A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…STAR WARSINTERREGNUMEPISODE IIITHE SEARCH FOR SANCTUARY>>RECAP of the last thread:Farren Gaelle launched his investigation into the disappearance of Nomiana Whrul, a Mandalorian woman he’d danced with the night prior to the slave revolution. With his padawan Ceyla Vikol, the Jedi managed to gather enough information from both the locals and Ingmar the Tof to establish a rapport. While Whrul and her two other compatriots have otherwise disappeared on “religious sabbatical”, an identity was given to the warrior that Ceyla fought on the Chiller: Blazing Chain, an organization of nomadic, Force-sensitive pirates that plague the Unknown Regions.The following day, Master Larid revealed his connection to the Storyteller. Six years prior to your apprenticeship, he had been marooned on a backwards planet in the Tingel Arm, and fell in love with the woman, Tessa Ceryll, who nursed him back to health. He had married her, only for tragedy to befall the young couple when the town unearthed an ancient Sith Temple, unleashing the Storyteller upon the hapless populace. Larid has sworn vengeance against his wife’s killer, and is troubled by the fact that the Revenant answering to the ancient Sith is strongly suspected to be a very close relation.Following a quick meeting with Laurentius Mercantor, husband of Commodore Octavia, Farren and the other Jedi were summoned to a conclave, hosted by Masters Larid, Uyer and Aure. The three masters announced the organization of their survivors into the JEDI TRIUMVIRATE, focusing on the preservation of the Jedi Order. Torok Lamal was made a Jedi Knight, and Master Larid took the youngling Vuqu Dahe as his new apprentice. After the meeting, Farren inquired of the Triumvirate about his mother, Alleana Gaelle, as she had been in the same Youngling clan as the three masters.Now, the young Jedi prepares for his first mission for the Triumvirate: a sojourn back into known space to search for Jedi strongholds and other survivors. His first stop will be Dweem, the sanctuary of the silicon-based Jedi sect known as the Iron Knights…======Previous Thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/4788445/Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Star%20Wars%20InterregnumPastebin (WIP): https://pastebin.com/u/TaskForceKazTwitter: https://twitter.com/TaskForceKaz======
===PATCH NOTES===>>DICE/SKILL OVERHAUL/REWORK>Dice rolls now resemble a version of the Narrative Dice/Genesys system, although to avoid bogging down the dice pool, expediating combat, and/or otherwise streamlining checks, the inclusion of Setback, Difficulty and Challenge dice have not been included.>Each pip in any Stat has been changed from 1d6 to 1d8; each rank in any skill upgrades a 1d8 Stat Die into a 1d12 Proficiency Die.>In theory, Stat die can be used to roll raw for a skill without any ranks, but having ranks in a skill will change 1d8 to 1d12 per X amount of skill ranks.>For example, Farren has 1 Skill rank in Knowledge [Sith] (INT) and 2 pips in his Intellect Stat.>For making a check on the Storyteller, Farren would be rolling 2d8, but due to his 1 Rank in Knowledge [Sith], one of his d8’s will be upgraded into a d12.>As a result, Farren will be rolling 1d8+1d12 for his Knowledge [Sith] check.>In situations where a skill has more pips than a stat, the system allows for a character to compensate a lack of skill with innate ability.>For example, if Farren has 3 in Negotiation but only 2 in Presence, he would initially start with 3d8 Ability dice and upgrade two of them to d12 Skill dice, totaling 1d8+2d12 for a Negotiation (Presence) check.>>LIGHTSABER COMBAT REWORK>Overhaul of the Seven Forms of Lightsaber Combat to adhere to the FFG System.>Much like skills, Farren will throw 1d8 based per the corresponding pip in the relevant stat depending on the Form he’s using, upgrading to 1d12’s based on his 3 in Lightsaber.>Similarly, where Farren has Lightsaber 3 and most of his Abilities in 2’s, he will also be compensating a lack of skill with innate ability.>>Lightsaber Forms are now reworked to correspond with the following stats/abilities:>Shi-Cho/Form I - Brawn.>Makashi/Form II – Presence.>Soresu/Form III – Intellect.>Ataru/Form IV – Agility.>Shien/Form V – Cunning.>Niman/Form VI – Resolve.>Juyo/Form VII – Brawn.(1/2)
>>LIGHT/DARK SIDE POINTS REWORK>Introduction of the {ALIGNMENT} mechanic, a scale of 0 – 200 indicative of a character’s alignment to the Dark or Light Side of the Force.>Much like the KOTOR games, there are five alignments: Very Dark (0-29), Dark (30-79) Neutral (80-119), Light (120-169) and Very Light (170-200).>Dark/Light Side points are obtained by performing actions pertinent to either extreme; gaining Light Side points advance Alignment towards the Light Side, while gaining Dark Side points subtract Alignment towards the Dark Side.>With the exception of Neutral, all Alignments grant perks and also have a narrative bonus via unlocking unique dialogue options or otherwise accessing alignment-locked items such as Jedi or Sith holocrons.>Farren is currently at Light (160), and thus gains a +1d6 bonus to checks made against opposing Force rolls.>>FORCE POWER REWORK>Upgrading the d10 per Force Rating to d12 per Force Rating.>Affinity Bonus reworked to offer +1d6 when using [Alter]-type Force Powers.>Each pip in a Force Power adds +1d4 to when rolling to activate the power.>Certain powers have all-or-nothing effects, while others have multi-tiered effects, and the check result determines the maximum effect you can achieve.>For example, rolling high on a Move check could allow you to impact more enemies, extend the range of the power…>But the Dark Side always offers easy power, and at a terrible cost. Farren can add 1d12 to any Force Power check per 2 Force Rating, but gains equal Dark Side Points based on the result.>For example, if Farren choses to augment his Force check with a Dark Side die and rolls 8, he gains 8 Dark Side points, and subtracts that from his current alignment.>Reworded several descriptions of powers.>>TALENTS/TRAITS OVERHAUL>Adding [Makashi Technique] – may roll Panache instead of Brawn for Lightsaber Checks.>Reworking [Makashi Expert I] – add +1d6 per rank of Makashi Expert when fighting a singular opponent.>Adding [Niman Technique] – may roll Resolve instead of Brawn for Lightsaber Checks.>Reworking [Jedi Shadow] – add +1d6 to checks made for Deception, Perception, Stealth and Vigilance.[END OF PATCH NOTES]
====>>FARREN GAELLE>Brawn – 2>Agility – 3>Intellect – 2>Cunning – 2>Willpower – 3>Presence – 2>>SKILLS>Astrogation 1 (Int) – knowledge about galactic routes and hyperspace jumps.>Cool 1 (Pr) – ability to remain calm under danger. Resists Charm/Negotiation.>Coordination 1 (Ag) – measure of a character’s nimbleness and flexibility.>Deception 1 (Cun) – ability to trick others into believing falsehoods.>Force Entities 1 (Int) – knowledge in entities strong in the Force.>Lore 2 (Int) – knowledge of the galaxy and its ancient history.>Mechanics 1 (Int) – skill in working on machinery from weapons, droids and starships.>Melee 2 (Br) – proficiency with melee weapons such as knives, swords or fists.>Medicine 1 (Int) – used to treat wounds from minor scratches to life-threatening injuries.>Perception 2 (Cun) – used to notice subtle clues, stealthy people, and information by observation. Opposes Skullduggery.>Piloting [Space] 1 (Ag) – a measure to pilot starships and other stellar vessals.>Ranged [Light] 1 (Ag) – proficiency in single-handed firearms such as pistols, spears and grenades.>Sith 1 (Int) – knowledge regarding the Sith and the Dark Side of the Force.>Stealth 1 (Ag) – how easily a character can hide or appear inconspicuous.>Vigilance 2 (Will) – the ability to quickly take notice/react to events happening in the immediate/peripheral.>>TRAITS/TALENTS:>Jedi Shadow – add +1d6 to rolls made for Deception, Perception, Stealth and Vigilance.>Makashi Technique – may use Presence instead of Brawn to roll for Lightsaber checks.>Makashi Expert I – add +1d6 per rank in Makashi Expert to Lightsaber checks when fighting a singular opponent.>Niman Technique – may use Willpower instead of Brawn to roll for Lightsaber checks.>Aberration Bane – add +1d9 made to rolls against Force Entities.>Alignment [Light] – add +1d6 to checks made against opposing Force rolls.>>Lightsaber Rating: 3>Weapons – “Makashi/Duelist’s” lightsaber; “Niman/Dual-wielding” lightsaber.>>Lightsaber Forms Known:>Form II/Makashi [Presence]>Form VI/Niman [Willpower]>>Force Rating: 2 [2d12+Willpower]>Force Affinity: Alter (+1d6 to Alter-type powers)>>Force Powers:>Force Fire 2 (Alter) – a pyrokinetic ability that allows for the manipulation and conjuration of flames.>Force Move 2 (Alter) – the iconic telekinesis of every Jedi, determines lifting limit and push power.>Force Speed 1 (Alter) – increases muscle speed/reflexes and slows perception of the world.>Force Weapon 3 (Alter) – imbues an object with the Force. Increases lightsaber damage, and makes mundane weapons resistant to being sundered by lightsabers.>Mystic Weapon 1 (Alter) – using the Force to manipulate a chosen weapon, allows it to operate independent of your grasp. At Rank 3, add another weapon.>Sever Force 2 (Alter) – rare technique that severs a target’s connection with the Force.
[WEAPONS]>>Farren Gaelle’s Lightsabers – a pair of lightsabers constructed after the Exodus from Kakarit, and Farren Gaelle’s elevation to a Jedi Knight.>>Lightsaber Stats:>Skill: Lightsaber>Range: Engaged>>Makashi/Dueling ‘saber- Hardpoints (6/6):-- Curved Hilt (1) - Preferred by duelists and Makashi/Form II wielders, adds a +4 to lightsaber checks when using Makashi/Form II in combat against a single foe.-- Dual-Phase Mod (2) - Allows you to change the length of your blade once per encounter, catching your opponent off-guard to ignore melee defense for one attack.-- Kakerox Crystals (2) - A shard of the Godseye given to you by Grand Shamanka Bos. You may make a Resolve Check to draw upon the power within the crystal, adding +5 to the next Force Power check. This can be done twice per the wielder's Force Rating before the crystal needs to be recharged via exposure to a solar body for a full 24 hours. The blade created is dense and vibrant, intensifying in plain view of a star or sun.-- Shadowsheathe (1) - A specialized sheathe or holster made to conceal weaponry using optical camouflage. Doubles the DC made to find the affected weapon on your person.>>Niman/Dual-wielding ‘saber- Hardpoints (6/6):-- Dual-Phase (2) - Allows you to change the length of your blade once per encounter, catching your opponent off-guard to ignore melee defense for one attack.-- Stabilizing Coils (1) - When using this lightsaber, negate the first Critical Failure that occurs naturally for that encounter/situation.-- Kakerox Crystals (2) - A shard of the Godseye given to you by Grand Shamanka Bos. You may make a Resolve Check to draw upon the power within the crystal, adding +5 to the next Force Power check. This can be done twice per the wielder's Force Rating before the crystal needs to be recharged via exposure to a solar body for a full 24 hours. The blade created is dense and vibrant, intensifying in plain view of a star or sun.-- Shadowsheathe (1) - A specialized sheathe or holster made to conceal weaponry using optical camouflage. Doubles the DC made to find the affected weapon on your person.>>Nomi’s Mandalorian Blaster – a Mandalorian pistol given to you by Nomiana Whrul after an evening of dancing on Mylar-3 prior to the Slave Revolution. She gave it to you in the hopes that it would keep you alive in the Unknown Regions.>Pistol Stats:>Skill: Ranged (Light)>Range: (Medium)- Hardpoints (3/3):-- Blaster Actuating Module - Increases power/penetration of blaster bolts at the cost of increased maintenance.-- Hair Trigger - Allows the weapon to be fired twice in a single action at the cost of decreased accuracy.-- Multi-Optic Sight - Reduces any penalties due to smoke, darkness and other vision-affecting environmental effects.(cont.)
INVENTORY>Farren’s Padawan Lightsaber – the last of a pair of lightsabers you constructed as a Padawan. It bears no special modifications, but it has carried you through thick and thin for the better part of almost fifteen years. Among noteworthy opponents of this lightsaber include several Dark Jedi, the Revenant, the Accuser of Pilgrims, the Herald of Jombaral, and Mad Warrior-King Trax.>Golden Lightsaber Crystal – one of two lightsaber crystals you had taken from the caves of Illum when you were a youngling. The lightsaber it had been embedded in had been destroyed by the Herald of Jombaral.>Liar’s Blade – the spearhead carried into battle by the Liar Chieftain against the Herald of Jombaral thousands of years ago. Used to slay the Herald and free the souls it had absorbed into itself. Seemingly anathematic to Force-users, you watched it burn Grand Shamanka Bos from within herself.>>HOLOCRONS>Holocron of the Betrayer – a Jedi Holocron containing the persona of Kreia, an enigmatic Jedi Master from the time of Revan and the Old Republic and survivor of the Jedi Purge at the hands of Darth Nihilus.>Holocron of the Redeemed – a Jedi Holocron containing the persona of Meku Sakaroto, a Jedi who followed Revan into battle against the Mandalorian Crusaders and fell to the Dark Side at Malachor V.>Holocron of the Seeker – a Jedi Holocron containing the persona of Zayne Carrick, a former Jedi Padawan who survived the Padawan Massacre at the hands of the Jedi Covenant.ALLEANA'S LEADS>Arkinnea, a planet in the Expanse Region, where refugees of both Separatist and Republic bent flee.>Bracca, a planet in the Mid Rim, where the only fortune to be made is from shipbreaking and scrapping.>Dagobah, a planet in the Outer Rim, a desolate swamp void of any significant or advanced civilization.>O’haon, a planet in the Tingel Arm, suspected to be the planet you saw in the Revenant’s vision.>Uliea, a planet in the Outer Rim, alleged homeworld of Alleana and Farren Gaelle, largely unknown by the galaxy.(cont.)
The Albatross>>Class: Lonrar E-9 Explorer>Silhouette – [4]>Speed – [4]>Handling – [-1]>Hull: [25/25]>System: [14/14]>Shield (Fore) – [1]> Shield (Port) – N/A>Shield (Starboard) – N/A>Shield (Aft) – [1]>Armor – [4]>>Cargo Capacity: 300 Metric Tons>>Customization Hardpoints [2/4]:>Electronic Countermeasures – doubles the DC for enemy shits to hit you.>Security Measures – doubles the DC for Computers/Skullduggery checks made for unauthorized access.>>Misc.>Engineering Access – sub-deck access passages grant easy access to nearly any internal engineering system in the ship, allowing for quick response to problems. Lowers the DC made for Mechanics or Computer checks thanks to ease of reaching systems typically hidden behind bulkheads or sealed beneath deck plating.>Namesake Bonus – increases engines/sublight speed by 1.>>Weapons:>1x Dorsal & 1x Ventral Turret- mounted Medium Laser Cannon(s).>Fire Arc: ALL; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close], Linked 1>>Crew & Compliment:>1 Pilot, 1 Co-Pilot, 1 Engineer, 1 Quartermaster.>4 Passengers.=====
DRAMATIS PERSONAE>>The Albatross>Ceyla Vikol – miraluka padawan, the mild-mannered and vision-addled apprentice of Farren Gaelle.>Elbawaraak “Elba” – wookiee engineer/mechanic enslaved by the Tof, who swore a life-debt to Farren after the slave revolution.>Suzel Sho – nagai scout/pilot enslaved by the Tof, repaying a debt to Farren after his parents were rescued from captivity.>B-33 – SupTac droid purchased from a merchant prior to the slave revolution. Seeks to experience new things.>HK-82 – the head of a Hunter-Killer droid with a pacifist protocol. Searching for the rest of his body.>Trykov – Clone trooper and survivor of the ill-fated 57th Elite Corps to have succumbed to Jombaral. A logistics officer turned quartermaster, and liaison to Scrapper Squad.>>The Jedi Triumvirate.>Master Uyer Kosa – twi’lek Jedi Peacekeeper, representing the Guardian. A stern woman, she took on Arotta Bashur as her padawan, and led the 57th Elite Corps into several battles during the Clone Wars. >Master Brethon Larid – human Jedi Shadow, representing the Sentinel branch. Prone to bouts of eccentricity and deadly seriousness, and Farren’s former master. Sworn enemy of the Sith Lord known as the Storyteller, who killed his wife, Tessa Ceryll. >Master Aure – zabrack Jedi Diplomat, representing the Consular branch. A sardonic woman with a sharp tongue, she insists Kirsten is still her padawan, and has so far refused to think about replacing her. >>Farren’s Jedi Friends>Torok Lamal – cathar Jedi Pilot and recent Jedi Knight. A childhood friend of Farren and Kirsten, sorted into the same Salamander youngling clan. Came perilously close to the Dark Side in the wake of Order 66, having witnessed the aftermath of Kirsten’s torture at the hands of the Tof.>Kirsten Corrho – human Jedi Padawan. A childhood friend of Farren and Torok, and padawan of Master Aure. Tortured by the Tof and rendered comatose and brain-dead in a carbonite freezing experiment gone horribly wrong.>Arotta Bashur – togruta Jedi Padawan. A childhood rival of Farren’s, turned sex friends during their later years. Padawan of Master Kosa, she was stranded on Kakarit until her rescue. Now burgeoning lovers with Farren.>>Miscellaneous:>Nomiana Whrul – female human Mandalorian bounty hunter that Farren met on Amagi. They shared an evening’s dance and a bed prior to the Slave Uprising, after which she disappeared on sabbatical with other Mandalorians. Gave Farren a custom pistol in exchange for a knife in the hopes it would keep him alive.>Urzu & Mukir - companions mentioned to be with Nomiana.>>Enemies:>The Storyteller – the spirit of a Pureblood Sith bound in the pages of a book. The perpetrator of the misery of du Lac’s Hollow, and the death of Tessa Ceryll.>The Revenant – a half-insane Dark Jedi and apprentice of the Storyteller. Suspected to be either Master Larid’s unnamed daughter with Tessa, or sister-in-law Eira Ceryll.
Concerning Dragons and Shadows>>One week after the Mylar Star Uprising…>>Unknown Location…Many things could be said about the Sith known as the Storyteller. Most, however, would only be base conjecture, or otherwise basic observation of the man in question. He was tall, lithe of frame and had an unassuming air as he stirred the fire with a long iron rod. The shadows cast by the flames licked up along the pillars and walls of the ruined temple, along the shine of his armor and cloak. And in his eyes, the embers were reflected in a vigorous, burning gold, a sharp contrast the grey that had crept up the roots of his hair.Of course, it was not his name. It was but one of three that he had become known by, and by far the one that carried the most emotional weight. He had not given up the others as much as held onto them like an object in a museum: cleaned routinely and placed in an area of great importance, but mostly left to their own devices.The first had nearly been torn from him when Horuset had been eclipsed by the smog and smoke of orbital bombardment.The second came with great prestige and prominence, bequeathed none the less by a living god.But the moniker of “Storyteller” resonated with him the strongest even when he had been a child, and that had seemed to be an eternity ago. He told stories, but also collected and curated in equal measure. No tale was too outlandish, no doggerel too crude; any and all that he could get his hands on were all treasures of great importance, but there were some more valuable than others.A disturbance at the outer edge of the temple roused him from his musings. He maintained a calm demeanor as the flames ringing the enclosure parted, allowing the battered, bloodied form of the Revenant to limp into the light. Her armor was scored with plasma burns, and her right arm was cradled tightly against her chest. Her hair, the color of autumn leaves, was matted with grease, and an angry mark ran down the length of her nose.But her eyes, the same color as his, blazed defiantly in spite of her injuries.The Storyteller shifted in his seat, beckoning for her to approach. It was only a matter of time until they would have this meeting. Predicated, of course, on the condition that she had managed to safely escape from the slavers’ planet. Five days had passed since the Shadow’s intrusion upon his inner sanctum. He would have only gotten worried after a month had passed.“I take it that you’re en route to the library?” he queried. Business before pleasure. Regrettable, but ultimately necessary.She answered with a rasping grunt, wincing at some unseen pain that lanced into her head. A migraine from over exerting herself, perhaps. “I’ll be there in...a week or two. The transport I hijacked isn’t...nearly as fast.”“And the ship you used to get to the planet?”“Destroyed. Nothing was...left behind that could lead anyone anywhere.”(cont.)
He mused quietly to himself. Not the cleanest of getaways, but he could recall several messy situations from his own wayward youth. Then, he raised a finger, and pointed it to her arm. “I trust that you’ve taken the appropriate measures to dress your wounds?”The Revenant nodded tersely. “I remember your instructions, master. By the time I arrive to the library, the healing trance…will have taken care of everything else.”“Kolto certainly helps,” he replied, then thought on it. “…or is it not bacta that the galaxy currently uses?”She gave no response, merely limping closer to the fire pit. Surprise, then doubt creased her features as he stood up and beckoned her forward. “But that’s your seat, master…”“Only because it is the best seat, and one reserved exclusively for the storyteller,” he finished with a wry grin. “Which at the moment would be you, my dear. Come and take your place by the fire. Let it not be known that I won’t allow others to share their stories.”She was hesitant to approach. A shiver ran up and down the length of her body, and she tentatively extended her good arm towards the flames. It took only a handful of moments for some semblance of color to return to her skin, and the shaking to subside.He waited a great deal, letting her sit and regain her balance. Only when the Revenant’s eyes seemed to glaze over in some distant reverie did he decide to begin. Clearing his throat, he asked, “Do you wish to speak about what happened in the galleria?”Through their bond in the Force, he felt a sharp wince, a flinch as the recollection came to the front of her mind. She cradled her broken arm closer to her chest, stared harder at the fire. And through teeth clenched even tighter, she ground out in equal measures anger, disappointment, self-loathing and sorrow:“…I failed you, master.”He did not answer immediately. The logs in the fire popped and hissed, ceding into ash as they stewed in silence. Then, after a moment’s deliberation, he replied, “Are you quite certain about that?”She started as if an electric current had run through her. Her eyes widened, then narrowed in resentful suspicion. “What else would you call…this?” With a limp, languid hand, she gestured up and down her body. “I threw everything I had at the Jedi, years of training…and these are all I have to show for it…more scar tissue to the collection.“No, not just this…” She laughed, a hoarse and ugly noise tinged with the slightest bit of hysteria. “The lightsaber we built, destroyed. The mask, sundered in two. And the…” The Revenant paused to swallow, shuddering as she undid the gauntlet on her broken arm. The Storyteller watched dispassionately as she tore it off, cursing and holding the bloody sight before the fire. Where there might have been a patch of skin, there was only lean, raw and sinewy muscle that stretched from her wrist to elbow.(cont.)
“…your page, the story you wrote and stitched,” she whispered, all the energy leaving her as she slumped back into her seat. Then, she spat out with a venomous bile, “He severed it from me. After the fall, I tried searching, but I couldn’t find it…”“Because it had been disconnected from you and I,” the Storyteller answered gently. “That is no fault of your own.”She grimaced, sneering at the memory. “But, that wasn’t the worst of it…that Jedi bastard, he…”>>For choices made in an earlier thread…“…he tried to save me,” she finished with a whisper. Uncertainty and confusion flowed through the bond. “…I saw them master. They were there, lurking just beyond the edge of my vision. I could feel their burning gazes, and I had to escape. But when I fell…”That had certainly been a surprise, even to the Storyteller. The Shadow made a concerted effort to rescue the girl, even going so far as to attempt to Sever their connection. A close thing that had been. The boy had perhaps a middling talent in the Force, but his technique was far beyond the rank of a mere padawan.If not for that strange disturbance in the Force, then he and the girl might not have had this conversation. Even from the library, he had felt it twice over, through the girl, and then as it passed across his planet. A mystery to certainly explore once she was in haler health.The Revenant shuddered, pulling back her arm to herself. And in a low voice, muttered, “…the Jedi are killers. The Jedi are liars. The Jedi put all to the sword who don’t conform. But he tried to save me…”The Storyteller interjected before she could lose herself in another one of her mumbling fits. And it would be best to course-correct to avoid the seeds of doubt taking root within her already-fragile mind:“He sought to take you captive for his own gains, not out of any concern for your well-being. As a padawan, your defeat and subsequent capture would have netted him great prestige among his fellows. Perhaps even an elevation to Knighthood, a padawan of his own, and a lovely bronzium statue. You’d be reduced to nothing more than a trophy locked away in a maximum-security prison, a footnote in textbooks and datapads about the Shadow, and a stepping stool for him to sound a heroic yawp of triumph.”He was pleased to see her react violently, and the anger he felt served to light a fire within her. Eyes blazing with the fury of a star, she snarled, “I am no one’s trophy. Least of all, a Jedi’s, and not even a king’s!”Ah. It seemed that her temper was still volatile when last she left the library. Hopefully, the journey home and meditative trance would see her vitriol retreat into a more restrained simmering, or otherwise refocus on more appropriate targets.(cont.)
He nodded in affirmation. “Of course. But I will say that pages are easily replaced given enough time and ink. Masks can be reforged. And certainly, lightsabers are not easy to come by, but ultimately, they are weapons that can be acquired once more via certain channels or quests.“You, child,” he said, placing a hand on her shoulder, “Are an existence that outweighs all three by more than a significant margin. And one impossible to replace. The galaxy could turn a million times, and there would not be one like you.”The Revenant stilled. She met his gaze, and he gave her a soft, warm smile. It was all true, and he sincerely meant every word of it. The rest of the hypothetical replacements for her were hardly interesting enough. But the girl was unique in her circumstances, and he was not ashamed to acknowledge a certain fondness for cosmic irony. It would make his revenge against the Jedi all the sweeter.The Storyteller digressed, then mused, “Again, I will ask if you are certain that you failed. I sent you to measure yourself against the Jedi of the age. Some might call it bad luck that you crossed blades with a Shadow, the Order’s little hunters of the Dark Side…but I think that this is the start of a great destiny.”“But, master,” whispered the Revenant, “If the Shadow is only just a padawan, and he is able to beat me…then how much further am I away from killing him?”And there was the pith of the issue. The object of her bliss was powerful, not a foe easily slain. In the years since their last encounter, he would have only gained more power. Nearly twenty years, when that chance meeting found the Storyteller and the Revenant in the darkness and bound them together.Of course, it was his bliss as well. Perhaps not the obsession he had spent millennia chasing, but still one he sought to completion out of vindictiveness. The Storyteller was just as much aggrieved and wronged as the girl was by the events that happened twenty years ago. But he would gladly cede his revenge to someone far more deserving of delivering it to inflict the most despair.He patted her broken arm, and gently traced a finger around the flayed musculature where a page had once been. “I would daresay that the Shadow has done you a great service in revealing to you your strengths and weaknesses. For instance, he is obviously a skilled duelist. We will have to work on your lightsaber skills, and how to counter a dual-wielding opponent. A pity that Jedi are now in short supply and cannot otherwise be used as convenient training targets.”She stiffened at the touch, then nodded slowly, eyes refocusing past the pain, old and new alike. “I will think on this, master.”The Storyteller smiled. “Don’t be disheartened. This stage would hardly be called the Road of Trials if you did not stumble. And I’ve found that a hero who does not taste defeat or face setback makes for an incredibly boring legend.”(cont.)
There was no warning as his grip tightened around her arm, hard enough for him to feel the bones underneath the sinewy musculature. The Revenant screamed, and the fire responded, flaring to an almost painful degree. He drew her close, pulling her against him in a one-armed embrace, and bade her to be quiet. She obeyed, and through the bond, he felt a caged anticipation as he leaned into her ear.“You will meet the Shadow,” he declared gravely, almost hissing the words. Power bled from his fingertips, seeping into the girl with every passing heartbeat. “It is inevitable that two singularities are drawn to each other. The universe knows this, as does the Force, who has set your paths parallel, but will not share when they intersect. Like a star trapped in a binary system, you and the Shadow must orbit towards the other, but only one will consume the other, gain power and return to a sojourn through the cosmos."Let him be the face that you slay in your dreams. "Let him be foci for all your pain and emotions: anger, hatred, helplessness and despair.“Let him be the wellspring from where you draw the hatred and strength to empower yourself. "Hone your skills and accumulate power so that you can return that which he made you feel by a hundredfold. He will be the dragon that you must defeat before you are truly ready to follow your bliss.”The Storyteller released her arm, and brought his fingers before her eyes. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she collapsed into a boneless pile against his body. She would not awaken until at least a day into her healing trance.But perhaps it was a sudden flight of fancy that struck him as he beheld her. Shaking his head ruefully at the sentimentality of it, he arranged her into a more comfortable position, closing her eyes and laying her head upon his lap in a gesture of paternal affection.This was a privilege he had only granted to two other souls. The first had been his reason for living, a testament to his hatred of the Jedi. The second, her offspring, his kith and kin that had followed in his footsteps in the pursuit for power.As the fire died, and the darkness began to close around them as the girl settled into a fitful slumber, the Storyteller whispered gently to the third: “Rest now. I will pen a story and prepare two pages for your arrival. We have much work to do upon your awakening, my dear apprentice…much, much work to do until either of us achieves our bliss. But do not fear. Yours shall be the legend that I will carry to the Whills. ”[END INTERLUDE]
>>Meofytos Mechanical Menagerie>>Serano Spaceport, Amagi (Mylus-3)>>Mylus System, Unknown Regions, Sector H-3The mechanic trills triumphantly from behind the curtain. A handful of moments pass, as well as a cacophonous din of crashing metal and other electronics before the avian shopkeeper reappears, bearing your new droid companion on a hover-dolly.It’s certainly a departure from the traditional cylindrical shape you’re used to seeing, as if someone had taken a power droid and traded its legs for a singular tread. You have been reassured that the droid won’t easily tip over. And if it did, internal stabilizers would kick in and reorient the droid, if not already done by its appendages.“This is fine work,” you mutter, rapping a knuckle on the armored plates. “Durasteel?”Meofytos nods in affirmation.Considering where the Albatross is going and the enemies the crew have so far faced, it’s definitely a good investment. Wouldn’t do to have the first shot put your new friend out of commission only a handful of minutes into a tense battle.>>[Unnamed]>Chassis: S-19 Astromech Droid>Unique Feature: Armored Plating>Personality Core: Delta Core [While this droid pulls through for its creator and friends, it tends to exhibit a perpetually downcast and low-affect demeanor]>Equipment: Scomp Link, Claw Appendage, Tool Appendage, Astrogation Buffer, internal commlink, holorecorder.The droid comes to life with a high-pitched whine, squawking nervously as it orients its wheel. Its sensor turns from one end to another, searching and scanning the room before it settles on you. The lens, focusing sharply as the S19 comes in for a closer look.Scratching the back of your head, you extend a hand and a tentative smile. “Good afternoon. I’m your new owner, Farren Gaelle.”It stares, then tentatively opens a compartment to extend a claw appendage. As you shake, it trills out a series of questioning electronic noises. Droidspeak isn’t your forte, but you are able to get a rough approximation of what it’s trying to say.“I’m in the market for a droid to add onto my ship. And Meofytos here was able to put you together.”The droid then swivels to face the shopkeeper, whose only response is to raise an eyebrow(?). Then, it turns back to you, and emits another, more tentative and nervous query.“…yes, it’s going to be dangerous,” you admit, then gesture to the additional upgrades, “That’s why I had you kitted out with extra armor. But that’s only if I need you off the ship. Otherwise, you’re just going to be prowling around in the cockpit or engine bay.”The promise of safety inside the ship, it seems, is able to convince it. The S19 retracts its claw, swivels in place, then nervously motors forward to stand at your side and await further instructions.>>What would you like to name your new droid companion?>Delta.>MR-VN.>S-19.>Write-in. [Custom Option][VOTE OPEN FOR FIVE HOURS]
>>5022623>S-19.No need to get weird with it. S-19 is perfectly fine name for a droid.Alternatively, we could have Ceyla name it.
>>5022623>>MR-VN.I don't have any ideas on a good SW Droid-y name, so I'll just stick with this unless someone comes up with a really good one.
>>5022623>S-19.Also sup Kaz was started to get worried given you said you'd be running a month plus ago.
>>5022623>S-19>Write-in: L3-37
>>5022623>>MR-VN.Need to check on clone bros
>>5022678>Need to check on clone brosWe already have during thread 3.1, it's how we picked up Trykov.
>>5022623>>Write-in. [Custom Option]>ScooterGood to have you back, Kaz. With each thread we grow closer to finding Chissfu.
>>5022623>Write-in. [Custom Option]Bud Stucket
>>5022630>>5022640>>5022668>>5023312As far as names go, “S-19” isn’t exactly the most original or inspired. Still, it should get the job done well enough. Last you checked, this model of astromech wasn’t as nearly as popular as the R-series. And it didn’t matter whether or not it was in known space or the Unknown Regions.The droid in question doesn’t seem to complain in the slightest. S19 scoots along, only half a pace as you make your way back to the private dock. Upon your arrival, it whistles a surprised note at the sight of the Albatross. Cheeky bugger seems to be pleased.There aren’t many aboard at this point in the day. Suzel is out visiting his family, and Elba currently chasing down the last bit of supplies. Trykov’s berth seems to have been recently moved into, but the Clone is nowhere to be found. HK-82 and B-33 are similarly absent, only found in the cockpit undergoing a routine software diagnostic with a sign reading “DO NOT DISTURB”. Those two, you leave to their own devices.Ceyla is the only one aboard to have any proper reaction.“This is…the third droid, master?” asks the miraluka. At the common room table, she’s left her datapad, and sauntered over to give a closer inspection. She ran her hands along S19’s chassis, much to the droid’s nervous discomfort. “Or the second, considering that ’82 is, erm…being carried around by B-33?”“Third droid,” you answer wryly, “And one that we actually need, as opposed to having for the sake of appearances.”“Well, ’82 is an…unusual protocol droid, but why do you have B-33 in the first place?”Shrugging, you reply, “He caught my fancy at the market. And I figured that having a SupTac droid would help.”“I thought you said that he barely knew the front end of a blaster from another when you first got him.”“And look at him now! That droid’s slowly, but surely, gaining tactical know-how with every exposure to battle. Also helps that he’s a whole lot more durable than his name would suggest.”You don’t share that you’re halfway tempted to turn him into a lightsaber training droid. Where that idea came from, you have no idea. Perhaps a fever dream induced during your Trial on Kakarit? But the sight is supremely funny; a Greivous-like robot serving as a trainer for future Jedi……although the thought is damped at the thought of B-33 falling into the wrong hands, with all that lightsaber data.But, you digress. “Alright, any more poking, and I’ll have you wiping him down. He’s an astromech for the ship, not a lucky charm.”Ceyla quirks an eyebrow from behind her blindfold, but acquiesces with a final pat. “I’ve never had a droid. I’m looking forward to working with you.” She’s monetarily taken aback from the low-affect whine that S-19 makes before it scooters off to complete a solo tour of the ship.(cont.)
>>5023315I've missed you!r storytelling
Fuck yeah it's back.
>>5023315Welcoma back mate, good to see you again
I knew it was coming back soon, but I guess I checked too early a few days ago
>>5023315“…it’s a feature, not a bug,” you promise as you steer yourselves back to the table. “So, it’s been two days since I gave you that reading assignment. How far are you into it?”“I’ve made it to Exar Kun,” she dutifully reports, “And the start of the Great Sith War. But I didn’t get more than a handful of pages in.”“Color me impressed. It took me a week before I got to that part.”“Thank you, master.”An awkward silence follows. You aren’t quite sure where to take the discussion, and your padawan seems to be of the same mind. Ceyla isn’t nearly sure either, but she isn’t about to return to her reading out of fear of being rude. Bless her heart, even if it’s making the current silence as thick as a blast door.A quick look out a window reveals that twilight is fast approaching. There’s still a handful of hours left before sundown, preceding the inevitable departure from Amagi and journey back into known space. Perhaps time enough for one short thing before you turn in early for the evening…>>What will you do? [Choose one]>Accompany Torok in keeping vigil over the comatose Kristen.>Consult one of the holocrons that Master Larid loaned out to you.>Give all of the younglings one final lesson in lightsaber combat.>Reach out to Arotta for one last night on the town before your departure. >Take Ceyla outside to gauge her skills with the Force and her lightsaber.>Write-in. [Custom Option.][VOTE OPEN FOR SIX HOURS]
>>5023624>>Take Ceyla outside to gauge her skills with the Force and her lightsaber.
