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Your name is Elise. Elise Martins. And, to put it simply, you are not normal.

What you are is a mutant— one of the many few in Konigsburg who possess strange and unnatural abilities due to the explosion of FutureLabs’ particle accelerator.

You have two brothers, Matt and John, but it's only Matt who knows of your powers. Neither of them are mutants. However, you’ve also made a friend, Bernard, who happens to be a mutant himself.

Together, the three of you operate under the title of the M-Guard, saving mutants from the ever-encroaching hands of FutureLabs while also working to shut the organization down for good.
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>Recap (one-handed and drunk edition):
>You tried to master your Berserker mode
>Rolls were dope and we did it for the most part
>We also found out why Julia is a fuccccing dumbass
>Apparently it's not her fault-- her hippocampus is literally a rock!!!
>We get Matt to install security system in the warehouse so we can all sleep again
>Jawn does a nope
>Jawn wat r u doing
>Jawn stahp
>Later we go to the Huber conference and make epic speech
>tfw Huber's probably arrested
>We have a meaningful talk with Bernard
>He admits he wants to go to college and claim his rightful place on the throne of Huber Enterprises
>atticus charles status = pissed
>konigsburg citizenry status = pissed
>also there's some weirdo bothering us in our sleep
>he's apparently on drugs
>got so high he can't even remember his name
>said drugs were taken against his will. Dude is likely a prisoner of FutureLabs

>Relevant stuff to do:
>Find the healer mutant
>Get the data/footage you have out to the public
(>Primary plan: Break into a news station)
(>Backup plan: None as of yet)
>Figure out how to convince Pharos to wake up all of the coma patients
>Save Conduit
>Get stronger!!!
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Previous Threads:

About/Character Lists/Konigsburg Worldbuilding & Fake Science (Under Construction):


QM Twitter for updates:


Change in dice mechanics:
>Bo3 unless otherwise noted
>Battle rolls for NPCs depend on circumstances

"A healer mutant?"

"Yes, a healer mutant." The phrase is immediately repeated. "Wasn't officially Crux, but she did do a lot of work for us. She's also the reason why this idiot's leg was restored to full functionality. No other way he'd be walking the way he is now." Valjean remarks while lounging on a stray crate.

"This true, B?" You inquire, turning to your friend, who perks up at the mention of his nickname.

"Ah, yeah." He affirms, looking a little sheepish. "Found her the day before we started our official trainin' if you can believe that. Took me forever to find her, but she was definitely paranoid after what jerkface and his bastards did at Kastan. And I'm talkin' really paranoid."

"Don't forget, Bernard, you were a part of those bastards too." Valjean reminds him, causing the blonde to glare before quickly recovering himself.

"Well I'm glad I found her cause it probably would've taken me a lot longer to get healed, you know?" He says, pointedly ignoring Valjean. "Wasn't cheap either-- had to give her every last ounce of my pocket change to get that stupid leg healed."

"Oof." Matt says intelligently, looking a little guilty at that. Well, he was the one who broke the blonde's leg in the first place, you think, though Matt's voice is quick to break you from your thoughts. "If she's as paranoid as Bernard says he is, then how do we know she'll be in one place? Or even still be operating period?" The question is directed towards Valjean, and, truth be told, you were wondering that exact same thing.

"Simple. We don't." That's Valjean's quick response. "But when I had more men at my side it was fairly easy to pin down her location." He pauses for a moment. "Second, she seemed to love money, and, judging by her type of personality and amount of cash she'd been raking in with us, I have a hunch that she would've wanted to continue her business ventures elsewhere even after the Crux got disbanded."

"She definitely wouldn't step foot in Ville de Rien or any of the ghettos near the Bodensee Wharf..." Valjean trails off, his eyes becoming lost in thought. Those were both places he'd been nearly caught by Futurelabs in, you think, remembering those experiences as if they'd happened yesterday. More specifically, the Bodensee Wharf had been where the Crux's old warehouse was, while Ville de Rien was the ghetto where Valjean had been camping out in and, subsequently, the place where you saved his sorry ass. Nonetheless, the former Crux leader continues.

first, glowfish 4evah
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"Nacht Haven currently has the most violent crime per citizen and the least amount of arrests, mutant or otherwise, so, if I were a lone mutant who wanted to make a lot of cash off of said crime, I would hunker myself down somewhere there. If not there, then either Downtown or Rottsville, but, once you find her, the healing process is rather quick-- or so I've been told."

Matt nods, accepting the former Crux leader's analysis, while the look on Bernard's face is indiscernible. Despite it being obvious that Valjean wants his leg to be healed, you wonder if it's really worth it to seek out a healer mutant who may or may not exist; on the other hand, even if you have to pay a pretty penny for her services, a healer mutant could come in real handy if you knew how and where to find her.

>What do you do?
>Why wait to find her? A healer mutant could prove a useful ally-- let's go tonight!!!
>Eh. Seems fishy. What's the real catch here?
>Nah, we got better things to do than chase around a supposed healer mutant. Places to go, people to see, you know?

If you do decide to go, you already know that Bernard IS a must, but is there anyone else you'd wanna drag along for the ride?

>Matt-- your master planner and OG partner-in-crime (no nepotism here, folks!)
>Valjean-- he seems to know more than a thing or two about Konigsburg's backalleys and slums.
>Julia-- she probably still doesn't trust you all-that much, but you can't deny her strength.
>No one. Just you and B.

First and last update for the night boys-- bicep's still injured (fucking doctor cancelled my appointment), but that doesn't mean I won't update. Just means my speed might not be up to par. In any case, let's get this show on the road, boys!!!
>Eh. Seems fishy. What's the real catch here?

Can't resist the pun. Also welcome back, man! Glad to finally see ya on the catalogue again!
>>Why wait to find her? A healer mutant could prove a useful ally-- let's go tonight!!!
>No one. Just you and B.
>>Eh. Seems fishy. What's the real catch here?
>No one. Just you and B.

Top kek. I knew you guys would not be able to resist that epic pun. Writing.

On a side note, i think i will be able to manage at least two updates a day.

And just in case the quality of the pics takes a dip, it's me mum's fault. She still thinks I'm sus Apparently getting me to burn that autism tome was not enough.

forgot my trip.
>She still thinks I'm sus Apparently getting me to burn that autism tome was not enough.
Wait, what happened ?
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Well she just still is under the impression that I'm dRaWiNg dEmOnS again. Which is only half-true cause the only thing I'm doing is just DRAWING drawings to acquire hypothetical XP. kek.

considering switching back to digital just to save myself the headache of having to a) destroy every new drawing I make b) do the mad paper-scramble each time someone crosses my line of vision.
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With Valjean's ongoing insistence about this whole healer-mutant thing, you can't help but be slightly on-guard, which is why you find yourself asking. "What's the real catch here?"

At that, Valjean raises a brow. "Why when I say something, do you always assume I'm up to no good?"

"Because you brainwashed several-hundred people into becoming terrorists and put at least five-hundred more into comas." Matt quickly returns.

"Touche, mister-midget." Valjean acquiesces. "But I think it's already obvious as to why I'd like to see the healer mutant." He makes a motion to his broken leg before his face grows more serious. "First, I don't want to be crippled if I can help it, but another thing I wanted to know is if she could perhaps heal Julia. Unfortunately, we don't have access to X-rays, medical treatment, etcetera-- nothing we can use right now to actually ascertain what's causing her amnesia, whether or not it's temporary or long-term, and how it can be fixed." He trails off, and you purse your lips as you think about the fact that half of Julia's brain is literally a stone.

But who knows? Even if there's a chance that her brain can be healed, you think it'd still be worth a shot.

"Hey guys, hear me out--" Bernard's voice suddenly pipes up. "Would it be a bad idea if we could get the jackass to use his powers on the healer?"


"You know, so we don't have to pay as much money." He clarifies.

"Bernard." Matt says. Like the other teen isn't the heir to a multi-billion dollar company.

"Stickface." Bernard huffs. "Do you not know what kind of jobs I worked to pay for that? You know what kind of odd jobs I had to do to even get the small amount of money I had?"

"The kind of jobs I'm thinking..." A trollish smirk grows on Matt's face, to which he receives a punch on the shoulder.

"No! I was a dock-worker and a garbage-man, not a frickin' prostitute!" Matt raises a brow in mock-disbelief, earning an additional elbow that he deftly dodges.

"Not saying I wouldn't," Valjean interrupts the ongoing conversation. "But if she charges extra I wouldn't be so opposed to a bit of coercion..." The former Crux leader is actually considering Bernard's idea.

"Well there's not going to be any coercion happening unless we find her, which is why we're going to make it quick and simple." You declare to the warehouse's listening occupants. "What I mean is it'll probably just be Bernard and I." You add, because that honestly seems like the most efficient way to go about this whole thing. That is, if you're actually going to do it.

The question is, are you really, really serious about this whole thing?

>Yeah let's do this!
>Nah this is still sus.
>Yeah let's do this!
>Write-in: "We'll table the freaky mind control discussion until we actually track this person down. No sense arguing about it now!"

You have my sympathies, QM. Sounds annoying as hell for a growing artist.
>I'm dRaWiNg dEmOnS again.
bruh, is she super religious or something ? she didn't believe you when you said it was for a mutant super hero quest ?
>Yeah let's do this!

I am religious myself, and I love my mum to death— but think at this point it’s the boomer irrationality kicking in again. I honestly think that boomers in their nature have a difficult time accepting ideas that are “novel,” “new,” or “outlandish,” especially people with deficits of certain cognitive functions, but whatever. I’m not gonna live my life not being able to illustrate the characters that have been in my head for years.

Also It’s not like I’m fuckibg drawing traps or porn or shit or even anything that remotely violates the Catechism. And like I said on the qtg, no priest would actually give a shit if I were drawing anime characters unless it WERE for pornographic purposes. Half of medieval religious art was drawn with its figures in the buff, but also it should be noted that those works were made by Euros and desu Euros seem to have a more pragmatic view of nudity than Americans.

>tell her it’s for the online equivalent of a ttrpg

I did say it was for a “drawing game” initially and was no more specific than that so as to salvage my final shred of dignity, but I honestly think that changed nothing.

Apologies for the non-update-related longpost, brothers. Next update should be out tonight.
>Also It’s not like I’m fuckibg drawing traps or porn or shit or even anything that remotely violates the Catechism.
Oh you’re catholic, interesting. Anyway hope she comes to understand it.
>>Yeah let's do this!
>>Yeah let's do this!
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Posting your autism tome in public is based and redpilled and I admire your guts. I come to pay tribute. nice Charlotte btw
>yeah lets do this!

boomers will be boomers, it's a waste of time trying to reason with them.

i love this so fucking much it's unreal.

And to be honest I only had a faint recollection of actually posting the Autism Tome, much like being in a waking dream. Probably would've posted it regardless of my sobriety at the time.


Let's do this!!! Writing!!!
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It is increasingly difficult to find a reason to why you're not going out and finding the healer mutant right now, which is why you think you're pretty much sold on the whole thing.

"We'll table the freaky mind control discussion until we actually track this person down. No sense arguing about it now!" You say, hoping that the healer mutant's inclination to money won't be too much of an issue in the grand scheme of things.

"So... roadtrip?" Bernard asks.

"Yeah." And, as you respond to the blonde yet another question comes to mind: "How exactly do we know where to find her in the ghettos?"

"Well, from what I remember, she actually did have some medical experience on her cause she seemed to really know her stuff." Bernard tells you.

"So our best bet would be somewhere like a pharmacy, an urgent-care center, or somewhere along those lines." You conclude, nodding to yourself. "Anything else that was notable about her appearance? Any special mutant features that you remember?"

"Ah. Yeah." Bernard has to take a second to think about your question. "Pretty sure her power was like a light-bluish, purple kind of energy, and, as for her appearance, she was always wearin' a mask or somethin' to cover her face." You take note of those things.

"Yo-- guys!" Matt interrupts, tossing you a small something, which you realize are brand-new looking comms once you catch them "Take the comms in case, anyways guys. Gangs have been fucking hyped ever since we shit on Atticus Charles on live television."

"Gangs, shmangs." Bernard waves him off. "Gangs haven't been a real issue since mutants became a thing."

"But they were and still are in every surrounding major city." Matt reminds him. "This is the kind of mindset that gets you fucked, B."

"Just gimme the comm, stick." The blonde then retrieves his own comm." But I'm honestly not too worried cause the jerk was the one who chased them out."

"Wait what?" You find yourself a mixture of surprised and confused.

"Yeah, and, even though the Crux was basically more of a terrorist group than a gang, I honestly I think that cleanin' up Konigsburg was the only good thing the Crux actually did."

"You would think if Valjean was smarter he would've wanted to join forces with them..." Matt trails off, brown eyes looking curiously at Valjean. "...And you're not a fucking dumbass, so what's the real reason you basically blew the business opportunity of a lifetime?"

"Trafficking." Valjean answers simply, crossing his arms. "More specifically, they wanted our women and DNA samples from the men, if you catch my drift." It's easy to guess what he means by that. "And, while we were promised more men to join forces with, they were going to sell them off to the highest bidders, regardless of their age."

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"So you know what we did?" Valjean asks to the three of you, grey eyes sharp like a knife. "We gave them our women and our men, and we gave them a good reminder as to who they were dealing with..." You can only imagine what the outcome of such a confrontation would look like.

"Why didn't you just use your power on them?" There is an evident hole in this whole thing. "Couldn't you have just brainwashed them into joining forces with you?" At that, Valjean looks at you like you asked a stupid question.

"I honestly would've liked that if it were at all possible, but tell me were your powers always as strong as they were?" He asks, already knowing what your answer would've been. "Anyways, if there are gangs, they either have a deathwish, are stupid, or are both, and, if you don't come back cause you got beaten by a gang, that means you and Skeletor are dumber than any gangster." Valjean finishes. "Anyways, get going so I can get my leg healed already."

Come evening, you and Bernard are already ready for a night of playing 'Where's Wally: Mutant Edition,' with your suits, comms, and all. Matt, on the other hand, is dressed down to a T-shirt and boxers and is carrying at least three boxes of pizza into the living room.

"Don't mind me at all. Just gonna binge pizza and do some calisthenics on my night off." He mutters before beginning a round of pushups. One-armed pushups, to be precise. Between reps, he says, "Don't get into any fights if you don't have to, and stick to the list of locations that I gave you earlier." Matt had made a list of pharmacies and urgent care centers in each of the possible ghettos in which the healer mutant could be located.

"Honestly, stick, I doubt we'll have to do any fightin' or anythin' like that." The teleporter is convinced that all will go smoothly. "Anyways, I think my boxin's really comin' along..." He then fires of a few, rapid strikes into the air. Despite the short amount of time the blonde has spent training, you think he's really coming into his own with it. You, meanwhile, favor a more... brutal fighting style-- one that uses lots of knees and elbows as well as your fists--and it works since you're the most hands-on of the group.

"Anyways," Bernard interrupts your thoughts. "Where are we startin' first?"

>Nacht Haven-- a frying pan within a fire within a crucible that's in yet another fire
>Rottsville-- they don't call it 'Rotts'-ville for nothing!
>Downtown-- the ghetto with the least original name
>>Nacht Haven-- a frying pan within a fire within a crucible that's in yet another fire
>Nacht Haven-- a frying pan within a fire within a crucible that's in yet another fire

We're 'NACHT' playin' around!
>Rottsville-- they don't call it 'Rotts'-ville for nothing!

We're NACHT playin' around is right! Writing!

"Let's go to Nacht Haven." You say, because it seems reasonable that the most crime-ridden place would have the most business for a mutant wanting to make a quick buck.

"Make sure to save some pizza for me, will ya, stickface?" Bernard asks, receiving an affirmative grunt. Then you're teleported onto the rooftop in what you would assume is Nacht Haven, if the dilapidated apartment buildings are any indication. If you're being completely honest, and you've see your fair-share of shit on a nightly basis, it looks no different than any of the other ghettos you've been to, the half-finished structures of red brick stretching as far as the eye can see. Beats taking a nosedive in a sewer-- that's for sure!

Focus, Elise! Focus! You have to remind yourself you're here for business. Turning to Bernard, who'd been glossing over the maps Matt had given you, you ask him. "B, how many medical centers do we have to cover here?"

"Five, six... stickface even added where the dispensaries are, but I doubt the healer's into weed and that kind of junk..."

"Hey wait," You cut off the blonde's train of thought. "How do we actually know which place has the healer mutant?" Perhaps a secret code-phrase or password, you think, your days of watching countless thriller and sci-fi movies with Matt rearing their heads.

"Well, for every location, there's a clerk, and that clerk has to let you through before actually seein' her." Bernard clarifies. "Sometimes they won't even let you through, but the chances of that are really low. That's only if they're real assholes..." He trails off, something on the ground catching his eyes, or, to be more precise, a van is moving erratically through one of the narrow city streets and is trying to pass three cars at once. Stokes' Plumbing Company is emblazoned on the side.

Guess the driving isn't the only thing about that car that's shitty...

"Ha-- look at that truck." Bernard laughs aloud because, for the amount of space in the street, the van is comically large. "You drive like that in any other part of America besides here and New York and you're sure to get slammed, but let's get healer-huntin' now, shall we?"

The first two medical centers are relatively easy to find with your night-vision and Bernard's teleportation. However, you come to find that the first two buildings are closed, and, when you go to steal a peek through the window of building number four, you'd think that the woman sitting at the front desk of the urgent care center had stared into the face of death when she caught a glimpse of your face through the window. Though, instead of reaching for a phone of anything of that sort, she pulls out a flask from no where and starts chugging like her life depends on it.


Well, you're not too disheartened cause you've only gotten halfway through the buildings on the list Matt gave you, and there are still three more to go before you decide to move on to another one of Konigsburg's numerous projects.

>Roll for encounters (Bo3)

Last update of the night! See you all tomorrow!
Rolled 60 (1d100)

Thanks for running, man--here's a d100 since I can't remember what dice we use!
Rolled 58 (1d100)


1d100-- totally forgot to specify that!
Rolled 8 (1d100)

Rolled 63 (1d100)


>Highest Roll: 60

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>Highest Roll: 60

Making a flying leap, the red cross light of building number-four is sandwiched in-between two other large buildings that look just like the ones around them, and, while everything becomes a blur as you soar through the air, your proprioception catches a sensation somewhere in your periphery, enough that you have to steal a quick glance around you in mid-air to make sure a bird's not about to crash into you.

By the time you land, Bernard is already waiting on the ground, loitering by the door, but he straightens himself up once you land. "Alrighty, fish, follow my lead. If they start screamin' bloody murder or lookin' like we killed their pet kitten, we know we've hit the wrong place. If not, then we probably and most-likely have found the guys we're lookin' for."

Just in case, you brace yourself for the possibility of someone screaming their sorry neck off, your sensitive ears prepared for the worst. Passing through the pharmacy's double doors, you're met with that sharp, sterile smell that all medical buildings are wont to have, along with a faint tinge of air-freshener. However, instead of incoherent screeching or anything else of the sort, you're met with nothing but dead silence.

Had it not been for your senses telling you otherwise, you would've thought this building was vacant, but, aside from the young-looking man at the desk-- a man who doesn't seem to care at all about the fact that two of Konigsburg's most notorious mutants are standing before him--you can sense at least two other heartbeats somewhere deeper on this floor of the building.

Like all other lab-coated people you've known, the man sports a head of disheveled hair as well as a poorly-shaved stubble, some patches of chin hair being visibly thicker than others, and the way he's staring at the two of you is starting to make for an increasingly awkward silence.

Lowering your voice to whisper, you ask the teleporter beside you, "What exactly did you say to get past the clerk?" Because that information would come in real handy right now.

"Nothin,' fish, nothin.' I just showed the last clerk my broken leg and he let me through; but this guy's not the same one." Bernard informs you, his voice also a whisper. It seems he's at as much of a loss as you at the moment.

In any case, you have to say something to this guy-- a guy who looks as interested in the two of you as one would be with a piece of used gum.

>How do you approach this?
Since the board is multo dead today, I'm gonna come back between 7-8 PM EST. See you then!
"You see, a companion of mine is in need of help"
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>CLEVER approach

Clever as we may be, the clerk is a tough cookie! I'm gonna need the best of three 1d100s to see if we can get this guy to crack!
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Rolled 49, 63 = 112 (2d100)


Neat-o! I'll be rolling the last two rolls it seems!
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Oh hey, this quest is back!

...now I feel bad I was never able to get back to mine. This is Sprout.

Anywho, I'mma roll just for funsies.
Rolled 22 (1d100)

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Oh shit homies. I didn't think I'd get anymore rolls!!

It was so tempting to trash the original update and just roll with the 95, but I'm more than halfway through. Oh well.

Also welcome back to you too, Sprout! Hope to see some more flora-filled adventures someday, but, if not, it's all good cause sometimes the QM cancel can be a real ass-pain!
Next time gib some time before rolling for yourself, m8. Seems burguer were still sleeping

>Highest Roll: 70

"We're looking to see the doctor," You start, sure that the clerk here will know which person you're referring to. "You see, a companion of mine is in need of help, and we can't get treatment for him. I'm sure you know why." You use the term 'companion' because you don't think telling this guy that your criminal hostage would go over quite as well.

A beat, and still he says nothing, the lighting of the pharmacy making it difficult to see what's going on behind those glasses of his.

Finally, he asks you, "What is the condition of the client?"

"Broken leg." You immediately return. "We also have an amnesiac." You also add, because maybe that will make this wet blanket of a clerk lend more pity to your cause.

Another few seconds pass, but, with how silent the clerk had been, it felt several minutes.

"Alright." He drones. "You can discuss it more with the boss, since I'm sure she will be adamant about you guys whisking her off. If she decides to take you, she will. If not, you two can poof yourselves back to wherever it is that you came from." Then he gets up from his seat and disappears off into where you presume the healer mutant was going to be.

"Asshole." Bernard sing-songs under his breath. "I can see why he's a clerk and not a doctor... Two words: bedside and manner."

You stifle a laugh at that because at any moment he could come back, see the two of you laughing at his expense, and then decide that the two of you are ultimately unworthy of seeing the healer mutant.

Taking the healer mutant by force seems like an increasingly viable option...

"The healer will see you now." The bespectacled man, whose nametag reads SHAW, addresses you once more in that nasally monotone of his. The two of you step forwards, and, for all intents and purposes you think you have succeeded-- that is, until he starts again, "Not you." The clerk, Shaw, points to Bernard, and you can't help but stare in befuddlement.

"Blink's my teammate, and it isn't like we're going to take her away the second we get in there." You argue. Again, the idea of taking her by force is awfully appealing.

"Yes, but he was Crux, and my boss told me to refuse access to anyone who was a member."

"Hey pal, do you not watch the Channel Five News every evenin?' I'm basically a good guy now!" The teleporter argues his cause.

"That's irrelevant, Blink." The clerk refutes, using Bernard's alias to emphasize his point. "The healer was really insistent about this rule, and, I'm betting that even if you turned over a million new leaves, she still doesn't want to be legally liable for having aided what was basically a mutant terrorist cell."

Seeing that there is no winning with what is essentially a Karen in male-form, the look on Bernard's face tells you that he's had enough of this man being a stickler, telling you. "Just get goin,' Kelpie. I'll be fine."

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As Shaw leads you forwards, you realize that he's shorter than you by at least a good two inches or more, and you wonder how short this guy would look if he were standing right next to Bernard. He'd probably tower this guy, you think, and you have to bite your lip to stifle your laughter again.

The middle-aged woman who seems to actually be a legitimate pharmacist doesn't bat an eye as you pass her by.

"Try any funny business with the healer, Kelpie, and you and your friend will have to be escorted out." OkAy MiStEr NaPoLeAn, SiR.

In lieu of making a joke at the expense of his height, you ignore the clerk and his asshole comment, mentally preparing yourself to deal with the mutant who you will have to yet again plead your case to. Can't be any worse than this Shaw guy, you think.

With how she had been standing, the healer mutant looks like she had been waiting for you, and, like the dickhead clerk, she's got the disheveled hair and the glasses schtick going for her. However, unlike said clerk, she looks more prepared to actually do her job with the various medical paraphenalia lying about the room and attached to her person.

"So Shaw told me you got a guy with a fracture AND an amnesiac?" She says in place of a greeting.

"Yep." You nod.

"Y-You gotta excuse my manners-- I just wasn't expecting the M-guard to hit this part of town at all." Curiously, you'd say she seemed a little nervous for whatever reason, perhaps for the fact that you're notorious for attracting FutureLabs-themed firing squads wherever you go. "I'd be correct in assuming they're both mutants, right?" She asks, her rounded glasses gleaming inquiringly.

"Yeah." You nod. "Why else would we be here?"

"I get your point, but I'd like to know how we're going to do this-- are you going to bring the patients to me, or were you planning to take me to them?"

"We were going to take you back to the customers." You affirm, and, at that, she stiffens, instantly telling you that she does not like that idea one bit, and her words only confirm it.

"I-I don't think that will be at all possible, Miss Kelpie." She tells you, not quite making eye-contact. "I-I'm sorry if I seem like I'm being an ass right now, but you gotta understand; I don't wanna be stuck in any jail-cell if I can help it."

And here you thought this would be easy... You frown and wonder just how the hell you're going to convince this woman that there's nothing out to get her.

Well, aside from FutureLabs of course-- but that's neither here nor there.

>What do you do?
>"You're not going to any jail-cell, miss. Promise you'll be brought back here in one piece!"
>"Are you really going to refuse some good paying customers?" Valjean said she liked money.
>Say nothing. Reach into your pockets and show off that CHEDDAR.

By the way, I forgot to mention that it's the last update of the night, kings!

Hope to be back tomorrow in the afternoon or in the evening-- I don't have a set posting schedule really, cause I suck at sticking to schedules and my sleep pattern's FUBAR. But as always, it's great to be QMing again!
>>Say nothing. Reach into your pockets and show off that CHEDDAR.
Gotta flex John's money more often now that he went villain
I thought the 3rd option was a literal cheese
>>"You're not going to any jail-cell, miss. Promise you'll be brought back here in one piece!"
>Say nothing. Reach into your pockets and show off that CHEDDAR.

I ain't no rat but I love that cheddar, and so does the healer mutant apparently. Writing... right after I finish leg day, that is!
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At a loss, you're not sure what exactly you can say to the healer mutant to make her reconsider her position. It was enough that you had to go through that stupid clerk to get to this woman, but, now that she's being just as obstinate as he was, you find yourself becoming more and more frustrated as the seconds tick by. However, it is at that moment that the proverbial lightbulb goes off in your head, and you remember the small, tightly-folded lump that has been sitting in your pockets this whole time.

The pockets on your suit are barely large enough to fit a pack of chewing gum, but what they definitely can fit is paper. Money.

Not that you know how much you're carrying, but, judging by how Matt asked him when you asked him, it must be a lot. You don't even know where he got it, your younger brother giving you a curt 'Don't worry about it' when you and Bernard inquired.

