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>You are Son Peppa, Son Gohan, and Izumi Mahogany, children of Earth’s heroes, Maple, Goku, Acer, and Chi-chi

>“Canon” has taken a radical shift from the series’ norm, you’re just one part of it, and things could go even further off the rails from here

>Mechanics and character details in the pastebins here:

Peppa: https://pastebin.com/Qfc8e5Fn

Gohan: https://pastebin.com/Kjh0u5e4

Izumi: https://pastebin.com/kG6TVyVL

>Let’s all try to have some fun, ok?


Last time, on Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai! Izzy and Acer worked alongside Nazar and Arashio while on Z’S to hold off villains escaping to the planet from a rift in Hell, including even Hatchiayk! Meanwhile Peppa faced off with not only the dead walking the Earth, but learned of a plot by Artificial Human Number 21, who 16 identified as Gero’s wife and his own mother, to perfect clones of the Earth’s heroes! What’s more, Peppa, 16, and 19 discovered that Fukuroku Forest has been replaced with a literal chunk of Hell on Earth, with Majin Ozotto appearing once more! And lastly, Gohan tries to deal with the being responsible for the dimensional barriers breaking apart, Janemba, but is caught up in a scheme to take control of the monster by Baby and Babidi! Will the Tuffle trio be able to stop this madness before the damage becomes irreparable? Good luck, Gohan! Good luck, Peppa! Good luck, Izzy!
Bardock looks down at his hands in surprise, finally realizing what he’s done. Babidi struggles to stand, rubbing his face as he groans in both shock and increasing frustration. As your grandpa looks back at you, you give him a thumb’s up. He returns it with a smirk, then faces Babidi again.

Meanwhile, Videl is still holding her own against Baby-Janemba, though he starts to get a better handle on the powers at his disposal. This could get really dangerous really quick. Pantea beside you, the two of you glance at one another. “Take out Babidi first?” she asks.

>A. We have to, or else everything’s going to just keep getting worse!
>B. I’ll handle him, you back up Videl
>C. You and Bardock should be more than enough, I’ll try to support Videl
>D. Bardock’s got this, Baby’s the real threat at the moment
>E. Something else?
>B. I’ll handle him, you back up Videl
Good luck today Kato
>B. I’ll handle him, you back up Videl
>E. Hey Pantea, don't hold back with your energy, this place will replenish it in a snap. Especially since these jerks are sucking in all the negative energy.
>F. Or it won't. Don't know until we try. Oh well, that's Science!
>B. I’ll handle him, you back up Videl
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Rolled 4, 8, 2 = 14 (3d20)

Okay, roll me 1d20, best of three! DC is 12!
Rolled 10 (1d20)

Rolled 18 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 17, 10, 12 = 39 (3d20)

Passed! Nice job!
Rolled 12, 19, 6 = 37 (3d20)

And writing...
Would Full Powered SSJ 4 with Vegeta be possible? We have Gohan, Bardock, Yazai and Gine all nearby to donate power to him.

Plus Yazai can hint at the SSJ God ritual to us.
Good question, but we'll have to wait and see.

“I’ll handle him, you back up Videl. Bardock and I should be more than enough.” You raise your fist. “Good luck, Pantea.”

She bumps hers against yours. “Good luck, Gohan.”


The two of you fly off, and right as Babidi is able to reform is barrier to block Bardock’s next attack, you charge in and chop through it, allowing him to land an even more solid punch to Babidi’s face. The small wizard bounces across the ground, landing in the side of a cliff. Bardock cracks his knuckles. “Well, the little prune is more durable than he looks. But won’t be enough to save ‘em.”

“Y-you… oh I’ll make you PAY for that!” Babidi yells out as he stands again. “You think I’ve just been sitting by idly?! You both have no idea what you’re in for!” The wizard’s energy rises as he raises his hands.

Bardock’s own hand touches his forehead. “Ngh…”

“Oh no you don’t!” you call out, letting out a kiai that knocks Babidi back. “Grandpa, let’s finish this!”

He raises his right arm and builds up energy around it. “Then we end this in one blow!”

“Right!” You do the same, building up energy and letting flames jet around your arm. The two of you charge forward at Babidi, with you heading forward and flying past the villainous imp. And then, you both bring your arms back, readying for a pair of uppercuts.



The both of you make contact with Babidi, and as the attacks land, a pillar of flame engulfs him and rises into the sky. Babidi’s Ki vanishes completely, and you and your grandpa tap the backs of your fists together. Got ‘em, for good, this time.

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“Agh!” Videl’s voice calls out, causing the two of you to turn your attention to her. While she was holding her own decently before, Baby Janemba’s ability to create portals and attack through them ends up putting her at a disadvantage. For every attempt at blocking, Baby counters with a Ki blast, and for every attempt to counter, he causes her to attack nothing. Baby finally grabs Videl by her pigtails and swings her towards the ground.

Thankfully, this gives Pantea an opening as she gets above Baby Janemba and blinds him with a Clothes Beam, following it up with another to create a softer landing for her friend. With Baby distracted, the pair regroup and take a moment to plan. “No telling what other skills he has at his disposal. We need to be careful of that portal ability of his first and foremost.”

“But the longer we keep the heat off him the more he’ll figure out what he can do.” Videl responds. “We’ll need to go all-out if we want to stop him.”

You fly up beside the two. “It’s Janemba that’s causing all this, Baby’s just using the being’s powers to his own ends. Maybe there’s a weakness of some kind to exploit, one Baby isn’t aware of yet…”

>A. Pikkon, buddy, you done freeing King Yemma? We could use some help here
>B. Maybe I can try and exorcise Baby from Janemba, or Janemba from Baby, and seal it in something
>C. I could hold ‘em off and give you two a chance to fuse. That work?
>D. If we attack him together, he’ll have a harder time countering. Let’s kick his ass!
>E. Something else?
>C. I could hold ‘em off and give you two a chance to fuse. That work?
D is just asking for conservation of ninjutsu.
Ask Pantea if she might be able to materialize a sword of some kind for us.
>A. Pikkon, buddy, you done freeing King Yemma? We could use some help here
>B. Maybe I can try and exorcise Baby from Janemba, or Janemba from Baby, and seal it in something
>B. Maybe I can try and exorcise Baby from Janemba, or Janemba from Baby, and seal it in something
>C. I could hold ‘em off and give you two a chance to fuse. That work?
No, our sword's fine.
Channel exorcism through the sword with ka-blam slicer. Might be easier to seperate Baby and Janemba apart.
Sounds cool.
Fuck yes let's do it.
Sounds rad
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Rolled 3, 12, 17 = 32 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 4d20, best of three! DC is 13 for the first two, 14 for the last two!
Rolled 18, 3, 12, 11 = 44 (4d20)

Rolled 7, 11, 10, 20 = 48 (4d20)

Rolled 17, 12, 18, 7 = 54 (4d20)

Rolled 14, 5, 9, 18 = 46 (4d20)

Rolled 5, 4, 17 = 26 (3d20)

Passed three out of four! Nice!
Rolled 8, 4, 14 = 26 (3d20)

And one more...
Rolled 2, 20, 1 = 23 (3d20)

Okay, writing...
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It might be a long shot. But you’ve got a plan. First thing’s first… ‘Pikkon, buddy, you done freeing King Yemma? We could use some help down here?’

‘Yeah, yeah. What, couldn’t handle it on your own, kid?’ Pikkon retorts as you sense him approaching.

‘Well the problem’s a bit bigger than we started out with… but I also didn’t want you to miss out on all the fun.’ you cheekily tell him. Okay. Got the plan’s first stage in motion. “Pantea, Videl, I’ll keep him busy with a little something I think will make him easier to deal with. The two of you? Get ready to finish him in one go!”

The girls glance at one another, then nod, backing away as you get ready. Bardock sternly looks forward. “Gohan. I might be able to guide you a bit to avoid his attacks. I’ll make sure they can finish their technique. Good luck.”


“Thanks, grandpa.” You draw out all your power and charge at Baby Janemba. He finally gets the oversized elastic sheet off his face as you head forward, striking him in the jaw then flipping back and kicking him in the stomach as you draw your sword. However, the initial slash you had planned it blocked when he reforms the sheet into a sword of his own, a demonic red blade that clashes hard against your own, the very air around it shimmering and warping.

“Gohan. I still have BIG plans for you, you know.” Baby declares as he slashes forward, forcing you to block and parry. “But thanks to the power of Janemba, your body won’t need to be as… intact. Hahahaha!” As you back away, the next slash lets out a wave of energy that ripples through the air, stretching and pulling at you even as you dodge it.

‘Gohan, behind you!’ Bardock warns, while also knocking away a Ki blast headed at Pantea and Videl. You quickly turn around and block another slash, Baby Janemba’s sword starting to dig into your blade as it grows more chaotic and powerful.

And just then, Pikkon kicks Baby in the side of the head, knocking him away. “I miss anything?”

“You’re just in time!” Okay, here it goes. You still your breathing and point your sword forward. “Think you can hold ‘em for a sec?”

“More than that.” he responds with confidence. “Ain’t that right… you RANCID PURPLE TRASH HEAP!” Pikkon yells at Baby.

“Ngh, so a trash ta-AGH!” Part of his body cracks like glass and shatters. “WHAT?!” It reforms, but Baby’s still shocked that actually hurt him. Even you can barely believe that worked.

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“You heard me, you DISGUSTING BED-WETTING FEAK!” he shouts out again, and again Baby’s body starts to fracture.

“I almost can’t believe this is working.” you tell him with a laugh. But okay, focus! As Pikkon keeps up his insults, you feel out the different energy sources of both Janemba and Baby. Next, instead of merely pulling it all out at once, you let your Ki fill your sword. “HA!” Timed perfectly with Pikkon’s next insult, you let out a slash of energy that hits Baby Janemba, and rather than just slicing through, it actually pulls out some of Janemba’s malicious energy.

“AGH! No… NO!” Baby raises his sword and channels the residual negative energy of the area, bringing out shadowy forms that almost seem to seep through cracks in the dimensions and sends them towards you. But another slash from your sword forces them back, then again hits Baby. “DAMN YOU… DAMN YOU!” Rather than send them at you, Baby then has the shadowy forms gather around his blade and form a brilliant and chaotic pillar of energy. “THAT’S IT! DIMENSION BREAKER!”

In a flash of power, the attack is stopped in its tracks, caught in the hands of the freshly fused Pandel. “Sorry pal, but the only thing breaking here is YOU!” she declares as she pushes the attack back, then lets out her Spirit Bits, charging them up again into spike-like shapes. “Force Blasters, FIRE!” They circle around Baby Janemba, firing relentlessly at him, even allowing Pandel a chance to knock the sword right out of his hands.

Pikkon gets ready for one more insult, and after briefly asking under his breath not to be judged for what he’s about to say, declares Baby a… “DIM-WITTED BELGIUM BRAIN!”

Cracks form all over Baby’s body, large shards breaking off. You raise your sword high and call out, “You failed the first time, you’ve failed again, Baby! So rot here in Hell! HAAAAAA!” With the final slash, you channel the energy through the body of Baby Janemba and manage to force out the condensed negative energy. What’s left is Baby’s body, damaged but now far more normal, and a vague mass of miasma behind him. The mass… then starts to break into blocks.

“Is it trying to run away?” Pandel asks.


>A. All right! LUMINAIRE!
>B. Try to bind it into something!
>C. Pandel, hit it with everything you have!
>D. Something else?
>Pikkon declares Baby a… “DIM-WITTED BELGIUM BRAIN!”
Ah, hit him right in the little gray cells.

>D. "Talk about a fragile ego!"
>B. Try to bind it into something!
Sword. The one we hold.
Support >>4426438
Wait, is Shin around to make a Crystal?
We can call for him
Would sealing it in its own sword be a better idea?
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Maybe, unless it put its body/spirit into the sword.
Seems Time-Sensitive. Sword it is.
I'm in support of sword binding, but I'd rather it was his own, yeah. I'll still support it otherwise though.
Hey Kato, does the sword move with the Janemba chunks as though it's a part of it?
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It might not.
At the same time, that also looks fragile. Another Z-Sword incident is all it'll take.

What are y'all's thoughts? I don't wanna talk by myself here.
What if... we sealed him in the DESK?
>D. Ask Pandel for a suitable container.
Is the sword moving, Kato, and can we feel if it's TK as opposed to the rest of the chunks moving on their own?
I genuinely don't understand what you're asking.
Janemba's sword looks weird. Is that because it's as part of Janemba as his toenails are, or just a spiffy glow-up of the club and nothing more? Is he taking the sword with him?
It's just an object he corrupted.
If we can help her modify our sword, would that be better?
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Rolled 7, 11, 10 = 28 (3d20)

All righty then. Roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 14 for the first, 15 for the second!
Rolled 2, 10 = 12 (2d20)

Rolled 4, 8 = 12 (2d20)

Rolled 7, 10 = 17 (2d20)

Rolled 14, 19, 1 = 34 (3d20)

Didn't pass this one. Writing...
...Well, didn't roll a 1.
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“Heh, talk about a fragile ego.” you snark, causing Pandel to chuckle a little. “Still, it’ll be easier to stop if we bind it into something!” You hold up your sword. “Pandel! Can you work with me on this? I need to make sure the materials here are capable of holding it.”

“Got it!”

“NO!” Baby tries to rush you, but Pikkon quickly smacks him away.

You hold your left hand out and focus, trying to gather up the miasmic form of Janemba. Pointing your blade at it, you try to funnel it into the sword, Pandel altering it slightly with the Clothes Beam to try and make it capable of holding the thing. Come on, come on… almost got it…

Bardock’s face flinches, and then he calls out, “Wait, stop!”


He calls to you just in time, as while you do draw part of it into the sword, it quickly starts to overwhelm the blade, cracking it. You stop and pull your sword back, the miasma fleeing away. “Damn it, now what do we do?”

Pikkon’s aura charges up around him. “We hit it wit everything we’ve got. I don’t think insults work any more.”

“But if we don’t seal it into something, some part of it might escape.” you remark.

“We need to do it quickly or else it’ll find another host!” Bardock warns.

“Gohan!” a lady’s voice calls up as you sense two people flying towards you.

“Yurin! Tien!” you and Pandel call out.

“We came as soon as we could.” Tien tells you, looking over to what’s left of Janemba. “Is that what’s causing all this?”

Hey… wait a second!

>A. Tien! You need to use the Mafuba on it!
>B. Guess we don’t have any other choice, everyone, blast it!
>C. Try to seal it away again, with Tien and Yurin’s help!
>D. Something else?
>D. Combine Mafuba with exorcism!
>E. Super Kaio-Ken!
Nevermind on E.
Rolled 5, 18, 19 = 42 (3d20)

Okay! Another roll of 2d20, best of three! DC is 13 for both!
Rolled 13, 14 = 27 (2d20)

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Rolled 12, 19 = 31 (2d20)

Rolled 11, 2 = 13 (2d20)

Rolled 16, 9, 4 = 29 (3d20)

Passed both! Congrats! Writing...
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“Tien, Yurin, we need your help! Trying to seal it away in this!” you call out to them as you raise your cracked sword. “Tien, can you use the Mafuba to try and help seal it with us?”

“All right.” He flies towards you, readying the technique.

“If you’re trying to seal it away, I’ve got something that can help.” Yurin comments, showing you a set of talismans. “When it’s inside, I’ll start placing these around it.”

“Got it! Pandel, Tien, ready?”


“MAFUBA!” Tien calls out, gathering up the miasmic form or Janemba. You help him guide it, bringing the evil energy into your blade. Pandel again helps fix the cracks that appear in it, but this time, with the added help from Tien, it’s completely forced inside. And once done, you feel like the sword is now exceptionally heavy, your arm jerking down slightly from it.

“Hold it still!” Yurin demands as she starts placing overlapping talismans on the sword, each of them sticking to it as if vacuum-sealed, wrapping around it and glowing a reddish tint. Once the blade is entirely covered, the talismans seem to sink into the sword itself.

A soft pulse emanates from your sword, before the energies finally calm. In your hand, the metal takes on a deep crimson red color with an ever so slight purple tint to it. It’s finally over. You look around, and from where that pulse of energy traveled through, things finally start to normalize again. Some of the jellybeans slowly shift back into proper clouds, and parts of the damaged landscape return to normal.

“So, what are you going to do with it now?” Pikkon asks. “That kind of power is still in there, just sealed away. If it were to ever break out again, we’d be right back where we started.”

“You wanna destroy it or something?” Pandel questions. “I could probably do it myself. Though maybe Gohan could hold on to it, not like he’d let it fall into the wrong hands.”

You flinch just a little, recalling the other sword incident earlier this year, Tien remaining silent.

>A. I think I will, hold on to it, actually
>B. Might be better to have Supreme Kai hold on to it
>C. We really can’t risk this happening again. Let’s get rid of it for good
>D. Something else?
>D. Wait, is the sword permanently heavy? That's no good for swordplay. Training, sure, but not using to hit people.
>If it's permanently heavy, have a little funeral and lay it to rest on somewhere sentimental like King Kai's planet or Mt. Paozu or the Lookout.
>A. SwordAnon would kill us in our sleep if we let this thing go.
>D. Check on Vegeta.
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Ah, my mistake. B instead of that second part.
>B. Might be better to have Supreme Kai hold on to it
Still, a little send-off for our sword if it's too heavy to wield.
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Support that A, so hard and that checking on Vegeta is a grand idea.

