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The great wall project has been completed, not only is the realm now fortified, it also marks the beginning of a new era of defense with the invention of city walls.
You dismiss your workers and pay them a substantial amount for a job well-done. With this, you take your leave and return back home to your family, where you, along with half the city, celebrate the completion of the walls with a lavish feast. You revel in the occasion and drink to your heart's content until you black out. Upon awakening you find yourself in an unfamiliar place. You look around and it appears to be just a normal house, but it's definitely not yours. You get up and head for the exit, but an old woman blocks your path. She commands you to lie back down, insisting she nurse you back to full health. You ask what she's talking about, and the response is not to your liking. Your essences are out of balance she says. An Askkizo whose essences are unbalanced is an affront to the ancestors, you're sure of it.
Confused and upset, you agree to whatever she's doing.
Rules are pretty simple
>You are, at all times, the current de-facto Ruler of your people.
>There will be decisions after each Update.
>You may only pick ONE option, unless states otherwise.
>Parenting options run parallel to the main-game and are their own separate decisions.
>When there is no Majority, a Tie will always be broken by the option that was chosen the earliest.
>Time and Technology progression adapt to the Scale of the game.
>Status summaries may be requested at any time (I may not always respond)
>This is a very slow quest, be prepared to wait.
This quest's discord https://discord.gg/BSgW9d
>Agriculture - New tools
>Society - Architectural innovation
>Language - Dialects

>Society - Architectural innovation

It only seems fit that we ought to improve the state of our architecture, what we can build, for such things are far more permanent and long-lasting than any tools.
>Society - Architectural innovation

When other civilizations gaze upon our great city, they must weep, as they shall never rise to our greatness

Or something like that
>>Society - Architectural innovation
>>Society - Architectural innovation
We will become a kingdom of bricks as the iron age is born.
The old woman lets you go after about a week of intensive care. You're skeptical if all of this was necessary, but you have a realm to rule. Before you went she told you that she wasn't done, but that old quack had a creepy look on her face that you didn't like.

Returning to the palace, with nothing major to do anymore, you spend months upon months doing simple checkups and solving minor disputes among the squabbling rabble, and you witness as the city landscape slowly changes over time.

Though a great many homes have been built either partially of arize, or significantly reinforced by it, truth of the matter is, that we still rely mostly on wood and straw for construction. In recent years however, you have come to witness something remarkable.
Though most buildings have been either partially made of or reinforced with arize, many young couples have been tearing down their family homes and building them anew, this time out of mostly arize. These new homes come in the most bizarre of shapes and sizes, making it clear to you that the ways of our ancestors must appear woefully inadequate for the new lifestyle we have built for ourselves since the days of Aitlaz.

>Agriculture - New Tools
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (cattle)
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
ignore the first half of the third paragraph
I forgot to delete that
>>Agriculture - New Tools
Agriculture boom!
What first half of the third paragraph?
the draft for the post
>Agriculture - New Tools
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just for reference
the highlighted bit is the "first half" you can safely ignore
this is not canon
was kidding but guess thats my fault for not clarifying.
my guy, it's 1am, I'm about to go to sleep
I'm no longer capable of sarcasm at this hour
Heh sure, sweet dreams.

>Agriculture - New Tools

Empires need to be fed, and even though we aren't there yet, preparation is great
thanks, good night
Night man
>Agriculture - New Tools

>Agriculture - New Tools
Farming is tricky business, not only do you need knowledge on how to plant seeds correctly and how to till the earth for it, but it is hard, grueling work, almost year-round.
Forging our tools of brontsay has improved the conditions, but it's still difficult.
In recent years however, you saw new tools crop up, one strikes you as particularly strange, being shaped like a half-moon.
Other curiosities like a huge hoe being attached to an ox, strike you as so simple yet ingenious. Why did nobody think of this before? it makes so much sense.
Things are looking bright for the realm, but not for you. You have been feeling worse and worse over the years, you're too young for this, but you fear your time might have come sooner than expected.
Maybe that old lady, way back when, was onto something?

(pick 2)

>Agriculture - Breeding insights (cattle)
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
>Architecture - Insulating shapes
>Government - Advanced mathematics
>Government - Codified grammar
>Alliance - Political marriage
>Currency - New coinage
>Business - Increased demand (pottery)
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>Society - New cuisine
>try to find the old lady
>write in
luxury gay transhumanism
>Society - New cuisine

I feel like we need to add a bit of cultural flair, and this seems like a good way to do it.
I'd like to remind you
you have 2 picks
>>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)

>Government - Advanced mathematics
Oh, sweet!


>>Society - New cuisine
Gotta get dat culture

>>Agriculture - Breeding insights (cattle)

Moar ox for fields

>Government - Advanced mathematics

Given the problems we faced with mathematics trying to build the walls, we don't want to end up having to go through that whole mess again. Best get this squared before it becomes a problem again.

>Society - New cuisine

I agree with the other anon, we need some more cultural flair. Paintings are all well and good, but now we'll have something even more recognisable and exportable: food.
Well after reconsidering the sexual revolution will have to wait.
>Society - New cuisine
>Agriculture - Breeding insights(cattle)
But moo moos
>Government - Advanced Mathematics
Need to crunch those numbers to crunch those empires.
>Soceity - New Cuisine
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
>Alliance - Political marriage

take care of succession. Also, bees.
>Alliance - Political marriage
>Government - Advanced mathematics
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
If we control the bees we can control the world.
>Alliance - Political marriage

Fucked up the post. Should be:
>Government - Advanced mathematics

>Alliance - Political marriage
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (cattle)
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
We need a more diversified economy and more different trading goods.
oh boy
let's see what we have here

bees IIII
maths IIII I
cattle III
food IIII
marriage III

well I didn't expect a tie on this one
[This decision has been enacted with Tie-breaker rule]
Quiet has it been since the departure of your late father, he was a lively man, albeit annoying at times, still he was your father and you admired him for his devotion to the office.
In his last days, you often bore witness to his moronic ramblings about a witch's curse. You thought nothing of it, for it was merely an early onset of senility. Long have you awaited this moment, the moment in which you would bear the crown, but truth be told, you did not want it to be this soon, not for your own inability but the faint hope for father's longevity. Destiny however is cruel and the ancestors have decided to take him from you before his time.
Though the thought is an embarrassing one, you don't think you'll ever love another man as much as your father.
You receive the crown from the wisepeople, much to the dismay of many subjects, whom have arrived as guests, eager to lay eyes upon their new King.
Their prejudices are irrelevant to you however, you are now Askkizo, the avatar of Aitlaz on earth.

The beginning of your reign sees your introduction to a new court chef, who has taken it upon himself to serve you delicacies from across the realm. You are adamant about these dishes, not least due to his flirtatious demeanor, which you are less than fond of. You deem it unbecoming of a servant to as much as attempt to seduce his superior. For all the contempt you hold toward him however, you must accede that his work is superb, these bizarrely sweet, roast cuts of flesh, based upon honey he claims, are nothing short of delicious.
The tincture he serves you along with it smells sweet akin to the food, it does not bear the usual color of wine, rather you find it reminiscent of honey. A sip of the beverage reveals that it is honey, though far more liquid and with a hint of berries. You ask what this concoction is, bringing your chef to unveil to you the mystery that is Aztar, a wine made of honey.
As your dining experience draw to a close, your mind returns to different matters, ones far more important than mere nutrition. Indeed, what lie before you may perhaps be the greatest achievement you ever have laid your eyes on. A measuring device, using fingers as a unit of distance. The creator of this artifact claims to have been involved in the wall project and while struggling to upscale the models to their true size, was blessed with an ancestral epiphany. The result of it and years of tinkering, have lead to this device. You have yet to contact your opinion to him, but you are quite astonished. With this, one would be able to not only effectively scale models to real size, but also measure distances that exceed the physical increments of the artifact.
Once you finish your meal, it is imperative to bring this man to court!

>Agriculture - Breeding insights (cattle)
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
>Architecture - Insulating shapes
>Government - Codified grammar
>Alliance - Political marriage
>Politics - Internal propaganda
>Politics - Silence dissenters
>Politics - Personal diplomacy
>Currency - New coinage
>Business - Increased demand (pottery)
>Business - Increased demand (honey)

>Politics - Internal propaganda

Best to get our regime properly settled before any of our subjects begin to get antsy.
>>Politics - Internal propaganda
>Politics - Internal Propaganda

I'd say we should probably also follow up with a Political marriage and Personal Diplomacy, then lastly silence dissenters if necessary. We can't let there be a tradition of succession crisis every time there's a slightly off kilter monarch in the eyes of the subject.
>Politics - Internal propaganda
>>Politics - Internal propaganda
>Politics - Internal propaganda
You know the priests can help us with this.
We need to make it clear that fighting against a person who is an avatar of kings is just foolish every time a new king is crowned. We are the AVATAR of the previous king. All treaties to the previous one still count to you because you carry on the essence of the previous ones.
You locate the inventor of the device and unceremoniously offer him the position of court mathematician. Taken aback by your bluntness, he seizes the opportunity to advance his career and accepts.
In a matter of weeks, your mathematician has lived into his new position, its responsibilities and the comforts of palace life.
Intelligent he may be, that much you can deduce from his contributions, manners he has not. This impudent cretin has questioned your statesmanship on a great many occasions already and were it not for his work and the odd information about the commoners he provides, you would have had him executed with you bare hands by now.
From his most likely unintentional slip ups every now and again, you infer that his impudence toward you is most likely a direct result of the commoners' resentment toward you.
You begin to draft up a plan to win over the hearts of the people.

In the following months, you hire artists to make dyangburaz of you as Aitlaz; You pay orators to liken you to your father; You make several large orders of pots, to appease the potters; And lastly, you double your efforts in resolving local disputes efficiently and gently, to get them to spread word of your good deed among their peers.
You won't know any time soon how all of this plays out, but you pray to Aitlaz that it works.

>Agriculture - Breeding insights (cattle)
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
>Architecture - Insulating shapes
>Government - Codified grammar
>Alliance - Political marriage
>Currency - New coinage
>Business - Increased demand (pottery)
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
>Alliance - Political marriage
Make a tourney in orrating, Fighting and being a leader. The best one may marry you. (merrit based)
only 1 pick this time, friend
>>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)

Need more honey for our new cuisine of course

>Alliance - Political marriage

Leave the bees for later, right now we need to cement the stability of our reign so we can focus on other developments without constantly having to worry about rebellion.
>>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
our queen likes honey
Changing to this
>Alliance - Political Marriage
As great as honey may be, we need to cement our rule.
Actually, yeah. We're the first Queen since our resettlement, time to get our ducks in a row.
>Alliance - Political marriage
Make a tourney in orrating, Fighting and being a leader. The best one may marry you. (merrit based)
Well as much as I like the bees meme we need to secure aliances and keep the line going
Fuck it ill change mine too

>>Alliance - Political marriage

But make sure they recognize that WE rule, and not our husband
>Alliance - Political marriage
But a man we can control
Good point actually. Maybe better marry some wimpy kid from an important family rather than Mr wise, powerful, respected warrior who comes in with all kinds of opinions.
We still need to rely on our partner for statescraft and our raising our children so not too wimpy.
You've seen some success with your approach over the course of the past year, indeed the success is so unexpectedly vast, affecting the kingdom's peripheries especially. Such course of events cannot be organic, you figure, and attribute the overwhelmingly positive feedback to your campaign to a poorly thought-out attempt at blending with the masses. They earnestly believed feigning zealotry for you, would avert your attention away from them. Unfortunately you've caught on to their little scheme and decide to play along so that you may ambush them when the time comes.

