The Grail War continues, and new enemies might lurk in every shadow.You are Shinji Makiri, Ten years ago you suddenly found yourself with the memories of a complete past life that saw this world as a fictional story due to some unprecedented form of inter-dimensional transportation. Since that day, your new composite being has been working to change the grim future laid out for you.To that end, you have done much, involving yourself with events and situations that have shifted the future away from the one that you once would have faced and instead onto one of uncertainty and chaos.The Fifth Holy Grail War lies ahead of you, and the challenge and danger it represents to you, the people you care for and the world itself is far greater than you could have ever predicted. Though the grail might be corrupted and the war itself might be a sham, the stakes couldn't be higher.Archive of Paradox Reincarnator: Archive: Menu: Thread: >>4442124
You dangle helplessly in front of your allies, and the smug expression on Rin's face makes you want to punch her, woman or not, she's enjoying you being placed in this situation far too much. If you thought she was actually capable of such a thing, you'd have suspected her of having a hand in this. But then again, Rin isn't really the sort of person who is bright enough to successfully pull something like this off. Sure, the girl is intelligent, but it's not the sort of Machiavellian intellect you would need in order to trick or put other people into compromising situations. No, this was the doing of Archer and Rider."Everyone..." You address the rest of the room, but dangling off the ground in Rider's incredibly strong grip as you are makes it a very awkward situation. "Sakura... Your Servant, if you would." Yeah, you might want to apologize to everyone, but there's just no way that you're going to try apologizing when you're being hoisted up in the air like this."R-right! Rider, let Shinji down. I didn't ask you to do that, did I?" Thankfully, Sakura obliges your request to be put down. You can always rely on Sakura, it seems. Even when it's her Servant who is half the reason for you being in this situation at all. Well, it wasn't like it was on Sakura's orders, so you don't mind so much. It's just Rider getting ahead of herself and acting in what she assumes to be her Master's best interests again."No, Master." Rider looks a little confused by Sakura's order. "I just didn't imagine you would've been happy with being... spied on like this." Rider sounds genuinely confused at how well Sakura is taking things. You also would've expected Sakura to have been a little more upset, but the girl is hard to read sometimes, even for you. So it's possible that she actually is, but is just hiding it incredibly well. Despite how much you've trained your charismatic ability, it only really seems to excel on the sort of people you wouldn't even bother learning the names of. Well, there's a limit to what you can expect to be able to do with persuasive ability alone. Especially on strong willed and stubborn people. You definitely don't have as much trouble with Rin as you would if you hadn't spent so long mastering your conversational skills as you have.
"Why should I be? If anything, I'm happy that Onii-chan is always keeping an eye out... or I suppose an ear out for me. It's not like I haven't gotten curious about what he gets up to when he leaves town." Sakura seems completely unperturbed by being eavesdropped on, much to the surprise of the Servant lifting you up into the air. Rider then awkwardly drops you to your feet, and you sort out your disheveled clothing a few moments after you hit the floor standing. "So, if you're going to do something like this again, I want you to ask my permission first. Understood?" Sakura's voice is soft, but there's a firmness in the command. Wait a minute, she... she couldn't possibly have been following you, could she? No way, you're certain that you would've noticed if Sakura followed you. You can't imagine being sneaked up on by Sakura of all people, the amount of skill difference between you and her when it comes to stealthy pursuits is tremendous, after all."Then please, accept my apologies, Master. Shinji. I acted hastily... It was on Archer's suggestion that I even went through with this." The violet haired woman begins to try to shift the blame onto Rin's Servant, and though he probably is guilty of planning this, it remains that Rider is the one guilty of actually grabbing you and treating you like some common spy. You are the leader of this faction, and such disrespect isn't really something you can tolerate. You'd want Rider punished if you didn't know that she wasn't just doing it because she is devoted to the idea of keeping Sakura safe."My suggestion, Rider? What ever could you mean by that? It was just a nod to confirm that our leader was listening in on us, I didn't expect you would go to such a level as hoisting poor Shinji here in front of everyone." Archer effortlessly shifts most of the blame onto Rider, well, it's Rider's fault for deciding to go along with Archer's prank. You don't think he was really expecting Rider to go to such a level either.
Rider begins to look rather lost, even though she's wearing a blindfold and you can only see half of her features. "Look. It's fine, Rider. I don't blame you for what you did. What I was doing was rude, I know... so I owe you all an apology for eavesdropping. It's just..." You take a deep breath. "It's just that I wanted to know if you thought I was doing a good job as a leader or not. It's not really like I have much experience in leading." Well, that's not entirely true, you've certainly had quite a lot of practice when it comes to running your company from the shadows, but there's a big difference between running a company and properly running a small group of people like this. In many ways, this is more difficult. You only need to take a look at Saber to see why. Saber was almost perfect as a King, and very rarely made mistakes when it came to actually ruling her country, instead, it was the actions she took around her inner circle, her most trusted allies, that ended up tearing Britain apart and taking her life, as well as the life of her daughter... son... Mordred and pretty much everyone else of note. "And I don't just want to ask, because if I did I would never have any sort of guarantee if you were being honest with me or not."Illya smiles happily, and for the first time you notice that she doesn't seem to be all too upset by your actions either. "Oh I don't mind. It's something you expect in the home of a talented magus like yourself, Shinji. To be observed, I mean. You'd have to be stupid to think that you weren't being watched in a place with bounded fields like this." While Illya is correct in her assumption that the Bounded Fields surrounding your house are very advanced, their capability to record the actions taken within your home are limited at best, you focused more on outside observation and focused more on active defenses on the inside of your house. But you aren't about to reveal the actual composition of the bounded field network that makes up your home to anyone at the table. Allies or not, that information is on a need to know basis, and nobody here actually needs to know, even Sakura.You're still relieved to hear that Illya is letting you off so lightly though, and it seems like her sentiment is shared by most of the people at the table thanks to how she explained things for you. Even Rin seems to have begrudgingly accepted her logic and you finally sit down at the table in order to eat your breakfast.
You seemed to have been forced to jump through multiple hoops in order to even get the opportunity to eat the traditional Japanese breakfast that Archer decided to cook for the people at the table who specifically aren't Sakura and Illya. Sakura has almost finished eating her rather large stack of pancakes while Illya is elegantly and slowly eating hers. Everyone else seems to be handling their food about the same. Though everyone does seem to be enjoying themselves. Monica however has remained strangely quiet since you walked in.The food is just as impressive as you would expect anything cooked by Archer to be. He's on a level far beyond the current you, and you can't even argue against that assessment. Everything has been cooked to perfection and served with utmost skill. The rice, the fish, the miso. The quality of the food is more like something you might see on some sort of TV cooking show's final round, and the taste is perfect too. You mentally curse at Archer for having a greater level of skill than you, but then you realize that if you were ever to meet a theoretical future version of yourself, he would be at least as skilled as Shirou's future counterpart in cooking. It's a shame that you missed getting to see Rider's reaction to Japanese food, as well as the general reaction of the table to Archer's cooking expertise, but you suppose that it can't be helped.Rin gets up suddenly and looks at the clock on the wall. "Well, I'll be off, everyone. Good luck doing whatever it is you're planning on doing in the day time... and please nobody get into any fights? It's enough of a headache for me as things already are. I don't need to be the one the Mage's Association hold responsible for a leak in the secrecy of magic." Rin begins to leave the room. "Let's go, Archer. We're leaving... Please make sure you all stay safe, alright?" There's a hint of concern in Rin's voice as she leaves the room. Everyone is just about finished eating now, even Illya only has a few scraps of her rather generous portion of pancakes that Archer must've ended up making his... younger/older stepsister.Of course, revealing the existence of magic isn't something you really had on your mind for today's activities. But you really ought to spend the day doing something, even if it's not all that productive. First, you'll wait for Bazett to get back, and then you'll...>...head to the arcade with your companions.>...head to Touko to ask for help.>...start trying to track down Shirou.>...try to find Caster, even if you know you'll probably have very little luck.>Write-in...
>>4456316Head to Touko we have to deal with Betty's curse
>>4456316>>...head to Touko to ask for help.Specifically for >Dealing with Betty's Mystic Eyes>Helping in tracking both Shirou and MedeaAfter that we should make true of our promise with Illya and hell, maybe even take Sakura with us. But for now, business is in order. Although, how dangerous would it be to take Illya to Touka? ALSO let's make sure we are /fa/ as fuck at the very least.
>>4456316>>...head to Touko to ask for help.
>>4456316>...head to Touko to ask for help.We should bring Ilya with us since Avenger's still out of commission.
>>4456316>...head to Touko to ask for help.
We also need to get that liquor sometime today.
>>4456329>>4456348Supporting both of these.
>>4456316>>...head to Touko to ask for help.Bring Sakura and Illya with us.
>>4456316>...start trying to track down Shirou.
>>4456316Didn’t we want to go to arcade with Illya? I imagine that would be more fun for her if we were going together. But I suppose it is an opportunity to get shit done otherwise.>head to Touko for consultations>give the girls some debit cards so they can have fun to hearts content
>>4456329>how dangerous would it be to take Illya to Touka?Illya still doesn’t know we are friends with Shirou, something we need to fix or it will inevitably punish us.
>>4456602>give the girls some debit cards so they can have fun to hearts contentIsn't everyone rich as fuck anyways?Rin is rich even with Kirei trolling her.Bazett is wealthy but due to her autism she prefers spending jack shit and living in low class accommodations.Monica should be fairly wealthy after all our payments to her.Only Sakura actually needs our debit card desu.Ilya is rich as fuck.
>>4456316>...head to Touko to ask for help.CALL IN THAT ALCOHOL ORDER SOON FOR SHUTEN OR WE'RE DEAD
>>4456316>>4456665I want to back this >>4456847Let's make a phone order on the way to Touko.
My fucking ID changed twice in the span of 6 hours. "/cqCnpA2" is Me I swear.
>>4456323>>4456329>>4456331>>4456348>>4456360>>4456447>>4456584>>4456602>>4456603>>4456665>>4456677>>4456692>>4456814Bros... that alcohol... we need it ready so Shuten doesn't Dead End us... Remember?
We can do that over the phone >>4456857
>>4456857True enough, adding "Phone us some kickass alcohol" to my post >>4456329
>>4456857I have changed my vote already.
>>4456857We can make a few phone calls, pull some strings.Besides, Shuten said 11pm, not am. We have more than enough time to meet up with Touko and then get the alcohol.
>>4456876Yeah. But if we buy really high quality expensive stuff it can take quite some time before it arrives.
>>4456882Can't we just use our truth magic on any alcohol to make it the tastiest alcohol in the world.
>>4456882We're one of the richest men in the world.We should have people to figure out the logistics for us, and other people to execute our commands as fast as possible. It shouldn't be an issue.
>>4456883Theoretically we could but I feel like if we tried that QM would tell us something like "Shinji doesn't know what concept of tasty alcohol means" and we are gonna have to be creative.I think it's both faster and safer to just buy best stuff we can find.
We should get Shuten Miller High life. The champagne of beers.
>>4456891It is better to overdo it than to miss our chance.
>>4456894I believe she prefers harder drinks.
>>4456896Then popov vodka.
>>4456894I was about to suggest international shit that she might not have been able to taste in her previous life like German alcohol or Argentinian Fernet but then I remember we are basically in 2003 or some shit. We might still be able to order it online and wait for a bit before getting it delivered, so maybe we can hang that promise about Shuten's head.
>>4456898I'd say Japanese whiskey and some trappist beer. Also some American wine and Japanese plum sake.
>>4456898We are the head of multimillion company. We do not order goods online. We make a call and goods get delivered to us on supersonic jet.
>>4456896>>4456897I think she prefers harder things, like cocks pounding her for an hour
>>4456906Cocks are not a drink.
>>4456912Semen is
Okay we might need a list of stuff to order, right now we have >>4456894 Miller High Life >>4456897 popov vodka. >>4456902 American wine and Japanese plum sake.I'll also add Argentinian Fernet an Peruvian Pisco Sour for that extra exotic flavor, maybe something from the middle east too?>>4456918Unless we are shooting sperm with alcohol qualities out of our dicks I don't think w-...wait, can we pull that off?
>>4456923Jack Daniels
>>4456923My first 2 posts were trolls. The third is actual legit good stuff.
>>4456923Shuten would probably prefer high quality sake over wine.
>>4456923Some wine from Australia? Europe? Chile?
>>4456947The US since the 00s has been known to have the best wines and even cheeses now.
>>4456923We shoul buy high quality sake or something. Definetely not wine or beer.
>>4456923From middle east would be arak
>>4456947Best wines are from Italy and France. I have never heard of great american wines.
>>4456954Sake is a wine...
>>4456956Yeah like in the 50s
>>4456959I meant to say that we should buy a drink native to a country she hails from and not a foreign beverage. Sorry I did not express myself in more understandable way.>>4456960Could You give an example of a great american wine please? I have simply never heard anyone emphasize american wines above others.
>>4456965 California is now the wine capital of the world.
>>4456965The best wine from 2003 was a Napa Valley creation from a 2001 bottle.
>>4456974>>4456976Thank You for enlightening me. Thogh i feel like calling California a "wine capital of the world" is a bit much.
>>4456988Looking at international competitions Cali has the most wins. I'm an actual alcohol.
>>4456988That's misleading. It's based on exports and not production.A lot of American wine would be sold locally considering they are the largest singular market.In fact six years ago they were producing 3.3 million tonnes of wine a year compared to France's 4.2 million
>>4456997 should be more objective I believe.
>>4456923>shooting sperm with alcohol qualitiesit's probably possible with truth magic, though good luck getting other anons to agree
After about twenty minutes of waiting, Bazett arrives back with Lancer, having apparently bought about 30 cups of instant ramen and absolutely nothing else... an... interesting choice of sustenance, but you suppose that it's quick and easy food. You can't imagine Bazett has any skill at cooking and as an enforcer, such varieties of food are probably all they ever really eat on missions. You can't imagine they go out to eat at restaurants or something, even if they are paid pretty damn well. When you need to be available at a moment's notice to get into what may very well end up being a battle to the death while also spending a lot of time squatting in abandoned building, convenience food and fast food are probably all you get to eat."Alright everyone. First off, before we head to the arcade for the day, I need to go and take care of something. Bazett, would you mind staying here at the mansion? I don't want to leave it without a Servant guarding it, and I intend to take Illya and my sister with me." You don't really know what Touko will make of either Sakura or Illya, she's never really met any of your friends or family. Of course, that suited you just fine. In fact, you don't even really intend to have either of the girls go in to meet your teacher, it's just simpler to have them with you for the journey so that when you head to the arcades afterwards you don't have to head all the way back to your mansion and waste time."Very well. Though I'd prefer if I had a time in which I could expect you back." Bazett makes a relatively reasonable request. You are the leader of this faction after all, so actually being given a time when she and her Servant can expect to be able to go out at night in a group is quite the important piece of information. "Seven or eight PM ought to be a reasonable estimate, if not earlier. I've got a few things I need to do around town, not least take Sakura and Illya to the arcade." Of course, having Illya with you when you go looking for Shirou will be... well, difficult. Though you don't actually need to have Illya with you if you do manage to find the boy, you can always just have her go back to the mansion. "Oh, and Rin should return when the school-day is up, unless she gets distracted doing something else, that is." Which knowing Rin, is a possibility, at least.
You will also need to order the alcohol you promised Shuten as soon as you possibly can, but then again, a single text ought to be sufficient to have it sent to you as quickly as it possibly can be. Though it might not be fast enough to arrive in time for your meeting with Shuten. Ah well, even if it doesn't arrive in time, it hardly matters. Shuten is your enemy anyway, it's really a wonder that she even let you go at all. You guess that the mere promise of alcohol was enough that the hedonistic oni would hold off on disposing of an enemy Master even if her master wished her to do so... What an awful Servant Shuten is. That she would so willingly throw away what could and probably would have been a massive strategic victory for her Master away just on a whim. Whoever her Master is must be terribly frustrated with their Servant already."Sakura, Illya. I'll just go and get my own Servant, and then we'll be going, alright?" You call out to the two girls as you begin to leave the room. With any luck, your perpetually tired Servant will have woken up for her breakfast. Hopefully, Touko will be able to help you think of a way to disable the curse affecting your Servant, as well as helping you track down both Caster and Shirou, if he's even still alive. Theoretically, Medea might be a better magus than Touko is, but that's only theoretically. Touko is probably the more talented of the two of them, except she's held back by how much weaker magecraft has become since the Age of Gods. You have no idea just how terrifying Touko might be if she had the same opportunities as a magus that Medea was given. She's become terrifying enough with just an average number of magic circuits, you have no idea just what level she might've reached if she was born thousands of years ago. You suppose there's no point in thinking about it though, the fact that she still far outclasses you as a magus despite you having immense potential however is enough for you to have nothing but the utmost respect for the woman.
As you head upstairs to your room again, you prepare yourself to see Betty still asleep on the bed. You've considered forcibly cutting off the mana you're providing to her in order to force her into spiritual form before, but for some reason you aren't entirely certain of, it seems that you can't really interfere too much with the link between yourself and Betty. Of course, you had already theorized that it was somehow different from a typical contract a Master has with their Servant based on your command spells alone, though you've been so busy that you haven't actually had much of an opportunity to actually take a good look at them. While you can probably mess with your link to Betty with Truth, you don't really know if using up almost half of your magical energy to make such a change is a viable thing to do. Attempting to change existing truths is not only energy intensive, it's also only temporary in most cases, though you have a little bit of wiggle room when it comes to dealing with things that the world considers unnatural, at least.You open the door to your room and surprisingly enough see Betty sitting on the bed, apparently having finished eating and just patiently waiting for you to arrive in your room again. You don't know why she wouldn't just use the mental link to call you, but it's of no real concern. She's probably just a little bit drowsy still... Though how somebody can remain drowsy when they spend seventy five percent of the day asleep you have no real idea. "Good morning, Master." The girl is polite as she greets you, and you notice that she seems to have tried to straighten out her outfit a little bit, presumably some time after she woke up."Good morning, Betty." You greet your Servant with a smile. "How did you enjoy your breakfast?" You're in something of a hurry as your allies are technically waiting on you, but that's no reason for you to be impolite to your own Servant. It won't hurt Illya and Sakura to wait for an extra minute or two."Oh, you mean the pancakes? They were quite... nice. But... But I think they were missing something..." She sounds a little sad as she mentions her partial dissatisfaction in the breakfast. If Archer were to hear such negativity directed towards the one skill he has that isn't focused on slaughter, he'd be terribly wounded. It's one of the Counter Guardian's few skills that doesn't revolve around murdering people and one that he allows himself to have some sort of pride in. You frown as Betty reveals that she wasn't entirely satisfied with her breakfast, you're about to ask Betty what she thought was wrong with the food, until the girl in a burst of energy suddenly tries to take back what she just said. "B-but don't get think I didn't like them, Master. It's just..." The girl sighs. "They made me feel lonely." There's a great melancholy in her voice.
"Lonely? What do you mean?" Of all the emotions for pancakes to be able to stir up, you hadn't expected loneliness to have been one of them."I don't really get it myself. But... I felt like I wanted to share them with somebody... but then I realized that I was by myself." You realize just how much mental strain that this girl must be under. You've already figured out that she's some sort of Foreigner, that's completely obvious to just about anybody that knows what Foreigners are and has taken a look at the girl and her abilities. But you aren't entirely sure just what might be lurking within her body. Whatever it is, between the bouts of incredible sleepiness, the curse of hatred, and that the girl has issues with her memories, you can only assume that it's bad news. Then again, basically everything in the Lovecraftian Mythos is bad news, from the lowliest Shoggoth all the way up to Azathoth itself, pretty much anything would spell doom for a human if they encountered them."Well, cheer up, Betty. Today I'm going to try to get that curse of yours sorted out." You reveal to the girl your intended plan of the day. Of course, you really do hope that Touko can actually look at the girl long enough to come up with a solution without falling victim to the curse of hatred Betty has. You'd actually really like to know more about the entirety of your Servant's skill set other than falling asleep at the worst times and almost getting you eaten by a demon in the form of a little girl. But you don't really know if you'd end up getting anywhere asking her again. It's pretty obvious that her memory is fragmented somehow. In fact, the best way for you to learn about Betty would probably be through sleep, ironically enough. She perks up a little as she registers just what you mean by that, and she seems to recover a little bit from the state of sadness that she was in. "Alright, Master!" She actually sounds a little bit happy all of a sudden. You sigh, while Betty is clearly strong, she's possibly one of the most unreliable Servants possible. At least with somebody like Gilgamesh or Shuten Dōji you can plan around their personalities in order to make the best use of them. How exactly are you supposed to be able to plan around a Servant that randomly falls asleep and is incredibly difficulty to actually get to wake up again? You suppose it will be tolerable if you can just remove the curse that afflicts her. At least then you won't have to worry about your allies turning on you and your Servant because of the mental interference from her ability warping their minds into feeling hatred for the sweet and innocent little girl. She quickly assumes spiritual form and begins following you as you walk back downstairs to meet your allies.
After a quick explanation as to how exactly the day is going to go, you find yourself in your rather large garage looking at the vast selection of vehicles you've managed to amass in the relatively short time since you started your company along with Sakura, Illya and Rider, with Betty remaining close to your side in spiritual form, apparently trying not to fall asleep until you manage to get an answer from Touko about resolving her curse. The underground garage is bigger than most people's houses, and contains dozens of luxury vehicles, as well as a small selection of Supercars and Bikes... speaking of which..."I would... Like to request that I do the driving." Rider is speaking to you with an uncharacteristic level of respect. Almost as if the usually blind woman can feel the caliber of the vehicles in the room. "As a Rider, my skill in Riding is A+. Therefore, it would be the safest and most practical choice if I were to be the one doing the driving." You look at Rider for a while, and you swear for a moment that you can see the woman sweating. It's really very obvious that she wants you to allow her to be the one doing the driving, but the problem is that every supercar in your collection is one with only two seats.>Have Rider drive everyone in one of your luxury cars. That ought to be enough to satisfy her.>Allow Rider to drive by herself in one of your Supercars, you'll drive everyone else.>Deny Rider's request to drive. You're still kind of annoyed with her actions from earlier.>Tell Rider she can pick any car and that it belongs to her from now on.>Write-in...
>>4457245>>Tell Rider she can pick any car and that it belongs to her from now on.It's nice to be rich.
>>4456946Cant believe i would see something i ate every week in qst board
>>4457245>Tell Rider she can pick any car and that it belongs to her from now on.We have PLENTY of money. Giving up a car or two isn’t much of an issue. Although considering how Rider normally drives. It makes me wonder if we perhaps have a Trueno on hand.
>>4457245>Tell Rider she can pick any car and that it belongs to her from now on.
>>4457245>Tell Rider she can pick any car and that it belongs to her from now on.But.>Have Rider drive everyone in one of your luxury cars. That ought to be enough to satisfy her.No time for fun. We got places to be!
>>4457269We have a whole day. Let Rider have some fun. We can drive everyone else ourselves.
>>4457245>Tell Rider she can pick any car and that it belongs to her from now on.its nice to be rich
>>4457245.>Tell Rider she can pick any car and that it belongs to her from now on."What car would you like to ride?" Then when she chooses one, throw her the keys and tell her "It's yours now."
>>4457245>Tell Rider she can pick any car and that it belongs to her from now on.Toss her the keys and go "its yours now"
>>4457245>Have Rider drive everyone in one of your luxury cars. That ought to be enough to satisfy her.sure why not. I'm not sure about "that it belongs to her from now on", does that means the car she choose going to be something like saber's bike or something?
>>4457245Can we buy her a helicopter?
>>4457245>>Tell Rider she can pick any car and that it belongs to her from now on.>>Write-in...Except Berser-Car.
>>4457374We should really invest in berser-car tho
>>4457245>>Tell Rider she can pick any car and that it belongs to her from now on.Santa came a bit early
>>4457245>>Tell Rider she can pick any car and that it belongs to her from now on.
>>4457318>>4457245Yeah, that seems nice.Support.
>>4457351Helipcopter? Pfft, how about an L-39?". . .their $200,000–$300,000 price puts them in range of moderately wealthy pilots looking for a fast, agile personal jet." even better yet, the world's leading distributor of MiG parts:
>>4457748You’ve been watching the NATO days?But regardless, as nice as fighter might be, it would need an airstrip to land and takeoff. Chopper would be more versatile and could be used for transportation. Although idea of getting shot down is not very appealing, though maybe there is anime bullshit that could forestall that...
