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>How will't thou corrupteth ye olde fantasy setting?

It's been about a month since your summoning to the mortal realm, but you've been busy all the while. Your fiendish schemes aren't going to carry themselves out, after all! Already you've drawn some loyal mortals into servitude, a little band of followers, partially unaware of your true nature which suits you just fine. Together with them, you've managed even to murder your way into potential ownership of stately home. Yes, things are certainly looking up for you, now if only you could improve and expand your domain back down below in the Hellscape. Whispers, rumblings of other infernal denizens looking upon your actions here in the mortal realm with envy, anger, or even fear. You wouldn't sit idly by in their situation, so why should you expect them to?

Particularly when, already there's been an attempt on your life, and both a headless horseman and a charming vampire are on the loose. Nobody said it was going to be easy to build power, and carve yourself out a chunk here in the mortal realm, though. You're up to the challenge, right?
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At the moment you, Amelie (your mortal disguise for your true demoness self), have only just taken on the role of manager for a little woolen textile workshop in the country for your noble employer. It seems pretty straightforward enough, just keep the place running efficiently and have the workers busy and ideally content. Your employer's son, Roland, has been charged at keeping up with you and is always available for help or otherwise but you think you can manage. A decent source of income though questionable value to you personally, also means an active presence of mortal workers to do with as you please.

Though at the same time, at home you've soundly claimed the estate you "inherited" as your own demonic domain in the mortal realm, providing you with much more freedom and security. Your job is promising, but then so too are the new possibilities opening up for you to work your demonic ways with relative impunity at home. Not to mention being able to send out minions to fetch you poorly victims. An interesting choice to consider, if you focus more on your mortal "disguise" and sowing corruption among the flock, or relish in being your true demonic self in your own little profane sanctum from whence to amass power. In secret, of course.

>How do you proceed?
>Link to the previous thread;


>As well, in the previous thread there were requests towards Amelie's capabilities and various forms, so here is a general impression of what you can do;


Feel free to specify if there's something particular you're interested in but wasn't explained.
I say we find us a strong bodygaurd.
we did that tho
Let's...uh....secure capital!
.... we did that, tho
We got a whole bunch of money from the secret room in the house
Unless you mean souls.
Do we have an enemy?
so, to recap last thread, we got a bodyguard, met a vampire, found a secret room in the house we commandeered, managed to get two souls, runed up the house to mark it as ours, discovered the owner's previous secret of being a pirate with four of his buddies still lukring around, got a promotion with our job with the chance to get our own place, some info on who to avoid, our own infinite imp spawner, three magic artifcats (suggestibility/hypnisis, MiB mind wipe, and the equivalent of mind reading, exept it write down whatever on the mind in a book).... Can't remember off the top of my head what other important things happened last thread
we got that guy in hell who has our witch minions soul to retrieve. and there's always the church.
Oh and also a reminder, if you had any rerolls unused, feel free to show at least once a trip you were using to confirm said rerolls.
oh, also there's that dullahan roaming around...

and looking at last thread,seems we were deciding what to do for the night
Pretty busy atm, will try to post
sleep is always a choice. Unless this is the start of a new day... There's also the issue of merryl spilling her guts on us being a demon earlier. that also needs to be taken care of.
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Well things have moved forward a couple days since last thread. So you've already settled to claiming the house in your name, and already have taken on the job as a workshop manager. But you can retire for this night, things have been busy of course.


So you awaken the next day feeling quite at home with how saturated the house is already with demonic corruption. If only you had a horde of imps waiting on you hand and foot, and everything would be quite pleasant. Of course you can't have imps coming in or out of the house willy-nilly while Mila and Ordan remain unaware of your true demonic nature. In good time, you suppose.

In any case, you've got the workshop to look forward to but for now there's breakfast and the morning routine to see to. Or, if you had anything in particular in mind to take care of.
There was also that message we sent out to miss vampire and that whole kidnapping thing...
How goes that imp kidnapping, btw? they still out?
taking the necklace and earing and heading out seems fine... Anyone else want to chime in on anything?
Go ahead and make two rolls for those imp missions (d100s), maybe things went better or worse than expected!
Rolled 92, 69 = 161 (2d100)

another two rolls? alright
Let's listen to rumors.
Weren't we going to punish/molest Merryl for spilling the beans?
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That's a simple enough thing to do over breakfast, as you listen to Mila talking about all the gossip that goes on at her job. Mostly the rumors seem to still be oriented about disappearances along the roads (as you can imagine) though there is also talk of a gang of ruddy goblins stealing people's smaller livestock. Nothing terribly out of the ordinary.

>92, 69

Well wouldn't you know it, later on when you're preparing to leave out by the stable, you're alerted to the presence of some of your imps returning. Each with different business, but probably having waited for you all night. The first and most proud, is practically jumping with a letter in hand from Lady Bourdillon, the vampire. It seems she wasn't expecting more trouble from you, but actually having sent her a little serving imp (who in turn brought along a victim), it seems she's come to appreciate it quite a bit. More or less you can glean from the letter, she wouldn't mind potential further cooperation if this is the sort of friendly gesture she can expect. Considering of course, she just thought you were going to be a nuisance.

As for the other imps, well four of them are waiting by with two captive prisoners they caught, currently tied up while they jump on the poor folks and poke them with sticks and burn their feet. You don't get their life stories from just a first impression of course, but according to the imps one is a runaway farm girl while the other is a shepherd boy. Both are obviously scared and would likely be screaming and pleading to you for help, if they weren't bound and gagged.
Let's be "friendly" and help take care of the problem and by take care of the problem, let's see if we can get the goblins to work for us.
huh. Neat.
Alright, I can see two ways to go about this, oen, we can play fast and loose and just take their souls, easy as pie. The other, we can play the semi long con with one of them, and sacrifice the other. I prefer playing the somewhat long con with one... But I want to here what anyone else thinks first.
why would we need goblins when we have imps?
... do gonlins have souls? We could probably just throw some imps at the problem and get some free, albeit probably worth about a penny comparatively, souls out of it. Or we could leave it alone for now. I don't know.
All, or at least mostly all sapient beings have souls!

Well whichever option you choose, your initial reaction to them is likely going to have the most impact. Whether they think you're in cahoots with the imps, or save them and scare the little wretches off, however you may choose to portray it.
one of them's easy. the other one, I was thinking have them start shattering limbs on them, chase them off, use the short term memory erasure to the effect of "I saw them breaking your limbs and chased them off. I think you might have passed out from the pain." If one of them happens to be missing, we could say the other was dragged away trying to save her/him. and we'd of course offer some hospitality while they get their limbs healed. In that time we'd convince them to hand over their soul through various means. one freebie, and one willfully given.
Might have to run and get a pitchfork for it to be believable, though. If one of the imps chases after us, we tell said imp to go back and take one of them away to somewhere secluded, come back with the pitchfork and erase some memories.
So you want to try and convince one of them that you saved them, while the other you just sacrifice now?

Decision time then, which of the two do you want to off now, and later?
Can we check which one has the purer soul?
Yes indeed, the runaway. Though, she is a (young) adult while the shepherd is just a boy so that makes sense. Not like she's some sinful lady, she's just been alive longer.
Well, then the girl then for the long term.
Whoops, reading mistake. The shepherd has the purer soul, that was meant to read as.
oh, alright. I was wondering... So the shepherd for the long term then
Alright then, you can have some of the imps haul off the runaway while the others break the shepherd's leg and knock him out. What you do with either of them, when you want to is your choice. For now though, they'll stash the runaway in the groundskeeper's house while the shepherd, you can just tell them where to put him.

The only thing to keep in mind, according to the imps they basically kidnapped the shepherd from his work so he does have somewhere to return to in theory. The runaway though, obviously not, possibly not even people looking for her in the right places to begin with.
hence the reason for the broken limbs. He's not going to be walking anywhere, has no money (probably not, and if he does, we steal it) and he could send a message, but I'm going to assume a certain dullahan will make paper mail very hard to get out. There's probably a magical equivalent, but it'll take a while for whoever responsible for him to arrive, if they do.
Sacrifice the girl, send her soul down to hell, then go grab... Mila? Or maybe the orc, and bring him in to one of the spare rooms. Leaving a broken man on the side of the road isn't what a good person would do, would they?
Finding a lad who was robbed along the road, that's not too much to ask for someone to stay and mind him. At least till you return home later and can take care of him yourself.

In the meantime before you leave though, you want to sacrifice the runaway? For what it's worth, she begs and pleads for her life and offers to do anything, including servitude. Though, she's under the impression that you're a witch or something, not a full demoness.
I love the pastebin OP! Especially Ironic Smites description.

Also why are we kidnapping people. Just take the souls of those two that were dragged, then use a ritual to seek out the most desperate people in town. People desperate enough to trade away their soul to a demon. Once we exhaust that resource, we can start grooming people to willingly give up their souls. Or just move.

Tell her you need an assurance, her soul. If she accepts, great, kill her anyway. If she refuses just harvest her.
I forget... did the vampire say anything on the taste of the soulless? we could take her soul and then send her her way
She can subsist on them but she much prefers people with souls.

She's willing to give you her soul for the guarantee that you won't kill her. A willing soul transfer is a great thing to have, but she'd basically be binding you to a contract all the same to not kill her. A bit clever on her part, though you sense it's just desperation in the face of death.
alright, how about this, we write up a contract, saying we specifically won't take her soul, but upon her death, her soul goes to us. In the mean time, she can go to our vampire friend, who we'll say has free reign to just drink her dry. afterward, if she wants, we'll come over to deal with the body. Or one of our imps can, if they can yse hell fire.
My brain is fried. Not we won't take her soul, but her soul belongs to us, and that we specifically won't kill her. Her soul does belong to us though, on her death or whatever.
I'll take that. We can use her as a slave, or another gift to vamp lady.

why though? needless level of complexity. Anyone whose soul we possess is forced to obey our orders. If we want her dead we can command her to not eat. Better to use her as a slave, since I want to keep this soul to boost our personal power and not give it to our minions.
It's for bonus points with the vampire. Equivalent of passing cheap ass wine vs. something higher class. If she takes it all in one night, then she get's her fill, we get the soul, just slightly later than right now. There's no rush when both parties could be happy and we're not under any particular suspicion.
plus, we can just send our imps out for another soul anyway.
Vampire has enough victims of her own, and we just gave her one very recently. She's not a bottomless pit of blood, giving her too many victims will just pressure and worry her.
gave her a victim? Did we? I don't think we did, unless you mean the imp servant.

I don't quite see the issue. If someone sent us a free soul to our doorstop, I don't think we'd refuse. also, too many victims? What? No, just this one. Maybe just on occasion, once a month or so or something, if the relationship holds. and That's just a maybe.
Well that's basically the same thing. You're just postponing the payoff.

Well the thing is, Lady Bourdillon probably has no trouble getting thralls of her own. The reason she liked the imp though was because she doesn't have to worry about it escaping, blabbing the truth, or tricking and charming it. Just a free unquestioning servant, like a wolf for example (which vampires have influence over), except with opposable thumbs and such.

If you're intentionally trying to off the runaway though it could work.

Well commanding her not to eat is technically you killing her. Same as getting one of your servants to kill her. Not that you can't find a way for her to die, just that your hand can't be involved.
If we wright up a contract that says she can't disobey, should be easy enough to satisfy both parties. It's something free she wouldn't have to worry about disappearing or anything
Alright I'm back for a bit before the sleep

So what are we doing with the girl?
Easy enough to draw up a contract then. Are you sending her away though or keeping her as another servant?
We could keep her, send a message to our vampire friend see if she would like to drain her dry. We'll find a way to kill her by tonight wether through her or through other means... And no talking to the shepherd. Or revealing any of our plans, hinting who we are, all that fun stuff.
I'll agree with >>2237190
Except for killing her tonight, we're in no rush.

As long as we hold her soul she is forced to obey us absolutely. Why kill off a free slave?
Alright then, use her for whatever then.
Very well then, by the usual measures, you have your minions draft up a contract and sign it the two of you. Thereafter, you own this poor fool’s soul for as long as you don’t try to kill her. Another slave for life, like the highwayman. You can do whatever you want with her later, but for now you tell her just to keep quiet about everything and leave her with some of the imps in the guest house. Later on when you return you can figure out how to make use of her, like with the shepherd.

So then, off to work is it? I assume you still are interested in working, rather than just sitting home and getting fat off souls?
To work.
To work it is.
Work it is then, and a much shorter ride it is to the workshop in the countryside nearby, than it is to town. You reach there by late morning in fact, in time for another cart of wool being hauled in for the day. You’re greeted by most of the workers, some by name even, though they don’t stop what they’re doing once you arrive of course. Busy much of the day seeing to the batches of wool brought in. With the onset of spring after all, most farmers are shearing now.

So then, anything you want to focus on, or direct the workers towards for the day? Your role mostly is just to keep everyone productive, deal with any problems that arise, and try to keep people relatively happy as can be at work. It’s not some massive operation though, it’s just one main building with about ten people total tending to the different labor sources in a couple large rooms, apart of your own little office. You even have an assistant at times if you need it, so it’s a decently cushy job as long as you keep up expectations for Margot. Though... you get the sense that she was hoping to see how you could run things, and if you could cause the business to exceed expectations there.
Let's keep expectations middle ground
Keep track of the regulars, and who exactly is our assistant? Her son? Could prove useful...
For today, best to just try and get our bearings for who does what and who goes where
A strong goal to aim for mediocrity it is!

Not her son, no. He is available if you need him and he’s to check on you each day or so, as she is basically making him do so. Your assistant is a fellow by the name of Elhice, an elf whom is decently good with numbers. He wasn’t ever a manager of the place but he basically ran it before as far as keeping things running, and if you’ll allow him he will continue to do so under your wishes. He’s basically there so you’re not just thrown in the deep end.

As for the workday itself, as you aren’t trying to exceed or sabotage, you don’t need to roll for anything like that. You just keep track of all the workers and workings, soon coming to be familiar with and understand the process (as it is your third day here, thereabouts). It seems straightforward enough, wool brought in or purchased, treated and prepared into skeins of yarn where it’s to be transported to one of Margot’s weaveries. Though that is beyond your scope, you just handle the process between the raw wool and weaving.

All in all, a handy little operation Margot has going here, and as you’re aware by now a cushy little job she put you in. Why though, well you know she has some favor of you and probably plans, but without her here you can only guess at it. Otherwise if you’d not had any adverse plans the workday can progress by without issue.

>An interesting thought, that with a little more observation or even practice of the work process, you could probably duplicate it yourself and to amazing effect with imp work, but that’s for another time.
After getting acquainted with the place we should start improving it, but not enough to stand out ridiculously.

Not sure if we wanna corrupt the place.
I missed the session, welp

I was going to try to get to know our workers and try to cozy up to them to raise their opinion of us, is this still possible?

I say we wait a bit more before starting to corrupt, get everyone to like us and shiet
I have questions about contracts.

What happens when one party do not deliver their part? (i.e. killing the girl some time later while it was stated we wont)

Also, is contract crafted as plain legal document (exact wording matters, lotsa loopholes for us to exploit) or more intent-based? (again bringing up the girl, we cant just tell somebody else to snuff her because our intent matters)
Any particular way(s) you’d care to improve the workshop? It sounds like you only have some minor changes in mind.

It is still possible if you like, though again if you have something particular in mind it can help. Whether that means bringing them some decent food to have in the day, better wages, or what have you.

Well it would void the contract, if for example you killed the runaway then you’d forfeit ownership of her soul. And contracts work as you care to make them, though most Hellscape denizens prefer the plain legal document style with nasty fine print to trick careless fools whom sign it. In this case you would specify beforehand, but your minions (and yourself of course) are quite skilled at this sort of business.
Noice, this means we can reenact that particular scene from Demolition man and laugh about it.

