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You are Alberich: apparent knight, demonstrable killer, familiar twice over, possible relation of Gods, and modern hero. In the uncertain hours between one day and the next, you've just been awoken by a truly singular visitor.
On the night of November 13, 2019, you found yourself in a dimly lit stone basement, standing in the middle of a magic circle. You had been summoned as a Servant, a figure out of legend contracted after their death to fight alongside a magus for the Holy Grail. In your case, however, you were and conned by Judas Iscariot into taking his place despite not being any such thing.
After spending a few days learning about the Holy Grail War and your surroundings, you and your Master went into battle and met with utter defeat. Though you expected to die with the expiry of the magical energy he supplied you, however, he had prepared for his death. You were contracted in the aftermath to his younger sister, Shijou Ayaka. It was under her scrutiny that you discovered the truth of your identity: an artificial soul born on that night of November 13, given the false memories of Yumigawa Rushorou, raised in the dilated time of the Akeldama and elevated beyond humanity through Judas' careful planning.
The two of you have fared better, in large part due to Ayaka's ability to transfer a portion of the power held by the foes you've slain to you. In the days since that transfer of contract, you have found repeated triumph. Rider, Berserker, and Archer have died by your hand. Saber, the Servant who slew your first Master, has been captured and converted to your service by the power of your magic. Circe and Adelheid, your treacherous Servants from the past, have been violently returned to your allegiance.
Due to these battles the drain on the natural magic of the land below Tokyo has begun to take its toll, and as the War is lengthened the city seems to be draw ever nearer to utter doom. For a short time you found yourself a comrade the last War's survivors, the Emiya family, but were compelled to betray them after discovering that they mean to dismantle the Holy Grail which is the source of Tokyo's devastation and your only chance to survive beyond the end of the War.
Since, you've made a truer bond, of alliance and affection, with Liliesviel von Einzbern: a girl who calls you her brother, having led a love-starved life and desiring it in any form; and whose lamentable circumstances, of artificial creation and ascribed purpose, are painfully similar to your own.
None of your experiences have changed your goal. Whatever the purpose or origin of your life, and regardless of who stands in your way, there is only one path before you. You will take the Holy Grail with your own hands.
Four Servants remain to fall by your sword.

Previous thread:

Suptg Archive:

Status Information:
Saying such a thing with those crimson cheeks, and her previous comment about wanting it to be conducted at night... Liliesviel's visiting you alone, in your be, to 'become one'... The pieces fall into place in your mind, and heat rises to your cheeks as you find yourself suddenly sharing a portion of Liliesviel's embarrassment. Does she mean what you believe she does? Could an act of such a nature truly be a magical ritual? Yet, there is what you know of the transmission of magical energy through bodily fluids, and the significance of blood and death in magic of the soul. If that sort of intimacy should be so potent, it seems sensible for the other variety to have an equal, if not greater, capacity to affect the soul, when properly ritualized.

At the thought, thus rationalized and made believable, immodest passion ignites within you and quickens your pulse. Almost unconsciously you sit up straighter, rising from the headboard to lean forward and bring yourself closer to Liliesviel. The detached, ever-observant portion of your mind notes as you do so that the sheets fall from your torso and your visitor's eyes are momentarily drawn to your nudity, her flush deepening. The majority of your attention, however, is given over to drinking in her modest, nervous beauty with the renewed sensitivity of desire. Trembling lips pressed together in apprehension, now of a shade with her flushed cheeks; ruby eyes, so lately glossy with tears of a despair now happily behind you; pearlescent hair, cascading over her garment in broad waves unrestrained by her ordinary ribbons; flawless skin, glimpsed so tantalizingly through her bizarre costume. The whole portrait before you is of such astonishing purity and sweetness that you are almost overcome, and seize her, drawing her into a rough embrace and devouring kiss without another word.

But no. With a masterful effort of will, you rein in your desire and, in a tone not ravenous but gentle and tender, answer, "I'd like that a great deal, Liliesviel. I've told you already that I love you, haven't I?" Smiling, you add, "Even if there weren't any ritual involved, I'd accept your proposition with joy as a confirmation that you return my feelings. If," you amend, "I understand you correctly."

"...you do," Liliesviel murmurs almost inaudibly, staring into her lap and looking, if possible, even more embarrassed than before. You're not too blind to observe, though, that her expression includes joy as well as modesty. "I've made all of the preparations already, so... even if I am, ah... distracted, the heavenly garment will make sure the ritual is completed. Once I... give myself to you, our souls will be linked, and you really will become an Einzbern; to receive as I do the complete miracle of the Heaven's Feel." Explaining the purely magical side of the ritual seems to have a calming effect on Liliesviel, for her voice steadies and she's able to look you in the eye again as she does so.
"Wonderful," you say. "In that case, how shall we begin?" With Liliesviel before you this way, and your own desire so great, you feel as if you might pounce on her at any moment; but after the anguish she's already suffered as a result of your selfishness, you don't want even to frighten her momentarily, and so continue to hold yourself back, making absolutely certain that she is as prepared as possible. It isn't an easy task, and the moment between your question and your Liliesviel's reply seems to stretch into an eternity as you listen to the pounding of your own heart, longing against your better self to push her down and slake your passion without restraint.

Seemingly unaware of your internal war between desire and affection, Liliesviel takes a deep breath, one hand pressed over her heart, to steady herself and achieve some mastery over her nerves. Then, at last, looking at you with that nervous, maidenly expression that so inflames your desire, stretches her arms out, and says, "Just hold me for a while, until I've calmed down. Please?"

You don't speak in reply, but only reach out and pull her to you, embracing the girl as chastely as you can manage despite the fresh waves of lust prompted by the sensation of her body, the heat of her cheek against yours, and even the feeling of her rapid heartbeat. For a long moment the two of you cling together in silence this way, as you comfort her, stroking her hair and wordlessly reassuring the wounded girl once more of the solidity of your presence and feelings for her. Gradually you begin to feel the rapid pounding of her heart slow, until finally she breathes a heated sigh into your ear before pulling away just enough to face you, and whisper slowly, "Thank you, Alberich. I think I'm ready now. You can kiss me, and after that... I've learned from Stachel and Stengel what to do, in case a moment like this came."

"Gladly," comes your murmured reply, and so saying you press your lips to hers. This time, however, you do not stop at her lips, but plunge into her mouth and, in time, give full expression to your love and satisfaction to your lust. Thus, as the night stretches on, the two artificial souls cast aside the purity with which they were endowed upon their creation and forge between them a new link, forever cementing their two spirits as one.

Status Updated
Shijou Manor, Tokyo - November 22, 2019, Friday

Out of a sleep both short and dreamless you rise suddenly to consciousness. Your eyes open to take in the now-familiar sight of your bed's canopy, richly festooned with embroidered silk, velvet, and lace. Your ears discover only a few notes of birdsong, and as you sit up and examine the minimal light your initial guess is confirmed. It's dawn, and you've had only a few hours sleep. Despite this, after last night's ecstatic events you feel energized enough to slaughter every remaining foe in the War without resting another moment.

No, no, you tell yourself. Calm down. However reasonable a certain degree of good cheer may be on the morning after such a night of military and romantic triumph, this hyperbole is too much. All the same, you don't feel any desire to go back to sleep. Beside you, Liliesviel lies unconscious against your pillow, a picture of tranquil rest as she makes no more motion than to softly breathe. Most likely the rest of the manor is similarly asleep, for you hear no sounds of action from below the floor or outside the walls of your bedroom, and in a house as old as this every action is typically accompanied by some subtle creak, groan, or other sundry protestation of the aging wood.

>[ ] Rouse Liliesviel, to discuss a matter from last night. (Which topic? Her 'getting to know' Circe? The results of your ritual? Something else?)

>[ ] Go and take a shower, then visit some other part of the mansion. (Write in where you want to go and what for. Talk to one of your other companions? Study in the library? Summon a new beast from the Reverse Side in the basement?)

>[ ] Meditate on your bodily condition. Try to determine whether you can feel any change due to the ritual.

>[ ] Do something else. (Write in)
>predatory charisma
You know I always come through!
>Predatory Charisma: C
That should help us explain it to Circe.
>[ ] Meditate on your bodily condition. Try to determine whether you can feel any change due to the ritual.
>[ ] Rouse Liliesviel, to discuss a matter from last night. (Results of the ritual, her discussion with Circe)
>[ ] Rouse Liliesviel, to discuss a matter from last night. (Which topic? Her 'getting to know' Circe? The results of your ritual? Something else?)
I'd like to to know both the results of the ritual and how her talk with Circe was.

God damn though, Predatory Charisma.

And here we all thought it was a meme.

At least dealing with everyone should be much easier now.
Alright. This is the moment, anons. Who's gonna write that H-scene?
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Hopefully somebody with a penchant for ridiculous similes.
And molluscs.

>embrace the Liliesviel route
>get skill that potentially opens up the harem route
Where are you now, naysayers?
>Where are you now, naysayers?
You got me.
>[ ] Meditate on your bodily condition. Try to determine whether you can feel any change due to the ritual.
>finally got the charisma upgrade
A surprise to be sure
But a welcome one.

I can't wait to put it to the test on...
Well just about everyone.
>starts off as Charisma: C
>jumps to probably B against females
Alberich can effectively rule over a kingdom IF it's an amazon wonderland.
He'd be the best ruler ever if it was instead a loli wonderland.

Grail wish: discovered.
The wish of Pride, REGNUM IUSTUS, has been abandoned.
The wish of Lust has been discovered through copulation:
BOOGIE WONDERLAND: Lolis obtained through charisma, pelvic pressure without upper bound
We must determine our limits.
What's the limit on age?
Logic would dictate Arturia/Ayaka
Thankfully, those two look the oldest of all our companions except the maids.

Truvi is unlikely to apply, but things would be funny if she did.

I should probably vote, while I'm at it.
I'll support this if we can do both.
>What's the limit on age?
It's a limit on appearance. For now I assume it only exerts its greatest power on anyone in A-Tier and S-Tier.
I'd argue that B-tier would be the limit.
It should definitely apply to Ayaka at least.
It's funny, our next interaction with Adelheid should be very fun
Especially if it ranks up to an A equivalent when we speak with her.
It would make us her equal in Charisma.

I must wonder how well it will work on Circe too, maybe we can start getting our relationship back to a good place.
...or how it will work on Arturia.

I kind of want to get the chance to bully her original personality still in a dream or something.
Especially if Alter learns to like us.

Wait shit, we have a Servant link with her now. She's going to be viewing our history from the dream cycle.
I wonder if both of the Arturia get to watch them.

I sort of want to see how it works on Arturia first.
I gotta be honest.
Big news, folks!
Now that we've reached another milestone in terms of time passed in quest, I've completed the next version of the Fate/Awakening Mirror PDF! Now with better formatting, minor edits to a number of scenes, and a table of contents! Take a look.
Minor edits like Liliesviel not asking us for Circe like a little girl asking a child?
Yes. Like that.
If you see any more mistakes of that kind that made it into the PDF, or have any other suggetions at all, please let me know. I really need an editor, but in lieu of getting one I'm relying on you, my beloved readers, to look this thing over as I produce it.
>predatory charisma became a thing
I regret voting against this with every fiber of my body
>[ ] Rouse Liliesviel, to discuss a matter from last night. (Circe)
As you should.
Now Alberich can actually hope to deal with this insane harem.
Oh! There's something else that I meant to post with last night's update, but by the time I got it finished, it had gotten so late that I quite forgot about it. Here's a new piece of Fate/Awakening Mirror BGM for you all:
Love theme of Alberich and Liliesviel
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>we fucked the loli
Horribly-written h-scene when?
As I recall there were a number of volunteers to write one the last time the topic came up in the thread, so I'm sure our Takeuchi will appear at some point.
For my part, I tried to handle the subject as tastefully as possible while still communicating the essential details of Alberich's lecherous thoughts.
Ravioli Ravioli do not lewd the magi loli
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Little late for that.

Somewhere out there in a parallel universe, Yumigawa summoned Brynhildr.
Probably more like a range, where it's still D with men, C with women, and more effective the younger they look.

>a number of volunteers
Shame we don't have ID-Lock anymore. He wanted to do one I think. Overgrowth was lucky getting an H-scene so quick after it happened in the quest.

Where were you last thread?
If it were still D with men, would it not be ranked D+ or D++?

Oh god.
How does it interact with traps? Quick let's test it out on Tsubaki.
You should have stopped with Akeldama.
You seem upset, plebian.
A fun thought.
What if this is the guy who screeched back in the times of Gulag come to haunt us?
Great! I always love getting this kind of supportive fanmail. Thanks!
I mean, sub-50IQ iPhone posters like him don't get to have opinions anyway.

We're better off without dregs like him.
Couldn't be. It's already been more than ten minutes since your reply and he hasn't come back to argue further.
Ah! Meant to reply to >>4038838.
Why should he?
Obviously you're not mad about the loli thing, the 2 main waifus in Akeldama were lolis as well.
What's your beef?
I wonder why they felt the need to pop in and whinge like a child when it's pretty faithful to how the source material of the quest worked (minus the ftb) and there are plenty quests with explicit smut and degeneracy he could scream into the wind at.

Like Fuck Quest or whatever.

There's always one paint drinking retard who complains whenever a sex scene occurs.
Without fail.
Anon, it's obviously because you can write descriptive and visceral depictions of violence, torture, death, child murder and suffering.

But sex is icky.
Sorry to be an idiot, but... ftb?
Also, Fuck Quest apparently ended recently so it could be that there's an overflow of people angry about lechery who are looking for new targets.
Oh, wait. Fade-to-black.
>source material
I'm willing to bet that anon's either ignorant of Fate or is an FGO secondary newfag. The fuck is that /co/ reaction image?
I don't quite understand how you can get mad about implications. There's no smut content in scenes like this.

These are probably the same people who sing the praises of George R R Martin who is happy vividly depicting a 13 year old girl getting raped by a not!mongol.
Or going into great detail about how bad her diarrhoea is.
GRRM is a hack and his setting is garbage.

But I'm getting distracted.

Maybe he's just the last remaining Circefag trying to win a war that is already ended.
Well, you know. People get mad and/or uncomfortable about Lolita too, and in terms of prose Nabokov is my idol. If I can evoke even a shadow of the kind of emotion his work produces, I really do take that as a compliment.
Although, of course, I do still want every one of my readers to be happy and enjoy the quest.
So, how awkward is the group date going to be now?

I wonder how much Circe despises Lily.

Also, we should probably decide what to do with Yumigawa.
We could have Lily transfer his soul into a stuffed toy, now I am thinking about things.
I'd like to do an update tonight, but we're currently tied. Do we have any of you folks who catch up with the thread in the PST evening coming in with new votes, or will someone have to change theirs?
Can't you just do both? If not, just roll for a tiebreaker. Don't let it slow the updates if you can avoid it. To me they're not mutually exclusive.
One of the tied votes is for doing both.
That said, the order you do things in really is significant.
I don't know. I guess if we go another hour with no more votes I'll count your vote together with the two votes for both as three votes for "meditate on your condition, then wake up Liliesviel to discuss the ritual."
>[ ] Meditate on your bodily condition. Try to determine whether you can feel any change due to the ritual.

>in terms of prose Nabokov is my idol
Well that explains a lot. It seems our tastes diverge greatly, unfortunately.

For context, looking back I would have preferred it if we played as Matsuda and had adult Penthesilea as our servant/autistic training partner.
>It seems our tastes diverge greatly, unfortunately.
You don't like florid language, I take it?
Setting aside my preferences in female body-types, I'm more of a Dostoevsky guy personally.
>female body-types
I mean, Nabokov isn't necessarily Humbert Humbert.
For the record, when I say that Nabokov is my literary idol, I'm referring to his phenomenal ability to create imagery and portray emotional depth. I've honestly never read anyone who uses the english language as artfully.
>looking back I would have preferred it if we played as Matsuda and had adult Penthesilea as our servant/autistic training partner
we should have picked keiseki and summoned ushiwakamaru as our servant
I think Moriarty would have gotten along splendidly with Keiseki, although using him without the Shinjuku phantom-fusion shenanigans might have been too big a hurdle to clear sadly.
>our tastes diverge greatly
Also, I believe I've said this before, but just to make things clear one more time, I'm not a hardcore lolicon myself.
Although this quest has developed in a rather loli-focused direction, that's the result of the choices you've made along the way. There were alternative routes available and Alberich's aesthetics definitely could've developed differently.
Oh, man. Writing Keiseki as the protagonist would've been a ton of fun. I'm glad at least one of you likes him even though he got no love during the initial vote and had a pretty short appearance in the quest.
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Who else...
What about Chen Gong?
Childhood is picking Yumigawa so you can stand above everyone else.
Adulthood is picking Keiseki so society can get what it fucking deserves.
>What about Chen Gong?
Rider Lu Bu would be far more interesting.
Lu Bu would be pretty top tier if he wasn't stuck as Berserker.

He'd also betray everyone.
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What? What are you trying to say with that expression, huh? If you've got something to say, say it! Don't just stand there and smirk at me!
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>so society can get what it fucking deserves.
That tagline's gonna be floating around for a while huh?
But I agree. Keiseki would be a great protagonist. Probably 2nd choice after Yumi/Alberich.
For his servant someone with a JK feeling or a heavy tsun girl would be good. Suzuka Gozen? Mordred? What ideas do you all have for a servant to bicker with as a middle aged guy?
>You woke up at the office after being forced to sleep there by the ridiculously late overtime, worked all day, and wound up going to sleep in a sleeping bag under your desk again. You took four breaks today: one for each meal, and one to go to a public bath and wash off the grime. None of these was over 45 minutes. You haven't seen your apartment in 3 weeks, and dream of the day you can have a weekend off. It wouldn't surprising if you'd died in your sleep of overwork...
What he needs is Caster Gilgamesh, a man who can appreciate the soul-crushing drudgery of managerial positions.
Second thoughts, huh?
A 1-post-by-this-ID anon posted something along the lines of "Don't worry, we all know this quest is an elaborate scheme in which we pretend to be attracted to lolis to spite some guy from a year ago" and then deleted it.
Since an hour went by and no edited version was reposted, I thought I'd poke fun.
Interesting. Not one of the Servant's I'd originally considered for the protagonist to summon, but she actually would've had a dynamic similar enough to a more heroine-type version of that between Keiseki and Rider that it could totally have worked.
Well, since we're still tied (now 2-2-2) and it's quite late on a day when I had a lot of work, I'm going to bed. In the mean time, I'd like it if you folks could work out a general day plan for what you'd like to accomplish on the 22nd. I'd usually have a choice like this while Alberich is in the shower or something along those lines, but since the next update will presumably be either a conversation with Liliesviel or a meditation trance sequence I'm posting this as a freeform prompt.

>[ ] What do you want to do today? (Write in your goals for the day and how you hope to pursue them, now that you have a morning with no immediately pressing future events weighing on your mind).
>[ ] Meditate on your bodily condition. Try to determine whether you can feel any change due to the ritual.

I don't trust myself to write out a coherent plan this late.
First things first, we have to talk to Adelheid and see what she got from the diaries. Spend some quality time with Circe and make our magic better, maybe get some ideas from her about the applications of Vaisset's work; also, I personally want to bring up this line with her:
>There is a disagreement among magi whether this conceptual nature gave them greater facility with magic and power over the world, or their great facility with magic enabled them to maintain a conceptual nature.
Also, ask her about new fighting gloves. And flex Predatory Charisma.

After that take a break, and then spar with Adelheid after lunch if the gloves are done by then. If they aren't, talk to Tsubaki and find out what her NPs do.

Later, send a message to Shirou telling him Saber was "dealt with". Let him imagine what that could mean.

After that, talk to Lily about the Yumigawa Question.
>we have to talk to Adelheid
Fair enough. Seeing how Predatory Charisma works on somebody with A Rank Charisma is something I want to see as well.
Well she's probably a decent person to ask. We still have to introduce her to Tsubaki though, so for the fighting gloves, why not have the two collaborate?
Also lets us flex on two girls at once and find out what Tsubaki's NPs do at the same time.
Or neck snaps ensue.

>spar with Adelheid
Why only Adelheid? We could do group combat with Arturia too.

>send a message to Shirou
Like an actual physical message?
Do you want to teleport mail to him with Circe?
>"Don't worry about the Excalibur bro, I got things under control. Saber is dealt with, still not a mango btw."

>the Yumigawa question
Now now, I'm sure that's something we can let Tsubaki, Ayaka and Circe help decide on too.
>We could do group combat with Arturia too.
Against someone with Mind's Eye (False): B and someone else with Instinct: B I don't feel confident.
>Do you want to teleport mail to him with Circe?
It's an ostentatious enough use of Tροψα that I approve completely.
I think having Circe do such menial tasks is hilarious.
Bonus points if we scry and drop the letter right in front of Shirou.

Also, should we tell him about Assassin?

Also we should probably deal with Harris soon.
I just want him dead already.
He's annoying on multiple levels.
>Also, should we tell him about Assassin?
Would it really make a difference if we did? Circe and Odin can't get a lock on him, so Shirou definitely won't.
>Circe and Odin can't
>but Harris can
God I loathe his character.
I'm telling you, Harris was Odin the whole time. It explains everything.
>[ ] Meditate on your bodily condition. Try to determine whether you can feel any change due to the ritual.
Speak with Circe and Adelheid, work on Vaissets notes, experiment more with summoning and HGS as a whole.
>sending a message to shirou
But why?
>But why?
Because I want to watch him squirm.
I'm looking forward to the shock of him seeing saber alter in person. Let's not ruin that.
We could always show up in person to say hello.
But squirm!
Anon. What are you talking about? Harris didn't get any more information than Circe did, and only after you heard it from her. As for Odin, do you really trust him that much? I confess I'm surprised.

A debate for the ages. Two worthy opinions, both wanting to mess around with Shirou, yet fundamentally incompatible.
+1 would like to try and fit meditation somewhere between gloves and spar though
>As for Odin, do you really trust him that much? I confess I'm surprised.
yes, he seems like a cool dude, and I think we could be making use of his abilities more than we do
I'm pretty sure he kinda already knows about alter because of the deadly death beam of death from the previous night
>I think we could be making use of his abilities more than he does
To me it just seems weird.

