>Welcome to the Galactic Federation, a series in which one acts as an Ambassador for an alien civilization in a retro styled future filled with strange aliens and cosmological wonders. Engage in combat, enter in diplomatic talks, and explore the Cosmos!>This is not necessarily a normal qst, but rather a freeform RP with rules and established lore. Feel free to join the Discord and make a civilization of your own.>Discord link:https://discord.gg/EscNNry>Guide to making a Civilization:https://docs.google.com/document/d/13DxLinH-4pIduR9-kvAckqhok4IpUmn8fIF5DT-av4k>BasicLore:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T2CJbuSZraRTPu0eEIyVqrzDPKiF7h0lCYCd940gET
>>2353562>Rukaar is currently enjoying his life in his embassy, having finished giving orders to deal with rebels back on Ru. He waits for something eventful to happen
>>2353564>he receives a request for discussion
>>2353562>Hears has returned to Ferox, Intent upon meeting the new metal forms.......Curiously he left his mate behind, as well as Leaps with news that Oathmake would soon be coming to trojan
>A number of IAF representatives are carousing and relaxing at a small restaurant on Trojan, eating lunch as they make small talk with other patrons.
>>Dell sits in his tower balcony overlooking one of the thousands of cities on Unitum Ferro, thinking about nothing imparticular.
>>2353562>Jammis is writing a press release on the deep space space station that multiple empires will soon be constructing.
>>2353567>Rukaar accepts the request and sets off for Thel with his children in hand, children that he takes to Jezebel's ship. He knocks on the Hull
>thoroughly wishing nobody disturbes her in her ship, as she enjoys a Thrall to the sound of classical musicThis Mozart certainly has some redeeming qualities, for a human.>>2353574Oh for the...>the exit ramp deploys open immediatelyWhat and who is it, and if it’s not important I’m going to kill you
>Meanwhile in Vermin>Apart from Rattus Mercenaries, all Rattus have been called back to the Empire in preparation for "Malte Khandræ" or "Coming End Times". Overall, 67 billion Rattus have been bred and conscripted into the Imperial Rattus Army. Defences and traps now utterly litter the planetary surface of every planet in the Vermin Empire.>The Rattus sit underground, waiting for their moment of light. Their final fight. Their holy benevolent death.
>>2353580>Rukaar stares down at Jezebel"Good afternoon Jezebel, if it is not too much trouble I would request a favor"
>>2353583>Due to maintaining close ties with the Rattus, the IAF, being concerned for their closest allies, have sent hundreds of Officers and Commissars to help organize and train the new conscripts. >Designs for the extremely easy to produce Bastard Gun have been sent with them, with hopes that it will help to arm the massive amount of soldiers.
>Meanwhile>A dark shape waits silently on the bridge of a massive warship gazing at the fleet in front of it>It speaks it a dark foreboding voice"Our attack vectors are now fixed.The hour of triumph is nigh.">The fleet stands alert in it's ranks of hundreds of vessels
>>2353592Oh, Rukaar.You could have called in advance, but what do you require of me?
>>2353600>He sighs"I know you won't like this but I need you to watch these two for a short while">He gestures with the two lumps in his arms that are his spawn
>A robot which seems to be caught octopus shaped kicks the embassy doors openI'm back bitches!Where the hell us everyone?
>>2353611"Hears left Trojan. Moanai is angry, sekhal has issues with children. Please, for a short while my friend"
>>2353618>Dell picks up a security feed on his tablet from a piano and activates the microphone function.I don't think anybody is here right now, but make yourself at home just don't break anything.
>>2353618>Karl has acquired a bionic eye and is hitting it to get it to work"Piece of junk->He looks at the robotic Cythres-I don't mean you but it seems since I lost my damned eye my luck has gone with it."
>>2353630Damn itWhere exaclty is everyone?I've been out of the loop for a while
>>2353634>the piano transforms into a blocky humanoid figure.Well, I'm not too sure. I think everybody went to deal with business at home. I'm just bored.
>>2353624...Does the girl stilll...breathe fire?And I’m starting to feel... queasy...
>>2353632Oh really?When did you lose it?>>2353638What buissness at home?
>>2353644"Yes she does, as for any nausea, I can not help. Don't worry I can repay you after, your gift should be ready by then"
>>2353645I don't really know. Everybody has their own business on their planets. All that I'm sure of is that I'm not busy. That's it though.
>>2353645"Ehhh about a month ago some crazy giant mutant with a sword fucked us all up.So you probably had more fun doing paperwork."
Rolled 5 (1d100)>>2353649Allright, no longer than a few hours.>she goes to pick Rukessa up>roll for success
>>2353652HuhAnything I would have missed?>>2353656Sounds like sounds like a story, remind me to ask you to tell me it some time.I wasn't really doing paperwork B. Handles thatBut that's not the point T sounds like you guys had a action filled time while I was gone
>All over Trojan, Rattus preachers are on platforms screeching constantly about the coming Malte Khandræ. >>2353596>In exchange for this aid, 1 billion Rattus are drafted into the Free Rattus Army to fight across IAF worlds. The FRA are noticeably better equipped than regular Rattus infantry.>Pic related is regular Rattus infantry
>>2353658>Jezebel takes the child from her arms, and is promptly crushed under the giant baby's weight
Rolled 24 (1d100)>>2353708>muffled screams>she attempts to use telekinesis to put it on the ship instead
>>2353714>Her telekinesis picks up the laughing child, then drops her back down a mere inch from her face. Rukaar looks down"Need help?"
>>2353716Y-yes...Please...Just put them in the undercompartment
>across the conglomerate, there is talk of war>The next generation is trained almost a year early>children are taught to shoot>old vehicles are repaired, and refueled>people begin fortifying their homes>militias meet more often, and begun making final checks of radio relays, and battle plans>the government is on high alert>You could cut the tension with a knife
>>2353718>Rukaar easily lifts the baby in one hand, as the two Rumar pups try to grab their father's face he opens the compartment with his foot and puts them down softly"Dare I ask what's down there?"
>>2353729Just food.>she retains her composureIt should keep them busy for at least half an hour
>All across IAF space, worlds and outposts are fortified, Militias are trained and equipped, and the IAF proudly announces the completion of two new Cruisers.>According to IAF broadcasts, work has begun on a Carrier, but progress is slow.>Hundreds of thousands of Anti-Air guns are distributed across IAF Worlds, and rumors of Anti-Orbital cannons being developed abound.
>>2353738>There is a lot of violent sounds down their accompanied by the laughter of the two babies. Rukaar shrugs and leaves to meet with Thel
>>2353739>The FRA swarms the streets arm in arm with the IAF to defend the land whatever the cost may be. They will fight on beaches. They will fight on the landing grounds. They will fight on the streets and in the fields. They shall never surrender.
>>2353742>she closes up the ramp, and just looks at the carnage below from the hatch>beginning to salivate slightly, she continues her meal from before, while thinking of a way to get them out afterwards
>>2353562>Taxla puts the Dukedom seal on the papers, the official document setting up a client state with the Wayfarers>The embassy is also alive with many of staff decorating the embassy for the upcoming celebrations
>>2353750>A few minutes later the hatch explodes open with a blast of fire as Rukessa crawls out on all fours, she happily coos and cries as she stumbles towards Jezebel
>>2353754AH, BY THE UNCREATED WHAT THE FETH IS THIS?>she gets a chair and perches up onto it, drawing her sword and poking the child with the handle to make it stay away
>>2353751What's going on?Why are you adding more colours?
>>2353758>The baby begins to bat at the sword handle, quite happy with the attention
>>2353759His Highness Duke Scales of Gold will be having his 50 year anniversary of taking the throne. It's a important event through the entire Dukedom, although celebrated most fervently on Kroak worlds like Murder.
>The administrator is sat by the small prefabricated building next to the giant tarmac runway built on the area allocated for an embassy, flicking through a book on how to play the saxophone, before tooting on a saxophone on his lap
>>2353763What a charmingly named planetThe event sounds goodWill ambassadors be invited to a party I assume here?
>>2353762What sort of malevolent primordial spawn is this?What are you, demon child?>she tries to lure it back down the hole by throwing some prime Drakul ribs in there
>>2353762Rukaar! It has been too long friend! come come! there is much to discuss!
>>2353769The name is off putting,but it means "Large Gathering" in Kroakish. The party itself is open to friends of the Dukedom, but the event here will be nothing compared to the celebration on Murder, or if you prefer its other name, Dúmharú.
>>2353768>He sends a message to him "How are you going to handle that world? Talked to the old bastard and it's full of degenerated members of his own species who like to eat other sentient races.">>2353769"It was a shitty story.We had to kill a King who apparently wasn't an asshole,well besides being corrupted by the sword which called the invaders here.That and he hurt us real bad,especially Hears and I think Sekhal lost an arm."
>>2353777I doubt I'm listed or even if the Dukedom knows of the Xtlanti.There does seem to be quite a lot of Xenos now.So I'll just stick with the party here
>>2353772>Rukessa giggles madly as the ribs float back up and land in front of her, she begins eating>>2353775Indeed Thel you've missed a great deal, but why have you summoned me on this day?
>>2353781>The administrator reads the message, then sighs in frustration, blasting a deafeningly loud "DOOT" from the saxophone he's playing"If there's no way we can get around it, try getting on his good side. I don't care if he eats other races as long as we're not one of them."
>He also sends a message to the home of one Dell Vapor>"We have intel the enemy might be heading towards you.Do you require aid in holding a front line in your space?"
>>2353783Well you can come along, if your race isn't against copious amounts of smoke from mainly tobacco sources.
>>2353781Seriously?Anything else happen I should know about?>>2353792Oh no I'm fine with itGood cover
>>2353787Dear Primos, are you punishing me?Is this the price I’m paying for my past mistakes?>she gets a piece of string, and dangles it over the hatch
>>2353787Two reasons. First, I am sure you are aware that a large force of some kind is coming. I would like to discuss several options of repulsion. Additional, I would like you to meet my heir.>he gestures to the shorter ku'unarian
>>2353790>"No he's not the cannibal the assholes we're stealing from are.And just hire a butt ton of mercs and just head there and kick some ass my man.">>2353798"Oh the Princess was also In league with the Invaders and we had to kill her."
>>2353799>The baby waddles off towards Jezebel's books>>2353800"Yes I am aware of this invasion.">Rukaar bows to the shorter being"My heir is currently with jezebel"
>>2353798Then you should be fine at the celebration, just try to avoid a stoned Kroak stomping around.
>>2353569>The fort world is almost calm as Hears sets foot upon it, descending into the earth to meet his potential allies. All around feroxians hurry to and fro, too much to do, not enough time before the invasion starts......>But now is not the time for that, now is to learn and to mend>The Feroxian heads to the one of the oldest and largest of the underground strongholds these metallic beings, who call themselves the World Born, have chosen as the meeting place for negotiations. It's also the first stronghold that was taken by them during the offensive. >With things have calmed down and the Feroxians are at work rebuilding what they can since the WorldBorne initiated the ceasefire, Though they treat it more like a peace. A few are even seen helping to repair some of the damage.
>>2353791>Dell wakes violently from a nap as a deafening squeal from an emergency whistle comes from a computer sitting next to his bed.>after a small fit, Dell checks the message.Hmm.I think I'm good.>he sends a message that reads>"Karl, thank you for informing me of this threat, I will put up defenses right away. As for reinforcements, I am set to defend on my own. Thank you anyway."
>>2353807The hell does you guys get up to when I'm not around if his is the result…>>2353810Sounds good
>>2353809NO NO NO NO NO YOU DON’T>she grabs some chains from the hatch and lassos the Rukessa, attaching the other loop to the strongest thing she can possibly find.>the other rumarian child
>>2353809Yes, I have met to meet your children. I assume it shall be a most pleasant event.>he beckons Rukaar to walk and talkNow then, what do we know about this... invasion?
>>2353811>Hears looks around the stronghold, noting what is broken and how much can be fixed before the tide comes on. >He looks around the insides of the fortress for what he is told is the "big one with 6 fingers and really bloody scary" to begin speaking
>>2353820>Rukandos snorts but doesn't move and Rukessa is held in place>>2353823"That people are invading"
>>2353825"You Are The Korr Of These Blooded?"
>>2353831>sigh of relief>she gets out a hover platform and tries to coax the now chained children onto it
>>2353833>Twisting towards the giant, Hears looks him over before nodding"And you are the Master of these worldborne. This one comes to speak with you regarding construction, housing of your kin, and the brewing storm"
>>2353842No. I Command Guardians Of The Holme As the Rank Of Comodes. The WorldBorne Are Lead By The Korr,The One Who Is Sovereign And Whom Holds Court Deep Beneath This Stronghold With The Ferrarchs."
>>2353851"Hmm, then lead this one to whom leads you or to whom these might be adressed by. These matters are pressing and time is slipping away at a rate this one dislikes.">Hears rests his hands on his belt, next to a ring of grenades and his saber, the worn surface a pleasant calming influence
>>2353841>Rukessa tries to get on the platform but Rukandos doesn't move
>>2353853"Very Well. Follow.">He turns and makes his way deeper into the base. Guards following him of the ranks your men have identified as Lukalkili leading groups of Grores.
>>2353857>she makes the platform rise to the point where Rukessas head touches the ceiling, leaving Rukandos dangling in the air from steel chains
>>2353863>Hears follows behind, his own retinue of guardians following in a loose triangle, Each assessing their escorts as assessing each other."How well are you prepared to defend yourselves?"
[Pic related is the Comodes appearance]"We Are Always Ready.">He turns his head in your direction.""Are You?"
>>2353875[Mouth doesnt have the jack o lantern teeth and eyes lack the tear lines though.]
>>2353875"Every gun is primed, every blade sharpened, sheild charged, engine burning and hunter burning with a desire to kill.......This one honestly does not know. He is confident he will win, not sure if he will survive">He keeps a mental note of their location and how the go along as they move
>>2353866>The Children squirm but are unable to move, in a fee moments they start crying. A loud wail able to break glass and shatter eardrums
>>2353886OH GODDAMMIT!>she dismantles the contraption, instead opting to Put them next to eachother while throwing hearts in their general direction
>>2353885>As they approach the command center of the fortress a new voice is heard. It sounds less rough then the Comodes. Coming from a new form of Worldborne, One with a golden hue."Weapons Readied Mean Nothing Should You Not Know What You Face. Tell Me...Feroxian....Do You Know What Comes For Both Blood And World Born?"
>>2353894>Rukessa uses telekinesis to bring the hearts to her as Rukandos pulls himself towards jezebel
>>2353895"Dead beings come for us. If they are not dead now, they soon will be.">Without a trace of doubt in his voice he continues until he is stood next to the metal man"But other than that he only know they come in a large number and have allies that shall attack mine. But he suspects you know what this one will face by your tone."
>>2353902N-no..Stay back!Stay back I say!G-go to sleep?Go to sleeeeppp.Go to sleeeeppp.Go to sleep or he’ll eeaaat youuuu....Go to sleeeeepDon’t kill meeeee.....I’m too young to die don’t go near me
>>2353905"Indeed. But That Matter Is For You To Discuss With The Korr. Come.">He motions for you to follow leading the party towards the excavation site that would expand the stronghold deeper. Through the opening in the cavern you see what looks like a throne room. Only the entrance was blown through the spot where the throne should be, explaining just how this whole mess started."We Did Not Expect Someone To Dig Through So Much Rock. Then Again We Built This Holme Ward Swiftly."
>>2353917>Rukessa giggles and then falls over asleep, Rukandos does the sane after climbing on her chest, still wrapped head to toe in his heavy clothes
>>2353925>she gives a sigh of relief>she isn’t going to die>thank Primos she isn’t going to die>she continues the lullabyIf you waaaake...I will quaaakkkeee...In my shoes so please don’t do that.....Being awaaaake...Is quite faaaakeee...Keep your eyes shut and don’t destroy my property...
>>2353930>Rukandos drools on jezebel in his slumber
>>2353923"You underestimate our own desires for comfort. This is merely a drop in a deep pond of our endevours. Is the korr still alive? or are there multiple?">Intricate, expansive, not much cover. useless as a holding point, best as a dead end to detonate the roof inwards
>>2353934>she gets an entire mattress and puts it between her and the child, suddenly finding herself pinned by the baby for no explainable reason.>she stands up, goes to her room, locks the door and immediately changes clothes
>>2353935"There Is One Korr Whom Is Sovreign In Ruling. We Ferrarchs Nominally Ruled Voids And Worlds In His Name Until Forced Back To The Deepest Strongholds."
