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You are Alberich: maiden-rescuing knight, killer of men and monsters, familiar twice over, possible relation of Gods, and modern hero. You've just woken up at home after an arduous journey to the Shapeless Isle, and already you are beset by new troubles doubtless fostered by your enemies' prudent actions during your twelve-hour unconsciousness.
On the night of November 13, 2019, you found yourself in a dimly lit stone basement, standing in the middle of a magic circle. You had been summoned as a Servant, a figure out of legend contracted after their death to fight alongside a magus for the Holy Grail. In your case, however, you were and conned by Judas Iscariot into taking his place despite not being any such thing.
Since then, you've made your way through a chain of events even stranger than those you faced in the Akeldama. You've lost one Master and gained another on the point of death. You've slain three enemy Servants and converted four to your cause. You've met, allied with, and betrayed the survivors of the last War: a family of magi dedicated to destroying the Holy Grail. You've discovered your true nature, as an artificial hero cobbled together from the souls of over 300 sacrifices and imbued with false memories. You've met the two others like you, formerly 'human' compatriots in the Akeldama's War who have since been transformed into Servants. You've fallen in love with Liliesviel von Einzbern, a homunculus at the center of the Holy Grail War whose desperate need and ephemeral beauty captured your heart. You've begun to walk the path of magical knowledge, and through the use of your Noble Phantasm summoned forth two impossible existences from the Reverse Side of the World: a phantasmal beast and a goddess. This morning, you cracked open the soul of a captured enemy, hoping to take power over her by magic. Instead, you've found yourself wandering in the labyrinthine inner world of her spirit.
None of your experiences have changed your goal, however. Whatever the purpose or origin of your life, and regardless of who stands in your way, there is only one path before you. You will take the Holy Grail with your own hands.
Four Servants remain to fall by your sword.

Archive of Previous Threads:

Status Information:

QM Twitter:
"Very well," you say, doing your best to hide the exasperation you feel. You were absent twelve hours, and things have already become 'terrible'? It's not a statement that fills you with confidence in the subordinates you've been bringing together. Liliesviel gets up from her seat on your reclining form, turning to drop her feet lightly from the bed to the floor. As she begins to leave, though, you feel a sudden surge of additional tenderness for the girl who so recently confirmed your mutual love, who has apparently spent hours tearfully waiting by your bedside for you to awaken, and you add in a gentle tone, "Whatever has happened, I hope you aren't taking it too hard. I promise you we'll be able to work through this together, whatever it may be."

"Of course!" Liliesviel chirps. She gives you one last bright, loving smile before turning and slipping out the door, her elegant footsteps barely audible as she retreats down the hall to find the others. As she disappears, you find yourself slumping back into your pillow, overcome with a strange fatigue. For all that you've spent the last twelve hours in uninterrupted rest, you already feel a desperate need for more sleep, as if you've just finished a full day of non-stop battle and other labor. Then again, in a manner of speaking you have; perhaps the magical energy you used within Medusa's spirit, you think hazily, still takes an equal toll on your body despite the body's not have been involved in the work. It would seem to fit with the strange biology of Servants you've experienced up until now.

As you contemplate this fact, at least with the part of your mind not occupied in the complete enjoyment of a proper bed after the highly unsatisfactory accommodations of the Shapeless Isle, your eyes gradually return to Medusa and her sisters. Now that they're all lined up at the same age, the similarity of form and feature among the three is extremely striking. But for the unusual symbol which adorns her forehead and the difference of clothing, you doubt you'd be able to tell Medusa from the other two; certainly you're at a loss for which of the sleepers is Euryale and which Stheno. Perhaps, though, you can gather some further information about the three from the magical link between you, though. As you gaze at their peacefully sleeping forms, the gentle rise and fall of chest and slight movement of cherry-blossom lips, you allow your mind to stretch out and probe for an avenue of scrutiny with the same license you've given your eyes. With Stheno and Euryale you're disappointed, but the same cannot be said of Medusa. An identical mental link to that your curse established with Arturia seems to have been created in this situation, and once you've followed it to its opposite end your mind is flooded with all of the details about Medusa's abilities as a Servant that were previously hidden from you.

Status Updated
Preparations in a Garden

William Harris was tired, frustrated, and angry. Not a good state of mind for a professional combatant to be in, he knew; but he didn't seem to be able to get out of it. He was tired of trying to win a war against two factions whose only goals seemed to be gathering as many pawns as possible in the hopes that their leaders wouldn't have to lift a finger of their own; tired too of operating under secrecy conditions in the heart of a populous city when the lot of his targets seemed happy to reveal magic to everyone in Tokyo, just before killing them. He was frustrated with the uncooperative family of justice-minded rogue magi who claimed they wanted to destroy Saber and indeed had the power to do so, but lacked the brains to actually take serious action when they had the perfect opportunity to wipe him out along with his entire faction. Finally he was angry with himself, for having wasted a golden opportunity for action on a failed diplomatic effort. Perhaps that made him as bad as the Church, or the arrogant moron who lived in this manor.

As he lurked in the garden shadows, working diligently on the ninth of the ten nodes he'd need to remodel, Harris allowed his mind to drift into self-recrimination while his fingers went about their business. He always worked best on reconfiguring mystic codes when he worked unconsciously, and as he did so he ran through the day's activities all over again, looking for the lesson to be learned for a better result if a similar situation should arise in the future. He'd been reconnoitering the city from the repulsion chamber when it had first begun, and he'd seen well enough the presences of the Shijou Servant and Einzbern Master transported to Emiya's home before immediately returning, his Servant in tow. At that point he hadn't yet thought of intervening. When something went wrong in there, the Shijou Saber collapsed, and the relationship between his followers dissolved into an uncoordinated mess of arguments and ambivalence, then the situation had caught Harris' attention. Naturally he'd done what seemed best in that situation: he'd gone to Emiya with a proposal of cooperation.
Now, Emiya might have been completely unknown to Harris when the War began, but he hadn't stayed that way long. He'd gotten a pretty complete picture of the various parties' actions in the man's battles before Assassin snuffed out his captive. Already making the connection, he'd sent back to his contacts in London for more information and been able to confirm that this was Emiya Shirou, the rumored winner of the last Holy Grail War, and son of the previous man they'd called "Magus Killer". Information about what exactly had happened in that War was scarce, but what there was had prompted all kinds of theories about its reclusive victor: he wasn't human at all, but a Servant that had managed to incarnate and hide his identity; he was endowed with an incredibly rare magical talent, a Reality Marble; he was a Sixth Sorcerer, and the Second was trying to keep his existence hidden; he was a boy assassin, raised from birth to kill with perfect efficiency by Emiya Kiritsugu, but who'd tired of battle after the War. There were as many theories about Emiya Shirou as there were people who'd heard of the Grail War, and the fact that one of old man Zelretch's apprentices was an old friend of his only did more to keep him a fixture in the tales of mysterious rumor passed around by idle magi and students with nothing better to do than talk. As for what Emiya was really capable of, while the outer limits remained uncertain Harris had gotten a good idea of his baseline from his fight with the Shijou Saber. He was definitely the ideal person to wipe out the Shijou camp while their leader remained unconscious.

This plan met its end when it turned out that Emiya was about as helpful and reasonable as a dead toad. After Harris had made his case, he was met with a stony look of disapproval and the declaration that even if every magus in the Clock Tower tried to sway him in the same direction, he absolutely refused to make any attack that included a member of his family as collateral damage. Evidently even the world-ending threat he fancifully believed the Holy Grail to contain was insufficient to motivate Emiya to consider his Rider as an acceptable loss, and the similar glare he'd shot Tohsaka told Harris that Zelretch's representative had already argued for the same course of action. Her defensive look told him that she didn't think much more of Emiya's strategic wit than he did. This naturally led to a prolonging of the argument, which ended up getting nothing done but the waste of a few hours talking.
So in the end Harris had beat his retreat, leaving Emiya's little clan to make their own plans about rescuing their kidnapped Servant while he walked back out into the street. Whether they'd get the chance was another question, of course. Harris hadn't given up on wiping out the whole troupe at the manor by a long shot. Assassin was his next diplomatic target, but almost an hour of searching in the repulsion chamber had yielded only the knowledge that wherever the hidden Servant might be, he was living up to his reputation and staying that way. Assassin's motives were still an enigma to Harris anyway, though, so he wasn't too broken up about losing the chance to try recruiting a Servant who might easily be the kind of deranged freak who'd decide to kill him on a whim.

When he had turned his focus back to the Shijou house, though, that was when the first round of anger at lost time had set in. The occupants were no longer all clustered together in the basement, fighting over their fallen chief; whatever their argument had been, they must've either cleared it up or at least cooled the war, because they'd spread out again into the various rooms of the manor. Considering most Servants' apparent aptitudes for detecting presences, as well as the ability of a Master to feel other Masters nearby, that made sneaking into the place and slitting the throats of the Shijou and Einzbern girls a much tougher proposition. Three of the occupants, though, were completely gone. The monstrously powerful Einzbern Lancer, that strange phantasmal beast, and one of the human occupants had all disappeared from the building at some time between the Shijou Saber's collapse and Harris' return to his bunker. Harris had tried putting out a broad city-wide scan, but the three presences couldn't be located whatever he tried. Whatever they were about, they must've suppressed their presences for the purpose; and that purpose was frustratingly opaque. Perhaps they'd betrayed their comrades, or perhaps they were going on the offensive under prior orders from their leader. Hopefully they were making a move against the Emiyas, but for all Harris knew they might be out to hunt him down.

That last detail, the three missing figures, had made Harris' mind up. He needed to act, and he needed to do it now, while there was as much of an opportunity as remained. If he let any more time slip by while the Shijou Saber was out of commission, he'd probably regret it right up until a lightless sword was put through his heart. No matter how difficult this infiltration might be, Harris was ready to bring all his skills and mysteries to bear to get the job done. He'd slip in, get past the Servants and other occupants, kill Shijou and Einzbern, and get out of there while the rest were busy evaporating. Simple.
In the end it hadn't been that hard. Harris had gotten as far as the manor's garden when he'd stumbled on the first stroke of luck he'd had since Saber's collapse itself. It was enormous mystic code, or more accurately a network of mystic codes, stretching all around the manor and disguised as various ordinary pieces of landscaping ornamentation. The thing was set up to continuously draw power from the nearby leylines, of which the Second Owner's manor was naturally set on a slight power spot, and on-command generate three layers of bounded field around the property: one that acted as a physical barrier, a second that attempted to drain magical energy from any mystery an intruder attempted to manifest, and a third that automatically channeled as much energy as possible into fire directed at an intruder's location. Apparently only the first Shijou Master had known how to use the thing, though, because it had been left untouched and inoperative for at least a week. All Harris had to do was reconfigure the thing to take his orders, tweaking a few other aspects while he was at it, and he could use the energy it had stored over that week of inaction to send an explosion tearing through the Shijou manor. It wouldn't be powerful enough to kill any Servants, unless they were extremely weak from a lack of mystic energy, but it would be more than enough to give the Shijou and Einzbern girls an instant cremation; and working his way through other magi's mysteries to posthumously take control of their mystic codes was something Harris had had plenty of practice with over the years.

So here he was, a few hours later, just about finishing up the job a short time after midnight. Most of his time had been spent on the first of the key nodes of the mystic code, of course; after he'd done the hard work of figuring out how to take control, actually going through and doing so with the rest was smooth and simple. Even so, he remained tired, frustrated, and angry. He couldn't shake the feeling that he really should have just gone in and slit the girls' throats in the height of the confusion. This should work, of course, but with something like an explosion there were always uncertain variables; and even if it did work, it was in total opposition to the Marshall's order to stay discreet.

"Go to hell, you officious prick," Harris grumbled, reassuring himself by cursing out his superior. "Treat me like a goddamn mad dog. You've never had to see the worst of things on the ground; to burn out an entire village because the idiot you've been sent to seal is trying to set himself up as a pint-size god by teaching the locals magic. A few people seeing a house blow isn't going to crack the whole Moonlit World open." Hidden in the leafy darkness, suppressing his presence and keeping his grumbling under his breath to be sure he could hear even the faintest sound of movement nearby, Harris continued his work.
The Master Bedroom

You're not certain how long you've lain here waiting for Liliesviel's return in this state of half doze and half evaluation of your new Servant, but you come fully awake all at once as you feel the sensation of a surge of magical energy localized somewhere below you, around the basement or the foundation of the building. Despite all of the magi in this manor friendly to your cause, you feel assured by some inexplicable leap of precognitive intuition or subconscious logic that this is an attack coming from below; one that could rob you of the hard-won prizes that now sleep peacefully by your bedside. Without a moment's hesitation you materialize your armor and dive from the bed, wrapping the three girls in a protective embrace just as the shockwave hits, raging up and shattering floorboards and walls alike. The fire will be right behind. In a split-second decision you drape Kenótis, too small to guard both you and your charges, over your front to protect them, leaving your head and back in the sole care of your armor as an inferno rages up around you and you invoke your Noble Phantasm for what limited protection it provides.

The torrent of flame and force sends you flying head-over-heels through whirling air momentarily opaque with fire. Then suddenly the explosion, a thing with a lifespan of perhaps a second, is over, and only its after-effects remain. You land on your back in the street, putting cracks in another peaceful municipal road as your armor slams down. Apparently you were thrown some distance by the blast. The fatigue, as heavy as ever, tempts you to simply lie there, cooking in your frying-pan-hot armor until your normal regeneration overcomes the damage and the stuff cools, but of course you can't give in to the lazy impulse. With a force of will you gently deposit the gorgon sisters, fortunately unharmed but as unconscious as ever, on the pavement beside you and get to your feet. You dismiss your armor, sparing yourself the worst of the burns, and look around. The explosion, as well as the Shijou manor, are nowhere to be seen, although there is the notable light of a raging fire visible over the rooftops to your left. Evidently you were thrown over some adjacent buildings to land on a street not facing the manor. As you trace your approximate course through the air, you observe a new figure, leaping from rooftop to rooftop as if following the arc of your flight with lesser jumps, until he lands gracefully to stand in the road before you. Your heart sinks with disappointment.

"Yo, Kaichou!" Matsuda says with insolent cheer, his fangtian ji propped on his shoulder and an infuriating smile painted across his effeminately handsome features. "How's it goin'? You're lookin' a little burnt, you know."
>[ ] "I've had better days," you reply sarcastically. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?"

>[ ] "Spare me the playacting," you spit. "You're here to kill me, yes?"

>[ ] You have no patience for discussion right now. Materialize your armor and sword and cut this traitorous fool to pieces.

>[ ] You have no patience for discussion right now. Make as if to fight barehanded, then surprise Matsuda with a binding tendril to ensure he can't duck and dodge his way out of this fight.

>[ ] React differently. (Write in)
Oh, I forgot to post this before the first update. Oops!
For those of you just joining us, or anyone who'd like to read through what's gone on before, this PDF contains the edited text of the quest so far. This way you don't have to deal with the weightiness of some of the previous threads. It doesn't have any of Fate/City Akeldama, the first part of the quest, though, so you'll have to visit the archive for that.
>>[ ] You have no patience for discussion right now. Make as if to fight barehanded, then surprise Matsuda with a binding tendril to ensure he can't duck and dodge his way out of this fight.
I've had just about enough of Matsuda existing.
Brother or no, he's had all the opportunities he's getting.
He will die, but a death in battle is more than he deserves.
No, he ought to experience the pain of slowly melting into mana from Blood Fort while magically restrained.
Now, I realize that some people are probably going to complain about this development, so I'd like to say somethings now.
My original intention was to make this inevitable after the Shapeless Isle arc. You'd wake up and that update would lead right into this event. However, as that arc went on longer, I had second thoughts. I decided to be nice and give you a chance to avoid it. If you had stopped Liliesviel and had her explain first; if you had used the magical surveillance of the manor you have access to; if you had contacted Ayaka and Saber telepathically; any of these courses would have led into you not being blindsided this way.
I just want you to know, before you complain, that you had a way out. Getting your house blown up was a consequence of trying to convert Medusa, but it wasn't an absolute consequence.
>>[ ] You have no patience for discussion right now. Make as if to fight barehanded, then surprise Matsuda with a binding tendril to ensure he can't duck and dodge his way out of this fight.
This for now, on one hand i'd like to avoid missing an upgrade, on the other no time like the present to end the family's disappointment.

No complaints from me, its good to see our opponents showing some initiative against us for a change and giving us a 'warm welcome' back to reality.
>[X] You have no patience for discussion right now. Make as if to fight barehanded, then surprise Matsuda with a binding tendril to ensure he can't duck and dodge his way out of this fight.

Chagrined to see that my idea would've had merit if we'd used it, but oh well. Just gonna hope Ayaka and Hecate are safe.
That we still exist is enough evidence Lily is fine.

Nah, we definitely could've done several things to avoid this development. No complaints here, just wanna see how Alberich develops the situation from here.
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5.19 MB PNG
Since you now have Medusa's complete stats, I think now's as good a time as any to post this. I found an older piece of Takeuchi concept art for Medusa as a child, and I have to say I like it far better than the art they did for her in FGO.
I've tacked it in with the original Takeuchi art for her sisters, for comparison. If someone with more editing abilities than me wants to do something fun with this, have at it.
>[ ] You have no patience for discussion right now. Materialize your armor and sword and cut this traitorous fool to pieces.
Actually, why don't we check the status of our link to Ayaka, Lily, Arturia, Hecate, and Futodoki?
Whether or not they're still in this world is somewhat important, and if they're heavily injured we may want to deal with Matsuda expediently.
And the maids... should be fine. All that history is gone though... hope if Ayaka is still around that she doesn't have too bad of a breakdown having lost pretty much everything.
Wonder what happened to Yumigawa though.
Anyone got any ideas?
Maybe they just executed him for being an eyesore, or looked to him for guidance while we were out.
>hope Ayaka and Hecate are safe.
>The monstrously powerful Einzbern Lancer, that strange phantasmal beast, and one of the human occupants had all disappeared from the building.
Unless that was one of the maids leaving for groceries at midnight, Yumigawa managed to slip free in a manor filled with servants, or Tsubaki suddenly gains a rank of presence concealment when in human form and left to eat more people; Odin, Futodoki and at least one of the two should be safe.
For now I'll swap from >>4209754 to this:
>[X] While Matsuda acting like this in front of you is irritating, right now the current status of your allies is more concerning. Check the links between yourself and Lily, Ayaka, Arturia, Hecate, and Futodoki. If any seem to be in danger, end the fight with Matsuda as fast as possible.
>[X] Matsuda should be wary of your fighting style, and be prepared for us to make feints and use trickery to take him down, so you just need to use something nobody alive has seen you use yet. Make as if to fight barehanded, then surprise Matsuda with a binding tendril aimed at his legs. When he makes to cut it, turn it into an explosion instead, then materialize your armor, close in and cut him down.

How does this plan sound people? Any Ideas to make it better? He can easily cut down a tendril of Nothingness, but if we greatly injure his legs, he shouldn't be able to use restart unless Harris joins him, and if we end the battle fast it won't matter if he does.

>Strange phantasmal beast
Absolutely Futodoki. Harris should know Hecate is a goddess.
>Human occupant.
Tsubaki was acting as a human. Harris should know about her since she's the one who bound Arturia, and she's been doing research quite a bit.
And Arturia might've had the stats of a human but she was Harris' original servant, so he definitely wouldn't count her as human.
The only humans in the house were Ayaka and Yumigawa, and if Ayaka were gone then Harris would've gone after her instead of blowing up the Mansion first.
>[ ] "I've had better days," you reply sarcastically. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?"
I fucking called it. Stealth'd to death by Harris. I knew it! Fuck everyone who said it was going to be fine and we could just lie there waiting for Lily to get our allies. It's never fine! It was never going to be fine! This is what happens when you delegate! Everything goes wrong!
Everyone in the manor but Lily is dead. Watch.
Also one more thing, weren't the Bounded Fields supposed to give Alberich a signal if an intruder entered them?
I found these quotes about it:
>"My hope is that you may be able to modify the manor’s bounded fields so that they awaken me if they detect anything. Then I might get some rest tonight rather than sitting up on guard."
>“there. Now if some intruder violates the bounded field, you’ll feel it as if someone were shaking you awake. At least, I think that’s what it’s like. As far as I know, the Shijou haven’t tied a barrier to someone’s senses in hundreds of years; not since we had professional guards and house vassals.”

I'd think it would be pretty faulty design if the alert only sent one signal, rather than something constant. This was the house of a second owner after all, the Bounded Fields must've been pretty top-notch.
I'm not a mage, but I'd have made my alarm system turn off when I acknowledged the intruder, and not before.
>[ ] React differently. (Write in)
>Well I was enjoying the company of these fine little ladies but then I got interrupted. How's your love-life coming along, by the way? Meet anyone lately?
>Simultaneously check the status of Ayaka with telepathy. Just need to see if she's alive, mainly.

Somehow I knew that manor was living on borrowed time. I hope to God it had insurance.
Let me reiterate, was talking about Lily's homunculi maids, if he somehow missed the spot check that human Tsubaki and her human form suddenly now gives presence concealment thanks to the otaku base, if Hecate has actually been weakened enough being sensed as a "human" and if Yumigawa somehow managed to get free. If none of the above then Ayaka should be ok.

>Everyone in the manor but Lily is dead.
If a magic "gas leak" is enough to kill servants then all the pevious masters have been going about the HGW's all wrong for years.
More importantly let's hope Ayaka managed to find that family journal that would make her relevant again.
Also Adelheid's probably going to be pissed, spent a day translating Vaisett's notes just for it to go up in smoke and then when we turn back up finds out we don't even need it anymore.
I don't think Hecate would be recognized as human. Her ears alone are enough to put that theory to rest, but her signature should be of a spirit than a person.
As for Tsubaki, I don't think it likely since he fought her, so even if she had lost the horns he should be able to recognize her.
So Yumigawa would be the only human in the manor he'd detect besides Ayaka.

Hecate can still use magic, she just can't control it properly.
So if she was awake, she could've put up a barrier in time for the explosion.
But most likely she was sleeping when the nuke went off, unless Lily was in the middle of waking her up and had a servant nearby to protect both of them.

And it's the same for Ayaka.
If she was following Lily around when the manor went up, she could've been rescued, but before that we have been sucking her pretty dry, so most likely she was resting pretty deeply in her room.
Maybe someone was transferring mana to her? If so she may have had someone watching over her.

Oh man, the likelihood of Ayaka surviving the explosion plummets when I consider whether Lily would get her first or last.
Who survived depends on what order Lily went in gathering them.
Well, we know for sure Circe, Adelheid, Stachel, Tsubaki, and maybe Arturia, should be fine.
Just a shame about everybody else though.

>Vaisset's notes
They're probably fine.
Adelheid should've been able to to protect them if she was translating them when the manor got barbecued.
She stayed up all night to translate them last time, and it's only 12.
And if I'm right about them, they should allow Alberich to learn the 4 classical elements he can't use right now, which is kinda huge.

The real loss is all the random Grimoires the family had accumulated, and the Shijou journals.
>The real loss is all the random Grimoires the family had accumulated
You can say that again. The Vaisset family had a long and proud history of winning priceless and unique grimoires in magus duels.
>[ ] You have no patience for discussion right now. Make as if to fight barehanded, then surprise Matsuda with a binding tendril to ensure he can't duck and dodge his way out of this fight.

What a way to get back into the quest.
Something I've been wondering so feel free to correct me if i'm wrong but at this point don't we depend on Lily/the greater grail for our mana while Ayaka kept our command seals, would she even notice a drain? Because if it's between her and Yumigawa, I'd have to seriously doubt Yumigawa somehow managed to get loose from Tsubaki's bonds when Arturia couldn't and walk away just because we weren't personally paying attention to him.
The humans at least. How unfortunate- I actually wanted to keep Ayaka around.

Fucking mercenary magi and destroying priceless artifacts, cunts.

To the contrary, I've been wanting to minimize our faction size since back in November. I will take this massacre and run with it, hopefully kill that damned magus as well.

So, Harris has fiated the weaker of our camp out of existence. All we need to do now are some proper servant wave tactics and we can cut this faction down to size.
Uh, no? We only got our soul connected, we're not sucking mana from her.
It's still 100% on Ayaka, RIP her soul.

You monster.
We're going to expand our faction again when we start taking over the world, so I don't understand this train of thought at all.
I dipped out of the quest five months ago, and I return to Alberich having acquired.... six female hangers-on? The upgrades on the stat sheet are lovely, but Alberich refusing to put down the various women who've tried to kill him bothers me desu. Lily, Ayaka (RIP), Adelheid, simple as.

Hmm... if Ayaka is ded we probably need to conserve that magical energy. I wonder if we should refrain from the tendrils. Then again, Matsuda will probably still kick Alberich's ass in melee so this is for the best.
>Alberich refusing to put down the various women who've tried to kill him bothers me desu
Why isn't she in this list?
Didn't really betray him, is probably the only thing Alberich has approaching a "friend". Birds of a feather and all that.
Things could be worse: We're alive but Ayaka's dead so no mana. Party dead from the house fire so no reinforcements unless it's from odin or the cat. We gained Medusa but then we come to find out that Andromeda's drain only powers herself not us, assuming she'll be cooperative anytime soon. Then to top it off Odin notices we're not getting any stronger and decides its time for our duel.
Meh, it's just a trait Alberich has developed.
He likes capturing young women.
Seems heroic enough.

As for Ayaka and our mana reserves, I don't think using the tendrils to immobilize Matsuda is an intelligent idea, since his spear cuts magic, which is why I suggest turning it into an explosion to catch him off guard and immobilize him in a way that he can't easily deal with.

But now I'm wondering, if Ayaka is dead, how will Alberich's feelings on humanity and mages grow from now on?
Considering Harris would've just killed one of the only humans he has any fondness for, I'd say he might get even more callous in his methodology, and even go the BFA Tokyo route.
I think that'd be pretty funny honestly.
The Emiya faction could've stopped a gigantic massacre if they'd stopped Harris.

I think we should check on Kikuko once we've dealt with this tragedy.

BFA just collects Magical Energy, which can be shared through the Master-Servant bond. Since we're now Rider's Master, it should be plainly simple to re-direct the energy from her to us, especially since we have experience with Transference, and now have the help of a skill to make the process even more intuitive than it was before.
This isn't something I'm concerned about.
But yeah, that would be a terrible scenario indeed.
I'm confident in our ally Servants ability to survive such a lame magical blast though.
Slightly less confident in Arturia and Hecate however.
Well, anon, I'm glad to hear you've rejoined us and you're happy with the situation! I hope you enjoy the quest going forward as well.
Well, certainly some number of servants survived the burning. After we kill this dog, we can get a posse together and go mogg Harris to death. Gonna have to rig together a bond with Lily real quick.

The Circe fight was really damn cool. The classicist in me was absolutely tickled by the Odyssi.
>[ ] "Spare me the playacting," you spit. "You're here to kill me, yes?"
>The Circe fight was really damn cool. The classicist in me was absolutely tickled by the Odyssi.
Thanks! I had a lot of fun with that segment myself, turning the slaughter of multitudinous suitors back on Odysseus.
>[X] You have no patience for discussion right now. Materialize your armor and sword and cut this traitorous fool to pieces.
>I'm confident in our ally Servants ability to survive such a lame magical blast though.
Agreed, just the obligatory "missed a check, now we're locked into a dead end". Still, to me Ayaka's going to be one of those character's I refuse to believe is dead until we see a body, though that doesn't mean we should leave one for Harris.
Speaking of once we deal with him and get ourselves situated, since the manor's gone who wants to make this night worse for Emiya? 'We stole his Rider; now we're stealing his house.'
I'm starting to suspect Sweets really wants Harris to be the protagonist, deep down.
Alright folks, I'm calling it a night here and leaving you to discuss how to deal with this situation until I call the vote in about 16 or 18 hours. Before I go, though, here's one more image to entertain you: the latest installment of one of this quest's staples, the thread-post graph.
>using tendril magic on a guy with a confirmed hard counter to it
>not using our new combat skills and higher stats
why tho
Yeah, most of our team should be fine.
What this really did was remove our base of operations and our knowledge hub.
Supposing everyone comes out of the blast alright of course.
And I did consider commandeering the Emiya estate.
I'd be ok with such a course of action if after we deal with Harris, everything is at a manageable level, and we're not tired anymore.

Also, Lily came to us because her house got leveled.
Now we're considering going to the Emiya's house because our house got leveled.
Is this going to be Alberich's staple? If you're related to Alberich eventually your house will get erased?

I see what you did here Sweets, starting the thread with a literal bang to get a posting increase eh?
I do hope drama like this is enough to get posting levels higher, otherwise, I'm not sure what would.

Yeah, I don't know.
A bit baffling to me honestly.
Also kinda confused why we're not trying to confirm the health of our allies with the mental links we have.
Don't think it would take too long to check their integrity, and we could even distract Matsuda by talking to him about something while we do it.
>If you're related to Alberich eventually your house will get erased?
Add in the destruction of the university at the end of Akeldama and leveling Yumigawa's house, how long before Alberich gains a "homewrecker" skill?
>[X] While Matsuda acting like this in front of you is irritating, right now the current status of your allies is more concerning. Check the links between yourself and Lily, Ayaka, Arturia, Hecate, and Futodoki. If any seem to be in danger, end the fight with Matsuda as fast as possible.
>[X] Matsuda should be wary of your fighting style, and be prepared for us to make feints and use trickery to take him down, so you just need to use something nobody alive has seen you use yet. Make as if to fight barehanded, then surprise Matsuda with a binding tendril aimed at his legs. When he makes to cut it, turn it into an explosion instead, then materialize your armor, close in and cut him down.
Yeah, using the same old tricks isn't too bright, and Matsuda will be willing to chat long enough for us to check up on our lot

Alberich's very existence is a D ranked anti-fortress NP
I'll probably change to this if gain momentum later though priority to Ayaka, Lily, Hecate.
One thing I've been wondering, we know using absorbtion on servants and phantasmals grants us some control over them and creates a mana channel between us, what happens if we were to start using it on mages or regular humans? I doubt it would be a good use of our time or that we'd gain much from one or two but theoretically could we create a living sacrificial network to ourselves if we spent a day acting like this is 'Shadow of Mordor'?
Ayakas gonna fucking die. She's supporting 4 servants right now because the players went "haha me want more pretty anime girls" without thinking it through. That's why we're so fatigued right now.
>She's supporting 4 servants
Where are the other 2?
Stheno and Euryale as Goddesses are way weaker than servants.
Hecate has been weakened considerably, and Futodoki is just a phantasmal beast.