Dear Shirou and co.,
We have altered Saber.
Alberich and co.
P.S. we put in her a maid outfit
Lean into the weird.
Have Futodoki polymorph into a bipedal cat footman in a waistcoat and deliver the message formally.
Like that one ghibli movie.
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Have Futodoki morph into pic related but male and deliver the message.
that as well
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I was more thinking this, but in his color scheme.
And cat-sized, not human-sized.
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This idea sounds stupid.
Fie on both of you! If Futodoki ever takes on a bipedal form, it'll be in classic anime "human with cat ears and tail" style. Beyond that, I won't spoil it.
Hmm. I wonder. Could Futodoki be empowered by magical items made by Circe or Tsubaki?
To the desk of Emiya Shirou, survivor of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

My dear Emiya Shirou,
I hope that this letter finds you in the pink of health, although a bookmaker would give you rather poor odds in the coming days.

I think I have at least given you a better chance by defeating that elfin Saber who was summoned before myself. When last we spoke of her, you mentioned that she had no weak point to exploit; my investigations into the matter have disproved that particular statement. Suffice it to say that Saber has been dealt with -- you would be aware of that if you noticed the fireworks two days ago.

Your more immediate concern should be Assassin, whose presence I noticed near your house. I suspect that he may involve you in his designs to foil the objective of the Holy Grail War, so I advise you: "venienti occurrite morbo".

I remain,
If by "be empowered by" you mean "use" then sure. Item creation creates mystic codes, after all, and some of those can be used even without magic circuits; most can be used by anyone with a little bit of magical aptitude, see Shirou's use of the Azoth Sword in the Fate route. Futodoki definitely has magical aptitude, he's proven that much; even if yokai magic does differ quite a bit from the human kind.
Perhaps, then, the better thing to do with your excess energy so early in the morning is direct your attention back to last night's events. You were largely concentrated on your romantic passions during the act, and as such didn't observe the magical effects of the ritual taking place, aside from a certain fluctuation of the light of Liliesviel's crown in time with the pace of her breathing. Now, in the tranquil atmosphere of dawn, you'll no doubt find it easier to detect what change the second ritual has wrought within you. So deciding, you lean back against the headboard, close your eyes, and turn your focus inward. You observe the flow of the magic in your circuits, and the form that Ayaka's energy takes to create your imitation Od, but in neither detect a change. The link, then, is perhaps deeper within you, some property applied to the soul directly.

You plunge further within yourself and, as you do so, begin to experience a repetition of the sensory diminution you felt during your meditation of the eighteenth. The birdsong outside becomes faint and hazy, then vanishes wholly from your ears; the smell, and sensation, of the bed below you and sheets around your lap fades and vanishes; even the hard surface of the wood behind your head seems to disappear, until you're left floating in a meditative void, a self-made sensory deprivation of consciousness cut off from the outer nerves. At this point, things begin to grow more clear. You begin to see the link, a connection to another identity indelibly placed upon your soul. You draw closer still, seeking to scrutinize this foreign mind, and-

Sense returns. Once more, you find yourself in a place shaped of your inner void: the grey stone chapel, with its austere furnishings, cyclopean masonry, and four stained-glass windows high above, all depicting scenes of the messiah's prophesied triumph over earthly powers, seated upon a throne of bare wood with kings and wild beasts alike bowing before the heavenly Son. Your attention doesn't remain on the windows for long, however, for you're called away from this observation of your surroundings by a voice not wholly unexpected, emanating from the pulpit: Judas, again in the priestly garb he wore as "Cid Ajisartous".

"Ah, Alberich!" he calls jovially, smiling with an almost fatherly warmth. "Foremost of my 'children'. How wonderful it is to see you, my son. I must confess that it is a surprise, as well; I'd not expected to meet you again, once you were satisfied of your identity and origins. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

>[ ] Tell him you came by mistake, and were attempting to meditate on another aspect of yourself when you found yourself here.

>[ ] Return the question. You didn't come here intentionally, so it must have been him who drew you to his chamber in your spirit.

>[ ] Tell him that you're investigating the effects of a certain ritual on your soul, and thought that as a resident he might be of help.

>[ ] Say something else. (Write in)
Super short morning update, since I had a bit of spare time this morning and didn't get you folks anything last night.
I intend to update tonight as well, though, don't think this is all I'm writing for the day.
>[ ] Tell him you came by mistake, and were attempting to meditate on another aspect of yourself when you found yourself here.
>[ ] Explain that you were investigating the results of a certain ritual on your soul, and ask him if, being a resident, he might be of help.
>[ ] Tell him that you're investigating the effects of a certain ritual on your soul, and thought that as a resident he might be of help.
This works.
>[ ] Return the question. You didn't come here intentionally, so it must have been him who drew you to his chamber in your spirit.
Got pulled back into the Judas room huh? Wonder what he wants.
Probably to scold us about premarital sex.
>[ ] Tell him that you're investigating the effects of a certain ritual on your soul, and thought that as a resident he might be of help.
Nice to see you again dad!
Remember, he put in a hypnotic trigger to pull us into the room whenever we sought him out. That other mind we felt was probably Judas, not Lily.
"My apologies for the disappointment, 'father', but I seem to have arrived here by mistake," you explain. "I was meditating on the state of my soul, investigating the effects of a certain ritual, when I found myself here. The effects of your hypnotic trigger, I suppose, but I wonder why it activated..." You trail off, considering the subject. Perhaps the separate identity you saw, which you had thought to be a connection to Liliesviel, was actually the fragment of Judas that dwells within you, and your attempt at investigating it was taken as an attempt to reach him. Still, now that you are here, you suppose that you might be able to glean some useful information from Judas. "Tell me," you say contemplatively, "as one with an internal perspective regarding my soul, have you been able to observe such magical effects as they're triggered?"

The priest smiles, giving you an infuriating look of restrained mirth only worsened by the tone of his reply. "Tut tut," he says in mock disapproval. "Do you find your beloved so untrustworthy, that you must investigate what sort of magic she performed now, while she remains asleep? After all your romantic posturing, I would have expected greater faith in your love from you."

"Faith, hah!" you scoff, striding irritably up to the pulpit to address Judas more directly. "You know perfectly well that isn't my reason; or if you don't, you're more of an idiot than you've any right to be!" You take a deep breath, steadying yourself, and take a half step back from the uncomfortable closeness to which you've approached your 'father'. Calming, you continue in a more conversational tone, "I'm certain of Liliesviel's feelings and mine, and they've nothing to do with my point of concern here; after an attempt at a ritual of this magnitude, and particularly one so similar to a ritual already failed, it's only sensible to make an effort to verify its success."

"I wonder why that could be," Judas muses, half to himself with hands folded and eyes looking past you, as if he ponders the subject alone. "Just why are you so concerned with obtaining the Third Sorcery?"

"Why shouldn't I be concerned over something necessary to extend my life past a few weeks?" You shoot back, growing irritable once again. "The matter certainly seems clear enough to me."

"Indeed," he replies, seemingly unmoved by your statements. "Yet I return to my question. Why, then, are you so attached to survival? Have you not just this night come into possession of that for which the longing drove you forward? Have you not accomplished your sole tangible goal in this world, by consummating your love for that girl? Perhaps you ought to savor this moment to the full and die happy in the completion of your aspirations, lest the future sour the happiness you've found."
"You think to suggest that I die? I can hardly believe it," you reply, as stunned as you claim. "You, who went to such pains to bring me into this world, and spoke so highly of the potential I have to change it? You know suggest I die over the accomplishment of love? Are you entirely mad?"

"My wits are all about me, Alberich," the priest replies calmly. "You may find my statements bizarre, but please do not take them for the ravings of a lunatic. When we last spoke, I did indeed tell you of the hopes I had for you, and of the freedom I gave you to choose your own path in life. Since then, however, you have shown no signs of choosing any sort of path; the whole of your energies are devoted either to the women around you or to survival. If it is romance alone that spurs you on, then, I tell you to die while in the height of your romantic joy, for you will not find another moment to equal this." Upon the conclusion of this statement, Judas pauses for a few moments, noting your rage-filled expression with cheer before appending, "Unless, of course, you have found some greater cause to pursue after the Holy Grail War, giving meaning to your existence."

>[ ] Brush the question off. Four days isn't enough time to find a purpose in life, and until the War is over you'll be focused on surviving long enough to find that purpose.

>[ ] Turn the question around, and ask Judas what he'd do in your position. Apropos, considering the fact that so long as you remain living he does as well, after a fashion.

>[ ] You haven't found a purpose yet, but now that Judas raises the subject, it does occur to you that you have the ideal context in which to consider the matter here. Contemplate what it is you want to do after the Holy Grail War until you have an answer for Judas.

>[ ] Tell Judas that to live with those you care for is something of a purpose in itself, and although you'll seek higher goals in the future, you're content for the moment to protect your safety and that of those around you.

>[ ] Say something else. (Write in)
Here's another short update with a conversation choice for you folks. I'm hoping that if I keep breaking these up into smaller chunks like this I'll be able to get the update frequency back up higher than it's been. Let's see how it goes.
>[ ] Say something else.
"Indeed, I have an ambition: to stand above humanity and to lead properly from that elevated station. My purpose is clear, then -- to take the world in my palm, to conquer all of mankind."
It's very much about time we realigned with our goal of world conquest.
Fuck off, dad.
Excuse me if the second war you birthed me into has been occupying too much of my free time for your liking, father.
Also this
I can't believe he's telling us to go die just because we had premarital sex.
Judas is obviously a salty Kikukofag.
What a jerk.
Speaking of whom, we're going to track her down to be Tsubaki's friend right?
Worst girls stick together.
Operation Ogawara Waifu 3: Magic Mokkori ONEET
We are never going to stop trying to pair these two together.
In the distant future... Operation Ogawara Waifu 363950183: Ara! Ara! Ara!
Judas is just being real with us.

If Ally is just in it for the loligagging it's not going to get better than this.
>it's not going to get better than this
We'll see what the holy grail has to say about that!
"You're on your own man, I just give you all the energy and you figure out how to use it"
Well, of course he could devote his life to greater and greater heights of sexual pleasure but that's a completely different goal than romantic fulfillment. Judas is saying that if Alberich's primary goal is selfish romantic fulfillment he's never going to do better than fucking his first love for the first time, so he might as well off himself.
Don't make me throw Sakura into you, grail.

He's still an asshole and I don't appreciate him living in our soul rent free like this.
>He's still an asshole and I don't appreciate him living in our soul rent free like this.
Then why don't you get Matsuda on our side and have Circe take the pieces out? We can put his soul back together, chop the pieces up and organize a scavenger hunt to pick Masters for our next Grail War.
We do still need to beat the shit out of Matsuda, true.
What a terrible thing to say about your father.
He's an asshole that keeps making his kids fight because he was too lazy to.
He fully intended to kill three of his kids too, it was only our mercy that saved two less interesting children.
No wonder Tsubaki wants to be a NEET, she's following father's example.
Lazy fake priest.
>We'll see what the holy grail has to say about that!
What, Lily? Probably a corrupted honeymoon reference.
Just to let you folks know, there'll be no morning update today and I haven't had time yet to read what you posted last night (just got up, headed to work now) but I'll be back this afternoon to see what you're thinking about in terms of your response to Judas.
Next arc: finding your purpose.
Worth remembering that this is coming from a guy who killed himself right after achieving his big goal.
He has a pretty dim outlook on life after the greatest high.
Victory in the Grail War was never his concern, and if it was he wouldn't be giving Alberich advice about personal fulfillment that contradicts that aim. His goal has always been the realization of the legends that create and define heroic spirits and the stories of their existence. The legend of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ does not exist without the betrayal he suffered and the subsequent execution, just as the hypothetical legend of two fleeting magical constructs finding love with eachother in the midst of a war doesn't have the same impact without Alberich and Lilly fading away with the conclusion of their respective purposes. Otherwise it's not a tragic legend to enrapture the hearts of Man, but a series of events without any proper resolution of themes.

Alberich doesn't think in the same terms Judas does, and sees himself as an individual and not a character in a story, as I would imagine most heros do. As a result, he's not thinking about his life in terms of what will bring the greatest emotional catharsis, and instead he's focused on his dreams of reaching that position of ultimate superiority he believes he is worthy of be means of world domination through conquest of the Moonlit World. The thing is, Judas doesn't really care about the specifics of what Alberich does, just that it's meaningful to Alberich.

Honestly, I think my favorite thing about this quest will always be the way it elevates the character of Judas Iscariot, even beyond the Gnostic interpretation of the legend. This version ascribes to him a much more interesting reasoning than mere greed or obedience to God, and makes him into a cultivator of something integral to the human experience.

What is there left to do after you've fulfilled your greatest purpose and earned the ire of all?
>[ ] Brush the question off. Four days isn't enough time to find a purpose in life, and until the War is over you'll be focused on surviving long enough to find that purpose.
I think it's just too soon to really know what we want.
Other than Lily's chubby thighs anyway.
And a smutbin for that h scene. Is nobody gonna write one?
Why don't you write one? Don't tell me you can't write or aren't interested in doing it because that would just add to the authenticity.
Looks like a solid majority for this write-in. What a surprise!
After all you'd said about his issue being directionless, I was prepared to write a story arc (or at least a few updates) around Alberich finding his goal.

Thanks, anon. I love seeing that you've read so much into Judas' thoughts and motivations, and I'm glad you've enjoyed my take on the character so well.
To be fair
We had a purpose
We just lost sight of it and couldn't pursue it properly.
Even so, we've spent a lot of time gathering allies.

Shame Matsuda was such a bitch crybaby that ran away.
Alberich has almost always had a goal, it's just that he's had to postpone it for Grail emergencies. It hasn't even been that long from his perspective. Really, taking a week off to deal with life or death calamities is hardly being directionless. I think the issue people had wasn't about not having goals but rather that our enemies and circumstances forced us into a reactive position.
Yeah, I don't appreciate this shit from Judas at all.
It's kind of uncalled for.
"You haven't conquered the planet in 7 days so die.
Fuck off Judas.
You know that's not what he was saying.
It's a good thing that Judas wants Al to remember his goals beyond his present circumstances. I wish my dad had that kind of interest in where I was going.
I know but we do have a goal and he knows it.
We just couldn't focus on it on account of being attached to a weakling mage while surrounded by enemies that he ducked out of fighting.
Judas actually made a 500iq play and realized that family was the real prize of the Grail War all along. This allowed him to get the true ending at an unprecedented 1:11 time absolutely shattering the previous record in the category. Actually trying to win the grail war is an absolute braindead play and is no longer considered a viable strategy in the speedrunning community.
It's worth playing Judas even with the risk of softlock when Vaisset doesn't allow you to use the Akeldama. Fucking RNG.
Just buy Charisma: B at the start of the game if you're so worried about it. It's pretty good in Akeldama, though the speech check can be done right at the start of the game so you could just restart the game until you pass.
I've gotta say anon, I kind of liked Judas after the reveal, but you make an excellent point for his character by putting it all so concisely.

From his point of view, he's not berating us so much as lighting a fire under us to ensure that we have a valuable existence. He doesn't care at all for the fact that Alberich hates him for what he's done and what he's said despite what Judas has given him, he's been completely devoted to our success from the moment of his summoning to the point of dying for us and sticking around to obi-wan us from beyond the grave as he can.

I don't care. Judas Is a good dad, If...unconventional In his methods. Alberich will never see It, but I quite like him.
"Of course I have a cause to pursue," you reply, anger turning your voice into a contemptuous scoff. "My ambition! Have you already forgotten what I told Adelheid upon our first meeting, Judas, or was your omniscience in that Akeldama of yours more limited than I've been led to believe?" Not giving the apostle a chance to reply, you continue, "No matter. I'll repeat it for you. My desire is to seize that authority which is justified by superiority; to stand above all others in the Moonlit World of magi, and by establishing myself in that position to lead the leaderless, give order in place of chaos, and take all the world in hand to reverse the decline of humanity that led to my counterpart's lifeless existence. In short, to conquer all mankind!"

With this final dramatic proclamation, you allow yourself to be carried away somewhat, and sweep your right arm out in dramatic gesture which Judas' reaction gives you immediate cause to regret. Far from being moved by your speech, his expression seems to grow only more condescending and amused. Indeed, he lets out a low chuckle as he replies, "So, that desire to stand above all others remains, and forms your purpose beyond the War, does it? How curious, that you should retain the ambition after its cause has been removed. Were you not driven to pursue the ultimate growth of your power by a belief in your origin as a mundane human, and desire to escape that existence?"

"What of it if I was?" you answer curtly. "The sources of zeal can come and go, and not have its cause change with them. True enough that you've identified my initial motivation, but do you think I've less reason to pursue my ambition now? That one conscious of a superiority with which he was endowed at the moment of his creation should not seek to utilize that superiority and enhance it? I'd have expected you to know me better, living as you do within my spirit. You've said yourself that I was born to be a modern hero; or words to that effect, at least; and the greatest heroes have always been monarchs. What I'm looking for is only the fullest expression of my birthright."
"Marvelous!" Judas exclaims, his thin smile breaking at last into a white grin, and he claps thrice with folded hands in emphasis. "Bravo, Alberich! To think you could so utterly reverse your premises, and still arrive at the same end! I am delighted." Then, in a voice that booms, rolls, and echoes through the chapel as if he addresses a congregation that fills the pews and standing room besides, Judas continues, "Simply think of it: a modern hero, waiting to step forth and unite mankind; to lead humanity out of the darkness, chaos, and waning magic of the Age of Man, and into a new golden age, an era unprecedented in history! You shall not be the tragically love-doomed hero I so recently took you for, but a legend on a far larger scale. I wonder: will Alberich be revered as a founding lord, first monarch of a new nation of all humanity, or reviled as a villain who sought to place all the free people of the world under his bootheel? Fate shall weave her skein, and in time we shall discover, but for the moment all remains shrouded in mystery."

"If you're finished with the theatrics, I've had all the condescension I care to hear from you, 'father'," you say, glaring at the man who seems determined to make a mockery of the life he gave you. "You may see my life as some ridiculous show drawn up for your amusement, but I'll thank you to do so privately. Now answer me, Judas, for there is some worth in my being here with you. Can you help me to discover the precise effects of last night's ritual, or should I find another means of investigating them?"

"Ah, yes," Judas says, unflappable as ever. "The ritual to bind you together with your lady love. Such a romantic gesture. Yes, I can see what it's done to you, and you needn't worry; the effect has been that which you desired. Though the Einzberns' stone construct turned you away at the moment of greatest intimacy, it seems that of flesh and blood is appropriately more yielding." Seeing the mounting impatience on your face, he prudently decides to put aside digressive language and address the central points at hand. "Your two souls have been linked together as one," he explains. "While one lives, so shall the other. When one dies, so shall the other. You shall experience good fortune and ill as one soul, with but a single fate; and yes, certain magics which do their work on the soul shall affect the two of you equally."

"Excellent," you say.

>[ ] "In that case, I have nothing more to say here. Goodbye." You've satisfied your concern, and don't care to spend any more time with this detestable creature. Return to consciousness.

>[ ] "Now that we've resolved that question, there was another matter I thought worth discussing with you." (Write in any questions you'd like to ask or topics you'd like to discuss with Judas.)

>[ ] Say something else (Write in)
It's another short update this evening, but hey; at least it's earlier than I've been updating lately, right?
I'd like to write another (similarly short) update at around midnight once you folks have voted here, so I hope you're online!
>[ ] "Now that we've resolved that question, there was another matter I thought worth discussing with you." (Write in any questions you'd like to ask or topics you'd like to discuss with Judas.)
"One more thing. If our souls are so closely connected, would my nature not 'spill over' into hers as it did into Yumigawa Rushorou?"
This. Does this also mean that if we absorb another servant's skills that it would be transferred to Lily as well?
Actually I'm more concerned about the Resonance granting Rushorou the same link that we share wit Lily.
Pseudo-Servant Odysseus may yet come to be true...
>absorbing excess energy of a servant while linked to the lesser Grail
Fate novice here, what repercussions could this have?
>"While one lives, so shall the other. When one dies, so shall the other.
This is somewhat worrying, but it just means that we have to protect Lily with our lives. Obvious weakpoint against Assassin, and Odin if he doesn't actually require her energy as a servant in a specially created living body.
Thank him for granting us existence and ask for his advice in the times to come.
Can't say. I wouldn't expect it to be too bad, though, since we were were never stealing enough to foil Heaven's Feel.
>if he doesn't actually require her energy
Lily's already told us that she doesn't use any energy unless she uses a Command Spell, so we're pretty well fucked.
I wouldn't expect Odin to attack Lily to harm us since he wants a straight fight, but it's still a slight concern if he gets desperate.
i believe in odin. he wouldn't do us dirty like that
I absolutely love this scene, it's one of a few cute moments that don't have a sinister undercurrent of manipulation or psychosis. Pretty ironic that it's coming from the chessmaster of Akeldama.

All this Judas is reminding me of something else I've always loved about this quest, how it characterizes the Servants. Seeing well made and interesting interpretations of characters like Blackbeard and Odysseus is a breath of fresh air from the chaotic mess of shotas and warframes you see in fgo nowadays.

+1 Fair question to ask, though, I believe you need to have a physical resemblance for resonance shenanigans, but it's Fate so I could be pulling that out of my ass.
I don't think our memories stopped being transferred to Yumigawa when we stopped looking like him, which was pretty early in Akeldama.
One thing I find interesting about Alberich, has he ever thought about how the average person would consider him a monster? His unnatural creation, his lack of regard for life beyond those e care about, etc.
I suppose that morality is formed by those you surround yourself by, and he isn't exactly surrounded by the most traditionally moral characters, but I still find it interesting.
>Judas: amoral
>Circe: self-centered villainess
>Adelhied: figuratively Hitler
>Ayaka: sacrifices life for power
>Korakuhime: eats humans
>Liliesveil: down to torture enemies for fun
Not a lot of positive influences there, to be sure. From a human perspective at least.
One thing I would've really enjoyed is an actual role model for Alberich, although I do enjoy his self-directed search for purpose as well.
>Adelheid: figuratively Hitler
I see what you did there.
But yeah not a lot of role models to be seen in that list
>cute moments that don't have a[n] undercurrent of psychosis
That's an oxymoron, anon.
I kid. Glad you enjoyed the scene, although I am a little confused. Is cute the word here? I was thinking of it as more 'father'-'son' bickering, but I guess that's cute from a certain point of view.
>has he ever thought about how the average person would consider him a monster?
To be honest, original Yumigawa had every chance of turning out like Patrick Bateman, so right from the beginning Alberich is looking at things with a pretty amoral view. At this point I'd say his thinking is probably along the lines of being above humanity, and thus impervious to their judgements.
>being above humanity, and thus impervious to their judgements.
That's actually really what I was hoping for all along, although that's traditionally difficult for players to roleplay while voting. Understandably so.
"Thought we've resolved that matter," you continue, "it begs a further question which I hope you'll be able to answer. If my soul and Liliesviel's are so closely connected, will my memories not spread into her mind, as in Yumigawa's case?" It's a sobering thought. Although this ritual may have been essential for the preservation of your life, the notion that suddenly occurs to you almost makes you reconsider. To see Liliesviel's mind overwritten by your own would be a heavy burden to bear indeed, however tantalizing the reward that prompted it.