>on an automated mining colony near the far fringes of the galaxy, a meteor crashes down>contact is lost soon after
>Slums of Nox, Close to the districts Metal Foundry.>The crash of refuse and decaying buildings was sounding throughout the usual mess common to the district.>The creature moved in the back alleys. Its bizarre form of speech sowing fear into the minds of Drakul peasants that heard it and wondered what manner of creature had made it their homes.
>>2353986>police forces sweep into the area, backed up by gunship support>ground troops are armed with scatter guns and heavy grenades, and they move into the area with utmost stealth
>>2353967>The facility sends out an emergency alert via it's Vox which reaches a monitoring station and Shift Supervisor Rodrigo Menendez"Something has just taken out Facility 0117-343's automated ore processor units. And it looks like the facility itself has started taking damage.">He ponders if he will lose his job if he goes to sleep and ignores it and decides to pick up.the phone after seeing a giant blob seemingly eating the facility"Hey Corporate Security this is monitoring station Echo-02 we're gonna need you to handle something."
>>2353941>When she renters both babies are free and curiously looking at the bookshelf again
>>2353947"Then you lead your kind here. Forgive this one if he is wrong yet your titles are strange to order in this ones head"
>>2355008"The Same For Yours Feroxian.">The party continues further into the stronghold using a system of moving platforms to speed them on their way."Any Other Words Of Querry Before You Speak With The Korr?"
>>2355092"Taboos and gestures that are offensive that should not be used. Other items of respect would be useful"
>>2355101"Use Proper Titles. Do Not Question The Decisions Of The Korr Or Ferrarchs Without Good Cause. And Use Deep Scrying When You Hew And Sunder The Stone And Rock."
>>2355107"Hmm, thank you very much. This one will remember that.......And do you have other kin amongst the stars?">Hears looks over the ferrarch, looking for any of the more organic tells and reactions to his words
>>2355118"Yes. Some Unearthed Most Likely In This Recent Mass Forging Of Material and Strongholds. Not To Disimiliar To What We Forged Many Star Cycles In The Past."
>Taxla is assisting with the final preparations for the Dukes 50th anniversary on the throne, helping to put up banners and flags with his Houses symbol and other decorations for the occasion
>Confederacy is preparing for the coming invasion, their new and upgraded shield tech alongside heavily fortified space stations should help them
>>2355004No...No stop it...Stop please?Does this translator work on children or are you just ignoring me?
>>2355261>The babies giggle as they are about to destroy her books, then a knock at the hull once more stops they. They turn to investigate
>>2355268>she grabs the half eaten carcass of a Thrall from below, throws it as hard as she can at the children, and then rushes to slam the landing ramp open
>>2354697>A frigate is dispatched to the world and a shuttle goes down to the surface with a company full of heavily armed security officers.Three tracked drones with a quartet of chainguns and an automatic grenade launcher each>They move to the facility and the Security Captain yells at the blob"Hey you,get off my damn facility.If you blow that fucker up I don't get my bonus.">The security crew spread out setting up some heavy weapons
>>2355286>Rukaar is standing at the door holding a crate while the babies tear the thrall's remains apart"Hello Jezebel, I hope they didn't give too much trouble"
>>2353995>The creature has come to an opening in the mass of houses. It pauses looking towards the foundry towering over the rest of the buildings.>Suddenly it breaks into a sprint, not even caring about the structures it's smashing through on the ways to its destination.
>>2355296Take your demon children and never return them please and thank you.
>>2355132"Hmm one of your brothers runs rampant on a world of a....partner of this ones. After this meeting we may attempt to recover him if he still lives, or organise speech with the leeches"
>>2355311"I see">He whistles and the children crawl to him"First your gift, I can only imagine how bad they treated you I hope this makes up for it">He presents the crate
>>2355289>a form emerges from the grey liquid, spindly and lithe>it approaches the security crew, making bleeping noises
Rolled 10, 6 = 16 (2d20)>>2355306>gunships uncloak and give pursuit, launching off missiles and lance weapons while the police set magnetic traps up ahead
>>2355317>she fearfully raises the lid of the crate
>>2355325>Inside is a suit of powered armour, its finely crafted with runes and other designs covering most of the silvery plates of some alien metal, the suits servos are arranged to give the wearer enhanced strength and speed as well as several weapons in the gauntlets. Finally the helmet is in the likeness of a bat's head"I hope you enjoy it"
>>2355320"Uhhhh what does this bleeping mean?">The Company of armed men shrug and shoulder their weapons but the Captain walks towards it slowly putting away his weapon and putting his hands in the air"Hey don't worry little buddy I'm not here to hurt you.Just tell your mom here to move out and we'll all be good."
>>2355331Oh, thank you Rukaar!This is an exquisite piece!>she suddenly seems less bothered about the utter carnage and countless lives ended by the babiesYes, this more than makes up for it.
>>2355334>the being emits a light that scans over the captain>after finishing it makes to walk to one of his men and continue scanning
>>2355337>The Captain nervously puts his hand out and touches the being>Hand spread out to pet it like it's a giant horse
>>2355343>the being recoils(Does the captain have a walkie talkie or radio of some sort?)
>>2355349>The Captain puts his hands up and grabs his radio from his belt calling to the ship in orbit"Uhhh guys.I think we found a new sort of life form here.Uhhh do we have any protocol for handling this?"
>>2355336"The helmet holds multiple vision modes to enhance tracking, the suit has a built in cloaking device and even better I had yours fashioned to be lighter than mine our hears so you aren't held down but still get good defense.And it has a cape
>>2355363>the form shoots out a string of goo that connects it to the radio>a heavily synthesized voice comes throughWe are Trailblazer Probe Theta-Gamma. Resources required for continuation of mission.
>>2355370>He yells back to his men"Guys it's talking now what do we do?"He grabs a protein bar and throws it over"Does this work? Otherwise I know some lovely rocks right over there.">He points and then lights a flare throwing it over to a pile of rocks
>>2355376Refinery adequate. Resources acceptable.
>>2355385>He facepalms"There goes my damn bonus." >He gets out a holomap and throws it to the being"Welcome to our little corner of the galaxy.Trojan is the next two lefts and then you'll be able to meet all those diplomatic fuckers.">The refinery explodes in the distance and the security team heads back to the shuttle"Have a nice day."
>A message is sent to the UUW embassy on Trojan apologizing for not being able to send a diplomat in person >But it contains a message asking for a defensive pact against the invaders.Humankind must stand as a bulwark against this enemy that knocks on the Federation's door,shall the UUW answer it with them?
>>2355389Further information requested: pinhole coordinates.
>>2355450>He yells back one more time"Urghhhh it's in the map.I don't know what the hell a pinhole is but if you use warp then it should be there.">He mutters"Lazy bastards,first they blow up my facility and then they ask me to help them.">He closes the door and heads to orbit
>>2355438>The message for a while goes unanswered until last minute...>The UUW will accept the defensive pact for the invasion.
>>2355313"Interesting. The Court Is Being Held Ahead.">The Ferrarch Points to a large set of doors with several guards and other assorted Worldborne talking among each other.
>>2355496"Thank you Ferrarch">With a gesture all but 2 guardians wait as far from the door as they are able while hears strides towards the portal, head high and gaze unfazed. His guardians however roll their arms and keep a tight grip upon their weapons, each flinching slightly if they meet a world borne gaze
>>2355488>A fruit basket and thank you note is sent to the embassy in response
>publius has just returned to trojan after an inspection tour of the empire's frontier fortifications
>>2355622>Karl is out taking a walk around Trojan after thankfully having his bionic eye fixed.The red light dimmer today to respect the other pedestrians when he bumps into Publius himself"Hello my Roman friend. Also on a walk I see?">He gives the man a handshake and they continue walking
>>2355528>Hears and his me funnel into the chamber along with the other forms of Worldborn from outside. Taking note of its height to accommodate the larger WorldBorne who attend. The architecture looks less like it wasn't carved out and shaped more like clay. In the center of the room is a circle made up of chair shaped like the rest of the room, possibly from volcanic rock. At one side of the circle sits and enourmous chair, the biggest in the room. Opposite it is one that would be more suited to Hears.>almost all the other Ferrarchs have taken their seats aside from Qualium."That Seat Is For You Korr Hears.">pointing to the smaller one.
>>2355627ah karl how are you?battening down the hatch for the storm that's coming?
>>2355628"This one thanks you for your considerations, Grand ones">Taking his seat, Hears fixes his gaze to the largest Of the worldborne. His guardians take a place behind the chair, more out of sight than brazen"This one Speaks for his kind, and Hopes that these whisper-talks prove fruitful. Do you have anything you wish to ask of him before he speaks of his own items?"
>>2355632"More like reinforcing the hatch by welding some inch thick steel onto it and then putting down auto turrets in case any water gets through.">He laughs"Do you think this is the prophecy that we heard of so many months ago?"
>>2355655"The Korr Will Arrive Soon. As For Querries....">Silence takes over the room for a few seconds before another Ferrarch speaks."Is It True They Have Come Again?"
>>2355750I hope so, I would hate for there to be something even worse coming after
>>2355780"Hah I wonder what could be worse than this.">He chuckles again"How goes your preparations? Are you going to send any ships down our way?"
>>2355775"Again, we may not say in good faith. But a threat has come from far off. 4 differing types of creatures and factions if our seers are to be believed........And one is coming directly for The allmother and for you. We shall stop them have no doubt."
>>2355797probably not, we are planning on relying on our pre existing fortifications and look to our own.but if you need help learning how to build good forts we can help you with that
>>2355834>A new voice enters the room. Loud but calm."Should They Come For An East Harvest They Will Be Left Wanting.">The newest arrival must be the Korr they speak of. He stands as the largest among the WorldBorne, the biggest of the Comodes could look short by comparison.>The rest of the WorldBorne address him as he takes his seat."You Are Hears The Call Korr Of The Feroxians, Correct?"
>>2355968"He is glad to be recognized and be of the same mind, This one is The Korr of the feroxians. You are the Korr of the metallic WorldBorne, yes?">Hears rests back in his chair, unbothered by the fact his blade is across his back
>>2355365I am very grateful.How did you know what proportions it had to have when you had it made, may I ask?
>>2356097"Indeed.""Now We Settle This Conflict In Full. That We Might Bring Our Focus Where It Is Needed Most."
>>2356172"You wish to Stand with us and kill those whom would set foot upon the Worlds of this system?Our ways of war are different metal ones. This one requests that you man these chambers, fortifying and using the anti-star sailor weapons. Leave the battles of space to us. With luck and skill they should die before they reach the surface""Any information on them is also of import, for more of my allies"
>>2356232"I Will Give you One A Weapon To Combat One Of Their Most Powerful Weapons. One to Combat Fear. Your People Will Not Haunt Themselves In Fear Of the Unknown. For This I Will Give You Their Name."
>>2356535"This one thanks you, A name works well even if more must be discovered By ourselves"
>>2356098"I didn't make it, my master War smith did"
>>2356619Y-yes, but how did you know the measurements of my body to make the order?
>>2356631"Remember that time you slept on Ru the night before my marriage, I told him the beings I trusted the most and deserved rewards. You were measured in your sleep"
>>2356640>she just stands there in stunned silence>you feel that this is probably an apt time to go
>>2356592"This shall be relayed, Now then. Onto my own items of interest. Housing of your kin and the Constructions upon this world">He shifts slightly to lean forwards"Your homes down here are.....not complete this one assumes. If you intend to remain here then they will be required to be finished. We will assist you if you so desire. Tangibly related to this, Is construction and refinement of our pre-existing structures. This place is meant to be a bastion, beyond reproach. We would like you to assist us in this"
>>2356690>He happily hands her the box and leaves, happily oblivious to the violation of basic rights that he ordered to be committed. One of the babies wave as the are carried away
>The administrator continues to toot away on his saxophone, much to the chagrin of the napping security guard
>Rukaar makes his way to the Dukedom embassy holding two more crates as his children sit on his shoulders
>Taxla stands under the gate of the Dukedom embassy, overseeing that the staff hang the lanterns in the right spot>He's standing eating a fruit, wearing his dark great trousers and a white shirt, on break from his own duties
>>2356830Ah Ranaos, I have a gift for you and fang
>>2356840Ah Rukaar, you are most welcome!>He bowsI see your children are well. So, what do you with to gift me?
>>2356861>Rukaar opens one of the crates"A suit of armour not unlike my own, a powered war suit with a cloaking device. This one was created specifically for you">The two Rumar pups make happy whistling sounds
>>2356876>Taxla inspects the gearSuperb craftsmanship, I will inspect it later once the festivities have ended.>He motions to two idle Kroak who move to bring the crate insideYour children are well then yes?
>>2356888>Rukessa snorts smoke before rukaar can answer, her nostrils resembling that of a dragon's."They are doing more than well, could you take this crate to Fang?">he holds up the second crate
>>2356900>He signals to some Yss workers to move it to his office and picks up RukessaShe has grown much, and I see that the Heart has effected her. Perhaps it will aid her.
>>2356911>Rukaar scratches Rukandos' skull plates as Rukessa coos and whistles in Taxla's arms
>>2356923>Taxla smiles as he holds her, with Fang coming out of the embassy, unusually not carrying the Heart with him"Ah Rukaar, good to see you and your young here. I thank you for the gift, it will serve me well."
>>2356937>Rukaar nods to the KroakYours is model after the creature called a "Dragon". I wish I knew where to find one, that would be a great hunt don't you think?"
>>2356951"As do I, they would be worthy additions to the Dukedom.">He takes Rukessa from Taxla and holds her in one of his massive handsSurely you don't hunt reptilians?
>A message arrives on the desk of the leading Pollupi Administrator inexplicably >It reads"Why are you taking so long you tentacled fucks?"
>>2356970"Of course we do, they hunt us we hunt back. Its a cycle"
>>2358919Well, it sounds fair enough, but we may ask for the species at some point, regulations and all. Will you be joining us later for the celebration?
>>2358929"Celebration for what?"
>>2356691"Our Strongholds Are Complete In Defense. It Was Most Vital When They Were Built."
>>2358935"Then you and yours have sanctuary. This cuts down upon the workload, And This one still requests you assist with the fortification of the rest of the complex. You are free to deny him this, it is a hope">With a dismissive gesture Hears moves on"And a final article before his speech leaves him. One of your Ferrarch's Mentioned that you have kin among other stars and other worlds, This one Believes that he has found one such being, currently murdering its way across a planet named Nox. Do you wish to have anything done with this information?"
>>2358932It is 50 years since Duke Scales of Gold took the Kroak throne, and these occasions are of great importance to the Kroak, and now in the Dukedom at large.
>>2358938"Nox?">Numideion extends his arm, palm open, and brings up a 3-D star map in the center of the room."Where Among The Void Does Nox Reside?"
>>2358981"That information eludes me. However Access to the planet can be achived through whisper-talk with one of my allies, their people are currently paying the price for waking the worldborne">As he speaks he calls up his own memory and taps along a holo pad, then gestures at the 3d map outlining an area"That is the Drakul Space, in rough estimates. Secretive and deceitful they are not to be trusted, and they are aware that this one has contact with you, if not your location. Nox is their capital and as such we do not know where it is"
>>2358989>The Korr waves his hand and map shifts to a much closer view."This Is A Map Of The WorldBorne Sovereignty Before The War.">The Map shows a generous area of space which occupies areas that make up Drakul, Feroxian, and several other star nations.>Several star systems light up Ferox being the center of them all and another lights up in Drakul terrorize."These Drakul Must Have Unearth A Slumbering Worldborne From The Stronghold There And Decided To Prod For Information." "When The Conflict Tore Apart Much Of Our Realm We Retreated To Ridden Strongholds Deep Underground To Ride Out The Storm.">Numideion lets out what might be a groan before leaning back into his chair."Now The Cryzaxiaat Come For Our Key Holdout. Whether By Choice Or Coincidence I Know Not."
>>2358943"Why would I be celebrating?"
