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You are Yumigawa Rushorou, successful student politician, mediocre combatant, and incredible failure at romance.
Over the past three days, you've been transported to an artificial world that hosts a free-for-all battle to the death between magi; met the spirits of multiple legendary figures; battled in several deadly duels that ended inconclusively; and successfully pissed off both of the women capable of improving your chances of survival. You're currently talking to one of these, Truvietianne Edelfelt, through a door, trying to convince her to come with you in order to fight Blackbeard. It hasn't gone well so far.

Previous thread:

Suptg Archive:

Status Information:
Where we left off...
Watching Rider bomb the surrounding buildings, you come to a quick decision. "Caster," you declare, "Let's go intercept them. That excitable moron is going to be bringing all the Servants together in no time, making this the perfect opportunity to strike and thin the numbers."

"Yes," Caster replies, "I suppose it could be. Shall we go, then?"

"Not quite yet. First, I have to go and get Miss Edelfelt and Lancer. With you two working together, we should be able to mount a successful frontal attack on Rider's ship even if none of the other Servants show up!"

Full of excitement, you walk out of the tower without waiting for a response from Caster. After a few minutes of walking, you arrive at Truvietianne's room and knock. "Miss Edelfelt," you exclaim, "Rider has appeared, and there's a massive battle going to happen on the river! Let's go and attack!"

The voice that replies is sullen and pouting. Clearly Truvietianne is not so willing as Caster to move past a slight. "...and why should I go to battle alongside a liar like you? For all I know, you could be lying right now."

You try to open the door and discuss things face-to-face, but it's locked. "Look, Miss Edelfelt," you begin, "as I said before, I'm sorry that I kept silent about your misunderstanding. You have to understand! The world of magecraft, how magi think, it's all new to me! I was just an ordinary person before all this. I thought that if I revealed that to you too early, you'd break off our alliance!"

There's a long pause, during which you can almost make out the faint sounds of hitching breath, before you finally hear another shout from the indignant girl. "Y-you manipulative, lying commoner! You've been playing me for a fool, just using me, right from the beginning! You didn't think of me as an ally, just as a tool! An encyclopedia of the Moonlit World, to fill you in on what you were missing! I'm not going to be fooled again! Just go away! Fight Rider alone, if you're so eager to!"

>[ ] Keep trying to convince Truvietianne

>[ ] Go to the river with only Caster
>[ ] Keep trying to convince Truvietianne.

Yes I lied, and yes I manipulated you, and I am sorry for doing it; but I do think of you as an ally. If I didn't I would have told you the truth and have kept up the charade. And if you can forgive me for that, with time I hope we can be friends. And if you still won't come let me give you a warning; Archer and his master showed up here last night after finding a gap in casters barrier. So stay safe while I'm gone.
Still feel like this is the best way to handle this. If she doesnt come with us then we go and scout
>[ ] Keep trying to convince Truvietianne
Yes, I admit I let you believe that I was someone that I wasn't, which was akin to manipulating you, but I do think of you as an ally; I wouldn't have told you the truth of my identity as soon as I did if I saw you as nothing more than a tool. I promise to be more forthcoming throughout the rest of the war with you two; whether you choose to help us or not, I hope that we can still be allies
Also are you trying to hint at what we have to do next.

Park bench chapter 2:electric boogaloo
>*I promise to be more forthcoming throughout the rest of the war with you
I'm in the process of creating a logo in PS, but the thread hit bump limit before it was finished.
So this one gets a nod to the importance of parks in Fate.
Can I still take it as a hint of where we need to go next?
Damnit, don't forget to hell her about Archer and to keep safe, as well.
also dogeza
Support >>3344142

Dogeza is pointless if she won't open the damn door.
I might not understand the importance of the act, but why do that when the door is closed and we will hopefully be leaving after we have said our apology.
>If I didn't I wouldn't have
I know it's a small typo, but since we're trying to convince Truvi here it's worth not fucking up what we're trying to say. Probably also worth mentioning Archer's monstrously high magic resistance so she doesn't try using any spells on him.
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Because Iwant to stick with that mistake.
Thank you, both are good points.
Alright, I'm putting together a scene meshing your suggestions. Rushorou is too proud to dogeza when he knows it wouldn't achieve anything, though.
Roll d100 to convince her. +5, since you've come up with such good apologies.
Rolled 75 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Please be good.
File deleted.
Rolled 35 (1d100)

Rolled 91 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

Not a fail, I hope.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to take freedom away from you guys. However, you did pick pride as your motivation, and there's literally no reason to dogeza when she can't see.

Also your image got deleted, for some reason. FYI.
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Well it isn't now.
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Please don't make her go "It's not like I..."
Thanks for the great roll
I am a little curious about motivation. The brooding on the bench scene implied that we unlock goals, or maybe even grail wishes, by pursuing certain motivations enough times. Can we still unlock the one for, say, Duty, even though we've already have the one for Pride, or would we need to switch motivations entirely?

No problem man, glad to help.
Truvietianne's rejection stings, you have to admit. It wasn't the kind of reaction you'd hoped for, and you were speaking from the heart! You almost storm off, taking Caster to fight Rider without Truvietianne's help. Then you take a deep breath. Calm and steady your mind. The old you, the Rushorou from the ordinary world, wouldn't get caught up in emotion like this. You always stayed coolly detached, saying what the other person wanted to hear without feeling any effect. It's the War that's getting to you; the excitement, the danger, the change of location. It's all gotten you mixed up.

'The principles,' you remind yourself, 'of dealing with people are constant. This may be a matter of more importance, but it's fundamentally no different from convincing the captain of the basketball team I wasn't cutting his budget out of spite.'

Calm, you begin again. "Truvietianne," you say, voice dripping with sorrow, "it's true that I held my tongue when I could have kept you properly informed; that was manipulative, you're right. I'm truly sorry that I did so. The fact is, however, that I truly think of you as an ally, and, if you'll forgive me, as a friend. If I saw you as nothing more than a tool, I would never have told you I was human at all; I'd have simply kept up the facade as long as it was useful. If you'll come out of there and resume our alliance, I promise to be completely forthcoming from now on." Here you pause, waiting for a response that you know is unlikely to come.

"If you'd rather remain there, though" you declare in a tone of hurt and resigned disappointment, "you should know that Archer and his master found a gap in Caster's defenses yesterday. He has powerful magic resistance, so be careful." Finally, in a low voice as if you almost don't want her to hear, "Stay safe, Truvietianne."

It's a masterful performance, and you're certain it's had its intended effect as you turn to go, making sure your footsteps are audible as you walk down the hall. Then, just as expected, you hear Truvietianne's door.

"Wait!" she exclaims, "It seems I misjudged you, Yumigawa-kun. Since our alliance is so important to you, I'm willing to put aside my wariness and continue working with you. Make no mistake, however," she continues, "this is purely a matter of convenience for me; a useful partnership to take victory in the war, no more than that. With that aim in mind, let us go and confront Rider!"

At this change in mood, you give Truvietianne your brightest, most charming smile. A manufactured expression that you've practiced hundreds of times in order to perfectly show the student body how shocked and overjoyed you are when they post the election results each year. "Thank you for reconsidering, Miss Edelfelt."

"That's better," she whispers smugly as she passes you, "you shouldn't go thinking you can just call me by my name whenever you please."
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>"That's better," she whispers smugly as she passes you, "you shouldn't go thinking you can just call me by my name whenever you please."
Correct! Mostly, at any rate! As you recall, in his old life Rushorou had no goals of his own. He was a very unrealized person.
Consequently, the motivations you pursue during the Grail War shape his way of thinking about what he wants from the world. At certain intervals, you can unlock conscious wishes based on these unconscious motivations; the wish you unlocked on the bench is the first of these.
Each successive wish will take more actions pertaining to its source motivation than the prior wishes, as Rushorou's formless ideas towards the future are becoming more and more clearly shaped.
If you successfully take the grail, the wishes you've unlocked will become the options I give you for your grail wish.
With the options given will there still be a write in choice?
It's a long time away right now, but at the moment I'm thinking that would kind of defeat the point of building up the goals.
Fair enough, mainly asking to see if there might be joke wishes
Rolled 42 (1d100)

Roll d100 for your trip to the river, thanks.
Rolled 25 (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

Whew, thanks for the better roll
Rolled 4 (1d100)

Whew, thanks for not rolling sooner.
At least it's not a 1. Though now I wonder what a 1 would have gotten us.
>Blackbeard finds us and turns his broadside toward us
So basically another tiger dojo? Why do we keep missing those.
Having successfully wrangled Truvietianne and Lancer back into your alliance, you meet Caster in the front hall of the university and tell her, "Truvietianne has decided to come with us in pursuit of Rider."

"Well now," Caster replies with a smirk, "isn't that convenient?" Without waiting for a response, she continues, "Let's get going, Master. Other Servants are on their way to fight battle Rider already."

The four of you travel to the riverside without incident, walking between the still buildings which grow ever higher as you continue North. As you walk, you can't help but feel how odd the quantity of animals here is. In the city outside the university, birds are everywhere; crowding the wires, perched atop rooves, and even hopping about on the ground. Other animals, however, seem as lacking as humans. You've yet to see a single cat, dog, rat, or raccoon.

Uncharacteristically, it's Lancer who breaks the silence of the walk. "Tell me," he asks you, "about this Rider. It seems that you got a good look at him with the witch's help, but my Mistress and I are still in the dark. It's hard to fight an enemy you don't know a thing about."

And so, as you walk, you explain the details of Rider's appearance. His mannerisms, his ship, his aggression, his equipment, and so-on. Before long, the four of you have gotten close enough to the river to hear the cannons as nearby explosions, rather than distant thunder, and to feel the shockwaves of their impacts.

Taking cover behind a cratered skyscraper, you survey the scene. Downriver, you can see a bridge that's been smashed in two; Rider's ship simply plowed through it! This is only the most prominent bit of destruction, though. The whole of the riverbank downriver of the ship is covered in the craters and rubble induced by Rider's unceasing bombardment, and even the river itself carries debris.

Shifting your view to the ship, you observe a remarkable scene. Rider and Saber are locked in battle, Rider using a wide cutlass that you'd missed when first examining the Servant. Saber, although trying to attack, is plainly disadvantaged. His left arm still hangs limply, unchanged from its state after Lancer cut into it, and Rider is overpowering him with ease. As you watch, Rider twists out of the way of a desperate strike by Saber, draws one of his matchlock pistols in his off hand, and-

An explosion erupts the ship between the two Servants, rocking the ship! Saber and Rider are both thrown back, and you can see a diminutive figure at the center of the ensuing blaze attacking all the enemies that surround it. The flames, however, make it difficult to make out more than a small silhouette.

Status Updated
Without warning, Lancer leaps into the battle, going straight for Saber. It seems he wasn't kidding when he said he'd kill the other Servant on their next meeting. The way the battle is developing, the best thing for you to do is...

>[ ] Jump into the fray with Lancer, receiving support from Caster at long range! In the chaos, it should be easy to take out at least one of the enemy Servants. (Pride/Duty)

>[ ] Hang back with Caster and Truvietianne, waiting for an opportunity to strike with greater assurance of victory. (Self-Preservation)

>[ ] Something else (Write in)
>erupts the ship
Goddamn. Should be "erupts from the deck"
>[ ] Jump into the fray with Lancer, receiving support from Caster at long range! In the chaos, it should be easy to take out at least one of the enemy Servants. (Pride/Duty)

Distract Rider and ? While Lancer hopefully finishes off Saber. But keep an eye out for Sabers master.
>[ ] Jump into the fray with Lancer, receiving support from Caster at long range! In the chaos, it should be easy to take out at least one of the enemy Servants. (Pride/Duty)
Ask Caster to buff us before we go out there.
>So basically another tiger dojo? Why do we keep missing those.
Because we're not Shirou.
That's ok, but at what cost. We are leaving taiga all alone and sad.
>>[ ] Jump into the fray with Lancer, receiving support from Caster at long range! In the chaos, it should be easy to take out at least one of the enemy Servants. (Pride/Duty)
Don't worry, she's got Illya
True, but taiga might like a visit every now and again.
So, are you all agreed on this?

> [X] Ask Caster to empower you and then follow Lancer into the fray, distracting Rider and the new arrival so that Lancer can fight Saber
Let's rock it.
Alright, roll d20.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 7 (1d20)

Rolled 2 (1d20)

Rolled 8 (1d20)

I'm late.
Well if the dice demand a dojo vist, who are we to argue.
Nevermind, I forgot dojo is only reserved for 1s and Dead Ends.
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You folks are truly incredible.
... or am I wrong?
Well, you decided to charge in and attack two enemy Servants at once. You rolled a 7. This is a fun scene to write.
But we ARE dead, right?
So basically we shiro'd ourselves.

So we might need to address how we should be fighting this war. I would love to be like Souichirou, but we might need to actually talk to caster about it. Or roll better next time.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

What could have been
Oh, and we need to learn how to fight.
It could give us bonuses to our rolls.
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As Lancer speeds away towards the ship, you turn to Caster and hiss, "You told me before that you could use your magecraft to enable me to fight on par with a heroic spirit! This is the moment! Use it, and then I'm following Lancer!"

Caster, realizing the importance of speed in this situation, simply begins her chant. As the divine words pass her lips, you feel power flowing into you; a power so great you feel almost drunk with it. It well surpasses the strength you'd acquired through the artifact's modification of your body, and absolutely dwarfs the abilities of an ordinary human. Even while standing still, you can feel that much.

As Caster completes the chant, you give her a wild grin and speed off. You're moving as fast as Lancer, and when you leap from the bank of the river you land comfortably aboard the ship, despite the superhuman distance required for the jump.

All around you, chaos reigns supreme. Lancer is locked in combat with Saber, who seems to be performing better now than he had against Rider; he's parrying Lancer's hooked blade with surprising ease, although he remains slower than Lancer.

Rider's Master and deceased subordinates fled below the deck, leaving only the giant man in his struggle against the unidentified Servant. Looking at the battling pair, you quickly decide that your priority is to keep them away from Lancer, enabling him to make good on his ambition and take Saber's head. The closer of the two is the explosive Servant; likely Berserker, from the circumstances. You kick off the ground and close distance, punching through the flames to make contact with a small cheek; off balance on the rolling ship, Berserker can't shift weight to absorb the impact, and is knocked back to the stern.

Turning quickly, you see Rider drawing one of his pistols; as he takes aim to fire, you drop to the ground, narrowly escaping the shot, and make a dash for the pirate in a low stance, preparing to dish out an uppercut.

Before you can connect, however, there's a thunderous crash, and you lose all power in your legs as a searing heat tears through the lower half of your body. You crash to the deck face-down, and distantly observe the scream coming from your throat. Craning your neck to see what's happened, you make out Berserker, silhouetted against the noonday sun. Where your waist should be, however, there's only a charred stump. At the other end of the deck is a leg, still wrapped in a single sleeve of black cloth.

As your conscious mind begins to fade under the weight of the horrific pain, you can barely hear the low growl of Blackbeard's voice. "That's bad way to go, boy. Even fer somebody who attacked me ship, I'd rather not see it. Here, I'll make it easy for ye." Then there's the sound of metal, and nothing more.


Tiger Dojo is a strange hint corner.
If you would like to beat the game by yourself,
or if you would like to keep the characters' images, please be warned.
So a berserker who has a strong connection to fire...hmmm
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The pain of your severed lower half is gone. Nervously, you pat yourself down, but there's no mistake about it. You're whole again, and in the strange martial arts hall. Standing in front of you are the chestnut-haired instructor and the senior student.

"Hi~," the instructor begins, "welcome back to the heartwarming place that saves those who died ignominiously, the Tiger Dojo!"

"And I'm the senior student, full of energy as always!" the girl chimes in.

"As always," the instructor says, "but this is only the second time you've shown up. All you did last time was striking practice."

"Fu~fun," the smaller girl lets out a smug chuckle. "For a character like me, one appearance is all I need to make an impression! Sweeping away all the danger and violence of the past, this is the reveal of the cute, innocent, energetic Illya-chan who didn't appear in the original work!"


The tiger's rage is unveiled. "Doryaa! Don't think you can remake your character whenever you please, you sly girl!"

"Uuuu... even though I haven't killed this Onii-chan even once..."

"Well," the instructor declares, "moving on, why did Ru-chan die this time? Say it with me..."


The senior student gives a firm nod. "Onii-chan, even if you're stronger than a normal person, attacking two Servants at once is stretching it no matter how you look at things. Even Berserker has a hard time with that kind of fight!"

"That's right," the instructor follows up, "Make sure to properly consider your actions next time, and focus on a single enemy. If you plan your actions well, this battle can be won. And so," she concludes, "here is your fourth tiger stamp. Go forth and take victory!"

As you're fading out, the senior student calls brightly, "We hope to see you again soon, onii-chan!"

Do you...

