You did it! Haha, you did it with flying colors! Perfect! Looking up towards the Sacred World of the Kais, you grin in the direction of where you came from. Okay you’ve got this in the bag.

‘It would appear you’ve managed it, Son Gohan.’ Grand Supreme Kai telepathically remarks with pride.

‘Thanks, sir! Gonna have Tapion and Minotia come up here next?’

‘We shall work on it.’

Okay. Got a bit to yourself as they try to get here. Hmm… you know, you don’t think you’ve ever properly learned the Solar Flare. Hey, how hard could that be? Oh, maybe you can make your own version of it, like how you got the Shinryuken from trying Grandpa Bardock’s Heat Phalanx skill. Hmmmm… you could try to mix Light and Lightning into it, turn it into a SUPERflare! You float up a bit and turn towards the moon. Let’s see… it’s a flash of Ki that’s mostly a bright light, yeah? So put some Ki forward, mix in Light, and charge it with Lightning…

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And AGH OW OW OW WHY WHYYYYY?! It’s like you hit yourself in the face with a flashbang made of electricity! You crash to the ground and groan, twitching. Okay maybe it’s harder than it looks.

“Hey I did it-!” A voice calls out above you. Three meters above you. It’s Minotia! …He’s upside down. And he falls, hitting you on the back head-first. “OW! Ugh… okay, mostly did it.” the boy whines, rubbing his head. And you let out a small groan as well. “Oh, hey Gohan! …Er, sorry for dropping in on ya like that, heh heh.”

You give a thumb’s up in spite of the numbness all over your body. He helps you up, and you shake it off finally. “Well hey, you did manage it. Er, why’d you fall though?”

He rubs the back of his neck. “Kinda… teleported in upside down, I guess? Heh heh, whoops!”

“Minotia, Gohan, you two okay?” Tapion’s voice calls out. He’s not far away himself, seems he didn’t need to focus on your Ki nearly as much as Minotia did.

“Just fine, bro!”

>A. Maybe we can try a bit more with this. Grand Supreme Kai, can we use the Kai Kai to try and teleport across all the moons as practice?
>B. …You still wanna give that Superflare thing a shot. Try it again!
>C. Head back, you still gotta practice sealing techniques!
>D. Something else?
>B. …You still wanna give that Superflare thing a shot. Try it again!
>D. Something else?
Ask for Minotia's help while he's here make it a chance for TEAMWORK.
>B. Ask for input from our friends here.
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Rolled 4, 18, 13 = 35 (3d20)

Okay folks, roll me 2d20 again, best of three, this time DC is 13 for both.
Rolled 7, 18 = 25 (2d20)

Rolled 17, 12 = 29 (2d20)

Rolled 11, 13 = 24 (2d20)

Rolled 4, 2, 12 = 18 (3d20)

Passed both! Writing...
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Okay, maybe with them there you can try a LITTLE better this time. And… hey, you’ve got a bit of an idea! “Hey guys, I wanna try out another technique I’ve been working on, and I think I’ve got a way to really make it shine. But we also should work a bit more on the Kai Kai.”

“What technique is this?” Minotia inquires.

“It’s gonna be like the Solar Flare, but a with an added twist to it. Some additional Magic, to produce a blinding yet also numbing effect. Like a kind of… Superflare.” Or at the very least you want what affected you to affect an opponent. “I was thinking Light and Lightning works together with it, but you guys have any thoughts?”

“A ‘Superflare’ huh?” Minotia asks, rubbing his chin. “Yet you’re only using like, bright lights and electric zaps? No… y’know, fire?” He waggles his fingers to emphasize his point.

“Hmm… that actually might work.” Tapion agrees. “If you can concentrate the Fire and Lightning into a type of plasma, that might stabilize it better. The heat would also provide a degree of protection if a foe gets a bit too overzealous.”

“Hmm… could be more complicated, but okay, I can give that a try.” Fire, Lightning, Light… well, you CAN use all three, you’ve got the training with them. That said, “Grand Supreme Kai, sir! Mind if we practice a bit more with the Kai Kai by going from moon to moon?”

‘That is an excellent idea! Though do be aware that it will not be as easy as this one. You will need to focus well and truly test yourselves with this.’

“I’m up for that challenge.” you reply, Tapion and Minotia looking to you and nodding. “Okay, let’s go from moon to moon, see if you guys can keep up, and I’ll keep working on this Superflare idea of mine.”

“Okay, I’m ready, Gohan! Take the lead!” Minotia cheers with a grin on his face.

You look to the next closest moon, one with significantly more water on it, you notice, and picture in your mind what that environment might look like. Focus… and there! “Kai Kai!”

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There you go, you’ve teleported to what looks to be an oceanic world, with shallow shores and gentle waves. You fly off from where you arrived, looking for the next closest moon, while also focusing your energy around you. So… Light, Lightning, Fire… if you can mix those together, harmonize them, you can get this to work. Tapion and Minotia arrive on the moon just a bit after you, and start following after you.

Okay, next world… there! It’s a bit further out, but you think you can reach it! Significantly smoother-looking, yet with a number of noticeable fissures across its surface. Hmm… maybe it’s like one of the more frigid moons of the Sol system? Well, an ice moon isn’t too hard to picture. Just gotta focus… here it goes! Yes! It worked!

…Aaaahhh cold cold cold! Cycle energy through your body! There… hooh, definitely an ice moon all right. Now, Solar Flare works by bringing your hands to your face and letting out that built up energy in a blinding flash. So… apply that with the harmonized trio of Magics. You rocket off again, looking for a warmer moon to end up on. Let’s see… aha! That one looks a bit more hospitable! You sense Tapion and Minotia arrive again as well, though Minotia… didn’t quite stick the landing, it seems, as he’s stuck in a snowbank. Guess he needs to work a bit more on where he ends up. All right, one more. “Kai Kai!”

This next moon is definitely more hospitable. There’s… a calm, serene stillness to it. More of an atmosphere, yet it’s a bit more mountainous. You notice some structures in the distance, ones that look like stone and marble temples. Might actually be a nice place for meditation. Tapion and Minotia might not be here for a bit, and you want to try this out. Okay. Light, Lightning, Fire. A plasma that releases a bright flash and strong jolt. You make sure to point this away from anything even remotely important-looking, and…


That built up energy is combined together and released all at once with a loud and powerful burst of Magic, one that is thankfully not discharging into you this time. The bright flash actually keeps up for a bit as the plasma releases, sending that built up charge with it for a good distance. It does take a bit of time to really charge up, but this will work wonders in a pinch!

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!
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Okay, we are back!

With those bouts of Kai Kai training finally done, the three of you arrive back at the Sacred World of the Kais. Now, you might be able to squeeze in some training towards Sealing techniques, but that also might be better to save that for another day. Should be heading home in a while, after all. Or maybe you can get some ideas to work on at your own pace. Could also try some sparring with the both of them, just to get an idea on how they fight.

Let’s see…

>A. At least get the basics on a Sealing skills down
>B. Better take some homework from the Kais, work at your own pace
>C. Couldn’t hurt to do some sparring! Tapion and Minotia can join in too
>D. Something else?
Here's a possible rephrased version:

A. Make sure to learn the fundamentals of Sealing skills.
D. Let's explore other seal types such as Yurin's seal that aided us against Muramasa. We can also mention the seal that imprisoned Bojack and his gang in a star by the Kais, and the kashvar chant used to contain Hirudegarn.

Note that there's also the seal that transformed Elder Kai into a sword, but it might not be relevant to bring up.

By the way, we don't possess the knowledge of what your notes call "Nuwemwittsimwawaay". However, we do have access to Babidi's ship. Should we inform them about this? We should kai kai there.
>C. Tag Team Fight! Tapion and Minotia versus Gohan and South Supreme Kai!

Lets save this for later, get Maple to help with it.
i will switch to c for this
Exen vote:

>Supporting as well.
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Rolled 10, 2, 11 = 23 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 3d20 this time, best of three! DC is 13 for all!
Rolled 9, 1, 2 = 12 (3d20)

Rolled 7, 15, 8 = 30 (3d20)

Rolled 8, 19, 17 = 44 (3d20)

Rolled 10, 11, 8 = 29 (3d20)

Passed two of 'em! Writing...
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“Hey, Tapion, Minotia, would you guys mind sparring a bit? Oh, maybe we can make it a tag team match, you two against South Supreme Kai and myself! How about it, sir?”

He smacks a fist into his palm. “Very well! Boys, let me see what you can do!”

Tapion and Minotia look at one another and nod, backing up a bit. Taking their stances, you and South Supreme Kai do the same. All right, here it goes. Grand Supreme Kai looks between the four of you, and with a raise of his hand, declares, “Begin!”


You make a quick dash towards Tapion, and to your surprise he not only dodges your initial strike, but even manages to send you into the ground with a quick misdirect. South Supreme Kai appears at your side and helps you up, but has to block a strike from Minotia that almost catches him off-guard. When he tries to counter, Minotia briefly activates the Raio-ken and gets out of the way, backing up to Tapion, who holds his hands out for the boy to land on. Tapion pushes upwards and launches his brother up into the sky, with South Supreme Kai leaping up to intercept.

But Tapion quickly fires a Brave Cannon at him, and you dash up to block the attack. It’s successful, but you don’t quite defend against it as well as you wanted to, and take a decent hit from the blast. The larger Kai manages to get to Minotia, but the boy once again uses the Raio-ken against him, swerving out of the way, utilizing his smaller size to great effect. As he gets behind South Supreme Kai though, you finally see an opening you can utilize, catching up to him, placing your hand on his back, and calling out, “Kai Kai!”

That teleports you and Minotia right in front of Tapion, the older of the two ending up on the receiving end of the younger one’s attack. The large Kai thrusts his fist up. “Excellent work, Gohan! You’ve adapted to using it in combat already.”

You grin cheekily. “Thanks, sir!”

Tapion and Minotia get back up, taking defensive stances this time. Okay, a good warm up. What to do next?

>A. See how far you can go with the Kai Kai, try to use it to avoid attacks
>B. Do your best to work in tandem with South Supreme Kai, you two might come up with some surprising combos!
>C. Maybe you should call it a wraps sooner rather than later, still need to head home soon
>D. Something else?
>B. Do your best to work in tandem with South Supreme Kai, you two might come up with some surprising combos!
>B. Do your best to work in tandem with South Supreme Kai, you two might come up with some surprising combos!
fast-ball special, south supreme kai gets to hit someone with us.

>D. Suggest they try hero's barrier with kai kai

And Exen supports as well.
Rolled 13, 10, 10 = 33 (3d20)

Okay, real quick, roll me 2d20 this time, best of three! DC is again 13 for both.
Rolled 10, 7 = 17 (2d20)

Rolled 17, 2 = 19 (2d20)

Rolled 2, 4 = 6 (2d20)

Rolled 7, 19, 9 = 35 (3d20)

Passed one!

And with that I need to rest. We'll be back ~6:30 pm PST tomorrow. Thank y'all for playing, stay safe, and see ya then!
Sorry for the delay, but we're back!

You stand beside South Supreme Kai, the two of you staring down the brothers. ‘Got an idea, sir. Ever hear of the Fastball Special?’

‘I don’t think I have. But it already sounds promising.’ he replies, body and mind focused. You give him a quick explanation, and he’s definitely on-board with it.

Tapion takes the lead again, with Minotia behind him, the two unleashing the Raio-ken once more. You and South Supreme Kai back up, but instead of getting in a defensive position, you leap up and allow him to launch you right at the pair. And you give it just a little extra, allowing the acceleration to help you build up enough power for a Shinespark right as you get close to Tapion. He attempts to use the Hero’s Barrier at the last minute, but you get to him before that, and knock him over and into the dirt. Minotia though got his barrier up just in time, and you end up bouncing up and off of it towards the sky.

The boy almost tries to retaliate, charging up a Ki blast in his hand, but the moment the barrier drops, he finds himself trapped in place. Turning back, Minotia sees that he’s been caught in a telekinetic hold by South Supreme Kai, then pulled right back into the recovering Tapion, crashing into him. The Kai looks up at you and gives a thumb’s up.

>A. Okay, think that’s enough, help them out and heal them up
>B. Come on guys, don’t tell me that’s all you’ve got!
>C. South Supreme Kai, any skills you’ve been wanting to show off?
>D. Something else?
>A. Okay, think that’s enough, help them out and heal them up
>D. Something else?
Ask South Supreme Kai if he intends to train South Kai's champions for the next otherworld tournament. They could use his tutelage.
(besides tapion and minotia)
>B. Come on guys, don’t tell me that’s all you’ve got!
>D. Try out the Superflare in combat conditions!
Exen vote:

>D. An alternative to A: Sudden death! Next pair to take three hits between them is out. Not long drawn out fighting, and we can heal up after.
switch support fiiine

can we still ask my dumb question?
I'll support, after the match tho.
Actually, I am curious if South Supreme Kai would take more quadrants under his wing, as Grand's new Only successor.

Supporting the not that dumb question.
That's a good point. Let's start with South Kai's guys first, and then if others catch his interest they can join in.
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Rolled 6, 20, 2 = 28 (3d20)

All righty! Roll me 2d20 real quick, best of three! DC is 14 for both!
Rolled 8, 10 = 18 (2d20)

Rolled 11, 9 = 20 (2d20)

Rolled 19, 16 = 35 (2d20)

Rolled 14, 10 = 24 (2d20)

Passed both! Great job! Writing...
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“Come on guys, don’t tell me that’s all you’ve got!” you call out to the brothers.

Minotia hops to his feet, declaring a defiant “As if!” and readying himself, aura surging around him. Tapion likewise stands up, prepared for what you might pull off next. Hmm… but what CAN you pull off next?

Ah, of course! ‘South Supreme Kai, sir, I’m gonna try out a new technique I’ve been working on.’

‘That blinding one you attempted just a bit ago?’ he questions.

‘Er, eheh, yeah. Noticed it already?’

‘Hard not to. I shall have Kibito prepare protection for the spectators and provide you an opening.’ Now his white aura blazes to life around him, catching the attention of the brothers. “Come then, boys! Let me see what you two can really do!”

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In the distance you hear Elder Kai grumbling about South Supreme Kai being a bit of a hotblooded hothead, and worrying over damaging the planet, but he’s drowned out by confused complaining when a pair of Sunglasses appear on his face, courtesy of Kibito. Tapion and Minotia are forced to block as South Supreme Kai rushes them down, clashing with the pair and putting them on the back foot.

Okay, got your chance. Light, Lightning, Fire… charge them up, harmonize them, and be ready to release them all at once! You also notice that South Supreme Kai’s energy is quite a bit higher than what he was using previously. He’s definitely way stronger than Shin, honestly he might even be a decent match for Buu. Still, he’s being very deliberate with his attacks, using just enough to keep them on the backfoot, even kinda coaching Tapion and Minotia as he fights them.

“Guard up! Eyes on the openings!” the large Kai tells them, pulling his fist back and punching the ground, letting out a shockwave. “You’ve got the tools to deal with area-denial attacks, use them!” The two get see the attack coming, and simultaneously teleport away from danger. And that’s the opening you’ve been waiting for. “Good! But you never let your guard down, in case of misdirection!” he finishes… a pair of sunglasses materializing over his eyes.

And now you’ve gotten close enough for this to work! “SUPERFLARE!”

The attack blinds the pair, and the hits them with a stunning jolt! Tapion and Minotia fall back, and you float down closer to South Supreme Kai, the pair of you high-fiving. “Haha! Good match, boys! That’s been the best workout I’ve had in millennia! And Gohan, commendable skills, using what you’ve learned today right alongside something you developed yourself.”

“Thanks, sir!” You next float over to Tapion and Minotia, healing the brothers up. Oh these skills are definitely gonna come in handy down the line. No wonder mom picked up on some of them so long ago. Getting the two back to their feet, you next turn back to the large Kai. “Say, if you have the time, think you could help out some of South Kai’s champions here or there? Someone like Torbie would really benefit from what you can teach.”

He rubs his chin. “Hmm… might be worth looking into, though most of those aren’t among the living, are they? If they’re like the Kais of our time, any students they have are those who’ve lived virtuous, heroic lives and wish to keep training in the afterlife. While I certainly could drop by to help some of them continue those admirable goals, any training priorities should be the likes of you three.”

“R-really?” Tapion replies in slight surprise.

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“Of course! You are dedicated warriors, students of the East Supreme Kai, and have both the drive to improve yourselves and protect the greater universe. It is better to let the living flourish.” He pulls the sunglasses down and gives you all a genuine smile. “Still, I will give your suggestion some thought, Son Gohan.”

“Hmhmhm, same as ever…” Grand Supreme Kai comments with a smile as he listens on, both he and Buu pulling their sunglasses down at the same time… with the little Majin agreeing with a nod, to your surprise. Huh.

Well, still, this was a good bout of training. You, Tapion, and Minotia all have some new skills under your belts, and the promise of further training another time. Plus you do have some things mom might be interested to hear about…

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!
Looking forward to seeing us combo the superflare with the solar flare and its variations. Izzy's and Krillin's impressions of it will be important.
I wonder what's keeping the Time Patrol from going to the shard timelines and spiriting the displaced out of them?

Theoretically, they could use the Pendulum Room to follow through the shards to locate them. But, maybe that's too many tabs for the Pendulum Room's CPU to handle.

Or maybe the Time Patrol does know where they are, but aggravating the shards by traveling to and fro and changing them would just break time more, so they're on a temporary quarantine, that is, a temporal quarantine from patrollers, multi-versers, and epoch gamers.

So in the end, we would have to have faith that the displaced would get Back to the Present, but when and where that present is is anyone's guess.
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Can certainly do that! Krillin would be more than happy to see what you've got.

The other issue with using the Pendulum Room to try to locate them is if it's used too often to look into places at random, there's a chance of attracting the attention of thing that would be a bit of a hassle to deal with.

The Time Patrol is doing what they can to try and get the three displaced people back home, but some of the easier tells to them being displaced, like two or more Gokus at one place for example, haven't helped. Though do keep in mind the idea of "aggravating" the shards and if there might be any consequences to that...

In any case, sorry for the delay again, but we're back!

You finally return home, greeted by Groucho first and foremost, with the tiger leaping at you and licking your face. Giving him some pets to calm him down, you and Buu walk into the house, and you notice that mom’s actually not alone here. Launch is with her, in her blue-haired state, a melancholic look on her face. She forces a smile as she notices you, but there’s still a degree of unease in her eyes.

“Hey son, welcome home.” Maple greets in a more friendly voice, though there still seems to be a degree of sadness behind it.

>A. Hey, uh, did I interrupt something? Everything okay?
>B. It’s probably best not to pry, give a friendly greeting and let them talk on their own
>C. ...Sssaay, where’s Peppa? Thought she’d be home by now
>D. Something else?
Exen vote:


>We can do >C if the subject needs changing or privacy, but only if.

And support.
>A. Hey, uh, did I interrupt something? Everything okay?
>D. Something else?
"Samma Ditthi! - joking, joking! If that worked I'd be up three techniques in one day."

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“Heyyyy, uh, did I interrupt something? …Everything okay?” you ask hesitantly.

Launch looks down at her cup of tea, melancholic smile still on her face. Maple sits up a bit, looking to her, and she gives a small nod. “Well. Everything’s okay, yes. Launch… came to me to talk about something she found out recently.”

You see her hand move to her abdomen. “Tien and I are gonna have a baby.”

There’s an initial bout of surprise. “Oh! Congrats!” you tell her… and it starts to dawn on you the issue. “Oh. Oh…” You rub the back of your neck. “Er… sorry.”

“No no, it’s fine!” she replies in a sweet and sincere voice. “Just… I wish I could let him know.”

“...Ah. I, um, if you wanna keep talking in private I can go pester Peppa instead-” You look around, noticing she isn’t home yet. “…Huh. Where is she anyway?”

“She’s off with Videl still.” mom tells you. “Should be home soon, and it’s okay son.”

“Right…” You rub the back of your neck.

Buu breaks the awkwardness with an… innocent, if blunt question. “What ‘have a baby’ mean?”

>A. Well, Tien and Launch got together and, er, are making their first kid. I’ll… explain the details another time
>B. Nope, not gonna explain birds and bees to Buu, let mom handle that!
>C. Do you know what kind of kid it’ll be? Or is it too early to tell?
>D. Heeeey I just remembered I gotta focus on trying to purify the Muramasa! I’ll let you both be!
>E. Something else?
>A. Well, Tien and Launch got together and, er, are making their first kid. I’ll… explain the details another time
>C. Do you know what kind of kid it’ll be? Or is it too early to tell?
>D. Heeeey I just remembered I gotta focus on trying to purify the Muramasa! I’ll let you both be!
>E. Something else?
Get Buu and yourself a snack to distract him
Hit vote:

>B & D. "I'll get some snacks while Mom explains it, then we'll work on purifying my sword, okay?"

>100% shaft Maple with this problem.
Exen vote:

>E. At least tell him it's how new people are created. That makes it very happy and important but a little scary. It's a lot of responsibility!

>I think Gohan would deflect the issue at first then feel bad and try to be helpful.
Okay, gonna get some rest, but leaving this open until 6:30 pm PST tomorrow. Thank y'all for playing, stay safe, and see ya then!
>A. Well, Tien and Launch got together and, er, are making their first kid. I’ll… explain the details another time
D. Heeeey I just remembered I gotta focus on trying to purify the Muramasa! I’ll let you both be!
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>E. She swallowed someone, and is waiting to spit them back out, just like with Grand and South. You're a mommy, Buu!
>D. Alright you little bastard sword, can you stop having me say "What's GOOD Ningen?" everytime I use you?
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Sorry, hit another delay, but we're back!

Oh boy. Okay. Well. “You see, Buu, uh… Tien and Launch are… making their first kid. Like how Peppa and I are the kids of mom and dad. It’s how new people are… made. And it means a lot of responsibility, and… uh…” And Buu just looks more confused. “Hey, I’m gonna get some snacks while mom explains! Any you want in particular, Buu?”

Maple flinches, but the little Majin cheers out a “Chocolate coffee candy!”

One of his favorites. You quickly dash to the kitchen and leave him looking to Maple attentively, getting one of the several Emergency Buu Snacks that Peppa’s gotten for you recently. You slooooowly move back, making sure Buu’s actually listening on. “-and most of the time it’s when they share that… special kind of bond-” Maple gives you a bit of a side-eye as you hand Buu the bowl of candy.

“Heeeey, looks like you’ve got this, and I just remembered I need to spend some time trying to purify the Muramasa.” You give your mom a sincere smile, walking backwards as you snap your fingers and point at the group, holding the sword with your tail. “Sooooo good luck!”