Think we should modify the vote to specify we want to distract Matsuda for a bit so we can do a quick check-up?
Bold of you to assume she isn't already dead

He's thinking of Arturia and Adelheid too.

And we're just skimming over the links, its really just a matter of not launching into battle before.
Arturia is connected to the leylines, and Adelheid is connected to Circe who's connected to Lily.
Switching >>4209963 to support >>4209805.
Changing to is with a few addendums
Keep him talking and check the link with Ayaka and Lily, if we lose either of them this battle cannot last long, the rest can wait until after the battle.
Also with Ayaka (potentially) dead and Medusa unconscious there's something i'd like to test if it's possible; attempt absorption, not to bind Matsuda to us, but to consume him.
It's pretty clear Odin and the cat took Ayaka with them for whatever reason.
I suppose it could be Hecate and Odin instead.

Unless you think they would've taken Yumigawa instead.

So really as we aren't dead (Lily), the only potential casualties in this attack are Yumigawa and the Non-Combat Einzbern.
The only confirmed casualties are our pride and dignity.
And Harris.

Hey why don't we have Medusa turn Harris into a statue?
>Non combat Einzbern
>Heaven's Feel
What are you implying here?
Did you mean the Dress of Heaven?
Or Lily? Pay attention, Lily isn't dead.
Because (names too similar can't be bothered to confirm) should be at about the level of a minor servant.

As for the rest.
Liliesviel should probably first gone to retrieve Circe, her Servant.
Then probably her maids (Saber too)
And then Adelheid and then Tsubaki.

Assuming Ayaka isn't in the house...
Circe and Hecate could easily create a barrier. (Shame Circe didn't do what Medea did against Rin and absorb all the mana of a similarly huge explosion that would've destroyed a building. Once again proving Medea the superior magus.) Tsubaki too could likely have defended herself.
Adelheid is too durable to die from that sort of explosion.
Considering Lily was likely with Circe, she ought to be fine.
Also our lives are linked to a far greater degree than a Servant-Master link.
If she died we would also instantly die.

Really, all I see Harris having done here is seal his own doom by ruining our fucking house.
I wonder if we can use our absorption magic to steal crests from people.
Harris might as well become a test subject before we toss him to Tsubaki.

This does give us the chance to level the entire block and begin construction on a castle.
Think he's referring to how Lily needs the two homonculus maids because they have to turn into dress, agreed on test subject Harris though and my gut has been telling me 'all-seeing' Odin likely has a precognition skill for a while, so if he did have a hand in getting Ayaka out of there just so we won't lose our most amusing trait to him.
She only needs the one though.
And the one she needs is conveniently the one that is much harder to kill.

Harris has really fucked himself with this genius move.
Most of the servants here could survive even if the Masters died.
I wonder if Tsubaki would be willing to share Harris with Lily.
After we're finished with him, Of course.

No amount of tapping the circle button will save you now, Harris!
Reading back he did seem more than a little unhinged during his POV, personally i'm more interested in opportunities to experiment with the limits of our magic, for instance i'm curious to find out if:
1. we can turn the absorption from binding someone to consuming them.
and should that work
2. what might happen should we consume a mage, using Harris as the test subject.
Although if this actually works I'm going to call it now; regardless of what part 3 will be about the players' goal will be to somehow find a way to make Alberich to absorb Zelretch.
But what if he swaps controller inputs from Player 1 to Player 2?
I'm gonna add:
>[X] If the link to Arturia still exists, command her to absorb mana from the leylines to return to full strength.

If she's badly damaged, she'll heal if we do this.
Otherwise I'm not certain we can save her.
The update did say very weak servants could die from the explosion.
>Ayakas gonna fucking die
It certainly is weighing very heavily on her. If you'd stopped Liliesviel and had her explain, you'd have heard more about that situation.

>names too similar can't be bothered to confirm
But one is the stem supporting the flower of Einzbern magecraft, and the other is the thorn protecting her! How is that not easy to remember?

>She only needs the one though.
>And the one she needs is conveniently the one that is much harder to kill.
This is true. Only Stachel is a magical tool; Stengel is a more general caretaker.

>he did seem more than a little unhinged during his POV
Care to elaborate?
Nah, I'd rather we didn't consume him entirely.
Instead let's go for his magic circuits and crest.
If we can just go around depowering magi by eating their circuits and crest imagine the terror that would spread.

This way we leave something for the girls.
>consume Zelretch
It's safe to assume we never manage this. He can just nope the timeline to one where Alberich doesn't exist.
He can't! It's 2019! He's using wireless!

Also that only works on psycho mantis.
Not torture.

But what to do with our shithead of a brother?
I do want that skill of his.
>Beat him to a pulp til Medusa awakens
>Make him rock hard
>Beat the shit out of Harris
>Unrock the fucker in Saberchair
I wonder if we could have Medusa only petrify his legs.

Also did you downgrade her eyes, Sweets?
Because that's not how they worked in HF.

Matsuda has to be the most contemptible retarded motherfucker in this entire quest.
I'll be glad to slit his throat.
>Also did you downgrade her eyes, Sweets?
>Because that's not how they worked in HF.
"Somewhat weaker than the mystic eyes of her adult form, but can be activated and deactivated at will."
Ah, I see, I missed that.
I suppose it's still fairly useful.
For comparison, here is the description of Cybele in Fate/Stay Night:
Mystic Eyes: A+
Possesses mystic eyes of the highest level, Cybele. Immediately petrifies anyone with magical energy lower than C. Those with a B rating may be petrified if they are incautious. Those with an A rating cannot be petrified, but they are covered with a 'pressure' that decreases all parameters by one rank.

And here's the description of the Cybele that Medusa Lily possesses:
Mystic Eyes: A+
Possesses mystic eyes of the highest level, Cybele. Somewhat weaker than the mystic eyes of her adult form, but can be activated and deactivated at will. Immediately petrifies anyone with Magical Energy lower than C. Those with a C or B rating may be petrified if they are incautious. Those with an A rating cannot be petrified, but they are covered with a 'pressure' that decreases all their parameters somewhat. Those with magical energy greater than A will feel no effects.

I think it's interesting that the original description doesn't specify what happens to those with a magical energy rating of C, or one greater than A; so I've filled in the details for the slightly downgraded version.
>one greater than A
We see what happens in Heavens Feel though.
Isn't the pressure of Cybele the only reason they can fight Alter? (Outside of Shirou becoming a vegetable.)
With her A++ magical energy?

I wonder if Matsuda has improved any since our last fight or if he's betting on us having just lost our master to score a win.
What a piece of shit.
unless Harris decided that blasting him with a few fireballs would be a good idea, he is getting rock hard, but I doubt Circe wouldn't be able to create a cure petrification potion or something
This is true, I just find it interesting that they don't bother to mention that on the status sheet.
Also, wow! You really hate Matsuda, huh? I mean, it's remarkable. Where's all this passion coming from? I'd understand if you were furious at Harris right now, but your brother? He's just a delinquent, anon, cut him some slack. I'm a bit sad that nobody wants to have hateful sarcastic banter with him.
While we're on the subject, I finally found a portrait for Matsuda that I'm somewhat okay with. Just suppose he's wearing a changpao, instead of what's shown here.
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I suppose she might be able to, but if she can't it's such a painless way to go.
It's not redemption for our brother nor is it the painful torturous death he deserves.
It's just instant death.

I've been thinking of an attack though, instead of just simply sending out a single tendril he can dispel with a swipe of his weapon, how about we create 5 tendrils which coil around each other like a rope, one of which will remain on course to pierce the original target (his heart) and the other four will spread outwards to entangle or pierce his arms (or weapon) and legs.

See attached image for a demonstration.
>I'm a bit sad that nobody wants to have hateful sarcastic banter with him.
What's the point of talking to a dead man? (Ignore the arc where we spent quite some time talking to dead men.)
Regardless of Matsuda's eventual fate, I just can't see Alberich being in the correct state of mind for his banter to be anything but "ONORE ONORE ONORE!"
His house just got blown up.
Alternatively, chains where we dismiss a link when it gets cut and have the rest continue on to it's original target.

Far better than ribbons against Matsuda.
A perfect blindside.
Taking what he knows of our abilities and using that against him.
I wanted to low-key taunt him about being a loner but no one seemed to be interested
Nice image, and kind of a cool idea
>I wanted to low-key taunt him about being a loner but no one seemed to be interested
Being incredibly frustrated about not being able to get a date is one of the classic tropes of delinquent manga. His face may have changed, but the Matsuda spirit lives on.
And it'll continue living on... after we absorb him.
Maybe we can taunt him for his complete lack of romantic success later on.
We'll see if he survives this fight with us first.
Then we can gloat about the romantic affections of an ex goddess, a perpetual loli, our sister, a highschooler.
And Hitler.
Oh and two more loli goddesses.

Also we should tell him he looks like a girl and ask him if he's sure he hasn't undergone the same process that happened to Ogawara and become a woman.
You know, I can't say I'm all that averse to a little bantz while we flip through the "channels".
I can't say I care for that particular style of insulting, but calling him a weak virgin would be a good meme
Honestly, I'm surprised by just how much hate Matsuda has earned by showing up.

He's clearly only following orders because he's much too stupid to do anything else.
Like think for himself.
Instead of just being used by everyone despite valuing his life more than he values battle or duty.

What a fucking tool.

His last lifeline is how he reacts to being told that he is Alberich's sibling.
>calling him a weak virgin
>two powerful servants are about to duel in a legendary battle of brother against brother
>fight immediately deteriorates into throwing playground insults at each other.
>Honestly, I'm surprised by just how much hate Matsuda has earned by showing up.
Quoth the anon who's thrown more hate at Matsuda than anyone else. I'm still waiting for an explanation of why you hate him so much.
I've never liked Matsuda really.
I didn't realise my opinion of him was shared by so many though.
Besides, it's not like I'm not prepared to spare him still depending on how future events go.

The people demand blood, and Harris' shall be far more satiating then that of a clueless traitor with nothing to live for.
>Care to elaborate?

I'm not too good at is but while reading it seemed like something about us was really starting to get to him personally (probably that he keeps 'beating us' and leaving us for dead just for us to show up again tomorrow like nothing happened, we're even stronger and doing something else ridiculously unsubtle to kill off another enemy servant.) Towards the end of his POV, at least to me, he almost seemed like he was close to dropping something along the classic line of:

>Just think, all this could've been avoided on night one had they not insisted I stick to these moronic rules those mages created for themselves and didn't question my usual methods... 'You're not subtle enough Harris... Think of the collateral damage Harris... You're about to break the masquerade Harris... ' I'll show you Marshall; i'll show you all.
>"I'll show you Marshall; i'll show you all."
>proceeds to kill a nonmagical highschooler and MAYBE a maid and does a tremendous amount of damage to priceless grimoires and tomes
>While also aggroing a faction that if his plan fails, he has no hope of winning against, as his bag of tricks won't serve him so well on the rematch against a group.
Bravo Harris.

The real fuck up comes from the fact that he killed Yumigawa, and after Lily was so looking forward to torturing him.
If I had to make more baseless speculation, it's pobably because he got chewed out for ditching 'that useless saber' to us thinking we'd kill her off for him, hell we even cut off her connection to him several days before, and then the night before this happens we turn up again and we go and use what's clearly her NP to level a neighborhood.
>ditching your Saber to the single opponent that actually can get stronger with every Servant he slays.
>getting further btfo when instead he simply takes control of your servant and has her become far more useful to him by removing her moralfaggotry.
High IQ Harris does it again.
>Did those guys back at mission control do this on purpose? This Saber keeps preaching to me on how we can't just cause "unnecessary" collateral damage, just like them.
>Shit, how did he do it? not only didn't he kill her but he managed to convince her to nuke Tokyo.
>No one is going to buy that I didn't do this on purpose after the My Lai incident of the moonlit world.
I'm going to flesh out >>4209821 a bit
Same conversation prompt, then lead into
>You better get on that in a hurry my dude. Life is short, especially for Servants. Once the war's over it's time to die. I was working on a way to outlive the war but your master might have just blown that to hell.
If the idea of living past the war piques his interest, try to lead into something like
>Oh, you weren't aware? Say, why don't we put on a show so your master doesn't suspect foul play, I'll see if one of my associates can work out a way to get you some mana in his stead, and we come out of this nonsense together?
Guys, I really do think we should tell Saber to start sucking up mana from the leylines.
The update went out of its way to mention servants that were underfed mana would die in the explosion as well.
And since Saber has a death wish, she'd just let herself fade away if she survived the explosion.
I'm not sold on your multi-tendril plan.
We're not working with a huge mana reserve, so we've gotta be economical, and Matsuda has A rank agility.
He can probably cut all of them down as they're en-route, and make the entire effort worthless, especially if he retreats while cutting them.
This is why I suggest blowing the tendril, or tendrils up, since even if he retreats a bit to cut it better, the explosion should still get him, or surprise him enough we can make a mortal blow with our sword that should cut his lance to pieces.
We do have experience with controlling Nothingness that's not connected to our body, it just takes more energy than Nothingness that is.
We also need to take into account that if assassin or the Emiyas want to interfere with us, this is a perfect opportunity, so we need to act fast.
>The Emiyas
Are now rendered a non threat thanks to Rider, any attempt at killing us will kill her sisters. We might be able to convince them to stop involving themselves now.

>Matsuda has A rank agility.
So did Rider, and that didn't do her much good.
Now she has A+ though, so her effectiveness is dramatically improved.
God damn it, why must you sleep, new loli. You have the powerset to effortlessly deal with this situation.
I wonder if we'll get an interlude from her perspective when she wakes up next to her sisters.
The real question is where she's going to wake up?
Most places are kind of destroyed now.
Oh hey, is Ogawara's house anywhere around this area?

We only need to get our hands on Matsuda and we can beat him, and he isn't that fast really.
We should remind him that we actually held back in our last fight, and that we have more than enough strength to cave his face in with a single punch. Yet brotherly affection stayed our hand.
There's only a half rank difference in Agility and EotM now, so realistically there's no way that Matsuda wins this one considering the difference in every other parameter, and our MASSIVE improvement in magic since we last fought.
And it's also no longer too windy for Kenotis to delet his spear.
It's very optimistic to think he hasn't Martial'd up his EotM, or other associated skills
>Emiyas are now not a threat since we have Rider
I'd say the opposite, since they can just re-contract with Rider once we're dead, and if they just rule breaker Rider and take her away, we could just pull the tele-kidnapping again.
They should aim for our head directly to prevent this from happening again.

Rider's A rank agility let them hold out long enough for Shirou to complete his chant.
That's a decent amount of time.

>Rider intermission
Sounds nice. I'd like to read that.

>New place
We could find Kikuko and reconnoiter her place.
Or Ogawara's.
Or Shirou's.
Or some random mansion.
Plenty of choice here.

>Close in on him to defeat him.
Yes, but we shouldn't make moves that stress us more than necessary.
If he decides to run away and kite us, then the difference the A- makes will show.
But if we blow the tendril up, he'll be surprised and hopefully damaged enough that closing in becomes much easier.
With your plan he'd be constantly retreating to deal with the tendrils, and we wouldn't get any closer.
In an endurance match Alberich would win every time, but there's other factors here, like our fatigue, and the status of our comrades, that makes it so we should end this as fast as possible, before the situation gets even worse.
>there's no way that Matsuda wins this one considering the difference in every other parameter
Inb4 the status page gets updated after he spent a week grinding his zenkai boosts on those executors with Harris.
But seriously once this wraps up where should team Alberich "move in" next? Keep screwing with Shirou and show up with 'our family' on his doorstep, steal the church after all holy ground is a fitting place for all these gods, or have him recall that Ogawara's family is rich and wont settle for slumming in anything less than another manor after we evict the current residents of course.
Not really, his EotM was originally at A, after all, and his other skills aren't really the dangerous part.
Sweets brought it down to B after it was pointed out that it makes no sense for anybody to be able to train it up to A in mere days even with a skill like his.
EMIYA has a B rank despite spending every waking moment of his existence fighting and killing for god knows how many years, at least decades.
Heracles only got to B rank despite being talented enough with every weapon to create the Nine Lives technique. (He technically has both true and false at B, but whatever manifests depends on his divinity.)
The only character to have A rank EotM (other than Fergus because FUCK FGO) is Chiron, the mentor of heroes and an ex Divine Spirit.
Also, I imagine that Matsuda's skill has diminishing returns after a while.

>re-contract with Rider once we're dead
Depends if Sakura comes with them, if she sees Stheno and Euryale, she'll call off the attack.
She would definitely have seen Rider's memories of them and know exactly who they were.

>end this as fast as possible
Of course, dragging this out would be foolish.

>Inb4 the status page gets updated after he spent a week grinding his zenkai boosts on those executors with Harris.
I can't imagine Harris sparring with Matsuda at any point except when he was first contracted to him in order to gauge his effectiveness in combat.
The executors kind of all died.
>The executors kind of all died.
Can't recall the names of those guys who where bumming around harris' compound during their previous POV, although if Matsuda takes after anything from the rest of his family, by now they're all probably dead too.
Still, diminishing returns.
There's only so far you can get by simply fighting people way way weaker than you.
You wouldn't be able to grind to level 99 right after the first boss battle against trash mobs, would you?
It is an A rank training skill. SOMETHING has improved if Alberich has dicked his way to such an improvement in magic.
Maybe, but a reminder that it has only been THREE DAYS.
Since we last fought, so I'm really not expecting that much.
Alberich's dicking about with magic is because he's been given opportunity after opportunity to upgrade his knowledge of it, and he's not about to dick on a Caster with his magical skills in a straight battle of magic where he couldn't bring his magic resistance of physical ability to the battle.

Matsuda can't proceed much further in martial arts with his current personality, that's the problem.
It's all about inner peace and tranquility, and he's a dumb confused delinquent who doesn't even know who or what he is.
Jesus, when I put it into that perspective, it's pretty incredible how much Alberich has grown in those three days.
Just a shame we didn't get Affections just yet, otherwise we could just stomp Matsuda into paste with A+ Agility.

But yeah, I don't see training having gotten Matsuda anywhere near as far as his first 6 days got him, if it has gotten him anywhere at all.
So I was thinking about this and looked at Matsuda's stat page again. You know what he still doesn't have? A noble phantasm.
Don't Li Shuwen and Sasaki Kojiro have their ultimate martial arts super moves as their NPs? What if he spent the last 3 days developing one of those instead of ranking up a skill? Seems like the kind of thing super training powers could do.

I'm pretty sure the new magic skill is more of an acknowledgement of what we've been doing all along than an actual upgrade. If you read the description it sure sounds like that anyway.
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Support this one, very creative and could easily catch him off guard and end this fight easily
that's quite...a bit too much for my tastes, I like it
Kojiro's at least is a skill, as for Li Shuwen, the wiki says the following: No Second Strike (无二打, Mu Ni Da?) is Li Shuwen's title of "For Li Shuwen, a second strike is needless (God Spear, No Second Strike)" (李書文に二の打ち要らず(神槍无二打), Ri Shobun ni Ni no Uchi Irazu (Kami Yari Mu Ni Da)?) given shape. It is not a true Noble Phantasm, but rather the quintessence of his martial arts where all of his hard strikes, even those meant as a diversionary strike or a feint, are enough to snatch away the opponent's life.
>it has only been THREE DAYS.
Considering his "gets stronger the more he fights" skill and that we're artificial beings created to win a tournament and get a wish; at this point I'm almost half expecting to find out he 'inherited' the part of Judas' soul that made Akeldama last 2 weeks inside in a second outside.
Then all we need is to find out that once we absorb him it elevates us into semi-perfect Alberich and that only by consuming our sister will we be complete.
I wasn't able to write an update tonight anyway, but I'd like to ask you to try to come to a consensus on what exactly you'd like to try to do with your magic. There's a clear majority for some variation on the "feint bare-handed into magic" plan, but since you started discussing whether to use an explosion, chain, or rope, and how to contact your allies to check on them, and whether to try to keep him talking while you did so, etc, people haven't been framing their comments as formal votes.
At this point, I'm not exactly sure what's in the majority, so if you folks can try to come to a clear decision I'd appreciate it.
Calm down Cell.
Stop trying to get us to eat our siblings.
All Matsuda has is the physical ability version of our affinity for magic.
Likely, these two were inherited from Judas having a hero creation skill.
Poor Tsubaki got nothing.

>making a Noble Phantasm level skill in 3 days.
Matsuda doesn't have the correct frame of mind to develop a technique like that.
He strikes me as the sort who would get frustrated by a lack of progress and continually switch up his method.
He doesn't have the dedication required to spend his three days since our fight practicing one ultimate strike.
And he does have a noble phantasm.
His spear.

Sign me up for rope and contacting Ayaka and Saber as we do.
Have Saber start taking in mana too.
Yeah, unlike Li, Matsuda doesn't have the prerequisites to learn something like No Second Strike.
Put Numerically Li is 5 times better at Chinese Martial Arts (A+++ to B) than Matsuda.
Matsuda doesn't have the mastery of his own spirit to start using Chi or becoming one with nature, so while he might be good with the technique, he'll never attain true mastery unless he joins us and has an epiphany.

Also Sphere Boundary is broken as shit.

Li Shuwen is a horribly broken Servant.
>can kill anyone in one shot with any strike
>can attack while invisible and remain invisible
What the fuck, he's a hard counter to basically every servant.
Tell me about it think I broke my brain for a bit typing that shit out.

Sarcasm aside,
Count me in for the explosive ribbon trick, with A rank Agility and anti magic spear id like to do something he can't easily block, break, or dodge.
If we weren't currently trying to watch our mana expense i'd suggest experimenting with more nothing elementalism; try for something like lightning, wind, AOE explosion, maybe gravity to slow him down.
Does make me wonder, since we can't go into spirit form, would it be possible to attempt to bootleg Saber's invisible air as an 'invisibility cloak'?
The point of the rope trick is to basically lure him into a position where he goes to cut the one aimed at his heart before it splits into 5 strands.
Matsuda is terribly weak physically, so we can likely get away with super thin ribbons.
Ideally he goes to cut the rope and strikes only the core before getting entangled by the other four that are split off.
Then we beat him into unconsciousness.
Maybe hit him with "but don't worry, I don't plan on killing you yet... Brother." Before landing the knockout punch.
Explosive Trick ought to do about the same, except we won't get to punch him ourselves.

Won't he be helpless to resist the commands of Stheno and Euryale too?
God, it's worth keeping him alive just so the smug lolis have somebody to bully.
I don't imagine Medusa is much of a target now she looks like them again.
At this point it's looking like we have a slight majority for >>4209805, checking the link between you and your allies as quickly as possible without either using time in speaking to them or splitting your attention by speaking to Matsuda, and then aiming an explosive tendril (a first for you) at his legs.
If you feel I'm tallying the votes or interpreting the choice wrong, this is your moment. Otherwise I'll get to writing pretty soon.
Sounds right to me boss
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I'm partial to rope.
You must be, because you just tied the vote.
Shit, nevermind then.
The solution to all of our problems is the Twenty Meter Radius Emerald Splash.
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Alright, folks. Looks like you're decided. on a course of action. Writing now.
No! Leave us be, Taiga!

>(a first for you)
This was our hint.
Shit. We don't have enough energy to do magic do we?

>Leave us be, Taiga!
What if the real reason Alberich is a lolicon is because he subconsciously remembers the tiger dojo and associates older women with death?
>Shit. We don't have enough energy to do magic do we?
I mean, if we don't have enough magic to do a single spell, then we certainly don't have enough magic to fight against a servant.

I think unless Sweets is giving us a red herring that it's going to be due to our inexperience with explosives.
But then again, if the explosion is even close to Matsuda, then he should be seriously wounded.
Dude is about as durable as a bag of potato chips.
Then again, an exploding tendril isn't that different from what we did against Laifos, and now we have Heilig to buff our magic too.

Also, looking at the Status Page there's a typo.
>Alberich's ultimate currently goal stems
>if we don't have enough magic to do a single spell, then we certainly don't have enough magic to fight against a servant.
We all know that isn't true. We've known forever that pulling out our elements uses a shit ton of extra magic energy compared to just fighting. We've seen it happen and it says so on the status page in heilig's description. My guess is Ayaka's ded and we just vaporized ourself.
>Ayaka's ded
Incredibly unlikely. Especially given that this explosion was originally intended to be an unpreventable event.

It also fails to take into account the fact that one of the humans in the house is missing, which we know isn't Lily.

> it says so on the status page in heilig's description
That's for the more active miracles like summoning or rift slashes. The third miracle is a passive miracle that allows us to use our magic without it destroying us with the drain of energy.
Did you not see what happened in the island arc when we tried using our magic without Heilig?
Did you not notice all the times we used our magic and Ayaka passed out, got woozy, or had some other effect of being over-drained? Sure it's worse without heilig but that doesn't change the fact that we've seen over and over that our magic uses more energy than normal fighting. If anything's wrong with Ayaka we're fucked on cost.
>Ayaka passed out, got woozy, or had some other effect of being over-drained?
It's a single spell, if we can't manage a single ribbon, we weren't beating Matsuda anyway. Usually she passes out because we need to absolutely SPAM ribbons to bind servants with incredible physical strength.

>If anything's wrong with Ayaka we're fucked.
If she's dead then we're fucked end of story.
Aw, so we aren't going to tell saber to suck up mana?
Save it for part 3.
Oh you!

I really hope that our allies weren't so incapable as to be unable to protect themselves and the non-servants from a magical explosion.
Adelheid should also be able to protect somebody from an explosion like she did at the final battle of Akeldama.

Next house we make is going to be a joint effort between Circe and Tsubaki.
Our defences shall never lack like this again.
Well, today has been an unmitigated disaster. I had hoped for things to get back on an even keel with a new thread, but that hope was misplaced.
I promise I'll get you this update on 4/24.
>Sweets complains about how he doesn't get 100 posts of speculation every update anymore
>gets 100 posts on one update now that the plot has started again.
>kills momentum by not updating for two days.
Can I get an "oof"?
It's not as though I'm off on vacation, anon. I'm not updating at this pace because I want to. I'm trying to write whenever I can between work, but it's quite the tough time for me right now.
I'm going to fucking laugh so hard if we dead end after this delay and the story still goes nowhere.
Taiga did get posted...
>make players wait three days for an update
>"no that's wrong *instant death* do something else."
>booted back to previous choice.
Dead ends are horrible when presented like this.

>Servant Matsuda shows up
>story slows to even more of a crawl than when we were grinding on NPCs in Medusa's soul prison thing.
Cursed character.
Meh, that's a result of scheduling failures.
I'd still rather have a coherent story that had thought and time put into it than for something rushed just because you couldn't post for a few days.
I do think Dead Ends resulting from a single wrong choice on our part is silly though.
Like, to win against a Servant we'll usually need to go through 3 or 4 choices before getting to the point where we can win, while our enemy can easily kill us at any point through the fight.

I think Alberich being so easy to kill against enemies he struggles to kill (at least from the choices made.) Makes him look like a pathetic jobber.
Being made a servant was a mistake.
This Nasuverse VN format works much better when you're playing a glass cannon.
Like practically every single Main POV character in this setting is.
The truth is, I posted her because it was a near miss. Taiga perked up, but it wasn't her moment yet. Update incoming shortly.

I can somewhat see where you're coming from, anon, but I don't see why you feel that complaining about it now can accomplish anything. It isn't as though I can go back and change the premise of the quest.
You don't reply. Frankly, you haven't the patience to humor Matsuda in his pretense of friendship when you know he'll be trying to kill you shortly. Instead, giving him a contemptuous look that silently informs him what you think of his witticism, you focus your mind on the more pertinent details of the situation: the possible casualties of the explosion. The first target of your concern, though in her case it's more acute than that, a sharp fear for her safety, is Liliesviel; but a moment's thought reassures you that she must be at least alive, for you know that if either of you should die the other would share the same fate. She must, you decide with an inward sigh of relief, have either used her own magic to protect herself from the blast or had one of the other Servants protect her. As for the others, there are many you've no way of immediately gaining information on. Kōrakuhime, Circe, Adelheid, Odin... you have no way of confirming any of their situations except by a return to the manor; and given how far you were thrown by the blast, even that is likely to be less informative than you'd like. Still, you aren't completely in the dark. You can at least attempt briefly to ascertain the state of those to whom you are magically connected.

You stretch out your mind first to Ayaka, probing the state of the all-important tie between Master and Servant. Your findings are not encouraging. There's almost nothing, in fact: a strangled trickle of energy, a tenuous connection, and no response to attempts to contact her conscious mind. She's presumably alive, but something is affecting either her condition or your connection such that she's barely there to you. Arturia, your next point of inquiry, is more heartening. The connection there is strong and clear, and she seems perfectly well. Though you haven't the time to engage in conversation, you somehow feel that woman would come out of it perfectly fine no matter what might happen. From Futodoki and Hecate, your two summoned entities, you receive similarly positive responses. Neither death nor some obscure magical interference inhibits the connection between you.