>E. "Master Melchior would be the best person to examine this blade but until then I shall safeguard it."

whoops, i linked the wrong thing!
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I wish we'd get a new sword too, but if it's permanently heavy that's a bad sword. Katanas are supposed to have the heft of a fishing rod, and used accordingly. In this quest, an unwieldy sword is an unwieldy sword no matter how cool it looks.
Yeah, it's not like we're likely to have the kind of incredible strength it would take to easily wield a super heavy thing. Or develop some kind of technique or spell to make it usable. That's so outlandish in a quest like this.
I'll back on this, if we throw in some being extra cautious about the sealed danger.

Sure, but thats for people with human strength. The rules are a bit different here.
If we were using something like a glaive in mounted combat where blows are exchanged to knock someone else off their horse, or even a mace or hammer to bludgeon someone, that would be another thing. But swords aren't meant to be heavy, they're meant to be quick.
Where were you two when Kato was shitting on the seven-branched sword?
Gohan's been using a normal wakizashi the whole quest, we'd have trouble using it effectively now. Like putting on heavier weights before fighting someone.
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We just weren't using it right!
I wasn't a player then. Trust me, she and my four thousand hours playing Demon Sword for the NES would have fought.
Is it a wakizashi or a mini-katana?
Changing to A.
It sucks when someone gets told they can't have a cool sword, so I shouldn't be petty.
I'm glad your personalities have come to a conclusion.
Support >>4426706
Yes, the one who wanted others to be miserable and shit on the new sword and the one who wants to have fun with others and get a cool sword both found common ground:
Still mad at Kato for saying the seven-branched sword was unwieldy even though we are the fucking strong and might be able to do some neat things with it outside what a normal sword can do. But noooooooo~!
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“I think I will hold on to it, actually.” you remark, steadying your grip on the blade. “I’ve been able to learn a lot since the Tournament. I’ll make sure this is secure.”

“Well, you be careful with that, Gohan.” Pandel tells you, all of you floating down to the ground. “What about all this?”

“It should turn back to normal in a while.” Bardock states, finally relaxing and letting his hair turn back to normal. He gives you an appreciative smile. “Heh. Glad I could manage that in this brief time I’ve been allowed my body back.”

Your shoulders slouch. “Yeah… oh, wait, what about Vegeta? And Broly!” You sense out, finding Vegeta’s Ki still strong, but… Broly’s has dropped like a rock. Doesn’t feel like he’s dead, though. “Come on, let’s see what’s up.”

Pikkon glances towards Baby as he starts to move away quietly. “You go on ahead. I’m gonna make sure this little shrimp doesn’t end up causing any more trouble than he already has.” That gets Baby to run. With a smirk, Pikkon says, “We still have a match to finish up, Gohan. Don’t delay. I’d rather not win by default.”

“Oh I won’t miss it, Pikkon. I’ll be champ, you can bet on it.”

As the rest of you fly off towards the pair of Saiyans, you see Vegeta powering down and standing over an unconscious Broly, back in his base state. He looks in your direction, commenting, “Well, you all took your sweet time.”

“And looks like you were finally able to put a stop to him.” Yurin comments, crossing her arms and approaching him. “Have you reached a decision on what to do with him? My offer is still open.”

“Hmnh.” Vegeta grunts, tail swaying behind now him wrapping around his waist.

“What happened, exactly?” you ask.

“He briefly tapped into Super Saiyan 3 right as I made my finishing blow. Was enough to keep him from truly dying, but only just.” he says as he looks down his nose at Broly.

“You probably don’t have a lot of time before you have to leave, Prince Vegeta.” Bardock remarks. “Make your decision quickly.”

He looks to your grandpa curiously, as if remembering him from somewhere, letting out a soft “Ahh” as he finally pieces together who the dead Saiyan is. “And what if we just leave him here, in Hell?”

“King Yemma might start throwing fits over paperwork. Plus he wouldn’t really be dead, just trapped.” you comment.

“I say we seal him away again.” Tien interjects, though his three eyes glare at Yurin. “It’s the safest option.”

“You know my position, Vegeta. But ultimately, the choice is yours.” Yurin tells him.

>A. What exactly happened after you all ended up here, anyway? I’m still in the dark
>B. Eh, it’s Vegeta’s decision. Grandpa Bardock, anything you’d like to do?
>C. If you do kill him, Broly wouldn’t have a body here in Hell if everything goes back to normal, just so you know. If you leave him here though, he will
>D. Something else?
>D. "Hey Vegeta, do your feet get more monkeylike when you go Primal?"
>A & B.
>Point out that our grandparents used their opportunity at life for entirely good things, maybe they can renegotiate their afterlife? Or heck, is there even a rule that they have to go back right away?
Supporting. Gine especially, she only participated in the Tuffle genocide and those guys were jerks.
Backing >>4426857
Suggest to Vegeta that maybe keeping Broly around as a training partner as an alternative. Broly already became strong in one fight and Vegeta's SSJ Primal power was really tested.

A SSJ 3 Broly is too good of a fight to pass up for Vegeta and his PRIIIIDE - but under more stable conditions.
This D sounds more like a problem than a solution.
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“So what exactly happened when you all ended up here? I’m still a little in the dark.” you question.

“As Vegeta was debating on what to do about the sealed Broly, be it return him to the Lookout, have him safeguarded in Yurin’s fortress, destroy him, or allow Yurin her plan to ‘use’ him, we sensed something bizarre happening outside. And then we were accosted by Babidi’s minions, somehow brought back from the dead. We were able to hold off most of them, but something managed to get through and undo Broly’s seal.” Tien explains.

“Vegeta led Broly away as we investigated the area.” Yurin adds to. “Hell is… not quite what I was expecting.”

“Usually a lot more dull.” Bardock remarks.

You look up at Vegeta. “Well, guess Broly’s fate is in your hands, Vegeta. I’ll not bother you about it.”

He smirks at you. “You’ve done quite well for yourself, Gohan. I must say, I am impressed.”

You rub the back of your neck. “Eheh. Thanks. Anyway, guess I’ll leave that to you then.”

Pandel stretches her arms. “Mmh. Glad that we’re finally done with this mess, but how are you all getting back?”

“If the distortions caused by Janemba are slowly disappearing, they should be able to return the same way they arrived.” Bardock remarks.

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You glance at him, a solemn but dignified look on his face… and a halo above his head. Temporary, just like his body, just like grandma Gine’s. Maybe… hrmn. “…Hey, grandpa Bardock, while there’s still time… do you think you might be able to talk with King Yemma for a bit? You and grandma?”

He gives you a confused stare. “What for?”

“The gates of Hell were thrown open by Janemba-” You raise the sword slightly. “-and yet the two of you used that second chance at life not to cause trouble like a lot of the residents of Hell, but to help stop what was causing it. Even if Baby took her over, grandma Gine tried to fight it. Maybe he could… I dunno, rearrange a few things for the two of you? Especially since you did kinda help save him too.”

He ruffles your hair. “You’re asking a lot there, kid. I appreciate it, but it might end up being too much.”

“I’m serious here. You both helped save the universe. If the souls here in Hell are supposed to learn reform, well, the two of you definitely showed it.” you tell him with determination.

“You know, he’s right.” Pandel agrees. “Plus it was pretty cool seeing you punch Babidi in the jaw like that. Heh, guess you’re like the champion of Hell now, or something.”

Bardock is about to protest further, but an idea forms in his mind. He thinks it over, then with a smirk, says to you. “Okay. I have an idea. One he might actually agree to.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting ~4:30 pm PST. I’ll be around for a bit for questions and stuff. Did y’all have fun? Hope everyone’s staying safe out there.
Fun yes!

Thanks for running, see you tomorrow!
Good times had, Kato, thanks for running!
Hmm I wonder what Bardock is up too
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Bardock getting on that ogre pay cut.
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Glad to hear!

Stop reading my notes damn it.

Anyway, we are back!

“You want WHAT?!” King Yemma exclaims, the massive ogre standing and leaning over his desk while his other workers hastily try to help him through the backed up paperwork.

“A job.” Bardock reiterates. “Look, I get that you’re trying to fix this mess you ended up with, so I’m not gonna waste any more of your time than this. Hell needs better security, in case something like this happens again. Even if you can call down people like Pikkon and Gohan,” The Saiyan gestures to you and the green alien, “It’s better to have some stronger first line of defense. Your ogres need some toughening up, too. So allow my team and I that opportunity.”

“You are asking for quite a lot, Bardock.” King Yemma grumbles.

“If you’re looking for someone to vouch for him, I can.” Pikkon speaks up. “His intentions are genuine. Plus I’ve seen what drives Saiyans like them.” He looks over to you and smirks. “Allow him this and I’m sure we’ll have no repeats like this.”

Bardock’s body starts to fade a bit. King Yemma sits back down, rubbing the side of his head.

>A. King Yemma, please. He used this second chance at life to try to do good. Your Hell is about reform, right? I’d say that’s a clear sign of his reform
>B. You know, if you do agree to this, you’d technically be his boss, sir. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a new employee?
>C. By the way, you won’t mind if I hold on to this sword Janemba was sealed in, right?
>D. Something else?
>A. King Yemma, please. He used this second chance at life to try to do good. Your Hell is about reform, right? I’d say that’s a clear sign of his reform
>B. You know, if you do agree to this, you’d technically be his boss, sir. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a new employee?
>D. Decide to go over otherworld taxes with Yemma later, when all this cools off.
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"I can help with the paperwork if that's the problem."
Support all of these
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You call out, “King Yemma, please. He used his second chance at life to try to do good. Your Hell is about reform, isn’t it? I’d say that’s a clear enough sign of it.” The ogre starts to rub his head as he looks down at his desk. “If it’s a matter of paperwork, I can help with it once everything cools down. Plus he would technically be an employee for you if you allow this.”

King Yemma sighs loudly and pulls a sheet of paper out on his desk, writing on it quickly. “Bardock of Planet Vegeta. I hereby… allow you a body in recognition of your efforts to help stop the breakdown of dimensional barriers by the being of concentrated evil, Janemba.” He stamps down on the paper.

And so Bardock’s fading body reforms back completely. He looks down at his hands, then gives you an appreciative smile, nodding to Pikkon and King Yemma. “Heh, thanks.”

“Furthermore, I will require the help of both you and Gohan to finalize this position. Once this is over, you’ll be granted the title Marshall of Hell, and you’ll have some very strict rules to follow if you want to keep this title.” King Yemma adds. “Do I make myself clear?”

“Yeah yeah, I get it.” Bardock replies dismissively.

“By the way! You don’t mind if I keep the sword we sealed Janemba in, right?” you ask, bringing up the blade.

King Yemma and the other ogres around all flinch and move back in panic. “G-Gohan you be careful with that!”

You bring I down, slouching your shoulders slightly. “I will, I will, just asking if I can keep it.”

He shakes his head. “You’ll probably want a sheath of some kind to help keep its power in check. Just… don’t wave it around in here, understand?”

“Sure sure.”

Pikkon crosses his arms. “I did just free them from what Janemba did to the place. Anyway, is there anything you need us to do? Or can we finish up the Tournament?”

King Yemma taps his chin. “Well, if you are offering… there may still be a few souls that are being kept from returning to Hell, but even they should return now that the barriers are restored.”

>A. Eh, they’ll be fine. Let’s finish up the Tournament, Pikkon!
>B. Shouldn’t leave that to chance, Towa might be out there trying to snatch ‘em up
>C. Got a different question, then. Why did that chunk of Fukuroku Forest end up in Hell? Was it random chance, or something more?
>D. Something else?
Break gohan's neck
>D. "I will call it the Baby Stabber since I stabbed Baby with it. Hey Vegeta, would you like to use the Baby Stabber on Broly?"
We have one of those Otherworld necks, right? Should be fine.

>A. Eh, they’ll be fine. Let’s finish up the Tournament, Pikkon!
"Permission to get a sheathe made and the sword examined as well?"
We could ask Shin for one.

Sounds solid.
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You stretch a bit, arms, legs, neck, and comment, “As much as I do wanna finish my match and, y’ know, be officially made Champ-” That gets a laugh from Pikkon. “-I don’t wanna leave that kind of stuff to chance. Towa might be out there trying to snatch some of them up.”

“Hmnnn… understandable.” King Yemma comments. “Very well. There are currently three places that are still having trouble. Earth, Z’S, and the world currently designated Freeza Planet 17.”

You think for a moment. “Hmm… Earth does have a number of strong fighters there already. Z’S and that Freeza planet though, what’s going on in those places?”

“It would appear that Freeza, Cooler, and Cold have all shown up on the latter world, while the former has a powerful Machine Mutant still on it.” King Yemma explains. “In any case, things should settle down in time, but if you’re willing to take them back, by all means.”

“Sure thing!” You thrust your sword arm up again, causing the ogres to again all flinch in terror. “…Ah right. Eheh. Sorry. Actually, permission to get a sheath made and the sword examined? Like, from Supreme Kai or something.”

“Sure, sure, just take it away from here!” King Yemma pleads.

“Okay, okay, sheesh.” You bring it down. “Last question, different one. Why’d that chunk of Fukuroku Forest end up in Hell? Random chance, or something more?”

King Yemma eases and starts going over his paperwork. “Certain parts of the universe have their dimensional boundaries thinner than most. It is unusual that is swapped completely, but I would suspect that it’s simply a place closer to the realms above the normal universe than most.”

Pikkon clears his throat. “Ahem. Let’s get this over with. Where will you go, Gohan?”

>A. I’ll head to Earth, just in case they need backup
>B. I wanna check out Z’S and the Machine Mutant there
>C. Throwing Freeza, Cooler, and Cold back into Hell would be the best idea. Right, gramps?
>D. You wanna tag along, Pikkon? Might be good to see the universe again for ya
>E. Something else?
>C. Throwing Freeza, Cooler, and Cold back into Hell would be the best idea. Right, gramps?
>E. Kuriza should be notified about this.
Support >>4428579
>E. Go hit on Pandel while she still is. Say her muscles and hair are pretty. Has she thought about using tonfas? That's like a hammer and a fist.
I have a method of healing that might work with Gohan's lightning magic. Are you familiar with the term EMS?
>C. Throwing Freeza, Cooler, and Cold back into Hell would be the best idea. Right, gramps?
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You crack your knuckles. “I’m sure Earth and Z’S are fine. But throwing Freeza, Cold, and Cooler back into Hell? That’d be the best idea, I think. Right gramps?” You grin at Bardock.

He ruffles your hair. “Attaboy.”

“Hey Pikkon, you up for this too?” you ask. “Might be good to get out there and see the universe again.” You turn to face King Yemma. “If that’s okay with you that is, sir.”

“Yes, yes. After all this settles down though you ARE going to help me with the backlog of paperwork.” King Yemma warns.

“Eheh, yeah, sure. Anyway, let’s be off!”

You and Pikkon both get passes to head to the realm of the living, and after letting Pandel know you’ll be back soon, end up transported to a surprisingly frigid world, snow beneath you and blanketing alien trees. Almost immediately, you sense out four massive Ki signatures on the planet. The two of you head out in their direction and find exactly who you thought they’d be.

“No, father, you listen here!” Kuriza yells out at Freeza, pointing up at him. “You had your chance! You FAILED! You! And you!” He points at Cooler. “And even YOU, grandfather!” And then Cold. “Putting aside petty squabbles with the Earthlings and Saiyans is what made the PTO sturdier than before!”

Freeza glares down at him indignantly. “You’re letting those damnable monkeys run free and-!”

“AND WHAT?!” Kuriza blurts out in anger. “Your time’s done. You’re nothing more than a ghost of the past.”

Freeza’s purple aura surges around him. “Have you forgotten what Vegeta did? And that girl?”

Kuriza brushes him off dismissively, turning his back to his father. “That moment is seared into my mind. And you know what I learned from that day?”

“Oh DO enlighten me, dear son.”

The boy smirks. “You’re weak.” His tail slaps Freeza away.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting ~5:30 pm PST. I’ll be around for a bit for questions and stuff. Did y’all have fun? Hope everyone’s staying safe out there.
>Oh no, Arcosia will age us rapidly and run out our day passes-
>immediately! Oh hi Pandel!
Just kidding. Everyone knows Arcosia was blown to bits that spread to the north and south galaxies.

I skimmed over the 17, but I remembered that they didn't specify any homeworld, just a Freeza planet. So I'm 90% dumb.
Good to know arrogance breeds true.
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Try to pay better attention.


And okay, we are back!

Freeza flies through the air and crashes into a rocky cliff. Cooler and Cold step back, taking defensive stances themselves. Kuriza looks to them dismissively. Freeza bolts back in a fury, but before he can speak up, Kuriza continues. “You tried to attack me all those years ago for ‘disappointing’ you. Even if it were a copy made by Hatchiyak or whatever it was, that you remember it at all, that you even brought it up, shows your true colors plain as day. And you know what? Those colors are pale, faded, and WEAK! I may have had to watch Son Peppa end you, but seeing you as you are now? I’m GLAD she did!” Kuriza crosses his arms.

“You DARE!” Freeza yells out.