>[ ] Jump into the fray with Lancer, receiving support from Caster at long range! In the chaos, it should be easy to take out at least one of the enemy Servants. (Pride/Duty)

>[ ] Hang back with Caster and Truvietianne, waiting for an opportunity to strike with greater assurance of victory. (Self-Preservation)

>[ ] Something else (Write in)
>[ ] Hang back with Caster and Truvietianne, waiting for an opportunity to strike with greater assurance of victory. (Self-Preservation)
>[ ] Jump into the fray with Lancer, receiving support from Caster at long range! In the chaos, it should be easy to take out at least one of the enemy Servants. (Pride/Duty)

It cant end the same way twice...right?
>[ ] Hang back with Caster and Truvietianne, waiting for an opportunity to strike with greater assurance of victory. (Self-Preservation)
Not if we roll better.
Rolled 17, 9, 1 = 27 (3d20)

Let's see...
Rolling to see if we are still cursed by bad luck.
See there was a 17.
Rolled 18, 2, 20 = 40 (3d20)

It's fine, really. When we roll again there cant be another one see.
And now you've wasted a crit.
Think of it as balancing the dice?
You've angered the dice gods.
Well if that's true then I dont roll and everything is fine. We come out ahead in the end.
Yeah, just don't roll man
The dice gods hate you. I think you stepped on a High Roller's shoes
But I got an 18 and a 20, surely it cant hurt to roll after the first 3 rolls
Yes anon. But those rolls are gone now forever.
But there are still so many others rolls. There are literally an endless number.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

Try rolling again
A single die.
To see if you are cursed or blessed.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Come on lucky number 20
So close
>[ ] Hang back with Caster and Truvietianne, waiting for an opportunity to strike with greater assurance of victory. (Self-Preservation)
I voiced this concern last thread, but there's a very real possibility that Assassin will try to kill masters with this giant battle as cover. Sticking with Truvi is a good idea for now.
Maybe this didn't quite come across, but what I was trying to convey with the Tiger Dojo is that I'd like you folks to create a plan of action if you want to attack the ship.
>Advance into the fray following lancer, keeping track of the relative locations of the servants. Attempt to track the Rider’s master into the ship.
I won't be able to post an update this morning, but I'll be back this afternoon. In the meantime, remember that the more detailed and convincing a plan you come up with, the lower the DC is for it to work; and that if you die more than once at the same choice, it's for real.
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> if you die more than once at the same choice, it's for real.
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>if you die more than once at the same choice, it's for real
How about we don't do that, yeah?
I like a good challenge, myself.
an improved edit of >>3342791's edit of my edit
Oh fuck, redact >>3345040 for

>[ ] Hang back with Caster and Truvietianne, waiting for an opportunity to strike with greater assurance of victory. (Self-Preservation)
Our best bet right now is to get a good grasp on our enemies.
We shouldn't go into battle when there could be concealed enemies that could crush us.
We'll want to spectate and wait for the perfect opportunity whilst Caster ensures an Assassin won't kill any of us.
Also we can get a grasp of our enemies Class/Personal Skills by observing them from afar.
Maybe even their Noble Phantasm too.
I'm pretty sure Rider's master is Keiseki, the office manager.
He's a fucking idiot is what he is.
How was he convinced that trying to 1vAll was a good idea?
Lancer has already gone off the rails after Saber tho.
Looks like Berserker will be going after Rider however.
We can probably be guaranteed that Archer is watching too.
Assassin is likely prowling about.
Extra Assassin might kill Rider's Master.
However it seems like only us and Truvi know of Extra Assassin's existence.
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>controlling Blackbeard
Good point.
Well he's fucked regardless.
>in a war with Caster, Archer and TWO Assassins still concealed
It's possible he knows about the special power of the Queen Anne's Revenge gets stronger as more Servants sail with Blackbeard and was hoping to make a friend or two
Also this
meanwhile I don't think Circe has even told us what a Noble Phantasm IS.
Trying to make allies by acting like a giga-autist and randomly fucking up the city to piss off the overseer of the war is pretty silly.
We should probably discuss a plan of action.
Maybe we should consult Truvi and Caster.
Lancer can be told to switch away from Saber whenever an opportunity arises, at least.
Yeah. We're--admittedly--going off half-cocked with zero training, magecraft or otherwise.
Plan of action: stay put with Truvi and Caster in case Assassin shows up, pray that Archer doesn't target us since he hard counters all of us but Lancer, and don't get torn in two by jumping onto Blackbeard's ship when over half the servants in the War are fighting on top of it. Sound good?
Yeah we don't actually know just how strong a servant is.
We've not even seen a NP.
Hell we don't know how strong WE are really.
We should probably get Matsuda to help us test our body at weightlifting and sprinting and what-not at the gym when we get back.
The parallels in this quest and the original Fate/stay are worrying
How so? Shirou wasn't the Vessel.
How so?
The main character being an oblivious moron with no grasp on his abilities that can't feel proper emotions that keeps getting slaughtered by running into situations he can't handle?
We haven't managed to die in an extremely horrible prolonged way yet though.
Also I can't help but imagine Cid as Kirei but with a goatee
Cid to Kirei, Caster wanting to fuck her master, Caster’s master actually being fucking inhuman in abilities, Truvi-Rin, Truvi/Rin having lancer, Archer being a fucking cunt, MC being mildly retarded, etc. Mind you, it’s been a long time since I’ve played the Fate vns so maybe some of this is more off than I think it is.
If our experience with the park bench is anything to go by, we should be very wary of anything that went poorly in the original.
Rin was Archer's master, not Lancer's. Aside from that, you're dead on, though a lot of Kuzuki's power was Caster buffing him.
I swear I can remember Rin having lancer, maybe in one of the alternate ones.
>Rin having Lancer
Truvi is clearly a Luvia expy more than she is a Rin Expy.
Granted the two (Luvia and Rin) act similarly anyway.
Every grail war has some asshole priest, usually.
>Caster wanting to fuck her master
Yeah Medea went a little beyond wanting and actually did.
Kuzuki is only superhuman with Caster Buffs, we're more like Leysritt.
>Archer being a cunt
That's basically a given for the cowardly ranged weapon using class.
EXTRA Rin has Lancer.
>MC being mildly retarded
You know, I didn't want to write Rushorou as being a moron. When you make decisions like "I just got back from a dangerous battle, who should I consult with? I know, the garden!", though, it's hard not to.
That garden gave us excellent advice.
> [X]Plan of action: stay put with Truvi and Caster in case Assassin shows up, pray that Archer doesn't target us since he hard counters all of us but Lancer, and don't get torn in two by jumping onto Blackbeard's ship when over half the servants in the War are fighting on top of it. Sound good?

Is this what you folks want to do?
Sounds good.
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>the park bench
>anything that went poorly in the original.

But the park in the original is where you meet best girl!
Illya route never.
Not blaming you of course, just commenting.

Never ever
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>That moment when you realise that we're some sinister fusion of Sieg and Shirou
We're a model student, we're autistic in dealing with people, can't into emotions properly AND we run headlong into danger to die.
But we're a homunculus (technically modified human but eh) and our outfit
>The simple look, black slacks and a white silk button-down.
is pretty close to Sieg's outfit minus the waistcoat.
I can't really compare our character traits to Sieg because SIEG DOESN'T HAVE ANY HAHAHAHAHAH.
Hey now, you're nothing like Sieg! I mean, you're more pale! That counts for something!
It's also where you get mindraped and kidnapped so that she can try to put you inside a doll and keep you as property. I'd say that went pretty poorly.

File deleted.
I'd prefer to ask the girls if there's any way to stop/sink that ship and if Caster can find any way to temporarily improve our odds of doing so. Wait, did we even come armed?
I see...
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Wrong image
Wow, that's quite well done! Nice work! If Rushorou lets his hair grow out for a while and doesn't comb it, that'll be spot on.

Nah, you didn't bring weapons since you don't really know how to use them. I mean, Shirou had at least trained with Taiga for years. You barely know which end of a bokuto is the handle.
Guess that means we only (barely) have our hands until we git gud, which means no benches for a while.
why don't we just use balmung ;)
Sieg jokes aside we should probably try a spear if anything
Caster likes spears, apparently.
One should hope she likes spears
Is this the obligatory "every fucking weapon name can be used as a euphemism for "penis" joke"?
I do recall her mentioning that she thinks blade TIPped weapons with LONG SHAFTS are better than swords.
are you happy now anon?
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I don't feel comfortable receiving praise for editing a picture of Sieg to look more Homunculus-i. Especially considering he should've looked something like that in the first place.
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Inspired by your excellent edit, I have created this handy guide to tell the difference between the two protagonists.
So were the one on the left?
Thank you QM, now I can stop wondering when all of the servants will all quickly die off in incredibly silly ways to hamfist the world's lamest romance and ending.
We haven't met the obligatory Shirou doppelganger anyway yet.
I'm joking btw, there are thankfully near to 0 similarities between Sieg and Rushorou.
>We haven't met the obligatory Shirou doppelganger anyway yet.
Are you sure about that? If you look closely, you can see that Shirou does not appear in this >>3346436 helpful infographic. Unless he DOES! Have you ever seen Shirou and Rushorou in the same room together? No? That's what I thought.

Out of curiosity, how many of you are going to see the movie tomorrow? I have to assume I'm not the only one.
I won't be. Will wait for blue ray
Today has been a total mess IRL. Sorry for the lack of updates, but I think I finally have the time to write now.

I would go see it, but there aren't any theaters showing it in my city. Whoever decided to distribute the movie through goddamn AMC is a moron.
As Lancer rushes off to confront Saber, you decide to remain behind. You may be more powerful than an ordinary human, but you're not confident enough in your combat experience (which is largely non-existent) yet to join the fight. From your current vantage point, though, you can't make out the full details of the battle.

"Caster," you say, "Let's get to a better vantage point! We can't do much from here!"

"I was just going to suggest the same thing!" she replies, "Let's head to the top of that building, I'll be able to support Lancer properly from there."

As you turn to look at the building she's pointing to, you suddenly feel her arms around you. Then you're ascending into the air, propelled upwards by Caster's wings. As the distance grows, you can dimly make out Truvietianne irritably shouting, "What about me, you two? Must I walk?"

In a moment, you and Caster have landed on the broad roof of a mid-sized office tower; the fence around the edge, metal bench, and door to the interior attest that it was intended for use as a break area. From your new position, you can properly see the entire situation. Aboard the deck of Blackbeard's ship, Lancer, Saber, Rider, and a fourth Servant you presume to be Berserker are carrying out parallel battles, while on the other side of the river you can see another Master-Servant pair that's had the same idea as you and Caster. Munahara Kikuko leans idly against a railing, staring down at the ship raptly and holding a soft drink, while Archer lies flat on the cement roof, his body obscured by a grey duster. He has an antiquated rifle in hand, and seems to be drawing a bead on one of the four battling Servants. As you watch, though, he holds his fire; perhaps waiting for the perfect shot.

Since Archer and his Master haven't yet noticed you, you return your eyes to the battle on the ship. Fighting at the ship's bow, Saber and Lancer are far more evenly matched than in their first encounter. Although Saber's left arm still hangs uselessly at his side, he is able to make use of his superior strength to continuously parry Lancer's furious attacks. After just one battle, he seems to have fully acclimated to the unusual shape of Lancer's blade.

At the stern, Blackbeard and Berserker clash in an explosive exchange of forces. The huge man wields his numerous pistols with wild abandon, interspersing shots with strikes of his cutlass to create an entirely unpredictable stream of attacks. Berserker, however, is never where Blackbeard expects, weaving through his assault to land blows that explode with the thunder of artillery fire. Although neither of the two Servants' masters is on the deck and fighting, you can see Rider's Master watching the battle from his cabin window, and a heavily muscled bald man dressed as a biker is cheering on Berserker from the riverbank.
As for Berserker herself, now that she's stepped out of the firestorm created by her arrival you can make out a clearer view of the diminutive Servant, and that view comes as a shock. In form, she's a sharp contrast from the other Servants you've seen, all either hardened warriors with the exception of the plainly supernatural Caster. Berserker appears to be a young girl, perhaps fourteen years of age. Slender limbs, shining white-gold hair, sparkling blue eyes, and creamy, almost translucent skin; in every aspect of her body's appearance, Berserker is a girl barely out of childhood, unsuited for a battlefield. In spite of all this, she wears the uniform of a 20th century military officer and fights toe-to-toe with Blackbeard barehanded. The juxtaposition you're seeing is beyond bizarre.

You're snapped out of your contemplative reverie by the clang of a metal door slamming open. As you turn in shock, you see Truvietianne, hands on her knees, bent over and panting in exhaustion. She's clearly run up several flights of stairs to arrive at this rooftop. As you watch, she catches your breath, straightens up, and shakily points an accusatory finger at you.

"N-next time, haa, don't leave me fuu, behind!" she pants.

Having taken complete stock of the battle, you...

>[ ] Ask Caster and Truvietianne if it would be possible to sink Blackbeard's ship with magecraft. (Pride/Duty)

>[ ] Ask Caster if she can support Lancer without drawing Archer's attention. (Duty/Self-Preservation)

>[ ] Tell Caster to attack Archer while he's unaware of your presence. Even his magic resistance can't be perfect, and you'd love to return his surprise attack in kind. (Pride)

>[ ] Something else (Write in)
>>[ ] Ask Caster and Truvietianne if it would be possible to sink Blackbeard's ship with magecraft. (Pride/Duty)
>[ ] Something else (Write in)

Give a quick apology to Truviet, then point out all know master and servant locations.
>[ ] Ask Caster if she can support Lancer without drawing Archer's attention. (Duty/Self-Preservation)
If the Berserker’s Master is on our side of the river

>Ask Caster and Truvietianne to accompany you on a mission to eliminate the Berserker’s master.

If not
>>[ ] Ask Caster and Truvietianne if it would be possible to sink Blackbeard's ship with magecraft. (Pride/Duty)
I feel that it might be best to draw as little attention to us as possible.
I think only Archers master knows we are a master. It's also reasonable that she would know that we are in an alliance with Truviet. If other know, they might team up as well, or quickly make a temporary alliance to wipe us out.
Eh, considering the state of affairs the only alliance I’d be worried about would be between Archer and Saber, but I don’t think a broader coalition would arise to ruin us simply because of the melee that’s already broken out.

Also, holy shit QM I’m loving these servants you’re trotting out. Absolute kino.
I can't really take credit; the main idea for this Berserker was Gulag's, after all. I'm just embellishing on the concept.
Idk, it’s just so nice to see that aside from Saber and extra!?Assassin I would have been happy with all of the servants we’ve seen.
Gonna support >>3347024, can't really do much while Lancer is on the ship.
I have to agree with >>3347044
Yiu have painted a nice picture out of the servants we have encountered.
Well, I'm glad to hear it! I did want to make sure you folks could enjoy all possible routes. And of course, Cid's Assassin was never an option for you.
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>tfw no lolisaka to crush your pelvis
You've been doing a great job at showing thus far, I'd give you pic's drink if I could.
>Cid's Assassin was never an option for you.
But Yumi X Extra Assassin is a shoe-in for best OTP
So what are the votes, so far?
Two for sink the boat, and two for help lancer hopefully without being noticed.
>>[ ] Ask Caster and Truvietianne if it would be possible to sink Blackbeard's ship with magecraft. (Pride/Duty)
I'll vote, then.
Might want to link it with the op's post so he can count it at a glance.
This is me, >>3347008
Jesus dude you are a fucking machine
Take care to not burn yourself out
You think so? I only managed one update today, though.

Are you new to the quest, or have you been following along?
Sink the Queen Anne's Revenge

Take Lancer to victory

Looks like all-out assault takes it. Roll d20.
I thinks he is taking about how often you run, not how often you post. I cant really name any QM's who have ran for (5 maybe 6) days in a row.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Please be good.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Time to dive into the fireworks.
Huh. I think Fortuna runs every day, although he also only does 1-2 updates daily.
All the other quests I liked died, so I can't comment on most other QMs.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Rolled 9 (1d20)

Well, let's see what couldn't have been...
Man it really wanted us to roll a 9
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>2 numbuh 9s and a numbuh 9 large
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Looks like you lucky folks have been visited by the strongest fairy!
But it should be okay, the prompt was to ask if we could sink it.
So maybe Truviet or Caster would say no, not with Lancer on it/its a NP so it would be really hard.
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>let alone the baka
That's not a good thing.
To be fair he did say strongest not smartest.
I guess QM hit the sac early; should be 1:29, going by his posting habits.
I'm still writing this update, actually. You're on the nose with the time, though.
"Blackbeard's ship is the biggest danger here," you declare, "it's the epicenter of the his destruction, and I wouldn't have much confidence in our chances of survival if we get in the way of that broadside. Caster, Miss Edelfelt, do you think we can sink it by bombarding it with magecraft?"

Caster appears to give the matter some thought, scrutinizing the ship for points of vulnerability. Truvietianne, however, isn't so placid. She marches up to you, seizes your cheeks in hand, and forces you to stare down at the battlefield once again.

"Are you blind?" she asks, "Really, do those red eyes not function as well as a normal person's? Do you have some excuse, some reason why you didn't see my Servant aboard the ship you're proposing to sink?" She takes a deep breath before continuing, "Or are you just an idiot?"

"I may," you begin to explain, "have phrased that poorly. Of course we don't have to sink it while Lancer is aboard. What I mean is, we should-" but Truvietianne is having none of it.

"Oh, spare me. That ship is probably a noble phantasm anyway; I highly doubt we can just sink it like that."

At this point, Caster interjects. "Archer's keeping quite a close watch on things, too. I'd rather not show him where we are."

"Well then," you say, sitting down to consider, "what can we do?"

Before the three of you can come to any kind of conclusion, however, another massive explosion resounds from the river, preceded by Blackbeard's booming command, "Queen Anne's Revenge, Internal Fire!". When you rush to the railing to see the situation again, it's plain that the explosion has blown all the Servants aside from Blackbeard off the ship. Saber is half submerged in mud on the opposite river bank from your vantage point, propping himself up on his sword; Lancer is standing on a protruding chunk of rubble below the three of you, having landed on his feet; Berserker is rapidly swimming to meet her Master, who's currently too close to Saber for his own safety.
Then Blackbeard strides up to the prow of the ship and begins declaiming to the lot of you. "Excellent!" he roars, "It seems we've finally gathered all seven Servants here! Yes, seven," he continues in a more subdued tone, "I've noticed the three of you skulking about on the rooftops, so you may as well reveal yourselves." At this statement, Kikuko looks around in startled confusion, before seeing you and giving a cheery wave. Archer simply holsters his gun and shifts to a standing position. On a third, more distant rooftop, you can see a faint silhouette, cloaked and wavering in the heat-haze. When you blink, though, it's disappeared.