>>2359014"Then this one would ask for a copy of this map for confirmation purposes. And once more he offers the means to speak with these beings. They will not attempt to return this Worldborne without some gain, so this is up to you.">Hears is quiet as he finishes speaking, thinking. The beings are coming back, this imply's reparations or a cycle against the galaxy. the conflict they imply could be internal or this invader.......and if the second, possibly too tough to defeat.....too many unknowns
>the probe continues to absorb the resources held in the mining facility
>Jezebel sends a message to the admiral, something to do with an international research effort
Rolled 88 (1d100)>Meanwhile on Trojan Trio are making an anti-air battery in their backyard>Roll for quality
>Aboard the Mothership "Call to the Harvest" a service is being taken.Translated from Cryzaxiaat.>Thousands of silent red armored Reapers stand at attention as one armored in gold and white speaks in a dark booming voice<Brothers welcome all.Here we come to be blessed in the light of the crops that we sow.The hunger of our people will be resolved for millennia by our actions today>>A massive emerald crystal of pyschoaether shines in the light of the room<First we must sow in the soil of these worlds,using our holy weapons to irrigate the crops with blood.Then we must wait and guard our catch so that no pests infest it.Do not worry for the living brothers they will be reborn in the glory of the pyschoaether to serve a higher purpose just as our [UNTRANSLATABLE] have sworn! Now go to battle!>>The Reapers cheer and drink ethermass mixed with water the bitter flavor of the H2O making them feel the bloodlust in their [UNKNOWN]>The fleet jumps just outside to the Ferox system
>>2359090>Drakul stealth ships observe, sending calls for special forces transports to stand ready
Rolled 83 (1d100)>>2359090>Crimson warships emerge from the dark void of space at the asteroid belt of the Ferox system.Some construction ships seem to be modifying the asteroids in the belt but the majority of the fleet moves on.This section of the fleet:200 corvettes 50 destroyers 20 cruisers 15 battleships,3 dreadnoughts and 7 carriers advance towards the fortress world>The engines of the smaller ships racing as the carriers release a squadron of fighters and bombers each the bombers racing towards the planet to bomb the defenders
>>2359090>meanwhile the roman empire continues to expand and improve its massive system of frontier fortifications
>>2359090>Commander Jergen is carefully observing them, just in case they'll need help>>2359086>Meanwhile Trio have build a turrent outfitted with seeking missiles and chainguns in their backyard, megaplex is relatively safe from air attacks
>A second Rupture of invaders breaks free from their wormholes spearheading towards the Caldorian fleet. Marked with red hulls pulsing with inner heat the second legion prepares for assault. Thousands of furnace dregs and overseers stand in formation with and eerie silence save for their internal forges burning hot. In front of the legion stands a beast of red metal and the look of a predator, it gives no words rather it's commands given via vast communication networks wired into each of his units. This is his last inspection of the 425th fleet before live combat with their prey. None will stand against the tide of fire and steel>The fleet nears Unitum Ferro
>>2359090>The star map changes to a map of the local system showing the invasion fleet."The Reapears Come To Harvest.">Murmors break out among the gathered Worldborne "THEY WILL RECEIVE NAUGHT BUT FAMINE!" >The Korr roars as he rises to his feet."Prepare All Forces For The Coming Attack!">War cries sound out as the Worldborne move to their positions and the chamber shifts revealing facilities befitting a command center.
>>2359105>Dell is working on his new personal ship when receives a message on a small pocket pc clipped to his hip. This message reads>Dell, we are going on high alert. The moment that we have been preparing for is finally happening. I'm going to need you in the main building pronto, as nobody else has your key. -Dauges VaporIt's about time.
>In the past few months, the Ploraxians have been developing and making massive strides in military technology and development. >from better infrastructure, combat doctrines, and cloaking, along with ship-building, the Ploraxians are trying to gain speed with everyone else>they also seek to begin a cross-training exercise with fellow empires.
Rolled 17, 7, 19, 1, 16, 3, 16, 20, 15, 10, 8 = 132 (11d20)>>2359090>As the sensors Detect this fleet emerging along their borders Hears rises from his seat"They arrive. To battle Worldborn, May the allmother protect you">With a barked command, the Feroxians make haste, Practically sprinting for the shuttles and the new gift rukkar had given him.>All across the Ferox system, the call is sent that the enemy has arrived and Hears voice is cast across the system, relayed and passed on, half of it directed at the encroaching fleets."Hunters, Masters, Packs, Groups, Smiths, Wisemen, This sun-path we face a foe who dares to enter our space, in defiance of our laws. The come with blade and bow, metal and bone to bring us harm. To Sully the surface of the all mother and her children like the filthy sky striders before them. This one looks at them and he sees a tide, a fleet of beyond counting, relentless and all consuming. But then he looks to Ferox, to her sister worlds and he sees a few, so very few defenders, He sees blades gleaming with light, ready for the slaughter. And he sees HATE.WE SEE THESE BASTARDS AND WE HATE. WITH THIS HATE, WE SHALL DRIVE THEM BACK, WE SHALL RAIN BLOOD UPON OUR WORLDS AND WE WILL LAUGH AND BURN THEM FROM THE VOID. HE SEES THEM COME AND HE SAYS THISLET THEM COME, HERE WE STAND AND HERE THEY DIE. NO INVADE SHALL MAKE HOME ON FEROX WHILE THIS ONE HAS BREATH. LET THE MURDER MAKE BEGIN">As the transmission ends, the counter attacks start>>2359102>The mothers anger opens fire upon the attackers, attempting to pick apart the bombers, even as the jungles begin to burn and a few underground chambers begin showing signs of strain. the orbital guns begin to bark at the invaders.[first 6 for the anger at minus 4][next 5 at normal for orbital guns]
>>2359111>The First of the enemy ships near the cluster of steam powered vessels and the giant metal contraption that is Unitum ferro. A single message is sent to the republic "Resistance is Useless, accept your doom"
>>2359118>meanwhile, they try and set up their military network to prepare for the onslaught of enemies which will arrive.
Rolled 5, 11, 7, 16, 17, 19, 9, 18, 16, 13, 4, 11, 17, 19 = 182 (14d20)>>2359120>A cruiser is damage by the long range fire of the Anger.>The ground batteries manage to hit four squadrons of the razor sharp corvettes.The corvettes continue rushing forwards heading straight towards the defenses>The carriers send out 14 squadrons of bombers aiming at the superdreadnought to draw it off it's little allies<Be still,fear not the Reaper for their duty is righteous> -The Book of the Reaper Ch.187
Rolled 61 (1d100)>>2359124>A message is swiftly sent back"Good morning! And welcome to Unitum Ferro! If you would look to your assumed right you will see my beautiful ship that we call a planet. If you wish to survive the encounter you have initiated, then accept our negative response. If you wish to be wiped off of this plain of existence and used to fuel our massive race, continue with your 'assault'.>Roll to convince
Rolled 19, 8, 6, 1, 6, 14, 19, 7, 16, 17 = 113 (10d20)>>2359131>The furnace master chuckles to himself before sending the vanguard for his fleet to weaken the metal planet's defenses
Rolled 20, 20, 17, 6, 7 = 70 (5d20)>>2359130>The Anger growls, switching fire to the bombers........too little to late. the first 5 rip away the shields, the second 5 takes away layers of plating.......and the last 4 hit viscous wounds along its core, bridge and engines.......It detonates in violence, the deathcry of a massive beast."AND FIRST BLOOD TO THE INVADERS, LET US REPAY THEM IN KIND MY BROTHERS. SHOW THEM HOW RIGHTEOUS THEY WILL BE IN DEATH"[first roll to see how big a boom the ANGER makes as it dies][next 5 for anti orbital fire] >The anti-orbital fire redoubles its effort, seeking to reap as much blood the anger had shed
Rolled 70 (1d100)>>2359154[forgot the boom]
>>2359029>The security captain gets a message that another facility is under attack again"Goddamnit now I'm mad.Get our other frigate "Son of Old McGee" out there and I'm taking two whole companies and armor there.Now let's move out you assholes.>Within a few hours two frigates arrives at the world this time when the companies disembark on the planet they have two old Patton MBTs with them and they start moving in putting down sandbags and making a perimeter as they prepare to move in
Rolled 27 (1d100)>>2359136>Half of the attack either misses or is absorbed by Unitum Ferro's mighty shield. The other half pokes through and hits a factory, demolishing it."I see how this is.">Dell gives the order to have the planet simply consume the enemy fleet.
Rolled 19, 18, 16, 9, 19, 15, 4, 2, 4, 13 = 119 (10d20)>>2359158>The planet doesn't do much as Unitum's ferro's defense fleet is torn to pieces without getting orders. The vanguard fleet fires into the metal world's maw
Rolled 60, 16 = 76 (2d100)>>2359154>They shatter a battleship and the damaged cruiser is burned apart. The bulbous rounded hulls of the vessels hanging in the orbit of the planet as the rest of the fleet moves in >The Corvettes are where the majority of the action is taking place and 25 of them ram themselves into the surface the others coming close and providing ground fire as the first wave of singing Reapers touch the sacred surface.Their plasma shotguns turning whoever they see to ash as they start spreading the caustic ethermass all over the soil and dead of the world >Corvette kamikaze,First Wave
Rolled 7, 5, 7, 14, 18, 13, 8, 16, 3, 17, 12, 18, 6, 2, 3 = 149 (15d20)>>2359160>Dell watches as planet's console catches fire, and the enemy's counter attack tears through the front lines."Shit shit shit shit SHIT! Get everybody out there right now, this is already not going well">as Dell puts out the fire, a good portion of the Unitum Ferro fleet responds to the attack.
Rolled 8, 12, 11, 2, 7, 19, 18, 16, 6, 20 = 119 (10d20)>>2359169>A wave of Corvettes and Cruisers are torn to pieces by the combined power of the fleet. 4 battleships move through the smoldering wrecks that now drift towards unitum ferro as flaming debris. Behind the battleships advances the remaining corvettes that attempt to ram directly into the defense fleet and the metal world to allow their troops to land. Meanwhile Overseer 425 watches the glorious slaughter unfold ready to advance with the remaining fleet. His legion still silent despite the maelstrom of molten steel and hellish plasma that echoes around them
Rolled 3, 10, 13, 3, 19, 11 = 59 (6d20)>>2359166"SO MUCH THEY FEAR US, THAT THEY WOULD RATHER KILL THEMSELVES THAN FACE YOU. PATHETIC. ATTACK, NO QUARTER, NOT RETREAT">As the corvettes drop down, a battery is crushed, the chamber plunged into dust and fire. Feroxians hold the entrances, laughing and whooping alongside the Worldborne Allies"BLESSED ARE THE HUNTERS, THE MOTHERS ENFORCERS. FOR MOTHER AND LUPERCAL"[first 4 for anti orbital][next 2 for feroxians and mounted turrets on the ground, plus 4 to each due to choke points and weight of fire]
Rolled 48, 100 = 148 (2d100)>>2359177>Dell has never been so angry in his whole life. He slams the big button with a sticky note on it that reads 'nom'."FUCKING FUCK">first roll for planet, second for ground troops brace
Rolled 7, 6 = 13 (2d20)>>2359185>The first Reapers drop but they expected this,they knew the living would not go quietly into their noble destinies and that they would need some aid.They march forwards grimly singing their deathmarch in their deep voices dropping ethermass and little chunks of pyschoaether as they converge over the dead and towards the fortress opening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UeSwpJ6j-A>They are dropped fresh reinforcements and Tripod walkers to join in the assault as the decimated front line slowly moves forward.The walkers spewing caustic and radioactive pyschoaether to clog the tunnels>Walkers 1st Reapers 2nd +3 to walkers
>>2359190>The two fleets crash together in a ball of iron and death, grievous losses on both sides as Unitum Ferro's shield crumples under the weight of the relentless assault from the invading ships as well as the debris of both fleets. Soon the invaders make planetfall...>...which turns out to be a huge mistake as Thousands upon thousands of clockwork automatons wait for them. Metal meets metal as the Caldorian troops are able to hold their ground and keep the extragalactic invaders at bay, Lesser overseer 743 leads a second assault against the ground forces garrisoned in a series of foundries and battlements
Rolled 33 (1d100)>>2359210>Guess who forgot dice
Rolled 3, 3, 10, 8, 14, 20, 4, 6, 12, 14, 7, 10, 4, 2 = 117 (14d20)>>2359205>And also bombers<Remember never to Harvest before the crops are ready>-Book of the Reaper Ch 1457
Rolled 64 (1d100)>>2359211>the Furnace fleet army, overrun by automatons, takes innumerable casualties as the ruthless machines that make up Unitum Ferro's army rush fearlessly to battle."Serves them right. Fuckin... assholes">Dell radiates stress as he orders more ground troops to the battle.
>>2359228>The horde slows itself before it takes too many losses to advance, several transformer ships land and start converting the ground to the Overseer's ideals, as the ground shifts from neat bronze into dirrty rust and spiked iron millions of lesser dregs surge forward to throw themselves on the Defenders, a suicide charge unseen by the Caldorians.
Rolled 20, 2, 5, 18, 4 = 49 (5d20)>>2359227>Another orbital bombardmnet, another lost cannon. Still they continue to bark, focusing on the carriers and larger craft this time[first 3 rolls]>The Feroxians die, dozens dropping with the walkers assault, but the Aliens will not take this juncture while the a single defender draws breath, they need time for their allies behind them to set up.......[second rolls of feroxians and turrets. plus 4]
Rolled 93 (1d100)>>2359236>Once more I forgot dice
Rolled 16, 19, 9, 12, 19, 17, 16, 17, 1, 5, 12, 4 = 147 (12d20)>>2359238>Another battleship is destroyed by the fire.Massive rounds breaking the shielding and then opening the hull to the void. The fleet moves over the world and 20 massive walkers drop onto the heart of the defenders>Walkers and Reapers form a crimson carpet but the superheavy machines march forward massive plasma beams gouging out the underground fortifications +5 to roll>The Dreadnoughts open fire and Use All Power to Weapons as they fire barrage after barrage into the forts +3 >First 9 dreads,10 infantry,11 light walkers,12 superheavy walkers +5
Rolled 58 + 4 (1d100 + 4)>>2359239>Dell slightly wants to die as he watches hundreds of his mechanical soldiers being torn to shreds."GET THOSE DAMN FACTORIES UP AND RUNNING BEFORE I FUCKING EXPLODE">in the mean time, Dauges is giving coordinates to 4 artillery locations, as well as giving a defense of millions of cheap drones similar of those to the Furnace fleet's own.>d100 for defense, d20s for artillery
Rolled 2, 6, 17, 2 = 27 (4d20)>>2359272Artillery
Rolled 52 (1d100)>>2359272>The Furnace legion is relentless, tides of sinew melded with flesh attack the defenders, factories and fortresses fall under the iron tide, molten steel is freed from the landing ships to further toxify the landscape as the legion fights through the hundreds of layers that form unitum ferro
Rolled 2, 7 = 9 (2d20)>>2359268>The planet cracks, the jungles burn and they sky takes on a glow of embers as the gases in the very air ignite under the blows of the dreadnoughts........A giant rent being torn open across the board and the many entrances to the structure being blown open.... until another barrage buries half. The walkers manage to make some headway, burning through some of the defenders to make a beach head.>The defenders cackle and laugh, 50 remaining, And rather than retreat, they charge aiming To make as much damage as they can, a wild loping charge hurling grenades and swinging sabers. The turrets expending the last of their ammo.[the charge and the turrets, no modifier]
Rolled 95, 3 = 98 (2d100)>>2359280>Dell watches as his army is ripped apart."I want everybody evacuated to the underground now. This is our final measure.">the workers in the main control building work relentlessly to get the rest of their army to the battlefield.>first for defense, second for wave of heavy soldiers"If the shit hits the fan any harder than it already has, then I want the sentinel brought online."
Rolled 1 (1d100)>>2359310>The Defenders successfully hold against the tide, entire bulwarks made from.corpses of invaders. Bit their attack is endless and silent as they continue to pour into the lower layers as they tear apart the heavy troops in a fountain of slaughter
>>2359300>The Reapers stand side by side their hulking forms forming an unbroken line as the Feroxians run towards them.They wait singing their war songs as the Feroxians approach<Let our souls be given to duty let no job go undone>>100 yard<The Reapers hand is everywhere the Reaper men are bound by fate.Puppets in his grasp>>75 yards<The Reaper men are coming and they've come to kick your [EXPLETIVE]>>At 50 yards they open fire with their close range plasma shotguns the bursts of energy burning the charging warriors away as a massive beam courses over the surface of the world>Cutting a massive pathway for the ocean to flood the underground tunnels and pathways as the Reapers spread their deadly seeds and in a show of honor they burn the dead on a funeral pyre.