However these were not the only results of your reputation enhancement; for 3 months now, suitors from across the realm and even beyond, have come to court to woo you, day in and day out. These imbeciles have diverted so much attention away from other matters, that a series of disappearances around Ongiza is going completely uninvestigated and it irritates you immensely.
In order to return to more normal affairs, you decide indulge in this farce to accelerate its termination. You pick several suitors whom you find at least mildly pleasant to look at and gather them in an empty silo, where they ought to complete several tasks to test whether there is a functioning human being underneath these pretty faces. You did not think to forbid them to cooperate on their tasks, surely these troglodytes won't even consider it.

>wait until these idiots are done
>send someone to check up on them
>spy on them, maybe they *are* smart
>just go in there and see for yourself
>spy on them, maybe they *are* smart
Best not to underestimate, plus watching personally might spoil the test, it'd be better to see how they act outside our presence.
>>spy on them, maybe they *are* smart

>spy on them, maybe they *are* smart

Gotta make sure they're suitable, but
remember guys, we need one that we can at least keep in check
>spy on them, maybe they *are* smart
>spy on them, maybe they *are* smart
The thought of marrying to what amounts to a caveman sends a shudder down your spine, you feel compelled to see for yourself what they're doing, but you don't want to disturb them, lest they behave differently with you around. You go to the silo and peak through some of the cracks in the wood.

The son of a nearby morcantaz chief seems to have completed your test already. The Bolgoz prince seems to have achieved the same. While the handsome commoner, your favorite by far, is about to start with his. Curiously, you spot a figure making his way from the Bolgoz prince to the commoner and helping him out. With the commoner finishing his test, the figure now heads for another suitor. It appears as though he's helping out everybody. As he comes closer to your side of the silo, you are able to make out his physical appearance.
A skinny boy, quite possibly younger than you by a couple years, he has no muscles, no flesh on his bones, he's merely a walking piece of skin, but he's solving your tests, and rapidly too. You've given each of these drunkards in the making, a personalized puzzle to solve, some physical, others intellectual, akin to a riddle. It appears none of them were able to solve theirs, until they recruited this boy from somewhere. You don't recognize him, but he looks familiar.
You are done with the charade and decide to confront the boy, after all, everyone else failed your test, and you would be a fool to let this human among masked pigs simply walk away.

You burst into the silo and point at the boy, who has frozen in shock. The suitors huddle around you like a pack of dogs, proudly proclaiming they've completed your tests, when they notice you pointing at the boy, the huddle around him, one picks him up, eager to beat him to a pulp.
You slap the brute and drag the boy along with you. You announce that they have all failed and send them home.
The Bolgoz prince, not taking kindly to this slight, follows you around and demands an apology. In his fury he attempts to force himself on you, but the boy you've had to let go because of him, chokes him from behind, enabling you to escape.
You call upon your guards and have the Bolgoz prince expelled from your realm.
In the moments between your guards' arrival and your escape, the prince and the boy have engaged in combat with one another. One would think this a one-sided battle, given the prince's oppressive stature, but the boy came out of this with no signs of injury. How he managed this is unknown to you, but where there once was mere interest, there now is morbid curiosity. Who is this boy?

>talk to him in private
>investigate on your own
>ask the farmer [who owns the silo]

>ask the farmer [who owns the silo]
>investigate on your own
We need to find out everything we can about this boy and why he was there.
>>investigate on your own
>talk to him in private

just ask him. why make everything complicated?
>>investigate on your own
You decide to get to the bottom of this mystery, using only your wit, logic and networking capabilities. Starting with the remaining suitors who are still in the capital, you ask them about the boy. The answers are as vague as they are inconclusive, but you did manage to extract some interesting information; Apparently he just came in.
Next you contact your guards and ask if they've seen anybody skulking about the silo's vicinity. They've seen nobody unusual, only the farmer and his apprentice.
You send someone to visit the farmer and ask about this apprentice, upon their return they inform you of a scrawny fellow who tills the fields when sowing season comes, contrary to your expectation, this apprentice was described as dimwitted and otherwise lethargic, so it couldn't possibly be the boy you're looking for, can it?
Your next step consists of digging up more information about this apprentice of the farmer, though it sounds unlikely, your hopes are best placed on this possibility at the moment.
Asking around the capital about some skinny farmer's boy does yield results.
There's such a person living on the outskirts by himself, in a shady little hut he built himself. Rumor has it that he's an orphan raised by foxes.

>check out the hut at night
>check out the hut at day
>check out the farm at day
>Check out the hut at day

>check out the hut at day
>>check out the hut at day

>check out the hut at day
Also another idea with us becoming more god monarch we should get an intertribal council (somewhat small with limited power parlement which deals with problems that are to small for us to deal with. With this we could focus on the bigger picture) and give some local powers to local leaders. We should not get to much power to ourselves because it could corrupt generations in the long run and could generate powerhungry people who want to usurp us.
you decide to inspect his cabin during the day, when he should be out doing field work. The door is unbarred, he seems unfazed by the prospect of being robbed, perhaps he believe there's nothing worth stealing inside. What ever the case may be, you enter the apprentice's tiny home. You dare not call this a house, it's too small to even be a room, it's barely the size of the haystack he calls his bed.
Curiously, there is a worn brontsay sword beside it, along with a dyangbura of you.
Other than these items, there is not a whole lot going on here, some potted plants, a pitcher of wine and a few guzbenes.
Wait, that doesn't sound right, commoners can't read or write, why would he have those here? Maybe he's an aspiring artist who seeks to break free from the farmer's life.
You pick up the stack of guzbenes and go through them, but before you can really take a gander at them, you hear a voice from outside, shakily demanding you put them down.
Looking out the barely covered hole which you suppose must be a window, you spot him, the boy. So he is that farmer's apprentice after all huh?
You hold onto the guzbenes and step outside, demanding to know the meaning of all of this.
The boy stutters and stammers his way to an answer until he takes a deep breath and reveals that he is an admirer of you.
You confront him about the incident in the silo and sure enough, he helped those numbskulls solve their tests, so that you may marry one of them, it is after all, what you wished for, he merely wanted the best for his Askkizo.
An interesting motive to say the least, but decidedly foolish.
You sit down on the dirt outside his cabin and invite him to seat himself as well, he obliges.

>ask about the sword
>ask about the admiration thing
>ask about the guzbenes

>ask about the admiration thing

Looks like he won't overstep! Though, it is a bit creepy...

>ask about the sword
>ask about the admiration thing
>ask about the guzbenes
He admires us why not ask about everything.
Btw this guy being so extremely fond of us is kinda a red flag. Maybe he has some mental problems that we have to be ready for.
>>ask about the sword
If we can't ask all then,
>ask about the admiration thing
If we can't ask all then the administration.
You want to know more about his admiration for you, after all, you've never met before today so this seems vaguely alarming to you.
He goes on to explain that you have indeed met before, though you would logically not remember, he sells the farmer's produce on the marketplace every fall, he has laid eyes upon you plenty of times, you even exchanged a few words here and there, this was before the passing of his majesty, your father. Even before then, he alleges, you played together as children a couple times when your father came visiting his hometown.
You do remember a kid like that, but you played with a lot of other children when you were but a fledgling, you enjoyed the attention.
Still, you remain curious.

>ask why he's alone
>ask why he lives in a different town
>ask why he didn't just become a suitor
>ask why he lives in a different town
don't go directly nuclear we need to inspect what we are dealing with.
Also just saw that I said administration instead of admiration lol.

>ask why he lives in a different town
>>ask why he lives in a different town
>Ask why he lives in a different down
You inquire as to why he left his hometown, after all this is not something people usually do. He sulks a little at the question, it doesn't sound like a situation he's comfortable in sharing, looking down he merely states that his father is to blame, refusing to elaborate beyond that. You press him a little, he looks like he acts like he doesn't, but he sounds like he wants to share. His father, he says, left his town for the capital, it's normal for a man in his position he claims, having merely followed him to see him from time to time.
Open he might be, he caught on to your questioning and now turns his attention to you, desiring to know why you sought him out in the first place, surely you're not here to have a chat about his life.
You sheepishly admit that you're grateful for saving your purity, but also your fascination with the whole situation surrounding it.
He displayed potential yet those whom you've questioned about him all claimed him to be an imbecile, a moron, no better than the brute he stood up against for your sake.
You just wanted to know more about the boy...no, man who could hold such contradiction.
There's a moment of silent reflection...

>apologize and leave
We need to know more about him.
Perphaps the most exciting option?


Oooo the suspense; what would warrant an exclamation point
either violence or...
Quest gonna be horny as always.
Let's keep a level head for a while longer.
You are right, we are the wise ruler of the most civilized kingdom, not some harlot.
You want to break the silence and stutter in the process, enough for him to cut you off, "Glasteth" he says, that's his name. He reaches a hand out to you with a friendly smile, you return the gesture and shake hands with him "Loiur, daughter of Onizar". He expresses pleasure to have met you and proceeds to get up after this brief introduction. You ask what he will do next, he responds by asking a favor of you while going back into his hut, he requests you take his sword and deliver it to his good for nothing father, whom you supposedly see every day. When asked how you would recognize him, he simply says that it is he who will recognize the sword. He also asks you, if possible, to deliver a message along with it, but you refuse to utter such profanity. He laughs it off, not expecting you to have heeded this request in the first place. You don't say much else to one another, he asks of you to return his guzbenes to him before you leave, you oblige and asks whether you liked what you saw. You tell it as it is and inform him that you didn't see anything, he threw you off before you could do so. He breathes a sigh of relief and suggests that next time, he'll show you what's on there.
You quietly get up and take your leave, he shouts after you, telling you to get home safely and that he's looking forward to seeing you again.

