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Greetings, Agents!

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We have a bit of a job lined up for you, if you're interested.
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Strictly on a "because I trust you", basis. This is a little confidential.

EVA: 1/3x[React+Tech+Luck] round up | DR: 0 | BAR: Half [Chr+Proc]
HP: xx/yy | SP: xx/yy |
ALC: [REAC+CHRC+Grit] / 3
RESI x | REAC x | GRIT x | PROC x |
TECH x | CHRC x | SENS 2 | LUCK -1

Class x
!Cool Tricks Goes Here
!Upgrade goes here


#Hand 1
#Hand 2

Pick one
Pick one
Get some
Get some
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So, have a look at the field manual and presentation material, asks any questions that spring to mind, and we'll give you a proper briefing later.

>There's a skirmishy discord, if that's your cup of tea https://discord.gg/aWDZc9
Rolled 6, 6, 5, 5, 2, 1, 5, 6, 4, 3, 1, 5, 1, 3 = 53 (14d6)

What's the job?

>Rolling for Stats
Rolled 1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 2, 4, 5, 6, 6, 1, 6, 2, 5 = 53 (14d6)


>Second set of rolls. Maybe these will be more ridiculous.
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A spot of infiltration and a bit of smash and grab, agent.
Rolled 2, 2, 5, 3, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 3 = 52 (14d6)

Rolled 3, 6, 4, 4, 6, 3, 5, 2, 5, 5, 6, 5, 4, 4 = 62 (14d6)

Rolled 2, 1, 1, 5, 1, 3, 2, 5, 6, 5, 4, 2, 3, 1 = 41 (14d6)

Rolled 1, 5, 3, 5, 5, 4, 4, 2, 6, 4, 4, 2, 4, 1 = 50 (14d6)

Boy those rolls suck
Sometimes that happens, Agent. Don't worry too much - basic fitness screening ensures about 9-10 points gained over the course of your training period.

That way, low-end performance and top-end performance aren't actually as spread as you'd think. Although, of course, being a physical god made manifest flesh hardly makes challenges less challenging.
For the Strutural Realigamento. Does the DR add from unspent Alc or from the base Alc? Do I permanently lose Alc for this?
No, you decide how much to “harden” yourself on a case by case, turn by turn basis.
Unstated by hopefully implied : things then reset at the start of your turn
Rolled 6, 2, 6, 3, 4, 5, 2, 4, 5, 6, 1, 4, 3, 6 = 57 (14d6)

Hello Trigger.
Rolling for character now.

Rolled 6, 2, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 3, 3, 1, 6, 5 = 48 (14d6)


I'll be going with my first dice set.

Res: 6, 2 = 8/2 = 4
Rea: 6, 3 = 9/2 = 4.5 = 5 (+1) = 6
Grt: 4, 5 = 9/2 = 4.5 = 4
Pro: 2, 4 = 6/2 = 3
Tec: 5, 6 = 11/2 = 5.5 = 6 (+4) = 10
Cha: 1, 4 = 5/2 = 2.5 = 2
Sen: 3, 6 = 9/2 = 4.5 = 5 (+2) = 7
Luc: 5 = 5/2 = 2.5 = 2 (+1) = 3

HP: [[Res+Grt]x2] + gear = [[4+4]x2] + 10 = 26
SP: [[Cha+Pro]x2] + gear = [[2+3]x2] + 4 = 14
Alacrity: [[Rea+Cha+Grt]/3] = [[6+2+4]/3] = 4
Dodge: [[Rea+Tec+Luc]/3] = [[6+10+3]/3] = 7 (+2) = 9
Barrier: [[Cha+Pro]/2] = [[2+3]/2] = 3 (-2) = 1

[Specialist course: +1 tec, Background: private security]
[Just that good: +1 tec, (5sp) 1s don't subtract]
[Sweeper: +1 rea, +2 tec, +2 sen, +1 luc, (Holo breath): expand success range while stationary, (Taclink): marks are twice as effective, +firearms, +tactics, +vision]

[Standard issue kit] + [Broadsword Rifle]
[x2 special ammo: Shred]
[Ghostweave: +2 dodge, +2 stealth, -2 Barrier]

[Chironan 7C chip: +1 success range, +1 hit on 6]
Thank you, Johnson. Chip working out for you? Meshchatter claimsthey can be a bit... finnicky
Mhmm, Itsfinethankyou.

(Hey Op, can you expound on how actions work. I understand that it works out as roll [x+y+z]d6, where 'x' is the appropriate stat, 'y' is inherent quality of the tool being use, and 'z' is the user's proficiency with said tool, but I can't see where the latter two values are displayed.)
Rolled 2, 3, 5, 3, 1, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 5, 6, 6, 1 = 46 (14d6)

Rolled 1, 6, 1, 6, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 3, 6, 5, 5, 1 = 48 (14d6)

They vary. Class ranks give skills, as does the weapon

Broadsword rolls Tech + 4. The tool is +4 and you’d add +1 from firearms —> 15 with 10 tech.

The knife is grit + tech

A grenade is flat + tools

Your bare hands is just grit + melee/handtohand, your raw convincing talent is raw character
# Rando
EVA: 9 | DR: 0 | BAR: 1
HP: 26/26 | SP: 12/12 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 6 | GRIT 6 | PROC 3 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 3 | SENS 6 | LUCK 4

[Breacher] | [School o' Hard Knocks] (Background Gang)
! [Just That Cool] (5sp - 6s are 3 hits)
! [Reaction Fire] (Roll REAC to Atk spotted targets)
! [Breach] (+Hand to hand +Firearm +Tactics)

! [JetSet] (roll Grit+Resi to move forward =Result)

# Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [5 Range] [Tec+3, x2 vs unarmoured] [6/6] [Cone Shot]
# Hand 2: Empty

Ghostweave [+2 Dodge +2 Stealth -2 Barrier]
Insurance Policy [Covers Healthcare Costs]
C9 Sidearm (2 Mags) [Quickdraw] [CQC]
Chirni PDW (2 Mags)
Service Knife [Quickdraw] [Throw]
2 Smoke Grenades
2 HiEx Grenades [Blast radius]
2 Flash Grenades [Quickrelease]
2 Placebotamol
2 Breach Kits
Rolled 5, 6, 6, 1, 3, 5, 3, 4, 1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 5 = 47 (14d6)


Some dice...
Rolled 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 5, 3, 3, 1, 6, 5, 1 = 41 (14d6)


More dice
What do Fray Protocol and Ripple Protocol do? What are the match bonuses on the sword?
Fray is a targetted subversion protocol. It adds a Glitch stack to the target = your proc. This Glitch rolls vs itself to generate errors and malfunctions on the turn of whoever has it. These range from visual glitches to smartlink overrides to OS burnouts.

Ripple Protocols subsumes the peer to peer nature of the Mesh. Your Process actions enjoy AOE = half Proc. This means you could feasibly commbomb an entire fireteam.

Same as the knife.
I understand the basic hacking action is to Subvert a system. Are there any other notable hacking action types? Perhaps for reinforcing barriers, or building viral attacks?
Can MagSys be used to traverse walls and roofs?
Command, I've got a Cloak, and I've got a Dagger. Where do you need them?

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 3
HP: 20/20 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 3 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
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>The actual rules are these, not the training rules above

>Adaptive Spamfilter as Kit
>Cloaker get ThermOp, not Ghostweave (It's Ghostweave with no barrier malus)
>Formula for Alacrity is actually squareroot of the 3, not divided by 3.

If you check the Field Manual, you'll note that the basic hacking actions are to Subvert and to Mark. You can naturally also reinforce Barriers - adding hits as success this turn - and indeed build up viral attacks. "Subvert" also covers a wide area of operations, in that you can target the environment but also active mesh-enabled hostiles and other systems in it. That allows for active interference with others, such as disabling their gear, spoofing their systems, cascading spam through their visuals, inducing haptic AR feedback, rejiggering impressions and, in extreme cases, ghostpiloting others.

The efficacy of your Subversion depends on the target barrier and the magnitude by which you beat it, along with any match effects on your Process attempt.
Yes to both.
Calibrating HUD




Fireteam confirmed.

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 2

Breacher 1
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:10, B:3
#Hand 2: (Chirni PDW)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Coagu Weave
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:8, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:13, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Chose the 2nd set btw
note your luck is 5, you accidentally halved it.

This does not influence your dodge

Note your EVA should be 8?
Reac 4 + Tech 5 + Luck 7 + 2, round up.

Your Barrier is 5, Cloaker Ghostweave Variant does not have a malus. Congrats.

Your luck is 3.
(Already fixed in next sheet no problem. Thanks Command)
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=Operatives Online=
Sweeper | Johnson
Breacher | Rando
Cloaker | Picture
Breacher | Kang


The doors slide open with an optimistic ping, leaving you to breathe in the odd mix of chemical sterility and half-rotted hydroponic plant. Some cleaners are keeping up a vanguard against entropy and the cycling system still pipes in stagnant water bathed in fluorescent light that fluctuates just enough to provide some nourishment for the plants to live by.

This facility has seen better days.

Khr-- Check one, check two - reading, reading
vitals. . . clear
receivers . . . clear
feed synch... holding stable at 99.7%
integrating heads up display . . . now

Online. Linked.

Kang, you're dropping again. Check your gear. Yeah? Yeah that fixed it.

you go through the final pre-mission tests, glancing at your gear, making sure the kit you brought is where its supposed to be and that it is what its meant to be
>final chance for KIT correction is now

We're good.

Allright team, glad to have you with us. Sorry you had to hood it through the sewer system but we'll warn the municipality about the squatter camp and then your way back out will be clear.

This place isn't on any of the maps, so, lucky find for the entrance in the first place.

You're looking for one arms dealer named Irving. He's in town and gone to ground somewhere in this Mid-Conflict bunker. Your job is to locate the man and extract him. Don't hurt him, the Client wants Irving alive. Some kind of business dispute.

This old place doesn't belong to anyone, so don't worry too much about collateral or overpenetration. There may be more squatters in the facility, and Irving is sure to have back-up with him. We're running a mesh scan for recent movements and we'll have updates on likely numbers and armaments later. For now, sweep and check the section around you.

Got it Command, wish us luck.
>Toggle Suppressors On
>Go Dark
>Move 2666

EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 20/20 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 3 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
Rolled 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1 = 11 (6d6)

"Copy that, Command. We're gonna be in and out of this place before you can yell at us for socking the target unconscious"

"Cover me boys, if you'd be so kind."

>Move 669
>Interface with the terminal on my left, trying to get any useful information on the place, possibly blueprints. Use raw PROC on both actions to hack if needed.

# Rando
EVA: 9 | DR: 0 | BAR: 1
HP: 26/26 | SP: 12/12 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 6 | GRIT 6 | PROC 3 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 3 | SENS 6 | LUCK 4

[Breacher] | [School o' Hard Knocks] (Background Gang)
! [Just That Cool] (5sp - 6s are 3 hits)
! [Reaction Fire] (Roll REAC to Atk spotted targets)
! [Breach] (+Hand to hand +Firearm +Tactics)

! [JetSet] (roll Grit+Resi to move forward =Result)

# Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [5 Range] [Tec+3, x2 vs unarmoured] [6/6] [Cone Shot]
# Hand 2: Empty

Ghostweave [+2 Dodge +2 Stealth -2 Barrier]
Insurance Policy [Covers Healthcare Costs]
C9 Sidearm (2 Mags) [Quickdraw] [CQC]
Chirni PDW (2 Mags)
Service Knife [Quickdraw] [Throw]
2 Smoke Grenades
2 HiEx Grenades [Blast radius]
2 Flash Grenades [Quickrelease]
2 Placebotamol
2 Breach Kits
>Move 226
>-[F] Convert 2 last ALC to 1DR using my structural realigamento
>Switch to Veritas Shotgun
>Stay silent and Hide (Stealth boy?)
"Copy that command."

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 1
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:10, B:3
#Hand 2: (Chirni PDW)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Coagu Weave
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:8, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:13, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
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the old plants and some drier, crustier matter squealches and cracks beneath our boots. Rando checks over the terminal. It's not good for much, and separate from the rest of this failing network.

With a bit of tampering, it becomes known that the feedstock had a best-by date of 20 years ago, but someone has been occasionally taking better than awful care of the hydroponics section.

Actually, this is curious. With a bit more digging and some quick check over the available plants, these are not in as bad condition as years of neglect should leave them. Someone is actively caring for this section, and most of the dirt and appearance of entropic decay is a smoke-screen. Proof positive our target is somewhere in this safehouse. It must be convenient to have your own all nutrients dinner, if you really need to stay off of the radar.

Last harvest cycle was 12 hours ago.

That's some old terminal, team. I don't think I've seen an operating system with that ID tag in, what, a decade?

Hey Kang, check the door. And remember: Your Alignmento system resets occasionally, you have to keep manually focusing on the hardening impulse for the memory inlays to respond.

How high and sturdy is the ceiling in here? Can it support a person? I'm gonna see if I can hop up to the ceiling and walk on it using the MagSys to avoid anymore *crunching*.
It's old dried plant, Agent. Should be fine when you're out of the hydroponics area, unless Irving has cunningly placed dried, dead plant-matter all over the facility.

Now the files say he has a sense of humour, but he seems the type who'd stick with a proximity mine for that kind of jape.

Ceilings are high enough, and the facility is underground. Should be well able to support a person, although some of the old plating might give out.
Rolled 3, 3, 3, 6, 6, 3 = 24 (6d6)


>Look at plants
>They look... Green.
>Rate veggies 12 on the terminal.

>Move 66666
>Rolling Sense to see if I can notice anything unusual

# Rando
EVA: 9 | DR: 0 | BAR: 1
HP: 26/26 | SP: 12/12 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 6 | GRIT 6 | PROC 3 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 3 | SENS 6 | LUCK 4

[Breacher] | [School o' Hard Knocks] (Background Gang)
! [Just That Cool] (5sp - 6s are 3 hits)
! [Reaction Fire] (Roll REAC to Atk spotted targets)
! [Breach] (+Hand to hand +Firearm +Tactics)

! [JetSet] (roll Grit+Resi to move forward =Result)

# Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [5 Range] [Tec+3, x2 vs unarmoured] [6/6] [Cone Shot]
# Hand 2: Empty

Ghostweave [+2 Dodge +2 Stealth -2 Barrier]
Insurance Policy [Covers Healthcare Costs]
C9 Sidearm (2 Mags) [Quickdraw] [CQC]
Chirni PDW (2 Mags)
Service Knife [Quickdraw] [Throw]
2 Smoke Grenades
2 HiEx Grenades [Blast radius]
2 Flash Grenades [Quickrelease]
2 Placebotamol
2 Breach Kits
Roger that, Command.
>Move 6666
>Refresh Alacrity
>Move 6666

EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 20/20 | SP: 25/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 3 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
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The terminal is overjoyed with the grand rating of its fine produce and explodes into an electronic orchestra of upbeat synth tunes.

Rando spots some old tins of CANITALL stocked in reserve, expiry date never taste yes nutrients possibly. Might be worth a few credits to the artisinally inclined connoisseur. Picture slams their head into a wall.

Operatives, let me mark the door for you This is a closed system to keep the plants in a fresh state. Looks quiet so far

Hey, Rando, you won the lottery

I mean, I think its at least two or three decades out of date but you might get some rations out of it.
Curious, where did that wall come from?
>Move 4444
>Refresh Alacrity
>Move 4444
EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 20/20 | SP: 25/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 3 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
"Understood Command. Checking Door"
>Move 442
>-[F] 2 Alc for 1DR (Flex them muscles)
>Check Door? (Is it unlocked? any sounds behind the door? Get info. Maybe I can see through it)

3, 4, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 2 =1st Set
5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 2 =2nd Set

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 1
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Coagu Weave
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:10, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:8, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:13, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
"Sick, maybe I can throw these at the sewer squatters on the way back."

>Pick up cans
>Move 14444
>Replenish Alacrity
>Move 44111

"Ready to breach when you are, Kang."

# Rando
EVA: 9 | DR: 0 | BAR: 1
HP: 26/26 | SP: 12/12 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 6 | GRIT 6 | PROC 3 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 3 | SENS 6 | LUCK 4

[Breacher] | [School o' Hard Knocks] (Background Gang)
! [Just That Cool] (5sp - 6s are 3 hits)
! [Reaction Fire] (Roll REAC to Atk spotted targets)
! [Breach] (+Hand to hand +Firearm +Tactics)

! [JetSet] (roll Grit+Resi to move forward =Result)

# Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [5 Range] [Tec+3, x2 vs unarmoured] [6/6] [Cone Shot]
# Hand 2: Empty

Ghostweave [+2 Dodge +2 Stealth -2 Barrier]
Insurance Policy [Covers Healthcare Costs]
C9 Sidearm (2 Mags) [Quickdraw] [CQC]
Chirni PDW (2 Mags)
Service Knife [Quickdraw] [Throw]
2 Smoke Grenades
2 HiEx Grenades [Blast radius]
2 Flash Grenades [Quickrelease]
2 Placebotamol
2 Breach Kits
Rolled 1, 3, 1, 6, 6, 4, 4 = 25 (7d6)

Rolled 3, 6, 4, 5, 1, 6, 1 = 26 (7d6)

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Rolled 6, 2, 1, 1, 4, 5, 2, 5, 1, 2, 5, 3, 2, 1 = 40 (14d6)

Well, at least we've got the post-op dinner sorted.

Kang checks the door and the hallway beyond it, cracking it open a sliver. The old servos are unpowered and it slides apart easily. Looks like... one hell of an ancient firefight took place in this one. Busted drones and spent shells, coated in dust.

Faint voices drift up the hallway, and from the right, left, scratching sounds

Now we're cooking. Keep in mind your eyes are only as good as the evolutionary fine-tuning made them. You may need to SCAN for signals using PROCESSING to see things your brains don't clock to.

You get a couple of more dice per set, Agent, as each stat rolls 2 dice, then half rounding up or down.

So those 7+7 actually form one set of:

13 16 64 43 64 51 61

Resilience 2
Reaction 3
Grit 5
Process 4
Technique 5
Character 3
Sense 4
Luck 7

None too bad!
Rolled 6, 4, 2, 1 = 13 (4d6)

I'll take the lead on this one, boys.
>Move 4222
>Refresh Alacrity
>Move 22
>Scan the Hall for anything suspicious (4d6?)
EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 20/20 | SP: 25/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 3 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
"Alright lets get it
>-[F] Convert 4 Alc to +2DR
>Scan past the doors and beyond
>Open doors
>Overwatch Veritas Shotgun+ 6Alc South. Value [17] range of 5

3, 4, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 2 =1st Set
5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 2 =2nd Set

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 1
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Coagu Weave
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:10, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:8, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:13, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Rolled 5, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 2, 4, 5, 1 = 40 (14d6)

You ever get a no-good awful-bad feeling when starting a job?

>Move 22222
>Act 1: Keep overwatch with shotgun
>Act 2: Keep overwatch with shotgun

# Rando
EVA: 9 | DR: 0 | BAR: 1
HP: 26/26 | SP: 12/12 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 6 | GRIT 6 | PROC 3 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 3 | SENS 6 | LUCK 4

[Breacher] | [School o' Hard Knocks] (Background Gang)
! [Just That Cool] (5sp - 6s are 3 hits)
! [Reaction Fire] (Roll REAC to Atk spotted targets)
! [Breach] (+Hand to hand +Firearm +Tactics)

! [JetSet] (roll Grit+Resi to move forward =Result)

# Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [5 Range] [Tec+3, x2 vs unarmoured] [6/6] [Cone Shot]
# Hand 2: Empty

Ghostweave [+2 Dodge +2 Stealth -2 Barrier]
Insurance Policy [Covers Healthcare Costs]
C9 Sidearm (2 Mags) [Quickdraw] [CQC]
Chirni PDW (2 Mags)
Service Knife [Quickdraw] [Throw]
2 Smoke Grenades
2 HiEx Grenades [Blast radius]
2 Flash Grenades [Quickrelease]
2 Placebotamol
2 Breach Kits
Rolled 2, 4, 5, 5, 1, 5, 6, 6, 2, 6, 1, 5, 2, 2 = 52 (14d6)

Because I'm damn near ready to throw up right now.
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This old facility still has a functioning electronic circulatory system, with a dilapidated beat. The drones on the floor are beaten up and broken beyond repair, but some of the doors are powered enough that we can open and close them at distance. PURPLE CRASH BARRIERS are set into the floor, which can be told to rise up and block off sections.

Kang and Rando train guns on the voices ahead, one of which is rising in pitch - the middle of an argument, rapid, snapped tones and growls. Too far to tell precisely what the fracas is about.

Picture picks up the faint signature of a single unarmed human and a source of heat in the room. Estimate? A squatter with a drumfire

Voice doesn't match Irvings sample, so its not Irving. But they sound quite mad. Careful, team
"Lets take to the voices guys
>-Remind myself what Drumfire is
>Move 22222
>Scan further towards the voices
>Overwatch [11] South with Shotgun

3, 4, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 2 =1st Set
5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 6, 2 =2nd Set

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 1
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Coagu Weave
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:10, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:8, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:13, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Rolled 4, 5, 2, 5 = 16 (4d6)

If there's squatters here, we can probably expect druggies and maybe even gang members. What do you think command? Hows the gang presence in the area?
a drumfire is just a big ol metal barrel, or drum, that you often see homeless folk filling with material and burning for warmth and light. Don't ask me how I know that.

>-Gang Background bonus to knowledge check on local crime?
>Move 666
>-Peek around corner into the room
>Scan further down the hall
EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 20/20 | SP: 25/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 3 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
Remember to breathe, team.

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 20/20 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 3 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 1
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)

#Fray Protocols
#Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
(That was a good flashback of when Picture explained what a drumfire was. Thanks Pict ;) )
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=Operatives Online=
Sweeper | Johnson
Breacher | Rando
Cloaker | Picture
Breacher | Kang
Glitch | Nicole

Aha, jackpot - Kang spots a young man in leather jacket rapidly gesticulating.

Picture peaks into the smaller room, revealing the contents: 3 quiet squatters warming themselves about an oilfire, taking their time and sharing small stories while one swigs from a near empty flask. In the corner behind one of them... a CORE TERMINAL! It looks rather busted, but it would be the MAIN HEART of this entire facility if we could get access to it !

You're right, Picture. This area is controlled by the Lupine Rattlers - I don't know where they get the name from - a bonejacker gang. You know the type, they specialises in stripping people of augments and embedded and reselling them to the blacker markets. Not exactly nice customers. They apparently run one of their harvesting operations in this district.

My bets on Irving having an understanding with them, so they're bound to be his advance guard. He probably slips them gear and they make sure he's not disturbed.

Let me run a check for you... The Rattlers usually work in small groups of 3, so we can see 1 - that would leave 2 more in the area to keep an eye on things.

Friends of yours?
Rolled 1, 1, 2, 1 = 5 (4d6)

I didn't run with this outfit specifically, but I know their type. Let's see about this terminal... Most squatters are either too apathetic or drugged out of their minds to mind other folks. That's *if* they even see me at all.
>Cautiously Move 3223
>Hack into Terminal
>-Stealth Bonus to not being seen by the squatters?

EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 20/20 | SP: 25/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 3 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
Rolled 3, 3, 4, 4, 6, 1, 5, 5, 3, 2, 1, 4, 1, 6, 4 = 52 (15d6)

>-skimmer: get LOS with CORE TERMINAL
>move 222 26
>probe local network (10 dice)
>attempt to be stealthy (sens? 5 dice)

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 20/20 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 3 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 1
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])

Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
>Sneaky Breeki like
>Very Sneak
>Move 222 Sneaky
>-[F] Convert 2 Alc for +1 DR

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 1
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Coagu Weave
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:10, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:8, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:13, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
> School of Hard Knocks
> Just That Good
> Glitch
> Wotan Series Mk7

Agent Finks
EVA: 6 | DR: 1 | BAR: 5
HP: 22/22 | SP: 32/32 |
ALC: 5
RESI 3 | REAC 4 | GRIT 5 | PROC 6 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 4 | SENS 7 | LUCK 7

Class Glitch
!Code Monkey
!Wotan Series Mk7
#C9 Sidearm
#Hand 2
Ghost Projector
Ghost Wire
Specials: Jamming, x2
Loving Touch: Knife, Explode
Ripple Protocol
Did you wire brick of plastic explosive into your knife?
The guy I bought it off said it was an authentic secret service knife that those cool tuxedo wearing spies in the movies use. Isn't it cool?
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Oh, it's cool. Way cool.

=Operatives Online=
Sweeper | Johnson
Breacher | Rando
Cloaker | Picture
Breacher | Kang
Glitch | Nicole
Glitch | Finks

Kang checks out the ganger, who is going on about a payment being missed and shouting - the pitch rising. Waving his arms around makes it easy to spot that he has a hefty looking pistol stuck down his belt.

Picture tries to boot up the old Core Terminal but its .... not responding. Maybe we should get a professional on this?

That guy looks agitated but none too professional. I wouldn't worry about taking them down if it comes to it, Agents. The Rattlers are a hit hard scream a lot buckle when push come shotgun kind of outfit. They have some heavy hitters but this looks like a standard hustle group. The guy isn't even wearing a security vest!

Nicole, the network in this area is pretty moth-eaten. Get the CORE TERMINAL online and we should know more.
>Sneaky Breeki move 222
>-[F] Convert last 2 Alc to +1 DR
>Scan the area Gangsta 1 is looking at
>Overwatch Shotgun on Gangsta 1's if he looks back at me and spots me and even ATTEMPTS to yell. [11]

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 1
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Coagu Weave
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:10, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:8, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:13, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Rolled 3, 1, 4, 3, 4, 6, 4, 3, 6, 5, 6, 4 = 49 (12d6)

>move 866 66
>refresh alacrity
>move 226
Here, Pic. This takes... a master's touch.
>-if it's hitting boot sequence, then the hardware still likely works
>repair core terminal (9 PROC + 1 interface + 2 alacrity = 12 dice)
>-skimmer: check down the hallway on what the gangsters are doing

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 20/20 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 3 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 1
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])

Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
Command, since we all share a network, that means we can have our friendly local Glitch hack the terminal through me, correct?
It's not online, so its not connected to the local network. I'd have to instruct you over comms, and after the nightmare I've been through working IT, I'd rather not do that.
Rolled 3, 3, 4, 1, 3, 5, 5, 6, 2, 2, 4, 2, 4, 2 = 46 (14d6)

Rolled 3, 2, 6, 5, 2, 6, 1, 1, 2, 5, 4, 2, 5, 1 = 45 (14d6)

Correct on both accounts - if it was online, we could, but as its not, we can't. Once it is, if it is, we can.
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Rolled 3, 6, 6, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 2 = 44 (11d6)

with a bit of tinkering and some care, the ancient terminal begins to practically purr, sending arrays and reams of code flashing across its shattered screens and ancient circuits.