>>4457748Since we can afford it we should just get her a f16 f18 or f15., spy plane would be u-2.
>>4457770Period correct helis would be eurocopter tiger, MI - 28 havoc, MI hind, ah1 super cobra,. Best probably being the boeing apache.
>>4457245Changing my vote>Deny Rider's request to drive. You're still kind of annoyed with her actions from earlier.Just give her a normal bicycle. It's her canon ride anyway.She might be Sakura's servant, but if she want to ride any of the cars she need to earn it.From now on, I'm going to choose the route of "what would real shinji do" fuck it
>>4457810The real Shinji dies like a bitch in almost every iteration of Fate. I was under the impression the whole premise of this quest was us avoiding canon Shinji's fate using our knowledge of future events.
>>4457810>rEaL sHiNjIDamn, I hate you people.
>>4457836I mean, doesn't mean we can't act a bit douchey and like a spoiled kid from time to time. I feel that'd give this Shinji a bit more of substance or character, not saying "HURR DURR GO EVIL!" But rather, a sassy and cocky Shinji with that trademark evil laughter but that is, through actions, a good person.
>>4457245>>Deny Rider's request to drive. You're still kind of annoyed with her actions from earlier.
>>4458183chose this not because we act like "DAH REAL SHINJI DURRRR" but because as the leader you have to punish snake women sometimes and can't give everything away and let people have everything they want fo rno reaosn
>>4457245>Deny Rider's request to drive. You're still kind of annoyed with her actions from earlier.Rewarding people who publicly humiliate you for no good reason isn't a good look.
"Alright, Rider. You've convinced me." You feel a little strange giving the go-ahead to drive to a woman who wears a magical blindfold almost all the time and thus is unable to see, but Rider has on more than one occasion throughout her appearances displayed that the blindfold doesn't actually hinder her at all, and she's more than capable of the incredible spacial awareness one would expect of a Servant despite actually lacking the ability to see under usual circumstances. It's truly impressive that she's capable of such a thing."R-really?" The woman sounds a little out of character in how happy she is as you give her your approval when it comes to driving, and she seems to relax just a little bit as she walks around the garage, occasionally touching a car or a bike as if they were living creatures... Servants are weird when it comes to vehicles. So long as she doesn't decide to name her car or something, it'll be OK. But you think that things might get a little embarrassing if she starts treating a car like some sort of mythical beast "Mhm. Just pick whatever car you want to drive, lack of space doesn't matter either, if you pick one that isn't large enough to carry everyone, I can just drive everyone else, so don't feel like you have to make a decision for the group here." You smile as you allow her to pick anything she wants, and you can see from the uncertain smile she returns that she must be feeling at least a little bit guilty about what she did to you back at breakfast already. Rider spends quite some time ogling the vehicles before she finally seems to decide on one of them. "This one. It appears it's only capable of housing the driver and a single passenger though..." Rider seems to have chosen the Koenigsegg CC8S. Somehow, you knew that the woman would end up going for one of the supercars in your collection and not one of the luxury vehicles. The woman is something of a speed demon, after all, God only knows what sort of limits are going to be broken if she actually decides to push the Koenigsegg with her Riding skill. The supernatural attributes of the skill should allow the car to go beyond the natural limits, but you don't know to what extent.
"As I said, Rider. It doesn't matter. I suppose this just means you'll be driving Sakura, and that Illya will be driving alongside me today." You then proceed to walk over to a metal cupboard near one of the walls, unlocking it with a key from your pocket before you pull out a set of keys. A set for the Koenigsegg as well as a set for your Bentley. "Here." You toss the keys to the tall woman who snatches them out of the air effortlessly. "The grail ought to have told you all you need to know about cars, right?" She nods. "Great, because that one belongs to you now." You bequeath the vehicle to the Servant without even blinking. Sure, it's quite an expensive vehicle, but the price of getting another one if you actually wanted to is really just pocket change to you. Despite your great wealth, you don't really go nuts all too often with it, in fact, your (admittedly quite large) collection of expensive cars is really one of the few indicators of just how incredibly rich you actually are. Your clothing is high quality, of course, but there comes a point where quality maxes out, and you're just buying articles of clothing for the name alone... and really, it's not like you have many people you need to actually impress.The woman stares at the key in her hand in silence before she looks at you, though with her blindfold still on, all she really does is look in your direction. The sooner you can convince Touko to hand over a pair of Mystic-eye killers for Rider, the better. It can't really be that easy for the woman to wear that blindfold for the sake of others, and even if she is incredibly experienced in battling while wearing it, being able to actually see would be a major boon for Rider. While there's theoretically nothing stopping her from taking off the magical blindfold sealing her ability other than the damage it could potentially cause to other people, Rider still isn't the sort of person to just take that risk. After all, a single glance from her could potentially spell death to somebody if she isn't careful, and while you, Illya and Sakura could probably resist the petrification of the eyes due to sheer quantity of magical energy alone, and the Servants in the house should be capable of resisting the effects for long enough to avoid Rider's gaze, somebody like Rin, Shirou, Bazett or Monica could very easily find themselves getting petrified entirely by the powerful Mystic Eyes.Your haste to get Rider a pair of glasses to seal the ability off isn't helped by your knowledge that the woman actually really enjoys reading books, and she's unlikely to have much luck reading while she purposely blinds herself. You suddenly realize just how long Rider has been staring at you in silence, and you've been too preoccupied thinking about things to even properly notice. "Something wrong, Rider?" The woman doesn't really seem to know how to react to being given such an expensive gift.
"I... I give you my most humble gratitud-" Rider seems genuinely grateful as fully realizes the meaning behind your actions. It's good to be rich.You don't need to be thanked to this degree for giving Rider a damn car so you cut her off. "You don't need to thank me, Rider. I'm the leader of this little faction, so it's my duty and my responsibility to ensure that everyone is given the tools and equipment they might need or want in order to get the job done. In your case, if you need a fast vehicle, then it's up to me as the leader to provide it to you, right?" You don't really enjoy receiving unwarranted praise, sure, if you've done something truly exceptional that deserves such praise, then you'll happily bathe in admiration, but receiving such adoring praise when it's something so simple as giving somebody a car to drive is just a little too much for you."Even so, that won't stop me from being grateful to you that you've given me such a... fast vehicle." Rider is the sort of person who gets excited over being able to ride a normal bicycle instead of a granny bike, so you can really only begin to imagine just how much Rider must be excited about the prospect of getting to drive the Koenigsegg. You merely smile and shrug as you walk to your own vehicle, instructing Illya to sit in the front and opening the door for her before you get in the car to begin the relatively short journey to Garan no Dou.A short while later, and you arrive. Sakura's face is as pale as chalk and she looks just a little bit queasy as she gets out of the Koenigsegg alongside her comparatively completely fine Servant. Rider... may have gotten a bit carried away with testing out her new car, and she did some pretty incredible things with the supercar. In truth, Rider had already made it to Garan no Dou about three times there and back before you finally arrived yourself. You saw her stream past you at one point at what must have been about two hundred miles per hour as she made truly impossible turns and adjustments with ease, not even once coming close to hitting anything. Such apparently reckless driving should have definitely ended up in a crash, but the crash never happened. You feel bad that Sakura was just put through that, but she's putting on a strong face, at least."Alright everyone. Stay here for now. I'm going to go in and see what the situation is. I'll be back out to fetch you if Shishou says that it's OK for you to come up.""Shishou?" Illya repeats as you refer to Touko by the respectful title you normally refer to her by.
"What else am I supposed to call my mentor?" You shrug. "It would be far too disrespectful to a great woman if I were to just call her by her first name, you know?" As much as you've grown in skill as a magus, you're still not at Touko's level, and you won't really be able to call her Touko in person until you've actually proven yourself to be her equal in magecraft and no longer somebody she needs to train... then again, you might just keep calling her Shishou anyway, you've kind of gotten used to using it overt the years. "Anyway, sit tight everyone." You command your allies as you walk into the building.It doesn't take too long to reach Touko's office, and just as you imagined, the woman is sitting down at a table tinkering with something. Her glasses are off and she seems to notice your arrival without even looking. Not even bothering to look up at you as you enter the room "Ah, Wakame-kun. What brings you to meet me today? Last time I checked, I had agreed to a break in your formal lessons for a week or two until the Grail War was resolved... speaking of which, how is it going? I was thinking of getting involved myself." The woman jokes with you as she remains tinkering with something."Haha... Please don't just joke about something like that, Shishou. You getting yourself involved in the war would just be too unfair to the other Masters..." You don't doubt that Touko could probably hack her way into the Grail War somehow, but you'd really prefer if she didn't. There's enough potentially dangerous and in some causes, definitely dangerous, Servants just roaming freely in Fuyuki as it is. The last thing you need is for Touko to summon some sort of monstrously powerful Servant to crush the rest of the competition which may or may not be done with gratuitous collateral damage. Thankfully though Touko is at heart a good person, so you know she won't involve bystanders. Doesn't mean that you need her getting herself involved, especially if she wasn't already chosen by the grail as a Master.
"Alright, I won't summon a Servant. You have my word, Wakame-kun." The woman's voice is reassuring as she says that, though she continues to work what looks like some sort of small rectangle with writing you can't decipher scrawled all over it. "But really, what did you come to meet me for today? Do you need my help on something?">>Pick all that apply.>"I need you to take a look at my Servant. I think she's probably asleep right now, but I'm hoping you can think of a way to disable a skill or curse.">"Do you think you can make a Servant stronger somehow? A Servant container is just like a really complicated puppet, right?">"I need you to try to find my friend, Shirou Emiya. I think he's a Master, and he's gone missing.>"Would you mind helping me track down one of the Casters of the war? She's a magus from the Age of Gods. None other than Medea of Colchis herself.">"Do you... Do you have a pair of Mystic Eye Killers I can borrow? One of the Servants in my faction has a really inconvenient pair of Mystic Eyes.">Write-in...
>>4458186>>4458203Oh, fuck off. We gave a speech about the importance of trust and then proceeded to break that trust. They don't owe us anything and we deserved that.
>>4458215>>"I need you to take a look at my Servant. I think she's probably asleep right now, but I'm hoping you can think of a way to disable a skill or curse.">>"I need you to try to find my friend, Shirou Emiya. I think he's a Master, and he's gone missing.>>"Would you mind helping me track down one of the Casters of the war? She's a magus from the Age of Gods. None other than Medea of Colchis herself.">>"Do you... Do you have a pair of Mystic Eye Killers I can borrow? One of the Servants in my faction has a really inconvenient pair of Mystic Eyes."
>>4458215>>"I need you to take a look at my Servant. I think she's probably asleep right now, but I'm hoping you can think of a way to disable a skill or curse.">"I need you to try to find my friend, Shirou Emiya. I think he's a Master, and he's gone missing.>"Do you... Do you have a pair of Mystic Eye Killers I can borrow? One of the Servants in my faction has a really inconvenient pair of Mystic Eyes."Low priority>"Would you mind helping me track down one of the Casters of the war? She's a magus from the Age of Gods. None other than Medea of Colchis herself."
>>4458213Look at my servant, mystic eye killers.
>>4458215>"I need you to take a look at my Servant. I think she's probably asleep right now, but I'm hoping you can think of a way to disable a skill or curse.">"Do you... Do you have a pair of Mystic Eye Killers I can borrow? One of the Servants in my faction has a really inconvenient pair of Mystic Eyes."I'm pretty sure there would be some drawbacks to picking more options, let alone all. Also I feel like the rest is kinda our job to accomplish, getting Touko involved in the grail war more directly just seems wrong to me.
>>4458215>"I need you to take a look at my Servant. I think she's probably asleep right now, but I'm hoping you can think of a way to disable a skill or curse.">"I need you to try to find my friend, Shirou Emiya. I think he's a Master, and he's gone missing.>"Do you... Do you have a pair of Mystic Eye Killers I can borrow? One of the Servants in my faction has a really inconvenient pair of Mystic Eyes."
>>4458215>>"I need you to take a look at my Servant. I think she's probably asleep right now, but I'm hoping you can think of a way to disable a skill or curse.">>"I need you to try to find my friend, Shirou Emiya. I think he's a Master, and he's gone missing.>>"Would you mind helping me track down one of the Casters of the war? She's a magus from the Age of Gods. None other than Medea of Colchis herself.">>"Do you... Do you have a pair of Mystic Eye Killers I can borrow? One of the Servants in my faction has a really inconvenient pair of Mystic Eyes." ALSO for the last one, ask if it can be two pairs instead of one. One for Betty and another for Rider-Although we can use the latter to "bargain" with medusa, surely we can come up with a rather interesting agreement that will benefit both parties.
>>4458215I have absolutely no idea how you're going to count these votes, it's going to be an absolute nightmare.
>>4458247Changing my vote now that I think about it, we are asking her for too much. At the very least, let's limit ourselves to three things that won't bore her too much. >>"I need you to take a look at my Servant. I think she's probably asleep right now, but I'm hoping you can think of a way to disable a skill or curse." (So Betty isn't ganked by accident)>>"Do you... Do you have a pair of Mystic Eye Killers I can borrow? One of the Servants in my faction has a really inconvenient pair of Mystic Eyes." (Bargain chip for Medusa, pic maybe related?)>>>"I need you to try to find my friend, Shirou Emiya. I think he's a Master, and he's gone missing.(We know the guy's Archer Achilles Heel and if the priest and him decided to get serious then he's plan B)She DID say she's always watching us so I doubt it would be that hard to find her.
>>4458259The whole situation with Medea seems to me like if we actively try to find her she will go "You want my help too bad, therefore your not worthy of it. Go fuck yourself."
>>4458259I support this. 3 things limit seems reasonable.
>>4458215>"I need you to take a look at my Servant. I think she's probably asleep right now, but I'm hoping you can think of a way to disable a skill or curse.>"Do you... Do you have a pair of Mystic Eye Killers I can borrow? One of the Servants in my faction has a really inconvenient pair of Mystic Eyes.">"I need you to try to find my friend, Shirou Emiya. I think he's a Master, and he's gone missing.
>>4458259Support. Trackinn down medea would be nice and all but I think going with these 3 seems like the best option for now.
>>4458215>"I need you to take a look at my Servant. I think she's probably asleep right now, but I'm hoping you can think of a way to disable a skill or curse.">"Would you mind helping me track down one of the Casters of the war? She's a magus from the Age of Gods. None other than Medea of Colchis herself.">>"Do you... Do you have a pair of Mystic Eye Killers I can borrow? One of the Servants in my faction has a really inconvenient pair of Mystic Eyes."Can't ask her to make us stronger just seconds after getting her to promise not to interfere with the Grail War, and Shirou's probably Shuten's master anyway.
>>4458393>Shirou's probably Shuten's master anywayAre You serious? Shirou summoned a Saber. Shuten's master is probably Zouken.
>>4458215>>4458259>>4457767NATO days, never heard of that but sounds pretty neat. I see L-39s pretty often at American airshows, though.
>>4457851This. Like, does being an actual human with flaws are such an alien concept to anons?
>>4458215>"I need you to take a look at my Servant. I think she's probably asleep right now, but I'm hoping you can think of a way to disable a skill or curse.">"Would you mind helping me track down one of the Casters of the war? She's a magus from the Age of Gods. None other than Medea of Colchis herself."This one, I would prefer if we just ask for some tips instead of full blown help. I would rather find her myself.>"Do you... Do you have a pair of Mystic Eye Killers I can borrow? One of the Servants in my faction has a really inconvenient pair of Mystic Eyes."
Can we ask her about foreigners because yesterday we learned that Nyarlathotep exists and just decided to ignore him.
>>4458215>>"I need you to take a look at my Servant. I think she's probably asleep right now, but I'm hoping you can think of a way to disable a skill or curse.">>"I need you to try to find my friend, Shirou Emiya. I think he's a Master, and he's gone missing.>>"Do you... Do you have a pair of Mystic Eye Killers I can borrow? One of the Servants in my faction has a really inconvenient pair of Mystic Eyes."
>>4458446There is a fine line between "being an actual human with flaws" and "willingly choosing to make bad decisions that will bite us in the ass".Pride and overconfidence which we already have are flaws. Being abrasive to our allies for no other reason than to be "the real Shinji" or "to have character flaws" is an equivalent of shooting ourselves in the leg just to be edgy.I mean seriously have You ever looked in the mirror and thought to yourself "Fuck! I just don't have enough flaws. Guess I gotta start shooting heroin into my veins".
>>4458627Abrasive in what way? We still provide them the necessity, we're just being more in your face because rider kinda did us some shame. I want her to learn how to treat people better in shinji's kind of way. In your mind, being shinji means we're being auto abusive. You don't (and by your post) refuse to see a character deeper.People don't trust someone because they're always nice, people trust others because they learn their flaws, tolerate it and developed it into the better way. I like being shinji because if he didn't grew up in a toxic family, he would be that kind of a jerk ass dork that act spoiled, but actually good hearted in an unexpected situation. I like flaws like that because it doesn't follow the "safe" boring route, because it feels human, and have a room of development and unique interactions with others characters.You refused to see that part of Shinji. Always choosing to be the goody two shoes, boring and shallow nice guy.Which I personally think it is uninteresting and always lead to a boring and expected safe result. There's no creativity in that, there's no exploration in that. And I hate it.
>>4458644>People don't trust someone because they're always nice, people trust others because they learn their flaws, tolerate it and developed it into the better way.That may be true for when two people are trying to become friends. We on the other hand are trying to become a leader. A follower does not need to know of leader's fears, flaws and insecurities. That knowledge would not boost follower's trust in leader but would have an exact opposite effect. It would plant doubt in leader's competence. Competence is the singular most important thing for any leader be they african warlord or class president. It may come as a shock but laughing maniacally and developing character flaws just because it "feels human" and gives You "unique interactions" does not inspire confidence in our abilities as a leader in others.I didn't come to this quest hoping to create deep and complex character and then watch him to interact with canon characters in dramatic ways. I came to this quest intending to reshape canon events of Fate universe in cooperation with other anons into whatever we desire. I will not speak for others but for Me there is no allure in playing a "jerk with a heart of gold" trope.In no small part because it's been done so many times.Also, I am sorry I have refused to see that part of Shinji's character that doesn't exist. That was uncool of Me.
>>4458652Well I wouldn't intrude others choosen route either, this is qst after all. Even if my vote will be the unlikely one to get the most vote, I'll still choose it.
>>4458660That's cool anon. I was here from the first Shinji thread and some routes chosen by others made Me cringe so hard I had to take short breaks. Making our vote and hoping for the best is all we can do.
>Curse, Track Shirou, Track Medea, Mystic Eye Killers>>4458224>>4458226>>4458639>Curse, mystic eye killers>>4458237>>4458239>Curse, Track Shirou, Mystic Eye Killers>>4458243>>4458259>>4458316>>4458324>>4458347>>4458589>>4458691>Curse, Track Medea, Mystic Eye Killers>>4458393>>4458457
Hey WhatIsAQM. Could You clear something up for me please?I have reread this thread and din't quite understand if we ordered alcohol for Shuten or not.
>>4458860He takes things in steps. We're dealing with Touko and after that eventually shuten
>>4458884Ok thank You. Sometimes I just can't into words.
>>4458809Just wanted to go on a lovey-dovey date with Medusa and teach her the wonders of the modern world while healing her broken heart.
There's only going to be a single update today. My weekend schedule always ends up being a little too hectic for my liking.>>4458860Not yet.You need to properly decide what you want to buy her first anyway.
>>4458918Thank You for answering.
"Well, first off. I need to ask you if you can help me break a curse... or if not break it, at least get it under control." You decide it would be best off if you brought Betty's curse up with her first. The sooner that you manage to get that resolved ,then the sooner you can have your Servant start actually actively making appearances alongside you. Right now, only Illya and Sakura have actually seen your Servant, and you don't even know if the effect of the curse are temporary or not. For all you know, it's possible that the two girls will still loathe your servant even if you manage to get the curse disabled somehow."A curse? What type? Is this to do with a Servant?" Touko catches on quickly, as you'd expect her too. This woman is one of the greatest prodigies that the Mage's Association has ever had, even if she was a little bit overshadowed by her sister, who despite being the wielder of the Fifth Magic, is nowhere near Touko's skill level in pretty much any form of magecraft... except destroying things, of course."Right. My Servant, she's apparently a Caster, but she's got what I can only imagine is some sort of personal skill that makes it so that anybody who looks at her other than her Master is afflicted by a great hatred for her." You try to explain things to your teacher as plainly as you can. She's one of your best bets at actually getting a solution to this problem, after all."Interesting. Of course, I might be able to solve the curse, but the problem that I'll face is that... well, I don't know whether or not I'll be able to resist the effect of the curse long enough to do so. I'll need to actually take a look at this Servant in order to determine whether or not it's actually possible at all." It's about the answer you were expecting, Touko has a lot of skill as a magus, that's for certain, but even she isn't able to determine something with such little information. You reach out to Betty with your mental link to the girl, only to quickly realize that your Servant has once again fallen asleep. Honestly, you really need to think of a way to get your Servant to stop falling asleep, she did say something about drumming though you don't really want to test that method right now. If it doesn't work, you'll just look silly.
"Well... I suppose that can wait then, my Servant is currently... out of action." You don't really want to come out and say that your Servant has a bad habit of falling asleep randomly to your teacher either. In a way, it's kind of embarrassing just how many deficiencies that it seems your Servant has. At least Betty makes up for them somewhat with her ability to summon extraordinarily powerful familiars. While they aren't a match for a Servant in a single confrontation, those familiars of hers could easily overwhelm a Servant if they were summoned in numbers. Not to mention whatever other abilities that she might be keeping from you, you get the feeling that Betty has actually shown you very little of what she is actually capable of. Of course, as she's clearly a Foreigner, it's kind of to be expected that she's tremendously powerful. In a way, Foreigner is kind of a cheat class for a Servant. "OK, then something else I wanted to ask you... Could you track somebody for me?" You'll try to wake Betty up after you've gotten the rest of what you want to ask Touko out of the way."That depends entirely on how much information you can give me about who you want me to find." Your teacher pauses and looks you dead in the eyes. "I'm only doing this for you because of the situation with the grail war, I want you to understand that, Wakame-kun." "H-huh?" You don't quite get where Touko is going with this.The woman puts on her glasses with no small amount of flair, before she begins her explanation in a matter-of-factly sort of way. "Under normal circumstances, I'd have given you the tools you needed to learn how to magically locate somebody yourself and told you to figure out a method for yourself, but I understand that you don't have the luxury to continue practicing your magecraft right now... So I'll do it for you. Even if I think that it's something of a waste of a good motivator to have you learn." That's... rather cold, but Touko can just be that way sometimes, it's just how she is when she's wearing her glasses. You don't really know just what to call how she acts in regard to whether she's wearing glasses or not, Schizophrenia? Split Personality Disorder? Super Bipolar Disorder? Advanced Chūnibyō? An interesting character trait that Nasu gave her? Regardless, of what exactly is the cause for her personality shifts, it's pretty clear that Touko would much prefer if you could do this yourself. At least she's reasonable enough to do you a favor though, as expected of Shishou. She talks tough but deep down, it's pretty obvious that she just wants what's best for you. While it might've been a little heartless that she wouldn't save Sakura herself, you can't really argue with the results. It was because of her refusal that you were motivated to learn about magecraft after all.