Launch actually giggles a little as Maple gives you a low grumble. Okay back to your room!

>A. All right, you actually do need to get started on this. Remember what you were told on purifying it
>B. Wait a bit until Buu is done learning the birds and bees from mom
>C. …Ehhhh you can spend a bit of time working on game design, might as well
>D. Something else?
>D. Something else?

Dramatic pose and gesture, "I need the hero of the future! MIRAI KAMEN!"


Guess he's busy, or he's watching afar. "Guess you don't wanna look at my cool sword. That's fine, didn't want you knowing about it anyway."

>A. All right, you actually do need to get started on this. Remember what you were told on purifying it
Try meditation with the sword as well
Exen vote:

>This is needlessly silly, risky and foolish.


And I'll support too

>Let's try the meditation before baiting Fu to show up or any other shenanigans.
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Okay! Roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 13 for the first, 16 for the second!
Rolled 10, 8 = 18 (2d20)

Rolled 15, 11 = 26 (2d20)

Rolled 4, 5 = 9 (2d20)

Passed one! Writing...
Rolled 13, 12 = 25 (2d20)


i know this is late, it's just in the hope there are high rolls and it makes sword cry
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You sit down and place the blade on the mount you’ve gotten prepared for it and focus, meditating and chanting out, “Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao… Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao…”

The presence within the Muramasa takes notice again, and you make your will known to it as you chant, trying to once again quench out some of the malicious energy lurking within it. Buu’s still listening on to Maple’s explanation, so any progress today is gonna need a bit more focus. You do keep up the chant for a good minute, but don’t quite do more than the usual.

…Hmm. A thought crosses your mind as you stand back up. “Oh if only I had the help of the Hero of the Future, MIRAI KAMEN!” you declare, striking a pose.

Nothin’. Maybe he’s watching from afar? …Or busy. One way to test! “Guess you don’t want a look at my super cool, cursed sword!” …Nothin’. “Yeah fine, didn’t want you knowing about it anyway.” You grumble as you sit back down. Fu’s still not made any attempt to contact you, not even leaving any responses to your messages.

Oh well.

“Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao… Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao…”

The progress has been incremental at best, and… yeah the more you try to ease it, the more the Muramasa attempts to push back. It doesn’t quite have that same, dripping malice it did before, not seeking to corrupt and tempt you, more just… a simmer of anger, distrust, and a kind of self-assertion of its nature. Still, you’re not making much progress today. The Muramasa’s grown weary of your attempts.

>A. Keep it up, you gotta make SOMETHING happen
>B. Wait for Buu to be done, he can help you out
>C. Eh, no need to force it, let the sword be for now
>D. Something else?

That said,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 4:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

Also, vote open until then!
Exen vote:

>a simmer of anger, distrust, and a kind of self-assertion of its nature.

>Well then, here's an idea;

>D. Don't try to force the sword to do or be anything right now, just open up a bit and keep it close, let ourselves feel it passively, and allow it to feel us in turn (but not actually lower our guard).

>Just vibe with the sword for a while and see if it... relaxes a bit, I guess? Understands us better? Maybe if it feels our strength when we aren't forcing pur power upon its own it might align with us on its own accord. Or at least make later attempts easier.
>>5642959 +1
>D. Oh right, inviting Fu to your mom's house is a problem because Fu is the reason why Maple has no Goku. Huh, why did you forgive him- oh dang, the sword's influencing up some self-doubt. Still, why was Fu deserving of forgiveness, or is he underserving in the end? Discuss it with yourself while holding the sword.
Okay, we are back! So roll me 1d20 this time, best of three! DC is 10.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

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Rolled 15 (1d20)

To wake yourselves up, Recite the Sword Sutra!

>Thereisnoswordplay, onlytheworkthatgoesintothesword
Passed! Writing...
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Maybe you can try another method with the sword. You keep up a connection, but instead of trying to push out the corrupting influence, you just sorta… chill. “Look, I get it, you’re an accumulation of built up negative energy sealed into a sword and seeking to break free and continue your campaign of chaos. But at this point you have to understand that I’m not gonna let you do that. I don’t want you destroyed, though. I want to help. I think you can be more.”

There isn’t quite as much pushback against that one. Looking over to your guitar, you pick it up and practice a bit. And for a short while, you just… vibe with the sword, taking note of the kind of things it’s giving off and sorta translating them into notes. There is a good amount of discord that comes out, but you do your best to try to harmonize them. At the same time, you do feel small jolts of it trying to influence you, but you make it clear that you’re not simply letting your guard down. You make your own strength clear to it, and… it sorta reaches a bit of an understanding with you. A small one, but one nonetheless.

“Gohan!” Buu calls out to you as he opens the door, almost slamming it from sheer excitement. “I know how babies gets made now!” the tiny Majin declares, er, proudly.

>A. That’s, er… great, bud! Hey wanna help me with this?
>B. Give a quick apology to mom for that. She spend quite a bit of time explaining it…
>C. Probably don’t need to bother the sword any more today. Let it think on what you showed it just now
>D. Something else?
>A. That’s, er… great, bud! Hey wanna help me with this?
>D. Something else?
Hey Buu, you've seen us with various weapons, what sort of weapon would you like to try one day? A sword like me, or maybe something different like a mace? Heck maybe you can even turn a musical instrument into a weapon.
>B. Give a quick apology to mom for that. She spend quite a bit of time explaining it…
>D. Congratulate Buu for learning the thing. And comment how there's no real need to bring it up anymore, because people will already know or have someone to tell them.
Don't make it a rule or make him worry about it, just hopefully give him less reasons to make things awkward in the future.

>E. Vibe with the sword just a bit longer, try to somehow invite it to "say" something. Maybe about what it thinks, or feels, or wants to become, or similar. It's hopes?
Give it some opportunity for self expressing its will and determination. Within its current limits, at least.

If the sword declines to say anything, just let it reflect, merging it into >C.
Support >>5643681
>>5643681 +1
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Apologies, kinda passed out for a bit.

‘Heeeey, sorry about that mom. But I knew you could explain it way, way better than I could have.’

‘That you are right.’ she replies, definitely a LITTLE annoyed, but not as much as you were expecting. Might be in the clear! ‘Just remember this if I ever end up Granny Maple. You’re still young, son, but you won’t be young forever. Some day you’ll be giving that lecture. Speaking of…’

Oh no that TONE.


‘Matchmaker Maple, no.’ you plead telepathically, and turn your attention to Buu. “Hey little guy, that’s great! Congrats on learning it. Just remember that going forward, it’s not something you need to bring up much, okay?”

‘Gooooohan. You and Phantasma did seem to get along quite well last I saw the pair of you.’

You pinch the ridge of your nose. Great. “Also, Buu? Please take note that Maple has tendencies to try to get people together. You don’t need to copy her on that front.”

“Ohhh, okay!” the little Majin agrees with a nod of his head.

“Here, sit with me for a bit.” you motion and have him sit down near you and the Muramasa. “Can you feel anything from it, Buu?”

As you ask the question, you play a bit more of your guitar, letting the same vibe come over the room that you had going before. The Majin tilts his head, looking over the blade… and does seem to get something. “Seems grumpy!”

“Grumpy, huh?” It’s technically an improvement. “Let’s see…”

You keep it up for a while, but things… don’t really change that much. The Muramasa is still not really pushing back too hard, but it’s also only barely let you get your foot in the door. Buu’s presence does slightly ease it a bit more, to your surprise, but it’s not enough to really make any significant progress. Though, Buu does seem to understand its “emotions” so to speak a bit better, even if it’s a little reclusive at the moment.

Ah well. “Let’s let ‘em rest for now. How about we play some games, Buu?”

“Buu wanna play Kirby again!” he declares.

You grin a bit. Of course he does. Setting the Muramasa in a more secure place, you tell the sword, “Take it slow if you need. I still want to help.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

Also, one more with Gohan, or switch to Peppa?
One more with Gohan, let's think of something that will take Maple's mind off of Goku, while not annoying her. Though, perhaps going over how babies are made didn't take her mind off Goku that much.

But, Gohan could stand to be less evasive with Maple. There was no scene where he gave her Rainbow back, so I imagine he just tossed it to her, said "here's your sword it's fixed now 'kay thanks bye!" and bounced.

It might be a little awkward being around Mom since he had flown off the handle that one time, exploded himself and went on a gap-year at King Kai's before her, and failed to save Goku from getting Samurai Jacked. Still, if Gohan keeps doing things half-assed, he's gonna be a 5/10 fiveever!

So, what are some things he could do for his mom? Prepare her favorite food? Or since she's a spooky space alien, they could go haunt people! Rolling cows over crops to make symbols is one way of doing it, or perhaps Gohan could even get Phanty in on the action to scare people too.
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>‘Gooooohan. You and Phantasma did seem to get along quite well last I saw the pair of you.’
Meanwhile, Phanty was also getting a talk from her dad regarding her future!
I think one more time with Gohan.
Hit says:


And sure I'll say switch to Peppa too
A little bit more with Gohan is fine, yeah.
Something that Beelzebub was into in the Sand Land manga was video games, specifically a PS6 with Dragon Quest XIII. Perhaps Gohan and Basilea could smooth over their past scuffles (and learn new moves) by playing God of Clean III for the PS3?

Me btw
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Okay! We are back, with one more night with Gohan!

With the sword settled a bit and Buu relaxing, you take a peek out of your room towards mom. She’s seeing Launch off, wishing her well and promising to help as much as she can with the coming child. Maple then finds a spot on the couch and sits back, exhaling deeply. She looks… tired. Like just trying to keep things normal is significantly more draining for her.

>A. Head on over, talk with her for a bit
>B. Hey, it’s almost dinner time, maybe she’d appreciate not having to cook tonight
>C. You… should just let her be, really. Mom might just want some alone time
>D. Something else?
>A. Head on over, talk with her for a bit
>D. "Dad being away is difficult for you too. Do you wanna talk about it? I'm here for you, Mom."
>B. Hey, it’s almost dinner time, maybe she’d appreciate not having to cook tonight
>It's dinnertime, so no pancakes... what's another food she likes? Ah, the sandwich named after that count! She seemed very nostalgic when she mentioned it for some reason.
>A. Head on over, talk with her for a bit
>B. Hey, it’s almost dinner time, maybe she’d appreciate not having to cook tonight

The probably isn't too much good we can do by saying things, but listening could be worth more. And since we're family it's different than her talking to her friends.
I'll support these
>A. Head on over, talk with her for a bit
>B. Hey, it’s almost dinner time, maybe she’d appreciate not having to cook tonight
You walk over to her, sitting down opposite her. “I am actually sorry to leave you explaining that to Buu, y’know.”

“Well, you knew I’d explain it better.” she says with a smile.


“...Hey, mom, how are you feeling?” you ask after a bit of hesitation. “Be honest.”

She keeps up the smile, sitting up a bit. “I’m holding up well, all things considered. How about you, son?”

“About the same…” you say, implying that you’re pretty sure she’s not holding it as well as she says she is. “Still… that sting of guilt that dad was… you know…”

Her smile grows more melancholic, and she nods. “Yeah. But I’m certain he’s still fine, Goku’s always been able to take care of himself, even if he has his reckless moments.”

“You sure you don’t want to talk about it for a bit? I’m here for ya, mom.”

She takes in a deep breath and sighs it out. “Well, for starters, I’d like you to not blame yourself over this, Gohan. I know how it looks, to you, but I also know my Goku. Your dad wouldn’t want you beating yourself up over this, and I don’t either.” She stands up, walking over to where she has Rainbow resting on her display. She gently places her hand on the sword’s scabbard. “You’ve gone out of your way to try and fix things you think are your fault, son. It’s crossed your mind more than once on how you can try to get him back, hasn’t it?”

“...I mean…” You look away and rub the back of your neck.

“Guess you get that from me.” she continues, looking back to you. “It’s crossed my mind several times. If I were to go there instead, if I had some people try to Multi-Form, if I we didn’t split everyone up, if…” Her smile finally disappears. “And yet each one of those come with their own risks. More people could have been displaced. More people could have ended up like Tien. More people could have gotten seriously hurt, or worse.”

You hang your head. “Yeah…” She’s right, things could have gone much worse. Can’t imagine what mom and dad and Peppa would go through if it were you that got displaced, or you and Peppa, or just… any other people. “Bottling any of it in?”

“Trying not to, as best I can. That should go the same for you, Gohan.” She walks back, sitting by you and patting you on the head. “Even if I know from experience he’s gonna be just fine, it doesn’t suddenly make those worries disappear. They’re natural feelings, and a sign you care. If we try to ignore those feelings, they’ll end up hurting more when let out.”

“Okay. I’ll try not to bottle things up. And… still, talk with us if ever need, mom. If I’m gonna take after you in wondering how I can fix things that have already happened, then I should take after you in trying to help people by talking with them, just like now.”

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She ruffles your hair. “Sure thing, Gohan.” She then stops, noticing something. Her hand lays flat on your head, and then moves over to her head… and juuuust barely moves past it. She lets out a weak “Noooo…” as she realizes… you have grown ever so slightly taller than her!

You laugh softly and gently scratch your cheek with a finger. “Aheh, ah, sorry mom, but I can’t stay small forever. Especially since I’m still growing. And… hey, Buu’s still smaller than you!”

“...Need to check if Peppa’s at that point too…” she mumbles to herself.

“Hoooow about I take up cooking tonight? You can take the night off.” you tell her, standing up. “Have anything you want tonight, mom?”

“...Pancakes.” Maple tells you with the slightest pout.

There’s a beat of silence.

And you start to laugh. “Pftahahaha, you know what? Pancakes sound great. Breakfast for dinner!” you cheer out and walk towards the kitchen. Pancakes, maybe some bacon and egg fried rice to go with them. Sis would probably like some chopped peppers in hers, too. All right Gohan, this shouldn’t be too hard! You’ll have it all ready in no time!

…Hey where is your sister, anyway?

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!
Sorry again for the delay, but we're back!

A few hours earlier, back with Peppa…

“So, yeah. Nothing useful out of them yet.” Videl finishes telling you. So the ninja are trying to get information out of Gero, to little success. They’ve also tried to get some stuff out of 21, with Trip’s help, though that hasn’t had much more success. Videl’s dad has taken charge of keeping watch over Gero, with 16 and 19 sticking with him to help him out, though neither of them have been able to get Gero or 21 to talk much.

You lay back, looking up at the sky as you both sit on the roof of a taller building. The two of you have had a decent training session just a bit ago, and now you’re trying to relax. “That’s too bad.”

Videl looks down at you, frowning a bit. “Yeah. Sorry we’re not any closer to finding where everyone went.”

“Hey, that’s not something you need to apologize for.” you tell her, giving a smile. “It’s… not been easy, but Izzy’s right. We’ll find ‘em all.”

The relaxation is interrupted by someone trying to contact you through your goggles. Sitting back up, you set them back down and… unknown caller. Could be another group trying to get endorsements, could be more spam, could be anything…

>A. Eh, see who it is. What’s the harm?
>B. Let it go to voicemail. You can deal with it later
>C. You know what still strikes me as odd? In spite of Dabura just willingly handing Gero over to us, we’ve not heard a thing from the Cell Sentai yet. I don’t like it, feels like they’re planning something
>D. Hey, I know we just had a sparring bout, but have there been any techniques you’ve been working on, Videl?
>E. Something else?
>A. Eh, see who it is. What’s the harm?
new goggles who dis
>A. Eh, see who it is. What’s the harm?
Always a chance that its important. If it isn't, or just annoying, thats easy enough to cut short.
>A. Eh, see who it is. What’s the harm?
"We've been trying to get in touch with you about your planet's extended warranty-"
>A. Eh, see who it is. What’s the harm?
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You look to Videl, and the two of you shrug. Eh, might as well. What’s the harm? “This is Son Peppa, who’s calling?” you answer.


“Hello again, Son Peppa.” the voice of Mugen answers, loud enough for Videl to hear. “Doing well? I’d heard about what happened on your little blue marble. So terribly sorry!” He does not sound sorry in the slightest.

You stand up immediately. “…You.” your voice growls out. “What do you want? Because buddy I’d rather hear about my car’s extended warranty than play any of your games right about now.”

“Tempting as that would be, I just feel like you deserve a bit of a warning.” he responds in a cordial and polite tone.

Oh you don’t like the sound of that. “Warning of what?”

“Well, ever since the evacuation of M2, the Machine Mutants have been trying to consider their options on what to do next. And… some are less than pleased with you. In fact I would even say they have decided to place blame exclusively on you.”

“...What does he mean by ‘evacuation of M2’?” Videl questions with a tilt of her head.

“It’s exactly as it sounds. The world is no more.” Mugen answers, letting a strangely smug tint into his tone, almost like he’s about to add “Good riddance.” to it. “You were there, after all. Son Peppa guaranteed the planet would be no more.”



“The wish…”

There’s a chuckle from the other end of the line. “Hahahaha! Indeed! And because of that, a few have decided to go after the one responsible. You.”

“Why tell us this?” Videl asks. “Aren’t you with them?”

“Oh no, no. I may be from M1, but I consider myself more… neutral, if anything. But you’ve amused me greatly! You’re a fascinating fighter, skilled, smart, and strong in ways few could even comprehend! Not only that, you and your allies have helped get me new fighters, and reinvigorate some of my old collection. I owe you, a-” He stops, and there’s a strange pause. “…Well there goes the neighborhood.”

>A. Er… thanks, I think?
>B. Mugen. What happened?
>C. The Machine Mutants individually haven’t been that tough, I can handle this
>D. Hey wait, when exactly did this happen? Recently?
>E. Wait, what happened to Rildo if M2 is gone?
>F. Something else?
>A. Er… thanks, I think?
B. Mugen. What happened?
>E. Wait, what happened to Rildo if M2 is gone?
>F. Ehhh, how does that work? I thought I wished all the negative energy away. Oh well.
>A. Er… thanks, I think?
Ooh, this is exciting, I was just thinking about how M2's original inhabitants were blue-skinned and noseless, and how M2's current inhabitants are robots with cloven feet.
Support >>5645614
>A. Er… thanks, I think?
>B. Mugen. What happened
>E. Wait, what happened to Rildo if M2 is gone?
>F. I could... wish them up a new planet later? Maybe? Not that we all got along great but even I feel bad enough about that to try and make up for it...
Sure, this too
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Okay there are a hundred questions swirling around your head right now. First though, “Er… thanks? I think?” He did go out of his way to warn you when he probably didn’t need to. “Now what did you mean by that last part?”

“Oh it’s nothing too serious. Let’s see, just need to get a status report…” And another pause. “Good! Good good, good, gooooo-oh that’s unfortunate.”

Pinching the ridge of your nose, you ask, “Mugen. What happened?”

“Ah it’s fiiiiine, M1 just had a bit of a chaos erupt over the, er… sudden disappearance of Museio and a few other things. This should sort itself out in- OH! Oh no!” An almost human-like gasp comes through the line.

“What, what’s wrong?!”

“No, it got my favorite explorer hat!” he exclaims with genuine concern.

You nearly slip and fall off the building. “You’re… not serious, are you?”

“Very much so! It was a nice hat.” he replies in the most earnest voice you’ve heard from him yet.

Your eyes slowly blink. “Right. You’re still not concerned about what’s going down on M1 then?”

Mugen dismissively replies, “Not especially. Gives you a bit of time though, they’ll be squabbling among each other as they try to sort things out. I give it… a few months your time? Give or take.”

Okay. Okay that’s good. You think. You hope. “Wait, what of General Rildo? His body was the planet M2, so…”

“Oh he is quite dead.” the Machine Mutant tells you cheerfully, clearly happy to deliver that news. “Gone along with the planet. His successor was the one who actually started up the faction blaming you. Shame, hoped he wouldn’t have a stick shoved as far up his-”

“Successor?” Videl repeats. “What do you mean by that?”

“Simple, truly. The next Supreme General of the Machine Mutants. And already proving himself a vengeful bore, if you ask me.”

…An idea crosses your mind. “Mugen. Say I were to… oh, I don’t know, try to make it up to them in a less violent manner? They’re missing a planet, so maybe, well… I could try to get them a new one?”

“Oh I’ve seen some propose that avenue several times. But the attempts started have stalled thanks to some lack of direction, conflict with the Galactic Patrol, aggressive negotiations with the PTO…”

“Maybe I could get one quicker. One they could thrive on. I’m not expecting us to all get along if it happens, but, it could ease things a bit.”

Videl raises an eyebrow at you. “Peppa, what are you planning?”

With a grin and a wink, you say, “Maybe a wish could help sort things out.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!
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>Videl raises an eyebrow at you. “Peppa, what are you planning?"

>Teleport right over the Machine Mutants
>"Yo dawg, heard you needed a planet, so I got you this one so you can-"
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So, the main method we have of restoring planets is dragon balls... but is it the only one?
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We'll see.

Okay, we are back!

Videl listens in on your plan. And she seems… iffy on it. “Okay like, it’s a nice gesture and everything, but are you sure that’s the best idea?”

“It’s something I can offer for them, no? At the very least it’ll be a peaceful gesture.” you retort.

Videl frowns and points out, “That’s still months away. Remember, the Dragon Balls were used at the Tournament.”

“Riiiight, but that’s not the only option have available, right?”

She blinks and tilts her head. “What do you mean?”

>A. The ones on Namek, of course! They haven’t been used recently, right?
>B. Hey, maybe there are other sets out there! Beyond the ones on Earth and Namek
>C. Well… maybe we can try to FIND a planet that’d be suitable for them! One that doesn’t need some lengthy colonization effort
>D. Mugen, you’ve got to have something we can go on, right? You have any suggestions?
>E. Something else?
>C. Well… maybe we can try to FIND a planet that’d be suitable for them! One that doesn’t need some lengthy colonization effort
>E. "Why don't we just ask Kuriza? I'm sure there are plenty of worlds that are still - in need of tenants?"

Wanna avoid words like 'genocided' or 'culled'.
>E. The Moon has been blown up before, and been replaced. The gods must be lunatics if they only ever make moons, so I think they could make a planet. Still that's gonna be one heck of an exchange.
>F. And oof, that's a hefty blow. Even though it was a stressful time, fighting Rilldo was actually really fun. I liked when he used that drill and turned into a planet and we had that wrestling match... I hope his successor doesn't disappoint!
They have plenty of 'culled' planets, along with 'cooler' and 'freeza' planets!
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Hold up, "a lengthy colonization effort?" Isn't terraforming a task that be accomplished by one Galactic Patrol ship? We can ask Raditz about this.
>G. Go ask a Machine Mutant what kind of planet they'd prefer to live on before you go looking around the entire universe for one they might like.
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“Well, maybe we can FIND them a planet!” you declare confidently. Videl isn’t quite catching on, raising an eyebrow at your declaration. “We know someone who’s in the business of trading planets, right?”

