Your name is Shu, and your best friend just died. You mourned her loss for a short while only to find she’s still alive, trapped in the mind of your oldest friend and greatest enemy, a sacrifice the former made to ensure your safety from the latter. Granting you no time to process, one of the Fleshscape’s most powerful warriors then placed her considerable strength and trust in you, ushering you to take command and lead the way into battle against a living mountain, a twisted monstrosity of meat and rubble that threatens to end the Crucible single-handedly. You’re about to plunge into the unknown with friend and stranger alike, but despite all the variables in play, you know one thing for certain……the past two-and-a-half weeks have been one hell of a ride.Right now, hot wind ruffles through your hair as the warm, sticky breeze of the Fleshscape is made no more tolerable when elevated several hundred feet in the air, the sky around you think with a misty haze that obscures the ground far below. Mara’s at the reigns of the massive winged Amalgam that serves as her steed as you and your allies cling to its back, bolstered by the dragon’s tendons wrapped around your extremities to help secure you.You glance to the rear of the dragon to see Amara held tight by Rath just behind you, with Julia’s arms wrapped around Dorian just behind them in turn. The roar of November’s tank can be heard through the surging winds around you, keeping a steady barrage leveled at the wailing colossus and buying time for you and the Midnight Crew to arrive at her location. Marrow Dragoon leans forwards and her dragon dives, piercing the haze you’ve been skirting and revealing the eastern bank of the River of Tears with your target looming in the distance. The Spiraling Fear is a living mountain, distracted from its westward march by November’s nigh-constant shelling and slowed further by the efforts of Claire, Mara’s contact that Magpie made contact with in your stead. It’s within a few hundred yards of the river’s edge, and between each booming retort of November’s tank comes the sharp crack of Magpie’s rifle, each shot causing the swirling susurration of ravens around the Spiraling Fear’s mass to grow steadily. The air shudders with the scream of abject rage that rips out from within its twisted body, sending a cold shudder down your spine as you dive down to regroup and finalize your plan to slay the colossus before it crosses the river……hopefully.Previous Vein: Abilities: Hive - Core Ability Sheet:
Familiar faces approach as you dismount with Mara’s assistance, and you watch as the Midnight Crew trails a few paces behind November, rusted cinnabar armor creaking as she strides forwards. The tank booms forth once more, sending a shell hurtling into the distance in the absence of its gunner. Your cocked eyebrow earns a voxel-distorted chuckle from the cyborg Daughter.“Got a Knight-class working the turret.” November explains, having noticed your questioning glance before she turns to your red-headed brawler. Rath gives November a little wave and a wide grin, and November returns the gesture, her long, rusted talons turning the wave into something unintentionally sinister. The Midnight Crew aren’t nearly as jovial, the unruly quartet eyeing you and Mara with derision and caution, respectively.Your eyes meet Jackie's jet black gaze, and you're certain she’s about to open her mouth to say something snide when dark orbs lock onto yours. An expression of surprise flits across her face as her eyes widen just a little, her sharp, angular frame shifting as her two allies eye you from just behind their leader. She studies your face like that a moment before giving you an accepting nod, something that sets you more on edge than anything she could have voiced aloud.“The Crew and I can go in or stay out.” Jack says brusquely, turning to Mara and avoiding your gaze. Behind her, you notice a smaller girl, a wide-brimmed hat sheilding her face from view. “If we go in, we can help cut a track to this thing’s heart. If we’re out, then we can give its legs the ‘ol stabby-stab and cripple the bitch. So how’s this gonna go down, Dragoon?”“That’s not up to me.” Mara intones, turning her muscled frame to face you full-on. She towers over everyone present, her powerful build casting the Crew in shadow even as she gives you a half-smile.“So…” She defers, to the surprise of everyone present. “…what’s your plan, Defiant?” You find the eyes of everyone present boring into yours, placing their hopes…and lives…in your hands.PARTY LIMIT UNLOCKED – MORE THAN 4 ALLOWED PER TEAMPLEASE CONSTRUCT AND EQUIP YOUR TEAMS FROM THE LISTS BELOWALSO NOTE YOU AND YOUR TEAM HAVE TIME TO GENERATE CONSTRUCTS AND LOAD THEIR WEAPONS IF ABLE>>AVAILABLE DAUGHTERS (Current): Shu/Rath/Julia/Dorian/Amara>>AVAILABLE DAUGHTERS (Temporary): Marrow Dragoon/Magpie/ November/Midnight Crew (4 Members)/Claire>>TEMP CHARACTER CARDS:>>TEAMS: EXTERIOR DISTRACTION TEAM – INTERIOR ASSAULT TEAM>>Relic Loadout: PENDINGYOU ARE IN CONTROL
>>3537266Well, that depends, Slick. Are the Midnight Crew up for splitting their party, or are they going to insist on staying together?
>>3537274(They would split into two teams of two, at most.)
(Gentlemen, for the planning phase voting shall remain open for the next three hours to allow enough time to address strategies and questions.)
>>3537276Yeah, wasn't expecting them to let any of their group go alone. Okay, another question, can Keane and Ace's resource-pooling Dual Tech work on allies they're not intimately familiar with, or only the Crew? I think I'd want them on the inside team regardless, but if we could all pool Health and Bio they'd be an even better addition.
>>3537266I say we make three teams;>Outside Distraction Team>>Party; November, Magpie, ClarieGoal is to keep its focus heavily on the outside and help slow it down. Claries goal is just to hold it in place as best she can, and the ranged focused two wouldnt be useful inside so can just give it hell and see what they cant do to slow it down.>Internal Debuff Team>>Party; Julia, Amara, Ace, JackieTheir goal is to slap on and keep on as many debuffs as possible, both making things easier for all Teams, but also drawing alot of attention away from the Assault team, as the internal workings of the Monastery go to deal with the massive threat of buffed debuffs holding it down. Julia and Ace both can Dubuff, Amara can do both, and Jackie can Buff them all to make them more effective, aswell as Jackie is a leader to run the team, and Ace can help shield the others while they do their work, her debuffs happening passively helps alot with that.>Internal Assault Team>>Party; Shu, Rath, Dorian, Mara, Keane, QuinnTheir goal is to cut a path as quickly and efficiently to the center core and get this over with with brutal quickness. Shu as leader, Mara with her own input and being the outright powerhouse she is, Rath is good at punching her way forward, Dorian is good at aiding frontline fighters really well, though he does have some debuff potential sorta, it's much less potent and his versatility would help more offensively i think than as a debuff distraction. Keanes healing will probably be necessary to fight the Core, and Quinn is basically custom made perfectly for making a trek to the core to then be ready to take it on.>Relic Spread>>Shu; Contender, Whistle(FOL CUNT)>>Rath; Sui Tormentis, Cursus Alas>>Julia; Gauntlets>>Amara; ShawlIm split on whether to give the Gauntlets to Julia or Dorian. Kinda want Julia so she can help back up Ace a bit more, and Dorian already can form Armor, but at the same time we're gonna need all the armor we can get once at the Core. But the Dubuff team also needs alot of defense too, and while Ace is good at that, we can't be sure she will truly be enough on her own, and with Mara, the Tormentis, Dorains own Armor, and Shus Armor Bugs potentially, i think the Assault team has options, while the Debuff team could use a little bit extra.Otherwise the Tormentis is best suited for the assault Team, aswell as the Alas, as the Debuff team won't need to be as mobile. Dorian already has decent mobility, though honestly i can't see the Alas being very helpful inside the thing at all, it still felt like both would benefit Rath better. Whistle to Shu cause its useful on Amara but not necessary, so having a little extra to throw out on the Assault team is a good idea, though im open to changing the whistles contents. My main thing was, RHO it seems mostly inhibits an enemies mobility, which we dont exactly need here. Breaking its concentration however, could be life saving.
>>3537280(It's their Dual Tech, so they can extend its effects to people they're not familiar with.)
>>3537283Oh, good. Okay, here's my lineup, then.>Outside Team.>November, Magpie, Claire, Amara, Jackie, Quinn>Inside Team>Mara, Shu, Rath, Dorian, Julia, Keane, AceOutside Team continues November's and Magpie's bombardment and Claire's grappling. Amara assists with Skintalking as she can. Jackie boosts all of them to enhance their efforts, while Quinn starts spooling up a big white blood cell attack. Not the most complex plan, but after all they're meant for the part of the fight we won't have direct control over.Inside Team cuts their way through. Keane and Ace are key to this, I admit, Keane using her ability to reject foreign matter to keep the Spiraling Fear from fleshwarping us too much while Ace's uses her ability to share her defenses. Between the two of them, the Spiraling Fear's internal defenses should be greatly diminished in effectiveness. Keane's anti-construct constructs will also serve us well if any spiral monsters spawn inside there, especially if she combos with Dorian's Masque of War, and Ace's short-range debuffs are made for tight spaces. And the ability to link the entire inside party up into one big shared resource pool means that Rath and Julia with their high-consumption abilities (and still no Bio regen on Rath, we NEED to fix this) become insanely more effective. Then it's just a matter of having our melee monsters cut their way through the spiral. Equipment-wise, Shu gets the Contender with a few of Magpie's Anti-Spiral Bullets, as many as she can spare. She can carry the Whistle with an interation of Fol Cunt as well, just in case we need to break the Fear's concentration (though the fact that we have Neuromancy on Shu now gives another option for that). Rath gets Sui Tormentis because she needs the defense, and with Ace and Keane giving her access to more Health, who knows how hard she could hit. Julia gets the Ignition Guantlets because those have consistently been a good match for her. Dorian stays with Cursus Alas because I want him to have every possible critical modifier he can (we should give him a Bishop at some point, too). And Amara, as usual, stays under her shroud.As for constructs, put a Chitinous Stalwart on Shu and Julia, then make a Scarlet Drone, two Knights, leave space for a pair of Bishops if we need them and then fill out the rest of the Swarm with Banelings.
>>3537281>>3537266probably MUCH more could be done here but thought this was at least a good start.>Extras>>Everyone with Armor, Get Armored up. Anyone with standard weapons to spawn, spawn at least one.>>Amara, let loose a “GRA FOL RHO THA” on the whole group before we depart, and then point to the Spiraling Fear and let loose a “GRA RHO FOL CUNT” at it.>>The Internal Debuff Team Enters first, to give them a moment to start their distraction and get Buffs going. >>Shu spawns all of the Assault Team a Bishop, to activate as soon as they enter.>>Shu spawns Chest Armor for Herself, Dorian,Keane, and Quinn.>>all Construct Wielders going inside other than Shu spawn either one-third their Hive Max, or one-sixth their Bio Max in Constructs, if they have variants they may spawn what they think is best.>>3537278glad to finally get to this fight BHOP!
>>3537297obviously i heavily disagree with you plan, but major points of contention are;>Quinnher ability to perfect her kit to any specific threat is waaay too powerful a tool not to bring inside to use against the core. i mean, there really isnt much to say on it. shes basically custom made to be brought along for the dungeon ride, then kick the bosses ass, in this case at least. biggest waste possible in my opinion not to bring her inside. keep in mind the Spiraling Fear is also going to be in a river of acid. while im sure they can work around that, a nearly purely melee character who relies on HITTING and GETTING hit to get her powers working isnt gonna do aswell in that environment, while funnily being inside will probably make her ability thrive.i mean, like i said i really dont agree with your plan, but that is too big a deal not to point out at the very least.
>>3537304The Crew fought a Leviathan, I think they can do just fine in the river of acid. They have a boat, remember? Quinn doesn't have to swim, just ride around on the boat using her extendo-arms to lash out at its legs from a distance. And honestly, no, I don't think she's that key for the internal assault. Not compared to Ace and Keane, at least, and we can only bring two of the Crew in with us because they've got separation anxiety. So I'd rather go with them.
>>3537281>>3537266Spiraling Fear battle plan:Operation ANTI-SPIRAL:Situation: Behemoth sized Amalgam codenamed “SPIRAL” is heading west towards the cord. Virtually unassailable as the Flesh Artisan Core gives it regeneration levels unmatched for both internally and externally, but there is a brief period of vulnerability: The River of Tears. RIVER OF TEARS: Formerly known in the US as the “Mississippi River”, this is a wide and deep river that is entirely composed of high-grade acid. Leviathan Amalgams prowl the River. Due to the state of “SPIRAL”, the amalgams will not attack it. However, any daughter that falls into the acid will be given a swift death. Spiraling Fear: Codenamed “SPIRAL”, it is a daughter that has succumbed to the hunger and has consumed the Monastery. SPIRAL is an Expressionist type Flesh Artisan. As such its core power revolves around applying debilitating debuffs on its victims by way of twisting their flesh into spiral patterns and negating all regeneration effects on the affected area. Since succumbing to hunger, SPIRAL has gained increased size and mass to that of a small mountain, and has likely gained a bigger plethora of powers from consuming the daughters inside the chapel.Objectives – >Step 1: Board the Behemoth>Step 2: Breach the skin>Step 3: Reach the Core>Step 4: Destroy the Core>Step 5: Escape the MountainBattle Phases:The battle will progress depending on how far SPRIAL has progressed as it crosses the river.
>>3537283can we expect to have any time to re-supply our Bio at all before the actual fight, or is it still all or nothing?>>3537307no, we can only SPLIT THEM UP into at most two. we dont have to leave any of them outside. like with my plan, Ace could be put to MUCH better use elsewhere. we already have Mara as a good blunt Shield, plus Keane will aid in that tremendously, and if the Distraction Team does their job, which Ace not only attracts attention with her Debuffs but will tremendously help keep them alive and kicking, the Assault Team wont need as much armor.also your highly underestimating the value of a kit that customizes itself to fight the specific foe at hand. its windup time makes it look alot worse than it is.
>>3537266>>3537281Outside support team: Claire, November, Magpie, Dorian (Point of Contention), and Mara’s dragon.>Mara’s Dragon.Role: Aerial support, and the Team “Support Chopper”. He will be pivotal in the party rescue.>ClaireRole: Claire, your amorphous properties lets you grow and hinder SPIRAL’s movements. >NovemberRole: Artillery and Small arms fire. >MagpieRole: Anti-Defense Measures. Her sniper shots will pick away at priority external defenses and keep the LZ clear of enemy constructs.>DorianRole: Aerial support by providing free constructs to hinder and weaken SPIRAL’s Outer Defenses and Regeneration, forcing SPIRAL’s attention to Regenerating rather than Moving. I know it’s strange for me to saddle Dorian as part of the outside team. But here is my logic. Of all the daughters in our entire group, he’s the one with the highest Bio-regen. His Blood-lings have no limit to how many he can spawn, and when employed in great numbers, he can put them to creative use by having them slip into the blood stream of SPIRAL from a safe distance and cause internal and external havoc such as blood rejection and hindered regeneration by way of having his blood-inklings open up bleeding wounds that are hard to close on the surface. Dorian will have a greater surface area to work with for his blood-ink constructs to work with under the cover of ranged fire by his co-party members rather than have his blood-constructs at constant risk of destruction in the tight corridors of SPIRAL’s internal defenses. And if worse comes to worse, he can engage in melee combat to help keep enemy constructs off of November or Magpie’s backs. Furthermore, we need a form of Aerial support who can give us regular updates via the Neurotic Halo Network on SPIRAL’s progress as it fords the river. Internal Assault Team: Shu, Rath, Julia, Amara, Mara, Ace, Keane, Quinn, Jackie>ShuRole: Group Commander and Internal Assault Defense Network Coordinator.>RathRole: Demolition Man. And melee support. Her thermite bombs will be pivotal in breaching the skin, her tensile strands and phantom limbs can do grapple and slashing damage. >JuliaRole: Melee assault and pivotal debuffer. Malleable stacks will provide pivotal moments of vulnerability to SPIRAL itself so the more we can stack them the better off we’ll be in debuffing and getting windows of opportunity >AmaraRole: Loli. Party wide bard. MUST PROTECC.>MaraRole: All rounder front line fighter and heavy tank. Her Variable Armor will help be the first responder in defense. >AceRole: Heavy tank, First responder in defense.>KeaneRole: Medic and debuffer. Her constructs are intelligent>QuinnRole: Ramp Mage. Her Anti-bodies need time to ramp up. She’s also decent in adaptive defense. But her role in this raid is mainly tending to her white-blood cell swarm. We need them to ramp up in strength.>JackieRole: Buffer/Debuffer and attack support. She's a bit like Shu.
>>3537297Since we're making constructs in advance, do we bother making our swarmlings Recursive? It helps if they're downed, and I wonder if recursive knights give more buffs to swarmlings than a single normal knight when put together.
>>3537310(Your bio will have three turns to restore before you breach the Spiraling Fear. Also as a general note regarding Quinn; she is both quite capable on the water and the time needed for her to become devastating is only 4-5 rounds, depending on the damage and hits she can inflict.)
>>3537276BHOP. I have questions:Does Dorian's Masque of War form have selective fire when it comes to disrupting thoughtform communication and accuracy? or is it indiscriminate?For Neurotic Halos at level one, you said it has 2 functions: Increased perception and the auto-dodge+critical counter.Are you able to use the auto-counter+critical counter more than once per combat?
>>3537310>no, we can only SPLIT THEM UP into at most two. we dont have to leave any of them outside. like with my plan, Ace could be put to MUCH better use elsewhere. we already have Mara as a good blunt Shield, plus Keane will aid in that tremendously, and if the Distraction Team does their job, which Ace not only attracts attention with her Debuffs but will tremendously help keep them alive and kicking, the Assault Team wont need as much armor.Yeah, I get that, I just don't like the idea of having two inside groups. It's just asking for one of them to get crushed as a sacrifice to ensure the other's survival. Having a debuff group distract the Fear is just going to get the majority of its attention focused on the party that's least effective in a fight. I'd rather keep everyone together, ensure maximum survivability.And no, I'm not underestimating Quinn's effectiveness. I just don't think she needs to be on the inside. I think she works just fine snipping away at this thing's heels from the outside. So her swarm can eventually get to the point where it's rapidly eating away at the Fear? Great, keep it on the outside, have it stay distracted dealing with that. We've got plenty of damage dealing on the inside team already, we don't need her antibody swarm.
>>3537312id rather have Dorian outside than Quinn but still feel he could do better on the inside. outside the Paintlings his kit is still short range focused, with the POTENTIAL for mobility if he chooses, but not guaranteed. his paintlings and their effects can work and even id argue activate quicker from the inside, while he otherwise still provides major support to the group in combat, which is think is worth a bit less paintlings. i really dont see communication with the outside as a major factor here,theres just not much if anything that can be done to change the outside plan if something, well, changes. they already basically cant do much besides just slow it down as it is, so that wont change even if we have a communication network. we wouldn't be going inside it in the first place if there was an alternative. >>3537314well, my list already brings Shu down to 98%+40%, and even if we replaced those Bishops with say, Knightlings, that wouldn't give us much back.though we are getting 90% back it looks like, so my hesitation to load the contender at least wont be an issue as much.>>3537315thanks!
>>3537312Maybe the Crew should stay outside? They'd be really good at stalling and keep it in the acid, especially if Mara joins Keane and Ace's Dual Tech, massively upgrading their combined resilience.
>>3537323So you don't want Mara coming in with us? That feels like a very bad move. Bring the invulnerable melee monster to fight in close quarters.
>>3537319>least effectivethats not true at all. only Amara has any lack of staying power in the Debuff group, and she would have that in any group. Julia, Ace, even Jackie all still have good if not outright amazing combat potential besides their buffs and debuffs.and i simply disagree. the more we an do to get to the core faster and at greater strength, the better. im positive we can take out the Core without anyone there, especially as the Debuff Teams effects will still be hindering it, and the Assault team is more than a good powerhouse to send into the depths. the Debuff Team could even rejoin us if the Core pulls back enough resources to try and stop us once at the core.>>3537323yeah thats a massive 'no' on both the entire Midnight Crew staying out and especially Mara.
>>3537327>>3537329regardless on two Internal Teams or not, i still want Quinn inside. i think November, Magpie, and Clarie can handle the outside well enough alone. Amaras diverse Abilities are also way too potent not to use on anyone going inside.
>>3537298>“GRA FOL RHO THA” on allies>Greater Concentrated Hinder alliesanon. You're just asking Amara to cripple ourselves. WATCH YOUR DAMN SPELLCASTINGReplace RHO with SAN instead
>>3537316(The Masque is selective fire, yes. Allies inside the field are unaffected)(The Crit-counter is once per combat, and it works by stating that you 'Prime' the ability as a free action.)
>>3537331re-read RHO, on allies its ArmorRHO (BIO-5%): A word from an ancient language denoting hardship in one's journey, RHO results in a warping of a body or terrain in some way, making armor for allies, difficult ground in the fleshscape, or a general hindrance in one's physical form that serves to impair a foe's mobility.>making armor for allies
>>3537329>thats not true at all. only Amara has any lack of staying power in the Debuff group, and she would have that in any group. Julia, Ace, even Jackie all still have good if not outright amazing combat potential besides their buffs and debuffs.I'm not saying they're weak, I'm saying they're more vulnerable, and I don't want to use them as a distraction. Keep everyone together, we might not have a distraction that way but we will move faster because we'll be better able to punch through obstacles in our path.>>3537330Amara is by far our most fragile team member. And while she's got good buffs, if we brought along the Midnight Crew we'd be getting good buffs from them, as well. I think we can skip her, leave her in a less dangerous position to focus on debuffs. So if you want to bring the entire Crew on the assault team, I'm open for that, but leave Amara outside on the dragon shouting curses down at the Fear.
>>3537338im willing to trade leaving Amara outside for the entire Midnight Crew inside. i still think shes more effective inside but i guess she can just focus on Debuffs instead.i still think splitting up the Internal Teams will help tremendously. i dont think grouping everyone together will aid us. we have no idea how tight the corridors are gonna be, 6 people like on my team might already be cramped, but combining all of them into a single team? almost guarantee you someones gonna be bumping elbows, even a healer would start to have trouble even if they are supposed to be on the inside and protected. its also a hell of alot of people to coordinate and keep from interfering with eachother, on top of the fact with all its resources on us, the Debuffers arent going to be able to focus on that as much, Jackie will be split much further on who shes buffing, Ace and Mara alike wont be able to cover people as easily, as too many heads to look out for. while no ones so weak thye outright NEED said protection, said two are still the best for taking direct hits or surprise abilities, and more heads means much less effectiveness in them both being able to cover others, and same with other tactics and abilities. Keanes healing will stretch thinner for instance.
>>3537331>>3537330wait. mybad. sorry. >>3537334But does the auto-dodge without the critical counter still work multiple times if you spend a free action to prime it for full round auto-dodging? I know its splitting hairs, but it feels like the halos would give better utility. Also, does Terraforming still work using the Spiral's Flesh?>>3537336We have 3 turns for pre-battle buffing and construct spawning. Turn 1: GRA FOL RHO THA Greater Concentrated Armor AlliesTurn 2: GRA FOL SAN THA (Greater Concentrated Haste Allies) Turn 3: THA TER GRA SUTH (Allies Terrain Greater Assist)Beginning of the battle: GRA FOL RHO CUNT >>3537342Think about this: It's still going to be the Internal Assault team as a whole, is just that they're going to have different priorities and roles. >>3537321You do bring up a good point. Okay, I'll take Dorian into the Internal team in exchange for having Amara on the outside team.
>>3537348>We have 3 turns for pre-battle buffing and construct spawning. keep in mind, BHOP said 3 turns of Bio restoration, which i think implies just our BIO Regen. thats only 15% back for Amara. granted, not gonna say thats not a good idea for her to do, just something to keep in mind.>It's still going to be the Internal Assault team as a whole, is just that they're going to have different priorities and roles. and i really feel this doesn't address my points at all, as all of them were based on one team making that more difficult while two would aid in that.
>>3537342>on top of the fact with all its resources on us, the Debuffers arent going to be able to focus on that as muchActually, that raises another issue I have with this idea: Why do we need the debuffers? What good do we actually expect them to do? This thing is big enough to be a location rather than a regular boss fight, I doubt any debuff we can put on it is going to matter much. It's really only good for a distraction. And I've already stated my problems with that idea.As for the cramped quarters, that's an argument in favor of leaving some of them outside, Like, say, Amara, Jackie and Quinn. You know, the idea I proposed. Then the inside team would have a nice little order of battle. Ace and Mara in front to stonewall any gribblies approaching us, Julia to follow up behind and slash away at anything that gets past them, Dorian and Rath with their exotic movement abilities to appear where they're needed, and then Shu and Keane take up the rear and use their ranged support abilities.
>>3537348(The Halos get stronger with time, but think of it this way; you prime the Halo, and due to terrible luck two Crits come at you. The negate the first one and counter with your own critical hit, but since that's been spent, you take the second critical hit.)(Terraforming depends on the battle terrain within, which I'll be making note of as you progress inside the Sprial.)
>>3537355easy. Debuffs are Debuffs. the enemy doing less damage also applies to any constructs or other things it spawns(after the Debuffs are applied i think BHOP has said?) and even if its just sending tentacles at us, any less damage we take, any less speed it has, any of that, regardless of its size, still tremendously aids us. if anything, its size means we need Debuffs more, not less.and theres a difference between being worried about space, and wasting a characters usefulness by leaving them outside. id still rather be cramped than waste a characters utility by leaving them in the wrong spot.
>>3537348Could we also use our Terraforming on the beach to hinder it further and helping our allies beforehand? Giant spikes and pitfalls, tunnels and pathways to help our allies move around or escape, ect. November's tank would certainly benefit from some roads.And perhaps we could have Keanne help restore everyone's Bio beforehand as well? Just give Bio from everyone with Bio regen that doesn't have to make anything beforehand.
>>3537369(You certainly may, and Keane can certainly reroute Bio regen if you wish.)
>>3537369if it reaches the beach we have already failed. its gonna be in the river and making its way across for most of this, and if it makes it to the other side we are fucked. we are attacking it specifically while its IN the river so the acid weakens it.
>>3537363No, its size means that trying to debuff the whole thing is an exercise in futility. It's as big as a town, our tiny human-scale debuffing isn't going to do shit to it. Not unless we target a vital organ. But that's where the assault team is heading, having a separate debuff team just means they'll arrive late.And I don't think it's a waste to put the people who are at best a distraction outside where the rest of the distraction team is. They'll be less vulnerable and be able to coordinate with the others, it's a great move.
>>3537369>>3537373>>3537372(To clarify, the traps can be done on your side of the beach. Attempting to make traps on the other side would be difficult and less effective.)
>>3537374yeah no i just fully disagree wholly on both points. really? 'debuffs arent worth it?' that makes no sense at all. its size doesn't matter, the Debuffs dont work based on size, they work on stack count and percentages. literally the only worry is how much it can shrug off, but any we can make stick could literally be the difference between life or death. Julia ALONE can give us 65% Debuffs at her max for THREE different one of its stats, can give it 39% less of a chance to hit us at all, and can FURTHER slow it down its movement range. thats without Jackies or Amaras Buffs, or taking into account what Ace can throw on top percentage wise. and no, im not budging on taking in the majority of people. the Outside scenario simply does not lend itself well to more people in my opinion, especially when we need all hands on deck in SOME form to push towards and survive the center. everyone outside can maneuver much easier. everyone inside is going to need what aid and eyes backing them up they can get. but i see im not gonna win any hearts with splitting up the Internal Team, so ill capitulate on that point.
>>3537387>that makes no sense at all. its size doesn't matter, the Debuffs dont work based on size, they work on stack count and percentages. literally the only worry is how much it can shrug off, but any we can make stick could literally be the difference between life or death. No, that's nonsense. That's the sort of RAW-focused logic that results in things like the Peasant Railgun. There's no way that Julia has infinite ability to warp flesh. There has to be a mass limit, it's just stupid otherwise. Should be the same with every other debuff. I mean, BHOP, if I'm wrong feel free to chime in, but I'm pretty sure you're not intending for Julia to be able to apply Malleable Flesh to the entirety of a town-sized monster with a single strike to a non-critical point. I mean, she's had the ability to inflict Malleable Flesh since level one, can a level one character meaningfully impede a giant super-conglomerate of Daughters?
>>3537266Relic Loadout:>Shu: Contender, Whistle (FOL CUNT)>Amara: Cloak>Rath: Sui Tormentis:>Julia: Gauntlets .Dorian: Cursus AlasChanging the Team composition to have Amara be on the exterior distraction team and Dorian to be on the internal assault team. Battle plan: >Step 1: Board the BehemothWe'll climb the Mountain and make a bridge via Terraforming. Shu and her family will use their halos to search for entrances and places that can be easily breached. Everyone else works on defensive escort. Any constructs or limbs spawned by SPIRAL will be hacked off for Claire to consume and grow. She needs BIO to Grow. >Step 2: Breach the skinOnce we find a suitable position to breach.>Step 3: Reach the CoreIt's gonna be a fucking death trap in there. We're equipped with Neuromancy and Terraforming, so please help us keep our bio-regen up while we try to make the passage as safe as possible.>Step 4: Destroy the CoreThis is gonna be the real challenge. >Step 5: Escape the Mountain>>3537372Oh wow. Now Lets have Keane Direct Bio-regen for Construct spawning. Internal Assault Team’s defensive flowchart:Our Party defense will consist of 3 layers:1st layer: Shu’s Swarmlings and Dorian’s inklings 2nd layer: Jackie and Keane’s constructs3rd layer: Mara, Ace, Rath, Dorian, Jackie (if he goes with Internal Team)Anything that penetrates the 3rd layer will be up to everyone to warn each other and have them react accordingly. Big AoE attacks and wind ups need to be watched for and kept a wary eye. Have Our construct classes (Dorian, Shu, Quinn, Jackie, Keane) Spend about 1/3 their bio into creating constructs with Keane redirecting any spare bio-regen that other party members have.Shu and Jackie will focus on the quality of their SwarmlingsDorian, Quinn, and Keane will focus on Quantity.>>3537387I'm fine with your idea of sub-dividing the internal teams into two different groups with 2 different roles, but they're still going inside the Mountain.
>>3537381>>3537387>>3537401BHOP would Julias Debuffs becomes less effective due to its size? or just like how we can store 100x our own biodymass in biomass inside of us, is size not an issue here?
>>3537401>>3537372Redirecting the question to BHOP.
>>3537404So can Shu make infinitely many Swarmlings, then? After all, she can theoretically possess enough biomass to make as much as she wants, it should be the same thing. Or is control and power not the same thing as energy supply?
>>3537409dude, i asked BHOP the question, just wait for an answer.
>>3537412Don't forget to have Keane Redirect any spare bio-regen towards the Daughters that are using Bio to spawn constructs and what not.
>>3537412Actually, if Julia somehow can affect the entire Spiraling Fear without needing to target a vital organ, we should leave her outside. If that works, she'd be just as effective attacking the Spiraling Fear's skin (that's what she prefers to work with, anyway) as the inside of one of its arteries. The entire debuff team should be, in fact.Also, fun thought that just occurred to me about Contender loads: Herculean Fullbore seeks out the target's organs and tears out huge chunks of flesh. We might be able to make a shortcut that way, skip having to fight through the entire spiral and make a quicker path.
>>3537372Also, BHOP. This feels almost exactly like Blaster Master Zero 2's Mountain boss.