>Agriculture - Breeding insights (cattle)
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
>Architecture - Insulating shapes
>Government - Codified grammar
>Currency - New coinage
>Business - Increased demand (pottery)
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)

>Government - Codified grammar
Our reign is new - the more we can centralise aspects of our government / culture, the better for us.
>>Government - Codified grammar
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
Grammar may be nice and all but BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES
>Government - Codified grammar

So the suitor thing was a bust?
not quite
you found husband material and your very first crush
the official suitors were a bust tho

>Agriculture - Breeding insights (cattle)
Don't forget we need to deliver the sword.
>Government - Codified grammar

We need to keep our Grammar gucci so we can DESTROY our enemies with FACTS and KNOWLEDGE
Another dawn means another day of little to nothing to do. Sometimes you envy the harshness of peasant life, for all their worries and hardships, at least they know not the endless abyss of boredom. Thinking back on glasteth's guzbenes, you are struck by a thought, maybe commoners should be able to, at the very least, read. Such a development would certainly make your life easier, as you could simply hand out your orders to a messenger who can read them out loud where ever you send him.
There's just one problem, no one has any idea how your language really functions, thusfar you've only been writing down the word as it would be spoken, and while there is little room for misinterpretation, to read these, one must have a fundamental understanding of both our writing and our language. To achieve the former for the commoners, you gather the wisepeople for a special occasion: the codification of the written word.

>base it on common speech
>base it on court speech
>base it on idealized speech
if you want examples from real life of what these look like

basing it on common speech is what english and russian did
basing it on court speech is what french and chinese did
basing it on idealized speech is what german and latin
>base it on idealized speech
I'm assuming this would be the one where a means "ah".
>>base it on common speech
If more people are literate, there will be more literature.
not necessarily
it's more of a "if you don't sound like a textbook, you lose points"
the style of your written language has little to do with literacy
it's merely a design feature
also, quads checked

>base it on common speech
So the impact is more cosmetic?
>if you don't sound like a textbook, you lose points
Good, a strong language is required to detect possible infiltrators.
not everything has to have a catastrophic impact
>>base it on idealized speech
There shall be to many dialects in the future so we need some sort of standard language.
[This decision has been enacted due to tie-breaker rule]
The wisepeople and you reach the consensus that it would be preferable to focus on the correctness of language, rather than any lofty ideas of usage, as such you style the grammatical basis for the use of the written word in a rather rigid fashion, reflecting the use of the language as a whole in it's current state, prescribing these rules onto future generations.
This act took you two entire weeks to accomplish, but with it's completion, the written word now follows a strict pattern of correct language, bringing both uniformity and easy learning along with it.
As you return to daily affairs once again, one of your guards approaches you, asking about the sword you carry. You ask whether he knows it and indeed he does, he was unsure whether to speak to you about this, lest he might offend his highness with insolence, but you assure him that no such thing was perceived. However you do want to know where he knows this sword from, so begins elaborating on it, the sword has been handed down in his family for generations now, legend has it that this blade was forged by Aitlaz and the ongizaz chief, the patriarch of their family, at the time, to symbolize the friendship between our peoples. Since then, the first born has received this sword upon their 16th birthday, it is a precious heirloom to their clan. You nod and explain that this weapon was handed to you by his son, he interrupts you, asking whether you've actually met glasteth, with a wave of your hand he quiets down again, but you confirm that you have met him and he asked you to deliver this sword back into his possession.
The guard is visibly shaken, you don't know what this transaction means to his family, but you can infer that it must be something undesirable.
The guard excuses himself and abandons his post. You let it slide, whatever you just did, clearly caused some emotional trauma, you're not so heartless to punish him for that.

>Agriculture - Breeding insights (cattle)
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
>Architecture - Insulating shapes
>Currency - New coinage
>Business - Increased demand (pottery)
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>private - meet glasteth
>private - meet glasteth
Would be nice to have our mysterious boy before he gets killed for traumatizing his family.
>private - meet glasteth

>private - meet glasteth
>>private - meet glasteth
Matters of state aside, let us meet our husbando
You go to bed after a long day to get some rest, but before you can even close your eyes, there's a knock on your window. You open it and hear a thud, followed by a quiet yelp. You look down and see glasteth on a ladder, waving with his idiotically friendly smile. He asks whether you remember those guzbenes he wanted to show you. You tell him that this an improper time to be talking about them, let alone be in her quarters. He remarks that he is not in fact in your quarters and not even in the building. You'd be lying if you said this didn't piss you off, so you tell him that he knows what you mean, or ought to anyway. He just grins at you and claims to have no idea. Without further ado, he climbs the ladder to the top and simply hops into your chamber. This is outrageous, to simply burst into a lady's private quarter like that, this is unheard of, downright criminal, perverted even, you're about to give him a piece of your mind while, not noticing that he's unpacking something from a bag he brought along.
Your fury is halted by your confusion and you just stare in disbelief at him arranging guzbenes like a puzzle.
Upon the completion of his task he gets up and covers your eyes with his hands, much to your displeasure. He makes a hissing sound to tell me to quiet down. You have no idea what he's thinking but if he thinks he can get away with thi- he steps aside and removes his hand, directing your gaze at the ground.
It's a face, a beautiful face, the most beautiful thing you've ever seen painted, it looks quite familiar to you as well. You ask what, no, who this is and he replies "you".
This is you? he made this? for you?
You're speechless, both at the art and the unprecedented audacity on display.

>forgive him
>slap him
>kick him out

>forgive him
>kiss him
damn anon, you're a go-getter
but you gotta pick one of the options present
or else I'll pick for you ;)
>forgive him
>slap him
>forgive him
First a slap for just bursting in cause that shit is no bueno and then forgive him.
I mean, it's not like a slap is the end of the day, right?
Which is the "I appreciate this but you still did something stupid" option?
well, it's there, you gotta take an educated guess
Damn you and your cryptic dubs.

>slap him
This of course
I will now go to slap due to tiebreak
He's just a tad bit too enthousiastic.
You slap him squarely across the face, making an audible wack, before he gets the chance to touch the after-image of your hand, you grab his arm and kiss his red cheek.
You're even now.
Glasteth fails to utter a proper word and just absentmindedly heads for the window. You watch as he suddenly disappears, followed by a loud thud, there's no yelping this time. You rush to the window to look outside and see him lying at the bottom of the ladder, you ask if he's alright, he holds his head and casually remarks his well-being. You smile and close the window.

>Agriculture - Breeding insights (cattle)
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
>Architecture - Insulating shapes
>Currency - New coinage
>Business - Increased demand (pottery)
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>agriculture- breeding insights (bees)
The time has finally come.
They are buzzing at my window help

>Agriculture - Breeding insights (cattle)

Bees bred to have no stingers!
Fuck bees not cows
it's hip to fuck bees

>Agriculture - Breeding insights (cattle)
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
Bees are way more difficult for breeding than cattle and creates a rarer commodity.
Cattle are simply more worthwhile for us right now.
Cattle is way easier than bees.
See it as a rare trade good that shall bring us lucrative deals for different goods.
>agriculture- breeding insights (bees)

But the uniqueness of stingerless bees...

I am for bees also brother.
Praise Bee
>>Agriculture - Breeding insights (cattle)
We have no room for your bovine inferiority.
>Agriculture - Breeding insights (bees)
While you ponder what exactly happened last night, in a vain attempt to make sense of this stupid, perverted, troglodyte and your own stupidity for kissing him, your daily routine of interrupted by none other than the Bee-man.
You inquire into his presence in the palace, whether he is here to present you some kind of new honey. Your foresight, he says, is extraordinary, he brings you a whole new honey made from a very special breed of bee.
Breed of bee? You can...you can breed bees? That's news to you, but then again, you are talking to the man who invented the practice. The Bee-man enlightens you on the existence of mother bees, who seem to be solely responsible for the brood of the hive, not by merely tending for them like you would expect a mother, but also birthing the entire stock.
By controlling Mother bees, one can control an entire bee nation. Having discovered this several years ago, he has opted to exterminate those bee nations, including their mothers, that did not yield enough honey.
The result is several distinct nations of bees, producing different honeys. And this creation, a white honey so thick one could mistake it for paint or rotten milk, is the work of the newest nation his careful extermination and rewarding of good mothers has yielded.
You graciously accept this honey and promise to give it a taste once the opportunity arises and will make sure to see that money will find its way into his pocket.
The Bee-man thanks you for your patronage and leaves contented.
You order a wiseman to go make his way for the Bee-man's estate so he may record the process of bee "breeding" for posterity.

>Architecture - Insulating shapes
>Currency - New coinage
>Business - Increased demand (pottery)
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>Society - Bee craze
>private - seek out glasteth
>public - the bolgoz envoy
>public - the bolgoz envoy
Now let's see what they want.
LOL that bee craze.
>public - the bolgoz envoy
Always take the roleplay option first.

>public - the bolgoz envoy
>public - the bolgoz envoy
Not doing this is neglect of duty.
As if this day wasn't long enough already, a stranger has arrived at your court, seeking an audience with you. Well, it's been a fair amount of time until someone asked formally, so you are willing to hear them out. This stranger claims to be an envoy to your majesty, from the chief of the bolgoz. He demand reparation for the insult of exile you have inflicted upon his son. You are beyond outraged at this request, this is an insult deeper than any grave. You decide to give the envoy your answer, damned his people might be, he did you no wrong.

>send an apology for diplomacy's sake
>decline and send a pragmatic reason
>have him bear your anger and carry it to his master

>send an apology for diplomacy's sake
>decline and send a pragmatic response
The prince's offense against us was plain to see, he failed the challenge by seeking non suitor aid and when having done so lashed out assaulted us and when stopped challenged the person that stopped him. His honor is forfeit.

>decline and send a pragmatic reason
>decline and send a pragmatic reason
They should apologize for their prince's insolence
You tell the envoy that you will do no such thing, instead he shall inform his chief that their prince had it coming, there will be no further discussion of his exile, but you are willing to make compromise for a continued alliance.
The envoy nods and leaves your court.
Had you been born a pot, you would be fuming right now.

>Architecture - Insulating shapes
>Currency - New coinage
>Business - Increased demand (pottery)
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>Society - Bee craze
>private - seek out glasteth
>private - seek out glasteth
We need back up.

>Society - Bee craze

Culture for the win!

>private - seek out glasteth
>Architecture - Insulating shapes
Architecture sounds cool.
>>Architecture - Insulating shapes
>private - seek out glasteth
You need to vent somewhere, at someone, be it who may, it's irrelevant to you, although you're levelheaded enough to not consider your courtiers, they are too important for such mischief, but whom could you shout at without risking repercussions?
You don't know, but instinctively, you head for the farm near the palace and ask the farmer whether he's seen his apprentice anywhere. He tells you that this ne'er-do-well has quit his apprenticeship.
You make haste for glasteth's cabin and sure enough, you find him there. He greets you ever so cheerily. You call him outdoors so you may speak. He obliges and proceeds to be bombarded by furious complaints, ear-shattering screeches and a flurry of punches to his torso. While you continue to eat your heart out at the unbridled audacity people show around you, merely because of your birth, he simply embraces you to ease your suffering.
He suggests to lift your burden, and asks to be your spear and shield. Let him fulfill your dark desires.
Truly, you have never heard more comforting words uttered. Looking into his eyes for a fleeting moment, you can feel the honesty in his heart. You order him to pack his things and move to the palace. He obliges and let's you go.

