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You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! You also adopted the identity of "Spider-Man", for anyone that doesn't know about your illegal exploits, but that's besides the point.


Last time:
Ben ties up a few loose ends, learns how to cook with Cindy, and captures Electro! But he's not done, yet! Like all great super-powered criminals, Ben's obligated to reach his quota for rubbing elbows with the criminally insane!

Most dice rolls will be 1d100. Modifiers will be added depending on the situation or on the alien being used(Usually +10 or -10). Crit successes and crit fails apply. Crit fails can be overridden by crit successes, but crit failures cannot override crit successes.

How to Roll:
To roll dice, type “dice+1d100” in the options field without the quotations. To roll dice with positive modifiers, type “dice+1d100+modifier number” in the options field without quotations, and with an actual modifier number. To roll dice with negative modifiers, type “dice+1d100+-modifier number” in the options field without quotations, and with an actual modifier number.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


Good luck and have fun!
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“Tell her that…her son is safe, but misses his mother.” you said. “And that her boyfriend got into a lot of trouble searching for her, but he won’t stop. It’s better to hide with her family since they are already putting themselves at risk by searching for her.”

Hill waited another moment to make sure that there wouldn’t be anything else to add, and then pulled her phone out to make a few notes on the nature of your request.

“Alright. I’ll look into it.” she promised. “I don’t suppose you have any leads on where she might be?”

You didn’t even need to answer. Even through your mask, Hill could somehow sense the blank expression on your face. By contrast, the look on her face was one of clear resignation, and slight disappointment.

“Right. I’ll see what I can do.” she said, before picking up her briefcase and making her way towards the door. “If I find anything, I’ll page you.”

You watched her go, remaining seated with the faint hope that a white monkey would come out with another latte, like last time. After several minutes, when it was becoming increasingly clear that such an event wasn’t going to repeat itself today, your expression underneath the mask became an exact mirror of your government accomplice.


When you got home, you were delighted to have caught Cindy in between her tutoring session and the combat training she had scheduled with Matt. She was currently absorbed in some Youtube video on her phone that was helping to alleviate some of the physical and mental fatigue that her regular routine inflicted upon her.

If your brother’s words were anything to go by, Cindy was making good progress in her studies. He was confident that she’d be ready for Brooklyn Visions’ entrance exam in another few weeks or so. But just to be safe, he intended to make the mute moon warrior as over prepared as he reasonably could.

The two of you exchanged a few quick signs and friendly gestures before you decided to leave her to relax. Further inside the warehouse, you spotted Prowler and Flint sitting down at the workshop table. It sounded like they were discussing possible plans for the break-in.

Well, it was more like Flint was talking, and Prowler was giving half-hearted responses as he worked on the formula for the experimental energy source.

You cast a wary glance in Cindy’s direction, grateful that she had been wearing headphones this whole time. You would appreciate it if none of your crew let anything about your next job slip to the superhero in training.

And you told them as much when you strode into the room with a finger raised to your lips.

“Keep it down, guys! Cindy’s mute, not deaf!”

Flint made a placating gesture with his hands and nodded. “We were just trying to figure out where we’d get all the sand that the Rabbit lady wanted for the job.”

What will you say?

>”From a beach. Duh.”
>”I’m sure we can find a company that exports sand and intercept their shipments. Might take a while to pin down the right moment, though.”
>”Let’s try to convince Lorina to import some into the city. She’s got enough money for it, but she doesn't seem interested in flaunting it in any meaningful way.”
>”I’m sure we can find a company that exports sand and intercept their shipments. Might take a while to pin down the right moment, though.”
Some real GTA type shit. Besides, turning a beach into a crime scene is only gonna make us public enemies in the immediate area. Better we steal what nobody will miss.
>>”From a beach. Duh.”
>>”I’m sure we can find a company that exports sand and intercept their shipments. Might take a while to pin down the right moment, though.”
Do we hit the time skip after this job?
If there's nothing else that you guys wanna do before then, yeah.
>"Problem's not where to get it but how to transport it unnoticed. I think getting one or two trucks that can transport a lot of sand would be a good investment."
>”I’m sure we can find a company that exports sand and intercept their shipments. Might take a while to pin down the right moment, though.”
>"Then we can just keep them in our motorpool, with the wheel thing."
Is cindy's entrance exam before or after the heist?
>”I’m sure we can find a company that exports sand and intercept their shipments. Might take a while to pin down the right moment, though.”
Wouldn’t Flint be a perfect contract worker for them? He can load, unload, and spread sand naturally, so he could try to land a job with one of those companies and get their delivery schedules. Maybe charge a premium in the meantime before he has to bail for the real job.
From a beach, duh
I wanna go on that prison break. I also want to learn more sign language during the time skip
I want us to get closer to our daughter wife
>”From a beach. Duh.”
>It's where he got the first batch
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>"Problem's not where to get it but how to transport it unnoticed. I think getting one or two trucks that can transport a lot of sand would be a good investment."
>”I’m sure we can find a company that exports sand and intercept their shipments. Might take a while to pin down the right moment, though.”
>"Then we can just keep them in our motorpool, with the wheel thing."

Taking these. Writing...

After. They'll most likely be after the time skip.

You should still be able to go on the heist if the majority vote allows it.
“Problem’s not where to get it, but how to transport it unnoticed.” you said. “I think getting one or two trucks that can transport a lot of sand all at once would be a good investment. We would just need to find a company that exports it and intercept their shipments. Might take a while to pin down the right moment, though.”

“That’s what Cat and Rabbit are talking about right now.” Flint informed you. “As soon as they find a good target, they’ll get Prowler here to steal their info while they aren’t looking.”

“Shouldn’t be too hard mapping out their route once I get into their system.” Prowler said without looking up. “By then, it’s just a matter of stopping the trucks and making sure that we’ve got enough room to fit this guy in the back.”

Flint frowned at the clawed thumb that Prowler was pointing towards him. Prowler rolled his eyes.

“You’ll be absorbing whatever they’re carrying in those trucks, and there’s a good chance that we’ll need more than one if they’ve got a big load.” Prowler offered.

“And we’d have to get it all at once, or else we risk being found out on the next job.” Flint concluded. Both you and Prowler nodded.

“I can always just fly off with most of the sand and drop it off somewhere.” Flint added.

“That draws attention. Not a lot of people are gonna be able to ignore a giant dust cloud floating through the city.” you said.

Then it looks like you’ll have to pay for this part of the mission out of your own pocket. Or maybe…you could try and get White Rabbit to cover it. She is rich, and this is her operation.

Then again, you do have another option that you have yet to exploit. The Morlock tunnels should be pretty clear for the most part. If you could get Flint to absorb the sand and push it into the sewers, then you could use the tunnels to transport it to Lorina’s mansion, where you’ll store it until it's time to pull off the heist.

What will you do?

>Shoulder the cost, but send Lorina the invoice.
>Split the cost evenly between the members of your team.
>Try to convince White Rabbit to pay for it.
>Avoid paying for the trucks entirely by having Flint transport the sand through the Morlock Tunnels.
>Build or buy something as prep for phase 1 of the plan.(Write-in.)


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>Shoulder the cost, but send Lorina the invoice.
If we really want to do this ourselves, honestly it wouldn't cost us more than 20k to smuggle all that sand close to the heist site, maybe even less.
What we could do is wrangle up a bunch fo homeless people and pay them to start shoveling sand into some trucks we'll rent for a few days. If they manage to fill the trucks to our satisfaction, they get payed. Per truck.
They will also be provided rented motel rooms and some Food Max food stuffs too to sweeten the deal.
>Shoulder the cost, but send Lorina the invoice.
>>Avoid paying for the trucks entirely by having Flint transport the sand through the Morlock Tunnels.
We've yet to reap the benefits of our relation with the Morlocks, surely they won't mind a bit of sand
>Shoulder the cost, but send Lorina the invoice.
Don't want any wet sand
>Shoulder the cost, but send Lorina the invoice.
It's not like we couldn't use a few trucks in the future anyways.
>>Shoulder the cost, but send Lorina the invoice.

>Shoulder the cost, but send Lorina the invoice.
+1, I like this idea
>>Shoulder the cost, but send Lorina the invoice.

not really a need to pay people as flint can instantly move a large quantity of sand from one place to another

Morlock Tunnels make for a good final means of transportation, so he doesn't have to go all the way through the moist environment.

Plus I think it's handy to have a lot of sand quickly on hand in general
>>Shoulder the cost, but send Lorina the invoice.

Had a really busy day. Taking these, writing...
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Going by what you know from some of your smaller jobs, it roughly costs about 40k to buy a used dump truck. And you’ll probably need about two of them to carry all the sand. That’ll amount to somewhere around 80k, which you can easily cover yourself…but you’ll still need to send an invoice to Lorina after the job’s done.

You wouldn’t have needed to improvise like this if it hadn’t been for that whole bee fiasco. You still can’t believe that she thought it was a good idea to let that psycho loose in your city.

All things considered, though, it was her slip-up that led to you cutting that deal with Hill, so it wasn’t all bad.

>$80,000 have been removed from your savings


Over the next few days, you and your fellow Desperados were hard at work, prepping for the heist. Prowler was sifting through the database of the company that was supposed to be delivering a large deposit of sand to a local beach in order to fight natural erosion. Black Cat was coordinating with White Rabbit and going over the bank’s blueprints, while you and Flint were going on nightly recon missions to get an idea of the bank’s inner workings and the rotations of their hired security.

All this thorough prep work might’ve seemed a little boring to an eager rookie, but it gave you a sort of strange sort of comfort knowing that you weren’t the only one taking this seriously. Even if the first phase of the heist sounded mind-numbingly easy to pull off, you didn’t want to risk getting found out by a potential passing hero.

And that was why you were the one keeping a lookout when the night of the sand-jacking came around. Your spider sense was a useful tool for when it came to predicting trouble, after all. Your team wanted you at their back because they trusted you to handle your part of the plan.

You watched your teammates work in awe, feeling like a spectator in a movie theater. Two dump trucks were driving alongside the highway, evenly spaced with only a few smaller cars between them. You sucked your teeth in frustration, but this wasn’t exactly outside of your planning capacity. You’d prepared for this.

The other cars were almost certainly civilians, and as such, were casualties waiting to happen. It would be up to you and White Rabbit to make sure that it wouldn’t come to that. Road accidents made the news, and you weren’t trying to end up on the Bugle’s front page for anything other than the usual speculation and bashing.

As it turns out, leaving a ton of undetonated web bombs out on the middle of the street didn’t make you very popular with the early morning commuters. Let’s just say that things got real sticky, and traffic came to a grinding halt for a few hours.

“We’re moving in.” said Cat, her voice cracking over your secure channel.

Your attention was suddenly drawn to a third dump truck that was quickly gaining on the target in the back. There were a few cars in between them, but you could already see the solution to that little problem climbing out of the back.

White Rabbit strawberry blonde hair was whipping wildly in the wind, slightly masking what you were sure was a fiendish grin. Without hesitation, she slung her pink umbrella over her shoulder and threw herself over the edge of the truck. And even though you knew what was about to happen, you couldn’t help but hold your breath.

Lorina’s body never slowed, and it never hit the ground. To the collective surprise, relief and possible horror of the other drivers on the road, White Rabbit was flying. Pressurized jets of flame were shooting out the bottom of her thigh high white boots, propelling her through the air with impressive speed. They were currently angled behind her and slightly downward, allowing her to both rise over and surpass the dump truck.

She must have practiced with these quite a bit, because she was somehow able to smoothly land on the hood of the moving vehicle that was directly behind the lead truck. Without delay, she whipped out her umbrella and held it as if it were a dangerous weapon pointed right at the driver.

You couldn’t help but laugh as you leapt from your vantage point to chase after your team. There wasn’t a lot for you to swing from in this environment, so you made do with nearby trees and road signs. Nevertheless, you ke[t your eyes trained on White Rabbit as she communicated threats through pantomime and overblown gestures.

The other drivers seemed to get the hint, because they were already moving onto the shoulder and out of the way of Cat’s truck. Seemingly satisfied with their cooperation, she leapt from the roof of the car and activated her rocket boots once more, allowing her to catch up with the rear vehicle. As she got closer, you could see Flint’s dull, colorless form rising up out of the back.

Despite the obvious setbacks that would come with spreading sand particles out into the wind, Flint didn’t seem to have much trouble pushing said sand into the large pile sitting in the back of the truck directly in front of them. For a moment, it just looked like he was pouring his body into the larger pile. But after a few seconds, you were pleasantly surprised to see the large sand construct pulling the raw granules back into his own body. It was like watching an hourglass pour sideways!

The other driver didn’t seem to realize what was going on, as he wasn’t making any effort to create distance between himself and the sand thief.

“The first truck’s been cleaned out.” Felicia reported.

“Got it. Deploying chute.” the Prowler barked out.

And not a second later, you saw the Prowler pop out his latest invention. A silver, curving reflective material extended from the back of his truck. At first, it looked a little like the foil that one would put inside of an umbrella, or over the windshield of a car to bounce solar rays off of its surface. That was what it looked like from your perspective.

From everyone else’s perspective, it probably looked like the truck in front of them had disappeared from the face of the earth. This was caused by a trick of the light, combined with a carefully crafted angle of observation and a little trick that he picked up from Sam. And the result was a cloaking material that only really worked from a very specific angle, and could make it seem as if the person behind it was entirely invisible. Or in this case, an entire truck.

Even from here, you could tell that the other drivers were clearly baffled by this sudden and shocking development. And they were even more surprised when the truck suddenly reappeared directly in front of them, their horn blaring!

Seeing as this was your signal to move in, you swooped down in a perfect arc to land directly between Prowler’s vehicle and the one that he’d very nearly smashed into.

The impact had clearly dented the hood, but your arms and legs took the rest of the damage without much trouble at all. You turned to give the driver a reassuring nod, which was immediately met with a scream as he and the other drivers behind him wasted no time in swerving out of the way, probably hoping to avoid any other unforeseen incidents.

Smart…and expected.

With those cars out of the way, Prowler’s truck was now directly in front of the second truck. This driver, however, seemed far more cautious than the other one. He was eyeing him suspiciously and reaching for his radio. But all he found was a mess of webbing blocking him from reaching the thing in any meaningful amount of time. By the time his head whipped around to gape at you, you were already webbing the wheel to prevent him from swerving.

He glanced back at his fellow driver, only to see another dump truck driving alongside the poor sap, a loaded umbrella sticking out the window and pointing right at his face.

The driver beside you opened his mouth to say something, but you didn’t give him the pleasure of getting a word in. You weren’t in the mood for begging, pleading, or having to deal with a hostage calling for help. His mouth was webbed shut before he even knew it.

By now, Flint was riding beside the second truck, moving its contents into Prowler’s truck without much effort on his part. To your great relief, it didn’t take very long at all, and both trucks were already peeling out before any cops or capes could arrive to crash the scene.

Felicia and Lorina were cheering openly over the comms, and you were in the back of their truck, giving your best buddy an incredibly dusty high five. Even Prowler seemed to be in good spirits.

What will you say/do?

>”Is it too early to celebrate? We should go get drinks at Rabbit's place, later.”
>”Okay, that has got to be the coolest way that anyone’s ever stolen a metric fuckton of sand!”
>”Sam’s gonna be so psyched that the cloaking chute worked! Maybe not so much for what we used it for, but he’ll understand.”
>"I'd like to see a Nazi bee pull that shit off!"
>"Great job, guys. You crushed it out there!"


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>>”Is it too early to celebrate? We should go get drinks at Rabbit's place, later.”
>"Great job, guys. You crushed it out there!"
We’ve been part of a lot of shitshows recently, haven’t we? Even if something were to immediately go wrong, this will still be the smoothest I can remember us ever being.
>”Sam’s gonna be so psyched that the cloaking chute worked! Maybe not so much for what we used it for, but he’ll understand.”
>"Great job, guys. You crushed it out there!"
Oh there it is.
Better delete my repeat post I guess.
>>"Great job, guys. You crushed it out there!"
>”Okay, that has got to be the coolest way that anyone’s ever stolen a metric fuckton of sand!”
>”Sam’s gonna be so psyched that the cloaking chute worked! Maybe not so much for what we used it for, but he’ll understand.”
>"Great job, guys. You crushed it out there!"
>"Great job, guys. You crushed it out there!"

Taking these. Writing...

The team's just as surprised as you are. They made backup plans just in case someone else decided to crash the party for some reason or another.
“Great job, guys. You crushed it out there!” you shouted in comms.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited to steal something as virtually worthless as a big pile of sand.” Felicia laughed.

“Hey!” Flint said, a wounded look on his face. “I’m standing right here.”

“Oh, honey~. I said ‘virtually’, not ‘completely’.” she said in reply.

Flint looked like he wanted to argue a point, but Lorina quickly cut him off.

“That was so clean! We got the job done much faster than I thought we would!” she said, examining her pocket watch with a satisfied look on her face. “Now if we had our costumes, then this would’ve been absolutely perfect~.”

The Prowler audibly groaned. “I was hoping that you would have forgotten about that already.” he admitted.

“How could I forget? It’s literally one of the most important parts of this job.” White Rabbit argued. “I’m so close to convincing Sandy to shapeshift into a giant ‘Alice’!”

“No, you’re not.” Flint denied flatly.

You weren’t able to acquire enough colored sand to make Lorina’s designs pop, and even if you could, Flint wasn’t confident enough in his ability to rearrange his particles into specific patterns. What he was capable of, however, was changing his shape into anything that didn’t openly defy the laws of gravity. And so, Lorina didn’t miss her opportunity to ask him to shapeshift into a giant ‘Alice’. In fact, she took this opportunity almost every single day, quickly earning her a spot on Flint’s shitlist.

It was annoying, for sure, but you felt like it would be a simple thing for him to pull off. At this point, you felt like he was only refusing to piss her off.

As the two argued back and forth over comms, you were tempted to bury your head in the sand just to get some peace and quiet.


After dropping off your haul at the designated drop-point that White Rabbit had arranged earlier, you and the others made your way to her mansion for what you knew would be the unveiling of the costumes that she’s been hyping up. Lorina wasn’t terribly bothered by your offer to trade with Prowler, but the big grump kept trying to avoid putting on the hat that would complete the ensemble.

You and Cat were probably the only ones that appreciated Rabbit’s enthusiasm on the matter. There was nothing more exciting than receiving a fresh new costume for a new job. For some reason, you kept damaging them or destroying them entirely. You’d have to go get those fixed at some point.

Reaching into one of your belt’s pouches, you pulled out a folded paper that showed the final design of the “Decked Out” suit.

What changes did you make to it?

>None. You liked White Rabbit’s design choices.
>You shortened the card cape to a half cape that reached down to your elbows.
>You removed the card cape entirely. Capes only got in your way.
>You actually made the cape longer, reaching down to your ankles.
>You changed up the color scheme a bit.(Write-in.)
>You finally managed to convince White Rabbit to remove the “suits” that covered the fabric.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>You shortened the card cape to a half cape that reached down to your elbows.
A compromise between form and function.
>You shortened the card cape to a half cape that reached down to your elbows.
Less trouble maneuvering and still keeps the cape to not displease the client.
>You shortened the card cape to a half cape that reached down to your elbows.
>>You shortened the card cape to a half cape that reached down to your elbows.
>None. You liked White Rabbit’s design choices.

I was one of the dudes in like thread 3 that was like oh darn I need to catch up then got busy and never did.

Welp I finally did and can finally vote on shit and I gotta say Score, I'd read the shit out of this if it was a actual marvel comic
>None. You liked White Rabbit’s design choices.
Sorry seems like I double posted since I didn't see the first one. And it won't let me delete it. Will try again later but ignore my second one please
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>>You removed the card cape entirely. Capes only got in your way.
I feel your pain anon, same thing happened to me here.
Must be 4chan being weird again
>You shortened the card cape to a half cape that reached down to your elbows.

Taking these. Writing...

All good, friends. I've noticed that this website freaks the fuck out sometimes.

Glad to have you with us, anon! I hope the thread getting deleted didn't make it hard for you to catch up. It fucked my formatting up, but not enough to make it unreadable.

And I appreciate the praise. If I could draw, then I would definitely try to make a comic of my own. Most Spider-Man fans feel alienated from the new stories because Marvel editorial seems to think that Peter is only interesting when he's getting the shit kicked out of him. It's becoming rare to see a Spider-Man comic that isn't filled with intense amounts of self-loathing and constant relationship drama.
Oh yeah for sure current Spiderman runs is just Pete suffering and it's awful.

As for the thread deletion was confusing a bit since it went from Neverland to talking to doctor strange and I was like "the fuck" until I found the deleted thread archive. And it was readable no worries
Since Lorina seemed dead set on having you wear the cape, you managed to convince her to shorten it to a half cape that only reached down to around your elbows. It was lighter and more fluttery than what you were used to, but it shouldn’t impede your movement in any meaningful way.

Upon arriving at the mansion, you were all escorted to separate rooms where you would change into your new costumes. The heist wasn’t taking place for at least another two or three days, so White Rabbit wanted to know if she had to correct anything beforehand.

Unsurprisingly, the new suit fit like a glove. The material was far lighter and more gentle on the skin than your usual costume. This one didn’t have any armor plating, but there was protective padding built in just in case. It wouldn’t stop any bullets, but it would slow them down enough to prevent them from going too deep.

For a few minutes, you just ran your hands along the fabric of the cape and the soft material covering your arms. You’ve never worn anything this soft in your entire life!

When you turned to look into the mirror, you saw your usual curved lenses staring back at you. But only this time, you saw a black diamond shape running underneath the lens of the left eye, and a dark gray spade placed underneath the other. Similar shapes could be found in various other places. Hearts on your shoulder, a Jack on your back and an Ace on the underside of your half cape.

Feeling satisfied with your appearance, you exited the changing room and allowed the bunny butler to escort you to the planning room. And sure enough, the others were already in the room waiting for you.

As expected, Prowler was the one who ended up becoming the gothic version of the Mad Hatter. He wore a black and white tuxedo, with a slashing pattern running along across the suit jacket in place of the spider design. What you didn’t expect was for him to actually wear the top hat like Lorina asked him to.

Similar to the rest of the ensemble, it was black with a whit band running along the base, where two playing cards were carefully tucked away. You had a feeling that the only reason they had gotten him to wear it was because it was mostly black. And when it came to fashion, Prowler was of a very predictable sort.

Black Cat, who was currently snickering at him from behind his back, was wearing the version of her catsuit that was mostly gray, with splashes of turquoise running through it. She had thought that the purple and magenta suit was a bit too garish, and the tabby cat version a bit too plain. Ultimately, she went for the darker suit, knowing that it would at least have some stealth applications if she ever decided to wear it after this job. After all, you were welcome to keep your suits once the job was done.

Imagine a Spider-Man ongoing where he's actually in a stable point in his life and transitions to his mentor role properly.
A man can dream...
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Lastly, your eyes settled on Flint, who wasn’t wearing a costume at all. He was incapable of doing so, and everyone knew it. But that didn’t stop Lorina from shooting annoyed looks in his direction every now and again.

Eventually, Flint groaned and rolled his eyes so hard that you thought they would go into the back of his head. Without warning, Flint’s shape suddenly shifted. He became significantly slimmer, and impossibly slender for a man his size. An excess of sand dropped to his feet, and he shrunk in height as well as weight. Everyone at the table gaped at him, and White Rabbit covered her mouth in shock.

Flint Marko, your best buddy, was now a colorless sculpture of a young, pre-teen Alice Liddell!

“There! Are ya happy now!?” Flint bellowed, his voice just as gravelly as it normally was.

Lorina looked like she just might cry, jump for joy, or something equally as overblown and unnecessary. She was clapping her hands together and excitedly bouncing on her toes like a kid at Christmas.

“OMIGOSH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH! I knew you could do it!” she happily exclaimed. “I knew it, I knew it!”

Flint just shook his head in defeat and let out a long, suffering sigh. “Let’s just get this over with…”

White Rabbit pulled out her pocket watch and nodded. “Right. Here are the plans that me and Cat drew up.” she said, snapping her gloved fingers to summon her servants.

Two bunny butlers hurried into the room and rolled several sheets of paper onto the table. One was a map of the city, another was a blueprint detailing the bank’s layout, and a list of security cameras that you and Flint noticed on your nightly escapades.

“Alright gang, it all comes down to this!” Lorina began. “With everything we know, we can approach this in several different ways. Sandy here has at least three potential roles. He can either burst through the front door and prevent anyone from leaving while Pow Pow jams their communications,” she said, earning her a glare from Prowler. “Or, he can slip into the HVAC vents and pull the money out over a long period of time. It’d be slower, but the chances of us getting caught would be a bit more slim.”

“Prowler’s job is to disable their security, right?” you asked.

White Rabbit and Black Cat nodded. “That’s where he’ll be the most useful.” Lorina said. “Cat’s our premiere safecracker, and probably the only one among us willing to go undercover in case we want to take a stealthier approach.”

You honestly couldn’t imagine Cat being incapable of drawing the eye of every man or woman in the room, but you didn’t doubt that she could handle herself decently well in such a situation.

“And what about me?” you said.

Lorina gave you a devious grin. “You’ve probably got the most flexibility out of any of us. You’re strong, so can be our backup safecracker. And if you don’t want to do that, then we could have you sneak around and plant Prowler’s devices all throughout the bank.” she said, listing things off on her fingers. “And we already know that you’d make a good lookout. So honestly, the choice is yours.”

