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For aeons, dragons ruled the world from on high. They were masters of all they surveyed, favourite children of the Dark Gods and inheritors of creation. No other mortal being was more complete in their power or their intellect, in their spirituality or their mysticism, in life… Or in love.

But all good things come to an end.

The Age of Dragons came to an end in a flash of blinding Light. The Dark Gods retreated, abandoning their children in the defeat. The Dragon Kings of old were slain, slaughtered like beasts and slandered by their mammalian usurpers. Their subjects were driven from their rightful lands, forced to cower in the dark until their forgot what it was to be truly great. They forgot pride, courage, curiosity, ambition. They forgot how to live, and how to love.

You will remind them.

Your name… Well, your True Name is your own, not readily shared with others. Across the Underdark, among the dark elves and dwarves, bugbears and ghouls, among kobolds and aberrant entities beyond the pale, you are called King Theral—Knight Ascendant of the Feathered Serpent, Dark Prophet of the Coming Age, Inheritor of Big Red, Copper Dragon King of Bloodrise.

“Fatheaded Degenerate,” your great love calls you. “Oh One of Overinflated Ego.”

You can’t bring yourself to hold it against her, when her tail is coiled around you and her head is resting against your chest.
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Over the last year-and-a-half, your mission to subjugate some unruly descendants of your ancestors’ kobold slaves has ballooned into something else entirely. You have toppled pretenders to the ancient Dragon Kings’ legacy and seized it for yourself. You have earned the favour of many a god, become champion of one and been forsaken by another. You have defeated legendary monsters and acquired equally-legendary weapons from their butchered bodies. You have conquered corporations, repatriated their resources, and killed or converted every surface-scum or unruly underling who dared to stand against you.

You bred one lover to sired strange spawn, sacrificed another in the pursuit of your dark designs, and confessed your love to your first and truest love.

Now, while your motley multicultural militia prepares for a war which will secure your claim to the Red Dragon King’s ancient heartland—and the Red Dragon Kings very soul slumbers in your heart—you prepare for an altogether different conquest. Your people have fallen far from their ancient glory. They have hidden in shadows, behind a veil of conspiracy. There was prudence to that decision, and it bought them time… But even as you acknowledge that, you fear the time for secrets and subterfuge is nearing its end. In Hawksong, the great city-on-the-hill of the human Paladins and their weakling subjects, the Great Conspiracy has been breached.

The Green Knight, last scion of the accursed Yosef bloodline, has captured a Serpent Priest—alive.

You were born now far from Hawksong, albeit miles underground. Now, you return to the same base where you were conceived, laid as an egg, hatched an infant, raised to be a Dragonborn Antipaladin. You return not with your head bowed in supplication and subordination, but lifted high with the pride of a True Dragon! You return to tell the Serpent Priesthood that their ways—the ancient ways they have followed for centuries, even millennia—are wrong. You have returned to rally the people to a new way, YOUR way… The way of LOVE!

You’re hoping they won’t try to execute you for heresy, and force you to stage a coup.

But before all that, there is one last thing you need to do…
>Check on your sons, and teach them to hunt—you are their father, after all
>Finally consummate your relationship with your true love—she is in heat!
>Give a speech to remind your forces why they fight, and command them in the first battle of their new campaign
>Commune with the Dark Gods—you are their champion, and you would ask their advice and for their blessing

header by the QM called Bananas or Nosewise.
Statblock portrait by stratraphell on Fiverr
Previous threads and predecessor quest at https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=reptoidqm
>Commune with the Dark Gods—you are their champion, and you would ask their advice and for their blessing
damnit, novice is finally in heat right after we turned down the BB fix? call him up right now! we will pay ANY price
>Check on your sons, and teach them to hunt—you are their father, after all

Im not sure how but lets do it

Pretty sure the sons are still worm like iirc
>>Commune with the Dark Gods—you are their champion, and you would ask their advice and for their blessing

Should probably get this squared away since our main detractors will likely be the serpent PRIESThood.
>Check on your sons, and teach them to hunt—you are their father, after all
>Commune with the Dark Gods—you are their champion, and you would ask their advice and for their blessing
Love my boys and theyre growing big and will likely be huge when we come back to bloodrise, itll be good to reach them this valuable lesson before we head off, and preferably we speak to the serpent ascending to give us a good hunt for our us and our sons
Id rather not bone Novice since we still have our affliction, and we dont need to battle rally our forces for the return trip unless were bringing our mammal vassals too which I think we should discuss as a group first before bringing them into the base
[Please pick ONE last thing, if you please]
Facts, my bad bossman
>Hunt with the wyrmy boys
>>Check on your sons, and teach them to hunt—you are their father, after all
Without the.... repercussions... of mom's mating I would had pick the Novice
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It has a been a full season now since your battle with Hapo the Necromancer, the kobold who dared to ascend to some facsimile of dragonhood and to challenge your claim to kingship. In that single spring, your sons—nine in total—have grown considerably. Your own race has a notably short youth—you were essentially physically mature by your tenth or twelfth year—but your ‘wyrmling’ spawn take this to a new extreme. It seems every week or two they moult, and each time they emerge from their skin they are larger, better armoured, more complex in configuration. At first, you had difficulty telling them apart, by their most recent moults have granted them clearer distinction. The reddish, mammal-like hair they inherited from you has thinned out, parting to reveal armour-like exoskeleton. Their grublike bodies have broadened and elongated, segmented more clearly into something mid-way between the head-abdomen-thorax configuration of their mother (the ‘greatworm’ who you nicknamed ‘Glowie’) and your own tetrapodal body-plan.

“Zzoldierz!” Glowie enthuses in her sing-song buzz, gushing over your peculiar heirs with a mother’s pride. “Warriorzz!”

“Hunters,” you agree. “I will teach them to hunt, before I leave.”

Glowie is sad to see you go. Despite your explicit and public alliance with the insect-queen, she and your sons are largely isolated from the rest of your empire. Even in Bloodrise’s mixed and multicultural society, they are an alien breed, and unsettling to most. Oddly enough, they seem to find the most kinship with the Drow—the blackish elves of Wevenore—who keep many great insects and arachnids as pets and familiars. Most preeminent in their esteem is the Centipede Lancer Hamaraska, who has served as tutor and babysitter to them these last few months.

“How have their minds developed?” you ask, confiding in this androgynous mammal your concerns. “They seemed… Less than sapient, before. Their bodies have grown, but…”

“They have trouble speaking Dark Elven or the humans’ Northern Common-tongue,” the Lancer admits. “But they understand it well enough. Now that they have… Well, grown HANDS… They can even write in it. It is the mouthparts that are the problem.”

“They cannot ‘speak’ with psychic assistance, like their mother?” you inquire.

The Lancer shakes their head.

“That’s unique to elite females, the Queen thinks.”

You look sharply at Hamaraska. That these Wyrm Princes are your sons, that Glowie was your mate, this is a secret kept even from the elven caretaker. Only the Novice knows of your mating. IT takes you a moment to register Hamaraska’s confused expression, and to realize the elf means ‘Worm-Queen’, and does not mean to imply she is YOUR queen.

“Yes,” you say, “Good. Thank you.”
Your sons assemble before you. By now, they are each nearly as tall as you were two years prior, before you adopted your <Dragonshape> as a nigh-permanent state. If you were to measure them lengthwise—for they are constructed in almost centaur-like configuration, with elongated hindquarters—some would be larger than you are now. How much larger might they get, with a much greater concentration of True Dragon blood in them thanks to the Novice's craft? They have plateaued for now, but you doubt this is the end of their development.

At present, the Princes vary slightly in size and shape, but each has eight limbs: two pairs or legs, dextrous forelimbs ending in manipulating ‘hands’, and (much to your delight) wings!

“Fall in,” you command.

Each of your sons bows his head in turn. One by one, you acknowledge them by the prestigious Draconic names which you granted them:

“Tudyvak, the Scout. Jepvysk, the Hunter. Lopfivik and Fidiefvik, the Terror Twins. Telovvisk of the Deep. Noptivisk, the Singer. Tonupask Ironclad. Gohjavisk Half-Dragon. Natvodask Unknowable.”

Your sons hum and chirp in delight at the names you gave them. You congratulate yourself silently on your foresight, for each seems apt. Tud is eager, energetic, strong-winged. Jep’s wings are not so large to allow flight as yet, but he is ravenous and savage, long-snouted like a crocodile and big of belly. Lop and Fidi are still close, always backing each other up against their larger siblings, just as heavy-shelled and flightless Ton continues to defend stubborn, defiant little Gohja—the runt even now, the only one of your sons smaller and lighter than you. Telov is cryptically-coloured, almost hairless, and a low-slung crawling thing; Nop is a scarlet-tinged peacock of a being. Nat… Is Nat. He has more eyes than the rest, an they often stare past and through you, in a way that is both frustrating and a little unnerving.

“You are finally large enough, and wise enough, to receive instruction,” you tell them.

Your sons buzz, shriek, and crow in foul, fellborn voices, speaking nonsense but plainly understanding you even as you speak the rue Speech. This makes them trilingual, you suppose, even as the remain nonverbal. The latter troubles you, but since they are not even two years of age, the former is astonishing enough to make up for it.
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“We will be hunting near to Bloodrise,” you announce. “The surface is full of game—sheep-goats, deer, foxes and badgers, lesser unicorns, woltpertingers, and leucocrota. Most humans steer clear of those areas where the kobolds hunt, for fear of them. The mountains have less game, and are harder to navigate, but offer greater safety from prying eyes.”

Telo taps his limbs erratically in a queer dance, drawing your attention, and hiss-rattles. He gestures downwards, toward the stone; when you fail to grasp his meaning, he produces a charred branch from a cervices in his carapace and draws a crude elven scrawl: “Down?”

“Yes,” you say, “There is game in the deep as well, but most of it is scrawny and sickly. The healthier, more challenging quarry dwells topside.”

Then again… The realm below is the safest of all, since the Bogbarri (or ‘bugbears’) were re-tamed by your ally of that prickly race, the kobolds doubly subjugated, the Shoggoth slain and mastered and Devourer defeated. Maybe that would be better?

Where will you take your sons hunting?
>The mountains
>The forests below Bloodrise
>The underdark

How will you instruct them to hunt?
>Independently—they are rival heirs, and there can only be one crown prince
>As a pack—your are a King of Love, and a champion of community and cooperation
>With you at the head, directing them as a unit—you are their patriarch, and they are still very young and inexperienced

Do you pay special attention to any of them?
>Specify if so, or specify if not
>With you at the head, directing them as a unit—you are their patriarch, and they are still very young and inexperienced

Backlinking incase my ip changes (i phonepost)
>also dont pay special attention to one particular son
>The mountains
>As a pack—your are a King of Love, and a champion of community and cooperation
Teach him that he can overcome his nature through efforts and motivation
>The forests below Bloodrise
>As a pack—your are a King of Love, and a champion of community and cooperation
More just see how they use their skills, and see who takes charge, I hope we can use each of them but managing infighting between them will be important
>The mountains
>As a pack—your are a King of Love, and a champion of community and cooperation
>With you at the head, directing them as a unit—you are their patriarch, and they are still very young and inexperienced
>The forests below Bloodrise
>As a pack—your are a King of Love, and a champion of community and cooperation
>As packmates they should learn to compensate for each other's weaknesses and turn their unique abilities to strength. Focus on those with perceived issues and show them how apes dragons together strong.
>The forests below Bloodrise
>With you at the head, directing them as a unit—you are their patriarch, and they are still very young and inexperienced
[Locked and writing!]
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Your sons share your boldness, by and large. They show greatest excitement for the forest. You can’t blame them, either—the best game is there, the verdant oak-and-spruce forests below the sun-drenched spires of your kingdom are beautiful hunting grounds. Each dawn, gazing out at that expanse, you wish it was more entirely yours, and that you had the freedom to explore them more fully.

Well, today is the day!

“Very well,” you tell the Wyrm Princes, to a chatter of clacking mandibles and happy hums. “The forest!”

You lead the procession of your monstrous progeny down through the kobold-worn footpaths. You were never a master of stealth or tracking, alas, and the Fearsome Presence of you and your sons puts off many small game—they sense you coming and flee before you can even set eyes on them.

In short: a nice nature hike with your children, but hardly a HUNT.

“Whatever beasts remain will be more impressive, though.”

You look over at Hamaraska, who has accompanied you. The Lancer shrugs.

“I could go flush out something simpler, but if the Wyrms are hunting together… Simple, small, or weak prey will be no challenge once it is in range.”

A fair point. You are glad to have brought the dark elf, for they know bugs in general—and Glowie’s children in particular—better than anyone else except their mother… And Glowie is far too large and cumbersome these days for extended woodland hikes, much to her disappointment. She simply requested that you visit her once more before you depart on your mission to the northern forward base—a request you were happy enough to acquiesce to.

Your thoughts are interrupted by a pang of your <Danger Sense>--the spark of divination-driven reflex that forces your mind to empty and your muscles to move before you even know what is happening. You flatten out, as something unexpected sails through the air above you, barreling through the space you just occupied. It is…
Rolled 76 (1d100)

let's try that roll again
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"What is that?" you mutter, staring in consternation at something that looks mid-way between an elk or great cow of some sort, but with a shaggy blue pelt and a thick mane. It has a horned head, and bulging, furious eyes, but its maw is that of an omnivore, with an eclectic collection of teeth. It looks to be at least ten feet in length, not counting a short, thin tail, and it is easily eight feet at the shoulder. Bulging below its throat is a wattle, like that of your basilisk back home, but as it wheels about to face you it balloons up like that of a toad.

Your Lancer mounts their centipede Honemdym, but you signal the Drow to hold back. The frightened mystery-beast cries out in a long wailing moan as it sees your Wyrm Princes closing in, having heard the commotion and quickly grouped up.

“You have your quarry,” you tell them. “Work together. Bring it back, alive.”

Rattling hissing and chattering erupts from all around you, and the hunt is on.

You and your dark elf companion follow at a distance. Your sons make quite the racket, all moving as a pack in pursuit of the fleeing blue-beast. Even if they did not, the beast itself is no subtle thing—presumably why it charged you to begin with, hoping to frighten you away since it knew it could not evade you with stealth. It is now terribly swift, either, but its strength is admirable—when trees are dense enough to impede progress, it simply bashes them down with a throw of its great armoured skull.

However, that skull is not a shelter for any special cunning… Certainly nothing to match that of Telov, Nopti, and Tud. Your swiftest son took quickly to the air, with some clumsiness but a seed you find yourself envying; from his vantage point, he signaled his musically-inclined sibling, who sang a terrible dirge to direct the skulking Telov. The Terror Twins and Tonu Ironclad herded the beast into position, and Telov struck, lashing out with snapping jaws and seizing with pincer-like claws upon his middle pair of limbs!

Unfortunately, it was then that the creature revealed the purpose of its throat pouch.
You hear a sound you have never heard before, but instantly recognize: your son screaming in pain. You exchange a glance with the Lancer, and you both hurry, to where you find Telov clutching at his face, which is steaming and giving off smoke. You hurry to him, as Jepvysk and Gohjavisk find you next.

“What happened?!”

It is a silly question, you realize almost immediately. Your sons are helpless to communicate with spoken word or telepathic implication. You move Telovvisk’s hands away from his face to find the scales and chitin scalded and scorched, as if by hot water or potent acid. Gohja pantomimes as if vomiting, and you understand: the blue-beast regurgitated something from its pouch in a foul stream, burning your boy.

Jepvysk snorts, and immediately turns to go after it, following the obvious path of smashes timber. Gohja lingers a moment, then does likewise.

>Stay with Telov, and use what little Fleshweaving you know to help mitigate the damage
>Hope Telov will use this as a learning opportunity, and continue to supervise the hunt
>Call the hunt off—this mysterious creature is too dangerous of quarry for your sons’ first chase
>Draw your bow and set out to aid your sons in avenging this affront
>Pull out the newly-mastered shoggoth-sword—this means WAR
>Stay with Telov, and use what little Fleshweaving you know to help mitigate the damage
dang we gotta teach these bois to talk
>>Stay with Telov, and use what little Fleshweaving you know to help mitigate the damage
>Hope Telov will use this as a learning opportunity, and continue to supervise the hunt
I dont mean to be a tool, but in the wild they wont have fleshweavers to heal them,well rn at least Brush it off bubba, get back in the game with your brothers and make that acid spitting moose pay for what it did
>Hope Telov will use this as a learning opportunity, and continue to supervise the hunt

Telov is likely fine some boiling water wont deal Signiant damage through his scaled carapace. And our sons shed and molt their skins anyway.
>Stay with Telov, and use what little Fleshweaving you know to help mitigate the damage
>Check briefly to ensure there will be no permanent damage

>Hope Telov will use this as a learning opportunity, and continue to supervise the hunt
[Inconveniently for me, but conveniently for the quest, i think I'm experiencing some mild agoraphobia. That's new! Alas, we have a tie, so though I have time to post we need a tie-breaker. I'll wait another 30 minutes and then go for it anyway.]
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

“Let this be a lesson to you,” you criticize your stealthiest son. “Do not become so overconfident in your approach that you underestimate an adversary, particularly one you don’t entirely understand.”

Telovysk thrums in quiet understanding, as you use what Fleshweaving you can recall from your lessons with the Novice to repair your son’s face. The damage is surprisingly deep despite his armour. This is actually the first time in several moultings that you have examined one of your insectoid offspring so closely, and you find that their armour—while fearsome—is not exactly platemail. There are many gaps and crevices, the chitin fitting together like scales over an expanding membrane of thinner skin as they outgrow their current skin and cause it to bulge and thin like overfilled clothing. These gaps were where the boiling regurgitant lingered and did greatest damage. Perhaps the wyrms are really not yet fully mature after all, to still have such relatively fragile exoskeletons? You do what you can, and focus on preserving the sight in Telov’s four eyes.

“Hang back,” you instruct him.

You assign Hamaraska the Lancer to his care, and go to rejoin his brothers in the hunt of the strange blue beast.

When you locate the rest of your children, you find that they have chased their dangerous quarry down the hills and to a great river. It is slow here, rather than rapid, but deep. The elk-like entity has waded out as far as it can go without swimming, and by the look of it has filled its strange throat-pouch anew. Smoudlering, foul-smelling streaks across the ground remain as a testament to it having expelled the contents and refilled it at least two other times while you were tending to your injured son.

Tud alights in a tree, having tired himself out with prolonged flight, while your other sons linger at water’s edge, uncertain how to approach. Seeing you approach, however, they seem to feel a renewed surge of purpose, perhaps out of a desire to prove themselves. Gohjavisk Half-Dragon, scrawny creature that he is, must feel it most keenly, for he lets loose a terrible hissing shriek and launches into the water…
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…Which seems to be exactly what the monstrous animal was waiting for. It does not retreat, or spit another deluge of boiling bile at him, but charges to meet him. With its long legs and dense body, the deer-thing has a much better bodyplan for wading through the water than Gohja… Who, you realize, has never swam before. Your bold and reckless child is quickly caught by the huge creatures great maw and, with a sound between a chirp and squawk, he is dragged under the water. His head is forced down, so that his many flailing limbs can only kick and grasp blindly at air and water. Aside from the punctures inflicted by the blue-beast’s assortment of teeth, and the crushing force of its no-doubt impressive bite, Gohja faces a far more harrowing threat…

The water itself. The beast is trying to drown him.

><Aquaphobia> flaw: activated
><Water Weakness> flaw: pending

You feel your heart seized by terror. Water has ever been your nemesis. Muscular and athletic though you have become, you were never a strong swimmer. You tried, Serpent Ascendant KNOWS you tried, but it was one force of nature you could never master. You’ve nearly drowned three times in your journey. You know well the horrifying sensation which your smallest and weakest child must now be feeling… The air in his chest struggling to free itself, the water pressing in, the oppressive darkness. Is there anything worse than the conscious knowledge that your life depends on NOW opening your mouth and trying to breathe, even as your body stubbornly refuses to believe you and forces you to gulp down liquid death anyway?

Your other sons watch impassively. The Twins chatter nervously, while Tonu the Ironclad—heavy of body, late to arrive—sees his treasured sibling in mortal peril and rushes to aid him… Only for Nat, quiet and mysterious, to hiss quietly, and cause Nat to stop.

At first you’re a little taken-aback. Why aren’t they all rushing to assist? Then again… Your sons ARE of their mother’s race, and of the race of Dragons. Young dragons were said to be violently competitive with their siblings as a matter of youthful instinct, while Glowie’s race is perhaps even more dispassionate than yours about matters of life and death. These same sons, in their first few weeks, sometimes required interventions to prevent them eating one another.

What will you do?
>Dive into the fray to save your son
>Let Gohja try to free himself, and thus prove his merit
>Command one or more of your sons to intervene to aid their sibling [specify who, and if you have a plan]
>Use your bow (or perhaps another spell or piece of equipment?) to aid from afar
>Use your bow (or perhaps another spell or piece of equipment?) to aid from afar
Bow is fine

aaaaiiiee lake sama we kneel
>Dive into the fray to save your son
Auqaphobia can suck it. If there's one way to overcome fear it's parental instincts.
>Command one or more of your sons to intervene to aid their sibling
Fighting and moving in water is a valuable lesson, best learned young. That being said, maybe only have the strongest enter to back you up for now.
>Dive into the fray to save your son

They're collectively our heir until one proves himself more worthy than the others; ignoring your blood who have done nothing to wrong you is not something we should reward.
>Dive into the fray to save your son
>Dive into the fray to save your son
Id rather not have any of our kids die on their first outing, and Gohja is the runt. It may not be the norm but the boys are their own species and I feel like we have to teach them to look out for eachother, seeing Dad do something hes terrified of may put their fragility into perspective, no one wants to dissappoint dad
>Use your bow (or perhaps another spell or piece of equipment?) to aid from afar

How deep is this river?

Also backlink to
>How deep is this river?
[At least six or seven feet where the struggle is taking place (essentially up to Theral's abdomen or just below his chest), though it seems to get deeper closer to the centre.]
Rolled 3, 19, 20, 19 = 61 (4d20)

You’ll be damned to the Hellish Realms without the protections of your Dark Gods if you’ll let fear rule you over pride, or over love. This is your first expedition with your only children, and you’ll not lose one to some oafish mammalian beast, nor to the deep.

“What are you doing?!” you chastise your other sons. “Do you think I will reward any of you for thinning your numbers? I instructed you to work as a team. Are you just going to ignore your father… Your King?”

The expressions of the Wyrmlings are difficult to read, their faces stiff and queer, but their blood is dragonblood, and your inherent empathy for all things Reptilian communicates their embarrassment and shame. You waste no further time on words, though—it is time for action. You strip out of your heaviest pieces of armour and leap into the fray… And into the water. Gohjavisk Half-Dragon will NOT drown today, if you have to rip him from the mouth of this animal with your own two hands!

[4d20 athleticism, 1d20 for Gohja; DC 16 for you (18 for Aquaphobia/Water Weakness, reduced by two for Dragonshape) and DC 16 for him (he is half-drowned and injured)]
Rolled 15 (1d20)

[Forgot one die, but with your rolls... Well, he oughtta' be okay.]

>20, two 19s

The blue-beast is so focused upon drowning your child that it doesn’t notice your approach—not until your fist is meeting it square between the eyes, anyway. Its skull is strong, but you are animated by mortal terror for yourself and your boy; you strike with Draconic force, and the mammals’ fortitude cracks and its jaws open in a cry of shcok and pain, freeing Gohjavisk.

Paternal instincts are not encouraged by your faith or by your culture, but you feel them surge up within you and are grateful for them; it is that latter fear which allows you to enter the water at all, and to seize Gohja’s body from the water and drag him to the shallows. The blue-beast advances, honking and howling and with its head lowered to gore, and you brace for impact…

>15 (aided by your crit)

…But the impact never comes. Gohja, even in his weakened state, lashes out with his venomous bite, distracting the amphibious adversary. A moment later, Natvodask Unknowable gestures and chatters, and your other children enter the shallows as well. Tonupask Ironclad crashes into its side, unable to match its sheer bulk but certainly with enough of his own to throw it off-balance. It splashes and sputters, attempting to right itself, but the Terror Twins are quickly upon it in a frenzied splashing-about. It throws both of them off, but not before being so badly gouged by claws, fangs, and sharp-edged carapace as to colour the river-bank red with hunt-blood.

And then, Jepvysk the Hunter is upon the blue-beast, and its life ends in carnage quite quickly thereafter.

You watch all this from the shore, where you quickly scrambled for the soul-comfort of dry land. Gohjavisk lies beside you, wheezing and coughing, unattended by his brothers. Telovvisk approaches you two with the Lancer, hangdog of appearance as he watches the other brothers shred the carcass and savagely dispose of the spoils. Only when this triumphant bloodlust is abated do they assemble around you.

You stand and…
>Congratulate them on a successful first hunt, though you have some notes…
>Criticize their performance, priorities, and unit cohesion most thoroughly
>Impart some specific fatherly advice to individual sons [who and what?]
>Think you need to have a talk with their mother about their attitude, and what you expect from your sons...
>>Congratulate them on a successful first hunt, though you have some notes…
Some pointers on preferred terrain and what being pack means.
>Congratulate them on a successful first hunt, though you have some notes…
>Talk with their mother about their attitude, and what you expect from your sons...

Competition amongst our sons is healthy - but abandoning one another in the face of death is not on
+1 to this, yeah. Nothing wrong with striving for glory, but not at the expense of your brethren
>>Impart some specific fatherly advice to individual sons [who and what?]
stick together and have multiple plans incase things go wrong
*advice for ALL sons
Also clarify water isnt exactly our friend
>Congratulate them on a successful first hunt, though you have some notes…
water scary
stay away from water
[Locked and writing!]
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You offer heartfelt praise and congratulations of your sons. The meat of the blue-beast is ruined by their feasting, their venom… And, you suspect, by its own burst organs and acrid secretions, unappetizing to you or any other subject of Bloodrise. You leave it where it lays.

“You did well!” you tell them. “This foe was unexpectedly dangerous, but through coordination and perseverance you brought it low.”

The Wyrmlings sing their strange songs and jiggle and wriggle in obvious jubilation at their father’s praise, Nptivisk leading the chorus… But you are conflicted. You look to Gohjavisk and Telovvisk—both ostracized, apart from the others and one another. Natvodask sees your celebratory mood waver, and quiets somewhat, tilting his head in curiosity. For all his eeriness, you recognize this as one of your own mannerisms. You wonder what he is thinking.

“Remember,” you tell them, “terrain is a key aspect of any campaign. You must deprive your enemy of his advantages. Whenever possible, choose the field of battle. Deny him shelter. Letting that beast get to water was a misstep that almost cost you a brother. Better teamwork would have allowed you to prevent it from ever reaching that point.”

Water is to be avoided, after all. It is safety and succor to the enemy, and it is bane to the likes of you—and nearly to your son.

The brothers seem to take it under advisement, quieting and chittering amongst themselves in hushed voices. Tonupask, at least, moves to rejoin his shamed siblings. They trail a little behind the others on the way home, but with your encouragement the full party of nine is eventually joined as one column again on the march home.

“They are good zonz!” Glowie enthuses when you tell them of your hunting trip’s success. “They will be good zoldierzz for uzz.”

“But they are not being good BROTHERS.”

Glowie hums thoughtfully, but you know her body language well enough by now to tell that she does not understand, and is humouring you.

“Healthy competition is fine,” you try to explain. “but not at the expense of their brethren. They abandon one another too readily in the face of death.”

“It izz the way for the weak to fall and zztrong to feazt, yezz?”

You hesitate before answering. That IS the way of things, isn’t it? The Red Dragon King said as much, even as he preached love. It’s what makes Draconic Love stronger than the weak mammalian concept propped up by the Gods of Light. But… Well, YOU couldn’t leave your sons to suffer or die, even to secure victory or teach them a lesson. You faced your greatest fear to save them from the wages of ‘weakness’.

(You remember the last words of Davora the Herbalist, your lost lover, and shake off a sudden wave of tumultuous emotion)

“That is not the love in my heart,” you pronounce. “That is not the way of Bloodrise, or of our family. It cannot be.”
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Glowie hums comfortingly, and takes your hands in her chitin-claw grip. You do not resist. Your talons are larger now than hers, in your nigh-permanent <Dragonshape>.

“I underzztand, my king,” she reassures you. “I will do azz you command. They are your zonzz, too, after all!”

You don’t thinks he does really understand it. This… Being… She is your friend, has been your mate and ally, and you KNOW she has great capacity for love. She nearly died for you, once, in a truly heroic act of devotion and affection. She fawns over you even now, delights at your presence, treasures every soft touch and kind word… But like the Master Race, her concept of love is unlike your own. She was so eager to bear your sons, and yet now she seems unbothered by the prospect of any of their individual deaths.

“You are leaving zoon,” she notes, with a touch of sadness.

“Yes,” you agree.

She squeezes your hands more closely, and hums her ‘love song’.

“Be zzafe,” she asks of you. “Come home zzoon, my love."
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You rest, recovering from your day’s ordeals and meditating to clear your mind and refresh your spirit for the journey ahead. You take your torpor alone this evening, rather than with the Novice (as is your usual way) or in Glowie’s chamber (an occasional treat for the insect matriarch, but one which fills you with mixed feelings right now).

The next day, you set out for your first ‘home’, if ever it could truly be called that: the northern forward base of the Reptilian Master Race’s infiltration and subversion operation, where the Novice’s Chaplain father reigns as local hegemon. Your mission is twofold: preach your New World Order to the lowborn and lesser Reptilians that they might understand the new Age of Darkness and Love, and to convince the Serpent priesthood of its wisdom that they might officially proclaim Bloodrise a new Dark Kingdom and ratify your kingship thereof.

You spent the morning finalizing your party for this auspicious return. Some should remain behind to maintain order and good governance in your absence. Others are necessary to lead your troops in their campaign to subjugate or slay all dwarves in Bloodrise who will not submit to your reign and follow your faith. But you cannot journey alone—or, at least, you never have before, and allies would be valuable to communicate your successes and help legitimize your movement.

Who will you bring?

>Write-in all who you wish to bring, from among…
>>The Novice Fleshweaver
>>The Junior Novice
>>The Thief
>>The Bastard
>>The Pit-Guard
>>The Pit-Guard’s Apprentice
>>The North-merchant
>>The South-merchant
>>The Translator
>>The Hunter and/or his retinue
>>The Wevenore Ambassador
>>The Bugbear Boss and his retinue
>>The Throat-singer
>>Hamaraska the Lancer
>>Azonia the Duelist
>>Ivno the Kobold
>>Agno the Kobold
>>The Engineer
>>The Geologist
>>Any of your sons
>>The sundry Drowgons, Duergar, Kobold elders
>>Your imprisoned and enslaved adventurer from many months ago, still languishing in chains
>>Your fire-lizards
>>Your basilisk
>>Your lightning elemental
>>Any others I forgot
[Right! Also...]
>>Olu the Archer
>>The Occultist
>>Ivno the Kobold
>>Agno the Kobold
>>A few of the Kobold elders- not all of them
>>Olu the Archer
>>Your fire-lizards
>>The Throat-Singer and a Duregar honor-guard
>>Bugbear Boss

I'm not 100% sure about bringing any of the non-Reptilian companions. The Kobolds and fire-lizards are all Reptilian, as is Olu; question is whether we should bring a representative of each of the constituent races under our burgeoning kingdom.
>>The Novice Fleshweaver
>>The Junior Novice
>Any other reptilians that want to visit home, except the Hunter and his retinue because we need his competence holding down the fort
>>Ivno the Kobold
agno is too fiery and rebellious
>>Your imprisoned and enslaved adventurer from many months ago, still languishing in chains
as a slave we'll sell so it's ok
>>Your fire-lizards
>>Your basilisk
>>Your lightning elemental

this is already gonna be a risky endeavor without bringing non reptilians to the secret reptilian only base

once they're sold on the us king deal we can begin the cultural integration
>The Novice Fleshweaver

For obvious personal reasons and to assist with diplomacy against the Priesthood

>The Junior Novice

To defend the novice

>The Thief

In case we need subterfuge

>The Bastard

To intermingle with the lower classes and to guard us

>>The Hunter and/or his retinue

For defence and to help persuade the warrior class

>>The Wevenore Ambassador

To see the glory of the Master Race (even at a far flung outpost)

>The Throat-singer

To provide us with counsel and represent the Dwarven citizenry

>Ivno the Kobold

To provide us with counsel and represent the knobold citizenry

>Your imprisoned and enslaved adventurer from many months ago, still languishing in chains

To either sell or sacrifice to the dark gods

>Your fire-lizards

For defence and awe

>Your lightning elemental

For defence
>>The Novice Fleshweaver
>>The Junior Novice
>>The Thief
>>The Bastard
>>Olu the Archer
>>The Occultist
>>Hamaraska the Lancer
>>Azonia the Duelist
>>Ivno the Kobold
>>Agno the Kobold
>>The Engineer
>>The sundry Drowgons, Duergar, Kobold elders
>>Your imprisoned and enslaved adventurer from many months ago, still languishing in chains
>>Your fire-lizards
>>Your basilisk
>>Your lightning elemental

Backlink incase
[Locked! Post incoming.]
You bring the Novice (obviously) and the Junior Novice (equally obviously, for his frequently-altered body is prone to failure without his namesake, and the Novice would benefit from a guard-dog). Ivno the Kobold has been a loyal servant and a reliable watch-dog of sorts himself, so it seems fitting to being him as a representative of his race. Your fire-lizards (two remain, both reasonably docile by now), the basilisk (outfitted with a hood to prevent accidental discharge of its terrible stone-gaze) and lightning elemental (still not fled, still an uneasy ally) should prove an impressive menagerie to showcase yours strength of arms. The rest of your militarily-capable allies are allocated to the war-effort, where their talents will be better utilized…

Well, save for one.

“And why this one?” asks your Archer ally, Oluwadamilare.

The half-elf adventurer whom he hauls up by his metal collar has looked better. Even recently savaged and hobbled by kobolds after his defeat, this ranger was once a prized specimen of mammalian athleticism. Now, though hard labour has hardened him, reduced rations have hollowed his cheeks, and battened have all but broken his spirit and scarred his bared skin. He glares at you with a hatred that is without any bite. He does not struggle, not even to make himself more comfortable; he has become accustomed to discomfort.

“I have not decided yet,” you admit. “To sell? To sacrifice? The Dark Gods will guide our hand.”

