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>You are Son Peppa, the Tuffle-Saiyan hybrid daughter of two of Earth's Champions, Maple and Goku

>"Canon" has taken a radical shift from the series' norm, you’re just one part of it, and things could go even further off the rails from here

>Mechanics and character details in the pastebins here:
Peppa: https://pastebin.com/V3fCz63g
Gohan: https://pastebin.com/apiP5G0J
Izumi: https://pastebin.com/v2cGwiA0

>Let's all try to have some fun, ok?


Last time, on Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai! After teaching Lime how to fly, Peppa encountered a suspicious cat demon named Chocolay working for Towa to set traps for Hirudegarn, not only capturing the demon but the shapeshifter Churai as well! Izzy and Maple then train in preparation to face Hirudegarn in the Forest of Terror, finally leading the charge to rid the universe of the Phantom Majin once and for all! Through careful efforts and a relentless drive to stop it, Izumi and Gohan manage to bring the beast down with Maple and Beelzebub’s help, Izzy delivering the final blow before Mira could make off with Hirudegarn! What awaits Earth’s heroes now that the Majin threat has been vanquished? Good luck, Peppa! Good luck, Gohan! Good luck, Izumi!
“So, you’re going to ask him first, before wishing him back?” you ask Izzy and Tapion as you stretch a little, taking your stance as you stare down Videl.

“Baba was able to arrange for this, feels fair to at least ask. Plus she mentioned something about wanting to test something she saw in me the other day. So, hey, worth a shot.” Izzy replies, Pantea nodding alongside her.

Videl leaps at you, trying for an elbow strike you’re able to duck under and retaliate with a leg sweep, one she’s able to jump above and back away. A feinted chop has you dodging a quick-fired Ki blast from her, backing up a bit. She glances at Tapion. “You sure you’ll be back in time?” she asks Izzy directly.

“Time for what?” Gohan questions, walking in with mom.

“It’s the last day of practice for Cocoa’s play. We were invited to come watch.” you tell your brother, deflecting another of Videl’s Ki blasts.

“As if I’d miss capturing the look on your face when you see a certain someone in costume~” Izzy teases. Both you and Videl glare at her as you spar, multitasking your training with your clear look of disapproval directed at her. “...Oh come now. Joking.” Under her breath she adds, “Mostly.” As mom gives... an odd but silent look, Izzy thinks to ask, “You sure you don’t want to come with, Peppa? We won’t be long, promise.”

>A. Nah, you guys have fun
>B. Weeeell... guess it wouldn’t hurt
>C. Videl, what do you say? Keep up our sparring, or tag along with them?
>D. Something else?
>A. Nah, you guys have fun
Good luck today Kato.
>C. Videl, what do you say? Keep up our sparring, or tag along with them?



But actually, no.
>A. Nah, you guys have fun
You check out that new manga Adamas Witches? It's similar to Oretama.
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“Wasn’t really planning on it. What do you say, Videl?” you ask your friend as you slash at her with your tail, the girl dodging by jumping upwards and trying to hit you with a dropkick.

As you step away, Videl tries to chop at you, with you blocking quickly. She smirks. “I’m good. Take care, Pantea.”

“You too, Videl.” the purple-haired girl replies with a friendly wave. With all of that set, mom teleports them away, leaving you and Videl to continue your sparring match outside Capsule Corp.

Continuing on for a bit, your mind recalls something, and you tell Videl, “Thanks again.”

“For?” she asks as the two of you trade blows.

“Keeping the paparazzi off my back that night. I owe you big time for that.” You catch her fist and try to throw her over your shoulder, only for Videl to correct herself mid-air and grab on to your arm and toss you instead.

“You’d do the same for me, right? Besides, I kinda owed ya for before.” she responds with a sweet smile as you flip and land on your feet. “Anyway. You’re Champ now, but you’re definitely back in the routine of trying to improve. What’re you aiming for next, Peppa?”

>A. I need to master Super Saiyan 3, be able to use it with as little strain as possible
>B. I want to improve my fundamentals a bit more, try to improve at my base and see if I can draw out more of my strength without transforming
>C. I think I need some new techniques. What you and Teach managed to show off in the Tournament was cool, makes me want to try out a few new things myself
>D. I’d like to actually help others improve what they know. You got me to achieve Super Saiyan 3, after all, it’s only fair to help people reach new heights in return
>E. Something else?
Thanks anon.
>D. I’d like to actually help others improve what they know. You got me to achieve Super Saiyan 3, after all, it’s only fair to help people reach new heights in return
>E. Who knows, you might even get something as fearsome as the Chili Pepper Punch!
>>B. I want to improve my fundamentals a bit more, try to improve at my base and see if I can draw out more of my strength without transforming
But I wanna do all the things Kato!
You can probably achieve

by doing

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“Actually, it’s a twofold thing.” you reply, taking your stance again. “I’d like to improve my fundamentals some more, work on getting stronger in base and drawing out more strength without transforming, but... I don’t want this to be just about me. I saw what Gohan and Izzy did together, finally putting an end to Hirudegarn. It was great to see, even if I got blasted away before I could really leave a mark on the monster. So... I want to help others improve.” You dash at her and trade blows once more, putting a little bit more force behind each punch and kick. “You got me to achieve Super Saiyan 3, after all. It’s only fair that I help others reach new heights in return. I know you can break your limits, Videl. And I’ll do what I can to help you, and everyone else who needs it, too.”

She puts a bit more into her attacks as you push harder. “Don’t think I can do it on my own?” she asks teasingly.

“I know that both of us will get stronger the more we push ourselves. It’s not that I doubt you, it’s more that training together will give way better results than trying things solo.” You try the Jan Ken against her, Videl blocking each strike. “Even Vegeta’s started realizing that.”

“Heh, that’s what I wanna hear.” Her aura flares around her. “So come on, Peppa, let’s break our limits!”

The two of you continue, and after an exhausting sparring session, finally take some time to relax by the pond at Capsule Corp. You lay on your back, looking up at the bright blue sky. “Say, what’s your dad been up to, anyway?” you ask Videl.

“He wanted Teach to come to Satan Castle for a bit to help his students. They’ve been getting a little... complacent recently. He thought they needed something to get them to try harder.” she replies, taking a sip of lemonade. “Well... we’ve got about 40 minutes before it starts. Anything you wanted to do before? Aside from get a quick shower.”

>A. Weeeeell... when’s the last time you went shopping, Videl?
>B. Should be enough time to get a few rounds of Smash in. Betcha I can beat my previous record~
>C. Let’s be on our way. Cocoa’s been working hard on this, I want to make sure we’re there to support her. No distractions!
>D. Something else?
>A. Weeeeell... when’s the last time you went shopping, Videl?
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>C. Let’s be on our way. Cocoa’s been working hard on this, I want to make sure we’re there to support her. No distractions!
Maybe we can guess what play it is. Perhaps it's that timeless classic?
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I hope there's singing!
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Rolled 3, 20, 13 = 36 (3d20)

Oh, looks like that didn't copy over. Well, roll me 2d20, best of three! No DC.
Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d20)

Rolled 15, 18 = 33 (2d20)

No DC?

>fucking panic
Rolled 8, 7 = 15 (2d20)

Sword... has the world of real emotion surrounded you?

Rolled 13, 9, 1 = 23 (3d20)

Nice! Okay, writing...
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>tfw Cocoa got the 1
Well, part of acting is making it seem like you didn't mess up when you did.
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“Nah. Quick shower, and then we head on down there. Cocoa’s been working hard on this, and I wanna make sure we’re there to support her. No distractions!” You leap to your feet and start heading towards Capsule Corp. You and Videl walk past the area under reconstruction, spotting Baragon help mom’s camels affix a the support structure for some of the missing floor area, and then make it to one of the building’s many guest bathrooms.

Once you and Videl have showered and changed into some more casual clothes, though, you’re greeted by... Giru? “HELLO MEATBAGS!” the alien robot states, waving to the both of you. Oh great Gohan was right. Izzy what did you do...? “Observed the two of you training earlier, Giru, Giru! Ki signatures increased by a noticeable amount compared to where you started!”

“...Yeah. That’s how training works.” Videl tells it.

The robot beeps softly. “Increase was above previous calculations! Requesting permission to observe human and Tuffle interactions to understand the nature of such increase!”

“...That’s how training works.” Videl repeats, rolling her eyes. “Maybe you’re just underestimating us.”

“Your resting Ki from start to finish increased by 1.8%! Son Peppa’s increased by 1.5%! Giru, Giru. Outside normal calculations of 0.5%!” The robot beeps excitedly. “Requesting permission to observe increase discrepancy!”

Huh. That much in only a couple hours? Bah, no, focus. “Giru, we were going to visit one of our friends, she’s got a school play coming up. We’re done training for right now.”

“GIRU! GIRU! Requesting permission to observe Human-Tuffle social interactions! Wish to observe more Earth culture!”

Videl rubs the back of her neck and looks to you.

>A. As long as you’ll be quiet
>B. Nnnnno. You stay here
>C. ...Were you observing us while we were showering too?
>D. Something else?
That'd be a thing if she rolled over 13. I'm hoping she was the first roll instead.
>B. Nnnnno. You stay here
>D. You need to prove you can behave in less important events. We'll watch a movie later, ok?
Ask'em if he can control the volume of his voice like a television and then set him on 'low'.

>D. "Actually the little guy could come in handy. Who knows what kind've creeps we'll have to deal with next, maybe Giru can spot unusual people with his scans?"
>A. As long as you’ll be quiet
>C. ...Were you observing us while we were showering too?
>Then again, not as invasive as living in a house where everyone can sense what you're doing all the time.
Heh, looks like Peppa was right. Training together is helping Videl quite a bit.

Hope so too.
I wonder how pent up everyone (except Goku) in that household is from repression due to peer pressure?
Do Maple and Goku "Have a good marriage" even with the kids in the house? Or maybe it's when they're at school. When do the kids get a chance to "Listen to music with the radio louder than it needs to be"? Do they go off into the Mt. Paozu wilderness where they stashed the goods?
With that neat "Stealth Mode" Peppa picked up, maybe all Peppa needs to worry about is Goku not knocking.
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You cross your arms and glare at the little robot. “As long as you PROMISE to stay quiet when it’s happening, and do nothing to interrupt, then I guess you can tag along.” You lean down at Giru. “Is that clear?”

“GIRU GIRU GIRU GIRU GIRU!” it beeps out thankfully, running around both you and Videl excitedly.

You grab the robot and bring it to your face. “Which means none of this.”

“Affirmative! Giru, Giru.” It then becomes... oddly silent.

Videl looks to it uneasily. “Well... if you’re sure about this, Peppa.”

“Let’s get going.” You walk out the front door with Videl, Giru floating close behind. You both take to the sky, flying casually as you observe the streets below. Along your way you notice that bank you stopped a robbery at, laughing a little as you recall it. Videl tilts her head. “Something up?”

“Nah, just remembering the last time I took this route. Launch wasn’t too happy about my attempt to be a costumed superhero, but she was rather lenient and let me off the hook. Heh, and then she has another officer watch over me and Cocoa when we investigated the movie studio, trying to find that ninja...” You spot Cocoa’s school and... speak of the devil. There’s... Officer Tomato, outside with a few other cops, and what looks like most of the people involved in Cocoa’s play. What the...?


Touching down with Videl nearby, you both approach, catching wind of the conversation. “...looked everywhere, but the last few costumes still haven’t been found, along with... the other missing items. We’d have never picked up on this if it weren’t for one of our students noticing someone suspicious.” a lady with brown hair, probably one of the teachers at the school, tells the officer.

Akai Tomato flips the page on her notepad. “Do you have any idea who might’ve done this?” Noticing you approach, she gives you a nod. “Hey kid.”

“Peppa! Videl! Oh thank goodness you’re here!” Cocoa calls out to you. “It’s terrible! Someone’s made off with some of the most expensive costumes!”

“More than just the costumes.” a blonde girl behind her comments, pouting and moving awkwardly, shivering a little. With her a black-haired boy with glasses and a taller fox boy with green fur and a hat.

“We found one of the culprits before they ran off, but the most expensive costumes are still missing.” Cocoa explains. Awkwardly, she adds, “...Along with a lot of the school’s... gym clothes.”

>A. We’re on the case! Right Videl?
>B. But... why? Why would the do that?
>C. Who’s the culprit you did manage to catch?
>D. Officer Tomato, can we help in any way?
>E. Something else?
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>E. Despair.
Well as long as we're officially deputized by the law and not continuing our 'vigilantism' we should be ok.

"Still owe us for that bloody mary. Though we'll probably take a virgin bloody mary."
>B. But... why? Why would the do that?
>>D. Officer Tomato, can we help in any way?
>a blonde girl behind her comments, pouting and moving awkwardly, shivering a little. With her a black-haired boy with glasses and a taller fox boy with green fur and a hat.

Always important to ask. If yes,
>A, B, & C.
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“Officer Tomato, is there any way we can help with this?” you ask the police woman.

“Probably.” She looks over her notes, then glances at you and Videl. “Hmm... Launch is busy with Hopps busting those car thieves... eh, sure. Could use a bit more muscle.” She points her pen at you and winks. “Especially from little miss World Champ here.”

You rub the back of your neck bashfully, then glance at Videl. “We are on the case! Right?”

“Right! Heh, should be a bit different from my stuff over at Orange Star City.” She crosses her arms confidently. “So, let’s start from the top.”


“Who’s the culprit you did manage to catch?” you ask.

Akai nods her head in the direction of a pig person who looks like a younger Oolong. “Some folks trying to make a quick buck, I’d say.”

“Quick buck nothing, they stole our... our...! Mmmhh!” the blonde girl protests, stomping her feet.

“Guys from the Southern Transformation Academy.” the green fox boy adds in calmly. “Shapeshifters like me.” He demonstrates by changing his appearance with a puff of magical smoke, copying the appearance of the black-haired boy, then a tall young man with long green hair, then his own self but with black fur, before finally transforming back.

Videl pinches the ridge of her nose. “Ugh. Great. Just great. Do you know where they’ve headed?”

“That’s the thing, nobody’s been able to find where they went.” the black-haired boy responds, adjusting his glasses. “It was our luck Cocoa was able to spot the one hiding, pretending to be a garbage can.”

“...Why would they be doing this?” you ask.

“School rivalries.” Akai Tomato tells you, flipping her paper over. “That’s my bet.” The teacher with her, while not saying it, clearly agrees.

“What all is missing, exactly?” Videl asks.

“The Princess Kaguya dresses, the Emperor Costume, and a... um...” Cocoa blushes a little.

“Several of the girls’ gym shorts, and some pairs of underwear.” Officer Tomato finishes. The blonde girl hides her face, shaking her head.

>A. Hmm... if one was trying to hide as a garbage can, maybe the rest are still in the area!
>B. Best to plan out the scenes of the crimes, see who could have come in and how they could have escaped
>C. Cocoa, did you sense anyone odd when you started to arrive for practice? Besides the garbage pig?
>D. Something else?
Ask the shapeshifter kid how the technique works.

Is there any ki control to it or anything we can pick out when someone transforms?

We actually as a whole don't know much about the technique. like I doubt Maple knows much about it too.
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>a pig person who looks like a younger Oolong.
>“Quick buck nothing, they stole our... our...! Mmmhh!” the blonde girl protests, stomping her feet.
>puff of magical smoke

Can Peppa smell out magic smoke?
>>A. Hmm... if one was trying to hide as a garbage can, maybe the rest are still in the area!
>>B. Best to plan out the scenes of the crimes, see who could have come in and how they could have escaped
>>C. Cocoa, did you sense anyone odd when you started to arrive for practice? Besides the garbage pig?

Is it prop hunt time?
That's like asking a bloodhound person if they can pick up the scent.

...Have we tried asking a bloodhound person if they can pick up the scent?
>“Shapeshifters like me.” He demonstrates by changing his appearance with a puff of magical smoke, copying the appearance of the black-haired boy, then a tall young man with long green hair, then his own self but with black fur, before finally transforming back.
Very cheekey, Kato.

Supporting these
>D. Prop hunt! Use a pepper shaker and wind magic to make things sneeze.
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Why is McGruff not an actual character, and leading this case right now?
Is Scooby Doo just a nudist in this world?
Scooby's got Anunnaki blood so he can be whatever he wants.
>D. "Just so you know, my mother raised me and my brother to be very judging of shapeshifters, so I think we should place all the shapeshifters in custody."
Rolled 18, 3, 11 = 32 (3d20)

All righty, roll me 2d20, best of three. DC is 13 for the first, 15 for the second.
Rolled 10, 10 = 20 (2d20)

Rolled 13, 8 = 21 (2d20)

Rolled 2, 9 = 11 (2d20)

How do we know green fox guy isn't the bad shapeshifter, only polymorphed to look like the green fox?!

cautious is a better word then judging.