Her eyes widen in surprise. “Wait… oh! I mean, yeah, I guess we do.”

“So, Mugen, if we were to try to get a replacement from the PTO, what would we be looking for?” you ask the Machine Mutant.

“Either a planet with the same degree of nanomachine metallics covering its surface as M1 and M2 had, or a more inert metal world that could easily be industrialized upon and repurposed.” he answers. After a pause of thought, he adds, “Or enough space stations to make a small moon out of them. Ah, shame the Big Gete Star’s gone kaput.”

“Yeeeaaaah not gonna bring THAT back.” you mumble, recalling what went down on Z’S. “Okay, so those might be some leads to go off of.”

“Yes yes, though I should warn you, I don’t believe the PTO and Machine Mutants are on the best of terms still.” he adds. “You know, on account of… well, everything that happened barely a year ago.

>A. It should be fine. Come on Videl, let’s see if we can talk with Kuriza about this!
>B. Yeah that might be an issue… well, still, Dragon Balls could work, and maybe the Namekians could help with that
>C. Do you think it’d be better to meet with the Machine Mutants first and explain my intentions to them?
>D. Something else?
>D. Ask your cousin if Z'S is available.
>C. Do you think it’d be better to meet with the Machine Mutants first and explain my intentions to them?
Exen vote:

>B. Yeah that might be an issue… well, still, Dragon Balls could work, and maybe the Namekians could help with that
>C. Do you think it’d be better to meet with the Machine Mutants first and explain my intentions to them?
>D. All the more reason to try and make some peace between them, and with everyone more generally.
>D. Do we actually want them to have more planets?
This is a good point >>5646863
Let's get more of a vibe on what they would do with those planets by talking with some
Okay, I do need to get some rest a bit earlier tonight. We'll be back though ~6:30 pm PST tomorrow, vote open until then! Thanks for playing and stay safe out there!
We need a disguise. Let's ask Pantea if she has any robot suits we could borrow!

Thanks for running, Kato!
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Sorry again for the delay, had to deal with a few things again. We're back!

“Okay, then do you think it’d be better to explain my intentions to the Machine Mutants? From the sound of things another planet might not smooth things over, and if anything just giving them another world might prove a bad idea depending on who ends up in charge.” you question Mugen. “I’d like to make peace here, sure, but it’s gotta be a two-way path.”

“It might smooth things over with some, but others…” Mugen lets the last word linger for emphasis.

“Right, right… okay, so it’s at least an option.” You cross your arms and sway your tail behind you as you think this over. “Namek still has active Dragon Balls, so if it’s a bit too much to ask of the PTO, we can check with the Namekians.” you comment to Videl.

She’s not completely on-board with what you’ve proposed, but seems glad you’re thinking things through a bit more. “Okay, what do you intend to do?”

>A. Let’s try to check with Namek first, explain things to the Namekians and see if they’d be willing to let you use the Dragon Balls
>B. I want to meet with the Machine Mutants. Mugen, can you help me arrange that?
>C. At the very least, we can get Kuriza’s opinion on the idea. Let’s head to him first
>D. Something else?

Try to pick one.
Ha. of course i post right after you do.

>C. At the very least, we can get Kuriza’s opinion on the idea. Let’s head to him first
>D. Need a disguise from Pantea, hit her up.

I don't think Dragon Balls are the answer now that the gods of creation have been freed from their entrapment. No A, I would rather pursue making a deal with the gods if we wish to make a new planet.
Exen vote:

>A. Let’s try to check with Namek first, explain things to the Namekians and see if they’d be willing to let you use the Dragon Balls
>D. They might be unwilling to accept my help, but what if they didn't think it was my idea? If one of the would be leaders forced my help as a concession... Or what if YOU did?

>Involving any machine mutant currently causing problems is a risky move, but Mugen here may thread the needle between "one of their own", "can be influential" and "disinterested in making more problems".

>Oh yeah, good point. I'll switch from A to C.
Supporting the write-in. I like sneakiness.
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So we buy the planet in the name of Satan, but we need capital to do this with. How do we get that?

Is there a space bank that would lend us that? Does the PTO deal with mortgage bonds? Ooh, maybe we could take out a mortgage on the planet, then sell it (and the debt) to the Machine Mutants, then it would be their problem!
>B. I want to meet with the Machine Mutants. Mugen, can you help me arrange that?
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So with the planet we'd pick out for the Machine Mutants, it would only be for them to survive on, precious metals in the most precious sense. There wouldn't be life for them to conquer and expand with... and they would default on their payments!

Then we start borrowing stock and shorting positions within the PTO, using the funds we got from selling the planet to the Machine Mutants, all in anticipation of when this planet tanks. Then when the PTO's is devalued, we can buy up their real estate and make the PeppaTO!

And then Kuriza will kry, ahahahaha!
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“Well… they may be less than willing to accept my help, but… what if they didn’t think it was solely my idea?” you tell her with a bit of a cheeky grin. “If one of their would-be leaders could be seen forcing my help as a concession… or, hey, it could be YOU, Videl!”

She blinks and exclaims, “M-me?!”

“Yeah! You’re a known quantity to them, but not quite their focus. If this could look more like a team effort led by you, that might ease tensions a bit…” You snap your fingers. “Especially with Kuriza! At the very least we can get his opinion on this. Mugen, once we get this set up, think you can help get a meeting with whatever Machine Mutants might be willing to hear us out?”

“No promises, but if I do succeed, I might ask for something in return.” he replies with a tone you’re not sure you like but can’t really argue with right now.

“Okay. Videl, can you help me sense out Kuriza’s Ki?”

“Sure. Let me give ‘em a quick head’s up.” She gets her phone out and types a message, then places her hand on your shoulder, and the two of you close your eyes. He’s quite a good distance away, but you get a good read on his Ki. Okay, there we go!

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The two of you appear in what looks like a throne room, and your sudden appearance catches a number of guards and others by surprise. “Videl! Welcome, welcome!” Kuriza on the other hand is more than happy to see her there, and eases everyone with a wave of his hand. “Ah. Hey Peppa.” he remarks more neutrally, walking towards you both after hopping out of some personal hoverchair of his. He’s wearing an outfit similar to the ones he and Videl wore for the Tournament, though with the addition of some fancier PTO armor over the chest, cape attached to the shoulderpads.

“Hey!” you greet warmly.

“From your message you seemed to need my help.” he remarks, tapping his Scouter. “…with something about a world that was destroyed?”

“It’s… a bit of a long story.” you say as you rub the back of your neck.

“I have time.” he says confidently. After a beat, though, he calls out to a koala-looking alien, “Sorbet, make sure I have time!”

“L-Lord Kuriza, this is highly irregular…” he complains, shoulders slouching.

“Yes, it is.” he acknowledges. He then motions for you and Videl to follow him without any further remarks to the koala guy. “So, long story you say?”


As you all walk and talk, explaining what happened with M2 and the Machine Mutants, passing along a few people that keep greeting and saluting Kuriza in a friendly manner. You arrive in a smaller, more personal-looking room, part office, quarters, and… er, playroom. You see some alien figurines, action figures, plush toys… oh hey he’s got some game consoles from Earth!

Kuriza sits down on a chair that’s like a giant bean bag, yet filled with some more foam-like material given how he sinks back into it. “So the Machine Mutants lost their other big world, have been trying to reestablish themselves, but likely have just erupted into some kind of internal conflict. You on the other hand were hoping to find them a new planet in order to ease tensions between not just them, but the rest of the universe?”

“That’s a decent summary of it.” Videl nods. “Anything to add, Peppa?”

“We also don’t want to encourage them to take over more planets, repeating what they did with M2 and attempted on other worlds. The catch is, they have some particular worlds they’d need, ones we’d prefer weren’t… you know… acquired by unsavory means.” you explain. “One with nanomachines that cover the planet’s surface like M1 and M2, or more inert metal worlds that could easily be utilized by them.”

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“Hmm…” Kuriza rubs his chin, tapping his scouter. Some screens in the room come to life, and he stands back up again. “I can’t make any promises with this, but I can at the very least go through the catalogue of worlds known to us. I doubt any inhabited planets like the homeworld of the Metalmen would fit this criteria, but it could be a decent starting point.” He floats over to one of the screens, tapping on some buttons and scrolling down a bit, finally inputting some things into it. “All right, search order has been given.”

“Anything we can do to help?” Videl asks.

“Oh absolutely, if you are offering.” he replies with a nod. “I could show you how to operate the archives… ooooor we can let the pros handle that and relax a bit.” Kuriza points a thumb at one of his game consoles. “I’ve been looking for an excuse to spend time away from ruling all day, and you two gave me the perfect distraction. What do you say?”

>A. Oh as tempting as that is, I do kinda want to put in the effort to actually help out. But if you and Videl want to play, I ain’t gonna stop ya!
>B. Hah, hell yeah! Pass me a controller, let’s see what games you’ve got!
>C. You… sure that’s not gonna upset that koala guy?
>D. Do you get chances like this all that often? I’d imagine some of the Ginyu Force would appreciate it
>E. Something else?

That said,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

Also vote open until then!
>B. Hah, hell yeah! Pass me a controller, let’s see what games you’ve got!
>C. You… sure that’s not gonna upset that koala guy?
>B. Hah, hell yeah! Pass me a controller, let’s see what games you’ve got!
>C. "Are you sure that's not gonna upset Sorbet?"
We did learn his name, plus Kuriza might not even know what a koala is.
"So you've probably heard about what happened with Towa. Um. Any advice on that?"
(for the record, the "YOU" was meant to be Mugen, but whatever works)
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>A. Oh as tempting as that is, I do kinda want to put in the effort to actually help out. But if you and Videl want to play, I ain’t gonna stop ya!
>E. Try not to stare at Kuriza's head. Don't think about how it feels. Would it be hard like crystal, or squishy like pudding? Would patting him on the head hurt your hand?

Don't underestimate Sorbet, he can one-shot Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku and do this: https://youtu.be/v6GIQqOF7mE?t=74

He's probably stronger than Frieza Saga Frieza 100% Power Mode.

Good heavens, he's still on the call?!
I wonder if Sorbet is from Potaufeu?
Wouldn't we call him Sorbay though?
Exen vote:

>B. Hah, hell yeah! Pass me a controller, let’s see what games you’ve got!

>Good heavens, he's still on the call?!
My brain randomly deactivates my reading comprehension.
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Hey guys. I'm very sorry, had to deal with some pretty annoying stuff related to work earlier, and it ate up a good chunk of the time I'd normally have to run. I'm sorry this keeps happening, but I don't want to leave y'all with nothing tonight. So real quick, gonna post this and then just turn in for the night.

Again, I apologize for this.

Welp, sorry about that.

“Hah, hell yeah! Pass me a controller, let’s see what games you’ve got!” you say as you pump your fist into the air. However, you do feel the need to point out, “Say, uh, this isn’t going to get on the nerves of… Sorbet, was it?”

“I’ve done more than enough serious work today, and I can technically claim this as looking into a potential new buyer we’ve never worked with before.” Kuriza responds, floating over and getting a copy of… a game you are DEFINITELY familiar with. “Besides, Videl introduced me to this one. What’s our win/loss ratio at this point?”

“After you started using anyone other than Mewtwo, or before?” she questions with a smirk.

Kuriza laughs. “Hah! Oh I’m gonna make sure I’m in the positive on both counts by the time we’re done.”

Before you all start, you do think to ask, “...Say, um. You’ve heard about what happened with Towa and Dabura on Earth, right?”

The boy’s face grows solemn, a frown on it, but an understanding one. “I have, yes. I’m… sorry I wasn’t able to help.”

“Hey, it wasn’t your fault it happened.” Videl tries to reassure him.

“I know, but I’ve declared Earth under my protection before, and yet when a significant threat came to it, my response was middling at best.” he tells her with a sign. “But my failings aren’t in the same league as what you and Gohan must be going through.” he acknowledges as he turns to you. “I am sorry, Son Peppa.”

You rub the back of your neck. “Hey, hey, no need to take it like that, just… well, have you guys been bothered by them recently?”

“Not to my knowledge.” he replies.

“That’s good at least.” You take one of the controllers. “Have any ideas on going forward, advice, thoughts on what to do?”

Kuriza thinks for a moment, finally sitting back down in his chair. “Any leads to go off of?”

You shake your head. “None yet. Even the Supreme Kais are working to try and help, but…”

“Well then I’d focus more on what you can do now. Train more. Figure out how to fight them better. Help those who need it.” He smiles at you. “You’ve been doing all those things already though, haven’t you?”

“Guilty as charged.” you reply with a little laugh.

“Then the last thing I have to recommend is try to relax more.” He brings over two other foam chairs with telekinesis. “Take a seat and watch as I win match after match.”

“Oh it’s on now! Let’s go!”

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The three of you get settled and have a few matches. Kuriza’s actually surprisingly good at Smash, and from the sound of things it was something he and Videl practiced with during downtime with their training, as a less serious team-building strategy and just general fun. Videl still sticks with her main of Captain Falcon, while Kuriza demonstrates surprising skill with Geno. You and Jill though can’t be stopped once you’ve got the ol’ Third Gear combo set in motion!

“Ooooh, almost got ya this time!” Kuriza grumbles.

“Almost. That surprise combo you and Videl got had me sweating a bit, I’ll admit. Counting on someone to jump to dodge the Geno Beam and trying to hit ‘em with The Knee is a good combo.” You give a cheeky grin. “Buuuut The Knee needs to connect for that to work.”

“Yeah yeah, I’ll still get you yet.” Videl mumbles at you.

>A. Say, you did mention training earlier, Kuriza. Feel up for a bit now that we’ve had some fun?
>B. Okay, what other games have you got? You did seem to have a good amount before selecting this one
>C. Check on if there have been any results in the search. This is fun and all, but you came here for a reason
>D. Something else?

That said,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

Also vote open until then!
>A. Say, you did mention training earlier, Kuriza. Feel up for a bit now that we’ve had some fun?
>D. Something else?
I wanna help you with your stamina-issue for your golden form.
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Whoa, that's a bit forward!

>D. I wonder when they're gonna add Clean God?
>A. Say, you did mention training earlier, Kuriza. Feel up for a bit now that we’ve had some fun?
>A.ddendum: Kuriza might know quite a bit when it comes to TK. Have a TK-off! Yes, we have to do the sounds.

Have a good night, Kato!

>Whoa, that's a bit forward!
You can't just dive right in to confronting his stamina issues when he's at his peak, you gotta work your way up to it.
>A. Say, you did mention training earlier, Kuriza. Feel up for a bit now that we’ve had some fun?
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All right, we are back!

“Say, you did mention training earlier, Kuriza. Feel up to for a bit now that we’ve had some fun?”

“Certainly!” he declares as he stand up and stretches. “We have a few purpose-built areas for just such a thing.” He starts walking forward, motioning you and Videl to follow with his tail. “Similar in design to those Gravity Chambers on Earth, just with a slight more focus on structural integrity.”

Videl gives a nod. “Not quite as intense, but still good for a workout.”

You crack your knuckles and grin. “Sounds good. Let’s go.”

The room you arrive at is actually rather large, an arena at least comparable to the one at the Mifan Tournament. He stands at the ready, looking at you and Videl. “So, how do you want to go about this? You two against me, free for all, or do you want to work with me again, Videl?”

She glances at you, “Got a preference, Peppa? Also, how intense you wanna take this?”

>A. I can take you both on! Come on, let’s see it!
>B. Free for all sounds fun! Let’s dance!
>C. You seem pretty confident, Kuriza. Okay, Videl, let’s take him on!


>D. Let’s just have a more moderate spar, focus on techniques and training
>E. Let’s see that Golden form you unlocked, Kuriza! We can probably help you get some better control over it

>F. Something else?
>C. You seem pretty confident, Kuriza. Okay, Videl, let’s take him on!

>E. Let’s see that Golden form you unlocked, Kuriza! We can probably help you get some better control over it

After a warm-up round in the higher gravity

>F. Something else?
We can really test Kuriza's gold form with fusion. Peppa can use the practice, if successful it'd be less then 30 minutes of training perfect amount for stamina ki control.
Hit Vote:

>F. Push our own limits, while we're working on stamina.


Exen Vote:

>D. Let’s just have a more moderate spar, focus on techniques and training
>E. Let’s see that Golden form you unlocked, Kuriza! We can probably help you get some better control over it
>F. Holding our strongest forms while training techniques but also holding back on their power as much as possible could help practice control even better.
oh sure im also down for these.
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Rolled 16, 4, 20 = 40 (3d20)

Okay, roll me 4d20, best of three! DC is 14 for the first two, 15 for the last two!
Rolled 13, 8, 2, 15 = 38 (4d20)

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Rolled 19, 1, 15, 16 = 51 (4d20)

Rolled 12, 1, 10, 6 = 29 (4d20)

Well, passed three of them! And, uh, didn't pass one. Writing...
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“I can take you both on!” you declare, powering up. “Focusing on our skills and techniques first would be smart, then working our way up to our strongest states. I especially wanna see that Golden Form you managed to unlock, Kuriza. So let’s push our limits, work on our stamina, and try to come out of this even stronger!”

Videl smiles and walks over to Kuriza, the two standing side by side. Her white aure flares up and contrasts his purple aura. “All right Peppa, but don’t get think this’ll be easy for ya.”

Kuriza looks in the direction of a little viewing platform, gives it a nod, and suddenly the gravity of the room increases a couple dozen times what it is normally. “Let’s begin!”

You start things off by bringing up as much power as you can without transforming into Super Saiyan, holding back from fully transforming, blocking and dodging Videl and Kuriza’s initial attacks. You swerve out of the way of an Eagle Kick, then catch a tail strike from Kuriza and swing him back at Videl. Following it up, you use Instant Transmission to teleport between the two and deliver Rasenken strikes as quickly as you can, putting them on the back foot. Hah, don’t think this’ll be easy? You’re more than capable of keeping up with the two of them at this point.

But that’s when Videl and Kuriza both manage to finally trick you, the two of them using the Raio-ken together to dodge what would’ve been a spin-kick that would have hit the both of them, finally taking things up a notch and hitting you with a double dropkick, Videl’s aura surging red as Kuriza transforms into his true, base form. The power behind it is more than enough to knock you down, and as you try to get back up, finally forced to use Super Saiyan and attempt to drill into the floor, your arm’s caught by Kuriza’s tail. You initially start to hold back with the full power of Super Saiyan, but that gives the two of them have both the power and speed advantage that you’re struggling to match, much less overcome.

And though you almost want to kick yourself over it once it passes, you actually do end up falling for a trick the pair just tried against you in Smash. You dodge a frigid beam attack from Kuriza, only to get knee’d in the gut by Videl, noticing that her aura had shifted again to a white one, this time with a surge of it concentrated around her leg. You’re impressed! That was some great teamwork. You’re also laying on the floor letting out a groan of pain because OW.

“You all right there, Peppa? Need us to hold back a bit?” Kuriza questions in a very slightly teasing tone.

Flipping up from the floor and getting back on your feet, you charge up into Super Saiyan 2 now, and bring out its full power and breaking the limits of it. “Ain’t done yet. Still gotta make you go Gold.”

This time you fight a bit more defensively, pacing yourself to conserve as much stamina as possible in this state while still holding back against their attacks. You avoid one of Kuriza’s Avenger Auks, his fist slamming the floor and bringing up crystals of ice that immediately crack and compress. You then avoid a Falcon Kick from Videl, leveraging her momentum by following up with an elbow strike to her back so she hits the ground hard. In spite of that, she’s managing herself exceptionally well, not really showing much loss in stamina.

Kuriza meanwhile isn’t quite at that point yet, you do notice him showing more visible exhaustion as you do your best to avoid his attacks. So instead you try coaching him a bit, dodging and countering his attacks, but also showing him how to not use up so much of his strength when you deliver some hits of your own. Even so, he has DEFINITELY gotten even stronger since the Tournament, able to match you well even as you’ve broken the limits of Super Saiyan 2. It’s more thanks to your own skills that you’re able to wear him out.

After you kick him back, Kuriza’s finally ready to take things a step further. “Okay then, you want to see that Golden form? Then so be it! This is the power I’ll use to protect my Empire, and all our allies! HRRRAAAH!”

Videl moves beside him as a golden aura flares around his body, and once again, he transforms. The power is intense, and while he doesn’t quite seem to have a full grasp on maintaining it, visibly panting as his body holds in the tremendous strength, it’s better than what he managed during the tournament for sure.

>A. Keep dodging and deflecting his attacks, see how quickly this drains his stamina at this point
>B. Try to see how you compare at full power against him, gotta test your own limits
>C. Videl, switch up, let’s work together for while he has his Golden form active
>D. Something else?

That said, again,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 4:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

Also vote open until then!
>A. Keep dodging and deflecting his attacks, see how quickly this drains his stamina at this point
Exen vote:

>A. Keep dodging and deflecting his attacks, see how quickly this drains his stamina at this point
>D. Power up to full, but instead of attacking see how well we can tank his attacks. Have him work up from strong hits to his best and see if he can manage to dish out what we can't take.

>The test of his stamina from >A should be spread out between the two methods.
>A. Keep dodging and deflecting his attacks, see how quickly this drains his stamina at this point
>D. Something else?
Hide our ki for this next step.
Time for a full Super Saiyan-switcheroo roulette.
Spinning our transformations around as rapidly as we can. Charging up our full super saiyan power up to a 100%. Base -> SS -> SS2 -> SS 3 - > SS 2 -> SS -> SS 2 -> SS 3. repeat then add Raio-ken, then do the same with Kaio-Ken. Draw out our fullest potential without going limit breaker. I want to stress every level and every step we can.

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If you stress these transformations, you're going to stress the planet we're on. We don't wanna be in debt for two planets.

Maybe we could try doing it in space, teleport real quick?
Rolled 15, 6, 20 = 41 (3d20)

Okay! We are back!

Roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 16 for the first two, 17 for the last!
Rolled 18, 16, 1 = 35 (3d20)

Rolled 17, 14, 11 = 42 (3d20)

Rolled 18, 14, 20 = 52 (3d20)

Passed all! Good job! Writing...
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Videl looks between the two of you, and steps back, more ready to help Kuriza if his stamina runs out than try to keep up with him in this state. “You ready for this, Peppa?”


“More than ready.” You bring up as much of your power as you can, shaking the room as you hit Super Saiyan 3 even in spite of the heavy gravity, and even start to throttle your Ki more as you get ready to break your limits. Gonna try to test how well Kuriza’s managed his stamina in this form, but also how well you can take a hit from one of his attacks. All right, here it goes!