How do you think the team should operate?

(Let me know if you are confused about the purpose of a role.)

>Huntsman(Lookout/Safecracker/Infiltrator/Muscle/Hostage Management)
>Sandman(Safecracker/Looter/Muscle/Hostage Management)
>Black Cat(Safecracker/Infiltrator/Muscle)
>White Rabbit(Hostage Management/Muscle/Distraction)


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>Black Cat(Safecracker)
>White Rabbit(Hostage Management)
Wouldn't molecules of sand be better as a safe breaker? Sorta like using water to blow a safe.
>Huntsman (Infiltrator)
>Sandman (Muscle)
>Black Cat (Safecracker)
>Prowler (Hacker)
>White Rabbit (Distraction)
Felicia can crack it like the pro she is. Benny can also just rip the door off or snatch the safe itself.
I meant to vote for Prowler to be a hacker.
>"Decked Out" suit
>Hearts on your shoulder
And not on our sleeves?
>Black Cat(Safecracker)
>Prowler (Hacker)

So far, these are the votes that have the most support.

The only roles we have left to decide are:

>Sandman(Looter/Muscle/Hostage Management)
>White Rabbit (Hostage Management/Muscle/Distraction)

For Sandman, we have:
1 vote for Looter, and another for Muscle

For White Rabbit, we have:
1 vote for Hostage Management, and another for Distraction

Let me know if any of you plan on changing your votes, or if you want to wait for more to come in. If anyone's confused as to the purpose of a role, feel free to ask.

Damn. That's so clever that I have no choice but to make it canon and incorporate it into the suit's design. I have been bested this day.

White Rabbit's next goal is to have Prowler host a tea party after the heist is done. After her success with Flint, she's confident that she can somehow pressure him into it.
I’ll break the tie by backing
>White Rabbit(Hostage Management)
>Black Cat(Safecracker)
>Prowler (Hacker)
>White Rabbit(Hostage Management)

Much appreciated. Writing...
After considering your options for a few minutes, you ultimately decided that your talents would be better served creeping around the bank and installing the Prowler’s hacking devices for him. Also, you’d be the first to know if any of the hostages or security guards got any funny ideas. In that case, it would be up to White Rabbit to make sure that none of them stepped out of line.

And while Cat takes her sweet time cracking that safe open, Flint would coordinate with Prowler and Lorina’s men to sweep out as much cash as he could through the HVAC vents. That way, you’d have less trips back and forth.

With all that decided, you went over the blueprints a few more times, rehearsed your plans and made absolutely certain that everyone understood their roles. It helped to reassure you, more than anything. You weren’t ashamed to admit that you were feeling nervous about this upcoming gig. You’ve never even considered grand larceny as an option for someone like you. Not until you got your powers, at least.

A single wrong move here could spell doom for you and the Desperados. This city was woefully overpopulated with superheroes of all kinds and caliber, and it was tough for an up and coming crook to make a living for himself in a place like this.

You all knew the risks involved. But for some reason, the anxiety you felt wasn’t inspired by any sort of fear. In fact, you were starting to feel a little bit giddy.


7:00 A.M.

The following day, you and the rest of your team woke up bright and early to grab the dump trucks full of sand, while Lorina’s people drove straight to the bank to prepare for the job.

It was then that Lorina sprung a little surprise on you. Without telling you, she had bought another vehicle. One that just might make your job a lot easier if you played your cards right.


11:00 A.M.

An hour before noon, an unscheduled armored vehicle arrived at Sterling National Bank, baffling everyone on duty that day. Cautiously, they asked the driver for the proper paperwork listing the shipment, and any identification that she might be carrying on her person.

The driver gave them an easygoing smile that bordered on sultry. She was seduction personified, with a bust that threatened to pop the buttons of her black shirt and stunning white hair tied back into a ponytail. Her eyes were obscured by dark lenses, but the security guards could swear that they noticed a glint of mischief in the brief glimpse that they got of them.

Despite her unusual features, everything seemed to be in order. The shipment had just popped up in the system, and the men on duty made frequent and audible complaints about the state of their database and the sloppy attitude of the Federal Reserve. The pretty driver joined in on their banter as well. And the men were so caught up in their conversation, that they weren’t at all prepared for the tidal wave of sand that greeted them upon sliding open the truck’s back door.

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Everyone within a 10 foot radius was either knocked off their feet or thrown back as the sand blasted outwards to slam into anyone caught unaware. Those that were further away didn’t fare much better, as they quickly found themselves ensnared in some sort of…sticky trap.

Unable to reach their guns, the few that had remained conscious attempted to scream, or at least report the incident via radio. However, with their mouths, hands and legs firmly trapped in place, they discovered that such a task was proving to be near impossible. And for those that hadn’t been subdued yet, they were disheartened to find out that their radio transmissions were being jammed.

And as if that weren’t bad enough, there were armed men filing out of the armored truck, somehow untouched by the torrent of sand that had been packed inside! They wore black and red suits, and bunny masks to hide their identities.

Right before the rabbit robbers dragged the subdued guards further inside the bank, they caught a glimpse of a humanoid figure crawling into the upper levels of the bank from a nearby window.


11:10 A.M.

At precisely 11:10 A.M, the security cameras at Sterling National captured a rather unusual sight before going dark.

A blonde woman wearing a blue suit, bunny ears and a white corset strutted through the front doors, carrying nothing but a frilly umbrella and a steel folding chair. Without a word, she walked into the middle of the room, unfolded her chair, and sat down patiently. This, of course, attracted many stares from the surrounding customers and tellers.

At some point, one of the tellers worked up the courage to call her over. The woman waved her off with a cheery smile. Feeling put off, the teller got up, closed her line and approached the woman to get a better idea of what she wanted.

Once more, the woman waved her off, and then proceeded to roll up her sleeve to check her watch. Her…many watches.

The teller gawked at the sheer amount of timepieces lining the strange woman’s arm. All of them were ticking down at different times, like one would see at a train station. Mechanically, the strange woman turned off several alarms, before rolling her sleeve back up and patiently placing her umbrella back in her lap.

By now, the security guards were forced to get involved, as the woman was refusing to cooperate with anyone at all. But as they drew closer, several of the woman’s alarms went off all at once, prompting the guards to reach for their weapons in alarm.

Slowly and deliberately, the strange woman rolled her sleeves back up, and deactivated her alarms all at once. When she was done, she looked up at everyone around her, and smiled.

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The teller opened her mouth to speak, but she was quickly distracted by a sudden outburst of noise coming from outside. The situation was so tense that it drew everyone’s attention almost immediately. And it was because of this that no one noticed the strange woman, still seated, opening up her umbrella, and raising it over her head.

Mere moments later, the sprinkler system kicked on, and the camera was unable to see anything at all.


11:15 A.M.

As you crawled along the side of the building, you caught glimpses of Cat in her disguise as she strode past Lorina’s goons. She had a sizable, black bag slung over her shoulder, and you assumed that it had to contain her safe-cracking gear.

These past few minutes, you’ve been doing nothing but crawling in and out of vents, windows and other access points to plant Prowler’s devices around the building. The security offices were the hardest to get into, as they required you to distract, or disable the guards beforehand.

So far, the heist was going pretty smoothly. You hadn’t managed to steal a dime yet, but you were certain that Flint and Cat had to be making their way down to the vault by now.

According to the silent alarm going off on your arm, Prowler had already set off the sprinklers, delivering White Rabbit’s hallucinogenic serum to everyone within the main floor. You didn’t know how it worked exactly, but it sounded like scary stuff. So long as they were under its effects, the hostages wouldn’t be any good to anybody.

The only thing that you were worried about was the definite possibility that someone witnessed your little stunt with the armored vehicle and ran to get help. They wouldn’t be able to make any calls so long as they were within the range of Prowler’s jammer, but its range wasn’t infinite, and they could always just shout for help.

In the worst case scenario, you could always have the rest of Flint’s sand supply dropped off in front of the bank, where he would reform into a giant British girl and tear the vault door out from its hinges.

And it looked like you just might have to do that. All around you, the other employees were beginning to realize that something was very wrong. All at once, their phone signals had dropped, and they were unable to get in contact with their colleagues on the lower levels.

A frenzied panic was starting to set in, as they rushed to get to the stairs and private elevators.

How will you handle this?

>Ignore them and keep planting devices. Rabbit and her men can handle a few more civilians.
>Block the doors with webs and bind them together with a few carefully tossed web bombs.
>Have Flint take a break from looting the safe so he can deal with these guys.
>Pretend that you're a passing hero that's come to rescue them. That should at least get them to shut up for a minute or two.
>>Block the doors with webs and bind them together with a few carefully tossed web bombs.
>Block the doors with webs and bind them together with a few carefully tossed web bombs.
Do we have access to a PA system, or can we shout loud enough to cover everyone? If so,
>Announce to everyone that they’ll be much safer if they stay inside. There’s a hostage situation going on right now.
Hostage situations 101 for banks - use the silent alarms and follow directions from the captors. They aren’t supposed to be the heroes and die, that’s for others.
I'd say that you have access to the PA system, yes.
>Block the doors with webs and bind them together with a few carefully tossed web bombs.
we shouldn't use the PA yet we still have the element of surprise.
>Block the doors with webs and bind them together with a few carefully tossed web bombs.
>Block the doors with webs and bind them together with a few carefully tossed web bombs.

Taking these. Writing...
You were already moving before they had gotten halfway across the room. Using the knowledge you’d acquired from your recon missions, you quickly located any and all exits on this floor and began barricading them with your webs.

The fleeing employees came to a grinding halt upon seeing their escape routes cut off, and you saw them glancing around the room to get a look at their aggressor. From the chatter you were picking up, you figured out that they had assumed the building had caught fire. Somehow, they were being notified of the little sprinkler malfunction that your team caused a few minutes ago, and were now panicking because they thought they were being trapped inside.

You felt a bit bad for them, but that didn’t stop you from tossing a couple of web bombs at their feet when they weren’t looking. Having them crowd around each other for safety made it all the more easier. There were, of course, a few stragglers that were trying to hide from you, but they weren’t very successful. Those guys either got glued to their desks or strung up by their ankles.

You tried to avoid being seen for the most part, but your webs were a dead giveaway. Even if they ended up dissolving, rumors would spread, and you’d find yourself on the front page of another slanderous newspaper article. Although, you probably deserved whatever they were going to say about you this time.


With that crisis averted, you were more or less free to plant the rest of Prowler's devices without having to worry about getting caught. Maybe now you could actually communicate with the rest of your team without having to worry about jamming your own signal.

“How’s it looking out there, Prowler?” you asked, perched atop a railing and gazing down at the floor below.

“Good so far. I can see everything that’s going on inside.” he quickly replied. “That includes your new friends down there.”

You spared a glance for the civilians that were currently struggling in your web. “They got spooked by the fire alarm. Had to do something before they stormed the main floor.” you said. “Who knows what Rabbit’s men would’ve done if they had run into them.”

“Well, she’s handling herself decently well.” Prowler begrudgingly admitted. “Actually, she’s more or less just messing with them, but none of them are lucid enough to make a distress call or put up a fight.”

“Yikes. Remind me not to let any of that stuff get on my suit.” you said, a shiver running down your spine. “How’re things on Cat and Flint’s end?”

“Cat’s working on the safe now. It should be open in another few minutes.” he reported.

“Let’s hope that we can finish within Rabbit’s timeframe. She’ll have a shit-fit if we’re even a minute late.”

“Forget that. She’ll blow a gasket if Flint doesn’t follow her dress code.”

“How’s he doing, by the way?” you asked.

“It’s slow going, but he’s sending the cash up through the vents, and into the armored car that we drove here. By the time Cat breaks into that vault, he should have that truck at least more than half full.”

“Now that’s what I like to hear!” you cheered.

“Hold up. Something’s wrong…”

“What’s up?”

“Shit! Someone called the cops!” he cursed.

“How’d they manage that!?”

“Dunno. They must’ve seen something suspicious while they were driving by the bank.” Prowler assumed. “The jammer’s range doesn’t cover the whole city.”

“I’d rather have cops on my ass instead of a team of capes.”

“Oh, yeah? I choose neither!” Prowler spat back.

“How long do we have?”

“Roughly three and a half minutes. Maybe more, depending on traffic.” he said.

What will you do?

>”I’ll slow them down. You just keep everything running smoothly while I’m gone.”
>”Pull Flint off of vault duty and have him bulk up on sand. He could cause a major traffic jam in his giant state.”
>”Change of plan. Me and Flint are tearing that vault door off ourselves! We’re running out of time.”
>”Can you scramble their communications, or something? Throw the jammer back up, or move it around the city?”
>”Tell Rabbit that we might need that ‘backup plan’ of hers…”(Deploy the Rab-bots)


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>”I’ll slow them down. You just keep everything running smoothly while I’m gone.”
Everything is still going fine, so no need to panic
Tell Rabbit that we might need that ‘backup plan’ of hers…”(Deploy the Rab-bots)
>”I’ll slow them down. You just keep everything running smoothly while I’m gone.”
We got this. Nothing a little bit of superhuman acrobatics and judicious usage of webbing can't solve.
Let's just hope we can start our exit plan before any capes take notice.
So much for the element of surprise.
>”I’ll slow them down. You just keep everything running smoothly while I’m gone.”
If we still have web bombs, we can easily cause a traffic jam. Just need to be sure our getaway isn’t impacted by it. If it is, we’ll work something else out.
>>”Tell Rabbit that we might need that ‘backup plan’ of hers…”(Deploy the Rab-bots)
>”I’ll slow them down. You just keep everything running smoothly while I’m gone.”

Taking these. Writing...
“I’ll slow them down.” you declared. “You just keep everything running smoothly while I’m gone.”

“Don’t do anything too stupid.”

You gave him a hearty chuckle in reply. “It’s like you don’t even know me.”


About a minute later, you were swinging through the city, using explosive boosts to propel yourself forward. It didn’t take long to track down the cops, as their sirens were blaring all the way down the street from where they were driving.

There was no doubt about it now. These guys were headed straight for the bank, and it wouldn’t be long before they called in backup. Hopefully not the superpowered kind.

What will you do to slow them down?

>Use up the rest of your web bombs. The loss will be worth it for the money you’re about to get in return.
>Web up their windshields and glue their hands to the steering wheel.
>Blow up their tires with your explosive Mark.
>Taunt them into chasing after you instead. You can be pretty annoying when you want to be.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>Block their exhausts with web, making their engines stall
Well, I don’t want to use up the last web bombs in case a super comes in.
Can we merge options two and three? Use our web shot to sling the Mark onto the tires from a distance. If not then I’d prefer option 2. If anyone is going to slip by, just pull down a lamp post or something to jam up traffic and slow them down.
>Taunt them into chasing after you instead. You can be pretty annoying when you want to be.
>Web them up, but try to avoid car crashes
Blow up their tires with your explosive Mark.

Can't we shoot our mark of Kaine?
>Use up the rest of your web bombs. The loss will be worth it for the money you’re about to get in return.
Safety first. The other options all have a frankly unacceptable risk of fatalities.
Last thing we need is a dead cop on our hands. Fucking NYPD will NEVER forget that.
>Use up the rest of your web bombs. The loss will be worth it for the money you’re about to get in return.

Guess after this we should have prowler put on a different costume and use webbombs in a public space so we can be seen fighting the pretender that tried to frame us for bankrobbery
>>Blow up their tires with your explosive Mark.
>Use up the rest of your web bombs. The loss will be worth it for the money you’re about to get in return.
We can always make more web bombs, no problem. Dead cops will carry weight
what am i doing in the wrong thead, lol
I knew this would happen sooner or later

hope I can delete before too many people see it
witness and laugh at me
which quest is that? I might bother to read one day
Everyone point and laugh
Isekai'd in inaquedate inclination it seems.
Makes sense he would vote here, the fashion in that quest vote was also the most active one.
Switching to back this.
Sorry for the delay, but I won't be able to post an update today. My day got a lot busier than I expected. I'll count up the votes and have any update ready by tomorrow morning.

It's range is limited if you aren't marking a projectile that you're throwing with your hands.

Don't worry QM-anon, I've had the fear that I'll randomly post a massive update in a thread from an entirely different board for a while now. At the very least, I wasn't awake to see your post.
Welp, we're currently tied between this option:

>Block their exhausts with web, making their engines stall

And this option:

>Use up the rest of your web bombs. The loss will be worth it for the money you’re about to get in return.

I'd say that we could flip a coin for the result, but using up the rest of your web bombs is a big commitment in the middle of a mission. Let me know if you need a question answered, or if you want to switch your votes around. I hate to leave it on a tie after yesterday's delay, but I've still got more than enough time to squeeze out an update or two.
I'll change my vote to support
>Block their exhausts with web, making their engines stall
Since it's similar to what I wanted

>Block their exhausts with web, making their engines stall

Taking these. Writing...
In an act of daring, you swung down closer to the street, and flew right over the flashing lights on the roofs of their cars. In the middle of your swing, however, you flipped over until you were upside down, released your webline and used both arms to take aim at their tailpipes.

Without missing a beat, you fired a series of web projectiles at the back of the police cars, clogging up their tailpipes and creating an airtight seal. Admittedly, it took you more than a couple of passes to get all of them. The cops inside the cars were giving you puzzled and agitated looks, but at least they weren’t shooting at you.

Once the deed was done, you were left wondering whether this trick of yours would actually work. You actually pulled a prank similar to this one back in high school. Even if you were using a potato instead of webbing back then, the principle is still the same.

Suddenly, after a minute had almost passed, you noticed their cars slowing down significantly as their engines sputtered. The cops tried their very best to pull off and park closer to the sidewalk, but seeing as how you were living in New York, there were no parking spaces to be had. This little inconvenience created something of a traffic jam in the middle of the road, where the surrounding citizens were firing complaints at the helpless law enforcers.

“Thank God! I didn’t stash any potatoes in my utility belt, and I thought I’d have to run and grab some real quick.” you explained to a nearby hotdog vendor, who seemed very confused by your presence here.

To your great relief, no one was injured or killed during this little stunt. You were just glad that your brain was more developed when it came to cooking up ways to cause mischief. If only there was a Nobel Prize for that, you could finally show up your brother at the next family dinner.

“Hands in the air!” shouted one of the cops as he exited his vehicle and leveled his pistol at you.

This shock brought you out of your reverie, and forced you to realize that this was the most public attention you’d ever drawn to yourself during the daytime. You generally tended to keep a lower profile.

What will you do?

>Web them to their cars and leave them for someone else to deal with.
>”You can’t park there, sir! There’s a fire hydrant right there! I have half a mind to tow your vehicle right here and now.”
>”Trust me. I’m doing you guys a favor. You’re a little out of your weight class here.”
>"How about I buy you a hotdog and we call it even?"
>Swing away without another word. The less time you spend antagonizing the NYPD, the better.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>”You can’t park there, sir! There’s a fire hydrant right there! I have half a mind to tow your vehicle right here and now.”
>Web up their guns and radios. That should buy some more time.
>”Trust me. I’m doing you guys a favor.“
>"How about I buy you a hotdog and we call it even?"
Are we carrying cash? No need the gyp the cart owner if we can pay.
>”Trust me. I’m doing you guys a favor. You’re a little out of your weight class here.”
>"How about I buy you a hotdog and we call it even?"
>”Trust me. I’m doing you guys a favor.“
>"How about I buy you a hotdog and we call it even?"

Taking these. Writing...
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7.43 MB GIF
"Trust me. I'm doing you guys a favor." you said. "How about I buy you a hotdog and we call it even?"

You reached into one of your belt pouches and pulled out a small money clip, before tossing it onto the hotdog vendor’s stand. He flinched as the metal clip smacked onto the cart, as if it were a bomb or something equally as dangerous.

“That should about cover it.” you said, not reacting to the wild looks that he and the cops were giving you.

The vendor nodded reluctantly at first, but then became much more enthusiastic when his brian had finally caught up to recent events. He quickly began preparing the hotdogs, and you nodded approvingly, backing away from him just in case the cops got a little trigger happy. You’re not about to be responsible for any casualties today, directly or indirectly.

Their guns still trained on you, the police barked another order at you to lay down on the ground. They were giving each other bewildered looks, and you privately congratulated yourself for keeping them off balance this entire time.

“Tell me what you guys think of those dogs, later.” you said, giving them a salute. “I’d have one myself, but certain foods don't agree with me when I’m hanging upside down half the time.”

You patted your stomach and gave the hotdog cart another longing look, before firing a webline at a nearby street lamp and pulling yourself into the air.

You could hear the shouts of the people behind and below you. Feel their bullets whizzing past your head, confident that none of them would hit you while you were moving this fast. And after only a few seconds, you were completely out of their range, and headed back towards the bank.


By the time you made it back, you were delighted to learn that Cat had cracked the safe open, and Flint was now devoting all of his energy to transporting the money out of the vault. You could already see the dump truck that Prowler was using to carry the bulk of Flint’s sand supply.

“Hey Prowler, I’ve taken care of things on my end.” you reported.

“Good. Because we’ve got bigger problems now.” he replied.

You groaned. “What now?”

“A supe is on his way now. Eye-witness reports say that he’s riding a ‘surfboard’ or something.”

A surfboard? Like…that Silver Surfer guy? Why the fuck would he be coming down from Jupiter to stop a bank robbery?

Or maybe it was just Rocket Racer coming to crash your party. If that were the case, you would have to set him straight.

Was there anyone else that rode around on a flying surfboard that you were forgetting about? Didn’t Screwball use one too?

What will you say?

>”Let’s pull out. We’ve got enough cash already, and we shouldn’t risk a fight that we don’t need to take.”
>”Tell me where they are and I’ll intercept them for you. Keep working on the vault.”
>”Whoever they are, I’m sure we can take them. With this much sand, there’s no way that Flint can lose a straight up fight with a random super.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>”Tell me where they are and I’ll intercept them for you. Keep working on the vault.”
>Let’s pull out. We’ve got enough cash already, and we shouldn’t risk a fight that we don’t need to take.”

It has to be silver surfer. All I've seen is he is GOD tier.
His IS God tier, which is exactly why he wouldn't be coming down just to break up a fucking bank robbery.
Besides, if it was him, the eye-witness reports would most likely say so explicitly.
He kinda sticks out.
Well I guess we could bring him a hotdog?
Ya know that might just throw him off guard and pique his curiosity enough to where he'd actually accept the offer.
let's do it

>”Tell me where they are and I’ll intercept them for you. Keep working on the vault.” And offer him the super duper special hotdog combo
>>”Tell me where they are and I’ll intercept them for you. Keep working on the vault.”
Since we just handed over all our cash, it seems like we’ll need to dip into the heist funds.

Don’t worry, we’ll be sure to deduct it from the pot when it comes time to split the haul.

Also, we shouldn’t think Flint is invincible. Heat and water don’t do good things to him.
>”Tell me where they are and I’ll intercept them for you. Keep working on the vault.”
>>”Whoever they are, I’m sure we can take them. With this much sand, there’s no way that Flint can lose a straight up fight with a random super.”
>>”Tell me where they are and I’ll intercept them for you. Keep working on the vault, but get ready to bounce at any moment.”
>”Tell me where they are and I’ll intercept them for you. Keep working on the vault.”

I'll include the hotdog in the list of options for when you confront this mysterious figure. Writing...
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“Tell me where they are and I’ll intercept them for you.” you offered. “You keep working on the vault while I’m gone.”

“Sending the details now.” Prowler said, and you felt your phone buzzing a second later. “You’d better watch your ass out there.”

“Funny. Everyone else seems to do that for me.” you joked. “Ana says that I’ve got one of the best asses she’s ever seen! That’s high praise coming from her.”

“I’m hanging up now.” Prowler grumbled, before ending the call.


As you swung towards the area that Prowler designated in his message, you kept your eyes peeled for anything unusual. Fortunately, searching the skies was a whole lot easier than the alternative, because it didn’t take long for you to spot your unwanted guest.

To your great surprise and relief, it didn’t look anything like the Silver Surfer. Quite the opposite, really.

The man was in fact, completely clad in black and red body armor, with a mask that completely obscured his face. But his appearance was something of an afterthought as you focused your attention on his choice of transportation.

It wasn’t a surfboard like everyone else had assumed. It was far too short, and you were pretty sure that you could see wheels on the bottom. Is that a…rocket propelled skateboard?

Huh. So it is. This guy and Rocket Racer have a lot in common. Maybe they know each other or something.

Regardless of how ridiculous he looks, this guy was undoubtedly heading towards the bank that your team was currently robbing. You were getting pretty annoyed at having to swing back and forth just to cover their asses, but you supposed that it was better than getting arrested and losing all of your money.

Fortunately, the skateboard guy didn’t seem to notice you yet. You had the upper hand here.

How will you approach him?