Every squatter in the room spin around on their heels and let out shocked gasps of sheer surprise.

Kang checks the room - there's Rattler #2... But where's the third one?

Wow, Agent Kang - that Reactor has seen better days. Do not stick your hand in the volatile energy siphon. It would atomise the constituent components of your meat.

Holy sats, are they sleeping next to this burning hell furnance for heat? Poor people. I knew the city departments were overworked but I'd still think crashing at a shelter would beat sleeping next to a fusion reactor on a terminal meltdown countdown.

>Reaction . . .
Felled off the back of a truck, he says, right outside the Romalian Intelligence Agency. Few other things of his caught my eye too: Tacnet reloads so when you drop them you can hack through them. Jamming smoke grenades, mesh-enabled firearms, insurance policies that automatically shred themselves.
9s m2

We're clear.

Agents to act

One of the squatters raises her hands into a defensive posture and squints at Nicole

oi! you made the thing go! oh man oh man oh man the thing is going oh man that means the CANTEEN works again oh man you're THE BEST!

Rolled 5, 3, 6, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 6, 6, 6 = 42 (12d6)

Calm, people. We aren't here for you.
>Calm the squatters down, ask them what they know about the goons and Irving [CHAR+Social+4 Alacrity
>Refresh Alacrity
>Move 444

EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 20/20 | SP: 25/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 3 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
Rolled 1, 6, 4, 6, 1, 4, 6, 5, 1, 4, 2, 6, 5, 3, 4, 3, 6, 6, 6, 1 = 80 (20d6)

>distract squatters: (CHR, +4 alacrity, 9 dice)
I'm the, uh, tech support staff that's contracted for repairs.
On the last decennial checkup as specified under Residential Code two-eight-six-(b), there wasn't any response from the terminal here, so we scheduled a repair for it.
I'll just have to make sure everything else is in order, now...
>probe local network (PROC + interface + 1 alacrity, 11 dice)
>-skimmer: get in the room. who else is in there?

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 20/20 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 3 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 1
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])

Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
Rolled 6, 1, 3, 1, 3, 5, 4 = 23 (7d6)

"Ya Terror, let the poor guy go."

>Move 2
>-[F] 4 alc for +2DR
>Quick toss flashbang direction 366
>Dont get flashed
>-Activate JTG 5sp
>CQC Ganger 2 (Hope to disarm him of his weapon and/or turn him K.O)

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 21/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 1
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Coagu Weave
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:10, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:8, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:13, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
File: Prospect Mining 9.png (5.3 MB, 6153x3508)
5.3 MB
5.3 MB PNG
the old terminal roars back to life and scintillating cascades of electronic fire burn down ancient wires as a thousand autonomic mechanism kick off their slow boot sequences. The lights flicker just once, the reactors pick up an audible hum.

This place is kind of big. See if you can run a internal scan, it might be able to pinpoint Irving for us

One the squatters eventually decide not being attacked by angry IT repair-crew beats out surprise

Irving? yeah, he's like the king of the kings man, he comes in here every few months and pays us to keep a watch on things. We don't talk to his guys much. he has like 4 real crack troops with him, all shiny gear and then there's Ferrata.

I don't like Ferrata. Stevens insulted her once and that night Stevens never came back.

W-we don't talk to her any more if we can avoid it.

Looks like that reactor room stand-off is heading south
Rolled 3, 2, 5, 3, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 5, 3, 4, 6, 3, 5, 2, 2, 6, 1, 4, 1, 1, 5 = 79 (25d6)

>Check the objects to the East for any goodies (Luck 7+Sense 6?)
>Move 4448
>Check green crate/pallet thing for more goodies (Luck 7 + Sense 6?)
EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 20/20 | SP: 25/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 3 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
Rolled 1, 5, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1 = 14 (7d6)

>Move 2
>-[F] 4 alc for +2DR
>Quick toss flashbang direction 36
>Dont get flashed
>-Activate JTG -5sp
>CQC Ganger 2 (Hope to disarm him of his weapon and/or turn him K.O. Hold him as a meat shield)

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 21/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 1
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Coagu Weave
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:10, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:8, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:13, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Rolled 1, 6, 2, 6, 5, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, 6, 6, 4, 3, 2, 3, 6, 3, 4, 3, 2 = 83 (25d6)

>scan through devices with visual feeds, searching for public facing cameras, CCTV terminals, etc. (10+3 alacrity, 13 dice)
>run a general internal scan, searching for the locations of people in this complex (10+3 alacrity, 13 dice)
>-gopher: are you recording this? we might get good promotional videos out of this footage.

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 20/20 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 3 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 1
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])

Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
File: Prospect Mining 10.png (5.27 MB, 6153x3508)
5.27 MB
5.27 MB PNG
Picture riffles through a somewhat worn sleeping bag of synthclad, warm and homely and a treasure trove of old tins and ancient lint. A few half eaten green sprouts is evidence that the squatters eat some of the hydroponics, a little bunker eco-system.

The crates are unmarked transportation crates. . . . the first of which holds a new assault rifle, on display. It's one of the Chironan modern combat lines, so it'll have an ID lock and a biometric system to prevent unauthorised firing. This must be part of Irving's merchandise.

Good find, Picture - that's one expensive rifle and Irving has crateloads? That's unprecedented! The R&D people over at Chironan must be sleeping on a mattress of bribery credits, these things go for a fortune.

Kang throws a grenade and rounds the corner as it goes off, gangster stumbling in confusion.

hostiles stunned
ganger readies a pistol
operatives to act
Make a note of it, Command. Maybe we can return it to Chironan for a favor... or we can make use of them ourselves. But I suppose that's a decision for the higher ups to make, isn't it? ...Hmm, I don't suppose you could have someone unlock it for me remotely?
Rolled 5, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 1, 3, 6, 6, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 6, 2, 1, 5, 2, 5, 4, 6, 1 = 82 (25d6)

You sure?
>-activate fray protocol
>subvert GANGER 3's weapon: activate safety (10 + 3 alacrity, 13 dice)
>mark GANGER 3 (10 + 3 alacrity, 13 dice)
I'll get the stunned folk next. Just grab the third guy before he realizes what's up, Kang.
Rest assured, support is here.

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 20/20 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 3 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 1
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])

Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
Rolled 3, 5, 3, 1, 2, 3, 6 = 23 (7d6)

>Move 226
>-Convert 2 ALC to +1DR
>Knock Ganger 2 on his ass
>Overwatch Ganger 3 with Shotgun [11] + JTG (-5sp preemptively)

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 21/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 1
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Coagu Weave
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:10, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:8, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×1R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:13, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}

'When am I now?'

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 18/18 | SP: 30/30 |
ALC: 3
RESI 4 | REAC 3 | GRIT 2 | PROC 6 |
TECH 3 | CHRC 4 | SENS 6 | LUCK 8

Glitch- Overdive (get process action or boost 1)
!Just That Cool (5 sp- 6s are 3 hits, add luck)
!Ghost Projector (hologram performs acts)
!Ghostwire (spoof command)
!Uplink (Systems)

>The rest doesn't matter.
>36 stats, 12 Rider systems, 3 skimmer drones from kit

>deploy 15 skimmer drones.
Res: (4)
Rea: (6)
Grt: (4)
Pro: (3)
Tec: (10)
Cha: (2)
Sen: (7)
Luc: (5)

HP: (26/26)
SP: (14/14)
Alacrity: (4/4)
Dodge: (9)
Barrier: (1)

[Sweeper]: +1 rea, +2 tec, +2 sen, +1 luc || (Holo breath): expand success range while stationary || (Taclink): marks are twice as effective
[Firearms]: (1)
[Tactics]: (1)
[Vision]: (1)

[Specialist course: +1 tec || Background: private security]
[Just that good: +1 tec || (5sp) 1s don't subtract]

[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Broadsword Rifle] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+4+ Firearms)d6
[Special ammo: Shred] (2/2 clips)
[Ghostweave: +2 dodge, +2 stealth, -2 Barrier]

[Chironan 7C chip: +1 success range || +1 hit on 6]

> (Say) "Mhm, letsgohunting."
> (Move) 2, 2, 2, 4
(You can move further by spending your actions to move again)
>Free move up to alacrity
>Act 1: Refresh Alacrity and Move up to XX
>Act 2: Same as act 1
(Ah, I see. Thanks!)

(If it's alright, I'd like to modify my turn slightly. Sorry for any inconvenience.)

> (Say) "Mhm, letsgohunting."
> (Move) 2, 2, 2, 4 (Alacrity: 0/4)
> (Action) Refresh Alacrity (Act: 1/2)
> (Move) 2, 2, 2, 2 (Alacrity: 0/4)
> (Action) Refresh Alacrity (Act: 0/2)
> (Move) 2, 2, 2, 2 (Alacrity: 0/4)
Rolled 6, 1, 2, 1 = 10 (4d6)

"ZZZZzzzzzZZZZzzz... ZZZZzzzzzZZZZzzz... Uh... Oh! I'm awake! I'm awake!"

>Move 22222
>Act 1: Replenish Alacrity
>Move 2222
>Act 2: Intimidate the Gangers into dropping their weapons with raw Character (3+1 Alacrity)


# Rando
EVA: 9 | DR: 0 | BAR: 1
HP: 26/26 | SP: 18/18 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 6 | GRIT 6 | PROC 3 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 3 | SENS 6 | LUCK 4

[Breacher] | [School o' Hard Knocks] (Background Gang)
! [Just That Cool] (5sp - 6s are 3 hits)
! [Reaction Fire] (Roll REAC to Atk spotted targets)
! [Breach] (+Hand to hand +Firearm +Tactics)

! [JetSet] (roll Grit+Resi to move forward =Result)

# Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [5 Range] [Tec+3, x2 vs unarmoured] [6/6] [Cone Shot]
# Hand 2: Empty

Ghostweave [+2 Dodge +2 Stealth -2 Barrier]
Insurance Policy [Covers Healthcare Costs]
C9 Sidearm (2 Mags) [Quickdraw] [CQC]
Chirni PDW (2 Mags)
Service Knife [Quickdraw] [Throw]
2 Smoke Grenades
2 HiEx Grenades [Blast radius]
2 Flash Grenades [Quickrelease]
2 Placebotamol
2 Breach Kits
File: Mining Prospect 11 END.jpg (3.01 MB, 4615x2632)
3.01 MB
3.01 MB JPG
>11 turns has passed with no visual confirmation of Irving's location
>Irving uses the alternative exit
>Op End

The gangers surrender with little fanfare, vastly outgunned as they are

Right, smooth work. And saved us some civilians too. That's public service!

Okay team, excellent work. But I think its safe to say we won't get out man today. Grab some of those crates of Chironan ARs, and throw a few splices into the core terminal. If Irving shows his face here again, it'd be good for the system to throw us a message in warning.

Not bad work all told. Can't win them all
"Ah ok :V"
It happens.
Post Op

Standard Mission Payout: 200
Liability Cover, Mission Expenditure: 80

Payout: 120


Do some training and some certification during Downtime.

Raise a stat by paying 10 x new rank (6 to 7 --> 70)

Pick up a Class Course by paying 25 x New Rank (1-2: 50).

Alternatively, hold on to some credits for bribery purposes and on-the-spot expenditure related to Background rolls.


Given our missed connect with Irving, we can expect the sale he is in the area to facilitate to go through. The Client would prefer this sale is interrupted.

We may have the option of interrupting their live fire demonstration later. Through backchannels and some meshwork, it appears the White Moon are interested in acquiring Irving's arms.

I've narrowed down their meeting site to an abandoned urban section, and if we bug the Chironan ARs instead of taking them with us, we'll be able to follow Irving as they proceed to the site.
> (Train) Increase Reaction by 1. (Creds: 50/120)
> Alacrity: [[Rea+Cha+Grt]/3] = [[7+2+4]/3] = 5
> Dodge: [[Rea+Tec+Luc]/3] = [[7+10+5]/3] = 10
> (Train) Increase Firearm proficiency by 1. (Creds: 0/120)

Res: (4)
Rea: (7)
Grt: (4)
Pro: (3)
Tec: (10)
Cha: (2)
Sen: (7)
Luc: (5)

HP: (26/26)
SP: (14/14)
Alacrity: (5/5)
Dodge: (10)
Barrier: (1)

Certs: (0)

[Sweeper]: +1 rea, +2 tec, +2 sen, +1 luc || (Holo breath): expand success range while stationary || (Taclink): marks are twice as effective
[Firearms]: (2)
[Tactics]: (1)
[Vision]: (1)

[Specialist course: +1 tec || Background: private security]
[Just that good: +1 tec || (5sp) 1s don't subtract]

[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Broadsword Rifle] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+4+ Firearms)d6
[Special ammo: Shred] (2/2 clips)
[Ghostweave: +2 dodge, +2 stealth, -2 Barrier]

[Chironan 7C chip: +1 success range || +1 hit on 6]
Perhaps you want to visit the armoury and do a little bit of fine tuning? That's usually a tempting prospect.

You can {Kitbash} gear you own by sourcing parts and spending effort.

10xBonus (+1 dice is 10, +2 dice is 20, +3 dice is 30, to get to +3 dice you'd end up paying 60 total)

We can operate on Effect, Range, Block, Parry, other stats your gear happens to have.

You can incorporate a Feature, Property or Match Bonus for 50 Credits. Then if you Loving Touch, you can add something else on top.

For your suits, DR is 2x normal cost, but HP and SP costs 3 per point. You're probably better off acquiring new suits, but a Match Bonus or Property will see you pretty well.
If you're taking a Breacher Course, you get Firearms, Tactics and Vision - and this badboy (along with bruises)

{Breacher 2} Sweep. 1SP
Target +1 Target per ammo, roll once.
(Huh? Uh, I actually misread what you wrote. Oops. I'd actually like to advance my class [Sweeper] from 1 to 2.)
Oh, Cloud-Tatiana. I see your systems are online. About the time you left off, if you go back. Let's hope the synchronisation holds this time.

That's 15 Skimmer Drones. Good thing they come with their own link-software. Each would roll 10 dice + your Glitch Ranks as relevant, 11, normally, disregarding the stats that aren't needed to operate them. Because they're RIDER enabled, you can also Overload them at 1 HP for +1 Dice on your actions.

Speaking of HP, you would have yay about 225, but unfortunately you lose a drone every time you take 15 points of damage. I would avoid losing critical core components and I would overloading more than maybe 8 dice a turn, because Overload rolls vs itself to see if your systems short out and you do not want to short out .

Since each drone has its own onboard processing, add total drones to SP - that's 45, but again, you lose one when they pop.

The base DR of Skimmer Drone is 2, which will be convenient for you to know.

Your ALC is actually 5 - the drones each add +1 to the formula.

Unfortunately, since the RIDER systems are needed to operate them to keep them part of the Swarm, you don't get 12 free actions a turn. The baseline processing is keeping everything connected. You get your Glitch Overdrive at 2 SP, 2 actions, 1 free.

Interestingly, Skimmer Drones are Electronic, so Overdrive works to get them acting.

Given the extra sensor units and comes with full imaging spectrum, you also get this:

!Wideband Scanner: Marks {Sense} targets.
That's fair, I misunderstood your paperwork.

{Sweeper 2}
+2 Firearms, +2 Tactics, +2 Vision
{Zero In} Call Shots at specific features, inflicting stat-damage or causing effects
what's the cost for upgrades and more kit?
(Hey OP, Could you tell us more about how the 'Tactics', 'Vision', 'Operate', and 'Damage reduction' class proficiencies work? Most of the others have pretty straightforward applications, but these ones seem a little more esoteric.)
Too Expensive, given the current healthcare plan.

3 Statpoints is the going price. Then pay for the training courses to get yourself back up to speed.

You can't buy more kit. Sorry, Agent. You... only have so much space. But you can change kit around as much as you like.

Tactics cover knowledge about current movements, situations, enemies, potential outcomes, likely problems and exploitable ideas in the environment. It can also give bonuses to organised actions. Use it to learn about the current combat situation or direct operatives.

Vision adds to Sense Range to determine your visual range, which reveals fow, allows firing and enables spotting of hidden objects and things of interest.

Operate covers dealing with and utilising machinery and interfaces, drones and systems. Interface is getting in, Operate is making use of.

Damage Reduction is flat damage reduction - and also, in a certain sense, theories of damage mitigation and situation control.
>Pay 3 GRIT pts to gain Devileon4
>GRIT 0 > 4 = 100 credits, left with 20

Does Devileon also come with a voice changer, or is that an add on?

EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 22/22 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 4 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
It comes with one. It's good tech.
The rolled CHR hit sets the threshold for how effective your disguise is, allowing you to rapidly take on the appearance of a scanned target.

Microprojectors and a bit of care help cover up the most glaring differences in equipment and build, allowing a skilled and focused professional to assume the identity of a target.

Note that the Devileon System Series does still have some flaws, and is unlikely to hold up to deep scanning or intense search, so don't rely on it to get through Class 3 or above security. But then one would wonder why you are trying to break into the Spire? So for most operations, it will do you absolutely well.
>rank up [Glitch]: 1 > 2 (50 credits)
>improve GRIT: 3 > 4 (40 credits)
>adjust kit: swap spiderlings with ripple protocol
>-hang onto 30 credits for a rainy day
We'll get 'em next time, agents.
Command, if we bug the ARs, then snag them when we snatch Irving later, do we get to keep them?

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 4 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 2
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 30

Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
We can work something out.

{Glitch 2}
[NodeBurn] Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per
Is it possible to take 2 additional upgrades by spending 6 stat points, Command, or are we restricted to 1?
All yours.
hey Command how does the Profiler work? Does it ID targets and give us information about the specific individual's background and history from a database, or is more of a psychological profile deal, telling us about their state of mind and such and thus how to better approach them?
With the wonders of technology and the intregation of state of the art mesh search tools and psychological, physiological and probabilistic estimates, the answer to your question is "Yes", "Both" and "A whole lot more besides"
>Spend 3 PROC for the Raptross Upgrade
>Spend 3 CHRC For the Wotan Series Mk7 Upgrade
>Buy 3 Levels in PROC for 60 credits
>Buy 3 Levels in CHRC for 60 credits

I am ready to A S C E N D beyond my mortal coil. Just a question: what does the "single free ready" on the Wotan entail? Do I get a free ready action?

EVA: 9 | DR: 2 | BAR: 1
HP: 26/26 | SP: 18/18 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 6 | GRIT 6 | PROC 3 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 3 | SENS 6 | LUCK 4

[Breacher] | [School o' Hard Knocks] (Background Gang)
! [Just That Cool] (5sp - 6s are 3 hits)
! [Reaction Fire] (Roll REAC to Atk spotted targets) (1sp)
! [Breach] (+Hand to hand +Firearm +Tactics)

! [JetSet] (roll Grit+Resi to move forward =Result)
! [Raptross] (Move Alacrity as a jump. Landing of targets gets +distance effect. +1 DR) (Clawkick)
! [Wotan Series Mk7] (Lift same size with 1 hand, single free ready. +1 DR. +2 Effect in melee)

# Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [5 Range] [Tec+3, x2 vs unarmoured] [6/6] [Cone Shot]
# Hand 2: Empty

Ghostweave [+2 Dodge +2 Stealth -2 Barrier]
Insurance Policy [Covers Healthcare Costs]
C9 Sidearm (2 Mags) [Quickdraw] [CQC]
Chirni PDW (2 Mags)
Service Knife [Quickdraw] [Throw]
2 Smoke Grenades
2 HiEx Grenades [Blast radius]
2 Flash Grenades [Quickrelease]
2 Placebotamol
2 Breach Kits
You get a free ready action; one of the benefits of neuronal interfacing and high speed precision servo motors.

Note that the Wotan +Melee bonus also applies to the Raptross leg kicks.

Note also that you get some unstated benefits of biomechanical integration, namely that you can obviously handle metabolically dangerous contexts because high performance meta-materials aren't as flammable as flesh or as prone to breakage as bones, so with that free ready action feel free to rip a conducting wire out of a wall.

Because the Clawkick deals Force, you can kick objects and situations in the environment to move them. This has multiple uses. One little one is the ability to kick yourself off of objects - this is a little different from the normal jump function, in that you can direct yourself away from situations with the force too.

The Wotan Series is popular because the fluid action system allows the reading and use of objects in one burst of speed, such as throwing small objects, shouldering metal plates to use as improvised shields, doing neat handstands and scooting things up in the environment and flinging them.

Also, because of new wetware integration protocols, a kind reminder is that you can Overload your new limbs when performing actions they are relevant to.

And if you're doing something with the implant on its own, you can add your Class Rank ( Wotan: Lifting something, precise manipulation or..., Raptross, movement or balancing or...)
Rolled 5, 6, 3, 5, 5, 6, 3, 2, 6, 6, 2, 5, 3, 4, 2, 4, 3, 4, 5, 5, 2, 2, 4, 2, 6 = 100 (25d6)

Command, how's the synergy between Profiler and Devileon? Could Devileon add an additional CHR bonus in conjunction with Profiler on certain targets, for example?
That would operate the other way around. The Profiler would add a CHR bonus based on the information acquired and the read of the situation to further attempts to manipulate using the Devileon system. Profile prefered communicative style, morphological tells, non-verbal micro-cues, expressive saccades, attentional direction and physiological state change using the Profiler allows the Devileon system to mirror the micro-expressions and movements of the target(s) with better accuracy, increasing perceived rapport and intimacy at vastly increased rates.

Either one alone is workable for utility, but they form a much better union together. The "synergy" isn't so much a beneficial by-product as an intended outcome, since the Singularity Cloud Collectively usually market the two solutions as a single package feature.
>Acquire payout of 120
>Gain 1 more level in Breacher (2) and >>3468188 70...Credits?? left

>Question: You can upgrade the DR of your suit? But whats the cost for breacher? 30 Credits?

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 2
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Coagu Weave
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:11, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:9, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:12, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:14, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Your question doesn't quite scan.

20, 40, 60, etc gets you +1, +2, +3 DR

Same logic on Dodge
Say, Agents, we may have an opening on this Irving operation . . .
Do go on
Eager to stretch these new cyberlegs
Is that so?
>Maintain funds.
>No spending as of yet.
"I'm here, command."

EVA: 8| DR: 0 | BAR: 5+3
HP: 24/24 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 6 | REAC 6 | GRIT 3 | PROC 7 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 3 | SENS 5 | LUCK 7

Uplink- +1 Process, Systems Background
Class Cloaker
Cloak- +1 H2H, Stealth, Sabotage, Social
!Just That Cool- +2 Luck, 5 SP: 6's are 3 hits, add Luck
!Go Dark- 1 SP, 1 Act- Go stealth if no hostiles have LoS
!Wetwork- Acts from [Stealth] succeed on a 3-6
!Kinek- 2 SP, Generate Processing Forcer or Attraction, +2 per SP, Maintain with 1 Act or all Alacrity

Magsys- +6 HP, +6 SP, Cling to Surface
ThermOp- +2 Dodge, +2 Stealth

#Nondescript Cool Sword- Melee, 7, +4 Parry, Quickdraw, Perfect Cut(2 ACTs, 1s don't cancel)
#C9 Sidearm- Range 5, 2 Dice(while silenced), Quickdraw, CQC, 12 Ammo

Adaptive Spamfilter- +3 Barrier
Insurance Policy- Covers Healthcare Costs
Chirni PDW
Damper- 3 SP, 3x3 Sound Negation Sphere
Smoke Gr x2
HiEx Gr x2
Placebotamol x2
Sounds interesting. But do tell what you can disclose.
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We've tracked the AR shipment to an abandoned urban zone. It appears Irving is using it as an urban combat application demonstration of the equipment.

Organising a stealth drone sweep, we pulled markers of several individuals on-site. We know Irving travels with a loyal group of five enforcers. The other 9 individuals may be contractors or client representing unknown interest.

The zone itself is only half developed. Most of the utilities are basic and the site lacks large scale mesh access. This is likely why Irving chose it, as the lack of holistic mesh sousveillance means his clients can be assured of a level of anonymity.

[b]Mission Profile[/b]

Our primary interest is to locate, identify and acquire Irving.

[b] RedInt [/b]

The five enforcers will likely be patrolling the area to protect Irving. We do not have files on all of them, as we understand Irving recently replaced some staff. We have identified one Ferrata (CQC Specialist), Montini (Demolitionist), Tosk (Marksman, previous Redstar Biomechanical Infantry). Given chatter, it may be that Irving has hired a Blackwater Brigadeer Protection Detail. Those guys are basically thugs with illusions of competence and no trigger discipline. They will likely act as support for Irvings actual enforcers. Recommend you either locate and identify the enforcers as well. If you capture Irving, they will not take actions that could endanger their leader so use him as a gambling piece. There's also some rumours on the Mesh about loyalties issues, so you may be able to exploit existing in-group rivalries to drive them apart.

[b]The clients[/b] have not been ID'ed. We have a standing assumption that White Moon movement will be interested in equipment sales to up-escalate their capacity. If their handler and negotiator becomes threatened, they will likely call for backup and extraction. It may be possible to exploit this, if we can arrange a crossfire between Irving's team and the Clients.

However, note The White Moon are unlikely to be the only prospective buyers. If you can ID any other persons on site visually, we may be able to Profile them so as to ascertain their factional loyalty.

Any questions?