Puar, Oolong, Churai...basically every conscious shape shifter we've had encountered has been a criminal....
Rolled 7, 16 = 23 (2d20)

Rolled 16, 19, 11 = 46 (3d20)

Passed one of them!

oof, so close

>cautious is a better word then judging.
I believe Maple's words were "No children of mine are going to a school to be mutated. Honest people don't need to shapeshift. Fuckin' Churai."
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>How do we know green fox guy isn't the bad shapeshifter, only polymorphed to look like the green fox?!
And this is a predominately human school as well.

>>3329610 Didn't link.
Whoops, forgot to link.



So sorry.
So >>3329611 counts?
I've found it's bad luck to say something unrelated to a roll when you roll.
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Sorry about that delay, wife got back with dinner about 10 minutes ago.

You look over to the green fox kid. “Say... if this is the work of shapeshifters, I’ve got a question. Could you transform again, real quick?”

He shrugs and nods, transforming with another puff of magical smoke to... look like you. But as he does, you pay careful attention to his Ki, as well as using your nose to keep track of his scent. While slightly different from how he is normally, you know for sure that his Ki doesn’t match your own. What’s more, his scent is masked slightly, but still is recognizably different, especially since you’ve just taken a shower. You then think about Churai and the differences when she tried to replace Yamcha. She was clearly better at masking herself than this kid is, but even that wasn’t perfect.


A lead. You give him a thumb’s up and he transforms back. “So... this-” you point your thumb in the direction of the culprit, “-guy was trying to hide as a garbage can, right? Then maybe, just maybe, the rest are in the area still!” You look to Ms. Tomato. “Officer, could we look at the scenes of the crimes with you? Maybe we’ll be able to trace their tracks, see how they entered and exited the area, and potentially catch them before they can make off with the costumes!”

“AND EVERYTHING ELSE THEY STOLE!” the blonde girl adds angrily.

“Y-yeah. That too.” Wow that girl can yell.

“A’iight. Come on.” She guides you and Videl along with her, the teacher following along with Cocoa and her friends. Sectioned off areas and officers keeping watch are around the auditorium, with you recalling your quick little change of clothes a few months ago as you reach the dressing room. “Door was unlocked when they arrived, but not broken into.” Akai states.

“Picked with this.” a dog man comments, showing you a bobby pin. He then looks past you and spots Cocoa and her friends. “...Tomato, you’re not involving civilians again, are you?”

“Witnesses, trying to gather evidence.” she responds dismissively.

“Hmm... any hair on it when you recovered it?” Videl asks.

“Tiny broken strand, but the most I could smell from it was orange-scented shampoo.” he tells her. You approach it and can smell that it does smell slightly of oranges. Hmm. Suspicious.

Videl twirls a finger in one of her pigtails. “Does mean that it was something actually worn... Peppa, I’ll check this area out. Might be best for you to search out for anyone trying to hide in the area.”

“Probably. That okay with you, officer?” you ask. Akai nods, and you start searching, trying to figure if you can spot any escape routes.

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Cocoa follows, looking around the school and clearly trying to sense for Ki. “Mmh... you know, the funny thing is I think this eased my nerves just a bit.”

“Yeah?” You spot a janitor mopping up the cafeteria, noticing his Ki... and something else. Something odd. Might be someone else in there. You nod for Cocoa to follow.

“Well... it’s weird, was starting to worry that I’d flub a line or two, but having someone come and steal the costumes... it kinda reinvigorated me. Like, I want to get this done now more than ever. Just to prove that this won’t set us back.”

You giggle softly. “Determined to do your best. That’s the Cocoa I know.”

The two of you enter the cafeteria, a strong pine scent coming off the recently cleaned floors. The janitor warns for you to be careful as they’re still wet in certain places. But... the other Ki signature isn’t near him. It’s deeper inside, near the kitchen. The pine scent is stronger there... but you catch a whiff of something else. And you wince when you do. “AUGH. It’s that bodyspray garbage.”

“I can’t smell anything other than the cleaning fluid, what do you mean?” Cocoa questions.

“You know the boys who put on WAAAY too much of the stuff and it just smells like the absolute worst thing?” you ask her. Cocoa shudders, nodding. “Someone clearly has been using it near here. And it isn’t-” You look in the direction of where you smell it. “...It’s masked under the pine scent, but I think I know why.” You walk closer, sensing a very weak Ki signature. Coming from...


A bucket.

Quietly, you ask Cocoa if she can sense that too. She nods. You then glare at it. “Last time I sensed a bucket with Ki it tried to take over the world.”

Cocoa blinks. “What.”

“Majin Ozotto.” You pick it up, turning it around. The bucket... shivers. “Jig is up.”

“AAAAAAAAAA!” it begins to scream, the surprise causing you to drop it. It transforms into a white cat-like animal that looks a bit like Puar with a red scarf, the cleaning fluid inside spilling out as it does. You leap up to avoid getting splashed by it, the cat scurrying away and bolting right past Cocoa... only to reach the wet cafeteria floor and slip, falling face-first and dropping a Capsule as it does. It tries to run again, but Cocoa picks up the Capsule, opening it up and... revealing a box. Filled with gym clothes... most notably, bloomers. And a girl’s underwear... oh wow that’s a really cute pair of panties!

“Peppa! It might have the rest!” she calls out to you, tackling the cat. It tries to run again, but the slippery floor keeps it from getting far, your friend catching it just in time, holding it up by the tail.

>A. Okay, where’re the others, buddy?
>B. Bring him to Officer Tomato, and get the girl her panties back
>C. Cocoa, you take him back, he’s probably alerted the others. I’ll find ‘em myself!
>D. Something else?
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>D. Plug him full of holes!
>A. Okay, where’re the others, buddy?
>A. Okay, where’re the others, buddy?
Detective Peppa is on the case!
...Neko Majin?

>C. Cocoa, you take him back, he’s probably alerted the others. I’ll find ‘em myself!

The hairpin was most likely used by a female culprit otherwise they'd just transform into a key or something.
You fool, the hairpin IS the culprit!
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Next A or C calls it.
I'll go C then, we don't actually have the authority to question people.
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Rolled 8, 5, 5 = 18 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 13 for both!
Rolled 2, 15 = 17 (2d20)

something unrelated to a roll
Rolled 4, 9 = 13 (2d20)

Rolled 1, 5 = 6 (2d20)

Rolled 14, 17 = 31 (2d20)

I can't believe Peppa just got shot by a rival school.
Rolled 18, 11, 16 = 45 (3d20)

Passed one of them!

So close! Writing...
So you thought you could tempt fate, eh?
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“Cocoa, you take him back ASAP! He’s probably alerted any others!” You float up slightly. “I’ll find ‘em myself!”

“Got it, good luck Peppa!” she replies, running off with the cat.

Okay, so there has to be one more, potentially a girl... hmm. You sense a few weak Ki signatures, agh, but where could they be? Flying around the school grounds a little, you check classrooms, a lounge area... wait! There’s someone headed to the ladies’ restroom! Might be it! You bolt down and head inside!

“AGH!” a girl screams out in surpri- oh. Ohh that’s... the blonde girl. And she has... those panties. “W-what are you doing?!”

“...Did you see anyone suspicious headed this way?” you ask, looking away.


“Sorry! Sorry!” you exclaim, running out and looking around. Craaap crap crap where could they be now?

‘Peppa, found ‘em! Head out north-west!’ Videl contacts you.

“GOT IT!” You bolt up into the sky again and head out, flying past a treeline near a baseball diamond and-


That tree is magenta.

And is an evergreen.

A tiny one.

“You’ve got nowhere left to run!” Videl calls out, cornering the tree with a bunch of the cops. “Give back the costumes!”

The tree shapeshifts back into a girl with long, magenta hair, the same as the tree, who digs around her pocket, pouting slightly as she pulls out a Capsule... then without warning tosses it towards a pond as she opens it, laughing deviously.

Only for you to swoop down and catch it. It opens up to reveal a fancy-looking kimono on a clothing rack. You float back and present the costume to Cocoa. “Certainly fit for a princess.” you tell her with a wink.


“Oh Peppa you are a life saver!” She gives you a tight hug. “That thing would’ve been ruined if it ended up in there.”

“Grrhhhh... I’ll remember this, twerp!” the girl calls out, shaking her fist as the cops move out to her.

You sigh out in relief. “All over then?”

“Looooooks like.” Akai tells you, blowing a bubble with her bubblegum. “So that’s four of ‘em. Trash pig, clumsy cat, the fab boy, and tree girl over there.”

“...Fab boy?” you repeat.

“Videl caught that one.”

You look over and see a boy in a skirt and blouse being escorted away with the others. Huh.

>A. So, what DID they want?
>B. Everything recovered?
>C. Could someone explain why they went for that poor girl’s panties too?
>D. Something else?
>“AGH!” a girl screams out in surpri- oh. Ohh that’s... the blonde girl. And she has... those panties.
Something isn't adding up here, how can she have panties if they stole them?
Either their perverts or their going to sell to perverts, or they have a perverted buyer.

Or someone wanted to sabotage the play?

>A. So, what DID they want?
>B. Everything recovered?
>C. Could someone explain why they went for that poor girl’s panties too?

...Wait doesn't a certain kappa at Konpei have a panty thing?
>D. Something isn't adding up here, how can she have panties if they stole them? Or rather, why would she have a spare pair at school?
Keep an eye on them. Don't want them all blasting off again.

Backing >>3330361
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Wait a second...
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Looking over at the captured shapeshifters, you have to ask, “So, what DID they want? And more importantly, could someone please explain why they stole that poor girl’s underwear? Was this like, just an attempt to sabotage the play, or...?” Please don’t let there be an “or” here. Please.

“Just like I told ya’ kid. School rivalries.” Akai replies, blowing another bubble with her bubblegum.

“Apparently this group of troublemakers was just doing it as a ‘prank’ on Cocoa’s school here.” Videl explains. “Bad blood between them and a few students of this one. So, they wanted to ruin this special event as much as possible. Wasn’t gonna stop there either. Setting up whoopee cushions in some of the auditorium seats, even a few ink bombs in the props. As for the panties... kind of a different thing. Unintentional theft coinciding with the theft of the bloomers.”

Hhhhuh. “...That sounds unnecessarily elaborate. Why go to all that trouble?”

“Been trying to get back at a Senior in this school for some time now...” Cocoa’s teacher remarks, sighing softly. “At least it’s not as serious as one of their previous prank attempts.”

“Well, everything back in order at least? Still able to get on with the practice?” you ask.

“Thanks to all of you.” Cocoa states, smiling sweetly, hugging the kimono tight.

“We’ll be taking these folks off then. Good luck with your practice and whatever.” Officer Tomato waves to you all, walking off with the delinquents. “Still owe ya a Bloody Mary, kid!”

“When I’m old enough!” you call back to her, laughing.

Videl brings her fist up, grinning at you. “Nice work, Peppa.”

Bumping yours against hers, you compliment her back. “Nice work, Videl.”

Giru finally approaches you. “Interesting display, meatbags! Giru, Giru! This school play was a valuable learning experience in regards to Earth culture!”

You hang your head. “It... hasn’t even started, Giru.”

The alien robot beeps lowly, getting everyone to chuckle. Finally the practice starts in earnest, mom teleporting in with Izzy as you see some of the students’ parents arrive as well, including Cocoa’s mom and dad. And you have to admit, all of them seem to give their best at the practice. You’d never know that they almost had to cancel the whole thing because of the costumes nearly being stolen.


The whole thing takes about 50 minutes, starting off with the Princess (Cocoa) being found inside a bamboo stalk by a poor family (the blonde girl and black-haired boy). The bamboo stalk gives them riches, and time passes showing the princess growing from a little girl into a beautiful young woman, accosted by several suitors. She rejects their offers of marriage by sending them out on impossible tasks, each one failing in their own way, until the Emperor (the green fox boy) becomes enamored with the Princess... and yet he too is declined. Though her reason is finally more direct, blunt:

The Princess is from the moon, and will have to return one day.

The Emperor still showers her with gifts, guards her against those who would take her away, out of compassion, out of jealousy, perhaps both. But his efforts are moot, as the lunar host descends to bring the alien princess back. And once she returns home, she will lose all memory of her time on Earth. In one final act, the Princess thanks her Earth family, and the Emperor who loved her so, giving them parting gifts, and even presenting the Emperor with the gift of... a potion of immortality.

The Emperor rejects the immortality offered to him, for he dared not live an endless but empty life without the woman he loved.

The play ends, the cast taking a bow, to the applause of their parents and the few guests who’d come to watch the practice. You notice... Izzy’s eyes watering up slightly near the end, the girl doing her best not to cry. But... even Giru seemed strangely enamored by the play.

Izzy pats the robot gently. “S-see? Haha, Earth culture’s pretty great, isn’t it?”

“...This play has brought back a memory.” Giru tells you all.

>A. What? How?
>B. Better get him to Bulma then, mom
>C. Cool. I’m gonna go talk with Cocoa
>D. Something else?
>C. Cool. I’m gonna go talk with Cocoa
>A. What? How?
>A. What? How?
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>Kill the mood!
>D. So did Grandpa Roshi kill those Moon people?
Oh wait, has the moon been blown up any? Sometimes I get this quest and canon mixed up.
>D. Describe the memory, please Giru?
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What's the name of that moon princess?

That'sa a good name for a son...
Son Kaguya? Son Tempura. Son Tamago. Son Son!
Amaguri-Son Kaguya
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You do a double-take, and you’re not the only one. “What? How?”

“Marginally similar events have allowed fragmented pieces to be pieced together successfully! Giru, Giru!” It beeps a little more enthusiastically.

“Well, can you tell us it?” Izzy asks.

“Memory recovered indicating being sent off from unknown planet, with expectation of return!”

“Wait... you think someone is going to try to come back for you, Giru?” mom asks.

“Highly likely probability! Giru, Giru.”

“You... guys should probably get him to Bulma or something.” Videl states.

Standing up, you stretch a little. “Well, that’s cool you’re finally remembering things, Giru. I’m gonna go talk with Cocoa. She was great!” You hop up and walk off with a slight skip in your step.

Mom seems to look at you awkwardly as you do, but keeps from saying anything. You reach Cocoa rather quickly, the girl finally out of her kimono and back into her casual clothes. “Well? What’d you think?”

“It was so good it made Izzy almost cry. Heck, it was so good it made our lil’ alien robot tagalong remember a bit of his home.”

Cocoa fakes a pout. “You don’t have to butter me up that much, you know. You can just say you liked it.”

“No, seriously, some of Giru’s fragmented memories clicked back into place as he watched it, or something.” you explain. She raises an eyebrow. “Really! You can come look if you want!”

Cocoa laughs and shakes her head. “You dork.”

“I did like it, though. You were great.” you tell her sweetly, tail swaying behind you happily. “Practice has certainly paid off.”

“You are kinda the reason I was able to get the part in the first place...” Cocoa admits, walking to you. “So, thanks, Peppa. For everything.”

“Thanks for being there for me.” You give her a wink. “Looking forward to the final thing. I know you’ll knock it out of the park!”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I'll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting ~4:30 pm PST. I’ll be around for a bit for some questions if y’all have any. Did y’all have fun?

Also, want to continue with Peppa and have a write-up of Tapion’s reunion with Minotia, or switch over to Izzy to see it?
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Rolled 2 (1d2)


coin toss!

1. Continue with Peppa

2. Switch over to Izzy
Loved Team Rocket cameo, maybe next time they can do their speech and poses.

Then Maple can school them in a pose off.
Switch to Izzy
Good times Kato. Nice to have a more low-stakes adventure after all the running around fighting a Majin and whatnot. The Pokemon cameos were cute.

I think I'll go with Izzy too, would be best to see that through her eyes.
Team Rocket was here?
Magenta hair and fab boy
Where does the Trash pig come in to this reference?
But he's my favorite team rocket
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Would Maple a Bio-Goku?
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Glad y'all had fun! And okay, looks like we'll switch over to Izzy tonight!

Sorry for the delay, we're back!


Maple teleports you all to Baba’s Palace, the air a little cool as it’s so early in the morning over there, but the sun steadily warming the area up. You stand with Tapion and begin walking forward, Maple and Pantea with Gohan behind the two of you. One of the ghostly ushers bring you forward, Baba smiling. You can... sense someone behind her.

“Long time no see, bro.” a young voice calls out to Tapion.

His eyes start to water. Baba floats away. “MINOTIA!” Tapion runs to a young boy, not even a teen, with a halo above his head, and hugs him tight, picking him up and twirling a bit.

“It... it’s good to see you too, bro.” Minotia replies, hugging him back.

Tapion... starts laughing with joy. Heh, first time you’ve really heard him laugh like that. Maple looks to Baba. “So... he’s got a day, huh?”

“That he does. I believe it would be best to let them catch up a bit.” She glances in your direction. “While they do, I have some things to ask of you, Izumi. And of you, Gohan. When wielding the blades, what did the two of you experience?”

“...Pardon?” Gohan repeats.

“I’m curious about what both of you’ve experienced in wielding those swords. What was it like?”