"What an intriguing question," Judas muses. "No, I don't believe there is any chance of the occurrence you describe. You see, in a prerequisite of the function of memory resonance is a shared common memory base," he explains, taking on the tone of an educator. "Yumigawa Rushorou took on your memories for this reason, as well as the connection between your souls: you and he shared precisely the same identity and memories up until the onset of my Holy Grail War. As such, it was simplicity itself for his mind to integrate these memories into his life and create the delusional behavior you've observed. Liliesviel, however, shares none of your memories. Consequently, her mind is wholly unable to process foreign memories. By a similar token, she will remain unable to receive the powers you've gathered from Servants. Her existence would be simply unable to tolerate the incompatible power and attempted reshaping, leading to her death."

"Fascinating," you say. "I suppose that resolves two significant concerns, then." The effects of Liliesviel taking on your memories are obvious, but the thought of her gaining the ability of a Servant, and stepping out overconfidently into the middle of a battlefield, sends a shiver down your spine. Better to make sure that no such event could happen than to try to keep her safe when it does. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe I have all the information I could need from you regarding last night's ritual. Good morning."

So saying, you close your eyes to the world around you. When you open them once again, you're in bed, and all is just as you left it. Birds sing outside the window; the first rays of sun peek through to give the room wan illumination; beside you, Liliesviel remains undisturbed, deep in the land of dreams. Only one change informs you that time has passed during your meditation: you can now hear the sound of two people moving moving about the floors below. At a guess, considering the pattern of movement, you imagine that the early-rising duo is in fact Liliesviel's pair of maids, attempting to go about morning cleaning without making a sound. To their credit, they do a fairly good job, but of course it is quite difficult to escape the hearing of a Servant.
>[ ] Rouse Liliesviel, to discuss last night's events.

>[ ] Go looking for Adelheid, to ensure she continues working to break the code in Vaisset's workshop.

>[ ] Track down Kōrakuhime. It's time you interrogated her about her Noble Phantasms once again.

>[ ] Go down to the basement and summon a second familiar with Heiligöffnungschwert.

>[ ] Do something else. (Write in)
>[ ] Rouse Liliesviel, to discuss last night's events.
>[ ] Rouse Liliesviel, to discuss last night's events
>if one dies the other dies
Gee Alberich, how come Sweets lets you have two Masters?
Also Circe can't kill Lily now without killing us.
>Also Circe can't kill Lily now without killing us.
Yeah, but she doesn't know that yet.
We clearly need to give Arturia a contingency to Excalibur anyone that causes our death regardless of who it is.
>[ ] Rouse Liliesviel, to discuss last night's events.
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I'm not gonna lie, I was keeping my distance from the quest after everything that's happened regarding the romance bullshit and stuff.
My autistic ass couldn't help write in something with the dinner speech but otherwise, I was pretty checked out.
I still think Circelhied was robbed and I still hate Harem routes.
>Predatory Charisma
This shit right here.
This is that premo supremo level shit and all the writing to go with it was fucking beautifully done!
I fucking can't stay mad at Sweets, the fucking absolute madlad!
Circe + Adelheid IS A HAREM DAMN IT.

And besides, it never would've worked.
Lily is a common enemy now though.
A common enemy Circe can't just dispose of thanks to the soul link.

I'm glad things went this way and I used to be a supreme Circefag.
Glad to have you back on board!
Out of curiosity, when you say "all the writing to go with it" do you mean Liliesviel's visit, or just the skill description?
>2 Girls is a harem

>And besides, it never would've worked.
That's cowards talk.
>Lily is a common enemy now though.
That's not how a healthy harem should work!
A proper harem isn't built on fear and loathing! It's about mutual respect and a desire to satisfy! It's not a competition for attention (One that in this cause Circe and Adelheid have thoroughly lost!) but a sisterhood!
Has no one here ever read Mecha Space Pirate Quest?

Maybe I'm just happy my son finally got his dick wet and the skill that comes with it is based as hell, but the whole thing has made me happy.
I haven't stopped smiling!
>That's not how a healthy harem should work!
This is the opposite of healthy. Next time we talk to Judas I'm telling him our purpose is to conquer the world so we can build palaces in different countries and finally separate this dysfunctional clusterfuck of a family.
>Has no one here ever read Mecha Space Pirate Quest?
Well, I haven't. You think these girls are going to wind up in a sisterhood?
>I haven't stopped smiling!
Glad to hear it, anon. I enjoyed writing the section quite a bit, and thought it came out pretty well, but to be honest I was worried there'd be some of you folks still getting too angry about Alberich's feelings for Liliesviel to enjoy it.
You have to think about it in terms of geometry.

With a man and two women, you have a triangle where love and respect can flow from any point to any other point. When you add even one extra point to the shape, this equilibrium becomes immensely more difficult to maintain.
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just draw diagonals bro
That isn't architecturally sound.
It's fine as long as you build a dome around it, put up some support beams and keep the points at right angles.
>This is the opposite of healthy.
>You think these girls are going to wind up in a sisterhood?
That's kinda my point.
This isn't the setting for harem route.
These aren't the characters for it and this isn't the protagonist for it.

>But Circe and Adelheid wouldn't have been a "sisterhood" either.
They wouldn't need to be, they aren't a harem. It would help sure, but as we've seen at the end of the false war, while they would probably always be catty towards each other they were more than capable of splitting Alberich down the middle and be content to bully the other girls that would topple their already precarious position rather than threaten it by causing problems for Alberich by trying to bully each other.
With the emergence of Liliesviel that balance of power has not only been toppled but has been trampled on, overthrown and invalidated completely.
No matter how you look at it.
No matter what you say.
Liliesviel is THE GIRL!
She is the Queen that sits beside Alberich on the throne of love, and so there is no harem to be had!
It's not a King and his Queens, just a King and Queen, and some concubines.
I don't want to disrespect Circe and Adelheid by making them Albritech's side sluts, while queen Lily laughs on her throne, and that is the only real option at this point. On top of that, I honestly don't want to disrespect Lily by making him go after other girls when he's successfully smashed his dream waifu.
I'm happy that Alberich finally got his girl, way more than I thought I'd be thanks to Sweets writing ability and memes, but as a Circelheidfag and a man of good taste, I won't watch any of these waifus be disrespected like that.
Well, I will watch it, it's too spicy not to. But I'll be grumpy about it!
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>Liliesviel is THE GIRL!
>as a Circelheidfag
What can I say? Alberich has inferior taste, and there isn't much we can do about that this far in the game.
Maybe we'll get another chance when Sweets sweeps the board in S3.
>way more than I thought I'd be thanks to Sweets writing ability and memes
I know I'm repeating myself, but you really have no idea how happy I am to read this after all the anger and negativity about Alberich's love situation. I can't wipe the grin off my face. Thanks, anon. I'm really so glad that I was able to write it well enough for you to enjoy things in spite of them turning against your intentions.
predicting all the waifus in part 3:
wu zetian
So, I can't help noticing how several of you folks haven't voted. Not interested in how Alberich begins his morning?
Barring the invasion of a dozen rabid gacha addicts, I don't think the vote is going to change.
>[ ] Go down to the basement and summon a second familiar with Heiligöffnungschwert.
Something fluffy.
There's always hope. It's fun when you folks roll the sword gacha!

...speak of the devil! Hell of a coincidence, there!
>something fluffy
>ID: owo
>[ ] Go down to the basement and summon a second familiar with Heiligöffnungschwert.

>These aren't the characters for it
>this isn't the protagonist for it.
That just ain't so. Dude's got major roving eyes, and concubines are right up his PRIDE alley.
>Liliesviel is THE GIRL
You can say that again. Now where's that new portrait we're waiting for?

Don't exist in this timeline
NOW we're talking
...Shirou's old boss?
>That just ain't so. Dude's got major roving eyes, and concubines are right up his PRIDE alley
Concubines do not a good harem make famo.
If you want a bunch of side sluts on your dick to stroke your ego then that's one thing. That's easy, any protag with enough disregard for the women in his life could have that.
But when it comes to running and maintaining a proper harem Alberich has proven himself too autistic to for the job.
Too much Pride.
Not enough Compassion.
Too prone to pick favorites.
>when it comes to running and maintaining a proper harem Alberich has proven himself too autistic to for the job.
But like. I've read your description of a proper harem. That's not what Alberich is about.
I think we kinda agree actually. King, queen, and concubines is totally the dynamic he'd go for. It's just, isn't that what a harem is? Like, traditionally?
I guess your problem with the situation is just the semantics?
I just don't think managing multiple romances is a good use of Alberichs time IC, or for my time as a player. Not interesting to me at all.
I think it would be interesting though, so whatever.
>[ ] Rouse Liliesviel, to discuss last night's events.
Fair enough.
>That's not what Alberich is about.
A harem route in this quest would be bad because in truth Alberich himself has no interest in having or maintaining a fucking harem!
He's simply not that type of guy and the girls in his life are too headstrong in one way or another to push him to make it work!
If we push him in that direction the best people would get is him offering crumbs to the other girls while Lilesviel feasts.

>I guess your problem with the situation is just the semantics?
In a way, I guess you can say that.
Maybe if I'd stop saying "proper" like an autist and say "satisfying" that would be better.
For me, it's about meeting an ideal about what a personally satisfying harem would be.
Look at it like this.
A harem, by definition, is two or more women being associated (normally romantically or sexually) with a man.
Alberich and Liliesviel being in love, with Alberich fucking chicks on the side would absolutely be a harem.
Hell, by definition, Circelheid would also be a "harem".
But if you were to present me with either of these endings as the harem route of your story or game or whathaveyou, I'd fucking smack you in the face for wasting my time.

Neither of these, to me, would be a satisfying harem because the point- isn't just having a bunch of girls at your beck and call like fucking dogs. It's about the complex interpersonal relationships between the characters involved. It's about the management and maintenance of the characters in question, about dealing with the inherent problems of having multiple, usually very different women be romantically involved with a man, and watching everyone involved grow into better stronger people for it.

If you are reading this description and scratching your head in confusion wondering what the fuck I'm talking about, thinking to yourself "This guy is crazy, most harem anime and shit aren't like that at all..." Then you know exactly why I hate most harems.

>I just don't think managing multiple romances is a good use of Alberichs time IC
And I'm sure Alberich would 100% agree.
This quest isn't the one harembros.
Unless of course, you are one of those plebs that are just greedy and want to collect women.
Fuck off, mongrel dog.
We're having a harem.
This was already decided upon when it was only two girls.
Now stop typing in such an insufferable manner.
A harem, traditionally, is a group of women that an eastern monarch keeps at his beck and call, in his palace. It's all about greed and pride.
I don't know what kind of mutually satisfying weird poly thing it is you're after (okay I do know because you just explained it, but I still don't know what it should be called), but that ain't a harem.
Now our guy Alberich just declared he wants to take over the world. So the way I see it this has one ending. Lily as queen, and every other heroine as a concubine. In the harem.
To go on for a bit on the topic, there's generally 2 kinds of harems that I know of. The Turkish kind and the Chinese kind.
In a Turkish style harem the concubines are basically sex slaves. Kept totally out of the world and with no power. Here they tend to get sympathy for each other and develop some common feeling. Not too likely to see the sultan as anything but an oppressor. Obviously that's way out for Alberich.
In the Chinese imperial harem you get some fun though. There the concubines have more contact with the world and a healthy amount of power at court depending on the emperor's favor. So you get backbiting, competition, and all that good stuff between concubines. They tend to see the emperor in a better light too, cause he's where they get power from. I'm for this style of things. It's perfect for Alberich.
>A harem, traditionally, is a group of women that an eastern monarch keeps at his beck and call, in his palace. It's all about greed and pride.
>I don't know what kind of mutually satisfying weird poly thing it is you're after, but that ain't a harem.
You know what. That's fair. Given that both the traditional and more modern definitions of harem misalign with what my ideal "harem" would be, I guess I can't really call it a harem at all.

>So the way I see it this has one ending. Lily as queen, and every other heroine as a concubine. In the harem.
I both agree and never expected anything else and have said so multiple times.
And that's why I hate it.

>In the Chinese imperial harem you get some fun though. There the concubines have more contact with the world and a healthy amount of power at court depending on the emperor's favor. So you get backbiting, competition, and all that good stuff between concubines. They tend to see the emperor in a better light too, cause he's where they get power from. I'm for this style of things. It's perfect for Alberich.
If you say so.
Again, I find no pleasure in watching my girls squabble while Liliesviel sits on her throne as queen, above it all.
But you guys do you.
>I find no pleasure in watching my girls squabble while Liliesviel sits on her throne as queen
Sorry, anon. I'm glad you've at least enjoyed Alberich and Liliesviel's love on its own. I hope you won't end up being as unsatisfied with future developments as it seems you expect to.
You're making it seem like the harem is set in stone, is it?
God I hope so.
Alberich doesn't understand monogamy anyway.
I'm not sure what makes you think that with such certainty. I haven't seen any indication of that in the quest itself.
If so, that was a serious mistake on my part.
Nothing is set in stone. I just hope all of you folks enjoy the quest in the future, whatever ends up happening. It saddens me to read that anon expects events to go in a way he's sure he won't enjoy.
I'd still enjoy the quest, I'd just avoid the IRL week-long segment of harem management if it came to that.
Are we still planning to defeat Shirou before facing Odin, like we mentioned to Odin after he almost killed us?
Yeah, it'd be a bad idea not to. We need a lot more power before we face Odin.
Yeah we need to kidnap Rider.
Tempting though it may be to let Liliesviel enjoy her slumber uninhibited, at the moment you'd rather discuss last night's events with her now that you've the clearer thinking that comes of rest and morning light. When she left you, as best you recall, Liliesviel was speaking of getting to know Circe; a few hours later, she'd suddenly decided to suggest to you the confirmation of your love in the most intimate way possible, spiritually as well as physically. What could she have discussed with Circe that might have led her to such a degree of resolution, when she had been so uncertain of your feelins following your confession? Or are you underestimating the willful volatility of Liliesviel's mind? Had she chosen to bind her soul to yours already in that moment last night when she breathed out her sorrow, resolving to smile and believe you? You'd like to know, and your curiosity this morning outweighs your consideration for Liliesviel's rest.

Thus resolved to awaken her, you look over at the sleeping girl and consider how best to do so. You know from experience with Kōrakuhime, after all, that to put an indelicate end to a maiden's sleep is an excellent way of attracting fury, and although Kōrakuhime's feelings on such trivialities can largely be dismissed, you'd rather not spoil your morning with Liliesviel over such a minor subject. Your beloved lies on motionless on her pillow, waves of ivory hair that hide the cushion completely fanning out below her. Below the chin, she's entirely hidden from view by blankets, but her face alone is beautiful enough that before last night you could have considered yourself happy never to see more of her than that. As you're beginning to lose yourself in sentimental admiration, however, you realize with some shock that the crown which remained firmly atop Liliesviel's head throughout your lovemaking is now absent. Is the heavenly garment able to be materialized and dismissed at will, then, like your own clothing? Perhaps she did away with the uncomfortable headwear after the ritual came to an end last night, though you seem to recall her falling asleep still wearing it.

No matter. After taking a few moments to determine your approach, you reach over and gently caress the cheek of the sleeping girl, reasoning that this ought to be intimate enough to awaken her while remaining gentle enough not to be unpleasant. To your surprise, though, it has quite the opposite effect. Your touch seems only to increase her comfort, for without waking she rolls over onto her side, to face you and rest her cheek on your hand. As she does so, Liliesviel lets out a soft sigh, and unintelligibly murmurs, "Alb'ri...op th... n'...ore..."
Clearly, Liliesviel requires something a bit more stimulating to awaken. Seized with an impish affection aroused by her adorable reaction, you take her cheeks between your hands to lift her face up, bend down and, like the fairy-tale prince, seal her sleeping lips with a kiss. Breath cut off, her eyes fly open and she briefly struggles, startled and confused. After recognizing you and recalling her location, however, her demeanor changes entirely. You feel her small arms wrap around your back, and the two of you enjoy tasting one another for a long, languid moment.

Finally you part, and at that point realize, the sheets having fallen from Liliesviel's svelte body to expose the almost porcelain artistry of her form, that the whole of the heavenly garment, and not merely her crown, has vanished. Liliesviel realizes almost at the same moment, observing the lustful quality of your gaze, and lets out an embarrassed squeak, crossing her arms over her chest and blushing furiously! The rubies, you note, are gone from her midriff; not part of her anatomy after all, then.

"My," you say, raising an eyebrow as you address your lover in a tone of gentle humor, "you seem embarrassed, for someone who decided to sleep beside me without a stitch on."

"Decided?" she squeals, not yet over the shock. Her eyes, wandering around the room in search of her vanished clothing, finally alight on the blankets piled on her lap, and the embarrassed girl quickly draws them up to her shoulders before continuing to speak. "I fell asleep still wearing that dress, I'm certain! You'd tired me out too much to move a muscle by then, anyway," she adds with a pout.

"Well, I didn't take it off of you," you reply with a shrug. "How's it to have disappeared, then?"

At this Liliesviel seems to collect her thoughts, the blush fading from her cheeks, and then sighs in evident realization. "Stachel must have wanted to help Stengel with the morning work," she declares matter-of-factly. "This is why I don't like to wear that thing."

You regard Liliesviel and her incomprehensible statement for a few moments, contemplating whether or not it's worth investigating. Eventually, you decide against it. You recall, now, that Liliesviel had mentioned requiring Stachel's presence to wear the garment before. Presumably the mysterious connection goes both ways, and Stachel had to collect it before being able to attend to her own duties. Indeed, though the thought is embarrassing, it's possible that the maid was present with your and Liliesviel all through the night, hidden in a dark corner, her presence easily going unnoticed in your distracted state.

"I see," you reply at length. "That resolves the mystery of your disappearing clothing, then. It suited you beautifully, by the way. I can't imagine why you told my you didn't like its looks."
"But it's so... revealing!" Liliesviel protests, cheeks coloring again at the memory of last night's events. "A young lady shouldn't show so much of her body; especially not in a ceremonial dress."

"I suppose you have a point," you concede, pretending an expression of deep contemplation. "Certainly I wouldn't want any other man to see you that way. In that case..." before finishing the sentence you reach out to wrap your arms around Liliesviel and pull her over onto your lap, so you can whisper in her ear, "just wear it for me, then."

"Al~be~rich!" Liliesviel protests, pushing against your chest in a futile attempt to escape your embrace. "Too close! You're too close!"

"Come now," you say, still holding her in your arms despite the girl's squirming. "Where's all this embarrassment coming from, after last night?"

"What I said last night took all my courage," she explains, quieting down as it becomes obvious that you intend to hold her until she explains. "You can't simply expect a maiden's modesty to disappear just because... she... ceases... to be one." These last words are delivered almost inaudibly, as it seems only Liliesviel's pride forces her to overcome the monumental embarrassment she feels at her own joke and finish the sentence. Eager to move on, she hastily continues, "Besides, at least then I was wearing something; and I haven't bathed since we slept! Oh Alberich, please let me clean myself and get dress before you look at me for another second!"

"Very well," you reply. "Go as you please." With that, you open your arms to allow Liliesviel to slide off of your lap and depart from the bed, although you relish the feeling of her skin against yours as she does so. When she gets to her feet, Liliesviel takes her concealing sheet with you, wrapping it around herself as an impromptu nightgown as she flees to the attached bathroom. A few moments after that you hear the shower come on, and you're left alone once more to contemplate what best to say to Liliesviel once she returns.

>[ ] As you'd originally intended, ask her first about how she's getting along with Circe.

>[ ] Change your mind, and ask Liliesviel about the effects of last night's ritual; a comparison of her answer with Judas' will tell you whether it worked wholly as intended.

>[ ] Say something else when she returns. (Write in)

>[ ] While Liliesviel showers, get up, dress, and head to another part of the manor for some other purpose. (Studying? Summoning? Discussing something with another housemate? Write in.)
>Now where's that new portrait we're waiting for?
Good question.