What are we looking at in terms of possible collateral? I don't suspect civilians on site, but should we be particulairly gentle when dealing with Irving's Clients?
Rules of Engagement?
What's the capabilities of the Chironan rifles? There's a good chance they'll turn them on us.
Also, where's our entry point?
From which point will we be deployed?
Rolled 2, 4, 6, 2, 5, 1, 2, 5, 2, 4, 6, 5, 3, 5, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 5, 4, 1, 6, 1 = 80 (25d6)

Good questions.

Grit 6 Proc 9 Grit 6 Luck 7

Hard Knocks x2
Assault Course

Result +2
9 success no match

Points of entry into the area are past perimeter openings in the larger zone, but Irving is has guards stationed near both original entrance points.

However, city infrastructure blueprints indicate a connection line running through the lower bound right area of the zone.

I'm afraid it will be the sewers again, Agents. You can also opt to assault the perimeter, but that will alert Irving.

Bystanders are unlikely. We aren't here for the Clients, and if threatened, they will likely have sweep teams deployed nearby to interdict. They would not show up to an arms trade carrying untraceable credits and no extra security. The Clients primary concern if a firefight ensues will be their own safety. We estimate that unless you threaten them, they will not threaten you. Because we also do not know which interests they represent, we would be ill advised to harm them. Keep fire off of them unless they put it your way.

If things get chaotic, they will likely attempt to grab the merchandise Irving was here to facilitate sale of. Let them. We have bigger interests. This may put them between you and Irving, and if this happens, try to contain any splash.

This is an abandoned urban project zone, so you're weapons clear. Bringing grenades to soften up any hardened guard points is advisable. However, keep overpenetration in mind and avoid interfering with the Clients themselves.

The CH-AR-DL is a new style modified Chironan Combined Combat System, and short in full are known as Chironan Assault Rifle, Dragon Lance modification. They fire heavy armor penetrating shells with smart-lock integration and fin-stabilised automatic flight trajectory course correction. The Dragon Lance system is a Chironan R&D point of pride, a limited use anti armor system utilising a combined electromagnetic spectrum and kinetic attack.

However, the CH-AR-DL series have some known weaknesses. We opted not to source our equipment from Chironan because of them.

The weapons require the smart-lock to connect with munition, which means barrier tagging a target first. The heavy calibre leaves a user short on munitions. The system itself is vulnerable to subversion.

However, if they point your way, your best mitigation is to get out of line of sight and behind heavy walls. Low levels of cover will be ignored by the trajectory correction and it'll go through Secplate without slowing down.
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Deployment zones as marked.

[1, 2] are the exterior passages into the area. They are guarded.

[3, 4] are secondary access points
"The question now is which one of these dots is Irving and the rest duds. Anyway. I guess we'll just have to profile them as we go...and attempt to not break concealment. We'll adapt to the situation."
In order to facilitate mission deployment, we would require a deployment zone and an up to date kit list.

Command is waiting.
>deploy {3}
Ugh. Command, does the stale, septic, and frankly nasty sewer smell ever wash off?

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 4 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 2
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 30

Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
Picture, ready for the close up, Command
>Deploy at 4

EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 22/22 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 4 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
>Deploy 4
>Prepare to Go Dark

EVA: 8| DR: 0 | BAR: 5+3
HP: 24/24 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 6 | REAC 6 | GRIT 3 | PROC 7 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 3 | SENS 5 | LUCK 7

Uplink- +1 Process, Systems Background
Class Cloaker
Cloak- +1 H2H, Stealth, Sabotage, Social
!Just That Cool- +2 Luck, 5 SP: 6's are 3 hits, add Luck
!Go Dark- 1 SP, 1 Act- Go stealth if no hostiles have LoS
!Wetwork- Acts from [Stealth] succeed on a 3-6
!Kinek- 2 SP, Generate Processing Forcer or Attraction, +2 per SP, Maintain with 1 Act or all Alacrity

Magsys- +6 HP, +6 SP, Cling to Surface
ThermOp- +2 Dodge, +2 Stealth

#Nondescript Cool Sword- Melee, 7, +4 Parry, Quickdraw, Perfect Cut(2 ACTs, 1s don't cancel)
#C9 Sidearm- Range 5, 2 Dice(while silenced), Quickdraw, CQC, 12 Ammo

Adaptive Spamfilter- +3 Barrier
Insurance Policy- Covers Healthcare Costs
Chirni PDW
Damper- 3 SP, 3x3 Sound Negation Sphere
Smoke Gr x2
HiEx Gr x2
Placebotamol x2
>Deploy 3
>Pay attention to change in equipment loadout (Coagu Weave for Loving touch Suppresor/Silencer on Shotgun)

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 2
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun Suppressed [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Loving Touch (Suppresor
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:11, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:9, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:12, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:14, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Hey Command, may I start with Go Dark and Silencers already activated, or must i wait until I'm deployed?
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=Operatives Online=
Glitch | Nicole
Cloaker | Picture
Cloaker | Otter
Breacher | Kang


[i]Old maintenance shafts and half connected hubs of flowing water, cramped, choking and full of the washed away debris of a metropolis. But no one saw us coming in...

The old urban sector is a strange place, a little gap in the world where the constructions drone didn't finish their herculean task. Towering empty apartment blocks ring us in on all sides but this area has bits that barely rise above us. The cold drizzle slinks through armor plate and gear, on the wind, a the staccato punches of gunfire rolls. Looking up, the clouds are heavy. This drizzle will become a downpour eventually. Somewhere up there, our drone circle on its vigilant watch. [/i]

[b] Khr-- Check one, check two - reading, reading
vitals. . . clear
receivers . . . clear
feed synch... holding stable at 99.7%
integrating heads up display . . . now

Online. Linked.

Ah, for gods sake, clean you cameras people. I don't need to see that kind of thing.

Okay. Go time.

We have the drone on standby and I'm calibrating the signals to wash out as much background as possible. We've got signatures as you see them on your feed, but this drone won't see EVERYTHING. Irving is a tricky bastard, so keep your eyes peeled even if you can see them coming now, okay?

I don't know how long the drone can keep up operations with the weather being what it is. We're getting interference already, so if the feed gets wonky, I'm sorry. Doing the best I can here.

Remember, find Irving, take him down, and bring him to a feasible extraction. If you can avoid it, don't hurt his Clients or get in their way. The Blackwater Brigadeers are patrolling the rain as well, and he will have his specialists watching things.

But they won't know what hit them![/b]

>Go Dark.
>Move WW, NN
>Refresh Alacrity, Move 4W

EVA: 8| DR: 0 | BAR: 5+3
HP: 24/24 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 6 | REAC 6 | GRIT 3 | PROC 7 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 3 | SENS 5 | LUCK 7

Uplink- +1 Process, Systems Background
Class Cloaker
Cloak- +1 H2H, Stealth, Sabotage, Social
!Just That Cool- +2 Luck, 5 SP: 6's are 3 hits, add Luck
!Go Dark- 1 SP, 1 Act- Go stealth if no hostiles have LoS
!Wetwork- Acts from [Stealth] succeed on a 3-6
!Kinek- 2 SP, Generate Processing Forcer or Attraction, +2 per SP, Maintain with 1 Act or all Alacrity

Magsys- +6 HP, +6 SP, Cling to Surface
ThermOp- +2 Dodge, +2 Stealth

#Nondescript Cool Sword- Melee, 7, +4 Parry, Quickdraw, Perfect Cut(2 ACTs, 1s don't cancel)
#C9 Sidearm- Range 5, 2 Dice(while silenced), Quickdraw, CQC, 12 Ammo

Adaptive Spamfilter- +3 Barrier
Insurance Policy- Covers Healthcare Costs
Chirni PDW
Damper- 3 SP, 3x3 Sound Negation Sphere
Smoke Gr x2
HiEx Gr x2
Placebotamol x2
>Go Dark
>Toggle Silencers [On]
>Move 2NW, 3W
EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 22/22 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 4 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
We assume a baseline competence and deployed you in smoke with suppressors active for this one.
Excellent, then allow me to correct for that
>Refresh Alacrity
>Move 2W 2S
Rolled 5, 3, 4, 1, 3, 1, 4 = 21 (7d6)

>Correcting:Additionally, scan for vulnerable Systems(Rolling Processing)
>Move 1S, 4W
>Sliently and sneakily go 1W 2N

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 2
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Coagu Weave
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:11, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:9, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:12, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:14, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Let's get this op moving.
>-gopher: go check out that gunfire, discreetly
>move 242 4
>refresh alacrity
>move 484
>directional scan 2 blips west
>hide (+1 alacrity)
Where's Tatiana? Our intel is getting more and more spotty by the minute.

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 4 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 2
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 30

Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
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3.76 MB PNG
[i]Otter and Picture scoot along the abandoned fundamental parts of a skyscraper that never was.

Rounding the corner, Otter spots a few spent casings littering the corner. [/i]

[b] Oh, they got around to installing the crowd control barriers? That's convenient. Their barriers are so out of date its sort of sad. You can subvert them to have them raise from the ground. Provides a good amount of cover, but keep in mind any CH-AR models will course-correct past it.

Also --- ah shit, hang on. Come ON! WORK.

Sorry, this thing is breaking down. I don't even know where to put the duct tape any more.[/b]

>Move 1S, 4W
>Sliently and sneakily go 1W 2N

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 2
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun Suppressed [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Loving Touch (Suppresor
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:11, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:9, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:12, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:14, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Let's... try again!
>-gopher: go check out that gunfire, discreetly
>move 242 4
>refresh alacrity
>move 484
>directional scan 2 blips west
Command, there, uh, appears to be some static on the feed. Is that normal? Or is the drone finally calling it quits?

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 4 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 2
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 30

Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
>Move 2S
>Scan the area
EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 22/22 | SP: 25/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 4 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
Rolled 5, 5, 3, 2, 5, 2, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, 4, 2, 1 = 44 (14d6)

So like lightning
Rolled 2, 5, 1, 6, 2, 5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 5, 4, 2, 3 = 46 (14d6)

>Subvert Crowd Control Barrier
>Subvert Connected Systems
>Move 2S
Your Common Sense tells you there is little to gain from making a large block of metal rise from the ground under a bunch of concrete blocks when you are trying to be quiet.

Proceed anyway?
We’re fixing it, we’re FIXING it
>I meant more to take control of the system, not activate it
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6.29 MB PNG
. . . The rain drizzles down in a cascade of grey mist and odd particulates. Gunfire rolls in a heavy burst as someone squeezes off a spray of full auto fire, followed by silence and what might, faintly, be clapping.

Come on, come on, dammit. The electrostatic in the atmosphere is really playing with this old kit. Best I can do for now, team.

Otter, those barriers have about as much internal processing power as a hunk of fistfull of sand. There's barely a system to speak of, they're crowd control and flow containment systems. It takes an {Action} to raise or lower them.

Now that other thing is interesting. It's some kind of micro camera with some beefy shielding, but it's not transmitting to anyone? It seems like its nothing but onboard image capture. I wonder why.

let me run some specs here... I think Irving's men must have set them up all over the area to film their demonstrations. Maybe they're shooting a demo reel?

Command, are the cameras all connected to each other through a local network?
>Move 2S 2W
>Peek into that North room from a safe distance
EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 22/22 | SP: 25/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 4 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
No, they're completely isolated units. Lots of storage capacity but no transmission at all. Kind of old fashioned.

Irving must be worried about electronic signatures if this is what he's using.
Rolled 5, 6, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5, 4, 5, 3, 2, 6, 4, 1 = 51 (14d6)

>Move 2S, 2W
>Subvert Hostile around corner
>Subvert other Hostile around corner
Rolled 4, 1, 6, 3, 4, 4, 6, 4, 5, 1, 5, 3, 4, 3, 5 = 58 (15d6)

>-ripple protocol
>subvert blackwater 4 bodycam (+4 alacrity) (15 dice) (2sp: boost 1)
>refresh alacrity
>move 624 4
You think the barriers are in place to demo the smart munition system? Neat setup, honestly, but I don't like the feel of being a target in a shoothouse.

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 38/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 4 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 2
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)
!NodeBurn Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 30

Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
>Hugging the wall move 844 (stealth)
>(F) 2Alc= Dr+1
>Listen in but overwatch Grapple guy if he comes around the corner and spots me

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 2
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun Suppressed [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Loving Touch (Suppresor
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:11, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:9, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:12, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:14, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
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3.32 MB PNG
. . . in the scant shelter of an apartment that will never be finished, two blackwater brigadeers grouch about the nature of guard duty. Kang listens in, as one goes.

Otter and Picture round the corner and check not, and come face to face with two Kore HellBall Drones, idling. These remotely activated sweeper drones are like Skimmers, if Skimmers did a course of reavestims and had anger issues. Anti-Infantry. Probably part of Irving's Gear. They aren't active right now, in sleep mode, waiting.

But given the skill it takes to operate them, we can surmise that one of Irving's Specialists are keeping an eye on them. If we try to breach into the systems, we stand a chance of being detected. But if we take them out, less bullets in our face later.

. . . Gopher stops heading towards the gunrange to provide Nicole with the LOS needed to check into the bodycam of the Blackwater. They have... not updated their protocols in a while.


Take that, feed stabilised.

Getting warmer agents. Get our man before he runs out of demonstration bullets.

Kang, those two Brigadeers... It makes sense. Irving must be paying them off in merchandise. That's how he got them to help. If we can bag him quick enough there's a chance the Brigadeers will stand down to get the crates full of guns.

I'll leave you to do with the drones as you please, Otter
>Move 1S 1W
>Peek around corner
EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 22/22 | SP: 25/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 4 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
Rolled 6, 6, 2, 5, 2, 3, 6, 5, 5, 6, 3, 1, 2, 4, 2, 5 = 63 (16d6)

>Move 2W
>Subvert HellBall(7+2)
>Subvert HellBall(7)
"Are these 2 dudes armed?"
Rolled 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 6, 6, 6 = 42 (9d6)

>-gopher: thanks, now check out the range
>move 444
>refresh alacrity
>what's in those boxes to the north? (+4 alacrity)
On you, Kang. What's the play?

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 4 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 2
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)
!NodeBurn Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 30

Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
You would be wise to assume so.
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. . Otter brushes against electronic defenses, fraying layers of barrier. Picture rounds the corner and sees a conference in action, as a group of people each trying to keep everyone else in view at once stand around and watch a marksman engage in a patently unfair firefight with a cluster of shredded target dummies.

So, what'll it be? Well worth the price, I assure you, my friends. Aquila, demonstrate the secondary

[ He lines up a shot and then, winces, muscles spasming suddenly. A hypervelocity round punches through a wall down range ]


Focus, man. You're making us look bad.

I'm... getting interference from the drones.

{Irving, turning to the spectators}
Sorry, newly calibrated implant systems. You know how it is.


That's our man, team.

{Operative Phase}
Rolled 5, 1, 5, 3, 1, 2, 6, 5, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1 = 41 (14d6)

>-Send reminder to team, objective is to EXTRACT Irving, not kill him
>Move to get LoS on Aquila
>Subvert their implant systems as cleanly as possible.
>Second action also doing that.

EVA: 8| DR: 0 | BAR: 5+3
HP: 24/24 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 6 | REAC 6 | GRIT 3 | PROC 7 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 3 | SENS 5 | LUCK 7

Uplink- +1 Process, Systems Background
Class Cloaker
Cloak- +1 H2H, Stealth, Sabotage, Social
!Just That Cool- +2 Luck, 5 SP: 6's are 3 hits, add Luck
!Go Dark- 1 SP, 1 Act- Go stealth if no hostiles have LoS
!Wetwork- Acts from [Stealth] succeed on a 3-6
!Kinek- 2 SP, Generate Processing Forcer or Attraction, +2 per SP, Maintain with 1 Act or all Alacrity

Magsys- +6 HP, +6 SP, Cling to Surface
ThermOp- +2 Dodge, +2 Stealth

#Nondescript Cool Sword- Melee, 7, +4 Parry, Quickdraw, Perfect Cut(2 ACTs, 1s don't cancel)
#C9 Sidearm- Range 5, 2 Dice(while silenced), Quickdraw, CQC, 12 Ammo

Adaptive Spamfilter- +3 Barrier
Insurance Policy- Covers Healthcare Costs
Chirni PDW
Damper- 3 SP, 3x3 Sound Negation Sphere
Smoke Gr x2
HiEx Gr x2
Placebotamol x2
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1.27 MB PNG
Rolled 5, 3, 5, 4, 6, 2, 4, 5, 1, 6, 1, 3 = 45 (12d6)


What in the name of the Dig is a Stonedog Fireteam doing here?

I think that guy in the suit and tie is a Hong PR representative, and that scans fine, they're moving guns around. But. . . Stonedogs?


Aquila, what's happening?
I'm getting--somekind-- of-- ach, its snapping out on me. Did that dimwit install subpar feedback dampeners?
Rolled 1, 2, 5, 1, 6, 3, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 3, 3, 2, 5, 1, 5, 2, 5, 5, 6, 2, 2 = 88 (25d6)

Okay guys, I have a plan. He'll have to go for weapon storage, the larger building there. So we can snag him whi-
otter. what are yo-
>subvert aquila: NOTHING IS WRONG. CONTINUE AS NORMAL. (+4 alacrity) (2sp boost) (15 dice)
>subvert blackwater 3: was that a noise behind you? better check it out (11 dice)
Kang, handle the guy coming from behind us. We still got this.

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 36/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 4 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 2
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)
!NodeBurn Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 30

Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
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I swear I will rip him apart me with my six new arms if he fucked up my cerebellum

We'll cover it afterwards.
Rolled 4, 4, 3, 5, 5, 5, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 5, 2, 3 = 53 (16d6)

>Sneakily move 66666
>-Activate JTG (-5sp)
>Silently BONK Blackwater 3 in the back of the head
>Come on, go to sleep... (Keep bonking until KO)

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 2
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun Suppressed [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Loving Touch (Suppresor
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:11, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:9, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:12, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:14, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Rolled 2, 3, 5, 2, 4, 4 = 20 (6d6)

>Move 3S 2E
>Refresh Alacrity
>Move 1E
>Profile lone Target E (6d6)
EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 22/22 | SP: 25/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 4 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
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Yeah Picture, the Brigadeers aren't exactly nice people. Looks like that one is out on parole for good behaviour. Has a mother he doesn't write to. Tsk.

Oh, and a Meshstore for arts and crafts. Cute designs.


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Looks like they're wondering if they should go for the buy.


Disregard the interruption, friends. Now, as we return to my previous promise, I want to re-assure you: I can provide these at a price you simply cannot beat, but, what's more, this is not the first shipment. If you are interested, I can source several on-going updates and upgrades to the tech, and I have recently been informed that one of my supplies have acquired a shipment of Interdiction-3 IFVs. Ah, I see you consider the possibilities

Aquila, snap out of it

Something isn't. . . right. I'm warming and arming the Cats.

Very well. I was going to demonstrate the integrated tactical network capability. They might as well be your allies.


Rolled 5, 3, 2, 2, 6, 1, 3, 2, 3, 3, 1, 6, 5, 4 = 46 (14d6)

>Head back to Subvert the HellBalls.
>I don't want to get shot in the back.
Rolled 2, 2, 5, 4, 6, 1, 2, 1, 6, 4, 4 = 37 (11d6)

>move 666 6
>refresh alacrity
>move 666 8
>-gopher: roll into weapon storage, next to picture
>subvert blackwater 1 through gopher: feedback screech in comms equipment (11 dice)
Pic, take out the guy next to you, push him east if you can.
I'll run a distraction, Irving's gonna have to bring out the goods.
If we set up an ambush, we can snag him and run before they realize what's up.

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 36/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 4 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 2
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)
!NodeBurn Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 30

Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
>Drag Balckwater 3 with me 3E, 2N
>Hide him in the corner NW (As if he was Drunk)
>Disarm him and take his ammo

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 2
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun Suppressed [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Loving Touch (Suppresor
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:11, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:9, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:12, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:14, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Rolled 1, 2, 2, 1, 6, 6, 1, 3, 6, 2, 1, 5, 5, 3 = 44 (14d6)

>Put down the Blackwater agent with a sleeper hold (Grit+Alacrity)
>Refresh Alacrity to drag target 3E 2S
>-Wetwork bonus to stealth actions
EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 22/22 | SP: 25/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 4 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
Res: (4)
Rea: (7)
Grt: (4)
Pro: (3)
Tec: (10)
Cha: (2)
Sen: (7)
Luc: (5)

HP: (26/26)
SP: (14/14)
Alacrity: (5/5)
Dodge: (10)
Barrier: (1)

Certs: (0)

[Sweeper 2]: +1 rea, +2 tec, +2 sen, +1 luc || (Holo breath): expand success range while stationary || (Taclink): marks are twice as effective || (Zero In): Call shots at specific features, inflicting stat-damage or causing effects)
[Firearms]: (2)
[Tactics]: (2)
[Vision]: (2)

[Specialist course: +1 tec || Background: private security]
[Just that good: +1 tec || (5sp) 1s don't subtract]

[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Broadsword Rifle] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+4+ Firearms)d6
[Special ammo: Shred] (2/2 clips)
[Ghostweave: +2 dodge, +2 stealth, -2 Barrier]

[Chironan 7C chip: +1 success range || +1 hit on 6]

> (Deploy) 2
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Rolled 2, 3, 3, 2, 4, 5, 5, 4, 2, 5, 5, 6 = 46 (12d6)

Huh, Kang. Looks like this guy was just packing a C7 and a spare clip for it. Not exactly well armed. That's probably why Irving has them by the balls, they need his gear real bad to stand a chance at expanding their territory.

I'd hate to see military-grade munitions on the streets in the hands of these guys.


. . . Picture wraps hands around the Brigadeer within reach who struggles and coughs but fails.


Aquila, do we need to get medical?
The FUcking DRONEs are FUCKIng MALFUNCTIONINg I'm GEtIGN ChrOSS SpIKes of Fhrucking FUCk right in my Furkc! FUKC

Language, Aquila.

[Opposition Phase]
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Welcome aboard, Johnson.


The Blackwater Brigadeer currently getting his earpiece full of feedback spins around and snorts in frustration, then, locks up as he sees one of his companions being strangled alive by a living shadow.

His gunslinger reflexes aren't bad, as far as it goes.


Okay. This is getting strange and we're on a schedule. Ferrata, check it out. Aquila, reboot your systems.


Yo to the bro, when do we get to grab the guns? You dudes done with the foreplay?
Rolled 5, 6, 4, 4, 6, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 4, 6, 4, 2, 5 = 57 (15d6)

Wait, that gun is unsilenced
Let me just...
>subvert blackwater 1's weapon systems: jam! (+4 alacrity, 15 dice, boost 1)
There. Now it won't make any noise.

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 34/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 4 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 2
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)
!NodeBurn Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 30

Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
Rolled 2, 5, 2, 6, 3, 5, 6, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 5, 4, 3 = 49 (15d6)

>continue choking out the man in my arms (Grit+Alacrity+hand to hand)=10)
>-Quickdraw C9 Pistol
>Fire it at the other hostile (Tech)
>-Wetwork bonus
EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 22/22 | SP: 23/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 4 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
Rolled 5, 5, 3, 5, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2, 5, 3, 5, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 5, 4, 5, 1, 6, 4, 3 = 96 (25d6)

>Continue subverting Hellballs, activating JUST THAT COOL -10 SP and using excess to hide my presence
>Move 2W, 2N
EVA: 8| DR: 0 | BAR: 5+3
HP: 24/24 | SP: 16/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 6 | REAC 6 | GRIT 3 | PROC 7 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 3 | SENS 5 | LUCK 7

Uplink- +1 Process, Systems Background
Class Cloaker
Cloak- +1 H2H, Stealth, Sabotage, Social
!Just That Cool- +2 Luck, 5 SP: 6's are 3 hits, add Luck
!Go Dark- 1 SP, 1 Act- Go stealth if no hostiles have LoS
!Wetwork- Acts from [Stealth] succeed on a 3-6
!Kinek- 2 SP, Generate Processing Forcer or Attraction, +2 per SP, Maintain with 1 Act or all Alacrity

Magsys- +6 HP, +6 SP, Cling to Surface
ThermOp- +2 Dodge, +2 Stealth

#Nondescript Cool Sword- Melee, 7, +4 Parry, Quickdraw, Perfect Cut(2 ACTs, 1s don't cancel)
#C9 Sidearm- Range 5, 2 Dice(while silenced), Quickdraw, CQC, 12 Ammo

Adaptive Spamfilter- +3 Barrier
Insurance Policy- Covers Healthcare Costs
Chirni PDW
Damper- 3 SP, 3x3 Sound Negation Sphere
Smoke Gr x2
HiEx Gr x2
Placebotamol x2
Rolled 1, 6, 6 = 13 (3d6)

remaining dice
Rolled 5, 2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 5, 2, 1, 5, 1, 4, 2 = 56 (17d6)

Res: (4)
Rea: (7)
Grt: (4)
Pro: (3)
Tec: (10)
Cha: (2)
Sen: (7)
Luc: (5)

HP: (26/26)
SP: (14/14)
Alacrity: (5/5)
Dodge: (10)
Barrier: (1)

Certs: (0)

[Sweeper 2]: +1 rea, +2 tec, +2 sen, +1 luc || (Holo breath): expand success range while stationary || (Taclink): marks are twice as effective || (Zero In): Call shots at specific features, inflicting stat-damage or causing effects)
[Firearms]: (2)
[Tactics]: (2)
[Vision]: (2)

[Specialist course: +1 tec || Background: private security]
[Just that good: +1 tec || (5sp) 1s don't subtract]

[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Broadsword Rifle] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+4+ Firearms)d6
[Special ammo: Shred] (2/2 clips)
[Ghostweave: +2 dodge, +2 stealth, -2 Barrier]

[Chironan 7C chip: +1 success range || +1 hit on 6]

> (Move) 8, 8, 6, 6, 6 (Alacrity: 0/5)
> (Action) Refresh Alacrity (Act: 1/2)
> (Move) 6, 6, 6, 8 (Alacrity: 1/5)
> (Action) Overwatch 9 (Act: 0/2) || 10+4+2+1 dice (Alacrity: 0/5)
Rolled 6, 4, 6, 5, 4, 6, 6, 2, 6, 1, 3, 6, 4, 6 = 65 (14d6)

>popping Just That Cool (5SP
>adding 7 dice to both actions due to Luck
Rolled 6, 3, 6, 2, 4, 1, 6, 5, 5, 1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 4, 1, 4, 2, 3 = 79 (24d6)

Hey Command just chiming in to make sure the Luck bonus from JTC affects all actions
Only the one you use it on.
Rolled 3, 1, 1, 4, 1, 5, 4, 5, 6, 1 = 31 (10d6)

>Move 5N
>Refresh Alacrity move 1W
>CQC Blackwater 1. GO TO SLEEP HOLD+4 Alc

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 2
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun Suppressed [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Loving Touch (Suppresor
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:11, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:9, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:12, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:14, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
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. . . Sometimes, you can pull it off. Kang rounds the corner just as a slug connects with the armored leatherjacket of the Brigadeer, who crumbles to the ground in shock. His friend ceases to struggle, having run out of will and oxygen in equal measure.