>Offer him a hotdog, of course. You can’t hate a guy that offers you a free dog.
>Kick him off his skateboard when he least expects it.
>Spook him with your Hidden Guns and chase him around until your team is finished with their job.
>Just go up and talk to him. Maybe he isn’t even a superhero.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>Offer him a hotdog, of course. You can’t hate a guy that offers you a free dog.
>Just go up and talk to him. Maybe he isn’t even a superhero.
This guy gives me an edgelord vigilante vibe, but that's no reason to be rude.
>>Spook him with your Hidden Guns and chase him around until your team is finished with their job.
Ok, just checked and it's Night Thrasher, and he really is an edgelord vigilante.
>>Offer him a hotdog, of course. You can’t hate a guy that offers you a free dog.
>Ask if he's a friend of Rocket Racer
>Stall him with words and pretend you're also a hero who tries to gather information
>Signal to the team that he likely won't be an issue
>Offer him a hotdog, of course. You can’t hate a guy that offers you a free dog.
>Just go up and talk to him. Maybe he isn’t even a superhero.
>Kick him off his skateboard when he least expects it.
>Offer him a hotdog, of course. You can’t hate a guy that offers you a free dog.
>Just go up and talk to him. Maybe he isn’t even a superhero.
>Offer him a hotdog, of course. You can’t hate a guy that offers you a free dog.
>Ask if he's a friend of Rocket Racer
>Stall him with words and pretend you're also a hero who tries to gather information
>Just go up and talk to him. Maybe he isn’t even a superhero.

Taking these. Writing...
You weren’t entirely sure how to approach this one, so you decided to try and be friendly. It was good fortune that you found another hotdog stand on the way over. Whoever this guy was, he couldn’t hate a guy that offered him a free hotdog. That’s like, a cardinal sin for a New Yorker, or something.

And who knows? He might not even be a superhero.


Right as the masked skateboarder was rounding the corner of a particularly high skyscraper, you swung around to meet him. His head whipped around to stare at you, and you thought you could see him reaching for something in his utility belt.

But he suddenly paused when he saw the hot, steaming frank dangling before his eyes. He stared at it, and then back at you.

“Hotdog?” you offered, stretching an arm out towards him as you clung to the building.

The man stood perfectly still, hovering on his board, and not making a single move to accept your gift.

“What? Not a fan of mustard? Should I have asked for relish too?” you asked, inspecting the hotdog for any imperfections.

Still, the man in black just stood there, watching you carefully.

You cleared your throat awkwardly. “Are you a, uh…friend of ‘Rocket Racer’, by any chance?”

“Never heard of him.” the man said in an electronically processed voice. His tone was cautious, with a clear undertone of impatience.

You cocked your head to the side. “Really? Are you sure? You guys have almost the same exact gimmick.” you said. “He’s even got a skateboard like yours.”

The man let out a derisive snort. “I highly doubt that.”

Well that’s one plan out of the window.

“If that was all,” the man said, tuning to fly around you. “You can keep the hotdog. I don’t make a habit of accepting food from strangers.”

“Wait!” you called out, running along the building to keep up with him, holding onto the hotdog all the while. “But, I’m not a stranger! I’m a superhero, just like you!”

The skateboarder slowed down slightly, but not enough for you to break pace.

“Yeah? Good for you.” he said dryly, not even bothering to look back.

Dammit! This guy really didn’t seem too interested in staying to chat. You would have to grab his attention in a different way.

>”Are you on any hero teams? If you are, then I’d like to join up!”
>”You’re headed to the bank to stop that robbery, right? I’m about to take care of it, so you don’t have to worry about it.”
>”I was wondering if you needed any backup. Maybe a partner for a special team-up?”
>”I need your help! There’s a bomb somewhere in this city, and I need to find it before it goes off!”
>”I really like your board! What sort of modifications have you made to it?”
>Well, you tried the nice way. Web his board to make him fall and get ready to fight.
>You’re headed to the bank to stop that robbery, right? I’m about to take care of it, so you don’t have to worry about it.”
>Mention we’re part of a crew staking out the bank robbers to get more information on where they’re taking the cash and who they’re working with.
>Say we were sent over to intercept him so he doesn’t charge in and get hostages killed. He can join if he plays ball for a bit.
>Radio our “hero” crew for a status update on the robbery, confirm the “villains” haven’t killed any hostages still, mention we picked up the hero, and ask if they know where our next “lookout” position is.
A mixture of continuing to pretend we’re a hero, an implicit warning not to charge in or he’ll have to deal with us, delaying his arrival by getting him to join a stakeout, and keying the crew in to set up an ambush wherever our “stakeout spot” is.
>>5421962 +1
what did everyone actually expect
>wedgy the edgy

>Well, you tried the nice way. Web his board to make him fall and get ready to fight.

Taking these. Writing...
With a sigh, you dropped the hotdog and fired a webline at the back of his board. You tried being civil about this, but if he wasn’t going to give you the courtesy of stopping to talk to you for a minute, then you weren’t going to refrain from kicking his ass.

To your great surprise, though, the man in black didn’t fall off his board when you tried to yank it out from under him. Normally, the sudden jolt and lack of inertia would’ve thrown him off. Instead, he lurched forward violently, and whirled around to snarl at you.

He looked from you to the webline, and you felt as if the skateboarder was making snap judgments based on your sudden act of betrayal. While he was doing that, you inspected his board closely, wondering why it was that he hadn’t fallen off. And that’s when he hit you.

His boots were magnetized. Because of course they were...

In one swift movement, the man knelt down, popped a blade out of his gauntlet and swiped at your webline. But instead of it getting stuck, the weapon sliced right through the thick strand, allowing him to escape your clutches.

That came as another shock to you. There weren’t a lot of weapons that were sharp enough to manage that.

The masked vigilante didn’t waste any time in trying to create distance between the two of you. He seemed to have made his mind up about you, so you pushed off of the building and leapt after him.

Suddenly, your spider sense screamed in the back of your mind, giving you advance warning of a danger that you were unable to see.

Trusting your gut, you flung your arms back, webbed the building behind you and yanked yourself backwards just in time. And it was a good thing that you did, because the vigilante twisted around on his board in a rather impressive maneuver and lifted it up to expose the propulsion mechanism underneath.

At first, you assumed that he might be trying to slow himself down. But that notion was quashed as soon as you saw a bright flash emanating from the bottom of his board, followed by a deafening explosion, and a thick cloud of smoke that filled the air around you. He had been trying to bait you into exposing yourself to an attack.

Aerial combat was so much trickier when your opponent had free range of movement like this. It gave you nasty flashbacks to the time when the Vultures ruled the skies.

You felt another spider sense flareup, and you quickly yanked your arm away just in time to avoid a throwing star flying out of nowhere. This projectile was immediately followed by a hail of bullets puncturing the thick smokescreen to come find you.

By this point, you were flipping end over end along the sheer, vertical surface of the building you had been clinging to. This sneak attack hadn’t gone nearly as smoothly as you thought it would.

What will you do?

>Stay in the smokescreen and lean into your senses. You don’t need your eyes to fight this clown.
>Pay attention to where the projectiles are coming from, and toss out your web bombs to see if you can catch him with a few of them.
>Use a few Explosive Marks to clear away the smoke so that you can regain visibility.
>Use this smokescreen to sneak away and head back towards the bank. You might have to pull out a little earlier than you would’ve liked.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>Stay in the smokescreen and lean into your senses. You don’t need your eyes to fight this clown.
>>Use a few Explosive Marks to clear away the smoke so that you can regain visibility.
A couple of Wonderland-inspired supermercenaries. Colours and other Desperadoes to follow.
>Pay attention to where the projectiles are coming from, and toss out your web bombs to see if you can catch him with a few of them.
>Use this smokescreen to sneak away and head back towards the bank. You might have to pull out a little earlier than you would’ve liked.
Nice! Can't wait to see more!

I still need to get that commission of the whole crew at some point.
>Stay in the smokescreen and lean into your senses. You don’t need your eyes to fight this clown.
the spider is on with me, I am one with the spider.
Roll 1d100, bo3!
Rolled 11 (1d100)

Rolled 80 (1d100)

Rolled 43 (1d100)

Rolled 76 (1d100)

Taking these. Writing...
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For a brief moment, you were tempted to give into your base instinct to flee from the area. To flee from the dark and dive back into the welcoming light of day. But before you could make any sudden movements, you remembered that you didn’t quite need to use your eyes to perceive danger and keep track of your opponents.

Unlike your eyes and ears, your spider sense has never once failed you. On the contrary, the times when you’ve been hit were when your body or brain were unable to respond in a timely manner to the advance warnings.

It was always present in your mind, in some shape, way or form, but its vibrations were usually far too weak for you to pay any real attention to. The sights, sounds and sensations of day-to-day life were much more distracting, and usually required most of your attention. But not this time.

This time, they only served to muddle your thoughts and senses. You didn’t need them.

Against every survival instinct that you were born with, you closed your eyes and opened yourself up to your other senses. Acrid smoke filled your nostrils, and the sound of the vigilante’s rocket board echoed throughout your ears.

You listened closely, attempting to put a picture to the lurking danger that you vaguely sensed from beyond the fog. It was proving rather difficult, as vague threats were almost always formless in your mind’s eye. You were incapable of sharpening it beyond a “bad feeling”. Like a creeping dread that sent shivers down your spine. But instead of it just your spine, it was sort of like…your whole entire body? No, it was more like “your entire being”. It was a hard feeling to describe.

Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by another round of gunfire cutting through the smoke. You avoided them easily, pushing off the building and springing towards the source of the attack. Miraculously, you knew exactly where you should move your arms, and when you should close your fingers around your target: Your opponent’s left wrist.

Your opponent thrashed violently, surprised by your speed and strength. He had stopped firing from the gun in his gauntlet, and was now attempting to plunge his other fist into your gut. You quickly intercepted this blow, however, grabbing his fist and pushing back against it. In any other situation, you would’ve had the upper hand. But in this case, you were at his mercy when it came to aerial maneuvering.

It was because of this that he was able to lean back away from you, tuck in his legs, and release his board. The rocket propelled device shot up like a missile as its engines flared, giving you barely more than half a second to avoid being clipped on the chin. The damn thing might have fractured your skull if you had been any slower!

You fell back, having let go of the vigilante’s hands a split second before the board came up, and you were now watching its shadowy silhouette fly through the smokescreen, independent of its rider. This took a while to register in your mind as “unusual”, and you soon found yourself looking for the man in question. After a few seconds, you spotted him.

He was descending quickly, not panicking in the slightest as his board flew back down to catch him. You silently cursed yourself for not being quick enough to catch it before he did.

You attempted to make up for this by snagging him with a webline instead. He seemed surprised yet again by your ability to land a shot in such limited visibility, but it didn’t seem to slow him down much.

You yanked on the webline, shrinking the distance between you and your target by a considerable margin, and wound your fist back for a punch.

Then, you heard a snap, and your arm was suddenly caught by a hard, metal rod of some sort. It took you a moment to realize that your attack had been neatly parried, but it was a second that cost you far more than you were willing to give.

A dizzying flurry of blows slammed into your head, chest, stomach and shoulder, but you at least managed to protect your throat with the one remaining arm. You could barely see them coming. The armored gauntlets bit into your flesh with each impact, and you instinctively broke off the engagement before any further damage could be done. The suit’s light padding wasn’t enough to protect you from savage strikes such as those. Your spider sense was telling you that this man’s fists were far too deadly for someone of your skill level to contend with. It gave you an even stronger sense of foreboding than when you were mixing it up with Matt, and that was really saying something. Superhuman strength, speed and durability were the only things keeping you in this fight, and it just burned you up inside to admit that to yourself.

By now, the smoke was beginning to clear, and you were once again able to see with a decent amount of accuracy. The masked rider was flying out into the open sky, creating yet more distance between the two of you. He knew that he held an advantage over you here.

What will you do?

>Toss out your web bombs and try to bog him down with webbing.
>Reel him in with another webline and hit him with an explosive punch!
>Try to blind him with a Garlic Pepper Pellet, and wail on him while his guard's down!
>Try to damage that board with a few well placed shots from your Hidden Guns.
>Slap a Spider Tracer on him and flee the scene.
>Taunt him and try to bait him towards more favorable terrain.(Write-in)


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>>Try to damage that board with a few well placed shots from your Hidden Guns.
How does
>Web his feet to his board
sound on top of other things? He can cut the webbing, but cutting his feet free means cutting into the board unless he’s incredibly precise. Or if he has something built into his feet. Should stop him from doing any fancy tricks with the board.
In general,
>Reel him in with another webline and hit him with an explosive punch!
Or reel us in with a webline, either way. We can garlic him if we crack the helmet.
>Try to damage that board with a few well placed shots from your Hidden Guns.
>Reel him in with another webline and hit him with an explosive punch!
>Reel him in with another webline, then slap an explosive mark on his skate-rocket-board-thing
Nobody is allowed to have toys besides US.
Slap a Spider Tracer on him and flee the scene.

Also inform the crew. We have bigger things to worry about.
Switching to back this. If he loses the board, he can’t catch us when we leave for the bank.
>Try to damage that board with a few well placed shots from your Hidden Guns.
>Try to damage that board with a few well placed shots from your Hidden Guns.
>Reel him in with another webline, then slap an explosive mark on his skate-rocket-board-thing

I'm sure we can try to combine these. Roll 1d100, bo3!

I'll gather the rolls and post an update once I'm well rested.
Rolled 60 (1d100)

Rolled 65 (1d100)

Rolled 14 (1d100)

Rolled 77 (1d100)

Taking these. Writing...
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513 KB JPG

You shrugged off that feeling of foreboding from before, fired a webline at his board once more and pulled yourself towards him. As soon as you were out of the smokescreen, you had your Hidden Guns loaded and at the ready.

In the few seconds that it took you to cross the distance between you and the vigilante, you managed to fire off about a dozen shots at what you thought were the board’s weakest points. Each and every time, they just pinged off in random directions, and you made a silent promise to yourself to invest in some sort of armor piercing projectile in the future.

Fortunately for you, your opponent didn’t have the presence of mind to cut the tether this time. This might have been due to the fact that he was expecting you to shoot at him instead of his board. You witnessed further evidence of this when he positioned his arms to protect his vitals. It was because of these reasons that he was unable to effectively shake you off or evade your next attack. You were going to make sure that he regretted it.

As soon as you were close enough, you placed both hands on the board and activated your Explosive Mark. You would’ve tried covering the entire surface of it, but your opponent apparently noticed that you were up to something, because at that very moment, he kicked the turbo boosters up another notch. The resulting engine flare up had enough force to knock you off, and you were more than eager to be away from the thing. This suit wasn’t nearly as fireproof as your normal one, and you weren’t trying to damage it as badly as your other ones.

As you fell, you gazed upwards at the vigilante, grinning in grim satisfaction as smoke began to rise from the back of his board. And before he even had a chance to react, the rear engine exploded on the underside of the board!

In a trail of smoke, the vigilante made his uncontrolled descent back towards the ground, swerving, diving and rising at random intervals.

“And good riddance.” you said, shaking your fist at his back, before lazily turning to face the ground, which was quickly approaching.

Now all you had to do was get back to the bank and-

Your spider sense suddenly flared up, and you whirled around to meet your assailant!

Too late. The sound of whooshing air had filled your ears, making you unable to hear the approach of a sputtering engine.

The vigilante slammed into your back, barreling forward on a wild charge that he likely didn’t have too much control over. But judging by the way he was wrapping his arms around you, there was no mistaking his intent.

Seeing the rooftop that he was currently steering you towards, you gripped his forearms hard. Hard enough that you could feel the metal gauntlets being slowly crushed under your hands. When his grip tightened in response, you decided to try a different tactic by using your Mark to superheat the sturdy material.

This was apparently enough to spook him, as he released you right before the two of you collided with the concrete floor. But a half second was all you needed to break into a smooth roll, recover and turn to face your attacker.

The vigilante’s landing wasn’t nearly as smooth, but he didn’t look like he was willing to give up anytime soon. The two of you stared each other down for what felt like a minute, slowly circling each other and trying to get an angle over the other. And in the corner of your eye, you spotted his busted hoverboard lying out in the open.

What will you do/say?

>”Give it a rest, already! I’m pretty sure you missed your window to stop that robbery, anyway.”
>Snatch his board. “I’m taking this as compensation for the time you just wasted.”
>Break his board over your knee. “Good luck getting down from here.”
>"You know, I never even got your name. I'd love it if you could save me the trouble of looking you up later."
>Web his feet to the floor and jump off the roof.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>Web his feet to the floor and jump off the roof.
>Check the board for trackers or a bomb
If it's clean
>Snatch his board. “I’m taking this as compensation for the time you just wasted.”
If it isn't
>Break his board over your knee. “Good luck getting down from here.”
>>"You know, I never even got your name. I'd love it if you could save me the trouble of looking you up later."
>One last tussle for the road?
>Snatch his board. “I’m taking this as compensation for the time you just wasted.”
>Web his feet to the floor and jump off the roof.
Break his board over your knee. “Good luck getting down from here.”
>Point at him accusingly
>"You shoulda took the hotdog."
>Leave and web his board to the side of a building a couple of blocks away
He seems like the type to keep a grudge if we keep or permanently break it.
Confusing and slightly deranged. I approve.
Taking these. Writing...
“You should’ve taken the hotdog!” you shouted, pointing an accusing finger at him.

This clearly wasn’t what he was expecting you to say or do, because he froze for a few seconds, no doubt wondering what his next move should be.

Lucky for you, these crucial seconds were all you needed to snag his board with a quick webline. The vigilante broke into a sprint in an attempt to stop you, but you were already diving over the edge of the rooftop, swinging off into the distance with his board in hand.

Without even having to look back, you knew that his eyes were trained on your back, no doubt shouting curses at you through that stuffy helmet of his. And just so you could avoid making another nemesis, you make a display of webbing his board to the side of a particularly tall building, several blocks away.

Once again, you’ve bested a formidable foe! And all it took was a single disarming statement.


Once you had returned to the bank, you were pleased to learn that they had just about cleaned it out completely. A good chunk of Flint’s sand reserves were used to soak up the hallucinogenic agent that White Rabbit had used to sabotage the water supply.

From there, it was smooth sailing. The rest of the gang, including yourself, pitched in to help loot the vault, with Lorina staying in the main hall to watch over the hostages.

Once the loot had been loaded into all three vehicles, all of you piled in and peeled the fuck out, laughing madly all the while. Flint was so excited that he had forgotten how much he hated taking the form of a giant British girl.

This was an absolutely massive haul! All in all, you had probably managed to snag over $50 million in cash! And this was BEFORE you had appraised the value of what you’d grabbed from the safety deposit boxes and whatever the tellers had up front!

But you couldn’t celebrate just yet. You still weren’t out of the woods.

Your flashy getaway would undoubtedly attract a lot of attention from the authorities, and eventually, more supers. You couldn’t just ride around the city with this much cash, in a vehicle this big and distinct. You needed a real getaway plan.

What will you do?

>Dump the cash into the sewers and let Flint deliver it to White Rabbit’s mansion.
>Drive straight to the beach and see if you can’t have Flint bury these trucks for later.
>Have White Rabbit’s men drive these trucks all around the city, while you and the others take turns grabbing bags full of money and splitting off in different directions.
>Get out there and cause some more chaos with your web bombs! They can’t follow you if the roads are all blocked up.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>Have White Rabbit’s men drive these trucks all around the city, while you and the others take turns grabbing bags full of money and splitting off in different directions.
>Dump the cash into the sewers and let Flint deliver it to White Rabbit’s mansion.
>Have White Rabbit’s men drive these trucks all around the city, while you and the others take turns grabbing bags full of money and splitting off in different directions.
>Dump the cash into the sewers and let Flint deliver it to White Rabbit’s mansion.
Most of the cash going down the sewers, but the distracting trucks is nice. It ain’t drugs or people, so it’s a valid use.

Wonder how long it’ll be before they put a 1% “transportation maintenance” fee on us.
>>Dump the cash into the sewers and let Flint deliver it to White Rabbit’s mansion.
>>Have White Rabbit’s men drive these trucks all around the city, while you and the others take turns grabbing bags full of money and splitting off in different directions.
>Dump the cash into the sewers and let Flint deliver it to White Rabbit’s mansion.
Alright, I'll try to combine these like >>5425201 said.

>Dump the cash into the sewers and let Flint deliver it to White Rabbit’s mansion.

And then:
>Have White Rabbit’s men drive these trucks all around the city, while you and the others take turns grabbing bags full of money and splitting off in different directions.

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Surprising everyone around and behind you, both dump trucks made sudden and unannounced stops in front of manhole covers and sewer grates. After which, said trucks would raise their trailers, dumping massive amounts of sand and cash into the sewers below. Judging from their expressions, the range of emotions playing across the faces of the onlookers was anywhere between curiosity, amusement, anger and absolute shock.

None of them knew about the little metal carts that your crew had set up down there. Now, White Rabbit wasn’t quite precise enough to judge the exact location where you would make this drop, but she had gotten it pretty close. Her self satisfaction was made entirely evident by the enthusiastic grin she had as she fiddled with her many wristwatches.

While this method wouldn’t help you to offload your entire haul, it would certainly help to lighten the load. Funnily enough, the actual bank robbery itself was the easy part. Now, you had to actually get away with it.


Over the next few minutes, you, Cat, Prowler and White Rabbit were stuffing bills into bags, carrying them off to predetermined drop points. For each trip, you carried as much as you possibly could without it interfering with your mobility. And for someone like you, who had a significantly larger weight capacity than everyone else on your crew(aside from Flint), that meant far less trips for you.

Every now and again, cops would shoot at you as you left, but their aim wasn’t nearly good enough to actually land a solid hit on any of you. But surprisingly enough, that wasn’t even your biggest problem.

The two largest issues here were communication, and mobility.

Since the trucks were constantly moving, in different directions sometimes, communication at this stage was crucial. You all needed to know exactly where everyone was at all times. Flint included.

Every now and again, the big lug would reappear in a dramatic way, bursting out of the sewers to cut off your pursuers. And that led to your other problem: Keeping the trucks going.

After a while, cops started laying road spikes and trying to shoot out your tires. A flat tire here meant that you would get overwhelmed almost immediately. So, you had to change up your strategy.

Instead of devoting your team to solely transporting money, you had to take turns distracting the cops. This meant either disarming them, webbing their windshields, blowing out their tires or disabling their cars in exotic and creative ways. You even had to use a few web bombs for this.

But despite all this effort you were putting in, you all knew that this couldn’t go on for much longer. Eventually, you would either get very unlucky, or an even bigger fish would swim over to ruin your day. You doubted that skateboard guy was the only one out on patrol today.

By this point, one of the trailers was almost completely empty, and the other was a little under half full.

What will you do?

>Create one giant web sack, stuff as much money into it as you can, and carry it off while the others bail on the trucks.
>Dump however much money you can into the sewers and escape through the tunnels.
>Recall Flint, have him gather up all of his sand, and get him to carry you and the money off into the distance.
>Keep going! You can always ditch White Rabbit’s goons when the actual heavy hitters show up.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>>Create one giant web sack, stuff as much money into it as you can, and carry it off while the others bail on the trucks.
>>Create one giant web sack, stuff as much money into it as you can, and carry it off while the others bail on the trucks.
>Dump however much money you can into the sewers and escape through the tunnels.
Our sack of money will actually be a distraction, the real amount will go through the tunnels.
>Dump however much money you can into the sewers and escape through the tunnels.
>Use our webbing and any remaining bombs to seal the sewers at various points and funnel the cops away from you.
I’d prefer to use web bombs and our regular webbing to seal the sewers and keep them from following us.

Note to future selves, plan escape routes better. We could have planted web bombs in the sewers to block off entry points in advance if we brought it up with the Morlocks so they didn’t interfere.
This and make a impromptu spider web santa hat.
>Create one giant web sack, stuff as much money into it as you can, and carry it off while the others bail on the trucks.
We're a spider damn it, we should start acting like one.
>Create one giant web sack, stuff as much money into it as you can, and carry it off while the others bail on the trucks.

Taking these. Writing...
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“Everybody, grab as much cash as you can and bail!” you shouted. Almost immediately, everyone hopped into the back of the truck and began stuffing their duffel bags to the brim. You did the same, but your approach was a bit more unusual.

Along with your bags, you and Prowler were stuffing bills into your utility belt, your pants, and any other hidden compartments you might have. Even Cat was stuffing a few choice items into her cleavage.

But you impressed all of them by creating your own web pouches and compartments along your suit, and filling them with cash.

Clever though it may be, the end result left you looking a little something like a mix between the Michelen Man and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Somewhere along the line, you got the bright idea to make a little hat so that you could stuff it with jewelry from the safety deposit boxes.

Feeling satisfied and rather bloated, you waddled over to the back of the truck and created what could only be described as a blanket of webbing, before draping it over the remaining loot.

With some effort, you managed to wrap up everything that had gotten caught in your web, and rolled it into a bag that you slung over your shoulder. It was incredibly heavy, in an awkward sort of way. You just knew that this thing would throw off your balance something fierce when you tried to swing with it in tow.

Cat seemed to be thinking along these lines as well, because she gave you a casual wink and a salute, before firing her grappling hook at a nearby street light. She and Lorina were clearly laughing as they flew from the truck. Whether it was about you or their delight at pulling off the heist, you couldn’t tell.

Predictably, the other two weren’t nearly as amused by the situation. Prowler was looking positively puffy as dollar bills stuck out of the places where he had filled his suit to the brim. And Flint was still grumpy about having to take the form of an oversized, amazon Alice that had countless valuables and sticking out of his body.

Both looked at you as if daring you to laugh, but you decided to save it for the after-party.

“Catch you on the flipside.” you said, hefting the bag over your shoulder and firing a webline at a nearby building. The take-off wasn’t nearly as smooth as you would’ve liked, as all the extra wait caused you to sag a bit.