>>3537404(While the debuffs are still potent, they are not as effective as they would be on a similarly-sized Daughter, or even the Conglomerate. The main reason for this is that the Spiraling Fear has yet to fully 'congeal' into a single, cohesive entity like the Conglomerate was, if that makes sense. However, debuffs will still make the difference in this fight and many others to come.)>>3537421(Good eye, Anon.)
>>3537416good point.>>3537412deleted to add said Edit. sorry for any bamboozling but not much was changed.>>3537266>>3537281>>3537297Outside Distraction Team>>Party; November, Magpie, Clarie, AmaraInternal Assault Team>>Party; Shu, Rath, Dorian, Mara, Keane, Quinn, Julia, Ace, JackieRelic Spread>>Shu; Contender, Whistle(FOL CUNT)>>Rath; Sui Tormentis, Cursus Alas>>Julia; Gauntlets>>Amara; ShawlExtras>>Everyone with Armor, Get Armored up. Anyone with standard weapons to spawn, spawn at least one.>>Have Keane use her Dual Tech with Ace to keep anyone from going too low on Bio via diverting others Bio-Regen to the Cause of Spawning Gear and Constructs.>>Amara, let loose a “GRA FOL RHO THA” and “ GRA FOL SAN THA” on the whole group before we depart, >>Amara then points to the Spiraling Fear and let loose a “GRA RHO FOL CUNT” at it.>>Shu spawns Chest Armor for Herself, Dorian,Keane, Julia, Jackie, and Quinn.(78%)>Shu loads up the Contender with two B.33s. (20%)>>Shu Spawns a Bishop for Mara, Ace, and Rath. (90%)>>Shu Spawns 4 RecKnights, and Fills out the rest with RecBanelings.>>all Construct Wielders going inside other than Shu spawn either one-half their Hive Max, or one-third their Bio Max in Constructs, if they have variants they may spawn what they think is best.
>>3537423So Julia can affect the entirety of any cohesive mass? What the fuck. Julia OP pls nerf. Okay, fuck the idea of entering the Cord, when we get there let's just have Julia embrittle it and have the whole thing collapse under its own weight.
>>3537426>>3537419Julia still can offer the Internal Team other benefits in Melee aswell as the Fact she still has to get into Melee Range, which is necessary inside, risky on the outside. theres a reason we are putting everyone on a dragon.
>>3537423fair enough, though neat to know for sure now its not technically its size effecting this.
>>3537429I was thinking she'd ride on the Crew's boat and attack its shins instead of climb around on it, but fair enough.
>>3537434i mean, the boat sounds less safe honestly. less maneuverable, cant get away as fast, might get grabbed easier, etc.gosh i hope no leviathans come to aid this thing, boat or not that would be annoying.
>>3537441>i mean, the boat sounds less safe honestly. less maneuverable, cant get away as fast, might get grabbed easier, etc.Compared to climbing around on it or being inside its body?
>>3537443well, no, but like i said, those two thngs are necessary, we cant avoid them. being on the boat instead of the Dragon can be, aswell as the fact id actually say her odds arent much worse inside with the group backing her up, than alone on the slow boat. plus like i said she can still offer much to the internal team besides just her Debuffs.
>>3537402>>3537266>>3537425Can we also have Have Magpie hand Shu Two or Three Anti-Flesh Artisan Bullets for the Internal Assault? We'll need them for assaulting the Core. Reiterating my plan. >Step 1: Board the BehemothWe'll climb the Mountain and make a bridge via Terraforming. Shu and her family will use their halos to search for entrances and places that can be easily breached. Everyone else works on defensive escort. Any constructs or limbs spawned by SPIRAL will be hacked off for Claire to consume and grow. She needs BIO to Grow.External Distraction team will provide Covering fire. >Step 2: Breach the skinOnce we find a suitable position to breach.External Distraction team will provide Aerial Support and Covering fire atop Mara's Dragon. If a suitable location is found, Have the External Distraction team them concentrate their fire to a specific point to soften up the entrance. Rath and any Daughters with cutting implements will burn and cut their way through. Julia should use RADIANT RIPPER to Sear the opening edges to keep the breach open. >Step 3: Reach the CoreIt's gonna be a fucking death trap in there. We're equipped with Neuromancy and Terraforming, so please help us keep our bio-regen up while we try to make the passage as safe as possible.>Step 4: Destroy the CoreThis is gonna be the real challenge. Do your best, stack debuffs on it if possible, KEEP EVERYONE ALIVE, and Hit it until it dies!>Step 5: Escape the MountainDepending on where on the river SPRIAL dies, we're going to be on a timetable. Once Spiral dies, all Health regen and bio regen normally directed to keeping it healed will be cut-off. The Acid will soon dissolve SPIRAL and anyone that's still trapped inside the mountain will have to contend with the acid flooding in from the river. >>3537441>>3537434That's exactly why we are not going to use the boat. The Leviathans will ignore SPIRAL and simply pick at stragglers that fall into the river.
>>3537449Oh, so you don't want a separate debuff team, anymore? I convinced you that was a bad idea? Okay, then, I was working with that idea, arguing from the position she wouldn't be alone.
>>3537452>Depending on where on the river SPRIAL dies, we're going to be on a timetable. Once Spiral dies, all Health regen and bio regen normally directed to keeping it healed will be cut-off. The Acid will soon dissolve SPIRAL and anyone that's still trapped inside the mountain will have to contend with the acid flooding in from the river.Which means we probably won't get as much of a meal out of this as we could, otherwise. No, my levels...Also, on the debuff train, since it turns out we can affect something that big: Exsanguinating Leash. That is such a big deal for this fight, it cuts the target's regen by a third. Even with debuffs being diminished in effectiveness, the fact that we're trying to outpace the Fear's regen so that it can't focus on squishing us instead makes reducing that regen invaluable. Plus, it gives all that regen lost to Shu. With Keane and Ace combining everyone's health pools, the fact that it can only fill her up to max instead of flow over isn't an issue. Shu keeps up Exsanguinating Leash and the Fear becomes much more sluggish while the team becomes much harder to kill.
>>3537452oh, shit, i totally meant for MAgpie to hand Shu some of the bullets. no no you;re right on that, i just totally forgot to add that, sorry.plan seems fine, but once we start who knows what will change.>>3537425>>3537266add-in to Shus Relic list>>Anti-FA Bullets(4)two loads, straight into the Core. while im sure they can still be effective on the outside, guarantee you they will be more useful against the core.>>3537455eh, no one was going for it. felt like it was a place to compromise on to allow us to focus on other aspects. worse? best? case, if it looks like for some reason we should change that, once inside we always can further split up the party. i mean, not saying we should, only the option doesn't dissipate id imagine once we start.
>>3537423how effective will Terraforming be inside the SPIRAL? id imagine greatly diminished but not impossible, as only parts of the terrain we have seen it consume have not been fully integrated?
>>3537452>>3537266Adding another layer to Step 1:Step 1: Shu will have her Swarmlings be a safety net for any daughter that loses their footing during the climb. Everyone else will need a Climbing buddy to help each other up. Heavy Characters like Mara and Ace will need more support in climbing and help due to the heavy armor they wear, either having Rath, Shu, Jackie or Dorian help Haul them up. >>3537425I think Rath will be fine with Sui Tormentis, Cursus Alas burns Bio to activate and Rath doesn't have a stable supply of Bio regen.I think we're better off with giving Dorian Cursus Alas because of his insanely high Bio Regen. That and his mobility allows him to play a better active defense as well as utility during the mountain climb.
>>3537466(Reduced efficacy, but it depends on the terrain. As I mentioned earlier, the terrain will be part of the info you'll get each round.)
>>3537469fair point. >>3537266>>3537452>>3537464Fully Amended Relics List;Relic Spread>Shu; Contender, Whistle(FOL CUNT), Anti-FA Bullets(4)>Rath; Sui Tormentis>Julia; Gauntlets>Dorian; Cursus Alas>Amara; Shawl>>3537471Awesome.
>>3537466>>3537471A better question, should we make Terraformed Traps for SPIRAL before it enters the river? I think we should. It'll slow it down and give us more time to breach the skin. Ideally we should Breach the skin by the time SPIRAL steps foot into the river. I'm willing to spend a good 120% BIO into making Terraform Traps with Keane's help in Bio regeneration in the last preparation Round. Have the Terraformed traps be Serrated Hook spikes that flow in a counter-spiral direction as well as a Trench pit that forces the River acid and the Spiral into the pit.That sound good?
>tfw Mara has minimum 10000% health>tfw we didn't think she could take Bni
>>3537476the issue is we no longer can keep Terraformed Terrain active without an active Tether, and only then i think Short Range Tethers too. only Amara can make permenant changes at the moment.i mean, i get what you're going for, i just cant see the point if it's not giving us more time to board, as it means we cant eve be preparing as well to board it until it gets past the traps anyways. feels like pulling resources to give us more time we wont be using.
>>3537469>Heavy Characters like Mara and Ace will need more support in climbing and help due to the heavy armor they wear, either having Rath, Shu, Jackie or Dorian help Haul them up. Well, Mara's probably fine on the grounds of her Calcite weapons being good pitons. But yeah, Ace probably needs help. Good thing we have two Daughters who both have all the arms they could want.>>3537476Wait, shit. I just remembered something big. Something really big. >>PHANTOM LIMB (Lvl 3): throwing caution to the wind in pursuit of justice, Rath can go beyond her body's natural limits to gain access to an utterly devastating blow that comes at the cost of her own health. She may choose to expend 20% of her current HEALTH and 1 ACT to combine any number of Phantom Limbs with one of her real ones, imbuing it with impossibly destructive power that scales with the number of limbs consumed in its creation. The resulting blow, if struck, deals five times critical damage and will automatically knock a target of any size prone. You may not see her naming her smashes after locales of note, but the effects have to be seen to be believed. (HEALTH+10%)>automatically knock a target of any size prone>any sizeWe need to open this up with Rath punching the Spiraling Fear over. Topple it into the acid, make it waste time getting back up. It can't be easy to right yourself when you're that big, even if your flesh is metamorphic.
>>3537478(Yeah, that gave me a good chuckle when it came up. Granted, there was no way for anyone to know just how strong Mara was, so it's understandable that there was fear regarding the outcome of their confrontation if it had come to that.)
>>3537479>the issue is we no longer can keep Terraformed Terrain active without an active Tether, and only then i think Short Range Tethers too. only Amara can make permenant changes at the moment.Yes we can, that's not a function of high-level Neuromancy but the Earthen Mind augmentation. We still have that ability, Shu grabbed it along with Hydroformer.
>>3537480Good eye. Lets have Rath do that as one of her opening moves. Spend at least 3 Phantom Limbs for the Merger punch. Knock SPIRAL PRONE>>3537266
>>3537479Shu has Level 3 Neuromancy, so her tethers are Medium Range Tethers. And Earthen Mind makes it so that we don't have to keep it tether in order for the Terraforming to stay active.
>>3537484oh, fair enough. i still cant see how it will help much, as it being in the Acid was said to be our best shot here.>>3537480>>3537487right, lets do that.BUT FIRST, how much Health should she dump into Sui Tormentis? she has at least 3 turns of Bio Regen to throw into it at least, unless you want to deduct the 20% cost for that from it.
>>3537490she has 3 turns of HEALTH Regen. geezus.
>>3537490>>3537266We can have Keane Reallocate Health Regen into Rath for the insane Strength boost. Spend 100% HP each Round, have Keane reallocate Health regen to Rath if it's possible for Keane to Reallocate Health regen.Have Rath end with at least 200% HP after the Strength Boost and Spending the Bio for the US SMASH punch.Is it possible for Keane to reallocate health Regen?
>>3537490I'm thinking 30% per turn for those three turns. Sui Tormentis auto-heals 10% of that damage, her own regen heals another 20%, leaves her at max health by the time it comes to spend another 20% for the SMASH, but with a 270% increase to damage.
>>3537498(That's well within Keane's powers, yes.)
>>3537499Wait, sorry, not 10%. That's an error my editing from when I was initially proposing 40%. It's actually 7.5%. Takes her down to slightly less than full Health.>>3537501But if Keene can reallocate regen, then I say we give her all we have. The rest of us are still at max Health, after all, she can take all the regen she wants. So take the 130% total Health regen from the sum of Shu's party (I think the Crew might be hesitant to contribute) and then sacrifice that much Health each round.Give Rath a boost of 1170% for the rest of the fight. Fuck, this Dual Tech is awesome. We need to get a version of our own. Shu can probably figure one out based on getting Exsanguinating Leash going both ways, right?
so does this seem good to everyone?>>3537266>>3537425Outside Distraction Team>Party; November, Magpie, Clarie, AmaraInternal Assault Team>Party; Shu, Rath, Dorian, Mara, Keane, Quinn, Julia, Ace, JackieRelic Spread>Shu; Contender, Whistle(FOL CUNT), Anti-FA Bullets(4)>Rath; Sui Tormentis>Julia; Gauntlets>Dorian; Cursus Alas>Amara; ShawlExtras>Everyone with Armor, Get Armored up. Anyone with standard weapons to spawn, spawn at least one.>Have Keane use her Dual Tech with Ace to keep anyone from going too low on Bio and Health via diverting others Bio-Regen to the Cause of Spawning Gear and Constructs.>Amara, let loose a “GRA FOL RHO THA” and “ GRA FOL SAN THA” on the whole group before we depart, >Amara then points to the Spiraling Fear and let loose a “GRA RHO FOL CUNT” at it.>Shu spawns Chest Armor for Herself, Dorian,Keane, Julia, Jackie, and Quinn.(78%)>Shu loads up the Contender with two B.33s. (20%)>Shu Spawns a Bishop for Mara, Ace, and Rath. (120%)>Shu Spawns 4 Rec(10)Knights (160%).>all Construct Wielders going inside other than Shu spawn either one-half their Hive Max, or one-third their Bio Max in Constructs, if they have variants they may spawn what they think is best.>Have Rath Dump 300% Health into Sui Tormentis. Allow her a minimum of 200% Health left, at the end of the 3 turns, however.>Have Rath Spawn 20 PHantom Limbs.>Have Rath Combine 10 Limbs into a Super Punch, and With help from Allies punch the Spiral into Prone as soon as it enters the Acid.>Once prone, we rush to enter.>>3537452with this as our basic plan outline?
>>3537501>*rubs hands with glee*>>3537512No no no... We can abuse it even MORE. ALRIGHT BOYOS. Shu's Family alone can Provide 130% Health Regen for Rath. November herself can provide an additional 130% HP Regen when she's tethered to the tank.The Midnight Crew?, even more. So We're going to have Rath spend at least 267% HP each round into Strengthening herself WITHOUT KILLING HERSELF. That's a total strength boost of 2403%! Not counting Herculean Force!And yes. >>3537452 is as good a baseline plan as it can be.
>>3537512Provided we also allocate some Bio regen to Rath to make up for what she's spending making those Phantom Limbs, sounds great. Speaking of regen, I just noticed that the Midnight Crew don't have any. At all. It's probably not because of the summary abbreviating details, because Magpie and November have their regen noted. They must have some skill like B'Ni's that gives better stats in exchange for no combat-duration regen. Maybe part of their Fool's Choice, since it's a common element among them, Mother going "if you're so determined to stay by your friends you'll have to rely on them or else". So they actually need to pool their Health and Bio, because otherwise they have no endurance. Keane can regenerate their Health, but she still has limited Bio supply. So we're actually doing them a favor by joining the resource pool. We just gave them regen, for the first time in who knows how long.
>>3537514>>3537512We have Keane redirect Bio regen, but we have a shit-ton of Heath regen left unused. We can use that health regen into getting Rath Roided up on Sui Tormentis strength by having her spend a large majority of her HP Pool. Each. Round.
>>3537514>>3537521alright.>>3537512>>3537266you heard em, pump Rath up for the limit of her having 200% Health left at the end of the 3 Turns. should be i think 801% total if other Anons calculations are correct, though people like Julia spawning a ripper might lower that a little, and we dont know the Midnights needs of Regen Stats.
>>3537524I also forgot about Magpie's heath regen. She's got 90% Health regen. That's gonna aid Rath with her health regen when it comes to Roiding up and due to the unfortunate fact that Mara and the Midnight crew don't have any sort of Regen source.
>>3537528Mara might have regen, her stats are ????.
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Keane and Ace can only link together people who are so close together, so putting the outside team in the loop might not work. Whether they can be brought in temporarily or if the link has to stay with the same people once it's up and so they need to be excluded from the start is less clear, though.
>>3537528>>3537531so thats like what? about ~1,071% total spent? for a total Strength boost of ~3,213%? what the fuck have we done?!
(Writing now, Gentlemen.)
>>3537536And then her BIO will refill to full after making the Phantom Limbs, so she'll get the total Herculean Strength bonus as well. Whatever the Spiraling Fear throws in our way, physical barriers are not going to be a problem. One punch, and they'll fall right down.
>>3537524>>3537531>>3537541I just had a thought, Because Rath's in Sui Tormentis, has a Neuotic Halo, and is opening up with a Burning Punch of Rage, she's practically pic related except the halo's on her belt and she's got about several pairs of arms leftover.I can already hear playing. The thing is that Rath's HP Pool is 270% She can only spend up to her HP limit without keeling over herself which is 269%Spending 269% each round over 3 turns is 807% total HP spent. Sui Tormentis's Temporal trait in hp recovery alongside Keane's HP regen allocation is more than enough to recover all 269% HP within a single round. So. 807% total hp spent x 1:3 Hp/Strength Ratio = 2421% Strength buff. Add in Herculean force which a strength buff for every 10% over 100% (Rath's Bio is 220%) = 120% additional strength.Add in a Call to Arms alongside Rath's Burning punch will ya?
>>3537541>>3537544actually, where did the Halos end up BHOP? there was some split consensus on that. its not super important mind you just a curiosity question.
>>3537547(That'll be in the next section, no worres.)
>>3537536We have optimized our plan. anon. Besides, that was just the tip of the iceberg. And Sui Tormentis has a 1:3 health/Strength Ratio at level ONE Sui Tormentis.
>>3537544>Add in Herculean force which a strength buff for every 10% over 100% (Rath's Bio is 220%) = 120% additional strength.I'm not sure it works that way, the buff increases for every 10% above 100% Bio Rath has but we don't know by what increment. Just that it's "boosted considerably". Regardless, it's enough of a boost that Rath is utterly terrifying right now, yes. I can't wait to see the reaction from the rest of the people here.>>3537547I kind of want it to be on her chest, now that we're making the Evangelion comparison. Have it be her core.
>>3537555yeah i know. i had hoped to get to upgrade it at least once perhaps, but, well.....this happened instead.>>3537559i still want it to be a rocker choker myself. but we will just see what all won out in the end.
>>3537559I myself have warmed up having it float behind her head like a Buddhist halo. It reminds me of Asura's Wrath.
>>3537512>>3537541BHOP. One more thing. Spawn a FuzzBuzz for Amara. FuzzBuzz is always worth it.
>>3537564It looks nice, but the issue is that it's easily targetable in that sense. We can fiddle around with it later on.
>>3537565this is true.
>>3537563>yeah i know. i had hoped to get to upgrade it at least once perhaps, but, well.....this happened instead.Well, level two doesn't improve the ratio, that comes at level three and above. Level two would just let it spend Health on defensive boosts as well. Which are nice, too, but right now we want to be Deku, not Kirishima.>>3537565FuzzBuzz also takes up Swarmling slots, no he's not worth it right now.
>>3537568well, yes i know. but the root ability could still be useful, and we need said upgrade to make it to level 3, so it still is a right step in that direction.
>>3537570True. Can you imagine end game Rath, with level five Sui Tormentis and enough native Health regen to do this trick on her own? But she can also spend it on speed and armor boosts, so she's just as durable and fast, too? And she's maxed out a hybrid Tensile Strand/Radiant Boil/Phantom Limb skill as well, so she's got dozens of flaming extendo-limbs, too? She's going to be a thing of nightmares. I look forward to it eagerly.
>>3537583She's basically a Juggernaut at that point if given time to prepare. Imagine if we threw the cloak on her as well as Sui Tormentis to give her time to prepare. She'd be pulling Kool-aid man entrances and neck-snapping unfortunate squishies as her surprise move.
>>3537583>>3537588man, with strength like this im just imagining her twirling her limbs around, turning the garrote strands into basically meat mincers. her options are disturbingly varied and all deadly.
>>3537594There's also the fact that She's got Immutable form, Neurotic halo, and Neuromancy. Neuromancy for paralysis and terraforming set-up. Neurotic Halo for Matrix dodges and Neuromancy Immunity, and Immutable form for status purges and immunities. Also, why are we using regular phantom Limbs when we have REPLICANT LIMBS available?>PHANTOM LIMB (Lvl 2): like a Hydra, where one extremity is severed, two more come in its place. By using 15% BIO when generating a limb, Rath may now create a REPLICANT LIMB, which automatically regenerates into a pair basic limbs when severed. Additionally, REPLICANT LIMBS boast a 20% increase in attack power, which is further enhanced by any strength-boosting mutations she has active. (HEALTH+20%)
>>3537600because i forgot that is a thing because we are only human and counting unique level based abilities within abilities, we probably have like 30-50 things to keep tack of. something is always going to be forgotten. its why im honestly a fan of a more focused build now by alot than a more varied ability build. maybe if we weren't a team that could work, but we already have so much stuff to keep track of as it is.
>>3537600Because we're not really looking for more attack power right now. We're just looking for the raw force to knock this thing over, and Phantom Limb level three does that anyway. Spawning extra arms was really just to show off. When we summon limbs for fighting inside the Fear, we'll use the Replicant Limbs.
>>3537541Hey BHOP. Due to the sheer number of moving parts and characters and the complex plans that we try to formulate in a situation like this, are we gonna keep to the same protocol as we did versus Isabelle? Like a long voting period for us anons to make tactically sound decisions? the 3 hour voting period seemed like it gave us enough time for us to optimize our strategy with last minute additions. And besides, it'll help you focus on your daily work life and give some of us anons some time to formulate alternate solutions.
>>3537619(I believe so, yes. If that works for everyone then I'll have three-hour voting segments in effect during this combat unless otherwise stated. It gives me time to write and try to minimize the errors that come with a lot of processing. After all, this is the second-largest fight you will likely have in this Quest, and I want to make sure you don't get the short end of the stick when it comes to planning and execution.)(Does this work for everyone present?)
>>3537641it Does
>>3537641sure, works for me.>only second largesthrm, not unexpected but always interesting when you give us little snippets like that.
>>3537641Sounds great.And oh my, second-largest? There are so many ways a bigger fight could happen, I look forward to it. Battle royale, leading an army, fighting an army, lots of fun things that could happen.
>>3537641Yes. This will work wonderfully for us. And I've got a longer shift at work today so I won't be able to participate much after 1:30 because of work policy. >Second largest
>>3537662I always heard FUBAR as "beyond all reason", not reality.
(I'll be posting this update all in one go. It's a big one, so thank you for bearing with me.)
>>3537266Your empathic field flares outwards, to envelop everyone present as November approaches you, opening her hand towards you and revealing a quartet of bullets, a sampling of the rounds Magpie forged when you last spoke with her.“Courtesy of the sniper.” November intones, and you give her an appreciative nod as you pocket the lengthy rounds.“November, take Amara and work with Magpie and Claire to slow this thing down.” You say, turning to your smallest ally with a smile as her princess-crown Halo shimmers with white light. Amara whispers to her whistle before handing it to you, staring up at you with wide, two-tone eyes before climbing into November’s arms. Your hive twitches as a small, fluffy FuzzBuzz darts from your back and into the girl’s arms, much to her delight.Two powerful statements are shouted by the little girl before November speeds her away and you watch as everyone present is effected by her Lexicon of Flesh, their skin and minds becoming more resilient as a result of the alien language. Her third and final shout echoes across the shore, the roaring epithet directed towards your impossibly large foe and earning a chuckle from Rath and a groan from Julia.“Keane, can you link all of us?” You ask aloud, and the wide-brimmed witch’s hat tilts up, the pale-eyed girl surprised at your acknowledgement of her. “I notice you and the Crew don’t have any regen, and I have a plan for how to make it easier for us to breach this thing. Are you up for it?”Keane opens her mouth to enthusiastically reply before she catches her leader’s dark eyes. Jackie gives you an appraising glance before nodding towards the younger girl, and you feel a tug at the skin on your back as a thick tendril of biomass extends from you to her, and the same ability slowly begins to link everyone present, the closed circuit of regeneration allowing you to put your plan into action.Your hive is a painful flurry of creation, your contender loading itself with a pair of B.33s as a quartet of Recursive Knightlings and a trio of Bishops tear themselves free of your spine, with a series of six Platelings rounding out your preparations as they fly out to armor your friends and tentative allies, alike. Sui Tormentis’s glistening armor locks into place along Rath’s limbs, tightening across her chest as she casts her yellow eyes your way moments before the helm slides into place and obscures her gaze. Her Halo glitters with orange light at her waist, and when you glance over to your pair of artists their halos each glow a gentle crimson in the form of rings that dangle from their necks on glimmering strands of neurons. You place a hand over your heart, feeling your own integrated Halo thrum with power as you look around at the group that surrounds you. Something tells you that there hasn’t been anything like this in this Crucible……and you wonder if there’s been anything like this in *any* Crucible.(Continued)
>>3537815“Jack, you wanna open with the Quad or…” Quinn begins, and she’s met with Jackie shaking her head. “No, save it for the core of this fat fuck.” Jackie retorts, jerking a thumb at the mountain lumbering in the distance. “Ready when you all are.” Mara shouts, the wing beats of her dragon kicking up a gust of wind and debris. In moments you’re off, tearing through the skies as thin wisps of smoke begin to snake out from the gaps in the Sui Tormentis before being torn away by the winds that rake across the dragon’s back. Rath’s just ahead of Mara, and you have to rise and lean over the warrior’s shoulder to address the armored red-head. “Rath, talk to me, are you…?” “I…I’m good!” She shouts back through gritted teeth, barely-restrained pain laced in her voice. You glance past her as you begin to dive, hurtling towards the Spiraling Fear as it lets loose another scream of fury and terror. “Let’s knock and see if it’ll let us in, yeah?!” Rath shouts back with an audible grin, and with that… …she leaps. You and everyone else aboard slam into the dragon’s back as it brakes mid-air with a powerful flap of its wings, sending your companion soaring through the skies and directly towards the sheer face of the behemoth. There’s a distant glimmer, her arm’s radiance shining through the Sui Tormentis before it disappears in the distance, then... Then there’s a crack, a boom, and you watch as a massive crater instantly buckles into the mountainside. Mara shoves down on the dragon’s neck, forcing it forwards as the Fear loses all ability to stand while you hurtle to catch your ally. The sound of Keane screaming with delight pierces through the crashing roar of the Spiraling Fear’s catastrophic collapse as Ace reaches up and seizes Rath in a bear hug, the impact nearly forcing both into a headlong tumble towards the shore below. Rath gives a victorious roar as everyone present watches in awe as the beast topples into the river, a full two-thirds of its body now submerged in the acidic torrent. The hiss and pop of corroded flesh is deafening as Mara pushes you into another steep dive before standing, somehow keeping her balance against the impossibly sharp descent. “Going to make an opening for you, wait for my signal.” Mara says, rising from her seat and giving you a sharp salute. “Mara, what do you oh SHIT WHAT THE FU-” Rath’s exclamation is torn away by the howling winds as Marrow Dragoon leaps backwards, soaring over your collective heads and seizing her mount’s tail in one armored hand. The tail snaps free in its entirety and suddenly she’s hurtling down towards the prone colossus. You watch as the tail warps, its meat and bone shifting mid-flight and twisting into a colossal blade twice as long as Mara is tall. Still the dragon descends, chasing after its master as she goes to do what must be done. She’s going to cut you a path. (Continued)
>>3537826Mara flings the greatsword down towards her prey, a long spine tethering the weapon to her alabaster frame. Its shining length spears home a half-second before its wielder slams into the Spiraling Fear’s twisted flesh, and with a mighty yank on the tether the towering blade tears a gushing wound open in the behemoth’s side. The gash grows ever larger as you and your allies approach at incredible speed before the dragon cuts its dive just before it harshly lands, thrusting its wings into the gap and forcing it open wide. Mara draws a long- and short-sword pairing from the armor at her hips, gesturing for you all to follow before she disappears into the bleeding depths.Rath, Julia, and Dorian give you a collective nod of affirmation before Jackie dashes past you, followed by her team as they join her in leaping into the unknown. You and yours follow suit, and the darkness claims you. The heat within the Spiraling Fear is tremendous, your collective discomfort in the thick, moist air only intensified by the arrhythmic thump of innumerable heartbeats around you. It takes a few moments for your eyes adjust to the gloom, the shine of your halos joining the bioluminescence that lines the pulsing walls and illuminating……good god.You, The Midnight Crew, and Mara brace themselves against the roiling tide of bodies that surge towards you, an undulating throng of nude and spiral-scarred bodies hauled towards you through the terrain at terrible speed. They scream as one, their bodies and wrapped into one another, coiled tight in a miserable tangle of limbs, hair, and faces.It is a mad, writhing horde. The first of many.So it begins.>>COMBAT: STARTShu the Defiant, The Midnight Crew, and Marrow DragoonVS.THE TWISTED SISTERHOOD HP: 310% (+15% REGEN)BIO: 330% (+30% REGEN, 4 Rec-Knights, 3 Bishops, 5 Platelings, 12/18 Active) CONTENDER: 2x B.33 Rounds Loaded, Base Form. 4x Anti-Spiral Rounds available.RAVENOUS MAW: Primed.HUNDRED-HANDED: None.Whistle: FOL CUNT LoadedACT: 3/3RATH HP: 270% (+20% REGEN, Sui Tormentis, Bishop Active-3 Rounds)JULIA HP: 290% (+20% REGEN, Ignition Gauntlets)DORIAN HP: 210% (+45% REGEN, Canvass Form, Cursus Alas)JACKIE HP: 660%QUINN HP: 760%KEANE HP: 410%ACE HP: 1120% (Bishop Active-3 Rounds)MARA HP: ?????% (Bishop Active-3 Rounds)Threat: 70+ Individuals, more on the way. Medium distance, straight corridor. Twelve meters wide, six meters in height.Terrain: Spiral, Terraforming very difficult.Debuffs: MALLEABLE FLESH x1YOU ARE IN CONTROL
(Voting shall remain open for the next three hours, Gentlemen. Good luck.)
>>3537847>70+ individualsWhew boy. Right. Lets get to it.can we assume everyone made Constructs but our lack of a connection to the Midnight Crew means we wont get the numbers?
>>3537837my god, the daughters it absorbed are still aware?this is worse than The Foetid Conglomerate
>>3537860(Correct. Quinn has her White Cells, Jackie has a swarm of Bladebats.)
>>3537866awesome.plan is being written now. whew, this is gonna be a toughie though.
>>3537864(Yes, they are.)
>>3537826Oh my, yes. Rath, you are absolutely beautiful. Mara...yeah, you were cool too, but the knowledge that you're not really pushing yourself yet makes you less impressive to me.>>3537837Quick clarification: Does Masque of War obstruct sight for allies? It says it disrupts sight-enhancing abilities, but is that on top of generally being hard to see through? Because I want Dorian to start eroding these things, but I don't want Mara and Crew to have their vision obstructed. Our team is fine because we all have the Neurotic Halos for enhanced situational awareness, but they'd be in trouble.