>>5023624>>Give all of the younglings one final lesson in lightsaber combat.We did promise the kids that we'd teach them how to do Force Fire.
>>5023624>>Give all of the younglings one final lesson in lightsaber combat.
>>5023624>Give all of the younglings one final lesson in lightsaber combat.The most important lesson of lightsaber combat: TWICE THE PRIDE DOUBLE THE FALL
>>5023624>Give all of the younglings one final lesson in lightsaber combat.This includes our Padawan right? Cause if so we need to tell them that every jedi is a product of their age. Jedi invented ataru to get at mandos with packs, and a popular form during the clone wars would was shi-cho and Djem So to deflect blaster fire. Not many Niman practitioners left after Geonosis... My point is teach them how to master deflecting blaster fire, and then teach them to master another style that they think best suits them. No one style is necessarily better than the other, they are just specialized for certain needs. Yeah God I just realized our Triumvirate doesn't have a battle master...
>>5023736>Not many Niman practitioners left after GeonosisSays more about the practitioners than the style itself imo. Too many consular types practiced Niman because it was easily learned and maintaining a base level of competency required little practice. But combat-specialists who were also Form VI masters, people like Exar Kun, Darth Krayt, Darth Maul, and Kao Cen Darach, are regarded as some of the best duelists of their age.
>>5023771A part of me wonders if Form VI is easy to integrate into other Forms. It's easy to master and offers a good level of self defense and offense, but according to lore is often criticized for not being demanding enough on the user. But if you combine a solid "good enough" foundation and branch into other styles, it might present a good or at least adequate way to shore up another form's weakness or as a quick response.
>>5023624>>Give all of the younglings one final lesson in lightsaber combat
>>5023807>if Form VI is easy to integrate into other FormsForm VI is the synthesis of Forms I, III, IV, and V. Ideally, a Master of Niman would analyze his opponent's style and respond with the equal and opposite. If you're fighting a Form II user, lean into Form V, for example. But it's more easily adapted to other weapons or weapon combinations than other forms. >but according to lore is often criticized for not being demanding enough on the userAgain, more of a reflection on the users of the time. Jedi were being insufficiently demanding with regards to their accepted levels of combat competency during the post-Reformation eras. His voice is a bit grating, but this guy has a pretty good grasp on the core concepts and potential of the form.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUSeuFRpX4o>But if you combine a solid "good enough" foundation and branch into other styles, it might present a good or at least adequate way to shore up another form's weakness or as a quick response.That's sort of how it's supposed to be. It's a form that prioritizes resource management and unpredictability. Ideally, a Niman master has a tool for every occasion. If the Jedi weren't a peaceful order at their core, it'd be called the Trickster's Form instead of the Diplomat's Form.
>>5023624If we’re going to do Lightsaber combat lessons for the kids, we should probably call over Noirah Na so she knows who’s who, what level they’re at, and what we’ve already taught to them, as well as get an idea of her relationship with that mechanic she’s ogling.
>>5022578Lmao, it's good to be back. Commencing primary feeding ignition...>>5022640Yeah, sorry. Grad school got the better of me, but I've managed to get stuff under control.>>5022714But anon, we already have a blue alien waifu. :^)>>5023334The sentiment is appreciated.>>5023337(*^-‘) 乃>>5023436Good to be back, and thanks for tuning in!>>5023505Aaaaaaaah, better late than never.
>>5023876Now that you’re corneredhere, I have to ask for your opinion on pic related…
>>5023624>Give all of the younglings one final lesson in lightsaber combat.Force Fire will be a good check to see what they take to, and it's unlikely for them to get tempted to use it on a desert planet.
>>5023881I don't mind nearly as much because the short where that came from leans more towards the Kurosawa-esque jidaigeki and chanbara "period drama" films I'm incredibly fond of. So I can excuse the over-the-top style as its part and parcel part of the genre, and doesn't strain too much on my SOD. My only issue was the Mary Poppins bit, but that didn't last far too long before the characters just went to dueling with traditional weapons.
>>5023876>But anon, we already have a blue alien waifu. :^)We must pursue a deeper blue. Arotta's sky blue, the only woman for us is one who blushes purple. Besides, I picture Arotta as having a petite gymnast's build, being all Ataru-oriented and all. Not quite the mewtwoesque build our boy deserves.
>>5023922Haven't gotten a chance to watch Visions cause I don't need yet another subscription in my life, and there's nobody I know that I can mooch off of. How good are the stories?Any chance you'll be taking some things from any of them?
>>5024153Honestly they're not that bad. There's this one Miyazaki one with a bunny girl, pic related. She pretty cute, ngl.Other than that the stories are mostly mashups of various Japanese things. There's the Kurosawa one, an Astro Boy one, but the bright side, the female protagonist one ISN'T AWFUL! No mary Sue nonsense to be found! Some others I guess were kinda fun without getting to spoilery but you should see em yourself. Here's a link to stream em so you don't give big daddy Disney anymore undeserved moneyhttps://series9.me/film/star-wars-visions-season-1/watching.html?ep=1It's a reliable site, even has HD, just make sure you scan for any malware when you're done regardless. Better safe than sorry.
>>5024153I recommend watching all of them, but I definitely count The Duel, The Village Bride, and the Ninth Jedi to be my favorite of the lot. The Twins is a bit of a guilty pleasure considering how nonsensical and balls-to-the-wall the fight gets, but that's just Trigger being Trigger with their "Totally not the Promare sequel". Even if I had "role-swapped Jacen and Jaina" lingering in the back of my mind, lmao.F and Kara are very cute, and I totally want to see more of them and the Ronin in future projects.Writing...
>>5023630>>5023641>>5023669>>5023736>>5023821>>5023853>>5023901“Master Farren!”You aren’t quite sure who said it, but you barely make it a handful of steps into the private dock when the younglings spot you. Not that you were trying to hide, per se, but someone’s attention had clearly been wandering. Regardless, it’s only a couple of seconds before your position is overrun by the kids skirting around the Bantha and dodging Riven’s dangling legs in their eagerness to reach you.“Hang on a moment – wait!” cries an exasperated Noirah Nah, hurrying after them. With one arm still sling-bound, it makes for an awkward sight. “I know you’re all eager, but don’t just rush him as soon as he gets…argh!”A grin tugs at the corner of your lips as you hold up a hand in greeting. “Good afternoon. You know, for a bunch of grounded younglings, y’all are looking pretty chipper.”They all collectively blanche, some harder than others, and suddenly find a fascination with the distant wall, the tips of their boots, or the space above your shoulder. You aren’t nearly able to hold in your chortle as you wave it off. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I don’t want you too downcast for the next couple of exercises.”To their minder, you nod politely. “Padawan Nah. How’s your shoulder?”“On the mend, Master Gaelle,” she answers nervously with a bow, “Thank you for asking. Master Larid’s medical droid says that I have only two more days of bacta therapy before the bone is fused back together.”An injury she had sustained on the Chiller to rescue the younglings from the Tof. You know first-hand that broken collarbones hurt like the devil, and sympathize with her wound. “That’s good to hear. And thanks for letting me take over the brat pack.”“Oh, it isn’t any trouble! As a matter of fact, I was actually hoping to, ah…audit your lesson?”“Please, by all means.” Then to the mechanic, or rather, his legs dangling from the Bantha, you say, “Erm…hello, Riven. The younglings and I are going to become very loud in a handful of minutes. I hope that it won’t interfere with whatever maintenance you’re performing.”There’s a muffled noise, then the sound of a tool dropping onto the tarmac as the Coruscanti slides out from the crawl space between the ship’s sublight engines. An unenviable job it was, and you wince at the grime the mechanic’s covered head to toe in. That crawl space is one that you got intimately familiar with on more than a dozen missions where there wasn’t a proper dry dock for dozens of light years.Riven pries the goggles off his head, spits out a wad of unidentifiable substance, and grins as he searches for a clean spot on his overalls. “Yeah, that won’t be a problem! Actually…you’re the boss’ former apprentice, aren’t you? Pleasure to actually meet you!”(cont.)
With a tight smile, you accept the offered hand, pumping it quickly before pulling back. “A pleasure to meet you as well.” You pause as your eyes flick towards the Bantha. “Take care of her, alright? She’s been good to me and Master Larid for the better part of twelve years.”That, and someday, Master Larid said that the ship would be yours. Not so openly declared, but the inference from context clues was that the Bantha had been passed down from one line of Shadows to the next. Not that you’re too eager to collect in the first place. For one, you’ve already got the Albatross, and the only way you’re getting the Bantha is…no, you aren’t thinking about that.That day, you sincerely hope, will be a very long time coming.Riven doesn’t seem to notice the internal turmoil. “’course I will! She got me out of Coruscant. Figure it’s the least I can do to keep her in tip-top shape.”There’s certainly a story behind that, but it’s more likely than not sitting in the Albatross’ main computer. Along with a dozen other myriad reports and dossiers forwarded to you by Master Larid.The mechanic continues: “You actually came at a good time. I was just about to break for a quick shower and a fast dinner. Just gimme a sec to clean up, and I’ll be outta your hair in a few minutes.”You nod, only to frown as Riven suddenly peels off the top layer of his jumpsuit. The younglings shriek and giggle as he (mercifully) stops there to only pull the sweat-soaked shirt off of his chest and fan himself with a sigh of relief. At the quirked eyebrow, he explains, “I don’t miss too much from Coruscant, but I definitely miss the WeatherNet and the controlled climate.”Rolling your eyes at the man’s antics, you motion for everyone else to follow you to the training grounds. But it isn’t just a red-faced Luaine and Ritho that’s having a hard time regaining their composure as they stomp to catch up with Ceyla. Noirah’s eyes lingers just a handful of moments longer than what propriety would have. And in a brief lull of silence, you swear that you could hear a very deliberate and audible swallow as Riven empties a nearby canteen atop his head. Then another as the liquid runs a slow and languid course all the way to the ground.The worst part is that he’s completely oblivious to what he’s done. He really only cares about cooling off, propriety and effect on female Jedi be damned. Something to definitely file away for future notice. But you’d make for a real awful hypocrite if you leapt to any assumptions without speaking to Noirah first.One corralling later, and you’ve situated yourself in front of the brat pack. With one exception, everyone is here, with Ceyla to one side, and a nervous Noirah to the other. A very conspicuous absence is observed of now-padawan Vuqu Dahe. The mirialan is nowhere to be seen, presumably tagging along with wherever Master Larid is.(cont.)
…hopefully he isn’t nearly as quick to throw her into the deep end as he did to you so many years ago.Clapping your hands, you gather everyone’s attention: “Thank you all for coming! Now, I figured that I owed you all at least one lesson before I left, so please pay close attention! I don’t know when’s the next time I’ll be able to do a follow-up.”They all nod, and the intensity of their gazes is a weighty thing. You continue, “I hope you’ve been continuing your practice with deflecting laser blasters…”A few grumbles and sore spots are rubbed. Then you realize that for the oldest among them, they had fairly recent practical application against some of the Tof. Ritho and Parn, most definitely, as they had to defend the shuttle from waves of raiders. In spite of one of the pilots mounting a heavy repeating blaster, the pair had performed quite admirably, even if the Tof were only shooting to stun.Coughing, you resume: “…well, at any rate, the theme of today’s lesson is ‘adaptation’. Now, I’m not a Battlemaster, but I hope to go over some basic history and theory as a start: seven lightsaber forms are all products of their respective age. For example, can anyone tell me how Form IV came about?”A moment’s hesitation as they all struggle to come up with an answer. Then Joz thrusts his hand high and hard into the air. Only a heartbeat later, Luaine’s hand joins his, and she scowls at having been beaten to the punch.“Form IV,” begins the Mon Calamari, either oblivious or ignoring her, “Or the Way of the Hawk-bat, can be traced all the way back to the Mandalorian Wars. The Jedi needed a style to counteract the jetpacks of the crusaders, hence all of the acrobatic flips and aggressive movements. All aided by the Force, if need be.”You beam. “Correct! All of the fancy flying also helps in dodging and defending. But can you identify any weaknesses? Ah, someone else, Joz. I want to give everyone a chance to try and answer at least once…Luaine!”The girl puffs up, arms crossed under her chest, and proudly answers, “It isn’t as effective against blaster fire, or multiple opponents with blasters! And Form IV isn’t good for prolonged combat, even if practiced by a Jedi at peak physical condition. If a burst of Ataru doesn’t work, a Jedi is supposed to retreat.” “Excellent!” You pause only slightly as you register a flush of exhilaration on the girl’s face. “Although I would also add that in a confined space, the form wouldn’t be good either. Deprived of ample space, even I would caution a master of Ataru to, erm, switch forms to something more accommodating.”(cont.)
The late Qui-Gon Jinn, Force rest his soul, had been a master of Form IV. But he had suffered something similar during his fatal duel with the zabrak Sith in the Theed Royal Palace. While fatigue and the lack of space in the reactor core had proven to be a fatal combination, the real killer had been the Sith’s mastery of Form VII. Unrelenting barrages had rendered Jinn unable to defend, and when his defenses had slipped…“Moving forward a few millennia,” you hurriedly continue, “The, ah…Clone Wars, where the Jedi were pitted against armies of battle droids. What do you think would be the ideal form or forms for one to use against…uh…multiple opponents with blasters?”The older younglings look perhaps the most uneasy. And out of the corner of your eye, you can spot Noirah paling as a memory seizes her. You don’t outwardly wince, but you kick yourself mentally. Hadn’t Master Larid said that she’d seen her master gunned down by the Clones under their command? Force dammit.Ceyla hurriedly answers for you, “Form I or Form V. Shii-cho and Shien/Djem-So would be the best out of all seven forms to counteract blaster fire. Especially the latter, since there’s a huge emphasis on, uh…counter-attacks and redirection?”Eager to get the taste of your boot out of your mouth, you snatch the offered out like a lifeline. “Yes, thank you, padawan. Very good. Both forms saw increased popularity over the last three years. Keeping that in mind…”From a chest adjacent to your legs, you produce a handful of remote droids. That, at the very least, is able to dispel some of the discomfort as the younglings collectively groan or otherwise voice their distaste. Their dislike for the training, if nothing else, is a far more welcome sight than unease, or in the case of Noirah, what you strongly suspect to be PTSD.“Now, I’m not telling you to neglect your swordsmanship,” you reassure them as you pair them off into groups. “All I’m saying is that the odds of you running into…enemies with blasters are significantly larger than enemies with lightsabers.” You pause, as you recall Luaine, Ceyla and Vuqu’s encounter with a Blazing Chain pirate with a beskar sword. “…but the latter is, of course, never not zero.”You pause to take a breath, and a quick peak back towards Noirah. She’s still pale, but a fierce look of determination’s settled across her features. Returning your attention back to the younglings, you conclude, “I set the droids to scale in difficulty the longer you manage avoid their attacks. See how long you guys can last. We’ll do this for…about an hour or two.”Muted grumbling as the younglings get into position.Rolling your eyes, you add, “To some of you, I did promise to show you how to manipulate flames with the Force, didn’t I? Might as well extend it to everyone. I think the sun won't be down for another four hours...”(cont.)
That, if nothing else, lights a fire (no pun intended) underneath them, and they take to the training with increased gusto. Let it not be said that you didn’t offer proper motivation beyond the fear of death! Although, you privately make a note to have the nearby surroundings equipped with more fire extinguishers before you leave. Wouldn’t do for the Supreme Archon to get several angry letters about pyromaniacal Jedi on top of the Communion of Spirits.You release a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Scratching the back of your head, you turn to Ceyla. “Impeccable timing. Thanks for that.”The miraluka nods, even as her gaze briefly flickers to Noirah, then back to you. “No problem, master.” A beat, and then, “So…I noticed that you didn’t pair me off with anyone else…?”“That’s right. Now, I probably won’t be able to keep as keen an eye on you, but I want to get a read on your abilities with a lightsaber. Just so that I have a good mind for how best to proceed once we head out.”She frowns and tilts her head. “Are we gonna have enough room on the ship? The Albatross isn’t nearly as spacious as the Bantha.”“There’s plenty of space in the common area for blaster training, and just barely enough if we want to get some VERY light sparring in. But it isn’t like we can find empty space on some backwater dustball to actually practice without restraint.”“Right. I, ah…don’t think Elba or S-19 are gonna be too happy if we exclusively practice on the ship.”No, they very much wouldn’t. So with that in mind, you gently bid your padawan to run through some basic katas. While she’s very much a blank slate, no different from the other younglings, she’s obviously bound to have a favored form, hopefully even two. All that’s left to do is to (not-so?) gently coax it out of her…“You don’t have to deflect the blaster bolts when you can just dodge them, Joz.”“Yeah, uh…Ritho and Parn? Why don’t you guys move a few meters that way…”“Ceana, watch your footwork…Fusan, eyes on your remote droid, not Ruksali or Zabrys!”“Riven’s thirty minutes into his break, and Vuqu isn’t here. Please don’t damage the droid, Luaine.”“You don’t need another droid, Prisma…no, it’s irrelevant that Revan could handle two at your age.”“I know I said you can dodge the shots, but don’t do it in a way that it hits another youngling, Nujem…”(cont.)
…you’re a Jedi Shadow, not a Battlemaster, let alone a group teacher, dammit. You’re definitely getting Master Larid to share the holocron of Cin Drallig when it’s his turn to watch the brat pack. At the very least, the Old Troll could undo any bad habits you instilled, even in death.Still, in between watching the younglings and your own padawan, you’re able to at least see one possible preference to emerge from Celya's repeated katas...>>Due to splitting your attention between Ceyla and the rest of the younglings, you aren’t able to focus as much on your padawan if you had otherwise.>>You will have to wait until another opportune moment for you to spot another preference for a Form.>>Currently, Ceyla’s attributes are all [1], but after this, one of them will become [2] as a byproduct of focusing and honing that particular Form.>>Juyo (Form VII) is not included on this list, as it is restricted to being taught from the following sources: Cin Drallig's holocron (and only with explicit permission from a Master-ranked Jedi), and Master Larid himself.>>Which of the Lightsaber Forms did Ceyla seem to lean towards? [Please choose only one]>Shii-Cho (Form I) – basic, but effective; includes sweeping strikes strong against crowds of enemies. (+1 to Brawn)>Makashi (Form II) – the duelist’s style; favors elegant melee combat against a singular opponent. (+1 to Presence)>Soresu (Form III) – the defender’s stance; lacks offense, but can endure long bouts of combat. (+1 to Intellect)>Ataru (Form IV) – an aggressive, acrobatic form that emphasizes rapid, short bursts of attacks. (+1 to Agility)>Shien/Djem-so (Form V) – a counter-based style that features domination and redirecting enemy attacks. (+1 to Cunning)>Niman (Form VI) – a blended form that lacks strength or weakness, but pairs well with Force powers. (+1 to Resolve).[VOTE OPEN FOR 12 HOURS]
Crap, I nearly forgot…>>Did you want to pull Noirah aside for a private talk?>Yes, she desperately needs one. Given your closeness in age, she should respond favorably to you.>No, it wouldn’t be appropriate. It would be better for one of the Triumvirate Masters to give her guidance.
Need to think about this one. Form V would supplement Farren well, but I think it might be relying too heavily on Ceyla's Force-based sensing. Does it have applications without a lightsaber, using only fists/throws?Form I would also be good if she just needs to clean up a lot of droids quick.Which form can be supplemented with a blaster?
>>5024532>Shien/Djem-so (Form V) – a counter-based style that features domination and redirecting enemy attacks. (+1 to Cunning)>>5024541>Yes, she desperately needs one. Given your closeness in age, she should respond favorably to you.
>>5024532>Shien/Djem-so (Form V)>Yes, she desperately needs one. Given your closeness in age, she should respond favorably to you.
>tfw Kaz takes some of what you said into his postThis is why you're a great QM Kaz >>5024532>Shien/Djem-so (Form V) – a counter-based style that features domination and redirecting enemy attacks. (+1 to Cunning)I would ask what her highest stat is but I feel that this is more prevalent now adays>>5024541>No, it wouldn’t be appropriate. It would be better for one of the Triumvirate Masters to give her guidance As much as we could probably relate to her in her circumstance I feel that we should leave it to someone more experienced. We've seen some shit but we already have a student to take care of, I say leave the mentoring to someone more equipped, like Larid. He mentored us and we turned out fine!
>>5024532>>Soresu (Form III) – the defender’s stance; lacks offense, but can endure long bouts of combat. (+1 to Intellect)Good blast deflection and good survivability. She should be able to take on blaster-wielding foes with it and survive long enough against a saber-wielding one for us to get to her.
>>5024532>>Shien/Djem-so (Form V) – a counter-based style that features domination and redirecting enemy attacks. (+1 to Cunning)>No, it wouldn’t be appropriate. It would be better for one of the Triumvirate Masters to give her guidance.
I just realized the ungodly hour at which I posted this, some people might not've had time to see it yet by the time it closes out.[VOTE PERIOD EXTENDED BY TWO HOURS, CLOSES AT 5 PM EST]
>>5024532>Niman (Form VI) – a blended form that lacks strength or weakness, but pairs well with Force powers. (+1 to Resolve).Not being racist BUT Miraluka and Niman go together about as well as Echani and Ataru.
>>5024532>Shien/Djem-so (Form V) – a counter-based style that features domination and redirecting enemy attacks. (+1 to Cunning)>Yes, she desperately needs one. Given your closeness in age, she should respond favorably to you.
>>5024532>>Soresu (Form III) – the defender’s stance; lacks offense, but can endure long bouts of combat. (+1 to Intellect)>Yes, she desperately needs one. Given your closeness in age, she should respond favorably to you.
The prevailing choice of Form V is interesting. Of the two styles, Shien would fit Ceyla more, as it focuses on tight defensive parries with efficient sweeping attacks and quick guard recovery. And it relies less on the user's physical strength, which is good for a teenage girl. But we'd have an easier time teaching her Djem So, as it shares a focus on binding an enemy's blade with Makashi. Maybe she'll use Shien for blast deflection and defensive dueling and we can teach her Form II or VI for offense? That seems better for her than a Djem So/X focus.
>>5025395Actually, would this lesson count as Farren starting to practice and learn Form V, and us beginning to teach the basics of either II or VI to Ceyla? We have Reciprocal Learning...
>>5025425That's a good question. I'm not sure if it would proc Reciprocal Learning since Ceyla herself doesn't really know Form V. She's just showing a predisposition to its basic techniques. But Makashi is a form that's designed for its user to personalize their own style of it and innovate to avoid stagnation, so it'd be good if she rubbed off on us a little. And vice-versa, I'll shill for Niman any day of the week and she'd especially benefit from integrated force powers.
>>5025395Between Ceyla and Farren, I think the skills we're lacking are>Mass droid murderWhich is sweeping and blaster redirection>Fast, silent takedownsWhich Form V could presumably cover with punish counters>Ranged CombatBlasters, explosives, saber throws, etc.So there's a lot of flexibility in what Ceyla can delve into. There's also the stats consideration, letting her take a build that emphasizes a stat Farren doesn't have, so Form V is generally a solid choice.It would also mean more Cunning Training from Kreia, so it's not necessarily the perfect choice.....
>>5025441>>Mass droid murder>Which is sweeping and blaster redirectionThis might be pedantic, but we're not likely to be fighting droids. Stormtroopers are gonna be a bigger concern. Either way, better forms for group blast deflection would be Shii-Cho or Soresu. Shien is more for closing gaps from one target to the other.>>Fast, silent takedowns>Which Form V could presumably cover with punish countersWhen your weapon of choice lights up and glows, stealth isn't really an option. But thankfully we're a shadow and have probably been trained in such things, albeit in an unarmed sense. Djem So is also the big brawny crippling, armor-shattering strike form. Not great for stealth. Shien might be a better, but I'd think it's best not to use a lightsaber at all.>Blasters, explosives, saber throws, etc.Blasters and explosives aren't really a part of Jedi training and saber throws aren't form-specific. Niman might fit the bill though, easy to implement force pushes and pulls. We also have Mystic Weapon, which also might do it.>There's also the stats consideration>>Currently, Ceyla’s attributes are all [1], but after this, one of them will become [2] as a byproduct of focusing and honing that particular Form.
>>5025452>Either way, better forms for group blast deflection would be Shii-Cho or Soresu.oh sorry, worded that wrong.First half was throwing out ideas, not necessarily saying that Form V ticks all of them. I'm also not entirely sure what we're fighting, so pedantry is welcome.I'm lowkey invested in getting Farren a bunch of blasters to manipulate with Mystic Weapon, but now that you mention it maybe Ceyla could do it instead.
>>5025454>First half was throwing out ideas, not necessarily saying that Form V ticks all of themAh my bad. Thought that was odd, should've known.>pedantry is welcomeTagline of the board right there.>I'm lowkey invested in getting Farren a bunch of blasters to manipulate with Mystic Weapon, but now that you mention it maybe Ceyla could do it instead.Ah, the Adventures of Farren Gaelle and his Blaster-Mule Padawan. Makes me think of picrel.
>>5025425Bingo. Got it in one, clever anon. Jury's still out as to whether or not Farren is also gonna get that +1 to Cunning right now, though. >>5025438I think that insofar as training goes, it shouldn't be too much trouble to have a datapad or non-sentient Holocron containing the teachings of Form V on hand. It's definitely less personal than, say, having Cin Drallig's holocron or Torok (practitioner of Form III and V) on standby, but it should help Celya get a solid foundation for Form V. And in turn, pass it on to Farren via Reciprocal Learning, then receive instruction on Makashi/Form II and Niman/Form VI.>>5025454>>5025487>I'm lowkey invested in getting Farren a bunch of blasters to manipulate with Mystic Weapon, but now that you mention it maybe Ceyla could do it instead.Funny considering whose holocron you've got alongside Kreia's.>Your master continues, “[Meku Sakaroto] started off just as green as any rookie or FNG, but she quickly made a name for herself, even among her other Jedi peers. At the Battle over Duro, the boarding team she was leading seized control of a Mandalorian battleship and crashed it into the enemy admiral’s dreadnought, turning the tide of the battle in a snap instant.”>You whistle, low and impressed as you pocket the holocrons. “That’s quite the achievement.”>“Revan himself gave her a medal for that, as well as a promotion. And she had this neat little trick, ripping the guns out of her enemy’s hands with the Force and turning their own weapons against them. That particularly rattled any mando’s that had the misfortune of standing in her way.”Writing...
>>5025497>I think that insofar as training goes, it shouldn't be too much trouble to have a datapad or non-sentient Holocron containing the teachings of Form V on hand. It's definitely less personal than, say, having Cin Drallig's holocron or Torok (practitioner of Form III and V) on standby, but it should help Celya get a solid foundation for Form V.Fair. My only reservation was that it's a form Farren's personal style is largely unrelated to. But so long as she's competent, it's all good.>Meku SakarotoNot gonna like, forgot about her. But then again, I voted for the one with clairvoyance lessons.
>>5025511Right, Suljo Warde. >Holocron of the Lost. [“Prior to his disappearance, Suljo Warde honed his talent in the Force to see brief glimpses of an individual’s choices…”]I will say this much. His take on the power isn't the sort of long, far-flung vision most Jedi experience, as much as it's focused very narrowly on an individual to see five seconds/minutes/hours into the future. The main drawback is that the insight granted isn't certain, and reveals possible futures, always shifting and perpetually volatile. And it can't be turned inwards towards the user, unlike the more general form of Foresight.While the power can save a Force-sensitive's life, especially in the heat of combat, it also raises a few disquieting questions. Can a user be certain that his/her choices did not, in fact, cause the foe to act as they predicted? Does that mean that striking pre-emptively makes one complicit?Masters of the power can know a likely outcome, but they risk forcing a particular future into being because of choices made in response to that premonition. Using the power requires wisdom and restraint, lest its wielder become trapped in a grim prison of self-fulfilling prophecy.Learning and investing in the power gives the user new ways to predict the actions of certain foes and not only avoid attacks, but strike pre-emptively.
>>5025454>I'm lowkey invested in getting Farren a bunch of blasters to manipulate with Mystic Weapon, but now that you mention it maybe Ceyla could do it instead.Same here, I was thinking how we could combine Form II with our blaster pistol for some space buccaneer swordplay. A blaster bolt to the gut would be a hell of a way to interrupt a dramatic blade lock against an inquisitor.
>>5025531>While the power can save a Force-sensitive's life, especially in the heat of combat, it also raises a few disquieting questions. Can a user be certain that his/her choices did not, in fact, cause the foe to act as they predicted? Does that mean that striking pre-emptively makes one complicit?I'd think that'd be a hazard even for clairvoyance into events even further in the future, as it was with Anakin. But it's good to keep that in mind either way. I was just thinking of a way to further improve Ceyla's innate skill with it.>Learning and investing in the power gives the user new ways to predict the actions of certain foes and not only avoid attacks, but strike pre-emptively.Sounds pretty good for a Shadow, especially in these times.
>>5024705>>5024734>>5024795>>5024873>>5024893>>5024893>>5024993>>5025153>>5025173>>Ceyla Vikol>Brawn: 1>Agility: 1>Intellect: 1>Cunning: 2>Resolve: 1>Presence: 1>>Lightsaber: 1>Shien/Djem So Technique – may use Cunning when performing Lightsaber skill checks.>>Force Rating: 1>>Force Affinity – SenseTo say you’re “insulted” would be the wrong word. But there’s a certain level of irony to be appreciated. Out of all six available lightsaber Forms that Ceyla could have displayed a preference towards, it had to be one that you didn’t know. The closest comparable thing would be Master Larid’s (overly exaggerated) despair that you yourself didn’t take up a saberstaff in lieu of dual-wielding.Still, you can definitely work with this. Form V is a coin with two sides, and Shien is perhaps the one that has immediate applications. That particular variant lends itself very well to defending against blaster fire and multiple opponents. And while Ceyla doesn’t nearly have the size or strength that Torok has to pull off the more aggressive Djem So, it would only be temporary. That would come with age, sufficient nutrition, and no small amount of physical conditioning.The solitary drawback of Shien, however, is a weakness against single opponents. But here is where Makashi comes to supplement that. You’re almost beside yourself at the thrill of training the next generation of Jedi duelists. Even if her prospects of opponents include pirates of the Blazing Chain, and whatever foul servants of the Dark Side might be hunting the Jedi. Hopefully should they come for your padawan, you’ll either be there to distract them, or you will have succeeded as a teacher.>>For actions taken in an earlier thread, where you set the remote droids to shoot as fast as Clone Commandos…But it would be remiss of you to ignore the others, so you worm your way through the younglings every few minutes. For the most part, they perform about as well as you’d expect, perhaps even better. Ritho and Parn display perhaps the most marked improvement, even going so far as to join forces and deflect training bolts as a duo. Joz and Luaine are neck-and-neck in terms of solitary opponents, but struggle when you add one, then two more remote droids. Nujem finds a niche in dodging and leaping, showing a very strong inclination towards Ataru.The younger ones aren’t nearly as adept, but still give an adequate display. Although you have to gently correct a few awkward grips, reign in some tempers, and otherwise remind them to stay focused. There’s a time and place for fun, and while you aren’t about to make this lesson a grueling chore, there’s a certain decorum to be observed. Especially when this could make the difference between life or death.(cont.)
Noirah requires little attention or corrective guidance, in spite of one arm out of commission. As the padawan of a Jedi General, she had been given the field rank of commander, and her skills reflect that of a war veteran. Shii-cho and Niman seem to be her primary forms, underscoring her talent in misdirection with the Force. You would not be surprised if the Triumvirate were to forgo her being assigned another master, and instead have her take her Trials early.However, you do notice that the lightsaber in her hands shifts every few moments, as if she isn’t nearly used to its weight. A replacement, perhaps, but there are a handful of more concerning tells. You forbade the destruction or damage of the remote droids, and Noirah seems to just barely obey. The blade of her ‘saber comes very close, almost a hair’s breath, in vicious counters, jabs and leaping strikes against the droids that would have bisected a B2 battle droid……or a Clone trooper.Her eyes, you notice, a mild shade of mahogany-brown, are hard. At certain points, they almost seem to mist over, she doesn’t cry. For all the noise she makes, the billowing of her robes and the lash of her saber, she could have been carved of stone.Taking a deep breath, you check your chrono, then snap your fingers. As one, the droids power down, wobbling through the air as they return to you, and settle back into the chest. Clearing your throat to gather everyone’s attention, you say, “Alright, I think that’s where we’ll end this part of the exercise. Why don’t you all take ten to grab some water and a fresh change of clothes. Padawan Nah is going to help me get some fire extinguishers for this next demonstration…”There’s almost a race as the younglings collectively scamper to the prefab, eager to learn the secrets of Force Fire. Ceyla almost joins them out of instinct, hesitating before turning to you. With a wry grin, you incline your head back towards the door, to the adjacent dock where the Albatross is berthed. Nodding, your padawan scampers off, soon leaving you and Nah alone in the training grounds.“I know for a fact that the Bantha has three fire extinguishers,” you say, “But given where we are, I don’t think the Supreme Archon will mind too much if we borrow a handful of the docks.”She frowns, uncertain at the lax attitude, but ultimately follows you to a nearby worker’s station…>>You decided to speak with Nah, but how will you go about it? [Choose one]>“I heard about what happened from Master Larid. You have my sincere condolences and express loathing of Kai Hudorra. (Comfort)>“Outside of the city, in that CIS core ship parked on the plain, there are seven Clone Troopers that I rescued from Kakarit.” (Non-sequitur)>“So…the mechanic, huh? Hah, I remember feeling something similar at your age when I first set out from the Temple.” (Tease)>Custom option. [Write-in][VOTE OPEN FOR FIVE HOURS]
>>5026023>>“Outside of the city, in that CIS core ship parked on the plain, there are seven Clone Troopers that I rescued from Kakarit.” (Non-sequitur)
>>5026075I feel we need to attack this fast and hard. She might dislike us, or even turn. But deep down she knows its for her own good.
>>5026023>>“Outside of the city, in that CIS core ship parked on the plain, there are seven Clone Troopers that I rescued from Kakarit.” (Non-sequitur)Gotta put Larid's lessons at appearing a rambling crackpot to good use.
>>5026023>“Outside of the city, in that CIS core ship parked on the plain, there are seven Clone Troopers that I rescued from Kakarit.” (Non-sequitur)Oh, god, I hope this is good...>"You're probably wondering why I'd bring them back. It's simple, really. When I was fighting against the creature my master so charmingly nicknamed "Darth Coniferous", he tried to turn them upon me, using an illusion of former Chancellor Palpatine to coerce them into attacking me using Order 66. I was able to sever his link to them, which caused them to come to and recover.">"When I asked their leader afterwards about the situation and how it felt from their side, he told me it was like he was being decanted for the first time again. That all he knew was that he felt vulnerable, was looking for someone to give him orders, and there just so happened to be what looked like the Supreme Chancellor where Coniferous was. All his hard earned memories, his personality, his independence... shunted aside so that the only things that was going through their minds were their orders, Palpatine, and that damn phrase they were taught from the beginning of their service... "good soldiers follow orders".>"I brought them with me because they were used by the Sith, as a tool in his plan to dispose of the Jedi. And blaming the clones for something they were indoctrinated from birth to do without their knowledge isn't right, particularly when we didn't look further into how they just plopped into our lap just before Geonosis. They deserve to be more than just good soldiers. They deserve to be seen as good men, to know why what happened to them happened, and to know how they can stop it from happening ever again."
I just had a horrible realization...We didn't tell Ceyla about Trykov joining us, did we?