It took some effort on your part to pull yourself into the air, kick your legs up, and reel in the bag before it took Prowler’s head off. And just like that, you were clumsily swinging through the city like a wrecking ball filled with an absurd amount of money.


A few hours later, you and the rest of your crew met back up once the heat had died down a bit. It took quite some time to go back and collect those bags that you’d dropped all over the city. Especially because you were on the watch for any patrolling heroes that might have been looking for you. You at least felt safe in assuming that skateboard guy was going to be out of commission for a while, so long as that ride of his was still busted.

Little by little, you and the others made several trips back to White Rabbit’s mansion, dropping the money off, and then heading back out for more. This continued until it was early in the evening, when you salvaged everything that you possibly could without breaking into the local police department.

After abandoning that truck, the cops most likely confiscated the rest. As for the Bunny Butlers that were driving it, you were surprised to learn that they somehow managed to evade capture, even without your help. Maybe they were more competent than those goofy masks led you to believe.


Once everyone had a moment to catch their breath, you all retreated back into the mansion, where you and the butlers sat in a large ballroom, counting up your spoils and regaling each other with personal accounts of how the heist went in your personal opinions.

“Ohhh, baby!” Flint exclaimed, his eyes as wide as saucers. “If I could still cry, a scene like this would bring a tear to my eye.”

“You said it, Sandy~.” Felicia purred. “Been a long time since I’ve gotten a haul this big.”

“None of this would’ve been possible if you hadn’t cracked that safe as fast as you did.” Lorina said, staring closely at a small, finely cut gemstone. “You put us way ahead of schedule!”

“Now, now. Let’s not downplay Flint’s role in all this.” you put in, flipping through a fat stack of $20 bills. “If it wasn’t for him, we probably wouldn’t have been able to get that money out of there at all.”

“Can’t argue with that.” Prowler agreed, a clear note of delight in his voice. It was hard for anyone to be grumpy with this much money at their disposal.

Flint beamed at you both in appreciation, and you flashed a wide grin at him in return.

“We should celebrate.” you decided. “It’s been a while since anyone’s pulled a heist this big around these parts.”

“I’m sure Funny Bunny’s got some expensive drinks squirreled away in that cellar of hers.” Felicia suggested.

“We could do that…” Lorina began. “Or…we could go to the super cool villain bar that I go to sometimes!”

Prowler raised an eyebrow. “Villain bar? Sounds shady.”

“We’re shady people, sunshine. It comes with the profession.” Cat retorted.

“I don’t know. I kinda want to check the place out.” Flint said, unable to hide his enthusiasm. “I mean, after this job, we’ve got to be in the Big League, right!?”

You all exchanged a look, and found that you all agreed with this sentiment. There was no way that this wouldn’t make the news. If people didn’t already know about you, then they sure at hell do now. For better or worse, “Spider-Man” could no longer remain a myth or an urban legend. The same could be said for the others.

You wondered what Matt and Angela would think. Or how Madame Webb and Julia would respond.

What would Cindy think?

You quickly shook your head, pushing such thoughts to the back of your mind and focusing on keeping count of this money. You were meant to be celebrating, not contemplating the consequences of your actions!

How would you like to celebrate tonight?

>Have a private party in White Rabbit’s mansion and raid her cellar.
>Encourage the others to visit this supervillain bar that she was talking about.
>Finish counting the money as quickly as possible so you and the others can get home to celebrate on your own terms.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>Finish counting the money as quickly as possible so you and the others can get home to celebrate on your own terms.
I can almost guarantee you that going to a villain bar or getting drunk immediately after pulling a heist like this is a great way to get our shit stolen.
>Have a private party in White Rabbit’s mansion and raid her cellar.
>>Finish counting the money as quickly as possible so you and the others can get home to celebrate on your own terms.
We're in it for the money, not the thrill or recognition (unlike Lorina)
also cool kids don't need to crash their own celebrations.
I'd like to know the location, but don't go there today
Supervillain bar
>Finish counting the money as quickly as possible so you and the others can get home to celebrate on your own terms.

I prefer hero that does crime every now and then over villain
>>Finish counting the money as quickly as possible so you and the others can get home to celebrate on your own terms.
>Finish counting the money as quickly as possible so you and the others can get home to celebrate on your own terms.
Alright I know this is a little late, but is robbing banks actually a victimless crime?
I know the physical cash is insured, but what about the stuff in the safety deposit boxes? Is it only rich people that use those?
I use one and would be devestated. I have diamonds, gold, titles, birth certificates and other stuff.
I have no idea if you're joking or not. Also wouldn't all of the valuables in those deposit boxes also be insured?
I'm serious. It's insured but the hassle and you never get the actual value and my one of a kind items can't be replaced.
Alright that's fair. And this isn't to say you shouldn't keep valuables in safety deposit boxes, but why would you keep your birth certificate or objects of sentimental value anywhere besides your home?
Typically a banks safe is more guarded than a home and better against fires. Those safes are thick
Alright, fair consideration. It's just weird to me as I've always opted to keep my shit as close by as possible.
can we agree to give back any birth certificates

I want to say passports, but if we find like a surplus of female passports, we need to alert the authorities to some human trafficking
>>Encourage the others to visit this supervillain bar that she was talking about.
>Have a private party in White Rabbit’s mansion and raid her cellar.
May as well be a little social.

I’ll also back comments about returning anything of obvious sentimental value (jewelry probably wouldn’t count) and important documents that seem to be for random janes and joes. We’re thieves, not assholes. Though keeping copies of the documents in case we want to sleuth using them later wouldn’t be a bad idea.
>Finish counting the money as quickly as possible so you and the others can get home to celebrate on your own terms
But obtain villain bar's location, and do the latter part of >>5427158 about returning stuff like birth certificates and whatnot
Money is insured but safety deposit boxes are often used to store items with great sentimental value. Feels kinda scummy pawning that kind of stuff off.
>Finish counting the money as quickly as possible so you and the others can get home to celebrate on your own terms.
>Separate the items of sentimental value, passports, other necessary documents, etc.

Ben's a pretty considerate thief these days. We've come a long way from stealing Connors' wristwatch. Also, writing...
Does anyone remember how the split was decided for the Desperados that arranged the gig? Felicia's supposed to get the bigger cut since she set this up, but I can't remember the exact percentage we decided on(if we did at all). I can go digging through the archives if you guys aren't sure.
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Eventually, you decided that it would be best to have a more private celebration with the members of your team that participated in this job. White Rabbit seemed visibly disappointed by this decision, but she didn’t make a big deal out of it. You could always do another job together sometime later.

>Lorina Dodson a.k.a. “White Rabbit” has been added to your Contacts!

As you sorted through your loot, you noticed that there were a fair amount of objects that most likely held some sort of personal or sentimental value to the original owners. Things like jewelry were fair game, but there were other items that you felt less comfortable with taking.

Birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce papers, death certificates, bonds, social security cards, journals, letters, diaries, family photos, rare collectibles, property records, car titles, and flash drives. There was so much shit to sift through that you had to start delegating the handling of more sensitive information to Cat and Prowler.

This made the process take significantly longer than it would’ve if all hands were on deck, but complaining wouldn’t have let you go home any quicker. After a few hours, you all had separate stacks of bills divided amongst yourselves, and several piles of jewelry arranged by size, rarity and quality.

Judging from the rough appraisal that Cat gave you, you’d say that you currently had a little over $74 Mil in your possession!

The hall erupted into cheers and triumphant cries. You were literally vibrating with excitement. You’ve never even SEEN this much money in one place, let alone having it in your possession!

You felt like you were on top of the world. People would be talking about this one for months!

After a few minutes, the thrill of a freshly pilfered vault had died down enough for you to remember that you still had to divide up your spoils.

Since Cat and Lorina set this up together, they ended up taking the larger cut, which left you with about…$10 mil. Which is still a staggering amount of money for any one person.

And seeing as how this is in line with the policies laid out by the 10 Commandments, you’re not about to complain now.

>$10,000,000 has been added to your savings!

You spent a few more hours transporting said cash to a secure location within the sewer tunnels, and gave Callisto a call to notify her of the situation. She didn’t seem to care much, and she didn’t ask too many questions about how you got your hands on it.

Hopefully, none of the other Morlocks would see fit to stuff their pockets when they thought you weren’t looking. You’d have to recount when you started bringing it back to your base.

What will you say to White Rabbit before you leave?

>”Cat was right. That was pretty fun. We should do it again sometime.”
>’What are you gonna use your share of the money for? You look like you’ve got more than enough.”
>”Be sure to send me the info about that bar later. Maybe we can go out for drinks sometime.”
>”I hope you pay these butlers well, because they pulled out all the stops today. Either way, I’d suggest a raise.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>”I hope you pay these butlers well, because they pulled out all the stops today. Either way, I’d suggest a raise.”
>”Be sure to send me the info about that bar later. Maybe we can go out for drinks sometime.”
Hey, Connors would've got a new one easy! Or am I remembering wrong?
>>”Cat was right. That was pretty fun. We should do it again sometime.”
>>”Cat was right. That was pretty fun. We should do it again sometime.”
>>”Be sure to send me the info about that bar later. Maybe we can go out for drinks sometime.”
>>”I hope you pay these butlers well, because they pulled out all the stops today. Either way, I’d suggest a raise.”
>”Cat was right. That was pretty fun. We should do it again sometime.”
>”I hope you pay these butlers well, because they pulled out all the stops today. Either way, I’d suggest a raise.”
>”Be sure to send me the info about that bar later. Maybe we can go out for drinks sometime.”

Taking these. Writing...

I'm going to have to split this update up a bit to save time. It'll set up the vote for your next course of action, and then I'll write up the second half once I get home again.

He did, indeed! But he lost that one after his Lizard transformation.
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“Cat was right. That was pretty fun.” you admitted. “We should do it again sometime.”

Lorina beamed at you. “I’ll say! That was the smoothest job I’ve had in a while.”

“Even though we were involved in a high speed chase with half the NYPD?” Prowler asked.

“The risk makes it all the more fun.” Cat said with a confident smile.

“See? She gets it.” Lorina said, pointing at Cat with an approving grin.

“Speaking of risks,” you began. “I hope you pay these butlers well, because they pulled out all the stops today. Either way, I suggest a raise.”

White Rabbit tapped the side of her face with a gloved finger as she took one long look around the room. Her hired goons were standing completely still, watching her hopefully.

Finally, she nodded. “They did do a good job, didn’t they? Not a single one got caught. That has to be a new record!” she exclaimed, giving them a small round of applause. “Pat yourselves on the back, ladies and gentlemen! You’ve earned a bonus.”

With cautious optimism, the bunny butlers and maids glanced around at one another and joined her in applauding themselves. You and the others gave them your thanks as well.

If it weren’t for them, you probably wouldn’t have been able to make such a clean getaway.


As you were all heading out, Lorina took it upon herself to escort you to the door. She didn’t seem too keen to let you all leave just yet. You felt a bit bad when she would make repeated offers to let you help her smash a few clocks or play polo out in her backyard, only for you to turn her down in favor of getting home sooner.

Right when you were at the door, you stopped and turned to face her.

“Be sure to send me the info on that bar later. Maybe we can go out for a few drinks.” you suggested.

The corners of Lorina’s lips curved upward into a smile.

“Maybe.” she said, a teasing note in her voice. “You all still owe me a tea party. Grumpy pants promised me he’d wear the hat and everything.”

“No, I didn’t.” Prowler said in a flat tone, without turning around.

You leaned in to whisper in White Rabbit’s ear and gestured for her to come closer.

“I’ll make it happen. Even if I have to glue it to his head.” you said, sharing a conspiratorial grin with your accomplice.

Lorina let out a giddy squeal as she bounced on the tips of her toes, fingers clasped in delight.

Cat and Flint risked a curious glance over their shoulders, no doubt wondering what the two of you were up to. In your opinion, it’d be way funnier if they didn’t know.


What will you do tomorrow?

>Check out that prison break job that Cat told you about.
>Head down to Phin’s shop and spend some of your newly acquired cash.
>>Head down to Phin’s shop and spend some of your newly acquired cash.
Fix up your suits already
>Head down to Phin’s shop and spend some of your newly acquired cash.
Fix suits, acquire generic Spider-man suit for do-goodery with Madame Webb.
Ya know, we DID just come up with a device that can bend light and make shit invisible.
Maybe we can incorporate that tech into a new iteration of our suit to make the colors shift around.
Colors are determined by wavelength after all, something a light bending suit should totally be able to manipulate.
>>Head down to Phin’s shop and spend some of your newly acquired cash.
>Head down to Phin’s shop and spend some of your newly acquired cash.
>Check out that prison break job that Cat told you about.
also do some sign language training.
>Head down to Phin’s shop and spend some of your newly acquired cash
You know, I’ve been thinking this for a while and never brought it up, but now that it’s become relevant I think it needs to be said.
The hair lady that Cat wants to spring from jail? I think she’d be a detriment to the Desperadoes. She’s used to being a queen bee among the inmates, and I think that kind of attitude would grate against the egalitarian organisation we’ve built together. From what we know about her, she seems the type to install a hierarchy just so she can be at the top of it.
>>Head down to Phin’s shop and spend some of your newly acquired cash.
I want to do some proper clean up after ourselves
>check if there was no civilian that had an allergic reaction from the halucinogenic or any other side effect
>check if we're cool with out vigilante friends
and, as we already discussed:
>make arrangements for all the sentimental value or buerocratic loot from the deposit boxes
for that I'd like to hire/ask Julia to look up these names and do facial recognition from photos, etc.

if we commit to a timeskip I want to get the following out of it:
>more mundane spidey suit
>super stealth suit by Sam that obviously also bends thermal radiation around us
>get super HUD augmented reality (that was hinted by Julia, I believe?) that lets us "see through" walls by displaying the buildings schematics in an accurate 3D fashion
in the meantime stock up on web grenades and karma and follow through on cooking lessions again
>Head down to Phin’s shop and spend some of your newly acquired cash.
>Fix suits

If you want to request a new suit, I'll include it as an option for when you get there. Be sure to post pics for anything specific. If the pic doesn't exist, then you can just describe it for me.


I appreciate the attention to detail. I was gonna have the group drop off the remaining items from the safety deposit box to their local police department, but we can leave that as a vote if you would like to debate the method through which you would go about returning everything.
By the time you’d reached your base, you were already breaking out the drinks and clearing out space for your team to kick back and relax. This sudden intrusion had alarmed Cindy, who was apparently frying up a Korean dish for her lunch tomorrow.

She was unable to give you the exact name without her phone, but you let her walk you through the steps of making it as you did your best to lend her a hand in the kitchen. It looked relatively simple to make, seeing as how the majority of it consisted of fried eggs, ground beef, diced onions, rice and several kinds of sauces. You figured that you could replicate the dish on your own without much difficulty.

Eventually, the conversation drifted towards your unique costume. The design of which seemed to greatly amuse her.

Thankfully, you were spared the effort of coming up with an explanation for it when the other three came strolling through the door, wondering what the two of you had been cooking. When neither of you were able to give a satisfying answer as to what the dish was actually called, they quickly lost interest and started the party without you.


Even with your reasonably decent cooking prowess, you weren’t at all guilty when you fell back on an old classic. Chinese take-out!

Although, this caused a brief argument between the others, where Cat suggested something more expensive, like lobster or sushi. And Prowler made a rather compelling argument for Vietnamese food.

The only one that stayed out of it was Flint, who, understandably, was incapable of eating, and thus didn’t have a reason to argue. He became grumpy and sullen for a while after that, and you and Cindy put a great deal of effort into cheering him up again.

It wasn’t easy. He almost relapsed when he realized that he couldn’t get drunk with you and the other two.

You tried to distract him with a dramatic retelling of your battle with the skateboarding vigilante from before, and it seemed to do the trick. The only tricky part about all this was how you and everyone else was forced to leave crucial details out of your stories.

For one, you weren’t about to tell Cindy about the bank job just yet. All she knew was that you and the others had a thrilling adventure of sorts. She, of course, knew that you were leaving out details, but she wasn’t terribly keen on pressing you for information.

And in perhaps, the most guardian-like gesture you’ve recently attempted, you checked the time, and casually suggested that she head off to bed before it got too late.

Clearly too tired from her lessons to argue with you, she yawned, rubbed at her eyes and retired for the night. You all exchanged waves and affectionate goodbyes, your moods becoming increasingly influenced by the alcohol.

It’d be a lie to say that the party was in full swing once the minor had left the room. Quite the opposite, really.

Out of consideration for Cindy, you all lowered your voices to the best of your ability and talked well into the night. Several hours later, Cat and Prowler decided to call it quits. And it was a good thing, too. Felicia’s continued efforts to get you flustered left you in woefully frustrated state. You’d been sitting cross-legged for a while now, and you prayed that no one noticed.

But even these meaningless worries melted into the back of your mind when you and Flint eventually passed out on the couch. For the first time in a while, things were finally starting to go your way.


The next morning, you woke up to the pleasant surprise of Flint washing the dishes. He’d finally worked up the courage to put on a pair of rubber gloves and approach the kitchen sink. He kept bitching about the splashback making his chest, arms and face all muddy, but it was far too early for you to pay any real attention to what he was saying.

It was only when you got some coffee in you that you started putting any real thought into what you were going to do today. Seeing as how you just got paid, you were feeling tempted to splurge on something nice for a change. With $17 mil hidden under your mattress and underground, you felt like a dragon resting atop his gold hoard.

You could pay Phin’s shop a visit. You’ve been meaning to get your other suits fixed up, anyway.

After you ate a home-cooked breakfast and called for Cindy to wake up, you slipped into your classic suit, and gathered up the other ones that had been damaged on important missions.

There was the Silver Lining suit, which had been given to you by Silvermane, and greatly damaged during your fight with Typhoid Mary.

And then there was the Hot Purrsuit, which had been designed by Anastasia, and damaged during your attempt to capture Tossa.

And lastly, there was your most recent acquisition, given to you by White Rabbit, and slightly damaged during your fight with the skateboard guy. The damage wasn’t anything notable, but you figured that you might as well bring it in if you were going there anyway.


Upon arriving at Phin’s shop, you were momentarily stunned by the surprising emptiness of the shelves. It was as if someone had been trying to clean the place out.

Cautiously, you stepped over to the old man’s counter, unnerved by the severe lack of tripping hazards and obstacles along the way.

“Hey, Phin. I guess business has been good.” you said, casually.

He let out an amused snort. “Yeah, something like that.” he replied, not taking his eyes off of the complicated piece of machinery that he was tinkering with. “I’m going to have to move the shop soon, so I figured I would get rid of the excess junk that I didn’t need.”

You gave him a puzzled look. “Moving? Did something happen?”

“Hm? Ah, no. Nothing too unusual, as far as I can tell.” he said dryly. “I move the shop around every couple of months. Keeps the feds off my tail, and lets me operate with a decent amount of autonomy when I’m on someone else’s turf.”

“So you’re the neutral gearhead.” you summarized.

“Pretty much.” Phin replied. “Was there anything you needed?”

“Yep.” you said, opening your bag and giving him a glimpse of your suits. His eyes narrowed slightly, before he nodded and stepped out from behind his counter.

“The damage is relatively minor, for the most part. But the silver suit has built-in insulation, and that’s gonna cost you a bit.” he said, more to himself than anything. “I’ll fire up the fabricator. Should be done in about two hours, give or take.”

>$4,800 has been removed from your savings

“You’re the best, Phin!” you said, breathing a sigh of relief.

“Uh-huh.” he said with a small grin. “Anything else you need while we’re here? Any upgrades or gear you want to grab?”

>"I was thinking of another upgrade for one of my suits."(Write-in.)
>"I had an idea for a cool gadget."(Write-in.)
>"I've got a new suit design that I wanted to pass along to you."
>"Can you let me in through the back? I wanted to browse for a bit while you work."


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>"Can you let me in through the back? I wanted to browse for a bit while you work."
do you have in your notes somewhere with what suits have we been seen stopping crime and saving people?

>"I was thinking of another upgrade for one of my suits."(Write-in.)
>>"I'm looking to build some AR into my lenses. Just a hardware problem for now, I have my people for software."
>"Can you let me in through the back? I wanted to browse for a bit while you work."
>"I was thinking of another upgrade for one of my suits."(Write-in.)
>""I'm looking to have my lenses made AR capable. Just a hardware problem for now, I have my people for software."
>"Any chance I could get a pair of shades with the same specs too? I'm not always in costume after all."
Do the Desperados know our identity yet or is it just Flint and Cindy still?
they for sure know our first name's Ben. But we also got Felicia's first name, though Prowler is still not on a first name basis with us

>>"I'm looking to build some AR into my lenses. Just a hardware problem for now, I have my people for software."
>"Can you let me in through the back? I wanted to browse for a bit while you work."
>"I had an idea for a cool gadget."(Write-in.)
>Upgraded flashbang using the suit tech, Rhino laser, and our web bombs as the basis. Charges after creation, releases a laser burst through fracture points in the bomb. Alone, it’ll burn people caught in the blast and cause a combat-long debuff to people who were caught viewing it. When paired with other bombs or overcharged via a suitable energy source, can light objects on fire.
>Rehashing the laser drill/pistol from earlier with the horn as a focusing apparatus and self-charging/rechargeable batteries from the suit tech.
I’m excited to find out whether he’s Hobie or Aaron.
I'm leaning towards Aaron, though it could very well be Hobie if Score wanted to throw us for a loop.
I think we all were
when we talked about Cindy going to Visions and potentially meeting Miles there, while we coincidentally meet Aaron at a parent gathering thing Score did say that'd be fun enough to "change some of his plans"
>>"Can you let me in through the back? I wanted to browse for a bit while you work."
>"I was thinking of another upgrade for one of my suits."(Write-in.)
>>"I'm looking to build some AR into my lenses. Just a hardware problem for now, I have my people for software."
>"Can you let me in through the back? I wanted to browse for a bit while you work."

There are some neat ideas being thrown around here. Don't be discouraged if yours isn't picked. You can always pitch your ideas at a later date, maybe when we have more components to refine them a bit.

Taking these. Writing...

I think all of your good deeds were committed while wearing the classic Huntsman suit. You saved those people from the burning building while wearing it, and you were seen wearing it while running through Julia's obstacle course.

Up until now, your public appearances during the daytime has been kept to a minimum. The bank job was the longest interaction or engagement you've had with regular people at a decent hour.

You've never explicitly given them your full name or shown your face around them. They know you as "Benny" from Flint, but that's not nearly enough to incriminate you in most cases, so you let it slide. And while you know Cat's first name, neither of them have offered to show their faces either.

I think I found a good way to rework his identity a bit. It does change a few things that I was planning on setting up in the far future, but it's not a huge loss. This is part of the fun of running a quest, after all. Even I don't know how things might shake out sometimes.
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“I’m looking to install some AR tech into my mask’s lenses.” you said. “It’s just a hardware issue, for now. I have my own people working on the software end.”

Phin nodded without even breaking his stride. “Oh, that should be simple enough. They’re relatively cheap, and you get good value out of them.” he explained. “They’re a bitch to repair, but you can obviously afford the cost.”

“I appreciate it.” you replied. “Do you mind if I have a look around the back while you work?”

Phin gave you a dismissive wave before pulling back a purple curtain. “Not at all. Take your time. We should still have some good stuff lying around here somewhere.”

You stepped behind the curtain and into the dimly lit backroom, where Phin’s shadiest clients could pick up little knick-knacks here and there.

The first thing that caught your interest was a silver, cylindrical device that fit snugly into the palm of your hand. It looked a lot like a detonator of some sort, but the label above it said “Preprogrammed Fist Material”. Whatever that meant.

With a shrug, you pressed the button on top and waited for something to happen. And to your shock, a thick layer of gleaming metal burst out of the cylinder and wrapped itself around your arm!

It was an actual effort for you to remain calm, as you hadn’t felt your spider-sense flair up. You were staring in awe as your now gauntleted fist flexed and articulated at your command. It was moving with your hand, despite being several times larger than it.

“Whoa…” you said, at a loss for more eloquent words.

Not wanting to break anything, you spent the next couple of minutes trying to deactivate the damn thing. Eventually, you managed to do it by making the same motion that you used to press the trigger. The strange metal receded back into the cylinder, and you gingerly placed it back on the shelf, still feeling like you witnessed something impossible.

Moving on, you found two peculiar looking, roundish objects. They resembled lumpy gray marbles, with a bright orange core. They were being suspended inside a cube-shaped container of what almost appeared to be pure energy.

“Hey Phin, what do these do?” you asked, gesturing at the cube.

Phin raised his head to glance in your direction, and then grinned at you.

“Why, those are ‘Unstable Pym Pebbles’.”

“Pym ‘Pebbles’?”

“Yup. They can shrink down anything as big as a person, or a car, and imprison it within the marble for about an hour.” he explained.

“Holy shit…!”

“Yeah well, they’re not cheap. I’ve only just started tinkering with them, and those are among the first batch.” he said, beaming with pride as he gazed at the glowing orbs.

Making a mental note to return to this item, you kept moving through the cramped aisles, hoping for something as marvelous as your last two discoveries.

The next thing that caught your eye was an oval shaped, metal device labeled “Resonance Amplifier”. You guessed that it was some sort of sonic cannon.

It wasn't as exciting as the other two, but you could still see the clear value in it? A ranged disabling weapon that wasn't explicitly lethal would really come in handy.