"Now then," Blackbeard announces, "we're all here because of that bastard son of a dockside whore and a thousand sailors, Cid Ajisartous, isn't that right? Because he pulled us from our rest and called us here to fight again! Of course, I've never been reluctant to fight. Even if any of you lot didn't know me before, I've shown you that today! I love a good fight, and there's nothin' more exhilleratin' than to do it when yer outnumbered! But!" Blackbeard fires a pistol into the air to punctuate this shift of topic, "I want to get the enemy straight! The way I see it, the real enemy here is that damned priest o' Satan that pulled us out of our graves! So, heroic spirits! Ye've all heard my name. Come forward, introduce yerselves, and let's decide who we really oughta be fightin'!"

>[ ] This is ridiculous. You've already resolved to win the Grail War and seize a new life. Remain silent, and look for your best opportunity to attack. (Pride)

>[ ] Step forward with Caster and introduce yourselves. Blackbeard may be a rogue, but it's true that Cid is the one who's been manipulating all of you from the beginning. Maybe cooperation wouldn't be such a bad idea. (Compassion) (Write in an introduction)

>[ ] It's too early to make a decision. Watch the other Masters and Servants, see what they do, and then decide whether or not to speak. (Self-Preservation)
>[ ] It's too early to make a decision. Watch the other Masters and Servants, see what they do, and then decide whether or not to speak. (Self-Preservation)
(X) Doubt
Never trust a pirate's word.
>[ ] It's too early to make a decision. Watch the other Masters and Servants, see what they do, and then decide whether or not to speak. (Self-Preservation)
>[ ] It's too early to make a decision. Watch the other Masters and Servants, see what they do, and then decide whether or not to speak. (Self-Preservation)
And trust the word of a pirate?
Please, this is obviously some trap or a gambit, this servant is a bloody pirate.
But yeah, nobody knows about Cid's Assassin.
We should mention this to our group.
Also there's the chance Blackbeard intends to have the idiot chivalrous servants reveal their identities
>Caster leaves Truvi to walk
Man... Caster reallly doesn't like potential competition.
She realllly realllly doesn't.
Now, though, I am going to bed. Seems you're pretty much agreed on waiting for the others to answer Blackbeard's answer, so I'll presumably be writing that scene tomorrow morning.
Blackbeard has Charisma as part of his compound skill Voyager of the Storm. The plan might have been to gather the Masters here and talk everyone into joining him.
>[ ] It's too early to make a decision. Watch the other Masters and Servants, see what they do, and then decide whether or not to speak. (Self-Preservation)
Blackbeard is saying some pretty curious stuff. He talks as though the servants were summoned involuntarily by Cid, which usually isn't possible. We don't have a lot to go on as it stands, but if Blackbeard is telling the truth then Cid is far more dangerous than we originally thought.
For those using Blackbeard's FGO profile as a reference, I'd like to remind you to read my description of him again. This is a slightly different Blackbeard (different summoning circumstances lead to alternate manifestation), and his skills etc also differ from the FGO version.
I mean, this should've been obvious to people considering Circe has different stats.
Also I don't even know what the fuck her FGO personal skills are supposed to do other than High Speed Divine Words.
I really want to stress this point because I hate Blackbeard's visual design in FGO. Great historical legend, and they totally gave him the shaft.
This guy has an actual beard and naval uniform, and doesn't have a bare chest or fucking parachute pants.
Yeah so many servants got the shaft for no reason because of it's nature as a shitty Gacha.
Like why bother putting any effort into a character the majority of players won't give a single fuck about because s/he's not shiny and gold.
Pseudo-Servants make me unreasonably angry attempting to think about the logistics of such a thing.
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I agree with this, but does he still have his fuck-you clawfist?
How the fuck is that weapon even supposed to work.
Those Bleach looking skull pauldrons on his pauldrons will only serve to restrict his movements.
God I fucking hate how much flanderization occurs of existing characters in FGO too.
Poor Medea.
EMIYA is basically just tall white-haired Shirou and not the moody quippy asshole everyone knows and loves.
I based the design on this engraving of the guy from when he was alive. He's got a cutlass and like 10 or 15 pistols strapped to him.

The beard is loose, though, not in chunks like it's shown here.
How tall is he?
Servant height and weight is listed in the status menu. 6'10".
Jesus christ he's fuckin huge
Oh and I just had a thought.
What if the reason Blackbeard is luring everyone to his ship... is because if somebody dies on it then they are reanimated as a puppet?
Just a theory considering it's quite a bit more death based than his FGO counterpart so I doubt the ships are the same.
>How the fuck is that weapon even supposed to work.
It's a goddamn recto blade.
>He has his FGO face, but with the huge beard full of smoke, and a proper pirate's dress with 7 billion pistols on it and a cutlass.
That works.
What Blackbeard has to say is interesting, but you decide to remain silent for now. He is one of history's great villains, after all; not a man you feel confident in trusting.

Having finished his speech, Blackbeard remains standing for a time, the echoes of his voice resounding off the surrounding buildings now that the sound of battle has ended. Then, the first person to answer speaks.

"Ahahahahahahahahaha~!" It's Berserker, letting out a high gale of laughter. She's using her Master as a footstool, elevating her gaze to better meet the pirate's. "You think we'd want to join scum like you? To fight that priest just to return to our rest? You imbecile! All the other Servants around, I'll ask you. How many of you were feasting in Valhalla, or strumming harps for God, eh?" Saber looks indignant at the question, but waits for her to say her piece, "Not many, I don't doubt it. We lived for dreams beyond the reach of man, isn't that right? Towering achievements worthy of gods! And when they eluded our grasp, that's when we fell, slaughtered as brutally as those we trod down on the path to glory! It was those dreams, unfulfilled and eternally shining, that pulled us back here; the priest was no more than the herald of our own spirits!"

"And now," she continues, "After our years collecting dust, we're given another chance at our dreams! The chance of the Grail! And what better way to seize that chance than the same way we sought after our dreams in life, by violence? This, Blackbeard, is the chance of an eternity! I can't imagine how you were summoned without a wish, but if you're so eager to return to death, you can hand over your head right now!"

Throughout this oratory, Berserker peppers her speech with flourishes and exhorting hand-gestures. You can't help but think she must have been a politician or orator in life, but you can't bring to mind any famous Western military leaders and speakers who were young girls. As you're thinking on this, Archer surprises you by being the next to speak.

"Girl has a point. Bit of one, at least. The Grail's what we're all after; who knows if killing Cid would accomplish anything, anyway? Not much gain to be had in an alliance against the overseer."

After Archer, Saber gets to his feet alongside his Master. "To begin," he announces, "I would like to remind Berserker that some of us were true heroes in life! We are not all rogues, condemned to eternal torment! That said, I agree with the rest of her statement. A hero is a man who reaches for the highest heights and the greatest glories! There is no meaning in giving up the dream that animates me, and certainly not in doing so to turn my blade on a man of the cloth!" As Saber speaks, O'Mordha lays a hand on his shoulder, and silently confirms the sentiment.
Finally, Lancer says his piece, without looking for Truvietianne's input. "I'd be happy to give my name, Blackbeard, if my master hadn't forbidden it. I'm not one of these unfulfilled failures, either; I died in the satisfaction that my life's work was complete. All the same, I can't work with you. You come up the river like a raging beast out of the sea, destroying the city for no better reason than to vent your rage, and then ask for allies? You're wasting your breath."

"Hohohohoho!" Blackbeard's laugh echoes over the river. "If the other two are determined to keep their peace, I guess that makes the lot o' ye me enemies! What a mess! Don't go crying later on, when yer heads are hangin' from my prow. Remember that Blackbeard gave ye' this chance to join his crew! For today, though, I think the raid's done." As he announces this, the Queen Anne's Revenge begins smoothly turning for its return to the sea. "Next time we meet, there'll be blood well spilled, heroes!"

>[ ] Speak up, now that you've heard what the others have to say. (Write in)

>[ ] Attack Saber, together with Lancer (Duty)

>[ ] Attack Archer before he can gain more distance (Pride)

>[ ] Try to make contact with Berserker and her Master (Curiosity)

>[ ] Look for Assassin (Self-Preservation)

>[ ] Something else (Write in)
>[ ] Speak up, now that you've heard what the others have to say. (Write in)
"And just how many of you are aware that Cid has his own servant? An additional Assassin by his own words. Now for what purpose would the organiser of this event have summoned such a sinister class? Surely not to uphold the rules.
In fact the only reason I know about this servant at all is because they decided to attack both me and Caster. In fact the only reason he called Assassin off was due to Castervtrouncing the Assassin utterly."
Read the mood, m8, we have no real obligation of transparency to anyone but Truvi and the last thing we need is the other 4 teaming up. Also, what is this?:
>[ ] Try to make contact with Berserker and her Master (Curiosity)

That seems like an easy way to get killed.
Yeah but they don't have to team up.
I just want Cid to pay for trying to trick everyone
Also he's responsible for 1020 deaths and our body getting EINZBERN'D so I say fuck him.
Fuck him with 7 servants.
>Get Truvi to recall Lancer and let us all make our retreat, taking care to avoid Archer and the Assassin.
There’s too many servants about for us to do much now; best to get back to our stronghold and consolidate. We REALLY need some training and armaments from Caster. Also, it’s not cowardice if there are several demigods in the field who can fuck our shit up with ease.
>what is this?
Every other Servant (aside from the still unseen Assassin) has made their intentions clear to you, either by attacking or suggesting an Alliance. Berserker is the only one you're unsure about.
Oh, well that makes sense then.
I agree with >>3348128, this situation has too many unknowns to try confronting any of them.
>[ ] Something else
>[ ] Speak up, now that you've heard what the others have to say. (Write in)
"We won't be joining your crew, Rider, but you're right not to trust Ajisartous. The others give him too much credit. Archer: 'overseer' is a strange term for a man who commands a servant. And Saber: Ajisartous would intentionally facilitate over a thousand deaths, and you'd call him a man of God? Absurd."
Then >>3348128
We stir the pot and let the others know that Cid is a threat without sailing under Blackbeard, we skedaddle, and then maybe later we can consult Truvi about trying to open a "fuck Cid" back channel of communication with Blackbeard using Caster's magic or perhaps Ogawara's tech (once he gets some, of course).
Forgot my hat.
This seems like a good compromise, if QM allows it.
Yeah I'll support that
All aboard the S.S. Fuck Cid.
Well not literally in this case.
>Well not literally
Now I see the error of my ways. I should have based the priest on Caren, clearly.
"I swear I have my ID on me somewhere, officer! Just give me a minute."
My favourite parallel is
"Saber gets a shoulder wound after underestimating Lancer"
Damn dice.
Holy shit, did that happen in the original?
I can't remember if it was a shoulder wound specifically but even if Gae Bolg "missed" it still hit her non-lethally so she had an unhealing wound.
Yeah, I remembered that. If it was a shoulder wound, though, I can't believe I ended up following the original fight that closely.

Speaking of Lancer, have any of you folks figured out his true name yet? I've given you several big hints...
I have no idea.
He's a spearman
He died fulfilled
He's an asshole (apparently)
He'd share his name.
What's his appearance again?
From >>3331223
>At her side walks an older man, wearing a black cuirass with gold ornamentation, similar boots, and white trousers protected by a segmented waist-guard. He carries a large cloth sack tied to the end of a strangely hooked spear, and slung over one shoulder. In his other hand he carries a bronze helmet, evidently removed due to the heat, and its absence allows his short, wavy hair to blow loosely in the slight breeze.

Said hair is dark, a slightly reddish brown shade verging into black. You've never seen him don the helmet, and he usually keeps it stowed in the bag. When I said he was 'older,' by the way, that's just older than you teenagers. Lancer is in his mid to late twenties.
Something I’d like to note is that, in terms of stats at least, we made an alliance out of the two weakest servants (extra assassin nonwithstanding). Realistically, if we lose this alliance both sides are probably fucked.
Harpe is a hooked spear in Fate/Stay.
He's also an asshole.
The sack fits too.
If it is Perseus the asshole probably has about 5 Noble Phantasms.
Also a good reason to not reveal his identity since all of them are well known.
Bronze helmet fits the time period too.
AND the A+ luck fits as Lancer had the support of like 5 different gods.
Uh Perseus
Not Lancer.
Though if I'm right both work.
Your A-rank luck drew you together.

On a more serious note, I think you're underestimating how powerful Magical Energy A+ is for a Caster. Medea was able to do quite a lot with that, and she didn't even have an energy supply from her Master.
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Yeah Medea's laserspam is actually incredibly powerful.
She can buff her normal human master up to Servant levels.
It's just we only get to see her against Saber really.
There was a brief fight with Archer too, but Archer is a tricky asshole.
She'd be in the middle power-wise of the fifth war servants if she could use Argon Coin to summon a dragon.
You've heard enough. The other Masters and Servants are all either ignorant of Cid's true nature or they're deliberately hiding the fact that he's controlling a Servant of his own. Now, you decide, it's time for them to find out. You step to the edge of the rooftop and speak, discovering that your voice projects astonishingly well. Have even your lungs been enhanced by your transformation?

"Caster and I won't be joining your crew, Rider." You give a short pause, as Blackbeard turns to you, seeking elaboration. "You're right, though, not to trust Cid Ajisartous. These others," you wave a hand encompassing the range of Servants in the area, "give him too much credit." Then you turn to look Archer in the eye, and go on. "Overseer is a strange term to use, I think, for a man who commands a Servant. He's hardly the passive facilitator you imply." Then, shifting your gaze to Saber, "As for his being a man of the cloth, it's true that he wears a priest's cassock. By his own admission, however, he brought over a thousand people to this world, only to die, facilitating this ritual. Is such an action pious, do you think?"

Without waiting for a reply, you turn on your heel. "Caster, let's go. We're wasting our time here." In a lower voice, one unlikely to carry, you say to Truvietianne, "Recall Lancer, and let's return to the university. Now that we've seen most of our enemies, I'd say it's time to plan out how to defeat them."

As you walk towards the door leading down into the office building, you can hear Blackbeard's booming laughter. Evidently he, at least, is more amused than shocked by your revelation. Cutting through it, though, is the voice of Archer. "Wha- hang on, kid, what the hell are you talking about? How would you know Ajisartous has a Servant?" As you continue making your way to the door, Archer fires a shot, but Caster barely manages to deflect it. The situation is rapidly devolving into chaos as Rider's ship begins its journey back to the sea.

Roll d100 to exit the situation
Rolled 32 (1d100)

Bye, losers.
Well that sucks for me.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Step aside nerds
Rolled 1 (1d100)

We should've turned 360 degrees.
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I guess I was right.
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Anon, this plan was explicitly to prevent this how did you fuck this up
QM did say we can't die on d100 rolls but this is clearly worth a trip to the Taiga Dojo.
It means we can still get out of it.
>literally every servant manages to catch up
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I don't think that QM would be THAT malicious...
QM, I swear to fuck...
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See, there's a reason why a critical failure on a d100 doesn't mean death. On a d20, you have a 5% chance of rolling a 1 at any time. For best of 3, this means you have a roughly 14.3% chance of a critical failure on any roll. That's why the Tiger Dojo is there, to let you ease by those unlucky moments. You die, watch a skit, and get to try again with no lasting effects.

On a d100, though, there's only a 1% chance of a critical failure. That means I can't just kill you. I have to come up with something that truly represents the bad luck you've just had, without letting you reset time and pick another choice or roll again. Something that will have a lasting impact on coming events.

Look forward to it!
Or everyone decides to interpret the whole spiel as an insult, and ruins whatever reputation we had with them.
(Technically there's a 3 percent chance what with 3 rolls)
Also fuck.
Oh boy I can't wait to be kidnapped by an enemy master.
>inb4 the Assassin kidnaps us and brings us to an actual Einzbern
I actually want this to happen.
The p a r a l l e l s.
Wait what? I don't remember that happening in any of the routes.
What I mean is that I remember Shirou getting kidnapped by Ilya but it wasn't by her Servant.
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Are you feeling OK, anon?
who do you think carried Shirou back to the castle?
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On the bright side we haven't actually met an Einzbern, let alone know of it's existence, nor have they known of us until now (probably), which means no "onii-chan" business.
I hadn't planned to put an Einzbern in this war, but you're really tempting me. It's a tough call...
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Then again, if the Assassin's master is a total creep...
pls no, I don't deal well with sociopaths
On the other hand, we might not even get kidnapped at all.
There could easily be "Onii-chan" business.
We're physically almost an Einzbern homunculus and we're older than the vast majority of Homunculi.
>Nat one summons albino loli into the war
At least she's not the vessel this time. :^)
Just kidding, she would probably still the vessel.
You do realise that we're probably an excellent vessel too, right?
Hell we might be THE Vessel.
I am well aware, in fact >>3345629 was me.
Would not be surprised if we are some sort of super prototype Homunculus that either got lost/AWOL, or secretly in DEEP COVER with fake memories
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I HIGHLY doubt that's true, that would mean our parents are either Einzberns or surrogates.
btw QM, you don't have to shoehorn an Einzbern into the story if it doesn't mesh well.
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You know, it really is tempting, but Cid is too smart. He wouldn't bring any members of the three founding families into his personal Holy Grail War.
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Archer's second shot isn't so easily blocked. Rather than shooting straight at you again, he fires on the unprotected metal door, and the bullet ricochets to catch the back of your right knee. You go down like a sack of bricks, bleeding and in agony.

