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"Isn't Yoshka handsome? Do you think some noble girl would fall in love with him?" wrapping myself around the person in question, too close for comfort.

"Is something wrong, mother?"

"Everything's alright, mother likes hugs."

Marianne coughs, "Well, there's no doubt that your son is handsome but there's something else that'll be concerning if he does attract a noblewoman."

"And what's that?"

"Jealousy. If one woman comes than another will come as well, competition for your son's hand. Though, that's just speculation, nothing set in stone."

"I'm not too worried about that. Any woman who tries to catch my son will have to go through a thorough examination," I said, releasing myself from Yoshka. "If they can't stand my heat then they don't pass. I want a good partner for him."

Marianne laughs subtlety, "At least don't be hard on a noblewoman, haha"

"I don't think so~!" making eye contact, but putting my hand under my chin in a thinking gesture, breaking the connection. "However, that's just me talking. I'd love some innocent girl to experience a whole. new. world~"

"I-I think you should focus on me for that w-world," she says frantically.

> "Want to hog all the fun for yourself~?"
> "Don't be quick to think, Mistress. Of course it'll be only you~"
> "Hmm, that reminds me. What shall I do for what you did to me this morning~?"
> Other?/Write-in

Previous thread: >>2907047
Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Once+More+Another+Isekai

Fuuma Nagaro's charac. page:https://pastebin.com/j89Sdf9T
Add. Info: https://pastebin.com/u/ab1rd

----- Stuff That You Probably Need to Know -----
Dice rolls are best out of three
Critical fails are (1-10) and critical successes are (90-100)
Nat. critical fails take priority. Only critical successes (nat. or modified) can overrule a critical fail.
Please greentext your vote and or write-in. This is an obligation but it helps counting.
Please don't use the side-stories to Fuuma's advantage. Other than that, you're free to talk all you want about it, speculate, etc.
As a QM, I tend to fade in and out of existence. I apologize for further absences.
>> "Hmm, that reminds me. What shall I do for what you did to me this morning~?"
>> Other?/Write-in
>Well, let's the topic for later. Were are we going?
> "Want to hog all the fun for yourself~?"
> "Hmm, that reminds me. What shall I do for what you did to me this morning~?"
Time to bully Marianne!
>> "Hmm, that reminds me. What shall I do for what you did to me this morning~?"
Supporting this as well.
Since we can segway into it mid teasing.
I support this
This :
I don't think Fuuma's ready to handle more than one woman.
But I get the odd feeling the Marianne would be the type who would like to have more than one lover.

I struck Marianne with a hungry smile, pacifying myself a second after, "Well... We'll have to put that topic on the side for now. Where are we going?"

Marianne recovers from the stillness I induced; a moment of respite for answering, "The central church of Aliasa. Going to meet Olivia there to straighten out things." She then takes out the paper I gave to her, "And this. If our current development wasn't like this then either me or Illium would've put you in prison by now."

> "write-in"
I was about to point out our stamina boost, but then I realised that we couldn't emotionally handle it.
>"Why do you think I didn't want to bother?"

> "write-in"
> You could have put me in jail, but I think it'd be really difficult to keep in there. Cutting a deal is the easier path.
>> "write-in"
You didn't though, but think about the kind of approach you guys did at that time, of course everyone would be doubtful at you. Just to be sure, is there anyone else I should be aware of that is going to be there? For example some guys with some damn skills or high rank troublesome people?
"You could have put me in jail, but I think it'd be really difficult to keep in there. Cutting a deal is the easier path."

"I suppose so," sighed Marianne. "Really makes me wonder. What will Olivia think when she hears about this note?"

"Delighted? One more piece of knowledge is one more step closer to ending this little way, am I wrong?"

"That does sound good but she is one of the people who interrogated you, to which you withheld information when we ordered to. But what I'm more worried sbout is how you're going to treat her. Just...don't tease her too much, please?"

> "I'll take that in mind, Mistress."
> "I will very much do, can't wait to see a priestess' flustered face."
> "Aw, not only a little?"
> Other?/Write-in
> "I will very much do, can't wait to see a priestess' flustered face."
>Ahhh...i wanna see both of you in bed *imagination daydreaming* (teasing)
>> "I'll take that in mind, Mistress."
>> "I'll take that in mind, Mistress."

> Other?/Write-in
> I hear and obey Mistress
>"I understand My lady."
But not seriously, just to get Marianne flustered.
>> "I'll take that in mind, Mistress."
> "I will very much do, can't wait to see a priestess' flustered face."
We must bulli the Marianne
Maybe we should have mentioned we weren't exactly maximum cooperative because Palads weren't forthcoming about why they had to arrest me and put me in a dungeon. Couldn't they have invited to us cake and tea somewhere for some questions?
Also a question why did no one say "that's cute" back here >>2922043?

>me or Illium would've put you in prison by now.
I mean does she not remember her first encounter with us? Or that training fight? We can wipe the floor with her.
She assumes we would be as docile as we have demonstrated so far. I don't think she realizes we can use magic to tunnel our way out... unless there are lots of powerful knights that can work together to take us down.
Cos that will fucking extend the conversation and is better to move on to a more interesting subject.
Or bulli Marriane more
I think it's more of a formality rather than an actual attempt at arresting us. Kinda like saying "Usually we just arrest them and put'em in jail."

There's also the fact that until we knew who our allies are and where we were in the grand scheme of things and getting our bearings, we were running under the belief that everyone high up in the ranks was subverted or a double agent until proven otherwise. That and the whole "bad history with the other five."
We arrived in the city after the 3 rd day of arriving in this world or something?
We either arrived late or "landed" in the wrong place.
We should ask Marianne when the other heroes arrived. It seems they are rather well established compared to us.
Or they were just more friendly and open with the authorities than us.
We arrived elsewhere, then travelled to this city.
>Or they were just more friendly and open with the authorities than us.
I highly doubt that.
I get the feeling that the other five landed much closer (and dare I say) and on time at whatever prophesied landing point that was written down or spoken of, which is why their names are spoken of so highly in the city. And Yad as a way of saying "get fucked nerds! Your prophecies mean jackshit to me!" separated us from the rest and placed us down elsewhere much later after the supposed point.
In otherwords, it's a metaway for Yaldabaoth to put his signature on Alia's Hero Prophecy because of both her asking him for help and making light of the irony of how things have been going in her world since the beginning.

"I understand my lady. If it's your wish," I said, settling the matter.

Until then, we held ourselves inside the carriage, listening the faint clopping noise of the horses. Time flew by as the short distance from Marianne's territory to the capital city was succeeded, a familiar sound of the crowd filling the carriage outside instead.

The tour through the lower district ended as we entered the upper one. The same erected statues, buildings, and even the mage's guild being passed by us, the carriage strolling the street and towards the 'central church' to which I never heard of, nor visited.

Eventually we reached our destination. Upon stepping outside a grand cathedral met before us, the polished marble reflecting the sunlight, making it glow white. The glass were painted as were the other church's were, depicting things that I could care less about, except for Alia herself. The door was huge, bigger than the last church I visited, opening to a gaping nave; pew over pew were they set, some filled with persons who are bowing their head in prayer.

> "Where would Olivia be in this place?"
> "This is quite a church, only the ones I've seen in books could only amount to so much."
> "Do you know how to navigate this place, Mistress?"
> Other?/Write-in
>> "Do you know how to navigate this place, Mistress?"
Gotta keep the appearance.
> "Do you know how to navigate this place, Mistress?"
Ah shit my paranoia is flaring up again.
What if the other five are in there with Olivia and the're using her to get to us under the pretense of a simple meeting between the two?
>> "Do you know how to navigate this place, Mistress?"
Ah, then such a betrayal would be... well, let's just say we will never trust Olivia again.
>> "Do you know how to navigate this place, Mistress?"
Fuuma should pray to Alia here. Before or after the meeting.
>Fuuma should pray to Alia here. Before or after the meeting.
This is a good suggestion, supporting.

"Do you know how to navigate this place, Mistress?" gazing upon the parish.

"I kinda do. She should be somewhere," peering into the halls. "The chapel maybe?"

"You don't know where to go do you, Mistress?"

"...No. But I trust that I'll find her, come!"

Beckoning me, me, Cheru, Yoshka, and Fen followed Marianne who was in disarray, entering upon the hall which exited the main congregation.

>Roll 1d100
Rolled 53 (1d100)

We're gonna run into them, aren't we?
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Rolled 69 (1d100)

>Change our appearance lightly if we haven't already.
> "Do you know how to navigate this place, Mistress?"
and >>2922474
well, she told us to come.
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Absolutely lewd. We're gonna walk in on Olivia and Illium sucking face or more, aren't we?
She'll be holding hands with him tenderly...
At least spoiler that lewd word this is Goddess Alia's board for fuck sakes.
Damn son already skipping the home run and jumping right into the event horizon.
(Holy) Lady and (Holy) Knight, it's gotta be chastelewd.
It'd be funny if the two were awkward as hell when they have a tender moment.
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Like a mouse without its nose, Marianne led us here and there. I can't blame her either since this place is practically a small maze. We initially left the nave from the side, heading through a hall that originated from the left wing. Right before the statue of Alia located within an apse, behind a sanctuary.

After a long minute or two, perhaps half an hour, Marianne finally locates the chapel. "Ah, there it is! See, didn't take too long," grinning.

"I must say, Mistress, that your sense of direction contradicts your picture. Anyhow, we did get to where we needed by your words," I replied.

Within the chapel, Olivia was up ahead, standing on top of a platform that had another statue of Alia. Before it was a pulpit, looking down on a smaller set of seats in our direction. Olivia was not alone however, for a girl was with her.

"Is there really nothing else that you don't know about the summoning ritual Olivia?" the girl said, fixing her glasses, her eyes showing a tinge of trouble under her glasses which was very much like mine.

"I'm sorry, Hana, but that's all I know. Perhaps there's more in the royal library that can tell you more than I can offer."

The girl became distraught, but recomposed herself after, "Fine...Could I search the cathedral's library?"

"As much as you want, it should be farther in the hall."

Looking much closer, my squinted eyes cleared the view of the girl besides Olivia. It was Kotomine.

Kotomine and I never really interacted with each other much. Only when I needed to turn in my papers that I forgot or something specific like finding someone; the class representative who did her best to function. Unlike Ruiji, nothing sprang from inside me. Just a minor admiration. However, I must be wary, I'm still hiding from them.

> Appraise
> Let Marianne handle it
> Walk up to Olivia
> Other?/Write-in
>> Appraise
>> Let Marianne handle it
>> Appraise
>> Appraise
>Let Marianne handle it

We're still in casing mode guys, that and we're not gonna get away that easily if we do fire off Appraise.
>everyone wanting to appraise

Guys, the noncombatant had the danger sense.
Ah but danger sense doesn't reveal who cast the spell, or what direction or what it is.
It's warns you but if we play it cool, we might be able to get away with it.
But it makes sense, she might just sweep the area with her appraise and accidentally realize that Fen and Cheru is with us.
I'm pretty sure that Rushit was the ranged kiter.
Do we know appraisal alerts danger sense? Has that happened before?
Yes, it happened with Rushit, this is how we know it can do that.
Alright, didn't remember that.
Change my answer to:
> Let Marianne handle it

>> Let Marianne handle it
>> Other?/Write-in
Behave like a real maid and stay like stone there.

"Olivia, sorry if I came unexpectedly," Marianne says, getting Olivia and Kotomine's attention.

"Captain Marianne? What are you here for?" Olivia returned.

Marianne approached the platform with us behind her, joining the priestess as we've interrupted the conversation. "There's something I needed to talk about. I was hoping that we would have the time but it seems the hero Hana beat me to you."

"I'm sorry of I stand between you two," Kotomine said, bowing. "I'm Hana Kotomine, it's nice to meet you."

"I'm Marianne de Legoune, a captain of the Palad Order. It's nice to meet you too."

After introducing herself Marianne batted an eye to me and my company, checking my current state. I gave an okay, shaking my hide slightly.

> Appraise
> Continue to stay quiet
> Talk (to whom?)
> Other?/Write-in
>> Continue to stay quiet
There's a chance that she might recognise our voice.
>Continue to stay quiet
[Gordon Freeman Intensifies]
>> Appraise
Not Hana, but her stuff
>> Continue to stay quiet
Also, if someone wants to adventure it, remember that we have fakes identities so nobody suspect of us.
I know that this is going to sound dumb, but we should at least TRY to have a magical doppelganger (That can be easily mistaken for us via stats with counter appraise) that can be easily dispersed before we start dropping Appraisals like it's going out of style.
>> Continue to stay quiet
>Continue to stay quiet

"if you please excuse me, I got to go somewhere." Kotomine bows again, walking down the small steps of the platform and moving into hall.

"What were you talking about?" asked Marianne.

"The hero Hana has been studying the summoning ritual that the palace had used. She says that she wants to find a way back to her original world," answered Olivia. "Now what is it that you've come to see me for? And who are these people as well?"

> "You don't recognize me?"
> "Mistress, are you interested in a partner~?"
> "I lost my mask because of Ruiji. Do I look that different?"
> Other?/Write-in
>> "I lost my mask because of Ruiji. Do I look that different?"
We really should make that again.
>> "Mistress, are you interested in a partner~?"
Commence Priestess bulli

also the reason i do this is for blackmail purposes...if things go south kiss her with imperfect potion of masochistic lust

of course this is for research purposes only i mean i want to see if it works just dont forget to remove the holy shield
> "You don't recognize me?"
> "I lost my mask because of Ruiji. Do I look that different?"

Eh, let's go with both.
You know, if they give us shit for not revealing everything we know and hiding ourselves. We could enlighten them on how the 6 heroes were chosen.
Basically their spell encouraged the mass murder of our classmates since most of them weren't lucky enough to endure the 'empowering' stage of the selection to help their world and Goddess.
That's why there's so few of us were summoned in their fancy summoning spell.
Is it any wonder why were a little reluctant to tell people everything?
Also, let's create telescope and use it to zoom in on the heroes from a distance to appraise them. They can sense us appraising if they have dangersense but that doesn't mean they can figure out where we are or how we're doing it.
Let's not do >>2922683 and say we didn't.
The only hole I want to poke into that idea is that most of the time we end up running into them by pure chance, otherwise we usually don't see them most of the time. So unless we act like a complete stalker (which can potentially be detected by Danger Sense due to the intent of the stalking going from just watching to threatening because of our history with them) and find out their regular patterns, we're not going to get very far with the telescopic idea.

It's still good regardless since it is a telescope afterall. Just not useful to our situation at the moment.
>I lost my mask because of Ruiji. Do I look that different?"
>Do I look that different? No. You just never bothered to really look past your own world. A pity, since you were one of the few decent ones.
> "I lost my mask because of Ruiji. Do I look that different?"
This woman has never seen our face dude, this is the priestess we're addressing, not the hero.
That said, good lord, are we that poorly known?
> "I lost my mask because of Ruiji. Do I look that different?"

This. We should really start codifying our look so we can actually make a consistent and effective design.
This line makes no sense. We're disguised as Lana currently, someone she has never seen.

Nah, she saw our face during that interrogation didn't she? Not to mention the whole thing with the bunny girl.
She saw us when we are half naked
>she saw our face during that interrogation didn't she?
She didn't. >>2923069 Correct, was a momentary time.

>> "You don't recognize me?"
>> "I lost my mask because of Ruiji. Do I look that different?"

"you don't recognize me?" breaking my stone faced demeanor.

"No, I believe I haven't."

"I look that different, huh. I lost my mask because of Ruiji," I clarified.

"Mask?" Olivia mumbled. "Is this perhaps Fuuma, Marianne?"