>>3537866not to nag, but could you add our recent upgrades to the contender to the relics page? i feel those will help alot to keep on hand.
>>3537876(Ah, good catch! I'll have to add it when I get home, unfortunately.)>>3537874(It would obstruct their vision, yes.)
>>3537880ah, shame. anyone else remember them?we had made our rounds one less round to detonate, and...i cant remember the new round type however.
>>3537884new round is the cicada bullet.can’t participate much, i’m at work.
>>3537884The new round explodes with a sonic blast that disrupts Neuromancer, Humoral Paladin, and Phantasmal Conduit abilities in a medium-range area.
So I stopped reading In the middle of thread 19 and never got back around to reading until just now. Probably because of the headline YOUR BEST FRIEND IS DEEEEEEEEEAD Oh god.You guys cut the cord to Isabelle. Knowing what I know now, I'm not sure It would have helped us but I like to think there was a chance, some kind of chance It could have prevented the fight entirely. We have never not fucked up when It comes to Isabelle, huh? Well In any case, I think any sort of redemption for Isabelle has been shot dead, which Is personally extremely disappointing.Now Gina's.... I don't know. The sacrificial lamb to give the party the strength they needed. Fuck. I'd be so happy about the upgrades If It wasn't paid for with the blood of the character. At least she's still playing parasite In Isabelle's mind.Just, I'm rambling at this point, I don't even know what to say. Fuck BHOP.Just, fuck. Thanks again for the ride.
>>3537880>(It would obstruct their vision, yes.)Ah, damn. Is that something we could ameliorate with Neuromancy or our empathic link? Feed them information on target placement that way?
>>3537890it’s also indiscriminate so friendly fire is on. when it comes to that bullet type we need to cut a path and head for the core. asap. spawn constructs and fill your hive slots to max with basic swarmlings.
>>3537893>You guys cut the cord to Isabelle. Knowing what I know now, I'm not sure It would have helped us but I like to think there was a chance, some kind of chance It could have prevented the fight entirely. Nope, no chance at all. It was just a bad roll. >Well In any case, I think any sort of redemption for Isabelle has been shot dead, which Is personally extremely disappointing.There was never any hope for redeeming her. The only question was how merciful a death she would receive. The answer has now been resolved to be "not at all".
>>3537837right, i think this is a good plan. its simple, but despite the chaos, the situation actually IS simple. its a hallway with a horde coming at us. we are the romans facing the barbarian hordes, out Constructs our auxiliaries. we can build off of this plan easily though i think, if nothing else.DORIAN>switch into Maque Form, get infront of the party to help give everyone a minor second to react.>Just as the horde hits the Shield Wall, flare VER to cause them to panic and throw off their rush.DORIAN and KEANE>have your paintlngs and mucuslings and clog up the hallway, forcing the horde into a more narrow, manageable path, and keeping them in Raths fire longer.SHU>Activate your LEASH.RATH, MARA, and ACE>Rath, quickly spam out 5 Boils to burn out what you can as they approach.>Rush forwards, shoulder to shoulder, and act as our frontline shield wall. Main focus is to hold back the horde, but any and all kills are welcome.>Once the Horde hits and such it is hopefully slowed or broken up, slowly start pushing forward to keep us moving.JULIA and JACKIE>Quickly use your Health Regen to make 5 Attacks(4 Extra) against the walls, to stack on more debuffs.>Have Jackie aid in enhancing Julias abilities to see if she can't get more Stacks out.SHU, QUINN, and JACKIE>Aid the Shield Wall via aiming for the gaps or being extra help to protect their backs from surprises or ones that slip past the group.EVERYONE'S CONSTRUCTS>Wait until Dorian flares his VER, then rush past the SHield wall in a swarm of our own to take the first barrage, slowly retreating back to the Shield Wall to slow the enemies charge further and give the Shield Wall the best chance to properly hold.
>>3537884>>SHORT FUSE: Shot effects now take 1 less turn to detonate.>>CICADA'S CRY: A squat, fat round, this grenade-like projectile lacks the damage-dealing capabilities of its kin in favor of emitting an ear-piercing wail over a vast distance. This cry acts to disrupt any and all concentration-based effects in a medium range around the target area aside from those employed by its user, severely limiting the vast arsenals of Neuromancers, Humoral Paladins, and Phantasmal Conduits alike. They don't call out often in this desolate land, but when the cicadas cry...the world listens.(Cost: 10% BIO)>>3537893(Good to have you back, Anon! I agree that it's been a wild ride, and now that we're moving into the second act, I'm looking forward to revealing more about the world and characters, as well as seeing how you tackle what's to come.)
>>3537907I like the Idea of letting the rising tide break on our BulwarkI would add instead of activating the Leash to throw a couple of Banelings their way to soften the impact a bit so they will be a bit more dissordered before being hit bei VERURTEILUNG
>>3537907Sound good, but I think Shu might be good as part of the shield wall as well. Ravenous Maw means that anything that gets close to her gets a bite taken out of it, and Gluttonous abilities are stated to be especially good against minions. A bunch of low-health monsters like this, constantly being hit by triple-strength criticals (after already being weakened by Masque of War), should be easy prey. And it would give Shu a ton of bonus BIO, actually, since she'll get back a fifth of the damage she deals as BIO. We can feed that back to the rest of the group through Keane's connection, keep everyone topped off.>>3537916We can do that, too. Exsanguinating Leash costs nothing to use, and we have three actions per round instead of just two, now.
>>3537895(You can, though they'd be striking blind, for the most part. The info as to where things are aren't terribly clear.)
>>3537920>>We can do that, too. Exsanguinating Leash costs nothing to use, and we have three actions per round instead of just two, now.right...... forgot that....
>>3537921Darn. Best to put Dorian in front of the rest of the team instead of around us, then.
>>3537899Wait that's It? I'll fully admit to speedreading to find out what happened and get caught up. It really was just a bad roll that made her find us/ made that whole encounter happen?Fuck. Well In any case, I still think It might have been a bad call. Did you see how many chances BHOP gave us to back out of that surgery? Do you remember that BHOP mentioned that our connection could have leveled up? There was potential there, there was serious potential there even In spite of what's happened and I think we threw It away.
>>3537915ah, thank you. totally forgot about the Cicada round, but until we get--wait we have fucking BEES, why CANT we just have one make us some beeswax earplugs?>>3537916she can do both, as Constructs have their one mini-Act as it was once spawned. >i say then look back and see we did not spawn them.oh, damn, that sucks. still, taking away 1/3 the SPIRALS Health Regen to give to the party is REALLY useful.>>3537920totally forgot Leash is free, so yeah ill add in the Baneling thing for Shu, i dunno. i mean, she can stick her Ma through the gaps and the like to help, sure. but she doesn't have the Raw defense or Strength of the other three to actually TAKE the wave as it hits our shores, as the saying does.>>3537922hey man, dont feel too bad, we have alot of abilities and alot of character, no one is gonna remember every detail.
>>3537907Just to make the image of a shieldwall and prepared positions being used to defeat a horde more of a thing Another Idea >>could we try and terraform the Battlefield to make the Enemy rush into a set of spikes to impale themselves upon it should slow them down considerably if we could pull it of or leave us terribly exposed
>>3537925we could have him be a cloud out infront of the horde, give the Shield Wall a few feet to see the enemy coming while still laying on his anti-Construct damage?
>>3537943BHOP in the threat area said >Terraforming very difficulti dont think its worth the BIO at such a difficult level honestly. that either means the cost and concentration necessary goes up, or there suddenly a chance for failure and wasted ACTS.
>>3537926Nope. B'Ni is too crazy to deal with. The connection levels up to just an inferior version of the Crimson Cord we have with Gina, that's it. So we'd be able to make telepathic contact with her, and share BIO in close proximity, but no real potential. We don't want to be in telepathic contact with her, and sharing BIO is I suppose useful if we want to drain her in a fight but not useful for your desired reconciliation. B'Ni is, and always was, a lost cause and waste of time. We threw away nothing.>>3537931>as for Shu, i dunno. i mean, she can stick her Ma through the gaps and the like to help, sure. but she doesn't have the Raw defense or Strength of the other three to actually TAKE the wave as it hits our shores, as the saying does.Don't have to endure the crashing wave if you destroy it before it gets to you. Triple-strength auto-criticals on anything that gets close, I'm not sure they'd even get a chance to deal damage. They stick their arm out to strike and it's already eaten. But I suppose she could still get overwhelmed, so I'll compromise to staying close behind the heavies and eating anyone that gets past them.>>3537944Yeah, that seems reasonable.
>>3537837>>3537907right, a few changes. my only real worry right now is any surprises it'll throw at us, but those are nearly impossible to fully predict enough to counter outright, so hopefully having Shus group being told to look out for such things will at least give us a chance to lessen such blows.DORIAN>switch into Maque Form, get infront of the Shield Wall, leaving a good few Feet for them to see the Horde incoming, to help give everyone a minor second to react.>Just as the horde hits the Shield Wall, flare VER to cause them to panic and throw off their rush.DORIAN and KEANE>have your paintlngs and mucuslings and clog up the hallway, forcing the horde into a more narrow, manageable path, and keeping them in Raths fire longer.SHU>Activate your LEASH.>Spawn 4 Banelings to go and Detonate upon the horde as it rushes past Raths fire and the shortened gap .RATH, MARA, and ACE>Rath, quickly spam out 5 Boils to burn out what you can as they approach.>Rush forwards, shoulder to shoulder, and act as our frontline shield wall. Main focus is to hold back the horde, but any and all kills are welcome.>Once the Horde hits and such it is hopefully slowed or broken up, slowly start pushing forward to keep us moving.JULIA and JACKIE>Quickly use your Health Regen to make 5 Attacks(4 Extra) against the walls, to stack on more debuffs.>Have Jackie aid in enhancing Julias abilities to see if she can't get more Stacks out.SHU, QUINN, and JACKIE>Aid the Shield Wall via aiming for the gaps or being extra help to protect their backs from surprises or ones that slip past the group.>Shu Focuses on Maw grabs and Contender Sword jabs, using Arms to hold down and that start to push past the Shield Wall.>Quinn simply Focuses on hits, getting what she can in to help her abilities start to form.>Jackie can aid the Shield wall with her Ability Boost/Activation if she sees a good opportunity, otherwise simply focus on helping take care of any slippery bastards or surprises.EVERYONE'S CONSTRUCTS>Wait until Dorian flares his VER, then rush past the SHield wall in a swarm of our own to take the first barrage, slowly retreating back to the Shield Wall to slow the enemies charge further and give the Shield Wall the best chance to properly hold.>Construct Spawners who can should replace their numbers without being too draining on their reserves. The Construct horde is helpful but running ourselves dry too quickly will do no one any good.
>>3537947You are right maybe i am getting a bit reckless do to my excitementThough maybe something to keep in mind when we have a similar situation in front of us with better terrain>>3537926Isabelle was pretty crazy and had an extreme determination.. not to kill us but to make Shu and everyone Shu cares about hurtTrying to save her is probably an effort in futility imoThough I have made up my mind anyone who threatens the family gets one chance to redeem themsleves afterwards they are toast
>>3537951>B'Ni is, and always was, a lost cause and waste of time.I see where you're coming from but that's not exactly true. BHOP stated had we played our cards differently and gotten to know her we could have made her situation better, delayed her leaving, prevented It entirely.Is she a lost cause *now*? Probably. The players have never liked her, hell, I didn't like her until the reveal and maybe It speaks to my own Issues but I sympathize with a person like her. I'd rather see her get over her problems than drown In them, unlikely as that Is. Oh well, I'm not going to argue about It, what's done Is done.
>>3537893>>3537899>>3537926nah man, we decided to cut the connection because she was already clearly too far gone. we outright thought, and were right, she was now after us for reasons we could not allow, aka killing someone. we just didn't know EXACTLY who perhaps. we cut the connection for very very good reasons.our mistake was exactly as Isabelle said; we went exactly to the first place she would look for us, then just followed us til she saw an opening to move it. bad roll perhaps she was able to find us there, but we did ourselves no favors making it an easier roll for sure. but we also kinda didn't have a choice almost, we didn't have time to really think of how to better find and talk to Mara somewhere safer, and were a little distracted to think of such a thing anyways.>>3537973at least shes not West, ill give her that at least.
>>3537961Looks good to me. Though small point of correction, Julia should be making six attacks, she gets two by default. And actually, if she used both her actions on stacking debuffs, it would be eight, but I can understand wanting to keep one open in case she has to fight a construct that gets past. Was that the intent?>>3537973Right, here's the thing, though: B'Ni is not worth the effort that would have been needed to make her an ally. That's why she was always a waste of time. Not because it was impossible to redeem her, but because it would have been a huge sink of time and effort and I just don't care about her enough. Like you said, nobody liked her. She was not worth the time and effort needed to make her someone likable. And her backstory changes nothing, it just makes her more unlikable. We're not Sam, we owe no responsibility for the actions of a dead woman. Her trying to guilt us over something another person did just seals the deal that she'll never be someone we'll want on our side.>>3537979I'm just surprised she made it back so quickly. She suddenly only takes fifteen minutes to move a distance she took days to cross the other way around? Did she get really lucky finding a waystation in the middle of Carrol's Wood?
>>3537847oh, BHOP, what did Raths Strength boost end up as at the end?>>3537986ah yeah my bad on the miscount,though yes i wanted her to have one extra to react with if necessary. sorry that was not clear.>I'm just surprised she made it back so quickly. She suddenly only takes fifteen minutes to move a distance she took days to cross the other way around? Did she get really lucky finding a waystation in the middle of Carrol's Wood?she may of dropped some levels into the Greaves and Sprinter, as we never saw her new loadout for that battle.
>>3537986It could have been mother throwing her a bone just for her own amusement
>>3537986(B'ni used a Waystation she found, yes.)
>>3538003Rasm frasm teleportation. Okay, new policy: destroy all waystations. Our Threat Level is about to reach the point where we won't be able to use them safely, anyway, might as well just get rid of all of them so no one can use them against us, either.
>>3538019yeah but not all daughters out there who can use them are bad or our enemies. all doing that might do is make us enemies we wouldn't otherwise have. plus technically we dont need Charon to use them, so long term they are still an incredibly useful tool. we just need to be be more careful with them is all.
>>3538026Fine, we'll just destroy all of them within a wide radius of wherever we make our base. You can use Waystations outside our territory, but if you want in you'll have to walk. And I don't think we can use them, once Charon starts gunning for us. I don't want to be heading down to the fast-travel hub and then have an alien skeleton monster pop up out of nowhere. Which, yes, also means it won't be practical to destroy them, but maybe we can get some long-range artillery strikes on them. November, can we borrow your tank?
>>3537961>>3537837add in that Rath should:>Rath should spawn herself 2 REPLICANT Limbs and 4 PHANTOM limbs.seeing as how it appears she did not spawn any extra to use after the God Smash?>>3538057i meat once Charon is dead they will be safe to use again.
>>3538062>i meat once Charon is dead they will be safe to use again.Yeah, but that's a long way away. She's endgame content, I think.
>>3537926never ever speed read. bhop always gives us important context clues to the situation.
>>3537837>Shu: spend 1 action using your halo to scan the surroundings and locate the Core.Guys we can’t waste time with the mob when we have a core to kill.
>>3538083its literally a straight hallway forward with a horde in the way. its literally not a choice until we get deep enough in for there to be a second path. we can save the scan for when we have more than a single direction we can go.
>>3538083Burying through this thing is gonna be impossible if can not use terraforming so scanning right now seems pretty pointless unless we can open another passage though then we still have the problem of an enemy in our backs
>>3538083We kind of do when they're in the way between us and the core. We're in a shallow cut, we need to go deeper. Also, it's a spiral monster. If the core is not at the center of the spiral, I will eat my hat. Well, I don't actually own a hat, but I will figuratively eat one. Point is, we know where it is, the only difficulty will be if the path to it branches. Let's save that until we're anywhere even close to a branch.
>>3537837The light streaming in from the outside dies as the wound closes above you, leaving the screaming horde that pours towards you lit only by the luminous bulbs along the corridor that echoes with their terrified howls. A mixture of scarlet paintlings and white cells surge ahead of Dorian as he darts past you, and you watch as his entire body bursts into a vibrating screen of scarlet haze that forms a barrier in front of the funnel that his and Quinn’s constructs have made for the onrushing horde.To your left you see Julia striking the walls, causing their spirals to droop and sag, and when Jackie sees her efforts she breaks into a wide grin, reaching out with one hand and flaring her fingers outwards. When Julia’s fifth and final strike of her flurry hits home, the walls around you practically turn to vibrating jelly, gooey crystals erupting from the flesh in the corridor and in the sockets of the ill-formed faces that surge towards you. >>[MALLEABLE FLESH STACKS x13 / MAXIMUM REACHED]Jackie cackles with satisfaction when Julia rounds on her in confusion, but you have no time to think as Rath’s first pay load whizzes by your head. You send a quartet of newborn Banelings join Rath’s shining grenades in arcing over the barrier and into the crowd, the torrent of acid and luminous flares disappearing into the roiling wall of screaming faces that are mere meters from Dorian’s vaporous form. The multi-armed Rath rushes forwards with Ace’s armored form and Marrow Dragoon’s imposing frame at her sides, ready to block the onslaught at any cost as Quinn joins Julia in striking at any available surface, laughing alongside the artist as she does.You activate the Leash, tethering yourself to the walls when through your empathic field you’re suddenly aware of the intense and shared pain that’s creeping up your legs and those of your allies. You look down to see the floor at your feet warping into tight spirals, the skin of your feet and legs twisting in turn as the ground yearns to become one with your flesh. Keane and Rath are the first to shout in pain as the skin at their ankles are subsumed into the ravenous earth, their bones cracking as they’re twisted into shapes they were never meant to be. The swarm is about to break on Dorian’s barrier, and you see a girl at the back of the horde crackle with Neuromantic power before she’s subsumed in the mass of bodies, and a moment later the floor begins to rumble with far-off movement. Then Dorian’s Verurteilung field flares, and everything promptly goes to hell.(Continued)
>>3538281Suddenly, there is nothing in your mind but a thousand screaming voices filling your consciousness. The walls erupt into a frenzied, twitching chaos, countless mouths voicing the concentrated terror shared by the entire colossus. The corridor shifts and warps, tearing itself apart around you and revealing rooms and corridors beyond, the ground still rumbling as you catch a glimpse of what’s coming for you; a trio of thick pillars, once used to support the ceiling of the Monastery’s grand hall and now hurtling to grind you and your allies to paste against the Spiraling Fear’s thick hide. Some sort of specialized construct emerges from the wall behind you, the throng in the corridor ahead still writhing in fearful confusion. The being that floats towards you and Jackie resembles the teeming mass behind you, distilled into a screeching sphere whose myriad of faces gnash their teeth as one, crying out in abject terror as it advances upon you. Beneath it, tangles of limbs erupt from the ground; long, angular things, their lengths twisted into gangly, emaciated forms as constructs tear themselves free of the spirals at your feet. Jackie makes a hissing noise through her teeth, sparing you a glance before casting it back at the horde, whose efforts to tear you limb from limb have resumed with renewed vigor as the sphere thrums steadily. Dorian’s barrier is getting increasingly difficult to maintain due to the flurry of movement, and you see Rath’s arms begin to dim and crack the longer she swings at the encroaching mob. Even Mara seems curiously sluggish, the powerful swings that cleave through the constructs left and right coming out slower by the second, though still packing their incredible power.You admit your team and the others present are not exactly worse for wear, but between the screaming throng, the sphere of horrified faces, and the rumbling that’s getting more pronounced by the second, one thing is becoming increasingly clear.If you’re going to live through this, you need to move.HP: 310% (+15% REGEN)BIO: 330% (+30% REGEN, 4 Rec-Knights, 3 Bishops, 5 Platelings, 12/18 Active) CONTENDER: 2x B.33 Rounds Loaded, Base Form. 4x Anti-Spiral Rounds available.RAVENOUS MAW: Primed.HUNDRED-HANDED: None.Whistle: FOL CUNTACT: 3/3RATH HP: 251% (+20% REGEN, Sui Tormentis, 2 Replicant, 4 Phantom Limbs, Bishop Active-2 Rounds)JULIA HP: 262% (+20% REGEN, Ignition Gauntlets)DORIAN HP: 201% (+45% REGEN, Masque Form, Cursus Alas)JACKIE HP: 631%QUINN HP: 713%KEANE HP: 398%ACE HP: 1016% (Bishop Active-2 Rounds)MARA HP: ????% (Bishop Active-2 Rounds)Threat: Over one hundred Individuals to the north, Medium. Unknown threat to the South, Close and summoning constructs. Three pillars rapidly approaching.Terrain: Spiral, Terraforming very difficult for non-Spiral Neuromancers.Debuffs: MALLEABLE FLESH x13 (MAX)YOU ARE IN CONTROL
(Voting shall remain open for the next three hours as I wrap up the work day. Thank you for your patience, and I hope your day is going well.)
>>3538306which direction are the pillar coming from?
>>3538288Just to be clear, which directions are open for us to move? North is a corridor full of constructs, south is a wall, what about east and west?
>>3538309(One is coming from the lower east, the other two are parallel with your current position and coming from the east.)
>>3538312(East and west are thin walls. West is another corridor, east is a drop before you hit another corridor.)
>>3538318right.would Raths Immutable Form and Sui shrug off Phantasmal/Auras, or only things directly inflicted on her?
>>3538332If we make some space, we can fire a Cicada round (after firing a B.33 Special, too, to make room in the chamber) at the Screaming Mass. We're close enough to get caught in the blast right now, but if we can get to a safe distance then the Cicada will disable the Phantasmal Conduit abilities it's using to slow our reactions and summon constructs.
>>3538358Oh, or we could just fire it at the wall behind the Mass, so it gets caught but we don't. BHOP, is there enough room in here to catch it but not us, if we don't fire directly?
>>3538358we also have the whistle, its one time use and i kinda wanted to save it, but it might be better than knocking out all our ear drums.>>3538288right, plan is VERY subject to change, the first part being mostly a hold over, but i think we might be able to turn this situation to our advantage slightly.RATH>something seems off. See if you are not, and thus cannot remove, an ailment upon your person with Immutable Form.SHU, RATH, JULIA, and MARA>Combine 4 Boils, a Bow shot from Julia, the 4 Knightlings,and a throwing spear or something else from Mara into a burst of damage at the strange orb to the South, hopefully making it kick the bucket.>If it does not, then Have Rath, Julia, and Mara rush forward to aid the Knightlings in ending it quickly, or at least forcing it back.CONSTRUCTS>Have everyone's Constructs rush forward towards the Sphere to keep what it is spawning busy.DORIAN and KEANE>have your constructs, being alot more malleable, wrap around and help protect everyone's feet as best as possible.EVERYONE>timing will be tough, but help Dorian hold back the horde til the pillars are a bit closer, then everyone, once time is up or the sphere has been pushed back at least, rush to the south, Dorian shifting to Canvass Form to let the Horde through, only to draw them into the path of the Pillars to get crushed.>once the Horde has been pushed aside, or at least the pillars are past, have everyone push together down a path deeper into the thing. Those with Halos should see if their enhanced senses cannot help find the right path.
>>3538332(It shrugs off status effects such as auras, yes.)>>3538367(Firing a Cicada in the corridor will catch everyone in the echo, I'm afraid.)
>>3538410>(Firing a Cicada in the corridor will catch everyone in the echo, I'm afraid.)Aww, I thought i had a good idea. Stupid oddly-resonant monster flesh. Though that's actually probably our fault, we are the ones who made it crystallize.
>>3538374I think heading to the west is probably better. There's an open corridor there. And this is a spiral monster, the path to the core should be running perpendicular to the entrance. Did we catch sight of which direction the Fear was Spiraling, actually?
>>3538445(You did not.)
>>3538445the pillars are coming from the east. you never dodge something by staying in its path. we go West, then instead of dodging the pillars, they are following us.Maybe after we step South out of its path and they pass we can go West sure, but not before.
>>3538449Even though we saw it from the air? Man, we should have been paying better attention.
>>3538452(Uzu's spirals have always run clockwise, and that's the pattern you saw on the outside of the Fear, for what it's worth.)
>>3538288I thought the Leash also allowed us the third of regen that the Spiral's not getting, but there doesn't seem to be any change in Health regen.
>>3538451There's no reason they couldn't keep following us, unless we reach a position they can't fit into. They're not on tracks, if we move out of the way then the Fear will just adjust their direction. We need to move out of the area entirely, heading south puts us up against a wall and makes it easier for the pillars to crush us.
>>3538462(Ah, good catch. Thank you! It should read as follows;)>>HP: 310% (+255% REGEN)
>>3538463doesn't matter if they can somewhat home in on us, it is always easier to dodge something sideways then running directly away from it. its also why i said ti wait til the last moments possible, to give them less time to correct their movement.
>>3538467So I guess the Spiraling Terror has a total of 720% regen, now reduced to less than 480% due to what it's also using up to counter the acid bath it's getting. That's some B'ni levels of regen.
>>3538468No, it's easier to dodge it by running away, because these things are moving fairly slowly. They're aiming to grind us against the wall, not smash us with a quick blow. If we try to dodge to the side, then we actually have to move a large distance to make a meaningful dodge, in order to maximize the angle they have to adjust. If we just run away, faster than they are, then we won't have any problems getting to a space they can't fit into in time.However, I will say this: The fact that they're approaching from the east does make me rethink going west. Not because they're more likely to catch us if we go west, but because it suggests they want to herd us that way. Uzu typically spiraled clockwise, but maybe evil anti-Spiral Uzu goes the other direction for her internals.>>3538483Not necessarily. BHOP said that debuffs are effective, but reduced. Depending on how much they're reduced, its regen could be anywhere from two to five times that. That's as much as I'd consider scaling it before I no longer considered a debuff "effective".
>>3538495Well, if she spirals outward clockwise, then we go counter-clockwise to go inwards and get to the core. Assuming we don't bust through some walls when possible to shorten the travel.
>>3538504Maybe. Directions for a spiral are usually dictated by the direction they spiral inwards, though, so that's what I assumed by Uzu spiraling clockwise, that heading west would get us to the core. BHOP, which did you mean? Was clockwise her outward or inward direction?
>>3538495>Three pillars rapidly approaching.they are not moving slowly. running directly away from something and thus staying in its path makes it less likely to dodge it. this is literally basically fact. we're inside the thing, they are described and shown in the threat section to be approaching fast, im highly, very highly, doubtful we can outrun them, especially with the very ground trying to twist our legs off. we are not going East. i dont like getting confrontational in this way, but going east is an extremely dumb idea. staying in the pillars path to try and dodge them is only going to end extremely poorly. if they can somehow adjust their angle fast enough to where dodging sideways in either direction at the last moments would still have them hit us, then they are so against physics and in control of their movement they are going to hit us no matter the direction we go. now if you wanna argue about trying to push past 100 Constructs instead to go north, im open. we could also try and tank the hit and smash through them, but personally i do not think that would be worth the resources. maybe Rath could throw out another hard hit, but with three of them i doubt we can clear the path and even if we could, she would be drained and a dead weight on the party. at least South there is less to push back and we are dodging in a logical direction for actually dodging, aka, sideways.i suppose we could try dodging somewhat diagonally towards it, kinda wrap around them, but that also feels even more risky. and it appears all the flesh and terrain from that direction is going wild, and we shouldn't throw ourselves into that.
Those pillars explicitly used to be part of the monastery, right? So they aren't made of Spiral flesh and can be terraformed like normal perhaps.
>>3538535if we could connect to them sure. thats like, a few seconds long of a window though. and also we would have to hope its enough to overpower its own control over them, if it has any besides just brute forcing them at us.risky to say the least.
>>3538513(To prevent any plans backfiring due to poor wording on my part, this picture is how her spirals are shaped. You are on the outer western side of her body's main spiral.)
>>3538374Oh, here's an idea. Fire a Herculean Fullbore at the wall and leave it to dig it's own path to the core while the attention is on us. It will be going straight for the internal organs, after all, and when it does it's big damage it might give us an opening to act freely.
>>3538565Okay, so north is retracing the spiral back to the center, east is breaking through a wall to go deeper in, west is dropping down to another level.
>>3538565then if us being on the west lines up that means we need to either go East or North. except the pillars are coming from the East and there 100 Constructs to get past to go North.>>3538568our Contender is loaded up so we wouldn't be able to do that til next turn, however that is not entirely a bad idea.
>>3538573(Correct, I hope this helps. I'd initially intended to leave it ambiguous, but that wouldn't have been fun.)
>>3538525Fairly slowly, I said. They're not glacial, but they're slower than us, because otherwise they'd be here already. We could move that distance in one turn. We can outpace them.And no, we shouldn't go east when the pillars are still there. Much easier to squish us, then. I'm not proposing that. But getting them to loop around the area so they're on the west side, then we head east...that could work.We're definitely not going to try to dodge at the last minute, though, that's stupid. That increase risk unnecessarily and means that we're still being chased, without any actual resolution to the problem. We need to move, immediately, and your plan still has us being trapped in a small space with a bunch of monsters and the pillars still trying to grind us up. We escape for one turn, but without actually working towards getting away from this.So yeah, maybe going north is our best option, since the west is probably a trap, the east isn't a trap but has a trap blocking it, and the south is a super trap. I'm not sure how to get past the horde, though. If we kill the Mass we might be able to fight effectively to get through them, but I don't like the odds, especially when there's that Neuromancer construct blending into the horde.>>3538565Okay, so it is clockwise inward. Great. And based on our position, that means north is where we want to go after all. Now how to get through...Is there enough room that direction for a Cicada round to not catch us, if Dorian switches back to Canvas form and teleports back to safety? We make the Neuormancer construct go haywire, maybe mess up control over the constructs somewhat, and then we book it through cutting down everything in our path?
>>3538581BHOP already said we cant avoid the Cicada round at the moment, aswell as the Contender is already loaded.and while i still highly disagree with alot of that, going North probably is our best bet. we cna and should still try and wait as long as we can, remember, Dorian can basically TELEPORT. him waiting last second to let the horde pass his Mist so they jump into the path of the Pillars is not at all very dangerous for him. ill admit it is a risk for the others but him specifically i disagree with. combine that with having his paintlings and Keanes mucuslings trying to slow them down and i think we can very much turn the Pillars to an advantage if we time it right. but we cant do that any way but south.if we go North, its going to literally have to be brute forcing our way through, there is no other option really. all i can think of it having Dorian and Keane team up with maybe Shus Hydromancy to basically make a wave of liquid Constructs to wash the horde to the side like some sorta moses and the red sea move, but im not sure is thats gonna work.
>>3538601>BHOP already said we cant avoid the Cicada round at the moment, aswell as the Contender is already loaded.Right, yes, got confused and thought there was another chamber ahead already. There isn't, yet. The Contender being loaded doesn't matter, though, we can fire and reload in time..Anyways, I'm still very against the idea of going south. That makes it too easy to crush us. But thinking about it, why do we need to avoid them? Hear me out: You want to crush the horde with the pillars, but that requires some risky dodging to get the horde in position but us not. Why don't we just go past the horde, so that the pillars have to go through them to catch us? Shu and Rath are both capable of sling-shotting themselves over the horde with their powers, and each should be able to carry another person. The Knights can carry more. Dorian doesn't need someone to carry him since he can slip past them in mist form. So then we're on the other side of the corridor, past the horde, and the pillars are doing our work for us in trying to get to us.