Editanon? Still planning on getting it finished, or am I correct in thinking after your post about lost free time that you're putting the idea on indefinite hiatus?
>[ ] While Liliesviel showers, get up, dress, and head to another part of the manor for some other purpose. (Studying? Summoning? Discussing something with another housemate? Write in.)
Get on with the day. Go to Adelheid and check in on her progress with the diaries.
I'll have to see if I can make time for it
Hopefully I'll get it done before Coronavirus ends civilization as we know it.
>[ ] As you'd originally intended, ask her first about how she's getting along with Circe.
Ah, it's so nice to be able to write romantic scenes again without the whole 'manipulative liar' thing hanging over your head.
>Coronavirus ends civilization as we know it
Eh. It's the next Swine Flu, or Bird Flu, or MRSA, or SARS. We got all freaked out about those being world-destroying epidemics, then surprise surprise, we got them under control and nobody thinks about them any more. At this point I'm pretty confident in the WHO.
Seeing how little anyone cares about your shitty loli romance theme is laughable. Nobody fucking wanted this and your players fought against it until you bitched and moaned about how you intended this quest to go this way and that until the PLAYERS are fucking railroaded into shitty scenarios the players don’t enjoy, and then you do all over again.
You're really reaching on that one. This has already been discussed exhaustively, and further horsebeating is pointless. You're going to have to find another cudgel to beat Sweets with if you want to harvest more shitstorms.
>[ ] As you'd originally intended, ask her first about how she's getting along with Circe.
>you bitched and moaned about how you intended this quest to go this way and that
Laughably false.
Sorry you didn't get what you wanted out of the quest, anon. Better luck next time.
Wonder why it's this post that both these dickheads picked to take offense at. They hate sinatra or what?
Dickhead. Read the thread and tell me if you see a single motherfucker who's actually a player and isn't happy about how things went with Lily. You got nobody on your side.
As a master baiter.
I gotta say
You suck at rabble rousing.
You just look bad.
Where is everybody?
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So nobody's got an idea why the loli haters both replied to the song post? You'd think they'd complain about the actual posts.
>[ ] As you'd originally intended, ask her first about how she's getting along with Circe.
>So nobody's got an idea why the loli haters both replied to the song post?
How would I know what other people are thinking, anon? How does anyone really know?
Our understanding of others must necessarily be incomplete and imperfect, for perfect knowledge would require us to think like them. In that case, would our opinions not be mere guesses? A limited deduction formed with the scant information 4chan affords us. The revelations which arise from two posts are so insubstantial that we cannot even determine if they were made by different anons or the same anon with a dynamic IP, let alone their grudges or lack thereof against Frank Sinatra and pedophilia.

Our only recourse is in the unholy trips of Satan, which reveal the hidden truth: the anons are both dyed-in-the-wool Christians who hold the prince of darkness in disdain. In one fell swoop we have explained their hatred of Satan, Sinatra and loli.
Well damn. When it comes to speculation I know I ain't gonna outdo that.
So here's another topic. Anybody who knows more about the Fate lore than I do have any guesses who that Third Marshall guy was? The way his name stayed hidden sticks out. I'm thinking he's an important character in S3.
Good morning, folks.
Just wanted to let you all know that I've finally got a whole day off work today, so I plan on spending the day writing. I should have the next update done in a few hours, and I'd like to get at least three finished over the course of the day.
So, stay online and keep what you'd like to do today in mind so you can vote quickly, and hopefully we can have a nice, fast-moving session!
>[ ] As you'd originally intended, ask her first about how she's getting along with Circe.
Might as well
Thank you for not lurking.
As you lie there, listening absently to the mingled sounds of birdsong and Liliesviel's shower, basking in the relaxation of a peaceful dawn, you hear the strains of a melody filter through bathroom door. You don't recognize it, and the words are unintelligible, so you can't say what it is that Liliesviel is singing; only that it's high, sweet, and joyful: a song to tell you beyond any doubt that she, just as much as you, has had a great burden of sorrow and apprehension lifted from her spirit by the events of last night. Your smile, already resting on your lips, widens at the realization.

From these thoughts of grand and sweeping emotion, however, your mind turns inexorably to minutia. In this case, you can't help wondering just how it is that Liliesviel intends to dress herself. This isn't her bedroom, after all, and she surely didn't bring a change of clothing with her when she arrived at your door last night. Your idle imagination, pondering on the topic, begins to spin a pleasing image of a flustered Liliesviel, having neglected to consider her clothing in her flight to the restroom, rushing out into the hall clad in only a towel, with face flushed, hair damp and steaming, and tiny droplets of water still adorning her slender calves... You're snapped out of this reverie by a knock at the door. To judge from the magical presence outside, greater than a human's yet inferior to a Servant's, it's one of Liliesviel's maids.

"Enter," you call, not troubling yourself to rise.

Sure enough, the door swings open to reveal Stengel, holding a bundle of clothing in one hand. That resolves the question of Liliesviel'd dressing herself, then; the girl must have summoned her maid to bring her a dress by some magical signal inaudible to those not its target. Never one to ignore the appropriate protocols, Stengel gives you a respectful, if lopsided, curtsy using her empty hand before stepping over the threshold. If she's surprised by either Liliesviel's presence in your bedroom nor your own state of undress, she does an excellent job of not showing it. But then, considering what Liliesviel told you last night about learning how to make love from her maid, she was probably aware beforehand of Liliesviel's intent to visit you.

"Good morning, Stengel," you say, you words stopping her as she walks toward the restroom door. "You're up early, aren't you? That's admirable dedication to your duties, in a house where you're one of our guests."
"A maid's duties begin early," Stengel replies primly. "If all things around the house are to be kept appropriately we must rise well before our masters do, to ensure nothing is out of place when you lay eyes on it. As for my being a guest, Stachel and I will attend to our proper duties in any home where you and Lady Liliesviel reside; the identity of its owner makes no difference." With a smile, she adds, "but I could say the same to you, couldn't I, Lord Alberich? You've risen quite early, when one considers what a late night you had; but for we four, not another in this house is awake. Did you not rest well?"

"No," you shake your head with a chuckle. "There was nothing to complain of about my sleep; but a Servant requires little of it, and I do enjoy the dawn." As you're saying this, the flow of water in Liliesviel's shower is shut off, and you cut short your discussion to motion Stengel to the door. "It seems your mistress has finished bathing," you say. "Don't keep her waiting for her clothing."

With a respectful nod, Stengel knocks, enters the restroom, and returns a few minutes later with her delivery completed. From the time she spent within, you wonder whether Liliesviel follows the old aristocratic habit of having her servants help her dress. Considering the complexity of her dresses, it would hardly be surprising. Far more rapidly than she entered, Stengel excuses herself from your presence as you consider this matter, giving another curtsy before retreating into the corridor and shutting the door behind her. Once more, you and Liliesviel are alone.

No sooner has Stengel exited than Liliesviel emerges cheerfully from the restroom, looking much rejuvenated for her ablutions. There's no trace of the disheveled state in which the pair of you fell asleep: not a hair is out of place, not a fold of her exquisite skirts imperfect, and this renewal of her appearance seems to have entirely dispelled the girl's embarrassment. With an energy quite unexpected after her manner on awakening, she exclaims, "Since you waited so nicely, Alberich, now you can get as close to me as you like!" and so saying, throws herself bodily onto you in a startling flying embrace that leaves her half-sitting on your lap, half lying atop you, resting her head on your shoulder and her arms around your neck while her feet dangle off the side of the bed.

"Well!" you remark with a wry grin, "I'm glad to see your ardor has been restored. After your eagerness to get away from me this morning, I was worried there was something in my conduct last night to offend."

"Oh, no," Liliesviel sighs. "Everything was just the way I'd imagined it, and now we'll be together forever! I couldn't be happier."

"Wonderful," you reply, "then our feelings are indeed the same; but you know, I'm not the only one whose relationship with you changed last night. I wonder, how are you getting along with the Servant I gave you?"
"Hmm?" At this change of subject, Liliesviel pulls back, rising into a sitting position on your lap so she can look you in the eye. "With Circe? Everything was fine, of course. She's not the kind of troublesome Servant who can resist me, like Otto, you know. We had a nice, long, talk and worked everything out!" she declares, smiling brightly.

"Really?" You can't help being rather surprised at this development. "You didn't find her pride troublesome? It seemed to me that Circe was rather reluctant to become your Servant."

"Oh, that," Liliesviel says, pursing her lips at the recollection. "Well, yes, she wasn't happy about it at the beginning, but I took care of all that with my command spell. You must've seen how different it is from the other Masters' when I made the contract, yes?"

"I did indeed," you answer, nodding. "And this enabled you to secure Circe's loyalty beyond any doubt?"

"Of course!" Liliesviel wears an expression that, although affectionate, seems to imply this should be completely obvious as she answers. "I ordered her 'be loyal to me.' Since it's such a broad order, I had to repeat it five or six times before it really worked its way into her mind, but after a while I could tell it had brought her in line. After that, I had her tell me the whole story of the Holy Grail War you two fought, and everything she thought about it, as well as what she did afterwards, all from the beginning. So now I know everything you went through in order to get to me! The way you fought so valiantly, even though you weren't a Servant, was really wonderful."

"Thank you," you say somewhat absently, your mind focused on Liliesviel's explanation of her alteration of Circe's mind. Her command spell, it would seem, can be used without limit to enforce obedience; and Circe told her everything about the Akeldama without exception? The thought unnerves you for a moment. Of course you have intended to have no more secrets between you and Liliesviel, but even so, to have the story of your experience told in such detail outside of your presence... You suppose you're lucky that there was nothing in the tail to sour Liliesviel's opinion of you. Then there's the subject of Circe's exploits after the end of Judas' War, something you yourself had hoped to learn more about from either the Servant or Yumigawa.

>[ ] Bring up a detail about the Akeldama War. There's something you're curious about Circe's opinion of, or Liliesviel's reaction to. (What, exactly?)

>[ ] Ask Liliesviel about what Circe did in Tokyo (What do you want to know?)

>[ ] Now that you know Liliesviel's secured Circe's loyalty, you're satisfied. Extricate yourself from the girl's arms and conversation as politely as possible, then head for a different part of the manor. (Summoning? Studying magic? Speaking to another housemate? About what?)

>[ ] Say something else. (Write in)
>>[ ] Now that you know Liliesviel's secured Circe's loyalty, you're satisfied. Extricate yourself from the girl's arms and conversation as politely as possible, then head for a different part of the manor. (Summoning? Studying magic? Speaking to another housemate? About what?)
All I wanted to know from you, Lily.
As one of the original Circefags, now I just feel bad.
Lots of things, actually.
Lily a shit.

Where's that Rule Breaker at Emiya.
I am baffled.
I think you may possibly have misinterpreted something.
Command spells are for losers who can't keep their servants under control.
Guess you're definitely not a fan of Rin.
Because of this you feel bad about how the plot's developed, and switch to insulting Liliesviel? Did you expect someone with an unlimited-use command spell not to use it on a Servant who can keep herself alive independently and previously tried to kill her? Did you not want Liliesviel to hear the full story of the Akeldama War? Are you afraid that Circe will have lost some of her personality when you next meet her?
I don't understand what it is about this that's disheartening to you.
>[ ] Now that you know Liliesviel's secured Circe's loyalty, you're satisfied. Extricate yourself from the girl's arms and conversation as politely as possible, then head for a different part of the manor.
Get Futodoki to hang out with us while we summon our next familiar.
>[ ] Now that you know Liliesviel's secured Circe's loyalty, you're satisfied. Extricate yourself from the girl's arms and conversation as politely as possible, then head for a different part of the manor. (Summoning? Studying magic? Speaking to another housemate? About what?)
Who would be best for training our absorption magic to become an effective counter to Odin's runes?
I could've just dealt without the plot shitting on Circe.

While I may already have accepted that the Circe route was brutally murdered, I don't like having salt rubbed in an open wound like this.
Especially because as far as pretty much everyone could tell we were effectively cornered by the story into giving Lily exactly what she wanted.

I don't resent the idea of the Lily route, but that doesn't mean I have to like all the aspects of it's execution.

People voted for fucking Saber Alter to not act *completely* loyal to us, so why oh why would you think having Circe, who despite everything, is still in the running for most popular girl being forced into loyalty would be good?
I mean, I know that it makes some sense in the context of the story, but I don't think anyone wanted this for the dynamic between Circe and Lily.
At all.
In fact, if I realized this was going to happen, then I would've just preferred Circe to straight up die.
Instead of having something that just feels like wasted potential.

And yes, Rin a shit too.
Oh, man.
Sometimes it's the smallest edits that make the biggest difference in reaction. I can see you've blown this out of proportion in your head due to phrasing.
I had thought about having Liliesviel say something along the lines of "until she was just as friendly as your new Saber" or something, but since I couldn't settle on a wording for the line that I liked, I dropped it.
So here, anon. Have a small-scale spoiler to make you feel better. Circe's personality, goals, manner etc haven't changed; she just can't disobey or try to harm Liliesviel.
Now if that still makes you angry, I really don't know what you expected from giving her to Liliesviel as a Servant.
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Well, carry on then.

Phrasing is important.
It... really is.
I could even make a phrasing joke here about for my image of how this wasn't quite what Bazett expected when she was told her "Husbando was going to impale her."

Speaking of which, I cannot even begin to imagine the level of rage Bazett would have caused in this quest as an enemy.
Played right, you could basically have the players fear ever using their Noble Phantasm in any circumstance.

It's a shame that she's dead, because she really would've put the fear of magi into the players in a way that Harris seems unable to.
>[ ] Ask Liliesviel about what Circe did in Tokyo (What do you want to know?)
We are still a bit in the dark on that topic
Couldn't say. The third Marshall is a complete mystery in canon, so anything we see here is fanfiction.
>[ ] Now that you know Liliesviel's secured Circe's loyalty, you're satisfied. Extricate yourself from the girl's arms and conversation as politely as possible, then head for a different part of the manor. (Summoning? Studying magic? Speaking to another housemate? About what?)
Adelheid. Go to Adelheid
That seems like an important detail to include.
>Since it's such a broad order, I had to repeat it five or six times before she was as friendly as your own Saber"
We can just ask her that, you know.
Although I do still wonder how Circe path would've gone; Lily is cute and so long as the quality stays up i'm easy to please.

>[ ] (Studying magic)
Either Absorption or check on Adelheid.
Unless we pull Fenrir or we can eat the rejects for upgrades, I don't feel summoning would give us a game changer against Odin. Considering our team composition vs the rest of the competition's current threat levels, I doubt anything we pull would really contribute much unless team Shirou, Harris, and assassin band together.

For a while I had a similar 'fear' Sweets would throw us for a loop by having us deal with someone like assassin Casanova considering we've surrounded ourselves with a harem and would have to deal with skipping an upgrade or find a way to avoid a command seal suicide dead end, although it would be 'entertaining' to see how such a hypothetical upgrade would mesh with predatory charisma.
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>[ ] Now that you know Liliesviel's secured Circe's loyalty, you're satisfied. Extricate yourself from the girl's arms and conversation as politely as possible, then head for a different part of the manor. (Summoning)
gacha time
>Assassin Casanova
Oh man, that is a great idea! I wish I'd thought of that.
He would've been the source of Predatory Charisma
>I doubt anything we pull would really contribute much unless team Shirou, Harris, and assassin band together.
Although I love rolling dice, I'll have to agree with you on that one
besides, didn't Futodoki say he had some sort of magical sight that could see hidden things?
changing my vote to Studying Absorption magic
Ah. For a second I though we had a vote decided.
Studying magic?
Why though?

>[ ] Now that you know Liliesviel's secured Circe's loyalty, you're satisfied. Extricate yourself from the girl's arms and conversation as politely as possible, then head for a different part of the manor. (Summoning? Studying magic? Speaking to another housemate? About what?)

Solo Absorption. It's better to wait on Adelheid in case she hasn't finished yet.

Because that is how magecraft is meant to be done.
>not Rejection
For the love of god
We already have Absorption.
What are you doing.
as much as I like rolling, I just can't really see how summoning could help us now, besides Odin, the other enemies can be countered already
Futotdoki has mentioned he had some magical sight that allowed him to see hidden things when we summoned him
PTSD induced Excaliblasts and Kenótis for any sword he throws at us
this would be the only threat I could see us getting to worry about in case she decides to go full Man Juice if we accidentally kill Shirou
We can probably try attacking him from afar after scrying for him
Throw our maid at him
Can only be beaten in a 1v1, so summoning is kind of out of question, strengthening Absorbiton might enable us to counter his runes even if a little

So, unless we could get some pretty high rolls and summon a Divine Beast or something able to easily deal with Sakura, which would pretty much be 2% chance, I don't think summoning could really be worthy
well, I guess we could ask Circe or Odin if they can help us out, or check on Adelheid if she finished decrypting the damn book
>I don't think summoning could really be worthy
Worthy of what? What's the cost here? It's just a fun thing to do while we wait for the rest of the house to wake up. It doesn't cost anything or take nearly as long as a study session would.
if we could eventually fit the study together with that day off with the gang we had been talking, suppose you have a point

On a side note, can we get POTENTIALLY get upgrades from killing things from the IN space?
Considering the amount of things that actually exist in IN space, we might not need to kill them.
I mean, for all we know we could summon a familiar that passively boosts our own parameters.
There is a LOT of stuff in Number Space.

And besides, the Shijou ritual might work on them, you're right about that.

It's just odd for us to finally get the gang together and then immediately study for hours alone.
All that's going to do is make Circe feel even worse.
But then again, we might also summon Scylla.
I'm going to break protocol here and spoil you by saying yes. It is possible to get a variety of benefits from beings summoned from the Realm of Imaginary Numbers aside from directly using them as familiars.
>Because that is how magecraft is meant to be done.
Why not Rejection?
Then vote for it. You have the power of your vote
Can we get an update describing what we might actually get from some of these magic training suggestions?
>literally studying the same shit we've already learned is going to win
For fucks sake, are we really going to waste a study session A SECOND TIME.
Summoning it is
>training an attribute once means you won't get anything out of more study
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same energy
Nobody knows what we're actually voting for with magic study because Fate magecraft is intentionally opaque and we're being left in the dark. Which is why we've wasted time studying in the past.
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"not this shit again"
>[ ] Now that you know Liliesviel's secured Circe's loyalty, you're satisfied. Extricate yourself from the girl's arms and conversation as politely as possible, then head for a different part of the manor. (Rejection)

Sweets. What did Circe mention about Rejection again? Something about shielding ourselves?
Yes, it really kind of does, unless you suggest we vomit out a couple new textbooks to learn the specifics of absorption from.
We won't learn anything more from solo practice, honestly.
We can already counter Age of Gods magic, what the hell else do you want to do with it?
I could understand if you wanted to increase our magical repertoire by learning Rejection from Circe or Transference from Lily, but why the hell do you want to double down on damn Absorption?

>I don't know what I'm voting for: the post
I didn't vote for solo practice.
She mentioned barriers that apply the concept of impossibility.
>Again, though, since you lack alignment towards the physical elements, we'll be focusing on conceptual rejection using the imaginary elements. By working with those, we should be able to construct barriers and curses that deny the material, or apply the definition of impossibility.
It doesn't matter. It's still a vote to waste our time.
Alberich is a natural genius at magecraft, when he understands the mechanics behind something, he doesn't really need to keep learning them.

I mean, when you can not only counter AoG magic, but also subvert the will of a Heroic Spirit/Sort-of with your absorption, then it's already at a pretty incredible level.

Voting for the Sword Gacha should be much more interesting than another "Alberich reads books" update. Or even a "Circe expositions on Alberich." update.
Look man, I don't care what we train as long as it helps us deal with the massive threat of Odin that most people don't seem too worried about. The day of our faceoff is coming soon.
Sweets literally just said that the Sword Gacha can help us in ways other than just summoning familiars.
I doubt he would've dropped a hint like that unless the Sword Gacha could really help us out here.
Go downstairs and do some summoning

Study Absorption alone

Study Rejection

Ask about Circe's doings in Tokyo

Visit Adelheid

Well, well, well! Half past midnight, and we're still tied! To think I wanted to get three updates done today.
Is there anyone who hasn't voted yet, I wonder?
I'll switch to summoning to get things moving.
Rather than writing an update where you go down to the basement, having you all roll, and then writing an update where you discover the results of your new summon, I'd rather do it all at once. So! It's time for everyone's favorite game-like element: the gacha!

Everyone, roll 1d1000. Just as before I'll take the best of the first ten rolls, but each person can only roll once!
Rolled 65 (1d1000)

Watch this 1
Rolled 909, 366, 994, 371, 423, 726, 98, 973, 639, 889, 768, 189, 139, 443, 342, 717, 970, 539, 180, 395 = 11070 (20d1000)

How cute,the dice still think we're doing d100s
Rolled 409 (1d1000)

Are you sure you even have ten players?
I had ten rolls the last time we did this.
In this thread. It doesn't look like we have ten players, maybe 6-8?
There were nine different votes on this last choice, and it seems like there are usually some folks who don't actively vote on every choice.
Still, it's not as though I'm going to indefinitely postpone the update until I get ten rolls. Don't worry.
Rolled 264 (1d1000)

Rolled 580 (1d1000)

Rolled 997 (1d1000)

Rolled 676 (1d1000)


Oh wow holy shit.
My goodness! That's what I'd call a stroke of good fortune!
Unless someone appears with a one, it seems you folks can look forward to quite an appearance in tomorrow morning's update.
I'm ready for our Rate Up Limited SSSR, Sweets.
>with a 1
conglaturations! You got "Gugalana
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>Not best mom
Jokes aside, I am wondering just what the Rate-up SSSR category nets us.
I mean, just a Rare was a decently strong phantasmal beast.
Seriously speaking, the gods would probably put Tiamat on a blacklist because they don't want to wipe out all life on Earth.
However, the real reason is that best mom would immediately win the Alberichbowl
Rolled 878 (1d1000)

Rolled 184 (1d1000)

Ok, so what do we do if it is like, Hecate.
Watch Circe self-destruct?
Rolled 97 (1d1000)

>still rolling after a 997
Ten rolls to roll them all, ten rolls to find them.
Ten rolls to bring them all: and in the brightness bind them.
You have misquoted Tolkien for the last time.
Holy shit.
This is going to be bizarre.
What were the rates again?





General SSSR

Rate-Up SSSR

I knew all those four leaf clovers I found as child were trying to tell me something.