>>5026023>“Outside of the city, in that CIS core ship parked on the plain, there are seven Clone Troopers that I rescued from Kakarit.” (Non-sequitur)This can only end well
I've just had a thought, Kaz. Would we know Jax Pavan? He was one of Anakin's only friends when they were padawans. Since we were too, I was wondering if we were friendly with him as well.
>>5026138She's not filled with clone trauma thanks to our fast actions, shouldn't be a problem.
>>5026023>“Outside of the city, in that CIS core ship parked on the plain, there are seven Clone Troopers that I rescued from Kakarit.” (Non-sequitur)
>>5026041>>5026073>>5026075>>5026110>>5026130>>5026220>>5026243>>5026369You don’t spring it on her immediately. That would be irresponsible, considering the number of extinguishers the two of you are carrying. It’s a tender mercy that you have to go to the adjacent berth to get enough of them, a ways away from the Bantha and the youngling prefabs. No prying ears, no chance for gossip.But once you’re relatively comfortable, you decide to pull what you’ve affectionately come to call a “Laridism”.“Do you see that CIS core ship, out there on the plains?” you say as you finish stacking a pyramid of fire extinguishers. And as you step away, you maneuvere yourself towards the door.Noirah smiles uncertainly, looking out a nearby window. “Yes? It’s quite hard to miss, especially on a morning stroll. I heard secondhand that you’re the reason why it’s there, Master Gaelle.”“Inside that ship are seven Clone Troopers that I rescued from Kakarit.”She reacts about as well as you’d expect. At first, she thinks you’ve made a joke, off-color perhaps, but a joke nonetheless. But your eyes meet, and you can feel the subtle shift in the Force when she realizes that you’re telling the truth. The blood visibly drains from her face, her pupils shrink, and her next breath comes out in a hoarse, sputtering croak.You aren’t able to completely hide the frown as her hand goes immediately to her lightsaber. But you can feel through the currents in the Force that you aren’t the target of her sudden surge of anger, fear and hatred. Righteous anger for the death of the Jedi, fear for the sake of the younglings, and a burning hatred for what they took from her.“They’re the sole survivors of Master Kosa and Padawan Bashur’s 57th Elite Corps,” you say calmly, stopping her just before she surges through the door. You grab her by the waist, restraining her before she can do something incredibly rash. “Their names are Skipp, Oann, Cooper-”“Let me…go!” she cries as struggles against your grip. For someone with a broken collarbone, she does a remarkable job of nearly bucking you off. “Get off of me!”“-Trykov, Stye, Evo and Roppock,” you continue in the same disaffected tone of voice. “Padawan Nah, where are you going? The lesson on Force Fire begins in only a handful of minutes.”“You brought Clones here?!” Noirah screams, “After all that they’ve...Master Gaelle, are you insane?! They’ll kill all of us, starting with the Younglings-”“You didn’t answer my question. Where are you going, Padawan Nah?”Noirah doesn’t answer anything beyond an inarticulate grunt of pain as she tries to break away. But her eyes answer you. Wild and full of desperate strength, flicker towards the window where you can see the Globus. All the while accompanied by the same, simmering hatred in the Force that you once saw your brother bear against the Tof.(cont.)
Best to try and nip this in the bud. And at the very least, the Clones are nearly five klicks out…“I understand why you might be upset,” you begin, stern but not unkind. “Especially given recent events. But I can’t have you going off to commit cold-blooded murder.”“Murder?!” she shrieks, and the offense in her voice almost seems to bleed in the Force.“I don’t know what else to call whatever it is you’re about to do. Perhaps an ill-advised endeavor given seven of them, and only one of you.” This time, as she tears herself out of your grip, you let her go. With your back to the door, and your feet shoulder-length apart, the bereaved young woman isn’t going anywhere. At least without a fight, and only in the loosest definition of the term given her injury.Any and all sense of prior decorum is gone. Noirah’s shoulders tremble, and tears run down the corner of her eyes. The fury in her glare goes beyond the manhandling as she venomously spits, “How dare you! How dare you, Master Gaelle! You can claim to understand how I feel?! Really, what with your master’s still alive?!”He cannot answer. The Jedi Shadow is locked in some rictus grimace, mouth open in a silent scream as he claws at the skin above his heart.The worst part is that she doesn’t even regret saying it. Even as the temper coiling in your guts rears back at the front, you don’t immediately rise to the bait. All the while, the Dark Side of the Force whispers poison, encouraging you to retaliate for such a gross affront.“…perhaps I don’t,” you eventually reply, in a frosty and clipped tone of voice. “And I hope that day will be a long time coming. That aside, I had a very good reason to bring them here. Besides, they aren’t mine; technically speaking, they still answer to Master Kosa and Padawan Bashur.”“Does Master Larid know?” she demands. “Or what about Master Aure or Master Lamal?”The answer to the latter two is, as far as you’re aware of, “no”. With Master Aure and Torok still fighting on the Chiller, it wouldn’t do for them to have any distractions. You’ll be long gone by then, but hopefully Master Kosa and Master Larid are able to break it gently to them.But to Noirah, you answer, “That is the business of the Jedi Triumvirate, of which we are not privy.” A beat of silence. “Master Larid was the first person I told. And he trusts my judgement.”“Only because you are his padawan,” she bitterly remarks.You can feel your nostrils flare angrily. “Choose your next words with exceptional care, Nah. This behavior is ill-becoming of a Jedi-”“And Master Kai Hudorra told me to forget everything I knew about being a Jedi.” The name escapes her lips as if she had expelled phlegm. “He told me to forget everything as we saw the Clones drag the bodies of the Jedi to burn on the steps of the Temple, before he left me alone on Coruscant!”(cont.)
sorry for the delay, bad case of writer's block aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>>5027981Just take a break, make some food or have a shower or something bro.
>>5027981Just fade to black
>>5027981My official medical recommendation for such things is apple cider and jazz. We could hit her with "You chose to remain a Jedi when you ignored Hudorra and accepted Master Larid's offer to come here," or "But Padawan Nah, those couldn't possibly have been the same clones currently in the Globus. The timeline doesn't make any sense!" A Vuquism or a Laridism, two sides of the same rage-inducing coin.
>>5027981It’s OK, Kas. It happens.Would you feel better if we wildly speculated on the Storyteller’s identity?
>>5028326Go nuts.
>>5028345okay, okay, okay, theoretically, possibly, perhaps, what if, maybe he is... a person who tells stories
>>5028394He's a Jedi who fell face-first into the biodildo vat of a Yuuzhan Vong scout ship. The embarrassment drove him insane and he decided that the biodildos and red color made him look enough like a Sith Pureblood to be convincing. Either that or he's Jaxxon in a mask.
>>5027604She shakes her head, running a hand her hair. In this close proximity, you can see the frayed ends, suggesting a sloppy disguise attempt. “And even before that, he took his and my lightsabers to throw into a trash compactor. Attachment is forbidden, but wouldn’t you think that a Jedi’s weapon deserves more respect than that?!”One might call you a hypocrite for pulling something similar to what Vuqu had done to Luaine. Certainly, you aren’t exactly doing anything to diffuse the situation. But there’s a difference in that you aren’t trying to goad Noirah into hitting you. Whether or not you leaned too much into channeling Master Larid is up for debate.You hold up a hand to cut her off. “The Clones that killed Master Simms. What are their names?”She pauses mid-rant, taken aback at the mention of her master’s name. Noirah glares at you, as if mentioning her late master is a gross offense. But she bitterly remarks, “What does it matter?”“Were any of their names Skipp, Oann, Cooper, Trkyov, Stye, Evo or Roppock?”The look you receive is one that questions sanity. “What the hell are you getting at-?”“Or perhaps Marcs?” you continue, twitching as the memory of the Clone comes to mind.Noirah looks as if she would argue, but deflates at the last second. Not quite subdued, her temper still boils at a quiet simmer as she hisses: “…his name is Keller…commander of the 154th Advance Legion.”You nod, softening your gaze and tone. “If I were feeling more mercurial, I’d say something about how timelines don’t match up. But do you understand what I’m trying to get at, Nah?”She frowns. “…I’m afraid I don’t-”Sighing, you gesture towards the direction of the Globus. “Those Clones didn’t betray you. They didn’t kill your master. I couldn’t tell you their bad habits or vices, but the sin of betrayal is not one of them. When you tried to storm out of the drydock, what did you have in mind: justice, revenge, or the visage of Commander Keller?”Color momentarily returns to her face. “I…I didn’t…”“They’re innocent,” you say, “Killing them wouldn’t accomplish anything beyond easing some admittedly justified paranoia, or giving into your hatred. And perhaps it might be indelicate for me to assume, but I don’t think that is what Master Simms would have wanted.”Her eyes narrow sharply. “…don’t you dare, Master Gaelle. I’ll accept that much from Master Larid, but don’t you dare try to speak through the mouth of my dead master.”At least she isn’t pulling the fact that you’ve only been a Knight for a week. You nod, holding up your hands. “Very well. But I hope that you understand what I’m getting at. You're upset, and you're allowed to mourn as is your right. Just don't let it cloud your better judgement.”And that it wouldn’t nearly be a good example to show to the younglings, goes unsaid.(cont.)
Noirah doesn’t answer immediately. Her eyes betray nothing as she asks, “…can I excuse myself from the upcoming lesson? I…I need to meditate on this.”“Of course. Take as much time as you need. And if you still aren’t certain, go speak to either Master Larid, Master Kosa, or Padawan Bashur. They’ll be able to tell you why they trust Scrapper Squad to not do what a whole lot of their kindred did.” Then, considering something, you quietly add, “…and if you’re still uncertain about being a Jedi…”This time, the look that she directs you is one of utter bewilderment. Then, the ghost of a mournful smile. “…Master Gaelle, with all due respect…if I still had doubts about being a Jedi, then I wouldn’t have accepted Master Larid’s invitation.”Funny, because you recall that he’d offer her a ride off Coruscant even if she didn’t want to be a part of the Triumvirate. Still, it’s a pleasant enough mercy that you’re able to end on a somewhat positive, if definitely shaky, note.Behind you, the door suddenly opens, causing both of you to jump sharply at the noise. In walks a refreshed Riven, smelling not of grease, grime and sublight exhaust. He’s put on a fresh pair of worker’s clothing, alongside a pristine sleeveless shirt, and looks every part the image of a lowborn, but well-groomed mechanic.But his gaze is flat, his mouth a thin line, and the wrench he slaps in his open palm beat an ominous warning. “Do we got a problem here, Master Jedi?”“Nope.”/“No.”Noirah flushes at the simultaneous answer that you give, but Riven isn’t nearly amused. Skeptic, even. “I heard the miss screaming and shouting. Now, I don’t think the kids heard anything; they’re all still in their little prefab getting ready.”He pauses to turn to Noirah. “Are you alright?”For the first time, she notices that her robes are in disarray. She coughs, straightening them as best she can with her solitary hand, answering, “I’m fine, Riven, thank you. We were just having, ah…”“Jedi business,” you answer for her, quirking an eyebrow at the mechanic. Then to the wrench in his hands.Riven’s mouth curves into a frown as he puts the tool back into his belt. “Well, begging your pardon, but seeing as I’m gainfully employed by Master Larid…and by extension, the Jedi Triumvirate…I think it’s my business as well. No offense.”Before you can strongly refute that claim, Noirah steps between you, placing a hesitant hand on the mechanic’s shoulder. “It was just a disagreement. Nothing beyond that.”You’d almost find the sight amusing, touching even. Some primitive part in your lizard brain certainly takes offense that the mechanic might be (definitely) overstepping his bounds. Worse, thinking that a mere wrench could be enough to take down a Jedi Shadow.Master Larid sure knows how to pick 'em. Yourself included among his odd inner circle.(cont.)
But sensing that the girl isn’t nearly about to hijack a shuttle and travel to the Globus to kill Scrapper Squad, you decide to make your exit. With a curt nod to Riven, you take the trolly holding the fire extinguishers, and leave the two of them to their own business.“May the Force be with you, Noirah Nah.”>>Line Break“Alright, kids. Come gather around the campfire. Uncle Shadow Master Farren is going to show you a cool trick he learned to defeat Darth Coniferous before he leaves...”The campfire in question is little more than broken crates and other combustible scrap. But it does the job well enough as sunset cedes to twilight. It won’t be too long now before the starry night sky comes to envelop the entirety of the spaceport.All ten younglings and Ceyla stand rapt at attention as you wave your hand over the fire. The Force responds to you, and you gently coax a tendril of flame just before it winks out of existence. Your captive audience “oohs” and “aahs” as you gently manipulate the flames through your digits……and being the apprentice of Brethon Larid, you give them a little scare as you shoot the flame high into the air.“I’m not expecting any of you to get this on the first try,” you assure them as you call them up to the fire. While they display both emotions, nervousness seems to be overriding their excitement as they realize they’re performing in front of everyone. “This isn’t something normally taught at your level, let alone back at the Jedi Temple.”Zabrys, a young and quiet togruta, tilts his head curiously, and makes a small motion with his hands. How long to master?“I’ve seldom seen this kind of raw talent before, Bos murmurs softly as you present her with the flame. “Well done, Jedi Wanderer.”With a pained smile, you truthfully answer, “It took me several hours before I was able to get anything more than a matchstick’s worth of light. But I had a damned good teacher to show me the ropes.”“Do you think that we’d be able to ask for her to teach us?” asks Ritho. Her tentacles flop as she tilts her head in a pensive manner. “Once you’ve gone, because I don’t think that the Masters will let us train without supervision.”…maybe there’s someone in the Kakari enclave who could give them a hand. But that would be a long time coming, and only after the Triumvirate's come to a decision. They won’t have a proper teacher for this technique for a while.This is my destiny. Go and face yours.“…she became one with the Force,” you answer softly, “It was only because of her lessons and sacrifice that I’m standing here before you.”The younglings blanch, and Ritho pales. “Master Farren, I’m so sorry! I didn’t-”“It’s fine,” you gently reassure her with a soft smile. “I suppose that in this way, the teachings of Grand Shamanka Boscuatl live on through myself, and now all of you…”(cont.)
But you quickly rid yourself of maudlin sentiment. With a deep breath, you continue, “It’s definitely easier to draw heat from ambient sources, such as a fire, or the scorching air created by an explosion. Definitely harder to just manifest it through the Force alone. But as you gain proficiency, you’ll soon discover that it isn’t the heat or size of the fire as much as it’s control that you really, really want to have.“Which is why I’m divvying you up into groups of two, and handing each pair a fire extinguisher. And I don’t care how heavy they are. I’m not nearly going to be as hands-off as Master Larid, especially with something as dangerous as this. If I even sense that you aren’t in control, I’m dousing you with this. Understand?”“Yes, Master Gaelle,” they chorus as one.“Alright!” Clapping your hands together, you pair them off and dole out the necessary equipment. “I can see some of you eying the marshmallows I swiped from the Bantha’s pantry, but that’s for afterwards. Eyes on the fire, if you please. Now, who wants to go first and hopefully not singe my eyebrows off?”>>Please roll 1d12 + 1d6 (1 Force Rating, Reciprocal Learning Bonus)>Best out of three.Fucking hell, this update was pulling teeth. Grad school projects just converged on me like a pack of wild animals, bleah.You know, a thought suddenly occurs. Maybe in an alternate timeline, or in the vidya game version, Noirah Nah is available as an option to join the party as Farren's padawan à la Kira Carsen.
Rolled 5 (1d12)>>5028429I wonder if it's possible to implement multiple dice in one post.
Rolled 10 + 1 (1d12 + 1)>>5028429>Grad school projects just converged on me like a pack of wild animals, bleah.Midterms for you too, eh?>Maybe in an alternate timeline, or in the vidya game version, Noirah Nah is available as an option to join the party as Farren's padawan à la Kira Carsen.That'd be interesting. Maybe we were the one who went to the temple instead of Larid? It'd have been interesting to see how he would've dealt with our tour of space 'nam and how Farren would've done combing Coruscant for survivors.
Rolled 4 (1d6)>>5028429second roll
Rolled 2 (1d6)>>5028442Didn't like the 1d6 then. Oh well.
Rolled 12 + 1 (1d12 + 1)Wait, hang on. Multiple dice in one post isn't a thing?Testing
>>5028451Well, shit. TIL.Uh...disregard that 1d12+1d6. Just 1d12+3 then, please.Fucking hell, there goes half of the rework.
Rolled 3 + 3 (1d12 + 3)>>5028452
Rolled 7 + 3 (1d12 + 3)>>5028452
Rolled 7 + 3 (1d12 + 3)>>5028452Uhhhh force go brrr
Rolled 12 + 3 (1d12 + 3)>>5028452>>5028454>>5028457>>5028461Well at least we haven't set the room on fire... yet
>>5028477But for now... We are quite wellAlso checked
>>5028442I can see Farren accompanying Larid, or otherwise doing a role-swap. He'd stay longer on Coruscant to evacuate more people and/or establish contact with Whiplash and the Underground Maglev. Definitely have a similar reaction to Hudorra and Das Jennir as his master did. Maybe/maybe not hire Riven, but definitely go after Noirah, salvage the Temple and meet up with Sha Koon.Larid in space 'nam...hmmm. Wouldn't immediately go rescue the Clones from the Seppies. He'd have put on a spacesuit and investigate the wrecks of the Republic Venators in orbit to discover the cause of the quarantine. There, he stumbles across security footage of Jombaral corrupting the GAR with her Clones force-feeding the crew Eechi fruit, only for the Venator she's on to be blasted by the sole, uninfected ship, prior to its escape and the 57th's marooning.Armed with knowledge of what Jombaral is, he'd then attempt to establish contact with Octavia, and form an uneasy alliance against the corrupted Clones and Children. Similarly to Farren, the Kakari reach out to him first, guided by Bos. Though skeptical, he follows them to Nest's End, and meets up with the Shamanka, who teaches him the secret of Force Fire. Coin's toss as to whether or not he figures out her connection to the Herald of Jombaral. He'd probably see Trax as a subversive element and eliminate him ("oh, he fell in battle, there were too many Children, what a tragedy") to allow Troxl to become Warrior-King.Coin's toss as to whether or not he rescues Scrapper Squad from the swamps.Hunting down Kosa and Arotta, he'd go towards the Heart of Kakarit first, mostly to get closure for Farren. He encounters her in her feral state of mind, and thrashes her seven ways to Sunday prior to medivacing her to Octavia. And it isn't the spirit of his mother he sees chained to the alter of the Accuser of Pilgrims. He sees Tessa, and goes sicko mode in killing the Accuser. I couldn't tell anything specific because of SPOILERS, but she warns him that a daughter of du Lac's Hollow emerged from the tomb he buried the Storyteller in. Afterwards, he'd definitely try to excavate the altar or otherwise take a significant portion for further study. Totally because he isn't wracked with guilt and wants to desperately have some way to communicate with his dead wife, no sir.The Battle of Nest's End happens. Larid pulls out all the stops, Juyo/Form VII double-bladed lightsaber, liberal use of Sever Force, using the power of the Sunspear to make him Starkiller-lite. When their minds touch, the Herald taunts him for being a failure of a husband, and Larid responds by casually using a version of Electric Judgement that makes Plo Koon's technique resemble a joy buzzer. The name the Kakari then give him is Sings-of-Furious-Twilight.He rescues Kosa, kills the Guardian and Herald, and then has Bos use the Godseye to blast a significant portion of Tarkin's BDZ fleet out of orbit, Dark Side points be damned.
Rolled 6 (1d6)>>5028429I was thinking more of alt timeline being 3 padawans cut off from the jedi.>>5028452hey man, I'll roll d6 separately. Not like this board is hurting on post limit.
>>5028504>He'd stay longer on Coruscant to evacuate more people and/or establish contact with Whiplash and the Underground Maglev.I can absolutely see Farren being as thorough as he can with tracking down Coruscant survivors and allies. The thought of being able to track down a former council member in Evan Piell (probably dead by now RIP) or Jax Pavan (who I think we'd know since he was one of Ani's only other friends) would get him to stick around right down to the time he has to leave. >He'd probably see Trax as a subversive element and eliminate him ("oh, he fell in battle, there were too many Children, what a tragedy") to allow Troxl to become Warrior-King.Very Alpharius of him.>excavate the altar or otherwise take a significant portion for further study."Ah, padawan, come look! I loved my tropical soiree so much I decided to take a piece of it home with me.">using the power of the Sunspear to make him Starkiller-lite.>by casually using a version of Electric Judgement that makes Plo Koon's technique resemble a joy buzzer>Kakari then give him is Sings-of-Furious-TwilightI feel like we haven't seen Larid doing his job enough. Woe to any inquisitor who thinks this senile old nutter is going to be an easy mark. They'll him disassembled in the freezer of the sector's Moff.>has Bos use the Godseye to blast a significant portion of Tarkin's BDZ fleet out of orbitI mean, if space!dad does it, could it really have been that bad?
>>5028617>inb4 we get an episode where we play as Master Larid for the whole thread>inb4 we get a chance to REALLY take a look under the hood to see what levels of bullshit he can pull when he hulks out>inb4 before the thread gets 2/3rds of the way done we'll miss Farren because he's not as saddled with as many skeletons as LaridIt's an odd feeling to think about.
>>5028504>Afterwards, he'd definitely try to excavate the altar or otherwise take a significant portion for further study.Yes... chase your bliss, young Larid!
>>5028504>and then has Bos use the Godseye to blast a significant portion of Tarkin's BDZ fleet out of orbit, Dark Side points be damned.Everyone that voted not to blast them out of the sky should be ashamed of themselves, we let Larid down.And on the subject of double dice, I'm fine just rolling 2 separate ones if the rework needs it.
>>5028656>Everyone that voted not to blast them out of the sky should be ashamed of themselves, we let Larid down.I can't feel shame because it means we get more chances to bathe in our dank side when we're forced to make an actually difficult choice.
>>5028670It's not like we have a limit on how many Dark Side actions we can take. I also think that it would've been justified to use the Godseye against the fleet, but whatever.
>>5028656I still don’t feel bad, I’d rather not give the tree zombies any chances to survive to see Mother come back.
>>5028345>>5028394Okay then, here we go:> The first had nearly been torn from him when Horuset had been eclipsed by the smog and smoke of orbital bombardment.Between the old Sith Empire currency and his status as a Pureblood, I think he might be a very old Sith indeed. Surviving a bombardment of Horuset implies that he might have been alive in the era when the Old Republic fought against the Sith Empire, though whether it was the first or second one is unclear. Certainly not Revan’s Sith Empire. But given the symbol on the Sith Empire coin that was found in the ruins where the Storyteller was entombed in, I’m inclined to believe Storyteller probably a part of Emperor Vitiate’s Sith Empire OR someone who was active during that time.> The second came with great prestige and prominence, bequeathed none the less by a living god.He might have been someone big in either iterations of the Sith Empire. I don’t think he was anyone directly connected to the power structure of the Sith Empire, though. Perhaps one of the Emperor’s Servants/Hands who managed to move on after the Emperor was destroyed. But this doesn’t strike me as quite right; Vitiate always struck me as the type of person to have his tools/pawns powerful but easily manipulated. On top of that, I think they were ritually bound to his will on top of being fanatically loyal. It would be truly be a confluence of coincidences if a Servant managed to find a life beyond Vitiate’s existence. Alternatively, he could have his origins in the first Sith Empire, and bound himself to the book and then had a series of misadventures in Vitiate’s Sith Empire. Either Naga Sadow or Marla Ragnos were pretty damn powerful Sith Sorcerers/Alchemists, and they might have had some peers who could do the voodoo that the Storyteller do.
>>5028454>>5028457>>5028461By some miracle, no one sets anyone’s hair, tentacles or other prehensile body parts aflame. Nor does anyone suffer any severe burns milder than a blister or thumb-sized patches of red-angry skin. Still, you aren’t too surprised to find yourself comforting the younger ones when they aren’t able to capture flame.“It’s not failure as much as it’s a work in progress,” you gently reassure them. Backs are gently patted, and hair, montrals and lekku ruffled in sibling-like affection. “Have it as a goal in mind, and work hard towards it.”Of their elder counterparts, they have varying degrees of success. Some present flames no larger than a thumbnail, only able to hold it for a handful of seconds before it disappears into smoke. The fact that Joz is able to display the most control isn’t surprising. The Mon Calamari, ever emotionally-balanced, only breaks a small sweat as he holds fireball the size of a grapefruit, tentatively tossing it from one hand to the next. He manages this for ten seconds before exhaustion causes him to disperse the accumulated heat.His peers seem to accept this without much fanfare beyond “oohs” and “aahs”. Even Luaine, who barely manages to coax a flame larger than an orange, emits little more than competitive self-resolve. By all accounts, a combination of her trip to the Chiller and your own talk seems to have mellowed out the temperamental young lady. She seems to be oddly content with the nod of approval you give her.Ceyla finds herself somewhere in the middle. Her natural affinity lies elsewhere, but she performs admirably enough, just edging out somewhere in the median between Joz’s grapefruit and Parn’s nail. But she’ll have plenty of time to practice on your journey…and only under strict supervision.By the time the stars are visible over the spaceport, they’ve exhausted themselves once again, only this time, mentally. But the promise of marshmallows seems to lift their spirits. You pass them out, alongside chocolate and crackers filched from ration packs. It is very unbecoming of a Jedi instructor to use one’s gifts in the Force so mercurially, and you can recall no instructor behaving in this way when you were a youngling. But the way their eyes light up with wonder as you pull a bit of flame in your open palms, and gently weave it through their outstretched sticks to toast the marshmallows…..it should give them one happy memory prior to your departure.>>The morning after…>>Berth of the {Albatross}The Clone snaps to attention, his gunny sack and new armor stacked neatly by his feet. “Quartermaster Trykov reporting for duty, sir.”At 0700 hours, the day is still too early for the Clone’s energy. But you manage to suppress a yawn, rubbing sand out of your eyes. “Good morning, Trykov. Your berth’s opposite of the rightmost turbolift. Welcome to the crew. The others should just be getting everything ready.”(cont.)
He nods, picking up his kit to briskly go up the ramp. Only once he’s disappeared into the bowels of the ship does Master Larid peel himself off the wall, and into the light of the early morning. Your master seems to be…not quite upset, but there’s a caged energy in his gait.“Between you and me,” he remarks as he falls in line, leaning against one of the hydraulic jacks, “I think you should break his nose and let him grow his hair out longer. Should make him a whole lot more distinct from however many million of his brothers there are back in Empire space.”Snorting, you reply, “That armor was something cobbled together from both what the Clones could find in the market square, whatever surplus that the Mercantors had lying around the Globus, and a handful of spray paint cans. It isn’t going to win any awards or run down a fashion runway, but it’ll do as good a job as Phase II armor. Once he gets the helmet on, hardly anyone is gonna think he’s a Clone.”“Only as long as he keeps it on. Maybe he should tattoo half his face, disfigure it with acid, or apply liberal tanning lotion.”A mundane passerby might find the conversation far beyond the pale of good taste. But this is just the way that the two of you have learned to speak to each other. Through the Force bond, Larid isn’t nearly able to hide the concern beneath his usual dry wit.“I don’t think we have the latter two in the cargo manifest,” you admit. “But we do have those old disguise tattoos that wash off with warm water.”“It’ll have to do.” He doesn’t say anything for a handful of moments. Then, he sighs. “…it only feels like I’m sending you back out when you only recently got back.”You exhale softly. “I’ll be back sooner than you know it. Just a trip to Dweem, then one more place before I make my way back to Amagi. Please have a Tof-free system when I return.”“I’d feel a whole lot better if you know where ‘one more place’ is before you left,” he grouses. Reaching into his robes, he produces a pipe. A match is struck, and the air fills with the heady scent of tobacco. “…the bratpack isn’t going to be happy that you’ll be gone once they’ve woken up.”“We already said our goodbyes last night. I nearly lost circulation in my legs with how hard some of them hugged me.” You look to him, think of his new padawan, then inquire, “You missed a training lesson last night.”Larid’s mouth twitches into a smile around the pipe. “I’ve got Vuqu making her way through the same schlock I put you through. And don’t worry about us not learning that little pyrokinetic trick. We can always pay a visit to the Communion of Spirits. And I’ll keep a close eye on them and the Kakari on your behalf.”“Thank you, master.”(cont.)
Hope Elba remembered to stock up on laxatives and ipecac in case we meet Jombaral face-to-face-like-projection...
>>5029357He inhales deeply, then considers the glowing ashes as if they hold the secrets of the universe. “…I don’t suppose you’d be willing to bust yourself back down to being my padawan? I can fob Vuqu off to Torok, and it’ll be the Shadows Larid and Gaelle once more against the universe.”You laugh. “A very tempting offer, but one I must respectfully decline.”“Worth a shot,” he grumbles, then sticks out his hand. “May the Force be with you, Farren Gaelle.”You clasp it tightly, allowing yourself to be pulled into a one-armed embrace. “And with you as well, Master Larid.”“...and in regards to the Revenant…” he whispers so very quietly. “…whether or not she’s my daughter or…or Eira…”“…I’ll keep a sharp eye out,” you promise, wincing at how he has to force the last word out. It seems that he’s finally accepted the possibility that Tessa’s sister could be the Revenant.It turns out that he isn’t the only one to say his goodbyes. Torok swings by for a quiet farewell. With his starship and droid repaired, he’s bound once more for the Chiller to rejoin Aure and the fight against the Tof. The Cathar Claw would escort the Albatross to about as far as the middle of the system before you went your separate ways.Last, but certainly not least, Arotta comes just as you finish your pre-flight checks, and Torok’s already holding a low orbit around the spaceport.“Come back soon, pinkskin,” she drawls, lightly slugging you in the arm. “I still have a tally and a date to even out with you.”You grin, pulling her in for a hug. She fights back only for a handful of moments before she returns your embrace. “Of course, I’ll miss you too, Arotta. You know…once I get back, you’ll have passed all your trials. You’ll be a full-fledged Jedi Knight with a padawan, to boot!”“That’s the plan. And I don’t intend to disappoint.” Her eyes meet yours, and the light of Mylus seems to play at the shine of her lips. “You’ve got a month…maybe more to plan our celebration party for us becoming Jedi Knights.”“If you want a private celebration…” you murmur, gently spinning her around to whisper in her ear, “I can think of a few secluded, out-of-the-way spots. We might have to fight a Roque Ja for the space, but there wouldn’t be any prying eyes, no younglings that we might scar or corrupt.”She looks back up at you, a coy look in her eyes. “That so? If our track record’s anything to look at, it sounds more like you’re itching for a fight more than a party.”“No reason why both can be mutually exclusive. The Force knows how often our brawls ended up, ah, less martially inclined.”Her laughter is throaty, sensual and sends tingles up and down your spine. Then, her tone becomes uncharacteristically serious. “…I know that your master must’ve said something similar, but don’t make me come after you.”(cont.)
It’s tempting to redirect that threat into a more flirtatious overtone, but you nod solemnly. “It won’t come to that. I’ll stay for longer after I return.”Arotta finds your hand, interlacing your fingers with her own. She squeezes tightly, hesitates, then quips in a warbling voice: “You aren’t allowed to die, Farren. If…if whatever we have doesn’t work out, or if you’re unhappy, you can’t just…die to get out of it.”A hysterical laugh slips past your mouth. “Wh…where’d that come from?”“…would you believe Master Kosa?” she answers dryly. “Pulled me aside after I got discharged. Said that before I became her padawan, she’d seen her fair share of relationships in her Peacekeeper days. And that I had to be careful, make my feelings clear, inquire about your feelings, have the courage to end it if either of us weren’t happy…apparently she knew all along that we were sex friends.”“…her and Master Larid.” She seizes in your embrace, turning to you with wide eyes and cheeks flushed a dark hue of blue. “…yeah, I know. He also read me the riot act before I went to go rescue you. But…no, you’re right. But you’re also wrong.”“Color me surprised that you think I’m wrong. How do you figure?”“The fact that you think I’m not happy in this relationship.”She doesn’t immediately answer, instead opting to lean back against you, press the warmth of her back against your chest. “…she also mentioned something about a honeymoon phase?”Now you’re starting to wonder about Master Kosa. With Master Larid, his licentiousness can be tied to both his job, as well as the trauma of losing Tessa. But the fact that Kosa seems to be forthwith about relationship advice (between two Jedi, no less), really makes you wonder.But you reply to Arotta, “…and they also say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. So…check in a month? I’ll see if I can’t send any messages as I travel through the Empire. Bounce an encrypted message off a few dozen satellites before it actually leaves.”“That…would be dangerous,” she cautions. “Much as I really want to stay in touch.”“…could be just one-way to minimize the risk. Come to think about it, I remember that the Republic had a few probes towards the edge of Wild Space, and contacts with a power in the Unknown Regions. I’ll see if Master Larid’s files don’t have anything about slicing into their communications with the Empire.”She stills, then quirks a smile. “You know, I still have that message you sent me when everything went to hell. That panicked voice and the relief when you thought you reached me…it was kind of cute.”You roll your eyes, even as you’re not completely able to suppress a blush. “Oh, Force. Arotta, if you really lo…if you’re really fond of me, I’d appreciate you deleting that. I wasn’t nearly myself.”“…come back, and then I will,” she simply states.(cont.)
Then, she angles her head, reaching with her free hand to snake past your jaw, cheek, to a gentle fistful of hair. You need no bond in the Force to understand her intentions. You reach for her neck, tilting her mouth upwards, and pull each other into deep, passionate kiss. Time seems to stand still as your embrace tightens, emotions pass through a burgeoning bond, and the morning light of Mylus shines its warmth upon you.>>Line BreakSidestepping Elba and Trykov (debating over supplies and other logistical quandries), you enter into the cockpit to find it a hub of activity. S-19’s plugged himself into a nearby computer interface, chirping and humming in synch with the light display. Ceyla’s crouched on the copilot’s chair, watching Suzel’s hands go over the myriad dials, knobs and gauges in a rudimentary flight check.They notice your arrival, and Suzel waves a jaunty hand. “Hi, boss. We’ve just finished our pre-flight check, and we’re just waiting for tower control to give us the all-clear.”“Thank you, Suzel,” you say as you gently swivel the seat that your padawan’s occupied. “Sorry, but this is my seat.” At her pout, you gently point behind you. “I’ll be out of here once we make it to hyperspace, but until then, you can have the radar technician’s chair. Just don’t touch anything, alright?”Ceyla doesn’t complain, brightening at the prospect of remaining in the cockpit. By the time she settles in and you’ve slid on your own headpiece, control’s given Suzel the all-clear to take the Albatross out of the spaceport.“So, once more back into the fray, huh?” your nagai pilot quips, firing up the main reactor. The ship shudders as he opens the throttle, firing RCS thrusters to bring the ship off the ground.You nod, adjusting your seat as the nose elevates towards the atmosphere, then rockets out of the drydock. “Aye.”“…this Dweem is a desert planet, right?”“Let me check…” you pull up the relevant information on your datapad. “…according to Master Larid, it’s completely frozen through. Furthest planet away from the main star…”“…which means zero chance of running into a crazy Force abomination and her freaky, mutating arboreal Children,” he finishes with poorly-disguised relief. “Thank the ancestors.”It’s hard not to smile. Because on some similar level, you’re relieved that Jombaral wouldn’t fare all that well in a frozen planet. “Thank them after we get back. Now, take us out of here.”“Aye, aye, captain,” he drones sardonically before opening the throttle all the way. Inertial dampeners kick in as the Albatross roars into the sky. It barely shudders as you pass through the atmosphere, then into an escape vector away from the planet’s gravitational well. Torok’s starfighter awaits, wobbling its wings in greeting as it links up and joins your flight through the system.(cont.)