>>3538638do we really have room to try to go over the horde like that? and also not get near enough to the ceiling for something to reach out and grab someone. also that entirely depends on the Pillars being able to change course faster than the horde can rush forward, aswell as relies on it not caring about the hordes life, rather then us using its momentum to make it not have that choice.
>>3538655>do we really have room to try to go over the horde like that? and also not get near enough to the ceiling for something to reach out and grab someone. Yeah, we have the room. The corridor is six meters tall. These constructs are human-sized, unless they have some really good vertical jumps (which, okay, is a possibility) we can fly four meters up and be fine.And you're right, maybe the pillars won't crush the horde. Doesn't really matter. The point is to not be trapped between the pillars and the horde. We can take on either so long as we're not in danger of getting pincered. Same with the Screaming Mass, that thing will be on the other side from us if we don't manage to kill it first.
>>3538676so something akin to this? honestly this is all ive got. >>3538288>>3538374changing to:RATH>something seems off. See if you are not, and thus cannot remove, an ailment upon your person with Immutable Form.SHU, DORIAN, and KEANE>Have Dorian shift into Canvass Mode to slip back to the group.>Unload a BB.33 and load up and fire a Cicada down the hallway.>Have Dorian and Keanes Constructs rush in after the Cicada goes off and attempt to further subdue the constructs.SHU, RATH, and DORIAN>use your unique abilities of Maw, Tensile, and Canvass Form to get over the horde.>if possible, have someone hitch a ride with you.EVERYONE ELSE>If you do not have your own method to do so, either hitch a ride with Shu, Rath, or Dorian, or Shu will have or make a Knightling to help you cross the Construct horde.KEANE and DORIAN>once on the other side, slap mucus/paint shoes onto everyone, see if that helps hold off the ground twisting our ankles at least.ACE, MARA, and RATH>Once on the other side of the Horde, quickly cover our flanks, as we cannot be sure the horde will stay subdued for long.
>>3538638If we're going west, then perhaps we can fire it right as we drop down at our pursuers? It's used and we can load a Herculean Fullbore to later fire as an assassin burrowing towards Uzu.
>>3538719Nah, the Cicada doesn't work, remember? That was just me getting confused about the layout of the room. But yeah, I think slipping past to the other side of the horde is probably our best move. It's risky, but I think it's maybe our least risky move. Maybe. I'm second-guessing everything, because this fight is just that bullshit. But I think this is the most viable. I mean, going west doesn't work, because we have to break through a wall and try to dodge the pillars at the same time, and it doesn't get us closer to the core. Going east doesn't work, because it gets us in the perfect place for the pillars to squish us, and also doesn't get us closer to the core. Going south doesn't work because it puts us in close range of the Screaming Mass if we don't manage to kill it, and pins us against a wall. The only viable direction is north, and while it's risky to try to bypass the horde it's riskier to try to fight through it while the pillars are approaching.I don't like this, it would be really bad if it goes wrong, but honestly that is something to say of literally every moment of the encounter when you're fighting a living dungeon.>>3538728North, not west.
>>3538742Actually, I suppose before we commit to this crazy plan we should actually ask? How many zones does the horde extend across? Is it actually possible to do the leapfrog, or am I getting overly ambitious?
>>3538742actually i have no idea because BHOP here said...>He deleted the messageoh wqjfrkfjweogherjwq3lt4qeiotjg4lergre.ok now im just confused. ok so BHOP has responded to >>3538581saying it COULD be done, and i assumed what he meant was it wouldn't affect us if it went down the HALLWAY, while>>3538367>>3538410here he meant towards the screaming orb. and i totally forgot to mention i saw BHOP say differently, but now the message is gone so i guess he changed his mind? i have literally no idea anymore grrrraahhh.without the Cicada though i dont think its going to work though, as we NEED that time if nothing else to make sure we can land safely and setup defenses, instead of having us all land mis matched and/or instantly getting swarmed as the horde follows under us to the landing zone.
>>3538757(It can be cleared by committing two move actions to the effort. The Knightlings can clear it easily with one passenger each, as well. If you're no caught by any of the Horde's abilities, then you'd make it across quickly.)>>3538760(Also, I deleted my message because I misunderstood, my apologies for the confusion. The Cicada will, in no uncertain terms, utterly disrupt any concentration in the area for anyone present. There is no avoiding it in the corridor.)
>>3538776well alright then. fuck.>>3538288>>3538719well seeing as that would kill us all, changing to;RATH>something seems off. See if you are not, and thus cannot remove, an ailment upon your person with Immutable Form.CONSTRUCTS>Have our Constructs rush into the horde and attempt to keep them preoccupied as our group leaps over the Horde to avoid the Pillars and getting trapped.SHU, RATH, and DORIAN>use your unique abilities of Maw, Tensile, and Canvass Form to get over the horde.>if possible, have someone hitch a ride with you.EVERYONE ELSE>If you do not have your own method to do so, either hitch a ride with Shu, Rath, or Dorian, or Shu will have or make a Knightling to help you cross the Construct horde.KEANE and DORIAN>once on the other side, slap mucus/paint shoes onto everyone, see if that helps hold off the ground twisting our ankles at least.SHU, DORIAN, and KEANE>Fire both BBs into the back of the horde and give em a slash to try and slow them down.>Have Keane and Dorian spawn new constructs to slowly start patching up the hole so the horde has trouble following us as heavily.>Dorian can shift back in Masque form then to keep them off our tail.ACE, MARA, and RATH>Once on the other side of the Horde, quickly cover our flanks, as we cannot be sure the horde will stay subdued for long.>the group should still attempt to make their way deeper in however not at the risk of breaking formation and getting ive got honestly.
>>3538776>(It can be cleared by committing two move actions to the effort. The Knightlings can clear it easily with one passenger each, as well. If you're no caught by any of the Horde's abilities, then you'd make it across quickly.)Okay, we can do this, then. Rath doesn't have enough actions to leapfrog and do something else, but Shu does. And everyone else is going to ride, and so can spend their actions on other things. Alright, so how does this sound?>>3538288>Shu>Fire B.33 at Screaming Mass.>Scoop up Keane, leapfrog over the horde.>Direct Knightlings to carry party members not moving under their own power>Rath>Scoop up Quinn, leapfrog to other side of horde>Julia>Fire a bone dart from ranged-mode Bloody Ripper at Screaming Mass>Ride on Knightling to other side>Dorian>Shift to Canvas form as free action, get to other side of horde>Shift back to Critic form, start clearing landing zone with four clawed arms. Burn BIO with Cursus Alas if needed.>Jackie>Direct bladebats to attack Screaming Mass>Hop on Knightling, ride across>Assist Dorian in clearing landing zone>Quinn>Be carried along by Rath>Assist Dorian in clearing landing zone>Keane>Be carried along by Shu>Provide healing and status effect removal as needed to those clearing landing zone>Ace>Ride Knightling across>Assist in clearing landing zone>Mara>Ride Knightling across>Assist in clearing landing zone
>>3538808>>>3538288the screaming mass wont really be a problem if we get past the horde. itll be pretty far away cutoff from the horde, and id doubt we can do enough to remove it as a problem while running away. we're also going to need to save ACTS and resources to react to the Horde once we land.
>>3538812I suppose. I just wanted to distract it a little, I guess, make it less focused on debuffing us so that we'd have better ability to move fast.Also, sorry for the delayed reply time, there's a pretty bad storm here and it's messing up my connection. I may or may not check out for the night at any time, here's hoping I'll stay online.
>>3538857i can see the logic, but if it is what is debuffing us, we probably will end up out of its range anyways.oof, thats rough, but i understand. hope it clears up for ya, but if not have a good night.
>>3538862success, but at what cost?
>>3538288"Dorian, your field is fucked!" Rath shouts from the front, her arms flaking even more as she crushes two skulls with a single devastating swipe. "It's tearing up my arms man, cut it out!" "Miss Shu, there's something making field effects indiscriminate in here, I'm so sorr..." Dorian begins across the channel, but you cut him off as your Ravenous Maw roils in space where you intestines once resided. "It's fine, we're going over the crowd! Get who you can, shift into Canvass form and make a break for it!" You command, flaring your empathic field to everyone present. "You hear me!? Move!"Dorian's physical form coalesces as your allies and the Midnight crew surge forwards as one, with Dorian instantly snatching Julia up in his arms and yanking the two of them down the tunnel. Jackie and Ace are carried forwards by a pair of Knightlings as Rath wraps one arm around Quinn's slender waist before taking off down the corridor's teeming length.You glance behind you as your tongue lashes out, seeing Mara cutting her way through the Horde as the Screaming Mass draws ever closer."Mara, let's move!""GO!" She roars across the circuit, throwing her short-sword out and spearing the Mass in the center, reeling it in and cutting it in half. "I'll catch up, just get to the Core as fast as you can! This thing's on the move, and we don't have much time." You're about to object when the eastern wall explodes as first pillar cuts the Horde in half, leaving Mara locked behind a wall of marbled calcite as you're yanked forwards on a bungee cord of muscled tongue."Keep moving!" Jackie screams from just ahead of you. "She can take care of herself, we're al...!"The second pillar tears through the eastern wall and instantly obscures your allies from sight, and without the rear or forward corridors the floor collapses from underneath you, sending the other half of the Horde into free-fall in the hollow space you're now in. You catch yourself mid-swing, but not soon enough to avoid getting thrown into the western wall by the sheer speed of the column's path as you take the impact on one shoulder. Your arm shoots through with pain before going numb, and that's all it takes for Keane to tumble from your grasp, her pale eyes going wide while she plummets down through the spiraling mass. Movement erupts from your right as Ace leaps off your Swarmling, instantly casting herself into the depths in pursuit of her ally and narrowly avoiding when the third pillar smashes into the Knightling she was riding a moment earlier.(Continued)
>>3538879Perhaps its the Halo, or maybe its your own spike of adrenaline and the realization that you're terribly, horribly in over your head, but your world slows as you process where you are and what's at stake. The hollowed space you find yourself in is cavernous, and a frantic glance around reveals pulsing, spiraled tubes like the one you were in before, run through with calcite stone and man-made debris. Below, a cloud of ill-defined shapes emerge from a massive round orb of flesh as Keane plummets, and from where Mara duels the Horde you can sense some sort of distortion rapidly approaching through the pulsing walls. Ahead of you, your allies's pulses collectively spike at the arrival of something only they can see, and here you are, dangling above a twisted abyss......with a choice to make.HP: 310% (+255% REGEN)BIO: 330% (+30% REGEN, 3 Rec-Knights (1 Rec-Knight Swarm), 3 Bishops, 5 Platelings, 11/18 Active) [1 Knightling with Mara, 1 Knightling with Jackie, 1 with you]CONTENDER: 2x B.33 Rounds Loaded, Base Form. 4x Anti-Spiral Rounds available.RAVENOUS MAW: Primed.HUNDRED-HANDED: Tethered to the ceiling.Whistle: FOL CUNTACT: 3/3RATH HP: 270% (+20% REGEN, Sui Tormentis, 2 Replicant, 4 Phantom Limbs, Bishop Active-1 Rounds)JULIA HP: 282% (+20% REGEN, Ignition Gauntlets)DORIAN HP: 210% (+45% REGEN, Masque Form, Cursus Alas)JACKIE HP: 631%QUINN HP: 713%KEANE HP: 398%ACE HP: 1016% (Bishop Active-1 Rounds)MARA HP: ????% (Bishop Active-1 Rounds)Threat: Medium. Mara locked with Horde and Mass. Keane pursued by Ace, lethal impact imminent. Remainder of team ahead, blocked by pillar. Pillars may be able to be pushed clear somehow.Terrain: Spiral, Terraforming very difficult for non-Spiral Neuromancers.Debuffs: MALLEABLE FLESH x13 (MAX)>>Try to scramble to the aide of Julia, Dorian, Rath, Quinn, and Jackie. You have no idea what they're going to face, and you're not going to let them face it alone.>>Dive to stop Keane and Ace from falling, whatever it takes. You can feel the desperation and panic in their minds, and Ace has a plan to save Keane that doesn't involve her walking away from it in one piece.>>Try to get back to Mara. She may be powerful, but something's not right with her and now she's trapped with the majority of the Horde falling upon her and an unknown threat making itself known.>>Write-InYOU ARE IN CONTROL
(Gentlemen, I shall be pausing here for the evening. Voting shall remain open for the next thirteen hours, with posting to resume in roughly fifteen, depending on the complexity of your plan and the intensity of work. I shall be around for a while longer to address questions, concerns, and criticisms, as usual. I wish you a good evening, and take care one and all.)
>>3538886Okay, well, that went poorly, but it would have gone even more poorly if we had stayed in one place, so I guess I'm feeling positive about my decisions here. As much as I can be. Right. Let's save Ace and Keane. They're the ones in the immediate worst position, and ones we are in the best position to assist. Because they're both wearing our drones. This is easy.>>Write-In>Sprout a net of arms from Ace's Bishop and Keane's Plateling. Catch them both against the walls of the pit before they fall further, using the flexibility of a structure made of joints to absorb their momentum.
>>3538886>>Dive to stop Keane and Ace from falling, whatever it takes. You can feel the desperation and panic in their minds, and Ace has a plan to save Keane that doesn't involve her walking away from it in one piece.>>after rescuing the two, go aid Marafucking...of course it comes down to a 'who do we want to potentially fuck over' hahaha, our fucking luck my dead deceased god. anyways, i GUARANTEE you NO group is n a good position, but i at LEAST think the biggest and most grounded group will be the least in need of our aid. that brings it down to aiding Mara or Aiding the Midnight Crew.and its a tough choice but...Mara probably needs our aid, but we hardly will be able to do much on our own, in either group. the two falling are the two most immediately in need of aid, and its also our fault a bit for dropping Keane. yeah, not ACTUALLY our fault, but we still dropped her so abandoning her feels wrong. if Mara or the Main group cant hold off long enough for us to rescue these two, then honestly? we wouldnt of been able to save them anyways...
>>3538901>>3538902spawning arm ropes does sound like a good way to grab them yeah.any ideas for aiding Mara? i was thinking probably best to just try and get her out of there, but that might be difficult or involve a bit more.
>>3538952No good ones. She's locked behind a thick Calcite wall, there's no real way for us to get at her that won't waste a ton of time. I think we might just have to leave her to it and hope that the strongest Daughter we know of can survive this.
>>3538985Its our team that is behind the pillar, not Mara. As far as the threat scenario is saying, shes actually easier to get to than the rest.
>>3539024(She actually is easier to get to than the rest of the party, yes.)
WHY THE FUCK IS IT THAT WHEN I LEAVE FOR WORK I COME BACK TO SEE EVERYTHING JUST GOES TO ABSOLUTE SHIT?Sorry about the rant. im just tired from work and my mother is the sort of parent that tends to have a nag the moment she see me come home from work....
>>3539024Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, and the pillar that cut us off from her fell into the pit along with the second. Well, then, I'm still not sure. I guess we could pull her out of there with another arm rope, or have a Knightling forcibly carry her? Maybe once we have Ace and Keane secured, Ace can teleport-swap with her, and then since Ace is less stubborn ride along on the Knightling without needing to be forced?
>>3539036(No worries, Anon. Sorry that work was stressful, I hope you can get some time to relax this evening.)>>3539043(The pillar to Mara is less secure than the one leading to your other allies, though both have yet to fall.)
>>3539043Something like that works yes.We can then drag her ass back to the pillar and either terraform it with dorian To move it, or team up with rath and have us all help push it. Probably the first but its good to have back up plans.No one left behind, even if they argue otherwise or probably don't need our help! I mean she actually might but the point still stands.
>>3539049Are the pillars easy to terraform? because they seem to be since they were hurled like mundane objects and aren't a fixture of the spiral architecture.
>>3539063(They can be terraformed, yes.)
>>3539055Okay, so it is blocking her, just less secure. Then we don't want to swap Ace with her, that will leave Ace stuck while we lift the pillar. Instead let's just use the fact that Ace is a big girl (for you) to help in lifting the pillar so Mara can escape through it. Then once she's through, we drop it and block those things off. For now, at least. And then Ace, Mara, Shu and some of her Knightlings work together to lift the pillar to the rest of the party and rejoin them.>>3539063We're only level three Neuromancer, though, and Spiral terrain is harder for any non-Spiral Neuromancer to manipulate. I'm not sure where you'd get Spiral Neuromancers, I guess that probably refers to specialized constructs the Fear generates.
>>3538565Okay.Fuck. This is still a lot to take in. >>3538886since we have the Halo and can see through walls, can you provide us a poorly drawn picture of where everyone is at?How close is Mara relative to Shu and how wide is the pit?>>3539075We STILL HAVE TO TRY DAMMIT. Mara's trapped between a Horde and a hard place,Can we try a literal Arm/rope bridge? then terraform our own constructed arms into a hardened solid surface?
>>3538886>>3538902changing vote to this;SHU>form a hand rope from Keanes chest armor up to Ace, and from you and Aces Knightlings down to Ace, then pull everyone up.>once all three are secure, head for Mara.>Use a combination of Shus Terraforming and Aces strength to move the pillar, but not drop it fully out of position unless necessary.> Send in two Knightlings to get Mara out of there. If she refuses, have Ace swap with her and the Knightlings sent in to grab Mara will already be in position to grab Ace, Arms spawned as needed to help get everyone out.>if we can, cut off any of the horde following us with the pillar, either way book it back to the main group.>Send word to Dorian to try and open the path for us ahead of time if he can. If he cannot, similar plan of using Shus Terraforming combined with everyone's strength. This one is less important to keep in position, our allies on the other side might even need to retreat, but we simply do not know.its just about the best we can do i think.>>3539089i dont think so, so far terraforming is only to non daughter biomass, with the exception of liquid via hydromancer.
>>3539089>We STILL HAVE TO TRY DAMMIT. Mara's trapped between a Horde and a hard place,I know, I said we'd try. Anon, I don't think you read my entire post. I said we shouldn't tele-swap Mara out of there, or try to terraform the pillar out of the way, but just lift it so Mara can duck under. But you know what, Shu has multiple actions, she can try to terraform it and lift it at the same time. No reason we can't double up.
>>3539066>>3539066Hey BHOP, are we still able to send commands to our allies via empathy despite the physical barriers?
>>3539099Rath is probably a better option for lifting. She still has that +3213% strength boost, lifting a pillar shouldn't be hard for her. Especially if she grows more arms.
>>3539110True but she might be needed holding something off. Dorian can actually Terraform so him plus shu id imagine can handle. I mean sure, if not she can help, that just seems More like a backup plan though.
>>3539121Dorian's pretty good at holding foes back, too. But I concede the point that Rath is more likely to be in the thick of a fight and unable to pull back to lift the pillar.
>>3538886 song for this fight
>>3538899BHOP. you there? I have a question regarding if we can still send commands to our teammates
>>3539104(Absolutely.)>>3539089(I'm a terrible artist, but I'll do what I can with words;)(You're Shu, and your back is to the wall. Ten meters to your right is a pillar that blocks you from Mara. Seven meters to your left is the pillar that bars your path to your allies, while two meters below your right foot is the third pillar. Ten meters beneath that is Ace, hurthing after Keane who's now five meters from her outstretched hand. You face east, toward the spherical Core of the Spiraling Fear and from which a flock flying towards your current position.)>>3539140(Masterful, one of my favorite themes in the game.)
If we're proposing theme songs, I found one recently that I thought was fun for Shu. "Godhunter", by the Aviators. Or rather, it's more fitting as the theme song for Mother, reflecting on Shu. A god reflecting on how all the power they've forged for themselves is in fact their undoing, because the things they've done to gain their power have motivated a woman filled with spite and determination to hunt them down and topple them from their tower.
>>3539190Is there a pit in the middle of the room or something? because if Keane and Ace are falling and in the same room as Shu, then is Shu on stable footing?
>>3539246(Shu is tethered to the ruined top of what remains of the corridor, the floor has fallen out from her feet. The tunnel you were in was a suspended tube, one of many that comprise this place.)>>3539191(This...this is amazing, thank you so much for sharing.)
>>3539250>(This...this is amazing, thank you so much for sharing.)Yeah, Aviators does some great work.
>>3539250>>3539250how deep is the pit?
>>3539330(Over one hundred and twenty meters, roughly.)
>>3539332Some quick googling says that the average arm is sixty-four centimeters long, so we need a chain of one hundred and eighty-eight arms to reach the bottom. That's more than we can afford, our maximum is one hundred and ten, so let's act fast and be smart. Instead of making an arm rope straight from them to us, let's have the rope grow to the side of the pit to catch them on a much shorter line. Two lines, actually, one to either side, just in case there's enough slack that they could fall the remaining distance. It's smarter to catch them up short anyways, we don't want to Gwen Stacy them. Then, once they're not falling, we send Knightlings to pick them up.
>>3539361(Also, since it hasn't really be referenced before; as a Generator power, Hundred-Handed activates nigh-instantaneously and the arms compress back as a free action, just as a head's up.)
>>3539366Oh, then we don't have to worry about slack, we can just pull them right to the wall of the pit. Can we recycle the biomass spent on them by retracting the arms? Because if that works, then we could grapple them right back up. Extend-retract, extend-retract, until they're back up here.
>>3539361We have 7 slots available. Knightlings take 30 bio each to craft. >>3539332Do we have any knightlings with us in the same room?>>3539366....and this is why we need this information like this. All of these high stakes battles and the fact that the context information like this is what makes or breaks our gambits. Wait... You're telling me we can abuse that sort of action as a way to slingshot ourselves? that's literally faster than Maw's Tongue!Okay Here's what we do. We Slingshot ourselves to Keane's Location via Generator Arm Springs and Lasso her via Tongue. We also Generate Arms from Ace to Keane and Have Ace be our wall Anchor. We can also have Knightlings Slow down our fall speed. Which after securing Ace and Keane, we then Slingshot via Hundred Handed Grappling.
>>3539372>Okay Here's what we do. We Slingshot ourselves to Keane's Location via Generator Arm Springs and Lasso her via Tongue. We also Generate Arms from Ace to Keane and Have Ace be our wall Anchor. We can also have Knightlings Slow down our fall speed. Which after securing Ace and Keane, we then Slingshot via Hundred Handed Grappling.I'd rather stick to the wall with our tongue and grab Keane with some arm-lines. Our tongue is a better anchor than just grabbing onto the wall.
>>3539367(That's entirely possible. Spawn the arms, then retract in the same motion to haul them back up quickly.)(I'll admit, Hundred-Handed is one of my favorite powers out there. I'm glad you're starting to use it in one of the two ways it was intended.)>>3539372(You have one Knightling close by. Also, I encourage you all to push the system. You've been barely scraping the surface of what your powers can do, and Hundred-Handed and Ravenous Maw are high-tier powers. You won't know what you can do with them unless you really push yourselves, like when you thought to tether yourselves to the Spiraling Fear with the Leash, rendering Shu incredibly difficult to kill. It's part of the reason Rath and Julia can pull off such silly maneuvers, because you've been so very creative with the Relics and their combo potential. Shu's mobility and battlefield control is incredibly potent at your party's level if used correctly.)
>>3539377We still gotta rescue Ace. Keane's an easy mark, but we still gotta rescue Ace for that.I...don't really understand how you propose to rescue Keane and Ace with this new method. Are you trying to have Shu slingshot her to Keane's position and then reach Ace via Generator arms?, and then break our fall speed by attaching to our Keep in mind that we're going to be in freefall due to this maneuver.Also, we should warn them and coordinate with the two of them so that they won't try to do anything rash. Wait. What if We Had Hundred Handed Arms Spawn from our Ravenous Maw Tongue?>>3539390Bloody Hell BHOP. You're telling us that the reason we've been scraping by by the skin of our teeth is because we haven't been thinking laterally enough? mother fucker.
>>3539401(It's true. I've run the numbers, and Shu could go toe-to-toe with Rath or Julia with ease if used inventively. Letting you all play as B'ni wasn't just a narrative trick; I wanted to show you a very straightforward, basic skill kit...and then watch as you learned how to break it wide open, which you did with gusto.)
>>3539390Okay, then let's just grapple these bitches on up. That's my vote, spawn arm-lines from Ace and Keane to the walls, grab ahold, pull them there. Then spawn further lines and pull, over and over, until they're back up top.And I like our sub-powers, too, but I think it's less that we're not creative enough and more that they're either not great for our playstyle or only have just now gotten good. Ravenous Maw is really strong, but since Shu is best at midrange a power that is best in a close melee is mainly useful to discourage people getting close. Hundred-Handed only got this good at the last level, and we didn't even know it because we're just now hearing about the rapid-retraction and biomass recycling, so I'm blaming that one on you. And Exsanguinating Leash...okay, I'll cop to forgetting about this one half the time. We really should begin every fight with activating it.>>3539401>I...don't really understand how you propose to rescue Keane and Ace with this new method. Are you trying to have Shu slingshot her to Keane's position and then reach Ace via Generator arms?, and then break our fall speed by attaching to our Keep in mind that we're going to be in freefall due to this maneuver.Sort of. Ace is actually higher up, so slingshot Keane up to Ace, slingshot Shu down to Ace, then have them both hang on to Shu while she secures us to the wall with her tongue. Then we pull ourselves up with arm-lines, using the tongue as a safety line.
>>3539425(Ha, I'll take the blame for that one, sure. I try to strike a balance between giving you enough information to get through the quest while at the same time not overwhelming you with everything that ticks along in the background or is a possible solution for the situation at hand. As a rule though, Generator powers are very fast and almost always capable of dealing a large amount of damage at once, so that's something to keep in mind. Seriously though, anytime you have an idea for a use of a power, throw it out there; even if I say no, I try to be good about offering an alternative or elaborating on how the power works so you can plan around its limitations.)
>>3538886Okay okay. I think I had a fucking Eureka Moment. So hear me out. >>3539425The Order in which this operation goes is important. >SHU ACTION 1: Full exploitation of Hundred Handed. Have Hundred Handed Arms spawn from Keane to the wall in Mara's direction. Retract the Hundred handed tether that you have to the Ceiling Instantaneously.THEN >Ace Action 1: Switch Positions between Shu and yourself. Shu has the reach and can rescue Keane.THEN>Shu Action 2: You've swapped positions between yourself and Ace, Keane will be 5 meters below you. Spawn Hundred Hands from Keane's plateling chest to you and compress back as a free action. Flip over and Fire our Ravenous Maw up towards the ceiling. It's a medium range Tongue (A range of 50 meters I think?), but we can extend the range even further by spawning Hundred Handed chains from the tip of our tongue. until the hands reach Ace. Then simultaneously compress our arms back into our body while retracting our tongue. This will slingshot us back to Ace. At the same time, have the Generated Hundred Hands that are grabbing the wall closest to Mara from the swap to grab onto the pillar and instantly retract. making Ace Tethered to the pillar.>Keane act 1: When Shu grabs you, use your mucus and tether yourself to Shu so that both you and Shu will share the same health pool so none of the two of you will suffer any HP damage from whiplash. >Ace Act 2: Jam your Relic axe into the wall and have it act as a makeshift platform. Then if possible Lift up the Pillar enough that Shu can see Mara.>Shu Act 3: Free action of Spawn Hundred Handed chain to grab Mara by the ankles and instantly retract to pull her out of the horde. The Knightling will also assist. At the same time, Put a Neurojack into the Pillar and spawn a spiraling Horizontal platform that spirals clockwise.
>>3539446(All of this is entirely possible.)
>>3539436You are a slave driver when trying see what tricks we can pull up out of our skillsets. I hate it and love it at the same time. You push us to push ourselves in trying to make the most creative use of our weapons yet you toss situations that necessitate the need for creativity. While we're on the same topic, Is it possible to spawn our ravenous maw on other parts of our body or is it restricted to the Torso for now?
>>3539463(It's still restricted to the abdominal mouth at current level, but that will open up soon, if you'll pardon the pun.)
>>3539436Okay, then, I'm going to get a bunch of ideas down now, just so that they're out there. Nothing I think is so crazy I'd need confirmation if it works, just ideas that come to mind. Mostly to do with Hundred-Handed now that I know how fast they grow and retract and that the biomass can be recycled. Because that is actually incredibly broken, yes, you're right that it's very good for creative use.>Make huge arm-chains to punch people from a distance. Put a properly-shaped Plateling (it would have to be just like a dome over the fist instead of actual gloves, or it would get caught on the fingers) on our hand first, now our extendo-punch gets an acid drill stinger added on to it.>Grow and retract them as needed in melee combat. Extending and retracting a Generated fist is probably faster than throwing a punch normally, so don't even both swinging. It's more like a jackhammer. >Actually, on that note, we can grow them from our swarmlings. So they all have the jackhammer punch as a secondary attack option, if we can devote an action to it.>Related: Remember the old idea to lock enemy's limbs by attaching platelings to them? Do that, fire the jackhammer punch from the inside surface. Lots of inescapable damage.>Similarly, have the attached platelings on different limbs grow arms to interlock with each other. Now we've got the enemy in a literal arm bar.>Teach our swarmlings to lariat. They're fast and can grow arms right before impact, we should be doing all sorts of wrestling moves to knock enemies off their feet or the breath out of them. >Ablative shields. Why block normally when you can grow a dozen arms and absorb the impact with them? Any arms that don't get completely torn off just get retracted and recycled, very efficient.>Mobility. We've established we can make grapple lines with these things. How about super-jumps, too? We can grow them on any part of our body, sprout them on our calves to push off from the ground at the same time we jump.
>>3539495>Mobility. We've established we can make grapple lines with these things. How about super-jumps, too? We can grow them on any part of our body, sprout them on our calves to push off from the ground at the same time we jump.Wait wait wait, I just realized something about this idea the moment I posted it and now we absolutely need to do it. We can be Kick Hopper! Punch Hopper, too, but he sucks. We've got symbiotic bug armor and we can grow extra limbs on our legs that fire off when we jump or kick for added force. We shall Rider Jump and Rider Kick all our enemies to death.
>>3538886In addition to >>3539446I've thought of another creative idea:>Jack, Julia, Rath, Quinn, Dorian: Huddle together as close as you can!>Dorian: Initiate HORROR AT RED HOOK, turn into mist form and concentrate yourself into becoming a solid red dome of mist that covers Julia, Rath, Quinn and Jackie>Jackie Act 1: Amplify the Dual Technique between Dorian and Julia. Make it so that Dorian's HORROR AT RED HOOK Technique becomes impenetrable and impervious.>Julia: Act 1: Trigger Artisan's peak, stun the SPIRAL>Jackie Act 2: Amplify Julia's Artisan's peak so that the Stun and damage is amplified to the SPIRAL's entire body, even possibly have it affect the constructs and daughters it generates. >Rath Act 1: Punch the Pillar Behind you make sure the Entrance is small enough that Dorian's Dome still covers it, but big enough for people to climb through. >Rath Act 2: Tensile Strands and Phantom Limb combination to grab Shu, Keane, Ace, and Mara and reel them in. >Mara's end: MORPH GREATSWORD INTO GREATSHIELD. SLAM IT DOWN INTO THE GROUND WITH YOUR BACK TO THE PILLAR. AND HAVE IT SHOOT SPIKES THAT RETRACT AND EXTEND LIGHTNING FAST! CLOCKWISE SPIRAL PATTERNED SPIKES!