“All of you are weak and only set the PTO on a narrow-minded course. You ruined useful worlds for the very idea that they might prove a threat to you! You undervalued the price of planets, people, and resources to an absolutely absurd degree! You wouldn’t even let the Ginyus have Karaoke Night! All of you WEAKLINGS have no right to criticize how I’ve stabilized the PTO! Now get the hell off my planet, and don’t you dare set foot on Earth.” Kuriza points at himself. “It is under MY protection.”

You whistle softly, catching their attention. “Nice, Kuriza.”

“Oh, hey Gohan.” he responds in a more chill tone. “…What are you doing here?”

“Gotta throw these losers back in Hell.” you respond.

He smirks. “By all means.”

>A. Wanna join in?
>B. Okay, I’m gonna take down Freeza
>C. Hey, Cooler! Uncle Acer told me about you! You’re weak to swords!
>D. King Cold. My name is Son Gohan. You skewered my mother. Prepare to die
>E. Something else?
>“Oh, hey Gohan.”
Casual greeting carefully calculated for maximum parental annoyance.

>C. Dibs on the ugly one!
Kuriza and Bardock can deal with Frieza, Pikkon can have Cooler.
"Go ahead show off any new transformations and 100% full power if you want too. Taking you back to Hell will be easy once we beat you at your best."
>A & D.
Guys, I have an idea.
>E. Take his horn off like in pic related.
It'll demornalize him! Sure.
Rolled 15, 7, 7 = 29 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 11 for both!
Rolled 15, 12 = 27 (2d20)

Dehornalize him!
Rolled 5, 14 = 19 (2d20)

Rolled 20, 2 = 22 (2d20)

Rolled 13, 5 = 18 (2d20)

Rolled 12, 17, 15 = 44 (3d20)

Passed both! Nice job! Writing...
Can we cheer Kuriza on with ice puns?
Eh, low hanging fruit. Let's aim higher, towards the chest.
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“Wanna join in?” you ask.

Kuriza cracks his knuckles. “You know? I think I will. I’ll take my father.”

You let your aura surge up around you. “Pikkon?”

He looks between Cooler and Cold. “…Eh. You pick.”

The three stand before you all with wrath on their faces, though King Cold seems to recall something. “…You look familiar, boy.”

“I should.” You take your stance. “My name is Son Gohan. You skewered my mother. Prepare to die.”

His eyes widen, both in fear and desperation. “YOU… OH YOU’LL SHARE THE SAME FATE!” He charges forward, attempting to skewer you with his horns.

You casually break one off with a chop, then spin-kick and knock him away. He lands in the pavement below, and you slowly float down as Kuriza and Pikkon take on Freeza and Cooler. King Cold looks up in disbelief. “Oh bad move, baaaaad move. You took the bait way too easily.”

“YOU… YOU’LL… RRAAAGH!” He launches a barrage of ki blasts from his pointer finger. You don’t even really deflect them, just stop them.

>A. All right, come on, back to Hell with ya. You wanna make this any more humiliating than it already is? Give up now, come along quietly, and I’m sure King Yemma will appreciate it
>B. Just blast ‘em away, he’s barely worth your time and the longer you delay the longer Towa gets a chance at ‘em
>C. Kuriza! Got anything you wanna say to ‘em before he’s gone again?
>D. Something else?
He's so sure of himself that he's only using a finger to fight us! This is just like my Saint Seiyas!
>B. Geist Magnum!
>D. Keep the horn to show Mom later.
>B. We're on the clock, here.
>B. Just blast ‘em away, he’s barely worth your time and the longer you delay the longer Towa gets a chance at ‘em
Nothin' personal or nothin' personnel?
>D. "Long live King Kuriza."
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Rolled 6, 10, 14 = 30 (3d20)

Okay! 1d20, best of three, DC is 9.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolled 20 (1d20)

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Rolled 13 (1d20)

Long live the drunk uncle!
Rolled 9, 12, 10 = 31 (3d20)

Primus. Well, you passed! Writing...
Oh sweet, I rolled a 20!

Right in the Cold soul. Will he come back someday as someone who doesn't make Mom kebabs?
Für den Kaizer Kuriza!

“I will NEVER suffer such indignity! You… you miserable little brat!” King Cold brings his hand back and tries to fire off a massive energy wave at you.

You just sigh, shake your head, and deflect it with ease, then making two gun-shapes with your hands. “All right. We’re done here.” Showing off your full power, the ground beneath you and even the very air around you quaking, you charge up energy at your fingertips. “Double Geist Magnum!” You blast King Cold away, vaporizing him. You bring your hands up and blow softly.

At the same time, Pikkon kicks a transformed Cooler into the air and finishes him with his Thunder Flash technique, while Kuriza shouts out, “RAIO-KEN!” He blitzes around Freeza, not just outspeeding him but overpowering him with a relentless assault. Freeza’s frustration builds as he tries to regain the upper hand, fuming and yelling incoherently as Kuriza again brings him to a cliffside, slamming him through it and flying back around to catch his father as he exits.

“H-how… hoooow?!” Freeza groans out.

“Earth is far more valuable a planet than you ever really realized, father. It has lots of fun little tricks like that. Their snow cones alone would make it a planet worth keeping, inhabitants and all, yet your reckless policies would have that wiped out and sold like it was a vacation timeshare!” Kuriza kicks him down. “I’m going to keep improving, not just the PTO, MY PTO, but myself as well. But you? You’re going to stay in Hell where you belong and watch.”

“You’ll never rule an Empire anywhere near as grand as I did. You don’t have the kind of presence to keep everyone in line.” Freeza growls out venomously.

Kuriza smugly tilts his head up. “I don’t need to. I have something better.” He waves his hand. “Gohan, do be quick about it.”

Freeza turns around, eyes wide as you deliver a one-inch punch so strong it destroys him. You then give the boy a thumb’s up. “Long Live King Kuriza.”

He chuckles softly. “That was fun. But I doubt it’s something we’ll do again any time soon. For his sake, I hope he doesn’t humiliate himself any further.” Placing his hands on his hips, Kuriza then asks. “You and your friend wanna get some ice cream before you go back to… wherever it is you’re from?”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting ~5:30 pm PST. I’ll be around for a bit for questions and stuff. Did y’all have fun? Hope everyone’s staying safe out there.
Hahahaha! Squashing bugs. Apt.
Fun definitely had! Now get some rest, Kato.
This is definitely going into Gohan's AMV for Kryptonite.
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Glad to hear! And I did, promise.

What, not What I've Become?

Anyway, we are back!

A slow clap draws your attention away. You give a heavy-lidded stare as you see who’s doing it. “Bravo, braaaaavo.” Towa compliments, sitting on her staff, Mira by her side “Quite the display, Gohan. You did manage to get them before we could.”

“The Hell do you want, Towa?” you demand, Kuriza turning around and frowning at her with a stare to match your own.

“You’re not welcome on this world. So nyeh! Leave!” the boy sticks his tongue out at her.

She smugly smiles at you. “Oh don’t be like that. While it would have been nice to capture their souls, we’re here mostly for observation purposes. Our new ally wanted to see if Hell’s escapees would have made for some interesting combat data.” She leans forward. “Though that new sword of yours is quite interesting…”

You cross your arms. “Nope. Not interesting at all to you. So shoo, shoo, back to your little castle or secret lab or wherever it is you sulk back to every time you turn tail and run.”

Towa smirks maliciously. “Going to give it to mommy as a replacement for the one you broke?”

>A. And we are done here! Come on Kuriza, let’s get that ice cream
>B. Okay that deserves at least one Ki blast to her stupid face
>C. Cute, you think I’m up for banter for that attempt at banter. Sadly you’re not worth my time. Got a tournament to win
>D. Something else?
>D. I can see you drooling over it. Gonna turn it to stone too?
>D. "You're not pretty enough to be that coy. Goodbye."
>E. Towa, since that day my mom's sword got broken, I've realized something: I coveted that sword more than anything. It wasn't just a sword. It was what I would inherit as my mother's son, the same with Peppa and the power pole. But, that was my mom's sword. This is My sword, and it doesn't have a sheath currently. Who knows what might happen, it seems thirsty.
>D. "Are you making a new artificial being with your new ally and this battle data? If we don't destroy it, we'll just befriend it and use them against you."
>"Can you wear some glasses next time?"
Woah man, calm down with the sword talk. Someone might think you have like...an obsession.
Support these
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How many sword maidens does Gohan get for blowing himself up?
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Why must you hurt me.
It'll be okay. You just need some coffee.
A sound addition.
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You look away and remark, “You’re not pretty enough to be that coy. Bye!”

“Excuse me.”

“You clearly don’t have anything better to say than these snide, coy remarks, and you’re not pretty enough to get away with them. So. Bye!”

Kuriza lets out a soft “Ooooooh” as you start to head off, following along.

“You’ve got quite a mouth on you, brat.” Towa remarks.

“Not listening! You got nothing to say! Byyyeee!~” You wave, still not looking at her. Even Pikkon seems amused by the response you’re giving her.

Towa sighs softly, feigning indifference. “Oh my, what would your mother think about this attitude?”

“She’d give me a thumb’s up.” you retort. “If you’ve got something to say, get on with it. Thoug I can guess it’s with whoever your new partner is. What, broke up with Gero finally? Or he dump you?”

“Oh do keep it up, boy. But if you must know, she’s someone quite close to him.” Towa states.

“Still being too coy, still not pretty enough. Try glasses next time, you might look better in them.” You shout back.

She and Mira appear in front of you, Towa’s eyes narrow and focused. “...Shouldn’t even be surprised by that being your kink, but you’re really trying too hard now.”

“Look who’s talking.” You cross your arms and look down your nose at her. “What, making some new artificial being? If we don’t destroy it, we’ll befriend it and use it against you. Pretty long track record there.”

Mira dismissively grunts. “Your arrogance will lead you to failure.”

“But I’ll spare you from guessing any further.” Towa holds up her staff, stroking it gently. “Everything that happens up here? All of it goes to fueling our ultimate goal: the true revival of the Demon Realm. Every victory you think you’ve made, every experiment you think you’ve turned against us, all help bring the Demon Realm back to what it should be.” She then points her staff at you, with you not even flinching. “But on a personal note, I’m going to remember that outburst of yours, and that spectacular failure, for such a long time. Because I know Maple will NEVER forget it for as long as she lives.” She brings her staff down. “Just wanted to let you know that, boy.”

Seems like she’s gonna teleport away.

>A. Seriously, try the glasses next time
>B. Surprise Ki blast to her face!
>C. So Kuriza, about that ice cream… oh, would you want some too Pikkon? Y’ know, before we head back to the Tournament
>D. Something else?
>D. Grab her staff and go along for the ride.
>D. "Funny, hard to keep track of all your embarrassments. Why are you so obsessed with my mom again?"
>E. Spit on her staff. "It's got monkey cooties now."
Actually nvm this. Too risky with the sword.

Switch my to vote to C.
And give her fresh dna to make a Clonehan?
Sure. Sounds flattering.
And don't even spare Towa another glance.
>D. "Why?"
>"What's so special about a demonic world anyway? You always had the option to just live in peace, maybe still do some weird science and magic but you had to be a jerk about it. The villain gimmick has run a bit dry. What's the point?"
In the demon realm magic is a science.

Towa uses alchemy. Which is why she's mad at Maple who doesn't understand equivalent exchange.
For fucks sake, with all the time and effort she's put in she could have made several demon worlds out of spare parts and loose rocks and left everyone else alone.
>F. "Sounds like Shula did more to advance the Demon Realm's interests than you ever have. Just a bunch of 'charity begins at lab, and stays there.' Sure, you got the king back, with help. But next time you want to involve the Earth in Demon Realm matters, why not just take it over? Shula did it partway. Even Kuriza did it halfway."
It has been pointed out that it would be more appropriate for someone else to say this instead, I will begrudgingly agree. But let's keep this on deck.
l'll back C.
What's the DC for Gohan tail slapping Towa in the butt before she goes?

Asking for a friend. A friend that's me.
18 million.

I kid.
"Get off your smurf and fight us already, we're getting stronger too. How about a tourney? Even gods abide by those."
And give her fresh Monkey Tail hair to make a Chadhan?
Sure. Sounds flattering.
I'm not being serious about it.

That DC too high.
Sword, I bet you'd roll a 20 if you tried.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Liam would disagree.
You could do worse.
You don’t even acknowledge her as she runs away. “So! Kuriza! About that ice cream… oh! And Pikkon, buddy, you wanna get some too? You know, before we head back to the Tournament.”

“You mean before I win the Tournament.” he replies with a sly smirk, nudging you with his elbow.

“I’m sorry I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced.” Kuriza remarks. “I am Lord Kuriza of the Planet Trade Organization and Supreme Commander of the Kuriza Force.”

“Pikkon of the West Quadrant.” he acknowledges. “I’m quite aware of your family’s antics. Even in Hell they still try to cause trouble.”

“I bet they do…” the boy sighs out. “But enough about that! Gohan, come on, let’s catch up! Tell me more about this Tournament you’re in…”

Kuriza brings you both in to a little mall area closer in the chilly city proper after calming things down with Sorbet and declaring that the ghosts of his family were banished back to Hell, the citizens cheering in celebration. He brings the two of you some ice cream, and you catch him up on what all happened recently. He takes some of the news better than you expected.

“Huh. You look good for dead.” the boy comments, enjoying his chestnut ice cream. “And you made it to the finals in this Afterlife Tournament?”

“Aaaand about to win it, when we get back!” you say proudly, raising your red bean ice cream high.

“Win? You’re going to be runner-up, kid.” Pikkon notes, having some pistachio ice cream himself. “But runner-up ain’t bad for as far as you’ve come.”

You smirk at him, then turn to Kuriza. “But after I win, I’m gonna head to Supreme Kai’s place and try and get a proper sheath for the sword we sealed Janemba in.”

“Oooh, you got a cool name for it?!” the boy asks excitedly.

Name… name… how about…

>A. Dreamseeker
>B. Muramasa
>C. Dimension Breaker
>D. Shiva Edge
>E. Janemba
>F. Something else?
"Fdse Eht Nioj."
>F. Dragon Tear.
>F. "If it develops sword spirits I can call them Mura and Masa."
>E. Janemba
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Letting dice decide

1. B
2. E
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E. Janempa! ...Wait-
B it is!
>F. The Guarding Dark
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What if we called one of them Sama(ntha), there is a Masa.
Nvm, nvm.

Changing >>4431555 and >>4431585 (though I'll still support Sword's writein)
>F. Murasame (村雨, Murasame, literally "village rain", though often translated as "autumn rain"), refers to a type of rain that falls hard, then gently, in fits and starts. In Japanese poetic tradition, it is particularly associated with the cold rains of autumn.
A sword that is at rest in the sheath and a flood in the streets.
You look down to the sword. “Well… the demon’s name inside it was Janemba, and the spirits inside uncle Acer’s sword are called Masa and Mune… hrmn. Maybe if I can get the spirit inside to change… aha! Okay! From now on, this sword will be the Muramasa!”

Kuriza looks to you with excitement. “Ooooh, that’s a cool one!”

You grin and nod. “Yeah. Heh, always kinda had this idea in my head that I’d end up with mom’s sword one day, but… now I’m walking my own path.”

“Hmm. Yet I still think you take after her more. Unlike your sister.” he notes. You do sense some slight hostility in his voice at the end there.

“Eheh… anyway, was nice catching up.” you stand. “Ready to head back, Pikkon?”

He finishes his ice cream. “Only if you’re ready to lose, kid.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting ~5:30 pm PST. I’ll be around for a bit for questions and stuff. Did y’all have fun? Hope everyone’s staying safe out there. Also, wanna swap to Peppa or Izzy next time, or finish up the Tournament?
>“Hmm. Yet I still think you take after her more. Unlike your sister.” he notes. You do sense some slight hostility in his voice at the end there.
>"Peppa is someone I hope I to contend with. I respect her very much, King Kuriza. She's even the Champion of Earth, which I noticed you claim earlier."
>"Now, time to go be Champion of Otherworld!"
Yes, I had fun. I wonder if Peppa and Izzy can make it to the tournament?
Fun had! Up for finishing the tournament.
>Also, wanna swap to Peppa or Izzy next time, or finish up the Tournament?
I'm worried a bit about Izzy so I'm voting for her, but I imagine we can kick Pikkon's ass before she's done having interesting problems.
Pikkon doesn't seem like he's used that much energy.
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I'm fine with sticking with Gohan.

If we can't bring Kuriza along, maybe suggest he could set up his own tournament in space that could come after the Tenkaichi Budokai and Mifan Tournament.

'Champion of the Universe' has a nice ring to it.
"Galaxian Wars"
Glad you had fun!

Gohan it is!

Kuriza sadly still has stuff to do.

And okay, sorry for the delay, but we're back!

You and Pikkon arrive back at the Tournament, with things finally having settled down up on the Grand Kai’s planet, and Shin and Kibito appear with Tapion and Minotia. You catch up with them, explaining what happened with Janemba and your intention to create a proper sheath for the sword. The Supreme Kai finds it intriguing. “I may be able to help you with this. Shall I bring it back to my world for safekeeping until this Tournament is over? I can make a temporary thing until then.”

“Hmm… first, what about Majin Buu?” you ask.

“We had some close calls, but the energy inside is dormant.” Tapion states. “What’s more, the energy inside feels more… ‘dormant’ than before. As if it were asleep somehow.”

Yazai pats your shoulder. “You’ve already done more than enough. Now go win this thing, kid!”