And, come to think of it... Oh, please please tell us this works, because devils/demons/etc are assholes:

> be delivery boy
> produce "receipt"
> sign here sir, kthxbai
> suddenly contract
In theory that could work however infernal contracts are very obviously so and need to be signed in blood.

If you could obfuscate that though, then it may well be possible yes.
Just be nice generally, help if we can, bring food if they have a break hour, etc
Yes yes, then you can make an effort of that from here on. Tomorrow, showing up with some goodies for the herd of fools.

By workday’s end, you get a visit from Roland to see how things are (as bidden by his mother) while the workers are preparing to leave and Elhice is locking the place up. You’re free to take your leave home however, or where you wish to now. Late afternoon so a fair amount of time left in the day.
Hoo boy, I see oh so many ways how we can abuse this (assuming we make it work ofc)

Ok, how *obviously obvious* are these contracts (shape, size, aura, material, flashy bits,...)?
Is Everyday Joe or Jane aware how infernal paperwork looks like in the first place?
Subsequently, who CAN identify it correctly (church and magic guys)?

Because if general public is not very aware of it, we can bullshit our way with some magical mumbo jumbo story, where we deliver box of gold to unsuspecting victim claiming as reasons inheritance distribution and wacky wizards. Hey, I am just delivery boy, please sign here and I am off. It is not like you are giving away your firtsborn, haha.
I mean, they’re usually made of skin and written in blood. It’s less that someone would automatically know it is an infernal contract, and more that it’s disturbing and would freak them out enough to not want anything to do with it. At least the average, normal person. Everyday Joe doesn’t need to have ever seen an infernal contract, to be weirded out by one on first seeing it.

But again, if you can find a way around that, then your scheme may work. As for proper identification, religious folks of course and usually magic folk who can sense that from it.
Nah, just be polite and nice while we wait for them to close up
Should we assume it is less of a neat red script on parchment and more of a freshly flayd skin with big bloody sinister letters, then (your pic related)? I see where that may be problematic with silly hoomans.

Is it special kind of skin or blood and can we replace them with something less creepy? (this question may also be rephrased as "What makes infernal contract beeing infernal?")

If not, can we use magic or our powers to hide contracts true nature from recipient? Read: can we tamper with it at all?
Very well then, back home it is.

It is pretty ghastly. In theory you could use normal parchment (though still needs to be written and signed in blood) it’s just that paper is hardly available in the Hellscape so when you’re getting your minions to draft up a contract they have to use what they have, which isn’t paper. And obviously, passing paper documents back and forth through a fire isn’t going to work. If you can imagine a way to go about it otherwise though you could creatively come up with a way around it maybe. Or just get in contact and ask your minions if they know of some other way.

As for concealing it, only possible within your own domain so in this case your house. Otherwise, tampering with it would be tantamount to breaking the deal. Not that you can’t try to hide the true nature of it, you just can’t do so in a way that a victim has no fair defense against (so magic, against someone with no magic skill). But if you can convince them with talking and being charming and using your wiles, and other mundane means, that’s totally fair.
So you take your horse back home again, penning him up for the time being while Merryl is there to greet you right away wondering what your plan is with the shepherd boy she found brought in?

Perhaps more pressing though is the runaway currently residing in the groundskeeper’s cottage. Need to figure out what to do with her at some point, whether you assign her work, torment her, or whatever else appeals to your foul tendencies.
Man, I was pretty out of it last night. Leaving merryl with our new possible soul isn't the best idea.
Maybe we could just leave the new girl on merryl watch or something... Still pretty sleep deprived.
Well, since we have her soul... Could use that to finally mess with the church. And once again I can't remember if that's something that can be used as a disguise like a mask or a semi-permanent thing...
Do we have any maps of the land, just wondering?
How pretty is the girl?

We also need to reveal to Mila and Ordan, and "punish" Merryl for spilling the beans
Absolutely not, at least not right now. We had plenty of time with Lucas and still needed to roll. With the necklace, should still go by faster, but they aren't quite corrupted enough to take us being a demon yet, I think.
Punishing merryl is fine, however... We've been a bit lax with her really.
Buy a journal, or several, stick the quill/pen/whatever on her, and leave it in the treasure room. See what she's been up to.
Getting our hands on crate full of nice clean parchment or paper should not be hard. Maybe pricy but not hard. Same goes fot writing utensils.

As for passing stuff through fire - we can either fireproof it (with help of alchemist/scientist/wizard) or just use fireproof or fire retardant container with added insulation. Come to think of it, even simple glass bottle will probably take us places.

As for the main obfuscation/concealing I have few ideas that somewhat depend on hiding in plain sight and fasttalking on our side, but we need to make things work first.

So, in conslusion, I would like to test this and we will see after that:
> Grab random useless document, stuff it to the bottle, seal it with wax, pass it few times here and there with our hellbuddies and observe what happens.
> Talk to our hellbuddies about "nicer and shiny" contracts that will seem like ordinary ones with most of the hellish things moved into incospicious tiny script, illuminations around and so on (pic somewhat related)

As for the new girl, anons will turn her into another harem member. There is no other way.
Well you also left Ordan present, and took the precaution that Merryl can’t be possessed while being within your domain.

You do have maps though of the region here, belonging to the former owner that you found in the secret room.

She’s not stunningly beautiful but cute by normal standards, and young.

For punishing her it seems you have something in mind, but are you acting? Chances are she’ll beg and plead and apologize if she gets an idea of what you have in mind, you know she’s pretty pathetic like that.
Oh yes that is quite creative, making the document so fancy that its true nature is hidden. After all, if the person doens’t bother to look for or read the fine print on their own, that is their own fault. If the roll is high enough, you could definitely create such an intricate document that its purpose would be hidden to most.

As for things being passed back and forth, this isn’t normal fire remember. Even magic is likely to have little benefit here.
Op is just going to make us roll every time anon, we shouldn't have with Lucas and yet we did

>THE Punishing Plan
>Tell her
>Take her to the most private place we have
>Tie her up
>Ask why did she do it
>Gag with some cloth
Need control after her response though
I'm sleep deprived as all hell. Been up around 32 hours now.
Could we get our imps to work on making paper? We'd need a method of construction, but paper is always useful. Is there some magic way to get more? Take one sheet, so object, transmute object into said sheet?
Could do something simple, like make her tongue larger and feel uncomfortable in her mouth, so she feels she has to move it around, but then make her teeth sharp, but not insanely so, so that if she does her tongue would wind up getting bitten. A day of that, maybe.
Or I suppose there are other, more lustful ways... that is something I dont particularly take the reigns of, however.
Reminds me of that one thing from... rei? I think? It's a fukumoto manga, where one of the opponents wrote a secret rule in the border of the rulesheet in illuminated Arabic written backwards
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Huh. Finding the page was easier than I thought.
Ah, just the typeset was written backwards, not the actual arabic... well, whatever.
I was under assumption hellfire burns everything but it takes time, not that thing thrown in it goes poof in instant. Oh well, my bad, I guess.

In that case we should ask hellbuddies how come stuff wont burn when they pass it to us and if we can make this work both ways.

Meanwile... Can WE whip up a legit contract on our own? Write it in our blood, spice paper with corruption, perhaps? Then all we need to do is practise practise practise writing/painting and ask hellbuddies for original (messy) contract and cheatshet so we know what to do.

Yes, very much like this.
>We shouldn’t have with Lucas

Actually yes.

Well you can set the imps on making paper, but again, it’s not like imp-made paper will fare better in being passed through the fire. Some container seemed to be the best bet, for that purpose, or if your minions had some other feasible idea.

Also a very creative and appropriate punishment.

But first, you tell Merryl her time is up and you drag her off, kicking and crying and pleading for mercy. The groundskeeper’s cottage, again, seems like the best place and it’s fast becoming your handy little privacy place outside of the house. Also with the runaway there you can make make an example of Merryl to her, the imps will certainly love to help or even just watch.

So you push open the door to find said imps having found ways to bide their time all day, the male ones playing cards and the female ones having fun trying to dress up the runaway in various strange fashions from whatever they could rustle up about the cottage. They all jump to attention when you return, and delight to see Merryl in your clutches, dancing around and singing songs of torture and torment as you throw the witch on the floor for them to tie up. She screams and cries in panic as they jump all over her to bind her up, pinching and biting and pulling her hair all the while. Again she pleads and begs for mercy, wondering what she did wrong, until you let her know and she goes pale in fear and realization.

”Why did you have to go and betray me dear? Telling Lucas the truth about me, such a traitorous lapse.”

It takes some jogging of her memory, but she’s more panicked now than afraid as she blithers and stammers on, partially in embarrassment you can sense. As it turns out, it wasn’t some malicious act of sabotage against you, or that she was possessed into doing so, she was honestly just so happy to get to be together with Lucas after years of lonliness, that she just made an honest mistake and slipped up in admitting the truth about you to him. You can tell she isn’t lying, it’s just another case of her being inept and careless. She’d been good about keeping secrets thus far, but it seems a lover’s embrace tripped her up.

Still, the mistake was made and punishment is due. You have her at your mercy, with the runaway to watch in fright as to what sort of mistress you are. How do you treat this foolish and incompetent witch of yours?
Kill her. Then use the runaways soul the throw a hellish party and attract someone competent. Who still has their soul.
>Actually yes.
Yeah right lol

>THE punishment plan
>Summon up a riding crop/flail/something to hit her with
>Begin THE punishment
>Hit butt, thighs, midriff, maybe a boob
>"You are to keep your mouth shut about this until i think it's time to tell our two other guests"
>"If i hear you did this again i will not be as lenient next time"
>"Do what you must to keep yourself from talking and possibly revealing the truth to Mila and Ordan"
>Keep the punishment up but slowly ease down until stopping
>Then help her dress and take her with us to the house for cleanup
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We've talked about this edgelord anon! No killing Merryl only
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I am sucker for Merryl. I know she is incompetent, hopeless, dangerous and overall security risk... But at the same time I just cant bring myself to hurt her (well, not much, anyway) because she is such an adorable cute idiot. And lets be frank here, it is mostly our fault because we brought her with us.

So... bind her up and hang her (pic very related, just more ropes and gag). Then let imps torture one of those poor sods into insanity and death, occasiionaly join them, and in between whisper sweetly and seductively into Merrils ear that if she fuck up again it will be her. Oh, and go full dominatrix on her ass ofc.

I am ok with this too.
>>2238395 This is a Christian board anon! You can't post that! My eyes!
Binding her like this before
Fits too
Meh, If just do the tongue thing, with the promise that if she doesn't talk unless it's an explicit emergency. If she does not talk the entire day, promise a reward instead.
The crop and carrot approach.
Why are we rewarding her for doing nothing? Do you guys even realize how far she is lowering our standards with every moment?

Yeah because wailing on her with a riding crop is definitely protective.

Also edgelord anon title should belong to the guy from last night who wanted to kill the runaway for no reason.
Rather than edgelord, your title should just be contrarian anon
Ey man
It's discipline
It's Practical Anon!
Don't let their filthy smut get to you OP. If people still don't want to kill her because they're super thirsty and have bad taste, I'll back the tongue thing. Except make it too big for her to speak at all, and tell her she has to hide her condition from everyone or we'll punish her even more harshly.
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Considering what already happend in this quest and some weird shit in others I am finding your reactions highly amusing

Here, have a cute puppy as apology.
Well it’s not that it would incinerate anything in an instant, but hellfire does burn more intensely. Passing a ring through won’t melt it instantly, but passing paper through will cause it to catch fire of course. The reason why they can pass you an infernal contract (the kind they’ve been making) is that devil skin and blood is immune to burning.

As for making the contract yourself, you’d be much better at it than any of your minions for sure. However the important difference is that they are immaterial while you are now material. Therefore trying to make a contract binding by Hellscape standards yourself, isn’t really possible. You can draw up an amazing contract, but it wouldn’t have the sort of backing that one made by your minions would. Worth noting however that being material you can make use of another method which Hellscape denizens normally can’t; a verbal binding contract, with a handshake or kiss or some accepting effort, having the soul transferred directly to your possession. It’s not as foolproof as an actual physical contract, but it’s definitely easier to do and handier in a pinch. Also much easier to trick victims depending on how you present the deal.

Although you could kill her for this, and it would certainly suit your nature, it seems the slight majority is for sparing her but with punishment? Whereby you hang her up while bound, and torment her with some lashing? Well, not very creative punishment, but it gets the point across. To the runaway as well, whom is certainly more keen on serving you dutifully than she was before.

After some harsh physical punishment and humiliation then, you finally curse her with a swollen tongue and jagged teeth for not being careful enough with her words and the truth. Worse still that she has to hide it from the others... or else. The imps lament not getting to see worse torture or execution but still get a kick out of your curse, as they unbind Merryl causing her to fall to the floor in a beaten and bloody mess. Shaking like a leaf and terribly ashamed, you still sense some hope in her at your eventual lenience, and an increase in devotion out of fear. This makes sense, as thus far you’d been generally sweet towards her so this is the first expression of wrath upon her, and a first time for her to see that side of you. It changes her feelings towards you but is also a healthy dose of reality in the situation.

Not to mention that while the witch scrambles to gather up her scraps of torn-off clothes, the runaway now cautiously approaches, believing you to be done with the torment. Bowing low and speaking as properly as a commoner might, she asks now that you’ve dealt with that problem, if there is any way she can serve or meet your wishes? After witnessing your treatment of Merryl, she is very eager to please.
A reminder to merryl, if she does good, she gets rewards. she does bad, she gets punished. It's that easy. We could fix all the damage we did to her poor body if she behaves, of course. and the curse too. But only if.
Send her to scout out potential new disappearance candidates
Then let's go help Merryl clean up since I doubt she can do it herself
>Remember Merryl, if you're a good girl, I'll treat you like a good girl
>But if you do things like that, I'll have to punish you, remember that
>Don't think i won't miss those nights of making you squirm
Have the runaway take care of and bond with that other kidnapped boy. Make her unable to reveal our true nature, or speak ill of us. Probe him for desires, and if he has none then create some.

No. Give the punishment time to sink in. Also we don't want more abductions yet. We should be using rituals to find mortals with strong enough desires that they would give their soul.
> verbal contract
Interesting tidbit of information. We should remember this.

As for hellfire, what will happen to glass bottle with parchment inside, as I mentioned earlier? Will it survive or go poof? I must admit I am somewhat confused at this point.

> questing, wat do?
Take Merryl home and tend to her wounds, letting her drop dead because of infection would be silly at this point. And >>2238518

Runaway I dont know, but other anons will have ideas...
Just a heads up, gotta duck out for a bit but will resume when I return. In the meantime feel free to plan or ask questions, that I’ll answer on return.
We can oversee it then
The other anon is right, we should let the punishment sink in a bit more, let's just oversee that she gets cleaned and healed, if she's having trouble we help but only with the patching up
Well then let's just send her to scout out and when she gets home she'll try to get to know the imps so they can hopefully work together if need be
we have those magical items to deal with the shepherd, but as for the runaway... Well, I did want to loan her to the vampire, since technically she's a free servant. Although, keeping her around as a maid sounds alright. Really play up that noble bit.
Infections are serious. Heal up her wounds, but keep the pain, as though the wounds were still being exposed to open air. That's how you do it.
What will she even be scouting? People to kidnap? It's not like anyone she finds is going to stay where they are until we're ready to get them. How about we have her do something that's actually useful?

Infections don't kill within a few hours of being wounded. If they become a problem we can use demon powers to remove the infections. Don't give Merryl any help, and don't even watch. It's important that we deprive her of our presence for a bit if we want the lesson to take.
The problem you see, is explaining this to the rest and of course, having to deal with the bloodstains. Imps are good enough to deal with one, but the other only works if she stays out of sight. So I don't know why you want a bleeding wreck walking around when you could impart the same pain and act as though nothing happened
That's why I told her to keep her punishment a secret from the others.
What else can we sent her out to do? Just stay here and familiarize herself with the imps?
I hadn't thought about this, nice one anon
>Her clothes get stained and she leaves drops
>People see her and get suspicious
That'd be a problem
>being competent in such an act
>Why are you bleeding all over the floor?
>Oh... um... I uh, tripped!
Yeah, no, just stop her from bleeding all over the damn place.
See my post >>2238522
For what else she can do.