Olu the Archer is assigned the keeper of this half-elf, whom he treats with grave discipline. Throughout your journey, the wastrel adventurer never steps out of line, shuffling with elven grace but without his parent race’s pride or dignity. Then again, perhaps it is his humanity which grants him the hardiness to persist at all? Even the hard-living Drow seem scantly suited to the backbreaking labour of the dwarves and kobolds, which he shares in with far fewer rewards or amenities.

Ivno is put to the task of wrangling your animals, something he asserts Agno is the better at… But his efforts do not go unnoticed, or unappreciated. Only the lightning elemental proves to be beyond his capabilities, but then that storm-spirit is no mere animal, and ALL of you give it wide berth at rest.

Your perpetual <Dragonshape> and your impressive cadre of warriors and predators helps clear your path through deep darkness, such that you are untroubled by the typical threats and enemies of the underdark for the first half of your journey. This gives you time to think, and to speak with those whom you would have words with.
Who do you speak with?
>The Novice—wasn’t she, ah, in estrus? You have walked close with her, and the characteristic pheromone-odour is now… Gone…
>The half-elven prisoner—to goad him a little, and to learn what value he may hold
>Olu the Archer—how are things with he and his lady love, with whom he has lately had only distant relations?
>The Junior Novice—perhaps you can teach him some proper True Speech, in preparation for your return?
>Ivno—how does he feel about the Master Race these days? What about life in Bloodrise, under your regime Perhaps an underling of low birth can best help you bridge that gap…
>The Lightning Elemental—it needs a firmer hand to tame its willful spirit, lest it be needed in battle
>The Red Dragon King’s spirit—awaken your most noble ancestor from his slumber in your chest, and meditate on what advice he can offer about diplomacy, fatherhood, and love
[Please pick no more than two.]
As you reflect on your recent triumph over the blue-beats with your sons, you find you have some useful takeaways from the experience as well. Perhaps some of these lessons are applicable to the challenges ahead? In particular, you feel that your fatherly expedition improved your understanding of…
>Reptilian Empathy
[Remember: only three stats can be “maxed” at 5 stars.]
>Red Dragon King


>Reptilian Empathy
>The Lightning Elemental

We really need to bring the thing under our control

A King is a leader first and foremost
>The Lightning Elemental—it needs a firmer hand to tame its willful spirit, lest it be needed in battle
we don't want this thing to fly off the handle when we're making our case about unconspiracying
also damn novice is unheated already? we only had like one update to smash

>The Lightning Elemental—it needs a firmer hand to tame its willful spirit, lest it be needed in battle

>The Red Dragon King’s spirit—awaken your most noble ancestor from his slumber in your chest, and meditate on what advice he can offer about diplomacy, fatherhood, and love

The novice probably just used a potion to shorten or temporarily suppress her cycle, i doubt its of any long term importance.

The lightning elemental needs control, last time we let it lose it attacked everything in its vicinity indiscriminately which we can't afford to have happen in our home base.

The red dragon likely has decent political knowledge.
>>The Novice—wasn’t she, ah, in estrus? You have walked close with her, and the characteristic pheromone-odour is now… Gone…
>The Lightning Elemental—it needs a firmer hand to tame its willful spirit, lest it be needed in battle


Am >>5534121
>The half-elven prisoner—to goad him a little, and to learn what value he may hold
>The Red Dragon King’s spirit—awaken your most noble ancestor from his slumber in your chest, and meditate on what advice he can offer about diplomacy, fatherhood, and love

>Reptilian Empathy
>The Lightning Elemental—it needs a firmer hand to tame its willful spirit, lest it be needed in battle

>The Red Dragon King’s spirit—awaken your most noble ancestor from his slumber in your chest, and meditate on what advice he can offer about diplomacy, fatherhood, and love

>Reptilian Empathy
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[Locked and writing!]
Rolled 8, 8, 4, 13, 5 = 38 (5d20)

Your conversion efforts will require a keen understanding of the Reptilian mind – this much is true. However, what is more important than the arts of the empath or sophist are the tools of a true leader—presence, command. It is better to be loved than feared, you have learned, but to remain in control requires something greater than either: it requires RESPECT.

>+1 Leadership
>>DARK PROPHET II: The faithful of your cause are more resistant to enemy effforts to demoralize, and their rebellious tendencies can be more readily stifled.

Among the followers most in need of your leadership, the lightning elementals stands out. The last time you let this electrical entity off the leash, it fried several elves—orphaning a few Drowgon, and weakening your ally Jazkarmel’s borderguard. You brought it along to aid in impressing the agents and intelligentsia of Reptilian society… But if the abrasive elemental goes berserk again in your birthplace, you can only imagine the dreadful political fallout of THAT. It MUST be brought to heel.

Thus, you approach it.

The elemental immediately tracks your advance—it has no eyes, but you see its flickering go from a low-level and arrhythmic sort to something pulsating; its low energetic hum becomes an angry buzz, such as you’ve heard from your frustrated sons, but amplified as if by a hive. You pause, not cowed but cautious.

“Come,” you command the elemental, pointing at the ground before you. “This wilfulness will no longer be tolerated. An accord will be reached—something more permanent.”

The elemental sparks in irritation, but you do not flinch. The air is charged with ionic tension.
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The lightning elemental flickers and flares, bucking against the force of your draconically-amplified will. You stand strong—you will not show weakness to this entity! You feel the building frustration in the silence, like a calm before a storm, and you unconsciously brace for an explosion…


…But it never comes. Instead, the flashing strobe of the blue-tinted ball of light recedes…

And recedes…

“Have you calmed down?” you ask, hopefully.

It recedes further…

And is gone.

>Lightning Elemental has left the party

You blink a couple times, staring at the empty space, and waiting for its return… But no. The Lightning elemental, like its fiery counterpart, is gone. It was never truly yours to command and, under the pressure of true obedience or rebellion, it chose the coward’s way out: it abandoned the field entirely. Only the third denizen of your Ring of Elemental Command now remains: the ice elemental, still trapped within its gem.

“You should have sought my assistance,” the Novice criticizes you later, when you relate the tale. “That elemental was powerful. You’ve weakened our position with your silly little hemipenes-measuring contest, you know.”

Your tail thumps the ground with a crack before you catch yourself. The female doesn’t flinch, but simply watches you curiously.

“Youa re behaving erratically,” she notes.

You scoff, but wonder internally if she is right. Did you overplay your hand? If so, why? Is it nervousness about the coming conflict with the Chaplain? He is the Novice’s father, but has also been the closest thing to a father figure you have ever known. He and his daughter are also the only members of the Master Race to know your true nature as a ‘false dragonborn’, a dragon-man facsimile created by the illicit breeding and authorized fleshweaving of your Degenerate Infiltrator mother. You KNOW he will not relinquish sovereignty to you… Just as he would never relinquish his daughter to you.

Is that why the Novice ended her estrus early?
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“What?” the Novice Fleshweaver laughs when you ask her, rattling with cruel mockery. “You are kidding, yes, Oh Meatheaded OneÉÈ

“You must have,” you assert. “I was not ignorant of your pheromone patterns, your increased physicality… And yet, within only a single weak, your heat-cycle was over. You negated or suppressed your cycle.”

“I fail to see why it is any concern of yours,” the Novice fires back, a little miffed. “We are not MATES, Dragonborn.”

“We are more than mates,” you correct her. “Mating is a temporary arrangement. What we have is love.”

The Novice laughs more loudly at this, and a touch bitterly.

“So you say. ‘Love.’ You speak on this subject not infrequently, oh Degenerateborn. It has become almost your watchword! But you KNOW it means nothing to me.”

You flinch a little, and she pauses in her abuse.

“You seemed to indicate otherwise,” you note, “at the Winter Gala, and ever since.”

The Novice stares at you, and fidgets slightly, at a loss for words.

“I do not think… It means to me what it means to you,” she finally answers.

“You would not be my mate?” you press.

“It is… Not a good time.”

You stare, awaiting clarification. She sighs, and provides it grudgingly.

“My father will not be positively inclined towards Bloodrise as a kingdom, let alone with YOU at its head,” she explains. “If you were to… If we… If I arrived fertilized form my VERY FIRST breeding, with a… BEING… Like yourself… What would he think, except that I had betrayed him and his plans for bloodline diplomacy with other Serpent Priests? What would he think of YOU, but that you had defied him and violated his clan with deliberate intent to subvert him? It would sabotage the whole alliance!”

“Then why not persist in the heat cycle and just… Not breed?”

The Novice Fleshweaver’s stern, stolid gaze falters, and she looks away, hugging her midsection and squirming slightly.

“Because… I wanted it,” she finally admits, her voice a quiet hiss of self-betrayal. “Badly.”

“It?” you ask.

“You,” she spits, glaring. “I wanted YOU. When my heat cycle came on, I wanted… To be impregnated, by YOU, you stupid, incorrigible Degenerate of a False King! Must I spell EVERYTHING out for you, you borderline illiterate ape?!”
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You at the Novice linger in pregnant ironic!) silence for a time, until finally you…

>Embrace her, non-sexually but tenderly, and reassure her that her decision as wise, and that you can wait
>Open up and admit that, even if she’d been willing, you’re not sure that you are able—after all, there is the matter of the <Dark Goddess’ Affliction>
>Renounce her father’s schemes and defy her fears—and yours—and take her here and now, breaking down her artificial hiatus to reignite her estrus and impregnate your true love!
>Lambaste her for her defiant folly—you are not just her love, but her KING, and the Red Dragon King counsels a forceful and commanding patriarchal love which you will carry forth to the New Age of Darkness

And what of these challenges? They are strategically and emotionally taxing, to say the least. You are a week from the northern forward base, and you are down an elemental, afflicted by a goddess, and second-guessed by your chosen companion. You are… Vexed. What will you do about it?
>Press on with your head held high—you have overcome worse, and you will do so now
>Meditate on the matter—perhaps the Red Dragon King, once awoken, can lend personal and political advice?
>Pray to one of the Dark Gods for guidance [whom?]
>Delay your return home to locate, hunt down, and forcibly domesticate your defiant elemental
>Renounce her father’s schemes and defy her fears—and yours—and take her here and now, breaking down her artificial hiatus to reignite her estrus and impregnate your true love!

Unless she disagrees… I don’t want us to rape her.

>Delay your return home to locate, hunt down, and forcibly domesticate your defiant elemental
It’s been very useful - we will likely need it in the future
>Embrace her, non-sexually but tenderly, and reassure her that her decision was wise and that you can wait
Shes right its better we didnt do anything that will make Chaplain more mad then hes gonna be
>Press on with your head held high—you have overcome worse, and you will do so now
Elemental being free isnt that big of a deal to me, Im hoping after we use all the charges we can try to get some druegar to help us refill it with elementals we pick and tame/contract preemptively, maybe have a fun planar adventure
>>Open up and admit that, even if she’d been willing, you’re not sure that you are able—after all, there is the matter of the <Dark Goddess’ Affliction>

>Press on with your head held high—you have overcome worse, and you will do so now
>Open up and admit that, even if she’d been willing, you’re not sure that you are able—after all, there is the matter of the <Dark Goddess’ Affliction>

She might be able to help us about that with a potion Or healing.

>Delay your return home to locate, hunt down, and forcibly domesticate your defiant elemental

The lighting elemental is one of our strongest weapons, I dislike delaying our return but I leaving it wouldn't be worth it.
>>Embrace her, non-sexually but tenderly, and reassure her that her decision as wise, and that you can wait
>Pray to one of the Dark Gods for guidance [whom?]
Daddy serpent, Mommy egglayer bullied us. Could you get us unbullied pretty plz?
>Renounce her father’s schemes and defy her fears—and yours—and take her here and now, breaking down her artificial hiatus to reignite her estrus and impregnate your true love!
>Lambaste her for her defiant folly—you are not just her love, but her KING, and the Red Dragon King counsels a forceful and commanding patriarchal love which you will carry forth to the New Age of Darkness

>Meditate on the matter—perhaps the Red Dragon King, once awoken, can lend personal and political advice?
>Pray to one of the Dark Gods for guidance [Beholderbro]
>Delay your return home to locate, hunt down, and forcibly domesticate your defiant elemental
I ain’t leaving our elemental to fuck around just because anons decided to get cocky and push the issue.
>Open up and admit that, even if she’d been willing, you’re not sure that you are able—after all, there is the matter of the <Dark Goddess’ Affliction>

>Press on with your head held high—you have overcome worse, and you will do so now
>Embrace her, non-sexually but tenderly, and reassure her that her decision as wise, and that you can wait

>Press on with your head held high—you have overcome worse, and you will do so now

we don't want to lead our whole procession on a detour of unknown length to recapture one sparky boi

we still have chilly boi
>>Open up and admit that, even if she’d been willing, you’re not sure that you are able—after all, there is the matter of the <Dark Goddess’ Affliction>

>Delay your return home to locate, hunt down, and forcibly domesticate your defiant elemental
If it comes down to a tie, you can consider me voting for
>Embrace her, non-sexually but tenderly, and reassure her that her decision as wise, and that you can wait
than the affliction vote.
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You step forward. The Novice glowers, tail lashing and gracefully long hunch loweringa s she enters a defensive crouch.

“I am not in heat any longer,” she reminds you.

You spread your arms, and wrap them around her. She awkwardly wavers in place, clearly not sure how to respond.

“I know,” you say.

You muster your courage.

“In truth,” you admit, clearing your throat to avoid a strange hitch in your voice, “I am not sure it would matter if you were.”

The Novice looks at you queerly, and you cringe a little at her searching expression. In truth, you had almost been dreading the Novice’s heat, because you knew, on some level, it would lead to this conversation. But then… What is love, but the opposite of fear, right? You resolved to be done with hiding yourself away.

You tell her of your spiritual dream-mating with the Dark Goddess called Lady of the Rookery and Mother of Dragons—a mating you initiated in a haze of power-lust and with ambitions to demigodly legacy, but which ahs haunted you ever since.

“Well, perhaps she has done all we of the female sex a favour,” the Novice Fleshweaver jokes. “ Your <appetite> was always overactive.”

“But it is now nonexistent,” you lament.

The two of you are seated beside each other now, upon some bare and blackened stone. The Novice makes no physical contact with you, the emotional intimacy you are displaying clearly more than she is used to coping with even WITHOUT any physical contact.

“But… No offspring ahs yet been produced,” the Novice states, with a hint of a question.

You confirm as much.

“And the Nothic,” she says, referring to your messenger-tutor, sent by the Master of the Insightful Eye and God of Wisdom, “This is the ‘affliction’ he spoke of?”

You nod again.

The Novice adjusts her red-and-white robe-of-office, and is quiet for a moment.

“This may be serious, “ she eventually acknowledges. “I TOLD you that you were over-trusting of the Dark Gods. They never give freely—it is in their nature! She has taken something from you… Or given you something roe, more than what you believed you were receiving… More than you wanted.”

You look at her, faintly alarmed, and cannot keep the pela from your voice as you ask:

“Can you fix this, Fleshweaver?”

The Novice hisses and grimaces at this.

“My aptitude is FLESHweaving, not… Spirit. But… Maybe. When we return to our home, MAYBE I can find a way to make this right, with help!”

You cannot help it—you embrace her again, clinging to her. The Novice is stiff and uncomfortable for a time, but eventually she sighs and ebraces you about your waist, curcling her head and neck against your own.

“You are genuinely defective,” she murmurs, like a sweet nothing. “A helpless hatchling. A broken little thing masquerading as a monarch.”

“I love you too,” you reply.

She scoffs, but doesn’t renounce the implication outright.
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Your return home to resolve these matters carnal and kingly is unfortunately delayed by the OTHER matter-that of the elemental. You got cocky, you now realize. You overestimated your ability to cow the storm-spirit by Fearsome Presence alone. To subjugate and tame such a being requires a firmer hand, or perhaps a better incentive. Whichever approach you take, one thing is certain: you are not done with it yet!

“The lightning elemental is too useful a tool to lose without a fight,” you announce. “The Novice’s experiment, ‘Junior’, will track the thing with its sense of smell and its psionic ability.

“We will be fighting it, then?” your Archer asks, not without trepidation. “It is a mighty thing, Superior One, and my arrows… Well, I have a few made with orichalcum which might harm it in some way, but most will be useless.”

“Fire-lizards will resist its zap-scorch, but can’t killfight back,” Ivno the Kobold muses. “Basilisk… Can’t stone-freeze that. No body.”

“We could try to distract it,” the Novice suggests with muted enthusiasm, still clearly dwelling on your earlier conversation. “I know some demon-binding techniques after our lessons, of course, and even before then… But it isn’t my specialty, and elemental spirits are different.”

“I know a few Southern rituals that could help weaken it for binding,” Olu the Archer suggests.

The Novice snorts, then seems to pause in her mockery and shrugs.

“Why not?” she says, uncharacteristically generous. “A half-human Degenerate doing magic… We have seen stranger things.”

Olu merely inclines his head graciously to the Holy One who has given him this faintest of praise. It’s a reminder of the ancestral attitudes towards mixed-blood and casteless Reptilians which will soon rally against your ascent… But the Novice’s modicum of open-mindedness at least gives you some hope.

What will you do?
>Attempt the attack, distract and bind the elemental by magical means with your allies’ assistance
>An all-out combat is a better bet, you feel, using your magic to duel the dangerous spirit and defeat it
>There’s no need for violence and coercion—not yet, not when diplomacy ahsn’t been tried [what will you offer?]
>Defiance must not be tolerated—you will hunt down this spirit and, with your recently-mastered shoggoth sword, you will slay it and absorb its power to further augment the blade
>Attempt the attack, distract and bind the elemental by magical means with your allies’ assistance

>Defiance must not be tolerated—you will hunt down this spirit and, with your recently-mastered shoggoth sword, you will slay it and absorb its power to further augment the blade

shogsord is more impressive anyway
>Defiance must not be tolerated—you will hunt down this spirit and, with your recently-mastered shoggoth sword, you will slay it and absorb its power to further augment the blade
Lightning shogsword? Sounds badass
>Attempt the attack, distract and bind the elemental by magical means with your allies’ assistance
>An all-out combat is a better bet, you feel, using your magic to duel the dangerous spirit and defeat it
I’d rather have it as a controllable entity than a sword upgrade, it’s just more useful as a magic tank.
>There’s no need for violence and coercion—not yet, not when diplomacy ahsn’t been tried [what will you offer?]
We'll build you a lightning rod in top of bloodrise, and we'll channel thunder for you to feed exclusively.

If that fail (or I am the only one voting to be nice to zapbro)
>>Attempt the attack, distract and bind the elemental by magical means with your allies’ assistance
Support the offer, it’s certainly inspired.
+1 to the idea; if it does not work I support:

>Defiance must not be tolerated—you will hunt down this spirit and, with your recently-mastered shoggoth sword, you will slay it and absorb its power to further augment the blade
Supporting the offer

But if it fails then
>Defiance must not be tolerated—you will hunt down this spirit and, with your recently-mastered shoggoth sword, you will slay it and absorb its power to further augment the blade
>Attempt the attack, distract and bind the elemental by magical means with your allies’ assistance


>There’s no need for violence and coercion—not yet, not when diplomacy ahsn’t been tried [what will you offer?]
We'll build you a lightning rod in top of bloodrise, and we'll channel thunder for you to feed exclusively.

If vaild.
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Even with the aid of your allies-most especially the draconically-augmented ‘dogbold’ ghoul whom you and your beloved know as ‘Junior’, it is no easy thing to track down the lightning elemental. You have faint energetic trace and the smell of zone to follow, but the spritely entity leaves no other tracks or traces. Perhaps with the Occultist or Hunter along, you might have had an easier time of it, but as it is, it take you the better part of three days of scouring underdark passages to din it. This is lengthened to four days when the trail leads you to a rushing underground river, which fills your heart with a primal fear and forces you to find a way around. You follow the scant clues and psychic senses at your lackey’s disposal, though, and they lead you round and round, up and up, until finally you find your quarry.

The path leads to the surface. There, the lightning elemental is standing with surprising stillness for such a frenetic being. Rain is beating down upon the round, while it sizzles and evaporates inches from the energy-field which forms the ‘silhouette’ of your wayward servant, so that the lightning elemental is clad in a cloak of steam. It looks… Peaceful, almost.

“Elemental,” you announce yourself, “your master is here.”

The elemental does not turn to face you, not exactly. Rather, its silhouette shifts and shimmers, fluctuates and warps, and when it resolidifies to some extent it ahs the appearance of facing your way. At least it doesn’t immediately attack, as you’d feared it might.
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Rolled 11, 8, 6, 15 = 40 (4d20)


The Novice Fleshweaver called this approach damnable weakness and simpering sentimentality, but she also uses the same sort of verbiage when you are holding her, so you dismissed it. Besides, while you MAY feel some lingering affinity for the being which helped you best the Ghoul Supreme and the Necromancer, the lightning elemental’s primary value is strategic. You COULD feed it to your shoggoth-sword—still MIGHT, in fact—but as a separate entity it can serve as a quite literal ‘shock troop’ in a way it cannot while strapped to your hip, bound within the aberration you wield like a weapon.

“I am not here to fight,” you thus inform the runaway. “I am here to bargain.”

The lightning elemental buzzes and flickers with confusion and agitation, as if to ask: ‘what can you offer me?’

It spreads its arm, its steam-cape swirling about it, as if to say: ‘I have all I need right here!’

“What if I could give you all this and more?”

That gives the elemental pause. You’d been considering this all the way here, wondering what you could offer a sexless and virtually immortal entity which does not eat, or drink, or hold name or status. Seeing it here and now, you know your supposition was well-reasoned.

“I will have the Engineer build you a home,” you pronounce. “An apparatus, to draw forth the lightning from every passing storm, and to funnel it to you. You will have the privilege to feast on every bolt of power which provenance provides.”

The lightning elemental sizzles and snap-cracks in agitated uncertainty.

>6. You must not break an oath or promise given

“I promise this,” you tell it, “on my oath as a Knight Ascendant of the Dark God of Glory, He Who Swallowed the Sun.”

[Clever write-in, DC reduced to 13; further reduced to 12 by Dark Prophet II]
The lightning elemental ‘stares’ at you eyelessly and silently. You do not flinch, nor do you rush ahead to fill the silence. Eventually, your unflinching oath wins out. Slowly, the faintly-humanoid figure shrinks, curling in on itself until it has receded once more into a spherical spark. It slowly lowers towards the ground, as if bowing… And sinks down low. A you depart, parting your anxious followers before you, the elemental is as an electric blue extension of your own tail.

“Why not just subjugate the thing?” the Novice asks you later, less exasperated than genuinely befuddled. “We had the means!”

“It was no sure thing,” you point out. “If we’d failed, it would have been lost, and we would have suffered injury. It was far from ideal. My way was better.”

“Your way wasted time,” she points out.

“Most of the time ‘wasted’ was on tracking it, not on negotiation,” you correct her.

“Bah, we could have just left it then!”


The Novice crossed her arms and turns her head sharply with a hiss, but doesn’t argue the point.

“We brought enough food for a two week journey, with enough to last a couple extra days,” she eventually says. “our provisions are running low with this entire additional week of hunting and backtracking.”

She is right about that, at least—retracing your steps is fasters, but you will still be stretching your supplies thin. Any further delay or interruption would leave your party—your large carnivorous animals in particular—desperately hungry.

What will you do?
>Use <Guidance> to seek a shortcut
>Drop your <Dragonform> and thus reduce your own caloric intake
>Force your forces to take less food each rest, to stretch out rations at the cost of morale
>Go hunting for game on the surface
>Kill and eat one of the fire-lizards
>Use <Guidance> to seek a shortcut
>Drop your <Dragonform> and thus reduce your own caloric intake

>Use <Guidance> to seek a shortcut
>Drop your <Dragonform> and thus reduce your own caloric intake
>Cut rations just a bit, enough to have a large meal the day before you arrive

Can always bring the Dragonform back up if needed, and full bellies before we arrive will keep spirits high
>Use <Guidance> to seek a shortcut
>Drop your <Dragonform> and thus reduce your own caloric intake
>Go hunting for game on the surface
Any interesting game we can hunt for Serpent Ascendant?
[Today's my mom's birthday, so I will probably be updating late.]
I hope you enjoy yourself (and the cake)!
Take your time rqm dont worry about it
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[Home! Locking vote.]

[Thanks! Mom's on a diet, so no cake, but thematically-appropriate beer was imbibed at the blues jam.]
While bringing a smaller group of stalwart allies proved disadvantageous in some ways—no trackers of spirit-specialists to guide you earlier—it now proves a boon. You have fewer mouths to feed, meaning that all it will take to stretch your provisions while maintain morale is to lower your group’s caloric intake just a little, and to speed the trip just a titch. You know just what to do to accomplish both: you drop the <Dragonshape> and cast <Guidance> instead.

You first relax the subtle spiritual tension which has locked your augmented appearance and ability in place virtually every moment since you joined yourself to your ancestor’s mana-rich soul. This immediately shrinks you several feet in height and sheds a hundred pounds of bone, tissue, and muscle, making you feel queerly diminished and vulnerable after all these months. You shake off the feeling, and next remove the Novice’s specially-created Amulet of the Dragon, further reducing your size and strength—but also your prodigious appetite. Of course, this ALSO leaves you clad only in your somewhat ratty old cloak, since your resized armour is designed to fit a ten foot-tall uberlizard, not your ‘mere’ seven-foot height in your base form.

“At least I won’t need to crane my neck to look at you anymore,” the Novice notes, strangely approving in tone.

You suppose it is in her nature to delight in any return to a more favoruable power dynamic between the two of you. Even now, with all your progress, she cannot help but see an ally—a potential mate, even—as a rival and a threat to her own boundless ambition.

Neither Olu nor Ivno comment upon your shrunken state. You still dwarf the two of them, after all, and they are loyal allies who have known you since before your ascent to the heights of true draconic power. They merely wait respectfully while you channel you still-abundant mana towards a new end: guiding your forces home by the fastest route possible.
Your meditation gleans two distinct possibilities, but the divination spell forewarns you that neither will be without hazard. The first is one known to you: the same ‘shortcut; you took on your last journey, which includes the crossing of an underground waterway. The rains above in the surface region which feeds that river are not so torrential, apparently, so it is a more manageable thing… But it is still WATER, your eternal elemental enemy.

The second route… Well, something hostile lurks there, you sense. Something dark and wild. One of the underdark’s many native predators? It seems likely, but they are so varied and rare that for every one of these entities catalogues, a dozen are suspected to remain mysterious to black magic and the dark biological arts. You don’t know whether you should fear it or not, and whether it is the sort of danger one can pass by with diplomacy or stealth or whether it will require combat to best.

Which path will you take?
>The river-route, water by damned
>The predator’s path, for you fear no foe (except the river)
>Shortcuts were a dumb idea, actually, and you’ve decided you will just tighten everyone’s belts and take the original, safe route
>Write-in (???)
>The river-route, water be damned

>Ask the Novice to prepare to aid you in binding the elemental, when the time comes

We always have the ice elemental to ford the river, and can get ahead of the ball here a bit.
>The river-route, water by damned

We cant use our armor effectively right now — cant afford a fight

>The predator’s path, for you fear no foe (except the river)

aaaiieee river sama mercy I kneel
>The river-route, water by damned
[Locked, writing!]
You again swallow your fear of a watery grave, and opt to take the river-route. It is, in spite of your own experiences, safer than plunging into the territory of some unknown a predator-of-the-deep, and also less certain to spell doom than starvation and exhaustion along the longer route. You repeat these facts like a mantra as you walk the faintly-familiar course back towards the underground river.

As your divinations foretold, the river is shallower and calmer than when last you dove in, in vain effort to rescue a drowning Reptilian. That was when you first learned of how very close the green Knight was to exposing your race’s existence and operations—something which, it seems, has become grim reality. How much do the surface-scum now know of the Master Race?

You shake your head. You have no way of knowing the full extent of exposure and disclosure, not yet. You re merely trying to avoid focusing on the river before you.

It is still too dep, wide, and fast to ford by simply striding across. Even in <Dragonshape>, the perpendicular passage between this ‘riverbank’ (if indeed hard stone on either side of a harshly-eroded path can be called that) and the opposite side is too narrow and low to fly across. You consider forming a <Wall of Stone> across its surface, but this would result in a narrow gap and a similar issue—neither you nor your basilisk would fit (and perhaps not the Novice Fleshweaver’s egg-laying hips, either).

“I could use the Ring of Elemental Command,” you theorize aloud. “This could block up the river, so we could pass, or form a sheet over top of it.”

“If it fails, and bursts like a shoddy dam, we will be battered by many tons of water and shards of ice, and hurtled into the dark deeps.”
You glare at the Novice, but… Well, she’s not wrong. Likewise, if you form a raft or bridge of ice, you would need to be sure it could support your weight. The Ring of Elemental Command shoots short streams of elemental energy—well, just cold now, with the fire elemental long gone and the lightning elemental now following you like a dogbold. You have never sustained such a concentrated blast as would be needed to form a solid structure, capable of holding fast, and not washing or crumbling away.

“We could swim it,” Oluwadamilare says with confidence. “It is not that fast, or that far.”

You glare at him, and unlike the Novice he withers form your wrath. You rein it in. The Archer is… PROBABLY not wrong. It is difficult for you to objectively analyze the speed of this river, after it nearly killed you less than a year ago Your fear of swimming, sinking, and drowning is too great. Your half-human attendant is a practiced athlete, too, though. He probably knows what he’s talking about. Then again, he IS given to feats of bravado at times…


You tap your talons against the spikes of your chin, thinking. Eventually, you…
>Decide to plug the river up with ice magic and hurry across before your impromptu dam shatters
>Try to form an ice bridge to carry your party across
>Just swim it—it can’t be that bad, and you haven’t drowned YET… [disadvantage to rolls]
>Try to form an ice bridge to carry your party across
>Try to form an ice bridge to carry your party across
Could we use our JUMP or WING spells?

We have a lot more mana to work with while not using Dragonshape after all…
pretty sure post says ceiling too low
[Ceiling is too low and passage too narrow for flight. You could probably sue <Jump>, but you'd need to carry each of your followers across, and in particular the fire-lizards and basilisk would present issues there. It's allowed as a write-in, and isn't doomed, but it'll require a roll!]
>Try to form an ice bridge to carry your party across
Go from lightweight to heavyweight. If it shatters, Superman-jump to save the day of the falling person, then proceed supermaning people
Question: would <Wall of Stone> be applicable here in conjunction with the ice?
[Clever! A very low (but still structurally-stable) bridge would be more finnicky than your basic control of earth magic can allow, but you could try to use it in tandem with ice to block the flow of the water more effectively or for longer. It wouldn't be an auto-success, but if you chose the "plug" option I would reduce difficulty for this.]
>Decide to plug the river up with ice magic and hurry across before your impromptu dam shatters.
>Write-in: Wall of stone to reinforce the ice dam.
Yeah, in that case I'll switch to:

>Decide to plug the river up with ice magic and hurry across before your impromptu dam shatters + Wall of Stone
switching to that then
Rolled 19, 10, 7 = 36 (3d20)

An idea strikes you, all of a sudden, in a flash of brilliance. What if… You were to sue <Wall of Stone> to block the food of water then shore up any cracks or leaks with strategic blasts of the Ring of Elemental Command and its entrapped ice elemental? After all, you have more than enough mana to achieve such a thing, with the Red Dragon king’s soul burning in your breast and no <Dragonshape> to fuel! What you lack in precise control of terrakinesis, you more than make up for in power and cleverness!

You pitch the idea to your party, and even the Novice Fleshweaver struggles to find any reason to criticize it. That’s all you need to hear (or NOT hear, as the case may be) to know it is a legitimately good idea. You love her, sure, but you know damned well that the young Serpent Priestess would rip into your idea immediately if she thought she had a better one.

You take a deep breath, plant your feet in a powerful stance, and lift a wall of stone from the deep earth to slowly block the stream. At first, the partial plug merely speeds and diverts the water, spraying you and all around you with water. The fire lizards hiss and steam, and shrink away rapidly, but no simple splashback will drive you to flight You hold steady until the rocky blockade is complete.

“Alright,” you bellow, “go!”

Ivno the Kobold and Olu the Archer hurry ahead, with the Novice hesitating in doubt for only a moment before she joins them. Her build and lack of athleticism holds her top speed back, such that the fire-lizards and the basilisk rapidly pass her by, but she is still making good time when—


–the makeshift levee breaks. You feel a pang of panic, visualizing in your overactive imagination your beloved one swallowed up by so much water, dragged away and down, swallowed up by earth and drowned in water, even her body forever beyond your reach and her spirit and warmth and sneering, strangely-endearing wit gone forever and…


You Raise your fist high and blast the leaking crevices forming in the earthen plug with concentrated cold, a ray of energy dispersing heat and leaving only an energetic vacuum which quickly seals the stone. With a sweeping motion, you form a ring of solid ice around the outside edge, anchor the plug in place, before firing again and again where the centre is slowly giving way to building pressure. The Novice sares in a mxi of awe and terror.


For once, and probably ONLY once, the Novice obeys your command without protest. You hurry to follow, ignoring the wailing migraine of your <Danger Sense>.

[Elementalism, DC 11/13 for clever write-in]
Your own pace quickly brings you to the Novice, who you grab about the waist and swing over yoru shoulder.

“Y-you cannot just—” she sputters and hisses indignantly. “It is… This is so HUMILIATING!”

“Better than drowning,” you say, with the sagacity of one who knows the truth firsthand.

You <Jump> clear just in time for the magically-created blockage to give way behind you. You land amidst your fellowship just as a torrent of water gushes like a horizontal geyser behind you, filling the long-eroded channel all at once and splashing up over its edges to further soak your robes and hers. The Novice makes a squeal of alarm and clings to you, suddenly no longer so ‘humiliated’ to be sheltered and held fast by your strength.

“You know,” you note casually, “you are quite heavy, when I am in this form.”

She curses and assails you, but it is muffled, for your great love’s aristocratically-short snout is buried in the fabric of your cloak, despite its dampness. Her tail lashes you repeatedly in muted outrage. The Archer barely stifles a laugh and hides his bemusement behind a rigid soldier’s posture. Ivno and the Junior Novice diplomatically look away while you stroke her fine scales until she is calm enough to set down upon solid ground once more.

That evening—is it evening? Without sun and moon, it is so difficult to tell, so easy to fall into the arbitrary and somehow less-restful cycles of the darkness below—you start a fire with some scavenged fungus and moss, and the heat of your lizard companions. Using this, you dry your attire and the Novice’s, to prevent hyppthermia. You’ve become gradually less susceptible to the vagaries of external temperature, but a true cold-blood like the Novice Fleshweaver is particularly prone to suffer from such things.