>A. Masa and Mune talked to me!
>B. Well... when I held both, it was like I could feel everyone cheering me on. Not just hear it, but feel it
>C. There was this feedback loop between the Masamune and Sword of Braves, that’s what really ended Hirudegarn, I think
>D. Something else?
>A. Masa and Mune talked to me!
>B. Well... when I held both, it was like I could feel everyone cheering me on. Not just hear it, but feel it
>C. There was this feedback loop between the Masamune and Sword of Braves, that’s what really ended Hirudegarn, I think
>D. Something else?
Hey, Minotia may we see your Brave Sword to compare this feeling?*

*If he does not, ignore this.
>>A. Masa and Mune talked to me!
>>B. Well... when I held both, it was like I could feel everyone cheering me on. Not just hear it, but feel it
>C. There was this feedback loop between the Masamune and Sword of Braves, that’s what really ended Hirudegarn, I think
>A. Masa and Mune talked to me!
>C. There was this feedback loop between the Masamune and Sword of Braves, that’s what really ended Hirudegarn, I think
>A, B, C.
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“Oh! Masa and Mune talked to me!” you blurt out a little excitedly. Maple nods, recalling you telling her about that after the little victory party. “Directly, I mean.”

Baba chuckles. “Ah, so they did. Then you’ve managed to form a connection with them like your father could manage, and like Mark was able to do.”

“They talked with me when brobro and I fused.” Maple adds in. “Though that was more because I was fused with him more than anything.”

“Masa and Mune are spirits who’ve allowed themselves to be sealed within the blade. They are the key to the sword’s power, pure souls who manage the magics that cast out evils. That they spoke with you directly means that they were sharing a bit of their power with you when you wielded your father’s sword.” Baba explains.

“Huh... didn’t feel anything like that when Tapion lent me his blade.” Gohan comments.

“I doubt there is a spirit inside the Sword of Braves. Instead, the magic is woven into the sword itself.” she states.

“So... speaking of, when you gave me the sword, Gohan, there were some interesting things I could feel. While wielding both, I could like... feel everyone cheering for me. Not just hear it, but feel it. And then there was like... this feedback loop that seemed to have both blades sharing their power together. I think that’s what really ended Hirudegarn.”

Baba grins. “I knew it.”

“Eh? Knew what?” Maple asks.

Baba floats towards you. “I believe, Izumi, that while you are correct, you are underselling your own abilities in this. You were a part of this, harnessing your skill with magic as a conduit for such a thing. Your own potent skill in this field could be the final piece that allowed Hirudegarn to be slain.”

“So congrats, kid. You really slay a Majin.” Beelzebub praises, approaching you all from the shadows.

“...B?” Minotia exclaims. “B! Oh wow it feels like it’s been so long...”

The Demon Prince heads towards the boy, bumping his fist against the kid’s. “And you’re free from that burden.”

Baba draws your attention back to her. “Ahem. I believe, Izumi, you could harness your magics to a further degree. Allowing you to harness a power like what you did when accessing the swords. Similar to the Kaio-Ten that you and Maple have managed, Pantea, but... perhaps more of a different path, so to speak.”

“Huh. Different how?” Pantea asks.

“A focus on magic, first and foremost, enhancing those abilities rather than focusing on Ki control alone.”

>A. Great! How does that work?
>B. Nah, doesn’t really interest me
>C. Could others manage this kind of power?
>D. Something else?
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More importantly, does the name fit the naming scheme?


>D. So it's basically circumventing the weird rules magic has with ki that was first discovered in Lucifer's book?
>A & C.
If there's a weird cat thing asking for a contract though, we shoot it.
>>A. Great! How does that work?
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Come now, would I do that?
Good god
>The language is still quite... dense, but you seem to understand it better after giving it a good study, you finally seem to understand how it works. To be blunt, magic is... complex. It requires a fine and focused mind, and strict memorization of the EXACT right techniques to do. It is also apparently tied to ki, though in a more roundabout way than regular energy attacks.

Did we ever connect that ancient and archaic magic language to anything?

Is it Nemurian language?
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“Great! How does it work?” you ask excitedly.

Baba laughs. “Hoho, so eager. Well, I would suggest focusing first on testing the limits of your Magics, and seeing where you can improve with them. Focusing more on how your Ki manages Magic. From there, you can work to channel Magic through the Raio-Ten. That may be the best way for you to manage this type of power.”

“Awesome!” you declare, thrusting your fist into the air. “Could others learn such a thing?”

“Yeah, I’d like to give it a shot myself.” Pantea comments.

“Perhaps. In fact, it may be a good idea to have someone to practice this with. And you, Pantea, are quite skilled with your magical abilities. As are you, Maple. However, note that this may be easier for Izumi to truly master.” she states.

Maple pats your shoulder. “Well, there you go Izzy. Something to start training for.”

You see Beelzebub and Minotia are done catching up, and looks like Tapion’s explained what all happened since he was released too, given the relieved look on the boy’s face. The three of them approach your group. “Mrs. Maple, Lady Baba, we’ve come to a decision. You say the Dragon Balls of Namek could be used to bring Minotia back, yes?”

“That they could.” Baba replies. “And I am sure, explaining your plit to them, the Namekians themselves would be willing to help you.”

“Then we would like to head there as soon as possible.” Tapion requests.

>A. All right, best of luck!
>B. What do you plan to do after that?
>C. Can I come too?
>D. Something else?
Not exactly, but the languages used are known to those who've learned Magic.
>B. What do you plan to do after that?
>A. All right, best of luck!
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>tell a story about a moon princess

>discuss a way to increase magical power

Oh yeah we're so doing magical girl Izzy.

Time to henshin up.

>D. "Wait, we should probably check in with the Namekians. They might have their own monster of the week problem."
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Supporting >>3334499
You're going to have us looking at every reference you make for foreshadowing at this rate Kato
Even with her focus on magic, Izumi could prove a better swordperson than either of the Konats.
Then again, Heroes of Time aren't just swordpeople either.
That's why we forge time into our swords.
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“What do you plan to do after that, Tapion?” you ask, trying your best not to sound too hesitant and worried as you do.

Tapion and Minotia look to one another. The heroes then look at your group. “We wish to see Konats one last time, to deliver the news that Hirudegarn has been slain. Though before that, we do have some catching up to do. If you all would allow it, the two of us would like to stay on Earth for a short while longer.”

“I’m sure none of us would mind.” Maple replies sweetly.

“I’d offer the both of you a place too, but things are... not exactly the best for a couple mortals, to be honest. Plus that sword of yours would freak out a lot of Demons down there.” Beelzebub comments. “And sadly I don’t have much time left before I need to head back myself, but... good to see you again, Minotia.”

You... guess that’s the best you could ask for. You give a little laugh, then bring your hand forward. “All right. Best of luck then, Tapion.”

“Actually... might I be able to come with you guys?” Pantea requests. “I’m friends with a few Namekians, and I’ve been to the planet before. I could help put a good word in, and collect the Dragon Balls with you.”

Gohan looks like he wants to say something, but hesitates.

>A. Nudge your cousin to go with. It’d be good for him
>B. Gohan’s probably got some other stuff to do
>C. Something else?
>A. Nudge your cousin to go with. It’d be good for him
>A. Nudge your cousin to go with. It’d be good for him
>C. Telepathically: What's wrong Gohan? Can I help?
See if Maple would be willing to do some magic training with us.
Also give Gohan a teasing wink.
Is the wink to imply he can get time alone with his crush for a confession?
>A. Nudge your cousin to go with. It’d be good for him
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You nudge Gohan in the arm. He needs the push. He looks to you and you grin at him... just a little teasingly. You expect him to protest. He doesn’t. He smiles back and nods. “I’ll go with you, Pantea. Wouldn’t hurt to have a little bit of help there.”

Pantea’s surprised, but doesn’t protest. “All right, sure. Whatcha think, Maple?”

She ruffles her son’s hair. “I’ll get you all there soon. You behave yourself, Gohan.”

“I will mom.” He places his hand on her shoulder, with Tapion and Minotia gathering around her under Pantea’s instruction. They all teleport away, leaving just you, Beelzebub, and Baba.

The Demon Prince looks up into the sky for a moment, then addresses Baba. “Any more luck trying to determine Towa’s plans?”

“Fragments. With Hirudegarn’s defeat, a wrench has been thrown into her plans, but not as big as one would hope.” Baba looks down. “I still see flashes of an unknown demon, with a fearsome presence, lurking somewhere.”

“...Unknown to even me?” Beelzebub asks curiously, implying a lot that you can’t quite pick up on, but take note of nonetheless.

She nods. “A new presence. Though I feel it comes not from the Demon Realm... but from Hell.”

You give her an odd look. “...Er. Hell as in...?”

“Hell’s ‘above’ the mortal plane, where the dead who are judged unworthy of Heaven are sent to be purified and eventually reincarnated. Nice place actually.” the red demon explains. Maple teleports back a moment after he says that.

>A. Aunt Maple, mind helping me practice my magic?
>B. Baba, could you look into Giru’s future too? I’ve been a little curious about it for a while not
>C. Can I see this thing?
>D. Something else?
>A. Aunt Maple, mind helping me practice my magic?
>B. Baba, could you look into Giru’s future too? I’ve been a little curious about it for a while not
>C. Can I see this thing?
>D. Something else?
Beelzebub any advice on shadow magic?
>D. "Hey Aunty, we're going to Hell!"
>>A. Aunt Maple, mind helping me practice my magic?
Clothes Beam! If we're going for that kind of power up, we should make sure we get the right outfits for it.
>B. Baba, could you look into Giru’s future too? I’ve been a little curious about it for a while not
Machine Queen, attend to your subjects!
Better fix the negative energy washing machine.

How strong was that boom box demon?
This new threat shall be dubbed TURBO BASS!
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My name is Majin Boom, it rhymess with Doom and you'll be hurting all too soon!
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“Baba, if you have the chance, can you look into Giru’s future at all too? Or, er, have you, at all? I’ve been curious about it for a while now, since he’s clearly gathering data for someone.”

“Hmm... bah, I’ll give you a freebie.” She hops down and laughs a little. “But next time, you’re gonna have to get it like everyone else, Izumi. Challenge or cash.” As you and Maple laugh a little, an image swirls around in her Crystal Ball, slowly starting to take form. “Hmm... curious.”

You lean down with Maple. Looks like... Giru’s on a spaceship of some sort. He’s looking out a window as it orbits a planet... looks to be a desolate desert one. Maple raises an eyebrow. “That... looks like Imeka. Wait, there’s something else...” The next image shows Giru on the same spaceship... huh. Strange planet, looks rather silvery, with a bit of blue and green in it.

“Can’t say I’ve seen that one before.” Baba comments. “But it does seem like these are not too far off. No more than a year.”

Maple takes note of the silvery planet. You don’t really know what to make of it, but looks like the lil’ guy will be on some trip to space soon. Well, that’s cool. You stand up and then ask your aunt, “Heeeey, auntie Maple, wanna help me train with my magic a bit?”

“Hah, sure Izzy. What did you want to practice first?”

>A. Fire
>B. Ice
>C. Lightning
>D. Water
>E. Wind
>F. Light
>G. Shadow
>H. Magic combinations
>I. Typeless Magic, like the Clothes Beam
>J. Applying Magic to Ki attacks, see how that works
>K. Something else?

You may pick up to five.
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>A. Fire
>G. Shadow
>H. Magic combinations
>C. Lightning
>F. Light
>I. Typeless Magic, like the Clothes Beam
>J. Applying Magic to Ki attacks, see how that works
>K. Something else?
Curse Breaker
>I. Typeless Magic, like the Clothes Beam
>>J. Applying Magic to Ki attacks, see how
>C. Lightning
If we are working with Maple we got to pick her brain on clothes beam and lightning
>I. Are Golems a thing? Would it be possible to enhance Robots with that enchantment?
So many options! Well, here goes...
Say, I wonder if we can fuse spirits into Giru?
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Rolled 4, 17, 9, 4, 2 = 36 (5d20)

Okay! Top five are C, F, H, I, and J.
Roll me 5d20, best of three! DC is 14 for all!
Rolled 9, 18, 3, 9, 14 = 53 (5d20)

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Rolled 17, 17, 13, 8, 10 = 65 (5d20)



something unrelated to a roll
Rolled 17, 10, 12, 1, 14 = 54 (5d20)

Liam pls!
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woops, critfailed
Rolled 7, 14, 5, 15, 9 = 50 (5d20)

Passed three of them!
Rolled 8, 5, 4, 10, 7 = 34 (5d20)

Okay, writing!
what if... you could equip... magic?

You and Maple get to work practicing Magic together, Baba giving some pointers as Beelzebub returns to the Demon Realm. Things start off fairly well, and with something she’s quite familiar with: Lightning. And while for her it seems to mostly just be a review of the basics, you start to understand some of the concepts behind it better. Most notably, when she shows off a chargeable Lightning-based spell, Phantom Galvanizer or something, you’re able to pick up on how she uses the spell to charge it for greater damage, applying it to your Phantom Spark spell for an extra kick when you fire it off! What’s more, now that you understand this, you might be able to apply it to other techniques as well, with a bit more practice.

Next up, a focus on Light Magic, and this one even Maple’s able to improve a little with. She picks up on how you’ve been able to enhance the Solar Flare to cast out illusions, applying what she’s learned from Baba’s instructions on casting out the phantoms in the Forest of Terror to it for greater effect. And as she does, you learn a neat new trick with it: enhancing it further to not only cast out illusions, but also leave a lingering “shine” of sorts that allows you to more easily track anyone that the flash of the technique touches.

You feel like you’re on a roll! ...Sadly, though, you’re not. In trying to manage your Magic combos and your typeless magic like the Clothes Beam, all you really accomplish is review of what you know. You do well, but not well enough to get anything new out of it, aside from Baba’s helper Undine yelling at you for freezing part of the pond she was swimming in. Aheh, woops. Sadly, neither does Maple, but at the very least it proves fruitful in the two of you showing off what skills you know, with Maple showing off her phenomenal Trinity Spark technique, a massive enhancement of her Spirit Bits. Hmm... you might be able to pull something like that off too, with the right kind of training!

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But what you do start to understand better is how you mix your Magic and your Ki together, and this proves to be one of the most important in your training with her. You take in Baba’s instructions as you power up, trying once again to use the Raio-Ten, your aura turning purple and sparking with raw power. But more than that, you realize that your aura is... different from Maple’s when she transforms. Hers seems to spark more wildly, static discharges going off in the air. Yours seems to be calmer, more focused as your power flows around you. And as Baba takes note of that, she instructs you to try to infuse more magic into it.

“Okay... here goes...” You spread your legs a bit, then calm your breathing as you focus on this. Magic and Ki. Two sides of the same coin. Both a part of you. You’ve done so much learning how to infuse your Ki attacks with Magic, but now’s time to try more of the reverse, powering your Magic up through your Ki. After a substantial amount of effort, you feel... a pulse of some sort. Like a heartbeat. There’s something. Something of greater power than what you have, still out of reach, but in view. And you’ve just taken your first step towards it. For a brief moment, your aura flashes... a slight pinkish color, then red, then green, then blue, then gold, then pink again, before finally returning back to normal. You collapse backward. Wow that took a bit out of you!

“That settles it.” Baba declares happily. “You are most certainly on the right path, Izumi.”

Maple approaches you and looks to you curiously. “...Huh. Your headband’s changed a little.” She pokes it slightly. “It’s got... a bit of a pink and gold tint to it now.”

“A bit of a side-effect of her magic, doubtlessly.” Baba comments. “Regardless, I hope this has proven fruitful.”

“Definitely!” You thrust your fist into the air. “...Ah crap. Maple, we still have time to head back?”

“Heh, yeah, been keeping track. Bet Peppa’s already there.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I'll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting ~5:30 pm PST. I’ll be around for a bit for some questions if y’all have any. Did y’all have fun?

Also, switch back to Peppa, or switch over to Gohan?
>Yours seems to be calmer, more focused as your power flows around you.
Can it be butterflies?
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Izzy you gotta add a bit of soul power to the ki and magic!

I vote Gohan.
I'll say this: if there's any bits of aesthetics y'all want for this, feel free to discuss them. Izzy's not at the point where she can use this fully, but she has taken the first step towards it, so there's time.

I've got some ideas of my own, but feel free to share yours.
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If she has a rainbow aura can she have rainbow hair?

Rainbow plasmic lightning bolts?

And a thinning down, like SSJ God, and Ultra Instinct does. Condensing muscle rather then bulking it up.
Great times were had Kato! Magical Warrior Izumi is at hand, and looks to be pretty cool already.

Cyborg Guy armor
Just because someone has god ki doesn't mean they'll get stronger, it takes knowing how to use it to become godly. Like, Goku was channeling the powers and techniques of the SSG, but that doesn't mean he was physically stronger. Perhaps that ritual makes someone a better fighter, and Goku could instinctively learn some bits of it?

It's sorta like how Roshi says that a stronger fighter doesn't mean a better fighter. Goku can do some neat stuff with that God form that he doesn't in any other form. Perhaps that form imbues him with some cool knowledge?
Ooh, can Maple's be pic related but with eyes?
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Violet is the color of the crown chakra, and purple is the general GoD Hakai color..

