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You are Alberich: apparent knight, demonstrable killer, familiar twice over, possible relation of Gods, and modern hero. You are in another time and another place, wandering catacombs populated by the vengeful corpses of warriors who perished in their quests to slay Medusa.
On the night of November 13, 2019, you found yourself in a dimly lit stone basement, standing in the middle of a magic circle. You had been summoned as a Servant, a figure out of legend contracted after their death to fight alongside a magus for the Holy Grail. In your case, however, you were and conned by Judas Iscariot into taking his place despite not being any such thing.
Since then, you've made your way through a chain of events even stranger than those you faced in the Akeldama. You've lost one Master and gained another on the point of death. You've slain three enemy Servants and converted four to your cause. You've met, allied with, and betrayed the survivors of the last War: a family of magi dedicated to destroying the Holy Grail. You've discovered your true nature, as an artificial hero cobbled together from the souls of over 300 sacrifices and imbued with false memories. You've met the two others like you, formerly 'human' compatriots in the Akeldama's War who have since been transformed into Servants. You've fallen in love with Liliesviel von Einzbern, a homunculus at the center of the Holy Grail War whose desperate need and ephemeral beauty captured your heart. You've begun to walk the path of magical knowledge, and through the use of your Noble Phantasm summoned forth two impossible existences from the Reverse Side of the World: a phantasmal beast and a goddess. This morning, you cracked open the soul of a captured enemy, hoping to take power over her by magic. Instead, you've found yourself wandering in the labyrinthine inner world of her spirit.
None of your experiences have changed your goal, however. Whatever the purpose or origin of your life, and regardless of who stands in your way, there is only one path before you. You will take the Holy Grail with your own hands.
Four Servants remain to fall by your sword.

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For those of you finding the quest for the first time now, here's a PDF of the complete story of Fate/Awakening Mirror up until the last update before this thread, which you'll find much faster reading than the archives.
You will need to read the archived threads for Fate/City Akeldama first, though, as that's the first part of this story.
The three pedestals atop the plinth; the three warriors who attacked you; the resurrection of the dead in a place where men are most often killed by being turned to stone. Seeing the connection between these elements hardly requires an enormous mental leap, and the more you consider the situation, the more this version of things seems to outshine all other explanations in plausibility. In that case, the only means of getting any clue as to whether this plinth holds any significance is to track down the third man, the assailant who prefers striking from the shadows to facing you openly. How you intend to do that is another question, of course; you can hardly chase the man, considering he escaped at some point during your battle with the hoplite, and it isn't as though you've been traveling through some rain-sodden forest, where tracks appear obviously in the mud.

Morosely looking down at the unyielding stone floor, you realize that isn't quite true. It may not be deep mud, but there is a thin layer of dust and grime coating the floor of the catacombs! Here in the chamber of the plinth, as well as in the first few meters of corridor, there's no chance of finding a trail; the fighting has left the floor a complete mess. Beyond the area of battle, though, things begin to resolve. In the less-frequently trod corridor, you can make out the traces of footsteps clearly under the light of your torch. Two sets of tracks, moreover, some of which overlap the others. Either one man went up the corridor and then came back, or a second man fled back over the tracks of the first. Being responsible for the first set of tracks yourself, you know the first scenario holds no water.

You follow the retreating set of tracks about halfway back to Laifos' cell before they finally diverge from your own; they turn right, to descend down a steep set of stairs that seems to plunge right down into the earth, with each step so narrow and far below the previous that they have almost more in common with a ladder. Still, you're not to be deterred now, and you descend the stairs with care, following the continuing tracks of the assassin as you go. At the bottom of the stairwell, a corridor stretches straight on ahead of you into the darkness. It's almost identical to that which you followed above, save for the fact that rather than doors, there are pairs of alcoves set into the walls at regular intervals. Each alcove is just wide, tall, and deep enough to allow a of average height and build to stand within and not protrude into the corridor. Given the purpose of the catacombs, however, you suppose they are meant for neither living men nor decorations, but as a novel way of storing corpses petrified into postures which do not permit for storage on shelves.
Perhaps the most important aspect of this new corridor, however, is the fact that here, the assassin's tracks do not continue. You can observe the faint print of his sandal in the grime which adorns the lowest step of the ladder, but there are no such prints of any kind on the floor of the corridor immediately below. Is it worth continuing, you wonder, or only a very strange dead end?

>[ ] The assassin must have doubled back in his own footprints to avoid you; it's a technique you remember Yumigawa seeing in a movie once, but you'd never expected to fall prey to it yourself. Go back and look for another possible route.

>[ ] The assassin must have found some way of continuing without touching the floor in the hopes of tricking you into turning back. Continue down this new corridor.

>[ ] Perhaps you're following the wrong course in attempting to track the assassin altogether. Go back and ask Laifos if he knows anything about the plinth, or where the assassin might have disappeared to.

>[ ] Do something else. (Write in)
Well, that's great. Our April Fool's gimmick this year has decided I should have this crying face instead of my name and trip, despite the fact that I didn't manage to get this update done until after midnight. Hopefully things will be back to normal in another 6-12 hours.
Aside from that, sorry for the shortness of the update. I've been having a bit of a hard time writing, and just wanted to get something posted. I'll call the vote and write more in 8 hours.
>[X] The assassin must have doubled back in his own footprints to avoid you; it's a technique you remember Yumigawa seeing in a movie once, but you'd never expected to fall prey to it yourself. Go back and look for another possible route.

Wow, so he followed our footprints, split off, made another trail, then doubled back on that one, to follow our trail again.
>[ ] The assassin must have doubled back in his own footprints to avoid you; it's a technique you remember Yumigawa seeing in a movie once, but you'd never expected to fall prey to it yourself. Go back and look for another possible route.
>>[ ] The assassin must have doubled back in his own footprints to avoid you; it's a technique you remember Yumigawa seeing in a movie once, but you'd never expected to fall prey to it yourself. Go back and look for another possible route.

On one hand I doubt he backtracked all the way to Laifos' cell; on the other going further just screams being baited into being baited into a horde.
If this is incorrect can just ask the guy for info when we get there.
>[ ] The assassin must have doubled back in his own footprints to avoid you; it's a technique you remember Yumigawa seeing in a movie once, but you'd never expected to fall prey to it yourself. Go back and look for another possible route.
I want to get off Miss Medusa's Wild Ride.
In that case, you'll be happy to know things are starting to draw to a close here. You've already recovered a good deal of your power by cutting down three of the would-be heroes who came here to kill Medusa; a bit more fighting and you'll be ready.
We aren't going to get Rip Van Winkled once we leave right?
Well, you certainly haven't been asleep for a century.
This response doesn't reassure me.
>wake up
>it's been 1000 years since we went into medusa's magical realm
>we're in the land of steel
>gun god just dug us up
Part 3: Fate/Contraction Point.
Fun idea, anon.
Next to the godslaying gun, Gun God finds Alberich, preserved by magic never seen before. In the Bird Drop mission he makes an opening in the body of Type-VENUS with the Black Barrel and flies toward the heart; Alberich cuts its core in half with Heiligöffnungschwert; the two barely make it out of the collapsing body of the dead Aristoteles and are hailed as heroes of the dying world. While Gun God is content to earn his living hunt angels that come from the corpse and spend his free time drinking with an Angel A-Type who happens to be attracted to him, Alberich sets out to gain more power and conquer the world of steel.
One day, Gun God finds that a mysterious angel who calls herself "V/V" has come to his house claiming that he killed her; Alberich, meanwhile, is using his magic to consume the angel minions and increase his power.
While Gun God grows closer to V/V, Alberich expands his influence and becomes a power in his own right. Gun God survives the mission against Type-SATURN because Alberich's participation in the battle allows him to get away without as much damage to his plane.

Eventually, it all comes to a head when the essence of Type-VENUS within Alberich allows him to figure out that it reincarnated as V/V, and he resolves to consume her. Now hopped up on the juice of two Types, Alberich moves against Gun God and V/V, almost killing them before he's driven back by the sacrifice of Gun God's old acquaintance, the Angel A-Type.

Gun God and V/V flee from the City of the World Trees and Alberich's dominion, seeking their last hope in the Witch Swift Umbrella. If there is anyone who can stop the tyrant, it is surely Ado Edem...
Wouldn't it be more likely that Alberich would try to curse her?
Would you settle for having the power of an Ultimate One under your thumb when you could take it for yourself?
>Just leave to face Medusa. Get me the hell outta here
Probably the same reason we chose not to take Medusa's power.
>Probably the same reason we chose not to take Medusa's power.
What, waifufaggotry? Actually, you might be right
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Looking at this, I'd say she's at least a B.
Alberich would be the one getting consumed.
The moment he tries to do something as retarded as steal the power of a Type is the moment he's guaranteed an end to his existence.
Alberich would likely just become an extension of the Type he tried to pilfer power from.
This is the same guy who Angra would turn into a meatsuit.
Not somebody who can fight off entities like ORT and Crimson Moon.
>Angra would turn into a meatsuit
Nah, Alberich is reaching Gilgamesh tier pride, so he can resist the 6 gorillion curses.
Once he becomes a sorcerer, he'll have a better shot at fighting types. I'll agree his chances are basically non-existent now though.
This is why he starts off small. A mindless angel is such a small fragment of Type-VENUS's power that Alberich can easily crush its resistance, so he thinks he can farm them safely. Of course, this backfires because the alien mindset of the Type slowly twists his own.
It's not like he literally runs up to a full-blown Ultimate One and tries to eat it.
>once he becomes a sorcerer
Weren't the 5 True Magicians in Notes barely able to hold their own against the Types?
Even Zelretch in his prime only stopped Crimson Moon because Crimson Moon didn't understand magic.
And in doing so he was also weakened terribly.

He didn't even kill it either.
Alberich isn't ever going to be Type tier.
Hell, even if he became a Beast, that's only an extension of Gaia and thus inferior to Types.
Obviously he's never going to be equal to a Type. If he was Ado Edem wouldn't be able to kill him, which would undermine everything.
It's been a while since I've read notes, but aren't all the sorcerers dead? Gun God is the last human alive.
Zelretch might be around, or he might have fucked off to a more interesting universe, who knows.

It was my understanding that TYPES are the strongest beings of their respective planets.
Given that Alberich has an affinity for converting energy directly into strength, as well as the ability to nope things out of existence, I'd say there's a real possibility he could reach such prominence.

What would it undermine exactly? I haven't paid much attention to nasuverse stuff after Fate Extra.
I'm curious. What happened to the Reverse Side of the World in Notes?
He wouldn't even be able to attempt to steal portions of a Type's power due to them being so horribly alien and Alberich being very much an existence tied to the concepts of Earth.
The conflict of concepts within him might even end up causing his existence to fail completely or some other super dead end.
I'd argue that due to being a conceptual being himself that he'd adapt to it very quickly.
>I haven't paid much attention to nasuverse stuff after Fate Extra.
Ado Edem is a very strong guy. He's known as the Ether Liner who killed Type-JUPITER in one hit with his Knight Arm, and the ensuing explosion made an entire continent uninhabitable. Because he was so dangerous, everyone else locked him up in the Witch Swift Umbrella.
Wasn't thought up back then.
The Six Sisters are each true magic users.
They all ended up dying either against Ether Liners or against Type-Pluto.

And no, Types embody the will of their respective planets while also being the most powerful lifeforms of said planet. It's essentially a convuluted way of saying they are the planets themselves.

And you should know thatin the Nasuverse, different planets tend to have different concepts.
The concept of death for example is very much limited to Earth, and even then beings like Tiamat don't have it.
He'd just explode even more horribly.
Ado Edem's 'Knight Arm' is a sword called "Slash Emperor", and it grows to match its target's size by consuming the planet. It's so powerful it clears the blood-red sky that repels two Types just by being deployed, looking like a blue aura.
Ado Edem wasn't very well-known before the Ultimate Ones attacked, because there were no enemies big enough for Slash Emperor to show its true worth.
Ok now I'm curious how TYPES can die if the concept is limited to earth. If Gaia's reality marble fell with her death, then how do TYPES die?
They obviously do, otherwise Notes would be a contradictory work.

I'm just not convinced of that. He's proven very malleable so far, absorbing all those souls while remaining himself. And once Conceptual Biology gets to A++ He'll be more more of a concept than a living being. Concepts being able to accept other concepts just makes sense to me.

What does consuming the planet mean? It can't take Gaia's life after it's dead. Does it just eat rocks?
Remember that Alberich's origin is Emptiness, or Hollow; which is to say, a space that can never be filled, and will remain perpetually in the state of consumptive sacrifice in which he was born.
This definitely opens up some rather shocking possibilities with regards to Earth, Humanity, and the power and nature of a Type, if you want to take your situation to the farthest extreme.
That's not even getting into the situation of the Reverse Side of the World, and its relation to Types, which is itself quite interesting. Earth is, after all, the only planet to have sustained Gods.
He was effectively designed by Judas with the intent of taking human and servant souls into him to empower him.

Attempting to do the same with a Type would be equivalent to trying to thread a thermonuclear missile through the eye of a needle.

Types don't die when they are killed.
Except when they do.
Venus didn't.
Nasu is inconsistent.
>a space that can never be filled
>The Third True Magic is a perpetual motion machine
RIP anything that tries to fuck with Alberich.

No, that was the fuel that crystalized his being. He was made out of nothing, so he should be able to adapt to anything.

Just because the concepts are completely alien doesn't strip them of being concepts themselves.
TYPE-MERCURY is hanging out in Gaia's reality marble just fine, proving alien concepts can be processed by earthers.

And as Sweets said, he can't be filled no matter how much you shove in there, but maintaining himself would be the true challenge.

Venus reincarnated.
You can only reincarnate if you die.
>Gaia's Reality Marble
It being a reality marble is headcanon btw.
Also it's really fucking not existing just fine.
It corrupts wherever it goes into Crystals iirc.

I also don't agree with Sweets' conclusion about this at all, his capacity is theoretically unlimited but Types would be fundamentally incompatible.
Types would also always remain superior.
Zelretch is able to casually throw infinite energy about and that doesn't mean shit.
So let's stay away from the no limits fallacies ok Sweets?
>It being a reality marble is headcanon btw.
Really? Then what does it matter if Gaia is still alive or not? If all the concepts it holds together by it's existence aren't represented by a reality marble, then why does humanity need to create those beings that could live in the world without it?

>Be made out of something that can adapt to anything
>These things are incompatible with you
Something does not compute.

Types get killed m8, they're not the end all be all. Just stupid strong.
Zelretch is also limited by how much of that energy he can hold inside his body. Otherwise he would never lose fights, or get weakened.
>>Be made out of something that can adapt to anything
... on Earth, maybe.
You genuinely have no idea how fucked the powerscale of the Nasuverse is.
Take Tiamat, who is massively weaker than a type.
Her Sea of Life is unlimited in volume.
Suddenly an unlimited capacity sounds far less impressive.
>Types aren't the be all end all
>Fate is made by Type-Moon
Jokes aside, they really are.
Notes is kind of inconsistent now because Nasu has added so much since then.

Arcueid as Archetype Earth is the best example I can give as to their power.
Where if she dies (through suicide) it would kill everything on the planet in addition to her.
I'm also fairly certain she's aware of everything occuring on the planet at once.
And also kind of grew to a size where she was larger than the planet.
>I also don't agree with Sweets' conclusion about this at all, his capacity is theoretically unlimited but Types would be fundamentally incompatible.
What I said doesn't contradict this. I know I'm being cryptic, but I'll tell you that I wasn't driving at the idea of absorbing Types.
>TYPE-MERCURY is hanging out in Gaia's reality marble just fine, proving alien concepts can be processed by earthers.
Not true. ORT corrupts the area around it into the Reality of Mercury.
>You genuinely have no idea how fucked the powerscale of the Nasuverse is.
All i know about the Nasuverse past Extra is that it became trash.
But even in notes a whole continent gets razed by one TYPE.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Tiamat like one of the oldest gods? Didn't she oversee the creation of life? Not sure how it is in the Nasuverse though.
But I think being able to power yourself up with no limit, and being able to completely flood anything are different enough.

>Where if she dies (through suicide) it would kill everything on the planet in addition to her.
>I'm also fairly certain she's aware of everything occuring on the planet at once.
Alright, that makes enough sense. Especially since she just hangs out in her Castle unless Roa possesses somebody again.

>And also kind of grew to a size where she was larger than the planet.
>The planet grew bigger than the planet.
nasu wat r u doin

I was unaware of that, thanks.

...So not absorbing the concepts, but being able to fight them on our own terms? Pull off what MERCURY is doing and drag them into our concepts?
>the oldest gods
Oldest Gods OF EARTH yes.
As I will repeat infinitely, planets in the Nasuverse are completely bonkers broken and entirely seperate from each other most of the time.
Alaya alone can purge entire timelines relative to the confines of the planet.
This ability would almost certainly not work on Types.

Alberich at the very peak of his power might have a chance at fighting Types, but attempting to absorb their concepts would be more harmful to him than drinking the entire Sea of Life garnished with All The World's Evil.
>Oldest Gods OF EARTH yes.
Sweets message implied to me that planets besides Earth aren't strong enough to sustain Gods, wouldn't that mean they just wander around in space?
I remember reading something in these threads about outsiders in F/GO, if those gods can exist independently, why would that make them necessarily weaker than TYPES?

>Alaya alone can purge entire timelines relative to the confines of the planet.
>This ability would almost certainly not work on Types.
Then how does Alaya do it? TYPE-MERCURY is hanging out in South America.

>drinking the entire Sea of Life garnished with All The World's Evil.
Sounds like a nice cocktail to drink. You think if Alberich did that and came out completely sane Gilgamesh would approve?
>planets besides Earth aren't strong enough to sustain Gods
Not at all.
Gaia actually just has autism compared to the other Types so does dumb shit all the time. It needed Crimson Moon's help to even make proper candidates for being Ultimate Ones.
Arcueid by herself would crush entire pantheons, especially if she wasn't limited to 30 percent of her power.
Gaia cries to the other types to help all the time.
Earth is like the retard everyone else feels obligated to help out.

Gods are explicitly much weaker than planets.
The only exception being Amaterasu, who is more like a Type than a Goddess, considering she was born from the universe and not any particular planet as a star.
>how does Alaya do it?
I assume the parts of South America touched by ORT exist on a separate axis of time.

>did that and came out sane
He couldn't.
Angra is one thing but the Sea of Life isn't something that he could not resist.
>Not at all.
I'mma need some sauce on this since I seem to recall something that told me differently, but I can't remember where I read it.

>Gaia cries to the other types to help all the time.
Wouldn't that be twice? Once to make an Ultimate One, and again to wipe out the parasites crawling on her corpse?

>Gods are explicitly much weaker than planets.
>Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth are weaker than Arcueid.
Nasu pls.

>the Sea of Life isn't something that he could not resist.
So he can resist it?
I remember reading people say that it only effects humans, and since Alberich isn't human he'd be immune.
Yeah I'm sorry but you're the one claiming that Earth IS stronger, burden of proof is on you buddy.
Outer Gods aren't Divine Spirits.
And I'd much prefer keeping out of Lovecraftwank entirely.
Shit is already complicated enough without going down that path.
>he could resist it
It should work on anything born of Tiamat, which should be all life on the planet.
Alberich and Homonculi included.
Or if we go full Alberichwank and it couldn't corrupt him the tide of imaginary numbers would probably simply dissolve him into mana not unlike what happened with Gil.
Even a win is a loss.
Succ Water is enough to instantly end him.
>claiming that Earth IS stronger
Actually you're the one claiming all the other planets can do the same thing, even though we've never seen that. Which is why I'm asking you.
If you're gonna talk about properties where they appear, then why should they be ignored?
>revert into your primordial form and despair!
But he was born in the Imaginary Number realm, not on earth. Not sure if that would qualify as being born of Tiamat. And even if it was, if he became more of a concept than a living being, then wouldn't he be able to ignore it since it would be magic?

And yeah, that succ water is stupidly OP. We should use some of that in a trap or something.
>properties where they appear
We ignore FGO all the time here.
Come now anon.

The other planets don't NEED Gods because Ultimate Ones are far superior.
This is like wondering why the US Military isn't spending half of it's budget on making iron spears.
>he was born in imaginary numbers
Doesn't really matter, he's the creation of a human.
Solomon can mess around in INS, doesn't mean he's going to have anything that can bypass Nega-Genesis.
You might have an argument if Alberich was created through the will of Gaia, but seeing as he was made by a man, he can't defeat mom.
When you put it like that, Earth really is cursed, to be able to create beings that can stand up to other planets.
Maybe everyone else is doing something wrong.

>Ignoring FGO
>Debating Tiamat

>he can't defeat mom.
even with infinite magic resistance?
Tiamat's powers conceptually assault all of her descendants; since this includes all life on earth, and Alberich was made by a human and brought to life with a human sacrifice, he definitely falls under her power.
Plus, remember that Imaginary Numbers is the realm of the gods, of which Tiamat is one. Alberich's tie to the Imaginary Elements makes him closer to the gods than humans are, not more distant.

>The other planets don't NEED Gods because Ultimate Ones are far superior.
It might not be wise to go quite that far. Earth had the Gods, and the other planets had their Types, but whether one is greater than the other is hard to say. Certainly, during the Age of Gods, the collected power of Earth's beings was greater than that of any other planet's. Earth has declined a great deal since then, though.
Ignoring the stupid parts of FGO is the wisest thing you can do.
Randomly including Lovecraft stuff as not even the focus of the main plot and more somise kinda sidestory arc is something I have no problem disregarding.
Lovecraft really deserves major story focus if you include it as it stands it just feels out of place in the lore.
>infinite magic resistance
Pretty sure Authority isn't technically magic so Alberich is shit out of luck.

Earth was very much an idiot savant when it made humans.
Which also all kind of died in the end to make way for things that they caused/made that could fight Types.
ORT fell to the Earth 7000 years ago and it seems like the Gods didn't want to bother sleepy spider even at the peak of their power.
You give Gods way way too much credit here in the context of the Nasuverse.

Gaia would have made itself into a Type too if it wasn't unable to for whatever reason.
Types are the entire will of the planet given form.
Gods are sort of kind of like budget Types that only represent a certain concept of the planet given form.
>Alberich should be able to fight TYPES one day, but Tiamat can always wipe him out.
Mommy no!

Ignoring parts of the setting because they have a minor presence is anathema to maintaining the integrity of it.
I know Fate jumped off a cliff with no parachute but if you're gonna include the property ya gotta include the whole thing.
>Gods are sort of kind of like budget Types that only represent a certain concept of the planet given form.
Hence why the collected power of all of the gods would be equivalent to that of a Type:Earth, and surpass that of the other planets' Types.
If you're tempted to bring up Archetype:Earth with regards to this, please remember that Tsukihime does not occur in the same universe as Fate.
>acknowledging all of Fate
>including Fate/Reqium
>everyone has a Servant and A Holy Grail because Nasu doesn't give a single fuck about his universe anymore
>Billions of Humans with Servants
>no repercussions for this
>at all
They even take their servants to contests and battle them.
Like fucking Pokemon.
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It's enough to make you cry.
I mean, that if you're gonna debate FGO, you can't just ignore things in it simply because their existence makes the universe more complex.
I'm fine with excluding things from quest canonicity.
You ought to remember that timelines get messy in regards to Types also.
So even if it's not in the same universe, Archetype Earth is fair game. (Arc didn't care for universe rules when she showed up in Extra, broke all the Mooncell's rules and left.)
But disregarding that...

Do you have any evidence to back up your claim that Earth is the strongest planet?
The fact that it was the only planet which generated advanced life with a will outside of its own. The existence of magic, the Gods, and the human spirit are all testament to the overflowing life of Earth as compared to the other planets, each of which has given rise only to a single supreme lifeform endowed with their will.
That's one way of looking at it, anyway; the other is just that I prefer an anthropocentric view of things, and so that's what I'm regarding as canon within the quest, since it's a subject with no definite canon answer.

>Arc is in Extra though!
And Extra is nonsense. Arcueid doesn't exist in this quest; neither does Archetype Earth; neither do the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors; neither do Marble Phantasms. Dead Apostles were born from a curse laid upon humanity by Chernobog during the Age of Gods, and due to their close ties to humanity are one of the few varieties of semi-phantasmal being to survive into the Age of Man without being forced into the Reverse Side.
Can you imagine how stupid somebody would have to be upon finally winning the Holy Grail War and Claiming the Holy Grail for themselves after a brutal bloody battle and their wish is.
>"Can I get like 7 billion Holy Grails and Servants distributed around the planet please?"
What the fuck sort of person would think that would be wise?
How do you get to the end of the war and have a wish THAT stupid?
The grail would need more mana than has likely ever existed on the planet for that wish to take place, it's that obnoxiously stupid.
Maybe it was linked to the Second Magic this time and in making that wish they doomed thousands of alternate worlds?
The worst thing is that I don't even think they ensured that the Servants summoned would be good, so there's probably like 20000 Gilles de Rais hanging around now, and it's all their fault.

It's like if at the end of Zero Kerry actually got his wish and it all worked perfectly because why not.
Yeah but what about Zelretch?
He's a Dead Apostle too.
Explicitly turned by Crimson Moon.
Though there is the Second True Magic to explain things.
I'll get back to you on that one.
Although, since he's likely to appear in Part 3, you may want to find out more about his past in the quest itself.

>No 27 DAA's
Then how would TYPE-MERCURY be 5th?

Shouldn't it be:
>No True Ancestors
Behold, the true power of splitting your timelines when you clearly never intended to do so when you actually first started writing.
Nothing makes ANY sense!
Damn it, yes, that was a mistake. I was referring to True Ancestors. The incarnated nature spirits of whom Arcueid is one.
>Kinoko casts "Parallel Timeline!"
>It was super effective!
>"Tsukihime fans" fainted!

Fight Item
Poke >Run
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>incarnated nature spirits
You mean like Hinako here?
An Incarnated Elemental?
Who is basically a True Ancestor in everything but name?
Who exists in the Fate timelines?

>Kinoko used "PNG!"
>Money was scattered about the field!
A simple ranking:
Outer Gods (Functioning on a universal scale)
Types (Functioning on a planetary scale)
Gods (Functioning on an earthly, or sub-planetary scale)
Heroic Spirits and Phantasmal Beasts
Humans of all varieties

Strange things like the sorcerers, or creatures born out of high magic approaching sorcery, have variable levels of power and don't fit properly on the scale. I thought it was worth throwing out there, though, for the sake of making clear my feelings on outer gods vs types and why the assembled gods of earth when pooled together can be something like a Type:Earth.

Shush! She only exists in the Fate/Grand Order timeline! You know, the one where Blackbeard was a moron, Francis Drake was a woman with superpowers, and all heroic spirits have an irrational attraction to cardboard.
Don't forget it's also the timeline where Greece is the battleground of space pirates.
>Shush! She only exists in the Fate/Grand Order timeline!
This holds true only until they decide she needs to be shilled in Case Files and makes an appearance solidifying her as canon the F/SN timelines.

Also you can probably slot in Amaterasu and other Sun Gods above Types.
Honestly, since it's an unfinished series that occurs before this quest, I might end up deciding that Case Files also takes place in a different timeline from Fate/Awakening Mirror. It could be the best way to avoid a canon conflict in Part 3, I'm thinking.
Calling it now, Zelretch sends us to another dimension that's more OC based
More like he wants to meet somebody who actually finished the ritual he helped set up.

Or try to murderize us for antagonizing Rin, while thanking us for being friendly with Luvia.
Anyone got any guesses how long we've been stuck inside Medusa?
There are, you suppose, three possibilities here. The first, the apparent truth based on the tracks themselves and the assumption that the assassin must leave them, is that he simply vanished upon reaching the lower corridor. As this seems unlikely, is impossible to verify, and would not present a useful course of action to follow if assumed true, it can be discarded. The second possibility is that the assassin used a technique you vaguely remember from a film Yumigawa once saw, and doubled back up the stairs, walking backwards and stepping in his own footprints, then took a different route while leaving you to follow the tracks down into this lower level and hopefully become lost. The third possibility, building on the previous, is that the assassin knew you would follow his footsteps but remained committed to this lower corridor, and so found a means of continuing without leaving footprints, hoping that you would observe the end of his trail and conclude that he must have doubled back.

