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>You are Son Peppa, the Tuffle-Saiyan hybrid daughter of two of Earth's Champions, Maple and Goku

>"Canon" has taken a radical shift from the series' norm, you’re just one part of it, and things could go even further off the rails from here

>Mechanics in the pastebin here: https://pastebin.com/1zfaxVa9

>Let's all try to have some fun, ok?


Last time, on Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai! After handing over the Dragon Ball to the ninja and uncovering Lao’s part in the conspiracy, the World Tournament Prelims begin!You faced off against Basilea, while Gohan teamed up with Yamcha and the young warrior Zarid and Izzy fought alongside the ghost girl Spezia and the ninja schoolgirl Sachie! With the revelation that two Kais have entered the Tournament, and with the Finals about to start, can you make good on your declaration and become Champion? Good luck, Peppa!
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“Haaa~” you sigh out happily. Now that was a nice meal. You stretch your limbs a little as you walk with everyone else towards the elevator in the center of the room. You spot Piccolo looking to the Kai guy nervously, while mom has this... not nervous, but clearly uneasy and apprehensive. Mom isn’t saying anything about it though, so might not be the best idea to prod unless she directs you to. Beelzebub is not at all comfortable around that Kai guy, but guess it’s a bit more understandable. Kuriza meanwhile is curious about what’s gotten them so antsy, but he doesn’t seem too worried.

Gohan meanwhile seems a bit more relaxed since this whole thing started. A little more confident, too. Good, glad he’s feeling up for this. Izzy seems just a bit nervous about this, but at the same time there’s a bit more enthusiasm in how she walks forward. Guess that victory really helped her confidence. Videl meanwhile seems as determined as you are, and from how both she and Chuu Lee are looking at you, you know they’re gonna give you one hell of a fight. Also good, looking forward to facing either of them. And 19... well, you honestly can’t really read her unless she wants you to, and right now all she’s giving off is a calm sense of resolve.

Hah, and of course dad and uncle Raditz are itching for getting back to the fight... though you notice Vegeta’s somehow even MORE smug than before. “You really think you’ve got what it takes to beat me, Kakarot?”

“Probably!” dad replies cheerfully. “Haha, looking forward to it, Vegeta. But Peppa and Gohan might have a few tricks up their sleeves too. Don’t count them out just yet.”

He snorts dismissively while glaring at you. “Tch. Letting your children get ahead of you so easily? You really are going soft.”

>A. You wanna bet on that, Vegeta? I guarantee I’ll make it further than you, since I’m gonna be champion! In fact... (make a bet?)
>B. Ignore him, talk with Gohan and Izzy for a bit, see how they’re feeling
>C. Check on mom, don’t prod too much on what the Kai guy’s up to, but see if everything’s okay
>D. Something else?
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>C. Check on mom, don’t prod too much on what the Kai guy’s up to, but see if everything’s okay

So, I think I've figured out what Yurin's stake in this is. She wants to use the dragon balls to make everyone conform to the chart.
>A. You wanna bet on that, Vegeta? I guarantee I’ll make it further than you, since I’m gonna be champion! In fact... (make a bet?)
We make it further than him, he has to train with our group instead of going solo.

Hey Kato, enjoying Smash?
>D. Give Vegeta a wink
>C. Check on mom, don’t prod too much on what the Kai guy’s up to, but see if everything’s okay
I don't really want to train with him, the guy's an asshole.
Wife got home with it about 30 minutes ago. She's playing it right now, and I'll be watching as I run, more or less.
Please don't support that, it's OOC for Peppa to want to be in the same room as Vegeta.
But Vegeta would hate it even more.
"Snotty Hamsterhead"
"Pizzachunks Doofus"

"Chim-Chim Bananabrains"


Yeah, no one wins.
Okay, think about it this way:
Peppa wins the bet, she and Vegeta both have to spend time around each other, they both lose.
Vegeta wins, Peppa has to give up something to Vegeta, we lose hard.
The whole bet is a lose-lose situation that I do not want to enter, and I don't think Peppa would want to either because she hates Vegeta.
Eh, fine. Should still bet we'll be ahead of him though.
Damn, forgot we were starting early again. Hi Kato!
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Hello anon.

You give him a cheeky grin and a wink. “Don’t start crying when I’m Champ and you’re not, Vegeta.”

He squints at you. “You’re certainly sure of yourself.”

“Yep.” You next look over to mom. ‘Ghost Pepper to Momma Bird, checking in, everything okay with Kai guy? Over.’

‘Keep your eyes open during your fights, Ghost Pepper. Kai guy’s watching out for more like Ledgic, thinks they’ll interrupt the Tournament. If you see one, notify me immediately. Momma Bird out.’

Your eyes glance over to Ledgic. More like him, huh? Well, best to listen to her, sounds like she has a plan. Speaking of, he seems to be extremely focused, like he’s got a goal in mind beyond just fighting. Gonna need to be careful.


Traveling up the elevator, you all are brought to the top platform among the preliminary ones, Ken letting out an excited yell. “ALL RIGHT, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Here it is, the finals are about to begin! These 16 finalists will each be directed to one of eight Battle Zones, facing off against one another in a fight to the finish. Once a fighter has been eliminated in each nearby Zone, the adjacent ones will connect and allow the victors to challenge one another in either Battle Zone, with all Zones being open for the last two!” He spins and tosses up his mic, catching it and gesturing to a box after letting the crowds cheer. “And so, all we need now is for the finalists to get which Zones they’ll be starting in. And who else but our reigning champion to start us off?! Chuu Lee, please, step forward!”

Teach moves to the box, taking a sphere from it that displays... a forest symbol. “And so Chuu Lee will start off in the Forest Zone! Next up, we’ll have our Junior Champ, Son Peppa, take her pick!”

You walk forward and reach into the box...

>A. Pick one at the top
>B. Pick one in the middle
>C. Pick one at the bottom
What, we're not racing? Thought this was gonna be like, "The two slowest fight first, the two fastest fight last" since the ability to go faster than the others would mean that pair's fight would be better.
Okay, though I have no idea why the other day you said "Stop reading my notes" when I asked about the tourney's Gran Prix portion, implying there would be one.

>A. Pick one at the top
Jokes, anon.
Yup, that's what the Ask's answer function is for, to tell jokes on the internet where sarcasm is 100% detectable.
This is sarcasm btw.
Can you please not.
Not race? Was already doing that, even though I was figuring something else today.
Stop being an ass.
Like I could be a horse today.

Whatever, fine, I'll keep mum about not getting a race. Even though it's in the movie! Okay, done.
Wow, sure did get quiet all of a sudden, only 2 votes. I wonder if drawing from a box could be considered boring? Doesn't really gauge the audience's interest? Like, it could be settled by Kato rolling a die instead of us making some arbitrary choice?
Shit, I don't think I'm using "gauge" right in that sentence.
Aaaand your off like usual, eh?

Maybe if you behave, we could do a race segment.
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Okay, let’s see... top pick! Hmm, flowery field? Interesting. You show it to Ken. “Okay, and that’s the Field Zone! Next up, Son Goku...”

Fighter after fighter gets their pick, with Gohan facing Teach in the Forest Zone, uncle Raditz having his match against Prince Beelzebub in the Mountain Zone, dad going against Tien in the Desert Zone, Izzy facing 19 in the Volcano Zone, Mom and the Kai guy, Shin, going against one another in the Toybox Zone, Piccolo being the first to fight Ledgic in the City Zone, while Kuriza is going against Vegeta in the Glacier Zone. And that just leaves... Videl vs. you, in the Field Zone.

“AND THERE YOU HAVE IT FOLKS, THESE WILL BE THE EIGHT FIGHTS STARTING OFF THE FINALS!” Ken yells out as everyone cheers. “Fighters, please head towards the respective platforms!”

As a set of eight lights shine at the edges of the stage, you and Videl look at one another, the both of you smiling. “Guess we get our match sooner rather than later. Looking forward to facing you at your best, Peppa.”

“Likewise, Videl! Let’s give it our all!” The two of you tap fists as you head to the light, a platform underneath you separating and traveling down a tube that takes you to a sealed dome with a beautiful field of colorful flowers all around. Not much cover in the area, it looks like a rather standard fare. You walk with Videl slowly, the two of you facing one another and taking your stances.

“FIGHTERS READY?!” Ken asks from a loudspeaker above. “BEGIIIIIN!”


Videl’s aura flares up around her. This is it!

>A. Focus on offense, wear her down and keep her on her toes!
>B. Stay defensive, see what tricks she’s got in store!
>C. Counter her strikes with the Afterimage and Instant Transmission!
>D. Try grappling and throwing, toss her around and don’t give her a chance to recover!
>E. Keep your distance! Push her back when she gets close and focus on Ki attacks!
>F. Raio-ken! Focus your efforts on speed and agility!
>G. Super Saiyan, see how she handles that!
>H. Something else?
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What point would there be to a race segment with the box already out?
Let Videl make the first move. React to her and defend/counter her moves. No direct attacks, even if she opens herself up, especially in close range.

'Race' around her but with only moves that are needed. No wasted movement.
Whoopsies, forgot to put this.
>A, D, F.
Force Videl into defense, grab when she blocks, and Raioken to chase her if she tries to get some distance.
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>A. Focus on offense, wear her down and keep her on her toes!
>H. "Videl, I've come up with a move just for you. I call it the Chili Pepper Punch. Packs quite a kick."
>calling a kick, a punch

Clever. You trick their expectations, but this type of move is like the solar flare, it only works once.
Rolled 8, 4, 7 = 19 (3d20)

Okay, roll me 5d20, best of three! DC is 13 for all!
Rolled 15, 2, 5, 8, 7 = 37 (5d20)

Rolled 7, 20, 14, 18, 11 = 70 (5d20)

Here goes
Rolled 10, 15, 3, 7, 15 = 50 (5d20)


Rolled 15, 2, 14 = 31 (3d20)

Passed all of them! Writing...
Better make sure she’s taking this seriously. Full offense to start! As Videl dashes towards you, you leap at her, both of you pulling your arms back. “Got a special treat just for you, Videl! A Chili Pepper Punch!~” Right as you both are about to meet, you leave an afterimage as you move away, then teleport with Instant Transmission behind her and punch the ground to give you an extra boost as you kick her in the back. “Be careful, it’s got a bit of a kick to it!~”

She hits the ground face-first, but is able to recover, guarding as she wipes some grass and flowers off her face. “Okay, should’ve seen that one coming. Not making that mistake again.”

You move towards her again, Videl watching you carefully as you do. You feint another punch and instead duck down, your tail grabbing her arm as she tries to counter where you were as you grab her other arm with your hands. You bring both of her arms together and knee her in the gut, then toss her up into the air, teleporting after and striking her in the back again with your Rasenken, the girl spiraling downward into the flowers below. A lightning aura sparks around you as Videl picks herself back up.

“SHOTENKEN!” she yells out as she uppercuts towards you, a spiraling tunnel of wind jetting upwards, but your Raio-ken allows you the chance to dodge it and dash down below her, countering with a Wind-boosted Explosive wave that sends her flying back once more. You keep up the chase, Videl trying to recover again as you do, tossing a few Ki blasts at you as she builds up Ki in her left leg. Once you get in range, she kicks at you, letting out a burst of Ki as she does, but you circle around her and slash out with your tail in another counter.

Backing away, you bring your guard up now. “Still testing the waters? Because I’m more than ready to take this up a notch if you are!” you declare, Videl dusting herself off.

She smirks, her own aura sparking now, her twintails fluttering slightly as she powers up. “Yeah. I think I am.” She goes on the offensive, and you steady yourself as you start to block her blows. She seems to be using her legs the most at the moment, first trying a knee strike, then a kick directed at your torso, and finally an attempted roundhouse to your head, each blow you block and push her away. She then jumps up and attempts to hit you with a dropkick, which you dodge easily... only to realize she’s been using her legs for a reason. You look behind you and spot a sphere of Ki in her palms. Almost purely on instinct, you duck down as Videl yells out, “Kamehameha!” and just barely misses your head with the beam. And it gives you the perfect chance to counter! As you duck, spiraling winds build up in your fist, and you land a fierce right hook on Videl’s face.

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She again is knocked away, bouncing across the field a bit before recovering. “D-damn... almost had you there.”

“Man, if I were a second too slow, you really would.” you reply with a smile. “That all you’ve got?”

“Hardly!” Videl declares, charging her Ki. “I’m gonna win this match, Peppa, I know exactly what I need to do now!”

>A. Attack as she’s charging, keep up the offensive!
>B. Back to blocking and countering, she’s got something up her sleeves
>C. No more holding this back then, Super Saiyan!
>D. Dodge and teleport around her, try to get her to use more energy than you
>E. Grappling is working well for you so far, don’t let that up!
>F. Ki attacks! Start blasting from a distance!
>G. Something else?
>C, D, F.
Super Saiyan isn't too straining, but let's try to get her to use up more energy first.
>G. Use our tail to trick up her kicks.

Can we surround our tail in wind magic too? Do that. Drill tail!
Is there anything we can do with the environment?
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Could we hide energy land mines?

Wind land mines?
There are small trees and the terrain is slightly hilly, but overall it's a more standard field.
You could try that.
Ooh ooh let's try that!
The other fights have toys, trees, ice, what can we use to our advantage here? My fighting arena can't be this Vanilla!
We use...THE TREES!

...Guldo style would be a bit much.
Okay got it.
Go Super Saiyan, but hide Ki and teleport around while laying Wind mines to obscure where we're going, swirl up the flowers all around the area and force Videl to seek us out, making her expend more energy.
But we're right here and they're all the way over there and Videl's the sheriff.

I think I made Kato hold a grudge earlier and as a result she gives us a map with no stage hazards or boons. Or maybe the hills are burial mounds and this map is over 100 haunted.
Are we good then? Plan decided on?
I'm down with

after-images if we need too further distract from our...distraction.
Ready to roll!
Rolled 13, 12, 19 = 44 (3d20)

Okay, roll me 5d20, best of three! DC is 14 for all!
Rolled 12, 11, 14, 17, 14 = 68 (5d20)

Here goes
Rolled 4, 12, 3, 9, 2 = 30 (5d20)

Rolled 8, 2, 14, 17, 1 = 42 (5d20)

Off to the races.
Rolled 7, 8, 18 = 33 (3d20)

Passed three of them!

And don't worry, we're just getting started!
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looking forward to it. hopefully good rolls ahead for Peppa, Gohan, and Izzy. Gohan's gonna need them.
Good to see ya anon!

I think we're gonna step on a land mine though.
>Off to the races.
Why I oughta...
If that happens, we should consider the secret message hidden in Maple getting assigned the 'toy chest' battlefield.
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As you ready a defensive stance, Videl’s aura goes white as her Ki jolts up even higher. Looks like she’s really getting serious now. Her aura focuses around her right arm as she readies herself. “Here I come, Peppa!” She leaps towards you, dashing around to try and get you to question where she’s going to strike. You prepare to block... only for Videl to blast herself up with her left hand and grab hold of your head with her legs before you can counter, bringing you down head-first. You try to recover by pushing yourself back up, only for a palm strike to hit your torso while you’re down, causing you to flinch in pain. You let off an Explosive Wave to get her off of you, but Videl anticipates it and leaps away.

You stand back up, an excited glint in your eyes. “So, that’s how we’re doing it, huh?” You transform into a Super Saiyan, aura flaring up briefly, but then you calm yourself, causing Videl to give you a confused look as your Ki lowers instead of rising. You bring your arms together and then let out a Wind-boosted Kiai that kicks up the flowers around the area as you lower your Ki more.

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“W-what the?” Videl exclaims as she looks around for where you went. As she tries to find you, you form spheres of Ki in your hands, with more Wind Magic boosting them, and toss them to the ground. Videl notices and leaps at you, falling for your first trap, with you detonating one of them and forcing her back as you’re again obscured by the flowers kicked up by the blast.

You do the trick a few more times, managing to surround Videl as she stands defensively. Finally you power up just a little to draw her attention, Videl flying up to avoid the mines in front of her and circling around back behind you... only to hit another Ki mine you set. This time though she powers through the damage, dropkicking again as she fires off a series of Ki blasts around you to set off the mines before she lands with her left hand.

She kicks into the ground with her right leg, and you grab her left leg with your tail and pull her down, forcing her to fall face-first into the dirt again... only she forces herself back up with her right hand, spinning around and drawing you closer to her with your tail still wrapped around her leg as she delivers a powerful right hook to your jaw this time, knocking you away as you let go of her leg. “Well, now we’re even with that.” Videl comments, tugging her shirt up and wiping away the dirt again with it.