I was gonna ask how anyone can mess up hiding in their own room, but this is Merryl, she probably could find a way. Which only makes me more confused to why everyone wants to keep her when she can't even be trusted to manage that.
Hence why we should see that she gets clean and patched up, because she could try something if left alone in this state
This too for encouragement to not fuck up
I agree with ya
Right now, her stunning incompitence is great, since she can't work against us, but it also makes it hard for us to work for us. Long term plans, anon. Not everything has to be about now.
It is midnight here, I am going to bed. As for our girls and boys here are my final 2cents...

> Heal up her wounds, but keep the pain, as though the wounds were still being exposed to open air. No one loves blood all over the place
> Deprive her of our presence and lewd things
> We are angry with her, let her stew so everything sinks properly

> Either send her to village to gather gossip, find work
> Or she stays home as meido and general help
> Either way she will be useful

...night anons, do whatever you want.
Saying long term over and over doesn't make this a good idea, and it never will.

She's devoted to us, no need to worry about her betraying us. What is an issue is if the demon holding her soul possesses her to fuck us over. Her incompetence won't apply if it isn't her.

And going back to this long term you're obsessed with, what happens after we put up with her risks for a while and spend several souls to get hers back? She'll still be incompetent and unable to benefit us. She's the equivalent of a pet rock. This investment you keep bringing up will never pay off. We're wasting resources right now for the opportunity to keep wasting resources on her in the future. Great long term plan there guy.
Saying she'll never pay off is also a fallacy.
How? She's given no indication that she'll ever shape up, and OP has all but confirmed that incompetence is at the very core of her being. I'd say it's a pretty reasonable prediction that we'll never be able to trust her with anything important, and we'll always have to be wary of her ruining our plans. Describe how this is a fallacy.
>people can't change
>we can't drive competence into her
We're a demon. If we can't teach her to not be incomptent, we'll just force her, through physical changes or otherwise
If we go that far she won't be Merryl anymore.
So the plan seems to be, have Merryl pick herself up and basically ground her to her room, while you compel the runaway to keep her mouth shut about anything unsavory while she gets used to living at the house. In particular get her to tend to the injured shepherd and figure out what makes him tick.

It’s only early evening, having dealt with this unpleasant business, so you’ve still got plenty of time to act. The imps though would like something to do if you’re leaving.
basically this for merryl

... Im thinking of sending an imp to track down but stay out of sight of the dullahan, see if the being has any set patterns they follow. And some to check for some remote areas far away from where we currently are, but near a town or city. Preferably with lower church presence.
Sounds good to me.

I've been wanting to track down mortals with excessive desires for some time now, so we can make bargains for their souls. Can we set the imps on that? Obviously they can't interact with the targets, but finding people who fit that criteria and telling us who they are should be doable.
Right right, you can patch her up so she doesn’t bleed all over the place but otherwise she’s in trouble. You can send the imps off on a job if you like but you’ll need to give them orders on the specifics. Otherwise left to their own devices they can get up to trouble.

Stalking marks is definitely possible for the imps, though going about town can get risky for proximity to any church or religious types.

The bottle will probably deform and the contents get messed up. It would fare better than just passing the paper through on its own, but probably still damage the contract beyond use.

Getting something better than a glass bottle could work though, maybe something actually from the Hellscape and able to hold things safely.
.... how about that safe...? Would it pass saefly through, as a guesstimate?
Have the imps stay away from the church and members as their #1 priority, and only send 3-4 out at a time.
Yeah that could pass through a good few times probably, safely.

Any personas/story you want them to go by, if they’re going as little groups, should they get approached or interrupted?
They can disguise themselves, right?
Not too well but it’s possible. They can disguise themselves as dogs or something like that if need be, but close observation or approaching will invalidate that. Their best defense is just avoiding being noticed and sneaking around, which they’re actually quite good at.
They're siblings from a numerous family
Don't forget
Yeah, best not stick to open roads and find high ground like trees and whatnot wherever possible.
If they do happen to run into trouble though... if the person knows they are imps, might just say some witch summoned them to get some hard to gather ingredients. If they don't know they are imps and are wondering what they are doing... ugh... staying up for so long has completely melted my thought processes, because all I can think of is ecological survey. Could they pass themselves off as sick dwarves/goblins or similar?
Had to drive home. The pack of dogs idea is best for a disguise. Make people too nervous to approach, but not scared enough to do anything.
That’s right! You can hold it over her, and remind her of what things can be, or were like. Of course Merryl is sorry but she can only hope to regain your trust.

Very well then, they’ll be off on their little mission. A pack of dogs to anyone who’d care to look, but only if they get caught to begin with.

That should take care of all the pertinent matters, how to deal with the rest of your servants now? The mortal ones.
>Have the runaway take care of and bond with that other kidnapped boy. Make her unable to reveal our true nature, or speak ill of us. Probe him for desires, and if he has none then create some.
I know that already, I meant the others. Anything you’re interested in doing for the evening out of the ordinary? Or just appreciate the night in.
Keep the company to ourselves, single out Merryl from everyone else and just hang out and have a good time
After staying up for so long, I can feel the second crash happening already.
What to do, what to do...? I guess not much other than use today to relax a bit.
Keep corrupting Ordan and Mila, otherwise normal
Aside from that, I want to see If we can get his soul with as little corruption as possible, either by trickery through said possible contract methods or those trinkets our pirate friend kindly left for us.
Another easy night in, as far as anyone else might be concerned. For you though, you’re playing games as usual, as best as you can without anyone notcing. Separating Merryl aside, tainting Ordan and Mila, trying to worm your grip around the shepherd boy and see if you can’t get his soul with as little corruption as possible. For Ordan you expect no more than a week at this rate of passively “poisoning” him and that’s without any direct action on your part which could speed things up. For Mila, you feel confident that with the right manipulation and pitch of the truth to her, she’d accept it. She’s about as sold as Lucas was, by now.

The shepherd lad, will be more difficult since you’re trying not to sully his soul. You’ll have to act quick though since his continued presence here in your designated home, is going to have corruption seeping in before long. In any case though a busy evening nonetheless, followed by a good night’s rest.

Another early morning then, in preparation for the day and for work. It’s the runaway to wake you up, dutifully serving her new role as maid or close to it. She knows the situation with Merryl obviously, so made sure to come to you first before anything.
Ok, since the shepherd is gonna get corrupted if we keep him here, and we don't have anywhere nice yet, let's use him for an experiment. Draw up our own contract on paper, and hide the whole sign over your soul bit in a bunch of other stuff about how we're adopting him and all the legal processes for that. Then have him sign it.
Tell Merryl we'll take off the curse when we get home, after asking Ordan/Lucas to keep an eye on what she does throughout the day
Not for a lack of trickery or corruption, but the lad isn’t going to sign anything like that no matter how well you hide it. For one thing he may not even be able to read, for another thing, unlike the runaway he’s expecting to return home at some point. Getting adopted or something similar is completely the opposite of what he has in mind.

You’ll need a different excuse than that, if you want him to play along.

It’ll have to be Ordan since Lucas has work, but you can set him on that task. Otherwise then it’s off to work for the day, keeping in mind the changes you wanted to make for the business?

Go ahead and make a roll for the workday then.
Rolled 24 (1d100)

Yeh, be nice and stuff
Rolled 3 (1d100)

"oh shit your house burning down and your family was inside"

yea I guess that wouldn't work

rolling to implement some demonic efficiency
Looks like day 2 is a rough one
If the others don't show then yeah
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Rolled 86 (1d100)

> container from hell
Can our guys in Hellscape get something for us? Such an item will probably solve few of our problems and will be generaly useful in future.

We should also ask what other material help can Hellscape provide us aside from contracts. Some hoomans may ask for something strange/unobtainable under normal means or we may try to sell them on hellish trinkets.

> illiterate people
Is written contract in such case out (poor sod cant even sign himself properly) or is it more along the lines of "Well sir, just give me triple X here with your blood and if you want me to read the contract before you do, feel free to ask" and if he doesnt ask it is his damn fault?

> sign with blood pls
It would be reasonable to develop "gentle" writing utensils. Something that automatically draws blood of person who holds it and does so without inflicting any pain, discomfort and visible injury. I dont think we already posses such an item and we dont really need to tell others that they need to sign in blood - just that they need to do it with this quill. Perhaps Hellscape could help here?
Back for a more normal start time, appreciate the wait.

>get something for us

Yes actually, now that you think about it. They could probably get something like a little censer of Hellscape metal and just put the paperwork inside that to withstand the fire, if you tell them to. Quite a clever idea in fact.

As for materials, there's a wealth of things that could be brought up from the Hellscape and of great value for sure, ranging from special items or even just mundane objects, to raw materials like metals or stone. What you care to specify, your minions can probably obtain either through trade, by force, or searching. Though the more valuable things are deeper in the abyss and so are riskier to obtain.

>Is written contract in such case out

The problem is that for a contract to have any binding potential, the subject must have the ability to be able to know what it is/that they can refuse it. If through trickery, that they're too lazy to check, or some other means that they end up signing it anyway, then that's fine and counts as binding. But if they didn't have the knowledge or ability to know what it was, then not. Basically, in the example of not being able to read, they don't have the ability to check and understand for themself what the contract actually is. Contrast with the person being able to read, and they just didn't bother to look, or were tricked into signing.

>It would be reasonable to develop "gentle" writing utensils.

Yes that is indeed possible. It's not as preferable for sure, but it would still count as binding.
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Forgot the example picture of some sort of appropriate container.

Following up with the normal plot now though.
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A very productive workday indeed! You take a detour to pick up some goodies for the workers, and manage to reach the workshop itself on time. Minor improvements where you can see that they would make sense, but of course the biggest change being your appeal to the workers. They're used to, well... nothing, so anything is a big improvement and they very quickly become very partial to you and overall work productivity increases as a result. As well of course, their favor towards you. Elhice manages everything else as normal, keeps things running, but you dibble and dabble here and there to make things better for the workers.

Of perhaps particular interest though, you get some swords for hire stopping by on their way to town. It seems with some recent successes, they have need of upgrading their equipment and the like. This seems as good a chance as any for you to sell them on the idea of also upgrading their clothes and related material. They weren't going to but maybe you can be persuasive enough? If you can present a good enough case for them to do so, it would certainly benefit the business greatly.
Tell them no one will want to hire them if they look like peasants. If they even want to be considered by the most wealthy clients they'll have to dress the part, and we can help them with that.
Yes that's a good point, if you can convince them to seek a higher grade of clientele. Appeal to their pride, that might get them. You make the pitch and direct them to Margot's business, and how it should be a great help on that front, for which they thank you and if your idea is a success they'll be sure to repay you.

The rest of the day passes ordinarily enough then, but when Roland arrives to check up on you, your news of the sellswords goes over very well indeed. Well maybe not as much with him personally, but he knows his mother will be pleased. Confident, that you can expect a reward, again if things go well. Already your benefit towards the workers is noted, so despite your goals to remain in mediocrity, you are exceeding expectations!

That's another day of work done though, you're free to take your leave with everyone else.
Go find out about the sheperds family. Maybe we can take their souls, or create a crisis and save them for his soul.
Seems like a good idea, though you don't know where he comes from. You'll have to ask him, or try to track where he came from with some imps, if you want to know that. If you're sure of it though, you can definitely pursue that option. Maybe even get his family to sell him.
Sounds good to me. When asking, give the impression that we're trying to find his family so we can return him.
Alright yeah, that's a simple enough effort. So you make the ride home, arriving by late afternoon. Merryl is of course waiting to have the curse removed, while you can speak with the young lad about where he's from and seeking out his family. The problem is that he was subdued and captured by the imps so it wasn't clear to him how he was brought here. However, he can roughly describe where he's from and the area he saw the sheep to, so with a roll and help of at least one of the imps which captured him you can probably reverse-locate your way there.
Rolled 34 (1d100)

Alright. Here I go.

No pressure.
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Let's do it
Rolled 89 (1d100)


A fantastic effort! Not only do you avoid suspicion from the shepherd himself in asking, but along with a pair of imps you take your horse out again and travel the back country roads nearby to where they kidnapped him. You roam the pastures within the area seeking farmsteads, and on the second one you indeed find the lad’s family.

Interestingly, you had hoped to get in their good graces maybe and work out some kind of deal towards the boy himself, maybe even try and manipulate them into their own downfall. Against your expectation you’re instead met with measured hostility at even bringing the lad up. It seems in his capture, the whole flock of sheep were left untended, and many were stolen, wandered off, or simply killed. Worse still it wasn’t only this family’s sheep, and for farming peasants it’s a huge deal to lose that kind of investment.

Needless to say, some people even want him dead, his family have more or less disowned him, and the local baron presiding over them would surely dole out harsh punishment.
Oh boy how convenient, keep him for a bit longer then let him go home.
Ask if we could get a reward for bringing him to them?
Well his family don’t much care, and the other farmers who lost some sheep can’t offer much. The local baron though might give you a reward so he can make an example of the lad with some punishment.

The shepherd you mean, then let him return to a world of trouble?
Tell them we'll see what we can do

Back home now right?
Unless you had any plans otherwise, sure. You can return back home with the imps, in time for it to only be around sunset. So still plenty of time to act, though you can expect Lucas and Mila to be returning home before long.

When you arrive, your new maid is attentive and eager to greet you, while the shepherd asks about his family and what the situation there is?
Yeah, either it'll be hilarious to watch or he'll come running back to us. Maybe both!

Tell him you have a good idea of where they are, and you'll take him to them.tomorrow.
Could also tell the truth.
He's unwanted...
Might just stop for today myself. Still haven't had any sleep. Everything's kind of blurring together and properly thinking is a bit out of my reach.
Yea bedtime for me too

Any reason you apparently haven't slept for 2-3 days?
Reassurances for the lad, that he’ll see his family soon enough! Yes, tomorrow. Though to transport him there with his broken leg will require use of the wagon so either it will have to be very early in the morning, or when Mila and Lucas return from work at night. He’s hopeful though and doesn’t suspect a thing so the end result should work to your liking, and you can sense he is very trusting of you now. Certainly he thanks you dearly for all your help.

In any case, it’s not long before the last two return home from work, so now all your little servants are home in one piece. Ready to act upon them as you wish before everyone settles in for dinner.
Going to sleep. G'night and luck everyone
Aside from the usual stuff we do evenings: Check that Merryl hid her condition from the others successfully, and if so dispel her curse. Introduce Ordan and the sheperd, and tell Ordan what you told the boy. Tell Ordan he's taking the boy back to his family tomorrow, as you don't want to disturb them at an unreasonable hour and cannot miss work. Make it clear to both Ordan and the boy that it was no trouble housing him and if he ever wants to visit, perhaps with his family, he's welcome here.
Ordan and the shepherd already know each other, you’ve been having Ordan to watch over the place including the boy since he was brought here. That said, without the wagon it will be difficult to transport the shepherd with ease or comfort, but if anyone can do a job of it Ordan can try. As for talk of always being welcome, well the lad doesn’t expect he’ll be able to come visit with his family but it’s a very generous thought from a noble of all people, as he believes you to be.

Merryl meanwhile, as it turns out isn’t entirely incompetent and indeed managed to hide her condition from the others. Though, it was done by her just hiding in her room all day. In any case she’s grateful for you lifting the curse and like the new maid is also desperate to please, to have something to do to try and make up for her mistakes made. Clearly she doesn’t want more punishment or humiliation.
> normal start time
2am in eurofagia OP, no dice for me. Guess I will stick with the scheming for now.