W̸̩͍͈̦̝̼̎Ȁ̷̩̼͓̀̋́̋̍͜͝Y̶̧͖̣̳̤̗̝̬͙͙̤̔̊̄̈́́͋̈́̈́̕͘͜͜F̷̢͍̠͉̩̪̦̹̺̀ͅA̶̧̛̞͎̻̗͈̙̤̥̔̂́̈́̄͋́͘ͅI̵̺̹͔̠͔̦̐̊̔̊̉̒̚R̵̛̻͓̤̙̙͖̜̓͐͛͂̄̄̈́̋́̆̿̕͜͝Ȩ̶̪̹̦͍̖̤̮͖̰̃̂͘͜͜R̷̭̖̭͓͓̜̯̭̋̈́͑́̓͘͝ ̸͉͉̟̣͗͜Ẁ̵̨̨̠͚̭̙̯̥̗̜̬͎̊̈Ä̴̝̦̳̥̈́̍͂̃̓͒̃̇͆̚͠͝͠Ṙ̵̨̢̜͎͖̻̝͚͍͉̞̬̗͓̹͛͂̆̏́͂̈́͌͒͊͛̀͂̚F̴̧̖̦͔̳̖̪̪͇̥͚͙̋̀͗̐ͅͅL̵̛̦͇̼̹͕̦͇͈̘̬̹͆͊́͗̉́̀̈́̓̌́̚̚ͅͅE̸̛͈̺̘͑͋̽́͆̓͗̓͝Ȩ̵̡̬̘̻̮̞̞͙̖̈́̈́͗̉̉̀̌̒̇̊͘̕͜͜͠Ṫ̶̩͍̺ ̶̛̜͑̆̆̊̌́́̊̈́̀̂̕͘Í̷̧̛͙̩̰̗̖͕͎͇̝̭̖̼̆́͂̊͜ͅN̴̡̧̧̗͍̦̤͎̭̖̼̼̿̈́̍̐̀̌̀͗́͜B̸͇̥̣͕̤͍̰͓̦̘̼̽͐͒͑̒ͅƠ̷̟̺͍̦̱͈͓̩̭̟͙͎̻̇́̾͊̒͊͌͘̚Ų̵͎̮̮̼̩̆̈́̈̋͗̔͑͑̚N̵̟̟͍̩̍͐D̵̢͍̖͔̳̟̀̑̏͛̇̾̎͊͑̕
>>2359020A party is a party, my friend.
>>2359324>As the men turn to dust, A last feroxian from the gates stares at the approaching army, before hurling his message, voice carrying like a gods roar"FIRST BLOOD TO THE INVADERS, NOW LET US SEE HOW THEY FACE WAR UNDERGROUND.">And with that,the great doors of the fortress drops shut, sealing away the feroxians and their allies, thick meters of metal barring their paths
Rolled 65, 42 = 107 (2d100)>>2359322>it's almost like the Furnace fleet all stubbed their 'toes' and were put under a spell of immeasurable pain. The damaged army of Calor sweeps through them like they had Unitum Ferro's space fleet."Wow, that just happened I guess. Do we have any more factories available? Awesome, get them working.">the factories of Unitum Ferro begin working tirelessly to build more troops to fight the invaders.>first roll for offense, second for factory effectiveness
Rolled 92 (1d100)>>2359343>The Head Overseer lands on Unitum ferro and leads the counter attack against the defenders with a series of animal looking constructs fronting the attack
>>2359324>Meanwhile...>The construction ships have anointed fifty asteroids with the Holy Substance,crystalline structures already growing from them and dotting their surfaces.>They are pushed in a trajectory towards the least defended of the three worlds in the system.The Reapers wish to save their strength to take the World of the Wolves and by the command of Harvester Gungyr Yec they will take it for the glory of the job>The asteroids are fitted with thrusters to speed up their progress as the rest of the fleet moves out. The advance guard of the fleet moving towards the capital world of the system
>>2359157Violent acts will be met with force.
Rolled 76, 28 = 104 (2d100)>>2359354"WHERE'S MY FUCKING SENTINEL, ALSO, I WANT THAT SHIP BOMBARDED NOW!">Dell orders for the ship that just landed on his planet to be bombed. As well as a superheavy defense against the new front.>first roll for bombing, second for defense
>>2359382>The ship is turned into a molten wreck but not before a strange machine sprints off of it in a flash, meanwhile the legion continues it's assault
Rolled 18, 17, 2, 15, 3, 13, 1, 14, 7, 7, 7, 2, 13, 9, 11, 17, 16, 5, 19, 12, 12, 1, 16, 10, 6 = 253 (25d20)>>2359342>The Reapers are thankful that they can continue their work unopposed and they continue to disembark more troops.Two Lechian (Thousand) Combine assault tanks are brought to the surface where their forms will be able to fit into the tunnels much more when the time comes along with hundreds of thousands of Wirelings,the basic ground troops of the Harvesting force,to join in the underground harvest.>The Harvester Lord ignores these trivialities,he knows where the true battle will begin >He has his carriers stay back disgorging fighters and bombers as the heavy ships dreadnoughts first and then battleships turn their fire to the stations of the Wild World>The battle of Ferox has begun
Rolled 22 (1d100)>>2359391>Forgot dice
Rolled 74, 23 = 97 (2d100)>>2359391"I want that damn thing chased down and killed. I don't give a single shit who, or what it is. If it doesn't live here, Kill it.>Dell sends a drone to identify the mechanical figure, while thousands of troops are sent to the front lines to fight.>first roll to reinforce front lines, second to locate/identify mechanical figure
Rolled 7, 14, 18, 3, 14, 12, 11, 11, 11, 11, 9, 10, 4, 8, 10, 16, 14, 13, 11, 8, 6, 5, 8, 8, 9 + 2 = 253 (25d20 + 2)>>2359396>A number of stations flash, damage occuring as a station dies, burst and flowered.......The other 15 open fire upon the dreadnoughts[all are weapon platforms +2]>A message line is directed at the Reapers flagship........
>>2359397>A mocking message is sent from the Harvest Lord to the warlord of the furnace fleet<Need some help brother? You always were so disdainful of my walkers but perhaps they would serve you well now hah.>>The Armored form laughs <I hope your harvest goes well my friend.Our people need their fill and I do not intend to fail them>>A blast shakes the ship the Harvester is on and the message cuts out<Good luck>
Rolled 12, 13, 1, 14, 11, 1, 15, 12, 18, 17, 6, 10, 20, 14, 17, 10 = 191 (16d20)>>2359415>He waves his hand<Send in the Destroyers,tell them to launch their weapons at close range for maximum effect.>>The Corvettes move forwards in a massive wave firing to slaughter any fighter pilot brave enough to race forward as the Destroyers blast all power to engines<Send in seven squadrons of bombers forwards first then I want the dreadnoughts and battleships to continue their bombardment>>Plasma torpedoes and massive beams of blazing energy pierce the void aiming for the embattled defenders
Rolled 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2 = 34 (25d2)>>2359448>Several bombs detonate bombardments raining, ripping apart the 2nd of 16 stations, still they throw back as good as they can>Still the line remains
Rolled 14, 19, 14, 17, 17, 16, 5, 2, 16, 2, 12, 13, 7, 13, 17, 16, 20, 20, 17, 4, 15, 7, 1, 5, 2 + 2 = 293 (25d20 + 2)>>2359476.............umm, wrong dice
Rolled 11, 5, 3, 14, 1, 3, 15, 4, 16, 9, 2, 7, 3, 16, 10, 17, 15, 1 = 152 (18d20)>>2359481>Sixteen squadrons of destroyers are blown from the void and the Reaper Lord is angered by this immensely<My brothers die as we hammer our way through this defense there can be only one solution to this>>He has the remaining nine squadrons unleash their torpedoes at the structures and then has his entire force move up at full speed towards the enemy <FOR THE HARVEST WE SHALL TAKE THESE DAMNED THORNS EVEN IN WE HAVE TO THROW OUR BODIES UPON THEM>
Rolled 19, 19, 18, 7, 7, 5, 7, 18, 10, 9, 19, 2, 17, 11, 2, 11, 11, 19, 8, 7, 14, 8, 5, 7, 15 + 2 = 277 (25d20 + 2)>>2359516>The third dies, leaving 13 stations left to attack
Rolled 11, 8, 16, 13, 11, 1, 12, 14, 17, 19, 12, 16, 2, 3, 6, 16, 2, 3, 4, 18, 20, 4, 12, 2, 18 = 260 (25d20)>>2359538>Three cruisers die but they do not seem to care and with a crash they meet the stations head on their shields at full power to front and at full speed.Twenty-five cruisers smash into them and with full power.
Rolled 9, 10, 7, 15, 11, 20, 12, 7, 20, 9, 9, 6, 4, 11, 20, 16, 12, 6, 3, 13, 8, 3, 13, 15, 20 + 2 = 281 (25d20 + 2)>>2359547>10 stations left, the roar of rage from ferox is almost palpable, Assault breaks and sunders, the roars of a people defied.>Still the spluttering defenders unleash their fury upon the foe
Rolled 18, 16, 19, 6, 5, 17, 20, 20, 13, 12, 10, 15, 3, 2, 8, 6, 9, 10, 6, 14, 4, 7, 7, 12, 4 + 2 = 265 (25d20 + 2)>>2359579>The battleships of the fleet open fire as eleven cruisers are destroyed the battle is taking it's toll on the invaders but the Reaper ships aim towards the surface whenever they fall so that even in death they may do their duty>The battleships are at such point blank range that they cannot even miss and the Warlord calms down as he sees victory almost in his grasp +2 from close range
Rolled 3, 17, 16, 15, 1, 16, 17, 17, 2, 9, 10, 10, 4, 20, 14, 10, 15, 12, 17, 18, 6, 15, 5, 8, 6 + 2 = 285 (25d20 + 2)>>2359592>then there were 8. Only the purpose built remain, the civilian stations now dead in space>The line to the fleet is still blinking, still waiting
Rolled 4 + 20 (1d100 + 20)>>2359602>The entire fleet pushes as six more cruisers die in the void they move forward as a massive wave and fire all as one.>+20 from double or more ships
Rolled 94 (1d100)>>2359620>With the Last Pieces of the defenses in place, they unleash their last
Rolled 17 (1d100)>>2359631>>2359620>With unrestrained ferocity the Feroxians at last deal stunning damage to the invasion force and one hundred and thirty corvettes along with all of the forces remaining cruisers and ten battleships are destroyed in a move of tactical genius>But the Harvest will not be denied and the remaining seven hundred vessels of the fleet warp in at once,reality almost collapsing under the weight of such a maneuver<You have cost me much savages but now you die>>+50 from pure overwhelming strength
Rolled 90 (1d100)>>2359652>The laughing stations continue to fire, Burning with fury and rage, they attack once more. a single line makes it to the harvesters ship"This one awaits bellow.......if you can reach him"
>>2359357>stealth ships move close to the strange crystals, observing from a safe distance
Rolled 54, 89 = 143 (2d100)>>2359668>>2359652>The take heavy losses losing sixty more corvettes,twenty destroyers and fifteen cruisers in the process but the world is in sight and space is theirs<All ships commence bombardment leave the surface ashen and dead. The Harvest will wait enough of our forces are bled today.>>The ships turn to their task with grim efficiency and start turning the surface to ash in preparation of ground operations+50from 600+ ships>Meanwhile asteroids filled with ethermass start crashing into the third world in the system
>>2359357>>2359668>Little Confederate bot is seen observing them>Jergen is awaiting, watching if feroxians will need help
>>2359712>Ferox burns>The sky turns Black with the shadows of the enemy ships, streaks of light smashing to the ground like the wrath of the all mother. Gentle inclines and harsh cliffs crumble down to a blackened glass. Islands, carefully warded against the polluting power of industry shatter and sink. The very seas wither and writhe in pain as they detonate and boil.........Hell lands on Ferox, and the sight is enough to turn Hears' stomach to a rage stewing storm of retribution. >Still many feroxians survive, even as many die before shelter is found.>Hears speaks, his voice transmitted across the planet by the communications system, the last of it directed at the reapers ships in orbit"You burn the all mother. This, is beyond all horror and pain. And this one tells you now, He will not allow it to stand.He awaits your landing and then I will rend you limb from limb">The line cuts as the feroxians wait in grim silence, their joyful spirit gone, their homeworld defiled
>>2359749>As Ferox burns from the invaders another fleet enters, this one bearing the marks and design of the Rumar. Most of the empire's warships are present as Rukaar Voxs Hears"Am I too late brother?">No pride is in the warlord's voice, rather replaced with worry
>>2359762"Kill them. Then this one is going to take their war lord.">His voice is cold, hollow even.
>>2359749>A Belaniran fleet enters the system of Ferox, to be precise a force made up of battleship, 3 cruisers, 3 carriers, 4 destroyers and 6 frigatesJergen:Were sorry for violating your territorial integrity, but we cannot stand and let your planet burn
>>2359782"Excused. Burn them from the sky, then burn the third world in the system. Burn them all"
>>2359786>in a surprising turn of events, the Ploraxian arrive>a squadron of cruisers, and 2 squadrons of destroyers, as well as 2 battleships arrive>they open a channel.Hail, Feroxian. We are here to provide support against the enemy.
>>2359786>Drakul special forces carriers enter the system under the cloak of stealth arrays, closing in on the crystals
>>2359762>Forgot fleet count 2 super dreads, 15 battleships, 20 frigates, 25 Corvettes
Rolled 69, 89, 78 = 236 (3d100)>>2359762>>2359782>>2359796>The Warlord would have what the people of this galaxy would call a migraine<"This is it?After all I have crushed to get here this is what I get?Break the fleet into thirds and attack all ships attack>>He has 200 warships attack the Rumarian warfleet +30 from more than twice as many ships and warlord>200 go for the Ploraxians +50 for just how outnumbered and outgunned they are>The remaining 200 go for the small Belnarian force +50 as well for how outnumbered they are
Rolled 41 (1d100)>>2359831BATTLE STATIONS! FIRE AT WILL!
>>2359796"Normaly this one would have you destroyed, but we don't have time for this now. Orders are the same. Destroy the third planet, destroy the invaders. The warlord is this ones"
Rolled 51 (1d100)>>2359831>Several frigates and battleships crumple under the attack as the Rumar proceed to surge headfirst into the enemy
>>2359845>more ships swoop down into the atmosphere of the third planet, now surrounding the crystal>samples begin to be taken
Rolled 89 + 20 (1d100 + 20)>>2359831>Confederacy's little force is hit hard, with 3 frigates being destroyed>Jergen commands his troops to fire at them(+10 due to heroic char and +10 due to advanced tech)>Meanwhile several ships leave the carriers to gather samples of crystals and aethermass
>>2359855>teams go down to the surface, hanging off cords to acquire as much crystal as the ships can hols
>>2359934>Confederacy's shuttles land and robots alongside hazmat suited greenskins quickly take the samples of crystals and liquids into safe,as far as they know, glass containers>Some of them wave to drakul and quickly leave
>As the last shots are traded, the evacuation fleets land and the Feroxians as well as what worldborne allies they can gather are pulled from the ruins of the planets.>The federation fleets do a great strike, cleaving 200 ships from the sky and burning many walkers on the planets as they evacuate......And with The last bursts of power the fleets retreat, leaving the now decimated planet for the reapers to sow their blood and ash stained seeds, waiting for the fruit to be borne.......ENDING: Ferox terminated, Fortress world, terminated, Planes world terminated. 4 billion feroxians recovered. Nearly all world borne recovered. >As the silence settles over the dead system, the Reapers descend to their new prize
>>2359946>Jergen overlooks the samples being send to Ti'ed>He then looks at the feroxians on the carrier and calls hearsJergen:Were....sorry for your loss, they will pay for their works, right now, where shall the remaining ones live
Rolled 52 (1d100)>>2359934>They are pursued by a quartet of Reaper fighters that have been sent back to guard the Harvest
Rolled 59, 41 = 100 (2d100)>>2359988>fighters deploy to chase them away from the hidden ships still harvesting, as the largest Drakul vessel attaches cables to the base of the crystal
>>2359958>The feroxian stares ahead, his gaze unfocused. his answers only half thought through."There is a 4th world.......we.....we can use it there"[genral mood music]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PSFN2r6bXY&list=RDMMzP3XtgJjiu0&index=8
>This is the Federal News Network reporting in as the first waves of the Invasion hit, which we now know as the Cryzaxiaat. Currently the Feroxians home system along with the holdouts of a new race dubbed the Worldborne have come under siege.>Other reports are coming in of attacks on colonies throughout Federal space by Cryzaxiaat fleets.