>A. All right, Supreme Kai, take it away! Just don’t take too long or the tournament will be over before you’re back
>B. Better that you watch over it here, just in case. Definitely put something around it though
>C. Check with Elder Kai? Maybe he knows of a way to keep it sealed too
>D. Something else?
>A. All right, Supreme Kai, take it away! Just don’t take too long or the tournament will be over before you’re back
An act of faith.
>D. "Can you do me a favor. Can you make my replacement look like my mom's sword, Rainbow?"

Let it go, man. It's gone.
No way this could go poorly
why don't we just get another sword that looks like rainbow but isn't rainbow and swap it with the rainbow from back then using a wish on the dragon balls?
By god. We'd need some sort of...triggering chronal device to do it though.
Egg Saga!
I might support later on asking the supreme Kai to see if he can manifest some of that rainbow shell so we can make more shit out of it. I doubt he could imitate a master forged item anyhow.
The Kais would need to use a time ring to travel back and find a rainbow shell creature to probably examine first before they can materialize it.
Let's go make a dragon cry!
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“All right Supreme Kai, take it away!” You hand the blade to him. “Heh, just don’t take too long or the match will be over before you’re back.”

“Keeping up that confidence, ey kid?” Pikkon asks, setting his weighted clothing down and heading into the ring.

“For good reason.” You crack your knuckles as the Supreme Kai teleports away. “Time to finish this.”

With the both of you in the ring again, the announcer guy calling to the audience, “Well folks, that craziness is thankfully over, and with it, the delay in this final round! But first, give Gohan and Pikkon a big round of applause for dealing with this threat directly!” Cheers erupt from the stands. “Grand Kai, what do you say? Will you do the honors?”

He stands, you and Pikkon looking to him. He begins formally. “The both of you have fought valiantly, not just in this tournament, but in bringing a threat to the universe to an end. So instead of taking up any more of your time… LET’S SEE THE BOTH OF YOU ROCK! BEGIN!” He holds up a victory sign.


You and Pikkon stare one another down, powering up, Pikkon smirking confidently. “Time to claim my title.”

As your own aura surges around you, you take your stance. All right Gohan, how’ll this go?

>A. All out! Hit him with a relentless barrage of blows at full strength!
>B. Blast him from afar! You’re aiming to force him outta the ring, and would be best to keep your distance!
>C. Counter his attacks and try to find an opening to land a devastating blow!
>D. Head up to the sky, the ring’s a bit too crowded
>E. Energy attack!
>F. Something else?
>A. All out! Hit him with a relentless barrage of blows at full strength!
>F. Lead into an "obvious" attack that is actually a feint.
Machine Gun Punch with Light Magic
But also use the Ghost Whisps to help with the feints
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Should we save a ghost wisp in our mouth?
I'm down with this
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Rolled 16, 14, 10 = 40 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 12 for the first two, 13 for the last!
Rolled 9, 5, 18 = 32 (3d20)

Rolled 19, 12, 9 = 40 (3d20)

Rolled 17, 10, 5 = 32 (3d20)

Rolled 3, 2, 6 = 11 (3d20)

And passed! Writing...
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The two of you fly at one another, both of you going all out. You trade blows, causing shockwaves across the area. However, you have a stronger opening, and gain the upper hand easily. Pikkon does his best to dodge and block, but you use the Spirit Wisps to get through his defenses. It’s not much, but it’s just enough to leave him off-guard. Finally you feint an attack, using one of the Wisps to make sure Pikkon falls for it, and get a clear shot through his defenses.

Energy builds up around your fists, mixing them with Light Magic, and you yell out, “MACHINEGUN PUNCH!” The unrelenting attacks disorient and damage Pikkon immensely, forcing him almost to the edge of the arena. He jumps away before that point, though, and flies up into the sky.

“HAAA!” He lets out an Explosive Wave to keep you from following, mixed with Wind Magic to force you back. Pikkon then starts to build up flames around his body. “YOU’RE DONE!” Pikkon declares as he dashes at you.

>A. Dodge away and counter, try and knock him out of the ring!
>B. Fly up and meet him in midair! Don’t hold anything back!
>C. He’s an open target! Ki blasts before he gets close!
>D. Move out of the way and gain some distance!
>E. Something else?
>E. This guy is basically a yoshi, right?

>B. Fly up and meet him in midair! Don’t hold anything back!
>Swordless Iaigiri.
Support >>4433048
>B. Fly up and meet him in midair! Don’t hold anything back!
>E. Infuse our attacks with a chaotic mix of lightning, light and wind magic along with various techniques to keep him off balance.
These too
Make it a flashy finish!
Meant to quote >>4433052 first, fuck
Support that too
Fucking hell >>4433053
>>A. Dodge away and counter, try and knock him out of the ring!
I think we should do the "One cut, one kill" strategy.
Rolled 6, 1, 6 = 13 (3d20)

Okay! Last roll for the night! Another 3d20, best of three! DC is 13 for the first two, 14 for the last!
Rolled 6, 2, 19 = 27 (3d20)

Rolled 19, 8, 20 = 47 (3d20)

Rolled 5, 7, 12 = 24 (3d20)

Rolled 8 (1d20)

Passed two! Sadly I'm gonna have to call it a night here. Thank you all for playing! We'll continue tomorrow starting around 5:30 pm PST. Did y'all have fun?
Good times had, Kato! Thank you for getting rest at a proper hour.
>6, 1, 6

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Ugh. Work was hell. Sorry for the delay, everyone.

Glad you had fun.

Don't worry too much yet

And okay, we are back!


Drawing out all of your strength, everything that Elder Kai helped bring out, you fly upward, holding your hands back as you charge towards Pikkon, building up energy around your palms, mixing it with Lightning Magic. “DAMN STRAIGHT I AM! IT’S TIME TO FINISH THIS!” You add in more power, and more Magic, making him keep guessing as you head towards him.

Pikkon doesn’t hold back, rocketing towards you with all his might. Blazing like a meteor headed towards the ground, the air around him shimmers from the sheer intensity of the heat. “HRRRAAAAAAAHHH!” He thrusts his fist forward, right as the two of you are about to meet.

You hold your hands up, yelling out, “THUNDER BREAK!” as a bolt of lightning hits them. You then let this chaotic mix of power slash out like a draw-cut. “SLAAAAAAASH!”

The attacks clashing fills the entire area with a blinding light, followed by a deafening crack of sound. Seconds pass that feel like minutes. Your head turns as you feel Pikkon’s fist slam into your jaw. But your own slash of chaotic energy struck true. An explosion erupts out, throwing the two of you far away from one another. You manage to land in the ring, bouncing against the floor as you do, but flipping in midair to finally land on your feet. You look up and… see that Pikkon is STILL flying out into space. Well… the room, that is. He even disappears from sight, and you can only sense his Ki as he keeps flying.

Right into you guess what’d be the ceiling… and then beyond it. Grand Kai stands up. “RING OUT! PIKKON HAS LEFT THE BUILDING!” He dramatically waves his arm to you. “SON GOHAN… IS THE WINNER! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WE HAVE OURSELVES THE CHAMPION OF THE AFTERLIFE!”

Crowds cheer uproariously. You stand, taking it all in. You… you did it. You’re… you’re the champion! YOU’RE THE CHAMPION!

>A. Try to fly off and find Pikkon first, thank him for this awesome fight
>B. Bow to Grand Kai, thank him for holding this tournament
>C. Check for Shin, did he catch the end there?
>D. Head over to the North Quadrant fighters, thank them all for everything
>E. Something else?
He might need healing.
>The attacks clashing fills the entire area with a blinding light, followed by a deafening crack of sound.
>E. Hold a finger to our temple. "MAWP. MAWP."
I had it wrong, the finger covers the eardrum.
>C while we fly out.
>A &C.
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Amendment accepted.
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You place your hands together and bow to the Grand Kai. “Thank you, sir, for hosting this tournament. It has been an honor.”

He sits back down, smiling, though with a slight nervous laugh under his breath. “Heh heh, well, you definitely earned it, kid.”

You fly up and check around the area, finding Supreme Kai has indeed teleported back, and waves to you proudly. The other members of the North Quadrant’s team do the same, cheering you on as you pass overhead. Tapion and Minotia both give you thumbs up, even South Kai giving an approving nod. You keep flying, then bolt on towards where you sense Pikkon ended up. Passing through a hole in massive room, you find yourself outside, on Grand Kai’s planet, with Pikkon having landed in the dirt. He grunts as he tries to push himself up.

You extend your hand to help him. “You were awesome, Pikkon. Thank you for that match, you did well.”

He smiles and takes your hand, standing tall and shaking. “You earned this victory, kid. Congrats.”

The both of you head back, and Grand Kai has you approach him. “Son Gohan, in recognition of your wild crazy victory there, and you savin’ the universe and all,” He holds up a belt with an electrum-gold medallion baring his symbols on it, “I hereby award you the title Champion of the Heavens.”

You take it humbly. “Thank you, sir.”

“Also, cool trick with this one. Give that little medallion a spin.” he adds. You do as he asks, giving a gentle spin… and it plays a little rock tune. “Just ‘cause you’re one cool kid. Now, what might you desire in compensation for all you’ve done?”

>A. I’d like to train with you, sir
>B. Think you could help speed along my grandfather, Bardock’s, new position as Marshall of Hell?
>C. How about a feast, for everyone here?
>D. Something else?
>C. How about a feast, for everyone here?
>D. "Do you think you could teach me to rock as hard as you do, sir?" of course with an inaugural
Grand Kai's attempts to stay hip and with it just make him seem more ancient.
Support >>4434364
>Think you could help speed along my grandfather, Bardock’s, new position as Marshall of Hell?
So what did Baby's new body look like? I can't remember if a pic was used for it.
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“Well Grand Kai, I do have a couple things. I’d like you to train me…” You notice he winces as he forces a smile. You then give a spin on the little medallion, and finish with, “…how to rock as hard as you do, sir!”

The forced smile becomes genuine, face even trembling a little with joy. “Kid? You got it! Put ‘er there!”He raises his fist, and you bump yours against it.

“And for my second request… how about a big feast for everyone here, in celebration?” you ask.

“Hahahaha! That sounds like a great idea!”

A large feast is set up quickly for all the gathered fighters, Kais, and even Pantea and Videl, with you sharing a quick chat with several folks there. Most importantly though, you check with Supreme Kai.

“So the sword is secure, right?” you ask.

“It let off a few unusual pulses of power, but I was able to keep it from continuing. The sword has been placed in a temporary binding that will be reinforced later on into a complete sheath.” he explains. “We will work on such a thing later, though. For now, let us celebrate your victory, Champion of the Heavens.”

“Well that’s a relief. Thank you, sir.” You get some more grub. Hmm… might not hurt to check with a few more folks, see what they’re up to.

>A. Talk with Pantea and Videl for a bit
>B. Talk with Teacher Izumi and great grandpa Gohan
>C. Talk with Tapion and Minotia
>D. Talk with Olibu and Yazai
>E. Talk with King Kai and Grand Kai
>F. Talk with Pikkon
>G. Something else?
>E. Talk with King Kai and Grand Kai
>F. Talk with Pikkon.
>A. Talk with Pantea and Videl for a bit
>B. Talk with Teacher Izumi and great grandpa Gohan
>C. Talk with Tapion and Minotia
>D. Talk with Olibu and Yazai
Yes, good.
Ask how the situation on Earth and Z are.
>Talk about our last couple of battles.
Doing A. and C. are both good ideas if we have extra time.
Let's make like the jrpg protagonist we were always meant to be.
Okay folks, I'll have to call it a night here, starting to pass out. We'll continue tomorrow starting ~5:30 pm PST, if there aren't any complications like there were today. Did y'all have fun? Stay safe out there.
Thanks for running, had fun!
I'm super proud of you for resting when you need it, ma'am.

Looking forward to rock lessons!
Wonder if Boombox Demon and Green Demon Lady are still fighting?
Everything okay, Kato?
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Thanks anons

You'll see soon enough

I'll live

And I'm so, so sorry for the delay again. Had some problems towards the end of work, then had to deal with something else when I came home. We are back now, though. Sorry if this night's going to be short.


You first check in with Grand Kai and King Kai, approaching them respectfully. “Hello sirs. Thank you both again for this.”

“Eheh, kid, you won the North Quadrant the Tournament. I should be thanking you!” King Kai replies happily. “And know this, even though you’ll be back on Earth soon, you’re always gonna be welcome on my planet.”

“And mine.” Grand Kai adds with a proud grin. “We still got those lessons to go through, after all. But even with that, I’m sure the fighters here would love having you around to train with.”

You bow to them both. “I’m honored. And I’ll make good on that, I promise. By the way, are Earth and Z’S doing okay?”

“Should be back to normal soon, at least within the next hour or so.” Grand Kai responds. “Though some weird stuff was happenin’ on Earth, last I checked.”

“Hmm… well, if anything especially bad was happening, I’m sure someone would contact us at this point.” You then notice Pikkon leaning against the side of the main building, drinking a soda. You approach him and wave. “Hey! Thanks again for that awesome fight!”

“Hmn. Just know that this means I’ll train all the harder for next time, kid.” he responds coolly. “And you better not slack when you enter the land of the living again.”

“I won’t, promise. Also thanks for helping us deal with Janemba and Baby and all that… and sorry for kinda putting you on Yemma-freeing duty.”

Pikkon laughs. “Hah! If anything, that’s what allowed me to come in at the last minute and save you from ‘em.”

“Okay overstating that just a bit.” you remark with a forced smile. “But still, thanks.”

“Honestly more interested in seeing how your gramps is gonna handle his new job. I might not end up called to handle Hell’s troublemakers as often, but might be good heading down there a couple times to keep them in shape.” Pikkon states. “This should make things much more interesting going forward.”

“Heh, I’m just glad King Yemma accepted it. Anyway…” You raise your fist. “Rematch some time?”

Pikkon fist bumps you. “Rematch some time.”

Next up you head over to Pantea and Videl, waving to the pair. “So, was that a good tournament, or what?”

“I’ll admit, it’s given me plenty to think on for my own training. So many of these fighters have their own unique techniques and fighting styles, and a lot of the fighters here just get to keep training and getting stronger… heh, I’ll admit it makes me just a little jealous.” Videl tells you with a wide smile.

“Wasn’t exactly expecting we’d need to help out like we did, but it did prove to be a great test of our full strength.” Pantea adds in. “Plus was great seeing you kick Baby’s butt like that, Videl, and man, with Pandel we’re pretty much unbeatable now!”

“Don’t get overconfident.” you warn half-teasingly. “I’m the Champion of the Heavens, after all.”

Videl laughs. “Oh Peppa’s gonna definitely want to have a match against you when you’re back home, Gohan.”

“Pluuuuus I have new ammo~” Pantea slyly remarks, grinning at Videl.

Her eyes narrow. “You’ll keep your mouth shut.”

“Girl we fused, I know exactly what you were thinking about him.”

“Starting now.” Videl demands. “You speak up and I’ll tell Gohan here all about-”

“ANYWAY.” Pantea loudly interrupts. “Good to see you again, Gohan. Hope you’ll be home soon.”

You nod. “Yeah. Take care.” Okay, next up, you see Teacher Izumi, great grandpa Gohan, Yazai, and Olibu all together. They cheer and call you over.

“Gohan my boy! So, so proud of you!” great grandpa declares warmly. “You’ve done so well for yourself.”

“Indeed! You’ve shown not just the pride of the North Quadrant, but of Earth as well! Haha!” Olibu boisterously laughs.

“Not to mention the Tuffles. You were tactical and used your head well.” Izumi praises.

“Hell, you did all of planet Plant proud.” Yazai tells you with a wide grin. “Not just for the tournament, but for handling Janemba. You showed how much stronger the Saiyans could have been if we’d taken in allies and worked to better ourselves.”

“Thank you all for helping me get this far. I owe you.”

“To Son Gohan! The Champion of the Heavens!” Olibu yells out, holding up a goblet for a toast.


And last but not least, Tapion and Minotia. The brothers smile at you. “I am glad you helped us with this opportunity, Gohan. It has done wonders for the two of us to put what we’ve learned to the test. We may not have been able to keep Buu from being released if not for this bit of encouragement.”

“Haha! I’m still proud I made it so far!” Minotia says as he puts his hands behind his head. “You’re the best, Gohan!”

“So, will you be heading to King Yemma next?” Tapion questions.

>A. Yep! Gonna get grandpa Bardock’s position finalized
>B. Kinda wanna make sure the sword is looked after first, just in case
>C. Something else?
>A. Yep! Gonna get grandpa Bardock’s position finalized
>C. Thank the other Kais and their fighters for a wonderful tournament and that we hope to train with each of them one day.
>C. Might try it out a little while the Supreme Kai can help me learn to control it.
This >>4435799
If we're going to screw around with the sword, I'll have to insist that we talk about if its risky to actually use that way, or even if it's even all that powerful as a weapon.

I'm pretty sure supreme kai intends to keep it sealed in the sheath anyway.
It's a sword. They're for swinging. We learn with the Supreme Kai in case of... problems.
Next A or B calls it.
Bah, I'll change mine to B just to move us on.
What id really like to do is kill the guy in the sword and shape his life energy into something else.
Bless your vicious heart, let's try.
“Actually, I’d like to make sure I get the sword dealt with first.” you tell them. “At the very least make sure there’s a better binding around it and how it works. Shouldn’t take too long, right?”