You finally stop yourself, rubbing your cheek. “You said you know what you need to do to beat me. Can’t exactly do that if we keep trading blows like this.”

“True.” she affirms. “That Ki mine trick was pretty different, but nothing’s changed. I know what I need to do to win this.” The focus of her aura again moves to her right arm.

>A. Hope you like it then, because that’s not the end of it! Keep obscuring yourself and setting mines!
>B. Keep getting her to expend energy like this, diminish her reserves and force her to use stronger attacks
>C. Kick it up a notch again with Super Saiyan 2, you’re wearing her down, you need to do some more damage while you still can!
>D. Defense is the name of the game here! Dodge, block, counter!
>E. Something else?
>A, D, E.
I think I get it now, she's trying to hit us with her Falcon Punch. So, we need to trick her into using it, and then attack when she's open.
I'll throw my weight behind that.
Hopefully it will work out better for us this time.
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Let falcon punch us. Even act like she's a bull and we're a matador...

Then...Now hear me out....

Black Panther Armbar.

We should be fine since this one vs one...

Then we use the finisher Maple used on Mark in their tournament fight. I think it was some sort of suplex.
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Rolled 6, 6, 18 = 30 (3d20)

All righty, roll me 5d20, best of three! DC is 14 for all again!
Rolled 7, 16, 17, 15, 17 = 72 (5d20)

No wammies no wammies
Rolled 12, 8, 13, 7, 4 = 44 (5d20)

Rolled 15, 12, 7, 7, 1 = 42 (5d20)

For Liam!
Rolled 15, 8, 2 = 25 (3d20)

Passed all of them! Writing...
Y'know, that flower trick was really cool. You made a stage hazard where there was none, and in turn made this exciting.
Flower power!
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“Hope you like it then, because that’s not all I’ve got!” You toss down another pair of Ki mines and dash away, letting the flowers obscure your exit.

Videl seems to have wisened up to the traps you’re setting, and carefully dodges around them as she tries to chase after you. However, you’re just quick enough to avoid her attacks, dodging and blocking when you can and countering by leading her into mine after mine. The damage isn’t that significant, but it’s clearly starting to tax her stamina. “Come on Peppa, you’re not the type to run and dodge like this!”

“I’m just fighting smart, Videl. If you do know what you need to do to win, then I’ve gotta do everything I can to prevent that.” you reply, baiting her out more. You see what she’s trying to do, and you’ve got a plan on how to handle it. “Unless you think you can’t keep up~”

“Oh I can more than keep up.” she remarks confidently. “I’ll be facing Teach in the next round, count on it!”

“Confident Gohan’s gonna lose? I wouldn’t count my brother out so easily!” You finally feint enough that she tries a more serious strike, and you jump up and grab on to her arm with your tail, causing her to lose balance and fall again, leaping and dashing away and getting her to chase you. “But I wouldn’t mind fighting either next round!”

“Sorry, but that’s going to be ME!” Videl declares... getting hit by another Ki land mine that you set. She still powers through it, her resiliance surprising you as even you are starting to feel just a little taxed by this game of cat and mouse. Or... is it falcon and monkey? You spot sparks of fire near her fist. She’s starting to get desperate to land a solid blow. “I can win this! I WILL win this!”

“Then let me see your best, Videl! COME ON!” You turn back and let your aura flare up again. She’s taking the bait. Videl leaps into the air, flames and Ki flowing around her aura like a bird of prey as she pulls her fist back.


Got her! “Rasen...!”



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As Videl bolts down at you, the image of a bird around her fist as she dashes down, you thrust your fist forward and attempt to counter... and while you do connect, so does Videl, in a cross-counter blow that sends the both of you flying back, you landing on your back hard enough that it takes a few seconds for you to pull yourself back up. Well... ow. But your attack still connected.

Videl pants heavily a good distance away. “C-come... come on... I’m not done yet, Peppa... haa... hhaaa...”She looks at you with a determined fire in her eyes, the focused aura moving from her fist to her legs.

>A. H-hey, you’re pushing yourself pretty hard here, don’t overdo it and hurt yourself
>B. Neither am I! I promise you I’ll give you my best! You deserve every bit of it!
>C. She’s losing more stamina than you are, keep this up!
>D. The longer this battle takes the less strength you’ll have to face the next foe, you need to end this sooner rather than later
>E. Maybe the best way to counter isn’t above ground... but below it! Drill into the dirt when Videl tries to hit you again!
>F. Something else?
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If we do this but add wind magic too it, can we boost ourselves like Tails does to keep up with Sonic and rocket a hit at her?
Super Saiyan 2. Make sure she knows we're not holding back.
Drill into the dirt and then burst out to counter! Tengen Toppa!
>E. Fuckin' Neji her.
Oooh, E in addition to this.
If we miss, we can always barrel towards a hill and go underground that way.
I wonder if we could go underground, pick the ground up, and flip it on Videl to pin her?
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Rolled 1, 1, 7 = 9 (3d20)

Okay, roll me 3d20 this time, best of three! DC is 13 for all!
Rolled 5, 3, 5 = 13 (3d20)

That's a low roll.
Rolled 8, 18, 8 = 34 (3d20)

Rolled 1, 14, 11 = 26 (3d20)

Rolled 3, 9, 2 = 14 (3d20)

Passed one of them! But another one is gonna hurt! Writing...
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>all three kids (probably) failed that round
What if it's Piccolo?
Oh crap did Piccolo get shanked?
The Piccolo vs Ledgic fight is one I wanna see.
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Your aura sparks as your hair stands up higher. “Then I promise I’ll give you my best, Videl! You deserve every bit of it! HRRAAAH!”

An appreciative smile appears on her face. You can hear her whisper out “Thank you” as she takes her stance. Videl then lunges at you, tackling you before you can dodge and holding down for a bit. You back away, but then you notice that her aura focuses into one leg... as she knees you in the gut hard enough to knock the wind out of you. You fall to your knees, holding your gut as Videl backs up. You look back behind you. Wait... that’s the edge of the dome. So that’s her game? Punch you out of bounds through the edge?


Crap! Gotta think fast! Teleporting to counter might get her to hit like it did for Pantea... wait, you don’t need to dodge to the side or above! You can dodge under! You make a fist and then spiral energy around it with Wind Magic, forming a small drill made of Ki and smashing it into the ground, your tail spinning to help push you in quickly, drilling under right as Videl’s fist is about to make contact.

“PU-uwah?” She looks around as you drill under the ground, then bolt up from under her and surprise her... but your attack fails to connect.

Videl backs away as you head into the air and smash into a hill nearby, drilling through it. She collapses to one knee, her body clearly sore and exhausted from everything she’s been doing... but she’s still not giving up. “C-can’t... can’t dodge... forever!” she yells out, trying to stand again, her legs shaking as she does.

>A. Keep drilling to catch her by surprise!
>B. Burst out from the hill and fire a Rasen Kamehameha! Hit her with your best shot!
>C. Wear her out, she’s going to tire eventually
>D. Finish this with the Warp Cyclone, weaponless version! Teleport around and strike her repeatedly with Wind-boosted strikes!
>E. Something else?
B, but use wind magic with it instead of just full power to knock her away more and hurt her less.
>B. Burst out from the hill and fire a Rasen Kamehameha! Hit her with your best shot!
More wind I mean
Tell Videl she was awesome.
Shoot cyclones from our feet now!
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Rolled 4, 12, 17 = 33 (3d20)

All right, one last roll! Roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 11 for both!
Rolled 13, 1 = 14 (2d20)

Rolled 5, 7 = 12 (2d20)

Rolled 1, 20 = 21 (2d20)

Rolled 7, 8 = 15 (2d20)

Rolled 9, 4, 16 = 29 (3d20)

Awesome! Writing...
Videl's awesome.
But Cocoa a cute.
and potaras come in two
SawrdAnon no! Those only last an hour, and we upgraded our stamina.
No fusing Videl and Cocoa so you don't have to choose
Swordanon pls.
Only if they're up for that.[/spoiler
I thought the earrings were usually permanent?

Also, NO.

I'm down for Peppa and Cocoa to perma fuse.
>they like the idea of being fused with each other more than the idea of being with us
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Spiraling out of the dirt, you bring a massive amount of energy to your palms, then clasp them together. “Videl! Thank you for this, you’re truly awesome! I’m going to hit you with my best shot! RASEN...!”

“Kaaaa...” Videl’s voice calls out. Even on one knee, barely able to stand, she’s still going to put up a fight. Heh, you’d expect nothing less from her!

“MEEE...!” you continue, ready to give it your all.



You and Videl thrust your hands forward as you simultaneously roar out the last syllable. “HAAAAAAAAAA!”

Both of your beams clash, shaking the enclosed dome, the flower petals you’ve kicked up fluttering and spinning around them in a chaotic but oddly beautiful waltz. Neither of you are willing to hold anything back... and you realize that you’re not going to get out of this one without exhausting your reserves just a little. But... you’re honestly not too worried about this. Both you and Videl are in this to win. And she’s giving you her all! You’ll answer in kind!


The raw power of the clashing beams explodes, knocking both you and Videl down as the dome itself cracks and shatters in a few places. You hit the ground hard, panting, your hair returning to normal. Gah, c-can you even stand up after that?

“Both the fighters in the Field Zone are both down! Can either one of them get up before the ten count? Here it goes! One... two... three...”
Your whole body feels drained, but... this can’t be the best you’re capable of, can it? A tie? You... you can’t give up, Peppa. You refuse to give up!

“Six... seven... Eight...”

Mustering as much strength as you can, you force yourself to stand on the nine count. That... took even more out of you than you realized. But you did it. Videl’s still laying on her back, thoroughly exhausted... but with a smile on her face.


Slowly you walk towards her. You’re tired, but not enough to keep you down. You’ll be ready for the next bout, even if not at optimal strength. As you stand over her, she looks up at you. “S-so much for me facing Teach, huh?”

“I’m sure she’s proud regardless.” you tell her. The door to the exit opens up, but not any connecting areas. Looks like the other fights are still going on, but from what you can sense, Gohan and Chuu Lee are pretty close to wrapping things up too.

>A. Help Videl to the exit, least you can do
>B. Sit down and rest for a bit, you need to recover before you face anyone else
>C. You know, Videl... Basilea might still be pretty tough, but you’re definitely tougher
>D. Something else?
>D. "You were awesome. Got any advice for me for teach?"

Oh right Shin and Kibito are here...

Well, no one snag their jewelry.
>D. Take time to enjoy the scenery too
If they're not forcing us to go right away, let's snag a breather while we can. Good chance for a chat/pep talk too
Backing this >>3094637
But once we have rested a bit, let's help her to the exit, or at the very least help her to her feet.
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Ex Fusions lasts as long as the users want. We just need our Bulma to make the metamo-ring. Get Melchior a pair of potaras perhaps to study?
Hey, wanna add the vampire and wolfgirl to the fusion? Ooh, I wonder if we could convince Basilea to stop being the biggest bitch in the seven seas?
Five man fusion training with the Ginyu Force!
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You’re not in a rush, then. You sit down for a moment beside Videl, smiling at her, the two of you looking around for a moment. “...Wow, we really did a number on this place.”

“Eheh... yeah. Still... kinda pretty though.” Videl remarks. “Even if we did tear it up with our fight.”

“I might have been the one doing the most damage to the area, honestly.” you admit, giggling. “...You okay, Videl?”

“P-probably went a bit overboard there.” She tries to sit up, only to lay back down with a groan. “Ow. Maybe not ‘probably.’ Think I did overdo it.”

You give her an encouraging smile. “If it helps any... as tough as Basilea’s gotten, you? You’re definitely tougher. You’re amazing, Videl.”

“F-flattery, huh?”

“Sincerity.” You stand up, taking a deep breath. Then, you offer your hand. “Want some help getting to the exit?”

“Y-yeah... that’d be nice. At least until my legs stop feeling like jelly.” She takes your hand and gives you a quick hug, then starts walking with you. You hear some “aww”ing from the crowds.

“Well look at that, folks, ain’t she a great sport! That’s our Junior Champ for ya!”

“Not gonna be ‘Junior’ for much longer.” you comment quietly but confidently. You then look to Videl as you help her to the exit. “...Any advice for fighting Teach? Pointers? Anything at all?”

“W-well... she’s probably even better with that move than I am, especially with the Kaio-Ten.” Videl tells you quietly. “She did help me develop it after all.”

You giggle just a little. “So it’s not just because you’re a Cap fangirl?”

“I’d noogie you if my arms still worked.” Videl sticks her tongue out. As she gets to the exit, you notice her face redden. “Peppa, um, about, uh... what Basilea said...” She bites her lip hesitantly. “...You’re my best friend and all, but... I don’t know if I like, see you that...” She shakes her head, her twintails swaying back and forth as she stutters and mumbles to herself. “Sorry. I don’t want to make this awkward. Just... good luck out there.”

>A. Thanks. And... don’t dwell too much on it, okay?
>B. Basilea was trying to get under our skins, as cool and cute as you are, I don’t think either of us see each other that way
>C. Well... there, um, may be someone else
>D. Thanks... and thanks for being honest about that
>E. We’re still gonna try and help you find someone~
>F. Something else?
>A. Thanks. And... don’t dwell too much on it, okay?

Don't see Basilea with anyone anyway...
Glance at where Cocoa is among the crowds.
Pfft. Okay gotta add,
>"I think she's just jealous."

Basilea/Videl? Basilea could call herself Basilea Satan. She is tsundere enough.
Jealous of the other one, you doof.
>F. You're like the big sister I never had. Oh darn, don't tell Pantea and Izumi I said that, I've told them the same. Don't wanna get caught!
>F. You and Pantea both need to stop putting so much emphasis onto a future we moved away from.
>>A. Thanks. And... don’t dwell too much on it, okay?
>>B. Basilea was trying to get under our skins, as cool and cute as you are, I don’t think either of us see each other that way
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You sigh and shake your head as you smile. “Thanks... and don’t dwell too much on that, okay? She’s just trying to get under our skins. I mean, you’re cool and cute and all, but... let’s not put all that much emphasis on futures we’ve moved past.” Your voice takes a jokingly accusatory tone as you add, “You AND Pantea.”

Videl laughs. “That’s fair. And, um... sorry.”

“We’re still besties, right? Come on, you and Pantea both are like the big sisters I never had.” You smile sweetly at her. “So don’t let Basilea get to you. Heck, if anything, she’s probably the one who’s jealous. Don’t really see her with many friends, you know?”

She nods. “Yeah, yeah. Thanks Peppa. You better win this, though. At the very least I wanna be able to say I lost to the Champion herself.”

“Count on it.” Sensing around, Gohan and Chuu Lee still seem to be fighting, while surprisingly, uncle Raditz has lost to Beelzebub, though looks like dad’s won his match against Tien. Hrmn... Izzy’s still battling 19, you can tell from her Ki, though that fight must be pretty interesting. Vegeta... well, he’s defeated Kuriza. On one hand you’re sad Kuriza lost, but on the other, you guess you’ve got a shot at beating Vegeta in the finals. Mom and Shin don’t seem like they’ve used up all that much energy... in fact you’re not sure if they’re fighting seriously at all, more... almost sparring or training, trying to figure each other’s techniques out. That just leaves Piccolo and Ledgic... and boy, do they seem like they’re going all out.

>A. Talk with mom, see what’s up over there
>B. Keep your eyes open for anything suspicious
>C. Just use the time you’ve got to recover some more
>D. Try to watch Piccolo’s fight
>E. Something else?

Additionally, SPECIAL VOTE:

Play as Gohan and Izzy, or let their matches play out by player dice roll (5d20 each, will get summaries of the matches)?
Coincidentally I happened to be listening to Happily Ever After when I was reading the finale to Monkey Queen's Cell Games. Another Chekhov's Gun that didn't go off with any impact. If she had been time traveling and fighting these people for 50 years, then why does Super Vegeta give her so much trouble in her Semi-Perfect form? Even Goku could fight Frieza and Cell in a kid body, is she 100% certain she's 30% Goku?

>C. Just use the time you've got to recover some more
>B. Keep your eyes open for anything suspicious

I'll abstain from the other vote, as I'm good either way.
>C. Just use the time you’ve got to recover some more
Peppa's gotta be a good girl and do what her momma told her.
I like them both and how their characters are developing.
Rest, but pay attention to the fight.