“Bweep-boop,” chimes S-19 after you pass the fourth, fifth planets of the system.“Translation,” declares the head of HK-82, having just arrived with B-33 in tow, “The hyperdrive is ready. Awaiting your command, Master Farren.”You look out the window, towards the Jedi starfighter, perhaps one of the only few to have survived Order 66. Torok waves at you from the canopy of his ship, fist raised in a salute. Even at this distance, you can make out the hand signals, and the words that they convey.Salamanders together.“Prepare the jump to hyperspace,” you declare as Torok breaks off. The exhaust port of the Cathar Claw burns bright as it accelerates to its maximum sublight speed. It continues to shine brightly, even as it grows further away, soon becoming no more than one of the many stars in the great beyond. “Let’s see if we can’t be back in less than two months.”The stars above, before, and to your sides streak into long, distorted beams as the shrill whine of the hyperdrive fills the cockpit. And with a sudden lurch that no amount of inertial dampeners could completely mask, the Albatross shoots into hyperspace, propelled back into the territory of the enemy in the search for sanctuary…>>It will take you a bare minimum of fifteen days to reach Dweem.>>This is the mean time determined in both being stealthy, and navigating hazards through the process of going through Unknown, Wild then back into Known Space.>>How do you want to fill your free time en-route to Dweem? [Choose three/3]>Consult your Jedi Holocrons for knowledge and wisdom.>Further hone and develop your Force powers.>Investigate slicing into the Empire's comm relay.>Pursue deeper mastery over your Shadow skills.>Spend some time bonding your crewmates.>Custom option. [Write-in]>>Which aspect of Ceyla’s Jedi training do you want to focus the most on? [Choose two/2]>Continued study of the Jedi Shadows’ history and their enemies, the Sith.>Development of Ceyla’s burgeoning talent in Form V lightsaber combat.>Learning practical Sentinel and/or Shadow skills from her master.>Practice and mastery of her abilities in the Force, innate or otherwise.>>Please structure your vote as the following:>Farren choice A.>Farren choice B.>Ceyla choice A.>Ceyla choice B.[VOTE OPEN FOR SEVENTEEN HOURS]I will be out this weekend on a student film shoot, hence the big voting time. And don't worry about establishing an alibi. You would've found time to coach the crew on how to play dumb and pretend to be independent traders.
>>5029445Farren >>Pursue deeper mastery over your Shadow skills.>>Consult your Jedi Holocrons for knowledge and wisdom.>>Further hone your skill with Niman to a razor's edge. If I need to knock one of these off, do let me know. The question says three, structure outline says two.Ceyla>>Practice and mastery of her abilities in the Force, innate or otherwise>>Development of Ceyla’s burgeoning talent in Form V lightsaber combat.Maybe we should have her make a curved-hilt lightsaber later? They work well for Djem So, Bane used one. Had a much sharper curve than Dooku/ours though. More like Ventress' two.
>>5029449Ah, that’s my mistake. It’s definitely three. I just formatted the example choices wrong.
>>5029445>>Consult your Jedi Holocrons for knowledge and wisdom.>Consult your Jedi Holocrons for knowledge and wisdom.we haven't really touched those two other thingies>Bond with Trykov>Continued study of the Jedi Shadows’ history and their enemies, the Sith.She's going to be talking to crystals with some very strong opinions about jedi and sith.>Learning practical Sentinel and/or Shadow skills from her master.
>>5029445>Further hone and develop your Force powers.>Pursue deeper mastery over your Shadow skills.>>Further hone your skill with Niman to a razor's edge.>Development of Ceyla’s burgeoning talent in Form V lightsaber combat.>Practice and mastery of her abilities in the Force, innate or otherwise.-girl gotta have some basics
>>5029445>Glue HK-82 head to S-19 so that he can keep translating droid beeps
>>5029445Farren A>Investigate slicing into the Empire's comm relay.Farren B>Further hone and develop your Force powers.Farren C>Pursue deeper mastery over your Shadow skills.Ceyla A>Development of Ceyla’s burgeoning talent in Form V lightsaber combat.Ceyla B>Practice and mastery of her abilities in the Force, innate or otherwise.Shame the Revenant didn't go after Vader. He would have turned her into a stain. Or him an the Storyteller would have tried working together, but that's two birds with one stone.
>>5029445>Consult your Jedi Holocrons for knowledge and wisdom.>Pursue deeper mastery over your Shadow skills.>Spend some time bonding your crewmates.>Continued study of the Jedi Shadows’ history and their enemies, the Sith.>Development of Ceyla’s burgeoning talent in Form V lightsaber combat.
>>5029445>Further hone and develop your Force Powers>Pursue Deeper Mastery over your Shadow skills>Spend some time bonding your crewmates.>Continued study of the Jedi Shadows’ history and their enemies, the Sith.>Learning practical Sentinel and/or Shadow skills from her master.
>>5029445Farren>Further hone and develop your Force powers.Sever's been a lifesaver several times over now, I can see arguments both for improving that, Speed, or Weapon>Pursue deeper mastery over your Shadow skills.Deep Cover time, we're going to need every edge we can get to not get caught>Spend some time bonding your crewmates.Ceyla>Continued study of the Jedi Shadows’ history and their enemies, the Sith.>Learning practical Shadow skills from her master.Again, we're going deep undercover, she's gonna need every bit of duplicitous trickery we can shove in her head
>>5029445Farren>Consult your Jedi Holocrons for knowledge and wisdom.>Further hone and develop your Force powers.>Spend some time bonding your crewmates.I want to see if we can use Force Fire on those Kakarox crystals to make mini force shields and shoot lasers.Ceyla>Continued study of the Jedi Shadows’ history and their enemies, the Sith.>Development of Ceyla’s burgeoning talent in Form V lightsaber combat.
>>5029445>>Further hone and develop your Force Powers>>Pursue Deeper Mastery over your Shadow skills>>Spend some time bonding your crewmates.>>Continued study of the Jedi Shadows’ history and their enemies, the Sith.>>Learning practical Sentinel and/or Shadow skills from her master.
>>5029445>>Pursue deeper mastery over your Shadow skills.>>Investigate slicing into the Empire’s comm relay.>>Further home your skill with Niman to a razor’s edge>>Learning practice Sentinel and/or Shadow skills from her master>>Practice and mastery of her abilities in the Force, innate or otherwise
>>5029445>Further hone and develop your Force powers.>Pursue deeper mastery over your Shadow skills.>Spend some time bonding your crewmates.>Continued study of the Jedi Shadows’ history and their enemies, the Sith.>Development of Ceyla’s burgeoning talent in Form V lightsaber combat.
>>5029445>>Investigate slicing into the Empire's comm relay.>>Spend some time bonding your crewmates.>>Consult your Jedi Holocrons for knowledge and wisdom.>>Continued study of the Jedi Shadows’ history and their enemies, the Sith.>>Development of Ceyla’s burgeoning talent in Form V lightsaber combat.
>>5029249Technically, Horuset is the sun around which Korriban orbits. The light of Horuset was shrouded above Korriban when the bombs fell.
>>5029445For our glorious leader's ease during a busy weekend:>FARREN VOTES9 for improve Shadow skills.4 for holocrons, >>5029451 voted for it twice though.3 for improve Niman (I'll keep trying lol).8 for crewmate bonding, one for Trykov specifically.7 for Force powers.3 for 1337 h4xx0r comm relay slicing.1 for gluing HK-82 onto S-19 like we're Kazdan Paratus or something.So bonding, Force practice, and Shadow skills. We'll get 'em yet, Nimanbros.>CEYLA VOTES4 for Force deal from Space Wendy's.7 for Shien/Djem So practice, always good to have an apprentice who can put us down if need be.8 for Sith Studies, something I personally wasn't expecting to be popular.5 for Shadow 101.So a nice combo of PE and History. All part of a perfectly balanced school day.
>>5030497The holocrons are like library books we borrowed for 2 months but never read.
Hey Kaz, gotta ask, does Reciprocal Learning activate only when we're teaching to or learning from Ceyla, or can we get the bonus if we're just in the same spaceship or building?Also, does her learning Form V mean we learn it despite what was voted, or do we specifically need to choose "Practice Form V with Ceyla" when we have a chance to next time?Also also, we're missing both that and Indistinguishable from our list of traits we got.
>>5030531Yeah, we shouldn't forget to use them. I liked Farren's suggestion of finding some unknown backwater and just training Ceyla for a few days. Zayne's holocron will help us with Shadow training in particular, what with his lessons in stealth, being streetwise, and the Galactic Underworld. And Kreia is just a joy to read. Meku is sort of an unknown variable, we should talk to her alone before she's introduced to Ceyla.
what does the "Reciprocal Learning" trait do again?
>>5030605>Reciprocal Learning [Passive] – a Jedi never stops learning, even when they attain Knighthood and take a padawan under their wing. This talent lowers the DC made for a padawan and their master to learn or impart skills from each other.From the last thread.
So, in the interest of discussion while we wait for the next update, what kind of starfighter should we get?I'm thinking this thing I found in one of the FFG F&D sourcebooks would be a nice choice. It's basically a Delta-7 with a hyperdrive and proton torpedoes. Either that or a Belbullab-22, if we can find one for free.
>>5032140Assuming we get a ship with room for one (I'll need to look around to form a preference on that front too), off the top of my head a CloakShape might be good. They're very common, simple to work on, and most importantly, easy as all hell to modify. Pretty much the Honda Civic of starfighters. And since the S-19 chassis beat out the R5 for our astromech, it's the next best option for being a "sleeper" car, something I think compliments a Shadow's role and mindset pretty well.Also, where'd you find that picture? I reverse image searched for it and found some guy on the Wookiepedia forums posting it as a H-22A D-Wing, which doesn't have an image, and the ARX-T3 page doesn't have an image either. Just curious, not trying to start a row.
>>5032152Found it in FFG’s Knights of Fate sourcebook. It was used as the page art for the gear chapter, rather than putting it next to the stats like normal people would think to do.
>>5032152>>5032169> Just curious, not trying to start a row.No problem, although I got to admit I’ve had to redo this post multiple times to keep my ‘tism under control.I mean, if it carries twelve passengers, where do they go, are they taped to the underside of th-…damn it.
>>5032140Considering we've got a Padawan now, I kind of want to fly around in a Y-Wing, with her in the gunner's seat, our new astromech in its socket. It has a good hyperdrive, and is probably one of the most ubiquitous starfighters in the galaxy at this moment, so we can hide in plain sight as a daring but unremarkable pilot for hire.
>>5032169Huh. Weird. Wouldn't be the first time sourcebooks are less-than-on-the-level when it comes to layout, art, and consistency. Cracken's Threat Dossier still causes me to wake up in cold sweats. >>5032185>I’ve had to redo this post multiple timesWorst part's if you're reformatting and forget to delete a chunk of text. Gotten me a few times.>I mean, if it carries twelve passengers, where do they go, are they taped to the underside of th-There's an impressive level of consistency about that sort of thing, I'm glad to say, barring some glaring examples. The Secutor SSD was supposed to be some big fuck-hueg carrier, but it carries less TIEs than the Venator carries V-Wings despite being twice the size. The guy who designed it said in his mind the number was closer to 8,000, the number on paper was 144. Oh well.>>5032213A Y-Wing would be a good ship to have if we want to pretend to be some mercenary or bounty hunter, what with it being a bomber. If we want to go with a more civvie bent, I'd recommend pic related. Easily modifiable, designed for civilian or militia use, and it's probably on the cheaper side since it's association with the Outbound Flight sorta killed any interest in it. Kuat's probably giving them away.
>>5032220The Skysprite has two kind of glaring issues for our purposes. For one, it doesn't have its own hyperdrive, and instead relies on a detachable ring, which we'd be constantly leaving behind after jumps and praying it doesn't get stolen/blown up, leaving us stranded in whatever system we're in.Secondly, while it was also sold to civilian markets and militias, it's most well-known users were the Jedi Order, so it isn't exactly inconspicuous after only a few short weeks/months since Order 66 went down.So, all things being equal, I would still prefer to get a Y-Wing. I also just think the Y-Wing looks cooler.
I have the bluest balls
>>5032401>For one, it doesn't have its own hyperdriveI was under the assumption that we'd be tricking out any ship we bought way past its stock specifications. Torok's Delta-7 has a hyperdrive (I like to picture it looking like the Azure Angel), so there's definitely room for one in the bigger Delta-12.>so it isn't exactly inconspicuous after only a few short weeks/months since Order 66 went down.Fair enough, though I would think that enough non-Jedi bought models from the Delta (and Eta) line to make them a not-uncommon sight in PDF navies. The Rebels used/will use both models and their whole schtick was plausible deniability, at least in the early days. Torok's still flying his too, and presumably took it to his Trial. Probably had to stop in civilized space a few times for fuel and supplies.>So, all things being equal, I would still prefer to get a Y-Wing. I also just think the Y-Wing looks cooler.Completely understandable. Especially the McQuarrie art or that picture of one before Rebel engineers took the plating off.>>5032417Surely Arotta has you beat, anon. And don't even get me started on Chissfu.
>>5032220>>5032401>So, all things being equal, I would still prefer to get a Y-Wing.I dunno, I’d honestly prefer something more nimble… plus the Y-Wing’s still being used by the Empire at this point, right? Might need to wait until they start selling them off to smaller systems for it to be innocuous enough not to turn heads.That being said, if we’re considering blending in with the average citizen of the Outer Rim, we shouldn’t forget about the winners of Every Criminal Scumbag Pilot’s All-Time Choice Award, MandalMotors products. They’re common enough in the Outer Rim, can use the wreckage of slavers and criminal gangsters for parts… The only problem is that we’re not a totally irredeemable piece of shit, so we’re probably not eligible for a discount.
>>5032639The Y-Wing is in use by the Empire insofar as they have yet to replace it with the TIE Bomber, but the Y-Wing is already a pretty venerable craft by this point. The Starbolt-class Assault Carrier, which was sold in bulk by CEC to anyone from PDF's to merc outfits right up until the end of the Clone Wars, was advertised as coming with a full squadron of Y-Wings included in the 10 million credit pricetag, alongside a complement of military model airspeeders. Up until the end of the Galactic Civil War, it's probably the single most ubiquitous starfighter in the galaxy that isn't some variety of TIE.
The Y-wing, while cool, isn't exactly something you'd want to dogfight in though. It was designed as a fighter?But the uh intecerptor that was also talked about is even worse of an idea because that was nicknamed the jedi inteceptor right? Those things were practically known for just jedi to use, and since this is relatively after order 66 that's still in peoples eyes. I would not want to use that one bit
>>5032837The equivalent to what a Y-Wing is in military aviation terms would be a fighter bomber. It's not brilliant for dogfighting, but a formation of them moving to a target don't need to be escorted by other starfighters. And the original Y-Wing had a fully rotating turret for the ion cannons, whereas the A4 model seen in A New Hope just had them fixed forward and removed the gunner's seat, because the Rebellion was constantly short on trained pilots.Since most starfighters in Star Wars need to tail the enemy fighter long enough to get a lock with their targeting computer to hit it, a turret that can fire behind the Y-Wing makes it a good bit more viable in dogfights.
>>5032837>because that was nicknamed the jedi inteceptor rightNot right. The Delta-7 and 7B were known as Jedi Starfighters (though at least the former was also sold to Republic peacekeeping forces and PDFs) due to their use by the Order and the Eta-2 was known as such because it was specifically designed for the Jedi by KDY during the war. The Delta-12 is neither, as it was designed with the intent to move away from the paramilitary market in favor of the civilian one. The Jedi had some before the war to use as couriers, but after the war broke out and they became military commanders, they didn't have a ton of use for such ships.
>>5029449>>5029451>>5029455>>5029458>>5029460>>5029462>>5029505>>5029558>>5029565>>5029707>>5029747>>5029759>>5030028>>5030497The fifteen days of your journey are not spent in idle contemplation. A maxim of the Jedi Order is to always seek improvement through training and assimilation of knowledge. And in spite of the limited space within the Albatross, you’re more than able to make do in your pursuit of further mastery.Some of these comprise old-fashioned study, and applying your nose to the grindstone. Others involve more physical conditioning, which is to say the skill in motion, honed with the aid of others. With the bulk of the journey shuffling through hyperspace, dropping only to readjust and course-correct, the autopilot allows for the cockpit to not be always full at all hours of the day. Thus, all of the Albatross’ crewmates end up helping you in one way or another.Of course, this is not all that you do. Beyond that are your requisite meditations, daily check-ins in the cockpit, and the great task that is training your padawan.But first…>>Please select four (4) of the following Shadow skills to take/upgrade:>Computers 1 (Int) – used when interacting with a computer system, such as searching through public records/Holonet, recovering data from damaged systems, or bypassing a computer’s security system.>Core Worlds 1 (Int) – measure of a character’s knowledge of the galactic core and its planets. Used to identify someone’s homeworld and the imports/exports/illegal goods of the Core Worlds.>Deception 2 (Cun) – used when tricking others into believing falsehoods, including distracting enemies, bluffing past a tricky situation, or leaving a false trail in a chase.>Perception 3 (Cun) – used to notice subtle clues, sneaky people and information by observation. Opposes Skullduggery.>Skullduggery 1 (Cun) – measure of slight-of-hand and proficiency in underhanded criminal techniques such as lockpicking, escaping confinement and identifying weak points in a security scheme.>Stealth 2 (Ag) – how easily a character can hide or blend in with their surroundings; used when avoiding an enemy, shadowing individuals and hiding items or people away.>Streetwise 1 (Cun) – used when working through the underworld, understanding criminal lingo, finding the black market, investigating street rumors and knowing how to approach criminals.>Underworld 1 (Int) – measure of knowledge of the criminal underworld, rolled when assessing criminal activity on a planet, who’s responsible for it, and common methods an opponent may use for a crime.>>The distinction between Streetwise/Underworld is that Streetwise is the criminal’s skill, Underworld is the policeman’s skill; or the difference between walking the walk and talking the talk.[VOTE OPEN FOR TWELVE HOURS]Thank you for your patience. Force powers vote next. Will save narrative heavy bonding stuff for last.
>>5033865>>Perception 3 (Cun) – used to notice subtle clues, sneaky people and information by observation. Opposes Skullduggery.>>Skullduggery 1 (Cun) – measure of slight-of-hand and proficiency in underhanded criminal techniques such as lockpicking, escaping confinement and identifying weak points in a security scheme.>>Stealth 2 (Ag) – how easily a character can hide or blend in with their surroundings; used when avoiding an enemy, shadowing individuals and hiding items or people away.obvious picks for me>Streetwise 1 (Cun) – used when working through the underworld, understanding criminal lingo, finding the black market, investigating street rumors and knowing how to approach criminals.Making friends with the people who hide from the bigwigs seems like a good investment to me
>>5033865>Deception 2>Skullduggery 1>Streetwise 1>Underworld 1So, any idea on what to expect from a Star Wars game made by Quantic Dream?
>>5033865>>Computers 1 (Int) – used when interacting with a computer system, such as searching through public records/Holonet, recovering data from damaged systems, or bypassing a computer’s security system.>>Perception 3 (Cun) – used to notice subtle clues, sneaky people and information by observation. Opposes Skullduggery.>>Stealth 2 (Ag) – how easily a character can hide or blend in with their surroundings; used when avoiding an enemy, shadowing individuals and hiding items or people away.>>Skullduggery 1 (Cun) – measure of slight-of-hand and proficiency in underhanded criminal techniques such as lockpicking, escaping confinement and identifying weak points in a security scheme.Zayne's holocron can teach us Streetwise, IIRC if we ever take the damn time to use it.
>>5033878Good point>>5033873Switching Streetwise to Computers. Holocrons can teach us about people, but it's probably best to study modern software ourselves.
>>5033865>Deception 2 (Cun)>Perception 3 (Cun)>Stealth 2>Core Worlds 1 (Int)
>>5033865> Perception 3 (Cun) – used to notice subtle clues, sneaky people and information by observation. Opposes Skullduggery.> Skullduggery 1 (Cun) – measure of slight-of-hand and proficiency in underhanded criminal techniques such as lockpicking, escaping confinement and identifying weak points in a security scheme.>Stealth 2 (Ag) – how easily a character can hide or blend in with their surroundings; used when avoiding an enemy, shadowing individuals and hiding items or people away.>Deception 2 (Cun) – used when tricking others into believing falsehoods, including distracting enemies, bluffing past a tricky situation, or leaving a false trail in a chase.Focusing on direct skill capabilities we might need to leverage in the near future. Computers should be pushed to a crew member like droids or something.Streetwise is useful but can be raised via Zayne's holocronCore world/Underworld intelligence/knowledge should prob be handled by a party specialist down the line who can feed us info...
>>5033865>Perception 3 (Cun) – used to notice subtle clues, sneaky people and information by observation. Opposes Skullduggery.>Skullduggery 1 (Cun) – measure of slight-of-hand and proficiency in underhanded criminal techniques such as lockpicking, escaping confinement and identifying weak points in a security scheme.>Stealth 2 (Ag) – how easily a character can hide or blend in with their surroundings; used when avoiding an enemy, shadowing individuals and hiding items or people away.>Deception 2 (Cun) – used when tricking others into believing falsehoods, including distracting enemies, bluffing past a tricky situation, or leaving a false trail in a chase.
>>5033877Expect a cheesy stupid plot that's really hamfisted, with a high chance of one character who has a personality that's not wooden. Also expect quicktime events out the nose.
>>5033865>Perception 3 (Cun) – used to notice subtle clues, sneaky people and information by observation. Opposes Skullduggery.>Skullduggery 1 (Cun) – measure of slight-of-hand and proficiency in underhanded criminal techniques such as lockpicking, escaping confinement and identifying weak points in a security scheme.>Stealth 2 (Ag) – how easily a character can hide or blend in with their surroundings; used when avoiding an enemy, shadowing individuals and hiding items or people away.>Streetwise 1 (Cun) – used when working through the underworld, understanding criminal lingo, finding the black market, investigating street rumors and knowing how to approach criminals.I'm not too late, am I?
>>5033865>Deception 2 (Cun)>Perception 3 (Cun)>Stealth 2 (Ag)>Streetwise 1 (Cun)
>>5033865>Underworld 1 (Int)>Streetwise 1 (Cun)>Skullduggery 1>Computers 1 (Int)
>>5030533Reciprocal Learning procs only when you're teaching her, which is to say that as she gains proficiency in skills that you teach her, you in turn also gain something back. On the tabletop, that loosely translates in Ceyla reducing the cost of XP to take a Skill upgrade or Talent that you happen to have, and vice-versa.In terms of Farren learning Form V, it would be along the lines of you selecting the option to train with her, as well as her passing a Lightsaber skill check. And the first step of that would be Ceyla getting "Shien/Djem So Technique - roll Cunning instead of Brawn for lightsaber checks". Further mastery (i.e. Shien/Djem So Expert) comes later down the line, both narratively and mechanically.Yeah, I did notice that I forgot a few traits. So here they are, for posterity...>Discipline 1 (Wp) – used to maintain composure when faced with surprising force, a creature of horrific properties or resisting temptations. Protects against Leadership, Coercion and Deception.>Negotiation 1 (Pr) – used when making deals through social means, from buying/selling goods, haggling, or making an agreement/contract.>Indistinguishable [You are but a face in the crowd, and add 1d6 to Stealth rolls]ALSOI nearly forgot, but here's the list of POI that Laurentius emailed to you. It includes both planets with Seppie boltholes/supplies as well as planets rich in resources that have military applications.>>Mercantor's List:>Abridon (J-18) - a mountainous planet in the Outer Rim territories. Its civilian shipyards were retrofitted into producing Separatist capital ships and droid starfighters.>Bal'demnic (R-7) - an ocean planet in the Outer Rim territories. Hotly contested by both its native Kon'me, the CIS and the Republic for its vast subterranean cortosis deposits.>Flaspot (T-9) - a savannah planet In the Outer Rim, close to Hutt space. Fell under corporate occupation prior to the war and served as a staging ground for the Droid Army.>Lupa (Q-6) - a lush, grassland planet in the Outer Rim territories. Homeworld of the Mercantors, its primary moon Selene hides a Separatist droid and munitions depot.>Sy Myrth (S-7) - a temperate planet in the outer Rim territories. Homeworld of the Sy Myrthians, it remains one of the most important Separatist factory worlds unconquered by the Republic.>Vinsoth (N-5) - a temperate planet in the Outer Rim territories. Homeworld of the Chevin and Chev, its traditions of piracy and slavery have given much grievance against the Republic.Pic unrelated, I just thought the art looked cool.
>>5034348>Marched onto the bridge>Didn't bring CAS>No chemical gas to cover their entry>Not just busting a wall of blaster fire from the other end of the bridgeAsk me how I know those fuckers don't look like Jango Fett under those helmets.
>>5034348That changes my choice a lot, hold on
>>5034370Reverse searching the image with higher resolution reveals that they aren't Clones by the look of their armor. So their lack of tactical acumen ties into the fact that they're stormtroopers, through and through.
>>5034572I was confused for a moment since, to my recollection, a fair few clones transitioned to Stormtroopers, didn't they?
>>5034576A few definitely did. But I just have a gut feeling that these are more likely Stormtroopers than Clone Troopers that continued to serve with the Empire.
>>5034579Sidenote, are any of the new enlisted Imperials getting training on anti-jedi tactics?There's only so much you can do as a regular Joe, that's been made plainly clear.That said, there's been a long history of Jedi eating shit against mercs and soldiers who weren't force sensitive.You'd think they'd make an effort to integrate their methods if they know they might be meeting Jedi in the field.
>>5034348Wait, so are those 3 skills not considered Shadow abilities that can be improved?
>>5034587Rank-and-file grunts? Probably nothing more intensive than "as many people shoot at the target from multiple angles as possible and don't forget to use grenades." But there are going to be a plethora of anti-Jedi specialists in the years to come, the Inquisitorius foremost among them.
>>5035079I only ask the preferred methods for dispatching Jedi have been known for almost 4 millenia at this point.God knows how many copies of HK-47's personality are still floating around, and I'm sure he'd love to talk shop with competent meatbags.
>>5034594Indistinguishable is a Talent/Trait, not a skill. And Discipline and Negotiation don't fall under the purview of career skills for a Shadow according to FFG.>>5034587Probably not at the moment. I think Palps' main line of dealing with Jedi in the immediate of Knightfall was just to spam Clone Troopers. If that failed, send Vader. Malorum and the Inquisitorius have already been implemented, but they aren't anywhere near their heyday during the Galactic Civil War.Writing...
>>5033873>>5033877>>5033878>>5033881>>5033986>>5033989>>5034153>>5034174>>5034198>>5034231>Perception 3 (Cun) [7 Votes]>Skullduggery 1 (Cun) [7 Votes]>Stealth 2 (Ag) [7 Votes]>Deception 2 (Cun) [5 Votes]Overall, your training goes as well as you could expect.“So, you’re saying that you’ll double my next paycheck if I can hide this without you finding it?” asks Suzel, inspecting a rubber ball. “And you’ll still pay a portion even if you do find them? Although…if I can hide ten without you finding them, can our next mission take place on a pleasure cruise?”Although some of it brings repressed memories of your own training…Ceyla squirms against her bonds, grumbling, “I’m not sure whether to laugh or be worried that getting tied up is a part of Shadow training. It makes sense, but they’re chaffing! You tied them too tight, and they’re digging…oh, Force me, I’d pay to see Vuqu trying to get out of these knots with Master Larid!”…but you manage to not otherwise fall into a mind-numb trance just to hurry it up.“Begging your pardon, sir, but please don’t hide in the food crates,” sighs Trykov, “I know it’s for your exercises but there’s a matter of hygiene. Actually, Commander Skipp said that for ARC training, he once used a box of gedunk to sneak through the Kaminoan’s advanced firing range.”You dare say that you might’ve even had a little bit of fun!“Translation: Elba remarks that if you were any one else,” recites HK-82, “And if this wasn’t an exercise, your arms would be ripped right out of their sockets. But he is impressed, and asks only that you play fair with the crew during next week’s Sabacc game.” The physical is but one side of the coin that comprises the Jedi. In a cargo bay that the others cleared out for you and Ceyla, the two of you seek further mastery in the ways of the Force. The relatively cramped quarters make for an interesting exercise in control. Way you see it, you can throw caution to the wind once you get on a proper, backwater world, and then pull out all the stops.But until then, you and Celya must make do with what you have.>>Please select two (2) of the following Force powers to upgrade:>Force Fire 3 (Alter) – a pyrokinetic ability that allows for the manipulation of fire.>Force Move 3 (Alter) – the iconic telekinesis of the Jedi, determines lift/push power.>Force Speed 2 (Alter) – increases muscle speed/reflexes and slows perception of the world.>Force Weapon 4 (Alter) – increases damage and makes ordinary weapons resistant to lightsabers. At Rank 4, you can channel Force Powers through your lightsaber.>Mystic Weapon 2 (Alter) – imbues a weapon with the Force, allowing it to operate independently of you. At Rank 3, add another weapon.>Sever Force 3 (Alter) – a rare and seldom-taught technique that severs a target’s connection with the Force.[VOTE OPEN FOR SIX HOURS]
>>5035264>Force Speed 2 (Alter)>Sever Force 3 (Alter)We really got to start using Force Speed more often, it's like not using the Haste spell in a Final Fantasy game. I guess it's because we need to mention using it when we start combat...
>>5035264>Force Speed 2 (Alter)>Sever Force 3Speed because it's difficult to grind on its own, and we can't NOT do Sever Force
>>5035264>Force Speed 2 (Alter)>Sever Force 3 (Alter)
>>5035264>Force Speed 2 (Alter) – increases muscle speed/reflexes and slows perception of the world.>Sever Force 3 (Alter) – a rare and seldom-taught technique that severs a target’s connection with the Force.Force Speed 1 is a bit lacking, especially since you all fell for the Jar'Kai meme.
>>5035289Talk shit about dual-wielding one more time.
>>5035295Musashi was the exception, not the rule. Dual wielding is a shitty gimmick nuWars ran into the dirt.
>>5035264>>Sever Force 3 (Alter) – a rare and seldom-taught technique that severs a target’s connection with the Force.>Force Speed 2 (Alter) – increases muscle speed/reflexes and slows perception of the world.
>>5035264>Force Speed 2 (Alter) – increases muscle speed/reflexes and slows perception of the world.>Sever Force 3 (Alter) – a rare and seldom-taught technique that severs a target’s connection with the Force.
>>5035264>>Force Move 3 (Alter) – the iconic telekinesis of the Jedi, determines lift/push power.>>Force Speed 2 (Alter) – increases muscle speed/reflexes and slows perception of the world.
>>5035268>>5035273>>5035276>>5035289>>5035292>>5035377>>5035412>>5035576>Force Speed 2.>Sever Force 3.Ceyla shivers. What does it look like from behind her blindfold and unique vision? “Doesn’t that feel…”Your padawan’s voice seems to come as if through water. With your greater connection to the Force in the wake of Kakarit, it becomes slightly harder to sever. But you manage to do it. And in thirty seconds that pass before you open yourself back up, seeking the connection like a parched man would a drink…each heartbeat felt like a year of a bleak emptiness. And to think that you had only just gotten used to it, after so many years of practicing with Master Larid.It seems, then, that the more potent the power, the more difficult to sever. And the worse the effects seem to be upon a total disconnection.“Yes,” you gasp, doubling over onto the floor. Her hands catch you, helping to ease you back into a sitting position. A look of concern is etched upon her features. “There’s a reason why this technique is heavily restricted.”Shuddering, you reach for a nearby water bottle, pulling it into your hand with the Force. It wobbles uncertainly, then flies into your palm, and you drink eagerly. By the time you finish, you might have only left a handful of drops. It feels significantly lighter as you send it back with the Force, seeking its presence no differently than a child would a lost parent.“…when will I learn that?” your padawan asks hesitantly. Her hands seem to clench and unclench at the hem of her robes, her own meditations and exercises forgotten.You grimace. “Not for a very long while.”She relaxes at that, swallowing nervously. “…is it because I’m a miraluka?”“…yes, and no. I was eighteen when Master Larid first taught it to me, and had my connection severed. Teaching it to you this early, subjecting you to that experience only two weeks into your apprenticeship…that would be grossly inappropriate.”Ceyla nods, rubbing her arms. “…something to look forward to, then?”But beyond that first apprehensive talk, your padawan doesn’t have any more adverse reactions. You work on improving your own existing Force powers, and she seeks a better grip of what masters the likes of Yoda had laid forward. Nothing to write home about, but she manages to display a fine control over lifting and moving small, weighted objects without too much trouble.Of course, that isn’t where her affinity seems to lie. You’ve kept a very close eye to make sure that she doesn’t have another one of her “episodes”. The first had been a vision that drove her to claw out her eye covers, prompted by the arrival of the Revenant and the Storyteller on Amagi. The second, called voluntarily in order to find the location of Nujem and Joz on the Chiller. But whatever spontaneous visions seem to plague her are mercifully absent on your journey to Dweem.(cont.)
And thank the Force that there aren’t any more. It would certainly do her no favors to have a violent seizure on the sparring floor. Speaking of which, on the first day of your travels…“Shien is what we’ll be working on first,” you say, handing her a training lightsaber. “It’s a very happy coincidence that you happen to have an inclination towards Form V as a whole. A natural evolution of what you and the others were already doing.”She nods tersely, accepting the weapon. “…did you really have to turn the frequency of the remote droids up to ‘Clone Commando’ levels?”You shrug. “Maybe, maybe not. But Parn and Ritho made good use of it during their fight against the Tof. So I’d say that even though I was stressed with everything that happened, I think it had a good enough outcome.”“…I hope that won’t be a recurring theme, master.”“Yeah, me too, Ceyla.” Clearing your throat, you take your own training lightsaber and ignite the blade. On a nearby table, two remote droids sit waiting for their inevitable implementation. “Admittedly, it’s been a while since I ran through the basic katas of Form V, so you’ll have to bear with me if I check the datapad every few minutes.”Your padawan smiles, igniting her own ‘saber and adopting the opening stance: saber held in a reverse grip behind her back, one leg and arm outstretched and ready to intercept. “Of course.”Even without recent practice, you spot at least six mistakes that need correction. A smile tugs at the corner of your lips as you recognize a few familiar errors you yourself made. “Close your legs a bit. You’ll be knocked off balance with your feet that far apart.”“…like this?”“Perfect! Now, let’s run through the basic forms together after we watch a demonstration–”The voice that comes from the speakers freezes your blood, and the sight of its owner robs you of breath: “Keeping your ‘saber moving is the key to deflecting the fire from multiple adversaries. Fluid motion, one into the next, into the next, and so on. I’ve made some adjustments–”“Master Farren?” asks Ceyla, confused, “What happened? The recording of Master Skywalker-”It is an effort to not flinch at the mention of his name. “…I just nearly dropped the datapad. This…recording implements Form V into Form IV, so it might not be the most relevant one for us to study. I believe there should be a more...orthodox demonstration by Master Drallig.”It makes a sickening amount of sense for Anakin Skywalker to give a showcase on Form V. It had been his best form, on top of Shien’s increasing adoption by the Jedi with the outbreak of the war. Now, you truly see the punch line of Ceyla showing a preference to Form V. The Force has a truly dark sense of humor for Skywalker’s tutorials to be bundled into a future Shadow’s lessons.>>Roll 2d12+4 (2x Cunning, +4 from extra Lightsaber skill pip)>Best out of five.