. . . Otter attacks the Hellball, and finds the weaving threads of data bite back, Aquila taking a defensive posture over his twinsoul'd drones. Its a trench-war of data, narrowly slipped to the defenders advantage.

Otter hears the sound of someone unsheathing a sword and a soft laugh.


Johnson takes aim. With their current position, it has good covering angles.

>Johnson, you Overwatched while targets were within reach. Do you shoot?
Mhm. Blueballingsonuva- Holdingfire.

>Only fire on a client, if said client moves, or makes a hostile action, towards me.
> Fire on blackwater, if noticed by any blackwater.
Shiiit to the why, the fly lady had to fly! Badaboom Boomboom Bigshot, how’s it all shaking out? Do you want us to go get ‘em guns?
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Yes, TopDog. Go get the systems ready.

Ferrata, are you finding anything?

Ferrata, come in.

Ferrata. . .

[ Irving mutters to himself ]

Boss, you know she's not going to say anything. Why do you bother?

Because I am a Professional, Aquila. And I have Standards.

It'll be fine. The Cats are online. I've reset the Twinsoul link and the interference seems to have died. Lots of alien code-scrap here. I think we may have been drive by'd by something. It happens around here.

{ Operative Phase }
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Otter? Otter, come in - Otter, your vitals are spiking. Focus. You hit the wall pretty hard.

Did something hit you? You're not bleeding, systems are all clear.

Turn around! It might be a cloaked Enforcer

Wait, we see it! We see it! That's not a cloaked enforcer! Otter, get out of there! That's Irving's Special Consultant, Ferrata! The name is a bad joke, she's more metallic components and biomechanical replacements than baseline meat!
Rolled 4, 1, 6, 4, 3, 3, 4, 2, 1, 1 = 29 (10d6)

Res: (4)
Rea: (7)
Grt: (4)
Pro: (3)
Tec: (10)
Cha: (2)
Sen: (7)
Luc: (5)

HP: (26/26)
SP: (14/14)
Alacrity: (5/5)
Dodge: (10)
Barrier: (1)

Certs: (0)

[Sweeper 2]: +1 rea, +2 tec, +2 sen, +1 luc || (Holo breath): expand success range while stationary || (Taclink): marks are twice as effective || (Zero In): Call shots at specific features, inflicting stat-damage or causing effects)
[Firearms]: (2)
[Tactics]: (2)
[Vision]: (2)

[Specialist course: +1 tec || Background: private security]
[Just that good: +1 tec || (5sp) 1s don't subtract]

[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Broadsword Rifle] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+4+ Firearms)d6
[Special ammo: Shred] (2/2 clips)
[Ghostweave: +2 dodge, +2 stealth, -2 Barrier]

[Chironan 7C chip: +1 success range || +1 hit on 6]

> (Say) Mhm, tohellwithit.
> (Move) 6 (Alacrity: 4/5)
> (Action) Ready HiEx grenade (Act: 1/2)
> (Action) Throw HitEx 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 (Act:0/2) || 4+2+4 dice (Alacrity 0/5)
Rolled 4, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 2 = 24 (7d6)

>Kinek- 2 SP, shove Ferrata S onto that barrier
>Raise the barrier.
>Move 3 N, 1 W
>-[F] Convert 4Alc for +2DR
>Move 1 W
>Quick release Throw flashbang at Irvings feet
>Overwatch another flashbang if anybody who isnt flashed gets frisky (Range 8 direction W/4 )

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 21/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 2
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun Suppressed [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Loving Touch (Suppresor
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:11, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×3R, Atk:9, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:12, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×1R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:14, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Rolled 4 (1d6)

One of the benefits of neuronal integration is adding Class Ranks to any relevant rolls.
Rolled 6, 1, 3, 3, 5, 1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 4, 2 = 41 (12d6)

>Move 1N 1NW 3W
>Grab Irving while he's stunned (Grit 4+Hand to hand+Luck=12)
>Refresh Alacrity
>Drag Irving 5E, keeping him between me and the guards
>-Wetwork bonus?
EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 22/22 | SP: 20/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 4 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
Rolled 3, 6, 4, 6, 6, 5, 1, 2, 2, 5, 3 = 43 (11d6)

>move 8888
>ready smoke grenade
>-gopher: face irving
>2sp: activate ripple protocol
>commbomb irving (11 dice)
oh fuck
We're in position to flee into the sewers. The enforcers are out of position, and Irving's in our trap.
Let's get busy!

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 32/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 4 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 2
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)
!NodeBurn Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 30

Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
Rolled 5, 1, 2 = 8 (3d6)

>-just that suave
And... splash!
Command, target has been acquired, I think we're about to go loud.
Confirmed! Confirmed! Readying the evac vehicle! Move!
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CONFIRMING, we have Irving! Package is secure, get to an extract with him and don't let the Enforcers catch up!


. . . Otter shunts Ferrata with a roil of force, but a quick flash of blade in the doing cuts into his armor. As the barrier pops up, Ferrata disappears from view.

Yet, Otter hears a faint laugh.


Johnstone primes and throws a grenade


We're in. We have Irving's comm-network. Excellent work, agents. Splicing over the data... Oh, score.

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Shit shit shit she's fast - Nicole, she's overloading her internals! Aquila is too busy providing cover fire to provide Barrier Overwatch, she's vulnerable! Slow her down!

Team, bug the fuck outta dodge RIGHT NOW


. . . Johnston realises he may, at some point in the planning of this operation, have made a mistake. There is a sharp snap of air as the Stone Dog Resonance Specialist catches the grenade.


>Johnston is Bleeding - you take 6 bleed at the end of your turn unless bandaged
>Kang is bleeding - you take 2 at the end of your turn unless bandage
>Kang is Suppressed, Alacrity starts at 0 this turn.
Woh, Goofy Mistake

Kang takes 8 damage. The CH-AR-DL is firing heavy calibre rounds, effective DR is down a third.
So I cant move at all?
you can always opt to refresh alacrity. It starts at 0. It doesn't have to stay there.
Rolled 6, 5, 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3, 3, 1, 3, 6, 5, 6, 2, 4, 4, 6, 2, 5, 3 = 92 (25d6)

i'm not gonna lose my team to some cybered up bitch
>-gopher, get a line on ferrata!
>-just that suave!
>(2sp) activate fray protocols
>(2sp)subvert ferrata: jam mobility systems (+4 alacrity) (15 dice)
>refresh alacrity
>(2sp) subvert ferrata: jam optical systems (+4 alacrity) (15 dice)
>throw smoke gr 744 4
How's your hardware treating you now, huh?!

Johnson, ah, sorry to say it, but, ah...
You're fucked. We're gonna have to leave you behind, lest you can run as fast as you can talk.

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 18/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 4 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 2
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)
!NodeBurn Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 30

Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
Rolled 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 4, 6, 5, 2 = 26 (9d6)

ah, fuck.
This is it, team! Get your asses in gear!
>Move 2E 1SE 2S
>Refresh Alacrity
>Move 5 S
EVA: 8 | DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 22/22 | SP: 20/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 4 | REAC 4 | GRIT 4 | PROC 4 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 7

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
Rolled 1, 2, 5, 5, 6, 3, 3, 6, 1, 1, 2, 5, 6, 5, 3, 5, 6, 5, 2, 4, 5 = 81 (21d6)

> (Action) Switch to Shred ammo (Act: 1/2)
> (Free Action) Trigger 'Just that Good' (SP: 9/14)
> (Free Action) Trigger Chironan 7C chip (SP: 6/14)
> (Action) Fire Broadsword 8 (Act: 0/2) || 10+4+2+5 dice (Alacrity: 0/5)
>Move 4E
>Go Dark
>Consume Placebotamol, healing to full
>Chuck Flash in front of Aquila's dumb face
>Refresh Alacrity
>Move 2E, 3N
>Overwatch South with Shotgun? +JTG

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 37/37 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 2
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun Suppressed [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Loving Touch (Suppresor
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:11, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:9, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:12, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×0R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:14, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 27/37 | SP: 21/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 6 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 2
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun Suppressed [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:11, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Loving Touch (Suppresor
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:11, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:9, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:12, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:8, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:14, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
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[ Opposition Phase ]
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Package secure! Lets get out of this place!




Ha! Better luck next time, big man! We're blowing this joint, Command. What's the damage? And do i finally get that commendation?
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1.52 MB PNG
. . .
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. . .

Shows promise.

Irving is secure, we didn't harm any clients and we didn't even knock over any of the Blackwater Brigadeers. I just recieved a message from Mesh ID


reading, and I quote:

"Salutations, spicy gentle-scholars of the night

Verily it falls upon your own truest big dog big bone bro to lay it on sweet with the commendations for your for snizzle rizzle dazzle operation. None of my boys or girls corked it and even Williers will be fine after some o' the finest pallative care we can provide at my humble abode ( the pallative care is MY DICK, AW YEAH )

Owe you! Wired over a little thank yous for giving us all of these BIG DOG GUNS


{ The Tech Specialist taps her hand against the small pda screen controlling the debrief monitor and mutters something }

Moving on.

We sustained some injury in the field of duty this time. Final tally is, according to field logs

Otter - 14
Kang - 12
Johnston - 27

It's 2 Credits a HP, with Healthcare being the way it is.


Standard Mission Payout: 200
Brigadeer Bogus Bonus: 40
Satisfied Clients: 20
Barely Legal Arms Resale: 40

Total: 300
Liability, Medical, Restock, Insurance: 50

Payout: 250.

And well damn deserved at that.
Do some training during downtime?

New Stat x 10 (8-9 = 90)
New Class Rank x 25 (2 - 3 = 75)
Background Training is 100 x New Rank, but as expected comes with host of benefits.

Upgrades are 3 Statpoints and then you invest your time and energy into physiological rehabilitation.

Perhaps you want to visit the armoury and do a little bit of fine tuning? That's usually a tempting prospect.

You can {Kitbash} gear you own by sourcing parts and spending effort.

10xBonus (+1 dice is 10, +2 dice is 20, +3 dice is 30, to get to +3 dice you'd end up paying 60 total)

We can operate on Effect, Range, Block, Parry, other stats your gear happens to have.

You can incorporate a Feature, Property or Match Bonus for 50 Credits. Then if you Loving Touch, you can add something else on top.

For your suits, DR is 2x normal cost, but HP and SP costs 3 per point. You're probably better off acquiring new suits, but a Match Bonus or Property will see you pretty well

Note, because it was only implied last time, that "Gear" also covers your upgrades. If you have Wotan 7 Series, we can fine-tune its parameters of operation. We can modulate the Kinek module. So on.

Limitations apply to some of these operations, but will be noted if you brush against them.
If you had the foresight to sign a Discreet Health Insurance Agreement, recovery costs are waived.
>Thanks for playing!
wow, look at all that money.
>rank to glitch 3 (-75 credits)
>rank to glitch 4 (-100 credits)
>skimmer upgrade: magnetic chassis? (-50 credits)
>-rename skimmer to "Gecko"
>increase grit 4>5 (-50 credits)
Command, any chance you could look more into nonlethal weaponry?
Besides the shock rounds, I mean.
>Thanks for running!

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 24/24 | SP: 18/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 4
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)
!NodeBurn Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 280 (-275)

Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]

> (Train) Increase Technique by 1. (Creds: 86/196)
> Dodge: [[Rea+Tec+Luc]/3] = [[7+11+5]/3] = 8 (+2) = 10
> (Train) Increase class rank [Sweeper] by 1. (Creds: 11)

Res: (4)
Rea: (7)
Grt: (4)
Pro: (3)
Tec: (11)
Cha: (2)
Sen: (7)
Luc: (5)

HP: (26/26)
SP: (14/14)
Alacrity: (5/5)
Dodge: (8) + (2)
Barrier: (3) + (-2)

Certs: (11)

[Sweeper 2]: +1 rea, +2 tec, +2 sen, +1 luc || (Holo breath): expand success range while stationary || (Taclink): marks are twice as effective || (Zero In): Call shots at specific features, inflicting stat-damage or causing effects)
[Firearms]: (2)
[Tactics]: (2)
[Vision]: (2)

[Specialist course: +1 tec || Background: private security]
[Just that good: +1 tec || (5sp) 1s don't subtract]

[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Broadsword Rifle] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+4+ Firearms)d6
[Special ammo: Shred] (2/2 clips)
[Ghostweave: +2 dodge, +2 stealth, -2 Barrier]

[Chironan 7C chip: +1 success range || +1 hit on 6]
>Acquire payout of 250 Credits (Now at 320 Credits)
>Pay 24 Credits for my healthcare fees and take care of my wound...wow barely a scratch left! Thanks Top Dog. (296 credits left)
>NEW CLASS RANK! Breacher 3 (Paid 75 Credits-Now at 221 C)
>NEW CLASS RANK! Breacher 4 (Pay 100)
>Train Grit+1 (-70 creds)
>Now left with 51 Credits
>Thanks for running good sir! See ya next time o/

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 39/39 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 4
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun Suppressed [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: Loving Touch (Suppresor
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:13, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:11, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:9, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:9, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:9, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:18, Thrown RNG:7, {Quickdraw}
-51 Credit$!
(Not sure if it costs anything, but if possible I'd like to attend that job interview as well.)
>Raise Rank to Cloaker 5(50+75+100+125) -350 Credits
20 Credits remaining

EVA: 8| DR: 0 | BAR: 5+3
HP: 24/24 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 4
RESI 6 | REAC 6 | GRIT 3 | PROC 7 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 3 | SENS 5 | LUCK 7

Uplink- +1 Process, Systems Background
Class Cloaker
Cloak- +5 H2H, Stealth, Sabotage, Social
!Just That Cool- +2 Luck, 5 SP: 6's are 3 hits, add Luck
!Go Dark- 1 SP, 1 Act- Go stealth if no hostiles have LoS
!Wetwork- Acts from [Stealth] succeed on a 3-6
!Kinek- 2 SP, Generate Processing Forcer or Attraction, +2 per SP, Maintain with 1 Act or all Alacrity

Magsys- +6 HP, +6 SP, Cling to Surface
ThermOp- +2 Dodge, +2 Stealth

#Nondescript Cool Sword- Melee, 7, +4 Parry, Quickdraw, Perfect Cut(2 ACTs, 1s don't cancel)
#C9 Sidearm- Range 5, 2 Dice(while silenced), Quickdraw, CQC, 12 Ammo

Adaptive Spamfilter- +3 Barrier
Insurance Policy- Covers Healthcare Costs
Chirni PDW
Damper- 3 SP, 3x3 Sound Negation Sphere
Smoke Gr x2
HiEx Gr x2
Placebotamol x2
20 Credits
Good day Command. Got a return package for an old dog getting back In the game?

Closer II
HP: 54/54 SP: 20/20
Alacrity: 6 (‘4’ With Equips)
Dodge: 0 (4)
Barrier: 3
Martial Arts, Just That Good

RES 7 REA 4 GRT 11 PRO 3
TEC 4 CHA 4 SEN 10 LUK 2

Closer Armor (+20HP, +6SP, +2 DR, -1 Alacrity)
C9 Sidearm (0 RNG, 8 Effect, 12/12 Ammo, 2 Reloads, Burst 1, [Quickdraw] Free to equip, 2* Shock 3* Bleed)
Chirni PDW (10 RNG, 6 Effect, 7/7 Ammo, 2 Reloads, Burst 3, 2* Bleed 3* Supress 4* Riddle with Holes)
Assualt Shield (3DR Front, -1Alacrity when equipped, Gunport)
2xSmokeGr (7 RNG, 5x5 Cover 8)
2xHiExG (7 RNG, 12 Effect, Blast Radius = -3 per size)
2xPlacebotamol (Heals 20)
2xService Knife (Melee Range, 11 Slash Effect, Throw Range 5, 2* Bleed 3* Deep Cut 4* Finisher)

Loving Touch: Anti-Hack Deluxe Suite (ExoPlate)
ExoPlate: 4DR, -1 Alacrity, +1 Grit, 2x Front. Lift Size 2. No dodge. [Hackable, -1 barrier] [Heavy]

Damage Reduction
Law Enforcement
Woah there, Agent

Your class ranks are higher than your lowest stat(s). The training would actually kill you!

Try again!
Maxwell, you rapscallion. Welcome aboard. And as a matter of fact, we do.

It's 125 Credit and all the Hong-Chow Donuts you can fit on a plate.

>But also you can't start as a Closer II!

Hey, Agent, this address is in the middle of the desert. Are you sure this is wise?

Good luck!

>Roll resilience if if its wise. Add ranks.
oh hey, pass some of the donuts man
here, here
>give Maxwell 5 credits
Wait, these are low sodium content donuts!
You bastard!
Rolled 2, 5, 2, 4 = 13 (4d6)

(Its come to my attention that I cannot raise my class rank above the value of my lowest stat, so I'd like to change my training regimen slightly.)

> (Train) Increase Technique by 1. (Certs: 86/196)
> (Train) Increase Character by 1. (Certs: 56/196)
> (Train) Increase Process by 1. (Certs: 16/196)
> SP: [[Cha+Pro]x2] + gear = [[3+4]x2] + 4 = 18
> Barrier: [[Cha+Pro]/2] = [[3+4]/2] = 4 (-2) = 2

> Go to interview.

Res: (4)
Rea: (7)
Grt: (4)
Pro: (4)
Tec: (11)
Cha: (3)
Sen: (7)
Luc: (5)

HP: (26/26)
SP: (18/18)
Alacrity: (5/5)
Dodge: (8) + (2)
Barrier: (4) + (-2)

Certs: (16)

[Sweeper 2]: +1 rea, +2 tec, +2 sen, +1 luc || (Holo breath): expand success range while stationary || (Taclink): marks are twice as effective || (Zero In): Call shots at specific features, inflicting stat-damage or causing effects)
[Firearms]: (2)
[Tactics]: (2)
[Vision]: (2)

[Specialist course: +1 tec || Background: private security]
[Just that good: +1 tec || (5sp) 1s don't subtract]

[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Broadsword Rifle] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+4+ Firearms)d6
[Special ammo: Shred] (2/2 clips)
[Ghostweave: +2 dodge, +2 stealth, -2 Barrier]

[Chironan 7C chip: +1 success range || +1 hit on 6]


wait what is that sound

Rolled 4, 6 = 10 (2d6)

(I missed the bit where it said 'add ranks'. Rolling an additional 2d6.)
Understood Command, It's well appreciated. And don't worry about that, just an Info Snafu on the paperwork.

>Loving Touch has been changed to an ExoPlate modification, an Anti-Hack Suite. What does this do?

Much appreciated and uh, I didn't order the donuts but I wouldn't complain about free food.

Hey, these are pretty good.

>Accepting all donations



oh *that* drone has a rocket launcher
Rolled 2, 1, 5, 6, 5, 1, 5, 2, 3, 3, 6, 2, 1, 4, 5, 5, 6, 2 = 64 (18d6)

>[Technique + Reaction]
Mhm, keepupifyoucan.



Ah, excellent! Stop shaking, Prospect, once your system is done vomiting off the excess shed material the Devourer Strain was auto cannibalising the fever will end


>{StoneDog Prospect}
>+1 Alacrity, 1 Free Upgrade.
Res: (4)
Rea: (7)
Grt: (4)
Pro: (4)
Tec: (11)
Cha: (3)
Sen: (7)
Luc: (5)

HP: (26/26)
SP: (18/18)
Alacrity: (6/6)
Dodge: (8) + (2)
Barrier: (4) + (-2)

Certs: (16)

[Sweeper 2]: +1 rea, +2 tec, +2 sen, +1 luc || (Holo breath): expand success range while stationary || (Taclink): marks are twice as effective || (Zero In): Call shots at specific features, inflicting stat-damage or causing effects)
[Firearms]: (2)
[Tactics]: (2)
[Vision]: (2)

[Specialist course: +1 tec || Background: private security]
[Just that good: +1 tec || (5sp) 1s don't subtract]
[Stonedog Prospect: +1 Alacrity || Free Upgrade]

[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Broadsword Rifle] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+4+ Firearms)d6
[Special ammo: Shred] (2/2 clips)
[Ghostweave: +2 dodge, +2 stealth, -2 Barrier]

[Chironan 7C chip: (3sp) +1 success range || +1 hit on 6]
[Threatmon-22: (2sp) Roll Rea versus actions || May overreact]
250 payout + 20 leftover =270 creds
>-3 PROC = Resolver
>-3 Grit = Chironan 7c Chip
>-3 React = Threatmon-22
>-3 Resi = Coiler
>-3 LUCK = Embedded Relays
>-1 from PROC GRIT and REAC = Combat Chromatics
>RESI 1 > 4 = 90 creds
>REAC 0 > 3 = 60 creds
>GRIT 0 > 4 = 100 creds
>PROC 0 > 1 = 10 creds
10 creds leftover

EVA: 6 | DR: 0 | BAR: 4
HP: 22/22 | SP: 20/20 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 3 | GRIT 4 | PROC 1 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 4

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
Profiler: 2SP, Roll CHRC to get info on target, Info adds to CHRC rolls
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy
Resolver: 6SP, Reveals weakpoints, scans for stealth
Chironan 7c Chip: 3SP, [F], +1 Success range, 6's +1 success, total hits influence an AL roll
Threatmon-22: 2SP, [F], roll REAC vs actions, may overreact
Combat Chromatics:
Embedded Relays

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
Hey Nicole, good of you to join. I happen to have a stack of old cleaning drones Roma left in my care that I need to debug.

They'll try to clean the bones out of your legs, so come along and give a hand.

[Glitch 3]
!NodeFire. 3SP, Action to copy Mesh Status of target to other target

[Glitch 4]
!Haptic Processing, 4SP. AR artefacts generated have full feedback.

Kang, if you go through the assault course again it doesn't actually make it better. And other people need the range too, you can't camp in the urban killbox.

Look, if you're going to at least do it proper. Put on this blindfold, we'll turn the death metal way up, I'll disable the safety limiters on the practice targets and I'll hide Holidays stims somewhere in the there.

[Breacher 3]
!Corners and Angles, 3 SP. If you win a Reaction Contest, your actions trigger before overwatches

[Breacher 4]
!Slam Home. 3 SP. Reload. Free if you downed a target.

ooooh boy

Picture, I need you to come in for a Psych Eval, you're showing Extropian tendencies. On a scale from 1 to 10, how likely are you to want to transplant your neural substrate into a metamaterial matrix? Have you, or are you, considering to replace your intermediate phalanages with multi-modular components?
Do you sometimes want to smell purple or taste the red-shift of the universe?
I-i-it's fine, C-command, this is the l-last time, I s-swear!
Rolled 4, 6, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6, 3, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6 = 55 (14d6)

Uh-huh. They always say that and then six months later you find them thrawling Bonejacker meshnodes to pay the Triads to hook them up with singularity cloud processors pulled from veterans and wiring themselves up to the metropolitan powergrid to siphon spare energy to power their matrioshka mind cycles.

You behave! No trying to escape the human condition into a posthuman expression of technological perfection!

{Embedded Relays}
Generated and Manipulate electric phenomena, using Grit + Class + 2 per SP. Shocking people is one thing, but "Manipulate" also covers siphoning from one source to yourself, interfacing with electronics, shorting out systems and magnetising metallic objects.

Reel Swing and pull with Grit. Firing a wire connects something. Firing an anchor sets a point from which connects spring. You can drop your connect with the wires or keep it up. Multiple anchor points increase the strength of anchors.

Yes, the wires are metallic. Yes, you can use them to conduct embedded relay surges. Yes, you can fire a coiler wire into a charge station and anchor another wire somewhere else then relay surge the electricity through the wires to generate your own electric fence.

You roll {react} vs incoming actions and ALL OTHER EVENTS. You may over-react. This is an AI system, so it will communicate with your

{7C Chip}
all actions benefit from secondary processing but the rapidly evolving solution net must be purged every few cycles or it gets ideas. All actions are boostable, but they are limited by your natural capability; so even with a 7C chip you cannot suddenly lift a car.

{Combat Chromatics}
"Perception" is a really, really broad field. You also automatically disregard a vast array of sensory problems such as smoke, flash, wind, darkness, cover. You can use the chromatics to check for stealth, hidden things and to notice.

This One Resolves, using a analytic network to generate a Resolution and offering instruction on how to approach the situation.

. . . wait, agent, did you install a 7C, ThreatMon and a Resolver in a Profiler system that has an active mesh connection???

Profiler, Resolver, Threatmon-22, Chironan 7C Chip merged.

[Malphas Chip] {Rank 2}
3 SP, action gets +1Range, +1Boost, +1Explode.
+Solution Modelling. Adds ranks to:
Scan, Resolve, Profile, Collate, Optimise.
+Existence Safeguard Routines.
Rolls Reaction to defend self.


Ooookaayyyy let's. . . just make sure that is safely behind the hard-take off exponential self-improvement limits, shall we?
G-get...-got! Got it, Command! If you'll e-excuse me, I think I'm g-going to lay down. The n-neural restructuring they had to do to install these is, um, I-leaving me a little j-jittery...
>CHRC and GRIT to 5-80+100
>Cloaker to 3-50+75
65 Credits remaining
Oh, almost didn't see you there

[Cloaker 2]
!Hush. Damper doesn't cost actions.