>Architecture - Insulating shapes
>Espionage - Networking
>Currency - New coinage
>Business - Increased demand (pottery)
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>Society - Bee craze
>Architecture - Insulating shapes
Would be nice to have.
>>Espionage - Networking
We have enemies so we need to see what they are doing.
We can build in peacetime, but sadly I think there shall be plotters and outside threats that want to depose us. Like always the beginning of a reign is a turbulent one.

>Espionage - Networking
>>Architecture - Insulating shapes
QM your discord invite expireeeeed. Make a new one plss

>Espionage - Networking
[This decision has been enacted due to tie breaker rule]
As you settle back into a daily routine, now featuring glasteth at your side from sunrise til sundown, it has come to your attention that buildings are being restructured all over the capital, indeed it appears as though a new building style has settled in. Where there was chaos and disharmony before, uniformity begins to return. The needs of your people have adapted and evolved over time, you know this from having witnessed the radical abandonment of wooden structures all over the realm. For a few years now you've had to lay eyes upon bizarrely shaped buildings, the likes of which resembled bee hives more than houses. However, now a new norm has emerged, in which the entire structure is shaped like conically, like furnace chimneys.
Sending people to investigate this development, it is brought to your attention that someone who built his house like this accidentally, was experiencing milder seasons. Winters were warmer and Summers were cooler in his home, from whence friends and family of his adopted this design and the entire town of Zoribalthari followed. It has grown into a fad kingdom-wide.
You're adequately pleased to hear good news like this for once.

>Espionage - Networking
>Currency - New coinage
>Business - Increased demand (pottery)
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>Business - Increased demand (brick)
>Society - Bee craze
>Society - Plant discovery
shit, I'm so sorry anon
I posted before I saw this

No worries, it happens.


>Espionage - Networking

Best get this out of the way first and establish our power base. After that, I say we start working on our economy.
>Espionage - Networking
First maintain stabilty then grow the economy.

Votin for espionage baby
>Espionage - Networking
The economy falters without stability
>Espionage - Networking

Next we should go for bee craze, it'll give us some more unique cultural stuff
>Espionage - Networking
I feel like we’ve been very domestic / economy focused thus far

We need to ensure our military isn’t falling behind
Not having heard from the bolgoz in weeks, you assume your message must have fallen on deaf ears, as is expected of morcantaz. No matter, your b-boyfriend has made it a point to prepare not just you, but the whole kingdom for emergencies, such could be achieved via a cohort of secret messengers, strategically placed all around the realm, possibly even outside it. This, he states, would liken our communication and response paths, to a net, far flung yet connected in consistent intervals.
Those are perhaps some of the most intelligent words you've ever heard spoken by glasteth and you jokingly remark on it, asking whether there was a genius hiding behind his idiocy all along. He gives you a devious smile, as if this was intentional, as if he really was hiding something, merely pretending to be an idiot this whole time. If this was so, he would be leagues smarter than you've initially given him credit for.
Never-minding this for the occasion, you agree to his plan and he immediately gets to work.
You feel like he is some kind of beast, and you've just unshackled it. Perhaps it's just your imagination, but you've never noticed how pretty he is.

>Currency - New coinage
>Business - Increased demand (pottery)
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>Business - Increased demand (brick)
>Society - Bee craze
>Society - Plant discovery
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>Business - Increased demand (brick)
Bricks for the clay god! But more bricks for more building sounds good.
>Currency - New coinage
Let the free market sort itself out - let’s just worry about the Kingdom asa whole.
>>Society - Plant discovery
New stuff to trade and maybe medicine?

>Business - Increased demand (brick)

It's economy time!
Due to a recent building boom, incentivized by new architectural developments among the commoners, potters across the country have begun producing more and more arize. The recent arize trade has increased so much, that some savvy businessmen have begun setting up potteries themselves, specialized in arize production. These arizeries are looking out to be quite a profitable business, the only question is how long this situation will last.

In other news, glasteth's efforts bore fruit and in the short time he has been under your employ, he managed to create wide-ranging connections and even start an investigation into the disappearances around Ongiza.
You're not convinced he managed all of this in a few nights, he has had to have had connections prior to this and merely expanded from there, which is also no small feat, but slightly less impressive.

>Government - Written Law
>Currency - New coinage
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>Society - Bee craze
>Society - Plant discovery
>private - a date with glasteth
>private - a date with glasteth
Roleplay should always be done first.
>private - a date with glasteth
We need him. We can do more when we finally have him.

>private - a date with glasteth
In light of recent events you decide to do something a little unorthodox and invite glasteth to go wandering with you, he gladly accepts, though your trip is somewhat delayed by his preparations, what he is preparing for is a mystery to you, when asked about it, he merely states it to be for your well-being, what it is exactly, he refused to say.
You head for the woods south of zoribalthari on a bright summer day, walking under nature's lush green canopy, you can feel the world's beating heart beneath your feet and hear it's song above your head.
In such a peaceful moment, you share your deepest thoughts with your boyfriend, in essence the story of your life. After an episode on your relationship with father, the only hold you've ever had, you try to pass the conversation onto him. Glasteth is reluctant to tell you about his father, but he trusts you keep it between the two of you. In truth, Glasteth, though having a family, was more or less an orphan, born sickly and frail into the chiefly family of the ongizaz, he was a disgrace to them, bullying between siblings was normal and expected, though he is the eldest, he was treated as if he were the youngest, going so far as to be bullied by his own parents.
They only passed the Blade of Oath down to him out of obligation, they'd much rather have given it to Kadwin, their second born.
He was never even given the opportunity to become a warrior like it would have been expected of him, all he could do is watch as the other children trained and copy it in secret. Every time he was caught practicing, his father would break his nose. This is why, he ran away to the capital, to start a new life. Of course, his father would be there, he knew this, so he would follow him around from time to time, to see what he's up to.
You are touched by his sweetness, despite his mistreatment, he found it in him to watch over his family.
He goes on to explain that, ever since he left them, his family has devolved into petty fighting and his mother even went as far to leave his father. Seeing how they fare, he says, is the least he can do for them.
You sympathize with his situation, not nearly as extreme as his, you felt similarly toward your people, until he reconciled you with your fate as a ruler.

You keep wandering a while longer, having bonded over your dysfunctional families, you watch the sunset from a clearing and as the moon rises and the wolves howl to it, suddenly, you see a wolf dangling in front of you.
You turn to glasteth in bewilderment, but before you can say anything, he asks for your hand in marriage.
Overjoyed, you accept and let him put his wolf-shaped vow-amulet on you.
Tonight, you have not returned to the safety of the palace, it would be something to remember.

>Government - Written Law
>Currency - New coinage
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>Society - Bee craze
>Society - Plant discovery

>Society - Bee craze
>Society - Bee craze
Let's see what it's about
>Government - Written Law
Codify our rule
>Government - Written Law
Best to make use of our peoples uptick in literacy.
>Government - Written Law
I'm sure the bee craze will last a while longer.
>>Government - Written Law
>>Government - Written Law
Fair enough changing to LAW
With your court in a constant writing frenzy, trying to catch up on lost opportunities to record knowledge for posterity, it is clear that for your latest stroke of genius, you have to get your own hands dirty, metaphorically and possibly somewhat literally as well. Thusfar all laws were simply laws of the land, people were expected to know them and had no basis in authority, rather they were entirely traditional. When a dispute was at hand that was the first of it's kind, one had to proceed with caution as such intervention would immediately set a tradition, from whence future laws were derived. Such reckless arbitrariness must not be condoned by you and as such, you begin to write down these laws and make them uniform across the realm. You do employ the help of your promised-one in this, as it is a tremendously time-consuming effort, in which having another pair of hands available, is highly advantageous.
The precedent for written laws was already set over a century ago by none other than Aitlaz and his gospel, that no human being shall be property of another. You decide to begin with the re-codification of the abolition of slavery, since the original is written in a script that is nigh unintelligible to us today.

With the assistance of Glasteth and the occasionally available wiseperson, you manage to put all our laws into writing in merely a week.
In the meantime, you've also made preparations for the wedding ceremony that is to take place in 5 days.
Yesterday however, word has reached you of another bolgoz envoy, currently on his way to the capital, you wonder what he wants.

>Currency - New coinage
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>Society - Bee craze
>Society - Plant discovery
>public - return of the envoy
>>Society - Bee craze
>public - return of the envoy
Definitely worth addressing.
>public - return of the envoy
Oh boy.
>>public - return of the envoy
Not doing this is irresponsible as a ruler. Also its really quick.
2 days away from your marriage, the envoy reaches the capital, he is escorted to the palace by your guards post-haste. He refuses to kneel before you this time and proclaims, that by the honor of the chief and his son, the bolgoz declare war on the despicable boggdonyoi. May your end be one of suffering and pain.
You have this jester executed on the spot and your army is mobilized. Strangely, your head of guards has not shown up in days. You send somebody to investigate, and mere moments later they return, the ongizaz chief is dead, at first glance it appears to have been suicide.
Your promised-one enters the court with more grave news. The mystery of the disappearances has been solved, they have betrayed their ancient oath and joined the bologoz in their attack. Word has it, that they are lead by your aging uncle Kynbel.
Your anger is palpable, the throne room guards cringe in fear.
If it is a war they want, then a war they shall have.

(pick 1 of each)

>The Levy [exclusive with mass mobilization]
>Gather at Morcantari [exclusive with gather at zoribalthari]
>Lead the army yourself
>Lead the army with Glasteth
>Mass mobilization [exclusive with the levy]
>Gather at Zoribalthari [exclusive with gather at morcantari]
>Wait for scout reports

>The Levy [exclusive with mass mobilization

And >Wait for scout reports

We'll get our levies and retinues ready, and wait for scout reports to make a plan. Could Glasteth help in that effort?
he could
>The Levy [exclusive with mass mobilization]

>Wait for scout reports
>The Levy
>Wait for scout reports
Welp, we'll need to play to our advantages and their weaknesses.
If the bolgaz are still running in without any armor we'll need a lot more projectiles or traps and good scouting info.
BASED, lets use Glasteth to cause infighting
Ranged skirmishing (hit and run) should do the thing while we moblize.
Also 1+.
Your wife-to-be wants you to lead the army into battle for her, it's part of your promise anyhow.
She puts you at the front for morale, and stays in the back for strategy. A smart move, really.
You'd imagine her being at the front in her war gear would arouse the men, rather than motivate them.
Bare legs are an unusual sight to begin with, even if they're armored. Her curvatious figure and male-esque stance would probably seem very inviting for the enemy soldiers as well. Boosting the opponent's morale is not your goal here.