Rolled 3, 6 + 4 = 13 (2d12 + 4)>>5035685
>>5035685>Close your legs a bit>Lewd>Sorry>am degenerate
Rolled 8, 2 + 4 = 14 (2d12 + 4)>>5035685those are some big donkey dice
Rolled 2, 11 + 4 = 17 (2d12 + 4)>>5035685
Rolled 5, 1 + 4 = 10 (2d12 + 4)>>5035685
Holy shit!The Force hates d12s.At least One roll made the average
>>5035695I am seriously hankering for those 1d8+1d4
We need another roll shadows!Youl'll probably roll 2 12s!Jinx
Rolled 5, 11 + 4 = 20 (2d12 + 4)>>5035685
>>5035710you have saved us all
Rolled 3, 8 + 4 = 15 (2d12 + 4)>>5035714yup, now check out my sweet roll that doesn't get counted
>>5035689>>5035691>>5035692>>5035693>>5035710>Ceyla has unlocked [Shien/Djem So Technique].>She can now roll Cunning for Lightsaber skill checks instead of Brawn.>Ceyla has unlocked [Shien Reflection]>In addition to blocking ranged attacks with her lightsaber, Ceyla can return them to her attackers a number of times equal to her Cunning stat per round.>Reciprocal Learning procs…>Farren has now gained access to [Shien/Djem So Technique]>Though the two of you are still novices in this relative form, further study will see the two of you achieving greater mastery.>Will you have her strictly focus on Form V, or attempt to introduce her to your own respective Form II and/or Form VI?>Something to think about for later down the line and mere food for thought, no need to make any major decisions now.Arotta had once remarked that in addition to sex with her and the thrill of a chase, lightsaber combat stood among one of the few things in life you cared for. Even if the circumstances of that first posit had changed with recent events, she remains correct. How the seconds turn to long hours, loosing yourself in the meditative flow of moving from one kata to the next. A million possibilities to go at once, but only one chosen to open up a billion more; a game equally taxing on the mind for both yourself and your opponent.Teaching lightsaber combat seems to also come as a joy. So pass many afternoons, practicing katas with your padawan, holding duels in the starboard cargo bay of the Albatross. The simplicity of it all drives away the unease at Skywalker’s recording, and nearly makes you forget that the fate of the Jedi hangs on the edge of a knife.But it seems that you aren’t the only one enjoying yourself. Ceyla takes to her lessons like a duck to water, eagerly throwing herself into practicing her form and footwork. She matches your gusto with an unexpected font of energy, and soon she has little to complain about even as the aches and bruises accumulate. By the time each day comes to a close, both master and apprentice alike are spent but content, grinning and sipping from glasses of water.“I could get used to this,” she remarks, reclining close to an air duct. The cool breeze makes languid attempts to lift sweat-soaked hair, failing as your padawan turns her back to the breeze. She shivers, then sighs contently as B-33 lays a warm towel across her forehead, and refills her glass of ice water. “Thanks, Bee.”You snort, taking your own towel from the SupTac droid. This was certainly something you didn’t teach it; more likely a side-effect of being around the mild-mannered HK-82. “Don’t let yourself get too relaxed in routine, my padawan. That’s how the enemy gets you! Constant vigilance is the watchword of the Shadows.”She nods solemnly. “I haven’t forgot! It just feels...nice, master. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting training to go like this.”(cont.)
“The byproduct of being an apprentice to Brethon Larid,” you remark, sitting up as you drain your glass, then set it back on B-33’s tray before you dismiss the droid. “I’m not exactly the most orthodox or traditional Jedi. Comes with being a Shadow.”She smiles the sort of smile that conspirators share. “Of course, Master Farren.”“But break time’s over,” you declare, standing up. “Up-and-at-‘em! Let’s hit the showers and meet up in the common room. You’ve made good progress on your studies so far, let’s keep that up.”So it comes to pass that after exercising the body, you hone the mind. Muscles spasm and complain, but your thoughts come clearer, sharper after vigorous exercise and a cleansing soak. You and Celya hit the books (so to speak), perusing through gigabytes worth of information about the history of the Shadows. The secrets of the Order’s war against the Sith are laid bare through annotated journals, collected bibliographies, and the odd narrative documentary.Prior to your departure from Amagi, your padawan had mentioned that she had just made it to Exar Kun and the Great Sith War. Over the course of your journey to Dweem, you manage to get just through that time of trouble, a significant bulk of the Mandalorian Wars, and the beginning of the mess that was the Jedi Civil War.Ironically enough, Ceyla’s hesitation towards Sever Force takes a near 180-degree turn after reading the chronicle of Nomi Sunrider. Specifically, the climactic moment with her confrontation with Ulic Quel-Droma. She makes no effort to mask her admiration, shock and awe at the Jedi’s deeds during and after the war. And checking her datapad, Sunrider’s entry had been read multiple times over.As far as role models go, you think to yourself, she definitely picked better than you. For one thing, she didn’t pick someone who turned into Sith Lord!But beyond helping her through the unredacted history of the Jedi Shadows, you quiz her on what she’s read, as well as revisit certain parts that you yourself once studied. It’s been so long that you’ve “walked the walk” of a Jedi Shadow, but it’s certainly good to return to the books. Especially in light of the Storyteller. You have doubts that you’ll find anything concrete, but context clues might help you in deducing more information about the role he played in the Old Republic.>>For revisiting the history of the Jedi Shadows and their war against the Sith with Ceyla, Farren upgrades to Sith 2 (Int).>>In addition to Ceyla getting the skill Sith 1 (Int), she also picks up Lore 1 (Int) for the strong focus on the ancillary history of the galaxy.“…you know what, master? Considering what happened after the Pius Dea Crusades, maybe the Jedi should’ve allowed themselves to be voted as Supreme Chancellors…”(cont.)
And in between the exercise and studying, you find yourself bonding with the members of the Albatross…>>You will eventually get to speak with everyone, I just want to take a vote as to who you want to go with first.>>These updates shouldn’t take too long (averaging 2 posts per party member), they’re already mostly outlined that happen to have some choices baked into them.>>Said choices are skill developments that they themselves work on (i.e. telling Trykov to either focus on heavy/light weapons).>>Who would you like to visit first?>B-33/HK-82 in the common room. [Development report]>Elbawaraak in the engine bay. [Fate of his clan]>Suzel Sho in the cockpit. [Concerning the Tof]>Trykov in the holocom suite. [Adaptive training][VOTE OPEN FOR TWELVE HOURS]
>>5036744>B-33/HK-82 in the common room. [Development report]
>>5036744>Elbawaraak in the engine bay. [Fate of his clan]
>>5036744>Elbawaraak in the engine bay. [Fate of his clan][insert lifedebt joke here]
>>5036744>>Elbawaraak in the engine bay. [Fate of his clan]
>>5036744>>Elbawaraak in the engine bay. [Fate of his clan]I'm sensing a Life Day related mission with this one.
>>5036744>>B-33/HK-82 in the common room. [Development report]
>>5036744>Elbawaraak in the engine bay. [Fate of his clan]>>5036739TFW nothing on Meetra Surik and the wound on the forceMoney on The Exile beating Sunrider in a duel.
>>5036708>>Will you have her strictly focus on Form V, or attempt to introduce her to your own respective Form II and/or Form VI?>>Something to think about for later down the line and mere food for thought, no need to make any major decisions now.On one hand, getting her good with II would make her a fucking monster in melee if she bulks up enough to make Djem So viable and both styles can benefit from curved hilts. On the other, VI would lend itself to Ceyla's force talents, allow us to pass on our Jar Kai style (which would also help her blast deflection), and allow her to use any kind of lightsaber variant. Good options either way.
>>5037332While I wouldn't be opposed to Ceyla specializing in Form V specifically, I feel like Farren stands more to gain from learning it in right now.If a confrontation with Darth Vader is inevitable, then it stands to reason that a keen knowledge of his favored form would be beneficial in a duel with him.That isn't to say challenging him with his own specialty wouldn't be suicide however, but knowing the ins and outs of the style would probably still be helpful.
>>5037339In my mind, the best build for being able to incapacitate and escape from Vader, since there's no way we'd be able to kill him, is Forms III, V, and VII (Vapaad if we can find instruction on it) supplemented with Electric Judgement to fuck his suit and limbs and Sever Force, though trying to use it on the Chosen One might be a galactic fuckup. As we stand now, we're horribly optimized to fight him or someone like Starkiller. Using Form II against Form V is already a bad idea, but using Dooku's Form II against the man who killed him or his pet project is even worse. That being said, I'm optimistic about our chances in a duel with someone like Jerec, Tremayne, or Brandl.
>>5037383I think we should skip straight to Electric Judgement, since that will at least spread his fuckhuge telekinesis between offense and defense, giving us more room to run the fuck away.
>>5037383Fair enough. Form II by itself probably isn't the greatest strategy given how Farren's inspiration for it got ganked just a few weeks earlier.Though, if he could further hone his Form VI technique, and couple it with Sever Force or Electric Judgement as you suggested, that would probably go a long way towards evening the playing field.I'd also suggest focusing on Farren's agility, or Vader's lackthereof at the moment. I'm not talking Form IV specialization or anything, more so fluidity in shifting between stances and forms.Vader may hit like a truck now thanks to his armor and cybernetics, but that only matters if he can actually hit you. Conversely, it's gonna take quite some time for him to adjust to his reconstructed body, meaning he's likely to still have some openings to exploit.This is starting to feel dangerously close to metagaming as I proofread my post.
>>5037395I was thinking we'd learn that one Force power that lets practitioners manipulate molecules, then carry a bunch of sandbags around with us so that when Vader inevitably finds the planet we're on, we just open up the sandbags and try to get sand in his armor.
>>5037420Couldn't Farren just levitate the sand?Can we make pocket sand a Jedi Shadow tradition?
>>5037418>Though, if he could further hone his Form VI technique, and couple it with Sever Force or Electric Judgement as you suggested, that would probably go a long way towards evening the playing field.I'll never not support improving our Niman. Top-tier form. In terms of other force powers, tutaminis might be worth a glance-over.>This is starting to feel dangerously close to metagaming as I proofread my post.Kek, that's a big hazard when it comes to quests in established IPs. Some of it might be able to be learned through deduction (like if we see footage of him from the upcoming Battle of Kashyyyk), but it'll only be if he catches us and gives us the wake-up call he wants to that I'll start voting to take explicitly anti-Vader measures.
>>5036744>B-33/HK-82 in the common room. [Development report]Imagine getting force weapon upgraded and imbuing our lightsaber with the sever force ability
>>5037463considering how we can sever force across telepathic distances, that might be a downgrade
>>5037480That's something I love about the force. You can just use it over insane distances. Vader chokes a dude over a video screen.
>>5037445Why stop at sand? Asbestos could do even better.
>>5037673>inb4 we use the force to give Vader cancer
>>5037673>We fight Darth Vader >Breach his suit>"Now's our chance!">Open several duffel bags filled with asbestos>Use the force to furiously stuff Vader's suit full of asbestos, creating a cursed build-a-bear.I'm liking this plan already
>>5037827That does sound like something Vader would fall for. He has a bad habit of walking straight into booby traps.
>>5036746>>5036759>>5036786>>5036821>>5036824>>5036876>>5036902>>5037030>>5037064>>5037157>>5037463>>Forgot one more skill, one that was given to Farren via association with Torok at chargen.>>Mechanics 1 [Int] – skill in working on all things mechanical from weapons to droids and ships.Elba isn’t much of a talker. That much is apparent after several days of helping him with the maintenance of the Albatross. Which isn’t to say that he’s reclusive or introverted, but rather short and to-the-point. You can easily see how someone might construe his monosyllabic grunts and abrupt gestures to be rude, but you wouldn’t be one of them. Wookie physiology doesn’t allow for them to speak Basic, even if they readily understand it.But as it turns out, the principles of mechanics and maintenance are a common tongue in of itself, not unlike physics or math.“Yeah, spanner’s…right here,” you grunt, swiping the tool to hand off to Elba. “Repair laser, please.”The tool is pressed into your hands, and you return to your work. Elbow-deep in the floor paneling, you fire off a low-frequency laser burst at an isolated wire. Plastic insulation melts and the wire frays apart under the heat, allowing you to move in and snip the wire. The system it was tied to was non-critical, linking the common room lights to the distributor, and in turn, to the main reactor. An admittedly cosmetic concern, but studying with a flickering overhead light had been an exercise in staying focused. Elba was more than willing to accommodate your request, allowing you to tag along in his maintenance of your ship. Although there is something ironic about how your mechanic currently knows the Albatross far more intimately than you, the owner, do.Hopefully that’ll change soon enough. Not that you aren’t about to nearly trudge your way through the maintenance crawl spaces like some kind of bug.Replacing the wire is an easy enough task. The defective link is extracted, then thrown into a pile of scrap. A fresh wire is placed inside the compartment housing, and you carefully solder it into place. Once the metal’s cooled, you signal Elba, who flips one of the myriad breaker switches. The air fills with sharp bite of ozone as the distributor sends power through the new connection…and doesn’t blow up in your face.You sigh, relieved. From the side, Elba grunts, holding an outstretched hand in a deadpan thumbs-up.It’s in-between moments like these that find you engaging in small-talk with your engineer. That is to say, a somewhat one-sided dialogue answered only by grunts and roars. Somehow, you manage to make do well enough. Shyriiwook isn’t something you’re too terribly fluent in, but you know enough about Wookiee culture to not get your arms ripped out of your socket.(cont.)
>>5039785One such day finds the two of you in the common room, decompressing after zero-G maintenance in the hollow of an asteroid. With everyone else asleep, save for S-19 keeping vigil in the cockpit, the two of you have the evening’s watch. The topic of discussion meanders from weapons, reassurances that Elba was purged of all the Eechi fruit, as well as life prior to this adventure.“I’ve never been to Kashyyyk,” you say, drumming your fingers on the table. “Never had the opportunity, but I’ve seen pictures and holovids. Beautiful forests as tall as skyscrapers, treacherous wildlife down below on the ground…but to take a page out of Suzel’s book, I think I’ve had my momentary fill of jungle planets.”Elba growls, and you laugh, raising your hands placatively. “No, no, of course not. Kashyyyk is nothing at all like Kakarit. I’m just afraid that if I look at a tree or a peach, I’ll have a panic attack and start setting everything on fire.”A beat.“…who knows?” you grouse, “Maybe once this whole thing is over, you can show me the planet yourself. Your favorite trees, favorite thing to hunt…”The engineer looks uncertain. "Wruh."Frowning, you sit up. “…you mean…you can’t?” When Elba shakes his head, you venture, “Well, how come?”“Whrrrruh.”“…impossible? Okay...then why? It isn’t safe?”All the wookiee does is reach for a datapad, thumb through the Holonet and pull up an image of Kashyyyk. He taps his chest twice, points to the planet, then shakes his head mournfully.The meaning flares to life no differently than that light fixture. “You’ve…you’ve never been to Kashyyyk? You were born somewhere else.”Elba nods. He then gestures to his wrists, parting some of the fur. The scars left from the chains of the Tof have not nearly faded away. Once he sees your reaction, he spreads his arms, as if to encompass the entirety of the Albatross. Then, without warning, he grips the air, and violently tugs at nothing, then once more gesturing to the old injury.You don’t even need the Force or a translator to apprehend his meaning. “You were taken off of a ship. Violently?”The engineer beats his chest, almost offended that you had to ask. He’s conscious enough to not make too much noise, but he pantomimes a desperate fight and recounts his story with the barbaric eloquence of a skald. Only occasionally punctuated with your own questions, and no small amount of charades.Elba had been born to a pair of wookiees who’d been exiled from Kashyyyk. What the crime had been, he would not say, but he grew up on an industrial world in the Expansion Region. His only knowledge of what it meant to be a wookiee came from his parents, who seemed to be otherwise reasonable people. After discovering a talent in engineering, Elba had signed on as a freelance engineer, working whatever hard jobs and odd ends he could manage to support his parents.(cont.)
One such job brought him into the arms of LYNX, a shipbreaking company in the Outer Rim. The pay was good, and the contract seemingly airtight of loopholes and abuse. Bidding his parents farewell, Elba had signed on the dotted line, and embarked with a handful of other prospective employees. It was there, in the middle of his first twelve-hour zero-G shift that he met two other wookiees, both ex-pats from Kashyyyk: Uddiwn, a black-furred security guard who became his best friend, and Otmoko, a beige-furred maintenance worker who he would begin to court in earnest.At the end of their contract, the trio had planned to form their own engineering shop, right on the little Expansion Region world where Elba’s parents had settled. But Uddiwn and Otmoko insisted that Elba return to Kashyyyk as a matter of cultural pilgrimage. At least once, he had to see the homeworld; the towering wroshyr-trees, the platform-homes that comprised Rwookrrorro. Even if his parents had been exiled, there was no reason for Elba to stay for long, perhaps no more than a few hours before returning back to the Expansion Region. Maybe even finding a way to lift his parents’ exile.Promising to marry Otmoko upon his return, Elba purchased tickets to Kashyyyk, and departed from LYNX space with Uddiwin as his guide, alongside other employees returning back Core-wards with their contracts finished.But something went terribly wrong. Mid-hyperspace jump, the reactor overloaded, frying the navi-computer and forcing the ship back into real-space at the very edge of the Outer Rim. Elba had only just begun making repairs when Uddiwin sounded the alarm. Someone had indeed responded to their distress signal, but for all the wrong reasons. Pirates!The battle had been fierce. Elba lost track of Uddiwin as the raiders boarded their vessel. A crippling shot from the enemy gunship had blown out the life-support systems. Thus, even with his wrench stained with trandoshan brains and the barrel of his pistol a bright cherry-red, Elba was defeated. Not through honorable combat, but with deceitful trickery.When he had awoken, Elba and the rest of the passengers were already shackled in the belly of a freighter, and bound for the slave markets. Uddiwin was nowhere to be seen; he apparently had been in the thickest part of combat, throwing himself into frontlines of the breach to fight the invaders. Elba mourned the death of his friend, the absence of Otmoko, and the dream of seeing his family return to Kashyyyk.He had been sold three times over the course of a decade, sent further into the Unknown Regions until he was purchased by the Tof. Then for twelve more years, he languished, maintaining their monorail systems, repairing the nuclear reactors, among other equally degrading jobs meant to punish and break his spirits.The day of your arrival, his liberation and the revolution would have only been a handful of days of his thirteenth anniversary as a slave.(cont.)
At the end of the story, you forego the water pitcher, and go straight for the liquor cabinet. Your throat aches, mostly in part because you also did some talking to get everything coherent. Pouring yourselves a generous portion of Riven’s Scumjumper Special, you slide a glass towards the wookiee, who accepts with a taciturn nod of thanks.“…do you want to see your family again?” you ask sincerely. “What about Otmoko? Or getting vengeance for Uddiwin?”Elba shakes his head, pointing to his heart, then towards yours. “Wrrruhhh.”Ah, right. Life-debt. Then, you wince as your traitorous mind engages in a bit of sophistry: the wookiee’s traded one form of slavery for another. Even when it very much wildly isn’t the case.As if reading your mind, the engineer grunts, and bares his teeth in a terrifying approximation of a smile. He pounds his chest, fist over heart. “Wrrruhh!”Chortling, you raise your glass towards him. “Cheers, then. Glad to know that I’m, ah…living up to your expectations as a worthy holder of a life-debt.”Privately, you add a mental note to investigate further into Elba’s background. If nothing else, it’ll ease your consciousness that you’re otherwise just dragging him around without letting him get his own form of closure.>>Elbawaraak (Wookiee Mechanic/Bodyguard)>Brawn: 4>Agility: 2>Intellect: 2>Cunning: 2>Willpower: 3>Presence: 2>>Skills:>Athletics 2 (Br)>Brawl 2 (Br)>Gunnery 2 (Ag)>Mechanics 2 (Int)>Melee 3 (Br)>Perception 2 (Cun)>Piloting [Space] 2 (Ag)>Ranged [Heavy] 2 (Ag)>Ranged [Light] 3 (Fin)>Skullduggery 1 (Cun)>Vigilance 1 (Cun)>>Traits:>Gearhead – this character has a talent for fixing machines, and adds 1d6 to Mechanics checks.>Wookiee Rage – when half wounded, this character adds 1d6 to his damage rolls; when critically wounded, add 2d6 to damage rolls.>>Analysis: Elbawaarak is an archetypal member of his species, excelling in matters of strength and willpower. However, to merely brush him off as a dull brute would be a grave mistake, as his engineering skills are top-notch.>>Please select a development path for Elba during your journey to Dweem.>Elba should focus on his combat skills. (+1 to Brawl, Gunner, Ranged [Heavy], Vigilance).>Elba should focus on his engineering skills. (+1 to Astrogation, Mechanics, Piloting [Space], Skullduggery).>>Please select one (1) of Elba’s stats to raise after the adventure on Kakarit.>Brawn.>Agility.>Intellect.>Cunning.>Willpower.>Presence.>>Please structure your votes as the following.>Elba’s development.>Elba’s stat raise.[VOTE OPEN FOR SIX HOURS]Sincerest apologies for the delay. Uni work flared up all of a sudden, and I was grappling with how to introduce Elba's backstory. Next will be B-33/HK-22, after that, Suzel and Trykov.
>>5041281>Elba should focus on his combat skills. (+1 to Brawl, Gunner, Ranged [Heavy], Vigilance).>Willpower.It would make sense that Elba would work on his willpower given that his lack thereof almost got him turned into a tree-zombie.It would also explain a renewed interested in his weaponry.
>>5041281Glad it was just work, and not anything really bad.>Elba should focus on his combat skills. (+1 to Brawl, Gunner, Ranged [Heavy], Vigilance).>Willpower.We gotta promise Elba that we'll definitely visit Kashyyyk on our travels for his best Life Day ever, regardless of Suzel's complaints and our own tree PTSD. Besides, there might be hidden Jedi -KOFFKOFF-theMaleks-KOFF- that escaped there as well.As well as the knowledge that Yoda was there just before setting off on his exile...
>>5041281>Elba should focus on his combat skills. (+1 to Brawl, Gunner, Ranged [Heavy], Vigilance).Our big boi is only going to get bigger. also, >One such job brought him into the arms of LYNX, a shipbreaking company in the Outer Rim*Hardspace: Shipbreaker intensifies*
>>5041287>that spoilerHe would be about the right age to be inducted as a youngling, wouldn't he?I'm sure Farren would have at least heard of his parents as well.
>>5041303oh shit i forgot >presence
>>5041281>Elba should focus on his combat skills. (+1 to Brawl, Gunner, Ranged [Heavy], Vigilance).>Agility.
>>5041304wait no, the spoiler was about [REDACTED] not [LEGENDS CONTENT]
>>5041281>>Elba should focus on his engineering skills. (+1 to Astrogation, Mechanics, Piloting [Space], Skullduggery).>>Agility.>>5041287>Besides, there might be hidden Jedi -KOFFKOFF-theMaleks-KOFF- that escaped there as well.I made a list of the Jedi that we can find on Kashyyyk before the Battle there. Whether or not Mallie Marek is alive is up for debate, the wook says she died in a Trandoshan raid 19-18 BBY. But here's the list;>Quinlan Vos>Tholme>Tra Saa>Roan Shryne>Olee Starstone>Iwo Kulka>Siadem Forte>Deran Nalual>Klossi Anno>Jambe Lu>Nam Poorf>Kento Marek>Mallie Marek>Galen Marek
>>5041323Jesus Christ. Why the fuck did so many Jedi decide to flee to Kashyyyk?
>>5041324The Mareks were already there, everyone else pulled up and cramped their style.
>>5041323Wasn't threre at least one Trandoshan Jedi that died on Kashyyyk defending Wookiees from slavers, or is that a nuCanon thing?Also, fourteen possible Jedi to recruit... We might have to start doing what the Altisian's are doing, find ourselves a couple of decently sized starships, and just wander around the Outer Rim and Wild Space as space vagrants.Is the C-ROC Gozanti allowed, despite it coming from nuCanon?
>>5041348>Wasn't threre at least one Trandoshan Jedi that died on Kashyyyk defending Wookiees from slavers, or is that a nuCanon thing?I don't remember anything from the digging I did, but I'm also not omniscient.>We might have to start doing what the Altisian's are doingWe're already going after "heretic" Jedi sects, makes sense we'll learn of them. If the Triumvirate doesn't have an in with them, the Skiratas will. I also think they're a likely group for Ahsoka to take up with.>find ourselves a couple of decently sized starships, and just wander around the Outer Rim and Wild Space as space vagrants.I'm wary about getting too many light-side force sensitives in one place. Might need to settle on a Dark Side nexus to hide ourselves. Maybe the place we were originally gonna have our trial?>Is the C-ROC Gozanti allowed, despite it coming from nuCanon?Pre-Sequel ship models shouldn't be that big an issue. The Altisians have the second Chu'unthor, which should be more than big enough for all of us.
>>5041351>I'm wary about getting too many light-side force sensitives in one place.I probably should have explained it better, I was thinking of getting a few decently sized freighters, putting four or five Force Sensitives in them with a bunch of regular people and aliens, and then just splitting up the ships amongst the galaxy, posing as free traders. That way they can wander around avoiding Imperials and keeping an eye out for former Jedi and Padawans, and if one of the ships gets taken out, they can't get the others in trouble if they're interrogated and turned.
>>5041281>Elba should focus on his combat skills. (+1 to Brawl, Gunner, Ranged [Heavy], Vigilance).Both gunner and general mechanics are good, so I wouldn't be salty either way>Willpoweras hilarious and strong Brawn would be, resisting that Eechi fruit was several times more important to him.
>>5041281>Elba should focus on his engineering skills. (+1 to Astrogation, Mechanics, Piloting [Space], Skullduggery).>Willpower.As nice as combat skills are, we've already got a Clone Trooper and two Jedi Shadows on board, so I think we're covered for now on firepower. Better to let that mechanical know-how shine, in my opinion.
>>5041281>Elba should focus on his engineering skills. (+1 to Astrogation, Mechanics, Piloting [Space], Skullduggery).We already have enough firepower as it is.>Willpower.
>>5041476lol, obvious samefag is obvious
>>5041324Forests. Vietnam forests.
>>5041281>Elba should focus on his engineering skills. (+1 to Astrogation, Mechanics, Piloting [Space], Skullduggery).He's already a formidable combatant and we could use tech dupport>>Please select one (1) of Elba’s stats to raise after the adventure on Kakarit.>Intellect.See above
>>5041281>Elba should focus on his engineering skills. (+1 to Astrogation, Mechanics, Piloting [Space], Skullduggery).>Willpower.
>>5041283>>5041287>>5041303>>5041305>>5041308>>5041323>>5041434>>5041457>>5041476>>5041758>>5041771>>Elba focused on his combat skills, and gained +1 to Willpower.>>Sometime during the trip to Dweem…“This unit greets you a good morning,” B-33 says, pivoting on its neck as you enter into the common room. Even through the sound of the air cycler, you can hear the gears and gyros in its eyes, whirring as it calculates the trajectory to best flip the pancakes. “If you will just wait a handful of minutes, breakfast will be ready.”Yawning, you rub sand out of your eyes and flop into your seat. “Morning, Bee.” A beat, then you add, “Morning, ’82.”The voice of the disembodied head warbles from the kitchen top, briefly taking its eyes off a boiling coffee pot. “Statement: good morning, Master Gaelle. I trust that you had a productive evening with Miss Ceyla?”“About as productive as they can be.” Blinking, you glance around the common room, observing that beyond the droids, you’re the only one up. “Where is everybody?”“Answer: Elbawaraak and Suzel checked into the engine room an hour ago. The wookiee said that he heard something lurking in the dark, but didn’t want to bother you for it, as you were still asleep.”You grin. “So he bothered Suzel instead?”“Clarification: he wasn’t about to bother you or the Clone, but he could have sworn that during a late-night shift, he heard the following noise beneath the floor paneling…”The last dregs of sleep immediately flee your body as HK-82 plays back the sound of Jombaral’s littlest pets. A jolt of adrenaline straightens your spine, and your hand reaches for your lightsaber. “I’m sorry…but I could’ve sworn you just said that there’s a possibility that we have a Force-damned porg infestation on the Albatross? And nobody thought to wake me up?”Before ’82 can answer, B-33 turns off the stove, setting a plate of breakfast before you. Pancakes and scrambled eggs, accompanied by a steaming mug of coffee. “This unit accompanied them in the investigation, Master Gaelle. A thorough investigation of the engine room’s floor paneling revealed a small tear in the air cycler that mimicked the whistling call of a porg.”“Clarification: the trio then spent five minutes sealing the leak, then B-33 went to go make breakfast. Elbawaraak and Suzel are still in the engine bay, triple checking everything. Observation: reviewing the logs of the exodus, the probability of a living porg stowing away on the ship is zero. If not the vacuum of space causing suffocation, then entry into hyperspace would have torn them to shreds.”You try not to let your relief show too much. Offering an apologetic smile, you slump back into your chair, quipping, “Well, that’s good. Although wake me up next time something like that happens. Especially since Jombaral is a major cause for concern.”(cont.)
“Noted,” observes B-33, then presents a container of instant creamer. “But this unit is pleased to report that having had extensive combat experience against the Children of Jombaral, tactics appropriate to dealing with them have been developed should we encounter them once more.”“Hopefully not too soon,” you mutter, rapping a sharp knuckle on the armrest of your chair. More out of habit than any real belief that the knock will protect you. Because Force willing, a conflict between you and that Force Abomination is inevitable. “But do me a favor and forward me that report when you get the time.”“This unit will comply, Master Gaelle.”“Counterpoint,” interjects ’82, “In reference to the mutated entities known as the ‘Children of Jombaral’, perhaps it might be more correct to address them as the ‘Children of the False Mother.’”You raise a curious eyebrow. “How do you figure that?”“Answer: while B-33 was observing the Children, I observed the Kakari. Having now broken away from their planet, they’ve now begun to resume worship of the goddess that the Force Entity masqueraded as. As such, it is no longer culturally sensitive to refer to the mutants as the ‘Children of Jombaral.’”A culturally sensitive Hunter-Killer droid. Shaking your head, you take a generous swing of coffee. “Things got really messy at the end of Kakarit, didn’t they?” You pause, chewing on a bite of eggs before you continue, “I didn’t really check up on you guys afterwards.”“Statement: you don’t need to worry, master,” HK-82 quips, “We had many things to do in the aftermath of the exodus. From my brief encounters with the Kakari tribesman, I began constructing a cultural codex, as well as a translation program for their more guttural tongue.”“This unit has had no cause for complaint,” affirms B-33, “The overwhelming amount combat data required much time to properly digest. Interruption may have proven to be a detraction. I had only just finished by the time you added the padawan to the ship.”Well, good that they’re able to do their own thing while waiting further orders.To HK-82, you ask, “So, just to check in, you’re settling alright? I remember Altos saying that you had the locations of some of your body parts…which your prior owners had died trying to find. Did you want to go hunting for them?”Its eyes seem to twinkle. “Answer: the location of my torso is known to me, but it can wait! Travelling with you enables me to further my cultural studies of the wider galaxy and fulfil my primary programing! Observation: you need not fear should you decide to go hunting for my body. You alone would be more than capable of harrowing the dangers in the quest to restore me.”How comforting.Then, to B-33, you ask, “You’re settling in alright, then? You didn’t get a personality core like S-19, or have one prebuilt like ’82.”(cont.)
The SupTac droid tilts its head, processing your question. “You have provided this unit with ample opportunity to grow and develop. In both combat and social encounters, this unit has grown exponentially since the time of purchase. This unit only seeks to be as well-rounded and adaptable for whatever the crew of this ship will face.”You nod, hesitantly. “…very well. You don’t have to worry too much about that. Given my profession, it shouldn’t be too hard for you to cut your teeth on new enemies and encounters.”“Agreed. Although, if this unit may make a request.”“…sure. What is it?”Without hesitation, B-33 points towards your waist. Specifically, the two lightsabers that dangle from your belt. “Master Gaelle is a Jedi. Your enemies are the Sith. You used your lightsaber extensively during the Battle of Nest’s End. Thousands of simulations have been calculated indicating the odds of encountering enemies wielding lightsabers to be ‘inevitable.’”It pauses, gears and gyros whirring as its gaze meets yours. “This unit would like to acquire knowledge in how to wage warfare against lightsaber-wielding enemies, and Force-sensitive combatants. Not just at a range, but in close-quarters-combat as well.”Something on your face must’ve shown severe apprehension, because B-33 then adds, “It would be logical, Master Gaelle. In the event that you or Miss Ceyla would be separated, the crew would be defenseless should an enemy Dark Side-user confront us. Suzel is the most adept melee combatant with his knives and swords, but the simulations have him lasting no longer than fifteen seconds against a Force-sensitive enemy.”…you don’t answer immediately, opting instead to chew your pancakes into a very fine paste. Swallowing, you then ask, “…whenever you brought me and Ceyla towels or glasses of water…did you ever watch us and take data from our training sessions?”“No, this unit did not,” it answers almost immediately. “This unit would have only done so after obtaining permission.”You pinch the bridge of your nose, closing your eyes as you feel the onset of a headache coming to plague you. It seems that the wild, flight-of-fancy thought of B-33 becoming a lightsaber training droid has manifested itself into reality. Albeit in the most roundabout, and questionably dangerous way: for both your enemies, as well as the Jedi."...give me at least one day to sleep on it, okay?""Of course, Master Gaelle.""...these pancakes by the way? You've gotten better."(cont.)
>>B-33 (SupTac Droid Commando/Tactician)>Brawn: 2>Agility: 3>Intellect: 3>Cunning: 3>Willpower: 2>Presence: 1>>Skills>Coercion 1 (Wp)>Discipline 2 (Wp)>Gunnery 2 (Ag)>Knowledge [Warfare] 2 (Int)>Leadership 1 (Pr)>Mechanics 1 (Int)>Negotiation 1 (Pr)>Ranged [Heavy] 2 (Ag)>Ranged [Light] 2 (Ag)>Vigilance 1 (Wp)>>Traits:>Adaptive Learning – direct exposure to new things allows B-33 to learn skills and traits at reduced cost.>Droid - does not need to breathe, eat or drink and can survive in a vacuum and underwater; immune to poison and toxins.>>Please select a development path for B-33:>B-33 should focus on his combat skills. (+1 to Gunnery, Ranged [Heavy], Ranged [Light] and Vigilance)>B-33 should focus on his tactician’s skills. (+1 to Coercion, Knowledge [Warfare], Leadership, Negotiation)>>Will you allow B-33 to observe you and Celya for lightsaber combat analysis?>Yes. He raises several good points about the party fighting against lightsaber combatants.>No. The risks far outweigh the possible payoff or benefits if he falls into the enemy’s hands.>>Please structure your vote as the following:>Development path.>Lightsaber combat analysis choice.[VOTE OPEN FOR SEVEN HOURS]
>>5042487>B-33 should focus on his tactician’s skills. (+1 to Coercion, Knowledge [Warfare], Leadership, Negotiation)>Yes. He raises several good points about the party fighting against lightsaber combatants.If we're gonna turn him into a lightsaber training droid, we may as well go whole-hog and make him a general warfare education droid as well.He could be extremely useful in the tutelage of further generations of Jedi outside of just lightsaber training.
>>5042504This. In the end, he will be a great teacher for the future of the jedi.
>>5042487>B-33 should focus on his tactician’s skills.>Yes.Maybe teach him a bit about lightsaber creation, styles, and history as well, have him become Huyang's replacement.
>>5042487>>B-33 should focus on his tactician’s skills. (+1 to Coercion, Knowledge [Warfare], Leadership, Negotiation)>>Yes. He raises several good points about the party fighting against lightsaber combatants.I sense an Iron Knight/B-33 merge in the future...
>>5042487>B-33 should focus on his tactician’s skills. (+1 to Coercion, Knowledge [Warfare], Leadership, Negotiation)>Yes. He raises several good points about the party fighting against lightsaber combatants.Might as well use the Tactical Droid for tactics, glorious though the pancakes might be.
>>5042510>"Instructor B-33, what does this have to do with our Jedi training?">"This unit does not understand the nature of your query.">"I mean why are we learning how to repair hull plating and cheat at Pazaak and not doing Lightsaber training?">"I assure you Youngling, these skills were employed often by Master Gaelle."
>>5042487>>B-33 should focus on his tactician’s skills. (+1 to Coercion, Knowledge [Warfare], Leadership, Negotiation)>>Yes. He raises several good points about the party fighting against lightsaber combatants.
I just realized...B-33 nickname is Bee because of how 3 looks like a backwards E, right?So following the logic of changing numbers to letters that look closest to them...S-19 is just one letter off from being Stig...
>>5042539What if he's just the Droid Stig?