> censer
Ima gonna call it hellbox. It is like jukebox but with more brimstone and screaming of tortures souls.
No matter what, we want a few.

> getting materials
Does it mean we will be effectively sending them *gasp* on the QUEST?

> do our guys in Hell want or need anything from real world?
exluding souls ofc. Now we have means to provide them, albeit only small stuff atm.

> written contract
noted, than you for clarification. We need to tell our legal department that contracts for 3 year olds are a thing now and some sort of comix is required.I am joking (mostly), but if they actually deliver, we have potential for hilarious results

>generic contracts
"For one service rendered, I am giving up my soul. + legal bullshit agains fuckery from humans side"
Basically something that we can have laying around and ready for imminent use without contacting hellscape. I find this part rather annonying and security risk, so it would be nice to get rid of it. Is this viable/possible?

So, order of business with hellscape for next contact:
> get hellbox or two
> ask about visually appealing contracts with obfuscation etc.
> ask if our guys wants souveniers from real world
>Ordan and shepherd and their way to damnation
Should we warn Ordan about truth? If we want shepherds soul, there are two most possible ways this may go:

We send shepherd to family, they attack/imprison/throw him away. Ordan:
1) will do shit and leave him too, then we approach newly broken man and bargain for his soul (freedom, better life, vengeance,...)
2) Ordan defends him and bring him back. After that, we give him choise to give up soul for servitude where he will be loved and welcomed until he dies.

I would rather have control on possible outcome also which scenario is for us more desirable? (thoughts, anons?)
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>Soul harvesting for creative demons
I am just putting ideas down for discussion or my own amusement, dont mind me.

>Postulate I.: Humans are stupid and gullible. Give them rope and little incention, and they will happily hang themselves. OP is doing exactly this with Merryl to us, but shhh! It is a good pain.

>Boss from Hell
1) Acquire business with workers. Love them, pay them, encourage them, upgrade their working conditions etc. Let them spread by themselves how awesome their job is and make sure they love it.
2) Bureaucracy time. Tell workers due to new laws they need to sign contracts to stay. It is mere formality, but you know them nobles and tax collectors.
3) In pretense of joke ask them if their awesome job is worth their soul. (not a mandatory part, depends how you play the whole spiel)
4) They sign obfuscated contracts. You secretly laugh (assumnig everything went well)

>Assisted self-damnation
1) Invent (snack) automat. It will probably look like fancy shack without windows and it will be run by imps (machinery is preferable tho).
2) Rename it Wishmaster or something, enchant it and but somewhere safe but within reach of desperate/clueless humans
3) start spreading rumors about strange shack that grants you wish (spam the scam, nigeria style)
4) inner workings of Wishmaster is pretty straightforward. Rules are displayed on the outside for everyone to see (but in tiny script and mind boggling legalise), victim writes his wish on paper (obfuscated contract), signs it, and put it in the machine. Machine wanishis on the spot and melodic voice spew some thank yous and wait for its.
5) we review contract and if it is ok make the wish come true.
6) one more soul, yay

>Congratulations, you are rich!
1) chosen victim will recieve "inheritance"
2) everything has been already taken care off, we only need one signature here. And your soul, haha.
3) ka-ching!

>That ship will sail
1) Just find somebody who wants to be in love or is desperately trying (and failing) to win the hearth of their chosen significant other. This is not a rocket science (and we have spell for that too).
note: There is to many ways to exploit love it is not even funny. Just have your eyes and ears open and be ready for creative planning.
That's a lot of effort and creativity, I think worth a reroll!
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Why, thank you!
Anyway, so, another pleasant evening at home as you focus on tipping things more in your favor. You're busy later on with trying to figure out where to house the new maid, though you notice Merryl off to bed with Lucas and Mila. Seems they must have reached an understanding then about things.

You've got more pertinent things to focus on though, as there's to be a potentially interesting exchange tomorrow relating to the shepherd boy. You make sure to get up early in preparations, and have to decide on how things are going to play out. Or rather, how you're going to send Ordan off and then hope for the best.

Unless you changed your mind, you're leaving the both of them in the dark about the truth? Just the version of the truth you want, and send them on their way to deal with the problems as they will?
Yeah definitely leave them both in the dark.

Let Ordan take the wagon though. Boy does have a broken leg.
If he takes the wagon though, how can Mila and Lucas get to work? Between all of you, there's only two horses. Maybe you take the day off?
Forgot they take the wagon. Hmm.

We can't take the day off, that ruins our excuse for not going ourself. Give Mila and Lucas money to rent a horse for the day?
Got... about three hours today. Good enough. I have no clue really. Just found I couldn't go to sleep... it's weird.
Yeah, we have some backup funds.
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Horse rental isn't as much a thing, though you can just buy another horse at this point. You can ask Lucas to do that then, he knows horses for his job. For your sake then, your own transport, you probably don't want to summon a hell horse so a simple solution is to just turn the new maid into a horse. Of course she's none too happy about this but that's not your concern, and before you leave, with a snap of your fingers her body shifts and contorts to her horror and pain, to that of a fine young mare perfect for travel. You even give her a nice carrot if she promises to be good.

Thereafter you can depart for the workshop while Ordan will take the lad their own way, you simply bidding them well without revealing the whole truth. For your own purposes then, make a roll for the workday.
Rolled 31 (1d100)

I can't believe we can turn a human into a horse with a snap of our fingers, but we can't make Merryl competent.
You can make Merryl competent. Or well, once you get her soul you could.
Now I have less basis for killing her
Why OP
Rolled 31 (1d100)

How is that less a basis? You still have to get her soul back.

Oh wow double 31s
Yea but before I could claim that even with her soul we couldn't remove the tendency to ruin everything. Now she's actually a feasible long term companion.

Well, it's not like anyone else was ever going to support killing her, so no biggie.
But if you change her like that, is it really her anymore even? At that rate if you're going to make such drastic changes, then it may as well not even be Merryl anymore, if you can change her into something like a super-competent yeti architect politician.
That was my argument, but no one responded and there was still no kill Merryl support. Very disappointing. I think anons have an attachment to her that supersedes logic and rationality. We even have a rite dedicated to summoning multiple replacements for her, and no one wants to use it. Shameful.
Should i roll?
>OP is doing exactly this with Merryl to us, but shhh! It's a good pain.

I'm just waiting for that 1 that OP will use to fuck us, but she's just too damn cute to *not* have and OP knows it
Rolled 35 (1d100)

Dubs higher than anything else below it
>31, 31

Well it isn't a great workday, but it also isn't a bad one. It's just an amazingly average workday! Everything goes according to plan, nothing goes awry, but there isn't a boom in productivity or anything like that. Your presence is still appreciated though, along with your gifts to the workers. Because of this increase in reputation, you can start getting to sense and feel for the workers (with rolls as usual) if there's anything among them you're looking to exploit.

Come afternoon, there's Roland by to check on you again. Strangely, among basic topics of conversation, he pointedly asks about how the marriage situation is for you? His mother knows that you were going to be getting married (the story you fed her at least) and she's keenly interested it seems.
Any strong desires in our workers? Also slightly related our dog imps come back with scouting results yet?

Tell Roland we want a grand and expensive wedding so we're saving up a bit first.
And subtly add in we're going to be *happily* married
You only sent out the imp team just a couple days ago, it will take a bit of time for them to scout out town as you intended them to.

For the workers, you can pick up on strong desires but are there any you're partial to? Any particular vices you prefer to go after?
Greed, Pride, Envy
I don't have any, I'd be okay with seeing what everyone has so we can act an plan for each one
To get a feel that in depth for everyone, would take a few day's worth of investment. This is more a, everyone is leaving for the day so you're getting a snapshot of something particular.

A bit much but make a roll, maybe you can do well by focusing multiple.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Lust too because fuck it

That's not bad yeah, with a sense like that, you can tell that of each of the vices you listed, there is a worker there whom has a particular penchant for it. Of course you can't pursue all of them, but if you'd like to figure out an idea for whom you're interested in predating upon you can do so. Chances are they'd accept spending time with you even after work, considering you're the manager.

Figure that out in the meantime, I have to duck out for a short bit, and will return when I return. Shouldn't be more than half an hour.
Greed first. Have an imp spy on them for a day or so before approaching.
Rolled 8 (1d100)

Well if you're just assigning imps to the job then you can functionally pursue all of them, that's easy enough.

If that will conclude the workday then, back home?
Sounds good! I'm excited to talk to Ordan about what happened, although that roll has me worried.
Very well then, you can return home and set the imps out after the new marks. And sure enough when you get there, they’re more than happy to have something to do. To your concern though, neither Ordan nor the shepherd boy are at home, not even the wagon. Merryl is there of course and says no one else has been home all day, so you hold off on turning the new maid back from a horse for the time being in case you need to ride somewhere else.

At the time being then, you’ve the house to yourself without worry about anyone not knowing the truth about you. But do you care to wait around for anyone else to get home?
Ordan is probably dead
That roll must've been for how well they took the return of the kid

Or everyone got fucked by the dullahan

Quality time with Merryl! Check the house for anything in case she was possessed while unsupervised under the guise of quality time
Um, we should probably go check on Ordan.

Oh great, Merryl fans are back. I guess we're spending time with Merryl. Can we at least send out some imps to see what happened?
>Checking for any traps or dangers while distracting Merryl
>Merryl fans

Oh great, edgelord anon is back

I don't want to leave the imps in case Mila and Lucas arrive so i say we wait until they arrive to go check on them
But we leave the imps every single day when we go to work.

...We should probably unhorse the runaway.
On a different house, I wants them to watch over Merryl in case she tries to do more fishy stuff if she hasn't already

Buttfuck it, let's go on her and check on Ordan
I really think we should check on Ordan. If we unhorse the runaway, she can watch over Merryl in the meantime, and the imps can stay hidden like usual. Also we should tell Mila soon so we can leave imps out.
If you change the new maid back though, then you won’t have a horse to go looking for Ordan.
We risk something on both, let just ne as quick about it as we can
Good point
I guess leaving Merryl alone for another few hours can't hurt
Tie up Merryl before leaving
So you decide to go looking, and take your “new” horse back out again. You’re already somewhat familiar with the way so it’s just following roughly the same path that the wagon would have taken. The maid has a harder time of traversing terrain off the road, but you promise a nice sugar cube if she does well, when you return.

Eventually, not an hour later and you reach the farmstead of the shepherd lad. Things are quite a mess, and it looks like there was a fire even. In searching around you locate a few familiar faces who initially take offense, apprently thinking you to be another attacker. You try to get to talking with them, as it turns out that there was a good deal of trouble this morning. That good for nothing son of theirs showed up with a big orc, and the greenie took to defending the lad. Quite vigorously in fact, as evidenced by the partially wrecked state of the buildings; he had taken cover inside the barn with the boy until more help came from the neighbors after which he fled through the fields. From here you could easily track him by his corruption you think, or you could try and hash things out with the gathered peasantry, licking their wounds after a tussle with a trained warrior orc.
Let's just go get our subordinates
No point sticking around the aftermath when the cause needs your attention. You fake sympathy for the peasants and then head off, tracking your way after the trail of corruption, and a little blood here in there in Ordan’s wake. Eventually you’re able to find him when he springs out of a hiding spot behind a tree fallen in a gulley. Not expecting you to be... well, you he’s hostile at first which spooks the maid. You manage to calm down the situation eventually though, as you dismount to see how Ordan is doing. To your surprise, he greets you with a kiss, though as exasperated as he is and injured, he probably isn’t in his right mind.

”Ma’am, how glad I am to see you. It’s... it was a mess...”

He tries to explain the situation, but he’s clearly ashamed. Your presence brings about great resolve in him and he’s relieved to have you here, but you can sense in him, just as much as he says how dire things are for the shepherd; the peasants managed to capture him and took him to the local baron from what he heard. Shame, over his loss of the lad. Not even that he likes him, but that you placed the boy in his care and he lost him. Great shame indeed, as he expresses his want, his need to rescue the boy but he doesn’t know what to do and defers to you. Humans tend to be a little wiser than orcs and he hopes you have a better idea than just rushing over to the baron’s estate and killing anyone in the way.

He eagerly awaits your opinion on the matter though, as despite his own injured state, he’d do anything to make right of this situation. If only he were stronger, this wouldn’t happened to begin with.
>Oh you big green dumb oaf, you were only supposed to deliver him, whatever problems he caused for the peasants wasn't our problem
>Now let's get you back home and get you patched up

Everyone Kay with this? If he hadn't lost him we could've done more
I'll back >>2243880

No need to be messing with any barons
Also it's kinda funny.
You let him know it’s no big deal and you’d rather return home. He doesn’t believe that you would just abandon the boy so esaily at first, and then when he realizes you are serious, he adamantly refuses. He’s sorry if you don’t feel that way or care, but even if he has to own his own, he doesn’t intend on abandoning the lad. You being his employer or not, this isn’t about money to him, it’s a matter of responsibility. You can try to manipulate him, but you can sense a deep compulsion in him to seek what he believes to be a proper solution to this problem.
Tell him force of arms isn't an option, and we'll negotiate with the baron. We need to treat his wounds first though.
>We cannot afford to at the momen, look at you, I won't loose my bodyguard over some clumsy boy that caused problems for his family and company
>Let me deal with this, after i get you patched up

Fookin kiss him back if he needs it
It is only by the amount of sway you hold over him through corruption, that he relents and finally accepts to return home with you. But only till he can get his wounds treated, then he plans to return right back. As soon as possible in fact, he doesn’t expect the baron will wait long to punish the boy.

So together you return, the poor maid straining miserably under the weight of a full grown orc plus yourself. You all reach the house again, where Merryl is waiting and quite panicked at seeing how things are. This time she actually can help though, in tending to his wounds. Is there any way you care to help, or anything you want to do during this time? Lucas and Mila aren’t home yet but you expect them before long, and chances are upon their hearing of the situation things will get complicated.
Get him to his room and give him something to sleep, then we can patch him up both with normal means and demon magic
This >>2243982
and while he's asleep, transform the maid into a shepherd lookalike.
How devilish. So you escord Ordan to his room for Merryl to tend to, as you want her to. First and foremost she puts him out with some drugs, then goes about tending to his wounds. During this time, you return to the maid and change her back to a person. She’s very relieved although quite upset that you did that to her to begin with, not to mention embarassed to be without clothes now. The torment isn’t over for her however, as you recall as best you can how the shepherd was and then transform her as closely as you can to resemble the lad, despite her pleading and crying not to be. In the face of punishment, you compel her to play the part as best she can and not to complain, after which you fetch some clothes of Lucas’s which don’t fit “her” well but better than nothing.

Speaking of, both he and Mila return home about this time, glad to see the shepherd boy safe and sound. Or so they believe. How though do you intend to pass this off to Ordan? What story is the maid supposed to follow?
We went to the baron and negotiated for the boy's release. We can be quite convincing.
That may work, but how long are you intending to keep up the ruse?
I say until this night, tell them he escaped during the night
Until Ordan is corrupt enough that we can erase his memory of the boy, or we go get him. Bet he'd be willing to give us everything if we rescue him from the baron, and he's probably still very pure. Might be worth.
Well at this point it’s up to you when you reveal the truth to the last two.

In any case, the maid only has to play it up for the evening and then you can come up with some excuse as to why the shepherd left. Maybe Merryl fixed up his leg finally, something like that. In any case you can progress through the night carefully watching the maid and Ordan to make sure nothing is suspicious or at least not relatively so. If you had something particular in mind you can go about it, otherwise you’ll just remain passive till Ordan goes to bed, and then act.
Yeah, I can't think of anything specific to do tonight
Spend some time with everyone, try to subtly get some answers out of Merryl about what she did throughout the day

And be affectionate with her again, remind her that being good gets her our good side
Business as usual, though you focus on Merryl this time around to try and figure out how her day went. No possessions as you can tell, though she’s been getting used to, and working with the imps. As a witch, in cooperation they make a pretty decent combination all things considered, and if they had something to do other than fetch quests, a good level of productivity could be attained with Merryl instructing them as workers. Towards things they’re inclined towards of course, obviously she isn’t going to have the sense to direct them on matters of say, farming for which she has no experience.