“And how am I meant to stay warm while NAKED?” she demands.

You spread your arms and beckon her to you. She wraps her arms and tail around herself in a defensive posture, protecting her dignity against your eyes and talons.

“I have seen you in the nude before,” you remind her. "We even embraced."

“I was wearing a false form!” she protests.

“You have seen ME naked many times.”

“I am your physician!” she retorts.

“You have no other option,” you assert.
She stares wordlessly, helplessly, and eventually scoots close to you. You take her in your embrace, holding her close. It isn’t long before the pleasant radiance of your inner fire melts away all resistance, and she is actively pressing closer to you, her cloaca tantalizingly accessible.

“Do not get any funny ideas,” she notes.

“How could I?” you counter. “You are not in heat, and I…”

You wince, your <appetite> aroused but your loins and gut knotting themselves in coils, trashing and lashing out as if a furious serpent was fighting to burst forth from you.

“…We will have to fix that swiftly,” the Novice eventually says. “You are much less fun to tease like this.”

You force yourself to adopt meditative mindset, to banish the otherwise-enjoyable sensations of your loved one’s soft rear and thighs. Eventually, torpor finds you both.

It is only a few days later that your party finds your way to the familiar tunnels of the forward base where you and the Novice were born—where you will make your case to your people and your Priesthood, where you will be reunited with your ‘brothers’ old and young—the other, ‘truer’ Dragonborn. The Novice shoves you away, creating distance between the two of you for the sake of propriety. The Archer and Kobold fall back, and lower their heads and shoulders in an instinctive posture of inferiority. You marshal your basilisk and fire-lizards with your Fearsome Presence, suppressing their natural responses of fear and aggression as the first Silkscales and Steeltalons notice your approach.

You had resolved to take a two-prong approach here as you did in Wevenore, appealing to the underclass and calling for an audience with the Serpent Priests.

Which will you do first?
>Rally the rabble
>Speak with the Serpent Priesthood
>Bypass both, to see the Great Green Dragonborn and the new hatchlings of the Dragonborn Project
>Rally the rabble

We are a king. We do not simper or ask for permission- the Priesthood will see the error of their ways, or they will be washed over by a great tide of scale.
>Bypass both, to see the Great Green Dragonborn and the new hatchlings of the Dragonborn Project

We need to se our brother!

Plus, reinstate our <Dragonshape>
>>Speak with the Serpent Priesthood

We need to see what their opinions and options for dealing with the fact that the green knight Exposed and captured the chief operation manger in hawk song.

Its a bit aggravating that the chaplain refused our request to go hunt down the green knight previously, before he had hard evidence of our races spy network in hawksong.

But whatever the Chaplin and the other higher ups will need our help just as much as will need theirs's to dig ourselves out of the predicament.
>Speak with serpent priesthood

>“I have seen you in the nude before,” you remind her. "We even embraced."
“I was wearing a false form!” she protests. “You have seen ME naked many times.” “I am your physician!” she retorts. “You have no other option,” you assert.

Hehe cute
>>Bypass both, to see the Great Green Dragonborn and the new hatchlings of the Dragonborn Project
>Speak with the Serpent Priesthood

Let's get a sitrep from their side before doing anything hasty
Before anything else, it behooves a king such as you to meet your opposite number… Even if they aren’t yet ready to acknowledge that equality of station. Surely, with them having failed to stop the Green Knight while YOU bested a powerful mage and made major military and diplomatic gains, they will be inclined to see the error of their ways? Best to approach them before you attempt anything... Desperate.

Imagine your irritation, then, when your meeting with the Chaplain is denied.

“I would meet with the Chaplain of the Northern Forward base,” you again repeat yourself, more forcefully this time, to the silkscale stenographer supplied to you in his stead.

“The Chaplain is in conclave,” you are told. “It is for Serpent Priests only.”

“Then I should be allowed to see him,” the Novice inserts herself.

“He is meeting with the Heralds of Distant Starlight and Secret-Keepers of Deepest Dark,” the Silkscale Stenographer addresses her, with only a slight bow of the head. “A Novice of the Weavers of Flesh is not… On the same level.”

“I am his daughter,” she notes icily.

“You are,” the Silkscale acknowledges diplomatically, but says nothing more.

The implication is clear: it’s not enough. You can understand why, as well. The Chaplain of the Northern forward base is the most highly-born and highly-ranked individual of Reptilian society with whom you have had regular contact… but he is, in the end, merely an Operational Chaplain of the Grand Design. Dark. The Secret-Keepers are privy to the Akashic Records and the Hidden Histories. The Star-Heralds are those who interpret, record, and direct the Grand Design—those tasked with determining when the strs are right or wrong for major actions. They outrank him nearly as he outranks you, and in this time of crisis they will be taking a particular interest in recent events.

“My sire will be groveling before them, shifting blame for his action and inaction,” the Novice mutters sullenly to you, quietly enough that the stenographer will not overhear. “He has always aspired to be among their ranks. This… Green Knight situation… If he can resolve it to their satisfaction, it will be a badge of honour for him, a true victory such as our race’s defensive position rarely allows.”

“And if he fails,” you infer, “it will be a black mark.”
“He will be demoted,” she agrees, expression and body language ambivalent. “They may even execute him.”

What will you do?
>Pump the stenographer for information of the situation in Hawksong
>Intimidate the stenographer into revealing where the Priesthood is meeting, that you might join it and…
>>Denounce the Chaplain
>>Defend the Chaplain
>Distract the stenographer while Ivno searches the Chaplain’s quarters for clues and blackmail material
>Wait patiently and obediently—you may be a king, but the Chaplain is still like a father to you
>Try to use divination to spy upon their meeting
>Intimidate the stenographer into revealing where the Priesthood is meeting, that you might join it and..

>Defend the Chaplain

At least at first. He did, after all, send us up to Bloodrise in the first place.
>Intimidate the stenographer into revealing where the Priesthood is meeting, that you might join it and
>>Defend the Chaplain

We have no reason to try and throw the Chaplin under the bus at this juncture.

He is not to blame for the Green Knight situation, and defending him might afford us his support to deal with the matter
>Intimidate the stenographer into revealing where the Priesthood is meeting, that you might join it and…
>Ignore the Chaplain and make your own case

lmao star heralds interpret, record, and direct the grand design of the dark gods? the grand design we know doesn't exist? I bet they know too. I bet they talked with the dark gods and now they're grifting the reptilian race hard.

Backlink to>>5543198
Rolled 5, 14, 10 = 29 (3d20)

If you’ve not always seen eye-to-eye with the Chaplain on the matter of the Green Knight—whom he denied you the opportunity to hunt down and destroy—it still does not follow that the Chaplain is directly RESPONSIBLE for this turn of events. A part of you feels it is fate, perhaps, or at the very least the inevitable eventuality of the current strategy which the Master Race pursues. If you lurk in the shadows, poking and prodding, eventually your adversaries shall shine a torchlight upon your activities.

“Who have they sent? Who is meeting with him, and where?”

The stenographer looks up from some notations in the flowing, serpentine scrawling of his True Script to regard you skeptically.

“Though you may ask,” he says, “I am not permitted to answer.”

The Novice rattles quietly, drawing the stenographers gaze for a moment… until, rising from your seat to your full height and assuming the <Dragonshape> once more, you thus dwarf the little Silkscale and recapture his full attention.

“I was not ASKING, Stenographer.”
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>>A narrow success, only due to <Dragonshape>
The little lizard held his forked tongue with admirable effort, telling you little. Eventually, though, he buckled under implied threats and looming presence.

“You are lucky I was there,” the Novice murmurs quietly.

…Well, yes, and the Novice’s casual bluff that she had devised a sort of truth serum from local fungi of the dark elves’ lands, which she threatened to administer with a rather wide-bore syringe. That probably played a part, too. Still, he told you remarkably little.

“The officials from Heralds and Secret-Keepers were of middle-high rank,” he said, “and a chiefly priest of the Fleshweavers, assigned to the Dragonborn Project, was also there. He is the only one whom I know directly.”

“What are they discussing?”

He was mum on that, even under pressure; perhaps he didn’t know.

“Where were they?”

He was more forthcoming about THAT, at least, which is why you and your female companion now stride towards their clandestine chamber. He also told you one MORE thing:

“There was another… An agent from Hawksong, a Reptilian Infiltrator of some seniority.”

It makes sense, you suppose. The Serpent Priests will want proximate knowledge of the situation above and to the north from someone who is well verse din local particulars. Apparently he is a Dragonblood of some description, but the name which the stenographer provided meant nothing to you.
You and the Novice arrive at the chamber and, after you have taken a moment to collect your breath and adjust your cloak as best you can to preserve your majesty and dignity, you push open the doors. They are unlocked, the assembled Holy Ones having counted on secrecy to protect them—well, and the knowledge that in this room is enough accumulated muscle and magic to easily detect and defeat any simpleton spy. In fact, as you stand in the portal, you find that several tall and sagacious reptiles of that most ancient and noble class are already looking to you with a mix of irritation and expectancy.

The Chaplain glowers at you from his place, apart from and before these elders of his race. Beside him is a race-scaled Dragonblooded One with characteristically-pointed chin, clad in human attire as if fresh from the field; his tail remains tucked away, shapeshifted out of physicality to accommodate a pair of heavy trousers, behind a sort of leather apron; on his side, tucked in a thick and riveted belt, is a simple but well-crafted sword. You size him up quickly, feeling as if you have seen him somewhere before. However, the Chaplain’s death-glare, and the somehow far-more-intimidating quietude of his superiors, makes it hard to focus upon such matters.

You enter anyway. The Novice, cowed by their attentions or simply more politically prudent, remains in the doorway, and keeps her face hidden in her hood, head low.

The Master Race all are possessed of what is termed a ‘negligible senescence’ compared to mammalian races—even elves. You grow and mature swiftly, but thereafter age’s ailments and outwards changes come quite slowly to even the lowliest of your people (well the pure-blooded, at least), such that a Reptilian of 200 years is nearly indistinguishable of one your own age at a glance. Serpent Priests are something of an exception, in that while they do not pale or wrinkle, nor grow decrepit or stiff, they also do not truly stop growing. These learned elders, in this chamber, are each nearly as tall as you are even in your augmented and empowered for, and when they crane their necks they force you to tilt your chin up to meet their eyes.

“The Dragonborn of the Bloodrise Campaign,” one addresses you. “We sensed your approach.”
You bow your head slightly, a barest incline of respect. This, in and of itself, draws some hisses; it is evidently felt that you should be falling to the floor in reverent supplication, or better yet making a swift and apologetic exit.

“The Chaplain,” you say instead, “is not to blame. The Green Knight is a festering affliction, a human of the accursed Yosef bloodline which has long fought us. The Dark Gods have seen fit to grant me visions of his exploits. His approach was inexorable. This conflict was inevitable.”

“Does any Serpent Priest here recall asking this Lesser One’s opinion?” another of the elder Serpent priests asks rhetorically, casting his gaze about. “Did we invited this Young One, to hear his side of the story?”

The Chaplain, suddenly surprised to you here on his behalf, says nothing. The representative of the Novice’s profession, Chief Fleshweaver of the Dragonborn Project, speaks up instead:

“Apologies, Honoured Masters,” he says, bowing his long neck in a swanlike curl of submission. “This one is not my BEST work. As we earlier discussed, we have since devised a purest strain of the Red Dragon bloodline, which we are prepared to grow to maturity and deploy in defence of our Master Race as needed.”

“Or to strike with directly?” one asks.

The Chief Fleshweaver hesitates, but nods.

“Whatever will best serve the Grand Design, of course.”

“What do you believe, Infiltrator?” the largest of the present priests asks, clad in star-spangled black velvet robe, and wearing a tremendous and face-concealing hood, capped with a golden crown of office.
The Dragonblooded male fidgets slightly under the sudden focused attention. A moment earlier he’d been glaring at you strangely, with a deep resentment at your interruption if you had to guess. Now, called upon to speak in this auspicious assembly, he straightens his back, juts out his proud chin, and answers:

“This… ‘Green Knight’… he is just a mere adventurer. I do not pretend to know where he got his sword, and I have heard it is magic, but magic weapons and OFFENSIVELY decorated armour cannot protect a weakling ape from the might of the Reptilian Master Race! There is no need to deploy something as blatant and VISIBLE as the Dragonborn against a single foe and his small party of misfits.”

“He has beaten the assassins which your Chaplain has sent so far,” notes one of the senior Priests.

He hesitates to respond, but the Chaplain swiftly responds in his stead, saying: “This was a small, subtle force. A larger group could achieve better results, while remaining hidden behind false guises.”

“And if the humans, already suspicious of us and now knowing what to look for, expose them?” another of the Priests presses. “If they are exposed?”

“We can send Degenerates,” the Chaplain suggests. “We need not even directly engage him-poison and subterfuge are weapons of the Great Conspiracy, and they may yet preserve it.”

The Dragonblooded Infiltrator scoffs, but quickly goes silent when the Chaplain turns his harsh gaze upon him.

“Even if we did no use Degenerates,” another elder Serpent notes, “it would only expose Steeltalons and Silkscales, not our most secret project, in the Dragonborn. They are a resource which it would be terrible to lose.”

“Then let us ask the Dragonborn among us,” the largest and bleakest of the Dark Masters then suggests, and suddenly all eyes are on you.
You are a little caught off-guard. You’d come to speak your piece at length, to propose your bold new vision for all of Reptilian society moving forward, but had found yourself surprisingly intimidated by this assembly. Though not attacked or forced out, your initial announcement and subsequent dismissal had killed your lofty speeches in your throat, and blasted them from your brain. You realize what it is now: it is like when you faced the Ghoul Supreme, or even the lingering spirit of the Red Dragon King. It is the effect of their Fearsome Presences, massed against your own—more powerful, but singular, engulfed by the black mass of their accumulated age and status, their mystic power and spiritual authority.

“Tell us, Oh Dragonborn,” the eldest Serpent Priests beseeches you again, “what would YOU have us do? You came here with a course of action in mind, surely, to so PRESUMTUOUSLY intrude where you were not requested?”

The Dragonblodoed Infiltrator looks furious and almost OFFENDED at this, as if he wants to speak, but he does not. The Chaplain, to your surprise, is looking at you almost pleadingly… But what does he want you to say?

>Back the Chaplain’s plan—a subtle cadre of assassins is the best course of action, subtle enough to end the threat while keeping your darkest secrets hidden in the deep for future deployment
>The Dragonblodoed Infiltrator has the right of it—you should strike swiftly, and brutally, but not expend all your resources at once… And the use of the new Dragonborn, your ‘replacement’ rankles you
>Back the Chief Fleshweaver—you think the other Dragonborn should be aged to maturity, and YOU would lead their force to strike at the Green Knight in a blazing nova of retaliation and flame
>None of the above—you would request the resources to make yourself a special Amulet of Disguise, and go to face him personally, alone, and to end the threat yourself with a duel to the death in the name of the Serpent Ascendant!
>Hiding in the shadows? No, you came here to put an end to this way of things, and you still believe in this course. Exposure isn’t just inevitable, it is IMMINENT, and it is time to rise as a true power and to strike with the force of an invading army!
>Why engage at all? Move your most valuable assets away from this place, deeper underground… Or perhaps to Bloodrise? You are creating quite the haven for the Forces of Darkness there…
>Hiding in the shadows? No, you came here to put an end to this way of things, and you still believe in this course. Exposure isn’t just inevitable, it is IMMINENT, and it is time to rise as a true power and to strike with the force of an invading army!

The 1v1 sure is tempting though, we can probably still pull it off
>Hiding in the shadows? No, you came here to put an end to this way of things, and you still believe in this course. Exposure isn’t just inevitable, it is IMMINENT, and it is time to rise as a true power and to strike with the force of an invading army!
Just some flavor but can we channel big reds presence back at them when we answer, I feel like we'd already be pretty up in arms over this since its what we came to preach, but big red surely isnt one for hiding and can se through our eyes at least I assume he can
> send a Dead Spy (read up on that from Sun Tsu)
> an ill-qualified Infiltrator is given the Task of spying on the Green Knight. He is given the information that we have a new superweapon (eg. necromancy). He needs to find out whether rhe Green Knight can counter it. Afterwards, he is to bring the information to our research centre (eg. the dwarfen outpost we destroyed).
> Of course there we wait and challenge the Knight for a duel away from prying eyes.

Mincemeat time.

[Wait supporting which one?]
>Hiding in the shadows? No, you came here to put an end to this way of things, and you still believe in this course. Exposure isn’t just inevitable, it is IMMINENT, and it is time to rise as a true power and to strike with the force of an invading army!

+1 to the idea of channeling Big Red, and our <Radiant Aura>.
>None of the above—you would request the resources to make yourself a special Amulet of Disguise, and go to face him personally, alone, and to end the threat yourself with a duel to the death in the name of the Serpent Ascendant!
Y’all are too eager to expose the Grand Conspiracy. Call me old school, but I prefer the option that discredits the Knight as a hack and a charlatan, not vindicates him and the Yosef line. Turn the exposure into a coverup for the Southern Espionage, the last Yosef is practically a foreigner come to graverob his family’s legacy, is shouldn’t be hard to twist his reputation into a suspected Southern sympathizer.
Two reasons why I didn't take this option- the Green Knight has shown the capability of seeing through Amulets of Disguise, and since he's captured a live Serpent Priest, I think he'll have a fair bit of knowledge about us.

Not saying necessarily change your vote, but I do think the switch in methodology is warranted here.
His capability of seeing though our disguise is meaningless, we simply need to convince everyone that he’s a fraud trying to play up the late Lord Yosef’s delusions.

As for the Serpent Priest, he shouldn’t know much, or else this Grand Conspiracy truly was doomed to be exposed regardless of current circumstances.

I’m fine with whatever preserves the Conspiracy, not outta any love for it, but simply to deny the enemy the satisfaction and prestige of being right. Plus, visiting Hawksong again (pre-conquest) would be neat.
My bad, I misspoke- he can expose our disguise amulets, not just see through them; as in ruin the magic. Fair point about the Serpent Priest though, you would definitely expect compartmentalization.

>“Way I hear it is there’s some knight who came from south and east. Wandering type, adventurer or demon-hunter or some such, all in green. He showed up in Hawksong and revealed some kind of… Disguised lizardman. Looked just like a normal guy, but then this adventurer strings him up and starts poking at him with his sword, and BAM! Lizard.”

Quote from last thread.
>Hiding in the shadows? No, you came here to put an end to this way of things, and you still believe in this course. Exposure isn’t just inevitable, it is IMMINENT, and it is time to rise as a true power and to strike with the force of an invading army!

We have the drow, the bugbears and possibly the glow worms as allies. We can also strike hawksong from multiple directions and the dark gods were pleased with our previous invasion of the dwarf companies.
>We have the drow, the bugbears and possibly the glow worms as allies. We can also strike hawksong from multiple directions
Anon, we have like 200 soldiers - max.

They’d be going up against hundreds of trained human regulars, paladins and mages from the Circle - it would be an incredibly tough battle

Supporting this

We need to draw the Knight away from prying eyes

But don’t just fuel him, ambush and destroy him with all our forces

>+1 to the idea of channeling Big Red, and our <Radiant Aura>

Supporting this too - push back against their Fearsome Presence with our own
Honestly sounds like he got lucky and destroyed the amulet itself.
[Writing! Vote is locked.]
Rolled 7, 18, 2, 15, 1, 12 = 55 (6d20)

“That is the problem,” you mutter quietly.

“Speak up,” commands the Elder Priest.

“THAT,” you repat, raising your voice sharply, “IS THE PROBLEM.”

There is an awkward, indignant silence for a moment, as all take in your youthful defiance. You burn with trained shame, but you fight the urge to bow, kneel, apologize and appeal.

“You all WAIT to be invited—by fate, by circumstance, by the stars. You never presume to act except defensively, reactively. You hide in shadows, rather than striking!”

“Now listen here—”

“I did not come here to LISTEN.”

You are burning now, burning in your heart. Dwarfed and diminished by these powerful and ancient auras, you woke a sleeping giant. The Red Dragon King stirs in your chest, uncoiling from where his spirit slumbers in your heart. Your own Fearsome Presence rises and expands outwards like a growing blaze, meeting and battling their own.

“I came to rectify the ROT in the heart of our people,” you declare. “To PRESUME. To INTRUDE. To serve as a REMINDER of the greatness you have forsaken. The Serpent Ascendant—why are none of HIS high priests here, in attendance of this war council?”

“It is not a war council,” one of the elders spits.

“It SHOULD be!”

You step forward. None shrink back, though the Chaplain and the Dragonblooded Infiltrator look at you strangely, and subtly move to grant you more space as they quietly observe.

“The Great Conspiracy has drained us of our vitality, or verve. We scorn our males of action. We drain our Master Race’s body of blood until we it is thin, and weak, to maintain our sad existences in the name of safety and secrecy. But that era is OVER! The Green Knight has seen to it, but WE ought to have done so well before now. IF he will bring a war to OUR doorstep, though, we must be prepared to return the favour.”

“You speak, says the eldest, advancing towards you and lifting his head until he stands taller even than you, “of things you cannot comprehend, on timescales unimaginable to one of even twice or thrice your lifetime, LITTLE One.”

His own Presence presses down on yours, threatens to squash it. The council of Serpent Priests (and their lone Infiltrator in attendance) all watch breathlessly, to see what your fate shall be...

[The Serpent Priests were the harder sell, so you're looking at Leadership (bonus for Reptilian Empathy) DC 16. If you fail here, they will poison their agents against you, making that check DC 17; otherwise, DC 15.]
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“I understand better than you, Old Snake.”

The voice which emerges from your maw is not wholly your own; rather, it reverberates with three inflections. The first is yours, surprising even you with its insubordination. The second is that of the Red Dragon King, awakened and alert, watching this drama unfold. The third is that of the Serpent Ascendant, or some echo of his godly glory channeled through you as his Antipaladin. As these words burst forth almost involuntarily, so too does your <Radiant Aura> explode from you, causing the Serpent Priests to hiss and screech, and shrink away. Even the greatest and eldest among them recoils slightly, lowering his head and shielding his body with his voluminous velvet sleeves and cloak.

“What is this?!” he demands.

You find yourself once more in control of yourself, and your mouth. You do not hesitate, just as your people must no longer hesitate.

“This,” you announce, “is the dawning fo a new era. A NEW Age of Scales!”

You step forward again, and the Eldest steps back. Another step forward, and he stumbles. You spread your wings, and push more mana into your aura… And eventually, he yields, bowing his head in bitter defeat. Only then, seeing the master of this ceremony so cowed, do the others in attendance stop their wailing and cursing of you… And only then do the other venerable Priests cease to burn beneath the glare of your aura.

They are, in short, no longer enemies.

“Our forces are not enough,” the Eldest eventually addresses you, once he has returned to his seat. “We would need to call every active agent back from the field, all across the surface and the depths of the deep darkness, in order to even stand a chance against the forces of Hawksong alone. You speak of our race as reduced, but we TRULY are, Dragonborn.”

“Then perhaps,” comes a familiar female voice from behind you, “it is time to deploy the Dragonborn after all.”
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The Novice joins you at your side—only now, when victory is assured and her open association with this pseudo-coup is no damning liability. She remains a shrewd and sensibly selfish snake, herself.

“They may not be enough,” the Chief Fleshweaver admits. “For a single deadly strike, yes… But not for prolonged war. Not without doubling their numbers.”

“We have forces in Bloodrise,” she counters. “They are engaged with dwarven corporations now, but this war will not last.”

“And also in the South,” the Chaplain seizes upon. “the Southlands’ humans and beastfolk are more insidiously infiltrated at all levels than those in the North or even East. We could bring them to bear, yes?”

“…Perhaps,” acknowledges another old Serpent Priest.

The elders go back and forth. You’d be more annoyed at your love’s stealing of your thunder at the moment of your triumph… But honestly, employing your <Dragonshape IV> and <radiant Aura> at full power, and allowing so much spiritual and divine power to flow through you, has left you drained. You place a hand upon the Novice’s shoulder, claiming her ideas and arguments for your own and also subtly transferring your weight onto her. She looks at you curiously… But shifts her stance as well, to keep you standing.

At the conclusion of the debate, it is decided that…
>The forces from Bloodrise will split their attentions between the dwarf-war and a deployment against Hawksong’s allied baronies, and redirect all their power towards human lands at first opportunity
>The Southland leaders will be led by secret means and sinister insinuations to war against the North, and you and yours will the join them in the open as allies
>The Red Dragonborn will be fast-aged to maturity, though it will damage their physical and mental development, and deployed as shock troops
>The Greatworms—Glowie’s kin—will be revealed, and called to aid your efforts in the name of the Dark Gods
>Your Wyrmlings are better ‘Dragonborn’ than any made in a Fleshweaver’s secret chambers, and you will summon THEM to join you in glorious battle
>All Infiltrators and other agents will be called to the northern forward base, to rally beneath your banner
[Choose as many as you would like, though every demand you make has potential positive and negative consequences for detection, logistics, and cohesion, as well as the war against the dwarves which you already committed to. Write-ins are also allowed.]
Once the groundwork is laid for this great Dark Crusade against Hawksong and the Green Knight, you and your elders and one-time ‘betters’ empty from the chamber. You have regained enough strength to walk on your own, though the Novice stays close at your side—either to lend you aid if you should need it or, more likely, to acquire some of your prestige by dint of close association. You and she are the last to leave… And before you, that strange Dragonblood and the Chaplain. As they exit, they both watch you with a wary respect.

The Chaplain: your closest analogue to a father figure, the one who oversaw your very creation, your one-time commander and now co-conspirator… And the one who holds control over the Novice Fleshweaver’s breeding.

And this Dragonblodoed Infiltrator: a denizen of Hawksong, the only living Reptilian who has seen the Green Knight in the flesh-and-steel… And so strangely familiar, in a way that calls to you and eats at you.

You brow furrows, and you…

>Ask to speak with the Chaplain about something [what?]
>Order the Dragonblood to wait, so you can speak with him about something [what?]
>Let them both go—you need rest, and you have a great deal of work ahead of you [specify if you have any specific personal tasks in mind]

[Please choose one]
>The Southland leaders will be led by secret means and sinister insinuations to war against the North, and you and yours will the join them in the open as allies

They can start the war while we finish up with the dwarves, and then be inducted into our grand coalition. It'll be almost like we're coming to their rescue lmao.

>The Greatworms—Glowie’s kin—will be revealed, and called to aid your efforts in the name of the Dark Gods

and maybe
>Your Wyrmlings are better ‘Dragonborn’ than any made in a Fleshweaver’s secret chambers, and you will summon THEM to join you in glorious battle
>Ask to speak with the Chaplain about something [what?]
i'm king snek now and im gonna preggers your daughter. your blessing is appreciated but not required
>The forces from Bloodrise will split their attentions between the dwarf-war and a deployment against Hawksong’s allied baronies, and redirect all their power towards human lands at first opportunity
>The Southland leaders will be led by secret means and sinister insinuations to war against the North, and you and yours will the join them in the open as allies
>The Greatworms—Glowie’s kin—will be revealed, and called to aid your efforts in the name of the Dark Gods

>i'm king snek now and im gonna preggers your daughter. your blessing is appreciated but not required

based +1

>>The forces from Bloodrise will split their attentions between the dwarf-war and a deployment against Hawksong’s allied baronies, and redirect all their power towards human lands at first opportunity
>>The Southland leaders will be led by secret means and sinister insinuations to war against the North, and you and yours will the join them in the open as allies
>The Greatworms—Glowie’s kin—will be revealed, and called to aid your efforts in the name of the Dark Gods
>The Southland leaders will be led by secret means and sinister insinuations to war against the North, and you and yours will the join them in the open as allies
>The Red Dragonborn will be fast-aged to maturity, though it will damage their physical and mental development, and deployed as shock troops
>The Greatworms—Glowie’s kin—will be revealed, and called to aid your efforts in the name of the Dark Gods

Another generation of Red Dragonborn can always be bred…

>i'm king snek now and im gonna preggers your daughter. your blessing is appreciated but not required
+1 - based af
>The forces from Bloodrise will split their attentions between the dwarf-war and a deployment against Hawksong’s allied baronies, and redirect all their power towards human lands at first opportunity
>The Southland leaders will be led by secret means and sinister insinuations to war against the North, and you and yours will the join them in the open as allies

>Order the Dragonblood to wait, so you can speak with him about something [How did you fail to contain this breach of the Conspiracy? And tell me more of this… Green Knight, and our assets in Hawksong.]
As amusing as the ‘preggers’ joke is, we need to actually get more information about our enemies and their situation.
>The forces from Bloodrise will split their attentions between the dwarf-war and a deployment against Hawksong’s allied baronies, and redirect all their power towards human lands at first opportunity

>The Geologist and Engineer will make you REAL siege weapons, this time

>The Southland leaders will be led by secret means and sinister insinuations to war against the North, and you and yours will the join them in the open as allies

>The Greatworms—Glowie’s kin—will be revealed, and called to aid your efforts in the name of the Dark Gods

>Your Wyrmlings are better ‘Dragonborn’ than any made in a Fleshweaver’s secret chambers, and you will summon THEM to join you in glorious battle

>Order the Dragonblood to wait, so you can speak with him about something [How did you fail to contain this breach of the Conspiracy? And tell me more of this… Green Knight, and our assets in Hawksong.]
>The Southland leaders will be led by secret means and sinister insinuations to war against the North, and you and yours will the join them in the open as allies.

>All Infiltrators and other agents will be called to the northern forward base, to rally beneath your banner

>The Greatworms—Glowie’s kin—will be revealed, and called to aid your efforts in the name of the Dark Gods

>Your Wyrmlings are better ‘Dragonborn’ than any made in a Fleshweaver’s secret chambers, and you will summon THEM to join you in glorious battle
>All Infiltrators and other agents will be called to the northern forward base, to rally beneath your banner

>Order the Dragonblood to wait, so you can speak with him about something [what?]
>>Any information he has regarding the green knight.

We should gain more information regarding the green knight skills and allies. Since we probably going to meet him on the field of battle.

By comparison novice suppressed her heat cycle, and we still need to figure out why we cant consistently get it up since the mother of dragons.

So telling the Chaplin we want his daughter will just make him mad, for no real gain before the war.
Also qm, why are the new dragonborn red??? I thought they were infused with blood from the green dragons heart? Shouldn't they be either green or yellow (if their mixed.)?
[Leaving this open for a bit longer, rolling if no decision is made by bedtime.]

[Any preference who you talk to? Would break the tie.]

[I'll address it soon! You are correct, though.]
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[Don't suppose you could break our tie, could you?]
Chaplain, Roth didnt raise us
Actually, I’d like you to vote on the content instead of the character. It’s quite important that you’re vote is an informed one.
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You cast the Dragonblood from your mind. It is no difficult task: he is just some unknown Infiltrator, after all. Instead, you request an audience with the Chaplain. This, too, proves no tremendous undertaking: he might be ambivalent to you, but as his technical ‘subordinate’ and a creation of his base, your unexpected dominance of the council with his fellow Serpent priests has brought him status and acclaim by proxy.

Like father, like daughter, you suppose.

“You would discuss this strategy of yours, then, Dragonborn?” he replies. “Wise of you, Young One. You have a tremendous power in you—we all witnessed as much—but you are still inexperienced. You have never led a campaign before.”

“Nor have you,” the Novice Fleshweaver chimes in with malicious mirth tinting her tone.

This draws the umbrage of her sire, but you quickly resolve the conflict and recquire his favour thus:

“Sseztlussth, you are dismissed.”

This draws sputtering outrage from your chosen female, though it quickly turns to a furious and embarrassed silence. The Chaplain watches you thus disarm his daughter with her True Name in a silence equal parts amused and confused. She storms off, and after a moment, her father—the male who raised you, if anyone truly did—beckons you after him, to join him in the room which is his confessional chamber and holy office.

“I am still not certain I understand how you plan is even meant to work,” your Chaplain admits. “The humans to the south may be ingratiated to us at their highest levels, but they will still take time to move to war in any great number. They are not so politically unified as the Paladin king’s troupe of baboons. We have ensured that they stay that way—easier to subvert and manipulate, turn against one another or lead in different direction. Better for our eventual conquest.”

“From what I understood of my briefings and readings,” you reply, “we have repeatedly implicated ‘Southern Demonists’ in terrorist activities against the Paladin King’s realm.”

“A task made easier by the overwhelmingly southern human heritage of our Degenerates,” the Serpent priest readily acknowledges.

“So we need not convince the South to strike at the North,” you reply. “We can instead convince the NORTH of imminent danger from the SOUTH. We can reveal only a titillating implication of our Southerly subversions, and thus lead the Green Knight and his paladin backers on a crusade against the South, even as we leak and exaggerate their fears and hatreds to the Southern realms. The South will naturally grow wary and begin to rally against the North in turn, stoking hostilities until…”

“…War,” the Chaplain finishes, looking impressed.

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“And then we join the war, coming to their aid as we reveal ourselves?” the Chaplain asks, drumming talons on his desk and craning his neck over it. “This is where you lose me. Our forces are still limited, even with your amassed slave-troops in Blodorise.”

They aren’t slave-troops, not really, but you don’t bother to correct him.

Instead, you say: “That is where the Greatworms come in.”

“Ah, yes, the worms,” the Chaplains recalls with distaste and skepticism. “These crawling… THINGS… Which you say are the product of the Dark Gods?”

“I have had it confirmed for me,” you say, carefully failing to mention that the original purpose of Glowie’s race was to replace and supplant your own.

You also neglect to mention your hybrid children, as your spawn or otherwise. Your sons are mighty for their age, of course, but the hunt prior to your departure confirmed that they are no more ready for deployment than these ‘True Dragonborn’ of the Fleshweavers… Curiously RED ones, you are told?

“They are worthy of such a war?” the Chaplain presses.

You hesitate. To your knowledge, only the Queen has any great physical prowess in battle, in terms of defensive exoskeleton or grasping hands. The rest, large and small, primarily employ sticky silken traps, wave tactics, and their toxic fangs to defeat their foes… And have never done so on the scale of a military campaign.

“They have potential,” you answer to mask your uncertainty. “Since I discovered and allied with them, they have been integral is transporting materials and messages between my troops… And even as far as this forward base.”