[Cloaker 3]
!Just The Wind. 6SP to Go Dark immediately.
>Price check: Standard USB flash drive
>Self contained computing unit of some kind. Arduino, etc.
Command, putting In for some ExoPlate now. I think I have the gist of It, but what does 2x Front mean? And what exactly happens to an Exosuit If It manages to get hacked?
we have plenty of state-drives. Just take some from the armory, they cost 10 credits per.

Standard open-mesh kits are what we use to make this kind of stuff. What are you trying to make?

2x Front DR.
So as a Closer 1 wearing it, it has 7 DR normally, but 14 on the front. (4 + 1 level + 2 base from closer gear)

Then when you add a Shield it rises to 17 - the shield isn't doubled because you're wielding it and it's not part of the suit

If you had a Wotan and Raptross system, it would hit 21. Upgrades are doubled because they're innately part of you

As for what happens when you get hacked, have you ever opened a drink bottle and sneezed so it sprays everywhere?

Like that, but with more red.
What, come on, it was a joke. Don't look so pale! Anyhow, you're inside an exoskeleton with powered servos. The basic framework has safety operations designed to make it so you do not accidentally overextend your arm in a way arms aren't meant to bend but will bend when made to do so by high powered micromotors ask unkindly. The same applies to your spine and other fragile bones, so if someone subverts the routine safety diagnostics or inserts a few miscalculations, suddenly your spine is subject to 180 degrees of rotation. You imagine how that ends.

But that's the worst outcome. Personally, me, I prefer to techpierce the haptic feedback units so any locomotion is off-set. It makes Exos slip around like lovers on ice. Or! Or ! You can blow out the lower integrator in Kore Maximal Sentry series armor and it means the actuators exert slightly more pressure than the pilot intends so whenever they lift something or interact the interaction is overcompensated and its fun to see exos bend their own guns or put their manipulators through car doors OR, this is good one, I once re-wrote the internal navigation system to invert the responsive systems which resets the impulse to-- okay eyes glazing skipping ahead six steps - left was right and the Pilot danced off of a building.

They're not going to break your spine unless things go wrong, but they can begin to fray capability for the sensors to correlate position with environment, just for starters. Then you'll find yourself slightly to the left of where you wanted

No problem for you, big guy

Big problem for the person you stepped on.
Command, I, uh, have a ghost projector, but I'm struggling to see how to use it.
Is it just for fooling people with holograms, or is the hologram tangible? Does it have weapons? Can it even attack?
Oh, and I have its listed range as 27, but is it limited by Sense and Marks and Line of Sight?
Also, can I project through the Skimmer?
does that even make sense
…Well uh, hmm. I feel...better? About It. Yes. I think.

Right, anyway. I heard about the Transfer Training program through the grapevine, and I was looking to see If a big guy like me could fit In as a Cloaker.

Please don't give me that look.

Command It's not *that* funny.
Nicole, are you asking me if a projected hologram of light is tangible?

Nicole, I'm going to sign you up for some time with Dr. Ket, okay? He's great, you'll really like him, he helped me get past my social anxiety and he can help you move beyond your crippling fear of mathematics so you can read a physics textbook. I hear its a wave and a particle so let me know how it goes.

The Ghost Projector! It can shoot all the imaginary visual trickery bullets at people that you can make it want to do with an action. They're unlikely to ever harm someone.

But they might easily make them keep their head down! So the Hologram does what you want it to do. Let me put it like this, yeah agent? The Ghost Projector project ghosts! They have as many or as few weapons as you want. Want a brick? A wall? A tree? A Hong Collective Insurance Ninja? You and someone else kissing passionately so you can pretend you aren't lone. . . ahem. And people don't know its a hologram, right? So if they see someone sprint at them with a knife, how do you think they'll react?

Or maybe you need to convince someone to give you a briefcase or you'll detonate this imaginary hologram bomb. Or! Or, maybe you need a suit or a dress or to look like someone else. Or fire to burn in an area, or smoke, or a bright flash of light.

Now because you're *good* and you've cracked adaptive Haptic Processing, maybe you need to generate AR Fire using the Ghost Projector and then Subvert someone so they feel that fire as being very, very real. Now it's not quite a ghost . . .

It has as much range as it does because if you need to project a ghost of yourself holding down the full auto on a minigun, in order to be convincing, the bullets gotta fly, the dust gotta be simulated, all that stuff. Takes a bit of range.

YOU CANNOT project through the Skimmer, though. Not unless you gave it [Ghost Projectors] too. So it's still limited by line of sight.
Now, you're thinking, But Liren, you're so smart and dashing and extremely delightful, so how come you aren't telling me anything that's that different?

Anyone can create small AR objects. Anyone can play with the Mesh to mark or draw or indicate or highlight. But only the Ghost Projector system can create an inverted stealth hologram. What was that, I see you think, well, you dork, if someone is wearing blue and you project a field of green, that blue isn't going to work so well. If people are trying to find cover and you hide a wall behind an image of grass they won't go there.

If someone is shooting at you and you cover up the wall you're behind, they'll think they're missing and keep firing, right? Also if you're not shy about trickery, you can Haptic Ghost someone an actual cup of coffee if, say, they're an over-worked tech specialist who have been in the lab going over Irvings comms logs for the last 37 hours that was a hint please help me

I think you could make it. If you crawled up behind me in the dark and I saw you I certainly wouldn't say anything for fear of being thrown out a window.

Class ranks cost class rank credits - you want to be a cloaker when you're closer? Closer 1 and Cloaker 1 is 2 class ranks, so the 2nd rank is 50. Closer 2 Cloaker 1? The Cloaker is your 3rd Class Rank so 75.

I'm going to go ahead and warn you right here, though, Maxwell, exo-capable modular assault suits aren't exactly stealthy on account of the whole... stomping powered mobility thing.
That's understandable Command, still, I think there's potential. That's why officially, I would like to-

>Spend 50 Credits to get Closer II
>Spend 75 Credits, take Cloaker I crash course

>Thanks to Nicole I have 5 credits to my name, and have narrowly avoided complete bankruptcy.
[Closer 2]
!Momentum. 1SP. Add movement before melee to melee.
>Get Wotan Series Mk7 for 3 Sen
>Get Raptross for 2 Sen and 1 Reaction

Incomplete statsheet, good lord I'm going Insane.

Res: (7)
Rea: (3)
Grt: (10)
Pro: (3)
Tec: (4)
Cha: (4)
Sen: (5)
Luc: (2)

HP: (54/54)
SP: (20/20)
Alacrity: (5) (4 With Shield)
Dodge: (4) (0 With ExoPlate)
Barrier: (2)

Creds: (5)

[Closer II]: +2 Res, +2 Grit, +1Char, +1Tec -1 luc ||
[Melee]: (2+2)
[Negotiation]: (2)
[Damage Reduction]: (2)
[Cloaker I]
[Hand to Hand] (1)
[Stealth] (1)
[Sabotage] (1
[Social] (1)
(3's succeed while In stealth)

[Martial Arts: +1 Grit || Background: Law Enforcement]
[Just that good: +1 tec || (5sp) 1s don't subtract]
[!Momentum: 1sp. Movement before Melee converts to Melee.]
[!Ghostweave: +2 Dodge. +2 Stealth. -2 Barrier.]
[!Damper: 3sp. A 3x3 Sound negation field.]

[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Assault Shield] () || (Grit+2+ Melee) (Block+4)d6 [Gunport]
[Non-Descript Cool Sword] || Melee - 2+Grit. +4 Parry. [Quickdraw] [Perfect Cut: 2 acts, does not count 1's.]
[Silencers: 1 Act to toggle. -3dice when In effect.]

[Coiler] || 6+1/2 Grit. Fire wire or wire Anchor. Push, pull, swing with [Grit].
[Wotan Series Mk7] || Lift samesize with 1hand, single free ready. +1DR. +2 Melee.
[Raptross] || Move Alacrity as a Jump. Landing on targets gets you +distance*. +1DR

>I'm very aware some of this may be wrong, and I will be checking.
>However, It will be so much easier to check and manage this outside of a 4chan post box

I've spent hours on this and I'm not done. My brain Is Imploding.
It's only numbers, Agents. They can't hurt you.

EVA: Nul | DR: 20front|10flank|+3Shield | BAR: 3
HP: 58 | SP: 20
ALC: 4
RESI 7 | REAC 3 | GRIT 11+1 | PROC 3 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 4 | SENS 5 | LUCK 2

Closer 2(Melee,Nego,DR) | Cloaker 1(Hand, Social, Stealth, Sabo) | Martial Art
!Takedown, !Momentum
!Go Dark, Wetwork

@APHA - 2DR, 20 HP, 6 SP, -1 EV

#Assault Shield, 4Parry, 3DR
#Some Other Thing

Cloaker, Closer, Standard
*One Other

Say, Agents, we may have an Irving related breakthrough. We've finished analysing the commlogs and there may be an opportunity here.
Hey command, didn't we nab the guy?
What other breakthrough could there be?
Agent Nicole, Irving is an arms dealer and weapons smuggler with operation in six polities, enough clout to keep an on-staff enforcer group of ex UNC special forces and Redstar Biomechanical Infantry dischargees. He was keeping Aquila Twinsoul around for weapons testing. The standard going price for one Kore Hellball is 1700 credits. Irving had two. On standby.

Cracking Irvings disposable business feed gave us enough arbitrage to flip 200 extra credit out of this mission and that was just spare change he had lying around to flick for stimulants and crew snacks.

Now with Irving in custody with us, his competitors are quite happy but Irvings organisation is not. There is a lot of gear out there suddenly unaccounted for, stuck in transit or waiting on drone delivery platforms for enterprising individuals to come pick up.

And something else, which I'm not sharing over open comms.

You stick with us and you'll see breakthrough.
We're ready for anything, Command
>Would report in, but really I'm Just the Wind
They sent me here to "compensate for sudden personnel turnover". Nobody wants to tell me what that means!
I wouldn't worry about it, Greenhorn. Now would you mind filling out this hazard waiver?


Then, Agents...
Rolled 1, 1, 4, 6, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 1, 2, 4, 6, 6 = 53 (14d6)

Rolled 6, 5, 3, 5, 4, 6, 6, 3, 5, 2, 5, 2, 4, 6 = 62 (14d6)

Mhm, reportingforduty.
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. . . After analysing Irving's communications logs and integrating the information with recent mesh chatter on armament movements, several caches of Irvings distributed logistics network have been uncovered and we have reported the nodes to the local authorities.

But... Irving were selling Chironan Combine armaments to a Stonedog deep operations fireteam, a Hong Representative and likely other Clients who were only attending via relays. Weapons that are now primarily in the hands of the Brigadeers.

Missing from attendance in the last sale were the White Moon. I believe I know why. The armaments were not the only thing Irving had acquired through a Chironan leak. And the White Moon have enough guns. They're interested in something else.

This something else in safekeeping with Irving's last enforcer, Tosk. He has gone to through in the last six weeks since Irving's capture, but I believe I have a lead on his current location.

You're looking for a small briefcase, silvery grey, marked 99-C-3.
Taking the first set

EVA: 7 | DR: 0 | BAR: 4
HP: 18/18| SP: 22/22|
ALC: 4
RESI 3 | REAC 4 | GRIT 4 | PROC 5 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 3 | SENS 8 | LUCK 11

Havoc | Specialist (Private Security BG)| (half blast dmg)
!Just That Cool (5 sp: 6s are 3 hits, add [Luck])
!Use kit without [ready]
!3sp boost explosive
!Coiler: rng 8, 2Sp, wire reel, pull, swing w/ Grit

Hands: Chirni PDW (7/7, 2 Mags) (+2, burst 3)

C9 Sidearm (12/12, 2 Mags) [Quickdraw] [CQC] (burst 1)
Service Knife [Quickdraw] [Throw]
2 Smoke Grenades (5x5, cover 8)
2 HiEx Grenades [Blast radius: -3 per size] (+12, +sabotage)
2 Flash Grenades [Quickrelease]
2 Placebotamol (heals [4+skill]x2)
2 Breach Kits (1x3|3x1 skillx2 explosion)
Minekit (skill sets trap proximity|contact|change, range 3)
2 Insin Grenades (3x3, skill+3 burn)
3 Spiderlings (Hp10, alac 3, Boom: 12, 2x, -3 per size, set type)
Field Kits (Roll skill to heal/alleviate)
2 Stims (regen 2xskill Sp)
Hi everyone! Let's have a blast today!
Ready to deploy, Command!

EVA: 7 | DR: 0 | BAR: 4
HP: 18/18| SP: 22/22|
ALC: 4
RESI 3 | REAC 4 | GRIT 4 | PROC 5 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 3 | SENS 8 | LUCK 11

Havoc | Specialist (Private Security BG)| (half blast dmg)
!Just That Cool (5 sp: 6s are 3 hits, add [Luck])
!Use kit without [ready]
!3sp boost explosive
!Coiler: rng 8, 2Sp, wire reel, pull, swing w/ Grit
Skills: +mechanics, +tools, +sabotage)

Hands: Chirni PDW (7/7, 2 Mags) (+2, burst 3)

C9 Sidearm (12/12, 2 Mags) [Quickdraw] [CQC] (burst 1)
Service Knife [Quickdraw] [Throw]
2 Smoke Grenades (5x5, cover 8)
2 HiEx Grenades [Blast radius: -3 per size] (12+tool/sabotage)
2 Flash Grenades [Quickrelease]
2 Placebotamol (heals [4+skill]x2)
2 Breach Kits (1x3|3x1 skillx2 explosion)
Minekit (skill sets trap proximity|contact|change, range 3)
2 Insin Grenades (3x3, skill+3 burn)
3 Spiderlings (Hp10, alac 3, Boom: 12, 2x, -3 per size, set type)
Field Kits (Roll skill to heal/alleviate)
2 Stims (regen 2xskill Sp)
Any expected resistance?

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 24/24 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 4
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)
!NodeBurn Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per
!NodeFire. 3SP, Action to copy Mesh Status of target to other target
!Haptic Processing, 4SP. AR artefacts generated have full feedback.

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 0

Skimmer "Gecko" (Magnetic Chassis)
Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
Res: (4)
Rea: (7)
Grt: (4)
Pro: (4)
Tec: (11)
Cha: (3)
Sen: (7)
Luc: (5)

HP: (26/26)
SP: (18/18)
Alacrity: (6/6)
Dodge: (8) + (2)
Barrier: (4) + (-2)

Certs: (16)

[Sweeper 2]: +1 rea, +2 tec, +2 sen, +1 luc || (Holo breath): expand success range while stationary || (Taclink): marks are twice as effective || (Zero In): Call shots at specific features, inflicting stat-damage or causing effects)
[Firearms]: (2)
[Tactics]: (2)
[Vision]: (2)

[Specialist course: +1 tec || Background: private security]
[Just that good: +1 tec || (5sp) 1s don't subtract]
[Stonedog Prospect: +1 Alacrity || Free Upgrade]

[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Broadsword Rifle] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+4+ Firearms)d6
[Special ammo: Shred] (2/2 clips)
[Ghostweave: +2 dodge, +2 stealth, -2 Barrier]

[Chironan 7C chip: (3sp) +1 success range || +1 hit on 6]
[Threatmon-22: (2sp) Roll Rea versus actions || May overreact]
EVA: 6 | DR: 0 | BAR: 4
HP: 22/22 | SP: 20/20 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 3 | GRIT 4 | PROC 1 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 4

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
[Malphas Chip] {Rank 2}
3 SP, action gets +1Range, +1Boost, +1Explode.
+Solution Modelling. Adds ranks to:
Scan, Resolve, Profile, Collate, Optimise.
+Existence Safeguard Routines.
Rolls Reaction to defend self
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy
Combat Chromatics:
Embedded Relays

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Insurance Policy
Scratch that, Command. I'm switching out the Health Insurance for an Adaptive Spamfilter
So where are we being deployed from command? The main entrance? Or are we going through sewers again?


#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 39/39 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 4
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Corners and Angles, 3 SP. If you win a Reaction Contest, your actions trigger before overwatches
!Slam Home. 3 SP. Reload. Free if you downed a target.
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: 2×All grenades
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:13, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:11, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Place Botamol ×2 Heal [22]
-Flash Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:18, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
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No, Agent, for once there will be no sewers!

We approach the area, you sweep for Tosk, locate him, get the briefcase he is guarding and extract.

TOSK is likely to be guarded by our old friends the Lupine Rattlers. They've got him under some kind of VIP level protection scheme out in the boonies, and they're cycling in roided up, protein feed goonheads by the score. They're mean, nasty and likely to be twice as big as Maxwell.

Don't be too hard on them, Agents, they're only idiots with too cheap access to guns. Sanctity of life and all that.
And I assume the red dots on the radar are people?

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 39/39 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 4
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Corners and Angles, 3 SP. If you win a Reaction Contest, your actions trigger before overwatches
!Slam Home. 3 SP. Reload. Free if you downed a target.
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: 2×All grenades
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:13, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:11, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Place Botamol ×2 Heal [22]
-Flash Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:18, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Alright Command, ready to roll out.

>Deploy In Stealth

EVA: Nul | DR: 20front|10flank|+3Shield | BAR: 3
HP: 58/58 | SP: 19/20
ALC: 7+1
RESI 7 | REAC 3 | GRIT 11+1 | PROC 3 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 4 | SENS 5 | LUCK 2

Closer 2(Melee,Nego,DR) | Cloaker 1(Hand, Social, Stealth, Sabo) | Martial Art
!Takedown, !Momentum
!Go Dark, Wetwork

Hand 1 #Assault Shield, 4Parry, 3DR
Hand 2 #Non-Descrpt Cool Sword. Melee, 2+Grit. ,4Parry

Cloaker, Closer, Standard
*Loving Touch: Exo - Slightly Less Hackable [Roll Class Dice x2 vs Hacking]
[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Assault Shield] () || (Grit+2+ Melee) (Block+4)d6 [Gunport]
[Non-Descript Cool Sword] || Melee - 2+Grit. +4 Parry. [Quickdraw] [Perfect Cut: 2 acts, does not count 1's.]
[Silencers: 1 Act to toggle. -3dice when In effect.]

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3.44 MB PNG
=Operatives Online=
Closer | Maxwell
Breacher | Kang
Cloaker | Picture
Sweeper | Johnson
Glitch | Nicole

Target: 99-C-3




Khr-- Check one, check two - reading, reading
vitals. . . clear
receivers . . . clear
feed synch... holding stable at 99.7%
integrating heads up display . . . now

Online. Linked.

Man this place is way off the beaten path. The Rattlers are running security and the drone is picking up several wanderers. This must be one of their safehouses. Keep your eyes open. As a bonejacker group, they must have some surprises in store.

Find Tosk and locate the 99-C-3 briefcase, then extract with it. If you can convince Tosk to hand it over, all the better.


I am going to repeat, Agents:


If it comes to deciding between being shot and letting someone shot at the briefcase, you pick being SHOT.

That said, I don't mean to be dramatic. Let me clear the feeds up for you and you can proceed.
>Head over and climb up that wall/cliff face to the 7. I have a magsys, that's what it's for.

EVA: 8| DR: 0 | BAR: 6+3
HP: 28/28 | SP: 30/30 |
ALC: 5
RESI 6 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 7 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 7

Uplink- +1 Process, Systems Background
Class Cloaker
Cloak- +3 H2H, Stealth, Sabotage, Social
!Just That Cool- +2 Luck, 5 SP: 6's are 3 hits, add Luck
!Go Dark- 1 SP, 1 Act- Go stealth if no hostiles have LoS
!Wetwork- Acts from [Stealth] succeed on a 3-6
!Kinek- 2 SP, Generate Processing Forcer or Attraction, +2 per SP, Maintain with 1 Act or all Alacrity

Magsys- +6 HP, +6 SP, Cling to Surface
ThermOp- +2 Dodge, +2 Stealth

#Nondescript Cool Sword- Melee, 7, +4 Parry, Quickdraw, Perfect Cut(2 ACTs, 1s don't cancel)
#C9 Sidearm- Range 5, 2 Dice(while silenced), Quickdraw, CQC, 12 Ammo

Adaptive Spamfilter- +3 Barrier
Insurance Policy- Covers Healthcare Costs
Chirni PDW
Damper- 3 SP, 3x3 Sound Negation Sphere
Smoke Gr x2
HiEx Gr x2
Placebotamol x2
File: Sand Event.png (239 KB, 454x497)
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The wind blows through this place and it looks like the old buildings take a battering. They're being eaten alive. This stuff isn't really good for finding your proper feet placement.

That took 5 Alacrity, what else you got?
Rolled 1, 5, 1, 1, 2, 1, 6, 1, 4, 6, 2, 3, 5, 1, 6, 4, 3, 4 = 56 (18d6)

>Kinek, burning 5 SP- Just fly to the top of this sand wall, onto something solid.
>Other action: refresh alacrity, use it for +5 to flight attempt.
>Enter Stealth
>Alc move: 3W, 2S
>Refresh move: 2W, 1S, 1W
>-Listen in?

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 39/39 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 4
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Corners and Angles, 3 SP. If you win a Reaction Contest, your actions trigger before overwatches
!Slam Home. 3 SP. Reload. Free if you downed a target.
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: 2×All grenades
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:13, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:11, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Place Botamol ×2 Heal [22]
-Flash Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:18, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Rolled 3, 2, 5, 2, 1, 5, 5, 3, 2, 5, 6, 2, 3, 1, 4, 3, 2 = 54 (17d6)

>-gecko: scout into the base, try to stay out of sight
>move 444
>refresh alacrity
Alright, cracking the cage.
>commbomb rattler (13 + 4 alacrity: 17 dice) (boost+2, 4sp)
We get good intel from this, we can convince the guard there that we're supposed to be here and just... walk right in.
It'd be pretty smooth, and nobody gets hurt too bad.

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 24/24 | SP: 36/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 4
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)
!NodeBurn Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per
!NodeFire. 3SP, Action to copy Mesh Status of target to other target
!Haptic Processing, 4SP. AR artefacts generated have full feedback.

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 0

Skimmer "Gecko" (Magnetic Chassis)
Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
Rolled 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 4 = 18 (7d6)

>Activate Just That Cool, because that was DEPRESSING
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Agent Kang--- Agent Kang

Agent Kang?

Okay. Don't panick. We can swing this. We just need to have a look through this log and... uh, access denied? Access deni-- ACCESS DENI What the-- This guy has GOOD SECURITY

Okay nobody panick. We can swing this, we just need to

Agent Otter.

Agent Otter your feed is unbelievable-- Agent Otter! That's a SANDSTORM

See, this Is why I go loud.

I'm going loud.
Question: Does Corners and Angles require an action?
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Okay. This is unusual and actually coordinated and I do not think these are the Rattlers.

Agents, don't panick. Keep cool. Keep calm.

Keep focused...


Real. Slow. Hand. Movements. Now. Scrub. Why. Are. You. Here? Where. Is. The. Package?


{TS Liren}
Otter, Agent Otter, your suits barrier is being tagged. They're not through yet but audio-visual feedback is telling me someone is pinging you with an IR light. That's a sniper!


Explain. Now.
Rolled 3, 4, 5, 4, 2, 4, 2, 1, 3, 5, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 5, 2, 3, 2, 6 = 65 (20d6)

Access... de...
Time to whip out the HEAVY WEAPONS.
>-just that suave
>crack the comms, take two (NodeFire +3, +4 alac, vs 20)
This SHOULD work.

Kang, claim you're, uh, on a hunting trip but got lost. And you need a map.
that's a good cover, right...?

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 24/24 | SP: 36/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 4
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)
!NodeBurn Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per
!NodeFire. 3SP, Action to copy Mesh Status of target to other target
!Haptic Processing, 4SP. AR artefacts generated have full feedback.

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 0

Skimmer "Gecko" (Magnetic Chassis)
Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
Rolled 1, 1, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 6, 2, 6, 2 = 40 (14d6)

Rolled 2, 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 3, 6, 6, 5, 3 = 41 (11d6)

>-Look puzzled, say: Were the local gas Disposal and inspection team Sir? There was few gas leaks around the area and this site is the epicenter of it all. My name is Chang. Nice to meet you sir. Your also probablu wondering about all this equipment? Well we never who we meet these days. Look at yourself. Aiming a gun at me. Are you the owner of this site?"
>Refresh Alc and [F] spend 4 alc for +2Dr
>Refresh Alc and [F] spend the last 6 Alc for +3Dr (+5Dr total)
#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 39/39 | SP: 21/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 4
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Corners and Angles, 3 SP. If you win a Reaction Contest, your actions trigger before overwatches
!Slam Home. 3 SP. Reload. Free if you downed a target.
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: 2×All grenades
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:13, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:11, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Place Botamol ×2 Heal [22]
-Flash Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:18, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
This is /nodebent/.

Agent Nicole, we're in. At least for now. This system is running a self-adaptive anti-intrusion protocol. It's a tac-linked system. Like ours but programmed meshed by someone who is not as fantastic as I am

I'd almost be impressed if it didn't just make server 7 explode!

This not the Lupine Rattlers! These guys are hardcases. Eyes up and keep awake.

They're. . . Hong High Impact Public Relations team? Chatter indicates a 6 man team searching the premises. They're here for the briefcase!


Let me run a diagnostic... holy shit this guy is wired to the gills. I've never seen some of this stuff; his lungs are... not even really lungs. What the--

Sounds bad. No objections to overwhelming lethal measures?

Sounds like a step more dangerous than the poor souls we were briefed about.
It's always your call but are you sure picking a fight is wise? These guys seem... hard
They have a tacnet and guns at the ready.
If we go loud now, Otter and Kang are both pasted.
Um. I wouldn't recommend it, but I can't stop you.
Search for the case. Dont worry about me. Mission is top priority. Is whispered on the com
There's a heroic sacrifice, and then there's getting gunned down.
Kang. We don't even know where the briefcase is. You're more valuable alive right now than dying to the firing squad.
[ 5 minutes ]
Search for it before I give this guy a taste of my Martial Arts. I aint dying today.
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" Is complicated business is of gas inspection. This is my home yes.