So. Most of your allies and subordinates that you can gather information on are well, but something is terribly wrong with Ayaka. In that case, you most certainly can't give Matsuda any more time than the absolute minimum you must expend on him. In fact, you briefly consider ignoring him entirely, just scooping up the sleeping gorgons and sprinting back to the manor to investigate the remains of the blast; but no, that would be ridiculously foolish. Matsuda is still faster than you are, after all. He'd no doubt take great pleasure in cutting you down as you fled, seeing it as a victory both physical and psychological. You'll have to face him, but you can't risk the kind of protracted fight he gave you last time. You need a way to finish this instantly.
Your mind races for a solution, and it isn't long before you've managed to take hold of one. When you last fought, you had your best results from beating Matsuda with your fists, taking him by surprise when he was more prepared to face a swordsman. He'll likely have planned countermeasures against such an act this time, but it would be a believable thing for you to do, going directly back to unarmed combat; in other words, it would be a perfect ruse. You'll step in, feigning to grab at the haft of his spear with one hand and punch with the other; he'll likely back off to keep in the ideal range, then counterattack with his spear, and then you'll spring your trap: a tendril of Nothingness, hidden in each sleeve to spring out like a striking snake.

As you come out of your contemplation, time seems to come out of the honey-slowness of extreme focus and resume its normal course. Matsuda is saying irritably, "So that's how it's gonna be, huh?"

You raise your fists, spring forward with a burst of energy to close the distance while his weapon is still propped up against his shoulder, far from an effective stance. As you move, you ready your magic. The door opens within you, and Nothingness pours through; into your magic circuits; out through your arms to coil around them, one with the darkness inside your blazer's sleeves. The moment you do, you feel the tax it puts on you, the fatigue that's plagued you since awakening intensifying slightly, but you have no time for weakness. At the same time Matsuda brings his blade down, readied to intercept your charge, and you kick with your left foot to swerve right without losing speed.

Suddenly you're face to face with Matsuda, just a few centimeters between you, and you shoot your left arm out to grab his fangtian ji by its ridiculous plume and immobilize his sole means of attack. Sure enough, Matsuda brings his speed to bear dodging back, slipping expertly away from your feint without ever letting your hand come within reach of his weapon. He slows to strike once the space between you is equal to the length of his weapon, all within your expectations. At that moment, in the fraction of a second as he readies his lightning-quick thrust, your tendrils act. Two ribbons of darkness shoot out, blurred shadows in the night, as if to bind Matsuda, one from either side. Again his reaction is as you expect: the thrust becomes a swirling cut, effortlessly slicing through the tendrils and destroying their magical composition with that same impression of boiling away the darkness that you recall from before. Now comes the final maneuver. The tendrils, even as they evaporate, transform into new shapes: twin explosions of deep crimson flame, edged with a black not in smoke but in the fire itself, blossom out from the tips of their extent, set to consume Matsuda entirely.
Now, at last, your enemy surprises you. He is not so taken aback by the unexpected strike that he is consumed by fire while unable to act. Neither does he dodge backward, the motion you'd most expected from him, and one you'd planned to counteract by a continuation of your creations' forward momentum. Instead he charges forward between the explosions, almost at the moment of their birth, before the flames swell to fill the space between. Still, you think, it's a futile effort. He can't escape. You need only pull the burgeoning fireballs back toward you, and he'll be trapped as assuredly as an insect in a spider's web.

That act, though, gives you your second surprise of the battle. An explosion, you discover, is a thing of far more complex shape and motion than a solid ribbon, a sword, a barrier, or even a fireball held motionless within the hand for the briefest of moments. The outward burst, the intricate swirling of the flames, the interaction of shock-wave and fire itself, all knit together in a confusing mess of labyrinthine force and forms that change the moment you visualize them. You managed to bring forth an explosion of Nothingness, but when you try to impose your will on it, reshape it and move it, you discover that your conception of it is insufficient to maintain control; that in attempting to move it you've lost your power over it. The explosions, far from answering to your demand that they chase Matsuda, only continue on in the forward motion of the darting ribbons of Nothingness from which they were born.

Worse, as the explosions expand they demand more and more energy. Suddenly the ground seems to roll under you; you stagger; black blossoms bloom in your vision. You observe with a dull, distant indifference, as if watching the events play out at the opposite end of an enormously long tunnel, that Matsuda, propelled by the force of your explosions to even greater speed, has driven his blade through your heart. For a moment you seem to taste blood; then taste is gone. Strangely, the physical wound seems unimportant, by contrast with this overwhelming fatigue, this dizziness, the way that your senses seem to retreat before your mind, put to rout.

The explosions, you see, have disappeared after consuming your last reserves of magical energy and turning a large area of road into a strangely melted, glassy substance. The jacket or shirt-like part of Matsuda's outfit has fallen to the ground, its back half burned to ashes, and an extensive burn doubtless covers his back. Matsuda's blade draws back and strikes, again and again, piercing your torso in a hundred places, but the pain is far away; seen, but not felt. You watch as chunks of flesh are hacked from you by the flashing blade, as limbs or the ends of limbs are lopped off, all overseen by Matsuda's depressed glare. Evidently he had hoped for a better fight from you. At last you fall amidst a mess of your own gore, and blackness swallows you completely.
The first thing you feel is the pain. It's not distant anymore, even when the other senses have yet to surface. Your left arm, which ends at the elbow, screams its bereavement from its hand. A jagged line of fire carved through your chest demands your attention in furious tones. The muscles of your legs and thighs, hacked to pieces, complain bitterly of their uselessness. Every beat of your heart is keenly felt through the noticeable hole in that all-important pump, though this somehow doesn't seem to inhibit its functions. One by one, the rest of your senses follow the pain in awakening you. Your nose detects the unmistakable and overwhelming stench of blood. Your ears serve you the more welcome sound of near-complete silence, broken only by the faint, ordinary backround noises that never leave the city. Your eyes flicker open to take in a dark room. Dark, but not unusual. You're in bed. In a bedroom, in fact; an utterly pedestrian bedroom, not furnished as the manor you've grown used to was, but in a style that can best be described as moderately expensive without extravagance; tasteful, but not impressively so. It's the kind of room you remember Yumigawa's parents' bedroom as being. The only unusual thing about the room, really, is the presence of the three Gorgon sisters. Stheno and Euryale share your bed, one on either side of you, apparently unconcerned with the prospect of your blood staining their white dresses. Medusa, on the other hand, sits at a writing desk against the wall, the chair turned around to face you. She watches you keenly, though without expression, her hands folded in her lap.

"You've awoken, Master," she observes quietly, the politeness of her tone immediately surprising you. "How do you feel?"

>[ ] "Master, huh?" you echo. "It sounds odd, coming from you."

>[ ] "I'm far from well," you answer, "but I have some curiosity as to why I'm alive at all. What happened?"

>[ ] "It doesn't matter. I'll presumably heal eventually. What's important now is making making a plan. I need you to (Write in the orders you want to give Medusa.)"

>[ ] Say or do something else. (Write in)
>[X] "I'm far from well," you answer, "but I have some curiosity as to why I'm alive at all. What happened?"
No time for banter.
>[ ] "I'm far from well," you answer, "but I have some curiosity as to why I'm alive at all. What happened?"
Nice one you fucking explosionfags.
Way to make us job AGAIN.
Would the rope have worked any better, Sweets?
Almost anything would've worked better than trying to make an explosion for the first time while fighting someone both faster and more skillful than you, without manifesting your armor.
There were a lot of problems with this plan. Hence Taiga's momentary appearance.
>No Lily nearby.
>Japanese bedroom.
>Medusa and her sisters.
Oh god we're at Emiya's house aren't we?

Thank God for Battle Continuation making us fucking invincible.

You might uh
>"Without a moment's hesitation you materialize your armor "
You fucked up buddy.
You really fucked up.
>we dismissed our armour
Wait what the fuck that makes no sense
I missed that.
What the actual fuck.
It's not generally wise to keep an almost skintight suit of burning hot metal pressed against your flesh.
You might also have noticed that one of the options at the last choice specifically mentioned rematerializing your armor, cluing you in to the fact that it was (a) an option and (b) something that had to be noted.
>under attack by something obviously
>survive initial strike
>dismiss armour
>don't automatically put it back on when opponent appears
Holy shit.
We're dumber than Gilgamesh.
>It's not generally wise to keep an almost skintight suit of burning hot metal pressed against your flesh
So our armour is just completely metal?
There's no other part of it?
No padding?

Also it shouldn't have gotten hot at all, the explosion couldn't have touched us through A RANK magic resistance.
And if it was a normal explosion
No mystery, so again it wouldn't have done anything.
This was very silly.
You chose to be. The choice at the last option was deciding your immediate reaction to Matsuda showing up. I left it completely up to you.
From now on Sweets, please assume that we've voted to put on our armour when we're about to confront an enemy no matter what the vote itself says.

It's just common sense that can be done "in an instant."
There is genuinely no reason for Alberich not to open every fight by doing so.
Are we going to have to specify that we don't want to cut our own legs off in future votes?
God damn it.
Anon, remember the point about the explosion potentially killing Servants extremely low on magical energy?
I believe I've made it pretty clear by now that you were/are running basically on empty. Hence your semi-loss of consciousness while waiting for Liliesviel. Hence the breakdown of your magic resistance and partial damage from the explosion. Hence it being a terrible idea to experiment with a brand-new, highly energy-consumptive magic technique in this battle.
I really tried to make this as clear as possible to you folks in the last update.
>Dead ends from one bad choice.
I'll say that bad ends occur from accumulation of all previous choices, so it's not only the most recent one that leads to a dead end.
Also, it's not only Nasuverse VN's that have dead ends like that, it's almost a staple of the medium honestly.

>Alberich seems like he's going to work.
These fights only last a few moments you realize, and all the combatants are on decently similar footing, one wrong step and they could die.
We just don't see the outcomes where Alberich wins that quickly often because we don't develop strategies that are conducive to that outcome, or the enemies have their own counters.

>Being a Servant was a mistake.
Well, we've mostly gone and done things solo, even when we have allied servants.
When we set up positions and responsibilities for our group, it'll feel much more natural I think.

>[X] "I'm far from well," you answer, "but I have some curiosity as to why I'm alive at all. What happened?"

At least Alberich can survive getting hacked to pieces though.

Didn't something like this happen last time we fought Matsuda too? Alberich speared a tendril straight for him instead of slithering it along the ground?
Is there something about Matsuda that just makes Alberich forget how to fight?
No, I'm not going to compensate for your decision to skim the update and ignore battle-pertinent information in both the votes and the text itself. When one vote specifies an action, and another doesn't mention it at all, I will always assume inaction on the subject ignored. This should be fairly obvious.
>Is there something about Matsuda that just makes Alberich forget how to fight?
Knight tactics or plot convenience
Your choice.
>being low on magical energy removes Magic Resistance
Fuck off with this shit.
We know that's not the case from Saber in Stay Night.
Why do you make it so easy for everyone to bypass Magic Resistance where in reality it's not something so simple to bypass at all.
It doesn't just... go away when a Servant is low on energy themselves god damn it.

Saber when she is low is still immune to Caster's Magic, yet a shitty explosion almost kills us?
Ffs, Sweets.
The Harriswank is going too far.
I'll also point out that the winning option included as your opener, "make as if to fight barehanded".
As in, with bare hands. Unarmed and unarmored. This should have been clear to you from the vote itself.
Uh. I wouldn't say bare-handed is bare-chested, but I guess if that's how Alberich thinks...
Alberich has become completely retarded in order to continually job.
What a shame.

This is worse than Saber jobbing to a schoolteacher.
I'm not that miffed about the dismissed armor not reappearing, since the second part of my vote did explicitly mention rematerializing it.
But you might be onto something with the MR.
If an explosion that's only strong enough to kill humans, or severely weakened servants, so much so that they're at the human level, is enough to make Alberich want to remove his armor for fear of scalding himself, then why doesn't saber ever do the same when tanking Caster's magic that's gotta be way stronger, and heat up her armor way more?
You know, I'm thinking about it, and if you'd had armor on the scene would be almost exactly the same. The real problem here was wasting the last of your energy on explosive magic.
So, if it makes you feel better to imagine that you'd had your armor on, go ahead.
Fucking lmao.
Nice jobbing.
What a dumb motherfucker Alberich is.
You should've killed him here to prevent him from living through this embarrassment.
Saber's armor is a magical artifact, like Gilgamesh's, though weaker. If I recall correctly, it was mentioned as having been woven by the fae in Zero.
But again, I'm not going to argue this in depth. The magic resistance point is somewhat valid, and at the end of the day your lack of armor contributed more to the look of the defeat than the fact of it.
>Instinctual Magic: B
>doesn't work
Despite the status page, it's like we do worse in every single fight.
>fighting someone both faster and more skillful than you, without manifesting your armor.
>I'm thinking about it, and if you'd had armor on the scene would be almost exactly the same
Yeah sure whatever you say, Sweets. It just happened to be the first thing you mentioned because how little it mattered.
Saber's armour isn't what gives her her magic resistance though.
Her magic resistance is inherent to her draconic nature.
Just like ours is inherent to our conceptual nature.

Gilgamesh's armour is actually a noble phantasm and his magic resistance mainly comes from having every anti magic np there is just in his possession.
Man, the level of salt from you every time you lose a fight is unbelievable. At this point I'm not sure if there's even any reason for me to discuss it with you.
But I will anyway. Read through the fight again. Matsuda doesn't start hacking into you until you've already exhausted your energy and you're barely hanging on to existence, too exhausted to defend yourself. You think he couldn't have kicked your feet out from under you, peeled off your armor, and went about the same business?
The ways to clear this fight were either to keep him talking and get Saber to draw on the leylines and help you, or to fight efficiently with your sword and armor. I'm sorry you don't feel that this loss was justified, but it's not as though you had no way out.
One last thing, if I say he's faster, he's more skillful, and you had no armor, the armor is the third thing I'm mentioning, not the first.
>[ ] "I'm far from well," you answer, "but I have some curiosity as to why I'm alive at all. What happened?"
Well, I'm not terribly surprised at the outcome. I am surprised and worried its not a dead end.

I'm not going to complain like the rest, but this is a stretch. Lovely to see the endless anon complaints persist even to here.
>this is a stretch
Seems like I did focus on the wrong aspect of that, since I was looking at the choice I had originally written. The text of the winning write-in was:
"Matsuda should be wary of your fighting style, and be prepared for us to make feints and use trickery to take him down, so you just need to use something nobody alive has seen you use yet. Make as if to fight barehanded, then surprise Matsuda with a binding tendril aimed at his legs. When he makes to cut it, turn it into an explosion instead, then materialize your armor, close in and cut him down."
Considering that it specifically notes that anon wanted Alberich to materialize his armor only after the explosion had done its work, there's no real way for me to have interpreted that as with Alberich having materialized his armor at the beginning of the fight.
I am surprised to hear swording and boarding would have had a chance of success. I'd assumed "mundane" fighting would generate an instant btfoing
With this update, we can use "should have gone for the head" when it is time to end Matsuda.
Yeah but you italicized the last point.
I knew I fucked up there but you were clearly representing it as the most important factor.
Then it suddenly doesn't matter.
Then again, it's not like I was the one supporting the dumb explosion plan.
My complaints will be the complaints that pierce the heavens.

I don't mind too much though.
Just salty about perpetually jobbing even after leaving jobberland.
And now odds are that we have Shirou fucking Emiya to thank for us not being dead.
There goes our reason to kill him.
>And now odds are that we have Shirou fucking Emiya to thank for us not being dead.
Wouldn't it be funny if that were true?
>>[ ] "I'm far from well," you answer, "but I have some curiosity as to why I'm alive at all. What happened?"

No armor, degraded magic resistance, use an explosion after he's already in melee range, frankly i'm more surprised the fight didn't end with us blowing ourselves up.
If we're to win by doing what he doesn't expect, we opened the last two fights by trying to pull magic shenanigans and it ended poorly, at this point we have better odds of winning the third fight if we just drop the sorcery and pummel him 'for old times sake'.
>jobbing even after leaving jobberland.
Anon, between Akeldama and the Shapeless Isle vs reality, we didn't leave jobberland were back in it.
>make bad choices on literally every recent vote
>get mad when Alberich seems incompetent
sasuga anons. you've made this quest completely unbearable to read
Right, a little calmer now.
But yes, anger about losing to Matsuda AGAIN aside, we're probably in the Emiya household now.
Who knows what the rest of our allies are up to if they aren't here.
Hopefully not going too berserk at each other.
We need kisses from Lily so we can get our limbs back.
If it is the Emiyas house and Rider brought us there then I have absolutely no idea how this next encounter is going to go.
That is if it's not some unrelated house.

I mean, we kidnapped Rider and made her our Servant.
But we also gave her her preferred form and brought her two most precious people back to life.
Gonna be fun seeing how Sakura and Shirou handle this.
I do hope we get to see an Interlude about what happened after we slept.
>hurr explosions
I should've kept it tied.
>degraded magic resistance
I'm pretending it wasn't.
Just for the sake of things having consistency with F/SN.

>we're back in it.
At least I don't have reason to post Alberich on his bicycle again.
you should have.
Rope Diagram even had boxy Alberich wearing his armor as he uses the spell.
Well let's look at the evidence.
>Shirou was likely observing the mansion from a distance and hoping for a chance to save Rider
>potentially saw us protecting smol Rider and ???? Clone smol Riders? (This depends on if Shirou has been told of Rider's past or if Sakura came with.)
>we're still wounded, meaning our allies (or at least Lily, Circe or Tsubaki) aren't around to aid our recovery.
>only Tsubaki would willingly choose to make a Japanese house the temporary base of operations
>Rider is the only person here watching us
>Shirou is capable of effortlessly fending Matsuda off with some Hruntings

I wonder what that Rider affection score is like now?
If you don't mind my asking, was Rider realising rhat we actually did as we said the biggest single gain of Affection Points, Sweets?
And it's also possible Rider regained consciousness and hard countered Matsuda with her superior speed, strength and meme eyes.
That A+ agility makes a serious difference.
She's twice as fast as Matsuda now.
To Matsuda, Loli Medusa would kind of be like it was for us fighting Achilles.

Matsuda being manhandled by a little girl would be hilarious
>Rider realising that we actually did as we said the biggest single gain of Affection Points
I'd say it was considering she went from hating our existence to referring to us as master without mocking how were currently a quadriplegic.
>Matsuda being manhandled by a little girl would be hilarious
I guess he shares one thing in common with his brother; a weakness to lolis.
Alberich (of then) vs Achilles (Pressure from Cybele)
>Strength B vs A (ten point difference)
>Agility B vs A+ (60 point difference)
>EotM C vs Madness A
Without magic we got stomped.

Meanwhile Matsuda vs Medusa
>Strength D vs Strength B (monstrous strength) (20 point difference)
>Agility A vs A+ (50 point difference)
>EotM B vs Rider as she normally fights.
It's not looking like a good matchup for our brother.
>At least I don't have reason to post Alberich on his bicycle again.
You can make a new meme about him making an explosion that propels his opponent towards him.

This is what I think happened.
I want to see that interlude.
It doesn't have to be the Emiya residence we're in.
This is Tokyo, and we are in a residential area.
She could've just dragged us into an empty house.

If we felt like it can't we still move?
Even if he had all his tendons and muscles cut he should still be able to move right?
This is also disregarding that she can turn him into a decoration with a glance too thanks to that E.
How unfortunate for you, Matsuda.
>If you don't mind my asking, was Rider realising rhat we actually did as we said the biggest single gain of Affection Points, Sweets?
It may just be. You had some pretty high point-gain moments with Liliesviel, but if this wasn't the single most impactful thing you've done for a heroine it's definitely up there.
Of course, the fact that Medusa started out so far in the negatives means she hasn't exactly fallen madly in love with you, but still; it was a good moment.
>It doesn't have to be the Emiya residence we're in.
>This is Tokyo, and we are in a residential area.
>She could've just dragged us into an empty house.
Look at this from Lolidusa's perspective.
>Alberich hasn't twisted her mind with evil
>Alberich has given her her youth back
>Alberich has actually done what she thought impossible and brought her sisters back
>Alberich likely still wants to kill the Emiyas
>She probably wants to bring things to a peaceful resolution now she wants us to stay alive because of her sisters
>bring him to the Emiyas while he's injured so he can recover there in safety.
She'd likely use this as her chance to get basically everything she wants.
Self-interest combines with gratitude.
Now I can't help but imagine loli Medusa bounding across the rooftops of Tokyo while carrying the mutilated body of her new Master and her two sisters somehow.

I also realise that Medusa probably woke up to notice three things.
1. Alberich made her young
2. Her Sisters are alive!
3. Alberich is being murdered and she's about to lose everything immediately.
And there's the E rank luck!
>[ ] "Master, huh?" you echo. "It sounds odd, coming from you."

>Alberich hasn't twisted her mind with evil
Have we though? How do we know we haven't? We used a curse modeled on Angra's with the aim of making her into our subordinate. After it finished working she passed out, and now that she's woken up she's calling us Master. That's all we've definitely seen. But we know the AM curse can transform a servant's mind pretty seriously from what the original did to Saber. Ours might have done something like that to Medusa. Did you see that her alignment changed?
>Have we though?
No. While the template is the same, the material used is different.
Sure. We didn't turn her evil after all. But we did a curse that transforms its victims' minds based on the emotion it's made out of. The emotion we used was how much Alberich wants everything to go his way, right? And then Medusa goes from chaotic good to lawful neutral. I don't think she's just going to be the same Rider brain in a loli body.
Because she's Lawful Neutral and not Evil.
Alberich's influence would make her Neutral Evil if that's what happened.
She overshot the neutral scale and became lawful.
The difference is that with Saber we just reverted her to Angra's modifications.
Alberich doesn't have the capability to you know.
Actually replicate the billions of curses needed to twist a mind like that.
If anything, her alignment was probably lawful neutral at that point in her life, before most of her experiences on the island.
I'm sure Gorgon would've been Chaotic Evil.
Yeah this basically.
Or this is a result of her taking on her younger form.
While we're talking about lolidusa, what kind of weapon do you think she uses? Sweets' picture showed her with her hands covered so that's no help. FGO scythe? Adult Rider's nail things? Something else? A Rider can use any kind of weapon so it seems pretty open.
I did consider that, but it seems like a really optimistic choice honestly.
Either the Emiyas know we're here and are letting us stay on Rider's behalf, or she brought us into an empty house and we're due a very awkward reunion.
The latter situation is worse for them, but if it's the former I'm not sure how reconciliatory Alberich would be.
But there is indeed a decent chance it happened.

Think we should communicate with Saber or Ayaka and try to prevent our allies from killing each other over losing their house?

Do you have an explanation for the Alter state? I was under the impression it was something like Saber's id manifest.
I wanted to have her go further even beyond but nooooooo.
Really? You don't think the brainwashing curse implanted any kind of changes in her mind? Wouldn't that make it a complete failure?
It basically acts like a super-strong command seal.
If it works that way then it's not a failure.
Since we technically could just order Rider any personality changes we felt like.
>turn her into Gorgon
>it's just a huge pile of snakes with one giant eye because Sweets rejects FGO
Alter's personality is basically Saber with all her morals removed.
Less her Id manifest, more the Superego thrown into the trash where it belongs.

Rider didn't really have many morals in the first place, what with being a rapist and all.
It shouldn't have done something like that. We could theoretically order Saber Alter to return to her original personality anyway.
I think Sweets kind of liked her monster design she has as a boss though.
You know, the one without pointless vestigal snek legs.
He likes Tiamat's design too... I think.

FGO can have decent designs.
Like Merlin.
It's just that we get a lot of nonsensical bullshit.
Like Fergus looking like Brock from Pokemon.
>Saber with all her morals removed
But what about Sparks Liner High where she's happily congratulating Shirou on defeating her before being disappointed he had no mind left?
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>>it's just a huge pile of snakes with one giant eye because Sweets rejects FGO
Just because she's lost her morality doesn't mean she can't compliment Shirou on beating her.
It doesn't mean she doesn't hold some sort of respect for her old allies.
Also she wants to die.
btw, wasn't that choice unrelated with her outward appearance?
>lost her morality
>suicidal even though she has no reason to be
does not compute
She respects Shirou's skill in combat.
She's basically just like "oh well." When she finds he's a vegetable.
She doesn't like living all too much because while her morality is gone, she is still being controlled by Angra.
Angra was always just an influencer, if he could control people there was no need to go through the process of being born from the Greater Grail.
Doesn't Saber even refer to Sakura as her Master at some point?
>Alberich likely still wants to kill the Emiyas

Did we ever tell them we want to kill them or just left that we have to if we're to survive the war?
We stole Medusa from their house and brought back Salter but Shirou still didn't take up Harris' offer to storm he manor.
Odds are he's probably still rationalizing that we're just trying to survive and shouldn't try to kill us until we start tacking up a bodycount just for the sake of it.
>Did we ever tell them we want to kill them
Yeah, right before we almost killed them.
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Sakura under the influence of Angra.
it's still basically Angra.
Saber Alter the tyrant clearly didn't enjoy being her Servant.
Pic related.
Shirou did want us dead, but he didn't want the attempt to kill Rider.
But now that things have developed as they have, I can't see the Emiyas actually wanting us dead.
Not after what we did for Rider.
Real quandary for them now though.

Thank god it's HF Shirou.
Good thing it's not a quandary for Alberich.
That's an ominous image, considering Wheatley got spaced by Chell.

>Sakura under the influence of Angra is the same thing as Angra himself.
I wouldn't say so, with her great mental fortitude I think she had much greater control over herself than that.
I don't feel like people give Sakura the credit she deserves as a Magus.

He might not want to kill us anymore, but what about Saber?
They'll probably ask us to get rid of her or something, provided she's still alive anyway.
And, if they're still intent on dismantling the Grail then Alberich's still going to want them dead.
Not to mention his resentment for being blasted by Shirou.
>killing a man who helped you and let you rest in his home when you were gravely wounded.
It might've even been Shirou who saved us.
If it was then that means killing him would just make Alberich a huge evil jerk.
Are we still going to kill the Emiyas and make Rider sad?
This is a practically ideal way to have him agree to withdraw from the war or even strongarm them into helping us.
They can no longer kill us because a member of their little family is linked to us.
Said family member ought to protect us for her sisters' sake if nothing else.

Then again this could just be a random house, but Medusa would probably want us in the safest place possible.

Unrelated but
It's been a looong time since we've seen Truvi and Luvia.
I'm talking kill them for the sake of it from their perspective.
We go to them to deal with some arsonist servant (really baiting them into being extra muscle against Achilles), round 2 were working with the Einzbern's and we have to kill them to survive while Lily pushes for it for the sake of keeping them from interfering, Circe starts overdrawing mana to point people are being hospitalized in order to attack lily's op lancer we end up bringing back Salter and drop a Excali-nuke soon after (most of) the mana drain ends. Then we turn up again at his house with Lily, didn't bring along lancer and leave his house a crater, didn't kill his wife, took Medusa and now she has her sisters back.
Really from their POV he's more likely to rationalize that we're a guy whose trying to stay alive whose girlfriend that has a grudge against them, instead of us being some ultimate evil that must be stopped.
>what about Saber
What about her?
She's under our control anyway, there's no reason to kill her if we aren't Angra.
We had no way of knowing how much damage Excalibur would actually do.
And Sakura probably ate more anyway.

>still intent on dismantling
Somehow I feel Rin is the only one who really will be after seeing what has happened. Shirou considers family more important than the world, and our existence is linked to Stheno and Euryale, Rider's family.
>resentment for being blasted
He might just have to get over it.

Yeah, Shirou must be having a very hard time really figuring out just how to deal with us.
I sometimes forget Alberich is only 18 mentally.
It makes his mistakes more forgivable.
Nah, we told them we were killing them because they were trying to destroy our only way to continue living.
And I'm not sure where this meme that we only tried to kill the Emiyas because Odin was pressuring us to.
Alberich was very clearly planning to murder all of them when he agreed to with Lily, and came up with the rationalization about Berserker's Master to get them at the site.
Then instead of being panicked and trying to reluctantly kill them, which would be expected of someone who didn't really want to kill you, he calmly accepts Odin's presence, and proceeds to almost TKO the Emiya squad.
Only reason they didn't die is cause Shirou is bullshit, and Lily cared about Alberich more than vengeance.

Hmmm... if we're at the Emiya estate, do you think we should relay orders to Ayaka or Saber?
I can see our faction imploding pretty hard if we vanish after getting exploded, and they might start blaming each other for it.
>he's more likely to rationalize that we're a guy whose trying to stay alive whose girlfriend that has a grudge against them
>Nah, we were killing them because they were trying to destroy our only way to continue living.
These two aren't mutually exclusive and 'Odin tried made us do it' is a new one to me, I do recall our pre-battle conversation with him being over how they can know for certain the grail is corrupted, as though we're trying to talk them into backing down or leaving town, instead of us gloating over how they fell for our trap.
I may be optimistic but this is the guy who gave Shinji the benefit of the doubt right up until he tried to have him killed while gloating over "Oh you're with my sister now? How does it feel to have my sloppy seconds?"
Relay the orders to both.
Ayaka has probably been taken by Odin but there's no reason Alberich would know.

For Shirou, Alberich was having doubts about it which was why it was possible to threaten him with his family.

Humorously, that would've made Shirou hate Alberich forever. Probably.
Our actions don't make too much sense for somebody who only ever wanted them dead.
Well, if we have found ourselves in the middle of Emiya's house while heavily injured we may as well discuss things calmly with them.
The extent of our bad feeling for Shirou is because he shot us and wants to dismantle the grail, it's not really anything personal.
I mean it's Shirou.
He only makes things personal with himself, ancient Sumerian God Kings and priests.
Let's see what happened while we were out to determine if Shirou can be the closest thing Alberich has to a male friend again instead of a target on the kill list.
>[ ] "I'm far from well," you answer, "but I have some curiosity as to why I'm alive at all. What happened?"
Ah, so this is the result of picking the worst choice twice in a row. Lovely.
Yorokobe, zasshu
Oh, I don't doubt that Shirou would give us the benefit of the doubt, especially since he never really saw us in a terrible light even after we tried to kill him.