You give the ceiling, as well as the upper section of the walls, a hard look, inspecting the damp stone architecture by your torch's flickering glow. There's no decoration above the alcoves, though, nothing to catch hold of there but the carved brickwork; and the seams between the faux bricks are too narrow and shallow to admit a finger, you're fairly certain. You find it difficult to believe that anyone could summon up the strength and expertise to cling to such a difficult surface, travelling over an extended length, for the sole purpose of aiding their cowardice. No, you think, the assassin turned back. He might be waiting for you even now, with a trap set for you at the top of the stygian shaft you've just finished climbing down. Perhaps he intends to surprise you with a sudden shove, sending you tumbling down past the near-vertical stairs into the abyss, to be crushed against the stone floor where you now stand. No matter. If he does, you resolve, you'll be ready to walk straight into his trap with pride and break it.

So resolving, you make the arduous climb back up those countless stairs, ascending from what surely must be the deepest pit of the catacombs. As you leave that lowest corridor behind, you can't suppress a sliver of curiosity as to what lay down it; what you've just decided to ignore; but you tamp that emotion down. It doesn't serve you now, and it's better to focus on the pursuit you have chosen. Still, the climb gives you plenty of time to wonder what might have been down there, as well as to consider what ambush waits for you at the top of these stairs, and how best to fight it off without allowing yourself to meet that perilous fall. At last you do finish the climb, and find no foes whatsoever waiting for your emergence from the stairway. The corridor appears just as you left it, in fact. That eliminates the most likely plan of the assassin's, you suppose. Now you simply need to figure out what course he took after his return.
Sure enough, when you come back to the inspection of the corridor, you find that after a break of perhaps a meter the tracks heading outward resume. He must, you think, have jumped back onto his course from the top step to ensure that the tracks broke off long enough for you to believe he'd truly made the turn. You have to admit it's a clever and dedicated notion, backtracking all that way and making a leap of this kind to perpetuate the ruse. Unfortunate for him, you think with a note of pride, that the assassin wasn't the only one in these catacombs with a quick mind.

With that satisfying thought in your mind, you set off down the central corridor once more, keeping one eye on the assassin's tracks to watch for where he decided to really break off from the tunnel. In the end, though, you don't find any change of course. As you walk, your attention begins to drift, distracted by a hitherto unnoticed acrid stench in the air, growing stronger as you continue down the hall. As the smell grows more offensive, it becomes harder and harder to think about the assassin, for it represents a disturbing change. What could be responsible for the creation of such a horrid stench in the catacombs, previously possessing only the ordinary cave-smell of earth and old water. Before you know it, there are no more tracks to follow, and no turn toward a different route. Instead the assassin himself is before your eyes: a charred corpse face down on the stone floor, emanating thin tendrils of smoke and the now-recognizable stench of burned hair.

As you're inspecting the assassin's corpse, you see a moving shadow out of the corner of your eye and move just in time to evade a jet of flame that sets the corridor momentarily into sharp relief. Laifos is a few meters from you, drawn up to his full height, two orange sparks burning where eyes might be in a man. The bars of his cell are still there, unchanged and without a door as always, but the prisoner of the catacombs is in the corridor.

>[ ] In your shock, ask how he managed to escape.

>[ ] Given Laifos' propensity for flame, at least one part of this situation is clear. Ask what reason he could have for killing one of the dead.

>[ ] Demand to know why Laifos attacked you.

>[ ] Leave words aside and charge, sword drawn.

>[ ] Fight fire with fire. Attack Laifos with your torch, rather than any other weapon.

>[ ] Do something else. (Write in)
Yes, it's another short update tonight. Sorry about that. Things should pick up soon, though.
>>[ ] Given Laifos' propensity for flame, at least one part of this situation is clear. Ask what reason he could have for killing one of the dead.
I guess?
>[ ] Demand to know why Laifos attacked you.
First Mantikouros, now Laifos. There are no friends on this blasted isle.
>>[ ] Given Laifos' propensity for flame, at least one part of this situation is clear. Ask what reason he could have for killing one of the dead.
>[X] Given Laifos' propensity for flame, at least one part of this situation is clear. Ask what reason he could have for killing one of the dead.

I smell a dead end.
>[ ] Do something else. (Write in)
kiss our friend
>[ ] Fight fire with fire. Attack Laifos with your torch, rather than any other weapon.
It's the most unorthodox option and Laifos doesn't seem much of a talker.
It certainly isn't doing much for Alberich's "I have known naught but war" situation.
Wait a minute. I think I'm actually onto something. Remember what his punishment was? He was cursed with a form of rags and to never step foot into the sun again. What if we torched him or presented the threat of torching him? He's clearly not human anymore, so a sword probably wouldn't work.
If he can control fire then the torch seems like the worst option. We need to get him into sunlight.
We should first cut him up, then while he gloats about being impervious to our pathetic sword set him on fire. After that it's just a matter of dragging him out and applying the torch whenever he tries to cast a spell.
Just an FYI, I plan to call the vote and write in six hours or so, so you've got until then if you'd like to discuss what to do here any further.
Well, so much for that. Nobody had anything to say about what you ought to do here, apparently.
Seems you're settled on asking Laifos why he killed the assassin. Writing now.
I mean, we kinda wanted to bring him outta here, voting to chop him up or burn him or both seems counter to that goal.
Sweets you have to get us out of here. It's killing everyone's interest
Remember the last time we spoke with a monster?
Some people just can't be recruited, anon.

That does seem to be the case, unfortunately.
I do, which is why my bad end sensors were flaring up.

Sweets, no!
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Then why did you vote for it?
In F/SN sometimes acting like a retard gets you out of bad situations.

Ya gotta vote for what you want, even if it can't happen.
>Sweets, no!
You want to stay on the island longer?
Personally don't mind either way as long as the story is good.

I was referring to you saying we can't recruit Laifos.
Personally even if we can't actually recruit and have to kill him i'm only voting for because the current circumstances have peaked my curiosity.
If he could get out of the cage on his own why ask us for help? If he was going to attack us anyway why not take a shot from his cell while we talked to him? If he could leave on his own why not do it once our back was turned or follow us while we thought he couldn't leave to ambush us when we fought the 3 amigos? If he's out because the assassin managed to let him out why kill him? etc.
Others might not agree but I've enjoyed the island so far, it's had several well written fight scenes and to me it seems like our weakened stats have made us think about our actions more than we have been. People may complain that there might not be much reward for how long we've been here and want to rush to the end, but as I've said before I'm along for the ride so long as you're able to maintain your writing quality.
This should've been much shorter. I know the players actions caused it to be longer, but it's up to Sweets to mitigate that for the best interests of the quest as a whole.
If this whole adventure ends favorably we could potentially get affections of the goddess, and although I'm highly skeptical, maybe EoTM B or C+.
But we should get 2 new Goddesses and another servant from this as long as we don't go full retard somehow.

I think this diversion was fine, sure the situation could've been made clearer overall, but I'd definitely put the onus of this arc all on the players.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, we'd also have a full exposition of all of the Emiya's plans, and a greater understanding of how dangerous Emiya Sakura is, since she can hijack servants more efficiently than we can.
I think she should be a high priority target once we hear about her capabilities from Rider.
Like I said the players are responsible. Countless stupid mistakes caused this. Capturing Rider, trying to turn her with dangerous magic that we don't understand, pussying out of fighting Rider when we first found her here, etc. But Sweets shouldn't have allowed it to go this long. It's ridiculous. He completely overestimated us as players and the quest is suffering for it.
>Sweets shouldn't let the players do what they want.
It isn't his fault people didn't think their decisions through.
Once you go down a One Way Street, turning around isn't just illegal, it's dangerous.
You knew it was there, but ya went down the street anyway, I find complaining about that to be in extremely poor taste.
And sure, you didn't know this specifically would happen when you went ahead and cursed Rider, but you did know she had Breaker Gorgon, and that she was a particularly willful spirit. Expecting resistance shouldn't be too much of a stretch, especially when you're not an expert at making 6 billion curses.
As for overestimation, I dunno. I've seen you guys do some pretty impressive things. It seemed more to me that you didn't want to actually discover the secrets of this Island's existence, and suffered for it, rather than you guys being dumb. Just lazy.
My frustration stems from the fact that I've been against all of this shit but there's nothing I can do to convince anyone to think shit through instead of voting for "ooh I like this waifu let's collect her no matter what"
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All you can do is to be as convincing as possible.
Once that fails you can just lean back and enjoy your schadenfreude about being right.

I don't think there will be a repeat of an incident like this for a while in-quest though, since there aren't really any more candidates for Alberich's harem in the surrounding area (except Kikuko), so all the extreme waifu hunting would have to wait until part 3.

But overall I feel like there definitely more benefits to be wrought out of this course of action than just eating Rider.
I do agree on potential rewards, think i did mention before if we manage to pull this off right we could have a shot to potentially get affections 3x over from S/E and Hecate for recovering another goddess set the gods abandoned and long considered dead.
Hopefully she can talk fast though, because unless Emiya cured his hero syndrome I don't think we're going to have to wait very long before they make some attempt on us after we stole Rider and Salter nuked Tokyo the night before.
The worst part is we were finally going to have a significant confrontation with Shirou and his crew, to finish off that plot thread that's been dangling for months now. It was established, in character, that we were going to do that. Instead we just did this shit to satisfy some anon who loves Stheno and Euryale and now it'll be a month before we get back to the task at hand. And I still don't see how we're pulling them out of Rider.
Yeah, I've done some thinking on that Excali-nuke, I think that may be the final straw that might get the church to send more enforcers directly after us, and maybe even get the Mage Association to send enforcers of their own too.

Well that was just bad timing. I bet if you voted to drive there, there would've been a drawn out confrontation that would've dragged out Rin and Shirou.
The teleportation completely fucked them over, and even then, you didn't deal with Sakura, so now there's an angry servant stealer who wants Rider back.
The reasoning behind abducting rider still rings true however, since only she and Sakura were home, and Alberich didn't want to pay too much attention to her, he decided that finding out their plans and psychological torture over their missing servant was more immediately important.
I actually partially agree with his logic.

There was more than one guy who wanted to revive the two Gorgon sisters anon, don't be disingenuous. And I'm pretty sure if we cast absorption on them, note I'm not referring to the curse, I'm referring to the type of absorption we used on Circe's magic, that we can remove them from Rider, since as it stands they're enmeshed with everything else Rider has absorbed into herself.
As for sustaining them?
They're really really weak, so Heiligöffnungschwert should be able to sustain them the same way we're sustaining Hecate.
>wake up expecting to deal with Emiya
>Harris and Matsuda are standing over us in the basement
>"Alright kid, let's neutralize the target."
>Booted back to the choice of how to control Rider.
Calling it now.

Seriously though whatever happens I expect it to be a huge consequence that totally changes our situation. Sweets has been hinting for months that we shouldnt be so confident about our alliance's power and this is her perfect chance to take it away.
>There was more than one guy who wanted to revive the two Gorgon sisters anon, don't be disingenuous.
That makes it even worse. It's pure metagaming to collect character that players personally like that Alberich had no idea existed inside of Rider. It's not fun for the players that actually want to play the quest from Alberich's point of view when they're consistently outvoted by people playing this quest like a gacha and Sweets just allows and sometimes encourages it. I get it, quests aren't serious business but when they get completely derailed for that kind of thing it's extremely frustrating.
>Heiligöffnungschwert should be able to sustain them the same way we're sustaining Hecate.
You keep saying this.
That's now how the miracle works. It summons things from the Reverse Side of the World, makes them real and sustains them afterward. The sword has no inherent capacity to sustain the existence of other creatures, only a part of the third miracle.
Stheno and Euryale are in Medusa (or inside us if the absorption magic works), not in the Reverse Side of the World, so the lightsaber is useless here.

Moreover... there is no good reason to bring back Stheno and Euryale.
>b-b-but muh affections of goddess
They don't love you. They will never love you.
You voted to enslave their sister and force them into a warzone.
This makes me curious, how do you think our alliance would fall apart?
Where are the weak points?
Us being out of commission would definitely make it more likely for a betrayal to happen, but who do you think would participate and how would everyone react?

Now you can't escape meta-gaming when dealing with an existing property, or bringing in established characters unless you make them expies.
As for Alberich's actions though? Completely understandable.
>Teleport into enemy's main base
>Expect to have a confrontation and btfo everyone by how monstrous you've become
>There's only the women left in the house
>She isn't really pliable in this current state, Tsubaki make her more pliable pls
>She should have intimate knowledge of the Emiyas so I'll just make her spill after I pull of the same technique I did on my other personal Servant.
>Hey there's cute girls here too!
>Let's bring them out with us.

Sweets has said we haven't mastered the sword yet, once Alberich does, it'll reach EX rank.
I think figuring out how to sustain 2 Goddesses without gacha summoning shenanigans would count as gaining more mastery over the sword.
I don't see the problem with trying to only use the materialization function of the second miracle instead of the summoning into materialization.

Rider would simultaneously have 1/10 affection points and 10/10 affection points due to all the miracles effecting her situation, and Stheno and Euryale were both written off as dead by actual gods, but we'd be letting them live again. They may dislike the forced servitude put upon their sister but they would feel some gratitude towards us, and even if they don't bless us, Hecate might look favorably on the whole thing.
Speaking of Stheno and Euryale, Alberich should have no reason to like them. They decided to collect him because he could resist their charms and then sucked his blood. Oh, and he could sense that they were sociopathic little shits.
Even if he ignores his desires of wanting them, simply having them be there to exert influence over Medusa should be enough of a motivation for wanting them out in reality.
>influence over Medusa
When he has complete control already?
Yeah. It's not like with Saber where he hates her, Rider is just convenient, and he likes seeing little girls happy.
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It's a waste of effort, time and space.
>Rider would be 1/10 but also 10/10!
Who gives a flying fuck about Rider's opinions?
>Hecate would be very impressed! The gods wrote them off as a lost cause
The gods didn't bring the twins back because all they did was act as bait for horny old bastards who got eaten by Medusa in the end. This """resurrection""" isn't worth all that much in the end, and the twins are useless.

Ignoring these facts proves that you're inserting your bias into Alberich's actions.
>Shutting down the suggestion this hard for no reason.
You can just admit the Island has frustrated you anon.

>Waste of time
? Where have you been? Have you not noticed Alberich likes little girls who are mature? Even if it inconveniences him in certain ways to obtain them?
>Lol it's just rider who cares.
Her sisters actually, which is what I was getting at. They might dislike us but if Medusa is somewhat accepting of the situation then so will they.
>The gods didn't want them back because they were succubi
If they could've revived them they probably would've done it before having Medusa get beheaded. There might be more evidence that they felt they couldn't perform such a revival but I'm not the person who can point that out given my dearth on up to date fate lore.

>You are biased and inserting your bias into Alberich's actions
...Do you even know what a quest is? What do you think voting represents? I would love to see a biasless quest.
Regardless, you didn't even postit an alternate motivation for his course of actions.
As it is either hypothetical is viable.
Wasn't Medusa's transformation into the Gorgon --and the resulting incident-- one of the Greek pantheon's greatest regrets?
>complete control
Technically true, but Alberich's faction is a clusterfuck of people who are more than ready to kill at least half of their allies at the first chance they get. Part of me would want some extra insurance against a rebellion should the curse get disrupted in some way, but the other part of me wants to let the house of cards collapse so we can build something more stable from the rubble.
>Even if it inconveniences him in certain ways to obtain them?
When did Alberich throw away common sense to get little girls who suck his blood?
>Her sisters actually, which is what I was getting at. They might dislike us but if Medusa is somewhat accepting of the situation then so will they.
So we should get the sisters because it would make Medusa happy, but only the sisters would care about Medusa's happiness?
>There might be more evidence that they felt they couldn't perform such a revival
Probably Athena lobbying against it because she dislikes Medusa's pretty pretty hair.
>...Do you even know what a quest is? What do you think voting represents? I would love to see a biasless quest.
That's not what I mean and you know it. There is a difference between pursuing a certain viable course of action because you are biased toward it and chasing after the moon because you want to stick your dick in it.
You're metagaming to an absurd degree: control Medusa instead of killing her because Stheno and Euryale, when Alberich has no idea that getting Stheno and Euryale should be possible. You're making enormous assumptions about our capabilities -- absorption literally absorbing people in a mindscape and HOS supporting anything it didn't summon -- to justify this course of action. From any perspective except your own, you are biased and you are forcing your bias onto this quest.
>Regardless, you didn't even postit an alternate motivation for his course of actions.
Here's an alternate motivation: Alberich wants to torment Shirou with Saber and Rider because he's a psychopath who takes great pleasure in seeing his enemies driven before him and hearing the lamentations of their women.
>Wasn't Medusa's transformation into the Gorgon --and the resulting incident-- one of the Greek pantheon's greatest regrets?
I never heard of anything like that. Athena, at least, would regret nothing because she can be a bitch like that. This entire island is a testament to her bitchiness.
Excluding saber, who of our allies do you think would actually try to kill the others? All that immediately springs to mind is Lily wanting to kill Ayaka and become our master.

>When did Alberich throw away common sense to get little girls who suck his blood?
>Lemme just jump over this wall and hang out with loli hitler, even though she has every reason to want me dead and can pulverize me instantaneously.
Don't even try on this one anon. Anyone who read the original quest knew what would happen if they chose that course of action, and they were right.
>Let's just talk down my previous servants even though they're traitors.
>Let's spend an entire fucking day with this girl instead of training or reconnaissance.
>So we should get the sisters because it would make Medusa happy, but only the sisters would care about Medusa's happiness?
Are you having a stroke? I've already said Alberich likes seeing little girls happy.
>Making assumptions about our capabilities.
Given that this is something nobody has attempted before, you need to be theoretical. So here goes:
Given what the entities on this Island are: "As you have gathered, all those who dwell on this island are spirits: the lingering shades of those who once lived here, continuing their existence through me."
And that emptiness specializes in effecting non-coporeal entities i.e. spirits, we could gain control over their existence the same way we hijacked Circe's magic.
Since Medusa's constitution is an amalgamation of all that she's consumed, individually distinguishing them externally is hell, and the most likely explanation for why they were wrote off as dead completely, which is why if we gain a link to those 2 specific entities we can extract them since it wouldn't be a herculean task, it would just be pulling them out.
And I still don't see how only using the latter half of the second miracle is assuming anything about our capabilities. Even if sustaining them via our sword is out, we do have the former goddess of magic who can help figure out some way to sustain their existence outside of Medusa.
>Forcing my bias on the quest.
And you aren't? Lmao anon, anyone is welcome to post their biases all over the quest. Whether you let it effect your voting decisions or your outlook on the story is all in your own head.

>Here's an alternate motivation: Alberich wants to torment Shirou with Saber and Rider because he's a psychopath who takes great pleasure in seeing his enemies driven before him and hearing the lamentations of their women.
Ok? I don't see how that's a counter to what I wrote, in fact it only adds to it. Situations can't develop? That may have been his original motive, but the situation changed when Rider became a loli.
>This makes me curious, how do you think our alliance would fall apart?
>Where are the weak points?
Odin is obvious. I'm worried about the K-hime/Ayaka/Lily dynamic. None of those 3 want to work with the other 2. Circe and Arturia both still probably resent us and want to see us fail so we can expect willful neglect at minimum if we're not around to give them orders. Hecate doesn't seem to want to help us. Futodoki told us straight out that he doesn't really feel bound to us and is only working for us as long as it's a good time.
I don't have a guess about what the disaster's gonna be, but that's what I expect to make it as bad as it can get.
>Odin is obvious.
Is he? He just wants a good fight, and I'm not sure Harris, Matsuda, Sakura, or Shirou could give it to him.
Now, he might try to turn some of our allies against us irreversibly so we get stronger before we face him, but I think he's generally just a bystander unless asked to intervene.

>None of those 3 want to work with the other 2.
Actually, Kourakuhime doesn't really mind Lily iirc, just doesn't like playing human. And I don't think Lily hates Kourakuhime, she was dismissive of her until she de-powered and lolified rider.
Otherwise I understand your concern.

>Circe and Arturia
I'll give you Arturia, but Circe doesn't hate us, at the moment I think she's in-between regret and affection. She does hate Lily though.

>Hecate is aqua
Hecate is helping Ayaka, and we didn't really ask her for magic lessons, so we don't really know how willing to help she'll be since we're still going through her champion screening interview.

Not sure about him. But he does rely on us to stay on this plane, same with Hecate. He didn't seem unwilling to work with us either, just wasn't jumping to be first in Alberich's line.

>It will be the worst thing Alberich's ever gone through.
Maybe, but if we have traitors, and they're serious, I'm gonna feel sorry for their futures when all they had to do was not betray the dude who'll go out of his way to help you even at his active detriment if you don't betray him, unless you have mutually opposed goals of course.
>He just wants a good fight
According to him. Remember when Lily said he had some weird ulterior motive for the grail?
>Brocon oni doesn't hate the girl who went successfully from "sister" to wife
Come on dude. She might keep it in better than the others but there's no way she's cool with Lily.
>Circe's feelings
I disagree with you but we don't know. Either could be right.
Fair point on Hecate.
First thing he said to us was something like "send me back if you want, I don't really care. I'm not your tool." Dude is working with us now cause he's got nothing better to do, but he'll bounce if he feels like it.
I don't actually think out-and-out traitors are the biggest danger though. It's more that we have a group with terrible cohesion and no MO besides "do exactly what Alberich says". How are they going to deal with a surprise attack from a faction that won a HGW, Magic Snake, or both when we're unconscious? Signs point to fucked.
>ulterior motive for the grail
He has Gilgamesh's motive. He wants humans to stop being shit and is willing to use the Grail to make that happen. This was almost explicitly said when Adelheid pointed out how Odin wasn't really acting how she though Odin would, and when we observed his derisive stare towards humans during the date with Lily.

>Come on dude. She might keep it in better than the others but there's no way she's cool with Lily.
Tsubaki is pretty open about her emotions, and Alberich hasn't noticed her acting harshly towards lily. I'd even say she probably likes her since she isn't human and doesn't really care about humans either. Even being wife tier probably would only elevate her in her perverted mind, since she has an Alberich domination fetish and being relegated to a lower position automatically might make her more horny than she is.

>I disagree with you but we don't know. Either could be right.
She's more likely to try for revenge on Lily than on Alberich. It's her M.O.

>cat dude
yeah, but I feel like he'd just ask to get sent back rather than plot against us.

>chicken with the head cut off
Yeah that would be a funny interlude. But we do have Adelheid who should be able to direct the battle effectively with her military tactics, and Korakuhime with her bounded fields.
>more horny than she is.

more horny than she *already is.
Did Sweets died?
>how she though Odin would

how she *thought Odin would

Probably fell asleep at the desk again.
Sorry about the lack of update last night or this morning, folks.
Sorry about everything with my writing volume lately. I know there have been a lot of broken promises, short updates, etc.
I don't want to get into too much detail about my life, but things haven't been going too well in the wake of this whole virus and quarantine thing. I'll try to do better in the future.
It's all good, this virus business has got everything all turned upside down, take a break if you need it.
Rising back up from your crouch to look Laifos in the eye, or at least to focus on the burning coals where his eyes ought to be, you growl, "What did you do that for, hmm?"

"Just what could you mean?" comes the hissing reply, a dead, cold mirth in the creature's rasping voice. You hadn't noticed it before, when he was in the shadows of the cell, but the individual rags that make up Laifos' form undulate slightly as he speaks, opening and closing like the gills of a fish.

"Burning my last assailant this way," you answer curtly, rolling the corpse over with your foot to bring its hideously roasted face into view. In several places the assassin's skin seems to have not only burned but bubbled and run, as if a boiling liquid, and there are at the cheeks and forehead patches of cracked yellow bone exposed through the blackened flesh. "You said yourself that they're dead already, and will return in time from any injury; even if you bore this man a grudge, what you've done would be purposeless. It's the stranger if he set you free, though given the state of your cell I doubt that."

"Heh heh heh... you need to think a little harder, Alberich," the thing rasps contemptuously. "It should all be plain enough, if you only examine the situation and apply your mind. But, if you want an explanation, I can give it to you. That buffoon at your feet set me free on the condition that I help him to set a trap for you. Since the notion of helping him to take your life didn't appeal, I removed him from the situation; but don't worry for him, as you've observed it isn't any permanent harm to the fellow." He pauses, and an undulating wave of fabric almost suggesting a gesturing arm extends right, toward the cell. "As for the lack of damage to my place of imprisonment, consider the form with which I was cursed. One of the few aspects of this wretchedly amorphous body one might call redeeming is the fact that I am no longer the sort of being which can be impeded by a set of bars. That cell was only a symbol of my imprisonment, which came in the form of a curse. Athena, you see, found it amusing to decree that the man who had spent his life advising others in how to direct their faith, and who had incurred her wrath by practicing that duty, should be freed only if he could convince someone to assent to his freedom. Then she placed me here in the depths of the catacombs, where I would never see another face." Bitterly he adds, "I had some hope when the dead heroes began to revive, you know; but they, who had come to this isle to slay one beast cursed by Athena had nothing but contempt for another. It was only by taking advantage of this one's cowardice that I could finally get my long-desired escape."
"Considering how you served him, those who refused had good sense," you retort, "but very well, now you have your escape; why try to kill me the way you have? What grudge could I have given you? To kill one man attempting to kill another, and then make your own attempt on the second's life is the act of a man dead-set on taking revenge with his own hands, not of one who kills by chance or convenience. Why? We only met today; I can hardly have made such a determined enemy in such time."

"No, I'm afraid you're wrong again there," Laifos answers. "I bear you no ill will at all. You do, however, bear the key to my second prison: the soul of the woman who devoured me. You are alive, Alberich; you have within you the path out of this prison. Should you die at my hands, by the right method, I need only follow that path back out to whatever body you have, and see the world as it truly is. I wonder how long it's been since my death..."

As Laifos trails off, seemingly lost in thought, there is a sudden swirling of the rags as of a cloaked man throwing out a hand, a murmured word of power, and a gout of flame bursts forth, roaring out down the passage toward you. Only by throwing yourself to the ground at the last moment do you evade the mass of crackling death, though your back is seared in spite of your narrow escape. The moment it lets up you spring back to your feet. The time for discussion is over, clearly. Sliding your shield around from its place on your pack's strap onto the arm that bears your torch, you bring it forward to protect you against further bursts of flame as you charge forward, drawing your sword and driving it into the heart of the mass of rags that is Laifos in one smooth, swift motion brought to completion before he can react.

The fabric recedes before you, bursting apart like a cloud of smoke and passing you by as you charge. You spin on your heel just in time to see him reform, quite unchanged by the attack. Still, at least you've now confirmed what you had only his word for previously, and the monster is no longer between you and the exit of these catacombs.

>[ ] If steel can't harm him, perhaps something else can. Laifos claimed he'd burn if he stood beneath the sun, so he's obviously flammable; perhaps your torch will serve as a replacement for your sword down here.

>[ ] In a situation like this, there's nothing for it but to retreat step-by-step. Watch Laifos' attacks, evade them with care, and attempt to draw him out of the catacombs to burn in the light of the sun.

>[ ] Mundane methods aren't sufficient to harm a monster cursed with a miserable immortality, eh? In that case, you'll have to exchange your weapon for magic. Any spiritual body should be susceptible to the element of Emptiness, according to Circe's teachings. Fighting with it isn't something you've had much of a chance to practice, but perhaps you can polish your skills in a trial by fire.

>[ ] Invent a different plan. (Write in)
Alright, folks, this is the decisive moment. You've got the next 10 hours to settle on a plan to defeat the immortal beast Laifos. Let's see if you can match Heracles in insight!
>[X] Mundane methods aren't sufficient to harm a monster cursed with a miserable immortality, eh? In that case, you'll have to exchange your weapon for magic. Any spiritual body should be susceptible to the element of Emptiness, according to Circe's teachings. Fighting with it isn't something you've had much of a chance to practice, but perhaps you can polish your skills in a trial by fire.