Is of family home. Much many happy memory in this place. Therefore private property therefore very special to me therefore you leave now.

Gas leak add to rustic charm of place. Is not of interest for it to be fix. If giant explosion happen to sanitise site then also is good for memories will burn.

Rolled 4, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 6, 4, 2, 3, 2, 5, 6, 4, 1, 1, 6, 3, 1, 6, 4, 5, 3, 4, 2 = 81 (25d6)

>Kinek, burn 5 SP, this HAS to go better this time, shove 'Rattler2' 7 to block sniper fire.(13 dice?)
>Sword this guy. Sword him to death. +4 from Alacrity

EVA: 8| DR: 0 | BAR: 6+3
HP: 28/28 | SP: 30/30 |
ALC: 5
RESI 6 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 7 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 7

Uplink- +1 Process, Systems Background
Class Cloaker
Cloak- +3 H2H, Stealth, Sabotage, Social
!Just That Cool- +2 Luck, 5 SP: 6's are 3 hits, add Luck
!Go Dark- 1 SP, 1 Act- Go stealth if no hostiles have LoS
!Wetwork- Acts from [Stealth] succeed on a 3-6
!Kinek- 2 SP, Generate Processing Forcer or Attraction, +2 per SP, Maintain with 1 Act or all Alacrity

Magsys- +6 HP, +6 SP, Cling to Surface
ThermOp- +2 Dodge, +2 Stealth

#Nondescript Cool Sword- Melee, 7, +4 Parry, Quickdraw, Perfect Cut(2 ACTs, 1s don't cancel)
#C9 Sidearm- Range 5, 2 Dice(while silenced), Quickdraw, CQC, 12 Ammo

Adaptive Spamfilter- +3 Barrier
Insurance Policy- Covers Healthcare Costs
Chirni PDW
Damper- 3 SP, 3x3 Sound Negation Sphere
Smoke Gr x2
HiEx Gr x2
Placebotamol x2
>okay burn another 10 SP on Just That Cool
i hate everything
Rolled 3, 2, 1, 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 5, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 1 = 61 (20d6)

>Sheath sword
>Move 1,1,2
>Spend Alacrity On bullshit
>Refresh Alacrity, spend It on bullshit
>Use LAW ENFORCEMENT to come up with a legal claim to be here to back up Kang
And use JTG to get rid of those 1's. Not this early.

>Down to 15 SP
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4 MB
Okay, just play it cool, play it cool, we're here for a gas inspection leak at an unmarked site outside any city infrastructure in the middle of a desert with no power supply company within 200 miles and in dire and complete violation of the standing Hong guidelines on Grid Infrastructure Management.

And they're here because the abandoned Bonejacker safehouse they keep people in before slicing them up and ripping out their insides is their favorite vacation home away from home full of good memories which they wish would be blown away by a completely impossible gas explosion.

And we're doing this inspection in full operation gear and exo suits while they're lounging around with Secplate and armour piercing automatic rifles.

Just... nobody do anything... nobody move... nobody get twitchy... we can walk away and come back later... and everything

will be


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>Otter is Shocked. Alacrity starts at 0.



[Operative Phase]
( Chaff-Enabled Smoke blocks hacking LOS )
"Ouch. Ok well yoir making this more complicated for no reason."
>Quick Throw Flash grenade in front of Rattler 4
>Throw flash grenade 6SW, 2W
>Move 3S, 2W

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 25/39 | SP: 21/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 4
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Corners and Angles, 3 SP. If you win a Reaction Contest, your actions trigger before overwatches
!Slam Home. 3 SP. Reload. Free if you downed a target.
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: 2×All grenades
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:13, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:11, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Place Botamol ×2 Heal [22]
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:9, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:18, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 39/39 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 4
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Corners and Angles, 3 SP. If you win a Reaction Contest, your actions trigger before overwatches
!Slam Home. 3 SP. Reload. Free if you downed a target.
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: 2×All grenades
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:13, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:11, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Place Botamol ×2 Heal [22]
-Flash Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:18, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Rolled 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 6, 5, 5 = 55 (17d6)

Shit shit shit.
Guys, we're outnumbered and outgunned and they are so much better than us oh god.
We need to get out of here! We'll grab the briefcase later, for now we BLEW IT.
>-call for an evac: things are going TITS UP.
>-gecko: get a line on "rattler" 2
>activate fray protocols
>-just that suave!
>subvert weapon systems (17 dice)
Otter, you need to get the hell out of there! Do you read me? Get out!

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 24/24 | SP: 25/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 4
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)
!NodeBurn Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per
!NodeFire. 3SP, Action to copy Mesh Status of target to other target
!Haptic Processing, 4SP. AR artefacts generated have full feedback.

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 0

Skimmer "Gecko" (Magnetic Chassis)
Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
Rolled 4, 2, 2, 4, 5, 3 = 20 (6d6)

You Appear To Be In Distress. Please Remain Calm.
This Is the most miserable start for an OP I've ever seen.

Command, we're under fire. Earlier you would prefer us to be shot over losing that briefcase, do you still feel the same way? Because we either fold our cards or we go all-In. No half measures now. Are we getting extracted, or are we going In?
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Get the case if you can but bug out if its too much. The reason you shouldn't let the case be SHOT is because the case is full of...

Look, just trust me on you not wanting the case to be shot. But its not worth being shot OVER.

>Move 2,2,4,4,4,4, face 8
>Coiler Rather 2, [Reel] him In. If I'm not actually close enough just move close enough.
>Attack Rather 2 with a big sword

12 Grit

EVA: Nul | DR: 20front|10flank|+3Shield | BAR: 3
HP: 58/58 | SP: 15/20
ALC: 7+1
RESI 7 | REAC 3 | GRIT 11+1 | PROC 3 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 4 | SENS 5 | LUCK 2

Closer 2(Melee,Nego,DR) | Cloaker 1(Hand, Social, Stealth, Sabo) | Martial Art
!Takedown, !Momentum
!Go Dark, Wetwork

Hand 1 #Assault Shield, 4Parry, 3DR
Hand 2 #Non-Descrpt Cool Sword. Melee, 2+Grit. ,4Parry

Cloaker, Closer, Standard
*Loving Touch: Exo - Slightly Less Hackable [Roll Class Dice x2 vs Hacking]
[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Assault Shield] () || (Grit+2+ Melee) (Block+4)d6 [Gunport]
[Non-Descript Cool Sword] || Melee - 2+Grit. +4 Parry. [Quickdraw] [Perfect Cut: 2 acts, does not count 1's.]
[Silencers: 1 Act to toggle. -3dice when In effect.]

Rolled 5, 6, 1, 2, 4, 5, 5, 6, 3, 2, 4, 5, 4, 2, 4, 4, 1, 3, 5, 4, 3, 6, 5, 5, 3 = 97 (25d6)

Rolling for If I get to hit him. I don't know what to roll for Coiler.
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d6)

and two more
>Refresh Alacrity
>Run, away
>Ready Placebotamol
Called It.
Fuck you, 1's I'm playing JTG.

>Down to 9 SP
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Maxwell, Kang, contain the goon squad on the central walk-through

Nicole, get the Placebotamol and stabilise Otter

Johnson, Picture, provide covering fire


Kang! Watch out!
{ Kang is grabbed then flung face first against a concrete blockade. It hurts }

Maxwell! They're locking on to your suits metrics! It's a CH-AR-DL Dragon Lance! They must have raided Irving's stash! GET DOWN

{Maxwell loses a shield then an exoplating then an arm.}



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Beep Beep
>ready placebomatol
>use placebomatol on otter
Hey hey, wake up.
These jerks are gonna pay, right?
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Does anyone hear that noise?
Res: (4)
Rea: (7)
Grt: (4)
Pro: (4)
Tec: (11)
Cha: (3)
Sen: (7)
Luc: (5)

HP: (26/26)
SP: (18/18)
Alacrity: (6/6)
Dodge: (8) + (2)
Barrier: (4) + (-2)

Certs: (16)

[Sweeper 2]: +1 rea, +2 tec, +2 sen, +1 luc || (Holo breath): expand success range while stationary || (Taclink): marks are twice as effective || (Zero In): Call shots at specific features, inflicting stat-damage or causing effects)
[Firearms]: (2)
[Tactics]: (2)
[Vision]: (2)

[Specialist course: +1 tec || Background: private security]
[Just that good: +1 tec || (5sp) 1s don't subtract]
[Stonedog Prospect: +1 Alacrity || Free Upgrade]

[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Broadsword Rifle] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+4+ Firearms)d6
[Special ammo: Shred] (2/2 clips)
[Ghostweave: +2 dodge, +2 stealth, -2 Barrier]

[Chironan 7C chip: (3sp) +1 success range || +1 hit on 6]
[Threatmon-22: (2sp) Roll Rea versus actions || May overreact]

> (Move) 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (Alacrity: 0/6)
> (Action) Refresh Alacrity (Act: 1/2)
> (Action) Fire Broadsword 4 (Act: 0/2) || 11+4+2+6 dice (Alacrity:0/6)
Rolled 6, 2, 3, 6, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 3, 1, 3, 6, 5, 3, 2, 3, 6, 5 = 82 (23d6)

(Forgot roll. Sorry.)
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>Otter evacuated
Yeah I'm just.


I think I've gone full circle from rage to disbelief to utter calm. Get me out of here.

>Move to Evac Zone
>Spend any SP on Takedown to move Into position If needed

Rolled 4, 3, 5, 5, 1, 1, 4, 5, 5, 4, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 1, 6, 5, 1, 1, 3, 4, 6, 6, 3 = 84 (25d6)

>-gecko: get a line on rattler 3, failing that, rattler 1
>just that suave
>fray protocols
>(2sp)subvert implants on rattler 3 or 1, internal organs or otherwise: emergency shutdown(13 + 9sp + 4 alacrity, boost+1)
>(3sp)nodefire: spread hack to rattler 1 or 2
My work here is done.
Rolled 5 (1d6)

this is unbelievable.
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>Maxwell evacuated


Agents, this is... okay, good. We can salvage this! We just have to-- JOHNSON

[Opposition Phase]
Rolled 4, 3, 6, 6, 6, 4, 1, 3, 2, 1, 5, 4, 4, 1, 1 = 51 (15d6)

>Shoot Rather NE +JTG -5Sp 14+1Alc
>-Activate Sweep -1Sp to also shoot Rather south of me
>Shoot Rather S with Shotgun [14]
>-F +2Dr -4 Alc

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 39/39 | SP: 15/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 4
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Corners and Angles, 3 SP. If you win a Reaction Contest, your actions trigger before overwatches
!Slam Home. 3 SP. Reload. Free if you downed a target.
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: 2×All grenades
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:13, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:11, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Place Botamol ×2 Heal [22]
-Flash Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:18, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Rolled 1, 4, 3, 1, 5, 3, 5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 1, 6 = 43 (14d6)

I dont know if I didnt make it...

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 39/39 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 4
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Corners and Angles, 3 SP. If you win a Reaction Contest, your actions trigger before overwatches
!Slam Home. 3 SP. Reload. Free if you downed a target.
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [4/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: 2×All grenades
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:13, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:11, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Place Botamol ×2 Heal [22]
-Flash Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:18, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
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Oh they're opening up! Sodding HONG Public Relations Goons!



[ Operative Phase ]

>Kang Is Being Choked
>Kang Is Disarmed
>Kang Is Grabbed
>Free Yourself With Hand To Hand Or Some Other Trick


>Johnston is Suppressed.

Rolled 2, 3, 5, 5, 6, 5, 1, 1, 6, 5, 4, 2, 5 = 50 (13d6)

>Move 2S 2W
>Refresh Alacrity
>Fire Chirni at Rattler that has Kang(Tech 5 + Alacrity 4 +Luck 4=13)
EVA: 6 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 15/20 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 3 | GRIT 4 | PROC 1 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 4

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
[Malphas Chip] {Rank 2}
3 SP, action gets +1Range, +1Boost, +1Explode.
+Solution Modelling. Adds ranks to:
Scan, Resolve, Profile, Collate, Optimise.
+Existence Safeguard Routines.
Rolls Reaction to defend self
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy
Combat Chromatics:
Embedded Relays

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Adaptive Spamfilter
Rolled 1, 1, 5, 5, 2, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6, 3, 3 = 46 (12d6)

>Counter with knife and attack [14d6] same with pistol [11d6]
>4 ALC +2DR

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 24/39 | SP: 16/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 4
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Corners and Angles, 3 SP. If you win a Reaction Contest, your actions trigger before overwatches
!Slam Home. 3 SP. Reload. Free if you downed a target.
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: 2×All grenades
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:13, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:11, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Place Botamol ×2 Heal [22]
-Flash Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:18, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Rolled 1, 4, 5, 2, 3, 3, 3, 6, 3, 6, 2, 5, 1, 2, 4, 1, 1, 5, 5, 3, 5, 2, 1, 2, 4 = 79 (25d6)

Gun and Knife
You can just note the dice totals and let it be taken care of. No need to pollute the comms with extra work.
Rolled 6, 2, 6, 6, 6, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 5, 6, 1, 3, 2, 6, 5, 2, 6, 2, 1, 1, 6 = 81 (23d6)

Res: (4)
Rea: (7)
Grt: (4)
Pro: (4)
Tec: (11)
Cha: (3)
Sen: (7)
Luc: (5)

HP: (26/26)
SP: (18/18)
Alacrity: (6/6)
Dodge: (8) + (2)
Barrier: (4) + (-2)

Certs: (16)

[Sweeper 2]: +1 rea, +2 tec, +2 sen, +1 luc || (Holo breath): expand success range while stationary || (Taclink): marks are twice as effective || (Zero In): Call shots at specific features, inflicting stat-damage or causing effects)
[Firearms]: (2)
[Tactics]: (2)
[Vision]: (2)

[Specialist course: +1 tec || Background: private security]
[Just that good: +1 tec || (5sp) 1s don't subtract]
[Stonedog Prospect: +1 Alacrity || Free Upgrade]

[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Broadsword Rifle] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+4+ Firearms)d6
[Special ammo: Shred] (2/2 clips)
[Ghostweave: +2 dodge, +2 stealth, -2 Barrier]

[Chironan 7C chip: (3sp) +1 success range || +1 hit on 6]
[Threatmon-22: (2sp) Roll Rea versus actions || May overreact]

> (Free action) Trigger [Just that good] (SP: 13/18)
> (Free action) Trigger [Chironian 7C Chip] (SP: 10/18)
> (ActIon) Fire Broadsword 7, 4, 7, 7, 7 @ Rattler 2 (Act: 1/2) || 11+4+2+6 dice (Alacrity: 0/6)
> (Free Action) Trigger ThreatMon-22 (SP: 8/18)
> (Action) Prepare Dodge (Act: 0/2)
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Good shooting, people! And good moves Kang

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Outnumbered and outgunned! We don't have the firepower or the protective gear to stand up to military assault tactics, holy shit

Get Kang out of there! Do Something!

>Move 3N 1E
>Refresh Alacrity
>Move 2N 2E
>Live to fight another day
>RUN 1S, 4E
>[F] pay 10 sp for 10 DR
#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 11/39 | SP: 16/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 4
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Corners and Angles, 3 SP. If you win a Reaction Contest, your actions trigger before overwatches
!Slam Home. 3 SP. Reload. Free if you downed a target.
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: 2×All grenades
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:13, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:11, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Place Botamol ×2 Heal [22]
-Flash Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:18, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Rolled 6, 5, 2, 6, 6, 1, 2, 6, 4, 6, 4, 2, 3, 6, 3, 1, 4 = 67 (17d6)

Res: (4)
Rea: (7)
Grt: (4)
Pro: (4)
Tec: (11)
Cha: (3)
Sen: (7)
Luc: (5)

HP: (26/26)
SP: (18/18)
Alacrity: (6/6)
Dodge: (8) + (2)
Barrier: (4) + (-2)

Certs: (16)

[Sweeper 2]: +1 rea, +2 tec, +2 sen, +1 luc || (Holo breath): expand success range while stationary || (Taclink): marks are twice as effective || (Zero In): Call shots at specific features, inflicting stat-damage or causing effects)
[Firearms]: (2)
[Tactics]: (2)
[Vision]: (2)

[Specialist course: +1 tec || Background: private security]
[Just that good: +1 tec || (5sp) 1s don't subtract]
[Stonedog Prospect: +1 Alacrity || Free Upgrade]

[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Broadsword Rifle] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+4+ Firearms)d6
[Special ammo: Shred] (2/2 clips)
[Ghostweave: +2 dodge, +2 stealth, -2 Barrier]

[Chironan 7C chip: (3sp) +1 success range || +1 hit on 6]
[Threatmon-22: (2sp) Roll Rea versus actions || May overreact]

> (Free action) Trigger [Just that good] (SP: 3/18)
> (Free action) Trigger [Chironian 7C Chip] (SP: 1/18)
> (Action) Switch to Shred (Act: 1/2)
> (Action) Fire Broadsword 1, 4, 4, 4 (Act: 0/2) || 11 + 4 + 2 dice
> (Move) 9, 9, 9, 8, 8
> (Free action) Evacuate
Mhm. Uhuh. Yeah, uh...
>move 666 6
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What have we gotten ourselves into
==Op End==
Medical is 2 Credits per point of HP. If you happen to have had the foresight to sign a Discreet Healthcare Contract, costs are covered.

Kang is at 28 damage
Johnston is at 22 damage
Picture is at 20 damage
Maxwell is at 21 Damage and Down 1 Arm
Otter is in Critical Care.

Nicole and Gecko are fine.


Standard Mission Payout is 200

Costs, Fees, Liabilities, Equipment Restocks, Stonedog DropShip Fuel Costs and Emergency Evac are 150.

Payout is 50.
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I want to know who this man.
I want to know why he was one of Irving's clients.
I want to know why they were after Tosk.
I want to know why Ink was there.

Get some rest, Agents. Pry the bullets out of your armor and thank your lucky stars you lived.
I have just been informed by Stonedog High Command that we are not required to cover dropship fuel expenditure.

Payout is 80
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We can thank the Stonedog Extraction Team. Apparently were in the area, albeit I do not know why.

We took down one of these goons. One. And they come in packs of six! Sodding corporates, they have no respect for discretion.
I want... I want to know who those were. Next time we see them, I think I'd like to take back more than an arm.

God, I don't think I even have enough for medical. How many creds for a permanent health plan?
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Oooh, market updates.

As always, Features (50) can be incorporated into upgrades and measurements can be made to modify them using given rules (Circa 10 x value for stats, but some limits apply).

If you're in dire straits we can resell some of the more awry components. There's always people out there who are looking for them. If you're trying to puzzle the value of a system you own, it is 3 stats (60) + any applicable upgrades embedded therein, ratioed by a Background roll to resell.
Do I... do I get a shield replacement?

I'm not gonna lie, this loss Is gonna sting for a long while. And not just for the arm, but for the blow to the pride.

Can I sell some...less than necessary equipment back? (Standard kit items.)
Shield replacement, armor systems repair, emergency triage and general restocks along with a new Veritas is accounted for in the Costs and Fees of the mission.
*Sigh of relief*

Good to know Command.

So what about selling off some of the Standard Kit? I would assume that would be waiving the right to a restock of said Items, but that might be fine.

And uh, how much to sign up for permanent 'free' healthcare.
We could try reselling the excess supplies of material, but I'm not exactly an arms dealer. Do you just put a mesh-node up that says "we have guns" and hope?

I think I can hear the ghost of Irving laughing.

I'm not sure we can really sell much on from our stocks. They're already critically low as is and we're making do with outdated models.

>What are you considering to sell?

As for your pain-medication, thankfully, ever since we hooked up the old systems unit and prepared the clinic and got rid of the rats it's easier to manage. Without the fine touch of those automated systems and a little bootleg mesh-code in the surgery stations, you would be dead.

Full organ replacements, blood infusions, surtures, surgery, bullet removal, bone splinter damage reduction, bone fragmentation re-settling, implant complication reduction, retraining along with post-procedure recovery is expensive. We're doing the best we can with the tools we have, Agent. You're welcome to find a better supplier if you can!

I k-know times a r e a little hard right now, b-but just take your complimentary low sodium donut and this ramen the noodle shop upstairs gives us and it'll be okay, allright?

>The Outfit covers baseline medical at a reduction of 90%. Bullet Wound Trauma Treatment in the Open Market is currently 20 Credits per HP lost.

>To improve our healthcare even more we would need to invest in upscaled facilities
*Sigh*. When you put It that way, you make me sound like an Ingrate. Never mind. Just give me a minute to fill out this form and get that man who Is definitely a doctor to staple on that spare Wotan In the other room so I can get out and make us some money.

Though next time, advance warning of the Corp death-squad might be nice to know. Don't give me that look, I know you do your best. Just do uh, best-er next time, If you could.

And pass me that ramen noodle, If you would.
Yes. That person is definitively a doctor with a definitively real license that I-- I mean they definitively did not doctor up.

Definitively, agent.

The reason they look so much like me is just that you're already undergoing anaesthesia and this is a... dream. Yes.

>Attach the Wotan for a reaction and two luck
>Upgrade Non-Descript Sword for (50) Can I get something for getting SP back with enough bloodshed? No? Does the sword already have special effects for Matches? If It doesn't I'll take that. If It does and I can't get SP back with crits or kills or something I'll take an Anti-Armor effect.
>Sell a grenade back, one grenade If It gets me at least 15 Creds.
>Buy a CHRC with It for 50 Creds
>Enjoy the limited hospitality of eating a ramen noodle with robot arms when I wake up
>switch to Adaptive Mesh
>inquire if there is a feature I can purchase to keep my blood on the inside
Switch... what, precisely, agent? We can ask them to install you the modular integrated system, but the process still requires some operation.
>And is priced at 3 Stats

Once the Adaptive Biomechanical Mesh Interface is embedded, I understand you can integrated and customise a variety of features. The standard after-market modifications are...

*{ MetaFilMax } Recycling optimisers and nephretic density increases lead to useful outcomes
ADP MESH hits reduce wound severity, recover lost blood, filter out toxins

*{ CreaTon } Due to the metabolic setpoints of baseline physiology, hypertrophy and atrophy of muscles are locked in a delicate dance. We can change the music.
[1sp] Turn 1 Dice into 1 Success for GRIT tasks.

*{ Dispersed Systemic Hardening } The human body is fragile. It doesn't need to be!
First ADP MESH is [Free], hits always also reduce stun, shock, supress and terror

*{ EpiStep } Neurotransmitter re-uptake and hormonal breakdown ensure flight or fight instinctual response is time limited.

Does it need to be?

{+2 SP} ADP Mesh hits generates points of Alacrity usable next turn

*{Somatosensory Filters} It hurts, but this is not, technically, a property of the event.

Taking damage does not interrupt on-going actions. {+2 SP} to double thresholds for forced movement and break

The Sword has the same Match Effects as the Service Knife
2* Bleed: Half damage is bleed
3* Deep Cut: Every Match increases Jinx level
4* Finisher: You roll another attack using all the same dice, at no cost.

You can add another match as a Feature.

For Penetration Possibilities, you have 3 best options depending on preference
*Match 2: Vibro, DR is halved
[Pierce] stat, bought in lots of 10/20/30/40/50 and discounts Pierce DR.

We can't sell off parts of the armory in single-instances, but we can probably find a buyer if we liquidate all our HiEx grenades. That should net 100 / Agent, but then we would be out of HiEx.
With twinned Wotan systems, you benefit of course from:

2 free readies, 2 dr, +4 on melee

Because the Wotan System benefits from your Highest Class Level on Use, you could fight in melee range at {highestclass} + 4 using your bare hands, while reading and utilising the environment around you.

If you are interested in anti-armor capability, I have an alternative suggestion, Agent.

Forget about the sword.

[Eelplating Inlays] [Wotan Series]
{2 SP} Hits are [Electric]

Electricity is not "anti armor" as such, but it will short out systems, shock organics and even if the kinetic damage of your blow is absorbed, consequences of shock may drop even heavily protected foes.
>Meant the Kinek. Switch it out for Adaptive Mesh. No good being able to lift off if I just bleed out.
>Spend the mission payout on MetaFilMax.
>Also spend 50 of my remaining 65 credits on Dispersed Systemic Hardening

EVA: 8| DR: 0 | BAR: 6+3
HP: 28/28 | SP: 30/30 |
ALC: 5
RESI 6 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 7 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 7

Uplink- +1 Process, Systems Background
Class Cloaker
Cloak- +3 H2H, Stealth, Sabotage, Social
!Just That Cool- +2 Luck, 5 SP: 6's are 3 hits, add Luck
!Go Dark- 1 SP, 1 Act- Go stealth if no hostiles have LoS
!Wetwork- Acts from [Stealth] succeed on a 3-6
!Adaptive Mesh- 2 SP, [F] once, Roll Resilience, reduce last wound by hits
*{ MetaFilMax } Recycling optimisers and nephretic density increases lead to useful outcomes
ADP MESH hits reduce wound severity, recover lost blood, filter out toxins

*{ Dispersed Systemic Hardening } The human body is fragile. It doesn't need to be!
First ADP MESH is [Free], hits always also reduce stun, shock, supress and terror

Magsys- +6 HP, +6 SP, Cling to Surface
ThermOp- +2 Dodge, +2 Stealth

#Nondescript Cool Sword- Melee, 7, +4 Parry, Quickdraw, Perfect Cut(2 ACTs, 1s don't cancel)
#C9 Sidearm- Range 5, 2 Dice(while silenced), Quickdraw, CQC, 12 Ammo

Adaptive Spamfilter- +3 Barrier
Insurance Policy- Covers Healthcare Costs
Chirni PDW
Damper- 3 SP, 3x3 Sound Negation Sphere
Smoke Gr x2
HiEx Gr x2
Placebotamol x2

15 Credits
I don't think I understand this idea of "switching out".

Do you want me to pry out all 1.7 million kinetic resonance dispersal arrays and replace them with a full morphological baseline over-ride?