>>5042487>B-33 should focus on his tactician’s skills. (+1 to Coercion, Knowledge [Warfare], Leadership, Negotiation)>Yes. He raises several good points about the party fighting against lightsaber combatants.
>>5042539>S-19 is just one letter off from being Stig...Droid names are often a shortened version of a much longer number. Maybe S7-19 pops up somewhere?
>>5042542...Then we should find out if droids are allowed in the podracing circuit, and then place credits on him, especially if we learn that Manipulate Force power in the Endless Vigil FFG splat.The Force isn't just for cheating at sabaac and gladiator matches anymore.
>>5042487>B-33 should focus on his tactician’s skills. (+1 to Coercion, Knowledge [Warfare], Leadership, Negotiation)I didn't realize B33 is equivalent to elba.>Yes, but primary focus on force moves. Mobility, telekinesis, etc.Those pirates don't use lightsabers, and Inquisitors are going to shift to those weird spinny things right?
>>5042616>Inquisitors are going to shift to those weird spinny things right?The spinsabers makes Kaz turn to the Dark Side hard enough to power the Star Forge, so we're at least guaranteed one fight with it where the user'll eat a metric ton of shit. After that though, probably not.
>>5042616>>5042625 has the right of it. I'm expecting one shitass-tier junior Inquisitor to come at us with one and for us to take them to space!Church. Though knowing my luck, I'll roll triple 1s or whatever it was a few threads ago.
>>5042658I'm not much of a fan of playing quests where the MC is on the evil side of morality, but I'd imagine if Farren ended up working for the Empire, and he'd finally seen the production model of his own personal spinsaber, his Escaping the Empire arc would start right after he hunted down each and every single person responsible in the creation of it, along with about half of the Imperial Department of Military Research just for the hell of it.
>>5042690>inb4 Farren get's a medal before Chewie for crippling Imperial R&D during a Dark Side bender>Mon Mothma hails him as a hero of the rebellion for "eliminating the source of the Empire's technological terrors">Farren doesn't remember jack, only coming away from the experience with a few scars, an inexplicable hatred for helicopters, and a reformed-DS Chiss wife with an ass you can bounce cred chits off of.
>>5042697>[spoilerd]Eh, femThrawns and pears aren't my thing. I'm more of a Massive Mammary'd Mando missy man.
>>5042697Damn, anon, you really want to ride the Chiss train all the way to the end of the station. Happy coincidence that blue happens to be Farren's favorite color at the moment, but you can't just fool around with any more blue-skinned space babes when Farren already has Arotta!
>>5042718You can't fault him for his taste at least.
>>5042718Anything in the pursuit of art. Jedi are dropping like flies these days anyway... It's unreasonable to assume teenage-YA relationships'll last forever as well.Please, I beg of you. We're too late in the timeline for Sev'rance Tann, an OC is our only hope.
>>5042767Humoring you, there's a Chiss Flight Commander leading the space cavalry for the MSDF. That's the sole Chiss I've introduced thus far. But the only way you're gonna get close to her is if you stick around in the Unknown Regions to fight the Tof.Writing...
Do you still need any blue Togruta Jedi babes, Kaz? Pretty sure this pic hasn't been used yet...
>>5042504>>5042510>>5042512>>5042514>>5042519>>5042529>>5042553>>5042616>>One day...Suzel gently blows the steam off the mug, savoring the heady aroma of freshly ground coffee. He takes a small, tentative sip, nods solemnly, then turns to you. “And you’re absolutely sure we can’t leave Bee to be the greatest butler droid in the galaxy? Because between this and the pancakes…”If you rolled your eyes any harder, they’d be falling out onto the cockpit floor. “You should know well enough that if Ceyla couldn’t do it…”“She wasn’t nearly trying hard enough! I guarantee you, if she had cybernetic eyes, she could do a pretty good puppy-dog impression.”“Don’t go corrupting the youth,” you snark. Kicking the floor, you send the co-pilot’s seat swiveling. A myriad collection of buttons, knobs and dials flash as your vision pans from one view of hyperspace to the next. “Besides, between the pancakes and the piloting, your mother wouldn’t approve of you just laying around.”Groaning, the nagai pinches the bridge of his nose, then gesticulates at the empty air above his head. “What mummy dearest doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Besides, she’s got a million more things to worry about than her son putting on a few pounds of muscle. Case in point, the meatgrinder of the Chiller.”Frowning, you come to a stop and sit up. “Last I heard, the MSDF was winning.”“Yeah, but the green bastards aren’t making it easy. Mum and Master Aure…they’ve got the main settlement encircled, but it’s a fight they’re gonna have to fight hard for every inch.”“They do know that they have no way out.”“Oh, they do,” confirms the nagai, “But their leader, Durgash the Jolly…he got his name because he wouldn’t stop laughing whenever he got the chance to fight. He’ll take the whole garrison to hell if it just means he can get his rocks off during the bloodiest battle of his career.”He pauses, then grins a toothy, sinister smile. “He’s really lucky that the MSDF wants the slaves. Means he won’t just get vaporized from an orbital strike. Really wish I could be there when either mum or your Jedi spills his guts across the glaciers.”“…same here,” you reply. The sadistic feeling that settles in your gut won’t be quick to go away. Though the thought be far from the deed, a darker part of your brain chortles at the Tof getting their just deserts. “To a swift victory.”Suzel grins, raising his mug to meet yours. “To a bloody dawn that breaks across Tof corpses.”The two of you drink, and no sooner do you finish does the console light up. Overhead, the lengths of uncountable stars return to pinpoints as the Albatross re-enters real space. Suzel is already moving, consulting the navi-computer and flipping switches in rapid succession. The nagai licks his lips, squinting and muttering before nodding, and dialing in the coordinates for the next jump.(cont.)
“You’ve gotten pretty good,” you remark.He shrugs. “On occasion, I had to drive my old owner across in this ugly hover-lift, chariot-thing. The rest of the jump from planetary piloting to spacecraft was all done in either simulators or the Kakari fustercluck. Nothing like life-or-death to light a fire under your ass.”You smile. “I don’t think I saw any damage on the hull of the ship. You nearly missed a calling as an ace pilot.”“What can I say? I aim to please, bossman,” he quips, then starts as the navi-computer beeps. “Alright, we got lock-on for the next jump. This’ll take us a bit further down the…Celanon Spur, then it’s skirting through the Salin Corridor and its auxiliary arms towards the galactic south. Should be a very long time before we start seeing Imperial patrols going down this way.”“Well done.” You pause, considering. “When was the last time you got up to stretch?”He seems momentarily taken aback, but quickly checks the time. “Uh…reckon it’s been a few hours.”“…do you want to go stretch your legs? Ceyla and I won’t be using the port-side cargo bay if you wanted to get some weapon practice in.”Suzel thinks on it. “…I mean, I won’t say no. Haven’t done target practice in…what’s the squirt doing anyway?”“It’s the weekend, so I let her sleep in,” you answer, grinning wryly. “She’s in her quarters, dead to the galaxy and drooling all over her pillow.”“What a lovely image,” the nagai replies, hand resting on the throttle. “I’ll take you up on that offer, boss, once we get into hyperspace. Shouldn’t take a few more seconds for the reactor to finish charging.”It only takes three, then five more before the Albatross makes the jump. Another ten, and Suzel’s gone and unbuckled himself, stretched the cricks out of his body, and sauntered off to the port-side cargo bay with a cheery wave. A handful of hours pass by, with you staring at the wheeling stars that zip by overhead, then your pilot returns, sweaty and chipper, and ready once more to launch into a spirited discussion about everything and nothing…>>Suzel Sho (Nagai Scout/Pilot)>Brawn: 2>Agility: 4>Intellect: 1>Cunning: 3>Willpower: 3>Presence: 2>>Skills:>Astrogation 2 (Int)>Coordination 3 (Ag)>Cool 1 (Pr)>Discipline 1 (Wp)>Knowledge [Xenology] 2 (Int)>Melee 3 (Br)>Perception 2 (Cun)>Piloting [Planetary] 1 (Ag)>Piloting [Space] 2 (Ag)>Ranged [Light] 1 (Ag)>Resilience 2 (Br)>Stealth 2 (Ag)>Skullduggery 3 (Cun)>Vigilance 2 (Wp)>>Please select a development path for Suzel during your journey to Dweem>>Suzel should focus on his scouting skills. [+1 to Cool, Perception, Stealth, Vigilance]>Suzel should focus on his piloting skills. [+1 to Astrogation, Gunnery, Piloting (Space), Piloting (Planetary)]>>Please select a stat for Suzel to increase:>Brawn.>Agility.>Intellect.>Cunning.>Willpower.>Presence.[VOTE OPEN FOR EIGHT HOURS]
>>5045166>>Suzel should focus on his piloting skills. [+1 to Astrogation, Gunnery, Piloting (Space), Piloting (Planetary)]>>Agility.
>>5045166>Suzel should focus on his piloting skills. [+1 to Astrogation, Gunnery, Piloting (Space), Piloting (Planetary)]Agility 4, dudes jacked>AgilityPodracing.jpg
>>5045166>Suzel should focus on his piloting skills. [+1 to Astrogation, Gunnery, Piloting (Space), Piloting (Planetary)]>Brawn.
>>5045166>Suzel should focus on his piloting skills.>Agility.Gotta get Suzel his own custom snubfighter when we get a chance, especially if the Tof still haven't been shoved off of the Chiller.
>>5045166>Suzel should focus on his piloting skills. [+1 to Astrogation, Gunnery, Piloting (Space), Piloting (Planetary)]>Agility.
>>5045279>Gotta get Suzel his own custom snubfighter when we get a chanceWe'll need a ship that can carry one first. My recommendation would be either for a Wayfarer-class medium transport or a ILH-KK Citadel-class civilian cruiser. The former has a modular portside section that can serve as a hangar and can house 16 and the latter can accommodate 2 fighters on external mounts and house 17. With all that said, I like the Albatross.
>>5045590Personally, I'd use the Wayfarer only for filling it's module to the brim with explosives and antimatter and dropping it on a base full of Tof or Imperials. The Citadel's cool and has a crazy weapons loadout, but FFG's got it at Silhouette 4 to the Wayfarer's 5. FFG's ship stats are all over the place, though, so who knows.And don't get me wrong, I also like the Albatross. I just think we're going to have to find a bigger ship to park it in (like, say, a spare Munificent or Providence-class that we could steal from Abridon, or perhaps some sort of bulk cargo freighter or colony ship of Silhouette 6 or 7) when the Empire starts to wonder where the Jedi went after we steal them all out from under them, and when that happens, why not get a snubfighter or two to call our own?
>>5045649Actually, just double checked the EotE Core book. I guess all freighters got exterior snubfighter clamps. Which means we'll be flying through space with one or two fighters strapped to our roof like they're Christmas trees.
>>5045649I think the Citadel looks cool, but there's also an ongoing debate as to how it lands (if it can at all), since it's only ever been show in-flight or docked at mooring stations. >only for filling it's module to the brim with explosives and antimatter and dropping it on a base full of Tof or ImperialsSPHA-T cannon module when?>a spare Munificent or Providence-class that we could steal from Abridon, or perhaps some sort of bulk cargo freighter or colony ship of Silhouette 6 or 7There's always the Globus, and if we can find a spare ring for it on one of the Seppie worlds Laurentius mentioned, all the better. There's also the Chu'unthor if we want to link up with the Altis and company. Though part of me thinks smaller, quicker, and more nondescript is the way to go. It'd be fun to have a frigate, big corvette, or bulk freighter, but being sneaky and shadowy (and running from Imps) gets harder as your ship gets bigger. And don't even get me started on parking fees and gas money...>>5045685E-6 Explorers are scout ships though, not freighters. Or does that still apply?
>>5045685>>5045689Even if we don't have any exterior clamps we might be able to install some
>>5045689>I think the Citadel looks cool, but there's also an ongoing debate as to how it lands (if it can at all), since it's only ever been show in-flight or docked at mooring stations.My best guess is that the side wings rotate until they're parallel to the landing pad, while the bottom fin folds up to the top like a V-19 Torrent.>SPHA-T cannon module when?Could also buy a bunch of the modules, furnish them as small prisons, put in some life support and a well defended docking tube, and put them in space as supermax prisons for slavers.>There's always the Globus, and if we can find a spare ring for it on one of the Seppie worlds Laurentius mentioned, all the better.The Globus might be too risky, considering how Tarkin's probably fuming over our escape. Besides, I was thinking once the war with the Tof was over, we'd paint it white, rename it the Snowball, and use it to ship bulk ice from the Chiller to Amagi, with cold weather optimized B1's and any ex slaves willing to work there kitted out with cold weather ice carving equipment.>E-6 Explorers are scout ships though, not freighters. Or does that still apply?I mean, looking at the Enter the Unknown splat, it says the E-9 Explorer was originally built as a light freighter, but got re-released as a scout ship when they didn't sell well, so there's probably some extras leftover from it.
>>5045727Always an option, we still have 2 unused hardpoints. Though if Suzel is dogfighting, we have to get Elba to pilot and we just told him to focus on combat... Think I'd rather avoid getting into situations where we'll need snubfighters for a good while and then buy a ship with a hangar and dedicated fighter pilots when priorities change.>>5045730>My best guess is that the side wings rotate until they're parallel to the landing pad, while the bottom fin folds up to the top like a V-19 Torrent.That's the best chance it has, I think. But the idea that it just can't and has to be docked at a mooring tower is funny to me.>Could also buy a bunch of the modules, furnish them as small prisons, put in some life support and a well defended docking tube, and put them in space as supermax prisons for slavers.The smallest, most mobile prison in galactic history. If there's a prison break, all you have to do is detach the module in a decaying orbit around a star and the problem's solved. On a broader level, while I do want the MSA to succeed, them being discovered as harboring Jedi will not be conducive to such an outcome. Better to leave them after we know they can stand up against vengeful Tof and the Blazing Chain than to stick around and make the system our new home.>The Globus might be too risky, considering how Tarkin's probably fuming over our escape.There are a bunch of coreships in the galaxy, all we need to do is get the ring, maybe repaint everything, and change the name and codes. You're on the right track as far as that's concerned.>I was thinking once the war with the Tof was over, we'd paint it white, rename it the Snowball, and use it to ship bulk ice from the Chiller to Amagi, with cold weather optimized B1's and any ex slaves willing to work there kitted out with cold weather ice carving equipment.I mislike the idea of turning such a good capital ship/carrier into an icehauler. Octavia would have a conniption if we pitched turning her proud warship into a short-range freighter. We can't do that to her, she's pregnant. Funny idea though, she might be alright with turning the Globus into a shadowport if we want to break into the Underworld scene.>it says the E-9 Explorer was originally built as a light freighter, but got re-released as a scout ship when they didn't sell wellI think it says that it was originally built as a transport, but didn't hold up in sales because of CEC's freighters.
>>5045166>>Suzel should focus on his scouting skills. [+1 to Cool, Perception, Stealth, Vigilance]>Intellect.
>>5045758>while I do want the MSA to succeed, them being discovered as harboring Jedi will not be conducive to such an outcome. Better to leave them after we know they can stand up against vengeful Tof and the Blazing Chain than to stick around and make the system our new home.While I do agree with you on moving after we know they can handle the Tof, I'd prefer to leave at least a small group (4 to 5 Jedi) there to assist them, particularly if a paramilitary force interested in deposing a wrinkly old man with lightning fingers and his giant C-PAP using cyborg needs to train their soldiers someplace, or wants to borrow our collection of Clone Wars toys, or if they have a bunch of space-english officers that need to have a bad time with a group of lonely green space pirates who haven't banged their wives since they were put into a space prison.>There are a bunch of coreships in the galaxy, all we need to do is get the ring, maybe repaint everything, and change the name and codes.Might as well get a totally new ship instead if it's that much work to fool Tarkin. Abridon's got a military shipyard, we could visit when we finish our safehouse mission.>Octavia would have a conniption if we pitched turning her proud warship into a short-range freighter.I mean, Luchrehulks were developed from bulk freighters, so it at least makes sense to use it like a freighter. But if she doesn't want to sell the core ship, she should at least consider giving a few C-9979's for ice hauling duty, in exchange for the Tof's Chiller base and a nice spacious mansion nearby Sereno. Maybe even some land to start a vineyard and start making wine.>she might be alright with turning the Globus into a shadowport if we want to break into the Underworld scene.That's what I thought we could do with the Tof Chiller base. Either that or use it to store Clone Wars stuff for a possible chance to fuck with Palps' plots.
>>5045791>I'd prefer to leave at least a small group (4 to 5 Jedi) there to assist them, particularly if a paramilitary force interested in deposing a wrinkly old man with lightning fingers and his giant C-PAP using cyborg needs to train their soldiers someplace, or wants to borrow our collection of Clone Wars toysI wouldn't plan on helping Rebels before we even catch wind of anti-Empire sentiment. We can just as easily point them towards Amagi and the MSA once we meet them, nobody needs to stay behind and potentially draw Imps there.>if it's that much work to fool TarkinI don't think it's that much work at all. Changing names and transponder codes is standard practice for any smuggler worth their salt. Han keeps a bunch of premade fake IDs in the Falcon's computer, I would be shocked and appalled if Larid doesn't do the same. Only time-intensive thing is the paintjob, Lucrehulks are big.>Abridon's got a military shipyard, we could visit when we finish our safehouse mission.I agree, I've been thinking about making an incredibly rough map of the route back to Amagi that lets us visit as many of the planets we've been keyed into as we can. I'll post it if it gets anywhere.>Luchrehulks were developed from bulk freighters, so it at least makes sense to use it like a freighter.It would if we would be best served by using it as a such, but I don't think we are. I don't know why the MSA wouldn't have the icehaulers the previous regime used, but even if they don't, they can get them without depriving us and our seppie friends of our hard-won CIS hardware. Besides if you want to please the Rebels, a massive, well-armed carrier that's actually fairly quick for its size is the way to do it. Compliments their doctrine rather well.>Maybe even some land to start a vineyard and start making wine.God, the real injustice of this quest will be if the Mercantors never get their vineyard, I swear.>That's what I thought we could do with the Tof Chiller base.I think the Chiller is a bit to close to the capital of our favorite budding astropolity to be a good shadowport. Usually they're hidden in asteroid fields, mobile, or otherwise remote and out-of-the-way. While the system (and the Alliance itself) is uncharted and remote on a galactic scale, it's pretty central on a local one.
Well, I can't post the whole route since the map I made it on is bigger than 8 mb or whatever the filesize limit is. I used all the planets from Larid, Mercantor, and Alleana's lists that had grid coordinates and that we haven't been to. Uliea and O'haon aren't factored in since they're Kazmade and Bracca isn't because nobody thought to mark down where it is. I guessed the locations of other Kaz-worlds and used swgalaxymap.com for everything else. Here's a proposed from Dweem to Vinsoth.
>>5045167>>5045171>>5045174>>5045279>>5045387“We shouldn’t have to worry for resupplying for six months,” reports Trykov. The logistics officer slides a datapad, towards you. A cursory glance reveals it to be an indexed and inventoried accounting for the ship’s supplies. “These ships were designed to last for long journeys through the Outer Rim. You lucked out, sir.”Grinning, you answer, “The Albatross came courtesy of the Supreme Archon. I suppose that’s worth the coup d’état of a slaver planet.”“It’s already paying itself off, given Kakarit. But I recommend putting it in a shipyard when we get the chance.” He points to a diagram of the ship, tapping the underside of the hull. “There’s just enough room to put in a forward weapon system just underneath the cockpit. Or otherwise making use of what empty hardpoints we have left for upgrades.”“Duly noted. I didn’t put anything on back on Amagi since the M.S.D.F. were still caught up with the Chiller invasion.”Trykov nods. “Understandable. Also, the ship’s computer just finished integrating that I.F.F. scrambler. At your discretion, with the push of a button, the Albatross should register as one of dozens of possible options.”“Good. We tweaked Tarkin’s nose and spat in the Empire’s face at Kakarit, so we gotta be careful. If I were in their shoes, I’d have issued orders for all E-9 models to be stopped and searched.”“If it’s any consolation, I think that the Mercantors’ core ship is the bigger kryat dragon in the room.”“I’m so glad you think that our little Albatross is a kryat dragon,” you quip, “Small as it is.”A rare smile tugs at the officer’s mouth. “Aye, sir. The ship’s got teeth well enough. Sitting in the turret during the Battle of Nest’s End proved that much to me.”“So who scored more kills? You or Elba?”He grimaces sheepishly. “Would you believe the SupTac? And the disembodied clanker head was complaining all the while about not being able to talk to the tree mutants. Something about wanting a cross-cultural exchange?”Snorting, you take a sip of your coffee. “No, that sounds about right. On both accounts. HK-82 is…well, I can’t say that I’ve ever seen anything like him.”“I have.” At the confused look, he elaborates: “Sometimes, depending on the droid and who ripped the head off, you’d be able to extract intelligence from a powered head. More often on the SupTac droids and the odd B1 or B2.”“I can’t imagine it being easy for the likes of a droideka.”“Impossible alive. But dead?” He exhales, looking out the window of space. “…I once saw Commander Skip do it. It was a joint effort between him and General Kosa.”Ah, that’s right. The purple kryat dragon in the room.Clearing your throat, you ask: “…so what was life during the Clone Wars with Aro…Padawan Bashur and Master Kosa?”(cont.)
Trykov doesn’t answer immediately. You can see the gears turning in his head as the clone gathers his thoughts. Then, he says, “…I wasn’t with them from the first day of the war, but two years came and went without any complaint. General Kosa never asked or ordered us to do something she wasn’t unwilling or unable to do herself.”That does match up with what you know about Arotta’s master. Hard-boiled and tough, but fair and even-handed. She valued the lives of her Clones, and didn’t spend their lives with reckless abandonment.The logistics officer pauses, then considers you in a new light. “…come to think about it, Commander Bashur was always muttering about a ‘pinkskin punk’ whenever things got hairy, and she had to think her way out of a tactical nightmare.”You raise an eyebrow. “And where are you going with this?”He coughs politely. “Nothing, sir. Just nice to finally be able to put a face to the commander’s friend. I happened to be in charge of at least one of the cargo holds that the two of you, erm…thrashed whenever you met up during the war.”>>Trykov (Clone Officer)>Brawn: 2>Agility: 3>Intellect: 2>Cunning: 2>Willpower: 2>Presence: 1>>Skills:>Athletics 2 (Br)>Brawl 2 (Br)>Cool 2 (Pr)>Discipline 2 (Wp)>Knowledge [Warfare] 2 (Int)>Knowledge [Outer Rim] 2 (Int)>Leadership 2 (Pr)>Ranged [Heavy] 2 (Ag)>Ranged [Light] 2 (Ag)>Resilience 2 (Br)>Survival 2 (Cun)>Vigilance 2 (Wp)>>Traits:>Clanker Killer 1 – adds +1d6 when fighting against droids per rank of Clanker Killer.>>Beyond his rank of being a logistics officer during the Clone Wars, Trykov is fairly indistinguishable from the rank-and-file infantry beyond the coloring of his armor.>>Prior to Kakarit, all he really did was catalogue foodstuffs, ammunition and supplies on space Microsoft Excel, among fighting high-command for cabinets to store DC-15 rifle parts.>>Please choose a second career for Trykov to spec into:>ARC Trooper. The elite of the GAR, masters of dual-wielding and rapid-strike deployment. [i.e., Captain Rex]>Demolitionist. Uses knowledge of explosives and incendiary devices for maximum shock and awe. [i.e., Scorch]>Gadgeteer. A master of technology who uses customized arms and armor to level the playing field. [i.e., Boba Fett]>Heavy. Wearing heavy armor and wielding heavy weapons, this soldier is neigh-unstoppable on the battlefield. [i.e., Hardcase]>Sharpshooter. Maintains cool while under fire, eliminating threats with careful aim and ruthless efficiency. [i.e., Sev]>>Please select one of Trykov’s six stats to increase:>Brawn.>Agility.>Intellect.>Cunning.>Willpower.>Presence.>>And the last vote before Dweem…please select one of Farren’s stats to increase:>Brawn.>Agility.>Intellect.>Cunning.>Willpower.>Presence.>>Please structure your votes as the following:>Trykov’s new career.>Trykov’s stat increase.>Farren’s stat increase.[VOTE OPEN FOR EIGHT HOURS]
>>5046091>among fighting high-command for cabinets to store DC-15 rifle partsI get it.>Sharpshooter.>Cunning.>Presence.It's only fitting for a newly minted Jedi Knight I feel.
>>5046091>Demolitionist. Uses knowledge of explosives and incendiary devices for maximum shock and awe. [i.e., Scorch]Support for force fire shenanigans and distractions.>WillpowerHe's going to need every point to stay sane>CunningWe're going to be doing a lot of investigating, both material and in the force. Basically all the stats are good of course, so it can go every which way.
>>5046091>Gadgeteer. A master of technology who uses customized arms and armor to level the playing field. [i.e., Boba Fett]>Intellect.>Brawn.
>>5046091>>Gadgeteer. A master of technology who uses customized arms and armor to level the playing field. [i.e., Boba Fett]>>Cunning.>>Willpower.
>>5046091>Gadgeteer.>Cunning.>Presence.We've been doing a lot of negotiating and leading and other terms for coalition building lately, so it makes sense for our personality to become more magnetic. Aure would be impressed... hopefully.
>>5046096>>5046104>>5046113>>5046131>>5046267>>5046386>>5046703>>5046860>>Trykov specs into Gadgeteer.>>Trykov upgrades Cunning.>>Faren upgrades Presence.>>Dweem, Dweem System, Calaron Sector, Outer Rim Territories [T-9]>>Two months after Order 66...As far as subzero planets go, Dweem could very much pass as a distant relation of the Chiller. Not that you’d been down there in the glacial trenches, fighting it out with the Tof. But you’d seen it twice, once departing for your Trial of Spirit, the second upon your return. And it still remained an otherwise off-blue/white ball of ice that someone had set floating in orbit. They even shared a similar oblong and irregular orbit as the furthest object away from the main star.But you don’t share these observations. Crowded in the cockpit, a majority of the Albatross holds their breath as Suzel eases off the hyperdrive and brings the ship back into real-space. Immediately, Elba and S-19 begin taking cursory scans of the system. So far, no other ships in sight, let alone any sort of debris or markers. Not even a single observation satellite.“Bweeeep!” chirps the astromech, rattling in its socket.“Yeah, I saw it,” Suzel answers, then turns to you to report. “There’s trace amounts of hypermatter exhaust flitting around the planet’s orbit. Someone’s definitely been here, but I couldn’t tell you who it was or how many.”“How about a when?” you query.“Uh…given how finely it’s been dispersed…give or take a month, maybe even more. And I’m only able to tell you that much because Dweem’s way off the Triellus hyperlane. Barely any pollution, so the stellar wakes are easier to find.”Nodding, you issue the order to continue. “Get us into ahigh orbit. We’ll do a atmospheric scan with the sensor globes dialed for low intensity. I don’t wanna spook them and have ‘em think we’re with the Empire.”Perched behind you, Celya laughs. “Master, we aren’t exactly a Venator or a LAAT gunship.”“Yes,” agrees Trykov, “But at the best, they’ll think we’re explorers. At the worst, they’ll think we’re bounty hunters or Imperial agents. If these guys are as hardboiled their dossier claims, I wouldn’t want to see how they’d respond to us if they think we’re a threat.”The miraluka ponders this, then nods in understanding. “Okay, right. Is that why we’re staying in high orbit? So they won’t shoot us?”“Bit of column A and B,” you answer, swiveling your chair to face her. “Not the Iron Knights are itching to pull the trigger. They’re stuck in a catch-22. Even if we were just simple explorers, the fact remains that Dweem gets put on an updated star chart. So they might be tempted to take a shot to keep that from happening. But if they miss and if we escape…now the galaxy knows that there’s someone on Dweem that really doesn’t want anyone to come down, and is willing to kill for it.”(cont.)
“Then when the explorers return, they’ll bring more people and come armed to the teeth,” finishes your padawan. She takes a moment to digest this, then concludes: “Gee, now I really feel bad for them! And we can’t just broadcast who we are, for obvious reasons.”“Got it in one,” Suzel quips, punching a button on the console to activate the auto-pilot. “Alright, boss. High orbit achieved, and the sensor-globes are extending. Low-intensity like you said, but it’s gonna take us a while to find them. So I suggest we get comfortable and call B-33 to whip up some coffee and/or hot cider.””Ceyla looks uncertain, then tentatively raises her hand. When you gesture for her to speak, she ventures: “Erm…master, if you like…I could find them? Just like I did with Joz and Nujem when they snuck onto the Chiller.”All eyes turn to her, but Trykov is the first to respond. “You can do that?”She nods, crossing her arms under her chest in a determined pose. “Yeah. How do you think we knew about the Dark Jedi and got to the Chiller so quickly?”The clone shakes his head. “No, I know that the Jedi have powers of foresight. But I don’t think I’ve seen it in one as…young as you.”One the one hand, she doesn’t take it as a compliment, which is good. It doesn’t go to her head, justified as it might be given her potential. On the other, she takes it as an insult, and her nostrils flare. “Just because I still drink milk doesn’t mean I can’t do it. I’m a padawan to a Jedi Shadow. I know that there’s a lot being demanded.”>>How will you respond? [Choose one]>Allow her to use her nascent powers of Foresight. You can’t waste time when you can use Ceyla to immediately find the Iron Knights. She wouldn’t have offered if she couldn’t handle the side effects.>Firmly refuse to use her nascent powers. The last two times she used them, she hurt herself and bled heavily from her eyes. Even with her willing offer, shortcuts aren’t worth injuring your padawan like that.>Custom option. [Write-in][VOTE OPEN FOR TEN HOURS]
>>5046921>Firmly refuse to use her nascent powers.>If they're apprehensive about explorers, they'll be downright hostile to a Force-user searching them out without consent.Unless you can ring the doorbell with the force, let's take things slow
>>5046921>>Custom option. [Write-in]>Allow her to use her nascent powers of Foresight. But aid her through the Force. Ceyla has a gift and should learn how to use it, but not alone. Your job is to guide her and with any luck, prevent her from great harm.
>>5046921>>Firmly refuse to use her nascent powers. The last two times she used them, she hurt herself and bled heavily from her eyes. Even with her willing offer, shortcuts aren’t worth injuring your padawan like that.>>5046931Has a good point too.
>>5046921>Firmly refuse to use her nascent powers. The last two times she used them, she hurt herself and bled heavily from her eyes. Even with her willing offer, shortcuts aren’t worth injuring your padawan like that.Indeed, scanning for any unwilling Force-sensitive without training could be asking for trouble.
>>5046921I'll second anon here:>>5046935She will have to learn her powers sooner than later
>>5046935Support we're meant to mentor and guide after all. Be ready to "pull the plug" at any moment though
>>5046921>Firmly refuse to use her nascent powers. The last two times she used them, she hurt herself and bled heavily from her eyes. Even with her willing offer, shortcuts aren’t worth injuring your padawan like that.
>>5046921>>Firmly refuse to use her nascent powers. The last two times she used them, she hurt herself and bled heavily from her eyes. Even with her willing offer, shortcuts aren’t worth injuring your padawan like that.
>>5046921>>Firmly refuse to use her nascent powers. The last two times she used them, she hurt herself and bled heavily from her eyes. Even with her willing offer, shortcuts aren’t worth injuring your padawan like that.>"While finding them quickly would be a boon, it's not one that'd be worth hurting yourself over. And it's not just you that needs training... in the fight I had with The Herald, I ended up having a seizure near the end, where I saw into his past..."
>>5046931>>5046935>>5046980>>5046991>>5046997>>5047007>>5047060>>5047086>>5047100>>5047280“The offer’s appreciated,” you say gently, but firmly. “But that won’t be necessary.”Your padawan frowns. “Why? Master, I can do it. You know I can find them quickly-”“I know you can, but I also know about the…side-effects. And I’m not nearly that desperate or callous to subject you to those.”The frown turns somewhere at the half-point between a scowl and a pout. Does she think that you’re treating her with glass because she’s only a kid, or congenitally blind? You aren’t quite sure whether to chastise her or laugh, so you instead offer an alternative excuse: “Look at it this way. If you and I were in their position, with an unknown ship doing who knows what, we’d be suspicious and stuck in that catch-22. Then, that delicate balance gets blown to hell when we feel a disturbance in the Force; someone searching for us.”Ceyla picks up on it immediately, then deflates as the will to protest leaves her. “…oh. That…does make sense.”You offer her a rueful smile. “Between not wanting the Iron Knights to panic and think we’re the Empire, and otherwise injuring yourself…”“…okay, fine,” she mutters, ultimately relenting. “…but promise me that we’ll work on Foresight next. Really, I can do it. I just need the training, if you’ll give it to me.” At the very sharp eyebrow, the entirety of the cockpit goes silent. Only seconds later, Ceyla realizes what she did, and immediately backtracks. “I’m sorry, Master! I didn’t mean any disrespect. It’s just that…”You don’t hold it for long, feigned as it mostly was. Smiling wryly, you ruffle her hair, much to her indignant protest. “Apology accepted. Now, let’s all get settled in for a long scanning session.”As the Albatross maintains a geosynchronous orbit, the next few hours pass by without much in the way of incident. With the scanner globes deployed, there isn’t much for anyone to do beyond stare at their respective screens as the data trickles it. The topographical data doesn’t have much to show beyond sprawling mountains, frozen oceans, continent-sized polar regions, and small pockets of vegetation that sprawl across the equatorial band.But beyond the sub-zero temperatures and violent blizzards, the planet is otherwise habitable. Maybe only the Talz and a handful of other furred species could survive comfortably without the appropriate clothing. As for droids, let alone Force-sensitive shards? An entirely different question, what with several of their parts susceptible and sensitive to extreme temperatures. This, you ponder while sipping on your third mug of coffee, courtesy of B-33.All in all, it takes the better part of six hours and ten cups of java before the entirety of the planet is scanned.(cont.)
So, what do anons think will happen to Jar Jar in the Kaz Canon? Torn to shreds by an angry mob? Exiled again and forced to work as a clown like in nuCanon? Becomes another Sith Lord? Fucks off to his dinosaur queen girlfriend's planet and somehow stumble-bumbles his way into having sex with her?>>5048937Also, SWEET, an update!
>>5048937Suzel squints at the map, errantly fiddling with RCS thrusters to keep the ship in orbit. “…so we’re staying away from the equator, right? Because that’s where most of the actual vegetation’s able to survive.”His joke gets a few nervous chuckles, and a grunt of approval from Elba. But the humor is lost on B-33, who merely highlights a point on the northern pole. The hologram of the planet zooms towards the highest mountain peak, half-shrouded by thick, billowing clouds, before fixating on its southeastern face. Between a large gap, and a sheer drop down into the guts of a glacier, the barest sign of a structure appears to jut out of a valley of ice.“The elevation is less than ideal to the support for organic life,” reports the SupTac, “At approximately 8,000 meters above sea level, the low atmospheric pressure allows only as much of a third of oxygen to be breathed. There are also the noted effects on blood-oxygen saturation, where an organic would struggle and exhaust themselves just to draw in breath-”“Wraaaah!” grunts Elba, cutting off the droid before it can continue to elaborate and otherwise spook the whole crew. “Wrruh, wraaaah.”From the burlap sack, HK-82 chimes, “Translation: there is no shortage of oxygen tanks and otherwise sub-zero equipment for everyone to wear. So long as proper mountaineering protocols are observed, we will be fine.”“…good to know,” you answer, draining the last bit of your coffee. Ceyla looks downright pale, but accepts another generous refill of her cup. Then, to B-33, you reply, “You have a point, but we’re not looking for organics. We’re looking for silicon-based shards in droid bodies. Granted, they do have their organic master, but if they wanted to hide somewhere that was borderline inaccessible…”Suzel blanches. “Yeah, uh…speaking about inaccessible, I know that we’ve got the Albatross and that a major blizzard just came and went, but I’d be worried about not being able to take off if we manage to set down. Or otherwise breaking the ice or causing an avalanche just by being there.”“Sithspit,” mutters Ceyla, looking nervously out the window, towards the planet proper. “…but is that really the only structure? Nothing else across the whole planet?”“Nothing but ice all around-”“I’ve got something else, sir,” Trykov suddenly reports. Everything and everyone come to a complete halt as the Clone shares his screen. “Heat bloom, about four thousand clicks down south, just smack in the middle of what should be the ocean if it wasn't all ice. Suddenly flared up from out of nowhere and it’s been holding steady for the last twenty minutes. Wasn’t there in the last couple of scans.”You frown. “It wasn’t there earlier?”(cont.)