Point is moot when we got Annin who got god ki training.
Didn't Goku beat her handily?
Did they fight recently?
*cracks knuckles* Have we?
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Thanks for the session. Baba seems to know a lot about a lot of things.
Oh, also, back to Peppa.
Perhaps Golden Butterflies?
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Mighty Monarchs!
No one fucking told me Dai was in the game!
omg he's so cool
Mind telling us your ideas, Kato, or wanna keep them a surprise?
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The aura wasn't rainbow, but rather it was cycling through some variations it might be able to take. We'll see about that though.

Glad to hear! And hah.

Maple might not be able to get such a thing any time soon.

Maybe, maybe.

Glad to hear!

I'd rather hear what y'all might be interested in first, though I'll drop hints of my ideas as Izzy develops it.

Okay, that's one for Gohan, one for Peppa. Next one calls it.
Let's go with Gohan>>3338337
Wow, a second apart. Well that's a close one, but looks like it'll be a switch over to Peppa tonight! Gonna take a bit of a delay, but I'll have the update soon.
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Very sorry about that delay, but we are back!

“So, what did you find?” you ask mom over dinner the day after Cocoa’s practice play. “Giru tell you anything new?”

“The memory he’s recovered is... interesting.” She taps her chin. “We still only have fragments, but they’re more coherent fragments than before. Visually, we know of a blue alien who seems to be Giru’s creator, but nothing beyond that. He doesn’t look familiar, rather old fellow, but he does have rather large, pointed ears and red hair, rather large mustache too. Kinda reminded me of...” Mom shakes her head. “Well, whatever he was, those were some of the most notable features.”

“Like... Tapion’s? Or like one of those Herans?” Gohan asks.

“I guess he seemed more Heran-like. Oh! Did have these odd sunglasses.” Maple ponders on this. “Hmm... might be something to look into. In addition to that, we’ve got bits of a goal for Giru recovered. It seems like he was sent out to locate any rare alien species... I guess for preservation purposes? Saiyans being among them, though I’d guess he isn’t supposed to engage with Saiyans directly, given he’s programmed to see them as a potential danger.”

Huh. Interesting. “So what’s this guy doing, trying to make some alien petting zoo of endangered species, or does he have some ulterior motive?”

“Nothing we’ve been able to recover could tell us. And we still don’t have any clue on where his home planet might be, but Bulma suspects taking him to space may provide us with more clues. Izzy and I did see him in space, after all.”

>A. Think he might be able to recover more memories if he sees the play again?
>B. Say, Gohan, how was your trip to Namek? Tapion and Minotia doing okay?
>C. Count me in if you do, I’d like to help. I did first discover the lil’ guy, after all
>D. Something else?
>>B. Say, Gohan, how was your trip to Namek? Tapion and Minotia doing okay?
>>C. Count me in if you do, I’d like to help. I did first discover the lil’ guy, after all
>B. Say, Gohan, how was your trip to Namek? Tapion and Minotia doing okay?
>C. Count me in if you do, I’d like to help. I did first discover the lil’ guy, after all
>D. Something else?

Let's take him to Wheelo's Lab, and bring Yamcha.

Science place is sure to awaken memories.
>A, B, C.
>B. Say, Gohan, how was your trip to Namek? Tapion and Minotia doing okay?
>C. Count me in if you do, I’d like to help. I did first discover the lil’ guy, after all
>D. Also, SPACE!
>A. Think he might be able to recover more memories if he sees the play again?
I don't agree with A, but we could try exposing him to other media to knock more memories around.
Hey Kato is that machine mutant lion still on fake namek?
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That's a secret.

“So, think he might be able to recover some more memories if he sees the play again?” you ask your mom. “I mean, he was able to behave himself during that practice.”

“Possibly. But I wouldn’t put too much stock in it, at least not as much as trying to retrace his steps.” Mom smiles a little. “But you could take him again, if you’d like.”

You shrug after finishing another bowl of rice. “Maybe, maybe. Could also see if other media triggers any memories before that... hmm.”

“Izzy certainly has given him a lot already.” Gohan mumbles out.

“Well, whatever. Count me in when you do decide on that! A trip to space to finally solve this sounds like fun! Aaaand I did discover the little guy, after all.” Heh, training with uncle Raditz and Daikon... might be a good idea to see them again.

“Heh, if you don’t have some more important things to do.” mom tells you. “Might be a few people you should spend some time with first.”

She does have a point there. But... you’ll manage. “Speaking of trips to space, how was Namek, Gohan? Tapion and Minotia doing okay?”

“Yeah. Heh, Tapion was actually rather surprised by how much his brother knew about other planets. Guess spending time with Beelzebub hunting those other Dragon Balls was quite the learning experience for him. Pantea got to catch up with her friends Dende and Cargo again, heh, they’ve actually gotten some other Namekian kids their age and younger into some card games and a few handhelds.” Gohan smirks a little. “Though they’ve got quite a ways to go before they can handle Rainbow Road nearly as well as I can.”

You roll your eyes. “That all you did over there?”

“Well, no. They did agree to let us use the Dragon Balls, but their Elder requested we help some of their warriors train a bit. There was that Nail guy from the Tournament that Piccolo fought, man, he’s something else. After that, they summoned Porunga, their Eternal Dragon... heh, man, you should’ve seen that thing, Peppa! It’s bigger than even Shenron! Guy could wear Shenron like a scarf!”

Mom and dad look at your brother as he describes everything, a nostalgic look on their faces. Once he’s done, dad asks him, “Say, Gohan, feel up for a little training later?”

He looks over to Goku. “Hmm? Er, sure, I guess? Why you ask, dad?”

“Just been a while since we really practiced together. And I know you’ve been improving a lot recently.”

Gohan seems receptive, but... not especially enthusiastic. Hmm.

>A. You know, Gohan, dad still believed you’d do the right thing, even after you had your... run-in with the ninja and everything
>B. We should train some more too, mom! I’ve got a few things I’ve been meaning to practice?
>C. Count me in for that too, dad! I wanna test myself against you, Gohan, since we never really got the chance in the Tournament
>D. Something else?
>A & B.
Peppa still needs to learn the Clothes Beam!
>B. We should train some more too, mom! I’ve got a few things I’ve been meaning to practice?
>C. Count me in for that too, dad! I wanna test myself against you, Gohan, since we never really got the chance in the Tournament
>D. Maybe we can practice using our highest form together.

>D. "Hey, dad. That Hyper move you made. Do you think it can combine with Vegeta's Helix technique?"
>Guy could wear Shenron like a scarf!”

Porunga hoodie with shenron scarf.

Can we magic that up?
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“You know, Gohan, even if, I’ll admit, I worried about what you were doing, dad never stopped believing you’d do the right thing. Even after your... run-in with the ninja.” you whisper to your brother.

Initially he doesn’t really seem to react to your comment. But his face softens a bit. “Heh. You know what dad? There might be a few things I’d like to practice with you. Fair warning though, they might be some pretty big surprises. Think you’re up for it?”

“Yeah! I’d love to see it, Gohan!” Goku declares cheerfully.

You yourself turn to Maple. “Hey mom, while they’re at that, we should train some more too! I’ve got a few things I’ve been meaning to practice. You up for that?”

She grins wide. “Heh, beome Champ and you’re still eager to train with me, huh?”

“Like I’d just rest on my laurels! You’ve taught me better than that.” You stick your tongue out at her. “Oh, but before I forget, I’ve been wondering, dad. You remember the technique Vegeta used? That Helix Galick Gun? He said it was like my technique, but without any magic. Do you have any thoughts on that? Or how about your Hyper Kamehameha, it was able to hold off his attack even with how strong he was. Ooh! Could you combine them?!” Okay getting a little excited there, down a notch, Peppa.

“Hmm... well, I designed it because I tended to have trouble matching Maple whenever we had clashes like that. Dunno if I could combine it with what Vegeta does... hmm, maybe if we fused...” Dad rubs his chin.

“Like Vegeta’d fuse with anyone. Hah!” Gohan laughs a little.

Goku shrugs. “Either way, his did seem to work like yours, overpowering defenses when it connects. Mine’s not so much stronger as it is more focused, I guess.”

“Well, your cousin’s got some impressive techniques too, you know.” mom comments with a sly grin. “In fact, you two better watch out, she’s improving quite a lot on her own.”

“Hah, great!” You thrust your fist into the air. “I’ll keep getting stronger too! Not gonna give up!”

A few days later, with good ol’ Friday finally here, you and mom stretch a little in preparation for your practice. “Okay Peppa, what were you hoping to improve on?”

>A. Go all-out, mom! I wannt test my limits!
>B. Best to improve upon the basics. That’s what Videl and I were doing before. I’m doing what I can to draw out more of my power without transforming
>C. Clothes Beam! I need to learn it some time, mom
>D. I wanna see what I can do to improve my techniques. That Thunder Dragon Fist of yours was awesome! Maybe I’ll be able to do something like that some day
>E. Learning some Telekinesis would be good
>F. I’d like to practice with my Power Pole some more, if that’s okay with you
>G. Something else?

Pick three at most.
>B. Best to improve upon the basics. That’s what Videl and I were doing before. I’m doing what I can to draw out more of my power without transforming

>C. Clothes Beam! I need to learn it some time, mom

>E. Learning some Telekinesis would be good
>B. Best to improve upon the basics. That’s what Videl and I were doing before. I’m doing what I can to draw out more of my power without transforming
>C. Clothes Beam! I need to learn it some time, mom
>D. I wanna see what I can do to improve my techniques. That Thunder Dragon Fist of yours was awesome! Maybe I’ll be able to do something like that some day
>B, C, C.
Let's play up C, call it her ultimate move or something.
But really, we need the Clothes Beam
Next D or E calls it.
Guys really.
B and C please.
Voting F then.
We'll have an easier time if we focus on two things, right?
I'll agree to this.
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Rolled 6, 18, 11 = 35 (3d20)

All right. 2d20, best of three. DC is 15 for the second, no DC for the first.
>G. Instead of the flashy ultimate, there's a far more useful ability Mom has: Hallowed Rush.
Rolled 20, 18 = 38 (2d20)

Rolled 9, 4 = 13 (2d20)

Rolled 16, 10 = 26 (2d20)

Rolled 9, 3, 13 = 25 (3d20)

Very nice! Writing...
I literally cackled
Nice going.
No one fucking told me Master Chief was in the game!
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You take your stance, smirking wildly. “Well, it’s best to improve on the basics, right? That’s what Videl and I were doing before, training as hard as we could, pushing our limits! I wanna improve, so I’ll be able to draw out more of my own strength without relying on transforming.” Your aura flares up just a little. “That... and I finally want to learn the Clothes Beam.”

Mom laughs happily. “All right Peppa. But that’s not gonna come easy. Show me what you can do!”

Both of you dash at each other, trading blows. Mom certainly knows your movements, she’s trained you quite well, and she’s definitely no slouch herself. But you’ve learned a lot on your own, too. While your mother has the advantage in skill, you’re sure to make sure you earned that title fair and square. As Maple tries baiting you out, attempting to get you to use up a bit more of your stamina, you make sure every hit you land has a good deal more punch to it.

“Hooh, not bad, but you’re not close enough yet, Peppa!” Maple goes on the offensive as well, forcing you back into guarding... but not for long. You’re able to take some of her hits better than she’s expecting, and every chance to guard you see an opportunity for a counterattack. Honestly... she seems to be expecting you to fight a lot more like your dad.

Big mistake. You flip away from a kick and briefly form a Ki drill to dig down into the dirt, dodging an elbow strike, your tail grabbing her leg and tripping her up. You then burst out of the dirt and drag her into the sky, letting go quickly and turning around to deliver a hammer blow with your fists. Maple’s able to block it, but the sheer power you’re able to put into it sends her into the dirt.

Mom... starts laughing again. “Hahaha! That’s my girl!” She flips to her feet. “Great job, Peppa. But can you keep this up?”

You rub your nose cheekily. “Of course. Not asking for me to slow down for you, are you mom?”

“Oh you’re gonna get it now!”

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After a few hours of training, the two of you have exhausted enough of your strength to call this a good sparring session. And you... honestly feel a good deal stronger. Mom heals the both of you up, then gets you trying the Clothes Beam one more time. You focus harder on it, concentrating as best you can to force your energy, your Magic, into making something. Finally, after all these years of trying... you succeed!

“Whatcha think, mom?” you ask as you place the red goggles you created on your head. It’s a little simple, sure, but it’s a start. Hah, they’re a good fit, too!

“Better than my first few. Proud of you, Peppa.” She sits down, the two of you taking a break. As you look over the goggles, in the style of the ones Bulma made for you, but without all the features, she seems... uneasy. She places her hand on your shoulder. “Hey... Peppa, do you... have anything you’d like to talk about? I’m not trying to pry, but... your uncle mentioned that his new student seems to be a... big fan of yours. But...”

Ah. This. Izzy told you about how he seemed to be taking your... rejection.

>A. Actually, I was meaning to talk to him directly about it. Think I’ll do that today
>B. Let’s not focus on this right now. Rather keep my mind on my training
>C. It’s time to have this talk. She probably already knows, but you need to talk with mom about this
>D. Something else?

Write-ins encouraged.
>D. Ha, I really inspired someone to start training? Fans are great.
Peppa didn't hear anything about this so far as I'm aware.
>Ah. This. Izzy told you about how he seemed to be taking your... rejection.
No she didn't? We never voted to do that nor did anyone make a motion to. When did they have time to talk anyway?
>A. Actually, I was meaning to talk to him directly about it. Think I’ll do that today
>C. It’s time to have this talk. She probably already knows, but you need to talk with mom about this
It was a little while ago, Izumi told us that he was training with Acer.
No she didn't. ctrl+f'd all mentions of Monty in thread 11 and this one.
It is weird that Izumi would know about the Rejection letter since her cousins don't like it when she pries or teases. Are we the method of transmission for this knowledge?
Might have not been by name.
I ctrl+f'd "fan" and "student" as well, no dice.
>A & C.
Let's be blunt about it. Peppa is into girls. She's got a crush on Cocoa. But isn't pushing for anything and is just looking out for her as a friend for now.

It's been like, a week. And Izzy's kinda gossip-y. You'd think she might've said something by this point. Let's not make a big fus over this.
Izzy doesn't respect her father's student's privacy? This question isn't to discourage you, I want to know what you think. What kind of person is Izzy?
>C. It’s time to have this talk. She probably already knows, but you need to talk with mom about this

>A. Actually, I was meaning to talk to him directly about it. Think I’ll do that today
So does the Destron share memories between our hosts?
Acer told her about it. If her dad is okay with it, it's probably not a big deal. If anything Monty probably wants Peppa to know.
Very well.
Is Monty's spirit animal a Python or a Mole?
For some nonsense reason, I'm feeling guinea pig.
Very well.
Okay that's pretty great.
Huh, is this the comic they named that trope "Cerebus Syndrome" after?
>This trope takes its name from Cerebus the Aardvark, a(n) (in)famous indie print comic that began as a parody of Heroic Fantasy, but drifted into the genre itself. (And subsequently into far stranger waters.)
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You shake your head. Sure she didn’t give you all the details, but it’s more than enough to go off of. And... honestly, you’re a little glad you managed to inspire someone to something like this. But you want it to be for the right reasons. “Actually, mom, I’ve been meaning to talk to him about it directly. In fact, I think I’ll do it today.”

“Well... okay.” Maple looks off, a soft, nostalgic smile on her face. “I did get some fan mail like that when I was younger, you know. Not a lot, but some. Of course, heh, most of it stopped right around the 23rd Tournament. Me kissing your dad with the world watching prooobably had a lot to do with that.”

You take a deep breath. Okay. You’re having this talk, even if she already knows. You tug at the sides of your shirt a little. “Mom? I... told dad a bit about this before... but, there is someone that I do have those kinds of feelings for. And... she’s my best friend. I’m... I know I’m interested in girls. But more importantly, I have feelings for Cocoa. I... sort of went on a date with her the night I won the Tournament. But at the end of it, she kinda realized my feelings were closer than friendship. She didn’t really know how to take it. She didn’t... outright reject me. She said she needed time. And that’s what I’ve been doing.” You glance at her and smile. “Though, thanks to dad, we’ve at least made things a little less... awkward. He told me to still spend time with her, not push her away. And that’s what we’ve been doing. Staying as friends. Me giving her the time she needs to decide if she feels that way towards me.”

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Mom lets out a soft laugh. “Your dad can be a little thick-headed sometimes, but he’s also very honest. Gods did it take a bit to really explain these kinds of things to him.”

“You knew already, didn’t you, mom?”

The laugh returns, a little more nervous. “Aheh heh... I mean... I wasn’t prying or anything. But a mother knows, Peppa. And I just want to make sure you’re doing okay with this.”

“I am. But thank you, mom.” You notice her rub her eyes a little. “...Mom?”