With all of the confidence wrought from committing acts of nightly vigilantism and beating the shit out Atticus Charles' henchmen, you pull out that stack of cash with all of the swagger a strong lady-mutant such as yourself can muster, and hold that money out for the healer to see.

"Hah-hah-humina..." The healer mutant breathes, looking at the cash much in the same way you would regard a cut of meat. "Ah... hehehe... so much cash..." She whispers mostly to herself, her blue-gloved fingers twitching a little in your direction, and, if she wasn't wearing her medical mask, you'd bet all of the money in your hand that this woman would be drooling right now, as it seems like all professionalism has been tossed to the wayside at the sight of the large wad of Benjamin Franklins you got in your grasp.

Amid the healer's incoherent garbles, the woman currently haven taken on a gremlin-like state, you almost thought you could hear the words ...'myyyyy pressshhhhussssss...' emanating from her jaws.

It takes a few moments for her to come to her senses, but, when she does, she says to you. "Guess you guys really don't play around?" She says, as if she wasn't just salivating over your stack of cash money.

You shake your head.

"Well, I can give you a one-hundred percent satisfaction guaranteed on the broken leg, at least." She tells you as she strides to the other end of the room to shove some medical supplies into a bag. "But the amnesia, I'm not so sure about..." The healer trails off. "What exactly is the nature of this amnesia, and how did the patient in-question get it?"

You don't respond because, good as this healer may be, you're not so sure if you should spill to her the gory details of how Julia acquired her amnesia, nor do you wish to burden an innocent bystander with the knowledge of the Epsilon Trials.

Outside the room, you can still sense Bernard and Shaw in the lobby, while the other pharmacist is not too far away, and, outside of there, you can hear Konigsburg's nightly traffic.


"What was that?!" The healer heard it too. And most likely felt it. "Was that FutureLabs?!" Already, the woman is panicking.

"Blink, what just happened?" You ask into your comm because your friend is closer to the epicenter of whatever just occured.

"A freakin' truck just crashed through the wall." That is the response you get, disbelief coating Bernard's every word. "I wonder if they're-- wait, nope. I stand corrected. They're armed. Gimme a sec to get these guys out, alright..." The teleporter's voice goes silent as he presumably goes to move the other workers of the pharmacy to safety.

As if on cue, you hear several gunshots go off, and, while the sound of the gunshots themselves are worrying, you know by the sound of the comm's crackling that Bernard is fine.

"Kelpie-- KELPIE tell me what is happening is everyone okay?!" The healer is visibly distressed.

"Stop screaming." You whisper harshly, repocketing the wad of cash for future use. "Everyone is fine, but you need be quiet if you don't want them to find us." You tell her, keeping your voice a low whisper.

"Hey I got the other guys to safety, but don't think this is FutureLabs, Kelpie Bernard's voice is a welcome sound after listening to this woman screech. "They're wayyyyy too unprofessional to be those pieces of garbage."

What the hell then? Did Atticus Charles finally lose his marbles and hire mercenaries to track us down or something? You wouldn't think he's beyond that. But you thought you and Bernard were being stealthy, and logically you don't think there was any possible way for them to track you to this particular pharmacy in this particular ghetto, unless...

"They don't want us, B." You voice your conclusion aloud, the realization hitting you like a shitton of bricks. "They want the healer."

Wow. Talk about a case of wrong place, wrong time.

Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of more gunshots, followed by a call of, "IF THE REST OF YOU FREAKZOIDS DON'T SHOW YOURSELVES RIGHT NOW, WE'LL BREAK THROUGH EVERY WALL ON THIS FLOOR AND THEN EVERY BUILDING IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD, YA HEAR?" A tremor punctuates the end of the voice's sentence.

The healer gives a squeak in terror, edging close to you in evident fear.

>In any case, what do you do? (Roll 1d100)
>Go back out through the front. WARNING: Armed men ahead!
>If you can't find a way, make one instead-- PUNCH THROUGH THE WALL!
>Stay where you are. Wait for these asshats to make the first move.
>Make Bernard leave the other employees and grab the two of you.

Wait!! I messed up here! We're not rolling until we have a consensus on what we're doing. Then we roll best of three 1d100s!!

Apologies, kings!
>>If you can't find a way, make one instead-- PUNCH THROUGH THE WALL!
>If you can't find a way, make one instead-- PUNCH THROUGH THE WALL!
>>If you can't find a way, make one instead-- PUNCH THROUGH THE WALL!

Initiating KYLE mode! Drywall punching sequence activated!!!

Roll 1d100 (Bo3)
Rolled 71 (1d100)

Rolled 9 (1d100)

Rolled 90 (1d100)



Hey I gotta run some errands! I'll be back to finish the update in an hour or two! See you all!
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"Uwaaaahhhhhhhh---" The healer mutant can't take it anymore. "I don't wanna die!!"

Crap. If the gunmen didn't know where you are, they sure do now since the healer mutant is refusing to shut up, which is why you're gonna need to think of something fast. No doors or windows are present, the only thing standing between you and at least five other men are a tiny, metal key and a worn brass doorknob.

"...a-and do you know my income's going to go straight to the toilet?!" She continues, unaware of the fact that you weren't listening to her at all. But seriously? She thinks she's about to die, and the only thing she can think of is money? Guess Valjean really was right about her. "Even if we get out of here, I just lost my real job not even a week ago, so even if I live I'm going to be dead-broke. I'm gonna have to live on the streets!"

Exhaling slowly, oh-so-slowly, through your nose, your frustration melts into cool, practiced resolve, because you will get out of here. Just not conventionally.

Sensing that you have something in mind, the healer begins to quiet down and stare at you curiously. And she's right. If you can't find a way, you'll make one instead.

"Get behind me." You tell her, backing up a little, because using your fist would only be good for making a small hole in the wall, which is why you need something far, far bigger than one measly fist.

Surging forwards, your body makes contact with the barren wall, and the drywall, pipes, and whatever foundation beams are there all crumble under the force of your charge before the cool night breeze hits your face and you emerge in a narrow alley. Skidding to a stop, you find that the healer mutant has become stunned into silence as she stares at you through the very-large hole you created; you suppose that, for all the mutants she's treated, she probably hasn't seen what a mutant in-action is really capable of.

Beats listening to her scream bloody-murder, you think.

Kicking aside whatever debris are in your way, you retrieve the healer with an unceremonious squeak, taking to the rooftops and gaining as much distance between yourself and the pharmacy as possible.

"Blink, what's the situation?" You ask into your comm.

"Nothin' much for now. Got the other woman and the wet mop to safety, and now we're waitin' on you two. How do you think they knew where the healer was?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, B." You say, clearing another rooftop, and, now that you're far enough away that the pharmacy is no longer in sight, you let out a breath that you didn't know you'd been holding. "By the way, where are you?"


"I'm about a good kilometer north from the pharmacy, so if you wanna dash back and meet up we can get the healer and the rest of these guys to safety."

"Hey. Healer." You address the woman. "How'd those guys know where you were? Cause chances are they wanted you." You emphasize.

The other mutant doesn't respond, wordless in your hold as she seems to be wracking her memory for any instance at which she could've tripped up.

Or maybe you could try to jog it for her-- ask her something that might give you an answer.

>What do you ask?
>"Were there any patients you've treated lately that seemed a little off?"
>"Do you know anyone who would actually hold a grudge against you?"
>"By any chance, did you let your mutant life slip into your non-mutant life?
>Write in
>>"Were there any patients you've treated lately that seemed a little off?"
>"Were there any patients you've treated lately that seemed a little off?"
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Asking if there is an impostor (read: sussy baka) amogus. Writing!

Last update cause it's late.
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If the healer mutant moves from place-to-place and the attack on her pharmacy was planned, you have a hunch that whoever knew she was there had visited not too long ago, which is why you ask, "Were there any patients you treated that seemed a little off? Patients that you treated recently."

From her position in your arms, she gives a long 'hmmmm...' as she wracks her mind for memories of recent patients. "Well, for starters, a kid I treated had mushrooms growing out of his head and spinal cord... no, couldn't be a kid..." She reasons with herself. "I had another woman whose body would evaporate whenever she got too stressed-- so freaking glad that's not my power FYI..." As she verbally goes through her list of clients prior, you find that none of them particularly stick out to you, even the nonmutant ones.

"WAITWaITWaiT--" The proximity of the woman's sudden scream hurts your ears a little. "About three days ago, I treated an older guy for some burn scars, and he honestly looked like he'd been sleeping in a gutter." Your mind conjures an image of a very disheveled-looking man covered in scars. "I thought he was from Mieszko cause of his accent, but he could barely speak any English at all. How weird is that?" It is a well-known fact that the children of Konigsburg grow up speaking at least two different languages, simply because of how much of a worldwide hub the city is. You and Matt speak two yourself, your second language being French, while John speaks three (courtesy of your father).

However, this is still America, and being America you don't think anyone would be able to grow up speaking barely any English at all. So very weird indeed.

"Anyways, he was one of those people who had the kind of mutation that would be impossible to hide. Like glowing-green eyes, and then there was this weird green stuff coming out of his pores... hurt like hell to touch it." She trails off. "It wasn't like Blink's eyes though. They were more bluish-- and gooey-looking..."

"If it was any guy, it was definitely him." The healer seems far more certain of herself than she was at the beginning of this conversation. "Actually, I'm positive, cause the last thing he said before he left was 'If I need you again, you be here?'" She says in her best rendition of the guy's accent.

Bernard is not too far away; in the distance you can see the pinpricks of his bright-green eyes.

Another jump closer, another seamless landing. That's when you feel something odd.

Amid the clusters of tens and dozens of heartbeats you sense on the ground-- of people nestled in their red-bricked, driving their cars, or plodding along the city streets-- there is one, solitary heartbeat that's above you instead of below on the ground.

And it's moving towards you at a high speed.

Picking up pace, you sprint forwards with renewed effort, but you're no match for whatever-- or whoever-- is coming toward you.


They make impact with your back, and you feel something positively burning your skin. Burning, burning, burning as you're knocked off course and crash into the road, angling your body towards the ground so you take the brunt of the fall. Getting back to your feet, you feel your regeneration working against the acid-stuff on your back until you try to use a hand to wipe it off, still holding the healer tightly with the other. Stupid! You think to yourself, as you belatedly realize why trying to wipe it off with your hand was a bad idea. Cause now the mutant's acid-stuff is burning through the skin on your hand, and the only thing that ends up fixing that is wiping it on your suit.

Goodbye suit.

"Aaaahhhhhh shiiiittttttttt---" The very-unhinged healer mutant has returned to panic-mode, but, as soon as you got that shit off of you, the wounds closed up nigh-instantly. "GrAB ME freaking tighter and run for it, you sonnovabitccchhhhhh!!!"

Maybe there was a reason these guys are after her after all.

"Yo Kelpie. Kelpie?! I heard somethin' crash from over here." There's a tinge of panic in Bernard's voice. "Are the two of you guys doin' okay? What the hell's goin' on over there?!"

"That crash was me." You tell him, like it's a normal thing to fall from the sky on a regular basis. "We're fine, but there's another mutant after us. One that can fly and make acid."

"Aw shit." Bernard breathes after a few, long seconds of silence. "Can't we ever get an easy day?"

Apparently not.

You're not sure if he's aware, but, from up above you can see the guy circling around. He glides over another bricked building, seemingly having given up. That is, until the man veers back your way and makes another circle around the group of buildings you're surrounded by. Again, he does the same thing, gliding over another building, giving you the false hope that he's going to leave, and comes back again. And again, and again, and again...

Shit. He can definitely see you.

"Be quiet, lady." You whisper, not removing your eyes from the sky above. "He's still looking for us." And he's probably going to try to bring those gunmen right to you.

You'd rather not bring this guy to Bernard if you didn't have to, lest you reveal the location of the other pharmacists, but it's only a matter of time before this guy's reinforcements get here.

>What do you do?
>Mad dash back like your life depends on it (To Bernard/Away from Bernard)!!!
>Try to knock this bastard out of the sky somehow.
>Taunt this guy. See if you can piss him off enough to come after you.
>Get Bernard to take him on-- he might not be able to fly, but he can teleport!!! And that's almost like flying!!

Sorry folks! Had to delete first version of this post cause of spelling errors!

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Forgot to add this part:

For reference, Mieszko is the name of Konigsburg's Polish ghetto. Though nowadays it is much too affluent to be considered an actual ghetto. Very good food though! (Well, at least for those who can eat it...)
>>Try to knock this bastard out of the sky somehow.
I know we are the good guys but mess him up a little, I'm sure his powers could be considered a war crime. Speaking of, what does gliding have to do with acid? Is there some weird animal that does that?
>Try to knock this bastard out of the sky somehow.
Let's try moving behind a building and grabbing something to throw when he comes looking
>what does gliding have to do with acid? Is there some weird animal that does that?
I think he's just lucky, like our fishpowers that also grant regeneration
>>4921999 <- nice trips

What jStG06Ol said were exactly what I was gonna post in an a million paragraph explanation. Lot of animal-based mutations (or mutations in general) end up being base feature (wings, senses, etc.) + special feature (acid), and sometimes they're just [Base Feature]. Really depends on the mutant.
Tbf I like this formula since it balances the (mostly simple) animal powers with the strange one (teleport, telekinesis, etc)

Aight boys. Time to knock this chuju bobrze from the sky-- preferably with something we can find on the ground!

Roll me three 1d100s to see how we do!
Rolled 40 (1d100)

Rolled 70 (1d100)

Watch THIS!
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Huh, dice didn't work. Let's try again.

Highest Roll = 76

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Haha. I just realized after rereading the part where the car was supposed to crash through the pharmacy wall that there's no sentence that actually said that (well, at least before Bernard told Elise through the comms). Fear not-- this is not a gap in the spacetime continuum or anything of the sorts!!! It's just your QM accidentally misplacing a sentence or two. So for reference it actually DID happen.

By the way, in case anyone's still wondering what a "chuj bobrze" is from this post >>4922653-- its literal translation is "dick beaver."
Anyways on with the show!

As you watch the older mutant circle through the air, you grab hold of the healer's arm and subtly try to move backwards and out of the winged mutant's sights. Doing so, you're acutely aware of the loose bits of pavement and debris that had been a result of your crash back down to Earth, and the feeling of the asphalt's rough texture against your scales gives you an idea.

Scouring the ground, your sharp eyes pick up a cluster of particularly-large stones that are exactly what you had in mind, and, with the pair of eyes still boring into your back, you feign a stumble and use your split-second of time on the ground to grab a couple of the larger rocks. Picking up a little more speed, you make a beeline to the nearest corner of a building so you can execute the next phase of your plan, the healer following behind you.

When the winged mutant notices what you're doing, he shifts his course and starts flying back in your direction.

Faster than either he or the healer mutant can blink, you whip around at blinding speed and launch one of the rocks in his direction, an a shout of pain tells you you've hit your mark as the winged mutant goes from flying to falling.

Shit, you think rather proudly. You sucked at baseball. Like really, stupendously sucked.

So much that you were the laughing stock of Karlskirche's softball team for the short time you were in it. It wasn't for your lack of physical ability, you remember; it was the fact that you were quite notorious for your... ability to pitch.

But wow. You mentally cheer yourself, a satisfied grin forming beneath your mask. Because Matt would definitely be proud of that throw.

Right as he's about to hit the ground, the winged mutant manages to right himself in the nick of time, a tree breaking his fall and causing him to tumble to the ground. As the man rises to his feet, you find that the man is exactly how the healer had described him-- disheveled, dirty, and covered in burn scars-- burn scars that litter the entirety of his torso, along with the acid that seems to be oozing out of his pores.


"Geev me woman." The disheveled man says, his accented voice low and rough. Green-and-brown wings are splayed threateningly behind him, as he seems determined to get the healer one way or another.

Even from this distance, you can smell the blood oozing from his torso from the freshly-made wound, mixing in with the acid that is dribbling from various places on his body. Most of said blood is fresh, though a fraction of it seems old, and, with all those burn wounds on his person, you'd think it explains a thing or two-- at least about his condition.

Still, he's not getting the healer-- not as long as you can help it-- which is why your reply to him is, "Why don't you give up instead?" At that, the man says nothing, and you remember that the healer said this guy can barely speak English. "I said leave. Go. Go home." You repeat yourself, sterner, and this time the winged man seems to get what you're saying.

However, instead of doing just that-- leaving you and the healer behind and going on his merry way-- he begins to flap his wings rapidly, warningly, and, even though the action has you slightly puzzled, there's still that feeling within you that's telling you not to let your guard down. And that feeling proves itself true as the same acid that had been dribbling over his body is fired in your direction, the man giving a savage scream as he does so.

You dodge the first wave of acid, shielding the healer with your body as flecks of acid hit your skin and costume, but, as the seconds wear on, the winged mutant's onslaught only becomes more ferocious.

>What do you do?
>Continue dodging. See if this guy runs out of steam.
>Screw it and charge the guy. You can bear this shit with your regen.
>Call Bernard in and have him attack from behind. The other pharmacists will be fine.
>Take the healer and book it the hell out of here.

>>Screw it and charge the guy. You can bear this shit with your regen.
Is there anything close we can use to throw at him ? we could use it to create an opening

We still got quite a bit of debris on the ground from our crash as well as typical city stuff like cars, fire hydrants, light and telephone poles, etc.
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Probably going to have to sign off for the night. Only slept a total of five hours in the past two days, so I feel like an absolute wreck.

Fight with the pierogi-peddler & co. continues tomorrow-- most likely in the late afternoon. Until next time, kings! Or, as Schizo-Slav would say: do zobaczenia!
Is that really a fanart someone sent you or just a pic you got online ? Also your knowledge of polish makes me wonder if it’s a family thing
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I started going on OC trade threads on other boards so I could up my own skills and practice my figure drawing, and I honestly still would be considered a beginner in terms of how "good" I am (picrel is my most recent attempt at a figure)... but I draw for fun, and if I get good as a by-product I'll have a cool lifelong hobby. For some reason, people ended up really liking Julia, as you can tell.

Also I made the character a Pole by random. As Konigsburg has been an immigrant center and hub for international business for centuries, there are lots of different people with many different heritages. But truth be told some of my best memories were made in that country-- which is why I've kind of been having fun throwing in gratuitous Polish usage. No one actually taught me Polish though. I just grinded Duolingo for about a year until I could make proper conversation.

What I assume from this is that you guys want to chuck something at the Incredible Schizz and THEN try to power through his acidd?
Shit yea, brother.

Alright boys! I'll need three 1d100s for our awesome throw-and-thrash maneuver! Bonus for adding in what we're gonna throw at this chuj!
Rolled 73 (1d100)

Watch THIS
Rolled 31 (1d100)

Rolled 45 (1d100)


Highest roll: 73

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As the winged mutant shows no signs of relenting, you're hard-pressed to find an opening. However, the fact is that all this guy has is a pair of wings and some acid. So what? Does he really thing that will scare you into giving him the healer?

You're certain your regeneration is stronger-- stronger than the thick stream of acid that's searing through everything and anything it touches. Cars, street-lamps, and the brick of the surrounding buildings, nothing is spared from the wrath of his acid-- acid that is so bright-green it almost appears gold in the dim city light.

The healer, meanwhile, who'd become so frightened at the whole ordeal, has been petrified into silence, ducking behind the corner of the building you had led her to for dear life.

It's then that your eyes land on the metal garbage can that's just off to your side, perfect for what you're about to do.

Taking the lid off first, you throw it at him like a frisbee-of-death. He dodges that, but then he ends up getting slammed by the other half of the garbage can, even so much as to nick one of his wings.

You don't give him a chance to recover, surging forwards with the speed of a predator. Even with your speed, you still manage to get hit with some of the barrage-- more of the barrage than you would've liked-- the burning substance making contact with your suit and skin as that skin and sinew is simultaneously destroyed and rebuilt.

All of this happens in an instant, and you follow up your first attack with a scaly fist to the chin.

It's controlled, but, with your strength it still sends him flying backwards, skidding across the pavement until he finally rolls to a stop. And with how still he is, you'd think you killed him on accident, but your proprioception tells you otherwise, the man's heartbeat still going strong. Worst case scenario, he's playing dead-- wait, no. He's not, you come to find as the man gets to his feet, breathing haggardly and his oversized wings dragging on the ground.

In spite the injuries and blood dripping down his torso and face, he's carrying an expression of a man who still think he can win. If anything, even though he's not on your side, you find his persistence strangely admirable. "Gregorz..." He mumbles to himself in what you'd assume to be Polish. "Daj mi Gregorz..."

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Narrowing his eyes stubbornly at you once more, he regards you with a newfound wariness. However, you can still feel it in your gut that his sights are set on the healer, even though he's pretty much on his last leg. Just how far is this guy willing go before you really beat him up? You think, as he bares his wings for whatever he's going to do next, acid and blood dripping down his torso all the while.

He jumps, shooting forwards with blinding speed in a last-ditch attempt to nab the healer.

>Roll 1d100+10 to FINISH HIM! (+5 first success, +5 second success, Bo3)

Rolled 47 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 69 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Rolled 26 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Let’s goooooo

Highest Roll: 79

Gonna grab a bite and then writing!

Apologies for lack of pics today. Didn't have enough time today to pump them out.

Thinking fast, you sidestep right into the winged-mutant's trajectory and rush forwards with an arm poised to block. He slams into your forearm, the man's thin body lacking in the same durability that you have, and, in the split-second of disorientation, you use that moment to throw him to the ground, the force of the maneuver cracking the pavement beneath you.

Though he is definitely still alive, the man doesn't get up from that, and now would be the part where you'd intterogate him-- ask him who he is and who these guys are-- but, again, he's out cold.

"Hey fish--" Bernard's voice crackles through the comm. "Sorry for the long radio silence, but I had to get those other guys somewhere safe. Dropped em' at a diner about ten miles off from here in case you're wonderin' cause I don't think those asshats will be lookin' for them there. We can get em' later." He says, and you let out a breath in relief because that's two less people to worry about. "Anyways, gonna come find you now," the teleporter tells you, and then you're left in silence with the healer and... whoever this guy is.

Speaking of the healer, she's staring curiously at the winged man-- bespectacled eyes regarding him like a frog on a dissection board. "These burn scars all look new..." She mutters beneath her breath before moving in closer. "You know what I find weird about his powers?" She asks after a long stretch of silence.

You shake your head. "Well, I'm not actually a doctor or scientist, but what I've noticed about people's powers is that their bodies change to accommodate their powers, which is why they're ultimately harmless despite what experts say." There's a sardonic emphasis on the way she says 'experts.' "If you look at this guy, you'll notice that the burn scars correspond to where the acid's exuding from his body, while the wings are completely clean."

"So his mutation's harming his body." You conclude. "But his wings are durable enough to protect themselves from the acid."

"Exactly!" She exclaims. "I just found it really interesting because I've never seen mutations act like that. What are we going to do with him anyways?"

Likely, you think you'll end up leaving this man so that whoever brought him here can take him back, hopefully before FutureLabs catches wind of him. Examining the unconscious man, you find that there's nothing on his person you can use to figure out where the rest of this guy's troupe is, and you'd think that all he had was a pair of sweatpants and nothing more.

That is, until you see the glint coming from behind a lock of his hair.

Retrieving the source of the glint, you find that the glint was none other than a comm. Jackpot.


Pointing to the comm, you make a gesture of silence to the healer, and she seems to get the hint. When you place the comm to your ear, the first thing you hear is a shout of, "Boleski, you useless bastard!" echoing through the comm- not the same one that had threatened you out of hiding, but an entirely different one. "Mister Maranzano's clients want the healer mutant in mint condition. Ya hear me? MINT. CONDITION." You note that man's accent is strikingly similar-- if not exactly the same-- as that of Bernard's. "So if that bitch gets injured cause of you or if you end up losin' to either of those other freaky assholes, we're gonna send you right back to your old workplace lookin' like a Thanksgiving turkey!"

"Anyways, Gregor's, in one of his moods again, so try to play dead when you see him, ya hear?" The man sounds like he's half-joking but also not. "Boleski you still there?"

It seems like this guy's waiting for a response-- a response that he's not going to get.

>What do?
>Tell them you have 'Boleski' and have taken him hostage.
>Ask them who this 'Gregor' guy is and who they are.
>Threaten these dumbfucks. They don't get to fool around in your city and get away with it.
>Stay silent. Leave Boleski. Take the healer and leave.

>>Threaten these dumbfucks. They don't get to fool around in your city and get away with it.
Gonna tally the votes tomorrow, probably in the late-afternoon again! Until next time, kings!
>Threaten these dumbfucks. They don't get to fool around in your city and get away with it.

>Ask them who this 'Gregor' guy is and who they are

Looks like we're threatening the asshats! Writing!
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You would think these guys knew you meant already meant business from your track record alone. They're likely a gang, you think, and, judging by their accents they're definitely not from around here-- probably from New York if you'd have to fancy a guess.

Still, they're messing around in your city like it's their own personal playground, and it honestly pisses you off because they don't get to mess around in your city and get away with it, which is why you think it's high-time for a little... coercion on your part.

"I don't know who you are." You start, the voice on the other end of the line still silent. "I don't know what you want. If you're looking for the healer, I can tell you I'm not giving her to you... but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very dangerous career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you." As you continue your monologue, you find your voice getting lower and more menacing-- a result of the cold, cold anger coursing through your veins like lightning. "If you and your cronies get out of here, that will be the end of it -- I will not look for you, I will not pursue you... but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you... and I will kill you."

The last part is a complete and total bluff, but with just how frustrating this night has been it comes out easily.

The silence on the other end of the line tells you you've won, at least you think you have.

That is, until you hear laughter. Raucous, raucous laughter coming from the other end of the line.

It takes a good thirty seconds for the guy to finally stop laughing, but, the longer he goes, the more you want to drive your fist into this group that's been a thorn in your side and scatter them like bowling pins.

"Hoo-- Hahaha... I'm sorry," He snorts, and you imagine the guy is wiping a tear from his eye. "You really had me goin' there, you know that? Are you the one that beat the nutcase?"

"And what if I am?" What pisses you off more than the fact that this guy was laughing is that he didn't take you seriously. Not one bit.

"Ahaha, figures. Boleski could easily kill another man with his bare hands, but what good is he if he can't even kill another walkin' freakshow?" Implying this group of theirs consists of mainly non-mutants.

Good, you think. Because, guns or no guns, that will make it easier to win.

"Listen sweetcheeks," The man starts again, and the patronization in his voice sends yet another wave of anger through you. "We know for a fact ya don't kill, nor does your teleporter, and nor does that psychopath with the metal bat."

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"But I think you know what I can do, so you better get out of my city." You threaten again, hoping that these guys will take the freaking hint already!

"I don't think so." That's the obstinate response you get. "Cause you got somethin' we want, and, well... we got a job to do." Then the comm goes to static, signifying that the gang is on their way to your location.

Removing the comm from your ear, you crush the miniature device in your palm and let the pieces fall to the ground. Probably too late to stop them from tracking you, but at least you've effectively stopped this Boleski guy from calling for anymore backup.