That's... not to say that you weren't already incredibly motivated to learn magecraft, but having an actual tangible goal and target to reach really does wonders for development. "Oh... well, thank you, Shishou. I really appreciate it. But... what sort of information do you need about him, I'm pretty confident I can answer just about anything about Shirou.""Alright, first off, this is pretty easy and quite obvious, but his name. Preferably his full birth name if you know it." Touko lights up a cigarette and begins to smoke. You really wish she wouldn't smoke so much, though you can't say anything. It's not like smoking is going to do her any damage, considering that this is just a puppet body she's using... probably. You can really never be sure with Touko. She's a far trickier magus than Medea is, which is hilariously ironic, considering that one of the two women bears the epithet 'Witch of Betrayal'. Really, Medea is pretty much about as straightforward as you can get when it comes to how she goes about her magecraft. Sure, she might be able to use Rule Breaker, but even then, you feel like her powers are being squandered by her usage of them. You suppose that her lack skill with subterfuge can probably be attributed to the period of time she comes from, magecraft was something that didn't need to be concealed back then, after all. "Uh. Yeah, I... I don't actually know his birth name. Well, not his original family name, at least. He goes by Shirou Emiya now though. I'm just... worried that he might've gotten himself killed by getting himself involved in the Grail War and not being nearly prepared enough for it." You were prepared to deal with the Grail War you read about in Fate/Stay Night, and you had gotten Shirou to a level where he might've been about that level too, but what neither of you most certainly were not prepared for was whatever this farce of a Grail War is. Honestly, you don't even know how many Servants are lurking now. "Oh, right. The Magus Killer's kid. I kept an eye on him for a while out of concern, but I decided that he was pretty much harmless after observing him for a while... Well, that at least makes things a little bit easier. I don't need you to give me any more information. I'm already familiar enough with him to take care of things from here." Touko then proceeds to begin to trace dozens of runes in the air with a finger, literally writing the runes onto the air itself and leaving the runes she traces behind her as strange faintly glowing lines that float in the air. "First off, I'm going to determine whether or not he's still alive." You frown as she mentions the possibility. "What? It's simpler than figuring out where he is and if he's dead then there's no point in searching any further, right?"
"No." You sigh. "I suppose you're right, how exactly are you determining that anyway?" You are really quite interested in knowing more, but you then realize that Touko can't really tell you her methods for the sake of ensuring the mystery behind them."Oh it's relatively simple actually, I'll spare you the details on how it interacts with the recently deceased, but I'm using my runes in order to determine whether or not your friend's spirit left this world recently, he's quite... distinctive, when it comes to his magical energy." That sounds... impossibly complex, actually. "It shouldn't take long to find out now, I'm just about done." She finishes tracing the large circle of runes in the air, which hovers there for a moment before the gentle blue light turns to a harsh red. You hold your breath as you look at the alarming color, before Touko speaks up. "Ah! Good news, Wakame-kun! It seems that your friend isn't dead!" You feel the tension leave your body as she reveals the complete opposite to what the red light had you believe. "Now that I've confirmed that he isn't dead, I can just add a few more runes onto this..." Touko proceeds to trace another circle of runes around the floating red circle, though when it's finished, it flashes green and red before suddenly disappearing entirely."W-what happened?" It's pretty clear from the unamused expression on Touko's face that that was not at all supposed to happen."Now... that is odd." Your teacher doesn't even seem to recognize your presence in the room as she states her mind on what just occurred."What's odd, Shishou? Did you find him or not?" The suspense is killing you, and you want to know just what the hell happened and if it's going to get in the way of you finding Shirou."No, unfortunately, I didn't. But that's not what's odd about this. It seems that somebody didn't take kindly to my looking for your friend, and sent a curse back towards me through the connection... Of course, it was a powerful curse and I may have been killed if I was careless, but unfortunately for this mystery attacker, it'll take more than just hijacking a tracking spell to deal with me. Their curse tripped one of the switches for the spell that forced it to shut off entirely, curse included." Touko sounds incredibly smug as she reveals her victory over her would-be assailant. She doesn't even sound upset that somebody just tried to kill her... Then again, this is the woman who is practically unkillable thanks to having a nigh unlimited number of spare bodies in reserve."So, you're trying to tell me..." You begin to speak before your somewhat uncharacteristically enthusiastic teacher cuts you off to start speaking again.
"Yes, your friend is alive, but it seems like something is blocking my attempt to track him down." A chill runs down your back. You hadn't really considered it, but there's a chance that Shirou is being held prisoner in the temple alongside Avenger, isn't there? At least he's not dead, but the fact that even Touko was unable to locate him is a major point of concern. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to be of more help in finding him, but you can rest assured that I'll make a superior tracking spell that bypasses the defenses of whoever is trying to keep me out... In the meantime, is there anything else you need?"You hold up a single finger as she offers her aid once again. "There is... just... one more little thing." You feel a little guilty asking your teacher for so much when she's already been of so much aid to you in the past, yet in exchange you've never offered her anything... Well, not to the same value, at least."What's that?" Touko sounds interested in your sudden awkward behavior, she's probably gathered that you are going to ask her for something else already."I need a pair of Mystic Eye Killers, one of the Se-" You get cut off from talking as Touko raises a hand to shush you."Done." Touko reaches into her inside pocket and throws you a pair of glasses immediately, which you effortlessly snatch out of the air despite the somewhat high velocity of the glasses. "It's my spare set, after an... incident in the past, I started looking into ways to manufacture them relatively cheaply. It's not like I have two sets of eyes though, so I don't mind giving you that set." You smile at Touko as you put the glasses in your pocket. You're sure that Rider will appreciate them later on. "But now I suppose we ought to get to the important part. Your Servant you wanted me to take a look at, you might as well try bringing her out now." Touko is quite fast when it comes with wanting to go ahead with any sort of magical endeavors. You suppose that as a magus as good as Touko is, being able to inspect a Servant in great detail isn't an opportunity that shows up to them very often.>Try to wake Betty up by flooding the link you have to her with magical energy.>Try to wake Betty up by playing random surfaces as drums.>Try to wake Betty up by yelling at her through the mental link.>Try to wake Betty up gently through the mental link through words alone.>Disregard having Touko look at your Servant for now.>Write-in...
>>4459479Time to go blue man group. Let the drumming commence!
>>4459479>>Try to wake Betty up by flooding the link you have to her with magical energy.
>>4459479>Try to wake Betty up by playing random surfaces as drums.Take notes from famous drummers like Phil Collins of Genesis, Lars Ulrich of Metallica, Stewart Copeland of The Police, and Keith Moon of The Who. There's others too, but those four come to mind for me.
>>4459502Supporting this, let's DK this shit
>>4459479>Try to wake Betty up by playing random surfaces as drums.Just play a constant beats of bolero
>>4459502Support. Also, why aren't we carrying a pan around?
>>4459479Try to wake her up by words at least once, then get drumming if it fails
You sigh, and randomly begin tapping on one of Touko's desks quietly. Betty said that drumming ought to wake her up, so this is probably your best bet at waking her up so you can have your teacher actually take a look at the girl. After all, there wouldn't be much of a point to visiting Touko at all if you didn't actually manage to even have her take a look at your Servant, this was the entire point of the trip, after all. So you can't just leave without fulfilling that goal. Even if Touko can't provide any assistance, you still need to have her examine Betty.Touko arches an eyebrow as she notices you just randomly starting to drum on one of the desks in the room. "Wakame-kun... What... What exactly do you think you're doing?" Touko is clearly worried for you as you start drumming louder and louder."I need to wake my Servant up, and she told me that drumming might be effective." You say with a completely straight face. Touko gives you a concerned look before shrugging. "Carry on then." She's clearly just a little bit bemused by your sudden antics, but what else are you supposed to do? You don't really know of any other way to wake up a sleepy little girl who is the host for some immeasurably powerful horror from beyond the stars other than to do what she suggested.You end up drumming as loudly as you can on one of the many surfaces around the room before you finally hear you Servant start to stir. Making noises through the mental link you have with her when you finally stop drumming. 'Nnnnn, Master, did I fall asleep again?' She soon manages to properly wake up. Seems like the drumming actually was effective. Though seeing as you had to drum for a good five minutes as loudly as was physically possible without reinforcing yourself or destroying things, it's really not a viable way to wake her up should you require her assistance in a dangerous situation. Ah well, being able to wake her up has it's merits anyway. At least now you won't be forced to walk into a dangerous situation without her awake in the first place.
'You did, Betty. But it's not a problem.' You can hardly blame the girl for her shortcomings. After all, it's not like Foreigners are a standard class of Servant or even of Heroic Spirits in general. In fact, it strikes you as more than a little bit odd that Foreigners would even be on the Throne of Heroes at all... unless Betty wasn't summoned from the throne. She's certainly not a living person like Saber is though, because she can take spiritual form. So she probably wasn't summoned to the present from the past. But that's about all the information that gives you as to the origin of your Servant. Seeing as Foreigners are classed almost entirely as Threats to Humanity just by existing, then it makes no practical sense for them to somehow be on the Throne of Heroes. You'll probably have time to think about the origin of your Servant later on, but even know you can tell it's unlikely that she came from the Throne, and even less likely that your summoning was a standard one at all. Your strange messed up command spells are proof enough of that. "Shishou. Prepare yourself." You tell your teacher to get ready for the curse. With any luck, being prepared for it will make it a little easier for her to resist succumbing to it's effects. She merely nods to give confirmation that she's ready for you to present her your Servant. "Alright, Betty. Show yourself." You command your Servant, who slowly and shyly materializes behind you. She seems a little bit apprehensive about approaching Touko. Though it's not like you can blame her, Betty might be a Servant, but that doesn't stop her from feeling fear, especially around somebody like Touko, who is just about one of the most terrifying people alive in this era when she wants to be.Thankfully, Touko doesn't seem to be all too affected by Betty's curse, as despite there being a frown on her face as she sees the small girl step out from behind you, she makes no other real reaction to the presence of the girl. "Alright. I think I've got a grip for now, but that is quite a potent magical ability there. To be expected of a Servant, I suppose." Touko observes with neutrality in her voice as she continues to look at your Servant. "Now, come here girl. I need to take a look at you."Betty is still fairly hesitant, but you nudge the girl forwards. "Think of it like a... Doctor's appointment, Betty. She's going to help you with your curse." That seems to work somewhat, as Betty then slowly walks the rest of the way to your magecraft teacher all by herself.
"Alright, this shouldn't hurt at all, I just need to access one of your spiritual cores in order to... examine you." Touko places her right hand on the center of Betty's chest and closes her eyes. Well, you hadn't actually thought about it, but closing your eyes around Betty would probably work to disable suffering from the effects of her ability at all. It's based on direct line of sight entirely, as far as you can tell, so purposely blinding yourself by doing something as simple as closing your eyes would easily end up removing the danger from the ability altogether! Of course though, you aren't about to force the entirety of your faction to walk around with blindfolds on like Rider. In fact, you got Rider a pair of Mystic Eye Killers specifically to avoid her not being able to make use of her eyes.You wait for a while in silence as Betty stares at Touko with apprehension on her features still. Touko's face is one of deep concentration, and you can really only begin to imagine what she's actually up to. Minutes pass like this, and you find yourself hoping that your allies aren't getting bored downstairs. You suppose that Rider can always just entertain herself by taking her new supercar for another ride. It's not like the woman is going to get bored of doing that for a very very long time indeed."And... we are done!" Touko suddenly opens her eyes and looks at your Servant with a smile. "I found what it was that was causing this curse, and the truth is, it's actually a Personal Skill that your Servant was misusing horribly." Touko lights up another cigarette and begins smoking without any concern for the rest of the people in the room. Then again, she's a puppet, you can regenerate, and Betty is a Servant. You really ought to pay less attention to how much you dislike smoking when you know that it can't actually do any harm. "What... do you mean?" You ask your teacher for clarification.
"Well, I'm not sure if it was caused by accident or just a general lack of experience, but one of her skills is the ability to cause other people she targets to have hatred gravitate towards them.h However, for whatever reason, your Servant was targeting herself with that ability. Don't worry, I've sealed that ability off for now, though it's only a temporary sort of seal. If your Servant wished to do so, she could very easily break the seal placed upon her skill." This is... excellent news! Not only has Touko managed to go ahead and seal off the ability, but the ability itself, should your Servant actually manage to get a grip with her powers is totally overpowered. If it works on a Servant, then you can just have her cause your enemies to hate their Servants so much that they order their deaths! It's a rather heartless use of a horrifyingly powerful ability, but it would resolve the war very quickly indeed. You get the feeling that Touko might be withholding some information from you, but you really can't complain. God only knows what she found examining Betty.Status Updated!"Wait. I was?" Betty speaks now, clearly confused at Touko's assessment of the situation. "I... I'm sorry for causing you trouble, Master." Betty turns to you with guilt in her eyes, clearly upset at her failure. "Don't worry about it, Betty. You've got a lot to learn about your abilities anyway, I'm not going to hold something like this against you." You smile at the girl as you try to cheer her up. "Think about the positives, would you? You can be seen by people now, and in time, we might even be able to figure out a way to get that ability completely under control!" She still doesn't look happy with her failure as you try to tell her of the opportunity such a development actually represents, but she doesn't have nearly so much guilt in her eyes now. You're not going to blame your allies for making mistakes that are completely beyond their abilities to actually get right. Least of all your own Servant.Touko goes back to fiddling with one of the magical items on one of the many desks in the room as you try to make your Servant feel a little bit better about things. "I take it that you're done here now then, Wakame-kun? I imagine you've got more important things to do than to spend the afternoon with your teacher." She pauses for a moment, and you can feel the displeasure in her voice. "But don't worry about your friend. He's still alive. That much I know. I'm not about to allow myself to be beaten by whatever nobody is trying to prevent me from locating him, either. I can guarantee you that much. It's a matter of pride. I'm not about to allow myself to get defeated!" Touko declares with a burning passion. "Of course, if I find your friend, then I'll get in contact with you."
"R-right. Thanks, Shishou." Goodness, what a terrifying woman. Even when what is obviously some sort of barely restrained hatred isn't directed at you, it's still enough to cause you to feel just a small amount of fear. You would hate to have this woman working against you more than pretty much anybody else you know. Even Shuten Dōji can't inspire fear in you like this woman can. You bid your teacher farewell and have your Servant follow you without having to take spiritual form for the first time. You'll finally be able to properly introduce Illya, Sakura and Rider to your Servant without fear of having them try to murder the poor girl. Your thoughts turn back to Rider, and the pair of glasses in your pocket. As well as to Shuten Dōji once again. You did promise you would get her alcohol, and you don't really want to break your word to her. You get the feeling that you won't survive very long if you try to break a promise with such a powerful Assassin. While she might not be all too invested in carrying out the orders of her Master, she'll almost certainly try to get revenge on you if you end up lying to her.>Multivote!>Mystic Eye Killers>>Give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers immediately.>>Tell Rider that if she acts good you'll give her the Mystic Eye Killers.>>Offer to give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers if she does something for you (what?)>>Withhold the existence of the Mystic Eye Killers from Rider.>>Write-in...>Alcohol for Shuten>>Get Shuten the highest quality Wine available, delivered by jet.>>Get Shuten the strongest alcohol you can find that isn't just absinthe or something.>>Just buy Shuten a six pack of beer from the local convenience store.>>Try to experiment with making an alcohol through Truth Manifestation.>>Don't buy Shuten anything, you probably aren't going to run into her again anyway.>>Write-in...
>>4460193>>Give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers immediately. >>Get Shuten the highest quality Wine available, delivered by jet.
>>4460193>Give the glasses to Rider. It's why we requisitioned them in the first place.>Get Shuten a selection of finest wines, California, Italy, France, Chile, Australia
>>4460193>>Give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers immediately.>>Get Shuten the strongest alcohol you can find that isn't just absinthe or something.I may be wrong, but wouldn't Shuten prefer something that would theoretically get her fucking wasted?
Making alcohol with Truth Manifestation sounds seductive but I am afraid of Us spending too much mana and being useless when the war resumes.
>>4460193Optics Slaughters.>Give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers immediately.It's like her birthday or something.Sexy Oni>Get Shuten the highest quality Wine available, delivered by jet.>Get Shuten the strongest alcohol you can find that isn't just absinthe or something.>Buy Shuten a six pack of beer from the local convenience store.All. Do all.Besides Truth Manifestation, we need to save our mana for god knows what might happen.
>>4460193>Offer to give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers if she does something for you (what?)Put on a maid outfit for a day during downtime day>Get Shuten the highest quality Wine available, delivered by jet.I'd prefer sake, but I know nothing of it.
>>4460199We promised her high quality alcohol tho.
>>4460193>Give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers immediately.>Get Shuten a selection of finest wines, California, Italy, France, Chile, Australiabecause we promised her quality>Try to experiment with making an alcohol through Truth Manifestationbecause this will actually fuck her up. she'll be so shocked at the strength of this alcohol she might end up joining our side entirely
>>4460193>>>Give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers immediately.and>>4460193>>>Get Shuten the highest quality Wine available, delivered by jet.>>>Get Shuten the strongest alcohol you can find that isn't just absinthe or something.>>Try to experiment with making an alcohol through Truth Manifestation.Third one for shits and giggles, and to see if we even can.
>>4460193>Give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers immediately>Get Shuten the highest quality Wine available, delivered by jet.>Get Shuten the strongest alcohol you can find that isn't just absinthe or something.>Try to experiment with making an alcohol through Truth Manifestation.
>>4460193I know I'll probably not get my vote but >Offer to give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers if she does something for you (what?)"Let's go on a date, Rider"and >Get Shuten the highest quality Wine available, delivered by jet.>write-inI've got from the previous discussion>American wine and Japanese plum sake>Argentinian Fernet >Peruvian Pisco Sour>Jack Daniels>ArakLet's have her experiment the world's best alcohol and then offer her entertainment that'd make "The gods green with envy" but only if she works with us. We should also buy some cheaper stuff and try to TRUTH it into being the best shit ever and have Monica or Bazette give us the green light. This makes me wonder if we are able to maintain Shuten ourselves? We got a shitton of mana technically and Shuten's a fucking BEAST so I doubt reinforcing will be something we need to spam unless we need to go full damage control. We also need to find a way to regenerate our Od, how much mana do you think touching the maids will restore for us?
>>4460300Fuck it, supporting this.
>>4460193>Give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers immediately.>Try to experiment with making an alcohol through Truth Manifestation.
>>4460300you have my support fren
>>4460300support bro
>>4460300I really want to see Sakura freak out now
>Witch Trial: - (A+)That would have been insane buff for Avenger.>>4460193>Mystic Eye Killers>>Give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers immediately.>Alcohol for Shuten>>Try to experiment with making an alcohol through Truth Manifestation.Red wine and blood.
Can we not waste a huge chunk of our magical energy on this, please?It's all fun and games until we run into something we can't properly fight against because Shinji is too exhausted.
>>4460300Support. Holy fuck this is good.
>>4460428I mean it's not like we don't have a whole group that can help us if we go too deep (Even Rider and Sakura are, technically, better off than us in terms of offense and defense, we are better suited at scouting after all seeing as Betty is asleep 9 times out of the ten we need her) and if you are really worried about Shinji being a target then I guess Monica'll have to put in the work. We kinda hired her for that.>>4460357>Sakura finds out that we are being lovey-dovey with Rider>Slowly starts to lose her sanity over it >We swoop in, hand pressing against her hip and another having a thumb trace around her lips>Go full "bad boy" on Sakura as we tease a kiss, leaning, whispering sweet nothings, but never give her the satisfaction, leaving her wanting.At LEAST this'll put a theoretical bandaid should we end up down a more degenerate route/choosing another gal.
>>4460300>>4460477We are the only good healer in our group tho. Mana that we are going to spend on wine creation could be difference between life and death in the future.
>>4460193>>>Give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers immediately.>>>Try to experiment with making an alcohol through Truth Manifestation.
>>4460486I mean true enough, but at the same time we gotta increase the chances of Shuten finding us more important than her master herself, we still aren't in the clear after all. Hell, we can even try and pull Truth in front of her, making the drink even tastier and I'm pretty sure that'll get her whole attention on us. No fucking way she'll let someone as valuable as THAT be harmed. Besides I'm not saying to dunk all of our mana on it, and if it's a success we'll probably don't need to worry about getting ganked by an enemy servant while Betty's asleep.
>>4460486Also I think I understand the confusion, I'm not talking about wine creation but rather, enhancement of the wine we already have which I DOUBT will put much of a dent in our mana reserves. We aren't OG Shirou who fries his circuits trying to do the most minimal stuff, I doubt enhancing will do much-Ergo why I suggested started experimenting with cheap stuff.
>>4460193>Give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers immediately>Get Shuten the highest quality Wine available, delivered by jet.
>>4460193>>4460300Supporting this anon.Let's fluster the cutesnek.Man.Kind of a shame we didn't bother learning how to make Truth Based mystic codes.I'm kinda hoping we can try to combine truth and reinforcement to straight up upgrade concepts like how alcoholic something is beyond physically capable limitations.
Give Rider the Mystic Eye Killers immediately.>>4460196>>4460198>>4460199>>4460204>>4460217>>4460226>>4460287>>4460312>>4460361>>4460490>>4460544>Offer the Mystic Eye Killers in exchange for a date>>4460300>>4460302>>4460351>>4460354>>4460375>>4460431>>4460535>>4460552Looks like no date for Rider.>Highest quality wine by jet>>4460196>>4460198>>4460207>>4460552>Strongest alcohol you can get>>4460204>Buy Shuten a lot of alcohol>>4460204>High quality wines as well as truth manifested alcohol>>4460217>Strong alcohol and fine wine as well as truth manifestated alcohol>>4460226>>4460287>A large variety of different alcohol>>4460300>>4460302>>4460351>>4460354>>4460375>>4460431>>4460535>>4460552>Truth manifestation alcohol>>4460312>>4460361>>4460490I think that's about everyone's vote.
You leave Garan no Dou with Betty following close behind you. You can tell that the girl is much happier that she's no longer under the effects of her curse already... but you can also tell that you're going to need to buy the girl some more... normal clothing. While her current outfit doesn't stand out like some Servants outfits would. She still can't really blend in while she's wearing that antiquated looking dress. It wasn't a problem before, because she was forced to remain in spiritual form at almost all times anyway, but now that the girl is actually going to appear in public with you, a new outfit is pretty much required. Same with Rider... Especially for Rider, actually.Before you leave the building, you retrieve a burner-phone from your pocket and send a text to one of the many people you have on your payroll to acquire something for you. That being expensive alcohol of the highest quality with one single stipulation. You don't care how much it will cost, but it has to be at one of the warehouses that you own by nine PM tonight. You have a lot of confidence in your employees, you wait for a reply before you actually leave the building to go and face your allies, and after a single minute, you receive the confirmation that you were looking for. Of course, the people you have on payroll for the purpose of... acquisition may not be entirely... well, they aren't exactly fond of the law. However, they are fond of being paid large amounts of money for the job of rapidly acquiring and delivering items that their employer might find himself needing. The group also does a lot of work for the Fujimura group now, last time you checked. Mostly stealing evidence and the like, nothing too serious. Regardless, they'll get you what it is that you're after, be it through legal means or otherwise. You have come to understand that purchasing anything of particularly high value can be something of a hassle when it comes to paperwork, and you really don't have the time to waste on the paperwork when there's an Oni who has no compunctions about consuming humans waiting for you to deliver the goods to her.
As you push open the doors that lead out of Touko's office, your shady dealings being dealt with, you melt the burner phone into a pile of molten plastic and ashes with a rune and toss it aside. You'd rather have your dealings with criminals unable to be traced back to you. As far as they are concerned, you are merely a wealthy supporter of the Fujimura group, even if this particular branch is on your payroll. You try not to get too bogged down in criminal enterprises, but sometimes it's good to have friends in... well, low places. While you certainly haven't needed to order anybody killed, you could very easily make a few calls and have it be made so. Of course, the same is true of magical assassins... and you haven't really needed to make use of any of them either. Not unless you count employing Monica as a full time bodyguard, as it's clear that she enjoys her work with you far more than she ever enjoyed her previous occupation of hunting for contracts from magus families that need something to be taken care of. Monica is a killer, that's obvious from just how she dealt with that vampire back when you visited Misaki Town. Though you don't know just how prolific she was, you haven't really looked into it either, mostly out of respect for the woman. It's clear to you that her past makes her uncomfortable enough without you going prying into it.Your eyes quickly adjust to the winter sun as you step out into the street to face Sakura and Illya again. It seems that Rider has decided to wait for you within her vehicle, because of course she has."Ah, Shinji. You took your time. Are we going in now?" Illya sounds quite a bit impatient as you finally emerge from the building, you didn't really keep them waiting that long, and you can't really invite other magi into Touko's workshop without permission. It's rude to do something like that, and some magi would actually attempt to attack you over such a thing, considering it an insult. Of course, Touko is hardly like a normal magus, but you still don't want to encroach on her... relatively good nature. She still has her pride, and she'll still murder somebody without remorse if they slight that pride of hers, however, her pride is the sort of thing that you can't really hurt unless you insult her directly, and honestly? You'd have to be a complete imbecile to think insulting a Grand-rank Clocktower Magus was a good idea for your health anyway. Well, that or inexplicably confident in your own abilities. Or you suppose you can just be immortal... Then again, Prelati found out the hard way that just because they are immortal, it doesn't mean that bothering Touko is a good idea. Had she not been 'convinced' to stop, it's more than possible that Touko would still be out there, slaughtering Prelati wherever they showed themselves.