Gohan, then Izzy, like before.
>>C. Just use the time you’ve got to recover some more
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Rolled 19, 17, 12 = 48 (3d20)

Okay, really quick, roll me 2d20, best of three. DC is 10 for both.
>Mom and Shin don’t seem like they’ve used up all that much energy... in fact you’re not sure if they’re fighting seriously at all, more... almost sparring or training, trying to figure each other’s techniques out.
Rolled 19, 2 = 21 (2d20)

Rolled 18, 19 = 37 (2d20)

Rolled 2, 5 = 7 (2d20)

Rolled 17, 7, 15 = 39 (3d20)

Perfect! Writing...
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If we failed that roll: https://youtu.be/p_baq3XhlFk?t=246
As Videl heads off, you find a tree to sit under for a bit and try to recover. As you do, though, you make sure to pay attention to any odd energies out there, calming and resting your body but staying attentive. Chuu Lee and Gohan’s battle finally comes to a close, the door opening, when you notice something off. While everyone is fighting, there seem to be... other Ki signatures nearby. Other Ki signatures in the Tournament grounds. They’re hiding in plain sight among the battles going on! And one of them is in the next Zone, where Gohan and Chuu Lee are!


And that’s when you feel it. Piccolo’s Ki, which was steadily rising ever since he started fighting, suddenly drops like a rock. You hear shocked gasps from the crowds. Crap, crap, what’s going on? Agh, that’s one of those odd energies you were sensing, he’s near Piccolo!

“L-ladies and gentlemen, please do not be alarmed, we’ll be able to secure him shortly.” Ken tries to calm the audience. “Please remain calm!”

You look up at the screens and you see Ledgic standing over Piccolo... in addition to another fighter. Wait... you know him! Kougeki?! And... he has that mark Ledgic has! And some kind of... odd container of some sort. One that’s... dripping with Piccolo’s blood at the tip!

‘Ghost Pepper, Momma Bird here, pay close attention to your surroundings! They’ve finally shown themselves, so stay alert! Over!’

‘Momma Bird who’s they?! Need some answers!’

“GREETINGS, EARTHLINGS!” a man’s voice calls out on the screens as if to answer for her. A blue-skinned alien with reddish-orange hair like Kougeki, but with a bandanna on his head and an open blue coat... and the same “M” symbol on his head. “The name is Captain Bojack of the Galaxy Soldiers! I do hope you don’t mind if we spice your little Tournament here up just a bit? The strongest fighters in the universe are here, yes? Then trust us, we won’t be here too long... just long enough to take their energy!”

You power up. You’ve had enough of a rest to recover from your fight against Videl. And not a moment too soon, as you sense a Ki blast coming your way. You deflect it easily, but sense someone walking through the door connecting your Zone with the next. You stare angrily in their direction, declaring, “You picked the wrong day to interrupt this Tournament, pal!”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I'll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting~ 4:30 pm PST, with Gohan’s battle against Chuu Lee. I’ll be around for a bit for some questions if y’all have any. Did y’all have fun?
>Did y’all have fun?
Yeah, the fight with Videl was really cool and stylish, I wish we had gotten to race though.
Oh shit Majin Bojack. Oh shit Majin Galaxy Soldiers. Cliffhanger!

Great times were had Kato, thanks for running! Loved the fight with Videl, was nice to see her give her all. But guess there goes my theory that the ninjas and these guys were connected.
AHHHHHHHHHHHH'm glad we took time to rest. It looks like we're going to need it. Good run, nice twist.
The one-on-one here was dynamic, and I feel it showcased Peppa in a way the battle royal didn't. Kudos. I'm interested to see how the other kids' fights go. Too bad about Raditz, but Baal and Kai Guy being around might lead to an interesting dynamic.
Can we know how Raditz's loss went down? Or is it spoilers for now?
Man, gotta wonder, will we split the kids for one or two to track down Babidi while the other(s) stay to face Bojack and co? Would be a way to get both plotlines going.
Glad to hear y'all had fun! Do note that these guys are a bit different from the ones in the movie, even outside the Majin boost.

I'll get y'all a write-up of it for tomorrow.

Will have to depend on how the other matches go, but things could end up like that.
>Gohan faces down Peppa in a tournament classic "The Sibling Showdown"
>Gohan suffers the brother curse, and then goes to throw down with Babidi
Interesting options.
Of we go head to head with Gohan in the finals, we should both do what isn't a good idea in any other case: go SSJ3 right away and battle in a blaze of glory.
I'm down.
From what they were saying in the fight, I think the match with Chuu Lee/Gohan is next for Peppa
That is true, if/when we fight Gohan it wouldn't even be the semi-finals.
Bah. Still for it, but it might put us at a disadvantage...
>Right as you both are about to meet, you leave an afterimage as you move away, then teleport with Instant Transmission behind her
Is Instant Transmission faster than just moving there or slower? Goku takes about a second to a half-second to teleport somewhere with IT, and we can move at mach speeds. If we're going to the grocery store a thousand kilometers away it could be useful, but I think we'd need the hand somewhere that's not our forehead when we're in a supersonic struggle.
It's more useful if we don't want someone to know that split second that we're headed their way specifically.
By putting two fingers on our forehead?
I'm presuming *some* distance is involved, and in the current case multiple fronts to fight in.
Sorry I totally misread the context, bah. Yeah I wonder if we're just faster with it then.
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Well, we do have to go to that 2001 Space Odyssey place and then ballpark our displacement relative to our opponent and do something to ensure that we exit whatever that zone is at the right place at the right time. Have we seen any chaos emeralds in there so far?

But yeah, actually using the technique will tell your opponent what you're going to do before you get around to doing it. It's an Instant Telegraph. Maybe we could ask Piccolo for the Spiral Beam Cannon so we can make an Instant Beam Spiral to go with the I.T.
My sense was Goku needed to do the finger thing in order to find and focus the ki signature, less part of the move than a mediation trick to aim it. Someone right in the immediate area wouldn't need that.

Of course canon Goku also does that in closer quarters as well if I remember, but he's also dumb.
He does do that around Beerus even though I don't think he can sense Beerus' ki even as a god, though I could be wrong.
You don't need two fingers for short distance travel. Literally, the Warp Kamehameha Goku used against Cell. It's also really quick at short distances. Again see, Warp Kamehameha.
He could be detecting life signatures on Earth and using them as a lighthouse since Beerus is undetectable, or it could be a nostalgia thing where the audience likes to see Goku use a technique in a way they're familiar with. Kinda like how Goku's friends never come up with new moves in Super and Piccolo is using the Special Beam Cannon and way overcharges it to kill Not Frieza in a no-death match.
"Don't need" isn't the same as "can't". Spamming it constantly probably takes more focus, but teleporting just once clearly doesn't.
A well of information. I shall learn from your example.

Anyway, the I.T. probably is slower than just dashing, but they clearly can't hit us in that zone unless they also have I.T., so maybe the slowness of it is mitigated by invincibility frames.
If one is spamming it like Goku did in that fight, it stands to reason that it takes more focus to do so.

Teleporting once like he did for the Warp Kamehameha didn't require putting fingers on his head.

Both cases show it to be very quick regardless. Is that clear enough for you?
A half-second of teleporting is like an hour in those fights that normal people can't make sense of.

Also, don't act like things are so clear and obvious when you're also pulling things out of your ass with these probable justifications.
I'm using basic logic here. If there's one case that shows Goku using it without putting his fingers on his head and another case where he has them on his head and is teleporting all over, then it stands to reason that it needs more focus when spammed like that. Is that clear enough for you?
If the battles are played out in ridiculous speed, that means the I.T. is just as sped up, right?
Doesn't show him doing the two finger thing to fight Meta-Cooler, might be the anchoring to Earth theory that's true. Fuck, could Goku sense Meta-Cooler's ki?

All I have a reference for is how he uses it the first time as a demonstration and his fight with Beerus, it's a big surprise when he teleports in front of Cell.
https://youtu.be/kWsnm9Y35Ao IT is a bit slower, but goes a longer distance. Plus, hiding our ki would make us invisible, then we can do that thing Aang does where he hides in a person's blindspot.

https://youtu.be/RJrVcFidpJ4 Afterimages and the like seem a smidge faster, but people can sense our ki and pull a fast one on us with their own afterimages.
Hey, does Peppa have band-aids for in case she gets too much clothing damage?
There's most likely no difference between the two in terms of speed, given how Kato has written it. There's little difference if at all in the series.

+3 Galaxy Soldier members


Five Man Race of Hera Fusion + Majinized!

Ginyu Enforcer vs Hera-seijn Max!
or Galactic Soldier!
If there's no difference, then why use I.T. instead of an afterimage? Why use I.T. over an afterimage?
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It could go either way, depending on how things play out tonight.

Instant Transmission means more than moving fast, it means moving in a way where one cannot be hit until they reappear. It's trickier than just leaving an afterimage.

Stop reading my notes.

And okay, we are back, with Gohan tonight! I'll share the Raditz vs. Beelzebub fight once we're done.


Chuu Lee walks with you into the forested area. “So Gohan, you ready to try and give your Teacher a run for her money?”

You nod. “Yeah. I’m feeling pretty good, though boy is this a way to start the finals.”

“Heh, good. Don’t let your nerves get to you.” The both of you take your stances. “Or else you’ll never be Champion.”

“Right! I’m ready!” Yeah, you think you’re ready, but thinking it is only half the fight. You’re going to need to give it your all against her.


>A. That Afterimages with Ki trick you learned from Pantea is going to come in handy right about now
>B. Go on the offensive this time, try to catch her off-guard
>C. Tried and true method of dodging and making her use up her stamina against you
>D. Strictly defense, see if you can spot what strategies she’ll use by blocking
>E. Energy attacks! Keep her at a distance!
>F. Something else?
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Kato, may we get a Gohan move-set to refresh my foggy memory, pretty pretty please.

>A. That Afterimages with Ki trick you learned from Pantea is going to come in handy right about now
>C. Tried and true method of dodging and making her use up her stamina against you
>D. Strictly defense, see if you can spot what strategies she’ll use by blocking
So Instant Transmission can be the ultimate defensive technique if you don't use it to move away, just abusing an I-frame?

>D. Strictly defense, see if you can spot what strategies she’ll use by blocking
>A, C, D.
>Kato, may we get a Gohan move-set to refresh my foggy memory, pretty pretty please.
We could adopt Calvinball Rules with his moveset.
>F. Throw in a liberal number of feints and try to get her to throw out any new IT tricks early
Soba heard about Chuu Lee's visit, so it left quite an impression on his people. Feel her out before diving into the attack.
Backing this too
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Sure, just gimme a bit.

And okay, roll me 4d20, best of three. DC is 14 for all.
Rolled 10, 4, 4, 13 = 31 (4d20)

Rolled 3, 16, 17, 10 = 46 (4d20)

Rolled 14, 7, 1, 20 = 42 (4d20)

blaze it
Rolled 20, 19, 11, 16 = 66 (4d20)

Nice! Passed all of them!

Ooh close one!

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Okay, Teach probably has a ton of moves she’s ready to try out. Best to not let her get the upper hand, but you need to see what she has in store for you first. You bring up your guard, ready to defend against her attacks, dodging when necessary and maybe showing her some of Pantea’s improved Afterimage technique. Here goes!

Chuu Lee slowly steps towards you, watching for weaknesses in your guard. When you give her a slight opening, she immediately attacks, a palm strike aimed for your head. You dodge away from it, just barely making it, as she follows it up with a Wind-boosted kick that draws you in closer to her that you’re forced to block. Each move feels like it has a lot of force behind it, with very little in the way of wasted movements.

Teach keeps this up, her years of experience very evident, making it clear that you’re not going to have an easy fight against her. She pulls her arm back and feints you into blocking again, only for her to grab your arms and toss you up, following it with a rising, wind-boosted uppercut. “SHOTENKEN!

Thinking quickly, you dodge away, still knocked around a bit but avoiding most of the damage. You land on a treetop above her, Chuu Lee following. You’re going to need to switch things up a bit. As she makes an attempt to hit you with a spin kick, you leave behind an afterimage... one with just a little Ki and mass to it to it reacts to getting hit. Teach is evidently surprised when her attack does connect, but you’ve dashed behind her, a cheeky grin on your face. “Like it? I haven’t been slacking off, promise. Keeping up what you’ve taught me.”

She smirks back at you. “Good. No reason to hold back some of my new skills as well.” She teleports close to you and attempts to grab you, as you again leave another afterimage, causing it to fade as she grabs it. She tries this a couple more times, you feinting and using as many afterimages as you can to try. She lets out a Kiai to blast them away, then teleports close to you once more, chopping at you as you leave another afterimage, this one with a bit more Ki... that gives a small explosion as it’s grabbed, knocking her away.

You get lower in the trees, kneeling on a branch, trying to lower your Ki. Okay, so she’s got something new involving Instant Transmission. Gonna need to watch out for that.

>A. Keep this up, only counter when necessary, and bait her into attacking your Afterimages again
>B. You can afford to get a little more aggressive, see if you can force her to use a bit more of her energy
>C. Dodge around her with the Raio-ken, outspeed her as much as you can!
>D. Try to get her to attack the trees, leave afterimages on the branches like this
>E. Keep her back with some energy attacks!
>F. Something else?
And a short rundown of Gohan's skills:


Kamehameha (Lightning)
Ki Jan Ken (Lightning)
Ki Sense
Double Geist Magnum (Lightning)
Izumi Combo
Machinegun Punch (Lightning)
Burning Crusher
Afterimage (With Ki, Detonating)
Explosive Wave

Swordplay (good)
Ka-Blam Slicer
Iaigiri (Draw Cut)

ULT: Shinespark
ULT: Luminaire

Kaio-ken (x10)
Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan 2
Super Saiyan 3
>Double Geist Magnum (Lightning)
One of those is going to miss.
>A. Keep this up, only counter when necessary, and bait her into attacking your Afterimages again
>F. Ki Sense + Telepathy on Chuu Lee

If she doesn't have her telepathy guard up, maybe we can slip confuse her.

Send image training battles we've done into her head to confuse her on our next move.
>F. Be ready to blow one them if she goes in for close combat
Teach Teach to keep her distance and burn her out
The explosion was good, that might make her hesitate a little coming out of IT if we can manage it a few more times.
>A & C.
This too.
slip in something to*
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>D. Try to get her to attack the trees, leave afterimages on the branches like this
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Interesting. Okay, roll me 5d20, best of three! DC is 16 for all!
Rolled 13, 14, 4, 17, 15 = 63 (5d20)

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Rolled 3, 20, 5, 8, 7 = 43 (5d20)

Shit, Gohan doesn't know Poltergeist Blitz, can't do a Gigastrash.

Rolled 1, 18, 6, 1, 8 = 34 (5d20)

Well, passed two of them! Writing...
Aww Nuts
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[bleating intensifies]
Woops, missed one. Spirit Ball too.
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Well, it’s working for you so far, so better keep this up. You try again to focus on dodging and blocking, but looks like she’s wised up to it now, instead keeping her distance and trying to trap you in place with Ki blasts. You even have to resort to using your afterimages to feint out a few of her attacks. Crrrap this isn’t going as you planned. Okay, just keep calm Gohan, focus on where she’s going to-

“HA!” Chuu Lee yells out, teleporting right behind you and landing a solid palm strike in your back, quickly grabbing you by your tail and tossing you into the air. “SHOTENKEN!” she yells out, uppercutting as you try to block the spiraling winds coming at you... only for you to feel yourself pulled down into it. You look down at her. Oh. Ohhhh. “SHINKU...” If she’s going to fire while you’re trapped, you’ve still got a chance to block and- ...and she just appeared in front of you. “KAMEHAMEHA!”

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“Gyraaahhh!” you yell out as you’re blasted upwards again, crashing through a tree or two as you fall. Okay. Ow. No more mistakes like that if you wanna win this match. You stand up, dusting yourself off, looking up at the trees you’ve crashed through... and you get an idea. You lower your Ki substantially and hop up into the treetops once more. “I’m still kickin’ Teach, and I doubt that’s all you’ve got.”

Chuu Lee launches herself at you, causing you to duck down and lead her through the trees, with you hopping across them and leaving a few afterimages that get her to attack the trunks. Okay, good, good... she’s taking the bait. As you get her to knock down a few of them, you leave the next few afterimages with a couple surprises, with them detonating and knocking her away. But she teleports to you once more with Instant Transmission. Now, your only chance!