"She goes by Lana now and yes, it is. Right now she's servicing as my maid under a new name," Marianne answered. "A lot different when she isn't wearing that pelt and deer skull."

"So you've changed your name," Olivia addressed me.

I gave a curtsy, "Yes, High Priestess, I do wish for you to call me by it."

"Then who are they?" turning her head slightly to my children. "That bunny girl is among them but I never met those two."

"Those are my children, High Priestess. The one is Fen and the other is Yoshka, you've never met them before. Well, never directly."

Fen and Yoshka came beside, Cheru following them. They then all did a bow or curtsy like me, introducing themselves.

"I am Yoshka, pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Fen, what brother sai-- Ouch!" peeped Fen. Yoshka elbowed her side for a more sophisticated introduction. "...I'm Fen, pleased to make your acquaintance as well," saying with a bleak tone.

Olivia looked shocked, "These are your...children?"

"That's right," I said without breaking face.

Putting a hand on her head and taking a few steps back, she narrowed her eyes to the four of us. Cheru was hiding behind me, presumably because of her past experience with her; although, she didn't react much when Oliva, Marianne, and Illium saw me naked.

"M-Moving on. What was it that you needed me to talk about?" disregarding the ache in her head as she tried to make clear of my "offspring".

"This here Lana gave me a note with something that you and the order may need to see. It's about the demon king's generals," Marianne explained.

"The demon general's? What about them?"

"Apparently, Titania is one of them. The army, Royal, and Palad Order doesn't know about this. It's been speculated because of recent attitude to the human kingdoms but now things are clear. There's also some unsavory information about the hero Kita," explained the knight, lowering her tone of voice at the last sentence.

Olivia returned to me again, "You didn't tell us this."

"I didn't because of the circumstance at the time. In all honesty, I was ready to fight you."

"I...That doesn't matter now. What matters is that we now have a clear picture to why the elven kingdom has been acting up. Marianne, mind if I take possession of that note?"

"Sure, just don't get too loud about it," giving Olivia the paper.

"I'll be careful. Thank you for telling me this."


Giving her regards, we all stepped down the platform, snaking our way through the small set of pews before entering into the hall. Looking down, there was library that was barely visible at the end of the hall, located at the next turn. Olivia was reading the paper I wrote intently under the statue of the goddess of light, the figure making it out to be a motherly woman. In reality, Alia was of a child's appearance with a motherly nature. Thinking back on it, didn't she say that she had sisters? The orc said that the goddess of dark or whatever was one.

> "Could I check out the library, Mistress?"
> "Could I go pray at the alter, Mistress?"
> Continue on to the carriage
> Other?/Write-in
> "Could I go pray at the alter, Mistress?"
> "Could I go pray at the alter, Mistress?"
I want Fuuma to cast "The holy light to lead us.... Judgement!!"

Is that a reference i dont understand or just sth that sounds cool?
Something like from tales of Symphonia.
>"Could I go pray at the alter, Mistress?"
>"if you still need anything from me say it now. I'm very... 'devoted' to my prayers"
> "Could I go pray at the alter, Mistress?"
Okay,we are almost out of the danger,just make Alia tamper with their skills so they meet her or send them a message.
This is the moment to be serious.No /u/ teasing and no screwing around,seriousness.
>inb4 Alia hates us for teasing the priest
Wut? You want the goddess to do what to their skills?
>"Could I go pray at the alter, Mistress?"
>"if you still need anything from me say it now. I'm very... 'devoted' to my prayers"
Praise be to the light.
>> "Could I go pray at the alter, Mistress?"
Maybe I didn't express myself properly.I mean like what she did to Fuuma with her stealing skill when she tried to upgrade and it didn't work.If they see their menu doing weird shit they might be more interested in discovering what's going on.I don't mean for anything detrimental to happen but if their menus act kinda wonky or something when they receive the message they'll want to see what's happening.
Again the sooner this problem reaches a beneficial soultion the better.
Hell maybe they can also get upgrades after Yabadabadoo half-assed the whole summoning proccess.
Ah i see. Maybe. I kinda assumed that only our gal was eligable for an upgrade but who knows
I want the goddess to be in our harem.
I dont even want a harem lol.. But im not greatly opposed to it, so I dont mind if that's where it goes
>wanting rushit and fuckfriends to get upgrades
Agreed...maybe Homura but no
The goddess wants the demon lord dealt with,if Yaldy's problem is present in all of them she's gonna deal with it but hopefully this is after they are willing to work with Fuuma.

Besides,she's a goddess of Light,maybe she changes slageguy's power into some poder of bonds/friendship kinda deal(lol).Alia explaining the summoning proccess may even work as a wake up call for him,but it may badly affect the two hero wannabes.Probably being to optimistic here though.

Point is,if they can get upgrades they are getting them at some point down the line,whether we want to or not.
It's great to have optimism.
But why is it that she contacted us and our shit got changed to something ultra fancy named. And Rushit's power is still named [Slave Seal]? Unless Alia gave him [Empowering Connection], but if that's the case then why doesn't he have [Divine Child of the Scales] like we do after our first meeting with her?
There's too many questions to assume too much of without going to Deity Alia and asking her.

"Could I go pray at the alter, Mistress?"

"The one in the front? I don't mind."

"If you need anything from me can you say it now. I'm very...'devoted' to my prayers."

Marianne pondered a bit, "...How good are you with bugs?"

> "I use to collect them. Why?"
> "Anything that isn't a grasshopper should be set on fire."
> "Spiders are pretty cute."
> Other?/Write-in
>> "I use to collect them. Why?"
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>> "Spiders are pretty cute."
Spider scout minion is next on our list.
> "Spiders are pretty cute. Especially the jumping spiders"


Something like in "Kumo desu ga, nani ga?"
In later chapters Main character uses tiny spider clones to scout out info.

"Spiders are pretty cute, especially the jumpy ones."

"I see," Marianne said, thinking at the back of her mind. "I'll be waiting outside, don't stay for long," leaving us.

Departing form each other I go my separate way to the altar, placed and centered within the apse as the windows shine their light upon the stone statue. Kneeling on both knees and clasping my hands together in prayer, I make the connection, or try to.

The same sensation overcame my body as I stayed idle, the feel of light clouds under myself and a voice calling to me.

"It's been a while has it?"

Opening my eyes I look to the same goddess as before, a childish figure with a voice of radiance.

"Yeah, it's been a while. A lot of things happened."

"I know some things that has gone on but not all of it. But I do know that you've clashed with Ruiji."

>"How long have the others been in this world besides me? Because it feels like they've been here longer than I have."
Can't think right now, going to sleep :(
Maybe get some social tips from her too? Feels like she's gonna make us deal with them
Her thoughs, about Ruiji's magic, and all that
>"Another question I want to bring up is if it's possible to infuse others with the [Appraisal] ability"

Because I want Drilly and Olivia to see what we see every single damn day.
Honestly if she does bring that up we need to bring up the fact that the entire clusterfuck with Rushit happened BECAUSE we wanted to talk in the first place and we ended up getting attacked and potentially killed for it.
>But muh we can tank the hi-
That does not matter, for all he knows we built our dudette with no defense and could have been one-shotted like the orcs because of it. Or could have killed a civie that got set up as a fallguy. Or an adventurer who found a fancy mask that hides our stats (like it was mentioned back in the clusterfuck).
Point is it's not just us, it's also the other that need to have their shit checked.
Fug, I really need food bad.
Support and
>You know, I didn't have the best life and I want to enjoy my life right now, with ny family, but that bastard did something disgusting, so, just want to hear your thoughts about if I kill any other hero.
I like it, we should also sell her the idea that we're also doing it because they keep doing stupid shit like attacking us or trying to get to us via our family.

"How long have the others been in this world besides me? Because it feels like they've been here longer than I have."

"That's a good question," Alia said, sitting upon a cloud. "For starters, your friends has been here for a few weeks or so - a month really. Yaldabaoth was sloppy when he sent you all to my world, Legilia. Summoning and sending people requires some calculation but it isn't hard for us gods since, of course, we're gods."

Sitting on the ground, my legs were comforted by the fluffiness of the clouds, "What is your thoughts about Ruiji's...slave magic?"

Alia looks up with a wondering eye before telling me, "It's certainly something to be afraid of and to despise..." taking another moment to think, "But...I'm fine with it. A little. I can't force Ruiji to restrain from using that sort of magic because it's something brought form his soul, and he's free to do what he wants; a person who was sent to help me too in fact. However, I draw the line if he go around enslaving anyone on a whim."

Doubt was cast upon me, to which Alia continued her train of thought.

"My sisters talked about Ruiji and the possible danger he can bring, but there's also the other heroes who are equally as dangerous. I don't like to persecute someone because they're different; Ruiji is now a person of my world who's supporting me along with the rest, including you Fuuma."

But the thing is, i know Ryuji in my world. He may be not a bad guy but to say that my classmates are....died i can't..
>Maybe shed a tear
>"I know that you want to think highly of us, but what happens if he does come after me or my family? Because the last time we met he seemed damned intent on killing me at firsthand then threatening me with slavery when I wouldn't answer his interrogation right away, he didn't even know I was one of the chosen until after he took the mask off and when he did, he went back to attacking me and then attempted to talk me into joining them under which I assume is threat of death. What happens if he tries again? Am I supposed to roll over and take it? Am I supposed to live with the fact that my children might be killed by them not because they're a threat but because they're too different in their eyes?"
>I can't force Ruiji to restrain from using that sort of magic because it's something brought form his soul,
Wow. So at the core of his being he is literally a slaver and we are a thief. Surprisingly I think we come out of this on the moral high ground.

>However, I draw the line if he go around enslaving anyone on a whim."
Didn't he threaten to enslave us if we failed to answer his questions? I mean shit I know it ain't exactly on a whim but resorting to that straight away is still funky.

Yeah this. To be fair though, I think our children are safe.
>So at the core of his being he is literally a slaver and we are a thief.
I legit think she's trying to comprehend what we are and is making guesswork as everyone else. Because Yad gave us three choices at the beginning of this quest to pick one of at the start.

>Didn't he threaten to enslave us if we failed to answer his questions?
Yes he did, and he sic'd his elf slave on us via [Spirit Tracking] and attempting a stealth shot on us while we were not even being aggressive and finding a place away from everyone so they would not get hurt

Also never underestimate someone who will do anything to get what they want. I mean heck, look at every player discussion since the beginning of this quest.
>Also never underestimate someone who will do anything to get what they want.
True but even he has to have some standards to uphold to himself.

>I mean heck, look at every player discussion since the beginning of this quest.
Trust me. 4chan has it's limits for what it will do. I've seen them reached.
>True but even he has to have some standards to uphold to himself.
I've yet to seem these standards both in character and out of character.
I suppose though to be fair we've interacted fairly little with him.
Also I really need to post slower when time is not on the line.
It is fair, just as it is fair to say that whether or not our reasons were moral in not Appraising Kotomine, we also did not directly attack her right off the bat and thought very highly of her because of Fuuma's past life experiences with her, and from what Olivia has mentioned to us, that has not changed for the worst in any stretch of the imagination in comparison to Ruiji.
>Also I really need to post slower when time is not on the line.
Eh, no reason not to post fast.

>It is fair,
True. Honestly so long as the heroes leave us be, we can leave their management to the kingdom while we take care of problems.

I know that you want to think highly of us, but what happens if he does come after me or my family? Because the last time we met he seemed damned intent on killing me at firsthand then threatening me with slavery when I wouldn't answer his interrogation right away," getting more irate but calming myself with a deep breath. "He didn't even know I was one of the chosen until after he took the mask off and when he did, he went back to attacking me and then attempted to talk me into joining them under which I assume is a threat. What happens if he tries again? Am I supposed to roll over and take it? Am I supposed to live with the fact that my children might be killed by them not because they're a threat but because they're too different in their eyes?"

"Take a moment to cool yourself," suggested Alia. "Have you ever considered someone else of the five that's not Ruiji? I'm alarmed as well to hear this and I understand how you're feeling right now, I just want you to think of any alternatives." The goddess then holds her head in the air; a gesture of thinking, "My oh my, I really need to keep an eye on all of you...I wish I could intervene whenever I want."

> "How can I trust the other four to be different?"
> "But Ruiji might come after me or my family behind my back!"
> "..."
> Other?/Write-in
>> Other?/Write-in
>"How are the other five acting? Their plans and such?"
>"Yes I have, Kotohime. Just met her. She seemed intent on wanting to go home, made me wonder if she ever came to you more than just the initial meeting. And what do you mean by wishing you could intervene? Is the power of being a main god holding you here? In this realm?"

Supporting, this is also a good question to ask.
Also QM I would like it to be let known that the intent behind my post >>2925053 is not so much accusatory as it is ruminating on how many times Alia had to say no because of some clause or general belief she held or was being potentially held to.
>> "But Ruiji might come after me or my family behind my back!"
>> Other?/Write-in
>And why can't you just make an representative angel/servant of you to help me out? I'm damn alone while the other 5 being together and even now I can't depend on them cos they very well drag me into their nonsense... and probably slavery.

"How are the other five acting? Their plans and such?"

"Most of the time they've been constructing plans and fighting against the demon king's army. They know that they might not be able to defeat him right away so they've decided to take on step at a time."

"At least they have some plan than just going head on..." I muttered. "About Kotomine, I've met her before coming to you. She seemed intent on wanting to go home. Made me wonder if she ever came to you more than just the initial meeting, and what do you mean by wishing you could intervene? Is the power of being a main god holding you here?"

"No, there's isn't anything that binds me to the godly realm. It's my sisters; you see, I may be a head god but I'm not necessarily the strongest, that title goes to Gratia. With the exception of my other sister, Vamia, Gratia and Kordia don't like it when either of us mess up the mortal plane," Alia then looks around her to see if anyone's watching and or hearing like how a child does. "As for Kotomine, she isn't able to communicate with me like how you do, so does the other four. Yaldabaoth didn't discern your current situation back when you were in his world. Yes, the most of you wants to stay here in varying degrees but Kotomine seems intent on going back to your Earth. To why, I don't know."

> "I've come to here about your sisters, what's Vamia's deal?"
> "Seems gods aren't as omnipotent as I thought."
> Other?/Write-in
>> "I've come to here about your sisters, what's Vamia's deal?"
>> Other?/Write-in
"Do you perhaps have any suggestions for how I might deal with my former classmates more peacefully?"
>"Seems that the gods have their own limitations they have to struggle with."
>"I've also come to talk about your sisters, what is Vamia's deal? And would it be possible to get in contact with them as well?"

Yes the're pretty much the same thing. I just wanted to word them differently since it's not Alia that we're angry with. That and I want to know what the other gods are like.
>> "I've come to here about your sisters, what's Vamia's deal?"
>> Other?/Write-in
>I think is unfair to deal this alone, especially when I can't cooperate with those rascals. Do you think you can make a servant to accompany me, also to talk to you through her?

"I've come to hear about your sisters, what's Vamia's deal?"

"Weeell, sometimes she gets temper tantrums and creates a demon king in the process," Alia said embarrassingly. "To fix this, I usually create a couple of 'heroes' myself. It's been working for a couple millenniums but this time around I couldn't use a person from my world because the current demon king is too powerful, so I resorted on calling in a favor. Vamia isn't evil, being the youngest of all of us she's just easily irked."

So all this terror is generated from a temper tantrum from a goddess? From everything I heard, I expected Vamia to be an ultimate evil but Alia's acting as if it's normal, though apologetic.