>>2360027Jergen:Understood. Will you require help from Confederacy? We can provide >The carriers head to the fourth world
>>2360093"This one....he thanks you. That is....not needed..at this time">A lump seems to have formed in the feroxions throat..... the reality seeming to sink into his numb tone, edging closer to despair than anything else
Rolled 79, 43 = 122 (2d100)>>2360017>The Mothership of the Reapers warps to them firing it's main batteries with abandon at the large ship while more fighters emerge
>>2360027>The Korr Walks up next to Hears, staring out into space as well."It Is A Hard Feeling.....We Are Familiar With It From The Last Time The Cryzaxiaat Showed Themselves. But We Never Paused In Our Defense.">He turns to look at Hears."Do Not Allow Despair To Take Hold. Remember...Anything Broken Can Be Reforged."
>>2360124"That may be true Korr.... yet it is not the same with homes or hope. Revenge denied to us.""But......we will endure. we will always endure"
>>2360133"Good. It Is The Greatest Offense To Your Enemy, To Survive All Their Endevors To End You."
>>2360115Jergen:I understand, we shall talk later, as you need time to think alone
Rolled 96, 75, 27 = 198 (3d100)>>2360123>a single round impacts into the heavy gunship, slicing off an engine in the process>the ship manoeuvres behind the bulk of the crystal, and continues attaching itself to it while bombers seek to disable its main weapons and fighters fend off enemy aircraft
Rolled 15, 10 = 25 (2d25)>>2355322>The Metal being Attempts to dodge the gunship projectiles and avoid being caught in the trap.
Rolled 17, 13 = 30 (2d20)>>2360346>more ships rise over the hills, sending missiles and lance fire in droves>police forces have set up a roadblock further ahead, hovercraft funneling it into a hall of bullets
Rolled 21, 16 = 37 (2d22)>>2360385>>2360385>One missle hits throwing it off balance. >The Lukalkili can see the roadblock but new air units approaching force it to try and run the blockade.[LOUD METALlIC NOISES]
>>23604021st roll is to dodge the next volley of missiles2nd roll is for attempting to run the road block
Rolled 7, 9 = 16 (2d20)>>2360434>the ships grow in number, never letting it out of their sight>the missiles go wide, police hovercraft unloading cryo-bombs and scattergund into the target
>>2359847>Jezebel requests an audience with Rukaar on Trojan, relating to the recently sighted invaders
>>2360595>Rukaar makes his way to Jezebel happy to speak with one of the xenos he actually trusts, he is in full power armour making him stand nearly 11ft tall, a truly towering figure
>>2360627>Drakul part spears from the enterence to the Drakul embassy, however Rukaar is now too tall to fit in the doorway properly>roll a d100 to cram yourself in
Rolled 31 (1d100)>>2360636>Rukaar curses to himself about how Jezebel should be taller and things along those lines
>>2353562>meanwhile, the Ploraxian Embassy on Trojan has provided an invitation to all Top Brass of the various nations in the Galactic Federation to attend a Strategy Conference on Trojan, where strategies and plans can be outlined to deal with the threat>leaders and diplomats of the various nations are also invited.
>>2360652>he manages to fit a shoulder in, however he runs cracks through the opulent stone architecture as he tries>dust scatters to the ground, as the guards stare at him through their masks, unimpressed>d100
Rolled 8 (1d20)>>2360464>The creature dodges all the projectiles this time and is able to narrowly dodge the magnetized traps. It now breaks into a sprint towards the Foundry with stealth being no longer an option>Roll is for how far he gets assuming nothing gets in his way.
Rolled 2, 8, 1, 10 = 21 (4d20)>>2360666>a gunship rises above it, a massive magnetic platform beginning to rip at the metalform mass>all ships open fire, and police arm heavy chain weaponry before opening fire>gunship, two aircraft, one police
Rolled 41 (1d100)>>2360664>He continues to curse as he pushes through
>>2360681>less cracks than before emerge, but his head is now proving a barrier to entry, and he has caused millions in damages by that move alone
>>2360686>He gives up and removes his suit, now in his skin suit, he tears the cape off his power armour and wraps it around himself for more cover, he carries on
>>2360698Ah, Rukaar.I was wondering when the loud banging noises would stop.You seem less armoured than usual...Regardless, I called you here today to discuss the invaders.
>>2360705"I had to remove my armour, just ignore that. What of the invaders? I too have been planning to deal with them"
Rolled 5 (1d20)>>2360679>Dodging all of the weapons fire from the vehicles Jaioc Believes he's in the clear, a police officer throws a flashbang blinding the worldborne and causing him to crash into a building on the left due to disorinetation.>Roll is for getting back up out of the wreckage
Rolled 57, 40, 77 = 174 (3d100)>>2360712Right...Regardless, the invaders must be studied, and this study will inevitably require the general killing of various individuals and groups, and the theft of their technology and resources.I have been told to seek allies in doing this, and your findsmen came to mind, having performed similar tasks in the past>>2360715<Authorising Theta Launch><Theta Launch Approved><Firing tactical ballistic missile>>gunships and that one police officer engage with close range, hyperapidfire weaponry, shredding the beast to pieces
>>2360723Kurluk is currently fighting, you won't be able to use his skill. Would lesser skilled findsmen help.And what exactly will they be studying, where will they be sent?
Rolled 11 + 5 (1d20 + 5)>>2360723wrong dice used [20, 18, 9] are proper dice>Jaioc couldnt begin to get reoriented soon enough and found himself hit by a barrage of missles and rapid fire guns. Greatly compromising the integrity of Jaiocs armor plating.>As the guns settle for a moment to let the smoke clear. Jaioics managed to get himself together enough to realize fighting is the only option and grabs a piece of steel from the building rubble.>Roll is for throwing at the gun ship.
>>2360732They would quickly respond to sites where the invaders are currently attacking.The main targets of study are the crystals that tend to appear once the imvaders begin a planetary siege, they are heavily guarded and difficult to repossess.You do not have to worry about deploying researchers for study, you simply need to provide a form of shock trooper to prevent the enemy from counterattacking before we are done at a location>>2360752>the impact damages a gunship, however, they suddenly decide to retreat, forming a perimeter around the foundryRemind me why we have stopped killing it again?Doc says if we let it in the foundry and then kill it, we’ll have more living metal to study afterwards.I’m going to murder him once this is done.>dozens more gunships arrive on the scene, now in a circle around the foundry
>>2360761"And who else are you contacting to help your empire make this team or was it just my kind?"
>>2360769We have attempted to get hold of the UE for matters relating to being manipulative and researching things simply to keep an eye on them, however they have yet to respond.I do have a list of others to contact however
>>2360779"Well I am note than willing to give aid.">He rolls his shoulder"Have you used the suit yet?"
>The retreating ships confuse Jaioc perhaps something attacks them else where that they must go fight.>The way clear, stealth becomes viable and Jaioc makes his way through back allies and over slum structures. before reaching of the walls of the foundry property.>Scaling the walls and entering the facility wasnt to hard aside from a few locked doors but the Worldborne stumbled inside the injuries now catching up to it continued forward using its sword as a support, until it dropped to a knee before a vat of molten metal and dipped its hands in.
>The Reaper Lord is tired >He walks the burned landscape of the Wolf World as it's surface is transformed in bursts of light and emerald lightning as ethermass is spread throughout the world<So much lost for three worlds.I must call a meeting of my brothers I fear the Reaping must slow down our conquest due to this setback>>On the other worlds turrets of all sizes are emplaced around the Harvest fields as engineering teams raid any and all facilities for information on the galaxy at large as they erect massive Vox towers to call the others and have them hunt down the ones known as the "Drakul" no crop thievery shall be allowed on their watch>And a shipyard is constructed among the rubble of the Void and the destroyed ships on both sides are being brought to it's massive form to be remade
>>2361387<Next we shall move on the ones known as the Ku'narians.But for now we shall wait my brothers there is much to be done.And it is time for for you do your duty as well.>
>While Ferox is born again a small scouting force is sent into the Kunarian space >The Reaper Lord has sent one of his Lieutenants,Shawnrok,to see if the worlds are suitable for a harvest >Well it would be an assault force for any other race but for the Reapers it is just small change as they drift deeper into Ku'nar space>A dreadnought,three battleships,twenty cruisers,four carriers and thirty corvettes
>While all this is happening Karl arrives on Trojan to meet with the Ploraxians and all others who would wish to discuss the invasion.And to propose a plan.He makes sure to have his Vox online so that he can hear any updates from the 3rd Fleet as they may make contact with the enemy>He sits waiting for any others
>>2362151>The ships meet no resistance, but one civilian trading vessel, which sends out a hail
>>2362153>The shaman enters, leaning heavily on his marked staff chinking and rattling as the totems clink against the tough curled wood. The shaman himself seems to have Aged centuries, A gaunt look and wasted appearance under his cloaks serve as a stark contrast to the intelligence still glinting in his eyes, The mind within still as honed as before.>He stops beside the door and looks at the Admiral, slow and broken Earf' coming from his throat"I apologize for......my intrusion Admiral....May I witness these...... proceedings?"
>Joseph takes a deep breath and then steps forward to address the galaxy at largeGreetings fellow federation members, we at the Confederation have recently signed the relevant treaties and wish to wish everyone a prosperous future
>>2362162>A rumar approaches the speaker, the Large humanoid shark woman Stopping a few meters from the 3 feet tall being"Greetings upon you. I am korkaii, the acting master of feroxians on trojan currently"
>>2362161"Yes Oathmake that is quite alright. My plan hopefully shall help us win this war. I seek the talents of a remarkable translator to undertake it. I wish to find the key to their language and then use it to hack communications and find out their plans before they can hit us.">>2362162"Nice to meet you my good being.">He tips his cap"Welcome to Trojan."
>>2362172Hello, what's all this then
Rolled 36 (1d100)>>2362159>They send an old Reaper prayer to the vessel and pay it no heed. Well besides strengthening their shields as they have learned many of the more desperate species will arm their civilian vessels to explode rather than join the harvest.>They log the message and start to scan the planet for military installations
>>2362176>they find an odd absence of them.
>>2362172"Languages were.......a specialty of mine.....But mothers voice is........dimmer now, the spirits......do not respond as fast or......as numerously now......But a prisoner would supply........enough to work from"
>>2360786I have indeed it does fit my form accurately, and is in working condition>she pausesI have another matter to attend to, and so we must cut this one short>>2362153>she eventually ends up taking a seatFill me in, what’s happened so far?
>>2362175"A new ambassador and a meeting my friend surely the most exciting of news. What do you think of my plan to decode the enemy language any thoughts?">>2362178>>2362184"We're trying to find a way to hack the enemy communications. Oathmake says he could probably decipher their language if we had a prisoner. I wonder who would have the stealth tech and the experience with that?">He stares at the Drakul raising an eyebrow
>>2362194Yes, I wonder.What’s in it for us?
>>2362177>The Lieutenant knows a trap when he sees one<Have a wireling team take down to the surface to scout out and find the enemy presence and take that tug ship with boarding craft. I want no warnings of our arrival.>>With a burst of light the freighters engines are crippled as a laser burst tears through them. Small boarding pods making their way around it.<If they show no resistance and are unarmed let them be with mercy. We have not come to kill life we have come for the Harvest's call>
>>2362194>The Feroxian looks at the Drakul, brow furrowing, lips moving before he shakes his head and speaks a common trade tongue."Would this require me to join them? or trust them to get the prisoner here alive?"
>>2362196>Upon boarding the vessel, they find several engineers trying to repair what they can>All are armed, but none have drawn their weapon>They are all shouting angrily at the boarders, but stay out of their way
>>2362194I see,I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I have to inform you that the empire will not be very helpful in this crisis.The emperor has ordered our forces to man our fortified frontiers and look after our own territory.We're willing to send supplies and aid but when it comes to sending troops my hands our tied.only the embassies here and in the UE are being maintained the rest are being closed for the duration of this crisisI'm sure our retreat into isolation isn't great news for you but our experiences with migratory invasions in the past have left us somewhat paranoid
>>2362195"The Belnarians have already told us about how you've been stealing crystals from the enemy so why not steal the enemy while you do it?">>2362207"It is alright friend. We hope that you do not get touched too much by this invasion. But when they come in greater strength I must warn you that the UE cannot hold them forever."
>>2362194I’m sorry but we are too weak to help you in your plan fleet wise, our race is small though and can help in any boarding operation.
>>2362203>The massive Reapers have trouble getting through the cramped corridors but they manage to disable the Vox array,permanently,but they have the crew sent at a slow pace to the far off world>But before they go they have a data transfer set up on the ship's database and attempt to find anything they can.>Meanwhile the shuttle is just setting down on the surface of the world...
>>2362216>>2362207"The Feroxians and their second wind allies cost the invaders roughly half their forces. your hunkering down should keep you safe. We do not hold this against you brothers of the All-mother.">>2362195"Other than to murder those who would attack you? Maybe Stealing their ships"
>>2362153Good to see your stil alive Karl.>Markon says now having entered the room
>>2362216You failed to answer the question>>2362226They have yet to attempt to attack us, and we don’t want to make them do so by angering them unless you are willing to provide us with incentive to risk ourselves in such a way
>>2362237"You think they will leave you alone? You think they wont attack you eventually, finding your hiding hole?Attack while you have the advantage and support of your allies. the same works in war, dule or ship combat"
>>2362224>Several men stand in a comm room.Sir, they have crippled the craft, and have boarded it!>The officer sighsA shuttle landed sir!>the officer turnssend a militia patrol, ONE, patrol, and make sure they do not fire.
>>2362244Well they might.So what exactly was the incentive?
>>2362219"That works with me.It is always good to have more allies here.Now I have a question for you but I shall leave it for later.">>2362232"As well as you Markon.The United Empire has not yet engaged the enemy what of your forces?" >>2362237"Well why not kill two birds with one stone? Grab crystals and information as well as help us?"
>>2362224>one squad approaches on ATVs, two to a vehicle>upon seeing the opposing force, they dismount, and slowly approach
>>2362250"You have allies to support you here. If this continues, that may not be the case. There is your incentive, Possibly grateful worlds saved....more people to scam, more resources and favors to exploit. That is how your kind works"
>>2362248>The Wirelings disperse and Vox back on the status of the world:It seems to be a small outpost.No major military presence and shall be an easy conquest if chosen for Harvest.>They then take positions around the shuttle sighting up the advancing militia patrol>Onboard his dreadnought the Lieutenant thinks<Take them out and leave no witnesses of your intrusion.We shall leave this world be in peace but I must inform the Reaper Lord that these lands are ripe for conquest>>The Wirelings receive their orders and open fire from their positions as their shuttle goes on a strafing run on the militia men
Rolled 59 (1d100)>>2362266>Forgot roll
>>2362260Knowledge is power, and secret knowledge is secret power.How do I know I can trust any of you with the invaders language?The last thing I would want is for enemies to converse with them behind my back.However, we could be convinced to assist, given that the federation assist us in acquiring the crystals for our own use.>>2362263I am done talking to you, do not attempt to converse further, I see that your race is simply below the intellectual threshold required to hold intelligent conversation.
>>2362272"I assure you, your presence is not any more pleasant for me than mine is for yours leech">He smiles, teeth flashing and returns his gaze to the admiral
Rolled 12 (1d100)>>2362266>The radio pipes up with the screaming of engagementOh no no no...Shit, air support, get there now!>>2362271>two of the twelve are torn apart>They throw up their shields, and draw weaponsOPEN FIRE! KILL EM ALL!>roll to take out infantry first
>>2362272"I shall inform any other who are interested in the crystals of this.I know the Belnarians may be able to help you with this.">>2362275"Play nice.The only way you'll get the All-Mother back is by working with us and killing these bastards."