"Apologies for the brief delay, but it turns out that I had quite a bit of success in this endeavor." You put an arm behind the girl sticking closely behind you. "Sakura, Illya. I want to introduce the two of you to my servant properly. I understand that this isn't your first time in seeing her for either of you, but at least this time you'll actually be able to look at her.""H-hello." The little girl steps out from behind you to greet Illya. Choosing to focus on the girl who appears to be close to her own age instead of the older looking woman. If Sakura is offended by this choice though, she doesn't show it. She instead just stares silently at your Servant. "My name is Betty. I'm supposed to be Caster, but I don't really like that name..."Illya sighs as she looks at the young girl trying to socialize with her, and after a brief moment of deciding, decides to play along with the young girl. "Hello there, Betty. My name is Illya. Let's be friends, alright?" She gives your Servant a sweet smile, a massive contrast to how she acted the last time she saw your Servant. It looks like Touko really did manage to disable the skill, and what's more than that, the skill doesn't seem to have any lasting effects on the people who once fell under the effect! "R-right!" Betty seems happy to have made a friend so easily, her silver hair is somewhat similar to Illya's own hair, now that you think about it, though Betty's hair has far more of a silver color to it, compared to Illya's hair, which is more of a platinum blond. Still, at a glance, their hair could be mistaken as the same shade. "I want that too." Betty seems happy to have met Illya under the impression that she's managed to make a new friend her own age... Well, you aren't about to correct Betty's assumption. Besides, while Illya might theoretically be about twenty or however old she is, it's not really like she has the life experience one would expect of somebody that age. Nor has her body or mind really developed much either."Now that I've finally managed to get that out of the way, shall we head off to the shopping district now, everyone? I think it might be a good idea if we were to get the Servants in our alliance some outfits to call their own. What do you think, Sakura?" You turn towards Illya moments after asking Sakura the question. "Of course, it shouldn't take too long, and the arcade is very close by the clothes shops. It's just... I don't think we can really have Rider walk around wearing... that outfit..." Really, it's such a scandalous outfit that merely having her walk around wearing it would be enough to cause rumors to spread. "Actually, speaking of which... Rider! Get out here please! I have someting I want to talk to you about!"
The woman seems startled as her name is suddenly called. She's apparently been too distracted just staring at the dashboard of her new vehicle. It must be quite fascinating for a woman from mythology to be introduced to such a creation. A true testament to human engineering, to create vehicles that are on par with the speed that could only be reached by legendary beasts in her era. It really does go to show how far technology has come since her time. It's funny that a heroic spirit from an era long passed has a greater appreciation for the modern world than the magus still living in today's world. "Yes, Shinji...-sama?" Rider pauses as she says your name, before attaching a really quite unexpected honorific. "I've got a present for you. Here, catch." You fetch the glasses out of your pocket and toss them towards the woman after she leaves her car. She easily catches them as they get close to her before she stops to examine the glasses, it's clear that she thinks that you must be playing some sort of stupid prank on her by the look on her face, so you decide to clarify. "Those are Mystic Eye Killers. They act as seals for Mystic Eyes that can be seen through like a normal pair of glasses. I just thought that somebody like you might appreciate them. I understand that wearing that blindfold all the time must get a little bit troublesome, no?""I... I... How did you-" Rider seems to be struggling to pick out the correct words as she stares at the present. If she didn't think that you were some sort of clairvoyant, seer or oracle before. You're pretty certain that this particular gift has effectively confirmed the suspicion in her mind. It's really not that far off a guess to make, when you think about it. In a way, you can see the future, or at least you did once... Though you can't really say you have the potential to see the future that approaches you now. What knowledge you have from the original story is still very useful."It doesn't matter how, does it? Just accept the gift, Rider. We've got places to go and clothes to buy." You evade her question with ease. You can't be bothered to explain yourself to her, and if she's going to ask how you could have possibly guessed her identity... There's really not that many candidates that a beautiful woman with a face covering could actually be. At least none with the fame that Medusa enjoys... or well, it's not like she actually enjoys her fame like most heroic spirits do. She's known as a monster, after all. Which really, just isn't the right thing to call her... well, at least in this form. She's undeniably a monster as the Gorgon, after all.
Rider nods meekly as you give her enough really quite valuable gift. The woman clearly has no idea how she's supposed to act around you now. To Rider, you have become something of an incomprehensible existence. Your actions make hardly any sense and you know far too much to what people around you believe you ought to know or even what you ought to be capable of knowing."If you don't mind, Onii-chan... I'll... I'll be riding with you this time..." She looks at her Servant, who looks a little bit guilty. "Rider... Rider seems to get a little bit carried away with excitement when she drives." Yeah, something of an understatement. But Sakura is just trying not to hurt the older woman's feelings, so it's not like she's about to be brutally honest with her Servant. If you were in Sakura's position, you would almost certainly be reprimanding Rider for acting like she did when she had control of the vehicle. Funnily enough though, despite the ludicrous speeds Rider reached, she was still probably at a lower risk of crashing her car than you were. Her skill is quite literally supernatural, after all. You can't exactly compete with that even with all of your accumulated knowledge about the proper operation of vehicles or handling animals."That's fine, Sakura... Shall we get going then?" Your adoptive sister nods, and before long, everyone has taken their rightful places and you are moving along swiftly towards the shopping district.You end up splitting up from Sakura and Rider in order to purchase clothing for both Betty... as well as Illya, who pronounced excitement at the idea of going clothes shopping. Thankfully, it seems that Illya does get along quite well with your servant, but their relationship right now isn't really a genuine one. Not yet, at least. It's funny, but even though you know that Illya is mostly humoring your Servant, possibly out of guilt for falling under the effects of her curse earlier, it's almost a certainty that her friendship with Betty will eventually become a genuine one. It's not like Illya has any actual friends if you don't count yourself... or the maids, who are literally conditioned to love and adore her to the point of dying for her.As Illya and Betty look around the junior section of an upper class clothing shop, you find yourself watching the two girls, fairly bored with the whole situation. You wouldn't know the first thing about what women or even girls find appealing to wear, so it's mostly Illya doing to choosing and Betty readily agreeing with her new friend on whatever decision she makes about clothing... You did tell Illya that she could buy whatever she wanted without limit. You have the money of course, but you don't really know if you have the patience for this. You're basically just being ignored by the two girls as they shop for clothing excitedly. You share none of their enthusiasm.
As you stare at the girls as they look through the dozens of racks of expensive dresses, you almost feel as if you see something out of the corner of your eye... a purple sparkle of light... It was probably just some reflection from the room, but you can't really be confident in that assessment. You might just be having your eyes play tricks on you though... you know you're bored enough for it at least.>Investigate the flash of light by yourself.>Call Betty and Illya over and head in the direction you saw the flash.>Ignore the flash of light. Whatever it is, it's either unimportant or it's an enemy Servant. You don't really want to have to deal with either right now.>Call Sakura, have her and Rider head over to the store you're in to watch out for activity from a potential enemy Servant. This is the best way to actually catch them. Rider ought to be fast enough to pursue them.>Write-in...
>>4461182>Write-in...Telepathically tell our servant "Betty, I will go this way, I want you to check clothes near where I will be heading and prepare yourself if anything goes afoot, but act as if you are unaware of my doings."Also ask her via our link if she can make a stealthy creature that can hide, say, inside our clothing or hell, even our shadow?
>>4461182Investigate the flash of light
>>4461187+1Could it be Medea here clothes-shopping too? Or a Second Servant we have not seen yet?
>>4461182>Investigate the flash of light by yourself.
>>4461182>>Call Sakura, have her and Rider head over to the store you're in to watch out for activity from a potential enemy Servant. This is the best way to actually catch them. Rider ought to be fast enough to pursue them.
>>4461187Sounds too complicated for our betty, you sure we're not ruining her enjoyment time?Just kidding, supporting this.
>>4461187I'll support this
>>4461187this is good, supporting
You reach out through to the mental link between you and your Servant, quickly deciding that something might be wrong. Of course, it could've been anything. There's no reason to suspect foul play, but with your luck, you can never be too sure. 'Betty. I think we might possibly in danger. I'm going to turn to the right and walk forwards, I'm going to need you to discreetly follow me and prepare yourself for a potential attack. There might be an enemy here. Act as if you're unaware of my suspicion if you can though, OK?' Hopefully Betty isn't terrible as an actor under pressure. The last thing you need is for your Servant to give the game away in case there is an enemy here.'I understand, Master.' Betty's response is short and conveys a relative understanding of the situation, thankfully. She doesn't even really show a response to what you told her physically, instead she just continues to flick through the dresses with Illya. You slowly begin to move towards the direction you saw the flash of light come from.As you near the flash of light you brush you suddenly think of something that might be quite helpful, given the circumstances. 'Betty... Those creatures of yours, what exactly happens when you aren't uhm... using them?''Oh them? I just put them in storage!' Storage? You... You don't really know what the entails, and honestly, you aren't even sure you'd be able to understand even if you had Betty elaborate. It's possible that she's using some sort of pocket dimension in order to store the creatures she creates. Whatever she does with them when she's not actively using them though, it seems that the strain on your is decreased massively.'Well, that's good. Then could you... make me something right now? I don't really know the limits of that ability of yours, but I would prefer if you could create something capable of hiding on me just in case I'm attacked... oh! Better yet, can you make something that hides in my shadow?' You understand that it's a bit of a long shot to expect so much of your Servant, but it's possible that her ability to create familiars will allow such a thing, after all, you haven't really seen any true limits to the ability show up just yet. For all you know, Betty has the ability to create whatever she wants without limit... well, without limit other than your magical energy reserves. You wonder if it's simply limited to her own imagination or if she's creating the beasts from some sort of template, either way it's an incredibly useful ability. The only real problem with it arises again from Betty's terrible habit of falling asleep. It seems that she's about the only person with the capability to actual command the creatures, and especially the only one with the ability to pull them out of wherever they are whenever she's not actually directly using them.
There's a brief pause as Betty seems to think about your request while you wander towards what might just be an enemy Servant with caution in your eyes. Even though she's gone silent, Betty still maneuvers herself and Illya around the shop in a way that Betty will be close enough to defend you should she have to do so while remaining completely inconspicuous as to whether or not she's aware of the possible danger. The act is really helped by Illya in this case, who is completely unaware of what might be going on in the shop. 'I thought about it a little, and I feel like I might have something that can help do that!' Betty finally gives you a positive answer to your question about unseen familiars, and at the moment she gives the positive answer, you can feel your magical energy beginning to drain, not in one single lump like what you've come to expect from Betty using her ability, but a slow drain as it feels like your energy is pulled away from you in hundreds of small lumps.You look over at your servant and then realize that her shadow seems to be... shifting oddly? It's really a very odd thing to see, but you're apparently the only person in the building who can notice the oddly moving shadow of the girl. Then, the drain on your energy stops, as do the movements of the shadow, and it seems to return entirely to it's normal shape. 'What on Earth did you just do, Betty?' You said you wanted something that could hide in shadows, so I made you a lot of little things that can!' There's a tone of self satisfaction in Betty's voice as she reveals her success in fulfilling your request, and at that very moment, her shadow seems to come alive once more, as hundreds of large insect sized creatures begin to crawl out of her shadow and towards your own. It's just about all you can do not to jump in shock as you see the creatures. They look a lot like traditional insects would, except for their legs. Where you would expect spindly legs befitting of insects, these black insects have what can only be called small knives for legs.There's a very slight clacking noise emanating from the horde of eldritch bugs as they crawl towards you, and you simply wait for them to merge into your shadow. Illya is too distracted by looking at a particularly pretty dress to even notice the horde of monstrous bugs crawling the short distance between you and Betty with rapid pace. Their pace is also impossibly rapid for such small insects, and the small horde covers the very short distance easily and at around the pace of an average human running as fast as he could! It dawns on you just how horrible these creatures would be to deal with if you were just an average person. Not only can they perfectly blend into shadows, but their legs look sharp and thick enough to easily pierce and cut through human flesh.
Betty is still pretending to stare at clothes even as this all goes on, and before long the entire horde has finished relocating to within your own shadow. You could easily forget that they were there if they didn't inspire such wariness in you. With any luck, they'll be able to defend you from whatever or whoever has decided to show up in the clothing shop.As you take one more step towards the flash of light, there's another flash! But this time, the flash comes from directly underneath you! You quickly look down to find yourself standing right on top of some sort of magic circle, which is glowing brighter by the millisecond! It's already too bright to read the lettering that forms it, and you don't have long before it takes effect! Could this be some sort of magical land mine?>Reinforce your body, dive off the magic circle as quickly as you can.>Let it activate, it might not be a lethal trap and there's really nothing you can do to stop it now.>Try to use your counter magic on the magic circle!>Call out to Betty and Illya to warn them!>Write-in...
>>4461526I love Betty. Might be a dead end but reinforce and jump back off the circle and protect Betty.
>>4461526Uh, this makes me wonder if Betty can pull a Johnny Joestar and "pocket" us, Imagine us suddenly appearing behind enemy lines with a Truth-enhanced gun pointed at their backs. We really need to train some combos with our servants because goddamn, we gotta see the extends of Betty's powers even if it means mana drain because she might be hella OP. Anyways >Reinforce your body, dive off the magic circle as quickly as you can.>"BETTY, PROTECT ILLYA!"
>>4461529Supporting this.I think it's pretty obvious that Betty is super OP and is just held back by inexperience.We already figured out she's connected to Azathoth so theoretically she could be far stronger than Abby is.
>>4461526>>Try to use your counter magic on the magic circle!
Guys what if this is Medea fucking about and trying to get us alone for a chat?She's associated with purple magic isn't she?
>>4461574Yes but safety first. If it really is her doing something innocuous to talk or whatever, we can call her out on causing a misunderstanding AND a disturbance AND go "why didn't you make it obvious in a way that wouldn't be seen as possibly hostile?!"
>>4461589Medea is physically incapable of acting like a normal person when doing magic stuff.Besides that she probably wanted to separate us from Betty.
Hmm, not many votes today.
>>4461574If it's really Medea wanting to talk She should have chosen something other than glowing magic circle appearing right under our feet out of nowhere.
>>4461526>Reinforce your body, dive off the magic circle as quickly as you can.Didn't we actually need to see the person who cast the spell to counter it?
>>4461526>>Reinforce your body, dive off the magic circle as quickly as you can.
>>4461526>Let it activate, it might not be a lethal trap and there's really nothing you can do to stop it now.
>>4461616I've been busy with shit and every time I check in to vote the thing I'd want already has a bunch of votes so I haven't bothered. I'm only the one guy though, maybe folks are just busy in general.
>>4461526>>Let it activate, it might not be a lethal trap and there's really nothing you can do to stop it now.
>>4461526>Try to use your counter magic on the magic circle!
>>4461526>>4461547Changing to >>Let it activate, it might not be a lethal trap and there's really nothing you can do to stop it now.Let's get this dead end and move on
>>4461526>Reinforce your body, dive off the magic circle as quickly as you can.
>>4461526Changing from >>4461536 to>Let it activate, it might not be a lethal trap and there's really nothing you can do to stop it now.
>>4461526Also changing from >>4461641 to>Let it activate, it might not be a lethal trap and there's really nothing you can do to stop it now.
Y'know what? For the memes, changing >>4461529 to >Let it activate, it might not be a lethal trap and there's really nothing you can do to stop it now.>>4461526At least it sounds like a fun decision to make
>>4461526Welp>Reinforce your body, dive off the magic circle as quickly as you can.
>>4461526>Let it activate, it might not be a lethal trap and there's really nothing you can do to stop it now.DEAD END
>>4461526>reinforce your body, dive off the magic circle as quickly as you canI get that everyone wants a dead end because we wanna get back to Illya/Betty SOL. But if we just wanted that then why the fuck did we pick to investigate anyways? Did we want a dead end THAT BAD.
>>4461727I believe if we dead end here we will be back to current choice not the previous one.
>>4461727I'm just assuming anons want information? Personally prefer to die less but whatever, maybe it is just Medea teleporting us or something.
>>4461727I just thought that'd be the funnier option at the end, and besides we'll probably respawn from the previous option so at the very least we'll know what to expect. Besides if its a teleportation spell we can just use a command spell.
>>4461727Actually, I'm pretty confident in my assumption that it's not an offensive spell
Medea teleport would be good. Abduction to the temple of servant corruption decidedly less so...
>>4461526>>Let it activate, it might not be a lethal trap and there's really nothing you can do to stop it now.well shit.
>>4461882If we ded, I want our shinji to call OG Shinji a fucking fruit and a faggot
>>4461882Oh hello.
>>4461882The fuck is hidden in this bros?
>>4461896You'll see. Or just turn up the brightness or something.
>>4461896A cute girl
>>4461896It's a tiger.
>Idiots keep forgetting there are fates worse than deathI can't believe you've all done this.
>>4461916Anons are too gung-ho about dead ends, I hope this option leads us to be raped by manaka in the temple and mind fucked as a lesson. All without a dead end of course.
>>4461882I see youknowwho......yeah its a dead end folks.
>>4461934Yeah honestly I was a bit let down that it was just the "revert to last checkpoint with Fuji-nee and the gang". Was expecting some eldrich horror to revert the timeline but at the price of some burdensome geas.
>>4462064You have yet to get a non-standard dead end, you ought to know.There are a few ways for you to get dead-ends with lasting consequences...You just... Shouldn't assume that there's always going to be a safe timeline to retreat to.
>>4462064It would get really bad, really fast. To be honest writing that would probably be more of a hassle then it's worth.
>>4462073You should permanently kill someone for the people who keep voting dead ends on purpose.
Reinforce>>4461527>>4461537>>4461619>>4461620>>4461646>>4461655>>4461727>>4461749Counter>>4461530>Let it activate>>4461642>>4461645>>4461647>>4461648>>4461653>>4461702>>4461867>>4461620>>4461623You know I just realized that it might actually be a draw unless I miscounted.There was a lot of changing...
>>4461526changing to >>Reinforce your body, dive off the magic circle as quickly as you can.from >>4461867
>>4462094Oh hey, one off. We could change to reinforce... but do we want to?Wait you counted >>4461620 as Reinforce tho, it's 2 off>>4462097Now it's tied.
>>4462099Ah!I knew something was up in my count.Well now we actually are tied.
>>4462097Come on anon. Are You not curious what's gonna happen if we just stand there? Where is your spirit of adventure?
>>4461526>>4461623Ah fuck it, don't drag this on. Change to>>Reinforce your body, dive off the magic circle as quickly as you can.Now we'll never know what the Mystery Circle does. Way to go, being smart and all.
>>4462103nah bro. I had to eat a burger to realize i was wrong. I dont want to eat another.
>>4461526>Let it activate, it might not be a lethal trap and there's really nothing you can do to stop it now.I want anons to face the consequences of their choices.
>>4461526changing from>>4461645to>>Reinforce your body, dive off the magic circle as quickly as you can.
Burger-anon has persuaded me with his wisdom and charisma.
>>4462126Have a crunch N munch
>>4462117Whats the vote at?
>>4462127Thanks anon. I am actually eating a strudel right now.
>>44621289-6, Reinforce is winning
>>4462128I believe that reinforce has taken a considerable lead now thanks to vote switches.
y'all went from "fuck smart decisions, all my anon homies love abusing dead ends" to "there is a fate MUCH worse than a dead end" REAAAAL fast, huh
>>4462147If there wasn't a draw I wouldn't switch.
Damn it! You aren't just going to be done in like this! As quickly as you possibly can, you infuse your body with your magical energy, enhancing it to the peak you can manage with your self-reinforcement! It might just be enough to get you out of the way of whatever this magic circle is going to do in time! By the time you've finished reinforcing your body, you're already pushing off backwards, trying to get as far away from the magic circle as you possibly can before it finished activating, you don't really know how much the tiny amount of distance you will be able to gain will help, but you know for a fact that it will be better than just remaining standing on top of the damn thing!You soar backwards, almost managing to get entirely clear of the boundary of the magic circle before it completes it's activation and a bright purple light beams upwards for a moment! That's... all that the circle does before it completely disappears. You let out a breath of relief as you realize that you managed to just narrowly escape getting vaporized and you get up.Before you immediately tumble back to the floor.That's... not right. You look down at your feet to see the problem.Your left foot is gone entirely, separated from your body through a truly perfect cut. You stare in bewilderment at your missing foot for a few moments before your body finally recovers from the shock of suddenly losing an appendage, and the pain hits. It's about all you can do not to scream at the pain of losing your foot. There's no point in drawing attention to yourself now, you don't need the whole shop realizing that a man is bleeding heavily on the floor. Thankfully, there's almost nobody else around in the shop, though you're definitely going to need to have something done about those security cameras and anybody who might've been watching them.You really aren't all too bothered by missing your foot. While it's a nuisance, you'll be able to regenerate it in less than an hour, less if you want to spend a huge portion of your magical energy on immediately healing it... You're really more upset by the loss of one of your shoes, that at least will take a more physical effort on your part to replace. The good news however, is that you're in the middle of a shopping district.
Still, the big problem about losing one of your feet is that you can't actually walk by yourself right now, thankfully, it looks like Betty and Illya have noticed your predicament, as the two girls have began to run towards your position. You don't really think there's any danger around other than the trap you just managed to trigger... But who could've been the one behind something like this? You don't think Caster would've attacked you, unless there's another Caster. It could also have been the work of an enemy Master too. You'll need to keep an eye out for traps like this in the future regardless. Were it not for your ability to reinforce yourself, you wouldn't have even been able to think of escape, and you would have lost far more than just a foot."Master! Are you OK?" There's concern in Betty's voice as she easily picks you up and you stabilize yourself on the very short girl. It's a little bit awkward to do so, but Betty is far stronger than you are, completely in defiance to her appearance, and you can easily put your entire weight on the girl without even making her flinch. Illya just looks worried about what might in fact be an impending attack. While there's no immediate danger here, there's the possibility that this place has been littered with multiple copies of those dangerous magic circles, and while both you and Betty should be able to avoid them now that you're aware of them, Illya is pretty much doomed if she steps on one.You look down at your missing foot and frown. "Well, I've lost one of my feet, so honestly, this is just about how I normally spend my Monday mornings." You try to inject some humor into your voice... It's not a lie either. You have spent more than a few Mondays experimenting with your developing Reality Marble's ability to heal your body. You do consider using your Truth Healing magecraft in order to restore your foot, but seeing as it will regrow by itself, it's pointless to do so. All you need to do is hang tight for about half an hour and you'll be good as new!As you're about to tell Illya and Betty your plan to pretty much just wait about, you suddenly come to realize that you aren't quite going to get the opportunity to, as the space in front of the three of you begins to shift and warp before it gives way to reveal a hooded woman... You really hope that there's nobody watching the camera feeds of the store right now. Of course, you're quite familiar with the woman, it seems that it actually was Caster behind this attack after all. What a shame, it seems that after all the help you gave her, she's still going to work against you."You... You weren't supposed to try to avoid that." Caster's voice is one of stunned disbelief. You don't really quite understand what she's getting at. Betty seems to be preparing herself for a fight, but you hold a hand out to stop her from attacking Caster right away. You want to uncover just what the hell the woman is playing at first.