Notably, she isn’t too keen on being affectionate. It seems your punishment of her took its toll. She doesn’t hate you, but she doesn’t feel the same way, and you can sense much more of a servant mindset in her rather than the sort of adoring little sister sense before. Well, maybe it will encourage her to be more competent and professional at least?

The next day, right off the bat you’re ready to change the maid back, whom is more than happy being back to her usual self (and gender) again. With that you can pitch the story to Ordan about how the shepherd left as soon as he was able this morning, Merryl having fixed up his leg finally. He is a little disappointed that he wasn’t able to set things right himself yesterday nor bid him goodbye, but he buys the story and it’s a weight off his shoulders now.

>How to proceed?
Now that we don't need to rescue the shepherd, we should go to the baron and rescue him. Or at least see how he's doing.
Shit guys
We broke her

Off to work!
Instead of work?

Or the shepherd?
Nah, do it around work hours. We're the diligent type of demon. Work is life.
Very well then, you can take your regular horse to work and give the maid a break. However, in the fiasco with the shepherd boy, you ended up losing the wagon and that horse. So you gained one but lost one, and will need another since Lucas and Mila can't both ride a horse for too long.

In any case, off to work with you! Make a roll for the day.
Rolled 2 (1d100)

Rolled 86 (1d100)

Holy fuck
my word anon, that was a close one
i got myself one reroll, but still

A very successful workday for sure! Not to mention that aside of business matters, you've got your imps tracking some of the workers. In particular you handle a confusing matter with some mixed up wool shipments and angry farmers, which Elhice was barred from for being an elf. In any case though, you resolve matters and keep things running just fine, a true credit to all you've learned since coming to the mortal realm.

Unfortunately it may not be so long-lived. The day goes by as usual, however by the end when Roland shows up, he's clearly a little uncomfortable with things and asks to see you aside. To break bad news it seems, as he tells you this will probably be your last day managing this workshop. You try not to get emotional and figure out what's going on, but all he merely says is that his mother wasn't as pleased with your work as she had hoped and so you're being sacked for this role. You could try to roll, or manipulate him towards the truth perhaps, but he seems pretty terse about it and obviously wishes he wasn't here or having to be the one to tell you.
Wtf we were doing great

Absolutely press him for the truth

Vamp lady better not be behind this
Something be fishy here
You sure? I was going to say we could act heartbroken and shit, cry a bit, make him tell us out of guilt
>fiasco with shepherd and Ordan
I knew it. I knew it would end up in flames if we dont prepare the stage beforehand. Let this be a lesson to us.

either we are too good or shepherd fiasco got out and lady is cutting her losses

no crying until absolutely necessary but i am all for exploiting his guilt (or any other emotion he feels strongly). PErhaps we can turn him agains his mom to end her? (this may anger vamp chick tho, so be carefull)
They don't know Ordan is related to us, i think, they just think he showed up with him in tow

We also gotta get to the bottom of this before pointing fingers or planning actions, for all we know we're getting promoted or something
only thing faster than light is gossip, just saying...

But yes, we must know what is going on. I advise caution and cunning, the mom part was merely idea of possible resolution of tricky situation. Naturally, it really depends on what we learn.
You have spent some time here and there with Roland so you have a little bit of sway with him, enough to get some sense of what he expresses. Without resorting to tears and heartbreak, you do try to play on his guilt and act hurt about the matter and how you believed you were doing well and all. You even put some extra effort into it like saying you need to sit down with this bad news and then when he tries to make you feel better, hanging onto him for support, and making it seem like he's the bad guy here. Clearly he's not used to this sort of approach, and he's unnerved at the very least.

While he doesn't want to outright say the truth, he admits indeed you've been doing very good work here and Margot hates to have to see you go. However, without saying too much, the matter of you getting married means to her that you don't have much future potential. Or, value to her, he lets slip.

At the very least though you can feel confident that it has nothing to do with any of your personal life or demonic dealings.
Oh. Right. That. Emancipation is not a thing here, so beeing wife sucks. Well, this will not stand (at least for us).

>wat do
Start pressing back. Gently but firmly. Marriage is not a burden and it will not keep us down. Its not like we dont have servants, manor and shit. And we are definitile NOT staying home as housewife/popping kids if his mom is afraid of that. So keep poking the problem until Roland finally breaks and spill the beans.
>we dont have value
As an afterthought, maybe Rolands mom has/had her own (sinister) plans with us? Marriage with Roland perhaps? (yeah, not likely, but humans are weird)
I kinda wanna assure him that we can still work

But maybe this is for the best. We have enough slaves that we don't need to work now, and we'll have a lot more free time to acquire souls.
Given the speculation, and your demonic sense, make a roll for a situational bonus.
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Rolled 11 (1d100)

Alright that's high enough. So, from the posts of;


You can sense that one of the speculations in these, out of the lot of them, is correct. Just a bit of player benefit, since one of you actually guessed it correctly.

Well there is of course the matter of how getting married could impact your work ability. You assure Roland that it won't of course, though he's only the messenger here. You can prod and press only so far before you hit the point where he simply doesn't know any more than you do. As far as you can tell he maybe heard some whispers or eavesdropped, but mostly his mother just gave him a reason (even if it was just an excuse) to give you the sack and then had him come to deliver the news since she was already sending him to check up on you and see how you were doing every day.

Well he's very sorry, and he wants to help, but on this specific matter there's not much he can do. It's his mother's business after all.
yay me, personally i am going with sinister plans

>wat do
One last question for Ronald (and perhaps we can push him on our side just a little bit more): What is your personnal opinion on all of this?
Then go and see mum. Play it smart but be firm and all business and polite. She wants us gone? Fine, no hard feelings, but for the love of god, at least dont feed us crap. So lets clean the air between us and see where is the problem and if we can remedy it. (Show her we can stand for ourselves and if she is scheming something we want in. But be VERY delicate and cautionous about it)
Off to see Margot! We have to talk to her and fix this!
and with that I am off for a while. please dont turn half of the citi into ash and cinders while i am gone... but on the other hand...
L8er anon
Roland thinks if you're good at the job then what's the point in letting you go? However, that said he generally has very little to do with the business and tries to avoid it. It was his parents' thing, he never thought it was interesting or worth following after. At the end of the day, if his mother has reasons for the business, then he doesn't really care much.

But, you deserve to hear it from her personally, right? Roland isn't so keen on that, but you can convince him to take you along with him to his mother. That's only fair after all. It'll be a carriage ride into town then, he supposes you could catch her at the clerk's office maybe. Anything you want to do on the ride over, or just plan your approach to Margot?
Look sad and distressed, mutter something about where are we going to get her money for the wedding
of course we want to se mommy, plans for ride and meeting are below:

Slightly sad and distressed, and touch of righteous indignation is ok.
Dont talk about wedding tho (nobody cares and we dont want to be seen as crybaby), just play it cool and banter with Roland about life, what are his plans for future and so on. He said he is not interested in business after all. Perhaps we can learn something interesting here.

stick with what was said here >>2244604
be asertive and nice, because we are fishing for information and trying to sway her at the same time. We still dont know what is going on.
Backing >>2244843
>general scheming
also to-do list and notes because i am bored atm. Everything here is naturally up for discussion, I am merely presenting my point of view.

>fiasco with shepherd and Ordan
Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. I know we got shitty roll, but even then I am certain it could have gone way better with some preparation on our side. General mayhem was funny but we may be in trouble (read below). In case we decide to do something like this again, we need to take care of loose ends afterwards.
Is currently in jail. This should trouble us because if somebody decides to interrogate him about the orc, what happened etc., he will point his finger in our (and Ordans) general direction. He is also most likely dead man, considering the damage that happened around him, therefore prone to save himself in any way possible.
We should at least try to learn what is/was his fate and deal with him in appropriate way.

If he finds out about what we really did about shepherd (nothing so far, and if you ask “how will he know?”, let me answer “shepherds corpse publicly displayed after execution”), he will be mad. Best course of action here should be complete corruption and soul extraction. I know we are working on this but lets make it a priority so he cannot betray us in future. Also, due to his actions with shepherd, he may be wanted or identified by law.

I am not completely sure how far we are with search for her soul, but it is another thing we need to take care of asap and we are either mucking about or forgetting. (yes, edgelordanon, killing her would be easier, but we are not doing that). She will not stay in the house forever and with her soul in our possession we can at least order her to (not)do certain things and how to behave. She is potentially useful (witch and all) to we can cuddle her back to her “cute little sister” persona but again, we need that damned soul before we do anything.

uhh… lets stop gender/spieces bending her? but it was hilarious, no argument here

>Lucas and his harem (Mila, Merryl,…)
I propose we start slightly and slowly changing Lucas’s feelings towards the wedding and our love in general. It is good background for us but it is also shooting us in the foot and I have no idea how exactly are we supposed to pull this of (excluding corruption of church and personal which would be awesome but extremely risky in long run). It would be best to remain closest bestest friends with benefits and let him pursue other girls in house. Let them have orgies and babies, we have a work to do. This, of course, also depends on how well will our conversation with mommy Margot go, but I am all for less lovedy-dovey and more soul-catching action.

>cont of >>2244997

We need to find local heroes-to-be and offer them that we will make them powerful enough to defeat it (or something, bottom line is dullahan kills them because there is some sort of a tweeest in contract). Somebody is surely desperate enough, perhaps they lost their loved ones to the fiend?


Order of business - Real world
>wrap up things with Margot (currently in progress)
>investigate and eventually deal with Shepherd fiasco fallout
>finally corrupt and de-soul Ordan
>we need souls, so we should start approaching people with dark desires and temptations and offer deals (Love/hate is strongest emotion there is, we should start with that. Simple riches untold for the poor works wonders. Also here >>2241837 )
>exploit dullahan for souls (above)
>how are are impish soul-hunters going anyway?


OP, I would be immensely grateful if you will be able to accommodate stuff below to the end of the day. As I mentioned earlier, I am mostly unable to participate in quest directly due to time reasons but this will help us with future scam projects.

Order of business - Hellscape (some of it discussed in >>2241792 and above):
>contact them asap
>status report, how are things
>ask about Merryls soul, if there is any progress and if our goons are stuck, lets contact whatshisname directly and negotiate. We need that soul or we will be forces to cut our losses, because in long-term situation with Merryl is unsustainable.
>ask about censers/boxes and obtain few so we can finally push paperwork and small stuff through fire unmolested
>ask about nice and shiny contracts with obfuscation. What is needed, and so on.
>ask about gentle writing utensils. What is needed and so on
>ask about generic contracts. What is needed and so on
>ask if they require something from real world except souls
Yeah, i was thinking the same about Merryl's situation but if we think about it she hasn't done that much in her time with us

Only if her soul i completely unreachable we should let her go but no killing
Also once Lucas has been influenced into seeing us his favorite fuckbuddy we could move onto Ordan to start corrupting further

And we could also still pursue a wedding with Lucas in the future when we're better set up, if we manage to pull it off we could have some defense against priests and stuff
ayo hol up going to resume here in a bit.
So leaving the workshop, you join Roland in his mother's carriage to be taken back to town. Along the way you try not to act too distressed and just talk with him. He's pretty passive and has little if anything to hide, and his ambitions are merely not in the textile industry like his parents. He'd actually rather go off and join the wars, but Margot wouldn't let him, so instead he has to try and focus on other more mundane things and supposes one day he might be able to afford a boat. Maybe trading will get his mother off his back.

In any case, the driver has to stop a couple places before finding where Margot was but you and Roland exit the carriage as he escorts you inside. His mother is busy talking with a clerk about some sale and so is caught off guard by your arrival not to mention visibly upset, as she tries to chide her son for bringing you here but he just takes his leave rather than get scolded.

So it's just you and her, and some others, which she figures to take somewhere more private in a huff. By now she supposes you already know the news of course, so is wondering what you're hoping to accomplish by being here? You're a good worker, but you're not what she's looking for so that's that for the job. Hopefully you're only here to scrape for some money before being let go?
>But we did everything well, we didn't do anything wrong
>Let me keep the job, please Lady Margot
>I'll do anything! I need the money

I don't have anything else anons
If you want to beg and plead, make a roll! You might play on her heart strings.
Rolled 89 (1d100)

If no more anons are showing i guess we're going with this

So you beg and you plead, tearfully on your knees that you'll do anything for money. It's all an act on your part, though you just sense disgust from Margot, probably she expected more resistance. In any case there is some pity in her for you, and she says if you're really so needy then she can probably find you a job as just a worker for one of her stores. Nothing like a manager though, or remotely the kind of promise you'd had as her up and coming assistant. It seems she had plans involving you, but the marriage bleakened your prospects, or at least your usefulness to her.

You suppose it's better than nothing though, some job instead of no job, an income. Considering she was going to fire you completely, a worker or a scribe for one of the stores is quite a decent improvement. Though is it worth your time, than focusing elsewhere?
nah fuck that
time to freeload off lucas and mila
get souls, steal whatever we need

So that’s a refusal to her second offer?
I mean
I'm down for another position with her, in time we could manipulate her into allowing us back
Why bother? Not like we need money, with the pirate money and the massive estate.
Corrupting a person with high standing among the nobles? Which has connection and access to more nobles
She obviously isn’t unhappy with your work, you can just sense she’s not too partial to you personally, anymore. Likely in relation to the whole, getting married news.

Maybe you could earn yourself a better job in her business, but you probably shouldn’t expect to be able to work with or around her.
We can do that without wasting most of every day at a mortal job. Also see >>2246901
Let's turn her down then
Very well then, she’ll still give you a lump sum severance gift for the wedding she believes you’re having, if you’d like.

Otherwise though, you’re free of work then, both figuratively and literally, now to do as you please.
Take the money

Also we should look into getting married so thats out of the way

Don't suppose they hold them outside churches
Say goodbye to her son whilst looking sad
And supporting this
Less a problem with a church (though that is obvious) and more that a marriage is not binding unless the participants are truthful in the eyes of the Creator. So good luck finding a priest who will perform a ceremony for a demon.

There’s of course also polytheistic, pagan ceremonies, however since you yourself don’t hail from those theologies it’s effectively worthless for you.
Can we have a dark priest do it? Or Merryl? Or just claim we're married?
Maybe but it won’t have the same sort of benefit you’re hoping for. A hellish wedding is possible but the rewards aren’t significantly better than anything you yourself (as a demon) could already manage. A proper holy ceremony (which a fell priest or Merryl couldn’t perform) by contrast would provide some decent benefits you couldn’t get by demonic means, however again, good luck managing that.
What kind of benefits?
Would a priest know we're a demon from the get go? Would we retain the benefits if we did it while having someone else's soul disguise and then changed back?
A greater resistance against holy attack, and effects. Essentially by making a mockery of the institution, or by becoming one of the Creator’s flock, whichever way you like to imagine it.

Not if you were using someone else’s soul as a disguise, however a wedding like that would marry that soul/identity more or less. So only for as long as you retained that form, however as that form to begin with you already get a hefty benefit against holy attack.
Eh, let's leave it for now then. Have Merryl do a little ceremony, then a holy one if we ever get a chance.

Let's go talk to baron about sheperd boy.
Well before you get the chance to do much with your newfound freedom, on your way around the building to go and fetch your horse, you get accosted by a familiar pack of dogs eager to please their mistress. Naturally seeking a better place, so passerby’s don’t see you getting jumped all over by dogs to their eyes, you get the spiel from the imp horde all looking to prove their worth and see who’s the favorite.