The Chaplain seems shocked to learn of their proximity to his own operations… And, again, impressed.
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“At any rate,” you press your advantage, “they need only shore up our own efforts, and that of the Southlands, long enough for my troops to secure Blodorise. Then, they will rejoin us, and together we can strike a deadly blow against Hawksong, and the Green Knight!”

The Chaplain nods along. You can see him internally analyzing weaknesses in the plan as you have presented it, and devising ways to mitigate these failings or to correct them completely.

“It relies much on bugs and mammals,” he eventually says. “Maintaining such alliances will be… Difficult. They are unreliable, weak things, compared to the master Race.”

“It can be done,” you assert. “I have done it.”

“You have learned much in your time in Bloodrise,” the Chaplain acknowledges. “Perhaps your cloying grab for power did more than bolster your own physical and mystical might.”

The Novice clearly inherited this male’s talent for backhanded compliments and faint praise, but you bow your head slightly in acknowledgement of this out of polite deference—and, admittedly, childhood habit.

“This is why they call you King?” he asks.

You pause, attempting to read the Chaplain’s body language… But unlike his daughter, he has a cold-blooded male’s talent for strategic stillness of face and body.

“I AM King.”

That draws a lash of the tail.

“You SERVE as King, maybe,” he attempts to correct you, voice smooth as velvet over a dagger.

“I RULE as King,” you reply, not backing down. “I shall continue to do so.”

“At our pleasure. The pleasure of the Serpent Priesthood.”

“A Dragon King,” you say through gritted teeth, “serves at his own pleasure.”

The Chaplain watches you in wary, silent judgement, eventually ceding to respectfully changing the subject.

“This will be a great undertaking, uplifting all of our race,” he says. “My own station, and yours, will be greatly improved if we are successful.”

“Your bloodline will see its star rise,” you note.

“Yes,” the Chaplain happily agrees.

“Mine also.”

He looks strangely at you again, as well he might. You are a hybrid, the spawn of a Degenerate. Despite your cryptic, undisclosed Wyrmling sons, you were never actually AUTHORIZED to breed… Nor, you suspect, would you ever have been under the old regime.

“Yes,” he eventually concedes. “Maybe.”
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You meet his eye, and finally make your intention here clear as the space between stars: “Our bloodlines, through myself and your daughter, will rise as one.”

The Chaplain’s eyes widen, and his mouth opens in a shocked gasp that turns into a shrieking hiss.

“You go too far now, Degenerate!”

“Not ‘Degenerate’,” you correct him. “Dragon King.”

“You are NO such thing!”

“I am,” you insist, “whether you agree or not. I have already won victories with Serpent Priests greater than you. I have already won her heart, for that matter.”

“Her HEART?” the Chaplain laughs. “I thought you over-familiar with that fool offspring of mine… And I KNEW you to have the blood of a monkey… But I never suspect you would delude yourself into thinking you could ROMANCE a member of the Master Race. Even your MOTHER was never such a silly thing as you.”

You rankle slightly, feel an urge to retort… But no. There is no need.

“Your blessing is appreciated,” you say calmly, “but not REQUIRED. This is a new age, Chaplain. MY star is ascendant. My KINGDOM is ascendant. You can rise with it… Or fall away.”

“You cannot just—”

“This meeting is adjourned,” you tell the male who molded, shaped, and trained you from your very hatching.

You stand and leave. He does not stop you.

With this matter made clear, and your Dark Crusade in motion, you take a moment for yourself. You NEED a moment for yourself, after all that! Specifically, you think it best to…
>Speak with Olu the Archer about your plans—and how he might help with them
>Pay a visit to Glowie’s mother, to discuss her role in events that are to unfold
>Pay a long-overdue visit to your brother, the great Green Dragonborn, and to these ‘Red Dragonborn’ hatchlings
>Rejoin the Novice, to brief her on your discussion with her father… And to see about curing your ‘affliction’
Hello anon, while I admire you trying to change my vote, Im not going to, I know who Roth is, MC doesnt, yknow who he does know? His dad, Chaplain I mean, the guy who raised us, not our biological creator who I highly doubt we wont see again, we need to deal with what just happened with who we know in character in my opinion, sorry not sorry
[I hope the topics covered above can appeal to you both, to some degree.]
Anon, you just told the guy who raised us that we’re going to make his daughter pregger and to stuff it with his opinion. I just wanted you to know what you were voting for.

It isn’t that, I just wanted him to be aware of the actual content of the conversation rather resort to ‘Chaplain raised us, fuck Roth’ logic.
It does gracias
>Pay a long-overdue visit to your brother, the great Green Dragonborn, and to these ‘Red Dragonborn’ hatchlings
I wanna see the bro, meditate with him and talk about life, see the new bros, set an example
>Rejoin the Novice, to brief her on your discussion with her father… And to see about curing your ‘affliction’

We need a true heir if the Green Knight kills us too.
>Pay a long-overdue visit to your brother, the great Green Dragonborn, and to these ‘Red Dragonborn’ hatchlings
Time to impress our siblings. I do want to rally the rabble later, though.
>Speak with Olu the Archer about your plans—and how he might help with them

Eh we have time

Oh dude, I completely knew what we were doing, he gained a lot of respect towards us, we may have challenged his way of thinking but he knows we have divine right and if he doesnt were going to teach him, the world within this quest has repeatedly told us the master race responds to authority, weve often been at the end of the the chaplain and novices quips but they are going to respect us and follow us into the age of darkness hopefully through our love of his daughter he will see us as something he raised right despite our genetics
This is me btw
Anon, you clearly don’t know Reptilian Master Race culture like you think ya do. I just want to make that clear.
>>Rejoin the Novice, to brief her on your discussion with her father… And to see about curing your ‘affliction’
>Pay a long-overdue visit to your brother, the great Green Dragonborn, and to these ‘Red Dragonborn’ hatchlings
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>Rejoin the Novice, to brief her on your discussion with her father… And to see about curing your ‘affliction’
>Pay a long-overdue visit to your brother, the great Green Dragonborn, and to these ‘Red Dragonborn’ hatchlings
Anon, love is a disease to them. If the Chaplain thought he raised us right, we’d be acting more like this
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[Locked and writing ASAP! Sorry for the late post -- I had a date.]
Hope the date went well qm
It has been too long since you last saw the Great Green Dragonborn—your first friend, your brother in spirit, and the first of your kind. For many years, when the Chaplain was a distant authority and the Novice and her compatriots your tormentors, he was your closest (maybe only) companion. If you owe your capacity for love and community to your mother’s blood or her meddling, you owe its realization and continuation to those days of quiet, meditative communion.

They are not so quiet anymore, though.

You are used to the unobtrusive—if occasionally enticing—presence of the Great One’s ‘harem’ of svelte and talented Silkscale females. These attendants were glorified serving staff given the size disparity between they and your towering predecessor, and mostly existed to provide for your brother in food, massage, and other petty entertainments. They knew well not to speak unless spoken to, and never interrupted your time together. The new arrivals, though, demonstrate no such tact of consideration.

Around him scamper a nine smaller, redder facsimiles of his glory personage. They have his curiously curling, ram-like horns, his elongated and proud-chinned Draconic profile (albeit more well-shaped than your unlucky forebear’s slightly-malformed features). Their slim builds, proportionately-larger heads, short necks, and spadeless tails mark them as hatchlings, yet each of these nine—nine of them! Like your sons!—is almost as large as you when they stand on their hind legs. Still possessed of youthful vigor—and perhaps some of the famous dragon hatchling aggression, you find them clambering across you brother like a great gymnasium, while others hound and harrow the cowed harem-females.

“Children are exhausting,” you readily sympathize (though, in truth, Glowie and Hamaraska the Lancer have taken most of that burden off of you).

“Hrrruuuh,” your brother mightily sighs, elbows on his knees as he hunches over in apparent defeat.

“It is true, then,” you observe. “they are… Red.”

“Yyyus,” he says. “They urr.”
You had expected these creations of the Fleshweavers’ biological manipulations to be green of hue, like the Great Green Dragon which provided their material to create them or the Great One who preceded them. Instead, they are…

“…More of a Brown, actually,” you note. “Orange, maybe…”

They are not unlike a rust monster’s hue, derived from its iron meals. You suppose it is a result of the Green Dragon blood mixing across a medium of pinkish and beige human sacrifice-blood, intermixed with the refined bloodlines of the purest of the Dragonblooded Ones. Like the Bastard, the occultist, and like the Hawksong Infiltrator whom you encountered earlier—and like you yourself—all other Dragonblooded Reptilians of the master Race are distant descendants of the Red Dragon King as well, lending most of them reddish scales.

“Still, they are impressive,” you admit hopefully.

“Hrrrm,” the Great One groans noncommittally.

“The company must be nice?” you suggest, your uncertainty turning it into a question.

“…Luukk forwurrd to when they KWAI-UTT,” he merely answers. “Kwai-utt like yooouu.”

“I missed you too, brother.”

Your brother has never been much of a conversationalist, so you do not spend much time catching up-you tell him some of what has transpired in Bloodrise, and he vaguely apprises you of the last few months of paranoia and panic just outside his chamber at the developments on the surface, and of the hatching and homing of the growing young Red Dragonborn.The entire process takes only a few minutes. He is like Glowie in that way, you suppose—perhaps his penchant for direct communication and quality time spent in thoughtful silence preconditioned you for your friendship with the worm-woman. Instead of her lovestruck songs and hand-holding, though, the two of you have always preferred to allow your Dragon Souls to settle near to one another, and for your deep natures, intuitions, and feelings to attune. This is… Easier said than done, with all the commotion.

What will you do?
>Take command of the situation—assert dominance over the Red Dragonborn, with your fatherly spirit
>Attempt o befriend the young ones, to tucker them out, and to teach them the wonders of meditation as well
>Call for the Chaplain and Chief Fleshweaver, and demand to know why these irritating whelps have not been given separate accommodation from The Great One
>Ignore them—tune them out!—and find your peaceful place of spiritual fulfillment deep within, so that the two of you CAN bond properly!
>You know... These things are meant to be your replacement, and they're rather troublesome, so maybe you should see about culling their numbers...
>Attempt o befriend the young ones, to tucker them out, and to teach them the wonders of meditation as well
Little brothers, rough house with them until they are tired, those who stay awake and calm can learn with big brothers, love for our fellow reptile is the way yall
I meant more along the lines of us being a flawed creation actually amounting to something that will bring him praise but please continue flapping your gums
>Take command of the situation—assert dominance over the Red Dragonborn, with your fatherly spirit
>Attempt o befriend the young ones, to tucker them out, and to teach them the wonders of meditation as well
Take command, and then play with the cute little buggers.
I think you confused yourself on what the Chaplain values, because being the ‘Prince of Love’ ain’t one of them.
>Take command of the situation—assert dominance over the Red Dragonborn, with your fatherly spirit
>Attempt o befriend the young ones, to tucker them out, and to teach them the wonders of meditation as well

>>Attempt o befriend the young ones, to tucker them out, and to teach them the wonders of meditation as well

get more experience dealing with kids
>Take command of the situation—assert dominance over the Red Dragonborn, with your fatherly spirit
>Attempt to befriend the young ones, to tucker them out, and to teach them the wonders of meditation as well

A blend of the two would be good, yeah.
>Attempt to befriend the young ones, to tucker them out, and to teach them the wonders of meditation as well

that last option jeez
resist the call of anakin
Rolled 7, 15, 2, 16, 12, 2, 19, 13, 3 = 89 (9d20)

You open your nictitating membranes and exit your aborted meditation. You were making scant progress in this regard, anyway, with all the commotion. Something, you decide, must be done about these other Dragonborn.

You rise to your full height, igniting your <Radiant Aura> as you do so. What worked for the Serpent priests shall surely be enough for these overgrown hatchlings, after all…

Except that it isn’t.

Your radiance commands the attention of the cowering Silkscales of the harem, but it actually seems to take the hatchlings a few seconds to even recognize what is happening. Even then, though they hop and scamper over to investigate, it is without any of the respect or reverence which your divinely-augmented Fearsome presence normally elicits. You don’t regard them as enemies, so they do not burn and recoil… But nor do they seem to be enervated as an ally should be. They seem almost… Immune.

“Enough!” you command them verbally instead. “You are all behaving as savage animals, not as Dragons!”

The hatchlings evince little understanding of your words… Or perhaps more likely given the quick mental development of your own sons in that regard, these nine Dragonborn are simply uninterested in obeying you. You struggle to find a way to master them through your empathic affinity for all things Reptilian… And yet, even here, they are closed off, feeling almost EMPTY.

Something is wrong with these ‘younger siblings’ of yours.

You decide that some meditation will serve them well, but this seems an impossible task at present. With your lifeforce aglow with the holy radiance of the Sun-Eater, but with no actual command of the young ones’ attention, you quickly become less an elder brother to them and more a new plaything. You are forced to dip, duck, dive, and dodge the play predation of your younger brothers (and, you discover, two sisters). They are larger and more athletic than your half-insectoid sons were at the same stage of development, but also less savage—you quickly realize it IS a game to them, and they don’t mean to kill or eat you.

Perhaps after some play, they will be tuckered out enough for proper meditative training to take hold?

[4d20 Athleticism (DC 15), 5d20 Leadership (DC 13 if you succeed the first roll, 18 if you fail]
You may not be a hatchling, but your muscles are the trained, honed ones of an athlete and warrior, and you are in your <Dragonshape>. What you lack in youthful vigor, you make up for in tactics and technique. You are able to lead the Red Dragonborn on a merry chase, keeping them engaged and occupied until finally, they are exhausted into lethargy.

“Now,” you ask, “are you calm enough to listen?”

The young Dragonborn seem more inclined to lazily bicker amongst one another for ‘territory’ in which to rest their weary bodies, rather than to open their minds and souls. They return to disregarding you when your glow has faded and they are too tired to continue the chase, rather than falling into line. You remember your lessons, hard-learned, in the difference between your mindset and that possessed by the rest of the Master Race.

“I was being polite in asking,” you hiss. “Fall in, or I will strike you down while you are too tired to fight back. You fools have expended all your energy.”

You begin to reach for your shoggoth-blade. They all fixate upon your hand.

“If you cannot learn, you are a liability, and this is the best time to deal with you.” Your grip the pommel of the misshapen aberration-blade. “You younglings would be helpless. “


They fall in quickly enough after that bluff, you note. You’re glad, for it WAS a bluff, despite an idle, intruding thought or two. These are your siblings, your fellow Dragonborn, and you are a Prince of Love! This was just…. Tough love, for difficult children.

“Fuh-AI-nuhlly,” your Great Green Brother sighs.

“They have impressive speed, strength, and stamina,” you note approvingly. “If we can simply get through to their Dragon Souls… And once they mature a little… They could be worthy Dragonborn.”

“Hmmmm,” he rumbles speculatively, then nods. “Tuh-gethur, Duh-STORY whole world uv puh-thet-uk litt-ull muhn-kees.”

You hesitate a little, then shrug.

“Close enough,” you agree.

It will indeed be a VERY different world when you are done with it. But for now, you must focus on the task at hand—a smaller, more personal, but perhaps EQUALLY difficult task: teaching rambunctious and willful Dragonborn mindfulness and spiritual introspection. It is one thing to bully them into crossing their legs and shutting their inner eyelids. It is another thing entirely to communicate the purpose of this meditation: to reach out to one another, and down into themselves, to find that core commonality that is the Soul of Dragonkind. Despite their obvious and overt Draconic nature, these sons and daughters of the Dragonborn Project show little to no natural affinity for this psycho-spiritual practice.
“Whut is puh-rob-lum with them?” the Great One puzzles, noticing the same strange disconnect that you did. “They have duh-rag-uhn bluhd. But… Why naht Sow-uhl?”

If you didn’t know better, you’d think your elder brother was right—that these newborn creatures were, in fact without a Dragon Soul or any OTHER sort of soul! But how could that be? They are living beings, and they do not BEHAVE like constructs or undead. They are animated by a will, a spark. You close both sets of eyelids and, focusing all your will to the task, you wield Divination and Reptilian Empathy alike to find the truth of it.

What you find is… Unexpected.

Their spark of life and consciousness, their soul, seems… Stunted, buried and locked away. Thought your are no Sseztlussth, with her command of the biological-alchemical arts, but you have studied with her enough to know what to look for next, in their flesh, bones, and blood—specifically, that of the Red Dragons’ ribcages and skull-cases. Searching about with your arcane senses, you find the mechanism by which these creatures have been deprived of their full spiritual birthright.

The Fleshweavers… They did this deliberately.

You open your eyes and regard the Red Dragonborn anew. They way they move stiffly and awkwardly, their lack of any social grace, their quick response to direct and assertive commands from a superior and lack of even the basic empathetic ability which ANY social species must have to cooperate and coordinate—let ALONE the deeper well of feeling which True Dragons seemed to be capable of. It all makes sense now: their brains have been warped, hormonal glands removed, altered, or shrunken. Their access to their full emotional and social capacity, to their natural Fearsome Presence which can be used to cow the Master Race, has been denied to them, so as to limit their capacity for an uprising. These Dragonborn are not meant to be Kings and Queens of a new Age of Scales… They are meant to be, as the Chief Fleshweaver suggested, shock troops of the highest order.

Shock troops… And, by design, by nature, never anything more. These Red Dragonborn are meant to be slaves.

What will you do?
>Turn your holy wrath upon the Fleshweavers who created these twisted mockeries of True Dragon Kingship
>Summon the Novice Fleshweaver to you, to help fix this… DEFECT… Though you are not sure it is entirely within even her capability
>Maybe, if you mediate again, but this time awaken ‘Big Red’, the ancient King of Bloodrise can rectify this situation?
>Take a deep breath, and analyze this objectively and without emotion: these ARE purpose-built supersoldiers, never MEANT to be rulers or sovereigns, so maybe they’re fine the way they are?
>Summon the Novice Fleshweaver to you, to help fix this… DEFECT… Though you are not sure it is entirely within even her capability

no need to get mad, can kind of understand why they did it. we don't want them exactly like the dragons of old, cause those guys all got killed off. we can fix these guys to have a little less pride and a little more jolly cooperation.
>>Summon the Novice Fleshweaver to you, to help fix this… DEFECT… Though you are not sure it is entirely within even her capability
>>Maybe, if you mediate again, but this time awaken ‘Big Red’, the ancient King of Bloodrise can rectify this situation?

Mixing those two.
Meditating with Big Red to guide Fleshweaver around.
+1 to this.
>Summon the Novice Fleshweaver to you, to help fix this… DEFECT… Though you are not sure it is entirely within even her capability
>Maybe, if you mediate again, but this time awaken ‘Big Red’, the ancient King of Bloodrise can rectify this situation?
This is no better than what the human did to Big Bro. This shall be resolved, one way or another.

We don’t want to 100% undo this - as they are meant to be supersoldiers - but a dragon should never be a slave…
You clam your initial, irrational gut reaction. Your fur and fire subside, and you analyze the situation critically. It makes sense why the Fleshweavers did what they did to these Dragonborn. The dragons of old were wondrous and inspiring beings, but they weren’t exactly SOLDIERS. Each of them was a prideful tyrant—as was their right!—but it makes no sense to field an entire fighting force composed of willful princes. You saw for yourself the toll that can take on unit cohesion, hunting with your sons.

But still… No Dragon should EVR be a slave.

Furthermore, this approach which the Fleshweavers took to creating perfect shock troops was flawed in and of itself. They replicated and elaborated upon the ‘virtuous’ coldness of the Master Race—the loveless, selfish nature, the subservience of the self to caste and conspiracy. These are flawed ideals, ideals you came here to reform. Well, where better to start than here?

“You want me to… Lobotomize the Red Dragonborn hatchlings?” your Novice Fleshweaver asks incredulously, when you explain your plan.

“The opposite, actually.”

She shakes her head.

“You are asking me to take these living weapons and give them… Conscience. Compassion.”

“A social species needs empathy and cooperation.”

“They aren’t a SPECIES, you dolt!” she protests. “They are an alchemical experiment to militarize dragonblood! If they respond to authority, they can be ORDERED to cooperate as needed. What you are asking me to do… It will make them worse.”

“It will make them more like me,” you note. “Like the Great One, also.”

The Novice’s eyes flit nervously to the Great green Dragonborn, who watches with quiet interest.

“Dragonb—” she pauses, realizing how little that title narrows down who she is addressing in present company. “Copper Dragonborn? I… You realize that you and he ae PROTOTYPES, yes?”

You tilt your head slightly.

“I am… Not saying you are without your sues, and strengths. You have done some great things and I see the wisdom of some of your actions and policies. But… The changes made to these Dragonborn were done purposefully, and those purposes… The changes are…”

You’re not sure you’ve ever heard your love stumble so, rather than speaking her thoughts and feelings directly. You realize quickly that it isn’t due to any uncertainty on her part, but fear of how you will react.

“You think they are better as they are now.”

She doesn’t answer.

“You think we are flawed, and they are a step in the right direction.”

“I heard about what you discussed with the Chaplain,” she says, by way of indirect answer. “You and your work in Bloodrise is… The sort of thing only a hybrid like you could do. But you are not…”

“Normal?” you ask.

“…Optimal for all tasks,” she concludes.
You turn away from her, and to the still-assembled Red Dragonborn.

“Fleshweavers did this to them,” you say, “and you, Fleshweaver, will help me fix what they have done. You and the Red Dragon King.”

“Hold on! haven’t agreed to anything of the sort!”

You sit down, crossing your legs and breathing out your disappointment and frustration. Yes, it is as you reflected before: like father, like daughter.

“You will not dissuade me,” you tell her. “You can help, or not. If you do not help me… The results may be worse. Choose optimally, Fleshweaver.”

With that, you begin the meditation, tuning out your chosen one’s further objections. You sink away from all the petty concerns and doubts of your surface-self, down into the deep places within, where your truest self dwells: your draconic self, your ideal self. There, at the core you, aeons deep in your heart-blood, you find your Dragon Soul: coppery, radiant, full of the self-assuredness and vision with which you will reshape the world.

There, the Red Dragon King is waiting.

“My brother’s servants have befouled his blood, and mine, with their presumptuous meddling,” the shade of the once-great king rumbles. “they should be burned to cinders for such an offence!”

“Maybe,” you say. “But these are desperate times. I will show them the right path.”

“You?” the Red Dragon King scoffs. “You have a strong will, Young One. I admit it. I underestimated you, when we clashed for dominance… But you cannot even persuade your female and her father, let alone the rest of them. You must know they are plotting against you, even now.”

You consider this warning, but dividing your attention when deep in this state, and with a powerful spirit roiling within your own… That is foolishness. You will consider what to do about this matter later. For now, you focus on the task at hand.

“My love will do her part,” you assure the Red Dragon King. “She can only work with the physical, though. We must attend to the spiritual. Help me correct this wrong.”

“She is unreliable,” the Red Dragon King cautions.

“Can you help me, or not?”

The spirit of the ancient king sizzles with angry red flame, dead-black eyes gazing back from the pit of your soul.

“Yes,” he answers eventually. “I can attempt to awaken their latent potential… The divine spark that every True Dragon ought to have by blood and brithright. They have a fragment within them.”


“…But if your Priestess doesn’t do her part, it will fail.”

“She will not fail.”

“If she DOES, or if she defies you, awakening their dragon souls while their biology seeks to suppress that awakening will likely shatter their minds,” the king’s spirit explains. “They could go mad, or fall into catatonia.”
“There is nothing else we can do,” you say, after a moment.

“We can,” the Red Dragon Kings says. “Transfer my soul to them—the fullness of my spirit—and I can work upon them from within. No being of your degenerate age, let alone an inbred Priestess without even a full century of experience, could ever rival the magic I can work upon their mind, body and soul from within!”

… But then, you would lose the Red Dragon King’s power. Your swollen mana reserves would again be finite, your Fearsome Presence less commanding.

What will you do?
>Trust in the Novice to do her part, and work with the Red Dragon King to awaken the dormant potential inside the hatchlings
>Transfer the fullness of the Red Dragon King’s spirit into these Red Dragonborn, and grant them his demigodly power and Draconic spirit
>Forget this—the Novice makes some valid points, and you’re beginning to thing that these hatchings aren’t in bad enough sorts to be worth this trouble
>Trust in the Novice to do her part, and work with the Red Dragon King to awaken the dormant potential inside the hatchlings

>Make a case again to the Novice that they are worse soldiers because they will not understand their foes as they are- something you know intimately, and struggle with, but it is worth the trouble
>Trust in the Novice to do her part, and work with the Red Dragon King to awaken the dormant potential inside the hatchlings
>Transfer the fullness of the Red Dragon King’s spirit into these Red Dragonborn, and grant them his demigodly power and Draconic spirit

Test this on only ONE dragonborn first

>Trust in the Novice to do her part, and work with the Red Dragon King to awaken the dormant potential inside the hatchlings
if the novice doesn't come through for us we can do the transfer
>if the novice doesn't come through for us we can do the transfer
[Depends how badly it goes.]
>Trust in the Novice to do her part, and work with the Red Dragon King to awaken the dormant potential inside the hatchlings
I trust her- and I’m not splitting up Big Red’s soul for this. Infinite mana isn’t something we should throw away over this, we’ll simply ask Beholderbro to help us out.
>Ask the Beholder to assist beforehand
Ill support this, just because if it fails it would be fucking hilarious if we end up accidently transferring the fullness of the red dragon into a "perfect" dragonborn vessel
Can we not self-sabotage for once?
do it for the meme
Can you not suck cock for once? At least hop off mine, your head game is worse then your mothers yeesh
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Sorry qm, I dont vibe with targeted harassment, my vote wont be swayed by some tard who has a different opinion, I dont even have a problem with his vote, just his attitude towards me, Ill cease at your request and take any further replies from him towards me as admission of sexual thoughts of his mother on the regular
If this was something else I probably would, but giving up the legendary dragon soul we pissed off death to get doesn’t vibe with me, it’s our loot damnit!

Dude, I get that you’re life may suck right now, but I don’t care enough to pay attention to who I’m replying too, let alone take some rando anon’s opinion of me seriously.

I’ll try to be more civil, but I will speak my mind.
> Haha! Nice try. I doubt you can only help from their bodies.
>Trust in the Novice to do her part, and work with the Red Dragon King to awaken the dormant potential inside the hatchlings
Deuteronomy 28:48
Literal archon, begone from replying to me you demon with an oedipus complex, the digits dont lie
>Trust in the Novice to do her part, and work with the Red Dragon King to awaken the dormant potential inside the hatchlings

Say something to her along the line
"I trust you with my life. I you don't mend their physic, my soul might shatter"
>Trust in the Novice to do her part, and work with the Red Dragon King to awaken the dormant potential inside the hatchlings

This is deeply important to us - hence why we are trusting her

Trust that has taken our entire life to build, but only a moment to shatter

Acknowledge that she has concerns. Our life may have had its origins as an alchemical experiment - but by our words and deeds we have developed the true soul of a dragon. A fact even accepted by the Serpent Ascendent.

No dragon shall ever be a slave and all should have a soul - else the Age of Scales will be built upon a falsehood and will forever be unstable and flawed
>Trust in the Novice to do her part, and work with the Red Dragon King to awaken the dormant potential inside the hatchlings

>-Ask the Beholder to Grant the novice guidance in spiritual flesh weaving.

We probably should not trust what the red dragon king is saying hear. I have a sinking suspicion that his suggestion is not completely altruistic.

We should bear in mind what the possible outcomes were when we merged our sprit with him, last quest.

>[DC 10/15/18, reduced by 3 for correct guesses. On a 15, you hold a true Dragon Soul. On a 12, you will be dominated or wounded.
"On a 12 you will be dominated."

I have a feeling that the reason why big red suggested for Us to transfer his spirit to them is so he could fully possess these dragonborn from the inside out. And since the red dragon born have no sense of self identity they wont be able to resist his dominance like we did.

We need to remember that while the red dragon king grants us power and wants a new age of scale, he is still a greedy tyrant king with his own agenda.
I admit to having sexual thoughts of your mother on the regular
Rolled 13, 2, 2, 14, 8, 11 = 50 (6d20)

[Thanks, by the way! It did, I think, but she ghosted after. Who can say?]

[Locking, rolling Leadership with a bonus seduction die; DC 13]
You contemplate the correct course of action, but not for long. After all, you made the choice to trust in your heart a long time ago.

“My love will not betray me,” you tell the Red Dragon King’s shade.

“You are willing to bet everything on this? REALLY, Young One?”

“Yes,” you reply easily.

You tilt your head, and with some small amusement, you add: “You are trying to manipulate me… To gain control of a physical form which you can dominate more easily. If I do as you suggest and transfer your spirit to one or more of these hatchlings, I will grow weaker even as you gain the freedom to wield your power from within a ‘perfect’ body. You would surely kill me afterward.”

The Red Dragon King harrumphs.

“For one who venerates True Dragons, mixed-blood, you surely show less trust for ME than for your female.”

You say nothing, and eventually the Red Dragon King’s fiery frustration subsides, as yours did.

“Very well,” he rumbles quietly, like the crackling of a dying flame. “We will see what becomes of your great gamble.”

The two of you wait, deep in the ethereal soulscape within and beneath consciousness, staring out into the dim, black murk between bodies and souls. The nine flames of the deeply-buried, imprisoned spirits of the Red Dragonborn hover out in that darkness, barely perceptible from within yourself. Behind you, the great green flame of the Great Green Dragonborn illuminates and warms you, reminding you of the first, formative friendship which taught you not just what it means to be loved, but what it means to be Dragon.


Your faith in these ideals is rewarded. The Novice Fleshweaver-your Sseztlussth—comes through. The dark miasma which hovers between you and those nine distant soul-beacons begins to part, as in the material world the Serpent Priestess begins unlocking the artificial constraints placed upon the Red Dragonborns’ growing minds and hearts.

“See?” you gloat, unable to help yourself.

“Hmph.” The Red Dragon King sounds distant now, muffled, and his spirit smoulders low alongside you now. “Perhaps there are still some worthy ones among her decrepit breed…”

“Are you done scheming, then, Great One?” you ask. “Will you help me rescue your descendants?”

“Of course.”
Together, empowered by the near-boundless well of magical energy which is the Red Dragon King’s soul, the two of your pierce the veil between your heart and that of your younger ‘siblings’. One by one, you find the core Dragon Soul at the heart of these hatchlings, and breath the flame of life and love into those dim embers, until finally they begin to glow, and grow.

You open your eyes, and find the Novice surrounded by your brother’s harem, her white robes stained red with blood. She is surrounded by an array of tools and devices of arcane and alchemical construction, a dog-eared book splayed open behind her for quick reference and one of those silent Silkscale females serving as a clean pair of hands to turn them. Your big brother watches impassively, with concern and obvious discomfort.

“Yoo arr back, bruh-thur?” he asks.

You nod to him, and to the Novice. Who looks rather haggard.

“That was no simple thing,” she huffs. “I expect a show of gratitude later. Material rewards, you understand—none of this nonsense about ‘feelings’!”

You cannot help but laugh. Even as she proves your philosophy ahs taken root in her, she pretends it has not. CLASSIC Novice! You love that stubbornness, just as you love the reliability it hides.

>+ Novice relationship, approaching True Love territory
>>This will entail mechanical benefits and constraints

You turn to the patients of this little operation, though—though blood and tools were concerning. That the Novice requires her surgical and mystical implements implies that simple biokinesis and potioncraft was insufficient for the task. Indeed, you find each of your little ‘brothers’ and ‘sisters’ has been dosed with some form of sleeping potion, and that incisions have been made into their spinal cords through the back of the skull, only to be patched up and wrapped in gauze thereafter. Rows of empty syrinegs attest in injections, as well.

“Their hormonal glands had been modified,” she explains, “a mystical equivalent meant to construct the soul and modify growth patterns had been placed there, as well. Quiet good work, for those stuffy old traditionalists… I did not believe they had it in them, to use and refine the sorts of techniques which we use to modify Degenerates and captured slaves and to place it in these Dragonborn.”

As the young ones’ eyes open, they are groggy and disoriented. That’s to be expected. Still, in their eyes you see an inkling of something you didn’t see before. As they cast their eyes about, they seem to see the cave, one another, and you for the first time, with a full awareness previously denied to them.
“We will not be able to hide this,” the Novice notes, taking her place at your side.

The Red Dragonborn roar in delight and triumph at their new circumstances, suddenly cognizant of all that they are and can become.

“No,” you agree. “There will be no more hiding.”

The Red Dragonborn will need guidance, of course, and time to recover from their procedure and adjust. You and the Great One can provide that. But an explanation must be offered up to the Serpent Priests for what has transpired here. The Red Dragon King was wrong about the Novice, but was he wrong abut the resentment which the Holy Ones of the Serpent Priesthood feel towards you? If they already conspire to undermine you, surely this activity would further strengthen their sentiment to act against you…

What will you do?
>Come forward to the Chief Fleshweaver and Chaplain and speak frankly of what you have done, and why, and why it was your right to do so [Diplomacy]
>What you did here was a great thing, and a joyous tiding for the future of the Master Race—make it public, and use this opportunity to preach your new gospel to the people! [Religion]
>Might makes right, is it not so? If so… Well, let the Serpent Priests challenge you, if they dare, and if they think you can get by without your forces! [Intimdiate]
>It is not yet time… Keep this quiet, disguising the procedure as an infusion of Red Dragon blood to further strengthen the hatchlings and nothing more [Easier diplomacy, but consequences may result…]

And what comes next?
>It will take time to rally the forces from the Southlands, and to sew discord amongst them and the humans of Hawksong… You should get back to Bloodrise, to help with the war-effort there
>You should pay a visit to the Greatworms, to get Glowie’s mother and her brood on-side for the Dark Crusade that it to come
>All this helping and guiding of young minds with your chosen female has you feeling rather sentimental… Maybe you and the Novice could go on a ‘date’ as the elves are wont to do, and discuss the future?
>You have been away from the surface for weeks now, and you find yourself missing it… Maybe an excursion to scout the surface-scum of Hawksong’s outlying regions is in order?
>>What you did here was a great thing, and a joyous tiding for the future of the Master Race—make it public, and use this opportunity to preach your new gospel to the people! [Religion]
>All this helping and guiding of young minds with your chosen female has you feeling rather sentimental… Maybe you and the Novice could go on a ‘date’ as the elves are wont to do, and discuss the future?
>What you did here was a great thing, and a joyous tiding for the future of the Master Race—make it public, and use this opportunity to preach your new gospel to the people! [Religion]

>You should pay a visit to the Greatworms, to get Glowie’s mother and her brood on-side for the Dark Crusade that it to come
don't worry novice, you got some great experience from this job

plus we'll tell everyone it was you. the exposure will be worth more than anything material

>What you did here was a great thing, and a joyous tiding for the future of the Master Race—make it public, and use this opportunity to preach your new gospel to the people! [Religion]

start keeping tabs on the serpent priesthood so we'll know if they're pulling some shenanigans to counter our shenanigans
>What you did here was a great thing, and a joyous tiding for the future of the Master Race—make it public, and use this opportunity to preach your new gospel to the people! [Religion]

Glad it worked - plus more proof that our mission is divinely ordained

>All this helping and guiding of young minds with your chosen female has you feeling rather sentimental… Maybe you and the Novice could go on a ‘date’ as the elves are wont to do, and discuss the future?
>Come forward to the Chief Fleshweaver and Chaplain and speak frankly of what you have done, and why, and why it was your right to do so [Diplomacy]

>You should pay a visit to the Greatworms, to get Glowie’s mother and her brood on-side for the Dark Crusade that it to come
>You have been away from the surface for weeks now, and you find yourself missing it… Maybe an excursion to scout the surface-scum of Hawksong’s outlying regions is in order?
A chance to revisit Hawksong is nice.
>>What you did here was a great thing, and a joyous tiding for the future of the Master Race—make it public, and use this opportunity to preach your new gospel to the people! [Religion]
diplomacy probably wont work because of what we've said earlier about marrying fleshweaver

>All this helping and guiding of young minds with your chosen female has you feeling rather sentimental… Maybe you and the Novice could go on a ‘date’ as the elves are wont to do, and discuss the future?
do it for the meme
>Come forward to the Chief Fleshweaver and Chaplain and speak frankly of what you have done, and why, and why it was your right to do so [Diplomacy]

>You should pay a visit to the Greatworms, to get Glowie’s mother and her brood on-side for the Dark Crusade that it to come

An idea comes to you: if you cannot hide this, why not shout it to the masses, to those Below and Beyond and here and now? After all… You didn’t come here only to speak to Serpent Priests, but ALL the Master race! It is time that the Reptilians of the secondary and tertiary classes hear the good news.