>Relay orders to both
I re-read the Update this time, and apparently intelligent discussion with Ayaka is impossible.
She must be in a serious coma.
Guess Saber will have to be our relay.
Assuming of course that we weren't rescued by our faction who then took up residence in an empty house.

Alberich's life has been a slideshow lately.
Think he's gonna faint again sometime soon?
But I'm truly uncertain if we're in the Emiya house.
Would they really want one of their rooms, not to mention halls, covered in blood?
If Medusa wanted to have us reconcile with them, would she not have tried to make us presentable or somesuch?

Do you guys think we should do Explosion training with Adelheid when we settle down after the manor attack, and maybe checking on the Greater Grail?
How about making a wave attack that freezes afterwards, immobilizing opponents? Or turns into acid and eats them up?
What about a wind buff that gives us an agility boost? Or creates a whirlwind that slows enemies who approach us?
Fine, then Saber it is.
I really wonder how Harris got away from booting a hornets nest like he did.
Maybe he didn't?
>one of their rooms and halls covered in blood
It's fine, the kids are asleep and I'm sure Shirou would be happier to see (loli) Medusa and her sisters than he would be upset at having to clean his hallways.
Also I doubt it even crossed Medusa's mind.
>magic training
Sure why not.
We can actually ask Sakura for pointers if we ally them again.
She'd probably be the best to ask.
It's Shirou. He'd probably be happy about having to clean his hallways.
That does sound in character for him.
>We can actually ask Sakura for pointers if we ally them again.
Harris tries to take out entire faction with a magic gas leak, only killed our prisoner and ended up handing us several more party members.
If that's how things turn out wonder how the guy whose hoping this would trim down our cast would take it.
Chainsmoke cigars till he dies, probably.

It would be funny if all his attempt at bombing us did was get us to ally with the guy he hoped would help kill us.
Surely that's why he's the 'best' modern assassin.
If he did kill Yumigawa we can at least 'console' him that at least his stunt did successfully manage to kill "us" technically.
>Yumigawa is dead
Rest in peace, /ourboy/.
We should find and kill original Matsuda and his parents and then gloat about it to Matsuda.
See how he feels after that.
I don't think he'll have stopped caring for them like Alberich did for his parents.

Honestly, the one good part about us losing due to being too weak from mana loss is that the third match with Matsuda will hopefully be post Affections.
We'll be able to toy with him like he's a child and taunt him for attacking us at our weakest.
Do you think we could spook Matsuda by throwing his mother's decapitated head at him in a fight?
"Here, catch."
And then maybe we could do a little dance, or something else incredibly cartoonish.
>nobody has any theories about how child Medusa is going to be different or why Sweets dug up that old concept art
That makes me sad. I don't want to think she's just the FGO one ported into a rider class container.
Hey, being cartoonishly evil is basically our go-to for when things don't go our way.
>how is she going to be different
She's going to basically fight in the same way her adult self did, I assume, just rebalanced for speed.
Sweets just prefers the original concept art.
She's got all her older self's abilities.
So she'll probably use the nails.
She won't have Harpe because that would be silly.
And also really useful.

She's not the FGO Lancer Medusa at least
What do you think Harris did immediately after the explosion, and the aftermath of our slicening?
How dead do you think he is from our allies deciding to nuke him off the map after that stunt?
That coward snuck the hell away, and the explosion can hardly be traced to him. I doubt useless Tsubaki or oblivious Circe havw scried him.
Yeah, do you think they scried for us at least?
I'm not full of much faith for our allies after they let Harris sneak around the yard for several hours.
Tsubaki, certainly. Circe? I don't know...
I'm writing now, and should have something done for you tonight.
I'm a bit unsure about starting off with another interlude. There's certainly demand for it, but it sort of overlaps with having Rider explain what happened to you, which is what you folks overwhelmingly voted for; besides, things have really been darting in and out of Alberich's perspective lately with all the unconsciousness, and I'm not sure about immediately going into another interlude right after the one with Harris.
Aren't there several back to back interludes in F/SN?
Yeah, there might've been.
I think what I'll do is give you the interlude from Medusa's perspective now, but set it in the text before you wake up in the house. That should help the flow a bit, so there isn't an interlude awkwardly shoved into the middle of a conversation.
Do you think Tsubaki could see what happened in Rider's inner world with her book?
Or did she just get "Alberich is unconscious." for however much time?
Bit late I know but i'd say Circe's a definitely; even if she herself might not want to, so long as she's in a position where she has to follow Lily's orders.she will.
Now that's a fun question. I'll have to leave you in the dark for now, but it's something worth thinking about.
>[ ] "I'm far from well," you answer, "but I have some curiosity as to why I'm alive at all. What happened?"
>Ayaka, Korakuhime and Hecate found dead after explosion
>We're at Emiya's or some random house Yumigawa found for us because he thinks we're the cool older him or something
>Saber Alter Rule Broken and having dinner with Emiya while telling how evil and despicable we are
>Lily tries to fix everything with Circe and Hitler-chan but ends up killed later on by Assassin bullshit earthquake illusions
>Edelfelts revealed as the Masters of Assassin(s)
>Futodoki roadkilled by Harris in a magic truck or something
>Odin laughing his ass off our current miserable state waiting to release Angra from the grail or whatever he plans to do with it
We are truly in the worst timeline
>>Ayaka, Korakuhime and Hecate found dead after explosion
We already know that at least two of them are fine, and Kourakuhime should also be fine.
>Yumigawa found for us
But how? He's more likely to be dead than anyone else.
>Saber Alter Rule Broken
Not all too likely to have happened
>Lily tries to fix everything with Circe and Hitler-chan but ends up killed later on by Assassin bullshit earthquake illusions
Lily is great because she can't die without it being a dead end for us too.
>Edelfelts revealed as the Masters of Assassin(s)
Eh, who cares, that just means an easy target for us.
>Futodoki roadkilled by Harris in a magic truck or something
Not really too big of an issue anyway, we can just get a new one.
Also it's a magic shapeshifting cat, if he wanted, he could disguise himself as any cat or person he wanted. Is Harris just going to kill every cat he sees?
>Odin laughing his ass off
I fail to see how this is different from anything he's already been doing.
Odin probably wants to start Ragnarok or something.
This is far from the worst timeline.
Now we can make friends with the sword autist.
>Now we can make friends with the sword autist
No. Stop trying to make this bullshit happen anon. Nobody wants to be friends with fucking Shirou except you.
>Stop trying to make this bullshit happen anon
>Nobody wants to be friends with fucking Shirou except you
Then why did we go through so much effort to try not to kill him, again?
Alberich did actually like him somewhat before everyone started trying to kill each other.

By doing what we've done, we've caused a conflict of interests. Harming us will harm his family. So while he wants to stop us from getting the grail, he really can't anymore.
>Then why did we go through so much effort to try not to kill him, again?
We didn't, unless you're using a Shirou-obsessed lens to look at our actions and warp our motivation for everything. We wanted Rider, and wanted to make Shorou suffer more before he died by taking her. Everything we've done with Shirou since we first met up with Lily has been about revenge for his standing in our way and almost killing us.
>Harming us will harm his family. So while he wants to stop us from getting the grail, he really can't anymore.
What is Rule Breaker? Hell, even if he magically fucking forgets about Rule Breaker, who do you think he cares about more, Rider or his wife and kids? Remember that he thinks us getting the grail will end the world.
>We didn't, unless you're using a Shirou-obsessed lens to look at our actions and warp our motivation for everything.
based anon speaking truth
>We already know that at least two of them are fine, and Kourakuhime should also be fine.
ib4 Emiya plugged us into his wife and we can't feel Ayaka. We still have no idea of Korakuhime and Hecate could potentially be killed by Harris if he decided to grow some balls and finish what he started while we are unconscious
>But how? He's more likely to be dead than anyone else.
Just an amusing possibility in case we are somehow not at Emiya's
>Not all too likely to have happened
"Shirou, Aberich is evil and I require big borgar"
>Lily is great because she can't die without it being a dead end for us too.
Its time to go back and fix stuff, Lily please take the bullet just this once
>Eh, who cares, that just means an easy target for us.
Personally, I'm just waiting to see what kind of Noble Phantasm Sweets gave assassin to make this not a cakewalk
>Not really too big of an issue anyway, we can just get a new one.
>Also it's a magic shapeshifting cat, if he wanted, he could disguise himself as any cat or person he wanted. Is Harris just going to kill every cat he sees?
Never doubt the autism of Nasuverse characters
>I fail to see how this is different from anything he's already been doing.
He seemed like a chill dude that wanted to help us get stronger, WHILE laughing his ass off
>Odin probably wants to start Ragnarok or something.
"Hey there old man, want the world to end? Just free me and I'll make it happen, trust in the manjuice"
>This is far from the worst timeline.
You are right, everything that is bad can always get worse
>Now we can make friends with the sword autist.
If you mean making him and our family into magical test subjects/hounds/batteries, I totally agree!
>We didn't
Back before our fight against him, we set Tsubaki up at his house to potentially threaten his family, but the plan had too many flaws. Like uh... Tsubaki existing ruining everything with Lily.
After that, everything we've done has been because Alberich was salty about being exploded and how Emiya doesn't want to take the chance on the grail not being full of evil, but before that point, we did get along fairly well with him.
>What is Rule Breaker?
Something that if used on us will probably kill Stheno and Euryale.
Or actually, it might not even do anything.
>Rider or his wife and kids?
All of them equally, he considers Rider family, and wasn't willing to attack us in a way that would cause her harm. (like blowing up our house.)
>Remember that he thinks us getting the grail will end the world.
If it were Fate or UBW Shirou, he would be doing his best to stop us, but this is HF Shirou, who kind of doesn't care as long as the people he cares about are safe.
Anon, if Angra is in the grail and gets out it will kill everyone. Including Shirou, Sakura, and their children. Shirou's dilemma isn't "do I sacrifice a loved one to save a bunch of randos?" like it was in HF. It's "do I want one of my family to die, or all of my family?" Not much of a question. Even then he can probably still use RB on Rider to free her from us and only lose S&E. Sad, but definitely worth it to save Sakura's life. Just because he wouldn't agree to blowing us all up at once including Rider doesn't mean he's suddenly going to flip a 180 and happily work with someone who as far as he can tell is unwittingly trying to destroy the world.
>Emiya plugged us into his wife
No such luck I'm afraid, if we were plugged into Sakura, we'd at least have all our limbs. I don't think our allies are about to get off-screened either.
>decided to grow some balls and finish what he started while we are unconscious
Well he obviously didn't because we lived, and he isn't dumb enough to assault multiple servants.
>"Shirou, Aberich is evil and I require big borgar"
Saber Alter is likely to hate Shirou's food considering she loves junk food. Also
>Alberich is evil
So is Saber Alter.
>Lily please take the bullet just this once
Please no.
>what kind of Noble Phantasm Sweets gave assassin to make this not a cakewalk
Yeah, better be a Lord Camelot level defensive NP because otherwise they are getting erased instantly.
>If you mean making him and our family into magical test subjects/hounds/batteries, I totally agree!
>Alberich gets exploded by Shirou
>Mad about it, swears revenge
>Alberich gets exploded by Harris
>Mad about it again
>"Fuck it, I'll use explosions myself, if they're so great!"
>Loses terribly, chopped up by Matsuda
Alberich and explosions just don't get along.
>"do I want one of my family to die, or all of my family?"
>Not much of a question.
For a normal sane person, yes. But for Shirou, he'll choose the route to save all the people he cares about at any cost.
>Even then he can probably still use RB on Rider to free her from us and only lose S&E
>murdering Rider's sisters
Rider would never ever forgive him for that.
It's also out of character for HF Shirou.
That's fucking Kerry tier.
>going to flip a 180 and happily work with someone who as far as he can tell is unwittingly trying to destroy the world.
Then maybe he'll have to figure out if there's a solution to all this that isn't trying to kill each other.

We need an anti-explosion NP on the double. Or Achilles' invulnerability/immortality on our armour, which we must remember NOT TO TAKE OFF.
>Then maybe he'll have to figure out if there's a solution to all this that isn't trying to kill each other.
Spoiler alert: there isn't one. Seriously though, Alberich hates him and we have a shot at getting the Third if we kill him and stick to the plan. No possible benefit of maybe making friends with Shirou outweighs that.
>No such luck I'm afraid, if we were plugged into Sakura, we'd at least have all our limbs.
Didn't think about that one, Ayaka is most likely alive then
>I don't think our allies are about to get off-screened either.
I sure hope you are right, or maybe sweets will give us another interlude and kill them there
>Well he obviously didn't because we lived
Went to finish things off in the mansion because our idiotic brother wanted to fight us
>He isn't dumb enough to assault multiple servants.
Weakened Servants anon, Weakened Servants with his bullshit acceleration sphere magic
>Saber Alter is likely to hate Shirou's food considering she loves junk food
Can't he just make some burgers himself or order Japanese McDonalds or something?
>Please no.
pic related
>Yeah, better be a Lord Camelot level defensive NP because otherwise they are getting erased instantly.
Doubt they an Assassin would have an defensive NP, and I also doubt that Sweets would just let us 1-shot a Servant like that
>Achilles' invulnerability/immortality on our armour, which we must remember NOT TO TAKE OFF.
Sounds like it's time to get BFA up and running.
Sorry for the wait, folks, just wanted to confirm that I'm still working on this update and trying to get it done this morning.
Writing this Medusa interlude has been more difficult than I might have expected.
>Weakened Servants
Oh yeah?
The Unweakened Circe?
The Unweakened Tsubaki?
The Unweakened Adelheid?
Or the Unweakened Arturia?
Also two of them know his gimmick
>Japanese McDonalds
If you want him to die of a rage induced stroke sure.
>let us one shot a Servant
>no pic related
I bet it was a Doctor Gil pic.
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>Weakened Servants
Gomen, meant damaged
>If you want him to die of a rage induced stroke sure.
that's the objective anon
*stealths away from your laser*
>no pic related
sorry, I'm autistic and forgot
I lost mine unfortunately :(
Almost as cursed as crossdressed Kirei.
By a shitty magical explosion?
>*stealths away from your laser*
Ok but what about if we just target his master.
>that's the objective anon
But is it Saber's objective?
Also, why do you hate the sword autist so much?
>FGO can have decent designs. Like Merlin.
Merlin's design comes from illustrations in the Garden of Avalon novel, which I believe predates FGO by a while.
I have the sneaking suspicion that every good design in FGO is either not originally from FGO or based on a superior design not originally from FGO. Young Medusa falls into the latter category.
As for Tiamat, I just love the white cross pupils trope. It's totally out of place for her character, and I don't know why she has them, but it's endearing nonetheless.
>By a shitty magical explosion?
Jobbing can always happen
>Ok but what about if we just target his master.
*Goes on a suicidal attack and kill ours or something*
>But is it Saber's objective?
If we order her to do so
>Why do you hate the sword autist so much?
I don't hate him, I just don't see teaming up with him being beneficial for Alberich right now, since he wants to, you know, DESTROY THE ONE THINK THAT WOULD ALLOW US TO LIVE ON AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD AFTER THE WAR IS DONE!
>All of our allies can either set up barriers or have enough toughness to tank explosions without a scratch.
At that point it's more like going on a vacation on the moon.
What do you think the odds are that we were so close to death that Rider hauled us into a house close by and ate the occupants to transfer their mana to us?
>Jobbing can always happen
Only to Sabers. And Blue Lancers.
>*Goes on a suicidal attack and kill ours or something*
*just recontracts to Lily.*
>If we order her to do so
But that's completely the opposite of your original point.
The grail isn't the *only* way we can accomplish that, I'm sure we could figure out a way around things with our two Casters, but that's besides the point. Shirou wants to prevent Angra Mainyu from being born because it will destroy the entire world, including the people he cares about.
The thing is with Shirou now is that he sort of can't kill us because of Stheno and Euryale and... well, Rider.
Even if he can Rule Breaker her back, he kind of can't get Stheno and Euryale.
Also, quite unwittingly, but Alberich has done more for Rider than he and Sakura ever did by giving her sisters back like he has.

It's a terrible situation for Shirou to have to deal with. There's always the potential that the grail isn't corrupted by Angra Mainyu at all that he can consider.

Eh, it's a possibility.
>But that's completely the opposite of your original point.
What's better than to have both of them suffer?
>The grail isn't the *only* way we can accomplish that, I'm sure we could figure out a way around things with our two Casters
I don't think anyone would like to keep themselves hooked up on the leylines forever
>There's always the potential that the grail isn't corrupted by Angra Mainyu at all that he can consider.
That is the best outcome, but Korakuhime's prophecy probably says otherwise
If we don't get the Third, won't Lily end up dead?
If the Grail is ruined, there can't be a third part of this quest.
>What's better than to have both of them suffer?
But only Lily is pissed with them about the whole shutting down the grail thing from the last war. If we could bring this to a sensible dialogue, Lily could probably be convinced to actually look into things properly instead of demanding we just kill them.
After all, Illya betraying the Einzbern must be something she has questions about.

The extent of Alberich's dislike for Shirou is that he's in his way and that he defended himself against him in a fight Alberich began and because Shirou wants to shut down the grail, which despite Rider surviving 15 years without the grail, is somehow seen as tantamount to wanting to kill Alberich Personally.
If Angra is actually in the grail, then it's probably for the best that we start thinking of solutions with the people who have actually gone against him before in addition to the resources we have in Lily, Hecate, Circe and Tsubaki.

>I don't think anyone would like to keep themselves hooked up on the leylines forever
We could literally just exist off of Lily's mana forever without the need of the grail supporting us, not ideal, but better than leylines.
>That is the best outcome, but Korakuhime's prophecy probably says otherwise
I don't put much stock in her dreams, the chuuni fuck.

Or maybe we need to fix the grail somehow, it's anybody's guess really.
How's the update coming, Sweets?
Crimson Awakening

Medusa awoke to a hatefully familiar sight. Her vision was filled with blood. For a moment, she allowed herself to feel the full weight of the despair that sight presented. She had, for a time, found a kind of happiness; a peace; a new life. Not a return to her family, true, but she had been able to join a new family. For fifteen years, she'd watched over Shirou and Sakura, their love, their own search for happiness, and in time their children. Yet now, like a nightmarish ghost of the most vile aspects of the event that had brought her to that happiness in the first place, the aspects they had all wanted to leave behind, this Einzbern Avenger thing that called itself Alberich had destroyed Medusa's peace and happiness. He had dragged them all back into a new Holy Grail War, had nearly killed Shirou, and had succeeded in carrying Medusa off as a captive. Even in such black circumstances there had been one bright aspect, however: the spell that Alberich had used in his attempt to take control of Medusa's mind had sent them both into the joyful delusion of the world of her spirit, the Shapeless Isle of her younger days, and Medusa had been able to see her sisters, dearer to her than any others in spite of their petty cruelties, once again. This, too, had been shattered by Alberich's determined pursuit of victory. After all those years of happiness, after the last chance for happiness within her own closed-off world, Medusa awoke once more to vision filled with blood, and it was to her as if all the intervening years between her encounter with Perseus and this moment had been no more than a dream; a fantasy of her monstrosity being purged from her by death, perhaps.

The impression faded as quickly as it had come to her, for when Medusa properly took in her surroundings she found them far removed from that final scene of the blood-tinged temple. There was blood, yes, and gore: a spreading pool of blood, severed body parts, and less identifiable chunks of flesh hacked away from the body at its center, the body (of her Master) of Alberich, lying on his side, half his face pressed to the ground, submerged in the blood. But that scene of grisly death was in the middle of a street in modern Tokyo, and the color of the blood was confined to the substance itself. No monstrous Gorgon, but a beautiful, melancholic young man armed with an exotic spear, from his looks presumably a Lancer, stood over (her Master's) Alberich's body, still visibly alive, though barely, by its breathing.
Still stranger than this scene of carnage was Medusa's own situation, she realized. Her sleeping form had apparently been deposited on the street in a sort of pile with her sisters, who were now showing signs of rousing to wakefulness themselves. Her sisters were alive. It was an almost mind-numbing shock to think (that her Master) that Alberich, so manifestly untrustworthy, had made good on his promise; and not only that aspect of it, for Medusa realized lying there that she was no larger than Stheno or Euryale. Her long-despised stature had been removed, and she was again of a kind with her sisters. For several seconds she could only stare blankly, practically still unconscious as she processed the seemingly impossible gifts given to her by such a hated foe.

"Sorry 'bout this, Kaichou," the Lancer was saying, looking down mournfully as he addressed the insensible body. "I didn't want ta fight ya when ya were this way, y'know. Figured it'd go better... finishing things between us, I mean. But everythin's changed since wakin' up like this. We don't get ta make our own decisions anymore, do we?" The young man heaved a long sigh, then concluded, "Ah, hell. You can't hear me, can ya? I better finish this thing. Ya may still be alive now after losin' yer heart, but ya prob'ly can't make it without a head, can ya?"

Having come to his mournful decision, the young man raised his weapon one last time, preparing to bring its curved edge down on (Medusa's Master's) Alberich's neck. Suddenly, it was as if a spell was broken. Everything was clear. If he had spoken the truth about returning her youth and bringing her sisters into the world, it must also be true what he had said about becoming their new anchor. Indeed, Medusa could feel the connection between herself and the near-corpse on the ground. If this unknown Lancer did his work, Medusa would lose all she had gained and truly vanish from the world. She was on her feet in an instant, her twin blades appearing in her hands as she rose.
With a single swift motion, a clean, darting strike that combined relocation, defense, and attack, she sprung forward to stand protectively between the Lancer and (her Master's) body and swung her blades up, one to intercept the crescent edge of the polearm and knock its point away and the other to bury itself in the Lancer's shoulder, rendering his right arm useless and incapable of bringing his weapon back into the fray. She felt a moment of concern that the Lancer might be too strong to be easily forced back this way, but when their blades met she discovered that he was in fact almost pitifully weak. Another moment, and she had slammed a heel into the side of his head in a reverse roundhouse kick. She didn't allow him to be sent flying by the blow, stopping his momentum with a yank of the chain linked to his shoulder that sent him slamming into the ground at her feet. For a moment Medusa prepared to follow this with another strike to his head, but the Lancer made no move to react. He was, she realized, unconscious; he might have been since the first kick.

After binding the Lancer's arms with one of her chains, Medusa returned her attention to (her Master) Alberich, and to her sisters. As she did so, Medusa began also to contemplate her own actions, and the state of her mind since awakening. She had moved to protect him, she realized, not only in rational defense of her life, but also driven by an inexplicable instinct; the same persistent impulse of intrusive thought that insisted that she think of him as Master. It was surely another effect of his magic, so strangely different from the power of the ordinary Master-Servant bond, and seemingly also different from that which had transformed Saber fifteen years ago. Could it be that this was somehow not a new outgrowth of Avenger, not a resurgence of the evil which had driven Sakura in the previous War, but only an apparently similar existence?

Did it matter? As she looked at the dying body on the pavement, Medusa felt a strange kind of loyalty. It was not the desire to save one in whom she saw herself, as she had felt for Sakura after her summoning to the Matou household, but the sensation, almost unknown to her experience, of gratitude toward a benefactor. Whatever his nature, it seemed to be incontrovertibly true that Alberich had somehow seen to the heart of Medusa's regrets and self-loathing, and had sacrificed his own magical energy, the ability to fight that had enabled him to defeat her so easily and surely would have enabled the same defeat of this pathetic Lancer, to remove the sources of those regrets and that self-loathing. He had given her back her youth, freed her of the worst effects of her curse and even of Cybele, and had brought her beloved sisters back to her. The price he had paid for that was to be cut down in the street by one manifestly his inferior. Didn't he deserve some measure of gratitude?
After all, she thought, the rationalization of her emotions following its inevitable course, Alberich had as much right to be called her Master now as Sakura had when she was first summoned. His life supported her existence, and he seemed to hold some power over her through a magical ritual he had conducted. Due to the alterations made to her class container in the process, she could not even truly be called the same Rider who had been summoned as the Servant of Matou. Surely it would not be too much of a betrayal to accept that she had become his Servant and act now in his best interests... would it?

In that moment, the conscious mind of Medusa fully absorbed and accepted the previously intrusive, magically stimulated impulse to regard Alberich as her Master. Only now, though she was not fully aware of the nature of the change, could it truly be said that the alteration induced by his dominating curse was complete. Regarding her dying Master as well as her confused-looking, newly awakened sisters, Medusa concluded that something would need to be done to stop his death. She would need to find a place for them to be safe, and a means of obtaining for him the magical energy of which she could feel his desperate lack. Fortunately, this was something in which Medusa had some experience.
Koyama Residence, Tokyo - November 23, 2019, Saturday

"I'm far from well," you answer, your voice coming out with surprising clarity, considering the degree of mutilation almost every part of your body has received. Matsuda left your throat undamaged, at least. Only shortness of breath prompted by lungs that should be incapable of any function drags out the spaces between your words. "In fact, I have some curiosity as to why I'm alive at all. I wouldn't expect to be, after my last memory. What happened?"

"I awoke in time to fight off the Servant who was attempting to take advantage of your weakened condition to kill you, although I was too late to spare you your injuries," Medusa explains, again surprising you by speaking with a measure of sincere regret. Either the girl is a supreme actress or your curse has instilled her with a powerful attachment to you. "I had intended to take him prisoner, as that seems to be your modus operandi, but he vanished while my attention was on your injuries, presumably due to a command spell. After that, since I had no immediate means of treating your injuries, I carried you to the nearest location I could find where no magical presence could be detected and took possession of this house. While you were unconscious, I was able to stabilize your condition somewhat by feeding you the blood of its residents. I also converted some of their sheets into bandages for your remaining, as they lacked sufficient medical supplies for proper treatment. If you are to be properly healed, however, I believe you will require far more energy..." She trails off, giving you a leading expression; probing to see whether you understand her capabilities, perhaps, or just uncertain of your feelings on the subject.

"Bloodfort Andromeda, isn't it? That 'temple' of yours," you say, finishing her suggestion for her. "I wonder how effective it is. Would you be able to turn it to supplying me with energy instead of yourself?"

"If you order that I should use it to convert the populace into energy for your healing," Medusa replies diffidently, "I would have no difficulty in establishing a necessary area to accomplish the task, or ensuring that you receive the energy collected."

"I see," you say, keeping your tone neutral and putting off that decision for the moment. "What about your sisters? They're still asleep; have they been the entire time? There could be a problem with their energy as well."
"No," Medusa answers, her lips quirking into a small smile as she looks at her siblings' heads poking out from the sheets. "None of us seem to be suffering from the same lack with which we are afflicting you; they awoke soon after I did, and helped me choose a location for our temporary residence. They were quite," she pauses, and you almost think you hear a suppressed chuckle, but surely that can't be so; Medusa is too stiffly formal and subdued for such a display of cheer, you think. It must have been your imagination. "enthusiastic," she continues, "about helping with your treatment, and fell asleep beside you after they were satisfied." Upon closer scrutiny you realize her meaning, as you discover that not only Stheno and Euryale's clothing, but also their lips, are stained with your blood. Hopefully they were only drinking what you would have lost from the wounds regardless.

"Well," you say, "I think I have a fairly complete picture of the situation now."

>[ ] "The people who lived here," you say. "Are they still alive?"

>[ ] "Why didn't you hand me over to Emiya? He's your friend, isn't he? I'm sure that with a Sorcerer's apprentice in his little group they could've found some way to disconnect you from me and let me die."

>[ ] "When you say you stabilized my condition," you begin, "exactly what do you mean by that? I can speak, even though both of my lungs have been cut through; my heart shouldn't be functional either. Why don't you help me see if I can walk or do anything else in spite of my injuries?"

>[ ] "I'd like you to begin establishing your Bloodfort Andromeda immediately. I need to be on my feet as soon as possible."

>[ ] "I need to be alone for a while," you say. "I'd like to see about contacting my other subordinates; collect your sisters and wait in another room, would you?" (Who would you like to reach out to? How? What would you like to say?)

>[ ] Say or do something else. (Write in)
This is one of those times when I really wish I could use alternate furigana on kanji. It would've been perfect for this scene. Ah, well.

I was really hoping that someone wouldn't predict this before the update was finished.

Hey, timing!
>[ ] "Why didn't you hand me over to Emiya? He's your friend, isn't he? I'm sure that with a Sorcerer's apprentice in his little group they could've found some way to disconnect you from me and let me die."
Awww, nevermind then.
>The price he had paid for that was to be cut down in the street by one manifestly his inferior.
Absolutely based, Medusa joins the "not-to-be-purged club"

>[ ] "Excellent work Medusa."
>[ ] "I need to be alone for a while," you say. "I'd like to see about contacting my other subordinates; collect your sisters and wait in another room, would you?" (Try and make real contact with Ayaka)
We don't have a sophisticated link with Lily, right?
Also wow, she really did do an Achilles on Matsuda, didn't she?
The mystery that links you two together is the second-most sophisticated piece of magic you've ever participated in, short of the ritual of your creation.
If you're asking whether or not you can communicate telepathically or sense one another's state of well-being, though, the answer is an unfortunate no.
The latter sense is what I meant, good to know.

Just a stomp.
>[ ] "I'd like you to begin establishing your Bloodfort Andromeda immediately. I need to be on my feet as soon as possible."
We've been talking about it for a long time. K-hime may have failed us, but Medusa won't. Lets eat some mundanes.
>just a stomp
And he escaped too!
So we'll get to crush him in Round 3.
Seems that whatever your fighting skill, you're destined to get shit on by people faster than you if you are a glass cannon.
It's why EMIYA can't beat Cu ever.
I would like those A+s from Affections soon, you useless goddess.