I doubt he'd be stupid enough to let himself be lured out of the catacombs, no matter how slyly we do it, and if burning himself was an effective method of suicide he wouldn't have had to leave the catacombs to commit suicide while alive.
>>[ ] Mundane methods aren't sufficient to harm a monster cursed with a miserable immortality, eh? In that case, you'll have to exchange your weapon for magic. Any spiritual body should be susceptible to the element of Emptiness, according to Circe's teachings. Fighting with it isn't something you've had much of a chance to practice, but perhaps you can polish your skills in a trial by fire.
bait a fireball attack, take control and redirect it towards him. he'll think that's the ace up our sleeve but the real trick is closing distance to use our emptiness.
>>[ ] Mundane methods aren't sufficient to harm a monster cursed with a miserable immortality, eh? In that case, you'll have to exchange your weapon for magic. Any spiritual body should be susceptible to the element of Emptiness, according to Circe's teachings. Fighting with it isn't something you've had much of a chance to practice, but perhaps you can polish your skills in a trial by fire.
Let's taunt this asshole. Let's tell him of Circe's downfall and how the ex priest now serves an ex Goddess. A mere nymph stripped of her divinity.
A mere nymph who serves us at that.
Just one fireball?
What if he uses the time we take to dominate one spell to cast more?
I guess learning to defuse spells mid-combat is what trial by fire is supposed to imply.

That's good, could we taunt him about how if he still serves her, that he should technically serve us?
Dunno if that would piss him off or make him laugh.
>bait a fireball attack
I'm not sure about that. All of his attacks until now have been jets of fire, except for when he remotely made our torch explode. I feel like we're not going to get that kind of easily redirected projectile.
Do you think he'll care? He seems pretty contemptuous of Athena and Medusa, and didn't exactly flatter Circe in his story. Maybe after being imprisoned so long he got to a point of "all gods are assholes, fuck em".

I'm not sure, but >>4175096 gives me the feeling none of the prompts work and we have to come up with a write in. Anyone have any ideas?
When I read >>4175096 I got the feeling like "Think carefully about this, what will actually work?"

I find Alberich's thought process for this choice sound, and any alternative I can come up with is just a variation on the 3 choices presented.
He can't be cut.
He's immune to fire.
He isn't retarded so baiting him into sunlight should be impossible, he can just wait until nighttime to hunt us down if he has to.
He might be effected by hearing about Circe's future, since he might've felt abandoned by her, but if he learns she was exiled too he may feel chagrin at the least towards her fate.
Do you think if we eat Laifos we'll count as having the link necessary to use AoG magic?
No. If eating Achilles, Odysseus, being linked to Circe, summoning an actual goddess, the former goddess of magic herself, and having an artifact with divine blessings doesn't let us use HSDW, eating a cursed priest wont do it either.
We didn't eat their entire souls though.
Most of it escaped from us to the grail.
Fully consuming his entire soul and incorporating him into us however might give us the link we require
Don't you need divinity to use HSDW? Divinity is a shit stat that I do not want Alberich getting.
Look at Circe's status page.
Then look at Medea's.
Then Medea Lily.
The only HSDWs user with actual divinity is Nitocris.

Also divinity is only bad if your opponent happens to carry the absolute rarest type of NP, the Anti-Divine NP.
And those tend to be broken enough to kill divine or non divine with equal killiness.
They might be rare, but when you try to do something like take over the world, and actually have a good chance at accomplishing it, things that are considered rare tend to be brought out of hiding to get rid of you.
It's just another weakness that doesn't really give appropriate compensation for having.
Especially when you can choose not to have it.

Alright, so maybe it has a higher chance of working than I gave it, but we'd have to eat his soul, and come out on top of his thousands of years of imprisonment. And that's even if Alberich can develop a method to consume his soul in the first place.
Didn't Sweets say something about how the way we were changed by the Silver Grail was influenced by Circe? Could we use that somehow?
Being linked to Circe made us look more like a Greek statue over time.
Makes me wonder what being linked to Ayaka and now Lily is/will do to us.
I'm confused. I thought the reason we couldn't use HSDW was that they only worked during the Age of Gods, and Casters like Circe just understood magic well enough to sort of hack them into functionality. Didn't Circe have a line like that in Akeldama? Why would getting more of a link to the past make them work for us, when our whole theme is being some kind of new hero for a new age?
She said it was because she had a link to the era that could use HSDW, so she could use them.
Conversely, if we had a link we would be able to use them as well is the logic.
>>[ ] Mundane methods aren't sufficient to harm a monster cursed with a miserable immortality, eh? In that case, you'll have to exchange your weapon for magic. Any spiritual body should be susceptible to the element of Emptiness, according to Circe's teachings. Fighting with it isn't something you've had much of a chance to practice, but perhaps you can polish your skills in a trial by fire.

Going with this.
So we're firmly set in our plan here?
You do have another hour to discuss matters, but given that the vote has been unanimous so far it does look that way.
It would've been nice if you'd come to more of a detailed conclusion regarding what to do with the added ideas at >>4175134 and >>4175159, though.
Bit late to change much but my thoughts,
Most of his pyromancy have been jets of fire and explosions unless we develop black hole shields on the fly I don't think we'll be able to really catch anything and trying may prove fatal in confined spaces,
Taunting may work if he cares, could also try to restrain with ribbons if they've recovered enough strength to last long enough, either way our focus should be to close the distance to absorb and I don't think charging a mage without a proper distraction will work.
Ribbons are unusable without HGS.

I don't oppose trying to shield his efforts, but I'm pretty sure that would fall under rejection, so we'd need to have a hell of an inspiration to manifest that in this situation. We could do this. I'll support it.
I think ribbons are too much to sustain in this world, we should focus on wielding emptiness properly. I support the distract him by taunting detail.

So, something like this:
>Taunt him by talking about Circe while attempting to shield yourself from his attacks using emptiness shields, while closing in to use emptiness on his body directly.
>[ ] Mundane methods aren't sufficient to harm a monster cursed with a miserable immortality, eh? In that case, you'll have to exchange your weapon for magic. Any spiritual body should be susceptible to the element of Emptiness, according to Circe's teachings. Fighting with it isn't something you've had much of a chance to practice, but perhaps you can polish your skills in a trial by fire.
>Look at Circe's status page.
>Then look at Medea's.
>Then Medea Lily.
Remember that all of these people lived in the Age of Gods.
Not only do you need a link to the Age of Gods, you need divine authority. Medusa and Circe are manipulating their Od VERY FINELY to simulate it. This is only my guess, but I suspect that Divinity would allow us to skip that step because a divine being is using the magic.

Sweets has also implied that we would need permission from the gods to gain Divinity.
>Sweets has also implied that we would need permission from the gods to gain Divinity.
Makes me wonder what stat we'd get using a servant sacrifice to add divinity to ourselves.
Why I said if we managed to recover enough strength i'm not expecting to hold him for long, just long enough to reach him.
Either way he isn't the manticore I don't expect him to get rattled enough by taunting alone for us to reach him and we'll need something to either distract, disrupt or block his fire.

I can support this if we can somehow get the votes although I still feel something is missing, probably just my paranoia though.
Maybe adding to do it sneakily?

>While taunting him by talking about Circe attempt to shield yourself from his attacks using emptiness shields, while sneakily closing in to use emptiness on his body directly.

Could blocking his spells be enough of a distraction? It could make him leap directly at us in a rage or confusion.
Unless anyone actually dissents, I'm fine with adding >>4176277 to your plan.
Also, I'm going to start writing in a half hour, so you have until then if anyone still has ideas to share.
To try to describe, if I remember right it took us the better part of an afternoon to first develop ribbons, we'd be developing something new in a domain the rest of our powers are weakened and even if we pull it off the thing about a shield is they only block in one direction, against an experienced mage they would only last until he adjusts his tactics and for us not to press the attack would require a degree of mastery over we shouldn't have.
Despite this I do feel there's something here worth looking into and even if it doesn't pan out against Laifos, if it's possible and with some proper development it could possibly give us an edge against Odin.
Well at this point we have more experience molding imaginary elements so it shouldn't be that difficult to use them in this manner, I don't think.
You know something, folks?
When you romanize a Greek word, there's no letter f.
His name should be Laiphos. I realized this about 3 hours after posting the update where he introduced himself, and it's been bothering me ever since because I couldn't decide whether I should point out the mistake and correct it or just run with it as an alternative spelling decision. I can't leave it be, though, so there. It's out in the open now.
This is pretty convincing. My question is, do you have another idea? I said earlier that it seemed like Sweets wanted us to come up with a write-in solution and none of the prompts would do it and I think you've figured out why the last one fails. What can we do though?
Perhaps, to be clear I can support giving it a shot but without prior training I'm not anticipating a miracle and feel we need to press the attack before he can adjust his tactics. Even if it doesn't pan out right now I do feel there's something there worth looking into later.

Personally, i'd just as soon give it the excuse that as I recall since 'Alberich' doesn't have universal language translation and he's just mentally spelling it as it sounds.
I'm sure Alberich can come up with a suitable way to wield his own powers if this specific suggestion fails.
I agree with there being something to train once we leave though.
Yes, you've confirmed that Laifos cannot be harmed by ordinary means, but to what end? You still have no idea what you actually can use to harm him save daylight, and you doubt he's fool enough to allow himself to be lured out into the sun. As you regard your enemy, contemplating how best to face him, a grim apprehension runs through you. Here is a foe impervious to your sole means of battle on this island, a creature possessed of an almost perfect immortality, bent on killing you. It could very well be your death facing you there, just a short way down the corridor. Of course, to simply look at him Laifos is hardly an impressive foe. The rustling, shifting mass of rotted silks has none of the grandeur of the mythic heroes you've battled before, nor the impression of unadorned, serious capability projected by the warriors you've met in these caverns; nor even the raw, beastly, animal danger of Mantikouros. There is only a vague sense of wrongness to his living, and a disgusting quality to his appearance; and yet, you cannot help feeling that in his aspect, his identity, his very essence, Laifos represents all entropy, all decay, all death, all failed plans and shortened lives, all the things which might oppose your desire for order and victory, stretching a grave-rotted hand out of the dead past to set an inescapable shadow of doom upon you.

No, this is all wrong! You blink rapidly, shake your head, and barely have time to duck out of the way as Laifos sends another jet of crackling flame shrieking toward your face. Was some magic of his affecting your mind, or have you simply spent too long in these crypts? No matter, you've managed to clear your head somehow. You can think properly now, and you have to; your mind needs to race if you're to find the way out of this, for while you may have shaken off your pessimistic vision the circumstances that inspired it haven't changed. What can kill that thing? Not your sword, not the torch that wields an element he controls, not dragging him out into the sun, for that's impracticable. There must be something else... then it hits you. He's a spirit. Everything here is; they seem solid enough in this world of spirit, but the truth is that this whole island is composed of what Circe once called, "possibilities outside the physical plane." That is to say, everything here should be perfectly susceptible to interference by Emptiness. It may even be that here you can manifest it with physical form, as you couldn't in the material world.

You sheathe your sword and toss your torch, letting it fall halfway between you and your foe. Both hands must be empty for the method of fighting you intend to try. Within you, a door opens that gazes out into the realm of impossibility on the opposite side of the world, and Od pours through it into your magic circuits.
Papering over the tension you feel with bravado, and hoping to draw an angry attack, you send a brash grin toward Laifos. "You really should experience the outside world, you know," you say, projecting a perfectly cavalier ease you don't feel in the slightest. "You could meet your goddess again, although she's been stripped of her divinity since then. She's merely a nymph now. It's a bit of an odd coincidence, really; Circe happens to be a servant of mine."

To your dismay, Laifos responds to your news with a crackling guffaw, rather than the burst of rage you'd hoped for. "You may be lying," he rasps, after he's gotten his mirth under control, "and probably are, but it's a lovely notion whether true or false. That haughty creature; she always thought herself the best of them, in spite of her rank. It would be just like her to finally overstep in her rivalry with Hecate and find herself being judged for deicide. Ahahaha! What a notion!" As he laughs, wavering back and forth in the corridor and seemingly out of control with mirth, Laifos lets fly with another surprise attack. This time a sheet of flame shoots out over the ground, aiming to incapacitate your legs. Evidently, Laifos has decided that your mobility is his main problem. Perfect.

Crouching and bringing your hands low, you focus on projecting the energy out of them as a rigid membrane of pure Emptiness, forming it into a curving shield just wide enough to protect your legs from the sheet of flame. This time, there's no invisible, intangible globule of power; it holds! The shield of Emptiness takes the form of a barrier of brilliant, pure-white light, almost too bright to look at, and where the fire touches it, it streams off, sparking and crackling angrily. A moment later, the overwhelming burden of manifesting the Imaginary Elements without Heiligöffnungschwert's miracle to sustain them settles on your shoulders like the restraining paw of some enormous predator, and you let it vanish. A moment, though, is all you need to defend against the brief rushes of fire that seem to be Laifos' preferred method of attack.

As you rise to your feet again, you spare a few seconds for gratitude toward your past self. The experiment with using Emptiness in pure elementalism you performed on Wednesday may not have borne any fruit at the time, but the practice you had then most likely just saved your life. Now you have a weapon that can deal properly with Laifos, you think. You only need to decide how best to use it.
>[ ] If Laifos is made up of those scraps of cloth in some kind of swarm, destroying them individually is the only way to put an end to him. Try to close distance and assault each piece of his body with Emptiness until you've chipped away the whole of Laifos' existence.

>[ ] The body may be amorphous, but that doesn't mean it lacks a core. In all of Laifos' movements, you haven't seen the immediate shape around the two orange sparks that burn where eyes ought to be significantly altered. If you can close in and make a killing blow against that, it should end him. It had better, for without your Noble Phantasms you fear you don't have the energy for a sustained battle of magic.

>[ ] While aiming for a killing blow or to destroy Laifos' body might appeal, you're not certain you can actually destroy him; only that the element can redirect these spiritual bodies. Instead, try to use your magic in repositioning the battle, gradually forcing Laifos out of the catacombs and into the sun with repeated blows.

>[ ] Invent another strategy. (Write in)
Alright, I realize that I said earlier that this was the decisive moment, and implied that your vote would end the battle with Laifos, which didn't end up happening.
It ended up being a decision between leaving the update unfinished, going to bed now, and posting an update twice as long as this tomorrow, or breaking it off here for a choice so I could post something tonight. Hope you folks don't mind too much.
>[X] The body may be amorphous, but that doesn't mean it lacks a core. In all of Laifos' movements, you haven't seen the immediate shape around the two orange sparks that burn where eyes ought to be significantly altered. If you can close in and make a killing blow against that, it should end him. It had better, for without your Noble Phantasms you fear you don't have the energy for a sustained battle of magic.
>[ ] The body may be amorphous, but that doesn't mean it lacks a core. In all of Laifos' movements, you haven't seen the immediate shape around the two orange sparks that burn where eyes ought to be significantly altered. If you can close in and make a killing blow against that, it should end him. It had better, for without your Noble Phantasms you fear you don't have the energy for a sustained battle of magic.
Divine words are a Contract between someone and a God/Goddess that allows the caster to borrow a Fraction of the Gods authority.
Meaning Circe and medea both use Hecate's authority, the same rule applies for Nitocris to whoever gave her the ability.
Also medea and Circe do not use their own Od, they instead use the Mana in the environment, a skill that has been lost in Modern mages.
>Also medea and Circe do not use their own Od
They don't use it to cast spells, they use it to simulate the divine authority over the World that doesn't exist anymore. Corce explains this in City Akeldama: divine authority maintains the rule that the divine language can command the World, so when this rule isn't enforced any longer she has to simulate divine authority locally by manipulating her Od.
>a skill that has been lost in Modern mages
Formalcraft exists in the modern era. It just isn't used much because using one's own Od gets better results in this age of diminished mystery.
>Meaning Circe and medea both use Hecate's authority
Circe doesn't need to borrow because she used to be a goddess.

read the whole quest again again, why do you think sweets made that pdf
>You see, the Divine Language carried authority over Mana because it was used by the gods, those for whom Mana was a natural tool. Even after the Age of Gods came to an end, as long as humans continued to use the Divine Language for magic, that authority would remain. The rule of 'Mana obeys the authority of the Divine Language' would have been kept ingrained in Gaia." Caster heaves a sigh as she continues, "Unfortunately, that isn't what happened. As I said, humans lost the Divine Language, and its inherent authority has faded with the passage of time. I'm able to use it now partially because of my own divine essence, and partially by layering Od-based spells to enhance my authority over Mana. Those spells are what expend the mystic energy I receive from you when I use magic.
I miss Heilig more than I miss our allies.
Well now, it seems 1:30 is as bad as 13:30, when it comes to folks being on the board and ready to vote. I was thinking of writing now, but with only three votes, I guess I'll wait for some more of you folks to get your thoughts in.
This is an important choice, you know.
>[ ] The body may be amorphous, but that doesn't mean it lacks a core. In all of Laifos' movements, you haven't seen the immediate shape around the two orange sparks that burn where eyes ought to be significantly altered. If you can close in and make a killing blow against that, it should end him. It had better, for without your Noble Phantasms you fear you don't have the energy for a sustained battle of magic.
Noooo please don't draw this out further
The time wasted on this fucking nothingburger of an arc is a far greater punishment than anything that might occur when we escape.
I'm so boooooored.
I feel like 80 percent of the updates have been worthless filler for this arc and could be skipped.
In fact, the entire arc is probably going to be skippable in it's entirety.

Fighting random irrelevant grunts and literal nobodies after being depowered is quite literally the opposite of what I want to see in a Fate quest FOCUSED ON SERVANTS.
One day I get feedback like this...
Two days later it's this.

Fascinating. Testament to the fact that even with just a few readers, you can't please everybody.
>filler updates
Nah, every update has been somewhat important.
Everyone just consistently voted to give Alberich more rope to hang himself with.

>irrelevant arc
Highly doubtful, considering we'll most likely obtain 1 servant and 2 Goddesses along with further mastery over IN elements along with various more dubious upgrades like potential eotm or aotg.

>grunts and nobodies
Just because they didn't make it into the history books doesn't diminish their strengths or power.
Famousness is not a direct equivalent to how much of a threat they can pose.

I'm pretty sure it's a mindset thing.
I'm fine with stories that take a while so long as it's consistent all the way through.
That guy seems to want one specific thing from the quest, so when it's removed out come the reeeees.
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>I guess I'll wait

You know, it's just a theory, but I think Sweets might actually hate having male characters allied to the main character. Think about it. Ogawara turned into a completely different character entirely. Matsuda is a traitor coward who deserves death. Vaisset died nearly instantly. Laifos here has zero redeeming qualities. We're expected to want to kill Shirou because of a cutscene fight we as the players had no real part in where Alberich got hurt in total self defence.
And Odin is just the final boss loitering about and generally making a nuisance of himself.

The rest of the male characters generally could never have been allies.

Judas is a weird case, but considering the nature of his existence, I'm hesitant to call him an actual ally.

Thus Futodoki is our only male ally, and he's both a cat and somebody I can see betraying us at some point.
Because honestly, it's about the norm.
We even got "Trust nobody, not even yourself." Courtesy of Rushorou.
>Just a few readers.

As if you didn’t do this yourself. lol
>We're expected to want to kill Shirou because of a cutscene fight we as the players had no real part in where Alberich got hurt in total self defence.
Pretty sure their desire to destroy the artifact that is crucial to all our other plans is also part of it, I'm sure it's not just the grievous injury he sustained that if he hadn't had strong allies nearby would've eventually killed him.

>male conspiracy
I think it's more that Alberich forgives women more easily than men. Remember that he didn't really like Vaisset, so he didn't take many precautions to ensure his safety.
Ogawara apparently liked crossdressing, so he was always going to turn out that way. I'm kinda curious how Akeldama would've turned out if he was chosen instead of Yumigawa.
We did have a choice to go find Matsuda. I think we decided to experiment with Emptiness instead, but I know we decided to ignore him, and he got found by Harris. I'd say he's still recruitable, but it'll be harder if he does lasting damage to anything we care about.
Laiphos has gone insane after thousands of years of isolation, and a burning hatred towards gods.
Odin is as you say.
Cat dude is a cat. They do as they please, but I don't see him betraying us out of nowhere, especially when we're sustaining his existence. He took to our first assignment we sent him on pretty well too.

>current arc is sweets fault
Nobody wanted to discuss what kind of place we're inhabiting until sweets started getting frustrated with the players.
This is like 99% on everyone else's heads.
>We will never have another bro, just like Shorou
No! It isn't true! It can't be!
Seriously though, I think I get why. Weve seen how much Sweets rabidly hates FGO, and the MC there has platonic friendly ambiguous relationships with people of all genders because it's a genderless character with 2 bodies. On the other hand FSN has Shirou pretty much surrounded by exclusively female allies. Maybe Sweets decided that if she wanted to make a really good Fate quest she had to follow in Nasu's footsteps and write about her ideal husbando in the middle of a harem.

>Nobody wanted to discuss what kind of place we're inhabiting until sweets started getting frustrated with the players.
I have no idea what this sentence means. Can you explain to an idiot?
Nobody wanted to take a vacation to the shapeless isle so nobody wanted to talk about the situation. Obviously.
It's far more difficult to want to discuss something that you aren't all too interested in.
And sorry, but there's just way too much of a distance from the main plot here for this segment to feel like it actually matters. It's just become a drawn out waifu collecting. How did Sweets not think this was going to piss off the people who didn't want this in the first place?

Sweets is frustrated at the players for being frustrated at him. This further frustrates. Frustrating.
For the record, I'm not frustrated with anyone. If I came off that way, I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention.
Once we got here, everyone just took it in stride that we'd just figure out the secret method of escape if we played along with everyone in the place who's mistress has an interest in keeping us here out of spite.
Just went along with it until sweets pointed out we were in a headspace, which should have been one of the first things people talked about once we found out we were on an island. This led to us summoning Judas, and eschewing another method of resolution for a completely different one.

>i don't wanna be here!
>let's not discuss escape methods!
It's their own fault don't be silly.

>what was sweets thinking!
Probably that the servant with an established inner-world would have an inner world when we soul-dived.

>the cycle of frustration continues
I'll always point out that the players action, thought, and foresight, or lack thereof, led to this exact outcome.
Sweets is simply the facilitator.

Really? Those posts about how all avenues of conclusion you set up being sidestepped, and the arc progressing far longer than you had intended seemed to express frustration.
>Those posts about how all avenues of conclusion you set up being sidestepped, and the arc progressing far longer than you had intended seemed to express frustration.
I was just trying to explain to folks how things had worked out the way they have, and make clear that I hadn't planned to keep you on this island for so long. I don't mind if things don't go according to my plans in the quest, I just write in. You could stay here on the island all year, and if you folks were happy, I would be.
Obviously a lot of people aren't happy, though, hence my going out of my way to explain what happened in the hopes of mollifying them while we move toward the conclusion of the arc.
That should read "I just write it".
>It's their own fault don't be silly.
Actually it goes more
>I don't want to be here!
>I didn't vote to be here!
>I don't want to play this!
>*stops participating*
>comes back about a month later
>still on island

Hell, I voted to take control of Medusa and even I think this arc is taking far far too long. I can't even begin to think of how fatigued the people that were advocating executing her are right now.
>>[ ] The body may be amorphous, but that doesn't mean it lacks a core. In all of Laifos' movements, you haven't seen the immediate shape around the two orange sparks that burn where eyes ought to be significantly altered. If you can close in and make a killing blow against that, it should end him. It had better, for without your Noble Phantasms you fear you don't have the energy for a sustained battle of magic.

Looking back makes me wonder how things would've turned out had we kept Keiseki alive, if it weren't for us Matsuda would've likely gotten boned and Ogawara would've probably been killed in the crossfire of a servant battle, even if he'd still have been our enemy he was the only one of our siblings competent enough to survive without relying on us.
>not trying to get the quest to flow in the direction you're interested in and just ditching it when things don't go your way
yea it's their fault.

Yeh he woulda gotten boned.

Didn't the servants leave him alone without our intervention? With his A+ Rank luck he would've found a nice house, cooked a meal for himself, but accidentally spill something that ruined his clothes, prompting him outside, that would've let him see the city burning, and cause him to escape to the 8th city, wherein he would pick a completely inconspicuous hideaway and just read 2ch until the war ended.

How would that have realistically happened? I don't see a world where Yumigawa spares him after the shit he pulled, and I bet their personalities wouldn't get along well even in a universe bereft of the archer betrayal.
By the words of Sweets, Ogawara was a single digit on a dice roll from death.
He would've died without somebody to protect him.

He's not like Taiga who can just EX rank luck her way to indirectly saving the world.
>How would that have realistically happened? I don't see a world where Yumigawa spares him after the shit he pulled, and I bet their personalities wouldn't get along well even in a universe bereft of the archer betrayal.

Probably not, although people we're hoping Matsuda to be loyal because we got along, i'm just wondering about how things might've turned out on the off chance people voted to keep the only other 'player select' option to summon a servant around; esp since in the "concrete dead end" timeline Akeldama would've likely become 'his grail war' at the end of night 1.
Still one lucky guy. Maybe he would've found someone else, who knows. His luck hasn't terminally failed him yet.

>Keiseki would've won
Nope, apparently Clint was so badass, he would've won if we weren't even more badass.
Fucking archers.
Odysseus really got shafted.
Wtf was Circe thinking sealing his most useful skill?
No wonder Alberich was so disappointed in her planning.
Also, I remember Sweets saying he was looking forward to having fun with Archer's hag and the former master of Rider.
What happened to that?
>Also, I remember Sweets saying he was looking forward to having fun with Archer's hag and the former master of Rider.
>What happened to that?
The story just... didn't end up going that way, is all. It didn't quite work out.
Never said he would've won, after all Clint did prove he could beat Blackbeard in a straight fight, just that without us he'd would've ended up the only one of 'us' left with any skin in the game. Does also make me wonder what Judas would've done if all of his 'children' ended up dead, would he even bother finishing Akeldama, reset with another batch or just settle for whoever would end up winning?
>Makes me wonder what being linked to Ayaka and now Lily is/will do to us.
Well, Sweets said that the statue thing was us changing to fit Circe's tastes. Lily has her whole incestuous thing going on. She wants us as an Einzbern, so I don't think her tastes change us. It seems like the link to Ayaka should've made us look more like Rushorou again since she had a crush on him, but we've spent a pretty long time linked to her now and that doesn't seem to be happening. Maybe she doesn't have strong feelings about it?
Probably he would've just finished Akeldama with the function he gave Vaisset, eaten everyone, and fought the HGW as a super-caster.
posts too big, can't concentrate long enough to read the quest
>reading a nasuverse quest
>complaining about amount of text
I guess I should say:
>complaining about a huge amount of text
since most of us dislike small updates
A noise of frustration not unlike sizzling fat draws your attention back to Laifos, who seems from what little body language is perceptible in the bizarre shape of the creature to be regarding you with far more intensity than before. He's increased in volume, stretching his height up to the peak of the corridor; and his 'eyes' burn brighter, no longer gleaming sparks but shining pockets of flame. "I see magic truly has advanced since my demise," he comments, in a voice of barely controlled rage. "That technique of yours was composed of something quite unlike what Circe and Hecate taught their pupils to command. I don't suppose you would care to enlighten me as to its nature."

"Hardly," you retort with scorn. "Why should I share my magical knowledge with a resentful wraith determined to end my life? You can perish in ignorance, Laifos, knowing the magical expertise that formed your only mark of distinction while alive is as out-of-date as the rest of you." The words fall from your lips almost without thought, as you relegate the projection of confrontational bravado to the second string of mental activity, focusing with the forefront of your mind on tactical considerations. You need to find some way of dealing this thing a true killing blow, ending it with one strike from your newly-effective elementalism. The strain you can already feel on your body from even one use is enough to tell you that you can't manage a drawn out battle; but what form can that killing blow take? What you created a moment ago was merely a barrier; useful enough for redirecting flame, but if you follow the example and form a hard weapon out of Emptiness, you have little doubt that Laifos' amorphous constitution will protect him from any damage your blows might inflict.