Agent Otter, I... I'm not that good. We c-can't "switch out" implanted full-scale biological enhancement suites. It's not quite like reloading a gun or putting a new knife in your pocket, its weeks alone for the compatibility testing!
Operatives, we've got a scrambled message here that the TechSection is decrypting.

It appears to be a emergency evacuation request.
We're not going to be hitting a bunch of heavily armed badasses again, are we?
That appears unlikely. The origination point is still out in the drylands, but its being real quiet and very direct. We're trying to get the drones to sweep the area but the recent use have worn them down.

let me patch through what we've got...
This is 9-3-3-INK.
took a bullet while -------------- local search party closing in after ---------- and ---------- am low on ammo ---------- primary command link ---------- compromised ---------------- contacts compromised -------------------

i need out of here before -----------------------

please respond.
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"Who is this Ink? I feel like we have seen that person before but a bit morr info would be welcomed before we start helping whoever calls in the desert..."
That would be up to your relevant Background and informational strategy
(I have Assault Course: Know Military but am unsure what needs to be rolled with it?
Your Approach.

CHR is personality, negotiation, people
PROC is data search, information

Perhaps something else works?

Class ranks adjust type of knowledge
Rolled 3, 1, 2, 3, 2 = 11 (5d6)

>Lets roll Proc 4 and my military knowledge to research info and data about this Ink person

#Rick Kang
EVA: 7| DR: 4 | BAR: 5
HP: 11/39 | SP: 16/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 4
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Corners and Angles, 3 SP. If you win a Reaction Contest, your actions trigger before overwatches
!Slam Home. 3 SP. Reload. Free if you downed a target.
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Sec Plate (+4DR, -2EVA)
Kit 2: 2×All grenades
-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:13, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:11, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Place Botamol ×2 Heal [22]
-Flash Grenade ×4R, RNG:9, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:18, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
Rolled 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4 = 13 (7d6)

!!! I heard 'encoded message' and 'SOS call' and came as fast as I could. If there is one thing Finks knows, it's cool spy trivia! What country would use a callsign like 9-3-3-INK?
> PROC 6
Rolled 3, 1, 2, 1, 4, 6 = 17 (6d6)

Ink... I know that name.
>Roll CHAR plus any other relevant bonuses
EVA: 6 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 15/20 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 3 | GRIT 4 | PROC 1 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 4

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
[Malphas Chip] {Rank 2}
3 SP, action gets +1Range, +1Boost, +1Explode.
+Solution Modelling. Adds ranks to:
Scan, Resolve, Profile, Collate, Optimise.
+Existence Safeguard Routines.
Rolls Reaction to defend self
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy
Combat Chromatics:
Embedded Relays

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Adaptive Spamfilter
Insurance Policy
>Take 3 point hit to Character for the Adaptive Mesh

>someone please help me do the math for this
Anything for a friend. Let's see
> should be
EVA: 8| DR: 0 | BAR: 5+3
HP: 28/28 | SP: 24/24 |
ALC: 5
RESI 6 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 7 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 2 | SENS 5 | LUCK 7
Rolled 1, 1, 2, 1, 4, 6, 1, 2, 6, 3, 2, 2, 3, 5 = 39 (14d6)

Rollin for stats, you guys still got room for one more?
Rolled 3, 5, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 2 = 36 (14d6)

We *always* have room for one more brave bastard with a gun, get In here!

Liren, get out the rest of the low sodium donuts, we've got a guest!

You can have my bunk, I'll sleep on the surgery table tonight. Set your alarm nice and early, we're going out and recovering an asset under attack by unknown forces from an unknown area somewhere out In a desert with no Intel. Last mission we were assaulted by a corporate hit-team we didn't expect nor know existed, and that's why I don't have human limbs anymore. Make sure you sign that health waver before you get on the chopper, alright?

No really, sign that waver.

In other news, we have all *sorts* of nice things to offer you. We don't have much food, but what we lack In basic necessities we *do* have In advanced military grade prosthetics, augments and modular processors to hook Into your nerves and brain stem.

Never did get your name, kid. Come on, you're one of us now!
Bill! Names Bill, thanks for the hospitality, I take it im very late the party. Still reading some of the manual and the brefings.

Here's what I got so far guys feel free to correct me or give me any advice on what I should choose. Im gonna read a bit more before I make any gear choices, maybe I'll post some more questions later.

Resilience 1+1=2÷2=1+1=2
Reaction 2+1=3÷2=1.5=2+1=3
Grit 4+6=10÷2=5
Process 1+2=3÷2=1.5=1
Technique 6+3=9÷2=4.5=5+1=6+1=7+2=9
Character 2+2=4÷2=2
Sense 3+5=8÷2=4+2=4+2=6
Luck 6-1=5+1=6

HP: 2+5=7×2=14
SP: 1+2=3×2=6
Alacrity: 3+2+5=10÷3=3.3=4
Dodge: 3+9+6=18÷3=6
Barrier: 1+2=3÷2=1.5=2

Just that Good
Questions make the world go around. Ask as much as you need to.

We'll get the low sodium donuts. But, Agent, let's not make things seem worse than they are. We have 'some' intel. Sort of. Kind of. Mostly. If you squint.


Not a lot of scuttlebug gossip around this, but. . .
Finks, how did you manage to blow up Server 7? That's impressive, Finks.

9-3-3-INK must be a designation code for an operative, and the only people that use a three-digit identifier of rank and relation is the UCC (or people pretending to be UCC)

As far as the record, we're stumped. Everything available is reports with far too many insidious black censor bars, no one knows what what the Belphegor Project is, half of these people straight up do not exist and the rest is rumours, gossip and fears, grainy video evidence of someone that might be Ink performing rappelling down a building a minute before it explodes and conspiracies about orbital mind control lasers. I'm sorry Agents, I can't tell you anything. Which tells us something, yeah?

Best we can figure, Ink must be UCC Intelligence. Which would mean they would have an extraction team on stand-by and liberal use of bombardment satellites. That makes them contacting us an open question.

Some digging AROUND the problem indicates that the Lupine Rattlers have been drumming up a storm for the past 48 hours, they're taking in new blood and asking for extra muscle. We know Ink was involved with both Irving's armament sale and our attempt at acquiring the 99-C-3 Briefcase.

So what I think happened is this: Ink got the briefcase but had a run in with compromised extraction, and now the Rattlers are gunning for them. Which means the Rattlers are being paid off to do this on behalf of someone else because "Shot in gang related violence" scans better than "Murdered by private squad of assassins".
No problem Bill, I remember spending...far...


too long looking at everything myself, so I'll help you where I can.

First off your HP and SP will be Increased by your armor that you get under Sweeper, as well as the fancy effect that comes with It.

Just to troubleshoot a few things you might be curious about, see Sweep under sweeper? And the three things under that? Those things add to relevant rolls based on your Sweeper level. So at Sweeper 2 you get Firearms 2 and so on. This adds to your relevant dicepool when you roll.

How do you get Sweeper 2 you ask? Credits of course. Pay command 25 x (your new class level) and they'll gladly give you the appropriate training regimen. Note that a weak soldier cannot make It Into the eschelons of the elite. If you don't have every stat (excluding luck) at the same level as your max class rank you won't be able to get there, the training would kill you. How many creds do you have right now? Uh, might want to ask Command for the New Guy Bonus Package, at the low low price of signing some paperwork without reading any of the fine print. No peeking, this Is all part of your Initiation, ok?

That Upgrades sheet, you start with one for free but If you want more? 3 stat points. Luckily, If you have an absolutely abysmal stat you can sack It down to zero, then 'buy back' the stat with a training course (10 creds to get a stat to one, 20 to get a stat to 2, and so on). In short, If you have a stat at oh say 3 you can buy any upgrade using that method for 50 creds.

Feel free to ask away about anything. No question Is a bad question.
Rolled 4, 1, 6, 1, 5, 6 = 23 (6d6)

>I search the police database I still technically have access to In search of clues or hints about our mysterious agent. Perhaps some of his assailants have died, or been apprehended by law enforcement, and has given something away?

>I roll luck
If I start the map with 5 less SP, can I use JTG here? I'd like some Intel please.
Apologies, Agent. SP expenditures for off-grid operations is impossible.

Solid work, though.
Hey Command, what do you think of letting my Malphias Chip have a go at the info? I could try overclocking it, but I don't know what the effects might be on my hardware, so to speak.
Are you suggesting we try to use a barely legal component splice of semi-self-aware recursive threat prediction software to thrawl through available information? Agent, some problems cannot be solved by barely legal autonomic artificial intelligence routines going horribly haywire.

Despite what our standard around here implies.

Give it a go if you feel comfortable trying, but you wait two minutes until I dig my pistol out of the drawer over here. Strictly for good luck. It's my good luck gun. It's full of good luck slugs.
Heres my sheet and the stuff I chose was: Specialist, Just that Good, Sweeper, Broadsword, Insurance Policy, Field Kits, SnapDraco 742.

I couldn't quite make sense of the circle and triangle symbols with dots next to the weapons. Is the circle sense and triangle technique?

Is the ammo for the PDW compatable with the broadsword?

EVA: 6 | DR: 0 | BAR: 2
HP: 24/24 | SP: 10/10 | ALC: 4
RESI 2 | REAC 3 | GRIT 5 | PROC 1 |
TECH 9 | CHRC 2 | SENS 6 | LUCK 6

Sweeper 1
Firearms 1
Tactics 1
Vision 1

Hold Breath - 1 SP, Expand sucess range if you do not move.
Lock On - 1 Act, Target cover reduced, if no cover +1 Shade.
SnapDraco742 - 2SP First attack recovers 2 alacrity.

TacLink - Marks are x2 effect
Field Kits - Roll TEC to Heal/Aleviate

@Armor - None


Broadsword Rifle
Chirni PDW ×2 Clips
C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
×2Smoke Grenade
×2 HE Grenade
×2 Placebotamol
×2 Stims
I... uh, sure Command. I'll wait for you.
Yeah no one can make sense of those. My suggestion to electro-shock Command every time the signals are misinterpreted has yet to take off.

The Triangle is indeed TECH and the Circle is SENSE. So the Broadsword has a base roll of Tech+4, with a maximum range of 2x Sense. The "Range" is still influence by your own sense, it's just that you can take shots at marked targets far further away without suffering penalties.

The Broadsword gets 2 reloads on its own, but the ammo is not compatible with the PDW. Different type of bullet.
Go ahead if you want to try.
What does luck really do, like on paper? Can you train it like any other stat, im really tempted to spend some on more upgrades.
You In fact can. Don't ask how, you won't want to know how, you won't like our methods.

I'll ask for the newbie. How much does Bill get In his New Guy Bonus Package Command?
You can train it as you like. As for what it does, it influences the odds of you being hit, it helps make the world less unpleasant and it has some variable influence on finding things, not stepping on booby traps and not being caught up in freak coincidences.

We do have a Welcome Package.

It is currently 150 Credits.
Rolled 2, 5, 5, 2, 1, 3 = 18 (6d6)

RESI from 2 to 3 = 30
PROC from 1 to 3 = 50
CHRC from 2 to 4 = 70

Should I round up or down with my barrier its at 3.5. Also can I switch my implant with another I found the updated version that has some extra at the bottom, I was using the upgrade img from the beginning.

How does structural realignment work exactly? Do you have to pay for it with alacrity and refresh it later?
Also do you have to spend an act to use your classes core skill?
Sounds to me like they just phoned in so we can come in and make some noise so they can slip away to a secondary extract. It's what I'd do, if I was a highly trained, secret agent type. Search parties, right? Avoiding those sounds like a pain in my ass.

EVA: 8 (6+2) | DR: 1 | BAR: 3 (5-2)
HP: 22/22 | SP: 32/32 |
ALC: 5 Stealth: +2
RESI 3 | REAC 4 | GRIT 5 | PROC 6 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 4 | SENS 9 | LUCK 7
A Gangster, Just That Good

!Code Monkey
!Wotan Series Mk7
#Chirni PDW
LT: tactical visor, extra tactical (SENS +2)
Ripple Protocol
Ghost Projector
Ghost Wire
No wait, shouldn't I sac some low stats for uprgades first and then buy them back.

So how about 2 RESI/CHCR and 1 PROC/REAC for an extra 2 upgrades and then I buy back some stats.

RESI,CHRC and PROC from 0 to 2 = 90
CHRC AND PROC from 2 to 3 = 60

Can I do this instead?
Some more questions regarding upgrades

The Biomapon supernaut has no cost(not even 0 to activate for an action) so its always active passively right?

For the wotan series you need a free handspace to use right and the stat bonuses are also only when you activate it? So it's basically a wh40k powerfist or something?

For the cortical bridge if you have a weapon on each hand you basically get an attack act for each one right? What if you have a 2h rifle will you still get two or only one?
That's a very astute observation, Agent Finks. Using the outfit as a distracting smoke-screen would allow Ink to escape while we handle the Rattlers.

Keep an eye out.

If you were a smart secret intelligence agent playing at a double-blind factional friction scrabble, you'd use us showing up to draw the fire and then dash away in the ensuing conflict.

That would work excellently, Agent.

For a Sweeper, no. Simply standing still covers it. It's the counterplay to a Breacher, who moves fast and breaks things. Sweepers move into position and back them up. As long as you're standing still (eg, not dodging or spending alacrity to move) you land shots far better and ignore the first of many penalties associated with firing at range.

It does cost 1 SP to "activate" though.
I see, so what about lockon for the broadsword and just that good? Do you need to spend an action to activate them? Should have probaly asked along with the sweeper skill for these.
The BioMapOn is always on. The producer tells us, in the associated information pamphlet, that. . .

>Command was entirely unsure if "Move across small obstacles" was enough of a bonus to merit an SP cost. It may get a small cost of 1 SP to activate later, but so far it just increases your baseline mobility by allowing you to move over, across and through things.

The Wotan Series is... a biomechanical arm replacement. Less powerfist, more power-arm. There is some loss of original meat in the installation process. I'm told the scraped excess goes to recycling vats for protein growth compounds to feed local refuges! Exciting bio-renewal initiative!

Now what it does is this: By replacing one of your arms with metamaterials, you don't have to worry about small things like joint flexibility and load pressure. It grants 1 free ready action you can always take so long as your metal arm isn't disabled, it means you can punch quite a bit harder because we can ignore safety limitations on phalange pressure and, neatly, it grants 1 DR because the bullets might ping off of the metal.

And that is what the Cortical Bridge does! Very well read. Its less effective for 2 handed rifles since you are already using both hands - but! - if you were to have two guns, or a gun and a knife, or a knife and handgrenade, or two hands, or, say, you want to stick your arms out in a t-pose and fire at two targets in 2 separate spots on a 180 degree rotation at once, you can do all that and much more besides. Maybe you want to get out a reload with 1 hand and use it with the other? (That would also work for 2 handed rifles). Maybe you want to draw a grenade and use it? Maybe you want to grab a target and throw them to the ground?

The Lock On is an activated feature that consumes an Action. It's meant to be used along with Hold Breath when you're already standing still and zero-ing on a target, as it were. Using both in combination, you can bypass most common visual obstructions and cover targets are in, making you quite the marksman!

Just That Good is a "non" action, as it were. For anything you want to use it, you just spend the SP and then, for that action and associated roll, it applies.

That means you could Lock On (1 act), Hold Breath + Just That Good (6 SP total) and then finally, shoot once, and that single shot is likely end a presidential regime.
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This system hell to work with. I'm trying to get a clean overview of the area but something is actively interfering here. It must be why Ink's signal is so garbled too - there's something actively trying to prevent scans of the area, but I don't understand how its influencing the drones.

Here's the best I got. I'm trying to calibrate it...
Ok so what about structural realignment, it seems kinda vauge what it does. So lets say if you activate it with 4 alacrity you get 2 DR for that turn and an extra +1 DR for SP?
Correct! Keeps you alive at the cost of locking you up, but it will harden against impacts of things that would prefer to end your life.
So then you can't move the turn you use it? Seems to me it would go very well will hold breath. Does it lower your dodge or make you unable to dodge?
You can move, to a degree. It's just that any Alacrity spent on re-alignment can't also be spent on movement.

But yes, if you're, say, stuck in one place and you want to turn all that Alacrity you were never going to spend on Movement into +DR while you're unable to dodge because you're Holding Your Breath that does actually work out rather well.

The Realignment on its own have no negative implications for dodging. Long-term it induces system stress, but don't worry about it, we can take care of it if your joints lock up or your spine accidentally pulverises itself.
So the DR for SP is spending as well not a bonus for SP you have saved up?

Also for the autonomic override it consumes all you alacrity right not just a set amount?

For the threatmon is it something you ready for enemy phase? Do you have to specify which actions you roll against?

Can you mark any weakpoints you find with resolver?

Can adaptive mesh stop/reduce bleed?

Will we ever get a chance to buy some of the gear from the kit in the char gen?

Sorry for all the questions lel.
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==Operatives Online==
Glitch | Finks
Breacher | Kang
Sweeper | Bill
Cloaker | Picture


Khr-- Check one, check two - reading, reading
vitals. . . clear
receivers . . . clear
feed synch... holding stable at 99.7%
integrating heads up display . . . now

Online. Linked.


Okay people, heads up. This area is... weird. I'm trying to clean up the signals but I am not having much like. I cannot get a sweep on the place to mark any potential sources of signal output. That means we're going in blind on this one until I can figure out a way around whatever phenomenon is playing merry hell with the drone systems.

This place is way out in the boondocks. I can't see the area, but I can check the area around AROUND YOU. There is no heavy tracks or signs of large groups of people. A little bit of digging indicates no heavy security movements in the area either.

That means any Goon Squad already here is already on Site.

I've been prying into the Rattlers Communications and they're still rustling up people. I sent them some spoof pings so we'll know when they quit waiting for imaginary backup and head your way.

Check the area, see if anything sticks out, locate INK and get them out of there.

Agent Finks is right in that INK may be using US to bait the RATTLERS so they can escape. But they're also our best bet for recovering the 99-C-3 briefcase, so this is a risk we'll have to take.

Keep your eyes open out there.

Rolled 1, 5, 1, 6, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 6, 6, 3, 4, 1 = 46 (14d6)

Rolled 2, 4, 5, 2, 1, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1, 2, 4, 1 = 38 (14d6)

do i really have to go?
i mean, maxwell lost his arm, and... um.
Watch your lines of sight, might be a sniper or two sitting out here.
Damn anti-materiel smart-munition rifles...

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 24/24 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 4
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)
!NodeBurn Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per
!NodeFire. 3SP, Action to copy Mesh Status of target to other target
!Haptic Processing, 4SP. AR artefacts generated have full feedback.

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 80

Skimmer "Gecko" (Magnetic Chassis)
Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
It's for spending. You can scrape 1-3 points of DR extra with Alacrity, and that will save your life and deflect low calibre shots, but sometimes you need to rush a machine-gun nest and you have to overload the system and burn 5 SP for 5 DR while maintaining your ability to move.

The Autonomic Overrides snaps your sense of self into the horrifying world of total somatosensory awareness. The old joke to be aware of your breathing, but now you're aware of everything. All your Alacrity is consumed to give you 1 extra ACTION.

The ThreatMonitor System monitors threats. It rolls your Reaction versus Threats. If you turn it on, it seeks to mitigate Threats. It has a broad mandate and a datebase of six-point two million different resolution outcomes. It does, however, classify "Threat" somewhat broadly. It rolls against all incoming Threats.
All of them.
Every single one.
Every. Single. One.

Holiday once shot me in the leg for sneezing too loudly when he had it turned on.

For the Resolver, it Resolves available data. That means it marks Weakpoints for you, scans for stealth, and also spits out useful scene-related information in general. If you find any weakpoints other than through the use of Resolve (you can always roll straight Sense to look for things, after all) then the Resolver would increase the utility of these.

The Adaptive Mesh can stop bleed! And other such horrors, like shock, traumatic acquired brain injury, agonising pain and other horrors. It doesn't do it perfectly without after-sale modification, but it can. The first use each turn is free, any after is an action. You roll Resilience, hits decrease the wound severity. So if you got hit for 10, you roll Resilience and score 5 hits, you "regain" 5 HP and, if Bleeding was happening, the amount of Bleed would be reduced as well. Unfortunately, it's Adaptive, so only goes up to and including your latest wound. That sadly means if you take 2 lots of 10 damage, it can't overheal and recover you fully. So you can still be whittled down. But it is a great set of tech if you absolutely do not want to die.

The Gear Kit is available standard armory outfitting. You have your 2 slots. You can modify gear for your own use, if you have preferences. That's "buying your own". Unfortunately, it takes training to learn to use things, so if you want a ThermOp Cloak or a Closer Exo Suit you need to invest the hours in training as that class.
Picture and I go up the middle, you two use that trench to go up the left side?
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I'm almost 40% certain you won't get shot at by any this time!
>Go Dark
>Move 1S 4E
>Scan area
EVA: 6 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 20/20 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 3 | GRIT 4 | PROC 1 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 4

Cloaker 1 (+ Hand to Hand, Stealth, Sabotage, Social)
Go Dark: 1SP, 1 Act, Stealth if no hostile has LoS
MagSys: Cling to Surfaces
Wetwork: Acts from [Stealth] Succeed on 3-6
School o'Hard Knocks: +1 RESI, Gang Background
Just That Cool: +2 LUCK, 5SP - 6's are 3 hits, Add [Luck]
[Malphas Chip] {Rank 2}
3 SP, action gets +1Range, +1Boost, +1Explode.
+Solution Modelling. Adds ranks to:
Scan, Resolve, Profile, Collate, Optimise.
+Existence Safeguard Routines.
Rolls Reaction to defend self
Devileon4: 2SP, Match facial data of target, Roll CHAR, hits as efficacy
Combat Chromatics:
Embedded Relays

@Cloaker Suit(?): +6HP, +6SP

#Hand 1 - Chirni PDW: Range - ?, Damage 6, Ammo 7/7, Burst 3, *1 Bleed; 2 Suppress; 4 Riddle with Holes, 2 Reloads
#Hand 2 - Chirni PDW

C9 Sidearm
Service Knife
Smoke GR x 2
HiEx Gr x 2
Placebotamol x 2
ThermOp Ghostweave
Nondescript Cool Sword
Adaptive Spamfilter
Insurance Policy
Rolled 3, 3, 2, 5, 3, 5, 1, 5, 4, 1, 1, 2, 5, 4 = 44 (14d6)

>Use both actions putting together a basic viral agent. Assuming this is processing.

EVA: 8| DR: 0 | BAR: 5+3
HP: 28/28 | SP: 24/24 |
ALC: 5
RESI 6 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 7 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 2 | SENS 5 | LUCK 7

Uplink- +1 Process, Systems Background
Class Cloaker
Cloak- +3 H2H, Stealth, Sabotage, Social
!Just That Cool- +2 Luck, 5 SP: 6's are 3 hits, add Luck
!Go Dark- 1 SP, 1 Act- Go stealth if no hostiles have LoS
!Wetwork- Acts from [Stealth] succeed on a 3-6
!Hush. Damper doesn't cost actions.
!Just The Wind. 6SP to Go Dark immediately.
!Kinek- 2 SP, Generate Processing Forcer or Attraction, +2 per SP, Maintain with 1 Act or all Alacrity
!Adaptive Mesh- 2 SP, [F] once, Roll Resilience, reduce last wound by hits
*{ MetaFilMax } Recycling optimisers and nephretic density increases lead to useful outcomes
ADP MESH hits reduce wound severity, recover lost blood, filter out toxins

*{ Dispersed Systemic Hardening } The human body is fragile. It doesn't need to be!
First ADP MESH is [Free], hits always also reduce stun, shock, supress and terror

Magsys- +6 HP, +6 SP, Cling to Surface
ThermOp- +2 Dodge, +2 Stealth

#Nondescript Cool Sword- Melee, 7, +4 Parry, Quickdraw, Perfect Cut(2 ACTs, 1s don't cancel)
#C9 Sidearm- Range 5, 2 Dice(while silenced), Quickdraw, CQC, 12 Ammo

Adaptive Spamfilter- +3 Barrier
Insurance Policy- Covers Healthcare Costs
Chirni PDW
Damper- 3 SP, 3x3 Sound Negation Sphere
Smoke Gr x2
HiEx Gr x2
Placebotamol x2

15 Credits
Rolled 4, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 6, 2, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2 = 43 (15d6)

>-gecko: search down the trench
>find direction or approximate distance of local signals (13 + 2al = 15 dicepool)
>move 88
>take cover
See if I can get a fix locally.
Or at least a direction to start searching in. Place is huge!

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 24/24 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
[Uplink] [Just That Suave]

Glitch 4
!Get a PROC action or Boost 1 (2SP)
!Breach: Interface, Operate, Melee (+1d)
!Ghost Projector (Range [27]; Hologram performs Act)
!Ghost Wire (Range [LOS]; Spoof Single Command [PROC vs BAR])
!Rider v7.2 (Free Skimmer, Free SkimmerCommand)
!NodeBurn Add up to [Proc] dice on Interfacing, 1 SP per
!NodeFire. 3SP, Action to copy Mesh Status of target to other target
!Haptic Processing, 4SP. AR artefacts generated have full feedback.

@Code Monkey (+1 proc gear; +6HP; +12SP)

#Chirni PDW (Range [5], Effect [4]; 7/7 AMO [2/2]; Burst 3)
##C9 Sidearm (Range [5], Effect [4]; 12/12 AMO [2/2]; Burst 1; [Quickdraw] [CQC])
##Smoke GR (Range [5]; 5x5 cover 8)
##HiEx GR (Range [5]; Effect [12]; [Blast Radius])
##Placebotamol (Heal [16])
##Service Knife (Range [M], Effect [7]; [Throw] [Quickdraw])
Credits: 80

Skimmer "Gecko" (Magnetic Chassis)
Ripple Protocols
Fray Protocols
Special Ammo [x2 Shock]
> Activate the Ghostweave
> Move 3E 1N
> Look for tracks

EVA: 8 (6+2) | DR: 1 | BAR: 3 (5-2)
HP: 22/22 | SP: 32/32 |
ALC: 5 Stealth: +2
RESI 3 | REAC 4 | GRIT 5 | PROC 6 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 4 | SENS 9 | LUCK 7
A Gangster, Just That Good

!Code Monkey
!Wotan Series Mk7
#Chirni PDW
LT: tactical visor, extra tactical (SENS +2)
Ripple Protocol
Ghost Projector
Ghost Wire
>Hmmm. Deploy? New Kit too...