> "Thanks for listening to me. I gotta go."
> "Do you recommend anything to deal with my former classmates peacefully?"
> Other?/Write-in
>"How do I get in contact with the other gods?"
> "Do you recommend anything to deal with my former classmates peacefully?"

I want to know how to get in contact with them because they might help us in ways that Alia cannot.
>> "Do you recommend anything to deal with my former classmates peacefully?"
>> Other?/Write-in
>Also, can you give me a motivational reward of some kind? Difficult times, you know.
>Looks like Vamia need some motherly disciplining!
>not it
>> Other?/Write-in
So it's frowned upon if you mess with the world, but if it's your sister...?
> "Thanks for listening to me. I gotta go."

Once again i'd like to bring up: i dont think Ruiji is as bad of a guy as some may think. The Elf attack spell? Probably wasnt lethal, or he knew we would survive it. And enslaving Fuuma to ger answers? Could really just have meant to "enslave, get answers, release slavebinding". Heck, in his shoes wouldnt most ppl do the same, dealing with a suspicious and unknown threat.

And again, I really want Fuuma to hate the guy. But ooc, i think it's important we dont assume too much
>i think its really Fuuma is being Fuuma
>enslavement and our hex of obediance isnt that different?
>The Elf attack spell? Probably wasnt lethal or he knew we would survive it.
>wasnt lethal
>he knew we would survive it.

Rushit didn't know jackfuck about us UNTIL HE TOOK OFF OUR MASK. As far as he should have been concerned we were either a chucklefuck with an item that blocked stats and didn't know about it OR a random civilian that got set up.
For fuck's sake, this is getting retarded. This is honestly getting even more stupid than me putting up paranoia posts about the others besides Rushit being against us or just regular shitposting because there has been clear evidence that normal adventurers and civies have very low stats in comparison to us and the other five and yet the son of a bitch decides to straight up attack us via his elf.

>Heck, in his shoes wouldnt most ppl do the same, dealing with a suspicious and unknown threat.
Yeah the guards sure attacked us right away, the people at the demi-human village sure attacked us right away.
Most people don't do that shit, it has been proven in both the quest and the side stories that Rushit doesn't act like most people.

Yes I mad bro.
It's just wishful thinking at this point that we won't have to fight him at some point.
It's obvious he's an asshole and an idiot, and that Fuuma hates him enough and/or wants to be away from her classmates enough that she's not going to want to do any sort of parley with the group as whole.
I as a player would prefer the option with less potential murder of a non-evil person, but our character has certain circumstances, etc.
Then stick with saying that you don't want to fight him and just keep to doing our own thing while they do their thing in fighting the Demon King and neither side screws with the other's cereal bowl, that's perfectly fine and understandable, it's something I can support wholeheartedly.
What really sticks a 460mm cannon shell up my ass is people insisting that Rushit is a gud boy who wouldn't hurt a fly when the reality of it all contradicts what they are saying.
Sakata Shirumo's POV

Darkness with an orange hue lighting the car. Here, the screams of my classmates resounded like a buzzing insect against my ears, the fire growing larger and larger while I was stuck under the debris. My legs were broken, my torso trapped under scraps of metal that once made the ceiling of the train. It was painful, blood spilling from me as I was pierced, the fire slowly approaching me. Right then and there, my life flashed before me within seconds. My mistakes, regrets, and my achievement to which there weren't many.

I was a bad person, easily making things harder for people. I don't know how, it's just how things were. My appearance was of a delinquent: menacing smile, fierce eyes, unkept hair and scars due to countless fights. It was like I was made for that sort of thing. What's worse is how socially inept I am with people, especially the girl I was staring at in front of me.

My family was average. A working and proud father, a loving mother, and a few sisters that were hard to understand sometimes. I was an outlier though, couldn't go a day without fighting someone, eventually creating my current nasty reputation. But there was this girl that seemed to be in the same boat as me. Well, I believed so.

The girl sat at the back of the class most of the time, always quiet with a gloomy atmosphere around her. No one really payed much attention to her and so did she to them, that is a few glances from time to time. Always looked tired too, with bags under her eyes most days, her head nodding to sleep while trying to stay awake for class. I thought to maker her my friends but in the end I fucked things up.

At first I asked around about her - really creepy now that I think about it - and gathered what little everyone knows about her. Fuuma Nagaro, age 16, average household like myself, haven't said a word since the school-year; a peculiar person. Things got out of hand though as rumors spread about her and me, something about Nagaro owing me something because I kept asking about her. I tried to clear things up but things escalated, the principle coming into question and calling her on multiple occasions.

After that, I decided not to worsen things and directly talk to her myself, apologize too about the mishap. That didn't go too well either...

The delinquents caught wind of my interest and started to harass her, trashing her stuff and whatnot. I did the best thing I can do and that was to fight - knocked them near to death too but the damage was done. Nagaro kinda just receded to herself, going darker than usual. After that I stopped interacting with her as well since I'm a coward. Even had my two sisters give me some pointers to talk with Nagaro.

Im not saying he's a 100 % good guy, im saying i dont see evidence that he's a 100 % douche

Man, poor guy..

That's why it was a surprise that she came to this field trip, taking a seat across my aisle. Throughout the short ride she'd just look outside the window while the train zoomed by, as if no one existed. Crossing her arms, boredom overtaking her.

Now I'm here, lying on the ground while bleeding to death if not the fire that slowly grows in size. I called for help, looking at Nagaro but she just stared at me with dead eyes as if she was already dead. I couldn't do anything else than whimper, anticipating my end, fearing the searing pain that eventually engulfed me in the end. I'm sorry for everything I did, I tried my best. Even the smallest amount of forgiveness could put me to rest. Though, I don't expect you to because you clearly hate me for what I did.

And at that moment, when the fire was about the consume us both, I heard the faintest voice from Nagaro.

"It's unfair..."





"Ugh," I groaned, holding my head. "W-Where am I?"

"Hmm? Another one?"

"Do you recommend anything to deal with my former classmates peacefully?"

"How about trying to contact one of them that you trust? Kotomine seems good since you see her in a better light than Ruiji. Remember, don't just fire a spell because you hate them, okay?"

"I'll...think about that."

Alia gets up from her cloud and walks to me, putting both of her hands beside her, "O-kay?"

"Y-Yes, I'll at least try to control myself."

"Good! I think it's time for us to depart. Hope we see each other again," she said in a smile. "If you do somehow meet Vamia, don't be too hard on her."

"Good-bye, I treat children gently, don't worry."

The world fades like a fog, my sense of place changing back to where I was. Opening my eyes I was met with the same statue, myself still prostrated. Yoshka, Fen, and Cheru were sitting in the pews behind me, watching as I got up from the floor and returned to them. As always, with a pip in her step, Cheru came to me first.

"Why did mommy stay like that?" Cheru asked.

> "We've got to give Alia our prayers so she can bless us."
> "Mommy has a deep connection with the goddess."
> "I was talking to a friend."
> Other?/Write-in
>> "I was talking to a friend."
> "I was talking to a friend. Her name is Alia."
Damn you QM for not giving us the other gods contact numbers and giving me an excuse to post this video.
We should try to hex a connection between us and our children. Maybe imbued with our blood so we can buff them.
>> "We've got to give Alia our prayers so she can bless us."
>> Other?/Write-in
>Now, have to talk to Marianne, maybe I can give an opportunity to kotomine... Ah, but probably better to make Olivia make introductions first.

"I was just talking to a friend, dear. Her name is Alia."

"Oh," Cheru said, feigning understanding. "But Cheru didn't see anyone by mommy."

Putting a hand over my mouth I giggled, "Alia is a very special person, dear. Now it's time to go, Mistress is waiting for us."

Rounding them up I led the way out of the cathedral, Marianne waiting by the carriage. Seeing us she started to go inside, leaving the door open for us to enter as well. With everyone here, Marianne then told us where we're going next.

"We're going to a cave whose mouth opens in the Jakia plains next."

"Why so?"

"Monsters has been infesting that cave for a long time. Now that my previous job has been completed I'll have to help out in pest extermination. Hopefully it'll be done by today or so," Marianne added. "Jakia's a bit far so the ride there might take a while from there to back," the carriage starting to roll.

> "What kind of monsters are there?"
> "So this is why you told me about bugs."
> "A dungeon?"
> Other?/Write-in
>> "So this is why you told me about bugs."
Looking forward to some training!
> "So this is why you told me about bugs."
> "Any other monsters besides the bugs?"

Gotta know more.

"So this is why you told me about bugs...Is there anything else than that?"

"No, just insects. They're bigger than child most of the time and the more powerful ones may be bigger than a man," telling of the varying sizes of these monsters. "One crew got killed because a few sandsprites ambushed them."


"They look like ants but their bodies are very bulky. To catch prey they dig under the ground and wait until their antennae senses something. It's pretty hard to look out for them but if a person's fast enough they can escape easily."

> "Sandsprites sounds cool!"
> "Are there any spider ones?"
> "Don't tell me there are roaches too..."
> Other?/Write-in
>> "Are there any spider ones?"
>> "Don't tell me there are roaches too..."
The dreaded G
>"hmmm.. Sounds like something i should prepeare for"

Any ideas on how to detect such enemies before getting close?
>can they differentiate between living beings and objects? If not, a few bigger stones might be nice to have
>> "Don't tell me there are roaches too..."

"Don't tell me that there are roaches too..."

"There are some that resemble roaches but they steer clear of humans whenever any troops go down and explore the cave. They do eat whatever they get their mandibles on, forcing us to keep supplies outside."

I shiver, depicting a massive roach while a crawling sound ran through my head. Collecting myself, I moved on, "About the sandsprites, can they differentiate between living beings and objects? If not, a few bigger stones might be nice to have to bait them out of the ground," I advised.

"The antennae senses the mana inside a being. A rock may work but not all the time," Marianne corrected. "Traders and merchants have been getting into trouble because of the recent cave infestation. The problem lies within the insects that tread beyond the cave and go hunting."

> "I may already know why but can't they just take another path the Aliasa?"
> "What are the couple of monsters that hunt?"
> "How big is the cave? It must be gigantic if such insects could live there."
> Other/Write-in
> "How big is the cave? It must be gigantic if such insects could live there."

In regards to detection we could just send abyssal soldiers out in front of us to both take any ambushes and to then engage. Also, there can't be an ambush if you just carpet bomb the region.
>"The antennae senses the mana inside a being.
Ah, so our golems that are made of rock, shadow and mana will work well.
>> "What are the couple of monsters that hunt?"
>> "How big is the cave? It must be gigantic if such insects could live there."
>> "I may already know why but can't they just take another path the Aliasa?"
>> "What are the couple of monsters that hunt?"
>> "How big is the cave? It must be gigantic if such insects could live there."
>> Other/Write-in
>want to make a bet? I can clear that cave myself with Yoshka, if I do you will listen a request of mine.
Anon, she'd probably listen to our request anyway.
Just a little back up, we may someday go full crazy and we will need someone to help us.
I don't think we are ever going to be in a situation whereby she is willing to honour such a favour yet wouldn't help us otherwise given how close we are.
I think you're right about her, though the situation probably will rise through bad luck dices.
Creative, i like it

"How big is the cave? It must be gigantic if such insects could live there."

"From what we've gathered from exploring, the cave is gigantic. Winding tunnels, some underground springs, and caverns. It's treacherous every step of the way because how much these monsters use the environment to their advantage."

"Is there any information about their abilities? Camouflage and stuff like that?"

Marianne leans back into her seat, "From what I heard, the insects there are very good at blending into the environment. If one doesn't hide then it's usually an aggressive hunter that goes out in the open to hunt. The deeper the soldiers go into the cave the more dangerous it becomes."

Peering out of the window, Cheru and Fen observes the dirt road. Wagons, and some other carriages that held an esteemed look like ours went their opposite way while we head into the plains. A small village could be seen in the distance, a stream passing by it giving a reliable waster source to the residents that live outside the capital. It soon faded into the distance as the carriage doesn't stop to view the sight.

I stretch my back within the space, admiring the outside, "The plains are beautiful."

Marianne agreed, "The grass shows a relaxing picture once you see the wind blowing across it...You know, when I was a little girl, I dreamed of being a princess strangely enough. That's but a memory now to look back on. What did you dream to be when you were a child?"

> "...I didn't have one."
> "Write-in"
> "...I didn't have one."
>> "...I didn't have one."
>> "...I didn't have one."
>> "Write-in"
>What can you see now of me is all I have.

Positioning myself back against the window again, I filled my vision of the green plains that speedily passed by, seemingly never-ending; a sea of grass that looks like you can sink yourself with one heavy step. I thought deeply of Marianne's inquiry, pulling myself into a blank expression.

"...I didn't have one. What you can see me now is all I have of a dream."

"Nothing?" Marianne questioned. "The time of a child is full of innocence and naivete', you got to have something if not one little anecdote."

>Don't know, but if I had a dream or a wish that would have been living a life just a little bit more warmer.
"In my world there were many such as me. Dispassionate souls; products of a hardworking society in a peaceful age."
>"I lived in an era where dreams go to die. Such is the price of a peace."
>"Imagine a world where mystery is long lost. Every expanse explored, every monster vanquished and nature in full retreat, at the command of my kin. Little innocence survives in a world where there is nothing to unite against, where society grows decadent and lusts for a purpose beyond meagre existence."

Possibly a bit much but hey it's quite accurate.
I totally read your post in the Ancestor's voice from Darkest Dungeon 10/10
I want to take this as a complement but overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer

Seriously though, thanks man. It's a good endorsement.
>I'm afraid I have none... when I was little I have no childhood memories, or more like I was awakened to reality. Most of the time I was bullied and has no friends. I'm glad that I found someone I'm comfortable with even though it's a bit late.

"Imagine a world where mystery is long lost. Every expanse explored, every monster vanquished and nature in full retreat at the command of my kin. Little innocence survives in a world where there is nothing to unite against, where society grows decadent and lusts for a purpose beyond meager existence."

As I explained my thoughts the room became quiet, all but Cheru and Fen who wondered through the other side of the glass. Yoshka, who was also listening to my small dialogue, scratched the back of his head nervously as he's the person I spent the longest with; remembering the time I first told him that I was from another world. The forest I first met him now but a memory.

"It's been on my mind for a long time ever since I learned that you were of the six heroes that were summoned. Why are you so different? Not that it's a bad thing, it's just that you're a lot more...evil."

> "I'm very different then them. Before and now."
> "I don't know myself. Maybe is things were different themselves in the past."
> "I embrace that I'm evil. I think it's called self-realization I suppose?"
> Other/Write-in
>> Other/Write-in
"Evil? What have I done that is truly evil? Help a tribe of beastmen? Kill rapist orcs? Give enemies I could have killed a chance to live as my companions?"
Supporting, also
>You're mistaking cold thinking with evil. I just don't pursue meaning behind actions.
Supporting both of these.
>"You must realize that I am but a mortal being with feet of clay and hands of iron, the other five are the same as I am in spirit, if not in personality. Since we all come from the same metaphorical womb that is our world."
Damn it, could've swore I linked the post to you.
This is also good since we're bringing up our past actions that have made things better.
Get hospitalized, come back to this. I approve.
>Get hospitalized, come back to this.
The fuck happened to you Anon?

"Evil? What have I done that is truly evil? Help a tribe of beastmen? Kill rapist orcs? Give enemies I could have killed a chance to live as my companions? You're mistaking cold thinking with evil. I just don't pursue meaning behind actions," gesturing my hands lightly.

"I didn't mean evil in a literal sense, Lana. I meant that I see you, Fuuma Nagaro, much more different than the heroes Aiko or Yuukito. You seem to have a very harsh conviction towards them."