You wonder when Bernard's going to get here. Sure, you didn't give him your exact location, but he did hear where your fight was coming from.

At the same time you hear the blonde's voice say "Hey I think I see you guys--," you hear the very distinct vroom-vroom of a car coming in your direction at high-speed. Barreling towards you is a large van with the words STOKES MOVING COMPANY emblazoned on the side. The high-beams shining directly in your face, and, the closer it gets to you, the more you feel the well of instinct rising to the forefront of your mind.

>Wat do?
>They didn't listen to you-- show these guys a lesson they won't forget!
>Move out of sight with the healer. See what these guys will do before you try anything.
>Nothing. Grab the healer and go.
>They didn't listen to you-- show these guys a lesson they won't forget!

Oh drat, looks like they didn't get the message. Guess we're gonna have to rephrase a little!
>>They didn't listen to you-- show these guys a lesson they won't forget!
We are gonna move towards them, and if they die it's their own fault.
>Move out of sight with the healer. See what these guys will do before you try anything.
Does this mean hiding close or simpling moving from their face and remaining visible ?

Apologies for the delay-- went on a walk and lost track of time! Looks like we're showing these guys what it means if you play stupid games... Writing!
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Without an ounce of hesitation, you charge forwards, leaving the healer and Boleski behind.

You envision this car as a heap of scrap from the force a well-placed strike, and, with your thin frame, you feel comically tiny in comparison to the van that's meeting you head-on. Bernard's probably watching you do this, you think, his voice in your ear becoming a din as your mind slips deeper into that hyperfocused, instinctual state, and you hope he has the healer covered.

It's the real-life equivalent of unstoppable force versus immovable object, a pissing match between two sides-- one that you're determined to come out on top. In the instant before you make impact, it feels like time itself has crawled to a stop.

You see yourself in the window's reflection, a driver in a newsboy cap, along with two or three darkly-dressed cronies sitting in the back.

You don't even need to hold out a fist, the acceleration of your body doing the work for you, and the van is pushed backwards, tumbling, skidding, and rolling until it careens to a stop some distance away.

You sure hope that whoever was stupid enough to hitch a ride in that van had airbags, and you wait a few moments for any signs of activity before moving in to examine the van; now that the car has been properly totaled, its front having a distinctly you-shaped dent in it-- along with several other dents as a result of the crash-- there's no chance that these New Yorkers will be getting back to their boss anytime soon. Making use of your proprioception once more, you can sense that there are four heartbeats coming from the van.

Well, at least no one died. You think. Not that you were intending to kill them-- it was just to send a message. A very forceful one.

"Hey fish," Bernard's voice brings your mind back to the present. "I'm on the roof behind you!" Swiveling around, you see the figures of both the teleporter and the healer, and all it would take is a single jump to be on the same roof with them.

However, there is now a fifth heartbeat that is neither Bernard's, the healer's, nor even Boleski's, and its presence has you instantly on guard.

There's the sound of a pounding gait-- self-righteous and arrogant-- like each footstep is a deliberate effort to crush the ground beneath. Turning to meet the source of the noise, you're met with the face of another, older-looking bald man.

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"Who the hell are you?" You question the man before you, and, looking closer at him, you notice a couple of suspiciously-weird growths coming out of his head; very long and very string-like, they positively scream mutant.

You have a feeling this is that "Gregor" guy everyone was talking about. Of course, his next words confirm it.

"The name's Gregor. Gregor Samford." Like the rest of his ilk, his New York accent is evident in his voice. However, said voice is very much familiar in the fact that it was the same one that had been threatening you out of the pharmacy.

"Leave it to Boleski to screw up the simplest shit." He says. "Can't even win to one of you Konigsburger FREAKS." Something about this guy reminds you of Clyde, but, unlike the Australian who might have had some semblance of a brain in his skull, this guy is an absolute meathead.

"Wahhh, waahhhh, come save me. I'm such a retard. I can't even call for help in proper English." He mocks the other mutant. "Didja know that asshole can't even function correctly without his fuckin' meds? Shoulda fuckin' sent me like I told em. Now I'm fuckin' PISSED."

>"Meds? Why does Boleski need meds?"
>"If they didn't think Boleski would win, why'd they send him instead of you?"
>"Why does your Maranzano guy want the healer so badly?"
>Just knock this guy out. Boleski was easy picking-- this guy should be too. (Requires Roll.)
>Get to Bernard and GTFO. You got the healer. You're not going to drag this on any longer than it has to go. (Requires Roll.)

>"Meds? Why does Boleski need meds?"
>>"Why does your Maranzano guy want the healer so badly?"
We'll check the hard drive when we go back
More mutant mayhem continues tomorrow-- again in the late-afternoon (cause my eyes are closing on their own).

I'll be back to count the votes then, so until next time, kings!
>"Why does your Maranzano guy want the healer so badly?"

Asking why Maranzano wants the healer.

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Though you're very curious as to why Boleski need meds, a number of possibilities swirling through your head, the more prominent question is why?

"Why does Maranzano want the healer so badly?" You end up asking aloud.

"Apparently she can fix anythin' with her healin' powers. Autism, fatal injuries, the big C, you name it, but it's not even the big boss who wants her. We're just usin' her to make a transaction." To whom? That's something you'll definitely need to know because who's to say these "clients" won't just hire another gang to retrieve the healer later on?

However, the other presumed-mutant doesn't give you another second to ask. "But enough talk! I know the healer's around here somewhere, so if you don't give her to us you'll end up sleepin' with the fishes-- for real this time-- and, boy, am I in the mood to BREAK SOMETHING tonight."

Immediately after he says that, you hear the tinny voice of his comm relay something to the bald mutant. You can't quite make out what's being said, but whatever they're telling him is making the other mutant frown. "HEY. You promised me a fight if I tagged along, and guess what? I didn't get one." The tinny voice says something else, and, if anything, the frown that Gregor was already wearing deepens to a nigh-impossible degree. "NO. I don't give a crap about any stupid policement, bein' quiet, or anythin' like that, so you better shut your piehole before I turn Nacht Haven into a worse shithole than it already is!"

His sleeves, which are suspiciously oversized, bulge and twitch eratically, as do the hair-like growths on his head. Antennae. Your mind supplies, and you have to wonder just what Gregor's hiding under his sleeves.

In this brief moment that the other mutant's distracted, you're not quite sure what to do. On one hand, he could easily be bluffing about Nacht Haven, just like you were about killing their whole crew. With Bernard on the rooftop behind Gregor, you could easily get out of here and wash your hands of this whole ordeal.

On the other hand, if this guy's for real, just how far will he go?

>What do you do?
>Get to Bernard and get back to the warehouse. You'd rather not fight this extremely-deranged mutant.
>Attack him and end it here! He wants a fight, he'll get a fight.
>Offer to fight him. Get him to do so on YOUR terms.
>Get to Bernard and get back to the warehouse. You'd rather not fight this extremely-deranged mutant.
Sigma rule 68#: cuck rabbid enemies of fight
>Attack him and end it here! He wants a fight, he'll get a fight.
If the healer actually heals anything then maybe Julia will forgive us now...
Gonna come back at 20:00-20:30 and roll a dice if we haven’t reached a consensus. See you then!

>1 = Get Bernard and run to the warehouse.
>2 = Attack him and end it here!
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Forgot to roll.
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Looks like we're attacking Mr. Samsa-- I mean, Mr. Samford...

Gonna need three 1d100s to see how well it goes. Also enjoy the deleted scene cause I was convinced that the ditching vote would win out.
Rolled 69 (1d100)

The blessed row
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Rolled 88 (1d100)


Highest Roll: 88
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Not giving the other mutant a warning, you launch yourself forwards with a fist outstretched.

He wants a fight? You'll give him a fight, and you won't give him a chance to hit back. When your fist makes contact with the larger man's torso, the surface you hit feels like you're punching a wall. Not at all resembling human flesh, it's what you more-or-less expected from a guy with an obvious bug mutation.

He flies into the building behind him, glass shattering and brick caving in all around him, and you think that's the end of it.

However, when Gregor comes striding out of the wreckage as if nothing happened (albeit a little bit more than scuffed), you know that you're not dealing with a run-of-the-mill, everyday case of rogue mutant.

"Howabout a warning before you try somethin' like that?" The false geniality is evident in his tone. As he makes his way towards you, the sleeves in his shirt tear apart to reveal another set of arms, while a carapace quickly moves to cover everything but his face.

He tears the garment off, throwing it to the ground and allowing you to behold his transformed state that no doubt is that of a cockroach's, and it's when you're staring that you realize there's an odd, primordial sort of fear trying to worm its way into your chest-- one that you used to feel every time you encountered one of those bugs. However, the presence of your instinct dulls it to a point to where it's little more than a faint feeling at the back of your mind.

"Take a look at me now, ya Konigsburger trash! Likin' what you're seein?'" He gives a smirk as he readies himself to charge, his voice obnoxiously loud and booming. "Cause, by the time I'm through with you, your guys won't even be able to tell WHAT PART OF YOU IS WHICH!"

>Dodge him! Maybe he'll get tired of chasing after you.
>Take this jerk head-on. You think you can win it.
>Initiate Berserker Mode. Might be overboard, might not be; but do you really wanna risk it?

Gonna have to stop here for the night cause I'm feeling rather wonky for no reason whatsoever. Our mano-a-mano against mister bugman will continue tomorrow.

Sorry for the short updates-- until next time, kings!
>>Take this jerk head-on. You think you can win it.
>>Dodge him! Maybe he'll get tired of chasing after you.

Spider-Man vs. Rhino never ended well when Spidey tried to go heads up against him.
>Dodge him! Maybe he'll get tired of chasing after you.
Wear him down a little!
But we are not the bug person in this scenario
No, but we are the not-juggernaut (the general term, not the supervillain) in it.
>Use your mobility to hit any weakpoints you find

Astute observations, anons. This is exactly the kind of discussion that gets me HYPED!!!

Since I wanna try to get an update out before I go run some errands, it looks like we're going to be dodging Mister big, bald, and fugly, which means I'm gonna need three 1d100s to see how well we do!
Rolled 71 (1d100)

Good afternoon, Siren.

For the sake of moving the fight along, I’m gonna close the roll at 16:30 EST. Not that I wanna withhold the joy of rolling from everyone else but, again, I wanted to move the fight along.
Rolled 47 (1d100)

Rolled 77 (1d100)


>Highest Roll: 77
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>Highest Roll: 77
>Dodge! Dodge! Dodge!

You sense the car coming at you before you see it, that secondary voice in your head telling you to movemoveMOVE!. Deftly, you jump out of the way before it ends up crashing into the building behind you, red brick and glass flying everywhere as a result. By the time you land, Gregor's already charging at you again, a wicked-looking grin plastered on his face.

"RRAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" As he comes at you with a flurry of fists, you notice that each of his limbs is adorned with a row of dangerous-looking spikes, and, much like your fins that can slice through rocks like butter, you would bet that those things hurt with the amount of strength on this guy.

Still, you have no choice but to go on the defensive, dodging each of Gregor's punches that send an explosion of brick, asphalt, and glass flying up each time; and, the longer you avoid him, the more fervent the roach-mutant seems to become with his attacks.

He's getting angrier, that's for sure, and, when he realizes that his punches aren't working, he tears an entire telephone pole from the ground, using it to smash everything in sight as he makes his way up to you. "What's the matter Kelpie? CAN'T TAKE THE HEAT?!" Gregor bellows, and it's not long before the telephone pole ends up breaking. Dropping the object to the ground, he takes whatever he can find next-- this time a small sedan-- flinging it at you with renewed force.

By now, there's a flurry of confusion happening on the ground, as you hear the noises of panicked citizens scrambling to escape from the buildings. No doubt Bernard's got that covered; even if he has to keep the healer with him and push his own limits, you know for a fact that he won't leave any bystanders in danger.

Several more heavy objects come flying at you with only one of them nicking your elbow, followed by Gregor himself, the man charging up the side of the building in the same way that a real bug would do and trying to get the jump on you from beneath.

"WHY DONTCHA LET ME HIT YOU FOR A CHANGE, YA FILTHY--" A hit, a dodge, a miss. "--SCALY--" Another strike that you barely dodge. "--FREAK!"


You think that, at this rate, Gregor really will end up destroying Nacht Haven, as yet another car collides into the next building. It is clearly visible to you that not only is the roach mutant trying his best to turn you into a human-pancake, but it also seems as if he's trying to cause as much damage as possible.

And, right now, this guy, who is the equivalent of a humanoid tank, doesn't seem to be slowing down any time soon.

>What do you do?
>Get in closer! Use your mobility to hit any weakpoints you can find!
>Lead Gregor elsewhere! Find somewhere you can use the environment to outsmart him!
>Go on the attack, and try to overwhelm him with force!

Note: Like all cockroaches, Gregor DOES have wings. However, not all species of cockroach are known to fly, and Gregor's species happens to be one of them.
>Get in closer! Use your mobility to hit any weakpoints you can find!
>Get in closer! Use your mobility to hit any weakpoints you can find!
time to use our fins
>Get in closer! Use your mobility to hit any weakpoints you can find

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Time to BUG the hell out of this guy by looking for his weakpoints-- and see how we do while we're at it!

Roll me three 1d100s!! Bonus for giving what and where we're aiming!
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Let’s gooooo
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Those antennae of his seem like decent targets...Otherwise let's go for the eyes!
Rolled 14 (1d100)


Rolling one last time, then WRITING!
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DC was 70.

As you survey the wreckage of the fight thus far, the familiar, sweet scent of blood is a pungent presence as it attempts to clog your mind just from the heat of the fight alone. Somehow, you can tell that Gregor smells it too-- not for any reason other than the fact that you just know, like the feeling of knowing where a heartbeat is.

Unlike you, however, Gregor absolutely revels in it-- revels in the destruction that he's wrought-- which is why stopping him here instead of letting him continue this rampage is a must.

The thought that Gregor is a goliath in comparison to you doesn't faze you one bit. However, that carapace of his is the only thing standing between you and victory because it's basically his suit of armor; like all mutant powers, you'd like to think that there's a weak point somewhere, and, as your mind reels for a solution to the problem at hand, you notice that his face is exposed, perfectly ripe for the taking.

Those antennae, too, seem wiry and delicate; and, as antennae are a highly-important sensory organ in insects-- able to smell, feel, sense temperature, and detect motion-- to remove that part of him would give you a greater advantage in this fight.

Seizing your chance, you bound forwards at lightning speed and draw ever-closer to your target. Another large, heavy object sails past you, followed by another, and another; and, when you close the distance, you take advantage of his large size and low-dexterity to maneuver up and around him to finish your attack from behind.

You feel a cold rush of satisfaction when you rip the first antenna clean-off, followed by only part of the second, and that causes the older mutant to positively howl in pain. His eyes are next to go, you think, as you make to retreat so you can prepare for what you'll do next.

It's when you're making this retreat of yours that you're literally snatched out of mid-air by two very large arms-- arms that squeeze for all they're worth as several of your bones crack from the pressure.

It hurts. Hurts terribly, even though you know your regeneration will do its thing, and, when he throws you to the ground, the two of you are sent crashing down into the building below.

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The only reason why you're loosened from his grasp is due to the fact that he didn't seem to realize that he'd break the wall. Though the force of the impact causes you to see stars for a brief moment, you're able to scramble out from beneath him, half-running, half-limping into the building so you can buy yourself enough time to regenerate.

[/b]"THINK TAKIN' MY ANTENNA IS FUNNY?! HUH?!"[/b] You hear the other mutant gaining on you. "CAUSE GUESS WHAT?! THESE STUPID THINGS DON'T GROW BACK!!!" He barrels through the walls like they're made of paper, while you pump your legs faster towards the nearest window in spite of the receding pain. "THIS IS WHY YOU KONIGSBURGER TRASH DISGUST ME LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW! CAUSE YOU'RE ALL ASSHOLES!!"

No sooner than you're back in the open air than the walls behind you explode outward with Gregor charging forward in the wake of it, and the cycle of throwing, dodging, and chasing begins anew.

Before, it had been a thought in the back of your mind-- that the longer this fight drags on, the higher of a chance you have of FutureLabs closing in on you-- but now it's becoming more-than certain, if the sounds of the sirens in the distance are any indication.

>What do you do?
>Berserker Mode! It's your last resort, but it could potentially end the fight.
>Lead him in the direction of the cops, let THEM take him down!
>Taunt him! Distract him long enough to attack him again. Maybe he'll fall for it...

>>Berserker Mode! It's your last resort, but it could potentially end the fight.
Alright, playtime's over.
>Berserker Mode! It's your last resort, but it could potentially end the fight.

All-in, baby!
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It's unanimous!!! Time to show Gregor why FISH are at the top of the food chain!

So roll me three 1d100s-15! (-10 for under pressure, -5 for light injury)
Bonus for writing in our plan-of-attack, etc.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

Make use of our fins and their angle to attack while dodging, aim for the joints since its likely his armor won't protect him there

Forgot to mention that this is the last update of the night.

I wanted to get out another one, but it's late where I am. That, and I'm trying to set my sleep-schedule straight (for once).

In any case, I'm having a lot of fun with this arc, and I honestly can't wait to get to the next one!

So until next time, kings!
Rolled 78 - 15 (1d100 - 15)


He's swingging widely due to blind fury, let's use his momentum do target his arm joints, maybe knees when we evade an attack. In general we should aim for his head and and then ribs when he tries to block.
Rolled 78 - 15 (1d100 - 15)

Thanks for running, man--sleep well!
Dubs rolls! that's gotta be worth something
don't forget to make a show of entering berzerker mode

>Highest Roll: 63!
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Righteous fury. You settle your mind on thoughts of righteous fury wrought from the surrounding wreckage and smell of blood and let your consciousness take a backseat-- into the place where that deep-rooted, instinctual part of yourself lies in wait.

You consider your Berserker Mode a last resort. However, nothing in this fight has gotten you even close to taking Gregor down, which is why you think it's the best shot you have at victory.

Once you take hold of those mental strings and pull, you feel your spine tingle, and that tingle quickly becomes a burn as reality becomes a thought in passing. You feel the back of your suit rip, and you're vaguely aware of the humid night wind hitting more skin than it was a few seconds ago. Yet, at the same time, you can't bring yourself to care, as all your mind is focused on is that one, singular goal of taking Gregor down for good.


His words are lost upon your ears, and you surge forwards with savage intent, aiming for one of his arms with a fin and bringing it down where you see flesh instead of hardened shell. Sparks are sent flying into the air as fin and carapace make contact, and, when your fin finally meets flesh and the smell of blood fills the air anew, you find your mouth watering against your will as your mind becomes further clouded from the thrill of it all.

A bellow of pain follows suit as you leap backwards and out of the way of danger. However, your lowered state of cognizance in combination with the other mutant's rage ends with you vastly underestimating his retaliation-speed, and, in the blink of an eye, the only thoughts your mind can form are painpainpain--

Though your newly-formed dorsal fin protects you from the brunt of his strike, several of his spikes end up grazing your back-- deeply-- bringing skin and fabric with them.

There's blood-- blood everywhere-- and, even with your regeneration working overtime, most of the blood is yours. The only thing you managed to do was cut his left arm, Gregor using his other arm to stem the flow. Unfortunately, that was only one limb out of the five more that are still unscathed.

Amid the searing pain, blood, and the fog that's currently overcome your mind, that cognizant part of you-- the one that has taken a backseat-- is screaming at you, pushing you back to your feet, and telling you that you can still take Gregor down.

>The question is HOW?
>Go for his ARMS!
>Go for the LEGS!
>Go for his FACE!
>Overwhelm him with FORCE!
>>Go for the LEGS!
>Go for the LEGS!
>Go for the LEGS!
Fuck I thought he had 4 arms, not six. Well, time to fuck his knees

Yeah Gregor has four arms, two of which he was hiding in his sleeves-- the extra arms were one of Gregor's permanent mutations!


Now it's time to roll! Best of three 1d100s! You guys know the drill!
Rolled 68 (1d100)


Oh, you meant you thought he had SIX arms.

In the sentence from post >>4929677, where it says "... only one limb out of the five more that are still unscathed..." I was referring to ALL of Gregor's limbs. Not just his arms.

I think if he had eight limbs he wouldn't even BE a cockroach, he'd be a freaking tick. Cause he SUCKS. Get it?
>was referring to ALL of Gregor's limbs. Not just his arms.
Oh thanks, it seems I jumped the gun.
Rolled 58 (1d100)

Rolled 44 (1d100)


Highest roll: 68

Forgot trip.

>Legs so hot. Hot, hot legs.
>Highest Roll: 68
>We barely made it, ya bastards!

ARmOrArmorjointsjointsJoInTs--- For every limb, there is a joint, and, for every joint, there is flesh-- flesh that is both exposed and vital to Gregor's ability to move. What's more is that whatever regeneration ability the roach-mutant has seems lackluster in comparison to yours, if he even can regenerate at all.

Of course all of these notions are simple afterthoughts that exist in the back of your mind because, much like being in a waking dream, the cognizant part of your mind is a mere passenger in the state that is your Berserker Mode. Where consciousness has all-but faded, your impulse is king, and it is what guides you forwards in preparation of your next attack.

Heartbeat thumping wildly in your ears, all of the motion around you is a blur-- even Gregor, whose lumbering towards you appears as if it were in slow-motion-- and, though you don't remember what happens next, you can feel yourself moving as if liquid fire were coursing through your veins.

Sharp pain erupts from your thighs as you're struck again by the cockroach-mutant's spikes, but not before you've sliced into the flesh of his leg with your fins, causing a spray of red to fill the air.

There's screaming, there's cursing, and vaguely your mind registers the fact that he's limping as he tries to swing at you again, but he misses, fists positively decimating the brick wall beside you; and, in the split-second that he's distracted, you take the opportunity to dive to the side and dig your claws into the other leg.

Just barely, you dodge another enraged swing from the other mutant who has forgone his love of wanton destruction in lieu of trying to exact his revenge on you, albeit staggeringly.


You're covered in a mixture of yours and Gregor's blood, and-- even though you're positively wiped-- the more the scent of it fills your nostrils, the stronger that savage voice within you calls to draw more blood.

>What do you do?
>Aim for HIS FACE!
>Mess up the rest of HIS LIMBS!
>Use HIS STUPIDITY against him!

Sidenote: Elise's cognizance is as good as it was when we tested out Berserker Mode in thread 8 (i.e. everything's a blur; we barely remember what's going on), but, for the sake of depicting how successful our rolls are, more descriptive narration is needed.

>>Use HIS STUPIDITY against him!
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So many rolls, so little time! Roll to use Gregor's 9000!!! IQ against him!

Bonus for HOW we do it! Once again, you guys know the drill!
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Get near an hydrant and taunt the fucker, then we dodge, making him strike it and finish him in the confusion. Plus the wetter the better.
Rolled 32 (1d100)

I say we lead him to a car, our fins made sparks with his armor, maybe we can put him on fire.
Rolled 61 (1d100)


>Highest Roll: 61
Roll status: pass(by a hair's breadth)

I'm gonna see if I can pump out the update for this one because I have a really good idea of how it's gonna go. If not, I'll see you guys tomorrow!

>Highest Roll: 61

Fueled by a mixture of resolve and instinct, even in the haze of Berserker Mode, you know very well that the only way to get any damage on Gregor is to actually get close to him. However, you are reminded by the very small sliver of rationality not to repeat the same mistakes as before, as being direct about your attacks has only gotten you so far.

Spotting the two sizeable wings on Gregor's back, you don't spare a second as you bound around him before climbing up them, clinging onto them with your claws. Your Berserker Mode lends you extra strength as you dig into the part of the wing that meets the shoulder blade, and, when you hear him curse at you he tries to swing at you with one of his still-working arms.

Your reflexes spare you from the brunt of the hit, but, when you see the large, noticeable dent in his suit of armor, there's something in your fogged-up mind that just clicks. Scrambling to his other shoulder, you wait for him to strike again before clinging elsewhere.

Over and over, you repeat this pattern of climb-hit-dodge, letting Gregor be the one to destroy his best defense.
"RRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! THIS IS THE FINAL STRAW!!!" He hits himself again and again, trying to hit you at any cost. You hear crackling, followed by another scream as the larger mutant ends up injuring himself; then the amount of arms aiming for you goes from three to two. "YOU STUPID FREAK I'LL KILL YOU!!!!"

By now, although you're still taking in damage from getting grazed by those spikes, the majority of the blood being spilt is Gregor's.

It's terribly tantalizing, and, from losing so much blood yourself, the thought of rephlenishing your body is becoming all-the-more appealing. What's more is that the source of said rephlenishment is right beneath your claws, baring his flesh to you.

It's distracting, and highly so, as thoughts of Righteous Anger are suddenly warring with your innermost desire to survive. Survive by any means necessary. It's enough that you're knocked in the head by a stray fist, and, for a brief moment, the world tilts around you-- so much that you're thrown to the ground.


However, the large, man-shape mass beside you tells you that the world hasn't fallen off its hinges, nor have you died.

No. That blood-covered mass that is somewhat-man and somewhat-cockroach has fallen to the ground. Now that the dust has settled, your mind registers the multitude of wounds covering the man's upper body-- on his head, neck, face, and shoulders-- and, although that last stretch of the fight felt like an eternity, it was probably less than two minutes, tops.

Now you're back on your feet, still trapped in that haze as your mind wars with your body.

"WHAT?! WHATCHA GONNA DO TO ME?" You vaguely register the words. "KILL ME?! EAT ME?!" He asks mockingly, despite the fact that he's the one on the ground. Eat... is the only thing your mind takes hold of.

"DON'T THINK I DON'T SEE THAT LOOK IN YOUR EYES, YA PSYCHO! CAUSE GUESS WHAT I DO TO EVERY MUTANT I KILL?! I FREAKIN' EAT MUTANTS LIKE YOU FOR BREAKFAST!! AND I DON'T FEEL SORRY ONE BIT CAUSE THEY ALL TASTED FREAKIN' FANTASTIC." On one hand, the rational part of yourself would feel disgust, and a little bit of that wells up in you at his words. On the other, the more prominent side of your mind is... strangely accepting, and, frozen in place, you find yourself at war with yourself.

>What do you do?
>Wake up now-- before you do something you'll regret! (Requires Roll.)
>Knock him out and shut him up for good!
>Give Gregor a taste of his own medicine-- show him who the real animal is!

>>Knock him out and shut him up for good!
>Knock him out and shut him up for good!
>Knock him out and shut him up for good!

KO TIME! Writing!

A well-placed hit to Gregor's skull has the other mutant down for the count. If only to stop him from egging you on, any longer hearing his words-- along with the prospect of food-- and you might've done something you would've regretted later on.

This whole time you've been in Berserker Mode, everything around you has been a blur-- from the city lights around you, down to the unconscious mutant lying before you-- and the only sound that you register is the sound of your own breaths.