“And after that,” you tell the Novice, “we should go on a...”

“…On what?” she asks warily.

You realize the True Speech lacks any real equivalent to ‘date’, the aphorism for a short and spontaneous excursion between two romantic partners for purposes of idly frittering away time and enjoying one another’s company.

“…A meeting to discuss various matters relating to future breeding prospects and current mutual concerns.”

“Is this some mammalian social grooming practice?” she asks.

“Absolutely not,” you blatantly and shamelessly lie.

“Well, alright then,” she grants you. “That… Seems practical. Though do NOT expect to be doing any ‘breeding’ at this time, Dragondick.”

The two of you refocus on the matter at hand. There are precious few caverns which can hold your elder brother, and are accessible through tunnels which can grant him access without destructive expansion. Your ability to create a <Wall of Stone> or elicit <Earth Tremors> falls far short of a true <Stoneshape> or <Stone to Mud>; you can expand or extend a stone formation, or rattle it apart, but to freely shape and mold it. As he deserves to be there, you plan the location to accommodate.

The most obvious locale in the market, where you originally purchased your first suit of plate armour and the bow which still sits upon your back, plus all the other equipment for your first retinue when you set out to subdue the kobolds of Bloodrise over a year and a half ago. So much has happened since then… It seems appropriate that you should reintroduce yourself to your society there, bringing back the fruits of your journey to the place where it started.
You clean up the Red Dragonborn and get them on their feet, making sure they are all cogent enough to display as the exemplars of your brave new world. When you are satisfied that they can reliably stand at attention, you conclude that this is as good as it is going to get—they are still young and rambunctious, and even as you opened their hearts to your Fearsome presence, they began to project a sort of Presence of their own—weak, half-formed, but enough to require the same sort of attentive wrangling which Glowie’s children did in their larval stage… And the Novice is no Glowie, and certaintly no Hamaraska.

“I could dose them with a half-dose of the sedative used during their operations?” she ‘helpfully’ suggests.

“No,” you tell her firmly, and she tucks her syringe away.

You have Oluwadamilare the Archer and Ivno the Kobold spread the word that you are to be making an announcement “on behalf of the Bloodrise Kingdom away-mission, ordered by the Chaplain of this base.” It is a technical sort of truth: you were assigned to lead the away mission (which the Chaplain initially ordered) and you have established a Bloodrise Kingdom which you are authoritative within (though this was by your own ambition and impetus), and you are indeed announcing something. Normally a Degenerate and a kobold would garner little interest… But, well, you are a Dragonborn, speaking on behalf of the Chaplain. When you arrive, at the head of a column of Red Dragonborn hatchlings and with the Great One bringing up the rear, it certainly attracts attention and lends credibility—the Great One rarely emerges at all, and only (the most people’s knowledge) with the Priesthood’s permission.
You look out to those who have assembled, an hour and commandeering of a crude wooden platform used for surface-slave trading. It is an hours since your arrival, and find…
>A small gathering, sadly indicative of the small local Reptilian population—you did not wish to attract the attention of authorities until after your speech was given, so Olu and Ivno did not travel far or use any messenger networks
>A mid-sized gathering including some middle-ranked leadership of various merchant and military factions from among the Silkscale, Steeltalon, and Dragonblooded castes, plus any Degenerates who will risk assembling here without explicit permission
>A larger gathering, with invitations offered openly unto even the Serpent priesthood and the leaders of the secondary clans—this will be your OFFICIAL, PUBIC declaration of the new Age of Darkness and your vision for it!

“Brothers and sisters of the Master Race, children of the Dark Gods Above and Beyond,” you begin, “I come bearing glad tidings for us all. The Green Knight has brought chaos to us, but chaos and opportunity are as a pair of perfectly-aligned bloodlines: destined to be entwined, and with their futures bound together.”

You gesture to the Dragonborn hatchlings behind you, who rise to their hind legs from their childlike quadrupedal stances and (mostly) cease nipping at each other.

“Behold!” you declare, continuing…

>With a message of Love and Communion—a hard sell for your father’s race, you know, but it is what you are here to instill
>With a message of Draconic supremacy over a multiethnic empire—an easier sell, perhaps, though a direct challenge to the authority of the Priesthood
>With a declaration that the old ways of caste, sex, and race-supremacy are outmoded and must be modified—after all, you are here to admit that you are both Degenerate AND Dragon King!
>With a promise that they are now superior soldiers and weapons, and that together you and the other Dragonborn project supersoldiers shall lead a glorious Dark Crusade alongside the Serpent Priesthood (holy be they), in the name of the Grand Design!
>>A mid-sized gathering including some middle-ranked leadership of various merchant and military factions from among the Silkscale, Steeltalon, and Dragonblooded castes, plus any Degenerates who will risk assembling here without explicit permission
>With a message of Love and Communion—a hard sell for your father’s race, you know, but it is what you are here to instill
>A larger gathering, with invitations offered openly unto even the Serpent priesthood and the leaders of the secondary clans—this will be your OFFICIAL, PUBIC declaration of the new Age of Darkness and your vision for it!

>With a promise that they are now superior soldiers and weapons, and that together you and the other Dragonborn project supersoldiers shall lead a glorious Dark Crusade alongside the Serpent Priesthood (holy be they), in the name of the Grand Design!
>With a message of Draconic supremacy over a multiethnic empire—an easier sell, perhaps, though a direct challenge to the authority of the Priesthood
Sell it like the Sepent Priesthood approves of the Draconic Supremacy in the multiethnic empire. Hell, give them the majority of the credit- it was they who taught you how to commune with the Dark Gods and made the Dragonborn project a reality. Really flatter them while weaving our message in there.
Seconding this

Tie them into supporting this new direction of our society

Use our aura to cow any opposition and state that this new direction has the direct approval of the Dark Gods

Better to leverage the existing beliefs of the population than to challenge them directly - at least for now
+1. This blend is the way to sell it to the masses, I think, without getting direct confrontation from the snake nerds.
>A mid-sized gathering including some middle-ranked leadership of various merchant and military factions from among the Silkscale, Steeltalon, and Dragonblooded castes, plus any Degenerates who will risk assembling here without explicit permission

>With a message of Draconic supremacy over a multiethnic empire—an easier sell, perhaps, though a direct challenge to the authority of the Priesthood
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While you come bearing a Dark Gospel of Love, Communion, and Community. However, as you look out at the massive crowd—well, it’s only a hundred or so Reptilians, but it’s the largest collection of Pureblooded Ones whom you have ever seen assembled in one place—and you start to wonder if they are ready to hear it. Your lift your gaze to note the imposing, hooded figures of the elder Serpent Priests, and the ornate regalia of the clan leaders, and the Red Dragon King’s warning eats at you. You remember his earlier advice: the love must be imposed by force, community bound in blood. Your race cannot afford costly infighting and strife, not with the Green Knight bearing down and a war effort ramping up. What you need now is unity.

What you need now is an Antipaladin of the God of Glorious Battle.

“Behold,” you repeat, “the Dragonborn! Your elite troops, born of the blood of the Green Dragon, and of the Red! The living avatars of the long-lost Age of Scales, and scions of our NEW Age of Scales… No, our Age of Darkness! A bold new age for ALL who live in accordance with the True Faith.”

There are murmurs from the crowd, some confused about the difference while others radiate a sense of guarded suspicion. You decide to help them along… But to do that, you’ll put your thumb on the scale without completely upending it. Better to leverage existing beliefs, you reason, than to try and change them all at once.

“The Dragon Kings of old, whose blood runs through the vein of we Dragonborn, were supreme rulers of vast empires. Nagas, Crocodilians, Tortles, Kappas, Kobolds and more! Wyverns and Linorms, Behirs and Basilisks, Demidragons, and more! All manner of the Master Race… Each had its place in the first Age of Darkness. It was an Age of Scales, but because the Dragons and their Dark Deities willed it so…”

This is all innocuous enough. Your listeners nod along, following the familiar flow of another story about the lost glory of ancient days—the True History, which keeps the Master Race’s flagging pride alive and pushes you all to give for the Great Design.
“Now, with our numbers diminished, the Dark Gods and their Serpent Priests have seen fit, in their wisdom and with the Dark Gods’ own guidance, to begin a NEW Age of Scales, of Dragons, and of Darkness! They have given you the Dragonborn!”

You gesture to the Red Dragonborn who, after a few whispers and a nudge, roar in (near) unison. Your elder brother, picking up the cue a little later but with greater volume and no less enthusiasm, joins their chorus, and the cavern quakes while the crowd cowers.

“They taught me to commune with the Dark Gods, and by their will I became a Knight Ascendant. With the very power and by the very will of the God of Blood and Honour, I took these imperfect creations of mortals and stoked their flame with that of the Red Dragon King of Bloodrise… To whom I have been anointed his successor, in his ancestral empire!”

This draws still more fervor, including hisses and jeers, but many more watch is (respectful?) silence. They watch with hushed expectation. You pause for effect, waiting for the vocal few to die down.

“It is by this power,” you continue, “that I have perfected them into perfect instrument of the Dark Crusade—this one, or another to come, where they will serve as commanders of LEGIONS… DRACONIC legions, helmed by these resplendent kings and queens and comprised of the very children of light who deposed us.”

You expect the roaring and hissing of betrayal and disbelief which come next.

“No, no, it is TRUE! I have tamed dwarves and elves in Bloodrise, made large goblinoids into deadly assassins, just as I have tamed THESE…”

The two fire-lizards emerge, trailed more sluggishly by your blindfolded basilisk, which Ivno must prod along with a dagger to keep cooperative. You turn up your Fearsome Presence a little to help the little kobold along—which has the added effect of cowing the crowd, and reclaiming their attention and your momentum.

“…And THIS.”

THAT is when the lightning elemental does its part for your great performance, appearing with a cacophonous thundercrack and near-blinding explosion of flashing iridescence. It coalesces into a shape that is less a humanoid than another winged, draconic figure, hovering above the stage and behind the others.
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Rolled 17, 20, 12, 12 = 61 (4d20)

“Each of these powers, born of raw primal elemental magic or of the flawed Children of Light, has been brought to the cause of our Faith, and the service of our most Holy and Wise Serpent Priesthood who granted me this opportunity. By demonstration of my might, the might of Dragons and of the Dark Gods, OUR might as the Master Race, they have been taught to SERVE for Dragonkind, FEAR and RESPECT the Reptilian Race and its Dragon Kings and Serpent Priesthood… And even to fight for us, to KILL THEIR KIN for us!”

There are whispers of disbelief, and of surprise. Can it be true.

“Of course, why should it not be so? Even now, our wise Holy Ones have astutely interpreted that the Stars are Right to amass an army of the dark-men and beast-men of the Southlands—OUR army! From the depths of the earth, and with the magic of the Mother of Dragons, the Fleshweavers and Daughters of the Rookery brought forth a race of insects, who have already worked our will and provided support to my forces in the Northwest!”

THIS gets the attention of the upper echelon of those assembled, at the back of the market-cavern, who turn and begin to discuss heatedly among themselves. You wonder how many, if any, had an inkling of the greatworms’ creation, and by whose divine edict it was done? Giving them the credit is a bribe AND a sort of insurance plan: to go against you OR the greatworms without good cause will be to defy the Dark Gods themselves, now. The mission they have already approved for the starting moves in the Dark Crusade have now been framed as part of a wider Grand Design and, with your presence and your panoply of victories and titles and your menagerie of magnificent and monstrous soldiers, who can doubt you?


[Religion roll, DC 13 for some prudent compromises... Though the doctrine of love and communion remains beyond the scope of even a success here as a result as well.]
You are right: the crowd is mostly receptive, listening intently rather than interrupting to criticize or contradict you.

“Everything in this world is OURS, the rightful possession of the Dragon Kings, their priests, their heirs, their race!”

There are scattered ululations of agreement.

“That includes the land… The things made from its bounty… They things which grow upon it and crawl beneath it… That which swims in the see or sprouts from the soil!”


More murmurs of agreement, and hisses of aggrieved pride and material deprivation.

“That includes the things the True Gods made for us, and the perversions and uncouth addendum by the false gods of light!” you declare, striding forward and spreading your arms and wings. “Their weapons, OURS to kill with! Their temples, OURS to reconsecrate! Their very CHIDLREN, their precious WORSHIPERS? They are OURS to corrupt, subjugate, and rule over! The New Age of Darkness shall consume EVERYTHING, and ALL shall dwell in the great hoard of our wealth—every parcel of land, every last treasure, every sword and shield, every child born to any race that WE allow to live—at OUR leaders’ whims, at OUR leaders’ sufferance, condition on THEIR understanding of the new world…”


“OUR world!” you bellow. “OUR Age! Our Faith, Our Dragon Kings, Our Serpent priesthood, and OUR DARK GODS!”

That does it. The crowd is screaming for blood and glory now, practically slavering for war. Your dragon’s greed, your kingly pride, your divine inspiration… You have shared it with them, awoken their spirits much as the Red Dragon King awoke those of the large hatchlings who flank you to either side. You bask in it, genuinely warmed to see it. They do not necessarily understand love, not as you do… But in this uniting cause, to conquer and subjugate the surface, you have begun the inklings of your vision of a community of faith servants of your Empire of Love, with you and Bloodrise at its centre.

You sense that even the clan leaders are with you, though they stand reserved. If the Serpent Priests feel they ought to silence you… They make no move and speak no word to do so, not here. Those most suited to diagnose your heresy and doctrinal deviance are keen to the mood of the room, and to the damage they would do by winding back their plans for the conflict to come, or the ascendancy of the Red Dragonborn… Or making any other move against you… When so much their fellowship now sees you and your actions as commandments from those Below and Beyond, and the path forward to their own fortunes.

You leave the stage, unarrested and unaccosted by any authority, trailed by ten Dragonborn, three great beasts, an elemental, your servants… And, at your side, the Novice.
“You are such a show-off,” she teases you. “Is it your firelung that allows you to blow such hot-air? Does the energy of the Red Dragon King threaten to inflate you until you with unearned ego until you burst?”

You shrug, noting: “You saw the results. They speak for themselves, do they not?”

“They did less speak than shout incomprehensibly. How did you provoke such nonsense in so many?”

“Love,” you answer, though it provokes both you and the Novice to laugh a moment later.

“I noticed that this particular subject was absent from your dissertation,” she notes.

“For now,” you say. “But it will NOT be absent from the evening.”

“Our meeting?” the Novice groans. “I knew it! You hairbrained, fat-headed lump of shoddily-shaped chimeric tissue… This IS an exercise in ‘romantic’ social grooming, isn’t it?”

“In the Northern Common-tongue, it is called a ‘date’,” you explain.

The Novice groans, but does not protest overmuch afterwards, once it is out of her system. It seems she’s resigned herself to whatever ‘sappy Degenerate nonsense’ you have planned.

Where do you take her?
>To the secretive caverns and underground grove which you and the Great One discovered on your first adventurous excursion together—a perfect spot for a picnic, and to discuss your family future!
>To the surface, to stare up at the stars and the spaces beyond, and to talk about your vision—your REAL, TRUE vision—for the coming Age of Darkness and what you would like to see for its people
>To a small human settlement—if she can craft you and she adequate disguises, at least—to scout the enemy and discuss your war-effort
>To the ancient ruins of your people, to where your <Guidance> may take you, to propose a more perfect and permanent union—to offer the Novice queendom
>To the surface, to stare up at the stars and the spaces beyond, and to talk about your vision—your REAL, TRUE vision—for the coming Age of Darkness and what you would like to see for its people
>>To the surface, to stare up at the stars and the spaces beyond, and to talk about your vision—your REAL, TRUE vision—for the coming Age of Darkness and what you would like to see for its people
>To the surface, to stare up at the stars and the spaces beyond, and to talk about your vision—your REAL, TRUE vision—for the coming Age of Darkness and what you would like to see for its people

We don’t want some of the surface

We want it ALL

backlink >>5550369
>To the secretive caverns and underground grove which you and the Great One discovered on your first adventurous excursion together—a perfect spot for a picnic, and to discuss your family future!

We can kill two birds with one stone with this option, in that we can go discuss with glowies mother soon after the picnic.

Also its quite a scenic area, it even has a waterfall and a grotto in it.
>To the surface, to stare up at the stars and the spaces beyond, and to talk about your vision—your REAL, TRUE vision—for the coming Age of Darkness and what you would like to see for its people

we don't want novice coaxing us out of fetal position after we see the splishy splashy
>>To the ancient ruins of your people, to where your <Guidance> may take you, to propose a more perfect and permanent union—to offer the Novice queendom
>To the ancient ruins of your people, to where your <Guidance> may take you, to propose a more perfect and permanent union—to offer the Novice queendom
Would go for the settlement, if only I had the support.
>To the surface, to stare up at the stars and the spaces beyond, and to talk about your vision—your REAL, TRUE vision—for the coming Age of Darkness and what you would like to see for its people
Lets keep these good rolls going, try to show novice some more love shes used to us preaching our message all the time, try to focus the future talk with her included, use lots of we and us when talking so rather then just her ego being stroked she feels that us as a unit is destined for greatness
An excursion underground-even to that scenic bioluminescent cavern—do not suit you. No, Bloodrise has spoilt you. Even in the bustling oasis-city of Wevenore, you found yourself missing the moon and stars, and especially the never-ending darkness of Beyond.

“Let us go to the surface,” you declare, once the two of you are again alone—for this brief moment, at least. The Serpent Priests will be looking for you soon enough, to talk about your recent actions.

“It is not permitted.”

You look at her, tilting your head questioningly. It has been a LONG while since either of you has carefully minded the prescribed path.

“Fine,” she sighs, hardly protesting at all in fact.

You change out of your armour on a whim, donning your elven dancing-cloak and trousers—a move which requires you to abandon your kingly <Dragonshape> for a time. It’s a less conspicuous appearance, anyway, and it somehow feels more… Natural. More honest and open, suitable for the dialogue you wish to have. The Novice, suffering no such sentiment, wears one of her clean Novice Fleshweaver cloaks, which (unless by some strange turn she kept her dancing attire from Wevenore) may be literally the only attire she owns. You don’t take it personally—it is her nature. Even she, however, is not immune to the sight of a clear Northern night-sky, speckled and spangled with stars across a tapestry of black.

“No wonder the Stargazers put so much stock in their movements,” she murmurs, once the two of you have charted your course through the winding tunnels and emerged in the hills outside a small human habitation.

“Yes,” you agree, once you have torn your own gaze away from the duller, yellower lights of the small farming community which is closest to you. The two of you are undisguised… But you are far from prying eyes, and it is close to the midnight hour, near to half-wild woodland. You are in no danger of detection, you decide.

Thus, you produce the roll of fabric which youb brought with you.

“What is that?” the Novice asks uneasily.

You shush her, mostly because it annoys her, which in turn amuses you. With unnecessary mystery, you roll out the fabric, smoothing it with the back of your claws until it is unwrinkled and fully sprawled.

“Why are you always so damned ENIGMATIC for its own sake?” the Novice complains. “I never know what is going on in that defective alchemical experiment which you call a brain, Degenerateborn.”

You give her a look, and she crosses her arms and looks away. You cosndier her words as you sit down upon the spread blanket, and pat the space beside you.

“…You are serious?”

“I am.”

She joins you, after her usual act of performative defiance and delay. You lay back and, after a few moments of confused irritation, she does likewise.
“It does provide a good vantage point,” she admits.

“The reason I brought you here, to share this view, was for more than just aesthetic enjoyment.”

“I told you,” she hisses, “I am NOT prepared to bear any offspring.”

“Not that!” you laugh. “You find me enigmatic? Well… Let us dispense of the mystery.”


“Ask me anything,” you volunteer cheerfully. “About my plans, about what I am thinking, what I envision for our future…”

She scoffs, and when you look her way, she expounds upon that thought.

“You offer yourself up on a platter to a rival.”

“I do not view you as a rival,” you tell her.

The Novice takes a sharp intake of breath, her tail lashing as face furious. It catches you off-guard.

“Oh, of course, because who is good enough for the great Copper Dragon King to consider a threat?”
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“I meant,” you clarify, “that I view you as…”
>An equal partner in this endeavour
>A treasured companion, close to your heart
>A valuable instrument in your arsenal, and a member of your inner circle
>Within your power, as with all of Bloodrise

“For that matter,” she interjects, before you can even address her first concern, “what IS your plan? You go on preaching and extolling these vague virtues: love, glory, the Draconic Soul! It’s all just… Words! Empty faux-ideology to serve as a narcotic for meaning-starved minions. But what does any of it actually MEAN? How much of it do YOU mean, really?”

You’re a little taken aback by this outburst though, true to her heritage, the Novice quickly collects herself and cools these hot emotions, asking simply:

“When you speak of a new Age of Darkness, tell me honestly, WHAT are you speaking about? What does it look like, and where do we fit in?”

It is a good question, and a pointed one. How HAVE you come to understand your mission?
>You admire the Dragon Kings and the Master Race, the Dark Gods Beyond and Below, and wish to bring them glory—THIS is the way! For the other subject races, for the Gods, sure… But mostly for the Grand Design which you grew up believing in.
>You have come to see the Master Race as… Flawed, short-sighted and empty-hearted, and the Dark Gods as fractious and capricious, and what you do now you do for the wellbeing of those who you have taken as subjects.
>You merely want to be free to live and love as you please, and to do that you will sacrifice any alliance or ideal to save your absolute sovereignty and the bonds of affection which tie you to your dearest ones—the Novice, Glowie, your lieutenants, your sons.
>You have come to truly believe that this might ACTUALLY be a divine mission, your true DESTINY: to upend the dominion of the Gods of Light in YOUR lifetime, and to usher in a new World of Darkness with yourself as the preeminent priest-king!

“And this ‘love’ you natter on about… That you brought me here to bask and relish in, beneath all THIS,” she finally asks, gesturing dismissively to all the greater cosmos above you. “Why me? Why not any other? You foist all these strange feelings and expectations upon me, but I do not even understand what it is you MEAN when you say these words, or what is expected of me now that you have uttered them!”

This one gives you the most pause. You carefully consider you answer, and conclude…
>Your history together
>Her brilliant and clever mind
>Her rebellious and experimental streak
>Her kindness and loyalty

Even as you answer her questions, as the words leave your mouth, you know they are…
>The whole truth
>Still tangled in uncertainty and half-truths

[Write-ins are permitted.]
>Within your power, as with all of Bloodrise

>You have come to truly believe that this might ACTUALLY be a divine mission, your true DESTINY: to upend the dominion of the Gods of Light in YOUR lifetime, and to usher in a new World of Darkness with yourself as the preeminent priest-king!
This with a sprinkle of
>You admire the Dragon Kings and the Master Race, the Dark Gods Beyond and Below, and wish to bring them glory—THIS is the way! For the other subject races, for the Gods, sure… But mostly for the Grand Design which you grew up believing in.

>Her rebellious and experimental streak
>Her kindness and loyalty

>Still tangled in uncertainty and half-truths, but said with confidence
Keeps things interesting, methinks.
>An equal partner in this endeavour
>You are my backbone. Without you, I collapse. Both from your flesh-stitching and your presence from end of slumber to end of next slumber.

>You have come to see the Master Race as… Flawed, short-sighted and empty-hearted, and the Dark Gods as fractious and capricious, and what you do now you do for the wellbeing of those who you have taken as subjects.
'Xcept the part about gods. They just don't care that much about individual's wellbeing so we have to step in for that role.

>Your history together
>Her brilliant and clever mind
>Her rebellious and experimental streak
>Her kindness and loyalty

>The whole truth
No backsies.
>An equal partner in this endeavour
>You are my backbone. Without you, I collapse. Both from your flesh-stitching and your presence from end of slumber to end of next slumber.


>You have come to truly believe that this might ACTUALLY be a divine mission, your true DESTINY: to upend the dominion of the Gods of Light in YOUR lifetime, and to usher in a new World of Darkness with yourself as the preeminent priest-king!
The Grand Design is not enough - we need a personal fire to drive us onwards… a DIVINE MANDATE to rule

We have faced down mighty odds before because we are CHOSEN by the Gods

>Your history together
>Her brilliant and clever mind
>Her rebellious and experimental streak
>Her kindness and loyalty


>The whole truth
No more secrets
backlink >>5552696
Am >>5554066 phoneposting, so my IP might have hoped again. Let me backlink to >>5534121
+1, well thought out.
+1 Excellently put anon, our eyes are on the stars with Novice, weve already even talked about how the stars show us the way the gods want us to play their game, at least to the serpent priests, how fitting would it be for the antipalidan of the sun eater to control his own path in the stars, picking the ripest fruit from the bunch, you dont have to add this qm but I feel like its good religious symbolism for preaching
>An equal partner in this endeavour
>A treasured companion, close to your heart
not even sure why she's playing the rivalry angle. what are we rivals over? We're working towards being a king emperor dragon thing, and she's shown no interest in ruling anything. She's working towards being a master of her craft, and we've shown little to no interest in fleshweaving.

>You have come to see the Master Race as… Flawed, short-sighted and empty-hearted, and the Dark Gods as fractious and capricious, and what you do now you do for the wellbeing of those who you have taken as subjects.

>Her brilliant and clever mind
>Still tangled in uncertainty and half-truths
are we ever truly sure of anything
Time for an age of truth.
[Locked and writing!]
You take a moment to contemplate the Novice’s barrage of questions. You stare up at the stars, past them, really considering how to reply. The Dark Gods offer no guidance here—nor, perhaps, would you wish them to. This is a time not for grand strategy, but personal openness. If you are to usher in some new Age of Darkness… Well, let it also be an Age of truth. Your people, your heart, have wallowed too long in compromise and lies. This moment, here, with this female… It deserves better than that.

“Why do you wish to be rivals?” you eventually ask.

“What?” she asks, confounded by the question. “We have ever been such, fool! I, daughter of the base’s Chaplain who had to struggle for barest recognition as anything but a pawn in his dynastic ambitions… You, his pet project, embodiment of his ambition.”

“You have been putting too much thought into this,” you note wryly. “I am a warrior, an antipaladin of our War-God, perhaps a Dragon King. Do you even ASPIRE to rule anything, you just to study your books and work your biological magics? In what imagined reality are we in competition, Fleshweaver?”

The Novice hisses and hacks, as if affronted, stammering and stuttering a dozen failed replies before you finally looks away. Her claws sink into the blanket beneath you, and she looks away. You sense it in her—she realizes now a secret motivation, secret even to her, and she is ashamed and embarrassed by it.

“Come on,” you tease her, unable to help yourself—a lingering residue of that so-called rivalry. “Spit it out.”

“You… You have grown,” she says.


She glares hatefully at you, and shouts: “YOU HAVE GROWN, you dolt! You have changed so, SO much. You are rising to these… Unknowable heights, pursuing this great purpose that I do not even UNDERSTAND! When we were just two young Reptilians pursuing our ambitions, jockeying for status in the world as it was… That was one thing. Now you are destroying that world and rebuilding it into this… Unrecognizable THING.”

She doesn’t meet your eyes, but after a moment whispers: “Where do I even fit into it? If I am not your equal, am I just… A prize? A way to uplift your bloodline? Or am I even THAT? Maybe… I do not fit into this world you are making at all.”

You roll over, startling her a little. She doesn’t move far, though, and despite her whining you pull her closer, into an embrace.

“Of COURSE you are my equal, you uptight aristocrat.”

“How DARE you, you beaker-born mongrel of a—”

“You are smarter than me.”

That shuts her up, as you expected.

“It is simple. You grasp magical theory better than me. You understand Reptilian politics better than I do. You lack my raw mana, but I cannot even begin to understand the works you perform—they are the backbone of our entire mission! Without you, I would LITERALLY collapse under my own weight.”

You tap the Amulet of the Dragon-the Novice’s first gift to you, and something you treasure—even if she is incapable of registering it as a gift, or understanding why you might hold it so close to your heart.

“I need you,” you say, truthfully and honestly bearing your soul a you never really have before, even to her. “From one slumber to the next, while we wake or sleep, you are ever my support, and my driving force. When I am weak, you mend me—care for me, body and spirit.”

“It is prudent” she mutters, though her shift in posture and the curling of her tail belies enjoyment of this barrage of flattery.

“It is kind,” you correct her. “There have been many opportunities now to dispense of me. You could have reported my deviances and dalliances and become the leader of the Bloodrise mission. You could have gained unfettered dominion over mine and Glowie’s spawn for your experiments, increased authority and status, greater recognition for your alchemical works—unauthorized, arguably heretical, but SUCCESFUL to such a degree that you would SURELY be no mere Novice any longer.”

She is silent.

“You did not,” you remind her. “And you are too clever, too ruthless under normal circumstances, to have missed these opportunities to strike and take. Instead, you stayed by my side. You helped me, encouraged me, sheltered me, and helped me grow. You delight in the changes, even as you rail against them and criticize my every move… Because you KNOW we are moving towards something truly great!”

“As I said,” she huffs, tacitly accepting the rest, “I do not even comprehend what it is you… We… Are working towards.”

You turn your eyes back to the skies and, after a pointed nod, the Novice follows your gaze.
“Ever since the stars first appeared in the sky, the Serpent Priesthood has guided us by them… Shown us the way of fate, the Grand Design. Thus have we waited for the stars to be Right, for their light to guide us to the future we have always dreamed of.”

You look away from the sky, back to the Novice—still held close to you, no longer complaining for it or struggling for space.

“How fitting would it be for a Knight Ascendant of the Sun-Eater to pluck those stars from the sky which have delayed and forsaken us, and to leave only those which foretell our happiness? Not to be subject to their whims any longer, waiting until the Stars are Right… But to MAKE them right? To SET them right?”

“You are preaching again,” she admonishes. “You monologue altogether too often these days, for some sword-swinging slab of meat.”

You laugh, and tilt your head in acknowledgement.

“I may have fallen into the habit,” you admit. “But I believe it. I think… I really think that this might be my destiny. OUR destiny. Yours, mine… All of us.”

There is a length pause then… And eventually, the Novice’s tail curls its away around your, and she rests her head back against your chest.

“It is more comfortable, when you are not wearing armour,” she comments, seemingly incongruously.

You think your cold-blooded love just made a sappy allusion to emotional intimacy… But, wise in the ways of love, you know better than to spoil the moment by pushing her on it. Instead, you simply enjoy the fresh night air.

It is some time later, when dawn is drawing near enough to begin to swallow up the dimmest stars and to taint the purity of the velvet blackness beyond, that you begin to pack up your blanket and those foodstuffs which you saw fit to bring on this little ‘picnic’. The two of you did not speak much on weighty matters, once your great act of sharing was complete—a little bit of light political discourse, the exchange of short-form progress reports on the Junior Novice and the shoggoth-sword, some debate about how best to handle rivals within the Priesthood and enemies in the shining city just over the hills… But mostly, just quiet and shared solitude, your breathing and heartbeats in sync.


It was nice while it lasted.
You are immediately at attention at the sound of the Novice’s hissing, hushed voice. You turn to her, and seeing her pointing, you follow her eyes and her claw to that which she ahs spotted: two humans. They are at a distance, but their attire is sexually dimorphic in the way of the Northern Human culture: dark colours and trousers for the man, with a heavy hooded cloak, while the woman wears dun colouration pastel shades, and a full-body layered robe of sorts. Even by the dim light of dawn, and with their inferior diurnal senses, you can tell they have seen you, too.

You gauge their body language. The female is displaying fear, the desire to flee, but seems somehow frozen—waiting for the male. He is wary, too, but seems bolder or more curious. He ahs clearly not worked out exactly what you are—if he even ahs an inkling—and seems to be hovering at the edge of the wood as if to find an answer before departing. Certainly, neither seems wont to confront you: the man ahs a bow, but it is now drawn, and his body language speaks neither of aggression nor alarm.

“We have been spotted!” the Novice says. “We must kill them!”

You look to the female human and see… A basket. From one corner, you spot the fabric of a blanket. You imagine that, alongside it, you might find the foods common to these pastoral ape-folk. These humans… They are on a date.

“Dragonborn, what are you WIATING for?!”