>"My attitude varies from one member of the five to the other. You already know my hatred for Ruiji."
>"Most of the crowd likes Homura or Jakimura. I don't. Be it jealousy or another form of coveting."
>"They remind me what I used to want. Now I'm content being what I am."
"I suppose I still feel a lingering resentment towards them. Kita Ruiji, though, has earned my hatred."
Heart sack inflation, it was painful.
>"My attitude varies from one member of the five to the other. You already know my hatred for Ruiji."
>"My attitude varies from one member of the five to the other. Ruiji has more than earned my hatred and spite because of his actions that day. The rest have yet to condemn themselves."
Shit man, that sucks.

changing to this >>2927241
Damn, I hope it's just the end of that.
Check the OP

"My attitude varies from one member of the five to the other. Ruiji has more than earned my hatred and spite because of his actions that day. The rest have yet to condemn themselves," I said, the carriage abruptly stopping.

"I just hope that your relationship with the other four isn't as bad as Ruiji's," Marianne commented. "But until then, we'll talk about this another time. We're here."

>"The future doesn't tell anyone what it plans to do, Mistress. I too hope that they don't strike a cord with me."
>"Kotomine's alright in my book. The remaining three needs more time before I get a lasting impression, not that I didn't have one before."
>"Kotomine's alright in my book. The remaining three needs more time before I get a lasting impression, not that I didn't have one before."

Do we even know who the other three are?
>>"Kotomine's alright in my book. The remaining three needs more time before I get a lasting impression, not that I didn't have one before."
>"Kotomine's alright in my book. The remaining three needs more time before I get a lasting impression, not that I didn't have one before. And provided they don't attempt to pressgang me of course..."

So do we send in the [Abbadon Troops] to kill off the first wave and start reanimating the bugs as proper meatshields.
How's that sound for a proper plan guys?
Yoshka, Fenrir and Cheru are my family, my REAL family... They are the only ones I have ever been really close with. And you of course, mistress. My relationship with the heroes is one of a disconnected past.
Forgot to greentext this

Even if Kotomine ain't a bad girl, in our past she didn't help us too.
I'm perfectly fine with it, since us saying she's alright can be our way of calming Marianne doubts about us not being able to being friendly with any of them. While still keeping our personal opinion locked away from prying eyes.
I just thought about something really nasty. We can enter the den and sealed with our earth magic (mud or a golem) then use create poison, the same with the orc or better, hopefully like smoke and just walk in killing everything just by walking through.
Now you're thinking with magic!
You're right. Gas the bugs.
True, I mean if we do that we could also consider creating a poisonous gas, given our immunity to poison, and literally WW 1'ing the entire cave.

On a separate point, oh sweet god how do all my CK 2 characters in this one family not fuck. I mean seriously the last 3 rulers of my nation have all been cousins and I'm down to my last male who has had a single daughter in more than 11 years of marriage on a god damn fertility boosting focus.
And we have all the counter-measures, [Abaddon Troops], [Air Walker], [Light Creation] [Heal II] [Purify II] [Faint Barrier I] and we can use [Marking Hex] and [Runecraft I] to finish the touch.
Yeah. Not to mention all of our ranged magic attacks we can rely on should any insects prove resilient to poison.
I think the only real weakness that we have so far for combat is that we have no properly strong protection from ranged attacks like opposing magic spells and arrows. Once we take care of that we're pretty much ready to go.
Totally solved with hex and rune [Anti-projectile]
Well I can say I approve of the double layer usage for projectile defense Anon.
Not to mention we can probably learn something in light or air magic.

Finally, after seducing 3 women, my entire life trying and spending more than 100 gold in gifts I've managed to get a son. Fucking RNG.
Yeah that was my theory too since there seems to be defensive spells in Light magic and general agility based magic in Air.
Congrats Anon, smoke a cigar for the birth of your new son and pat yourself on the back.
Yeah probably.

Nope, turns out since he is a bastard, even though I recognised him, I can't use him as a heir.

"Kotomine's alright in my book. The remaining three needs more time before I get a lasting impression, not that I didn't have one before. And provided they don't attempt to pressgang me of course."

"Eheh, what did you mean by that last part?" Marianne said weakly.

"Take it as you will, Mistress, I'll let your mind wander the possiblity."

The coachman soon opened the door for us, presenting a cave that was on the side of a huge hill. Walking closer, there was a camp that had a flag raised up high, knights coming in and out of tents and canopies along with boxes that were stacked over each other. Marianne went into the front and assumed the the role of the master with her servants following behind her. The knights instantly saluted Marianne, letting her pass without resistance.

"C-Captain Legoune! Do excuse me but weren't you suppose to come here five days later?" confronting us from out of a big tent and saluting.

"I finished things faster than expected. Are you the man in charge?" towering over the knight.

"Yes, sir!"

"How are things going?"

"Smoothly, sir! Up until recently, everything has been under control. A few monsters sneaked through the guards a few times it was taken care of. No casualties."

Marianne picked her head up from the knight and looked beyond the cave which was vast, the thick darkness only being held at bay with a vast amount of torches that went deeper inside. "Any peculiarities? Discoveries?"

"The cave has a vast system within it, sir. Clean underwater springs, a few deposits, and a shrine."

Marianne lifts an eyebrow, "A shrine?"

"Yes, sir, it was found in a passageway that looked man-made. We don't know what kind of shrine it's suppose to be to but the priest speculate that it's pagan."

Marianne tilts her head, closing her eyes to think before looking at us, "have any ideas to get rid of the bugs? That shrine sounds awfully interesting."

>"I can summon troops to clear out the caverns."
>"Ever thought of blowing up the insects, Mistress?"
>"The insects can be handle with us four, Mistress, including you. Do you want to take the lead still?"
>"I can poison the cave but I don't know when the poison will subside."
Now the game is recognising him as my heir but says he is a different house. Hopefully this works out...

>"I can poison the cave but I don't know when the poison will subside."
>"I can summon troops to clear out the caverns."
>>"I can summon troops to clear out the caverns."
>>"I can poison the cave but I don't know when the poison will subside."
>"I was thinking of creating a poison gas that contains a pheromone that will lure the bugs closer to it where they can be poisoned"
>"Or I can just send some soldiers of my own, kill some of the bugs and then reanimate the bugs as meatshields for our clearout of the caves."
>"Either choice is fine with me Lady Marianna."

Good lord our choice of magic really does paint us as a bad guy.
I mean it kinda does but to be fair it's not like we should expect any different from something literally called Dark magic.
We may be the bad guy, but we're the GOOD GUY'S BAD GUY!
Also, who says we can't use our "evil" powers for good? Like creating a type of easily disposable non-lethal to bigger beings poison gas that acts like a form of Bug-B-Gone.
Or use our hexes to give skills to adventurers that want an edge in the field for simple coin.
>Also, who says we can't use our "evil" powers for good? Like creating a type of easily disposable non-lethal to bigger beings poison gas that acts like a form of Bug-B-Gone.
Stop, that is how you end up with DDT kiling birds.
I can't stop, now I wanna see if an overcharged corrupted Heal spell from the Light Magic Tree causes cancer.
Look if we are going full mad magic we've clearly got to figure out if people can hold onto our feet when we walk through the air without it effecting us.

What if we can just have a giant chain of people hanging off us as we march along above the enemy army? Heck, what if we can carry a ship while doing it? We'd be like a war elephant!
Or just skip the middle man, create Gravity magic and just upgrade a ship with Gravity and Air magic.
If we can do that, then I'm advising Bomber Harris tactics from here on out. In combination with Cobra style airborne abyssal troop assaults conducted from our totally not evil sky fortress.

"I can poison the cave and seal it to kill any initial encounters. Or I can bring in troops of my own, using their corpses as meatshields. Ultimately, Mistress, it's your choice," I suggested, giving out an array of options to kill.

Marianne gave me a face of bewilderment, turning back to the knight.

"Are there people down there currently?"

"No, sir! The squads that were sent has come back before you arrived," the knight reported.

Marianne then turns to me again, "...Poison them. Insects are outside the bounds of international law."

"With pleasure, Mistress~!"

>Roll 1d100
Rolled 39 (1d100)

>Insects are outside the bounds of international law."
Implying that we'd care.
Rolled 100 (1d100)

I'm betting we will tame some poison eating monstrosity
I'm betting we get a better version of poison magic.
Damn son, that's some good Bug-B-Gone.
Rolled 87 (1d100)

Noooo spider-chan!
Well rolled anon

We will be the greatest evil lord ever. I really love how Marianne see our darkness and just fucking embrace it
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I'm sorry Anon, we'll find Spider-Chan in a much better life.
Ikr? But it's cute that she thinks that..

I feel like posting that comic where a stereotypical villain face the team of good guys with their powers of "friendship, love, & blah bah... and incredible violence", and villain nervously go "Oh i.. see you've made a new friend.."
But can't post it from my phone..
I know the one you are on about. The final panel is just them in a restaurant with the violence guy covered in blood.
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Here you go
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>"...Poison them. Insects are outside the bounds of international law."
>Rolled 100 (1d100)
Oh boy here we go.
The cave is deep, if we're lucky she may be deep there OR underwater.
You know what I find interesting about all the people we've recruited? They all more or less follow the same pattern of "Shit or incredibly mundane life where they won't amount to anything on their own" and a incredibly powerful being comes into their lives and changes it either for the better or for the odd.
It reminds me of Yuuma and Yadbaloth's interaction in a fashion. It's nothing concrete, just something that popped out to me that I found funny.

Spell leveled!

[Poison Creation II] >>> [Poison Creation III]

Spell maxed!


Standing right in front of the entrance of the cave I started to generate a black miasma that grew into a thick, poisonous fog that swept into the wide tunnels. Quickly, I sealed the whole opening with [Clay Earth], trapping the poison and whatever there is beyond that. After a few minutes I unsealed the cave, monstrous insects piling the ground once it came into light.

"All done, Mistress~!" I said with glee, severely out of place because of what I did. "The poison should've gone far into the cavern so it'll be safe until we reach the lower levels."

"That fast!" Marianne exclaimed, observing the mass genocide of bugs. "W-Wait! There's even some ulips!"

> "What's a ulip, Mistress?"
> Proceed to make undead
> Call in [Abaddon Troops]
> Other/Write-in

Hitler eat your heart out.
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> "What's a ulip, Mistress?"
> Proceed to make undead

We've pretty much skipped the Abaddon Troops process part of the undead making creations so outside of making some as backup it'll be more or less redundant.
>> "What's a ulip, Mistress?"
>> Proceed to make undead
>> "What's a ulip, Mistress?"
>> Proceed to make undead
>> Call in [Abaddon Troops]
FUcking spam those spells.
>> "What's a ulip, Mistress?"
>> Proceed to make undead

(For some reason my head went to updog. Like "whats a ulip?" "You liberally psychotic sth sth")
> "What's a ulip, Mistress?"
> Proceed to make undead
> Call in [Abaddon Troops]

Might as well call in everything we can.
>call in [Abaddon Troops]
As well
Also, shouldn't we have gotten XP for that? Or did that automatically get consumed to level up the spell?
Usually we get that after the event, so probably after we left the cave
Also, if it has so many monster, we can expect a lot more than the orcs in experience, probably.
It probably wouldn't hurt to wait and see on that one.
Should be done in two weeks and be gone forever. Something about after effects of viral infection.
Fight for ourselves? Why would I ever do that?

"What's a ulip, Mistress?" looking back on the numerous corpses before me.

"It's a monster highly sought after because of the crystallized mana that develops in their bodies within their adult stages. After that, they die after producing eggs, the mana being used in the process," Marianne says, inspecting the corpses too. "Ulips are masters of camouflage, their wings closely resembling real-life rocks that cover their whole entire body. It takes a very trained eye or a magic item to catch one."

"Mhmm, that sounds good, Mistress," disregarding what she said, casting [Greater Reanimate] and [Abaddon Troops].

>Roll 1d100+20

I always forget to add the exp points. We got 73.
Rolled 97 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

Rolled 1 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

Rolled 8 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

time to derp
Rolled 26 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

I think we should throw 43 into magic and then 10 into the other 3 stats.

Sweet jesus she's going to be terrified of us by the end of this.
Thank you dice for this glorious derpage of rolls.
Thank god for the extend crit ranges because:

>Critical fails are (1-10) and critical successes are (90-100)
>Nat. critical fails take priority. Only critical successes (nat. or modified) can overrule a critical fail.

So we still get the crit success.
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I'm fucking KILLIN it tonight
You're doing good Anon. Just don't get cocky.
Also I was looking at our inventory:

>Explosive mini-golems x5

The hell are these?
Those were things we made back after we genocided the fuck out of the Orcs and freed the Rapeslaves.
Oh. I don't remember them being explosive, I thought they were just some rock golems.
This is my karma for today, amazon sent me the wrong shit so I get some good-ass rolls.
Ah, that was my idea, make some golem with an explosive hex to kill people unknowing.
>117 (97)

While Marianne commanded a few knights to harvest the bodies of the ulips, I waited until they were done, resuming the mana projection.

Emanating from nowhere, I guided the black mist into the countless insect corpses. They started to twitch, their muscle reflexes becoming more complete than just a dead reaction. First, one or two started to get up, their carapaces stained black. Then a few more came to life, and then another, and then another. Within a short amount of time an army was at my beckon. To bolster my created forces more, I brought in a sizeable number of abaddon troops, commanding them and the insects to line in formation with the insects forming the front.

Marianne was speechless, gazing upon my army.

>"Shall we start going, Mistress?"
>"What do you think? I could throw a few golems in there as well."
>"With this, we will run over any other monster. Is this pleasing, Mistress?"
Also something that occurs to me, seeing as we can make magic items out of thin air why don't we remake Prey's Guise but better?
>>"What do you think? I could throw a few golems in there as well."
>"The 1st Undying King Division is at your command Lady Marianna."

Ham it the fuck out
"These expendable troops will the vanguard. With them leading the charge in exploring, we'll reduce the casualties of any regular troops sent in."
"One brilliant thing about necromancy: there is no such thing as casualties for you or the enemy, only new recruits.

Now do you want to wait here while I clear the way or do you want to see this deathless army march?"
>>"Shall we start going, Mistress?"
>>"What do you think? I could throw a few golems in there as well."
>"With this, we will run over any other monster. Is this pleasing, Mistress?"
>"I could throw a few golems in there as well."
>>"What do you think? I could throw a few golems in there as well."

I bet our kids feels intimidated

>comfort the girls
To be fair two of our kids knew we were some sort of god compared to them.
That and they've already seen us controlling undead and torturing an orc in the past.
Now Cheru will most likely be a bit spooked at all the DARK magic that is being used so we might have to comfort her.
And the last follow us blinded.

"What do you think? I could throw a few golems in there as well."

"Uh...That's fine, this is more than enough," her eyes still attached to the spectacle. "I know how powerful you are but this is beyond human."

Yoshka, Fen, and Cheru came to my side, inspecting the undead insects and abaddon soldiers for themselves. Yoshka and Fen explored the lines freely but Cheru was hesitant to check them our herself, clinging to me. She didn't tremble or show any hints of fear but merely peeked behind my legs in slight nervousness.

"Mommy, what are they? Why does older sister and older brother go in?"

>"They're mommy's helpers, dear. They won't hurt you."
>"Your brother and sister is familiar with mommy's helpers. Don't be shy, they don't bite."
>"You see those tall, human looking ones, dear? Those are mommy's soldiers. You may be called princess."
>"Your brother and sister is familiar with mommy's helpers. Don't be shy, they don't bite."
>"They're mommy's helpers, dear. They won't hurt you."
>"Your brother and sister is familiar with mommy's helpers. Don't be shy, they don't bite."
>>"Your brother and sister is familiar with mommy's helpers. Don't be shy, they don't bite."