If Kayneth could figure it out, surely we could find a way to have Lily act as our mana supply while Ayaka was officially our Master, right?
It might be worth just having Lily become our Master entirely depending on where Ayaka is.

She has really become super loyal to us, huh?
I hadn't even considered how she could now control Cybele as a factor in her accepting us.
>And he escaped too!
What do you expect for a servant specced for treachery and cowardice?
>What do you expect for a servant specced for treachery and cowardice?
I expect nothing from Matsuda yet he still finds a way to disappoint.
The fucking plebian has no idea what's going on.
Yet still tries to come across as deep while lamenting to somebody who isn't awake.
Even Medusa thinks he's pathetic.

I wonder if Medusa can fight Lancers better thanks to her most common adversaries using spears?
>Yet still tries to come across as deep while lamenting to somebody who isn't awake.
Uh, what? Nothing about what he said seemed like trying to be deep. He just felt shitty about having to fight us while we weren't in good condition, right?
>"We don't get ta make our own decisions anymore, do we?" The young man heaved a long sigh
etc etc
>meanwhile Alberich does literally whatever he wants whenever he wants
>lol, I guess we don't get to make decisions anymore, huh kaichou? life just hasn't been the same since that priest told me to kill you.
What a fucking clown he is.
He's going to suffer for being such a retard.
We should've left his stupid ass to get gutted by skeletons.

All he's done is take power that should belong to us and Tsubaki.
I wonder if the Shijou ritual could work on her too?
Like split Matsuda between us.
Tsubaki delenda est
Yeah that's not deep. It's the most obvious thing about his life. He was basically bitching about his job. I don't get where you're pulling deep from.
I'm saying he's stupid, anon.
His whinging about how he's sad about the fight is really about as deep as he can get.
The fucking idiot doesn't even know he's trying to kill his own brother.

We really probably should've uh
Told him about that.
I've come to enjoy her brocon ways. So no.
She's an unreliable demon and will bite Alberich in the ass inevitably
Wot? She's been pretty solid ever since we found her.
So far of all our allies, only Medusa, Arturia and Adelheid are truly reliable.
And maybe Lily too.
That's part of her appeal, no?
The delicate flower that disguises the demon she truly is.

>and will bite Alberich in the ass
How dare she.
Only Stheno and Euryale are allowed to do that.
Hence why only they + Ayaka - Arturia should be preserved.

No, not in the slightest. Violent unreasonable passion is not a good thing, ever. Its easily the worst aspect of Alberich's personality, and it is hardwired into her conceptually.
File: Yōjinshi-no-Kōrakuhime.png (3.63 MB, 1387x2000)
3.63 MB
3.63 MB PNG
Can you truly hate this face, anon? Can you?
>Hence why only they + Ayaka - Arturia should be preserved
Cruelty to Hecate, Stheno, Euryale and Circe there, anon.
Oh, and the ever reliable Einzbern maids, one of whom probably died.

>Violent unreasonable passion is not a good thing
She loves us and has only ever tried to help us.
Even if she's kind of dumb about how she goes about things.
Most importantly, Alberich is her elder brother, and it's the duty of the eldest sibling to protect the younger siblings.
>hardwired into her conceptually.
She acts almost nothing like an oni though, so it can be assumed she keeps the skill that would cause her to assume her species' more demonic traits disabled.
Also, she's based on Ogawara, of course she'd purposely not use her full strength all the time for the sake of an anime tier power-up halfway through a fight.

We still need to make her become friends with Kikuko.
I miss that endearing idiot.
>Hecate, Stheno, Euryale
Literally not worth consideration. If they come, they come.

Purge candidate number two following Arturia. Duplicitous, dangerous, and I don't trust Stockholm syndrome.

Ignoring that fact that I still think that is bull, back in the good old days you murdered your siblings when they were dangerous monsters.

>She acts almost nothing like an oni though
For now.

Delenda est
>Literally not worth consideration. If they come, they come.
>Affections of the Goddesses
>Not worth consideration
You disappoint me.
>Purge candidate number two following Arturia. Duplicitous, dangerous, and I don't trust Stockholm syndrome.
>hating on birdmom
we beat her fair and square, and she gave her word, which she is unlikely to go against. We could really do with treating her better though.
Especially if we're going to ask her to help construct a new base for us.
>Ignoring that fact that I still think that is bull,
We have the same father. Just that is enough.
>back in the good old days you murdered your siblings when they were dangerous monsters
Damn, we clearly aren't giving Matsuda the praise he deserves then.
>For now.
What is she going to do, really, anon?
Like really?
What can she possibly do?
If she lost herself to her oni side, we could just deal with her on account of being stronger than her.
Or by just using the ribbons.
You disappoint me, anon.
All right.
Since we've got an understanding of the current situation, why don't we prioritize a bit?
We should thank Medusa for her initiative. She had a pretty good understanding of the situation.
Right now our faction is in disarray, so we should settle that down first. The Emiya's will still be after us, and who knows what the church and Assassin are doing.
Then we should get ourselves back in fighting shape by using BFA, but we should look for Kikuko first.
Then we hunt down Harris with extreme prejudice.
How does that sound?

Nah, she's pretty up-front about her feelings.
Even when we had physically and psychologically cornered her she was still acting the same as ever.

I don't see why this is tough to accept.
How do you think the oldest Gods got brothers and sisters?

>Dangerous Monsters
Why aren't you proposing to kill Alberich then? He's killed way more people than Kourakuhime.
And plans to kill WAY more.
Really, we only need to find Lily in order to get enough mana to heal up, then we can use Bloodfort to get a proper powerup
We could also have Circe administer a potion to us to help us heal up, too.
I'm starting to think that hanging on to a healing potion for when we get hurt is a wise idea.
We should totally thank Medusa though, how very reliable she is.
I wonder who the three of them will feel about meeting the two (ex) Goddesses of Magic though.
I wonder if accomplishing this previously thought impossible feat of bringing dead goddesses back to life will make Hecate GIVE US AFFECTIONS DAMN YOU YOU FUCKING BUNNY GIRL.

>Then we hunt down Harris with extreme prejudice.
Harris better fucking leave Tokyo while he can, because the fate that awaits him after what he has done will make Sisyphus look like a joke.

I can't believe the Stheno and Euryale pipe dream actually panned out.
I just realized. If Shirou knows anything about what happened we can probably do the How many breads have you eaten quote next time we see him.
>Why aren't you proposing to kill Alberich then? He's killed way more people than Kourakuhime.
People in our faction who have killed more people than Tsubaki.
>Circe: killed basically everyone to ever visit her island except Odysseus and crew, also killed Yumigawa's parents for no reason.
>Medusa: Just look at her backstory.
>Arturia Alter: Excaliblasts are no joke. Also killed scores of people in battle in life.
>Adelheid: Pfft.
>Stheno and Euryale: Led many heroes to their deaths for the shits and giggles.
>"I am Japanese so like maybe 50? It's not really a staple food here."
Adelheid did nothing wrong.
>[ ] "I'd like you to begin establishing your Bloodfort Andromeda immediately. I need to be on my feet as soon as possible."
>[ ] "I need to be alone for a while," you say. "I'd like to see about contacting my other subordinates; collect your sisters and wait in another room, would you?" (Who would you like to reach out to? How? What would you like to say?)
We need to contact our allies and return to full health. Also this would be a real barrier to any sort of amicable reunion with Shirou and company.
>Find Lily for heal
Who knows if the ritual to get mana from Lily while keeping Ayaka as our master will be time consuming.
Also, we don't have much mana, and I'm not sure how fast we'll drain if we have no anchor.
We don't got time.
If we use Blood Fort Andromeda, we could regain our strength quickly, depending on how fast Medusa can erect and activate the barrier.
And I think we should know about Ayaka's situation before we make any changes to our connection with her.

>Circe's potion.
There's other preparatory stuff we should've done much earlier too, like properly proofing our base of operations, or linking everyone into the bounded fields, or asking Adelheid with her entire military knowledge what the weak-points of our base are...
Although, where would we keep it? Our armor is skin-tight.

So the plan should be to:
>Thank Medusa.
>Get in contact with Saber through our link and have her explain their situation.
>Ask about where Ayaka is, since if we don't know and we use BFA, we could accidentally her.
>Tell them to Rendezvous with us.
>Scry for Kikuko so we know what area not to use BFA on.
>Get strong again through either Lily or BFA.
>Scry on Harris and teleport to end his dumbass once and for all.

Or something along those lines then?
Normally I'd be all for exploring just how much damage Alberich's body can take before he truly cannot move anymore, but this is a situation where quick action is paramount.
How much self-hatred do you think Harris felt after watching Lancer about to kill us, only for Medusa to instantly defeat him.
His plan completely failed, and now Alberich has yet another servant who can defeat his tactics.

Sieg Heil!
Actually, maybe not with the teleporting.
If other factions are going to move on us tonight, we should all be together.
>the ritual to get mana from Lily
Kisses, anon.
Kisses work.
>we'll drain if we have no anchor.
We still have Ayaka though.

>like properly proofing our base of operations,
True. We really should've done better.
>linking everyone into the bounded fields
We really should have had our bounded field expert take control of things there.
>military knowledge what the weak-points of our base are
Again, probably would've been wise.
>Although, where would we keep it? Our armor is skin-tight.
Good question, we should probably start working on a way to store things in imaginary number space for easy retrieval later.
And also to take prisoners that command spells can't reach.

>How much self-hatred do you think Harris felt after watching Lancer about to kill us, only for Medusa to instantly defeat him.
>random unknown servant appears from nowhere and immediately defeats your Servant when he's moments from landing a killing blow
>your servant almost gets taken prisoner AGAIN
"Holy shit these servant things are fucking useless and now I am going to die."

>the plan
Yeah I can support this. Definitely don't forget Kikuko though, we wouldn't want to turn her into a part of the mana smoothie.
Oh, and Truvi and Luvia too.
We don't *know* if they've betrayed us.
Can we officially make it a write-in to do the first... four steps?

Let's teleport him a bomb.
Just a small one, enough to maybe blow his legs off or something.
He wants to play the high explosives game, how about he doesn't fuck with the guy who can break into a nuclear power plant and then have a nuclear reactor teleported right into his base?
>Chu Chu
Slipped my mind.

My last concern about BFA though, is how would Hecate take it?
Not sure how supportive of mass human sacrifice she'd be, given her former hobby of enlightening them.
And if we upset her... goodbye potential affections.

>"Holy shit these servant things are fucking useless and now I am going to die."
>Except for Alberich's faction that survives anything you throw at them.
I think he might be heading towards a mental breakdown honestly.

>Truvi and Luvia
Sure, why not.
Anyone else we'd want to exclude?

>Teleport him a bomb.
Adelheid should be able to create one right?
She just spawns them in a detonated state, so can she do the opposite?
>[ ] "Why didn't you hand me over to Emiya? He's your friend, isn't he? I'm sure that with a Sorcerer's apprentice in his little group they could've found some way to disconnect you from me and let me die."
>[ ] "I need to be alone for a while," you say. "I'd like to see about contacting my other subordinates; collect your sisters and wait in another room, would you?" (Who would you like to reach out to? How? What would you like to say?) Ayaka, Lily, Status update and regroup then if we take BFA 'Hey Tsubaki, wanna see something cool?'
I find It amusing how for all her hatred towards us she's now the one to put the idea to BFA massacres into Alberich's mind, going to be 'fun' explaining that to her old family, for now business before pleasure.

>it's the duty of the eldest sibling to protect the younger siblings
"family should stick together, and that's why you must be fed to your better siblings Matsuda"
>Not sure how supportive of mass human sacrifice she'd be, given her former hobby of enlightening them.
She's a Greek Goddess, anon. Do you really think she'll care about the non-magical over-abundance of humanity that are the reason she was confined to her thousands of years of torment?
>I think he might be heading towards a mental breakdown honestly.
Let's see what breaks first, his spirit or his body.
>Anyone else we'd want to exclude?
I guess places where Shirou or his family might visit?
Don't want Shirou going around stabbing Bloodfort with Ruru Bureaka.
>can she do the opposite?
>Harris is pacing back and forth as he rapidly thinks of his next move in his base
>a Stielhandgranate just magically appears next to his foot

Man, Teleportation Bombing is one of the most broken combo attacks we can really use.
>She just spawns them in a detonated state, so can she do the opposite?
No. Her Noble Phantasm allows her to embody the properties of weapons, not summon them.
>[X] Thank Medusa.
>[X] Contact Saber through your connection and have her explain their situation.
>[X] Question the whereabouts of Ayaka.
>[X] Tell her to rendezvous at our current address with all our allies.

Does anyone see any problems with the wording or order of this vote?
We can ask why she didn't take us to Shirou later.
We also have to thank the sisters when they wake up.

Well, we could just scry for some C4 or make a delayed magical bomb.
Or teleport Adelheid in after explaining his strength-scaling field.
Switching to support this

>We also have to thank the sisters when they wake up.
That's a given, them drinking our blood is a very important step to the recovery process.

Man, Harris is so fucking doomed.
No more taking things lightly, you've angered the sleeping giant.
Please append "Contact Saber" to this Sweets
I'm not calling the decision until tomorrow morning, but here's a tally of the votes so far.

Thank Medusa, then try to make contact with Ayaka and Saber.

Prepare Bloodfort Andromeda

Ask Medusa to prepare Bloodfort Andromeda, then to leave you while you attempt to contact Ayaka and Saber.

Ask Medusa why she didn't hand you over to Emiya, then try to contact Ayaka to regroup with your allies.

Thank Medusa, contact Saber and ask for an explanation of her situation, ask for the whereabouts and situation of Ayaka, then tell all of your allies to rendezvous here.
may as well put mine behind this, close enough idea.

Yeah sure, I'll support this.

Not sure If I'm bummed or giddy about the jobbenning that just occurred, considering our greed for enslaving medusa *did* pay off in a hilariously effective way.

We need to wipe Harris from existence and take the next Matsuda fight very seriously. And practicing magic between now and then to give us a greater edge would probably be wise. We ought to give nothingness swords a try, have a means to parry with our offhand and really shit on Matsuda for it. He might be faster and more skillful than us, but the gap isn't big enough to compensate for a second weapon to pressure and defend with, especially if we just create it in our hand after feigning for a punch, giving him zero time to react.
>He might be faster
Not if Affections gives us a full rank up.
And Hecate sees fit to finally grant us the status as her champion.
I'm just a little worried about how a full rank up will interact with A-(45). Will it only count as a half rank up and go to A(50), or will it go to A+(100)?
Is there such a thing as A+-(75)?

Of course, Affections ranking us up physically will let us tank anything he throws our way with A Endurance and seperate his head and spine from his body with one jab with A+/A+-/A Strength
With how the last fight with Matsuda went I think our problem is we've been overthinking it, considering Medusa proved he's got a glass jaw when she dropped him from C-B rank so all that matters is actually hitting him and the speed difference isn't really that much for us to need to rely on tricks So long as we're in decent condition and quit screwing around it should be a stomp.
Not against practice but should instead save it for the inevitable Odin fight, maybe see about what our new nothing shield's limits are and how they actually work; do they simply block like normal or can we rig them up to absorb like kenotis?.
Alberich has the mind of an anime villain.
Needlessly complicates everything.
I really want to get Affections before we deal with our worst sibling once and for all. For the superstomp.
Break all his limbs during the fight.
Then try figuring out if we can empower Tsubaki like we do ourselves.

Tsubaki is in desperate need of a power up, after all.
Getting her magic skill to A+ would be very nice.
Unfortunately she'll never ever reach Tamamo's level.
Fucking bullshit fox.

Man, Matsuda is just such an idiot. I hope he realises just how much of a clown he really is when we give him the fight he's after and beat him as easily as we could at the end of Akeldama.
I feel the need to remind you that Matsuda's spear has a highly destructive effect on magical constructs. Fighting him with swords made out of Nothingness may not be the best idea.
You know that gives me an idea...
Why don't we have Circe and Tsubaki make us a sword with their item construction?
Well technically two swords, one from each of them.
Shame Tsubaki specialises in innocuous looking items, maybe a sword created by her could appear to be blunt but have a nasty enchantment? I don't know.

I want to see what they end up making regardless.

For when we don't want to use the lightsaber in a fight.
You know, a sword that drains magical energy from whatever it hits and gives it to us would be very nice.
>dual wielding a blunt katana and a xiphos
Well, it would certainly confuse our enemies.
I wonder if we can borrow Excalibur Morgan from Saber Alter.
Drain Sword might be cool though.

How about a sword that can turn magical energy into concussive force on impact?
So they block our strike and it hits with the force of a bulldozer and ruins their guard/sends them flying?
Isn't that Mana Burst?
I think it's a use of Mana Burst.
We don't have mana burst unless we upgrade to it so is there a point to not creating a sword to break our enemies guard?
Also don't you want to beat Matsuda with a Blunt Katana?
Think of how embarrassing it would be for him.
Our third and final fight and we refuse to use our sword. Instead fighting only with a blunt weapon and stomping him into the curb regardless.

If we go for drain and concussion, I imagine Circe would be creating the drain sword.
So that leaves the Chuunibyou Oni (ChuunibyOni?) to make the other.
>Thank Medusa, contact Saber and ask for an explanation of her situation, ask for the whereabouts and situation of Ayaka, then tell all of your allies to rendezvous here.
I'll add my vote to this one
Let's think of some magical items that can cover our weaknesses.
The Mana Drain sword would be neat if it were possible to make.
As would a sword that actually deals a shitload of bludgeoning damage.
But also
>an elixir of health to heal our wounds or the wounds of others
>an amulet that can alert us to enemy presences within a hundred meter radius or so

Could we get a sword made that utilizes illusions that makes it appear as if there are three Alberichs in the same location all making a separate slash?
Tsubame Gaeshi (False).
It looks like the decision is made for >>4218581.
I'm writing now.
>Tsubame Gaeshi (False)
Now that could be interesting.
Clearly it needs improving though.
Instead of one of the three slashes being real, what if it actually masked the real Alberich and his actions entirely during the slash?
So you could try to guard against three simultaneous strikes but be cut down by a fourth strike that was hidden all along.

Why play fair at all?
>Why play fair at all?
Because, like we agreed earlier Alberich has the mind of an anime villain. He has to give the hero a way out.
>Tsubame Gaeshi but actually it only looks like Tsubame Gaeshi and I'm actually just going to shoot you with this gun
Truly, a skill even Sasaki Kojiro would be envious of.
>He has to give the hero a way out
No, he has to clumsily overthink everything he does in an attempt to make something with no way to escape from while accidentally making a glaring error that will allow the hero to trivially avoid the result of whatever he's scheming.
I'm still writing, just so you know. Sorry today's update is so much later than yesterday's, but it should be finished at some point in the next four hours.
"You did an exemplary job, acting perfectly to mitigate my moment of weakness despite my inability to give you orders," you continue, turning a paternal smile on the slight girl. "You've adjusted better than I could have imagined to becoming my subordinate, Medusa. You saved my life. Thank you, truly."

Is that a flicker of gratitude momentarily adorning her features? A blush, or a softening of her expression at the reception of such praise? In the darkness, and with the subdued nature of Medusa's emotions, you can't be certain. Her voice, though, is as quiet and controlled as ever as she replies, "Having become your Servant, I was merely carrying out my duty."

"Yes, well," you mutter, before being interrupted, your voice catching a glob of blood, a gift from yet another of the seemingly endless wounds Matsuda inflicted on you. Apparently your throat wasn't as unharmed as you'd first guessed. Your body is such a mass of pain that it's difficult to differentiate. After a hacking cough that stains your lips and blanked with a fresh spatter of crimson, you can continue, but your train of thought has already been derailed. Better to focus on what needs to be done, and first on that list is to re-establish contact with your allies and subordinates. You don't even know how long you've been out this time. "I need to be alone for a short while," you say, beginning the conversation anew, "to consider the situation. Would you mind extricating your sisters from the bedclothes and moving them to another room? I'll inform you when I've come to a decision about what course to take."

"As you wish," Medusa says with a nod, before rising to her feet. She walks over to your bed and gently withdraws the blankets to pick up the first of her sleeping sisters, either Stheno or Euryale; as they are now you can't tell which. In the process, she reveals a sight startlingly less grisly than it feels. Although your body is covered from the neck down with 'bandages' carefully torn from bedsheets of various colors, giving you a somewhat piebald look, no blood shows through the fabric; Medusa clearly did a fine job, in spite of her presumable inexperience. Of the myriad gashes you can feel covering almost every inch of your body, the only visible wounds are to your left arm and leg. One was hacked off at the wrist, while the other ends just below the knee. You remember the single cut that deprived you of both hand and foot, as it came in the immediate aftermath of Matsuda piercing your heart and so was early enough to penetrate the haze of fatigue and general pain to make a distinct impact on your mind. Any attempt to help Medusa remove her sister from your side, you think with black humor, would be quite useless. The anger almost breaks one of your teeth, but you manage to relax at the last moment. The last thing you need right now is another wound, however inconsequential.
As Medusa leaves, with one sister held in her arms and the other rather comically slung over her shoulder, it occurs to you that you need to stop her. "Wait," you say. "Before you go..."

"Yes?" Medusa half-turns in the doorway, giving you a questioning look.

"Where are we, exactly? Did you see the address of this house when you chose it?" If your comrades are in a position to regroup, you may need to give them your location. You're in no position to travel, after all, and it would be foolishly overconfident to simply assume that Circe or Kōrakuhime will be available, when you can only have direct means of contacting two of your allies.

"The address..." Medusa thinks for a few seconds, staring into the middle distance with the characteristic look of one trying to recall a piece of information dismissed at the time as inconsequential. "I did observe it, yes," she finally concludes. "This house is 7-chōme-67-10... Honmachi, I believe, though I haven't often visited the area. The home of the Koyama family, by their nameplate."

"Thank you," you repeat. "Now, I won't keep you waiting any longer." So you've gone some distance from the manor, huh? Out of the town that houses Ayaka's wealthy neighborhood and into Honmachi. You're also as far from the Emiyas' home as it's possible to go without leaving Shibuya City entirely. Medusa, you reflect, really did pick an excellent hiding place in this unassuming house. But you can't waste all your time contemplating location. Stretching out your mind, you reach for Arturia, your only telepathic contact who seemed to be in functional condition during the brief check you performed before your disastrous bout with Matsuda.

'Arturia,' you call to her, getting her attention with the focused thought of her identity. 'Where are you? What is your situation? Give me a report.'

'Your manor, of course,' comes the typically insolent reply. 'In the absence of any further orders from my master, I have simply reclined here among the wreckage. I had entertained some hope of fading away, but it would seem that your means of providing for my energy have outlived your home.'

'Excuse me?' For a few moments, you can think of no other reply to Arturia's bluntly absurd report. 'Do you mean to tell me that all you've done since the blast is lie wherever you've fallen, despite being unharmed?'

'Precisely.' Arturia's thoughts carry as much emotional reaction to your indignation as might a block of ice.

'What about the others?' you demand furiously. 'Liliesviel, Ayaka, Kōrakuhime, everyone else in the manor. What's happened to them?'

'I have seen no-one since the blast,' Arturia coolly replies, 'and since, not having observed them, I had no way of knowing whether any action on my part might help or hinder their safety, I was free to remain inactive.'
You fail to withhold an audible growl, making it fortunate that you had the Gorgon sisters leave you in solitude. Pure, unadulterated rage mounts within you, stoking even higher the already colossal flame which burns for vengeance against Matsuda. You would have thought, with your twin bouts of mammoth temper in the recent past, first against Medusa in the realm of her spirit and now against Matsuda out here, that you might have hit some kind of maximum limit of emotion which you are capable of feeling in a short time. Evidently, however, if there is a limit on your fury you have yet to reach it. 'Let me confirm that I understand this correctly,' you preface, keeping the tone of your thoughts ice-cold. 'You have no idea what triggered the explosion which destroyed our home; you have no idea who is responsible; you have no idea where my companions and other Servants are; you presumably did not even realize that I had awoken until I contacted you just now. In this situation, you decided that the best course of action would be to simply lie motionless amidst the burning ruins of the manor. Is that all correct?'

'Indeed.' Arturia is no longer even attempting to disguise the smug satisfaction she apparently feels at this victory over her potential usefulness to you. Only her disposition seems to keep the tone of her voice in your mind understated, rather than crowing with malicious cheer.

>[ ] 'Then come to my location immediately,' you order, still keeping your rage as cold and restrained as Arturia's triumph. 'I am waiting at 7-chōme-67-10 Honmachi. From now on, I'll keep you where I can see you.'

>[ ] 'THEN FIND THEM!' you thunder, both telepathically and, in a fit of unrestrained fury, with your real voice. 'Do everything in your power to immediately find, safeguard, and bring to me everyone who was in the Shijou manor when I collapsed.'

>[ ] Give Arturia another order. (Write in)

In addition, please note what you'd like to say to, ask, or discuss with Medusa after you've given Arturia your orders. Remaining alone with your thoughts is also an option.
>[ ] "Very well. Please choke on your tongue for fifteen seconds, then come to my location immediately. I am waiting at 7-chōme-67-10 Honmachi."
After that, dwell on what we've learnt from our two battles with Matsuda and consider how to beat him in the next battle.
>[ ] 'Then come to my location immediately, Should you find any of my allies on the way, bring them along and keep them safe, no matter the cost!' you order, still keeping your rage as cold and restrained as Arturia's triumph. 'I am waiting at 7-chōme-67-10 Honmachi. From now on, I'll keep you where I can see you.'
Ask Medusa what she thinks about goddesses of magic from greece and if she would be willing to work cooperatively with them for the gather of faith and rituals that might involve Blood Fort Andromeda

>[ ] 'THEN FIND THEM!' you thunder, both telepathically and, in a fit of unrestrained fury, with your real voice. 'Do everything in your power to immediately find, safeguard, and bring to me everyone who was in the Shijou manor when I collapsed.'
Serious Fegelein energy to this option, I'm with it
>>[ ] 'THEN FIND THEM!' you thunder, both telepathically and, in a fit of unrestrained fury, with your real voice. 'Do everything in your power to immediately find, safeguard, and bring to me everyone who was in the Shijou manor when I collapsed.'
Useful as expected, Saber.
Anything we'd want to talk with Medusa about right now would be better served by talking with the rest of the team.
Big Al needs to learn why Glass Mat keeps getting the best of him.
>>[ ] 'THEN FIND THEM!' you thunder, both telepathically and, in a fit of unrestrained fury, with your real voice. 'Do everything in your power to immediately find, safeguard, and bring to me everyone who was in the Shijou manor when I collapsed.'
Yfw she brings us Harris.
Oh right, I support asking Medusa about her opinion on down on their luck Greek Ex-Goddesses of Magic.
Maybe also her opinion on Arturia.
Explaining why she has her current form might be a pain.
Though we could just tell Saber Alter that we can return her form to her uncorrupted variant if she works hard enough. She'd probably refuse anyway. I think Alter hates Vanilla Saber.
We can now simply replicate the curse of control without relying on Saber Alter already having been prepared for control by the curses of Angra.
Just a thought
>After that, dwell on what we've learnt from our two battles with Matsuda and consider how to beat him in the next battle.
>Big Al needs to learn why Glass Mat keeps getting the best of him.
Isn't this completely obvious? Like it's not even an open question. He wins because he's faster and better at fighting than we are. We already know how to beat him too. Put on our armor and tank the low damage he can deal through it to kick the shit out of him, sword optional. It worked last time.
Can we try to figure out an actual plan here? I'm pretty lost. We've got no way of contacting our allies or leads on their location. We're heavily injured and immobile. Shirou and/or Harris is probably still hunting us (good thing Shirou doesn't have scrying). Even if we tell Saber to go looking for the others, considering her work so far she'll probably manage to fail. We need to figure out what we can do from here. Bloodfort Andromeda? Have Medusa investigate the manor ruins for leads and report back? Any other ideas?
I was sitting here figuring out how to word my thoughts.
So we're heavily damaged, our allies are currently alive, but indisposed and unless they were all together when the explosion happened, separated.
This makes us easier targets to pick off.
Lily's probably got Circe and Adelheid defending her.
If Lily was conscious or uninjured, she'd probably order Circe to scry for us and her maids and teleport over.
Hecate is a Goddess of magic, she should be able to find us, or any of our allies, or teleport. Maybe even chase us down with our connection.
If Shirou showed up at the Manor all he'd find is a smoking crater, and if we'd let Saber stay there long enough he'd probably have ended up in a fight with her.
Kourakuhime can scry us, but whether she'd run into interference trying to meet us is another story.
Harris is probably going to try to pick off Kourakuhime, since she'd seem the most vulnerable to him at the moment, but I think even she would probably use Jigoku no Niwa or Demonic Nature of Oni if Matsuda and Harris showed up, since she probably read her book and knew Matsuda got us pretty good.
If she's in a state where she can think properly.
But since she's an "outsider" to the church, and they should have been watching the results of the explosion, she'd also be a prime target for the Executors.
The church probably has a similar device to Harris, or their own method of knowing the goings-on of the city, since they ambushed us that one time.
She's probably in the most danger currently.