Unable to act, you watch as Caster is screams her fury and things quickly devolve into a pitched battle. Caster summons familiars to Archer's building, a host of lions and wolves, and rains down blasts of magical energy on him. He's just too fast for her, though, always managing to narrowly either escape her attacks or just take enough that his magic resistance allows him to shrug it off; as he avoids the assault, he expertly slaughters the animals, one-by-one, before pumping round after round into Caster's barrier. With neither side dealing damage, the battle is a stalemate.

Things aren't going better down by the river, either. Rider is quickly sailing away, but when Truvietianne orders Lancer to return, he disregards the command, calling back, "I told you I'd take the head from this coddled idiot's shoulders before, and now I'm going to do it! Fterotá Sandália!" At this call, his feet are bathed in a golden light, and the armored boots he wears are replaced by golden winged sandals. At the same time, he draws a bronze shield from his bag, holding it at his left and shifting his spear to a one-handed grip. Suddenly, Lancer's speed increases exponentially, and he begins to overwhelm Saber with a furious assault.

Status Updated

Although Saber's master attempts to support him with magecraft, Lancer has turned the situation thoroughly to his advantage. In addition to his increased speed and strength, the winged sandals enable him to fly, and he fully utilizes the 3-dimensional space to break through Saber's guard, avoid the O'Mordha's runic attacks, and decapitate Saber.

Unfortunately, in his hurry Lancer overlooks the final Servant still in the area. Just before his blade connects with Saber's neck, an explosive strike from Berserker slams into his chest, and Lancer is sent flying back across the river. He slams limply into the side of an office tower, the impact creating a new crater among the holes left by Blackbeard's cannons. Lancer gamely gets back to his feet, but Truvietianne has had enough of the fight. She holds out her right hand and chants, "Servant Lancer, by my authority as your Master I command you: Withdraw from the battle, and help Yumigawa-kun and I escape!"

Just like that, the fight goes out of Lancer. He speeds to your location on the roof and, stowing his spear and shield on his back, shoulders both you and Truvietianne. At this point, your consciousness fades; presumably you've lost too much blood.

End of Day 4
I wake up to a good speech, and then a nat 1.
Ok, let's rock.
>too smart
He's so smart he's trying the ritual that has never once succeeded and has a pretty fucking high fatality rate for organisers.
Well, you know. He's trying to make it work.
In the non-literal sense, once again.
He can try all he likes but at the end of the day he's gonna end up just like Kirei.
Kirei is so fucking dead that he doesn't even return for Hollow Ataraxia when even Zouken does.
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Kirei lives on in our hearts.
Kirei is a heartless piece of shit and Lancer killing him is absolute catharsis.
This is the same guy who got sad and cried when his wife died because he didn't get to kill her himself.
QM, forgive me but what is this about a second shot? Did I miss something?
Archer shot once at >>3348660, but Caster blocks it. Then he fires again, adjusting for her barrier.
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What's going to happen to Caster?
So to recap
>we got fucking kneecapped
>Lancer revealed his identity like a retard
>Lancer took some heavy damage
>Truvi used a command spell
Two of these can be resolved by Circe healing the two of us
one can be resolved by hacking off Archer's master's arm and having Circe transfer one of the spells to Truvi and the remainder to us.
Oh shit.
Wasn't Saber a plot-relevant servant we couldn't summon because of his plot relevance?
And now he's gone. Because we were UNlucky.
And after we made such a good speech too...

I don't know if that was intentional, but that's a good one.
Saber isn't dead.
>Unfortunately, in his hurry Lancer overlooks the final Servant still in the area. Just before his blade connects with Saber's neck, an explosive strike from Berserker slams into his chest, and Lancer is sent flying back across the river.
You awaken in Caster's tower this time, rather than the bed you've spent the last few nights in. You're disoriented at first; then it comes flooding back. The fight at the river, and how everything fell apart. Wait, your leg! It seems to be fine, fortunately; there's no pain, and the knee works. You look around for Caster; if you're here, she must have brought you.

As you groggily look around the room, you notice it's changed a bit. First, there's the bed you're lying in, up against the room's right-hand wall, which certainly hadn't been there before. Second, just off to your left, the wall behind you has had its racks of potions and arcane implements replaced with... a kitchenette? The other furniture in the room has changed as well; it no longer looks so much like a witch's workshop as it does like a cozy and well-appointed Tokyo apartment. Your sleepy mind attempts to make sense of this shift, but arrives at no conclusion.

Then you spot Caster, busily stirring a pot over the stove. As you watch, she hums a cheery tune, and you notice that her wings are twitching slightly as she moves. Mesmerized by the feathers' motion and still half-asleep, you reach out and pet one of her wings without thinking.

"Kya!" Caster lets out a short, surprised shriek before whirling to see you, awake again. "Oh, Master! I'm glad to see you've woken up, but you can't just go and grab a girl like that without warning," she says, blushing over her shock. "Lie there for a bit longer, and I'll have your breakfast ready. After all the healing you've done, I'm sure you must be starving!"

Following Caster's instructions, you wait for the food, and then gratefully accept it, eating it while sitting up in bed. As you wolf down the breakfast (sweet kykeon with dates, honey, and mascarpone), Caster explains what happened while you were unconscious.

"To be honest, I lost my head a bit when Archer shot you," she begins, letting out an embarrassed chuckle, "and we were fighting for some time. I'm not sure what Perseus and that girl were doing during the fight, other than giving away his noble phantasm, but after a while I saw him pick the two of you up and flee. After that, I used some large-scale magecraft to make it difficult for the other Servants to follow us, and we made it back here without any more trouble. After that, I healed your leg, and I've been watching over you since." She gives the injured limb a light squeeze before continuing, "How do you feel now?"

You're still a bit sleepy, but you generally feel quite restored. Caster's healing magecraft must be potent stuff.

"I feel..."

>[ ] "...much better. I'd like to stretch my legs, though." (Go see one of the other university residents.)

>[ ] "...still pretty tired, actually. I think I'll lie here for a while longer." (Talk more with Caster.)

>[ ] "...like being alone for a while." (Look for someplace to think things over, try to come up with a better plan of action.)
>[ ] "...still pretty tired, actually. I think I'll lie here for a while longer." (Talk more with Caster.)

First we should thank her. Say you like the look of the room and maybe ask why the room changes every time we come here.
Then move on to what else she has been doing while we rested.
>[ ] "...still pretty tired, actually. I think I'll lie here for a while longer." (Talk more with Caster.)
Oh, whoops. I missed that first clause in the second sentence.

Support >>3349623
>>[ ] "...still pretty tired, actually. I think I'll lie here for a while longer." (Talk more with Caster.)
We should probably ask about Noble Phantasms and the like as well.
Maybe later, let's get to know our servant on a personal level.
So what exactly is our current plan to win this war?

Who should we eliminate first?
Possibly the biggest threat to us is Archer. So I would like to get him out of the way. If he has independent action, taking the master out isn't good enough.
I'd like it if we were a bit less squishy, but that's sort of inevitable when taking part in this war.
Git gud. We have to ask Circe to help us improve ourselves (eg. ask how to use it magical circuits). Lancer seems to have set himself on the fast lane to death so we have to (somehow) become strong enough for such a contingency.
I think he is only on that lane when saber is involved, otherwise he seems to listen to Truviet fairly well.
We should work to improve ourselves, regardless.
Oh, I agree. But that will be difficult, unlike shiro or Truviet we will have to start from nothing. I truly doubt we will be proficient in magic or fighting.
"I'm still pretty tired, actually," you say, "I think I'll lie here for a while longer."

"Feel free, of course," she replies, "Healing magic can do a lot, but in the end the body has to replenish its own energy. Just lie there until you're feeling completely well again!" The smile Caster gives you is totally open and giving; there's no resentment or uncertainty there, and as you look into her face you feel a wave of unusual emotion wash over you. It's gratitude, you realize, something you've never before felt so strongly.

"Thank you, Caster," you say, the words falling out of your mouth without thought or calculation, "not just for letting me rest here, I mean; for healing me, for fighting by my side, for..." 'for the fear in your eyes when you thought I was hurt,' you almost say, but bite it back. "Thank you for supporting me, Caster."

"Oh, Master," Caster says, taking your hand in hers again, "Don't worry. Whatever happens, as long as you need me, I'll always be here for you." For a moment, you give no reply. You just sit there, staring into Caster's eyes. Time seems to slow, and your confused thoughts jostle for pride of place in your head. Finally, though, you get your mind in order at least enough to change the subject.

"So," you begin awkwardly, "while I was unconscious you changed the room around again. Why is it you keep doing that, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Oh, that?" she responds, standing up and looking around the room, "It's not much of an explanation, but I can tell you if you like. During the Age of Gods, when I was alive, art and architecture were very limited. There was only really one predominant style where I lived, and everything was in that style. I liked it, of course; things did look beautiful back then; but even so, now I have knowledge of the modern world, given to me when I was summoned! You modern humans have so many styles, it'd take me lifetimes to try them all! Still, I'm doing my best to experiment with this room. Do you like it?"

"Yes," you say, taking it all in again, "it's very relaxing; it reminds me of the house I grew up in, to be honest."

"Fufu~n!" Caster swells with pride, and her smile widens, "That's just what I wanted to hear, Master! I based this design off of homes in your region, after all! I imagined it would be the most comforting place to wake up!"

"Y-yes," you reply. As sweet as Caster can be, her single-mindedness is a bit off-putting sometimes, "You certainly did a fine job. But I hope healing me and rearranging the room didn't take up all of your time while I was unconscious. What else were you up to?"
"Oh, you reminded me!" Caster wears a look of surprise, realizing her own forgetfulness, "I made these for you, as a gift!" Of all the improbable things, Caster pulls down from one of her shelves a pair of white kid gloves, with unreadable arcane lettering stitched into the cuffs. "These are the gloves of muscular understanding! They make any kind of physical learning much faster. You see, that friend of yours, Matsuda, has really been wanting to fight you for some reason. I thought you'd want it to be a useful experience!"

Now these really do sound lovely! Possibly the answer to your problem of combat experience, if they work as well as Caster's tone implies. After thanking her profusely for the gift, you decide to...

>[ ] Go see Matsuda, and find out what these gloves are good for. (Duty)

>[ ] Find someone else to talk with in the university (Write in who you're going to see, and what about.)

>[ ] Find someplace to be alone. Before you can take any action, you need to develop a strategy. (Self-Preservation)
And now, folks, I'm quite tired as well. I may not have been kneecapped today, but I've got to hit the hay all the same. Figure out what you're going to do with Day 5, and I'll post about it in 8 hours or so.
>[ ] Go see Matsuda, and find out what these gloves are good for. (Duty)
>[ ] Go see Matsuda, and find out what these gloves are good for. (Duty)
Before we leave thank caster for the gloves. She is literally the best.
It's our duty as her Master and lover to make sure that nothing ever gets her down. We must be the Bazett to her Cu Chulainn (Caster).
>[x] Go see Matsuda, and find out what these gloves are good for. (Duty)
Thank Caster for the cool gloves too.
>[ ] Go see Matsuda, and find out what these gloves are good for. (Duty)
Kirei made him do it
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>>3350177 (You)
Also Caster doesn't have Gay Bulge in FGO.
And he's not in the War anyway, since his only possible classes are Lancer, Caster and Berserker. Unless Cid was inspired by Kirei-- ok now i'm scared
>[x] Go see Matsuda, and find out what these gloves are good for. (Duty)
>All these “go be a lonely autist” trap options
>[ ] Go see Matsuda, and find out what these gloves are good for. (Duty)
Time to git gud
>Lancer's only summonable classes are Caster, Lancer and Berserker
Imagine unironically thinking this.
Cu can fit in any class container except Assassin.
FGO Berserker Cu would not be what he'd normally look like as a Berserker.
Though with some fuckery you could probably manage Assassin Cu too.
Heracles can fit in every container except Caster. You can also slap him with grail mud to turn him into an Avenger.
Hell you could feasibly summon Caster or Berserker EMIYA (you shouldn't do this)
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>Caster EMIYA
ok, I'm stupid
you don't have to be an asshole about it
Sorry it was just pretty clear you were making an assumption based on FGO.
Nothing against you.
>All these “go be a lonely autist” trap options
It's seemed like something you guys want to do.
Not ragging on you, just laffin that our actions have lead to these options being available
>After thanking her profusely for the gift, you decide to...

Already covered.

Caster EMIYA. Can only cast two spells. Circuits catch on fire when he runs more than ten units of energy through them. My god, he's like the pinto of Casters.

Anyway, WRITING now.
After thanking Caster for the strange gift, you decide to go looking for Matsuda. So far, you've done pretty badly for yourself in the war, despite your enhanced capabilities, and you can only ascribe the deficiency to a lack of experience. In the battle with Saber and his Master, you were caught off guard by magecraft, while lacking reaction time led to your being shot in the knee. As you excelled in your academic studies in the past, you're sure you can learn the art of fighting; you just need the proper teacher.

Of course, it's not as if you have the ideal fighting teacher here. Perseus spent more of his life fighting monsters than his fellow men, and Truvietianne has a tendency to let her emotions get the better of her. Matsuda, though... he'll do. You haven't seen him fighting much, of course, but the memory of his battle with the skeletons just after your arrival still sticks in your mind. He had the kind of fluid grace and raw power that makes a young man into either a star athlete or a gang leader, and didn't let the unfamiliarity of the enemy hinder him.

Having made your decision, you head towards Matsuda's room. When you arrive, though, you find it empty. There's a disheveled bed, but no other signs of life. Considering his other possible locations, you wander around the labirynthine university until you finally arrive at the gymnasium; it still mystifies you that they decided to put both it and the pool three levels underground, but very little about this building makes sense.

As you enter the gymnasium, you see that Matsuda's made himself far more at home here than in his room. In the middle of the court, you can see benches, weights, and punching bags hanging from mobile stands, all apparently dragged out of the storeroom. Matsuda himself is sitting on a bench, taking a smoke break.

As he sees you, he raises a hand in greeting. "Hey," he calls, "finally decided ta check this place out, huh?"

"Not quite." You aren't here to see the gym, after all. As you cross the gym towards him you continue, "I was looking for you, Matsuda-kun. The truth is, I was hoping you could give me pointers on how to fight."

A wide grin divides Matsuda's face as he hears this. "Hah? I hear that right? Kaichou wants me ta teach 'im how ta brawl? Well," he declares, smacking a fist into his palm, "It'd be my pleasure."

As you enter his range, Matsuda goes straight from a relaxed position sitting on the bench into a punch. It's slow, with your new reflexes, and you have time to swerve out of the way, but it certainly caught you off guard. Then he's continuing the combination, stepping in to crush one of your feet beneath his heel and driving a fist into your gut. You retaliate with a punch to his head that comes out faster than anything you've seen from him, but he dodges it half before you've begun, ducking under your fist and sliding his knee in hard between your legs. With that, you're down.
"Tha first lesson o' brawling," Matsuda declares, grinning, "is that there's no beginning or end ta a fight, and no rules. Seen a lotta strong, fast guys go down on account of a hit from behind, or from somebody they thought was a friend." He paces around your humped form as he continues the impromptu lecture. "Yer definitely that type, Kaichou. Whatever that cup did ta ya, it made ya strong, fast, and tough. Ya couldn't a dodged my first punch otherwise. But what ya got no fightin' knowledge, and that means ya expect things ta work like in a movie. Everybody knows who tha enemy is, they square up, and it's over when somebody goes down. Hell, ya probably still think this spar is over now! But," interrupting himself, he drives a savage kick towards your stomach. This time you're not taken by surprise, though; you roll away from the attack and leap to your feet, outside the range of Matsuda's limbs. Unperturbed, he completes his sentence, "it ain't."

What follows is halfway between a lesson and a spar, as Matsuda teaches you how to throw properly channel the power from your legs into a punch; how to stand lightly on the balls of your feet, or with one foot acting as a springboard and the other receiving your weight; how to move your upper body while keeping the lower in place; how to catch an enemy's strike and channel into a throw; and a variety of other techniques he frequently uses. Matsuda is amazed at the speed with which you pick up the forms and techniques, remarking, "Those gloves missy made fer ya must really be workin'! Took me a hell of a lot more'n three tries ta learn that," after you execute a particularly difficult counter.

Throughout the afternoon, he tests you by attacking without warning, throwing punches to the back of your head or kneeing you in the gut while you're catching your breath. "Ta keep ya," he says, "always on guard. Ya let down yer guard too easy, Kaichou. It's like ya just don't expect ta fight, even when I'm hittin' ya!"

Finally the grueling training session comes to an end, and Matsuda points out the time. "It's gettin' ta be about time fer dinner. 'Fore we go, though, I got one more piece of advice fer ya. Listen up, too; it's tha most important thing I'm gonna tell ya when yer in a fight." You nod firmly, and he continues, "Never develop a style. Folks think martial artists and boxers and whatnot are hot shit, but I gotta tell ya. Nothin' kills a badass like predictability. That Bruce Lee stuff is just in tha movies; if yer style is simple enough ta write down and give rules ta, somebody's gonna find the holes. Guaranteed." Matsuda stares into the middle distance, letting out a long puff of smoke with an uncharacteristically depressed expression.

"Anyway, that's enough a my talkin'" he says, suddenly brightening. "Let's call it a day!"

Status Updated
You exit the gymnasium in late afternoon, with a few hours left before dinner. What do you do with that time?

>[ ] Head back to your room for some rest and a shower.

>[ ] Go to the university library.

>[ ] Take a closer look at the computer lab.

>[ ] Head back to Caster's tower.

>[ ] Take a walk through the university gardens.

>[ ] Leave the university grounds for a walk in the city.