You don't even realize when the world around you goes black. However, it's not long before you're roused by a familiar voice as you're being shaken awake.

"Hey you're awake!" Bernard cheers, the healer standing beside him. When your awareness is returned to you, you find yourself standing upright, the roach mutant at your feet. With the way your mind had snapped back into the present, it feels like you'd been thrown down a drop-down ride at breakneck speed; and although you had been present during that whole fight with Gregor, the memory of the fight is spotty.

Sure, you remember bloodying both of his legs, clinging to his head for dear-life, and, most-of-all, the hunger. However, now that your properly awake, even those final, taunting words he had said to you are further from your reach than they had been when you actually were in Berserker Mode-- like the whole thing was a very fast-paced dream.

Surveying the damage around you, you notice that Nacht Haven is in a far-sorrier state than it was before. Almost no building nor car had been spared from the roach-mutant's wrath, the scene before you looking akin to a warzone. And it might as-well have been, you think, with how strong Gregor had been.

Now, it's just a matter of time before the police get here to cart him off to mutant-jail, the red-and-blue lights clearly visible in the distance.

"Hey guys, I think we gotta scram..." Bernard's voice breaks you from your thoughts, "Oh, and I hope you still got the cash Bludgeon gave you in your--" The blonde's eyes become wide like saucers. "Aahhh-hum-crap--" He stammers, finally realizing the sorry state that your suit is in, and now he's trying to look anywhere but at you, if only to be polite.

Oh. You think, looking down at yourself and at the wardrobe malfunction that you've been fighting with for who-knows how long.

Sympathetic to your plight, the healer mutant is quick to give you her scrub-jacket, and, once you're covered, Bernard looks like he can breathe again.

Unfortunately, your brief moment of peace is ended all-too-soon when a familiar winged mutant lands before you. Immediately, you and Bernard are on guard, interposing yourselves between him and the healer. However, what he says next ends up catching the two of you off-guard.

"Not want fighting." Boleski says in broken English. "I'm not here... to fight. I just need heal."


"And why should you get healed after your guys tried to kill us?" Bernard argues, crossing his arms at the older mutant.

"I--" Boleski begins and quickly stops himself, brows furrowing in consternation. It seems that even he is having trouble finding a reason as to why he should be healed after what he had done, aside from the burn wounds that are still fresh on his person.

You're not sure how much time you have to keep chit-chatting with this guy before the police show up, but you suspect the answer's not long at all, which is why you need to make a decision (and quickly!).

>What do you do?
>This guy's a douche--if he gets healed, he'll probably come back for us with more of his cronies. Let's scram!
>"Wait a minute. How do we know you're just not trying to buy sympathy from us so you can steal the healer?"
>Alright. We'll heal Boleski, but he'll answer whatever question we ask him (Tell us why you're working for these weirdos, need meds, screwy powers, Maranzano, etc.)

>>Alright. We'll heal Boleski, but he'll answer whatever question we ask him (Tell us why you're working for these weirdos, need meds, screwy powers, Maranzano, etc.)
Poor acid schizoid man

Should've added that we probably have time for 1-2 questions. Anyways, I'll be back to tally the votes sometime later, as I'm heading out!

Until then, kings!
>Alright. We'll heal Boleski, but he'll answer whatever question we ask him (Tell us why you're working for these weirdos and why does he need med)
>Alright. We'll heal Boleski, but he'll answer whatever question we ask him (Tell us why you're working for these weirdos!)

Healing and asking questions! Writing!
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"Alright. We'll heal you." You tell Boleski. "But you're going to answer whatever we ask you." Wordlessly he nods, and the healer emerges from behind the two of you, eyeing Boleski with caution.

Once her hands begin to glow with a blue-and-purplish light, the woman dips back into some semblance of professionality and sets to work.

"Why are you working for those gangsters?" You ask first because Boleski doesn't give off the impression of someone who particularly likes working for his gang, given the way the other gangsters were talking about him; it seems to you like he's was just following orders.

"They give me lek--leki..." It takes a few seconds for him to answer as he stumbles over his words, and, realizing he's dipping back into Polish, he mutters a few curses before pulling a small pill bottle from his pocket. "This." He enunciates. "I work, I get this."

That explains Gregor's words from earlier. "But it's not just leki." He continues. "I get food. I get bed. I don't live like dog." If living with those guys was considered not living like a dog, you can't help but wonder how bad Boleski's situation was beforehand.

"But I don't like Gregorz. Don't like Maranzano." Boleski tells you, and, looking at the other mutant, you can tell that his words are earnest for the most part.

As those words of his hang in the air, your mind settles on another question you have-- one that's been bugging you since your fight with Gregor. "Why do you need that medication?" The first guess your mind went to was addiction, but, with the words 'nutcase' and 'nutjob' being thrown around by the other gang members, your gut is telling you that there's more to the story than meets the eye.

No matter, Boleski doesn't seem to be offended at your question. Instead, what seems to cross his face is a mixture of shame, grief, and remorse as he then proceeds to he pulls another something out from his pocket and hands it to you-- a keycard. A keycard with a logo you know all too well.

"Wait-- you were FutureLabs?!" Bernard takes the words right out of your mouth. He nods, and, as you examine the card for yourself, you find that the image of the man on the card has a little more life in his eyes than the one standing before you.

"All the time, I hear voices. Mutant voices." Boleski clarifies, and you think you know what he means by mutant voices. "They pain, sometimes die, and..." He falters, averting his eyes to the ground. "...and I think I should be with them." It takes everything in Boleski to admit that last part.


"Wasn't like this before Doctor Charles did this to me." He says, and, by now, most of the more-recent burn wounds have completely disappeared thanks to the healer. "He said he make me strong, better mutant than before, but instead he make me crazy and stupid." Before. Which tells you that Boleski had been a mutant from the time the particle accelerator exploded, and, like Eddie, he'd been one of the mutants that had been working for FutureLabs from the get-go.

You have a very strong feeling that the substance they used on him was none other than Aurum Impulsum-- that same, dreaded substance that was used on the Crux girls. Perhaps there's some info on the hard drive, you think, and you make a mental note to ask Matt or Eddie if they have any info on Boleski later.

"Sorry my English sucks." Boleski is apologetic. "Also is Charles' fault."

"Don't apologize." You tell him. "We're going to take him down." At that, he nods, and you see some of the tension fall from his shoulders.

"Then take the kartek-- kart." He tries to correct himself, motioning to the keycard in your hands. "It should work still." He informs you, and, with that, you hand it to Bernard, whose pockets are still functional.

"Done!" The healer chimes in, and, although his torso's still covered in many old wounds, it looks way better for the most part. You know you're cutting it awfully close with the cops around the corner, so you're pretty sure this is where the four of you will part.

"Dziękuję bardzo." Whatever he's saying is probably some sort of thanks, and, with that, he shoots into the air, flying off to wherever. You sure hope he quits that gang.

Looks like it's your cue to leave too, and your night is far from over!

First thing's first, you need to take care of the other pharmacists that you and Bernard left in the dust.

By the time you get back to them, the two of them are loitering outside the diner, and, when they see you, they're wearing odd expressions that are somewhere between distressed and relieved. You tell them not to say anything about the M-Guard looking for the healer mutant or being in Nacht Haven for that matter; because, even though you might be incriminated on the news from your fight with Gregor, you would rather not have the healer placed in danger again anytime soon.


With the two pharmacists taken care of, now that the dust has mostly settled, the exhaustion from your double-trouble fight is setting in, and, although you know you need to head to the warehouse so you can get Valjean and Julia healed, you find yourself wanting nothing more than to faceplant into something comfortable for as long as you live. Preferably with something good to eat.

From beside you, you can tell that Bernard, too, looks ready to fall flat on his face, as he's also teleported himself to the bone, so the question is what next?

>A quick bite to eat would do you some good! Get B some caffeine in his system while you're at it!
>A change of clothes! You can't stay in these lousy scrubs forever.
>Forget the breather, let's skip straight business! To the warehouse!

>>Forget the breather, let's skip straight business! To the warehouse!
>Forget the breather, let's skip straight business! To the warehouse!
>A quick bite to eat would do you some good! Get B some caffeine in his system while you're at it!
Just to make sure nothing funny happens

Time to get down to business! Writing the last update of the night!
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"Let's just get this over with." You shoot to Bernard and the healer, pushing the feelings of hunger to the back of your mind. It's not enough to have you rabid and ready to bite someone's head off, but it's enough to be bothersome, gnawing at your gut with every passing second.

Soon enough, Nacht Haven's decimated streets are replaced with the ever-familiar warehouse, and, now that there's nothing else to deal with for the time being (besides the whole healing part of the deal), you feel your body sag.

"The dough, please." The healer coughs. When Bernard hands her the stack of bills, the first thing she does with her newly-acquired money is count it-- over and over again-- and, the longer she does so, the more it looks as if drool could fall from her mask at any second.

"Ahehehehe..." The healer laughs at the lump-sum in her hands, the look on her face being what you think is a mixture of disbelief, euphoria, or both.

Briefly, you wonder if this is what you look like when you're hungry, and you can't help it as your mind drifts to fresh tuna, caught by your hand. Delicious, tasty tuna.

Your tongue brushes against your teeth, and when you realize what you're doing you want to mentally slap yourself. Focus, Elise! Food can come later.

You'd been so wrapped up in thoughts of dinner that you hadn't even realized when Bernard had brought Valjean and Julia to you, a hand on your shoulder bringing you back into the present. "--Kelpie! Earth to Kelpie!" The blonde's voice echos in the warehouse. "You know it's my job to fall asleep on the job, right?" Outwardly, Bernard is joking, but you can tell that he's concerned.

"H-Hello, ladies and gents." The healer greets the new arrivals, off-put by the presence of two more people. "You must be my clients, so you can take a seat somewhere and I'll--I'll be right with you..." At that, Julia wanders off, presumably to find somewhere to sit; Valjean, on the other hand, takes a good few moments to look you and Bernard up-and-down, not-quite-believing the amount of blood and rubble you two are covered in.

"I would ask what happened to you guys, but I think I'm better off not knowing." He says, and then he hobbles off, crutches click-clacking against the ground.

Now that you got the healer, it's just a matter of who she heals first.

>Wat do?
>Tell her to heal Valjean's leg first!
>Tell her to heal Julia first!
>Let the healer decide!
>>Tell her to heal Julia first!
>Tell her to heal Julia first!

Attempting to heal our resident gem-mutant! Writing!
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"Let's see what we can do about... Jewel first." Just barely, you remember to use Julia's alias because, trustworthy as the healer may seem, you'd rather not have your fugitives' names in the mouth of a mutant who runs such a risky business.

Leading the healer to Julia, you find the redhead perched atop a small crate, sipping on a carton of fruit juice.

"Who's this?" Julia tilts her head at the unfamiliar face.

"She's a doctor." Is your succinct reply, and, despite her ongoing wariness of you, Julia seems accepting of your response.

"Ah...hehe... I think doctor's a bit of a stretch honestly..." The healer is bashful at the comment. "If I were a doctor, I wouldn't be using my powers to work an underground job-- I'd be living the high-life right now." Again, the woman bemoans her lack of wealth.

"Before I do anything on her, I'm just going to run her through some quick, non-invasive tests to test how she is from a neurological standpoint." With that, you watch as the healer makes Julia do everything from following the healer's hand to that one nose-touching test that they make drunk drivers do, and, even though your knowledge of the human brain is nowhere near Matt's or John's, you know that these tests are being used to test things like Julia's reaction-time, hand-eye coordination, and so forth.

You're thankful the healer doesn't inquire about Julia's other wounds, or those hairline fissures that cover her whole upper-body to be more precise-- the ones that you caused.

Out of curiosity, the healer pokes a glowing finger against one of them to see what happens, but the network of scars remains.

"Alright. It's brain-time, so just sit still for me and relax." Ever-the-perfect-patient, Julia complies with her request, and, with that, the healer's hands become awash in that bluish-purple light.

By the time the light dies down, you notice that Julia looks positively bug-eyed. Whether it's from the bright light being so close to her eyes or the healing process itself, you're not sure, but you really hope something happened.

"Well, I think I healed something in there, alright." The healer tells you. "Let's see if it actually worked." Turning to the redhead, the first question the healer fires off to her is: "Jewel, what day is your birthday?"

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Several moments pass in silence as you and the healer wait expectantly for an answer. Not even ten seconds ago, you were still holding on to that speck of cautious optimism in the hope that Julia had actually been healed, but, the longer you wait, the deeper the pit of disappointment in your gut becomes.

"...I don't know." Julia eventually admits, bringing a hand to her forehead. The look on her face is both confused and baleful because even she knows that she should know her own birthday.

"Ummm... shit." The healer mutters beneath her breath. "I had a feeling this would happen. Jewel, do you feel any different right now?"

"Yeah." She nods, and, at the very least, the question seems to distract the redhead from the problem at hand. "I was having headaches before, but I think they're gone now."

"Looks like she had some cranial damage..." The healer mutters to herself, but your ears manage to catch those words. Nonetheless, you keep a smooth face, even though all you're thinking about right now is that Julia had been walking around with cranial damage the whole time she'd been with you.

"I want to say I know the reason nothing's happening, but I don't cause I've never treated amnesia before." The healer interrupts your internal conniption. "Maybe you can tell me how Jewel got her amnesia in the first place-- if you know, that is..."

>Wat do?
>Tell her the full scoop-- maybe she can provide some insight as to why Julia's not getting healed.
>Give her the necessary deets, but nothing more than that.
>Don't tell her anything-- the less people know about the Epsilon Trial stuff, the better.

Poor Julia, this might explain why there were times she became violent fast.
>Give her the necessary deets, but nothing more than that.
Well she heard when Boleski told us about what future labs did to him, so the only thing besides what happened to her head we'll say is that it was their doing.
>Give her the necessary deets, but nothing more than that.

Gonna grab a bite and call the vote at 20:30 EST

I didn't even know I got responses until now cause I forgot to refresh the page. Kek.

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"You remember what Boleski was saying about Atticus Charles, don't you?" You shoot the question off to the healer, voice lowered so that only she can hear your words. "He's not the only mutant that FutureLabs altered."

You take her silence as a cue to continue, wanting to get straight to the point. "Whatever they did to her caused a good portion of her brain to crystallize, like the hippocampus, occipital and frontal lobes, and ceberum..." You then proceed to list off all of the affected areas that you remember Matt telling you about, as well as the fact that Julia essentially has none of her memories save for those of the past few weeks.

"So all of the parts that help Jewel function." The healer finishes. "How the hell does that even happen?"

"We think it was trauma." You half-lie because you know for a fact that it was trauma, as Julia's brain sought to protect itself; but, you'd rather not spew the nitty-gritty details of it aloud.

Luckily, the healer seems to take your word for it, regarding Julia with a curious glint in her eyes.

"Okay," She breathes, pushing her glasses back up her nose. "This is my best guess, but what I think is going on is that Jewel's brain thinks it's already healed." Her hands light up around Julia's head for a brief moment before suddenly dimming again. "And, since the crystal's part of her body, it's virtually harmless to her. That's why I can't heal it, and it's also probably why her body's not trying to get rid of it."

That could explain why, aside from gaining some small bits of herself back, the progress in Julia's healing hadn't been very significant at all.

"There's a chance she might have some positive personality changes now that the cranial damage is gone." The healer puts an emphasis on the word 'positive.' "But I wouldn't really get your hopes up for, you know..." She makes a silent mouthing of the word 'memory.'

"Would you guys tell me what's going on?" Julia's voice interrupts, and you find yourself mildly surprised that she didn't stay quiet like she usually does. Guess the healer's treatment really is that good.

"Ah... well, it's kind of hard to explain." The healer has no clue how to explain to Julia the issue at hand in a way that won't distress her. "You like candy?" She asks, seamlessly changing the topic, and, before Julia can answer, the curly-haired woman pulls a lollipop out of nowhere and tosses it to her, Julia's eyes going wide at the newly-acquired sweet.

"Anyways, where's the guy with the broken bone?" The healer asks, now that Julia is sufficiently distracted.


As you're leading the woman to Valjean, a thought suddenly crosses your mind. Why exactly are you healing Valjean's leg?

Sure he's cordial to Matt and kind to Julia, but, other than the fact that you should, and it's the right thing to do, you can't help but find yourself hard-pressed to find an actual reason as to why the former Crux leader deserves it.

Of course, you know you're supposed to be the good guys, and the good guys don't typically get a thanks (or anything at all for that matter); however, you can't help but find yourself conflicted about going through with this whole leg-thing.

>Wat do?
>Just skip the BS and fix Valjean's leg. You're a hero, not an asshole.
>Use his leg as a bargaining chip now-- see if you can get him to wake the coma'd cops or something
>Ask him about your bargain afterwards-- use the leg as a show of goodwill. Perhaps Valjean will be more inclined.
>On second thought, Valjean doesn't really need that leg back. Tell the healer we're done here.
>>Ask him about your bargain afterwards-- use the leg as a show of goodwill. Perhaps Valjean will be more inclined.
>Ask him about your bargain afterwards-- use the leg as a show of goodwill. Perhaps Valjean will be more inclined.

One thing at a time, Vally...
>Ask him about your bargain afterwards-- use the leg as a show of goodwill. Perhaps Valjean will be more inclined.
Crashing like there's no tomorrow. Gonna work on the next update when I'm well-rested-- see you then, kings!

Heal now, bargain later! Writing!

Knowing Valjean, he'll get pissed off if you try to use his leg as a bargaining tool for the coma patients, which was the first idea that came to mind.

However, you know very well that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar (even if said flies are more akin to hornets). That's why you won't give the former Crux leader any trouble at all-- at least until his leg is actually healed-- because you think that once he's got his leg back he'll be way more inclined to listen to what you have to say.

By the time you get to Valjean, you can tell that he's been waiting for quite some time.

"You must be the fracture-patient I'm taking care of. Got an alias or name I can call you?" The healer inquires.

"You can call me Pharos." He says, to which the healer completely loses it.

"Y-You're Ph-Pharos?!" The healer sputters, and you can tell that Valjean is very-much amused with her reaction.

"The one-and-only." He smirks, slipping the trademark Crux mask on his face, and, as he makes himself comfortable on the crate, he says to the healer with a tone that's far-too-saccharine. "Oh, and just a little something else you should know about the patients you treated here: you will completely forget our names and faces."

You don't even care that he's blatantly using his power on the healer mutant-- that's how tired you are-- but this time you'll let it slide just for the sake of anonymity.

Once he unwraps his leg, you see that it's still a deep shade of purple, albeit considerably less purple than when you first brought him into the warehouse.

The healer sets her hands alight, and you're not even given a chance to blink as any indication of his leg being broken is completely gone.

From behind his mask, you can tell that Valjean looks both pleasantly surprised and relieved. "Does your healing account for atrophy?" Valjean asks the healer, who nods at his question.

"Yeah, but how long did you have your leg broken?"

"Up to a month, maybe more." Valjean gives his best estimate.

"In that case, you're going to need to spend the next twenty-four hours just getting the bloodflow back in there with walking." The healer says factually. "Your leg's going to be completely better-- perhaps even better than normal-- but taking it easy on the first day is a must."

The healer hadn't even finished her sentence before Valjean is already trying to get back to his feet, staggering a little as he does so.

"Hey, if you break your leg again, that's gonna cost extra!" The healer jokingly-admonishes before she realizes that she was taken seriously. "Kidding, I was kidding. You guys have given me more than enough."

"By the way, how did the healing with Jewel go?" Valjean asks once he finds his balance.


"The amnesiac." Valjean corrects himself.

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"Oh, right! Whatshername." The woman can't even tell that she's under the influence of Les Misérables. Can't be helped, you suppose.

"Well, to be frank, she did have some cranial damage that might've been affecting her, so, if you notice any positive changes in her personality, then you know why." She repeats the same thing she said to you. "However, everything outside the cranial damage is healed, and my power doesn't work on things that are already healed."


"Her amnesia's... it's-" The healer falters, withering under the force of Valjean's intense gaze. "It's likely permanent." The woman finally says in a rush. "Ah-shit! Why do I have to be the one to give everyone the bad news?! I don't wanna be the one to tell someone this kind of crap-- this is why I should've gone back to live with my parents instead of doing this stupid wannabe-doctor thing!"

The healer doesn't stop there, spiraling further and further into the depths of her incoherent babble.

Realizing that she's losing her marbles real fast, you do exactly what you'd think any other smart, sane individual would do and give the woman a good slap in the shoulder, to which she immediately shuts up. Much better.

"I-I'm really sorry about that." At least the woman has the decency to look apologetic. "It's just that I really hate giving people bad news."

"Just remember what I said about the positive, like positive changes in whatshername. And you, mask-guy, take it easy on the leg for the first twenty-four hours." Valjean gives a nod of assent but doesn't look pleased at all about the most recent news in regards to Julia. You wonder if he had been expecting this, or did he have his hopes up this whole time?

After that, Valjean goes to practice his walking, and you go to seek out Bernard to take the healer back-- not to Nacht Haven, of course, but to wherever she wants to be dropped off.

As expected, the healer thanks you profusely for everything you've done, telling you that her healing services are free for you to use at anytime (well, not completely free, but she promises a steep, M-Guard discount).

Unsurprisingly, you find that the teleporter's fast-asleep, body sprawled out on the ground.

Aw crap. Now you're going to feel bad if you wake him up, but it's a necessary sacrifice if you want to get him back to an actual bed.

You poke him with your foot once, then twice, before the blonde begins to stir. "Wha-Whazzat?" Blearily, he opens his eyes, not quite awake just yet. "Tell them t'get my coffee right..." And then Bernard falls back to sleep.

It takes a good several minutes of trying wake your comatose friend until you remember that on one of the holders on his belt are several bottles of Super Vital Shots-- the M-Guard's energy shot of choice. You have to fish it off of his belt and feed it to him yourself, but, once the bottle is empty, Bernard is roused from his slumber.


"Alrighty, where to?" The teleporter's ready to get moving, and it's not long before he and the healer are gone. Now you're left alone with Valjean and Julia (and technically Eddie, who's linked to the security cameras installed around the place).

Now's your chance to ask Valjean about waking those coma patients up, and, even with the bad news he'd received earlier, you would think that the former Crux leader would be leagues happier now that his leg is healed.

>Wat do?
>Ask about it now, while you're still here.
>Do it later. Ask tomorrow, when your mind's fresh.

>>Ask about it now, while you're still here.
>Ask about it now, while you're still here.
>Ask about it now, while you're still here.

Asking now! Writing!

You decide there's no time like the present to ask Valjean about waking up the coma patients.

But hell. If there's anything more difficult than the shitshow you put yourself through tonight, it's trying to make conversation with Valjean. You're still convinced he's got your name at the top of his mental list of grudges for a slew of things, like scarring Julia, breaking his leg, and being the one primarily responsible for having his Crux plans go awry.

However, you, Matt, and Bernard, are the only ones standing between him and a one-way trip to FutureLabs, and, with how insistent they had been with using lethal force against Valjean, you suspect that Atticus Charles thinks he's better off dead than alive. Still, you can only imagine what could happen to the former Crux leader if he were to pass into those dreaded white halls.

When you find Valjean, he's doing the exact, same thing he was before-- walking around the warehouse.

Just about when you're about to make your presence known to the other mutant, you realize that you have no clue how to approach this.

"Hey, cannibal." Valjean breaks you from your thoughts. Though you're not a fan of the nickname, there's no malice in his tone. "You going to stare at the wall all night, or are you going to say something?"

>What do you say?
>Tell him outright that you want those coma patients to be woken up
>Explain to him that you guys pretty much busted your ass to get the healer here. You scratch his back and vice versa

Apologies for the short update! Got caught up in taking care of some things.
>>Explain to him that you guys pretty much busted your ass to get the healer here. You scratch his back and vice versa
>Tell him outright that you want those coma patients to be woken up
Sorry guys, gonna have to stop here cause it's late. Until next time!
>Tell him outright that you want those coma patients to be woken up

Straight to business. We can play our 'tonight's work' card if he tries to wriggle out of it.

Getting straight to the point! Writing!
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"Yeah." You nod, and you count your lucky stars that Valjean's doesn't seem like his usual prickly self. It makes you think your odds of success are marginally-higher than they would be, giving you the confidence you need to skip straight to the point. "I want you to consider waking up those coma-patients."

Immediately, his face twists, grey eyes narrowing at your words, and, just by the look on his face alone, you're almost certain that you've completely screwed up your chances of waking up those coma patients.

However, instead insulting you, making a jibe, or anything of that sort, the former Crux leader seems to be more perplexed at your request rather than irritated. Eventually, he says, "You realize that if I wake up those patients you'll be shooting yourselves in the foot, right?"

"FutureLabs want to kill you to wake them up." At your response, Valjean smirks a wry smirk.

"If they do, then all of those people will die with me."

"Like we haven't dealt with them before." You counter, and you're certain that those police won't be back on the force anytime soon with how long they've been idle. "But they can't stay like that forever. Just... they're stupid, but they're only doing what they're told."

"Then that stupidity needs to be punished." Valjean's voice is vehement. "And anyone who facilitates Atticus Charles' will deserves what they get."

A terse silence ensues, the warehouse completely quiet save for the city noises on the outside. He seems wholly convinced of himself. With ample reason to hate Atticus Charles, though you don't agree with Valjean whatsoever, you can understand his point-of-view.

A flash of green indicates the arrival of Bernard, who, despite having been given a Super Vital Shot, is doubled over, looking like he could collapse at any moment.

"Wow." Valjean whistles at the sight of the disheveled blonde. "Just when I thought you couldn't look any worse..."

"Can it, jerkface." Bernard brushes his bangs from his face. "You don't even know what we went through to get to the healer."

"Well, you completely exceeded my expectations-- you're not dead, you got the healer, and you managed to survive Nacht Haven." At this point, it's clear that Valjean's just trying to get a rise out of Bernard. "Anyways, I'm pretty sure you guys are still young enough to have a bedtime, so go-- get moving, and do whatever it is that kids your age do..." With that, Valjean turns on his heel, though the glare Bernard gives to his back is one that could melt steel.

"Wait." You interject, remembering the topic of the conversation prior. Inappropriate connotations of Valjean's banter aside, you're far too tired and hungry to remotely care, as your stomach gives you another reminder of said hunger. "What about the coma patients?"


"I didn't say no, did I?" Valjean turns his head back to you. "Give me some time to think it over." And, with a dismissive wave of his hand, you're pretty sure that this is where the conversation ends.

You're not even aware when Bernard places his hand on your shoulder and the warehouse is replaced with the familiar walls of your apartment.

Matt, unsurprisingly, is still awake, as you can hear from the living room-- and still working out with his music at full-blast.

'Please muscle! I want to be hot! Please muscle! I want to be super-ripped--'

Despite the English lyrics, you can tell that the tune is undeniably foreign, and Matt, still unaware of your presence, is mouthing along to the words.

Had you the wherewithal, you'd be running for your cellphone to immortalize this moment on video-- not for blackmail purposes, of course. Nope. Not at all.