>>3539503Aww shit, we've even got a gun that turns into a sword, and that is practically mandatory for a Rider these days. Bug armor, swordgun, jumping and kicking, how did I not see this before? I now understand my mistake, I should have been playing Shu like a Kamen Rider, not a drone commander. All is clear to me now. We shall be the Space Karate Bugwoman.
>>3539508>>3539503>Kamen RiderAW YISS. But what Kamen Rider name shall Shu adopt? Kamen Rider Bee isn't original. What about Kamen Rider HIVE/SWARM?Okay, I'm game, but if we're doing this, Then Shu needs a Henshin pose as well as a Transformation Jingle soundtrack.
>>3539516Oh, of course, of course. Absolutely need to do it right. I'm thinking "Kamen Rider Suzarm". A portmanteau of "suzumebachi" (Japanese for the giant Asian hornet, the deadliest apiform in the world) and "swarm". Not sure what the pose and jingle would be, though. Something understated for the pose, I think. Her armor has to actually attach from the outside instead of just forming around her, so maybe something like Build's where she just dramatically flings her arms to the side to give the swarmlings room to work.
>>3539526As much I'd love to go theorycraft how Shu would work as a kamen rider and how entertaining Shu would be for Amara, we need to put that on the back burner. >>3539507>>3539446Any thoughts on my plans? It's complicated and attempts to exploit our underutilized powers as well as doing unorthodox uses of dual techniques
>>3539507Speaking of which, I forgot to amend an additional action for Julia.>Julia act 2: Spend 30 bio to Double the Flesh Artisan Stacks again.
>>3537893Gina's more of a Sacrifical Lion than a Lamb. She's been pivotal in very key moments of Shu's story and her legacy will be long lasting.
>>3539535>As much I'd love to go theorycraft how Shu would work as a kamen rider and how entertaining Shu would be for Amara, we need to put that on the back burner. Fair, but I reserve the right to view Shu loading the anti-Flesh Artisan Bullets into the Contender as being like a Rider putting one of their collectable devices into their swordgun for a finisher strike. >Any thoughts on my plans? It's complicated and attempts to exploit our underutilized powers as well as doing unorthodox uses of dual techniquesI'm not sure that Spiral Neuromancy works that way, for one thing. I mean, it would be cool if it did, but that really feels like something to check with BHOP. For another, I'm not sure we'd be able to communicate the idea to Ace fast enough that she should swap with us instead of the person she's trying to save. Maybe have it start with making an arm-rope upwards, to make it immediately clear that we're working to save Keane too.Julia triggering an Artisan's Peak is a good idea, though. But xpanding Horror at Red Hook feels risky, given the effect interfering with Dorian's field-type abilities. I'd hate for that to start dissolving our team, too.>>3539545And just like Aslan, she will live again.
>>3539551Ah Damn. What if we had Dorian Condense his form in a way that it's just a solid blood dome? I forgot about the Spiral effects that is affecting Horror on Red Hook.>>3539507Amending Dorian's action optionsSo that instead of >Dorian: Horror at Red HookHave Dorian do this:>Dorian Act 1: Creator form: Create a Blood dome/wall of Solid made of coagulated Blood and Crystalize it with your constructs.>Dorian Act 2: Once Rath Punches a hole through the Pillar that's behind you, Create a Blood Crystal Path/platform that leads east using a combination of Neuromancy for shaping the bloodpath and your Scarlet Terror. >>3538886>>3539190Hey BHOPIs the Corridor heading East towards the Core (where the flying swarm of Unknowns is flying towards us) have solid footing like a Corridor or is it just a giant void-chasm?Also, what setting is Shu's halo set at? the enhanced perception?Because what I'm proposing for Dorian's amended actions heavily depends on what terrain lies in the eastern direction.
>>3539574>Ah Damn. What if we had Dorian Condense his form in a way that it's just a solid blood dome? I forgot about the Spiral effects that is affecting Horror on Red Hook.That might work. Still seems risky, though, Dorian could take a lot of damage that way. I don't know, I'll think about it in the morning, I'm getting tired and am not thinking very clearly now. Vote is called at 11:00 AM, plenty of time to go over it again before then. Good night, thread.
>>3539598Vote's being called at 9 am in my timezone. so I'm glad to figure out where we're at in the general globe.
>>3539551>Julia triggering an Artisan's Peak is a good idea, though.That all depends om just how deep the attack penetrates when she does it, considering it makes the things skin stab inward and we are inside of it.
>>3539191I remember posting that one while ago. So glad to see another anon with great taste, aviators is under appreciated, and that whole album is one of my favorites.
>>3539574>>3539598If we have any paintlings left could we command them to Form a blood barricade while they try to link Up with Shu so Shu can concentrate on getting the Crew and Mara back to the TeamWe can probably make good head way in this wide open chamber and evade attacks like the pillars more easily
>>3539574(The way east is a void, laced with more tubing and corridors. Shu's Halo is set to enhance her perceptions.)
>>3539605Well shit. On second thought, I just had an idea...>>3539468Hey Bhop, is it possible for Julia to control where the flesh spikes strike when she triggers Artisan's peak? Because if so, I want to amend my vote for Julia to trigger her Artisan's peak, but triggering the spikes in certain locations that makes it guaranteed to impale our enemies and save our party members.Also I've spent more than 1 hour trying to get this reply posted on this thread due to a bad gateway errors.
>>3539795(Julia would be able to do that in a creature this size, yes.)
>>3539798aww yiss. Have her trigger her Artisan's Peak to summon a spike impale the Screaming Fear in front of them as well as impaling the Horde in the Room Mara is fighting, aim for the source of the pulsing. Have Julia set her halo to enhancing her perception so she can properly aim those flesh spikes as a free action.>>3539750Can Shu see a quick and direct Route to the Core via the corridors through the void?
Good morning, thread. Okay, so I think we shouldn't be getting fancy. Creative in our power use, but nothing that gets us distracted trying to be too creative. So let's just use the arm-chain to grab Ace and Keane, rather than try to coordinate a complicated teleport swap plan that Ace might not be able to agree to in time. Pull them both to the side of the pit, lower ourselves down, help them climb up between retracting arm-lines, the bungee tongue, and Ace digging into the wall with her axe. It's simple and fairly quick, guarantees rescuing the two in most danger before we start trying to rescue lower-priority targets.>>3539798I guess it makes sense that a Flesh Artisan would be better able to manipulate the terrain here than a Neuromancer would.
>>3539802That could solve a couple of our immediate problems in one fell swoop if it works, or at least make them more manageable. I approve.
>>3539803>I guess it makes sense that a Flesh Artisan would be better able to manipulate the terrain here than a Neuromancer wouldAlso acting as a relais station for helping her aim to where she can not see might help as well
>>3539803Anon. Ace and Keane are in freefall. If we try to do a regular chain-arm grab, they'll be out of our reach before the chains can reach both keane and Ace. And we can't spare time to climb back up because we have a swarm of flying anti-bodies heading towards us in the wrecked room. And we NEED to push ourselves in creative use of powers and tactics when it comes to fighting effectively and saving our comrade's assesBHOP explicitly said so that pushing ourselves leads to better results. >>3539390>You've been barely scraping the surface of what your powers can do, and Hundred-Handed and Ravenous Maw are high-tier powers. You won't know what you can do with them unless you really push yourselves, like when you thought to tether yourselves to the Spiraling Fear with the Leash, rendering Shu incredibly difficult to kill. It's part of the reason Rath and Julia can pull off such silly maneuvers, because you've been so very creative with the Relics and their combo potential. Shu's mobility and battlefield control is incredibly potent at your party's level if used correctly.>>3539417>It's true. I've run the numbers, and Shu could go toe-to-toe with Rath or Julia with ease if used inventively. Letting you all play as B'ni wasn't just a narrative trick; I wanted to show you a very straightforward, basic skill kit...and then watch as you learned how to break it wide open, which you did with gusto.And BHOP is also the type of QM to encourage rule of cool and creative agency. So why are we hesitating on using our powers creatively with Shu but then pull out all the stops with Isabelle?What the teleportation swap plan does >guarantee Ace being in a secure place, closest to the Calcite Pillars,>Ensures that Keane is easily reachable for Shu>Shu's exploitation of a Medium range Ravenous Maw Tongue combined with a chain arm spawning from the tip of the tongue will guarantee a quick climb back up without having to spend additional actions.>Leaves a left-over action for Keane and Ace and Shu to rescue Mara.
>>3539507>>3538886Amending a couple of actions:>Shu Free action: Coordinate with Julia and give her the approximate locations where Mara and the Horde is at so Julia can assist Mara with the Flesh Spikes. >Julia Free action: have your Halo set to enhanced perception, interface with Shu via empathy field and Halo so you can aim the Flesh Spikes when you trigger Artisan's peak>Julia Act 1: Trigger Artisan's peak, have the flesh spikes strike the following: The Screaming Fear, The Horde in Mara's Room, and the wall linking the corridor entrances between your room and Mara's room, make sure there's a gap for Shu, Ace and Keane to climb up through.>Julia Act 2: Double up the Malleable Flesh stacks to reset the debuffs.
>>3539818>Anon. Ace and Keane are in freefall. If we try to do a regular chain-arm grab, they'll be out of our reach before the chains can reach both keane and Ace. And we can't spare time to climb back up because we have a swarm of flying anti-bodies heading towards us in the wrecked room. Anon, you're missed one very important factor: Shu can spawn the arms from any of her constructs, and Keane and Ace are both wearing swarmlings. A plateling for Keane and a Bishop for Ace. We don't need to reach from Shu to them, we just need to reach from them to the walls.And there's a difference between creative and complicated. Using our control over the armor attached to our allies to fire grapple-lines and pull them away from danger is creative. Trying to coordinate intricate mid-air maneuvers involving teleportation with people who aren't expecting it is complicated. Doing the simple solution has a much higher chance of success, and is still pretty fast.
>>3539829While we're making spikes, we should try to use them to help us get the pillar out of position. I'm thinking a spike near each one to make a stable place to stand, and ones actually lifting the pillars. We could just shove them off their spike-jacks when we wanted to close the path, so it wouldn't stop us from blocking the passage to where Mara was back off.
>>3539831Hmm... Good Point. Having Keane and Ace Grapple themselves together via a Free action of Generator Arm chain and compression would make it easy to Retrieve Ace and Keane. But it still leaves us the problem of Ace and Keane being still in Free fall. So how do you propose stopping Ace and Keane's Fall now that you've successfully gotten both of them together?
>>3539837Pull them to the side of the wall with another arm-chain. Our generated arms have carapace on them as an aesthetic link between our skills, that means they have sharp fingertips. We don't need to get a ton of purchase, just enough to drag them over so that they can stick themselves in with Ace's axe and Keane's mucous. Then we help them climb up with yet more arm-chains, along with Shu descending on her tongue-line to help pull upward. Or, if you still want to do the teleport plan, then we can do it, once Ace is no longer in "oh no, Keane about to die, have to sacrifice myself to save her" mode and can think more straight.
>>3539837They were pretty close to a pillar(roughly 10 Meters below it) which we can pull them up to with our Limbs being generated from our constructs to each other and towards the pillar. all the while constantly collapsing and expanding them
>>3539849Okay then... I'd still think the Ravenous MawArmchain idea is a good one to use for retrieving Ace and Keane in one fell swoop. But they are in FREE FALL. Must I re-iterate? If they are in free fall, then they are moving and falling at an accelerated pace away from the pillars.
>>3539857>>3539366BHOP noted that they spawn expand and collapse near instantaniously With our current bio reserves we can cover roughly 65 to 70 Meters in less than a second so i would say we are good in that regard as we can move far faster than that with our arms
>>3539860>>3539849You anons give a very good argument... I relent and accept the compromise plan to simply have the Arms spawn from Ace and Keane's attached swarmlings.and then chainarm it from there.
>>3539857Yes, but we have grapple lines stated to extend near instantly. Hold up, let me do some math.Okay, the pit was stated to be around one hundred and twenty meters deep, so they can't have been falling for more than five seconds. Shit, we really need to move fast, a second's delay could kill them. All the more reason to do the simplest and quickest solution, then. Anyway, the fastest they're moving is forty-nine meters per second, so if the arms manage to extend and retract faster than that, we're good. Actually, they need to extend and retract slower than that, that's the speed they'd be moving at when they hit the ground. Let's catch them before that.
>>3538886Amending my vote >>3539446 to be more or less >>3539425 but still retrain the amendments of >>3539507>>3539574and this>>3539829Bloody hell this is nerve wracking.
(Good Morning, Gentlemen. I hope you all rested well, and I shall resume writing now.)
>>3539865I looked it up at terminal velocity they should move about 55 m/s though they just started falling the pit is about 120 Meters deep so we only have a timeframe of about five to six seconds with the last second beíng the fastest and most dangerous to break if we can move immediatly we will catch them before they reach dangerous speeds(if our arms are as fast as i imagine them to be)
>>3539871>Writing now
>>3539871God damn it, I got confused by the stupid fucking military time. I thought we had another hour to debate the vote. Shit, I didn't even get around to addressing what to do with the forward party. Oh well, too late now. If anyone dies horribly I accept full blame. I shouldn't, it would only partially be my fault, but I am feeling self-deprecatory right now.
>>3539870>>3539870>>3539871FUCK FUCK FUCK. I TAKE MY WORD BACK ON THIS POST. SHIT.
>>3539877Don't worry. I addressed what to do with Jack and the crew. well except Quinn. I'm at a lost at what to do with her.
>>3539871Here go gent's. Lets just hope we all at least regroup before something terrible throws the plan out the window, heh.
>>3539885Quinns an odd one because all her potential utility takes 4-5 rounds to manifest, so otherwise shes just extra fists and extra constructs.
>>3539892It would be hilarious if we take down every individual threat we fight in here in less than four rounds. Like we finally get to the core and Quinn goes "finally, my time to shine!" and then between the Anti-Spiral Bullets, Julia blitzing a thousand attacks with Sculptress of Flesh, Dorian's boosted criticals, and Rath delivering another SMASH right to the core, it goes down in only two turns.
>>3539898It would be, but she seems pretty cool, would probably just laugh it off.Speaking of her, u do wonder what she will manifest. At first i thought it would be anti-construct/Phantasmal powers, but then remembered she's been punching the walls aswell so whatever she manifests will have at least some utility against the thing as a whole. Now the more imediate question is, does she KNOW what she is manifesting, and thus can give us information on this thing via her ability?
>>3539904(Quinn's manifestation is as much a surprise to her as it is her allies.)
>>3539892>>3539898Issue is that she needs to get HIT by attacks in order to RAMP. Which is counter-intuitive of ramping up. Normally when you ramp up, you need to stay away and stay safe or make sure you can ramp up by obtaining a kill streak. Then again, her construct swarm is literally white-blood cells which requires her adapt and figure out what kind of harmful entity its composed of. I'd imagine they'd look like the cells in Hataraku Saibou
>>3539908She will ramp up by hitting as well and could deal massive damage by the end of this if she keeps on hitting the Spiraling Fear itselfBHOP Can she keep the "transformation" up for any extended period of time?
>>3539907Does she at least get instinctive understanding of how to use it?>>3539908No, she can also hit her opponent to ramp up, too. Her ideal fighting style is to hang on the back lines or kite her opponent while using her stretchy-arms to strike from a distance.
>>3539907Hah, thats interesting>>3539908It works both ways. She can hit them to ramp up, and huts to herself ramp her up too. With both its actually not that bad as you can still avoid Damage and be ramping up, all it means is if you do get hit you get something out of it a bit.
>>3538886The decisions, pulling you apart. A choice, one of many you've made and of countless ones to follow.You have a choice to make, yes. Three options, three groups to save......and you choose them all, sending out a burst of information across the empathic channel to all present.Your Generator powers flare to life as Ace grabs hold of the double-helix of arms that spring forth from the breastplate that clings to Keane's slight frame. At the same moment, you reach out and seize the hand you offer yourself from the Bishop on Ace's back. It is not strength that hauls them back up to the pillar just below you, but rather the sudden compression of the myriad of limbs into a singular point, returning one half of the Midnight Crew to solid ground in a matter of moments.Keane’s breathless ‘thank you’ is drowned out by the roar of the walls around you, as countless spike erupt from the dermis of the Spiraling Fear, annihilating Mara’s assailants in seconds. Marrow Dragoon cleaves her way through the spines and pillar both with her bladed shield, opening a path as you turn at the sound of something shattering behind you. You’re met with Rath, helm pushed back to reveal shining eyes and a wide grin through a hole in the column that she made with a single, impossibly powerful blow.Shining strands carried by phantom limbs reach out from the armored girl, wrapping around your torso and those of the Crew and Mara before yanking you with incredible strength towards safety."Didn't think you'd come for an old woman like me." Mara intones as she catches her breath, kneeling beside you once you've landed."Of course I did." You reply, extending a hand to the alabaster Dragoon. "No one else is dying today.""Is that a promise?" She chuckles as you haul her back to her feet, but her mirth fades as she catches sight of what burns in your eyes."It's a fact." You say simply.“This all real badass and shit,” Rath grumbles, “but could we focus on the spindly bastards that are creepin’ towards us, now?”Turning to where the red-head’s pointing over Dorian’s barrier, you see a swarm of tall, twitching constructs, exposed teeth chattering in mono-eyed skulls as dark purple electricity arcs along the spines on their shoulders. Over a dozen of them are speared on the spines Julia conjured from the walls, but the rest of their number simply stride past their fallen comrades on too-long legs, intent on their forward march. You’re surprised any were able to survive Julia’s incredible assault……though you’re much more surprised when Quinn plants a kiss on Rath’s cheek as she strides past the shorter girl.(Continued)
>>3539955“Thanks for the save, cutie.” She giggles over her shoulder as Rath’s face flares with scarlet. “Lemme repay the favor.”You watch as Quinn’s back blooms with a quartet of porcelain wings, her arms unfurling into countless white threads only to reform into a pair of gleaming drills that whir with terrible purpose as she steps forwards, Dorian’s bright crimson barrier parting to let her through.“Keane, props for making me watch all your Chinese cartoons!” She calls out to her youngest ally, who’s too excited by the drills to care about the jab. “I guess that’s what inspired this, yeah?”Quinn takes flight towards the horde with a joyous laugh, and what follows next is pure, simple slaughter. A stab, a whir, and one is gone, followed by another, and another still. The Midnight Crew is shouting encouragement as Jackie focuses, bolstering her ally’s speed as she glances back towards Ace and Keane before directing her focused gaze to you.A curt nod of appreciation, so quick you almost miss it before Jack turns her attentions back to ensuring the horde before you is executed with impunity by her enthusiastic brawler. At a sound that echoes up from the abyss, you turn to peer behind you and into the cavernous expanse below you.The swarm is closer now, close enough to where you can make out screeching sheets of flesh and entrails that hurtle towards you, over three-dozen strong. The wraiths scream up at you, the flock of Shorn Flesh the least interesting thing that you spy in the depths of the Spiraling Fear. A colossal sphere, barely hidden behind the crisscrossing coils and corridors that run between the innards of the titan. It’s a rugged thing, with twisted pillars and warped flesh coiled over what can only be the heart of this colossus, several hundred meters away and suspended in the middle of the mountainous Amalgam.If you can reach it, you can end this. The only question is how. HP: 310% (+255% REGEN)BIO: 330% (+30% REGEN, 3 Rec-Knights (1 Rec-Knight Swarm), 3 Bishops, 5 Platelings, 11/18 Active)CONTENDER: 2x B.33 Rounds Loaded, Base Form. 4x Anti-Spiral Rounds available.RAVENOUS MAW: Primed.HUNDRED-HANDED: PrimedWhistle: FOL CUNTACT: 3/3RATH HP: 270% (+20% REGEN, Sui Tormentis, 2 Replicant, 4 Phantom Limbs, Bishop Inactive)JULIA HP: 266% (+20% REGEN, Ignition Gauntlets)DORIAN HP: 236% (+45% REGEN, Masque Form, Cursus Alas)JACKIE HP: 556%QUINN HP: 673% (Power: “I am growing stronger.”)KEANE HP: 398%ACE HP: 1016% (Bishop Inactive)MARA HP: ????% (Bishop Inactive)Threat: The Shorn Flesh, Long, approaching rapidly. Impact in approximately the middle of upcoming round.Terrain: Spiral, Terraforming very difficult for non-Spiral Neuromancers, easy for Flesh Artisans.Debuffs: MALLEABLE FLESH x13 (MAX)YOU ARE IN CONTROL
(Voting will remain open for the next three hours, Gentlemen.)
>>3539959Hey BHOP, from the glimpse into the void, Is Shu able to pick out a corridor route to the Core?
>>3539957Oh wow, In sight already.Well we could trigger Artisan's Peak again to make spikes in the shape of stairs to the core and as a shield against The Shorn Flesh. I also want to fire those B.33s soon to make use of the Herculean Fullbore. I also do believe the Midnight Crew have slightly less health, so allow Keane to tap into our currently huge Health regen to top off their Health pools, while we refill the Bishops.
>>3539955>>3539957Well, that went excellently. Everyone's safe and together, and we made a good impression on the Midnight Crew. I'm thinking we make some missiles. Have our Banelings hold Rath's Boils, fly down, then detonate themselves so that they puncture the Boil in the process. We get shards of chitin and a spray of acid and napalm. Great for taking out a swarm of small monsters.>QUINN HP: 673% (Power: “I am growing stronger.”)I thought you had leukemia before the Crucible, not malaria?
>>3539971(Yes. As luck would have it, you're currently in a Vein that will lead you to the Core, but it's a long way around. There are a number of other, closer veins that could get you there faster, but the two closest ones would have you leaping or flying about sixty yards down, to the south east.)
>>3539957SHU>call back the bishops to reload them.>have them then attach to your three Knightlings.>Spawn 6 banelings.>Reload your Contender with two anti-FA rounds.SHU, RATH, and JULIA>Hop on the souped up Knightlings and head into the abyss.>use the increased speed of the Knightlings to avoid any surprises and keep Mobile.>Have Rath along with your banelings bombard the coil cage around the Spiral Heart, hoping to burn out a clear shot.>Julia is to use a bow, aiming to keep anything trying to jump or fly at us at bay.>After burning a good bit of the coils away, Rath us to make a few fly bys, and with the combined effort of her Strands, the banelings, and some hundred hands from said banelings, pry open a clear shot for shu.>Shu is NOT to fire unless the opening and her chances seem stable, but if it does, unload both into the heart.DORIAN>use your terraforming and slowly help make large stair platforms for the rest to make their way down the pit towards the coil core.MARA and ACE>each guard one direction, one the front of the group, the other the back.>Keep the group moving, its imperative each platform change happens rapidly.KEANE and JACKIE>Terraforming is costly, use your duel tech to keep Dorians bio supplied, and keep watch on his back.QUINN>keep going bonkers, be mobile tlas you can to deal with the largest group of threats, but leave cleaning up all of them to others, focusing on the ever changing threat in whatever direction it is.I think if nothing else, using the pit to go down quickly is our best bet. We also have the ability to fly and make that flying really fast, lets not waste it.
>>3539989We've got to deal with that swarm, first, they're in between us and the core and approaching fast.
>>3539989Also, Flesh Artisans can terraform in this environment, though it would probably be limited to Expressive-type Artisans like Julia. So if we're going to descend, we should use her to make the stairs, not Dorian.
>>3539992How about we Make a hollow spike from Julia's Artisan's peak and go down it like a slide? Have the Spike connect one vein to the other and have it amplified by Jackie's abilities so that it can reach?
>>3539984Hey BHOP, is it possible for Julia to Overcharge Artisan's Peak and have it consume 10 stacks of malleable flesh instead of the usual 5? Because I've got an idea that involves making a tube slide that connects this vein into a vein that gives us a more direct route to the core.
>>3539989Sadly Julia can not do Terraforming i think so Dorian is our best bet for it if Shu has to keep a lookout for a breach in the HeartI suggest using Shu as she does not need to stay tethered to it to keep it terraformedThough we really should deal with the Swarm first, if we get caught in the Air we will be done for as they can just focus on throwing the riders of the knightlings or killing the knightlings(or throwing us of the plattforms)>>3539994This suggestion might work as well to semi terraform the envoirment top our advantage so that the constructs can not reach us
>>3539994That might work. We've still got full Malleable Flesh stacks loaded. A line of spikes, or one big one.
>>3539957BHOP How much of that was luck and how much planning because i imagined the outcome to be far worse
>>3539999Lovely quads you have right there, but I'd suspect it is mostly planning because of a generous hint BHOP gave us about how we haven't really taken full creative advantage of Maw and Hand.
>>3539989Since we're actually still some ways from the core, I'd like to reload with HF rounds instead, and fire them as soon as possible. They can't miss since if our aim's off they'll hit a wall and burrow their way back to the core through the toughest defenses it can bring to bear, letting us get some early/extra attacks into it. They're meant for the biggest and toughest monsters out there, and it doesn't get much tougher than this thing.I'd love to feed the anti-FA rounds to out swarmling rounds before loading them in, but I don't think it will allow us to do that.
>>3540003Hey, I proposed the arm rope before he gave that hint. Though him saying that the arms could extend and retract super fast did upgrade the plan considerably, yes. That is some good shit, now. Still not sure how to use the Maw more effectively, though. I mean, grappling, it's great for that, but otherwise I'm not seeing it. Maybe once it upgrades a few more times and gets the ability to grow mouths in other regions than the abdomen, but for now I'm having trouble with creative uses.
>>3539991>>3539997We could use our last swarmling slot to make a knightling and air drop others constructs onto them, thus distracting them and even possibly causing them to fall or be heavily mis directed.We see our goal, we have the means to go for it. We can do it properly without having to wait for everyone to get down there, aswell as we're not entirely sure if getting to it via ground will work as well. We also cant let every enemy swarm stop us, otherwise we will never get an opening, as there are too many enemies to be thrown at us.
>>3539999(Mostly planning, though the rolls were cetainly on your side in all that. Well done.)>>3539996(That is possible with two separate instances of Artisans Peak that can be triggered with a single strike, yes.)
>>3539998I'd suggest one big one, Amplified by Jackie's ability so that the Spike is actually big AND long enough to reach the adjacent vein 60 yards down south east while being hollow and structurally sound. Having it made out of multiple smaller ones as steps would leave us vulnerable to the swarm of shorn flesh. as there won't be much cover against the 36 dozen flying carpets of shorn flesh.
>>3540012Sure. I'm just saying we need to deal with them as part of the action plan. You didn't address them at all. I'm thinking having Rath bombard them with Boils is a good move, personally. Burn them out of the air. She's got Bio regen, finally, she can afford to throw a few dozen incendiary grenades if she wants to.
>>3539989Could we have Jackie join in on taking down the swarm her Card says she does have some considerable ranged assets >>3540003Quads??I do not know that word sorry?>>3540012You are right we can not let them stop us but if they hit us full force we are in trouble
>>3540022>Quads??The last four digits of your post number matched. It's considered good luck to get matching digits on the end of your post, just a silly little supersition.
>>3540022look at the last four digits of your post number >>3539999It's something of a in-joke that's similar to how we tend to have mock celebrations of 11/11/11 where the numbers align.>>3540016When Jackie Amplifies Julia's Artisan's peak, does she amplify the length and girth of the Flesh Spikes Julia makes? Because making a long Artisans' Peak Spike that extends downwards 60 yards consumes a hefty amount of bio.
>>3539955>Shining strands carried by phantom limbs reach out from the armored girl, wrapping around your torso and those of the Crew and Mara before yanking you with incredible strength towards safety.Wait, hold up. I just noticed this. The Phantom Limbs get the Strands, too? Okay, this is another thing we needed to be told about earlier. I assumed that since they were Generator constructs they weren't part of Rath's Vitruvian enhancements. But she can already fire them off on razor wires, even before we hybridize the skill? Oh, I see potential for this.
>>3540022>Could we have Jackie join in on taking down the swarm her Card says she does have some considerable ranged assets Yeah, she has her own swarm of constructs. "Bladebats", suggests to me they're basically self-directed batarangs. She can probably sweep them ahead and take out part of the swarm with them.
>>3539957>>3539989This a bit better?SHU>call back the bishops to reload them.>have them then attach to your three Knightlings.>Spawn 6 banelings and another Knightling.>Reload your Contender with two anti-FA rounds.SHU, RATH, and JULIA>Hop on the souped up Knightlings and head into the abyss.>use the increased speed of the Knightlings to avoid any surprises and keep Mobile.>have the fourth Knightling load up with other constructs, along with Jackies bats backing it up.>Have Rath bombard the horde between us and the core, then have the Knightling thats loaded up airdrop its load onto what remains, followed by a swarm of bats to keep them busy.>Have Rath along with your banelings bombard the coil cage around the Spiral Heart, hoping to burn out a clear shot.>Julia is to use a bow, aiming to keep anything trying to jump or fly at us at bay.>After burning a good bit of the coils away, Rath us to make a few fly bys, and with the combined effort of her Strands, the banelings, and some hundred hands from said banelings, pry open a clear shot for shu.>Shu is NOT to fire unless the opening and her chances seem stable, but if it does, unload both into the heart.DORIAN>use your terraforming and slowly help make large stair platforms for the rest to make their way down the pit towards the coil core.MARA and ACE>each guard one direction, one the front of the group, the other the back.>Keep the group moving, its imperative each platform change happens rapidly.KEANE and JACKIE>Terraforming is costly, use your duel tech to keep Dorians bio supplied, and keep watch on his back.QUINN>keep going bonkers, be mobile tlas you can to deal with the largest group of threats, but leave cleaning up all of them to others, focusing on the ever changing threat in whatever direction it is.
>>3540038I still like the idea of Julia Peaking a big spike ramp down for the non-flyers, first.
>>3539989JULIA and JACKIE>Artisan's Peak a huge spike boosted by Jackie into a vein closer to the core. Trigger a consecutive one if needed in the event the first one falls short.SHU>Switch out one B.33 for a Herculean Fullbore. Fire it at a wall immediately.>Recharge the Bishops.EVERYONE>Travel along the spike to the vein. Those who can drag anyone falling behind.JACKIE and DORIAN>Activate Masque of War to prevent the Shorn Flesh from following after us.>Send out Bladebats to tear through the swarm and cut it down to size.SHU and RATH>Have the Rec-Knight Swarm take Radiant Boils from Rath.>Have them drop the boils and bomb the spike to prevent further pursuit once everyone is across.
>>3539957>>3540041>>3540038Rather than fight our way through the swarm, or make an open slide, why not make a tunnel slide? with Julia's Artisan's peak?
>>3540038I like this anons Idea though it may be very difficult for Shu to shoot the Heart, it is a long shot and we do not have a sniper rifle unlike Magpie>>3540041this Anons Changes seem more reasonable and make use of Artisans Peak which we have set up now and it is not gonna reach the Heart(even with the boost it would be unlikely) so may as well use it while we have access to it and close the Distance in relative safety from the swarm
>>3540038A staircase made through Neuromancy is not feasible. With the current terrain, it will take too long.>>3540045I'm fine with that if it's possible to make it out of spikes somehow. It would actually be fun. I admit in mine>>3540041 it requires actual running but a slide is better than that. Harder to bomb so I'll just have banelings made to kamikaze with boils instead.