Rather not merge the idea of family and helpers, might give Cheru and our family the wrong idea

>Equating reanimating literal insects and summoning shadow soldiers from the Primordial Darkness to actual slavery
equating our family and ryugi's band of bro- slaves
>"They're mommy's helpers, dear. They won't hurt you."
>"Your brother and sister is familiar with mommy's helpers. Don't be shy, they don't bite."
It's ok anon, you can call Rushit's members for what they are, cocksuckers.

"They're mommy's helpers, dear, they won't hurt you. Your brother and sister are familiar with them."

Cheru looks up to me, "Really?"

"Yup, don't be shy, they won't bite," shaking my head up and down. "Shall we go, Mistress?" I said to Marianne.

"Whenever your ready," Marianne says, slowly approaching behind the massive unit. "These undead bugs sure are quite the work."

"My specialty, Mistress. Let's go fellas, run through the tunnels," clapping my hands, ordering the troops to move.

>"Want mommy to carry you, Dear?"
>"Do you want an abaddon soldier to carry you, Dear?"
>"Want mommy to carry you, Dear?"
>Appraise the Undead Insects and Abaddon Soldiers
We just gotta know what the're fully capable of.
Why didn't I think of that before? good catch.
>Appraise Cheru

Any update?
Not a problem Anon, I remembered back when we first got in contact with them that we wanted to appraise them the next time we summoned them.
Also we should clearly make a pair of gloves with explosive / force + fire runes on the knuckles so we can perform explosive punches.
Better make sure that those gloves don't also blow our own limbs off from just using them.
True but given we can levitate, force nullification is clearly something possible. Of course this does rather interestingly raise the point that if you enchant a set of armour to not move when hit, you could make all attacks relying on kinetic or even thermal energy entirely useless.

Race/Species: Undead Wood Beetle

Strength: 52
Speed: 31
Defense: 25
Magic: 0

Race/Species: Abaddon Daemon Grunt

Strength: 68
Speed: 36
Defense: 14
Magic: 0

Race/Species: Abaddon Daemon Heavy

Strength: 81
Speed: 12
Defense: 56
Magic: 0

Race/Species: Abaddon Daemon Ranger

Strength: 32
Speed: 71
Defense: 9
Magic: 0


"Want mommy to carry you, Dear?" I offered to Cheru.

"Nn, yes," raising her arms up.

Humming a bit I picked up Cheru into my arms, following after the minions along with Yoshka, Fen, and Marianne. The skuttling of the undead insects' legs were faint, the stomping of the abaddon heavies drowning out the other's footsteps. With minimal difficulties, we all went down the cave, my poison from earlier clearing the initial levels out of monsters.

>Roll 1d100
Rolled 1 (1d100)

Rolled 88 (1d100)

Rolled 99 (1d100)

Rolled 47 (1d100)



We are getting through these things by the skin of our teeth.
It appears that this is the dice's way of telling us it's only a game and to not take it so seriously.
Man these rolls are a rollercoaster.
It's a breath of fresh air, that's for certain.
You know guys? We do have a hex of danger sense, now I think it's going to be nice do one for mana perception and imbued it into our eyes so we somehow shape our pupils we a nice design. Also engtave a rune in our if necessary into the glasses so people qho see through them for the reverse they will see normal eyes.
Why not imbue it into our skull? That way if we lose our eyesight we won't lose the mana perception.
I just woke up and I can't stop laughing! The dice gods sure are frisky with us today
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Now, anon that's certainly better, but I kinda want to give us more style, I did modify pic related for example.
Btw, QM, we still have in our inventory <Prey's guise> even though we lose it. Also a question about our glasses, it is say that has <Innate [Appraise]> it always activated? I mean, it¿s say "innate." If is so then we actually appraised Kotomine.
We don't have it in our inventory, it's listed under the magic items but not in our inventory.
We could probably use our map to find it.
To my understanding it was damaged / lost when we fought Ruji. So chances are that wouldn't help.

Though again, I've pointed out we can just magic up a brand new one with more enchantments.
we need to make absolutely everyone sign a non-disclosure form. Summon massive army and plague generator? The other heroes are on to us ASAP
I can't believe we freely gave out items that block out appraisal. What happens if Ryuji or someone else steals one from the helpless maids. It would serverly limit our ability to steal skills against such opponents. An ownership or self destruct clause should as a failsafe.
I thought it was just that the rings themselves couldn't be appraised accurately, and blocked slave magic?

Once we've reached the deeper levels of the cave, monsters came to our confrontation, falling one after another as the undead insects swarmed their bodies like a hive mind and tore it to pieces. The abaddon troops were the main force of power as they went up against monsters that were too powerful for the beetles, easily killing them as well. Marianne seemingly got used to them, still all weird about the minions I've spawned but general cool about it. She has already lost her purity as a knight of the church and kingdom, why would this upset her?

Without notice, we were deep enough to find an underground spring in the cave, the one of which the knight told us about. Cheru wanted to look at it, telling me to get closer. The water was clear, able to see all the way down to the bottom. I've heard of underground water and how it works from school but it looks more magical like how this world is.

Moving on, we departed from the spring and towards the shrine that Marianne was interested about. The monsters now began to get bigger in either size of number, but still weak against mine.

After fighting another nest, Marianne tapped me on the shoulder, "What is those daemon's? They don't look like anything that I have encountered before or from the archives."

"What the Abyssal soldiers? They're something I figured out waiting for you to return from your bath."
>"Impressive, aren't they? They came forth from the boredom I suffered before we played our little game~~"
>*shrug* "i think advanced shadow golems or something. its magic I dont have an explanation really."
Hey, QM, I was wondering, would we be able to create a he or item that nullifies an ability in a certain radius of Nemo? It would probably be a good idea to make one that nullifies Rushit's Detect Danger ability for when we fight him again.
Also I just did some number crunching out of boredom / curiosity.

This is Marianne's statline:
>Strength: 89
>Speed: 91
>Defense: 52
>Magic: 85

This is the average of our 3 types of Abyssal soldier's:
>Strength: 60.333
>Speed: 39.666
>Defense: 26.333
>Magic: 0.000

Ignoring the lack of magical capability, our fairly cheap summons are about half to two thirds as capable as her. Precise percentages of power are:
>Strength: 67.78%
>Speed: 43.58%
>Defense: 50.64%
>Magic: 0%

"Impressive, aren't they? They came forth from the boredom I suffered before we played our little game~~"

"All in that time?!"

"Yup! Just don't think about it too much okay, Mistress?" proceeding forward.

"W-Wait for me!" catching up to me.

>Roll 1d100
Rolled 22 (1d100)

Rolled 92 (1d100)

Rolled 7 (1d100)

Rolled 1 (1d100)

I think this is the third time just this thread
Comparing the best Abyssal stats as well:
>Strength: 81 = 91.011% (Heavy)
>Speed: 71 = 78.021% (Ranger)
>Defense: 56 = 107.692% (Heavy)

And also the total stat points of each class are:
>Heavy 139 Skill points
>Grunt - 118 Skill points
>Ranger - 112 skill points

Another crit, seriously?

Correct. The dice gods are in an interesting mood.

Reaching the passage-way that led to the shrine with minor hardships, I commanded my army to guard the way behind us as we went in to inspect it. The shrine was small like a hut with nothing inside but a statue. The passage looked chiseled like the streets of Aliasa, worn down by time.

"What's this?" Fen said, touching the statue. "It's just a rock."

"I advise to not play with it, Sister," Yoshka stopping her.

"I don't see the harm. It's not like anything's gonna kill us immediately," scowling lightly.

>"Sweetie, I think your brother's right."
>"Relax, Darling, I think Fen's careful enough."
>"Does this statue look familiar, Mistress?"
Appraise the statue

>"Sweetie, I think your brother's right."
>"Does this statue look familiar, Mistress?"
>>"Sweetie, I think your brother's right."
>>"Does this statue look familiar, Mistress?"


Old Vamia Statue
- A small, old, weathered statue that depicts the goddess Vamia although poorly. A hint of dark magic still resides inside the stone.


"Sweetie, I think your brother's right."

Fen groans and takes a step back by Yoshka, "Fine."

I then asked Marianne, "Does this statue look familiar, Mistress?"

"No, I've never seen one like this. Too old to recognize it."

"Oh well," walking up to the statue, Cheru still in my arms. "I have some ideas..."

> Take it
> Pray?
> Leave it
> Other/Write-in
>> Pray?
>> Other/Write-in
>My children, would you accompany to pay my prays?
>Take it
We can pray later, lets just get our job done.
>> Other/Write-in
>Tell Marianne what it is then take it to pray with it along side the Alia church statue for some good old diplomacy
We should leave this somewhere dark if we do take it. Fun fact, dropping salt water into an alcohol fire will make it absorb and block yellow light.
Ain't sacrilegious taking a religious statue (especially when the actual deity is actually true) from its place?

Taking it, I hand it to Cheru, "Could you hold this, Dear?"

Cheru nodded, holding it against her chest.

"I'll check this statue out once we finish our current job, Mistress. Unless you wanted to do something with it," walking back out of the shrine.

"I guess you can take it. Not like I can do anything with it," joining me. "As for the cave, we don't know when it'll end but I doubt anything can stop your horde."

I giggle, "My pride, Mistress. Now let's resume our tour~"

Leaving the the passage, we all meet back at the main path that continued to go down. Some insects were killed in our absence by my monsters, their bodies laying on the ground as their blood, darker than red, leaked out. Giving the order to move, the whole crowd went in unison, marching down the underground road.

>Roll 1d100
We could also Make a proper shrine somewhere. We should at least ask first though.
Rolled 58 (1d100)

And here come the shit rolls.
Rolled 58 (1d100)

Rolled 28 (1d100)

Rolled 25 (1d100)


As we progressed further we come to see a peculiar sight. A huge mass of webs, threaded and stuck onto the stone that surrounds us. It looks to be a nest of sorts, obviously housing some sort of spider, or spiders if the size has anything else to say. The line halted in front of it, awaiting my orders.

"That's something you don't see in the surface," remarked Marianne.

"Is it perhaps dangerous?" I questioned. "We don't know what lies beyond that conglomeration of webs and I doubt my soldiers would be able to pass without getting stuck themselves."

"I don't know. I could probably burn the webs with my magic but we won't know what will come at to escape the fire."

> Burn the webs
> Another way? (write-in)
> Turn back
>Throw a zombie bug on there and tell it to struggle, talk to spider if we can, fight if needed.
>> Another way? (write-in)
>Not good burn other's houses. We may continue without my soldiers or try to advance through the underground lake.
>Roll 1d100
Rolled 93 (1d100)

Rolled 85 (1d100)

Rolled 4 (1d100)

Rolled 4 (1d100)

How many times has this happened?

Telling one of the beetles to throw itself upon the webs and struggle, it obeyed, the webs spring around like a rubber band. The constant movement garnered the attention of a human sized spider which skittered out of the webs. It started to spin the undead insects, wrapping it until every spot was covered by the sticky substance it produced.

Before it could retreat to bring in its catch, I hastefully walked to it to talk.

"Is this your nest?" I asked the spider.

At first it looked like it didn't understand me, but after a silent moment it communicated back.

"This. Nest. Yes. Queen's," skittering slightly closer, myself taking a few steps back. "No. Intruders. Will. Kill."

> Burn the web "That's sad, we would've been able to cooperate together."
> "Could you maybe bring your 'queen' here?"
> Turn back
> Other/Write-in
>> "Could you maybe bring your 'queen' here?"
This many
>> "Could you maybe bring your 'queen' here?"
>"Could you maybe bring your 'queen' here?"
>> Other/Write-in
Appraise spidah

"Could you maybe bring your 'queen' here?"

"Queen? Can. Bring."

Slinking back into the shadows of the spider nest, it went out of sight. It sounded like the spider agreed to my request but I cannot fully believe he did since he was less smarter than the animals and monsters that I have previously communicated with.

Every now and then, another group of spiders showed themselves as well but now approaching us. They didn't move any closer than the border of the web, kept at bay from us or whatever they're subservient to. Many of them were the same, their bodies uniform: black bodies, red markings like a widow, and long willowy limbs whose movements are alien. In general, the being of a insect is alien; invertebrates that biologically work differently with strange body parts, organs and such.

During my thought, the activity of the spiders became livelier, a more heavy sound coming from within the den.

"Who are you to ask of my presence? No that I don't take kindly of ones that step upon my territory."

A spider which was way bigger than the ones that accompanied it revealed itself from the tangling webs. Way bigger than a human, it could rival Yoshka and Fen's original sizes. The queen spider was lighter in color, black and grey patterns of fur covering it's exoskeleton, red eyes unlike the ones of its servants, and two long fangs. Cheru was taken aback by its display, digging her head into my bosom.

> "Is this perhaps the end of the cave?"
> "You are the queen of this nest I suppose?"
> "Do you only rule these spiders or the rest of the monsters here?"
> Appraise
> Attack (Write-in)
> Other/Write-in
>> "Is this perhaps the end of the cave?"
>> "You are the queen of this nest I suppose?"
>> Appraise
>> "Do you only rule these spiders or the rest of the monsters here?"
>> Appraise
> Introduce ourselves
>"Do you only rule these spiders or the rest of the monsters here?"
> Appraise
> "Do you only rule these spiders or the rest of the monsters here?"

Maybe we can solve this issue without any more conflict?
>more conflict
We’re obviously going to turn this cutie into one of our children
Supporting this two.
Busty oneesan for Cheru to hug at when Mommy isn't home?
That seems incredibly unlikely given she has a nest to manage here.
This. Maybe we can snag the first spider we met.


Race/Species: Garma Spider

Status Ailments:

Strength: 48
Speed: 46
Defense: 61
Magic: 89

Skills & Spells:
[False Kin] [Weaver III] [Dark Vision] [Venom Fangs II]

[Poison Creation I] [Illusion] [Dark Arrow] [Shadow Lance]

[Regicide] [Trickster]


"I am...Fuuma Nagaro. Tell me, do you only rule these 'spiders' or the rest of the monsters here?"

"I am the queen of the cave! Every being is at my command! Speak, give me one reason for me not to kill you and the ones you brought!"

> "That's cute, pretending to be someone."
> "Come on, discard that fake front."
> "Would it be better if we have a match of strength?"
> Other/Write-in
> "Would it be better if we have a match of strength?"

Eat fist

>put down cheru first
>Because even if by some miracle you kill us here, the kingdom will only send more and more soldiers, each more skilled then the last. You'll be wiped out through attrition or trickery.
>Cease hunting humans outside of your cave and you'll most likely be ignored. Do anything else and you'll be exterminated. This isn't a threat but mere fact.
Hmmm, I'm torn between asking that she discards the illusion or just simply playing along.
Trick or not, she's ruling the insects here and can be spoken to. It would be best not to break the illusion and leave this simple-minded spiders without a leader since she's killed their previous queen as Regicide implies.
Sounds reasonable enough.

I won't complain if you decide to die to me though.

"Because even if by some miracle you kill us here, the kingdom will only send more and more soldiers, each more skilled then the last. You'll be wiped out through attrition or trickery. Cease hunting humans outside of your cave and you'll most likely be ignored. Do anything else and you'll be exterminated. This isn't a threat but mere fact."

The queen spider's hind legs steps back a bit, "Don't get too ahead of yourself!"

"Am I? What I say is true and is your choice in the end to believe me. But if you do choose to keep on hunting humans you will eventually be killed," putting Cheru back down and telling her to join her siblings. "What will it be?"