Ordering Saber to gather everyone who was in the manor before we collapsed would include Lancer, Futodoki, and probably Ayaka, and depending on what they were trying to accomplish, they could be quite far from our other allies, and given that she may know their position, there's a good chance she may go for them first, just to increase the likelihood that any of our allies in the explosion would be left alone even longer.
It also increases the her chances of meeting with team Emiya, Assassin, or the Church.
Since we're an amputee, if we let Rider carry us around we'll be down a fighter to protect ourselves and her sisters.
Recalling Saber after she does a once-over of the wreckage seems to be a good choice.
So I think we should set up BFA and try to get back into fighting shape ASAP.
We should also talk to Rider about the Emiyas, their plans, their capabilities, maybe ask her why she didn't turn us over to them.
OK, this is good. Thoughts:
Harris said in his monologue that our friends all scattered through the manor after Futodoki, Odin, and the unknown human left. That's why he couldn't just sneak into the manor itself. So they probably are separated.
Lily has the same kind of power as Illya, right? In the Fate route Illya through a Servant-level magical attack at Gilgamesh, so Lily could probably defend herself from the explosion. We don't know she has anyone with her. Was Adelheid tied to her? I thought we put her on the leylines.
Hecate can look for us if she wants to, but might not want to. She doesn't like she likes us much, and could just want to get away or look into a way of sustaining her own existence without our help.
Saber said she was "in" the manor, so I think there's at least something left above ground.
Saber also told us that Harris' speed magic ran off his family's specialty of repulsion, right? And he called his device a repulsion chamber. So it might be a Harris family mystic code and not something the church has.
Do you think Medusa could get us a wheelchair? We don't absolutely have to be carried.
The plan of having Saber search the manor for clues and then report to us and quizzing Medusa about the Emiyas seems good. Since we're cut off from our main allies this situation might also be a good excuse to reach out to Kikuko. This house probably has internet access and you know she has social media. She may just be a human, but she could still be kinda helpful. We at least know she has the potential to be a master.
>Illya threw a Servant-tier attack at Gilgamesh during the Fate route.
I don't remember this. What day was it?
She was always connected to Circe. Since Circe is now Lily's Servant, Adelheid's existence is reliant on Lily's.
She's observing us to see if we're worthy of being her champion. We don't really know her that well, but she was getting her bearings after being tormented for eons. A little awkwardness is to be expected. I think she'd look for us even if it's only because we're her anchor, if we died before she found another way to sustain herself any planning of hers would be quite useless.
>The manor
She referred to the manor as wreckage. Not sure there's much left of it after that explosion.
>Harris' Mystic Code
I was talking about the effects of it: to observe the state of the city remotely. If the church has something like it and was watching the manor when it went up, they'd see our faction has split.
Since they ambushed us that one time, that means they had enough knowledge of us to know where we were going, the route we'd take and set up an ambush for us.
But they don't even need it to know about our team splitting though, if they were watching the house they'd have the same information.
Same for Assassin really.
If the Emiyas were watching it when it happened they probably would've investigated to see if anyone was still there, and found Saber.
With only one arm? We'd need someone to push us while we were in it, so her sisters could do that. Either way if we came into contact with an enemy Rider would have to protect 3 sitting ducks until we get reinforcements, and if our enemies bring more than one servant-level individual, or an overwhelmingly powerful servant, that's the end for Alberich's merry band of goddesses.
>Kikuko can be a master
Nope, that was only something that was possible inside the Akeldama. She should have 0 potential as a magus.

I've re-thought out having Saber return after only doing a cursory search. If our allies are being targeted for being split-up we should have Saber protect them. Since we don't know where anyone is though, I think we may need to settle with only looking for a bit before coming to us.
Kourakuhime and Hecate should be in the most danger, and if Hecate can't teleport she'd definitely be in a compromised position.
So maybe we should have Saber do a localized search before returning to us?
Anybody got any ideas of how to speed up such a search?
And we should talk to Rider about how she feels about the Greek Goddesses of magic, and Saber too.
Given she has experience with them, and will be working with them in the future, it seems somewhat important.
Actually, what about reuniting with Saber and going to look for them together?
Depending on how long it takes for BFA to get up and running, we could go and scour the city for them.
We'd also probably get better results that way, unless someone's in a seriously dire situation right now.
>Arrogant magus gets his base blown up by the Magus Killer and then starts using a wheelchair
Sounds familiar...
At least Kayneth bothered with defences.
We aren't going to be any help while we're missing a leg.
No, but if we're alone we're very vulnerable.
If we have Rider we're less vulnerable, but if there are many enemies we're back to being vulnerable again.
If we have both Rider and Saber, then even if there are many enemies, if we have Saber fight them while Rider protects us 3, we're a pretty strong unit.
We should still be able to use Kenotis too, so we're not completely useless.

Regardless, I am starting to think letting Saber go search would be best.
If anyone is in terminal peril she should be able to intervene successfully.

Do you have any ideas of how to search for the others more efficiently than just blindly looking?
We already *know* where Circe would go.
That hotel, remember?
And seeing as Lily's planning maid probably died in that explosion, that's probably where they will all set up.
Tsubaki is a little harder to find, but we can just track her with Circe if she isn't with Lily.
>What day was it?
Don't remember the day but it was when Gil first shows up and kills Caster. Illya throws this crazy blast of magic at him that gets totally wiped out by his armor and Shirou can't decide which to be more amazed by.
We don't have to be Kayneth about it. The crippled, shrouded, mutilated villain with beautiful attendants could be a fun role to play for a little while. I'm just thinking about what to do while we wait for BFA to set up. It took like a week in FSN, right? Staying in bed doesn't sound like a great idea to me.
>implying Lily would ever let Circe take the lead
Don't believe it.
>it took like a week in F/SN
Because Rin was fucking with things. Also I can't see Medusa having been all too urgent in setting it up.

>Don't believe it
It's definitely worth looking into, anon.
Lily might be unconscious right now, giving Circe free reign to do anything she wants.
Like keeping Lily unconscious.
My point was that Lily wouldn't have her maid to decide for her, and unless she blew her own disguise, Tsubaki's opinion on what to do next would be totally ignored by Lily.
So the only person with a suggestion would be Circe.
So then, should we have Saber go check that place out? If as you say below that Lily is being kept unconscious by Circe, if Saber gets close to her she'll be sensed and Circe would just TP away.

It was day 13 of Fate. Scene "The eighth Servant"
So, sure, if she reacted to the attack in time she could set up a barrier, yes.

I'm pretty certain it only took so long because Shinji is a fake magus, with more Magical Energy and a willingness to use it, it should run much faster.

>Circe is the only person with a suggestion.
Not the military strategist?
Even if Lily is being kept unconscious by Circe, she's in no danger with those command seals placed on her, and if she died we'd get Taiga Dojo'd, so unless we get stuck in a dead timeline where all choices lead to Lily's death, at the very least her body will be fine.
>should we have Saber check it out
Yes? I can't imagine Circe would attempt a true betrayal here. If she's done anything she sent Lily to sleep to get her to shut up.
Not for some grand plan in order to betray us.
It would explain why we haven't been scryed and TP'd to yet.

>Not the military strategist?
She could have, but I doubt it. They would need a place to go immediately, not much time for research.
>with more Magical Energy
The stuff we're crucially lacking in? Isn't that why we're not healing? Not enough magical energy? Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like we're going to be dealing with these wounds for at least a few days.
>I can't imagine Circe would attempt a true betrayal here.
If the situation is as you say, this would be a perfect time.
We're weak, and Lily would be out.
Unless we get our strength back Circe might just Odysseus us and try to get the "Perfect Alberich"
>We haven't been teleported to yet because Circe sent Lily to sleep.
The only reason this would be is if she's trying to do something without our knowledge.
Or she can't.
While that's more worrying, Adelheid would definitely protect the 2.

If Tsubaki and/or Hecate scried for us and is heading over here right now, she should meet Saber if we recall her.
If Tsubaki is reading her book or actively scrying us, she should know our current location, and trying to figure out what to do, so if we send out Saber to a specific location, it'd make it easier for them to meet too.

Medusa just said her and her sisters don't feel a lack of Magical Energy.
>Unless we get our strength back Circe might just Odysseus us and try to get the "Perfect Alberich"
I really can't see her betraying us AGAIN immediately. It's been like a single day since we caught her, so her continuing to play the betrayal game is just going to end with her strapped to a ritual chair to become a power-up.
Also she kind of already wa
>The only reason this would be is if she's trying to do something without our knowledge.
>Or she can't.
Or she's setting up a temple after making sure that we were OK through scrying and doesn't feel the need to spend time and mana to warp us over?
I can almost envision the exact moment she scrys us
>"I am worried about Alberich."
>Alberich is in bed with two brand new lolis clinging to his side.
>"Oh nevermind, he's completely fine. Silly me."
Which is more likely, now that I think about it.

Tsubaki meanwhile is probably more concerned about us thanks to the more in-depth explanations her book would give her, but isn't foolish enough to head out alone to track us down when she's already been beaten by a human once.
Adelheid it's anyone's guess as to what she's currently doing.
Hecate is also an unknown as to what she's actually doing, what is also an unknown is WHEN YOU WILL RELINQUISH AFFECTIONS TO US HECATEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>Hecate is also an unknown as to what she's actually doing,
Should be tied to us right? Can try to contact through the AlberichNet.

>Adelheid it's anyone's guess as to what she's currently doing.
I don't know about what currently doing but I can guess what she's going to be doing once we get her back; maximizing the concentration of sacrifices per BFA.
>Should be tied to us right?
Not a sophisticated enough link.
>maximizing the concentration of sacrifices per BFA.
Prisons should be fairly dense, and guilt free!
We could also go for a train station.
Or even a train!
I wonder if you could set Bloodfort up on a train so that it functioned at every single station the train stopped at.
And the best part?
We can have Rider drive the train.
>Circe didn't want to spend time and mana to teleport
Her master is Lily. She has infinite mana. You know how fast all her spells are, and back in Akeldama her huge barrier took literal seconds to erect. I can't really think of many good reasons we haven't gotten a good ol' teleportation yet.
About the only one I can think of is that she's in a state where she can't use magic, either because of her or Lily.
If Lily is being kept unconscious by Circe, she could probably be kept in that state indefinitely without harming her, so she'd have nothing to fear on that front.
Do remember that Circe's primary target for her vengeance would be Lily, not Alberich, so if she's planning anything nefarious, this is a primo opportunity.
If she did scry us, and her reasoning isn't as you say, it could also go something like this:
"Hm. Alberich is almost dead, and severely disabled. His Master is stretched thin, and he can't replenish his mana fast enough to threaten me for a while. If I ever want to escape my current predicament this is the time! I'll simply keep Lily as my personal mana battery and prepare a base so Alberich can't penetrate it or use his magic like he did last time!"
Then all she has to do is TP us into her base to use her NP on us, then kill us.
Of course, we could always tell her that if she kills us that Lily dies, but then that sets us up for a fate worse than death... or a magical sleep like Lily.

Assuming Circe has betrayed us that is.
If she hasn't that hotel is as good a place to check as any other.

>Tsubaki wouldn't go looking for us alone.
Dunno about that senpai. She is arrogant, may even believe her loss to Harris is a fluke, and that she'd get him next time... hold up, maybe she went after Harris alone after reading her book and realizing Matsuda is out of commission to prove her usefulness to us. Especially after our collapsing right in front of her, she might've took it as a sign that she's a failure as a Caster and our sister and be looking for a way to make it up to us.

Probably giggling about what's going to happen to the idiot who blew up Alberich's home.

We should add asking Rider about how long it would take to use BFA to the list too.
Depending on how long it would take, we may want to recall Saber, since Rider would be indisposed setting up all the sigils.

Ah, the train sacrifice resurfaces after laying dormant for so long!
And now we have an even better way to pull it off than before!
>I wonder if you could set Bloodfort up on a train so that it functioned at every single station the train stopped at.
On one hand this sound genius with Tokyo's dependence on subway system esp. during rush hour; on the other if local govt. put up a quarantine to combat the 'greek flu' I doubt they would've lifted it after a couple days.
>All the occupants of the train vanished en-route to its station, and the train made no emergency stops on the way.
>"""Greek Flu"""
>Circe wants to kill us
That's completely nonsensical, anon. Circe clearly still wants Alberich romantically and she isn't likely to quit.
Not when she can't bring us back to life like she could back when she was alive.
>TP us into her base
>TPing a Servant with Magic Resistance: A against their will
>She is arrogant
And incredibly lazy. So she'll probably hunker down and wait for us to recover. Really.

>put up a quarantine
We've seen IRL just how effective the world is at putting quarantines in place, and there will still be hundreds of thousands of people who need to get to work.

He's talking about Circe's overdrawing on the leylines.
Talking about the citywide 'epidemic' Circe caused when started overdrawing mana a couple 'days' ago and sounded like city had a quarantine going when sent Yumigawa to check on us. If so who knows how many we'll actually get using the overcrowded subway lines.
If so amazing how Circe's still screwing our plans even after joining us.
Wait a minute.
Saber should know Harris' base.
Why don't we send her there?
Provided he didn't or couldn't swap locations after realizing we took control over Saber instead of killing her.
We know Matsuda is Harris' Servant, so going after them seems highly reasonable.

>Bring us back to life
All she needs is a drop of our blood to make an almost perfect copy.
Given how much in the negatives with this Alberich she is, I find it reasonable enough that she'd try to pull of the same stunt she did with her son and Odysseus.
AFAIK she doesn't perform resurrections.
I'm not an expert on her lore however, so I'm primarily basing this off what I've read in this quest.

>Leyline drain sickness
Forgot about the effect it had on the populous.

We can just target the residential areas if the business districts are empty.
Oh yeah, forgot to put this somewhere.
If we get a huge amount of energy from BFA, do you think we could send some of it to Ayaka?
Or should she be left to recover without something like that.
>Why don't we send her there?
Because that would be retarded.

>>Bring us back to life
Back in our dreams, she was basically bringing Odysseus back to life over and over again. This was likely more to do with her actually being able to use AoG magic than making clones. But really, who can actually say?
She wouldn't be able to replicate a soul with just a drop of blood, so her clones would be mindless things.
>All she needs is a drop of our blood to make an almost perfect copy.
No, those were not anywhere CLOSE to perfect copies.
At all.

I don't really see Circe deciding she wants to give being a villain another shot anyway. She did kind of give her word to us, and if she goes back on it now, then she'll just look pathetic.
In front of Hecate, no less.
Way to justify being stripped of your divinity.

>do you think we could send some of it to Ayaka?
I'd rather use it for immortality armour and maybe an upgrade to our magical energy.
I would really really like for us to get to A+ so we can happily spam the shit out of miracles and nothingness.
If Affections gets us to A+ Strength A Endurance and A+ agility and we have A+ Magical Energy as well as invulnerability armour, I'd say our chances against Odin might even exist!

Though another upgrade to Conceptual Biology couldn't hurt. For A+ Endurance and A+ Magic Resistance in total.
(Maybe we'd get A+ Battle Continuation too? That would actually allow us to keep on fighting even if we were decapitated, going off of Shuten's Battle Continuation: A+)
>Why don't we send her there?
It might be assuming he doesn't have multiple safehouses around the city and brought her to the main one or if she'd find a way to botch that too out of spite.

>We can just target the residential areas if the business districts are empty.
Plus side it would take longer to notice depending on the mess it leaves (we could always burn down after since there's already been an existing case of a servant burning homes) downside likely less per feeding.
We could also go after a Hospital or a red cross camp or something but dubious how much we'd get from the already spent people/how much they'd recover and would immediately tip off to Shirou/Harris what we're doing.
In our dreams she had her son kill Odysseus, then used the blood on the sword he killed him with to create a copy of him.
Eventually she ran out of blood to make copies, and was left with nothing but Odysseus' corpses.
I haven't read her myth but that's how I'd suppose that story ended.

Yeah I guess she might try giving reformation a try, she's got a reason to this time, since she's not shackled to an island anymore.

>Magical Energy
Doesn't that only effect our efficiency of using Magical Energy? That is important, I agree.
But I'd absolutely go for Conceptual Biology A++
Being so close to a concept, only by being erased from everyone's memories, and from the effects we've had on the universe would we be in much danger of a true death through physical wounds.

>Targeting a residential area during a quarantine would net us less people than a Train.
I mean, it was big enough to cover the entire school when Rider wasn't really into it, if she was actually trying I'm sure she could make an impressive temple.
Meant as in compared to a Hospital, what getting at is of potential targets I can come up with, its the option least likely to be immediately noticed for the longest and get more in.
(although it would've been great to bring life to the old 'ghost train' urban legends.)
>a copy of him.
That's just the thing though, a copy without a soul would just be a meat puppet. If Circe really wanted to go through with this, she would have to capture our soul somehow too.

>Being so close to a concept, only by being erased from everyone's memories, and from the effects we've had on the universe would we be in much danger of a true death through physical wounds.
I don't think that's how it works. But being able to survive decapitation with Battle Continuation A+ would be hilarious, just to laugh at Matsuda.
>"This is the end, Kaichou"
>Decapitated head starts to laugh, the headless body just picks the head up and puts it back in place.
That's where Harris actually shoots himself.
Also Magic Resistance: A+ is pretty crucial to our victory against Odin, I feel. He's somebody who can throw around EX rank magical attacks, I'll bet.

First though, we should probably practice to see if it's possible to heal damage by placing limbs back in their rightful place.
If we get A+ Battle Continuation, that is.
Being able to live and fight even after sustaining decisively fatal blows is absolutely bullshit.

>I mean, it was big enough to cover the entire school when Rider wasn't really into it, if she was actually trying I'm sure she could make an impressive temple.
In Hollow Ataraxia, Rider mentions she can use it to cover all of Fuyuki City, make of that what you will.
How do you feel about the Tsubaki is trying to redeem herself theory?
She was already questioning her usefulness to Alberich for a while, then today she:
>Didn't anticipate we'd try to take over Rider the same way we did Saber
>Watched as we collapsed immediately after attempting to do so, implying it she'd done the former it could've been avoided
>Experienced her house being blown up by a human who was hanging out inside a bounded field with her inside it for several hours

She may really try to take the initiative on them and send them to the underworld.

Well, either way we end up voting, what do you think we should talk to medusa about?
>She may really try to take the initiative on them and send them to the underworld.
She might want to prove herself, but that doesn't mean she should immediately drop 80 points in IQ and go out and put herself at risk with no back-up.

>what do you think we should talk to medusa about?
The Emiyas?
Our other Greek Goddesses?
Saber Alter?

Her sisters too, may as well throw her a bone and let her talk about her favourite thing.
Especially now that it won't make her soul hurt from remembering.
Don't know if its a good one but had an idea, assuming Her book doesn't just tell her where we are since had to go through that arsonist cat and mouse stint to contact us, we could pick out several apartment complexes in different parts of the city to BFA each night and burn afterwords, the only connection being the first kanji of the targets spell out her name.
Since noone outside the manor should know her name, her connection to the previous arsons, or that she even exists its unlikely we'd get any other 'surprise guests', if nothing else we get plenty of people juice.
It's less that there's a quarantine, and more that the fatigue of leyline over-draining affects everyone in the area to a greater or lesser degree. During Circe's period of heaviest usage, almost no-one was out in the city because they were unable to leave their homes, not because of any organized measure.
>immediately drop 80 points in IQ and go out and put herself at risk with no back-up.
This is the type of logic that led to not scrying on Yumigawa when he'd lost his permanent attendance record.
She knows her own abilities best, and could easily figure that if she just used Jigoku no Niwa, that she'd immediately banish both of them for being such huge pains in our ass.

>doesn't just tell her where we are since had to go through that arsonist cat and mouse stint to contact us
The reason she did that was because she wasn't certain how we'd react to meeting her, since up til then we'd shown concern for Ayaka and played up pretense of caring about human life, and given her survival method, she figured we might smite her out of existence if we met.
That book can read Alberich's mind, and she can scry for our location too, without no concerns like these, there was no reason she couldn't have just waltzed up to us anytime.

So then, the list of Medusa questions so far is something like:
>Why didn't you have me killed by the Emiyas?
>What can the Emiyas do?
>What's their plan?
>What's your opinion on Circe, Hecate, and Saber?
>What do you and your sisters like to do for fun? Before or after your curse.

Something like that? Unsure about what to ask about her sisters.
Oh, and asking about how long BFA will take to be used.
Can't forget that.
>that she'd immediately banish both of them for being such huge pains in our ass.
The problem is that that would deprive us of being able to torture them to death together.
And she probably wouldn't want to miss out on the opportunity.

>Unsure about what to ask about her sisters.
Ask how she tells the two apart.
If the book can read our mind and shows our location why go through with the 'test'; wouldn't she already know we're playing along for Ayaka's cooperation?
Though if nothing else this plan would be a nice way show our sister some 'affection' and exactly how much human life matters to us.
After a certain point you just want to squash them like bugs, instead of dissecting them like bugs.

If you go back and read Alberich's dialogue, that doesn't really come across as being the case, since he was indifferent about people, rather than mocking Ayaka for caring about human life whenever a topic like that was broached.
He just acted like a faithful knight around her.
Not hard for that to come across as someone who would look down on Tsubaki's chosen method of survival/Alberich luring.
But, she did have enough hope in us accepting her to put out clues for her location, if we chose to follow them.
If we order Saber to go searching, why don't we order her to chime in with her findings if she finds someone?
>[X] 'THEN FIND THEM!' you thunder, both telepathically and, in a fit of unrestrained fury, with your real voice. 'Do everything in your power to immediately find, safeguard, and bring to me everyone who was in the Shijou manor when I collapsed, and tell me whenever you find someone!'

For Medusa:
>Why didn't you have me killed by the Emiyas?
>What can the Emiyas do?
>What's their plan?
>How long will it take to use Blood Fort Andromeda?
>What's your opinion on Circe, Hecate, and Saber?
>How do you tell Stheno and Euryale apart?
>What do you and your sisters like to do for fun? Before or after your curse.

Not completely sure about this one, but it's a nice division of labor.
Also, we can explain to her the current situation in regards to our former house.
I'm afraid I have to work more tonight, so I can't update this evening. Keep working on that plan, and I'll call the vote and write tomorrow.
This is an excellent idea. If she's looking for ways to undermine her own effectiveness, take away her ways to fuck up.


>Perfect Alberich
She'll get him eventually. We just need to put K-hime and Matsuda through Ayaka's super-sacrifice ritual and totally consume them.
I want to re-word it to this:
>[X] 'THEN FIND THEM!' you thunder, both telepathically and, in a fit of unrestrained fury, with your real voice. 'Do everything in your power to immediately find, safeguard, and bring to me everyone who was in the Shijou manor when I collapsed, and tell me through our link whenever you find one of them!'
The "through our link" part may be superfluous, so if someone has a better way to word it please do so.
And possibly add this:
" If you come into contact with a hostile enemy, defend against them and contact me immediately!"
Or something like this to the end, because if she meets the Emiyas who have been planning on destroying her, any rescue attempt she may make could end up very poorly, and possibly with her getting rule breakered or killed outright.
Do you have any suggestions to improve this?
Maybe something like:
" If you come into contact with the Emiyas, Harris, Matsuda, or people from the church, contact me immediately!"
I feel like it's weaker, but I'm drawing a bit of a blank on how to word this properly.
I think we should order her a contingency for meeting with the Emiyas in particular though, since everyone else would probably try to fight her head on instead of immediately cancelling her cursed state with rule breaker.

No need to steal from them.
We can just absorb a ton more souls with BFA, or other rituals in the future.
Also, how would Caster's soul react to being ritualized like that?
Not sure if they would merge, or we'd become able to select from his skills when absorbing a large amount of Magical Energy.
>whenever you find one of them
That should be 'any' instead of 'one'.
Do everything in your power to immediately find, safeguard and bring to me everyone who was in the Shijou manor when I collapsed. Whenever you find an ally, inform me immediately. If you see or hear Matsuda, Harris, Emiya or people from the Church, contact me immediately. If you experience abnormal misfortune, or if you see or hear an unknown Servant, contact me immediately.
Can't we just order her to be fully loyal to us in every way like we should have from the beginning?
Sounds good, but what about changing both those 'see and hear' bits with 'encounter' instead?

Also, should we tell her to search at that hotel last?
If that's where Circe is she should be fine, so everyone else would be the priority.

Well, what are you thinking?
I'm just against changing her feelings directly with our orders, if they work that way.
>Sounds good, but what about changing both those 'see and hear' bits with 'encounter' instead?
What if she gets the drop on them somehow? Although that scenario isn't likely because Alter can't hide, so I'll give you that.
>Also, should we tell her to search at that hotel last?
We should try to get Circe first. She can scry and teleport, which will speed up the search immensely.
Well I simply thought encounter would cover all 6 senses rather than 2. If there's a better word for that I've forgotten it.

Going for Circe first is smart yes, but if the hotel is empty we'd have sent Saber far away from the site of the explosion and wasted a bunch of time.
Maybe tell her to go once she's checked the few surrounding blocks?
>We can just absorb a ton more souls with BFA, or other rituals in the future.
But anon, don't you want to become the complete embodiment of Judas' dream? What if there's some secret unique skill we unlock for gathering all of the akeldama sacrifice?
I very much doubt such a thing exists.
If he wanted such an outcome he would've only created one Artificial Hero instead of 4.
Sweets even said that as the result of the process, Keiseki's death was a surprise.
>gathering all of the akeldama sacrifice?
Tsubaki is for headpats and gentle abuse
Not for consuming.
Even if grabbing her Oni Skill would make Alberich completely busted, we shouldn't.
She's been instrumental in the acquisition of Saber and Rider. And by extension Stheno and Euryale.
We should treat her better.
If only things weren't so hectic we could take her somewhere.
I wonder if she would still enjoy Akihabara.
Honestly if anyone deserves to be treated it's her.
Hey, do you think we should find out the current time before we blow up on Saber?
If several hours have passed since the explosion it might be better for her to regroup with us first.
Absolutely based, Alberich must reclaim his birthright.
"Choke on your tongue, then report to me."

"Report back here. If you run into any of my allies, bring them along safe."

"Get to looking."

"Get to looking. Notify me whenever you find someone."
Then run Medusa through a battery of questions.

Discussion seems to have died down, and technically you're tied, but it seems like most of you would be alright with >>4223247 and >>4223665, aside from the minority who didn't want Saber to go looking for your comrades.
If anyone does want to change any details of that plan, or if I'm missing or misinterpreting your vote, please do let me know.
Whoops, did I never officially support this?
What do you think about this: >>4223742 addition?
I wanted to add it, but the sensory wording made me hesitate.
Seems good to me. Not that it matters much, given the quality of my decisionmaking.
Sorry about the wait, folks. There's a lot to work through in this update, but in case anyone wasn't sure I'd called things I'll let you know that I wrote a chunk of it tonight, and hope to finish tomorrow (this?) morning.
How's that update coming along, Sweets?

It's probably too late anyway, but that way of telling her what to do doesn't take into account her Instinct or magical senses.
I'm working on it.
Yeah, that was my problem with it too, so I was thinking 'encounter' or 'find' instead but, eh.
We'll see what happens.
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I'm still writing, folks. Still trying to juggle work, personal obligations, and this mammoth conversation you wanted.
While you wait, please enjoy this forlorn Arturia, condemned to search the entire city for a bunch of people she has no leads on.
We probably should have told her to check that hotel out, huh?
We can always amend her orders after we have more conclusive information on the Emiyas.
'Then find them!' you thunder, your rage momentarily overtaking you sufficiently to roar the command aloud as well as sending your order crackling through the ether to strike Arturia's mind with as much force as you can put into it. After this outburst, you're able to proceed with a bit more calm as you elaborate, 'Do everything in your power to immediately locate, safeguard, and bring before me everyone who was in the Shijou manor when I collapsed. Inform me the moment you find any of them, encounter a hostile enemy, or observe an unknown Servant. Is that clear?'

'Quite,' Arturia replies, her contemptuous sarcasm as potent as ever despite your display of overwhelming fury. 'Despite the fact that I have no information whatsoever on where these individuals might be, the means or the time of their departure from the manor, or any method of following their course, I will begin my search immediately.'

'Such are the circumstances we are reduced to,' you inform her, your rage rekindled by Arturia's continual insolence, 'when we fail to act during the sole, all-important moment of action. Now, whatever means of tracking down my allies you do have, you will commit them to this effort completely! If you must wander Tokyo until the end of the War to find them all, that is what you'll do! You can pay for your aimless, moronic inaction with aimless, futile action if you discover yourself to be so pathologically incapable of being of service that you can find no better means of finding everyone. Now go!'

With that, you withdraw your mind from the conversation with Arturia, discovering yourself to be somewhat fatigued even by the minor exertion of your emotional outbursts. A destroyed body, you reflect, is a truly infuriating thing to inhabit. You weren't sure just how functional your body might be in spite of the pain when you awoke, but in the time you've spent getting used to your condition while talking first to Medusa and then to Arturia you've come to a relatively certain conclusion about how weak you are at the moment. You may be able to go on living with destroyed muscles, two severed limbs, and a punctured heart, but fighting would be another matter entirely. In fact, the only way you doubt you could sit up unassisted would be to prop yourself up on your one whole arm; for some reason your arms, aside from the lost hand, seem to be in the most functional condition. It's a mercy, you suppose, that a Servant's body produces no waste. The notorious difficulty around such things is one aspect of an invalid's lifestyle you're quite thankful to avoid.
Your condition, as difficult to ignore as it is considering the pain and inconvenience it heaps upon you, is nevertheless something you'd rather not dwell on. Instead, you turn your thoughts to the time. In the darkness of the room, not broken by even the faintest light around the drapes, you hadn't given the matter much thought. It is worthy of thought, though, surely; perhaps you were unconscious for less than an hour, and it's still the middle of the night, or perhaps you've lain in this bed, borne up toward consciousness only with the greatest slowness by your trickle of magical energy, for the whole of another day and the sun set a short time before you awoke. First, you habitually raise your wrist to check the time with your own watch. It's absent, of course, presumably cut off of you along with your favorite of Vaisset Senior's suits in order to accommodate Medusa's colorful bandages. Next you sweep your eyes around the room, searching for the alarm clock that is doubtless to be found in any ordinary bedroom. It, too, is absent. Perhaps, you think with aimless, irritable humor, the room's original inhabitant felt that to require the aid of a clock in awakening was some form of weakness.