He dashes forth, immediately going for a quick right hook. You’re able to see the attack coming, and while his speed is incredible in this state, you manage to dodge it completely! It’s followed up by another quick jab, and then a few more, and you swerve and dodge away from each of them, narrowly avoiding his fists, some blows just barely grazing your significantly longer hair. Kuriza’s attacks then pick up the pace, but as you’ve started to get a good read on the rhythm of his attacks, you do your best to attempt a couple counter attacks.

They… don’t quite have the result you expected, as even while you manage to get in a couple elbow and palm strikes as counters, they don’t really do much to him. Even completely avoiding a powerful hammer blow that leaves a noticeable crater in the floor in spite of him not actually hitting it, then following it up with a Rasenken to the back of his head, Kuriza just barely stumbles forward, like you’d gently shoved him. Even trying to use a Wind-boosted Kiai after that to follow up only barely moves him. But it does give you a chance to back up just a bit and finally bring out all your power, your aura taking up a blazing red tint, mixed with the gold of Super Saiyan 3.

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Kuriza turns on his heel and fires a Ki blast at you, and you bring up your guard. It’s not one of his strongest, but it could still knock you down for the count. All right, this is it! The blast strikes your arms, and you do your best plant your heels on the floor, even trying to use your tail to keep your balance. And… the attack pushes you back even with you blocking it, and your feet dig into the floor, scraping through it, leaving three trails as you’re forced back by the blast.

“HhrrraaaAAAAHHH!” You fling your arms out, managing to break the Ki blast and stop it from pushing you back any further. You did it! Holding your ground, you stare Kuriza down, welcoming one more attempt.

He meets that with blistering speed, and this time goes for an uppercut. You back up a bit and avoid it… but Kuriza doesn’t stop, using the momentum from the uppercut to spin in air and punch back down at you. Using both hands, you block the punch, a shockwave echoing out across the room. He stays there for a moment, panting, then pulls his hand back. He’s still managed to keep hold of his Golden form. “Whew! Not bad, Peppa.”

“Y-yeah, not… bad…” Aaaaand your hands are numb. Your ARMS are numb. They hang at your sides limply. Doesn’t… feel like anything’s broken, but oh ow ow ow ow!

>A. Okay, I think that’s enough sparring. At least, let’s not go again until I can feel my arms, haha…
>B. Think you can hold that Golden form for a bit longer, Kuriza? My legs ain’t broke! Come on!
>C. Videl, got anything you wanna try before we call it quits?
>D. Something else?
>A. Okay, I think that’s enough sparring. At least, let’s not go again until I can feel my arms, haha…
>D. Ask and reflect how well the both of you can stay transformed in each of your current condition. But don't actually test the limits of that.

Probably Kuriza could have a better sense for his energy limits, and how well Peppa can... hold her form while distracted by pain?

But yeah she should stop recover pretty soon.
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>B. Think you can hold that Golden form for a bit longer, Kuriza? My legs ain’t broke! Come on!
>D. "And now, I shall show you my secret technique! Chili Pepper Punch Mark 2!"
>Make like you're going to do a side-kick, whap him in the face with your tail. Make sure your tail is SPARKING so it acts as a tazer.
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>Probably Kuriza could have a better sense for his energy limits, and how well Peppa can... hold her form while distracted by pain?
Sounds like the plan of a masochist! Could work.
>C. Videl, got anything you wanna try before we call it quits?
>D. Something else?
Let's focus healing on our arms to get the feeling back for practice.
So for Goku and Gohan, they covered their stamina issues by being Super Saiyan all the time, didn't even need Ginseng from Master Roshi. As for how we can apply that to this, perhaps getting Kuriza relaxed while he's Golden would help!

To do this, I suggest playing some soothing sounds from our Scouter, like these: https://youtu.be/7u4EPdP7WgA

And also some music from Master Roshi labelled "Funk-On Mix" https://youtu.be/Q1BaZtMDJIE

Then we put some hot rocks on Kuriza's nodes, and you gotta make sure they're HOT, that's how you know they're working.

Once his nodes are tender, that's when you insert the needles into them, then run a current through them to move the negative energy out of the body and put the positive energy in!

On his face, place a tea towel his nose and mouth. Then, get a tea kettle, ideally steeped with a high amount of antioxidants, and make sure the tea is lukewarm (his nodes are already tender). Then, gently pour the relaxing tea onto the towel. This will purge his system of phlegm and toxins.

As for the massage itself, use plenty of elbow grease, as in, grease up your elbows. Elbows are the ideal method of penetrating the knots and weeding out the grief strands.
Peppa besting Kuriza but it barely phases him yet she's still doing well because of sheer skill reminds me of these videos: https://youtu.be/krl_IosYHHA
In case you haven't noticed, we're in a tie between A and C. Supporting both of those posts wasn't helpful, you need to think a bit harder about what you're voting for.

Supporting this post.
To be fair, they aren't *technically* contradictory, even if they would play out differently on their own. If it were all that important we would have gotten "choose one" in the prompt, as usual.
Inside of Peppa is two wolves, one chooses A and one chooses B. Wolf A has arm spaghetti, Wolf B never skips leg day.
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“Okay, I think that’s enough sparring for now. Unless you’ve got something you’d like to try, Videl?” For a bit you attempt to power through the simultaneous pain and numbness, yet this proves to be a baaaaad idea as you try to stay standing. You then try to move your arms, ending up kinda needing to use telekinesis on them to get them steady, and focus your Ki through them to try and heal the damage done to them. Aaaahhhh and now it’s like there’s a million pins and needles constantly poking through them ow ow ow- Ah, there we go! All better!

“Hmm… I do, but I think you guys can watch for this one.” Videl replies.

“Hey, Kuriza, how about we try to hold our forms for a bit longer while we do? Might help get a better grasp on what needs to be improved stamina-wise.” You sit down while staying in Super Saiyan 3. This form still takes quite a bit out of ya, but you’ve certainly improved how well you can manage it in the last year or so.


Kuriza takes notice of what you’re doing, and mirrors you, watching Videl as she readies herself again. “All right. Watch this!” She turns to face the other way, pulling an arm back and forming a Ki blast in it. Firing it forward, she actually chases after the blast, running up to it, putting a bit more power into her fist and then punching the Ki blast. The energy’s transferred from fist to sphere, and it picks up some speed too. And she keeps going, sparks flying from her aura as she brings her other fist back and punches it again, to a similar but even more potent result. And one final repetition of the attack sends it hitting the side of the wall, a barrier only barely holding against it as it explodes.

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You and Kuriza are definitely surprised by that. “Huh, where’d you pick that up from?”

“Well, Teach was explaining some of the things she’d learned on Yardrat to me, and while I haven’t exactly gotten training from them, it inspired me to try and make a technique where you could put more power into a blast after you’ve fired it… ooooor, put it into someone else’s blast to give it a bit more oomph!” she declares proudly.

“Ooooh, that’s cool!” Kuriza cheers, standing up and pumping his fist in the air. He finally drops out of his Golden form and goes limp. “Legs! Why do you betray me?!”

You help him from falling and set him back down easily, exhaling. “Hey, you kept up that form for much longer this time.” you note, then look to Videl again. “Got a name for it?”

She shakes her head. “Not yet, but I’ll think of one.”

>A. All right then, good luck with that
>B. Let’s workshop it! Want it bird-themed, right?
>C. Okay, now I think we’ve had a good sparring match, let’s call it here
>D. Think we should check on the results?
>E. Something else?

That said, again,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

Also vote open until then!
>You then try to move your arms, ending up kinda needing to use telekinesis on them to get them steady, and focus your Ki through them to try and heal the damage done to them. Aaaahhhh and now it’s like there’s a million pins and needles constantly poking through them ow ow ow- Ah, there we go! All better!
>Oh man, I need my arms to move how I want them to! Better send a signal from my brain to get them to move! Thanks Brain!
>Oh man, my arms are super weak, I hope they heal! I should tell my body to heal them up by circulating the stuff it circulates through my arms like it always does! Thanks Body!
>B. Let’s workshop it! Want it bird-themed, right?

Aww, no Peppa-Videl fusion vs Golden Kuriza
>E. Ooh, that looks a bit like Uncle Acer's Phoenix of the Burning Shine! https://youtu.be/zBSIv1axuSw
>B. Let's workshop it! Want it bird-themed, right?
>B. Let’s workshop it! Want it bird-themed, right?
>Phoenix Rebound (deflect + boost)
>Phoenix Burst (boosted attack)

>Rok-Ochet (deflect + boost)
>Rok Break (boosted attack)

>Fowl Play (deflect + boost)
>Fowl Ball (boosted attack)
Oh, we're starting now? Okie dokie,

>Bluejay Bomber
I do like your initiative with naming the deflects and the attack tho!
Oh yeah, Kuriza's dad could also do this. https://youtu.be/zT8pTTFnDAc
Yeah they work pretty well like that. But even so, they don't have to be paired. In particular "Fowl Play" can easily cover the whole range of possible applications, and losing "Fowl Ball" would only be a sacrifice of an added sports reference.

Good for the pun, but maybe not the right style. Thought it was worth keeping in regardless though just in case.
>Did y’all have fun?
Oh, my comments have been too shitty. I really liked the choreography with Kuriza's fighting, and Kuriza and Videl's teamwork was delightful! And I do appreciate SS3's power threatening to break the chamber just from being, nice touch!
I support the fowl pun.
None of you are going to beat
>Raptor Rush
so I'm not sure why this is a conversation.
I like >>5651276

Maybe we can suggest that for another time? Even managing a successful fusion in the first place is probably gonna help Peppa a bit.
Because it's not Bluejay Bomber.
Look. Shrike Strike is so good it has to be a move all Peppa's so I don't even wanna hear.
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How about Callipidgeon?
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Needs more alliteration. How about Callipidgeon Clapper?
Certainly could try that.

All right then.

Okay we are back! So, real quick:

>Phoenix Rebound (deflect + boost)
>Phoenix Burst (boosted attack)

>Rok-Ochet (deflect + boost)
>Rok Break (boosted attack)

>Fowl Play (deflect + boost)
>Fowl Ball (boosted attack)

>Bluejay Bomber

>Raptor Rush

>Shrike Strike

Y'all have a choice. Put forward one name out of this list, or put forward all these and let Videl pick.
Let Videl pick.
Exen vote:

>Videl pick
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“Oooh, let’s workshop it then! You want it bird-themed, right?” Kuriza manages to stand on his own, giving a nod towards the viewing area. You power down, the gravity returning back to normal.

“I mean, not a necessity, but it’d be nice.” she replies, walking with you and Kuriza as you leave the Gravity Chamber.

You rub your hands together in excitement. “Oooh, great, great!” Let’s see… bird themed… “Could give it a mythical twist. Phenoix Rebound or Burst, or maybe Rok-Ochet? Rok Break? If you wanna split this into two different techniques to develop.”

She rubs her chin. “Hmm…”

“Oooor… Fowl Play! …Fowl Ball?”

That gets a laugh out of her. “Bit on the nose there.”

“Avianoid Arrow?” Kuriza suggests.

“Alliteration's nice, but could do with a bit more oomph.” Videl notes.

Aha, that gives you some ideas! “Bluejay Bomber? Raptor Rush? Shrike Strike?” …Okay some of these you might have to save for later.

Kuriza also gives a suggestion. “Jai’galaar Juggle?”

“Jai…galar?” you repeat in slight confusion.

“Jai’galaar, a kind of shrieking bird of prey notable for hunting at night. Also quite protective of their nests. At least that’s what I’d been told by Commander Garana.” Kuriza explains.

…That name’s vaguely familiar. “Garana…”

“I believe you helped him last year by teleporting away M2 before it attacked his forces.” he tells you.

“Oh! Right, right!” The gorilla-looking alien. You remember him.

“Yeah, the guy Raditz knew…” Videl recalls him as well. “Hmm… Shrike Strike is a good one, might save that for another technique. Bluejay Bomber… I could work with that, but not quite feeling it for this one. Maybe if I adapt something like those Ki mines you use, Peppa…” She trails off in thought, finally settling on, “So… Raptor Rush or Jai’galaar Juggle… I think I’ll go for Raptor Rush this time.”

“By the way, if you wanna test out that Golden form another time, Kuriza, think you might be up for trying it against a fusion?” you suggest to the boy.

“Oh?” he replies with a tilt of his head.

“Yeah! Bet Videl and I could really push ya if we worked together.”

“Think you’d need a little more practice with the Fusion Dance before that, Peppa.” Videl remarks with a slightly teasing smile.

>A. Psh, I bet I can pull it off right now!
>B. Eh, probably. But let’s not rush it
>C. Should we check on those search results?
>D. Something else?
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>D. Hm, Kuriza is smol enough to practice with. Videl's too stacked.
>C. But, arms still have trouble moving even with your thoughts controlling them and your body circulating them. Go check on those search results.

Ey congrats!
>D. Meditate together and image train the fusion dance and the golden kuriza training together while we wait.
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Wait for what? Do you wanna pick C?
Exen Vote:


>D. It really would be helpful if failing the fusion dance weren't so troublesome. Bring up the idea that we could find a way to prevent, or at least recover faster from, the failure forms.

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All righty then. Roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 16 for the first, 17 for the second.
Rolled 14, 15 = 29 (2d20)

Rolled 16, 5 = 21 (2d20)

Rolled 7, 8 = 15 (2d20)

Passed one of them! Writing...
Kissing on the lips while holding hands and curling our tails into a heart.

>To be fair, they aren't *technically* contradictory, even if they would play out differently on their own.
Y'know something? Those posts were contradictory.

>D. Ask and reflect how well the both of you can stay transformed in each of your current condition. But don't actually test the limits of that.
>how well Peppa can... hold her form while distracted by pain?
You wanted to see how she'd hold up with noodle arms in SS3 without stressing things.

>D. Let's focus healing on our arms to get the feeling back for practice.
They wanted to heal the injury.

For what it's worth, I supported you because I don't think having Peppa heal her injuries with her own ki is smart. For one, if people could do that in canon with no consequence, they would. In the most extreme example I can think of, SS2 Gohan could try firing the Father-Son Kamehameha from his broken arm.

For two, she might be brute forcing her body's natural processes and overflowing some channels or clotting some entirely. Her arms' ki circulation might be about to go loopy. I think the safe thing to do is to take a breather (tn: ki means chi means breath), and let her body do its thing in recovery with a meal and a good night's rest. We're not in any pressing situations, so having numb arms isn't a big deal.
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“Hey, ya know, maybe we can work on it for a bit.” you comment to Videl.

“Right now?” she replies with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah! But without the problem of trying to wait out a failed fusion.” you explain. “Image Training!”

That catches Kuriza’s attention, though he doesn’t say much as he leads you both forward, heading back the way you came. “Huh… okay, yeah, that might work a bit better.”

“Y’know we really do need to find a way to defuse quicker…” you remark to her. “Or at least prevent it from happening in the first place.”

“There is apparently a method of doing that, from what I’ve heard, but it’s like… harder than normal Fusion?”

“The Ginyus might be able to help in that department.” Kuriza notes.

…Okay gotta keep that in mind for later. But still! “Anyway, image training! We can get a better idea on how to get it to work, without the downside of a failed fusion.”

“Yeah, don’t need a repeat of something like Granny Pepzi here.” she teases, nudging your shoulder gently.

Kuriza looks back with a raised eyebrow. “…Do I want to know?”

“The Peppa Paparazi, or Pepparazi if you will, was trying to bother her a while back. Eventually ended up humiliating them thanks to Izzy’s help and a bit of failed fusion.”

Kuriza actually gives you a nod of understanding. “They give you much trouble after that?”

“Conspiracy that eventually ended up involving Gero’s wife and that… Watagash parasite thing if I remember correctly, but handled that pretty well, all things considered”

He stares for a moment, but then continues forward. Arriving back at his quarters, you and Videl find a place to sit and meditate. The two of you share a telepathic link and focus on getting the movements down. Synchronize them, mirror them, and act as two streams merging into one. It’s not quite the same as practicing it in-person, but… you do actually manage to get it to work! Kinda! It’s hard to actually get an idea of what a fusion between the two of you would be like, but you can get a decent guess on it.

That said, actually trying to get a read on how to use such a fused state in a fight is a bit outside your capabilities at this point, especially against Golden Kuriza. Might need some actual, physical practice with this instead. Even then… if you do manage such a fusion, how far will it actually be able to push Kuriza?

…Plus, you and Videl can’t quite come up with the name for it yet. Pedel? Vippa? Eh, things to think on another time.

“Aha!” Kuriza announces. “We have a few leads!”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!
While those two examples for fusion names aren't great looking they do sound really close to other words. Actually most possibilities sound a lot like other things, some to better effect than others.


>Vippa -> Viper
Pretty cool sounding, but not really either's style.

>Pedel -> Petal
Absolute cute. Almost too cute? Might be less intimidating, but who would dare say so? Gunna punch them. My fave regardless.

And if we tweak the naming conventions juuust a bit, we can get some other interesting results:

Very strong name. But it only uses Peppas vowels, as well as leaning thematically harder towards Videl. And do they even know what a deva is? Still would sound cool though, and the cadence of it at least sounds like Peppa.

Appel -> Apple
Also cute! Not AS cute as Petal but close. And somehow even less intimidating? But that spelling is also the name of a feint in fencing, so that's kinda cool.

>Vadal -> Fatal
Too edgy, but still notable.

>Vedda -> Better / Fader / Vader / Vetter / Feta
These are certainly words.

And just because I can, some bad ones:
>Vapel -> Vaper
>Vipa -> Wiper
>Pavel -> Paver
>Pippel -> Pebble
>Dappel -> Dapper
>Dippa -> Dipper
>Adel -> Addle

...But BY FAR the WORST:
>Padel -> Paddle / Poodle / Puddle / Peddle / Puddle
Disastrous! Too easy to make fun of! But not completely useless! Some could be used for the failed fusion names. And if they use Petal for the proper fusion it's an even better contrast.
Devas are a bunch of punks, least strong name of them all.

I can work with Paddle though.
Could also go with Diabla or Naga Vippa.
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Their Superhero / Pro Wrestler Camp should be dialed up to 11 regardless.
Vote to have Peppa draw out all these possible fusions
Merged together, Peppa and Videl could end up being some kinda Saiyaman Lady
Or... Sontan!
Could work with that another time.

And okay, sorry for the delay, but we're back!

You and Videl approach the screen, Kuriza smiling proudly as he looks over a trio of results. “The one here is an older world rich in metallic resources, primarily iron.” he explains as he shows the first result.

Getting it sent to your goggles, you do a bit of analysis of your own. It’s a natural world similar to Mercury, but halfway between Mars and Venus in size, and almost a billion years older. The planet orbits a white dwarf star on average 1.4 au away, a bit closer than Mars but further than Earth. It certainly fits the description of an inert, metallic world that the Machine Mutants could start colonizing. It’s apparently on the edge of the central galaxy of the eastern quadrant, though it’s not exactly one the PTO has claim to. Still, that’s helpful.

“While this one, it may not be covered in nanomachines, but there is a significant amount of machinery present across the surface.” Kuriza shows you the next world, a bit less confident in the result.

It’s… effectively one giant junk heap. A planet with around 10x the gravity of Earth that’s attracted scores upon scores of interstellar debris across a good… 9 million years or so. Sheesh. The star it orbits is a stable red dwarf barely a light-minute away, in a system that had seen sparse colonization efforts across the millennia but none that lasted for very long, relatively speaking. Ruins of derelict space stations dot the system in general, with a vast majority either around the planet or within the Lagrange points. Kessler Syndrome’s rampant in planetary orbit, too. This one is… more of a fixer-upper, for sure, but it is technically within PTO jurisdiction, cataloged as Cold Planet 42.

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“And last but not least, this one here. It’s a much more recent discovery, actually.” Kuriza switches over to a final world.

The final world is a planet discovered… near the Milky Way? Huh? It’s in intergalactic space, but a bit closer to the edge of the Sagittarius satellite galaxy. Almost no data on it exists beyond the most basic information. Parsecs away from the nearest star, surprisingly large for what’s assumed to be a terrestrial world, and… the single visual present shows it as possessing a metallic surface, though one that seems to be kinda… bisected? Or at least missing large chunks out of it. No idea how old it is, no knowledge on if it’s inhabited or not, in fact it’s noted as curiously absent from even Galactic Patrol records. Hm.

“I do wish I could offer more at this time, but so far these are the only results that match your criteria.” Kuriza finishes. “Anything beyond these are probably buried very deep in records that would take months to sift through, even with PTO archivists working around the clock.”

>A. These are great, actually. At the very least as something to get the Machine Mutants to think over
>B. Can we get more info on that first world? That might be the best bet, but better safe than sorry
>C. That second one might work well, but not so sure on all these derelict space stations and debris. Any notable warnings in PTO logs?
>D. Okay I know space is huge, even if we’ve got ways to circumvent how massive it is, but that last one seems… off. Kinda want to investigate it further…
>E. Something else?
>E. "I think we might even scout them out ourselves."
>Parsecs away from the nearest star, surprisingly large for what’s assumed to be a terrestrial world, and… the single visual present shows it as possessing a metallic surface, though one that seems to be kinda… bisected? Or at least missing large chunks out of it.
Wait, is that... Ohhhhhhhh shit!

>D. Okay I know space is huge, even if we’ve got ways to circumvent how massive it is, but that last one seems… off. Kinda want to investigate it further…
Exen vote:

>D. Okay I know space is huge, even if we’ve got ways to circumvent how massive it is, but that last one seems… off. Kinda want to investigate it further

>E. We shouldn't suggest, or even inform, any of these to the mm's until there aren't any big unknowns about them. We have to be careful about this for a lot of reasons.

>Depending on what is there they could pose a threat to machine mutants, or to everyone. No need to run off after all of them at the same time at least... but...

>F. Ask Kuriza if he can send some people with expertise to further investigate the planets we aren't currently looking into.

>Seems like a thing he should have the resources for and it'll save us some time. Of course they shouldn't take risks if things look skrewy.
Personally, I think we should give all these to Giru, and maybe Nineteen.
Yes, let's go check this shit out.
A thought: PTO/Galactic Patrol team mission? We can have Raditz and maybe someone else join us on this.
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We should take Biggs and Wedge with us!
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Ooh, that actually reminds me, we don't want mutant fish or freaky alien genotypes getting all up in our personal space, so on this Grand Tour we should invest in a Jacket!
>D. Okay I know space is huge, even if we’ve got ways to circumvent how massive it is, but that last one seems… off. Kinda want to investigate it further
>E. We shouldn't suggest, or even inform, any of these to the mm's until there aren't any big unknowns about them. We have to be careful about this for a lot of reasons.
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Well… you do technically have what you came here for, yet… “Okay, I know space is huge, mind-mindbogglingly so, even if we have ways to circumvent that, yet… a world in intergalactic space, yet sticking out like a sore thumb, and it hasn’t been noticed before? That’s… off. I think we should investigate that further.”