Tapion and Minotia nod. “That’s understandable. We may be able to help with that.”

“Perfect! We’ll do that first, then!”

With the feast over, you wave goodbye to your friends and allies and go with Supreme Kai and Kibito back to their world. You arrive seeing the Muramasa placed on a small pillar, inside what looks like some kind of katchin sheath with crystal details around it, formed in curious patterns and symbols. However, you also don’t sense any power coming off of it, or at least nothing very powerful.

“It will still take some time to finalize it, at the moment it is merely the groundwork for the final sheath. Still, it should hold the blade steady for the time being.” Shin explains to you.

“Supreme Kai, sir, how might we help?” Tapion questions.

“Well, we can start by going over the interior enchantments to keep energy from radiating through the sheath…” He starts to go on explaining a process to the brothers.

Kibito stands attentively, though he looks to you as you take hold of the sword with the sheath over it. It’s heavier than before, though that’s probably from the katchin used. “Honestly, as it is, it might make a fantastic strength training bokken of sorts.”

>A. Practice forms with it, though be careful to keep it in the sheath
>B. Listen in with Tapion and Minotia, might be good for you to learn too
>C. Check on Elder Kai, see if he enjoyed watching the Tournament too
>D. Something else?
>C. Briefly
>B. Kais forbid we ever have to make field repairs, but it never hurts to know.
>D. Bokken, eh? Even with that much I'm worried about it breaking. I wish we could destroy or alter the being inside to make it less of a threat, but i suppose if we could do that the other sealed dangers would already be dealt with.
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You look over the blade with the sheath over it. “Hmm… while it might be better as a bokken, kinda wish we could do something about the being inside it, like, at minimum be able to find a way to alter it into something if destroying it isn’t an option. Still, will have less reason to worry about breaking the thing inside at least.” You shoulder it, then tell Supreme Kai and the brothers, “Gonna check on Elder Kai real quick, make sure he’s doing okay.”

“All right Gohan. We’ll go over the blade some more in a bit.”

You walk away and find Elder Kai resting under a tree, book of manga over his face, a soft snoring sound in the air. He notices you as you approach, though, stretching a bit and yawning, then pulling the book down. “Ah, Gohan, back already?”

“Yep! As the Champion of the Heavens, no less.” You point down at the belt, giving the symbol a little spin and air guitaring as the tune plays. “You manage to catch it all?”

“Indeed.” He gets to his feet. “Well? How’s it feel really testing out power beyond your normal limits?”

“I’ll admit, it’s probably what helped save the universe just a bit ago.” you reply as you show him the sword. “I think I’m still getting used to what all I can do with it, but it’s definitely been a boon like nothing else.” You bow respectfully. “Thank you, sir, for everything.”

“Ehehehe, you did hold up your end of the bargain, kiddo. But I am glad it’s working out for you, and that you’re using it justly.” he says with a smile on his face… though he turns his head. “…Huh, now what in the heavens is that noise?”

You blink. It’s… that snoring sound again. It wasn’t coming from him. Curious, you start walking in the direction of it, approaching a cave set in a small mountain. You grip the sword tight as you head in closer. Don’t quite see anything yet, but- wait. You form a small ball of Ki to light up the area. Way in the back of the cave there’s…

A large, round, pink creature with a gumlike body, a purple cape around its shoulders, a black and yellow vest on its chest, bright yellow boots and gloves on its hands and feet, and white poofy pants of some kind. And… on the black belt around its wide waist, a big, stylized “M” symbol. Snoring happily, as if in a long, deep slumber.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting ~2:30 pm PST. I’ll be around for a bit for questions and stuff. Did y’all have fun? Hope everyone’s staying safe out there. Also, keep with Gohan, or switch to Peppa or Izzy?
I'm sure that's a good sign. We should have this sword near it, for sure.

I think Izzy, for now.
Well, shit.

Let's switch to Izzy.
Is that what those rolls were for

Had a good time, Kato! Rest well

And down with a switch to Izzy
Funny how Gohan has the best time of his life....after he died.

Movin' onto Izzy!
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Okay, Izzy it is!

Sorry again for the delay, wise and I got back home just 15 minutes ago. We are definitely back now though!

Back on Z’S…

“Arashio, what the hell did you do?!” Acer demands.

“Oh don’t be like that, I’m not here to cause you lot any more grief. So good to see you folks all doing so, so well!” the Machine Mutant exclaims bizarrely cheerfully. “Ah, but allow me to properly introduce myself. I am the individual designated Mugen, I believe Maple told you about me previously?”


“Well as much as I’d like to make this a social visit, especially with such a fantastic specimen such as yourself, dear Z’Sian, I was called here by someone I believed had perished in orbit above the home of these Tuffles.” Mugen explains. “How ARE you here, you old bore? Last I heard, you were irreparably trashed.”


“Are you here to help us close them?” you question.

He lets out a soft chuckle. “Oh, something like that. I will require something in exchange for this service, though.”

“Oh I am not liking the sound of that…” dad grumbles.

“Just allow me to… take a few with me, once this is all done.” Mugen requests. “I’d rather like a new specimen or two to add to my collection, you see. And don’t worry, Z’Sian, I am not including you as part of that deal. Is this agreeable?”

>A. Fine, whatever, just help us stop this already!
>B. Why should we trust you? What exactly will you do to help us?
>C. This sounds too risky to be true, and we’re trying to put them back, not keep them here!
>D. Something else?
>D. "Arashio, what were you trying to accomplish by bringing a complete mercenary?"
>D. A few of what? A few of Buster Keaton!?
>D. "Ledgic went with you willingly to become stronger. If you can give us some proof that he isn't some statue, in a zoo or anything like that then maybe we can negotiate with whom you can take. If they want to go with you at all."
>Izzy: "Oh yeah, Dad: Who's Ledgic?"
>Acer: "I dunno."
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“Give us a reason to trust you on this, then. Explain how you’ll help us, and show us a way we can trust that you’ll uphold whatever deal we make.” you demand.

“Izzy…” dad speaks as he glances in your direction.

“Hmhmhm, a negotiator? Very well. We can talk business, but I’ll make it quick.” Mugen responds. “What would convince you my offer is genuine?”

“Aunt Maple did mention something about you ‘collecting’ Ledgic a while back. Where is he? Show us he’s not under some sort of mind control or in a cage somewhere.”

Mugen actually claps his hands together excitedly. “Oh fantastic! That should solve this easily then.” He then signals for something. “You’re up! Be careful of the high gravity!”

You feel a Ki signature appear close to Arashio. A blue-skinned, tall man with a wide head in a black jumpsuit and red jacket materializes, arms crossed and a bemused expression on his face. You definitely recognize him from the Tournament. “Hmnh. I hoped I wouldn’t have to deal with you Earthlings again for some time.”

Dad looks him over. “…Doesn’t look like he’s under anyone’s control.”

“I’m not allowing a repeat with Babidi.” Ledgic bluntly comments.

“All I want is to keep a few that pop out. Is that agreeable?” Mugen requests again.


Dad looks to you. “…I don’t like this but I’d rather not make this a bigger incident than it already is.”

>A. All right, all right, fine, no objections
>B. This still doesn’t sit right with me. Sorry, but I can’t agree to this
>C. How will you capture the things that come through?
>D. Something else?
I don't like this either Acer but its either negotiate or we destroy everything we've worked hard to salvage.
"If Doctor Myuu or Doctor Raichi comes through, we're going to have a problem aren't we?"

We already had Hatchiyak come through and try to take Izzy (possibly to Raichi himself?) so there's always that risk.
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“I don’t like it either, but we can’t destroy everything we tried to salvage. We’re running low on time.” You look to Ledgic. “All right, all right, fine, we’ll accept this.”

He turns away, facing the shimmering portal as it starts to open wider. “Very well.”

“Mugen, how exactly do you plan to capture these? My cousin Peppa knows all about catching monsters so I’ve got a bit of osmosis on how you might do this, but I don’t see your buddy here with anything to put them in.” you ask next.

“Oh it shouldn’t be too much issue! Merely focus on… well, whatever it is you’re really trying to do, and allow me to see if there are any unique specimens that would like to come along.” Mugen explains. “They are really from Hell, yes?”

Arashio lets out a pained and dissatisfied “YES.”

“Then it should be plenty easy to get them to agree to come along.”

“And if the next ones that pop out of it are Myuu or Raichi, what then?” you ask. “Will we have problems?”

“Well having Myuu back would solve a lot of things, perhaps I can convince him to handle this amicably?” Mugen… doesn’t so much answer as ponder aloud.


Oh that can’t be good. Everybody gets into position, Ledgic forming two swords that he draws from his shoulder spikes. You focus and… feel something just a little familiar. A black, metallic mass starts to push through the portal. Wait, that’s-!

“IZUMI MAHOGANY! The prophecy is at hand! Hell has broken asunder, AND THE CHILDREN SHALL CLAIM YOUR WORLD!” The mechanical abomination version of the spider-snake monster forces its way through, its exterior covered by smaller versions of itself. The tiny robot spider-snakes leap off its body and begin to scurry around the interior.

…And Mugen lets out a giddy cheer. “Ooooh! I wanted this one after I saw what it could do. Oh do be quick about this.”

>A. Attack ‘em all and force as many back as you can!
>B. Barrier! Keep Nazar protected!
>C. Let out a blast of Lightning to stun as many as possible!
>D. Something else?
>A & C.
Lighting infused atttacks, hopefully stunning anyone we can't take out immediately.
Given that we seem to have precious little players at the moment, ill just back this post instead.
Catch them in nets. Electrified nets.
>A, B, C.
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Rolled 19, 3, 20 = 42 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 4d10, best of three! DC is 11 for all!
Rolled 17, 11, 15, 16 = 59 (4d20)

You mean d20, yeah?
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Rolled 6, 5, 19, 18 = 48 (4d20)

Yes! Gah! Sorry.
Rolled 17, 20, 20, 5 = 62 (4d20)

Rolled 19, 20, 18 = 57 (3d20)

Primus, well, you passed all! Writing...
Your rolls ain't half bad either.
Hahahahaha wow
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You charge up your Ki and let your power flow through your mech. “Okay! Here it goes! HRAAAAAH!” Forming an electrified barrier around your mech, you charge forward through the horde of spider-snake machines, the raw power of it surging through the them and smacking them aside. As you do that, dad snaps his fingers and blasts out a huge explosion of flame that keeps them at bay. You then tackle into the main monster and manage to knock it down.

“GRRAAAHHH! IZUMIIII MAHOGANNYYYY!” Its legs stab at your barrier, though each attack is easily repelled by it.

As more of the smaller ones start to fall off its body, you use the Clothes Beam to create a reinforced net, then channel Lightning through it to hold the monsters in place. It tries to blast energy out from its body, only for Ledgic to deflect a few of the shots with his blades, Arashio cleaning up the stragglers with ease.

You hear polite, but appreciative clapping. “Oh bravo! You captured that one quite quickly, and have shown me some fascinating little tricks that suit of yours is capable of. It would be quite a boon if I could add you to my collection, but I suspect you won’t come along willingly. Speaking of which… Ledgic, are coordinates locked?”

“Yes. Ready for transport.” And just like that, the spider-snake vanishes, teleported away .

“I’ll have a little chat with it. Now, isn’t this rather amiable an agreement? I do thank you for calling me, Arashio.”


“Yes, yes, and I supposed I should have ended up more like you?” he retorts, adding in a mocking laugh. The more you hear him talk, the more he reminds you of Towa’s kid.

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“When you say too large, do you mean like, literally too big, or with too much power?” dad questions.


You rub the side of your head inside the mech. Looking through the portal, you catch a glimpse of some… big yellow thing in the distance. Kinda looks like an oversized bug of some sort- SHIT. “Hirudegarn!”

“Ooh ooh ooh I heard about that thing! Oh that would be a fantastic new addition!” Mugen blurts out like a kid in a candy store. “Please, try to capture that too!”

“WHAT?! NO!” dad yells at him. “Weren’t you listening? That thing gets through, it’s going to cause untold havoc wherever it ends up!”



>A. Everyone, send the strongest blast you can manage through!
>B. Nazar, I’ll help! I’ll share some of my energy with you so you can close the Hakkero
>C. Charge through! Have dad send someone after when you’re done, but keep Hirudegarn occupied with yourself!
>D. Something else?
>C. Charge through! Have dad send someone after when you’re done, but keep Hirudegarn occupied with yourself!
A single attack may not stop it, our actual presence should slow down more reliably.
Mech vs. Kaiju fight?
Mech vs. Kaiju fight.
>C. Charge through! Have dad send someone after when you’re done, but keep Hirudegarn occupied with yourself!
Rolled 18, 10, 3 = 31 (3d20)

All righty! Roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 12 for both!
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Rolled 13, 1 = 14 (2d20)

Rolled 3, 12 = 15 (2d20)

Rolled 6, 2 = 8 (2d20)

Rolled 12, 16, 17 = 45 (3d20)

Passed both! If with complication. Writing...
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“Dad.” You start to power up, your emerald aura surrounding your mech. “Send someone after me.”

“Wait, IZZY NO!”

“IZZY YES!” You charge through the portal at full speed, passing into Hell and rocketing at Hirudegarn. Slamming into the monster, it’s pushed back slightly, not expecting that sudden attack. “Hey buddy, you remember me? I’m the one who put you here. Which means I’m the one who’s gonna make sure you STAY here.”

“GRAAAAAAN!” it roars out. As you try to smash the mech’s fist into Hirudegarn’s face, it moves away, body turning to mist again and disappearing. It then reappears above you, flying down and trying to smash into you.

Thankfully, with your barrier still up, you’re able to take the hit, but the sheer force of the monster manages to break through it. You double back, getting some distance as the monster roars at you again. You sense around and find… a lot of things going on, really. There’s a massively powerful entity somewhere in this place that you feel a bunch of people fighting. Videl, Pantea, even Gohan and a couple other Ki signatures you don’t recognize. Way, way farther away, you can even sense Vegeta’s Ki again, feeling like it did at the end of the fight against Baby… and also Broly’s. Grh… can’t focus on them right now though.

Hirudegarn’s tail stabs towards you, and you manage to dodge its attacks. Even while you’re not having to deal with the intense gravity, you can still feel that you might not be able to hold very long against this thing. You’re gonna need to make this quick.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting ~4:30 pm PST. I’ll be around for a bit for questions and stuff. Did y’all have fun? Hope everyone’s staying safe out there.
Fun had, thanks for running!
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Thanks for playing!

And okay, we are back!

Getting some distance between yourself and the monster, you stare it down, and it does the same. You managed to stop this thing once before, and you’ve got both the tool to do it and way more power than you had last time. But at the same time, this is it even stronger than before, and if anything you feel power beyond what it had when you slew it. How’re you going to handle this?

>A. Attempt to bind it in place, then attack with the Sword of Braves!
>B. Better keep its focus on you for as long as you can, while they seal up the Hakkero!
>C. Cast Magic! Try to overpower it!
>D. Drive Hirudegarn back with an all-out attack!
>E. Something else?
>A. Attempt to bind it in place, then attack with the Sword of Braves!
>B. Better keep its focus on you for as long as you can, while they seal up the Hakkero!
Try to take it down, but keep up defense if that doesn't finish it off.
>A, B, C.

Channel light magic for extra oomph through the sword.
>E. Sense around the immediate area and see if there's anyone or anything useful or problematic right to hand.
Rolled 15, 6, 6 = 27 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 3d20, best of three!
shit sorry, DC is 12 for all!
Rolled 9, 9, 12 = 30 (3d20)

Rolled 7, 10, 7 = 24 (3d20)

Rolled 2, 9, 5 = 16 (3d20)

Passed one! Writing...
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You attempt a repeat of what you did with the spider snake machine, materializing a net and enchanting it to keep Hirudegarn in place. But right as it’s about to engulf the monster, Hirudegarn vanishes into mist again, appearing behind you and smashing its fist into the back of your mech. You land hard against the ground, but get back up before its tail stabs down at you.

Getting some distance again, you attempt a new tactic, holding your mech’s arms out and channeling Magic through them. “GLACIER SURGE!” A tremendous torrent of supercooled water blasts out, though to counter it Hirudegarn opens its mouth wide and releases a massive spout of hellish flames. The attacks meet, canceling one another out as the area near you is covered with a frigid frost, while the area near the monster is singed from the sheer heat.

You head away again, Hirudegarn chasing after you, flying fast. Okay, good news, it’s still focused on you, not on escaping Hell. Bad news, it’s still focused on you, and won’t let you get an opening in. Rgh… what do you do now?

>A. Try again, you still need to strike it down with the Sword of Braves!
>B. Bring it further away! Just keep letting it chase you before your strength depletes
>C. Cast Magic again! Hit it with a stronger spell!
>D. Try to sense for anyone who might be able to help you deal with this thing
>E. Something else?

>C. Cast Magic again! Hit it with a stronger spell!
>D. Try to sense for anyone who might be able to help you deal with this thing
>E. Pulse our energy like a beacon, hopefully someone friendly recognizes us.
That E probably isn't the best idea, we are still in Hell after all
Ahh, right. Was just thinking of the feeling out of our friends from earlier. Retracted.
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Rolled 1, 19, 15 = 35 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 2d20 this time, best of three! DC is 12 for both again!
Rolled 10, 18 = 28 (2d20)

Rolled 20, 20 = 40 (2d20)

Rolled 12, 2 = 14 (2d20)

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...Primus. Well. You passed! Writing...
We killed him so hard he died past death, into double Hell.