>>3540045If it works, sure. We may have to catch ourselves at the bottom with some arm-nets, though. I think the core is suspended in the center of a chamber, there would be a drop.
So, here's a thought: Anti-Flesh Artisan rounds are probably DoT toxins/carcinogens rather than pure damage, right? Would the Lionheart Mode and Short Fuse abilities on the Contender speed up the damage the core takes from them like they do the Contender's native bullets?
>>3540039>>3540045>>3540048We can replace it with a slide sure, i just personally thought the staircase would still be faster than fighting through the tunnels.>>3540046Hence why she waits for an opening. Maybe we could do one hurculean, one Anti-FA, that way we don't waste the opening if we get it, but if we don't get a good one we still get a shot off near it?
>>3540061>Hence why she waits for an opening. Maybe we could do one hurculean, one Anti-FA, that way we don't waste the opening if we get it, but if we don't get a good one we still get a shot off near it?Sounds good you have my agreement
>>3540058(They would, yes.)
>>3540064Excellent. So if the core turns out to be able to turn into a monster with Uzu's face (and really, why wouldn't it, that would be so cool), Shu can help speed along its death by getting into a swordfight with it.
>>3540061Maybe a covered ramp? Not quite a slide, at a shallow enough angle that we don't have to worry about the Fear responding and taking advantage of our momentum from sliding down.
>>3539957>Everyone into the corridor and away from the entrance.>Dorian: Act 1: Reposition the blood wall so that it covers the entrance, this will buy us time from the flock of shorn flesh. >Julia Act 1: Trigger Artisan's peak and create a hollow tunnel spike that extends downwards 60 yards into a different vein. Said vein has a shorter and more direct route to the core. If it's not enough, consume two Stacks of artisan's peak to ensure it has enough length and girth to penetrate. >Jackie Act 1: Turbo Charge Julia's Artisan's peak. Leave a sizable portion of your bladebat swarm to guard the >Dorian Act 2: Spawn bloodlings on the slide that provide a current down the slide to make it slick, it'll help us get through the slide faster.>Jackie Act 2: Turbo Charge Julia's Malleable flesh stacks again as high as you can. >Keane Act 1-2: Take stock and connect everyone with your mucus links and start redistributing HP and bio regen. Shu's got lots of spare HP regen due to her exsanguinating leash and Shu's family has HP regen and BIO Regen that aren't being actively used right now. And if there's any other status debuffs that people have, purge them.>Rath: Act 1-2: Connect to everyone with Tensile Strands and Phantom limbs and Neuromancy Cords. Do a full Debuff purge of the Spiraling Fear's Spiral effect if you can find it and give everyone and yourself full immunity (temporarily) from the spiral effect debuff.Shu: Act 1: Full Swarmling actions, Refill Bishops, spawn 3 more knights Have one knight go down the tunnel slide first so that it can be a vanguard and our impromptu safety net when we spawn hundred handed arms from it. the second knight will be our rearguard to boost the basic swarmling ferocity. The third knightling (and the rest of the rec knights) will be our emergency safety net when something inevitably tries to sever the slide into two. Spawn 7 basic swarmlings to guard the entrance of the Tunnel slide.Shu Act 2: Spawn a pair of spare generator arms and have them Carry Rath while she's busy with the status debuff purge.>Ace: Guard Keane if you would please>Quinn: Ready yourself and go down the slide.>Mara: Rest up and ready be our rearguard. When everyone goes down the tunnel slide, plug the entrance with your great shield. >Everyone Final Act: down the TUNNEL SLIDE!SLIDE ORDER FROM VAN GUARD TO REAR GUARD:>Recursive Knightling #1 (safety net and team air-bag with Generator arms)>Ace>Quinn>Plain Knightling #1(safety net and team air-bag with Generator arms)>Dorian (He can go Canvas form and make him a liquid cushion for Julia)>Julia>Plain Knightling #2(safety net and team air-bag with Generator arms)>Jackie>Keane>Shu (Shu can spawn Generator Arms and be her own airbag)>Rath>Recursive Knightling #2(safety net and team air-bag with Generator arms)>Mara>Recursive Knightling #3(safety net and team air-bag with Generator arms)>>3540077>>3540062>>3540061Fucking damn, this long. How's this for a plan?
>>3540041>>3540082I still think you are underestimating the advantage of getting a few people airborne in such an open environment. The slide does not need all hands on decks honestly to work either.Remember we are on a time limit. I understand being cautious but we also cant afford to waste a turn at least making an opening for an attack on the core, if not outright hitting it.
>>3540082Since i have to jump to make Dinner i will leave for nowMaybe consider Having Shu at least prime the Contender with two Herculean Fullbore and carry Rath with her normal Amrs
>>3540093>It’s a rugged thing, with twisted pillars and warped flesh coiled over what can only be the heart of this colossus, several hundred meters away and suspended in the middle of the mountainous Amalgam.>Several Hundred meters away.I'd be fine with having Shu take a parting shot at the core while sending suicide baneling bombers to weaken it, but I doubt Rath has the strength, range, and aim to get some good hits in with tossed boils...oh wait. We roided her up with 800% HP sacrificed to Sui Tormentis. >>3540064BHOP. What's the maximum range of our Swarmling field while remaining active?Is Rath able to toss a boil 700 meters away with good accuracy with the strength buffs she has right now?
>>3540093Well, once we land the Crew are going to use their Quad Tech. We don't know what it does, but they wanted to save it for the core. I suspect it will fill it with midnight. Come on, BHOP, you know you want to. Make it happen.Together with that, Rath delivering another uber-punch, Julia going nuts with the Radiant Ripper and enough Health regen from the Leash to make fifty attacks in one turn, Dorian shredding into it with all his critical boosters, Mara doing her best Guts impression, and Shu firing off the anti-Flesh Artisan rounds...I don't think DPS is going to be the problem. Whatever the core does to try to stop us from getting close while it warps our flesh, that's what I'm worried about.
>>3540103If we roid up the Knightlings, id think she can probably get some shots in to it what with her strength. You are right it might be difficult to get near but Knightlings already boost eachothers speed, plus with the bishops id imagine they will be quite fast.
>>3540117>>3540093This is why I want Rath tethered to everyone and immunity from the Spiral effect for as long as possible. We have a small reprieve from combat and I want to make the most of it while traveling to the core in the shortest route.
>>3540103(Shu's range is irrelevant at this state; feel free to use it as you will. Additionally, Rath can easily make that throw.)
>>3540038>>3539957Right, further vote edits, adding in the slide and hurculean.SHU>call back the bishops to reload them.>have them then attach to your three Knightlings.>Spawn 6 banelings and another Knightling.>Reload your Contender with an anti-FA and a herculean round.JULIA and JACKIE>Have Julia use Artistians Peak and Jackies aid to form a sorta flesh slide to get everyone down to the cores level quickly.DORIAN and KEANE>fill the slide with slime constructs, both to make it slippery and act as an impromptu glue if the walls break.>Dorian is to head down and act as a buffer to those going down the slide, to help keep enemy constructs at bay.SHU, RATH, and JULIA>Hop on the souped up Knightlings and head into the abyss.>use the increased speed of the Knightlings to avoid any surprises and keep Mobile.>have the fourth Knightling load up with other constructs, along with Jackies bats backing it up.>Have Rath bombard the horde between us and the core, then have the Knightling thats loaded up airdrop its load onto what remains, followed by a swarm of bats to keep them busy.>Have Rath along with your banelings bombard the coil cage around the Spiral Heart, hoping to burn out a clear shot.>Julia is to use a bow, aiming to keep anything trying to jump or fly at us at bay. If sje sees a shot, aim for the core.>After burning a good bit of the coils away, Rath us to make a few fly bys, and with the combined effort of her Strands, the banelings, and some hundred hands from said banelings, pry open a clear shot for shu.>Shu is NOT to fire the anti-FA unless the opening and her chances seem stable, but if it does, unload both into the heart.MARA and ACE>each guard one direction, one the front of the group down the slide first, the other the back.QUINN>keep going bonkers, be mobile tlas you can to deal with the largest group of threats, but leave cleaning up all of them to others, focusing on the ever changing threat in whatever direction it is.
>>3540123It sounds good to me. Oh, one addition to your plan: Shu and Jackie both have three actions, not two. I want to use Shu's third action to swap the Contender's rounds for the anti-Spiral load, and fully armor up with platelings. We'll need both. As for Jackie, how about we have her send her bladebats to harass ahead of us? Have them carry Rath's grenades, so we get that damage the other anon wants.
>>3540128Well now the problem is that the Shorn Flesh swarm will still be on our tail, and maybe on us as soon as we finish he slide.
>>3540135We are inside a giant monster with nigh numerous constructs. We have been in constant combat with hordes and anytime we move it gets a new one on us. I still hsve in that methods to deal with attacking them, albeit not worded super fancily, but if you think we are fully avoiding any combat with these things you are kidding yourself.
>>3540125Bhop.... I'm getting a very VERY familiar feeling. This feels very much like A Kid Icarus Uprising Bossfight.>>3540130>>3540128Instead of de-loading and reloading, why not fire the b.33 rounds at the Shorn Flesh Hive? when the rounds detonate, the explosion would probably cover a good majority of them in a sticky sap explosion. If B.33 bullets have explosions that big that is...
>>3540128Sounds good to me. I don't think we're going to actually get the chance to just shoot the rounds in, there's no way the core won't itself animate and be an enemy, but we should at least try to make our shot. But with Julia and Rath right there with us, we can hit it with a Phantom Limb punch and several dozen Radiant Ripper shots, that should get rid of its resistance.>>3540141That would be two actions, I believe. One to fire, one to load new ammo. Instead of just one to load new ammo. Also, I want to have the bullets ready beforehand, so we're not fiddling with them in mid-air and risk dropping them.
>>3540147A full action with the Gun would be Loading a bullet type AND FIRING all in one action. So we could fire off shots and then reload, which only costs 1 action.
>>3540141>>3540147They also take two rounds to detonate or a sword slash, which we dont have time for the second and one down the slide the first wont be as imediate an issue. Sadly mind you, i like the idea, it's just we have to pick and choose what to do at least a little bit.
>>3540128What I don't like about this idea is the fact of having Shu and Rath split off from the main group. This is how you get parties killed. Never. Split. The. Party.
>>3540158It's not quite splitting the party. It's part of the party moving ahead to take out interceptors ahead of the main group, so that when the rest gets here we're all ready to go.
>>3540158I actually disagree with that sentiment. Ill admit it is situational, but there are times it helps, or even is necessary, to split the party.
>>3540158I think this Anon>>3540161 is right we are not really splitting the party as in splitting into different groups.We are just the Vanguard to this Group as we are not really out of Support Range(Think of us a the Skirmishers that range ahead of the main Force to Harras and Distract the Enemy) if that helps making the intent(imo) more clear
>>3539957Your Bishops detach from your allies and swarm back to you, refilling with fresh biomass before flitting off to rejoin your trio of Knightlings. Another six Banelings tear free of your hive along with a single Knightling as you reload your Contender with a Herculean Fullbore and one of Magpie’s lethal rounds, and when you look up it’s to see Julia striking the side of the tunnel, her Jackie-enhanced Artisan’s Peak spearing a hollow tube down to the veins below to act as a covered slide.A swarm of Dorian’s paintlings dart into the newly-formed tunnel seconds before he leaps in to follow them, followed by Ace as you turn to Rath and Julia who’re already mounting the Knightlings you’ve birthed. You climb aboard yours and the three of you are off, hurtling into the void. Rath’s arms work furiously, a flurry of quick, precise movements sending a barrage of flares into the swarming mass that surges up to reach you. A cloud of jet-black movement darts around the three of you, a screeching susurration of bats that collide with several of the encroaching geists, tearing them to pieces in mid-air well before they have a chance of reaching you. They’ve cleared the way for the fourth Knightling to surge ahead of you, dropping a payload of bats, paintlings, and white cells down onto the heart of this abominable mistake.You watch as Rath’s bombs and your Banelings collide below, exploding into a shower of acid and fire, burning a path straight to the colossal heart. You sense that several meters behind you, Dorian and Ace ensure the Crew reach the top of the vein safely with Mara bringing up the rear, Quinn still flying about and tearing the Shrouds to smithereens around them.The walls around you begin to hum, the rest of the Shroud-swarm turning back at the sound and colliding with the walls that promptly re-absorb them back into the titan’s flesh. You’re taking aim at the beast’s core when the pulse of the walls around you stabilizes, the countless heart-thumps synchronizing into a single drumbeat, a steady, pounding anthem. You glance around to see the extraneous cords and veins shifting out of the way, granting you a clear shot to the smoldering core, battered and scorched…but otherwise unharmed. Looking back, you see the corridor your allies stand atop draw tighter, drawing them away from the makeshift slide and closer to the core as even more of the terrain shifts away from them to clear a path.To make room for what is to come. You see your friends and the Midnight Crew collectively ready themselves, and you follow their line of sight down, down towards the mountain’s core……and you watch as the heart of the Spiraling Fear unfurls into something massive, powerful, and wholly, chillingly human.(Continued)
>>3540250A humanoid form takes shape, spiraled face stop a powerful torso several hundred meters in height, musculature run through with lines of crackling flame and oozing magma. Four arms stretch outwards, easily spanning the gap from one side of the Spiraling Fear to the other…but it’s what comprises the Amalgam’s chest that causes your veins to run through with ice. A terrible facsimile of Niku’s face is set in the monster’s chest, her empty left socket weeping a steady trail of yellow ichor while the other glows, thrumming with the bright, steady light of creation.For her right eye is nothing less than the shining Core of Niku’s Forge.Your stomach lurches, not from the titan that towers above you and your allies but from the sudden tilt of the cavern. You can feel the Spiraling Fear righting itself, its lumbering form resuming its march across the river, and your gut whirls again as you realize that now, more than ever…you’re on the clock.@I WAS RIGHT@Your team winces, the fervent, mad voice that fills your minds tearing at the very meaning of sanity.@IF WE JUST KEEP DOING WHAT WE’VE BEEN DOING, IT WILL ALL WORK OUT@ Uzu continues, oblivious to your presence as she titters on, enraptured in her own ideals.@I CAN HELP EVERYONE@The twisted heads tilt towards you, four massive hands reaching out, palms extended in a show of mercy.@HELLO, SISTERS@@I’D HOPED YOU’D COME@Four sets of fingers curl into fists, the Forge flickering with a vicious light.@I’LL HELP YOU FIRST@You grit your teeth, flaring your field to exude an air of calm, cool stability to your allies. You breathe in, then out, feeling those that have fought alongside you to this point…those that are willing to fight ‘til the end.Your battle to reach this point was merely a prelude…very well, then.You’ve killed aspirant gods before.The crystal just over your heart flickers green, then amethyst as it warms to the touch, and a question lingers in your mind as you smile up at what's become of Sister Uzu.What is a mountain to a Godslayer?SHU THE DEFIANTVS.NIKUZU, THE SPIRAL’S NEXUSHP: 310% (+255% REGEN)BIO: 330% (+30% REGEN, 3 Rec-Knights (1 Rec-Knight Swarm), 6 Banelings, 3 Bishops [on 3 Knightlings], 5 Platelings, 1 Herc. Fullbore, 18/18 Active)CONTENDER: Fullbore/Anti-Spiral Loaded, Lionheart Form. 4x Anti-Spiral Rounds available.RAVENOUS MAW: Primed.HUNDRED-HANDED: PrimedWhistle: FOL CUNT ACT: 3/3RATH HP: 270% (+20% REGEN, Sui Tormentis, 2 Replicant, 4 Phantom Limbs)JULIA HP: 290% (+20% REGEN, Ignition Gauntlets)DORIAN HP: 210% (+45% REGEN, Masque Form, Cursus Alas)JACKIE HP: 660%QUINN HP: 760% (Power: Overwhelming)KEANE HP: 410%ACE HP: 1120%MARA HP: ????%Threat: Crucible-ending. Medium range, you/allies are on a spiral that coils around its body.Terrain: Monastery remains, easy to Terraform.Debuffs: MALLEABLE FLESH x3!-SIX ROUNDS UNTIL OPPOSITE SHORE IS REACHED-!YOU ARE IN CONTROL
(Voting shall remain open for three hours, Gentlemen. The fight has begun in earnest.)(Good luck.)
>>3540254>!-SIX ROUNDS UNTIL OPPOSITE SHORE IS REACHED-!Oh fuck. Threat: Crucible-ending. Medium range, you/allies are on a spiral that coils around its body.>Crucible-ending.oh fuck.We need to plan our moves.And I have to go to work. FUCKING HELL. Two rounds will have passed before I can return from work and help you guys out. Here are my observations: >Niku's forge, We need to rip that Forge Core out of the forge. That lvl 3 Forge Core is giving her too much power. >Uzu's Core Biology is humanoid. Which means she's suseptible to Julia's Cancer bomb.>Julia Act 1: Double the Malleable flesh stacks>Julia Act 2: Double it again!Shu and Rath: Get to the Forge Core in Uzu's eye and rip it out.
>>3540254>Have Every Neurotic Halo User prime their halos just in case a critical hit comes their way.And now I must leave. SHIT!
>>3540272While I would've held off on the Herculean Fullbore over the second anti-FA if I knew we would be at the core immediately after, it might still come in handy if that core is considered a "vital" and we can have the round dig it out.And clearly it's time for the Crew's Party-Tech to be used.
>>3540254Called it! Though sad to see that Niku got integrated into the boss monster. She deserved better. Also means bad things for us, because it has a Forge and a smith fused with it and so I expect it to be able to make all sorts of horrifying new weapons on the fly. Not fun. Also, it's fiery, so on top of it having thermal attacks the plan to use the Radiant Ripper to nerf its regen probably won't work. Anything with veins full of magma shouldn't care too much about cauterization.Right. So, we're on terraformable ground again. We can use that. First thing we do, I want to fuse the coil together into one solid disk, make it less uneven terrain. Also prevent Nikuzu from unspooling it, if that's something she can do. I'd also like to raise up barriers around the battlefield, half-domes with their convex surface facing Nikuzu. I get the feeling she's going to have some sort of magma sprayer attack, and I want everyone to be able to take shelter from it. We can use the platelings attached to people to drag them into shelter with arm-chains if need be. Which reminds me, redistribute the Bishops now that we no longer need them for speeding up the Knights. Everyone gets something attached to them we can spawn a chain off of.We also should aim to pull out that Forge core, obviously. That should get rid of any powers it has based on fire or crafting. It's up high, though. I think that Rath and Quinn should aim for it, Rath can slingshot with her Strands and I think Quinn can fly right now? Did I understand that right? So yeah, Rath and Quinn go to pull it out, Quinn using her specialized excavation tools and Rath tearing away with her Phantom Limbs. Pop that sucker right out. Then when Nikuzu is reeling, fire our anti-Spiral round and Herculean Fullbore into the open wound.
>>3540254Ooohhh boy. Ok, things to consider. The forge core needs to be removed or destroyed. This thing has gotta have a weak point or weakness, but neither id imagine will be as expected.SHU>call back three banelings and convert them into two bishops and a knightling, to make a new boosted Knightling with one set.>Send the other baneling to Dorian.MARA, ACE, QUINN, and RATH>Draw the things attention, each focus on a different arm.>Trade out so that they all have a Bishop Knightling mount to give them mobility to keep out of its grasp.SHU and JACKIE> Use Jackies enhancements to help Shu sling shot herself further, using two banelings and some arms to catch herself in the air so as to get a perfect shot at the core.>Shu should blow the whistle right as she gets into position.>If the thing goes to defend the core, fire the anti-FA into its head, it it goes to defend its head, fire the Herculean into the flesh next to the core, so it can dig it out and toss it towards your group.>Have a handed baneling ready to grab the forge core.KEANE and CONSTRUCTS>focus on keeping any enemy constructs at bay.>Keane Should be ready to react if someone gets hit by an arm, as they are gonna need medical help if that happens.>Keane should do her best to stay out of striking distance and out of sight otherwise.DORIAN and JULIA>wait til the thing is properly distracted with the four teams and Shus mission, sneaking around behind it.>Julia Cancer bomb it while Dorian both covers her and uses his canvass form to get them in and out quickly.>Try to time it right as Shu blows the whistle.
>>3540283FOL CUNT disrupts concentration effects, it's not a general distraction. We should save it for once Nikuzu starts using a big nasty sustained power.
>>3540254Six Rounds to make this count eh.....BHOP When we can prime the halos they do not go off until we are hit by a critcial?Shu >1. Act I feel unloading the Contender might be necessary and immediatly reload with another Combo of Fullbore and Anti-Artisan Shell>2. Act Prime the Halo>3. Act Act with Jackies Help to start unloading onto the Forge Core to eiteher shatter it or send it spiralling away from the nexusRath>1. Act Hurl more Bombs at it before closing the Distance on the Knightling >2. Act Could we start deploying her tensile Strands to start restricting the Cores Movement?Julia>1. Act Use the Knightling like (Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate used the Blackbird) while the Rest distracts the Monster she goes up and then straight down onto the creature to deploy the Cancerous Payload>2. Prime Neurotic HaloDorian>1.Act Start heading towards the Core >2.Act Keep a lookout for anything that tries to attack us / prime HaloJackie>1. Act Help Shu>2. Act If it tries to Terraform use your speciality to disrupt it by making its aim get way to sensitiveQuinn> 1. Act Do what you do and try to get close to start getting even more boosts to attack this thing>2. Act latch massive amount of Familiars onto the Head and Core of this thingAce>1. Act Get close enough to have your field start affecting the Nexus >2. Act Keep up the Dual Tech with KeaneKeane>1. Act keep up the Dual Tech with Ace>2. Act Look out for Potential Dangers Mara> Make this Thing regret it if it tries to ignore you......... Make it regret ever giving into the Hunger .... tear Maim.... KILL
>>3540299I don't think Rath should use her bombs. This thing is full of lava, I doubt fire attacks will be useful against it.
>>3540299(The Halos may be Primed as a free action, and they remain Primed until they trigger to counter a crit.)
>>3540277>>3540283Ill add in to prime the halos.>>3540298Fair enough. I still feel breaking its concentration would help, but im willing to wait. Still feel like Shu or someone should do something a bit extra to help keep it off its toes at said key moment, any ideas?
>>3540304Hm did not consider that..... yeah definetly read and then forgot it damn that could have ended badlyThank you for pointing that out Anon>>3540305 Alright then we will all prime them just to be safe a crit would hurt a lotThough it gives us a lot more Maneuvers to work withShu>2. Act Replenish the Swarm and send a knightling towards the core to rip it out and if necessary destroy it (though it would be a shame having to do so)Quinn>2. Act Go for whichever Area the Nexus does not defend directly (I am going to assume that it is either going to protect its head or the Core) if it protects both wait for Mara to start harassing it so it gets distracted and then charge in to get more buff against this enemy
>>3540315We could load a ciccada Round and go down to one Shot off Fullbore or Anti-Artisan per Attack to distract it further and stop it from bringing up any effects
>>3540315we should get the malleable flesh stacks applied to max limit before we apply the cancer bomb, that way we’ll have a better idea of how to deal with Uzu and a better time fending her off now that she’s been debuffed
>>3540320>>3540305BHOP, is the area open enough to where we could only effect the core monster with a cicada shot?
>>3540321Were on a time limit. 6 rounds, the cancer takes 5.Ill add it in as i think we can work this into Julias two Actions being stacks and cancer, but her main focus will be the cancer.
>>3540323Well it is several hundred meters high i would guess so
>>3540326Well yes, but it never hurts to double check.
>>3540326Do we want to fire off a fullbore to remove the core, or an anti-FA for just pure damage and potential anti-ability effects?
>>3540254SHU>Terraform platform into solid disc, with barricades for sheltering behind.>Send Knightlings to sting at Nikuzu's eyes, keep it distracted.>Be ready to blow whistle to disrupt Nikuzu's concentration if it tries to absorb Rath.>After Forge Core is pulled, fire both Contender barrels at Nikuzu.RATH>Prime Halo for automatic counter>Sling up to the Forge Core. Start ripping and tearing it out of there.JULIA>Inject a Cancerous Payload>Spend enough Health for a dozen attacks. We can afford it with our shared regen, and we'll inflict more Malleable Flesh stacks that way than with just doubling it, plus deal damage.DORIAN>Shift to Creator Form, spawn a dozen bloodlings to assist in harassing Nikuzu>Shift to Canvas Form, ferry Julia into short range and get ready to intercept attacks. Just parry, don't yourself attack until the Forge Core is out and its temperature has fallen.QUINN>Spawn constructs. Based on current adaptation, they should be flyers with excavating tools.>Send them up to assist Rath in removing Forge Core.>Prepare with team for QUAD TECH: FILL 'EM WITH MIDNIGHTIt is called that, right? Come on, don't leave me hanging, BHOP.JACKIE>Enhance Shu's terraforming.>Deploy bladebats to harass Nikuzu while Rath is pulling out core to keep her distracted>Prepare for Quad TechACE>Get ready to teleport-swap to intercept any big attacks that would hit an ally>Maintain Dual Tech with Keane>Prepare for Quad TechKEANE>Stay on guard to heal anyone who needs it.>Deploy constructs to wear away at any weapons that Nikuzu forges>Maintain Dual Tech with Ace>Prepare for Quad TechMARA>Cut her arms off. Greatsword plus incredible strength equals dismemberment. If a limb gets anywhere close to the ground, sever it.>>3540332Both. We can fire both barrels in one action.
>>3540323>>3540326>>3540329(Yes, you may fire the Cicada with impunity.)
>>3540334Not if we use a cicadaling to disrupt it to give julia and shu a better chance to succeed
>>3540332I would suggest the Anti Artisan Shell first (as she is at her Core a Flesh Artisan) i guess it will cripple her as it was designed to kill Flesh Artisans
>>3540254>>3540283Right, plan amended;SHU, RATH, JULIA, and DORIAN>Prime Halos.SHU>call back three banelings and convert them into two bishops and a knightling, to make a new boosted Knightling with one set.>Send the other baneling to Dorian.>Unload the Herculean and load in a cicadaling.MARA, ACE, QUINN, and RATH>Draw the things attention, each focus on a different arm.>Trade out so that they all have a Bishop Knightling mount to give them mobility to keep out of its grasp.JULIA and JACKIE>Work together to reapply the Artisans Stacks.SHU and JACKIE> Use Jackies enhancements to help Shu sling shot herself further, using two banelings and some arms to catch herself in the air so as to get a perfect shot at the core.>Aim for its head and fire the cicadaling.>Quickly fire off the anti-FA shot in quick succession to slam into its head.>See if your banelings cant melt out and snatch the forge core while it is distracted.KEANE and CONSTRUCTS>focus on keeping any enemy constructs at bay.>Keane Should be ready to react if someone gets hit by an arm, as they are gonna need medical help if that happens.>Keane should do her best to stay out of striking distance and out of sight otherwise.DORIAN and JULIA>wait til the thing is properly distracted with the four teams and Shus mission, sneaking around behind it.>Julia Cancer bomb it while Dorian both covers her and uses his canvass form to get them in and out quickly.>Try and time your actions with the cicadaling.
Wait, I'm confused, why are we using a Cicada's Cry round? Those are for disrupting concentration effects, Nikuzu hasn't used any yet. Just a preventative measure?
>>3540347Pretty much yes because we can not allow Nizuku to spawn large amounts of Phantasmal Conduit Construct or maybe even disrupts her ability to make Field Effects indicriminate
>>3540347Its still a loud, jolting noise, and will still disrupt anything they start to do or throw out before we get into position. A bit of a premptive, bit of simple distraction.Speaking of, i do like some of your ideas for what the four arm distractions can do to help their efforts. We might also be able to do that quad tech, maybe have them come together once the ciacada goes off, and use shus shot and the probable pain from the cancer injection as further time to set it up?
>>3540355Sounds good. We're going to have a lot of things distracting Nikuzu all at once. Cancer, a sonic grenade, an anti-Flesh Artisan bullet giving her another kind of cancer, and one of her eyes/her energy reactor being ripped out. Sounds like a perfect opportunity to charge up a super move.
>>3540341I still suggest sending Julia away on a supped up knightling to hit this think from above(with cancer) while it is distracted from the Bottom and chestheight Because who has time to see up when there are small and extremely violent creatures dancing around your lower and upper torso
>>3540371Also, it's not something that we get a ton of use out of, but our Swarmlings are mostly silent. Unless Nikuzu has enhanced senses (which, to be fair, she might, she ate a lot of people), she won't hear a buzz approaching her head. Though if she does have enhanced hearing, the Cicada's Cry will hit her harder, so it doesn't really matter either way.
>>3540377I was mostly suggesting it as an unexpected angle of attack and a way to get her in and out quickly while not having to rely on her Acts to move
>>3540341Adding in that once all the distractions hit the midnight Crew should come together to use a quad tech.
>>3540371That's not a terrible idea, but that leaves us with even less banelings for the forge core and a dorian to figure out what to do with. He would have trouble covering her at that angle of Attack.
>>3540405Have Dorian use Neuromancy to create one or two Strongpoints we can go and hide behind in case of an AOE Or have him join in on the distraction Squad keepin gJulia safe by keeping the Monster distracted and confused(though his paintlings will be useless as the blood would boil them away)
Just a thought:During the Extension of our tounge we have up to medium Range correct?If at the Apex of our Tounge Strike we spawned roughly 70 Meters with our Arms..... i recon we could get up to half the speed of sound to punch something if we increase our speeed we might even be able to breach teh sound barrier. While it would annihilate the last Arm that is actually used for a punch it should cause catastrophic damage and confision as it all hapopens so fst most will not be able to keep up with it and be suprised when we suddenly hit them with a loud crack and a shower of gore flying with them while they are being flung awayWould require good coordination but could be fun
>>3540432Yeah, we've got a lot of potential uses for the arm-chains. I'm not sure that trick is particularly relevant here, Nikuzu is so big that I don't think a punch is going to do much unless Rath is the one to throw it even if the punch is supersonic, but against normal-sized Daughters it's definitely something to use.
>>3540440It was just a random thought that popped into my head wanted to write it down so it wont be lost forever in the sieve that is my mind>>3540341If we do not come up with a better plan though i will vote for your plan with possible amendments being made
>>3540416Im fine with the second part more or less, though i think he would do better helping Keane if hes not gonna help Julia.So Julia and Dorian teaming up to inflict Cancer, or Julia on Knightling to inflict cancer while Dorian helps Keane? I guess im fine with whatever everyone else prefers, just no offense to the one anon id like more than just one person's input as it is a big change, as its still taking alot of defense from her having him not there.
>>3540447Ah, I get you. Yeah, I did the same upthread.
>>3540432>>3540440Lets weaken its defenses this turn and next turn or so, see whats happening, then maybe we can sling shot Rath at its face. Would be a nice way to finish it off, but only if we know the path is clear for it to succeed.
>>3540460I'm going to say have Dorian partner with Julia. Until we rip the Forge Core out and cool the thing down, his minions are actually probably more a liability than an asset. They inflict bleeding, and its blood is currently lava. That's just going to end poorly for us.
>>3540460No offense taken i just thought that would be really cool (pic related)
>>3540469Fair point, though id imagine if he is off helping Keane and the Constructs fight off any of its constructs coming after us that won't be as big an issue.