What will you buy?

>Preprogrammed Fist Material - $30,000
>Unstable Pym Pebbles - $500,000
>Resonance Amplifier - $250,000


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>Unstable Pym Pebbles - $500,000
I think our impromptu web sack during the tail end of the heist has made the issue abundantly clear.
Sometimes we just have far too much to steal. These should make that less of an issue.
>Preprogrammed Fist Material - $30,000
>>Preprogrammed Fist Material - $30,000
Is it 30k or 300k? seems really cheap
>>Resonance Amplifier - $250,000
>Unstable Pym Pebbles - $500,000
We cab field test those pebbles for him
>Preprogrammed Fist Material - $30,000
>Unstable Pym Pebbles - $500,000
>Resonance Amplifier - $250,000
Assuming the price of the fist isn’t a mistype, I’ll vote all three. If it’s really 300k, I’ll only vote for the other two.
We have the suit absorber tech, light amplification horn, and sonic amplifier. We will eventually get to the point of a BS “absorb, amplify, reflect everything shield” even if it only lasts a minute before frying.
Does he have any user experience stories for the Pym Pebbles? If not, I’d be willing to sign up as an experiment in exchange for a free pebble from the next batch. Maybe we can find a way of breaking it early.
Oh, another idea to run by Prowler if we get the sonic amplifier.
>Banshee Bombs
>The size of a web bomb, this device emits a constantly shifting shriek that ramps up over several seconds from “annoying” to “painful” as it amplifies its own sound. Stacking bombs increases the amplification speed and the disorientation.
>Alternately, with a minimum of four bombs they can be primed to overcharge each other, releasing a single concussive blast almost immediately. Additional bombs can cause it to lift people and debris in the blast on top of rupturing ears, but not much further than that as the bombs fizzle too quickly to go further.
Subject to QM tweaking for balance.
It was indeed a typo. I was rushing to wrap up the update before I had to leave the house. My bad!

It's supposed to be $300,000.

I think for starters, I would patch out that last part about lifting debris and people. Pushing them away would be fine, but I think thay last feature would be better suited to an entirely different gadget.
Buy it all
I'm keeping my fist
So it’d just be a concentration breaker, best used against anything with heightened senses or a magic caster. Less utility, but it should make them more reasonable to build en-masse. I’ll keep it in mind for next time.

Since it was a mistype on the fist, I’ll drop that from my vote like I stated. Unless we hand it to Cindy instead? l
>Preprogrammed Fist Material - $300,000 - 3 votes
>Unstable Pym Pebbles - $500,000 - 4 votes
>Resonance Amplifier - $250,000 -3 votes

This is what we've got so far. Writing...

As for the testing and info on the Pym Pebbles, I'll have Ben bring it up as a talking point while he's finishing his transaction.
In the end, you decided to go for all of the above. You’ve got more than enough money to go around right now, so splurging on useful tools doesn’t seem like a bad idea at all.

>$1,050,000 has been removed from your savings

>You’ve obtained Preprogrammed Fist Material x 1
>You’ve obtained a Resonance Amplifier x 1
>You’ve obtained Unstable Pym Pebbles x 2

After bringing the items to the front counter and discussing payment options with Phin, you found yourself marveling at the glowing orbs within the miniaturized containment field.

“How far have you gone with testing these?” you asked, pointing at the Pym Pebbles. “Got any user experience stories for me?”

Phin scratched his chin and hummed thoughtfully.

“For starters, don’t try to shrink anything larger than a pickup truck.” he advised. “The results of that have been largely…unpredictable. It’d be unsafe for both you and anyone around you. And anything living that’s imprisoned there should be able to get back out in one piece.”

You nodded. “Got it. And, if you need someone to gather more data for you, I’d be more than willing to lend a hand.”

Phin gave you an appraising look. “In return for what?” he asked.

“Maybe a freebie from the next batch?” you suggested. “I can field test them for you, and if I happen to shrink something odd or witness an interesting interaction between the Pebble and another object, I’ll be sure to let you know in full detail.”

After a few seconds of silence, Phin placed his hands on the counter and nodded as well.

“Show me some results, and then we can talk about payment.” he declared.

The two of you shook hands, and then made idle conversation until your suits were ready. Phin pretty much confirmed that you could load the Pebbles into your Hidden Guns as projectiles, or just throw them by hand. They would only go off after impacting a solid object at high speeds.

You’d definitely have to make a custom pouch on your utility belt for them if you didn’t want it to go off in your pocket.

>The Silver Lining suit is no longer damaged!
>The Hot Purrsuit is no longer damaged!
>The Decked Out suit is no longer damaged!

What will you do?

>Ask Phin another question.(Write-in.)
>Commission another gadget/item.(Write-in.)
>Head home and start preparing dinner for Cindy.(TIMESKIP/Prison Break/Write-in.)


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>>Head home and start preparing dinner for Cindy.(Prison Break)
Ask him about being our sole inventor. Also Cindy dinner then timeskip
>Pay a visit to Gwen or at least check in on her during the TIMESKIP
Last we heard was she was going to take some 'aptitude test' from Maria Hill
>>Head home and start preparing dinner for Cindy.(TIMESKIP)
I'll support being emotional support for Gwen too
Check on Gwen and our huntress booty call
>Pay a visit to Gwen or at least check in on her during the TIMESKIP

I was going to have you interact with her during the Timeskip, but we can have it happen beforehand as well. You might even get to see something interesting.

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Sometime later, after you’d dropped your freshly repaired suits and new gadgets off at home, you slipped back into your classic suit and pulled out your pager. Now that you’ve got some free time, you think you’ll pay Gwen a little visit.


This time, there was no S.H.I.E.L.D. shuttle to come pick you up like there usually was. Instead, a flat, compact drone flew by the building that you were perched upon, slowing down just enough for you to latch onto it and catch a ride as it flew up into the clouds. You were surprised that it was strong enough to lift you up without much trouble at all.

The trip wasn’t comfortable by any means, and you quickly found yourself being whipped around in the wind, praying for the nightmare to end. This went on for another four minutes, until the little drone brought you to a small, private platform on the Helicarrier, where there weren’t many people milling about.

Here, you were greeted by a man with dark skin and even darker, roundish glasses. He was wearing a black and red bodysuit, with an emblem of a wolf with yellow eyes on his waist and shoulders. You could see a sidearm strapped to his hip, and two escrima sticks strapped to his back.

“You must be the Huntsman.” the man said in a deep, accented voice.

“I am. Who are you?”

The man placed his arms behind his back and nodded slowly.

“You may call me ‘Bloodhound’. Director Hill instructed me to greet and guide you.” he announced.

You remember Pandora saying something about this guy on your Neverland mission.

“You mean she ordered you to babysit me.” you said flatly.

Bloodhound chuckled. “I suppose that is one way to look at it.” he said, before turning and gesturing for you to follow. “Come. I will show you to Ms. Stacy.”

At a loss for alternative options, you followed Bloodhound down the corridor, staring at his back all the while. You remembered when Goblin Gwen said something about Maria Hill putting her on a team and using her as a weapon. Even though she was just trying to provoke a reaction out of you, you knew that there was some truth to this statement. And Pandora’s casual remark only confirmed it.

Maria Hill was putting together a secret team of metas for some reason, and this guy was one of them.

The silence between you stretched the entire length of the corridor, and the majority of the elevator ride that brought you up to what you thought was possibly the 13th level.

Every now and again, Bloodhound would ask a probing question, and you would answer, without giving too much away.

“How do you know Ms. Stacy?” he asked.

Like that one.

“We helped each other out of a bind, and I introduced her to Hill.” you said in reply.

Like that one.

“We helped each other out of a bind, and I introduced her to Hill.” you said in reply.

Bloodhound nodded in pleasant acknowledgement. “Ah, so it is you that I have to thank for her appointment to my team.” he said, without a hint of malice or sarcasm. “She is doing much better now that her condition’s symptoms are being suppressed.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” you said. And the mood between you and the other man seemed to lighten considerably.

However, there was something that you just couldn’t ignore about the way he would look at you. Or, more specifically, the way he wouldn’t look at you, even when he spoke directly to you.

You glanced at his glasses, and noticed that they were strikingly similar to the kind that you saw Matt wearing when he was out of costume.

What will you say?

>”So…why do they call you Bloodhound? Does it have something to do with your powers?”
>”Are you, uh…blind?”
>”You wouldn’t happen to be Wakandan, would you? The accent sounds a bit familiar to me, is all.”
>”This team of yours, what exactly do you guys do for Hill?”
>Say nothing and let the moment pass in silence.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>”You wouldn’t happen to be Wakandan, would you? The accent sounds a bit familiar to me, is all.”
>”This team of yours, what exactly do you guys do for Hill?”
>I've done a few jobs for Hill, so I know it's all sensitive stuff, but I got to watch out for my friends
>”So…why do they call you Bloodhound? Does it have something to do with your powers?”
>”This team of yours, what exactly do you guys do for Hill?”
>”So…why do they call you Bloodhound? Does it have something to do with your powers?”
>”This team of yours, what exactly do you guys do for Hill?”

>”So…why do they call you Bloodhound? Does it have something to do with your powers?”
>”Are you, uh…blind?”
>”You wouldn’t happen to be Wakandan, would you? The accent sounds a bit familiar to me, is all.”
Reminder timeskip means we can finally have Cindy show her feelings toward us
As a teenager? Yeah, she’s bound to hate us per usual teenagers. Hopefully she doesn’t join up with a hero crew and try to take us down…

Shit. She’s totally going to join up with a hero crew and end up fighting us on a run. Man that’s going to make for an awkward family meal later.

Y’know, I did want to keep doing crime, but I’m not comfortable with beating up family now that I’m actually thinking about this.
>”So…why do they call you Bloodhound? Does it have something to do with your powers?”
>”This team of yours, what exactly do you guys do for Hill?”

Taking these. Writing...

Life will indeed get very complicated for Ben if he tries to have the best of both worlds. It really depends on the types of jobs that the Desperados take on. It's a strange parallel of what Peter Parker tries to accomplish.
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“So…why do they call you Bloodhound? Does it have something to do with your powers?” you asked.

Bloodhound gave you a wry grin.

“It does.” he said in a conversational manner. “I see more with my ears and nose than you could possibly imagine. It’s quite wonderful, actually.”

For a moment, you saw him glance around at the walls, floor and ceiling, an admiring look on his face.

“I’m not particularly fond of the codename, if I am being entirely honest.” he continued. “But I suppose there are worse names to have.”

You shrugged at his back, and you were sure that you saw the corners of his lips curl upwards into a smile.

“This team of yours, what exactly do you guys do for Hill?” you said.

Bloodhound paused for a moment, considering how he should answer your question.

“Director Hill has recruited us with the intention of creating a specialized task force. I intend to train my team in the art of infiltration, espionage and sabotage among other things.” he answered smoothly. “But I am afraid that this is all that I am willing to tell you on the matter. In order for me to fully indulge your curiosities, you would need a much higher security clearance.”

Feeling a bit agitated, you were prepared to deliver a scathing retort, but all quips died in your throat when you saw a familiar blonde amazon with rather impressive muscles. And despite her intimidating stature, her smile was bright enough to light up an entire room.

“Hey, you!” she said, rushing over to meet you as she slipped her golden shield back over her shoulder. The preppy blonde was easily a head taller than you, and it made you feel a bit strange to have to look up to her.

“You’re looking a lot better than when I last saw you.” you said brightly.

Gwen’s cheeks flushed pink and she massaged her arms with an awkward expression on her face. “Yeah, that was…yeah…” she muttered, clearly at a loss for words.

Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted Bloodhound slipping past you both and into the room, where a cheeky looking brat was floating above a table with an assortment of documents spread over it. His eyes looked slightly glazed over as they darted around the pages, and you got the distinct impression that he was incredibly bored with the assignment.

Bloodhound must have known what you were up to, because he was rolling up documents and stacking papers into a neat pile in the corner of the table.

“Don’t sweat it.” you said, returning your attention to Gwen’s flushed face. “I’m just glad that you’re acting like yourself again.”

The girl beamed at you, and you took a moment to take in her appearance. She was wearing a white graphic tee from some all-girl punk band that you didn’t recognize, and her jeans were tight, and purposefully torn. Her usual blonde bob was combed straight and held down by a black hairband, and you noticed some rather interesting designs tacked onto her now manicured nails.

“Same here.” she said with a relieved sigh. “What have you been up to?”

What will you say?

>”I’m taking a cooking class!”
>”I don’t want to talk about me. I want to hear more about you and how you’ve been adjusting here.”
>”I…found that guy that the Chameleon was impersonating. They’re safe now, but I’ve got some people searching for the little rat as we speak.”
>”Oh, you know. The usual. Captured a supervillain, met Reed Richards, and took a trip to a magical fairytale island.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>”Oh, you know. The usual. Captured a supervillain, met Reed Richards, and took a trip to a magical fairytale island.” but enough about me! I want to hear about you.
>”Oh, you know. The usual. Captured a supervillain, met Reed Richards, and took a trip to a magical fairytale island.”
>”But that stuff got old, so I’m taking a cooking class!”
And then
“Enough about me, though, I want to talk about you.”
>>”Oh, you know. Captured a supervillain, helped some friends renovate their bathroom, met Reed Richards and got a wayward orphan an internship with him, started taking some cooking classes in an attempt to do some father-daughter bonding type stuff, took a trip to a magical fairytale island and fought some pirates, but then sorta got screwed over by the fairies themselves. The usual.”
>”I don’t want to talk about me. I want to hear more about you and how you’ve been adjusting here.”
>”Oh, you know. The usual. Captured a supervillain, met Reed Richards, and took a trip to a magical fairytale island.”
>”I’m taking a cooking class!”
>”So what’s the two-sentence quip describing your life right now?”
>”Oh, you know. The usual. Captured a supervillain, met Reed Richards, and took a trip to a magical fairytale island.”
>"Now with the obligatory spider themed super quip out of the way"
>”I don’t want to talk about me. I want to hear more about you and how you’ve been adjusting here.”
>”Oh, you know. The usual. Captured a supervillain, met Reed Richards, and took a trip to a magical fairytale island.”
>”I…found that guy that the Chameleon was impersonating. They’re safe now, but I’ve got some people searching for the little rat as we speak.”
>”Oh, you know. The usual. Captured a supervillain, met Reed Richards, and took a trip to a magical fairytale island.”
>”But that stuff got old, so I’m taking a cooking class!”
>”Enough about me. I want to hear more about you and how you’ve been adjusting here.”

Taking these. Writing...
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You gave her a dismissive wave. “Oh, you know. The usual.” you said. “Captured a supervillain, met Reed Richards, and took a trip to a magical fairytale island. But that stuff got old, so I’m taking a cooking class!”

Just as you intended, Gwen seemed to be incredibly flustered. You really did get a kick out of putting people off balance these days. In that regard, you and your brother are pretty alike.

“W-wait, what? Which supervillain?” she asked.

Not expecting this reaction, you gave her a vague shrug. “I dunno. We never worked out a name for him.”

“Well, what’d he do?”

“He could absorb and shoot electricity out of his hands.” you explained.

“Well, we can’t have that.” she laughed. “It won’t be impressive unless he has a big scary bad guy name to brag about. What about…’Electro’!”

You scoffed.“...Wow.”

Her cheeks went red. “Oh, what!? What’s wrong with it?”

“No, nothing.” you said, unconvincingly. “Say, what grade did you say you were in again?”

“Screw you!” she said, unable to hide the smile forming on her face. “There are worse names to have out there.”

“Right you are, Ms. Stacy.” Bloodhound agreed, taking a sip of his coffee. You could see Pan snickering behind him.

“At least it’s accurate.” you admitted. And you just might be inclined to spread it around to embarrass Max even further.

“What’s this about you meeting Mr. Fantastic?” she asked.

“He’s the guy that I handed Electro to.” you answered.

Gwen sighed. “Not gonna let it go, huh?”

“Not on your life.”

“When you mentioned the magical island,” Bloodhound cut in. “Were you perhaps talking about-”

“Neverland.” Pan concluded. “They took my Lost Boys, AND that shield on your back.” he said, pointing at Gwen.

“Yeah, Miss Hill mentioned something about that.” Gwen added. “Thanks for the shield replacement, by the way.”

“If anything, you should probably be thanking Pandora. She’s the one that Hill sent to fetch it while we rescued those kids.” you explained.

Gwen shrugged. “I’ve never met her, so I’ll just thank you instead.”

“I’m honored.” you said flatly. “But enough about me. I want to hear more about you and how you’ve been adjusting here.”

She placed her hands on her hips and sighed. “It’s a lot different from home, that’s for sure. I’ll have to decorate my room here all over again.” she said. “More than anything, I miss my dad and my friends. But I can’t tell them what’s going on exactly, and my dad’s been getting super suspicious.”

“What about school?”

“Miss Hill said she’d handle things on that end. I’ll probably have a tutor assigned to me at some point.”

“So long as you do not fall behind in your studies here, Ms. Stacy,” Bloodhound cut in again. “I will not mind how many extracurricular activities you decide to take on.”

Gwen rolled her eyes. “Goodbye charity work, hello international espionage.” she muttered under her breath. “Oh, well. That’s kinda like saving the world in its own way, right?” she said, weakly.

“So long as you’re on the right side, yeah.” you agreed. Bloodhound seemed to be listening rather attentively now.

“I…I think I am.” Gwen decided. “Miss Hill might be a little scary sometimes, but I think she wants to do the right thing.”

Even if her methods are a little questionable. She’s even willing to work with someone like you to accomplish her goals. But, then again, anyone that hates Nazi Bees is okay in your book. You feel that that’s a more than decent way to judge someone else’s character.

What will you say/do?

>”Is this the whole team, or are the others on vacation?”
>”I would’ve thought that Hill would try and use you for something more violent. Considering how you’re all…big and stuff.”
>”Why don’t you have Doc Connors teach you a thing or two. I think he’d be happy to know that he has a fan.”
>”I can go down and grab some stuff from your dorm room if you want to liven the place up a bit. I’m sure it won’t take too long.”
>Say your goodbyes and depart the Helicarrier.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>>”Why don’t you have Doc Connors teach you a thing or two. I think he’d be happy to know that he has a fan.”
>>”I can go down and grab some stuff from your dorm room if you want to liven the place up a bit. I’m sure it won’t take too long.”
Why don’t you have Doc Connors teach you a thing or two. I think he’d be happy to know that he has a fan.”
>”I can go down and grab some stuff from your dorm room if you want to liven the place up a bit. I’m sure it won’t take too long.”
>"You're in the same boat as my uh...ward I guess? I'm trying to get her into Brooklyn Visions, so we're doubling down on her studies."
>”Why don’t you have Doc Connors teach you a thing or two. I think he’d be happy to know that he has a fan.”
>”I can go down and grab some stuff from your dorm room if you want to liven the place up a bit. I’m sure it won’t take too long.”
>>”Is this the whole team, or are the others on vacation?”
>”Why don’t you have Doc Connors teach you a thing or two. I think he’d be happy to know that he has a fan.”
>”I can go down and grab some stuff from your dorm room if you want to liven the place up a bit. I’m sure it won’t take too long.”
>"So, do you have your codename already? Major Manhatten. Private Brooklyn, Sergeant Staten Island. Okay, that last one was weak. I don't even know where you're from exactly... Queen Queens."
>"You didn't lose my number, right? I was hoping for a at least call when you were doing better, didn't need to be a conjugal visit either."
Backing >>5430981 and >>5431008.
>”Why don’t you have Doc Connors teach you a thing or two. I think he’d be happy to know that he has a fan.”
>”I can go down and grab some stuff from your dorm room if you want to liven the place up a bit. I’m sure it won’t take too long.”
>”Is this the whole team, or are the others on vacation?”
>”I would’ve thought that Hill would try and use you for something more violent. Considering how you’re all…big and stuff.”
I am curious how the espionage is supposed to work with Peter Pan, he doesn't exactly blend in with the constant floating.

>”Why don’t you have Doc Connors teach you a thing or two. I think he’d be happy to know that he has a fan.”
>”I can go down and grab some stuff from your dorm room if you want to liven the place up a bit. I’m sure it won’t take too long.”
>"You're in the same boat as my uh...ward I guess? I'm trying to get her into Brooklyn Visions, so we're doubling down on her studies."
>”Why don’t you have Doc Connors teach you a thing or two. I think he’d be happy to know that he has a fan.”
>”I can go down and grab some stuff from your dorm room if you want to liven the place up a bit. I’m sure it won’t take too long.”
>"So, do you have your codename already? Major Manhattan. Private Brooklyn, Sergeant Staten Island. Okay, that last one was weak. I don't even know where you're from exactly... Queen Queens."
>"You didn't lose my number, right? I was hoping for a at least call when you were doing better, didn't need to be a conjugal visit either."

Taking these. Writing...

Pan has another magical ability that he hasn't revealed to you yet, and it's crucial to the team's strategies and operations. Hill and Pandora managed to squeeze the info out of him when he was first being scouted.
“You’re in the same boat as my uh…ward, I guess?” you said, speaking plainly. “I’m trying to get her into Brooklyn Visions, so we’ve really been doubling down on her studies.”

Gwen’s eyes widened. “Oh, wow. I didn’t know you had a kid.” she said, a look of pleasant surprise on her face. “Wish her good luck for me. That’s a tough school to get into, and I hear the freshman workload can be a bit intimidating.”

You nodded. “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. And speaking of school, why don’t you get Doc Connors to teach you a thing or two while you’re both up here?” you suggested. “I think he’d be happy to know he has a fan.”

A nervous grin broke out on Gwen’s face. “I mean…it’s not like I haven’t thought about it, you know?” she muttered. “But he’s a busy guy, and he doesn’t need me drooling all over his shiny new government lab! I’m pretty sure it's a rental.”

“What’s the worst that could happen?”

“I don’t know. What if I say something stupid and he thinks I’m a poser or an idiot.”

You rolled your eyes at her. “You’re both turbo-nerds. And if that Goblin serum made you smarter than you already were, then I think you’re probably safe.”

She frowned slightly, and shook her head to clear it. “You’re right. I’m being weird about it.” she admitted. “I’ll try to go see him after I’m done here. Which is probably gonna be another couple of hours…”

“And it will continue to take up more of your valuable time if you spend it socializing.” Bloodhound said, without looking at either of you.

Gwen scowled at him. “Oh, lay off! I’ve been cooped up here for weeks now. Breaks are important for retaining information, you know.”

Bloodhound tilted his head slightly, unable to find a counter to her argument. “Fair enough. You are a particularly hard worker. Unlike a certain someone.” he said, clearly talking about the only other person in the room, who was currently making an origami crane out of an important looking document. He either didn’t notice that everyone’s attention was fixed firmly on him, or he simply didn’t care.

“You know…” you began, dragging the conversation back on track. “If you’re stuck up here, I can always go down and grab some stuff from your dorm room. It’d probably help liven the place up a bit.”

Gwen's expression seemed to be stuck somewhere between “extremely grateful” and “hesitant”. “A-are you sure? If you’re busy, I don’t want to-”

“If I was too busy, then I wouldn’t have offered.” you said, cutting across her. “Besides, I’m sure it won’t take too long.”

The blonde amazon placed a hand on her hip and breathed an exasperated sigh. “That’d be…fantastic! Thank you so much.” she said, giving you that same beaming smile from before.

“Don’t worry about it. I might need your help navigating the place, though.” you said. “You didn’t lose my number, right? I was hoping to at least get a phone call from you when you started feeling better. I’d even settle for a non-conjugal visit.”

Gwen scoffed, but you could see her face growing pink. “I’m not in prison, you dork.” she said. But after taking a look around, she seemed to lose confidence in these words.

“Although, there are times when I have trouble telling the difference.” she continued, running hand through her hair. “And yeah, that’s my bad. I totally forgot to tell you, but my reception is trash up here. I have to use this Wi-Fi calling app to even talk to people.”

She sounded very distressed by this development, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to keep hounding her about it. Instead, you asked her about the app, and promised to download it once you were below the cloudline again.


“So, do you have your codename already?” you asked, speaking into your bluetooth as you swung through the city.

“What is it? ‘Major Manhattan’? ‘Private Brooklyn’? ‘Sergeant Staten Island’?” you said. “Okay, that last one was weak. I don’t even know where you’re from. Maybe you could be…’Queen Queens’...?”

“First of all,” Gwen began. “I don’t see why my naming schemes only consist of boroughs. Captain America gets an entire country, and I can’t even get a measly state?”

“That’s fair. That was narrow-minded of me. You can be ‘Major Metropolis’ if you want.”

“And secondly,” she continued, apparently choosing to ignore that last part. “I was born in Manhattan, but that doesn’t mean that I want to run around calling myself ‘Major Manhattan’!”

Damn. She beat you to it.

Gwen sighed. “The truth is, I haven’t thought of anything good yet. And if I don’t think of something good before my first mission, then Bloodhound says that he’s gonna let Peter Pan come up with one for me.”

“Oh, yeah. And his naming sense is way worse than yours.”

“Don’t rub it in…” she grumbled.

“Just give it time. It took me a little while to figure out my gimmick too.”

“Yeah, but at least yours make sense. You’re out there hunting Rhino men and Russian Unicorns.” she argued.