>[ ] Go somewhere else (write in a location)
>[X] Go to the university library.
Never realized we had a computer lab; that's probably where Ogawara is.
>[ ] Take a closer look at the computer lab.
I don't think we've ever had a proper conversation with Ogawara. Let's fix that.
>[ ] Take a closer look at the computer lab
Also holy shit we got Minds Eye (true) from that?
The rank is important. Mind's Eye (True) is an interesting skill, in that it's clearly a representation of the kind of combat abilities a normal human can learn. EMIYA has it at rank B. Your E is quite a bit below that; for comparison, I'd say Souichirou probably also had the equivalent of a B-rank. Maybe C.
Actually taking a look at our skills I realised just why Caster is so happy that we can eat the food she makes.
>"The consumption of enchanted food, potions, and other harmful things will not affect this inhuman biology."
Haha holy shit.
We really DO have B rank luck huh?
Remember when I had you roll the first time you ate kykeon? It was to see if you developed that skill.
But EMIYA having it at B-rank is completely fair what with his endless service as a Counter Guardian.
I can't see Souichirou having it at any higher than like D.
Fortunately he doesn't need it to be that high because Caster Buffs are insane and Snake Style itself would probably be an A-rank skill.
I take it things would've gone very bad very fast had we NOT developed that skill?
If you'd failed that roll, you would have transformed into a pig and gotten a bad end, of course.
Damn shame we missed out on THAT particular Taiga Dojo.
Also god damn it Caster really?
You'd just let your Master eat that.
That's just what happens when you summon Caster and they don't like you all too much at that point I guess.
>We really DO have B rank luck huh?
I'm gonna also take a gander and say the reason why our Magical Energy is so low is because we haven't gone a way to turn them on.
>That's just what happens when you summon Caster and they don't like you all too much at that point I guess.
To be fair, Circe was scorned (how many?) times by no fault of her own so, it makes sense.
>*gone and found a way
>D rank magical energy
>for a non servant
Not at all.
That's incredibly high for a (modified) human.
Consider that Servant Parameters go up in 10s with E = 10 and A = 50 and + doubles the total temporarily
B rank luck is immensely high but it's justified what with the amount of luck we had.
>our Magical Energy is so low
Remember that these are your stats ranked on the scale for Servants. I ranked you at D assuming that a "normal" high-talent magus like Rin or Luvia is E-rank or below.
Yeah that makes sense.
Computer lab it is. Roll d100.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Here goes something.
Rolled 28 (1d100)

Fingers crossed.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Last one?
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wew, that's decent
There goes my "The computer lab is empty and you find nothing. Return to choice" update.

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>roll a 1
>"there's nobody here"
>>said somebody that's there
If you'd rolled a 1, Assassin might have been in the computer lab.
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>Assassin might have been in the computer lab
Is there anyone who can't just tank the damage dealt by Caster's ward?
Meanwhile in an alternate timeline...
also can I point out how fucking LOOONG Shirou's legs are in this scene? Like holy shit Takeuchi.
Ilyafag pls, don't tempt QM into it. An Assassin's Einzbern is likely to be further unhinged.
Nah, I probably wouldn't have actually done that; Archer's the only one who can reliably break in unnoticed.

Although, True Assassin did get in in the original. I'll have to go back and re-read the scene to see how Medea's defenses were set up there.
You decide to head to the computer lab. During your first tour of the university you didn't take a very close look at it, but you can't help wondering if it might aid you in the War somehow. Besides that, you wonder if there's internet in this alternate world. On the one hand, it seems natural for a recreated city complete with running water, gas lines, and electricity to have the more modern connections. On the other, though, you can hardly imagine a communications connection being established between an artificial world and ordinary reality. In any case, it's worth investigating.

As you push open the door to the lab, you're blasted by the obnoxiously loud strains of high-pitched, cutesy music. The room as a whole is dark, but numerous screens shine, and there are speakers all over the place pumping out the noise. Clearly, this is where Ogawara has made his home. The awkward student himself sits near the center of the room, eyes glued to a screen. He evidently hasn't heard you enter.

"Good afternoon, Ogawara-kun," you say, "is the equipment here to your satisfaction?"

Ogawara visibly jumps in his chair before spinning it around to see you, standing in the doorway. A hand shoots out to mash one of the keys, and the music drops in volume. "Y-Y-Yumigawa-san!" he exclaims, "What are you d-doing in here? Er, I m-mean, how a-are you feeling? You, um, were w-wounded, ri-right?"

"That's right," you say, ignoring his indelicate first question, "fortunately Caster was able to heal me, so I'm back up and walking around now. I thought I'd come and see how everyone was doing."

"I-I see." Ogawara stands up as he replies, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, "Th-thank you for your, ah, concern. T-t-to answer your, er, question, well..." Searching for the words, he trails off.

"Yes?" you prompt, looking around the room, "Is something wrong with the place?"

"It's r-really the strangest thing," Ogawara explains, "th-there's nothing here from a-after, um, 2004. I think." You give him a blank look. Isn't it normal for a university to have some out of date equipment? "I-I mean, nothing at all!" he continues, "It's a-all up-to-date for that year, too, like e-everything was, ah, cutting edge, a-and then they just, um, stopped everything that y-y-year! E-even the things online, they're all 15 years out of d-d-date! A-and nothing is, um, live. It's all j-just snapshots. I-isn't that, ah, I m-mean, that's w-weird, right?" Ogawara looks at you for confirmation.

"That is odd," you have to agree. Cid had mentioned something about this world being modeled on the past, but at the time you'd assumed he was speaking in general terms. Now, though, you're not so sure. Are there aspects of this city based on some specific place or point in time? "Thank you for telling me, Ogawara-kun. Keep doing whatever research you can, and see if you can find any other information."
As you leave the computer lab, still wondering about Cid's plans, you're filled with a sense of unease and nervous energy. You should be tired; you can feel in your muscles the evidence of the day's exertions, but it still doesn't feel like you've done enough. You want to prove yourself, to triumph over the legendary enemies who fill the city, but your only excursions so far have ended inconclusively. Now, even though the day is drawing to a close, you find that you don't want to let another minute pass without making some kind of real progress in the War. You ponder on the possibilities of a night attack...

>[ ] Go to Caster and plan an attack on one of the other Servants; she should be able to divine their locations and find one who's vulnerable. (Pride/Duty)

>[ ] Quash the emotions; this is pointless. All you'd be doing by leaving the university is putting yourself in danger again. The best thing to do remain defensive, fortified here. (Self-Preservation)
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Doesn't tricky worm man trick her into killing Kuzuki by giving Kuzuki worms?
After that point I think she wanted to die.
Basically in the manga Zouken
>mind controlled Kuzuki
>gave Kuzuki a worm that would explode his heart when hit by Rule Breaker
Picrelated is endresult.
>[ ] Go to Caster and plan an attack on one of the other Servants; she should be able to divine their locations and find one who's vulnerable. (Pride/Duty)
Pfft, we're not pussies. We should, however, give Ogawara detailed descriptions of the Servants we have encountered and ask him to work on finding out who they are before we go.
>>[X] Go to Caster and plan an attack on one of the other Servants; she should be able to divine their locations and find one who's vulnerable. (Pride/Duty)
Huh, I don't remember that from the VN. I'll boot it up and check.
Would that be the same manga where Shirou takes up bodybuilding?
Basically in the VN IIRC when you confront Caster in HF she is covered in blood and REALLY fuckin out of it.
to the point that Saber sort of just walks up to her and cuts her in half.
The manga elaborated on that.
You're right. Just went through the scene again, and there's no explanation of Souichirou's death in the VN. Caster just says it was someone's plan, and that you've been sent to finish her off. Then Saber kills her. Very odd.
But hey.
There's no better way to deal with Medea than having her betray and kill the one person she loves entirely by accident and totally mindbreaking her.
Well unless you're Gilgamesh and you just drop sword rain on her.
You've had enough of reacting. You've run into Saber by mistake, been ambushed by Archer at home, and even set out for the river in response to Rider's provocation, but you've never truly instigated the situation. That ends now. First, you head back into the computer lab, surprising Ogawara once again. Without giving him time to tortuously squeeze out a sentence, you launch right into your explanation.

"Ogawara-kun," you declare, "Since the internet is at least partially functional, I have something I need you to do if we're to win this War. I need you to research the true names of the enemy Servants I've seen so far."

"S-sure," he replies, "but, um, what c-can you tell me about them?"

And so you describe each one in turn, beginning with the masked spear-wielding Assassin, continuing with Saber, Archer, and finally Berserker. They all have such unusual appearances, you're sure he should be able to find something. Explanation finished, you spin on your heel, anxious to finally act, and set about climbing the numerous floors to Caster's tower-room.

As you're climbing the tower, the sun begins to dip below the horizon, and you feel the shift from late afternoon to twilight. You knock.

"Come in, Master," Caster's voice is cheerful and friendly, as usual; clearly she isn't feeling the odd tension that's filling you and driving you to strike out tonight. In fact, when you open the door you find her reading a book. She puts it aside to ask, "How did your sparring with Matsuda-kun go?"

"Quite well, actually. He was able to teach me quite a bit about how to fight more effectively." You don't see any reason to mention the repeated beatings you took, especially since your body is now durable enough not to show any lasting effects. "What I want to discuss with you now, though, is-"

"Attacking one of the enemy Servants, right?" Caster cuts you off, rushing to the conclusion.

"Well, yes," you respond, "but how did you know?"

Caster flashes you a mischievous grin. "It shows in your eyes, you know. I can see the way your spirit is burning up, looking to fight! You are a man, after all; if you took the way things have gone lying down, you wouldn't be worth supporting! Kyahahaha!" Caster lets out a peal of laughter at this, but you don't quite see the joke.

"At any rate, you're right," you tell her. "I'd like you to divine the locations of the various Servants right now. Is that possible?"

"Of course! Something like that is trivial for a sorceress of my abilities!" As she answers, Caster stands up and takes down a crystal vial from one of her shelves of arcane tools. "We'll need to go out into the garden, though. The scrying bowl I have here won't do."
And so, as the moon begins to rise, you follow Caster out of the university, travelling into the extensive grounds. As you go, you pass various water features; Caster looks each one over, and rejects each in turn. It ends up taking at least an hour of walking, but you do eventually come to a large tranquil pond that suits her requirements, whatever those may be. By the waterside, Caster begins her chant, and at the final word she opens the vial and allows a thin stream of silvery liquid to fall into the pond.

The strange liquid doesn't mix or sink into the water; instead it spreads into lines, extending themselves on the water's surface. As you watch, it forms a map of the Eighth City, gleaming in the moonlight. Then it creates further marks, denoting the locations of the various Servants. At your own location shine a star and a spearpoint, marking Lancer and Caster, as well as four simple points for Matsuda, Ogawara, Truvietianne, and yourself. In the sea to the East, an anchor marks the location of Blackbeard's ship, with the accompanying point marking his Master as well as a diffuse haze, possibly indicating his numerous undead Servants. Directly to the West, a fair distance from the from the river, a sword marks Saber's location amidst suburbs. As you watch, the bullet representing Archer creeps gradually nearer the sword; at the current pace of movement, they will be battling soon enough. Both Saber and Archer are accompanied by their respective Masters. To the Northwest, immediately across the river and quite near the site of yesterday's battle, you see a fireball representing Berserker, along with her Master, stationary in a luxury hotel. Lastly, to the distant North you can see an enormous group of dots, presumably representing the remainder of the preliminary round's survivors, clustered together. Neither of the two Assassins appears on the map.

Feel free to write in the details of your plan of action.

>[ ] Go after Saber

>[ ] Go after Archer

>[ ] Try to reach Rider's ship

>[ ] Ambush Berserker

>[ ] Investigate the group of humans
>Lastly, to the distant North you can see an enormous group of dots, presumably representing the remainder of the preliminary round's survivors, clustered together.
Wait, I thought they were all dead.
30 survivors total.
We can probably go see whats up with them though.
The FUCKCID club will grow ever larger.
>[X] Investigate the group of humans
>[ ] Go after Saber
Best to get this out of the way before Lancer fucks off by himself to do it.
You just had to get the coins; that doesn't necessarily mean you have to kill people to steal their coins. Besides, they might be sacrifices for the Grail or something
>[ ] Investigate the group of humans
I wanna see if this is another of (((Cid)))'s tricks.
The best part about these humans is if we feel like it we can just use them all as mana batteries for Caster.
We shouldn't
But we could.
I'd much rather rescue the sorry bunch though.
Might be a few magi among the bunch.
I'm not sure what our next move should be. Let's discuss.

As much as I think we need a leg up on Cid and we should learn about the group of people, Archer is the greatest immediate threat to us. Unfortunately, since he's going after Saber right now, it'll be hard to get Lancer to prioritize Archer once he joins the fray, and if we attacked Archer at first that would leave the rest of us wide open to our now-provoked greatest enemy.

If we try to somehow orchestrate a 3v1 against Saber, I think we'd have greater success. Kikuko, at least, would be receptive to our help, and I presume Archer wants us alive at least for now because we have some of that "information" that lives depend on. It should be possible to take Saber out with their cooperation. However, I don't want Lancer thinking we'll be indulgent of his insubordination from this point on or otherwise expecting things to go his way.

Rider and Berserker are certainly possibilities, but I think it's safe to say there are more pressing matters at the moment.
If there are magi, they might pose a decent threat to us. If we try to give them shelter, they could well try to swipe our servants and become masters for the sake of self-preservation if they trust Cid the same amount we do. And we technically don't know if they really need "rescuing".
Berserker is probably our best bet in a fight ironically.
No magic resistance and no bullshit like God Hand and they are super dead.
If we REALLY want to win this then
>visit group of survivors
>have caster kill them all
>kill Kikuko
>Archer can't get a new master
But that's for Kiritsugu types.
We could also try setting Berserker on to Archer.
The group of survivors is too much of an opportunity to pass up though.
>[ ] Go after Archer
Hopefully we can catch him after a heated battle with Saber
Yeah, but Berserker has good area control and AoE because of those explosions. Also, do you remember the last one?
If they are magi sure.
But we've got Caster.
Caster could easily spot the magical ones and could probably just as easily geas them so they turn into pigs if they break the terms or something.
Also good luck "swiping" a servant.
unless you're as talented as Medea, working for the church or are Zouken himself then good luck.
Unless you're saying that they might try killing us in our sleep.
I just remembered that Caster watches us sleep at night.

I dread the day she needs a Mana Transfer, for Rushorou.
>also can I point out how fucking LOOONG Shirou's legs are in this scene? Like holy shit Takeuchi.
That's because you have a stretched copy of the CG. The art is originally 800x600, this is 1280x720.
We'd also have to survive two days without Archer going apeshit or finding some other way to get back at us like being the second servant of another master. Of course, we're not that kind of guy, so that plan is off the table to begin with. I'm still not sure if we should go for the people or try to help Kikuko and maybe leverage a ceasefire or some such thing so we don't have to deal with Archer and can hope he dies fighting another servant.

Sure, Caster would protect us, but I'm more concerned about Truvi. Lancer both doesn't really get along with her and is a selfish dick who showed off his NP in front of literally the entire war because he wanted to win. I don't want to give him the opportunity to betray her.

With our monstrous magical energy output, she'll never need a transfer. That's even more worrying since it means we're basically just waiting until she decides she can't take it anymore...
>survive two days without Archer going apeshit
Just a reminder, if you consult the status menu you'll see that Archer's A-rank independent action has a different time limit from that of FSN Archer.
...Huh. Somehow I forgot that Independent Action has associated ranks and thought that two days was standard for the class. I lose track of the stupidest things.
Ah I see. I just thought Takeuchi got lazy again.
and we won't be able to do anything to stop her! Command Spell? Oops looks like you cant string together sentences for the next few hours.
Escape her room? Oh no, the door vanished.

Lets just hope our servant doesn't try and rape us.
The real threat is that she could make some pretty fucking potent daterape potions too whi...ch won't work on us.
>Perseus has only one NP
What in the-- SWEETS
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>implying we'll resist
You've seen him use one NP. What makes you think it's his only one?

To clarify, I'm following the way status updates worked in FSN. Remember how you learned about secondary NPs gradually, and at the beginning it seemed like Invisible Air was Saber's only one?
We learnt his true name, and that should reveal his entire sheet right away.
Shirou didn't learn Arturia's name at the very beginning... did he?
Learned Cu's at the beggining though.
And yeah its Perseus.
Too many OP artifacts is his specialty.
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>implying we aren't the type prefer waiting until marriage
Knowing Perseus, he's got a whole arsenal of NPs. I wouldn't be surprised if Medusa's head was in that sack of his.
You know "lets get married first!" Also won't stop her considering she (as a demigod) could probably just ordain the marriage herself right then and there.
Now, just what could you be implying, anon?
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What are you two talking about?
If you don't know, I'm afraid I can't tell you.
So what are you folks planning to do? The strategy discussion seems to have petered out without a consensus.
I think we've decided to investigate the human gathering.
>[ ] Go after Archer.

I'm late, I'm late, I'm really really late. I say go after Archer, if we can get Lancer to not go straight after Saber. After Archer is down we can step back and let Lancer finish us duel.

Never had I thought that the lyrics: "I kissed a girl and I liked it".....It felt so wrong, it felt so right felt so applicable to that situation.
Seems like you folks are still pretty divided on who to go after. I'm going to let you discuss for a while longer and hopefully come to an agreement.
>Investigate the group of humans
Well, we'll just have to see if Rushorou can make that same magic happen in this timeline.

Right now we have 3 votes for investigating humans and 3 for intervening in the archer/saber fight.
Could always leave it to a coin toss.
>>3352724 has a point, the vote to intervene is in favor of attacking Archer so it wouldn't be too complicated.
>[ ] Investigate the group of humans
It's about time I voted. May as well see what the humans are up to. There's no guarantee that they'll remain, and most probable outcomes of the Archer vs Saber battle if left alone are good for us.
Ah. From what you'd written before, I had you down as for attacking Archer.