“There are bound to be a few oddities spread throughout the universe like that, in all honesty.” Kuriza notes. “But it’s always good to check if there are any problems with a relative unknown before introducing it to a potential buyer. That’s just good business sense.”

You snap your fingers. “Yeah, on that note, let’s not bring this up to the Machine Mutants until we know for sure things are on the level. No big unknowns, no surprise haunted rogue planet stuff, none of that. Number of reasons we need to be careful…”

Videl tilts her head as she looks to you. “What about Mugen?”

“I… honestly don’t think he’ll pass anything along. He’d probably be more willing to check it out himself to see if there are any strong fighters he can take from it.” At least that’s what you’re hoping. He hasn’t attempted to contact you in a while now, so he’s PROBABLY not listening in on your conversation… “Hm. Think you can spare some people to investigate all these planets, Kuriza? Especially the other two. Y’know, experts in appraisal and research and just, generally scouting missions that might need it.” You rub your chin, looking down. “Maybe we can get the Galactic Patrol to help us with this too…”

“I can probably manage that in a week your time, likely less.” Kuriza confirms. “And I guess we can work something out with the Galactic Patrol. Show the PTO is willing to cooperate more.”

“Great! Now we just gotta-!” Your stomach interrupts your thought with a growl loud enough for everyone to hear. Dang it, it is getting close to dinner time…

Videl chuckles a bit. “Wanna head back to Earth, Peppa?”

>A. All right, all right. We’ll continue this later, okay Kuriza? And thanks for seeing us today
>B. Eh, we can wait just a bit longer. Grab something here to tide you over, you’re on a roll!
>C. Before we do, you have anything you need, Kuriza? We’ve kinda asked a good deal from you just now, so it’s only fair we offer to help you out with your own stuff
>D. Something else?

That said, again,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

Also vote open until then!
>C. Before we do, you have anything you need, Kuriza? We’ve kinda asked a good deal from you just now, so it’s only fair we offer to help you out with your own stuff
Exen vote:

>C. Before we do, you have anything you need, Kuriza? We’ve kinda asked a good deal from you just now, so it’s only fair we offer to help you out with your own stuff

>And don't let him write off his his help to compensate for our prior actions, we may use Equivalent Exchange but we don't keep balance or debts. Nothing good to that. That said, if he can't think of anything don't bug him about it too much.

>D. Mugen may not care to get too involved beyond helping us make contact, at least not without even more (still unspecified) compensation. But that issue might be able to solve itself if he can also benefit from it.

>Him taking credit for the situation (or something else) could be worth more to him than the hassle involved. Or maybe not, but it won't hurt to ask.


>No need to figure out and plan around any of this right now but we should bring it up the matter with Kuriza before we leave. We need some bssic ideas before talking to Mugen, and have Kuriza around when we do in case it matters for making arrangements.

>...Is this politics? It feels like politics. Bleh.
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Make sure there's no Comori Comet on a set path to any of those worlds either...

>C. Before we do, you have anything you need, Kuriza? We’ve kinda asked a good deal from you just now, so it’s only fair we offer to help you out with your own stuff
>D. Something else?
"Kuriza, I know this sounds odd coming from me but: Perhaps you should consider training with Vegeta. Super Saiyan 3 isn't cutting it, Super Saiyan Primal might be what you need to push your Golden Form to it's full potential. I'm sure he'd enjoy the challenge, and you'd see other benefits beyond just growing stronger too."
Support >>5653105
>A. All right, all right. We’ll continue this later, okay Kuriza? And thanks for seeing us today
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Okay, we're back!

“Okay, before we do, first thing’s first:” You turn to the alien boy and ask, “You’ve done a lot to help us with this, is there anything you need help with in return? As mom’s said, Equivalent Exchange and all that.”

He’s surprised by that offer, Videl smiling at you, then she looks to him as well. Kuriza thinks for a bit, tail tapping on the floor. “Hmm… well, if you’re offering… could you pass along to the rest of your group this? I’d like some of my forces to get training from the Earthlings’ various martial artists. I know some like the Ginyu Force have already developed a rapport with a few on your world, but spreading that out a bit further would help substantially.”

“That’s a pretty reasonable request. Heck, I bet even dad would be willing to take a few on as students.” Videl remarks.

“Sure thing! Oh, on a similar note, well… this might sound a bit odd, but even with Super Saiyan 3 and Limit Breaker, I’m only barely able to keep up with your Golden form, and that’s something that I can’t exactly keep up indefinitely. I’ll keep training, keep improving, and definitely try to rectify this, but in the meantime… maybe you can try it against Vegeta’s Primal Super Saiyan? I know you were trying to face him in the tournament anyway, but now that you’ve got your Golden form, maybe that’s the key to really pushing it and seeing what it can do. I’m sure you both would enjoy the challenge, too.”

He raises an eyebrow at that. “You’re sure he would even go through with that?”

“It’s definitely something that’d catch his interest, at the very least. Give it some thought.” You and Videl stand together now. “Also, be aware of Mugen. As much as I think he wouldn’t get involved much beyond setting up contact and helping set a place for dialogue, his tune might change if he learns of something he’d benefit from, especially if we discover some strong fighter on one of those worlds.”

“Very well. Safe travels, Son Peppa, Videl Satan. Hope to do business with you two again!” he says with a bright smile.

You and Videl wave as you lock back onto the Ki of someone back on Earth… let’s see…

>A. Hey, Gohan’s back there! Okay, that’s an easy one
>B. Try to lock on to Mr. Satan, Videl needs to head home too after all
>C. Just go for any notable one you can sense and give ‘em a head’s up
>D. Something else?
>D. Nineteen! Oh wait, you can't, hahaha, hahaha, ha... I wonder how she's doing?
>B. Try to lock on to Mr. Satan, Videl needs to head home too after all
>E. "Hey Gero and Scarlet how do I find Nineteen? I will do you a favor"
Hey, nice drawing, Kato!
>A. Hey, Gohan’s back there! Okay, that’s an easy one
Exen vote:

>D. Ask Videl if she wants to head home right away or visit Gohan for a bit?
Between the first two I'd vote for A, but it depends on Videl. Peppa should visit him soon either way though.

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“Hey Videl, wanna head home right away, or meet up with Gohan first? I think he’s back on Earth already.”

“Ah, sure, why not? Let’s check up on him.” she replies.

Okay, here we go! ‘Hey Gohan, Videl and I are gonna pop in soon.’ you give your brother a brief warning. It’s the only one he gets as you get a lock on his Ki, then in an instant, appear near him.

“-do you mean ‘pop in-’AGH!” he yelps, jumping slightly and almost dropping a bowl full of… pancake mix? You also notice the smell of bacon, and hey, there are some eggs cooking on the stove too.


“Welcome home, Peppa.” mom greets you. “And hello Videl, stopping by for a bit?”

She rubs the back of her neck and smiles. “I mean, I don’t mean to impose. Just wanted to say hi and everything.”

“Pancakes? For dinner?” you question your brother.

“Letting mom take the night off for dinner, and she wanted pancakes.” he replies, setting the now well-mixed bowl down with his tail as he moves to get the bacon onto a paper towel.

“Do you want to stay for it, Videl?” Maple asks, giving Groucho a pat on the head as she walks towards the two of you. “Also, Peppa, come here for a bit.”

You point at yourself, and mom nods. You give a shrug and walk towards her and- …and she places her hand flat on your head. Maple slowly slides it off… and OVER her own head, through her hair but above the top of her actual scalp. Mom hangs her head. “The both of you, huh?”

“Both of us…? Oh! Hey, you’re taller than mom now too, huh Gohan?” you ask your brother, he just gives you a thumb’s up in affirmation.

Mom grumbles. “Don’t rub it in.”

Videl chuckles a little. “Well, uh, I can check with my parents, if you really want me over. Pancakes do sound kinda good right about now too…”

>A. You should! Let’s freshen up and then we can go over the whole plan over dinner
>B. You want any help, Gohan? I mean, looks like you’ve got it, but I can if you want me to
>C. …If I am taller than you, mom, let’s measure it! Make it official!
>D. Something else?
>D. Tell Mom at least she'll always be taller than Groucho.
>A. You should! Let’s freshen up and then we can go over the whole plan over dinner
>B. You want any help, Gohan? I mean, looks like you’ve got it, but I can if you want me to
Exen vote:
>A. You should! Let’s freshen up and then we can go over the whole plan over dinner
>B. You want any help, Gohan? I mean, looks like you’ve got it, but I can if you want me to

>If both pass, we should clean up a bit before handling food.

Support, and support >>5653647
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“You should, Videl! Come on, let’s freshen up a bit and then we can go over the plans over dinner.” you encourage.

“Plans?” Gohan repeats, pouring some batter onto a hot griddle.

“Some stuff to explain. We’ll go over it later.” you reply, heading out of the kitchen.

“All right, all right, I’ll check with my family…”

As Videl does that, you head over to mom, who’s still gloomily hanging her head. You pat her on the shoulder, reminding her, “Hey, hey, you’re still taller than Groucho, right? Not like he’s gonna get any sudden growth spurts.”

She gives the tiger a gentle pat on the head as she reminds you, “Groucho walks around on all fours. If he stood up he’d be taller than your dad, Peppa.”

“...Well, yeah, but still!” Okay she has a point. “Um. I’m gonna freshen up a bit and help Gohan with dinner. Sound good?” She nods, and you dart towards the bathroom. After a quick shower, you head back into the kitchen, Videl confirming her family’s fine with her staying for dinner over at your place as she takes her turn getting a shower in.

“Want any special pancakes, Videl?” you ask before she starts.

“Up to you!”

Up to you… oh! You’ve got an idea! You carefully pour out a few new ones as Gohan chops up some of the bacon to add them with some peppers and cheese into the next batch of eggs to make omelets. Takes a couple tries to get them just right, but once they’re ready, hoo boy!~

Once Videl’s done showering, you and Gohan have a few stacks of pancakes ready, enough eggs and bacon to feed a small dojo, and a now very much awake and hungry Buu who’s almost ready to challenge you and Gohan both to an eating contest. For Videl, you telekinetically float down a few pancakes you made in the shape of birds, getting her to chuckle a bit.

And now that things are set, you get to work explaining what you and Videl had been up to today, starting from the sparring match earlier, then Mugen informing you of the Machine Mutants’ plot, your meeting with Kuriza over trying to help smooth over tensions, the sparring match with him, and finally the candidate planets you discovered. Also Kuriza’s suggestion of having some people on Earth train up some of his troops.

“...So we might have some from the Galactic Patrol help us look into that last planet, alongside a few PTO folks.” you finish up, having one pancake float near you, the butter on top making it look like a UFO.

“Not a bad idea. I bet Raditz would be more than willing to help out, and maybe a few others like 19.” mom notes, then adds with a wink, “Could even gather up the Black Star Dragon Ball hunt team.”

“Sure! It’s an option. We’ll see who wants to join up later.” You take a few bites from the UFO pancake, noticing Buu try to mimic you.

“...Hm. Maybe you could even get one of the Supreme Kais to help you out on that.” Gohan points out. “Might as well bring this up to them just in case.”

“That said, Peppa…” Maple points towards you with her fork. “I really do want you to be careful with this. It’s not something to take lightly, especially if you have some of the Machine Mutants out to get you.”

“Of course. But if there’s even a chance that we can smooth things over, and not involve another big dumb fight that threatens the Earth yet again, I wanna take it.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!
>Tell Mom at least she'll always be taller than Groucho.
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Real important question: Is the bath Western Style, or Eastern Style?
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All righty, we are back!

So, you’ve got a few timetables set. The Machine Mutants are likely going to be busy with their own problems for a couple months. Let’s set that as a limit of two. Within the next two months, you’ve got to head to this new metallic world and investigate it, see if there’s anything wrong with it, and potentially make this a bit of a peace offering to the Machine Mutants. It doesn’t have to be done immediately, but the sooner, the better. Still… might be worth it setting aside some time for more proper training instead of sparring, seeing how much stronger Kuriza is with his Golden form does show you how far you still have to go.

So, Kuriza’s going to have some people investigate the other potential planets, and one or two towards the one you and Videl plan to look into. In the meantime, mom does have a point. You could get Raditz as your Galactic Patrol rep, and set up the rest of your team as a redo of the ol’ Black Star Dragon Ball hunt team with Videl, Pantea, 19, 16, and mom. Or you could try to scrounge up a different team, maybe include your brother and cousin in that mix? Uncle Acer and Aunt Chi-chi might be willing to try too. Or maybe you can get Mr. Krillin on the team, or Lazuli, Lapis, or Chuu Lee. Could even try to get Basilea to come with, maybe even get her in the mindset of helping others out and trying to do better.

Decisions, decisions…

>A. You should get this done ASAP, you’ve got a bad feeling about that planet
>B. Give yourself some time for proper training, you’ll need it
>C. Focus more on what’s convenient for all you plan to bring along into this mission
>D. Something else?

Also, let’s hear who y’all would like on the mission. Names mentioned are options, but don’t have to be all of them. Try to pick six at most.
>D. Both that and taking Basilea along for the same reason. No matter what else we have going on, it can be Go Time on lost person recovery or Towa advancing her bullshit at any time, so readiness should be the first priority.
>B. Give yourself some time for proper training, you’ll need it

>D. Check up on Cocoa before we make any big plans.



And also, bringing 19 along sounds like a good idea, I think. She would be able to help out with some tech-centric issues should they arise.
Let's not bring Basilea along, she and thing 1 and thing 2 are still grounded.
She also has a history of fighting Machine Mutants as much as she does us. Giving them a new planet would run counter to what she envisions as a Good Future https://youtu.be/ivO-_cox-uw

Also, she still sucks at fighting. You gotta give these things time to ripen before you pluck them, which means time alone to go train or talk to other people.
>And also, bringing 19 along sounds like a good idea, I think. She would be able to help out with some tech-centric issues should they arise.
Are you able to help with any medical or meat-centric issues, human?
Exen vote:

>C. Focus more on what’s convenient for all you plan to bring along into this mission
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Okay, as tempting as it might be to do this ASAP, you do try to set aside some time to train first. You also set up a date with Cocoa a bit after your birthday, since that’s coming up too, and it’s something she appreciates. And as for who’s coming… well, you’ve actually managed to convince Basilea and the goo girls with her to consider joining up with you, so you, Videl, and Raditz seems to be considering it, though he might bring along another Patroller with him. You’ve also brought up the idea to 19, but she’s not 100% sure if she’s about to agree to it just yet. Well, no need to put some pressure anyone, in any case.

In any case, training! You need to push your limits, sure, but what else are you gonna try to work on? Could try a new skill or two, could try managing how to better manage your energy and stamina while transformed, could even try drawing out more power without transforming. Or, heck, you and Videl still do need some actual practice with the Fusion Dance. Let’s see…

>A. Focus on getting stronger, gotta push your strength even higher!
>B. Need to work on your forms, especially managing your energy and stamina in them
>C. A new technique or two definitely couldn’t hurt! Let’s see…
>D. Fusion Dance, better you try it now, since you’ve got some time for it
>E. Something else?

Sadly, again,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

Also vote open until then!
>D. Fusion Dance, better you try it now, since you’ve got some time for it
>B. Need to work on your forms, especially managing your energy and stamina in them
>. And as for who’s coming… well, you’ve actually managed to convince Basilea and the goo girls with her to consider joining up with you
An auto-succeed? How?
I don't want to stick Basilea on a boat with Peppa. I think she could have some interesting moments with Gohan based on their previous encounter, and she and Izumi are so far untapped, but there are similarities between them. Like being princesses, having pets, wanting to punch Fu, and Izzy could introduce her to Playstation.

She's Peppa's wannabe rival, sure, but I don't think her life needs to revolve around Peppa.
>B. Need to work on your forms, especially managing your energy and stamina in them
>D. Fusion Dance, better you try it now, since you’ve got some time for it
>E. Should our fusion be successful we should keep a personal 'fusion' journal that the fused person can write notes on their experiences. Kind've like a dream journal.
Exen vote:


And same.
Hey guys, do you think Future Gohan and Future Peppa know each other?
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Rolled 10, 12, 10 = 32 (3d20)

Okay! We are back! And with that, roll me 5d20, best of three! DC for the first three is 12, DC for the last two is 13!
Rolled 20, 10, 20, 17, 2 = 69 (5d20)

Rolled 3, 2, 9, 17, 3 = 34 (5d20)

Rolled 19, 11, 5, 8, 1 = 44 (5d20)

Rolled 6, 12, 5 = 23 (3d20)

Passed three of them! Writing...
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Well, if there’s anything you took away from facing Kuriza’s Golden form, it’s that you need to work on your own forms as best you can. Gotta better regulate your energy, your stamina, how much more you can do with them. You’ve already got a great handle on the forms of Super Saiyan, sure, but going over things again couldn’t hurt. You recall that trying to push out more power into basic Super Saiyan can get the basic state a bit above its weight class, but mastering the form completely makes them fairly redundant. And with your enhanced Super Saiyan 2, you can push it almost to the level of 3, without nearly as much strain on your body. It’s still not near the same power output as your Limit Breaker, sure, but it’s something that can go for much longer than it.

…Limit Breaker…

You derived it from the ideas behind the Kaio-ken state, right? But that’s not all you’ve got. Vegeta finally achieved the power of Primal Super Saiyan through all his training in his Oozaru state. You’ve got a good amount of training in it too, sure, and if you really wanted, you could eventually try to reach that power. But that’s not all: the Raio-ken. Using that power, your speed can be pushed beyond its normal limits. So maybe you can apply similar ideas to your other forms!

It’s not a complete transformation, but it’s a bit of a better way to use your energy and your stamina in your forms. You get your body used to moving FASTER, while not stressing your stamina. Avoiding your foes’ attacks better, blocking what you can’t avoid with a greater degree of swiftness, throwing out your own attacks quicker, even being able to access your own strength with less of a delay. You’ve got plenty of power, sure, but now you’re able to be just that much more efficient with that power.

That said, you don’t quite make this into a full “thing” like you’ve done with your Limit Breaker. It’s not so much a way to go beyond your normal strength as it is just learning how to make your forms as you can access them now better. And beyond that, there’s not much you can really do to improve the actual amount of stamina you have in each state just yet, you’ll need to up your base level of strength a bit more for that, but you did find an improvement nonetheless.

Last but not least, in going through this training, you do get the feeling that, much like you’ve done with Super Saiyan 2, there is an evolution of Super Saiyan 3 that you can tap into some day. It’s not quite there yet, you’ll need either a lot more training with it specifically, or… potentially a trigger like the one that let you hit the evolved Super Saiyan 2, but let’s hope it doesn’t come to that! Haha…

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Finally, you and Videl decide to actually get around to practicing Fusion together, even bringing up the idea of leaving out a little sort of “Fusion journal” for your combined selves to write down any thoughts that might come to mind. Okay, you’ve got this.


With Maple observing, you and Videl take your places. Here it goes… “Fuuuuu…”



And your power flows together with Videl’s, in sync and completely merged. And while once you were Peppa, once you were Videl, now you’re both, and SO much more! While the Videl side of you is used to this kind of feeling, this is a completely new experience from to the Peppa side of you. A complete fusion. With a smug smirk, you call out, “Let villains tremble, for the unbeatable powers of the Champion of Earth and the Falcon of Justice have brought about the unstoppable, unbeatable, invincible…!” You point a thumb towards yourself and declare, “THE ONE AND ONLY…!”

And your mind draws a blank.

Uh. Shit. Shit. You had name ideas! Peppa had a lot! Even drew out some of them! And Videl had… some…

“Vi…ppa… Pedel…” You scratch the side of your head. “Appel? Deva? ...Vadal?”

“Ruining it.” Gohan commentates.

“Shush! Uh… shit… Son… atan…” No no no that’s not good either!

Gohan shakes his head. “And moment ruined. Nice try though.”

“I said shush, you!” you growl out, flaring your Ki just a bit by accident. Woah. You… have a LOT of power at your disposal.

Maple brings out a mirror for you, and you look yourself over. Standard Metamoran garb looks nice on you, vest, pants, sash, with a nice accent of crimson on them. Oh, got Videl’s cute forward twintails, and even Peppa’s ponytail in the back, though longer than normal. Hey, still got a tail! Neat. You look rather good, if you do say so yourself. Getting that little journal Peppa wanted to write down, you try go get a few ideas that cross your mind on it. Initially it works decently well, you start going through some of the ideas that Peppa’s wanted to know about, like the potential unlock beyond normal limits that Elder Kai managed for Videl. It’s… not exactly going to be easy to replicate outside of the fusion, but at least it’s something she knows a bit more about. The problem is, that brings up more of Videl’s memories of… how it happened. Egh, not a thing that you’ll want repeated.

You end up blushing a bit when those thoughts cross over to BEFORE that happened. Vivid ones, at that. Especially the taste of strawberry and mint… erm, uh. Scratching your cheek, you comment aloud, “I… probably shouldn’t write that one down. For Pantea’s sake.”

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“Pardon?” Gohan asks.

“Nothing.” Ah good and now Peppa’s memories are coming through. Well, at least the situation with Cocoa was a bit more pleasant and- …you’re getting nowhere fast. Laying on your back, you look up at the sky. Maybe you’re too excited to really sit down and sift through any useful thoughts.

>A. Hey, Gohan, Maple! Up for a quick spar?
>B. No, no, no, you need to AT LEAST come up with a proper name!
>C. …Check if you’ve still got Peppa’s drawing skills, that should be interesting
>D. Something else?

Once more,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

Also vote open until then!
>A. Hey, Gohan, Maple! Up for a quick spar?

We should look into controlling the length of the fusion with Spirit control, not only might that allow us to cancel failed fusions but maybe we can find a work around for the excessive power ends fusions early thing as well
>D. Design a sick superhero outfit for this fusion and let it inspire a name.
>D. Eegh, three ponytails? Gotta nip that in the bud! Let's go for one big sideways ponytail. And for some reason, you're feeling more of a blonde, power up to SS1 since it doesn't tax that much stamina. Ooh, and your tail has a devilish spade at the end now, that's cute!
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Supporting all of this post, and we should sketch Gohan with so much snot coming out of his nose, a bubble even. I do have an idea for the write-in part as well.
By following up on this post!
>B. Wait a sec, Peppa's family name can be read another way. Ah-ha!
>Mago-tan the mild-mannered journalist by day, the Great and Powerful Magi-chan by night!