>>2362285I am not entirely sure you heard me.I said “for our own use”
>>2362285"You can not be serious.......you expect us to allow the Drakul to take these crystals. If they refuse to bend then they should be discarded, another way sought. If anything the crystals fall under Feroxian ownership, and as shaman i Deem them too unstable to be used by anyone"
Rolled 32 (1d100)>>2362279>These warriors of the Reaper are not so easy to bring down and they return fire taking down a few more militia men<They die just like Species 1432 right brothers? Continue fire I want that armor taken out now>
>>2362289>>2362286>He walks away letting them figure out things themselves >>2362219>He Voxes the Confederation Ambassador"Is there anytime you could set up a meeting? I have an idea to use those boarders of yours.It involves grabbing an enemy warship if you're up for it."
>>2362296>The shaman simply follows the figure untill he vanishes"Unfortunate"
>>2362260"My forces have been keeping watch for enemy movements and this is what they have to report so far....around a few days ago several fleets showed up near the galactic southeast and began a campaign against federal nations there.">He brings up a galactic map showing battle lines cutting through the territory of several nations."The Holy theocracy of Dun'gonzog, Alor migratory tribes, Worm caller collective, Democratic borealeous systems,And Damos star empire have all come under siege. Much of their territories have been occupied. Worse, several large invader fleets have broken past their lines and begun large campaigns further into federal space."
>>2362289The crystals are ours, it’s the law.
Rolled 2 (1d100)>>2362292>The sheilds withstand much of the fire, but one militia man is clipped>Several air vehicles are approaching>The troops slowly withdraw, firing as they go
>>2362296>After conferring with the central government and the electorates, the ambassador respondsYes that’s agreeable, would now be good?
>>2362303"What law? tell this one, that you dont wish to speak with. The law of land? it is out landLaw of creation? they are not made by youLaw of salveage? the war isnt over yetThe law of parasites, to steal is to make it yours? that is theivery. So what law do you use?"
Rolled 85 (1d100)>>2362304>They intensify their fire,plasma rifles glowing red through the night.A few of them arm and prime anti armor grenades as the shuttle/gunship overcharges it's weaponry<The Lieutenant said no witnesses after all>
>>2362308It’s literally in Drakul law.It was signed in a few hours ago.
>>2362306"Hmmm maybe.I might have to stop two of our ambassadors from killing each first.">He Voxes Rukaar to separate the Drakul and Feroxian as they are his allies>>2362301"Who's space are they heading towards? And how many worlds were lost?"
Rolled 44 (1d100)>>2362310>The remaining ku'unarian forces are torn apart.>The three shuttles arrive>troops drop to the ground>as the troops take up position, the three aircraft begin firing on the retreating shuttle
>>2362314"Your laws are not ours, and it is our space, your laws hold no power there">His face is impassive
>>2362315"Fighting continues on the ground through resistance movements but many worlds have been conquered and these forward fleets are targeting everything they can get near without rhyme or reason."
Rolled 99, 90, 13, 85 = 287 (4d100)>>2362317>The shuttle makes it away with a few dents and the Wirelings make some lewd hand gestures at the reinforcements as they head back to orbit <I have alerted the fleets they are moving in now on four of the worlds of these people.I will take my own against a fifth,I want a worthy world for my conquest.I hear the blood of heroes makes the Harvest so much sweeter>>Already warships are exiting warp among the Ku'narian worlds open firing on any ships they find in orbit and landing heavy walkers to begin the conquest of their targets.+10
>>2362319Your laws hold even less power there, don’t they?Owing to recent events of course.
We keep on hearing about these crystals, what exactly are they? Why do they cause such strife
>>2362330"I see that i need to fit your steryotypes to be understood, so lets play the dumb savage. The law about the system is still in place. If you enter then you are declared enemies and will be shot dead.""Lets hope this gets through to you"
>>2362338Growths planted by the invaders on the recently conquered planets in the feroxian system.They appear heavily guarded, and are an important asset to our enemies, likely holding the key to defeating or starving them out.
>>2362345"And you wish to take them for yourselves, and if you do then you will use them against other members of the fediration. They will be destroyed, and that is that"
>>2362343What exactly will you shoot me with?And if you can still shoot me with something, why haven’t you shot the invaders with it?
>>2362349Why would we use them against other member of the federation?If it came to war, I don’t care how many shiny rocks we have, we can’t kill you all.
>in the Confederation systems, rumor of the strange crystal growths are growing and several corporations have pooled their resources to place a massive bid for any samples of these strange objects. This is all done Anonymously of course.
>>2362352"I am a shaman, you yourself know the spirits weapon. But of course you refer to the conflict.......Hmm, do tell how you learned of these rocks. I notice a absence of Drakul ships in the destroyed list">>2362354"Do not act foolish, it would not be the first time you stab another in the back for personal gain. this is merely the next natural step"
>>2362360That’s because we have advanced cloaking on all of our vessels.>>2362360You would know, being nothing but a selfish animal.Unlike your kind, we have a sense of self preservation where we do not attack overwhelming forces of starships with no plan other than to “attack the enemy until it is 200% dead”
>>2362325>peaceful farming worlds fall easily under foot
>>2362365"You entered the system, in defiance of our laws. You refused to help where others did, excusable given inclination to cowardice and deceit. And what of the mutated beast king whos sword brought this invasion here, while the others fought you skulked and didnt lift a finger. Well this goes no further, any holders of the crystals will die, be they invaders or federation. And this one doesnt care if they have to swim through the void to accomplish this goal, that is as is.">The shaman returns his expression to neutral. "But any more whisper-talk will yield nothing.......so with that in mind, Assist us or drink some blood from your own jugular.">And with that the shaman leaves....a thought already taking root in his mind, however ugly it may be
>>2362370I dozed off for most of that, you were talking for so long.But we shall bring you the living invader regardless, and proceed to thoroughly ignore your posturing on the dangers of the crystals which you have yet to come into contact with in any way whatsoever, as long as the federation assists us in procuring the crystals.
>>2362358>large anonymous bids are placed by nobody in particular
>>2362377>The shaman is already gone
>Across the federation, Operations are underway on the Alpine world of the feroxians. 4 billion beings all crammed onto a world next to people who not a month before would have been murdering each other. For now the situation is Primarily stable but near 10 thousand feroxians have stated their thoughts on the matter and broken away.....8500 manage to leave without dying or being maimed often through subterfuge or stealth.>Hears Has seen off 6 attempts to wrest control from him in ritual combat, 8 assassinations and 1 particularly painful poisoning. All the while organizing temporary bunkers, defenses, homes, and hunts.>The world borne are given a palce to start digging at the base of the planets largest mount, and the Feroxians themselves make do with trying to hollow out the surrounding ranges, making New homes there inch by inch, stone by stone, foot by agonizing foot.>This world is barely touched, but hopefully the start is good enough
>>2362216>>2362226now that the bad news has been delivered I do have good newwhat I can promise is at least one fleet of "observation" I can promise war subsides and supplies to help you keep fighting I can promise aid after this over to help rebuild and I can offer asylum for refugees of the invasion on our many frontier worlds
>Rukaar and several other beings, seemingly mercenaries, are at the Trojan ship docks preparing for something, the speak over a table which is cover in texts and holopads
>>2362463Where are you off to Rukaar?You seem to have more than your usual entourage in tow.
>>2362474I am going to do something that every fiber in my body tells me not to, but it will end this invasion if we do it right>A merc speaks"So they are hunting something, seeking revenge. We use that">Rukaar nods
>>2362476What could possibly worse than the current crisis that you feel you could unleash upon the galaxy?
>>2362480"The crisis that nearly exterminated my people and purged half the galaxy according to the tales"
>>2362401>The Belaniran Expeditionary Fleet returns to the orbit of remaining feroxian planet>Out of it descends a carrier and a message to HearsJergen:Good morning Hears, we have come with what aid we can bring
>>2362484Narg:Why would you do that?...Grod:That is not a good idea
>>2362484Sentient machines...How do you plan on turning them back off afterwards?
>>2362484that sounds like a terrible planan absolutely insane, foolish and idiotic planI might be in
>>2362484"And you think releasing them is a good idea?"
>>2362491Does the saying not go 'fight fire with fire">>2362492We have not gotten there yet>>2362498We will point them at the enemy, hopefully this works>>2362496Good, we'll need silver tongues to convince them not to kill us
>>2362499Garry:Said fire is controlled...and can you control them?
>>2362499Well if worse comes to worst, we can always just turn on another ancient fallen machine empire to fight the current one.I’m coming with you to make sure you don’t get everyone killed, just so you know.
>>2362503We can control them, probably>>2362504Great news Hehnos, it will be good to have at least one face I trust nearby. Well mask in your case
>>2362509In Drakul culture, it’s the same thing.
>>2362509Narg:Well since we won't be able to change your minds...we'll be coming with you
>>2362512I would recommend you bring the powered armour. If we say the wrong thing the Zealots could tear us to pieces
>>2362515Great, there's enough room in the ship. How good are you at talking to nihilistic death machines?
>>2362517>sighI guess Ill bring the praetorians
>>2362488"Greetings commander, How goes the Sun-path?">His transmissions return, A ragged edge to his voice that speaks of exertion "And why do you come to this ones home....trouble?>>2362499>Across the galexy, hears feels something brewing in his gut.........someone is doing something really really stupid
>>2362517I fully intend to, do not fear for my safety
>>2362518Narg:Hmmm...if nothing in life matters, they might as well help us, because it'll be much more interesting
>>2362520acutally, I think I'll passyou haven't told me enough of wait your wakening for me to acquiesce
>>2362521>>2362522>>2362519Are you all ready, we can depart at once
>>2362520>The carrier lands on the planet>Out of it steps out a big-nosed gobling wearing a lab coat and followed by an ivory robot>He's followed by JergenJergen:Council has deemed it necesarry to bring you help in development, namely by setting up a laboratory for research, it'll be led by Harlof, and giving you a spacefaring vessel
>>2362528Narg:We are ready
>>2362528>she has undead bring her personal effects onto the ship, along with a shatter-locked containment cube, holding something that may be useful
>>2362518>The administrator trundles into the meeting area on a luxurious office chair outfitted with anti gravity repulsors, saxophone slung over the back of the chairApologies for my belated arrival, I was caught up in saxophone practice. What developments on the invaders have arisen?
>>2362530"This one is thankful for your assistance, What do you wish in return?">Hears is still in power armour, an extra foot added to his already formidable hight, the wolfs head twisted in a grimace and glowing blue eyes at odds with his speech"this one assumes copies of the technological data or resources"
>>2362499>Those crystals, obviously the key to something, for the invaders hold it so dear... But how does one acquire them.I would like to volunteer a meager force of mercenaries for your plan, to better guarantee it’s succ of course.
>Cythres continues to be bored while free floating in space on his claimed ship
>>2362536>>2362537>Rukaar orders Rumarian warriors to take them to the ship>>2362539I am waking up a galactic threat to fight the invaders>>2362543Have we meant?
>With the recent invasion of the galaxy, all Dukedom military forces have been out onto high alert >The threat is deemed so great that command of all Dukedom armies has been giving over to the ancient Kroak Claws of Ivory, the Grand General who defeated the Jotunn Great Hold with his defensive strategies
>>2362539Narg:Ooooh, saxaphone?>>2362541Jergen:At the moment we have nothing to really ask in return, but there are some ideas in the council that they are discussing right now. As for the technology, you'll have to ask Harlof...>Jergen gestures the goblin to come hereHarlof:Myes, we can spare some technologies, but I'm afraid most of them are not focused towards battle...amongst ones I have permission to spare are fertilizers, shield modules and recyclers, myes
>>2362551>Jezebel relaxes in the ship, pondering over her AI sphere, using its cube container as a coaster for her drink
>>2362551>Trio are watching the tv they brought with them
>>2362555"This one will consider it a favor to be cashed in at a later date then. And we do have one tech you may wish. not combat oriented">He sighs and rubs his helm"Then have a meal and load off. This one will be in the command center if he is needed"
>>2362545>Cythres turns off the gravity and floats>Still bored>Decides to stop being bored>Heads to Trojan as he can probably find out where everyone went from there
>>2362551Ah I’m new here, recently filled out the paperwork to join the federation. I was helping to get to know my new friends by helping them do their operations
>>2362551Oh how novel>>2362555Yes, it's quite similar to one of our own instruments, so one of my commodores suggested I pick it up in an attempt to improve relations between ourselves and the disturbingly high numbers of human empires.>The administrator manoeuvres his hovering chair up the ship's ramp, playing the saxophone as he does so.
>>2362564Horlef:Myes I'll do that when I set up a library, and don't forget to bring potantial researchers to me, myes>Horlef goes back to his transport/labJergen:Thank you for your offer, but I'll have to decline at the moment, I have another campaign to prepare to, you may keep the carrier we brought, if you need further assistance, Confederacy will be glad to help>Jergen walks to the shuttle and takes off>Expeditionary Fleet leaves moments after
>>2362567>Rukaar looks down at the small beingHello down there, I am Lord Rukaar. And yes, help would be great
>Grand General Claws of Ivory has ordered that support be given to those stellar nations most deeply effected by the Invasion at the current time, starting with the Feroxians on their new home
>>2362572Are you coming with?
>>2362594>The administrator rotates his chair, nodding as he continues to play the saxophone
>>2362604>Rukaar guides him into the warship which lifts off and takes off to Ru. Rukaar calls everyone to the ships bridge
>>2362586>Cythres decides not to go to Trojan and instead check out what the transmission means by Feroxians new home>He warps to Ferox
>>2362605>Jezebel is tossing the AI around in her power-armoured handsWhat is it Rukaar?
>The venerable generals vessels docks by Trojan, as his famous Ivory Guard escort him out>He's a imposing figure, his scales and skin a stark white and his chest decorated with numerous medals and stars>He moves slowly, a large cane made from gold and fashioned like a serpent assisting his movements
>>2362626>some Ploraxian military officials are there.>they have rented out a training station in the asteroid belt in the system>they are cross-training in a wargame for the invasion, with Ploraxian Marines, Rangers, and MPDR troops taking part. >his specops are expected to arrive soonGreetings, friend!
>>2362638>Claws guards guard him zealously, only standing aside for him to greet the aliensHail, who amongst you leads so that I may treat with them.
>>2362642Yes. We are here to conduct a cross-military exercise here. Do not worry, I have gotten permissions from Trojan to do it. We will conduct this. I want you to meet me in the Federation Military Complex. Lets go.
>>2362643I have arrived not for the purpose of military cross exercises, as the time for that has clearly passed. Now we must know more about what we are dealing with, these 'Invaders'.
>>2362611The perfected by no means are to be underestimated, if things get violent we leave as quickly as possible. Let me and my men fight I will have you, the xenos, do the talking as I have the social skills of a rock.
>>2362651Why exactly should they help us by the way?Wouldn’t it make more sense for them to wait the invasion out and then purge the galaxy after they leave?
>>2362647Hm. Yes, sorry, I got kind of confused. We should try and coordinate our efforts in the federation. Come to the war-room, as I call it.
>>2362653>He moves slowly to the location, his guards patiently moving alongside him, their armour as white as Claws skin
>>2362652Because they want revenge against those that wronged them, we say that they will never get retribution if they don't help us. That and whatever else you can say to help
>>2362653>>2362647"Nice to see you Generals. We need more people joining the defense "
>>2362656So. I've heard about you and your military exploits. Its a pleasure to meet you as well.
>>2362659Yes. I have some friends in there as well, we must plan out our tactics.
>>2362659Greetings, this is a international matter, so the defending response must be the same.>>2362660I have spent my entire life serving first the Duchy of Dúmharú and then the Dukedom, I broke the back of the Jotunn armies and countless other invaders. My continued service is my reward.
>>2362658Right...Also, I brought something that may be able to help.It’s an old, civil war AI core.It might be able to interface with the perfected systems, the result of which I cannot be certain on.
>>2362674>The ship starts passing through the Runakii, the storm battering the ship, as Rukaar pacesCan it be controlled?
>>2362677Well it’s completely powerless unless it’s plugged into a system, and seeks the destruction of my people’s way of life, so I’m not entirely sure
>>2362693Then it should work fine.>The ship enters Ru's atmosphere, if you look out the bridge you can see hundreds of construction sits floating across the unusually calm sea
>>2362702>she opens the container the sphere was locked in, causing a holographic projection to spill out, declaring obscenities at everything in particuar
>>2362706I wouldn't connect that with the perfected if I were you.>The ship lands in the ocean with a crash. The Rumar soldiers present begin to prepare themselves for travelCan you swim Hehnos?