You tried, and failed to suppress a snort. “Okay, Gwen? I know that was your very first time meeting me and all, but that’s not something that I do every day. It was weird for me too.” you said. “I might fight a giant immortal crocodile every once in a while, but I really don’t think it's all that common.”

“I just don’t feel like I’ve done anything to deserve this shield.” Gwen admitted. “Like, is it really okay for me to take all these things and call myself a ‘superhero’?”

“Well, considering how Captain America stepped into a vita chamber in response to a call to action, I don’t see how your situations are all that different.” you said. “You might not have been fighting Nazis in that lab, but you injected yourself with an experimental serum just so those people could have a decent chance of getting out of there.”

“To be fair, I would’ve been crushed if I hadn’t taken the serum.” Gwen put in. “So it wasn’t an entirely selfless act.”

“Doesn’t matter.” you said. “Your origins aren’t terribly important. What matters is what you do after you've got powers. From this point on, you’ve got to set an example.”

Gwen was silent for a long time after that, and you were starting to get concerned that the call got dropped, when she spoke up again.

“I never thought about it like that. Thanks, HM.”

The obvious relief in her voice was refreshing to hear, and you found yourself doing a couple of celebratory somersaults in between swings, every now and again.

“No problem.” you reassured her. “I’m almost there, by the way.”

“Good. Let me know when you want directions to my dorm.”


A few minutes later, you were back in your civvies and walking amongst the normals as you all approached Gwen’s old college: “Empire State University”. Private school. Ivy league.

You suppose that it shouldn’t surprise you. She got an internship at an Oscorp Bio Lab, after all. This place was probably full of brainy people.

“I’m here. Where do you want me to go?” you asked.

“Make a left after the fountain, and keep going until you pass the science center.” Gwen responded.

“Will do.” you said, waving at a group of giggling girls that were stealing glances at you.


Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t that hard to trespass on a college campus. You sort of just walked right up to the dorms and strutted around like you owned the place. It didn’t take long for you to track down the dorm room in question. The only problem was getting in without raising a fuss.

Ideally, you would’ve just crawled in through the window. But with this many people walking around, someone was bound to see you breaking into Gwen’s apartment from below. There wasn’t nearly enough cover here.

And so, you decided that you would do this as inconspicuously as possible.

Trying to look casual, you walked up to the door and tried the handle. Just as you suspected, it was locked.

You pressed your body closer to the door, glanced both ways, and pushed! With a crack, the door slid open, and you entered the room as if you had opened the lock normally. To the best of your ability, you tried to close it behind you, but it required you to push a trash can against it in order to stop it from swinging open again.

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According to her instructions, you were to gather her posters, her chemistry and calculus notes, her makeup kit, and some personal effects that have been scattered around the room. Thankfully, you managed to fit all of them into one big box. This was largely due to the fact that she was unable to fit into her old clothes, so she didn’t bother telling you to bring them. And it was a good thing, too, because you weren’t too keen on making multiple trips.

It’d be next to impossible to hold onto the box and the drone at the same time, so you would have to hand it off to another S.H.I.E.L.D. agent on your way out.

Reaffirming your grip on the box, you pushed the trash can aside with your foot and stepped out into the hallway, only to be greeted by an older man with wheat-colored hair, a big bushy mustache and an even larger pair of glasses.

The two of you had almost collided in your haste, and now you were just staring at each other, trying to take in the whole situation.

Any attempts made at an apology were ruined by the man’s incredible ability to talk over you whenever you started talking.

The man was now glancing between you, the box in your hands, and the door behind you. An indignant expression seemed to spread across his features, then.

“Were you just in there?” he asked, pointing at the door.

“Oh, yeah. I was just gathering up a few things.” you said, hefting the box in your hands and pretending that it was heavy. Before adding, “The, uh…door was stuck.” when you noticed that he was gazing pointedly at the broken latch. “It was actually like that when I got here.”

The man nodded slowly. “You’re a friend of Miss Stacy’s, then?”

>”Yeah. She decided to go back and live with her Dad, and she asked me to pick up a few things.”
>”Boyfriend, actually. We’re getting an apartment together, and I wanted to help her get a headstart on packing.”
>”Something like that. She told me I could have all this stuff if I paid her, so I’m just here to pick it up.”
>”Yeah, she’s not feeling too well. She’s got something super contagious, and she doesn't want anyone else to get it. I’m bringing this stuff to her place later.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>”Something like that, yeah. She asked me to pick up a few things, she had to change her living arrangements for a while.”
>"She's coming back soon, she had to rest for a bit. Poor girl is too much of a workaholic to know when she is pushing too far."
are we still on call with Gwen?

but generally this >>5432096 as it would clue her in to what's going on as well
You ended the call after she gave you the directions.
>”Yeah. She decided to go back and live with her Dad, and she asked me to pick up a few things.”
right, doesn't change my support for his write-in
none of it is a lie
>”Boyfriend, actually. We’re getting an apartment together, and I wanted to help her get a headstart on packing.”
Hah, this is totally Professor Warren, isn’t it? Let’s screw with him.
Boyfriend, actually. We’re getting an apartment together, and I wanted to help her get a headstart on packing.”
Maybe we can mention needing a break after Oscorp if he pushes harder. Anything further would need to be discussed with her since we don’t feel comfortable speaking with a stranger, of course.
Chicken shits, all of you!
>”Something like that, yeah. She asked me to pick up a few things, she had to change her living arrangements for a while.”
>"She's coming back soon, she had to rest for a bit. Poor girl is too much of a workaholic to know when she is pushing too far."

Taking these. Writing...
“Something like that. She asked me to pick up a few things, since she had to change her living arrangements for a while.” you said, sticking as close to the truth as you could without blowing Gwen’s cover.

“She’s coming back soon. Just had to rest for a bit.” you continued, trying to make your tone friendly. “Poor girl is too much of a workaholic to know when she’s pushing herself too far.”

The man’s expression became a bit softer upon hearing this, and you got the impression that he felt genuinely concerned about her.

“That’s a shame. Miss Stacy is one of my more earnest students.” he said with a sigh. “I was hoping I could ask her how her internship at Oscorp was going. I’m the one that recommended her, you see.”

“Oh, really? She says that she was learning a lot there, but they were running her a bit ragged.” you said. “She just needs a little break from everything for a while.”

The look on the other man’s face radiated nothing but the most sincere sympathy. For a teacher, this guy sure was attached to his student.

“That is…quite unfortunate. I hope she gets better soon. I would hate for her to fall behind in her studies and miss out on such a large opportunity.”

“Don’t worry. She’ll be back on her feet in no time.” you said, pushing past him and heading towards the stairs.

“Oh, well…could you tell her that I asked about her?” he asked.

You sighed, and turned back around to face him.

“Sure. You got a name?”

“Professor Warren. Miles Warren.” he said, pushing his glasses further up on his face. “But…she just calls me Miles.”

You nodded, still trying to maintain a friendly disposition, despite the weird vibes this guy was giving off.

“Right. I’ll let her know. It was nice meeting you.” you said, before turning around and heading out the door.


Several minutes later, you were back in your suit and swinging through the city with a cardboard box tucked under your arm.

Almost immediately after you left, you called Gwen back on that app she had you install.

“Hey, did you get it?” she asked.

“I got it, but I also ran into a Jeffrey Dahmer look-alike that was very concerned about your whereabouts.” you said.

“Wait, who?”

“I’m talking about your good buddy, Miles.”

Gwen fell for a moment, and you could tell that was trying to figure out who you could be talking about.

“Oh! You mean Professor Warren? What did he say?”

>”He says that he misses you being in his class, or something like that. I wasn’t really listening.”
>”He asked about the Oscorp internship. I wonder if he knows about the incident at the Bio Lab.”
>”How much do you know about him? Are you guys close at all?”
>”Listen, Gwen. You should be careful around that guy. I know a creep when I see one.”
Yeah, I am. If he comes to the conclusion on his own, I’ll accept laughing and not refuting it.
>He wanted to ask a out your Oscorp internship. Did he recommend you to the specific program you were part of?
>He seemed a little… into you for a professor asking about a teacher. Is that normal?
I don’t want to outright say he’s a creep, but it’s a little weird seeing professors that invested in a single student. Maybe I wasn’t genius enough though.
>”He asked about the Oscorp internship. I wonder if he knows about the incident at the Bio Lab.”
>”How much do you know about him? Are you guys close at all?”
>>”Listen, Gwen. You should be careful around that guy. I know a creep when I see one.”
I'll support this.
Miles is attracted to Gwen in canon, and Ben got the creeper feeling, but it doesn't hurt to try and get some confirmation before giving a warning to her.
Should have said
> professor asking about a student
instead of
>professor asking about a teacher

Ah, I didn’t know that! I know very little about the lore in general, in spite of following this quest I only know Spiderman from the occasional movie and game.
>”Listen, Gwen. You should be careful around that guy. I know a creep when I see one.”
”Listen, Gwen. You should be careful around that guy. I know a creep when I see one.””Listen, Gwen. You should be careful around that guy. I know a creep when I see one.””Listen, Gwen. You should be careful around that guy. I know a creep when I see one.””Listen, Gwen. You should be careful around that guy. I know a creep when I see one.””Listen, Gwen. You should be careful around that guy. I know a creep when I see one.””Listen, Gwen. You should be careful around that guy. I know a creep when I see one.””Listen, Gwen. You should be careful around that guy. I know a creep when I see one.””Listen, Gwen. You should be careful around that guy. I know a creep when I see one.”
>Well I broke into your room and instead of school security (imagine my luck) or some sorority girls (imagine my disappointment) showing up it's this guy hot on my tracks. It's odd. Why does he know where your dorm room is?
Honestly the timing and location of the meet is more suspicious than anything he specifically said. The goblin was blackmailing her and she just up and disappeared and this guy is possibly watching her room?

>”He asked about the Oscorp internship. I wonder if he knows about the incident at the Bio Lab.”
>”How much do you know about him? Are you guys close at all?”
>>”He says that he misses you being in his class, or something like that. I wasn’t really listening.”
>”Listen, Gwen. You should be careful around that guy. I know a creep when I see one.”
>He wanted to ask about your Oscorp internship. Did he recommend you to the specific program you were part of?
>He seemed a little… into you for a professor asking about a student. Is that normal?
>”Listen, Gwen. You should be careful around that guy. I know a creep when I see one.”

Taking these. Writing...
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2.08 MB GIF
“He wanted to ask about your Oscorp internship.” you said. “Did he recommend you to the specific program that you were a part of?”

“He helped me get my foot in the door, but I don’t know how much control he had over which team I would be joining.” Gwen replied, sounding deeply troubled.

“I wonder if he knows about the incident at the Bio Lab.” you wondered aloud.

“I’d be surprised if he didn’t. It was all over the news for a while. My Dad was freaking out when it happened.”

“And how’d Miles take it?”

“He left me a few emails asking me how I was doing, so I told him that I needed some time off school.” she said. “Why are you so interested in him, anyway?”

“I don’t know. He seemed a little…into you for a professor asking about a student. Is that normal?”

Gwen chuckled. “Professor Warren’s just worried about me. And I think…” she said, pausing as if wondering whether she should confide in you. “I think he’s a bit lonely after his wife died. He’s never done anything super weird, or threatening, so I haven’t thought much of it.”

“How’d his wife die?” you asked, trying to keep the suspicion out of your voice.

“Lab accident. I don’t know all the details. I feel like it’d be rude to ask.”

“Right. Well…I still think you should be careful around him. I know a creep when I see one.”

“You’ve barely known him for five minutes. He’s not a bad guy.” Gwen said sharply, agitation clear in her voice. “And in case you haven’t noticed, I’m more than capable of taking care of myself.”

“Look, I’m not trying to be mean. I just don’t want you to get hurt, or-”

“I’ll be fine.” she said crossly. “He’s never tried to touch me or do anything pervy. And if he did, I’d put a stop to it right then and there.”

“Alright, no need to bite my head off. I was just trying to help.” you argued, feeling your anger bubbling up to the surface.

Gwen sighed. “I know. I didn’t mean to blow up at you. It’s just that the other guys at my school say the same thing about him when they see him talking to me, and it just makes me feel bad.” she explained. “I don’t like bullies, even when the guy getting picked on is more than twice my age.”

“Spoken like a true superhero. That’ll be a legendary quote when they set up the ‘Major Manhattan Museum’.” you said in a jovial tone.

Gwen snorted a laugh. “I’m tempted to let Lost Boy think up a name for me just to shut you up.”

“I’ll probably poke fun at you either way, so it’s really a question of what you think you can live with.” you said.

From there, the conversation took a much more lighthearted turn. You had a feeling that you weren’t going to get anywhere arguing with her about her potentially pervy professor, so you figured that you might as well pave over it with casual banter.


About 20 minutes later, a S.H.I.E.L.D. shuttle was coming down to pick up Gwen’s stuff. The agents in question didn’t seem too bothered by the triviality of their mission. But they did shoot you a few weird looks as you handed it off.

“Thanks a million.” Gwen said over the phone. “I don’t know how I could thank you.”

What will you say?

>”Just try to remember me when you become famous a few years from now.”
>”I can think of a few things, but I can’t say them in front of so many eavesdroppers.”
>”You can take me with you when you go to talk to Connors. I want to check on him too.”
>”Why don't we see if we can't squeeze me into a joint training session with your guys? That Bloodhound guy looks like he knows how to scrap, and I could use the practice."


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>>”Why don't we see if we can't squeeze me into a joint training session with your guys? That Bloodhound guy looks like he knows how to scrap, and I could use the practice."
We've been putting off training for far too long. Now's the time since we don't have any urgent business to attend to.
>”You can take me with you when you go to talk to Connors. I want to check on him too.”
Lizardman time
>”You can take me with you when you go to talk to Connors. I want to check on him too.”
>”Why don't we see if we can't squeeze me into a joint training session with your guys? That Bloodhound guy looks like he knows how to scrap, and I could use the practice."
>"I might not be the best kind of guy around, but I don't kick people when they are down. I just was the right person in the right place at the right time and did the right thing"
”I can think of a few things, but I can’t say them in front of so many eavesdroppers.”
>”Why don't we see if we can't squeeze me into a joint training session with your guys? That Bloodhound guy looks like he knows how to scrap, and I could use the practice."
>>”I can think of a few things, but I can’t say them in front of so many eavesdroppers.”
>"I'm not impartial to food."
flirting is continuing to escalating what the other is doing, and so far, while not quite moving in on what we lay down, hasn't reacted negatively either.
You got balls. I'm in
I’m not sure if any of those options are actually flirting. I’m not fully sold on hooking up with Gwen, but I don’t want us to flounder.
I’ll use >>5433060 as the base.
>”Hey, wonder girl and I could always use a break from cooking meals if you’re up to taking us out.”
She responded positively to the mention of a kid, so lean on that. Introducing her to the kid should indicate that we’re not interested in a fling, we’re more interested in long-term relationships. Gwen doesn’t seem like a “fuck-and-forget” girl either. Play up the fact that we cook normally as well, women like responsible men.

I’ll let anons decide if they go in costume later or in civvies.
The mask stays on during sex
>”I can think of a few things, but I can’t say them in front of so many eavesdroppers.”
>”You can take me with you when you go to talk to Connors. I want to check on him too.”

>”I can think of a few things, but I can’t say them in front of so many eavesdroppers.”
>"I'm not impartial to food."
>”You can take me with you when you go to talk to Connors. I want to check on him too.”
>”Why don't we see if we can't squeeze me into a joint training session with your guys? That Bloodhound guy looks like he knows how to scrap, and I could use the practice."

Taking these. Writing...
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“I can think of a few things, but I can’t say them in front of so many eavesdroppers.” you said, motioning for the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to let you aboard.

“Hold up. I’m not that kind of-”

“I’m impartial to food.” you said quickly.

“O-oh. No yeah, I like food.” she replied, clearly flustered. “But I have to warn you, the cafeteria food up here is pretty bad.”

“I’m sure we can find a work-around. But until then, you can take me with you when you go to talk to Connors. I want to check on him too.”

“I don’t see a problem with that. Maybe I won’t be so nervous if you’re there to lighten the mood.” she reasoned.

“And maybe afterwards, you can help squeeze me into a joint training session with your guys.” you suggested. “That Bloodhound guy looks like he knows how to scrap, and I could use the practice.”

“You’re asking for an awful lot here.” Gwen shot back, sounding mildly amused.

“I guess it all depends on how grateful you’re feeling.”

“It’s not up to me. You’ll have to take that up with Bloodhound.” she said.

“Then I guess I’ll have to butter him up instead.”

As the S.H.I.E.L.D. shuttle took off, you relied on your unusually acute sense of balance to prevent yourself from falling over.


When you arrived back on base, you were met by an eager Gwen, who took the box out of your hands and led you back towards the room where you two had met.

Once there, Gwen placed the box into a corner of the room and told Pan to remind her to bring it to her room. Apparently, this was something of a running gag, because the Lost Boy shot her a half-glare, half-grin when he heard it. You knew full well how terrible Peter Pan’s memory was.

Then, she attempted to convince Bloodhound that a joint training session would be beneficial for the whole team. The supposedly blind man turned his attention onto you and folded his arms over his chest.

When he wasn’t being jovial and friendly, he transformed into a sphinx of a man, his expression utterly unreadable.

After about a minute of tense silence, he nodded slowly.

“I suppose we could all benefit from training that doesn’t involve LMD’s and simulations.” he concluded. “Very well. Physical training shall begin in five minutes.”

And just like that, he left the room without another word.

Who will you pair up against during training?

>Peter Pan. He can probably teach you a thing or two about sword-fighting.
>Gwen. She’s probably the closest to you in strength, and it’d be useful to learn how to take down a physically powerful opponent.
>Bloodhound. He’s got to be the best fighter out of either of these guys. And you’re tired of being outclassed by every other schmuck in this city.
>See if you can’t find another S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to get in on this.(Mockingbird/Spider-Woman/Cho)
>Bloodhound. He’s got to be the best fighter out of either of these guys. And you’re tired of being outclassed by every other schmuck in this city.
>>Bloodhound. He’s got to be the best fighter out of either of these guys. And you’re tired of being outclassed by every other schmuck in this city.
Yeah, not gonna lie, getting smoked by some nobody on skateboard kinda reminded me of the cold hard truth.
Benny can scrap, but he's by no means a trained fighter.
That's an especially fatal problem when it feels like every meta human is a tenth degree black belt.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Gwen. She’s probably the closest to you in strength, and it’d be useful to learn how to take down a physically powerful opponent.
>Bloodhound. He’s got to be the best fighter out of either of these guys. And you’re tired of being outclassed by every other schmuck in this city.
Rolling to decide.
I'll tell you how you take down somebody who's built like a brick shithouse.
I will warn you, this is a secret technique passed down in my family for generations, so I'm not sharing this lightly.
This is for your eyes only Anon.
>>Gwen. She’s probably the closest to you in strength, and it’d be useful to learn how to take down a physically powerful opponent.
>>Bloodhound. He’s got to be the best fighter out of either of these guys. And you’re tired of being outclassed by every other schmuck in this city.
>Bloodhound. He’s got to be the best fighter out of either of these guys. And you’re tired of being outclassed by every other schmuck in this city.
Secretly, I don’t really want to take Gwen down. What I want to see is Gwen showing more training than us in the short time she’s been with her team. Ben’s tears at being one-upped by a newbie hero would be worth it.

Getting our ass kicked by Bloodhound should be informative though. I’ll be happy either way.
To be fair, Gwen isn't juggling a thousand different things at once.
She's also got access to a world class training center whenever she wants.
We either have to schedule sessions with Matt and Angela, see if Cindy isn't too busy to kick our ass, or just wail on a heavybag in some dusty old warehouse.
>>Bloodhound. He’s got to be the best fighter out of either of these guys. And you’re tired of being outclassed by every other schmuck in this city.
Oh and uh, I guess we can also just alternate between taking shots with Flint and punching his head off.
I feel like the gains from that started to plateau pretty fast though.
He’d be a good person to focus train agility and defensive skills. He can attack from multiple directions and won’t tire so we’ll be forced to push our spider sense and reflexes heavily if we want to avoid getting clobbered.

As a general opponent? Yeah, he won’t teach us a huge amount. He won’t fight like most opponents anymore and it’s not like we can gauge how effective our strikes are against someone who can’t feel them.
I think he'd also be great as a sorta ghetto Danger Room if he ever learns how to control multiple bodies made of sand.
Training against multiple opponents specifically is something that is heavily overlooked, especially for street level metas.
>Bloodhound. He’s got to be the best fighter out of either of these guys. And you’re tired of being outclassed by every other schmuck in this city.

Taking these. Writing...

It's hard to believe, but this is still Year One! Ben's been insanely busy as a guy who's only just now joining this world.

I intended for "Martial Training" to be one of the options for what Ben would focus on during the timeskip. He would more or less be taking a break from work and focusing on his own personal growth.

Flint would be a good training partner if you wanted to get used to being assaulted from all sides and angles. But, as you guys have pretty much figured out, he can only teach you so much.
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Several minutes later, you were escorted to their personal training room. It was a spacious gymnasium with multiple levels dedicated for various purposes. There was a running track, an indoor swimming pool, a weight room, and an inverted obstacle course for fliers.

You gaped at your surroundings, being drawn into the deep shades of blue that seemed to cover just about anything and everything.

Beside you, Bloodhound strode towards the middle of the room, where the S.H.I.E.L.D. emblem stood plastered on the floor.

“Lost Boy, practice your aerial drills. Miss Stacy, run your usual simulations.” he demanded. The team leader now wore a mask that obscured his entire face. He had short, pointed ears, and red glowing eyes. His costume looked incredibly similar to that of the Black Panther’s, which only further proved your theory that he had some connection to Wakanda.

Pan didn’t seem to share Gwen’s attitude, but he did as he was told. And for a moment, you thought she would follow him.

But instead, she turned around with an awkward expression.

“Actually…I was kind of hoping that I could stay and watch for a while.” she said, glancing between the two of you. “You know, just so I could learn a thing or two.”

Bloodhound turned to face his subordinate, his mask’s crimson eyes penetrating her like an x-ray. But the girl didn’t so much as flinch.

Slowly, Bloodhound nodded.

“Very well. Do as you wish.” he decided.

Gwen gave him a relieved smile, and Pan seemed to be floating somewhere nearby, watching you all from above.

“I am ready when you are.” he said, projecting his burning gaze onto you.

“Bring it!” you exclaimed, jogging over to the middle of the room and squaring up to face him with your fists raised, bouncing on the balls of your feet.

>Roll 1d100-10, bo3!
Rolled 54 - 10 (1d100 - 10)

Rolled 83 + 0 (1d100 + 0)

Rolled 76 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Fuck, that was supposed to be a -10. Read that roll as a 66.
To get a negative you need to write+-
So 1d100+-10 in this case
I meant to do so, but I just kinda hit the autofill and forgot to check what it actually was.
When will Peter Pan inexplicably make a magic computer virus called "Lostboy.exe"?
Not bad at all! I'll be taking these.

Good luck trying to teach him any sort of coding with that horrible memory of his! Bloodhound's having a hard enough time trying to get him to memorize drills and codes.
Damn, I just looked up the lore for that meme. Sounds absolutely wild to just have all your shit posted out there for anyone to exploit.
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Feeling emboldened by the spectators surrounding you, you rushed towards Bloodhound and launched a series of quick jabs at him. He neatly dodged and parried them all, returning a few swipes of his own while he was at it.

Your superior speed and reaction timing helped you keep up with him, giving you time to properly respond to each and every attack. That was, until he started jumping around and incorporating kicks into his combinations.

The man was unusually athletic, pulling off flawless spinning roundhouse kicks and vaulting over your head as if it were the most normal thing in the world. You were having much more trouble blocking these, and you suffered a few blows to your arms, legs and chest as a result.

You tried not to let your agitation ruin your form, and instead waited patiently for the next middle kick to come your way.

And sure enough, Bloodhound’s right leg flew towards your ribs with the intent of fracturing them. At the last moment, you caught his leg and pulled him towards you, making him lose his balance for a brief moment.

But that brief moment was all that you needed.

Bloodhound was very close to you now. Too close to effectively strike you or avoid your next attack, you thought.

Before he had a chance to react to this unfortunate position, you had already delivered a swift palm-strike to his chin, sending him flying backwards across the gymnasium.

You were vaguely aware of Gwen making an excited noise in the backround, but almost all of your attention was reserved for the man that was now tumbling away from you.

It didn’t take your opponent very long to recover from your attack, as he had already rolled back onto his feet. Nevertheless, you took this opportunity to press the advantage!

Knowing that his brain must’ve at least been a little bit rattled by that last hit, you peppered him with a barrage of lightning-fast punches! He blocked most of them, but a few slipped past his guard and slammed into his chest, ribs and shoulder.

Sometime during your assault, however, Bloodhound made a very unusual decision. He turned his body away from you, exposing his back and flanks. So, you punched those instead! Only, you felt as if you were pounding your fists against rocks when they did connect with his body, and you were momentarily thrown off by the bizarre sensation.

And in one, fluid movement, Bloodhound turned his body back around and slammed his forearm and elbow into your chest. It was such a simple maneuver, but for some reason, you could feel the air involuntarily leaving your lungs as your feet slid and staggered backwards.

Now, Bloodhound was back on you with the same dogged persistence that you displayed mere moments ago. Your vision was blurry, but your spider sense was acute enough to warn you of the oncoming danger.