“J-just realizing my baby girl’s growing up so fast. Heh. W-well Peppa, as long as it makes you happy. And as long as it makes her happy.” She pats you on the head. “I may need to break out the baby pictures though.”

You squint at her just a little. “Mom we’ve known each other since preschool. She knows plenty of my embarrassing secrets already.”

“Nooooot all of them~” she tells you in a tone that fills you with dread.

“Please don’t make me regret bringing this up with you, ‘Matchmaker Maple.’” you sigh out loudly.

She pulls you in for a hug. “Just know I’ll be rooting for you, sweetie. Hoping for the best.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I'll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting ~5:30 pm PST. I’ll be around for a bit for some questions if y’all have any. Did y’all have fun?
>"That's 'Matchmaker Mama' to you, Peppa!"
So may we switch over to Gohan on Namek?
Goku and Maple are good parents. This was a nice thread, Kato. Glad we finally got the Clothes Beam for her! Thanks for running!

Also let's stay with Peppa.
I don't want to skip over the bit with Gohan though, it was an assumption on my part but I didn't think choosing Peppa would skip over that much. I would have liked to see both.
We completed things on Peppa's end and don't have an immediate concern, it's probably better to hand off to someone with something coming up.
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>“You knew already, didn’t you, mom?”
>The laugh returns, a little more nervous. “Aheh heh... I mean... I wasn’t prying or anything. But a mother knows, Peppa.
How she got that information seems a little... hazy.
Can any of the MCs be blamed for their actions if we inhibit self determination? Perhaps Maple was looking at US disappointedly rather than Gohan.
Eh, I want to stay with Peppa though. But if everyone else wants Gohan, too bad for me.

Let's be real here. If even Goku could figure it out, Maple probably knew the moment Peppa started hanging out with Keli. Or at the very least, ever since the date.

>cut to Maple updating a little shipping chart she keeps, only to be worried Yurin will throw the whole thing off
Maple didn't know who Jackie Chun was.
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>we disappointed Maple
That... almost feels worse.
As a kid.
Or rather... WE didn't know who Jackie Chun was. Eh? Eh?
In a setting of infinite possibilities, are we not only choosing a sliver of what happens anyway?
I could get Bioshock Infinite on you and say how heroes will undergo the same challenges as they do and villains fated to show up will always show up, but I don't like Bioshock Infinite.
Lets go System Shock instead, since we'll be dealing with malevolent AIs soon enough.
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I do say I was surprised we skipped over Namek.

Usually something bad happens when we visit...

Did Dende atleast interact with Gohan?
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If we ask nicely, maybe it's possible to go on that expedition even with Peppa Time?
Eh, I'd rather move forward then backtrack desu.

We can go on an adventure with Gohan later.

Kinda wanna see if we can get to fixin' Rainbow. Surprised Gohan didn't ask if one of the three wishes could be to repair it. Guess he wants to do that the hard way so it feels like an accomplishment.
We seem to be wrapping everything up in this arc for now. Seems a bit unfair to leave him out.
Maybe Gohan's part will be the finale?
I don't want to skip over the Namek part. I would like to play through it, time paradoxes and all.
Let's stick with Peppa for tonight, then go over to Gohan for something more important than Namek
Will you go to Namek for a s600bH snack?
Samefag, what do you want to see Peppa do? What more can she do?
Not unless we bring Yamcha.

Come now dude, it's not that big a deal.
Samefagging is considering yourself a big deal and corrupts the system. Apologize.
[Gohan voice] I'm sorry.
You haven't given a good reason of why you want to play as Peppa. Has she not resolved things nicely? Are you expecting Kato to fit in another adventure real quick?
Let's talk with Cocoa. Or Monty.
Actually yeah, Monty.
Bring Yamcha
if you wanted to play Gohan so badly, you should've voted for Gohan.

But you didn't even make a vote.
I was fine with seeing either. I would have liked to see both. Then again, I should have asked what Peppa would be doing.
You didn't though. If you did you could have wished for Gohan to never say sorry again.
Ah, it's not my argument you have problems with. There's no point in talking to you.
Yeah, I'll agree with that.

>>3340650 is me on my phone. Quit being an autist.
Don't expect people to welcome you when you support something with "1 post by this ID."
It's not that big a deal.
Samefagging is the absolute worst thing you can do in a quest, worse than writing in "Snap her neck"
And it wasn't that. So calm down.
No, I can't trust any of you without evidence.
Pretty sure you samefagged at the top with your Roshi sexy time that got deleted because let's be honest that's something you would do.

By your logic I guess I can't trust anything that supports your ID's vote.
Yeah you can. You can trust us. None of us are evil robots or anything. Yet.
Believe what you like.
Kato's gonna get a nice read today, huzzah.
I'm bored, why does it seem like something I would do?
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Doesn't look like everyone else wants to go along with that. Sorry anon. There'll be another chance soon though.

Glad to hear!

Gohan, Dende, Cargo, and Pantea played a certain cart racer game, with some others watching. Gohan impressed the Namekian boys substantially.

It's okay. I will say this is an improvement.

Anyway, we are back!

You fly slowly towards your aunt and uncle’s village, spotting your cousin riding on Icarus just a ways out from the castle. She immediately notices you, then has Icarus fly towards you. “Heeeey Peppa, surprised you’re coming down this way. What’s up?”

“I think you know what’s up, Izzy.” you comment, flying closer to the castle. Let’s see... ah, there’s aunt Chi-chi, seems she’s meditating somewhere, but where’s...? Ah! There’s uncle Acer. And you can definitely sense someone with him. “Better get this over with.”

Izzy rubs the back of her neck. “...Mmh. Peppa, you sure about this? I mean, dad’s been so happy to have his first student and everything. Just... don’t go too hard on the boy, okay?”

>A. Actually, I was going to encourage him to keep training. I’m glad I managed to inspire him
>B. Monty needs to know I’m not interested, and I’ll make this as clear as possible
>C. I’ll chat when your uncle’s done training with him today, then
>D. Something else?
>Gohan, Dende, Cargo, and Pantea played a certain cart racer game, with some others watching. Gohan impressed the Namekian boys substantially.
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>A. Actually, I was going to encourage him to keep training. I’m glad I managed to inspire him
>D. Something else?
Clothes beam up a cool weighted gi for Monty to show our support! Use Acer colors! Give it a sword symbol that resembles the Masamune going through an A.
Or a stylish M!
>A & B.
Encourage him but make it clear Peppa's for someone else.
>Peppa uses 'Friendzone' on Monty!

>It's super effective!
>D. Wave the carrot at him. The carrot being that he can possibly prove himself as someone capable of achieving something with his own hands. Then comes the stick! "Bet you can't, don't even try" and so on.
>D. But he is going to have to understand the situation properly, no matter what.
I also thinking the Sword going through the A looks like Master Sword and the Tri-force...
And totally not say...a reference to the Anon...who likes Swords.
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“Actually, I wanted to encourage him.” you tell Izzy calmly. Her eyes widen, Icarus tilting his head at you. “...What? I’m not gonna tell him I’m interested, but I’d like to encourage him to do his best. If I’ve gotten even one person to try to improve themself, I’d be more than happy.”

“Buuuut aren’t you, you know...?”

Rolling your eyes, you descend slowly. “Izzy, shush.”

“I mean, you are, you know...”

“Izzy. Shush.” You reach a courtyard, some distance away from your uncle. “I know who I like. It’s not him. That doesn’t mean I don’t want him to do his best.”

“Oooookaaaaay.” She pats her dragon’s head gently.

You see Acer and Monty training with kendo sticks, Acer barely breaking a sweat as Monty tries his best to fight against him. Hmm... form is... decent, for a beginner, but looks like he’s got a long way to go. Not bad, at least. Heh, kinda reminds you of Gohan when he was starting out. You approach your uncle slowly, waiting a bit for him to finish his training with Monty before you raise your Ki slightly to catch Acer’s attention. Your uncle turns his head, then looks to Monty. “All right, I think that’s enough for today. Making some good progress.”

The teenage boy sits down, sighing loudly. “Hoooh... y-you think so?”

“Yeah. Still going to need to practice your breathing, but you’ve started to get the hang of managing your energy. Your stamina’s not limitless, so you’ve started to understand that better.” Acer offers a hand to him, helping the boy up. “I think there’s someone here to see you.”

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Monty stands up and looks at him curiously, but notices you out of the corner of his eye. He... laughs nervously, blushing a little. “S-Son Peppa! H-hello again. It has... been a while.”

“Yep. So, this is what you’ve been up to, huh?” You walk forward casually. “Heh, you must be pretty dedicated if you’re earning praise from my uncle after barely more than a week.”

“W-well... aheh! Yeah! Yeah, trying... trying my best!” The nervous laughter continues.

“Keep up the good work then.” You give him a thumb’s up. “What got you to try this, anyway?”

He looks away awkwardly. “I... um... you see...”

Sigh. Thought so. “Got someone you wanted to impress?”

“W-well! There... there was this... it’s not all...” He starts mumbling lowly. “...You uh, might know them.”

“I think she’s standing in front of you.” Crossing your arms, your tail sways behind you. “You can be honest with me, Monty. Look... I sent that for a reason. And I still mean what I said in that letter. But this? This is great! You’re trying to improve yourself, trying to find your limits, and break them. Getting stronger and using that strength to help others, that’s one of the reasons I myself started training. It means a lot to me to see even one person try to do the same. So I want you to do your best.” Hmm... got an idea! “In fact, here!” You Clothes Beam up a little Gi for him, with a design you think he might like. Not as good as mom’s work, but definitely wearable. Probably not a good idea to get him started on weighted clothes yet, at least until your uncle’s trained him some more. “Do your best, Monty.”

There’s a mix of emotions on his face as he takes the gi. He’s not entirely sure how to register all you’ve said. But... he seems to at least keep his cool. There’s a part of him that seems... very disappointed, and yet resolved. He finally is able to focus a bit, and ask you, “...Is there, um, someone else?”

>A. Yep. Sorry. You’re not really my type anyway. But we can still be friends
>B. Thaaaaat’s a little personal
>C. Monty, listen, my preferences aside, you barely know me
>D. Something else?
Monty, I'm basically in the same situation you are and that's why I'm doing my best to break it easy to you. Because I would want that person to do the same for me if they don't feel the same way. I still want to be friends, even if they don't reciprocate my feelings. You understand, right?
>D. "There's no one else who can defeat me. Your form is pretty, but as fragile as glass. You've clearly never toiled before in your whole life. You have a ways to go before you could even be considered by me."
>Domineering mode is a go, humiliate him into trying to topple you off your tall pillar. Lord knows that enabled you to get stronger than Vegeta.
By way of >>3341373
>D. Hmm, can you keep a secret? I play for the other team.
Stating a specific interest is rude to Cocoa, I think. I think this measure of trust is fine.

>declare our intent to become and remain his friend.
This too. Not specifically bringing anyone up, but making clear Peppa's not into guys. Still, friends, that's fine.
Yeah, just "liking someone else" isn't going to dissuade him in the right way. Plus, he's gunna get all flustered.
>Hmm, can you keep a secret? I play for the other team.
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You clap your hands together, then point them at him. “Monty. Can you... keep this on the down-low?”

“...Huh?” He doesn’t seem to get it.

Mmmhh. “I... don’t want people making a big deal about this. So can you, you know... not go around telling everyone?”

That disheartens him a little. “Ah. Okay.”

“So... believe me when I say this, but I know how you feel. I am kinda in the same boat here, there is someone I have feelings for, that I’m not entirely sure reciprocates-” That brings an unintentional smile to his face, which he quickly covers with his hand, the boy looking away embarrassed. “-but might. But if that person doesn’t feel the same way I do, I’d still want to stay friends. So I’ll do the same for them as I’ll do for you. You’re nice, and I’m glad you’re improving yourself. I’d like to be friends. But that’s all.”

Monty’s head lowers and he sighs loudly. “I... get it. I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to apologize for. There is something else. Can you... promise to keep this on the down-low too?”

“All right.” He looks up again, not entirely happy about this, but a bit more understanding.

You rub the back of your neck. “I um... play for the other team. I’m not interested in guys. At all.”

Monty stares at you, his eyes widening a little as he grows increasingly flustered. “...Oh. OH! Oh. Ohhh... I... oh.” There’s clearly a million questions going through his mind right now.

Let’s cut that off too. You hold out your hand. “So. Friends?”

Still clearly flustered, that gets him to snap out of it. Monty taps his face with one of his hands, then shakes yours with the other. “Sure. Friends. Thank you, Peppa.”

Your uncle walks over to him, looking up at the boy. “Well, hope that’s cleared a few things up for you. Think you’ll be able to still focus on your training, Monty?”

“I do. This is... still a lot to take in all at once. But thank you for letting me know, Peppa.”

You give him a thumb’s up again. “Best of luck. Maybe you’ll be able to compete next Tournament. Would like to see how much you can improve in a few years.”


“Glad to hear. Best of luck, Monty!” You run off, taking to the air and waving goodbye.

As you do though, Chi-chi sticks her head out of one of the castle windows. “Peppa, can you come here for a moment?”

>A. Sure! What’s up, auntie Chi-chi?
>B. Can it wait for later? Was kinda heading off
>C. Something else?
>C. I dunno, can I?
>*clothes beam some sunglasses on while airhorns sound*
>>A. Sure! What’s up, auntie Chi-chi?
>A. Sure! What’s up, auntie Chi-chi?

So wait, does Peppa not have a top ten's list?

Top Ten lists are limiting.
>A. Sure! What’s up, auntie Chi-chi?
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“Sure! What’s up, auntie Chi-chi?” You float towards her, heading in through the window. Chi-chi brings you to a room further in the castle, picking up an odd, long black box and bringing it to you. It’s... decorated with strange, and kinda creepy-looking green details.

“I’m not sure how we got this, but it’s addressed to you. Acer and I made sure to check it for anything unusual, and it seems normal. Still... we’re not quite sure what it is.”

“Didn’t open it or anything first?” you ask, looking it over.

“No, but like I said, there’s nothing that we’ve been able to sense that’s uncooth.”

Well. Here goes then. You open it up... and there’s a scroll inside. Well, that’s rather unnecessarily elaborate. Unfurling the scroll, you see it’s... “It’s from Basilea?!” you exclaim.

Chi-chi takes a step back in surprise. “What? How?”

You read through the scroll. “She says she’s... demanding a challenge from me this summer. But not on Earth. ‘The clues will lead you to our fated battleground. Fail to meet this challenge, and your precious Videl and whatever other-’ okay that’s a bad word, ahem, ‘you care for might not be so lucky.’ And... there’s some kind of glowing thing at the bottom of it.”

“Hand it over.” Chi-chi asks. She looks at the part you mentioned, near Basilea’s name. She squints harder, letting our a small jolt of Ki on it and... it reveals a holographic projection of Basilea, smirking devilishly.

Of Basilea with a Dragon Ball.

But not just any Dragon Ball... this one is odd, with... black stars on it?

“Where in the world did she get that? They shouldn’t be active for almost another year.” Chi-chi comments.

>A. I’m taking this to mom immediately
>B. Bulma might know what’s going on
>C. Auntie Chi-chi, how’d you know to do that?
>D. What’s with this Dragon Ball? It looks odd... maybe Trip and Piccolo would know more?
>E. Something else?
>E. Eh, whatever. Throw the challenge in the trash.
>>D. What’s with this Dragon Ball? It looks odd... maybe Trip and Piccolo would know more?

>D. What’s with this Dragon Ball? It looks odd... maybe Trip and Piccolo would know more?

Or Minotia and Beelzebub...
>A, B, D.
Head to the Lookout, but let mom and Bulma know.
>A. I’m taking this to mom immediately
>D. What’s with this Dragon Ball? It looks odd... maybe Trip and Piccolo would know more?
Mom first, then check with the others. We can teleport, not like there's any lost opportunities from jumping between multiple people.
>E. Why should we care about this? I am not humoring Basilea, not after her tantrum at the tourney. Honestly it embarasses me a bit when she calls me her rival.
Dragon Ball. She has one. Cause for concern.
And? It's not like the Dragon Balls can do anything seriously harmful outside the host's power. So far as we're aware.
They can grant wishes. The potential for harm is a ways above "some".
And they're using a different set that we've never seen before, from a planet we've never heard of. If they come to the next bash with another ace in the hole, that would be more exciting, right?
Excitement is more enjoyable the more likely you are not to face suffering and death from it.
Hey Kato can we send Basilea the Rejection Rose?
Let's send her a capsule with a blooming corpse flower.
Send her Audery.
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“What’s with this Dragon Ball? It looks... odd. Maybe Trip and Piccolo know something?” You get the scroll and tap your fingers on your forehead, letting mom know about this first, then telling Chi-chi, “I’m gonna head over there. If you can think of anyone else who might be able to help, make sure they know.”

“All right Peppa. Take care.”

You teleport away, heading to the Lookout, your mom arriving right after you. The place... still in the process of being repaired, sadly, Mr. Popo working tirelessly to patch it together with the space lemurs’ help, even Piccolo pitching in. You and mom rush in to see Trip, Piccolo coming in after you, with you showing them all the message. Trip and Piccolo are stunned by what they see, the woman standing up and asking the Namekian, “I thought we sealed them back up! How did they uncover them?”