Then it hits you, and you charge. You can't waste any more time on the defensive, but must conserve your energy by acting the moment you have an idea; and now you do. Fire. It's the element he favors, certainly, but it's also the means of his destruction. If Laifos is exposed to sunlight, he'll burn. That means that you can destroy him by the same process. Form Emptiness into something like fire, elementally different but sharing its physical properties and means of destruction, and you'll have the ideal weapon to use against him. As for where to place your killing blow... You give your adversary a final examination, noting once more the diffuse nature of the shifting mass of rags, as well as the two points which are the sole unusual aspects of his form, and conclude that you'll have to strike there. You can only hope that the relatively static mass of cloth around those makeshift eyes really is some kind of core, and not merely a cosmetic decision to accommodate the sensibilities of a former human.
As you spring forward, rapidly closing with your unmoving foe, another ray of fire springs forth from an extended tendril of stained silk, shooting toward your eyes faster than a man can move; but you're no longer as slow as you were when you arrived, and the use of Emptiness grows easier with each attempt. You shift your course slightly to the right, and at the same time bat the offending flame away with your left hand, materializing a tiny barrier only for the very shortest moment of contact between your limb and Laifos' projectile. It's enough, though, and Laifos' magic curves away as you strike it; a rod becoming an arc under pressure superior to its rigidity. Laifos seems to shrink back slightly at this second display of your magic's effectiveness. He must know what's coming, you think. He sees in your magic a weapon he can't understand and almost certainly can't survive, in the hands by a man who, as long as he remains in the unwieldy body with which Athena cursed him, he cannot escape, but only attempt to ward off with ever more desperate use of his pyromantic magic.

As if to give credence to your inference of his thoughts, just as you're imagining this inner fear a wall of fire springs up from the stone between you to cut off your advance, though Laifos is nearly within arm's reach. Furious at the inhibition, you rend it apart with a sweep of your left hand, tearing it as a big cat might tear a curtain, with a glove of Emptiness to stand in for claws. Beyond, Laifos is retreating from you, rushing down the corridor like a swarm of black moths with, at the center, that never-changing 'head' of tightly wrapped cloth. You spur yourself on faster and faster, dragging every last bit of power out of your body to catch up with the gale-speed of Laifos' flight, but at last you do lay hands on him. Just as you cross the threshold of the chamber with the three empty pedestals you stretch out your right hand through the swirling cloud of rags and seize the core that you're now certain bears whatever spark of imitated life he has with enough force to crush a man's skull.

Energy surges through your magic circuits, and you focus your mind on the ideal form, calling up within your the image of a perfect, all-consuming flame that will burn every trace of this lying creature to ash the moment it appears. Just as it's about to take form, Laifos makes his final bid to put an end to you, unleashing a wave of fire at point-blank range that washes over you with with scorching, deadly heat. You don't flinch; can't, or it will all be for nothing. In a moment of perfect understanding that you tremble on the knife-edge between victory and death, you pour all the mystic energy within you through your hands, forming with the left a barrier of radiant light to shield as much of your body as possible, and in the right an orb of white-hot flame; a spot where the celluloid of reality has been melted away to expose only impossible light.
It's all over in a fraction of a second. You slump to the ground in the sudden darkness, temporarily blind; though the handheld sun you conjured for that brief moment remains burned into your vision, a rainbow phantom of peerless luminosity. Laifos is gone. Your guess about his core must have been correct, for even in utter darkness you know that the magical energy of the cursed priest's existence has vanished. From the elbow down your right hand is a mass of pain. It's the only part of your body you were unable to shield from your adversary's last desperate counterattack, and you don't relish the thought of seeing what it looks like in daylight; so you force yourself to ignore it, shut out the pain and analyze the rest of your body. Looking past the burns only tells you how far you've pushed everything else, though. You can feel that you've recovered a great deal of the superhuman strength of a mythical hero, but even with such resources at your disposal, it seems you've drained them down to the dregs. Every muscle, tendon, and magic circuit in your body screams its exhaustion to you in a voice transmitted by your nerves. Indeed, you're so bereft of energy that for a moment you're tempted to simply fall asleep here, and hope the dead will leave you unmolested while you recover. It would be so simple; you need only let your eyelids fall, and all the sensation begins to float away as you allow healing rest to overtake you...

No! You get yourself under control by an effort of will, forcing your eyes open and your feet under you once more. To shock your system out of the possibility of rest, you grab the edge of the plinth with your burned right hand and drag yourself upright, feeling the lance of red-hot pain that drives up your arm as you do so. Now your thoughts ought to be clearer. You can't rest here, but what course of action should be pursued is somewhat open.
>[ ] You entered this cavern with the intent of retaking the power of a hero by embodying the identity, and to be a hero is to fight under any condition. Descend further into the catacombs and hunt the risen dead.

>[ ] In the end you received no answers about the nature of this plinth, but experimentation might yet yield some favorable result, and your curiosity gnaws at you. Drag the corpses of the hoplite, mariner, and assassin onto the three pedestals and see if any insight strikes you.

>[ ] You need rest desperately, but haven't a chance of getting it here. Find your way out of the caverns and return to the room you were given in the Temple of the Gorgons, to recuperate there.

>[ ] This all must come to an end. Since coming to this island you've slain two monsters, as well as three would-be heroes revived from death. You feel that enough of your lost power has come back to you now that you can face Medusa; perhaps not as easily as if you were unharmed, but no matter. If what Judas implied about time passing at the same rate on the Shapeless Isle as outside of Medusa's spirit, you can afford to waste no time in returning.

>[ ] Do something else. (Write in)
>[ ] In the end you received no answers about the nature of this plinth, but experimentation might yet yield some favorable result, and your curiosity gnaws at you. Drag the corpses of the hoplite, mariner, and assassin onto the three pedestals and see if any insight strikes you.
Woah, it worked.
Time to solve the puzzle and open the hidden gate. There's no way they would put another monster behind it, right?
>[X] In the end you received no answers about the nature of this plinth, but experimentation might yet yield some favorable result, and your curiosity gnaws at you. Drag the corpses of the hoplite, mariner, and assassin onto the three pedestals and see if any insight strikes you.
>[ ] In the end you received no answers about the nature of this plinth, but experimentation might yet yield some favorable result, and your curiosity gnaws at you. Drag the corpses of the hoplite, mariner, and assassin onto the three pedestals and see if any insight strikes you.
>>[ ] In the end you received no answers about the nature of this plinth, but experimentation might yet yield some favorable result, and your curiosity gnaws at you. Drag the corpses of the hoplite, mariner, and assassin onto the three pedestals and see if any insight strikes you.
>[ ] You need rest desperately, but haven't a chance of getting it here. Find your way out of the caverns and return to the room you were given in the Temple of the Gorgons, to recuperate there.
>[ ] You need rest desperately, but haven't a chance of getting it here. Find your way out of the caverns and return to the room you were given in the Temple of the Gorgons, to recuperate there.
Healing is good.
Worked goes a little too far. We seem to have fucked up our hand pretty horribly and we're almost too tired to stand. Pretty sure that plinth isn't gonna open the door to the Master Sword either. It's all monsters on this island.
Athena loves smart people like Odysseus. It would be completely IC for her to make a retarded vidya puzzle and reward smart people. After all, a human would need an edge to keep up with Medusa and the free loot would be it.
Personally I expect it to be something like the curse on Medusa as a tangible object locked away in the deepest part of her inner world.
If that were the case, wouldn't we want to take that flight of stairs that leads to the deeper levels of the catacombs?bright now we're not in the deepest part of Medusa's inner world at all. If this is a dungeon, we're still on the first floor down.
>We seem to have fucked up our hand pretty horribly
That was because of Laiphos' attack, not because our spell failed, it was a complete success.

Alberich is becoming quite the magic knight, if we could create miniature suns, can we create miniature black holes?
Well, maybe. Mages with an imaginary Origin can access IN space to store things, and we have a portal to it.
On this note, although you worked with Emptiness here, that was due to the spiritual nature of this world. You should be able to produce similar effects outside of Medusa's spirit with Nothingness.
Did you miss an -n't in there somewhere?
No. Remember, when you experimented with elementalism of Emptiness before (in the Shijou library) you discovered that it was largely useless, because it lacks a physical form. It's the ethereal Imaginary element, as Void is the ethereal Real element. You can make good use of it in attribute-based magic, but elementalism with it is a wash. Only Nothinigness takes on a material form with elementalism.
You were able to form Emptiness into solid shapes and manipulate use it without attributes here because this is a realm of spirit; the entire place is ethereal. You won't be able to replicate those same effects with Emptiness back outside, though.
However, you can achieve the same sort of thing outside Medusa's spirit by substituting Nothingness for Emptiness. What I'm pointing out is that Alberich learned a new form to put his elemental materializations into during this encounter. Up until now he's only emulated solid materials like metal, silk, bamboo, etc. Now he's managed to materialize an element in the form of a physically destructive force, which skill can carry over from one type of elementalism to another.
Since none of you folks had touched on the subject, I thought it was worth making clear, so you can keep the ability in mind for future battles.
Yeah, mb, I misread Nothingness as Emptiness there.

So the Island taught Alberich how to nuke people with Imaginary Number magic?
This Island is worth it just for that.

Caster Alberich would've been busted.
Just in case anyone is confused about the properties of the elements, here's a short summary of their properties as Alberich has either been taught or found through experimentation:
Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind - The four classical and self-explanatory elements. Real elements with material properties, usable in pure elementalism as well as attribute-based magic. Alberich cannot use these, as he isn't aligned to them.
Void - Also known as Sky or Ether, the fifth Real element. Ethereal, rather than material, in nature. Unusable in pure elementalism, functional only through attribute-based magic. Excels in magic-altering mysteries that affect other magic of the four previous Real elements. Only Real element to which Alberich is aligned.
Emptiness - Best known Imaginary element by magi. Ethereal, rather than material. Use in pure elementalism is greatly aided by the effects of Heiligöffnungschwert, although even with the sword's aid its pure form is useless outside of an ethereal realm. Highly potent in a variety of attribute-based magic dealing with the Realm of Imaginary Numbers. If a human magus claims to use "the Imaginary Element," this is what they are referring to. Element to which Alberich is aligned most closely, as it is not only part of his elemental affinity but also conceptually (linguistically) bound to his Origin.
Nothingness - Less well-understood Imaginary element. Material rather than ethereal, but almost completely impossible for a magus without the aid of Heiligöffnungschwert to use in Reality. No human has been born aligned to this element. Because it represents "the Imaginary equivalent of the four material Real elements," it can take on almost any form when manifested through pure elementalism. Its effects on attribute-based magic are unexplored.
I wonder if this breakthrough will increase the usefulness of Vaisset's decoded notes.
>>[ ] In the end you received no answers about the nature of this plinth, but experimentation might yet yield some favorable result, and your curiosity gnaws at you. Drag the corpses of the hoplite, mariner, and assassin onto the three pedestals and see if any insight strikes you.

May as well, we do still have our regeneration don't we?
Hopefully, although since "no human has been born aligned to this element, almost completely impossible for a magus to use in reality and can take on almost any form when manifested through pure elementalism" i'd find it amusing if it turns out he basically spent his life trying to bootleg its effects.
If we're lucky, our increase in power from acting heroic has helped us with regen. What I worry about is that all of this imaginary element use without HGS is straining Ayaka to a dangerous level.
Possibly. If I'm reading: >4179140
Correctly, then since Void is one of the 5 elements, and if Vaisset's research truly is focused on transmuting the real elements into one another, even without the affinity for them, Alberich should be able to wield the other 4 classical real elements the same way he does Nothingness.
The benefits to this are immense, since Alberich would be able to make use of almost any magic he could come across.

Also, we should really keep in mind that we can make Nothingness take any form we please.
If we turned it into a gas do you think we could pull Circe's trick of surrounding the air around the body instead of halting the body itself?
Or if we wanted to turn the arena into IN hell, if we spread Nothingness out like water from our feet?

I wonder what applying transference, absorption, or rejection to Nothingness would make it do.
Maybe absorption would make it act like The Shadow, absorbing anything that touches it?
Transference... I'm honestly not sure. And anything about rejection is still just speculation since we haven't learned it.

Don't we regenerate via Ayaka's od? If we yanked too much out we'd start vanishing.
Whoops, messed up linking.
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Whatcha think of the FGO rendition of the head honcho of Olympus, Mr. Wherever-I-Go-I-Must-Rape?
I have to give them one thing, it's not as bad as the rest of their Greek stuff.
He's recognizably Zeus, even if he is mounted to a pillar like one of the EVA units being launched up to the surface. I'm not a fan of how they designed his weapon, or the giant bracelets, but overall it falls into the range of "non-terrible anime version of a Greek god."
I forgot to write this earlier, but
>Excels in magic-altering mysteries that affect other magic of the four previous Real elements.
Doesn't this mean we can use Void with absorption to subvert traditional magic? Or redirect it?

This should this be faster and more effective than using Emptiness to do the same since it's a Real Element right?
Would combining Void and Emptiness together and applying absorption create the ultimate magic counter? Or Nothingness infused with Void?
Nothingness shields infused with Void deployed under the absorption attribute sounds killer.

Or is there something I'm missing in this equation here.
Sometimes I look back on one of my own sentences and marvel at how I could have decided it was acceptable phrasing.
That should really read "Excels in magic which alters or affects mysteries aligned to the four classical elements."
Here's what we should do. Come up with different combinations of element and attribute and give them memorable names so we can actually discuss using in combat without feeling like we're writing a dissertation on the clusterfuck that is the fate magic system
That could be fun. Like an attack name thing sort of. Got any ideas?

I'm pretty trash at naming. So I just made a shitty table instead:

Nothingness (No Attributes) = Nothingness
Nothingness + Transference =
Nothingness + Absorption =
Nothingness + Rejection = ?

Nothingness + Emptiness + Transference =
Nothingness + Emptiness + Absorption =
Nothingness + Emptiness + Rejection = ?

Nothingness + Void + Transference =
Nothingness + Void + Absorption =
Nothingness + Void + Rejection = ?

Emptiness (No Attributes) = Emptiness
Emptiness + Transference =
Emptiness + Absorption =
Emptiness + Rejection = ?

Emptiness + Void + Transference =
Emptiness + Void + Absorption =
Emptiness + Void + Rejection = ?

Void (No Attributes) = Void
Void + Transference =
Void + Absorption =
Void + Rejection = ?
It'd have to be someone who actually knows what the combinations might create so I'm definitely not the right choice for that. Maybe once we practice some in the real world and see what we're actually capable of now.
I was thinking about Alberich's connection with Lily, and is it possible she'd be able to use Nothingness, Emptiness, and if she can't already, Void?
Judas said:
>By a similar token, she will remain unable to receive the powers you’ve gathered from Servants. Her existence would be simply unable to tolerate the incompatible power and attempted reshaping, leading to her death.
But that doesn't discount Origins and Elements, right? Something strong enough to kill both if one dies no matter the distance must be pretty deep.
And by that same merit, could Alberich develop magic using Lily's Origin and Element?
So, you folks are really sticking to that plinth investigation, huh? Alright. Writing.
I don't like the sound of that.
Sounds like amazement we're staying on the Island for any reason at all when everyone screeches about getting off it.
For a time, you consider the idea of making your way down one of the unexplored corridors in these catacombs, going in search of still more enemies to face in the hopes of fully recapturing your powers. The wrung-out state of your body and near-uselessness of your burned right hand are enough to convince you of that course's inadvisability, though. Just as impossible would be an immediate confrontation with Medusa. If there's one thing you're certain of in this situation, it's that you're in no condition to fight anyone at the moment. Still, you can at least hope for a recovery, considering the way yesterday's wounds had vanished by this morning. In the meantime, then, as you wait to recover, you may as well attempt to solve the mystery of this room that's been bothering you since your arrival: the meaning of the plinth at its center. Now that you have all three of the men who assailed you here incapable of continuing their aggression, you decide to test out your theory that they were originally the occupants of the three pedestals, and try the hope that something useful might come of replacing them.

At first you look down the corridor for your pack, hoping to recover your torches; a moment later and you could kick yourself for it. The fatigue must be doing things to your mind, for you to seek automatically after a light source that you needed Laifos' help to set ablaze. Of course, you could attempt the same thing by your newly discovered method of producing magical flame, but as drained as you are the last thing you want to do is expend magical energy on anything but the immediate preservation of your life. No, you'll just have to readjust to the gloom down here, though it seems all the blacker and more impenetrable after your time spent with the aid of a torch.

So, walking with blind, fumbling steps and using only one hand for the tasks, you set about finding and dragging back to the plinth first the mariner's corpse and then that of the hoplite. Both are of course headless, but hopefully their lack of brainpower won't inhibit whatever function the sculpture is meant to fulfill. In any case, you have enough difficulty hauling the two limp bodies up and seated on pedestals barely wide enough to accommodate them without the added trouble of fumbling around in the dark, searching for wherever their heads might have rolled off to amidst all the struggles that have gone on here in the last few hours.
Finally you do get them on the plinth, though, hunched forward at an angle that can barely be called upright but is the only way you can find to keep them from slumping back and falling off the pedestals altogether. Having thus managed the first two corpses into a state of careful equilibrium, you set off down the corridor to recover the assassin's body, feeling more ridiculous all the time. He, you find, has been no quicker to recover than his decapitated comrades, and for the first time you're grateful he's wearing the black mantle that helped him to easily remain hidden in the subterranean shadows; its hood serves as a convenient handhold to drag the body back with you instead of carrying it, and operating as you are one-handed this is a convenience you're well positioned to appreciate.

After another half-hour or so of fumbling with the dead man and his tendency to slide uncooperatively down from the plinth, you manage to work all three of the corpses into the same positions as one another, each sitting on a pedestal and hunched forward as if brooding on the injustice of their shared fate, to be used in this macabre display so long after their deaths. With the sculpture at last completed you make a slow circuit of the room, peering through the darkness at it from every angle in search of the hoped-for revelation. From wherever you examine the sculpture, though, it looks just the same: like an empty plinth on which someone has propped up three dead men. Neither is there any grating of hidden machinery or display of suddenly activated magic upon the corpses' return (if return it really is) to the plinth. Even when you give in to befuddlement and hunt down the hoplite and mariner's heads, replacing them on their respective necks, you find no meaning whatsoever in the gruesome decor. It seems that you have reached a dead end.

Your exertions haven't been completely without reward, however. In the few hours that have passed since your defeat of Laifos, much of the fatigue has left you, and you have partially recovered the use of your right hand. Whatever you intend to face next, you will at least be better-equipped to face it than you were upon rising.

>[ ] The plinth may have turned out to be meaningless, but that hardly leaves the catacombs empty. Descend one of the many stairways to further explore the Shapeless Isle's subterranean depths.

>[ ] This degree of healing will have to be enough. Return to the temple and seek out Medusa for a final confrontation.

>[ ] You've had all the darkness and damp stone you can take down here, though you're not yet ready to face Medusa. Make your way back to the Temple of the Gorgons and rest in your chambers until you've completely recovered.

>[ ] Do something else. (Write in)
Sorry, folks. I know you really had high hopes for this, but putting corpses on pedestals was just not the way to go here.
>[ ] You're not quite ready to fight Medusa. Rest here and plan for your fight until your hand has healed completely, then return to the temple for your final confrontation.
>[X] You've had all the darkness and damp stone you can take down here, though you're not yet ready to face Medusa. Make your way back to the Temple of the Gorgons and rest in your chambers until you've completely recovered.
We should deal with the sisters first, since we'll probably exit once we dominate Medusa.
>>[ ] You've had all the darkness and damp stone you can take down here, though you're not yet ready to face Medusa. Make your way back to the Temple of the Gorgons and rest in your chambers until you've completely recovered.
>[ ] You've had all the darkness and damp stone you can take down here, though you're not yet ready to face Medusa. Make your way back to the Temple of the Gorgons and rest in your chambers until you've completely recovered.
>[ ] This degree of healing will have to be enough. Return to the temple and seek out Medusa for a final confrontation.
The truth is, that plinth was always just meant to be decor. It was only there to display a trio of statues, which ended up becoming your enemies after they were revived.
I came up with the scene because I always enjoy dramatic scenes like that, where the protagonist sees a place that something used to be, turns, and finds the vanished 'object' trying to kill him; it's a great dramatic moment, and it confirms for you that Laifos was telling the truth about the resurrected warriors!
...or so I thought. You folks took me completely by surprise by deciding it was a puzzle, but I didn't want to just shut you down about it until I had no choice; so we've been going along this way until now. Sorry!
This is the worst designed dungeon ever.
And I've played Tomb of Horrors.
Well, at the end of the day it's just a place to store corpses.
Those kinds of kinetic puzzles in videogame dungeons always bothered me, anyway. They have no logical reason to exist.
Everything about this island is disappointing.
Just a miscommunication I guess. Your overly descriptive prose made it seem more significant than it was.
The parts with the Gorgon Sisters are good.
Problem is all the non Gorgon stuff on a "mini"-arc that should've been focused entirely on them.
Random filler enemies are not what I wanted in their place.
Especially not when they've bloated this arc like they have.
>The parts with the Gorgon Sisters are good.
That's why I said we should use our magic on them back at the temple! Why the hell did we go wandering off to grind mobs instead of just finishing this when we had the chance?
Yeah, for me it was that the corridor tapered off instead of ending with the plinth.
It gave me the impression there was supposed to be more to the corridor.
Yeah, that was some pretty bad phrasing on my part, I suppose.
What I was trying to convey was that, by widening and then tapering, the corridor flows naturally into a circular room occupied by the plinth, as opposed to a hard stop and transition into said room.
I'm sorry, anon, but I just have to point out again that this is what you folks voted for. Faced with the choice between staying at the Temple and trying to work out a direct solution with the Gorgon sisters, and going off into the caves to build up your power by fighting the island's other inhabitants, you almost unanimously chose to fight. I've tried to make those fights as interesting as possible, but that's really the most I can do here.
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I'll be able to write an update tonight. My apologies, folks.
I'll be back to writing tomorrow, and hope to up the pace this weekend.
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What's up, anon?
We posting craft essences?
Not really, just thought it was a nice pic of Ayaka
How lovely, anon. I'm sure Ayaka would be touched to know that Alberich is thinking of her even in the pit of Medusa's spirit, separated by a gulf of emulated time. Hopefully you'll get the chance to be with your Master again soon.
Heaving one last sigh at the ultimately uninteresting nature of the plinth, you turn from it and begin making your slow progress out of the catacombs. Although there remain many unexplored avenues in the subterranean structure, you feel as if you've passed beyond a vaguely intuited but nonetheless vital inner benchmark, a dividing line between the Alberich too weakened by the power of Medusa's inner world to put up a credible fight against her and something like the Servant who dwells without, a man cast in the mold of a Hero of the Age of Gods. In short, to continue cutting down the dead here would now be a labor out of proportion to its reward. Indeed, but for the grievous strain and injury sustained in your battle with Laifos, you would resolve to return directly to the pavilion at the island's peak and confront Medusa in combat. That, however, is a struggle for which you remain not quite prepared. Instead, you decide, you will return to the chambers provided for you at the Temple of the Gorgons (and, no doubt, to the capricious attentions of Medusa's willful sisters) and rest as best you can until you've healed completely.

As you ponder this course of action, you exit the chamber of the plinth, pass by the multifarious abyssal avenues which branch off of the catacombs' central corridor as well as the now-vacated prison chamber formerly inhabited by Laifos, and finally return to the junction which marks the boundary between the outer natural caverns and those chambers carved out of the stone with a purpose. Here you stop, your attention suddenly focused on a startling vision. It is the first warrior who challenged you here, not prone as you left him but upright; or, to be more accurate, leaning at an angle which approximates uprightness. He's propped himself up rather unsteadily on the broad-bladed spear he wielded against you. In a distasteful juxtaposition, you observe that though he stands once more and has replaced his helmet on his head, the face below it is the same mangled, shapeless mess of split flesh and crushed bone with which you left him. Nevertheless, there is that spectral glow in the eyes, shining out through the mass of destroyed features.

"You're back," he growls, the words seeming to struggle wetly out of a mouth all shattered teeth and ragged, torn lips. His head swivels alertly to face you the moment you approach the doorway, though the rest of his body remains quite stationary. "Cooked, and covered head to foot in blood. Most's not your own from the look of it. Guess you did better than I thought."
"I seem to have made the same mistake," you confess in a voice of honest surprise coupled with the arrogant bemusement that comes of knowing you've bested the man once already, and he still bears the marks. "From what another told me, I would not have expected you to be ready to stand in my way once more for some time yet. If you still wish to prevent me from facing Medusa, though..." You drop your hand to rest lightly on the pommel of your sword, leaving the promise of battle a non-verbal one.

"Kheh!" The man grunts contemptuously. "I may be back on my feet, but I'm in no condition for battle. All I want is for you to tell me one thing."

"Rather more talkative than before, aren't you?" you joke, enjoying the pathetic state of your former assailant. "Very well. What is it?"

"Where is my pack?" he spits, each word charged with a palpable fury. "You made off with it."

It's intriguing, the degree of raw emotion this man seems to feel for the relatively trivial thing. Many cultures, you are well aware, bury their dead with tokens of items they bore in life to bring with them into the next world; items with a great symbolic connection to the individual. This man, however, surely received the farthest thing from a proper burial by those who cared for him, and the objects he carried with him were of a purely utilitarian nature. Still, he does appear to have an enormous bond with them, and it is true that you took them from a man you believed at the time to be in a state never again to need such tools.

>[ ] You find yourself strangely moved. Pity for the animate dead man, perhaps, though that emotion is rarely found in you for any but beautiful girls. Toss his pack back to him before going on your way.

>[ ] You have no reason to answer the desires of a man who has nothing to offer you; who offends your eyes with his brutish appearance and ears with his grating voice and attitude; a man, moreover, who has raised his hand against you! Whether you have anything to gain from the future use of his rope, torches, and whetstone is almost immaterial. Having taken them, you will under no circumstances return them to this wretch. Ignore his demand and look for the path back out of these caverns.

>[ ] Respond differently. (Write in)
This is a short update with a short voting time, since I wanted to break off for dinner and this was an opportunity for one of the character choices you haven't had many of lately.
I'll call it in two hours and nine minutes, at 22:00PST.
>>[ ] You find yourself strangely moved. Pity for the animate dead man, perhaps, though that emotion is rarely found in you for any but beautiful girls. Toss his pack back to him before going on your way.
He can have his shit back. A rare opportunity to stop being waifufag supreme.
>[ ] You find yourself strangely moved. Pity for the animate dead man, perhaps, though that emotion is rarely found in you for any but beautiful girls. Toss his pack back to him before going on your way.
>[ ] You find yourself strangely moved. Pity for the animate dead man, perhaps, though that emotion is rarely found in you for any but beautiful girls. Toss his pack back to him before going on your way.
The net served me well. Helped me win a pretty good fight. It's probably still down there if you want it back.
>[X] You find yourself strangely moved. Pity for the animate dead man, perhaps, though that emotion is rarely found in you for any but beautiful girls. Toss his pack back to him before going on your way.

How is this preventing him from being the ultimate lolifag?
>A rare opportunity to stop being waifufag supreme.
Hmm? And here I was thinking you were the anon who had argued in favor of trying to convert Medusa for the sake of trying to collect Stheno and Euryale.
We usually only do anything nice for women.
mmmm not really? He was pretty nice towards Shriou before we learned he was trying to disassemble the grail.
He just doesn't interact with many guys, but he was pretty nice towards Matsuda too, not pulping his head when given the opportunity.
And he only dislikes Odin because he's acting like archers do.
Tell that to the prompt you're voting for.
Also, sparing his brother and being nice to Shirou are really to be expected.
Shirou managed to befriend fuckin Shinji somehow.
>Feeling pity = being nice
>Shinji hating
He was alright, just had incredibly shitty circumstances. Shirou didn't like him for no reason.
>Shirou didn't like him for no reason.
Shirou is capable of getting along with anyone with the exception of Gilgamesh and himself.
Being capable of it and actualizing it are completely different.
He liked Shinji despite his rougher points, he wasn't that bad a dude, just had a rotting grandpa.