General SSSR

Rate-Up SSSR
Which attribute would Alberich have in FGO?
Careful now.
This kills the Sweets.
His Origin is the same in any medium. Emptiness.
He meant in the (Man, Earth, Heaven, Star and Beast) sense.
You know, the unneeded dumb game mechanic sense.
I loathe FGO.
Oh. Well.
Those attributes are hidden. You'll have to wait for it to show up on one of the FGO wikis, I'm afraid.
To give a more serious answer, I can't determine one attribute because the frame of reference those attributes use is flawed. Star signifies the advancement of mankind, but such advancement can only be away from divinity in FGO, even though progression away from divinity is a process of decline and regression for mankind in every other Fate entry. Heaven is an attribute of divinity, yes, but tied to the gods themselves and thus also inappropriate for Alberich.
Heavenly Star? Inverse Star? Meteor?
Take your pick, or make a suggestion. but as you know the reason for Alberich's creation that Judas told you about you can see my dilemma.
>Inverse Star
I'm not completely familiar with FGO's lore, but aren't the beasts largely there to destroy mankind? That definitely doesn't work.
Alberich might as well just have his own special Attribute then, if we were to use the terribly flimsy rock paper scissors system FGO seems to love so much he just wouldn't fit I guess.
FGO does love to break its own rules, so to be honest I'd be inclined to put him in Star and have a line somewhere about how "the path of humanity's advancement he represents differs from that of such as Tesla, but he is no less an agent of human elevation" or something.
>[ ] Now that you know Liliesviel's secured Circe's loyalty, you're satisfied. Extricate yourself from the girl's arms and conversation as politely as possible, then head for a different part of the manor. (Summoning? Studying magic? Speaking to another housemate? About what?)
Talk with Futodoki about his stealthiness and if he has any ideas on how we can try to find Assassin. Also ask if he'd care to introduce himself to Lily since he's one of the last who hasn't done so and he'd probably be happy to go to his normal form in the house.
Rolled 92 (1d1000)


Oh, I intended to changed from >>4047887
to >>4049500, but now I'll roll the gacha (not that I'll beat 997 but might as well try)
We already voted to summon and got an SSSR.
I caught on a little late I know
How the hell does winning a naval battle make Francis Drake a pioneer to the stars?
How is that in any way comparable to Tesla's inventions?
If they'd given it to Columbus, or made a Magellan Servant, I could understand, but Drake? Come on!
Let's be honest, Drake didn't even defeat the Spanish Armada. Poor planning did.
Don't forget that according to FGO, she canonically defeated Poseidon.
As a human.
Hey, according to FGO, Poseidon is a giant robot and Drake's ship can shoot laser cannons. We all know a sufficiently powerful laser-equipped battleship can defeat mecha.
FGO is really trash, isn't it?
Here's my alternative version of that scene.
Drake, recognizing the God of the seas, knelt down and thanked the patron of all his successes in life, who had given him so much and raised him so high. Poseidon, touched by this show of reverence and humility from a human who lived so long after the Age of Gods, changed his mind. Thus he abandoned his project for the Holy Grail and bestowed it on Drake as a boon.
If it wasn't, we wouldn't be here today.
Yeah, but then Drake wouldn't get to use their ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER skill and literally do the impossible.

Fucking Pioneer of the Stars is a joke.
Everything about Drake is.
Including the EX Luck.
Upon further consideration, you decide that it would be for the best to discuss any further details of what Circe revealed to Liliesviel with the Servant present, as well as the Master. Indeed, it seems that your conversation in bed has begun to drag on, restful though it may be. The sun continues to rise and the numbers of singing birds increase, as dawn gives way to early morning. Even with no pressing emergency, you haven't unlimited time, and the nervous, prudent side of you that continuously urges to prepare for further danger bids you turn your mind to other matters. Thus you sit up straighter, shift Liliesviel gently off of your lap, and leaving her with a peck on the cheek slide off of the bed and to your feet.

"It heartens me to know that you've come to such an excellent accord with Circe," you say with a smile. "I suppose my concerns about her attitude were groundless, then. Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe I'll bathe and dress in my turn." So saying, you follow Liliesviel's example and head for the restroom, though without the modest covering of a sheet that she employed. Unlike the girl, you've no qualms about letting your lover see whatever details of your body she was unable to make out last night.

In the shower, as you let the hot water take its invigorating and rejuvenating effect in coursing over you, you consider the needs of the day. With no clear idea of how to locate the last unseen competitor in the Holy Grail War, matters are somewhat open to you in terms of planning. Nevertheless, there are projects underway to be considered, and events to be put in order.

First of these to be considered is the matter of your companions' actions. Adelheid will likely spend much of the day at the labor of deciphering Vaisset's notes; a job that can be done alone, but that you resolve to discuss with her once she's had some time to come to grips with it. If nothing else, you can hopefully receive some estimate of the time it will take her to produce a full translation of his journal and experimental log. Ayaka will doubtless wish to spend the day immersed in the chronicles of her family, of course, and unless some pressing matter arises you can likely leave her to the worthy pursuit. The rest of your compatriots, however, move in less certain courses. Arturia you can perhaps set to working with Liliesviel's maids and improving her etiquette, since the woman is of little other use outside of battle. Kōrakuhime is more vague still; previously she spent her time focused on the study of Arturia's spiritual composition, but you wonder how she'll fill her time now, with that task brought to an end. It may be useful to discuss the matter with her; on that subject, it suddenly occurs to you that you still lack knowledge of her Noble Phantasms! Perhaps today you can convince her to share their details with you.
The subject of Kōrakuhime's Noble Phantasms guides your thoughts elsewhere, though, and from your companions' schedules you turn your mind to another matter which you ought to continue growing your knowledge of: magic. If you are to achieve your goal of boundless superiority you surely ought to train your magical aptitude daily, and there are today new resources at your disposal in that matter. Circe made clear last night a desire to instruct you further, and although you dismissed her at the time for the sake of humbling her overgrown pride, you can hardly ignore the potency of the enchantress' knowledge. Then, too, there are the mystic codes she produced for you in the Akeldama to be considered. If she could empower you in the same way once more, it would surely give you a useful edge in the coming battle with Odin. Liliesviel, too, seems to have a wealth of techniques at her disposal which are quite alien to your understanding of magic, and now that the two of you are bound together in spirit it could be that you can learn the Einzbern magic without compromising its mystery; didn't Judas say, after all, that magic would affect the two of you as if you were one person? With that in mind, you resolve later to gather Liliesviel and Circe together and discuss the matter of improving your magical abilities.

None of these discussions, however, can be had at the moment for, as your ears and Liliesviel's maid have informed you, all those you'd speak with save Liliesviel remain asleep. Thus, you resolve once out of the shower to pass the time in a manner both amusing and productive. You'll make use of Heiligöffnungschwert's most arcane miracle once more, and summon a new familiar for yourself from the Realm of Imaginary Numbers. You'd previously refrained from further summoning out of concern for the provision of magical energy, but with two Casters at your disposal and Circe no longer drawing her sustenance from Mana, you're sure something can be worked out. Besides, if the creature proves to be of talents as versatile as Futodoki's it can hardly be an act to be regretted.

With your first plans for the day thus made, you cut the water off, ready to face the day with renewed mind and clean body. You towel off, comb your hair into shape, dress in a suit bearing your by-now rather characteristic style of black with burgundy pinstripes, and step back out into the bedroom. There you discover Liliesviel, though fully dressed, asleep once more atop the bedclothes. She's nearly human. Of course. The thought suddenly arises which should have come to mind much sooner, that the girl needs quite a bit more than the scant hour of sleep you had. She must have been pushing herself to be as pleasant and energetic with you as possible after you forced her to awaken, you realize with some remorse. Ah, well. You can at least make your exit silently, and leave Liliesviel to recover her needed rest while you busy yourself about other matters.
After a descent to the basement through the sleeping house, in which you encounter no-one save Stachel, mechanically polishing a sculpture in the hall, you discover in the basement that there is one other sentient being awake in the manor after all: Futodoki, though curled up in a posture of sleep on Vaisset's work chair, has all three eyes open to regard you as you enter.

"Well, well, well," he drawls exasperatedly, "if it isn't my summoner. What brings you down here, when I was hoping to snatch some time alone? Come to order me to keep that disguise up even when there's nobody to see, maybe?"

You can't help but chuckle at the cat's manner. Though you should surely be angry, his open hostility at someone who's done him no ill is so absurd that you find yourself able only to be amused by Futodoki, no matter how insolent his behavior. Of course, you consider that his form surely does have its part to play in that. It's much easier to forgive the insults of a soft, glossy-coated, and utterly non-threatening feline pet than of a human being. "No, you needn't worry about that," you reply with an indulgent smile. "In fact, I'd no idea you were down here. I've come for quite another purpose, although you're free to join me if you'd like. I've decided to summon another being from the Realm of Imaginary Numbers."

"Oh ho?" Futodoki's tone implies that, were he human, he would be raising his eyebrows. "Calling another of us out, eh? You might not be as lucky the second time as you were with me, you know; but don't let me discourage you. This I'd like to see." So saying, he hops gracefully down from the chair to land silently on eight sable paws, and pads over to the corridor, preceding you as you make your way again to the room in which he was summoned.

Entering the familiar room of sparring and target practice, of pockmarks and burns in the walls and scratches on the floor, you cast your mind back to the experiment of summoning Futodoki. First you meditated on your blade, determining that it cast a passive influence on the world around you that could enable it to, upon its activation, summon and sustain those impossibilities which dwell with the Gods. That meditation, however, played little direct part in your action, and so you believe that this time you may dispense with it. Next had come the cut, an attempt to open a door between the realms by slicing away a portion of the barrier between them, but this too seems to have been in error, since the portal that brought forth Futodoki seemed to flow out from the point of your sword rather more like the ink from a fountain pen than the traced path of a blade.
This time, then, you may adopt a different posture, and are more confident in how best to perform the summoning. Bringing forth the black sword in your right hand, you stretch the point out before your eyes, holding it before you as if pointing to the horizon beyond the walls of this room. Without moving, but only impelling the blade mentally to call forth a new attendant to your will, you call out the name of your Noble Phantasm.


Once more, the pure blackness that is the wholesale absence and absorption of light flows forth, pooling upon the surface of the world before you as though all your vision were reduced to a two-dimensional plane vertically parallel to your eye, until an amorphous hole is opened up before you that stretches from the level of the sword's point to the ground, as if some bizarre, amorphous door were suspended in the air by your blade. This time you know what comes next, and steel yourself for it: burning, searing, impossibly bright color. It's no more easily tolerated now than the first time. What was no more than a blithely observed phenomenon when you were yourself a formless spirit on the edge of reality is hear an assault on the senses, rendered yet more painful by its simultaneous existence with ordinary sight. The light of passage that signals the contact between the Real and Imaginary realms lasts only a moment, though, and the pain fades soon after it vanishes.

In the wake of that burning light, the shadow that poured from your blade has taken on a more definite form: something like a loose robe or sloping body, two feet at the base, two arms, a torso, and head with two points of red light. For all its strangeness, the thing is largely humanoid, the shadow of an uncertain biped cast on a nonexistent wall. As you recognize its existence, the bond of summoner and familiar is once more forged as it was with Futodoki. First a surge of energy pulled through Heiligöffnungschwert, and then the consistent flow from you to it, sustaining its existence and binding it to this world; and as the shadow receives the energy, it is transformed in a wave of coruscation into a thing more suited to Real senses.
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Standing before you is a woman of a most singular and startling appearance. She stands perhaps a head shorter than you, though still taller than most of your acquaintances, in a flowing white gown trimmed with black ribbon that sets off her vivacious complexion admirably as well as highlighting her other assets to great effect. More striking than her clothing, however, is her own coloration, for her eyes have the same iridescent gradient of pink and blue color Circe's, and she has besides that an enormous head of flowing hair the precise shade of cherry blossoms, which hangs not only behind but to either side of her, so that it forms a backdrop for her entire torso, giving a most appropriate accent to her gentle, kind features. Most striking of all, however, are her ears: those of a rabbit, stiff at the base though hanging down slightly toward the top, of the same color as her hair and protruding from the crown of her head.

As she appears, this strange woman proclaims with an ecstatic expression, "At last! My followers, you've returned me to the world of-" her words cut off abruptly as she lays eyes on you, the blade outstretched before her, and her surroundings. Fear as intense as her joy of a moment before suffuses her countenance, and she lets out a terrified squeak while taking a rapid step back. Although she doesn't dare turn her face from you, her eyes search frantically around the room for an exit. Unfortunately for her you're standing between the woman and the only door, and her backing away is only bringing her closer to a wall. The woman must realize this, for the fright on her face is soon joined by despair. She looks as if she's about to cry.

The woman's emotion doesn't slow her voice, though, as she terrifiedly asks in rapid fire, "Who are you? Why did you summon me? How? Where am I?"

>[ ] "I was attempting to summon a familiar, but you don't seem anything of the kind. How disappointing."

>[ ] "You're in the world of man, to which I sought to bring someone forth from the Realm of Imaginary Numbers to serve me. Futodoki here was the first I summoned. What sort of being are you?"

>[ ] "Before I answer your questions, you can answer mine. Who and what are you?"

>[ ] Ignore the woman's queries and ask Futodoki what he thinks of her.

>[ ] Say something else. (Write in)
>>[ ] "Before I answer your questions, you can answer mine. Who and what are you?"
Oh no.
>"At last! My followers, you've returned me to the world of-"
Oh no
>for her eyes have the same iridescent gradient of pink and blue color Circe's,
It is Hecate, isn't it?
>[X] Ignore the woman's queries and ask Futodoki what he thinks of her.
The most comedic option.
Oh, by the way. Now that you've pulled the rate-up summon, drop rates will be tweaked going forward. Here's what we'll be using in future:

0001 ~ ???
2-400 ~ Common
401-800 ~ Uncommon
801-920 ~ Rare
921-960 ~ SR
961-990 ~ SSR
991-999 ~ Unique (Formerly titled SSSR)
1000 ~ ???
Rolled 158 (1d1000)

>[ ] "You're in the world of man, to which I sought to bring someone forth from the Realm of Imaginary Numbers to serve me. Futodoki here was the first I summoned. What sort of being are you?"
>the same iridescent gradient of pink and blue color Circe's
I always notice these mistakes after the fact. That should read "the same iridescent gradient of pink and blue that adorns Circe's.
And so continues Circe's "worst week ever"
Well if this IS Hecate, good for Circe for having someone to bully now.
>good for Circe for having someone to bully now.
>having someone to bully
One of them is still divine.
The other... not so much.
Besides, what makes you think Circe would be able to bully her own mother?
Especially in her current state of subserveince
>Pet her head and ears while asking her who she is

>Hecate is a shortstack
Just so we're clear, this woman is of average height. Alberich is just really tall.
He's not that tall from my perspective
Nor mine.
Pretty sure Emiya is also 6'2".
Emiya, who is consistently remarked upon in Fate as being strikingly tall.
according to the wiki he's 167cm
5'4" in freedom numbers
>as being strikingly tall
for a Japanese guy, yeah.
He's about as tall as Lancer.
But an inch shorter than Kotomine.
Kirei is fucking huge.

EMIYA, anon.
Or "the adult version of Shirou with the tan" if you prefer.
Servant EMIYA is between 6'1" and 6'2".
Emiya Shirou is shorter in FSN, but 6'1" by the time of this quest.

Global average height for a healthy man is 5'7". 5'4" for a woman. The woman you just summoned is 5'6". Make of that what you will.
sorry, I'm retarded
>6'1" in freedom
They are both now in a state of subservience and on equal footing under Alberich's authority.
We actually like one while the other is a newcomer.
Circe has every right to bully the shit outta here.

>Just so we're clear, this woman is of average height.
You ruined her.
>They are both now in a state of subservience and on equal footing under Alberich's authority.
Except they aren't?
Unless you intend to use command spells (which we do not own) on a being that is not only NOT a Servant, but also an actual Goddess of Magic incarnated into the world.
She's using our energy, true enough, but that doesn't make her subservient to us like Circe is now to Lily.
She, like Odin, is an actual divine spirit.
And not even one bound to the Servant System.

This sword is fucked though.
Straight up fucked.
EX when

Unless it's a red herring and it's actually Scylla.

>You ruined her.
>Bunny girl
Why though? They don't have any connection to rabbits I know. If this chick is some goddess shouldn't she be one with a reason for those ears? If Hecate is Circe's mother shouldnt she have elf ears like her daughter?
I don't think telling a Divine Spirit that she's subservient to us right off the bat is a good idea.
I mean, I think Hecate was a moon goddess in addition to other things, no?
Don't rabbits and the moon have a weird connection in the east?
You know, because of the Moon Rabbit stuff.

Probably not, no.
I mean, she's actually likely far more reliant on us than a typical Servant would be to actually manifest due to the nature of Heilig making it possible for her to exist, so I don't think we have to worry about death unless she wants to go back.
She definitely does not want to go back.
But dealing with Goddesses of Magic lightly is foolish when they haven't actually lost their status as a Goddess.
Is it possible to ask Circe what the FUCK was up with the Olympians

Or are you leaving LB5 shenanigana out of this quests canon
>[ ] Say something else. (Write in)
>Sheathe the sword and say "Try to calm down, I didn't call you here to harm you"
>[ ] "Before I answer your questions, you can answer mine. Who and what are you?"
What's stopping us from modifying our method to control Arturia and using it on our summons? I'm not sure it's the best idea to use on gods unless it is but on weaker summons it might be doable.
>Or are you leaving LB5 shenanigana out of this quests canon
No shit, anon.
Retarded shit would get left out of the canon of anything unless the writer was horribly brain damaged.
We already mentioned how retarded FGO was for having Drake kill Poseidon and sink Atlantis.

There's simply no point of taking anything past a certain point in Type-Moon's existence as canon to the world of FSN.

There's a point where any artistic integrity they had is traded away for ideas that would make lots of money.

Like all of FGO being a fucking trainwreck that shits all over the universe from the opening segment.
Doesn't work.
>modifying our method to control Arturia
1) Arturia was only possible for us to control because we could revert her to a state where she was already remodelled to take orders
2) Said state was only possible because we had Tsubaki's assistance and days of research went into it
3)Said state was additionally only possible because of Arturia's unique existence as a Living Heroic Spirit and the events of the Fifth war.
4) Gods are Gods. Trying to control them is asking for shit to go awfully for you.
5) Gods/Goddesses of Magic are even worse when you primarily use magic.

Attempting to overwhelm the soul of a deity with our own is uh

Well, it isn't going to end well for us.
Best case scenario the control gets turned around on us, worst case they simply absorb our soul.

It's not really worth the trouble.
FGO is, thank god, in a different timeline and I can thus ignore anything about it I care to.
Gods are not giant robots.
Oh, I'll switch to this.

If it is Hecate, man is Alberich going to be... amused?
I mean, he basically just totally showed every magus he knows up by summoning a Divine Spirit without even using a ritual or anything.
this works
Having some trouble deleting my previous vote here.
supporting this

>Lily is given Circe.
>immediate response is to summon Hecate by accident.
Alberich doesn't fuck about.

If she's properly incarnated using our sword as the anchor...
Doesn't that mean she's providing her own mana?
God knows we couldn't sustain a Goddess on Ayaka's mana, and we aren't feeling the drain either.
It might be that the strain isn't too much when she's not actively using mana-intensive spells
>[ ] "Before I answer your questions, you can answer mine. Who and what are you?"
This fucking sword. It taunts us
>Circe notices Hecate's magical energy
>This fucking sword. It taunts us
How do you mean?
How else would I mean it? The sword is clearly giving us the worst possible SSSR because it thrives upon suffering.
We should be immensely strained if we were keeping her summoned by ourselves.
A Goddess is no simple thing to summon and keep manifested.
Even the Einzbern had to cheat and use a homunculus body to make Odin a Pseudo-Servant to allow him to create his own mana.
Lily herself has a near inexhaustible supply and they still opted to instead use a cheat method, even going so far as to alter the grail.

Alberich, Servant as he is, has the mana supply granted to him by a 16 year old average magus. He won't be supplying any Goddesses any time soon.
It's far more likely that she can generate mana by herself, like Odin is doing.

Man, we just went ahead and summoned the real thing with no preparation or ritual for it.
I shouldn't have to tell you how insane that is.
Casters go home.

Heilig is totally an EX-rank at this point, we just don't know how to use it properly, sadly.

>the worst possible SSSR
Don't be mean about Hecate like that, I for one support this surprise new addition to the waifu war.
Besides, you don't know that Circe is going to go berserk at the idea of her being here.

She totally is though.
I can't wait.
This war is really just a giant microcosm of why the Caster class was a terrible idea. They really should have made a Leader class if they wanted to create a class based on fortress creation and minion attacks.
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>They really should have made a Leader class if they wanted to create a class based on fortress creation and minion attacks.
It's called being a non shit tier Rider.
They should've made it just knight classes. Saber, Lancer, Archer, Hammer, Rider, Martial Arter, Assassinater
Yeah, but that would mean that the Knight Class Cheat Codes the founding families intended for themselves wouldn't work.

Of course they didn't work in the first place, but that's besides the point.
Magi aren't good at foresight.
To be fair one of them was a martial artist who learnt a few things because he paid Zelretch's hotel bill. ...Why isn't there a Martial Artister class anyway? All martial artists just get shoehorned into Assassin
Are we getting another update tonight Sweets?
Yes. I'm working on it.
>worst possible SSSR
>when we still don't know who she really is
>or what any of the other options are
Jumping the gun a little there.
Would Circe even be capable of surviving the anguish if Hecate started hanging around on top of everything else that happened to her yesterday?
There's really only one way to find out!
Poor poor Circe.
cmon anon i dont think sweets would punish us for rolling well
I wouldn't worry. It depends if Hecate fits Alberich's 'preferences' like having a flat chest.
I think it's more the fact that Circe has been having assmad conniptions about Hecate for about 2500 years at this point and has shown no signs of slowing down.
Totally unrelated, but curses that apply the definition of impossibility sound interesting. Would those mark their victims as impossible existences that the World has to suppress immediately?
Like infusing something with nothingness to make it impossible to exist in reality?
Pretty much. That sounds like a nasty thing to get hit by, big drain on your magical energy.
That doesn't seem feasible for us to use though, as any Nothingness we make is sustained by the miracles of our sword.
It's not about materializing the stuff, it's about applying its underlying concept to something else through a curse. Circe specifically phrases it as a curse that "applies the definition of impossibility".
"Try to calm yourself," you say gently. "I didn't summon you here to do you harm." Realizing that the chief contributor to your fright is most likely the outstretched point of Heiligöffnungschwert, and that you have no sheath for it as you're dressed without your armor, you let your weapon dematerialize and show your open palms to the woman in a conciliatory gesture accompanied by a smile. "You see? There's nothing to fear from me," you continue, observing that your first display hasn't yet calmed her. "Before I answer your questions, however, I'd like it if you might answer mine. Who and what are you, precisely?"

Instead of replying directly to your question, the woman continues to regard you nervously for a time, evidently not reassured by your show of harmlessness. From the darting of her glossy eyes, rendered moist with unshed tears, it's plan that she longs to bolt for the door; but evidently she realizes as well as you do that such an escape would be impossible. At length she seems to make up her mind, and breathes out a long, shuddering sigh before composing her features, drawing up her posture, and looking you in the eye. Almost immediately, however, her gaze shies away from yours again. Thus it's while regarding a point somewhere on your chin or neck that she finally speaks to you once more in reply.