“We did. None of Towa’s allies should have been able to find them.” he affirms.

“Find what, exactly?”

Mom shakes her head. “Keli prevented Hoi from getting a more dangerous set that was sealed away in the Lookout, remember? The Black Star Dragon Balls. Capable of granting wishes beyond what most other ones are capable of... but at a cost. The imbalance of energy used in them can result in the internal energy of the planet they’re used on being thrown off... and if they’re not returned within a year of them being used, that planet will end up destroyed.”

Oh. Oh that’s bad. “Man, I better thank her again next time I see her... wait, if ours are sealed away, what’s Basilea doing with one of these?”

Maple taps her chin. “Mmh... it could be...” She looks up and closes her eyes. “Back when we first went to Namek, there was a monster named Bongo that used the Big Gete Star to attack the planet. He was aware of Namekians, knew of the Dragon Balls, and apparently was the offspring of a Namekian that was sealed away a long time ago, much like King Piccolo. Jaco also told us of the Galactic Patrol having a Dragon Ball in their possession, and Minotia was first freed by use of those Dragon Balls... I’d guess that Basilea has one of this set. Which means she’s somewhere out in space, possibly trying to collect the rest.”

“She’s issued this as a formal challenge to me, specifically.” you note. “Kinda don’t want to even dignify this with a response. Send her one of those rejection flowers. But her gathering these Dragon Balls is more than enough cause for concern.”

“We have time, at least, but something about all this feels... off.” Mom states.

>A. What kinds of wishes can these Dragon Balls grant, exactly?
>B. Well, Basilea won’t get any wish from them, I’ll make sure of it. I’ll stop her
>C. Couldn’t these Dragon Balls be destroyed, to keep anyone from making a wish on them?
>D. Something else?
>D. Well, sucks that they get a wish, but if that's all, *shrug*
Seconded. Also muse about ditching one of the balls in another timeline or something with the TPs help.
Towa can time travel, that's like hiding something in the company fridge.
I don't feel like going on a Grand Tour for some planet we've never heard of. It sounds like it was their kami's fault those things were even active, and if they want to remedy the situation they can go ask the Kais for help.
What do you want to do, then?
Towa expects us to go off after her with some cozmic travel, so why don't we flip the board and do absolutely nothing?
And now the Earth will get blown up. Smart move.
Those aren't the Earth Black Stars, if you've been reading.
>I wish to blow up the Earth!
They could do that anytime they want without dragonballs. Basilea has already threatened Peppa's crushes on multiple occasions. Why should we jump at their beck and call when dragon balls are involved?
Why should we let the demon who wants us dead get the wish on those Dragon Balls? There are too many ways that ignoring this can and will go wrong.
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If they wanted us dead, they've been doing a shitty job of it. No, we're more useful for Towa's experiments alive, and the Earth is safer with its champions on it.
>Basilea wishes to be Immortal
>Basilea wishes for Peppa to die
>Basilea gives them to Towa for her to use to get own ends
>Basilea gives them to Baby, who uses them to enslave the universe
>Basilea wishes for all other Dragon Ball sets to never work again
I can think of a dozen more. Besides, not everyone has to leave. You're not thinking your argument through very well. Ignoring them is a bad idea.
>Basilea getting around from planet to planet without her Aunt driving her.
Do you think Basilea has had any say over her life?
Then maybe we can help her. Show her she doesn't have to be Towa's errand girl that gets disrespected all the time. At the very least, we can stop her from doing this.
Giving a planet busting girl who is held in line by her Aunt the will to rebel against her Aunt? What could go wrong?
>Do you think Basilea has had any say over her life?
Less than letting her keep following Towa's orders.
So killing her? Can't follow orders if she ded.
“Well, couldn’t these Dragon Balls be destroyed somehow, to keep anyone from making a wish?” you ask. “In fact, why haven’t you guys done that yet? Or at least deactivate them, or something!”

“We’ve tried.” Piccolo tells you lowly. “The Black Star Dragon Balls are far more durable than they’d appear. Each one is capable of surviving the destruction of a planet, possibly more. Trying to deactivate them is currently impossible. The most we’ve been able to do is seal them away.”

You cross your arms. “Why’s it impossible ‘currently’? Sounds like you know of a way to get rid of them.”

“Their creator was the Namekian who split himself into Kami and King Piccolo. The Black Star Dragon Balls were deactivated because that being no longer existed. They’re active again because we rejoined, but the problem is... the Namekian I used to be was still greater than the power I possess now. I’ve been training to try to reach those heights, to get rid of them for good.” Piccolo looks down sadly. “I’m still not there yet. The other way is for me to give up my life, so they can never be used again.”

“No.” Maple tells him. “We’ll find another way.”

Trip nods. “Indeed. In any case, this may not be any of ours, but the fact remains she possesses at least one already.”

You slam your fist into your palm. “Well, Basilea’s not getting any wishes on them, I’ll make sure of that. I will stop her.” You thrust a fist upwards. “You’re on, Basilea! Get ready for a butt whooping!”


>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I'll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting ~5:30 pm PST. I’ll be around for a bit for some questions if y’all have any. Did y’all have fun?

Also, switch over to Gohan?
What will we be doing as Gohan?
Good times Kato. And sure, night as Gohan sounds good.
You could include more fighting, even if it's casual bouts. Plenty of conversations we've had could be improved many times over from being held during a fight. Talking's a free action in dragonball.

As I've said, I don't have fun with walls of exposition, even if this is a cooldown thread.
It also feels like the options in combat have been more general and less creative. Like, "You're going to go throw yourself at Hirudegarn using whatever skills, roll a d20!" instead of the tournament's "What skill do you want to use for what purpose?"
Gohan sounds good
Would it be possible for Piccolo to fuse with another Namekian? Fusion Dance that is. Would the Black Star Dragon Balls still be active if he did?
Though, the exposition isn't your fault. Sometimes I wish that we as Peppa would take after Goku more in the "Boring, don't care" department.
The dragon balls actually group up in pairs when that happens, making them easier to find.
What I'm thinking is, have him fuse with Nail or something, and maybe then he'll have enough power to shut off the Black Star Dragon Balls.
I don't see why we can't give destroying them a try, like, hitting them harder.
I know we're at a scene change, but a couple of radical ideas for dealing the the black star dragon balls:

-Sever or supress the connection between piccolo and the balls, so they react as if he's dead. This has the downside of shutting down earth's set as well, severing only one set is unlikely at best. Suppressing them could be a good temporary measure, regardless.

-The black star dragon balls didn't function when he was divided, so do it again. Not in half, but take out a small piece of himself into a namekian child thing, just enough so he isn't considered fully himself anymore. He was two full people, he can spare some self.
Ooh, does Mr. Popo get a Popo Jr?
And a third idea, made by committee: Piccolo just needs to be stronger to destroy them, so have him use the fusian dance with someone and see if that puts him over the edge. If he needs another namekian to do it, we can ask Nail. Presumably this won't accidentally fuse them permanently, but you never know.
Or we could kamehameha them into the Sun.
Hell, if normal fusion would work but isn't strong enough, do it with with three people at once and take advantage of the brief duration to kill the black star balls.
The Sun is powerful and demon-proof!
The Sun is the opposite of demon-proof. Demons want to blow it up.
Ha, they'll try! Light is super effective against Demonic Ki.
Piccolo, Goku, Vegeta and Raditz fuse and go SSJ3, those dragonballs will pop like grapes.
Maybe they'll build another laser cannon.

Only problem is getting Vegeta to go along with it.

>"I'd rather be dead!"
"But we'll get rid of the-"
>[angry manlet noises]
>Maybe they'll build another laser cannon.
Clearly, CapsuleCorp needs to build a moon laser to blow up their sun laser.
Eh, 50% saiyan is probably enough to pull it off. We can throw in Yamcha or something.
Nah, we're over thinking it. Have Giru consume a piston press.
I hope the Machine Mutants are such a big threat that they make Towa chill out for a bit, like Rita and Zed did when the Machine Empire came knocking.
Piccolo, sounds like you need to fuse with dear ol' King Piccolo and master that DEVIL BRACELET
Don't forget Tambourine and Piano and Drum and Cymbal and the other one whose name I forget. Triangle.
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If the black star dragon balls were used 200 years ago to free Minotia, how long ago did the Nameless Namek make them, and what was the wish that sent them into space?
By your own words, you should realize it was impossible for the Black Stars to have been around 200 years ago with Piccolo and Kami split up before then. That was another set of them.
Nameless Namek was born in Age 242, nearly 500 years ago.
And the Black Stars haven't been active since he split up.
Do you know what age the split occurred?

That'd help us with the timeline.
Age 461
>The child of Katas is the chosen one and ascends to the throne of Kami after separating himself from the evil in his being. The evil in Kami's being becomes King Piccolo. The King Piccolo wars begin.

So if that 200 years is accurate, that set Shitlord mentioned was a different set.
Didn't Beelzebub meet us at like Age 756, so his Dragon Balls would've been encountered around Age 556.

So that means someone made a new set of black star dragon balls nearly a hundred years after Kami and King Piccolo seperated.
Ha, a monkey climbing a tree thinks himself tall.

So anyway,
>"After dad... left, I tried everything to go after him. Chance to stow away on a ship took me off Earth, to find him. I've been to many stars, many systems... and it all changed when I happened upon one of these orange orbs with black stars in them..."
>"The worst part was those orbs would destroy the planet we were on in a year unless returned to it."
>"We finished this about... 10 years ago, with the demon and the boy sealed, the planet saved, and the wizard vanquished."
I don't know where you got 200 from.
Eh. maybe I did get it wrong.
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My theory since we have time breakers already crossing our paths...is that's its an evil Namekian.
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I've got some things in store for him.


Glad to hear! And okay, Gohan it is!

Some interesting ideas. Might not be a good idea having Piccolo split his power again, though Fusion may work.

There may be another faction aside from the Machine Mutants and Towa invested in this. We'll see when we get there though.

You could do that.

This set of Black Star Dragon Balls belonged to a Namekian who ended up on another planet. Said planet has been mentioned in-quest once before. Maybe you'll see the remnants of it and its host galaxy.

Okay, sorry for that delay, wanted to make sure I read through all of this! We are back!


“Come on, come on...!” Pantea calls out to the screen in front of you both.

“Switch to Zelda, hurry!” you exclaim, on the edge of your seat. Said seat being the couch in Bulma’s living room. Pantea switches over control to the warrior Queen, timing a reflecting spell near perfectly, sending the frigid magic the fused witch casts right back at her. Before you can say anything, she then switches back to Linkle, slashing at a fireball to send it flying back as well. With the witch stunned, Pantea dashes her character towards it, bringing out a chicken and tossing it at the fused being, a flock of the birds appearing from seemingly nowhere and swarming her.

“And now for the finisher!” Pantea yells out, switching to the Gerudo King. A mighty blow, like that of a vast predatory bird going in for the kill, slams into the witch. The animations on the screen slow as it switches to a cutscene. The fused witch breaks back into two, a black mass shooting out from them as they break. The witches fly up, declaring that the heroes only delayed the inevitable, as the Beast of Power will soon be reborn. Linkle grunts and grits her teeth, grip on the Master Sword tightening. Queen Zelda calls out to them and declares that the monster’s rampage was stopped once before, and that they’ll stop it again. King Onox thrusts his fist into the air, declaring the witches to be traitors.

“Whew... that was a close one.” you sigh out, sitting back. You glance at her. “So how much more is left?”

“We should be close to the endgame now.” Pantea states. “So, what’d you guys think?”

“I think the Kais have some kind of cosmic joke going on.” Minotia states dryly. “Looks really fun though. Hah, Princess would’ve loved something like this. We’d have to pry her hands from the controller if you showed her it.”

“I do think she may be a bit more interested in that racing game you played with the Namekians, Gohan. Or that fighting game I saw you playing the other day.” Tapion comments.

“Think that’s far enough for today. Unless you wanted a go at it, Gohan?” Pantea asks.

>A. Nah, that was fun, but this is a good stopping point
>B. Sure! Wouldn’t hurt to try some sidequests
>C. Minotia, you want to play anything? Betcha I could kick your butt in Smash!
>D. Was actually hoping we could train a bit, have some things I’d like to work on
>E. Something else?
>A. Nah, that was fun, but this is a good stopping point
>D. Was actually hoping we could train a bit, have some things I’d like to work on
>E. Something else?
Hey Minotia, Tapion....wanna learn Kaioken and the Raioken?
>A & D.
We should help Pantea get stronger.
>A. Nah, that was fun, but this is a good stopping point
>D. Was actually hoping we could train a bit, have some things I’d like to work on
>E. *blush* A g-go at whaaat?
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You stretch a little. “Nnnnah. That was fun, but I think this is a good stopping point.” You stand and look around at everyone. “Was actually hoping to get some training in, if anyone’s interested.”

“Gravity Chamber’s still under repairs.” Pantea comments.

“I know, I know, but there are some other things we can do. What do you guys say?”

“Training sounds great!” Minotia declares excitedly. “What do you say big bro?”

“It would be good to hone my skills some more. I can agree to that, Gohan.”

“All right, all right, I’ll go too.” Pantea laughs, standing up as well. The four of you start to head out, spotting Yamcha again helping with the repairs to the building again. Pantea calls to her father, “Hey dad, going training for a bit! Be back in a while!”

“Behave yourself around the boys there.” Yamcha calls back, grinning cheekily.

Pantea laughs, rolling her eyes and taking off with you all. You get outside the city limits, and along the way, Pantea asks you, “Say, heard about those Chrono Break rumors, Gohan?”

“Have, not sure how much I’d put stock in them, but it actually tying back to Trigger more sounds good. And hey, Reptite party member is something not even Cross did, and that had way too many party members.” You look at her hesitantly. “Speaking of... I’m hearing some... concerns about the new Metroid.”

“Oh come on, it can’t be THAT bad.” she states assuredly. “Would they REALLY mess up a Metroid title?”

Squinting, you retort, “You say that, and yet stranger things have happened. You told me they made a sequel to that one movie that almost made Piccolo go evil again. With alien Krillin.”

Pantea rubs the back of her neck. “Ehehehe... t-true, but still! I’m sure it’ll be fine. Anyway, what were you planning on training for?”

>A. Tapion, Minotia! Wanna learn the Kaio-ken?
>B. Best to brush up on the basics! We’ve gotta improve where we are in base
>C. Could do with some practice with my sword skills
>D. Dodging and defense. I’m still impressed you managed to evade me before the Tournament
>E. Energy attacks need some improvement, I think
>F. Let’s just fight it out a bit, see how long we can manage at our best
>G. Something else?
>Gohan and Pantea are talking about Chrono Trigger

....My brain hurts.
>A. Tapion, Minotia! Wanna learn the Kaio-ken?
>A. Tapion, Minotia! Wanna learn the Kaio-ken?
>“Oh come on, it can’t be THAT bad.” she states assuredly. “Would they REALLY mess up a Metroid title?”
[worried laughter]

>A & B.
Kato, weird question but what's the date in-universe?
>G. Guarding and tanking blows.
>G. "I'm still holding out hope for a sequel to that video game that was obviously an allusion to my mom and uncle but they had a dog and they all killed a whole ton of bugs. Though, the collect-a-thon in the last two-thirds of the game was really annoying. Hopefully they'd have more bosses to supplement that."
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We at have our differences. But I will say this: good taste. Supporting.
Damn it.
The game gets really pretty when you unlock rainbow blood. I'm still surprised they let me have the privilege of a flamethrower on the tribal village level.
.....Did we revive the Darkness with the Namekian Balls?
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Currently June 20th, 774.

Darkness has been revived.

“Tapion, Minotia, you two wanna try learning the Kaio-ken?” you ask them both.

“Kaio-wha?” Minotia asks.

“That’s the technique Izumi used when she fought Hirudegarn with you, right?” Tapion asks you.

You nod. “Yeah! It’s something our King Kai invented, and taught to my dad’s grandpa. Heh, my namesake, actually. Mom learned it from him, and she’s helped a lot of us manage the technique on our own.”

“Tell. Me. Everything.” Minotia demands, his eyes filled with glee.

“Hah, all right.” You touch down on a plain with everyone, far enough away not to disturb people. You slowly start to power up. Your aura reddening slightly. “It works by forcing your body to increase its Ki output at the cost of your Stamina, a ‘tranquil surge’ as mom always put it. Pulse it like a heartbeat, then let it explode outward. You can increase it several times over, too. Though I will have to warn you, it takes a calmed mind to unlock at first.” Your power raises higher. “Once you’ve got the hang of it, you yell out... KAIO-KEN!” Your energy doubles as the full force of the technique is unleashed. “Really handy to have. Think that’ll work for you guys?”

Minotia looks at you like a kid at a candy store. “That. Is. AWESOME! AAAAH BRO WE GOTTA LEARN IT!” he calls out to Tapion, tugging at his clothes a little.