Instead, you take a step closer, and, from the corner of his eye, Matt catches the motion. In that exact moment, you could visibly see him lose all the color in his face mid-tricep dip.

"JOHN, THIS IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT WHAT IT FUC-oh, it's just you two." Matt looks relieved, but, once he turns around and lowers the TV a bit, you notice brown eyes widen as he takes in the sorry state the both of you are in. "What the hell happened to you guys?"

>Fill Matt in on your jaunt in Nacht Haven and afterwards. Tell him the full deets.
>Give him the short summary-- just the important stuff.
>Go feed and rest first-- you can fill him in later!

>Give him the short summary-- just the important stuff.

We're TIRED, damn it! Plus Matt's clearly got some more reps to do.
>'Please muscle! I want to be hot! Please muscle! I want to be super-ripped--'

>Give him the short summary-- just the important stuff.
>Fill Matt in on your jaunt in Nacht Haven and afterwards. Tell him the full deets.

Summarizing like a boss. Writing!
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"So remember how you were talking about gangs?" You start, because that had been one of the things Matt had warned you about.

"You gotta be kidding me." Matt looks like he wants to facepalm, but, then again, you've had unluckier run-ins with people you'd least expect, the first one coming to mind being John.

"Do we look like we're kiddin?'" Bernard asks rhetorically. "They were after the healer too-- wanted to take her to New York and sell her off to whoever was buyin.' They even had a couple of mutants with them, like really strong ones."

"Huh. Well, I didn't think you guys would lose, but sure looks like you had a hell of a time."

"Yeah, not gonna lie. Fishface got the biggest beatin.'" Bernard admits. "I was doin' evac the whole time, but I'm pretty sure that roach-guy destroyed all of Nacht Haven-- watch them spin that against us on the news tomorrow..."

"Just ignore it, B." Matt tells him. "Besides, I think people are finally starting to see FutureLabs for what it is."

"Oh yeah," The blonde's face perks up, as if remembering something. "Speakin' of which, one of the guys Ellie fought used to work for FutureLabs." He then rifles around in his belt until he finds what he's looking for. "Even gave us his ID card."

Wordlessly, Matt takes the card from him so he can see for himself. "Wow. This is legit..." He mumbles as he examines the keycard. "What kind of power did this guy have?" Matt is curious about that.

"He had wings and could make acid, but then he had something done to his powers like the other mutants from the Epsilon Trials and ended up losing his mind-- he couldn't even remember how to speak English." You explain, feeling a twinge of sympathy for the winged mutant. "When you were on the hard drive, did you see the name 'Boleski' anywhere? Anything about some sort of winged mutant?"

"No." Matt shakes his head. "I'll look again, and, if I don't find anything, I'll just ask Eddie if he knows about him."

Well, it was worth a shot.

"By the way, how did the healing go for Julia? Did she get her memory back?"

"No. The healer said that her brain was already healed over with crystals, but she did have some cranial damage."

"Shit." Matt breathes, scratching the back of his head. "And we made her fight like that?"

"Don't remind me." You frown, thinking of how brutal that particular spar was.

"Not like we could've known." He says, and he seems more upset about not picking up on Julia's cranial damage himself. "By the way, that suit's getting burnt whether you like it or not." There's a dangerous glint in Matt's eyes as he says this, and, honestly, you can't blame him.


Now, with your Berserker Mode, that suit is public indecency lawsuit waiting to happen-- not that that's stopped you from doing anything else that's remotely illegal (for the greater good, of course!), but now you can add public indecency to the long list of laws you've already broken.

"By the way, Ellie, you should probably think about washing all that blood off. That yours or the mutants you were fighting?"

"Both." You admit, and, as your stomach reminds you that it's harrowingly empty, you add washing to the list of stuff you need to do before you can head into sweet bliss that is sleep.

>Wat do?
>Wash up

Can't sleep on an empty stomach!
them bath and sleep
this, by going out to the water to feed we are technically also washing up
multitasking mastery here

Multitasking powers activate! Writing!

You're about to say something else to Matt, something that probably wasn't all that important, when your stomach gives off another long, angry growl.

Matt, of course, gives you one of his looks, clearly knowing what's on your mind. "Go eat, Ellie."

You don't need to be told twice.

A quick change of clothes later and you're out the door in your human form, charging towards the water like a thirsted man in a desert. Though you would've asked Bernard to teleport you straight to the water, the teleporter ended up falling asleep somewhere in the middle of that conversation you were just having.

Now the only thing standing between you and an ocean full of fish is a quick swim, and, at the prospect of said fish, you feel like you've gotten a second wind. Once you're in the water, you're off like a rocket, arms and fins pumping at breakneck speed.

With how fast you're swimming, you're pretty sure all the blood's washed itself away, which means there's only one thing left to do before you can finally get to sleep-- and that's feed to your heart's content. By the time you're in open water, you're already giving yourself over to that mental abyss which precedes your meals.

Not even a couple of minutes pass before you've sunken your jaws into something. Too large to be a mackerel, your mind instantly latches onto the word 'sea bass,' even though the only thing you care about is the fact that it's food.

From all the blood you lost, you feel more ravenous than usual, and, again your mind drifts back to Gregor and the possibility of eating him. What would've happened then? Would you have recovered the same as if you were eating fish? Maybe better?

Your mind doesn't linger on these thoughts for long, as your blood-fueled high reaches that point-of-no-return, and, somewhere in the midst of said high, you find yourself suddenly blacking out, floating, floating, floating...


When you finally come to, it's still dark.

Slowly regaining your bearings, you note that you're still underwater, as you're acutely aware of the feeling of saltwater passing through your gills instead of air moving through your lungs. More prominent, however, is the feeling of the ocean's water that covers you like a blanket, and, although the pressure feels more pronounced than normal, it's not uncomfortable.

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In fact, it's rather soothing if you had to say-- like a heavy comforter would be in the dead of winter-- which is why you stay where you are for just a little longer to enjoy the sensation of the water.

Cracking your eyes open, you find yourself on the ocean floor surrounded by various sea-flora. Come to think of it, it feels like a lot more time has passed than you thought it would.

Did... Did you fall asleep here?

Deciding there's no use in mulling it over any longer, you decide to swim back towards the surface to see how much time has passed, and, true to your gut-feeling, the sun's already high in the sky.

You hope Matt and Bernard aren't awake yet since neither of them knew you'd be falling asleep in the water, but you know too well that Matt's an early-riser, meaning that he could be having a minor conniption at this very moment. Whoops.

No matter, using the sun as your guide, you make your way westward and back to Konigsburg's familiar coastline, towards the shore where your training-beach is.

Breaking through the water, you're surprised to find Bernard already up and training, boxing gloves donned and striking forwards with the utmost concentration.

What's more is that his form looks good. Really good.

Not only that, but you can visibly see the gains he's made with his overall fitness. Color yourself impressed...

However, you can't help but find yourself puzzled as to why Bernard would be training right after a fight. You'd expect him to be resting actually, or somewhere with a cup of coffee in his hands.

Plus, now that you're above water with the sun beating on your hair, you realize that it's quite hot and humid out.

>Wat do?
>"Yo B, get out the sun before you melt!" Cause friends don't let friends turn into tomatoes.
>"Hey B, shouldn't you be resting?" Point out the obvious like a boss.
>Stay where you are for now, just until he notices you. Doesn't hurt to watch for a little while longer...

>>"Yo B, get out the sun before you melt!" Cause friends don't let friends turn into tomatoes.
>"Yo B, get out the sun before you melt!" Cause friends don't let friends turn into tomatoes.

Forgot to mention that that was the last update of the night! Just a quick notice-- I'm going to be a bit preoccupied tomorrow, so, if I'm able to get any updates out, it'll probably be one or two.

Until next time, kings!
>"Yo B, get out the sun before you melt!" Cause friends don't let friends turn into tomatoes.
fish is fresh and ready to glow
>>Stay where you are for now, just until he notices you. Doesn't hurt to watch for a little while longer...

Mmmm. Tasty meat- but not to eat...
Sorry but no update tonight! Thought I'd be able to get to my computer early enough, but the day took longer than expected.

Expect more mutant-filled mayhem tomorrow!

>Tell ourboi to get outta the sun!


>Keep watchin' them goods (f-for training purposes!)...

Looks like we're stopping B from becoming a tomato! Writing!
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As much as you'd like to stay in the water where it's cool and watch Bernard for a little while longer, just to check his form and stuff (for training purposes, you tell yourself. Nothing else but that.), you would hazard a guess that he's probably boiling in this weather.

"Yo B, get out of the sun before you melt!" You call to him, still treading water, and almost immediately he stops his boxing.

"Fish!" A flash of relief crosses the blonde's face as his head whips in your direction, but it's quickly replaced with one of his trademark grins. "I thought you got swept into the ocean or somethin.'"

"No, I fell asleep underwater." You tell him, and you'd been so tired that you didn't even remember when it happened.

"That tired, huh?" Bernard's face is sympathetic. "Guess I can't blame you. That was a hell of a fight you had with that roach-guy."

"What about you? Shouldn't you be resting too?" You're wondering why he's busting his ass in this kind of weather.

"I did, but doesn't the sayin' go 'if you work hard in trainin,' the fight is easy?'" Though you find yourself agreeing with his logic, with the sheer amount of people he teleported (with the healer in tow), you would think he would still be resting right now. Must be a guy thing or something...

"Now howabout gettin' out of the water so we can do somethin?'" He says, taking off his boxing gloves and making to you; now that you can see the blonde up-close, not only is he positively drenched in sweat, but you can also see the beginning of a sunburn on his cheeks. "I think stickface was talkin' about headin' to one of the beaches outside of the city."

"What for?" You tilt your head.

"Dunno. He was actin' kinda shifty about it." Bernard shrugs. "Said it wasn't a fun-trip but the jerk was bringin' a big bag with him. Ten bucks says that two-face's goin' for a beach day or somethin' like that."

Now that has your curiousity piqued. Sure, your brother does a lot of questionable-- and sometimes downright weird-- stuff for M-Guard-related purposes, and that's what makes the whole beach-thing strange to you because it's so positively mundane that you wouldn't expect it of Matt.

Well, now you gotta get home and ask.

Shifting back into your human form, you clamber over the first and largest rock, and, ever the gentleman, Bernard extends his arm to you.

When he grabs your hand, you feel an odd sensation in your chest, like your heart's beating faster than it should. You think it's the weather getting to you because of how hot you're suddenly feeling, which is weird cause you're usually more durable than this, and Bernard doesn't seem to be faring any better with how positively red he looks. Yep... definitely the weather.


"Morning Ellie." Matt greets, once you're back in the house. "Thanks for telling me that you were taking a deep-sea dive." Though his tone is sarcastic, you know that he probably was having a miniature-aneurysm in your absence. "I assume since you took over twelve-and-a-half hours to get out of the water that was actually what you were doing, along with falling asleep."

"How'd you know?" Matt's penchant for being right never ceases to amaze you.

"Cause I know. That's why." And your brother leaves it at that, running back off to his room to prepare for the supposed day-trip that he was supposed to do. When he returns, he's carrying one of those small moleskine notebooks and throwing it into the bag that had not escaped your notice.

"By the way, can you guys take care of any warehouse business today?" Matt asks you and Bernard, even though he knows that you guys are going to do it anyways. "I'm gonna be heading out of town to do... stuff..."

At that, you and Bernard share a glance because you find Matt's deliberate vagueness very shifty indeed, which is why you feel you need more information-- if only to sate your curiosity.

>Wat do?
>Ask him outright. If he refuses to answer, you're not beyond petty interrogation tactics!
>Check what's in his bag while he's not looking-- cause snooping's always gotten you somewhere.
>Eh. Who cares what Matt's doing? If he wants you to know what he's doing, he'll tell you-- let's just head to the warehouse now and get it done with.

>Ask him outright. If he refuses to answer, you're not beyond petty interrogation tactics!
Not getting away THAT easy, motherfucker.

Nice pic btw, QM. Hope it doesn't get burned!
>Ask him outright. If he refuses to answer, you're not beyond petty interrogation tactics!
>>Check what's in his bag while he's not looking-- cause snooping's always gotten you somewhere.
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Asking and possibly using petty interrogation tactics-- gonna eat dinner and then write!

Also posted the alternative version of the pic from >>4938183
in case anyone wanted a good kek. It was on the twitter but I meant to post it here too.


That picture was entirely digital! If someone wants to burn THAT, myself included, I'd like to see em' try.
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"Stuff." You repeat, turning back to that bag of his on the floor. "What kind of stuff needs a beach bag?"

"Just, kind of... you know... stuff." Matt mumbles, finding the floor a tad more interesting than usual. "Business stuff."

"Why don't I believe you?" You know there's something more to this "business stuff" than meets the eye.

"Ellie, I know this looks like the complete opposite of what you're thinking, but could you not be a nose for five minutes?" At that, indignation rises in your gut. Who does he think he is to call you a nose?!

"Stick, you're in a Hawaiian-style shirt and swim-trunks. If that doesn't scream 'beach day,' I don't know what does."

"I'm blending in." He argues obstinately.

"Blendin' in my foot! I saw you carryin' goggles this mornin!'"

"S-Shut up..." You don't even realize when the back-and-forth banter becomes more like an argument because you're pissed.

First, Matt has the balls to ditch you two for some secretive beach jaunt when it's hot as hell out, and then he goes and calls you a nose! Not that you typically get angry over some stupid insult, but your nosiness has always helped the M-Guard when you needed it.

And, since you're not getting any information out of your brother by politely asking, you feel a surge of mischievousness as an idea forms in your mind.

"Ellie," Matt gulps, noticing the devious glint in your eyes. "What are you doing?"

And once you take a step forwards, he knows very well that there's no escaping you-- not until he gives you answers.

Realizing his fate, he gives a look to Bernard, whose green eyes share the same menacing glint as your own. "B, do you remember what I told you about bro-code?!"

"Bro-code was plannin' a beach day and leavin' us out of it?" Those words are the final nail in the coffin. "Sorry stick, but you're not gettin' outta this one."

In a flash, you've taken Matt by the legs and flipped him upside-down, holding the jerk up like a war-trophy. Even though he's got a few inches on you, you've got more than enough strength to keep him lifted above the floor.

"AAAAAAaaAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, stop it, Ellie-- you're gonna break my neck!!" He screams as you jerk him a few times. That's for calling you nosy. "I yield! I yield!" Now he's begging for mercy; however, you're not done quite yet. "I'm sorry for calling you nosy! Just let me go, so I can get your stupid suit!"

"My suit!?" You exclaim, and, in your moment of excitement, you end up dropping Matt to the floor, who hits it with a loud thud. "It's done already?"

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Whoops! Forgot my trip!

From his spot on the ground, he nods.

"Then what are you all dressed-up for?" You ask, lifting a brow. "Pale Male Summer?" You recall that from a meme on the Internet, and, from the looks of it, Matt took the meme seriously.

"Oooohhhhhhh..." Bernard's voice interrupts, eyes going wide like he's had some big realization. "You're going to meet with Jenna, aren't you?" Almost instantly, Matt's face goes tomato-red. Amazingly, Bernard had been right on the mark. "Hey, stick's got game, Ellie!"

"S-Shut up..." Matt tries, but the blonde isn't having any of it. "...It's not like that."

"It's not like that yet." Jokes aside, you know your brother well enough that, the longer he's egged on about Jenna, the less open he'll be with you about the whole thing, which is why you decide it's high-time for a change-of-topic.

"Which beach are you going to anyways?"

"I was going to go to Caille Island right now with the metro, but, if you guys wanted to tag-along, I could wait a little while longer. It's up to you."

>Beach?! Count you in!
>Nah, let Matt do his thing.


Apologies for the wait! Cooking dinner took longer than expected!
>>Nah, let Matt do his thing.
>Nah, let Matt do his thing.

He can have his fun. Just gotta mess with him every now and then!
>Nah, let Matt do his thing.

We got him back with the upside down bounce, now we must be supportive.

Writing last update of the night! Spaghetti budget = SAVED.

"Nah, we're good." You tell Matt, and, unsurprisingly, he seems a little relieved.

Though the look on Bernard's face tells you he's slightly disappointed about not going to the beach, you know he wouldn't want to get in the way of his friend's budding relationship if there's one-- and neither would you for that matter.

On the other hand, you guys are on a beach all the time for nearly everything-- be it training, eating, or just hanging out, there's almost never a time that you're not on the beach.

However, what you do know about Caille Island is that it's pretty famous for the sheer amount of stuff it has, like ferris-wheels, merry-go-rounds, and all that junk; and, although you don't mind a crowd, Caille Island is positively packed this time of year. Plus, aside from not being able to swim in your fish form there for obvious reasons, it's a little too commercialized for your tastes. Let Matt have his fun.

Soon, Matt is gone, and you and Bernard are left to your own devices, the two of you having the whole day to yourselves. Even though you were planning on pretty much doing nothing all day, you realize that there still is some stuff that you need to get done. So what now?

>Go with Bernard for mandatory hostage-feeding time. See how Julia's doing with her recovery.
>Check your phone to see if any news from your fight with Gregor's out.
>See if Eddie knows anything about Boleski.
>Head to Schönbrunn Mall. Cause Julia's been wearing that one fugly T-shirt for who-knows-how-long.
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Aight. We're done here for the night, and here's a nice visual of Caille Island while I'm at it.

More Mutant!Quest will continue when I'm well-rested, so until next time, kings!
You know we'll ask for a beach episode later, when you least expect it.
>Head to Schönbrunn Mall. Cause Julia's been wearing that one fugly T-shirt for who-knows-how-long.
Time to get more clothes options
>Head to Schönbrunn Mall. Cause Julia's been wearing that one fugly T-shirt for who-knows-how-long.

This anon's right, QM--don't tempt fate!
>Head to Schönbrunn Mall. Cause Julia's been wearing that one fugly T-shirt for who-knows-how-long.

One day Julia will forgive us if we keep being nice. I hope.

Time to get Julia some DRIP!
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As you're wondering what you're going to do with all of your free time, your mind flits to your not-quite-hostages that are in the warehouse right now, specifically Julia and how her recovery is going, and you wonder if anything changed at all in the brief time you've been gone from there. However, more prominent is the thought that she's been wearing that same, ugly T-shirt and shorts since you brought her to the warehouse.

Logically, this means she needs new clothes, and where else can you get some new clothes fast but Konigsburg's Schönbrunn Mall?

While Bernard is instantly on-board with the idea once you propose it, the two of you come to the realization that your mall-trip will require money. However, that's not much of a worry when you know where to get some serious cash. Shooting off a quick text to Matt, you're sure he has more than enough money on hand from... wherever.

Probably pilfered it from John, you think, and, for the millionth time, you wonder how he has yet to notice.

You: Yo wheres the cash at?

A few seconds later gets you a response.

Matt: Bookshelf. Look for the copy of the 'The Grapes of Wrath.'

Following his directions, you head to the bookshelf, scouring it for the fated copy of a book you haven't touched since high school. It takes a few moments before you finally spot, where it's sandwiched between a copy of 'Cucina Napoletano: Edizione Di Molto' and '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.' Jackpot.

Opening the book, you're not surprised to find that the book itself's been hollowed out with an exacto knife, glued together so the book still looks like it's intact. What is surprising is the amount of money, which is way more than enough to fund your trip to Schönbrunn. Hell, it would probably be more than enough to fund a month's worth of meals if you were to stay away from the ocean for a long while.

Briefly, you wonder just how long Matt was "collecting" said money but then realize it doesn't matter all that much. Not like you're going to spend it all.

No matter, you end up taking about a fourth of the cash and slip the book back in the place where you found it, making sure to shoot Matt another quick text that you found it.

With that settled, you get to Schönbrunn in virtually no time at all, that distinctive mall smell hitting your nose the second you step into the air-conditioned building.


Well, that's it for the easy part, you think, but now you gotta figure out just what to buy Julia-- and, as the pathway splits off into a fork towards a multitude of stores, you feel a bit tested as you look at the options laid out before you: a sports fashion store, a GARP store, and that one Jane Große Store that always has fancy-looking stuff in-stock.

>What do?
>Go for the sports fashion store-- look for something comfy and moveable
>Go for GARP-- make Julia a GARP-girl. Like in those 80's commercials!
>Go for Jane Große-- pretty pricy, but at least the clothes are nice...

>Go for GARP-- make Julia a GARP-girl. Like in those 80's commercials!
>Go for GARP-- make Julia a GARP-girl. Like in those 80's commercials!
>Go for the sports fashion store-- look for something comfy and moveable
Tomboy supremacy

GAP-- I mean GARP girl time!


Tomboy supremacy!!

Looks like Julia's getting clothes like picrel! Writing!

GARP. One of the most popular brand-names of clothing, it's been a subject of various 80's commercials and comedy skits for as long as it's been in existence, and, although you think Julia would benefit from having something more practical like something from ADONIS, she seems lean toward the girlier side of things.

Crossing the threshold into the GARP store, the noise of the crowd outside turns into a faint din. Mentally going through a list of necessities for the other mutant, you know that, aside from clothes, Julia will also need some undergarments, and, as you peruse the bra-rack, you are shamelessy reminded of your lacking in... certain departments. Not that it bothers you too much-- it makes life easier since you don't need to waste time searcing for bras.

In fact, you've been touting the same ratty sports-bra for who-knows-how-long, that particular article belonging in a museum at this point just from how much it's seen. A mutant-bra? You think, feeling a smile form on your face at your own joke.

Needless to say, in spite of her smaller stature, Julia is a bit more endowed than you are, so, picking up a couple of the bras meant for "larger" women, you then move onto the sale-racks where Bernard seems as lost as you are.

"Fish, I have no clue what I'm doin.'" He says once he notices your presence.

"Neither do I." You admit. "But didn't you ever shop for your sister or something?"

"Yeah, but it's not like I was the one shoppin' for her. That was my mom's job." He tells you, eyes still on the sale rack. "And you're the girl, Ellie. Shouldn't you be the one who knows what they're doin?'"

The answer should be yes, but, truth be told, you haven't been exactly fond of shopping-- not unless you know what you want or it's food. You still have memories of your mother dragging you by the arm into various stores and changing rooms throughout your childhood, where you'd be screaming and kicking like you were being dragged to the guillotine.

Well, you guess you can consider this another learning experience, so maybe when you're finally interested in shopping for clothes you'll actually be able to do it.


Forgot my trip (again!)

It takes a while and a bit of teamwork, but, eventually, you and Bernard have a haul that consists of two bras, an overall-slash-shirt-combo, a sundress, and a pair of KRONKS-- or those big, clunky shoes that seem to be all-the-rage these days.

Before you head to the checkout counter, you check the amount of cash you've brought with you, and that's when you feel a pit form in your stomach at the evident problem that's arisen.

"What's wrong, fish?" Bernard asks, noticing the sudden distress on your face.

"I thought these were hundreds or something, but they're twenties."

"How much do we have then?" He takes a peek over your shoulder.

"One-hundred-and-twenty-dollars." You count.

"Want me to go back and get some more?"

"No." You refuse, your stubbornness rearing its head. "I think we can buy enough with this."

>Buy the overall/shirt combo ($55.00 USD)
>Buy the sundress ($60.00)
>Buy the lace bra ($25.00)
>Buy the embroidered bra ($20.00)
>Buy the KRONKS ($35.00)
>Don't be a pighead. Get Bernard to get some more dough.

Need to read back to check what she was in before, but.

>Buy the lace bra ($25.00)
>Buy the sundress ($60.00)

Those seem good as a general pick.

Julia's current drip:
>Fugly pink T-shirt with bumblebee on it
>Old ratty shorts
>Flip flops

Other clothing possessions:
>x1 FutureLabs Grade Jumpsuit
>Needless to say, in spite of her smaller stature, Julia is a bit more endowed than you are
That's something I never noticed by the drawings alone. is our fish AA and jewel close to a B ?
>Buy the overall/shirt combo ($55.00 USD)
>Buy the lace bra ($25.00)
>Buy the embroidered bra ($20.00)
there's still money left for some other article. guys
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>That's something I never noticed by the drawings alone. is our fish AA and jewel close to a B ?

No I can't draw boobs for shit (yet). I'd say we're like a high-A/low-B to our high-metabolism fish-body burning through literally everything, and Julia's a mid-C. Though it can be said that we've got more hip due to musculature, and, if you haven't noticed said hips, again, the drawings don't portray everything.
>Buy the embroidered bra ($20.00)
>Buy the KRONKS ($35.00)
>Buy the overall/shirt combo ($55.00 USD)

This seems like the most well rounded combo.
Looks like we're a little tied up here, so I'll keep the vote open for a while longer before I roll some d2s to break it.
Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d2)


Current ties:

I assume you guys would want to buy the KRONKS if we had some cash left over, so, without further ado:

>1= Overalls/Lace
>2= Sundress/Embroidery

Looks like sundress x embroidery wins (and KRONKS)!


Apologies for the delay. Got distracted for a bit.

Coming to a decision, you think the smartest choices are the embroidered bra, sundress, and the KRONKS because, even though Julia's rather petite, you still don't want to buy her a truckload of clothes and realize they don't fit her. That'd kind of suck.

Undoubtedly, the easiest part of this whole ordeal is checking out, and, before you know it, the cashier has all of your stuff put neatly into a bag for you.

Cash left: $5.00 USD

"Careful on your way out." The cashier, who doesn't even look like she's in high school yet, tells you.

"What?" You tilt your head at the girl. Bernard, too, has his interest piqued at her words.

"The crowd by the front entrance is getting pretty big." She clarifies.

"What for?" You end up asking because there wasn't a crowd when you came in, but, then again, you and Bernard teleported right into the parking garage.

"Dunno. Some kind of demonstration's going on." The girl doesn't look like she cares that much about it. "Think it was about mutants or something." And the cashier leaves it at that.

Exiting the GARP store, you head off in a random direction, following the mall's vast walkways with no particular direction in mind.

Passing by the ADONIS store, you spare a glance to the swimsuits that are displayed in the window. You'd been thinking about purchasing a new one for quite a while-- if only to have something more durable under your clothes-- and, as much as you wanted extra money on hand to purchase said swimsuits, buying new clothes for Julia was way more important. You're pretty sure you can find something good online anyways; mentally, you resolve to make said purchase when you have the chance.

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Once you're deeper into the mall, your nose is hit by a multitude of smells, mainly food, and, had you the tongue to enjoy it, you'd probably order a sweet from one of the mall's many vendors.

"Hey look, Ellie! Check out all those pastries..." Bernard stops in his tracks, green eyes suddenly round like saucers. Looking at the assortment of pastries, you notice that it's all specialty stuff, like the kind you'd have to go all the way to Konigsburg's Cittadina to get. "Anyways, I think I know what we're doin' with that last bit of cash..." With that, he orders two sizeable donut-like pastries-- one for now and one to-go.