"I am Hecate," the rabbit-eared woman proclaims, attempting to manifest a regal dignity utterly thwarted by the quavering of her voice, "Goddess of Magic. I have waited millennia for my worshipers to recall me to earth from the Reverse Side of the World, and for doing so I-I thank you. If you are not one of my worshipers, however, I h-have no further business with you. So I a-ask only that you stand aside and let me depart more easily."

A goddess! An incredible revelation, to be sure! Of course you had hoped that Heiligöffnungschwert might be able to summon another being useful to your cause, but this surpasses all your most optimistic imaginings. With Circe's ancient colleague aiding you, your victory in the Holy Grail War must now be assured beyond any doubt. That, at least, is the first notion that strikes you, before your misgivings make themselves known. For a goddess, you feel a bizarrely small amount of magical energy radiating from the woman: not only far less than Odin, but less energy than can be felt from the majority of Servant's you've encountered up until now. Then, too, you discover upon a brief internal examination that you're supplying her with less magical energy than Futodoki requires from you, a quantity hardly to be believed. Just what could be the nature of this woman's condition?
No matter. All of these answers can be discovered in time. For the moment the most pressing issue regarding her is her brazen attempt to dismiss you. Combined with her obvious fear, it's plain that you can break that defiance easily enough. Thus, effecting a cavalier attitude, you say, "There's no need to trouble yourself with the door. If you'd like to make an exit, I'll simply return you from whence you came."

"Wait!" No sooner has your final word passed your lips than that frightened squeak arrests your pretended intentions and Hecate steps forward in an attitude of pleading. "Wait, wait, wait!" she repeats desperately. "Just don't send me back there, please! If you aren't one of my followers and you didn't bring me back out of generosity, there must be something you want from me, right? Right?"

>[ ] "I summoned forth a being from the Realm of Imaginary Numbers to serve me. What is it of value that you can do, that I should keep you in this world?"

>[ ] "Before we discuss that, I'd like to know why you're so frightened of returning to the Reverse Side."

>[ ] "You seem to have suspiciously little magical energy for a goddess, 'Hecate'. You wouldn't be lying to me about your identity for some reason, would you?"
Sorry, it's just a short dialogue update; but hey, the one I wrote earlier was pretty long and two updates in one day is good either way, right?
Anyway, how the devil did all of you folks manage to guess who the she was so immediately? I was blown away! I could barely keep from commenting on it!
>[ ] "Before we discuss that, I'd like to know why you're so frightened of returning to the Reverse Side."
>[ ] "You seem to have suspiciously little magical energy for a goddess, 'Hecate'. You wouldn't be lying to me about your identity for some reason, would you?"
Because I'm an idiot, I forgot to add

>[ ] Say something else. (Write in)

I assume you folks all take that option for granted by now, but still. Know that it's not only there but encouraged.
>Anyway, how the devil did all of you folks manage to guess who the she was so immediately?
Come on, she has the same eyes as Circe. Who else could it be? Helios?
>Instead of replying directly to your question, the woman continues to regard you nervously for a time, evidently not reassured by your show of harmlessness.
>Almost immediately, however, her gaze shies away from yours again.
>attempting to manifest a regal dignity utterly thwarted by the quavering of her voice
>For a goddess, you feel a bizarrely small amount of magical energy radiating from the woman: not only far less than Odin, but less energy than can be felt from the majority of Servant's you've encountered up until now.
You lost to this, Circe? fuckin weak
To be honest, I was thinking of that as being something of a common trait among Mediterranean deities.
No match for my Clairvoyance: EX.
>[ ] "Before we discuss that, I'd like to know why you're so frightened of returning to the Reverse Side."
>[ ] "You seem to have suspiciously little magical energy for a goddess, 'Hecate'. You wouldn't be lying to me about your identity for some reason, would you?"
I wonder why we can't feel much magic from her.

>You lost to this, Circe? fuckin weak
I mean... no?
I doubt Hecate personally took away Circe's divinity.
I mean, this is Circe's mother.
No idea why she's so shy about all of this though.
>I doubt Hecate personally took away Circe's divinity.
No, she stole the position of "Goddess of Magic". According to her account Hecate's cult wiped out her own.
>No idea why she's so shy about all of this though.
If I had to guess? She's weak because nobody remembers her and she's actually close to losing her own godhood.
Anon, you're forgetting that Circe had her divinity taken away after what she did to Scylla.
At that point she wasn't a Goddess of Magic anyway.
Hecate didn't steal the position either. She was always *the* Goddess of Magic, it's just that she taught the mortals to use magic with Circe.
But Hecate's cult wiped out Circe's cult BECAUSE CIRCE WASN'T A GODDESS ANYMORE.
Totally justified.
>She's weak because nobody remembers her and she's actually close to losing her own godhood.
Not really how things are supposed to work at all in INS, anon.
At all.
There's always the possibility that she's simply very good at controlling her energy.
We'll soon find out anyway.
It's a joke.
>There's always the possibility that she's simply very good at controlling her energy.
That doesn't explain why she's so scared of us.
>Not really how things are supposed to work at all in INS, anon.
Do you have a better explanation? Considering...
• Hecate shouldn't be incapable of fighting since Circe is a very capable combatant with magic and Hecate should be much better as a goddess.
• Hecate is scared of us for some reason.
• Hecate was waiting to be summoned by her cult, and didn't want to go back to the Reverse Side.
• Hecate feels even weaker than Futodoki.
>Hecate feels even weaker than Futodoki.
An amendment: Hecate feels weaker than most other Servants we've seen and demands less energy than Futodoki.
>>Do you have a better explanation? Considering...
>There's always the possibility that she's simply very good at controlling her energy.
I already gave you a possible reason.
But fine

>• Hecate feels even weaker than Futodoki.
We're giving her less energy than what we're giving Futodoki, she doesn't feel weaker.
In fact, she's got the same magical signature as a weak Servant, so she's more likely around the magical energy level of Tsubaki or Matsuda than she is our cat.
>• Hecate was waiting to be summoned by her cult, and didn't want to go back to the Reverse Side.
I don't think many of the Gods want to stay stuck in the Reverse Side so your point is? She's not exactly a human hating phantasmal beast. Gods and Goddesses tend to thrive on humanity.
>• Hecate is scared of us for some reason.
No idea on this one, maybe it's the terrifying red eyes or the potential connection to Angra we've got going.
Or that she was expecting to be summoned by a bunch of her followers and instead got a real tall guy pointing at her with a sword.
>• Hecate shouldn't be incapable of fighting since Circe is a very capable combatant with magic and Hecate should be much better as a goddess.
Has she fought yet?
We don't know what the situation is here in regards to her strength.

And on the topic of strength, don't forget that if Hecate is a real Divine Spirit brought to our side of the world, she should likely have some way to draw on Gaia itself for energy.
More Enkidu's Enuma Elish than it would be Leyline drawing.

Who knows, maybe it's a test in it's own way

A Divine Spirit shouldn't simply cease to be a high class Nature Spirit because nobody actively worships them.
Where did everyone go?
>[ ] "I summoned forth a being from the Realm of Imaginary Numbers to serve me. What is it of value that you can do, that I should keep you in this world?"
>>[ ] "Before we discuss that, I'd like to know why you're so frightened of returning to the Reverse Side."
>>[ ] "You seem to have suspiciously little magical energy for a goddess, 'Hecate'. You wouldn't be lying to me about your identity for some reason, would you?"
>[ ] "Before we discuss that, I'd like to know why you're so frightened of returning to the Reverse Side."
>[ ] "You seem to have suspiciously little magical energy for a goddess, 'Hecate'. You wouldn't be lying to me about your identity for some reason, would you?"
>In fact, she's got the same magical signature as a weak Servant,
No. We know she feels weaker than most Servants. That's not the same as feeling like a weak Servant, and definitely doesn't say who that list includes.
>I don't think many of the Gods want to stay stuck in the Reverse Side
Maybe, but most gods wouldn't lower themselves to begging a human either. >>4051314
>She was always *the* Goddess of Magic,
Not according to Circe.
We should start answering her earlier questions, e.g.
>My name is Alberich, although explaining what I am is a bit of a longer conversation we can leave it at that for now.
> The sword you saw earlier doubles as a tool that can summon beings from the realm of imaginary numbers, and that’s what I used to call you here
> I did the same for the nekomata you see right here. Say hello, Futodoki. The actual process is a bit random so I’m a little surprised you managed to show up rather than a phantasmal beast
> Does the phrase Holy Grail War mean anything to you? If not this might take a while. And don’t fret I was expecting someone in a support role so I won’t send you to the frontlines if you’re not comfortable with that.
> Could you explain why you’re taking so little magical energy to function? Are you just a really efficient user or were you lying about your identity.

Unrelated note, Hecate should be Ayaka’s new mommy.
>Unrelated note, Hecate should be Ayaka’s new mommy.
Maybe Hecate should just adopt everyone.
...I wonder what she thinks of healthy young Christian men voiced by Nakata Jouji.
>healthy young Christian men voiced by Nakata Jouji
ok, how did I fuck up this time
because judas can't in good conscience be a jew after everything that happened
and he's voiced by nakata jouji
Oh, Judas. Right.
It's not that you fucked up, I just didn't make the connection. I didn't think of it. He's dead and a soul fragment inside your spirit, and I wouldn't really call him young, so it didn't occur to me that you would be talking about him.
Can Nakata Jouji even voice a young man? He's got a real middle-aged voice, you know?
>Not according to Circe
Circe is just salty she managed to ruin her own life. Hecate is older than Circe is on account of literally being her mother.
So therefore, she was *the* Goddess of Magic and Circe would've been a lesser Goddess.
Then Circe was no longer a Goddess so Hecate's cult destroyed Circe's.

Anyway, we can likely get a powerful blessing from her, and I realised why she feels so weak right now and also maybe why she's so submissive.
She is the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy.

Now it stands to reason a night/moon Goddess during the day wouldn't be at the peak of their power, no?
>Maybe, but most gods wouldn't lower themselves to begging a human either
Alberich isn't a human though.
He's an exceptionally powerful conceptual being.
And Hecate has interacted with humans before, unlike our cat, so she knows what they should roughly be.
Her fear obviously wasn't directed at our sword.

And if my moon/night theory is correct, that's possibly the reason why she's like this.
>Hecate is older than Circe is on account of literally being her mother.
Sure about that? The family tree that places Circe as Medea's aunt says Perse is her mother. Did Sweets ever say it was Hecate?
The connection to Medea still exists because of Helios though.

Besides, it's more narratively appealing to use the version of the myth where they share a relation anyway.
>it's more narratively appealing
Seems like a weird dynamic to me. Such a scared person being Circe's mother. Plus I think Circe would mention it when she told us her story if they were family.
>Such a scared person being Circe's mother.
Heroic Spirits can afford to be reckless.
If Hecate is in fact the true Hecate then death here might actually kill her for real.
Besides, we'll find out more about her soon enough.
There's a possibility that she's putting on an act and is just better at deception than Circe too.
Gods are tricky beings.

And Circe is the sort to omit any information she wouldn't want us to know.
Her whole desire of revenge really loses it's edge if it was just a parent disciplining her child.
It's not like Circe ever learnt her lesson either. She kept being an awful person even with most of her power stripped from her.
Maybe they would've reinstated her divinity eventually if she just stopped being terrible and transforming everyone she saw into animals for no reason whenever she saw anyone.
This is the same ex-Goddess that once tried to transform us and later went on to turn Yumigawa's parents into birds.
Even post death she didn't learn anything.

Circe is really a bird brain.
Why are you frightened, and how have you come to be so weak?

What merit is there in keeping you here?

Unless we have some more votes in the late afternoon, it seems we are decided. Just to keep you folks informed, I plan to start writing around 7:00pm or 8:00pm PST today, so will hopefully have the update done between then and midnight.
Can she actually do anything for us that one of our allies can't already? Feels kind of pointless, especially for such a good roll.
Anon, for gods sake.
We summon a literal actual Goddess and you start questioning her uses before we even know what she can do.
As a Goddess, she should be able to provide us with her blessing.
Now, how useful do you think a Blessing from a Magic Goddess would be for us?

I'm hoping A/A+ rank Magical Energy and A+ rank Magic Resistance if we get a blessing from her.
Potentially even an ability beyond a straight rank up to our already existing abilities too.
>As a Goddess, she should be able to provide us with her blessing.
Affections of the Goddess?
Though it might be a different form of it.
It wouldn't exactly be brought about by love.
she could be Aqua3...
I hope she's not Aqua3...
She's totally Aqua.
I refuse to believe that this goddess would be that useless.
please don't be useless, please don't be useless
Search your feelings, Kz0W, you know it to be true
I mean, if she is useless it's a free upgrade.
If she were truly an Aqua type, she would've hyped herself up more.
We'll soon see the true merit of keeping a Goddess by our side I hope.
I mean
Come on.
It's a Goddess, something must be going on here to weaken her.
>If she were truly an Aqua type, she would've hyped herself up more.
Well, pointing a sword at her seems to have put a damper on that.
>"At last! My followers, you've returned me to the world of-" her words cut off abruptly as she lays eyes on you, the blade outstretched before her, and her surroundings. Fear as intense as her joy of a moment before suffuses her countenance, and she lets out a terrified squeak while taking a rapid step back
she seemed as if she was about to hype herself up at first until she noticed the sword
Who would 2 be then?
"Perhaps," you reply, leveling a piercing gaze at the woman, "but before we discuss that, I would like to know more about your circumstances. Why is it that you're so reluctant to return to the Reverse Side, and how did it come to be that I feel from you, a self-proclaimed goddess, so little magical energy? You wouldn't be attempting to lie to me, I hope."

Faced with this demand for further explanation, Hecate appears still further crestfallen. Her long ears lose their energy, drooping limply over flower-colored locks so at odds with her morose countenance, and she once more breathes out a long sigh. "I can answer your questions, sir," she says, "but the best way to explain the answer would be to tell you my story, and it is a long and sad one. I don't think I could stand the telling while kept a prisoner here, standing before an unknown interrogator in this stone chamber. Can't we go to some place where we can be more comfortable, and can't you tell me who you are, and where I am?"

"Hm!" you scoff. "Fine evasion to buy time for a lie, maybe; but very well, I suppose I may as well humor you. Follow me, and I'll find a place where you can sit down and recover your composure. You certainly do seem far too distraught to tell me any kind of coherent story now." So saying, you turn on your heel and depart the room, with Futodoki following at your heels and Hecate trailing behind. To save time, and ensure that none of the manor's other inhabitants have the opportunity of laying eyes on this newly summoned creature before you have a clear idea of her standing, you decide to turn right, rather than left, and progress further into the basement rather than out of it. As you do so, you explain without turning to the woman behind you, "I'd rather not have you calling me 'sir' continuously, so if it puts you at ease I'll share my name with you to the same degree you informed me of yours. I am Alberich, and it is indeed by my magic that you've been brought here. Further particulars can wait until I've heard your story, and determined whether or not to keep you in this world."
So saying, you conduct Hecate to the room where Arturia was lately a prisoner, for adorned as it is with a couch and chair as well as the privacy you require it should serve as an ideal place for her to recount her tale. Still, your consideration of the woman's feelings only goes so far; not wanting to seat yourself in the stone prisoner's chair you take your seat at one end of the short couch, forcing Hecate to choose between the opposite end or the uncomfortable seat prepared for Arturia. Upon following you into the room, Hecate examines the furniture only briefly before, in spite of her manifest fear of you, she sits tentatively down on the sofa across from you. Indeed, as she reclines against the red velvet cushions of the antique seat such an expression of happiness flickers across her face that for the moment it is visible there she appears as if blissfully enjoying some rare luxury. That expression is soon replaced by her habitual fright, however, under your coolly scrutinizing glance.

"The story, then, Hecate," you prompt, "of why you fear to return to the company of your fellow gods, and how it is that you can have so little presence."

"Uuuuuu..." At this reminder, a low moan escapes Hecate's lips, and tear trickles from the corner of one of her eyes. "The more I think of it, the more horrible it seems," she tells you despairingly. "The indignity... the injustice... Oh, Alberich, I assure you that no goddess was ever so pitiful as I am now. You must have mercy on me and not send me back to the Realm of the Gods!"

"That remains to be seen," you say irritably, noting her continued evasion. "For the moment, explain yourself to me!"

"Yes," she answers, sniffling pitifully, "Alright, just a moment." At last, though, she launches into her explanation with a question, asking, "How familiar are you with the end of the Gods' power, and with the origin of human magic?"

"Familiar enough," you answer. "I wasn't there to see the events myself, but I know at least the common knowledge: that in ancient times the Gods held power over the earth and taught magic to humanity, but that eventually this power waned, the Gods retreated to the Reverse Side of the World, and mankind was forced to pursue magic unguided."
"Just so!" A slight smile touches Hecate's lips at this appropriate answer. "Well, you see, I was one of those who taught magic to the ancient humans, together with another Olympian, a relation of mine who was then so close to me that I thought of her sometimes more as a sister than a cousin." At this remembrance Hecate's expression grows warm and she trails off for a moment, giving you time to consider her statement. If she refers to Circe, who spoke of being one of two Goddesses of Magic, the incongruity of their attitudes seems strange; the animosity is all on Circe's side. Then there's the matter of her being a relation, another detail Circe had never mentioned; but then, you believe Yumigawa read somewhere that all Greek gods were related to one another, so that shouldn't be too surprising.

Hecate's pause lasts only a moment, however, before she amends, "But she doesn't come into this story. We parted ways before my misfortunes began. It was only after we Gods fled to our new world that my fate became soured. We had lost our power, while mankind was ascendant, and... and..." Here she breaks off again, cut off by another despairing moan and sniffling. Observing her own disarray, he draws a handkerchief from a hitherto unseen pocked in the folds of her dress and dabs at her eyes and cheeks, drying the tears which continue to flow slowly, one by one, from her eyes as she recalls the circumstances that affect her so.

"I was blamed," she finally finishes in a low tone. "As the Goddess of Magic, it was said that I was responsible for making mankind powerful enough to displace the Gods, and I had to be punished." Sobbing, she continues, "I was stripped of my p-power, m-my titles, and even my f-f-form! I was turned into the lowest kind of Goddess, one of Hera's domestic servants, asked to forget a-all the veneration I'd received before and devote eternity to menial tasks for her! Even my animal was taken from me! Look!" Overcome with emotion, Hecate reaches up a quaking hand and pulls at the end of one of her ears, pointing it out to you by the action. "The animal associated with my worship was once the dog. Noble hunters, loyal pets, friends to mankind, guardians of boundaries, respectful of the moon; all these make dogs worthy creatures! But th-they said... they said a dog wasn't fitting for a... for a... for a..." Again, after three attempts, the goddess breaks off her words to moan pitifully and wipe her eyes with her handkerchief. "For a f-flighty, stupid, treacherous idiot like me!" she finally manages. "So it was decided that the rabbit would be my animal from then on, and I'd have the characteristics of one to match."

"So, that's your story, is it?" you ask. "A goddess lowered by the resentment of her peers. How intriguing."
Hecate gives you an aggrieved look, insisting with frustration, "It's so unfair, Alberich! All I wanted was to make people happy; to share some of our power with the humans! Was that so awful?" Then, with entreaty in her eyes, she continues softly, "It's been thousands of years since then, and my only hope, all this time, has been for my followers in the world of mankind to summon me out of that world. Now you finally have! Don't send me back there, please! I beg of you!"

>[ ] She's appealed to your emotions well, but that alone is insufficient. Demand to know what she can do for you, before you consider whether to keep her.

>[ ] Ask Hecate something else, or say something to her. (Write in)

>[ ] Of course Hecate can stay! Despite her weakening, you're certain she'll have something worthwhile to do, and you can hardly ignore a Goddess in need.

>[ ] Send her back to the Realm of Imaginary Numbers. You have no use for Goddesses who've been reduced to powerlessness.

>[ ] Do something else. (Write in)
>[ ] Of course Hecate can stay! Despite her weakening, you're certain she'll have something worthwhile to do, and you can hardly ignore a Goddess in need.
Poor Hecate.
We really summoned the real deal, but she's had it just as bad as Circe if not worse.
Circe got off lightly.
Blame the Magic Goddess, great idea guys.
Maybe the two of them can make up over this.
>[X] Of course Hecate can stay! Despite her weakening, you're certain she'll have something worthwhile to do, and you can hardly ignore a Goddess in need.
In the meantime, we should focus on pulling another summon from the Realm of Imaginary Waifus (a cat is fine too).
>[ ] Of course Hecate can stay! Despite her weakening, you're certain she'll have something worthwhile to do, and you can hardly ignore a Goddess in need.
I guess Olympians being assholes is a universal constant. We need to team up with Odin and enact a final solution.
Can we just not allow the Olympians back if we restart the Age of Gods?
Maybe Hecate can be a Goddess of Magic again, but the majority are assholes.
I mean, blaming the Magic Goddess? Really?
Why not blame Demeter for being a fertility goddess then?
It was always the quantity of humans that got to be the problem.
Not so much the quality.

Ishtar didn't get blamed for shit and she fucked EVERYTHING up with the Gilgamesh situation.

Now we just need to figure out how we're going to get Circe not to immediately jump on the chance to kill Hecate once and for all.
At least Hecate will be happy to see a familiar face, though Circe won't share the feeling, I imagine.
Circe should probably count herself lucky.
She got to live in luxury without her divinity while Hecate despite keeping hers was reduced to a servant performing menial tasks.
A fate Circe would have shared if not for the loss of her divinity.
>A fate Circe would have shared if not for the loss of her divinity.
And her death too. She really dodged a bullet by moving to the Throne of Heroes.
Yeah, now the problem is getting Circe to see things that way.
Maybe the two of them can become friends again and plot to become the Goddesses of Magic once more if Circe can get over her misgivings.

Can you imagine actually being a Hecate cultist in the modern era, finally summoning your Goddess and getting a scared and weak bunny girl instead of the powerful Goddess of Magic you expected?