He looks down to the boy with a calm smile. He... honestly seems happier than he’s been since you met him. It’s good to see. “All right. We’ll learn this technique.”


“Great! Oh, and Pantea, how about you show it off, while I try to guard and tank some of your attacks?” you ask your friend.

“Whaaaat, think I can’t take a few hits from you?” she asks teasingly.

“Just think it’d be best to show them how it’s used.” You take your stance. “Ready?”

“KAIO-KEN!” Pantea calls out, blasting at you in an easily telegraphed attack, but one that you definitely need to guard against. Aaand when you do, ow, okay bit stronger than you were expecting. She shows off to Tapion and Minotia that beyond just the increase in strength, there’s an increase in every aspect of one’s energy, making them faster, more maneuverable, and harder to predict.

“You know, still holding out hope for a sequel to that one game, you know, the one that was almost a pretty blunt and obvious allusion to my mom and uncle, but with the dog, and them fighting a ton of alien bugs?” Your guard manages to hold, but Pantea’s clearly just showing off for Tapion and Minotia at this point. “Maybe without the collect-a-thon in the last what, two thirds of the game? Was kinda annoying, getting all the Tribals.”

“Hah, now THAT was a fun game!” Pantea comments, putting a bit more pressure on you.

“Yeah. Maybe add in some more bosses instead of the collect-a-thon.” You keep pace with her, trying to show Minotia and Tapion the best you can do with the technique.

“Something a bit better than that pair of Mantis bosses.” She powers down from the Kaio-ken, then turns to the two brothers. “So, how was that? Think you two have a good idea on how it works?”

“Yeeeaaaah!” Minotia declares excitedly. “How about it, big bro?”

“Certainly. One more time, if you’d please...”

>Roll me 4d20, best of three! DC is 15 for the first two, 14 for the last two!
Rolled 7, 7, 1, 10 = 25 (4d20)

Blaze it!
Rolled 13, 19, 19, 5 = 56 (4d20)

>“Something a bit better than that pair of Mantis bosses.”
It took me forever to beat those as a kid.
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Rolled 14, 11, 14, 4 = 43 (4d20)

something unrelated to a roll
Rolled 5, 16, 18 = 39 (3d20)

Passed two of them!
Rolled 6, 20, 8 = 34 (3d20)

And writing after this roll...
>Currently June 20th, 774.

...Revenge of King Piccolo, Attack of the Saiyans and Raging Blast all come out this year.


Oh and Dragon Age, but that's cool but unrelated.
What about the Dragon Age? 774?
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Dragon Ball: Origins?
Baldur's Gate 3
Budokai Tenkaichi 3?
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You give a bit of back and forth with showing them the Kaio-ken, how it works, its limits, and how to go into higher levels of it. Minotia, for as eager as he displays, can’t quite grasp all the concepts on it. Still, it does prove a decent learning experience for him, and he’s able to get the hang of some of it. Tapion on the other hand does significantly better. “Tranquil... surge...” he calls out, and briefly, very briefly, his aura takes on a flaming red state, before he falls to his knees. “Ha... haa... h-how was that?”

“You’re getting it even quicker than I could, Tapion. You’re amazing!” you praise him, keeping up your training with Pantea. While the brother do what they can to learn the Kaio-ken, you keep trying to guard and tank Pantea’s blows, dodging when you’re able to.

“Come on Gohan, don’t tell me you’ve been slacking since the Tournament!” she calls out to you, putting more and more pressure on you.

“Woah, hey, hey, getting a little too excited there, aren’t you?” you reply just a little teasingly, but find yourself genuinely struggling to keep up with her, even with your greater strength thanks to the Kaio-ken. “Come on, not mad at me for anything, are you? Hah.”

Pantea smirks just a little. “Nah, people’ve given you enough for you spending so much time with an attractive older lady. Even if she did break up with her boyfriend on account of, you know, that dumb stunt he pulled.”

“Kinda a shame. I mean, was a stupid thing to do and all, but she seemed happy with him...” Poor Yurin. Having to deal with all this in addition to- WOAH! You find yourself pushed back by a kick from Pantea, the girl ducking down and managing to nearly trip you. Awkwardly and through impulse more than anything, you use your tail to grab for something to keep yourself from falling over... that something being Pantea’s leg. Around her thigh. A little too high around her thigh. With your body being pulled in a little closer than you intended to.

“H-HEY! You watch where that’s going!” she calls out to you as you release her leg and back away, retaking your defensive stance. She pouts a little, her cheeks reddened a bit.

“Accident! Accident! Promise!” You raise your hands into the air, then bring them back down. “No more distractions.”

Pantea’s narrow eyes focus on you as she keeps up the pout... hah, it actually looks kinda cute. You force yourself not to giggle as she does... only to realize she’s still taking this seriously. In the blink of an eye she’s behind you. “Too slow.” You try to spin around and block, put she hits you with a solid palm strike that sends you on your back. Pantea crosses her arms and looks down at you with a bit of smug confidence. “No more distractions, huh, Gohan?”

>A. Fine, pretty girls are a little distracting, sue me
>B. Best two out of three
>C. Okay, no more Mr. Nice Gohan, highest Kaio-ken you can manage!
>D. Something else?
>B. Best two out of three

Whelp, since Chrono Trigger is a thing...


"Still haven't found my Marle yet anyway....Lucca."

Rolled 2, 3, 18 = 23 (3d20)

All righty, one more roll! 2d20, best of three! DC is 15 for both!
Rolled 8, 1 = 9 (2d20)

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Rolled 7, 6 = 13 (2d20)

Rolled 14, 5 = 19 (2d20)

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Rolled 4, 7, 6 = 17 (3d20)

Oof. Well, that could've gone better. Writing...
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Eh. Can't win'em all.
An important part of training is getting taught a lesson, I suppose.
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A shame Pantea accidentally her shota.
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>"Still haven't found my Marle yet anyway....Lucca."
Who knows? Gohan's Marle could be closer than he thinks.
Blushing just a little, you look away. “Fine, pretty girls are a little distracting, sue me.”

“Get up, you dork.” Pantea tells you, placing her hands on her hips. There is, however, a very slight smile on her face.

You hop to your feet and take your defensive stance again. “Okay. Best two out of three.”

She stretches her arms a bit. “All right. Tapion, Minotia! Watch carefully, this is what the Kaio-ken can really do! HRRAAAH!”


Pantea dashes at you with tremendous speed, hounding you with a very focused but relentless barrage of blows that... you honestly just can’t keep up with. You’re holding your own well enough, but it’s taxing you far more than it’s taxing her. You keep blocking, dodging, tanking everything you can, but little by little she’s taking note of every mistake you make and punishing you for it. And... you have to admit, you are having more trouble focusing than you usually do. She seems even more determined than usual, doing all she can to give her best. Eventually, you’re forced to use the Kaio-ken yourself, but before you can really call it out...

“TIMES THREE!” Pantea yells, delivering a dropkick that sends you down hard enough to leave a little crater. Oooof. Ow. Okay. Get back up Gohan. The purple-haired girl looks over you, a little worried. “H-hey, you okay? Need to take a break or something?”

“Fine! Fine! Just... just peachy! Oww...” You give a thumb’s up as you groan, then get back to your feet. “I don’t think it’s that I’ve been slacking off or anything, you’ve just been getting better and better. You’re really something else, Pantea.”

“Flattery’s not a great way to win fights, Gohan.” She crosses her arms, the red aura still flaring around her. She then offers for you to try to attack. “There are still some things about the Kaio-ken we should show them. So come on.”

“Kaio-ken!” you yell out, trying to outspeed her, the two of you dashing all over the place. Just gotta wait for the right opportunity to strike... aha! THERE! “GOTCHA!” You try for a palm strike that- ...that’s unintentionally aimed right for her chest. You awkwardly try to stop yourself as your hand makes contact, pressing against her- ...wait a second.

“Afterimage~!” Pantea declares, with it letting out a small small explosion that sends you back... and right to her, Pantea grabbing you from behind. And she promptly noogies you. “Haha, gotcha, Gohan~!”

“H-hey! Stooop!” you call out to her... a little less sincerely than you probably intended. Or did you? Wait, yes, you did. You did! “Paaaannnteeeaaa!”


She floats down to Tapion and Minotia, still holding on to you. “A bit of a drawback to it is that letting all that power out at once has a bit more inertia than you might be used to. It takes a good amount of training and focus to really use it right. Buuuut I think the results speak for themselves.”

“I’ll say!” Minotia calls out excitedly. “You’re amazing! Hah, even Beelzebub couldn’t pull off stuff like that when we were together!”

“Thank you.” Her face is absolutely beaming with confidence. And... she still hasn’t let go. Your face reddens just a little.

“Y-you can put me down now.” you mumble out, looking down. She does so, letting out a slightly awkward laugh. “S-still. She is right about all that. Slightest distractions can have... unforeseen consequences.”

She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow at you. “Was it THAT distracting, Gohan? Come on.”

You look to her innocently. “Nah. You’re just that good.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I'll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting ~5:30 pm PST. I’ll be around for a bit for some questions if y’all have any. Did y’all have fun?

Also, one last night as Peppa?
Yeah, this was nice.

I wanna play as Maple for just a bit before we get into other things. How's she doing?
From my last two watches, YouTube put this into my recommendeds: https://youtu.be/S3dYnmH7gUI
>Also, one last night as Peppa?
Sure. Thanks for running
Poor Gohan got schooled by his crush, but at least he didn't upset her again. Was a fun time, Kato, thanks for running.

And sure, switch over to Peppa.
What do you think Gohan could stand to improve on? He's in a bit of a rut, seems like.
Not possible. Peppa has given her blessing to Monty. Gohan will now go the way of Acer.
We Monty Quest: Journey to the Heart now.
Let's set up Monty with Lime.
Limerally who?
Why would Monty love someone who's only after his cash?
Really though, they'd probably get along well.
Don't reduce our friends to memes, please.
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I wanna see Acer get down with his bad self.
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Glad to hear! Don't have any plans for y'all switching over to Maple any time soon though.

Might be helpful to try training with some new folks than the usual.

Thanks for playing! And okay, we'll be switching over to Peppa tonight!

We are back!


“Well, this is it.” Videl sighs out loudly. “Last bit of studying we can get in before our finals.”

“Mmmnnhhh. Do you have to keep saying that?” Erasa asks her with a slight pout, looking over her notes. Pen studiously helps Sharpner as all of you sit around on the school’s rooftop. Erasa mumbles as she glances over her papers. She looks in your direction, asking, “You three feeling confident at least?”

“Noooot making that same mistake I did last time.” your brother tells her. “No more distractions. I’m gonna ace this.”

Izzy grins proudly. “Mom and dad have given me a few pointers. I’m confident I’ll get everything down this time. In fact, I bet I’ll get an even higher score than YOU, Peppa!”

>A. You are on, Izzy! I’m gonna get 110% on this!
>B. I just want to help everyone succeed as best I can. What do you need help with?
>C. Not a competition, cous. You just block out all the distractions you can, okay?
>D. Doing double-duty already, helping Lime and Cocoa study for theirs too, so don’t go making bets with me, Izzy
>E. Something else?
>B. I just want to help everyone succeed as best I can. What do you need help with?
>B & D.
>>A. You are on, Izzy! I’m gonna get 110% on this!
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Rolled 19, 14, 7 = 40 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 5d20, best of three! DC is 11 for all!
Rolled 4, 18, 4, 8, 4 = 38 (5d20)

Do your best, Peppa!
Rolled 13, 3, 15, 6, 16 = 53 (5d20)

something unrelated!
Rolled 6, 8, 9, 8, 3 = 34 (5d20)

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Rolled 2, 3, 10 = 15 (3d20)

Passed four of them! One more 5d20, best of three! DC is 11 again!
Rolled 6, 1, 14, 6, 1 = 28 (5d20)

Rolled 12, 7, 18, 10, 10 = 57 (5d20)

Rolled 10, 20, 12, 16, 11 = 69 (5d20)

Angry for the save, yahoo!
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Rolled 8, 11, 9 = 28 (3d20)

Passed all of them! Okay, writing...
heh, that's the sex number
Nice jorb!
Rolled 19, 13, 8 = 40 (3d20)

Aaaactually one more roll...
Writing after this one...
Can we wish on the dragon balls to become mostly leg as well?
>Peppa: "Shenron, I want to be taller!"
>Shenron: [opens photoshop]
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>Don't have any plans for y'all switching over to Maple any time soon though.
Well, I didn't want to play as her, no, more have her review our adventures so far.
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>someone failed
Well, when you can't pass, CHEAT LIKE A DOG!
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Tempting as it might be to take her up on that challenge... “I just want to help everyone do the best they can. I want to help everyone succeed. It’s no fun seeing any friends left behind. Pluuus I’m kinda doing double duty with Cocoa and Lime, so can’t make any bets on that, sorry. Want them to succeed too. What do you need help with, Izzy?” you ask your cousin sweetly.

That takes the competitive wind out of her sails, the girl giving you a brief pout, but she relents and scoots closer to you. “Well, that econ quiz got me thinking I could use a few refreshers on...”

And so you continue studying, taking turns helping your friends focus on what they need help with. For Izzy, though her Economics does need a bit of a refresher, it’s Linguistics, especially essay writing, that she needs to focus on the most...

“Mmmhh... you’d think learning magical languages would make this easier!” she complains.

“You’re getting the hang of it though. Just give it another shot. Here, you’ve got a good idea on a thesis, just need to focus on...”

Videl, it’s her Science classes, especially Chemistry and Physics...

“All these charts are going to make my brain hurt...” She rubs her hands on her temples. “All these chemical bonds and... ugh.”

“Honestly, a trick Gohan taught me? Think of it a bit like a puzzle in a game. Have to find the missing pieces to complete it. Like so...”

Speaking of, your brother needs a bit of help with the Art classes he’s in, and in return, he helps you with some History...

“So Yahhoy became part of Earth’s united government in age 250... huh, isn’t that when great auntie Baba started her fortunetelling?” you ask.

Gohan nods. “Yep. Actually got her to tell me what she remembered from that time.”

“Nice... oh! Gohan, don’t press so hard, it’s just a sketch. Softer lines, they’re easier to erase if you need to.”

“All right, all right, sheesh...”

Erasa, Sharpner, and Pen seem to be able to handle themselves well... though Erasa clearly is struggling the most...

“Mmmnnhh. My brain was not built for this.” she grumbles.

“Hah! Math’s my forte! Here, look at it this way...” Pen comments.

You look over. “Ah, the falling dominoes idea. Not bad, Pen. Oh, but also...”

And as for Cocoa and Lime...

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“I swear I’d be biting my nails off if it weren’t for you two.” Cocoa exhales, laying back on her bed. “All this AND the play...”

“Eh, Peppa’s doing the real legwork here, I’m learning as much as you are, really.” Lime comments.

“You’re supposed to be learning in class, Lime.” you comment, laying on stomach as you go over the notes with them.

“I-I get by with more practical stuff! It’s all these more fancy schmancy things that give me trouble. All this literature and reports and uuugh...”

You giggle as your tail sways. “Helps to try and read them like novels sometimes. Try to imagine things as you read them, connect the dots when you can. That gets you thinking of a narrative to go off of when you’re writing.”

“Right, right...” Cocoa comments as she sits back up. “Okay! Not failing this!” She thrusts her fist into the air. Heh, she’s so cute when she’s all determined like that... Ah! Peppa, focus!

The last bits of studying in, the finals finally come, and you blitz through them. Linguistics doesn’t take too long, and you manage to write a fairly decent essay on the development of Earth’s main writing system. Science, you... admittedly have to take more time with, as starting out you need to focus on the questions more, but you thinking you might disappoint your friends after helping them with so much, you recall every bit of knowledge you can on every question on the test, absolutely acing it! And those good vibes keep coming as you finish Mathematics with ease! Economics takes a bit more focus, but with all you’ve been doing to study for it, you manage just as well. Which just leaves History... and that gets you struggling a bit as you try to match bits you can recall with what’s on the test sheet, but though it takes longer, you’re finally, finally able to go though everything. And...

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You pass! All of them! With flying colors!

“YEEEAAAAHH!” you exclaim excitedly. “I DID IT!~”

“Agh, so close to beating you, too!~” Izzy comments competitively. “Oooh~! Next time, Peppa~!”

“Mmmnnhh.” Your brother groans. “Well... I won’t be failing anything, but this... ugh. Don’t know why I couldn’t focus as well.”

“Too busy thinking about cute girls, cous?” Izzy teases, poking his cheek.

“Yes.” he responds as dryly as he can, glaring at her. “That’s exactly why. You figured it out. Such stunning detective work.”

Videl pulls you in for a surprise hug. “Peppa! I did it! I passed! All of them!”

“Haha, awesome!” She lets you down and the two of you high-five. Pen, Sharpner, and even Erasa manage to pass, though for Erasa it seems she only managed as well as your brother did. And the good news keeps coming, as Cocoa contacts you to let you know that your help paid off big time. Both she and Lime managed to ace their finals.