Well, I've got to head out for a bit, now. Probably won't be back online until after the next round. See you later, anons, I hope to come back to a successful fight in progress.
(Headed home now, as work kept me a little over. I'll resume posting until after dinner, so I'm opening voting for an additional hour if there's anything you'd like to hammer out, Gentlemen.)
>>3540473Any more ideas for Fine Tuning i am pretty tapped for ideas right now?
>>3540341>>3540254>>3540525well, so far this is what ive got;SHU, RATH, JULIA, and DORIAN>Prime Halos.SHU>call back three banelings and convert them into two bishops and a knightling, to make a new boosted Knightling with one set.>Send the other baneling to Dorian.>Unload the Herculean and load in a cicadaling.MARA, ACE, QUINN, and RATH>Draw the things attention, each focus on a different arm.>Trade out so that they all have a Bishop Knightling mount to give them mobility to keep out of its grasp.>Rath should focus more on using her Garrote Wire and strength, and avoid Boils for now.>Mara should go ham, using the Knights speed and her natural strength and diverse arsenal to pin the arm down with spears then bring out a great sword to cut it off.>Ace should be prepared to teleport to anyone who she thinks cant take the hit but she can. Otherwise keep your debuffs on her as best you can and have fun with your axe.>Quinn should use her arms stretchiness and the Drills(unless they might change to better fight the Core) to tie the limb up and dig out its joints.JULIA and JACKIE>Work together to reapply the Artisans Stacks.SHU and JACKIE>Use Jackies enhancements to help Shu sling shot herself further, using two banelings and some arms to catch herself in the air so as to get a perfect shot at the core.>Aim for its head and fire the cicadaling.>Quickly fire off the anti-FA shot in quick succession to slam into its head.>See if your banelings cant melt out and snatch the forge core while it is distracted.KEANE and CONSTRUCTS>focus on keeping any enemy constructs at bay.>Keane Should be ready to react if someone gets hit by an arm, as they are gonna need medical help if that happens.>Keane should do her best to stay out of striking distance and out of sight otherwise.DORIAN and JULIA>wait til the thing is properly distracted with the four teams and Shus mission, sneaking around behind it.>Julia Cancer bomb it while Dorian both covers her and uses his canvass form to get them in and out quickly.>Try and time your actions with the cicadaling.MIDNIGHT CREW>Once the cicadaling goes off, start coming together.>Once the cancer and Shus second shot go off, enact QUAD TECH, or a Triple Tech if one of those is the better offensive option.>>3540527not much besides added in a little bit for how each person should fight their arm.incase it was not obvious, i am WorkAnon no longer at Work.
>>3540525BHOP, I just want to say, you have outdone yourself regarding the scale of the fight.>Threat: Crucible-ending.I mean, holy. Shit. This fight is going to be so fucking epic, I can't wait to see what happens.
>>3540533>incase it was not obvious, i am WorkAnon no longer at Work.But are you really WorkAnon if you're not at work? The identity of WorkAnon is comprised of two pillars: working, and compiling tactical instructions to be carried out by a small platoon of lesbian bio-weapons. When one or more of these pillars is removed, the identity of WorkAnon is destroyed, leaving naught but an anonymous husk lacking all identity.
>>3540660>working, and compiling tactical instructions to be carried out by a small platoon of lesbian argue i do more than that but my non-combat based suggestion actually usually get out voted so i actually do bring up an interesting philosophical question about the 'self' though. is a person who they themselves view themselves as, or are they the traits and characteristics others apply to them and thus interact with them with? does not caring what others think truly free you from that, or does it simply lead to that being the traits others have made define you, and will thus interact with you through? is it not how they have treated you in the first place that has lead you for one reason or another to think this way?and am i going way too far over someones joke post? no, no i am not.
>>3540254As one, your team’s Neurotic Halos flare with Amethyst light, a gift to those carry on that primes to protect you from death itself. Your Banelings return, promoted the moment they alight on your shoulders as Herculean Fullbore slips from the contender's barrel and back into your supple flesh, replaced with a chittering Cicada.You take a breath, and with that...your rest is over.Nikuzu's lower set of arms swing as one, bringing a hurricane-force burst of wind as they move to crush your entire team in their world ending grasp as the upper pair reach down, over her collarbones and to Niku's sobbing visage.“Sorry about earlier.” Mara says from your left, her deep voice filling your mind while she settles into her stance, the massive blade trailing behind her as she glares up at the hand that hurtles towards you. “My armor stores power, so I waited until things got serious. No hard feelings, I hope."“Mara, w-” You begin, cut off mid-sentence as she swings once, twice with the massive blade at the same moment Rath's right arm begins to shine with devastating light, surging forwards on a Holy Knightling with Quinn hot on her heels.You're in awe as Nikuzu's right hand comes apart at the wrist and elbow, sailing past the vein and tumbling into the abyss far below. Rath slides under one hand as her strands loop around it, and she seizes the cords one one arm while thrusting the other into the vein's surface. The hand seizes, then stops...long enough for Quinn to scream with excitement as she disappears drill-first into Nikuzu's wrist, the titan watching helplessly as her left hand is shredded from the inside out.“I’ll maintain a defensive position.” Mara states coolly, settling her blade back in position and ignoring Nikuzu’s howl of agony, the wounds weeping boiling flesh. “The healers and support will be safe.”She turns, one shining eye piercing into your soul from beneath her shining helm as you hear Rath and Quinn make quick work of the rest of the nearby limb.“Go.”Julia's Knightling screams past you, her enhanced fists glowing with a jet-black aura as she dives to cripple the endbringer and give you the chance to end this. You look up, to see you relay of Banelings stretch above you, and when you reach out to them, they reach back. You leave your mount behind with a burst of impossible speed, the hot wind breaking across your face as you soar, limbs snapping you higher, higher still, until...You're eye-level with Uzu, her pupil narrowing as she directs her focus solely, terribly, upon you and you alone, her lower set of arms running over with magma as they congeal into replacements for what you've stolen from her, reaching towards the face of her old friend as the former speaks.@YOU WERE WRONG, DEFIANT@@I CAN WIN THIS, AND BRING AN END TO...@Her booming voice is drowned out by the high, victorious scream of the Cicada and Anti-Spiral rounds you fire directly into her eye. (Continued)
>>3540694Even her screech of pain is lost in the Cicada's all-encompassing cry, and as you watch her eye unfurl into bubbling biomass, trying and failing to regenerate thanks to Magpie's gift...that's when Julia and Dorian take the cue. You can see it, far below where your Knightling surges up to catch you before you reach free-fall; a glint of Julia's Neuromancy, a portent of the eminently lethal infection that she's doomed Nikuzu to suffer.“Ready, Crew?!"Even at this height, Jackie's call to arms reaches you as your knees tuck in against your Knightling, urging it into a nosedive back to your teammates. As the Midnight Crew begins to come into focus, you see a closed loop of their Humoral Paladin powers centered on their leader as Jackie's three comrades funnel their biomass into the raven-haired sociopath.“Pose as a team!” She roars with a vicious grin splitting her face, the other half of her battlecry coming out as a low growl. “…‘Cause shit just got real.”[QUAD TECH - SEPULCHRITUDE: ACTIVATED]For a fleeting moment, Jackie's body seems to greedily devour the light around her, and when the haze clears a glistening set of diamond armor looms where the lissome leader of the Midnight Crew once stood. Curious shapes and colors undulate within the spiked frame, and......Then she's gone, at the same moment a colossal hole erupts in Nikuzu's lower abdomen. Jackie reappears on the other side, soaring on glassy wings borrowed from Quinn, the magma sloughing harmlessly off her form thanks to Keane's protection. She blinks out of existence, reappearing next to her friends in a move taken from Ace's playbook."Get your ass down here, Defiant!" She howls up at you as she folds her arms, her grin evident in her tone as Nikuzu writhes with pain, her limbs still held tight against Niku's face.A shimmer, a shine of scarlet from far below glints out from beneath Uzu's fingertips as her hands wrap around something that forces its way out of Niku's throat, the ooze that seeps faster from her eye flowing forth in thick, smoking rivulets as she births that which spells your end......a Forgemistresses' work is never done.(Continued)
>>3540686The real question is whether or not the identity one has for themselves holds any meaning if it is not expressed externally. It is impossible to observe the thoughts of others, and thus any information about them must be gleaned through what can be observed about them and what they tell us. However, how can you be sure the information delivered by the subject is accurate? They could misinform by malice or lack of personal insight, therefore the only identity that can be considered valid is the one observed by others. The issue then becomes the fact that this identity is the result of intrinsically flawed perception further marred by the warped lens of group thinking.The takeaway from this is never trust anybody until you've mindripped them and implanted a neurotic kill-switch to ensure they cannot act against you.
>>3540717I thought everyone was in agreement that that Forge Core had to be ripped out. Did you guys decide not to somehow? Did the rolls fail?
>>3540729I think it got lost in progress damn .... i blame my mind being a sieve and very tired for this fuckup
>>3540717>[QUAD TECH - SEPULCHRITUDE: ACTIVATED]What? It's not the final boss, girls! You can't do that! Oh, the Weasel King will be most upset.
>>3540717Nikuzu's arms withdraw, each clinging to a jagged, hideous shape that glow with the fires of creation. A misshapen whip dangles from Uzu's upper left arm, puckering mouths as wide as Mara is tall gasping for air as they drool languidly. The haft of a shining axe is gripped tight in her right arm, blade dripping with magma and spotted with an assortment of blinking eyes and gnashing teeth as her lower pair of arms slide the gauntlets home that now gird her fists.A pang of horror pierces your heart, because you know exactly what she now wields.>>ORA FLAGELLUM>>ESURIT FERRUM>>ARMA ASHURAN>>...EQUIPPED was supposed to...You find her, peeling her arms from the cracked mold she made when she slammed into the vein several dozen yards from where the Midnight Crew now readies themselves. You peer down with your halo's enhanced sense, and she gives you a weak thumb's up as she climbs back up to the top of the cylinder.Nikuzu stands tall, her arms reformed and now equipped with all manner of destructive implement, the very image of a goddess of war.She is armed, dangerous, and not to be underestimated.Your hand tightens around the Contender, the Anti-Spiral rounds heavy in your pocket.That makes two of you.HP: 310% (+460% REGEN)BIO: 330% (+30% REGEN, 3 Rec-Knights (1 Rec-Knight Swarm), 3 Banelings, 4 Bishops [on 4 Knightlings], 5 Platelings, 15/18 Active)CONTENDER: Empty, Lionheart Form. 3x Anti-Spiral Rounds available.RAVENOUS MAW: Primed.HUNDRED-HANDED: PrimedWhistle: FOL CUNTACT: 3/3RATH HP: 56% (+20% REGEN, Sui Tormentis, 2 Replicant, 2 Phantom Limbs)JULIA HP: 290% (+20% REGEN, Ignition Gauntlets)DORIAN HP: 210% (+45% REGEN, Masque Form, Cursus Alas)JACKIE HP: 1410% (+250% REGEN) [ACT: 5/5] [SEPULCHRITUDE: ACTIVE – Full Immunities: Flesh Artisan, Phantasmal Conduit]QUINN HP: 760%KEANE HP: 410%ACE HP: 1120%MARA HP: ????% (Protecting Midnight Crew)Threat: Crucible-ending. Medium range, you/allies are on a spiral that coils around its body.Terrain: Monastery remains, easy to Terraform.Debuffs: MALLEABLE FLESH x9. CANCEROUS PAYLOAD: 4 Rounds until death.!-FIVE ROUNDS UNTIL OPPOSITE SHORE IS REACHED-!YOU ARE IN CONTROL
(Voting shall remain open for the next two and a half hours, Gentlemen. Thank you for your patience with this update, and as always, good luck.)
>>3540719>The takeaway from this is never trust anybody until you've mindripped them and implanted a neurotic kill-switch to ensure they cannot act against not sure thats what id take away from this but it is one thing you can sure. But nah, the thing is, you cannot trust anything about who you truly are but what you decide to be within your own mind, and no matter what you do, who and what you choose to be will put forth to others who you are, thus you yourself form what others see as yourself.>>3540729>>3540737no it was very much on everyone's list. i think BHOP rolls for initiative/order of events aswell to some degree, so it could be we ran out of actions or it reacted to us before we could get to it, aswell/or bad dice rolls.sorry for the wait to reply, i don't like posting intbetween updates if i can help it.>>3540717Damn Jackie thats one hell of an upgrade.>>3540748well, when i made some of those, i never thought of them being used against us...whoops?Also shit Rath took one damn hell of a hit. Right, gimme a moment for planning, but les remember one thing guys; we fight as if the Cancer will not work, otherwise it very well might not and we lose.
>>3540748Priorities? Kill her faster and ignore the Weapons?Try to destroy the Weapons and hope the Cancer does the Job?
>>3540748Okay, my initial priorities is that she needs to be forcefully unequipped, have that Forge Core ripped out, and have Keane shift some of our regen to Rath to get her back to full health if she can spare an ACT. And unloading more anti-FA into her of course.Well, I have to sleep too. Good luck next round.
>>3540748Damn it, using our own designs against us. Well, at least we've got loot now. We'll find a way to resize those.Okay, question: Are we still resource pooling, or does Sepulchritude keep Ace and Keane from maintaining that Dual Tech because they're too busy keeping Jackie from consuming herself in an ultimate conflagration of charisma? Because if we can, let's divert some of our massive Health regen to Rath.Also, oh shit, our Health regen went up. What does that mean? The only thing I can think is that Nikuzu's regen went up, so the Exsanguinating Leash is pulling more off her.
>>3540748BHOP Can we see the Cancer working its way through her System(sloughing Skin or brittle textures somewhere)?
>>3540774Before I go, Niku's hands seem like good targets for those specialized rounds.
>>3540779(Keane and Ace can still heal, yes.)(Also, you are pulling more from Niku's regen due to her latent increase when she shifted from Bio-focused defense to Health-centric offense.)>>3540783(It's a little discolored near her left hip, where Julia injected it.)
>>3540795>(Keane and Ace can still heal, yes.)Great. Okay, let's transfer some to Rath, then. A good 216%. Full heal, baby.
done with work, having dinner. will be back soon
>>3540748right, lets at least get ourselves started off;RATH and KEANE>Have Keane rush to Rath and heal her up, at least to 200% Health if possible.SHU>have a Bishop relocate from Knightlings to Mara and Ace.>Load up a Anti-Spiral and Herculean Fullbore.>fill out your Swarmling slots with Rec(5)Banelings.MARA and ACE>Guard mode. Get in position and be prepared to strike. Aim to remove the weapons from her grip, less so than aim to outright harm her. Be prepared, the Whip is good at gripping and the Axe goes wild, making her easier to hit but the weapon more potent. Use these to your advantage. Get weapons close to shred the Whip when it tries to grip you, and use the Axes wildness to get in a free hit.SHU and JULIA>Shu, jump on a Knightling and get yourself high.>Julia should Double the stacks then activate Artistians Peak.>Right when Julia hits it with Artistian Peak, quickly Fire the Fullbore at the Forge Core, and the Anti-Spiral round into one of her shoulders.DORIAN and KEANE>Once Rath is stabilized, have dorian and KEane team up to use their viscous Constructs in a outright wave of construct to stick to the Spirals limbs and slow them down considerably, aswell as try nad clog up the Niku mouth to make it harder for weapons to be pulled from it. >the heat of this thing will without a doubt make this a temporary measure, but it will still keep her preoccupied for soem time.DORIAN and QUINN>as soon as Shu hits a shoulder, have Dorian use his Cursas Alas and Canvass Form to Carry Quinn past the infected limb, letting her slice into it while it's weakend.
>>3540717>[QUAD TECH - SEPULCHRITUDE: ACTIVATED]Problem Sleuth references? Oh, HELL yes.
>>3540812We don't need Keane to run over to Rath. We've still got the resource pooling Dual Tech active, we can just transfer some over on a tendril of mucous. You've also forgotten about Jackie, she's riding high on Sepulchritude right now and as we saw can punch right through Nikuzu's body. Should we send her after the Core again, or go for disarming one of the weapons?
>>3540816(Glad you like the reference, and thank you for your kind words earlier, Anon.)
>>3540760>>3540795Okay Cancer probably works unless she can get rid of(not unlikely)We need to keep her occupoied/distracted for the entire time to keep her from even trying to shed the ailment or becoming aware of it to early Jackie seems pretty Flashy and blew a hole straight through her lower torso which is of considerable bulk> Send Jackie after one of the weapons and just try to destroy it probably better to destroy the whip right now rather than the Axe though the Axe will be harder to Regenerate..... The Gauntlets are Tempting as well though wer should probably jsut sever her arms to get rid of them>>3540812We can heal her full our Health Regen went up
>>3540818i totally did forget about Jackie. my bad. but im not sure. the Fullbore has been able to rip similar items out of large fake gods before, but i suppose having a backup plan might not be bad?OH! lets have her go for the core once Julia Activates Peak, then we can instead use two Anti-Spiral rounds to hopefully cripple two arms, instead of just one. sound good?also the Keane thing was more for the sake of caution then anything.>>3540822yeah i was pretty sure we could do more than 200% im just being overly cautious. 56% leaves little wiggle room if she gets targeted first or with some new ability is my worry.
>>3540828Maybe going for Overkill so that she can no longer pull weapons out of herself is worth it>56% leaves little wiggle room if she gets targeted first or with some new ability is my worry.I understand your worryBHOP as far as I understand we regenerate Health at the beginning of a turn?
>>3540822>>3540818>>3540812Hey, i just realized. Nikuzu, crafted those relics on the spot. which means that her hp and bio pool is capped by the relic cost of crafting them. if we can force her to burn through her hp and bio pool by making her make replacement relics to use for combat, she’ll get weaker and weaker, eventually being forced to spend her hp to craft them. Nikuzu’s a Relic piñata
>>3540819I like the reference, but at the same time I'm very disappointed by it. Because it's the wrong character and the wrong time to do this, and Keane should have explained that to her team. Keane, come on, you don't even pose as a team because shit got real when you do Sepulchritude, that's what you do when getting candy weaponry or transforming into candy Halloween monsters or...yeah, it's always candy, with posing as a team, isn't it? Damn it, Keane! There was no candy involved! I am going to throw down my hat in disgust, just you watch.
>>3540836(Keane's constantly irked by her team's mis-use of Homestuck memes, but they got the spirit despite their general dislike of the franchise, so she can't be too mad.)
>>3540833sounds risky. those are not bad relics, and what happens if she pulls out something really nasty? maybe armors herself up with her own Sui Tormentis? maybe the Kuolema Rifle? hell thats just whats on the LIST, we already know you can experiment and make more than whats on there, and this is a Forge Mistress shes getting it from. i get what you mean, really, im just saying we let it go too long, she might pull out something we really do not want her having.
>>3540833Each of these relics can become very powerful very quickly we need to be carful not to get caught by them they are otherwise gonna be our end long before she runs dry(hence going for the Forgecore might be the better alternative)On the otehr hand if we can steal these Relics that would deck us out for quiet a while............
>>3540844id prefer not to risk it. lets shoot for the middle ground of keeping the forge core intact? its a gift from November anyways, so its ours to claim anyways.
>>3540748>>3540812right, a few edits, but im open to suggestions;RATH and KEANE>Have Keane focus the Healing on Rath real quick, just to make sure she gets what she needs to get back to max Health.SHU>have a Bishop relocate from Knightlings to Mara and Ace.>Load up two Anti-Spiral rounds.>fill out your Swarmling slots with Rec(5)Banelings.>If it looks like anything unexpected is gonna happen again that the Whistle can stop, quickly get it out and blow it.MARA and ACE>Guard mode. Get in position and be prepared to strike. Aim to remove the weapons from her grip, less so than aim to outright harm her. Be prepared, the Whip is good at gripping and the Axe goes wild, making her easier to hit but the weapon more potent. Use these to your advantage. Get weapons close to shred the Whip when it tries to grip you, and use the Axes wildness to get in a free hit.SHU and JULIA>Shu, jump on a Knightling and get yourself up high.>Julia should Double the stacks then activate Artisans Peak, using a Bishoped Knightling to get close quickly then fall back.>Right when Julia hits it with Artisan Peak, quickly Fire the Anti-Spiral rounds into two of her shoulders.JACKIE>After Julia activates her Artisans Peak and Shu fires her shots, rush for the Core to remove it.DORIAN and KEANE>Once Rath is stabilized, have dorian and KEane team up to use their vicious Constructs in a outright wave of construct to stick to the Spirals limbs and slow them down considerably, aswell as try and clog up the Niku mouth to make it harder for weapons to be pulled from it. >the heat of this thing will without a doubt make this a temporary measure, but it will still keep her preoccupied for some time.DORIAN and QUINN>as soon as Shu hits a shoulder, have Dorian use his Cursas Alas and Canvass Form to Carry Quinn past the infected limb, letting her slice into it while it's weakened to try and sever it.RATH>As soon as Shu hits a shoulder, go for the one the other two are not going after, using Tensile Strands and Aid from a web of Banelings with Hands to make a slingshot to get her moving faster, to fling at the infected arm and sever it with strength and garrote strands.
>>3540841Yeah, I figured, I'm just being silly. Seriously, though, I love it. Though I do want to commiserate with Keane after this and go "man, Jackie just doesn't get it, huh>>3540844They're also sized for a wielder several hundred meters tall. Christ, several hundred meters tall. Do you realize how crazy this fight is? We're dueling something bigger than Godzilla, he's only around a hundred and twenty meters tall. Wow. But to get back on track, I don't think we can use these Relics. Maybe Rath could, and I would definitely endorse her doing a Raiden vs. Metal Gear EXCELSUS sort of thing if we can dismember the arm holding the axe, but otherwise they're not for us.
>>3540850I did not want to suggest to try to destroy it immediatly and i would really like it if Jackie could just rip it out and deposit it somewhere... safe Who am i kidding there is no place safe in the Fleshscape Though if it becomes to dificult to extract, destroy it, it will be useless to us if we are all dead
>>3540856>Add to Jackie or Destroy it if it can not be removedSacrifices have to be made sometimes i would rather it be some stupid forgecore than a person material can be replaced people can not
>>3540860>>3540865i mean, im sure someone can just hang onto it or...shove it into their own bodies maybe? maybe Rath? shes already used to fire id imagine and has internal armor too. i mean, honestly its probably safer to just have someone hang onto it, we're not robots like November, but still the thought is interesting at least. actually it is heart shaped so i wonder if its not already a hint at this...but yeah, id rather have it destroyed than used against us.
>>3540753Bhop. I need everyone's position relative to Nikuzu's titanic body.
>>3540856Looks mostly good to me. I'm not sure if Dorian can get up high enough to reach the shoulder, though. Again, that's hundreds of meters in the air, can he boost that far?
>>3540872>>3540868>>3540856Why am I getting the vague feeling that Nikuzu's internal body is composed of Magma and heat resistant flesh? Bhop, can you tell us the situation and what material Nikuzu's body is composed of?
>>3540872im not sure. i suppose we could send him a bishop, and just have him use pure speed to get up. with his teleport he probably could but carrying Quinn probably not....actually, does Quinn still have a set of wings, or did hers go away to Jackie?>>3540877well, it kinda is, but id assume part of that is because of the forge core. its basically a lava heart from the last time Rath held it.
>>3540869(From the perspective of Nikuzu;)(Shu is hovering a medium distance in front of Uzu's collar bone. The Midnight Crew and Mara are sternum-level on the vein, while Rath is also sternum level but to the left. Meanwhile, Julia and Dorian are at belly-button level.)>>3540877Nikuzu's flesh is similar to the terrain of the fleshscape, while her blood is intensely hot and glows, akin to magma. You are correct in assuming that she is heat resistant, much like the unique Amalgam you first fought alongside Rath.)>>3540879(Quinn gifted her wings and destructive powers to Jackie as part of their Quad-Tech.)
>>3540872He can move farther in his canvass Form with a small boost from Jackie i do not see a problem for him to get up thereIt may be difficult though as Jackie is gonna have one hell of a Job in front of her to keep the Forge Core save and probably does not have the acts to spare to boost him up there between ripping the core out and dodging away from the NexusWe can give it a try though i would not want to try to store the Heart inside of someone that is flammable
>>3540879>well, it kinda is, but id assume part of that is because of the forge core. its basically a lava heart from the last time Rath held it.Yeah, I'm pretty sure that if we rip it out she'll cool. Not sure how fast, though. This is just providing more and more evidence for the "Crucible cells are really nanites pretending to be flesh" theory. Anything made of proteins would denature at these temperatures.
>>3540882ah dang, then Quinn probably wont be good at cutting the limb off. eh, Dorian i think can do it well enough, he does have the ability to spam scythe blades, an hes attacking a hopefully very weakened limb, so i think hes up to i guess that means Quinn is just stuck as backup then, as i cant think of anything she can do now that she gifted away her abilities...
>>3540828I feel that those Anti-spiral rounds are useful in preventing regen. Just shooting those limbs won't do. You gotta do the equivalent of the Hydra protocol. (Cut off the limb and then burn the stumps to cauterize the wound) Or in this case, Have Jackie rip the limbs off and Shu will fire a Anti-Spiral Bullet into the stump. >>3540882Is the flesh malleable for Terraforming (aka Is Shu able to Terraform Nikuzu's body without resistance?)Where did Julia plant the cancer bomb and what kind of cancer is it?
>>3540892>now i guess that means Quinn is just stuck as backup then, as i cant think of anything she can do now that she gifted away her abilities...Spawn some white blood cells to swarm Nikuzu? We want to cool her down after the Forge Core is gone, let's surround her with fluid.
>>3540893(Nikuzu's flesh prevents Neuromantic Terraforming, while Julia's Cancerous Payload spawned as bone cancer.)
>>3540893well, if Jackie does her job, the Core will be gone, and we saw the limbs auto-regen via heat. plus, the bullets seem to stop regen, id think they effect the area they hit much more potently, thus stopping the limbs from growing back once severed by the others.the core removal is much more important to get done first before the limb removal, i honestly think. though Jackie does have 5 acts so we can have her secondary actions be to help with that or something.>>3540896sounds good to me.
>>3540893Shu would need to get close to a wall to try and terraform it which would take a considerable amount of energy and resources to cross the vast expanse(We are fighting literally inside a hollow mountain)She can probably still regen naturally(though much slower and with the anti-Rounds probably not at all) but her Relics will be gone then and without the core she will not be able to (or if she can only very limited) forge new relics, so she either has to try to get them back or fight without them which is much better than her being armed
>>3540900>>3540900Bone Cancer symptoms>Bone painThis might tip Nikuzu off about the bone cancer.>Swelling and tenderness near the affected areaDepending on where the affected area is, it would double as a weakspot. >Weakened bone, leading to fractureOh boy! Hit Nikuzu hard enough on the bones and her bones break. painfully.>FatigueMight be irrelevant, but advanced stages of Bone cancer would leave her winded and with reduced actions>Unintended weight lossIt could be translated as BIO loss.Where on Nikuzu's skeleton is the tumor located?
>>3540909Her loer abdomen left hip
>>3540909(Her left hip.)
>>3540795here is BHOPS answer earlier my friend.>>3540909
>>3540748>>3540856right, correcting Dorian and Quinns moves as our girl slime arms is no longer as useful on the frontlines. still though, worth it, that fucking armor my god.RATH and KEANE>Have Keane focus the Healing on Rath real quick, just to make sure she gets what she needs to get back to max Health.SHU>have a Bishop relocate from Knightlings to Mara and Ace.>Load up two Anti-Spiral rounds.>fill out your Swarmling slots with Rec(5)Banelings.>If it looks like anything unexpected is gonna happen again that the Whistle can stop, quickly get it out and blow it.MARA and ACE>Guard mode. Get in position and be prepared to strike. Aim to remove the weapons from her grip, less so than aim to outright harm her. Be prepared, the Whip is good at gripping and the Axe goes wild, making her easier to hit but the weapon more potent. Use these to your advantage. Get weapons close to shred the Whip when it tries to grip you, and use the Axes wildness to get in a free hit.SHU and JULIA>Shu, jump on a Knightling and get yourself up high.>Julia should Double the stacks then activate Artisans Peak, using a Bishoped Knightling to get close quickly then fall back.>Right when Julia hits it with Artisan Peak, quickly Fire the Anti-Spiral rounds into two of her shoulders.JACKIE>After Julia activates her Artisans Peak and Shu fires her shots, rush for the Core to remove it.>if necessary, destroy it, but if not, get the core safely away from her, then hand it off to someone in the back lines, before you go to support the others at limb removal.QUINN,DORIAN and KEANE>Once Rath is stabilized, have Dorian and Keane team up to use their vicious Constructs in a outright wave of construct to stick to the Spirals limbs and slow them down considerably, aswell as try and clog up the Niku mouth to make it harder for weapons to be pulled from it. >Have Quinn spawn her own Constructs to ride the others liquid Wave to the Spiral, and have them swarm sensory organs, like the head or face on her chest, to clog up eyes, ears, etc.>the heat of this thing will without a doubt make this a temporary measure, but it will still keep her preoccupied for some time.DORIAN>as soon as Shu hits a shoulder, have Dorian use his Cursas Alas and Canvass Form to Rush for an infected limb, then switch to Critic Form and Spam out a hell of Scythes at the limb like a windmill of red gore to sever it, before switching back to Canvass Form and getting back to a safe distance.RATH>As soon as Shu hits a shoulder, go for the one Dorian is not not going after, using Tensile Strands and Aid from a web of Banelings with Hands to make a slingshot to get her moving faster, to fling at the infected arm and sever it with strength and garrote strands.
>>3540900So Nikuzu should be getting less flexible, then. Bone cancers manifest as either uncontrolled growth of bone or uncontrolled growth of cartilage, either way her lower body should be getting stiff and unresponsive. Should we try to loop around her and attack from the back? She can probably reshape her arms and head to point the other way, but she'd still have worse leverage that way. Might be worth it.>>3540923We shouldn't have Julia double the stacks and then perform an Artisan's Peak. That's a waste of stacks, it would hit her limit. Instead, perform Artisan's Peak, and then double. Since she can inflict an Artisan's Peak with any melee attack, including one producing a Malleable Skin stack, then it at worst leaves her exactly the same as she would the other way around and possibly adds two to the total number of stacks (double than Peak= 9x2=18, hits max of 13, then subtracts 5 to get 8 stacks. Peak than double= chance of 9-5+1 stacks to get 5, then doubled to 10 stacks).
>>3540923Seems good to meWell i am off to sleep good luck to you guys i hope i could make a contributionGood Night Anons
>>3540931does hitting them to activate Peak get a new stack? thought it didn't, hence it would be 8 either way she did it.
>>3540941(It does not activate a new stack, I'm afraid. However, a single strike pay activate multiple instances of Artisan's Peak, as mentioned previously.)
>>3540947Darn. Okay, then, should we double and then fire off two Artisan's Peaks, or do we want to keep some stacks on Nikuzu? Remember, the shared health pools means that Julia can potentially make a dozen attacks a round with impunity, so on the next turn she could easily build back up to full stacks. Double and two Artisan's Peaks this turn, brings it down to three stacks, then she attacks a dozen times next turn and inflicts an average of another four stacks, which she doubles and Nikuzu is at max again.Also, god I wish we had leveled Julia up to Sculptress of Flesh 10 by now. I know we wanted to save it to hybridize with Bloody Ripper so she could inflict stacks while cutting with it, but that tenth level should have tipped her over to being able to inflict fifteen stacks and cause full paralysis. That would be so nice right now.