Guess you're going all the way across town to see the mysterious group.

Hey there folks, had some unexpected stuff to deal with last night. Sorry about that.

Please tell me whether you'd like to bring Truvietianne and Lancer along, and then roll d100 and d20.
Rolled 89 (1d100)

I don't think we'll need Truvi to come along for this one.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Yes, unless someone makes a good argument against it.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

rollan a hunnerd
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Sure, might as well if we get ambushed.
Rolled 26 (1d100)

And the hundred.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Forgot to roll 20
Let's bring them with us. There are still two assassins to worry about.
19 and 89?
My mask fell off.
"Caster," you say, "am I right in thinking the smaller points represent individuals? If so, I think it would be worthwhile to investigate that large group to the North."

Her response is hesitant, sounding perplexed. "That's right, Master, but it seemed like you wanted to chase down the enemy. Are you sure?"

"Yes. We do need to defeat the enemy Servants, but at the moment it's more important to collect as much information as we can about the War's situation. Please map out a route for us while I go and get Edelfelt and Lancer."

Walking away, you ponder on the grouping. It's true Cid had told you there were more survivors, but you're surprised to find them all in one place. Could the priest have kept a portion of the non-Master entrants alive for some nefarious purpose? But then, why would he have told you they'd survived at all? Surely it would be in his better interest to keep them secret if he'd sequestered them for some hidden scheme.

You arrive at Truvietianne's room and knock. Surprisingly, it's Lancer's voice that greets you from the other side. "What do you want? The girl is in the bath."

She's... bathing? You suppose it makes sense for this time of the evening, but somehow you never expect these things, and you can't suppress your irritation at the delay. "Whatever she's doing, I need you to tell her this, Lancer. We've found a large group of survivors from the preliminary round on the North side of the city, and we're going to investigate. I'd like you two along in case we run into one of the enemy Servants."

Lancer heaves an irritable sigh, before replying "...fine. I'll go tell her, but don't expect that girl to bother hurrying."

True to Lancer's word, it's over an hour before Truvietianne finally opens the door, fully dressed and ready to go. You can still faintly smell her perfumed shampoo, though. "You want to investigate the other survivors?" she asks, giving you a haughty stare, "Not what I'd call the most productive use of our time, but I suppose I may as well accompany you. Let us be off!"
The location Caster's divined is a distant one; in your old world, you'd certainly have taken a municipal train, but those remain stationary in the Eighth City. Fortunately, however, you find that your new body is much better suited to travel than your previous human form. With some effort, you're able to keep pace with Lancer, travelling over the rooftops in long bounds. Truvietianne rides on Lancer's back, while Caster flies above the three of you.

Although you had some concerns when you saw that Caster's route brought you by the hotel Berserker calls home, the place was still and silent as you passed, showing no reaction. Berserker, apparently, feels no need to maintain a watch at night.

Once you cross the river, you find that the scenery shifts oddly as you enter downtown proper. Previously, everything has been silent and dark, as one would expect from an abandoned city; only the streetlamps lent illumination. In the areas catering to the Eighth City's imagined night life, however, things are quite different. Restaurants, bars, and other attractions are all lit up, with interior lights and exterior signage both shining illuminating the night. Enticements leap out from every angle to seduce customers from the crowds rushing home after work, but neither crowds nor proprietors are present, leaving the entire show as an odd pantomime. Why would Cid have put such effort into recreating this one empty facade of the city's life?

Then you've arrived. Your destination is hardly impressive; it's an apartment complex. Tall and well-built, no doubt an expensive place to live, but not the biggest or the most luxurious building you've seen in this city. And yet, the largest group of people in the War is here, by Caster's divination. Looking up at the place from the street, you decide to...

>[ ] Make your presence known. Announce who you are and why you've come, and meet whatever representative they send out. (Pride/Compassion)

>[ ] Break in through the front door and investigate openly. There's no reason to give them the chance at a first strike; for all you know, they could be a gathering of hostile magi. (Pride/Duty)

>[ ] Enter the place stealthily and find out the true nature of the gathering without giving yourself away. (Duty/Self-Preservation)

>[ ] Do something else (Write in)
>[ ] Make your presence known. Announce who you are and why you've come, and meet whatever representative they send out. (Pride/Compassion)
Knock knock.
>[ ] Enter the place stealthily and find out the true nature of the gathering without giving yourself away. (Duty/Self-Preservation)
>[ ] Make your presence known. Announce who you are and why you've come, and meet whatever representative they send out. (Pride/Compassion)
We'll see what they have to say and try to get a look around inside. If they won't let us in, then we can just have Caster or Lancer dematerialize and go poking around inside.

>[ ] Break in through the front door and investigate openly. There's no reason to give them the chance at a first strike; for all you know, they could be a gathering of hostile magi. (Pride/Duty)
I support >>3353950
'Perhaps it would be unwise to make any immediately aggressive moves,' you decide after looking the building up and down. You still don't know what kind of people are in there, after all. Instead, you stand outside and announce your presence, with Caster amplifying your voice.

"Fellow survivors," you proclaim, "I am Yumigawa Rushorou, the Master of Caster! I've come here to find out why so many of you have gathered in one place, and what your attitude is towards this War!" Your voice, amplified by Caster's magic, resounds in the night air; you're certain the inhabitants have heard you. Only silence greets you, however, for a period of several minutes.

Then one shadow emerges and separates from its fellows, coming out of the night's darkness. You can't tell just where it emerged from, whether it was inside the building before you came or waiting on guard; only that it stands visibly now, perched on a balcony. This individual wears a shapeless grey robe; not black, but a shifting grey tone that merges perfectly with the darkness of the city. A cowl covers its head, but below it you can see a wooden mask, shockingly simple in its design. No face or skull is conveyed, only an oval of dark wood with a slit for a mouth and two round holes for eyes. Now that it makes its presence known, you can feel the energy of the shadow. This is Assassin, and a different Servant from that which Cid employed.

For all its bizarre appearance, the voice that the figure speaks with is quite ordinary. It is the voice of a suspicious guardian, worried for those he protects. "What are you doing here with two Servants then? You're ready for a battle here, Yumigawa, not a parley."

"As you say," you reply, "I am ready for battle. There could, for all I know, be 22 magi in that building waiting to attack any who come near. I may be looking for information, but that doesn't mean I have no reason to see to my own protection."

Assassin lets out a derisive snort. "I suppose that kind of thinking is to be expected of you, Yumigawa. I've seen enough of you to understand your character. You take to the title of Master readily, for a non-magus; you want to win the War, and you'll use any methods you can think up to that end. At Rider's gathering, you made a fine little speech to confuse the Servants, turn them against Ajisartous while keeping them suspicious of one another. I'll tell you now, there are no magi in there; just frightened people trying to survive and get home. They have nothing to say to a Master, and if you know what's good for you you'll go back to that palace you've made your home in."

Even as his last words for you fade into the night, Assassin is gone from your sight; one again with the shadows, his presence extinguished.

Status Updated
How do you respond?

>[ ] Go to another location. There's no point in attacking those who won't fight. (Compassion)

>[ ] Attack the building. Now that you know Assassin's Master is within, there's no need for discussion. (Pride)

>[ ] Circle the building and attempt to locate Assassin. He can't hide perfectly, surely. (Duty)
>[ ] Go to another location. There's no point in attacking those who won't fight. (Compassion)
Damn that master of Assassin.
Hiding among the survivors.
Well we have no intent to kill 22 people on the off chance one of them MIGHT be Assassin's master.
Quite a devilish way to hide.
Like honestly there are so many ways for this to be a trap it's unreal.
The best option here is just to leave them alone out of good will.
>[ ] Go to another location. There's no point in attacking those who won't fight. (Compassion)
Technically it's a university. Wish the Assassin success in defending the innocents and be on our way.
>[ ] Go to another location. There's no point in attacking those who won't fight. (Compassion)
Almost as intelligent as hiding your militant bases in hospitals, cunt.
Yeah it's a great idea up until somebody who isn't as nice as us orders their servant to obliterate the place with an anti-army or anti-fortress attack.
Fucking Assassin and their retard master are playing a dangerous game.
I mean, it is the holy grail war but still.
Way to be a douche.
At least Circe wouldn't mind teaming up with Blackbeard to beat the shit out of Cid if it comes to it.
He's technically a sailor after all and she has an affinity for sailors.
Assassin isn't defending the innocents.
More like "if you attack my Master you might accidentally kill innocent people"
1) their master hasn't revealed themselves
2) assassins are typically pretty shitty at guarding things, by their very nature.
3) by hanging out around non competitors they are actually endangering them.
>[ ] Go to another location. There's no point in attacking those who won't fight. (Compassion)
If Assassin really is just guarding the survivors, he's a cool enough dude and we ought to leave him alone.

>Quite a devilish way to hide.
Have you considered that Assassin's master may just want nothing to do with the war and is living among the survivors as someone who wishes not to participate? We didn't exactly choose to get Caster, but we decided to stick with the fight anyway. It's quite possible that Assassin's master doesn't want to be in the war and is using their servant to guard himself and the other survivors.

1) If you don't want to join a deathmatch, why announce yourself as a part of it?
2) It's not like Assassin's master chose to summon Assassin. They got handed a servant accidentally by a cup, same as us.
3) With Assassin's Presence Concealment, it's not like the other servants actually know Assassin is there. Hell, we're probably the only ones who know where the survivors are since we found them with Caster's scrying.
Assassin needed to borrow my mask for his appearance. He only just got it back to me.
Alright, it looks like you all want to go somewhere else. But where?

>[ ] Go after Saber

>[ ] Go after Archer

>[ ] Try to reach Rider's ship

>[ ] Ambush Berserker

>[ ] Conclude that tonight has been a failure. Go home and eat kykeon until you feel better.
Wait, no. We got her by pure coincidence, that's all.
Seven cities, seven cups that and seven servants. People who had the coins could exchange them at "places of purity" and get servants. The only one who didn't get a servant via cup is perhaps Cid.

>[ ] Go after Saber
Trying to kill Archer in this situation would probably backfire.
>[ ] Go after Saber
Hope his master isn't relying on bounded fields against Caster.
>[ ] Go after Saber
Hopefully we can turn this into a two-fer. Time to die bitch.
Oh right, we need a plan.

Sean's not stupid, so he'll probably try to bail as soon as he realizes he's being focused by more than one Servant. We need to try to pen those two in, so if we can we should split up and try to encircle Saber from multiple directions, using Archer as our third prong. Let's ask Caster if she has any way to restrict the movement of Saber and his master.
>[X] Go after Saber

By all means, continue to discuss you plan. In the meantime, though, I'll need you to roll d100.
>[ ] Go after Saber
We're not getting Perseus' cooperation otherwise.
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>you plan
There's always something, isn't there. Your plan, I meant. Your plan.
Rolled 48 (1d100)

All aboard the chance train. Will it stay on the rails this time?
Rolled 69 (1d100)

Rolled 29 (1d100)

I don't know what's going on with me today.
What's the contingency plan if Archer misunderstands our intentions and ends up joining with Saber to get a 2v2? Do we just duke it out and hope for the best?

One way or the other, we should probably go after Sean with Truvi again. I wonder how Sean will react now that we've improved enough to get a rank in Mind's Eye (True) since our last meeting just two(?) days ago.

Important note: killing Kikuko would be meaningless since it would only serve to piss Archer off, and she's the only thing that stopped him from killing us to begin with. Ironically, it's in our best interest to ensure her safety.
We could however have Caster mind control her if she isn't a magus.
"Kill yourself, Archer."
"Kill yourself, Archer."
Bye bye Archer.
"There's no need to engage these people further," you announce, turning back the way you came. "The Master of Assassin will have to shed his cowardice and face us in the end, regardless." Although ostensibly speaking to Truvietianne, Caster, and Lancer, you keep your voice loud enough to ensure Assassin and his mysterious Master can overhear your contemptuous proclamation. "Lancer," you continue, "I believe you had a fight you wanted to finish with Saber. Caster, lead us to him."

"Certainly, Master," she replies, "We just need to follow this street North, and then turn left here, and..."

And so, the four of you travel Northwest, roughly parallel to the river that runs through the center of the Eighth City. Although you pass once again through the city's mock nightlife, it isn't so shocking the second time. In fact, there are several shops you'd like to visit, if only there were actually anyone running them. The human mind can adapt to anything, you suppose. The lights fade once more when you enter the suburban neighborhood surrounding your destination.

As you draw near the location where you expect to find Saber, you begin to doubt matters. Caster had told you it was a large city park, in the midst of the suburbs, but what you see instead is an enormous cathedral rising from between the houses. There's no foliage to be seen, and the structure looks totally out of place compared to the surrounding architecture. As she catches sight of the building, though, Caster addresses your concern. "The magical energy of that cathedral..." she says, drawing in a breath in surprise, "it's the same energy as Saber's, without a doubt. I wonder if it's his noble phantasm or if his Master created that..."

As you approach, you see Archer; you'd almost gone right by when you noticed him, but checked your progress just in time to keep from drawing his attention. He's lying on a rooftop off to your left, eye pressed to a rifle-sight and watching the cathedral. Kikuko sits beside him, seemingly at her ease.

You currently stand on a rooftop two blocks away from the Cathedral. How do you approach the situation?

>[ ] Attack Archer while he's unaware. (Duty)

>[ ] Approach Archer and Kikuko openly. (Compassion)

>[ ] Approach the cathedral. You'll have to descend to streel level once you get close enough. (Curiosity)

>[ ] Bombard the cathedral at range with Caster's magecraft. (Pride)

>[ ] Something else (Write in)
>[ ] Approach Archer and Kikuko openly. (Compassion)
I feel like we're becoming too nice.
Ah well.
Lets see if he tries to shoot us again.
The asshole.
At least he had the decency to aim for a non lethal spot.
>[ ] Approach Archer and Kikuko openly. (Compassion)
May as well say hi. It will make things easier anyway.

I'm pretty sure he just wasn't done talking with us and so he wanted to immobilize us until he was finished. Still a dick move.
>[ ] Approach Archer and Kikuko openly. (Compassion)
>more and more Compassion options after getting nursed to health by Caster
Are you trying to tell us something, QM?
Caster is helping us become a good boy somehow.
Intentionally or not.
Our apathy is being cured.
Sorry, but that's actually coincidental. I just wrote a bunch of options that I couldn't think of another motivation to class them as. For example, I could put approaching Kikuko as Prudence, and leaving Assassin behind as Apathy, but then I'm not sure if they'd show up again. Apathy isn't really a motivator, anyway.
>[ ] Attack Archer while he's unaware. (Duty)
>Compassion for our hard counter
We have the drop on him AND the 2-1 servant ratio, please stop anons
But we don't know when Perseus is going to sperge away.
I still have hope for our servant being able to teach us not to be autistic. Saber managed it with Shirou somewhat and she was equally autistic to Shirou.
Of course Fate route Shirou is still plenty autistic, especially compared to literally any other incarnation of him.
Especially EMIYA and Miyuverse Shirou.
>>[ ] Approach Archer and Kikuko openly. (Compassion)
>2-1 servant ratio
He has A-rank magic resist. That's the same as FSN Saber, to whom Medea's magic was about as powerful as a mosquito and who would have killed Medea easily if not for Kuzuki. Our odds are hardly better than a simple 1v1 against a servant who knows our contender's True Name, and Saber could conceivably come out of that cathedral at any time.
>[ ] Approach Archer and Kikuko openly. (Compassion)
With our arms out to the side to show we dont want to fught.
Good evening Kikuko. Going after Saber as well?
>[ ] Approach Archer and Kikuko openly. (Compassion)
>Aiming for a non-lethal spot
What a meme. I’m pretty amazed y’all want to engage with the Archer regardless of the state of his master, but fuck it. What’s the worst that happens, we die like a dumbass again?
Frankly, you'd rather not have to fight Kikuko if you can avoid it. After all, she was the one keeping her Servant from attacking you (just barely) the last time you two met, and you still don't know much about her goals. So, motioning for Caster and Lancer to return to spirit form, you leap to the rooftop where the pair watches the cathedral, landing behind them. Spreading your arms in an open gesture of friendship, you say "Munahara-san, good evening. It's such a pleasant surprise to run into the two of you here."

Kikuko lets out a squeak of shock, spinning around to see you. "Kya! Yumigawa-kun, when did you..."

"I just got here, hoping to dispose of Saber tonight. It seems like you and Archer share the goal."

Archer doesn't move, keeping his eyes trained on the cathedral, but he remarks, "Well then, you're in for a wait. That thing's real tough."

"Oh?" you prompt him to continue, eager for more information about the mysterious structure. "What do you mean by that?"

"Simple. It doesn't take damage. As long as he stays in there, I can't do a thing to him." Archer's tone is laden with irritation. He must have been expecting, you suppose, Saber to be an easy enemy to take down; a shot at range to the unarmored head, and it would be the end of him.

"So now you're staking out the place, just waiting for him to step out of his fortress, is that it?" You complete the picture Archer's drawn of the situation with some exasperation. From the way he'd successfully snuck into your base, you'd imagined the gunman might have a more subtle plan.

Archer gets to his feet, slinging his rifle over his shoulder. "That's right," he says, pulling a cigar from a pocket and biting the end off, "Unless," he continues, inclining his head to light it, "you've got a better plan in mind." Archer finally meets your eyes, and his gaze is contemptuous. He expects nothing from you, and makes it painfully clear. With no plan set in mind, you buy time by changing the subject.