Gohan crosses his arms. “Mmhh. Guess I’m gonna have to tell mom the bad news.”

>A. Ah well, better luck next time, with the entrance exams
>B. It’s not ‘bad news’ bro, come on, you still made it
>C. Gonna meet up with Cocoa and Lime to celebrate, who wants to come with?!
>D. Something else?
>B. It’s not ‘bad news’ bro, come on, you still made it
>C. Gonna meet up with Cocoa and Lime to celebrate, who wants to come with?!
>“Mmmnnhh.” Your brother groans. “Well... I won’t be failing anything, but this... ugh. Don’t know why I couldn’t focus as well.”
>B & C.
Peppa's a good kid.
>D. Gohan, it's taken a while for me to notice this, but now I do: You're not lucky. You need to work harder to lower your thresholds, otherwise you'll be down in the mud all the time.
>B. It’s not ‘bad news’ bro, come on, you still made it
>C. Gonna meet up with Cocoa and Lime to celebrate, who wants to come with?!
>D. Something else?
You wanna talk about it Gohan?
>D. Why didn't you use your telepathy to read a smart person's mind?
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You place your hand on your brother’s shoulder. “Gohan, it’s not ‘bad news.’ Come on, bro, you still made it.”

“Mm.” His eyes don’t raise any higher, but you do see an appreciative smile on his face.

You look around to your friends. “I’m gonna meet up with Cocoa and Lime to celebrate, who’s with me?!” Most everyone cheers triumphantly, and you decide to go for some bubble tea together, along with some other treats. Izzy orders what the place you stop at calls a sundae shake, while Videl treats herself to some okonomiyaki to go with a passionfruit tea, Pen going for a five-scoop thing of ice cream in a waffle cone with a number of more exotic flavors, Sharpner ordering a high-protein chocolate shake, Erasa getting a dozen things of mochi of various flavors, Lime trying a cherry limeade boba drink, and Cocoa getting a cup of... hot cocoa. Heh heh.

Your brother orders a rose-flavored bubble tea, still a little melancholic from the test results. You look over at him. “Hey... Gohan? You holding up okay? I know you’re not happy with the results, but like... do you need to talk about anything?”

He sighs. “Guess I’m just... mmh. I’m trying not to compare myself to you, sis, but... sometimes stuff like this happens, and my mind immediately starts wondering on how to catch up with you. I’ve been trying to be a bit more... I dunno, independent? Agh, that doesn’t sound right... I know it’s not that big a deal. I really do. But it’s just... I know I can do better. But I’m trying to find my own way to do better.”


He sips some of his rose bubble tea. “Oh don’t give me that look. I’ve had enough pity parties over the last couple months. I’m just trying to move on, is all. Plus now you’ve got Basilea challenging you to... whatever. And there’s still Giru... eh. It’s excuses. I will be fine.”

“Number 77! Number 77!” a cat lady waitress calls out. Ah, that’s you!

“What’d you get, anyway?”

>A. They’re not excuses, Gohan. If that’s what’s bothering you, you can tell me
>B. I think what we need is a match. You and me, some time soon. Sound good?
>C. Could be better if we do spend some time apart, then. Sounds like I’m more of a distraction than anything
>D. Something else?

Write-ins encouraged. Especially if y’all have a drink in mind.
>A. They’re not excuses, Gohan. If that’s what’s bothering you, you can tell me
>A & B.
Lychee flavor.
Or lily flavored.
>D. Water, please!~
>D. I don't think you're doing anything wrong, but you're not exceeding anywhere either. Perhaps a different regimen or way of doing things would be best?
>D. Gohan, I don't care about Basilea's challenge. She's boring to fight against, only has genetics going for her. I very strongly think Towa only picked her up so she could throw a "Baby's First Rival" at us.
Basilea doesn't have anything unique about her. Everything she can do is something her elders do way better. Honestly, she's a waste of space that can't even compare to the Blue Dragon people.
Peppa's not that vindictive though.
I can't imagine she would be looking forward to fighting Basilea tho given her sloppy displays in the past of Basilea just relying on power alone.
>A. They’re not excuses, Gohan. If that’s what’s bothering you, you can tell me
>B. I think what we need is a match. You and me, some time soon. Sound good?
She still wouldn't say any of that. Not the kind of person she is.
Won't say it, most likely. Still gonna think it.
Why is Basilea even here bothering with us? Shouldn't she be messing with Future Gohan and Co?
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“They’re not excuses, Gohan.” you head up to get your drink. “If that’s what’s bothering you, you can tell me. Be honest about it, bro. You’re still my brother, and if something’s getting at you, I want to help.”

He takes another sip. “I’m trying to move past it. If I keep letting little things like this build up, I’m gonna make mistakes again. Not happening.”

You sit down next to him. “I think there’s a couple things you need. First? I don’t think you’re really doing anything wrong, but you’re worried you’re not really exceeding in any ways either. Maybe a different regimen of training or something, just a new perspective on doing things, really, would be best? Look for something new to focus on.”

“That’d probably help a lot.” Izzy tells him. “I’ve got something new I’m working on. Maybe something that’ll give the two of you a run for your money~”

“Heh, there you go. But second... I think we need a match. You and me. The two of us. Some time soon. Sound good?” You raise your fist up.

“...Sounds good. All right Peppa.” Gohan bumps his fist against yours. “You still didn’t tell me what you’re drinking, you know.”

You sip the tea as a tiny smile appears on your face. “You’ll have to guess~!”

“Water.” He responds, barely caring.


He smirks a little. “Lychee.”


He looks to Cocoa, then to you, the smirk growing wider. “No, obviously lily-flavored.”

You squint. “You butt. Three strikes, you’re out.”

A couple days later, at the start of July, the night of Cocoa’s play is finally here. Like you promised, you arrive right on time, your mom accompanying you, Videl and Pantea making it too, Giru with Pantea, Lime flying in with her mom and dad, and Izzy and her mom showing up as well. “Huh, all the boys decide they had something better to do?” Lime asks everyone.

“Acer planned a little get together for them all.” Chi-chi states. “Invited a lot of them for a guys’ night out.”

“Heh, yeah, even my dad decided to join in with them.” Videl comments.

>A. All right, we all ready to see Cocoa do her best out there?
>B. Giru, you recover any more of your memories since last time?
>C. Hey, mom, could we... make a little something for Cocoa? Little banner, like she made for me for the Tournament?
>D. Something else?

And I have to advise against C, last thing she needs is to be self conscious. Maybe something to celebrate with afterwards.
>>C. Hey, mom, could we... make a little something for Cocoa? Little banner, like she made for me for the Tournament?
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Dice decide on C.
>1 = yes
>2 = no
Banner seems like a good way to get the people behind Peppa mad.
Plus it's going to be dark. Cocoa will be all squinty and scrunch-faced trying to read it.
Idea: show banner after the play is over. Just something that won't be intrusive during it.
>>C. Hey, mom, could we... make a little something for Cocoa? Little banner, like she made for me for the Tournament?
For the first scene she's in, then put it away.
That sounds fine, but then there's no reason to make it until that point. And we could do a while explosion of streamers and stuff then probably.
Think she's in every scene though...
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So. Mind rolling me 1d20, best of three? DC is 10.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Liam pls
Rolled 8 (1d20)

I bleat piteously for salvation.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 3, 5, 19 = 27 (3d20)

...Well then!
It had to come for Peppa eventually. I get the feeling she'd have preferred getting half vaporized.
Rolled 10, 7, 4 = 21 (3d20)

Okay, writing...
...how mad is Cocoa?
My only wish is to be spared bad feels. You handled failing as Gohan vs Pantea well, I pray for such treatment here.
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>hard fail
Cocoa seems to bring out the worst in Peppa.
Can't wait.
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Whispering to your mom, you ask, “Hey, mom, could we, like, make a little banner for Cocoa, like what she did for me during the Tournament? Y-you know, for once the play’s over.”

Maple sweetly tells you, “Of course, Peppa. Though might mean a bit more if you do it. You’ve been practicing, right?”

“Y-yeah!” You have. The Clothes Beam. Yeah. Practicing. It’ll be fine! “All right, ready to see Cocoa do her best out there?!”

“Yeah!” everyone cheers.

“Let’s go!~”

All of you manage to get to some decent seats, and you even spot Cocoa’s parents in the audience. Okay. Play’s starting. Nerves of steel, Peppa~! Don’t wanna throw Cocoa off. She’s practiced for this for so long, you made sure this’ll be the absolute best!


The play starts as normal. Yet... there’s something that starts worrying you. You feel... warm. And your mind starts racing. Like you’ve been bottling something up for a long time and it’s just now decided to make itself known, with avengance. Ha... has it always been so warm in here? No, no, focus! You shake your head, then lock your eyes on Cocoa. You’re here to support her. You... why is it so warm? Stop being warm.

“...Peppa?” mom calls to you quietly. “You’re red as a strawberry.”

Aaaaaaaa. Stop. Stoooop. Why now? Whyyy noooow? FOCUS! FOCUS!

“Peppa, you okay?”

“P-peachy.” you reply with a croaked voice.

“A few shades more red than that.”

“i’M fiNe MOm.” Agh what was what? Why do you sound weeiiirrrdd aaaaaaa stoooop! Your body tenses up. Cocoa... doesn’t really seem to see any of this. She’s so focused, so determined, so... god she looks so pretty in that. A couple soft beeping noises come from Giru as it looks to you, but Izzy’s able to get the robot to focus on the play, already well aware of what’s going on.

Time seems to somehow both race by and yet slow down as you’re so acutely aware of your body just . Every part of you feels like it’s about to scream. The time comes for the play to end. Everyone stands up and starts clapping. NOW OR NEVER! You try to Clothes Beam up a banner!

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You make a bra that’s tossed into the air. Visibly so. And Cocoa saw you do that.

Welp, your life is over now. You’ve ruined everything. “E-excuse me.” you tell mom as you hurry past her, running into the girls’ bathroom. You look at yourself in the mirror... and your eyes start to water. Quietly you start to sob. You splash some water on your face. Nope! Not working! Good job Peppa! You ruined everything! You’re about to slam your head into the mirror when a voice asks...

“Please don’t break that. School’s had to have the boys’ one replaced once.”

Your body spins around awkwardly. “COCOA. HElLo. Eheh... heh...” You close your eyes and try to hold back your tears again. “I-I... I m-m-messed it all up...”

She moves closer, still in full costume, the... bra you made in her hand. She doesn’t look... mad, at least. “...Want to talk about this? Rooftop?”

>A. Apologize
>B. Just nod and follow her
>C. Try not to cry. Try REALLY hard not to cry
>D. Something else?
>>B. Just nod and follow her
>C. Try not to cry. Try REALLY hard not to cry
So, I sadly do have to sleep. Y'all okay with one more night, to wrap this up? I'll continue starting usual time of ~5:30 pm PST.

This could've been worse if that second roll I made failed too.
Yeah, that's fine Kato. I get the feeling this could use a night to go into. Thanks for running.
Go for the gunshot ending real quick! https://youtu.be/vmd1qMN5Yo0
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All right, heading to bed. Decide if it's a full thread or just a wrap-up post by when I'm back tomorrow. Goodnight everyone!
Goodnight Kato.
Huh, that doesn't look bad. Goodnight!
It's everything I dreamed of and more. I wish Gohan was here to appreciate this moment
This makes three times Peppa has blown it around Cocoa. Eventually we'll need to accept that she will never be the cool one in this relationship.

Adding to the list of weaknesses
>Ring Toss
>Clothes Beam
Fireworks too, not even facepaint is enough.
On the plus side it's rather humanizing for Peppa. She's not perfect, she can have her embarrassing moments like anyone else. Maybe that's kinda endearing for Cocoa, the super-powered monkey girl can still goof up.
Peppa comes up short in many areas.
Now listen here you little shits, there's a non zero chance she laughs it off and things continue as they were. What makes more sense is that she's lost trust in Peppa being able to control herself. Even if she avoids being a random disaster in the future, she's going to be seen as overeager and pushing it. Doesn't matter if she wouldn't, we threw away that trust. The smart path is telling her we'll back off from thinking of her that way and just try to be a good friend. If Cocoa wants to change that, it's her decision alone.
Not doing this, not backing up on Peppa's own initiative is just begging for Cocoa to be the one asking for a more literal distance between them.
There's only one way we're getting out of this lion pit: going deeper. Clothes Beam a banner that says, "COCOA A CUTE, CUTE!!!"
I say we confess to our perversion: We think she has a cute forehead and we wanna kiss it with lipstick so she'll have to hide it from everyone but us!
I think, at the very least, we should let Cocoa say her piece first. Let her speak her mind, and hold back any tears as she does. Then we can do something like this.
Hahaha oh my God. It's amazing. Good job everyone. This has to be the easiest roll this quest has ever botched. And what a time to botch it, too!

>B. Just nod and follow her
>C. Try not to cry. Try REALLY hard not to cry
Peppa needs this kind of talk. Else something like this will happen again, and Cocoa might not be as willing to talk next time.

Won't be around for it, but sure, another full thread sounds good Kato. Good luck. Clearly, Peppa needs it.

Very clearly, Peppa needs to stop trying to impress Cocoa like this. I'm all for them getting together, but Peppa does need to cool her jets a bit on this. Do agree that we should let Cocoa say her piece first, but man, Peppa is going to have trouble living this down.
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>This has to be the easiest roll this quest has ever botched.
It's scary similar to the Ring Toss botch (1/2/6, DC 10), which also ended hilariously.
>And what a time to botch it, too!
Peppa has the most CHOICE blunders. But yeah, that conversation probably needs to happen.
Oh man I thought we did better with the ring toss than that. Guess I was wrong! Hahaha!

God, what must Maple be thinking about this? Peppa messed up the Clothes Beam of all things. Think she might be talking with Cocoa's parents? And Izzy is going to give Peppa grief over this for years to come, I just know it.
Honestly, I might like this one more than the ring toss. Even if Izzy forgets, I never will.
I wonder if Giru has started logging Peppa's weaknesses yet.
>I wonder if Giru has started logging Peppa's weaknesses yet.
I can see it now. Dr. Myuu sets up a giant Ring Toss station. Peppa curls into the fetal position.
What size was the bra? How risque was it? Which color?
Bet it was lacey and expensive-looking.
>Cocoa keeps it because it's her size and favorite color
Is it pink or red? Is her favorite flavor Strawberry?
Clearly, white with pink lace. Cute and just a little scandalous.
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Ring Toss under bright lights, with bras and stuffed ninjas as the prizes.
In competition against Cocoa.
Which means we need to depend on Gohan...

>B. Just nod and follow her
>C. Try not to cry. Try REALLY hard not to cry
>D. Something else?

Count to ten Peppa, and just breathe.
I bet if Cocoa is still willing to get together with Peppa, she's gonna wear that bra on their first real date. Just to see the reaction it gets from Peppa.

Uh... how would Cocoa reveal that on the first date?
Fuck off Sword, don't take deep breaths in the bathroom!
Count to ten Anon, and just breathe.
This is why you're spouting bull all the time, it's diffusing.
Full night, Kato. Let's see if we can salvage this.
I want a wrap-up post and a Mapu-Ruview session!
I'm up for whatever your up for Kato.
>Very clearly, Peppa needs to stop trying to impress Cocoa like this.
Peppa should be more honest and straight to the point. Relationships founded on concealment rarely go well.
Wrap-up post and >>3346345 please!
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>Honestly, I might like this one more than the ring toss. Even if Izzy forgets, I never will.
It might be too funny for her to laugh at.
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All right then, full night it is. Thank you all for your feedback. We're back!


You sniffle a little, rubbing your eyes and nodding your head as you follow her. Cocoa leads you up a flight of stairs, having to navigate them carefully in her heavy costume, you just floating behind her slowly. You get to the school’s rooftop, Cocoa finding a place to sit and motioning for you to sit next to her. She looks over the bra curiously. “...So. Not that it’s an ugly one or anything. It’s... heh, actually kinda cute. But... think you can tell me what happened here?”

You take a deep breath and count to 10 in your head, taking in some of the cool evening air. “I ruined your big night. I ruined everything. Again.” You sniffle a little, your eyes still watery, trying your absolute hardest not to cry again.

Her face keeps a... rather neutral expression. Not upset... but not exactly happy either. “It WAS only off at the end, and... well, I guess the boys liked that little stunt. Certainly going to be something for the yearbooks. But, Peppa, be honest with me. What happened here?”

>A. I wanted to do something like you did for me during the tournament, make a banner, using the Clothes Beam mom taught me... and I just got so nervous that, well, this is what happened
>B. I got a bit too overeager and I just... I just messed it all up. I’ll back off from this, promise...
>C. Cocoa... did I embarrass you?
>D. Something else?
>A. I wanted to do something like you did for me during the tournament, make a banner, using the Clothes Beam mom taught me... and I just got so nervous that, well, this is what happened
>D. Make the banner!

>D. "I want to support you, like you supported me. I don't think I could've won without you cheering me on."