You'll need Medusa to give you the time, you conclude. The only object in this room capable of working as a timepiece is a laptop on the desk, and you'd need to make an attempt at walking to retrieve that on your own. No chance of that. In any case, even putting aside the matter of the time you'd rather have some company around than be left alone to brood over your injuries. Feeling for the connection that so conveniently informed you of her capabilities before, you soon stretch your mind out to Medusa, asking her to return. You get no telepathic reply, but immediately feel her presence moving through the small house.

"Have you come to a decision, then, Master?" she asks as she steps through the door. If she heard your furious shout, or it made any impact on her, her emotionless tone gives no sign.

"Only a simple one," you say, forcing a degree of levity into your tone in the hopes of lightening your own mood as much as hers. "I've decided to ask you how long I've been lying here. What time is it, Medusa?" As you speak, you notice that the girl remains standing, almost at attention, just inside the door. While you appreciate the sign of respect, you'd rather not have her bolting off the moment your question is answered. "Sit, please," you add, gesturing invitingly to the chair Medusa last vacated.

"Just after five," she answers, adding "thank you," as she takes her seat.

"Five, eh?" you murmur. So the darkness out there is still that of pre-dawn gloom after all, though you can't say you woke up promptly. "It seems I spent quite some time unconscious," you say, "were you watching over me from that chair all along?"
"No," Medusa answers, dragging the syllable out in an unusual show of hesitation. "With all that needed to be done once your assailant had to be dealt with, it took a great deal of time to bring you into the condition in which you awoke," she hurriedly explains, apparently rushing to recapture the time lost in her first word. "I had hardly put the last bandage on you when your eyes opened; you slept untouched for less than an hour."

"Indeed. Well, Medusa, thank you all the same," you reply, deciding to adopt the bluff cheer of one dismissing a show of humility despite that not being quite what just happened. "The dedication you've shown to keeping me alive tonight isn't something that can be soon forgotten."

"Of course," Medusa says, giving you a respectful nod.

"On that subject, though," you continue, ignoring the girl's insubstantial reply, "there's something I'd like to ask you. It's been bothering my sense of curiosity, you see. Why have you shown me such dedication? Why didn't you, say, hand me over to Emiya? He's your friend, isn't he? I'm sure that with a Sorcerer's apprentice in his little group they could've found some way to disconnect you from me and let me die." You keep your tone light, and a thin smile on your lips, but your eyes focus a penetrating gaze on Medusa's as you watch her closely for any sign to warrant suspicion.

"You overestimate Shirou's ruthlessness," Medusa replies, a slight smile animating her lips. "He refuses to believe that you are animated by Avenger's spirit; I am sure that even now, he hopes for some way of resolving the situation without any need for anyone to be hurt. For a man his age, he can still be astonishingly naive." The smile fades as she continues, "Even so, Shirou and those he has helping him, especially Rin, are your enemies. They are actively working counter to your goal, and whatever Shirou's feelings on the subject might be there was at least the potential for events to develop as you described if I had brought you to him. You are my Master now, and I cannot cooperate with your enemies."

"Admirable, very admirable," you comment with a smile. "I can hardly believe you're the same person who spat hatred at me on the Shapeless Isle. Did it truly mean so much to you, to have your sisters back?"
"It does," Medusa quietly affirms, eyes downcast. "You have granted two of my most deeply held desires, Master. To not afford you the fealty I owe in light of our magical bond after such gifts would be an act of unimaginable ingratitude." To herself, she murmurs, "No, it is imaginable, after all. I'm sure that..." She trails off, feeling your eyes on her in the moment of distraction. It is a novel experience, you reflect, to observe the muted but clearly significant reactions Medusa has to your words and gaze. Throughout your life until this point, you've always found that the degree to which you could influence others varied with the degree of direct physical or magical power you held over them. Yet Medusa, by far the physical superior of the immobile wreck you've become, with by her own admission the means at her disposal of being totally free of you, still regards you with a shocking degree of apparent respect and loyalty. This, you suppose, is the fealty of which she spoke. You would have expected to find such noble feelings more in evidence from Arturia or the knight Roland. That Medusa, of all the legends you have met, should be the first to display a chivalric spirit is intriguing to say the least.

You catch yourself giving way to your habit of letting silences grow while your mind wanders, and clear your throat as if you've been struggling again with your injuries. "Of course," you say, "I couldn't have simply left two such lovely creatures to languish within another's spirit. That island of yours was no fit residence for Goddesses. In fact," you say, brightening as you see the opportunity to have your curiosity satisfied on an odd point, "I wonder if you wouldn't mind telling me how the three of you passed the time. I can't imagine there was much enjoyment to be found on that island."

For some reason, an extremely faint, almost invisible blush colors Medusa's cheeks at this question, and she wears an expression of worry as she hesitantly answers, "Truthfully, my greatest enjoyment always came from... physical pursuits. Riding Pegasus, hunting, and of course my bouts with the warriors who came to slay me. Most were too trivially weak to be enjoyable, but the few who could offer me a real challenge-!" She grows in excitement as she comes to this last point, before suddenly cutting herself off, apparently embarrassed again. "I also enjoyed reading the poetry Nee-sama wrote, and since my summoning fifteen years ago, I have come to find great entertainment in reading books, and riding all kinds of vehicles," she hurriedly explains, as if this second set of hobbies is meant to excuse some fault in the first mentioned. It calls to mind for you the way that Stheno and Euryale seemed to disdain their sister as an unpleasantly large, violent being; perhaps she's self-conscious about it.

"You had no shared hobbies with your sisters, then?" you ask, pretending obliviousness to enjoy the opportunity of further prodding this evident sore spot.
"No," Medusa says with a complex expression, as if simultaneously grateful for the fact and morose about it. "Those who visited us on the island did so for very different reasons. Kings and proven heroes came seeking the love of one or the other of them, and were given impossible trials to complete to win that love. For me it was second princes, adventurers, and other unproven men hoping to make a name for themselves by killing the monster of the Shapeless Isle." She gives you a look as if hoping for some comment from you regarding this unfortunate imbalance, but you only wait for her to continue. "Our other hobbies have always been different as well. While Stheno-nee-sama has always enjoyed sewing, creating music, and other artistic pastimes, Euryale-nee-sama preferred to frolic amidst the island's natural beauty."

"It sounds as though even on that small island, you spent most of your time apart," you observe. "Curious that you should have such a bond, in that case."

"Not at all," Medusa replies softly, with a look of mounting regret at whatever she's about to narrate. "We often spent time together as a trio for my elder sisters' favorite hobby of tormenting me. They almost always drank my blood as punishment, but their reasons changed every day. One favorite was to deceive me about their identities, and then punish me for not recognizing them."

"Oh?" This is interesting. "Can the three of you transform, then? I have read of Greek Gods doing so, but I didn't know that you could."

"We cannot," Medusa answers, immediately disappointing you on that front. "However, you must have noticed that my elder sisters are identical in appearance, voice, and wardrobe, yes?"

"Yes, of course," you nod. "How do you tell the difference, anyway? As their sister you must have some method."

"None that you have not already shown yourself to have learned," Medusa says morosely. "Stheno-nee-sama and Euryale-nee-sama are perfectly identical; the only means of telling them apart is by their manner. When they decide to confuse someone that way, there is no way of seeing through it."

"How frustrating," you muse. After a few moments of thought, you add, "Well then, it seems that hobbies are rather a difficult subject for the three of you to agree on. Perhaps we should turn our attentions to more pressing matters. Tell me three things, please: what exactly are the Emiyas planning; what are they capable of; and is there anything I ought to know about your Bloodfort Andromeda? Does it require time to prepare, are there restrictions on the gathering of energy, and so-on."
Medusa gives you a long look, considering your questions and composing herself after the somewhat more casual emotional displays of your prior conversation. Finally, she begins to answer in reverse order. "Bloodfort Andromeda," she begins, "must have you within its perimeter to supply you with magical energy. That is the primary restriction, meaning that we shall have to create it in an area around this house. It does require time to prepare, although this varies with the amount of energy at my disposal as well as the desired size of the barrier. To heal you, I would estimate that it should be placed around a sizable residential area, and will require two days before it is capable of action."

"So we'll have to defend this home for two days, huh?" you ask rhetorically. "I really must find some way of contacting Liliesviel and my subordinates," you add. Then, seeing that Medusa is waiting, "Go on."

"I do not doubt that cooperation with your other Servants would make protecting Bloodfort Andromeda's nodes more easily accomplished," Medusa agrees, "but you may nevertheless rely on me to ensure that the ritual is conducted smoothly even alone. Regarding your other questions, it is almost simpler to list what capabilities Emiya Shirou and Sakura do not possess than those they do. Shirou is the master of a unique Reality Marble which enables him to replicate any weapon he has seen in the past; due to certain events in the previous Holy Grail War, this quantity is enormous. Sakura is capable of even more uncertain powers, having a colossal store of magical energy, a history as the Master of Avenger, and an affinity for Imaginary Numbers. Since she has neglected the practice of magic for the last fifteen years, however, her capabilities are almost completely unexplored. In addition, Shirou will do everything he can to keep her from the battlefield. Rin, although the apprentice of a Sorcerer, remains an ordinary magus in her capabilities."

"You mean to say that Emiya can just call up all manner of Noble Phantasm whenever he likes?" you ask in disbelief. "That would explain some aspects of our battle, and his confidence in the War, but..." you trail off. This kind of power is too much of a potentially transformative element of the War to analyze all at once, and there are other factors to be discussed. "What about their plans?" you ask.
"Shirou and Rin's plans are frustratingly nebulous and changeable," Rider answers, the frustration she mentions making a slight appearance on her face as she considers the subject. "As you know, it is their ultimate goal to stop the Holy Grail War by either destroying the Greater Grail or persuading every participating Master to put an end to the ritual. They have constantly vacillated between one and the other method, however, and have procrastinated with similar consistency. First it was imperative that we find the arsonist Servant, then that pursuit ended after our confrontation with you and the Einzbern girl, after which there was no more arson being performed. Then Rin dedicated herself to investigating the source of the magical fatigue plaguing the people of the city, until that too decreased in severity on the same night that a blast from Excalibur destroyed a large residential area. When you captured me, we were planning to search for Saber in accordance with the information you had given Shirou about her reappearance. Now I presume that they are engaged in searching for me."

>[ ] "If that's the case, perhaps we should remain as inactive as possible while my other Servant looks for the rest of those who were caught in the disaster at the manor. We don't want to risk attracting Emiya's attention before we have a sizable force to defend against him."

>[ ] "If that's the case, you ought to begin preparing Bloodfort Andromeda immediately. I need to be healed before Emiya has any idea where we are, if possible."

>[ ] "Not necessarily. As it happens, my other Servant is that very same Saber. Perhaps I can have her distract Emiya's faction while we attempt to regroup with my other allies and subordinates."

>[ ] Say or ask about something else. (Write in)
>>[ ] "If that's the case, you ought to begin preparing Bloodfort Andromeda immediately. I need to be healed before Emiya has any idea where we are, if possible."
Leaning towards this for now; without leads no idea how long will be waiting to find others and gut tells me sending Saber against Emiya's will get RB botched.
Since it takes two days setup nothing really stopping us from having Saber continue the search in the meantime and recall should it prove fruitless and we need protection.
>[ ] "Not necessarily. As it happens, my other Servant is that very same Saber. Perhaps I can have her distract Emiya's faction while we attempt to regroup with my other allies and subordinates."
>[ ] "If that's the case, you ought to begin preparing Bloodfort Andromeda immediately. I need to be healed before Emiya has any idea where we are, if possible."
>[ ] "It so happens that my other Servant is that very same Saber. If Bloodfort Andromeda should take too long to prepare, I can have her distract Emiya while we attempt to regroup with my other allies and subordinates."
So we can get her opinion and act on it in one update.
Maybe we should've asked her what she knew about Assassin, because he was skulking around their house.
Alright, if this is the situation, I don't think we should use BFA.
In order for Medusa to efficiently put down the array, she'll have to do it alone, and Assassin, Harris, or the Church will close in on us the instant she leaves to do it.
Harris has to know our current position, and be contemplating straightforwardly attacking us at this point.
Who knows what Assassin's deal is, but he very well could know about our current location given he knew of the Emiya's.
I think it best to assume the Church knows the locations of everything in the city unless it's shrouded.
Not to mention that setting the array down will alert the Emiyas as to our location, and will give them a localized area from which to search for us, provided they're aware of the limitation of the recipient of the energy needing to be within the barrier for it to be effective.
They did just turn down an offer from a guy who wanted to eliminate us, they could very likely assume we were damaged from his attack, so we wouldn't want to be too far from the area.
They know we had a AoG Magus helping us, so one of the only explanations they could come up with for the existence of BFA would be to recover from an attack, since otherwise we most likely would come up with a different method to heal, due to this one being greatly delayed.
So putting it up will only make us more vulnerable, and make it easier for people who shouldn't be able to find us to do so.

I think we should lay low for a bit and give Saber more of a direction to search in, and maybe join the search ourselves.
Circe likes abundant places, so we can give her the location of the hotel she went to, and tell her to check out any places with such extravagance if that turns up empty.
Korakuhime might've gone to the Ogawara home, if she hasn't re-grouped with us after 5 hours, provided she's not on a warpath or was severely damaged from the explosion. I don't think any damage she'd take from it would effect her long though, since she's hooked up to the leylines, so I have to assume that she was either knocked unconscious by it, or is acting solo.
Lily may go to the Amusement Park during the daytime, but honestly I'm not sure why she wouldn't scry and make her way to us unless she was injured or unable to. I'm thinking she might be self-recriminating over having suggested we go after the Emiyas first, and having dismissed Harris as a threat, or she's grief-struck from the loss of one of her maids. I could understand that. She could very possibly be being kept under by Circe however.
Where are places Adelheid liked to be while alive? If she's been separated from everyone else as well she'd probably figure searching for us is a waste of time since we'd search for her anyway and go exploring the modern era.
Someone with insight into Hecate's character might be able to give a recommendation as to where she'd be likely to go.
Futodoki should be shrouding Ayaka with Lancer right now, so we shouldn't need to worry about them too much.
>[ ] "If that's the case, you ought to begin preparing Bloodfort Andromeda immediately. I need to be healed before Emiya has any idea where we are, if possible."
>[ ] "If that's the case, perhaps we should remain as inactive as possible while my other Servant looks for the rest of those who were caught in the disaster at the manor. We don't want to risk attracting Emiya's attention before we have a sizable force to defend against him."

You should vote to make it official.
>Harris has to know our current position, and be contemplating straightforwardly attacking us at this point.
After Matsuda's poor showing against Medusa, I doubt it. Not only that, he can be certain that Saber told us how to foil his signature trick, so he would instead go after our scattered allies and come for us when they can't back us up. Matsuda has a history of dominating fights, which means Harris would be confident even if we were fully healed, and he would use more dirty tricks to separate Medusa from us.
>She could very possibly be being kept under by Circe however.
I doubt it. Circe is more the type to look after herself first and consider her actions afterward, so her second move might actually be to return to our side because there's strength in numbers.
>Harris would pick off our allies.
Probably, but if he gets rid of us they won't have a rally point anymore, and we're unable to put up a fight.
All he needs to do is wait for Medusa to leave for an extended period of time, and he'll strike.
I see it happening like this: Today, Medusa will leave for a long period of time to put up nodes for the barrier, when Harris sees her leave the next day to put up the finishing nodes, he'll order Matsuda to come and finish us off.
>Circe wouldn't take advantage of the situation to make our girlfriend suffer
It would be some nice character development, sure. It's not the behavior she's shown so far though, and is in fact kinda what made her an island exile to begin with.

But even if the above were wrong, we're still in quite the vulnerable state. If we embolden our defenses, we'll no longer seem like a prime target. This would absolutely force Harris' attention elsewhere, potentially dooming our comrades.
He did send Matsuda straight for us before any other, his priority may not have shifted since.
This also doesn't take the Church, Assassin, or the Emiyas into consideration, two of whom we know for sure easily can take advantage of our current state.
If we'd recalled Saber, I'd recommend setting up BFA since we'd have a guard, but since we ordered her to go fishing, I'm going to have to say we should go all in on fishing.
It's the least risky prospect and we don't really need more risk right now.
If our search bears fruit we might be able to find the others easily anyway.

I dislike voting without having consolidated my vote, normally through discussion I can find the problems with what I propose and mitigate them.
Like this time, I was about to do just what you suggested, but if I did so we'd end up being guarded by Rider 24/7, and Harris would end up looking elsewhere to attempt to weaken us.
>All he needs to do is wait for Medusa to leave for an extended period of time, and he'll strike.
feel you do have a point although one thing need to hear debated to convince me to switch; Medusa said we must stay in the barrier when it's activated to receive the energy , not that we need to be in the center at all times and could have us moved when needs to do the further sigils (I could say might be able to keep us next to at all times, but would be dangerously unsubtle to have a mutilated albino with a loli drawing circles around the neighborhood)
Other than that I could support giving it a few days, would give Alberich time to attempt to fashion a temporary pegleg out of a ribbon.
I just went back and looked, and we did tell the Emiyas that Saber's master was Harris.
If his offer of alliance with the Emiyas included discussing his loss of Saber, they'd know we have her the same way we have Rider.
And their discussion was apparently hours long, so it'd be pretty easy for that topic to pop up.
So they'd just be looking for us now, since we'd lead to Saber and Rider.

There's also the possibility that Harris could try to convince the Emiyas to work with him to finish us off.
If he does that someone on our side will end up dead.

In light of this, I'll have to change my suggestion to just attempting to regroup with our allies as soon as we can. Not sure about using Saber as a distraction though, since it might just make even more of a mess. We could just search for them and make our way to them during daytime, since it's almost dawn. I do want to:
>[X] Think of your comrades, and the most likely places they would fall back to after the manor explosion. Share your thoughts with Saber, even if it's a fishing expedition, having some bait may make catching something easier.
have something like this in my vote regardless of what I decide Alberich should do though.

It's not only Alberich that would have to go, Stheno and Euryale would need to join us as well if we were going to be following her, and she can move faster than all 3 of us, so the speed of the erection of the barrier would take a huge hit.
Also, if we're even farther from the barrier then that's just that much farther from Medusa we'll be when she goes to put down the sigils.

>Sustaining a tendril of Nothingness for an extended period of time
>When we're on an incredibly limited supply of mana
Doesn't strike me as wise.
Was talking about being moved between safehouses near where currently placing sigils so not too far from responding although even then would still slow down and leave us unguarded for an uncomfortably long period of time.
I don't think should give more than a day or two to saber, Emiya probably isn't going to come after us until we start melting people but the longer we wait the more time give Harris to find someone to assist in bumping us off whether manages to get in contact with assassin, reaches a deal with the church or Rin starts to work with behind Shirou's back.
I'll admit nothing pegleg IS a retarded idea but unless we get a time skip all we can do is continue to try and contact Ayaka or Lily or spend our limited mana on very minor magic practice or send one of the sisters out to find us a wheelchair to at least get mobile.
People DID want us to be like Dio; we lost a fight, our house burnt down and now we're immobile and in the care of one of our new loyal servant while trying to eat people to regain our strength.
>People DID want us to be like Dio; we lost a fight, our house burnt down and now we're immobile and in the care of one of our new loyal servant while trying to eat people to regain our strength.
Seeing as we provide the mana to Stheno and Euryale, we could probably try to tell the two apart by giving the energy we give to each of them a unique signature.
Just a thought.
First we'll need to know who is who though.

I hope our allies will hurry up and find us though.
It is a possibility that they are holding off on showing up due to being uncertain of Medusa's feelings and whether or not she's an ally.

Rather irritating that even after leaving the Shapeless Isles with still been nerfed into inaction by injuries.
We really need to get a regeneration boost.

All this talk of peglegs has given me an idea though. Could we attempt to create actual limbs of nothingness given our greater understanding of the element now?
Suddenly gaining two extra arms would be useful.
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>Could we attempt to create actual limbs of nothingness given our greater understanding of the element now?
So this is what you want?
I was thinking more actual solid limbs, but spooky ghost hands are also cool.
>Emiya will come after us when we're at full strength and not before
Even if he doesn't want us destroyed, which, going by the interlude with Harris would seem isn't the case, meeting with us when we're not in a position of strength is common sense.
Maybe we could try to feel out the distance between us and those we're linked to? Is that possible?
If we could figure out a solid place to search for our allies, I'd be on board with having Saber being a distraction.

I was just thinking about this.
We should be able to produce a magic similar to the scrying we've seen from both Casters, right?
Tsubaki can do it, and it's not one of her special skills.
Same with healing wounds with our magic, given what the other side is made of.
I doubt the realm that sustains the Gods would have such a failing like being unable to accomplish magic like this.
>Rather irritating that even after leaving the Shapeless Isles with still been nerfed into inaction by injuries.
I said when you first left that it was time to face the consequences of your actions. This was what I meant; this is the true consequence of your time on the Shapeless Isle.
Not to say it couldn't have been avoided by making different choices after you woke up and during the Matsuda fight, but the root cause was definitely the decision to curse Medusa.
It is somewhat disheartening that none of our allies could feel Harris anywhere in the vicinity of the Manor though.
Matsuda either. Tsubaki is the one who keyed us into Saber's whereabouts, I'm somewhat interested why she couldn't feel Matsuda that whole time.
>We should be able to produce a magic similar to the scrying we've seen from both Casters, right? Tsubaki can do it, and it's not one of her special skills.
It falls under her Witchcraft: A, and under Circe's High Speed Divine Language: A.
Full divination of the kind that gives you a complete clairvoyant image is difficult, complex attribute-based magic. In the world of ordinary magi, you'd rarely see someone who isn't a divination specialist use it, unless they had a specialized mystic code for the purpose. The magus standard is to have one's familiars observe at a distance for a reason. Harris' repulsion chamber is a fundamentally different method, the name of which should give you some clues.
All that is not to say that you can't learn to scry. You can, given enough time and effort, rebuild the mystery from scratch. It would be one of your biggest achievements as an independent magus. The thing would be a lot easier and faster if you were in contact with someone (or a grimoire) who could teach you, though.

>magic limbs
This is essentially what you've been making all along with your ribbons. Sure, tendrils are more limbs in the octopus sense than the human, but that hasn't stopped you from using them with great effectiveness. Why switch to remaking human limbs?

I wonder why that could have been...
>I wonder why that could have been...
>Odin, Ayaka, and the Phantasmal Beast that specialize in stealth have gone missing.
... That motherfucker took our Master and summon, then obfuscated the senses of those in the Manor, didn't he?
If he hadn't took Futodoki he might've been able to tell there was a shrouding effect going on...

No that doesn't explain Harris' confidence that he could just waltz into the Manor and slit Ayaka and Lily's throats just because everyone was somewhat distracted.
Maybe it was like this then:
>Lancer sees Harris planning to blow up the Manor.
>He thinks it will be a good test of our skills if we come through such a disaster alive.
>He kidnaps Ayaka and Futodoki. The former because he can keep her safe, and stop us from using her to get stronger. The latter because if Futodoki could see through Harris' stealth effect, his entire plan would be ruined.
>Now he waits and sees if we really have what it takes to defeat him, if we can't get through such a simple scheme alive.

Fuck you Odin.
I'd say him absconding with Ayaka is enough to be considered "terrible", huh?
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Just imagine the terrible things he's doing with Ayaka right now, like telling her war stories and complaining about how kids these days have no motivation.
>No that doesn't explain Harris' confidence that he could just waltz into the Manor and slit Ayaka and Lily's throats just because everyone was somewhat distracted.
I don't think anything will ever explain that retard level of overconfidence he had there.
>Magus Killer.
>More arrogant than fucking Kayneth.
>somehow gets away with it because plot was on his side lol.

Still, exceptionally poor show from pretty much all of our servants on this one.
Why do we even bother with allies if they will fail us when we are at our most vulnerable?
What's the point of our huge faction if they are simply going to be useless?

Tsubaki or Circe really didn't think to set up a temple or workshop?
Nobody decided to maybe check what our enemies were up to while we were out of action?
Why do we even allow them independent thought if we are going to have to tell them to do absolutely anything that might be of value?
>repulsion chamber
So it 'repels' something, or has something to do with repulsion.
>William Harris projects his truest self, the Od magnified and dissipated a thousand times over until it has become no more than an invisible, undetectable energetic mist, across the city.
Alright, so it spreads his Od across the city somehow. Could be something to do with the leylines.
>He seeks by repulsion the locations of all his foes, even that creeping thing of faceless enmity which masks its presence so well.
First guess: when his Od is repelled -- say, by people's magic circuits -- he can sense where the repulsion happens and therefore where they are.
>He sees how Assassin lurks in their shadow, and ponders on the nature of this strange, possibly parasitic relationship.
This method can even detect hidden presences, because it bypasses the detection of other individuals' existences, simply relying on perturbations in one's own Od.
>Alright, so it spreads his Od across the city somehow.
Shouldn't this be something that servants with highly in tune magical senses ought to pick up on?
A sudden even minute change in ambient mana?
Shouldn't it also make him highly vulnerable to getting cursed by any magus who notices what he is up to?
Basically what I am saying is...
Shouldn't this sort of thing get your day ruined for trying to use when a Caster is around?

I feel like they ought to have noticed they were being watched.
Fuck, if WE HAD A TEMPLE OR WORKSHOP PUT IN PLACE this method would be completely hopeless at discerning what's going on within it, because his Od almost certainly wouldn't be able to penetrate the magical defences of either.

Basically, our Casters are fucking stupid.

>Still, exceptionally poor show from pretty much all of our servants on this one.
>Why do we even bother with allies if they will fail us when we are at our most vulnerable?
>What's the point of our huge faction if they are simply going to be useless?
Mhm, really makes me think anon. Maybe we need some... downsizing.

Man, if them's facts we need one of those. I imagine the detective capacity of such a device is dependent on magical energy. Maybe it wouldn't work for servantBerich, what with the whole somewhat-embodied issue.

I imagine his confidence is simply due to ability. The guy is special agent number one after all- he was sent to win a grail war. Not as a suicide mission either, but as an actual "yeah he can probably do this" sort of operation. And unlike our boy, he has been doing what he's good at for years rather than days.
>Mhm, really makes me think anon. Maybe we need some... downsizing.
Kill everyone, go back to the OG days of Awakening Mirror. One Master, one Servant, total obliteration
>I imagine his confidence is simply due to ability.
>I'm just going to waltz into a fortress full of servants and kill the masters.
It is possibly the most retarded line of thought he could have had. Especially given that by killing the masters he would've only killed us and maybe Saber.

I miss the early days.
Having a faction this large only to be failed as soon as we look away for literally half a day is painful. We really should just get rid of the lot of them except maybe Medusa.
An unreliable ally is worse than a competent enemy.
>killing off our shitty allies.
That's four upgrades from Circe, Korakuhomo, Adelheid and Saber.
With an additional two powerups from Matsuda and Assassin.

Then we can see if there's any effect by doing the ritual on Shirou and Sakura.
While we spam Bloodfort to the maximum.

I think that ought to be enough for Odin.
Why are we even keeping them around if they aren't providing any meaningful support without direct instruction?
They can't help in the last battle against Odin anyway.
There's no point to keeping any of them alive now.
Then we combine Bloodfort with Sacrificial Ritual through instinctive meme magic, achieving the endgame NP that lets us eat everyone in Tokyo.
After that we do some shit with the Grail to rearrange the leylines of the world into the shape of a sacrificial bloodfort magic circle and eat every living being. Type-EARTH Ending achieved.
>Tsubaki is for headpats and gentle abuse
>We really should just get rid of the lot of them except maybe Medusa.
How do you reconcile these positions, anon?
I do find it funny that Circe didn't scry on anyone. She had a habit of doing so during the Akeldama, not sure why she dropped it now.
It really wouldn't take all that long a time.
Maybe she was busy making a Mystic Code or something?
But Tsubaki probably had other concerns, like trying to figure out a way to wake us up, or what to do about Lancer, hating herself for not being foresightful enough, etc.
Same for the rest of our allies really, if they were reeling from a betrayal like that, and the person they like is now in terminal danger because his Master is under control of a renegade, I could see them being somewhat distraught overall.
To me it looks like it was just the perfect timing for such an attack to be effective.

If he's using repulsion, could he be making a repulsion field around himself that acts like Snake's box?
I can understand something like that, it must have a high level of presence concealment, but not enough to be perfect given he still went for the indirect route, but Matsuda still has a Servant's presence, so I'm not sure how he'd be missed unless something was fucking with perception.
Maybe Harris can extend the effect beyond himself or make multiple repulsion fields?

It most likely has something to do with Harris' origin. Not replicatible unless we find someone with a repulsion origin.
Well Harris probably assumed that the lot of them were being sustained by the Einzbern master.
Not sure how he would've rationalized that we didn't just hook em up to the leylines, but I'm not Snake.

>Having less people to help you is better
no thanks

So now I'm leaning towards going forward with BFA at some point, maybe after we re-unite with our allies.
If Lancer kidnapped Ayaka we'll still need to get stronger, and he most likely put a curse on her to drain her of her od to make it that much harder for us to get strong enough to defeat him.
Re-uniting as fast as possible is sounding like the best option to me.
Any good ideas as to how to accomplish that?
When Odin showed his dick off everyone who could ended up looking over there. Maybe if we had Saber Excalibur a bunch of places it would attract our allies?
Or, what if we join with Saber, and go corner Harris?
If we can use the repulsion chair, or if Harris is about to go hunting our comrades, we could follow him and attack him when he gets to them.

Tsubaki has done plenty with and without prompting.
Are you guys forgetting she researches independently?
Adelheid was busy decoding for us, and Saber hates us and just explained her inaction. Circe is a mystery to me.
None of them are worthless, or worth more as power-ups than just eating the populace.