Okay! We are back! And with that, roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 12 for the first two, 14 for the last!
Rolled 14, 11, 6 = 31 (3d20)

Rolled 7, 4, 17 = 28 (3d20)


And supporting these
Rolled 19, 12, 12 = 43 (3d20)

Passed all! Writing...
Sidenote: Hi Videl! Hope you don't mind us being in your noggin.
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With the two of us this close, it's like the only thing between us is nothing at all!
Hey, y'all think we can make the hat talk?
>We should look into controlling the length of the fusion with Spirit control, not only might that allow us to cancel failed fusions but maybe we can find a work around for the excessive power ends fusions early thing as well
Sounds neat, let's do that next
How do we do that, tho? Sure, we can say we used Spirit Control and call it a day, but Fusion seems like it just works that way. It's two people coming together and giving off a megaton of energy from the reaction, just like the fusion it's named for. In short, I think it's supposed to be chaotic to be as powerful as it is.
I think it would work. To get fused in the first place, Videl and Peppa had to control themselves to match each other.

Remeber when we first got it, the tour guide said it was like two currents of people merging together, so if their spirits can keep their streams going at the same pace, they wouldn't go out of step with each other. At least not until they ran out of juice completely.
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Isn't the fusion already doing that? We can give the spirit stuff a shot, but I think it has the control down just from us doing the dance properly. Still tho, this gives me an idea!

So there's this character in this old obscure manga called Hokuto no Ken named Raoh, and he has this fighting style that goes like this:
>His Gō no Ken (Strong Fist) style overpowers enemies with immense force and enhances his own strength depending on his opponent. Toki, his younger brother, describes Raoh's style as being akin to a strong current that becomes raging and more violent in face of another strong current. Raoh possessed mastery over Tōki not Toki an aura he could channel for different effects and even shield him from attacks by repelling them with his own power, and could even use this aura for his own devastating long range blasts.
If Peppa can sync herself to an opponent, maybe she can overflow the opponent's aura with her own like Goku did in the Broly movie!
Similar to Krillin's No Ego Zone or Perfected Super Saiyan Blue, the fusion would need to use 100% of their ki without any waste. Even drawing in one's aura and the ki that naturally escapes during movement like evaporating water.

Now in whisky we have 'The Angel's Share' which is what evaporates into the atmosphere and the 'The Devil's Cut' which is the whiskey trapped in the wood.

I propose much like whiskey (or whis-ki, see what I did there?) we actually loose a small amount of ki when we use it. We also have ki that is literally trapped in our bodies that can't come out.

I say we find a way to harness both the ki that leaves our body and the energy inside of us that is entrenched in the fiber of our being.

...and none of you can say 'what does whiskey have anything to do with ki' WHEN THE MOTHERFUCKIN' GODS AND ANGELS ARE NAMED AFTER ALCOHOL
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You leap back to your feet, crack your knuckles, and look back at that mirror. How’s this look in Super Saiyan, anyway? You transform and… hmm, twintails at the front don’t quite match-

And the hairties at the front snap. You try to work them into a side ponytail- nope. Though… the Super Saiyan look in this IS a pretty nice. It’s wild and free. Huh. Maybe you could try to work in something like a sick superhero outfit. Using telekinesis to bring the sketchbook up to you, you come up with a few ideas for a kinda superhero-ish outfit. Something more magical in nature, maybe just a little devilish? Mmm tail spade doesn’t really work with Peppa’s tail. But maybe you can work with something that still hits a devilish inspiration…

Oh! Okay, a headband that has trailing bits of cloth coming from it giving the visual impression of horns. A bit more to the Fusion Vest so it looks slightly armored. Maybe some tiger print cloth to go with the sash. Oh, get the goggles to do something, like glow an ominous red! Hmm… what else… what else…

Cape? Cape. Caaaape. Bright, crimson red. Yeeaaaahhh. Whole look comes together with that. …Maybe some slightly withcy frills too. That’s good. Now, name, name name name…

Something using your last names? Satan, Son, uh… something Magic-ish…?

Satan. You can make a pun with that! Satan, Saiten, 齊天. And… if you go with 胡椒, Kosho, a pepper, rhymes with Daisho, 大聖, then… Kosho Saiten! An alter ego name to go with an alter ego costume for your Fusion!

This Fusion might be boosting your ego a bit too much.

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You close up the sketchbook and put it away. “Hey, Maple, Gohan, how about a quick spar? I wanna see how well I can manage this fusion at this point.”

The two look at one another, then take their fighting stances. You cross your arms and smirk, sticking in just Super Saiyan for this, as you feel the two of them power up. They launch at you, Maple’s white aura focused around her fists, while Gohan’s aura flares up around him. And… you keep up with them with ease. Arms still crossed, you dodge and block each attack like it’s nothing, and in fact it kinda helps focus your mind a bit better. Maybe what Peppa’s learned through Master Pybara can help you better manage the fusion’s limited time and energy. Heck, you could even use it to try and defuse a bit quicker, it’s like trying to willingly separate two streams, streams that want to diverge back into their own flows. Or, you can try to keep those streams together without overflowing and causing them to diverge early, to take the metaphor back around.

You do notice that while Gohan might have the strength to almost keep up with you, it’s Maple’s skills that you have to try a bit harder with. She’s more willing to try and pin you down and hit you with things like the MP Buster. Still, you barely even need to try, Peppa’s mastery of Super Saiyan, Videl’s unlocked potential, and the balanced Spirit Control allows you to keep this up with minimal effort.

>A. Okay, time to actually fight back, just enough to see what you can REALLY do
>B. Oh, you should come up with some cool combo techniques!
>C. Just keep this pace for as long as you can, manage yourself for as long as possible
>D. Try to split apart back into Videl and Peppa, as a bit of a surprise!
>E. Hmm… just how far can you go with this fused power? MIGHT AS WELL FIND OUT!
>F. Something else?

Yet again, sadly,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 4:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

And once more, vote open until then!
>This Fusion might be boosting your ego a bit too much.
As a wise man once said, "Looks like too little to me, dude!" https://youtu.be/J-qylk_uscg

Multiform up so we can see how Kosho Saiten fights two different opponents.
First, there was the Chili Pepper Punch. Peppa winds up for a punch so her opponent puts up a guard or attacks with a ranged attack, then she teleports behind them and kicks them.

Then, there's the Chili Pepper Punch Mark II. Peppa goes for a sidekick, but when the opponent moves to block that, her tail lashes out from an unexpected angle.

And now,
Peppa would sync up with an opponent's punch exactly, punching their punch with her own at the same time. But, syncing with her opponent's aura that way would allow her to flow with it, so while the opponent is putting their all into the punch, she can punch through the opponent's aura with her current to completely subdue them.

I call this the "Sublimely Magnificent Chili Pepper Punch Mark III."
>And… if you go with 胡椒, Kosho, a pepper, rhymes with Daisho, 大聖,
I don't understand this logic. I know the title of Saiten Taisei, but I'm not sure how either Peppa or Videl would, and I'm less sure of why they would choose a name that specifically rhymes with Daisho. Like, that means big holy, so why are Peppa and Videl fixated on that when they want something devilish or magic? I'm not saying they can't choose that name, I'm just very confused as to why they would.

Can you elaborate on this some more, please?
Exen vote:

>B. Oh, you should come up with some cool combo techniques!
>C. Just keep this pace for as long as you can, manage yourself for as long as possible
>F. Power down from super saiyan, to better focus on getting the most out of using the fusion itself. Pay extra attention on our spirit control, too.

>While Maple and Gohan might be able to keep up with us going all out as super saiyan that doesn't seem like the best use of our limited time. Or of the condition of the surrounding terrain.

>But we should tell them why were doing it, so they don't assume we're (only) being overconfident and try to slap us down at their full power, instead of helping us better train technique.

>We should definitely do >E nearer the end of our duration, though. Maybe from somewhere up higher, like by a mile or two.
Well, the first part is even more out of left field if Saiten Taisei isn't a title they'd know. Saiten, "Equal of Heaven." And google translate is as google translate does, Big Holy also means Great Sage, which makes more sense as something Magic-ish.

But now her name is "Black Pepper equal of Heaven."

Fusions were a mistake...
>A. Okay, time to actually fight back, just enough to see what you can REALLY do
>B. Oh, you should come up with some cool combo techniques!
>I want to attempt the Mark III.

As for attacks inspired by Videl, here are a lot of bird attacks focused on kicking and slashing: https://hokuto.fandom.com/wiki/Nanto_Seiken#Nanto_Roku_Sei_Ken

Yeah, for all my griping after the fact, Kosho Saitan is still a great solution.

But since you've customized the fusion's appearance, do you have art to back it up?
>B and C.
>F. See if we can feel out more "streams" from our surroundings.

>Now in whisky we have 'The Angel's Share' which is what evaporates into the atmosphere and the 'The Devil's Cut' which is the whiskey trapped in the wood.
I really like those names and I want to explore using energy within and without. I think it could work like a reverse Spirit Bomb where the energy goes back into the planet then we can get the energy back to have a loop going! We don't know the spirit bomb, but we should try branching out and joining with other streams to see if we can do it.


I'd like to think Maple and/or Chu Lee may have warned her prior

Voting against this one part.
>But we should tell them why were doing it, so they don't assume we're (only) being overconfident and try to slap us down at their full power, instead of helping us better train technique.
We're a fusion, and that means we're a cocky shit who has so much Ego within that it's overflowing. So, let's taunt them by saying we're going easy on them so they really gun for us.
Okay, we are back! And with that, roll me 5d20, best of three! DC is 11 for the first three, 12 for the last two!
Rolled 9, 6, 10, 19, 19 = 63 (5d20)

Rolled 9, 15, 6, 20, 11 = 61 (5d20)

Rolled 1, 1, 18, 1, 5 = 26 (5d20)

Hey, you got the third one, congrats!
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Passed four of 'em! Writing...
>As for attacks inspired by Videl, here are a lot of bird attacks focused on kicking and slashing
Here's a video with them. https://youtu.be/v1MPjks4Jeg
Are we feeling the flow?

You know what? You need to really test this, and simply overpowering them isn’t that. “Hey, I’ve gotta see how to better manage this fused power, so gonna take things down just a bit, but I want the two of you to not hold back.” You dip out of Super Saiyan and even use Multi-Form as you start to fight back against the pair. And that… proves a good deal more difficult than you initially planned. You’re still plenty powerful, sure, but Gohan and Maple are NOT slouches when it comes to combat.

Maple’s done exactly as you asked, and her techniques are giving you a lot of trouble. Every Ki blast infused with numbing Lightning Magic, yet when you think you’ve avoided them, she’s guided them right back at you with telekinesis. Her Spirit Bits are boosting every single one of her physical attacks with the Stingers, making them all the harder to take when you block them. And to top it all off, trying to match her with Instant Transmission just leads to her getting a better read on you and outpacing you with her own. She might not quite be as strong as you at your best, but without that difference in power, Maple’s showing she can more than match you in skill.

Gohan meanwhile you manage to fight a bit more evenly with, but it’s more the opposite issue you’re having against Maple. Where Maple’s got the skills to more than match you, Gohan’s strength is definitely above your own now that you’re not using Super Saiyan. With him, you try to get a better read on the flow of the battle, and while you do end up taking some solid hits, you also start to read his moves a bit better. And once you’ve got that down, you can dish out some of your own! Let’s see… you could use Peppa’s Rasenken… maybe Videl’s Hawk Arrow? You could try misdirection, call out a punch and deliver a kick- OH! Combo move! “Persistent, aren’t ya? Well how about you get a taste of this…!” Wind Magic coating your fists, you feint out an attack to make Gohan bring up his guard, then punch hard with the other hand, following it with rapid, quick jabs with that same hand, finally knocking him back. “How ya like that? I think ‘Wyrneck Wallop’ might be a good name for it.”

“Open to suggestions?” he asks as he gets back on his feet.

You give a confident shrug. “Why not?”

“How about ‘duck’?”

A Spirit Ball smashes into the back of your head and knocks you face-first into the dirt. Ow. “Smartass.” you groan into the ground.

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…Hmm. You know, you haven’t really focused on it that much, but you HAVE been getting a better read on the whole battlefield, and just… the flow of Ki in general. The streams that were Peppa and Videl are now “you,” yet you can kinda notice the flow of the “streams” that are Maple and Gohan. Gohan’s easier to read, he’s putting out more energy in the first place. Maple is more subtle, more… fit with the surrounding environment. If you can recall correctly… Soba had been trying to learn the ultimate technique of Spirit Control, Forced Spirit Fission. Peppa hadn’t gotten anywhere near that yet, but it could give you some ideas to use in sorta… maybe cycling your energy with your surroundings, to the point where you’re connected to the “stream” of the surrounding area, energy moving in a loop.

Well. It’s something to work on later. Cutting your energy in half like this has given you a better idea on how you fight opponents when you’re closer in strength, and you’ve been able to keep a good pace going like this, but! Now’s time to test how far you can really go! You bring your two halves back together and power up into Super Saiyan again, pushing Gohan and Maple back. And then you take it a bit further, rocketing up into the sky and egging them on to follow you. Gohan takes the bait, though Maple tries to restrain you with the Clothes Beam. It almost works, but you’re able to break through the restraints. You keep going, seeing that you have access to the further forms of both of them, from how the Raio-Ten and Kaio-Ten work, to Super Saiyan 2 and its enhanced state, and… well now. You COULD try to see what Super Saiyan 3 feels like in this form, ooooor… you can try to access the power of Super Saiyan 3, yet NOT completely transform into it. Or maybe you can keep pushing until you hit something beyond it…?

>A. Eh, just see how far this takes you with Super Saiyan 3, especially in regards to stamina
>B. Draw out that power without completely transforming your body. Really see how you can take advantage of this strength
>C. Keep pushing until you break your limits!
>D. Something else?
>B. Draw out that power without completely transforming your body. Really see how you can take advantage of this strength
>D. Get out a notepad, materialize some glasses. Teleport right next to Gohan. "Excuse me sir, Mago-tan of the Peppa Times here. Is it true that you hadn't stopped wetting the bed till you were 12?"
>Duck. "Ah, 13?"
>B. Draw out that power without completely transforming your body. Really see how you can take advantage of this strength


New technique idea. We combine our tail slash with our wind drill to create a SPIRAL DRILL TAIL! They'd never see it coming.
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>A. Eh, just see how far this takes you with Super Saiyan 3, especially in regards to stamina
I want our aura sparky so we can do this
>D. With our new height advantage, get Gohan in a hold, and... NOOGIE HIM! Then, counter Maple by directing the built up electricity from us directly at her... hair, haha!
Supporting these
Actually, supporting B and that second D. Not sure what the other writeins are going for.
Support >>5656976
Well, since we're our superhero alter-ego Kosho Saitan, that would be our identity as Mago-tan the journalist who has to keep a fusion journal. And asking a hard hitting question like that would hit Gohan. Hard.
I wanted to do something whimsical since Fusions like to play around when it's not a life or death situation.
>C. Keep pushing until you break your limits!
>D. New technique idea. We combine our tail slash with our wind drill to create a SPIRAL DRILL TAIL! They'd never see it coming.
Support too
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Okay, roll me 3d20 this time, best of three! DC is 13 for the first, 14 for the second, 15 for the last!
Rolled 6, 8, 11 = 25 (3d20)

How the hell would our brother and mother never clue into our penchant for drills and wind?

Rolled 2, 7, 9 = 18 (3d20)

Rolled 6, 3, 1 = 10 (3d20)

Guys... I think they saw it coming. By like a mile.
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Rolled 3, 6, 4 = 13 (3d20)

Well. Nice try. Writing...
You too!
Rolled 9, 1, 14 = 24 (3d20)

rolling cuz captcha was being stupid and to see what I would've gotten.
The grapes were sour.

I wonder if Peppa's shaved her tail with this?
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You know what? You can keep pushing yourself, higher and higher! But first, let’s draw out as much power as you can, without actually transforming. After all, Videl’s able to do… effectively that, and Peppa’s been training on that idea for quite a while now! You power down to base as you sense Gohan approach, then just… power up, and keep powering up! And… it’s… actually not working out as you intended. It’s not actually as much as you thought you’d draw out, and when Gohan gets up close with you, he’s actually able to land a solid hit on you.

Okay, that didn’t go over as well as you wanted. Let’s see… oh, they won’t expect you to pull off one of Peppa’s skills with a new twist, heh heh heh. You kick back down towards Gohan, but instead of actually kicking, you let energy flow through your tail, trying to mix that with Wind Magic to give you a Drill Tail! Haha! Let’s see him- …why’s he just standing still?

Right before you get close to him, Gohan smirks and simply calls out, “Kai Kai.”

You don’t even hit an afterimage, you just fly through the air. Trying to stop yourself, you look down at your tail and exhale. That… needs to be a bit less telegraphed to use effectively. You’re sensing Maple power up now, the flow of her energy oddly swirling around her. Okay, maybe you can still try to pull something off! You power up again, but let your body actually transform, pushing further and further! It’s… getting harder to maintain your fused form at this point. Damn! Come on, come on, you break your limits! You can-!

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Maple teleports right in front of you, now in her Mahou state. She touches her index fingers together, then pulls her arms back. “Fiss-!” She pokes them at you, and you’re initially bewildered by what she’s doing. That stops when you hear the second part, and you feel your body freeze up. “-ion!” You stop trying to power up and push her away, but it’s too late. “HA!”

And… you’re Peppa again, split apart from Videl, to the shock of the both of you. “Wha…?!” you exhale, patting yourself over. You… you’re fine, just. Not fused anymore.

“How did…?” Videl looks over herself as well. “So… there really is a technique that can defuse people?”

“Yep!” Maple declares proudly. “Managed to travel back to Metamor a few times, they did say such a thing existed. Just… way more complicated than it looks.” She rubs the side of her head. “The fact that you two were leaving your fused self open like that gave me the opportunity to finally test it out.”

You rub the back of your neck. “Was trying to see if we could, you know, access something beyond what either of us could individually.”

“So… is there a reason you had to go through that form to do it?” Videl inquires.

“It helps tremendously. I can better regulate my Ki and Magic in that state, and Fission can use a bit of both. It’d take much longer without Mahou, even if the two of you were willing to separate.”

You nod. “I see… something tricky to use in combat, then. Well, still, this was rather productive training! What do you think, Videl?”

“Yeah, looks like we’ll be able to make the most out of our fusion if the need ever arises.” she replies with a grin, and the two of you bump fists. “…Still might wanna learn that Fission technique though, Maple.”

“Oh absolutely.” you agree. “We were getting an idea of how to try to separate ourselves without it, but that’s definitely gonna speed it along.”

She winks. “It just might. But that’s for later. For now…”

Gohan appears near you, handing you and Videl a couple sticks of takoyaki. “Lunch time!~”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

Also, continue with Peppa, or switch over to Izzy?
Didn't we just have breakfast for dinner? Oh right, we showered, we don't do that before training.
Asking again, >>5656057
Do you have art for these changes?
>Okay, a headband that has trailing bits of cloth coming from it giving the visual impression of horns. A bit more to the Fusion Vest so it looks slightly armored. Maybe some tiger print cloth to go with the sash. Oh, get the goggles to do something, like glow an ominous red!
>Cape? Cape. Caaaape. Bright, crimson red. Yeeaaaahhh. Whole look comes together with that. …Maybe some slightly vvitchy frills too.

Also, let's switch to Izumi. Hopefully we can do something that isn't tomb raiding this time around.
Seems like a good spot to wrap up with Peppa and play as Izzy.
I want to play as Izzy, and as her I want to go over to Pen's house and play DnD. Does he run Tomb of Horrors?
Sure some Izzy times seems fun. I was thinking we could work on her hobby. Gohan has guitar and Peppa has her art. Let's figure something out besides dungeon diving, her magic and her misfit minions. Like maybe tech stuff with Pantea?
Tabletop Roleplaying with her Magic and Misfits!
Let's wait til 5e comes out. 4e isn't fun and the older generations take awhile to get into.
But we'll only have so much 5e till the stuff with the Pink Ribbon Army
I think she should find a rival. Maybe Fu? Or we could send out a notice among the realms and hold auditions.

What's the point of playing a roleplaying game in a roleplaying game?
This might sound weird to you, but roleplaying games can be a chance to make friends. Pen and Sharpner play it, could be fun hanging out, Angela could be there too, and I think we could bring 19 along and I think she would do great as an Elf!

Last time Pen was talking about it he said he was playing "Tomb of the Elder Things," maybe it's like Call of Cthulu.
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Who needs friends, Izzy has boatloads of friends! But no boyfriend...

>Pen and Sharpner play it,
And huh??? Why Sharpner of all people? Where are you getting that from?
Izzy. And let's chat with Basilea.
We should invite her to tabletop!
Seems unwise to try and make her a regular player from the start, but inviting her in for one session could be fun(ny).
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>For some reason, she keeps rolling nat 1s
I find it a bit ironic that it was Peppa who was holding back the fusion by making it to where Mystic Videl had to go super saiyan.
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What, no 3.5? Pathfinder? WoD? Mutants & Masterminds? Star Wars D20? Not even Synnibarr for a laugh?

They aren't yet changes. They're a sketched out concept. Looking up 孫悟空 might give reference if needed.

Anyway, we are back!

“...And behind the doorway, The Hunter lurks!~” Pen remarks with a creeping voice, tone mysterious and implying exceptional danger.

“INTO THE TUBES! INTO THE TUBES!” Sharpner exclaims in panic.

“It didn’t work the first five times, WHY WOULD IT WORK THE SIXTH, HUMAN?! The tubes are NOT YOUR ALLY!” Shun Shun complains at him, stretching her arm out to grab more of that… meat… bread stuff Pen claims he made.

And you, Izzy Mahogany, turn to Basilea with a slight smirk on your face. “See? They’re making friends already.”

Like a stone statue turning to face you, to the point where you swear you hear concrete scraping against concrete, she stares daggers into you. “Why did I agree to this, again?”

“Because you kinda default to following around Peppa like a lost puppy.” Aaaand her glare intensifies. “Look, you needed something to expand beyond your norm, especially if you’re stuck here, this time, this place, for the foreseeable future. That means finding ways to ACTUALLY relax that don’t involve… throwing as many darts as you can at pictures of Towa or whatever.”

“Those weren’t darts.”

The other girl around you all, Pen’s sister Sumi, scoots just a bit further away from her and closer to you. “You know, I thought you were being a bit more… metaphorical when you wanted my brother to try a one-shot for a few demons.”