> "Quiet, are you?"
> "Would you dispel your illusions, please."
> "Would fighting between ourselves be easier for you?"
> Other/Write-in
> "Would you dispel your illusions, please. I know that there is more to it than it seems."
>> "Quiet, are you?"
>> "Would you dispel your illusions, please."
>> Other/Write-in
>For you, it is time to live s better life, I can promise, you will be okey.
I like this post and I want to combine my post with this one

"Quiet are you? If you have the time for yourself to grow silent then can you dispel your illusions, please?"

"Wait! How?!" she questioned aloud. "There's no possible way!"

"Well your looking right at it. If we manage together through this smoothly then I can promise something that you won't regret."

The spider queen was once again silent proclamation. She skittered back into the web, making me think that's she's retreating but I stopped when the surrounding webs and smaller spiders began to fade into nothing. Now, it was only a small spider's nest which centered inside a dead-end of the cavern, the spider queen towering still as big as before.

"I see that it's useless now to put up this farce. If you think that I'll follow just because of this then your mistaken."

"For you, it is time to live a better life that I can promise. You will be okay; though I doubt you will come with just my word."

"That you are right! I will not just go! For all I know, what you say is a trap!"

> "What if I win against you? Would you come with me then?"
> "My promise is true. But if you strike me, all I can say is that I'm most likely harder to kill then your previous prey."
> "Why the attitude. You'd make for a great sister."
> Other/Write-in
>> "Why the attitude. You'd make for a great sister."
Or daughter.
Show her Fen's and Yoshka's form.
With me, yo'll always have family.
> "My promise is true. But if you strike me, all I can say is that I'm most likely harder to kill then your previous prey."
> "What if I win against you? Would you come with me then?"
> "My promise is true. But if you strike me, all I can say is that I'm most likely harder to kill then your previous prey."
> "What if I win against you? Would you come with me then?"
>> "Why the attitude. You'd make for a great sister."
I know that this is going to sound like party pooper stuff, but I think we should at least assuage this Spider's Fears about us lying before we give her the family spiel.
This also present Cheru with arms forward while Cheru present her puppy eyes but in reality she is frightened.
Make Yoshka and Fen chant join us with Marrianne mixed in which she adds we have cookies.
Can Fen even eat chocolate chip cookies? Does she still have the same toxic tolerance in human form that she does in her original form?
Also I have some lesson plans for Fuuma in Lionheart. I think we should do Golem trial and pair the students or just one on one them. Or we should do Fuuma vs Everyone in a forest where students try to attack her.
Nah Fen don't eat chocolate since chocolate is poison to her. Marrianne is the one who will add we have cookies very meekly.
We can do both ideas, especially the latter one since it will train us against multiple opponents attacking head on.
I'm thinking lessons that make students use their minds as well as the magic they have learned to solve puzzles and challenges.
Like how to find your way out of a maze, or how to use a person's elemental affinity against them.
Supporting, but make sure nobody else see them, tell the others to close their eyes or go back.
Sounds good to me.

"What if I win against you? Would you come with me then? I can say that my promise is true but if you strike me, I'll be most likely harder to kill then your previous prey."

"I prefer the bout," scurrying closer to me. "I hope what you said about yourself isn't some measly lie."

"Dear, I'm confident that it's true," smirking.

Commanding the troops to stand back a far distance along with my company, I ready myself within the wide cavern.

"What's happening?" Marianne, confused.

"Mother is going to fight that spider, Mistress. Don't be worried, it's already decided," Yoshka says, Cheru behind him with the statue still in her hands.

"Let's just hope that the spider doesn't suffer too much..." Fen agreed.

"What? Huh?"

> Attack first (Write-in)
> Let the spider queen attack
> Other/Write-in
>appraise the abilities we dont know

Maybe use light shield? To see if she can break through
>> Other/Write-in
Appraise abilities and start with our paralyze
> Other/Write-in
Cast light shield then horrid grasp.
>Deploy a spell of true sight on us to bypass any illusions she might deploy
>Appraise the abilities we don't know
>Let the spider queen attack

The illusions are what's going to fuck us hard in the fight alongside her natural capabilities as a spider.
Building illusion resistance by exposure is a possibility
I never said it wasn't. I'm just saying that this spider is going to use every tool to their very end to kill us quickly, and if that means she's able to buy time via her illusions to start shitting Dark Arrows and Shadow Lances like there's no tomorrow we might not get a second chance like this to have a decent fight on our hands.
Then Paralyzing and stunning poisons.
>Steal Illusion
Oh boy do we going to have a ritual of taking her canine teeth again? We did it with Yoshka and Fen. Cheru is an exception because she is a cinnamon roll.
>Use paralyzing gaze
>Hex eye of true sight for illusions.


[False Kin]
- The user is able to create fake human-sized spiders at will.
- Unique

- The user can skillfully craft and weave thread and other related objects.

[Dark Vision]
- The user is granted the ability to see within the dark, either magical or natural.

[Venom Fangs]
- The user has two fangs that inject a deadly venom. Lethal effects is proportional to level and the amount injected.

- Create an illusion. Can be dispelled manually by the user.

[Shadow Lance]
- Shoot a spear made of shadows. The darker the current area the more powerful it is.


> Paralyze the garma spider
> Cast [Faint Barrier I]
> Let the garma spider attack
> Steal (spell/skill?)
> Use [Marking Hex] (Write-in)
> Other/Write-in
>> Steal (Illusion)
That will at least prevent her from trying to trick us
>> Paralyze the garma spider
> Paralyze the garma spider
The one and only choice.
>> Let the garma spider
>Roll 1d100
Rolled 43 (1d100)

And failure
Rolled 69 (1d100)

Rolled 60 (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

Rolled 96 (1d100)


Stealing [Illusion], I take off my glasses to reveal evil eye all before the fight. The garma spider made her move, swiftly scaling the cave's walls and lunging at me. Dodging without returning a strike back at her, I maintain the distance between us so the paralysis kicks in. Soon enough it did, the spider unable to move as it tried to climb the wall again, falling down to the ground.

"What did you do?! I can't move!" it said, the eight legs struggling in the air. "Tch, take this!"

above it, a magic circle appeared that shot a long, shadowy spear.

> Take the hit
> Dodge
> Other/Write-in
>Use the Shadow Spear as a platform to get closer

We rules of nature now
>Catch the spear
I mean we have darkness as main element also for style point and make Marriane wet a little bit.
> Other/Write-in
>Grab it and throw it near her face
>> Take the hit
>> Dodge
>> Other/Write-in
>Use faint light and take the hit, then let's air walk and do fire creation to intimidate
>Roll 1d100
>DC: 40
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Rolled 63 (1d100)

Rolled 20 (1d100)


Catching the shadow lance with ease, I push it near her face forcefully, stopping right before it punctures an eye.

"Impossible! That should've been strengthened to its maximum!"

"I full of surprises aren't I? Now that I won will you join me?" pushing the tip of the lance on head.

"Okay, okay! It's my loss, just stop doing that!"

> "I'd knew you'll come around."
> "Welcome to the family."
> "How cute. What shall I call you, unless you already have a name."
> Other/Write-in
>> "How cute. What shall I call you, unless you already have a name."
>"I really didn't want to fight ya."
>> "How cute. What shall I call you, unless you already have a name."
>Welcome to the family
>Hex mark of obidience
>Hex into a busty oneesan
>Cheru meet your sister
>> "Welcome to the family."
>> "How cute. What shall I call you, unless you already have a name."
Also this
Can we take it slow with hitting the spider with all those hexes? Because it's probably going to become an extreme shock to both Cheru and Marianna for them to see a giant fuckoff tier spider turn into a busty naked woman.

"How cute. What shall I call you, unless you already have a name," pulling back the spear which then dissipated away. "The fight is over, you can relax a bit."

"I sure would if I could regain movement from whatever you did to me. But a name...I do not have one, nor should a being such as myself need one."

"So I can name you myself, no?"

"So be it..."

> "Write-in"
It works and it's simple to remember.

"I'll call you Izanami~" I said, putting my glasses back on. "There, you should be good to go. Welcome to the family, Dear."

"Family?" Izanami says while recomposing herself. "I do not think that those fellows there behind you are your family."

"Oh, my soldiers? They aren't."

"Then who?"

> Proceed to hex Izanami with obedience and human transformation
> "Children! Come meet your new sister~!"
> Other/Write-in
>> "Children! Come meet your new sister~!"
>"Children! Come meet your new sister~!"
> Proceed to hex Izanami with obedience and human transformation
> "Children! Come meet your new sister~!"
>> "Children! Come meet your new sister~!"
Don't forget the clothes guys.
This one

"Children! Come meet you new sister~!" I called, beginning to hex Izanami.

>Roll 1d100
Rolled 46 (1d100)

Rolled 79 (1d100)

I was expecting to transform her while they watched.
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Rolled 54 (1d100)

rolling for the fun of it

As Yoshka, Fen, and Cheru along with Marianne who was tagging along to see why I had called them steadily came to me, I reenacted the same old process of using [Marking Hex]. Izanami was worried about the development but I assured that it won't harm her, not that it didn't in the past but it's a gamble in my favor. As I faintly chant, her arachnid body was overtaken by the blackness that once shaped Yoshka and Fen, making her into my aimed image.

What came to be was a tall, and I mean tall woman with a pair of breast that rivaled Marianne in size. Her hair was fashioned long that reached down to her knees, grey in color that darkened into black that somewhat resembled Cheru's hair color. Of course, on her neck was a collar of symbols, completing the transformation perfectly.

"It seems you caught another member again, Mother," Yoshka tensely said. "She's...big."

"Why is everyone bigger than me?!" Fen cried; again, yelling about her height.

Watching the spectacle, Marianne approach with Cheru who took her rightful place on my side, "This is an interesting development..."

> "Looks like some competition has entered, Mistress~"
> "Mhmm, didn't expect her to become big. In more sizes than one~"
> "Don't worry, Mistress. You'll still be my favorite toy~"
> Other/Write-in
>"Indeed, they grow up quite fast."
I like to think that Fuuma is proud of her work so far.
>> Other/Write-in
>Try to adjust her physical age to be slightly younger than Yoshka's age
(Is she clothed?)
>Make clothing
> "Mhmm, didn't expect her to become big. In more sizes than one~"
Supporting this as well.
>"Looks like some competition has entered, Mistress~"
then >>2932141

"Indeed, they grow up so fast," resting a hand on the side of my head with a motherly tone. I then crouched down to Izanami who was still on the ground, confused as to why she had become a human. "Let me touch-up on that, Sweetie~" touching the hex on her neck.

"W-Wait, I don't understand--"

>Roll 1d100
>DC: 65
Rolled 78 (1d100)

Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 99 (1d100)

Rolled 29 (1d100)

How many crit successes have we pulled off?

Modifying the hex Izanami changed again, her body shrinking slightly into a more younger version of herself.

"A-Again?!" trying to get herself up on the ground.

She was now about the height of Yoshka, her breast still gigantic and hair as long as her body.

I helped her up, letting Izanami use my arm as a crutch so she can get use to walking on two legs, "You alright, Sweetie?"

"I guess so...Why is my chest heavy?"

> "Please, call me mother."
> "That is a status of a high quality body, Sweetie. Don't fret."
> "Hope you'll get used to it. Your new mistress has herself."
> Other/Write-in
>"That is a status of a high quality body, Sweetie. Don't fret."
>> "That is a status of a high quality body, Sweetie. Don't fret."
>> Other/Write-in
"If you don't like it a lot, I guess I can fix that too..."

Well...back pain is a pain after all

> "That is a status of a high quality body, Sweetie. Don't fret."
> "If you don't like it a lot, I guess I can fix that too..."

>> "Please, call me mother."
>> "That is a status of a high quality body, Sweetie. Don't fret."
> Other/Write-in
>Does she has clothes? If not let's make something simple for her, a nice looking green dress

"That is a status of a high quality body, Sweetie. Don't fret. But if you don't like it a lot, I can fix that too--"

"No, no, I'm okay. I can deal with it before you do something to my body again," almost tripping.

Cheru tugged on my skirt, "Mommy, who is that?"

"Your new sister, Dear. Say hello to Izanami."

"Sister?" tilting her head, looking at the tall girl beside me. "She doesn't look like sister Fen."

"That, she is," introducing the both of them. "Izanami, this is Cheru, your younger sister."

Izanami looked down, as the height difference influenced the sight of the little bunny. "Uh...H-Hello?"

"...Cheru is Cheru."

There was a moment of awkward silence, the little bunny timidly observing the spider girl. Izanami herself didn't know what to do either, her now two eyes jetting around the cave in a nervous fit.

> "Cheru dear, want to help mommy make some clothes for sister Iza?"
> "Want to carry her, Iza?"
> Leave them be
> Other/Write-in
>> "Cheru dear, want to help mommy make some clothes for sister Iza?"
>> "Cheru dear, want to help mommy make some clothes for sister Iza?"
>> "Want to carry her, Iza?"

Some sisterhood is fine too.
They really do need some connecting.

"Cheru dear, want to help mommy make some clothes for Iza?"

She nods, "Nn."

"That's good~ What would you think your sister would like," setting the girl in question down.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, me and your little sister are about to make some clothes for you. Now that the thought crosses my mind, would you want to carry Cheru?"

"Sure?" Izanami said unconfidently.

Without warning, Cheru went and sat upon Iza's lap, her bosom serving as a cushion for Cheru's head. Perking up, Iza awkwardly put her arms around Cheru, watching me do my work.

"I could make my own clothes you know."

"It'll be fine, Sweetie. Just sit down and let mother make you something~ Now, Dear, what would look good on sister Iza?"

"Cheru doesn't know. Big sister is big."

"Difficult to think about, huh? Well I can fix something up, don't worry."

> Make a modest maid uniform
> Make a daring maid uniform
> Other/Write-in
>> Other/Write-in
Allow her to make her own outfit, with a guideline being meido

Maybe she can be our ...uh...Teaching Assistant?
>> Make a modest maid uniform
Sounds like a good idea.

"You said that you can make your own clothes, right?"

"Yes, I can use my silk. I think..." producing a thin strand of webbing from her fingertips to which Iza sighed in relief.

"I'll let you make your own but please make it look like a maid's, Sweetie."

Iza looked at me confusedly, "Maid?"

"I'm saying to make your clothes like mine," presenting my dress to her with a twirl. "It's like your new sister's own."

"Alright..." taking a glimpse of the uniforms that me, Cheru, and Fen are currently wearing.

Like using an invisible, her fingers strummed, plucked, and drawn the thin fibers from her finger tips, rapidly taking form. Iza was a master at it, easily making a maid's dress and other additional garments in such a short amount of time. The uniform was like mine, but it was centrally white because of the silk she used. She then gently told Cheru to get up from her so she can change, slipping on the clothes in front of us.

"How does this look? I still retained my craftsmanship even within this human body."

> "Looks beautiful, Sweetie. Pure white to go with your personality~"
> "Your breast area looks tight. Want to leave it like that?"
> "Please, call me 'mother'."
> Other/Write-in
>> "Your breast area looks tight. Want to leave it like that?"
> "It Looks beautiful, Sweetie. Pure white to go with your personality."
> "Your breast area looks tight. Want to leave it like that?"
We are a master craftslady, and we know good work when we see it.
And give her the ring too, or some kind of antirushit garments
>> "Please, call me 'mother'."
Gotta be serious on that.

"Looks beautiful, Sweetie. Pure white to go with your personality. Though, your breast area looks tight; want to leave it like that?"

"It's fine, my silk won't break easily. And it's soft too."

"If you say so," creating a copy of the anti-slave ring and giving it to her. "Also, please. Call me mother."