From their time in town, it seems they’ve located three possible outlets for your attention. The first and most obvious are the various laborer’s barracks, some of them quite poor quality with folks within desperate for work and better circumstances. The second being a couple of notorious dives where you could probably predate on criminals seeking jobs or themselves planning to take advantage of folks. Lastly, with the wars on and the movement of troops and hired blades, there’s a reliable stream of strangers through town to a few choice places where you could probably snag folks whom won’t be missed. At least not by anyone here in Rocheau.
I say we disguise ourselves as a mean looking individual and go to that salty spitoon
Shepherd and baron first. After that, labourers barracks. Maybe even get people hired by Margot and sabotage her company from within.
Boi this sounds better
Also turning in for the night, G'night Y'all
these two anons have a point
But lets tweak it a little bit.

>disguise as somebody else
we should be doing this always and as automatic thing unless we want to be seen as Amelie. Less breadcrumbs we leave the better.
I suggets we leave our Amelie persona home and from now on venture into the world as some generic and easy to forget fellow, unless we decide otherwise. It will give us great freedom and in case of fuckup we merely craft ourselves a new face.

we can also use aforementioned skill in breaking and entering as designated guards, spying or fucking with somebodys life. All we need to do is watch our targets, learn about them and then steal their face. This could be useful with out shepherd problem.

>sabotage Margot
why? what is the goal here? I am strongly agains doing stuff "just because" or winging it. Remeber shepherd, it will not end well.

>discussion about marriage
So you guys really want to be wife, huh? Fine by me. Just few more questions for OP to clarifiy:

If we have demon wedding with Merryls assistance, where is the catch? It smells fishy to me. And what will happen to Lucas (and by extension, us)? Lets not be too hasty with this.

Can we have multiple weddings? First demon, then normal. Will all of them be binding?

iirc when demon steps into church or holy ground, his disguise goes poof. Can we disguise ourselves with mundane magic to prevent that (get mage, let him cast illusion on us)?. Also, when inside a church, can we even withstand close proximity of so much holy stuff around us?

If not, can we have wedding outside a church, just with priest? Lets say we want to be wed in small circle of friends, dont have money, we have this very special place in mind, whatever...

Can we corrupt and subvert a priest (not necessarily to our cause) without him to fall? I am not talking about general trickery but full scale influence with our mindfuckery.

How well can general priesthood sense or read us? Is it possible to just trick them without resorting to something like stated above? We may be able to pull this off with village priest, hermit or something. Perhaps there is somebody who is already corrupt and holding just barely on their faith so we could manipulate him into doing what we want.

Will marriage wows and rituals harm us?

...damn, wall of text again.
This can probably get victims short term,

This is probably a more long term plan.

First and foremost though is to return home, now unbound of work. Because even if you're going to seek out that baron, you still have to go home first.

And while home, to answer 1bAW player's wishes, you first and foremost get in contact with the Hellscape via the study room fireplace. Because now seems as good a time as any given your newfound freedom.

First off status report, your minions are doing well. There's only about three of them, in terms of actual devils and demons, imps not included. But they've more or less stabilized at that, so no more risk of traitors, not to mention your "friend" is still on allied terms plus a couple other assorted contacts. The fort held in your name isn't amazing, but thanks to the help provided of that one soul already, your servants are holding it despite frequent assaults by enemies.

One such potential enemy, the owner of Merryl's soul, but your servants got on top of that. They opened a correspondence with her owner, whom would be willing to part with her soul if you either brought him three souls in replacement or two plus their mortals being still alive and in decent health. He thinks by those amounts he would be able to overthrow his master and raise up in the ranks.

On more practical terms, for hellfire-proof containers, that's not a problem. They can have a few ready to go in no time, though only of a small size (for things like letters, papers, etc.) since if you want things larger like a chest, it will require a blacksmith upgrade for the fort. The nice fancy trickery contracts, they have no problem with doing right now as long as they have the basic materials, just send them an example to follow (you're better at it than they are) and they'll be able to duplicate and modify contracts to your preference. Your further idea of something to write with which steals blood without notice of the user, they think something like that could be obtained though it would take an endeavor on their part; a writing object like that would be the work of greed demons, so they would need to deal with them either in trade or take one by force.

Lastly for real world requests, if you can think of anything which would mitigate the constant misery of existing in the Hellscape they would greatly appreciate that. Otherwise there's little of interest up there to them. Needless to say, they are getting a little jealous of the horde of imps who keep cycling between the material and immaterial planes at your bidding, getting to experience the mortal realm (and thus a short reprieve from the nightmare below), but unlike the imps they cannot easily be summoned without rituals and souls. And of course they wouldn't impose upon you to expend such resources for their sake.
Oh hey it's purple player.

>I suggets we leave our Amelie persona home

Not a bad idea, though you are quite Prideful of your appearance, not to mention that you can use it to your advantage if you need to. A pretty young woman is more likely to get her way than an average forgettable nobody guy.

>with Merryls assistance, where is the catch?

Is that not a catch already? Being owned by a devil, you can expect something that major to definitely be tampered with. If you are planning on doing such a thing alongside a mortal (Lucas for example?) then it would at least render him warlock status in life and various related boons, and in death grant him devil status. And depending on how you do it, if you do it right, incorporate him into your own bloodline if such a thing was appealing to you. Though quite a choice, and commitment to make, to grant such a sense of immortality to a mortal like that. As for multiple marry-ings, possible but they would render one another moot. Still valid in the material plane and whatever benefits those may have there, but nothing from the immaterial.

>when demon steps into church or holy ground

The disguise would only be destroyed, if you were using a disguise. If not, it's just unpleasant and holy attacks are amplified and the effects are worse. As a demon though there's nothing stopping you from walking into a church without much problem, it just gets complicated if there are faithful present or if the location itself is notably sanctified (like if there's a relic or some high authority warding). Mundane magic wouldn't work because one, divine/infernal power always trumps mundane magic and two, it can't be applied to you as a demon. A wedding outside a church is possible but the location still has to be sanctified, not to mention be ministered by a priest.

>Can we corrupt and subvert a priest (not necessarily to our cause) without him to fall?

You will need to be more specific on what you mean there, or could try to do for example.

For sensing you, it depends on their authority and faith. Like a normal, non-priest person could sense you if they were faithful enough. Likewise, a member of the church of a high enough authority would automatically know you. A combination of these two would surely be a danger. While it is not impossible that you could corrupt some lowly country pastor, the determining factor here is the wedding ceremony itself, which would require a priest of a certain authority and then on top of that even if they were corrupted without knowing the ceremony itself cannot functionally be corrupted and by default would point out the truth about you.

So a priest with the right to actually perform such a ceremony would likely be able to notice something up about you, then assume he was corrupted enough to go along with it without sullying his rank in the church, the ceremony itself (unless tampered with, which would negate its validity to begin with) would oust your nature. Thus either prompting the priest to cancel it, or the ceremony simply being voided in its own right. All that said, it's not impossible to pull of as I'm sure you players are creative enough to probably come up with something. But it would have to be a very complex and delicate plan which by that point, the rewards are probably not worth it unless you're expecting to regularly do battle with holy enemies.
Mkay, lets see...

>status report
Three demons plus "friend" doesnt sound too great. We really need our soul business to start going. Our guys will not hold their own forever in such a small numbers and in crapy fort to boot.

How are upgrades handled anyway? One soul per facility to build it / upgrade?

>Merryls soul
Three souls (or two if we get lucky) doesnt sound too bad. I say we look into this. I personally expected much worse deal.

grab few, albeit small, something is batter than nothing

>bloodquil/pen we Harry Potter now?
Try to find more about it and what is more feasible way of obtaining one. I would prefer trading but if our guys can steal one (or more) without much harm, I suppose they coul do that instead.

>real world req
Uh... pretty much anything would make life in hell better, no? We see what we can do but no promises here. Hellfire as transfer medium is rather big stop for pretty much anything so far.
As for jealousy and summoning... You never know what future brings, my demons, you never know.

>Amelie persona
My point here was, that for general scouting we could be nobody while for actual action we craft ourselves something appropriate to situation. We still can be gorgeous lady, just not Amelie to protect ourselves.

>Merryl and demon marriage
Well... Yeah, you got me here. Merryl is catch all by herself. No hellwedding for us until we have her soul (or find somebody else who can perform the deed).

As for wedding itself and what comes of it, hmmm. Is is tempting but since we can have in effect only one binding it comes down to what we want.Either we promote Lucas into warlock/demon or we become more resilient to holy faith. Decision, decisions.

>holy ground and priest req
I think we can work with that.

>priest subversion
I have few ideas that may or not may work, so here goes:

First one is slow erosion of priests faith to the point hi will be susceptible to our ideas of reformed demons looking for quiet life with family and so. In the end he will agree to minister because God obviously wilIs it and that demonlady here is repentant and all that noise. Consider this a long term run and no demonmindfuckery or corruption ofc, just pure talk (show people what they want to see... scam 101).

Second is more direct, just corrupt him and then influence his mind to not care about demons.

Third is lolrandumb but may work too. Find priest, poke is eyes out, manipualte him into ministration without him knowing who or what is standing right in front of him.. Maybe spice his drink right before the act so he is drunk or high enought to not care much about what exactly is going on.
Well, two devils and a demon. But for upgrades, it'll depend on the soul but on average, a soul is about equivalent to three "boons", which if you want could be three new rooms. In the case of the first soul you sent them, they used the soul to gather arms and take the fort which happened to have an imp warren still in good condition. Though for functional purposes it counted as three; arms, fort, warren. If you want to spend all three on more rooms you can, or upgrade something else, or have them to use it for different means of gaining power like trading or gathering support. Basically souls can have either a very direct "point" representation if you want, or they can be applied more nebulously towards a goal.

>I would prefer trading

The problem with greed demons is they never give anything willingly, fairly. But at the same time they tend to be highly protective of their belongings, so it's difficult choice to make.

>Uh... pretty much anything would make life in hell better, no?

True, even something like sending them down a cake would be greatly appreciated. Though, they may become addicted to the small points of reprieve amid a sea of misery. Just like how you've fallen so dearly in love with the mortal realm for its lack of constant misery and wealth of actually pleasant sensations.

>just not Amelie

But you are so very proud of your persona. It is a reflection of your true self, after all...

As for marrying, a big factor is, who you really think is worth that. Is Lucas? Is anyone? Do you want to tie yourself to another like that?

>greedy fucks
I expected nothing less. Still, let our underlings prod and poke the problem and bring us more details. Either in estimation how badly assault may go or what greed demons want for their stuff.
Best case scenario is we craft bloodpens ourselves but I dont know if that is even possible.

>hell sucks
it is a hell, duh. We can resolve this when we have actual means to transport bigger stuff back and forth. Right now it is a moot point.

>Amelie persona
okay, I got it. We have our own vices so we r e a l l y want to stay as Amelie as much as possible.And you dont want us to exploit our ability to go full doppelganger a break the world

>heretical thoughts
Do we actually want to return to hell at some point in the future? Mortal wordl is obviously so much better and when one keeps a low profile many things can be gained and achieved.
Well technically your greatest desire/enjoyment would be to go about as your true self, though obviously you can’t just walk into town like that.

As for returning, well that’s up to you. Sure the mortal realm is ever so lovely and pleasant by comparison, but it’s also not your home and it is rather finite. Maybe not return as you are, but if in time you could return to make a play for ruling the Hellscape? Well, better to rule in hell than...
oh, I forgot this
>who is worthy our hand?
I am... ambivalent here, to tell the truth? But other anons mostly want to snach Lucas, so in the end I am rolling with it.

True, but real world is such a big place for one lonely demon it may as well count as infinite. So many places to see, so much to do. Hmm. Is there a way to make permanent gate or portal between hellscape an human world? It would be nice to have such a thing in our fortress as a big "fuck you" towards those who will eventualy try to banish us back.

Anyway, back to business. I believe this wraps up hellscape shenanigans so we can finally go and look into baron and shepherd thing. (unless other anons chime in with their suggestions, that is)
ayo hol up so nothing left to go over with your Hellscape servants, just go seek out the baron now?
Alright, so I basically passed out for an entire day + some, and now feel much much better. Seems I missed a whole bunch.
Only like
24 posts total
>24 posts
way more than 24, my friend
Posts that matter*
Anons are silent on the matter, so... yes?
Yeah, no objections so yes?
I was waiting for op's post for the longest time.
Intredasting, because I was waiting on you. Not a general player consensus but specifically you.

Not a bad place to leave things for now at home, so you can duck out for awhile. Taking in the evening air, you fetch your horse again and ride out. Already you know the way to the collection of farms so you can cross over country to reach there before nightfall. After that, it’s no trouble to just ask for directions to the local baron’s estate, find your way there, and ask to speak with someone about something important.

You don’t (and can’t) expect the attention of the baron himself, but his son meets you at the gate. No point in beating around the bush then, you ask after the shepherd lad. Unfortunately it seems that after a publish punishment doled out, and the boy’s family not caring about his fate, the baron had him sold off as an indentured servant to the Newfound Lands, his family getting some of the profit. If you had a need to you could probably still find him before reaching the coast, but this was all done the day prior so you’d need to seriously devote your time to catching up. In any case the son says not to dwell on it, the lad was a fool and better off gone, otherwise staying here he’d have been killed at some point. There is some curiosity though on why a fine young lady such as yourself would be interested in that troublesome peasant boy.
Marry no one.
Rolled 40 (1d100)

Rolling to continue thread right now.
that's too much work
give up, go home, follow up on those leads we had from before we got fired
Oh, he seemed like a nice lad to me, and then I heard rumors. It is a shame, really. But such is a life I suppose.

Yeah. Maybe we can send imps after him to mop up but I dont see any reason why. Kid is out of the picture.
Lets go back to searching for victims and lets start with travelers and people who will be missed by nobody from around here before we move to bigger fishies. Right now pretty much any soul will do the job for us.

And when we are at it in city, lets hunt down writing/painting supplies and that crate of parchment so we can train ourselves in art of illumination, caligraphy and forgery in our spare time. Those contracts wont make themselves.
Obviously there was some trouble with the site.

Which leads are you referring to, for clarity?

That can work as a plan. If you’re free of a mortal job and responsibilities, then you’re free to hunt souls and amass power! Best to start low, to get the hang of things and then you can begin to devote your efforts to the matter.

So for now you thank the son at the game and plan to be off on your way. He offers you to stay, wouldn’t be right for a lone woman to be riding around at night, but you’re fine and assure him you know the way, it isn’t far. Saying goodbyes then you take your leave, and ride back to the village, then the outer farms and finally overland in the direction of your home many fields and woods away. It’s already evening now, still early but dark nonetheless, and while you’re not really worried about much it doesn’t help that you can’t see to well with your mortal eyes of your disguise. As such, only too late do you notice the trap.


Too late, in that you notice it when you get hit. A tough cord tied across the trail between two trees at a height, enough to reach about your chest while on horse. You weren’t going particularly fast, but it’s still a hit that knocks you free of your mount and lands you flat on your back to the dirt, winded and reeling in pain as you struggle to breathe. Worse still when you hear someone approach, and grab ahold of you by the hair, holding you fast.

”What’s we got here? You on your own girlie? What’cha got fer me then?”

A rough and roguish fellow, not the best look at him in the dark and the way he’s holding you away from him, but he seems (or sounds) on the younger side rather than some experienced bandit.

>How to proceed?
Yay, it is a rape time! Too bad it is us on the receiving end

>wat do
Am I assuming corretly we cant really do much on the physical side right now because our Amelie disguise is -4str? Also, do we feel fear or we are merely angry, winded and in pain that wil lrecede quickly? I am still uncertain on how easily we could be killed in this form and if we are in actual danger or not really. Anyway...