Your emerald aura surges around your mech. “I will stop you, Hirudegarn! For good! You will NEVER head back into the realm of the living ever again!” You pull your mech’s arms back, filling them with Magic. “STELLAR… WINDS!” Light and Wind Magic mixed together, you thrust forward and form a swirling vortex of energy around Hirudegarn. The monster attempts to leave it, but as it turns to mist, it realizes it CAN’T leave, the winds pushing it back and the light damaging it in such a state. It returns to its full form, shock on its face.

You draw the Sword of Braves and open the mech up, tossing the sword out then catching it with the right hand of your mech. Cockpit closed again, you hold the sword with both of its hands, the blade looking more like a knife. “GGRRRAAAAAAAAAARN!” Hirudegarn roars out again, trying to let out an Explosive Wave to escape.

“No! You end here and now!” Can’t quite repeat what you did before with both swords, gaining strength from everyone… but you might not need to. You channel Light and Shadow through the mech’s arms, pooling that power into the Sword of Braves. “HELL! AND! HEEAAAAAAVVEEEEEN!” Chaotic power surges through the blade as you fly at the monster at full speed. “HRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!”

You pierce through Hirudegarn’s chest with enough force that it knocks the beast off its feet. The sword’s own magic mixed with yours ripping through Hirudegarn’s body, you exit out the other side through a much larger hole than you made entering it. Its body rips apart at the seams, losing color and crumbling. You turn around just in time to see it fade to light.

You raise the sword up high. “Demon God Hirudegarn, vanquished.”

…And then you feel your two body start to twitch. Rgh. Crap. Really should get outta here soon. You look back. Portal’s closing, but you can still get through.

>A. Tell dad to close it, you’ll get out another way
>B. Better hurry! Fly out at full speed!
>C. Check if there’s anything else headed that way, just in case
>D. Something else?
Thirded >>4438886
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Okay! Roll me 1d20, best of three! DC is 11!
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Rolled 7 (1d20)

Rolled 13 (1d20)

Passed! Writing...
Passed! Writing...

...Uh. Anon?
Sorry sorry sorry
Haha, it's okay. Though please, write away.
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Only one chance at this. And… this is gonna be risky, but you’ve gotta try! “Full speed! RAIOOOO…KEN!” You let the power flow through the mech, sparks surrounding the exterior. Rocketing towards the exit, you tear up the ground of Hell beneath you. It shrinks further and further, and… you feel something in the distance try to approach, but you’re not going to let it distract you! “RRRAAAAAAAAH!”

…And just in time, you make it through the portal before it shrinks too far for your mech to pass through. You land in front of the Hakkero, sticking the landing. You turn back and notice something that looks like… that green thing that went after Sugil previously, but different. More feminine, with differently shaped wings, a head of hair again, and strange circular symbols around its body. It also moves strangely, as if it were dancing awkwardly as it walked. But! The portal shrinks too much to let it through. The being looks through the shimmering air for a moment, then heads away.


“Oooh excellent! Shame you couldn’t capture that Hirudegarn creature.” Mugen comments. “But that was quite a remarkable entrance.”


“{WE ARE.}”

Mugen claps. “Good good! So, Ledgic, looks like we’ll have to make due with the one you captured and the old bore. Unless… we can add another from this interesting trio to my collection.”

“Don’t push your luck.” dad tells him, walking over to you. “Izzy, you okay in there?”

“Y-yeah… just… think I am running on empty now.” you say weakly.

“I’ll get Irico down here pronto. Also for the gods’ sake PLEASE don’t do that again, nearly gave me a heart attack.” Acer tries to get through to Irico. “We need a pickup, pronto.”

“Y-yeah… uh… p-please don’t tell mom?” you ask.

Dad looks at you, eyes narrowed. “…I’ll tell her you helped save the day. Just, y’ know, don’t mix bravery with recklessness going forward.”

“Won’t do anything more than I can handle, promise.” You lean back in your mech, letting out a loud sigh. Finally over.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting ~5:30 pm PST. I’ll be around for a bit for questions and stuff. Did y’all have fun? Hope everyone’s staying safe out there.
Lot's of fun, fantastic good rolls helped but we know your use of all results make a good story. Thanks for the tale told.

All is calm and safe here. Essential workers aren't always in a risky spot.
>You turn back and notice something that looks like… that green thing that went after Sugil previously, but different. More feminine, with differently shaped wings, a head of hair again, and strange circular symbols around its body. It also moves strangely, as if it were dancing awkwardly as it walked.

So Coconut Sugil fused with Boombox Demon.

Huh. Interesting.
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Glad you had fun! And glad to hear. Things have been less than ideal down here, especially this weekend, so hope everyone's staying safe.

And now you know.

And okay, we are back!

You finally get out of the building, Irico’s shuttle landing nearby. Ledgic and Arashio look you all over, staying back. Nazar floats by you, a curious look on its face. “{WE APPRECIATE THE HELP YOU HAVE GIVEN US. HOWEVER, WE STILL HAVE MUCH LEFT TO DO.}”

“What exactly will you be doing, going forward?” dad asks.



“Don’t mess with Earth again and we’re good.” you warn. “You saw what I could do before when I put you in the dirt. I’m stronger now than I was then.”

He silently turned away from you, vanishing with Ledgic. Well, guess that’s settled, at least.

>A. Nazar, would you allow me to return some day to to help you with this? I want to learn more about the Hakkero
>B. You need to get into contact with Mugen, see what else he’s planning to do here
>C. Really should check up on the Para Para Bros and Cheelai
>D. Something else?
Let Acer know about the funky demon lady we saw and that we should probably put out a warning to the others. Especially since we sensed a lot of people we know in Otherworld.
This D.
>Things have been less than ideal down here, especially this weekend, so hope everyone's staying safe.
I think I'm adjacent to the same problems. You be careful.

I'll second all this. However along with that, an extra:

>D. Nazar, I understand and appreciate your notions of balance. But bear in mind that trying to apply that to others might cause further problems for yourself.
In case Nazar takes that as a threat from us, point out the lengths we've gone to talk problems down.
>A & C.
And supporting
These Ds
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Sometimes balance for one is not balanced for another.

Take for instance the crazy Titan man who thinks killing half the universe is 'balance'.

I know that example won't be around for several years but eh.
>ow, why does the robot's scorn hurt?
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“Nazar, would you allow me to return some day to help you with this? I still have more I’d like to learn about the Hakkero.” you request. “Also… while I understand the way you think, I’m not sure everyone will see eye to eye with you on the idea of balance. Try to be patient with those who aren’t used to it.”


“All right, take care then.” Finally you arrive back on the station, but as you do, you mention to Acer, “Hey so, you noticed that too, right? That thing that was following me as I escaped Hell? Maybe we should send folks a warning there, I sensed some familiar people in Hell. Gohan, Videl, Pantea, think they were trying to solve whatever caused this.”

“Okay, I’ll get on that.” he replies, holding the side of his head. “What a day this had been.”

Next you ask Irico if you can contact the ship that was still in orbit around the planet. He looks at you like you’ve lost your mind at first, but he decides it’s best not to argue with you at this point given everything that happened down on the planet. Mugen is quite pleased that you’ve decided to talk with him. “Well well! To what do I owe you the pleasure?”

“Why are you still here? I’m sure you’ve got what you wanted.” you question.

“Oh I’m just getting the new additions to my collection adjusted. Plus seeing the Galactic Patrol get all nervous amuses me intensely.” He leans forward on the visual display. “…You also seem to have captured some interesting little, well, let’s call them ‘troublemakers.’ I know the Machine Mutants as a whole are less than pleased with them, buuuuut I myself might find use of those ‘Para Para Brothers.’ Perhaps you could pass along this: I might be willing to take them out of your hair if they’re willing to work for me directly.” He then leans back. “Or not! They aren’t really that rare a thing to add to my collection, so if you’d rather them rot in the Patrol Prison, I won’t be too upset by that.”

You narrow your eyes, like he’s insulted your intelligence. “...Are you seriously trying to get me to do this while speaking it aloud on an open channel? The Galactic Patrol are aware you’re telling me this.”

“And what can they do to you? Ask you politely to stop?” he questions, a smug tone in his mechanical voice. “Choice is yours. I’ll be here for a short while longer. Tata~”

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Closing the channel, you shake your head and walk off. He DEFINITELY is reminding you of that Fu guy. You head over to Cheelai and the Para Para Brothers, Monty leaning against the wall beside the door. He gives you a friendly wave. “Hey. They’ve been staying nice and quiet since you all were busy down there.”

“For good reason! Why in the hell would we want to be involved in any of that?!” Cheelai blurts out. “And just what do YOU want? Came to gloat, little miss treasure hunter? You don’t look so tough without that Saiyan buddy of yours.”

>A. Well… might be best to at least warn them about the Machine Mutants being after them, just to be on the safe side
>B. Gloat? Why now that you mention it… haha! You got losers got caaaaaught! Have fun rotting in jaaaail~
>C. Okay let’s cut to the chase here, do you people intend on cooperating with the Galactic Patrol and paying for the trespassing you did?
>D. ...y’ know, could telepathically bring up Mugen’s offer
>E. Something else?
>E. Loom a little. We can be just as intimidating as Peppa. Totally.
"No, I've come to offer you a job. Instead of hunting treasure for profit, I want to hire you all to be explorers instead. Work for us to find places like Planet Z and help us learn and explore. Instead of being thieves, you can be archeologists."
>A & C.
Maybe give an olive branch for after they've served some time.
Replace my D with this E. If I can't make Izzy into a dragon goddess, I will settle for galactic-scale magic kingpin.
Offer to become their parol officer and I'm on-board
Yes, whatever lies we have to tell to get this mafia off the ground with minimal complications.

Hey we're a family.

But now we're becoming...a 'family' with italics.
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When did you guys become cool?


A bit late I know but can we get a reminder of who Sugil is and what green thing went after them?
That jinzoma lady with the pink hair who went into a coconut.
Sugil is one of Gero's creations, Artificial Human #12. Her body was built to work with a bio-machine named Mito to produce a stronger form. Think of it akin to a prototype to how Cell incorporates 17 and 18.

“Well to start, the Machine Mutants are probably out to tie up some loose ends with you guys…” You wave your hand in the direction of the Para Para Brothers. “So feel like it’d appropriate to give you a heads up to start.” They all gulp in fear.

Cheelai is unimpressed. “Oh how noble. Letting them know there are killer robots out for them. That’s just an incentive to keep them from sticking their heads up and sitting nice and quiet in Galactic Patrol custody.”

“What’s the alternative? Steal a ship and head off to the PTO?” you question. The green girl looks upward contemplatively. “…That was rhetorical. You know what? I’ll cut to the chase.” Hands on your hips, you grin at them. “Mugen, the guy piloting that big scary ship nearby? He was also willing to take you folks along. Do any of you have any intention of cooperating with the Galactic Patrol and paying for your crimes, knowing that?”

Don Para rubs his chin. “…I mean, if we can get away-”

“That’s quite a trap you set, little girl.” Cheelai comments. “Incriminate them for attempting to leave, get some extra goodie points. You’ve got a sharp mind. Not gonna work for me.”

Monty rolls his eyes. “You like hearing the sound of your own voice, don’t you?”

She sticks her tongue out at him. “Oh, and you’re a smartass. This your good cop, bad cop routine? Or the precious pair of you just trying to act tough?”

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Hands on your hips, you smirk. “I’ve got an offer you should take instead.” You thrust your thumb up at your face. “Work for me.”

Every single face in the room stares at you in varying degrees of disbelief. Cheelai recovers from it first, now suspicious but intrigued. “…Go on.”

“I’ve got some connections to the Galactic Patrol already, and I’ve got something better for you lot than merely breaking space rocks. I’ll work out an arrangement with them: becoming your parole officer to keep you under watch, while you work for me from here on out.” Hands behind your back, you start to pace around, explaining further. “You’ve got some interesting skills and a bit of a nack for treasure hunting. I can turn that to more productive efforts. Archaeology and the like. This keeps you far away from the Machine Mutants, out of the Galactic Patrol prison where I’m SURE you’d all get eaten alive by the thugs locked in there, and on a path to reform. Also prevents you from trying some insane escape attempt into PTO protection or wherever.”

“...Bet I could make it if I tried.” Cheelai remarks in a hushed tone.

You glance over at Monty. “Whatcha think? You don’t have any objections either, right?”

“You’re scary when you’re talking business.” he responds flatly. “I’m kinda impressed, you could scare mobsters into agreeing with you.”

You nudge his elbow. “Eyyyy, thanks!” Turning back around, you grin at the group. “We got a deal?”

Cheelai stands up, walking towards you. She smirks. “Prove to me you’re not all talk… and we’ve got a deal.”

>A. Shake on it first, Cheelai
>B. Bring them to Irico and dad, explain your proposition
>C. …We gotta think up a cool name for this. In fact, first mission!
>D. Something else?
>D. Give her some jewels from the castle vault. "Baddabing."
>A. Shake on it first, Cheelai
>B. Bring them to Irico and dad, explain your proposition
>A & B.
>A. Shake on it first, Cheelai
>B. Bring them to Irico and dad, explain your proposition
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You hold your hand out. “Shake on it, Cheelai. I do that, you follow me.”

She laughs tellingly. “Hahaaa! You got spunk, kid. All right.” She brings her hand forward. “I’ll shake on it.”

“Well… whatcha say, bro?” Don Para asks.

Bon Para moves forward. “…Guess this is better than the alternative. All right. Count us in.”

“Perfect. Better start getting used to calling me ‘boss’ from this point on.” Okay! Just gotta let dad and Irico know. What could go wrong?

“You want to WHAT?!” the Patroller blurts out in shock.

Dad just silently sighs, eyes closed. “…Izumi.”

“Look, look, I know it’s a bit of a stretch. But this is a way to get them to reform! Would you rather have them plotting some escape, or even worse, attracting the Machine Mutants towards you?” you question. This is sound logic. Yes.

“Full transparency, we were totally going to shapeshift and try to trick you guys and letting us out the moment we thought we could escape.” Bon Para remarks.

“And I am 90% certain I could find a way out on my own.” Cheelai adds. She then looks to the large man. “…You can shapeshift?”

“Yep!” He demonstrates by turning into some kind of more human-looking space elf guy. “See?”

Irico facepalms. “…You know what? This is officially out of my pay grade. I’ll pass this along to my boss. IF HE APPROVES IT, fine. BUT…” He pulls his hand down from his face. “Izumi Mahogany. You AND YOUR PARENTS will be signing off on this kind of thing. All the paperwork.”

Dad groans loudly. “And I’m just going to come home and tell Chi-chi ‘Hey honey! Izzy’s decided to adopt a quartet of criminals.’ Ugh… Izzy you do realize that you’re not getting out of any schoolwork or training because of this, right?”

You clap your hands together. “Oooh! Great idea! Another to show they can reform.”

Cheelai places her hands in her pockets. “…Let’s not push our luck here. Thaaaat said, I’ll look forward to working with you… boss.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting ~5:30 pm PST. I’ll be around for a bit for questions and stuff. Did y’all have fun? Hope everyone’s staying safe out there. Ready to switch to Peppa?
This is the worst and best idea. Thanks for running.
Crime boss instead of Goddess of Balance, but we can still make Izumi into an end boss. Let's go.
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Champion of the Otherworld vs Queen of the Underworld vs Peppa of the Netherworld.
Thanks Kato! This promises to be an amusing direction to take for Izzy.

Peppa time sounds good.
Oh right yeah, good for Peppa time
"Peppa no." "Peppa yes!"
As royalty, Izzy should be used to having vassals who serve her. Cheelai and the Para Brothers are just 'Royal Explorers' now for the Ox Kingdom.

Peppa time!
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Thanks for playing!

Well, don't count your chickens before they hatch now.

Thanks for playing!

Hah, can work with that.

And okay, Peppa it is!

We are back!

Majin Ozotto’s bulky form jiggles as he laughs, giving a snap of his fingers, Luud’s eyes lighting up. “Oh this is a pale imitation of anything deserving the title ‘God of Destruction,’ but it is quite the interesting toy to play with. I take it two of you are quite familiar with it already!”

16 and 19 stand ready as you power up. “Majin Ozotto. Do you remember what happened last time we faced one another?” You raise a clenched fist. “You died. Are you sure you want to push your luck? You’re either going to go back to Hell of your own choice, or by my hand.”

Ozotto grins. Luud starts moving forward. “Yes… you have gotten stronger, haven’t you? Power far beyond what you used to kill me! Show it to me!”

…This feels off.