At her behest, messengers are sent out to all known settlements, ordering the meeting of the local warriors and town-guards at Izagorininian.
Once you and your loved one arrive at the town, you sit back and await the return of the scouts. The enemy may know our land, but they are slow.
With each passing fallmark more reports of enemy movement come in.

Approaching from the south is the army of Kynbel
Approaching form the south-west are the Bolgoz.
Approaching from the south-east is a morcantaz army of unclear allegiance, this report is not yet confirmed.

You will destroy them, like you did your family

>send fake defection notice
>strike the bolgoz
>attack Ongiza


Very hard choice here, we should cons-
>>send fake defection notice
B-bu what ab-
>>send fake defection notice
>send fake defection notice
>send fake defection notice
>send fake defection notice
To gain the upperhand, you write a letter detailing your betrayal of Loiur and your wish to join the rebel army. You prop up a scout to look as "civilian traitor" as possible and send him off with the message.
Meanwhile, your forces have all gathered up, you count nigh 600 people. Intelligence has it that we should be having three times that, but half of them are traitors and the rest are occupied by the rebel army.
Just to be sure, you write the same letter again, this time for Ongiza. If everything pans out as you intend, the remaining loyalists will join us from sheer outrage.

Your wife-to-be has played along with your scheme, now she's out for blood. You concur and ask what she's had in mind.

>strike the bolgoz
>strike the traitors
>confront the morcantaz army
>confront the morcantaz army
Join or get punked.
>>confront the morcantaz army
Their intentions are important to know immediately.
>>confront the morcantaz army
>confront the morcantaz army

Either they're with us, or going against the will of the ancestors
idea for soldiers. Using wicker shields. Quite easy to produce and quite light.
With your wife-to-be's main goal being the morcantaz, you, her and the army move to the south-east.
Avoiding the attention of the other armies, you take a detour through the woods.
Upon arrival you face the morcantaz army, they don't attack you. Their leader, a local chief, comes forward to talk to you.
He offers his services to Kynbel, whom he heard a lot about. Obviously, this man never met Kynbel in the flesh, otherwise he would have recognized you as not-Kynbel.
No matter, you can use this to your advantage.

>convince him that you are kynbel
>set up an ambush and be rid of his army
>take them by surprise right now
>convince him that you are kynbel

Use their army against the others, keep ours in reserve
>>convince him that you are kynbel
>convince him that you are kynbel
but keep a close eye.
alright... we might pull it off?
>convince him that you are kynbel
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Aight check this out
Of course, you are kynbel, or so you claim, it takes some convincing, especially explaining what there's a woman with your army. You tell him the truth, kind of. That is your wife and she's here because she would rather die than live under a false king.
He finds the thought of a woman in combat gross, but he respects the determination, says he has a weakspot for feisty women.
Whatever the case, for now his army is on your side.
You still have to make good on that promise to drive your wife-to-be's enemies before her and preferably sodomize them to death in front of their peers.
Before moving out, you reassure to her that, there will be bloodshed. A heartfelt kiss later, your army, now bolstered by a good 1000 morcantaz, head for your next target.

On your march back to base, you receive scout reports detailing enemy troop movement.
The traitors have occupied Ongiza without resistance.
The bolgoz have begun taking Morcantari under siege.
Fortunately, your letter has reached Kynbel.
He requests a meeting with you.

>relief morcantari
>meet kynbel personally
>meet kynbel with the army
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I think we need to take the chance and attack the Bolgoz while we can. The alliance we have with this random ass army is shaky at best. Going to clash with kynbel is dangerous, since the army will be like "wait, two kynbel?"

>relief morcantari.

and have the savage army at the front. It will be destroyed by the Chad Bolgoz, but at least they might get tired before our real army goes in action.
>>meet kynbel personally
An army with while faking to be him is a bit much.
>meet kynbel personally

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After careful paleoarcheological studies of skulls, this is a reconstruction of Loiur.
Thirsty boi.
>>meet kynbel personally
You decide it to take the bait and order 10 warriors to come along with you.
You leave your sword and shield behind and break the tip off the spear, hiding it under your clothes.
You know the terrain around ongiza well, you place your men behind a foothill near the city and move on to the gate by yourself.
There he is, Kynbel, the traitor himself.
He welcomes you, you return the gesture.
His men pat you down to check for hidden weapons, they couldn't find your speartip.
He sends his men back into the city to talk privately with you.

>chat him up for intel
>kill him right then and there
>infiltrate his ranks
>>chat him up for intel
See if it's worth killing him.
>chat him up for intel
Let us see what he has to say. Then kil
>>chat him up for intel
Milk him for info then take out our sexu-er, frustration

>chat him up for intel
You play his game and talk, and oh boy does he talk. For someone who looks like the average morcantaz brute, he sure talks a lot.
You try to listen, you try really hard, gathering some clues on the plans for his army, albeit cryptic ones.
You can't believe how such a babbling buffoon would be considered a legitimate heir to the throne, by anyone.
No matter, you got what you wanted.
From what you have discerned, his army intends to take Izarogininian, not knowing our army is stationed there.
Following this, he intends to join up with the bolgoz and take down morcantari.
There appears to be little communication between their armies, as the bolgoz are already there.
Either that, or he's trying to trick you himself.
Regardless of what it is, you covertly pull your speartip from within a pocket between your clothes and armor and aim for his neck.
You don't know whether he expected it, but he blocks your strike.
Before a proper fight could ensue, you flee to the foothill, chased by a few of his men.
Your troops ambush them as they cross the hill.
You return back to your wife-to-be.

>strike the traitors
>strike the bolgoz
>reinforce izarogininian
>strike the bolgoz
They are probably the strongest of the two and we could get some traitors to defect to us
Fuck it, strike the strongest, but pick up army hopefuls along the way
>strike the bolgoz
>strike the bolgoz
How dare you vote after noon
>strike the bolgoz

As I said, we can't get the morcantaz army close to knybel.!!
I'll forgive him...

For now.
>>strike the bolgoz
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Your wife-to-be orders an attack on the bolgoz, the morcantaz troops are skeptical about her authority on the matter, but you reassure them that you "allowed" her to do that.
You lead the joint army to morcantari, where, contrary to scout reports, a force of anywhere between 1500 and 2000 awaited us.
This is not good.
Prior to this attack, scouts claimed the bolgoz sported a mere 200 men. While true technically, the bolgoz allies on the other hand, match the joint army in number, if not more so.
You will have these smartasses executed for this blatant misinformation, bordering on treason.
No time to worry about this.
You are here now and morcantari is still fine.

The battle ensues.

(pick 2 of either, no mixing)

>assault the besiegers
>split into small formations
>detach Loiur's guard
>wait for them to come
>merge into a large formation
>let Glasteth take charge
>assault the besiegers
>merge into a large formation
How about if the besieged cause a distraction by sallying out and while they are distracted the main force surrounds them forcing them to be trapped between them and a wall.
large formation is a defense option
assault an offense
this specific vote forbids mixing
it's all offense or all defense
>>wait for them to come
>>merge into a large formation
shiet. We are equal or very close in tactics and if I remember well, the Bolgoz integrated shields to their folds...

This is bad, ngl. If we could do any defeat in detail...

The way it looks, if we charge as wildly as we can into the eastmost group, the Bolgoz mains + the westmost group might lag a little.

What I expect with this is that the first clash will have equal numbers from both sides and after five minutes, the bolgoz & co. will join the fight propper.

I think that is the way to tip the odds as much as possible.

>assault the besiegers
>assault the besiegers
>assault the besiegers
>assault the besiegers
>assault the besiegers

(Yes, that's my ONE pick)

>assault the besiegers
>assault the beseigers

They have sheilds, but do they have armor?

>detach loiurs guard
Keep them back a bit, when the battle is surely in our favor, we should bring them up a bit
Wait. What are those dark green patches?

you should really make a legend
Forgot to vote.

>split into small formations
>detach Loiur's guard
Burger history might be crap but I know one thing: the best way to defeat a larger force is to break it up.

Er, actually they're on the plains
Okay, now the question is: can we outmaneuver them?
the trees? anyday, they're pretty slow, it takes several decades, sometimes centuries for them to move in any significant way.
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Loiur and her guard detach from the main fighting force and sneak off into the woods, where she prepares a flanking maneuver.
You take the remainder of her army and split it in two, putting them at the flanks of the morcantaz army.
You then charge at full speed into the besieging bolgoz.

Being caught off-guard, they fail to merge into a proper formation and scramble together to meet you in combat.
Your troops harass them with their throwing-spears and bait them into closer combat with the morcantaz army.
After running out of ammunition, the spear-throwers join the fight as regular light infantry.

During the chaos, the bolgoz main force was unable to get to the front in time and now, sits at the back of their formation, unable to intervene.

>push them into the wall
>hold the line
>encircle them
>>push them into the wall
Like this we can get support from the garrison
>Hold the line

Use the guards for flanking attacks on weaker units,knocking them out

Then focus on the bigger ones
>push them into the wall
But leave them a route to flee
>>push them into the wall
>encircle them
If we push them into the wall then they only have to defend in one direction.
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The Bolgoz allies in the back reinforce the front as we drive them further toward the city.
The bolgoz themselves attempt to flank your troops, presumably to keep an open line of retreat.
In a short moment of respite, you retreat to the second row and hear out a messenger from the city, telling you of a sortie to cut off the enemy escape. You tell him to relay this information to your wife-to-be as well as the morcantaz leader.
Afterward, you return back to the first row.
Though you might have what it takes to lead men, you are clearly not cut out for this kind of fighting.

As you and your guard crash into the bolgoz, like a mighty flood, from the rear, a messenger, likely sent by your promised-one, makes haste to speak to you. The news he brings, are urgent he says, Glasteth has been mortally wounded and retreated from the frontline.
The anger welling up inside you darkens the very sky, and for a brief moment, as a roar of primal rage passes your lips and the very sun turns black, fighting ceases and all that can be heard is the blood curdling scream of the ancestral avatar, the living sun.
Where before you had lead your men from behind the safety of their backs, you now push them aside and rush for the frontline, where you begin to indiscriminately slaughter everything in front of you. With your imposing physique, most of these men look like nothing more than children, only the strongest and tallest can as much as hope to stand against you.
With your rampage, fighting ensues again and the bolgoz flee in terror. Those who could not, are crushed against the city walls, or find themselves encircled by the townguard's sortie.
As the sun returns to normal, the battle comes to an end, you have naught but a single thought going through your mind right now, to find your promised-one and see if he has trully fallen.
Though his wounds are covered crudely and much of the life has faded from him already, he still yet draws breath. You breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time, begin to well up.
With the last of his strength, he assures you that he will live, after all, he has yet his promise to fulfill. With a parting kiss, you leave him behind in morcantari for the locals to tend to him.
You are once again in charge.