"Munahara-san," you say, shifting your eyes to the small girl, "from your words during our last meeting, I was given to understand you had no intention of fighting. Why the change of heart?"
Kikuko's eyes begin to swim and her cowlick bobs in the air; she's clearly nervous, and not nearly so adept at staying cool as her Servant. "Well, you know, after what that big pirate guy said down at the river, and that stuff you were saying about Cid, it just felt like, 'I don't even know what to do,' you know? I mean this whole thing is just totally weird! I don't get it at all! So I figured, well, if I just let Archer do it his way, it'll probably turn out fine. I mean, like, I still don't want to just totally go around killing people all the time and stuff. Killing people is terrible, right? But Archer says it's the only way to survive, and, you know, I don't want to get killed either, you know?"

"I see," you say, feigning interest in the girl's vapid inner turmoil, "fighting to survive can be a noble act, after all."

Before you can continue reassuring Kikuko, though, Archer cuts back in, green eyes burning into yours. "Which brings us back around to gettin' in. Got a plan, kid?"

>[ ] Come up with a way into the cathedral (Pride/Duty) (Write in your plan)

>[ ] Admit you don't have any idea how to get in. (Self-Preservation/Duty)

>[ ] Order Caster and Lancer to materialize; attack Archer while he's least expecting it! (Pride)
>Ask Archer about the Fortress, find out everything he knows about it before we make any plans (Self-Preservation/Curiosity?)
What does the cathedral look like? Can we even make the details out from this distance?
This. As chad as it would be to do the in-your-face surprise attack that will likely lead to nothing but annihilation.
To be fair, has he tried knocking?
You're about a block and a half away from it, on a rooftop. Yes, you can make out the details.
The center and highest point of the cathedral is an enormous dome. Below this is a set of four walls forming a square outline; on two parallel sides, these square walls balloon out into semicircles. Finally, about halfway down one wall, another roof protrudes at a downward angle, covering a large rectangle which you presume forms the entrance. The upper portions of the walls are covered with stained-glass windows, and there is a large metal set of double doors at the center of the protruding third wall. As for the other three, they face away from you and the portions nearest to the ground are obscured.
That's an idea. Have Lancer knock and declare the chance to finish the fight. Might work if Lancer says something about Sabers honor being besmirched from running from the first fight, and only surviving the second fight due to outside interference.
When I say “an in-your-face surprise attack”, I was referring to the “summon Caster and Lancer” option
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Actually, my description isn't doing the thing justice. Here's a picture. Be aware that the domes towards the foreground, on other buildings, are not present.
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>here's a picture
This must be the work of an enemy Noble Phantasm!
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Fuck, it's a Roman cathedral so Circe would know jack shit.
>all this pictureless doubleposting
Clearly anon was cursed when he poked fun at my mistake.
Would it be right to assume (unofficially) that Saber is Constatine XI?
Odds are that we can't have Circe transmute any part of the fortress so...
>Come up with a way into the cathedral (Pride/Duty)
Buff Lancer up and knock on the front door to issue a challenge.
Sucks that none of us have an Anti-Fortress NP.
inb4 Lancer dies
I'm leaving this open for a while longer, since we've only had one suggestion so far.
>>[ ] Admit you don't have any idea how to get in. (Self-Preservation/Duty)
>[ ] Come up with a way into the cathedral (Pride/Duty) (Write in your plan)
It's a cathedral right?
Such a structure won't have really been built with war or functionality in mind.
There might be some structural weakpoints.
A few well placed explosions might be able to bring the whole thing down on their heads.
I suppose you could also try digging your way in but I have my doubts that that would work.
It's definitely not a normal cathedral. If Archer had trouble destroying it, then it might be a reinforcing skill or even an NP.
If Saber is Constantine XI then it might be based off of the legend of his death, in which case he has to come out before he can die.
That maybe so.
But his Master doesn't have the same protection.
A powerful enough attack might damage the place.
Also a plain old siege might do the trick.
I wonder how much food they've got stockpiled in there.
Do you want to spend days speculating?
Honestly, a defensive measure like this is very useful to make potential attackers weigh the benefits of waiting for Saber and his Master to starve against the costs of wasting days that could have been spent pursuing other objectives -- which may be what Saber wants us to do.
There's also the certainty of traps inside, which means Archer will have to be the leader since Sean's runes are pretty much useless against his A-Rank Magic Resistance.
>modern magecraft
>against a magus from the age of gods
Yeah this doesn't tend to end well for modern magecraft without some super bullshit.
They'd only be a danger to the masters but Caster could easily detect them and disable them.
Hell, Medea (comparable to Circe if not worse at magecraft) is so good at magecraft she can just rewrite people's bounded fields on the fly.
You know what would be funny?
If Kikuko is a dead apostle playing dumb (she seemed ok in Caster's defences)
Plan to Knock

Ask Archer for his input

Attack the Cathedral from outside

Fess up to having no plan
I'll switch to asking Archer to break the deadlock
But why? He's just going to tell us to go out there and lure Saber out like we were planning to anyway.
I'm >>3356514, btw.
I suggest we ask Archer. If he doesn't have any ideas, then we'll knock and see what happens.
"A plan," you answer, "I'm sure I could come up with one, but I did only just arrive. Why don't you tell me what you've observed about that cathedral of Saber's."

"Sure," he says, "there's not much to tell. You can see the shape of it from here, and that's most of what you need to know at a glance. The whole thing is totally solid; nothing I've thrown at it puts a scratch on it. There's only one way in or out, and that's the set of double doors down there."

"Hmm..." you ponder the situation aloud, before continuing, "I don't suppose you've tried knocking on the door."

Archer lets out a short, derisive laugh, "Ha! You think I'd go over there and challenge Saber to a fight close-up? Kid, my guns aren't for show."

"Well then," you continue, "It's a good thing we have someone with us who happens to be an expert in hand-to-hand fighting. Why don't we have Lancer issue a challenge and see if we can draw Saber out that way?"

"Worth a try," comes the terse response.

"Lancer," you say, addressing the dematerialized Servant, "what do you think about the idea?"

The Greek warrior appears from the air and flashes an eager grin. "There's no plan that'd make me happier," he declares. "I'd like to teach him just what's expected of a true king."

Before Lancer can elaborate on his vague threat, Truvietianne speaks up. "I believe we ought to be able to settle this quite easily with Lancer's second noble phantasm. Once you've challenged him, Lancer, I want you to invoke the Krános tou Skótous as well as the Fterotá Sandália. With such an overwhelming advantage, we can finish this enemy off once and for all."

"Well then," Lancer replies, "I'll return with his head, Mistress."

With that, he leaps from the rooftop and races towards the cathedral. Knocking loudly on the iron double doors with the but of his spear, he announces, "Saber! In life, you were a failure and a disappointment! You could neither safeguard your achievements nor protect your people! You overstretched your capabilities, abandoned the honor of a monarch, and fell in ignominy! Since then, you have escaped my wrath, but that ends today. I, Perseus, first king of Mycenae, have come to deliver to you the judgement of your ancestors! Now come forth, if you have even that shred of pride remaining which compels an honorable duel!"

Only silence answers Lancer's proclamation, the echoes of his voice fading into the darkness. Then, after a long moment, the doors swing open. No sound or movement comes from within, and beyond the cathedral doors you see only darkness.

>[ ] Instruct Lancer to focus on drawing out or defeating the enemy, and wait here with Caster to command the engagement and oversee support. (Self-Preservation)

>[ ] Enter the cathedral together with Lancer. If a Servant and Master are to die tonight, you'll be a part of the battle! (Duty)
>[ ] Enter the cathedral together with Lancer. If a Servant and Master are to die tonight, you'll be a part of the battle!
>[ ] Enter the cathedral together with Lancer. If a Servant and Master are to die tonight, you'll be a part of the battle!
It's been a while, Fujimura-sensei.
>[ ] Enter the cathedral together with Lancer. If a Servant and Master are to die tonight, you'll be a part of the battle! (Duty)
Forward without fear!
Hope this isn't an autoloss.
>[ ] Enter the cathedral together with Lancer. If a Servant and Master are to die tonight, you'll be a part of the battle! (Duty)
I have a feeling there's a bit of a trick to this cathedral, and Lancer may need some support from up close. If not, we'll just keep Sean occupied while those two duke it out.
I'm curious as to whether or not the helm of darkness will actually help Perseus. Part of the reason some churches are built with circles instead of rectangles is so that there are no corners for the devil to hide...
We've been slacking on our stamp collection recently.
I've been forgetting this far too much recently.
>[X] Enter the cathedral together with Lancer. If a Servant and Master are to die tonight, you'll be a part of the battle! (Duty)

With Saber reluctant to come out of the church, Lancer will have to enter and face the enemy Servant at the center of his own territory. After considering the situation for a moment, you decide you can't leave him to fight the enemy alone.

"Caster, Truvietianne; let's go in there with Lancer." As you walk towards the edge of the rooftop, you motion for them to follow. "Even if he does have the advantage over Saber, there's no telling what sort of tricks that cathedral might hold."

You soon catch up to the spearman, nodding to him as the four of you enter the doors together. They slam shut behind you, and as the reverberations of the impact fill the hall, you find yourself in perfect darkness. "Well," Lancer says, "looks like you've got no way out now, boy. You rushed in here after me because you had the confidence that you could help me, right? Savor that confidence, because it won't last." Then you hear the shifting of cloth on metal, and Lancer calls out softly, "Krános tou Skótous, Fterotá Sandália, grant me the blessings of Hades and Hermes." As he does so, all sense of his presence in the hall fades. You can feel only Caster and Truvietianne with you.

The three of you advance carefully down the hall, your footsteps on the marble seeming to echo through the oppressive silence and darkness of the place. Then the sound and the air shift, as you step into a wider area. Suddenly a myriad candles light up, and you can make out your surroundings.

You stand in an enormous round hall, the great dome of the church rising above you. The ground is featureless marble, despite the ecclesiastic appearance of the building no pews or pulpit mar the emptiness of the room. Only the mosaic icons of saints adorning the walls and the numerous candelabra lend decoration to the place. The walls are broken by 16 doorways, spaced at even intervals.

Now that the darkness has gone, you realize Lancer has been beside you after all; although his presence and sound had vanished, you can see him standing there to your right, with a layer of shadows spilling over him from the helmet. Although not as useful here as in the outer darkness, they may still grant him some advantage in the intermittent candlelight.

Status Updated

In the center of the room stands Saber, with O'Mordha standing a few feet behind. As your group enters, he casts an appraising eye over you before drawing his longsword, leveling the blade at Lancer. "An honorable duel, is it?" he mocks, "I see that you are as ready to seize victory by trickery as by combat, Lancer. No matter! All four of you shall fall, for the sake of my dream! For my renovatio imperii!" Then, in a flash, he attacks.

Roll d20
Rolled 19 (1d20)

I was only hoping to observe but okay.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

inb4 1
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Fucking pic.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 11 (1d20)

>All four of you shall fall, for the sake of my dream
Dreams are for fools, dead man
Well, we finally get to be cool in combat
and in front of all of the people we want to impress too!
By the way, staying outside was a dead end. I was losing it at you guys all voting to go in and thinking that was the death route.
What would've happened? You don't have to post it, just a brief description.
Fair enough, should have been obvious. Us without Lancer around Archer...yeah real bad
Ah yes.
B rank luck
>try to kill self
Guess now we know what EMIYA feels like.
Archer would have shot you, as >>3359245 guessed. Basically you watch Lancer go in, and after a while you start hearing the sounds of combat. There's a short dialogue scene, quickdraw, and you're dead.
I can’t wait to finish off that damned Archer
Why are Archers always such assholes?
I want him to get his shit kicked in by Berserker.
A Saber always fires beams
A Lancer always dies
An Archer is always an asshole
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>when the Archer you summon isn't an asshole so you have no choice but to ruin his day with grail mud.
Saber leaps at Archer like a shot from a gun, blade sweeping down with titanic force. Here in his inner sanctum, Saber is stronger than ever, and even when blocked the force of his attack sends Lancer careening into a wall. Lancer doesn't miss a beat, though, and when Saber tries to follow the attack up he's already gone. In the air, Lancer has the advantage, coming in for quick hit-and-run strikes from Saber's blind spots and bleeding the swordsman by degrees.

Looking back at Caster and Truvietianne, you say in a low voice, "Watch the fight and intervene if necessary, understand?" Then you lock eyes with O'Mordha. "I'd like to take out the Master myself."

"Understood, Master," Caster replies, readying herself to strike at a moment's notice.

Truvietianne isn't so docile. "Hmph! That was my intention regardless of your supercilious orders!"

Across the room, the Master of Saber is pulls a gemstone from his pocket, says an empowering word, and lobs it at the two fighting Servants. The explosion knocks them apart for a moment, but Lancer takes the brunt of the damage. There's no more time for you to wait.

Kicking off the ground with your left foot, you charge towards O'Mordha. It's a simple, straight approach, just as last time, and he smirks at you as you come forward. Just as before, he raises a shield from the marble at his feet to stop your attack. This time, though, you aren't taken unawares by the technique. At the last moment, you shift your direction and kick off your right foot, darting to the left side. Then, once you're past his rock wall and on O'Mordha's right you turn, pivoting around your left leg. The forward momentum becomes rotation, and as your right side pulls back your left hand whips around in a vicious hook, slamming straight into the magus' cheek.

Honestly, you'd expected the first punch to finish the aging professor, but although you've split the skin over his cheekbone he's not quite down. He staggers for a moment, blood running down his face, but regains his balance. Enraged, he shoots you a glare before slamming a fist into the wall he'd intended for a shield. At the same moment, a rune glows and a stone fist leaps out, going for your cheek. Evidently O'Mordha is the type to repay his wounds in kind.
Amazed at how easily it's all coming to you, you duck under the strike at the last moment, moving in on O'Mordha at the same time. Then, from your low vantage point your hand shoots up in an uppercut. O'Mordha has enough fighting experience to read the move and sway back, but you shift into a grab. As your arm comes up for the dodged strike, you uncurl your fist and get his lapel between your fingers. At almost the same time, you pull him in close and drive a knee into the man's gut.

Then he's dazed, at your mercy. You let the rage take over, the fury that's been building up inside you at all the pointless, inconclusive fights you've had up until now; the endless stalemates, putting off your duty to win this war; wounding your pride as the destined victor; keeping you in danger here. You sink another fist into his face, straight on this time, feeling the satisfying crunch as you break his nose. Then you loop your hand around and grab the man by the hair, almost losing your hold on him in the greasy pomade. You slam his head into the marble wall he raised for his defense, over and over, until all O'Mordha's futile struggling comes to an end, and the man is quite motionless. For a moment you listen for his breath, but none comes. Then you drop him to the ground, the bestial fury that had filled you fading into a cold calm. The corpse lands face-down with a sickening wet sound, and you're glad. You'd rather not look at what's become of what used to be a face.

As you watch, Saber's movements slow. You can see him weakening with no Master to supply the energy he needs, while Lancer remains fresh. He keeps fighting gamely until the end, though, and it's not until he's already fading into energy that Lancer cuts the head from his shoulders. At that moment, the cathedral fades as well, and you're left standing in a pristine city park. The only sign of the battle is the mangled corpse of Sean O'Mordha. A sense of melancholy fills you as you consider the fact that Saber's identity, as well as his and his Master's wishes for the grail will remain unknown to you. In the end, though, it's unimportant. A Servant has fallen, and you've taken the first of six steps towards your goal.

You head home, torn between melancholy and jubilation beneath the unclouded moon. Absently, you notice that every night here is a full moon. When you arrive at the university, though, it's exhaustion that seizes your mind. You collapse into bed with nary another thought to the future.

End of Day 5
Finally, some progress
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wew, our first kill and we didn't end up vomitting. Guess it's a good thing we haven't gained too much a sense of empathy yet, huh.
I'll note that this is my first time writing a proper fight scene, carried through from start to finish, so I'd love it if you folks post your opinions while I work on the next update.
I'm trying with Rushorou to write a character somewhere between hero and serial killer, and I feel like this was one of the big moments to show that characterization.
Hopefully that came across decently.
Appropriately brutal and quick, as any combat between fighting men should be. I rather liked it. Mind, I personally care more about how the masters’ combat is portrayed over that of the servants’.
>”somewhere between hero and serial killer”
I like it. The way you’ve managed his internal thoughts in combination with this particular sequence does the concept justice.
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Man, we fucked Sean up. Good shit, that is.

You're doing pretty well so far, I'd say. The fight was quick and brutal, as one would expect of a normal human trying to take on someone powerful enough to rank with servant stats.
I also think you're doing a good job with how you want to depict Rushorou. He usually acts like a stuck-up good guy, but once he's in battle he lets his worse traits rise to the surface. We absolutely brutalized O'Mordha.
More like O'Muerto amirite
Tonight, you dream of the island's pleasures.

Of watching men torn limb-from-limb by beasts that had been docile pets the moment before.

Of eating the succulent meat of the visitors who have been transfigured into livestock for some insult to the enchantress.

Of seeing those who come and go in peace crushed on rocks, or in the vicious currents at the edge of her dominion.

Of delighting in the absolute power over thought and form held on this island.

Through it all, the enchantress wears the same delighted smile, in cruelty or kindness. She retains the same charming laughter, even as she narrates the tale of the man she turned into a robin and fed to his house-cat. She is the centerpiece of it all, the consummate hostess, the perfect poisoned flower. The longer you stay in the golden house of the witch, the more you fear you'll lose yourself in that laugh, and that smile, and one day the carving knife will be meant for you."

You awaken in a cold sweat to the sound of birdsong, as the sun begins to peek over the horizon. You're alone in your room, and the sweat and blood from last night's battle still cling to you. As you get up and head for a shower, you consider the coming day. To begin with, it would be best to...

>[ ] Head down to the dining hall and see if anyone's having breakfast there.