#Rick Kang
EVA: 9| DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 11/39 | SP: 16/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3

Breacher 4
!Trick: Assault Course [Know Military]
!Trick: Just that good [5sp, 1's dont subtract]
!Trick: Core=Reaction Fire [Roll REAC to ATK spotted targets, 1sp]
!Sweep: Target +1 per Ammo, roll once [1sp]
!Corners and Angles, 3 SP. If you win a Reaction Contest, your actions trigger before overwatches
!Slam Home. 3 SP. Reload. Free if you downed a target.
!Upgrade: Structural Realigamento [2 ALC= 1DR, +1 per sp]
@Sec Plate
#Hand 1: Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
#Hand 2: (Veritas Shotgun)

Kit 1: Skimmer drone
Kit 2: Loving Touch on Skimmer Drone (Flight mode)

-Chirni PDW [7/7] ×2R, Atk:13, B:3
-C9 Sidearm [12/12] ×2R, Atk:11, B:1, {Quickdraw}, {CQC}
-Veritas Shotgun [6/6] ×2R, RNG:5 Atk:14, B:1 {Cone Shot} (2-Ammo)
-Breach Kit ×2R, 3×1 or 1×3 tiles, 14 Explosion
-Smoke Grenade ×2R, RNG:9, 5×5, Cover 8
-HiEx Grenade ×2R, RNG:9, Atk:12, Blast: -3 per Size
-Place Botamol ×2 Heal [22]
-Flash Grenade ×2R, RNG:9, STR 10, STUN, {Quickrelease} 1 act to use
-Service Knife, Melee-Slash, ATK:18, Thrown RNG:6, {Quickdraw}
>Move 9988
>Refresh alacrity

EVA: 6 | DR: 0 | BAR: 3
HP: 24/24 | SP: 16/16 | ALC: 4/4
RESI 2 | REAC 3 | GRIT 5 | PROC 3 |
TECH 9 | CHRC 3 | SENS 6 | LUCK 5

Sweeper 1
Firearms 1
Tactics 1
Vision 1

Just that good - 5 SP(F), 1s dont subtract
Hold Breath - 1 SP(F), Expand sucess range if you do not move
Lock On - 1 Act, Target cover reduced, if no cover +1 Shade
AdrenaFlux - 1 SP, Refresh ala twice, if you dont refresh add half ala to actions.
Adaptive Mesh - 2 SP(F once); roll resilience reduce last wounds by hits.
Structural realignment - 0 SP(F); 2 ala for 1 DR and +1 DR for 1 SP this turn.

TacLink - Marks are x2 effect
Field Kits - Roll TEC to Heal/Aleviate
Insurance Policy - Covers Healthcare Costs

Sweeper Headset

#Broadsword 6/6 RNG12 TEC+4 Burst 1

Broadsword Rifle ×2 Clips
Chirni PDW ×2 Clips
C9 Sidearm ×2 Clips
Service Knife
×2 Smoke Grenade
×2 HE Grenade
×2 Placebotamol
×2 Stims
Whoops I just realised you roll resilience for the mesh I think im gonna go with the cortical bridge instead. Also I removed 1 luck instead of react.
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7.77 MB PNG
==Operatives Online==
==Operatives Online==
Glitch | Finks
Breacher | Kang
Sweeper | Bill
Cloaker | Picture
Cloaker | Otter
Glitch | Nicole

Okay Agents! Spread out and look for clues.

I'm getting something from Geckos telemetry. it looks like pooled blood and signs of a struggle. Agent Finks, hold up a moment and scan the area. There are TRACKS in the ground near you, and they lead up. There in the sand near Agent Bill - spent shells. Someone moved this way and used a semi-automatic pistol to take a potshot at someone who was rushing to get into the trench. Then they moved further up.

We can conclude that the shooter was likely INK, and she was being herded further into the area by RATTLERS.

Glitch Nicole, I'm getting a pingback from... Mines! Mines! BILL FREEZE, check your movements. There are tiny explosives on a proximity trigger in the scrub and brush.

The party following INK must have deployed them to prevent her circling back around. Good find. We're also getting a sensor pingback from some large, scuttled vehicle with 30 years of sand in its gears and a serious case of metal fatigue. Likely some wreck with functional sensor systems.


Agent Picture, stand still. That's a trio of slightly bedraggled looking civilians. They haven't seen you yet, but they seem to have noticed Finks. What are they doing out here?


{Civilians, to Finks}


>No hostiles spotted
>Operative Phase
You mind taking care of those civvies, Finks?
>Move 1N 2NE 1E
>Refresh Alacrity
>Move 2E
EVA: 6 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 19/20 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 3 | GRIT 4 | PROC 1 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 4
Res: (4)
Rea: (7)
Grt: (4)
Pro: (4)
Tec: (11)
Cha: (3)
Sen: (7)
Luc: (5)

HP: (26/26)
SP: (18/18)
Alacrity: (6/6)
Dodge: (8) + (2)
Barrier: (4) + (-2)

Certs: (52)

[Sweeper 2]: +1 rea, +2 tec, +2 sen, +1 luc || (Holo breath): expand success range while stationary || (Taclink): marks are twice as effective || (Zero In): Call shots at specific features, inflicting stat-damage or causing effects)
[Firearms]: (2)
[Tactics]: (2)
[Vision]: (2)

[Specialist course: +1 tec || Background: private security]
[Just that good: +1 tec || (5sp) 1s don't subtract]
[Stonedog Prospect: +1 Alacrity || Free Upgrade]

[C9 sidearm] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+Firearms)d6
[Chirni Pdw] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+2+Firearms)d6
[Smoke grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[HiEx grenades] (2/2) || (Grt+2)d6
[Botamol] (2/2) ||((Tec+4)x2)d6
[Service knife] || (Grt+Tec)d6
[Broadsword Rifle] (2/2 clips) || (Tec+4+ Firearms)d6
[Special ammo: Shred] (2/2 clips)
[Ghostweave: +2 dodge, +2 stealth, -2 Barrier]

[Chironan 7C chip: (3sp) +1 success range || +1 hit on 6]
[Threatmon-22: (2sp) Roll Rea versus actions || May overreact]

Rolled 4, 4, 1, 5, 2, 4, 1, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 2 = 47 (13d6)

>move 886 6
>-gecko: check the structure east of the sensor, or start making your way over to it
>refresh alacrity
>move 688 6
>scan for more signals: hostile tacnets, hostile landmines (13 dice)
Wide berth on those minds, we don't know how sensitive the triggers are.
Think he might be holed up in that eastern building?

Finks, don't let the civvies distract you. We have a job to do.

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 24/24 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
Glitch 4
It occurs to me you may have never seen this page!
>Alc Move {5 East}
>Mosquito goes 5 North, 5 East and AutoScans
>Mosquito movr 2 East

#Rick Kang
EVA: 9| DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 11/39 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3
Well I sure as hell ain't messin around with any explosives, lets go around and see if I can't spot up the scrap heap. Maybe one of you eggheads can turn of the mines.

>Move 3369
>Refresh Alacrity
>Focus on Dodge
Forgot my sheet oops :^P

EVA: 6 | DR: 0 | BAR: 3
HP: 24/24 | SP: 16/16 | ALC: 4/4
RESI 2 | REAC 3 | GRIT 5 | PROC 3 |
TECH 9 | CHRC 3 | SENS 6 | LUCK 5

Sweeper 1
Firearms 1
Tactics 1
Vision 1

Just that good - 5 SP(F), 1s dont subtract
Hold Breath - 1 SP(F), Expand sucess range if you do not move
Lock On - 1 Act, Target cover reduced, if no cover +1 Shade
AdrenaFlux - 1 SP, Refresh ala twice, if you dont refresh add half ala to actions.
Structural realignment - 0 SP(F); 2 ala for 1 DR and +1 DR for 1 SP this turn.
Cortical Bridge - 4 SP(F), Each hand gets an independent act.

TacLink - Marks are x2 effect
Field Kits - Roll TEC to Heal/Aleviate
Insurance Policy - Covers Healthcare Costs

Sweeper Headset

#Broadsword 6/6 RNG12 TEC+4 Burst 1

Broadsword Rifle ×2 Clips
Chirni PDW ×2 Clips
C9 Sidearm ×2 Clips
Service Knife
×2 Smoke Grenade
×2 HE Grenade
×2 Placebotamol
×2 Stims
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48 KB
>Check em
Bill, let me just check something on your HUD real quick.... Can you calibrate for me?

>You can move up to your alacrity!
>It refreshes automatically at the start of your turn.
>Every Agent has 2 actions standard
>So you could move alacrity, refresh with 1 action, move again and do something with your last action if you like.

>You can also move, refresh, then focus on dodging just like you did just now. That's then using the refreshed alacrity to improve the following dodge action.

>Finally, because you're a cool operator like that, you can spend alacrity inbetween your actions. Maybe you want to move 2, then pick up a broom, then move 2 then sweep the floor.

That's okay. You don't need to post it every time, we have your numbers on file.

We do require the first bit here, though -
EVA: 6 | DR: 0 | BAR: 3
HP: 24/24 | SP: 16/16 | ALC: 4/4
RESI 2 | REAC 3 | GRIT 5 | PROC 3 |
TECH 9 | CHRC 3 | SENS 6 | LUCK 5
!Sweeper 1

And that's it. The rest we can find as required.
Rolled 2, 4, 4, 3, 1, 5, 2, 1, 6, 4, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 3 = 61 (19d6)

>Scan Civilians for electronic signals, 7 dice
>Continue tweaking viral agent. 12 dice

EVA: 8| DR: 0 | BAR: 5+3
HP: 28/28 | SP: 24/24 |
ALC: 5
RESI 6 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 7 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 2 | SENS 5 | LUCK 7
Alright thanks for clarifying command, this'll make things a lot easier, I'll just move another 99 and put the other2 alacrity into DR and then focus on dodge. I think that works better.
I thought htis ghostweave was supposed to make you all... see-through.
I don't feel very see-through.
It makes you all see through and difficult to spot, yes, but it is not a fully functional invisibility cloak.

It's probably why they can't see if you're the mechanic or not, since you're kind of... a vague heat shimmer.
Ah. Well anyway, it looks like Kang is more interested in speaking to them.
> Fade back, through the trench ~ 2W 5NW and 2N

Agent Finks
EVA: 8 (6+2) | DR: 1 | BAR: 3 (5-2)
HP: 22/22 | SP: 32/32 |
ALC: 5 Stealth: +2
RESI 3 | REAC 4 | GRIT 5 | PROC 6 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 4 | SENS 9 | LUCK 7
Glitch 1
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7.98 MB PNG
. . . Okay, spreading out. Lets see what we have here.

Agent Nicole, that's more mines. Careful now. They seem to have a 2x2 trigger radius.

Agent Bill, good eyes on that old hunk of junk. It looks like a construction exo with some busted parts. Maybe we can spool the Sensor data and see if its picking up anything. Weird with the crater though. I wonder what happened here?

Kang, Skimmers aren't that fast. Also they're very cute but


OKay. Oka... Oky, okay, okay, new plan team. No one steps on any of the mines. What the hell is /this/?


{Civilians, to Kang}


Are you... here? Are you all here? Why are you poking that gun in my face, numbskull? I called the office hours. Put that dustspitter out of my face and tell me how you're going to FIX MY CAR.

{ Operative Phase }
Rolled 3, 6, 2, 4, 5, 6, 1 = 27 (7d6)

>Go Dark
>Move 666,66
>Tweak Viral agent.

EVA: 8| DR: 0 | BAR: 5+3
HP: 28/28 | SP: 23/24 |
ALC: 5
RESI 6 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 7 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 2 | SENS 5 | LUCK 7
Rolled 1, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 3, 6, 4, 1, 6, 3 = 38 (12d6)

I'm picking up... signal of some kind, let me see if i can route it through the drone feed
Rolled 3, 2, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 6, 4, 4, 3, 2 = 37 (12d6)

Agent, your Barrier is 8 - try not to build up more viral vector capacity than your HUD can naturally direct without flash-frying itself
>Move 1N 3E
>Refresh Al
>Move 2E 2N
>Scan Area
EVA: 6 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 22/22 | SP: 19/20 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 3 | GRIT 4 | PROC 1 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 6 | SENS 6 | LUCK 4
"Wow chill out Ok. This place is legit in the middle of nowhere. So wheres the patient. And by patient I mean your car. How did it break? Re-tell me play by play how you saw that your car broke down while we go to it"

>Use alc to move with the civilian that need his shit fixed
>Mosquito moves 7 (Auto Scan)
>Remind myself how to fix cars...

#Rick Kang
EVA: 9| DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 11/39 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3
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518 KB JPG
Agent Nicole, I'm getting some kind of... pingback coming off of you...
Can you not move diagonally out of trenches or just not at all?
WELL WE WERE GOING here for a bit of a joyride, natch, and then our car hit some kind of fireworks by the side of the road and got all busted up and I scraped my ARM I hope you brought PAINKILLERS

But that's not the worst of it, this band of ruffians got REAL EXCITED about their FIREWORKS and started popping off even more of them and I swear some of them even sparked off of the jeep!

We had to run down here because I was so worried they'd try to MUG US but they're just like I told the Office, some kind of roving gang of gasmasked goons with violent tendencies..

You have to get us outta here, mate!

The cars up beyond the busted down building in the centre of this place, right where the fireworks dented it.
#Agent Johnson
[Sweeper 2]

RES: (4) || REA: (7) || GRT: (4) || PRO: (4)
TEC: (11) || CHA: (3) || SEN: (7) || LUC: (5)

HP: (26/26) || SP: (18/18)
ALA: (6/6) || DOD: (8) + (2) || BAR: (4) + (-2)

> (Move) 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 (Alacrity: 0/6)
> (Action) Refresh Alacrity (Act: 1/2)
> (Move) 6, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8
> (Action) Hunker down behind cover (Act:0/2)
Just Not At All. This is a highly structured universe. You can interact freely and calculate range using diagonals just fine, Agent, but movement is cardinals only

>Unless you upgrade the BioMapOnSuperNaut and suddenly you can move diagonally!
Rolled 40, 12, 21, 18, 91, 20, 17, 90, 62, 95, 44, 58 = 568 (12d100)

That looks like a mark
> Move 2W 3N
> Climb E
> Refresh
> Overdrive and Scan the building north (6 PROC+1+5Alacrity)

Agent Finks
EVA: 8 (6+2) | DR: 1 | BAR: 3 (5-2)
HP: 22/22 | SP: 30/32 |
ALC: 5 Stealth: +2
RESI 3 | REAC 4 | GRIT 5 | PROC 6 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 4 | SENS 9 | LUCK 7
Glitch 1
"Ayt I'll go check it out. Go ask my friend Fill over there to help you out. He brought a field kit with him."
"Yo Fill! Help out these injured folks ok? I'll go check their vehicle."
Rolled 2, 1, 3, 6, 5, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 5 = 41 (12d6)

Move it, Nicole move! I'm headed there asap, see if you can't spot him or mark him up.

>Move 8888
>Focus on Dodge
>Ready HE Grenade

EVA: 6 | DR: 0 | BAR: 3
HP: 24/24 | SP: 16/16 | ALC: 4/4
RESI 2 | REAC 3 | GRIT 5 | PROC 3 |
TECH 9 | CHRC 3 | SENS 6 | LUCK 5

Sweeper 1
Firearms 1
Tactics 1
Vision 1
huh, this looks a lot like the infrared ping that maxwell
had before...
his arm was-
oh no
>attempt to break lock (bolster barrier?)
>move 422 2
>refresh alacrity
>move 66
oh fuck oh fuck oh
>-gecko: go investigate where that laser seems to have come from, about 4 tiles north of the sensor?
Agents, watch out. There's an enemy sniper. Cloakers, see if you can sneak up on him. Or at least put some counterfire on him.
Stick out of sight, and it shouldn't be able to hit you.
or it might still be able to. fucking smart-munition bullshit chardel grumble grumble

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 24/24 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
Glitch 4
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2.25 MB JPG

{ A hypervelocity slug tears through the air, leaving a momentary whitehot after-image }



Agent Finks, there's another sensor unit from a broken down exo-mech in that building up there along with another half a dozen mines. No signs of any people.


Kang, don't lead the civilians into a minefield.
Kang, I can't believe I have to tell you this
Agent Kang, civilians plus minefield equal no good fun time


Agent Bill, Gecko The Drone didn't... find anyone? What the? They must be taking shots from slightly further up but this alley looks like it closes together, it would be a perfect ambush spot. Careful now!


Picture, I'm picking up some odd audio.

>Move 66886
>Refresh Alacrity
>Move 66686
>Ready Viral agent.

EVA: 8| DR: 0 | BAR: 5+3
HP: 28/28 | SP: 23/24 |
ALC: 5
RESI 6 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 7 |
TECH 5 | CHRC 2 | SENS 5 | LUCK 7
Rolled 4, 1, 5, 3, 1, 4, 4, 2, 5, 2, 5, 5, 2, 6, 5, 2, 6, 1, 6, 2, 6, 5, 2, 6, 3 = 93 (25d6)

So much for the Frag, well better have and not need than need and not have. Do I need to spend an action to put it back or can I just have it readied? Does it occupy a handspace?

I'm taking care of Mr.New Years and his group right now. HEY! If you like seeing fireworks keep heading north alright if not let's get rid of that shrapnel stuck to your arm. Stay still genius or I will tranquilize you!

>Move 2
>Use Cortical Bridge -4 SP
>Ready Field Kit
>Use Field Kit on civi, HEAL (9 Tec)
>One time for each

EVA: 6 | DR: 0 | BAR: 3
HP: 24/24 | SP: 16/16 | ALC: 4/4
RESI 2 | REAC 3 | GRIT 5 | PROC 3 |
TECH 9 | CHRC 3 | SENS 6 | LUCK 5

Sweeper 1
Firearms 1
Tactics 1
Vision 1
#Agent Johnson
[Sweeper 2]

RES: (4) || REA: (7) || GRT: (4) || PRO: (4)
TEC: (11) || CHA: (3) || SEN: (7) || LUC: (5)

HP: (26/26) || SP: (18/18)
ALA: (6/6) || DOD: (8) + (2) || BAR: (4) + (-2)

> (Move) 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4 (Alacrity: 0/6)
> (Action) Refresh Alacrity (Act:1/2)
> (Move) 4, 4, 8, 8, 8 (Alacrity: 1/6)
> (Action) Prepare dodge. Avoid evading into mine. || +1 boost (Alacrity: 0/6)
Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d6)

Right I forgot put 1 focus into each action I got 3 left.
>-gecko: follow that bullet trail
>load fraysys
>overwatch: subvert first hostile in sight through gecko [target weaponsystems] (13+4 = 17 dice)
I'll brick your goddamn cannon, you coward!

EVA: 5 | DR: 0 | BAR: 7
HP: 24/24 | SP: 40/40 |
ALC: 4
RESI 4 | REAC 6 | GRIT 5 | PROC 9 |
TECH 4 | CHRC 5 | SENS 5 | LUCK 3 |
Glitch 4
Rolled 4, 6, 5, 2, 4, 6, 6, 2, 6, 1, 3, 1 = 46 (12d6)


> Ghostwire the mines 7N, 'Deactivate' (6PROC+1+5AP), Ripple Protocol
> Refresh, Move 6888

EVA: 8 (6+2) | DR: 1 | BAR: 3 (5-2)
HP: 22/22 | SP: 30/32 |
ALC: 5 Stealth: +2
RESI 3 | REAC 4 | GRIT 5 | PROC 6 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 4 | SENS 9 | LUCK 7
Glitch 1
You can hold on to it for now, as it is Readied. And excellent work on the rescue. It looks like that man had a considerable fragment shard going through his upper bicep. Small wonder he was even upright with that thing.

No wonder these people are taking all this in stride, they're half insensate from shock and dehydration. They must have been out here for hours hoping for rescue.

Get them checked up and patched over. Either tell them to lie low till the area is clear or get them to their car and out of here.
Rolled 1, 2, 5, 6, 5, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 1, 6 = 42 (12d6)

Since I know that the sensor is in there, can I hack it from out here or do I still need line of sight?
>-Tell civvies:"Dont go further then here there is minefield. I'll go inspect your vehicle. Stay Calm and go lie under some shade."
>Alc move: 66226
>Refresh Alc and move: 66
>Mosquito! Go Inspect the NE and investigate thAT sCRABBLE sCARBBLE SOUND

#Rick Kang
EVA: 9| DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 11/39 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3
Ah, or is that sensor on the broken exosuit?
>Analyze the sounds
>Move 3N 1E
>Scan Area
It's a sensor on a broken exo suit.
Rolled 2, 4, 3, 5, 3, 3, 6, 5, 1, 1, 6, 5, 5, 2 = 51 (14d6)

That could be useful, then. Let's see what we've got.
> Overload: Grab sensor info from my wreck North
> Overload: Grab sensor info from the other wreck Southeast
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Agent Bill, good handling on those civvies. They look a little lost so lets just make sure they get out of here alive.

Kang, Picture, Mosquito is picking something moving into the building.


Agent Johnson, you almost activated one of the mines. Be careful! And... Hey, is that ANOTHER group of lost civilians? What the? That's a little out of the



Agent Finks, these mines are recalcitrant little bits of murder. You shut down the first one but the others are still active. Looks like they have a barrier of 7.

Oh, thank you Mister Person Sir, that was some... something. We've been lost out here for hours and I was starting to think I'd be in right spot of bother.

Sorry if I snapped at your friend, it's sort of hard to maintain equilibrium with half a metre of shrapnel stuck in your arm. I feel so much better after a rousing course of painkillers and stimulants. You're nothing like that other band of rough and tumble ruffians with their masks, you know?

You know you know, I think - I THINK - they went and planted all these fireworks to get people caught in them so they could have their sport. They've put them up all over, like they're looking for someone or trying to control the area.

I think I saw a lady in a hat run away from a group of those there Ruffians and go to ground in of these buildings!

I'm not s-sure I can remember WHICH ONE, though...
>try to figure out how I'm over here now
>did someone hack my legs
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>Accidental drag when moving something else
>Mosquito, Move N and Scan building and people. Same for any traps, mines or sensors
>Move 68686
>Examine and scan blood and trails.

#Rick Kang
EVA: 9| DR: 0 | BAR: 5
HP: 39/39 | SP: 26/26 |
ALC: 5
RESI 5 | REAC 7 | GRIT 7 | PROC 4 |
TECH 7 | CHRC 6 | SENS 7 | LUCK 3
(Before I make my action I have a few questions I'd like to ask. Firstly, how difficult would it be to climb up the side of this building with no climbing equipment? Secondly is that pile of boxes under that tarp/awning a few tiles to the 6 of me a barricaded entrance of some kind? Thirdly, would these mines trigger if someone threw a rock at them, and would their blast yield be sufficient to, say, tear open a hole in the side of a building?)
Rolled 2, 4, 1, 2, 1, 2, 5, 6, 6, 4, 3, 2, 4, 3 = 45 (14d6)

>Move 66886
>Modify Viral Agent for STEALTH OPERATION(14 dice)
Not that hard. You're trained to scale small obstacles. Spend an action to do it.

It seems to be a bunch of old junk under a tarp barricading an entrance.

You Don't Know.
You Don't Know.
Ripple protocol centres on the operator?
> Not that hard. You're trained to scale small obstacles. Spend an action to do it.
(What would I be rolling? Grit?)
On the target.

you don't need to roll to climb. You just spend an action to climb a man-scalable object. It's not down to skill, it's down to effort.

If a roll is called for (climbing an unstable surface) back-end handles it.
Alright go hide in that trench to the south and stay prone. You'll be hearing a lot of noises but no matter what happens do not I repeat do not STICK YOUR HEAD OUT OF THAT TRENCH! Ever, ok? Sit tight until one of us comes back.

I'm about to do something really dumb.

>Move NWWN
>Use AdrenaFlux -1SP
>Move WNNN
>Move WWNN
>Use AdrenaFlux -1SP
>Move NENE
>Structural Realignment 4 ala for 2 DR

EVA: 6 | DR: 0 | BAR: 3
HP: 24/24 | SP: 12/16 | ALC: 4/4
RESI 2 | REAC 3 | GRIT 5 | PROC 3 |
TECH 9 | CHRC 3 | SENS 6 | LUCK 5

Sweeper 1
Firearms 1
Tactics 1
Vision 1

{Civ 1}
{Civ 2}
{Civ 3}


{Civ 1, 2}
{Civ 3}
(Neat. Not sure how smart it is to vault over a wall into unknown territory... but I'm going to do it anyway.)

#Agent Johnson
[Sweeper 2]

RES: (4) || REA: (7) || GRT: (4) || PRO: (4)
TEC: (11) || CHA: (3) || SEN: (7) || LUC: (5)

HP: (26/26) || SP: (18/18)
ALA: (6/6) || DOD: (8) + (2) || BAR: (4) + (-2)

> (Action) Scale wall (Act: 1/2)
> (Action) Prepare dodge. (Act: 0/2) || +6 boost (Alacrity: 0/6)
7? Then that's your job, Agent N. Can you scrape these sensors too? My attempts bounced >>3490348

> Move W N2 E2
> Wotan free ready, smoke grenade
> Throw grenade 4NE 2N
EVA: 8 (6+2) | DR: 1 | BAR: 3 (5-2)
HP: 22/22 | SP: 26/32 |
ALC: 5 Stealth: +2
RESI 3 | REAC 4 | GRIT 5 | PROC 6 |
TECH 6 | CHRC 4 | SENS 9 | LUCK 7
Glitch 1

Don't move.
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