>Draw your bow and slay them both where they stand, before they can escape and report on your existence or location
>Chase them down with sword in hand [specify if you mean to kill or capture them]
>Approach them diplomatically—perhaps you can gather intelligence here, learning more about your enemy and what they know of your activities
>Flee—they haven’t seen you clearly enough for it to be a real issue, and who will believe two random low-born humans?
>Burn them with dragonfire—let the humans KNOW what is coming!
>Approach them diplomatically
>Write in

We are explorers from the country of [random bullshit] and we come in peace

we are sorry that we disturbed you and we will leave immediately

Even if they talk, their information will be useless

>Draw your bow and slay them both where they stand, before they can escape and report on your existence or location
yeah sorry humies
nothing personell
>>Approach them diplomatically—perhaps you can gather intelligence here, learning more about your enemy and what they know of your activities
>Ask Novice to fleshshape memory away
[The Novice cannot use fleshweaving to strategically erase memories.]
Not with that attitude. But we believe in her.
>Approach them diplomatically—perhaps you can gather intelligence here, learning more about your enemy and what they know of your activities
>Why, we too are on a date! Join us for this… double date!
This is funny
>Draw your bow and slay them both where they stand, before they can escape and report on your existence or location

Truly a sad moment - but necessary

Our new Age of Darkness will regrettably require many deaths, these are but the first
>Approach them diplomatically—perhaps you can gather intelligence here, learning more about your enemy and what they know of your activities
>Approach them diplomatically—perhaps you can gather intelligence here, learning more about your enemy and what they know of your activities
If we dont like the vibe we can kill em, maybe we can just get the novice to drug them and we toss their clothes in a bush so they wake up after a wild night out where they think they saw something scary, but they woke up naked in the bushes so how much actually happened
You clear our throat and answer the Novice’s question by shouting to the humans:

“You, friendsss! Greetingss!”

“What are you doing?!”

“We are travelersss from the Ssouth… The land which in our tongue is called ‘Thueban’,” you lie, drawing upon one of the few words you know in the Southland’s’ desert trade-tongue to manufacture a country of origin. “There isss no need to be afraid. Come, join usss… My wife and I are on a ‘date’, asss it sseemss you two musst be!”


“Relax yourself,” you whisper to the Novice in True Speech. “I am gathering intelligence.”

“From these bumbling common-folk?” she scoffs. “You are just soft from all your mammalian ‘love’ hormones. And anyway, you really think that they are going to just—”

The Novice’s expected criticisms are cut short as the human male starts towards you, haltingly and cautiously, but surely. The female lingers longer where they once stood, but whether out of trust of you or (more likely) fear of being alone these woods which must suddenly seem a strange place, she joins her apparent mate after a moment. She clutches her basket like a shield; the male’s hand hovers near the knife you now spy tucked into his belt. It is a simple hunter’s knife, you quickly assess with a glance—no match for the legendary sword on your hip, even on this excursion.

“I heard of beastmen down south,” the man eventually speaks up, “but not lizardmen. Not ones that come inland from the coast and talk nice with humans, anyhow.”

“Ah,” you say with good cheer. “The crocodilian lizardmen of the ssoutheassstern coasst! Asss I’m sure you can tell, we are no closse kin of thossse piratesss.”

“Can’t say as I have much cause for knowing the difference between one lizard and another,” the man admits frankly, still standing a ways back.

You shrug good-naturedly. The female human still seems ill at ease, in spite of your body language.

“What are you doing here?” the man asks.

“I told you,” you remind him. “We are doing asss you humans do—we are on a date.”

You reach out and snag the Novice around the hips before she can get away—or, more likely, cast some deadly spell. She squeaks and struggles for a moment, then relents sullenly to the hug.

“I meant in our lands, dressed all fancy and such?” the man asks, eyeing your Drow dancing attire and your amulet and ring—though his eyes squint at the sight of your blade. “And armed, besides, huh?”
“We should go,” the female urges her man, then looks fearfully to you and to the Novice, and curtsies. “Our pardon.”

“Pleasse, sstay a moment,” you say, taking your own seat upon a stone—and, feeling a little mischievous, guiding the Novice to sit in your lap. “We came here to dissscusss important bussinesss with the merchantsss and nobility of Hawksssong, on behalf of the princcce we sserve. The weapon isss merely to protect usss on the road. I ssseee you carry your own, yesss?”

The man looks down to his knife, as if seeing it for the first time, and smiles with a shrug of his own. “Can’t be too careful, all that’s going on these days.”

“Yessss,” you agree smoothly.

He sits across from you, his female nervously joining him. Unlike the Novice, she sits upon her knees beside the man, after spreading out her cloth. The Novice, seeing that the inferior ape-woman has been afforded less embarrassment and more modesty than you are presently affording HER, finally fights her way free of you and hisses angrily. You laugh, returning the blanket to her so she may seat herself. Turning to the humans, you elaborate upon your fictitious origins and mission to put the man at ease.

“Oh, I see, I see.” The male human nods, as if it all makes sense. “High muckety-mucks from the lizards down south, trying to calm things down. That it, uh, Theral? Makes sense, with all that news what’s been coming out of Hawksong.”

“Oh?” you play dumb. “What about?”

“Come on now!” the man—Jakob—balks. “You’re here about what it’s ABOUT, ain’t ya?”

You tilt your head, and give it a little shake, then a nod.

“Maybe,” you say, and probe: “You mean the… Knight incccident?”

How much has gotten out about what happened in Hawksong, to these more rural realms? What might have leaked to humans that your race’s spies might not yet have heard, or communicated to you.

“Yeah, that famous green one, with the hippogriff and the dragon-slaying sword!”

The woman—Elaine—elbows the man, and the Novice narrows her eyes.

“Oh, begging my pardon,” the man quickly says, though without much actual embarrassment that you can see. “You lizardmen worship dragons, like them kobolds are s’posed to?”

You shrug a little.

“They are noble anccessstorss,” you allow, keeping your true feelings on Matters Draconic close to your chest. “We venerate them, but I don’t know if worship ‘isss’ the right word.”

“’Spalins that necklace of yours,” the man sys, and you incline your head again. “Makes sense not worshiping them, though.”
“Oh?” you ask, innocently.

“Yeah,” the man smiles uneasily. “I mean, you know. Being dead an all…”

The woman glares at him again, and then looks to the Novice pleadingly, one female petitioning the other to forgive her boorish mate. Your companion offers no gesture or word of understanding, let alone forgiveness; you suspect that she is inwardly enjoying the other female’s discomfort, if she feels anything for her at all.

“There isss power beyond Death’sss veil,” you say, reflecting on the white hot core of magical potential which you draw upon from the Red Dragon King’s subsumed spirit.

“You mean, like… Necromancy, and demonist stuff?” the woman asks fearfully, before realizing she has spoken aloud and covering her mouth in embarrassment.

The man eyes you both with curiosity, and he shifts as if readying to rise. You can practically hear the big, clumsy thoughts rattling around in that head: maybe he has travel the road, find a Paladin or some other civic authority, and make mention of these strange lizard-like Southern demonists walking the hills before dawn.

“Not exssactly,” you say, holding up a hand. “We honour Godsss, not the dead or devilsss… Just asss your race doesss.”

The man settles down a little more calmly once more, curious to hear more. The woman, too, seems to be a bit more at ease than a moment ago—these people truly fear the Dark Arts, more even than unknown species of dragon-like lizardmen and looming snake-priestesses.

“So it’s true, then?” the man asks. “Not that demon-dealing bit, but… That the darkmen from the Southlands have gone and allied themselves with some kinda’ magic lizardmen? They say… begging my pardon an’ all, but they say that adventurer done caught one of y’all spying or something, for the South. Then again… How’s a lizard spy on people? They said he was usin’ magic to hide himself, but you two don’t exactly look ‘hid’ to me, ya know?”
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You consider how to reply. You decide to…
>Reinforce the animosity between North and South—admit to the spying, and a few other things which might incense a Northern human, to create the impression of a decadent and evil South filled with evil lizardmen
>Deny everything, and spin tale of a virtuous people wrongly accosted and demonized—let the story that flows forth from this meeting, if one does, be one which valorizes your people and casts suspicion upon the Green Knight

Beyond that, you have a few questions of your own. Specifically, you take the opportunity to…
>Probe the man’s beliefs, about the goodness of his rulers and his gods—maybe even preach a little, about the virtues of your philosophy and faith, seeding the surface for future conversion
>Turn the subject to the matter of their date, and their romantic and sundry other cultural traditions—after all, you are here with your beautiful wife, and you know little of human courtship rituals or domestic life
>Ask more about the rumours swirling around the Green Knight, and how the Paladin King and Archmage of the Hawksong Wizard Tower—as you understand it, the two greatest authorities in this land—have been reacting to his presence and his claims
>Ask about the settlement below, where this man and woman are presumably from—what is it called, what is it like… How many people live there, how well is it defended…?

All the while, your mind is turning to how you will deal with these humans when discourse is done. At present, your first instinct is to…
>Let them loose, to spread their impression of you
>Kill then, to keep their silence
>Capture them, for study and experimentation, or to serve you as slaves
>Deny everything, and spin tale of a virtuous people wrongly accosted and demonized—let the story that flows forth from this meeting, if one does, be one which valorizes your people and casts suspicion upon the Green Knight
though he ain't going free, right guys

>Ask more about the rumours swirling around the Green Knight, and how the Paladin King and Archmage of the Hawksong Wizard Tower—as you understand it, the two greatest authorities in this land—have been reacting to his presence and his claims
yea that archmage lol

>Capture them, for study and experimentation, or to serve you as slaves
mmm slavery
>Reinforce the animosity between North and South—admit to the spying, and a few other things which might incense a Northern human, to create the impression of a decadent and evil South filled with evil lizardmen

>Ask more about the rumours swirling around the Green Knight, and how the Paladin King and Archmage of the Hawksong Wizard Tower—as you understand it, the two greatest authorities in this land—have been reacting to his presence and his claims
>Ask about the settlement below, where this man and woman are presumably from—what is it called, what is it like… How many people live there, how well is it defended?

>Kill then, to keep their silence

Would've been different had they happened upon us further from home base, but we can't have rumors of lizardmen here until time is right.
>Reinforce animosity
>Ask more about the rumors
>Capture them

Welp. We tried to bullshit them and didn’t work. Guess the best we can do right now is to make them let their guard down and jump them

[Oh, and if you have any SPECIFIC claims you wish to make or questions to ask, feel free to note them!]
>Deny everything, and spin tale of a virtuous people wrongly accosted and demonized—let the story that flows forth from this meeting, if one does, be one which valorizes your people and casts suspicion upon the Green Knight

>Probe the man’s beliefs, about the goodness of his rulers and his gods—maybe even preach a little, about the virtues of your philosophy and faith, seeding the surface for future conversion
>Ask more about the rumours swirling around the Green Knight, and how the Paladin King and Archmage of the Hawksong Wizard Tower—as you understand it, the two greatest authorities in this land—have been reacting to his presence and his claims

>Let them loose, to spread their impression of you. If not, capture.
>>Deny everything, and spin tale of a virtuous people wrongly accosted and demonized—let the story that flows forth from this meeting, if one does, be one which valorizes your people and casts suspicion upon the Green Knight
>Ask more about the rumours swirling around the Green Knight, and how the Paladin King and Archmage of the Hawksong Wizard Tower—as you understand it, the two greatest authorities in this land—have been reacting to his presence and his claims
>Let them loose, to spread their impression of you
[I'm drinking with the lads, so I may update late tonight or miss a day.]
>Deny everything, and spin tale of a virtuous people wrongly accosted and demonized—let the story that flows forth from this meeting, if one does, be one which valorizes your people and casts suspicion upon the Green Knight

Admitting spying would be weird - denying makes us sound guilty anyway

>Turn the subject to the matter of their date, and their romantic and sundry other cultural traditions—after all, you are here with your beautiful wife, and you know little of human courtship rituals or domestic life
>Ask more about the rumours swirling around the Green Knight, and how the Paladin King and Archmage of the Hawksong Wizard Tower—as you understand it, the two greatest authorities in this land—have been reacting to his presence and his claims

>Capture them, for study and experimentation, or to serve you as slaves
Love some new slaves
[And now back to your regularly-scheduled program. Locked, writing!]
“We are wronged,” you assert, lying brazenly in service to a greater truth. “Humansss, no offenccce meant, have long resssented usss, and feared usss.”

“W-well,” the human female laughs uneasily, “you ARE quite imposing. Why, I don’t think as there’s a single man in the whole town as big as, as even your missus, sir.”

You wave this off, saying: “It isss natural that the weak should fear the sstrong, but I mean… Reptilesss. Your racesss—humansss, elvesss, dwarvesss, other mammalsss… You treat us like we are monsssterss, but look at usss”

You take the novice’s hand, and she glares at you, but allows you to gudie her to her feet as you both stand. You spin her slightly.

“Doess a Reptilian not have eyesss? Handsss? Organsss, dimensionsss, ssensssesss? And asss you can ssee here… We alssso know affection, passion.”

The humans look nearly as uncomfortable as the Novice. Bah! You are so misunderstood. But perhaps you got carried away with the romance of it all.

“We are warmed and cooled jusssst asss mammalsss are, we crave the warmth of sssunlight and fear the cold—only moressso, for our cold blood requiresss it!”

You think of all the cruel days spent in utter darkness, and the damp cold of the caverns below—a cruelty you did not even REALIZE until you first rose to greet the dawn in Bloodrise. Even a beautiful, starry night, even in the NORTH, is so much more pleasant than the ‘normalcy’ of your abnormal childhood.

“We are demonized and deprived, yesss, but it iss a falssse charge.”

And it is, in a way. The humans accuse your Master Race of invasion, of conspiring against their laws and sovereigns… But it is not invasion to reclaim what was once yours, and by DIVINE RIGHT will be yours again! You are not undermining their authority with your subversions—their authority is false, a farce, and you are reasserting the natural order! And, kind and loving Dragon King that you are, you’re even making sure their young races have a place in that New World Order. How kind, how generous of you, yes?

“We come,” you say, “in order to sserve the Godsss, and we have taken nothing that isss not oursss.”

“Right,” the male human says, with furrowed brow and forced grin, “got it.”

“Tell me,” you then ask, releasing the Novice and sitting back down upon your throne of stone, “what elssse do they sssay about usss, in Hawksssong?”
Rolled 2, 16, 13, 17, 19, 17 = 84 (6d20)

Neither this Jakob nor his Elaine are well-versed in the political machinations and inner thoughts of their subrace’s sovereign and chiefmost magic-user, obviously, but they have heard rumours. Elaine is more mum about the particulars, but Jakob is more gregarious. He proffers you some sort of fermented grain beverage, which you politely accept but indulge in only with smallest sips, to avoid turning your stomach or becoming unwisely inebriated; the Novice refuses, and you spin a story of religious abstention to cover up this example of a key, biological difference between your ‘not so different’ classes of being. You know well how difficult it is to maintain sympathies between truly unlike peoples. As you indulge in a few human snacks—cheese and meat-based ones, at least—and pretend to drink, Jakob tells you what he thinks he knows of city-affairs.

“King Archos is old,” he tells you. “He was old when I was a boy! I think they say it’s his sons, Prince Alexos and Prince Rufos, who’re doing the ruling of us all nowadays. From what -I- hear of it, Alexos, is pretty worried about the effect on trade of all these new checks—you know, checkin’ to make sure everyone’s wearing their right skins, because of the… Uh… False charges about secret lizardmen. It’s RUFOS that’s most worried about security.”

“If they are checking for sssuch thingsss, that sseemss better ssuited to the Archmage of the Wizard Tower, yesss?”

Jakob the Human shrugs, saying: “Well, you’d know as well as me, so informed are you! I didn’t even know she was a woman. Figured an archmage’s gotta’ be some old fella with a big long white beard and a pointy hat, all this time.”

He takes a drink, the continues: “But way as I hear THAT, there was some big to-do with the Tower Inquisition when I was a lad, and an attempted coup or something, and now the Tower’s not even ALLOWED to get involved in this kind of thing directly. Must be making it harder.”

Hm. Interesting…

“Anyway, though,” Jakob says, glancing at Elaine who is tugging at his sleeve with a white-knuckled hand, “you folks have been mighty nice lizards an’ all, but we best get going.”

Jakob rises to stand… And you do likewise.

“What isss your hurry, friend?”

“We were just stealing a little quiet time before we, ah, have to be back.”

Elaine curtsies as Jakob explains. You tilt your head.

“Is your romanccce not permitted?” you infer, causing them both to pale visibly.

“Wh-huh?” Jakob stammers.

“How did he—?” Elaine begins to ask.

“I have an eye for these thingssss,” you say, flashing a grin.

The humans cringe away from your jagged smile. They move to depart, but the Novice is quickly on their other side.

“Never fear,” you tell them. “Where we are going, there will be no need to hide sssuch thingssss any longer.”

“Jakob!” Elaine wails.

“H-hey! We ain’t going nowhere with you!” he protests.
>2, 16, 13 for fisticuffs (you)
>17 for the Novice
>19, 17 for the humans

The male is quick to act, reaching for the blade upon his belt. You do not bring your own sword to bear—it would mean his end, and you mean to capture these two alive. You instead rush forward, bowling him over with your superior size and knocking him down the hill. He keeps hold of his blade despite this sudden shock, but tumbles quite a few feet before he can stop, and is visibly disoriented by the attack. It takes him a moment before he can stand steadily, and make to run…


The female’s shriek stuns the male human. He delays in his departure, remembering her despite his terror. He finds his mate in the Novice’s clutches, struggling but unable to fight her way to freedom from the much larger Serpent Priestess.

“Let her go!” he demands, foolishly.

He should be running, or drawing his bow. Instead, he charges for the two females, to liberate his Elaine. Love is a powerful force, after all.

You move to intercept his charge, but he reaches them before you do, animated by desperation. The woman’s picnic basket is crushed in the confused confrontation that results, and the Novice shrieks in pain. You roar in fury and slam your weight again in the man, this time tumbling with him as you wrench him away from your great love. You grasp his knife-arm, twisting it until it audibly pops and cracks and he wails and whimpers in surrender. The knife, red with Reptilian blood, falls from Jakob’s grasp.

“Are you—?!”

The Novice waves off your concern, grimacing in pain but still clutching the female.

“It would have been easier to kill them,” the Novice criticizes, an ‘I-told-you-so’ you cannot exactly argue with, given she is actively bleeding.

“I am fine,” she addresses your apparently-obvious concern after a moment. “It is just a flesh wound. I will weave it shut as soon as we get back. But we should hurry—this stupid scene has made much noise. We risk discovery, Dragonborn!”

You nod, and haul the man over your shoulder. He begins to struggle, and screams, but you quickly silence him with a hand over his mouth, and then with a threat:

“Ssstruggle,” you tell him in his tongue, “and I will make you watch while my female flaysss yoursss… Alive.”

That does the trick—both Jakob the Male and Elaine the Female fall into a terrified silence as you and Novice descend beneath the hills, and race your winding curse through the dark of the tunnel-complex back to your base.
Elaine only speaks once on the way there, to ask: “W-what are you going to do with us?”

What ARE your plans for your captives?
>Parade them before your people and sacrifice them to your Dark Gods, for blessings in the conflict to come
>Offer them up as gifts to the Greatworm Queen, Glowie’s mother, as a goodwill gesture to earn her aid in the war
>Let the Novice experiment upon them—perhaps she can find a use for their biology?
>Take them on as slaves and servants—their taming and integration into your Dark Alliance shall be a test-case for their race
>Let the Novice experiment upon them—perhaps she can find a use for their biology?

Human biology is a good bonding agent for fleshweaving, as we're well familiar with.

Giving gifts is a core part of dating after all
>Let the Novice experiment upon them—perhaps she can find a use for their biology?
if she even wants them - she might not, and if not
>Take them on as slaves and servants—their taming and integration into your Dark Alliance shall be a test-case for their race
>Take them on as slaves and servants—their taming and integration into your Dark Alliance shall be a test-case for their race
We should tame and integrate them before experimenting on then like Junior.

>Let the Novice experiment upon them—perhaps she can find a use for their biology?

We fucked up and she got hurt
least we could do is this

“They are yours.”

The Novice stares at you in confusion, when you announce this.

“What?” she asks. “WHY?”

“You were hurt,” you say. “It is the least I could do. And anyway, the giving of gifts sis an important part of a ‘dating’ ritual, or so I am told.”

The Novice is still rather befuddled by the whole thing, asking: “What am I meant to DO with two random humans?”

“You are resourceful and intelligent,” you say. “You will find a use for two such test subjects, I am sure.”

You leave her to it. It ahs been a long day, and you require rest—as, no doubt, does she. A part of you hopes that she will join you in this rest, but you aren’t surprised when this is not the case. You have had a lot of time together, after all, and the Novice still values her independence and emotional distance… And now, she has a new project to occupy her, which will no doubt keep her busy for some time.

The next few days and weeks pass without any major developments. Much of your time is taken in proselytizing the masses, with the remainder dedicated to helping to rear the newly self-aware Dragonborn hatchlings. The Serpent priesthood admonished your unilateral actions in the latter regard, and ensuring that there are no unexpected and deleterious side-effects of your procedure falls upon you as a consequence. It is something you find yourself rather pleased with, in actuality, despite it being intended as a punishment detail—it means more time spent with your big brother, and the young Red Dragonborn remind you of your faraway sons.

On the subject of your sons, and your legacy more broadly, you receive briefings on goings on in the Bloodrise. It seems that ‘Gems-Be-We’, the dwarven company specializing in acquiring, cutting, polishing, appraising, setting, and selling jewels to other humanoids, fell rather quickly to your forces’ predations. The collapse of a second rival corporation did not go unnoticed by the remaining corporations in the mountain-rage, though, and those which remain are far more militarily capable. These are ‘Graphite-Grey’, who are known for their banking and financing services as well as for mercenary work, and ‘Treasuretrove Incorporated’, who are regarded as more of a loosely-affiliated adventurer’s guild than a typical dwarven enterprise.

The information delivered from Bloodrise comes cocooned in an envelope of silk, and atop a dog-sized glow-worm. It lingers for a time, rearing up and waying rhythmically. You nod to dismiss it, but it takes its time in leaving. You sense a message, there: the greatworms are watching you, and intrigued about moves being made. This, of course, means Glowie’s MOTHER is interested, for none of her ‘siblings’ seems capable of such higher reasoning or curiosity for distant and complex matters. It also implies, by the same token, that she is watching and listening from afar…

What is your next focus, with the free time you can afford?

>Bloodrise! It is your kingdom, after all, and you would offer some guidance. Maybe you can bring the half-elf adventurer whom you captured and enslaves before you, to advise as to which of these two dwarf companies is the greater threat?
>Hawksong! The Green Knight is there, and your ‘double date’ afforded you some useful intelligence… Perhaps you should share it with the Chaplain, and maybe even discuss sending an Infiltrator to affect goings-on within the city to your liking?
>The greatworms! They are key to your plans, and they are clearly taking an interest in events as they unfold. It may be best to ensure you see eye-to-eye-to-eye on their role in the coming conflict?
>Your divine affliction! You had a wonderful time with the Novice Fleshweaver, and this has impressed upon you the need to cure your, ah, psycho-spiritual performance anxiety with due haste… Didn’t she say she had some idea how to address this?

[Please choose one.]
>Your divine affliction! You had a wonderful time with the Novice Fleshweaver, and this has impressed upon you the need to cure your, ah, psycho-spiritual performance anxiety with due haste… Didn’t she say she had some idea how to address this?

yeah sure why not we got freetime

>The greatworms! They are key to your plans, and they are clearly taking an interest in events as they unfold. It may be best to ensure you see eye-to-eye-to-eye on their role in the coming conflict?

We need to go over their and recruit them already, the humans out number us even if hawksong sends most of it army south we still need to beef up our forces.
>The greatworms! They are key to your plans, and they are clearly taking an interest in events as they unfold. It may be best to ensure you see eye-to-eye-to-eye on their role in the coming conflict?

They’re interested and we need to fill her in

But also, tell the Chaplain what we learned - he can act on it if he wants
>>Your divine affliction! You had a wonderful time with the Novice Fleshweaver, and this has impressed upon you the need to cure your, ah, psycho-spiritual performance anxiety with due haste… Didn’t she say she had some idea how to address this?
>Your divine affliction! You had a wonderful time with the Novice Fleshweaver, and this has impressed upon you the need to cure your, ah, psycho-spiritual performance anxiety with due haste… Didn’t she say she had some idea how to address this?
Would’ve preferred Hawksong.
[Locking the vote, and writing soon!]
You an put it off no longer: you must address the lingering effects of your liaison with the Divine Mother. Your quality-time with the Novice is the primary motivating factor in this—you still vividly remember her veiled confession to seeing you as the most favourable mate during her heat cycle, even knowing she was coming home to the forward base and its many eligible males of her own holy caste. The urgency is accentuated, however, by the increasingly-troublesome day-to-day effects. You are spending much of your time in the grand cavern allocated to your fellow Dragonborn… Which also means ample time with your brother’s harem. While you would never make a cuckold of the Great One by laying with his female servants (even if he is too large to do so himself), their presence stirs your <appetite>, which in turn inflames the soul-pain of your affliction.

“Why not simply relieve yourself of the condition?” the Novice asks, frank and clinical about matters sexual, in sharp contrast to her ambivalence about such rituals as holding hands or coiling tails.

“Indulging in self-pleasure is a wasteful and self-indulgent exercise below one of my station, oh Hoy One,” you remind the young Serpent Priestess.

“When ahs THAT ever held you back, you libidinous oaf?” she mocks in turn.

Well, you can’t argue with that… And so you must admit that even the act of self-gratification now brings on the same soul-pain. There has been, for some time, no relief at all.

“Fascinating,” the Novice murmurs, eyeing you with increased scrutiny as if to peer beyond the veil and into your inner self.

In fact… Being a Serpent Priestess, you suppose that is probably exactly what she is doing, using her mystical sixth sense as you would if the situation were reversed. Unfortunately, whatever she sees or doesn’t see is clearly beyond her expertise as a specialist in the material and biological. She hisses irritably, and turns from her curving stone shelf and its many bubbling, twirling and twisting contraptions of glass, stone, and steel—she has been delighted to have her full array of implements, the absence of which apparently slowed and limited her researches into the Shoggoth, the Junior Novice, and even the Drowgons.

“I am close to a breakthrough,” she says, adjusting her robe and turning to face you, “but I have given some thought to how to address your… Problem… As well. I believe I know of a contact who can assist in this.”

“See that it is done,” you say, and belatedly add: “Thank you, Novice Fleshweaver.”

“Sseztlussth will do,” she says, surprising you. “When we are alone, of course.”

>Sseztlussth (Novice Fleshweaver) affection: 95%
The next day, the two of you travel clandestinely (well, as best you can, standing out as you do and being a spiritual beacon). You don a furred cloak from Bloodrise, and with its hood awkwardly anchored over your horns, you mean to hide your Dragonborn countenance long enough to leave the more populated areas of your youthful stomping grounds for even more barren and abandoned caverns adjacent to them.

“I am a little surprised that the Chaplain’s daughter knows of such an out-of-the-way alcove,” you tease the Novice gently.

“I thought you admired my unconventional and rebellious tendencies?” she retorts, rather playfully by your estimation, and flicks you with her tail in a mildly flirtatious manner.

The soul-pain curdles your breakfast, forcing you to stop for a moment.

“This is getting ridiculous,” the Novice notes critically. “We have to fix you, or the first time you see a hefty posterior on a fleeing humanoid, you are going to topple like a toy soldier.”

You hiss, unable to muster a more clever response at this particular juncture. This, in turn, seems to amplify your partner’s concern. When you are able to move again, she grabs you by the hand—propriety be damned, apparently—and drags you along after her at a brisk pace. Well, HER idea of a brisk pace, but you are enjoying her doting too much to point out that she is still surprisingly out-of-shape for a field operative.

(You pointedly avoid looking down at the sway of her hips and tail, a necessity you deeply regret.)

Eventually, the two of you come to a cavern which has been decorated with ensconced mage-lights, glowing a faint silver-blue. Their presence indicates habitation of this area, and a need for colour vision—your race sees perfectly well in Darkness, as you did on your entire trip here, but it is a monochromatic vision not suitable to all tasks.

“A scholar?” you hypothesize aloud. “A Serpent Priest?”

“Something like that,” your love replies enigmatically.
“Why so mysterious?” you ask tiredly. “You have told me nothing of this ‘contact’.”

“I know little about him, save rumours of the scandal which keeps him thus hidden,” the Novice—Sseztlussth—admits. “Well, and the usefulness which prevented his destruction.”

“What do you mean?”

She doesn’t deign to answer your question, but you learn soon enough. You come upon a door of wood, carved with arcane sigils of forewarning and protective warding. The Novice taps upon one repeatedly, triggering the spell to alert its caster… And when the door opens, all is revealed. Before you stands a horrid and misshapen thing. Though clad in a grey and ratty robe, you can see that is brown of skin like the Southern humans, but that skin is stretched taut over a warped, elongated parody of the humanoid body-plan. You see no obvious signs of scales, but the vivid yellow of the eyes, the long neck and flattened snout, the domed skull… These are unmistakable attestations to a forbidden and unheard-of ancestry.

“A Degenerate,” you gasp. “A Serpent Priest’s child, and also half-human. That is… It is not done.”

“Apparently, it has been done at least once,” the Novice notes wryly, quickly removing her hand from yours.

“…Indeed,” the strange and forbidden hybrid in question replies. “I… Did not expect a visit from a Serpent Priest and a Dragonborn. Has the day finally come for me to be UNdone, then?”

“We are not here to execute you,” the Novice snaps. “But we well might, if you do not move and allow us inside.”

He does as she ‘asks’ of him, keeping his head low and shuffling like a craven slave. He watches you more than her, you note, with a fear and curiosity.

“What brings you here?” he asks, when the chamber is closed. “Is it… Official business?”

“Obviously not,” the Novice sniffs. “Nobody comes to the Degenerate called ‘The Heretic’ with OFFICIAL business, I am quite certain.”

“Yes,” this ‘Heretic’ agrees. “But then… Why?”

You hesitate, but at the Novice’s prodding and out of desperation, you eventually speak to your divine affliction—its cause, its effects, and your desire to be rid of it.

“You mated your spirit to the Jealous Goddess,” the Heretic murmurs. “Yes, her fangs must be deeply buried in you, after that. It is considered a great honour for her to even permit a mortal the trial… Let alone one so young. Your status and accomplishments must have appealed to her a great deal, Superior One.”

“Hm,” you reply, noncommittally, for it does not presently FEEL like an honour.

“Are you familiar with the legends of her past mates?” he asks.

“Yes,” you admit. “Most came to bad ends.”

“You KNEW that,” the Novice balks, “and you STILL took it upon yourself to… To… You IDIOT!”
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The Heretic seems shocked at this outburst… But, then, a full-blooded Serpent priestess is the highest-born of the three of you, with indisputable privilege to assail even the Dragonborn Antipaladin.

“Do you understand WHY, though?” the Heretic asks.

“A… Number of reasons, yes?” you ask, suddenly uncertain. “They earn her ire, or perish in battle, or suffer from…”

You pause, and he nods.

“Yes,” the Heretic affirms. “Health complications. Illness. Even those who do not come to bad ends undergo such a travail.”

“She is testing them, then?” you ask. “Testing ME? To what end?”

“Not a test, Superior One,” the Heretic explains. “It is a side-effect of the mating process, and the subsequent gestation.”

“Gestation?” You blink. “I am not the one doing the gestating. Why should it effect me?”

There is a long pause.

“Wait,” the Novice asks, “what? No. That is… Impossible.”

“It is not a true pregnancy,” the heretic quickly clarifies. “But it is the nature of the Mother of Dragons to require material beings to craft material beings. The soul-gestation—the generation of a hybrid, demigod spirit—must take place inside of a mortal.”

After a moment, the Novice Fleshweaver laughs, and she does not stop for some time.

“You are PREGNANT!” she cackles.
You are… More than a little put-off by this discovery.

“I have no means to lay an egg,” you say, and you hope fervently that is still true in spite of whatever has been done to you. “What is meant to… To happen?”

“That is up to the Dark Gods Beyond and Below,” the heretic cautiously answers, then looks to the Novice. “Yes?”

“A politically correct answer,” the Novice replies, collecting herself, “but, again, it is not why we came to the HERETIC.”

The Degenerate in question taps long-nailed, strangely-elongated fingers upon a side-table, and looks away.

“There are several possible outcomes which my… Researches… Into the forbidden histories have revealed. In the event of your death—from illness or battle—the demigod will be born, provided the process of its gestation is far-enough along and the injuries inflicted are not too traumatic.”

“I must live with this until my death?” you ask worriedly.

“Not… Necessarily. Other stories tell of the children of her unions being born not to her chosen mate… But to a female in service of that mate.”

“How is he meant to do that when this ‘pregnancy’ is impeding his hemipenes’ function?” the Novice asks, rather indelicately.

“Well… The Lady of the Rookery must choose the mate, and deem her worthy, I suspect,” the Heretic answers. “After all… If they, or the male, are insufficient in physical or spiritual fortitude, they will die and take the demigod with them. Most often, they die even if the offspring is successfully birthed.

“I see,” you say, suddenly glad for the Novice’s reluctance to breed with you on the way here.

“There are also… Other means of addressing this.”
You look to the Heretic, who hesitates, but eventually continues:

“I have… Theories, borne out by study, about the nature of the Dark Gods. I am a Demonologist by specialty, you see… But the same principles which apply to denizens of the Hells can, broadly, be applied to… To the Dark Gods. Though their power is far greater, their True Names unknown… With sufficient knowledge and power, I suspect that even THEY can be summoned… Bound… Banished.”

“I see now why they call you ‘Heretic’,” you reply in low tone. “I will remind you, fi you do not know: I am a Knight Ascendant of the God of Glorious War. The Dark Gods are no lesser shade like a demon or devil. They are SUPREME.”

The Heretic shrinks back from this response, nodding rapidly.

“Y-yes, Superior One,” he quickly sputters. “It is just… The demigod is not even fully-formed, and its True Name is unspoken. It would be… If my theories were… I mean…”

You raise a hand to hush the strange, sacrilegious hybrid before you, and consider carefully the disturbing revelations and dubious resolutions before you. This is a difficulty of your own making, you know—but also a boon, possibly. You sense danger, yes, but also opportunity.