"Pardon?" There's no humor in your voice now. You don't deal with disappointment very well at all, and Caster choosing to attack you is very much a disappointment. Especially after you went out of your way to help her out.The woman in response tosses something at you... your missing foot. "That magic circle you just leaped out of wasn't actually for offense at all... I... I wanted to talk to you." You're a little put-off by the fact that the woman just threw your foot at you, Betty and Illya. Well, the two girls don't actually seem to care about the grisly display at all. Both of them have probably seen much worse, actually. "It was supposed to teleport you! Do you understand what could've happened if you were slower?! You would've cut yourself in two!" The robed woman begins to angrily berate you for your rash actions. If you didn't know any better, you'd say that she was actually concerned about you."Then maybe in the future if you want to talk with somebody, you actually approach them like a normal person and ask?" You reply in a deadpan tone. "It's not like I would've refused to talk with you." You try to defuse the situation a little bit. It's clear that Medea didn't actually mean to cause you any harm, even if you did end up accidentally losing a foot to her carelessness. "Besides, how on Earth was I supposed to know that magic circle was made to transport people instead of just being made to incinerate whoever got caught in it's boundaries?" You reason that your actions might've been poor in hindsight, but at the time, you would've been an idiot to have just remained standing on the magic circle. Betty and Illya simply stare at both you and Medea as what they had both expected would quickly turn into a fight seems to be rapidly devolving into two magi just yelling at each other."I suppose there were other ways I could've taken to get you to agree to a private conversation with me..." The woman sighs as she admits fault... to a degree. "I can heal that injury for you, if you want me to." Then, unexpectedly, Caster makes an offer to heal you! But..."No thanks, I've just about got that covered by myself." You aren't entirely sure just if you can trust Caster or not right now, and the last thing you really want is a Caster of dubious allegiance being given free reign to cast whatever spells they wish upon your body.The woman flicks her hood down and reveals her beautiful features. "I don't ask this of you lightly, but I really do need to talk to you, I have important information that I need to talk with you about, but I don't trust the lesser grail or a fellow Servant with what I've managed to uncover. There's... too much risk involved." Medea looks at the two small girls accompanying you with a concerned expression.
"Hey, what do you mean by that? Are you saying that I'm untrustworthy?" Illya seems upset by Caster's sudden put-down directed towards her for no apparent reason. Betty also looks similarly displeased, but looks to be happy to let Illya do the talking here."Nothing of the sort, at least personality wise..." Medea tries to calm down your ally before explaining her reasoning. "It's just... I don't trust anybody with a direct connection the the grail other than myself with this information." Caster does seem to be genuine about all this, but she also just cut off one of your feet. It would be a lie to say you aren't still just a little bit upset about that. Even if it was an accident, it still hurts pretty damn badly. You're already beginning to heal though. "So, Shinji Makiri. Will you allow me to converse with you in private?" Medea makes her request one final time, and you think on just how you ought to answer the powerful witch.>Agree to speak with Medea in private. It's probably not a trap, even if you are separated from Betty.>Refuse to speak with Caster in private. Send her away, under threat of attack if you need to.>Demand that Caster reveal what she's uncovered to you now. The presence of Illya and Betty doesn't matter.>Have Betty chase Caster away. You've about had enough of her.>Write-in...
>>4462236Agree to a parlay
>>4462236>>Agree to speak with Medea in private. It's probably not a trap, even if you are separated from Betty.>>Write-in...Have Betty give us control of the shadow spiders. Bring the shadow spiders.
>>4462236>Agree to speak with Medea in private. It's probably not a trap, even if you are separated from Betty.
>>4462236>write-in"They are with me, they are my team, and I trust them with my life. Whatever it is that you want to tell me, is something they can hear. Sorry if I sound rude, but you see-"Then point to your footLet's earn some points with Betty and Illya and low-key with Medea seeing as one of her quirks is that she was betrayed by a man.
>>4462236Agree.If she’s already been corrupted then we’re fucked, but we kinda need her help and if she has some intel on what’s up, that’s even better...
>>4462236>>Agree to speak with Medea in private. It's probably not a trap, even if you are separated from Betty.Bring those shadow spiders with us
>>4462236>>Agree to speak with Medea in private. It's probably not a trap, even if you are separated from Betty.
>>4462236>Agree to speak with Medea in private. It's probably not a trap, even if you are separated from Betty.This either involves A: Shriou, or B: ALTERed servants.My best guess is B.
>>4462229>>4462234I CALLED IT >>4461589
>>4462236>Agree to speak with Medea in private. It's probably not a trap, even if you are separated from Betty.>"You're a nice person deep down, Medea."
>>4462236>>Agree to speak with Medea in private. It's probably not a trap, even if you are separated from Betty.O ye of little faith.I wanna know, while our foot is regenerating is it disappearing from inside the shoe?
>>4462236>Demand that Caster reveal what she's uncovered to you now. The presence of Illya and Betty doesn't matter.Where's that anon who always (in every thread, every choice, every post) said that he want to have a bad end on purpose so he can call OG shinji a faggot?Because every choice he chooses making him even more faggot and retarded than OG Shinji.It's not even funny, just obnoxious.
>>4462236>Agree to speak with Medea in private. It's probably not a trap, even if you are separated from Betty.>Write-in...>Have Betty give us control of the shadow spiders. Bring the shadow spiders.
>>4462236>Agree to speak with Medea in private. It's probably not a trap, even if you are separated from Betty
You sigh. You really don't know if this is a good idea, but for some reason you feel like you can trust Medea. It's true enough that if sh had actually wanted to kill you, then that magic circle would've done more than just take your foot. "Fine, Caster. I'll trust you. Betty, Illya... please give me and Caster some space to talk in private." You command the two girls to back away. You don't think that Betty has Magic Resistance anyway, so really, this would be an awful match-up for her, and Illya would be no help either, while she might have a lot of magical energy to throw around, she's nothing compared to Medea in magical skill.The woman standing in front of you smirks as you order your allies to leave the two of you to talk in private. "There's really no need for that. Tροψα!" The space around you and Caster begins to blur and shift, and you realize you could probably overwhelm this spell through your magical energy alone if you wanted to. Could that maybe be the reason she chose such a roundabout method in order to try to bring you to her? Was she wary of your abilities? While you might not be able to stop her from teleportation herself, the actual process of starting the spatial transference takes some time to start up, possibly on account of your vast reserves of magical energy.Eventually though, the spell resolves itself, and the clothing racks and the polished wooden floor of the shopping area is replaced by... a nearly empty room in what you can only imagine to be a suburban house. Is this really the place that Caster chose to set up her temple? Unexpected, but it might just be that Caster has decided to try to lay low for the sake of this war. Then again, can you really blame her? She's not immensely powerful when it comes to firepower alone, and with how messed up the war has become, the last thing she needs is to make herself a huge target."You really ought to stop just casting spells on people without their permission, Caster." You remind the woman. You aren't really all that bothered by this magical teleportation though, so long as Caster actually sends you back to your allies when you're finished speaking with her.The woman doesn't really seem to care about your reminder, not that you really expected she would. You may as well ask a bird to stop flying, or a fish to stop swimming. For somebody like Caster, the use of magecraft to solve her problems comes as naturally to her as breathing. "That hardly matters does it? I needed to talk to you in private and this was the best way I could do so." Caster at least tries to defend her actions, but that doesn't erase the fact that she could've just asked for permission to teleport you first. "Right." You don't feel like arguing with her so you let it slip this time. "What did you actually want to tell me about?" Might as well get this over with, you really don't like where this is heading, not much is capable of spooking Medea enough to the point of paranoia.
Medea mutters something quietly under her breath and holds out one of her hands, an image beginning to form on it. "I believe that this woman ought to appear quite familiar to you." The image created is a perfect replication of Saber Alter, formed as a 3D image, her mask is off and there's a scowl on her face as she stands on guard for... something. Caster then holds out her other hand and another image begins to form. "Of course, I also imagine that this woman might appear familiar too..." She conjures a picture of the unaltered Saber, her eyes are darting back and forth suspiciously.. "It's quite obvious that there's a connection between these two women, there appearances are nearly identical...""Are you kidding me, Caster?" You interrupt the woman. "Of course they look nearly identical, those two are the same person." Is this really all that Caster called you here for? So you can play spot the difference on Saber and Saber Alter? This is why you're currently having to hobble about on one foot?"P-pardon?" Caster seems taken off guard by your sudden outburst.You laugh before continuing "The one in black. She's the result of the blue Saber being corrupted and stained by evil. I would've expected somebody as great at magic as you to have been able to work something so simple out." Really, it's surprising that Caster hadn't worked that out.You're expecting Caster to maybe get angry as you reveal what you know to her, but instead the woman just smiles at you. "If that were the case, and if the two are one and the same... would you mind telling me how you are looking at those images? I didn't conjure those up from memory alone, what you're looking at there are the two women at this very moment. You seem far too well informed, so I want to ask you just why there are two of the same Servant, of the same class, in the same war." Caster tries to press you for info, and you realize you actually have no idea what could've been behind this. Could the grail mud have somehow split Saber in two? No, that doesn't make any sense to just assume that the grail mud in this particular timeline would work in a different way to the grail mud that you're familiar with.
"I... I don't actually know." You're honestly completely stumped by the sudden revelation that Saber and Saber Alter are somehow distinct entities. It doesn't make any sense at all! Saber should be impossible to summon twice, she's not even a real Heroic Spirit! What the hell is going on here? You... You're going to need more information, you've got the beginnings of an idea as to just what is going on formed. It makes little sense, but could somebody somehow have resurrected the Servants of the Fourth War as their own Servants? Between Saber Alter and what could only have been Diarmuid Alter, you're starting to believe that's a real possibility... You... You might need to give Waver a call at some point. You consider telling Caster your theory, but that can wait for more evidence. "So, is that all you wanted to tell me, Caster?""No. I wanted to tell you my theory. I believe that whoever is responsible for the darker Saber is capable of somehow reproducing copies of Servants. That's about the only thing I can think of that would allow something like this to occur. Of course, to do something like that, they'd..." The woman grits her teeth in irritation. "They would have to be even better at magecraft than I am." You can tell that admitting that really hurt Medea's pride a little. "That's why I don't trust your Servant or the Lesser Grail. I believe that our... enemy, has managed to usurp control of the Greater Grail... It's not impossible that they could do the same to either of the Lesser Grails." That's a terrifying thought, that Sakura or Illya could be taken over by the same evil that has taken control of the temple. Your face pales a bit, and Medea tries to give you a reassuring smile. The woman really is on her best behavior right now.Of course, you do have one huge question. "Then, Medea..." You drop the title of Caster from her name almost by accident as you begin asking your question. "The blue Saber and her Master... where are they?"
"I had expected you would ask something like that." Caster begins to walk out of the room. "Follow me." You follow Caster out of the fairly dark room and into a hallway. A... familiar looking hallway. Hold on, this is... Caster opens the door to the room immediately next to your own and you can see Saber standing defensively in front of a bed glaring at Caster. Good grief, did Caster set her temple up in Shirou's house? Her physical parameters are higher than you would've expected with Shirou as her Master... then again, she's not being starved for magical energy this time on account of Shirou's proper training. Status Updated!"So, this is your Master then, Caster?" Saber's voice is laced with suspicion, and you can see that Shirou is on the bed behind her, he's heavily bandaged even despite the healing effects of Avalon. You breath a sigh of relief upon seeing your friend unhurt, and it's only the presence of Saber that stops you from approaching him. She's very suspicious of both you and Caster right now, and you don't want this to turn into a confrontation."Not quite." Caster then looks at you as if she's considering just how to address you, before she finally settles on a name, opting to use honorifics, of all things. "Makiri-san, this is Saber and her Master. I believe that you might already be familiar with both." She then whispers in your ear. "She's unaware of her doppelgänger right now." You're actually somewhat relieved by that knowledge. You don't really know how Saber would react to her evil clone wandering around. You'd imagine she'd react in the same way pretty much anybody would. Violently. "Last night, I had to rescue these two from a savage attack at the hands of Berserker and Assassin. It's a miracle that her Master is even alive, I can only imagine he has some form of healing mystery within him. The two were in quite the sorry state when I found them." Of course, Saber is strong, even more so when her parameters aren't nerfed by having a clueless idiot as her Master, but even she can't fight against two Servants at once. Assassin alone would probably be a match for Saber, when you think about it. Saber looks down, apparently upset at her failure to protect her Master. You quickly realize that the next move belongs to you.>Ask Saber about the two Servants she battled against.>Ask Saber to stand aside, you're going to heal Shirou.>Tell Saber about her doppelgänger at the temple.>Call Sakura, tell her to have everyone meet you at Shirou's house.>Ask Caster something (what?)>Write-in...
>>4462555See if you can heal Shirou.Thank Medea for helping the two. Ask if she's been the one to send curse through Touko's divination. We need to make sure the two don't come to blows - if they want to measure their arcane dicks they can do so in some non lethal manner.Ask Saber about the Servants she was battling as we heal Shirou.Check on Betty, assure her we're fine and ask her to keep Illya safe while we're gone.
>>4462555>Thank Medea for helping these two and bringing us to them.>Ask Saber about the two Servants she battled against.>Ask Saber to stand aside, you're going to heal Shirou.>Once healed, begin informing everyone about what we know about the corrupted grail so far and the alliance we've set up to help fix it.Ok boys, let's not do anything hasty, this is the perfect opportunity to get our shit organized and get Saber and Shirou into the group without conflict, but we need to play our cards right and not brute force things.
>>4462564Also we might want to call off the thugs now that we've found both of the people we were looking for. There's probably no benefit in keeping them on this job, lest they get involved in something supernatural.
>>4462555>Thank Medea for helping these two and bringing us to them. Ask if she's been the one to send curse through Touko's divination.>Ask Saber to stand aside, you're going to heal Shirou. Ask Saber about the Servants she was battling as we heal Shirou.>Once healed, begin informing everyone about what we know about the corrupted grail so far and the alliance we've set up to help fix it.And then >>4462567This step-by-step should cover everything, unless I am a retard and overlooked something.
>Alters are own faction>Assuming only 4th War Servants summoned as Alter>Archer commented Second Archer had golden armor that protected him from all his projectiles>Gilgamesh has armor described in just the same wayCan someone check if the fire arrows were in Epic of Gilgamesh?
>>4462555>>4462566yeah, supp
>>4462567By thugs do You mean yakuza? I believe we never called them.
>the anons thinking there are 21 servants total may actually be correctwow this war is such a clusterfuck idk whats even happening anymore.
>>4462555Supporting this>>4462573
>>4462555>Ask Saber to stand aside, you're going to heal Shirou.>Ask Saber about the two Servants she battled against.>Tell saber that its full aprochya situation with 14+ servants
I have some thoughts, so let me just get those outta my brain real quick.First off, it might be a bit premature, but we did it boys! Main girls are all alive and accounted for! Now time to seal them in a box and completely ignore them romantically because fuck old pussy. New Pussy Only!It's really neat that Medea is working with Shirou and Saber. Medea trying to be nice after her talk with Shinji combined with Saber being...well Saber is a great combo for character interactions, and a sprinkle of Shirou's idiocy makes everything more fun. I guess Sakura route got traded in for the long awaited Caster route,reminder to keep Caster away from Rider at all times. Wish they would have had more time to work together without our imput, but it still nice. We'll see how this next update goes but I've made my opinion on just bringing Shirou into the alliance clear by now, but with Medea here it makes things way simpler. Just say it was her idea. Hold a group meeting with our allies and Medea and have her propose their addition to our alliance with the rest of the group. That way when she brings Shirou up it will be her getting the heat from Illya and Shinji trying to be the neutral party working for the best deal, rather than him revealing we've been working with Shirou behind the scenes this whole time, tanking our relationship with her and ruining the trust he built with her. So long as Sakura or Monica don't spill the beans about how close we really are to the Magus Killer's son, it should work out just fine. We might even be able to wage our strike on the temple tomorrow morning, especially if Shuten joins our not so little squad, but if she does, please expect betrayal from her soon afterward or even during. Also, Shuten Douji and a mysterious fluffy-tailed Assassin? It's not clear if they're working together yet, but hope you boys are getting nervous because we might be in for a real god damn clown fiesta if that fluffy tail belonged to who I think it might and a certain stone skinned oni has more relation to flames than I remember. Having two assassins on the same team though? A weird set up but suprisingly effective especially with a super strong Beserker backing them up to distract enemy servants from helping their masters. Not that Shuten Douji is much of an assassin dispite her class anyway, but it's not like she really needs to be with her parameters. It also makes me wonder what "team" Rider and that bastard Alan are on. Then again, he did say he wasn't planning on engauging in direct combat to keep things fair.
>>4462555I don't think anyone is stupid enough to ask who about berserker and assassin. I haven't read the replies but if anons choose that, I'll give up on this qst.I choose all of these>Ask Saber to stand aside, you're going to heal Shirou.>Tell Saber about her doppelgänger at the temple.>Call Sakura, tell her to have everyone meet you at Shirou's house.>Ask Caster something (what?)The last one should be obvious, but there's so many things, I don't know which one to ask first.
>>4462634>I don't think anyone is stupid enough to ask who about berserker and assassin.There are 3 set of servants in this war. We need to know for sure.>tell her to have everyone meet you at Shirou's house.Why go to Shirou's house when most of our faction is at our house right now? Plus our house has bounded fields for protection. It's much more logical to hold meeting at our place.
>>4462640berserker fends off our allies during our confrontation with shuten (assassin). Isn't it obvious at this point that the berserker is Ibaraki?Her flaming attack is another obvious point that berserker is Ibaraki.It's Ibaraki. Oh I did I mention that berserker is Ibaraki? because it seem everytime I said that the berserker is Ibaraki, everyone conveniently ignored it.
>>4462641Would it kill you if we check anyway, retard? Constantly sperging out and going ITS IBARAKI AND SHUTEN STOP ASKING UNNECESSARY QUESTIONS STOP IGNORING ME TOO does nothing but make you brain damaged
>>4462641>everytime I said that the berserker is Ibaraki, everyone conveniently ignored it.What are talking about? I remember at least 3 different people saying it was Ibaraki in a previous thread. One of them in fact was me.The thing is Shuten's master (Zouken) and Ibaraki's master (miko) have no obvious reason to work together. By gaining more information we can figure out why did they allied.
>>4462644>ContantlyYeah, not going to read the rest of your post.>>4462645We haven't confirmed if shuten's master is zouken either. But that's a valid point.
>>4462584They don’t have to be. Gilgamesh has everything
>>4462640I was in fact the first person to say Ibaraki
>>4462555>Ask Saber to stand aside, you're going to heal Shirou.
>>4462555Supporting >>4462566
Anyone know what was searched to find Betty artwork?
Calling it right now Alan and Kirei teamed up and are trying to watch the world burn.
>>4462555>Ask Saber about the two Servants she battled against.We need every bit of information we can get our hands on, even if it ends up being redundant. We need to check and back-check every single little piece even if we already know almost everything about it because a servant might be able to find something our eyes and even Betty's were not able to trace>Ask Saber to stand aside, you're going to heal Shirou.While we heal Shirou, we should catch him up with the details and our deal with Illya, so we at least lower the chances of him doing something stupid. I hope he's happy that his sister is relatively safe. This will also help gain Saber's trust as she'll see we are Shirou's ally>Tell Saber about her doppelgänger at the temple.First of all, we should have Shirou be at the ready to use a command spell if Saber tries to act up, and then warn her that you'll give her a piece of information if she promises on her sword that she won't go running around like a headless chicken. Then lay the truth of what's going on and her doppleganger, and tell her we can join forces to properly dispatch whatever evil has taken over the grail. If she tries to do something stupid, then Shirou'll have to use a command spell. >Call Sakura, tell her to have everyone meet you at Shirou's house.As anon said >>4462614 we can say that Caster brought us here and that it was her idea to join with Shirou, but you'd want input from the rest of your party so you called them here. We can also tell Illya that if she really wishes to settle the score with Shirou, then it is in her best interest to get her servant ASAP. Once she gets it, however, then she can have that talk with Shirou even if it involves servants. We also need to start training and seeing the limits of Betty's powers, little girl can end up being the best assassin/informant the grail can buy. A single day of training can net us enough to win the war if we are smart enough-Hell, we can even one-up that one loli that said she was gonna come for our ass once the war ends.
"Caster. I want to thank you for helping these two. Shirou here is a friend of mine... and in some ways, he's my student in magecraft too." Though really, you don't think of Shirou as your student at all. You mostly just shared the best advice you knew at the time to him and prevented him from doing ridiculously stupid things. Shirou is bright, all things considered, it's just that he's got almost no sense of self-preservation if he thinks he can save somebody else by getting himself hurt."Your student?" Caster echoes your words. "That boy there?" She places a hand to her chin in thought. "Well, I suppose it certainly explains just how you've managed to heal so fast... were you the one who gave him that ability to heal, then?" She gestures at your rapidly healing stump. It's strange, because the answer to Medea's question could technically be 'yes'. You were responsible. Not for the wondrous effect of Avalon of course, but for it being in Shirou right now. After all, you were the one who removed and replaced the sheath from Shirou when you needed to use it to save his father... who promptly went missing anyway. "I've noticed that you are a cut above the rest of the shoddy magi that I've encountered in this era. Though I'd like to know who exactly tried to penetrate my temple with a scrying spell... All they really managed to do was trip the defenses." Oh. So that explains why Touko failed to accomplish anything earlier... You had best hope that Medea and your magecraft teacher never end up meeting. The consequences of the two developing a dislike for each other are far too great to even allow the potentiality of such a thing occurring. "Ah... About that healing... Not quite, his is different than mine, If you really must know, then I can tell you about it later. As for being my student... well... hes not the sort of person who's compatible with teachers outside of just being taught how to do the basics properly. Most of my advice as a teacher has been instructing him on the best ways not to immolate himself and providing avenues for him to develop by himself." Really, you can't teach Shirou too much. Even if you tried, the element and origin of 'Sword' are super restrictive when it comes to just what sort of magecraft he can actually pull off. Of course, when he actually gets Unlimited Blade Works up and running, the ability to reproduce Noble Phantasms theoretically gives him far more versatility than even the most powerful magi can think of ever having."So... you're saying that you know my Master?" Saber asks you, she's still quite wary of you and Caster, as you'd expect from Saber in a situation unfavorable to her. Should she actually try to attack you or Caster, she knows that Shirou could be killed faster than she could cut Caster down.
You laugh a little. "Know him? Saber. The boy you're so vehemently guarding is my best friend. I also know that he wouldn't approve of you standing guard over him for an entire night while he recovers... How long has it been since you last slept, Saber?" Saber is taking her duty of protecting her Master while he recovers very seriously indeed."That doesn't matter. Servants don't need sleep." Saber informs you of something that has very little relation to the current conversation. Especially given that Saber isn't even a Heroic Spirit, so while she can survive both without eating or without sleeping, her body will still crave both. After all, she's technically still a living person."Well, of course. Heroic Spirits can do just fine without sleeping, however I do believe that Servants are very much capable of sleep. Getting some time to rest up could do wonders for your mental health, Saber. How long have you been on guard?" "She's been protecting her Master since I saved her from their two assailants early last night. You would expect her to be more grateful to her savior..." Medea sounds disappointed in Saber's rude behavior towards her. You can't really fault Saber though, while Caster might have her hood down now and look like a beautiful woman who would put anybody off their guard, she really does have a bad habit of disguising her features with that hooded robe of hers. You do know that Saber has good reason not to trust Medea though... or at least powerful spellcasting women in general. After all, her true nemesis beyond any other was none other than Morgan le Fay.Though them being brought back up does give you a few questions about these two Servants. "Saber, how much do you remember about fighting these two Servants? Can you give me any special abilities or names? Maybe any distinguishing features?" One of them was almost certainly Shuten, but who could the other have been? Based on everything that's happened so far..."I hardly managed to see the Assassin, they were making good use of their Presence Concealment and only struck when I was distracted, I only managed to get a single good look at her when she... hamstrung me." There's a deep feeling of shame in Saber's voice, that she was laid low by a lowly Assassin. "A small girl, with horns. I doubt that this Servant was a human..." So, definitely Shuten Dōji then. But attacking from the shadows? That's just unfair for somebody already so overpowered like she is. "As for the Berserker attacking me... they were a little bit more manageable, if I were merely fighting the Berserker alone, I believe that I would've been able to claim victory! But appearance wise, I can't really tell you much. I thought I saw horns in the inferno surrounding them at once point."