Cash left: $0.25 USD

With a masterful flick of the thumb, Bernard sends the final quarter flying in your direction, which you catch with all the grace of a cat. Then the two of you park yourselves on a bench so that the blonde can finish eating.

"Wish you could have some..." Bernard tells you from a mouthful of the food. "This stuff's the bomb."

Powdered sugar covers his nose and cheeks, and, for no reason at all, you find the sight funny-- enough that you're smirking at the sight. "Hey, what's so funny?"

Wordlessly, you bring the phone to his face, and, once he gets a good look at his reflection, he's grinning too. "Hah. Guess I was pretty funny."

Pastry eaten and face cleaned, you look at your phone and realize that there's still a lot of time left in the day. Even though you don't have any money left, you could still continue to hang around the mall with Bernard, or you could leave at any time.

>What do you do?
>Check out what that demonstration is. Not that you want to get in on it, you just want to get close enough to see what it's about.
>Hang around the mall for a little while longer. Wasn't there that cool-looking aquarium in the center?
>Deliver the clothes to Julia. Make an amnesiac's day!

>Check out what that demonstration is. Not that you want to get in on it, you just want to get close enough to see what it's about.
And that's the last update for the night! Didn't mean to prolong the update-- again, I just got distracted.

In other news, I just came to the realization that there were three votes for the lace bra instead of two. [/spoiler]Unfortunately, by the time I actually did realize this, I'd already posted... so my bad.

As always, see you next time, kings, and thanks for playing!
Thanks for running, man--it's been good having you back on the catalogue.
>>Deliver the clothes to Julia. Make an amnesiac's day!
>Check out what that demonstration is. Not that you want to get in on it, you just want to get close enough to see what it's about.
When a delay like this happen, try to send the update warning on twitter as well. Altough this time was the final doot of the day so not a big deal
>Check out what that demonstration is. Not that you want to get in on it, you just want to get close enough to see what it's about.
>In other news, I just came to the realization that there were three votes for the lace bra instead of two.
I wanted the laced one :( Guess I'll wait for another time
>Check out what that demonstration is. Not that you want to get in on it, you just want to get close enough to see what it's about.
Things are escalating behind the scenes or something?
>Check out what that demonstration is. Not that you want to get in on it, you just want to get close enough to see what it's about.

hopefully mutie rights
nevar forget bernards dad

Looks like we're going to check out that demo. Gonna be heading to the gym so I won't be at my computer for like another hour to write. But I'll answer/respond to some stuff beforehand.


>delays n stuff

Crapola-- totally didn't mean to get so distracted., but I ended up discovering a new manga that I ended up binge-reading. Whoops.
Next time I'll be sure to give a heads up (unless I'm not at my PC cause my region's range-banned)

>lace bra

As for miscounting the votes... trust me, anon, I hate miscounting the votes (and I was secretly rooting for the embroidered to lose), but maybe someday we'll run into Konigsburg's most prolific lace shop: Cosanostra!


Good to be back! Can't say this enough times, but I'll say it again, anon!


Check the end of the last thread with the pic of the same title as picrel. Long story short, as fast as FL was trying to sweep stuff under the rug, people were still pretty pissed about it. Can't imagine they're happy about what happened to Huber either.

Alright! Vote's called for demonstration!
Writing now!
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For a moment, you think about going straight to the warehouse to deliver the clothes straight to Julia. However, since you're already here, you'd like to see what all the fuss about that demonstration is.

A few escalator rides and a walk later, and you and Bernard are at the front entrance, where the crowd of people is exactly where the cashier said they would be.

It's not enough people to be considered huge, but it's definitely enough to be worthy of notice. A good number of the people are holding pickett signs with various jabs at Atticus Charles. Others have stuff about Huber, who'd been taken into custody as soon as you'd teleported out of the conference builidng. However, the most unexpected part about this whole protest thing is the sheer amount of mutant rights signs that are visible within the crowd.

The only thing separating you from the protesters is the thick wall of glass that sits between the inside and outside, and, over the din of the various mall sounds, you can make out some of the clamor on the outside.

"--are human rights! Mutant rights are human rights!"

"Hey, what are they sayin?'" Bernard knows for a fact you can hear what's going on.

"They're chanting for mutant rights." You tell him, not taking your eyes off the crowd.

"Well, sure hope it lasts." He says, arms leaning on the railing. From the looks of it, you don't think it's going to stop anytime soon, and you wonder if this is happening just at the mall or even more places than this.

"Any news about your dad?" You're curious about the elder Huber's current status.

"Trial's gonna start next week." Bernard informs you. "It's definitely gonna get fudged for the douchehat, but, with how much my dad knows about laws, business, and everythin,' it's probably gonna take a bit longer to find a reason to nail him, unless they try somethin' dirty like tax fraud..." At that last part, you can see green eyes narrow in distaste, but you're glad to know he's not too worried about his dad anymore.


Well, seeing as you've sated your curiosity for this demonstration, you think it's getting pretty old just watching these people, and, as much as you admire them for protesting against FutureLabs and for mutant rights, you think you should get moving if at all possible.

>Watch the protest for a little while longer--nothing's really happened so far, but maybe something will...
>Get down there and get closer-- maybe you'll see something interesting if you're in the thick of it.
>Watching people is boring! Time to bail!

>Get down there and get closer-- maybe you'll see something interesting if you're in the thick of it.

Inb4 someone tries to bomb them or something
>Watch the protest for a little while longer--nothing's really happened so far, but maybe something will...
>Watching people is boring! Time to bail!
>Watching people is boring! Time to bail!

I'm sure nothing will go wrong

>Get close to the undoubtedly-peaceful protest.


>Maintain distance



Time to blow this joint! Writing!
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Watching people's actually... actually it's pretty boring, and, with nothing really happening, you think it's high-time you and Bernard bail.

"Wanna go to the warehouse?" You vocalize your thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm ready to get outta here." Bernard's on the same page as you, and, before you know it, you're back in the parking garage, climbing the stairs to the janitor's closet at which you arrived.

As you enter the floor where your destination awaits, you catch a glimpse of the action that's still going on below. The crowd's still there with their pickett signs, clamoring away, but the only difference from before is that some police cars have gathered a good distance from the demonstration, unmoving but ready to jump into action in case it escalates.

When you make your way into the closet, making sure the parking garage had been free of witnesses beforehand, your nose is hit with the strong scent of cleaning chemicals and mildew, and you're reminded just how much tight spaces and cleaning chemicals don't mix with you. It was no better the first time around, the scent making your nostrils positively curl, but, since you expected it this time around, you're able to hold your breath just fast enough to not be as affected.

Beat the shit out of Gregor but fall victim to a dingy janitor's closet? Fortunately for you, you don't need to think about the irony of the situation for long as you're teleported to the warehouse, and, greedily, you take in the sweetness that is pure, clean oxygen.

At the sensation of the fresh air in your lungs, you find yourself feeling like a fish that's been thrown back into the water after several minutes above water.

You're pretty sure you're gaping like one too, and, once you come back to your senses, you realize that you're getting strange looks from everyone who was watching, which was everyone.

"We got gifts." You hold up the bags, pretending like that little display did not happen.

Valjean raises an eyebrow at the shopping bags but ulitmately says nothing, while Julia's eyes are fixated on them.

Whether it's out of whatever manners she might remember or her fear of you, you can tell she's visibly holding herself back from stealing a peek in those bags.

Holding out them out to her, you try to make yourself look as unassuming and not-dangerous as possible, and it's after a few seconds of deliberation that Julia places those clothes over her personal safety, swiping them out of your hold with a burst of her mutant-speed.


The first thing that comes out of the bag is the sundress, and, once Julia realizes what it is, her face positively lights up. Next comes the bra, and she takes a few moments to inspect it before placing it back in the bag, seemingly satisfied with it; though you're not too sure what she thinks about the KRONKS. Well, at least you picked a color that she wouldn't be too opposed to-- a light shade of blue that would go with pretty much anything else.

"I'm going to go try these on." She tells the three of you, bounding off to somewhere in the warehouse where she can change.

That leaves you, Bernard, and Valjean in silence. You want to check your phone, just to make it look like you're doing something, but, if you're being honest, you don't feel like it.

Actually, saying it's silent would be a complete lie, as you hear the staticky voice of some newscaster talking from what sounds like a radio-- he's talking about New York, actually. More specifically, that Maranzano gang that you kicked the crap out of last night.

>Now what?
>Ask Valjean about Julia's recovery. She seems to be a bit more lively than usual.
>Keep listening to the radio. Maybe you'll hear something useful.
>Ask Valjean when and where he got the radio. Is Eddie slacking off?!
>Check your phone. It's probably Matt sending you pics of your suit or something.

>>Keep listening to the radio. Maybe you'll hear something useful.
>Keep listening to the radio. Maybe you'll hear something useful.
Feeling kind of tired, and it's late-- so I'll call the vote tomorrow.

Until next time!
>Ask Valjean about Julia's recovery. She seems to be a bit more lively than usual.
>Keep listening to the radio. Maybe you'll hear something useful.

>Listen to the radio like bosses.


>Ask about Julia's recovery


Also fun fact in regards to that radio option (not the one that won): You can't do any serious fuckery with FM/AM radios (i.e. accessing the HAM frequency bands) without some serious modulation/modification. Closest you could get on AM is 1600 kHZ, which still wouldn't be enough to access the lowest edge of the HAM band (1800 kHz). More difficult would be making them able to both receive AND transmit signals, which I don't think would be possible with that dingy junk radio. Why is this remotely relevant? It isn't. I just found it interesting. NOW BACK TO QUESTING!
Heads up for the update-- it's gonna be a bit delayed cause I gotta go run some errands. Thankfully, it's halfway-written, though I thought I'd have a lot more free time today, but I suppose it can't be helped.

Apologies for the delay, anons!

Though you are good at quite a few things, making small-talk with a certain mutant-terrorist is not one of them, and the same goes for Bernard. It's why you find the radio that's sitting by one of the pillars significantly more entertaining than trying to hold a conversation, and, even though video ended up brutally killing the poor machine, you can't help but be thankful for its presence.

"--the mayor of New York City has finally accepted FutureLabs request to put feet on the ground after the superpowered gang war that happened in Nacht Haven last night between Konigsburg's M-Guard and the Maranzano crime family. Though most of the neighborhood was destroyed, authorities apprehended the human gangsters who suffered significant injuries during the fight, as well as one of their mutant associates..."

"Maranzano." Valjean repeats, smirking at the news. "Good to know they got the mutants they wanted..."

Of course he'd know who they were, you think, not taking your focus off the news, and, from those words, you assume that Maranzano's men were one of the gangs that he ended up brute-forcing from the city.

"--and New York City isn't the only place where the mutant problem has spread. Mutant sightings have been documented as far as the Baltimore and Suffolk County areas. Despite the severity of the problem at hand, many cities still remain closed-minded to having FutureLabs intervene. Back to you--"

"Thank you." The voice switches to a woman. "It's been quite a day here as protests against FutureLabs founder and CEO, Atticus Charles, sweep the city." PrOteStS aGaInSt AtTiCuS ChARLeS... Nice wording, assholes.

"Such reactions are unprecedented in light of the escalating mutant violence, where accusations against FutureLabs' treatment of mutants have been fueled by the former Huber CEO, Phillip Huber's, inflammatory comments against him. What Atticus Charles will do in response to this escalating violence from both humans and mutants alike still remains to be seen, but, if there's anything that's certain, it's that--"

Just when you had enough of listening to that garbage, Julia returns, donned in her new outfit.

Though you weren't completely sold on it before, you have to admit the white sundress looks very flattering on her, and, even though she seems over the moon with her new outfit, you notice that her eyes keep drifting to her scarred arms.

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"How do they fit?" That's the first thing you ask her, if only to take her mind off of the scars.

"The shoes are a little big, but everything else is fine." She says, seemingly forgetting that she's not even an arm's reach from you-- the sole person who's probably her biggest fear. "I really like them."

"If there's anything else you need, let us know." You tell her, and, instead of saying nothing like she usually does, almost-immediately there's a sudden spark in her eyes-- a calculative spark at that-- which gives you a feeling that you might've opened Pandora's box.

"Well, maybe some makeup to go with the dress, like a couple of lipsticks or something-- and more apple juice!" You've noticed that Julia had been drinking those fruit-juice cartons like they were crack-cocaine. However, her sudden vocality is a pleasant yet unexpected surprise. Looks like the healer's healing did work after all.

Still, she's waiting for an answer, and you're sure that Valjean's are eyes boring into your skull as he waits for you to answer the other mutant, just daring you to say no. Coma patients... greater good... greater good... You remind yourself as you nod, condemning yourself to even more shopping.

Like clothing, makeup is one of those things you've never really taken an interest in but should've by all accounts. The first and last time you tried was in high-school when you bought an eye-shadow palette on a whim. You were weaker-minded back then, caving into the social pressure because aLl tHe OtHeR GirLs DiD iT.

What's more is that you thought that, by simply being a woman, you'd be able to use it perfectly on your first try, but, needless to say, there were quite a few giggles from your classmates that day.

Although you didn't know why, you found out as soon as you looked in the bathroom mirror because you looked like a freaking panda! And trying to wash it off with water just made the situation worse, as you ended up smearing that crap across your whole upper-face.

You don't remember the rest of that day, but what you do know is that you came home looking like one of those 80's rock band singers.

What are the chances she'll forget about it? You wonder, feeling a piece of yourself die on the inside. Plus, Julia stays in the warehouse all day, so it's not like she has to look particularly good for anyone, but, if there's anything you've noticed about her, it's that she seems to care quite a bit about how she looks. You'll just get that makeup online or at a drugstore like every normal person does.

>Somewhere... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grd-K33tOSM plays...

Now that Julia's present's taken care of, you feel quite good about making her day. Pulling your phone from your pocket to see what Matt had to say, you find that it wasn't Matt who'd texted, but John.

There's a text directed towards you and Matt, which you click so you can see what it's all about.

John: Hey guys. I just came home for a bit. Thought you'd be here, but I left some money for groceries on the table.

John: Don't spend too much on junk food. I made about a week's worth of chicken salad and hard-boiled eggs for you two, so eat as much as you'd like :)

Matt: Hey we're at Caille Island with Bernard.

Matt: [Picture Attached: IMG_419]

None of you are in the frame, but John takes the image for what it is.

John: Haha nice. Looks pretty crowded.

Matt: Yep.

John: Sorry I can't see you guys, but we're busier than ever down here.

John: I'd wait for you guys, but I need to get going soon.

John: Anyways, take good care of each other, alright?

Matt: [Thumbs-up]

Aside from the conversation that makes you feel slightly guilty for missing out on, there are a couple of voicemails that are directed at you too, and, although you'd like to see what they are, you don't for now, slipping the phone back into your pocket.

If there's anything more you need to do before you leave the warehouse, you should probably get it done before you leave.

>Anyways, what do you do?
>Ask Valjean if there have been any recent changes in Julia's behavior-- see if this isn't just a fluke.
>Ask Valjean if he knows anything about those Maranzano guys-- you couldn't get anything out of Gregor or Boleski, but maybe he knows something.

>Ask Valjean if he knows anything about those Maranzano guys-- you couldn't get anything out of Gregor or Boleski, but maybe he knows something.
We said we would find those guys

>Ask Valjean if there have been any recent changes in Julia's behavior-- see if this isn't just a fluke.
>Ask Valjean if he knows anything about those Maranzano guys-- you couldn't get anything out of Gregor or Boleski, but maybe he knows something.

They sound like they could become future headaches.
>Ask Valjean if he knows anything about those Maranzano guys-- you couldn't get anything out of Gregor or Boleski, but maybe he knows something.
Oh look, more targets

>Ask Valjean if he knows anything about those Maranzano guys


>Ask Valjean if there have been any recent changes in Julia's behavior



With the name 'Maranzano' continually floating around, you suspect that this guy could become a problem if you don't nip it in the bud.

"What do you know about Maranzano?" Since it seems like Valjean might know something about Maranzano, you suspect it'd be good to ask him.

"I know he's a human-trafficking scumbag who sells people off to the highest bidder." Valjean's lips curl in distaste. "Base-of-operations is located in New York City, and it's exactly where you'd think it'd be."

"Little Italy, right?" Bernard takes a guess. "Pretty sure that Maranzano's one of the five families."

"Right you are." Valjean affirms. "But, before I took out the trash, they had a neat little place around where the Crux's warehouse used to be cause they liked to do that 'sleeping-with-the-fishes' trick on whoever they felt like." You can only imagine what became of that Maranzano base.

"Anyways, Maranzano has a fetish of-sorts with high-value targets, like hostages from rich families, government officials, and mutants. One of the things he wanted was a monopoly on the mutant genepool, which is numerically impossible, but Maranzano thought he could pull it off. And we all know how that ended..." The former Crux-leader's smile is a prideful, vindictive one. "Who knows how many buyers he pissed off from not delivering his stock this time?"

"You think they're still going to want the healer?" Your concerns about the woman rear their head.

"Yes, but, if they just came down from New York for a single job, we shouldn't have to worry about them just yet. And I think the healer will be more careful from now on." Good. You think. "However, if they think they can fill some sort of power vacuum in my absence and with that new mutant-rights movement galvanizing the criminal underground, then there's a chance that those bastards have a base somewhere."

Great. More enemies to worry about.


"Second, if you pissed them off-- which I know for a fact you two did-- then, like me, you're on their hit-list, not that it really matters cause you three are the most paranoid people I've ever met to date."

"So how will we know how to find them?" Bernard scratches his head.

"Well, they are human-traffickers at their core, so, if they really are here, they'll be peddling people somewhere." Somewhere's always a great start...

"If you have access to a police-scanner or anything similar, it'd be great if you get your midget on that. If not, keep looking at the news and see if he can find similar patterns among kidnapping cases." Valjean tells you.

"However, if you start going after them directly, I'd like to send Mister Maranzano my finest regards." You know exactly what Valjean means by this, and, with an indiscernible look in his eyes, he seems to be awaiting an answer.

>Yeah why not. Not like he can outrun you or Bernard.
>Nah. We're good, senpai.

Normally I'd be against this, but...human trafficking. Ew, to say the least.

>"We'll let you know if we stumble over any trash to clean up."
>"We'll let you know if we stumble over any trash to clean up."
>they liked to do that 'sleeping-with-the-fishes' trick on whoever they felt like
Elise is good to watery grave them on next encounter

>Yeah why not. Not like he can outrun you or Bernard.

Saying 'yes' when we find a mess! Writing!

Normally you'd be saying no-way, no-how at the criminal who obviously wants a piece of the action, but these are human-traffickers-- disgusting lowlives who are no better than Atticus Charles when it all boils down. If you end up finding that hornet's nest, you're going to need all the help you can get.

"We'll let you know if we stumble over any trash to clean up." You tell Valjean.

"Good." Valjean nods, looking utterly pleased at your response. "I'll hold you to it."

"You're going to do what?" Julia, who'd been ignoring the conversation for the most part, butts in.

"I'm going to make the world a better place, one human-trafficker at a time." He croons. "You can help if you're up for it-- that is, if you're not afraid of gangsters." You doubt Julia would be afraid of them. "Or her." He makes a motion to you. Now that could be detrimental in a fight.

Not like you can back out now, you think. You'd already given your word.

However, as useful as she would be in that kind of fight, you made no promises to let Julia tag along.

Furthermore, there's still the issue of her "kill-code" because, if FutureLabs happens to rear their heads in the middle of a fight and they have someone on-hand who knows and is willing to use that kill-code, then you'll really be screwed.

Though you'd rather not have Valjean be aware of the kill-code for the can of worms it could open up, you'll likely need to address some of the issues with bringing Julia beforehand.

But, if there's one thing you've noticed since you got to the warehouse today, it's that Julia definitely looks visibly brighter. It makes you happier than you'd expect for the mutant-woman you'd been acquainted with during your days in the Crux because, even if she never gets her memories back, at least she'll be able to live out some semblance of a normal life.

"Hey fish, can we grab another bite? Those zeppole did nothin' to fill me." Bernard's voice interrupts your train of thought, and you'd assume that 'zeppole' were what those donut-things were called.


"What are you? A bottomless pit?" You ask, your lip quirking upwards at your own joke.

"Look who's talkin.'" He jabs a playful finger your way. "Just you wait, Ellie. Soon they're gonna come after you for overfishin' the whole bay!" You can't help but grin at that.

Though you feel like your business is done here for the most part, you wonder if there's anything you need to say or do here before you leave.

>Wat do?
>What are you waiting for? A growing boy needs to eat!
>Address the possibility of Julia being a detriment and kill the good mood.

>What are you waiting for? A growing boy needs to eat!

I figure we can all see the elephant in the room with the whole Julia sitch--no need to point and shout at it. It'll sort itself out eventually one way or another..

Last update for the night! Apologies for the shoddy prompts-- I just didn't get that much sleep last night, which is why I'm stopping here cause it's late.

So until next time, kings!
>>What are you waiting for? A growing boy needs to eat!
>Check on Eddie if anything of importanve happened
Almost forgot about our security system
>Check on Eddie if anything of importanve happened
I can back paranoia
Changing >>4942416

Looks like we're meeting with Eddie! Writing!
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You think it's a good time as ever to leave the warehouse because, while you could go several weeks without a meal if you wanted to, the rest of normal society does not.

"Hey, cannibal. Skeletor." You're right about to leave when Valjean's voice stops you in your tracks, and you swivel on your feet to face him once more. "Come back at eleven tonight."

"For what?" His words have you confused.

From out of nowhere, he pulls his Sopor mask (which you have no clue how the former Crux leader kept that on his person after all this time), and it's then that you realize just what exactly he means.

"You heard me." He says. "Don't be late."

In that moment, you want to jump for joy (in the very literal sense). However, in between the shock and the fact that you'd definitely crash through the ceiling, you're able to hold yourself back until you're back in the apartment.

"B-- we're gonna wake the coma patients!" Your voice comes out in a half-shout, half-whisper, like you can't even believe it for yourself, and, as the words fly from your tongue, you feel a wild grin spread across your face.

Bernard, too, is in a state of disbelief, and, although you can tell that he's as glad as you are, it seems that he's more surprised at the former Crux leader's change of heart. "What did you do to convince him? Did you bribe him or somethin?'"

You shake your head, wondering just what it was that made him decide. It could've been one thing or a number of things, you think, and, whether it was from fixing his leg, healing Julia's cranial damage, or agreeing to let him wreak havoc on the Maranzano family, in the end it doesn't matter because they're gonna be woken up!

"Well, I think stickface will flip when he hears the news." Bernard shares a similar grin as you. "Say, where do you wanna go to eat?"

Now that you're feeling in a more celebratory mood than ususal, you're ready to hit the city once more. However, you wanted to pay Eddie a visit before you did anything else, and that's what you tell Bernard before making your way down to Matt's room.

"Hey Ermac." You greet, remembering to use his alias. "Anything been happening with Pharos lately?" Though you've tentatively joined hands with the former Crux leader for some good causes, you still want to know if they're up to anything suspicious.


"Aside from watching Konigsburg's most-wanted criminal get more female interaction than me, nothing of note has happened." From your interactions with him, you could've never guessed that Eddie would care too much about that kind of thing. Then again, he's a guy, so of course he's going to think about those things.

"Before the healer came, he tried two more times to open her mind, both of which ended in failure; they managed to find an old radio among the junk pile and get it to work; and now Pharos is performing physical therapy exercises for his legs, while Julia appears to be constructing herself some jewelry with her powers." Eddie finishes. "Is it true that you're planning to start a gang war with the Maranzano Family?"

"They're human-traffickers." You state, feeling disgust burn within you at the mere thought of them. "Why wouldn't we?"

"Touché, Elise." Eddie's electronic voice responds. "After Matt told me about what happened at the Huber conference, I suspected something like this would happen. In fact, there was an eighty-five percent chance of gang activity increasing directly afterwards." He drones. "I don't know much about Konigsburg's gang activity myself, but I know that the Maranzano Crime Family runs an international-scale operation that sells to anyone from wealthy business moguls, government affiliates and agencies, and even to other crime syndicates." Eddie lists off the possible clients. "Considering the scope of her abilities, there's a one-in-one chance that the individuals who wanted to purchase the healer were wealthier than the average buyer; and FutureLabs doesn't even have possession of a healer-type mutant, so her powers are essentially priceless."

Looks like the healer's a hot-commodity, you think, and, if Maranzano's guys come back for her, you'll definitely be ready for them.

You also had some stuff you wanted to ask Eddie before you left-- what that stuff may be is completely up to you.

>What do you ask?
>Ask him how that program he's making is coming along. How close is it to being done?
>Ask him if he knows anything about Boleski.
>Ask about that keycard you got last night. Anything particularly special about it?
>We got the info we needed. Time to feed the hungry skeleton.

>Ask him how that program he's making is coming along. How close is it to being done?
>Ask him if he knows anything about Boleski.
>Ask about that keycard you got last night. Anything particularly special about it?

Pharos is calling us Skeletor now? But why?
>Ask him if he knows anything about Boleski.

Bernard = skeletor

Before he ditched the Crux, he was visibly skinny. Pretty sure this was alluded to in thread #1.
didn't think he was talking to bernie there
>Ask him how that program he's making is coming along. How close is it to being done?
>Ask him if he knows anything about Boleski.
>Ask about that keycard you got last night. Anything particularly special about it?

Looks like we're asking ALL THE QUESTIONS! Writing!
>Before he ditched the Crux, he was visibly skinny. Pretty sure this was alluded to in thread #1.
It's true that he got more meat now, but back in thread one it was made reference to him being skinny ? Gonna check now
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No need to check, I gotchu, f a m

>Standing in the middle of the road, the figure turns and seems to beckon you with a gangly arm

There's the quote from thread one.

>It's true that he got more meat now, but back in thread one it was made reference to him being skinny

Elise is an architect confirmed
Skeletor is actually hella buff outside his face so it's a bad insult anyway.
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>No need to check, I gotchu, f a m
that explains why I didn't find it, kek. Being an esl is suffering.
Also look at how my boy improved
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Look at her go, from this to drip
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"How's that program coming along?" That's the first question you have for Eddie.

"Right now it's in its testing phase, and, although it seems to be passing most of the vectors I've written for it, the main problem is that, because it's an artificial intelligence-based system that replicates my consciousness, there are a lot of failsafes I need to set in place before it's finally finished."

"Like what?" You might not be much of a computer-whiz, but you're curious about how the program works.

"The program works perfectly for the first half of its task, which is to destroy as much of FutureLabs' computing systems as possible. However, there are plenty of scenarios I've run afterwards in which it tries to find a way to survive. I've done everything from removing its will to live to removing all feelings of familiarity it has towards Ernst, but, since ninety-three percent of my memories of FutureLabs' containment center involve Ernst, I can only try to make it prioritize the survival of as many people as possible."

If this whole mission is for Ernst, then why is the program being designed to forget him? And it's only when Eddie answers you that you've realized you've spoken aloud.