>>2362708Usually, though I am not certain I Can whilst wearing this.If it’s airtight I can walk along the seabed to the location>she closes up the boxWhat does that mean by the way? Hehnos? Normally words such as those are translated
>>2362713>Rukaar walks to the ships opening and turns to JezebelSister>Then the jumps into the water, wearing the Power armour as well
>>2362715>she dives in after him, content
>>2362724>He speaks over the comms"70 meters forward and 40 meters down we'll reach what my wife's fleet believes is the High Zealot's resting place. If you have an questions or last thoughts now's the time"
>>2362728Yes.How long have you known of this structures existence, and why do you know how to activate it?Or are we just charging in blind into an alien construct and flipping levers?
>>2362762>Rukaar laughs which is somewhat distorted by the speakersDo I really need to tell you which I'm doing?>As they slide down the ocean floor the near a massive temple like structure a few yards up ahead
>>2362767I suppose that it was a rather silly question to begin with.These robots sure did like to decorate their abodes.I thought they normally went for function over decor, is there a reason why the perfected choose differently?
>>2362775"They weren't always demons">He swats away some ocean life, a serpent gives him a glare and gets a saw in its face for its troubles and it swims away.
>>2362781The Cyberius almost managed to turn themselves into machines as well.Were it not for the cure being released in time, I am certain they would have succeeded
>>2362787"Their transformation wasn't by choice, punishment for their sinful ways">They group reaches the opening, which seems to have partly rotted away through time"Suggestions of entry?"
>>2362797We both know you are going to end up smashing it down, so let’s just do that.Aim for the weathered parts
Rolled 8 (1d20)>>2362801>He smiles behind his stylized helmet and activates the hammer which gives and odd hum and boils the water around it as he swings it at the door
Rolled 17 (1d20)>>2362820>Jezebel waves her hand in the water, sending a wave of force along into the cracks
>>2362829>Before he hits her wave of force knocks the door down"Showoff"
>>2362845>light shrug
>>2362659Alright commander. We need to respond with raids on various shipping convoys.
>>2362852>He turns and moves into the flooded structure, the halls and monolithic in design. Colossus and silent as the pass what look like humanoid corpses in walls that are made of metal. They reach another doorway untouched by water.
>>2362860How do we get through this one?Smash it again?
>>2362853"We need to analyze the current forces were facing first General.">A more localized map of the surrounding sub-sectors is brought up."The fighting in the South East is sending billions of refugees further into Federal space.">The officers points to an area of space with several lines showing large scale movements."Sadly enemy forces aren't too far behind them."
>>2362872>Claws leans in, taking in a closer look at the mapWhat forces are combating the Invaders here? How many vessels and soldiers are in the frontline as of now?
>>2362870"I'll leave that up to you, and I'll leave the Mercenaries here to cover our entry."
>>2362895>The holomap begins to play out the last week of combat."Well that's part of the problem as you can see here >>2362872 >>2362301. The front line collapsed for about a week allowing what we believe are two factions of Cryzaxiaat to slip through.""The defense line has about a thousand ships but they're disorganized from the rapid enemy offensive. Nations close by sent in what aid they could but that left many of their colonies, trade lanes, and refugee transports open to attack from a faction preforming raider actions across whole sub sectors." >Map shows the hundreds of targets that have been hit so far."The other force is more concentrated into 5 large fleets and appears to be the most naval focused we've seen so far.">The map now shows said fleets doing more thorough campaigns further into Federal Space follow the raider attacks.
>>2362945These line fleets they posses, have they shown any pattern to their attacks or strategy? How are they resupplied?As for the raider vessels assault undefended colonies and transports, that issue will need to be dealt with first, by sealing up entry gaps and preventing the raids from escalating from terror attacks to supply lane raiding, which would reak havoc on the allied lines.
>>2362930>she presses her hand against it, unsure of how it opens.I assume this is as far as you have gotten so far?>she searches for some clue of how to open it, an indent of some kind, or panel
Rolled 6 (1d20)>>2363003"We haven't been here before">He hits the door
Rolled 10 (1d20)>>2363011Wonderful, back to this.>she send out another wave of force with an even more casual wave
Rolled 9 (1d20)>>2363025"Ha! We both suck">He hits it again
>>2362964"The fleets are focusing on more strategic targets: Major political hubs, agricultural planets and industrial worlds, whereas the raiders are hitting anything they can. Already they've doing a number on supply lines. "
>>2363101These Raiders will need to be culled to ensure a victory. As for the primary battlefleets that are assaulting what is expected of them, this could be used to our advantage, if nothing else. Find the pattern, every enemy has one, even if it isn't noticeable at first.
>>2363143"A week hasnt been enough time to figure out their full stratagem but we should have one soon.">Map shifts from the battle-fleets to the sub-sectors being hit by raiders"As for the raiders. The best strategy is to hit their furthest reaching parties and stop them from reaching further into Federal space.">Draws a line in the map."Make this line our fall back for refugees and contain the raiders in front of it."
>>2363216These raiders will no doubt be a danger, but I think there may be a advantage to be taken from them. Tell me, do these raider vessels all come from one element of the Invaders species or is a mixed up cadre? And how vital are these raiding fleets to the Invaders?
Rolled 91, 11, 86, 40, 31 = 259 (5d100)>A strike force of the Reapers under an Xavier Vai one of the the Reaper Lord's lieutenants probes the Ploraxian nation leading the assault on five Ploraxian worlds
Rolled 16, 52, 86, 81, 51 = 286 (5d100)>>2363252>Ploraxian fleet command is scrambled, and they try to push them back and defend.
Rolled 44 (1d100)>>2363255>The Ploraxians put up a stubborn defense but the Reapers push to end the Stalemate on the world of Kinus Rex.Deploying more ground troops to end the siege
Rolled 10 (1d100)>>2363261>they try and send in a reinforcement fleet for a rapid strike on them.
>>2363244"I think its an rapid offensive followed up by knock out blows to put us off balance. They send the raiders ahead to spread chaos and make the military forces spread out to defend as much as they can. Then the battle-fleets move in to hit strategic targets that were too strong for the raiders to attack; but are now with ships and troops scattered over wide regions of space."
>>2363268If we could possibly cut off these raiders before the punch deeper, it's effectively blinding the Invaders, as these raids doubtlessly bring back information of some form, and as you say they move ahead of the primary battle fleets.
>>2363279"Indeed.">The map lights along the Ploraxian border."Damn. The invaders are hitting the birds as well. >Map zooms into Ploraxian space."That's further then we anticipated they could hit right now."
>>2363285Considering the size of the Invading fleet and the ferocity of their assault, all targets along that region of the galaxy should be anticipated for a eventual assault, it at least gives some preparation. I wonder if they can hold them off, they may be large enough to beat back initial assaults alone.
>>2363301"We'll have to make do with what we have...."[scene shifts upwards towards space]
>>2363331The odds may seem stacked against us, but they seemed that way against the Dukedom during the Jotunn war. Endless fleets and armies, and we defeated them all. It can be done with these beasts as well.
>The massive warship hovers over a major planet within the Holy Theocracy of Dun'gonzog surrounded by other ships of the Vanguard Armada.>The bridge is lit by green blue and violet hues. On the command platform stands the leader of this armada. Numerous holo-maps in front of him displaying battles on the ground and in space, campaigns across numerous regions, and the Aethermass process on several worlds."Echoman how hoes the forward advance?" >The Fleet-masters says, voice calm while exhaling a green mist."Well Fleet-Master, The squadrons sow confusion and spread our enemies thin." "Leaving them open for the Battle-Fleets to hit their major worlds and sow the Aethermass with ease." >This new voice comes from a taller being clad in dull grey green armor."Good. Tell me Captain how goes the Reaper and Furance assault?" said Izamat"Just as well, One major fortress system has fallen and another is under way.""Good, Good. Send my regards to their commanding officers and tell them of our own progress in establishing a foothold.">He turns to a woman with pale grey skin, several crystals and lines of energy along her flesh."Mistress Ulani once the the planet is secured begin the process.""It will be an honor fleet master.">The subordinates leave the Fleet-Master to continue his planning and inhales another whiff of incense. Made of plant-life infused with Aethermass.
>>2363263>The Reapers and their heavy walkers push forward against all resistance.After they are held up on the first line of defense,new reinforcements are brought up and the cities of the world are blown apart as well as the defenders as the Ploraxian forces retreat off world...
>Meanwhile in the Kunarian Conglomerate...>A Reaper approaches his lord as their task force dewarps on the edge of a system known to be a center of resistance for the Kunarian race<My Lord,we have exited Warp.We are detecting signatures from many alien ships,some are of a type that is different then the others.>>Lord Shawnrok crosses his fingers emerald lightning jumping and coursing over them<Very good.We have taken four of their worlds already and it will be nice to get a chance to fight them in open warfare>>The fleet moves forwards slowly under little power hoping to catch them undetected <Maybe I shall even get the chance to slay one of their champions>
Зaхвaтчики кaпитyлиpoвaли вoлкoв. Meжплaнeтныe ядepныe paкeты в peжимe oжидaнияУcтaнoвитe cтaтyc ядepнoгo зaпycкa нa «Кpacный»Oжидaниe дaльнeйшeгo зaхвaтчикa. Ядepныe paкeты зaгpyжeны и гoтoвы>An intercom begins to play this songhttps://youtu.be/maYCStVzjDs>Three elite looking men stand out from their chairs in the Nuclear command centre and saluteДa здpaвcтвyeт вepхoвный лидep! Дa здpaвcтвyeт Coюз oбъeдинeнных paбoчих!
>Meanwhile at the flagship of the BEF(Belaniran Expeditionary Force)>Commander Jergen is dicsussing where his forces will go next with the General StranJergen:General Stran, what is the need?Stran:Hmmm...the ploraxian attack at ferox was met with failure and the invaders have attacked Theocracy of Dun'gonzog and Kunarian Conglomerate, theocracy seems to be laid low with a major world being taken, Conglomerate has lost four worlds, but no major fighting as of yetJergen:And Calor?Stran:Still holdingJergen:So...what's our next target?Stran:At the moment you shall come to assist Conglomerate, as they are fighting a smaller fleet, a detachment of reapers who took FeroxJergen:Understood
Rolled 5 (1d20)>>2363047This one is stronger than the last, for sure>she punches it
>the Probe constructs a device that acts as "radar" to detect microscopic wormholes>this has the side effect of emitting an extremely exotic form of radiation that is hardly ever observed naturally
>>2364186>ships of the scout authority divers from their current missions to investigate the source of the signal, excited to see what could be causing it
>>2364246>the ships detect short-range signals that could not mean anything other than intelligent life
>>2364292>ships hurriedly ignite FTL drives, sending multiple small vessels heading to the system
>>2364162"You don't say?">He slams into it again
Rolled 1 (1d20)>>2364373>Forgot dice
Rolled 4 (1d20)>>2364373>she blasts it thrice with fireballs>>2364378>she tries desperately not to laugh
Rolled 7 (1d20)>>2364373Narg:Ummm...what are you punching?>Grod hits it with a hammer
Rolled 13 (1d20)>>2364385>One rattus soldier fires his head into it like Bullet Bill from mario
Rolled 17 (1d20)>>2364384>He grumbles at his ineffectiveness>>2364385Door>He hits it again
>>2364391Narg:Must be a very strong door...
>>2364394Not strong enough, let’s go.
>>2364395Grod:Wasn't there a switch to open it?
>>2364397...Stop talking
>>2364400Grod:Why? There wasn't a switch, right?
Rolled 59 (1d100)>>2364395>The door has fallen from Rukaar's strike and now the Rumar enters the circular room. In the center lays some sort of crucifix surrounded by cold metal bodies that remain on their knees as they stare at the object with dead eyes. Behind the crucifix is a stand that seems crafted from stone to the likeness of undead spirits, frozen behind the stand is a giant construction, roughly humanoid and bearing 6 arms it firms an imposing figure>Rukaar searches the room, carefully dodging the machines
>>2364408>Trio follow him throughNarg:I don't like these guys, or decorations, too dark and gloomy for my tastes
Rolled 58 (1d100)>>2364408>Jezebel wanders, darting around the statues and weaving around the room
Rolled 53 (1d100)>>2364414>Roll for looking around
Rolled 17 (1d100)>>2364408>The Rattus carefully zip and dodge around the room in search of something
>>2364414Look for anything we can use to fight the invaders>Rukaar lifts up some type of gauntlet and inspects it>>2364417>As she not so gracefully weaves her way through the room she finds an amulet on the stand where the giant machine stands their dead vigil>>2364419>The find a few pathways into other rooms as well as some sort of drain at the base of the crucifix
Rolled 5 (1d100)>>2364426>They take a look at the drain near the crucifix
>>2364426>she lifts it, inspecting its make and judging its function
>>2364422>As the pack of vermin run about one runs headfirst into a praying body. A moment later will a solemn churning of internal machines the figure rises and looks down at the intruder. Then the rest of the room starts to rise
>>2364316>they find the planet has a strange grey substance that seems to be emitting the signals
>>2364432>They Starr to look at the drain then are abruptly seized by cold metal hands>>2364433>It is made from a deep red stone, carved in some alien tongue you've never seen before, as you lift it a metal hand reaches for you
>>2364439>Narg looks at themNarg:Uhh...sorry, didn't mean to interrupt...yeah...sorryGarry:Can you let us go?>Garry says, as he's inspecting the metal hands with a magnifying glass
>>2364439Ah, we greet you, glorious perfected masters of which we are not worthy of speaking unto!>she bows
>>2364445>The metal figures, Perfected, Remain silent as they keep you restrained. Strangely you notice their bodies don't seem manufactured despite being metal, oddly...organic.>>2364448>The largest being Stares down on her, even taller than Rukaar. It gracefully leaps from the stand, its lean metal body twisting in a smooth movement. It speaks to her after it lands, its voice cold but by no means was robotic. It was sad, a broken voice seemingly uttered by several people at once from the creature."That moniker is false, who are you to disturb our punishment?"
>>2364453Garry:Awww...>He pokes one of themGrod:Uhhh...punishment?Narg:Anyways, we kinda need our help...I think...>He whispers to RukaarNarg:These are those perfected guys?
>>2364453Well if I were to skip the formalities, invaders from another galaxy seek to annihilate all sapience in the galaxy, therefore proving an obstacle to the long term interests of all capable of thought
>>2364456>Rukaar is across the room, both his shield and hammer activated as several perfected close in on him. A scatter of mercenaries and Rumar are around through the crowd>>2364457>The High zealot turns his headThe galaxy Is doomed no matter what you do.>It glances to RukaarWe will make yours and the Chaos beast's deaths quick
>>2364462Narg:Uhhh...what do you mean doomed?
>>2364466"Doomed to die, Cease to exist, fade away with all of us with it. That things kind couldn't understand that>With one arm it gestures to RukaarOur greatest sin was discovery, the One punished us for it.
>>2364487Narg:Well that's a gloom way to look at things, even if it is true, sort of>He whispers to Rukaar againNarg:Why did you guys war again?
>>2364462We are well aware that all will perish, in time, but now is not that time, and we have not yet killed the pitiful god responsible for that inevitable fate.So unless you want him to get away with it, I advise that you ensure you are able to seek revenge before that time comes to pass>>2364437>Scouts can hardly believe that they are seeing, and a few landing craft deploy in close proximity to the strange substance
>>2364495>Rukaar gruntsInvasion>The zealot looks at RukaarIt was a warning, you and your naive kind refused to think that your "God" would betray you>>2364497You know, you know it is hopeless. Though mislead in how you understand the end will come. Seek atonement for your sins before the End comes
>>2364501>The Ratmen just sort of look at Rukaar with a confused look on their faces
>>2364505Hold your ground small ones, and go for the throat>His back is now to the wall as he wards off the machines
>>2364497>amazingly, the substance appears to be a metallic liquid>as the scouts approach, a car-sized mass of goo separates from the larger mass and moves towards them
>>2364501Narg:Well you know what they say, maybe, "It's better to try and fail, than not try at all"
>>2364497Oh no, we intend on seeking revenge as it happens.Outlasting all the rest, watching as the stars dim and shift to dusk, before running a blade through the dying heart of the jeering god who watches.>>2364516>some of them return to their ships and watch from a distance, while another tries to put some samples in a box
>>2364523There is only one who has survived the end. He will not again, when our atonement ends we will hunt him down and the rest. Revenge will be ours>It looks at Jezebel So naive. Why have you come? To atone?