>[ ] Go to Caster's tower and discuss your strategy for the War.

>[ ] Visit the computer lab and see if Ogawara's made any progress researching Servants.

>[ ] Go for an early morning walk in the gardens.
>[ ] Head down to the dining hall and see if anyone's having breakfast there.
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>that entire dream sequence
I didn't realize we were on the HF route already.
>[ ] Head down to the dining hall and see if anyone's having breakfast there.
>[ ] Head down to the dining hall and see if anyone's having breakfast there.
>>[ ] Head down to the dining hall and see if anyone's having breakfast there.

Nothing like having breakfast after a dream about eating people.
>[ ] Head down to the dining hall and see if anyone's having breakfast there.
all has been according to pastry
>Nothing like having breakfast after a dream about eating people
People who had been turned into pigs. I feel it's an important distinction.
Don't be rude, they're still people on the inside. I bet they had piggy wives and piggy lives, some of them worked at the piggy bank to pay the bills for their piggy kids
What would it be like to work at a piggy bank as a pig? Would you just stare at an eerie replica of yourself, knowing it's a hollow shell whose only function is to accumulate petty change? Maybe polish it once in a while? If they did actually work at the piggy bank, then maybe Caster serving them up is doing them a service.
This is why we need to legalise kykeon, man.
To be clear, kykeon doesn't have any meat in it. Caster often serves it with meat, though.
You see, clearly we just need to add the meat to the kykeon by... ah fuck it time to go for the most dangerous game
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>going for the yandere
This will turn out well, I'm sure.
There’s a reason I assumed that title anon
It will work out as long as anons don't make Yumigawa do anything rarted like making out with Truvi or something
So were good, there is maybe a 3% chance anons would do that.
Yeah, a 10% chance is nothing. As long as we avoid that 17% chance, we're good to go. I feel quite confident about a 32% chance, myself.
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I suppose it'd be fine as long as we don't do something crazy like, I dunno, bring her back into our world like an idiot.
>there is maybe a 3% chance anons would do that.
There's also "maybe a 3% chance" of rolling a 1 when you roll a d100 three times, and we've pulled that off already.
Finishing up in the shower, you decide to head down to the university's dining hall. If the others have started in on breakfast, they'll be down there.

When you arrive, though, you find only the delinquent taking his ease in the massive dining hall, smoking with his feet propped on the table. "Good morning, Matsuda-kun," you say. "Waiting for breakfast?"

Matsuda raises a hand in a lazy wave. "Mornin', Kaichou. Ogawara-chan's workin' somethin' up in the kitchen, so I'm just killin' time out here. How'd yer fight go last night, by the way? Ya don't look too busted up, so I gotta figure it went better than yer trip ta the river."

"Yes, it went quite well," you tell him. "I have to thank you for your training yesterday. It was by using the techniques you taught me that I was able to achieve victory over the enemy Master. Saber has been eliminated from the war, in no small part thanks to your contribution."

"Well now," Matsuda gives you a mischevious grin, "Glad ta hear ya got ta enjoy a fight properly. Just remember, I'll be happy ta give ya any more trainin' ya need."

"Be ready," you say. "I intend on continuing my training daily from now on. I'll come down to the gym this afternoon."

"I'll be lookin' forward to it. See ya later, then," Matsuda says, getting up and walking out of the room. You wonder if he hadn't actually been here looking for time alone, rather than just waiting for the food.

Moving on, you decide to...

>[ ] Go into the kitchens and see what Ogawara is cooking up.

>[ ] Go to Caster's tower and discuss your strategy for the War.

>[ ] Take a look at the university library.

>[ ] Go for an early morning walk in the gardens.

>[ ] Visit Truvietianne's room (What do you want to talk to her about?)
>[ ] Visit Truvietianne's room
Go and tell her we appreciate her work thusfar in the war. Always good to keep your allies in good graces!
anon wtf
>[ ] Take a look at the university library.
We haven't gone there yet.
>[ ] Go to Caster's tower and discuss your strategy for the War.
Then do >>3359695
No option to wait for breakfast?

I'm sure we have to be a little hungry.
Anon, we have to let her think we appreciate her efforts/view her as something approaching an equal and totally aren’t just using her for her CQC-capable servant. I’ve mentioned this before, but we really are quite fucked if this alliance falls through.
Anon, did you not see
>[ ] Go into the kitchens and see what Ogawara is cooking up.
Support >>3359695
We really ought to spend more time with her since thus far we've mostly only gone to her when we need her help. As our ally, she deserves better.
Well, when you put it that way it's fine, I guess. Keep it platonic though.
>Keep it platonic though
Of course anon, we already have best waifu well in hand
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We'll have to do something about those ticks of her.
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You know, those statues are really downplaying an essential aspect of Caster's appeal.
Yes...I swear I'm not blind.
The cherry atop the cream on the sundae, as it were
I know these works of stone struggle to show off her winning personality and smile
But they do show off her iddy biddies, which I consider partial compensation.
With Matsuda gone and Ogawara still cooking, you suppose there's not much point in hanging around in the dining hall. After a bit of wandering, your feet take you to Truvietianne's room. You haven't spoken to her much, you suppose, since the argument about your identity. You're just not quite sure what to say, or how to resolve this sense of unease. Still, you suppose that any attempt is better than doing nothing.

Hesitantly, you knock on her door. "Come in," you hear her answer. As you walk into the room, you find Truvietianne sitting in a large armchair, scrutinizing some kind of notebook. She turns here eyes to you as she hears you walk in, and asks, "well, Yumigawa-kun? What is it, are we being attacked by an enemy Servant?"

"No," you reply, "I'm not here for any reason so pressing as that. I just wanted to thank you, to be honest."

"Thank me?" Her eyes widen in shock, and the quickly narrow in suspicion. "What for? It's not as if my magecraft contributed to the fight last night, you know."

"That may be true," you say, gathering confidence as you see what it seems she wants to hear, "but that hardly means you aren't worth thanking. Without your alliance, I wouldn't have had any way to get into Saber's cathedral Besides," you go on, "you used a command spell to save my life back at the river. If you hadn't forced Lancer to retreat then, Archer might well have killed me. The fact that you would spend one of your precious command spells for my sake truly means a great deal to me."

"Hmph!" Truvietianne huffs in reply, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "Don't go reading so much into it; I wanted to keep you alive for pragmatic reasons, nothing more."

"Of course," you tell her, "You've made it quite clear that this partnership is, for you, only a matter of convenience."

"I'm glad you understand," she says, sounding oddly frustrated, "in that case, run along. Go pass the time with your own Servant, not here; I have work on magecraft to do."

"Hmm?" You lean over for a peak at her notes, but can't make head nor tail of the strange symbols. "Working on magecraft, huh? What are you trying to do?"

"Something you have no need to understand," Truvietianne proclaims smugly, "but I suppose if you must know, I'm working to refine the gandr into a mystery that can harm Servants and other spiritual entities."

"Is that so," you ask, your mind beginning to wander. Caster said you had the potential to be a magus, didn't she? In that case, maybe Truvietianne could teach you...

>[ ] Ask Truvietianne to teach you magecraft (Write in your most interested topics)

>[ ] Finish the conversation and find something else to do (Pick an option from the previous choice's destination options)
>[ ] Finish the conversation and find something else to do (Pick an option from the previous choice's destination options)
Let's go say hi to Caster.

She has an interesting concept, grandr affect the body of I remember right, so she would need to change it to affect either the mana they have stored/or is absorbing, or find a way for it to affect their core. Or am I just plain wrong on that?
>[ ] Finish the conversation and find something else to do (Pick an option from the previous choice's destination options)
Time to say hi to Caster.
We can ask Truvi to teach us magecraft later, don't want to put off greeting Caster for too long, also we should ask her permission.
Also asking her to teach us magecraft now makes it look like we came with ulterior motives instead of just thanking our ally.
>[ ] Finish the conversation and find something else to do (Pick an option from the previous choice's destination options)
go to Caster
>[ ] Finish the conversation and find something else to do (Caster Time)
Gandr is a curse that causes illness and can also hit with kinetic force; Rin is good at using "Finn shots", which are Gandr shots that hit as hard as gunshots.
So a hypothetical Servant-fucking Gandr would probably cause infirmity by restricting mana transfer through the Master-Servant bond, which would be a good pretext to engage in Tantric Rituals with Caster
Rin's Gandr is her special variation on Gandr in that it hits like a Finn Shot.
It's to be expected though because Rin is fucking overpowered.
She shoots illness curses like they are high calibre bullets.
Blood is just as good a mana conductive medium as other bodily fluids. Also modern magecraft curses working on Caster? Don't make me laugh
(A Finn Shot being an entirely different spell to Gandr entirely)
So essentially Truviet would have to cast grandr that would affect mana flow?
Looks like it. The illness in this case would be loss of mana-flow rather than a cold or something. That leans in an interesting conceptual direction.
She's probably just gonna work on the destructive power or offensive aspects of it.
Doing something like restricting mana would require a more potent curse than a modern magi could probably make.
Especially because Magi sort of have a low rank of magic resistance when they activate their circuits, enough to break charms at least.
There's a reason Medea didn't just do to every master in the war what she does to everyone living in Ryuudo Temple.
Even if such a thing did hit us Caster could just draw on her reserves.
I'm more thinking she want to develop it to use on other servants, not us since were allies.

And since it looks like were going to say hi to caster anyone shave any ideas on what we are going to talk about?
I forget if we’ve actually done anything about it with Caster, but we really need that magick training
We'll see what she wants to talk about first.
Also a curse like that wouldn't work on a servant.
If it did it would instantly be able to kill any servant by depriving them of not only their Master's support, but also that of the grail.
It just wouldn't work.
Also magic resistance exists as well and we know both Archer has it and Rider will have it to some degree.
Unfortunately it's unlikely Caster will be able to teach us.
I mean, there might be a slim slim chance but the odds are still low.
>Doing something like restricting mana would require a more potent curse than a modern magi could probably make.
Maybe she'll take some mysteries from her crest and piece them together into a proper mana-restricting curse, if that is her plan.
The curse might just block or tighten the mana flow through the contract. It's absurd to think Truvi would be able to affect the Grail or it's connection to the Servant.
We really do need to learn some things from Circe. Like Reinforcement.
Anon there's no way we're not bringing Circe along with us.
Unless she manages to die.
>[ ] Ask Truvietianne to teach you magecraft
Ask her about Gandr and the improvement she wants to make. Why can't it hurt Servants to begin with if it's so effective on people? If there's time after, ask about O'Mordha's gemstone magic and what makes it different from hers. Sure, we the players might now, but Rushorou sure doesn't.
Also ask if there's any basic magic she could teach us how to use for a fight against another master. Not all of our opponents will be as old and slow as O'Mordha.
Wait, did I have Truvietianne use gemstone magic? I was thinking she couldn't in this war due to resource limitations.
No, only O'Mordha.
Nah, you had Professor Fucked use it.
Yeah, I know that. I was reading >>3360261 as "ask about O'Mordha's gemstone magic and what makes it different from [her gemstone magic]."
"Well then," you say, "I'm sure you'd rather I leave you to it. Best of luck with adapting the curse." With that, you get up to leave.

"Thank you, Yumigawa-kun," comes the reply. "Good morning."

With some time still before breakfast is likely to be ready, you decide to visit Caster and discuss the progression of the War. When you knock on the door to her tower room, however, no reply comes from within. Instead, you feel her materialize out of her spirit form just behind you. "Good morning, Master," she says brightly, "looking for me?"

You spin around to face her, cold sweat coming unbidden to your forehead. "C-Caster! You aren't spending your time in your workshop this morning?"

"No," she answers with a wide smile that doesn't reach her eyes, "I was worried about how you might be feeling after your first time killing last night, so I decided to watch over you in spirit form. Thanks to that," she continues, placing a finger just below her lips, "I got to see something very interesting, though. So, Master. What did you have to discuss with me? I'm sure it must be almost as important as telling that girl how much she means to you."

"Er, well," you mutter, thinking wildly. You can't tell her you just came to ask about the current locations of the other Servants; it would only insult her further. "It's not as though I visited her first for any particular reason. I've just been walking through the university this morning, and happened to reach her room before yours."

"Oh of course," Caster says, "I understand. You were just walking aimlessly, and happened on the spur of the moment to stop by and pour out your heartfelt gratitude for how she rescued you. Never mind that I was the one fighting to protect you while you were wounded, and the one who healed you. Obviously the person weighing on your mind here must be the girl who ordered her Servant to flee with you in tow."

This really isn't improving matters at all. The pressure of Caster's rage building up behind that gentle smile is overwhelming, and you really can't think of any other excuse to weasel out of the situation. In the first place, why is she so angry about this? It's not as if you've done anything with either of the two girls!

Before you can give voice to this defensive rebuke, Caster's anger fades away, and she heaves a sigh. "Oh, Master, never mind. As I said before, I've seen enough men over the years to understand how you think. If your eyes wander, there's nothing to be done about it. What did you want to see me about, anyway?"

"Ah, yes," you reply, wrong-footed again by her sudden emotional shift, "well, I was hoping to discuss..."

>[ ] "...the progress of the war. Where are the other Servants now, and what can you tell me about their situations?"

>[ ] "...those 'magic circuits' you brought up when you did your analysis of me. Am I correct in thinking those enable magecraft?"

>[ ] "...breakfast. I was hoping to eat with you, Caster."
>[ ] "...breakfast. I was hoping to eat with you, Caster."
Time for a strategic withdrawal
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I knew that we would've slighted her.
>[ ] "...breakfast. I was hoping to eat with you, Caster."
To anyone who would pick otherwise, you'll understand when you're older... fucking underageb&.
>[ ] "...breakfast. I was hoping to eat with you, Caster."
>[ ] "...breakfast. I was hoping to eat with you, Caster
Caster I'm sorry for trying to keep our only way to defeat Lancer around.
Please stop judging us.
We are clearly different from other men on account of being a fucking (good-natured) psychopath.
It's simple diplomacy, stop assuming we intend to seduce her.
That happening would be entirely coincidental.
Kill yourself, Caster.
How many Command Seals would it take to get Caster to jump our bones?
One. She hasn't got high Magic Resistance like Saber
>implying we'd even need to use a command spell.
Zero, we just need to be a smidge more faithful
>trying to keep our only way to defeat Lancer around.
Anon, I think you may be mistaken.
I meant Archer.
But hey.
Perseus is retarded.
He's guaranteed to die somehow.
Speaking of Lancer we should really watch our backs considering his A+ rank presence concealment with the helm.
So was Saber Constantine XI of Byzantium?
was his dream retaking Constantinople?
Justinian I, actually. Good guess, though.
That explains the cathedral and the Imperial Privilege alike skill.
He was really let down by a shit master.
And also himself by opening his fortress to a direct assault.
Hold on, isn't Harpe one of those weapons that deals unhealable wounds?
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>[ ] "...breakfast. I was hoping to eat with you, Caster."
I was naive to think Caster would be satisfied with just watching us while we slept at night. We haven't even known her for a week and she's already stalking us and acting like she owns us. Since she's our servant, we don't have much choice but to give in to her possessiveness, do we?
We could kindly ask her to dial down on the doting if she starts to suffocate us.
We haven't even kissed yet and she's already treating us like an unfaithful lover because we wanted to thank another girl for helping us out. Do you really, truly believe anything good can come of asking her to back off?
It was a thought.
Our servant is a fucking lunatic.
Oh no.
Wait, I just realized something. Is there anybody in this war, besides Cid, who's actually aware of the Root?
That guy whose face we flattened might’ve known. Oh well.
I mean, at least she cares.....
You folks are acting so surprised. Didn't you see this coming as soon as you guessed her true name? I mean, look at how fast she went from 0 to 100 with Odysseus.
Pleasantly so.
Then why haven't we fucked yet? Not saying that I want to but still.
Because we enjoy the company of park benches and gardens more.
>Not saying that I want to but still.
We knew she'd be off, but the magnitude of it didn't really register until we got hit with it full force.
You know how Jason is an asshole for what he did with Medea?
Im uh
I'm kind of thinking that Oddyseus was totally justified in GTFOing.

>No, that REAL magic fool++
>superhuman in numerous respects+
>can cook+
>did I mention she has magic+
>potentially not a THOT+
>loves you+
>lots of statues of her naked +-
>has been with other men before+-
>REALLY loves you+-
>REALLY REALLY loves you-
>bad history with exes-
>wait, she can turn invisible and follow us around-
>hold it, even talking with another woman gets her angry?-
>passive aggressive-
>oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck- - - -
If it makes you feel any better, this development wasn't set in stone. There was a specific choice that put you on the yandere Caster route.
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I feel like staying with Circe would give us a Bad End, if that dream was anything to go by.
Any way off this ride? One that doesn't involve offing her?
...Is it because we ate the kykeon and didn't turn into a pig?
>There was a specific choice that put you on the yandere Caster route.
Was it when we--goddamnit, >>3360552?
>they aren’t on board the HMS Circe
When has sticking it in (this particular type of) crazy ever worked out for the MC?
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It all worked out in the end.
In a sense.
What part of murdering the MC so she can move on to the next version of him in a parallel world "worked"? Like hell that bodes well for Rushorou.
The part where the main character becomes God and then somehow resurrects her at the veeery end.
Or some shit.
Man idk.
It might have been in an OVA.
He did become God, although I don’t recall the resurrection bit.
It was timeline shit.
Or something.
But somehow she managed to get her memories from another timeline back.
Or something.
Stop making me recall this trainwreck.
Not all yanderes are the same character. Regarding the stalking angle, remember that Saber originally wanted to watch Shirou sleep and Archer followed Rin around in spirit form 24/7. It's a Servant thing.
Yeah, the stalking part makes sense, since you're essentially their lifeline.