Bingo. That's all you needed to know. But for both Shuten Dōji and Ibaraki Dōji to be summoned in the same war? It's unlikely... but really, it's not like it's any more unlikely than everything else that has been going on in this crazy war. "Alright. Thanks Saber. I think that's quite enough of that. Now would you mind stepping aside? I'd like to heal Shirou." She doesn't look all too convinced by you having good intentions. "Alright, fine. How about I make it a promise? If I'm lying, I give you permission to execute me immediately for treachery.""Fine then. Do as you must. But you'd best not harm my Master in any way." Saber is acting really defensively over Shirou right now... Though you suppose it's only natural for her to feel extra protective over her Master given the circumstances. Failing to protect your Master and needing to be rescued by a woman who could easily just be an enemy hiding her true intentions isn't exactly great for your nerves.You walk over to Shirou and given the circumstances with Medea watching, decide it would probably be best if you didn't reveal your potential Reality Marble still developing steadily. So you opt out of using a line of your aria as you walk over to your unconscious friend and begin to focus on healing him with your magecraft.It only takes about thirty seconds before you take your hand away from Shirou and his eyes slowly start to flutter open. "Eh... Saber? Shinji? What's going on?" He should probably be alarmed at waking up covered in bandages, but it looks like he's more confused at the presence of you and Caster than anything else. Never change, Shirou. Saber looks genuinely relieved that you were telling the truth about healing Shirou, and Caster looks actually genuinely impressed by how potent your healing ability is. She doesn't say anything, but you can tell that she really wants to."You apparently managed to get yourself hurt, Shirou. Don't worry, you were healed up and should be fine to walk around now." You explain things to Shirou in a plain way, before you smile at your long-distance friend. "It's been quite a while since we last met like this hasn't it?" Far too long, really. But you just couldn't run the risk of the Einzbern finding out about your relationship with the Emiya family. They'd never trust you if they had cause to believe that you were allied with the adoptive son of the Magus Killer.
Now would probably be a good time to try to cement your alliances here. Not only with Shirou and Saber, but with Caster too. The sooner you can get that woman to agree to officially joining forces with you the better. You'll even offer to act as her Master if she doesn't have some way to avoid dying of mana loss without one. Now before starting up a faction, you're going to need to find of the best way to form said faction.>Tell Saber that the grail is corrupt and evil and that she needs to join forces with you to have a chance of not horribly dying.>Ask Saber if she received any wounds that are in need of healing, then pivot into a recruitment pitch.>Reveal the existence of Altered Servants to Shirou and Saber. They have a right to know.>Cook and then give Saber a Baked Sweet Potato. That ought to shut her up.>Ask Shirou if he's be OK to agreeing to an alliance>Write-in...
>>4463431>>Tell Saber that the grail is corrupt and evil and that she needs to join forces with you to have a chance of not horribly dying.>Reveal the existence of Altered Servants to Shirou and Saber. They have a right to know.
>>4463431All of them and glad my wife is in this. Hope we can convince her to join us.
>>4463431>Tell Saber that the grail is corrupt and evil and that she needs to join forces with you to have a chance of not horribly dying.>Ask Saber if she received any wounds that are in need of healing, then pivot into a recruitment pitch.>Reveal the existence of Altered Servants to Shirou and Saber. They have a right to know.>Cook and then give Saber a Baked Sweet Potato. That ought to shut her up.>Ask Shirou if he's be OK to agreeing to an allianceAll of that, in that order.How should we tell Illya?
>>4463431>Tell Saber that the grail is corrupt and evil and that she needs to join forces with you to have a chance of not horribly dying.>Ask Saber if she received any wounds that are in need of healing, then pivot into a recruitment pitch.>Reveal the existence of Altered Servants to Shirou and Saber. They have a right to know.>Cook and then give Saber a Baked Sweet Potato. That ought to shut her up.>Ask Shirou if he's be OK to agreeing to an alliance
>>4463431>Tell Saber that the grail is corrupt and evil and that she needs to join forces with you to have a chance of not horribly dying.>Reveal the existence of Altered Servants to Shirou and Saber. They have a right to know.These two are important just so they don't end up getting surprised by the enemy and the such, besides Saber might be able to better combat herself, so she'll understand if we are trying to save her for if her corrupted version comes along and making sure she doesn't engage in battle as soon as we see the enemy: Because her real opponent is someone none but her and Shirou can defeat.>Write-in...>Ask if Caster has already a master, if not, make Shirou both Saber and Caster's masterThere are two reasons why I am doing this:>If there's a chance of a meeting/alliance Illya might try to pull something underhanded beneath our noses, thus having Caster in the fast line is imperative as we'll need to protect Shirou in case we need to yeet him to Gil >We are probably aiming to become Shuten's master anyways and I'm dead sure having her suck on our reserves will restrain us severely, imagine adding Medea to it. Hell considering this anon >>4463472 there is a chance we might need to find a way to be Ibaraki's master and not die from sheer mana alone. >Saber and Caster can actually play off each other pretty well ability-wise, having Shirou as the glue that holds them together will be the strawberry on top of the cakeAlso probably call the rest and have them meet at our places and have Medea try and convince the group that "her" group will like to aid ours meanwhile we can act as mediators so as to make it "her" idea and not us, specially since Shirou'll be in it. This truce can also give Shirou and Illya time to bound.
>>4463488SupportAlso “how should we tell Illya”I think we should basically tell her the both Shirou and Illya. What I mean is inform each other of their existance. That is to say tell Shirou he has a sister and Illya that you know where Shirou is. HOWEVER. If we pull something like this, its a genuine risk. However in the end its high risk high reward is it not?
>>4463509It'll mostly guarantee Illya's breakdown though, one with the relation of kerry, and the other is it make us looks like we're betraying her because we kept secret about this and how it looks like we favor shirou more (Literally like kerry's doing)Expect her to runaway and closed you off and probably be killed.Tread carefully.
>>4463515>>4463509That's kinda the reason why I want to put a "vote" system to it so Illya doesn't think we are being unfair and hell, we can even "allow" her to take revenge on Shirou once she gets her servant back. Of course, if we let them develop natural interactions we should be relatively safe.
>>4463431>Reveal the existence of Altered Servants to Shirou and Saber. They have a right to know.
>>4463431Supporting >>4463488
>>4463505Speaking of Shuten sucking our reserves,>The woman in response tosses something at you... your missing foot.>were you the one who gave him that ability to heal, then?" She gestures at your rapidly healing stump.We technically have an endless supply of body parts to feed oni with. Also, are we just holding on to our left foot, socks and shoe still on it? It was never mentioned that we got rid of it.
>>4463678Just imagine that you dropped it in Caster's room.
"Anyway, I have some important news for you Shirou. This concerns you as well, Saber. I believe that Caster may have done some further research into it by now but..." You take a deep breath as you look Saber directly into the eye. "The grail is corrupt. It can't be used without the resulting wish being carried out in the most dreadful manner. To put it lightly, it's a cursed monkey's paw." This whole war is a total sham anyway. Why the hell did Alaya decide this would be the best time to get Saber's wish fulfilled? Is the avatar of the personification of humanity itself an idiot? Maybe.Saber's expression hardens and she glares directly at you. "Do you have a single shred of evidence to back that conclusion up?" The woman gives off a fierce and serious aura. Saber clearly isn't going to believe you from just being told the grail is corrupt. You'll need evidence. Thankfully though, you have that evidence."S-Saber! You don't need to talk to Shinji like that... He's probably only trying to help." Probably? Hey... Shirou, that lack of faith isn't appreciated here! Are you forgetting who just healed all your injuries!? You try not to take it as an insult. Shirou might not even realize just how much damage he had taken even with Avalon healing his wounds... Though from what you noticed, it seems that his opponent wasn't actually going for lethal strikes. Was he being toyed with?"Sorry... Shirou, but unless your friend elaborates on what he's talking about then I will have no choice but to treat him as an enemy." Yeesh, how desperate can you be? Somebody tries to help and you immediately jump to telling them you might be enemies? If she wanted to change things that badly, she ought to just go track down Zelretch or something. Though he'd probably just laugh at her as anybody in the right state of mind would."Boy oh boy... is the grail really that important to you, Saber?" The woman just continues glaring at you. Well, truthfully you know exactly how important Saber considers the grail. You also know that it's unlikely that even an uncorrupted grail would have the power needed to actually bring about her wish. After all, breaking time locks like the one placed on her country is something you would need the full power of a planet to overturn. Of course, that's not really what Saber wants anyway, she just wants to run away like a coward. To let somebody else face the burden of being king even though the result will be the exact same. "Do you mind if I put the manner of the grail aside for now? I need to ask you if you suffered any wounds from that battle." Saber might be desperate, but she's not an illogical person outside of her wish. She'll see reason when she's given evidence.
"Any injuries I sustained have already healed thanks to my being a Servant. My Master... I mean, Shirou, was in a far worse way than I was after the fight." Yeah, that sounds about right. Shirou always manages to find a way to one up other people when it comes to taking damage. You don't care all too much though, it just means you'll get to conserve your magical energy. Truth Healing doesn't exactly come cheap, after all. "Now, I believe you were going to elaborate on why you think the grail is corrupt?"You smile at the woman, who is still glaring at you from your previous revelation. Looks like she's not just going to let that go. "Caster, show her, if you don't mind." Caster nods and then conjures the image of the blackened version of Saber, who continually has a scowl on her face. You wonder just how much personality that the copy of Saber has. Is it a complete automaton or does it share her mind? Or at least a copy of it twisted to evil?"W-what am I looking at here? Is this some sort of..." Saber's voice is one of shock, before it quickly becomes one of somebody who realizes that their honor is being besmirched. For a knight like Saber, the King of Knights, no less, being shown a version of herself that has so obviously been twisted to evil must be a great wound to her pride. "You. Saber. That... is you." She looks a little unsure of things now. "It's not an illusion or a potential. That woman right there is alive and operating within this town. As far as I'm aware, she's a version of you who has been corrupted by the evils contained within the grail and is serving an as yet unknown Master, who possibly has a connection with Angra Mainyu." You may as well reveal all that you know."No... No that's... that's not possible." Saber goes pale and collapses to the floor. Shirou runs over to support his Servant and wraps an arm around her in order to support her."I'm afraid that it is possible, Saber, and deep down you know that I'm not showing you a fake image. Do you believe me about the grail now?""I... I just..." Saber is at a loss for words, she looks completely shellshocked by the appearance of her evil clone. To be fair though, you think just about anyone would have a similar reaction to Saber upon acquiring the knowledge that Saber just got given. She tries to force her emotions back under control and looks directly at you, the broken mask of sorrow that her face was twisting into replaced by a perfect visage of control. Deep down, Saber's emotions must be roiling like a great storm. "I understand. I'm... sorry for doubting the... current state of the grail, but... is it possible to repair it? To cleanse the evil contained within?"
"Well now, we won't know that unless we can actually get a good look at it, but the site of the Greater Grail is protected by enough Servants that getting close enough to examine the state of the ritual itself is almost completely impossible!" Caster then smiles, unexpectedly. "But I will say this, no matter what sort of evil it might be, it shouldn't be impossible to purge it." There's confidence in Medea's voice. The woman seems determined, well, she's probably the only Servant in this war who has a chance of repairing the grail unless any great saints or holy figures get summoned.You begin to head to the door and prepare to head to the kitchen. "Perhaps it will help everyone calm down a bit if we all had some food to discuss matters over? I don't know if you two Servants will partake in the food." That's a total lie, because Saber exists. "But I do know that Shirou hasn't actually eaten anything since he was injured... or well, unless you've force fed him while he was asleep, Saber.""It thankfully didn't get to the point where I was given no choice but to do th-" Saber begins to deny force-feeding her Master. Besides, you didn't for a moment think that she would have. Saber feeding somebody else? Preposterous."Can you stop talking about me like I'm still asleep, everyone? I'm fine now. Besides, this is my house and my kitchen, so I think that I should do the cooking." Shirou stakes his claim in being the one to cook... well you suppose lunch would be a better term for things given that it's already gotten to be afternoon. You hope that there's still time to go to the arcade with everyone after you've got this Caster then coughs into her hand. "It might be your house, boy, but you're still recovering from being wounded. It's quite obvious that you haven't fully adjusted just yet. While you've been healed to quite an exceptional level, it would be foolish to move about so much until you're certain your wounds won't reopen. The two of you ought to just allow me to do the cooking. You have an alliance to discuss, don't you?" The woman smiles at you and Shirou. Though Shirou doesn't seem convinced at all by her "We... Do... but what about you, Caster? Don't you need to discuss an alliance with me as well?" You still haven't gotten a straight answer out of the woman. You do really need to know if she's going to help you or not. While her saving Shirou and Saber was very helpful, they wouldn't have needed to be saved if Caster just agreed to aid you from the start.
"Oh I've already made my mind up about that." The woman smiles, apparently enjoying not telling you directly whether she's going to help you or not. That's... going to get quite annoying. You'll just chalk it up to one of her bad habits... one of her many bad habits. A lifetime of betrayal and being betrayed does tend to be a catalyst for developing such traits. Looks like you're going to have to be the one to decide just who does the cooking. It's Shirou's house, true, but it's clear that Caster also wants to be given a chance to do the cooking and she does have something of a point about Shirou's recovery. You're confident in your healing skill, but you aren't perfect. Shirou could still suffer fatigue from having been so heavily wounded. It's a wonder that he didn't lose any limbs last night with how badly he must've been torn up.>Then you'll all cook together.>Caster... isn't a great cook. You'll do it.>It's Shirou's house, so he's the one who gets to decide to cook.>You know what? Give Caster the chance. She might surprise you.>Write-in...
>>4463750>>Then you'll all cook together.
>>4463752Also we should tell Betty that we are fine and that She should stick with Illya for now.
>>4463750>>Write-in...Fuck it. Call Archer, make him come cook.
>>4463750>You know what? Give Caster the chance. She might surprise you.
>>4463750>it’s Shirou’s house, let him decideGive Betty a telepathic update and call Sakura. We kinda left them hanging. We need to hammer out the deal with Shirou and Medea, but then we’ll owe Illya the arcade. Maybe Sakura could take her shopping before we get back?And let’s not forget about the date with the demon later. Maybe we should tell Saber we have a plan to get at least one of the servants she fought to our side.
>>4463774We should not tell anyone about our future deal with Shuten for now. I feel like Saber and some of our allies may oppose taking man eating demon on our team. We can let them know once we are successful.
>>4463791Yeah, I am rather worried how this will come across, up front or ex post, it will be a problem.Then again, so will introducing Shirou as our best friend (preferably before Illya has her servant returned) since we already told Saber and Medea that we consider him such, and preventing something unpleasant when Touko makes another attempt to penetrate Medea's privacy...
>>4463798We don't have to introduce Shirou as our friend to our allies. We just have to introduce his as another master who is willing to help us with temple situation. Get him and Illya in the same room and let them sort out their differences (but make sure they don't kill each other). Once Illya no longer wants to kill Shirou we should admit that we lied to her.As for Touko we should just tell Medea what's up. Maybe get her to lower her anti-scrying barrier so Touko could see us with Shirou and realise that there is no longer a need to find him.
>>4463805I suggest we split the group. Let shirou group deal with the temple (alter), while we go with Illya. Soothing her grudge on the way and convinve her we're on her side until she fully trust us, then after she's fully ready we make her meet shirou.Or something like that.
>>4463814I think sending our group to the temple without us is a very bad idea. I would rather risk Illya hating us than risk our group suffering losses.Right now Illya has no allies except Shinji. We are her only hope to get grail. We should use this opportunity and make her talk to Shirou. She said that she wants to meet him and we brought him to her. Naturally we don't tell her we knew him for a decade. Once they talk there is a good chance that they manage to sort out their differences.
I think we should just steal Ruby and give it to Illya. Her survivability would increase so much with it.
So now we've got Medea on side I think we should move to enact the Dragonblood plan.I hope there's enough to power everyone up.
>>4463750>>Then you'll all cook together.OUR Kitchen comrades
>>4463750>we'll all cook together Togetherrrrr.
>>4463750>Then you'll all cook together.Let's have a feast to commemorate the creation of our team! We should also tell Betty through our link what's going on and then give Sakura a call, they must be worried sick considering we just decided to ditch them out of the blue.
>>4463750>Then you'll all cook together.
So, looks like you're going to get involved with the cooking with everyone else.What exactly do you want to cook?You can leave it up to me if you can't think of any ideas.
>>4463878Gyros with tzatziki for the caster and beef steak for her majesty might workShirou can make a pick.
>>4463878>>4463879I'll switch to that >>4463892
>>4463878Triple Meat, triple cheese, cheeseburgers with side of french fries, and Dr Pepper please.
>>4463878let's cook the colonel's finest
>>4463750>Then you'll all cook together.>>4463878>What exactly do you want to cook?Pierogi, blini, borscht and goulash.
>>4463878How about we let them focus on the main dish and we instead go for desserts? Like cake, pudding or something soft and sweet? I'm going for cake and maybe frozen lemonade, simple and fast
>>4463750>Write-in...>I don't mean to be rude, but I think I've left my other friends to fend for themselves long enough. Caster, do you think you could drop me off with them?>Oh by the way Shirou, Illyasviel von Einzbern still doesn't like you all that much so be careful how you deal with her. I haven't told her that we're friends so if you see us together could you pretend we're just acquaintances for the time being? Thanks bro.
Thinking it straight, I think this is the better choice. >>4463947, changing from >>4463941
>>4463947>fend for themselves Shopping?I mean, I suppose an argument could be made for leaving two super attractive lolis just loitering about in Japan, but I have faith in Betty and Illya's murdering skill should anybody be dumb enough to try anything.
>>4463947How about making one phone call and one mental link call instead of ditching our friend and two servants without discussing anything?
>>4463975They know what's up now, it's cool
>>4463982We need more firepower to assault the temple. We can't just leave two above average servants who are friendly and willing to ally with us.
>>4463991How does spending the better part of an hour cooking a meal assist in that? We can just call Shirou now that he's awake again.
>>4464000>How does spending the better part of an hour cooking a meal assist in that?It's an exercise in team building. We haven't spoke with Shirou in two years and Saber doesn't trust us at all. Do You really expect them to be at our beck and call after one 10 minute talk?
>>4464004exactly>>4463947can i vote AGAINST this? this is beyond stupid we were supposed to talk alliances with these two over dinner
>>4464000Cooking is epic
>Illya, I know I said I was going to spend the day with you, but I've been chatting with Caster for a while and decided to remove you from my friends list and swap in Caster instead. Get fucked.>>4464067Finally, a reasonable argument.I KNEEL!
>>4464138All we need to do is make a call to Sakura and tell her to hang out with Illya in the mall for an hour while we explain our situation to Shirou, get our stories straight and give him our house's address. Then we get back with Medea's teleportation.That's it. Girls were in the middle of picking clothes. They would spend some more time on that anyway. Now instead of being bored while they buy stuff we actually get to do important negotiations.You are really making a big deal out of nothing.
"You know what?" Everyone's attention is suddenly locked onto you. "Why don't we all cook? All three of us?" Really, it's the best way to avoid tensions forming and to ensure that this part of your alliance gets off to a good start. By having Shirou, Caster and yourself work together in a casual environment, it might make the true alliance more of a success."Are you... sure that's a good idea, Shinji? The kitchen might get a little cramped with all three of us working together." Shirou doesn't sound wholly convinced by the idea of having everyone cook in his kitchen, and him wanting to be the one doing the cooking is only a small part of his concern, it seems."Oh it'll be fine Shirou. We'll just have to have everyone work their own station, your kitchen is large enough to accommodate that." So long as everyone has their own role to fulfill, then there won't be any problems. It's only if everyone is forced to race around in the kitchen in order to prepare their parts of the meal that problems would begin to arise."I for one look forward to showing the two of you just how outclassed you are when it comes to my skills as a cook!" Caster seems sure of her own abilities, and it takes all you have to not just immediately burst out laughing in response to her totally incorrect comment. You don't really know how to break it to Caster, but she's really got nothing on Shirou as a cook. Of course, as you consider yourself equal to Shirou or greater in the culinary arts, she's got nothing on you either. Say what you want about the decline of mystery and the gradual weakening of humans... but when it comes to food, comparing what was available thousands of years ago to the food today is like comparing heaven and earth. There's no contest. Besides, Medea's skill in stuff like this is heavily limited anyway. She might've had training in things like this back when she was an actual princess, but as a Witch, you don't imagine she spent much time preparing food for herself. In fact, she almost certainly just used her magic to cook back when she was alive.You don't rise to Medea's hollow boasting about her skill, instead, you just look down in order to see that your other foot has regrown completely, just in time for you to help everyone else cook. It would've been terribly awkward if you were to just try to cook with only a single foot available to you. You're... going to need to sort something out before you actually start to cook first however. This meeting with Medea took far longer than you had expected it to, and it's only about to get longer as you spend your time cooking. "Alright everyone, I've decided on my own dish, a beef steak for Saber... And Caster... why don't you try your hand at making gyros? With tzatziki? You can do that, right?""Of course I can." The woman is really sure of her ability to cook, isn't she? You almost feel bad about the realization she's about to have happen to her in the next few minutes.
"Great! Shirou, I'll leave you to cook whatever you want, it's up to you to decide." You would feel wrong about trying to command Shirou on what he's going to cook in his own kitchen. It's weird enough that you're instructing Caster, but you feel like a Greek dish is one that the woman actually has a chance of cooking to an adequate degree. It's not that Caster is bad at cooking... more that she's just barely had the chance to hone her skill. "But... uh... Before we cook, I need to take care of something real quick, I kind of just left my allies waiting for me, so I need to take care of that before I get involved with cooking.Shirou nods. "Alright Shinji, but if you take too long, don't be surprised to find that there's no space in the kitchen for you to cook and that the steak has already been finished." Shirou has a confident smirk on his face, almost as if he's challenging you. Of course, he's almost certainly going to be busy with preparing whatever exactly he's going to settle on making.You step out of the room and head to the living room for a little bit of privacy while you contact your allies. As you step into the room, you notice Taiga sleeping on the floor. You... You don't even really know if you want to know how this came to pass. Whatever happened, Taiga has managed to sleep through half of the day... the most likely explanation is that Medea ended up hypnotizing the woman. It's probably easier for Taiga to remain asleep than it was to have her fretting over Shirou when he was so injured last night. It's... probably for the best.Of course, now you just need to think of what to tell your allies...>>Multi-vote (vote from one each)>Call Sakura, have her explain the situation to your allies.>Mentally contact Betty. Update her on things. >Contact both.>Tell your ally to lie to Illya about Shirou's involvement. >Have your ally tell Illya of Shirou's involvement .>Go a step further, have everyone meet up at the Emiya Residence. >write-in...
>>4464688>>Contact both.>Go a step further, have everyone meet up at the Emiya Residence.
I love our daughter wife.
>>4464688>>Contact both.>Have your ally tell Illya of Shirou's involvement .
>>4464688>>Contact both.>Go a step further, have everyone meet up at the Emiya Residence.Time for the loli aggro, let's rip this off like a bandaid.
>>4464688>Contact both.>Go a step further, have everyone meet up at the Emiya Residence.Remind ourselves that we need to tell Betty that she did a good job
>>4464688>Contact both.Sounds like a good plan>Go a step further, have everyone meet up at the Emiya Residence.Is this REALLY a good idea? I have a bad feeling about it in all honesty. I say this for one reason alone. Illya. Yes we would have to deal with it at somepoint but doing it this way.....I don’t know man. Its probably just me but I feel like things might not go over well.
>>4464688>Contact both.>Go a step further, have everyone meet up at the Emiya Residence.We're going to regret it if we don't deal with this situation.
>>4464688>Contact both.>Go a step further, have everyone meet up at the Emiya Residence.
>>4464688>Contact both.>Go a step further, have everyone meet up at the Emiya Residence.We just need to expose Ilya to Shirou for some time, and she'll realize he's a good guy, like in canon.
>>4464810More importantly, that they are basically in the same boat in how their father figure "abandoned", although it'd be closer to say that Kiritsugu kind of abandoned Shirou for Illya.
>>4464688>Contact both.>Go a step further, have everyone meet up at the Emiya Residence.I think we should just tell Ilya the truth.
I can't wait for Altrogue to appear and turn this holy grail war into an giant mess with her posse.Can you imagine she plans to turn us into an vampire and we have to use sacchin as an sacrifice to save our family/friends?>Altrogue with 2 more dead apostles from scratch (both capable of becoming dead apostles ancestors)
>>4464864I mean if we can study Betty's powers and see their limits we might be able to do something about it. I mean I know 0 about Tsukihime but I'm pretty sure an eldritch abomination at full power might be able to save our asses.