>A. No. 16, 19, you take ‘em, I’ll handle Luud
>B. Don’t let him know you’re on to him, but stay alert and on the defensive
>C. Finish him quickly, but don’t go all-out
>D. Something else?
>D. Oh yeah, Luud's a machine mutant. And what do those do? Hijack your body for its power. Though, how is he gonna fit in little old you?
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"You were much more likable when you were a bucket demon, Brozotto."
>D. Look for a way to ensnare instead of impact. Tangle up whatever the plan is.
Support these
No Brozotto though
He doesn't deserve that name
It's more to tick him off since he doesn't like the name, but alright.
Seconding calling him Brozotto.
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Rolled 4, 8, 5 = 17 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 11 for both!
Rolled 5, 17 = 22 (2d20)

Rolled 1, 10 = 11 (2d20)

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Rolled 15, 13 = 28 (2d20)

Goddamn it
relax, sord bailed us out
Rolled 18, 16, 19 = 53 (3d20)

Passed both! Writing...
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Luud charges toward 16, awkwardly flailing its limbs forward. It slams into him and keeps going, forcing 16 to keep up his guard against it. 19 moves forward, managing to outspeed Ozotto and deliver a kick to the back of his head. In spite of his oversized body, he demonstrates a quickness you weren’t really expecting, leaping into the air and extending his four arms outward, taking swipes at both you and 19. Two left arms strike you in the side of the head and the gut, but you’re strong enough to take the attack, and then some. You reach out and grab the arms. “I liked you better as the bucket demon.” You dash around and wrap his arms around his body, also using the Clothes Beam to tie him up.

You then dash backward, avoiding beams he fires out from his three eyes, allowing 19 a chance to axe kick him in the head, then fly after and slam her fist into his gut… surprisingly, causing frost to build up where she struck, a decent part of his front frozen. Wow, she really has been able to learn Magic! She hovers above him as he hits the ground. “Grah! Tch… so this is the thanks I get for allowing you to come this far?”

19 looks down her nose at him. “Yes. Thank you.” She then holds her hands out, a black sphere forming between them. “Now stay there.” 19 launches the sphere, pinning Ozotto to the ground as he attempts to break free of your bindings.

You look over to 16, with Luud still attempting to attack him, but the Artificial Human regaining his composure. Still… there’s something that feels off about this. You can just barely sense something else in the area. Casually deflecting away a Ki blast Majin Ozotto fires out from his mouth, you look around. Hmm… Towa, or this “Number 21” figure? Or maybe Mira again?

>A. Hide away and go full stealth mode, try and flush ‘em out
>B. Help 19 finish off Ozotto!
>C. 16, buddy, you need any help there?
>D. Something else?
>D. Activate goggles and look for anomalies.


oh Kato, the other Ozotto that Tien mafuba'd, is he still in the jar or....?
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Rolled 1, 8, 3 = 12 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me another 2d20, best of three! DC is 11 for both again!
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Rolled 9, 2 = 11 (2d20)

Rolled 20, 5 = 25 (2d20)

Rolled 4, 11 = 15 (2d20)

Passed! Nice job! Writing...
Not gonna give 19 a roll? Huh.
Rolled 3, 5, 8 = 16 (3d20)

...Damn it that got messed up with the connection error huh? Writing now.
Welp, should've just kept my mouth shut...sorry 19.
You continue to back away, lowering your Ki signature and getting your goggles to check for anything unusual, skillfully diving down into the dirt with your Ki drill and slipping away from anyone’s detection. Focusing both with Ki sensing and with your goggles, you search around for anything unusual… and you start to get something. Three somethings, actually. Very faint, but quite some distance away there’s a trio of people all gathered in one spot. Far enough to not be noticed thanks to the big distraction that is Majin Ozotto, but possibly still able to observe visually.


You tunnel through the ground until you’re right below where you sense them. Two you immediately recognize, and of course it’s THEM. Towa and Mira, at it again. But the other looks to be… a young and kinda pretty human woman, with long and wild red hair, in a lab coat over a dress with a red and blue patch pattern, black leggings and sleeves, red rimmed glasses, and red and blue heels. The lady adjusts her glasses, talking with Towa quietly, a smug smile on her face. Can’t quite make out what’s she’s saying, but she even sounds rather young and girlish. You also catch a glimpse of what’s on her labcoat: a bright red [R><R] symbol.

Towa and Mira then vanish, and you see the young woman flying towards the battle with Majin Ozotto and Luud. Turning your attention to them, you see that Ozotto’s freed himself and gotten away from 19, while 16 is still struggling to do any real damage to Luud.

Hrmn… now what…

>A. Fly off and try to cut her off! She’s up to no good!
>B. Keep yourself hidden, she hasn’t noticed you yet
>C. Send the two a warning first! They don’t know she’s headed their way!
>D. Something else?
>D. "Why is she squinting if she's wearing glasses?"

Secret aaaaaaagent Pepp.
>B. Keep yourself hidden, she hasn’t noticed you yet
>C. Send the two a warning first! They don’t know she’s headed their way!
Support >>4442229
Secret aaaaagent Pepp~
Rolled 12, 10, 6 = 28 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 2d20 again, best of three! DC is 14 for both this time.
Rolled 14, 9 = 23 (2d20)

Rolled 8, 2 = 10 (2d20)

Rolled 13, 20 = 33 (2d20)

Rolled 20, 4 = 24 (2d20)

Passed both! Nice job!

Ooooh, so close...

Sadly I'll have to get some rest for now. We'll continue tomorrow starting ~5:30 pm PST. Hope to see y'all there, and hope everyone is staying safe!
Bye Kato!
Fun had, thanks for running!
Goodnight, will be up to Pepp tomorrow!
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Outlined this on twitter, but posting it here too just in case. Having to cancel for tonight. My sincerest apologies for this. We'll be back tomorrow ~5:30 pm PST. Please stay safe out there, everyone.
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Hah, the very night I crash from an all-nighter!
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OKAY. Things aren't as shitty as they were yesterday, thankfully. We are back!

You keep yourself hidden, but move forward underground closer to 19 and 16. You also communicate with them using your goggles, warning them of the figure approaching. The lady lands nearby, and you poke your head out of the ground behind a bit of rubble. “Braaaavo, 16, you brought the other little lost sheep to me. You’re such a good kid.” she speaks haughtily. Wow she sounds young. Like… barely older than Videl. Almost younger. Her voice is high pitched and girly.

“21.” the redheaded Artificial Human responds with a sharp glare, finally getting away from Luud. “Do not mistake this for a sign of acceptance. I do not intend to join you.”

“Of coooourse you don’t, my boy.” She claps her hands together, Luud and Ozotto looking back to her and moving closer. “I would like to know where little Peppa’s gone to, though. She was here just a while ago.”

19 gives her a bemused and ever so slightly smug look. “You have not found her yet? Your abilities are clearly lacking.”

“Ooooh, you’ve developed a feisty streak! 20 knew about the independence, but you’re showing some snark there, 19.” the woman says with a… kinda manic grin. “Really though, where’d she go?”

“Last I recall, she was targeting myself.” Ozotto responds, his three eyes looking around. “This is a new ability, I don’t think she’s run off.”

…You get just an ever so slightly cheeky idea. Stealthily, you wait until the lady looks like she’s about to step forward, then use the Clothes Beam to make a couple little somethings. “Her profile didn’t put her as a coward, and you two know this, now stop being coy and-WAH!” She slips on a tiny silk sheet you made, falling on her bum. She quickly takes the sheet and glares at it, but becomes confused as she looks at it. A cheeky, stylized picture of you sticking your tongue out at her, with a pair of words written on it. “…Above you?” the lady reads. She looks up.

A balloon filled with glitter falls on her head, popping and covering her messy hair in it. She screams in rage, trying to get it out. Oh that was too, too perfect. And she, and the other two, are distracted.

>A. Attack Ozotto! His guard’s down!
>B. Break through Luud while you still can!
>C. Clothes Beam again and keep this lady distracted so 16 and 19 can keep fighting
>D. Dig under them and attack from below!
>E. Something else?
>E. Set up ki mines.
>F. Use telekinesis to push Luud into Ozotto
>D. Dig under them and attack from below!
>A. Attack Ozotto! His guard’s down!
>E. Take out a packet of super spicy ramen and a water bottle from a capsule. Crumble the hard noodles, get them a bit wet with some water but not drowning or soaked, then sprinkle in the flavor packet. Shake the crumblies around, have some, then throw the rest at Ozotto's three eyes.
Plan "Ghetto Potato Chips"
>D. Dig under them and attack from below!
>A. Attack Ozotto! His guard’s down!
>D & A.
>D & A.
Rolled 12, 9, 14 = 35 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 11 for the first, 12 for the second!
Rolled 7, 10 = 17 (2d20)

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Rolled 11, 8 = 19 (2d20)

Rolled 6, 6 = 12 (2d20)

Rolled 7, 6, 14 = 27 (3d20)

Passed the first! Writing...
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With them all distracted, you tunnel underneath and get right below them. You hear a muffled shout through the ground coming from the furious lady. “SON PEPPA! SHOW YOURSELF! WHERE ARE YOU?!”

Well, guess you’ll oblige. You power up quickly and pierce through the ground, shouting out “RIGHT HERE!” as you burst upward, knocking the three off-balance. You tried to pierce through Luud directly, but it stumbled over and just narrowly avoided your attack. Still, you strike a pose, Ki drill at the ready. “Artificial Human 21, huh? You’re not quite what I expected for Gero’s wife.”

“And you’re more of a little brat that I was led on to believe!” she shouts back. 19 and 16 manage to dash forward and attack Ozotto and Luud, with 16 finally getting the upper hand and pummeling the oversized baby robot thing into the ground as 19 overcomes Ozotto’s defenses. However, the lady dusts herself off and simply glares forward. “Hmnh. I will need to take that into account.” 21 then smirks at you. “You’re probably wondering why I’m even here in the first place, aren’t you?”

>A. I am. And you’re gonna tell me or your hair is gonna sparkle so much it’ll give Towa flashbacks
>B. Eh, not anymore. You’re up to no good, I’m gonna stop ya’. Simple? Simple
>C. Gonna knock you out first, then we’ll talk. So… nighty night!
>D. Something else?
>D. "Why? Are you supposed to be important?"
>D. Say yes, then attack her as quickly as we can, and then say "but I've decided I don't like hearing you talk."
>D. Stopped wondering that after Android 13.
"Android number 13." Meant to imply she's isn't special or unique, just one of a set.
>D. Telepathically scan her to see if she has any mental blocks.
>E. "The only thing I'm wondering about is if your going to surrender or not. Because that would be a surprise for once."
Rolled 6, 4, 18 = 28 (3d20)

All righty, roll me 2d20 again, this time DC is 15 for the first, 16 for the last!
Rolled 9, 4 = 13 (2d20)

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Rolled 10, 11 = 21 (2d20)

Rolled 1, 4 = 5 (2d20)

Rolled 5, 16, 12 = 33 (3d20)

...Diiiidn't pass this time. Writing...
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You cross your arms, dispelling your Ki drill. “Oh? Are you supposed to be important, Artificial Human 21?” you question dismissively.

She actually strangely smiles at that. “Ah, good on you, Son Peppa, for using my proper name.” She adjusts her glasses as she looks up. “And don’t be like that. My boy has already told you of what I offered him. I am disappointed in your mother and all her little friends for keeping him from me, but I think I can make an arrangement to have him, and all our other little lost sheep, return to us. Oh, but there’s more you’re trying to figure out, isn’t there? Something you’d like to know?~”

You try to read her mind, but all you get back is mental white noise. “Well, for starters, I’m wondering if you’ll actually surrender when you see how outclassed you are. Would be a change of pace. And I guess there’s something I would like to know…” You use Instant Transmission to get right in front of her, arm pulled back. “But your voice is annoyingly smug, and I’d rather not hear more of it in that tone.” You throw a powerful right hook forward… and she dodges with ease.

“Aww, a close one~” she teases… then lets out a strange pulse of Ki from her body. You flinch and stumble backward, suddenly feeling an intense numbing sensation. Your legs wobble as you try to keep standing. “Oh come on, did you really think Towa wouldn’t prepare for something like that?” she asks haughtily. “Mmm that’s a bit of a temporary measure still. Guess you’re still in control of most of your power.”

You shake your head as the strange numbness in your body starts to fade. Gritting your teeth, you then yell out, “Okay I am DEFINITELY sick of you now!” You rush towards her… and she vanishes. You turn around and see that she’s landed near Majin Ozotto, catching him before 19 launches a powerful energy wave at him. You try to rush after her again.

“Bit of a hot temper. I’ll make note of that too.” She vanishes again, this time with Ozotto, appearing next to Luud right as 16 is about to fire a Hell Flash at the machine. He hesitates in confusion. “Well son, you know your mother’s arms are always open, waiting for you to return.”

“I will do no such thing! HELL FLASH!” 16 finally launches the attack, tearing up the ground as he fires downward. And… he fails to hit her, you see through your goggles.

…That didn’t just happen. Did it? Agh! It did! Slouching your shoulders, you feel the sensation finally completely pass, your body back to normal.

19 and 16 both give you disappointed and self-depreciating expressions. “She’s gone. We’ve failed to stop her.” the redheaded artificial human comments lowly.

>A. Search the area! There has to be something still here!
>B. Better get in contact with mom and fill her in on what all happened
>C. 16, you’re the one who knows her best, where might she be?
>D. Something else?
>A. Search the area! There has to be something still here!
Bring up what she did. That might be dangerous if we don't find some kind of countermeasure to it.
Well I think we found who replaced Churai for Towa.


"We came here originally looking for the Ninja Stronghold and the others. I think we should get to the bottom of that as well."
Sounds good.
Rolled 13, 4, 10 = 27 (3d20)

Okay, one more roll, this time 1d20, best of three! DC is 11!
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Dammit, typo
Rolled 8 (1d20)

Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 15 (1d20)

Rolled 3, 16, 10 = 29 (3d20)

Passed all! And gonna call it a night here. We'll continue tomorrow starting ~5:30 pm PST, if nothing comes up. Hope y'all had fun! And stay safe out there, everyone!
Had fun, thanks for running. Stay safe yourself.
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Thanks anon!

And okay, we are back!

You take to the air, sensing out and searching for them with your goggles, partially as a genuine way to find them and… partially as a way to help you cool your head. You grunt-sigh as you confirm that they’re not in the area. 19 and 16 fly up with you, the both of them looking concerned. “They’re definitely not in the area anymore.”

“Even I was unaware of her ability to do that. Do not blame yourself.” 16 tells you.

You take a deep breath. “Okay. Back to our other goal then. We need to find where the ninja fortress went, and Vegeta and Tien and Shao. Let’s focus back on that.”

“Understood.” 19 agrees, and the three of you continue your search. You come across some minor creatures, even a very confused Saibaman that somehow recognizes you and runs away in fear.

Along the way you get in contact with mom once more and fill her in on what happened. ‘Ghost Pepper to Momma Bird, Towa’s got a new redhead with her in her latest attempt to make you jealous of her. It’s also 16’s mom, a lady calling herself Artificial Human 21. She’s made off with Majin Ozotto and even a restored Luud, and seems like she’s the one responsible for the clones too. Over.’

‘Read you loud and clear, Ghost Pepper. I’ll pass along this information to everyone, can’t let her get the drop on us. Anything else we should know? Over.’

‘She can teleport and she has some kind of ability that messed with my body temporarily. So definitely keep some distance if anyone sees her again. Still looking for Ninja Stronghold. Over.’

‘Roger that, Ghost Pepper. Stay safe and keep in contact. Momma Bird over and out.’

Continuing your search, you find something curious. A strange, shimmering area that seems to blend the normal landscape with… the edge of a forest and some strange sky with… jellybeans for clouds? You blink and pull your goggles up to rub your eyes. “…You see that too right? I’m not going crazy?”

“It would appear we’ve found a lead.” 16 confirms.

Goggles back down, you slowly approach. “Huh… maybe they’re through here? That might mean-” You sense something else approach. Turning back quickly you see… ah crap. A clone of Piccolo?

>A. 19, 16, hold it off! I’m gonna keep investigating this
>B. Better deal with it quickly! Take it out!
>C. Keep it away from the area, it might be after them too!
>D. Something else?
>D. We should feed it to Piccolo!
>D. Try to disorient it as much as you can. Don't give her any useful data.
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Do this move combo.

Backing >>4446006
Rolled 14, 12, 1 = 27 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 3d20 this time, best of three! DC is 12 for all!
Rolled 16, 1, 10 = 27 (3d20)

Rolled 2, 6, 13 = 21 (3d20)

Rolled 3, 16, 15 = 34 (3d20)

Rolled 9, 13, 11 = 33 (3d20)

Passed all! Writing...
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“Keep it away from this, it might be after them too!” you call out, powering up. 19 and 16 stand on either side of you, ready to go, as the Piccolo Clone takes a fighting stance. “And don’t let it get any useful data!”

“Understood!” 19 replies, heading forward first. The clone swats at her, though she ducks under and lands a swift kick to his gut, forcing him away.

“ROCKET PUNCH!” 16 calls out, smashing his fist into the clone’s face, causing him to bounce on the ground as he continues to fly away.

You teleport next to him the moment he stands up and kick at his legs. 19 then grabs hold of his face, starting to drain his energy. And… while the clone at first shows pain, it then suddenly smirks menacingly. His Ki suddenly spikes as a red aura blazes around him. Ah. This is not what you wanted today. He roars out as he uses the Kaio-ken to knock you both back.

“You! Get outta here!” You fly back and grab him by the back of the shirt and fling him further away from the area. You then move with 19, acting as a shield for her as she attacks, blocking and deflecting the clone’s attacks and giving her openings. The combined assault proves too tricky for him to really overcome, and he’s away from the area and not getting any useful data.