"Mother?" taking the ring and inspecting it. "It's definitely better than calling you nothing, and what's this?"

"That's a very important item that you need to wear, Sweetie. There are some circumstances that call for such thing."

Uncertain, Iza puts it on, "Okay, Mother...Sounds weird after we just fought."

"That fight was nothing, forget about it. Everything will go along smoothly now."

Turning back to Marianne with Cheru and Iza in tow, she was watching Fen stretching her arms next to Yoshka who had a skittish expression on his face.

"What are they doing, Mistress?" I asked.

"The wolf girl was upset about her height so she started stretch when your son joked about it. Is she always that touchy about it?"

> "She will grow in time."
> "It's another thing to love her about."
> "Yes, but what she lacks in height is physical ability."
> Other/Write-in
- The user has two fangs that inject a deadly venom.
On that note, we have poison resistance, but do you differentiate between poison and venom? Could it still kill us?
> "Yes, but what she lacks in height is physical ability."
>"Do not fret, she will grow in time."
Also this is a good question that I think should be asked.
Poison immunity works against venom.
Thank you for answer QM.
>> "It's another thing to love her about."
> Other/Write-in
...adjust fen's hex to make her to same physical age as iza?
> "It's another thing to love her about. Coming to terms with her height is part of her growing up. She may be small, but something big is inside her"
>> "It's another thing to love her about."
>> Other/Write-in
>"Really, I love her so much" proceeds to kiss her on the cheek.
>"Something is wrong, Yoshka?"
Nice work in combining all three


"It's another thing to love her about. Coming to terms with her height is part of her growing up. She may be small, but something big is inside her," proceeding to walk up to Fen, kissing her on the cheek while she was focusing on her adorable ritual. "You can rest now, Dear."

Fen pouts, "One day I'll be bigger!"

I giggled lightly, "Some day, some day. Is there anything wrong, Darling?" turning head to Yoshka.

"Everything's fine, it's just funny when sister tries these kinds of things but I can't exactly do it in front of her you know."

"Fufu, glad to see you close," ruffing the top of his head. "Now let's get going. I believe that we've finished doing our job, right, Mistress?"

Marianne agreed, nodding her head while her arms are crossed, "You're right. Initially, I thought that we'll have to stay here for another day but your surprises sped things up. I suppose I'm thankful," saying unknowingly. "Your little army did clear out the entire cave after all..."

"Wait, Mother killed everything in the cave?!" exclaimed Iza, the news reaching her like a stroke of lightning.

"Yup, all me and my little helpers. Impressive, no?" I proudly said.

"That's just monstrous..."

"Now, now, let's go back to the surface. There's buckets of fun once you follow~" pulling Iza with me as Marianne took the lead. "I suppose we don't need my little army do we?"

"That depends. Do you want the church to get wind of this? Last time I check they don't like people who can magic up these kinds of things - witches and whatnot."

"Really? Oh well."

Sending the abaddon troops back to the shadows, they waltz back from where the came. As for the undead bugs, I purified them to leave nothing behind, their use now exhausted. With everything cleaned up we then make our way back up, retracing the steps inside the cavern with Iza, a new member of my family, now following us in company.

She got along well with the others, that's what I saw at least, making some small conversation with Yoshka and Fen about me and who they are. Yoshka gave the basic rundown to her, explaining my magical and physical capabilities and some vague info about me coming from an original world to which Iza didn't get. This continued all the way back to the cave's entrance, Iza getting to know the present cast.

Once Iza saw the plains before her, she covered her eyes that were more white than Yoshka's, "Dammit! The light hurts!"

"You okay?" I said, checking her well-being. "I can remedy something for you."

"No, it's just that I'm not use to the light. It'll take time..."

"Alright, Dear. Come to me for anything, you can trust me."

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it."

> "Mistress, shall we wait for you at the carriage?"
> "With the cave infestation fixed, what are we going to now that your schedule has been cleared, Mistress?"
> "Could we perhaps get a peek of Lionheat, Mistress? A little something before the big day tomorrow."
> Other/Write-in
> "With the cave infestation fixed, what are we going to now that your schedule has been cleared, Mistress?"

Yay, a spider daughter!
> "With the cave infestation fixed, what are we going to now that your schedule has been cleared, Mistress?"
> "About the other soldiers here, can they be trusted to not spill this to everyone back home?"

Gotta get this out of the way fast.

Also, statue + prayer when we get back to the manor/home

time to sleepzzzzz
>> "With the cave infestation fixed, what are we going to now that your schedule has been cleared, Mistress?"
>> Other/Write-in
>Taking some bag of food from the bag and share it, have not eat from breakfast.
>"Before we leave, can you give me some minutes to practice magic?" proceed to try again making a storm.
Btw, we earn some points for clearing the rest of the cave? QM

"With the cave infestation fixed, what are we going to now that your schedule has been cleared, Mistress?"

"Looks like we can go back home. Nothing else to do and it's the afternoon."

"Oh yeah, what about the soldiers and knights here? Can they be trusted not to spill what I've done back at Aliasa?"

"Trust me, they know when to keep their mouths shut. Knights and soldiers have their jobs and the church to worry about so I assure you that they won't speak of anything."

Marianne went and sought the knight who was in charge, the one who she talked to right before we went into the cave. She explained what we've done and commanded the camp to start packing; the knight was perplexed but ultimately did what Marianne told, announcing the whole encampment to gather up the supplies and ready for the next morning to go back to the capital. Done notifying the proper authority, Marianne then headed to the coach with us behind her. With not enough room on my side, Iza was forced to sit on Marianne's end but with minor qualms, not like she's picky with seating. Like that, we went our way straight back to the Legoune province, the same scenery passing by us but with different color.

Like Fen and Cheru, Iza too stared outside the window with amazement, but with a more masked expression than her new sisters who show emotion easily. Once in a while, she would ask about what was what to which we answered her in a way without treating her like a child. Iza was content with us, although a bit too proud since her abilities and personality haven't change from spider to human.


Back at the mansion, I helped down Marianne and my children one after another, taking on a traditional role of a servant without the "combat" from combat-maid. Inside, the other servants were doing what they've always done and that was keeping the household clean.

"This way, not that," Fen said to Iza who was going the wrong hall. "Over here's our family room. It's spacey so don't worry about that."

"Er, okay?" the spider girl, confused; following the Fen which juxtaposed the picture.

> Go to your room too
> Go with Marianne
> Go to the basement
> Other/Write-in
Yeah we did, we got 96 EXP out of it.

>Ask Cheru for the Statue if we don't have it
>Go to the basement and clean it of any dirt or moss that might be on it.

On a different note concerning the EXP, I would like to propose investing some of the EXP into a skill that will allow us to activate more than one skill or spell at a time, provided that it can be doable of course.
And to defend my proposition, I've noticed that even with the advantage on our side, we're still doing just one spell at a time, which means in fights where numbers are not on our side, we will eventually be swarmed regardless of soldiers since any force we can summon does not have much quality and thus can be easily subdued.
With this multicast/activation skill we will increase our force multiplication at least threefold, which will give us a better control over how most battles and combat plays out.
It'll also allow us a better chance to defend ourselves against the other heroes if they decide to attack us while we are alone.
Do we need that though? It could be done with rolls. For each additional spell casted, the roll gets harder. F.e. casting 2 spells at once is at a -10, casting 3 at a -20 etc. That's just my idea, QM might be very lenient again
>Do we need that though?
Yes we do, because there will be times where we will need to cast more than one thing at a single action and not be able to do so and thus we end up getting someone killed because we could not multi-target, or cast two different types of spells at the same time.

>It could be done with rolls. For each additional spell casted, the roll gets harder. F.e. casting 2 spells at once is at a -10, casting 3 at a -20 etc. That's just my idea, QM might be very lenient again
I think that it is a good idea, which is why if this ruling is implemented then I want the skill that can allow us to still do it as often as we can pull it off.
With the "do we need that" i was referring more to a "do we need to have an extra skill for that?" It seems like smth that we should be able to do already
>> Go to the basement
>> Other/Write-in
>Take the statue to the basement, make an altar with magic and put ut some runes for clean and protection, the give s little pray.
If that is the case then why are we still casting just one at a time instead of dumping all the different spells we can muster at the same time like a Touhou boss?
Not one caster that we have met so far has casted more than one spell in a single action. Even Rushit (However I can go with the excuse that he is retarded) didn't cast more than one spell, and he has a lead on us in the magic stat.
> Go with Marianne

I looked down to see Cheru, "Dear, could you give me that little statue now?"

"Nn, here," giving it to me.

"Thank you, Dear. Could your brother and sisters?"

Cheru nodded, "Nn, Cheru will wait for mommy," going with Fen and the others, waving behind herself till she was obscured by the corner of the hall.

"I'll be in the basement, Mistress. If there's anything you need of me then I'll be there until further said," making my way.

"Okay, likewise, I'll be in my room."

Departing from each other, I went on my lonesome to the basement, revisiting my personal abode. It was still as clean when I left, the lanterns hovering in the air like it's on top of water. Setting the statue on a table within the lab that occupied the initial space I began to put runes on it, cleaning it to the best of my magical capabilities. The runes that I made made a magic barrier, somewhat weaker than my current [Faint Barrier]; for the purpose of protecting the statue from any outside harm. It was starting to look good as new but its old structure kept me from completely restoring it.

> Pray to the statue
> Use exp points
> Do something in the basement (Write-in)
> Go to Marianne's room
> Go to your room
> Other/Write-in
>Use exp points
Buy or Create a skill that allows us to multicast spells or skills in a single action

>create a shrine in the dark room before praying to it.
I'll bet that We'll have a stronger connection to the Dark Goddess if we're in a proper elemental environment.
>Use exp points
Buy or Create a skill that allows us to multicast spells or skills in a single action
>> Pray to the statue
>> Use exp points
>upgrade hex and level up dark magic for now
>> Do something in the basement (Write-in)
>Do furniture, a shrine in a good place with a vase with water or other things like offerings now that we expanded the room, also make sone tables and chairs. May be nice to make a fake wall using our divibe skill or with illusion (the one we stole)
Ooh, upgrading hex and dark magic, im all for that !
>> Other/Write-in
Forgot to mention
>Use [Divinus Humanitas] on the statue to make a kind of anti-aged magic imbued into it or/and a magic that restore the object from aged.
>> Pray to the statue
Let's talk to this moron

> Other/Write-in
Make an alarm, We don't want to be caught unaware and seen communing with an evil goddess. We should have something that'll pull us out of our fugue when we're talking to Vamia
I'd say let's combine all of these posts since there's just enough difference without any real contradictions in actions but the're all pretty much the same thing. (Outside of the point spending but I think we might have more than enough to pay for it all)

I made another space inside the basement, a room much smaller in comparison to others. In there, I made a little shrine for the statue to be placed in, furthering imbuing magic into it with [Divinus Humanitus] so it won't get weathered. The shrine was an imitation of the one that I found it in back in the cave: circular like a hut or an an apse in the church, the roof of the shrine being held up by too little pillars; it was almost like a Greek building from the books.

Finished with dedicated a room for Vamia, I then kneel down and prayed. There was some sort of connection being made but it was weak, way fainter than praying to Alia. There was something inside that statue that felt like mana was being used from my body, like filling a cup of water. Nonetheless, nothing happened within that time, so I got up and checked on the shrine a few times for anything before leaving it.

Sitting on a chair that was next to the tables and cabinets, I opened my status so I could use my earned experience points...

Name: Fuuma Nagaro (Nemo)
Race/Species: Human

Status Ailments:
[Evil Eye: Paralysis][Marking Hex of Waking][Marking Hex of Identification][Marking Hex of Danger Sense]

Strength: 200
Speed: 290 [Stamina Reserve: 150]
Defense: 200
Magic: 300

[Exp Points: 96]

Skills & Magic:
[Appraise] [Divinus Avaritia] [Divinus Humanitas] [Inhuman Communication] [Mana Control III]
[Imperfect Poison of Lust: Masochism] [Abaddon Troops] [Stamina Reserve II] [Air Walker]

[Fire Resistance I] [Poison Immunity]

[Fire Creation] [Fire Arrow] [Water Creation] [Water Arrow] [Torrent] [Stone Needle] [Fertile Earth] [Clay Earth]
[Wind Blade] [Air Control] [Weathering] [Light Creation] [Heal II] [Purify II] [Light Blade] [Faint Barrier I]
[Aide: Resilent] [Greater Reanimate] [Poison Creation III] [Marking Hex] [Dark Arrow] [Horrid Grasp] [Evil Eye:Paralysis]
[Golem Create] [Runecraft I]

Divinus Avaritia (Stolen Skills & Spells):

[Folk Goddess] [Divine Child of the Scales] [The Deer Mother] [Sadistic] [Pain Runner]

Magic tree
Fire: 1
Water: 1
Earth: 1
Wind: 1
Light: 2
Dark: 2

Current exp points: 96

> Allocate to stats
> Upgrade a skill or spell (cost 15exp)
> Level magic (cost 10*(4*current magic level)
> Save current points
>> Level magic (cost 10*(4*current magic level)
>Try to form a skill that allows a Twin Cast, to use two spells with one cast
> Level magic (cost 10*(4*current magic level)
I'm thinking leveling wind and fire and maybe getting some combined magic
Level up dark magic and allocate the remaining 16 points to our magic stat.
made a mistake.

it's 10+(4*current magic level)
split all exp to light and dark evenly
>> Upgrade a skill or spell (cost 15exp)
>> Allocate to stats
45 to magic>
>> Level magic (cost 10*(4*current magic level)
1 to both Light and Dark
Oh. That's much less expensive, in that case:

Increase light + dark magic by one level - 36 XP
Increase fire, water, earth and wind magic by one level - 56 XP
That leaves 4 XP to put into the magic stat.
OP are you writing or waiting for a greater consensus?
> Level magic (cost 10*(4*current magic level)
Level earth and fire by 1
> Allocate to stats
Remaining exp into strength (in case of another grapple situation like with Ellina)
Dont worry, it's not unusual that there's a pause between posts
Oh I know I just worry when there's such silence and a lack of clear consensus that we're effectively wasting what time OP can spare to run this.
Ah, i see. Thoughtful of you
If we cant really make a clear consesus but options are available then OP cam just choose whatever.
Agreed. Wouldnt be surprised if that's what he us doing too, in his own time
What bonuses do you all think we'll get from this?
Well improving our magic levels should provide additional levels in our spells, access to more advanced forms of them or even new spells. It might also make it "easier" for us to perform magic of that type.

An increase in the magic stat I expect will increase our ability to cast, maintain or otherwise use magic. It might even effect our resilience to magical attack but that is purely conjecture.
We also got evil eye and a defensive low health passive at level two for dark and light respectively. We might be about to get bonuses in certain environments, or daily abilities.


Leveled Dark 2 >>> Dark 3
Leveled Light 2 >>> Light 3

[Greater Reanimate] increased >>> [Major Reanimate] MAXED

[Heal II] increased >>> [Heal III] MAXED

[Purify III] increased >>> [Purify III] MAXED

[Faint Barrier I] increased >>> [Faint Barrier II]


[Dark Vision]

- Make a selected area pitch black, blocking all natural light.
- Magic made light is unaffected.

[Underworld Alteration I]
- The user's body changes into a daemonic form, gaining a stat bonus to strength, speed, and defense.
- Stat bonus (80)
- The user's sanity is weakened during this state until dispelled.