Can't he get along with Ko-gil tho?
Everyone can get along with Ko-Gil, it's Charisma A+ being abused to the greatest degree possible by a genuinely nice kid.
Adult Gilgamesh however will kind of ruin the power of his own Charisma by being such a massive prick to everyone.
Wasn't there that one scene in Hollow Ataraxia where Gilgamesh was wearing that weird top and he and Shirou had a decent conversation?
Just wanted to let you folks know that although I started writing at ten, the update isn't finished and I think I've got to call it a night here. I'll pick this back up tomorrow morning, but if anyone wants to try to sway the vote the other way, in the next few hours, feel free to vote.
Tomorrow, I promise this chain of short, relatively inconsequential updates will end!
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here's your Aphrodite, brehs
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Wadarco, I have no words.
The second part of the newest lostbelt is just the stupidest shit.
Kirsch gets ganked by a Rhongomyniad fired across lostbelts.
The Greek Gods start getting wrecked.
Something about the Black Barrel one shotting all of them including Zeus.
Oh! Musashi got herself erased from all existence by fending off or killing Chaos.
Or something.
Like a two-dollar whore.

inb4 Grand Saber Musashi because muh grorious nippon steer
>Grand Saber Musashi
We're about to enter a whole new world of Arturiawank with LB6 so unlikely.
Beating Chaos, the primordial thing that created existence according to Greek Myth is ultra Nipponwank already.
>Kirsch gets ganked by a Rhongomyniad fired across lostbelts
Ah, assassinated by that shady pointy-ear dude. For shame.
>Musashi got herself erased from all existence by fending off or killing Chaos
For some reason I doubt that's gonna last

>Like a two-dollar whore.
But what was her robot form?
Ah yes, Musashi, the swordsman who just barely managed to beat Sasaki Kojirou by guilefully putting the sun in his eyes and provoking him to rashness.
That sounds like someone well equipped to defeat the formless primordial entity of basic existence in a fight.
Despite your usual preference to inflict as much suffering as possible on any who make themselves your enemy, you find yourself in a state of strange emotional equilibrium regarding this man. Your anger at his unprovoked attack has cooled, and you even feel something like sympathy for his desire to have his tools returned. Surely, you think, you can't be feeling pity for one who has so offended you, and yet you do find something of the emotion within you. Only a shadow of feeling, yes, but something of an inclination to kindness nonetheless. Perhaps it is only a newfound sense of propriety toward the dead impressed upon you by your time in these, their halls, and by the uselessness of the grisly display you assembled from the other three. Perhaps, on the other hand, the feeling comes of the fact that the man is powerless to lash out at you again, and having killed him once you have satisfied the demands of revenge. Whatever the reason for the emotion, though, you decide after a short consideration that there is no harm in giving it free reign just now. It's unlikely that you'll have any great need of rope and torches after making your exit from these caverns, after all.

"Here," you answer with terse disinterest, unslinging the pack from your shoulder. "Take it back." You toss the pack across the chamber to land with a clatter at the man's feet. "You'll find that net of yours down the hall some way behind me. I'd hurry to get it back, if I were you; it's a useful tool to have in battle."

"If you were me you'd know why I don't hurry," the warrior replies with bitter mirth. "I'm in no rush to go back down on my face. I'll collect the thing in time, when I'm recovered enough to walk."

"No gratitude for my return of your equipment?" you ask, smiling. "I could've kept it easily enough, and I have good reason to consider you my enemy." As he begins to respond, you raise a hand to silence your former foe. "No matter," you continue in a tone of mock exasperation. "I knew you were that sort from the manner of our meeting. I'll leave you with something else to consider. I go now to face Medusa. Tonight, either I will lose my life and join you once more in these catacombs or you will lose your reason for being here and animate. Farewell."

With that, you cross the chamber to depart by the cavern from which you first entered here. As you go, the warrior calls behind you, "You forgot the other possibility. You could be made into one of the statues she keeps, and leave us all in suspense! Well, good luck, you. Carry the grudges of the Mycenaean dead with you, and repay that beast for us."
So you make your way back through that first tunnel, emerging in time upon the shaded cliff over the sea; shaded no longer, for the sun now hangs low enough in the sky to cast its rays between the rough-hewn path and the rocks above your head. Bright morning has given way to the long golden hour that trails the end of afternoon and precedes the darkening evening. It's altogether an improvement upon the damp gloom of the caverns as well as the chill, shadowed sea wind that met your descent. Indeed, with the wind diminished and the sun there to warm you, you find the path almost pleasant as you climb back toward the Shapeless Isle's peak and the temple above. That there are no dead men, twisted monsters, or mocking animals to meet you on the path does contribute, of course.

To add to the pleasant atmosphere, when you near the summit of the cliffside path you begin to hear the enchanting notes of a beautiful melody mingled with the muted roar of the ocean far below. They ring out through the air high and clear, slow, sweet, and melancholy, plucked on what must be an instrument rather like a harp; though not one you've heard before. As you finally climb the steps to the pavilion you are met with a vision to match the loveliness of the song. Stheno, her hair and dress gently animated by the breeze, plucks and strums a golden lyre as she stares out over the ocean, seated delicately in a posture of perfect grace upon a stone chair carved from the body of a would-be hero caught in the moment of rising from a crouch. Two thirds of his furious countenance still crown the backrest, while an outstretched arm holds his blade aloft in a thrust frozen above Stheno's shoulder, dead remnants of rigid violence forming the perfect counterpoint to the soft, bending loveliness of the musical Goddess. For a moment, you find yourself entranced in spite of all last night's unpleasantness. Then Stheno's eyes flick down to you, and as she catches sight of you her fingers stop; her serene countenance turns to an expression of masked displeasure; the effect is broken, and you finish climbing the stairs.

"There you are, Sir Alberich," she says, in honeyed tones which almost manage to hide the cold anger beneath. "You have seen fit to return to us at last. 'I' was quite distressed at your disappearance this morning; but all is well now, for by your aspect I see that you have spent the day quite productively. Have you turned your hand to butchery out of a desire to lessen the burden on my colossal sister, or do you simply prefer the company of beasts to that of 'myself' and I?"
You can't help thinking it a shame that her voice, surely capable of producing speech as musical and sweet as the song of her lyre, should be motivated by such an unrelentingly hostile mind. Ah, well; such seems to be the nature of humanity, to never produce truly perfect beauty. Apparently it is the nature of divinity as well. For all that one might be superhuman in appearance, the limitations of character seem to be constant whether one deals with humans, phantasmal beasts, heroic spirits, or the Gods themselves. Paintings, you suppose, have good reason to be silent and still.

"I confess to a certain curiosity and wanderlust," you reply, adopting a wry smile as you return your wandering focus to the Stheno before the silence can grow unpleasantly long. "It was that urge which brought me here, after all; but it's hardly right you should be offended by it. I was captured by force and brought to your Temple of the Gorgons in chains, after all. That you three sisters should have proven such poor jailers as to let me awaken free is no fault of mine."

"You must have reconsidered the merits of our hospitality, to have returned so," Stheno retorts in a voice as gentle as it is mocking. "None of the Isle's other residents can have improved upon it, I have no doubt."

"No," you say, now shifting to humorous regret. "I found them quite hostile, as you can see."

"Indeed." Stheno seems to tire of your verbal fencing, for her lips purse into an unfeigned frown as her eyes fall on the grisly ruin of your burned hand. "Well, 'myself' and I can see your wounds attended to, but first you must cleanse yourself of that gore. Come; I will show you to the bath."

>[ ] Agree, and follow her. (Write in anything you'd like ask or say to Stheno as you walk).

>[ ] Tell her that there's no need. Your wounds will heal with rest, and after that you intend to challenge Medusa a second time.

>[ ] The thought recurs that now, when you find yourself seemingly alone with Stheno, would be the perfect opportunity to test your dominating curse of Absorption a second time. If you can turn the girl to your will, she will doubtless be an invaluable tool against her sister.

>[ ] Do something else. (Write in)
Grand Lancer ROMA does show up though
So, should we use absorption now, or when both sisters are together?
I'm not sure how long it takes for Alberich's od to restore enough to use 2 Absorption curses, or whether he can use 2 simultaneously.
We also don't know where Medusa is, maybe she thought we got killed and is just tending the grounds like she normally does?

Either way, all 3 Sisters might be convinced this is Breaker Gorgon and not have any expectations for our power to have returned.
>[ ] Tell her that there's no need. Your wounds will heal with rest, and after that you intend to challenge Medusa a second time.
I want to save all of our energy for the fight.
I have to say, I really thought the choice between spending more time with Stheno and Euryale to possibly get more information from them, remaining withdrawn to rest and face Medusa without engaging them, or attempting the absorptive curse would generate some more interest. Two posts in three hours is definitely the low point for responses right after an update.
Are you folks really that tired of this island arc? You don't want to vote on how it ends?
If I'm overreacting, sorry; it's just that I had been thinking of this as one of the more interesting choices you've gotten recently.
>[ ] Agree, and follow her. (Write in anything you'd like ask or say to Stheno as you walk).
>[X] Agree, and follow her. (Medusa has said this place is full of spirits living through her. Why are you and your sister here if you were goddesses?).
The answer to this question should give Alberich a good enough motive to attempt a ressurrection right? Can anyone think of a better way to put this?

Yeah, I'm not really sure about that myself.
Short on time right now but to give my thought process, feels like something will very likely go wrong if immediately attempt to absorb and would like to get them on board with to get room for error. Added bonus if convince they're stuck in BG and pull off extraction will have a stronger hold over Medusa than if force it.
>>[ ] The thought recurs that now, when you find yourself seemingly alone with Stheno, would be the perfect opportunity to test your dominating curse of Absorption a second time. If you can turn the girl to your will, she will doubtless be an invaluable tool against her sister.
>[ ] Agree, and follow her. (Write in anything you'd like ask or say to Stheno as you walk).
Just ask them if they intend to stay on this island forever.

Short answer? Yes.
Long answer? Do you expect us to set an alarm in the middle of the night just in case there's an important vote?
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Oh hey, it's the Alien God.
Hi Olga.
Rough day?
>Do you expect us to set an alarm in the middle of the night just in case there's an important vote?
No. My question was mostly directed at the people who typically do reply quickly when I post an update between 20:00 and midnight PST. You are obviously in a different timezone.
That's what I mean, if you're worried about rapid votes (which doesn't matter with daily updates) then a different time of day would probably help!
Right, I understand.
To be clear, what I'm worried about isn't people voting quickly in and of itself. What I'm always worried about when I post things like that is people's enjoyment of the quest, and conversely people losing interest. If I've seen a pattern in the past that some people vote quickly at a certain time of day, but I post now at that time and get few replies, it implies that the people who were voting at that time before are no longer enjoying the quest.
When this happens with an update that I had hoped would reinvigorate some interest based on the last set of critiques I got from you folks, this is especially concerning.
As for posting at a different time of day, one thing I want you to understand is that I write whenever I can and update as soon as I have something in a state to be posted. If I tried to adhere to more of a schedule, that would only mean updates being posted even less frequently than they are now, which certainly wouldn't make anyone happier.
I don't even know what to say here.
This might be the worst way they could possibly have reintroduced Olga-Marie, one of the few actually likeable characters from FGO's human cast.
You just know there's some horribly convoluted explanation for how having every cell of her body destroyed by Chaldea translated into becoming an "Alien God," and that it won't hold up a bit if you look at it closely.
She looks like a Final Fantasy villain.
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Here's Grand Lancer Romulus btw, with his full divinity in place.

He's summoned as a pseudoservant.
A pseudoservant onto the SERVANT Caligula.
Because that's how it works.

I do not like his armour design.
Not one bit.
It looks like a reject Iron Man suit.
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>Iron Man
>not a Gold Saint
Famously one of the worst emperors in history.
Sounds like a perfect host for the spirit of Romulus, doesn't he?
At this point I'm inclined to think someone at Type Moon has a deep-seated hatred of Rome, and they're just messing about with the Servants as much as they can.
He's covered in more fucking lightbulbs than a lamp catalog. He looks awful.

Also speaking of Final Fantasy, did you see how Square completely BUTCHERED the FF7 remake?
It's not a remake for one.
More a... rebuild.
I have a deep love of Final Fantasy VI, VII, and IX, and so I've been avoiding any kind of spoilers about the VII remake until it comes out on PC.
Well I won't spoil it then.
I'll just say gets a heavy dose of NOMURA and is just as incomprehensible as everything else Square has released since FF13.

and there is confirmation that FFX and FFVII occur in the same universe.
This makes me so angry.
I hated Caligula's design from the beginning, but I could let it go because he's a Berserker, and they're supposed to be physically warped.
Really, though? This guy is supposed to be related to Nero and Julius Caesar? Look at him. Look at his face. Look at that armor! Everything about this is a travesty! He looks like a piece of 21st-century architecture!
A Grand Lancer with no weapon. A pseudo-Servant with no human body. Two utterly incompatible souls forced together. What was going on here?
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>mfw history niggas
But again, why should I be surprised? Every successive Roman Servant has been more ridiculous out of step with its historical counterpart than the preceding.
God, I hate FGO and Fate/Extra.
prime minister olga wants to go to the south america lostbelt and hijack ORT's body, or so I heard
if anyone asks you didn't hear this from me
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Here's Zeus' true form in case you needed to be angrier.

He's like a big spaceship with a face.
Ah, I see.
Type Moon has sold FGO to Studio Trigger.
It all makes sense now.
They build a huge mech to punch the Greek Gods too.

And by they I mean Tesla and Edison.
supporting >>4186676
I've just been busy these days and didn't have time to check in the quest in a while, just read this entire thread, I think the progression has gotten better since the start of this island prison arc.
Personally I just hope things are ok on the other side and Assassin and Harris didn't Tactical Espionage our ass.
Thanks for the encouraging words, anon. I know things have been crazy for a lot of folks, with quarantines and all. As for what's happened outside, well, I don't want to give anything away.
>As for what's happened outside, well, I don't want to give anything away.
Whatever it is, why do I have the terrible feeling it's going to be awfully cheap?
Could it be because you feel everything that disadvantages or sets back Alberich is cheap or unfair?
No, it probably more has to do with the fact that "Oh look, things went wrong while you had no possible way of preventing them due to dealing with something that you couldn't have predicted." Is a dumb way to create conflict
I want to make one thing clear to begin with. How much time may or may not have passed, and whether or not anything has gone wrong, has all been player speculation. I will neither confirm nor deny until you escape the Shapeless Isle.
Secondly, I think a couple of other players have already pointed out the reasons you had to predict something like this happening, so obviously it isn't something nobody could have predicted.
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>a couple of other players have already pointed out the reasons you had to predict something like this happening
After the event occurred in the first place. And this is only because you decided to take the whole inner world thing of Breaker Gorgon far too literally. In reality, Breaker Gorgon doesn't work like this and getting trapped in the Shapeless Isle like we have is always going to feel like an asspull.
Maybe not as much of an asspull if we didn't lose almost all of our strength, but as it is, there was simply no reason behind that occurring due to no Breaker Gorgon activation, well, unless you're saying that as this is Medusa's Inner World she has control over that happening.

Because lol.
Reality Marbles exist.
Again, I find myself at a loss.
I'll admit I'm an amateur writer, working on my first major project both in terms of telling a story and of running a game. I don't think my work is perfect, and I know I've made some mistakes here and there. When it comes to someone, though, who calls it an asspull whenever things relating to magic and/or Noble Phantasms don't go exactly the way they expect, I'm not sure how to address that person.
This is not the use of Breaker Gorgon as it was used in the source material. Although Breaker Gorgon has imbued Medusa's spirit with the nature of a simulated world and the capacity to entrap others, Breaker Gorgon itself has a specific set of effects when used; effects which are not activated when it is not, and which differ from the effects of another forcibly invading Medusa's spirit. Consequently, different things occur within. Judas explained the situation to you pretty well, I thought. You lost most of your powers because they spring from the concept of your existence impressed upon Gaia, from which you are cut off in this inner world.
As for Reality Marbles, you've brought them up repeatedly in situations where they don't quite apply, so let me reiterate something for you. Breaker Gorgon, Akeldama, and Jigoku no Niwa are not Reality Marbles. They are different, if superficially similar, magical constructs with their own separate effects. Spatial Magic which creates a wholly separate region is not the same as a Reality Marble which overlays one's own reality upon an existing region.
That wasn't my point at all.
But ok, justify it all you like, I don't care.
Watching you try to weasel out of the repercussions of your single-minded pursuit of waifus almost makes all of this worth it.
Let's roll with this >>4186676

>things went wrong while you had no possible way of preventing them due to dealing with something that you couldn't have predicted
You mean due to using magic that we didn't entirely understand on a target that it wasn't calibrated to be used on. Effectively trying to jam a USB into an HDMI port.
Useful lesson in getting greedy and toying with "helpless" enemies.
sweets r u gay
>on a target that it wasn't calibrated to be used on.
Isn't that wrong? The curse specialized in modifying servants. As Rider is a servant it should be specialized for use on Rider as well. The magic isn't what needed calibration, it was the target.
The problem was Alberich's familiarity.
But they were a helpless enemy. Our Caster was apparently unaware of the fact that this would have occurred as a result of us using our magic on Medusa?
You can't really spring shit like this when it makes very little sense. This whole nonsense about being cut off from Gaia is literally supposed to be how Reality Marbles work. Reality Marbles cut off the connection from Gaia so within them entities that depend on their connection to Gaia like Elementals would be weakened. We didn't get insta-killed by Shirou when he dragged us away from Gaia, which is explicitly something Reality Marbles do.
Sweets can keep saying "But anon! This ability isn't a reality marble!" When the effects and concepts in play are practically the same.
But whatever, flawed premise aside, I don't think this arc has been *that* bad. Just overstayed it's welcome.

So the conclusion we can make is that Tsubaki is worst Caster. Even including Edison.

I don't care about the consequences or the waifus, I care about the actualization of the consequences, as in how they will be brought about, of which the threat of "You just did nothing for really long and now everything is fucked." is pretty infuriating to me.
At this point, all three of the Gorgon Sisters could die and I wouldn't bat an eye. I merely tried to do what I thought would grant us the most strength while using the existence of Stheno and Euryale as a bonus. Sure, I like the characters, but will I care if we fail to convert them? Meh, probably not.
Now I'll let Sweets defend their own interpretations, but here's mine:

If all the souls in her inner world were originally her flesh and blood, then an examination would show only her flesh and blood. The souls would only become apparent if you stimulated her the way Alberich did, since he has to permeate every facet of Rider's being to make the curse effective, Kourakuhime was probably just looking for majorly different states of being, not looking at her conceptual make-up.

>Reality marbles and Alberich's strength.
This one is easier to explain. Alberich's strength comes from how Gaia views him, and how others view him. If Shirou believed Alberich was at the level that he could withstand his reality marble, then that's the level he would be at. Since it's Shirou's soul any beliefs he held would have a greater effect in there than they would on Earth.

Same thing with Rider's world. Alberich got stripped of his strength because Medusa's experience in that time has made her believe that modern day heroes don't exist, so we lost our strength. Alternatively, she is under the mistaken impression that this is Breaker Gorgon, and that by entering this realm one of the first things Alberich should undergo would be stripping his strength away, but since this isn't Breaker Gorgon the effect of this concept is weakened; And so, by acting like the people from that time we gained our strength back, since we conformed to her standard.

Conceptual Biology is a hell of a drug.
>So the conclusion we can make is that Tsubaki is worst Caster.
Her inexperience definitely does put her in the lower tier of Caster effectiveness, much as you were one of the weakest Sabers around when you were first summoned. Kōrakuhime hasn't had the benefit of constant power-ups, though.
That said, she's still miles above nonsense non-magical Casters like Mozart and Edison.

>I'll let Sweets defend their own interpretations
I think I've said enough on the topic already, actually. Thanks for chiming in with your view of things.
I don't really care all too much anyway, the explanation given might be lackluster in my opinion but I can envision a scenario where mechanically this could have ended up happening.
Though I don't know why I bother trying to go along with the rules now that FGO and the Extraverse and Requiem ARGH exist and rules no longer exist, nevermind exist to be followed.
We're getting too caught up on the particulars of why we were depowered when the ACTUAL reason is "Sweets wanted an arc where we visited the Shapeless Isle and had reason to stay a while instead of killing everything in our way." To which I don't really mind. I just would've liked this arc to have been more focused instead of... plodding.

>non-magical Casters like Mozart and Edison.
Oh, is she capable of teaming up with another Servant in order to create a giant mech that can fight Greek Gods at the peak of their strength (or actually above their original peak, considering in the Lost Belt Zeus was stronger than Sefar or something.) then?
Edison is the anti-mystery Caster. which is still dumb but whatever.
I hate FGO.
Also Mashu gets the Black Barrel and instakills Aphrodite (who is a spaceship.)

Let's just agree to disagree when it comes to the mechanics of the Nasuverse in this case. It's hard to come to an agreement on anything when the series is written by the King of Retcons himself and any rule or character is subject to change at any time for the sake of more money.
Looks like I can't get an update done tonight. Sorry once again, folks. Hopefully I'll have something for you earlier than normal tomorrow, since I don't have any work and plan to write first thing in the morning.
Since I doubt you will have a chance to speak to the crow again, I'll post this tidbit to perhaps entertain you while I work on the update.
While the crow and the raven were both originally white, one was turned to black by Apollo, who had the white raven as his familiar, and the other by Athena, to whom the white crow was once sacred. The raven infuriated Apollo by taking undignified and cruel pleasure in relating the news of his lover's death, while the crow had a rather similar experience as he laughed over the tale of the Cecropides' foolishness in opening the box containing Erikhthonios. Their sin had enraged Athena enough; that her favored bird found in an object of such mirth provoked her further, and she banished him from her sight, turning his stainless plumage black and elevating the owl to the rank of her most favored animal.
So we can see that ravens as well as crows, though originally quite sacred, have earned for their immoderate good cheer the wrath of one god after another.
Ok and...?
I really don't think anyone cares that you gave a random one time NPC bird more of a backstory than half of the Akeldama Masters.
I got that from Ovid, actually. The story of Erikhthonios (or Ericthonius, if you prefer) is a myth, not my original creation.
There were some folks wondering about what a bird supposedly cursed by Apollo was doing on Athena's island after you met him, so I thought I'd put it out there and clear up the raven/crow confusion.
I don't think anyone was wondering about it that much.

Random bird was so irrelevant to the story I forgot it existed.
AIl I want is to leave this island, I really don't give a fuck about greek mythology in the first place.
I don't want to run around aimlessly fighting mook enemies a servant should breeze through in this FGO style arc any longer damn it!
Don't you see what you've done?!
You've become the very thing you swore to destroy.
>You've become FGO!
Well, that hurts. I'm not going around turning beloved mythical figures into the Macross.
Anyway, this isn't really an argument I want to have any longer. You're near the end of the arc anyway. It was something that a few people had wondered about which you'll soon lose the chance to learn about, and it happened to be on my mind, so I wrote a short summary for those who were curious. My taking a minute to do that isn't delaying the end of the Shapeless Isle arc.
It's not as though I'm stopping to write out the encounters you could've had with the four other major monsters who were original characters with new backstories, after all.
I mean FGO did have a part with the Shapeless Isle didn't it? Where a Gorgon Sister showed up?
That might be why I've taken such umbrage with this arc, at least. It does have a very FGO esque feel to it to me.

All it's missing is us being accompanied by cardboard and occasionally a hologram of exposition (though I guess we had to make do with a bird showing up) and you've got the skeleton of FGO down.
Do you ever get tired of constantly making the same complaints? You're seriously unbearable, and you have been for months now. It's time to stop.
I mean, you can't say this arc doesn't have similarities to FGO.
It is quite funny actually.
For me it was refreshing to get out of the Grail war format for a bit. If you were able to update more frequently it would've been much more enjoyable instead of feeling too drawn out. I didn't like being so sidetracked from our larger goals, but that's the fault of the players.
"A chance to wash off the grime would be lovely," you reply, "thank you." The gratitude is unfeigned. You may be well-used to bloody combat, it being the focus of your life and the primary profession to which you have devoted your time, but even so the sensation of being caked in its residue is something you doubt you'll ever be fond of. The idea of relaxing in hot water as you scrub the blood, sweat, and gore from your body, allowing rest and the trickle of mystic energy which reaches you from Ayaka to do their healing work is a tantalizing one. You need no convincing by Stheno to take her offer. Whatever Stheno and Euryale's faults may be, it certainly is true that they have offered you the only truly hospitable treatment to be found on this island.

"Then as I said, come with me." Seeming to consider your reply entirely superfluous, Stheno detaches herself from her warlike seat and, still carrying her lyre, turns to lead you through the stone forest of roofless columns and foeless warriors. As you walk, you consider how best to prepare for your battle with Medusa, and whether or not there is anything to be said to her sisters that might incline them to aid you. Nothing comes to mind, but it occurs to you that with your final battle soon to come, now might be one of your last opportunities to learn more about the Gorgon sisters. Of the many unknown aspects of the trio, there is one question which particularly bothers your curiosity, and though the answer is unlikely to be of any practical use given that your plan is not simply to overcome Medusa in direct combat, you would quite like to know the answer all the same. Why is it that Stheno and Euryale did not escape to the Realm of Imaginary Numbers?

"Medusa," you begin, speaking softly as the two of you enter the resonant silence of the temple, "has said that this island is populated by shades; spirits of the dead continuing their existence through her. Why, then, are you and your sister here, if you are immortal Titans, and were once Goddesses? Surely you cannot have lost your immortality along with your worshipers."

"Shades?" Stheno turns to look at you with a completely nonplussed expression, though she continues to walk as she speaks. "What do you mean by that? Are you making some sort of jest? There are no such beings on this island, and of course 'myself' and I are quite alive and immortal."

"There's no point in trying to hide it now," you say, a note of frustration creeping into your voice. She must be trying to keep you in the dark, after all; Medusa, Laifos, and even the dead soldiers all seemed to understand their situation clearly. "I've told you, Medusa explained what is at play here to me already! What I want to know is how you and Euryale could have died here, and needed to live through her; not at Medusa's hands, surely, but who could she have failed to protect you from?"
At this reiteration, Stheno does stop, her face going quite pale at the mention of her and her sister's death. To your shock, she seems to quiver, and refuses to meet your eye. She tries to speak several times, silently mouthing the beginnings of words, before suddenly turning to flee from you. Stheno, who has since your first sight of her yesterday never moved without a sedate grace, breaks into a run. She still possesses only the strength of a young girl, though, and she's hardly able to move a step before you've caught her by the wrist, pulling her against you and slipping your other arm around her waist in a posture somewhere between a comforting embrace and a captor's imprisoning hold.

You look down into Stheno's face, and she up into yours, as you wait for her to speak, struggle, protest, anything; but she only trembles in your arms, the beginning of tears dampening her eyes. At length, a single large droplet spills from one eye, runs down her cheek, and falls to the floor. Then she is composed again, her preternatural elegance recovered in as swift a transformation as that when it departed. "I remember, now," she murmurs in an almost inaudible voice.

"What?" you ask.

"Will you not release me if I keep my silence?" Stheno's lips quirk up into the shadow of a smile. Only moments after her emotional upheaval, already the girl seems as if she's toying with you. Only the feeling of her rapid pulse under your fingers tells you that she remains far from calm.

"I want to know the answer to my question, Stheno," you reiterate, voice soft but uncompromising. "Why is it that you and Euryale are here, with those slain by Medusa?"