“Maybe it’s some sort of hot springs or thermal geyser? A natural occurrence?”“Couldn’t be. That anomaly would’ve appeared in all of the stills, receding or increasing cyclically if it was a natural occurrence. The spontaneity suggests that this was deliberately started."Elba grunts, frowning. “Wrrrah?”“Yeah, I can’t zoom in that close. The mountain structure was easier given how high up it is, even tucked away in that ice ridge. Not so much with the bloom. I was only able to pick it up with thermal scans; a bright orange-red dot in the middle of an otherwise blue-grey planet.”“How big?” asks Suzel. “And if we wanted to, could I safely park the ship on the ice?”Trykov checks his computer. “Heat bloom’s relatively small since it’s fighting against the other elements. But it’s big. Pretty damned big. Whatever the hell’s burning down there is putting the same amount of heat as an industrial smelter.”“Pretty damned hot,” you mutter absently, concurrently.For the first time in a while, B-33 chimes in: “This is most likely a trap at the worst, or a diversion away from the structure. However, given the recent nature of the bloom, we would more likely than not be able to apprehend the party responsible in the first place.”All eyes then turn towards you, the leader of the expedition. For his part, Suzel just shrugs, pointing towards the stick. “It’s your call, boss. Can’t say that I’ve ever flown a ship into a mild snowstorm, but there’s a first time for everything.”>>What do you want to investigate first?>The heat bloom in the frozen ocean.>The structure on the dead mountain.[VOTE OPEN FOR SIX HOURS.]I recently had the privilege to see the film “The Summit of the Gods” last weekend at a limited screening. A lovely animated French film based off an award-winning manga about two guys climbing Mount Everest. 10/10, very solid film, and the sound design really made me feel like I was on the mountain with them. Definitely watch it when it comes out later this month, especially if you have a good sound system.What a happy coincidence that I got to see that film and do research for the environs of Dweem. Little bit definitely bled into the planet's description.
>>5049032>>The structure on the dead mountain.I'm excited for the upcoming obligatory ice slide obstacle.
>>5049032>>The heat bloom in the frozen ocean.
>>5049032>The heat bloom in the frozen ocean.
>>5049032>>The structure on the dead mountain.The heat source just seems too sketchy for me
>>5049032>The heat bloom in the frozen ocean.I don't want to lead whoever made that heat bloom to the structure. For all we know, they're also looking for the Iron Knights.
>>5049032>The structure on the dead mountain.xtxh8
>>5049032>>The structure on the dead mountain.
>>5049032The heat bloom is definitely something to lure surveyors to the surface
>Vote tied.
>>5049521Could always do a d2 roll or extend the vote for an hour or two.
Rolled 2 (1d2)>>5049526Loathe as I am to throw a coin, I will do so in the interest of brevity.1. Heat bloom.2. Mountain Structure.Writing...
>>5049049>>5049067>>5049147>>5049221>>5049251>>5049253>>5049278>>5049337Making your decision, you start to issue instructions: “B-33, get some of the oxygen tanks ready and pack plenty of anti-freeze for yourself and the other droids. Everyone else, I suggest that head to your quarters and put on a few extra layers. We’re gonna hit the mountain first.”The party doesn’t argue. They nod, each unstrapping out of their seats or de-coupling from their stations to execute their orders. Elba seems to be mildly irritated, and you recall that wookiee’s aren’t exactly the keenest on clothing. But then you recall that he isn’t the most culturally sensitive, and conclude that he should be fine. Hopefully. You think.Suzel is the last to leave, idly drumming his fingers on the stick. When everyone’s already down the hall, he quips, “Flattered you think I can park the ship up there.”Snorting, you reply, “That, and the fact that the heat bloom is just way too damned suspicious.”“So ignoring the bloom and just going straight to what’s most likely their front door is supposed to make them feel better?”“…it does show that at the very least, we aren’t nearly as interested in surveying anomalies. We’re looking for Jedi, not looking to settle this borderline barren snowball.”Or at the very least, considering the possibility once you visit the other potential worlds.“Good,” he grunts, leaping out of his seat. “I’m still holding you to that promise of a paradise world.”“…me too,” you answer quietly. With one final look and affectionate pat to S-19, you hurry after the rest of your crew, and prepare for a subzero deployment.>>Line BreakIt’s nothing short of a tender mercy that the next blizzard won’t hit for another few days. But you still have to suppress the urge to wince or flinch at every little wind that causes the Albatross to wobble. You aren’t alone in your apprehension. Even through the goggles and layers bundling up your away team, their body posture speaks volumes with what can’t be conveyed from faces hidden behind oxygen masks.“Touchdown in t-minus ten seconds!” calls Suzel from over the comm. “And don’t worry! S-19 and I triple checked to make sure the LZ can handle the weight of the Albatross!”“Thank you, Suzel,” you mutter, double-checking your lightsabers and grappling cable. “Very much appreciated.”In the instant that the entry ramp drops, the little room is immediately plunged into subzero temperatures. The heat of your extra clothing is immediately off-set as the wind blows snow up the ramp, and into the receiving bay. The chill is almost like a living thing, assaulting you with tack-sized icicles that jab and dart into what exposed flesh you’ve left open to the elements. But you have no time to think about that, focusing only on the trek up towards what the flight up the mountain revealed to be a temple.(cont.)
Taking a deep breath from your oxygen tank, you set down from the ship, and plant your very first step on the highest mountain that Dweem has to offer…and are pleasantly surprised to find that the snow isn’t very deep, only a handful of inches away from the top of your boots. The ice beneath the powder seems to have hardened to the point where it won’t simply shatter if you were to walk across it.With this revelation, you wave to the rest of the away team, radioing: “It’s safe!”Suzel cuts the engine, and the team takes their first tentative steps onto the mountain peak. Upon discovering what you had, they’re quick to acclimate to the weather, or otherwise practice walking through the snow. The trek shouldn’t take too long; someone had already gone to the trouble of carving out a path…as well as faces to accompany the path.“I know what you’re about to ask,” you say as you all gather, “Why didn’t I have the ship drop us off right at the front door.”“Because it would’ve spooked the Iron Knights,” replies Trykov. “Even more so than we’re probably doing.”Elba sneezes. “Wraaah.”“Translation: that was not the question he was asking, but he concedes the point. He was asking, however, if you will be taking all of us up the mountain.”Once more, all eyes turn towards you, waiting to make a decision. It comes quicker than the last choice. Shaking your head, you answer: “I’d like to at least leave a handful of people here. Keep the engines warm in case we need to bail quickly, and keep the ship safe from ornery locals.”Ceyla tilts her head pensively. “You think that we aren’t going to be welcomed? We aren’t Sith or Dark-side users. Anyone could sense that much.”“That’s true, but the Iron Knights aren’t exactly on good terms with the Jedi Order at large. According to Master Larid, the only reason they’re squatting on this inhospitable snowball is because Masters Windu and Yoda offended them so badly when they were designated as a ‘heretical’ sect. Just because they were silicon and not flesh-and-blood lifeforms.”Your padawan frowns. "Master, permission to speak freely?”“Always.”“What a bunch of jerks.”Your snort of laughter is carried off by the icy wind. “Believe it or not, I had the exact same reaction. But going back to the topic at hand…if whoever’s staying even gets the slightest hint that the ice shelf is about to give way, you get the Albatross into the air ASAP. We’ll figure out how to meet back up once that happens.”Nods all around as you divvy up the party.>>Who accompanied you and Ceyla to the temple? [Please select two]>B-33/HK-82. (SupTac Commando/Tactician)>Elba. (Wookiee Mechanic/Bodyguard)>Suzel. (Nagai Scout/Pilot)>Trykov. (Clone Officer/Gadgeteer)[VOTE OPEN FOR SIX HOURS]Apologies for most of the earlier posts being mostly prep. Action and dice rolls after this.
>>5050790>B-33/HK-82. (SupTac Commando/Tactician)>Elba. (Wookiee Mechanic/Bodyguard)It's gonna be a helluva time explaining Trykov, and HK might come in handy for translations.
>>5050790>>B-33/HK-82. (SupTac Commando/Tactician)>>Trykov. (Clone Officer/Gadgeteer)Have the pilot and the engineer stay with the ship in case things go south and we need a rapid getaway.
>>5050790>B-33/HK-82. (SupTac Commando/Tactician)>Elba. (Wookiee Mechanic/Bodyguard)
>>5050790>B-33/HK-82. (SupTac Commando/Tactician)>Trykov. (Clone Officer/Gadgeteer)
>>5050790>B-33/HK-82. (SupTac Commando/Tactician)>Elba. (Wookiee Mechanic/Bodyguard)The Confederate droid will surprise them but these two seem like the hardiest for Dweem.
>>5050790>>B-33/HK-82. (SupTac Commando/Tactician)>>Trykov. (Clone Officer/Gadgeteer)
Closing the vote for B-33/HK-82 and Elba. Trykov, Suzel and S-19 will remain on standby on the AlbatrossWriting...
>>5050795>>5050802>>5050823>>5050850>>5050932>>5051075>>5051087>>5051150Ceyla looks anxiously up towards Elba. “Are…is that really gonna be enough?”The wookiee nods, adjusting the strap of his gloves and a woolen jerkin. But beyond those, his oxygen kit, treated goggles and a pair of leg warmers, the engineer is otherwise going all natural. You’d almost think that he’s enjoying the change in weather, after the dense jungles of Kakarit and the arid savannahs of Amagi. Only really needs to make sure that he doesn’t get frostbite.Then to B-33, your padawan queries, “How about you, Bee? You gonna be alright?”“All heat sinks have been disengaged,” drones the SupTac, “Excess heat has been rerouted to critical components such as joints and extremities to prevent the freezing of hydraulic fluids. Should all else fail, contained within this backpack are the components and power nodes necessary to reactivate this unit.”From the tactical vest on B-33’s chest, HK-82 opines, “Statement: do not worry, mini-meatbag. Instead of focusing on the risks, focus instead on the fact that this will be a grand undertaking! I promise to take many pictures to later hang on the wall and submit to the Galactic Mountaineering Guild for record-taking.”Your padawan’s cheeks darken. “I'm sorry, what the heck did you just call me?”“Conciliation: my sincerest apologies, Mistress Ceyla. Alas, I’ve had no luck isolating what particular bit of malware causes that to happen.”“Alright, alright,” you cut in, clapping your hands to get everyone’s attention. “Listen up. I don’t want any heroics or daredevilry. Up the summit, and up these very conveniently placed steps at a careful pace. The sun’s out, wind’s relatively mild, and the next blizzard won’t happen for a couple of days.”“Wrrrruh?” grunts Elba, pointing to the side of the mountain.“Shouldn’t take more than an hour or two. Three, if we really need to be careful. But everyone? Promise me that you’ll let me know if you need to take a break, or if you even feel slightly light-headed. Even with the oxygen, the odds of getting hypoxia are still nonzero, and I'd like to leave without having to amputate fingers lost to frostbite. Understood?”A chorus of affirmations answer your request. With that out of the way, you take a long, bracing breath, and take your first step up the trail. “Let’s go see us some Iron Knights.”In any other situation, you might have treated the journey like a social outing, or perhaps some sort of sabbatical to hear the call of the Universal Force. So high above the rest of the world, where only the peppered tips of smaller mountains crest and break a roiling sea of clouds…it is a humbling sight. The atmospheric survey could never hope to capture any of this, or the sheer vastness of the deep blue sky above your head.(cont.)
Such sentimentally isn’t becoming of you. That kind of flowery, romantic language fell more in line with Master Larid’s “eccentric” side…or Kirsten. She could go on for hours, gushing about all the planets that she had visited with Master Aure. The pictures she had taken helped paint a clearer image than words ever could. But the way in how your sister spoke, celebrated the differences and contrasts in the planets she’d visited…the very epitome of a padawan to a consular. Beauty in everything, and silver-linings everywhere.…she would have loved to be here, pull you and Torok in for a hug, and take a picture of the Salamanders at the literal top of the world. It would have been the second in a series of ice planets ever since your own rite of Gathering on Illum, so many, many years ago.And then your own mother…!“Alleana was always fond of encyclopedias. She did read to enlighten herself, but more to add planets and sights to see on a travel list. It wouldn’t do for her to simply live vicariously through documentaries and testimonies.”But you shake your head. You tear your gaze away from the ceaseless land, and focus on the steps ascending the cliff. You are the vanguard, the trailblazer, the leader. If you slow, then the others slow. Even with the length of time before the next blizzard, you can’t let yourself be distracted or lose yourself in reveries.You check frequently with the others, even as you continue to scout ahead for dangers or hidden hazards. To absolutely nobody’s surprise, Elba makes almost trivial work of the ascent, power-walking his way through snowbanks and pulling himself up sharply at elevated edges. B-33 continues to live up to his adaptive protocol, never making the same mistake twice, and visibly improving his mountaineering skills.To say that Ceyla is “struggling” would be a bit of a stretch. Out of everyone’s load, she’s carrying the lightest, barely twenty pounds of assorted supplies and foodstuffs. Yet even with the Force to aid her and her physical training as a Jedi, your padawan is still a thirteen-year-old girl. As such, she’s certainly the slowest of everyone, but by no means is dead weight.“Okay, master, I change my mind…” she wheezes as you crest a sharp incline, prior to leaning back heavily against the cliff face to collapse into a heap. “Can you make a memo to Trykov…see if I can’t requisition a home gym for the Albatross? And enough whey protein and milk…to turn me as tall as Elba…”Assorted laughter from all around, save for B-33, who merely tilts its head curiously. The SupTac droid reaches into its pack, unstoppering a thermos to waft before the breathless padawan. Even through your oxygen mask, you can still make out the mild scent of steaming hot chocolate. “This unit suggests that you rehydrate,” drones B-33, sticking a hot-pink straw through the opening.(cont.)
Ceyla does so, careful to maneuver the straw through a small opening in her mask. After a handful of sips, some of the color’s returned to your padawan’s cheeks. With a satisfied sigh, she returns the thermos, then replaces her mask to take a deep breath. “Thanks, Bee.”“This unit exists to serve,” it replies as it seals the thermos once more.“When this is all over, I promise that I’ll give you a good polishing.”“The sentiment is appreciated.”Your padawan pulls herself up, accepting your offered hand as she gets back on her feet. Brushing the snow off her pants, she asks, “So how much further up do we need to go?”Consulting the holoprojecter on your gauntlet, you report: “Not too far. It’s just around the corner, but it’s a kilometer’s worth of navigating through that valley to get up to the cave entrance.”“Mngh.”You offer her an apologetic look, and a pat on her shoulder. “I’ll put it this way. We won’t be walking back down. Once we get ourselves sorted out with the Iron Knights, we should have carte blanche to bring the ship up with impunity.”Next to you, Elba grunts nervously, pointing to something just above your padawan’s head. You don’t startle easily, nor do you jump. But you do feel something crawling down your spine as you make out a face carved into the mountain wall. Ceyla turns around, yelps, then scurries away to a safer point on the ridge.“Wrruh?” the engineer asks.You run your fingers through the grooves in the stone. Brushing aside more of the snow reveals the entirety of the carving; a crude facsimile of a head with sparks for eyes, a mouth with grills instead of teeth…and lovingly etched sword with a star for a hilt, eclipsed by two great wings.“…we’re on the right track,” you mutter, pulling away to resume your journey up the mountain.“Query: how can you be so sure?”“Oh, that’s easy. That carving was made by a lightsaber.”>>Line BreakThe valley itself a maze of ice, bridged by dozens of overpasses both overhead and below. Most have long since crumbled away, or otherwise hang far too precariously to safely traverse. The trail to the temple is still relatively straightforward, although occasionally pockmarked by blemishes in the road, and small chasms that drop into nothing. >For bringing Elba, you automatically pass all Athletic checks made to traverse the mountain.But you make do well enough. With expert precision and his know-how of engineering, Elba makes good use of his grappling gun, firing pitons into the ice and securing leaps and traversals with whipcord. There’s no greater gap than a handful of meters, but you make doubly sure that everyone’s knots are tight, and that you stand by ready to catch them with the Force if need be.(cont.)
Mercifully, it doesn’t come to pass. By the time you reach the entrance of the cave, only a little over two hours have passed. You stop at the entrance, taking a moment to check yourselves and freshen up. Checking the data, you discover that you’re just beneath 8,200 meters above sea level. So not nearly the time yet to ditch the oxygen.Clearing your throat, you say, “Alright, status report. How’s everyone holding up?”Elba makes a thumbs-up gesture, accompanied by a satisfied grunt. Ceyla blows a deep breath through her mask, but otherwise mimics your engineer. B-33 is the only one to necessitate a significantly longer break, if only to swap out internal batteries. The drain from overclocking to generate enough heat had been significant enough to drain him to a quarter of operating power.All of a sudden, HK-82 vibrates excitedly in the tactical vest. “Statement: Master Gaelle, I’ve detected a symbol on the wall, just a little bit away from the entrance.”As Elba changes out B-33’s battery, you borrow the disembodied HK head and trudge towards the wall. Ceyla trails close behind you, perhaps eager to do something beyond take in the sights or help with the SupTac’s maintenance. You let her tag along, focusing more on following 82’s erratic instructions, gesticulating wildly with the head to find the location of the symbol.“Statement: right here, Master Gaelle. Just by the rock structure that looks like Supreme Chancellor Tol Cressa.”How the rock looks like the late Supreme Chancellor (by nearly 4,000 years) is beyond you. But what you can easily make out is the symbol of the Republic. And not carved into the stone with a lightsaber, but stamped onto metal, then bolted into the wall. Years of ice and runoff snowmelt have preserved the plaque in a thick layer of ice, but there’s no mistaking the Bendu iconography of the Old Republic. The eight points, rather than the contemporary six, are a dead giveaway.But there’s something wrong. The symbol’s visible, but the plaque had suffered from some sort of vandalism. You draw your lightsaber, igniting it carefully as you bring it to bear against the ice for a closer look. Within seconds, the layer begins to melt, hissing and steaming as you gently shear away hundreds, if not thousands of years’ worth of frozen water.You stop short of exposing the plaque to the air, but you can still make it out well enough without the distortion: an all-seeing eye within a triangle, centered in the middle of another triangle, girdled by a circle.Ceyla leans in for a closer look, frowns, then says: “I…don’t recognize the symbol. But it looks…familiar. Master, I feel like I’ve seen this before…”You have as well. You stare at the eye, matching its unblinking gaze, all the while digging into your memory to try and recall where and when you’d seen it…>>Please roll 2d12+6 Lore (2d12 for 2 Int, Lore 2; +6 for Ceyla’s aid).>Best out of three.
Rolled 1, 6 + 6 = 13 (2d12 + 6)>>5051246
Rolled 6, 1 + 6 = 13 (2d12 + 6)>>5051246
Rolled 11, 4 + 6 = 21 (2d12 + 6)>>5051246Rollin'
>>5051254Thank the Force, you've saved us, anon.
>>5051258Just doing my bit.
>>5051254Very nice. Farren remembers what it means mostly in part because it's part of what he and Ceyla studied while on the way to Dweem.It is the symbol of the Order of the Terrible Glare, a splinter sect of Jedi that broke off from the Order and joined the fanatic humanocentrists of the Pius Dea cult nearly ten thousand years ago. Despite their best efforts, the combined forces of the Terrible Glare and the Pius Dea-controlled Republic proved to be no match for the Jedi-led coalition that opposed them. After Grand Master Biel Ductavis became Supreme Chancellor and dissolved the Senate, he ordered a punitive strike on their wayward brethren's homeworld, the desolate world of Garn. All adherents of the Terrible Glare were reportedly killed, having chosen to fight rather than accept surrender and rehabilitation.You rolled high enough to remember that they developed a terrible Dark Side power unique to their shamen, but you don't recall what that power was...Writing...
>>5051267Well, I guess this might explain how [REDACTED] heard about them.Doesn't quite clean the shit out of my pants though.
>>5051267>spoilerMajor props for knowing about/reading Cult Encounters. Please be gentle.
>>5051277WAIT OH FUCK NO
>>5051251>>5051253>>5051254The realization doesn’t hit you like a punch in the chest. But it does settle ominously in your guts and damn near curdles B-33’s hot chocolate. “…it’s familiar because we went over it a handful of nights ago.”She frowns…then blanches as she connects the dots. “Hang on…you mean to say…?”You nod grimly. “Yeah. Order of the Terrible Glare. Pius Dea Crusades…your reading assignment just before we launched into the Great Sith War and your heroine, Nomi Sunrider.”Flushing, your padawan grumbles, “How was I supposed to know that we would run into…this?”It’s in times like these that you picked up Master Larid’s smoking habit. Or at least, had an immediate bottle of alcohol on hand. “…I’ll put it this way, Ceyla. The Force has a very ironic and dramatic sense of humor. And it has a far more apt sense of timing and delivery of a punchline than most stand-up comedians I’ve seen across the galaxy.”A silence then falls between master and apprentice. With this new revelation, a wrench has been thrown into the works of contacting the Iron Knights. Did they know that they were hiding out on territory that once belonged to a splinter sect only marginally better than the Sith? And if this was a temple, had they plundered it for secrets?You and Ceyla share a very nervous glance, and through your bond, you share a similar, uneasy thought. The Terrible Glare had developed a terrible Force power wholly unique to them, a power that not even the Sith could replicate. You can’t remember, or it had been sealed away by Master Larid…but had the Iron Knights rediscovered it?HK-82 takes a moment to break the silence, voicing, “Query: why would a symbol of the Terrible Glare be defacing that of the Republic? Hypothesis: the indication of the ancient Bendu symbol marks what was once a planet or base owned by the Old Republic. However, during the Pius Dea Crusades, Dweem was lost, and fell into the hands of the Terrible Glare.”…all in all, that’s a pretty good working theory. But damned if this new information doesn’t cause your Shadow hackles to rise. Your fingers itch as the urge to sidetrack the Iron Knights and plunder the temple for Terrible Glare secrets to destroy stirs in your gut.“…master?” Ceyla tugs at your sleeve, looking up at you anxiously. “…we didn’t come to fight the Iron Knights.”“…we didn’t,” you agree, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. “We came here to check in on them, see how they were doing.”“Were we going to ask them to join the Triumvirate?”“…we’ll see.”With that “distraction” taken care of and B-33’s batteries replaced, you resume your trek into the cave. After perhaps a dozen steps, the wind-chill factor seems to have a minimal effect, bringing the temperature to a comfortable dozen degrees below freezing. You still aren’t about to take your masks off though.(cont.)
With that “distraction” taken care of and B-33’s batteries replaced, you resume your trek into the cave. After perhaps a dozen steps, the wind-chill factor seems to have a minimal effect, bringing the temperature to a comfortable dozen degrees below freezing. You still aren’t about to take your masks off, though.Fumbling with your wrist gauntlet, you tap the buttons to bring up a topographic map of the cave. “…the main temple is half a klick down this way. Turn on your locators and keep the person in front of you in your sight at all times. I don’t want to get lost here.”Similar to the trail outside, there is a path that leads from out of the mountain and deeper into the depths of the cave. Only instead of being naturally formed by hundreds of years of walking, the steps almost seem man-made…at one point. The way that some of the brickwork crumbles under your feet suggests that no-one had bothered to do maintenance for the better part of Force-knows however many years.“Mind your steps,” you mutter, switching on a flashlight once the light of the sun is unable to reach further into the cave. The others follow suit. “Ceyla, you alright?”“I can still see,” she answers, fumbling her way behind you. “…although I wouldn’t mind a flare to add contrast to the greys and blacks.”“On it…just once we get out of here…”Exiting the tunnel into a neigh-twilight realm of ice, your wrist gauntlet hums a short little trill. Your flashlight only illuminates perhaps a dozen meters out from your position, but it shines far enough to reveal the beginnings of a structure carved into the ice. It’s hard to tell what the figures standing above the doors are, let alone who the temple was designed by. But it’s enough to confirm that you’re right where you need to be.“Wraaah?” Elba reaches into his pocket to pull out a flare gun.You nod. “Do it. I wanna get a good look at where we are.”B-33 isn’t nearly so sure. Its eyes scan the walls, rapidly darting from one corner to the next, one vector to another. “…detecting an unusual number of stalactites, far more expected than would be found in this environment.”Alas, the SupTac isn’t nearly able to finish its analysis before the wookiee fires the flare gun. You all track the smoking red light as it soars into the air, then gently floats down. It shines a bright crimson across the entirety of the spacious cavern, the massive temple…and the lurkers that had been hiding in the darkness of the cave.The light is reflected in the pupils of a hundred, soulless eyes. But they don’t immediately move, only stirring to life as the light bathes their chitinous hides. Their maws are ravenous, slavering with wicked delight, and the noise of their teeth is a cascading avalanche. As one, they pull their bodies out of holes in the walls, out of crevices in stalactites, squealing as they spin ropes of gossamer thread to fall upon the ground.(cont.)
The noise of their legs is like the crackling of ice across a frozen lake, echoing across the temple surfaces as the horde falls upon the floor, and makes ready to attack your party.“…wruh-wroh.”“…translation: oops.”At the very least, there’s enough time to draw your weapons and come up with a plan. Elba’s drawn his scatterblaster, priming a thermal detonator in his other hand. B-33’s cocked his own weapons, drawing beads and calculating target solutions with either of his blaster pistols. Their eyes aren’t on you, given the enemy, but their attention is all the more shared as you get ready to shout orders.“…so now we’re fighting the children of Darth Arachnus?” Ceyla’s voice cracks as she ignites her lightsaber. “Is that what you mean by the Force having a funny sense of humor?”“…don’t worry, my apprentice,” you answer dryly, joining her blue with your golden blade. Through the burgeoning bond you share, you reach out to your padawan, soothing her mind before she can panic. “I’m not sensing any abnormalities in their Force signatures. They’re all just freakishly large spyder-like monsters.”“Oh, that’s a relief,” she says in a tone dithering between hysterical and sarcastic. “It’s only dozens of giant ice spyders! I feel so foolish for worrying…”>>Select a battle plan:>Direct assault into the temple. Bum rush your way into the temple and slam the doors shut.>Full retreat back to the entrance. Radio Suzel to bring the ship for immediate backup/evac.>Stand your ground and draw their attention. Buy time for Elba and B-33 to make a firing line.>Custom option. [Write-in][VOTE OPEN FOR THIRTEEN HOURS]
>>5051302Would it be possible to Force Pull the stalagtites from the cave's ceiling to skewer some of the Spyders as they advance?
>>5051302>>Stand your ground and draw their attention. Buy time for Elba and B-33 to make a firing line.Regardless of what wins, see if we can keep them away from us or blind them with a few applications of Spirit Fire, maybe push back the biggest one under a large stalactites. And don’t forget to pop our Force Speed, either
>>5051309*large stalactite to crush it.
>>5051302>Darth ArachnusI now have full faith that we picked the best candidate for padawan.>>Stand your ground and draw their attention. Buy time for Elba and B-33 to make a firing line.Lots of force fire, lots of battlefield control via telekinesis.
>>5051302>Stand your ground and draw their attention. Buy time for Elba and B-33 to make a firing line.I'm with >>5051309 and >>5051314. We can control the spiders with fire and bring down loose stalactites.
>>5051302>>Stand your ground and draw their attention. Buy time for Elba and B-33 to make a firing line.A good opportunity for a bit of exercise. Plus the Iron Knights might appreciate the pest control.
>>5051352I think the Iron Knights actually use the spiders as a natural defense. They wouldn't naturally prey on droids (I guess), and they can be controlled with Force powers.
>>5051302>Stand your ground and draw their attention. Buy time for Elba and B-33 to make a firing line.
>>5051307Yes, you can attempt to do that.
>>5051307>>5051309>>5051314>>5051316>>5051352>>5051416Since I can see a desire to both use Force Move on the overhead stalactites, as well as a desire to use Force Fire for crowd control...>>Please roll 2d12+8 (2d12 for Force Rating 2, +8 for 2 pips in each skill)>Best out of five.
Rolled 8, 6 + 8 = 22 (2d12 + 8)>>5051710Hoping pics of sexy aliums'll help with the roll.
Rolled 2, 7 + 8 = 17 (2d12 + 8)>>5051710
Rolled 3, 10 + 8 = 21 (2d12 + 8)>>5051710
Rolled 9, 11 + 8 = 28 (2d12 + 8)>>5051710
>>5051745fuck ice spiders I guess
Rolled 4, 9 + 8 = 21 (2d12 + 8)>>5051710Just rolling so we actually have 5 rolls, probably not gonna beat >>5051745>inb4 double 1s for the second time this quest
>>5051748That could be arranged, if you'd like.
>>5051735>>5051739>>5051743>>5051745>>5051772Very nice, very nice. I'm a bit conked from working on a final project, so I'll just ask for the lightsaber roll now. That way, I don't have to fluff up the piece and can just immediately go to the next major tactical choice when writing the update.I think in-character, while you did pick up Shien/Djem-So Technique with Ceyla, Farren would've fallen back to using Niman given it's been his bread-and-butter since chargen. That, and with only 2 cunning, you'd be rolling 2d12+4 with only 2 in Cunning, as opposed to 3d12 with 3 in Willpower.Don't worry if you roll low. I'll tell you right now that your Force Power roll would've otherwise done the yeoman's work on a low Lightsaber roll. That, and your Niman 'saber does negate the first critfail in an encounter when using it.>>Please roll 3d12 Lightsaber (3 Wp with Niman Technique, 3d8 upgraded to 3d12 per pip in Lightsaber)>Best out of five.>>5051735This is indeed Farren's current daydream, barring the fact that this Togruta isn't blue. :^)>>5051777>P-pic related
Rolled 4, 9, 12 = 25 (3d12)>>5052164
Rolled 1, 11, 10 = 22 (3d12)>>5052164dicegods are nicegods
Rolled 3, 3, 1 = 7 (3d12)>>5052164
Rolled 3, 7, 8 = 18 (3d12)>>5052164>captcha: P0WTRUSE THE FORCE FARREN
Rolled 2, 4, 2 = 8 (3d12)>>5052164
>>5052164>This is indeed Farren's current daydream, barring the fact that this Togruta isn't blue. :^)I've got a blue Togruta in sexy slavewear (with a purple one and a red one, also in slavewear), but I'd like to not get banned before an update. You can find it in /aco/'s Star Wars thread.>Perturbed Cantina Band.jpgIf you think a cute Harch girl is disturbing, maybe you shouldn't go looking for it in /aco/... I found the Togruta Harem pic just above a picture of Asohka on Jar-Jar... ugh...As an apology for... that... have a Zeltron in a cocktail dress.
Well shizzle my dizzle. Fucking nice to see you back, Kaz.
So, final result of 3+11+10=24 if I've understood how nat1's work in this system right.
>>5053113don't think sowe're using highest roll afaikthis:>>5052165
>>5053119That's the whole thing, so far as I've understood, nat1's basically remove the highest roll from the count.
>>5053168Yes and no. You have to roll at least two 1s (snake eyes) for a critfail to happen. So even if you rolled a 1, a critfail won't necessarily automatically proc so as long as the other dice come up with other numbers.Writing...
>>5052165>>5052183>>5052185>>5052205>>5052255>>You ordered Elba and B-33 to fall back and set up a firing line.>>With Ceyla’s aid, you draw the attention of the ice spyders with prodigious use of Spirit Fire and Force Move.The gleam of your lightsabers and the wispy sight of the flare turn twilight into sunset. But sunset quickly becomes day as you thrust your hand out, and unleash a gout of flames from your fingertips. The spyders squeal, skittering back as a great, roiling tendril of heat almost seems to drive the biting cold out of the cave. There are a handful who are not nearly as quick as their brethren, and screech as the flames take to them.Sweat forms on your brow, and an ache begins in the back of your head as you raise your other hand towards the ceiling. Overhead, the stalactites shudder, trembling as you bring the Force to bear, and pull. At first, there is nothing, only the sound of Ceyla’s frantic lightsaber swings against some of the smaller spyders. Then, the sound of a gunshot. A cracks form in one of the stones, then spreads and leaps to another, two, three more…You surrender your movements to the Force, dancing through the horde of spyders as you bring their own homes upon their heads. After a dozen of the monsters disappear beneath tons of stone or lie impaled upon the ice, the attack becomes less effective. But it seems that this maneuver has an unexpected side-effect. The stalactites form an impromptu barrier of sorts, just only a handful of meters at its tallest point. An easily surmountable obstacle for the creatures, but one they’ll have to spend time climbing.Time enough for you to sense or otherwise hear their approach, and for B-33 and Elba to finish their firing line.Your lightsabers are pinwheels of golden-yellow, flashing through the cave as you cut through the horde. The spyders are large, with the most mature easily matching your height, and you don’t doubt for a second that they could be venomous. But their limbs, formed of some sort of chitinous exoskeleton, are no match for a lightsaber, and their eyes equally susceptible to Force Fire.Ceyla’s still tense, but it doesn’t seem to otherwise affect her too much. She dispatches her fair share of smaller spyders with clockwork efficiency, all with a grimace of distaste marring her smile. In her movements, you see her executing acceptable Shien, striking at limbs, mouths or stingers that get too close. Occasionally, with her empty hand, she blasts the little hatchlings with telekinetic strikes, or staggers their larger broodmates before beating a quick retreat.“By any chance, do you have arachnophobia?” you quip.“No, master,” she answers flatly, “…I just don’t like non-sentient creatures that have more than four legs. Really don't like them."(cont.)
Naturally, with your padawan being the smaller of the two primary threats, many of the spyders surge towards her, hoping to drown her with sheer numbers. You punish them for this, searing the air with fire or putting yourself between them in bids to draw their attention. It is impossible for you to get them all, but Elba and B-33 provide cover fire, even as they pepper the sides of the impromptu barricade. The wookiee, in particular, makes brutal use of his scatterblaster, shattering icy armor or otherwise splattering steaming piles of spyder guts all over the ice.“Observation,” remarks HK-82, “These creatures must be incredibly resilient so survive in low-oxygen environments. While the closest entry in my databanks links these to the common spyder to be found across the galaxy, I would humbly request a sample for preservation and study.”Before you can even say anything, your padawan beats you to the punch. “Absolutely not! You don’t have olfactory sensors, but lemme tell you something…they smell! Even through the oxygen mask! You are absolutely not bringing one back on the Albatross, dead or alive!”“Clarification: I never intended to bring one onto the ship. A simple dissection and cataloging of its anatomy and physiology will suffice. Perhaps a sample or two of venom. The scientific and academic value of these creatures cannot be understated!”Grunting as you kick a particularly aggressive hatchling, you mutter, “Didn’t you just nearly scare me half to death with a porg infestation a week ago? The Albatross isn’t a menagerie, 82, and I really don’t want to have to worry about venomous bedbugs.”“Statement: worry not, master! All proper containment protocols will be observed.”Elba sneezes violently, barking a roar of vehement disagreement. This, he punctuates with another blast from his shotgun, and the sharp whine of a primed thermal detonator. He rears back with the grace of an athlete, and lets the projectile fly directly into the thickest part of the horde. The heat generated from the explosion sweetens another scorching whip of Spirit Fire that burns more of the mutli-legged monstrosities.“…no spyders on the Albatross,” you say with a heavy finality, “If you want your dissection and study, you’ll do it at least twenty meters away from the boarding ramp.”“Statement: these terms are acceptable.”“Master?” asks Ceyla, hastily ducking before a webshot can pin her boots to the ice, “What’s a porg?”The mind-slaves of a horrific eldritch abomination that considers itself a mother. But you don’t say that, merely sighing, and try to ignore another headache that has nothing to do with using the Force. “One feral and insidious species at a time, padawan. One at a time…”(cont.)