What will you do?
>Live with the condition, for now—you are worthy, made mighty by your efforts and by the borrowed powers of your God and ancestor, and surely can endure this ‘gestation’
>You must find a female to breed with—a worthy one, apparently?—and thus dispose of this affliction by implanting the embryonic entity in another
>You would hear more of this Heretic’s theories on the Dark Gods… And how to extract this demigod by occult means, if indeed it is possible
>This Degenerate is a faithless charlatan and a crackpot-you will detain him, and drag him back before the Priesthood for trial and likely execution
>Ask this "Heretic" if the demigod's soul could be drawn out into one of the Fleshweaver's creations: perhaps you can make an appropriate body and install the mind and soul of the burgeoning demigod without having to foist this burden on someone else
>You must find a female to breed with—a worthy one, apparently?—and thus dispose of this affliction by implanting the embryonic entity in another
oh whoops sorry we gave you a god baby and a normal baby
Supportin' that.
+1, we just fucked around with the Red Dragonborn too.
+1 How convenient that the fleshweaver has a human female on hand to experiment with.
Ok we do a little trolling


Incredibly convenient…
>You must find a female to breed with—a worthy one, apparently?—and thus dispose of this affliction by implanting the embryonic entity in another

>After all… If they, or the male, are insufficient in physical or spiritual fortitude, they will die and take the demigod with them
That means no. Just foist it off on Hawksong’s Princess when we take over the city, that should be worthy enough female.
That's only true in the course of the "natural birth" route, though, not the binding. At least as I read it. I think anon has a good idea here.
+1 Just experiment like she usually does till we find something on top of this, if all else doesnt work im down for finding a vessel to knock up, or find a way to make Ssezty worthy, would be pretty dope
>You must find a female to breed with—a worthy one, apparently?—and thus dispose of this affliction by implanting the embryonic entity in another.

Didn't we brag to the Chaplin about our desire to bang his daughter.?

If the result of such union ended up being a demigod, even he would have to accept it.

Also while the novice might not be very motherly usually. She is a flesh weaver (And the dragon mother is the patron goddess of flesh weavers.) And she did aid glowie (the dragon mother's priestess) by crafting the amulet for her, and saved glowie's offspring by transfusing them with dragon blood.

So i do believe that the novice has a decent chance of being seen as worthy in the lady of the rookery's eyes.
You mean scoping out the fetus and trying to implant it in a soulless meatsack? That fits the definition of ‘insufficient spiritual fortitude‘ dude.
[Locked and writing!]
An idea comes to you—a possible loophole, a way out of this.

“Perhaps… Perhaps the demigod’s developing soul could be drawn out and into the creation of a Fleshweaver?”

The Novice looks at you with a combination of curiosity and alarm. The Heretic, though, looks very interested.

“Yes, maybe. MAYBE it could be done,” he allows. “But the vessel would need to be very… Durable. It would need a powerful physicality, but ALSO a powerful spiritual or mystical component. No soulless shell would do.”

“I…” The Novice grimaces, and turns away. “I do not have the skill for this. I cannot… it is beyond me.”

You reach out and gently touch her shoulder—a gesture which shocks both her and your host.

“You can do this,” you tell her. “I believe in you. You have accomplished so many things which are beyond the skill of a ‘novice’ in your craft, and with half the facilities and resources which you now have access to. You can do this.”

Sseztlussth the Fleshweaver says nothing… But, behind your backs, where the Heretic cannot see, her tail-tip reaches out to rest against your own tail.

“You are right,” she agrees eventually. “My skill IS transcendent!”

You resist the urge to laugh. Love IS, indeed, a powerful force—maybe even as powerful as your beloved’s confidence, and certainly the combination is a tremendous!

“It will be a great labour,” the Heretic cautions you both. “It will not be the work of a day, a week, a month. It will take time, effort, energy. I can assist… But Even so, it may take months to create such a vessel in these circumstances, keeping it secret all the while.”

“I could enlist the Fleshweavers more broadly to assist,” you suggest. “Summon the Occultist from Bloodrise, also?”

“This is potentially blasphemous,” the Novice notes darkly. “It could draw the ire of any Superior One who knows of it.”

“You could consult… The mother?” the Heretic quietly speculates.

But then… How will the Mother of Dragons react to such meddling in her designs? Will she seek to aid you, or to stop you, and to inflict upon you her OWN vision for a successful birth?

“There is also the mater of who, or what, shall serve as the vessel,” the Novice adds.
Who will you enlist to aid you?
>The senior Fleshweavers of the Serpent Priesthood [may object]
>The Occultist you recruited, summoned from Bloodrise [will take a while]
>The Mother of Dragons [???]
>No one else—Sseztlussth has got this, with a bit of Heretic help

Which vessel will you make ready for the implantation?
>The captured human female may prove suitable, with some ‘adjustments’; perhaps it is fate you found her?
>Sseztlussth the Fleshweaver is, herself, the perfect vessel for your semi-divine scion—she just needs a bit of self-administered augmentation to survive the process!
>Glowie is a creation of the Divine Mother, and already bore you nine sons at her creator's instruction; what is one more?
>Maybe one of the newly-improved Red Dragonborn could be made to serve as a suitable body for this spiritual successor?
>The Junior Novice is already an amalgam of so many disparate elements that he seems a perfect container for one more… And it can even serve as a reward, of sorts, for his loyal service!
>Could you… Create some homunculus wholecloth, like a flesh-golem without a soul, and simply use magic to keep it ‘operational’ long enough to bear or become a vessel?
>Hawksong has a princess… Maybe you can research the ritual, and then test the daughter of humanity’s great Paladin King for ‘worthiness’, once the city is yours?

[Write-ins are allowed]
If bearing the embryo's vessel, Might potentially destroy the host. How exactly is this method practically different from trying to sire it normally besides being slower?
Am I just being a brainleet right now or am i missing something?
>No one else—Sseztlussth has got this, with a bit of Heretic help
This is her project.
>Hawksong has a princess… Maybe you can research the ritual, and then test the daughter of humanity’s great Paladin King for ‘worthiness’, once the city is yours?
I want the best host for our Demi-gods child, from someone we wouldn’t miss if it turns out to be a chest-burster.

Easy- there is no difference. We need a host with a proper, worthy soul.
[well, it means you can try to implant it in a construct, or a male, or a vessel the MoD wouldn't approve of and 'allow' you to mate with.]
>- Demand from the Chaplin that the novice be allowed to infuse and augment herself with the green dragon's heart blood, whilst also communing with the mother of dragons so said flesh weaving is successful. so that she may strength herself physically.

>Once that first step is done, mate with the novice normally, however harrowing siring this demigod maybe. Your confident that your love and resolve will see you though it.

Trying to avoid the tribulations of that requesting the mating with the lady of rookery brought us, is cowardly. The whole reason we mated with the mother of dragons in the first place was so we could produce an heir we could be proud of. Who would bring glory to our tribe and the master race. Trying to pawn off that responsibility to some human or flesh crafted creature is pathetic.

Furthermore, before we overcame him the red dragonking. He told us our love must unyielding and that we should never comprise on it.
>The Occultist you recruited, summoned from Bloodrise [will take a while]

it’s not like we’ll be taking the city tomorrow…

>Hawksong has a princess… Maybe you can research the ritual, and then test the daughter of humanity’s great Paladin King for ‘worthiness’, once the city is yours?
>The Occultist you recruited, summoned from Bloodrise [will take a while]

>The Mother of Dragons [???]

>Hawksong has a princess… Maybe you can research the ritual, and then test the daughter of humanity’s great Paladin King for ‘worthiness’, once the city is yours?

I think the Mother wouldn't mind this. She's all about creative birth, change and biological funkiness.

It's cowardly that she's stricken us with a murderous "pregnancy" while we're trying to win a war. The Dragonborn does not love the Mother of Dragons, so the unyielding love clause doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I'm less trying to argue about it and more trying to understand your position here but I'm rather confused

Eh. Technically we did give her a child

>The Mother of Dragons [???]

>Could you… Create some homunculus wholecloth, like a flesh-golem without a soul, and simply use magic to keep it ‘operational’ long enough to bear or become a vessel?
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[We have no clear majority yet, so while I have the day off, I won't be posting just yet.]
Supportin' this, enough to tiebreak QM?
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[Uh, kind of?]
[Voting remains open, btw, in case my flippancy cast any doubt. We have a strong lean towards planning to impregnate a human princess someday, but a pretty deadlocked 3-or-4 way tie for how to go about the planning and procedure.]
>it's cowardly that she's stricken us with a murderous "pregnancy" while we're trying to win a war. The Dragonborn does not love the Mother of Dragons, so the unyielding love clause doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I'm less trying to argue about it and more trying to understand your position here but I'm rather confused.

We are the one who asked the mother of dragons for the baby in the first place, and the whole reason we took the time to attempt to cure ourselves of this affliction is so we could presumably wife up the novice.

If we overcome the difficulty of this pregnancy and get novice with a demigod. Then even the serpent priests will have to accept and concede to the love between us and the novice.
>The Mother of Dragons [???]
I think asking big mama herself how to proceed isnt the wrong choice, we are trying to set ourselves apart from heroes of the past and not die before the birth of our kid, Id say we go for Ssezty getting the payload, but id rather her not die so she can fleshweave for our dragon jesus child, but im down with impregnating this one V
>Hawksong has a princess… Maybe you can research the ritual, and then test the daughter of humanity’s great Paladin King for ‘worthiness’, once the city is yours?
I am a bit wary of this however just as well but mostly due to the love route were taking, I dont want to fraternize with uppercrust mammals, dwarves and drow are one thing, but humie is like the worst of the worst, its the part we hate
Hey RQM, any advice on running a quest?
How about this- since we’re taking our time with this, Novice can get started on it, we’ll bring over Occultist-chan for her imput (hell, maybe she’ll help us meet Iri), and we’ll consult with Glowie and her Mother on the potential of getting the MoD. Is that a decent compromise?

Uhh, didn’t we just say that we don’t care about the Chaplain- and by extension the Serpent Priesthood- feelings on this matter?
I'm in for this compromise.
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[Locked! Writing.]

[The compromise will be taken into account as well, since no princess has been acquired as of yet.]

[This may be a better question to ask in the /qtg/ or at end-of-thread. My tl;dr if you like my style of quest and want to do something similar is:

>Start with a base premise you're interested in, and find a few themes which you feel genuine connection to to make core to the experience
>Stay open to what the players offer up, and don't get too locked into it as "your" story or "your" imagined ideal conclusion for the world or characters
>Have a system if you want some chaos and unexpected tournabout, but don't overcomplicate it beyond what you can feasibly handle
>Read other quests to figure out what seems to work around here and what doesn't, as well as what things in quests appeal to you and which put you off
>Keep character notes and don't be afraid to go back and ctrl+f your archived threads
>Try to keep a fairly consistent schedule, even when life is tough, so you don't give into temptation to flake
>If people get aggressive, insulting, or argumentative in your thread, especially to you, shut that down early, since this is a fun place for people to play games and tell stories together
>Make sure, first and foremost, you are QMing something YOU enjoy, for YOUR sake as much as anyone else's

I hope this helps!]
You take some time to consider your options over the next few weeks, allowing the Novice to return to her human experimentation and the heretic to do… Whatever it is that the strange and twisted outcast gets up to in his private sanctuary. Periodically, you check in on the progress of your (unconsummated) true love’s ‘good work’ upon this ‘Elaine’ human, hopeful that she might either serve as a vessel or the raw materials to construct one…

But… No. No, she is a passive and weak thing—a common human, without any magical aptitude, athleticism, refined breeding or even a strong sense of self. She cowers in her cage, almost comatose on some visits with horror, while other times she is pleading. As weeks turn into a month, two months, she is less a human than a beast—truly, an ape, barely speaking and clad in ragged remnants of her vestments, gnawing on what scraps the Novice feeds her, patched and bandaged roughly where she has experienced extraction or addition of material in accordance with your beloved’s alchemical ambitions. She cannot bear your seed, let alone the vital energies of a Dark God. She would perish, and take this wonder-child with her.

But what of a SUPERIOR human?

You instruct the others not to trouble you for a time, while you sequester yourself away. In your private quarters, you set a fresh candle of human tallow to burning. You set a piece of eggshell and a preserved mammalian umbilical cord of unknown providence into a brazier-bowl, which you set above the candle, and you speak the by-now familiar incantation to invoke those Below and Beyond:

“Oh Lords and Ladies of Eternity and Infinity, oh Lords of the Endless Black, oh Ladies of the Deep Flame. It is I, your prince! It is I, your servant! Your first among sons and daughters beseeches you, and I offer up this great tribute, in hopes you will hear me, and guide me, and make me a part of your Grand Design.”

You wait for some time, but gradually the walls seem to shift outward in some uncanny way, the space widening and the ceiling peeling away to reveal a super-reality. The floor falls away, and eyes unseen peer in at you from below, and beyond—from outside conventional reality, and a darkness greater than mere lack-of-light.
“It is I you seek once more, oh Young Lover?” asks a voice to one side of you, tantalizingly close to your ear, with the subtle hiss of a Reptilian courtesan.

“It is ME you now dare to call upon, oh Knight Ascendant of a rival god?” asks the chattering, buzzing voice of an insect-queen—like your Glowie, like her mother, but so much greater and more terrible.

“Why do you call out to me, with these paltry offerings?” asks an imperious voice with a voice and accent like that of the dark elves.

“The tribute I offer is not this,” you reply, head bowed before the brazier. “I seek guidance, Oh Protector of Children, on our own child.”

The three faces of the Dark Matron laugh amongst themselves, slightly out-of-sync, so that it seems you are before a crowd of tutting and clucking noblewoman each amused at your words, and unconcerned with your plight.

“Had I known you were going to turn your back on me, I never would have gifted you the honour of my child,” one says.

“Then again,” another muses, “it is always a dark delight to undermine that obsessive asceticism of the Golden One.”

“Now that you properly understand what you have wrought, you seek to plead for your survival?” asks the third face.

“I seek a vessel worthy to bear your son or daughter into this world,” you answer placatingly. “A HUMAN vessel.”

This quiets down the unsettling, whispering cross-chatter of the Mother of Dragons. She turns her full attention upon you and, no longer distracted, the three voices seem to merge into one—now in sync, and addressing you from a singular direction: above.

“Now that,” the Goddess of Monsters says, “is interesting.”

The idea has some appeal to you, for a number of reasons. One is, admittedly, the remembrance of your last lover—the mammalian Davora, a dwarven herbalist possessed of a most wonderful warmth and softness. You are part-mammal yourself, of course, and you suspect that certain… Aspects… of mammalian femininity have an instinctive pull upon aspects of your mind and body. But there is more to it than that, obviously!

“Your worship would expand,” you implore her. “Your realms in the material plane would encompass Reptilians, Insects, Drow, and even Men! Merely guide me to your chosen one, and I will do your will.”

“Only two surviving human dynasties in these lands is worthy,” she informs you after some deliberation. “That of the Paladin Kings, or that of the Yosefs.”

You narrow your eyes at the mention of the latter.

“Then it must be the Paladin King’s bloodline,” you note. “There is only one surviving scion of the Yosefs, a male, and he shall be slain before this war is over.”

The Lady of the Rookery laughs loud and long at that, for reasons you don’t entirely grasp.

“Yes,” she agrees readily, “we have no more need of Yosef blood. None at all. The Paladin King’s line shall be ideal.”
This is indeed the superior choice, by your reckoning. It would provide the ideal way to uplift and subjugate the humans at once: you could seize one of their rulers—perhaps a daughter or granddaughter of the Paladin King himself, and make her submit to be a mate. With her royal lineage, perhaps the Mother of Dragons would see her as worthy to birth her divine offspring into the material plane… And, by bearing YOUR child, she would also install YOUR bloodline as rulers of Hawksong and the Northern humans!

“I have seen your dread works taking shape,” the Dark Goddess interrupts your private thoughts. “So, too, your amusing courtship with your dear little serpent. The plans which you now work towards will take time to bear fruit. You may perish before they are realized. Even now, the conflict between the humans of the North and their brothers and sisters to the South is merely at the stage of trade disputes, public censure, reduced travel and increased patrols. After the true war begins, it may be months before you are at the stage to introduce your own forces formally into the fray. How many months or years shall it then taken, to bring low the city of dragonslayers and paladins, prized of the Gods of Light and their children? How long, then, before you can claim a descendant of their kings as a prize?”

“…It would be worth it,” you say.

“If you live to see it,” the Dark Goddess agrees.

You feel your heart sink.

“You may yet be strong enough to endure it,” the Mother of Dragons admits. “But again… You may not.”
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You grimace. Is this project a figment, then—an unattainable ambition? You are not lately used to failure, to scaling back your ambitions. Has reality finally caught up to you.

“Then again…”

You look up, hopeful.

“Your Fleshweaver has two human captives in her possession,” the Mother of Dragons notes. “You have also a half-human, half-elven slave. Is this not so?”

You are at first confused by the direction of the conversation, until the Dark Goddess makes her suggestion:

“With an Amulet of Disguise, one of your race could infiltrate the city in advance… Could seize a Princess of Hawksong and bring her back in manacles… Or take her for yourself then and there, and set this intriguing idea of yours into motion.”

A sinisterly-spiced wind wafts intimately across your face like a spectral caress, and the Divine Mother adds: “I could assist you… For a price.”

“What price, Oh Most Holy One?” you ask, warily.

She tuts gently, but authoritatively.

“Why, for our child to be declared undisputed sovereign of Hawksong and its surrounding lands in the new Age of Darkness, oh Prophetic One,” she says. “And, of course, for my star to shine brightest in that seat of power.”

What will you do?
>Accept these terms
>Reject this deal, and the Mother of Dragon’s assistance in this matter
>Counter-offer [what is your proposal?]

What is your plan?
>Send Olu and a squad of Infiltrators into the city to seize a Hawksong princess and drag her back to base
>Have the Novice craft an Amulet of Disguise for you—you will go there in-person, select your royal human mate personally, and do what must be done
>You will endure the mounting pain, and maintain your strength-the time is not yet right to strike upon Hawksong, but you are confident you can endure this ‘gestation’ for as long as it takes
>Abandon this plan—you have set your sights too high, and for once you aren’t sure you can meet your target
>Counter-offer: One of your mortal sons will reign in Hawksong, to take the demigod child as a prince/ess in waiting; the ascension of the Mother of Dragons will come only when that child sits on the throne

I doubt the demigod will be ready to rule when they.. hatch? They'll need a regent, and when they are fully ready, our son will still be in a position of power and counsel.

>Have the Novice craft an Amulet of Disguise for you—you will go there in-person, select your royal human mate personally, and do what must be done

This is exceedingly entertaining to me, but also seems to be the best option. Olu and a squad of Infiltrators might get caught out; we can always fly away if shit gets real bad.
>This is exceedingly entertaining to me, but also seems to be the best option. Olu and a squad of Infiltrators might get caught out; we can always fly away if shit gets real bad.

The kingdom of Hawksong has griffin riders im pretty sure.
True enough. I'd like to think we could outrun or outfight at least one or two
This, and the child will have to play nice with our other children/successors within our empire. And if we live, we are to raise and teach the child, so it would know it’s father and have amicable relations with it’s family.
Why are we trying to add the hawksong princess bloodline to our own??? We already have children from glowie and a lover in the novice.

Our tribe is intending to invade hawksong and enslave or expel them, just like how thy got expeled after the people of hawksong stole the green dragons lands and treasure.

Going to all this effort just because were afraid of not being worthy enough to survive breeding, is weird.

Because entering the hawksong capital while we know the green knight and his companions are going around searching and hunting Reptillains. (With a magic sword that can detect them and penetrate disguise amulets.)Entering hawksong and kidnaping royalty before we perish to illnesses in a race against time seems equally likely to result in risk of death.
>There is only one surviving scion of the Yosefs, a male, and he shall be slain before this war is over.”

I completely forgot about this… Yosef’s granddaughter was tainted with reptilian genes by our mother, right?

Could she be a candidate…? It would 100% be easier than stealing away a Princess from a city on-edge and aware of our disguise abilities

This seems crazy reckless
Beyond the chance of Novice dying trying to give birth? Conquering Hawksong will be hard enough, keeping it will require incorporating it into our multi-ethnic empire, and a child from us, the princess, and the Mother of Dragons will keep Hawksong under the Dark Pantheon and the Master Race instead of us being plagued by rebellions and internal coups to restore the bloodline of the king.

Also, entering Hawksong to risk ourselves is exactly what anons signed up for when they decided to make the Serpent Ascendant our patron god.
>Conquering Hawksong will be hard enough, keeping it will require incorporating it into our multi-ethnic empire, and a child from us, the princess, and the Mother of Dragons will keep Hawksong under the Dark Pantheon and the Master Race instead of us being plagued by rebellions.

Why would we be treating the humans of hawksong better than the dwarf's and even care about their legitimacy??? The champion of these humans killed our mom and looted her stuff. The wizards of the humans of hawksong tortured the greendragonborn and used him as a lab rat. And they also drove our tribe from the surface in general.

Also the very concept that the humans would be clamoring to accept our offspring as their leader just because we kidnapped and forcibly bred their princess is ridiculous. Our descendant would have the dark gods spirit in him, northern human revere the light gods and would view him as an abomination for that alone.

>Also, entering Hawksong to risk ourselves is exactly what anons signed up for when they decided to make the Serpent Ascendant our patron god.

Your willing to risk our success in war and personal body, but your bot willing to risk having sex???

What makes you certain that kidnapping hawksong princess before the time limit is even easier?

At bear minimum it a more complex rask, that will also take longer and prevent us from personally focusing on war preparations.
yeah I can back >>5560526
though I'm pretty sure something like that would happen anyway even when just accepting the deal straight
>Why would we be treating the humans of hawksong better than the dwarf'
We're not, we're giving them the same chance as the dwarves.
>even care about their legitimacy
Because dealing with a city of millions is a different ballgame that some Dwarf Corporations in the mountain. The Master Race does not have the manpower to hold Hawksong without some legitimacy.
>princess kidnapping
They wouldn't be clamoring, but it's easier to integrate them if the traditional ruling dynasty continues with our heir.

Also, it's not our health that's at risk if we breed with the Novice, but the Novice's health. It isn't so much as easily as the alternative being risker for our lover.
[Since we only seem to have three votes so far, I'll let discussion and voting continue until after work tomorrow, and post then.]
how fast do the children mature?
[A demigod's maturation is highly variable, but can be assumed to be somewhere between human (capable of limited independence at around age 3-to-5, growth spurt and puberty between 10 and 15, full maturity between 18 to 21) and a Reptilian's (capable of limited independence at a year, huge growth spurt and potential of first hormonal breeding cycle at around age 8, pretty much physically mature by age 12).]

[Then again, that's a guess. Degenerates aren't super common, generally considered unworthy of serious study, and (as you can see by looking at Olu, Alhazred, or the MC of RIQ versus the Heretic) the result can vary GREATLY... Even without taking into accunt the godly influence.]
Eh I’ll support this

>without taking into account the godly influence
that might accelerate the process fuck it lets do it

[Are you both voting for some version of...
>Reject this deal, and the Mother of Dragon’s assistance in this matter
>Abandon this plan—you have set your sights too high, and for once you aren’t sure you can meet your target
or am I misinterpreting?]
That would definitely be along the lines of my vote.
Ill support this
>>Accept these terms
We need some degenerates infiltrators, amulets of disguise are no-no
For my vote here >>5560692

I’ll clarify it to be:
>Counter-offer: One of your mortal sons will reign in Hawksong, to take the demigod child as a prince/ess in waiting; the ascension of the Mother of Dragons will come only when that child sits on the throne
>You will endure the mounting pain, and maintain your strength-the time is not yet right to strike upon Hawksong, but you are confident you can endure this ‘gestation’ for as long as it takes

>entering Hawksong to risk ourselves is exactly what anons signed up for when they decided to make the Serpent Ascendant our patron god.

We’re pro-strength

We don’t have a death wish

We’re in no position to assault Hawksong (yet) and they know our amulets of disguise are bullshit

They are on a war-footing with tons of extra patrols and suspicious AND we’ve never visited the city before and don’t know it’s layout at all.

Going there will get us killed, period.
Hawksong is not a deathtrap. They only discovered ONE infiltrator outta dozens or even hundreds. This isn’t going to get us killed.
Wasn’t it confirmed that they found multiple - including the local serpent priest…
The green knight took out our mom, chased another infiltrator into the underground after fatally wounded him(which is how we first found out about his threat.), strug up another infiltrator as a demonstration and captured the local operational manger of hawksong's spy network.

So far the green knight is at least 4-0 when it comes to finding and beating infiltrators, possibly more depending if the assassins the chaplin sent also died.

>Hawksong is not a deathtrap. They only discovered ONE infiltrator outta dozens or even hundreds. This isn’t going to get us killed.

Our mom was one of the greatest assassin/infiltrators amongst our tribe, if she couldn't get the drop on the green knight or avoid getting taken out by him. What hope do we have with covert ops? She was a master of manipulation, glamor and illusion were a lot less subtle then she was
normally I'd agree with you, but we've got BugMom the goddess personally helping us out if we take her deal. She gets a lot out of the deal too if we succeed, so I don't think she'll hang us out to dry.
[Sorry folks, got invited out for dinner. I'll post tonight or tomorrow at latest!]
Rolled 10, 4, 17, 11, 14 = 56 (5d20)

“Very well,” you grudgingly concede.

“Excellent,” the Mother Goddess purrs. “Then we shall set OUR plans in motion, Little One, and together we will—”

“WITH a couple caveats.”

There is a lull, then a loud, rattling hiss that turns into an earthquake-like existential tremor of all the time and space around you.

“Nothing major,” you hurry to amend. “Just… Some practical assurances.”

“Such as?!”

“One of my sons—your great-grandchildren—should sit upon the throne as regent. Just until our son or daughter is of age to ascend to Hawksong’s throne. THEN, they will have dominion… And you, your primacy.”

“And until then?” the Lady demands. “You will puppeteer this place as another ‘coequal’ arrangement with my foolish kin—with your precious Feathered Fool?”

“Is that so bad a thing, in the Grand Design?” you ask innocently. “He will rule alongside you… Until, eventually, you and your spawn ascend to unquestioned primacy. It IS practical—how quickly will our child even mature, to rule over such turbulent times without aid?”

[Religion + Diplomacy die; DC 10/15, because the Goddess is moody and spiteful, but your ask is quite reasonable.]
Another extended sigh of the Great Mother issues forth from all sides, buffeting you like a hurricane, but you hold fast and wait it out. Your great love has prepared you well for such tantrums from the females in your life, bless her dark soul.


“You presume much to make demands upon your Dark Goddess,” she complains “but I will graciously allow you this small mercy. Do not squander this reprieve, or commit to any foolish betrayals.”

You bow your head in acknowledgement of this gracious bounty. The pressure of the immense Divien Presence fades away, and when you lift you head again… The offerings are gone, the candle burnt to nothing but a greasy smear, and your chamber is empty of smoke, of goddess, of everything… Everything but you.

Exhausted, you take your torpor.

“This is INSANE,” the Novice gently and tenderly critiques you master plan. “You are a FOOL! Do you have a deathwish?!”

“This is what I agreed to, when I agreed to become a Knight Ascendant,” you tell her.

“You agreed to take UNNECESSARY risks, in pursuit of… What, a daydream of some unifying hybrid-king?! The humans are spawned by the False Gods. They won’t accept a child of a DARK God as their legitimate heir, whoever its mother is! And that is ASSUMING that the Green Knight—who has slain EVERY Reptilian he has detected and encounter with his accursed blade, I remind you—does not simply fillet you in the public square the moment he catches you with that dopey ‘seductive’ expression on your face.”

“What expression?” you ask, brows furrowed.

“You know the one!” your love shrieks.

“I do not.”

She stares at you, then crosses her arms and turns away, having revealed too much for her own comfort.

“Anyway,” you try to calm her, “I will not be my face. You will make me an Amulet of Disguise—”

“Which the Knight will just see right through!”

“Then make it better,” you command her.

“Oh,” she answers with biting sarcasm, “is THAT all?!”

“You said you were close to a breakthrough,” you remind her.
You reach out with both hands, squeezing her shoulders.

“I believe in you,” you confide.

“HrrrrmmmmnnnngggGAAAAAH!” she rumbles, unintelligible in her conflicted frustrations. “FINE! I will make you your damned amulet!”

“Thank you,” you say.

“All so you can impregnate some LESSER female,” she grumbles.

“To spare you this burden,” you reassure her. “Otherwise…”

She swats you with her tail and takes a step away.

“Easy there,” she snorts “You will trouble your delicate constitution, Oh Impotent One.”

You let her have her small triumph, grateful for her cooperation, and take your leave so she might work. It takes her some time, but two weeks later, she returns not JUST with an Amulet of Disguise but…
>An EXCEPTIONAL Amulet of Disguise—one which can disguise your nature AND greatly modify bodily dimensions—even afford you MULTIPLE forms and layers of protection—something suitable for the advanced magics of a Serpent Priest Infiltrator
>A breakthrough in shoggoth-control—one which will allow you to transform your shoggoth-sword into full-body suit of armour, shifting into clothing, armour, or weaponry as needed, to defend, attack, or disguise itself and you (and also fitting all your forms, be it disguised, Dragonshaped, default)
>The Junior Novice, made greater—a terrifying beast now, tremendous even in excess of your own size, capable of serving as a truly magnificent mount which can rival a gryphon, with all the intelligence and might of a dragonling, some of the telekinesis of the Ghoul Supreme, and some of the teleportation and fear-invocation of a feral yowler
>A hormonal stimulant to amplify your pheromone and testosterone production—a surefire way to induce ovulation and to overcome your ‘anxiety’, to ENSURE pregnancy in a single coupling and GREATLY increase the odds of such a coupling even occurring
>Write-in [keep it reasonable, subject to veto]

[You will get a basic Amulet either way, in addition to whatever upgrade or add-on you choose]
>>A breakthrough in shoggoth-control—one which will allow you to transform your shoggoth-sword into full-body suit of armour, shifting into clothing, armour, or weaponry as needed, to defend, attack, or disguise itself and you (and also fitting all your forms, be it disguised, Dragonshaped, default)
>A breakthrough in shoggoth-control—one which will allow you to transform your shoggoth-sword into full-body suit of armour, shifting into clothing, armour, or weaponry as needed, to defend, attack, or disguise itself and you (and also fitting all your forms, be it disguised, Dragonshaped, default)

>tsundere novice
hehe cute

>A hormonal stimulant to amplify your pheromone and testosterone production—a surefire way to induce ovulation and to overcome your ‘anxiety’, to ENSURE pregnancy in a single coupling and GREATLY increase the odds of such a coupling even occurring
Best get this shit right the first time.

Wouldn’t mind the Special Amulet and Junior additions either.
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>A breakthrough in shoggoth-control—one which will allow you to transform your shoggoth-sword into full-body suit of armour, shifting into clothing, armour, or weaponry as needed, to defend, attack, or disguise itself and you (and also fitting all your forms, be it disguised, Dragonshaped, default)
>A breakthrough in shoggoth-control—one which will allow you to transform your shoggoth-sword into full-body suit of armour, shifting into clothing, armour, or weaponry as needed, to defend, attack, or disguise itself and you (and also fitting all your forms, be it disguised, Dragonshaped, default)

Should allow us to bring weaponry/armor into a potentially difficult situation like a gala or the like. War-novice is tempting, though.
>A breakthrough in shoggoth-control—one which will allow you to transform your shoggoth-sword into full-body suit of armour, shifting into clothing, armour, or weaponry as needed, to defend, attack, or disguise itself and you (and also fitting all your forms, be it disguised, Dragonshaped, default)

I'm sure bugmom can cover that with her assistance, it's pretty much her domain
Perhaps youth is the cause of your impatience to correct your ‘condition’. The Novice clearly feels that this activity is pure recklessness, born of SOME breed of foolish impulsivity. Still, it is nothing less than a testament to your mutual affection that she has focused her efforts upon a method of keeping you safe in the hostile and savage lands which you will soon be visiting.

“What?” she laughs. “No, you sentimental simpleton. I have been working on this research ever since you procured that frozen sample in the tunnels outside Wevenore. And did you forget that we studied this SPECIFIC aberration, and how to control it, for WEEKS with the Nothic? I did NOT do this for your ill-considered princess-kidnapping mission.”

She has a strange way of showing her love, but you appreciate it all the same.

“You are hopeless,” she sighs, tail swishing rapidly in irritation at your insistent faux-earnesty.

Regardless, the breakthrough is undeniable: your shoggoth-sword, already a wonder of divinely-inspired alchemical science, is now more than a ‘mere’ legendary blade: it can serve as shapeshifting, size changing attire! With a command-word and a gesture, and a small sample of your massive mana reserve, you can transform it from sword, to suit, and even urge it to shut its many bulbous eyes and silently-flapping mouths to resemble somewhat roughshod and over-oiled red leather. With another command it can bulge, expand, and harden into a protective cuirass, with lighter protection for your arms and legs as well.

And, of course, there is the Amulet of Disguise.

“Bespoke, unique to me,” you note. “It can be nothing else, since regular amulets are incompatible with my unique biology. This WAS made to keep me safe on this journey.”

“Well…” the Novice trails off, and crosses her arms. “It would be a pathetic way for you to die. It would reflect poorly on me, as your…”


“Partner. Supervisory agent, really.”

You laugh, and take the new amulet—removing your Amulet of the Dragon first, of course, since two such transformative amulets cannot operate in tandem. This means your <Dragonshape> becomes lesser, losing its intrinsic wings and some of its augmented strength, stamina, and scaly shielding against enemy attacks and the elements. It is a necessary price to pay, though, in order that you might hide in plain sight among Hawksong’s varied vermin as one of their own.
“It is fortuitous that we had three sources of material,” the Novice notes. “AND that one was a half-elf. His hybrid human genetics and natural affinity for illusory magics made this process possible, in spite of your bizarre bloodline and overgrown stature.”

“You know you like it,” you quip.

The Novice hisses, and you don the new Amulet, becoming…

>A towering barbarian hero from the near East, near the orc-haunted steppe—foreign to Hawksong to excuse any lapses or eccentricities, but not a Southerner so as to attract TOO much suspicion [‘expends’ the captured male human, Jakob]
>A slender and handsome ‘ambassador’ from a Southerly realm, with an aristrocrat’s great stature and dignity—better to request an audience, and to frame the South for the crimes which you wish them to be found guilty of [‘expends’ the captured female human, Elaine]
>A tall and dark elven merchant from Bloodrise, to best represent your kingdom even as you obfuscate your true nature behind the guise of a not-quite-Drow… And anyway, human bitches LOVE elves [‘expends’ the half-elf adventurer]
>Something else [keep it reasonable, but expect one of the three subjects to be ‘expended’]

[‘Expended’ means ‘killed’, btw. Expending Jakob makes you more ruggedly masculine, but less handsome. Expending Elaine makes you more slender and attractive. Expending the half-elf adventurer lends you some degree of elven beauty, but makes you look less human.]
As you admire your new guise in a procured mirror, illuminated by the Novice’s torch, you find it… Suitable. You clad yourself in a shoggoth-skin, and you strap your elven moon-balde to your hip, and pocket the Amulet of the Dragon.