“Missed me!” you declare as she hits another afterimage... that instead of knocking her away jolts her with a charge of Lightning, stunning her in place! You charge at her with the Raio-ken and knock her down, then double back to try to hit her again!

And then she dodges as the stun wears off. “You really are your mother’s son, Gohan.” Turning back, you spot her shoot a powerful gust of wind at you that pushes you back. As you’re knocked back, she teleports to you again and grabs you by your collar. “But I should warn you, I’ve prepared for her skills!”

You try to get free, only managing it when you take a palm strike to your gut, kicking Chuu Lee in hers to knock yourself away. You race back, getting some distance between you and her. Well... that’s left a mark too. Okay, need to think this through. You lower your Ki again and try to hide among the remaining forest. Sensing where she is, you notice she’s taking a moment to recover. Okay... maybe you can trick her with this. ‘Well, it’s not just mom I’ve been training with. In fact, that afterimage trick I learned from Pantea!’ You send her a few mental images of you, Pantea, and Yamcha training as you try to get some more distance.

“Impressive. But you’ll need more than that, Gohan.” You feel her Ki skyrocket, looking back and noticing a white, condensed aura around her, with a greater focus around her legs. Ah crap, Kaio-Ten. You let her get the chance to transform.

>A. Answer in kind, Super Saiyan 2!
>B. Keep trying to stun her so she can’t keep attacking
>C. Afterimages are still working for you, don’t let up this strategy
>D. Definitely going to need some speed for this one, keep up the Raio-ken and don’t let her catch you
>E. Time to switch it up, go on the offensive!
>F. Something else?
>A. Answer in kind, Super Saiyan 2!
>D. Definitely going to need some speed for this one, keep up the Raio-ken and don’t let her catch you
>F. Fashion a branch into something that suits your fighting style
>A & D.
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>E. Time to switch it up, go on the offensive!
>F. Something else?

Machine Gun Punch

(But we turn it into a kick.)

+ Izumi Combo + Ki Jan Ken (Lightning)
Why not Volleyball Fist into a Poltergeist Blitz?
Okay, roll me 3d20 this time, best of three! DC is 16 for all again!
Rolled 3, 13, 2 = 18 (3d20)

Rolled 8, 11, 9 = 28 (3d20)

Rolled 12, 1, 15 = 28 (3d20)

...Thiiiis is gonna hurt a bit. Writing...
Aww damn
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[is this what uncle Acer warned me about]
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>the city of Gohan
At least he's learning the value of hard work at an early age?

>the value of hard work
Yeah, it never gets you anywhere and some others are born luckier than you.
Maybe we should go back to red hair, the DC hasn't changed and Chuu Lee is the best at redirecting stronger ki to her advantage. We'll have to use our brain more than our brawn.
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Peppa was bestowed with the aura of PLOT POWER
Izzy inherited strength which comes from COURAGE
Gohan was graced with the blessings of THE JOB HARD WORK AND GUTS!
It's a curse of cool looking men in Dragonball, like Yamcha. They need more comic relief like Krillin to be a serious threat to opponents. In this regard, I propose that Gohan's swordplay start cutting off opponents' clothing.
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Well, if she’s putting out this much energy, you need to answer in kind! You step out from the trees as your golden aura builds up around you, your hair spiking up. “No more holding back then. HRRAAHH!” Sparks surround your aura as you ascend into a Super Saiyan 2, then intensify as you add the Raio-ken on top of it. Okay, here it goes!

Chuu Lee carefully moves towards you, sidestepping around you before she starts her assault, with you again trying to dodge and counter... only to realize she’s somehow pulling you closer with every strike she makes, forcing you into guarding and blocking. Agh, she’s using her Wind magic to keep you from dodging properly! What’s more, you realize that every strike she makes seems to have more energy behind it than the last, your guard barely holding as you block.

You try to counter, and that’s when Teach finds her opening, catching your leg as you go for a kick and delivering a painful elbow strike to your chest before you can guard. Still holding on to your leg, Chuu Lee then kicks the other one from under you, and as you fall back hits you with a ferocious roundhouse strike that sends you flying. You try to stop yourself, but before you can you find her appearing where you were going and landing a hard knee strike to stop you. You try to stand, only for Teach to connect a Shotenken that sends you flying once more.

You land on your back near some of the fallen trees from earlier. Teach keeps her distance for a moment, and you see the aura around her legs intensify, and... wait, are those sparks of flame? Crap! You grab on to a branch to pull yourself up as you see her jump. “FALCON...!”

...Oh come on. You grip the branch harder, tearing it and using it as a makeshift bokken to guard against her attack. You take a defensive stance. Gotta minimize the damage.

“KIIIIIICK!” Chuu Lee yells out as she drops down. You do manage to just barely guard against it, but her flaming kick crashes through the wood and incinerates it, with you avoiding most of the damage but knocked aside again. You force yourself onto one knee, panting heavily.

Chuu Lee stands before you, still ready to go. She’s taken damage from all this, and even seems a little worn from her attacks, but she’s in better shape than you are. This... this can’t be the best you’re capable of, can it?

>A. Stay calm and stick to your strategy, you can manage this
>B. Another makeshift bokken might help, she can’t keep doing attacks like that and if you guard with it you’re going to take less damage
>C. You’ve only got one shot at this, a Super Saiyan 3 counter strike!
>D. Okay, she’s able to keep up now... but with the Shinespark, you can turn the tide!
>E. Spirit Ball! Barrage her with it to keep her away!
>F. Something else?
Ka-Blam Slicer + Spirit Ball

Ka-Blam Slam!

We may have to slam it ourself, but the main attack would use the sword.
We should have him use the power of Getter, that could win this!

>C & D.
Just one attack, then drop out of it. Make this our finisher.

>You grip the branch harder, tearing it and using it as a makeshift bokken to guard against her attack. You take a defensive stance. Gotta minimize the damage.
ctrl+f is more reliable than my eyes, it's true.

>F. Make a Thorny Club that you can channel Lightning through, then use magnetism and materialization to make it heavier on the downswing.
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Well, the thorny part is probably a bit much, I don't want to cut her.
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All righty, I can work with this. Roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 15 for all!
Rolled 18, 12, 2 = 32 (3d20)

Rolled 3, 10, 20 = 33 (3d20)

Rolled 7, 20, 9 = 36 (3d20)

Perfect! Writing...
Told you guys. The power of Getter will win this!
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This is the Power of Thor, mah boi
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>the sound when Teach
Gohan gets DQ'd for usage of blunt weaponry

Someone post a suitable reaction face, have to go play smash tourney
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Okay, lost, I think I have a good face.
You stand to your feet. No. You’re not going down this easily. Teach seems to smile. “You’ve put in a lot of effort, Gohan. Can you keep this up?”


“I can. I will. I’ll win this, with everything I have!” Your aura sparks furiously around you. This is it, Gohan! Come on! You grab another branch, more of a club, to use as another bokken, as you start dashing forward, power building with every step. Teach stands her ground, moving the focus of her Kaio-Ten to her right fist. So... just like Videl and Pantea, huh? Well this time it’s gonna be different!

“Give me your best shot then, Gohan! See if you have what it takes to become the Champion!” she yells to you, her own power building.

You stop yourself as you’ve built up all the power you can manage. “SHINE...!”


Leaping up, you channel Lighting into the makeshift bokken, igniting it but letting you give everything into this one last strike. And as you do... the area around you rumbles. You feel your hair grow longer as your Ki skyrockets. Now or never! “SPAAAAAAAARK!”


You blast down like the hammer of a god of thunder and lightning, Chuu Lee’s fist clashing with what remains of the wood you’ve been using as a bokken. The sheer raw power cracks the dome and sends you flying. Your body bounces against the ground as you drop back to base. You pant heavily as your whole body feels numb. Owww.

“W-what an incredible finale! We’ll have to clear that last effort with the judges, but it looks like this battle in the Forest Zone may have just been decided!” the announcer guy yells out. “...Yes, okay, that does technically count as part of the ring! We’ll have to start the count! One... two... three...!”

You look up. Count. Crap, right! You can’t stay down like this. The numbness in your body slowly dissipates, but not as slowly as you’d like. Agh, come on! Stand up!

“Six... seven... eight...!”

You roll off your back and get onto your hands and knees, then push yourself off the ground. You’re up! ...And so is Teach. A-all that, and you couldn’t even keep her down for the ten count? ...She’s smiling though.

“I think I know how you feel now, Maple...” you hear her say. “Good job, Gohan. You and Peppa have surpassed my expectations. Best of luck... in the rest the Tournament...” She falls on her face.

“Oh my, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like the current Champion is indeed down! We’ll have to start the count again! One... two... three...!”

>A. Give her a bow and thank her
>B. You’re not really done yet, are you Teach? Come on, there’s still some more fight left in us!
>C. ...Can you really win this, though? You had to give your all in this fight, and you’ve taken a lot of damage already
>D. Just... sit back and rest somewhere, sense how the other fights are doing
>E. Something else?
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...Huh. Pic didn't go through. Weird.
>>A. Give her a bow and thank her
>D. Just... sit back and rest somewhere, sense how the other fights are doing
>A. Give her a bow and thank her
>E. Beat your chest in exultation.
>Go to Teach and make sure she isn't too hurt.
>Lie down next to her and rest.
>"You're really something, it took the upper limit of these transformations to best you, and you dealt with it like a shepherd with a particularly rowdy goat."
Wait til the ten count.


>E. "Any advice on taking on my next fight teach?"

>A, D.
While resting, have a bit of self-reflection. Think on what the plan for the rest of the Tournament will be like.

Also this >>3097650
I think we should forfeit, we just used our trump card and we're spent.
So... mind rolling me 2d20, best of three? DC is 11 for both.
I'd encourage Chuu Lee, but she knows her limits better than anyone. I guess we'll need to save a victory roar for another time.
>E. Try to sort out your own feelings on how things turned out before the next match.
Can't have this weighing us down.
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Rolled 6, 3 = 9 (2d20)

Rolled 7, 14 = 21 (2d20)

Rolled 15, 7 = 22 (2d20)

Do do we wish to continue, or are we all tapped out?
Rolled 17, 6 = 23 (2d20)

Okay, not bad. Writing...
I wouldn't be opposed to Gohan taking a rest from this, really. He beat the Champ.
I figured Peppa vs Gohan is the fight that helps decides the true champ.

Goku and Maple get to cheer for both of their kids to fight to the fullest and we see them both push beyond their limits.
Eh, they can fight later at full power. Gohan is drained and Peppa could use a seed to rest.
Well we do have the interruption to deal with.

Let's see how Gohan feels after that.
I get where you're coming from in regards to the metagame, but that might be a pretty sharp turn for Gohan's character considering moping a few threads back.
I'd really just like to avoid him acquiescing to Peppa simply because she is the central focus.
I think it'd be in character to metagame in this case, Gohan knows that he's out of mana and stamina, so instead of futilely trying to fight his sister in that state, he could fall to her, or in the next round he has no energy because by winning against Peppa he tapped himself out again. It would be better for himself and his sister for him to forfeit now. Plus, he can promise to fight her later, and I think deep down he would be okay with seeing his sister win.
When I say he'd be okay with seeing his sister win, it's in a way that someone would like it if a family member win. Of course he wants to win against her. He'd likely want to fight his sister at full strength so he can have a good showing against her, giving him more self esteem than limping against her for a belt of all things.
>Teach stands her ground, moving the focus of her Kaio-Ten to her right fist.
I'm not sure if localizing the power in a fist would be better than throwing your whole body into the blow.
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You slowly walk toward Chuu Lee, making sure she isn’t hurt, then waiting for the ten count. “NINE... TEN! YOU SAW IT HERE, FOLKS! SON GOHAN HAS DEFEATED OUR REIGNING CHAMPION! LET’S ALL GIVE HIM A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE!”

The crowds cheer uproariously. And you sit yourself down to rest after bowing and thanking Chuu Lee. You try to get as much rest as you can... and take a moment to reflect. “Teach, you’re really something else. It took the upper limit of these transformations to best you, and you dealt with it like a shepherd with a particularly rowdy goat.”

“Eheh. You... deserved that win. You gave it your all, Gohan. I’m proud of you.”

“...Yeah. I gave it my all.” Your eyes drift over to the door connecting this Zone to the one Peppa and Videl are in... and it’s abundantly clear that your sister’s still able to fight. If anything she’s probably in better shape than you are. Damn.

“You doubt you c-can make it?” she asks as she tries to push herself back up.

“I... I don’t know. I WANT to keep going, but I also know my limits. Even if I win against her, will I be able to face all my other opponents? Will I be able to beat dad too? Mr. Vegeta? Mom?” You sense around, noticing that Piccolo is still fighting Ledgic. “...There’s still a lot of fighters out here.” You look at her with hesitation. “What do you think?”

“Do you want to keep going? Do you think you can be satisfied with how far you’ve gotten?”

You look down. “...It’s kinda both. I wanna keep going, but I wanna face her at full strength. Does that make sense?”

“I... take it this has been on your mind for a while now?”

You nod. “A... a little, yeah. I don’t want to give up, though. I just... think I’m a bit more aware of my limits.”

Chuu Lee looks up as she seems to recall something. “Gohan, I won’t hold it against you if you want to throw in the towel. But... at the very least, I want you to not have any regrets with this decision. I believe in you. You’re very capable, you did beat me just now. But if you can see that this is your limit, it won’t make me any less proud of what you’ve accomplished.”

“...Thanks Teach.”

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‘How interesting.’ you hear in your head, coming from an odd, small, sinister voice, dripping with ill intent. You jolt to your feet. You spot someone near the door to Peppa’s Zone. Some man with orange hair and blue skin, like...

“KOUGEKI!” Chuu Lee yells as she gets to her feet, almost collapsing as she does, you helping her stand. The two of you look up... and find Kougeki standing over Piccolo, with a container of some sort. And his blood is dripping from the tip! Worse, he has that “M” symbol on his head!

“Please remain calm!”

The screens then change to another man like Kougeki and the one in your Zone. You power up as you hear the man declare his name to be Bojack, but your mind goes to the one near the door. He... smirks at you, then fires a Ki blast. You deflect it quickly. The man then runs through the door. He... he’s after your sister!


>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I'll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting~ 5:30 pm PST, with Izzy’s battle against 19! I’ll be around for a bit for some questions if y’all have any. Did y’all have fun?
This was a great time Kato! Chuu Lee really had Gohan on the ropes. And nice that he's able to look through his feelings like that. Looking forward to Izzy tomorrow!

We still getting that write-up for Raditz vs Beelzebub?
Yeah, that fight was cool. I hope Gohan gets more stamina for the sake of his future competition, but it seems he left his teacher satisfied.

An Oni Club could be cool.
How many spikes should this custom oni club be? Should we shape it after a dragon's head? Would we have a better grip on the thing if we got it ribbed? Should we make it to where it can vibrate at a supersonic frequency to shatter the opponent's weapon?
Glad y'all had fun!

>We still getting that write-up for Raditz vs Beelzebub?
Indeed, here y'all go!

Raditz charges up his Ki as his opponent crosses his arms, a confident smirk on his face. “Just so you know, my brother and I haven’t settled out battle, so don’t take any offense when I claim victory here.” the long-haired Saiyan declares.

A dark aura surrounds Beelzebub. “It’s win/win for me anyway. I get to lure out the one who has my father no matter what. Beating you just means that I’m that much more ready to face him.” He spreads his legs slightly and powers up more. “I’ll try to not leave too many scars, physical or mental.”

The Saiyan’s hair goes gold as he transforms. “A couple more scars isn’t anything that worries me. Let’s do this!”

The two fighters launch at one another, the larger, taller one attempting to kick down at the smaller one. Beelzebub jumps up to dodge, a tail strike being intercepted by Raditz’s own tail grabbing it and tossing him away. The demon lands without much issue, bringing up his guard. “So, Suno’s the type to like scars too, huh?” he asks, blocking Raditz’s fist.

“Too?” Raditz repeats, unleashing a flurry of blows that Beelzebub keeps blocking. “Your little Princess has some kinks beyond the small, red, and boyish?”

“Oooh, low blow.” Beelzebub laughs as he ducks under and grabs Raditz’s legs, pulling the Saiyan off his feet and flinging him at a mountain. He stops for a moment to ponder the necessity of replicating so much natural landscape if it’s just going to end up ruined, but shrugs and guesses that it’s certainly flashier than usual.