You waited for the first punch, intercepted it with both hands, turned and flung him over your shoulder! Unfortunately for you, however, Bloodhound’s reaction speed was far better than you gave him credit for, because he had managed to flip himself over and break his own fall by planting his legs on the ground after being flipped.

And with a surprising burst of speed, he twisted your arm, put you into a headlock and kicked your leg out from under you. Even with your heartbeat pounding in your ears, you could hear Peter Pan cheering and jeering from above.

You were losing air, fast. You needed to get out of this, somehow.

It would be easy to burn his arm or break it with your superhuman strength, but that would ruin the point of this exercise. You’re supposed to be learning.

What will you do?

>Use your strength to break out of his grapple, reverse the hold, and use your sticky fingers to prevent him from breaking away.
>Lift him up, swing him off and wail on him while he tries to recover.
>Perform a front flip and land right on top of him.
>Tap out and ask for a play by play of the match. You’d like to know what exactly you need to improve on.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>Tap out and ask for a play by play of the match. You’d like to know what exactly you need to improve on.
We are here to learn better techniques, don't let the ego get to our head.
>>Use your strength to break out of his grapple, reverse the hold, and use your sticky fingers to prevent him from breaking away.
lets see how far strength takes us
>Use your strength to break out of his grapple, reverse the hold, and use your sticky fingers to prevent him from breaking away.
We should both be getting something out of this match. Here's hoping Bloodhound learns a little something about grappling people who can bench press buildings.
>>Tap out and ask for a play by play of the match. You’d like to know what exactly you need to improve on.
>Ask what he did when he turned around. did he absorb kinetic energy or something?
>Use your strength to break out of his grapple, reverse the hold, and use your sticky fingers to prevent him from breaking away.
I think I have a much more conventional explanation.
Bloodhound is likely in great physical condition, so his back muscles are probably highly developed, possibly explaining why they felt so dense.
Then you have him giving up his back in the first place. Normally this would be a huge disadvantage in a fight as you wouldn't be able to see your opponent coming.
Not a problem if you don't see in the first place however.
im not so much curious as I want to strike up friendly conversation and show we are not a sore loser
That can wait until after the match. It'd be rude not to give it a good effort after all.
>Lift our leg over his head and trap Bloodhound’s neck between our calf and hamstring, putting him in a headlock of our own
Reversal, muthafucka!
I say we do this to try and pry him off without using superhuman strength, so as to not defeat the purpose of the exercise. I’d also refrain from trying to choke him out since we know nothing about chokeholds and that can be dangerous.
Support. Also I wonder how much we're throwing our punches recently.
What kinda hold does Bloodhound have us in specifically?
Is he getting us from the front or the back?
>Use your strength to break out of his grapple, reverse the hold, and use your sticky fingers to prevent him from breaking away.
Roll 1d100-10, bo3!

He's got you in a headlock from behind, and he's putting pressure on your back leg to prevent you from standing back up completely.

You're only using a portion of your strength so that you can avoid seriously injuring or killing the man. You aren't entirely sure how much he can take.
Rolled 7 - 10 (1d100 - 10)

Rolled 31 - 10 (1d100 - 10)

Rolled 48 - 10 (1d100 - 10)

Fugging shid:DDD
Have we found our max strength? If not I'm sure they have something at shield that could measure it right?

And here I was thinking that a "-10" might be a bit too harsh. But then again, you were fighting with multiple disadvantages and self imposed limitations, while grappling with a more experienced grappler.

Nope, not yet. Get yourself one of these, anon. I'm sure you could find something if you went asking around.
So you're saying we need to have sex with a meta? Like Gwen or she hulk? I will make it so.
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Anger and frustration welled up within you, and you struggled to rise to your full height, despite your opponent’s efforts to kneel on your back leg and keep you down. Piss, vinegar and righteous fury were the only motivating forces allowing you to push yourself this far.

Using your superior strength, you slipped your fingers under his arm and forcefully removed it from your throat. At the same time, you latched onto his suit, making it incredibly difficult for him to break away from you.

Upon realizing this, his crimson eyes went wide for a moment. Spurred on by this exciting development, you bent his arms to force him into a submission hold of your own invention!

But instead of bending the way you wanted him to, Bloodhound gave you yet another display of his flexibility and athleticism by flipping forwards, wrapping his leg around your throat and holding it firmly in place with his other leg.

In an instant, he created an impromptu chokehold with his legs! And the worst part was, you were stuck holding his body up by his arms. Sure, you thought of letting go of them in order to free yourself, but you felt that doing so would be an almost fatal mistake. He wouldn’t fall for the same thing twice.

Your mind was racing, and the only thing you could hear was the dull thud of your blood pounding in your ears. Your vision was getting blurry, and it was getting hard to stand up straight, let alone breathe.

You had to do something! You had to…

Had to…

And then, everything went black. Your surroundings and sensations faded away, along with your worries. You knew nothing at all.


With a gasp, you shot up! You shook your head and glanced around the room with bleary eyes. Where the hell was Bloodhound? And why was this room so damn bright all of a sudden?

“Oh good, you’re up!” said a familiar voice.

You turned to see Gwen, a relieved smile on her face. Pan was lazily floating somewhere behind her, looking somewhat amused.

“You’ve been out for a few hours.” Gwen said.

You glanced down at the soft, fluffy bed that you were now laying on, and the white curtain that was obscuring the rest of the room. You must be in the medical wing. Her story checks out.

“That tends to happen when you get your ass handed to you.” Pan said, snickering to himself.

Gwen glared at him, but you were grateful that she couldn’t see your face right now. It was no doubt burning with a volatile mixture of shame and frustration. You were so damn tired of getting your shit pushed in by random guys that have casually mastered several forms of martial arts!

“Don’t be mean, Lost Boy. Neither of us can beat Bloodhound in a straight fight.” she shot back, before turning back to you. “I think you actually managed to surprise him a few times. He said that you ‘Did well for someone without any formal training’.”

Great. Now he’s talking down to you.

“Oh! And he left some notes for you next to the bed.” Gwen said, handing you a slim folder. “He provided his insights into the fight, listing the things you did that he thought were good and bad.”

You accepted the folder mechanically, staring down at the S.H.I.E.L.D. insignia on its face with an empty feeling in the pit of your stomach. The worst part was, you weren’t even that sore. Instead, a numb feeling was beginning to wash over you.

And now he’s giving you homework. Perfect.

It was all you could do to prevent yourself from burning the folder to a crisp. But as pissed as you were, you knew full well that you could use all the help you can get if you want to improve as a fighter.

When you didn’t say anything in response, Gwen sidled over to your bed and sat at the edge, causing it to sink under her weight. Clearly embarrassed by this, she ultimately chose to stand in the end.

“You know, me and Lost Boy were going to head up to the Helicarrier’s deck. He wants to show us something.” she said cautiously. “I think it might help to get your mind off things.”

You nodded mechanically and threw off the covers. As for the rest of the trip, you couldn’t truly say whether you remembered it, or the words that were exchanged between you or the other two. It all felt like a blur as you struggled to recall the events of your match with Bloodhound.

You found yourself pouring over the contents of the folder as you walked, developing something of an obsession with the idea of finding your weaknesses and eliminating them, one by one. In a real fight, there isn’t a lot of room for error. A single mistake or freak accident is all it would take to kill you.

Your thoughts were only interrupted by the feeling of wind on your face, and the scent of fresh air. You were now walking upon the Helicarrier’s deck, on the opposite side of where you would normally arrive.

The sky was far darker than it had been when you first arrived, and you were grateful that you didn’t have any other appointments to attend to.

You were precariously close to the edge, now. A measly metal railing was the only thing that separated you from a catastrophic fall back to earth. Gwen seemed to understand this very well, since she kept her distance from it, her face taking on a sickly green color.

“Do ya see those stars? Above and below?” Pan asked, pointing up and down as he flew circles around you.

Hanging above you, were a curtain of stars that you normally wouldn’t have seen from the ground. Too much light pollution and uh…real pollution.

And Below, you saw a massive and intricate web of lights. It was the pulse of the city you grew to both love and hate. The city that never slept. The city that could give you everything, and take it all away.

“What about them?” you asked.

“Just watch.” he said with a wink.

You watched carefully as he flew higher and higher, his fluttering fairy trailing close behind. He brought a hand to his mouth, closed his eyes and puffed his cheeks out as if he were blowing out birthday candles.

And then, something extraordinary happened.

Before your very eyes, the stars in the sky were winking out as if Pan’s breath was powerful enough to extinguish them. He did it with such ease and casual indifference that it really did look like he was blowing out birthday candles!

And all of a sudden, the sky was dark and lifeless. You were surrounded by such a thick, inky blackness that the Helicarrier’s runway lights and floodlights were the only things illuminating the night sky. It simultaneously invoked a feeling of dread, awe and wonder in you.

“What the hell…” you muttered.

But before you could ponder the implications of such an insane feat, the stars were lighting up once more, winking back into existence as if nothing had ever happened. They flared up all across the sky, and you could swear that there were even more than before!

“Look out below!” Pan shouted, making that same blowing motion from before. And it was as if his breath was an unstoppable, rippling force, sweeping across the city below, blowing out any and all lights for but an instant, only for them to come back on a moment later.

It was a passing wave of panic. A brief glimpse of primal fear and uncertainty. A complete and utter display of power.

And it was then that you understood why it was that Hill and Bloodhound would place him on a team meant to specialize in recon. The kid was a floating, magical EMP!

“I am now taking requests.” Pan said, a smug grin on his face. “I can make specific shapes and patterns, too.”

You glanced at Gwen to see if she had any suggestions, but she looked as if she was left breathless by Pan’s party trick.

What will you request?

>”Can you do a spider?”
>”Try to do a moving pattern.”
>”Surprise me.”
>”Wouldn’t it be fatal to blow out a bunch of stars all at once? I’m pretty sure some of those were suns.”
>”How about no. We might cause a car accident, or some other crazy accident by messing around like this.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>”Wouldn’t it be fatal to blow out a bunch of stars all at once? I’m pretty sure some of those were suns.”
If it's just some illusion
>”Can you do a spider?”
>”Try to do a moving pattern.”
A spider crawling in a web
>”Try to do a moving pattern.”
>"A spider crawling in a web."
Place a hand on Gwens shoulder and say do a spider crawling on a web.
>Does great against villains and other assorted goons
>Struggles when dealing with proper heroes and vigilantes
This is fate trying to steer us away from a life of crime, I just know it.
>>”Can you do a spider?”
We haven't trained in like 100 updates. We need to train more
Also >”Try to do a moving pattern.”
Like people said sandman would be perfect and we still have Matt and now bloodhound. Also Gwen would be good bc her super str and stam
Backing this.
>”Can you do a spider?”
>”Try to do a moving pattern.”

Taking these. Writing...
“Can you do a moving pattern? Like a spider crawling up a web?” you requested.

Pan screwed his face up in concentration and leaned back a bit.

“Sounds tricky, but I think I can manage it.” he decided, before bringing his hands to his mouth. “Just need to figure out how I’m gonna…ah! This should do it.”

He leaned forward and whistled through his fingers, moving them up and down sporadically, as if he were playing a flute of some sort. It was such a simple gesture, but you guessed that there were hidden depths to the tricks.

Gwen gasped, and your attention was drawn back to the city, where the lights were now forming a web-like pattern. You watched as a long legged figure crawled out from the corner of the city limits, its limbs dancing around, disappearing and reappearing over and over. It sort of reminded you of those neon signs you’d see on storefronts downtown.

You and Gwen were both laughing in amazement, pulling out your phones and recording the grand light show for later.

“Ooh! Ooh! Do, um…Donkey Kong throwing barrels at Mario!” Gwen called out excitedly.

Lost Boy stopped whistling and gave her a puzzled look.

“The who and the what now?”

Gwen gave him a flat look and showed him a gif on her phone. Pan nodded and glanced at his fairy.

“Gonna need your help for this one Tink.” he concluded.

You heard a gentle, ringing sound from the fairy as she flew closer to his ear. Pan nodded and cupped an ear to listen to whatever it was that she was saying.

“You mean like this?” he asked, showing her another strange hand sign.

Tinkerbell shook from side to side.

“Like this.”

Tinkerbell bounced up and down slightly, but Pan still made a few last minute corrections before attempting the daunting task.

“Alright. Here goes!”

Lost Boy blew, and the landscape lightshow changed once more. Somehow, your troubles and frustrations were pushed out of your mind by the sight of a glowing gorilla tossing barrels at a determined-looking plumber.

The two of you were racking your brains to come up with a new pattern for Pan to imitate, but your little party was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of another figure.

A dark, two dimensional shadow of small stature was jumping up and down on the floor’s flat surface, trying to get your attention with very animated gestures. Its silhouette was identical to that of Peter Pan’s.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

The shadow placed pointed fingers beside his head, imitating devil horns.

Pan groaned. “Ugh. The hag’s on her way.”

“Wait, are you talking about Director Hill?” Gwen inquired, looking a little worried. “How can you tell?”

“My shadow’s bound to her now. I can feel when she’s nearby.” Pan replied with an expression of deep dislike.

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“Then I guess it’s time to peel out. Come on!” you said, gesturing for them to follow you.

And just like that, you fled from the Helicarrier’s deck, snickering to yourselves and coming up with ideas for new light patterns to try next time. You had actually managed to forget that you were still holding the folder. It was no longer the object of your ire.

You were determined to surpass all the guys that handed your ass to you. One way or another, you would fight your way to the top.


You don’t know what time it was that you got back from the Helicarrier, but you did know that you pretty much spent your entire day up there. Cindy was already fast asleep, and Flint was out and about, taking advantage of his seemingly limitless energy stores.

As quietly as you could, you crawled into bed, plugged your phone into its charger and let yourself drift off to sleep.Your last thoughts were of your astonishment at your body's ability to sleep even more, after having been laid out for several hours earlier. Even more surprisingly, the thought didn’t anger you nearly as much as you thought it would.


The next morning, you were shaken awake by Cindy, who was already dressed and ready for your next cooking class. Realization hit you like a brick as you glanced at the clock, and you practically vaulted out of bed, grabbing whatever clothes you could find in your closet.

Cindy sighed, and signed that she had already made breakfast. You thanked her, hopped in the shower and went through your usual morning rituals before flying into the kitchen. You didn’t have a ton of time to sit and eat. You’d have to grab something to go.

And that meant that you were taking the scenic route today.

Seemingly having read your mind, Cindy showed up behind you with her costume already equipped. You grinned at her, and changed into your own costume. Thankfully, you were already so used to this that it only took a few seconds to undress and stuff your clothes into a gym bag.

“Race you there!” Cindy signed, trying to get a headstart on you.

“Oh, you’re so on!” you called back, running to catch up with her.

The two of you were practically shoving each other as you flew out the door and pulled yourselves into the air.

You had a lot to work on, and even more to worry about these days. But you were going to take it one step at a time.

And maybe—just maybe…you’ll get a chance to stop and appreciate the little things somewhere along the way.


((What will you be focusing on over the course of the next few months?))
(Choose 3)

>Training to become a better fighter.
>Searching for the upper limits of your physical capabilities.
>Spending more time around Prowler and Sam. Your tinkering talents were starting to develop a bit.
>Learning how to sew from Black Cat. You’d like to be able to repair your own suits every now and then.
>Learning the ropes from Black Cat. She’s teaching you how to be a better thief.
>Studying under Anastasia’s tutelage. If you wanted to call yourself the “Huntsman”, then it would make sense for you to learn how to actually hunt.
>Memorizing the secret sewer routes and making connection with the Morlocks.
>Making great strides in learning American Sign language.
>Reconnecting with your family.
>Spending more time with a certain someone.(Who?)


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>Training to become a better fighter.
>Reconnecting with your family.
>Memorizing the secret sewer routes and making connection with the Morlocks.
>Training to become a better fighter.
>Memorizing the secret sewer routes and making connection with the Morlocks.
>Reconnecting with your family, and introduce Cindy too
>Training to become a better fighter.
>Studying under Anastasia’s tutelage. If you wanted to call yourself the “Huntsman”, then it would make sense for you to learn how to actually hunt.
>Memorizing the secret sewer routes and making connection with the Morlocks.
Training to become a better fighter.
>Searching for the upper limits of your physical capabilities.Studying under Anastasia’s tutelage. If you wanted to call yourself the “Huntsman”, then it would make sense for you to learn how to actually hunt.
>>Training to become a better fighter.
>Spending more time around Prowler and Sam. Your tinkering talents were starting to develop a bit.
>Learning the ropes from Black Cat. She’s teaching you how to be a better thief.
>Training to become a better fighter.
>Making great strides in learning American Sign language.
>Spending more time around Prowler and Sam. Your tinkering talents were starting to develop a bit.
>>Training to become a better fighter.
>Learning the ropes from Black Cat. She’s teaching you how to be a better thief.
>Reconnecting with your family.
>>Learning how to sew from Black Cat. You’d like to be able to repair your own suits every now and then.
>Making great strides in learning American Sign language.
>Memorizing the secret sewer routes and making connection with the Morlocks.
>Training to become a better fighter.
>Making great strides in learning American Sign language.
>Spending more time around Prowler and Sam. Your tinkering talents were starting to develop a bit.
Hey, anons. My schedule today is gonna be crazy packed. So much so that I've only slept for roughly 2 hours. I have no idea when I'll have an opportunity to write an update, but I hope it'll be sometime later this evening.
to keep the content creation machine running, sometimes it needs to be maintained.
take care of yourself, as always
Thanks! I'm finally back home, but I'm bone tired and in dire need of a nap. In the meantime, I'll tally the votes.

So here, we have some very clear winners. Such as:

>Training to become a better fighter.
>Memorizing the secret sewer routes and making connection with the Morlocks.

As for the third vote, I do believe that it's still undecided.

We have:

>Spending more time around Prowler and Sam. Your tinkering talents were starting to develop a bit.
With 3 votes

>Making great strides in learning American Sign language.
With 3 votes

>Reconnecting with your family.
With 3 votes

Let me know if any of you wish to change your votes, or debate the reason why you believe your vote should win.

And while we wait for that to conclude(or for me to take a well deserved nap), we should talk about who you want to instruct Ben in the ways of martial arts. It won't make a terribly huge difference now(outside of narrative and social implications), but it will matter in the future, where you will have to commit to a combat style/martial art to master.

>All of the above! You're taking lessons and pointers from anyone that's willing to teach you.
I'll swap >>5434604 the black cat vote to
>Making great strides in learning American Sign language.
>All of the above! You're taking lessons and pointers from anyone that's willing to teach you.
>Ask Ana the specifics of our relationship while at it.
I like the Morlocks.
Octopi and squids have bendy tentacles to ensnare prey. Spiders have bendy webs to ensnare prey.
>Making great strides in learning American Sign language.

Got it! Gonns start writing!
>4 Months Later
>Reputation: Menace
>Year One

A blur of green tendrils flew out from every direction. You leap into the air, contorting your body in all sorts of inventive ways, allowing you to avoid each and every lash by a severely narrow margin. Your spider sense was cranked up to max, and you were fully aware of your surroundings. That was the only reason that you were prepared for her next attack.

Suddenly, the tendrils shot out in whipping, slashing patterns, forcing you to kick off the ground to readjust your position in the air. You flipped, somersaulted and dove through the lightning fast attacks as if this were a rehearsed fight.

And when you spotted a gap between her attacks, you swooped down on her like a bird of prey.

In the blink of an eye, you were right up in Callisto’s face, throwing a series of well placed punches aimed at her. Just as quickly, Callisto reeled in her tentacles and coiled them around one another, creating two thick, braided, cable-like protrusions to defend herself with.

She whipped them around her body, blocking your attacks and attempting to trip you up. You were moving automatically, leaning into your senses and surrendering yourself to the strange sensation that warned you of incoming danger.

Unfortunately, these very same senses failed to notify you of the tendril that coiled itself around your leg. Either that, or you just didn’t respond to it in time.

It didn’t matter, because you were already being flung aside by the tentacle, rolling and flipping to recover from your teacher’s sneak attack.

All of a sudden, your momentum was stopped dead by a pair of cold, clammy hands on your back and shoulders. You shuddered out of reflex.

“Careful there…pretty thing.” said a slightly warbly and rasping voice. You looked up to see the very tall figure of “The Deep One” looming over you with her long, wet, tangled mop of black hair tickling your face. Her slitted, serpentine eyes were crinkled at the corners, leading you to believe that she was hiding a large, toothy grin behind that oxygen mask of hers.

“Thanks, Deep.” you said, pulling yourself away from her cold grasp and barely suppressing a shudder. It was no secret that the Deep One had a thing for you. She didn’t make much of an effort to hide it, and took every opportunity to make a pass at you whenever you were around her.

She wiggled her eyebrows, and her gills fluttered open and shut. You weren’t sure what to make of that gesture.

“You’re getting better.” Glass observed, striding over to stand beside the tall woman. “I’m surprised that you managed to avoid all those whips without even a scratch.”

“I’ve had a lot of practice.” you said with a shrug, remembering all the times that your instructor mercilessly lashed your body.
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“A little more wouldn’t hurt.” said Callisto, reshaping her arms into human ones and folding them over her chest. “But, Glass is right. You’re not flailing your arms around like you were when we first met.”

>You are now an “Experienced Fighter”! Just short of mastering a martial art, you are a force to be reckoned with. Lesser fighters without formal training can’t even touch you!

Despite her casual insults, you could tell that everyone was impressed with your progress. You were already a decent brawler before you started getting lessons from the sewer queen, but now, you thought that you would have a more than decent chance of keeping up with more experienced fighters. You absently wondered what it would be like to fight Matt and Bloodhound as you were now.

“When am I getting my turn?” asked a rowdy teen with a flaming skull for a head.

“Maybe when you can stop setting shit on fire, Robbie.” Callisto said coldly.

Robbie was the newest addition to the Morlock community. He and Glass had been friends beforehand, and they met on the road while Glass was making his return trip.

He apparently had the ability to reshape his skeleton in the form of a creature that’s gone extinct. Although, you’ve heard that larger transformations take a lot out of him, and he can only maintain them for brief periods of time.

“Yeah. Like my vegetable patch!” shouted a teenage girl with antlers and long black hair.

Oh yeah, and this was Nature Girl. Another new addition to the Morlock community. She was apparently kicked out of Xavier’s for some less than ideal behavioral issues, but Callisto’s managed to keep her on a tight leash while she’s been here.

She’s kind of annoying, but you can more or less acknowledge that the progress of your fairy flower garden is more or less attributed to her and Ethel’s efforts.

Robbie rolled his glowing eyes and shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry, babe. Can’t help it if I’m…hot!”

And with that last word, the flames dancing across Robbie’s skull flared up, forcing Nature Girl to take a few steps back. She was glaring daggers at him, and you had the distinct feeling that a fight might break out.

Just then, your phone’s alarm went off, drawing everyone’s attention to you. Grateful for the distraction, you pulled it out of your belt pouch and opened the screen.

It was almost time for you to meet up with Cindy. You still had time for a quick change and a shower if you hurried.

With all the tension gone, Robbie scoffed and walked back over to the Entertainment Center, where a group of Morlocks were busy playing a party game on the big screen.

Thanks to you, the dreary sewer tunnels now resembled a dreary, gothic man-cave. The air was cleaner, the water was drinkable, and they had a sufficient source of food from their vegetable gardens. The entertainment system was more or less a plus, since it kept some of the more idle Morlocks busy in their downtime.

As you watched Robbie’s retreating back, you saw some of the other mutants waving you over to come play with them. You waved them off by saying that you had an appointment to keep, causing them to groan and grumble in disappointment.

During your time here, you’ve become something of a celebrity. Not in the sense that these guys are worshiping you like a god, but in a way that leaves no doubt in your mind as to your reputation around these parts.

Your presence was unconsciously associated with new movies, new games, fresh food, and additional maintenance to their new amenities.

Sure, there were a few Morlocks that had left their little community, clearly unhappy with Callisto’s decision to associate with a “topsider”, but the majority of them thankfully decided to stay.

“Gotta go.” you said. “Thanks for the lesson.”

Callisto nodded her understanding. “Know how to find your way back?”

You grinned at her. “Who do you think I am?”

She returned your grin with a smirk and turned away from you. “‘Til next time.” she said, raising a hand as if to dismiss you.

After saying your goodbyes, you took off down the adjoining tunnel, running for the nearest exit. Your time down here has also given you a pretty good idea of how this tunnel system works. By now, you’re pretty sure that you could navigate it with your eyes closed. It’s made for plenty of clean getaways in the past, and you’re excited to test out its potential as a smuggling route in the future.

And let’s not forget the new additions to the Morlock community. All of them were unique in their own way, with an assortment of abilities that would undoubtedly come in handy during a job.

Are you considering hiring any of them sometime in the future?

>The Deep One. She’s big, strong, and can tear people to shreds with her sharp claws.
>Robbie Reyes. He’s a bit impulsive, but his ability could be insanely useful if handled correctly.
>Nature Girl. She’s a preachy nag, but a powerful mutant.
>Not really. They’re nice to hang out with, but they’re too unprofessional for your tastes.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>Not really. They’re nice to hang out with, but they’re too unprofessional for your tastes.
These guys could become professionals, but they’re not right now.
>The Deep One. She’s big, strong, and can tear people to shreds with her sharp claws.
She's a good replacement for Flint if we need to do something involving water
+1, sound logic to me. I don’t think we’d need her often, but I treat the Morlock recruits as a form of work sponsorship anyway.