>depose of the morcantaz army
>attack ongiza
>retreat to izarogininnian
>>attack ongiza
End the traitors, one force against morcantaz
>>attack ongiza
>attack ongiza


Er, lets get this over with haha
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ALRIGHT! Glasteth is dying FUCK YEAH
Sorry I uh, never liked the dude.

>attack ongiza
>attack ongiza
>attack ongiza
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Against the reservations of the morcantaz leaders and their prince, you instruct them to follow you on your march to ongiza. Though they had suspected as much, during combat already, your imperious demeanor and lack of respect toward men, was a dead give-away to them. Their prince, who leads the whole bunch, has expressed his disloyalty openly and vowed to return his army to Kynbel, their rightful master, basing this on the superiority of men. Upon receiving these news, you halt the army's march and make haste for the back of his army. His troops did not stop you, too much in awe were they, of the scorned giantess stomping through their ranks. You have a discussion with the little man, about honor, about loyalty, and most importantly your divine supremacy over all living beings, man or woman, it matters not, their petty gripes over what lies underneath your armor, are insignificant to you and your people. You are a God, first and foremost, and a woman second, and he would do well to remember that.
He refuses to acknowledge your supremacy, and in his hubris challenges you to a duel.
You accept and soon proceed to dominate him with your sheer physicality. His men look on in horror, as you simply break his neck, without ever drawing your blade.

With the loyalty of the morcantaz reaffirmed, you continue your march toward ongiza, though as fate would have it, the cowardly traitors have hidden behind the city walls.
You know of the plans of your promised-one, but are unsure whether they have succeeded, there is but one way to learn of it, to go ahead and lay siege to the city.

>surround ongiza
>pillage the countryside
>set up camp
Wait--when did we become strong enough to match a male warrior?

>set up camp
The fact that our husband didn't die leads me to believe that he succeeded.
>set up camp
Holy shit that was hot
>surround ongiza
>>surround ongiza
>set up camp
Lets not forget to fortify
Alright, this scares AND arouses me.
She always was.
>set up camp

Alright! With a good staging ground we can come up with refined moooves.

I wonder... Surroinding Ongiza and set up camp are not mutualy exclusive...

Oh well! Whatev!!! Worthy Chambers for the ripped AF queen!
>surround ongiza

Our first seige...throw shit at em
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You get a little closer to the city, just far enough outside to taunt them at their inability to hurt you and proceed to set up camp; You're going to starve them out, or so they think.
Truth is, you're trying to bait them into an attack and and proceed to smash them into the city, enabling you to storm through the gate and take it, albeit a gamble, this is your only choice.

The day ends and a whole night goes by, in the morning one of your guards makes mention to you of a shadow skulking about outside the camp last night. The suspect was assumed to have been trying to murder you, as he was noticed following you around, upon coming to close, he was chased away.
You acknowledge the work of your guards and congratulate them, they shall be awarded appropriately once this is over.
You ready the army for the first proper day of siege, the troops are deployed and fully geared, staring down the skirmishers atop the city walls. Shortly thereafter, the skirmishers fall back and the sound of battle erupts.
You and your army listen to this development in bewilderment, did the traitors turn on each other? Several moments after the the incident, the citygate is opened and a few people wave you in, you're hesitant to enter.

>storm the city
>ask the revolters to lure Kynbel outside
>stay put
>storm the city

>ask the revolters to lure kynbel outside
Call their bluff with a demand and carefully watch how they try to fulfill it.If they're being honest then great if they're being dishonest then we continue the seige or move to engage as necessary
Fuck it changing to this, you've convinced me

I just don't want it to be like, they lure him outside at full strength, I'm just hoping that they end up killing a lot of rebels
>>ask the revolters to lure Kynbel outside
>>storm the city
>ask the revolters to lure kynbel outside
Lets not punish people loyal to us
convinced changing to this.
>ask the revolters to lure Kynbel outside
alright alright...
I wanted to storm the city :(
Im sorry anon.

There's always the next one, buddy, just gotta keep your head up
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Stuffy Bunny
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You request the revolters, that if they are truly your allies, they will lead the traitor army out, where you can face them in open battle. The people at the gate run back in and sure enough, you start to see the backs of a column of people being slowly driven out of the city. Once it is clear that the ones getting driven out are fighting someone else in front, you call out to them and they slowly start to break formation, joining the ranks of your skirmishers, leaving behind their attackers who are now being driven out themselves.
Judging from their behavior, you assume these must be Kynbel and his forces, compelling you to engage.

>focus on annihilation
>focus on capturing
>focus on getting into the city
>>focus on capturing
>>focus on capturing
>>focus on capturing
Beat them with sticks.
>focus on capturing

Must cut Kynbel's dick off, that's our victory condition
>focus on capturing
eeeeeeeeeeeh fineeeee

>focus on capturing
The battle concludes with the surrender, and capture, of the traitors, including your uncle.
With you counting nearly 200 captives, you leave it to the wisepeople to count the death toll your troops have accumulated.
With the war effectively concluded, you dismiss the morcantaz army, who up until his point, had proven unreasonably loyal, despite your falling out with their leader, whose parents you'll most likely hear from in the future. But regardless, you reward their efforts with one last order, to burn, rape and kill every bolgoz and bolgoz-aligned tribe to the south of you. Whatever they can take, they shall keep, without question. Their army kneels before you in good faith, before marching off to spearhead your punitive campaign.

In the meantime, you drag the captives out of ongiza into a shoddy camp near the capital, where, especially for this occasion, a massive scaffold is erected, donning all sorts of outlandish torture devices, some even brought to you from mythical realm of hellenaz.
You invite the whole realm to this morbid spectacle, which is about to unfold before them.
The 200 damned have their accusations announced to the public, chief among all of them, treason, an act of dishonor so grave that upon this very day, it's practice has been outlawed, marking the first instance of the law dictating a ban rather than a right.
For defiling not just the legacy of their ancestors, but bringing shame upon generations to come, you punish the instigators and masterminds behind the rebellion, with their public de-ancestralization, removing their reproductive organs, with the slice of your own blade, for all the world to see.
The remaining traitors will be publicly tortured with a time limit, shall they survive, they are rid of their crimes and free to go.

The trial of the 200 lasts a whole month, having attracted plenty of businessmen to the opportunity, causing a small merchant town, lovingly dubbed "Odober" ,to spring up from the event.

>visit your promised-one
>go on campaign immediately
>give your army a rest
>visit your promised-one
>visit your promised-one

Preferably not with the army

Lets see our husbando

>give your army a rest

I think the it is for best to call this over for now. We've been defensive at every war and it has been worked out greatly. I don't see the need to take the initiative into battle with more morcantaz tribes
>>visit your promised-one
>give your army a rest

>visit your promised-one
With everything taken care of, there is but one thing left to do, and that is visit and give comfort to your promised-one. For this very purpose you visit morcantari, and put the army on standby for 2 days. Upon your arrival, you seek out the home in which glasteth is located, he is with your family and has been, to your surprise, tended back to health by one of your relatives versed in the study of herbs. Your promised one greets you with a fragile embrace, he dare not come to close to you, though the wound has closed, it is still paining him. You ask whether you can take a look at his body, and to everybody's surprise, he promptly unclothes himself. There is a crusted scar across his chest, you gently run your fingers along the still fresh scab as you inspect it closely. For a moment, you feel his breath stop, inciting you to look at him. He insists that he is unbothered by your actions, but you know better than this and cease.
As glasteth clothes himself again, you ask your family whether they mind you staying over night. They do not, but ask where they ought to house you, forgetting for a moment that, although not married yet, you are for all intents and purposes, husband and wife, as such you'll be staying with your promised-one.
A few relatives accuse you of indecency, insinuating that a man and a woman cannot share a bed without giving in to their carnal desires. Without further thinking about this, you inform them of the many times you've shared a bed with glasteth and the persistence of your purity. A few aunts faint, others stare in disbelief, a distinct few uncles express their pride in your boyfriend, but the rest simply don't care for the intricacies of your love life.

After a goodnight's rest with your promised-one at your family's estate, you return to the capital, where you call the army into action for your punitive campaign against the bolgoz and their allies.
None shall survive the massacre that is about to ensue.

>send scouts a few hours ahead
>send scouts a day ahead
>send scouts a few days ahead
>send scouts a few hours ahead

To scout effectively, we need the latest info

>>send scouts a day ahead
Its a good in between, however we will not gain the advantage of surprise but neither will the enemy.
>send scouts a few hours ahead

I want the closest intelligence as well.
Impatience, what if there is an army we can prepare an ambush for ahead of time.
A few hours should be enough to make some small traps, maybe set some rocks in the road
Well the scout also has to reach us back when they find something. So its more like an hour. Organizing an army into formation takes time.

They're a few hours ahead, we'd probably have enough time
>>send scouts a few hours ahead
Dude, Its more like 1 hour since they have to reach us to give us info.
>send scouts a day ahead
I'd trust the scouts with a few hours if we ever bothered to take horses. The information might become outdated but it's better than having little time to adapt.
>send scouts a few hours ahead
Days is more for later periods. This is still small scale warfare compared to that.
Before giving the marching order to your men, you send out the scouts to give you a rough glimpse of enemy terrain, and should there be any remaining ones, troops as well.
After passing through Ongiza and crossing the river that marks your south-western border, you find yourself in unknown territory, but due to the scouts' proximity to the army, it is easily navigable, despite the fact we know so little about these lands. Setting the excitement of the initial raid aside, the attack on the bolgoz thusfar has been rather uneventful, though the army has rampaged through dozens of villages, no settlement could be found that gave off the definitive feeling of a capital city.
You have severely underestimate just how underdeveloped morcantaz peoples are, you've thought lowly of them before, but this is just pathetic. Further to the south, approaching another river, you finally witness something that peaks your interest; Two morcantaz armies, clashing with one another. You recognize the attackers, they are Bolgoz. Without much hesitation you join the battle on the side of whoever is defending, and slam into the rear of the Bolgoz, sending their army into disarray and scattering them. You order your troops to give chase and hunt them down, kill all but their leader, whom must be captured. In the meantime, you and your guard approach the defending army, to ask what this conflict is about. They tell you that they have been a subject of the Bolgoz for some time now, when they heard of their defeat at the hands of the Boggdonyoi, they rose up in rebellion. When it turned out that, although pressed into it, they participated in the attack on your realm, you attack their army, destroy their villages, and slaughter the survivors.
After catching up with your main army, you find them locked in battle with the Bolgoz at a fortified village. You feel it, this must be their capital, their home.