“Thought wrong, huh? But look, the other two are getting into this!” You nod your head at Haru Haru, who’s ready to take the dice from Sharpner.

“Run into The Tubes if you want, I’m done cowering from this ‘Hunter’ creature! Behold my laser blade!” Dice is rolled… and the two D6’s come up Snake Eyes. “…Oh.”

Pen looks down at the dice with mild concern, then back at the screen dividing him from the rest of you. “That… doesn’t hit. The Hunter sidesteps your Energy Blade’s slash, and raises arm cannon.”

>A. Anyway, my turn!~ Gotta save your attendant from getting blasted away, Basilea
>B. Basilea, your turn. You wanna save ‘er or you wanna get out of there?
>C. Can’t we find a way to trap it in here? Sure, some might die, but the escape pods are barely two turns away, if that
>D. So… you’ve mentioned plenty of Peppa’s counterpart, some of Gohan’s, but I gotta admit, I’m curious about mine. Got anything to say about her, Basilea?
>E. Something else?
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>B. Basilea, your turn. You wanna save ‘er or you wanna get out of there?
>D. So… you’ve mentioned plenty of Peppa’s counterpart, some of Gohan’s, but I gotta admit, I’m curious about mine. Got anything to say about her, Basilea?

"Going by the time-line, future ghost gramps probably kept my future variant from reaching Mahou form or atleast in the way I did. Or was I killed? ooh, did she become evil? Dark Mahou Izumi. Now there's a twist."

Actually that makes me wonder....Mirai Nazar probably didn't get to meet Mirai Izzy...
>she stares daggers into you.

>A. Anyway, my turn!~ Gotta save your attendant from getting blasted away, Basilea
Ha, a hunter with an arm cannon's out to get her.
>Actually that makes me wonder....Mirai Nazar probably didn't get to meet Mirai Izzy...
Does someone have a crush?
Y'know what, changing to yours. Still, be careful, could run into this: https://youtu.be/g_JSQdJV7RI

Can You Not?
Support >>5658031
>Can You Not?
Not... what? Oh, call attention to it? Okay, I getcha, I getcha. Izumi totally doesn't have a crush on Nazar in the slightest.
She doesn't? What are you talking about
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>Make a reference how two future characters never got to meet


Your logic is silly and I meme at you.
What are y'all talking about? All the long talks about their dreams, melding their minds together to share in each other, that time he comforted her when she was scared, how she's the only girl who sees him for the diamond he is while that Pantea needs to get her prescription checked, and when she asks "Are you... able to stay safe?" and he says {THANK YOU FOR THE CONCERN} that shows how much they care for each other~!

>>5658031 +1

Nazar's pronouns are them/they
The more the merrier!
Nazar's a giant alien octodragon! How would that work even?
Eight Arms, Four Hugs.
>“It didn’t work the first five times, WHY WOULD IT WORK THE SIXTH, HUMAN?!"

Oh man, if Sharpner is seen traveling through the tubes, the Hunters are going to get mighty scrutinizin'
“Your turn, Basilea. You wanna try to save ‘er, or just get out of there? You’re pretty close to the end.” you point out to her.

“You win if you get to the end, don’t you? So don’t bother with me! I can hold off The Hunter!” Haru Haru declares.

Basilea slowly blinks as she’s handed the dice. Looking down at them, she lets out a resigned sigh and takes them into her hand. “Don’t be so overly dramatic. I still have that grapple beam thing, correct?”

“That you do!” Pen replies, his head sinking back a bit as she asks but trying to keep a confident tone.

“I’ll use that to drag bring Haru Haru’s character out of harm’s way.” the demon girl states plainly.

“R-roll for it.” Dice hit the table, and… 5 and 5! “Success! You’ve pulled her out of The Hunter’s reach.”

Basilea sits back, arms crossed. “Told you.”

“Nice! Now we just gotta prioritize speed.” you remark as Sharpner takes the dice this time. “Say, Basilea, you’ve said plenty about Peppa’s counterpart-” That earns a grumbling groan from her. “…and a bit about Gohan’s-” Another groan, but not as hostile. “…buuuut I’m kinda curious, I’ve not heard much about mine. Got anything to say? Like, I can assume Ghost Gramps’ machinations kinda kept me from ever achieving Mahou, at least the way I did, but that’s just an assumption. Was I like… turned evil or something, or, y’know…” You cross your neck with your thumb, adding an unsettling sound effect to get the point across.

“Neither, last I recall.” Basilea replies as she looks down at you. “Your counterpart was more of the strategist of the group, coming up with plans and generally going what you could to stay one or two steps ahead of Baby. Just as well, he intended to make your counterpart his ‘Empress.’ Gohan and Peppa he was fine controlling through Hatchiyak, but you, he wanted ‘pure.’”

“Egh. Awful.” you remark with a shudder. “Makes me all the happier we kicked that guy’s ass as hard as we did in our timeline. And ah well. Guess no fights against some corrupted future counterpart. Izumi the Dark Mahou will remain a hypothetical mirror universe creature.”

Sumi stares at you in mild fascination and disbelief. “…Pen you have some odd friends.”

“Cool ones though!” he says a bit more confidently, poking his head up more.

“Yes! Got in the tubes just fine!” Sharpner declares.

“The TUBES. Are NOT. Your ALLY!” Shun Shun growls at him. “The Hunter can follow you in them, remember?!”

“But that means less of the deadly weapons trained on me!” he responds. “There’s safety in there!”

She tugs on her hair… tentacle… things. “You are a FISH in a very narrow barrel.”

Well that’s gonna end up going on for a bit. “...So anyway. My counterpart is more of a strategist, right? What else do you wanna share?”

“From what I’ve been made aware of, she was well-liked by the populace of Tech-Tech. Diplomatic, charitable, and quick to act where trouble arose. Though the two of you share a love of pranks.” Basilea replies with a look in her eyes that indicates VERY vivid memories.

“Nice.” you comment with a smirk.

“Though… what you’re capable of now is leagues above what she’s ever had a chance to be.” she continues, the memory successfully repressed. “Bit more reckless though.”

You pout. “Am not.”

“You are.” the demon girl says with a soft chuckle. “No little prince trying to win your favor here, either, though I guess he’s a bit young currently.”

That gets you to raise an eyebrow. “‘Little prince?’”

“You know him already.” she responds trying to sound cryptic and clever but you kinda get the impression she’s mostly annoyed by the topic and just wants to move on?

>A. All right, so what about you? Any things you’d like to share from your past? …Future? Egh, timelines…
>B. Heard you’re considering going along on Peppa and Videl’s little mission. Still in the deciding stage?
>C. I can start guessing if you don’t wanna say who it iiiiisss~!
>D. Something else?

That said, once more,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

Vote open until then!
>B. Heard you’re considering going along on Peppa and Videl’s little mission. Still in the deciding stage?

Also an enemy called the Hunter and mention of a grapple beam, are they playing a board game version of Metroid?
>B. Heard you’re considering going along on Peppa and Videl’s little mission. Still in the deciding stage?
>D. Thanks for not telling me. If he's young now that'd be a bit weird to know about, yeah? Even if it doesn't go that way here.

Also does this mean all the players are Space Pirates in the tabletop game?
>B. Heard you’re considering going along on Peppa and Videl’s little mission. Still in the deciding stage?
>D. Something else?
"Tech-Tech huh? Maybe I should visit our version sometime."
>C. I can start guessing if you don’t wanna say who it iiiiisss~!
>D. Wait a sec... been hearing you shout about being a princess of the dark demon realm for years, but are there any dark princes who've caught your eye?
I wanna see how red she can go.

>Also an enemy called the Hunter and mention of a grapple beam, are they playing a board game version of Metroid?
https://youtu.be/CCKgETIyhJg halo i bet
Thanks Kato for letting us play tabletop with Pen and Basilea, I'm having a Great Time!
Correct on both counts!

Sorry that there's been another long delay. Problems at work. But got that done, and for now, we're back:

“I can start guessing if you don’t wanna say~” you tell her in a teasing, sing-song voice.

“You overestimate how invested I am towards this.” the demon girl dryly remarks.

“Yeah fair. I mean, if he’s kinda young now it might be a bit weird to know. So, thanks for that.” Well, that line of questioning is dead in the water. Never even learned how to put on floaties. “Sooooo… you have been all upfront about being ‘Princess Basilea of the Demon Realm’ or whatever but like… are are there any Dark Princes that’ve caught your eye?”

“Oh my god. Izzy why.” Sumi breathes out, trying to scoot away from you now.

“Yeah! Come on!” Sharpner speaks up, making it clear he actually was listening in on your conversation. “…It could be a Princess too.”

The sound of him and Pen high-fiving is almost drowned out by Sumi’s head hitting the table, the girl exhaling a soft “Whyyyy…”

Basilea’s face is like stone, while the twin goo girls look… less than pleased at where this questioning has gone. She slowly turns to look at you, and oh you don’t need to be a mind reader to know she wants to throw you into the sun. “…I see your Maple has a stronger influence on you than your counterpart’s.”

Slight deflate of tension. “Look, I’m genuinely curious! Do you have a type? I promise not to laugh.”

She looks away. “I do not care.”

“You don’t care, or you haven’t thought about it much?” you ask next.

“We will go with that and move on.” Basilea says firmly.

You place your hands behind your head and lean back. “All right, all right. You can save it for… say, you still considering going on that trip to the whatever planet with Peppa and Videl?”

“I am.” she confirms plainly. “Doubt it will be anywhere near as… eventful as this dramatization has been.” Basilea remarks as she gestures at the gameboard. Was… was that a compliment? Aww, she gave Pen a compliment! She’s learning!

“Still, might be an interesting trip nonetheless. I haven’t exactly been off Earth that much myself. In fact, now that you mention Tech-Tech, maybe I should head there some time. See if I can’t stumble upon another, oh, I dunno, lost civilization that rewrite the history books?” You grin cheekily, but you know you’re right.

“My point stands, I’ll consider it. No guarantee yet.”

>A. Aww come on. Haru Haru, Shun Shun, back me up here! You don’t want her to stay stuck on JUST Earth forever, do ya?
>B. Well, no pressure. If you don’t wanna do it, you don’t have to. I do think Peppa would appreciate it though
>C. Oh, right, my turn! Hand me those dice!
>D. Something else?
She could be an Ace for all we know.

>C. Oh, right, my turn! Hand me those dice!
Remind them we still have another option to explore while on Earth. (>B. Maybe you should investigate that ocean area. Doesn’t grandpa Roshi have a sub you can borrow? You think he mentioned that some time…) Perhaps we should make plans to do that.
>D. Get the fish out of the tube.
>>5659069 +1
Exen vote:

>B & C.
Also support these
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Okay! Real quick, roll me 2d6, best of three. DC is 3 for both.
Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d6)

Rolled 6, 4 = 10 (2d6)

Rolled 5, 3 = 8 (2d6)

Great! Passed! Writing...
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“Well, no pressure! If you don’t wanna do it, you don’t have to. Though I do think Peppa would appreciate it. That said, my gang and I have something coming up too.” you add to catch her interest. “Gonna be investigating some underwater ruins in a while. Think I can get Grandpa Roshi to lend us his submarine.”

“...Submarine?” Pen’s sister repeats.

“Yeah, Capsule one.” you confirm. “Oh, right! Pass me that dice! My turn now!” You’re handed the two d6’s. “Okay, if we’ve got that fish in the narrow barrel, I’m gonna grab ‘em out.”

“Nooo, the tube is safer!” Sharpner whines.

“Roll for it, Izzy.” Come on dice, don’t fail you now! Aaaaand… 6 and 4! Nice! “Success! But you’ve gotten Sharpner’s character out of the tube, what will you do next?”

“WE. RUN. FROM. THE HUNTER.” Shun Shun emphasizes. “I grab the two and start running!”

“Roll it!” Pen tells her with a smile. “But unless you get full boxcars you’ll-”

“DOUBLE SIXES!” she yells with a cheer.

Pen’s surprised. “Ah. Well, you get them out of there before The Hunter can get a lock. Missile hits the wall as you dodge through the next doorway.”

“Finally…” Shun Shun exhales. “See? That’s how you do it! NOT. The TUBES.”

You notice Basilea crack a bit of a smile. Nice. “But yeah. We’d be more than willing to have you join us if you’d rather stay here on Earth.”

“Hm… fine, we can consider it. Who else do you have coming with you?”

>A. Yamcha was willing to give it another go, so we’ll have him going with us, alongside Krillin
>B. Piccolo, actually! Managed to convince him to leave the Lookout for this one
>C. I wanted 19 to help check the place out with us this time, she seemed like she could use the distraction, and 16 should be coming with too
>D. Sachie and Zarid, of course! They were up for a fun, spooky ocean adventure
>E. Lime and Monty decided to join up with us, and dad felt like it’d be good training
>F. Well, my dad and aunt Maple. That’s not gonna be an issue, right?
>G. Something else?

Two at most, and also,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

Vote open until then!
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>B. Piccolo, actually! Managed to convince him to leave the Lookout for this one
Today IS the day.
Supporting the second part of the write-in, asking if anyone else in the room is interested is fine
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Okay, sorry again for the delay, we are back!

“Piccolo, actually! I managed to convince him to try to tag along with the gang and I. Though the offer is open to all of you here, too. If any of ya want to come with, the more the merrier!” you tell the whole table of people.

“Nnnno thanks.” Sharpner says hesitantly. “I’d rather not head under the sea to explore some weird ruins. Oceans are freaky enough on their own.”

“Psh. Come on, what’s so freaky about them?” you question.

“Have you SEEN that squid with ELBOWS? Why does it need ELBOWS?!” he incredulously declares. He even gets a photo of one up on his phone for emphasis.

Pen gives him an odd look, then shrugs. “...Regardless of that, my sis and I are gonna see our cousin’s family relatively soon. Probably can’t squeeze in a trip to some underwater ruins and the like.” Sumi gives a nod in confirmation.

Dang. Oh well! “Well Bas, it’s on you and your two attendants. Offer’s open if you want to come with.”

“Is there some other reason you actually want me to come along?” she questions, doubt in her voice.

“Nah. Just think it might be more up your alley.”

She… isn’t sure, but does seem to genuinely be considering it.

>Do you have a preference for who Basilea’s group will end up with?

>A. Peppa
>B. Izzy
>C. Meh
>D. Write-in
It'll be fun to have Piccolo and Basilea on the same team. The reincarnation of the Demon King and the daughter of a Demon Prince in an eldritch location will be fun!

Have we asked her about lavosnom yet?

We don't talk about Lavosnom.
Exen vote


>And supporting Piccolo joining. Could be interesting.

>And we should also promise to, uh... not be as much like Maple when we're around Bas for longer periods of time. We had our fun but we do know restraint. Probably.

We should ask her what kind of music and snacks she likes
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Apologies, kinda dozed off a few times.

With the game wrapping up, and all of you making it out of this mostly intact, you exit the home with Basilea and her goo girls. “So, be honest. Did you have fun?”

“...It was mostly enjoyable.” she replies in a low and hushed voice. “Thank… you.”

You snap your fingers and give her finger guns. “Eyyy, great! Glad to hear!”

“Don’t push it.”

“Yeah yeah. Still, offer’s open. I know you and Peppa have history, and I know you’ve got stuff you want to make up for. But you don’t need to force it out. I’m sure she won’t be mad at you for like, coming along to help me on my thing.” you tell her in an upbeat tone. “Also, promise to not to go full Maple on ya and try to play matchmaker. I get where you’re coming from, a small bit. I ain’t gonna rush into any relationships, even if I have my preferences.”

“Mn.” she grunts, giving a slight nod of her head. “…Haru Haru, Shun Shun?”

“Yes ma’am?” the pair reply in unison.

“We’ll join her.” She tilts her head at you.

And now you’re grinning wide. “Hey! Great!”

“Provided she does as she said. No… Maple behavior.”

“On my honor as the Ox Princess, no Maple behavior like that.” you swear. “Here, I’ll even pick you up some stuff for the trip. Er… any preferences, food, or snack-wise?”

“Meat.” she remarks plainly.

“Candy!” the twin goo girls shout in unison.

“...Got it, Jerky, and Buu Treats.” You can probably find some good jerky, and the- what’s with that look? Haru Haru and Shun Shun are staring at you uneasily at the mention of Buu treat- OH. Oh. Ohhh. “…Waaaas that offensive? Sorry if it was.”

“No, no, just…”


“We’ll not get into it now.” Basilea clarifies, partially to save them from any further awkwardness as far as you can tell.

“Right! Well, it’ll be a couple days from now. Be ready, and see ya near Kame House!” You start to fly off, waving to the three of them. Well that was nice. And who knows, they might enjoy it? Might even find something like you did up north.

…Wonder how that grub’s doin’…

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!
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Hokay, we are back!

So! You have some time before you get this undersea adventure underway, should you do anything to try to prep for it in the meantime? You could actually get some training in, maybe work more with the Hakkero, could oversee some of Cheelai and the boys’ community service, could check in with Sala, Hado, and Jaki and if they’ve gotten any leads thanks to what you’ve found, plus there’s that ice grub thing and the Shapeless over at Baba’s…

>A. Training time! Gotta keep improving!
>B. Experiment a bit more with the Hakkero, you’ve had a few ideas with it previously
>C. Stick with Cheelai and the boys, talk with them about who’s coming with on the trip
>D. Check up on the trio and if they’ve gotten any leads
>E. See how the grub and the Shapeless are holding up, and if the latter is behaving
>F. Something else?

Pick one.
>A. Training time! Gotta keep improving!
Can Izzy learn MP Buster? I have an idea to improve on it by making COUNTER-SPELL! Inspired by our table-top playing.
(i have been informed we know mp buster, it just hasn't been updated in the pastebin...but I still wanna do the counterspell idea.)
Exen vote:

>B. Experiment a bit more with the Hakkero, you’ve had a few ideas with it previously

There might be insight we can go off of if we let them know what's up.
Hit vote:

>D. See if any of them have Hakkero ideas!
>E. See how the grub and the Shapeless are holding up, and if the latter is behaving
>D. Check up on the trio and if they’ve gotten any leads
>E. See how the grub and the Shapeless are holding up, and if the latter is behaving
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Sorry about that! I'll get those updated soon.

Also uh, kinda dozed off again. Sorry.

Well, what you want to do is work on the Hakkero some more, buuuut… Sala, Hado, and Jaki might also give you some good advice on what’s up next. Leads and all that. Plus you can probably get some opinions from them on working on the Hakkero. Flying over to Melchior’s, where you conveniently sensed the three of them at, you arrive as Jaki and Hado are in the middle of a conversation with the old man, while Sala’s talking on some… goggles like Peppa’s? Huh.

“-eah this is workin’ wonders, Knickers! Thanks a bunch for lettin’ us give ‘em a spin.” And that explains it. Got ‘em from Pantea. “Ah, ey, it’s yer tourney partner. Just arrived. Talk again! Ta-ta!”

“Princess Izumi.” Jaki greets with a nod. “I take it you have questions for us?”

“Yeah. Won’t take up too much of your time, promise.” you answer as you land, walking towards the guys. “Mr. Melchior, sir, you got that sample of Dreamstone, right?”

“Indeed I did.” he confirms with a smile. “It’s the genuine article.”

You pump your fist. “Yes! Perfect!” You also notice Jaki give you a sort of… concerned yet curious look, like he wants to ask you something but isn’t sure quite how to phrase it. Eh, first thing’s first, “You know that stuff too, right? Anything to add on it?”

He closes his eyes and crosses his arms, leaning against the wall. “The material conducts energies exceedingly well. You intend to use it in trying to bring back those lost, correct?”

“I figure using the Hakkero in conjunction with it might get things started, at the very least.” you confirm, pulling it out to show to him. “Any objections to that?”

“Many. But objections aren’t what you want to hear.” he says a little critically, opening his eyes again. “So I will do that I can to explain how best you can use it. The three displaced are lost across spacetime, correct?”

“And Tien’s trapped inside Ozotto, but getting him out is a different matter. So, yeah.”

Jaki begins to explain, “Using Magic to create stable portals, wormholes, is possible. And with the enhancer and reactor you have in your possession, it might be possible to locate those who were lost.”

“Hearing a ‘but’ coming after that…” you add, Sala snickering. Heh. But.

“‘But’ is correct. BUT, if you are absolutely convinced you want to go through with this, you will need to do so properly.” He looks over to Melchior. “How much more Dreamstone would be necessary to ensure this can be done with as minimal a risk as possible?”

“Hmm…” Melchior thinks for a moment. “I’d say… about two more chunks similar to the one you retrieved up north, Izumi.”

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“Okay, good. Because the next step for us is here…” You bring out a map showing the location of rumored underwater ruins. “It’s a bit of a hunch, but they might be Nemurian ruins like the ones we explored recently-”

“They are.” Jaki confirms, frowning. You look at him with a raised eyebrow, and even Sala and Hado are a little surprised by the quick confirmation. Even Melchior looks at him funny, though his expression is a tad more sad and sympathetic.

Suspicious, but you can tell he isn’t going to elaborate on that. “...Do you have any advice on what to expect, then? Cheelai and the boys were considering using some diving mechs, I’ve got my Mahou Knight, but we also have a submarine we can use to get down there.”

“Nothing there should be a threat to you if you keep your wits about you, and given you were able to get through the ruins up north without much incident, I believe you know how to do this. However, anything you bring in that is even remotely like that-” He points at your Hakkero. “-will make you stand out to whatever has survived down there for untold centuries.”

“Jaki…” Melchior speaks up.

His eyes close once more. “…Including what used to be the people that built it.”

>A. Woah woah woah woah, what do you mean “used to be the people that built it”?
>B. Back up a bit. How exactly will this interact with the Hakkero? And what entities do you know of that will go after it, specifically?
>C. …I saw the portraits, you know. I don’t quite know the whole story, but I can make some assumptions. Want to be completely honest with me here?
>D. Something else?

Once more,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 6:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

Vote open until then!
>A. Woah woah woah woah, what do you mean “used to be the people that built it”?
>C. …I saw the portraits, you know. I don’t quite know the whole story, but I can make some assumptions. Want to be completely honest with me here?
>A. Woah woah woah woah, what do you mean “used to be the people that built it”?
>C. …I saw the portraits, you know. I don’t quite know the whole story, but I can make some assumptions. Want to be completely honest with me here?
>D. Not bringing the Hakkero brings it's own kind of risks as well. Let's figure out what each decision means more thoroughly, and if getting that attention can't have it's own advantages.
>B. Back up a bit. How exactly will this interact with the Hakkero? And what entities do you know of that will go after it, specifically?