>>5055331>>5054392>“No, master,” she answers flatly, “…I just don’t like non-sentient creatures that have more than four legs. Really don't like them."There goes my plan of getting Ceyla a pair of SD-K4a mini-assassin droids as friends/spy units/last ditch bodyguards...
>>5055331The skirmish doesn’t last for much longer. With dozens of their kindred roasting or otherwise exsanguinating on the ice, the spyders decide to cut their losses and beat a retreat. Too many eyes watch you as they gather their younglings, mandibles rattling together as a warning as they make their withdrawal, not once turning their backs towards you. They quickly disappear behind another tunnel, but neither you nor your companions lower your weapons until the very last echo of their noises fades away.With a deep breath, you sheath your lightsabers and turn to face the group. “Status report. You guys alright?”Elba nods, patting himself down as he loads a fresh powerpack into his scatterblaster. At his feet, the spent and ejected clips had melted halfway through the ice, before promptly freezing. Much to the wookiee’s annoyance, he has to smash the ice apart with a wrench to retrieve the used magazines.“This unit reports minimal damage, if any,” chimes B-33, shaking what you suspect to be spider guts and frozen webbing off of its foot. “This unit remains at 100% combat efficiency.”Last, but certainly not least, is your padawan. She’s collapsed against one of the stalactites, breathing heavily in a bid to center her emotions. Ceyla mutters under her breath as she gives a steaming corpse a nasty glare, then looks up at your approach. “I’m fine, master, thanks for asking. I just need a moment…came a little too close to getting bitten a few times.”“But you didn’t, right?” you ask gravely.“I would’ve felt it. And seen it, given all the extra layers I’m wearing.”Nodding, you settle beside her to catch your own breath. “Good. I got a little worried when they started spraying webs, but you did a good job of dodging.”She laughs at that, more an amused huff than a proper chortle. “I can thank you for that, master. Wasn’t too hard to replace remote droid bolts with spyder webbing.” Then, she tilts her head pensively, prior to remarking: “Or Tof stun bolts, for that matter.”Ah, of course. “…so, back on the Chiller, beyond the Blazing Chain pirate, how much actual fighting did you do with the Tof?”“Not much, honestly. Five seconds after they burst through the door, Master Larid came crashing through the window. With Riven piloting the ship, Noirah helped get me, Vuqu and Luaine onto the Bantha.”“So between the Tof and these sypders…?”She scoffs. “The sypders. They stink like a compost pile, but not as much as the Tof. And Suzel told me that they don’t bathe! Pardon my cultural insensitivity, but that sounds absolutely disgusting.”You grin, unstoppering a canteen of hot chocolate. “I think, my young padawan, that you’d find a very short list of people who actually gave a damn about offending Tof cultural practices. Ingmar, maybe, but I think he showers just to not scare away customers at the Toffer.”(cont.)
>>5055347>>Line BreakThe temple itself is a marvel, seemingly carved out of the ice itself. Its doors are two great slabs of stone, and they respond to your will, groaning as the Force wrenches them open. With your lightsaber drawn, but not activated, you take a tentative step, then another into a small room, barely five square meters in total, occupied only by ice sculptures of long-forgotten heroes. Once certain that nothing’s lurking in their shadows, you beckon the rest of your party to follow, then shut the doors behind you.Passing into the interior, into a tunnel that slopes gently downwards, snow and ice quickly give way to stone, then to metal as the natural wonder cedes to something more man-made. Visible here and there are deep scratches gouged deep into the surfaces, and you notice the tell-tale slagging of lightsaber strikes. The absence of any significant blockage or snowfall suggests that the entrance is maintained, or was recently cleaned. “Fifty meters,” reports B-33 as you reach the end of the tunnel, and behold a tunnel, half-collapsed but just wide enough for a person to comfortably squeeze through. All turn to look at the SupTac, and he reports, “That is how far we have descended into the mountain. The tunnel itself was approximately thirty meters long, spiraling down the mountain.”With that information filed away and sorted, you steel yourself, and reach with the Force. Much like the entrance above, the stone responds to your command. Ceyla catches on and aids you, extending her hand to merge her concentration with yours. The rubble shifts, vibrating as the stones fall away to widen the gap without triggering a cave-in. Once the corridor is wide enough to allow all four (five, with HK-82’s head) to pass, you steel yourself, grip your lightsaber tightly and step into a brightly-lit antechamber.The walls, floor and even the arched ceiling of the room are covered with words and drawings, spiraling in some flowery, alien language that definitely isn’t Basic. Some of the phrases are immense, with some words nearly three feet high, while others are written in tiny, spidery script. The medium for them varies – some a kind of dark ink or paint, sometimes gouged into the stone itself with a plasma torch or a lightsaber.You check your holoprojector, setting it to automatically map the complex as you take a handful of hesitant steps forward. Having emerged from the east, passageways to the north lead into a fog-filled tunnel, and a pair of metallic doors – bulkheads, you realize – stand to the south, stamped with the Bendu seal of the Old Republic, defaced with the eye of the Terrible Glare…and thrice marked with the symbol of the Jedi Order. And to the west, light flickers in what appears to be…a shrine?Elba squints at one of the diagrams, frowning before growling softly. “Wrruh.”(cont.)
HK-82 is quick to answer: “Translation: these are almost all mathematical formulae, concerning themselves with the mechanical engineering. However, he wasn’t able to decipher the other portion, which I deduced to be studies into the atomic and molecule structure of crystals.”Suddenly, Ceyla grips your arm. “Master…”“…yeah,” you mutter, gently patting her shoulder, “I sense him too.”Although portions of the cathedral have collapsed, leaving mounds of rubble and crumbling walls, the chamber retains its sense of menacing awe. Four black stone pillars support the arched roof almost twenty meters high, and on the floor between them, the image of the Terrible Glare almost seems to catch your errant gaze, just beneath a large growth of crystals. Alcoves to the north and south contain statues…or the bodies of droids in various states of maintenance. Each clutch weapons – lightsabers, guard shotos, saberstaffs, lightsaber pikes. All bear the plasma scoring indicative of Clone weaponry.To the west, what might have once been a stone pulpit featuring other statues seems to have been buried under an ancient collapse. The walls of the room are densely decorated with hundreds of sprawling runes and scribblings.No, not scribbles. Droid schematics.The figure kneeling before the crystal colony stirs, rising from a meditative trance. The Sunesi, who could only be Master Aqinos, blinks owlishly from behind his respirator. His black-eyed gaze falls to you, then to Ceyla, Elba…but it is B-33 and HK-82 where his gaze lingers the longest. Silence then falls upon you, not quite sure what to say…Then, without any warning, Aqinos leaps back, and from his robes, draws a pair of lightsabers. They ignite with a snap-hiss, twin blades of cobalt that add to the flickering light of the crystals. And at a given signal, at least six of the droid bodies seize to life in their alcoves. They tear out of their restraints, leaping to join their master and add their own weapons to bear against the crew of the Albatross.You aren’t one to be left behind. But even as you and Ceyla activate your lightsabers, and Elba and B-33 prime their weapons, the promise of battle is stopped buy the Sunesi. Extending a webbed hand to the Iron Knights to halt their advance, he regards you coolly, then demands in a low, rasping voice: “That which you hold in your hands. Is it a tool or a weapon?”Your lightsabers. You don’t power them down, merely leveling them in a relaxed Niman stance as you answer calmly, “A tool, only to be used when all else has failed.”He doesn’t relax. His eyes narrow, and you feel him probing at the edge of your mind. “A self-proclaimed Jedi seeks the Iron Knights, now when the galaxy has come to an end…or an infiltrator of the Sith, to put an end to what Mace Windu and the High Council initially deemed a horrific apostacy...until they needed us when the war broke out.”(cont.)
…oh, fantastic. There’s still definitely some bad blood between the Iron Knights and their master with the Jedi Order at large. Not even genocide seems to have been able to bury that hatchet. And from what you sense from the actual Iron Knights…it’s certainly strange and unfamiliar, to detect the Living Force in Shards. Even all the more unusual when you try to reconcile the image of a droid holding a lightsaber. Especially with ones in which the Force flows strongly.But, you digress. Even as the droids feel unease at your unexpected arrival, they still amplify their master’s thoughts well enough without needing to speak. Anger at being spurned, aggrieved at being designated “heretical” due to evolution deeming them silicon-based, rather than carbon-based…...fear of being hunted down by both the Empire and the Sith. With the Droid army being the face of the Separatists, anything that isn't a protocol droid or an astromech is definitely on a short list.“Deactivate your lightsabers,” Aqinos demands, “Speak no further and open your thoughts to me. Then, and only then, will I know if you are what you claim to be.”>>What will you do?>Lower your weapons and open your mind. You’re looking to settle things peacefully and reconcile them.>Refuse to comply and challenge Aqinos. He isn’t Triumvirate, and you aren’t a padawan to boss around.>Custom option. [Write-in][VOTE OPEN FOR EIGHT HOURS]Sorry this took so long. Finals week approaches this week, and this update got away from me.
>>5055938>Lower your weapons and open your mind. You’re looking to settle things peacefully and reconcile them.Do motion to Ceyla to stay close to Bee and Elba, though.
>>5055938>Lower your weapons and open your mind. You’re looking to settle things peacefully and reconcile them.
>>5055938>Refuse to comply and challenge Aqinos. He isn’t Triumvirate, and you aren’t a padawan to boss around.Letting him into our mind not only violates our autonomy as a knight, but also opens up a lot of secrets and information we might not want him to know this early on.
>>5055938>Lower your weapons and open your mind. You’re looking to settle things peacefully and reconcile them.So they already fought their own clone attack? I guess the pillar of fire is the ruse to make them think everyone on the planet is dead
>>5055958The storyteller is someone he'll have to know about sooner or later, and knowing farren's heritage might help out as a fellow rulebreaker
>>5055938>>Lower your weapons and open your mind. You’re looking to settle things peacefully and reconcile them.
So the Terrible Glare allied with humanocentrists before, but now some force droids have set up shop here.How likely is it that the Sekret dark side power involves Glaring into the soul?
>>5056013Oh, it involves souls, alright... But oddly enough, not seeing into them, despite the name.
>>5056013>How likely is it that the Sekret dark side power involves Glaring into the soul?If you'd consider looking at Onions Green the same thing as looking at a person, then yeah, pretty likely.
>>5056090Didn't know s o y l e n t is filtered. Weird.
>>5056092The three letter word for a certain bean curd that tastes really good fried with a spicy peanut sauce and shrimp chips got put on the filter list back when it was popular to throw around s o y b o i at jannies like it was gonna go out of style.Fuck, now I want some gado-gado...
>>5055938>Lower your weapons and open your mind. You’re looking to settle things peacefully and reconcile them
>>5055938>Lower your weapons and open your mind.Words are wind, only actions truly speak.
>>5055942>>5055954>>5055958>>5055981>>5055995>>5056083>>5056135>>5056338>>5056344>>5056483>>You have become closer to the Light Side of the Force.>>You have gained 5 Light Side points, putting your alignment at 165 (Light).“Stand down,” you order, deactivating your lightsabers. “All of you, that’s an order.”Elba looks like he might protest, but the wookiee nods begrudgingly, and powers down his scatterblaster. In a similar vein, B-33 and Ceyla deactivate their respective weapons, sheathing or otherwise holstering them at their hips. The SupTac droid remains impassive, but you can hear the soft whir of its eyes as it collects data on the Iron Knights. Your padawan, on the other hand, has her doubts.“Master…?” she asks nervously.“We aren’t looking for a fight,” you say just as much to yourself as you do to her and Aqinos. The Iron Knights remain at the ready, utterly unfazed by your disarming. Jumpy bastards. “I open my thoughts to you so that you might see the truth.“But don’t overstay your welcome,” you warn him, “Or go digging around for treasures. I’ve got my own secrets that need to be kept safe.”“Such as where you knew how you found us?” the Sunesi quips dryly. But before you can answer, he waves you off, walking towards you. Aqinos is at least half a head shorter than you, but his inscrutable gaze makes up for any physical differences. Least of all his presence in the Living Force.“If you are what you say you are,” he says calmly, “Then you have nothing to worry about. I’m not looking to tear secrets out of your head as much as I wish to see the light of your soul…and perhaps early and recent memories.”You try your best to smile behind the oxygen mask. It doesn’t work nearly as well as you’d like, so you settle for adding iron into your voice. “You might want to take a seat. The last few months haven’t been exactly good to me.”For the first time, the wizened master almost seems to laugh, albeit darkly. “And I as well.”The Sunesi extends his hands, placing them on either side of your head. His eyes close, and you can feel the light of the crystals and of the Iron Knights’ weapons recede into the background. A presence brushes against your mind, and finding no barrier, gently intrudes upon your thoughts. It is utterly alien in its thoughts and mannerisms, but so very familiar through the Force.Do not move, the disembodied voice of Aqinos says, Now, then…show me who you are…Farren Gaelle!True to his word, the Sunesi doesn’t tear secrets out of your head or otherwise invade your privacy. What he sees, you also see, memories from your perspective. The earliest years of your life in the Jedi Temple, running through its halls with the Salamander Clan…pranking the other younglings with Torok and Kristen…(cont.)
You sense approval, then acceptance of what you are when viewing the memory of Master Larid taking you as his padawan.You _ARE_ a Jedi, but more than that…a Shadow...And I sense in you mercy, fairness, justice and a compassion for all life…In a similar vein, you gain a deeper understanding of the spurned Jedi. Beneath the iron edge and the caustic attitude, there is warmth, and the pride that is only known to teachers. You yourself have begun to feel some of that, but not so nearly as profound as Aqinos. Many have come to call him ‘master’, both inorganic shard and carbon-based life alike.The gaze he had directed towards B-33 was that of wonder and possibility.Yet Aqinos isn’t finished. The vista of your life careens wildly as the master skims across thirteen years’ worth of memories. He stops on a planet in the Mid Rim, on a chapterhouse of the Jedi. You’d only just been woken up by a prank by the younglings, and were about to go eat breakfast with Master Larid…Where were you when the galaxy as we knew it came to an end?You already know how the memory plays out. But you actively block out any coordinates or astrogation devices. All Aqinos sees is hazy static, and a warning to not intrude. Through your connection, you sense a mild annoyance, but it’s one that he accepts and moves on. These are secrets that he will respect, for now.He skims over the Mylar Star Uprising, pausing only to double-take at what had befallen Kristen. Then the fight with the Revenant, and is horrified to behold what you saw in the vortex of the Dark Side inhabiting her soul. His surprise and shock reach a fever pitch upon your confrontation with the Herald of Jombaral, and the Children of the False Mother.The Sunesi pulls his hands away, and withdraws his mind from your own. You begin to shiver at the absence of contact, as if someone had doused a bucket of cold water over your head. Aqinos makes no movement as your party starts, hands reflexively going for blasters and lightsaber. The Iron Knights move threateningly, but a webbed hand brings them to a halt. “What in the Maker’s name was that?” the Sunesi demands.“…which one?” you mutter softly, shuddering as you flex the warmth and blood back into your limbs. Then, in a voice that only the two of you could hear, you ask: “The tree monster…or the Pureblood Sith spirit?”Aqinos is silent, and doesn’t answer immediately. The lobes on his head twitch as his brow furrows in deep contemplation. Then, he turns to the assembled Iron Knights, and bids for them to stand down.“…this one speaks the truth,” he proclaims, “They are not just Jedi, but distant friends come calling to make sure we’re alright. Bring your brothers and sisters down from their posts. We will continue repairs in the ‘neath.”(cont.)
“Yes, master!”The Iron Knights obey. As one, they sheathe their weapons and sprint to their alcoves. With the delicate tenderness of doctors or healers, they remove their fellow Knights, decoupling them from repair bays and mounts to bear them out of the cathedral. A handful linger to swipe toolboxes and other mechanical accoutrements, quickly leaving the crew of the Albatross alone with the Sunesi master.Aqinos beckons beyond the pillars, saying, “Follow me, Farren Gaelle. They are admittedly a poor man’s quarters, but my disciples have managed to restore parts of the base for organic habitation. If you have any remaining crewmembers in that ship of yours, I will send some Knights to escort them here…”Suzel, S-19 and Trykov-A cold bead of sweat runs down the small of your back as you only now realize that he didn’t finish the memory where the Clones said they’d ditched the Empire…>>Line BreakThousands of years of rock and shifting tectonic plates haven’t done the Republic base any favors. But it seems that the Iron Knights had spent the better part of their habitation fixing what they could, just enough for no more than fifty or a hundred souls. They had salvaged what wasn’t usable, repurposing much of the structure into an airtight vault. A starship reactor had since been repurposed to break down water into oxygen and hydrogen, allowing for both power and livability this high above sea level.Only Elba has more palpable relief of taking his mask off as the bulkhead seals shut, shaking his unruly mane loose with a satisfied roar. You and Ceyla, however, are more than eager to ditch at least ten pounds’ worth of extra clothing and the heavy oxygen tanks, shucking them off to dry by the entrance to the bunker.“A chaotic mess” would be the most accurate way to describe the base. A generous portion of it’s been marked off-limits, and construction tools lie scattered along walls and corridor corners. While you aren’t about to trip over a stray plasma torch or brush up against an exposed wire, you still keep a sharp eye out. And motion for Ceyla not to touch anything.Master Aqinos leads you into what you suspect to be a makeshift kitchen. The Sunesi hums as he sets a kettle on a stove, then gently extracts MREs from one out of dozens of similarly-marked crates. One for each of you, and the other organic members of the Albatross, whenever they get here.“I don’t suppose that you’ve brought any Jawa Juice with you?” he says as he pours you, Ceyla and Elba cups of tea. “There are only a handful of things that I’ve come to miss since my self-imposed exile from the Republic, but that drink was one of them.”“I’m afraid not,” you answer.“Blast. I’d wrestle Old Archie for a decent stout.” At the confused looks, he elaborates, “Archie’s the nickname my disciples have given to the Dweemon Queen.”(cont.)
Ceyla snorts, nearly blowing her tea through her nostrils. As you pound her back before it can go down the wrong pipe, HK-82 asks, “Query: what is a Dweemon?”“Our neighbors on this otherwise inhospitable rock. The sypder off-shoots that welcomed your entrance. Archie makes her nest a little further up, at nearly 9,000 meters, but her children come scurrying down the mountain every so often in search of food. They’ve evolved to survive off the bitter fruit that grows at 5,000 meters, but they’ve got an appetite for organic flesh all the same, no differently than their gargantuan mother.”He sips his tea, ignorant or perhaps ignoring the horrified looks sent his way. But he downs two cups, reaching for a third before he speaks again: “You must have many questions, Farren. I will try to answer them as best I can; I owe you that much as you acquiesced to my demands.”>>What questions will you ask Master Aqinos?>Custom option. [Write-in][VOTE OPEN FOR TWELVE HOURS]
>>5056885>We saw the sigil of the Order of the Terrible Glare on the walls when we came in. Why did you choose to settle here, in the old fortress of Dark Side schismatics? You may lead the Knights, but you're still a Jedi, Altisian or otherwise. If we don't know he's an Altisian or of the Altisians in general, just chop the last bit off at the "but."
>>5056890Or the "Altisian," rather. Probably should turn in if I'm making mistakes like that.
>>5056885Okay, I've got a doozy of a list...>Can you give me a basic rundown on how you and the Iron Knights escaped Order 66?>When they were being accosted by their clones, did your students notice anything odd about how they acted when the Order was given? Things like hesitation while aiming at them, repeating things like "Good soldiers follow orders", loss of coordination and susceptibility to orders from non-jedi military officers?>Do you have your own means of transport, or were you dropped off here by allies?>Assuming we find any other Jedi or force sensitives, would you be willing to help hide a few of them, provided they're willing to help you and your students, and won't have conniptions about who can and can't be force sensitive?>Do you know anything about a bright spot we saw in the middle of the frozen sea, and whose hypermatter exhaust that was we detected?>If you're found out here on Dweem and have to escape, would you wish to have our location, provided you attempt your best to lose any pursuers? Fair is fair, considering Master Larid writing down your location and all...>Are the Altisians safe? If I were to attempt to locate them, what should I know about contacting them safely and quietly?>Finally, my student is skilled in foresight, but I'm not as learned about it, save for the visions of the Dark Jedi and seeing through The Herald's memories. Can you help teach us to see through the Force without us harming ourselves?>>5056890 too
>>5056885support >>5056890Not really suspecting them, but there's no other way to bring it up since Farren doesn't have wiki information.Could they transfer Kristen's life force into a crystal, so she's at least conscious? Possibly even get an Iron Knight body? I presume that direction is why the Iron Knights are here, anyway.>Was this place attacked, or did you move in just recently?>I'm surprised you took more interest in B-33 than HK over there. Though I suppose more than half the crew here has a story to tell.Kinda stuck. A lot of what we're doing is just sharing information and perhaps swapping goods. We don't necessarily want to bring them to base, either. Just confirming one more ally is plenty.
>>5056885>>5056897Oh, and...>Those... Dweemons, you call them... Have you got enough rations to last you? Because I would hate to think if you had to start eating them for survival?
>>5056897>>When they were being accosted by their clones, did your students notice anything odd about how they acted when the Order was given? Things like hesitation while aiming at them, repeating things like "Good soldiers follow orders", loss of coordination and susceptibility to orders from non-jedi military officers?Kaz isn't doing inhibitor chips.
>>5056909I know. Scrapper Squad exhibited some of those symptoms when the Herald tried to get them to kill us.
>>5056898Uh…well, I’ll tell you right now that thought hadn’t crossed my mind, though I can see how that might work. You’re more than welcome to ask. But if you know of the Terrible Glare’s unique power, then that’s a significantly Dark Side power, no matter how you slice or use it. Although not to spoil much, but there’s a planet on the list I gave you that has a specialist in applied biomedical engineering and virology.
>>5056958>spoilerThis individual wouldn't happen to speak in a comically exaggerated German accent, would he?
>>5056897>>5056899Gah, I just thought of two more while I was at work...>In your own opinion, do you have any students who you think might be willing and able to take on a Padawan learner?>My companion B-33 has shown interest in learning the art of lightsaber combat, enough to bribe me with pancakes. Would it be alright if he joined in on any training sessions?
>>5057313I like these two!
>>5056885>In your own opinion, do you have any students who you think might be willing and able to take on a Padawan learner?>My companion B-33 has shown interest in learning the art of lightsaber combat, enough to bribe me with pancakes. Would it be alright if he joined in on any training sessions?
>>5056958considering how common the search for immortality is, I guess the only reason this hasn't already been tried is because there's an inherent step of entrusting your powerless soul in the hands of someone who could torture you for eternity.I'm really tempted, but I don't think anyone in the current cast would actually want to try.
Guh, sorry for the delay. I just submitted the last final project and ended the quarter. Brain hurts, but now, I'm getting to finishing the update. Gonna do this, an interlude, and then a few activity votes, because it looks like you're gonna be staying with the Iron Knights for a few days.
>>5059225Hey, it's fine. This is quality that's worth waiting for, and RL stuff comes before this, we get it. Hope your head feels better soon.
>>5056890>>5056897>>5056898>>5056899>>5057843>>“We saw the sigil of the Order of the Terrible Glare on the walls when we came in. Why did you choose to settle here, in the old fortress of Dark Side schismatics? You may lead the Iron Knights, but you’re still a Jedi.”Aqinos blinks. But he doesn’t seem to be offended. If anything, he’s surprised. “The Terrible Glare…for someone so young and only recently a Knight, how would you…? Ah, of course! You are Jedi Shadow.” He pauses, peering at Ceyla, starts at the attention. “…as is your padawan.”“She sits here with my full confidence,” you say flatly. “As do all of my compatriots.”“Truly?” The Sunesi regards Elba, who growls at the amphibian. Aqinos merely smiles. “Troubled times, these truly are, to involve non-Jedi in these kinds of dealings. But very well. I will speak plainly.“I chose Dweem as our little sanctuary because it was remote and otherwise uninhabitable by most species, mine own included. No-one comes here, not even to harvest ice. There are dozens of far more hospitable planets to do so, even though the atmosphere is breathable. It would take an enormous venture to settle the planet for colonization, even without the consideration for the astronomical cost for terraforming.“But this base did not always belong to the Terrible Glare,” he says, rapping his knuckles against the bunker’s walls. “Ten thousand years ago, it belonged to the Republic. Dweem was a pit stop of sorts, a go-between the Outer Rim and the Mid Rim that just barely skirts around Hutt Space. Schematics of the bunker point to a hangar at around 7,800 meters, but it’s buried under Force knows how many tons of rubble. Even with the Force, it would take me and my Knights a hundred years to clear it out.“That, of course, all came to an end when the Terrible Glare took this place. The base fell out of disuse, and much of its functions were deliberately sabotaged to prevent them to be turned against the Republic. To the point where I’m fairly certain that a significant portion of the damage was done intentionally, as opposed to natural disasters.”“I don’t think that stopped the Glare from…decorating,” you point out. “And I’m not just talking about defacing Bendu symbols.”Aqinos chortles dryly, a warbling sound in his throat. “True, but that cathedral was more for theater than any real Dark Side rituals. I wouldn’t have settled in the base if I even detected the smallest amount of Dark Side activity.”For all intents and purposes, you get the feeling that he’s telling the truth. “Alright, sure. Fair enough. But even in the bunker, you had to have found something that gave you second thoughts.” (cont.)
He huffs, as if uncertain to be amused or annoyed at your questioning. “If you’re looking for treasures or relics, then you’ll be disappointed. The Glare kept most of their information on scrolls and physical mediums. I found evidence of lightsaber workshops, but no lighstabers or crystals. More than enough rotted rations and foodstuffs. What little evidence my disciples salvaged from terminal entries suggests that they were in a very quick hurry to leave.“Although,” he opines, bringing a webbed finger to his chin, “There was one other mention that I saw in the Glare’s records. Higher up on the mountain, at around 9,000 meters, the senior-most and eldest members of the Glare repurposed a hollowed-out cave for use in their rituals. They called it ‘Nekelmu Asar’, the Eye Atop the World. If anything of the Glare survived the ravages of time, then they would be there. My Iron Knights and I only settled in their home, not their central place of worship.”The butterflies of evil flutter in your stomach, and your hand clenches into a fist. A temple constructed by renegade Jedi and Dark Side schismatics, here on Dweem! Aqinos certainly took his time to mention that! But Ceyla’s the one who voices an uneasy thought: “…uh…didn’t you mention earlier that the Dweemons make their nest at 9,000 meters? So does that mean...?”Aqinos nods gravely. “Correct, young one. Originally, we settled the bunker to monitor the Dweemons for any sign of Dark Side taint, now to hide from the Empire and the Sith. But, to digress, in the years since my censure, I haven’t seen anything, be it in visions or in actual corruption from the spawnlings that get too close to our base.”Before you can speak the critical question, HK-82 beats you to the punch. “Query: have you ever been to Nekelmu Asar?”He doesn’t immediately answer, closing his eyes and sighing deeply. “Once. In a foolish bid to prove themselves, a handful of my disciples used bait to draw as many of the spyders as they could to test their lightsaber skills. They, as your owner and I would say, bit off more than they could chew. The sypders bore their bodies up to the summit, and I was forced to chase after them in a ramshackle speeder bike.”The Sunesi pauses, pouring himself a generous portion of tea. “I never made it further than the threshold when I intercepted the Dweemons and recovered my disciples. Most of the iconography in the little cathedral, we covered up with formulae and schematics. Not so much with the ruins I saw there…eyes carved into the walls, the floors, eyes made out of stalactites…eyes that seemed to follow me, even as I bore by disciples down away from the mountain’s peak.”Ceyla shivers, and Elba grunts uneasily as a chill seems to take hold of the room. Something must have shown on your face, because Aqinos sddenly frowns, regarding you with a cool glare. “I would strongly advise journeying up to the summit.”(cont.)
“Why?” you demand.“It’s dangerous, for one thing. Even with a spaceship to get you up there. One wrong move could trigger an avalanche to bury our exit point for months. I’m not a Shadow, but I truly do sympathize with the desire to uncover and destroy the secrets of the Dark Side. However, your time would be better spent elsewhere.”Your eyes narrow. “I can’t think of any other way for a Shadow to spend his time than by investigating a temple of the Terrible Glare.”“The Dweemons are just as much the guardians of Nekelmu Asar as much as my disciples and I are. If Archie or her children haven’t been corrupted by the Dark Side, then you’d only be wasting your talent as a Shadow on a mere pest control mission in clearing them out. Monstrous creatures they most certainly are, but they aren’t any different from animals who know not of right and wrong.”>>How did you and the Iron Knights escape Order 66?Aqinos’ eyes darken. “…we were being rotated out. A group of my disciples needed repairs and a lengthy sabbatical to reflect and meditate upon their experiences. Fourteen Clones accompanied us from the battlefront. Fourteen Clones tried to murder me and my disciples in the middle of a hyperspace jump.”And it appears to not have succeeded. If the damage on the Iron Knights was anything to go by, then they managed to escape comparatively easy. But he isn’t finished. “My disciple Opila was in charge of the relief who replaced us, and had been recently promoted to the rank of High Marshal. A full detachment of Clone Troopers had been marshalled to reinforce a battlefront bordering Hutt Space and the Outer Rim. Opila and her brothers and sisters…they were being deployed via orbital drop-pods when the order was given…I felt their deaths in the Force, even among the thousands of my brothers and sisters.”He is unable to finish, letting the words fade away to nothing as he drains the rest of his cup. Elba emits a low, mournful roar, and Ceyla doesn’t even bother hiding her tears or muffling her sniffles.“I’m sorry,” you offer sincerely.Aqinos sighs heavily. “Thank you. Of my original disciples, five are dead. Two lost in the flames of war, three to betrayal by the Clones. Five more have been raised to replace them, but they are still in the middle of their training.”>Do you have your own means of transport, or were you dropped off here by your allies?“The bunker’s hanger is currently defunct, but we have the means to escape the planet should it be necessary.">>Assuming we find any other Jedi or Force Sensitives, would you be willing to hide a few of them, provided they’re willing to help you and your students, and won’t have conniptions about who can be Force-sensitive?“…that is not a question that I can answer immediately,” the Sunesi ventures, his mouth a flat line and brow affixed in a neutral frown. “I will have to mediate upon it.”(cont.)
>>Did you or any of your students notice anything strange about the Clones?He regards you with a flat look. “They were trying to kill me. When that failed, they tried to overload the reactor core to blow us across a dozen star systems.”“Just…hear me out,” you ask, holding your hands up in a placating gesture. “Were they acting strange, like…loss of coordination, muttering nothing or susceptibility from non-Jedi officers?”The Sunesi thinks on it, answering: “Beyond them turning traitor and deciding to kill us? They didn’t answer to anything or demands to stop. Their commanding officer only offered an emotionless apology saying that killing us was ‘nothing personal.’”>>If you’re ever found on Dweem and have to escape, would you like to have our location, provided you attempt your best to lose any pursuers? Fair’s far, seeing as Master Larid wrote down your location.“…I would have to think on it,” he remarks, “But I can already tell you that I’m leaning towards knowing. A Jedi can never have too many friends in high or low places.” >>Are the Altisian Jedi safe? If I were to attempt to locate them, what should I know about contacting them safely and quietly?He seems to be taken aback that you know about the Altisian Jedi. But his surprise lasts only for a handful of seconds, and he composes himself quickly enough. “I don’t know the specifics, but they should be safe. That mobile Jedi Paraxeum of theirs was always quick on its feet, and damned near hard to blast out of the sky.”“How can you be sure that they’re safe?” you ask.Aqinos taps a nearby datapad. “Master Altis personally sent me a message asking if I was alright. I wouldn’t call us friends, but prior to my calling with the Iron Knights, I spent a handful of years aboard his ship, teaching the students that came to us.“Getting you into contact with them…that’s an entirely different story.”“Couldn’t you just send them a message?” asks Ceyla. “Like what with Master Altis did?”He shakes his head. “No. It was one-way only. Digging into the metadata, it would send Altis a signal upon the message being read. That’s how he knows I’m alive. He knows better than to risk two-way communication or try to seek me out.“That being said…I know that they were last seen on Bespin. I think that they were going to stay for a while to see if any Jedi came calling, but I wouldn’t hold my breath to hope that they’re still there. That being said, you might be able to find a lead. Altis said that if I decided to join up with him, he'd leave clues behind for me to follow.”Bespin. It matches up with what Masters Kosa, Larid and Aure had to say about the Altisian Jedi. You make a mental note to file the gas giant as a definitive lead on your wayward kindred.(cont.)
>>My student is skilled in Foresight and Sense-type abilities, but I’m not nearly as learned about it, save for visions of the Dark Jedi and seeing through the Herald’s memories. Can you help teach us to see through the Force without us harming ourselves?Ceyla straightens up at the edge of her seat, and pays very close attention to the way Master Aqinos ponders the question. Eventually, he says, “Admittedly, my abilities in the Force lie more towards Control, but I have enough rudimentary skills to give the two of you some direction.”Your padawan tries to hide her grin and excitement. Hard to, when she pumped her fist in a very visible, energetic gesture.>>Have you got enough rations to last? I’d hate to think that you’d have to start eating Dweemons for survival.The Sunesi smiles. “The concern is appreciated, but I should have enough rations to last for several years should I be the sole organic upon this world. Beyond intermittent fasting through the Force, there’s a small room in the bunker I’m using for hydroponics, and the equator’s sparse vegetation should suffice. It will have to be a truly distressing situation for me to consider looking at a Dweemon and considering the option of either salt or pepper.”>>In your own opinion, do you have any students who you think might be willing and able to take on a Padawan learner?He thinks upon it. “I have at least one, perhaps three more capable of taking on a padawan in a traditional sense of the word. Do you happen to have a padawan ready for them? And would they have to depart to wherever it is you’re holed up?”“…yes,” you answer truthfully.“…I would be very reluctant to allow any of my disciples to leave Dweem, even for such a request.”>>My companion B-33 has shown an interest in learning the art of lightsaber combat, enough to bribe me with pancakes. Would it be alright if he joined in on any training sessions?He sees no problem, and turns another keen, appraising eye towards the SupTac droid.With no more immediate questions, and a far more friendly Aqinos, you now decide to break the ice regarding Trykov. “Master Aqinos, what’s your position on Clones?”He frowns, perplexed. “Why do you ask?”"Ah...hear me out...”>>For the next three days, what did Farren do with the Iron Knights?>>Please select three (3) of the following activities:>Aid the Knights in excavating some of the bunker.>Consult one of your Jedi Holocrons for knowledge and wisdom.>Further hone and develop your Force powers with Master Aqinos.>Gather a small group and lead an expedition to Nekelmu Asar. [SEVERE RISK]>Spar with the Iron Knights to hone your Lightsaber skills.>Work on improving some of your non-Shadow skills.>Custom option. [Write-in]>>Normally, I would ask for a vote for Ceyla’s development, but it seems that she’ll be focused most on getting her Foresight powers under control.[VOTE OPEN FOR TEN HOURS]
I'll be leaving grad school to catch a plane ride back home tonight. This is gonna be the last post that I'm posting from this IP since I'm leaving my desktop with a friend who's staying. Please don't worry if my ID changes when I post for the rest of the thread.
>>5059713>Further hone and develop your Force powers with Master Aqinos.>Aid the Knights in excavating some of the bunker.>Consult one of your Jedi Holocrons for knowledge and wisdom.If these options weren't so important, I'd suggest building a still for Master Aqinos to try making his own bootleg Jawa Juice. Maybe we could've called it Spyder Spit...>>5059715Enjoy your trip back home!
>>5059713>Spar with the Iron Knights to hone your Lightsaber skills.>Further hone and develop your Force powers with Master Aqinos.>Aid the Knights in excavating some of the bunker.