>A. 19, you finish ‘em off! I’ll keep the heat off of you!
>B. 16, we’ll keep him distracted, you ready an attack to finish ‘em!
>C. Charge an attack and quickly finish it yourself, and do it quickly!
>D. Something else?
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>D. Create a whistle and put air magic through it to create a powerful sonic sound wave.

Even if he rips his own ears off, A. He's now deaf until he expends energy to regenerate them and B. It's a motherfuckin' distraction.
I don't think we know about this.

B then.
Rolled 8, 1, 11 = 20 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 2d20 this time, best of three! DC is 12 for both!
Rolled 17, 15 = 32 (2d20)

Rolled 14, 1 = 15 (2d20)

Rolled 11, 18 = 29 (2d20)

Rolled 14, 4, 12 = 30 (3d20)

Passed both! Writing...
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“19, let’s hold ‘em off! 16, you take ‘em down!” you order out, bringing up your guard.

“Will do.” she responds, heading forward.

The Piccolo clone stretches its arm out and grabs her before you can deflect it away, flinging her into the ground. With its other hand, the clone charges a Spiral Bolt Cannon, Magic and Ki mixing together at its fingertips. Right as it fires, though, you get under and deflect the attack. Its attention moves back to you, and he fires out beams from its eyes that hit your forehead and shoulder. The clone then rushes past you and attempts a spin-kick, though you again block the fake Piccolo’s attack.

You have to resist the urge to counter and fight back, instead holding yourself steady as 19 flies back up, her knee slamming into the back of the clone’s head to get it to flinch. She then grabs it in a chokehold, draining a bit of its energy. You float away, ready to play shield again, when your goggles detect a massive energy buildup. You turn back and see 16 with power surging around him.


“SEND IT AWAY!” He orders, having reached full charge. 19 does just that, flinging the Piccolo clone away, you kicking it to increase its velocity. “FULL POWER! PHOTON BEAM!” A massive pair of beams shoot out from 16’s eyes. They tear through the Piccolo clone, ripping it to shreds until it’s completely engulfed in the light. He then exhales deeply, body relaxing.

You and 19 land by him, the android girl slightly impressed. “I had not seen you use that before.”

“While it was in my memory banks on combat data, the power usage of it is greater than the Hell Flash technique, and it takes more of a start-up to reach full charge.” he explains. “Still, I have been… experimenting with ways to make better use of it.”

“Glad its test run was a success then.” you comment, seeing not even dust remain of the clone. You then look back to the shimmering area. So… what to do next?

>A. Let’s head in, it might be a clue as to what happened
>B. One of us needs to stand watch in case more clones show up. Who’ll it be?
>C. Check around the area first, don’t head in until you know what it is
>D. Something else?
>B. 16 seems to know the most about them and knows not to get taken.
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Getting Annihiliation (2018) vibes from this...
>D. Test tossing different things into the shimmering area. In-organic material, the organic. Observe if any animals cross into the barrier.
>D. "16, are you cure you completely engulfed the Picolone with light, before he could shoot out an egg, or have his nucleus intact to regenerate from?"
>C. Check around the area first, don’t head in until you know what it is
>B. One of us needs to stand watch in case more clones show up. Who’ll it be?
16 does seem to be a good choice for this
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“We need some clue as to what happened, and heading in will give us some answers… but I’m not liking the vibe this is giving off.” You rub your chin contemplatively. You then use telekinesis to lick up a rock and bring it to your hand, tossing it through. It passes into the weird landscape without issue. “…16, think you can hold up the rear, here? Keep any clones at bay? Or did that attack take too much power from you?”

“I am not dead weight yet.” he responds, turning away. “I’ll take point.”

You try another rock, and it too passes through harmlessly. Heading closer, you do feel like there are things on the other side of it, but it’s… weird. Faint, and not in the direction of the shimmering area. You next try the Clothes Beam, creating a length of rope, tossing it through and then pulling it back. Again, no issue. “…You wanna head through, 19? I’ll pull you out if you need.”

She gives you a bemused look. “I will head in, though I suspect you are being a bit too overly cautious this time.”

You pout slightly. “Given everything that happened today? You know I’m not.” She still seems less than impressed. “…Just take the rope.”

19 rolls her eyes. “Yes, mother.”

“Hey!” you grumble.

She holds on to one end and tries to push through, bringing up a barrier around herself as she does. And… she passes through without incident. 19 starts to head out, turning back and looking up at the treeline. “This is… definitely Fukuroku Forest. The missing portion of it at the very least.” She looks forward. “I am detecting a number of Ki signatures. Some seem to be approaching… ah.”

You tense up. “What, what’s wrong?”

“We have found our missing persons.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting ~3:30 pm PST. I’ll be around for a bit for questions and stuff. Did y’all have fun? Hope everyone’s staying safe out there.
>“…Just take the rope.”
>19 rolls her eyes. “Yes, mother.”
>“Hey!” you grumble.
"It's 'Mommy' or 'Mistress'!"
Fun successful! See you tomorrow!
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Glad you had fun!

And sorry for the delay, wife and I had to work on some bank stuff earlier. We're back now, though!

“So it’s finally all over?” you ask Tien, having entered through the portal once it’s confirmed safe. 16 still stays outside it, though stays closer to listen in on the conversation.

“Yeah. Heh, Gohan really saved the day there.” he replies.

“Indeed. He’s grown quite a bit. Apparently he’s almost finished winning a tournament hosted by the Grand Kai.” Vegeta notes. “Further, we’ve dealt with Broly. He’s going to have to live with his mistakes from now on.”

You notice a tail in Vegeta’s hand. “…What did you do, exactly?”

“We’ve managed to depower him.” Tien states. “Vegeta removed his tail, while… Yurin placed some sorts of sealing talismans on him. I then used the Mafuba to seal him up for good. He’ll live out the rest of his days in Hell; even if he somehow escapes, he’ll be trapped there for good.”

“What I did was block the flow of his Ki. Somehow, even while sealed, it wasn’t diminishing. But with this, even if he escapes, he won’t be an immediate threat.” she explains.

“So everything will simply go back to normal?” 19 questions.

“It should, yes.” Tien confirms.

You look around the area, watching as… well, Hell, starts to return to “normal.” You do sense Pantea and Videl and Gohan briefly, but they disappear somewhere. Strangely you also feel… Izzy’s ki, for a moment? Weird. The crowd of Yurin’s ninja keep a respectful distance from you… but you also see a different lady with them. One with a halo over her head and black, spiky hair. And… a tail. A Saiyan woman? She… recognizes you and gives a sweet smile.

>A. Er, hi, do I know you, ma’am?
>B. Double-check if there’s anything further out there that might try to follow, just in case
>C. …Could you manage to see Gohan at his Tournament, somehow? Maybe check with Baba
>D. Something else?
>D. Suck on your index fingers, IT to both Izzy and Gohan and give them paradoxical wet willies.


Sniff sniff. Why do you smell familiar?
"Why are you keeping the tail? A trophy? Are you going to make a good Broly with cloning or something?"
>A. Er, hi, do I know you, ma’am?
>B. Double-check if there’s anything further out there that might try to follow, just in case

Maybe a simple "Did you have plans for the tail?"

Not meaning to imply a certain...Bio-Broly, but eh.
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Absolutely zero bio-brolys.

He can do whatever he wants with the tail, though. You keep what you kill.
No, be ruder.

You first sense out and try to make sure there’s nothing headed your way. There’s… something near where Izzy was, but feels pretty far away, and not particularly dangerous. So, first you look again at the tail in Vegeta’s hand. “Do you have any plans for that?”

He smirks. “…I don’t think many a Saiyan before me can say they removed the tail from the Legend. I’ll keep it as a little trophy… and a reminder.”

“Riiiight then! You do that.” You next head towards the Saiyan woman, tilting your head. She… has a familiar scent to her. Like dad. “Er… h-hi, do I… know you, ma’am?”


She smiles humbly. “In… a sense, yes. You’ve gotten so big, almost bigger than your mother now, and you’re so full of energy and joy. Kakarot must be so proud of you.”

Huh. She knows dad’s Saiyan name. You walk around slowly, and she moves with you. “Um. What’s your name, ma’am?” She even looks kinda familiar. Not quite like dad, but… more like uncle Raditz? …Wait a second.

“I am Gine.” your grandmother tells you. “It’s been so, so long since we last met, little Peppa.”

You stare at her with mouth agape. “Wh-whaaaaa?!”

“Last we met was when my little Raddy first came to Earth. You and Gohan were so little back then, and yet… you’ve both grown so, so much.” Gine recalls. “…I’ll admit it made me happy that Maple gave you a Saiyan name back then. One that fits how you grew perfectly. I’m glad we got to meet like this, one more time, before…” She looks down at her hand as… it starts to turn transparent and ghostly.

“Wait, wait wait wait! What are you doing here, grandma?!” you ask loudly.

“Gohan and Bardock saved me from that Baby creature, and I went along with these kind folks to keep out of their way.” she explains. “I’m glad I got to see you again before things go back to normal.”

>A. Wait, wait, there’s lots I wanna ask you now! Will I be able to some time?
>B. …How was Gohan? Is he doing okay?
>C. Can I give you a hug before you go, grandma?
>D. Oh! Is there anything you’d like to pass along to dad? Or uncle Raditz? Or mom?
>E. Something else?
>E. Promise that we'll arrange a visit when possible.
Also a good idea. Support.
support this E.

"If I can get permission, maybe I can bring my girlfriend Cocoa along so you and Grandpa can meet her too. I think you'd really like her."
Oooh this is a good one too. Support.
Supporting F.
>E. Clothes Beam Granny a cute outfit. Something white and billowy to match her condition.
>try to clothes beam

>the clothes beam goes through the intangible Gine and hits Vegeta

>Vegeta gets a cutsie outfit instead
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Aw darn!
Can I support this, Sword?
fuck it, sure.

Give Gine a new outfit.

If she doesn't like it, change it back.
You shyly ask with a sweet smile on your face, “Um, can I give you a hug then, grandma? Before you’re gone?”

She nods, and the two of you hug tight. “Thank you for that, Peppa.”

“Welcome, grandma. Glad I could meet you again… oh! A-another thing! Is there you’d like me to pass along to dad? Or uncle Raditz? Or mom?” you question.

She giggles quietly. “Well… tell Kakarot his parents are so, so proud with all he’s done. Raising you both up right, carrying on his heritage in his own way, and looking after his big brother ever since he arrived on your world. And Raddy, tell him that we’re proud of all he’s done, and I especially am glad he chose to live as his own person. He’s doing great with his own little boy.” Gine then hesitates before saying this next one, but after taking a deep breath, she finishes, “And tell Maple that I don’t hold it against her.”

You blink. “Uh… hold what?”

“She’ll know.” your grandma responds cryptically.

Well. Okay then. She’s starting to fade again. Better make this quick. “U-um! Grandma, I promise I’ll try to make a visit some time… oh! If I get permission, could I bring my girlfriend Cocoa to meet you? I think you’d like her a lot.”

Gine laughs. “Your girlfriend, huh? Well… if you can get permission, yes, I’d like that.” The scenery behind her starts to change back to a normal forest. “Until then, Peppa, take care.”

Everything finally returns to normal. You exhale, sensing that many of the undead that were roaming the Earth are gone. It’s… over. And yet, that 21 lady is still out there. You look over and see 16 glancing up into the sky through the trees.

>A. Do you still want us to help you look for her, 16?
>B. Kinda wanna check on on Gohan now… maybe head to Baba’s?
>C. Head to Cocoa’s, make sure she’s okay
>D. Check in on dad and Raditz first
>E. Talk with mom, see if there’s anywhere she needs you to go
>F. Something else?
>E. Talk with mom, see if there’s anywhere she needs you to go
Then if nothing important is up
>C. Head to Cocoa’s, make sure she’s okay
"I sure hope she's not stuffed in a fridge!"
Support >>4447415
Sure, but atleast make sure 16 is ok.

"Hey big guy, I won't pretend to know what your going through but just remember your not alone. I'm down to talk about this stuff if you need it. "
Also good.
>F. Take a moment to really appreciate the land of the living being populated largely by the living.
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She's not dating Kyle Rayner, so she's fine.
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You look up to 16. “Hey, big guy? I know it’s probably not easy for you right now, so… don’t forget that there are a lot of people around who are more than willing to help you if you ever need it.”

“...Yes. I will keep it in mind.” 16 starts to move forward. “Thank you for your assistance so far.”

“I request that you keep in contact, please.” 19 asks. “This is our problem. Understood?”

“Understood.” He looks back and smiles. “We will meet again soon.”

You next check in with mom. ‘Ghost Pepper to Momma Bird, come in Momma Bird. Fukuroku Fortress has been returned to the forest. Vegeta, Tien, and Shao have been found. Everything quiet on your front? Over.’

‘Things are finally calming down, Ghost Pepper. Coordinating efforts with everyone. Over.’

Oh that’s a relief. ‘Need me to help with any of that, Momma Bird? Over.’

‘Nnnnah. You’re good, Ghost Pepper. Try to be home soon though, your dad’s gonna be on his way and I think we could all use a bit of family time. Over.’

You laugh quietly. ‘Gonna be with Cocoa for a bit first, Momma Bird. But I’ll see you then. Over and out.’ Waving goodbye to everyone, you then give Cocoa a heads up that you’ll be over, and teleport away. As soon as you appear, Cocoa almost tackles you with a hug. “W-woah! Hi! Hey! Is something up?”

She hugs even tighter for a moment before easing. “Just… glad you’re safe.”

You give her a gentle hug. “Took the words right outta my mouth.”

She lets go and sits on her bed. “Jeeze… this year has been nuts the more I think about it. The ninja, those aliens invading the tournament, you guys going after that Hirudegarn thing, Baby invading Earth, aaaaand the living dead walking the streets just now. And it’s not even October!”

>A. I agree completely. If like… the next year or two can just be completely peaceful, I’d appreciate it
>B. Weeeeell… there is something positive that happened this year. Something that’s made me probably the happiest girl on Earth~
>C. Wanna do something to take our minds off this? Y’ know, just something relaxing and fun
>D. Something else?
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>C. Wanna do something to take our minds off this? Y’ know, just something relaxing and fun
E. At least we aren't in Quarantine anymore!
>D. How about we go see a movie? That 3D one?
>D. Engage flirt contest.
>B. Weeeeell… there is something positive that happened this year. Something that’s made me probably the happiest girl on Earth~
>C. Wanna do something to take our minds off this? Y’ know, just something relaxing and fun
Backing >>4447510

But at least internally, mentally agree with A.
I'll back C, but under the pretense of trying to find ways to confuse the Pepparazzi. Deal?
Engaging makeover/disguise training.
>A. I agree completely. If like… the next year or two can just be completely peaceful, I’d appreciate it
>>B. Weeeeell… there is something positive that happened this year. Something that’s made me probably the happiest girl on Earth~
I mean winning the championship was great. Just kidding, you know what I'm talking about

>C. Wanna do something to take our minds off this? Y’ know, just something relaxing and fun
Support the joke on the Championship.
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In the back of your mind, you can kinda agree. Sure you’ve kept the Earth save several times, but all this, back to back… you’d appreciate a bit of a break. A year or two would be great. But you’re not gonna focus on that, and instead sit next to her and comment, “Weeeeeeell… there is something good that came of this year, I’d say.” You then wink. “Something that probably made me the happiest girl on Earth.”

Cocoa blushes and smiles, giving you a quick poke on the tip of your nose. “Okay I know you’re not just talking about becoming World Champ. You flirt.”

You poke her side with your tail, causing her to giggle. “You like it.” Closing your eyes and cheekily rubbing under your nose, you then ask, “How about we do a little something to take our minds off this and just… relax, y’ know? Something calm and fun anAaAhH!” You shiver as you feel Cocoa’s fingers brush against your tail. “Hey! Heeey!”

She deviously snickers seeing you get flustered from that. “Do tell.”

“I know you’ve kinda stunned the paparazzi a bit with that stunt of yours, and I’ve found some ways to kinda annoy them by being just… really on my best behavior, I guess? It super bothers them for some reason. Anyway! Point is, still think we could try a new tactic out.” You Clothes Beam up a new little outfit, holding it up and showing it off. “Think it’ll be a good way to distract ‘em?”

“So, a makeover, and disguise training, all to keep the Pepparazzi off your back?” Cocoa questions. She smirks and chuckles softly. “You’re lucky you’re dating me, you know.”

“You’re the best!~”

The two of you spend the next hour or two trying on various outfits, Cocoa sharing some she’d thought you would look cute in as you work on conjuring a couple of your own for her. A couple matching officer outfits, some pretty dresses, popstar idol getups, cool biker gang looks with stylish leather jackets, even a few attempts at cosplay. Sadly mom contacts you for dinner after a while, so while you’ve got a ton more ideas to work with, you’re going to have to wait until another time to give ‘em a good run.

Before you leave, though, Cocoa stands with you in her room, holding your hands. “Hey, Peppa? I’ll be honest… I was a little nervous about this when we started it. But… I can say for certain, now, that something good came of this year for me too.” She leans in and the two of you share a kiss. “Thanks for… being my Peppa.”


>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. Thank you all for sticking around for so long. I’ll be around for a bit for questions and stuff. Did y’all have fun? Hope everyone’s staying safe out there.
The adorability meter can't take much more of this!

Fun definitely had. Take care, bother you soon!
It's over 9000! Come on pe