>A. Woah woah woah woah, what do you mean “used to be the people that built it”?
>B. Back up a bit. How exactly will this interact with the Hakkero? And what entities do you know of that will go after it, specifically?
>C. …I saw the portraits, you know. I don’t quite know the whole story, but I can make some assumptions. Want to be completely honest with me here?
>D. Something else?
"Let me take a wild guess: Are you a Nemurian?"

>D. Did they build the big Hakkero? Are they descendants of alien octodragons? Is that possible?

Rather then ask if their descendants, I'd suggest asking if they are 'related' to that civilization on Planet Z but sure I don't mind bringing up Nazar.
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Okay, I've been back for a bit, but I saw some votes after I arrived and waited to make sure all were accounted for. Sorry this will be short again, but we're back!

You cross your arms. “Woah woah woah, hold up. Jaki, what exactly do you mean by ‘used to be people that built it’ exactly?”

“I mean exactly that, there are likely still some beings down there that were once the ones who built the structure. I assume you saw something similar up north. They might be there to a greater degree.”

“...We didn’t exactly see any people up there. But-” All right you know what, you’re not gonna beat around the bush now. “…Jaki, I saw those portraits, and how they cut off with a certain one. Now I don’t know the whole story here, but I can make a few assumptions. Want to be completely honest with me here?” You walk a bit closer towards him. “I can tell you’re concerned about what’s down there and you want the best, but trying to dance around what you’re actually worried about and hope I can fill in the blanks isn’t exactly going to help as much as you think. So, let’s be honest here.”

Jaki stares down at you, his face harsh and focused, not really showing much emotion. It stays like this for a minute, Sala and Hado now intensely concerned. The silence is finally broken when he sighs. “…Melchior, let’s head inside.”

The old man nods, standing up and motioning you all to follow. “…I’ll take that as confirmation that you’re Nemurian, right? Wild guess, but it seems the most likely. …That or descended from some long-gone alien race like myself, Gohan, Peppa, and my dad and aunt.” you remark as you find a chair to sit down on. “Like from… Planet Z’S? …Are you a squid-person?” That last question is asked in a slightly softer, less serious tone.

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“I’m an Earthling, and a human.” Jaki states plainly as he takes his own seat, Sala flipping a chair around and resting her arms the back of it as she listens, Hado sitting more politely next to her. “Your initial guess was right.”

“As far as I know, we are among some of the last Nemurians.” Melchior adds, to your surprise.

“Wait wha-?” …Actually no that tracks. “Okay. So you’ve got something resembling first-hand experience with what happened, yes?”

“Yes.” he replies, a sense of bitterness in his voice. “The Last Queen of Nemuria desired power. Power beyond mortal comprehension. Power of a dead god, residing within its lingering dreams. Power enough that even the demons that Nemuria fought against bend to her will. The Makyans, the Devils of Kumat, the Deep Dwellers, the Deified Mykinae, and all other foes caught up in the great game of domination. Her attempt at attaining apotheosis spelt doom for the entire civilization, and from my understanding, collapse of what world order existed. The capital came crashing down to the Earth below, and the grand citadel beneath the waves the epicenter of the calamity.”

“So the reason why you’re so worried is because you think something, someONE might still be in there, warped by the thing that she tried to unleash?”

Jaki slowly nods. “Correct. Can you imagine a madness lasting thousands of years, a forced, unliving existence that endures a hunger that can never be satiated? That is what may take notice of your Hakkero.”

“All right, backing up to that a bit, do you know WHAT will actually happen if they get hold of the Hakkero?”

“Mn.” He rests his chin on his knuckles. “Worst case scenario, it would give a fractured demon god a means to start reconnecting itself. Linking together as it reacts with the Magic within, bit by bit, until it is whole again.”

…Okay that’s bad, sure. “Not taking it has its own risks too, you know. If they’re as dangerous as you’re implying, it might be the insurance needed to keep them at bay.”

“Ey, question.” Sala finally speaks up. “Why the bloody hell didn’t ya tell any of us this before?”

“A number of reasons. Most prominent is that beyond Majin Ozotto, few would be aware of the kinds of things lurking in the ruins of Nemuria. The Makyans have forgotten their oldest grudges, the nations of the time have been buried in the past, sometimes literally, and most other Demons haven’t shown significant interest in the ruins. Those that did, we’ve mostly dealt with on our own.” Jaki replies, voice slightly apologetic.

>A. You COULD have come to any of us sooner, you know! My dad or aunt would have been more than willing to help you
>B. You mentioned a number of other civilizations, did any of them have things like the Nemurians did
>C. Okay but if you ARE Nemurian, how did you end up here?
>D. Something else?
>B. You mentioned a number of other civilizations, did any of them have things like the Nemurians did
Like Pharaoh Totenhotep's people and the SPIDER-SNAKE!

>C. Okay but if you ARE Nemurian, how did you end up here?
"Either you took the long way by living through it or time travel both things we know are capable. (We know people who are long-lived, and we know time-travelers so neither is a real surprise)
>D. Something else?
>'Her attempt at attaining apotheosis'
"Wait, you mean the Nemurians had a 'Promised Day' as well? Could this be connected to this fractured God? Is this what Ozotto is after?"

>We're finally learning the Dragon World's version of the Bronze Age Collapse
>A. You COULD have come to any of us sooner, you know! My dad or aunt would have been more than willing to help you
>B. You mentioned a number of other civilizations, did any of them have things like the Nemurians did
>C. Okay but if you ARE Nemurian, how did you end up here?
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Okay, I'm definitely not gonna get this done before I pass out again, so I'll leave the vote open until when we are back tomorrow, around 6:30 pm PST. Sorry this was so short, but see y'all then! Stay safe out there!
Night boss. Sorry for the late entry but I appreciate all the work you do.

...just gonna read your notes while we wait.
Rest well boss!
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Okay. I am sorry to have delayed this, and I'm sorry things have been kinda shaky these last few days. I do have this post ready, but it'll be all we have tonight. Very sorry.

Still, we're back, but it will only be for a short bit.

“Okay, hold up. If you ARE Nemurian, how did you end up like, here?” you ask next, leaning forward. “Like I can make some guesses. I know multiple people that have lived for hundreds of years, and I know Time Travel’s possible, but what was it?”


Jaki looks down again. “…On the final night of Nemuria, as apotheosis was attempted, the fractured god’s power fractured time and space as well. Melchior and myself ended up within this time, though unaware of one another for years. Irony of ironies, I was taken in by Makyans that had settled peacefully through the intervening millennia.”

“So when you initially met us, helped train us in Magic and Martial Arts, was all that just a ploy to get you to return back to your own time?” Hado questions critically.

“No. I made my peace with what happened. I have no intention of altering the past.” he replies firmly. “I came to you both because of Majin Ozotto.”

“Uh. Not followin’.” Sala remarks with a confused tilt of her head.

“With his return, I knew there would be unfinished business among similar Demonic entities. Ones that still had some recollection of Nemuria. Even with him vanquished, it would do little to stop those that desired such ancient power. Eventually they may have gone after the both of you.”

That catches the pair off-guard, but before they can say anything more, you speak up. “Two things. First: why not come to any of us? My dad or aunt Maple would have leaped at the chance to help you. They weren’t exactly unknowns among the public either.”

“Because it was our mistakes that needed to be cleaned up. Not any of yours.” he says plainly.

“And us…?” Hado brings up again.

“Yeah what do ya mean ‘gone after the both of’ us?” Sala adds with narrowed eyes.

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…You kinda start to get it yourself, but it’s Jaki’s place to answer. “You were adept at learning advanced Magic, at a pace most would find impossible. Did you never question how that were possible?”

“Figured I was just that good.” the blonde girl remarks with a smirk, though the boy with two-toned hair shaking his head.

“You two descend from the same line I do.” Jaki replies bluntly. “Melchior wasn’t including just I and himself in that statement.”

“...Oh. OH.” Sala looks down at her hands. “Ohhhh…”

“Second question:” you speak up. “You’ve mentioned this ‘apotheosis’ more than once now. What exactly is the connection to the fractured god, Majin Ozotto, and that? …And did your people ever refer to it as something like a ‘promised day’ or any similar descriptor?”

“It may have been described as such by those leading the effort, but calling it a ‘promised day’ was never quite a public affair. Further, Majin Ozotto was one of the entities helping spread chaos as upheaval spread through the world. It was believed the power of the fractured god would make even a being like him kneel. The Dreamstone our people discovered likely originated through interaction between the power of the fractured god and the Earth’s crust. Similar in nature to how demonic energy in liquid form, known also as Aquma, could alter and reshape the wills of living beings.” Jaki answers, scowling as he relays this next part. “Some theorized combining the two could eventually dominate the will of that fractured being, with devices made to exacerbate the process. Gain the power of that god.”

“Yeah uh, I can see a number of problems with this plan?” you bring up. “Like, SO many.”

“You aren’t alone in that regard. But even the most powerful voice in opposition to it, my sister, could not overrule the decisions of our Queen. Madness likely setting in quite some time before the attempt at apotheosis.” he bitterly remarks.

“Okay, follow-up then. You mentioned some other civilizations around at that time. Did they have any projects like the one Nemuria was trying to pull? At least as far as you’re aware.” you ask next.

“Using the same source of power? No, definitely not. Using different esoteric and likely dangerous sources of power to try and gain the upper hand in the chaos? Yes, though I don’t completely know the details of each. Most would not have lingered this long. Kumat’s Devils might linger to some degree, but none should be of significant threat to you.”

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“Okay, Kumat… just a second.” You get the map out again, laying it on a table in front of everyone. “Let’s mark this off. Where would Kumat be located?”

“Here.” He points to… Diablo Desert. And in fact, he points out Kyodai Pyramid specifically.

“Good news then, I cleared that out already.” you tell him with a confident grin. “…They ever try to attain some form of immortality through cursed objects?”

He gives a mildly surprised look and nods. “Yes… their rulers desired a form of eternal life, from what I recall.”

Pointing your thumb at your chest, you declare, “Pharaoh Totenhotep’s attempt at returning for a thousand year reign was cut short by yours truly. Blasted the unlife right out of that mummy.”

“Hah! Nice!” Sala compliments.

“Good.” Jaki actually seems relieved. “From what I can recall my sister told me, they used to be a more just and noble people, trying to seal away Demons that infested the hearts of men and drove them to commit heinous acts.”

“Right, but still, got that marked down.” You bring attention back to the map. “Makyans are mostly fine, but how about the other two? The Deep Dwellers and Deified Mykinae?”

“The Deep Dwellers were a collection of peoples bound to the sea, with many different beings among their ranks. Sea dragons, merfolk, fish men, and even beings from beyond the stars. Their place of origin was less important, as they did not stay in one place for long, but we had figured the leaders of originated here…” He points to a location west of West City, right in the middle of the ocean. “While the Mykinae sought to elevate members of their own to godhood through different means, achieving powers and martial might that rivaled the power of many demons that roamed the lands, some even believing their ten kings descended from divinity themselves. Their home rests beneath the waves, here.” He finally points out a location west of the Land of Korin and Yahhoy, close to the islands leading away from the Yahhoy Peninsula.

>A. All right, thank you for all this. Want to make sure my team’s well-informed heading into this thing, after all
>B. You know, the mention of your sister kinda confirmed it. Should I address you as Prince Jaki, sir?
>C. Your people were innately skilled with Magic, huh? Does explain a few things. Any tips you wanna pass along to, oh, the Mahou of Earth so she can improve her own skills? …Pretty please?
>D. Something else?

That said, once more,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this tonight! We’ll be back tomorrow starting 5:30 pm PST. Did y’all have fun? Stay safe and see ya then!

Vote open until then!
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"Did you guys know Olibu and Elevia?"
>. Sea dragons, merfolk, fish men, and even beings from beyond the stars.



UNDYNE! fuck! we never did question where she came from! KATO YOU CLEVER PERSON YOU
>“While the Mykinae sought to elevate members of their own to godhood through different means, achieving powers and martial might that rivaled the power of many demons that roamed the lands, some even believing their ten kings descended from divinity themselves.

I'm guessing this is Olibu's people, they sound Greek as FUCK.
A. All right, thank you for all this. Want to make sure my team’s well-informed heading into this thing, after all
>C. Your people were innately skilled with Magic, huh? Does explain a few things. Any tips you wanna pass along to, oh, the Mahou of Earth so she can improve her own skills? …Pretty please?
Support >>5662629
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Backing, get that Naruto shit outta here.
Belief has never been a factor in any of this. Training, study, experimentation, yes. Belief? No. Wherever you got that idea from, it ain't this Quest.
Is magic not bending the world to your whim? It takes training, study, and experimentation, yes. An alien girl, the furthest thing from this special bloodline, could figure it out. Izumi has figured it out better than they did because she put in the work. It's never been a matter of bloodlines.
None of that is belief though. Izzy doesn't summon goats that pop and spew glitter everywhere because she believes in it hard enough, she figured that shit out. So why did you start off with that?
Because her belief in her abilities makes them possible! It's studied, it's proven, it's belief. If she believed that she could never measure up to her cousins because she doesn't have a tail, there would be none of her magic at all.
That isn't what you said.

>it's a force of nature that believers can play with. The more you believe, the more magic can do for you.

Did you misspeak or are you trying to correct this after it was pointed out?
That is magic, it moves according to your belief, it's bending reality to your will.
No it isn't. That is the opposite of how it's been portrayed. It's always been something closer to how Ki works in this quest, hence why there's overlap and the ability for those who learn one to learn the other. Piccolo and Maple aren't tapping into the Force when they make BADMAN shirts.

You can just admit you were wrong on that point instead of doubling down like you always do. It isn't even contradicting the core of what you're complaining about, it's supporting it if anything. But you need to take that step.
They totally are shaping the world to their will because they learned to master it, their belief makes it possible, not their lineage.
Okay. I gave you this chance. But you are just going to keep doubling down, not read what others are saying, and continue treating whatever esoteric thought crosses your mind like gospel.

Also, make it less obvious next time.
You're doing the same thing, you're saying I'm wrong while supporting what I've been saying about how magic is a thing you work for and doesn't care if you're Palpatine's granddaughter. I don't understand what you're arguing for?
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Voting against >>5662809
Bloodlines have always been a thing in DBZ
Everyone in that pic had to work for their power, don't discount their efforts just because of their genetics.
The whole point with Goten is that he's naturally strong enough to go SS? Did you read Dragonball?
I don't watch anime.
Eh, forget it. Some quest accidentally having racist worldbuilding is the least of my concern right now. So, y'all wanna go along with that, fine. You don't wanna let that fly, even better. I'm tired.

You're on the right track.

Okay, sorry about the delay. Had to rewrite things a few times because of changes in votes and didn't want to stifle any discussion, but we are back now.

“Two major things, then. You’re saying your people had some innate skill with Magic, right? But from my own experiences, Magic can be learned by just about anyone if they put their mind to it. My mom’s a normal human, my dad’s a Tuffle, and my grandpa on my mom’s side is a martial artist trained by Master Roshi. None of them started off with any significant Magical abilities, yet look at me.” You stand, splaying your arms out a bit. “I’ve learned how to access Magical skills that impress some of the most powerful Demons. I’ve developed my own Mahou transformation. Heck, so has my aunt. So the first thing is, is this supposed innate Magical skill really all you’re going off of?”

Jaki raises an eyebrow at you. “I did not mean to downplay your own abilities, Izumi Mahogany. If anything, what you have accomplished in your rather short time here on Earth makes some of the most adept Magic users of my time seem lacking. And… to answer your question, no. While the capacity to develop Magical abilities quicker than most other humans is common among our people, that was not the only factor in this.”

“You wanna tell us what the other, or others, were?” Hado inquires, mimicking Jaki’s eyebrow raise.

“When you’re ready.” he states flatly.

Not… sure what to take from that remark, but okay. “So, second question: are you willing to share any pointers on with the Mahou of Earth? I’m always looking to improve what I can do in that capacity, and from the sound of things it did seem like it wasn’t JUST their innate skills that got them to such advanced Magical abilities. You training them was probably a big factor.”

“With what you are capable of already, there is little I can share in regards to training methods that will provide significant improvement.” Jaki responds, a bit of a smile on his face. “But I do know one that is most relevant to what your current goal is. If you want to experiment with developing portals, I highly recommend starting small, and to places you know, rather than rush into bringing back those that are lost.”

You raise a finger and open your mouth to say something, but then sit back down. “...Yeah that tracks. Okay, start small.”

“I also caution using it in conjunction with your Hakkero or the Dreamstone until you have the basics down.” he adds.

“All righty… hey, speaking of Mahou, were you or your people aware of anyone by the name Elevia, or her partner Olibu?” you ask next.

“From the time of Ancient Nemuria? No, but I am aware of Olibu, at the very least. From my understanding, Earth’s ancient hero was one who thrived after the collapse of civilization, completing arduous labors and performing heroic deeds as the world tried to rebuild itself. I suspect the original sealing of Majin Ozotto can be traced back to him.”

“Heh, you’d be right on that point.” you say with a smirk. “Well, from what I know Elevia was his partner, a Mahou like myself. They apparently worked in tandem as they fought monsters and demons and the like.”

“Her name, much like Olibu’s, sounds Mykinae in origin. Very likely they descend from that civilization.” He holds his chin contemplatively. “I do not recall them having any ability like yours, either. Likely this Elevia character developed such a thing on her own, much like you did.”

“All right. Thank you then, for all you’ve shared with me today. I’d like my team to be properly prepared before we head down there, and this is more than sufficient.” You stand up, and Jaki does the same. “Good luck with your own stuff, guys.”

“Safe travels, Princess Izumi.”

>A. Melchior, anything you might want me to try to find other than the Dreamstone?
>B. Oh, right, I almost forgot! Down at Fortuneteller Baba’s place we managed to capture some things from the castle up north…
>C. Gotta relay all this with Piccolo, Basilea, and your gang. Team meeting!
>D. Something else?
>A. Melchior, anything you might want me to try to find other than the Dreamstone?
>B. Oh, right, I almost forgot! Down at Fortuneteller Baba’s place we managed to capture some things from the castle up north…
>>5663590 +1
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>A. Melchior, anything you might want me to try to find other than the Dreamstone?
"Even if you don't think its related, I'd love to know more types of stones you know about."

>B. Oh, right, I almost forgot! Down at Fortuneteller Baba’s place we managed to capture some things from the castle up north…

"Do you happen to know what pieces of that fractured demon god looks like by chance?"

>D. "Did Nemuria have any Mahous?"
Nooot quite what I had intended. I found Jaki's statement about how his companions have their bloodline to thank for their magic to be incredibly reductive. It ignored their efforts. I was objecting because of that, though I do have a hard time getting my intentions across, I apologize for that.

Still, even though it's my thanks, you have it for letting that through.

Also I'm sorry again, I am on the verge of passing out, and I should get some rest. Tomorrow we definitely will be back by around 6:30 pm PST, for real this time. Thank you all for playing, please stay safe, and see y'all then!
Night boss
Night boss!

>The Devil's bracelet was found in the original Nemurian ruins

>Piccolo probably left them in his other pants again.

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OKAY. No more delays, we are back!

“Same to you. Oh, before I go, that ‘fractured god’ you’ve mentioned before. What might its pieces look like, by any chance?” Gotta make sure. Just to be on the safe side.

“In terms of physical form? They would likely resemble their main form, an armored body with vaguely worm-like features, though I suspect any remnants would take on features similar to the environments they ended up residing in.” he responds, looking down at his hand. “We’ve had to deal with one before.”

Sala narrows her eyes at you. “Oi. You askin’ ‘cause you want to be cautious, or ‘cause you found somethin’?”

“Up north we managed to capture both a corrupting essence that had taken over a number of animals and even tried to take over Yamcha.” you begin.

“Ah, poor guy got it twice in a row? Now I’m feelin’ like I was overly mopey…” the blonde girl remarks.

“And we also captured this… grub thing that kinda fits the description. It wanted to eat Magic, but was otherwise mostly harmless.” you say next. “Here, looked like this…”

You show a picture of it to the three. Sala immediately coos out an “Awwww!” upon seeing it. “Lil’ grub looks precious.”

Jaki’s eye twitches slightly, looking at it with clear discomfort. “Where is it?”

“Down at the palace of Fortuneteller Baba. We have it and the shapeless being that attacked Yamcha in lockdown, don’t worry.” Okay, he’s not too pleased by this. “Look, I don’t plan to make a habit of turning these into pets or anything, I captured that grub especially mostly to make sure we could keep an eye on it, and keep it away from any lingering Magical artifacts in that palace. Besides, Baba has foresight, if she sees any danger with the thing, she’d be the first to know. It’s safe there, trust me.”

Jaki closes his eyes and rubs the side of his head. “I will hold you to that. I would prefer that it’s destroyed before it could repeat the mistakes of the past, especially with powerful beings like the Demon King aware of the goings on of this world. To say nothing of Majin Ozotto being alive again…”

“Point noted. Though…” A thought crosses your mind. “Say, did Ancient Nemuria have any Mahous like myself?”

“Not in my time, though I assume one or two existed in our past. My sister did possess Magical abilities beyond even my own, though they did not manifest in a manner similar to yours.”

You snap your fingers. “Damn… well, I kinda figured that using Magic to that degree would mean your people would know something about them…”

“It is possible some research on them existed, and where you are going is likely the best place to check.”

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You give him a thumb’s up. “Thanks! Oh, last thing! Melchior!” You turn to face the old man. “Since we are headed down that way, anything we should look for that you might want us to pick up?”

“Hmm…” He rubs his chin. “There may be some old tools down there that have survived the ages that could prove useful. The one I want most of all is an enchanted hammer, it should be in a workshop area that looks exceptionally important.” He thinks for a moment longer, then looks to a cabinet. “…Also some Nemurian Gin. Haven’t been able to replace the one that I lost.”

“Heh, okay sir. I’ll keep an eye out for those two.”

So, got all that done. What next…?

>A. Team meeting! Get Piccolo and Basilea’s group to meet up with your gang
>B. Baba’s Palace, wanna check up on the grub and the Shapeless
>C. Kinda want to get started on what Jaki told you about portal magic…
>D. Something else?
>A. Team meeting! Get Piccolo and Basilea’s group to meet up with your gang
We should survey the area this time before investigating. Let's take a note from Gero's book and use drones (who can survive the pressure of course) to survey it first and report back to us before we go ourselves. We can review the data as a team.
>B. Baba’s Palace, wanna check up on the grub and the Shapeless
Support as well, let's have the team meeting there.
>B. Baba’s Palace, wanna check up on the grub and the Shapeless
And support >>5664305's writein
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