"I've been calculating the risk of failure, and, as much as I want to believe you guys will succeed, there's always a chance that things will deviate." As confident you are in yourself and the M-Guard, it's the truth. "I don't want Ernst to stay in that prison cell any longer, but, if something goes amiss, the only chance we'd have to save him again would be a scenario where you guys escape."

You feel bad for Eddie that he has to make this kind of decision. However, if any of you were to get captured by FutureLabs, you would bet that they'd place you in the deepest, most escape-proof cell they could possibly find.

Which brings your mind to something else-- or someone else, to be more precise.

"Do you know anything about a guy named Boleski who worked at FutureLabs?" You try, hoping that rings a bell. "Dominik Boleski."


"Dominik Boleski, age thirty-two. Born in Lublin, Poland, but lived the majority of his life in Mieszko." Eddie recites the string of information as if he'd been reading them from Boleski's personal file. "I didn't personally know him because he worked in the physics department, but he was one of the people primarily-responsible for the creation of Ferro-Flex." Ferro-Flex, the strangely-indestructible alloy that is FutureLabs' restraining material of choice.

"Matt told me what you knew about him last night. I wasn't aware that he was a mutant, but I should've known because, on the day before we were told he quit, we had an escape from winged-mutant who was said to have moderate-to-severe paranoid schizophrenia." That matches up with what everybody else was saying about him last night. "I wasn't aware that they were directly-experimenting on our staff members either." He tells you, something indiscernible in his otherwise-monotonic voice, and that makes you wonder if there's more than one mutant who had been left in the same, terrible state as Boleski.

As you're mulling over the other Eddie's words, your eyes drift to the keycard on the table-- the one where Boleski's face is unmarred by scars, burn-wounds, or anything of that sort.

"I'm guessing you're wondering about the keycard." Eddie takes note through the laptop's camera. "Level Three Clearance gets you into just about any building but the highest-restricted areas." That shouldn't be a problem when you have Bernard or your fists, you reason. "Because I was one of the mutant-staff, I had Level Four priveleges, but only the people who are closest to Atticus Charles get a Level Five Clearance."

"Anyways, I need to get back to programming. I'll let you guys know when it's just-about finished."

"Alright." And that's when you head back to the kitchen, where John had said he left the cash. Counting the sizeable stack of bills, you find that the amount of money is even more than your parents give you, Matt, and John in a single month. Nice.

As if sensing that your conversation with Eddie had ended, Bernard teleports into the kitchen, looking more than ready for the food you'd promised.


Didn't mean to spoiler-image that! Now I can't delete it cause it's QUADS REEEEEEEEE
Meant to spoil this one-- the concept art of Boleski!
But I'm not cause it's a bitch to deal with in suptg
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In no time at all, the two of you find yourselves sitting comfortably in a booth in one of Konigsburg's many burger joints-- this time it's one of those 50's style diners complete with the checker-tiled floors and the large mammoth of a jukebox that's sitting at the side.

There are quite a few people but not enough to make the place feel too crowded, and, even if you can't enjoy the food itself, you can at least appreciate the retro atmosphere, which is why you find yourself lounging backwards in your side of the booth.

Though Bernard ended up ordering his weight's worth in burgers and fries, along with a very large root-beer float, you ended up ordering an ice-water.

>While the two of you wait for the food, what do you do in the meantime?
>Grab something yourself-- you might not be able to eat an entire burger, but you'll be able to stomach the meat if you get it rare enough
>Go put something on the jukebox. Why eat food when you can have some sick beats instead?!
>See what those voicemails are about on your phone are about.


HAH! Brings be back to when I could barely draw-- look how far we've come, boys!

Just remember, when you're at rock-bottom, the only direction you can go is up. KEK.
>See what those voicemails are about on your phone are about.
>Go put something on the jukebox. Why eat food when you can have some sick beats instead?!
>See what those voicemails are about on your phone are about.

It ain't a retro diner without TUNES
+1 for those groovy tunes my dude
>See what those voicemails are about on your phone are about.

Putting on a sick beat and listening to voicemails! Writing!
>See what those voicemails are about on your phone are about.

Poor Bernard, eats his own bodyweight in a single meal and still looks malnourished
All that energy goes to fueling his teleports

Looking at the shiny, colorful jukebox has you thinking: what would a 50's diner be without 50's music?

Taking note of the obvious wear on the machine makes you think it's been here for ages, meaning that it only takes a nickel for an entire decade's worth of hits to be at your fingers. Most of the titles look utterly unfamiliar to you (aside from the ones you know from Matt's favorite post-apocalyptic game, Decimation 4), so you peruse the titles until you see one that catches your interest.



Yep. That will do it.

Sliding back into your booth, you reassume the position you had where you were lounged back in your seat, except now it really feels like a 50's diner.

You then remember you had those voice-mails you were supposed to listen to, and, pulling your phone from your pocket, you find that they're both from John. Probably wanted to say 'hi' or something to you since you weren't on the groupchat.

No better time to listen than the present, you think, putting the phone to your ear. However, John's tone of voice gives you an odd feeling in your gut-- one that you're not sure is good or bad. "Hey Elise, not sure if you got this or not, but can you call me? Thanks.

That's one message down, and you waste no time in listening to the next.

Elise. Not sure if you're still at Caille Island... He pauses, that strange feeling in your gut turning into a lead balloon. I found that mattress in our storage closet. It was mostly deflated, so I threw it out. But I'm guessing those clothes on it were neither yours nor Matt's..."

You nearly crush the phone in your grip because John found the freaking mattress. John found the freaking mattress!

Still, your brother doesn't stop there, and, at his next words, you feel your soul try to leave your body.

"If Bernard is trying to make you do something you shouldn't..." You know exactly where he's going with this, and, at the same time your throat closes up, you feel your face positively burn.

"Just... I know you guys are kids, and kids do stupid things. But the fact of the matter is that, even if you feel a certain way towards someone else, it doesn't mean that you should let those feelings control you. I know Bernard's a good kid, but you shouldn't let anyone, much less your friend, pressure you into doing something either, alright?"

You would've rather he just outed you as Kelpie on the spot, you think, ready to take a swan dive into the ocean and never come back.

It was enough to have to endure The Talk that happened so many years ago, where John held you and Matt as prisoner on a car ride that felt like it would never end, but this? This makes you want to rip and tear something (particularly a cut of meat).

A familiar fog finds its way into your mind as teeth sharpen against your will, and you mentally push it backwards as soon as your fish-half makes itself noticed.

"Ellie." Bernard notices the look on your face, and, when you stare into his eyes, you feel your face grow even hotter than it had been.

Well, you can't tell him nothing with him giving you that look.

>What do you do?
>Give him the full scoop; tell him John thinks you're a no-good hussy.
>Tell him John found the mattress. T-That and nothing else.
>Tell him everything's fine, but you need to go outside and make a phonecall/send a text ASAP (Write-in which one)

Hahaha you thought he found out for realzies, didn't you?
Damn, I can't say what's worse. probably he getting our secret due to his new mutant power
>Tell him John found the mattress. T-That and nothing else. Also you gotta get some air (text John)

Right-o, my good men! Nothing warms a QM's heart like hearing some good-ol' player discussion.

Anyways, this is the last update of the night! Tomorrow we make sure John knows that Bernard is a goodboi™ who dindu nuffin and this is all a big misunderstanding :)

Until next time!
>Tell him John found the mattress. T-That and nothing else.

>>Tell him John found the mattress. T-That and nothing else.
>Tell him John found the mattress. T-That and nothing else. Also you gotta get some air (text John)
Damnit John, we are a responsible girl!
>Tell him John found the mattress. T-That and nothing else.

Bernard just sleeps on it right? No M guard clues?

Did John pick up Bernards uuuuuh scent? That would be pretty weird.

Telling about the mattress and getting some air ...b-baka. Writing.


>Did John pick up Bernards uuuuuh scent? That would be pretty weird.

The truth is stranger than fiction, anon. I'd recommend looking into how members of a certain animal family pick up smells.


Crap. You might be embarrassed half-to-death, but Bernard's your best friend! You can't just tell him nothing.

There's music still playing in the background, this time a different song, and it helps you to maintain your focus and stave away that mental fog as you push your mortification, along with what are definitely stress-induced nerves, to the wayside. "John found the mattress." You tell him the most important piece of information. T-the other stuff is completely irrelevant.

"What? How?!" The blonde nearly chokes on the burger he'd been eating.

You wish you could tell him you knew, but, wracking your mind for a reason as to why John would discover it now of all times, you honestly can't say. However, a more important question brings itself to the forefront of your mind, one that is more worrisome than the others. "Your suit wasn't there, was it?"

"No, I have that thing in stick's room. All I had in there were some clothes." That's a relief. "Think I wasn't thinkin' about that either?"

"Well, he chucked it." At that, you hear a strangled noise come from the blonde. "It was damaged anyways, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, but it wasn't that bad. Honestly, I kept duct-tapin' it every once-in-a-while and it was fine." That gives you pause, and, the longer you turn over the possibilities in your head, the clearer the answer becomes. You might not be a detective, but the fact of the matter is that, when it comes to you and Matt, John has an over-protective streak that's a mile wide.

He freaking threw it out, didn't he? Once more, you feel that cold anger begin to twist and churn in your gut as you keep wondering how?!


"Yo Ellie, you doin' alright? You're makin' one of those weird faces again..." Again, Bernard's clearly worried for you, but it's not like you can outright tell him of your suspicions. Not unless you want to tell him the full, embarrassing parts of it.

"No. It's-- It's... the meat smell is really strong here." You say in a low whisper, latching on to the most-obvious excuse, and, before he can think to question it, you then add. "I'm gonna go get some some air." Stepping from the air-conditioned restaurant and into the outside humidity, you've already got your text-log with John at-the-ready.

Though you know your brother prefers a good, old-fashioned phonecall, at least if you're texting him, it'll be easier for you to be the one in charge of the conversation. Not him or those assumptions he's been making about you and Bernard.

>Alright, now how do you clear the air about this?
>Tell him Bernard's been nothing but a gentleman to you-- don't let him think B's nothin' but a hound dog
>Tell him we're not stupid-- he knows damn-well we'd never do something like THAT
>Tell him your personal life is none of his business. How dare he accuse us of being a whore!

>Tell him we're not stupid-- he knows damn-well we'd never do something like THAT

Also that mattress wasn't his to throw out and we want a replacement.
>Tell him we're not stupid-- he knows damn-well we'd never do something like THAT
>Tell him we're not stupid-- he knows damn-well we'd never do something like THAT

Telling him him we're not stupid! Writing!
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Mentally resolving to buy a new mattress ASAP, if only out of spite, you fire off the first set of texts to John, who is currently on your shit-list.

You: John you there?

For all you know, he's probably working. At least if you text him, he'll be able to read all of this.

You: I know what you're thinking with the mattress, but I'm not stupid.

You: You know I'd never do anything like THAT

Read: 17:42 P.M.

John is typing...

John: I know, but do you think I'm going to think you two are having pillowfights or something like that? XD

Despite the joking response, you can tell that John's probably fidgeting or pacing on the other end of the line, no doubt anxious about this whole thing.

John: Besides, as long as I live, you'll always be my baby sister. Can't help but be worried about you from time-to-time.

John: Kind of in the job description as an older brother, you know that?

John used BABY SISTER attack! BABY SISTER attack was super effective!

Crap. Why does he have to be so good at making you feel bad about absolutely nothing?

Still, you're sure that anyone else would make the same assumptions as him, even Matt if he didn't know you were a mutant.

Hell, Matt would've probably knocked Bernard's lights out if he thought he came even remotely-close to doing certain things with you.

Undeterred by your lack of response, John continues to fire off texts.

John: I won't ask why you were keeping a mattress in the storage closet, but I trust you, Elise.

John: Tell Bernard I said hi. Gotta get back to work now. Hopefully I'll see you guys soon!

You: Ok bye!

Pocketing the phone once more, you find less angry than you were five minutes ago. Though you're glad that conversation was easier than you expected, that mattress wasn't John's to throw out.

Not that it's a problem with the couches aroud, but now your friend is one bed short-- and, after almost a year of being on the streets, you know that Bernard loved that bed a lot!


"Feelin' better?" Bernard asks once you return, to which you nod. "Gotta say I didn't think you still let that stuff get to you. Didn't you just eat this mornin?'" The blonde shoots you a questioning glance. From his tone, you suspect that he knew you were going to clear things up with John but played along with the excuse for your sake.

Soon, Bernard finishes his food, and the two of you make your way back to the apartment, passing the time before Matt comes home by cracking jokes and watching television.

By the time you look at the clock again, it's nearly ten.

You have less than two hours before you need to meet with Valjean to wake up the coma patients, and the thought of having to jerry-rig some sort of suit out of bulky winter clothes sends a wave of dread through you. You'd really hate for it to come to that.

Thankfully, your prayers for Matt to get home before then are answered, and, when he steps through the door, he's smells like a mixture of seawater, novelty foods, and... is that perfume?

The first thing you want to do is crack a joke and point that out, but you've already messed with him enough when you held him aloft by the leg. Besides, Matt looks downright exhausted, likely from being out in the sun all day.

But you still have questions for him before you gotta run.

>Wat ask?
>Ask him how his time at Caille Island was. What was he doing there for so long?
>Ask him if John said anything about the mattress to him. Tell him that he found it.
>Screw questions! Acquire new suit!

>>Screw questions! Acquire new suit!
>Screw questions! Acquire new suit!
Winter soon fellow fishies

Oh crap-- I meant to put the texting parts in bold. Would delete but I, as much as I hate deleting to fix stuff, I hate reposting even more!
>Ask him if John said anything about the mattress to him. Tell him that he found it.

drama yes
break johns other leg
+1 this too?

Haha! Good one anons! Except we've never broken John's legs before-- just broke some ribs and gashed his head. No big deal, amirite?

Gonna have to add breaking John's legs to our to-do list... right?

Anyways, since it's a tie, I'm going to see if I can incorporate BOTH asking about the mattress and suiting up into the next update! Writing!
>Ask him if John said anything about the mattress to him. Tell him that he found it.
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Knowing your family's hereditary awkwardness with the opposite sex, you're sure that Matt didn't do anything of note with Jenna. Unless Matt suddenly became a player overnight, you're guessing the most they probably did was sit next to each other on Caille Island's many carnival rides, which would explain the perfume smell.

However, you want to know if Matt knows about the mattress thing yet, or if he already knew and didn't tell you.

Although Bernard already went off to change into his suit, you give a cursory glance to the hallway and the kitchen for any sign of the teleporter.

"Matt," You get your brother's attention. "Did John send you any private texts?"

"About the mattress?" Matt's face is strangely neutral. "Yes. Yes he did. He told me about it first. From what he said, am I to assume you and Bernard have been doing some nightly cardio sessions?"

NoNONO! How did you know he'd say something like that? You don't hesitate to charge him, grabbing his leg again like you did this morning.

"NO. I didn't mean it!" It takes less than two seconds for Matt to start begging for mercy.

"What else did he say?" You're not through with him yet.

"He said keep an eye on the two of you. Make sure you don't do anything naughty." Even from your grasp, he can't stop himself form continuing to troll you.

"Howabout you and Jenna?" You hiss, not letting go of the cocky bastard. "Why do I smell women's perfume on you?"

"What?! How did you--" Matt's eyes are blown wide, but that surprise is quickly replaced with faux-indifference as he realizes he's dealing with what's essentially a human sniffer-dog (or fish in this case). "For your information, we went on a joyflight, Ellie." He says much-too-cooly. "But I see we've reached an impasse."

"That we have."

"If you put me down, I'll shut up right now." Matt offers. "We can both forget about what we've heard and smelled. Deal?"

"Deal." With that, you release Matt from your grasp, setting him down onto the floor a little more gently than you did last time, but you can't really find it in yourself to feel bad because he started it with those crude comments!

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"Yo guys, what's all the ruckus?" Bernard, hearing evidence of a squabble, had teleported into the room.

"Nothing really." You say, thinking fast. "Matt was just going to give me my new suit, weren't you?" The look in your eyes is a dangerous one-- one that promises retribution.

"Alright! Fine! Fine! Here's your suit!" Matt quickly rummages through the duffel bag to grab a neatly wrapped package, tossing it to you. "Just don't do that leg thing again!"

You can make no guarantees on that. Then you make your tactical retreat to your bedroom so you can try your suit on and get ready to meet Valjean soon.

Shifting your hands into claws, you make quick but careful work of the cardboard, and, much to your surprise, you find that the suit inside is a two-piece suit instead of the one-piece one you had.

You also take note that the material on the feels a bit sturdier than the suit you had prior, like the suit wouldn't tear apart at the slightest hint of damage; yet, it's also pleasingly flexible. While you're curious to how that would translate in a fast-moving fight, the only way to know for sure is to try the thing on!

Once you put on the suit, you take a good few moments to admire yourself in your bedroom mirror-- not that your the kind of woman who's obsessed with appearances, but it feels good to see how far you've come.

Though Jenna added a lot of changes to the original design, like your last suit, she kept still the hood and the short sleeves (anything else would be torn apart by your fins). However, unlike the old suit, the top-half of this one has a sturdy zipper, and the blue accents that graced your other suit are gone. Aside from that, the most prominent feature is the open back.

You're not gonna lie. it feels pretty weird having your back exposed, but you figure its a sensation you're going to have to get used to if you're going to be using your Berserker Mode more often.

Shifting into your fish form, you throw a couple of kicks into the air, as well as some elbows and punches, and find yourself satisfied with the flexibility of the new suit. You'll give it a solid ten-out-of-ten.

Now the next sensible thing to do would be to show this suit off to Matt and Bernard cause, well, you don't just look good-- you look awesome!

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Once you return to the kitchen, Matt is quick to give a nod of approval, while Bernard... you don't really know how Bernard feels until you hear an odd, strangled noise emanate from him, and he's mostly silent until he manages to give you a thumbs-up. "I-I..." He starts but stops himself; you think he's so shocked at all of the changes in the suit that he's at a loss for words. Eventually, he manages to say, "You look badass, Ellie," before returning to that weird state he was in before.

"Hey what time is it?!" Your words are enough to snap Bernard out of his stupor.

"Oh crap! It's almost time to leave isn't it?" At that, the blonde secures his mask on his face.

"Leave where?"

"To wake up the coma patients." You say with the most innocent smile you can muster. "Where else?"

Having forgotten to tell him that you were going to wake the coma-patients up, Matt is completely out of the loop, but the look of utter shock on his face is enough to have you laughing at what is your last dose of petty revenge for the night. Not that you didn't want to tell him-- you just completely forgot-- but, seeing the opportunity for payback, you took it for all it was worth.

When you arrive at the warehouse, it is dead quiet.

10:55, your kitchen clock had read. You weren't going to give Valjean a chance to change his mind about this thing.

"Well, well, well... guess you guys can be punctual after all, if not a little early for my tastes..." Valjean's voice echoes in the warehouse, and, looking around, you find that he is lounged on one of the many metal rungs above. He's dressed in all-black, and you'd assume that those were some of the old clothes Matt brought over for him to use, thrown together to look like some semblance of a suit.

Swinging himself back to ground level, he lands before the two of you, brushing the invisible dust off his trousers before regarding you and Bernard with a cocky smirk. "And look who got a new outfit..." He remarks, taking notice of your new suit, before pulling his Sopor mask out of his pocket and fixing it on his face.

"Shall we get to work?"

There are three hospitals that contain the coma patients, each one with a floor dedicated to them: Kastan Hospital, Vitello Hospital, and the Skłodowska Institute. There is no significant difference between the three hospitals, save for the fact that the Skłodowska Institute also doubles as a research center.

>Where to first?
>Kastan Hospital
>Vitello Hospital
>Skłodowska Institute
>Doesn't matter. Just tell Bernard to pick it at random

>>Kastan Hospital
That's it for the updates, folks! Hopefully I'll be able to draw out a more exact version of Elise's new suit in the future updates, but, for now, that's the best version of it!

More spaghetti budget gets destroyed tomorrow! Until next time, kings!
>Kastan Hospital

Still much better drawings than I can do! Thanks for running, man.
>Kastan Hospital
I wanna leave sklodowska for last since it's a research center and could have a little more protection going for it

Giving Pharos a blast from the past! Writing!
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You don't even need to tell Bernard where to go, as you're met with the roof of a very familiar hospital.

"Interesting you pick Kastan for your first choice." Valjean crosses his arms.

"Don't get too excited, we're not gonna bomb it this time." Bernard snarks. "Glad you actually showed up this time instead of sittin' behind a screen."

"Ha. Ha." The former Crux leader's voice is sarcastic. "I think I almost laughed."

"Hey, you two-- focus." You remind them of the task at hand. No need to bicker when you've got a job to do.

Like the last time you were here, Kastan's hallways are dead-silent, save for the faint noises of heart monitors going off in all directions.

Teleporting from floor-to-floor in search of the coma-ward, it's jarring to note that the hospital is absolutely pristine, like the fight that happened here was nonexistent. You're certain that FutureLabs will be the same way when you go back for Conduit, its whitewashed halls bearing no evidence of your presence whatsoever.

Wait a second. You realize after your fourth or fifth teleport that you can make this way easier for yourself-- you've got your preprioception. Focusing on the swathes of heartbeats in the hospital, you search for the area where there's the largest cluster of them, and you direct Bernard in that general direction.

One floor... two floors... bingo!

Another teleport leaves you right smack-dab in the center of a large group of people who've been asleep for who-knows-how-long.

"Alright." Valjean hums, and, although you can't see his face, his posture speaks of a man who is completely in his element. "Let's get started."


And with that, Valjean begins to sing a low tune, notes echoing eerily in the stillness of the dark room. Striding along the wide space, you watch as, almost in perfect-sync, the men and women lying comatose begin to twitch.

Unperturbed by this, the former Crux leader continues in his song, not stopping until every soul is astir and the spell of Les Misérables is finally broken.

It's odd that none of these people have even tried to open their eyes, but you don't have to ponder this for long as Valjean says from across the room. "They'll be asleep for a while longer."

Despite the amount of people in the room, you would guess that there are no more than several dozen, and, reaching your proprioception outwards once more, your hunch is proven right when you sense more clusters of heartbeats that are scattered around the whole floor.


"More of them this way." You inform the former Crux leader, making a motioning gesture to him and Bernard before exiting the room and letting your senses guide you forwards.

As you're about to round the corner, you notice that there's a presence in the halls that's moving, and, stealing a peek around the bend, you find that it's just one of the security guards that's doing his rounds, his flashlight moving to-and-fro.

Though he wouldn't be much of a fight, it would only take a second for him to notice you three and alert the rest of the hospital to your presence.

>Wat do?
>Let Valjean take care of him. He can wake him up when you're done.
>Teleport around him. Be sneeki beeki.
>Knock him out. Might leave a mark, but it's efficient.
>See if he leaves. You'd rather not engage if you didn't have to.

Woke up to the magical gift of my update being 3/4 written. Feelsgoodman.
Sopor's mask with Valjean's hair showing is kinda cursed, dunno why
>Teleport around him. Be sneeki beeki.
the radio silence would make other guards try to investigate so let's go around this time
>Let Valjean take care of him. He can wake him up when you're done.
Is it possible to take him hostage, tell him we're here to wake up the coma patients, and that if he continues on his way without doing anything to alert the building to us, we won't do something he would hate?

Sure we could try some talk-no-jutsu. It’d require a roll though… just in case the guard happens to be trigger-happy.

Forgot trip
>Knock him out. Might leave a mark, but it's efficient.

We can also tie him up and leave him in a closet or something.
>>Teleport around him. Be sneeki beeki.

Highest risk, but highest reward.



>Sing sing sing! (jazz hands)





Looks like we're being sneeki beeki, and, as awesome as Bernard's teleportation skills are, we still don't know how keen this guard is, so I'm gonna need some 1d100s (Bo3 as always)!
Rolled 92 (1d100)

Rolled 70 (1d100)

here's to beating a 92
Rolled 96 (1d100)

https://youtu.be/g07lyxd3RhYSneaky Sneaky

Highest Roll: 96!!! And might I say WEW LADS!!!


It's absolute child's play to evade the security guard, teleporting past him once he's far enough away from the neighboring corridor-- a corridor that's completely barren, save for the coma patients that have yet to have their chance to be awakened.

Ducking into the next room, you let Valjean do his thing as you keep watch on the outside with your senses. From prior experience with sneaking and hospitals, the possibility of someone happening upon you sits like a lead balloon at the forefront of your mind, but it seems like that one security guard would most you'd see of any action at Kastan tonight.

Evade. Sneak. Awaken. One room after the other, the three of you repeat the cycle like clockwork until you're down to the very last room.

It's when Valjean is in the middle of waking up Kastan's final comatose crowd that the lights in this room, as well as the ones in the hallway, turn. The sudden influx of light to your sensitive eyesight stings for a good moment, and, although you're not panicking, you suddenly fear that the hospital security finally caught on to what you were doing.

Pressing your body against the door, you don't even need to turn your head as you hear a squadron of doctors rush past, completely bypassing your room in favor of something far more interesting to them. Why they've suddenly decided to storm this floor like they're trying to storm the Bastille is beyond you-- that is, until you catch snippets of their conversations, all of which pertain to the coma patients that had decided to miraculously awaken.

"Done." Valjean says, breaking you from your thoughts. "Where to next?"

It's only a matter of time before the doctors come to this room, and you'd rather not stay any longer than you need to.

>Where to next?
>To Vitello!
>To Skłodowska!
>To Vitello!
Headin' down the list...
>>To Vitello!
>To Vitello!

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There's barely time to regroup before there's pounding on the doors, and, with a word to Bernard, Kastan is gone in lieu of what is definitely Vitello (if the big, neon sign that says Vitello Hospital is any indication). Although you're far less familiar with Vitello than you are with Kastan, it wasn't too long ago that John was here for his ribs and head.

Though Vitello looks rather sizeable from a first glance, it's definitely smaller than Kastan, you note, where the sheer number of buildings Kastan possessed absolutely dwarf this hospital.

"Ready to move, or are you going to stare into the distance all night?" Valjean's tapping his foot on the ground, and you send him a glare. "Don't we have a job to do?" He jibes, throwing your words from earlier back in your face, but, as much as you want to make some sort of comeback, you'd rather not give him the pleasure of rising to the bait.

Vitello's just as dead as Kastan was, if not just a little more dead, and, coupled with the smaller size of the place, it makes your ability to find the coma ward that much easier.

In fact, there only seems to be only a couple of security guards on the floor who are standing together in some far-off corridor, completely unaware of the presences that move around them.


Once Valjean begins to hum, he doesn't stop, not even when he clears the first room.

Though the rooms themselves are still packed to the brim with people, the distances between the rooms themselves are short enough that you can head from room-to-room with no issue.

Again, you observe the curious process of the former Crux leader striding around each room with his song, watching how each body's limbs twich like the limbs of a dying bug before falling still once more. Once you leave, it won't be long before they all awaken now that they're finally freed from the grasp of his power.