Your entire life has been leading up to this point, nay, the work of thousands of years has been leading up to it.
You are finally the one to bring your Goddess back to the world, expecting a grand reward for dedication stretching back millenia...
aaaaand she's been turned into a divine maid.

Might as well just fucking kill yourself at that point.
Everything was for nothing and your family should have spent the time trying to reach the Root instead.
Actually, can we bring up Circe to Hecate as well?
I feel like that just letting the two of them walk into each other unaware will be quite the disaster waiting to happen.
Especially if Hecate doesn't know about Circe's animosity toward her.
>Ishtar didn't get blamed for shit and she fucked EVERYTHING up with the Gilgamesh situation.
Speaking of:
>"From the beginning, I only manifested in this place because of the power I left in this world."
>"Yes, the blessing I bestowed upon this world."
>I'm here because I blessed the world.
>"You see, when that disrespectful king insulted me and that junk threw the divine beast's entrails at me, I burned a blessing into the world, dissolving myself within the Human Order, always waiting.
>"If one day, 'those two' were to meet again on this planet..."
>Before the miracle found within the infinite possibilities, the being calling herself a goddess smiled so beautifully it froze the beholder's heart.
>"I would exert all my divinity, all my soul - to protect humans."
As of SF Volume 6, Ishtar left a contingency for the event of Gilgamesh and Enkidu meeting again, allowing a piece of her will manifest to protect mankind from them.
We probably should.
So what's the write-in going to be?
>[ ] "Before we leave this dungeon, I must warn you that your cousin, Circe, has come to reside in this manor -- I shall explain how later, but for the moment you must hide your presence until I speak with her."
But that doesn't even make any sense!
Gods being able to just manifest whenever they want if they fulfil CONDITIONS OF THEIR OWN CREATION totally removes the whole point of the Age of Gods ending!
It's not so much manifesting as possessing the Lesser Grail.
But that doesn't placate you at all, does it?
>The thing that entered this body is a simple program. I think as this body was prepared as the final terminal to receive the power of the holy grail, using it as a sacrificial shrine maiden and then overwriting it was simple."
Not at all, really.
How convenient that her conditions to protect humanity would only come into play if it was both Gilgamesh AND Enkidu around.

And not just Gilgamesh.
Or Gilgamesh actually trying to wipe out most of humanity.
Because things would've really taken a strange turn if she just straight up possessed Iri/Loli Rin or Rin/Illya in the fourth or fifth wars.

If they can summon themselves into the bodies of people even thousands of years after the Age of Gods ended, then I don't see why they haven't just forced a reversion to the Age of Gods.

Yeah, add this to my vote in addition to the general acceptance of her staying around.
So, to summarize, I'm changing my vote in >>4053379 to
>[ ] Of course Hecate can stay! Despite her weakening, you're certain she'll have something worthwhile to do, and you can hardly ignore a Goddess in need.
>[ ] "Before we leave this dungeon, I must warn you that your cousin, Circe, has come to reside in this manor -- I shall explain how later, but for the moment you must hide your presence until I speak with her."
and so is the other anon
>[ ] Of course Hecate can stay! Despite her weakening, you're certain she'll have something worthwhile to do, and you can hardly ignore a Goddess in need.
>[ ] "Before we leave this dungeon, I must warn you that your cousin, Circe, has come to reside in this manor -- I shall explain how later, but for the moment you must hide your presence until I speak with her."

Seems like the best way to avoid a Greek tragedy.
I'm this anon by the way.
I hope Circe and Hecate do become good friends with each other again.
I think both of them could do with an ally.
>>[ ] Of course Hecate can stay! Despite her weakening, you're certain she'll have something worthwhile to do, and you can hardly ignore a Goddess in need.
>>[ ] "Before we leave this dungeon, I must warn you that your cousin, Circe, has come to reside in this manor -- I shall explain how later, but for the moment you must hide your presence until I speak with her."

So we really summoned someone who might really be useless...
I want to headpat this ill-fortuned goddess.

Also it sure is convenient Hecate speaks perfect Japanese, huh?
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>Also it sure is convenient Hecate speaks perfect Japanese, huh?
>Odin also speaks perfect Japanese
Convenient... or conspiracy?
Odin got given knowledge of all modern language as a side effect of the grail summoning.

Hecate... should not have that.
OK, but what about my surprise witness, Futodoki?
His species originates from Japan.
Ancient Japan. At best he should know some antiquated dialects.
>Ancient Japan
A few hundred years.
Phantasmal beasts didn't go the same time the Gods did.
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Consider also that both of these individuals hail from a world wholly cut off from the Realm of Real Numbers, where language has most likely evolved over time in a course contrary to that it has taken here. A world, moreover, where the basic numerical foundations of physical science are so different that without the intercession of Heiligöffnungschwert's miracle you are unable to perceive these beings as they truly are.
The point I'm making is that your sword translates their words the same way it translates their appearances.
Japanese is the default language.
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>Ishtar didn't get blamed for shit and she fucked EVERYTHING up with the Gilgamesh situation.
Well, Ishtar was always a spoiled daddy's girl, princess of the gods. If Aphrodite or Athena were the goddess of magic, things would obviously be different, but Hecate...
Well, you know what her situation was from myths or you'll learn it in the quest in time.

>>How convenient that her conditions to protect humanity would only come into play if it was both Gilgamesh AND Enkidu around.
I'd guess that's because protecting humanity is a ridiculous excuse from a goddess who treated humans as garbage, and her actual reason is to continue her grudge against Gilgamesh and Enkidu.
It's still quite funny that she would've been totally justified in having Guggalanna slap Gil about in the fourth or fifth war but SF Gil is actually on best behaviour for once.
It's still silly that Gods can simply mess with the Age of Man like that though.
Wouldn't it have been simpler to have made it so the curse that wrecked Enkidu would occur whenever he met Gilgamesh?

>Well, you know what her situation was from myths
None of these myths seem to agree on anything.

Oh well, now all we need to do is summon Medea.
Remember, your roll is tied to the rarity of the individual you summon, not necessarily their power.

>Can we just not allow the Olympians back if we restart the Age of Gods?
You don't really want to ignore the most fun species of God, do you?
Just out of curiosity, how strong would necromancy be?
I think the only example we have of an actual necromancer is Mordred's master in Apocrypha, and he doesn't do a lot of necromancy besides making heart bombs or something
Every god is equally rare though. There's one of each.
Precisely. Your previous roll didn't summon a God, after all.
>roll 997
>expect something useful
>get useless and unneeded drain on mana
She better have *something* she can do otherwise I won't bother to stop Circe from murdering her.
Where would something like Cerberus be on the table, 950ish? Not exactly god level but unless my mythology-fu is weak there's also only one of him right
Cerberus is one example of a species of phantasmal beast which could be summoned with an SR roll.
>[ ] She's appealed to your emotions well, but that alone is insufficient. Demand to know what she can do for you, before you consider whether to keep her.
Does anyone else feel sort of bad for Circe? I think she's suffered enough for her bullshit and reconnecting with her to the point where we're at least friendly to her seems reasonable.
>[ ] She's appealed to your emotions well, but that alone is insufficient. Demand to know what she can do for you, before you consider whether to keep her.
We already have a maid.
Are we in another damn three way tie?
No I don't think so.
She's hardly suffered at all. She lived a blessed life as both Immortal and Mortal. Her suffering is very small scale compared to *literally almost any actual Heroic Spirit*
She's acted dumb as a Servant though and reaped what she sowed.
But she doesn't even come close to Cu in terms of suffering.
Or hell, Scathach's story is basically a more tragic version of Circe's except she didn't deserve it and gets to never die despite wanting to.

Hecate is still *technically* a Goddess so hopefully she can grant us Affections of the Goddess or something for saving her.
That would turn Alberich into an A+ Parameter murder machine.
Matsuda would get absolutely flattened.
Shame it doesn't by default apply to Mana too. That B could definitely deal with being improved so we stop causing Ayaka to faint.
Course that is only for Achilles' version so it might work differently.
Not like Achilles mother wasn't an incredibly minor Goddess herself.
Hell, his fame outstrips her by a hundredfold.

But I doubt it's going to work out so well for us.

Would be nice to finally not have to worry about our stats too much against Odin.
Or hell, Matsuda, even.
Especially with how many Servant sacrifices we seem to be passing up.
Even Rider might end up getting spared now for Medusa Lily.
Idea: have Hecate become an Idol in order to gain more strength as a Goddess from the worship she receives...
And that's how Part 3 just ended up as Fate: iDOLM@STER.
>letting Circe murder our free upgrade
>using her as an upgrade.
We either try getting AotG from her and keep her around or we have Circe transform her into a Mystic Code.

I'd much prefer Affections though.
Alberich would be a pretty monstrous Servant with a full rank up to his physical parameters.

And the Idol thing does have at least some merit.
Gods/Goddesses become more powerful from the worship of humans, so worst case we can have her as an investment till we can make her powerful again.
>That B could definitely deal with being improved so we stop causing Ayaka to faint.
That's not a problem now that we're hooked up to Lily, is it?
Yes. There's no reason it won't be a problem until we actually incarnate.
We haven't linked ourself to Lily as a Servant would link themselves to a Master.
For one thing, that would require us to break things off with Ayaka, and for another it would mean somebody would have an infinite number of commands to use on us.
Waifu or not, I don't want us in that position.
No, there's a clear majority. I've just been working today, so I haven't written yet. I'll probably be more or less on the same schedule as last night.
By the way, if any of you has any VA suggestions for Hecate, I'd love to read them.
I have one idea in mind already, but I'm not decided and I'd be happy to know what you think she sounds like based on these first interactions...
>we have Circe transform her into a Mystic Code.
you mean like that time Medea turned Shirou into a wand?
>And the Idol thing does have at least some merit.
We could use an idol unit to start brainwashing the masses by putting hypnotic suggestions on their songs when we start our world conquest.
I'm sure a goddess will be 1-Very glad to start being worshiped like one again; 2-Very willing to go that far to get more worshipers
ive got a Nitocris vibe. very bulliable
So who's really idolatable other than Hecate?
>you mean like that time Medea turned Shirou into a wand?
I think that a Goddess would be a pretty high quality ingredient for a Mystic Code, even a weakened one like Hecate.
Though I don't really think that we should do that unless she actually does something to deserve it.
I'd much rather get the possible power boost from Affection.
It's just so good for us if we get our stats up to A+ Strength, A Endurance and A+ Agility. We would utterly crush Shirou and Medusa and dealing with Assassin's tricks would only be easier.
It also means we are free to use our next proper upgrade on the NP armour.

It would also make me far more confident about the upcoming Odin fight.
And unless Matsuda has been really bullshitting up his unqiue skill, he'll go down with ease.

>Greek Goddess Idol group
>actual reason to try to bring Stheno and Euryale back from Medusa Lily
Good lord, it's the perfect plan.
Circe, Hecate, Medusa, Stheno and Euryale.
Just need to get Circe some measure of Divinity back.

But yes, I think at this point Hecate would be willing to go to any length for worship.
Even though her powers have mostly been taken from her, she should still be an excellent teacher of magic, no?
Especially in regards to the Realm of Imaginary Numbers and the Imaginary Element.
She could be of excellent use in quizzing about parts of Vaisset' notes we can't understand.

Man, we have lots of potential upgrades from this single bit of down time
>Predatory Charisma
>Possible Affections of the Goddess
>Magic buff through Vaisset' research.
The magic buff would also be very useful for dealing with Matsuda, his spear can dispel imaginary numbers, but I wonder how it would serve if we simply coated a battlefield in thin stone pillars.
Good luck using your spear to it's full potential there, asshole.

A bullied goddess hmm?
I'll have to think on that one.
You also might want to update the Status Pages for Adelheid and Circe, Sweets.
Pretty sure Yumigawa isn't either's master.

Simpler times...
Ok here's the plan. Futodoki can conceal and chat with Hecate for a little while. When either Ayaka or Circe gets up (whichever is first) the next phase activates. We can kill time by explaining what the Grail War is to our newest fren.
1) Circe wakes up -- we find a way to break the news to her and make sure she's nice to her old fren
2) We introduce Hecate to Ayaka and try to get them to be frens. Hecate can be Ayaka's mommy-teacher.

We can also have a lesson/evaluation with Circe to see how to best branch out our magical ability's skill-tree to help ease tensions.
Now that you mention it, Hecate and Ayaka may in fact be our first two allies that actually get along.

Hecate should get along with everyone other than Circe pretty well, since she has no history with them.
Yeah, but as far as we can tell, Hecate is one of those Goddesses that actually likes humans.
She might be able to get along with our allies, but she might actually become a friend to Ayaka.
Like, she genuinely did something to help them out.
She might even like modern magi.

As for Ayaka, in a way, Hecate ought to be grateful to her.
If not for her, the whole Judas situation would've never come to pass considering that it was a compatibility summon from her (I think.)
Sorry, folks. I've been trying to dial back my Tuesday and Thursday work to get updates 7 days a week, and I've had some success as you've observed, but it doesn't look like tonight is one of those times. I'll try to get something written before work tomorrow morning so you're not left waiting all day, though...
Greek God Idol Group when?

Give us Affections Hecate you useless goddess.
Or you'll never make it as an idol.
On account of being dead.
Good to know the music industry is the same as it's always been.
What can I say?
It's cutthroat work, being on top of the competition.
Literally, in this case.

A weak rabbit maid goddess that can't even bestow a blessing is worthless!
You know, we probably can't get Affections without being at least a little bit nice to her.
True enough.
Headpats for the dumb bunny it is.
Predatory Charisma should be useful when dealing with the poor girl.

We've already saved her and are her best bet in her becoming a powerful Goddess once again.
We've even got a reunion with Circe for her.
It's going to be sad if the two can't make up after all that's happened.

Between Circe, Hecate and Medusa we've really got a lot of (ex)Goddesses that hate Goddesses around.
Hecate's still a goddess technically, just a shitty one.
That's why I put (ex) in brackets.
If she weren't still a Goddess there would be no hope in getting Affections from her.
As it stands, to become absolutely top tier as a Servant all we need to do is be kind to this girl who's been abused for millennia.
Even sitting on a sofa was something she seemed to consider a luxury.

If we got affections and then applied Achilles' invulnerability to our armour, We'd completely be able to slap him about in a rematch, he'd only be a little faster than us.

It might be awkward having to bind him so we can lend Hecate our sword to stab him with though.

Alberich with affections applied to him should have decent odds against even the strongest Servants.
Heracles would be stomped due to Heilig basically dealing infinite cutting damage so the Godhand resistance buff couldn't aid against it after a resurrection.
>That's why I put (ex) in brackets.
>If we got affections and then applied Achilles' invulnerability to our armour, We'd completely be able to slap him about in a rematch, he'd only be a little faster than us.
Don't forget Mind's Eye: B or he'll find more gaps in the armour. I swear, finding gaps in armour is his second NP.
>It might be awkward having to bind him so we can lend Hecate our sword to stab him with though.
how will that help us adopt him into the family
>Heracles would be stomped due to Heilig basically dealing infinite cutting damage so the Godhand resistance buff couldn't aid against it after a resurrection.
God Hand only ups resistance against attacks, no buffs there. We really are the worst possible matchup for Heracles.
I mean a rematch with Achilles where with comparable stats, we would crush him he'd be a little faster with A++ agility but we would have A+ agility ourselves with Affections.
The only problem is not being able to put him down for good unless we loaned Hecate our sword to kill him.

Against Matsuda, with Affections, we will be the faster fighter by a whole +.
A NP armour is also not something that can be foiled by going after a gap unless there is a specific weakness (Armour of Fafnir)
Girugamesh and Karna's armours have no such flaws to them.
Then there's the fact that since our last encounter, not only would strength and agility both have raised an entire rank, but our Endurance by one and a half ranks.
In addition to having Battle Continuation A.

Matsuda simply could not put us down.
We could probably treat him like a child if all goes to plan.

God Hand gives a resistance buff to whatever kills Herc
Seeing as Heilig is effectively infinitely sharp, nothing would help Berserker there.
Even if Heracles had Madness Enhancement activate (his shown stats are WITHOUT madness), he'd still hardly be a threat.
>I mean a rematch with Achilles
...I don't know why I was thinking of Matsuda.
Yes, especially as Matsuda wouldn't be a danger to us at all as things are now.
Not unless he's suddenly asspulled his way to meme tier parameters.
I doubt he's that much stronger since our last encounter, if at all.
>Predatory Charisma should be useful when dealing with the poor girl.
In her case it's a bit of a double-edged sword, what with the whole 'rabbit' thing.
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>what with the whole 'rabbit' thing
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>the whole 'rabbit' thing
Nothing doubled about this edge.
>he'd be a little faster with A++ agility
Doesn't each + double the stat?
In this quest, plus modifiers are rank-ups.
Nope. Read the skill description and you'll see that Predatory Charisma refers to the charm of a dangerous person. For someone easily frightened, like Hecate, this isn't without its drawbacks.

Not so. A rank of A++ is equal to four times the potency of Rank A. Half-ranks are denoted with a -.
If a stat lower than A is adorned with a +, it means that the stat can be equal to double its letter value under certain circumstances.
"Very well," you say, giving the Goddess a gallant smile of reassurance and taking one of her trembling hands in yours. "I'm not the sort of heartless man to send a woman so obviously in need away. If you fear a return to Hera's household, you may remain in mine."

"Thank you, Alberich, for heeding my request," she replies, an overjoyed expression sweeping over her face like the rays of the morning sun. No sooner has she become immersed in this joy, however, than it fades as she takes in her surroundings once more a look of growing uncertainty. "But what sort of home is it you have here?" she asks. "Do you live all in underground chambers like this? And, how is it that you summoned me? For what purpose?"

It seems, you think wryly, that fright is still the woman's primary motivator despite the improvement in her control over herself since the fright she had upon being summoned. It would be well, then, to put her mind more at ease before attempting to derive any value from her presence. With this in mind, you explain, "No, we are only in the basement level at the moment. Above us is the manor, and although I'm sure it won't match the luxury of life among the Gods, it is furnished with all the proper amenities. Before we ascend, however, I'd like to acquaint you with your situation. To begin with your summoning, it is really quite simple. I have, in the form of the sword you saw me holding when you first appeared, an artifact which can call beings forth from the Reverse Side of the World and sustain your existences here. I've once before to summon a familiar, and after my success with Futodoki I decided to repeat the exercise. Thus, you appeared."

Having thus suggested the presence the cat, you indicate him to Hecate with an open hand, hoping that he'll take the moment to introduce himself. The Goddess, however, far from simply observing your first familiar as you'd expected, goes stiff once more with fear, seeming to recede into the corner of the couch and gasping, "Ah! A cat sidhe! Get away!"

"Cat sidhe?" Futodoki snaps, highly offended from the sound of it. "Are you blind, woman? Do you see a patch of white on my chest? I'm a nekomata, which should be obvious to anyone with eyes from my tails!" The said limbs are swishing back and forth rapidly as he speaks, giving further vent to his anger at this confusion of terms.

"Ah!" Hecate blinks several times, looking intently at Futodoki. "So you... are, yes," she confesses. Nonetheless, despite the clarification of his nature, the goddess seems utterly repelled by the cat, staying as far from him as is possible without climbing over the back of the couch. Futodoki, you can see clearly, notes the woman's fright with offense.
"My apologies for the start you've received," you say, trying to intercede and make peace. "I suppose I ought to have introduced Futodoki to you earlier, but I had no idea he'd have this sort of effect on you. I should tell you, though, that there is one more surprise waiting for you here." You're glad the thought came to mind; after having seen the way Hecate reacted to Futodoki, you really don't know what she'd have done if she discovered her "relation" without prior notice.

"Oh?" Hecate attempts to return her gaze to you, although her eyes can't help flicking back to Futodoki from time to time. "What do you mean?"

"Only that your cousin, Circe has come to reside in this manor. I'll explain the circumstances later, but for the moment I must ask that you hide your presence and wait here until I've spoken with her of your arrival." So saying, you get to your feet to go. Hecate, for her part, appears dumbstruck by the announcement, and so it's without a reply that you make your exit, Futodoki on your heels. In a few moments you've crossed the room, left the startled Goddess behind, and are ascending the stairs leading to the ground floor of the manor; considering as you do so where Circe might be, and how best to reveal the matter to her. Presumably, you decide, she will have remained in Liliesviel's bedroom. It is there, after all, that the girl took her last night, and since you haven't seen her in the house this morning you've no reason to expect her to have departed. As for what to say to her about Hecate, the matter is more delicate. You'll explain her summoning, of course, but after that...

>[ ] Give the two Goddesses some time alone to talk over their history and become reacquainted with one another, unencumbered by the prying eyes of a master who may depress their happy reunion.

>[ ] Ask Circe to explain the circumstances of the Holy Grail War to Hecate and help you determine how best the new arrival can contribute to your cause.

>[ ] Simply explain Hecate's summoning and observe what Circe wishes to do, though mediating if matters should become unpleasant.

>[ ] Forbid Circe to speak to Hecate, for fear that she may further unbalance the woman's delicate state of fright.

>[ ] Say something else. (Write in)
As promised, here's a short morning update that's made me slightly late for work! Enjoy! I'll be back this evening to write from what you've decided!
>[ ] Simply explain Hecate's summoning and observe what Circe wishes to do, though mediating if matters should become unpleasant.
>[ ] Simply explain Hecate's summoning and observe what Circe wishes to do, though mediating if matters should become unpleasant.
>[ ] Simply explain Hecate's summoning and observe what Circe wishes to do, though mediating if matters should become unpleasant.
I think the point is that compared to B agility, A+ Agility compared to his A++ would make things way more tolerable.
And we'd have equal strength to him so being ragdolled by him shouldn't be as much an issue.
We took an A+ punch from Adelheid after all and we were weaker then. (If we do get the theoretical Affections from Hecate.)
EotM should make up for the speed difference anyway.

Affections Alberich too strong.
will bully all non Odin Servants.
Poor Medusa won't stand a chance.
Nor will Matsuda or any of our allied Servants should they turn on us.
If we do get affections, we should just tell the Emiyas to surrender.

If we get affections, I say we test our strength by fighting Adelheid and Alter at the same time in a spar.
We should stomp them individually at that point.