>>4464864Didn't she say she was coming after the war?
>>4464688>>Contact both.>>Go a step further, have everyone meet up at the Emiya Residence.For the love of God tell Shirou that Illya is coming before she arrives. And tell him not to bring up our friendship in front of her.
Rip Illya.She'll probably run away and killed on the spot.GG guys.
>>4464897Illya told us before that she wanted to meet Shirou. Even if she is gonna be mad at us it's better to make them meet now when she has no servant to kill Shirou with.
>>4464900Not if she's the one who retaliate, goes out alone, and got killed by another servant.It's a possibility regardless.
>>4464688>Contact both.>Go a step further, have everyone meet up at the Emiya Residence.Just fucking get it done
>>4464900>Not if she's the one who retaliateWhat do You mean "retaliate"? I am pretty positive nobody is going to attack her.I am not an expert on FATE characters but i don't think she is gonna just make a scene and run away. She may look like a little girl but she is an adult woman on the inside. Right now we are her only chance to get the grail even if she resents us.
I don't think enough people are taking the dragonblood plan seriously. To recap that's >befriend Medea>have her summon her dragon (truth could help if she can't by herself)>Beat the shit out of dragon/kill dragon/convince dragon to share blood>bathe in blood>acquire dragon powers>profitPotential benefits of Dragon Blood>Overpowered Damage Reduction Armor>Magic Core>Servant Level Parameters >Breath Weapon >Wings>Natural Weapons (claws or whatever)The only cons are that it might kill us, we might turn into a dragon and we need to fight a dragon.Still.Worth it.We can even power up our human allies.Illya too, maybe.Seriously it's the perfect plan.
>>4464929That sounds silly
>>4464921>I am pretty positive nobody is going to attack her.Yeah nah, being the lesser grail and all is an almost guarantee that our unknown enemy would like to either kidnap, use, or kill her.
>>4464929It's a good plan. But right now we have our hands full. We have to fix Illya's family drama and then go meet Shuten in the evening. Summoning at night is too risky since we can be attacked by others. If go through with dragon plan we should do it tomorrow. We also should ask Medea if it's even possible to pull off.
>>4464934What are You talking about? You said she is gonna retaliate and run away.Who is she gonna retaliate against? Among those who are present in Shirou's house none would attack her on sight.>being the lesser grail and all is an almost guarantee that our unknown enemy would like to either kidnap, use, or kill her.Yet another reason why she is NOT gonna just run away.
>>4464929Maybe we should solve the drama of our allies (mainly the drama between Illya and Shirou) before we embark upon Draconification. Seriously. I'm the kind of guy who would always choose to be the dragon but right now we have other things to worry about.
>>4464932It sounds silly but it's fundamentally sound.Don't you want to power Shirou up to the point where he's stronger than EMIYA?Nevermind how much stronger it could make us or Sakura or Monica or Rin or Illya.
>>4464942Nah shirou shouldn't get anything
>>4464944Fuck yourself.Shirou deserves a buff too.I don't understand you Shirouhaters.We don't need you spastics in this quest.It's not like we're in any danger from Shirou.Hell, there's even a spare Saber to pursue now if that's your game.AlsoDoes Clone Alter count as new pussy?
>>4464945He has Saber, he doesn't need a buff
>>4464947Saber got rekt already my dude.Everyone needs a buff.We should get her Rhongobongo and Avalon so she can defeat Alter.With ease.
>>4464938>Who is she gonna retaliate against?Us? We kept shirou being our close friend from her? That alone is already felt like betrayal to me.She could lose our trust, break the alliance and goes off by herself.Then during her alone time, our enemy could attack, and possibly kidnap or kill her because she's the lesser grail.Look, she's not dumb, but I don't think she would just accept having an alliance with shirou. She probably not going to run away like typical anime girl but she will broke apart from us and become an easy target for our unknown this sentence>I am pretty positive nobody is going to attack her.doesn't make any sense.
>>4464956Do You know what the word "retaliate" means? It means to make an attack in return for a similar attack.
>>4464688God damn it, why do these important votes happen when I'm busy?Ok, all of you folks saying that we should just up and tell Illya about our relationship with Shirou are brain dead. How many times does it have to be said? The girl, HATES her brother and she HATES be lied to about things she thinks are important. And her hate for Shirou is the most important thing in her life besides being the lesser grail. This isn't an "honesty is the best policy" or "let's just rip the bandage off fast and move on" situation, this issue strikes at the very core foundation of our relationship with Illya, and not giving it that level of importance will spell doom for Shinji, one way or another. As for what we should do instead, I already laid out a plan a few votes ago >>4462614>Gather everyone at a place Shinji has control over instead of what can be considered enemy territory>Have Medea be the spokesperson for herself and an undisclosed Saber and her master.>Then have Medea reveal that the master is Shirou and watch the loli sparks fly towards Caster instead of at us.>Act as an interested but shrewd neutral party, and for the most part let the others control the conversation.>Naturally if they're smart, even Illya will see that having Saber and Shirou with Caster is an undeniable great move.>Saber, Shirou, and Caster are now on our team. Shinji's relationship with Illya is undamaged. And we finally have a fighting chance against whatever the fuck is in the temple.It's the perfect plan! And yes, eventually we will need to reveal our truth to Illya, but things are still rocky and malformed. Wait until everyone is all buddy buddy power of friendship, before dropping truth bombs on people.
>>4464962>he doesn't have his sleep schedule tuned to this quest.Ngmi
>>4464962We don't have to tell Illya about our relationship with Shirou. That's not why we called her.
>>4464965I regret having a job and obligations every day of my life.A NEET life is necessary for combating the levels of shortsighted buffoonery that happens in this quest from time to time.>>4464967The idea that we would make everyone meet us at the Emiya Residence implies that we either have a level of trust with them already or that we're being made to do this against our will.So it begs the question, why does Shinji trust Emiya so much? All it would take is for Illya to ask Sakura what the deal with that might be and our shit is rocked, and even if we are able to recover with some well made excuse and some good acting, it's still one more completely unnecessary nail on our coffin. Even if you fuckers are dead set on simply getting everyone together, at least set the meeting place to be a more neutral zone instead of the base of a very skilled Caster and the residence of one of our ally's mortal enemies.But not, you guys go for the most brain dead choice and have no plan beyond, "get everyone in the same room and hope it works out."
>>4464972Thanks, I've been trying to say the same thing.
Alright fuck it.You know what?New plan assholes.Get Medea to scry for Kerry.Time for answers.
>>4464972Sorry but I don't agree with You.The way I see it is this:Caster shows up. She says she wants to talk and teleports us. Wherever she teleported us we meet a master who agrees to help us. There is a small problem tho — that master is Shirou Emiya. So we call Illya to make sure she is okay with that and two servants in case things go bad.>The idea that we would make everyone meet us at the Emiya Residence implies that we either have a level of trust with them already or that we're being made to do this against our will.We have also met Bazett on her territory before. Level of trust does not mean "best friends forever" it just means "this guy won't kill us probably".In the end it all depends on how we spin it for Illya.
>>4464975Fuck Kerry. He fucked us over with that church explosion.
>>4464977RETARD THIS SOLVES EVERYTHING. WE FIND KERRY WE STOP ILLYA HATING SWORD AUTIST.Besides the church bombing really helped.It got Kirei a supervisor, ended the suffering of the church orphans so weakened Gil and also ruined Kirei's afternoon.It was useful.
>>4464979It doesn't solve shit. It just gives Illya an extra target.If he is even present in this war that is.
>>4464976We call Illya, to her most hated enemy's house, that is probably under the control of the Caster that she doesn't know we can trust.Great move, wonderful play, totally the setting we want for her and her brother to reach mutual understanding.
>>4464980LookAll we need to do is find Kerry and we can resolve things.It's obvious.
>>4464981Why are You saying it like she is going there alone. There are gonna be 4 of our faction representatives beside her including two servants. If anything we have a numerical advantage.
>>4464983I am not against scrying for him.I am against scrying for him right this second. Even if he is alive and in town we have no means to reach him quickly. We need to concentrate on what's in front of us.
>>4464985And how does Illya know those people aren't also against her? The only people Illya was sure she could trust in this war is her maids and Shinji.But now Shinji seems to be in league with her hated brother and seems to be leading them into what could very well be a trap to capture her and her maids are miles away.This might sound like a far fetched line of thinking but Illya is an actual crazy person. She is not mentally stable, especially when it comes to anything Shirou related. If she thinks she's being cornered she's gonna start acting up and the last thing we want is a huge affection penalty AND having to knock the poor girl out. I really don't get why you're soo adamant about this clearly horrible idea. What are the benefits as opposed to the huge list of risks that you seem to shrug off like they're nothing? Why do things this way, when we have tons of other options?
Was a little busy earlier.Now writing.
>>4464992What options? She is quite literally a time bomb, and I'm not waiting till she blows up in our face after she eventually finds out about our connections to Shirou.
>>4465051Fuck off, we can defuse that bomb if we actually want it.
>>4465051She's a time bomb sure, but what you seem to want to do is blow it up in our face as soon as possible for literally no reason, rather than taking any precautions or even trying to defuse the bomb altogether. I've already made my preferred plan clear, but you can do 101 other things besides what we're doing right now and they'd be better options than what was voted for.
Just kill Illya.
>>4465072This but instead it's shirou
>>4465076To be fair getting him into situation where he surely dead ends himself like all those times in F/SN is probably going to be common place unless accounted for in every plan.
>>4465076Yeah, I can get behind this. This qst really proved how retarded shiroufag are.
>>4465142Illyafags aren't much better if you ask me.
>>4465184And why is that? The way I see it, this "illyafags" you speak of actually think about the outcome.While the other part just forgoes everything without thinking much at all.
>>4464688>>Contact both.>>Go a step further, have everyone meet up at the Emiya Residence.
>>4465197Shiroufags are brain dead, on the other hand you have Illyafags who are screeching every time their waifu is mentioned. In my opinion both of them are annoying in their own unique ways.
>>4465220I'm just a oni/manaka Fag
>>4465222Manaka conspiracy theories are at least hilarious to read. Everyone is secretly Manaka, even you anon.
>tfw like shirou and illya and want both of them to be happy.Why are you all autistic retards who can't help but screech at each other?
'Betty! Can you hear me?' You call out to your Servant through the mental link.'Mhm, what's going on over there, Master? Will you be back soon? You get a response almost instantly. Betty doesn't seem worried about you, looks like she's confident that your choice was the right one.'There's been... something of a change of plans. I won't be returning to you lot for a while yet, so I'm going to have to ask you to go meet up with Sakura. She'll have more information as to what you should do.' You don't really want to reveal too much to your Servant in case she spills things to Illya. While you think you can trust your Servant, it's not like she'd understand the relevance of 'Emiya Residence' regardless, and you have absolutely no faith in her being able to navigate to Shirou's home by herself even if you gave her the address. Fuyuki is quite a confusing city to navigate, honestly.'Ok. I understand.' Your Servant agrees to follow your plans, but it's pretty clear that she's just a little bit disappointed by the cancellation of the day out... well, it's not actually canceled, more like it's delayed till later on. You have until nightfall anyway and it's only around noon right now. They can all enjoy themselves a little later on, you're sure that there will still be time. Of course, the biggest problem here is Illya. But with any luck, you'll be able to play this whole situation off as coincidental. Of course, this does mean that you'll need to avoid anybody making mention of your prior relationship with Shirou, but all you need to do is give Sakura the proper information and things should be fine. Oh, you'll also need to make sure that Medea and Shirou are both aware of the situation themselves. While you know that eventually you're going to need to reveal the truth about everything to Illya. Revealing that truth when she's still ready to torture her brother to death probably wouldn't mean your relationship would continue being a positive one. Even if she hasn't actually got a Servant and would therefore have no means to oppose you, she'd never trust you again. Really, you're playing things dangerously as it is by not revealing the truth to Illya about Shirou already. Thankfully, Shirou is a good person, and Illya will be able to see that. Her murderous rage for her brother with any luck will cool off into something far less deadly at that point. When you're finished with the mental link to Betty, you pull your phone out and begin to dial Sakura. The girl on the other end picks up almost immediately. "What's up, Onii-chan? Rider and I were just on our way back to you. Did you change your mind and go into another shop?" Sakura's voice is completely neutral as she asks her question.
"Not at all, Sakura. In fact, quite the opposite. I'm not actually at the shopping district at all anymore." It's probably better to get this over and done with. No matter how you go about explaining things, you're just going to have to explain things. "What happened is...""H-huh?" You get a response before you're finished speaking. "Well where are you then?" Looks like you're going to have to clarify yourself despite actually being in the middle of doing so. Oh well, it's no big deal."I'm at Shirou's house with... well, Caster and Saber. Shirou is the Master of Saber and..." You're suddenly cut off by Sakura, which is something you didn't expect"D-did you just abandon us all and drive off to meet up with Shirou?" In that single moment, you swear that the tiniest hint of a threat enters Sakura's voice. It's not something you think she would ever actually act on, but it's a firm reminder as to just who the girl on the other end of the mobile can become."W-wait a minute. Hold on!" Sakura seems to have gotten the wrong idea very quickly. "Of course I didn't, Sakura. I... well, Caster wanted to speak in private and she teleported me away. It turns out that she's decided to set up her temple at Shirou's house."I... I see..." Sakura seems a little bit shocked still. It's a pretty massive thing to just be told that you've effectively been kidnapped. "What about your Servant? Is she with you?" Sakura proceeds to ask about Betty. You really hope that she's getting along well with Illya in your absence."She was forced to remain behind. Caster is... a little paranoid about things right now. But they seem to be trustworthy at least." So far, Caster hasn't done anything that would lead you to believe that she doesn't deserve to be trusted. The worst thing she's done is cut off one of your feet entirely by accident, and that really only happened because Medea used a spell that wasn't exactly... suited to being able to teleport you. Luckily you can heal practically any wound, so there's no real harm done."Uh-huh." Sakura's voice goes a little bit flatter as she picks up on the gender of the Caster that teleported you to Shirou's home. "So you just went off with an unknown Caster... why, exactly?" Sakura probes for more answers"I... I have no good answer to that. I just knew that she was the type of person I could trust. Also... she technically owes me a debt for saving her life." You really doubt that Medea is the sort of person who would pay kindness back with cruelty. In fact, you know she's not at all the sort of person who would do something like that unless she thought she had no other choice but to do so.
"Alright, Alright. Fine, but would it kill you to tell me about this sort of stuff before you go ahead with it? I worry about what might happen to you sometimes, Onii-chan..." Sakura's voice becomes a little sad. "Even you can't do everything by yourself, right?" Sakura is clearly just worried about you. It's true, you are being a little bit overworked by the war. But there's so much to do and you're about the only person who you have complete and total faith in being able to accomplish what needs to be done."Right... sorry, Sakura." You apologize to your adoptive sister. You probably should learn to start informing your allies of your actions more often. Even if their knowledge might decrease the potential chances for success, it's becoming increasingly obvious to you that people really don't like being kept in the dark about things. You might just have to have the odds of success take the fall. After all, if nobody trusts you or likes you, what's the point behind all these plans anyway? "Anyway, I'm calling you up because I need to ask you to bring everyone over to meet up at the Emiya Residence. OK? But there's... one crucial detail that I'm going to need you to make sure that you don't bring up." Sakura waits for you to keep talking this time, apparently done with interrupting you. "It's about Shirou. I'm going to need you to pretend that you don't know him outside of him being in the year above you at school. The same will go for me... Illya... she has a... grudge, against Shirou. I'll tell you the specifics if you want to know a little later, but for now we need our relationships with Shirou to remain perfectly disguised." "Is that all we need to do? I suppose that'll be easy enough. But... I don't know how well Shirou will do when it comes to something like this..." Seems that Sakura is worried that Shirou will blow it. Shirou is just the sort of person most people wouldn't even think could even begin to tell a convincing lie.You chuckle briefly. "Oh I wouldn't worry about that. Shirou is actually pretty good at deception when he puts his mind to it." After all, if he was no good at lying and couldn't ever become decent at deceit. Then a certain red cloaked Archer wouldn't be nearly so proficient at hiding his true identity from the people who were closest to him in life... Though honestly, EMIYA may just get around being recognized like that by purposely staying away from Taiga and Sakura. Both of those women at that point knew Shirou the best, and may very well have blown his cover if he remained in their company for long enough. Ah well, so long as Shirou doesn't blatantly give the game away, things ought to be fine. "I'll see you soon, Sakura."
"See you soon, Onii-chan." The two of you both hang up at roughly the same time after sharing brief farewells. You'll be meeting Sakura again very shortly anyway. You walk back into the kitchen to see Caster and Shirou in the middle of cooking food already, Shirou was kind enough to get all the ingredients that you need to cook your own chosen dish out for you. How very considerate of him.Caster and Shirou are already getting pretty far ahead of you in their own cooking, so you quickly jump in to start preparing your steaks. As you do, you start talking to your fellow chefs. "We're... going to have a few extra guests. Sakura and her Servant will be here soon. My own Servant should arrive with them too." Shirou nods in understanding, simply moving to start preparing more food. Caster seems far too focused on her own cooking to pay much attention to what you're saying though. "And... one more person is going to be with them, Shirou... Kiritsugu's daughter and your adoptive sister... Illyasviel von Einzbern." Shirou freezes in place."My... sister? She's here?" Shirou seems to be taken completely off guard. Looks like he wasn't expecting you to reveal that."That's right, Shirou. But... well there's no easy way to say this, but we're going to need to pretend like we don't know each other... Illyasviel... She... She has a grudge against you because of what her family taught her. I knew that she hated you, so I was... forced to conceal my own relationship with you." It's a pity that you had to lie to Illya in the first place, but you kind of needed to befriend both her as well as Shirou. Hopefully she doesn't take it too poorly when she eventually realizes."I think... I think I understand." Shirou says slowly. "You're... Makiri-san, from school, right?" Shirou calls you by a formal version of your name. One that indicates a certain distance between the two of you."That's right, Emiya-san. So remember, for the purposes of this war, we only know each other from passing at school, and we were brought together by Caster's actions, alright?" Your stories are mostly sorted out now, and only at that moment do you notice Saber standing opposite the kitchen watching all three of you like a hawk... or well, that's not entirely true. Saber is in fact watching the food like a hawk. You don't even know if she realized you were talking to Shirou."Got it." Shirou seems to understand what he needs to do. Hopefully, he doesn't blow this. Illya will be tremendously upset when she realizes, and if she realizes before she's actually manages to start to get along with Shirou, then your relationship with her is over, you know that much, at least.
"Right. Well, lets just focus on cooking for now, shall we?" Shirou nods at you once again, and you all focus on actually preparing your own dishes. Between the three of you, you're cooking a veritable feast. But that's fine, Saber has basically an unlimited appetite anyway, so it's not like any food is going to go to waste...Almost thirty minutes later, and you're just about finished in the kitchen before you hear the chime of a doorbell. Looks like everyone else has arrived. >"I'll go get that. Alright?">"Caster, could you get the door please?">"Saber, would you mind? You aren't doing anything else right now.">Say nothing and let Shirou answer the door.>Write-in...
>>4465310Have Saber get it, we all have our hands full.
>>4465310>”I’ll go get that, if that’s alright with you...?”Time for damage control and tightrope balancing... hopefully the lunch will come out good enough to mitigate the troubles.Also, check who’s in front of the door before opening. We’re assuming it’s our gang, but...
>>4465310>>"I'll go get that. Alright?"
>>4465310>"Saber, would you mind? You aren't doing anything else right now."
>>4465310>"I'll go get that. Alright?"
>>4465310>"I'll go get that. Alright?"Hoping for Rin and Archer.
>>4465310>"I'll go get that. Alright?"Anons, it's keikaku time.
>>4465310>>"Saber, would you mind? You aren't doing anything else right now."
>>4465310>>"I'll go get that. Alright?"Just call out from behind a wall or something to make sure it isn't an enemy before we open it.
>>4465310>"Saber, would you mind? You aren't doing anything else right now."If its something strange, then Saber will tank it.
>>4465310>"You do it Seiba."
We know that Iskandar Alter is probably around, so shouldn't we call Waver?We also need to find out if it's possible to revert Servant Blackening. We've got Touko and Medea so I'd say our chances are pretty good at it.Also getting Waver to Japan gives us access to Rhongomyniad for Saber.That'll bring her power up and rank up her Strength, Endurance and Agility.As well as giving her the total bullshit Noble Phantasm itself. Then there's Avalon which would make her practically immortal and capable of becoming completely invincible.Powergaming Saber is super strong.
>>4465414I think calling Waver is a good idea that could backfire drastically. I fear that if a clocktower learns how fucked the War got they could send a cleaning team to Fuyuki.
>>4465414>shouldn't we call Waver?Absolutely not. The guy has some major PTSD and I wouldn't want to put him through meeting altered Iskandar. There's also the matter of bringing clocktower as a faction to what already is a clusterfuck of a holy grail war, which is a terrible idea.
>>4465310>Saber, would you mind? You aren't doing anything else right now."
>>4465310>Write-in...>saber could you be useful for once in your life? Get the damn door.
>>4466127Based. Support.
>>4466127Holy based
>>4466127Lmao.Support.Also I wonder what Saber thinks of this since she knew ilya from her childhood. The only reason she doesnt realise in stay night is cus ilya looks like she hasnt mentally aged at all. But now that we've basically told her...
Quick test.Onions sauce.Basedsauce.BasedbeanOnions bean.
>>4466290God fucking damn it.Thanks a lot, word filters.This is all /pol/'s fault.
"Saber, would you mind? You aren't exactly doing anything else right now." You call over to the King of Knights as she loiters about the dining room watching the cooking with hungry eyes. It's really hard to think of this girl as a legendary king when she's like this. Even though she's wearing her actual Servant outfit right now, she still looks like a complete non-threat. Of course, you aren't so foolish as to completely dismiss the threat represented by Saber. She's a top class Servant in her own right, and you might just be able to organize things in such a way that she becomes the most powerful Servant in this war. There are two Noble Phantasms for her that she can use that you could feasibly get your hands on, one is only a phone call away, and the other is in her Master... who might end up needing it more than she does, at least until things are a little more certain.Saber shakes her head and exits a strange sort of daze as she registers your command, looks like she's so hungry that it's clouding her judgement. Hunger is the enemy indeed. "Oh, right. These are your allies, I take? I can feel the presence of two Servants waiting outside the house." Her expression hardens a little as she registers the potential threat. She probably would've prepared herself for a fight without prompting, but she was just a little bit distracted by the idea of being able to eat food. You can't actually remember if she actually ate once in Zero."That's almost certainly them, but remain on guard, we're waiting for... uh... four girls. Two of them appear to be young girls with pale blond hair and the other two are older women with purple hair and..." You cut yourself off as you realize that your allies are basically arriving in two matching sets. Though Betty and Illya don't look that similar outside of their small stature and similar somewhat antiquated fashion sense, and Sakura and Rider don't really share too many qualities with each other... well, they share a few, at least, and you don't just mean in hair color.
Saber walks off to go and answer the door. You wonder if Taiga has woken up yet, She was just lying on the floor in the living room last time you checked. To be honest, it's not really likely that Shirou is going to go into that room any time soon anyway. He's not really the sort of person who watches much TV, and there's not much else in that room to do other than that. Explaining things to Taiga later on is going to be a pain if she wakes up when the house is full of girls and women. Even you're at a loss of how you'll explain things to Taiga, it's not like you're actually going to have to do anything like that. You'll let Shirou do it. You have faith in his way to bumble his way through to a convenient misunderstanding with Taiga. Not like he can use the 'She's a friend of Kiritsugu's' excuse again... well that's not entirely true. In fact, Taiga might be so distracted by the fact that Illya is Kiritsugu's daughter that she doesn't even question the presence of Rider and Caster. Betty you can probably just play off as one of Illya's friends or something... It's really not that far from the truth seeing as they did seem to get along at least. You finish your own cooking shortly after Saber leaves the room, cutting up the last steak and serving it in a bowl alongside a portion of rice and an assortment of sautéed vegetables flavored with garlic, it's a fairly simple dish, but it's still very visually appealing. Shirou meanwhile is in the finishing stages of his own dish, by the looks of it, he seems to have made Miso Nikomi Udon, the presentation is excellent, as you would expect of Shirou. Meanwhile, Caster seems incredibly proud of her own dish, while it's clear that she put a lot of heart into it, and it probably tastes pretty good... the presentation isn't all there. It's clear that Caster must've struggled just a little while she was quietly focused on her cooking. She... She did her best, that much is clear. As you are putting the finishing touches on your own food, Saber enters the room once again, shortly followed after by Sakura and Rider, then Betty... and then after a good thirty seconds, Illya enters the room with a deep frown. She's glaring daggers into Saber's back and her displeasure only deepens when she notices Shirou cooking in the kitchen.Shirou, having completed the last of his own finishing touches, goes over to greet his guests. "Ah! You must be... Makiri-san's allies. He told me that you'd be coming. "I uh... I already kind of know you from school, you're... Makiri-Tohsaka-san, right?" Shirou is actually doing a fairly good job at pretending not to know either of you. Not a great job, but it's a convincing enough effort.