“…What?” you ask, noticing the Noice’s expression.

“You cannot take those,” she says.

“Of course I can,” you say.

“You SHOULD not, then,” she snaps.

“And why not?” you demand.

“This disguise will help hide your Reptilian nature, but carrying an amulet FULL of dragon blood and mana… You do not think it will shine like a beacon the moment the Green Knight or anyone else who knows the secret of how to identify our kind looks at you for longer than an instant?”

“Without it, I could STILL be identified,” you point out. “If it occurs, I will need the means to defend myself.”

“If THAT happens, you should cast a spell to regrow your wings and flee,” the Novice admonishes you. “Even YOU cannot be so full of yourself as to think you can fight an ARMY… A CITY!”

“Deifnitely not without my sword,” you grumble, clutching your first trophy-relic possessively.

“Suppress your greed, ‘Dragon’,” she sighs, beckoning for you to ahnd it over. “You do not think that the ‘Sword of Endymion’, a historic and holy weapon attributed to an eleven GOD, will attract attention?”

“Attention could be useful, when trying to get close to a princess of the realm…”

“It could get you killed,” the Novice Fleshweaver states flatly. “Have some sense, for once in your life. Utilize subterfuge.”

Will you take your sword with you?

What of the Amulet of Dragonshape?
>A towering barbarian hero from the near East, near the orc-haunted steppe—foreign to Hawksong to excuse any lapses or eccentricities, but not a Southerner so as to attract TOO much suspicion [‘expends’ the captured male human, Jakob]


We already have a disguisable weapon.


We can always play it off as a relic stolen from a Dragon's tomb; adventurers are all about random magic bullshit.
>>A slender and handsome ‘ambassador’ from a Southerly realm
We have a princess to woo.

We have our shogsword/armour

We have all the Dragon we need inside. And the mana that comes with it.

>A towering barbarian hero from the near East, near the orc-haunted steppe—foreign to Hawksong to excuse any lapses or eccentricities, but not a Southerner so as to attract TOO much suspicion [‘expends’ the captured male human, Jakob]

>No & No
>Elf or Barbarian

We will probably need both.
>>A tall and dark elven merchant from Bloodrise, to best represent your kingdom even as you obfuscate your true nature behind the guise of a not-quite-Drow… And anyway, human bitches LOVE elves [‘expends’ the half-elf adventurer]

>Sword : No
>Amulet : Yes
Adventurer point from >>5562962 seem smart
>A tall and dark elven merchant from Bloodrise, to best represent your kingdom even as you obfuscate your true nature behind the guise of a not-quite-Drow… And anyway, human bitches LOVE elves [‘expends’ the half-elf adventurer]
>>Something else [keep it reasonable, but expect one of the three subjects to be ‘expended’]
Weve had this dude around for awhile and the adventurer loot idea from >>5562962 is smart

Backlink, not at home
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[We have a tie for our disguise1

[One of you folks may want to change your vote to break it. Until then, or until a backlinked or non-1vote ID breaks the tie, I'll leave it. If nobody breaks it by bedtime, I'll roll.]
Ill switch to savage barbarian, no biggie
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“I will leave the sword,” you say, taking it from your belt and placing it in her care.

You again regard your ‘human form’, such as it is. You have kept your physique virtually identical to that of your true self, save a few subtle shifts in bone structure and adjunct muscles from a tailed-and-winged creature to the more erect and upright stance of a plain-evolved ape-thing. Your hair is still the bronzey red-brown of the last two years, even the same style, though your noble chin-spikes are now replicated in the form of a beard across a broad, flat face. You think that the narrow, arched eyes and flatter nose of one of the Eastern steppe-people better suits you than the bulgier eyes and protruding proboscises of the Northmen, let alone the South.

“However, the Amulet of the Dragon remains with me,” you decide. “I am playing the role of an ‘adventuring hero’ anyway, yes? It is simply mysterious ‘loot’ found in some forgotten tomb… If the subject is broached at all.”

“Fool,” the Novice huffs, but quietly and without much venom.

“Besides,” you say with a sidelong glance to catch her reaction, “it was a gift from my beloved one.”

“F-fool!” she shrieks, and turns away.

You laugh, the sound filtered through your shifted shape and changed face, strange and alien to your newly round, fleshy ears.

“I will return shortly,” you promise her.

“As if I care,” she sniffs.

You embrace her. She doesn’t so much as wriggle, even if she also does not speak any words of encouragement.

“This form is strange,” she grumbles. “But then, it always WAS, wasn’t it… Degenerateborn?”

It’s the closest you’re going to get to a proper pet-name, or romantic send-off. You take your leave, and you can feel her watching you go on this mating-mission with a concern and jealousy which she does not admit.
You know the way to Hawksong well-enough—or can puzzle it out by asking directions and following trade-roads. Your people have (had?) roughly a dozen Infiltrators scattered through the city for the last few decades, a number which ballooned to nearly fifty under the now-captured Hawksong Operational Chaplain. You understand that, following his capture and the slaying of an unknown number of operatives in an attempt to liberate or eliminate him, the number has been rather reduced again. Still, the city is well-known to the Master Race—it was a prime candidate for subversion and usurpation or destruction, and remains such thanks to your good works.

Still, while you know your target (sort of) and your destination (by reputation and secondhand account), and can find the way (with a modicum of time and effort), this will be your very first time so utterly out-of-your elements and without allies or assistants, in a strange and foreign land. Even in Bloodrise, and in Wevenore, you always had allies—friends—most often Oluwadamilare or the Novice. Only your first meeting with Glowie’s mother comes close to this feeling, and at THAT time, your ‘big brother’ was close at hand.

Is this… Anxiety? Is this what anxiety feels like?

Oluwadamilare the Archer is an Infiltrator, and a Degenerate who doesn’t need magic to hide himself—though his chocolate-dark skin and accented Northern Common-tongue betray him as a Southern-born creature. Maybe he could still be useful—an effective warrior with knowledge of the surface and a close companion you can trust?

Or what of that Dragonblooded Infiltrator from before—the one you met in the Serpent Priests’ conclave? He operated in Hawksong, and is clearly a senior and knowledgeable operative to have been called before them to represent the city’ state in the absence of the captured Operational Chaplain. Maybe he would be useful, to serve as a guide?

…Maybe you could bring the Novice herself? For moral—uh, medical and mystical, that is—support? She could just adopt her own disguise, right? Or is that too much danger to place her in? Would she even be able to really ‘infiltrate’ effectively, given her personality and difficulty with mammal-tongues?
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Or maybe… I mean, you are a ‘Prince of Love’ by your own design and declaration, and a great believer in community and cooperation, but MAYBE you’ve become too reliant on allies? A True Dragon is a singular creature by design, even if you choose not to walk alone. You SHOULD be able to do this on your own, right?

Will you bring any allies or guides?
>Olu the Archer
>Your Beloved Novice
>The Dragonblooded Hawksong Infiltrator, whatever his name even was

Are there any other preparations you want to make? Equipment to requisition? Superiors to notify? Of course, doing the former is nearly as good as doing the latter, since it would tip off the Chaplain as to your preparation for an unsanctioned mission.
>Write in any preparations you’d like to make

Wait… This has all happened so fast! Have you even thought of an excuse if anyone asks where you are?
>No excuses needed—you’ll be back before they know you were gone!
>No excuses needed—you DARE them to try and stop you, an Antipaladin on a mission from a Dark God!
>Well, uh… [Write in a cover story]
>Olu the Archer
>The Dragonblooded Hawksong Infiltrator, whatever his name even was

Strength in numbers

Get as much local currency as we can (bribes will be vital) without tipping anyone off to our mission

Some armour + a weapon for our human form would be good too

Oh, and maybe get the Novice to brew us some potions (if she can). Healing, sleep, (attraction?)

Tell our big brother that we’re leaving and he needs to look after the new red Dragonborn

>No excuses needed—you DARE them to try and stop you, an Antipaladin on a mission from a Dark God!
>The Dragonblooded Hawksong Infiltrator, whatever his name even was

>Well, uh… [Write in a cover story]
scouting mission

I wanna say we'll be back before they know it but these things have a way of blowing up
>>The Dragonblooded Hawksong Infiltrator, whatever his name even was
>No excuses needed—you’ll be back before they know you were gone!
Yeah, don't have much inspiration for preparation. Maybe some adventurer-looking loot and gear?
>Olu the Archer
>The Dragonblooded Hawksong Infiltrator, whatever his name even was

>Well, uh… [Scouting mission and elven diplomacy]
+1, all good ideas.

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[Locked and writing!]
“I request some trade-goods, a sampling of Hawksong-appropriate currency… Though some coinage foreign to them could aid in the illusion… And any magic items which can be spared and which are not of obvious Reptilian origin.”

“…For a scouting mission?” the Chaplain asks, again.


“…A scouting mission you are undertaking PERSONALLY, with your Degenerate servant.”


“And NO ONE else?”

“Actually,” you correct him, “I had hoped you would assign me that Dragonblodoed One I encountered the other day. The one in the leather apron, with the sword. He is a preeminent Hawksong Infiltrator, yes?”

“Yes,” the Chaplain agrees.

“So you will assign him to this task?”


You sigh internally. Drat—this DID seem a little too easy.

The Chaplain tents his fingers, tail lashing een as the rest fo his body language attest to an inauthentic calm.

“Do you realize the stir you have created?” he asks, pointedly. “The EVENTS, you have set in motion? Your grandiose speeches, your ‘prophesizing’ and polemics… They have roused and emboldened the lower-born, and even swayed the highborn—my backers, those I must appeal to, mollify, and appease—to thoughtless, action. Your naivety and youthful impatience, coupled with your… ADMITTED penchant for dramatic success, be it through luck or through skill… It has CHANGED things. And YOU, Dragonborn, are at the centre of all of it.”

“…Yes,” you agree. “So you will… Permit me this thing, so I may achieve still greater success>”

Your superior’s tail lashes the floor as if he was angry at the stone itself, and he leans forward.

“Foolish One, Young One, LISTEN to me! You are at the CENTRE of this entire movement. YOU. If YOU suddenly vanish, everything will be thrown into chaos. If you never RETURN, if you DIE, panic will spread. You, Dark Gods damn your very spirit to suffer eternally, have made yourself INDISPENSIBLE. You are too IMPORTANT to go on some petty SCOUTING mission!”

“I must,” you insist.

“Do you understand that if you captured, we will lose this war?” the Chaplain asks you, voice a low hiss. “You have control of Bloodrise. You are the driving motivator of our troops. You have the ear of the Dark Pantheon, SOMEHOW, and you are a champion of the God of War.”

“This is why I will succeed,” you assert.

The Chaplain stares at you in silence for a time.

“Am I dismissed?” you ask. “I must make haste.”

“Take care,” the Chaplain says, warningly, and you don’t think he means on your mission.

You do not bow your head before you depart. As with his daughter before him, you feel his eyes boring into your back as you go.

“To Hawksong, then?” your Archer asks, grinning merrily. “I have always wanted to see the capital of the Northmen. Even in the many shining temple-cities and magocracies of the Southlands, they speak of it. It must be a fine thing to experience, to go there! It has been a while since I have mingled with the race of men, Superior One. They are a lesser breed, yes, but there is much to enjoy in their rich realms.”

“Bah,” the Dragonblooded Infiltrator from Hawksong scolds him. “Maybe for an Inferior One with filthy monkey-blood running through his veins.”

Olu the Archer hesitates, but inclined his head slightly and falls into silence. You look between the two, and…

>Speak up in Oluwadamilare the Archer’s defence—he is your faithful friend, and you’ll not allow this sort of insult to stand, even if it IS the way of the Master Race
>Confront this Dragonblooded One with the many potential values of hybridization and racemixing more broadly, while carefully avoiding any emotional appeals or personal admissions
>Tell him of the nature of yoru ission—seducing a human princess, ON divine orders, to CREATE a demigodly hybrid—what does he think of THAT?!
>Let the matter lie, and just ask him about Hawksong and its rulers—keep it professional

>Speak up in Oluwadamilare the Archer’s defence—he is your faithful friend, and you’ll not allow this sort of insult to stand, even if it IS the way of the Master Race

Emphasis on his status as a chosen member of our retinue and how a Dragon is made, not necessarily born, as the Serpent Ascendant teaches.
>Speak up in Oluwadamilare the Archer’s defence—he is your faithful friend, and you’ll not allow this sort of insult to stand, even if it IS the way of the Master Race
Times are changing bucko, and you got a mixed breed teaching new testament, its been proven by us plowing everything that moves be it sword or dick that this is the way the gods want to play the game, step aside nerd
haha I didn't think we'd be giving that excuse directly to the chaplain

>Speak up in Oluwadamilare the Archer’s defence—he is your faithful friend, and you’ll not allow this sort of insult to stand, even if it IS the way of the Master Race
>Let the matter lie, and just ask him about Hawksong and its rulers—keep it professional
*your mission
[Jeez, I'm bad for typos in the home stretch.]
>Speak up in Oluwadamilare the Archer’s defence—he is your faithful friend, and you’ll not allow this sort of insult to stand, even if it IS the way of the Master Race

You narrow your eyes in a pointed glare at the surly old Dragonblood. His attitudes and words are no surprise, given the culture of the Master Race, but times ARE changing. You are the symbol of that change—its envoy, its inciting event. Though this mouthy member of the old guard has no way of knowing it, you yourself are a mixed breed, teaching a new testament of the Dark Gods. Moreover, you outrank him, and it is NOT his place to be criticizing a member of the retinue which YOU have chosen.

“Hold your tongue, Infiltrator,” you address the Dragonblooded One. “Your fellow operative has been a loyal and effective ally. He has slain monsters of legend at my side, and proven himself capable in the realms of subterfuge and diplomacy as well. He was chosen for this mission because he DESERVES to be on it, as much as you do.”


You are a little surprised by this quiet, bitter scoff from the older male, and the barely-concealed contempt which you feel radiating from him.

“Would you care to elaborate upon that vocalization, Infiltrator?” you ask him.

“It is simply… Surprising how Unsurprising your stance on the matter is, when I hear it aloud, ‘Superior One’.”

You bristle, hand reaching for the even blade at your side unconsciously. It is not your moon-sword, of course, but the blade you had on your hip when you first left the forward base for Bloodrise; a borrowed assassin’s dagger is on the other. You calm yourself, though, reminding yourself that such behaviour is to be expected until your new teaching take root.

“You are wise to notice this,” you say instead. “I am not just your superior in this instance, but a Knight Ascendant, and an heir to the Dragon Kings of old.”

“So I have heard,” the older Infiltartor notes sourly.

“The Feathered Serpent teaches that a True Dragon is made through striving and growing. It is not a matter of mere birth.”

“It is how those of low birth may cope with their damnable circumstances, perhaps.”

You rankle. This insolent cur goes too far!

“It is what your SUPERIOR believes,” you assert.

The Dragonblooded one meets your eyes, and his tail lashes and small throat-pouch bulges with words unsaid. He simmers with an outrage that doesn’t quite breach the surface. Again, you are shocked at his defiance… But he seems to realize what he is on the verge of. The Dragonblooded Infiltrator bows his head, swallows his retort, and dons his own Amulet of Disguise. His furious features are hidden behind a placid mask of ashen-brown skin, a shade lighter and pinker than that of Oluwadamilare’s natural hue.
Oluwadamilare sets about equipping himself as well, wearing a greyish-white tunic and breeches to hide those scaly patches of skin which reveal his true nature His feet, ending in clawed toes rather than primate nails, are tucked into a new pair of boots. He carries an assassin’s dagger of his own—two, if you count the smaller, hidden blade tucked into the back of his belt—and a bow restrung with silk from the Drow’s own spiders. On his breast hangs a crystal pendant—magical, but only for its ability to produce a dim light, like that of Wevenore.

“A token,” he answers the wordless question in your gaze, and smiles ruefully. “Jaz.”


You clutch the Amulet of the Dragon—your own love’s favour, hidden away in your pocket. You place her latest creation around your neck once more, and assume your own human guise once again.

“Are we ready?” asks the elder Hawksong operative, a titch brusquely.


The three of you leave through the same exit-tunnel which you and the Novice took for your date. Oluwadamilare, lacking the night-vision of you and the Dragonblood, uses his dark elven crystal’s fey light to guide him—something that your senior Infiltrator grumbles about, but not so loudly as to provoke you to speechify further. You pointedly ignore it, and instead fall back to olu’s position.

“You do not know these tunnels well enough to navigate them by feel and memory?” you ask.

The Archer glances at the back of the Dragonblodoed One’s form, to ensure there is ample distance between them. Then, with a cheeky grin, he shrugs.

“This is faster,” he answers. “And besides… This annoys him.”

You manage to keep yourself from laughing, and speed up again to keep your small party close.
Together, you emerge into the fresh air of a Northern evening. It is late summer, nearly autumn, but still warm enough to keep you from feeling any unpleasant chill well into the night.

“On to Hawksong?” Olu the Archer asks cheerfully, stifling his light now that the moon is providing its own.

“The woods and roadways are hazardous at night,” the Dragonblood notes.

“Nothing we cannot handle, though,” Olu confidently proclaims. “Right, Superior One?”

“It is not about whether we can HANDLE it,” the Dragonblood snaps. “It is about the attention it will draw. If we are spied by authorities—two armed foreigners with accents, and a dark-skinned city-dweller far from his alleged home, traveling by night—they may even detain us on suspicion of espionage or banditry, without even knowing how right they are!”

You rub the strange new chin-fur on your flattened false-face in thought, considering your options.

>You will make camp, and discuss matters with your men, such as…
>>What Hawksong is like, and what wonders you might expect to find there
>>What the Dragonblood’s major malfunction is, to make him so agitated
>>How Olu is coping with his long absence from his lady love
>>How one might, hypothetically, earn the trust and/or lust of a highborn Northwoman
>>The city, the palace, and their defenders—should a break-in by necessary
>>Something else [write-in]
>You will press on, taking any threats or challenges in stride, that you might make better time on this mission of grave importance and return to the Novice and the Dark Crusade all the sooner; specifically, you will take…
>>A hidden Reptilian route through the woodlands—unseen and unbothered by authorities
>>The main trade-roads, faster and more efficient, and with less chance of an encounter with a beast or bandit
>>The scenic route, passing through fields, farmlands, and small towns—better to acclimate to the locals and learn something of their ways

[If you make camp for now, please choose no more than two major subjects to discuss. If you choose to travel by night please specify a route.]
>You will press on, taking any threats or challenges in stride, that you might make better time on this mission of grave importance and return to the Novice and the Dark Crusade all the sooner; specifically, you will take…

>A hidden Reptilian route through the woodlands—unseen and unbothered by authorities

Speed is of the essence.
>You will make camp, and discuss matters with your men, such as…
>>What Hawksong is like, and what wonders you might expect to find there
>>How one might, hypothetically, earn the trust and/or lust of a highborn Northwoman
Better be prepared for where we're going.
>You will make camp, and discuss matters with your men, such as…
>>What Hawksong is like, and what wonders you might expect to find there
>>What the Dragonblood’s major malfunction is, to make him so agitated
>>How one might, hypothetically, earn the trust and/or lust of a highborn Northwoman
[No more than two subjects, please.]
whoops missed that
drop the bottom one then
>>You will make camp, and discuss matters with your men, such as…
>>How one might, hypothetically, earn the trust and/or lust of a highborn Northwoman
>>The city, the palace, and their defenders—should a break-in by necessary

Focus on the job
[Bit of a low vote count, but I'll likely lock and start writing within the hour or so.]

>>How one might, hypothetically, earn the trust and/or lust of a highborn Northwoman
>>The city, the palace, and their defenders—should a break-in by necessary

>>You will make camp, and discuss matters with your men, such as…
>>What the Dragonblood’s major malfunction is, to make him so agitated
Maybe phrased a little more diplomatically though.

>>How Olu is coping with his long absence from his lady love

If we're going to play it safe and take a night, might as well use the extra time to work on team building.
This is going to be a long one. Sorry!

“We will make camp.

You accept the senior Reptilian’s advice on this matter. He may be prickly, but this Dragonblooded Infiltrator has been operating for a long time in this region of the surface. He knows the natives and the landscape best, and if he says traveling by night is ill-advised, you will take him at his word. Besides, it gives you a chance to pick his brain on other matters.

“Tell me of Hawksong,” you command him, as the three of you gather to warm yourself by a fire of your own devised—dragonflame, kindled by the local forest.

The Dragonblooded One chews on dried meat-rations as he considers his assigned city. Certain externalities and the vocal chords are altered by the Amulets of Disguise, but the carnivorous dietary requirements of your kind are not—you were advised of this, and to not become careless with consuming grain or vegetable-based foods or alcoholic beverages. Your tolerance is higher than some, being a hybrid and of great size, but you, too, opt for jerky and water.

“It is the humans’ pride and joy,” he says. “By all estimations, the largest city on any charted continent. It is what they refer to in their tongue as ‘the shining city on the hill’—aspirational to all others. It is cosmopolitan, as well: humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, and even some other forms of beast-biped dwell there. You can find goods, or hire services, from almost any corner of the surface world in its many markets. It is sandwiched between high mountains which offer defence and fresh water, and a massive warm-water port which afford them naval and shipping capabilities.”

“It must be replete with many wonders, then, as the Archer suggested?” you ask eagerly.

You remember with some fondness the song, dance, fashion and festivities of the Drow oasis-city, Wevenore. That city was a pauper-kingdom by comparison, the dark elves being even more impoverished and isolated than your race, if better-populated and situated. You can only imagine what the spoils of surface-living have enable these mammals to produce! How must they live? How glorious must their civilization be?

“It is pathetic.”

You tilt your head, confused.

“Stop that,” the old Infiltrator corrects you, more harshly than his station should permit. “You tilt your head like a hatchling—a REPTILIAN hatchling. Humans do not do this thing. Learn their mannerisms, adopt them. It will save your life, ‘Superior One’.”

You still don’t like how he says that form of address—almost sarcastically—but you let it lie for now, like a sleeping adder. Like the adder, you watch him carefully.
“Explain yourself,” you demand instead. “How can such a glorious place be ‘pathetic’? Culturally, racially, maybe… But surely a place so rich and vibrant is impressive in its own right?”

“The people are rich and fat,” he says. “They are lazy, yet exhausted. They hardly work, but do not sleep enough. Their urbanization and economic structures run them ragged in an environment their poor ape-brains are ill-accustomed to. It leaves them physically and mentally weakened.”

He grins at that—a human expression of mirth on his imitation-human face, and genuine in its malevolent enjoyment.

“This is all partly by design, of course. With my fellow Infiltrators, we worked to compromise their city administration and their economic upper-classes over the years, eroding their institutions. But other foibles are purely HUMAN error.”

“Such as?” you ask.

“Their diversity is a weakness, too,” the Hawksong-based Infiltrator answers. “They are tribal creatures, of course, and being forced to cohabitated with some many human subraces and ‘demhumans’—even going so far as those repulsive orcs and the goblinoids, at once time—means that each of their cultures competes WITH and concedes TO the others at once. Their creates ample friction for our Master Race to exploit.”

He makes pointed (and inappropriately assertive) eye contact with you.

“Purity of society is paramount, for solidarity. Every impurity or imperfect is a crack, and cracks expand into fissures when pressure is applied. They spiderweb outward. They crumble even a mighty stone, ‘Superior One’.”

Does he refer to Bloodrise—rumours of what you have built there? Your plan for the Dark Crusade and the New Age of Darkness which shall be birthed by your forces’ triumph? Or… You, specifically? How much has the Chaplain TOLD him?

No, no, forget it. Better to focus on matters at hand. If he is being circumspect, he is not inclined to confront or expose you.
“But surely there ARE great things built by these fat, weak, lazy, disorganized people?” you press on. “We would have conquered them long ago if not.”

“Yes, fine,” he allows. “Their palatial estates DO, in some cases, rival what our people once occupied in those same lands—especially among the old-blooded nobility. Bah! As if ANY human lineage can be called ‘old’. The Paladin King’s family and his precious Paladin order dwell amongst the lower mountains, in complexes of marble and silver, filigreed with gold, full of elaborate dwarven works to move water and warm interior spaces. The fashion is… Well, HUMANOID fashion, but it is complex and intricate, with many subcultures.

You nod along, and he continues.

“The architecture is ever evolving and expanding, a grotesque hodgepodge of styles but melding together into… SOMETHING that is both distinctive and practical for their expansion… Though, it IS an expansion which we have successfully slowed!”

The Dragonblooded One says the last bit with a touch of pride, and goes on to describe the various bazaars and mercantile districts of the town. The Smithing District—home to dwarven tinkerers, allegedly-is of some interest, but as he begins to discuss matters of construction materials, and of metallurgical techniques, your limited expertise in the field causes our interest to wane.

“I had heard,” Olu the Archer interjects, “that the mages of this place have a uniquely fantastical space around their great tower, with an artificial waterfall which flows forever upwards, and city streets which wind around into themselves in uncanny spirals, with sparkling and precariously-tottering buildings which nevertheless will stand forever by means of magic!”

The Infiltrator looks at him witheringly, but Olu is bolstered in confidence by your earlier defence of him. Eventually the senior operative is forced to reply.

“We blew up the fountain,” he answers perfunctorily. “The rest is in disrepair, for we framed the Tower Mages for a great conspiracy which saw their number of funding, number of initiates, and their over all status greatly reduced.”

You dismiss the elder Infiltrator to take his torpor not long after—he has precious little more to say that is not bland analysis of the economic inputs and outputs, geographic descriptions, population statistics, or just general criticism. He paints an unflattering picture, which bodes well for the war-effort if less-so for your enjoyment of the upcoming excursion. Well… You ARE here on business, not pleasure.

To that end, you decide it best to pick the Archer’s brain on the next matter—that of the mission proper, as yet unrevealed to your local guide.

“You are to… Seduce a princess of Hawksong?” he asks, startled.


“Forgive me, Dragonborn, but… Why not just capture her?”

“I well might,” you allow. “But to capture a princess, I must first get CLOSE to a princess. From what the other Infiltrator described, the Paladin King’s royal complex is going to be a difficult fortress to breach. I will need to wage war by OTHER means on this journey… Hence the disguise, and my inquiry.”

“About human mating rituals?”


Olu grins, clearly holding back a chuckle. It was this male who caught you with your previous lover—also a mammal from these northern climes, Davora the Dwarf. You can only imagine what is going through his mind by his bemused countenance… But he is loyal, and he passes no outward judgement, and makes no comment save:

“I can see why you waited until the Dragonblooded One was resting to make this inquiry, Dragonborn.”

“Yes, well… Can you help?”

“I can,” he admits. “Well, possibly. Seduction is a part of an Infiltrator’s toolkit—part of a broader series of lessons on how to ingratiate oneself and win surface-dweller trust. My own lessons were catered towards the social mores and mating rituals of the Southlands, but I can’t imagine that the strategies differ significantly…”

The remainder of the evening passes with many an musing anecdote about the escapades of Olu the Infiltrator, in his time as a younger male among the dark-skinned humans of the southerly lands. He served in many capacities, it seems—diplomatic representative to the upper classes from the southern forward base, assassin, and many temporary roles as a ‘human’—harem-guard among them.

“I had thought that when guarding their harems, the Southlanders employed… Ah…”

“Eunuchs?” Oluwadamilare asks.


He grins widely.

“We Degenerates can still USE and Amulet of Disguise, when we must, even if we usually do not need to do so. The comeliest of the Sultan's women certainly did not complain, I will say that much on the matter."

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Olu’s grin shrinks a little, the mirth leaving his eyes.

“We are generally sterilized, though,” he notes. “Jaz and I… Well, nevermind.”

You consider inquiring further but… No. Another time. Instead, you internalize what he tells you of the game of veiled courtly affection, of compliments and poems, songs and flowers, gifts of gold and various scents, and of subtle innuendo. To your surprise, the ritual of the ‘casual date’ does not seem prevalent in the Southlands… But his observations on flirtations (illicit and otherwise) among the aristocracy of the dark-skinned humans will likely prove applicable to their lighter, cold-adapted cousins as well. You thank him for it, and dismiss him as well.

As you go to take some torpor of your own, though, you find an unpleasant surprise.

“So THAT is the game, then, is it?”

It seems that your third party-member is a skilled spy indeed—he fooled even you, slowing heartbeat and breathing to mimic torpor while listening in. The old Dragonblooded One is now sitting upright, looking at you with a look of unmistakable disgust—even hatred.

“You mean to fornicate with one of the apes?”

“It is… Complicated. But sanctioned.”

“Ha. I doubt it very much, So-Called-Dragonborn.”

You hesitate before replying, finally saying: “So the Chaplain DID tell you of my… Genesis.”

“Oh, yes,” the old Infiltrator laughs bitterly. “He TOLD me, Fraudulent One. He told me before he ever told you.”

“For what purpose?” you demand.

He does not answer.

“Well,” you hiss, “I suppose there is no need to ask why you have had such an insubordinate attitude towards me throughout the last day-and-a-half, is there?”

“No,” he agrees. “What is this—some deranged vanity-project? Some mission of sentimentality, or selfish desire, at the risk of the entire Great Conspiracy? What are you PLAYING at, Degenerate?”

“I told you,” you repeat. “It is sanctioned—”


You close your mouth, and narrow your eyes.

“I do not know what you have done to bend the Chaplain to your whims, but I recognize well the pattern of behaviour,” the Dragonblooded One says, his human visage scrunched into an expression of pain and loathing. “You are just like your mother.”
That shocks you a little.

“You knew her?” you ask.

“Yes,” he laughs—not a happy laugh. “Yes, I knew your mother. A half-mad half-human, driven as much b y her own erratic desires as anything else. She was one of my subordinates.”

You recall the spectre of your mother—your creator, deliberate engineer of your ‘Dragonborn’ status, the one who gifted you dragon’s blood and ignited the fire of a dragon soul in your breast. You met her once, in a vision… or what was left of her.

“Effective enough at her trade to win favour,” the Dragonblooded Infiltrator continues. “She even managed to confound MY sensibilities enough to trick me into respecting her craft, and placing trust in her… But she was ever a creature of her shoddy breeding. She was committed to the same self-serving, short-sighted foolishness as you. And in the end… She abandoned her post, probably to chase some human male. Ha, or goblin FEmale!”

You don’t know quite what to make of this last comment, but you have felt some degree of bond towards the half-human Reptilian Infiltrator to whom you owe your hatching, and have ever since you learned of her. To hear this old male slandering her memory with accusations of treason is TOO much!

What will you do?
>Correct the record—your mother died serving the Grand Design and Great Conspiracy, in pitched combat with the Green Knight! She was a hero!
>Coerce this male into silence and secrecy—he knows your secret, and if he feels so strongly about it, he must be made to know that further disclosures will mean his death
>Ask him more about himself, and his time serving the Grand Design alongside your mother
>Ask him about something else [what?]
>Go to bed—you’ve had enough of this old coot and his venomous ramblings
>Draw your blade—he’ll duel you for this insult!
>Correct the record—your mother died serving the Grand Design and Great Conspiracy, in pitched combat with the Green Knight! She was a hero!

o fuq is this roth
damn he still bitter after all these years
let it go bro
>>Correct the record—your mother died serving the Grand Design and Great Conspiracy, in pitched combat with the Green Knight! She was a hero!

>Ask him more about himself, and his time serving the Grand Design alongside your mother
>Go to bed—you’ve had enough of this old coot and his venomous ramblings

We can’t change his mind. No point arguing.

Is there anything besides our pride preventing us from explaining out mission? We are literally working with the dark gods to put a reptilian on the throne... Even he should be satisfied with that and why did we bring him if not to have his cooperation in this endeavour?
>Correct the record—your mother died serving the Grand Design and Great Conspiracy, in pitched combat with the Green Knight! She was a hero!
>Ask him more about himself, and his time serving the Grand Design alongside your mother
>Use Radiant Aura, Dragonshape, and some theatrical Earth Tremor to put Roth in his place
I ain’t tolerating his disrespect of us, our mission, or our mother. If he has an attitude problem, he can deal with it as a proper reptilian- by shutting the fuck up and deferring to his superior.

>o fuq is this roth
How has this eluded you til now?
>Correct the record—your mother died serving the Grand Design and Great Conspiracy, in pitched combat with the Green Knight! She was a hero!
>Ask him more about himself, and his time serving the Grand Design alongside your mother

He needs to check his attitude - use some Presence on him
>Correct the record—your mother died serving the Grand Design and Great Conspiracy, in pitched combat with the Green Knight! She was a hero!

>Ask him more about himself, and his time serving the Grand Design alongside your mother
no pics

“You are wrong.”

“You do not know of which you speak,” the old Infiltrator dismisses your opinion. “Your desire to defend that promiscuous and distractable mongrel is just further evidence of—”

“She died.”

That quiets his criticism for a moment.


“She was slain,” you clarify. “She was sent to seek out and slay the Green Knight, but as with so many of our race sent on that dangerous assignment, she failed, and was killed.”

He stares, wide-eyed.

“She died a hero.”

“Good,” he mutters, after a time, though without nearly the conviction with which he spoke before.

You sigh.

Perhaps you can’t change his mind. If so, there’s no point in arguing. But still…

“You are right that I did not know her, or even know OF her, for most of my life,” to explain. “Even now, I know only what the Dark Gods have showed me, in visions.”

“…Visions?” he murmurs. “You… Have visions from the Dark Gods, also?”

It is your turn to stare.

“Your mother did, too,” the Dragonblodoed One explains. “Through meditation and occultism, she.. Reached some sort of ‘dreamscape’, and something she called an ‘akashic record’.”

“And this is the female you deem unworthy and lesser?” you ask rhetorically.

“Yes, well…”

You think you are beginning to piece the timeline of events together, and to better understand this belligerent male.

“You served the Dark Gods’ Grand Design, alongside my mother,” you confront him abruptly. “Tell me more of that time… Of your activities in Hawksong.”

Though this elder operative has not exactly WARMED to you, the news of your mother’s death at the hands of the emerald avenger within Hawksong seems to have shaken him, as well as your own attestation to direct divine visions. His earlier informality and aggression are tempered, and he obliges.