Emergency backup plan: slowly and subtly change our body to be stronk (and/or indestructible) so we can punch that silly mugger in the dick incase he has funny ideas.

Main plan:
"Oof! Ouch! Hey, that hurts! What do you want? Let go!" And while playing damsel in distress, sense him up. Is he brute? Does he or does he not like what he sees and does? What is he after - gold, pussy, torture, kill? What does he want do to with us right now? So lets try talk to him and discern his motives. Finding out why is he robbing people would be nice to, I suppose.
At the moment I assume we dont have any money or anything of much value with us (sans horse - but didnt he run away?) so better pretend we are ready to give him what he want and save our live and virginity.
Perhaps we can stir his greed into action? There is this lovely lonely manor he can rob (and it is also corrupted to the hell and back so we can kick his ass the moment he crosses boundaries).
Lust and pride is always an option too. Perhaps a word or two about those glorified robbers from stories, how we envisioned what it feels like and some wink-wink from pretty girl could mellow this guy for next manipulation.

>cloudflare is faget
Also it is me, 1bAW0k/v, tripfaging in case site fucked itself over and IDs got rotated (I still have that reroll, dont wanna loose it and I didnt do the trip so far)
Sounds good anon
To explain, normally unless you take precaution effort otherwise, your mortal disguise is only as physically capable as a normal mortal of that type would be. So your standard go-to disguise (and the natural state of your mortal reflection) is a human woman, so you are only as capable as one would be. If for example you took the effort beforehand to change into a bear or a troll or something then you would be as capable as one of those naturally is. The exception to this, is how much corruption is present in the area, your disguise no matter the form is always more powerful in the presence of corruption. Right now though this is just a random area in the woods and the guy himself might be a bastard but not as much (nor under your influence) that you’d be able to outperform him as you are.

As for fear, normally probably only to things which are actually dangerous to you, so if a holy inquisitor comes knocking you’d naturally be afraid. Otherwise, apart from mortal instinct (of your disguise) you probably wouldn’t be afraid of anything. Like a sudden shock of someone jumping out to scare you, triggering instinctive fight or flight, that could scare you. But not really creeping or overpowering fear, unless you fake it of course. And no, in this situation unless the guy is secretly a priest or something, or has like a holy relic hand, there’s no way he can pose real danger to you. Like he could do something as drastic as cut your (disguise) head off, which would “kill” the disguise but it wouldn’t endanger your demonic life.

>Cont. with proper post
You struggle against the assault, the initial shock and panic starting to wear off, though not yet the pain. He isn’t very accomodating though and is still rough with you, but you’re almost more annoyed rather than fearful.

”Oof! Ouch! Hey, that hurts! What do you want? Let go!”

”Bad luck girlie, yer mine now. Anyone know yer out this way? I wonder if a fine lady such as yerself will be missed...”

First and foremost he demands you turn out your pockets and seeks any valuables. You’ve only some basic funds by your standards but for him it’s a good amount, more than he was hoping for. You haven’t a chance to strangle your influence about him, though he does seem on the rougher side, so you try to get a sense of him while he’s searching you. Definitely there isn’t any needlessly malicious, or mindlessly panicked feelings towards you, like a motive to just mug and murder you on the side of the road. His primary concern is to get resources, for which your purse and your horse (not spooked, just visibly confused as to why you fell off and wandering about) will do nicely, however you do sense some lusty thoughts as he searches and has his hands on you, as any red blooded man would you suppose.

”You try and run now, try and make trouble, things could get nasty.”

After he’s gotten your money off you and your magic items at least, he drags you after him in order to take control of the horse, then leads you the rest of the way off the trail and into the woods. It’s not too far to go, you find that he’s got a little camp beneath an overhang in a dried up creek bed. Little fire going, a bedroll and some bundled possessions. Kind of reminds you of when you were first on the run with Lucas after fleeing the city from being summoned here. The bandit fellow sharply draws you out of your reminsicing by shoving you on the ground though, amongst some of his belongings while he busies himself with reigning up the horse and trying to find something to feed him with. He keeps an eye on you of course though, and you don’t need to sense that he’s going over in his mind about what to do with you.

This isn’t a bad chance though, if you have an approach in mind, to attempt with him. If you’re trying to stir up some sinful response in him, or if you’re just trying to bargain or reason, you can describe your attempt and make a roll for it. See how well he takes it, or how well you can influence him. At the moment he’s not pulling your hair or twisting your arm, so as good a chance as any.
Would "raping" us give us anything over him?
Like most things it depends on the form. If you were demonic and he saw and knew that and still did it, his soul is as good as yours. Under your disguise though, it would certainly massively corrupt him that you’d both be able to directly influence and manipulate him as well as have enough latent corruption for your disguise to be powerful enough to best him.

It’s not like you’re a succubus where a rape would be like force feeding you delicious cake, but it will definitely hurt him and help you in the grand scheme of things.
I say we let it happen, someone unknown like this could be a great asset in soul hunting

>I'll do anything just let me go home
>Spread legs slightly
>Dont hurt me i beg you
>Spread legs further
And so on
Well if you want to go that route, make a roll for the attempt.
Rolled 34 (1d100)

glory steal
Rolled 64 (1d100)

still need to go through and see what imissed, but heres a roll
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Why wouldn't we? We get almost absolute control for basically acting

So you manage to lure him into condemning himself with his lusts. You don’t own his soul after that, but you can quite soundly manipulate him and your influence is enough to sway him.

So you’ve got another potential servant wrapped around your finger, at least your assumed mortal one. Come the next day, well, he’s going to be quite interested in figuring out how things progress from here after this. As far as you know he was just a forest bandit scraping by, but now his lot has improved, has a horse now and even his own captive lady companion. He’d probably be open to a change of pace or scenery, feeling quite accomplished.
Might as well grab his soul. Must be corrupt as hell and not worth much, but can't be too hard now. Offer him a pile of gold or something, have a minion from hell grant the wish.
Do you want to reveal your true nature to him, or just find out what he wants? Or try to tempt him with some reward.
Just finding out what he wants is good enough for now.
I say we subtly provoke him to forcing himself on us one more time. And while he is lost in pleasure we drop our disguise, pin guy to the ground and laugh in his face (it is all about style after all).
Then tell him he just crossed the line and no matter what he is going to hell. Oh, what horrible torture and suffering awaits him, he has no idea. So lets enlighten him on the matter! With every bit of nauseous detail ofc. After he is properly scared out of his mind and mind-poked in right direction, ask for his soul. He is already damned one way or another but with his soul in our possesion we may be able to prevent eternal suffering. Repentance wont help him, because god doesnt care. So why not go with us?

To cut it short, point is lying and connig him into giving us his soul to "save it" in exchange for something we dont really need to provide (best case scenario is he gives it to us wilingly and woth smile). "may" is the keyword here for example. Not "will" and so on. If he asks for gold as an incentive, we just give him one gold coin afterward because there was no specified amount and so on.
Well this could certainly work if you want to commit to it, it’s a pretty dire realization for anyone to make after having done such a thing. Surely this fool would break at your insistence.

Or you can take a more passive approach, either way you can probably reach what you’re after but the difference in time and the truth will determine the outcome.
So the next day, after such an exhilarating night the bandit seems pretty regretful over what he did, and while he’d probably stab someone for money he feels bad about behaving such a way towards a lady. Would that he were to apologize to you, but you’re already tempting him again and no so one-sidedly either. Luring him into the trap of getting frisky with you, the two of you go for a romp on the bedding by the fire. Talk about a way to start the day, but after that now, he’s surely your’s to control. Afterward though, sweaty and spent, you remove your mortal disguise. When he notices and realizes, he panics of course but there’s not much he can do with a demon pinning him down and ridculing him, taunting and tormenting him at her leisure.

You tell him how he’s basically done for, how damnation and eternal suffering awaits. To have laid with a demon (or rather, a disguise but not like he’d know the difference) is to have condemned himself, and he has only one possible reprieve; servitude. To give his soul to you, that he might be at your mercy rather than the demons below. And after all you’ve shared together already, well, maybe you wouldn’t be such a harsh mistress.

It’s a terrible situation for sure, but it sounds good to him. Not like he has much a chance to get a second opinion or think it over much. Faced with assumed damnation, he shakily agrees to give his soul up to you with promises that you’ll be merciful. Of course, not like you need to uphold those once the deal is done, but you’ve certainly scared him into beliving it. Given the circumstances you can’t really draw up a contract, unless you free him and make use of the fire for a transfer, but you’re just as capable of making the exchange yourself, personally.

So you’re now the owner of another soul, that makes two (along with the maid’s), and a living servant in the form of a still reeling young forest bandit, partially in disbelief over all that’s going on and still in a panic. You can sense it’s only just starting to settle in, the realization of what happened, and what he did... with you. You’re feeling pretty chipper though, both from the accomplishment of gaining another soul, and from being in your true form again and getting to feel things again for real. The heat from the fire, the chill from the air and the breeze, the dirt and leaves of the ground and the softness of the fur bedding. Just for fun you grab at the bandit’s arm and enjoy the squishy feeling and toussle his hair for the contrast. Something to look forward to if you ever gain enough power or security to do so; merely living as your real self in the mortal realm. Such bliss.

>How to proceed?
Use the fire to get a contract from our peeps then hand it to him

Tell him we expect him to continue this line of work, he's to capture one person if possible then bring that person to us

Also how many souls do we have on stock now?
With his you’d have two on hand, his and the maid’s. The problem is that when you let him go and try to make use of the fire, he grabs his skivvies and tries to run away.
Influence him into thinking he's better off staying since his soul is basically ours and manipulate/order him into coming the fuck back since he's basically ours due to his corruption
Make a roll for the attempt? To shout after him and order him back, versus his fear.
Hey anons
Once we get home we could trade him and the maid for Merryl's soul, we gave two with their owners relatively intact
Don't we have full control over him?
Or just chase after him and knock him out.
Right but he’s fearing for his life at this point. If he were sitting next to you considering running away you could talk to and convince him to stay. With some distance though, you’re not exactly going to be able to convince or manipulate him, it would require shouting which isn’t going to help your case.

It’s not like you lost all control over him, just that you’ve oriented more towards the path of convincing people rather than barking orders at them. You went the kindly mistress, rather than the harsh domina.
Let's just wrestle him down or does that require a roll too?
Yes indeed this is true, if you’re willing to part with them for Merryl’s sake.
Nah you physically exceed him as a demon, was just checking if you were ok with running through the woods as your demonic self. And naked.

But no, if you’re ok with that, yeah as soon as you notice him running off you jump up in annoyance and chase after him. He tries to lose you but you can just track his corrupted scent, and eventually you catch and tackle him to the ground. Not much trouble to drag him back to the camp after that, anything you care to say or do, after his little escape attempt?
>Try that one more time and your soul is forfeit and into the rape pit
>Then I'll just kill you and enjoy seeing you suffer down there
Then influence him into being an obedient gud boi
Sure enough, so you drag him back to the fire and throw him down beside as he laments his fate and begs for mercy. Annoyed, you make use of the fire to fetch up a contract, tormenting him all the while till it’s ready to sign and he does so. Weeping, hesitating, shaking, but without question. With a hellish grin you look it over, the fresh-dripping blood and all, soul plain to claim.

NOW, for certain, you have two souls, and two servants. The maid, and now this poor fool. Not a bad way to start the day by any measure. What’s next on your unholy agenda?
Change, dress back and head home with him but keep him at a fair distance once we're near our home, then go fetch the maid and take both to someplace more secluded to make the trade

Only if other anons agree


Or at least wait until we have a more secure base. Now that the demon has been contacted and is willing to trade 3 souls, or 2 with living hosts, he's far less likely to use her against us, because then he screws us over at no other benefit to himself. If he waits, he gets 2 or 3 souls, which is a pretty big benefit to himself. So not in a huge rush anymore.

Before we got fired, we found 3 people at work seeped in the sins of pride, greed, and envy. Follow up on those people.

Also tell Mila we're a demon.

Also how corrupt is Ordan? Enough for total control? If we take his soul we can trade away the bandits and one additional to get Merryl. I want to keep the maid, she has experience serving us, and Lucas and company are no doubt somewhat attached to her by now.
Sounds good except the killing Merryl bit, so where are we leaving him at for now?

And are we good with him being put on the same thing condition and job as the highway man?
Just leave him at his own camp.

Yes for the same role as highwayman, make sure to compel him with his soul to be unable to mention us or his own predicament. Or contacting anyone from the church just to be safe.
Ordan is fairly corrupt, not total control but a couple more big things would push him there. For Mila, any preference on how you break the news to her?

As for those other marks before getting fired, which do you want to seek first?

You’ll leave the fool for now then, to his own devices. To potentiall keep snagging people for you, see how he can fare on his own. And of course it’s no problem to compel him, to be unable to betray you once you own his soul.

Back home then, to deal with Mila and possibly Ordan?
>THE Mila news plan
>Take her with us to someplace private
>Tell Merryl and Lucas to wait for our signal
>Be all friendly and stuff
>Confess and change
>Signal L and M to come in
>Tell her they know and that we only want to be together without any secrets
>And that we don't have any ulterior motives, we just want to live as peacefully as possible
>That's why you both still have your souls
So you leave the forest bandit, after making him beg for mercy and kiss your feet, showing supreme lenience by not smiting him. Taking your horse then, and having changed back by now, you return home to be there by late morning. Unfortunately Mila and Lucas have already left for the day, but Merryl and the Maid are there to greet you and express their concern over your short absence. They ask if there’s anything you need though, while Ordan eventually happens by just doing his own thing and says you look nice and asks how things were while you were away?

You can hatch the truth to Mila when she gets home, but for now you’ve got the rest of the day free till then.
I say we get working on corrupting Ordan, get him to go with Merryl and we catch him on the act?

Or we could wait for Lucas to come back and influence him into convincing Ordan to bang us three too
Well I have to get up early (though can resume earlier because of it) so in the meantime you can decide if and how you want to go about potentially corrupting Ordan, before or after Mila gets home.

After which though, you’ll have all your current servants in your pocket, and won’t have to worry about keeping things under wraps at home.
Let's just keep going slow and steady with Ordan. Still no rush, and no need to take a risk yet.

For the guys from work, let's go after the greedy one first.
Nothing wrong with slow and steady, but to be fair, the sooner everyone is aware of the truth, the sooner you can drop the innocent act and start getting your hands dirty. Unless that doesn’t interest you of course.

>confess to Mila
i support this >>2255996
be all mushy and unsecure about it, that we have secret and she is probably gonna hate us when we tell them but we need to tell her and we really just want to live, be happy, and be left alone by world.
Just be ready to restrain her in case she starts panicking, screaming and what not.

>getting Ordan under our influence
So.. just to be sure. We want to de-soul him and make him our slave or corrupt & reveal ourselves to him so may became another part of our "family"?
Either way, if we can do some sorruption now, I say we do it. No point in delaying the inevitable and we can alwasy make final decision later.

Not mentioning horse, I hope we brougt back all the noteworthy (magical) stuff he took away from us. Screw the money but we should not leave hard to replace things behind for no apparent reason.
Also pumping him for information at some point would be nice. Perhaps he has friends or connections we may pay a visit and nom their souls too.

We dont want to trade souls of our most trusted or actually usefull servants. If we do, we loose control over them and that is not good. We must keep them with us or in hellscape but never ever touch them (unless we get rid of their previous owner for good).

>trade for Merryls soul
lets start corrupting some random guys who are of no conseqence and we will not use them in our future endevours at all. Might as well start with the greedy one as anon said here >>2256129
You consider keeping the slow pace with Ordan, but eventually you just lose patience through the day, and with Merryl’s help you tempt and corrupt Ordan further to a point where you feel a strong grip of him and unquestioned manipulation. You’re not sure how he would react to the truth of course, but he’d likely be more positive of it now than any time before. The rest of the day, you can devote to figuring out more about this greed target, following up with the imp who you set to track on it, make a roll for the potential success.