"That's right, Emiya-san. I suppose that saves time on my own introduction, this right here is Rider. She's my Servant." You get a good look at Rider, who's wearing the casual outfit you expected her to go for. Namely, a black woolen turtleneck and jeans along with the Mystic Eye Killers you acquired for her. She looks at Shirou impassively, not allowing any emotion to show on her beautiful face, and she is beautiful. You wouldn't call her the most beautiful woman that you know, but damn if she isn't a contender for it. You're basically surrounded by beautiful women at this point, you sigh. A little put-off by Rider's silent reaction to him, Shirou then turns to your Servant and the platinum blond haired girl practically hiding behind a girl who appears even younger than she does.Betty's own outfit is somewhat similar to something Illya would wear, a dark purple almost black winter coat covers most of her body, and you can only make out a small amount of the long black and purple dress she's wearing underneath the coat. She was supposed to get an outfit that would make her stand out less, however, this is barely any better than her previous outfit! Well, you suppose that as long as the coat stays on, you can barely see the dress underneath. "Good afternoon. You can call me Betty. Shinji over there is my Master, but you probably already guessed that." Your Servant points at you before she quickly makes her way over to your side to stand next to you before waiting for Shirou to reply to her introduction. Clearly being less comfortable around everyone else, especially when Illya is trying to use her to take cover from her brother's gaze. Illya must really think that Shirou is a terrible person. You wonder what lies she was fed about Kiritsugu and his son by the Einzbern... well, you say 'by the Einzbern' but you really just mean 'by Acht'. He's the only one who really has any decision making power at all in the entire family.
There's a long moment of silence as the two siblings lock eyes with each other, none of them flinching away as they stare right at each other. This would be around the part where Illya would order her Servant to slaughter both Shirou and Saber if she had access to one, but as things are, she's practically helpless against Shirou and obviously knows she can't just rely on you to assist her in doing what she wants. Illya ought to realize that if she wants this war at all salvaged, she needs to put aside her dislike for Shirou, but she's clearly not happy about seeing him. Shirou on the flip side is pretty obviously ecstatic about finally getting to meet his sister, but even he knows that he shouldn't let that emotion show. Illya is dangerously unstable when it comes to matters relating to her perceived abandonment. >Just let things play out naturally. Have faith in Shirou.>Intervene and break the two up before somebody says something they might end up regretting.>Just reveal the truth to Illya about Kiritsugu and your relationship with Shirou yourself.>Write-in...
>>4466323>let them speak, have some faith in ShirouIntervene only if things begin getting out of hand. Also apologize to Illya for interrupting the outing, promise we’ll make it up to her.
>>4466323>let them speak, have some faith in ShirouSpill the beans on Kerry and the Einzbern if things go too far south.
>>4466323>Just let things play out naturally. Have faith in Shirou.Trust in romcom protags skills bois.
>>4466333Well actually apologize to all of them, it’s just it’s likely most critical with Illya.Although given grail shenanigans we ought to be concerned for both her and Sakura’s wellbeing.
>>4466323>Just let things play out naturally. Have faith in Shirou.
Betty is the cutest! >>4466323Have faith in shitrou.
>>4466323>>Just let things play out naturally. Have faith in Shirou.I have a bad feeling about this
>>4466323>Just reveal the truth to Illya about Kiritsugu and your relationship with Shirou yourself.
>>4466323>let them speak, have some faith in ShirouOh poor Acht, whatever lies he told about Shirou will hold no water due to him being so insufferably self sacrificial and all about helping people.
>>4466323I support this.>>4466333We also should apologise to everyone not just Illya.
>>4466323>Just let things play out naturally. Have faith in Shirou.Have faith in the eroge protagonist!
>>4466323>Just let things play out naturally. Have faith in only took her meeting him like 3 times to start liking him in the Fate route, just wait a bit and it will be fine.
>>4466553The first 2 result in his death though.
>>4466565yeah, but she doesn't have Heracles this time around.
>>4466323>let them speak, have some faith in ShirouLet the traumatized good guy do the talking, he'll reach through to her in no time
No. You can't keep interfering in this. You're just going to have to hope that Shirou is capable of convincing Illya to reevaluate her opinion on him sooner rather than later. One of the biggest things stopping Illya from actually liking Shirou close to the start of the war was her access to the means to completely dismember him and turn him into a crushed pile of gore and limbs in an instant thanks to having Berserker. Illya has something of a temper, after all, and she's unlikely to listen to somebody who she considers to be a cause of her pain when she has the means to immediately rid herself of it.The two siblings continue to stare at each other for some time, both of them not about to back down from the other as they finally meet. Illya really doesn't seem to know what to think of Shirou and why he's staring at her so intensely. After all, Shirou shouldn't actually know about her at all if Kiritsugu truly abandoned her, right? Of course, the correct assumption to make would be to believe that Shirou was somehow informed about his connection to her potentially by the one person who actually knows, but Illya is far too shaken to make that connection right now."So." Eventually, the long silence is broken as Shirou finally speaks up. "You must be Illyasviel von Einzbern, right?" The girl makes no reaction as she's addressed, and Shirou keeps talking. "Shinji said that you'd be coming along with the rest of his allies, and... I'm glad that we finally got to meet each other, It's just such a shame that dad isn't here...""What... did you just say?" Illya finally talks, and her voice is full of vitriol for the pure-hearted boy in front of her. You really feel for Shirou as he tries his hardest to explain things to Illya properly. You're pinning all your hopes on his ability to deal with this situation. You don't think your faith is misplaced though. He's a pretty charismatic young man when he wants to be.
"I... I said that Kiritsugu would've been happy to have seen you. We're siblings, aren't we? Well, adoptive siblings, if you want to be technical about things." Shirou just shrugs as he clarifies the lack of blood relation between himself and the girl that has built half of her life around the idea that Kiritsugu betrayed her and taking revenge and the other half around being the grail, neither of which seem to be playing out in the way that she expected them to. "I've got to say, you're... younger than I was expecting you to be." Shirou seems a little bit confused by Illya's childlike body. "I'm pretty sure that I was told you were my older sister, so this is... kind of a surprise." He scratches the back of his head. "He... He didn't talk to me about you very often, I think that he wanted to keep me away from magecraft, so I didn't do something like go off and try to save you... that's... that's why he went missing, and honestly, he's been gone for so long now, I can't imagine that he's going to be coming back now." There's a tone of finality in Shirou's voice as he accepts the likelihood that Kiritsugu died somehow. "The last time I saw him he went off on a trip to go and save you, then he never came home... I can only imagine that he didn't survive the attempt." Recalling the likely death of his father figure still manages to make Shirou visibly upset. Guess he can't really come to terms with Kiritsugu dying after all that happened."Liar!" Illya yells, almost screams at Shirou as her world view is on the verge of being completely shattered by the new light shed on things. "Kiritsugu killed my mother and abandoned me! He betrayed the Einzbern! He destroyed the Holy Grail!" She basically unloads all her reasons for hating her father onto Shirou at once, and while it's not as effective an attack as having Berserker turn him into pulp, it's pretty effective against Shirou as a verbal assault.While you didn't really want to interfere, you kind of don't really have a choice but to do so here. Shirou just doesn't have the information he needs to defuse this particular line of thought that Illya is going down, and he obviously won't know how to react to the information that Kiritsugu killed his wife. "Illyasviel, I know that it's not really my place to interfere with this, but I think... I think there might've been a reason behind Kiritsugu Emiya's actions in the last war. You've seen the corruption in the grail, haven't you? What if that corruption was already in the grail during the last war? Kiritsugu... he might've had no choice but to destroy the Holy Grail." You carefully take a glance at Saber out of the corner of your eye, the blue garbed swordswoman has a complicated expression on her face as she discovers the cause behind what must've been a very recent betrayal for her. In fact, to her it must've really only felt as if it happened yesterday.
"B-but..." Illya looks at you with desperation in her eyes as you agree with Shirou. You don't like upsetting Illya, but you dislike the idea of letting her kill her brother over some perceived slight that genuinely has no reason to exist. Even if you did believe in the concept of the son paying for the sins of the father, Kiritsugu's ultimate action in the war when he destroyed the Holy Grail were justified, and that's about the only thing that the Einzbern have against Kiritsugu, it's not exactly like a family of reclusive magi like the Einzbern would care at all about the loss of life brought about by Kiritsugu's actions as the magus killer back when he was... plying his trade, so to speak.Shirou sighs as he slumps at Illya and tries to give her a comforting smile "Look, I don't really know all too much about what dad did, but I know that he wasn't a bad person, Illya. He... disappeared quite a lot, for weeks at a time, and only later on did I realize why he did it." Shirou leans backwards and sighs once again. "All that time, he was trying to get to you." There's a sad tone to your friends voice as he recounts what truly motivated Kiritsugu Emiya."H-he... he was?" Illya doesn't sound entirely convinced just yet. But she's obviously losing her resistance to the truth. You would've much preferred this to have been done slowly over time, but in hindsight, this was probably the only way that this could have happened. Especially with Illya lacking her own Servant, while she trusts her maids and you to an extent, it's doubtful that a relationship of absolute trust like the one she had with Berserker could ever develop, simply because you aren't a nearly mindless tool dedicated to carrying out her every whim. Even the absolutely terrible ones like murdering her family members. It's funny just how opposed that Heracles would've been to the idea of kin-slaying if he was actually sane. As a man forced to kill his own family by a bout of madness brought upon him by the gods, he'd fiercely try to get Illya to reconsider her actions, you think.Saber clicks her tongue in irritation, seems that she's got a few words to say about her previous master. She doesn't look very happy about this whole situation, you can only hope that she doesn't hold Kiritsugu's methods or forced betrayal against him. "Kiritsugu Emiya." Shirou and Illya both look in Saber's direction as she says the man's name. "Was my Master in the last grail war." It suddenly occurs to you that everyone present except Shirou and maybe Caster is aware of Saber's true identity. "It was ten years before today, give or take a few weeks, from what I gather." Saber's voice is quiet.
"You... remember the last war?" Illya sounds a little bit confused by Saber's admission, of course, she's not really put two and two together about the two Sabers being the same person just yet. It's funny, Saber ought to realize just who Illya is now that this conversation is happening. It's kind of strange that she never realized in the original story, but you'd probably do best not to think about that too much, lest you give yourself a headache trying to excuse things."I do." Saber's face is a mask once again, despite how conflicted she must be feeling deep down after everything she's learned already. Context is important, and Saber isn't really the sort of person to hold a grudge against somebody if she knows that their motives were pure. It's not like the grail could've been used to accomplish Saber's wish anyway. Of course, it's also not like she would've ever managed to defeat Gilgamesh in that situation. After all, if an Excalibur empowered by the last of Kiritsugu's Command Spells couldn't finish off the King of Heroes from a distance through his golden armor. Then it's pretty obvious that Saber was completely outclassed by Gilgamesh in every single way. She was totally doomed no matter what Kiritsugu did. "I won't say much of my previous Master. I... disagreed with his methods when we collaborated in the last war. He was far too ruthless in how he dealt with his enemies. I will however say that he... he sacrificed everything for the chance to win the Holy Grail. He wasn't the sort of person to just give up on something like that, nor is it sensible to believe he did all he did merely for the chance to betray the Einzbern. There were plenty of times where he could've done a far better job of it, after all." Saber's expression becomes stern and almost threatening. "Had he wished to do so, he would've been able to simply command me to wipe out the Einzbern when I was summoned to their castle. From what I could tell of them, there would've been absolutely nothing that they could've done to prevent me from succeeding should this order have been given to me." Saber is blunt with Illya.Illya slumps against a wall, unable to cope with everything that's been said, before Shirou takes a step towards her. "Do you believe me, Illyasviel? Or do you still hate Kiritsugu and I? I can't hold it against you if you still hate me, but I'd really prefer that you didn't hate dad. As far as I understand, he really tried his hardest for you." Ever the selfless individual, Shirou offers to accept Illya's hatred without even flinching. He'd probably think twice about doing something like that if Berserker was around, but whatever.
"I... I..." Illya is clearly conflicted with the emotions she must be feeling. Of course, depending on how much of the story she actually truly believed, she'd still feel betrayed, only that betrayal will no longer be directed towards her father and the boy he adopted, but instead towards her 'grandfather'. She tries to compose herself as she makes her response in an almost inaudible voice. "I... don't.... I don't..." She looks at Shirou one last time before she dashes out of the building... you have no idea where exactly she intends to head, but even Sakura can outrun her on account of her tiny size and frail body, and Sakura hates pretty much any form of exercising! You can only imagine that Illya just allowed her emotions to overflow and now just doesn't know what she should do.Shirou is hesitating as he looks at Illya slowing running down the path out of his house. She's in truth running about as fast as she can go, which is about a light jogging pace for you or Shirou. It's pretty obvious that Shirou wants to go after her, but he's hesitating. It looks like he doesn't want to upset Illya any further than he already has.>Encourage Shirou to go after Illya. He's the only person who can properly explain things to Illya, and he's the one that she has to forgive.>Have Rider bring Illya back. She's the fastest Servant here, and also the most agile. You trust that she'll be gentle with Illya too.>Tell Shirou to wait here, then have Betty come with you to observe Illya while unseen. She needs time by herself, but that's a luxury for the lesser grail, especially when she hasn't got a Servant of her own to protect her.>Chase after Illya yourself. You need to make sure that she's feeling OK after the rapid fire revelations that just occurred. It's not easy to deal with the knowledge that your entire life has basically been built on lies.>Write-in...
That took far longer than it should have to get done. My apologies.Also, I got bored while waiting for the post counter to tick down.I wish that our post counter was only thirty seconds for text replies like the sticky says.
>>4467305>>Chase after Illya yourself. You need to make sure that she's feeling OK after the rapid fire revelations that just occurred. It's not easy to deal with the knowledge that your entire life has basically been built on lies.She needs our support.
>>4467305>>Encourage Shirou to go after Illya. He's the only person who can properly explain things to Illya, and he's the one that she has to forgive.It's their business, let Shirou handle it.
>>4467305This is our time to be the comfort illya needs. Go after her.
>>4467305>Encourage Shirou to go after Illya. He's the only person who can properly explain things to Illya, and he's the one that she has to forgive.
>>4467305Chase after her ourselves
>>4467305Need to think about this, but in case I can't decide just make sure a servant accompanies whoever goes.
>>4467305>Encourage Shirou to go after Illya. He's the only person who can properly explain things to Illya, and he's the one that she has to forgive.We should probably follow him just in case, far enough so they can have some privacy but close enough that if something happens we're ready to respond.
>>4467305>>4467319Also Betty should follow us in spirit form just in case.
>>4467305>Encourage Shirou to go after Illya. He's the only person who can properly explain things to Illya, and he's the one that she has to forgive.Why not send Rider after him to watch over him? They did that in the original VN didn't they?
>>4467305>Chase after her>make sure to have a Servant follow us in case of trouble.
>>4467305>>Chase after Illya yourself. You need to make sure that she's feeling OK after the rapid fire revelations that just occurred. It's not easy to deal with the knowledge that your entire life has basically been built on lies.
>>4467305>Chase after Illya yourself. You need to make sure that she's feeling OK after the rapid fire revelations that just occurred. It's not easy to deal with the knowledge that your entire life has basically been built on lies.
ᵀᵉˢᵗᶦnᵍ ˡᶦᵗᵗˡᵉ ˡᵉᵗᵗᵉʳˢ ᶠᵒʳ ᵖᵒᵗᵉnᵗᶦᵃˡ ᵘˢᵉ ᶦn ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘᵗᵘʳᵉ.Test
>>4467407>nWhat did this mean?
>>4467412It means that superscript doesn't like the letter n.
>>4467412Nigger, but a lil'nigga
>>4467305>Encourage Shirou to go after Illya. He's the only person who can properly explain things to Illya, and he's the one that she has to forgive.We did our job as mediators, anything else would just come out as rude. Remember, let Shirou and Illya form that natural bond so we can forget about one killing the other. Let's not worry about Shirou's safety as Saber's one command spell away from jettisoning to his location.Let the Emiya solve the Emiya problems
What's everyone's waifu tier list looking like right now?
>>4467432But I want an Illya route tho.
>>4467432>Let the Emiya solve the Emiya problemsSo you're saying we should send Archer?
>>4467438Oh no I'm not denying going for an Illya route, but I think it'd be the polite thing to do-To let Shirou and Illya talk things through, give them a moment, and then we can resume our endeavor. >>4467441>EMIYA making sure that Emiya doesn't get killed by emiya Yo dawg
>>4467436Onis, manaka, Rouge, Monica, sakura and Betty
>>4467436From hard to easy I'd say >Altrouge (We may need Betty at full power to subdue her and make sure she knows who’s the top dog around here)>The Onis (We need to tread carefully as they are in their own turf, luckily if we know their likes and dislikes we might have a chance of not getting our necks serrated/thorn apart and/or eaten on the spot just for fun)>Monica (She's older and won't probably fall to our charms, but there's still a chance of bedding her)>Illya (She’s unstable right now but with the proper emotional support and the chance of getting a body that’ll last for longer we might be able to have her fall for us )>The maids/that singular personal maid (She’s already cracking a personality, so there’s that.)>Betty (If we groom her properly, but we might need to incarnate her if we want to keep her for longer, specially with a certain loli coming for our ass a day after the war)>Sakura (Might need only a single push to go full crazy yandere, but overall I don't think she will be offended that much about being our romantic target)>Rider (From monster to maiden, I think she'd be rather easy to charm if we move correctly. Hell I'm sure the "give her the glasses in exchange for a date" could've worked...unless she knows Sakura is into us)
>>4467436SacchinMonicaAltrougeThe rest I'm kinda iffy about right now.
>>4467305>>Encourage Shirou to go after Illya. He's the only person who can properly explain things to Illya, and he's the one that she has to forgive.We can get on the Illya route later if we want to, but please let them have their touching moment. It just feels wrong if someone else butts into Emiya family business.
>>4467305>>Encourage Shirou to go after Illya. He's the only person who can properly explain things to Illya, and he's the one that she has to forgive.
>>4467534There's no need to shout, anon.As for songs, I don't really know. there's really only a few songs in Stay/Night that stand out, and it would feel kinda weird to insert only those ones. It would also get kinda repetitive. Castlevania has a large enough repertoire of music that I have a huge selection of memorable tracks to choose from.
>>4467563Then resort to anime OST? Fate/Zero? Fate, UBW, HF? Other game OSTs like Grand Order, Extra, Extella, CCC, and so on?
I wish we knew how Ayaka was able to beat Manaka, Beast and Six Alter servants. The scenario she was in seems impossible. We have to deal with even more powerful Alter Servants, especially Saber Alter, and potentially Gil Alter.
>>4467850proto saber was just THAT opwe don't have proto saber but we do have an almost equal amount of servants to beat manaka at the temple
>>4467305>Chase after Illya yourself. You need to make sure that she's feeling OK after the rapid fire revelations that just occurred. It's not easy to deal with the knowledge that your entire life has basically been built on lies.She just needs time to take it all in. What she needed right now is an emotional support that she's not alone. Shirou has done his job, it's our time.But I guess based on the vote, the fanboys wins. Well RIP Illya. I'll try looking for another qst. This one is doomed.
>>4468027>Well RIP Illya. I'll try looking for another qst. This one is doomed.She just realized her entire life has been a lie and the most appropriate person to help her right now is her own family. It doesn't mean we cannot make moves on Illya later on, but this I believe is the polite thing to do-Not that I expect for a mouth-breather to understand what politeness means, mind you.
>>4468029Shirou is still practically a stranger in her eyes though.Just because they have met for like 2 seconds, does not make them already family. The only person that close to her is her maids and us.It's a super logical thing if you think about it. Then again, when was shiroufags ever actually think? Even if people offers an actual solution, they would just bark like what you did.
>>4467305That said>Chase after Illya yourself. You need to make sure that she's feeling OK after the rapid fire revelations that just occurred. It's not easy to deal with the knowledge that your entire life has basically been built on lies.
>>4468038This the person that should comfort Ilya shouldn’t be her most hated enemy for the past 10 years.
>>4468038He is still family and the less we involve ourselves in family businesses the better, least it blows up on our faces or it ends up with Illya hating us and blaming us for this. This is something Shirou should face, not us, we cannot just go through life hand-holding everybody, let them bicker and solve their issues face-to-face instead of sticking our noses in other people's businesses. But of course a coomer cannot help but believe himself to be the center of the universe and that he must be present for everything, if anything that got us fucked up last time when we thought helping Altrogue was a good idea.
>>4468046Family that she has hated for the majority of her life and wanted to kill. Second we didn't know it was Altrouge when we went to help her.
>>4468046Shirou already face her. Shirou already hesitated before our vote because he knows he can't brute force her.Hell even Shirou think that a 10 years grudge is something that need to be taken slowly, how the fuck can't you understand that simplest things?Your self insert actually realized it himself, why couldn't you?
>>4468048I still am of the belief that this is something Shirou and Illya should resolve, maybe with us as mediators but rather than having it look as if "Shirou is hiding behind us" we should just have the boy confront her and explain what happened. I mean Saber and us already confirmed that shit's been wack and that what she knows might not be the true, so if anything this is the best opportunity to have them bond and prevent a disaster later on rather than having her think of us as liars and blame us for forcing her into this, or what-have-you.
>>4468052>we should just have the boy confront her and explain what happened.But he just did? I just think if Shirou chases after her she won't listen to what he has to say. If Ilya was open to talking with Shirou and resolving their differences she wouldn't have run off.
>>4468056his reply to that kind of post before was "BLA BLA BLA YOU COOMER YOU COOMER"Nothing can be said to that kind of retard anon.
>>4467305>Encourage Shirou to go after Illya. He's the only person who can properly explain things to Illya, and he's the one that she has to forgive.Fuck the coomers.
>>4467389>>4467616>>4467631>>4468027>>4468040>>4468078>all these 1 post IDsSamefags out in full force.I can't tell if the coomers or the shiroufags are more autistic since both sides are samefagging.
>>4468088I hope it's just lurkers.
That's a lot of votes.
>>4468127Compared to every vote before this in the same thread, yeah.Weird right?
>>4467305>Chase after Illya yourself. You need to make sure that she's feeling OK after the rapid fire revelations that just occurred. It's not easy to deal with the knowledge that your entire life has basically been built on lies.Outside of her maids, Shinji is the only person in her support network. It's not that I don't trust Shirou, but that Illya probably needs a push from someone she knows she can trust. She needs Shinji. She needs a friend right now, not a brother she's still unable to come to terms with.And in case anyone thinks I'm samefagging I'm not, I'm just WOyI2BeG posting from work.
An epic battle between coomers and shiroufags.
Chase Illya>>4467319>>4467333>>4467345>>4467381>>4467389>>4467404>>4467801>>4468027>>4468031>>4468034>>4468040>>4468041>>4468045>>4468054>>4468139Encourage Shirou>>4467324>>4467337>>4467349>>4467379>>4467432>>4467453>>4467520>>4467533>>4467616>>4467623>>4467631>>4467734>>4468030>>4468068>>4468078>>4468087The vote is close, but by my count it seems that encouraging Shirou to go after Illya is winning 16-15It could've been a miscount though.I'll give the vote another hour or so before I call it. Or well, 45 minutes, at least.
>>4468165About what time is it in universe?
>>4468143I wish I was a coomer, but chasing her by ourselves is the right thing to do in this moment.
>>4468171About 12:50 in the afternoon.
>>4468171Wasn't it around noon?