Wonder if they’ll ever hire us to advise a team of theirs on a heist/infiltration mission instead?
>The Deep One. She’s big, strong, and can tear people to shreds with her sharp claws.
big scaly girl a cute
Just caught up on this Scorekeeper, I just love these characters (can't wait to meet Young Marissa Tomei as May though) also, I'd like to add reinforcements to our striking surfaces like the suit in the new Spider Man game except somehow in keeping with our aesthetic
>The Deep One. She’s big, strong, and can tear people to shreds with her sharp claws.
You never know when we might need some aquatic expertise.
>The Deep One. She’s big, strong, and can tear people to shreds with her sharp claws.

Taking these. Writing...

Glad to hear it! I always wonder whether I'm doing some of these characters justice. And what exactly do you mean by "striking surfaces"? Are you talking about additional armor?
A "striking surface" generally refers to any area that's meant to impact other objects.
On a suit, it might consist of the knuckles of the hand, the elbows, the knees, the shins, etc...
Even the forehead if you know how to do a proper headbutt.
Gotcha. That's what I thought at first, but I just wanted to be sure. Further options for suit modification will be available to you all. Especially now that Prowler has just about finished his research on the experimental energy cells.
On the note of >>5435974, I wonder if we can make our own style variation where we use webs with our strikes. Go for a grapple and use our webs to extend our reach slightly and prevent people from dodging. We can also incorporate a kick-heavy style to use webs with our hands and kicks to strike so we can twist them into our blows for additional pain.

Armor up our suit against explosions, and we can even web them while throwing punches. It’d normally be awkward to web and punch since the web limits our mobility too and likely cushions the strike zone for that hand, but an explosive punch can more than offset that.
Remember that striking style we thought of in one of the earlier threads?
Firecracker Style!
The gist being that we would weave explosions into our striking patterns to turn even basic combinations into rapid fire knockout blows.
I'm pretty sure we already toyed around with the idea and confirmed that we could do it in the first place, but we've yet to really explore just what we could do when utilizing those principles.
At least not enough to make a style out of it just yet, hence why I say we make it one of our long term goals.
The Deep One seemed like a good candidate, if any. If there’s ever a job that involves water, then you’ll have some use for her. So long as she can keep things professional and keep it in her pants when you’re out in the field, then there shouldn’t be any problems.

You would just have to get used to that hungry, possessive look in her eye when she looked at you. No biggie.

You’d pass the idea her way when you came back down to check on the fairy flower harvest. You would’ve done it today if you weren’t so short on time.

Oh, well. Strange and his wizard buddies will just have to wait for a little while longer.


After a quick stop home, a brief shower and a change of clothes, you headed back out to meet Cindy at Brooklyn Visions Academy. She should already be there waiting for you.

Maybe you should’ve tried to hire White Rabbit as your secretary. She would never let you this late. It would just eat her up inside.


Almost half an hour later, you were back on the ground and changed into your finest business casual attire. It didn’t take you very long to find Cindy. Among the parents and kids entering and leaving the school, she was one of the only ones standing by herself at the entrance.

She had gotten bigger since the two of you first met. And slightly more muscular too. She was so excited when she learned that she was approaching an age where it was okay for her to do muscle training without impeding her growth.

You’d have to start planning her birthday party sometime soon. It was absolutely astounding how quickly kids grew up when you weren’t looking.

Her eyes scanned the crowd, no doubt searching for you. You waved at her to get her attention, and she waved back, leaning to one side in order to see over the crowd.

“Hey! Sorry I’m late.” you said, running a hand through your hair. “Got a bit held up with the people downstairs.”

“More training?” she signed.

“Yeah. They all said that I’ve been getting better.” you signed back enthusiastically.

“Good enough to spar with me?” she asked, a teasing grin on her face.

“I’m not ashamed to admit that you might possibly be able to kick my ass.” you signed. “But at least I don’t have to say it out loud anymore.”

Cindy snickered, tapped her watch, and turned wrist to show you.

“Right. We should get going.” you said, putting a hand on her shoulder and leading her past the main gate.

It took a bit of time, but you really doubled down and learned as much as you could about American Sign Language in order to communicate with Cindy. Those efforts didn’t go unnoticed, and the two of you have become even closer as a result. It was sort of fun to trade secret messages right in front of people. Flint was just about the only other person within the Desperados that could possibly intercept your messages, and sometimes you would insult him just to get a rise out of him.


The secret messages exchanged between you didn’t stop at the entrance. During your tour of the school, you and Cindy were constantly making silent jokes about the dull delivery of the guide, and the pretentious air of the place. There were a ton of rich kids socializing with one another, but almost none of them were interacting with Cindy.

As soon as they realized that communicating with her required more than the absolute bare minimum of effort, they quickly gave up on that venture. It was part of the reason that the two of you were sticking so close together. You didn’t miss that disappointed look in her eye when the various cliques decided that she wasn’t worth befriending.

It absolutely tore you up inside that you couldn’t do anything about it. Not yet, at least.

The Silvertongue was still alive, and Cindy didn’t want to be treated differently because of her disability. All you could do now was support her through whatever the new school year would bring.

Suddenly, all thoughts of Cindy and magical beasts were halted by the sight of a familiar Asian girl taking a different tour. She hadn’t seen you yet, and you don’t think she’d be able to recognize you even if she did.

Was that…Saya Ishii! Silvermane’s kid! What’s she doing here? Is she trying to enroll here?

A tug on your sleeve broke you out of your reverie. Cindy was giving you a concerned look.

“Sorry, I thought I saw someone that I knew.” you said, glancing around for the tour guide. The two of you were some of the only ones in this hallway now. The tour guide and everyone else seems to have left you behind.

“Come on. Let’s catch up with-”

“You’re gonna love it here, Miles. This school has everything you could possibly need.” said a painfully familiar voice.

You froze where you stood. Was that…?

“And,” the man continued. “You get to leave your parents’ house ahead of time. Most people have to wait until they’re 18 to do that!”

Without thinking, you rushed towards the source of the voice. Cindy chased after you, a look of understanding forming on her face.

The two of you rounded the corner and froze. The other two figures did the same. Standing before you was an adult black man, and a younger black boy who seemed to be closer to Cindy’s age.

The boy stared at all for you in turn, clearly perplexed by this reaction.

Your eyes narrowed. “...Prowler?”

He stared at you in disbelief. And before he could stop himself, he muttered “Huntsman…?”

He seemed to regret it as soon as he said it.

“Ah, shit!” the two of you said simultaneously.

Cindy seemed very amused by all this, while the other boy’s confusion was mounting.

“Uncle Hob?” the boy said.

Prowler grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck. “If your mother asks, you didn’t hear that.” he said swiftly.

The boy smiled slightly. “Hear what?”

Prowler patted him on the back and turned to you with the sort of look that two men gave each other when they knew that there was something of grave importance to discuss.


Several minutes later, you and Prowler were standing together, watching Cindy and Prowler’s nephew, Miles, explore the school together. The conversations were pretty one-sided, but you were pleasantly surprised at Miles’ willingness to put effort into communicating with her.

A heavy silence hung between the two of you, neither of you willing to breach it at first. Your ally and fellow team member wore close-cropped hair, a goatee and a very severe expression. He looked like a military man or a drill instructor.

How will you break the ice?

>”That's a nice kid you’ve got there. Is he coming here too?”
>”Ben Parker. My name’s Ben Parker. And you?”
>”I didn’t mean to invade your privacy, or personal life, or whatever. Believe me, I didn’t want this any more than you did.”
>”You know it’s really not a big deal if we know each other’s secret identities. It’s not like either of us are gonna betray the other. Right?”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>>”That's a nice kid you’ve got there. Is he coming here too?”
>”Ben Parker. My name’s Ben Parker. And you?”
He did it guys, he did the thing!
Ben Parker. My name’s Ben Parker. And you?”

>”You know it’s really not a big deal if we know each other’s secret identities. It’s not like either of us are gonna betray the other. Right?”
>”Ben Parker. My name’s Ben Parker. And you?”
>"What did you tell your family you do for a living? I don't want to get you busted. We're work friends, details we can work out in less time pressing times."
>”Ben Parker. My name’s Ben Parker. And you?”
>”That's a nice kid you’ve got there. Is he coming here too?”
>"See you at work later."
>”That's a nice kid you’ve got there. Is he coming here too?”
>”Ben Parker. My name’s Ben Parker. And you?”
Didn’t think this would become canon when I wrote that little greentext, but here we are.
>”That's a nice kid you’ve got there. Is he coming here too?”
>”Ben Parker. My name’s Ben Parker. And you?”
>”See you at work later.”
>Some other things to mix in:
>”We’ve respected the mask for a while, but it looks like that ship has sailed. Since it has, I’ll trust you to look out for Cindy if you’ll trust me to look after Miles. As friends of a family, at least.”
>”He’s the only one that’s really tried connecting with Cindy. If I don’t have the chance to tell him I saw and appreciated it without Cindy hearing, let him know for me.”
>”Ben Parker. My name’s Ben Parker. And you?”
I'd ask why he's here and not Miles' father, but I think that'd be a little much to ask right now.
>”Ben Parker. My name’s Ben Parker. And you?”
>”That's a nice kid you’ve got there. Is he coming here too?”

Taking these. Writing...

I try not to be too rigid in my planning, and I wasn't terribly attached to the plotline that I had planned for when Miles eventually showed up. If it seems fun, then I'm okay with shaking things up. I feel like flexibility is an important quality to have as a QM.

Jeff's a cop, Rio's a nurse and they live in Brooklyn. Duty calls!

Nice write-in. Feel free to hold onto that sentiment and suggest it later
These last 2 updates or so were very wholesome
“Ben Parker. My name’s Ben Parker.” you blurted out. “You?”

Prowler breathed out through his nose and nodded slowly. “Hobart Brown.” he said without looking at you. “Most people call me Hobbie.”

“Ah. I don’t think I’ve ever met a ‘Hobart’ before.”

“Yeah, well not many people have.” he said with an expression that could almost be described as a rueful half smile.

Another heavy silence fell between you, and you found yourself searching for another topic to latch onto. Your gaze fell on Miles, who was looking at a map of the campus with Cindy.

“That’s a nice kid you’ve got there. Is he coming here too?”

“I hope so.” Hobbie said. “Miles is a smart kid. He deserves better than what I got.”

“I don’t know. You’re not doing too bad.”

Hobbie smirked. “Yeah, but I’m not exactly a model citizen. So long as I can watch him grow up, happy and successful, I don’t care about anything else.”

You were momentarily at a loss for words. For words so warm and human to come from a face that hides behind a cold, scrutinizing mask; it was such a major shock to your system.

“Same here.” you added, watching Cindy laugh a breathless laugh. “Even though she’s growing up to become some sort of monster slaying, crime-fighting ninja, all I want for her is to be happy.”

“Girls are a bit harder than boys. And she’s already hitting puberty.” he said, nodding at her. “Just be prepared to catch some serious grief in the near future.”

You chuckled at Prowler’s silly notion of Cindy not wanting to hang out with you, but had otherwise refused to comment on the matter.

You and Hobbie spent the next few minutes sharing idle conversation, cracking wise, and sending out the occasional barb. Both of you were still a bit wary of the other, and you felt as if you were stress-testing the new state of your relationship, neither sure of how they would proceed from here.

Later on, when you were watching Miles and Cindy asking questions about the various programs available to the school’s students. Ironically, it looked like Cindy was doing most of the communicating. This particular faculty member seemed to know sign language. Even now, Cindy was signing very enthusiastically at the older woman.

“What do we do about Cat?” Prowler asked, so suddenly and abruptly after a long silence that it momentarily left you speechless.

Your attention was still on Saya, who was sticking very close to the Engineering Department guide, and listening with rapt attention.

What will you say?

>”We should tell her. It’d be kind of unfair to leave her in the dark about this.”
>”How do you feel about that? I don’t want to do or say anything that you’re not cool with.”
>”We don’t have to do anything. She knows enough as it is. No need to put ourselves at risk even further.”
>”She’s a smart girl. Let’s let her figure it out for herself.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>>”She’s a smart girl. Let’s let her figure it out for herself.”
>”How do you feel about that? I don’t want to do or say anything that you’re not cool with.”
>”We should tell her. It’d be kind of unfair to leave her in the dark about this.”
I sure hope Silvermane's rivals don't invade the school to take Saya hostage when he returns to the top. They would get a beating from her friend.
>”How do you feel about that? I don’t want to do or say anything that you’re not cool with.”
>”At the end of the day, this whole thing was an accident. We didn’t plan it, so we’re not really obligated to go sharing our personal information if we don’t want to. Not that I don’t trust Cat, but still.”
>”How does telling her we unmasked each other through chance, but now we’ve formed the boys club. If she wants in, she’ll have to arrange for the same situation.”
It’ll be nice to have one over Felicia for all the teasing she does. We’re also being honest that the power dynamics changed, but welcoming her to correct it if she’s determined to set us all on an equal footing. Which I’m all for, but having her work for it is more amusing.
Oh, that’s good. Changing my vote to this.
Also changing my vote
>”She’s a smart girl. Let’s let her figure it out for herself.”
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>”How do you feel about that? I don’t want to do or say anything that you’re not cool with.”
>”We don’t have to do anything. She knows enough as it is. No need to put ourselves at risk even further.”
Yeah, I'd prefer to not make a huge deal out of this, I also had an idea based on something from an episode of The Finder basically we start a business and in the paperwork we put in a clause that if any of us go to jail the others have the ability to split their portion of the business amongst themselves (it makes it so no one can be forced to testify against eachother because it gives the others a reason to falsely testify against eachother), we don't even have to actually strip the company from eachother when people go to jail just hold an "inconclusive company board meeting"
>Inb4 Maybelle Reilly
How do you feel about that? I don’t want to do or say anything that you’re not cool with.”
Also let us eavesdrop on this girl real quick
>write in
“We don’t have to do anything really, we keep it the same as it has been. Keep up the masks at work and we can just be different people who have kids to look out for.”
>>”We should tell her. It’d be kind of unfair to leave her in the dark about this.”
>>”How do you feel about that? I don’t want to do or say anything that you’re not cool with.”
>”How does telling her we unmasked each other through chance, but now we’ve formed the boys club. If she wants in, she’ll have to arrange for the same situation.”

Taking these. Writing...

Sometimes it's nice to just sit back and appreciate the little things.
“How does telling her that we unmasked each other by chance change anything?” you said with a shrug. “We’ve more or less formed the ‘Boy’s Club’, with you, me and Flint. If she wants in, she’ll have to arrange for the same situation.”

A satisfied grin grew on Hobbie’s face, then.

“How do you feel about that? I don’t want to do or say anything that you’re not cool with.” you quickly added.

“At this point, it’s bound to come out eventually. Let her work for it.” he decided.

The two of you sealed the pact with a nod of solidarity and a firm handshake. You didn’t particularly see a reason for why the team’s dynamic should change in any meaningfully dramatic way, but you couldn’t deny that having someone other than Flint and Cindy know your secret identity was a bit of an unwelcome change.

Thankfully you were on good terms with everyone on your team. Felicia finding out wouldn’t be a huge loss. But you couldn’t pass up a perfectly good opportunity to mess with her a bit. She’s always teasing you with a smug grin on her face, and you think a little payback is long overdue.


The tour proceeded with nothing else of interest occurring. Miles and Cindy had exchanged numbers, and were actively texting one another, despite the fact that they hadn’t left each other’s company yet.

At some point, you’d lost sight of Saya, and hadn’t been able to find her again for the remainder of your time there. You tried not to let the worry show on your face. You weren’t sure if Prowler had spotted her or not, but you didn’t need him getting all paranoid in public.

You’d just have to bring this up in private later.


Once both kids were satisfied with what they’d seen, the four of you said your goodbyes and went your separate ways. Cindy seemed to figure out what was going on without you telling her. She had recognized Prowler’s voice as well.

To your great relief, she was feeling far more optimistic about the school now that she’d made a friend. You were going to have to ask Prowler to buy his nephew something nice when he got home.

That being said, what did you plan to do when you got home?

>Head down to the sewers and check on the fairy flower harvest.
>Meet up with Madame Web and Julia to discuss the Spider Totem investigation.
>Wait for Prowler to get back so that the two of you can test out the new energy cells.
>Call up Marc and see if they’ve made any progress on researching the Silvertongue.
>Set up an appointment with one of Silvermane’s contacts.(The Owl/Hammerhead/Count Nefaria)
>Spend time with someone.(Who?)


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>Talk to Cindy about Saya
neither I nor I think should Ben claim to know how best to approach this.
Cindy has plans to protect the travelers of the night, and Saya might turn out to follow Silvermanes footsteps, even inherit the empire
Cindy could befriend Saya turn her to the good side, or later have a powerful... "the devil you know" sort of thing. Or she could decide to avoid her and not risk her identity being known when they do come to odds against one another in the future.
Thing is, Cindy deserves to know and have a say in the matter. Maybe if she asks our (Ben's) opinion, we (the players) can have a seperate vote together on how we (Ben) should advice her to approach the situation.
>Meet up with Madame Web and Julia to discuss the Spider Totem investigation.
>Talk to Cindy about Saya
>And the Miles kid too
backing >>5437119 and >>5437126
Call up Marc and see if they’ve made any progress on researching the Silvertongue.

Doesn't it eventually kill the host? Been a bit since we bothered with it.
>>Head down to the sewers and check on the fairy flower harvest.
>Talk to Cindy about Saya
>And the Miles kid too

Taking these. Writing...
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You paused for a moment and pushed your plans for the future aside. Saya’s presence at Visions still lingered in your mind. And if there was any possibility of her and Cindy attending the same school, you figured that she had a right to the truth.

And so, you told her everything. About Saya’s identity, her relationship to Silvermane, and eventually, your connection to both. Unsurprisingly, Cindy remained silent the entire time. She didn’t make a single hand gesture or sign that might have communicated what was going through her mind at the time.

After a few minutes of dreadful silence, she began signing.

“It would probably be best if I avoided her for a while.” she decided. “Thanks for the heads up.”

“You could probably try becoming friends with her, or something.” you said hopefully. “Who knows? Maybe you can try and turn her away from the dark side.”

Cindy gave you a skeptical look and made the hand sign for “doubt”.

“She’s the daughter of a major crime boss. She’s probably being groomed to take his place as we speak.” she argued. “My word means nothing against her father’s. A promise of power is far more tempting than what I can offer.”

What will you say?

>”Just because she’s taking over as head of the family doesn’t mean that the two of you can’t get along.”
>"We don't know if she's next in line to take over after Silvermane, and we don't know if she even wants to. Maybe I can ask him about it later."
>”You’ll never know unless you try. The opinion of people you care about can end up leading you to make life-altering decisions.”
>”You have a point there. It’d probably be better if you kept your head down and stayed off her radar.”
>”What would Khonshu want you to do?”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:

>>”You’ll never know unless you try. The opinion of people you care about can end up leading you to make life-altering decisions.”
>”Just because she’s taking over as head of the family doesn’t mean that the two of you can’t get along.”
>”You’ll never know unless you try. The opinion of people you care about can end up leading you to make life-altering decisions.”
>"To be fair, Silvio is not that bad as far as crime bosses go, and I'm not exactly a saint either."
>”You’ll never know unless you try. The opinion of people you care about can end up leading you to make life-altering decisions.”
>"We don't know if she's next in line to take over after Silvermane, and we don't know if she even wants to. Maybe I can ask him about it later."
>”You’ll never know unless you try. The opinion of people you care about can end up leading you to make life-altering decisions.”
>"promise of power... don't I know that, but..."
>”You’ll never know unless you try. The opinion of people you care about can end up leading you to make life-altering decisions.”
>"I have a code of ethics mostly because I still want to be able to look into the eyes of those people and not be ashamed of myself."
>"You and I, we both know, there's dark side and then there's darker side. There's stuff even crime bosses shouldn't allow in their territory."
Just because she’s taking over as head of the family doesn’t mean that the two of you can’t get along.”
>”You’ll never know unless you try. The opinion of people you care about can end up leading you to make life-altering decisions.”

>”You’ll never know unless you try. The opinion of people you care about can end up leading you to make life-altering decisions.”
Maybe someone else said this better, but I’m too tired to properly think it through.
>”We have power too, but that doesn’t mean we don’t care about each other.”
>”Her life won’t be any simpler than yours, so she’ll be pulled in plenty of directions. You could be a push at the right time for other pieces to fall in place.”
>Ultimately, you may decide she’s a bi- uh, tar- er, annoying. If you don’t like her personally, you can just prepare to take her down later. But don’t make enemies until you need to. It gives them less time to prepare.”
>>”You’ll never know unless you try. The opinion of people you care about can end up leading you to make life-altering decisions.”

>"Well yeah your allowance isn't that high...er, wait."
>"A promise of power is more tempting that what you can offer? That's not true, there are a lot of things people value more than power. Even criminals. Tombstone handed over his whole empire to the Goblin for his daughter's life and then burned it all down in revenge when he found he was the culprit."
>"Wait, wait, wait, are you making ME lecture YOU about heroism? Is this opposite day? Is this what they are teaching you in school? It hasn't even been one day!
>"But seriously, prioritizing your safety is completely fine and you cant save people from their own choices."
Learning to walk away is a lesson all on it's own

Are we sure we want to set Cindy on trying to redeem/save Saya when at the same time we are pretty much propping up Silvermane? I mean Cindy is right, she is being groomed to inherit the empire, so if Cindy convinces her that crime-is-bad-actually then who is Silvermane going to leave the empire to? I just don't want to get into the situation that we are working in cross purposes with our own daughter.
I’ll add this to my vote (>>5437319).

I know she’ll respond to the Tombstone line with a variant of “You really going to equate me being a friend to a guy losing his daughter?” but that dovetails into the “right push, right time” suggestion I made.

As for working against Cindy, we could also work him to keep his operations cleaner and/or smaller. Spin it as keeping his family safer by making them a nimbler target in the underworld. Quality over quantity.

It still implies Cindy actually tries to befriend Saya. And that they get along, which may not be the case. I’ll trust her to make a judgement call and learn from it later.
it's not to turn her from crime explicitly to create a power vacuum, but more to place an ally on the throne who would do less bad than an alternative

(I'm that guy >>5437285)
>(I'm that guy >>5437285 )
I'm not, I'm this guy >>5437299
I was worried for a second.
>"Well yeah your allowance isn't that high...er, wait."
>"A promise of power is more tempting that what you can offer? That's not true, there are a lot of things people value more than power. Even criminals. Tombstone handed over his whole empire to the Goblin for his daughter's life and then burned it all down in revenge when he found he was the culprit."
>"Wait, wait, wait, are you making ME lecture YOU about heroism? Is this opposite day? Is this what they are teaching you in school? It hasn't even been one day!
>"But seriously, prioritizing your safety is completely fine and you cant save people from their own choices."
>”You’ll never know unless you try. The opinion of people you care about can end up leading you to make life-altering decisions.”

Taking these. Writing...

Also, I'm seeing some nice write-ins here, anons. Keep it up!
>that moment of existential terror when you think someone else is you
Yeah, a second of worry sounds appropriate.
Fair enough on the “lesser evil” tack. I’m not sure if I want to go down that road with Cindy or have her come to that conclusion herself. Letting villains do their business is never an easy thing for heroes to swallow, especially ones with tragic backstories.

I think she’ll learn either way. It’ll just be a difference of whether she learns now or later that her actions can make things worse in the long run even if she does a good thing.
Just as a thought/idea, can we get Latverian citizenship (or even some kind of low nobility if DOOM is willing to do what Scotland and Sealand did), I just like the idea of Ben being part of some kind of Villainous Nation in order to make arresting him a massive clusterfuck of jurisdictions...or just as a shitpost to make people call him Sir Huntsman, of the New York Huntsmen
Unless there's some other Micronations in Marvel we can fuck with
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“Well yeah, your allowance isn’t that high…er, wait.”

You paused to look at her.

“‘A promise of power is more tempting than what you can offer?’ That’s not true. There are a lot of things people value more than power. Even criminals.” you continued. “Tombstone handed over his whole empire to the Goblin in exchange for his daughter’s life, and then burned it all down out of revenge when he found out that he was the culprit.”

Cindy looked thoughtful for a moment.

“Wait, wait, wait…are you seriously making ME lecture YOU about heroism? Is today opposite day, or something? Is this what they’re teaching you in school? It hasn’t even been a day, yet!” you smugly exclaimed.

Cindy just waved you off without turning to look at you.

“But seriously,” you said, persisting in your argument. “Prioritizing your own safety is completely fine, and you can’t save people from their own choices.”

“That’s just it.” Cindy signed. “She doesn’t know anything about me yet. If I decide to do this, then I only have 4 years to prevent her from becoming a monster. And that’s if she even wants to be around me.”

“You’ll never know unless you try.” you reasoned. “The opinion of people you care about can end up leading you to make life-altering decisions. All it takes is a push at the right time, and all the pieces could fall into place.”

Cindy’s face took on a pensive expression, and she remained silent for almost an entire minute.

Finally, she sighed and signed “I’ll think about it. There’s no guarantee that she’s really going there, anyway.”

But despite her words, she still looked troubled. Seeing as how she was distracted,