A sphere of energy builds up above Raditz as he bursts through the mountain, the Saiyan flinging it down quickly at Beelzebub, the demon attempting to block it, only for Raditz to bolt towards him and kick him in the back into the blast, Beelzebub taking the full force of it. As it explodes, the demon prince flies over to a mountaintop, brushing himself off. “Sneaky.”

“I try not to underestimate my opponents.” He brings both his hands up, orbs of energy building up in each palm. “So take it as a compliment to your abilities!” Raditz brings both hands forth and fires off a massive pair of pink beams towards Beelzebub.

The demon prince doesn’t dodge, though. Instead he crosses his arms, then chops at the beams, knocking them both away. He then bolts at Raditz while the Saiyan is still firing the attack, ominous black energy surrounding his palms. Right in front of the Saiyan’s face, he claps them together, then pulls them apart, creating a net of energy from it and trapping the Saiyan in it. “Hope you’ve got more tricks than that, because otherwise this is going to be a quick fight.”

“Tch, you little...!” Raditz grunts as he struggles to break free from it.

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Beelzebub grabs the edge of the net and starts tossing Raditz around in it, each blow causing it to give off a small blast of energy inside to damage him further. Finally, the Saiyan spots an opening, letting off an Explosive Wave before he hits the ground again to break free and kicking Beelzebub in the face. As the demon prince is knocked away, Raditz gives a cocky smirk. “Well, there you go, something for your wife to treat later.”

“We’re not married yet, you know!” Beelzebub rubs his cheek and glares. “Don’t be like Maple.”

“Hah, fair. Suno and I took our time too. Ugh, and don’t get me started on little miss Matchmaker.” The Saiyan visibly shudders. “Tried to avoid her interference for as long as possible.”

“Hah, you know Misa was a little jealous of her before?” Beelzebub asks as he lunges back at Raditz. “She had a bit of a crush on your brother when he was little.”

“Funny, so did Suno.” Raditz admits in a quieter voice. “But she realized she was just a little outclassed pretty quickly.” The two of them lock fists, then pause for a moment. “...We should probably change subject.”

“I can already hear Misa tapping her foot in the distance.” the demon prince comments, shuddering.

The both of them back away, clearing their throats. “Besides, I’m quite happy with how we’ve ended up. Little Daikon gets stronger by the day.”

“...Yeah.” Beelzebub looks away, in the direction of Peppa and Videl’s battle. “Hope mine turns out a bit better.”

Raditz crosses his arms. “Hmn. Giving up on that one, huh?”

“Not much I can really do to change her at this point... this may be my last shot, really.” Beelzebub looks to Raditz with determination. “I need to be ready for facing my father.”

Raditz’s aura sparks as his hair spikes up high, transforming further. “Then I’ll give you my all. If you can handle this, you can handle him.”

Beelzebub’s dark aura returns as the demon grins. “Helping give me a bit of a confidence boost?”

“It’s a test to us both. If I can’t beat you, I’ll need to up my training to match Kakarot again.”

“Fine by me!”

A flurry of blows echo through the mountainous terrain, each fighter giving more and more of their best. Raditz nearly exhausts his skills trying to get the upper hand against Beelzebub, doing all he could match the demon prince’s relentless power and variety of skills... and finally pushing him to use his trump card.

“All right, that’s it!” He crosses his arms, index and middle fingers on both hands pointing upward. “Devilmite... Chains!” He holds both hands forward as chains of energy pin Raditz down.

“G-grah! Oh come on, again?!” He yells out, struggling to get free... only to feel the chains get heavier.

“Looks like you’ve still got a lot of baggage buried underneath everything.” Beelzebub tells Raditz coldly. “Sorry Raditz. But if you can’t conquer that, you’ve still got a ways to go before you’re able to beat me. HELL BLITZ!”

A blast of scarlet energy knocks him down, Raditz exhausted from the fight... and still pinned by the chains around him. “D-damn it... no!”

A count starts. Beelzebub bows respectfully to Raditz. “If you want to face Goku on his level, you’ll need to be able to over come these chains. Your brother managed this, Raditz. Some day, you’ll need to as well.”

So, would band-aids be a good investment, or would a sports bra be fine?
I like to think Raditz asked to keep the chains on until he figured it out, and it's already been a while.
Fuck that, ain't the time for self-reflection. Take those things off so he can lend a hand with these guys.
Could we get an Izumi move list as well, Kato?
Yeah, I'd like a skill list for her too.
I want one of Izzy's ultimates to be Shanoa's hyper attack https://youtu.be/PzCRWl7-1VI?t=128 but the last attack is Trunks' Heat Dome.
Certainly, will share it after this post.

Okay, we're back, with Izzy tonight!



Hoo boy. So this is quite the battle you’ve gotten yourself into. 19 keeps her calm, blank poker face as she takes her stance. She seems confident, but she’s not taking you lightly. Though, you can’t really sense how strong she is, you know that if she’s able to beat Launch she’s able to do some serious damage to you.

You notice her hold one hand forward while she brings the other back, the red jewel in her palm gleaming brightly. Ah, right. Bulma fixed those for her. That might explain it. Okay, strategize, quick. Energy attacks are risky around her as they might boost her power. But... maybe there’s a way to keep her from absorbing Ki.

>A. Try to freeze her hand!
>B. Solar Flare to get some distance!
>C. Clothes Beam! Give her gloves or something to cover her hands!
>D. Defense is the name of the game against her, keep your distance and guard against her attacks
>E. Close-quarters combat might be the best option for now, try and surprise her!
>F. Something else?
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And here's a movelist:


Kamehameha (All)
- Bending Kamehameha
- Kamehameha Boost Strike
Power Slicer (All)
Revenant Driver
Ki Jan Ken (All)
Geist Magnum (All)
Spirit Bits (6, Barrier, Fire/Ice/Lightning)
Izumi Combo (All)
Wide Shot
Ki Sense
Solar Flare (Light enhanced)
Explosive Wave (All)
Clothes Beam
Huricane Kick (Wind)
Will ‘O Wisp (Fire)
Fractal Strike (Ice)
Phantom Spark (Lightning)
Hydro Pulse (Water)
Photon Ray (Light)
Gravity Blow (Shadow)
Hydro Storm (Water + Light)
Glacier Surge (Water + Ice)
Antipode (Fire + Ice)

Iaigiri (Draw Cut)
Elemental Slash (Wind, Frost, Fire, Lightning, can combo)

Kaio-ken (x5 mastered)

ULT: Hell and Heaven (Light and Shadow)
>F. She might be getting thermal energy from this environment, let's freeze her hands.
On time today
Start simple. Let's get a feel for what she's capable of now compared to previous encounters
Actually, I wonder if upsetting the temperature of her mechanical body by having some of it frozen while she's in Lava World would make her hands warp?
Okay, I have a strategy, we heat her hands up by packing some lava into our ki blasts like a stone in a snowball, which should heat up her hands. Then, we try to freeze her hands to fuck them up.
Oh damn, she's got a lot.

Clothes Beam would be the best starter, see how she reacts to that first.
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All righty, roll me 4d20, best of three. DC for the first two is 16, DC for the last two is 17.
>A. Try to freeze her hand!
Rolled 16, 8, 10, 2 = 36 (4d20)

Rolled 14, 4, 12, 17 = 47 (4d20)

Rolled 2, 19, 3, 3 = 27 (4d20)

Passed three of them! Writing...
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Not bad so far. I just thought of a thing we could do if we enhance our ki with elements, the same concept could apply with lava and freezing her if she takes in alternating elements of ice and fire. Since Izzy wouldn't be able to have the mental flexibility required to rapid fire switch out kinds of ammo in her ki, I propose she spins to where she fires one kind of ki out of each hand, but since she's spinning the kinds of ki going to 19 will alternate.
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A drawback with this plan is that Izzy might wind up Dizzy.
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Okay, you’ve got an idea. Backing away, you first fire out a blast of Ice Magic at 19‘s hand, managing to freeze it and catching her by surprise. Next you yell out “CLOTHES BEAM!” as you trap the other in heavy boxing gauze. You keep gaining distance, trying to head to a nearby source of heat in Volcano Zone as she looks down.

“Clever.” she comments. “But this doesn’t help you as much as you think.” 19 flies towards you before you can start on the next step in your plan... and oh crap she’s MUCH faster than you! She kicks you across a canyon, and you realize that the heat source isn’t actual lava, just a warm, dense, viscous fluid. Okay, that makes sense. Why would they use ACTUAL lava here? Still... you’ve got an idea.

Stopping yourself on the other side of the canyon, you surprise 19 by instead heading down into it. She follows, darting down after you. You then bring up some of the fluid and surround it with a Ki blast, firing it up at 19. She holds out her frozen hand, the blast hitting it, the fluid inside melting the ice. You immediately fire another blast of Ice Magic at her hand to freeze it, then dash close to the top of the canyon.

“If you’re trying to prevent me from absorbing energy, you should come up with a better strategy.” 19 states. “These will not shatter easily, and I still have far more energy left to use.” Twin beams fire from her eyes, causing you to dodge away once more.

“You sure about that, 19?” you ask as you think over this strategy. Hrmn... at a certain point it might shatter, but if this isn’t real lava, it’s not going to be nearly as dense or hot as you need. Maybe your fire can work. “...Say, why do you still call yourself 19, anyway? You could go for a different name, you know. Like... I dunno, Nico! ...Dot?”

“19 is the name I recognize myself as.” she replies, eyes focused on you. “Even if it is the name Gero gave me, it is my decision to keep this designation. I will make it my own. Counter to Gero’s intentions.”

“Huh. That makes a lot of sense. Well, good then, you do you, girl!”

>A. Keep trying to damage her Ki absorbers, you’ve gotta be able to break them somehow
>B. Might be better to completely freeze her in place instead, that’ll give you the chance to hit her with a much stronger attack
>C. Hmm... maybe you can knock her down into the fake lava?
>D. You’ll need to match her speed. Raio-ken!
>E. Something else?
And follow up with Antipode!
>D. You’ll need to match her speed. Raio-ken!
Float like a cloud, sting like a bolt.
>E. Revenant Driver, but don't have it widen until she tries to catch it and then it can loop past her hands.
If we go with Spinning now, she'll know something is up, so best to End Task on that before it takes up too much memory.
Wait, is Revenant Driver just a Ring or is there some Stray Cat Explosion Bubble in the middle?
Pretty quiet tonight.
There is an extra sphere of energy in the middle of it.
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Okay, roll me 4d20, best of three! DC is 16 for the first three, 17 for the last!
Rolled 5, 6, 2, 18 = 31 (4d20)

Here we go
How's the arena? Is it craggy with lots of hiding places, or smoother like a caledra?
Rolled 15, 1, 17, 4 = 37 (4d20)

Craggy, with a few small canyons and the like spread around the arena.
Rolled 18, 6, 1, 1 = 26 (4d20)

No prob. And... well, you passed three of them! But this'll hurt a bit.
Aw dang
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>the state of Izumi
>back to back 1's
Ouch. Gearing up for a long night. Izzy struggles solo, but it might help to play smart and try some zone control.

It may be a good to utilize the Spirit Bits in the blind spots around the arena. Set them and lead 19 around to avoid getting grabbed like we are now, then hit her with fire and ice. Or something.

You dash backwards, bringing both hands forward. Okay, time to change things up a bit! Water and Ice! “Take this!” you yell out as you blast forth a torrent of freezing water, encasing 19 in ice. Got her! “You’re going down!” you yell out as you try to deliver a hammer blow to knock her into the fake lava below.

Twin beams shoot out of the ice encasing her, hitting both your arms and knocking you back. 19 breaks free from the ice and then knees you in the gut, following it up with a headbutt and a grapple as she knees you in the gut again, then tosses YOU into the fluid below. You splash into it...

...And then burst out of it yelling in pain, using the Raio-ken to get out quicker. “OW! OW! OW! HOT! HOOOT!” Okay that isn’t lava but it sure as heck is hotter than you were expecting. You land on the other side of the canyon, trying to get any of the red-hot gunk off of you. Looking back you see 19 removing the boxing gauze you put in her other hand.

Curiously, she then places both of her hands behind her back. “If these are such a distraction for you, I could fight you without using my arms.” she states in her usual monotone.

...Is she taunting you? She’s taunting you. Okay, no more miss nice Izzy! Using the Raio-ken, you bolt up and try to get behind her, dashing around... and getting knee’d in the gut again. But this time you’re ready. You bring both hands forward, Fire and Ice Magic in each palm. “ANTIPODE!”

The raw shock of the attack catches her by surprise, flames and frost clashing around her. You back away again and then follow it up by clapping your hands together, forming a sphere of Ki with a ring around it between them. “REVANANT DRIVER!”

The blast manages to connect, but only barely, as 19 recovers and then hits you again with her eye beams, knocking you to the ground. This... is not going your way.

>A. Enhanced Solar Flare! Blind her!
>B. Spirit Bits, get all six out and use them as traps!
>C. Clothes Beam again, bind her completely so you can get a solid hit in
>D. Need to kick this up a notch! Kaio-ken!
>E. Kamehameha, bend it around if she tries to absorb it!
>F. Something else?
...Second time now it's lost the pic when I tried to post. Weird.
>B. Spirit Bits, get all six out and use them as traps!
>Fighting without using her hands? This stings the pride.
>F. "No need, if I can't best you at your best then I don't belong here."
>A. "And I don't belong here!"
>B. Spirit Bits, get all six out and use them as traps!
Solar Flare, get distance
Spirit Bits, but enhance each one with a different element.
Shadow Magic enhanced Kamehameha!
A. is blinding her and running away.
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Okay, roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 16 for all!
>F. Keep two bits on you for support, defense, and bait.
Hopefully Izzy's got a good mental map of the arena.
Rolled 9, 10, 16 = 35 (3d20)

Rolled 17, 15, 11 = 43 (3d20)

Rolled 8, 18, 5 = 31 (3d20)

Passed all of them! Writing...
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I'm slow tonight. But more than ready for some FANNELS
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The longer you fight like this, the more she’s going to be able to outlast you. You need to fight smarter. Hmm... there are things she can’t absorb. Going to need to take advantage of that. Powering up, you take your stance. “Don’t hold back against me. I need to be able to beat you at your best! If I can’t, I don’t belong here!”

She brings her hands forward, raising an eyebrow curiously. “If you insist. Is it no longer a distraction for you?”

“Yeah. Speaking of... SOLAR FLARE!” you yell out as you amplify the effects of it further with Light Magic. That overloads her sensors momentarily, and gives you the chance you need! You bring out your Spirit Bits, and load each one of them with a different form of Magic, bolting four of them down to act as traps to use against 19.

She recovers her vision rather quickly, but your traps are set. She notices them, but seems to take no issue with them spread out, instead trying to focus on you, and the two you’ve saved for defensive use. She brings her hand forward, rapid firing a series of blasts at you, that you manage to dodge, moving closer to her to get her to start chasing for you.

And that’s when you can start setting off your traps. As her attention is cut between you and the Spirit Bits around her, you start firing off one after the other, comboing with each attack, aiming carefully with them so she doesn’t absorb any energy. One strikes her in the leg with Fire, catching the cloth and causing her to put it out, right in time with you to follow up with a Wind-boosted kick that knocks her away, and into the Spirit Bit you’ve fueled with Wind, knocking her right back!

19 attempts to predict the next attack, bringing her palm forward to block it, only for you to infuse the Ki Jan Ken with Lightning to strike and stun her, following that up with a shot of Ice to freeze her in place. And now, the Izumi Combo, boosted with Fire! That knocks her around some more, and as she finally manages to guard against the last strike, you hit her in the back with a Lightning-boosted Spirit Bit hidden in a crevasse behind her!

She’s stunned in place, and you flip away, bringing your hands back to charge up a Kamehameha. She tries her eye beams once more, only for the two Bits guarding you to take the hit instead. You’ll need something a bit more for this, though. Aha, that’s it! “Take this! Kamehameha!” You thrust your hands forward, the blue beam blasting forward, but with a darkened “core” to it. 19‘s stun starts to wear off as she brings her hand forward, attempting to absorb the beam. You immediately turn the beam upwards and then direct it back down at her, hitting the robot girl from above.

“YEEAAAAHHH! THAT’S MY GIRL! KICK HER BUTT IZZY!” you somehow hear your mother shout out, looking up at where she is among the crowds. Mooom...