"Very well," she says with reluctance, casting her eyes down as she begins her tale. "I told you before that Medusa was cursed, and that she was the only one of us with an appetite. Those facts are not unrelated. I will not tell the story of how she came to be cursed; know only that she has been doomed by Athena to possess an ever-growing appetite for living souls, as well as ever-growing power as she consumes them. At first, Medusa only petrified the warriors who came to slay her, and ate the beasts of the island's forest. As her curse grew in intensity, however, she gradually came to devour almost all of her enemies. Finally, it worsened to the point that she could no longer tell friend from foe, and devoured her own family. 'Myself' and I allowed our sister to devour us willingly, though we could hardly have resisted. What came of her after that, I do not know, for we next awoke here. She has not yet begun to consume the lives even of the warriors who come to challenge her, and until you confronted me with it, I could recall none of that which occurred later."
There, then, is your explanation for the discrepancy in Medusa's behavior and her sisters. At some point, the famously monstrous gorgon Medusa became rather more like that described in myth and less like the woman you've met until now, even going so far as to eat her own sisters. The version of the Shapeless Isle reproduced here within her spirit, however, apparently replicates a time long before that occurred, and the sisters in question were thus afflicted with a kind of mental block. The soldiers you met who remembered their deaths, on the other hand, must have been been killed by Medusa even before this date. What is even more intriguing is the revelation this produces about the process of Medusa's feeding. If all of these shades, even those of the divine Stheno and Euryale, continue within Medusa rather than having gone to whatever Greek afterlife they would normally have found, she must have consumed not merely the bodies of her enemies but the spirits themselves, much as you have been able to take a part of your enemy's spirit into yourself through Ayaka's family ritual. Stheno's mention of ever-growing power further reinforces this idea. If you succeed in making Medusa into your subordinate, that will certainly be an ability worth putting to use.

You wonder, too, about the mobility of these spirits. If your will can travel from into Medusa's spirit and take on human form in this interior world, would it be possible to bring shades such as Stheno and Euryale with you? Would they end up within your spirit, as Laifos seemed to believe, or could they be projected out into the world in a manner similar to the summoning of Servants? It's certainly an interesting question, and you must admit that the notion of becoming the savior of two such lovely young Goddesses is an appealing one; though they would have to be trained out of their apparent habit of drinking blood, to be sure.

Suddenly you realize that your mind is wandering, and although a certain moment of silence to take in a revelation of such magnitude is understandable, if you let it go for too much longer it will cease to be so.

>[ ] Apologize to Stheno for bringing up a topic which must be, for her, traumatic in the extreme. Ask for directions to the bathing chamber, and then let her go while you find it yourself.

>[ ] The two sisters will doubtless soon discuss this between themselves, and that isn't something you want to miss. Ask Stheno where Euryale might be.

>[ ] Time is short, and now that the idea of bringing Stheno and Euryale with you has entered your mind you're inclined to act on it immediately. Try a magical experiment.

>[ ] Say or do something else. (Write in)
I don't want to argue with anyone.
I'm trying the best I can to write a quest that you folks can enjoy which is at the same time a story doing justice to the setting of one of my favorite visual novels. To everyone who feels like I'm not doing that, I really am sorry.
I know I've made mistakes at various points. I know that I'm not perfect, and that matching up to FSN isn't easy. If it were, I wouldn't hate Extra, Aprocrypha, and FGO the way I do; these were all made by professionals, not an amateur like me, and yet there's a sizeable chunk of the fan base including myself that doesn't like almost anything Fate related that's come out since the original visual novel.
So I try to take criticism in stride and put it into improving my writing. I don't want to be someone who fights with critics. Comparing this to FGO really does hurt, though. FGO is terribly written. It's completely disrespectful not only to the Nasuverse source material, but also to almost every historical or mythological figure it uses as source material. Its characters are weak, many of its mechanics make little to no sense, the story doesn't mesh well with the gameplay, and its commitment to the gacha is palpable on every level. Most of all, its prose is unimaginably lazy and weak. I would very much like to think that what I'm writing isn't as bad as all that.
Anyway, here's the update. I'll call the vote and start writing tomorrow's at 6:00PST, in eleven hours.

>If you were able to update more frequently it would've been much more enjoyable
I wholeheartedly agree. This month has not been kind to me.
>[X] Time is short, and now that the idea of bringing Stheno and Euryale with you has entered your mind you're inclined to act on it immediately. Try a magical experiment.

That question went well.

Don't be so hard on yourself Sweets. This quest feels like an appropriate spin-off story in the Fate/Stay Night universe. I like it a lot.

Don't forget about lurkers who just read or vote instead of argue.
Would you like to escape this prison and re-enter the real world?
Jesus, alright. I'm sorry for agreeing with the comparison. Just saying it's similar in concept to something FGO did isn't like saying it's totally like FGO, at least this is well written, it's just hard not to make comparisons when there are similarities within the story like that.
To the point where you could've considered this arc a reference.

I mean, you wouldn't get upset if I pointed out how gosh darn similar Alberich and Sieg are conceptually would you?
Because Alberich is very much Evil Sieg in many ways.
Not that I dislike Alberich or think he's unoriginal, but there are many surface level similarities. It's pretty hilarious that it happened how it did.
He's a god damn foil to Sieg.
Down to their names, even.
>This month has not been kind to me.
I don't think this month has been kind on anyone.

>>[ ] Time is short, and now that the idea of bringing Stheno and Euryale with you has entered your mind you're inclined to act on it immediately. Try a magical experiment.
>>[ ] Apologize to Stheno for bringing up a topic which must be, for her, traumatic in the extreme. Ask for directions to the bathing chamber, and then let her go while you find it yourself.

I'm not sure bringing them with us is a good idea. Not after enslaving the person they were willing to let devour them willingly.
>>[ ] Time is short, and now that the idea of bringing Stheno and Euryale with you has entered your mind you're inclined to act on it immediately. Try a magical experiment.

still not too big on what I still feel like is rushing into but momentum is there.
Although I found it to be good as another anon has said, this arc probably would've been alot more bearable to others had you been able to update more frequently, all the same time hasn't been on your side and even when you can't make an update you try to keep us updated that your still alive and didn't go on hiatus/let it die, the catalog is filled with enough examples of those who can't do that. Even at it's worst a lack of cardboard and attempting to sow more effort went into choices than "this seemed like a cool idea at the time" does put this above the official Fate spinoffs by miles.
To go back to, between Medusa, the manticore, Laifos, and now the crow you're establishing that the island was used was Athena's dumping ground, correct?
Thank you for the encouragement, anon. I appreciate it.

>you wouldn't get upset if I pointed out how gosh darn similar Alberich and Sieg are conceptually would you?
I suppose not. It's kind of hard to deny at this point. Thanks for clarifying what you meant.
Sort of a prison for those she cursed, yes. The Shapeless Isle is where Athena sent all those she cursed with transformation who, for one reason or another, could not be allowed to wander around the rest of Greece.
By the way, since I'd like to have some breakfast before writing I'm giving you folks another couple of hours, until 9:00PST, for anyone who hasn't voted yet to get their ideas in and for those of you who disagree on the course of action to discuss matters. I'm sure >>4191218 can expand on his position, being cautious and in the minority.
>[ ] Time is short, and now that the idea of bringing Stheno and Euryale with you has entered your mind you're inclined to act on it immediately. Try a magical experiment.
worth the try
for me its been an enjoyable ride so far and I'm anxious to what the future may hold. Times may look grim from time to time, but there's always a reainbow after the storm, don't get yourself so down, if some of the things can't be addressed because of plot or would break the story, just say so, pretty sure most people would understand it
My trip probably changed, but really there isn't much of a point to be made.
The only ones I have are that they would hog mana and we already have Futodoki and Hecate. The one I already mentioned about the twins not being happy about us enslaving their sister. And out of game that we already have a shit ton of characters this is slowly going into character bloat.

Most of that is very subjective and not that convincing.
Update never?
Also happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
I got sidetracked by family calls and other holiday drama, so the update has taken longer than I'd hoped. I've been writing for a bit now, though, so should hopefully have it done before midnight.
>we already have a shit ton of characters this is slowly going into character bloat
I hope this doesn't lead to a culling where that issue gets rectified, but I have a feeling it might due to the Law of Conservation of Plot-Armor.
We were getting spread thin even before this fishing trip.
I'd kind of enjoy a good culling. Revenge is a good motivator for Alberich to focus on what actually needs to get done. I don't think we've really seen a truly 100% pissed off Alberich yet.
I dislike the "because there's a lot of characters, there needs to be less for the story to be better." way of thought personally.
There's too many to do them all justice already. We've interacted with Circe and Adelheid like twice since we've got them back and they used to be the most important characters.
That has more to do with the sequence of events rather than a lack of time. We retrieved them in quest... yesterday or the day before that? And that was 2 months ago? Then we got isekai'd...
There wasn't much time to have heart-to-hearts with them.
Almost the moment that the idea of bringing Stheno and Euryale with you, or rather of taking possession of them, enters your mind it seems to put down roots and take hold. Indeed, the prospect of stealing from Medusa's spirit her own sisters and bringing them back into the world as dependent upon your own existence is not only too tantalizing to be rejected, it cannot put off for a moment. You certainly cannot allow these fascinating, almost unique beings to fade back into their sister as you depart her spirit; any more than they could have ignored you when you appeared before them as the only man to resist their charms. Having come to that conclusion, it follows only naturally that you should take the first possible opportunity to secure your prizes. It was much the same, you realize, when the notion struck you to attempt magical control of Medusa, and before that of Arturia. The desire rooted in your ambition, an endless greed for new pawns, subjects, and followers, and particularly for the collection of the intriguing and unusual, is a constant companion ready to leap up and burn anew within you at the slightest provocation. That you have not examined this aspect of your desires in greater detail before is, you suddenly feel, an oversight of surprising magnitude; but perhaps it is only that this realm of spirit, a place itself within a woman's mind, gives one a greater ability for introspection.

Fortunately you do not need to wait any more than you'd like to. Tonight there will be none of the slow puzzling out of magical mysteries to which you have so often been forced in the past, for you have such an immediate concept of how you'll go about your first attempt at shifting Stheno to your allegiance that it seems almost as though the inspiration struck you sometime before, and was merely waiting in the wings for this final revelation to fit everything into place and call it out. Of course, the idea is rather a simple one. If Stheno is a dependent spirit sustained by the existence of another not through any complex enchantment, such as the Servant system, but through a direct link, the form of that connection ought to be rather similar to that which runs between you and Futodoki or Hecate. In that case, there will be no need for the kind of all-pervading connection of spirits which brought you here; you can apply your curse only to that connection, and in that way bind the maiden Goddess to you while keeping your soul at a safer distance than when you went to work on Medusa.
"Thank you for the explanation," you say, your formerly sober, comforting expression shifting unconsciously into a rather malicious grin. "Now, I have some wonderful news for you, Stheno. I'm going to allow you to escape this prison of your sister's soul and take you back out into the real world with me." Without waiting for a reply you release her wrist and, still holding her firmly in place with the arm around her waist, press your palm to her forehead, wrapping long fingers around the crown of her skull. Then you let the five mundane senses fall away and feel.

The door into impossibility opens within you, and through it pours as much mystic energy as you can draw to you in this distant place. As with Medusa, you form the Emptiness into the shape of Absorption, before layering that form a thousand times over until it replicates the fractal curse of infinite desire which you learned from the traces found in Arturia's soul. Now you turn your attention to the shape of your target and discover it wonderfully, marvelously, deliciously simple. There is in the connection between the greater spirit of Medusa and the lesser shade of Stheno none of the artifice of magic as you have seen it, none of the complex and subtle inner workings with which the greatest of modern magi, denied the pure power of their ancient forebears, imbue their works. It is a raw, primal connection, a direct flow of vital energy.

Compared with the mind-numbing puzzle of the command spell, the magic which links Stheno and her sister is as simple and clear as a textbook. You need only reach out your curse, saturate the course of energy with your indefatigably grasping need for control, and you can do with it what you will. You could, you're fairly confident, even sever the connection entirely and snuff out the lingering existence of the deceased Goddess once and for all. That, however, hardly suits your purpose. Instead you firmly take hold of the mystic vein and drag it from its prior course into a new shape, substituting as the wellspring of Stheno's energy yourself for Medusa.

You release Stheno and return to the mundane senses confident that this time the curse has done its work perfectly. No sooner are your arms withdrawn, however, than she steps quickly away as if stung, regarding you with an expression of fear and perplexity. It lasts only a moment, however, to soon be replaced by her usual look of graceful self-possession. "What do you mean by that?" she demands, all icy indignation, before adding in the same breath, "How dare you lay your hands on me! Have you lost your senses at last?"
There is no visual change in Stheno's aspect, you observe, and she seems wholly ignorant of the magical change that has occurred. You had hoped she would understand her situation as immediately as Arturia had, but perhaps that requires the complete domination of the soul. In any case the fact has become apparent that although you're quite certain you've succeeded in replacing Stheno's reliance for her existence on Medusa with a reliance on you, and that this link should in some capacity drag her out of the world of Medusa's spirit with you when you make your departure, you have still to deal with a naturally proud Goddess currently both confused and offended by your inexplicable, inappropriate words and actions. Indeed, her emotions seem to have taken such hold that all traces of her usual facade of the gentle, welcoming hostess have vanished. The bath, its healing properties, and the hope of a successful confrontation with Medusa in the near future all seem to retreat from you as the burden of your magic-use sets in alongside that of Stheno's demand for an explanation.

>[ ] Ask if she doesn't feel any change in herself after what you've just done. Can a Goddess really be so unaware of the magical effects which govern her existence?

>[ ] Try to explain gently, without touching on the domineering intent of your curse, that you've just conducted a magical ritual which should help to free Stheno from Medusa's spirit when you make your own departure from the island. (Note here whether after this explanation you would like to ask her to lead you to the bath chamber or to Euryale.)

>[ ] Bluntly inform Stheno that you've taken possession of her spirit from her sister, and that henceforth her continued existence depends on you; as such, you expect to be treated with a great deal more respect. (Note here whether after this explanation you would like to command her to lead you to the bath chamber or to Euryale.)

>[ ] Rather than explaining matters which are at least partially uncertain, a test seems to be in order. If it goes well, it will become a demonstration. Try your hand at choking back the energy which sustains Stheno's existence without wholly cutting it off, and see how she reacts.

>[ ] Do something else. (Write in)
And here, at last, is the update.
...I really wish I could still write as much daily as I was back in Fate/City Akeldama.
Still, whatever may be happening in reality, at least things seem to be going well for Alberich! It's all looking up for him right now, isn't it? You'll even find that this moment laid the seed of an interesting update to your status which you'll discover once you've returned to your body.
>[ ] Try to explain gently, without touching on the domineering intent of your curse, that you've just conducted a magical ritual which should help to free Stheno from Medusa's spirit when you make your own departure from the island. (Note here whether after this explanation you would like to ask her to lead you to the bath chamber or to Euryale.)
Lead us to Euryale. Might as well at this point. So much for fighting Medusa.
>>[ ] Rather than explaining matters which are at least partially uncertain, a test seems to be in order. If it goes well, it will become a demonstration. Try your hand at choking back the energy which sustains Stheno's existence without wholly cutting it off, and see how she reacts.

Yeah I ould rather test this shit before I depend on it.
This: >>4193269
I trust Alberich not to go beyond his limits and drain Ayaka dry.

Sweets, my heart doesn't want to take these flags you're setting up here.
>interesting update to your status
Congratulations on attaining Divinity, Alberich.

Supporting this.
I actually hate Alberich so seeing either him or the legion of waifus devoted to him suffer will be delicious.
I can't wait for the edgy faggot to get what he deserves.
Aaahhh. Schadenfreude.
>Sweets, my heart doesn't want to take these flags you're setting up here.
What sort of flags do you think I'm putting up, exactly?

>Congratulations on attaining Divinity, Alberich.
...not quite. Interesting idea, but I'm afraid that's not it.

So you don't like the protagonist and don't vote, huh, anon? I guess I'm glad you enjoy something about my writing, but I have to wonder just why you're reading it if that's how you feel.
Backing this.
You actually wrote Alberich with the intention the audience root for him?
He's a complete pants on head retarded twat with no character beyond being edgy waifu obsessed bootleg Gilgamesh.
Then you directly put him against the actual likeable cast of Fate Stay Night?

He's like a fucking villain from an NTR doujin. I want nothing more than to see him suffer for being such walking garbage.
>You actually wrote Alberich with the intention the audience root for him?
I didn't write him with any such intention in mind. I've written him as the character who's developed from the choices players have made. You were with him from birth, you'll remember, and you've decided to make him a monster. Since you folks steered him in the direction he's gone, though, I tend to assume that most readers will have some investment in seeing him succeed.
You, though, still haven't answered my question. If you hate him, I can assume you've read the quest up until now, which means you've gone through about 500,000 words of my writing. You're obviously not invested in the protagonist, and seem to have an incredibly negative attitude about the whole thing, but people generally don't follow a story for so long if there isn't something they're getting out of it. So I'm curious what you do enjoy. I doubt it's my florid prose, given you're the kind of person who calls a character an edgy faggot, but I suppose I could be wrong. Enlighten me. What keeps you invested enough to lurk and occasionally complain about Alberich, but not invested enough to vote?
The ability following along gives me to call the other players retarded for making their remote controlled retard fuck up again.
Watching them as they panic about facing the consequences of their own actions is almost as satisfying as reading as Alberich himself suffers.
>complains about edge while being edgy
Stop it.
Get some help.
Christ, that's distasteful. You really don't have a single positive thing to say, huh?
Oh well. Everyone has their own way of having fun, I guess. If the only thing you're getting out of this is the ability to insult people I guess I won't bother to argue with you about whether or not Alberich has a proper character; it's in your interest to oversimplify as much as you can.
Let's do >>4193269

>an endless greed for new pawns, subjects, and followers, and particularly for the collection of the intriguing and unusual, is a constant companion ready to leap up and burn anew within you at the slightest provocation
I see what you did there QM. Noice.
>planting flags

>Still, whatever may be happening in reality, at least things seem to be going well for Alberich! It's all looking up for him right now, isn't it?
This is both a flag for a tragedy developing or concluding in reality, and also a flag for failing in our attempt to revive the two goddesses, even if mechanically we nor Alberich are seeing a way it would fail currently.
Tragedy? Failure? Who ever heard of such things for a hero like Alberich? No, it's all sunshine and roses for you folks, I'm sure.
>Stheno and Euryale will live a cursed existence inside Alberich's mind for eternity.
>Everyone outside is dead and we've been captured by the Mage Association for experimentation.
>Matsuda is laughing his ass off.
Sweets pls
Well, if that's what you want...
Stop it.
Nah, I'd prefer to get back to the fake day off, preferably immediately after we began cursing Rider.
While also hijacking her sisters back into reality.
Maybe even somehow immediately obtaining the 3rd true magic while we're at it.
Accidentally conquering the world while we cursed Rider would be good too.
Why so much salt, anon?
What salt?
Seems to be a passive aggressive tone to that last post.
I was going more for slipping into delusional territory there, but I guess I could see how you could read it that way.
I was just joking around, anon. You're not going to wake up and find that all of your allies have betrayed you, or your throat was slit while you slept, or anything like that; all you have to fear are the reasonable consequences of your actions.
Ayaka not being able to take the strain of mana from us just deciding to take on so many servants/goddesses/cats and waking up to find out we've got a new master?
Namely the one person who could actually sustain that many things?
Hardly a consequence, really.
Poor Power-up Button, I mean Ayaka.

I don't really see much happening within our ranks, Circe might've tried to mess with Hecate somehow, Saber Alter might try something, but it's unlikely she'd get very far with low mana.

The alternative is the far worse "All of your enemies team up and attack while you are asleep and people died without you being able to do anything" but that happening would just feel like we were cheated out of what would otherwise have been a great moment for the sake of a cheapshot on the players.

Honestly, as long as we don't get hit with meme tier "You're fucked lol!" levels of twists because we left our allies alone for maybe a whole day or two, any conflict would be alright.

I also expect to be sniped by Hrunting and die the very moment we set foot outside the house.
Ah the classic adventure intro to a new day: "So you all wake up with slit throats..."
"You wake up to find you are dead, a rock fell on you and crushed you in your sleep.
The End."
Inb4 no update.
Sorry about that, folks. It seems that unconsciousness struck again last night.
Do you think you build up a tolerance to coffee over time?
Isn't it less tolerance, and more dependence? What you used to be able to do without coffee becomes impossible to do unless you have coffee.
I don't know. It definitely feels like the stuff used to be a lot more effective at keeping me up and writing through the night, though.
I'm no professional but from my personal experience; definitely. I spent about 6 years treating it like water and now most of the jolt I get from coffee comes more from drinking near boiling water than the caffeine.
Yeah caffeine can definitely have diminishing returns.
>I also expect to be sniped by Hrunting and die the very moment we set foot outside the house.
Hrunting doesn't begin to touch the unholy level of fuckery Shirou can drop on us. He has no reason to hold back either, since K-hime's isolation chair makes a servant's master think they disappeared. The only way we don't wake up in a crater is if Sweets is swinging bullshit to protect us.
If they think we're the next vessel of Angra Mainyu, they should expect us to take control over Rider, and correctly interpret her "disappearance" as a transfer of masters.

Whether they'll treat Rider like they did Arturia... that's the real question.
No question about that. He'll probably shed a tear or have a sad internal monologue but the Shirou that hesitates to kill an altered former ally is the Shirou that dead ends and doesn't get to finish the story. I've been thinking about it for a while and I can't come up with 1 good reason for him not to set up on a rooftop and bomb the shit out of us with exploding drill swords.
I wonder how much it hurts being hit by a Broken Phantasm version of Exalibur Galatine.

>Whether they'll treat Rider like they did Arturia
With great sadness and regret?
Hell, it's totally conceivable that Shirou can't bring himself to finish Saber Alter off, which leads to a bad end.
And that was when Saber really NEEDED to be killed.

On the contrary, we turned Rider into a loli and are working to bring her sisters back to life.
If we turned Rider into Gorgon, maybe there would be a point to that idea.
But we made her physical form the exact opposite of a monster.
>I can't come up with 1 good reason for him not to set up on a rooftop and bomb the shit out of us with exploding drill swords.
I'll give you your good reason.
Shirou can still trace Rule Breaker.
He will probably think that he can simply Rule Breaker Rider out of whatever we do to her.
Which might be true of the mental domination, but her physical form ought to stay the same now.
Saber Alter meanwhile...
Now, right there is a problem.
In that ending he was fighting against both Saber and Sakura.
Currently he has Sakura on his side, with Rin assisting.
They could try to pull a rescue operation instead of bombardment, since Shirou's raison d'etre is to protect those he loves, and he definitely loves Rider as at least family at this point.

Well, they pushed beyond their regret and sacrificed her when it became necessary.
If they decide we're too dangerous, and Rider stands in their way, RIP Rider, is what I was getting at.
But you made a good point here:

>Rule Breaker
I forgot he had that bullshit. Thanks for reminding me.
Hmmm... if we're successful in reviving the Gorgon sisters, even if Rider gets ruru burekaa'd, she might keep fighting them anyway, or at least stay neutral, since it's impossible for anyone besides us, or whoever has Heiligoffnungschwert to maintain the two, right?
... Even Shirou wouldn't be able to re-create the 3 miracles right?
First up, they probably don't know the specifics of what we're doing. Just that Rider's link to Sakura was severed which means she probably wither died or got altered like Saber. Next up, if that's what they think why would Saber be a problem and not Rider? What's the difference here? Last point: Rider only has a 1 day independent action. If Shirou hits her with Rule Breaker she's still going to be cut off from being Sakura's servant. It's not like they know someone who can make command seals from scratch so that still means killing her. If they think straight about it (and they will, Rin is there) they'll just bomb us. Anon you need to face it: we're completely fucked and no amount of calling it memes or bullshit will get us out of this situation. We needed to leave Rider locked in the basement and deal with Shirou right then.
>it's impossible for anyone besides us, or whoever has Heiligoffnungschwert to maintain the two, right?
Sakura might be able to accomplish it due to her element and the fact that she's kind of been the host of a (kinda but not really but kind of) Divine Spirit before in Angra Mainyu.
Well, that and the near unlimited mana supply she has.

>It's not like they know someone who can make command seals from scratch
It's also not like there's any reason that Sakura's own command seals should have disappeared. Harris' ones didn't after all.
>servants disappearing naturally due to not having an anchor
>applying in this quest
Independant Action is meaningless in this quest because any random servant can survive if they get enough mana even without any sort of anchor to Gaia.
Fucking. Matsuda was given a fucking magic necklace and was fine.

Also, had Shirou realised he could do so, and had an unlimited amount of projections in HF, he would've 100 percent stabbed Saber Alter with Rule Breaker instead of just killing her.
Now this Shirou knows that evil Angra Mainyu taint can be removed from people with Medea's Asspull Dagger as it worked on Sakura, so there's simply no way he'll call it quits and go full EMIYA/Kerry on somebody he cares about and has a chance to save.
It's antithetical to his characterization in HF
Doesn't she only have Nothingness? Isn't our connection to Hecate and Futodoki upheld by Emptiness?

>servants without masters are immortal in this quest!
Isn't the entire reason the fade away because they can't stand up to Gaia due to a lack of energy?
They need an anchor to stay in this time period, but if they had a large amount of magic they could live long even without one.
And since you need a caster's expertise to be able to tap into leylines, the most readily available source of magical energy would be human souls, and most heroes don't go around eating souls to survive, so they generally die.
>Isn't the entire reason the fade away because they can't stand up to Gaia due to a lack of energy?
Nah, they need an anchor one hundred percent. Even Medea can't bypass that restriction and she's a far greater Caster than Tsubaki. She could'velasted a couple days had Atrum not purposely kept her low on mana but eventually, the pressure from the World would've gotten rid of her. It really doesn't like Servants existing.

Hence her needing an anchor in Kuzuki.
And hell, even if you think that is merely a symbolic relationship and she wouldn't have ever needed a Master, look at False Assassin who had to be bound to a gate.
There's a reason behind Independent Action actually being a thing, and having servants bypass the restrictions of it is a little silly.
Really, both Matsuda and Tsubaki should be dead.
Well, maybe not Matsuda because the church found him, but Tsubaki should no longer exist.

Hell, do you really think she wouldn't have preferred being able to have her Assassin be able to wander about freely and kill the enemy Masters LIKE AN ASSASSIN instead of being a glorified gate guardian?
Do you really think she wouldn't have just had him go out and do that by loading him up with condensed mana if it were possible like in Matsuda's case?

As for Sakura, she's also technically a lesser grail, so I expect weird shit from her anyway when it comes to spiritual bodies.
Man, if you're right then Shirou really is getting totally fucked over by his commitment. Bombardment is his best ability.
I still feel like he's gonna capitalize on it somehow though. Maybe Rin's familiars can get more info while the bounded field is down and report back the physical change. Like you said Rule Breaker won't do anything to that so maybe she'd be able to talk Shirou out of holding out for Rider because of it.
The physical change isn't actually a mental change though. Which has been made abundantly clear by the fact that we are still about to confront Adult Medusa in her mind.
The only reason the change applied to Saber was because of the evil of Angra Mainyu staining her and altering her mental state. Which is something that Rule Breaker SHOULD revert.
So in both cases, he should still be counting on Rule Breaker.

I mean, there's really no reason he couldn't simply modify Rule Breaker into anti-contract arrows to snipe our Servants with.
>The physical change isn't actually a mental change though. Which has been made abundantly clear by the fact that we are still about to confront Adult Medusa in her mind.
We know that, but would they? That's what I'm worried about.
Although honestly the Rule Breaker arrows are even more dangerous than just blowing up our house. What the fuck do we do to defend against that?
>What the fuck do we do to defend against that?
Marvel at just how terrible an idea it was to piss off Shirou Emiya with full control over his reality marble and A LOT of spare mana before giving him at least HOURS to prepare an attack on us.

No but really, there's no counter other than to dodge or possibly use Kenotis to defend if the anti-magic properties of Rule Breaker Arrows don't automatically deactivate the portal instead of passing through.

But yeah, we should probably dodge, getting hit by Rule Breaker would not only end our contract with Ayaka, but it might also end our bond with Lily.
Which might also have the effect of killing both Alberich and Lily instantly.
Also have our Servants dodge, though if Saber Alter realises what's going on, I expect her to allow herself to get hit and then Excaliblast every one of us.
She was going towards the Leylines to connect herself, but failed and accidentally stumbled on Souichirou.
She was confident she could continue her existence if she made it, but she settled with Kuzuki, and ended up falling in love.
Although she was probably going to find herself a master in the Temple after she connected with the Leylines anyway, but she did think connecting would continue her existence.