>>3540960sure, we can do two stacks. i really want those Debuffs on her, but i feel the double strike will stun her better, and even with Jackies immense power boost i think its best not to take any chances. we will just have to make it a focus next turn to get the stacks back on as quickly as possible.honestly it kinda feels like frozen fury would fit her core better then Ripper. i get wanting Ripper to be able to apply stacks aswell though, so its a tough choice.
>>3540969Yeah, and Bloody Ripper is already a hybrid, so we can't fuse all three together and expect to keep all the effects. West's notes said three at a time is the max for actually fusing the skills together and not just increasing how large the stat bonuses are.
I just want to say congratulations BHOP, on becoming one of the most consistently high quality quest on the internet. I'd say this quest is on the level of Hive Queen Quest in my personal favorites, at number 1.
>>3540974well, usually. she did say she got unique results from a...6x Hybrid? but probably not worth the risk unless said abilities seem like they line up perfectly with one another.but im still not sure if waiting 10 levels worth is a good idea, heck waiting for Ripper seems like a long time kinda. still though, stat boosts are great, and like ive said before, i actually think more focused builds will work out better for us, BUT even if that is the case, we should still make sure what abilities we roll together work well together. tis a fun but also annoying balancing act we must play here.hrm...maybe Ripper and Neuromancer would work well... but probably would just add Numbing Stacks with each hit or something. granted thats not bad, just not sure its what we would want.>>3540988i concur.
>>3540748>Julia Act 1: Stack as many Malleable Flesh stacks as you can until you reach Max. When you do, Trigger Artisan's peak immediately. Have Your Knightling Mount circle around Nikuzu's back. Have the Artisan's peak Flesh spike impale her Kidneys if possible. >Dorian Act 1: Inspired Creator. Start painting Nikuzu's body with Constructs. Just have those constructs restrict her movements and act as a Brace that restricts her movements. Prevent her from turning around or twisting her spine. Take advantage of Julia's Artisan peak by gluing one of Nikuzu's hands to her kidneys with your constructs. >Dorian Act 2: Change into Inspired Creator and start dragging your claws across Nikuzu's Stomach. If her internals are heat resistant, that doesn't mean that her skin is. Like Stomach acid burning a whole through her stomach, if her blood flows out and hits spots on her flesh where it isn't heat resistant, Nikuzu's gonna feel pain.Shu Act 1: Fly up, Load and Fire Two B.33 rounds into the spot where you saw Nikuzu draw those Relic weapons. Take advantage of Nikuzu's distracted state when Julia Triggers Artisan's peak and impales one or both of her kidneys. Let those rounds cook. Nikuzu will be stunned for the next round after Julia activates her Artisan's peak. Shu Act 2: Send those banelings into Niku's Eye and Uzu's Eye and then spawn a inveritable tangled web of Generator Arms that hang onto the eye socket walls of Nikuzu's eyes (if she actually has eyes...), rendering Nikuzu blind. Shu: Act 3: Load and fire Anti-Spiral Rounds at any Limb Stumps that Jackie's managed to chop off. One for each stump. >Quinn: Create a White wave of white blood cells for You, Keane, and Mara, to ride upon. Pick up Rath in that wave and Get her to Keane for healing.>Keane: Heal Rath 200% hp, bringing her up to 256% hp. And refill Rath's Bio. >Jackie: Set yourself to De-limbing her when the Julia impales Nikuzu's kidney with Artisan's peak. take out the limbs that aren't clutching her kidneys in pain during that time period. >Ace and Mara maintain guard. >Rath Once you're healed up. get back into the fray, instead of trying to go for the Forge, Go and start dropping some hurtin bombs (punches) on Nikuzu's torso. Aim for a Liver shot! Nikuzu's right side, to the back, just underneath her lowest Rib. Pummel that spot using fused 2 phantom limbs for a DC SMASH. >>3541010>>3540974Gentlemen, those who are still here, what do you think of this plan?
>>3541010>but im still not sure if waiting 10 levels worth is a good idea, heck waiting for Ripper seems like a long time kindaI don't know, we better get at least ten levels out of this fight. Even if we're just counting the core, Nikuzu is, as I said, taller than Godzilla. Split her twelve ways, have most of her be lost to the acid, even then we should still get a pretty big level up from it.>>3541013Well, Dorian doesn't have the actions to do two Inspired forms in one round. Inspired transformations make them cost an action instead of being free, so he can do one of the things you want him to do with Inspired forms, not both. Also, Keane can just extend a mucous tendril over to Rath, we don't need to move her.Also, why the kidneys, specifically? If Nikuzu even has those, I'm not sure of the usefulness of damaging them. Something about filtering the magma blood, make impurities building up or something? Or is it just because it will really hurt?
>>3540988>>3541010(Thank you for your kind words. It means a lot, and I look forward to seeing where you'll take things from here.)
>>3541030true, we shall have to see what we get out of this. im still expecting this to end with us pulling ourselves out of the river half dead honestly, i feel like we have been doing way too good for something not to go wrong.>>3541013daughters really dont care about organs too much, or at least they very easily can get abilities to make them not care, and id imagine if Jackie blasting a hole in her didnt do enough internal damage, she wont care about organ focused damage.also getting rid of the Forge Core is simply to big a priority i think, and with the characters and setup we have, i think we can get the core out and then still go for the limbs after.
>>3541030Kidneys because it just really hurts. Having one or both of your kidneys would bring a pain response from Nikuzu to have two of her arms to go and to cover the areas where the kidneys would be at in an attempt to massage them. the distraction would be welcoming. But the Biology about kidneys filtering your blood also helps. If Nikuzu can't regulate her Magma blood and filter it, impurities would start stacking up within the blood stream. And since her blood is similar to magma, I would speculate that it would make the magma cool down or something like that causing blood stream blockage. But since we're impaling the kidneys, it would behave something akin to acute kidney failure. Same goes for the Liver shot. Liver punches apparently hurt like a bitch.Oh and about the Inspired form, I'll take Inspired Creator. Just slathering Blood-constructs on Nikuzu would slow her bio regen too and slow down Nikuzu's movements in general. >>3541038At least have Jackie lop Two of Nikuzu's limbs. >>3540923Can we have Dorian try and inject some of his blood constructs into Nikuzu's Blood stream?
>>3541055i already have Jackie going for limbs after the Core.lets wait and see what happens this turn, as the things innards are currently basically LAVA. im not sure his bloodlings are gonna be able to last long or do much to lava blood. hopefully removing the Core will remove that though, then sure, im up for infesting its system.really i think you're plans are not bad logically per say, i think the issue is you are too focused on Human biology, which no longer matters much anymore. we no longer need to eat, no longer need a plethora of organs. so many abilities would change, replace, or outright nullify the need for certain organs, to the point we know hearts and brains eventually becomes things some daughters can live without. as stated, this girl has LAVA for blood. but shes also got a second head/face embedded in her stomach. shes also only part of a giant mountain monster. if she even has kidneys to worry about, she could have twenty and they could be elsewhere in the Spiral. again, not trying to dis you or your plans, i get what you're going for and i think its actually really clever honestly, the issue i think is you focus too much on the assumptions of what might still work the same in a world where things often work massively differently, instead of focusing on the new information we can confirm about our opponents new biology. Lava blood is a good defense against anything infecting its blood, for example, and we also know the Core is a extremely powerful heat based heart shaped power source. lava blood and heat based heart engine? remove the lava heart and you do more than just stop the lava blood potentially, instead of having to hope she still even has kidneys in the first place.another example is Shu and her Maw. that thing has gotta get rid of ALOT of organs, and we know via how consuming works it doesn't need to have a stomach either to break down biomass. Shu might not even have Kidneys at all actually, as her entire abdomen and everything inside is removed to make way for the gigantic tongue and mouth. unless a daughter is very low level you can only rely on old world biology so much is all.
>>3540923It's a fine plan, but I think Jackie should lop off Nikuzu's Right Shoulder first so Shu can fire a Anti-Spiral round right into the shoulder socket and prevent Nikuzu from regenerating that entire arm.
>>3541055>Can we have Dorian try and inject some of his blood constructs into Nikuzu's Blood stream?Save that for after her blood cools below 1420 K. The poison effect should compound with her cooling body making her more sluggish, so we'll get an improved effect.
>>3541071yet giving Sad Deer spinal cancer made it collapse in a heap after we made it trip and break its spine due to spine cancer symptoms. As much as you like to argue that biology is not a factor, there are still some biology rules still at play anon. this ain't body horror quest for nothing when the horror of diseases affect the biological systems of all organisms. Otherwise it's just a straight-up fight between 2 Cthulus where biology doesn't matter because it doesn't make fucking sense. This is Body Horror, not eldritch horror. Otherwise powers like giving people actual cancer would be rendered moot due to your argument of "Human biology does not matter anymore". Even if Nikuzu has Lava for blood, it's still functions as Nikuzu's blood. The rules of Human Biology is still in effect. Why else would Giving Nikuzu Cancer work? It still works because it has rules to follow! And Biology is one of them!Sorry for the heated argument. it sorta irritates me when I see people focusing only on just the mechanics of the combat like a simple RPG, but not actually exploiting the setting that justifies the combat and claim that things like that don't work because of an assumption. Gosh. There might be some level of hypocrisy in my statement. But that's besides the point. You're saying that you disagree with me from a stand point that biology doesn't matter in the context of combat because I thought it was clever to apply the rules of biology onto a humanoid creature like Nikuzu and you're thinking it won't work. We are dealing with a Humanoid Titan-class Daughter. Human Biology still applies. I think you're getting too focused into the mindset of treating Nikuzu as an Amalgam.Please anon. I know we might disagree with me, but please have faith. I've come to a compromise that some of your plans make sense, but at least let me try to experiment and exploit some known system settings in a creative direction. Who knows? maybe my creativity might yield some unexpected benefits.
>>3541098I don't know, cancer is a rather more fundamental element of biology than kidneys. I get what you're saying, but cancer is something that can occur in anything capable of growing and spreading out of control, whereas kidneys are a specific structure. I can imagine a creature whose biology has redundant micro-scrubbers throughout its body so that it doesn't need centralized kidneys. I can't imagine a creature that can't get cancer. Not if it's multicellular, anyway, I'll leave Larry Niven's bandersnatches alone.That said, I imagine that Nikuzu does have many analogous organ structures to a human body. Her body is a living Forge, she'd have tools in there to process biomass on a grand scale. So a stomach analogue to break things down, kidney analogues to cleanse impurities, maybe a giant pancreas to help in absorbing material. Things like that.
>>3541124The Liver would be an analogue of a Foundry/Refinery. Breaking down raw Biomass and filtering out the biomass by class. Kidneys would be a purifer plant for cleansing impurities in the blood used to fuel the forge.
>>3541098i never said no biology at all matters, only that it is greatly nullified and even in low level daughters shows signs of many systems and organs becoming redundant.also the Cancer technically simply attacks their Biomass, which everything is made up of. any other effects are simply based off what systems might still be in effect, but are side-effects of destroying their Biomass, not the intended effect or purpose of the cancer. eve cancer would still work on a daughter with no necessary internal systems, because she is still made up of Biomass(Artificial Daughter like November being obvious exceptions).i also highly disagree with that. i think people exploit the setting plenty, Body part of Bodyhorror included. its just they focus more on what is outright infront of us and information we can gather fro what we see, not from what might be in effect. the simply fact is, going off information we cannot confirm instead of info we can, or make educated guesses over, is unnecessary risk. her blood and the core are a good example. it may still be her blood but so long as its lava the bloodlings are simply not going to survive, but we do know of an item in her that could very logically be making that issue happen, so removing it opens up said possibilities. also you're ignoring the fact shes only part of a much larger whole that is very much NOT humanoid at all. shes more like a singular organ than a human, just a really weird bodyhorror organ. like i said, and again, never stated did not apply at all, biology still exists, but relying on what may work over what we can read is the more likely case, will only waste resources and actions on what could very well mean nothing. the simple fact is we know for absolute fact biology is massively changed and often many aspects outright nullified here, so its simply better to focus on gathering info on a target and making a new profile of their biology, rather than acting on the old profile.also i mean, i cant see the kidneys getting hit slowing or cooling the blood flow at all. the hearts still pump a pumping, and one of those is literally basically a lava heart.
>>3540748You're about to direct Keane heal your wounded brawler but Quinn's one step ahead of you, frantically gesturing to redirect the healing to Rath. You crack open the Contender, sliding two of the three Anti-Spiral rounds into the twin chambers, all the while a trio of Banelings crawl from the holes that line your spinal cord.Nikuzu rears the whip back, aiming the impending attack at the Midnight crew as Mara suddenly shifts the grip on her blade, flinging it towards the weapon with a crack of shattered sound. The whip is forcibly torn from the titan's grasp and pinned against the opposite wall, and this...this is something Nikuzu cannot abide. Her right arm slings out, hefting the Esurit Ferrum towards the armored warrior with blinding speed. There's nothing Mara can do, her hands empty in the face of the lethal blow. So she just stands, fingers of her gauntlets clenched tight at her sides as she stares as the executioner's axe falls, your stomach lurching as something inherently *wrong* occurs when blade meets armor.>>[@LDR!T{H {@N{ELL@T!0N: ACTIVATED]There is no crash of calcite on plate, no screech of blade carving through bone. There not even a breeze from the speeding blow...there's only silence as the blade of Nikuzu's axe is brought to a dead stop on Marrow Dragoon's immutable mail. You taste ozone and static in the breath you draw as Mara's hands are on the blade in an instant, fingers crackling as they dig into the axe. Nikuzu yanks the blade, and it does not give a single inch in the unyielding grip of the Crucible's living legend. Jackie sees her chance when the hands of the colossi's lower set of arms ball into furious fists, raised high over her head. A crack, followed by a catastrophic burst of light and a peal of compressed thunder as Jackie appears on the other side of Nikuzu with the shattered remains of the Forge core in her claws, and that's when two shots ring out from the Contender's alabaster barrel, one for each upper shoulder.Your aim is true.@NO!@The roar of pure, unadulterated hate that rips through the cavern is utterly deafening, and it only increased in volume as Jackie teleports twice, once in the middle of each massive lower elbow. The effect is devastating, Jackie's status as a living antibody to Nikuzu's very existence severing the limbs instantly, sending the forearms tumbling down...towards the bridge that holds the Midnight Crew. You yell for Rath to run, but she's thrown herself headlong into your plan, her strands held taught before releasing with a twang, sending her hurtling at the titan's regenerating limbs, the last vestiges of her radiant blood crafting a fresh pair of limbs. Dorian's somehow keeping pace, a scarlet speedster, a whirling top of scythes and cold intent.They sever the vestigial arms as one at the same moment the severed forelimbs crash through the only thing keeping the Midnight Crew and Mara aloft.(Continued)
>>3541142Damn it, I knew we should have fused the coil together. Okay, do we have time to fire some arm-lines again?
>>3541142@WHY?! WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO STOP ME, DEFIANT?!@The world slows as you watch half of your allies lose their footing, the vein crumbling at the shattering impact of Nikuzu's severed arms.@I CAN DO WHAT THAT MY GRANDMOTHER'S MONSTER NEVER COULD!@It occurrs to you that Uzu's speaking into your mind directly now, her voice frantic and run through with spiraling confusion and deep sorrow.@SOMETHING EVEN SHE COULDN'T DO HERSELF!@Without arms, without can feel it now, that she's in your mind. The flaring of her Core power.@ I CAN END THE CRUCIBLE! I CAN GIVE US A BETTER WORLD!@Her body twists, flinches...and so does every inch of every surface of her machine of war.@SO WHY?!@Dozens, hundreds...countless spikes spear forth from every conceivable surface, every single one directed at you and your allies. @WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO STOP OUR SALVATION?!@You're hovering in midair, and so are the rest of your allies and Jackie as a swarm of lethal lances move to catch you in the largest iron maiden in mankind's history.Half of your allies are falling to their deaths, which you grimly realize to perhaps be a preferable fate to being torn to shreds by the spears of calcified flesh that hurtle towards your fragile forms.But...In all the chaos, you notice something about Nikuzu's previously calculated, focused movements.A twinge of pain, a shudder of unease.A stiffening of bone.HP: 310% (+460% REGEN)BIO: 330% (+30% REGEN, 3 Rec-Banelings, 3 Banelings, 3 Rec-Knights (1 Rec-Knight Swarm), 4 Bishops, 5 Platelings, 18/18 Active)CONTENDER: Empty, Lionheart Form. 3x Anti-Spiral Rounds available.RAVENOUS MAW: Primed.HUNDRED-HANDED: PrimedWhistle: FOL CUNTACT: 3/3RATH HP: 270% (+20% REGEN, Sui Tormentis, 2 Replicant, 2 Phantom Limbs)JULIA HP: 290% (+20% REGEN, Ignition Gauntlets)DORIAN HP: 210% (+45% REGEN, Masque Form, Cursus Alas)JACKIE HP: 1410% (+250% REGEN) [ACT: 5/5] [SEPULCHRITUDE: ACTIVE – Full Immunities: Flesh Artisan, Phantasmal Conduit]QUINN HP: 760%KEANE HP: 410%ACE HP: 1120% (Bishop Active-2 Rounds)MARA HP: ????% (Protecting Midnight Crew, Bishop Active-2 Rounds)Threat: Crucible-ending. Medium range. Mara, Quinn, Keane, Ace - tumbling into the void.Terrain: Aggressive, moving to end you.Debuffs: !-STUNNED FOR 1 ROUND-! MALLEABLE FLESH x3. CANCEROUS PAYLOAD: 3 Rounds until death.!-FOUR ROUNDS UNTIL OPPOSITE SHORE IS REACHED-!YOU ARE IN CONTROL
>>3541142>>[@LDR!T{H {@N{ELL@T!0N: ACTIVATED]>Aldritch Cancellation>Eldritch CancellationEldritch...Eldritch. What does it mean by eldritch Cancellation? If the Axe is a relic, then, how come "Eldritch Cancellation activates when the relic hits Mara's Armor?" It might be an ability of some sort... that sort of ability won't activate unless... unless the attacking object is a relic. Relics are eldritch in origin. Yes it makes sense. With the idea that Relics are a thing, Mara must've invested lots of time into making her armor indestructible. Extreme temperatures, Acid, Neuromancy, and Relic weapons. But why the need to have a skill that cancels out attacks by relics? One can't really cancel out Relic effects due to their eldritch nature. Unless Mara has a relic embedded on her person that allows her to use that sort of skill or Relic ability.
(Gentlemen, I shall be pausing here for the evening. Voting shall remain open for the next eleven hours, with posting to resume in approximately twelve. I am afraid I must turn in for the evening, but knowing my sleep schedule I'll be up from time to time to address any questions you may have. Additionally, posting shall continue into Saturday, and there's a possibility of rapid-posting Thursday and Friday evenings, depending on how this fight goes. I hope you have a restful evening and sleep well, Gentlemen. You've been incredible as always, and thank you so much for your participation and enthusiasm.)
>>3541158Okay, we can do this. Jackie can fly and teleport. We have her teleport over to the rest of the Crew and Mara, have Keane glob them together with a big ball of mucus, and then Jackie flies them to safety. Don't you tell me that being in a big ball of mucus will impede Jackie's flight, there's no way those wings are actually providing aerodynamic lift. It's some sort of antigravity effect. Worst case scenario, if she doesn't have enough thrust to stop the fall then she at least slows it.As for the spikes coming our way, blow the whistle. Fol Cunt, interrupts concentration effects. You should have made the spikes directly under us, Nikuzu, not move them in a wave. Gives us time to stop them.
>>3541166Bhop, Is the "World of spikes" move a Neuromancy/Terraform action?
>>3541177(It's a Flesh Artisan ultimate, akin to Artisan's Peak with drastically enhanced damage and other bells and whistles.)
>>3541166Good night, BHOP. Sleep well, because I won't. You left us a hell of a cliffhanger. Almost literally.
>>3541158SHU>have the Knights and Banelings drop dive as fast as they can, getting under your falling allies and forming a net out of arms to catch and grip them, and quickly get them back upwards. Have the Bishops use their juices to speed up their movement to catch the others.>Get to whatever ground you can and jack in, and form everyone a new, solid platform to land on.>Blow the Whistle, see if it won't interrupt the spikes.RATH, DORIAN, and JULIA>the thing is stunned, but not for long. Use your combined might to clear out any and all Spikes coming towards Shus new platform.>Rath simply smash the spikes to bits as she can.>Dorian should use his scythes to slices through as many as he can.>Julia should use this opportunity to spend some Hp to slap on more Stacks, using the sheer number of attacks to smahs what she can apart. Use the Ripper too to help cut them out.JACKIE>Help make sure everyone is safe, and back onto the platform, then go kick this things teeth in, both sets.KEANE>once back up, feed Shu Biomass. She might need alot to keep the Terraforming going properly.QUINN and ACE>If still necessary, help clear out more spikes.>>3541142ok, well, technically that one is Jackies fault. what's with the Midnight Crew and getting dropped from high places?>>3541166have a good night BHOP! off to be myself gents, though ill try to respond to anything come morning. if nothing else, i hope my plan gives forth ideas to work with!
>>3541181Is it a concentration skill? Spawning that many spikes and spending your next action on moving them seems like a concentration skill for an expressive Flesh Artisan.
>>3541185(It absolutely is.)
>>3541187Okay, it's like I thought, then. Definitely blow that Fol Cunt, it'll save us.
>>3541187Well then. We have our ultimate solution. I am GLAD That I had the foresight to have Amara put Fol Cunt into the whistle. I am grinning from ear to ear when you said those words. And because it's a concentration skill, Nikuzu's wasted her 1 action while stunned.
>>3541189>>3541191(In the interests of full disclosure, given the scale of the attack the concentration disruption will cause it to go wild. There's still a chance that it will hit some or all of you, but it's no longer practically guaranteed. Blowing the whistle reduces it purely to a roll of the dice, as it were.)
>>3541194Would Nikuzu losing her control over the local fleshscape mean that we could use our own terraforming to settle the spikes down?
>>3541200(I'm afraid not, as the terrain is still heavily resistant to Neuromancy due to the original Uzu's level-up choices.)
>>3541208I thought this terrain was not resistant, though? Did she convert all the un-absorbed mass of the Monastery with one super move? Dang. Well, it's still probably better than our other options, but I'm having trouble seeing a way to get our odds up even higher. There has to be a way, just not seeing it right now. I guess ride up out of the way on a Knightling?
>>3541208Then where are the easily manipulable spots?
>>3541194Is the External team still reachable via Empathy?
>>3541227>>3541215(The terrain you may manipulate is currently broken and tumbling into the abyss alongside the Midnight Crew. That can be altered by Neuromancy, if you can reach it and choose to do so.)>>3541231(They are at the very edge of your reach so there is a margin of error, but reaching them may be possible.)
>>3541234>(The terrain you may manipulate is currently broken and tumbling into the abyss alongside the Midnight Crew. That can be altered by Neuromancy, if you can reach it and choose to do so.)It was the entire coil? So we have nowhere to land, it's all spikes. Fuck.
>>3541236(It was, yes.)
>>3541234If the spikes hit, is it counted as a single attack or multiple attacks?
>>3541238I clearly misunderstood, it sounded like it was a single strand of it.
>>3541242(My apologies for the confusion, and thank you for asking questions to clarify!)>>3541239(There are a large number of spikes aimed towards each member of your team, so it would be multiple attacks.)
>>3541158>Free action: [You don't end the crucible by climb into Mother's chair, that's just continuing the cycle and beginning another Crucible. Another cycle. Another turn in the spiral of death and cosmic horror. You had a chance Uzu. To free yourself out of this stressful spiraling mania that you let yourself succumb to. All of us tried to help you get out of that spiral of stress and depression, TO HELP YOU GROW INTO YOUR OWN PERSON. Niku tried to help you break out of that funk by shouldering some of your responsibilities, Gina tried to help you by having a talk with you to see if you were okay and needed help. Rath tried to help you by giving many extra hands for the tasks you had set yourself upon. Amara and I tried to help you by giving you ideas on how you can lead the Monastery on your own style instead of COWERING behind your GRANDMOTHER'S LEGACY. But no... AND YET HERE YOU ARE, HUNGER MAD, RAVING ABOUT TRYING TO ONE UP YOUR DAMN DEAD GRANDMOTHER AS IF YOU WERE STUCK WHEN YOU COULD'VE ACCEPTED OUTSIDE HELP RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR NOSE. WHAT KIND OF GIRL ARE YOU?]
>>3541246Is it possible for everyone to reach our falling allies? speaking of which, From Nikuzu's perspective, where is everyone's position?Because the only way I can see us surviving this fucking attack is by pooling everyone's HP and Bio together into one GIANT NUMBER large enough to tank all the spikes via keane's mucus even after blowing the whistle.
What if we brought ourselves over to land Nikuzu's body? She's an Expressionist Flesh Artisan, she can't sprout spikes from herself. That's Impressionist. The safest place right now is on top of her, she's not aiming the spikes at herself.
>>3541246Hey BHOP, when Jackie teleports, can she bring other people with her when she teleports or is it just her alone?
>>3541264And she can't be hurt by her own spikes. She's Flesh Artisan remember? She's not a generator whose abilities can backfire.
>>3541274Sure, but I'm not trying to make her damage herself. I'm looking for a safe spot in the spike storm. The spikes are aimed away from her. Also, Quinn and Keane are still wearing platelings. Let's fire off arm ropes from them again. That will help in catching them. And sorry for the number change. On my phone now, computer went screwy.
>>3541264On second thought, that's not a bad Idea. It's the only other type of solid ground in the chamber. The problem now is that we have exactly 1-2 Actions to make sure that EVERYONE can survive this damn Ultimate attack.
>>3541296Huh. Actually, looks like I kept my ID. I guess because I'm on the same router.
>>3541296I think you've misread the spike storm. >>3541158>You're hovering in midair, and so are the rest of your allies and Jackie as a swarm of lethal lances move to catch you in the largest iron maiden in mankind's history.>Iron MaidenThe Spikes are pointing INWARD. It's coming from the outside and coming INWARDS. Iron maidens function by having the spikes point inward.
>>3541306No, I get that. But they're still aimed at us. We move over to by her, we can at least use her as a shadow for some of them.
>>3541306>>3541296Inwards towards Nikuzu is what I meant. The Spikes are formed on the chamber walls, and are surging Inwards towards Uzu like an Iron Maiden. Like pic related but on a Mountain scale.
>>3541238Hey Bhop, will the spikes hit everyone at the end of the round? or is it already set in motion and will hit mid-round?
>>3541315(They will hit midround. I'm fading fast, so I'll address the other questions in the morning so I make some sense. )
Okay, looks like my router is working on me. I can't maintain a clear connection. I'm going to have to just duck out for now.Good night, anons. I'll try to get back online later.
>>3541321Where relative to Nikuzu is everyone now and do they have solid ground to stand on or are they in free fall?
>>3541332(From Nikuzu's perspective, Shu and Jackie are both at sternum height, the Crew and Mara are bellybutton level in freefall, while Dorian and Rath are over each shoulder. Julia's around hip level, and she and Shu are both riding Knightlings. Also in case I forgot to address it earlier, Jackie can teleport one person with her with a chance of backlash.)(Finally, aside from the debris falling alongside the Crew, Every surfce has spawned spikes as part of Nikuzu's attack.)(I hope this helps!)
>>3541339This will help. >>3541339Additional question: If Keane pools everyone's health and bio together into one big pool, and Jackie teleports with the Mucus ball that is keane, mara, Quinn and Ace, can she bring everyone in the mucus ball or is it just the person she's touching?
>>3541158Okay then. This is a plan. EVERYONE has to survive Nikuzu’s Ultimate attack. And I do NOT want to rely on Dice and pray that Bhop gives us favorable dice rolls. That’s just begging for a Character death. The attack hits mid-round so we need to spend our actions trying to defend or mitigate as much damage as possible. And I'm splitting this plan into multiple chunks because of how fucking complicated it is. Rescue our Allies Group:Shu:>Act 1: Blow the whistle!>Act 2: Dive towards our falling allies; give our Knightlings a bishop speed boost. At the same time, spawn chain arms that reach out from all of our constructs (Julia’s Knightling, Shu’s Knightling, Our banelings, Keane’s Plateling) to our falling allies, and instantly retract them to group them together into a single Katamari Ball with Keane at the center. [Basically spawn Hundred Handed arms that reach out and grab everyone within reasonable range and pull them together into a single ball]>Act 3: Once you're merged with the Mucus ball that is your allies, Use the collective pool of Bio that is EVERYONE to create a GIANT ARM CHAIN that extends towards Nikuzu's Chin and contract all of that Bio.Keane:>Act 1: Generate as much Mucus as possible that links all daughters and constructs it comes into contact with into a single pool of HP and bio. This includes Nikuzu when the spikes hit the ball. The moment the the mucus ball comes into contact with the spikes I want you to merge the HP and Bio pool of the collective ball with that of Nikuzu. That way when the spikes hit, everyone takes the hp damage collectively. Basically Katamari Damacy but as a defensive shield.>Act 2: Make sure that when the Mucus ball sticks to Nikuzu’s chin, it stays stuck under Nikuzu’s chin until her move ends. Jackie:>Act 1: Keanes’ gonna form a giant mucus ball that has the collective HP and Bio pool of almost everyone that touches it to help everyone survive. Abuse your super speed and flight to gather everyone together and create a giant mucus ball of daughters>Act 2: Spawn enough Batblades to help give you enough lift and support to carry the giant ball. Once you have enough lift, supercharge your speed and push the ball towards Nikuzu’s Chin where Rath and Dorian are taking shelter. Julia:>Act 1: Intercept our falling allies catch them if you can, and Join the giant mucus ball made out of daughters with your strength and the Knightling’s weight.Mara:>Form a Great shield to shield everyone from the impending spikes once everyone gets stuck together!>Call on your damn Dragon and have it Break open an entrance into the mountain so that November and Magpie can get a clear shot after the Spikes hit!Cont.
>>3541402>>3541158Dorian>Canvas Form and teleport to Nikuzu's ChinRath:>Act 1: Get to the Chin! It's closest place akin to a shelter when you have a world of spikes hurling toward you. The place underneath the chin has the most coverage against the spikes. >Act 2: String your 2 Phantom Arms around Nikuzu's Neck and tie it up, you're going to be our anchor. At the same time, Extend your replicant Arms out towards the Arm Chain that will be coming from the soon-to-be Giant mucus ball of Allies. Meet them half-way in the middle and reel them in!November: >READY. TANK. PROTOCOL.Magpie: >Ready SPIRAL BULLET. OPENING. TAKE AIM.>Everyone: Once everyone survives Nikuzu’s ultimate attack, extricate your selves from the ball, then take this grand opportunity to unleash EVERYTHING ON Nikuzu’s head.>Amara: Cast “Gra Gra Fol Cunt” (Double Double Disrupt Enemy) If this reaches Amara, then this might help break Nikuzu’s Ultimate attack even further, with the possibility of canceling it entirely. Also. Mother. Fucker. Bhop.