> [Mortality Link] - Create a link between yourself and a target, sharing damage and pain.
> [Silencing Curse] - Curse a target, disabling the ability to speak.
>> [Silencing Curse] - Curse a target, disabling the ability to speak.
> [Silencing Curse] - Curse a target, disabling the ability to speak.
>> [Silencing Curse] - Curse a target, disabling the ability to speak.
I cant think of any benefit from the link so
>[Silencing Curse] - Curse a target, disabling the ability to speak.
Demon form sounds badass! Im looking very much forward to see the description of the insanity effect..
>silence Curse

Tv other one is only good if we ally up with someone at our lvl i think.. maybe
[Silencing Curse]
- Curse a target, disabling the ability to speak.

[Glorious Shine]
- Create a ball of light that flashes brightly.

- Purify the area around you, cleansing all status ailments (poison, paralysis, etc).
- All curses and hexes are disabled while within the area.

[Virtue Double] - Summon an alter ego of yourself.

> [Ambrosia's Body] - Your body cannot be stained or dirtied.
> [Nectar's Blood] - Your blood has healing capabilities. It's also sweet.
> [Virtue Double] - Summon an alter ego of yourself.
How exactly does this one work? It is a simple clone spell, or does the 'alter ego' changes it to something else?
Because if it does change, it means we can do our research in peace and simply send a Virtual Double to be the teacher

Also, my vote:
> [Nectar's Blood] - Your blood has healing capabilities. It's also sweet.
> [Nectar's Blood] - Your blood has healing capabilities. It's also sweet.
Virtue double is making another you with some opposite qualities. Ultimately, you have power over it.
>> [Nectar's Blood] - Your blood has healing capabilities. It's also sweet.
Ambrosia's body is kinda useless, just take a bath. Nectar's Blood is useful cause we can just bleed ourselves a bit and store it in vials we make for later. Hell, we could even make potions out it. Just need a skill that makes us produce more blood.
> [Nectar's Blood] - Your blood has healing capabilities. It's also sweet.
Omg that's so awesome ! It's gonna be so freaking cool to have people drink our blood like a creep

[Nectar's Blood]
- Your blood has healing capabilities.
- It's also sweet.

Current exp points: 60

> Allocate to stats
> Increase a spell/skill's level (cost: 15exp)
> Level magic tree (cost: 10+(4*current magic level))
> Save current exp points
>+50 to magic stat
>> Allocate to stats
50 to Magic
> Level magic tree (cost: 10+(4*current magic level))
Fire, wind, water and earth magics up by a single level each.

> Allocate to stats
Remaining 4 xp into magic stat.

then the 10 into speed to get to an even 300
Fine with me
Man, if the other people enter our place and see our shrine, they're going to definitely think we're evil. Great
What kind of fellow is Vamia (or what was it)? Also, we could just make a shrine to every god, that'd somewhat even it out
Why is Ambrosia's body so useless. If it was a circle of cleanliness that kept everything around us sterile or eliminated germs/bacteria I'd maybe go for it. It means we would be super maid and just go for a walk to keep things neat and tidy, even keep our companions clean
Vamia is the Goddess of darkness/evil
The one who is always responsible for summoning a Demon King for 'reasons'
Maybe if she could adapt society to worship her through little acts of rituals or call her by a pseudonym it would make her happy.
Like 'Vamia keep you' when something nasty happens or bad/weird luck is called 'vamia's bones shaken'.
Or call her ' The Kindly One' like they do in Greece when they want to keep the three Furies away from themselves or 'Blessed Dark'.
Maybe that'll keep her from throwing tantrums.


Speed: 290 >>> 300
Magic: 300 >>> 350

Current exp points: 0


Closing my status window I rub my eyes and yawn, getting out of the chair that I was in and pushing it under the table. From up above, the muffled footsteps of servants passed overhead, the shuffling of the many maids' shoes along with what they were tasked to do. Previously, the jellyfish lanterns that floated around lit up the dark space, making it easier to see. But now the lighting is like a room that's lit by a grey day; still dark but not too much, the lanterns still casting a shadow from their flames.

> Use [Virtue Double]
> Use [Underworld Alteration I]
> Taste some of your blood
> Other/Experiment with your skills/spells (write-in)


> Go to Marianne's room
> Go to your room
Pretty sure we should move it deeper into the earth. Put it under the blackout room with a trapdoor that activates by our blood since it's unique now. We could create a larger complex underneath the building and make a shrine to each god so we don't have to venture out very often.

She is apparently very much driven by her emotions. It doesn't really make her evil per say but it's just that when she gets angry she would throw a tantrum that spawns beings that I can only assume draws from her anger. Might be some sort of catharsis or something. She's the youngest too so she might just be growing into her abilities and isn't able to control them. Also, I'm half sure that this shrine will be our way to get into touch with the demon lord if we want.
> Other/Experiment with your skills/spells (write-in)
Make some 'bags of holding' and some 'flashbangs' for sale.
For the flashbangs, I suggest using well formed rocks and imbuing with light magic to go off in one bright flare when it hits hard at something. Hell, we could make miniature sling bullets so that slingers can use them to make distractions and blind enemies at a further distance than throwing it.
>> Use [Virtue Double]
>> Use [Underworld Alteration I]
>> Use [Virtue Double]
>> Taste some of your blood
Our own clone.
Also taste blood. Depending om the taste, maybe have someone else taste it as well

When using [Virtue Double], a fleeting feeling invaded me as a purely white magic circle formed in front of me. It was another me: same clothes and same body, receiving my gaze of confusion and returning one of her own. The moment was weird, a long silence filling the whole basement until I manage to urge myself to speak to...me.

"Hello?" I said. "Do you know that your a part of me?"

"Er, uh, yes. I know. This is quite eerie."

"So...Do you know why I summoned you?"

"To taste your blood, correct?"

"Yeah," grabbing something sharp are cutting my palm. "Lick it. Does it really taste sweet?"

The other me did as I told, her tongue tickling my hand, "It is. Like some sugary drink." She then cut her palm to, offering hers, "Try."

Copying my other me's action, I too drank a few drops of her blood. Like she has said, it was sugary, light as water but awfully sweet. It was the perfect type of sweet too! Not too much for you to gag.

> "What am I going to call you?"
> "Ne~ Want to surprise, Mistress?"
> "How does it feel being my alter ego?"
> Other/Write-in
>> "What am I going to call you?"
>> "How does it feel being my alter ego?
>> "How does it feel being my alter ego?"
>>"Do you know the "opposite qualities" between us?....do you like guys?"
> "Ne~ Want to surprise, Mistress?"
> "How does it feel being my alter ego?"

Implying we aren't master-race bisexual.
Oh the hilarity this can cause
>"Ne~ Want to surprise, Mistress?"
Let's start it off with this huehuehuehue double trouble
>> "What am I going to call you?"
>>"Do you know the "opposite qualities" between us?
> "Ne~ Want to surprise, Mistress?"

We now have a babysitter for when Cheru is lonely but we need to do stuff alone
Alter ego is now our twin sister and shall stay infinitely summoned or whatever

Name is Auntie or something

>> Other/Write-in
Appraise double

...maybe have her strip off the anti-appraise gear first
>> "How does it feel being my alter ego?"
>> Other/Write-in
>make the clone use underworld alteration "Don't worry, I got you"
good idea.wa stripoff in front of Marianne would be fun
(Cos that's totally what you meant)
>"Ne~ Want to surprise, Mistress?"
> "How does it feel being my alter ego?"

"How does it feel being my alter ego," I asked still licking my other self's hand. "Do you know the 'opposite qualities' between us?...Do you like guys?"

"L-Like?!" becoming flustered. "I-- N-Nothing in particular..."

"Oh, I get it~" my wolfish smile coming back to me. "Before we do anything else. what am I going to call you? It's frustrating enough to keep track of who is who in this situation."

"H-How about Ruri Nagaro? Kala for my alias."

"That works, Ruri, or Kala," detaching myself from her hand. "Do you by any chance have any hexes on you? I want to appraise you."

Ruri looks into the collar of her maid dress, "No, I don't have any."

"Okay," I said, appraising her.


Name: Ruri Nagaro (Kala)
Race/Species: Alter ego

Status Ailments:
[Evil Eye: Paralysis]
[Soul Connection (Fuuma Nagaro) ]
[Underworld Alteration: Angelic]

Strength: 100
Speed: 150
Defense: 100
Magic: 175

Skills & Spells:
[Inhuman Communication] [Mana Control III] [Imperfect Poison of Lust: Masochism] [Air Walker]

[Fire Resistance I]
[Poison Immunity]

[Fire Creation] [Fire Arrow]
[Water Creation] [Water Arrow] [Torrent]
[Stone Needle] [Fertile Earth] [Clay Earth]
[Wind Blade] [Air Control] [Weathering]
[Light Creation] [Heal III] [Purify III] [Light Blade] [Faint Barrier II] [Aide: Resilent] [Glorious Shine] [Consecrate]
[Nectar's Blood]
[Major Reanimate] [Poison Creation III] [Marking Hex] [Dark Arrow] [Horrid Grasp] [Evil Eye:Paralysis] [Dark Vision]
[Blackout] [Underworld Alteration I] [Silencing Curse]
[Golem Create] [Runecraft I]

[Divine Child of the Scales (Fake) ] [Innocent]

"Hmm, interesting. You almost have all the same spells and skills that I have, Ruri."

"Yeah, I noticed, F-Fuuma...Do you prefer to be called Lana by me?"

"Fuuma is okay when we're alone. But in public or in company, call me Lana, please."

Ruri nods, "Right."

I took a look around the room, pondering what to do next. And at that moment, a devious plan brewed.

"Ne~ Want to surprise, Mistress?" my grin showing itself twice now.

"S-Sure, lead the way."

"Mhmm~! This will be spectacular!"

Pulling my alter ego with me, we both exited the basement. The workers who we passed gave us strange looks, mostly centered on the newly created "Ruri Nagaro" that looked exactly like me. It didn't bother us much, the heat of the moment shielding us from the onlooker's stare.

With excitement, we've both reached Marianne's room. Knocking on the door, Marianne opened it to see two of mes, pushing our way into her room. She was too shocked to give an answer right away, giving us time to do what we want with her~

> "Who shall it be, Mistress~ The dominant Lana or the submissive Kala?"
> Proceed to hold down Marianne on the bed
> Kiss Ruri and Marianne with the imperfect poison
> Other/Write-in
>> Other/Write-in
We did a thing. Let's explain.

> "Who shall it be, Mistress~ The dominant Lana or the submissive Kala?"
OMG she is pure!! Please don't lewd the innocent one.
Actually, you have a point. I forgot about the innocent

Changing to

> Other/Write-in
Professor Nemo explains the situation
I... I must agree desu. While before i wanted to give Marianne a "pleasent" surprise, now i don't want to anymore.
>fuck with mistresse's head: "Mistress! I have split! I have spliiiiiit!!!"
>> Other/Write-in
Explain how we're now two while feeling her up.
in order please

Marianne brain explodes!
This is good.
We can let Ruri decide on her own if she wants to be naughty like us.
>[Blackout] - Make a selected area pitch black, blocking all natural light. Magic made light is unaffected.
>[Dark Vision]
>[Nectar's Blood] - Your blood has healing capabilities. It's also sweet.

Damn guys, I leave for pretty much the better part of a day and already we're getting stuff that's more or less turning us into some weird Lasombra/Salubri vampiric crossbreed in some Mage's basement. I'm not hating on it, it's just a bit of an amazement.

Also yes, we are capable of reproducing via Maid Mitosis.

"Mistress! I have split! I have spliiit!" getting extremely close to Marianne.

"Wait, don't understand!" still trying to figure things out to why there's two Fuumas. "Who's that, s-settle down!"

I laugh, "Kehaha! Still cute as ever, Mistress. Joking aside, I got a new spell that lets me summon my alter ego. Meet your new maid, and sister, Ruri Nagaro. Kala is her alias, just like how mine is."

"Alter ego? She...doesn't look any different."

"You can say that but she's not exactly a clone of myself. Her personality is a bit different than mine. It's more fun for you to find that out, Mistress!" becoming intimately close to Marianne, feeling her.

Marianne stares at Ruri intensely before looking back down at me, "I-- What? Then is she not real, Lana?" her heart racing, its thumping clearly felt from under her shirt. Ruri was also watching us with a confound expression, wide-eyed to our display.

"She's real, Mistress," pushing her against the bed. "Now it's double the maids, double the fun~" I then look back to Ruri, "Care to join?"

"I-I think I'm fine-- Woah!"

I pulled Ruri with my free hand, lobbing her onto the bed as well. With all three of us together, I made sure that the door was locked and that all the curtains were closed, including the bed's own. Now it's just me, Ruri, and Marianne, hiding within the bed's drapes.

> "Which do you want, Mistress? The sadistic and dominating, Lana? Or the Submissive and innocent, Kala~?"
> "Kala, I believe it's time to punish mistress for what she did to me this morning~ It was awfully painful~"
> Proceed to bind Marianne like yesterday's night
> Other/Write-in
>Bed Wrestling

>> "Which do you want, Mistress? The sadistic and dominating, Lana? Or the Submissive and innocent, Kala~?"
>>Make sure Kala stay innocent, no bully
>> "Kala, I believe it's time to punish mistress for what she did to me this morning~ It was awfully painful~"
>> Proceed to bind Marianne like yesterday's night
>> Other/Write-in
>put a rune anti-sound so Cheru doesn't hear us again.
Yeah, gotta be careful after yesterday.
I'll second >>2934987
I'd say don't forget to lock the damn door.
Because that's like the first thing everyone forgets when hanky panky stuff happens.
We did lock the door.
>I made sure that the door was locked and that all the curtains were closed, including the bed's own.
>OMG she is pure!!
>I forgot about the innocent
I have my doubts. We're not bad guys, so an alter ego would be a really bad things, also check that she already activated [Underworld Alteration I], her Status Ailments says [Underworld Alteration: Angelic], my guess is that she's trying to conceal her true personality.

Her [Innocent] title should has a hiding meaning, and so far we has never appraised a title, maybe they have hiding abilities.
Except we have appraised titles before, like Cheru's Insanity Title.
The problem is that we're not appraising everyone's titles like we are with the skills and spells.
Oh, you're right, my bad, anyway, as you say, we haven't doing it that much, we should do it we ours at first.
It's ok Anon, there's just a lot of stuff to juggle and to make sense of. I'm considering myself lucky that I can barely comprehend about half of it in the first place.
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Anon, I...
It's going to be alright Anon, the dirty Rushit can't touch us anymore.

And to bring up what you said earlier about Fake Fuuma hiding abilities, why not just cast some form of dispel magic on her to get rid of whatever is hiding her true self?
"Kala, I believe it's time to punish mistress for what she did to me this morning~ It was awfully painful~"

Kala continued to show her timidness, "H-How so? I don't know what you mean."

"You'll see~"

Reaching under the bed, I retrieved the same old items as yesterday's night: a rope, blindfold, and whip. Wasting no time I immediately went in to tie Marianne's body with the rope, tugging the line that crossed her crotch more times than I could count. The pleasure overtaking the strong, resolute woman as she moans in delight.

"Oh! That reminds me. Kala, could you soundproof the room with a rune. Don't want Cheru to hear again."

"On it," she said, pushing the bed's curtains open momentarily and inscribing a rune on the door - a direct copy of the ones in the basement. "Lana, isn't this a bit too...naughty?"

> "Aw, don't be shy. Go and tie this blindfold around mistress' head."
> "I'll have to agree with you, but as you know, I love this sort of thing~"
> "Do you want to kiss, Mistress? Using imperfect poison will certainly make things more wonderful~"
> "Don't worry, I'll be gentle - well, try to. Can't promise that I won't tear mistress' gown again~"
> Other/Write-in