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“That was an impressive attempt.” 19 tells you, her body twitching. “It seems that my defenses against Magic aren’t quite as up to par as I’d expected. That last blow especially seems to have left a mark. ” You notice both her arms down, slumped, twitching.

“Shadow Magic’s tricky like that. You’re going to be a bit slower for a while.” Your aura sparks around you. “I’ve got the advantage again.”

19 smiles. “So you think.”

>A. Kaio-ken!
>B. Gravity Blow!
>C. Hydro Storm!
>D. Get in close and chop down at her! Wide Shot!
>E. Wait for her to get close again, then hit her with a Shadow-boosted Explosive Wave!
>F. Something else?
>F. Go in for a hurricane kick but do that Spinning Snowball Hellfire Flurry Thing*

*name pending
Is there a way for us to boost up the Magic with our Ki? Pump more energy into a spell and make it hit harder?
I mean, try to do the hurricane kick, but have it lead into the fire ice spin.
You could. They use about the same source, hence why you can enhance your Ki attacks with Magic.
Goldion Hammer-Blow!
Kidding. She's smiling, that has me nervous. Stay on your toes, Izzy!
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Okay, roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 15 for the first two, 16 for the last!
Rolled 16, 13, 8 = 37 (3d20)

Come on Izzy!
Rolled 6, 9, 12 = 27 (3d20)

I just had a thought: Us mixing light and dark together produces an explosion, right? Would it be as unstable inside an android's engine?

Rolled 12, 1, 14 = 27 (3d20)

Rolled 5, 20, 4 = 29 (3d20)

get outta here janemba
Oof. Passed one, but this'll hurt a bit.

Ooh, so close!

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I'm gonna refrain from rolling the next one.

In the meantime, grit y'all'ses teeth while she gives us a taste of the D.
Go for the redemption arc. Izzy's done well either way.
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Nah, I'm gonna bitch about how Best of 5 was better
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While she’s still slowed, you take your chance to charge forward, a shadowy mass building up between your palms. And for a little bit more oomph, you pump some more Ki into it. “Here goes! Gravity Blow!” 19‘s forced to take it face-on, the attack connecting and forcing her down. She struggles to stand, only able to get up on one knee to keep a count from starting. Okay, you’ve got your chance! “HYDRO-”

“HAAA!” 19 yells out, firing beams from her hands to rocket herself up, interrupting your attack as she headbutts you in the gut. Worse, as heavy as you’ve made her because of the Gravity Blow, that seems like it’s only made this hit even harder, almost knocking the wind out of you. You clutch your stomach as you see her back up, then move above you and deliver a dive-kick that knocks you down. Her arms still seem limp, but it’s clear that she can still give off energy from them. Need to-


Why does it suddenly feel warm a-OH COME ON NOT AGAIN!

You’re dunked into the fluid once more, leaping out of it and shouting out in pain again, trying to get it off before your clothes catch fire. “HOT HOT HOT HOT HOOOOT!”

19 softly giggles above you. “You are certainly an interesting fighter, Izumi. You’ve helped me realize many weaknesses I still possess. Thank you.”

You sort of pout at her, but stand your ground at the edge of the canyon, 19 landing on the other side. “Well, glad that you’re able to find this funny.”

“I find many things ‘funny.’ Though I must admit that apparently not all are appropriate.” she replies... still smiling. Her arms twitch a little as she seems to try to move them again. Okay, you’ve still got a chance!

Using the Raio-ken, you try to get behind her, trying to deliver one more Hurricane Kick to her, boosting it even further with Fire and Ice magic... only for the kick to not hit her directly. It clashes against a barrier. Oh come on! 19 looks back at you. “Gotcha.”


“I was saving it for the right occasion.” The barrier lowers as she finally regains use of her arms. She grabs on to your leg before you can pull it away and knocks you into the canyon wall, and you even feel just a tiny bit of your Ki drained out from that grab. Damn it! 19 crosses her arms as she looks down at you. “Are you sure you wish to continue, Izumi? I still have a significant amount of my strength left, and you have sustained a significant amount of damage. I do not wish to cause you any additional pain if you are ready to throw in the towel.”

>A. ...You know what. Yeah. You win this, 19. Good match
>B. As if I’d give up now! Ive got PLENTY of tricks left!
>C. Spirit Bits again. Try to hide them under the liquid this time, then force 19 down into it!
>D. Explosive Wave when she tries to attack again, two can play at this game!
>E. Kiai down at the fluid and try to direct it up at her!
>F. Hell and Heaven!
>G. Something else?
>F. Hell and Heaven!
This is a Hail Satan throw, if those two elements can't short out her engine, we're toast.
We go down fighting.
Last resort to distract her
>B. As if I’d give up now! I've got PLENTY of tricks left!
>Last chance for that fire and ice spinny thing I came up with
>F. Hell and Heaven!
I'd like to say B, but we this is basically a desperate move
>trying to deliver one more Hurricane Kick to her, boosting it even further with Fire and Ice magic
Why are we wasting energy boosting the hurricane kick with fire and ice magic? Did you get what I was intending?
Okay, this is it! 2d20, best of three! DC is 14 for both!

Sorry, from your wording it seemed like you wanted to combine them all.
Rolled 14, 5 = 19 (2d20)

No no no, I wanted to use the spinning motion of the hurricane kick to lead into us spinning so we could do my idea.
Rolled 5, 3 = 8 (2d20)

Come on, we can win this!
Rolled 16, 6 = 22 (2d20)

Passed one!

And sorry, misunderstood that. Writing...
Well... no critfail at least?
I should've picked something better to do than the hurricane kick.

Hey, from now on, can any write-ins for a fighting move require at least one other anon's backing to be included? I as an individual have doomed us pretty good, and it would be better for me if the blame could be placed on more shoulders.

On one hand, I like coming up with cool writeins, but on the other hand this guilt... aaand, all it seems to take is one anon voting a write-in to shoot a laser at Super 17 for it to go through and screw us over.
I try to be reasonable with what options go in, but I understand your concern.


You’re not throwing in the towel without giving your absolute best. This is it, one chance to hit her with your best shot! You power up, building light and darkness in each palm. With all your might, you burst forth towards 19, yelling out, “HELL! AND! HEEAAAAVEEN!”

The attack hits her before she can bring up her barrier again, blasting with full force, exploding with powed that sends you both away. You bounce twice across the ground, landing on your back for a moment, drained, but not down. You roll over and push yourself up. Where’s 19? She took the blast head-on, and that was enough to send Kibito down... but there’s no easy ring-outs here.

“What a spectacular attack! Izumi Mahogany has sent Number 19 down! We’ll start the count now! One... two... three!”

Finally, you catch sight of 19, laying on her stomach, prone. You sit back, rubbing your own stomach. Oww. That’s going to leave a bruise or... like, five. Still, looks like it’s finally over. You’ve won this!

“Six... sev-! Wait, what’s this?”

19‘s right arm moves, then her left. Both of them plant firmly on the ground, and then push her up. She looks back at you, heavily damaged, yes... but still able to move. Crap. Crap she’s up! That was your best shot and she survived it! Now what? Can you even manage another attack like that?

“You have surpassed my expectations.” 19 tells you... with a less monotone, and more, well, sincere voice. She seems... happy. “I can understand better why Chiaotzu lost to you now.”

You rub the back of your neck. “W-well... part of it was the teamwork-”

“And,” she interrupts. “I can see why you made it through the preliminary round.”

Huh. She really is praising your ability. “...So I take it you’re still ready to fight?” you ask hesitantly. Ah crap.

“I am still capable of fighting, yes. Are you, Izumi?”

I have one last trick up my sleeve.
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You sit back, thinking over your answer to her question. Okay, yes, that was your best move. But while it didn’t keep her down for the count, it did a number on her. You might be able to wear her down a bit more, then try for one more finishing blow. But if you do, you’d be running on empty for the fight after this. Crossing your arms, you think carefully. Aunt Maple is full of techniques and surprises, and she’s even stronger than you or 19, but there’s that Kai guy she’s fighting too, and he might not be too happy with you kicking Kibito’s butt. How’s that fight going, anyway?

Sensing around, you notice that they... haven’t really expended all that much energy. In fact, they’re barely doing more than sparring... wait, no, they’re training. The heck? Hrmn... Peppa’s won against Videl, and you think... oh hey, did Gohan beat Chuu Lee?! Oh wow, good on him! ...And bad for you. Crap, that’s another tough fight ahead. Hmm... and there’s Vegeta over there too, he’s won his match and feels like he has energy to spare. Meanwhile Piccolo-

Piccolo’s Ki just dropped like a rock. You jolt to your feet as you sense someone else in the arena with him and Ledgic. And... another. And another. Agh, there’s a bunch of them! Crap, now what?! ...Wait, who is that off in the distance?

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Throw them at ask.fm/QMKato and I'll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that's all for tonight. We’ll continue tomorrow starting~ 5:30 pm PST! I’ll be around for a bit for some questions if y’all have any. Did y’all have fun?
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Okay, so it all relies on if Cash splurged on Pumice rock for the arena. There is a body of water nearby, so we just might be able to will it up through the stone with telekinesis and water magic and then trap her in an iceberg.
Yeah, if that happened it would then come down to our last reserves and sheer willpower imbuing the ice with enough ki for it to hold against an Android. Hopefully a judge would count it as a pin and start a count.

So what do y'all think of that plan? Do you like it?
Okay, given the lack of response, I'm guessing that's a no. Also, I can't recall if a tourney match has ever been won by pinning for a ten count. Probably not.
Great times were had Kato! Izzy put up one hell of a fight. Guess we can call it a tie for now though. 19's an interesting opponent, and nice to see how she's developed. Back to Peppa tomorrow?

Eh, could work.
Something that could go awry with it is if 19 can still absorb energy in that ice. It's the last chance for the heating-freezing to warp her absorbers.

I wish I could have seen Izzy do my idea with spinning to make those absorbers go haywire or bust, but it had zero support from other people so it's fine.
What does Hydro Storm do?
She could shoot lasers out of her eyes and fingers at us, but I bet if we used some Light magic we could make her see an illusion or mirror image while we're on the other side of the iceberg. Should keep her occupied for at least five seconds.
Piss off Dracula.

While 19 does have pale skin and dresses like they did a century ago and absorbs our energy, I'm not 100% sure she's a vampire.

Hell, we could use that plan in tandem with 19 to deal with Smurfette, she absorbs the ki, and we keep her frozen to hold her in place.
Y'know, Hydro Storm only got one vote as well, but it was included. I think this inclusiveness might be detrimental to us, if we have 1 DC on a thing that most people voted up it's a safe and popular bet, but then we have to worry about every other thing that got 1 vote and it could go well if we succeed, but these other DCs are liabilities that can damage us and waste our ki and stamina.

>Gravity Blow wins the majority vote, sound tactics, succeeds at dice roll
>Hydro Storm and Hurricane Kick both unsound tactics, Izzy's not currently fighting demons and the QM has an idea of what the unclear wrote-in Hurricane Kick could be aiming to accomplish, fellow anons don't care for the plan regardless.
>Both critfail, with one vote behind each of them. Izzy gets wrecked by android girl, but Gravity Blow goes off.

These 1-vote DCs also have the same weight as the majority DCs, an equal chance to screw us over because they have the same amount of rolls and the equal chance to roll a 1 and damage us.

Could the number of votes an option gets determine how many rolls it gets?
Before y'all tell me off for bitching at what's been a good thing so far, just let me point out that Izzy isn't losing because she wasn't strong enough or plain unlucky, it was because the inclusive system we're using to make dramatic fights forced her into doing too many actions, no matter how unsupported or unpopular they were, which they were for a reason.

Izzy needs to think with her head to get ahead, and she can't do that if every thought in her head gets at least one brain cell pushing it to the forefront. Using ki moves that won't be good for the situation will waste our ki, failing and fending off the opponent will waste our stamina, and critfailing will waste our HP.
Let's not.
>Like... I dunno, Nico! ...Dot?
What do you propose instead of the "Best of Number of Votes"? Like, Kato could just not take any unpopular votes, options that only got one vote, and write-ins then only get in when supported by peers?

It's a system that could work, but it wouldn't be very encouraging of creativity. On the other hand, maybe some worthy creative ideas would be demanding of support to get in. But yeah, the best
But yeah, the best of vote # system would give our decisions as much weight as we put behind them. The popular options are what we invest the most in, could roll 1s and that'd be terrible, but we could also assure our success with more rolls. And the unpopular options can also get in but they wouldn't be as important unless they roll a 1 with best of 1 odds.
How about we not try to change things every time we have a few bad rolls against a tough opponent? Some of us might not be able to partake in the later threads due to our timezones but at least for me personally I'd prefer just keeping things consistent.
It's because of those bad rolls that I see the flaws in this system, if every vote gets in we'll waste energy trying to do them all and sooner or later roll a 1 on doing the thing only one person wanted.
Or we just got a few bad rolls. It happens.
Bad rolls are whatever, punishments for unpopular votes are another thing.
Christ. Fine, how about instead if there's a genuinely unpopular option, we veto or something?
Because I would like to get on with the roll in a timely matter. I believe that if something isn't supported by the majority of people, it shouldn't make the cut on what gets rolled on.
All it takes is one or two people saying "let's not" to an option. It's not that complicated.
And many more posts of banter from that option's defender and the naysayers over "Let's Do" and "Let's Not," which could be good if we were a more talkative group at crunch time.
Whatever. Try not to drag this out later then.
It's a recipe for widespread negativity among the voters, I think it's best to just trust that the popular options win and the other ones don't, we don't need those participation trophies getting the same amount of impact as the popular option.

All I can hope is that Kato changes the voting system to accommodate her dice system (Only Popular Options) or changes the dice system to accommodate her voting system (Best of Vote #). Thanks for discussing this with me so I could get it out there.

I sleep through one session...and Izzy did okay!

I'm surprised she doesn't have a Water + Lightning move...

I'd call it...Electrical Current Stream!
She did aight, could've done more with less IMO.

What do y'all think, are my concerns valid or am I just yelling at a cloud?
The hell you on about?
Yer Grandpa Simpson, mate.
>The hell you on about?

Hot diggity!
I'm fine with the current system.

My shitty write-ins get ignored all the time.
No they don't, even mine get in most of the time unless it's something lewd.
Why do you do that?
I like bugging Kato every once in a while.
Kinda rude, mate.

Tbh, I think all I do is make "blissfully unaware" double entendres.
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>I'm fine with the current system.
So, what do you like about the current system? It just works for you?
We don't need to change things.
We do, it's just a question of whether most of y'all don't want to.

>We don't need to change things.

I second that.

If you don't want something to be apart of the post, don't suggest it.
I want other people to support the things I suggest first.
If no one else likes my ideas, they don't go through.
We don't. Things are working fine.
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Anon, I don't like your idea.

I don't want to see it go through.
Which one, "Only Popular Options" or "Best of Vote #"
Changing the format would probably require a change in the way the story comes together. If that's the case, due consideration should be given to what Kato feels comfortable with as well. A better route that we could actually manage right now would be to talk strategy with other players, or make suggestions that are based in moves we've built up and practiced over time. Sometimes, that means we'll lose, especially in a bad matchup.

If you're absolutely dead set on making suggestions to shake things up, it might help make things clearer to go with a general offense/defense/evasion/technical/gamble choice structure. The suggested moves would be added on, rather than a move list. That would allow for a lot of freedom, but would still put the onus on Kato to parse through and find what works. And it would require the players giving up a bit of direction in turn.
Okay, that sounds good and all, but I don't see how that applies to changing our dice or voting systems to where not everyone has to carry the load of one voter.
I say it doesn't really need to be changed.
And why do you say it doesn't need changing?
Because it's working out for us so far. I'm not going to be discouraged by a few bad rolls. I'll wait for Kato to weigh in before I say more.
If an option in the minority gets in the same pot as options in the majority, the whole voting process isn't working out for us. We may as well pick all of the options Kato presents and roll dice instead of figuring out what to do.
Glad you had fun! And indeed, we're back with Peppa tonight, though we'll have an additional important vote.

Similar to >>3101176
But works against all opponents, though it does extra damage to more demonic foes.

Sorry about that. Wish I could run earlier, but I've still got work and stuff.

And okay, I'm sorry for the delay, I took my time to read through this discussion. If y'all absolutely want to make some alterations to this, we can wait until when this thread is over. We are not changing things in the middle of this though. That agreeable?
Yeah that's fine.
Only one person wants to change.

The majority doesn't.