>Fake Assassin
Wasn't this because Caster summoned a servant, and due to this the summon went wonky? I'm not even sure it's possible to summon Sasaki without being a servant yourself due to the nature of his existence.

>Imaginary Number Servants
I was under the impression servants got eroded away because they weren't supposed to belong in this time period, which is why they need an anchor.
This problem shouldn't effect the INS servants as much since they were created in the modern era.
They were created by someone who shouldn't belong in this era however, which is why they end up getting eroded anyway, but they should have higher resistance against Gaia than normal servants.
And Tsubaki is a Caster, if any class could figure out how to last longer in that state, it would be that one.

>Rule Breaker could end our bond with Lily
I doubt it would, since the ritual made our souls one, it's not a contract.
I don't think a contract that can be dispelled by Rule Breaker would be strong enough to let the Third True Magic be usable by both parties.
>but she did think connecting would continue her existence.
She was low on mana, she would've been able to continue existing with more, but it was honestly nothing but a stop gap measure till she could get a proper anchor in place. Servants being able to exist forever like this invalidates the point of the Independent Action skill.
If mystery could exist indefinitely through continual sacrifice of humans, then the world would never have left the Age of Gods.

>Fake Assassin
He's no stranger than Servants created within INS by another servant. In fact, as an earthly spirit simply molded to fit into the class container, he should be having an easier time of existing, not a harder time. But instead he can't move from a gate.

>Imaginary Number Servants
The problem is that they come from a place outside the world and would be just as affected by Gaia not liking Servants as true heroic spirits are, if not more so, as there is no record of the new servants ever existing on Earth ever, so the world should consider their very existence to be entirely wrong. They come from outside the World so the world shouldn't tolerate their existence.
Hell, Tsubaki considered it possible for her to simply exist forever by just eating a couple humans now and then, that's just silly.
She also still has no anchor. That's just silly.

>I don't think a contract that can be dispelled by Rule Breaker would be strong enough to let the Third True Magic be usable by both parties.
Rule Breaker dispels any and all contracts. Even ones from beings like Angra who was basically being backed up by the Third Magic.

So in conclusion, Caster of Imaginary Numbers should be dead. Lancer of Imaginary Numbers should be dead, and Berserker of Akeldama and Caster of Akeldama should ALSO be dead.
But that would've been such a sad conclusion to Akeldama that it's easy to see why Sweets decided to ignore the whole rule with Servants needing anchors to the modern world to exist.
>INS Servants and Fake Assassin
But Sasaki is still effected by not belonging in this era at all, so that should put him on the same level as any other general servant.
The INS servants however were created specifically to function in the Modern Day Era, and were composed of 333 souls of humans from the modern era each (-2).
That ritual should give them enough leeway to not be erased as strongly as other servants.
And wasn't Tsubaki was waiting for us to rescue her? She still doesn't have a master you know, she's been surviving on the choked leyline this whole time. Makes me believe her plan of eating humans forever might not have been retarded.
Matsuda almost died when he ran out of magic, but he was lucky.

>Berserker and Caster
They immediately found Yumigawa, and Circe probably used him as her anchor, while acting as Berserker's anchor.
>The conversation about dealing with future problems turned into a conversation about whether or not I properly adhere to canon
Oh no.
I did think about this a fair bit before writing things the way I have, though. Think of the resistance of Gaia to Servants' existence as being like the situation of a balloon underwater. It's always going to try to be forced out of the water, but there are a few ways to keep it down. You can tie it to a heavy enough anchor and it'll stay down forever, or you can apply a constant downward force from above, and that'll keep it down as long as the force is sustained. The bigger the balloon, the bigger anchor required, or the more powerful the force. Sometimes you might have a balloon attached to a small anchor, and it still needs a bit of force to keep it down properly as well. This would be your FSN Caster situation.
Now, maybe you feel this is silly in light of the way things happen in FSN, and you might have a point, but I don't think it's out of step enough with the original work that it's something unbelievable. It certainly makes an intuitive sense with the way the magic system, Gaia's general functions, and other details of canon function.
As for turning Rule Breaker into an arrow, it's a little more complicated of a tool than everyone's favorite exploding sword Caladbolg. For a start, Emiya's always going to have more trouble with it than with his favored arrows due to it not being a sword and so outside his element; transforming that sort of thing will be much harder for him. Secondly, a dagger created as a tool for ritual magic far less suited conceptually to be a projectile than an exploding sword or a sword which always finds its target.
>All Shirou has to do to defeat us is to tape together Hrunting and Rule Breaker.
Seems we've lost already.
>Angra who was basically being backed up by the Third Magic.
Isn't this incorrect?
The Greater Grail is just a ball of mana that grants wishes.
The third magic is something you have to see the Root to obtain.
Angra was hanging out in the Greater Grail until it could be manifested, it wasn't being sustained by the Third True Magic or anything, just by the servant souls that got fed into it, and the ambient Leyline mana.

Regardless I still don't think the soul merge magic is a contract.
"There's no need to shy away like that," you say, adopting your most gentle, warm expression, the gallant look which worked so well in ingratiating you to Ayaka after your summoning. The effect is probably spoiled somewhat by the blood still spattered across your face, but you work with what you can. "My apologies if I offended you," you continue, "but this is really an occasion for joy. I've given you a gift, you see. As we've discussed, you and your sister perished at the hands of Medusa some time ago. You were swallowed up by her, to continue your existence as a part of her spirit. That is where we are now: the world within Medusa's spirit, which takes the form of the Shapeless Isle of old. I came here not by being consumed, but by other means, and it is my intention to defeat Medusa and return to the outer world. When I do so, thanks to the magic I just performed, you will come with me. Your existence is no longer sustained by a connection to her spirit, but to mine."

Stheno gives you a long, measured stare, composing her features into a carefully neutral expression. Finally, after letting the silence spool out to a rather unpleasant length, she says, "Indeed. Had you spoken to me of this as an offer, I would have liked to discuss it with you at some length. Since you have seen fit to force your 'gift' upon me, however, it seems that there is nothing to be said."

"Come now," you chide the icily disapproving girl, "It's not as bad as all that. I don't intend to separate you from your sisters, you know; Medusa is there in the outer world, in a body of flesh and blood rather than the spirit here. As for Euryale, I plan to bring her with me by the same means I've just applied to you. Where is she, by the way?"

"What offends is not your intended outcome," she replies coldly, "but-" Stheno's reprimand breaks off as something you said suddenly sinks in, and her eyes widen in surprise. "Do you mean to say that you intend to defeat Medusa without killing her?"

"Oh, yes," you say, nodding at the obvious truth of the fact. "To kill her would completely undo the purpose of my having come here in the first place. Nothing could be further from my aims; I need only overpower her, and matters will be finished." Strictly speaking, of course, you don't know that this is true; it's only speculation. All the same it is the best guess you have at the moment, so it's not as though you're completely lying about your plans.

"I suppose... that could be rather interesting," Stheno remarks in a contemplative tone, her eyes taking on a faraway look as she considers your words. Even one as proud and as well-used to isolation as she, you surmise, must find something rather tempting in the prospect of seeing the world beyond her island again; particularly when the alternative is presumably to live out once more a death she has already experienced.
"And Euryale?" you ask, gently reminding Stheno of the question she's left unanswered. "Where might your sister be? I'll need to find her before I face Medusa, if I am to free the both of you."

"Some time ago 'I' went out for a ride on Pegasus," Stheno absently explains. "I would suggest waiting for 'me' at the stable. Now, I really must be alone to think. If you'll excuse me..." With that, she turns and disappears down the hall, not running full-tilt as she had in the momentary grip of her trauma earlier but walking with a rapidity that offers ample testament to her discomfort. For a moment you consider stopping her again, but this time you think better of it. The work of your magic is done, after all, and it's likely for the best to give the girl some time to work through the impact of the conversation you just had; no doubt she'll come around soon enough.

That leaves you to find Euryale on your own, though, and as you make your way back through the exquisitely decorated marble halls of the temple it occurs to you that Stheno said nothing about the stable's location, or how to recognize it. As you recall, a stable tends to be some kind of open-air, outdoor enclosure for horses; you have a vague feeling that they're supposed to be made of wood, too. When you made your circuit of the pavilion this morning, though, you saw nothing of the kind attached to the temple, which seems to have all of its rooms firmly enclosed within. There was the smaller building on the southern slope, but aside from the fact that you saw no glowing winged horse there it seemed fairly enclosed as well, and no more likely to be a stable than the temple. So it's at a bit of a loss that you push your way through the enormous double doors and step out onto the portico.

Now that you're alone, standing here in the soft glow of late afternoon with no particular path to follow, it recurs to you how tired you are, and just what an impact using magic in this place has on you. There are your wounds to consider as well; they're still some distance away from a complete recovery, and your already slow healing seems even less effective when you're engaged in any kind of physical activity. In the end, between your considerations of health and your general lack of an idea about where to go, you sit yourself down on the temple stairs and lean against a column, looking out over the pavilion, the ocean beyond, and the setting sun. Once she's put her mount away, Euryale will surely return here from her ride, so waiting at the front door should be just as efficient as waiting at the stable.
As you sit there, letting your strained body take its much-needed rest and enjoying the cooling effects of the gentle breeze out of the west, the sun slowly descends. Like a hesitant swimmer, it approaches the ocean by infinitesimal degrees, moving with the greatest reluctance, until it finally dips golden toes into the water. Finding it perhaps not so unpleasant as it first feared, it's soon completely immersed in the sea; night has fallen, and only the last trailing rays of the hidden sun now illuminate the pavilion plateau as its mystic fires spring into self-animated life atop their columns. Still you remain alone, enjoying the first period of authentic relaxation you've had since your awakening on this island. It takes perhaps an hour more, though it's always difficult for one used to omnipresent modern clocks to be certain of time passing in this ancient setting, before you finally see a pair of shadows emerge at the southern edge of the pavilion and weave their way through the columns toward the temple. You follow the pair with your eyes until Euryale steps up to the foot of the stairs before you, followed by a tired, downtrodden-looking Medusa.

"Sir Alberich! After all that time we spent looking for you, here you are," cries Euryale delightedly, her face breaking into a smile as she lays eyes on you. It quickly falls, though, turning to hesitant confusion as she takes in your appearance. "What's happened to you? All that blood..."

"I should like to know the same," Medusa coldly informs you, stepping forward to stand alongside her sister as her twin daggers spring into her hands. "What have you done behind those doors?"

"Oh, have no fear," you answer, putting on a wry smile as you address the unspecified, but very clear, accusation. "You'll find Stheno perfectly well within; I haven't spilled a drop of her blood. What you see belongs to some of the more violent inhabitants of your lovely island, whom I met while out walking. But you know, Medusa, it's really Euryale that I'd like to speak to just now, if you don't mind." You get to your feet, lazily stretching your arms over your head, as you speak, before turning to the smaller girl. "Tell me," you begin, "would you like to be free of this island? To return to the outside world in the company of both of your sisters, free of Athena's curse?"

"Do not speak of such nonsense," Medusa demands in the same quiet, dangerous tone, stepping protectively between you and her sister. "You know perfectly well such a question's futility."
"Not at all," you counter, some anger building below the cheer in your own tone at Medusa's repeated interference. "In fact, I've already freed Stheno from your clutches. Look to your spirit, Medusa, and tell me if it is not so. But again, I was speaking to Euryale." Again you turn your eyes to the smaller girl, continuing, "What do you think? It takes only the touch of my hand and a moment's use of magic, and together we can leave this island."

"If you really can, that would be incredible," Euryale replies, but her expression and voice are far fuller of confusion than excitement. "What do you mean by her clutches? It was Athena who was responsible for our exile here."

"Not exactly true," you say, your smile widening. "Athena played her role, but so has your sister. In fact, it's within her-"

"Do not listen to him, elder sister!" Medusa snaps, cutting you off before you can add, 'spirit that you currently dwell' and looking at you with such hatred that you can almost see the burning eyes behind her blindfold. In a voice laden with icy spite she demands, "Do you think I've forgotten what you came here for so quickly? That I don't know your magic is all turned to the purpose of corruption and domination? Hold your tongue, or I shall cut it out of you!"

>[ ] Medusa may seem fairly inclined to aggression at the moment, but that doesn't mean things have to become violent. Attempt to reason your way out of this. (Write in how you want to convince Medusa to go along with your intentions.)

>[ ] It seems like talking will get you nowhere, but you can't battle Medusa directly until you've secured Euryale. Attempt to dart by her and grab the girl. (If you have some idea for a way to distract Medusa and improve your chances, write it here.)

>[ ] This, it would seem, is it: the end of diplomacy. This fight has been coming for some time; you can only hope you're ready to defeat Medusa now. Close distance and try to put her down. (Write in any battle strategy you may have.)

>[ ] Do something else. (Write in)
I want to talk her down, but the only immediately effective thing I can think to say is something about how if she kills us she'll kill Stheno since she's connected to us.
Anyone got any bright ideas for this?
>[ ] Medusa may seem fairly inclined to aggression at the moment, but that doesn't mean things have to become violent. Attempt to reason your way out of this. (Write in how you want to convince Medusa to go along with your intentions.
You want to keep your sisters trapped here in death just as you did in life? When they could exist in the real world at your side with my magic, no less.
I wonder if bringing up her replacement family in front of Euryale would put some pressure on her.
It might make her temporarily feel guilt, before turning into anger for being presumptuous, so we'd have to talk fast to make use of the guilt.
Maybe we could bring up how we're already sustaining Hecate and that by the same metric her sisters should be sustainable too?
I still consider this kinda blatantly disregarding the lore and underestimating just how much Gaia should resist Servants.
For one, the only cases of Servants we see staying around for long periods are incarnated servants.
Simply having "some mana" shouldn't be enough to stop their eventual disappearance.
You ought to think of it as a matter of efficiency.
Having an anchor to a Master or a Physical being makes the strain on Servants far less deadly.
You could make a case for Kourakuhime maybe surviving if she ate dozens of people a night, but nope.
She should be dead.
Matsuda had no anchor and walked around for hours so him being alive is ridiculous considering his Mana rank.
Saber with A rank and a great deal more control of her mana can only survive two hours.
That's two hours of just existing. Not fighting or straining herself.
Same with Adelheid who should have just been on the verge of death constantly.
Circe is the only one who makes any sense.
But I digress.
Sometimes you have to ignore logical consistency for the sake of a story.

There is a reason that there hasn't just been random Servants deciding they don't feel like dying and leaving the country instead by eating some souls.

>[ ] It seems like talking will get you nowhere, but you can't battle Medusa directly until you've secured Euryale. Attempt to dart by her and grab the girl. (If you have some idea for a way to distract Medusa and improve your chances, write it here.)
Mention that she'd change her opinion on just what we and our allies are capable of if only we both weren't trapped in this mental world. Only corruption and domination?
Her physical form is far more beautiful as a girl her sister's age, after all.
but Rule Breaker is a bladed instrument and is as simple for Shirou to trace as any other sword.
Ritual dagger or not, UBW doesn't really care as long as it's a sword.
Therefore altering it's shape into arrows should be quite simple.
He can project the Jewel Sword.
And Rho Aias, which is a shield.
>[ ] This, it would seem, is it: the end of diplomacy. This fight has been coming for some time; you can only hope you're ready to defeat Medusa now. Close distance and try to put her down. (Write in any battle strategy you may have.)
I propose a wager, one which I think is very generous. If I win, myself and your two sisters will rejoin you in the real world. If I lose, I and your sisters will remain here as model prisoners for as long as you like, or in my case, until my Master in the real world dies.

I think the best way to do this is to beat Rider, spare her life, then use the curse on Euryale immediately.
support this
though my gut says should follow with >>4196661
>You ought to think of it as a matter of efficiency. Having an anchor to a Master or a Physical being makes the strain on Servants far less deadly.
That is how I think of it, anon. At the end of the day, all we disagree on is a slight difference of magnitude. Kōrakuhime had to eat a large number of people to survive; Matsuda only managed to walk around existing for a few hours, and didn't do anything extreme; Adelheid was anchored by Circe, as another anon pointed out. This isn't blatantly disregarding any lore, it's just a slight difference of interpretation.

>any other sword
>as long as it's a sword
That's my point, anon. It's not a sword at all. It's a different kind of weapon. He may be able to project fringe concepts like shields and daggers, but it's ridiculous to think he has the same degree of power over them that he has over swords.
*just existing* is something that Saber can't do for more than two hours.
Matsuda is not capable of surviving for more than a few minutes without a Master with his parameters.
Actually fighting without a Master would cause a Servant to vanish in seconds without Independent Action, which sort of acts like a pseudo-anchor.

Matsuda is dead by all rights.

Like 6 people a night is not a large quantity of people.
Nor should the mana have been enough to sustain a Servant.
So Kourakuhime might've lasted longer but would eventually also die from mana loss.
Or would've been forced to become blatant in her feeding and brought an enemy servant down on her head before us.
Killing her.
Adelheid can't be anchored by Circe either, and should've ended up in a Sasaki situation if anything.

>a dagger is not a sword
I mean, it kind of is.
It's a long sharp blade with a handle.
That's practically the definition of a sword.

You do enjoy trying to nerf Shirou though.
Like how instead of just using his reality marble to bombard us with noble phantasms to match the output of Gate of Babylon he just chuched some non NP swords at us then went through all the effort of actually firing Caladbolg as an arrow even though he could've just mentally commanded it to strike us.

That scene with Unlimited Blade Works was just... bad.
Look man, if you're not willing to go along with Sweets' version of Fate then just go play one of the VNs. There's absolutely no reason to constantly complain about the minute inconsistencies between the quest and your personal interpretation of the least consistent and most convoluted source material known to man
Your definition of sword includes an awful lot of polearms, as well as a sickle. Might want to rethink that.
What it doesn't include is Rule Breaker, which, if I recall correctly, is noted in the status screen of Fate/Stay Night as being blunt. It is a ritual tool which needs to be used in a specific way to function.
As for nerfing Shirou, do I need to remind you that he isn't EMIYA? Post-Heaven's Feel Shirou doesn't directly line up to anyone in canon; he should be more or less Servant-level, due to his supernatural body and all of the knowledge he absorbed from EMIYA's arm, but he shouldn't be at EMIYA's level either; he hasn't made a contract with the world, after all, and doesn't still have that arm to draw on. He's somewhere in between, and that was what I was trying to convey with the Unlimited Blade Works scene.
Supporting >>4196504. Let's try to make this work.
>awful lot of polearms.
Yeah I know that EMIYA can trace Gae Bolg with no stated issue and does so with the same ease he traces other swords, projecting it as a group of weapons.
What of it?
He should have no issues tracing Rule Breaker.
A blunt sword is still a sword.
Conceptually speaking, a ritual dagger is just a sword designed for rituals.
Ea is also technically a sword, and that's a spinny thing.

You still shouldn't have had us draw with him while in UBW.
It does a disservice to Reality Marbles and makes him look brain damaged to boot by forgetting his own abilities.
(Well brain damaged while in a fight, which he is not.)
All for the sake of a cool scene.
Everything Shirou did in that fight was something he could have done WITHOUT using UBW.
Genuinely no point to using it.
Other than for a cool scene that doesn't hold up.
>Yeah I know that EMIYA can trace Gae Bolg with no stated issue and does so with the same ease he traces other swords, projecting it as a group of weapons.
See my earlier point about fringe weapons. He may be able to project them, but there's no reason to assume he can remake them into arrows as he can with swords.
>Conceptually speaking, a ritual dagger is just a sword designed for rituals.
That's just flat wrong. I'm sorry, but a dagger is not conceptually a sword. It's vaguely similar from a visual perspective, but it's conceptually different. If you're not going to pay attention to the specifics of conceptual identity, you shouldn't use the word.
In every system, magic has been grounded in names and definitions. This holds true in the Nasuverse as well; it's what we refer to when we talk about conceptual identity. This is the 'written' side of the world, the aspect of it which exists as records in the Swirl of Origin and takes form in the minds of sentient beings as our concepts. It has everything to do with an object's specific identity, and nothing to do with general similarity. You can work to conform to a concept that exists outside of yourself if you are an entity in a certain degree of flux, as you have here in the Shapeless Isle, but an object labelled with a conflicting concept already cannot become another. A stool is not a table, no matter how much some wooden stools may resemble some end-tables. A dagger is not a sword.
But we know in Fate the original Caladbolg is a drill/lance thing.
So you might want to stop.
Spears, halberds, axes and all bladed weapons fall under the classification of "Sword" for Shirou.
Hell, even Berserker's Axe Club does and that's just a vaguely sword shaped lump of rock.

If Gae Bolg didn't EMIYA wouldn't bother using it when trying to conserve mana, as non-swords have a higher cost to project.

There is literally no reason that Rule Breaker would not fall under his definition for Sword.
A stool is just a very small table.
I don't feel you're understanding my point. You keep falling back on appearance. It doesn't matter that Ea and Caladbolg look like other things; they are defined as swords, and are swords on a conceptual level. A stool may look like a small table, but it is definitionally something else. Rule Breaker is, on a conceptual level, not a sword.
As for EMIYA, it's been a pet theory of mine for a while that his contract may have broken open his origin, altering it to Weapon or Tool of War, or something along those lines. He certainly does flagrantly disregard the restrictions established for Shirou earlier in the VN, and Shirou is only able to project non-sword things like Rule Breaker and Berserker's weapon when channeling EMIYA's arm. So you might have an angle there, arguing that his time using that arm could've given Shirou the ability to project things outside his origin.
The claim you're making, though, that Shirou can change the definition of sword to whatever he wants, is a bit of a dead-end. It was made clear over and over in Fate/Stay Night that the closer something is to being a true sword, the more effectively his magic can work with it. With material objects the physical resemblance argument holds some weight, but Noble Phantasms are conceptual weapons at core, so again he really shouldn't be able to use something like Rule Breaker in anything but the most orthodox way.
So it just boils down to "my headcanon".
Carry on then.
I can tell there's no longer any point at all in carrying on this particular discussion.

It's an argument about concepts and we both refuse to budge.
So lets agree to disagree.
>So it just boils down to "my headcanon".
I should clarify that the idea I had about EMIYA's origin being changed isn't something I'm treating as canon in this quest. It's just an idea I had that would allow some things about the original work to make more sense.
As for the rest of your point, it sounds good. It doesn't seem like we're ever going to reach an agreement, since we apparently have different ideas of what concepts are.
>a dagger is a sword
Holy shit would both of you autistic faggots shut the fuck up.
Who fucking cares that much?
>different ideas of what concepts are
In the Nasuverse we know concepts can change though.
Durandal is actually just a spear with a shortened handle.
Yet is conceptually a sword.
And the Greek Gods are just alien super weapons that became Gods due to humanity. (AAAAARGH)
Concepts in this setting are capable of being changed.
Gaia's interpretation of a sword might not be the same as Unlimited Blade Works' interpretation, as the inside of UBW isn't actually subject to the laws of Gaia.
So angryanon's eternal crusade against the QM is great and all, but can we actually talk about something productive? Anons voting to talk Rider down, why do you think it'll work now when she's hated us and thought we were evil since the first time she saw us? Anons voting to fight her, aren't you worried we might get kicked out of her spirit as soon as we win?
For the sake of catching her off guard, I suppose I'll change to >>4196504


Talking won't do much good on somebody who thinks that we are a deceptive snake, now that I think about it.
"You should totally trust me, it will all be great." is just an awful idea here, even if we are telling the truth.

It's not a crusade, we are just discussing Nasuverse mechanics and getting exasperated by each other's stubborn refusal to bend.
What we're saying to her is also being heard by Euryale, which is much more important. My theory is that when we beat her in here we'll be in charge of this domain and can leave when we please. We're fighting for control, remember?
When you do this over and over every thread it seems like a crusade.
>My theory is that when we beat her in here we'll be in charge of this domain and can leave when we please.
I guess we don't know. I have a strong feeling that once we overpower Medusa the curse will be complete and we'll wake up in our old body again, but we can't be sure.
Internal consistency is an important foundation of most good stories.

We are fighting for control yes, but we got sucked in here unwillingly, it does seem to be a not-insignificant possibility that the reverse could happen, especially when the conditions for our success is vague.
Here's a tally of how things stand:

Attempt to sway Medusa and/or Euryale ("You want to keep your sisters trapped here in death just as you did in life? When they could exist in the real world at your side with my magic, no less."

Grab Euryale to use as a hostage or work your magic on her. (Distract Medusa with a challenge to her low opinion of you, and point out that you've already made her more beautiful.)

Wager your freedom and Medusa's on a duel now.

Did you want to vote, anon? Still thinking?
Yeah I was still thinking. I don't really want to take Euryale as a hostage, she's been pretty hospitable.
And I'm not sure how effective telling Rider she's been lolified will be if she's just going to assume everything we say is a lie anyway.
It only has to temporarily distract her.
The possibility that her physical form has been changed back to her ideal one should do that. Even if she recovers quickly, it's a thing far harder to ignore than. "YOU LIKE YOUR SISTERS RIGHT? LET ME USE MAGIC ON THEM TRUST ME."
And it's not like she would have any reason to think that Alberich would know what her greatest wish is (other than living away from the island with her sisters.)
The mere possibility that we are telling the truth should work on her. Especially if we have no reason to lie.
Well, alright. Even if it fails, we've regained enough of our strength to avoid Rider if she makes a move anyway.

This: >>4196504
Is good enough.
Wasn't she awake when we transformed her? She should already know about her old body.
>it's not like she would have any reason to think that Alberich would know what her greatest wish is
I dunno, we are kinda in her head and isn't out of realm of possibility to make her own leaps of logic on what we do or don't know and continue not to trust us.
I'm not one for write-ins but my position, I don't think there's much to say to Medusa to convince but feel the best course of action would be to call out on holding them there and continue to appeal to Euryale's own character agency, if a fight ensues a decisive win could likely immediately boot us out and drawing it out might get Stheno involved in the 'discussion'.
I'm not sure how much she heard of that conversation.
She also has no reason to believe we succeeded in our effort if she did hear.
And the transformation itself put her to sleep.
That's why she's still mentally represented by her old self.
...come on people. How is that vote winning? Is this a joke?
Your vote is
>make a wager with somebody
>who has no reason to trust you
>with nothing to offer her
>who hates you
"If I lose I'll stay here till I die?"
That's already going to happen.

Is your vote a joke?
Instead of displaying your incredulity, you could list reasons why your vote is better.
The wager presents the situation as it truly is for Euryale and Medusa to hear. If we can get Euryale convinced that getting out of here is in her best interest and Rider is choosing to fight us to keep her here it makes Medusa look like she's in the wrong.

Telling Medusa she's a loli will not distract her and roughly handling Euryale will turn Euryale against us.
>[ ] It seems like talking will get you nowhere, but you can't battle Medusa directly until you've secured Euryale. Attempt to dart by her and grab the girl. (If you have some idea for a way to distract Medusa and improve your chances, write it here.)
Mention that she'd change her opinion on just what we and our allies are capable of if only we both weren't trapped in this mental world. Only corruption and domination?
Her physical form is far more beautiful as a girl her sister's age, after all.

I'm going to be quite amused if her self image "updates" and she turns into a slip of a girl when we tell her.
If she actually did believe it and become her younger state mentally, that would make her easier to defeat, wouldn't it?
Like, she might end up nerfing herself.

I wonder if she'll have a way to confirm her bodies current state.
Not fully satisfied with any of the options.
She doesn't trust us and I doubt there's much we can say to change that, we did regain some of our strength but I doubt it's really enough to dart past her even if we manage to distract with no way to confirm esp. when that's her primary stat.
I'm pretty much with what anon said here
Plus It has been established to Alberich from our last visit to the temple that her sisters' decisions outweigh hers, we need to convince Euryale to at least hear us out and if we get Stheno involved it should work, that is if she doesn't break character and disobey them.
She probably has no way to confirm and I don't think it likely to happen, but it would be pretty funny.

That Medusa won't be distracted is no more than an opinion. More than enough people think she will be distracted either by what we said or because we became a shit ton faster since the last fight.
And Euryale's good opinion is nice, but in no way important to our success.