Now that is the meme ending.
But isn't the Tiamat ending even better?
>Not sure how he would've rationalized that we didn't just hook em up to the leylines, but I'm not Snake.
Normally he'd have someone to explain everything for him over the codec, so figuring shit out on his own is a weak point.
>less people to help
We are in a war and nobody on our side is taking any sort of initiative towards actually winning or even towards not having us lose.
They are all worthless.
We ought to curse of control all of them and turn them into automatons that live only for orders.
What, and Alberich has only made flawless plans?
Are you forgetting that they're people too? They have their own desires, compulsions, worries...
Since the only direct attack against us we've ever taken we saw coming ahead of time, they probably felt a false sense of security.
They normally get info then make a counter plan, not directly react to an attack.
This is literally the first time something like this has happened to Alberich or his team. A screw up is highly likely.
And if they were reeling from just being betrayed in a major way by Lancer, then discombobulation is only to be expected.

Cursing them is a better plan than just eating them, but we can't even eat them anymore since Ayaka is gone.
And I don't want to curse them anyway, personally.
Sure, this is a terrible situation, but it's not like Alberich doesn't have his share of the blame.

Y'know, Lancer probably took Ayaka to push Alberich to become Lily's Servant.
He most likely saw the effect trying to take Rider had on us and decided that he could be far more efficient if he just had more mana.
If we are going to kill all our allies for upgrades, in for a penny in for a pound.
I'd prefer we kept her alive maybe.
I do like her, but that was purely from an efficiency perspective.
>People DID want us to be like Dio; we lost a fight, our house burnt down and now we're immobile and in the care of one of our new loyal servant while trying to eat people to regain our strength.
I just want to say, I'm very glad at least one of you folks is enjoying that parallel. I got a kick out of it myself.
Personally I see the comparison to Kars more.
Because we only seem to lose to asspulls and plot armour.
So, does anybody have any good ideas as for where to search for our allies?

>Hotel Penthouse
>Rich Places
>Leyline Points

She does like taking walks, so we could just run into her.

>Ogawara Home
>Net Cafe?
>Leyline Points
>Harris' Base?

>With Circe
>Amusement Park
>Einzbern Tower Ruins
>Shijou Manor Ruins

>High Places?
>Leyline Points

>With Lily

>With Odin
>Looking for Odin

>With Odin

>Never find him because he's a god.
Fuck you.


Circe should be our first priority because she's predictable and she can speed up our efforts a hundredfold by scrying for the others and teleporting them to our side instantly. She was probably dumb enough to go back to the Shinjuku Metropole instinctively, so start there and check all the other luxurious places. Once we have her, we can find the others in a matter of seconds.
>leave boring filler arc
>allies job hard and are outsmarted by human
>base is destroyed by magical explosion despite Casters.
>Alberich jobs hardcore.
>crippled immediately and allies are spread out all over the place because forced drama
How exciting.
I look forwards to dozens of nothing happening updates and another two threads of fucking nothing happening.
Very exciting.
The most boring consequences possible.
Annoying delays and contrived reasons that our allies can't or won't find us.
Absolutely tops boys. Once we get that "Great Purge" modifier off, we're gonna start steamrolling
Why IS Circe such a shit when it comes to magic?
Did Sweets forget Medea vs Rin?

>Moreover, she uses the treasured fourth jewel to add a synergistic effect.
>This magic is beyond her limits.
>'You can't use magic surpassing your own level.'
>The one who said so is breaking the rule to execute this attack.
>The attack will destroy not only the temple, but the whole church if Caster does not defend against it.
>But the witch in purple blocks it like nothing.
>No, she did not just nullify it.
>Caster has swallowed all of her magical energy inside of her robe.

So Medea can effortlessly absorb the mana from a spell that was composed of multiple gems charged from a leyline for years.
But Circe can't even stop a magical explosion from like a week's build-up of energy?
But seriously, what?
Forgetting that we can't even eat them since Ayaka is indisposed, we'll be pretty lacking when part 3 rolls around and we have to take over the world that has many anti-personnel NPs, with only Lily.
Good luck with that.
Not to mention what would happen if the Mage Association just decided to pool resources and summon Servants or Heroic Spirits to stop us

Just a thought, since Adelheid can manifest anything that the German military used, do you think if we sent morse code radio frequencies she'd pick up on it?
>everyone pretty much collectively decides to sacrifice our allies for a power boost.
>multiple months of writing and character development and the players growing to like characters wiped out because all of them are failures and the players would prefer a letter on the status page over them existing to fail again.
Guys stop, you're going to make Sweets sad.
Now that you poin that out, shouldn't Tsubaki, the resident bounded field expert, have had an even easier time doing something like that than even Circe?
Given that she's also been fucking with the leylines and probably would be able to notice any fluctuations in the bounded fields surrounding the Manor?

I don't want em gone, but without context from what happened in the manor before the explosion it just looks like they're all retards.
Sorry you're not enjoying things, anon. By all means, I encourage you to do your best to make things happen. As I've pointed out several times, it was entirely in your power to stop tthis "jobbing".

Mind of Steel ending, epilogue, no part 3. Guess that makes things easier for me. Time to start more intensive planning for that OC quest, I suppose.

A localized attack blocked at the source compared to a widespread attack with no specific source.
Someone looking directly at the source of the offensive magic compared with someone taken unawares.
Most of all, though, Circe has just been broken down in terms of motivation. She's not someone at the top of her emotional game fighting emphatically for her own goals and happiness, as Medea was; she's been put through the ringer, almost killed, and then handed over to someone she sees as having stolen her love from her. Why you would expect her to perform like Medea is beyond me.
Also, yes, in terms of pragmatically dealing with conflict Medea is leagues beyond either Circe or Kōrakuhime, one being a pampered creature who spent the majority her life entertaining herself on an island over which she held near-absolute power, only to be completely wrapped around Odysseus' finger after a short meal; the other being the mind of an 18-year-old rich misanthropic otaku dropped suddenly into the body of a Servant with a host of new capabilities, desires, instincts, and needs.
These are the two members of your group with the greatest ability to detect incoming attacks, and they are far from being trained soldiers.
Medea, on the other hand, was an active participant in the Argonauts' retreat from Colchis (a major naval battle won almost exclusively due to her wit) as well as Jason's fraught and dangerous life afterwards. After she was put aside by him, she still managed to enact her revenge and then live with some success as a witch, despite having earned the hatred of all Greece. We are looking at a completely different scale of capability and strength of character here.
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It's clear that the problem is lack of motivation. Our allies can't stand one another, and they only cooperate because we keep them in line. What we need is a rousing speech, an oratorical masterpiece that will light the fire in their hearts and bring them closer together.
She probably should have, but plot demanded everyone be a retard.
>it just looks like they're all retards.
It really does.
The fucking human sitting in the garden and messing with the bounded field surrounding the house and nobody fucking notices.

>Circe is useless because sad.
You're killing me here Sweets.
Besides, it simply wouldn't have mattered whether she was looking at the source. The Rin vs Medea battle implies that it wouldn't have mattered, considering she absorbs the magic and doesn't simply nullify it.
You don't just attack an Age of Gods magus with modern magic and expect any sort of positive result.
But Harris and his plot armour can both ignore magic resistance and the magical expertise of Caster.
What a shit character.
The more I think about this, the more possible it seems.
If her durability and strength are passive effects of her NP, then maybe her range of hearing has been changed too?
Are there any Wehraboos who know of frequencies the Germans considered top secret?
If we could get a transmitter, we might be able to get Adelheid to come to us.

We need lessons from Adelheid first. Charisma A should make her a great teacher.
That should be "Age of Gods magus of Caster's level."
Laifos was a pleb.
But Medea in a battle of pure magic could defeat both true magicians according to Nasu (this was when Servants were actually considered impressive, before the dark times.)
Circe is supposed to be her superior in magic.
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Just eat somebody and become Titania already. It's clear that you just want to be the little girl.
>messing with the bounded field surrounding the house
The derelict, inactive shell of a bounded field that hasn't been producing one since Vaisset died, you mean?
>because sad
Try to contemplate some degree of your Servant's emotions, anon. I'm not even going to call it emotional complexity, this is incredibly basic. I'm not talking about sadness. It might be this massive insensitivity that contributed to alienating Circe, you know.
So, if she were fighting with intent, could Circe. What I don't understand is why you would think for a second that in her current situation this woman would bother defending anyone other than herself against that explosion. Obviously she wasn't hurt by it, but why would you expect her to lift a finger to protect the manor's other inhabitants?
>players make bad choices every time
>things go badly
>wahh sweets why did you do this to us
every time
So why didn't either of them set up territory if there were no pre-existing bounded fields then?
>still drawing mana
>servant's emotions
If she wanted to be treated better she shouldn't have been so stupid.
Or maybe she should've tried to excel at the task she's been given instead of sulking.

Ok great that's all I needed to know.
Definitely worth killing her then.
No seriously, even if we decided to become the War-ending Servant that is Titania, we would probably find a way to fuck that up too.
>Obviously she wasn't hurt by it
So she's been just watching us or something.
She's also probably blocking Lily's command seals somehow.
So chances of us finding her before she wants to be found have plummeted.
Which means we have to find Lily who's probably with Stachel.
Adelheid is probably just wandering around too.
We should definitely use a transmitter to send a signal to Adelheid, even if she may not receive it.
I doubt Circe would just cut her off and let her die.
But this REALLY makes me wonder about Tsubaki.
The hell happened to her?
Did she just decide to vanish after feeling like a total failure?
>Didn't make preparations on Rider, anticipating Alberich's desire to make her his Servant
>Alberich collapsed after he cursed Rider
>Alberich's Master got kidnapped because of this
>The house exploded due to a bounded field and you're supposed to be the expert on them

Sometimes bad decisions are disguised as good decisions, and you need an explanation for why it wasn't.

We'd try to tone down her infinite pride and end up getting screwed over by people who would take advantage of that.
Oh I forgot,
>A human is the reason the bounded field exploded when you were bragging about being superior to them
> there were no pre-existing bounded fields then?
The bounded field situation at the Shijou residence was explained two or three times throughout the quest. First you observed the setup under Vaisset when you explored the manor, then Ayaka later spoke about what she understood of it, and lastly Harris analyzed the portion that had fallen into disrepair.
Put simply, the outermost bounded fields which Harris took advantage of were a mystic code that was part of the Vaisset family magic and which he didn't instruct his sister (the Shijou heir) on how to use. This fell into inactivity after the death of the only person who knew how to run it. There was a second, more basic field of observational magic within the house which Ayaka was able to re-establish and then transfer to you after Vaisset's death, but as this was keyed into your consciousness no-one was watching it while you were unconscious.
>no part 3
What, our allies beyond Lily are actually necessary? Darn, no Operation Hummingbird for Alberich then
>our allies beyond Lily are necessary.
No it's because they drag us down.
Mind of Steel Alberich would kick too much ass.
I just think it's silly that none of the incredibly magically skilled members of the household thought to make a better bounded field
With these clarifications, it's become apparent that Circe can assist at any time.
That she hasn't made contact is proof we can't rely on her right now.
So we should be focusing our search on these guys:

Fuck knows where Hecate went.
We have several ways to search for Adelheid. We could get a transmitter, then go wandering around parks and Cafes. I do think if she felt like it that she would be capable of hunting us down with her skills.
If Kourakuhime really does feel like an abject failure, we should find the Ogawara house. She may have wanted to see the human she was based on, and re-evaluate herself.
Lily most likely will end up at the Amusement Park.

Since the Ogawaras are rich, there should be articles or public documents about them, or they may even be in the phone book.
So I think that's where we should start looking.
>Lily most likely will end up at the Amusement Park
Why? I've been wondering about this every time it's been brought up. Why would she go there? I get it's the only other place we've seen her, but what's the reasoning on her part?
Besides that place and the Greater Grail, there's not many other places where she and Alberich share memories. Just the Shijou Manor that's now a crater, and the Einzbern Tower that's now a crater.
So if she was looking for us, she'd go there in the hopes we would as well.
In her situation where both her Servants have abandoned her, there's not too much she can do even with Stachel guarding her, assuming they managed to find each other.
All this is assuming she made it out of the blast perfectly fine, and faced no obstacles getting to safety.

She could be being held somewhere waiting for a rescue.
Or, like has been theorized, Circe is keeping her under and protecting her as her mana battery.
In this case any searching for her is completely pointless, since Circe would be trying to avoid any contact with us.
And I see no reason she wouldn't do this.

Matter of fact, what if Circe just decided to kidnap everyone except Medusa and play out her game even after accepting its end?

Would explain why she left us with Medusa even though she could've ended up being our savior if she'd just killed her and her sisters off.
>So, if she were fighting with intent, could Circe. What I don't understand is why you would think for a second that in her current situation this woman would bother defending anyone other than herself against that explosion. Obviously she wasn't hurt by it, but why would you expect her to lift a finger to protect the manor's other inhabitants?
Yeah, I wonder why. Funny how all people start blaming Circe for not doing enough, when they also degraded her to Lily's servant explicitly to restrict her acting on her own.
There'd be no part 3 after that for the same reason that there isn't a full Mind of Steel route in Heaven's Feel. The story is effectively over, even if the protagonist goes on.
Exactly. Point being, they're required for Part Three. I assume you wouldn't have Mind of Steel'd us if we sacrificed Adelheid and Circe as some thought to at the end of Akeldama.
There was plenty of room to grow from being a guy who would coldly kill his Servants to live.
But if we kill all our allies, it's basically cemented that we're the kind of guy who can kill anyone and still pursue his goal whole-heartedly.
There's not much to say about that story, he'd end up conquering the world after lots of people die at his hand, friend or foe. The End.
>There's not much to say about that story
I don't buy this claim, but I can accept the idea that this is such a departure from what Sweets would be interested in writing that it ends the quest.

>He'd end up conquering the world after lots of people die at his hand, friend or foe. The End.
I just don't see this. The ways in which the protagonist handles resistance, what sort of world he actually wants to create, the internal struggle all victors of such absolute conflict go through- all of these things would be in play, and more. It's a story without a particular brand of struggle, but a story nonetheless.
Now we just need to somehow recruit your take on Jack the ripper and the whole analogy is complete.

Circe, your picks good as any, MAYBE doing a direct attack on Harris if still have any affection for us or trying to get out from under LIly's thumb.
Adelheid, probably with Circe, our botched welding of command seals did make them a package deal.
Korakuhime, I somehow doubt went after Ogawara's, never really seemed to care about and seemed like trying to forget they exist before.
Lily with Circe or at the grail, no point staying in a smoking crater, fact that she's not by our side means something's keeping her from us.
Odin, we're not likely to find him till he finds us, they don't call him 'Vegtam the wanderer' for nothing.
It's a long shot but maybe look into finding Kikuko for Circe/Tsubaki, finding an existing brainwashed loyal follower would make for a decent enough temporary safehouse.
Part of why I supported the big day off, only alternative is to turn them all into lolis and keep them in line with the power of predatory charisma.
>full Mind of Steel route
Literally no way for Shirou to win.
Archer would shred him instantly.
Gilgamesh would crush Shirou.
Nasu probably just couldn't think of a way to conclude that mess with Shirou winning.
There's no reality where Archer doesn't just declare Shirou a lost cause and instantly kill him.

I can't believe that Sweets is threatening to end the entire story if we take what seems to be the most logical choice after we've been successively failed by allies.
It's not like it was actually going to happen anyway.
>Degraded her to Lily's servant.
Our hands were tied and she needed at least some punishment.
Well, hopefully our second reunion with her is more satisfying than the first.
Though I do have an idea.
Seeing as we'll probably end up needing Lily as our Master to fight Odin (we'll still keep her around though, and treat her the same as we always do. She's still important to us thanks to that ritual.) Why don't we offer to Circe the chance to become our Servant again through the curse of control?
She'd definitely prefer that over being Lily's servant, and we could communicate to her mentally.
Same with Adelheid.
And just generally start treating our neglected allies better.
>I can't believe that Sweets is threatening to end the entire story if we take what seems to be the most logical choice after we've been successively failed by allies.
What do you mean, threatening? He's saying the story would reach a logical ending point for him, beyond which lays he nothing he wants to pursue as a writer. Alberich reaches character maturity, the fights become mechanistic instrumentals leading to an already-determined final goal. It is ridiculous to claim that he's "threatening" us for the choice.
Sounds like railroading to me.
Mind of Steel is a dead end that leads to the Taiga Dojo, so a Mind of Steel end should probably just boot us back to the choice.
Yeah whatever I don't care.
I was just pointing out that Sweets was going too far with an attempt to dissuade players from taking a path they obviously weren't serious about outside of hypotheticals.
If they were serious then it's just time for Titania anyway.
If we turned around and killed all our allies right now, we'd basically become Evil-Kiritsugu.
All people would look only like numbers to us, and we'd find no enjoyment in anything but tormenting people and fucking Lily.
Eventually through using everything he could find his hands on, he and his Queen would rule supreme for eternity.

Sweets confirmed that Circe was completely unharmed from the blast.
That she didn't come aid us, or pop by to give information, says that she's in a state of apathy towards us atm.
Hell, maybe she wants to see us worry over her, and is enjoying our injured state.
Kourakuhime immediately killed the conversation when we asked her why he didn't kill himself if his life was so terrible.
I'm fairly certain that she was just putting up a front and trying to act like a demoness.
Now that pretty much everything she was trying for has kinda went up in smoke, she probably either went to the Ogawaras to re-affirm herself, or she's hanging out in a net cafe trying to escape from reality.

We should figure out how to find them before we make plans on what to do with them after we find them.
All I got is:
Kourakuhime: Net Cafe, Ogawaras
Adelheid: Radio Frequencies, Cafes, Parks
Circe: Lavish Places, but doesn't want to be found so...
Lily: Places where we share memories.

I want to prioritize finding Tsubaki and Adelheid, since both shouldn't be too hard to find.
Adelheid especially.
She should have many ways to track down people with her military abilities.

At the rate we're going, nobody will be willing to forgive them, and all vote to unleash the loli queen upon the planet.
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It'd be possible to do that if there's only one person integral to Part 3. That's probably not the case.
>K-hime does enko in akihabara to earn money for netcafe time-wasting
Cursed interlude
She has Golden Rule.
All she has to do is walk into a corner store and buy a bunch of lottery tickets.
Well you're disregarding the fact that she is literally magic and could just magic herself up some money.
Hopefully all of our allies just feel too ashamed to meet us after such a colossal failure and nobody is planning anything nefarious.
This is a decent opportunity to improve our relationship with Circe if we remember to have Alberich appear happy to see her.
Same for all of our Servants.
Actually having proper alone time with Circe just to talk with her might go a long way in repairing the relationship.

I do think we should offer to become her master when we become Lily's servant though.
That's kind of all Circe wanted after her loss and it was still denied to her.
I don't want our allies to be sad or frustrated anymore if it's going to impact their performance to such a degree.

Seems that our servants achieve better results if their happiness meter is higher.
Medusa is near max and was great.
Saber is at rock bottom and did nothing.

We ought to treat Alter better anyway.
Yeah, I did realize immediately afterward that she could just magic her way inside, either through brainwashing or shrouding or something.

Can we not make any overly-optimistic assumptions about our allies for now?
We're literally in this situation because they couldn't deal with 12 hours without Alberich's expert guidance.
I'd prefer to plan while assuming they're all potential renegades, runaways, or being capricious. Unless they're Lily, who's probably really distressed right about now.

What if we had Rider steal us a car, and we drove around looking for everyone?
We could give Saber some ideas for where to look for everyone, and we could go search for Lily, Adelheid, and Kourakuhime.
If we meet Lily we should be able to fully heal nigh-immediately, if we meet Adelheid we can safely use BFA, and if we meet Kourakuhime we can search for everyone else.
Or what about having Stheno and Euryale charm all the men in Tokyo and turn them into our search net?
gentle is relative
>[X] "Not necessarily. As it happens, my other Servant is that very same Saber. Perhaps I can have her distract Emiya's faction while we attempt to regroup with my other allies and subordinates."
>[X] Ask Rider about places Hecate likes to be.
>[X] Think of your comrades, and the most likely places they would go after the manor explosion. Share your thoughts with Saber. Even if it's a fishing expedition, having some bait may make catching something easier.

Maybe she'd know?
Even if I can only think of so many places they'd go, maybe between Alberich, The Gorgon Sisters, and Saber, they can figure somewhere out.
I'll add:
>[X] Consider ways to contact your allies even without knowing their locations.
Let's see if Alberich can come up with anything.
>>>Ask Rider about places Hecate likes to be. (not a vote btw)
I know both of them are Greek Goddesses and all, but please remember that Rider spent practically all of her time trapped on an island and the Hecate of now is quite different from the Hecate of thousands of years ago.

Also why would you set us up for getting Saber Ruru Bureaka'd.

>Can we not make any overly-optimistic assumptions about our allies for now?
I'd rather not live in crippling fear that our servants are plotting to betray us. We're enough of a cripple already, I don't want to start acting more like Kayneth.
>they couldn't deal with 12 hours without Alberich's expert guidance.
To be fair, everything would've been fine if Harris wasn't plot armoured like a mecha main character.
>What if we had Rider steal us a car, and we drove around looking for everyone?
Why a car? Why not have her grab a helicopter?
Also we might run into problems if we have the loli be the one doing the driving, even if she's like 5 times better at driving than Alberich
>We could give Saber some ideas for where to look for everyone, and we could go search for Lily, Adelheid, and Kourakuhime.
We should've done that from the start.
Or at least given her brief rundowns of places they are likely to be given their personalities.
>If we meet Lily we should be able to fully heal nigh-immediately, if we meet Adelheid we can safely use BFA, and if we meet Kourakuhime we can search for everyone else.
We can get a full heal if we meet up with Circe too, but she should be with Lily anyway. I think Circe has suffered enough already. This could have been her time to shine and totally redeem herself in Alberich's eyes. Fucking birdbrain.
>Or what about having Stheno and Euryale charm all the men in Tokyo and turn them into our search net?
You mean all the men in Tokyo who would attempt to molest or rape them and have to be killed by Medusa?
Prrrrobably not a wise move.
What is a wise move however is seeing if their supernatural charm on men works even if they are recorded and can have their messages played.
Getting the two worshipped will be quite simple if it does.
And then Medusa will only have to deal with the occasional crazy dedicated stalker that tracks them down by a reflection in their eye.

You know, we could always rope in the original Ogawara by calling his house.
He should remember Akeldama after all.
That ought to spur Kourakuhime into action if she's uh... reading us.
>Medusa and Hecate
Weren't the Gorgons Titans? When they weren't shackled to their isle, they should've met with everyone else right?
Am I getting my Greek mythology correct?

>rur bre
For now it's just a suggestion. I'm pretty sure with the way the response is worded that it's more focused on revealing that Saber is our Servant than the distraction.
Sounds good to me. Just until we get shot down and separated from Medusa.
>shoulda done dat alredy!
We can always do it... right now?
It's not probable that she's made such significant progress already that our suggestions wouldn't be useful.
She's demonstrably unwilling to aid us right now. Attempting to rely on her when she isn't reaching out seems quite idiotic to me.
We can tell Saber about the hotel anyway, even make it her first destination!
>The men would gangrape
Alright, I see the problem here.
But weren't we going to make Stheno, Euryale, and Hecate the Goddess Idol Band?
Not being able to sing would kinda ruin that.

>Get Ogawara
>He should remember Akeldama after all.
I mean we cooould...
Tsubaki might even make a move...
But I'd rather find her ourselves or wait for her to come to us.
Something about that avenue of reaching her tickles me the wrong way.
>Not being able to sing would kinda ruin that.
We can add Medusa to the idol band.
And also Circe.
Give them all a magical girl theme.
That way we can have Circe or Hecate set up impenetrable barriers and have Medusa stone anyone that somehow becomes a problem.
It's uh
All part of the show.

I wonder if receiving worship would actually increase Medusa's divinity.
>Lost Divinity can't be regained.
Gonna have to say no.
She's already dead; If she was alive there might be a chance of it though.
So, you don't wanna see what Alberich, The Gorgons, and Saber can come up with to try and make contact with our allies?
>Lost Divinity can't be regained.
Yeah, Lost Divinity can't be regained in the way we made her young again because it doesn't work that way.
There should be nothing against her gaining new divinity from new worship though.

Is it possible through worship of humans for divinity to be gained by servants?
Perhaps that might finally improve our relationship with Circe once again. Giving her the opportunity to bask in the adoration of millions of humans to regain that which was once taken from her.
>She's already dead
Actually, this probably makes deifying her easier. Lot of people were deified posthumously.
Shit, look at Iskandar. He got to Divinity C just because he said Zeus was his dad even though Zeus most definitely was not his father.

That's really on us.
>The Gorgons
How would they know? All Stheno and Euryale's impact on the conversation would be is making Alberich more light-headed.
And probably making Kourakuhime terribly jealous that we didn't let her drink our blood.
Would purposely give us misleading information even if she knew exactly how to find them. Because she's a bitch.
They're still only spirits summoned in an impartial state.
If she wasn't stuck in a class container I might say it's possible.

Medusa a Gorgon too you know.
We just ordered Saber to use everything she's got to find them. Shouldn't she be unable to do that?
6 heads are better than one, especially when we have almost no leads.
Maybe they can figure out something none of us can.
>They're still only spirits summoned in an impartial state.
>If she wasn't stuck in a class container I might say it's possible.
But we know that the alteration of class containers is possible, so actually gaining divinity shouldn't be impossible.
Don't forget that Alberich is in a class container and could likely gain Divinity through taking it from another servant if he so wished.
I think getting Circe and Hecate both actually worshipped as goddesses could possibly even repair their ruined relationship. Especially if it actually begins to have an effect on their divinity.
But Alberich is alive though, it's something specifically stated in his status.
I think that effects what he can do even though he's in a class container differently than it would a Heroic Spirit.
Hecate is also alive though.
There shouldn't be anything stopping external factors from changing the make-up of a servant anyway.


Yeah, it could indeed be possible.
Especially for Hecate.
I'm simply skeptical of it working for Medusa, since her ascension to the throne is gaining divinity of a sort, and being shunted in a class container is a huge downgrade.
>since her ascension to the throne is gaining divinity of a sort, and being shunted in a class container is a huge downgrade.
May as well change to this
>[ ] For now continue to attempt to relocate our companions, should Saber's search prove fruitless recall after a couple days to begin prepping the ritual.

Currently the worst we can expect from Emiya is trying to talk a mangled servant not to continue fighting a HGW, he should know by now we have Salter but isn't actively trying to stop us because we haven't been acting like AM and sending her to 'distract' him is likely to end up antagonizing against us more directly when right now all we're doing is 'looking for our sibling, surrogate mother, lover and friends after losing our home'.
At the same time, as I said before, we can't wait too long to get back into fighting condition because its giving Harris more time to come up with a plan against us whether locate assassin, contact the church or for Rin to start working with him.
This is what I want to do.
Focus all efforts on finding our friends.
I think we should pool our intellects together in order to come up with ways to find them though, whether they be communicating with them, or going to where we think they may be.
If we can gather them, then putting up BFA is simple.
It is called ascending to the Throne for a reason.
She became a record.
So long as something remembers that Medusa existed, the record will be there.
I'd say that's even more godlike than the entities that die when they're killed.

If she incarnated I'd agree with regaining her Divinity, but as is I'm having a time of it trying to wrap my head around the possibility.
I disagree for many reasons.

Mostly because a servant is only a copy of that record like the record is only a copy taken of the original.
And you can also leave the throne if you want to enough *fucking apo*

A record taken from the throne can be modified in whatever way you want really. Like you could take a Demigod like Heracles and strip him of his divinity to turn him into Alcides.
I can agree on the rest but i'll have to disagree on having Salter run interference on Emiya instead of continuing to search for our companions for the reasons I stated.
Beyond that we can't really scry and can only afford to send Saber out to investigate the places we come up with unless we make ourselves a target, we could start emulating Tsubaki's killings to acquire extra energy and maybe send a message to her but it would be a long shot.
Meanwhile I think unless she hooked up with someone who isn't Circe I believe Hecate is likely laying low until we make our glorious comeback, she isn't going to fade unless we die meanwhile her magic is so low someone likely can't detect unless actively looking for her; that is assuming Circe didn't take the opportunity to kill her old rival in the confusion, at her current strength it's not like we'd know the difference between being caught and killed by our enemies or betrayal over old grudges.
>assuming Circe didn't take the opportunity to kill her old rival in the confusion
Well we know that Hecate was alive when we last checked.
Here's hoping Circe took the advantage to flex on Hecate about how much better she is than her.
Getting everyone in this group to get over their old resentment and grudges is something of a priority.
Ok, mostly Circe.
Only Circe.

Why must you be such a troublemaker, you god damn Yandere archetype?
To modify a dead Servant, you have to use magic specifically for the purpose. Like tracing a new groove into a record.
It seems like your suggestion with divinity would be more like trying to add a new vocal track to a record by singing next to it. That kind of thing only works while it's being recorded. While the hero is alive. The ability to gain power that way is exactly what makes us so special.
I didn't much care for the letting Saber distract the Emiya's plan anyway.

Pretty much this.
We don't know how human worship will interact with a servant though.
It's something that has never been seen before.
It's entirely possible for deification to occur to people even long past their death.
Like Caesar has divinity despite being deified post death.
It's not like we're going to have them do pull-ups to increase their strength.

We don't quite know what will happen, if anything, from a spirit of any kind receiving worship from millions of humans.
Be it a degraded divine spirit or a degraded heroic spirit.
Do you think the real reason Matsuda always makes it through our fights is that he has the tiger dojo too? He is kind of conspicuously tiger-themed.
Clearly then, we need to have a three way duel between Matsuda, Shirou and Alberich, just to see the zany hijinks of destiny itself refusing to allow any of them to die.