By anon's own logic this should be done with.
It's agreeable, but I'm with Swordanon >>3102937
Preemptive vote against changing.
We need to change, I hope I've managed to convince others of this.
Because you can't be focused on offense and defense at the same time? I'd wager that more actions are included per post to help hustle the battles along, so you need more individual rolls that could hamper the pace of the battle, or a generic battle stance that gets written around.
There is no perfect system, but there are things we as players can do to help smooth rough patches. It might be best to start there, and then address the system if there are still difficulties.
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Okay. We're back to Peppa then.


“Surprising you saw that coming. Looks like I was right to keep an eye on you.” a man who looks like Kougeki comments smugly. He has white pants and a black, open shirt with large, poofy shoulders and red sash on it, a sword on his hip, and a purple bandanna contrasting his red hair and blue skin... and you can see the edges of that “M” symbol under it. “You’ll give plenty of energy, little girl.”

“How about no.” you reply as you power up. “You’re going to leave now. Or else this interruption is going to go south for you very, VERY quickly.”

“PEPPA!” your brother yells out, running in after him. He looks exhausted still, guess that fight with Teach did a number on him.

“Gohan, he’s after our energy! Stay alert or else we might end up like Piccolo!”

And as if right on cue, you sense Ledgic start to fly off. Crap, he’s getting away! But you’ve still got to deal with this guy too. Agh, damn it, what to-?

‘Gohan, Izzy, Ghost Pepper, tell me you all are okay!’ mom’s voice asks in your mind.

“Yeah I’m okay. What is going on?!” you yell out both at the man before you and Gohan and to mom.

‘Okay, okay. Long story short, the Supreme Kai here has been tracking a dangerous wizard named Babidi who is trying to resurrect another Majin. This one’s name is Buu. I can give the full story soon, but for now we need people here to stop Bojack’s gang from causing more mayhem. I’ll be going with the Supreme Kai to stop Buu’s resurrection. Don’t let them drag the fights out, that symbol on their heads is for more than just show, the more energy you expend the more goes to Babidi’s magic.’

“...There’s a ‘Supreme’ Kai?” Gohan asks aloud.

>A. Why do you have to go? We need you here, mom!
>B. Understood, I’ll kick their butts!
>C. Can you handle this guy, Gohan? We’ll have our match when this is over, promise!
>D. Wait, mom, lemme come with! You’ll need all the help you can get!
>E. Something else?


Gohan and Izumi, stay at the Tournament or go with Maple? I’d suggest at least one of them going, but the choice is yours.
>B. Understood, I’ll kick their butts!
>E. "Will scalping their foreheads deal with that? Nevermind, I'll find out soon."
>B. Understood, I’ll kick their butts!
>E. Gohan, mom needs back up. I'll be okay.

Like I voted, I'll suggest Gohan go and Izumi stick with us.
I wanna rest easy with the knowledge that Izumi and 19 froze Zangya with the boiling water in that Pumice arena and sucked her energy up if that's fine with y'all. Or at least attempted to.

Gohan doesn't seem to have a pressing matter besides Kougeki showing up, so after he gets Teach some place safe he should be good to go with her.
>E. "Mom, does your curse breaker work on those M's?"
See this is where I'd go 'Downvote on E.' with the rules you wanted, because you're not being funny.
I never suggested downvoting.
I'd say stay.
Supporting these:
Gohan can make the decision to go, while Izzy helps 19.
Those rules were for combat actions as well, since there's no DC for talking yet. Plus, Kato has and will cherrypick dialogue she likes, so it probably won't make it if it's too extreme or OOC.
Still kinda annoying.
If it's Maple, Gohan will be a good fit to tank and draw attention. Izzy can provide support here.
Seriously, did you read all of what I wrote, or was there a point where you went, "That's cute, AngryAnon's getting angry again! Time to say no to what he says," and then scrolled down to the bottom to reply?

Also, why is forcibly removing the tattoos by hand a joke to you? You don't know if it will work or not, we have to at least ask.
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You power up. “Understood, I’ll kick their butts! Stay safe, mom!”

Gohan looks towards you, then the intruder. He smiles. “...Sis, I’m going to back mom up. We’ll have our match another time, promise. Stay safe. We’ll be back before you know it!”

“G-Gohan!” you yell out as your brother heads off. “...Good luck.” You sense a number of other fighters go with them, while a few are still in the area. Dad, Izzy, the injured Piccolo, yourself... and Vegeta. Looking at the screens, you notice 19‘s still with Izzy, facing another one of these Galaxy Soldiers. Teach you sense has teleported away... ah, she’s going to Korin’s for some Senzu Beans! Smart. Meanwhile some of the defeated fighters like Videl and Raditz are off to get healed up.

The swordfighter smugly smirks at Gohan as he flies off. “So he shows his true colors after all.” He turns to face you. “At least you are not a coward like him.”

You glare at your opponent. “Tell me your name. I wanna know exactly whose ass I’ll be kicking for that slight against my brother.”

“I am Kogu, the Devilish Blade!” he draws his sword. “And your power will go to fuel the resurrection of Majin Buu!” His power grows, seems like he might almost be a match for you as a Super Saiyan. Almost.

As you take your stance, you telepathically ask Maple, ‘Momma Bird, does your Curse Breaker work against that symbol? Over.’

‘I believe so, Ghost Pepper. Beelzebub and I have a certain target in mind, and we don’t want to tip them off until we’ve got a shot at him. Over.’

‘Copy that. Gonna kick this Kogu guy’s butt now. Ghost Pepper out!’

>A. Just so you know, Kogu. Gohan and I have beat a Majin before. Want a taste of how that happened? (Go Super Saiyan)
>B. Blitz around him with the Raio-ken! Try and get him to follow as you make your way closer to where that Bojack guy is!
>C. Keep away from him and don’t let him get close at all costs, avoiding getting stabbed like Piccolo was is top priority!
>D. Dig under the ground when he tries to attack, then catch him by surprise!
>E. Something else?
Where's Uncle Acer at?

He needs to compare swords with this guy.

>C. Keep away from him and don’t let him get close at all costs, avoiding getting stabbed like Piccolo was is top priority!
>D. Dig under the ground when he tries to attack, then catch him by surprise!
>E. Something else?

Ask about his sword. Is it devilish or is that just his technique?
>E. Pop our Power Pole out
Supporting >>3103117
Why would the tunneling option come up if we're keeping our distance? That would involve waiting for him to come to us, then going to where he is, point is that tunneling puts us in his poke range.
>C. Keep away from him and don’t let him get close at all costs, avoiding getting stabbed like Piccolo was is top priority!
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>Where's Uncle Acer at?
>He needs to compare swords with this guy.
Maybe Babidi put him and all the other onlookers in a slumber.
Digging to dodge.
What does that mean? You can't just say something simpler and expect me to get it, elaborate.
dig to dodge

dig dodge

Dig under, dodge away, keep using it to trick him and get some distance.
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f*** right off

f*** off


Ah, so Whack-a-Monkey. Could work.
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Rolled 17, 6, 19 = 42 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 13 for all!
Rolled 9, 11, 11 = 31 (3d20)

Rolled 2, 20, 20 = 42 (3d20)

That's a bad sign.

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Rolled 19, 8, 15 = 42 (3d20)

Rolled 15, 12, 6 = 33 (3d20)

Well, off to a great start tonight! Writing...
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Damn Peppa, calm down
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You move around carefully, watching his movements. You need to avoid getting stabbed like Piccolo, but you also can’t afford to engage him too much. Gotta think this over carefully. What to do...? Aha! Got a plan!

“Come little girl, let’s see how long it takes before you start to cry!” he yells out, dashing at you, trying to grapple you. You dodge away with ease, backflipping onto a tree. Kogu fires off another red Ki blast, only for you to deflect it away once more. He fires again and again, with you deflecting each ont expertly. He stops, then tries to blast the tree you’re in instead, only for you to deflect it right back at him, striking his arm. Kogu rubs where you hit. “I see. You intend to hold back against me? A grave mistake!”

With his sword drawn, you leap down and stand in front of the tree, pulling your arm back. As Kogu dashes at you, trying to stab you with his sword, you surprise him by forming a Ki drill with your fist and smashing it into the ground at the last second, forcing him to stab into the tree as you tunnel underneath. You get your distance and burst out of the ground. “I’m just playing smart. I know what you’re trying to do, and I know what I can do to prevent it.” The Ki drill swirls with power. “Come on, hit me if you can!”

His irritation begins to build, as you start to play a game of whack-a-mole with him, popping in and out of the ground as he blasts away, taunting the Heran each time he misses. Kogu tries to stab at you again, and that’s even easier for you to dodge. You keep this up for a bit, and finally, when he looks like he’s about to finally stab at you, you use the Ki drill to knock it out of his hand and duck down once more. When you pop out, you ask, “So is that thing actually like, genuinely devilish or something, or is it more of a devilish technique or something? Because either way, looks like it’s more talk than show.” Huh, wonder what uncle Acer thinks about that thing. He’s good with swords.

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“My blade is not just for show! Do not mock me, little girl!” Kogu’s confident demeanor is gone and instead replaced with frustration. “You are just asking for me to make you cry and scream for mercy. HRRRAAAAHHH!” The jewelry around his body glows for a moment, reflecting his increasing Ki, as he powers up even more... wait, more than that. He’s transforming! Kogu’s black shirt is shredded away as his muscle mass increases, his skin going from the blueish teal to a brighter green, his hair deepening in color, a much darker red now. And to top it all off, his power’s much higher than before. Double... no, more than that! Crap, this could get ugly.

>A. Two can play at this game. And believe me, mine’s better! This is a Super Saiyan!
>B. Raio-ken, up your speed to match his increase in power, and keep frustrating him with your dodging
>C. See if you can start getting him to hit himself with his own attacks! Not gonna get any of YOUR energy if the only thing that hurts him is himself!
>D. Draw him into the next Zone, see if you can meet up with dad with whoever he’s fighting!
>E. Something else?
>B. Raio-ken, up your speed to match his increase in power, and keep frustrating him with your dodging
>D. Draw him into the next Zone, see if you can meet up with dad with whoever he’s fighting!
>B. Raio-ken, up your speed to match his increase in power, and keep frustrating him with your dodging
>C. See if you can start getting him to hit himself with his own attacks! Not gonna get any of YOUR energy if the only thing that hurts him is himself!
>E. Take the Power Pole out of the capsule we keep it in and start hitting him at a range.
>B. Raio-ken, up your speed to match his increase in power, and keep frustrating him with your dodging
>C. See if you can start getting him to hit himself with his own attacks! Not gonna get any of YOUR energy if the only thing that hurts him is himself!
>B, C, D.
Save Super Saiyan for later, don't tap into it just yet.
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Rolled 2, 2, 7 = 11 (3d20)

Okay! One more roll of 3d20, best of three! DC is 14 for all this time!
Rolled 5, 9, 9 = 23 (3d20)

Hope we do better than whoever that was.
Rolled 9, 17, 5 = 31 (3d20)

Pfft I'm not rolling again tonight.
Rolled 20, 2, 7 = 29 (3d20)

Rolled 7, 13, 7 = 27 (3d20)

Passed two! Nice! Writing...
I did one better.

Well, no need to let him see just how strong you are yet. Your aura sparks around you as you yell out “RAIO-KEN!” and bolt around Kogu, dashing from side to side as you lead him out of the torn up Zone you’re in and into the one Gohan and Chuu Lee were fighting in. ‘Dad, moving in on your location, how you holding up?’

‘Doing well so far, but these guys are tougher than they look! Don’t let up, Peppa!’

‘Guess we’ll have to save our match for after we take these bozos down!’ You enter into a forest, with chunks of it torn away, Kogu slashing away the trees that you lead him through, trying to slash at you. He’s certainly quicker than you were expecting, but his movement is also sluggish compared to you. Kogu’s quick, sure, but not quick enough to match your skills.

“STOP DODGING YOU BRAT!” Kogu yells, tossing a larger Ki blast at you. Smirking you not just deflect it, but manage to deflect it right back at him, knocking him down. Oooh, that sets him off. “THAT’S IT!” He brings his hand back, a larger sphere of energy forming, then suddenly shrinking down. As he thrusts it forward, it explodes into several smaller Ki blasts, all of them aiming at you.


Each and every one that comes towards you, you deflect right back at him, knocking him away. Mockingly, you add, “Stop hitting yourself, Kogu!” and fly away. You then reach the next Zone, sensing dad in there, and make your way towards him, entering a mountainous area with several craters scattered throughout. Dad’s facing off against another one of them, a man with a beard and mohawk, and what looks like...


Is he wearing his underwear on the outside of his pants? If not, what the heck is that? It looks ridiculous! And just what is-?

“PEPPA, WATCH OUT!” dad yells as he blocks the man’s attack, the Heran smirking and raising up his other hand.

You sense something underneath your feet, the ground exploding from under you, knocking you into the air. Not your best moment, should’ve seen that coming. Kogu heads in after you, thoroughly pissed, as you and dad back up, back-to-back as you both face them. “So, what’s been your plan on fighting these guys, dad? I’ve been getting this guy to hit himself with his own attacks”

“Trying not to use too much energy, but they’re pretty tough. We’ll need a solid opening to take them out.” He looks back at you. “Hit ‘em as a Super Saiyan?”

>A. Super Saiyan!
>B. No, save it for later, let’s get these guys to attack one another!
>C. Combo with me, dad!
>D. Drill into the ground again, see if you can keep that guy from using any more of those surprise attacks
>E. Energy Attack!
>F. Something else?
>F. Tag opponents!
>D. Drill into the ground again, see if you can keep that guy from using any more of those surprise attacks
>B. No, save it for later, let’s get these guys to attack one another!

I wonder if we could deflect that attack at Kogu?
>B & C.
Time hits so when they hit each other, we hit them too.
>B. No, save it for later, let’s get these guys to attack one another!
>C. Combo with me, dad!
>A. Super Saiyan!
>F. If it's heavy on physical and magic, think our ki will be safer?
A melee thunderclap in the face sounds nice, if we can manage it.
Or if everyone is voting otherwise, at least voice the idea for later.
Rolled 10, 16, 13 = 39 (3d20)

Okay, roll me 4d20, best of three! DC is 14 for all!
Rolled 2, 20, 3, 10 = 35 (4d20)

We could probably make them attack one another pretty easily with Instant Transmission.

Rolled 19, 2, 3, 2 = 26 (4d20)

Rolled 17, 1, 15, 7 = 40 (4d20)

Here we go!
Rolled 2, 17, 4 = 23 (3d20)

Very nice! Passed three of them! Writing...
Hey, can I storytime a bit of this manga real quick?
We're doing pretty well tonight.
Pastebin it
I can't pastebin images!
A picture is worth a thousand words. Get writing.
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“Save it for later. I’ve got a plan.” You look back at dad, telling him telepathically, ‘We trick them into hitting each other. Combo with me?’

He nods. “Let’s do this, Peppa!”

You and your father both charge forward, as if you’re going to attack the two of them, only to feint away and lead them down to the ground. As Kogu tries to slash at you, you back away, knocking the follow-up Ki blast away... and towards dad, who sees it coming and slaps it towards his opponent, knocking him back. Spheres of energy form on the larger Heran’s fingertips, a barrage of beams firing at your father, who leaps away from them as they jet towards you. Kogu tries to grab you to force you to stay in their path, only for you to quickly duck down and kick upwards... right into his groin.

An audible echo of pained grunts can be heard all across the stands, Kogu letting out a wheeze as his legs move together, with you teleporting away from him and right behind the other foe, but seem to miss your timing just a bit as he moves out of the way from a follow-up attack. Still, the beams he’d fired connect with Kogu, who yells out in more audible pain this time. “AAAAGH! BIDO WHAT THE HELL?!”

“It’s the kid! How are you getting outsmarted by a little girl, Kogu?!” he yells back.

You and dad high five, and you bring your Ki drill out again. “Bido huh? You got any more of those little tricks you tried against me before?”

He clenches his fists. “I’ll show you tricks you brat, YAH!” He thrusts his hands forward, odd, almost invisible threads of energy firing out from them. Yeah not sticking around for that one! You dig into the ground again, tunneling underneath and jumping up once more right under him.

“Tag!” you feint a slap, about to lead that into a thunderclap right in his face... only for him to headbutt you and dash back.