Just need to be acting our least terrifying around the easily startled girl to make her like her savior enough to givethe blessing.
Headpats should have a soothing effect.
We should try headpats.
Headpats for Hecate.
So like if a + means double power, how much is a letter worth? Numerically?
So E equals 10 and A equals 50
So A+ would be 100
A++ would be 200
C+ would be 60 sometimes.

EX means "too high for your dumb numerical scale to cope with"
(Star) means "Purple"
As a quick fun example, if we take these numerical values for Parameters alone...
Alberich = 310
Tsubaki = 280
Matsuda = 160
Saber Alter = 560 (the fucking strong)
Adelheid = 280
Circe = 250
Achilles = 510

Interestingly enough.
EMIYA would be 330 (angry Alberich noises)
While Medusa clocks in at 260.

This is only by taking their parameters and converting them to numbers, it's not exactly a great measure of power.

That being said, F/SN Bahsahkah with ME actually active clocks in at 590.
Because he's the strongest in the world!
>[ ] Ask Circe to explain the circumstances of the Holy Grail War to Hecate and help you determine how best the new arrival can contribute to your cause.
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>Headpats should have a soothing effect.
>We should try headpats.
>Headpats for Hecate.
The curse has struck...
What's up, Sweets?
When I got home today, my computer wouldn't log into my account. It said the user profile service was unable to prepare the profile, or words to that effect. I'm writing from my phone now while I try to figure out how to recover my PC.
Having all your notes (and the rest of your PC) wiped sucks.
I know the feeling.
Hopefully you can get it working again.

It doesn't sound like the sort of thing that should've wiped things out though.
Just have to get back in.

And sorry...
"But have you tried turning it off and on again?"
Or booting in Safe Mode?
Yes, I tried restarting normally as well as cutting the power supply and restarting that way.
Booting in safe mode worked, and it looks like my files are mostly present.
I'm currently trying to make a new admin account and port my user data over manually.
I found a solution
If you boot into Safe Mode with Networking
Go to RegEdit
Click Software
Click Microsoft
Then Windows NT
Then CurrentVersion
Then Profile List
The problem should be that two files have the same name.
Remove the .bak from the bottom one amd apply it to the one above
Then click the bottom one and change the values of State and Refcount to 0

This is what a YouTube video is saying anyway.
You need to right click and run RegEdit as an admin too.
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Interesting. Like I said, I'm following a different process at the moment, but I'll keep this one in mind. Restoring my old account instead of having to come to grips with a new one would be excellent.
Sorry for going silent.
>[ ] Simply explain Hecate's summoning and observe what Circe wishes to do, though mediating if matters should become unpleasant.
>[ ] Simply explain Hecate's summoning and observe what Circe wishes to do, though mediating if matters should become unpleasant.

This could get dicey.
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Ah, Sweets.
You are incorrect about that Parameter thing, by the way.
It doesn't multiply the plus.

Unless you modified that for this quest.
A++ is 50+50+50
not 50x2x2.

I believe this diagram is from Complete Mats 3
He uses a modified system, as the idea of C++ being greater than A is as offensive to him as it is to all sane people.
>Not so. A rank of A++ is equal to four times the potency of Rank A. Half-ranks are denoted with a -.
>If a stat lower than A is adorned with a +, it means that the stat can be equal to double its letter value under certain circumstances.
His own words.
Stats lower than A with + rank modifiers only come into play in specific circumstances

That's why Gay Bulge being B+ when thrown is really fucking impressive.
Hey there, folks.
I'm back on my computer finally. Nothing I was able to do could restore my profile, so ultimately I just made a fresh one.
Notes, documents, images etc. are all saved, it's just program configuration that was lost.
Glad to hear it.
good to know the curse has not taken its tow on you Sweets
Yeah, it's definitely not as bad as it could be.
>tempting fate
Why tho
It is an offensive idea, true.
Unfortunately, it's also canon. I make the best of it that I can.
>[ ] Simply explain Hecate's summoning and observe what Circe wishes to do, though mediating if matters should become unpleasant
Be nice, Circe!
You didn't address the discrepancy in your parameter system to the canon one though.
That discrepancy, you see, arose as a result of a misunderstanding on my part; so it's not so easily resolved as the other. I'm faced with the difficult problem of whether to break with canon in this (admittedly rather semantic) detail or to rewrite the status sheets that include ++.
Sorry, folks. I've been writing, but haven't gotten tonight's update finished yet; and since I have an early morning tomorrow, I really have to turn in.
I'll get an update finished tomorrow afternoon, you have my promise; and hopefully we can get to a 2-3 update per day pace on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to make some speedier progress through Alberich's day off.
In the meantime, thanks again for the well wishes regarding my computer, and good luck with sorting things out between Hecate and Circe; I was really quite shocked that this option won!
>I was really quite shocked that this option won!
Circe needs a friend she can relate to that she isn't plotting against.
Hecate needs somebody, anybody, to be nice to her.
We need Hecate alive so we can get Affections.
It's a win win win.

Just keep it as it is.
It really shouldn't matter either way whether A++ = 3xA or 4xA
Especially because if you go through and "fix" things then the entire Achilles fight is retconned into ridiculousness where he'd still have almost 4x and our speed and 3x Rider's when fighting us the second time.

In canon, nobody gets A+++ Parameters.
Nobody except a single guy.
The highest physical Parameters I can see (not counting EX) are Gorgon and Asterios with A++ STR and END.
And those two are literal monsters that bypass all the limits of humanity.

I mean seriously.
The ONLY A+++ ranked parameter I can see is Goetia with his NP.
Why would parameters like this even matter anyway?
>The highest physical Parameters I can see (not counting EX) are Gorgon and Asterios with A++ STR and END.
Yagyu Munenori has A++ AGI. I'm pretty sure this is just for his NP, though, not a constant value.
>the entire Achilles fight is retconned into ridiculousness
Wasn't he only slow enough to fight because of the rank down from cybele?
Yes, and that Rank Down from A++ in Sweet's mind took him from 200 to 100.
However, it would've actually only taken him down from A+++ to A++ which means that he would still have an equivalent value of 150.
Meaning he still should've utterly crushed Alberich, Emiya and Medusa, even with the Cybele rank down.

Alberich at the time was working with B rank agility, so 40. Medusa has A, so 50, and Emiya is only barely Servant level, so we'll give him an E and 10.

You see the problem that extra 50 points would create, I hope.
You know, when you put it that way I really feel the fight should've been harder than it was.
Ah, well. What's done is done.
Achilles shouldn't actually have A+++ anyway though, so It's fine.
Madness Enhancement would only bring him to A++ from applying ME to his normal parameters.
So giving him A+++ would require an extra rank-up appearing from out of nowhere.

Saber Alter canonically only has A++ Magical Energy.
And Excalibur is canonically only an A++ NP.

Really, the only character that might need their parameters changing is Odin with Gungnir to A+++.

Basically, nobody should ever really have A+++.

In ALL of FGO, they had the restraint to only ever give Solomon (and Goetia puppeting his body) an A+++ Parameter, and Solomon is arguably the strongest Servant of all.
>Achilles shouldn't actually have A+++ anyway though, so It's fine.
No, I mean that when you write out the numeric comparison of B to A+ it feels like he still should've wiped the floor with the three of you, and it should've been a fight where you had to devise some kind of a plan instead of taking him on directly.
But, like I said, what's done is done. Maybe I should've had him lose Affections in exchange for Madness, or something.
>Solomon is arguably the strongest Servant of all
Arguably. I still feel that his being so powerful compared with other heroic spirits makes very little sense given the breadth of myths out there. Then again, I level the same complaint at the whole Grand system, so there's really no helping FGO's canon in my view.
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>it feels like he still should've wiped the floor with the three of you
I mean, it's less ridiculous than EMIYA taking on Heracles, who with his own Madness Enhancement activated also has A+ Agility to EMIYA's B and still killing him what was it... 6 times?
But I don't know if Heracles even had Madness active for that fight. Illya had a bad tendency of keeping it off for reasons.

AND Heracles has EotM (False) Making up a lot of the skill difference.

IIRC, Heracles in FGO is supposedly so strong that Cardboard-kun can't even activate his ME without fainting, nevermind Godhand. So Heracles is stuck with his ME-less FSN stats
It's quite fun that his Status Page is always just completely wrong because of this.

>so there's really no helping FGO's canon in my view.
Nasu likes wanking Christianity, what can you do?
>Jesus was the First Magician
It hurts so much.
You really shouldn't be putting any stock in letter rankings meant to give a vauge sense of abilities in a visual novel. It's like stand stats, it all falls apart if you think about it for more than a few minutes.
This too.
Servant Parameters never meant anything.
Not really.
They exist to be ignored.
Sure got quiet in here.
Guess we're suffering powerlevel fatigue.
I am at least.

So we need to introduce Hecate to Ayaka next, and then to Odin for fun times to be had.

Can we also ask Lily about the magic she uses because she's never had much opportunity to use it yet so we have next to no idea what it does.
>So we need to introduce Hecate to Ayaka next
Oh absolutely, we need to actually have somebody in the house Ayaka likes instead of what we've currently got going.

>and then to Odin
>"Can I join your pantheon please?"

>Can we also ask Lily about the magic she uses
It's advanced Transference, to the point she can move souls about.
qst isn't a fast board, there's zero danger of us being bumped off the thread list before the qm comes back

unless you're just kinda sitting there hitting update every now and then
I was bored today and am not fatigued because of powerlevels, so I made this

Servant Assassin

Master: Shijou Ayaka (Anne-Marie Vaisset)
True Name: Alberich
Sex: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 79KG
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Strength: A
Endurance: A+
Agility: A++
Magical Energy: B
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: A

Class Abilities:
Presence Concealment: A+
Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying.
Once Assassin has erased his presence, it is almost impossible to find him. However, the rank of presence concealment drops substantially in combat.

Personal Skills:
Conceptual Biology: A+
A body radically altered by the empowerment of the Silver Grail and Akeldama, an idea of new heroism forced on the world by arcane ritual. In addition to functioning physically on a level far beyond that of a human, numerous changes to Assassin's internal workings have occurred which enable him to function without certain biological necessities an entirely material creature would require. Consequently he can remain quite unseen even in front of an enemy's eyes.
Due to this inhuman biology, Assassin is easily able to hide his presence and processes, as a consequence, he is incapable of being harmed by poisoned or enchanted food, healed by a tonic appearing to be ordinary liquor, or experiencing other similar circumstances.
Conceptually, he is a Servant despite not being a Heroic Spirit; a living existence empowered to fill the class container, rather than a dead one constrained by it.

Mind's Eye (True): B
The "combat tactics" which are the mark of an experienced and stoic fighter. Assassin is capable of calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and can deduce an appropriate course of action to triumph over a given predicament.

Predatory Charisma: C
At times the appeal of a dangerous rebel, at others the refinement of an older gentleman; the charisma associated with a natural predator appears in any society. This represents the natural talent to lead, command, and manipulate, focused through Assassin's particular approach to humanity. Whether Assassin is truly capable of becoming a legendary Machiavellian manipulator or statesman is uncertain, but his experiences have demonstrated him to be an outstanding leader on a small scale. Assassin's charisma is enhanced when attempting to persuade or court women, and further so if the other party appears particularly youthful.

Magic: C-
Skill in orthodox magic. Although he possesses only the knowledge of an apprentice, Assassin compensates with the large quantity of mystic energy at his disposal.

Noble Phantasm:
The Gate of Void, Kenótis:
Rank A Anti-World Noble Phantasm. A black cloak covering the entirety of Assassin's body, being able to be stretched onto various surfaces seemingly endlessly, functioning as a portal to the world of his origin and element, Imaginary Numbers. What passes through it does not return.
Why are his physical parameters so damn high.
I took Titania's parameters as a primary reference and though Assassins need to be fast
Its also my first time doing this servant sheet thing and I've been listening for 3 hours non-stop to the same im@s song, I don't expect my sanity to last
You took the parameters of the version of Alberich that is far stronger than any other version from the get-go?

Hey there, folks. Just wanted to let you know I'm working on the update now.
Very nice! I've tweaked it a bit to be more in line with how I see the situation of Assassin Alberich if he'd progressed to the same point in the War you have and gained the appropriate powerups.
Which song?
Servant Assassin

Master: Shijou Ayaka (Anne-Marie Vaisset)
True Name: Alberich
Sex: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 79KG
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Strength: D
Endurance: B
Agility: A++
Magical Energy: B
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: A

Class Abilities:
Presence Concealment: A+
Hides one's presence as a Servant. Suitable for spying.
Once Assassin has erased his presence, it is almost impossible to find him. However, the rank of presence concealment drops substantially in combat.

Personal Skills:
Conceptual Biology: A+
A body radically altered by the empowerment of the Silver Grail and Akeldama, an idea of new heroism forced on the world by arcane ritual. In addition to functioning physically on a level far beyond that of a human, numerous changes to Assassin's internal workings have occurred which enable him to function without certain biological necessities an entirely material creature would require. This aids Assassin's subterfuge in a variety of ways, such as the total suppression of his breath or the beating of his heart.
Due to this inhuman biology, Assassin processes that which affects him according to its concept, and as such is incapable of being harmed by poisoned or enchanted food, healed by a tonic appearing to be ordinary liquor, or experiencing other similar circumstances.
Fundamentally he is a Servant despite not being a Heroic Spirit; a living existence empowered to fill the class container, rather than a dead one constrained by it.

Mind's Eye (True): B
The "combat tactics" which are the mark of an experienced and stoic fighter. Assassin is capable of calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and can deduce an appropriate course of action to triumph over a given predicament.

Predatory Charisma: C
At times the appeal of a dangerous rebel, at others the refinement of an older gentleman; the charisma associated with a natural predator appears in any society. This represents the natural talent to lead, command, and manipulate, focused through Assassin's particular approach to humanity. Whether Assassin is truly capable of becoming a legendary Machiavellian manipulator or statesman is uncertain, but his experiences have demonstrated him to be an outstanding leader on a small scale. Assassin's charisma is enhanced when attempting to persuade or court women, and further so if the other party appears particularly youthful.

Magic: C-
Skill in orthodox magic. Although he possesses only the knowledge of an apprentice, Assassin compensates with the large quantity of mystic energy at his disposal.

Noble Phantasm:
The Gate of Void, Kenótis:
Rank A Anti-World Noble Phantasm. A black cloak covering the entirety of Assassin's body which responds to his will and seems able to expand its surface area without limit, Kenótis functions as a portal to the world of his origin and element, Imaginary Numbers. What passes through it does not return.
>Strength: A
>Endurance: A+
>Agility: A++
>Magical Energy: B
>Luck: B
>Noble Phantasm: A
Strength: C
Endurance: D
Agility: A
Magical Energy: B
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: A
sanity is wavering
>Very nice! I've tweaked it a bit to be more in line with how I see the situation of Assassin Alberich if he'd progressed to the same point in the War you have and gained the appropriate powerups.
>Which song?
Mio Honda-Step!
>Those stats
Jesus Christ.
Now let's see what happens if we just add some Affections to the mix (which can't happen for Assassin because no Heilig)
>Strength: C
>Endurance: A
>Agility: A+++
>Magical Energy: B
>Luck: B
>Noble Phantasm: A

The *Teleports behind you* Servant has arrived.
In order to get there you'd have to start with:
Strength: E
Endurance: E
Agility: D
Oh, oops. I meant to delete the second + on Agility. Assassinberich should have Agility: A+ before getting Affections, just like Berserchilles.
Speaking of im@s, here's some music in honor of our newest heroine!
I don't know, man. Where's his Knight's Tactics?
He's not a knight.
>Assassin Alberich makes the best use of Kenótis, wearing it as a full mantle and combining it with Presence Concealment and Knight's Tactics.
Eh, you're free to backtrack though.
This is what happens when I write things at the drop of a hat without really thinking...
Good thing he doesn't exist. He'd definitely be more consistent if he were a real character.
Maybe you could lean into that kind of thing with his conceptual nature somehow, relate it to the unformed and shifting nature of ideas left unexamined.
Given Circe's still-uncertain reaction to Liliesviel's orders, as well as the tempestuous volatility of your own recent interactions with the Servant, you ultimately decide that to attempt to direct her behavior toward Hecate would be largely pointless, if not actively detrimental. Accordingly, you'll simply explain the new Goddess's summoning and let Circe direct her own actions, observing and mediating if necessary. It would be well, of course, if the two former colleagues resumed their ancient closeness, and assuming that Hecate's fondness for Circe wasn't feigned you can be sure the will is there on her side. As for Circe, however, the matter is more doubtful. On the one hand, the words of condemnation she once spoke regarding Hecate expressed a heartfelt indignation, or even hatred; on the other, the punishment Hecate has received at the hands of her fellow Olympians seems austere enough that it ought to satisfy Circe's resentment at the divergence of the two Goddesses' fortunes. Which impulse will take dominance, you muse, remains to be seen.

As you're contemplating these points, you make your ascent through the house, exiting the basement before proceeding up the main stairwell from the ground floor to the third, where Liliesviel's bedroom sits adjacent to your own. A few sharp raps on the door bring to your ears the soft sound of bare feet on the floor and then, to your satisfaction at your accurate prediction, Circe pokes her head out.

"Eh? Alberich? What do you want?" Her mind evidently still somewhat fogged by sleep, Circe blinks several times as she regards you with surprise. From her tone, the question isn't asked so much from hostility as the union of curiosity and an early-morning absentmindedness that leads her to forget herself.

"Do I need a reason to visit my former Servant?" you ask with a grin. "Come now, don't keep me waiting out in the hall. Invite me in, and let's talk for a while."

"If you like," Circe replies, as with a nod she steps back from the door to comply with your forceful request. As you follow her into the bedroom, you observe that Circe's diminished height, which you'd originally taken for the result of her bending over to look through the door, is in fact due to the absence of the high platform shoes she's accustomed to wear. The showy gold headdress which typically adorns her forehead is absent as well, you note, so that the Servant is this morning dressed only in the white skirt and vest which form the principal articles of her typical outfit. "So," she says, interrupting your consideration as she hops up to sit on the side of Liliesviel's bed and address you, "what would you like to talk about?" With a curiously dim gaze and lifeless tone she adds, "I hope you aren't going to make me listen to stories about your love affair."
"You... know about last night, then?" you ask, wrong-footed by the sudden shift of topic from the subject of your present thoughts to earlier ones. You suppress a flush, too, as Circe's words bring to mind what sort of story you could tell her.

"Hmph!" Circe pouts, crossing her arms. "I wasn't watching you two, if that's what you're implying; but I knew why Liliesviel went to your bedroom, and since she didn't come back crying it's plain enough to see how well you two carried off your happy partnership." These last words are dripping with an acid sarcasm that makes it plain she's anything but happy to acknowledge your romantic success.

"In that case, I won't bore you by saying any more about it," you answer shortly, provoked by Circe's unpleasantness on a subject that has been, up until now, purely a happy one for you. "But tell me, how are you getting on with your new Master? She spoke of getting to know one another last night. Have you become the sort of female friends who whisper romantic secrets to one another, then?"

"Oh! Serving that girl is awful!" Circe exclaims, tossing her hair to emphasize the point. "To be forced to obey the commands of a modern magus," she spits. "I can hardly say how mortified I am! To make matters worse, last night she made me tell her my whole life story, right up until you gave me to her, just so she could 'understand the proper context'. If it weren't you asking me to serve her, I'd be planning how to take my revenge right now."

"Then the loyalty you show me is to be appreciated," you reply with a placating smile. "I'll speak to Liliesviel about your complaints, and find out whether there's any way to make you happier in your position. I do hope we can find a way for the two of you to look at one another with friendly regard, you know." With that bit of diplomacy out of the way, you move on to the primary topic of conversation that's brought you to this room. "Here's a subject which ought to cheer you a bit more, though," you say. "I've just summoned a very peculiar entity from the Reverse Side of the World: your old colleague, Hecate."

"What?!" Circe leaps to her feet, shocked utterly by this statement. "Hecate? How did you do something like that?"

"Ah, I haven't told you," you reply half to yourself, nodding. "My Noble Phantasm, Heiligöffnungschwert, has many uses, one of which is to summon and sustain creatures from the Realm of Imaginary Numbers, particularly that region of it which is known as the Reverse Side of the World: phantasmal beasts, and things of that nature. On this occasion, though, I seem to have brought a Goddess back into the world!" You shrug your shoulders in token of the mysterious nature of your blade's summoning going on, "Knowing her past relationship with you, and for how long the two of you have been apart, I thought you would like to meet her as quickly as possible."
"Absolutely! Take me to her right away!" Circe insists with an almost feverish intensity. "You don't know how long I've waited for this, Alberich," she adds in a softer tone. "To meet that selfish traitor again..."

This may, you conclude, become something of a disaster. Circe's anger at Hecate seems just as you remember seeing it within the Akeldama. Still, you've already resolved to introduce the two and can hardly back out now to avoid a scene; and Hecate's sorrowful past may yet mollify the angry woman. "In that case, follow me," you say. "She's in the basement at the moment."

As the two of you walk through the halls and stairwell back down to the manor's lower reaches, you add to Circe, "I think I should mention to you that Hecate probably isn't as you remember her. She seems to have suffered a great deal in the time since the Age of Gods, and to have become rather weak."

"I doubt it," Circe replies, sounding more as if she flatly denies any possibility of such being the case than as if her words represent any feeling as uncertain as doubt. "If someone like Hecate is appealing to your sympathy, you can be sure it's some trick or scheme to take advantage of you." Seeing how determined Circe is to think the worst of Hecate you let this last comment pass without reply, and the two of you move in silence as you descend to the basement and make for the cell where you left the newly summoned rabbit-eared Goddess.

There, as you round the corner and enter the room, you're immediately treated to a shocking sight. Hecate, clutching one of the couch cushions to her considerable bosom as if embracing a beloved pet, is stretched out along the length of the sofa and rolling back and forth as if to extract all possible enjoyment from the cushions and velvet. You observe this bizarre paroxysm of happiness for a few moments before Hecate, in the midst of her motions, happens to catch sight of you. Immediately the happy expression on her face freezes, her ears point straight up from her head, and her limbs go stiff; this last promptly results in her falling off the couch and landing face-down on the stone floor. After lying there for a second or two, the rabbit-eared woman at last manages to push herself up onto her knees, and then get to her feet, regarding th