>set the village on fire with everyone inside
>sack the village with utmost brutality
>traumatize them for generations to come
>>set the village on fire with everyone inside
No survivor
>set the village on fire with everyone inside
Best way to prevent a revenge plot is to kill everybody involved.
In the discord sever qm said that all choices lead to genocide one way or another
>set the village on fire with everyone inside

>set the village on fire with everyone inside

Kill anyone that escapes from the village. For good measure after the fire stops look around the ruins, if there are survivors execute them.
If the Bolgoz have any symbol or holy site to their ancestors and gods in their homeland, find it and defile it.
You push the defenders back and bar their gate from the outside, promptly setting the walls ablaze. The screams of these animals pleases you immensely, perhaps too much, this excitement is almost reminiscent of your special night with Glasteth, however you have to focus, there is more to be done with these wastelands the bolgoz called their home.
On your clean-up campaign across the conquered territories, you have come across several tribal leaders who have staunchly professed to not have been affiliated with the bolgoz and their ilk at any point in history, you are inclined to believe them.
You triumphantly return home to Aitlazaterp, where a slightly recovered Glasteth waits for you. The war is finally over, the traitors have been dealt with and the bolgoz are no more.

[Supplementary post on the discord]

>get married
>celebrate victory
>let things play out
>>celebrate victory
>celebrate victory
>get married
>For her, death and pillage are orgasmic.
>celebrate victory
>let things play out

>counting your eggs before they hatch
I'm not choosing that second option if it implies premarital sex.
>get married
Marriage is the best celebration
Switching to
>get married
Premarital sex is a well-known taboo and I refuse to let us violate it out of ignorance.
>get married
>>get married
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Just a few days after your triumphant return, you begin to arrange festivities for the wedding ceremony that you've had to postpone for multiple months now, due to the war. The army is disbanded, the warriors have returned home, the loyalist ongizaz have made it a point to atone for the sins of their families, your promised-one is rapidly recovering and you have finally gotten vengeance against the brute who tried to violate you.
Things are looking up for you, and your husband-to-be agrees.
It has been long overdue, but you're finally getting married, the whole realm has come to celebrate the occasion, you've had to relocate the ceremony to Odober, the only place with enough room to accommodate such an enormous event. The expansive crowd watches in anticipation as your promised-one arrives on the scene, holding in his hands an urn in which he carries either the bride-price or maybe even a bondcrown, a special item desired by any bride, few have had the pleasure of receiving one, for social custom states that every man must make it himself, and though nowhere stated, it is implied they craft it of a precious material, be it of sentimental value to the bride, something only a very dedicated husband would know, or of monetary value, like gold, silver, brontsay and gemstones.
He has finally reached the center of the crowd, where he looks at you smugly before smashing the urn onto the ground, to the shock of everyone around.
Scattered across the ground, is a sea of eskbets, it is clear to you that this is his bride-price, moments later he says so himself, but from among the coins, he picks up something else, you can't quite make it out. He covers your eyes with one hand, while doing so, you hear loud gasps from the crowd. These are not the gasps of outraged onlookers, these are the gasps of excited women, you wonder what he could possibly have grabbed that gets the crowd this riled up. Though you have a suspicion, you wouldn't confirm it in time.

On your head rests now, a crown of pure brontsay, shaped like a sun that reaches down onto your forehead, adorned with three large amber on it's rays, and a finely cut polished-flint in it's center. You burst into tears, this is the most beautiful bridecrown you've ever seen, and to think he would make you one in the first place.
With a warm embrace, you are declared husband and wife.
Without hesitation, Glasteth turns the hug into a hoist, and lifts you above his head.
The crowd cheers on the small, thin man, your man, as he carries his giantess above his head like a war trophy. Normally they'd make fun of a man struggling to carry his wife as much as he does, but the fact he attempts it at all, makes him all the more man in your eyes.
Having reached the other end of the crowd, his legs cave and he falls over, with you landing right on top of him. The crowd bursts into another cheer.
>Warfare - Maces
>Alliance - The Good Barbarians
>Politics - Loyalist propaganda
>Politics - Aid for the bereft
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>Business - Increased demand (cheese)
>Business - Increased demand (amber)
>Faith - The Dark Sun Issue
>Faith - Female Legitimacy
>Society - Amber fever
>Society - Plant discovery
>Society - Bee craze
>Art - Landscapes
>Literature - Storytelling
>Private - The Wedding-night
>Public - Regency Law
>Private - The Wedding-night
>>Literature - Storytelling
Changing to

>Faith - The Dark Sun Issue

>Art - Landscapes

We've got portraiture and religious iconography, it's about time we gave our culture's art a little more flair.
Changing again


I am an indecisive monkey
>>Warfare - Maces
>Private - The Wedding-night
Roleplay first because they don't take ticks.
>Art - Landscapes
>Private wedding night. And now we pick him up!
>Private - The Wedding-night
There are a lot of other important things to do after though...
>>Private - The Wedding-night
After this female legitimacy or we'll be fucked. Also maces are more for capturing people and against armoured foes.
Glasteth and you retreat to your palace chamber after the great ceremony, now officially husband and wife, you are about to do what you've longed to do for well over a year now, you almost did it back then, in the woods, in retrospect you should have taken the opportunity, but a girl must stay pure for her loved one, you held back for him and now, tonight, it's all going to pay off. You let him stand outside the door for a bit, and change from your royal dress-wear, which you've worn for the wedding, into something more appealing. You put on a fine garment you've had the maids construct for you, made from several other ones. A dress made from a long, flowing red robe, cut off at the knees and sewn onto two halves of a udgorizgi shirt that puffs out around the torso, with a deep cut in the middle separating them, leaving them to reveal a part of your chest, whose size is emphasized by the pockets of air. Lastly, to appeal to glasteth's tastes specifically, you put segments of armor on top of all of this, because you remember exactly how hard tried not to drool when first laying eyes upon you clad in war gear.
You invite your precious little pervert back into the room, hiding behind the door. After he steps in, you slam the door shut behind him, blocking the exit. He looks excited. You approach him and pick him up by his collar, carrying him to bed like a prisoner of war. You sit on top of him, between the chest and legs, holding him down with one hand, and ripping his clothes apart with the other. He just let's you do as you please, which bores you, but in that moment of bored distraction, he "fights" back and wrestles you off, now sitting on top of you instead, after a few more minutes of playful struggle, he wins and before him lay a defeated and unclothed warrior giantess, who could not resist the might of this nimble bandit, about to ravish her for her insolence.

The morning after, you stay in bed a little longer, the state can wait when there's a little, man-shaped lion to cuddle.
>Warfare - Maces
>Alliance - The Good Barbarians
>Politics - Loyalist propaganda
>Politics - Aid for the bereft
>Business - Increased demand (honey)
>Business - Increased demand (cheese)
>Business - Increased demand (amber)
>Faith - The Dark Sun Issue
>Faith - Female Legitimacy
>Society - Amber fever
>Society - Plant discovery
>Society - Bee craze
>Art - Landscapes
>Literature - Storytelling
>Public - Regency Law

>Art - Landscapes

As I said before, it's about time we put some more focus on our culture and art.
>Art - Landscapes

Loiur finally got dick, and now she is calm

I am very interested in
>Faith - The Dark Sun Issue
and worried too. The eclipse needs to be given meaning
>Public - Regency Law
I will always vote roleplay options furst.
>>Warfare - Maces
>>Faith - The Dark Sun Issue
We must remember this, forever.
I'll switch to this, but after, we do a fuckle ton of cultural things
>Faith - The Dark Sun Issue
I’ll go this, but female legitimacy must be next - it’s worrying
In recent weeks it has come to your attention that the temple is up to something, some kind of religious debate, that appears to be shaking the very foundations of the faith. Naturally, for such a young religion as this, you find it unbecoming to be devolving into squabble. You ponder whether squabbling is the nature of religion, after all, if there were no faith, would everyone believe the same thing?
A question best left unanswered.

You summon several temple officials to the palace and have them tell you what exactly the debate is. They're slow to give you an answer, but after finally spilling their intentions, you can see why.
Your recent display of divine power has shaken a core belief of the temple, the dark sun, as per temple canon, is the antithesis to Aitlaz and belief has it, that a usurper descendant would challenge Aitlaz one day, this usurper being the dark sun, the darkness to Aitlaz's light.

You profess, that as the legitimate ruler of this country, designated by your father as such, who himself was an avatar of Aitlaz, that you are the Sun and have only ever acted in the benefit of mankind.
The priests cannot deny this, the empiricism of your claim lay before you, albeit metaphorically. They suggest a council be held in the palace, as the foremost religious entity in the realm, they ask you to not merely oversee, but participate in the coming debates.
You are not a philosopher so you are reluctant to attend such a thing, but you agree, for the integrity of the temple.

Philosophers from every town arrive to participate in the debate of the temple, a total of 39 people, including yourself.
A heated discussion ensues about your legitimacy as an avatar, the coming of the end times, various miscellaneous topics regarding the canon, and most importantly, your role in the pantheon.
The attendees ask for your input on the manner, essentially they wish to know what it is that drives you.

It seems truthful
All of them fit, to be honest.
of course they all fit, because they're all true

If they're all true I'm switching to


Both with our enemies and Glasteth ;)
That might not sit well with the morcantaz.
We did dominate the traitors though, and the genocidal bit

And it would fit, obviously as the first female ruler we HAVE to dominate or we won't be taken seriously
This sounds ruder than I imagined it in my head, sorry

What drives Loiur... Damn, I think I will choose the one I find mildest of the three

[Enacted with Tiebreaker]

You take a deep breath and lay out to them the source of your power, the drive behind your decisions. The anger of the sun, you explain, is your holy retribution:
"Through fire, Justice is served"
a few priests remain skeptical, but even they accept your answer, it aligns with aitlazic canon, a canon they know you don't know, that only the legitimate Askkizo could answer the way you have.
The council comes to a close and the conclusion is an amend to temple canon, no longer will the Dark Sun be a symbol of the Usurper, for they have clearly misinterpreted it, now it stands for wrath, a vengeful Sun that seeks to serve justice to evil-doers who have escaped their righteous punishment.
This aspect of the Sun is hence dubbed Loiur, after you, the first Askkizo to exhibit it.

>Warfare - Maces
>Alliance - The Good Barbarians
>Politics - Loyalist propaganda
>Politics - Aid for the bereft
>Business - Increased demand (cheese)
>Business - Increased demand (amber)
>Society - Amber fever
>Art - Landscapes
>Literature - Storytelling
>Public - Regency Law
>>Literature - Storytelling
we must spread the legend somewhere more permanent.
>>Warfare - Maces
>Politics - Aid for the bereft
It's time to help those who have lost their loved ones.