Dad moves to your side, readying his stance as you get back up. Bido and Kogu look at one another. “Okay, no more games. HRRRAAAAHH!” And just like Kogu, Bido starts to power up, his sleeveless jacket tearing away as his muscles bulk up, skin goes green, and hair gains a deeper shade of red. “If you’re not going to take this seriously, we’re going to MAKE you do so!”

“You only delay the inevitable! Soon, you’ll all fall before the might of Master Babidi’s Majin Buu!”

“This is getting rough. They’re taking damage, but they seem like they’ve got tons to spare.” dad comments. “One slip up could cost us.”

>A. Your Majin doesn’t scare me. Brother and I already beat one! Lemme show you how! (Super Saiyan)
>B. We’ve still got the advantage here, and that thread thing Bido just used seems like it could work in our favor...
>C. Instant Transmission around them so dad can start taking shots at them, while keeping up the plan to get them to attack one another
>D. Dragon Drill Fist! Combo with dad to take them down!
>E. Something else?
>C. Instant Transmission around them so dad can start taking shots at them, while keeping up the plan to get them to attack one another

>E. Get out that gottdang power pole already so you can do that teleporting ultimate like the Shotenken.
>E. Use the Instant Transmission to teleport them into each others' way.
Please pick one.
>A & C.
>A. Your Majin doesn’t scare me. Brother and I already beat one! Lemme show you how! (Super Saiyan)
>D. Dragon Drill Fist! Combo with dad to take them down!
Time to stop playing.
Yeah, let's do this too. C to soften them up, D to finish them.
Oh yeah, we can do that thing where we can hold back as a super saiyan. Well, no reason not to transform.

>A. Your Majin doesn’t scare me. Brother and I already beat one! Lemme show you how! (Super Saiyan)
Rolled 6, 14, 7 = 27 (3d20)

Okay, one more roll then! Roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 12 for all!
Rolled 1, 15, 14 = 30 (3d20)

Rolled 18, 16, 10 = 44 (3d20)

Rolled 6, 7, 7 = 20 (3d20)

Peppa is tuffest!
Rolled 10, 15, 13 = 38 (3d20)

Passed all of them! Writing...
>An audible echo of pained grunts can be heard all across the stands,
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So yeah, we should use I.T. like that with multiple foes!
Can we teleport people in half as a move?
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Or we could phase someone into another object or enemy, like his fist is where your heart is, and your foot is where his brain is.
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Or maybe two bodies with the own circulatory systems, digestive systems, and nervous systems getting improperly fused like that would be lethal enough on its own without any special targeting.
I wonder how Goku uses that ability, does he clear out the air in his destination with ki first? Otherwise he might get a Heart Attack from air bubbles.

I wonder if Izzy can use darkness to make portals? Or light to make wormholes? Thinking with portals might put her in the same tier as Peppa and Gohan. We have to be a tricky wizard with her.
Well in the Cooler movie and Broly movie we do get a brief view on the 'zone' they enter.

I figured it's basically it's own sub-dimension where time and space is much smaller.

It's why in-game, Guldo said he thought time was coming for him when we IT'd him.
And we should talk to Korin about portal making too. If we can add Capsule tech too it...

We could make our own Stargate.
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Ah, so whoever we grabbed would have time to reorient themselves. Unlike that time Towa's pet blueberry teleported Maple instantly and she couldn't even get a grip on Whatserface, who needed to be touching Maple to teleport her, because of plot armor. I get it, enemies can do some things that are way more advantageous than when the MC tries to do them thanks to the author's blessing.

I wonder if Izzy can use Shadow magic to go into a Shadow World, where bright is night, cold is warm, and darkness emanates from stars with light coming from the ground. And then she meets her dark world self, Izumi, and then she could Potara fuse with her to become a Twilight Princess.

Or we could use Light magic on a Mirror into a Mirror World and fuse with iwnzI, or if reflections aren't solid in mirror world we could even just switch places with the reflection and fool people into attacking its incorporealness while going through the mirror dimension to another reflective surface in their blind spot and shooting them from there.
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Anon, I was miffed about that too but atleast we got into her base.

And actually I was gonna ask Kato if Shadow magic could pull out 'Shadow Maple' or shadow dopplegangers to battle with.

I thinking adding light magic to Raioken would be a neat idea.

Fast as Light, Soft as the Shadows.

Light magic could also make one invisible. Combine that with the ninja hiding trick and we could achieve true stealth mode.

Couldn't we use the Room of Time to go to that point? It is in Maple's personal timeline.
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>I thinking adding light magic to Raioken would be a neat idea.
Wee! https://youtu.be/clh5989UWZs?t=180

Btw, would it be imusI !wnzI or is just her name spoilered Izumi enough?
Izumi means spring or fountain.

What's the opposite of a spring or fountain?
An Aquifer or Reservoir?
I was thinking a desert.


I like it.
Wait a minute, I got it. Her name is Dyke.
Tsutsumi if you want to be Japanese, but nobody really knows what a Japan is so why do we name all our attacks in that regard?
Immediately reminded of this...
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Let me answer your question, with another.

Why does Vegeta's attack all come in English?
Galactic Basic, motherfucker, do you speak it? Where the fuck did the universal greeting come from if that's the case?
It's obvious that the precursor Namekians who wrote the book of Namek, spread their language.

That greeting is obviously Namekian, surprised Maple didn't realize it when she learned some of it.
That's like reading Chaucer and going "Oh yeah, that's recognizable as English."

If Izumi could do half the things we're suggesting, I'd want to play her for longer periods.
I'd love to see Izumi apprentice to Trip and Konpei.

I feel that route would allow her powers to blossom beautifully.

Speaking of training...kinda wanna see the kids train against Beelz's devil-mite chains and his other techniques.

Oh! Maybe when Baozi and Daikon get older we could play them too. Vegeta Jr. and Raditz Jr. seem like they'd be good friends.
>I'd love to see Izumi apprentice to Trip and Konpei.

We can have the Buddhist path be something Maple's in on, I don't really feel like going down it again with a new character. Besides, everyone knows Taoists are better and have sex that grants immortality.
Korin's Taoist right?

Also I got plans for my own quest to use this.


Figured the 8 symbols can sorta work like the 8 paths.
I think they call it Mana restoration in that other thing. Anyway, the joining of two souls as one should imbue Izzy with spiritual ki, kinda like how Gotenks and Gogeta get ghosts and purification powers. So Ferngully handholding might do so long as it's intimate and exchanging energy.
Why are you like this
Not til their older anon...
Oh, I'm sorry, you prefer black?
This isn't funny
I think it's a little bunny.

But don't knock the Taoist practices until you try them, they have some pretty good advice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Treasures_(Taoism)

Of course, it'll be a while before we're old enough to try all of them, but hopefully we'll get there.
You know you can just filter his ID? Sure it'll change every now and then but you're still blocking off like 200 posts of bullshit.
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I refuse. Taoism's pretty baller.
You know I try anon, I really do but you make it really difficult to pass off your ideas. Even the good ones.
Yeah, I really should stop while I'm ahead, but I also like pissing people off. It's a conundrum.
Because he takes silence as approval of his behavior. If not for our sake at least for Kato's sake, because I know this is the kind of thing that irritates her too, and I don't think filtering players sets a good precedent.
For QMs that is. Or maybe she's okay with this. I just think he needs to know that no, this kind of shit doesn't help.
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Thinking on it, that pic is probably the cover for some hentai CG thing, but the more art of Anlucea's cool outfit and Dark Anlucea the merrier.
He also feeds off your annoyance.

>I don't think filtering players sets a good precedent.
I agree, but this is a special case. The trick is we need to get Kato and the rest of the players to filter him too so he is just talking to air.
But thank you, speaking genuinely with someone else on here about cool techniques we could do was nice. I hope we can do it again sometime.
Anon, we can do this more often.

I get it. This is 4chan(nel) but I figured after 140 threads we'd get along better.
I was mainly focused on suggesting an alternative to Buddhism and then a SFW version of that sharing energy thing from the bedroom arts.

And I like ecchi stuff every now and then.
Ok. But you've suggested the Taoism stuff before.

Care to expand? Any techniques that can expand or support current techniques?

You did suggest 'healing' enhancements, but through a joke suggestion that you know will be rejected.

What if, like we do our weaponry add a bit of our soul energy into healing?
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Or..have any ya'll ever played WoW?

Druids have a spell called rejuvination. It's a healing spell that heals over time.

How useful would it be for a spell that heals us throughout the battle. Hell if we had an automatic ki regeneration spell too we'd find fights a lot less strenous.

Especially for the Saiyans.
This seems cool, it's about using internal alchemy or ki control to master the body and make it into an immortal vessel in which we can live on after death.

Like, three kinds of ki:
Jing: Life Energy (Kikoho) - Comes from your life, cannot be restored on your own, more powerful than Natural
Qi: Natural Energy (Kamehameha) - Comes from your muscles and breathing, can be restored with rest
Shen: Spirit Energy (Spirit Bomb) - Comes from exchanging energy with other souls, more powerful than the other two, can't be restored without help from another soul's energy

If we can keep those balanced or bolster the one that is lacking with the other kinds of energy, in theory we'll never run out of ki.
>does some mental work.

...I think Angry Anon just figured out to get God Ki...
Hey, maybe that's why people hold hands during seances, they need to share spiritual power like a link of Aes Sedai to get it going!
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The Super Saiyan God ritual does involve hand holding, pure hearted energy and a lot of power. With the right people, a similar ritual could be done.
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So a bunch of Saiyans can do the internal alchemy to unlock the reserves of their natural energy, and none of them are dead, and they're all sharing energy in a circ-

>post didn't go through
>duplicate file exists
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My googlefu is stronger then you.

I will say I think you're onto something.
Perhaps ghosts need spirit energy in order to do many things while they're in the living world, and they can recharge in Otherworld where spiritual energy is abundant. But while they're in the living world, every bit of their ki that can affect the world is running on that fuel source, which is probably why Goku ran out of it by using the most energy anyone has ever used on Earth.
Oh yeah, I found a lucky charm for rolling:
Ki unlocking like Old Kai, Guru/Tripitaka and the Ultra Divine Water all seem to rely on the user's ki balance as well.

The water unlocks by drawing out one's negative energy, Guru seems to drawn on immediate sleeping energy but doesn't unlock one's full power. Old Kai's seems to unlock one's power to it's fullest but you have to have that hidden power in you for it to be effective.
Hey, you think Maple's techniques might contain Spirit Energy in them? She and Acer did learn them from a ghost, and they do have some souls lending her a smidgen of power (we're not really that strong tho).
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Yeah, if Gohan got all of his ki unlocked before he was ready, as in able to control the amount of ki in a healthy manner before it warped him, it might've produced a second coming of Broly the First Coming.

We might need life energy in order for us to access natural energy if this rule applies. Otherwise, it's as much spirit energy as we have left before going to Otherworld.

Hey, would http://dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Delayed_Onset_Ki_Disorder affect our telepathic block?
There may be a reason why Baba hangs around spirits and the otherworld.

...it'd probably hurt us and add more.
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>There may be a reason why Baba hangs around spirits and the otherworld.
Are you implying she's using Spirit Ki to supplement her Life Ki? Sounds like someone's coming around to the idea of Liches in Dragon Ball.
Dragon Ball immortality seems better.

The only thing you need to worry about is Zeno's hakai or trapping yourself in the dead zone.
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There's a 100% chance of either of those happening once you're immortal.

Hey, when Goku gave Frieza energy, and did that Water Luffy thing to revive himself against Hit, was that Life Energy, or simply Energy?

In one case, it healed a bleeding out Frieza enough that he could throw a hissy fit, and in the other it kickstarted Goku's heart. But does the format of the input affect the output beyond strength? What if any method of giving ki to someone would heal them?

Then again, the Spirit Bomb is special because the volatile energy is only generous to who it was given to to use, and deadly to anyone it is used against.

Also, Elder Kai did give Goku his life energy to make him living again.

But if one can master internal alchemy, could they turn any of the kinds of ki into one of the other two?
Man, these Taoists have an answer for everything.

>Joining Essences will imbue the couple with Shen, which will keep them active until worldly stress wears them down, in which case they couple again.
>The act of Joining Essences will deplete someone of Qi, which can be restored with rest, but will also deplete someone of Jing, which can't be restored as easily.
>Sexual Intemperance will deplete someone of Jing, Qi, and the imbalance will have diminishing returns on the couple's collective Shen.
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Huh, that's probably why Goku couldn't beat Perfect Cell. Luckily he had enough Shen to help out Gohan.
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You can not.

You can not.

Magic needed to make wormholes is more complex, though Izzy has been looking into some of the ideas that underline it. Patience.

>if Shadow magic could pull out 'Shadow Maple' or shadow dopplegangers to battle with.
Not specifically, though there are some magical abilities that create illusions.

>I thinking adding light magic to Raioken would be a neat idea.
We'll see.

>Light magic could also make one invisible. Combine that with the ninja hiding trick and we could achieve true stealth mode.
Keep that in mind for later.


We'll see about that.

Interesting, but don't get too ahead of yourselves on this.

And okay, guys? I appreciate y'all discussing things like this, I really do. What I don't appreciate is purposefully antagonizing other players. I am going to make this as clear as I can: don't do that. Please. I want y'all to get your ideas out there, but do not try to intentionally piss others off while doing it.

Am I clear?
Yes m'am.
Crystal, Captain. Sorry.
I could try not posting ecchi pictures. Okay, I'll do so. Until an outfit vote comes up anyway, heheheh
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Though if I'm being honest, the next outfit I'd vote for Izzy is that desert adventurer one.
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Thank you.

I'm serious about this. If you're doing so just to agitate another player, you need to stop.

Now, we all good? Good. We're back!


Your aura flares up and goes gold, your hair standing up as you smirk. Okay Peppa. Time to finish this! “You know what? Your Majin doesn’t scare me. My brother and I already beat one! Lemme show you how!” you declare triumphantly as you go Super Saiyan.

Goku does the same, the two of you dashing at the Herans, feinting them and delivering a pair of counter-attacks as you both smash your fists into Bido and Kogu respectively. You both back away then, Kogu leaping at you and trying to slash at you with his sword, adding, to your surprise, a second, scarlet blade made of Ki with his free hand. You surprise Kogu by catching his sword arm with your own, then teleporting him and yourself in front of Bido as he tries to blast Goku with his finger beams again. While the attack gets Kogu, it also manages to get you too, but thankfully you’re tough enough to take it as a Super Saiyan.

You then teleport around them with Instant Transmission, getting them to stumble over one another as dad wears down at them with a few Ki blasts and even some boulders that he grabs from the mountainous terrain and tosses at them, enraging them both further but also tiring ever so slightly.

Seeing your chance to end this, you find a moment when they’re prone and trying to get away. You teleport back to dad, forming your Ki drill once more. “Time to finish this! Ready, dad?!”

“Let’s do this!” he yells out, bringing his fist back and charging up a massive amount of Ki in it. The two of you launch into the air. “DRAGON...!”




A dragon made of Ki spirals around the two of you, blasting forward and catching both Bido and Kogu in its path. You and Goku land a good distance away, crossing arms as an explosion erupts in the air. You hear people cheering for the two of you.

“Great job, Peppa!” Goku praises as he bumps his fist against yours.

Kogu and Bido then fall to the ground. Oof. With some much worse injuries than you were expecting. Bido’s left arm is missing, Kogu’s neck is twisted around like it’s broken, and the two of them are missing chunks of their torsos. Though... that’s strange... why does it feel like they’ve still got some energy lef- OH GOD WHAT.


Kogu grabs his twisted head and snaps it back in place, then pushing his body up so he’s facing the two of you. Bido likewise stands, even with the chunks of them missing. You notice that the M symbols on their heads seem to be giving off some kind of intense, sinister aura. Even as they’re bleeding out, it looks like they still want to fight... no. Something’s different. They... are they being FORCED to keep going?

“Your... energy... will fuel... MASTER BABIDI’S AMBITION!” Their bodies twist and bulge unnaturally. This could get even more ugly really fast.

>A. Whatever they’re doing, you need to put a stop to it!
>B. You’ve got a chance to surrender, I suggest taking while you both are still both alive
>C. ...Leave. They’re in no shape to fight any longer, and you have no reason to keep fighting them
>D. Something else?
>D. Disarm Kogu of his devilish blade. Need to see how it drains ki.
Give them the chance to give up. Let's be fair here. If they refuse,
We can't let them get any more energy from combat. Leave them to their fate.
>D. You can't have them rampaging even in this injured state, they're too dangerous. Put them on Mars with the Power Pole.