>>2364531Narg:I honestly don'tknow what you are talking about...but good luck I guess Grod:We need help to fight off the intergalactic invaders...we can give you...uhhh.. polish or tv in return...what do you guys do for fun?
>>2364531I’m afraid your atonement will end with you alone in the galaxy, if you refuse to help us.All your reason to endure, lost millennia ago.
>One rattus pisses himself in confusion>Nobody knows whats going on
>>2364537>The Zealot looks at them weirdly, quite the accomplishment when your face is metal>>2364551Why help you how does that bring the end of the Great Liars you call gods
>>2364559Because, my dear machine, everyone knows you can’t kill the dead, so you’ve only got one chance.
>>2364559Narg:Uhhh...you don't get wiped out...I think >Grod looks at the bots Grod:You do know what fun is, right?
>>2364564"You have a point Naive being, but why wake us. Do you not know the wrath we can bring. Did you not consult the beast
>>2364577Oh, untold wrath and anger I am certain, but if you were harmless we would not have bothered.And that “beast” came up with the idea in the first place
>>2364587Of cours-He what?>Rukaar huffsI am not a genius
>>2364609>light shrug
>>2364621>The Zealot looks between the pairYou truly seek to call for our aid, what has cursed the galaxy so to drive you to that point
>>2364624An enemy who does not simply bathe its conquests in nuclear fire, but harvests more than material from its victimsHatred incarnate is its sustenance, and it has an appetite to swallow the galaxy, along with all beings with it
Rolled 52 (1d100)>>2364635>Rukaar speaksIf they are able to continue their conquest you will never have retribution>Roll for success
>>2364636You do not know that beast, what if these invaders are forced back without breaking our quest of retribution
Rolled 56 (1d100)>>2364653Then you have risen for nothing, and can go back to sleep
Rolled 3 (1d100)>>2364732Maybe we should, that ones race slaughtered my people and now seeks to ally us?>Rukaar speaks, now walking towards the zealot."Aren't you the one who says it is hopeless, why hold grudges when we cab do the greater good"
>>2364750>starts sprinting out
Rolled 22 (1d100)>>2364753>Rukaar snorts as the Zealot confronts the lone lord"What say you beast?"You stay and you forsake your retribution
Rolled 19 (1d100)>>2364758"Be gone from my sight beast">Rukaar turns to leave, as he reaches the door he speaks"You will never find redemption in stillness">He exits
Rolled 90 (1d100)>>2364769>The Ratmen in a last ditch attempt tries to convince them
>>2364773>The rats are able to strike something in the Zealot. Something long since buried, a kinship. Understanding of what its like to be cast aside and looked down upon for the past. As the Rats leave the Perfected zealot picks up the amulet that was dripped by Jezebel. He sits bybtge stand once more as the ship begins to live once more
>>2364753>Back on solid groundWHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?
>>2364791>The Ratmen look in awe of the zealot, before hiding behind Rukaar. All 10 of the 3ft warriors climb onto Rukaars back for safety, acting as mini sentinels with their autoguns drawn
>>2364801Diplomacy, Reverse psychology acts as a shocking mechanism for an unprepared mind, causing it to be more receptive to suggestion
>>2364808>As they are back on the sands of Ru he shakes them offYou know what, I was going to confront you for somehow appearing but you silenced the zealot so we're not dead. Thanks
>>2364813You. Screamed. At. Him. IM SUPPOSED TO BE THE DUMB ONE
>>2364819And the unexpected outburst contributed to a federation victory.
>>2364814N-not a problem b-boss
>>2364821How?!? He told us to leave, that doesn't seem like a victory
>>2364839Are you still alive?
>>2364836>Rukaar nods at the rats, them not even reaching his waist.
>>2364845Of course I am!>Behind Rukaar what seem to be ships start breaching the water
>>2364848Then, seeing as the perfected choose now to rise>she gestures behind himI would say I prevented you from doing something lethal, while ensuring that the mission succeeded
>>2364859>He turns, and a smile crosses his plated faceI refuse to give you credit for this
>>2364865You are welcome.
>>2364874Let us take you back to Trojan, I doubt you want to stay on Ru.
>>2364889Likely for the best, the Rukanii will likely not get calmer than this
>>2364896I was more referring how I upset you last time, my dreadnought can pass the storm with ease
>>2364900Lets not talk about that, we should hurry to Trojan.The invasion is progressing fast.
>>2364931>Rukaar nods and guides her to the ship which takes off after they boardYou sure you won't explain why I upset you?
>>2364936Just...It is considered impolite to spy upon or measure a lady while she sleeps, or without asking.This is not law throughout my species, but is important for the nobility.Keep in mind that what may be acceptable in your culture is not always in others
>>2364953>He looks at her, obviously in deep thought as the Dreadnought enters warp"So...you don't have shared rooms I'm guessing. I will be honest with you I am not experienced in any of your customs so I fell back on my own. I am sorry"
>>2364960Shared rooms are common among the poor and the happily married.Nowhere else.As long as you take care to remember this, I forgive you
>>2364970>He nodsIts opposite in a way, once a Rumariam is wed the married couple leave the shared areas for their own area. But then that's still sharing and its then shared even more once children are born. Like my kids, what did you call them Demon kids?I can't even disagree with that statement
>A message is sent to the shipmistress and her faction requesting a meeting of two Warlords,of two of the Great Lords of their people.
>A message is sent from the Emperor himself asking for a job from the United Confederacy >The Navy desires a ship from the Invaders to study and will pay quite handsomely for it
>>2365166>R-V Mercs arrives at United Confederacy ship ports, loaded with piracy gear, ready to take over an invader ship https://youtu.be/yRh-dzrI4Z4
>>2365151>The projector hums to life as the transmission is established between The Cult of the Reaper and The Vanguard Armada. "Your transmission is coming through. To whom of the Reapers am I speaking with?"
>>2365177>A man in scarred and pitted body armor approaches them.His face similarly patch worked with scars and old wounds"So this is all they sent me? I did hope that there would be more.Perhaps the Romans might send some men as well...">He leads them to a non-descript warehouse surrounding the star port"I will have to brief them when they arrive.But for now I'd like you all to put your attention on the hologram in the center of the room.">A massive hologram appears as he speaks the words.It seems to be the shape of an invader battleship of the uhhhh->He looks at his notes sheetGreen fleet our planners call it.Now we have not engaged this force yet and have been skirmishing in the Ku'narian Conglomerate with the Reapers.Now we need some more intel and we need you to get it.We want intel on their battle tactics,fleet composition and most importantly the ship itself.Do you follow?"
>>2365215<It is I.>>The voice echoes as the armored form sits on his throne<Hah I am so used to being addressed as the Lord of the Reapers that may name escapes me but it is a sacrifice I am willing to make.To be named is to be controlled.Now what of your conquests?>>He pauses<My forces have slaughtered the fortress world and have begun taking a few others but in my weakened state we will be unable to assault the birds with any strength.Do you think you could give aid sister?>>He looks down<It saddens me to be failing our people and the Harvest that they depend on.The damn wolves cost us so much...>
>>2365256"I would, but Alas Izamat has other plans that require his fleets stay their course."
>>2364527>the goo seems to move itself out of the box>it crawls up the researcher's arm(does he have a radio or a speaker?)
>>2365273<Hmmm which of these unworthy races do you head for next?>
>>2365224> a group of UE looking men, with large beards wearing lorcia Armour and carrying enormous axes >speaking in thickly accented latin they ask if this the place where they can get payed to board and capture a ship or something like that
>>2365224>The Merc leader huffsYou don't seem very chuffed with us. Typical outworlder. Always looking down on the Rattus like we are filth. We are here to get paid and get the job done.
>>2365311>the vargarians are very amused by the tiny mercs"Leonid look, is tiny rat mercs, so cute""Shut up Aleksei you are being rude"
>>2365300"All those in range of the Seekers appear to be his targets."
>>2365342>The "cute" rats look like horrible disease ridden animals. Touching one might give you cholera
>>2365350>whispered now"aleksei you need to drink less on job"
>>2365311"Hey hey,I'm not impressed with everyone not just you.A lifetime in the service has shown me how widespread idiocy is in our little chunk of the galaxy.">>2365307 >>2365342>He looks at the rats"Look what I told you.Now let's get back to the topic at hand.That or I'll throw a few grenades around the room and see if it quiets you all down.Now the location of this BB is right up towards UUW space.I bet you all know and love the deranged communists same as I but this time we need to give them a hand before they try to convert our enemies to socialism.I'll be leading this op so pack your gear,get to your ships and let's get to work oooh rah!"
>>2365382>the varangians are suddenly all business>except aleksei, who is paying attention nonetheless
>>2365382>The Ratmen nod to his words>>2365403>Some rats look at the humans with a confused look. Some of the rats even utter the human word "LARP"
>>2365403>He looks at the armored men>And shrugs"Did any of you bring a ship with or are we all gonna have to cram into mine?">>2365411"It's a stealth destroyer so it isn't the large ship in the fleet."
>>2365411> the varangians ignore the rats
>>2365441"we have ship"
>the ku'unarian fleet assembles with it's detachment of UE vessels>Three Ku'unar planets have fallen, and they refuse to lose any more.
Rolled 43 (1d100)>>2365478>Shawnrok Lieutenant of the Great Reaper Lord as he sees the enemy fleet come into view <All Captains prepare for battle let us slay the foe and assure victory.Give me a sensor scan of the enemy fleet let us see what we are facing>>Scan roll
>>2365493>The scan is fuzzy due to solar interference >What can be seen are a large number of Corvettes, and several larger ships
>>2365500<Hmmm it seems they are here in force.>>He sends a Vox to one of his Shipmasters<Break your force off and act as the Vanguard while we act as the firepower.I want the Leviathan to have clear shots>>A strike group of twenty five cruisers,fifty destroyers and fifty corvettes takes the front >The remainder of the Warlord's strike group of dreadnought,five battleships,twenty cruisers,six carriers and thirty corvettes waits as the fleet advances into firing range
Rolled 13 (1d20)>>2365518>The admiral looks at the displayPREPARE TO BE BOARDED! TARGET THOSE CRUISERS AND CORVETTES! KEEP THE CARRIERS SCREENED!>Roll for 10 battleships firing on corvettes
Rolled 1, 11, 3, 11, 6, 3, 16, 19, 20 = 90 (9d20)>>2365541
Rolled 19, 7, 6, 4, 8, 18, 10, 18, 11, 16, 1, 19 = 137 (12d20)>>2365541>The Lieutenant looks at the the tactical situation<Shipmaster dispatch fighters.I want nothing to get through>>From the carriers twelve squadron of fighters are brought to the front lines<Cruisers fire for effect>>Half of the cruisers move to hit the battleships,the others go around the screen to get past to the carriers as a corvette squadron is obliterated.Firing plasma madly into the void.
Rolled 13, 11, 5, 5, 18, 9, 20, 1, 11, 18 = 111 (10d20)>>2365555They are deploying fighters? No matter. Bring the last battleship to bear! Knock out those corevetts so we can claim our prize! We may have to knock out some more big ones...>Kill corvettes
Rolled 15, 6, 19, 13, 7, 9, 10, 11, 11, 10, 3, 2, 1, 3, 12, 7, 20, 10, 1, 19, 7, 20, 4, 15, 17 = 252 (25d20)>>2365589<Bastards.It is of no consequence.I want our first twelve advanced cruisers to destroy those enemy carriers so we can bring our own bombers to bear.Have our other group start closing with the enemy battleships.>>The corvettes are blown apart by the damned Ku'narians and the cruisers move aheadPoint blank range in 1 turn
Rolled 3, 18, 8, 13, 16, 12, 9, 11, 6, 20 = 116 (10d20)>>2365606>Two battleships and acarrier are blown apartDamn, these losses are severe! We shall not fail!Keep moving! Dreadnaught 1! Fire with those battleships!>Point blank,on cruisers
Rolled 18, 6 = 24 (2d20)>>2365621>Forgot 2 dice
Rolled 7, 13, 5, 14, 8, 1, 1, 12, 2, 2, 10, 3, 19, 4, 17, 4, 8 = 130 (17d20)>>2365621>>2365626>Eight cruisers are blown apart<Advance force.I want four of you to take the carriers out.The remainder I want point blank fire on the battleships>
Rolled 9, 11, 4, 11, 5, 14, 16, 8, 20, 5, 14, 15, 7, 12, 3, 20, 2, 3, 4, 10, 5, 18, 16 = 232 (23d20)>>236563550% carrier loss? Unacceptable! All four dreadnaught! Open fire on those cruisers! Battleships as well!
>>2364983Yes, demon children.They ate six thralls whole between them.They ate more than their own actual weight in meat.>>2365298(Yes)Aah, it seems to not want to go inside the box.Mission control, what do I do?
Rolled 8, 15, 6, 4, 5, 13, 4, 19, 15, 9, 1, 6, 15, 2, 9, 18, 11, 5, 4, 18, 8, 3 = 198 (22d20)>>2365642>Ten more cruisers are blown apart <Warp back to the main fleet I want our reinforcements on their way now.I need those extra cruisers.Now all carriers we have pulled them into our trap.Release all bombers and blow those battleships to the Void.Then battleships begin bombardment intensify firepower,I want our twelve squadrons to shatter them with you.>Bombers are +2 and 2 damage.Battleships last 10 and plus +1
>>2366234It’s also as many as three twos, and that’s terrible
>>2366234>the sample touches the radio >a heavily synthesized voice comes throughIdent-code: Trailblazer Probe Koppa Sigma ThetaObjective: exploration of milky way galaxy
>>2366250It’s talking!It’s some sort of exploration unit, serving the same purpose as us.>he tries harder to get it into the box
>>2366271Inquiry: species?
Rolled 61 (1d100)>>2366354Drakul.>box stuffing intensifies
>>2366237>twenty stealthed corvettes emerge in the besieged system, scanning around for easy abduction targets
>>2366432>They see a cruiser in orbit along with ten destroyers on station above the planet. Likely waiting to jump in and join their leader in battle. They can detect the signals of cities and crystals on the planet but will have to move closer to detect any more
Rolled 18, 4, 17, 16, 6, 15, 8, 19, 1, 4, 16, 6, 17, 14, 13 = 174 (15d20)>>2366442>fifteen ships immediately ram the cruiser from stealth while the others stay back, aiming for the bridge
>Meanwhile over the busy world that is Trojan several void signatures flare before a fleet of several Hundred ships enter realspace over the planet. The largest ships are chromatic and angular, each created with precision unseen in most species. Then the bulk of this alien force is created by much smaller entities,seemingly some type of drone. They remain silently suspended over Trojan.
>>2366485Narg:So...will they just stand there until you tell them to go or...
Rolled 15, 14, 14, 14, 4, 12 = 73 (6d20)>>2366475>The cruiser is disabled by the sudden attack and the destroyer escorts open fire on the ships not yet embedded in the cruiser
Rolled 6, 4, 16, 3, 15, 13 = 57 (6d20)>>2366492>multiple squads of boarders erupt inside the bowels of the disabled craftThis is leader ZK, teams report in.Team 4, presentTeam 6, presentTeam 19, presentTeam 10, presentTeam 1, presentTeam 15, presentAll teams rendezvous on my location, disable and capture every invader seen on your way.“Affirmative”
Rolled 44 (1d100)>>2366519
Rolled 6, 1, 9, 12, 11 = 39 (5d20)>>2366539>>2366519>They find survivors but they are armed and dangerous. Five squads of Wireling sailsmen approach them with pistols and scatter guns loaded with toxic pyschoaether crystal shards and metal fragments
Rolled 5, 8, 8, 8, 3, 19 = 51 (6d20)>>2366552>little damage is done, the solid steel causing the shots to glance>chargers run them through the arms and legs, blades and claws singing against bone and fleshZK leader here. Give them hell, aim to capture at least one alive.
Rolled 11, 1, 12, 15 = 39 (4d20)>>2366559>A squad is killed almost completely with one survivor being hauled over a Drakul warrior's shoulders>The remaining aliens fire again and in the distance the Drakul can hear boarding pods attaching to the hull of the ship dispatched by the destroyers,soon they will be there
Rolled 12, 20, 6, 5, 4 = 47 (5d20)>>2366587Calling in Evac, let’s go.>a squad loses half its fighters, but the rest continue the battle>the team evac