>Art - Landscapes

Well, so much for bees or a honey craze. Let's improve this aspect of our culture at least while we still can.
Now that I think about it, makes more sense for painting to be developed instead of writing.
change to:
>Public - Regency Law
Gotta vote for role play
>Art - Landscapes

Wel, ysh! I remember we should indeed focus on our culture
>Art - Landscapes
>>Business - Increased demand (amber)
Amber was a valuable and pretty easy to find in swampland.
In recent weeks you've been feeling disproportionately unwell, throwing up in the mornings and craving food at the strangest of hours and feeling your stomach ache all the way through, to make matters worse, it also feels like you've been gaining weight.

To distract yourself from all of this, you tour the realm in search of nature's beauty, of which there really isn't a whole lot to be found in these swamps.
Some people begin to take notice of your daily exploration and you share your lamentations with them, in response you are more often than not, directed to a fellow in izarogininian who supposedly paints nature's beauty for a living. After a while, you are convinced and check out this reknown painter.
Sure enough, he draws beautiful, albeit not quite life-like, looking sceneries. He claims to have seen all of these with his own eyes, and put them to wood accordingly. You are amazed by his artistic talent and offer to become his patron. He declines your generous offer, professing to be doing this for his personal bemusement rather than any monetary gain.
Finding such honesty respectable, you withdraw your offer, and simply buy a few of his works.
Contented, you return home and liven up the palace with your newly acquired decor.
As usual, the commoners in the capital have taken notice of your personal life and begun to offer paintings of nature every once in a while, but they pale in comparison to the master in izarogininian.

>Warfare - Maces
>Alliance - The Good Barbarians
>Politics - Aid for the bereft
>Business - Increased demand (cheese)
>Business - Increased demand (amber)
>Society - Amber fever
>Literature - Storytelling
Alliance - the good barbarians.

Are these the shirtless crazies? I hope so we should keep em happy
>>Literature - Storytelling
Epic of grape sun
>Politics - Aid for the bereft
Help the widows and the orphans.
>>Politics - Aid for the bereft
Have too many poor. Lose the throne.
>Politics - Aid for the bereft
>>Warfare - Maces
no, we genocided those
these are different ones
>Politics - Aid for the bereft

Welp, yeah... this problem can only expand further I believe. I do hope this aid does not come <only> from the royal coffers!

Can we
>Consult a doctor for the evident-as-fuck signs and symptoms?
When did we do that. The barbarian caziew from like 2 leaders ago that allied with us against a rebellion
in this very thread anon. Just... read the thread!
Im up to date. We genocided some shitty bolgoz. None of them were the excellent warriors that assisted us? I feel like they would have been specifically mentioned considering how effevtive they were and how unique they were compared to the others. They were just 1 village? Back then they sent some 30 guys to help us.
From what I could tell, they subjugated multiple villages, the ones who declared that the Bolgoz sucked live and the ones who didn't get burned

So they had one 'pure bolgoz' village, but multiple villages under their belt
As it is becoming clearer by the day that either through happenstance, or the potency of your husband's seed, if not both, has caused you to bear a child, his child.
Several of your acquaintances have also noted how healthy you appear to be, compared to other women.
While this is mildly reassuring, it doesn't exactly help you in your daily affairs of state, though you figure, since you are carrying the fruit of glasteth's love, that maybe you can share some of it with the commoners.
This generation has seen far too much bloodshed, first the great morcantaz army, then the usurpation war. It is evident that you should be assisting the people, if nothing else, for their war contribution.

Though hasty it may seem, you figure it a better long term solution to issue a law that dictates everyone contribute a portion of their earned wealth to the kingdom, for you to then distribute it among the needy, such as the combat-crippled, war-widows and veterans.

This law is the very first of its kind, and marks a precedent for taxation. Until then, the state has been funded by its own businesses and the goodwill of its people.

>Warfare - Maces
>Alliance - The Good Barbarians
>Business - Increased demand (cheese)
>Business - Increased demand (amber)
>Society - Amber fever
>Literature - Storytelling

>Literature - Storytelling

We've got our arts, now it is time to focus on writings. We will have great literary works yet!
>Literature - Storytelling
Our legends will outlast us.
A legend of the Warrior queen!
pls vote
I dunno... storytelling is interesting and it would help our culture indeed but....
aaaa... I want to secure another source of income to the royal coffers

>Business - Increased demand (cheese)
Amber would be better for business. Especially if we can combine it with amber fever in the culture choice. It will be especially better once we stop being isolated.
>It will be especially better once we stop being isolated
Yes and no. We're still behind on the military front of technology.
>Literature - Storytelling
>Literature - Storytelling

Thought I did
I am talking about the amber trade aspect of not being isolated. But yeah we will be forced to adapt even more once that happens.
Your wife's pregnancy is nearing its end. Her bloated belly binds her to the bed. In this time you have come to unofficially reign in her place. Though the courtiers know, the commoners don't and you intend to keep it that way, for the glory of her legacy.
If things would go as you want them, this won't remain the only instance of your regency. Indeed if you could, it would happen a hundred times more, but even you don't think that Loiur is capable of bearing THIS many children.

Regardless, it has come to your attention that recently, the number of orators has drastically dwindled. Whereas the few who persist, have come to embellish the legends of old, some even adopting a sort of pattern, for consistency of retelling.
These professional orators, often make a significant amount of money, enough to sustain themselves. This has driven dozens of people out of business, across every town. The old folks simply don't tell as good a story as these people, even if they are the same story.
For good or ill, a trend of standardized storytelling has found its way into society.

>Warfare - Maces
>Alliance - The Good Barbarians
>Business - Increased demand (cheese)
>Business - Increased demand (amber)
>Society - Amber fever

>Society - Amber fever

I'm interested to see what this might entail.
>>Society - Amber fever
Its pretty like Louir. Our amber queen.
>>Warfare - Maces
>Alliance - The Good Barbarians
Let's make sure we get this squared away.
>Alliance - The Good Barbarians
Time to form allies
[Tie breaker]
After 9 whole months, it has finally happened, you have successfully given birth to a healthy young girl, your husband dubs her Birili, after the moon, a fitting name for a child born at night.
As you finally find the strength to introduce your newborn babe to your realm at large, you suddenly find yourself in a whole new world. Everyone, even the lowliest of peasant, is wearing some kind of accessory on them, usually in the form of some kind of headdress for women, be it on their ears, nose, neck or wrapped around their heads.
As for the men, they're wearing it atop their clothes, as an extension of their usual dress, in an attempt to display it subtly, yet openly.
Upon closer inspection you come to realize, that all of these accessories are crafted with amber.
You don't want to know where all of this amber came from, you're just glad to see that your realm is rich in resources, at least that's what you tell yourself, in truth, you are a bit jealous, the amber in your crown was something special, a rarity almost never seen before, a stone of legend and yet now, it just appears another commodity, you feel like they peasants have stolen some of your husband's love. Of course, this is ridiculous, you know better than that, but in your heart, this deeply offends you.

>Warfare - Maces
>Alliance - The Good Barbarians
>Business - Increased demand (amber)

>Business - Increased demand (amber)
>>Alliance - The Good Barbarians
We need the support, also I believe this will open up new branches in the tree.
>Alliance - The Good Barbarians
>>Warfare - Maces
Alliance - The Good Barbarians
>Alliance - The Good Barbarians
Over the course of the next decade, your reign has turned out to be a prosperous one, so prosperous in fact, the realm has experienced an unprecedented growth in population, cities are bursting at their seams and some villages have grown to be cities unto themselves. Yet others have migrated to the empty land that once belonged to the bolgoz, forming colonies that are yet unconnected by the road network.

In this time, you have given birth 8 more times.
your daughter Birili now has to cope with the presence of her brothers Bendirigz, Ninian and Kazazak; as well as her sisters Zurizori, Onibitz, Amani and Yomagi, each posing their own brand of shenanigans.
Because of your series of births, people have attributed their growing families to your divine power, making you not just an aspect of war and justice, but also prosperity and fertility.

Thanks to the machinations of your husband during his regencies, you have managed to align the morcantaz, whom you've frankly forced to obey you during the war, to fight on your behalf once more. Though they are not your allies like the bolgoz once were, nor are they your subjects, like the ongizaz.
These morcantaz will come to your aid only in exchange for either loot or slaves, though you find the practice abhorrent, they are formidable fighters and true to their word.

However, this is not all you've managed to achieve in the past 10 years.

(pick 2)
>teach Bendirigz to fight
>teach Ninian to spy
>teach Kazazak to orate
>teach the Girls housekeeping
>teach Yomagi to read and write

(pick 2)
>Warfare - Mercenaries
>Government - Basic Cartography
>Government - Calendars
>Medicine - Basic Herbology
>Alliance - Contracting
>Peace - Colonialism
>War - Imperialism
>teach Bendirigz to fight
>teach the Girls housekeeping

>Government - Basic Cartography
>Government - Calendars
>teach Yomagi to read and write
>teach Bendirigz to fight


>Government - Basic Cartography

>Peace - Colonialism
>>teach Bendirigz to fight
>teach the Girls housekeeping
>basic carthography
We should have colonialism early on in our culture.


>Teach Bendirigz to fight

A good fighter is always a good thing to have, not just to aid in survival, but also to bring prestige and respect amongst our subjects.

>Teach Yomagi to read and write

If we leave her illiterate, then who knows what we could be missing? Better to give her as many opportunities as possible, as a royal deserves.

>Government - Calendars

Calendars are honestly useful for so, so much. By laying out the seasons, farmers have an easier time of it. By counting the months and years, we can record our history. Honestly, in planning, records, astronomy and so much more, calendars open up a whole world to us. We'd be stupid not to figure them out.

>Peace - Colonialism

With colonialism, we're not just stuck with the unstable method of conquering and subjugating outsiders. We can settle lands instead, populating them with our own countrymen and people, and though it may be slower than conquest, in the long run it will be vastly more productive.
Now that I think about it. Teaching Yomagi to read and write sounds more useful than housekeeping.
>Teach Yomagi to read and write
>>teach Bendirigz to fight
>basic carthography
>teach Bendirigz to fight
>teach Yomagi to read and write

>Government - Basic Calendars
>Peace - Colonialism
>teach Bendirigz to fight
>teach Yomagi to read and write

>Medicine - Basic Herbology
>Government - Basic Cartography
alright lemme do a count out before we move onto the next thread

Par 1: Bendirigz
Par 2: Yomagi

Dec 1: cartography
Dec 2: colonialism
Sounds about right
>teach Yomagi to read and write
>teach Bendirigz to fight

>Government - Basic Cartography
>Peace - Colonialism
*nods* it does look okay!¡
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idea for port location in the future.
It's a battle map but I don't care.
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Our kingdom has become very prosperous and population is booming. We could order to create not just a port settlement, but even new cities and villages. We probably have the money, and there is a lot of population.
yellow are possible positions for settlements we could make

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