You don't know what number room you're at, but you notice that Valjean's no longer moving along the room. Instead, he's looking down at one bed in particular, and it has you wondering what caused him to stop in his tracks.

"What's the matter?" You ask from across the room, making your way towards him.
Oh wait, this is Eddie's hospital...
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"This guy." Valjean says, staring curiously down at a man with reddish-brown hair-- reddish-brown hair that is very much familiar. "He's not responding to my power."

You would imagine that the hair had been shorter not-too-long-ago, but now the bangs have outgrown his face, obscuring a good face of it-- a face that belongs to none other than a certain Eddie Braun (or his body, to be more precise). Undeterred by the other man's strange behavior, Valjean gives another try with his power before saying aloud. "It's like his brain doesn't even exist."

Bernard, of course, knows exactly who it is too, opting to stay silent for the same reason as you. You don't think he'd take too kindly to a mutant traitor, and, from his first impression of Julia-- when the woman had been brainwashed and unaware of what was going on-- he was completely ready to leave her in the dust.

You don't know how Valjean would take the idea of yet another mutant traitor-- one that appeared to be working actively against mutantkind-- when, in reality, Atticus Charles had held everything from his life to his brother above his head the entire time. And, as Bernard sends a look your way, you wonder how to get him away from Eddie's bedside.

>What do?
>Ignore him and say nothing. Let him get tired of trying to figure Eddie out and wait for him to move on
>Agree with him-- that guy's probably braindead, right?
>Tell him you gotta get moving before this place starts crawling with doctors
>>Tell him you gotta get moving before this place starts crawling with doctors

Ah crap I see some proofreading errors in there-- gotta resist the urge to delete, but Notepad sucks when it comes to helping me spot them.

Anyways, this is going to be the last update of the night, so, until next time, kings!
>Tell him you gotta get moving before this place starts crawling with doctors
"If your power isn't working, perhaps he's here because of an accident instead of being one of the cops".
>Tell him you gotta get moving before this place starts crawling with doctors
>"Did you coma him, or is he a normal coma patient that got mixed in with the rest?"
Yo— not sure how early I’ll be able to post an update. Thought I’d be able to get to my PC but I forgot I had an appointment today. Nonetheless, I’ll keep you guys posted!

>We gotta move it, move it!

Also going to tell Valjean he's there by accident. Writing!

"Hey, we gotta get moving." You call to get Valjean's attention. "If your power's not working, he's probably there by accident instead of being one of the cops."

"It's probably one of their scientists who got hurt on the job, and they wanted to cover it up. Wouldn't it be just typical of them to paint it as a coma?" With his words, his disdain towards FutureLabs is more than apparent.

As he continues to stare Eddie down, you can't tell if he's fully convinced of himself or if he'd conceded to your point only on the account that the doctors could be here any minute.

Thankfully, Valjean doesn't question it any longer and returns to the task he was doing before, and you can tell that Bernard is more-than-relieved that the former Crux leader is no longer hovering over Eddie's vulnerable form.

Sparing Eddie's body one final glance, something about it stirring up a heaviness within you, you exit the room with a renewed haste. Hopefully, the next time you see his body, it will be to give his consciousness back.

Once you've cleared all the rooms, you're out of the building before the doctors even make it down the stairwell, and, with Vitello's coma ward properly awoken, you have one final hospital left before your job's finally complete: The Skłodowska Institute.

You've heard the name quite a few times on the news and all throughout high school, probably because it has the name institute and people care about that kind of stuff (not to mention these guys were probably funding the crap out of Karlskirche Academy), but you can't pronounce it for the life of you, every attempt to do so leaving your tongue in absolute knots.

The Skłodowska Institute is much livelier than either Kastan or Vitello, as night-owl scientists make themselves happily at home in the research center. At least you know which areas to avoid, you think, as you watch disheveled individuals make their way to-and-fro, but, despite steering clear of the people-filled areas, there's a feeling in your gut that tells you to stay on your toes.


And that's what you do while using your proprioception to weed out the final coma ward of the night.

However, you nearly choke on your own spit when, from off to the side in one of the hallways you pass through, you notice a familiar sign with a very familiar, large 'F' that is stylized to look like a proton-- the logo of FutureLabs.

Proud Sponsor of the The Skłodowska Institute: The sign reads.

Son of a bitch... As much as you want to think that the sign means absolutely nothing, you know that, if FutureLabs has their grimy claws around this place, they've probably got some extra protection going for it.

Unfortunately, you don't have much time to think about that as you lead Bernad and Valjean around another corner, stopping in your tracks. Peering around the bend to confirm your earlier suspicions, it's plain to see that the security guard passing by has far more gear than the ones at the other hospitals did. And this hospital's crawling with them.

Got a good strat for getting through?
>Fall back. See if you can find a more effective way to reach the patients.
>Let Valjean do his thing. Knock em' out as you go.
>Brute force... I mean, "diplomacy."
>Teleport. Though there's no way to tell where the guards will be, it's fast.

Good crap I wish I named this place the Curie Institute or something instead of the institute of a million consonants slapped together. I have no clue what I was thinking in thread 7. Must've been drunk.

Video related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfKZclMWS1U
>Let Valjean do his thing. Knock em' out as you go
Saved this option for this hospital. Time to be quick.
>>Let Valjean do his thing. Knock em' out as you go.
>Let Valjean do his thing. Knock em' out as you go
They're not gonna be dead, it's okay

Alright! The guards might not be expecting visitors, but, since this hallway’s crawling with goons, we’re gonna need some dice rolls—the usual of course!
Rolled 39 (1d100)

Rolled 66 (1d100)

Rolled 23 (1d100)


>Highest Roll: 66

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A signal from you is all it takes for Valjean to let loose his power on the unsuspecting security guard, and you watch as he falls to the floor like a sack of potatoes, Valjean swooping in to retrieve some of the stuff on his belt.

"What are you doin?" Bernard hisses, not wanting to stick around for too long.

"Taking the walkie-talkie and the tranq, of course." Valjean says with a faux-sanguinity. "Cannibal, grab the the body." He tells you, and you haul the comatose body over your shoulder.

Midway down the next hall, there's a static call from the walkie-talkie as someone on the end of the line must be seeking a status report.

"All clear." Is Valjean's smooth response to it, and, once he slips it into his pocket, there's a mutter of, "Gullible bastards," before you've made it to the first room.

Depositing the unconscious guard on the floor, you wait for Valjean to do his sing-slash-wake routine before rushing to the next room.

Every time you reenter the halls, there are more goons for Valjean to knock out and more bodies for you to hide.

By the time you're over midway through, Valjean's not only knocked out a good dozen men, but he's also acquired some serious gear. Not that you want him in possession of stuff like the various weaponry that came attached to one of the kelvar vests he got a hold of, but the fact of the matter is, if Valjean's going to help you fight Maranzano's men, he can't do it with the stuff he had.

Even if you have to knock him out to do so, you'll be sure to confiscate what you need to when you get back to the warehouse. For now, however, you'll focus on the task at hand because you're almost done, all of those coma patients are finally woken up--

"Mutants!" An authoritative voice echoes into your current room. "Don't move!"

Not backing down, you interpose yourself between Valjean and Bernard, and the goon standing in the doorway seems to hesitate as he has no idea who to shoot.

Thankfully, he doesn't have to decide because, in a flash of green, the goon is sent tumbling to the floor, knocked unconscious from behind with a swift punch from Bernard.

"Hey, not to be that guy, but I'm bettin' this jerk probably told all the other jerks what happened before he tried to stop us."


"No shit, Sherlock." Valjean huffs, loading some darts into a tranquilizer gun with an audible 'click-click!' "Hope they like getting their asses kicked because, if you guys don't, I'll be more than happy to."

"Let's just go." Having kept good track of where you've been so far, you've got three rooms left before you're done waking everyone, which is why you don't want to lose anymore time than you have.

Plus, where there's one goon, there's many more not far behind, and, it's not long before you hear the pounding footsteps from not-too-far-away.

With Valjean in the middle of his own task, you can't pull him away from waking up the coma patients, and, although you're not short at all on battle strategies, you wonder how exactly you should deal with this growing crowd.

>Wat do?
>Just keep yourself against the door-- no way they can win against you
>Get out there and meet em' head-on. Deal with them yourself!
>Double tag-team them with Bernard! Two fighters are better than one!

Was saving that pic for the end of the thread but I lost the one I drew (the batman one I didn't make)... so enjoy!


Ah crap. Meant to post the version I had with Harley Quinn shooped out of it cause it better fit the post context. Whoops!
>>Get out there and meet em' head-on. Deal with them yourself!
Dang, why do Valjean and Julia get more love from the drawfags than our main characters?
>Double tag-team them with Bernard! Two fighters are better than one!
>Get out there and meet em' head-on. Deal with them yourself!

We can always fall back to the door
damn, Val is looking fine here and poor batsy
>Double tag-team them with Bernard! Two fighters are better than one!
Can't be too sure against those tranquilizers and it's not like Val is gonna need to tp being close to the rooms anyway
>Dang, why do Valjean and Julia get more love from the drawfags than our main characters?
Right ? At least some kelpie art would be great
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Looks like we've reached an impasse, folks, which is why I'm gonna give it a 1d2 to decide how we're gonna do this.

>1= Meet em' head on
>2= Tag team em!'

Get ready for trouble! And make it double!

Roll me some 1d100s (Bo3)!!
Rolled 75 (1d100)

Rolled 28 (1d100)

To protect the world from devas-whoops, never mind.
Rolled 18 (1d100)

Well this is gonna be a barrel of monkeys.

>Highest Roll: 75

Team M-Guard blasts off at the speed of light!
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!



Based on what you know of Valjean, you're sure that the former Crux leader can manage on his own, which is why it's up to you and Bernard to hold the fort while he clears the rest of the floor. He heads in the opposite direction as you, disappearing around the next bend.

"B, you thinking what I'm thinking?" You feel a grin spread across your face, one that matches his own as he indeed knows exactly what you're thinking.

Stepping outside the safety of the room, you see a group of goons moving towards you with the clear intent to shoot, flashlights moving across the walls like phantoms.

Their guns are pointed in the direction of where you stand, but what's a gun to you with your strength? Moreover, what's faster-- your reaction speed or their trigger finger?

It's a no-brainer.

Positioning yourself on the floor in a crouch, linoleum tile cracking underfoot, you shoot yourself forwards with a pump of your legs, crashing through the crowd like a human bowling ball. Shouts fill the hallway as the formation of the group is torn asunder, and you've barely even landed when the hallway's sent awash in green, further adding to the chaos that had only just begun.

One-by-one, the guards that haven't been knocked unconscious by you are sent to the floor by Bernard, who's moving so fast that you can barely keep track of him (which is a feat with your senses!).

Bright, dark, bright, dark. Every teleport brings a devastating punch, and you know exactly how it goes. You and Matt trained him yourselves.

Punch. Teleport. Punch. His fist is already moving forwards before there's yet another flash as the blonde teleports himself directly into striking range of the next target. Matt might've come up with the move to supplement his boxing, but, in the heat of a fight, the maneuver's positively devastating.

The light is disorienting. Like a mad, mad rave, especially in the narrow hallway, the flashes of light serve well to throw off those who are still conscious as you continue to pick them off.

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Soon enough, the remainder of the squad is at a loss, standing stock-still as the too-bright light assaults their senses.

Some brave souls, however, refuse to give up, firing indiscriminately at the windows and walls, and, with a strike of your fist, they join the rest of the unconscious men and women on the ground.

"Whew!" Bernard breathes once the dust settles and you're positive that the everyone's knocked out. "I didn't even break a sweat there-- ya think Charles is slackin' on trainin' his men?"

No. You think, the grin you'd had beneath your mask widening a fraction. You guys are just that good.

"Anyways we should go find the jerk-- he's probably done right about now." Right.

He'd been headed towards the other end of the floor last time you checked, and, surveying the place for a heartbeat moving among a mass of still ones, you direct Bernard towards him.

Much to your chagrin, there are goons blocking the way to the end of the next hallway. However, it's nothing a teleport can't fix, and the next place you teleport is over a mass of unconscious bodies, Valjean sitting calmly in the center of the chaos.

"Alright. They'll wake up with the rest." He tells you as he gets back to his feet. "Let's get out of here."

You don't even need to be told, and, once you're back in the warehouse, you tear off your mask and take a moment to breathe.

However, your brief moment of respite is rudely interrupted when you remember that you have yet to confiscate Valjean's weapons.

"Weapons. Hand them over." You trust him with a weapon as much as you'd trust one of those rickety wooden bridges in the movies.

"What is this? The Soviet Union? Or is this my reward for good behavior?" Valjean snarks, but he knows your tone means business. "Fine. I get it. You still don't trust me around mister midget and the skeleton. Not like I'm going to need them unless you actually find Maranzano's men." He doesn't seem too happy with losing all of the gear he stole.

"Give me the knife for training, and I'll hand over the rest." Like you wouldn't just tear the weapons from his person if he didn't comply.


He knows that too, and three Jarettas, two tranqs, and five knives later, Valjean is effectively weaponless, save for the knife. However, instead of complaining about his pidly new knife, he opts to complain about the coma patients instead. "I still think we should've left those coma patients be, unless this was some roundbout attempt at further shitting on Atticus Charles."

"Would it make you feel better if we told you that it was?" You return, and, truth be told, you weren't thinking about that at all. Come to think of it, waking up the coma patients would be a pretty good way of bringing the public's favor towards the mutants (even though it was a mutant who made them comatose in the first place).

At your words, there's a good, long beat of silence as Valjean mulls over your words.

"You know there was a class president in my junior year who acted exactly like this." He grouses. "He was one year above me, and you know what the other students called him?"

You shake your head, not quite sure where he's going with this.

"We called him 'Martyr Martins.' Not that it matters cause that was ages ago, but that bastard got himself into loads of trouble just to do the right thing." He does air-quotes at that last part of his sentence.

"What school was this at?" Suspicion is boiling within you like hot, molten lava, but you ask the question to confirm.

"Karlskirche Academy-- a freaking hotbed for kids born with a silver spoon in their mouths." He says, crossing his arms and sitting down on a crate, and the only thing you manage to think is small. freaking. world. Unaware of your internal shock that the terrorist sitting before you had been in contact with or saw John at least once in his life, the former Crux leader continues.

"Though I'd assume that given the price of the stuff you gave Julia and the kinds of resources you have you're along the same lines as the rest of those people."

>"Tell me more about this 'Martyr Martins' guy."
>"Karlskirche? How'd you get in there when you were working as a waiter?"
>"Is that why you made the Crux? Do you have a thing against rich people or something?"
>"Wow. Thankful much?"

>"Tell me more about this 'Martyr Martins' guy."
>"Is that why you made the Crux? Do you have a thing against rich people or something?"
That's it for the updates folks! I stayed up wayyyy too late to finish it, and I'm going to pay for it tomorrow morning because I have an interview at 10:30 (though I'm legally dead until 11:00).

It's just once my fingers get in a rhythm, it's nearly impossible to stop!


Also have no clue why the Valjean and Julia got more attention than the mains. Gonna try again to acquire cool drawfaggots if I ever get the time, but I think I have at least one Elise somewhere in my folders.

Anyways, see you guys next time! Hopefully I won't be dead tomorrow!
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Blink reminded me of Salza in this panel
>"Karlskirche? How'd you get in there when you were working as a waiter?"
>"Is that why you made the Crux? Do you have a thing against rich people or something?"
While I'd love to hear about John's school years, I don't wanna draw attention to him and give Val a tip about our family just yet.
>>"Karlskirche? How'd you get in there when you were working as a waiter?"
>>"Is that why you made the Crux? Do you have a thing against rich people or something?"
>"Wow. Thankful much?"
>>"Tell me more about this 'Martyr Martins' guy."
>"Karlskirche? How'd you get in there when you were working as a waiter?"
>"Is that why you made the Crux? Do you have a thing against rich people or something?"
I've read the entirety of Les Mis, and I'm seeing subtle references here and there whenever Valjean is in the scene. Weird.
>"Karlskirche? How'd you get in there when you were working as a waiter?"
>"Is that why you made the Crux? Do you have a thing against rich people or something?"

lmaoing at poorfags

>Tell me more about the guy that's totally-not-our-brother


>Sarcasm ftw


>How did VV into Karlskirche with no $$



Looks like we're going with:
>Ask how Valjean got into Karlskirche
>Ask why Valjean hates rich people and if that's why he made the Crux

Yo— I gotta head out for some stuff. Shouldn’t be longer than 1.5 hours so the update will be delayed a bit.

Until then, kings!
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Stuff escalated but I'm back. Writing now!

Also here's a deleted scene.

"Karlskirche? How'd you get in there when you were working as a waiter?" Matt had told you that Valjean had attended Karlskirche Academy the day you'd rescued him from FutureLabs, along with having a juvie record.

"I have a degree, you know?" Valjean glowers. "Not like I was in high school yesterday, but, if you're curious how I got into Konigsburg's most prolific prep-kid cesspool, there is a such thing as scholarships."

"So what? You were like a smart kid or somethin?'" Bernard hazards a guess-- a guess wrought from the ever-growing piles of physics textbooks that lie haphazardly around the warehouse floor. "I thought that most of the schools did away with all those gifted programs."

"Public schools, yes-- most of them at least-- but you do know this is Konigsburg." Valjean informs. "People send their children to live here just to attend our schools." And he's right; the school system in Konigsburg is nothing like that of the rest of the country.

"Oh right! I forgot the school system worked differently around here." The blonde is reminded of that detail; not that you would've expected him to remember it off the top of his head since he didn't spend his whole life here in Konigsburg.

Still, with the school system here being significantly different than the rest of the States, not only do children begin school a year earlier if parents so choose, but the most impressive feat is that the majority of high schools-- be they public or private-- only take three years to complete. Moreover, programs for gifted children abound, the city having no shortage of way to help the young minds of this city blossom.

"Anyways, you guys will never guess who gave me a full ride..." You remain silent, waiting for his answer. "Well, have you heard of the 'To Pave a Better Future Foundation?' Doesn't ring a bell.

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"It's a scholarship for kids that come from less-than-stellar backgrounds, and plot twist: the initiative's completely funded by FutureLabs..." You already guessed that Valjean came from an impoverished background based on the way he talks about money, rich people, and all that stuff. Coupled with the fact that he was likely a gifted kid, he would definitely be a shoo-in for a scholarship program like that.

But wow. Talk about ironic.

"You would've thought that going to that kind of school would've been a fresh start, but it wasn't. Once they found out who I was..." Valjean starts but stops himself, as if saying something verboten. "Shit," He curses, more to himself than either you or Bernard. "Doesn't matter cause most of them were stuck-up assholes anyways."

"Is that why you made the Crux?" You wonder aloud. "Do you have a thing against rich people or something?"

It's a simple question, but, at that, Valjean sighs a long sigh, telling you the answer's probably more complicated than it is.

"I never said rich people in-and-of-themselves are a bad thing, but I've yet to meet more than a handful that didn't perpetuate the same classist, better-than-thou bullshit wherever they went."

"Hey, school's not supposed to be a cakewalk." Bernard pipes up. "You think we didn't get our fair share of bullyin' in school?"

"You were probably a dropout. You don't count." Valjean returns; and it looks like Bernard wants to argue but doesn't for the sake keeping his own bombshell of a backstory hidden.

"But why do you still care? You probably got outta there with straight A's and highest honors. Shouldn't all those people stopped matterin' in college or somethin?'"


"They don't-- they're just a small fraction of what's wrong with society-- but KIT had its own fair share of assholes too, just of a different breed..." Valjean states, leaning his head back in his seat.

"I honestly don't want to talk about this for longer than I have to," He says, gray eyes boring into you and Bernard. "But I would like to know what you would do if you were completely hated by the world you live in and by everyone around you, and you knew that there were thousands of others just like you?"

"What would you do if you were in my position?"

>"I would keep moving forwards."
>"I wouldn't become a terrorist. That's for sure."
>"I would endure it. Sometimes we have no choice."

>>"I wouldn't become a terrorist. That's for sure."
>"I wouldn't become a terrorist. That's for sure."
>"I wouldn't become a terrorist. That's for sure."
TBF that's the only option that he might listen
>"I wouldn't become a terrorist. That's for sure."


Looks like the vote’s unanimous!

Crapola—forgot trip!

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"I wouldn't become a terrorist. That's for sure." You state, entirely certain of yourself. Valjean doesn't respond, alternating between glowering and staring at the wall ahead. You might not know what kind of dark past Valjean had, but there's nothing on the face of this Earth that remotely justifies any of it.

He looks like he wants to say something else-- perhaps to refute you in some way-- but it's in that moment that a diamoned-up Julia appears right in the middle of where the three of you are sitting, tiredly rubbing an eye with her fist as she shifts back into her human form.

"Valjean, why are you still up?" She questions, trying and failing to stifle a yawn.

"I was getting some new gear for when we fight those gangs." He tells her. It's not entirely a lie, but Julia seems to buy it (either that or she's too tired to care).

Even though this place is basically yours, it looks like you've overstayed your welcome.

"We'll be back with more food whenever." Bernard shouts into the warehouse before he tells you. "Gonna come back and build another one of those treehouse-platforms maybe this weekend."

"You trying to cover up the rafters?" You ask him.

"Nah. If John decides to come back, I'll need somewhere to sleep, won't I?" Unfortunately, that's the truth. "Beats sleepin' on a roof, doesn't it?"


"Anyways, I wonder how stickface is doing." The blonde says, and, last you checked, you left your brother in the dust with a gobsmacked look on his face.

While Matt might not be a mutant, he's an absolute terror when he wants to be, and, right now, you are sincerely, sincerely glad he's not a mutant because, if a normal-Matt's a terror-- regardless of whatever power he would have--a mutant-Matt would be something you never, ever want to deal with.

Wait a second. Why are you afraid of that pipsqueak in the first place? He's your brother after all!


Chuckling at yourself for your brief moment of stupidity, you give the word to Bernard to take you guys home, and, exhaling a breath of relief, you let your shoulders slump as you let its familiarity soothe you.

That is. Until your proprioception warns you of something whizzing towards you at high speed.


Without even thinking, you dodge, the object that was flying towards you shattering into pieces on impact. A glass bottle. Your mind supplies, your nostrils being hit with the acrid stench of alcohol. However, that's not what's important right now because Matt just literally threw a glass bottle at you.

"Hey-- that could've hit me! What the hell is wrong with you?!" That thing would've hit your head had you not dodged it.

"So what?! You'll regenerate!" Matt crows, ducked behind the couch. "Y-You know what? You know what's really funny?"

You stay silent, completely and utterly puzzled at your brother's behavior.

"More glass." This time another, smaller piece of glass comes flying at you, but the throw is half-hearted and misses you by a wide margin. "By the way--" He starts. "By the way, Ellie... I wanna thank you very much for ditching me on this very..." A pause as Matt loses himself mid-sentence. "...very fine evening."

"Aw rats." Bernard's tone is bleak. "I think stickface is drunk."

"Drunk?!" You exclaim. "We don't even buy alcohol!"

"That's not what I saw..." The blonde says. "I've seen John drinkin' a couple of times when I'd go to grab my midnight snacks."

John too?! You don't know how many hours he spent lecturing you and Matt on the evils of alcohol, but the joke's on him since you can't drink, even if you wanted to.

But Matt... How much did he drink?

At least from your parents, though you don't know that much about any specific group of alcohol, you have a pretty good inkling as to what gets you drunk fast. Examining the broken bottle on the floor, you can make out a 'b,' a 'u,' and a--


"Ellie this is some expensive shit!" Bernard's shout throws off your focus. "This one bottle's like two-hundred dollars. Didn't think John had it in him, but I guess that's what workin' for FutureLabs does to you." Thank you Bernard and your uncanny knowledge of all things expensive.

From behind, the demon that is currently your brother is still looking for something heavier to throw at you, and, in any other situation, you might've found it funny; but you've had a long day and you feel completely done.

>Wat do?
>Knock him out. Easy-peasy.
>Restrain him. See if there's anything in his room that will make it easier.
>Leave him be. Maybe he'll tire himself out?
That's it, grab him by the ankle until he throws up.
>"I think stickface is drunk."
Bruh what's going on and why does matt think we didtched him when we told (although very late) that we'd cure the comatose cops
>Restrain him. See if there's anything in his room that will make it easier.
Let's use the pillows from the couch
>Restrain him. See if there's anything in his room that will make it easier.
Sorry folks! I'm gonna have to skedaddle for the night cause I'm falling asleep here. We return tomorrow when I'm well-rested.

Until next time!
>Restrain him. See if there's anything in his room that will make it easier.
Sad state of affairs, here

>Tag em' and bag em!'

I was tempted to do a roll here, but fighting Matt's the equivalent of us trying to fight a baby kitten lmao

>>4948304 Also to answer your question, a drunkard's mind doesn't usually follow logic
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A remote, another glass, and several shoes later, all of which end up missing you, the now-inebriated Matt shows no signs of stopping.

As he staggers around the living-room with a shit-eating grin on his face, you entertain the idea of simply knocking him out but your particular brand of knock-out punches are reserved for goons and other heinous types-- not your troll of a brother who decided to get drunk in your absence.

Restraining him, however, is by-far a less painful option, and, with a quick word to Bernard telling him to hold the fort, you head into Matt's room with haste. Though it always looks like a bomb hit it, if there's anything of use, it's likely in there, including most (if not all) of any M-Guard-related paraphenalia.

Pulling out a few of his drawers, you open and close them until you hear the one that sounds a like there's coins rolling about on the inside. Throwing all his clothes onto the ground, you spot the hole to the false bottom, and you have to use the very tip of your pinky to pull it up.

Eureka! Amid the mess of things like Matt's slingshot, a couple of diamond knives (courtesy of Julia), and some spare comms, there's a pair of handcuffs in the mix as well. Grabbing them without hesitation, being sure to remember the key, you head back to the living room where Bernard's got Matt in a headlock.

"You... you don't let me go, and I'll tell her. I really--" A hiccup, right as Matt's feet give out from under him. "...I really will..."

"You don't shut up, and I'll shave your head bald in your sleep."

"S'not like I need... need hair..." Matt, even in his drunken state, knows an empty threat when he hears one. "You-- you wanna hear a... a blonde joke?" He says, head lolling down.

Bernard's about to say something back, but then he realizes you've returned, relief palpable in his green eyes.


Not wanting to have to hold Matt any longer, the blonde jerks him foward but promptly regrets it as a loud, gurgling 'BLARGHHHH--' sound emanates from Matt, followed by a splat.

"Aw gross." That comes from Bernard. You don't even need to look down, your nose telling you everything you need to know, and you frown because some of it got on your feet and pants.

The next attempt at passing Matt to you has Bernard treating the other teen like a ticking time-bomb. Thankfully, no other incidents happen, and without further do, you slap the handcuffs around one of his wrists and then the other.

Had Matt been cognizant, you'd expect some sort of crude joke from him. However, you'll have to settle for projectile-vomiting and gibberish.

Once restrained, it'