Your entire plan is also based on the assumption that we will be able to explain the situation. Considering how keen Medusa is on preventing exactly that ("Do not listen to him, elder sister!", "Hold your tongue, or I shall cut it out of you!") I think she will attack far before you can try to turn Euryale against her. Bluntly told: Medusa is not dumb and if you try any long explanations she will interrupt.
>if she doesn't break character
If the alternative is to let what she thinks is Angra Mainyu corrupt her sister's souls, she will absolutely break character to protect them.
Hell, she broke their orders already in trying to ensure their safety, remember?
How she became Gorgon?
>Not fully satisfied with any of the options.
What would be your ideal outcome here?
I'm not satisfied either, and i think it has to do with how flippant the write in dialogue sounds.

But this guy has a point about how much Medusa would let us speak.
Although, we could go on a monologue about keeping her sisters prisoner while we dodge all her attacks.
What do you plan to do with Euryale after grabbing her? Using the curse? We'll be too drained to fight Medusa properly after that. We can't escape Medusa or fight her while holding Euryale either. Are you assuming that using the curse on Euryale is an instant win? I'm not so sure it is.
>while we dodge all her attacks.
We've become strong enough to maybe have a chance at fighting her.
Villain monologuing while we evade her blows isn't something we can hope of doing right now.
A moments distraction will end us.
Oh anon...
It's simple.
"If you kill me now. Both of your sisters will share my fate. Surrender now, and I may even be convinced to show mercy to the Emiyas."
Or some variation.
The Emiya thing is a bonus.
>we could go on a monologue about keeping her sisters prisoner while we dodge all her attacks.
At FULL STRENGTH our agility is less than hers. We're not at full strength here. As cool of a power move as it would be, there's no way we can do an invincible monologue.
A bonus in case just the threat alone won't work.
A carrot and stick approach is what I'm suggesting.
Forcing conditions on Medusa? Getting the time to explain shit without being interrupted?

Just to name a few. Having actual leverage doesn't exactly hurt our negotiation position.
As it is right now, we're in Euryale's good graces. If we grab her that's over.
>Rider: I won't believe your lies, you lying liar!
>Rider grieves the tragic loss of her sisters a second time.
I just realized what I posted earlier is kinda dumb, since we already have Stheno as a hostage.
Maybe we could bring that one up in addition to her lolification?
I think we'll get back in those good graces about as fast as divinely possible if we get the two off the island with Medusa as her loli self.
>What would be your ideal outcome here?

To be clear, what I want to appeal to Euryale to hear us out and explain the situation which should be less likely to instigate a fight than immediately push the angle of absorbing her like we're Cell.
Plus I doubt telling her 'if we die so does Stheno' because the way presented in last update she currently thinks we killed Stheno because we're still covered in crypt blood and has zero reason to believe otherwise without her here.
As it is Euryale's good graces won't prevent us from getting killed.
Medusa is following her sister's orders out of love if she thinks we are an immediate danger to them she will kill us even against Euryale's wishes.

She believes we are a lying liar who lies. Do you think she will believe us if we tell her we have her sister?
"Look into your soul, you know it to be true."
But yeah we could bring it up if we have enough time to do so.
The ask for forgiveness instead of permission approach never fails.

Actually, could she take that as an invitation to eat our soul, since she might get the connection with her sister back?
>"hear me out."
Medusa is moments from attacking us for trying to do this.
This is not a good plan.
She's not going to believe us or let us speak and corrupt her sisters without killing us or trying to.
>Actually, could she take that as an invitation to eat our soul, since she might get the connection with her sister back?
And then she became a servant matryoshka doll. Medusa > Alberich > Euryale and Stheno
>eat our soul
She thinks we're Angra still doesn't she?
Eating our soul is something she probably would've done immediately if she didn't fear the consequences.
At this point a fight's likely to happen regardless of what we say or do, in which case I say to sick to he defensive o try to subdue because there's no guarantee the 'dream' wont immediately end with a decisive win, although should we fail it would be rather amusing throw back in her face that it's all thanks to her that Euryale was lost, again.
>do all of what we did to grow in strength
>"you can't kill me or your sisters die so I win by default."
My sides are going to explode.
We were really *THIS* close to leaving before going to grind.

Here's hoping our grind upgraded our magecraft and EotM for when we finally get to see our character sheet update.

Also we might have Affections now maybe.
Affections of the Goddesses: A soon.
we've now been in Rider's mind for a month and a half IRL
This is really why I'm hoping that we developed our combat skills within the tombs as well as our magical skills.
which is approximately 1/8th of Awakening/Mirror's total existence
Conversation has died down, but there still seems to be some dissent about the majority vote. Does anyone have anything else to say about your course of action? As it is, I'll probably start writing in an hour or two.
I've already said my piece.
Sorry, folks, but it's looking like I can't get this update finished tonight.
I really do have to apologize for how hectic my schedule has been lately. Work has been just brutal, and I don't really have set hours since I'm doing most of it from home with the lockdown in place. I ended up getting a call with a last-minute assignment less than an hour after posting >>4197581.
Hopefully things will die down after this weekend, but at the very outside I should be able to promise consistent updates again starting in May.
Filler arc from hell.
I cannot believe Sweets is dead.
good riddance
Awfully rude of you to say, random seething anon.
Just working. As I said yesterday, it's been hectic lately. I will get you folks an update tonight, though.
It's kind of fucking amazing. After all Sweets complained about not finishing the success routes we started, we managed to take ANOTHER turn from where we were going and switch back from strength to diplo right at the end. Our progress on this island is just a fucking mess.
Ow, what did sweets do to you.
"Medusa, you really think too little of me," you say, shaking your head in exasperation. "Corruption and domination alone? If only we were not trapped in this-"

You get no further, interrupted by the clash of metal as Medusa lunges forward to plant one of her nail-like daggers in your left shoulder and you receive the blow on your swiftly raised shield. "My threats are not idle," she hisses angrily, though you can tell there's an undercurrent of surprise at your defense below the confidence. Hoping to put some more distance between the two of you before Medusa brings her other blade into action, you spin with her thrust and dart forward down the steps, reversing your former positions to stand between her and Euryale. The speed of your action is a more blatant sign of your improvement, and Medusa's evident shock at this transformation buys you a few moments to speak.

"Neither are my promises," you call, grinning. "As I said, were we not trapped in this mental landscape you could see what good my magic has already done you! Your beauty as a girl of an age with your sisters far outshines its present state, you know." You step back again just in time to avoid a hammering blow to the marble that would have nailed your foot in place and immobilized you, but in missing you only shatters one of the marble slabs, putting a crater in the pavilion and sending sharp flakes of rock flying in all direction; a few of these last do graze you, though, so the attack isn't entirely without success. This wordlessly destructive response makes Medusa's contempt for your words plain, though whether she's set on believing all you say to be a lie or simply doesn't care about the transformation you had her undergo is still a mystery you have no time to contemplate. Already another strike is moments from immobilizing you, an axe-like kick to your head resulting from Medusa's transition of her missed strike at the ground into an acrobatic cartwheel and leap.

You barely get your shield up in time to receive the kick, but you do receive it, and as the impact travels up your arm your stance doesn't buckle; a marked improvement from your last fight, when you could neither follow Medusa's movements nor resist her attacks. The force of her kick does translate to some horizontal momentum, though, and you allow yourself to slide backward some distance on your feet. Euryale is finally within reach, and as you duck and sidestep another thrust that carves a shallow gash over your retreating shoulder you grab her, picking the girl up and pulling her to you in a rough one-armed embrace. In a stark contrast to the way Stheno froze up as you seized her, Euryale immediately begins to struggle and squirm, kicking at your legs with girlish vigor and hammering small fists against your cuirass. Medusa, on the other hand, does stop her movements, her eyes coming to rest on the hilt of your sword at the same moment that your free hand does.
For a few moments, the two combatants are perfectly still. You and Medusa stand frozen beneath the columns, as motionless as if you were two new statues added to this well-populated battlefield. Time seems to dilate as you focus all of your attention on watching for the attack that will render this gambit useless if it comes. The flickering light of the ghostly fires above plays over your adversary's white limbs, black garb, and shining silver blades, and as the flames flit from column to column she moves in and out of shadow, seeming almost to appear and disappear from moment to moment. The gentle breeze from the sea stirs the air between you, and brings the smell of salt to your nose. Euryale struggles futilely, squeaks of outrage replacing the words for which she is as-yet at a loss. You and Medusa, however, remain unmoving.

Whether this state of affairs has lasted for one minute, ten, or only half a second you can't say when at last the calcification of the moment is undone by Medusa's voice. "Wretch," she spits, "Do you believe you can kill her before I have that arm from your shoulder?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't know myself," you reply, keeping your voice calm and controlled. "I know it would be a narrow contest, one way or the other; but Medusa, I don't want to hurt Euryale. Not a bit of it. I only want to help all three of you." Leaning down to murmur into Euryale's ear with the sweetest voice you can muster, you add, "What do you say? Wouldn't you like to be free of this place? To walk the world beyond this tiny island together with Stheno, and with a Medusa not cursed but as she was before, when the three of you were all alike?"

Evidently your promises have the desired effect, for Euryale's struggling gradually comes to an end. Her ineffective kicks and flailing punches stop, and she allows herself to rest supported by your arm and chest for a few moments before asking, in a tremulous, uncertain whisper, "Do you really mean that? Is it truly possible?"

"I do," you promise.

"Then-" She pauses for a moment, before addressing her sister. "Medusa," she begins, with none of the contempt or cruelty that typically creeps into the smaller sisters' voices when addressing the larger, but only a sweet, earnest, helpless surrender that makes you wish desperately you could see her expression, "I tasted Sir Alberich's blood last night; it was not the taste of an earthly beast's blood, or a lying Olympian's. It was as sweet as your own, like a Titan's blood. I don't believe he is lying to us."

"No!" Medusa protests in a voice wracked with torment, but made helpless to intervene by your power over her sister. "Elder sister, you mustn't believe his words! That thing is a more monstrous deceiver than any Olympian!"

Medusa's words fall on deaf ears. Turning to look up at you with a pained smile, Euryale says, "Go ahead, Sir Alberich. This once, I will trust a man and rely on your magic."
Returning Euryale's smile with a comforting expression of your own, you raise your right hand from the hilt of your xiphos and, still holding the girl up with your left arm around her waist, you gently cover her eyes and forehead with the palm of your right hand. After turning one last mocking grin of triumph on Medusa, reminding her by your expression that you can break her sister's neck even faster than you could have drawn your sword, you withdraw your perception from five outward senses and focus your mind on the magical properties of two spiritual bodies: your own and Euryale's. Again the familiar door opens, and your power flows through and into you. With an ease that seems to have mounted each time you've performed the act, you shape Emptiness into Absorption, and from there into the dominating curse which is the hydra-headed manifestation of your infinite demands for control. There, too, just as with Stheno, is the great vein of life (or perhaps, unlife?) which binds Euryale's disparate form to the spirit of Medusa all around, the spirit you both presently inhabit.

The fluid tendrils of your curse encircle, immerse, seize, and subjugate the stream of Euryale's spiritual sustenance. At your mental command, they wrench it free of Medusa with one effort of will, and with another plant its source in your own spirit as swiftly. The thing is done. Euryale will henceforth be reliant for her existence on you, and once you've left her sister will have no power to recall her one-time meal to this mystic stomach. As you return your senses to the world around you, you gently return Euryale to the support of her own feet. Like Stheno, she doesn't seem to have noticed a change, for she immediately turns a confused expression on you. Medusa, though, ought to feel the lack.

"There it is," you say cheerfully, regarding your adversary with a beaming smile. "This is the end, Medusa. When I leave, your sisters will follow me into the outside world. Kill me, and they'll vanish with me. I'm afraid your hands are tied! All that remains is for you to surrender, so that the initial magic which brought me here is completed."

Medusa's heel slams into the forehead of your helmet with a sound something like the striking of a gong, though with more force and volume than you've ever imagined such a contact involving. The impact, aside from temporarily blackening your vision and dazing you, sends you flying across the pavilion. In both speed and force, you think as you sail through the air, that strike quite exceeded anything you'd previously seen from her on this island. You'll have to reevaluate how to deal with this situation. Your contemplation is brought to a violent end as you crash into the outstretched arms of a soldier petrified in the act of begging for his life. A moment later the two pieces of your helmet, which was split down the middle by the monstrous might of the blow it received, finally separate and fall at your feet.

At the sound of movement you look up to see Medusa landing to perch atop a column a few meters ahead of you. Doubtless she'll soon begin the aerial attack strategy that served her so well during your battle yesterday. You're better equipped to follow and counteract her movements now than then, but the advantage is clearly still hers; if you want to defeat her, you'll have to be careful.

>[ ] A simple strategy, relying on your specialty of reading movements, is best. Guard, wait for a strike that you can counterattack, and try to beat her into submission as quickly as possible once you've gotten ahold of her.

>[ ] Perhaps magic can give you the edge you need. It's true that you can manifest physical magic for only a moment here, but that moment could be enough to throw Medusa off. Use a momentarily created tendril of Emptiness to grab Medusa by the ankle and pull her off her perch, then attack by conventional means while she falls.

>[ ] During your last battle, Medusa finished by hoisting you up by her chains. It was an attack, you now realize, with a number of openings for one of more-than-human prowess, though you were unable to exploit them at the time. Feign weakness to try to lure her into the same strategy, and counteract it then.

>[ ] Do something else. (Write in)
As ever, I like to take inspiration for bits and pieces of Alberich's non-voted-on dialogue from what you folks post. I hope no-one objects to the influence of >>4197385 here.

There are one or two anons who stop by the quest every once in a while to insult me and leave. I have no idea what their motivation is, but it's something I've gotten used to. Apparently I've made some enemies on this board somehow.
>[X] A simple strategy, relying on your specialty of reading movements, is best. Guard, wait for a strike that you can counterattack, and try to beat her into submission as quickly as possible once you've gotten ahold of her.
Good update, aside from mild disappointment over spoiling the surprise i'm fine with it.
>>[ ] Perhaps magic can give you the edge you need. It's true that you can manifest physical magic for only a moment here, but that moment could be enough to throw Medusa off. Use a momentarily created tendril of Emptiness to grab Medusa by the ankle and pull her off her perch, then attack by conventional means while she falls.

Might change later but i'm leaning towards this for now, not a fan of the last option because too much of 'lets just go back and repeat exactly what we did' and and not too confident about countering someone with higher agility before we find out what the actual difference is with our nerfed stats.
>[ ] A simple strategy, relying on your specialty of reading movements, is best. Guard, wait for a strike that you can counterattack, and try to beat her into submission as quickly as possible once you've gotten ahold of her.

A case can be made for all strategies, but I personally think this is best. I don't think the shadow tendrils will surprise her, she's probably waiting for 'Angra' to pull that stunt. As for the last option I just don't like depending on her not adapting that move to our greater speed and prowess now that she knows about it.
>[ ] Perhaps magic can give you the edge you need. It's true that you can manifest physical magic for only a moment here, but that moment could be enough to throw Medusa off. Use a momentarily created tendril of Emptiness to grab Medusa by the ankle and pull her off her perch, then attack by conventional means while she falls.
So, she's using her monstrous strength is she?
I cannot wait for her to realize that she's practically duty bound to help us secure the grail in order to maintain the existence of her sisters.
Poor Shirou Emiya.
Even a rescue will end in a betrayal now, I'm afraid.
Man I genuinely feel bad for you for taking this approach to FF7R.
It's like they took FF7 and made a decent remake with fleshed out scenes before retconning things like it's a bad fanfiction.

Also One Winged Angel is on the OST despite the game taking place only in Midgar.
Take of that what you will.
>[ ] During your last battle, Medusa finished by hoisting you up by her chains. It was an attack, you now realize, with a number of openings for one of more-than-human prowess, though you were unable to exploit them at the time. Feign weakness to try to lure her into the same strategy, and counteract it then.
>spoiling the surprise
Do you mean telling her about the transformation, or something else?

>Even a rescue will end in a betrayal now, I'm afraid.
I suppose it does seem that way, yes. Medusa is in a tough spot, poor girl.

So they went with the episodic model that everyone hated the idea of afterall? And then they felt the need to shoehorn a boss fight with Sephiroth in anyway? Between that and the thing anon posted earlier about it being a shared universe with FFX, I'm a bit crushed. I guess I should be glad they aren't remaking my favorite Final Fantasy.
Referring to player's choice to tell her we turned her into a loli as a fairly minor distraction instead of keeping as a surprise for her and her sisters once we got out.
Granted it isn't really something that'll ruin things for me.
>[ ] During your last battle, Medusa finished by hoisting you up by her chains. It was an attack, you now realize, with a number of openings for one of more-than-human prowess, though you were unable to exploit them at the time. Feign weakness to try to lure her into the same strategy, and counteract it then.
If we pretend to be as weak as we were last time now she might think we could only manage a burst of speed or that using our magic on Euryale drained us. I think trying to catch her off guard is the way to go here.
>shoehorn a boss fight with Sephiroth in anyway?
If only you knew how bad things really were.
Ok, legitimate spoilers here It's actually a sequel that continues on from Advent Children. How? Sephiroth and Aerith both now know the plot of FF7 due to time travel. People keep getting visions of the future and Sephiroth spends all his time trying to ruin the plot while these bedsheet ghosts (the whispers of fate) try to stop them from ruining the plot by intervening. (Making sure people die etc. They also drag Hojo off for trying to spoil the SOLDIER twist to Cloud.) The final boss part of the game has the party literally kill the personification of destiny, so nobody knows what's going to happen. Also by doing this somehow they created an alternate timeline in which Zack survives his last stand.
Also they have the Cloud vs Sephiroth solo thing as a cutscene after you defeat Sephiroth. He proceeds to block every hit of Omnislash.
He also tells Cloud that he'll have seven seconds to change things (How long it takes to drop and kill Aerith.)
The FFX thing comes from the FFX-2 Character called Shinra being featured on a photograph of Shinra's original staff.

Also pretty certain Sephiroth references Kingdom Hearts.

>[ ] During your last battle, Medusa finished by hoisting you up by her chains. It was an attack, you now realize, with a number of openings for one of more-than-human prowess, though you were unable to exploit them at the time. Feign weakness to try to lure her into the same strategy, and counteract it then.
Ok. Let's try this
>Ok, legitimate spoilers here
No. I won't read it. I refuse to disappoint myself any further until I've actually played the game.
Well in that case just imagine the most convoluted plot twist that would ruin the plot of FF7 you can and you're halfway there.
Then do it again.
>[ ] A simple strategy, relying on your specialty of reading movements, is best. Guard, wait for a strike that you can counterattack, and try to beat her into submission as quickly as possible once you've gotten ahold of her.
seems like the safest option, Alberich is probably too tired to keep using magic so much
switching to this.
>>[ ] A simple strategy, relying on your specialty of reading movements, is best. Guard, wait for a strike that you can counterattack, and try to beat her into submission as quickly as possible once you've gotten ahold of her.

Now I had time to think on it this does make option 3 a bit redundant, counterattacking whenever see a potential opening vs baiting out an attack we already know. I prefer this over the other because it's more proactive and less reliant on Medusa doing what we want to.
The key difference is that in the third option you're feigning weakness, pretending to be unable to follow her movements again, while in the first you're continuing to make your full strength apparent.
Ah, then i'm getting hung up on the first part. I don't have a problem feigning weakness, if weren't tied to baiting out the same attack as before instead of looking for a similar opportunity i'd definitely vote for over the magic option.
Oh, so it was like that, huh?

Then I'll switch >>4199639 to:
>[X] During your last battle, Medusa finished by hoisting you up by her chains. It was an attack, you now realize, with a number of openings for one of more-than-human prowess, though you were unable to exploit them at the time. Feign weakness to try to lure her into the same strategy, and counteract it then.
There's always the write-in option.
>[X] During your last battle, Medusa finished by hoisting you up by her chains. It was an attack, you now realize, with a number of openings for one of more-than-human prowess, though you were unable to exploit them at the time. Feign weakness to try to lure her into (a similar) strategy, and counteract it then.
I'm terrible at coming up with write ins because I know i'll end up making a tldr strategy so for now those 2 words are a world of a difference to me. Look for any strong opening, if she does happen to repeat the exact strategy so be it.
While were waiting to see if Sweets is going to update tonight, can anyone explain the thing with our blood being sweet to me? I thought S&E liked to drink Medusa's blood because she was their sister, but apparently it has something to do with being a titan? Why are we like that? Why does it make her trust us? What does being a titan mean here anyway? I'm lost.
We born in the realm the gods went to when they were exiled from earth.
Because of this we obtained Conceptual Biology, which makes us more like a concept than a living being the higher ranked it is.
Since Gods were created as a manifestation of Gaia's concepts, we should taste similar.
At least, that's how my though process regarding this is.
If anyone has a better way to explain, feel free.
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I hate this work situation. Updatenot finished. Too tired to write more tonight, it'll just end up being a bad scene. Really will try to get something done tomorrow morning.

You should have all the information you need to figure it out in the story.

You're on the right track, but not quite there. Good job so far!

Good night folks. I can't apologize enough for the way my schedule's been lately.
I guess we should be thankful that we're not being sent to the Underworld with the other Titans.
>[ ] A simple strategy, relying on your specialty of reading movements, is best. Guard, wait for a strike that you can counterattack, and try to beat her into submission as quickly as possible once you've gotten ahold of her.

Feigning weakness is gay.
Waiting warmly.
Waiting tepidly.
Waiting frigidly.
So this is the true measure of Medusa's strength, is it? It's plain that she was only toying with you last night, enjoying a battle against a foe so plainly beneath her by exerting the bare minimum of the power that dwells in her body. Now that you've managed to regain enough of your own power to match that limited degree of exertion, though, and stolen her sisters from her besides, it seems she's finally ready to give you all she has to offer. It's hardly a gift to be thankful for; however easily you might have dealt with her previously, the impact of that kick has made it painfully clear that you're still greatly the inferior of your outer self. That being the case, you quickly surmise that the best thing to do is to tempt Medusa into taking you lightly once more. If you can convince her that your earlier escape was the product of a momentary burst of energy, rather than a legitimate improvement, you'll be in a far better position to counteract her; particularly if she returns to her earlier method of extorting a surrender by hoisting you up in a chain-noose. That technique may have been fearsome to one only human, but at your present level of strength there are several ways to counteract it.

As you unsheathe your sword and watch the column above for Medusa's next move, you wobble back and forth on planted feet, imitating the wavering of one badly shaken by a blow to the head. Your sword, too, you allow to waver slightly in and out of a proper guard, further driving the point of your weakness home. After a moment's consideration, Medusa wordlessly makes her move; as she descends with the grace and speed of a pouncing cat from the top of the column high above to crouch on the marble immediately before you, you force your eyes to trail behind her as if unable to capture her movements, watching your assailant only through your peripheral vision. When that crouch smoothly flows into a vertical kick that drives a foot into your gut and cracks your cuirass (as well as displaying Medusa's impressive flexibility and shapely legs) you are again intentionally too slow to defend or dodge, and you allow yourself to be first held aloft and then slammed back down to the marble by her rotating limb. Your eyes, attempting in vain to capture your enemy's movements, track only the violet banner of her flowing hair.
Still, you spring to your feet with the manful expression of an outmatched, but determined warrior yet to realize that he's beaten. Inside, you can feel a quite unfeigned pain; several of your ribs cracked along with your cuirass, and you reflect that if you allow yourself to take too many strikes like that by intentional slowness, there'll soon be no need to pretend your weakened state. Medusa remains wary still, however, and almost before you can react she's darted inside your guard, her low and fluid movements reminding you more than ever of a serpent, and thrust one of her nails through the arm that holds your shield. You let out an exaggerated gasp of pain that puts a cruel smile on Medusa's face, though your fingers maintain a tight grip on your only means of defense.

"Do you still believe you've won?" she asks with quiet satisfaction. Then, without waiting for your response, Medusa takes you completely by surprise for the second time this evening. Leaving her blade in your arm, she darts back to hold only the chain at some distance from you, lifts it, and in a display of titanic strength completely at odds with her slender looks Medusa swings you about bodily at the end of her chain, like the head of a flail. As you're sent flying through the air, you quickly ascertain the woman's aim. Medusa, though realizing she couldn't kill you, never entertained for a second the idea of forcing your surrender a second time. In a moment you'll be sent crashing from one column to another, battered until either your spine or all of your limbs are broken. You'll be kept paralyzed on this island, existing perhaps in perpetuity for the sole purpose of remaining as the anchor to Stheno and Euryale's existences.

The indignity of the notion sparks a black flame of rage and hatred in you. Medusa dares to plan such a fate you? She thinks to subjugate he who brought her in chains to his home, and came here only for the purpose of completing a ritual to make enslave her? The insolence of it all is unacceptable; almost unbelievable. To think that you had feigned weakness for this woman, and entertained her fantasy of superiority! This can continue for not a moment longer! With a furious wrench of your right hand you rip the blade from your left arm, finding to your satisfaction that the weapon fits your hand well enough. In the same moment you perform an acrobatic rotation in the air to receive the impact of the first pillar, not with your spine as Medusa had intended, but on your feet. You crouch on the vertical surface, absorbing the force with your legs, and spring back toward Medusa with equal vigor, enhancing your speed by a herculean pull on the chain that runs between you.
Seeing your suddenly reversed flight, and perhaps thinking in the darkness that you're still bound to the end of her chain by your wound, Medusa swings the chain dagger again to send you flying off in a new direction and slamming into the marble flagstones below. You simply let the weapon go. In a moment, one of Medusa's two blades has flown off into the darkness, too far from either of you to be any use. While still in the air you draw your own blade and in a moment, with Medusa this time the one surprised, you've brought all the momentum of your flight and fall down in a slash to lop one of her arms off at the elbow.

Despite her shock at your reversal of fortune, Medusa takes the blow well on her remaining dagger, catching your blade in the nest of spikes that adorns the ring connecting the nail to its chain. Still, with one weapon out of her hands and the other involved in holding up your sword, Medusa's torso is quite unprotected, and you conclude that this is your opportunity to return the kick she planted in your gut. Though you don't have the flexibility necessary to set legs perpendicular to your torso and turn a kick into an uppercut, a straightforward hammering of your knee and shin into the woman's gut does the job well enough, launching her back a short distance and sending a satisfying spray of blood out between her lips.

In a moment she's recovered, darting out of your field of view to the right with that speed so much greater than your own. You don't have to move so quickly at the center of a circle as at the perimeter, though, and it's simplicity itself to predict from her stance and direction that by coming around to the right she hopes either to knock you off your feet with a kick, plant her remaining nail into your right elbow and render your sword useless, or make another attack from behind, all of which place her return close of distance at the same point. With precise timing you spin on your heel, observe the movement of Medusa's imminent strike, and catch her nail on your outstretched xiphos. In a smooth motion, sliding your blade down a length bereft of both edge and crossguard, you force the weapon's point well away from you while bringing your own to Medusa's throat, where a tiny bead of crimson wells up from the point of contact. Your adversary breathes a shuddering, frustrated sigh, and without warning darkness descends.

Status Updated
Shijou Manor, Tokyo - November 23, 2019, Saturday

The first thing you see, upon awakening, is the canopy above your accustomed bed. You've returned at last from the Shapeless Isle, though why you're no longer in the basement is a question worth looking into. As you sit up and get your bearings, you observe several other details: the clock on your bedside table indicates that it's a few minutes after twelve; the window looks out on a night scene; Medusa, in her young form and now accompanied by her sisters, lies on the floor beside your bed with your hand still resting on her forehead. Any other details of the room are hidden from view as an overjoyed Liliesviel, previously sitting by your bedside, leaps onto you and wraps a joyous embrace around your neck.

"Alberich!" she cries, the happy exclamation shortly followed by sobs. "Thank goodness! I was so afraid you'd stay like that! I knew you couldn't lose to whatever that Rider could do, of course, but... oh, I was so afraid!" For some time she can only clutch at you, sobbing, and you gently return her embrace, patting the girl on the back and murmuring words of comfort into her ear and assuring her of your safety. At length she recovers enough to sit up, compose her features into something approximating calm, and face you.

"So, I take it I've been unconscious for