Later on your anticipation is further met when Lucas and Mila return for the evening. Right away you pull Merryl and Lucas aside to discuss the plan, and gain their support. Not long after you follow up with Mila, pulling her aside to a separate room. You go about it subtly, but eventually work around to revealing the truth. She doesn’t believe you at first and thinks you’re being funny, but when you can prove it, suprisingly she doesn’t react poorly. You don’t even need to call for Lucas or Merryl, when Mila is more of the sort of passive reaction.

”Oh, ok then. Does this change anything between us? Am I supposed to like, do your bidding or something?”

It seems your case about not taking her soul despite your nature, and your favor enough to spare her from that as well as bring her into the fold, is enough to win her over. Really, she’s just happy with the situation even if is because of a demon. As long as she gets to continue living in a nice big house with fancy accomodations, has security and the companionship of a hunk like Lucas, then she doesn’t really care about much else. Certainly not if you’re still her friend, regardless of what you may be.

Well, that was as an easy relief, it seems now only Ordan is still in the dark, but your closest/immediate friends are all aware of the truth. Would that the orc wasn’t around, you wouldn’t have to worry about hiding anything and could have the imps freely massing about in the house.
Rolled 49 (1d100)

rolling for imp heresy

>Does this change anything between us?
"I certainly hope not my dear. I am just surprised, pleasantly mind you, that you took it that well. Some people just have sudden tendencies to go ballistic whenever my kind is involved. As for doing my bidding or something... not unless you want to" ending in sing song voice and some not so subtle winks, grins, and hugs. We are happy about this after all.
"Just please dont tell anything to Ordan yet. He still doesnt know and if anybody else learns about us, or more specifically about me, we will have quite a problem at our hands." and after that... dunno, bring in Lucas and Merryl and celebrate? It is evening so not much to do until everybody falls asleep so we can go out and lurk int he dark. Or something.

>how we became demon?
I wanted to ask this for a while now. So, OP, what were we before, what happened to us, and how long we were demon after that? secretly hoping for storytime
Rolled 27 (1d100)

Rolled 75 (1d100)

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>became demon?

Indeed you weren't always a demon, before you were one of the Creator's original flock, an angel. An eternity of singing 'Holy Holy Holy!' in The divine presence. Like all demonkind however, you sided with the Traitor through the war in the Heavens. You believed his protests held merit, about being unable to create life, combined with his fears of losing favor and interest of the Creator compared to the newest creations; mortal life. And so for it, after the war you were cast out with the rest of your kind. You lost your halo and wings, instead getting horns and a tail, no longer angels but demons. However some small victory, as per the Traitor's wishes, like the rest of demonkind you were engendered upon being cast out, able to create life unlike those loyal angels whom remained. Hardly a reward though, in being banished from The divine glory and splendor above, to the eternal torment below.

Ever since you've been a demon, struggling and suffering through the trials and tribulations of the Hellscape. Probably more struggle and suffer than not, as you wound up on the lower end of the hierarchy, a lesser demon. Still though, all that is in the past. Here and now, in the mortal realm, you have a legendary chance to turn your fate around which little to none have ever had!


You're pleasantly surprised with Mila's response, and if she's happy just to be a part of your little circle, then why should you need to make things hard for her? At least for the time being, you can always torture and torment her later. As content as you are with things then, you figure a celebration is in order, and so for the rest of the evening alongside a nice dinner with everyone, you break out the drinks and have some fun. A little partying never hurt anyone, and you feel ever so accomplished as more and more things are starting to fall into place in your life.

Eventually some of the others pass out in the living room or stumble off to bed, but you take that as your chance, to duck out and go over things with the imp. The imp in question is eager to please and happy to see you, jumping up and down and dancing around your legs with the news you seek. Having tracked the greedy wretch, she saw quite a fair bit of useful information. It seems the worker has been stealing goods from the workshop at his daily job, then taking them home, to give to his sister who is a rougher sort in town, and sells among her contacts in the criminal element. A nifty little scheme they've got going, but quite greedy for the worker himself to be hoarding the lion's share to himself and his family, even against his own sister. An opportunist like that, you can think of ways to have him condemn himself.

In any case the imp tugs at your hand, asking if she did a good job and hoping to be added to that little group of imps with your favor. Usefulness and success means being summoned more, which means more time in the mortal realm!
Headpat the imp
I say we pay a visit from a far to either of these to gets some first hand details before acting
Some personal surveilance, or even interaction couldn't hurt. Are you interested in predating upon the worker himself though or his sister? Both are directly involved in the scheme, though one is more greedy but neither are particularly good people.
Yes, she did gud. Pat imps head, get all info we can from her (locations, numbers, everything) and send her off to spy on other potential victim(s). So far we are pleased with her progress and if she keeps up good work she may be able to stay. Better intel she brings better are her chances.

As for our greedy friend and his family... I agree with some spying before aproaching him/them and tackling this from right angle. Althrough we may be lucky so here are some preliminary thoughts:

1) we just fasstalk them into gold-for-soul exchange. it may be oldschool, but classy and I belive we can summon one of our underlings from hellscape to magic into beeing wagon of richies.

2) we steal all their shit, spread some lies about them to antagonize everybody and then offer them way out. just for soul or two everything will be back in normal.

3) we approach them and under the pretens of nefarious deals subtly but surely push dem to do more and more depraved things until they pretty much damn themselves. Then we just grab their souls.

and so on...
why not both of them? but lets see what we find out on our own first.
Sister first, disguise ourselves as a mean looking orc lady looking for evil looking work, try to fish out info about both
Grant the imp your favor.

I want Ordan's soul. How about we draw up a big fancy contract to formalize his position as our bodyguard, with one crucial hidden clause?
We have to wait a little bit more anon, make sure he's completely corrupt before telling him and stuff

One night with either us or Merryl should be enough or we could influence Lucas into banging us 3 along with the Orc should also massively corrupt him and secure his compliance
Contract with a tweeest is bad PR towards the rest of our friends. Much beter would be manipulating him into gving his soul to us willingly and for exchange we will make him stronger o something. Make it like it was his idea in the first place etc.
That could work actually, without manipulation even. He trusts you enough by this point, and would probably take it as normal for humans.

Worth considering if you think Ordan is worth having around as close as you keep the others. Might be a bit weird with a bunch of humans and then randomly one orc in your circle.

Guess it's worth considering, do you value him as anything more than what he was, a bodyguard?
Don't need to bother with that if we secretly take his soul.

No need to even bring up that we own his soul. Plus OP has a point, he's not close like Lucas or Mila. Don't really care about his feelings. Doubt L or M will either considering how corrupt they are and how important we are to them.
Enhanced bodyguard and scapegoat!
And we also need to have him be devoted so he's willing to take it for the team
Note that I'm not saying Ordan is worthless, just whether or not you want to keep him around in the same capacity as your friends/confidantes.

Like for example, if you intend to build up some mortal forces, Ordan could make a great starting point for that. Like find some fortification for him, and start mustering a small military force. Not at the same place you live, to reduce suspicion, but still handy when you want to stage a raid or stop an attack or something. Just one possible idea. Another possibility, get some guards and have them live out of the groundskeeper's house, Ordan being the first.
True, but there is still that anoyance of some random asshole popping somewhere in the future and asking our orcy bodygurad if he knows his soul is sorta kinda gone.

We dont need to make Ordan part ouf our inner circle. Leaving him as guard is fine but revealing ourselves to him and taking his soul in exchange for wtahever he wants (or rarther whatever we influence him) is way to go. Less lies and secrets to unravel between us the better. Lets leave obfuscation and conning for random strangers and proper victims.

And in the end it always feels best when mortals just give us their souls willingly and with a smile.

yeah, pretty much. we can make our own private mutated force of murderguards who will se us as our goddess for example
OP, one more question. What can we do with soul if we dont want to give it away? Take meido for example. She is our servant, we made a deal with her and we really dont want to loose control over her by sending her soul away. Can we still use her soul to upgrade ourselve or our fort or is it more or less just a dead weight worth just some bragging rights right now?
Unless you specify to, like in a trade, you never lose a soul. Like the one you exchanged already, in order to bolster your Hellscape minions so that they could get a fort and maintain a defense, they still have that soul. Would be more secure in a vault, but it's effectively representing their gains. If they were to lose that soul or give it away, then they'd lose the progress they made with it.

So unless you intentionally get rid of the soul, you don't have to worry about losing it (except if it's taken by force). Though, you can always hold onto souls yourself, which empowers you as a demon. Your choice.

In any case you can try to figure out what to do with Ordan later. In the meantime you look for a place to sleep, everyone else already passed out or gone to bed, but there's the maid always ready to serve. She's a little tipsy from a couple of drinks during the little party, but she offers you her bed since yours is taken, better than sleeping on the floor which she'll do.

Otherwise, the next day people wake up at their own pace after last night. A hearty breakfast sure is welcome, though while you're planning on your actions towards the greedy fool's sister (probably changing your identity to a rough type to suit her) you get asked aside by Mila. It seems in knowing the truth now, she wonders how much a need there is for her to keep working, maybe even Lucas too? Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but surely a powerful demon such as yourself can manage to conjure up the necessities, that she needn't slave away in a tavern all day every day? Much more to her preference, if there's some sort of help or work she could do for you here at home maybe. Or at least not as demanding.
*Can* we do that? Would it give the church a signature to hunt for?
"Well, my dear, Arbeit macht frei did you ever wonder why we are not living in a castle with servants everywhere and hoards of gold hidden in the dungeon, in the forst place? Subtlety and secrecy is the answer. It would not do to suddenly appear wealthy and mighty, so... babysteps. Anothe reason is I really dont want to attract any undue attention. But we already talked about that - no matter what, people will always see in me demoness first and foremost. But it is not like we are in need so if you want to get another job or do something else, feel free to do so. Let me just remind you that having nothing to do all day long is dreadfully boring" smile and wink

no can do, we fully corporeal now. temporarily summoned demon can but that will cost us soul(s)
Well with the Larder in the fort, you'd be able to summon up basic necessities. Not like free money, but you'd not need to worry about food or drink and such. In this case though she means more like, getting some other soulless schmuck(s) to slave away for a living while the few of you close friends live a life of luxury. Like making the maid to go off and get a job in her (Mila's) place. In terms of nothing to do all day, she does raise a good point about Merryl getting to sit at home, and the maid too.

In any case though, you want to set out after this target's sister then? Any preference for time of day? And I'm guessing you're sticking with the orc disguise?
I assumed maid was busy keeping our bigass estate clean.

Kill Merryl

Tell Mila she doesn't have to work anymore if she can bring you a replacement minion whose soul you can take.
Yeh and some time before sun down sounds good

Also supporting this
If she brings us someone else she could stay at home and we should explain Merryl's situation too
It's not that big of an estate, and beyond the house it's basically a dump, the grounds aren't kept at all.

If you want to set Mila on that task though she'll gladly go about that, if it means not having to work anymore.

>Kill Merryl

Well, sorry Merryl, time to die I suppose!
and here I thought Merryl is our designated cook and meido is... well, meido. doing meido things. not staring at wall all day long. Ah, anyway. We should probably look into summoning gold for our future projects tho, that would definitely come handy.

basically yes, just ignore the Merryl part, as always. And add that Mila should be carefull, scouting is ok too.
Ugh fine set Mila on it. She must hate bartending.

Once we get greedyboi we're gonna encourage what he's doing but make him funnel his funds to us.
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Well, this will be fun. And I am off to bed so here, have a demoness.
Also hold a fake wedding with Lucas just so we can say it happened already.
For what purpose?

That's not a demoness, that's some succubus slut.

Both of those tasks don't require a full day's work. Anyway you set off then, with the imp's help to find the way. You have to ride into town, and according to the imp, the greedy fool's sister is often around some of the warehouses and waiting for shady sorts to come and pick up the goods to sell. Sure enough, once you reach town and pen your horse, you're led to where she is within sight distance. You can duck into a doorway and change your appearance to an orc, but how do you want to approach?
We've heard she sells a lot stolen goods and we have a nice tip from some servant that a certain noble has quite a lot of valuable goodies in her possession

Stroke that greedyness and stuff
I'll back >>2257802
You make your approach then as a big tough orc lady, and work your way around to talking about your schemy tip. The fence listens but she doesn’t seem that interested. It seems that while her brother is a greedy wretch, she isn’t, at least not nearly as much that you can tempt her by that. She simply says if you aren’t buying anything, then she doesn’t have much to talk about.
Can we sense any sinful desires from her?
Maaake a roll!
Rolled 56 (1d100)

Rolled 73 (1d100)

Rolled 76 (1d100)

Ducking out for a little bit so will resume with the rolls when I get back.

So you don't know her, don't really know anything about this woman, but your demonic senses are pretty keen of course. You can't really manipulate her yet, but to get a feel for her and and dark parts of her is a possibility.

Surprisingly though, you'd have expected greed at first and failing that maybe pride or something, but she's a wrathful one this woman. Her patience for you is only skin deep because you're an orc, else you expect she'd have taken to violence to get you to leave her alone, and she's certainly considering it. Probably the moment she thinks your guard down, if you don't clear out soon enough.

Though, how you intend to tempt and lure a wrathful person to damnation...
Oh man this gon be easy, if she gets mad enough to assault us so quickly. Pay some kid to heckle her for a while. Eventually she'll snap, and hurting a kid has to be pretty high on the sin list.
Hurting a kid?

You can keep heckling her then sure, and eventually she threatens you to leave her alone. You keep persisting though, playing up being a rude and stubborn orc, and though she has her hand ready on a blade, she finally just gets pissed off enough to move. Find some other place. You can tell though if you follow her and continue, she will attack you for sure, she’s angry enough.
Let's transform into a kid and bother her!
Would that give us anything?
Ok maybe that won't be so easy. Still worth a shot. Instead of us heckling her, leave and find some street urchin. Give them a bit of money, and promise more if they follow that woman and bother her for the day.
Well it would definitely look worse for her, towards everyone in the area. But then you’d be more vulnerable yourself.

That could also work, whichever you please.
Let's do the one where we aren't vulnerable and risking ourselves.

Also not sure if assaulting a demon would be sinning, even if they think it's a child.
If only you had better imps, who could imitate people! Well you can try and pay off some kid, but how long do you want to do this for? And what reaction are you hoping for?
Get her to unleash dat wrath on the kid and get some evil on her
Well you can have the imp locate some urchin nearby, and you can pay him to be your lackey for the time being, to send him after the woman and continue pestering her. You know she’s still brimming angry after the exchange with you, and she does eventually snap and let it out on the kid. While for you though she’d have attacked, blade ready and possibly intent to kill, the kid she just beats him and kicks him on his way bawling. It’s kind of cruel, but not all that strange for people these days to mistreat children, especially dirty urchins. She draws some attention from her outburst, but no one seems to much care when they see what is actually going on.

It doesn’t improve her mood though, and she’s just more annoyed that people keep bothering her.
I dunno what else to do with her
Move onto her brother under a different disguise
Pay an adult beggar to do it this time
This time around you can set an adult begger on her in the same way, which results in an eventual stabbing. This is much worse an offense than before, but in the face of such negative attention she just flees the scene cursing and fuming all the way.

So her brother then, you figure to be easier to corrupt perhaps. The imp can lead you to where he lives, or you can catch him at work (the same workshop you managed), but it’s up to you to determine the appearance and manner in which you approach him.
we got ourselves raped and we do most of our corrupting through sex. we technically succubus.
now shutup and enjoy boobies

>she mad
sick an imp or two after her and let them find out why does she have anger management issues. we can do this but we need more information. is she just bitter because her life sucks in general, or is there somebody who earned her ire in the first place? something else? we need to give mortals what they want to be truly effective. making them fall through random evil acts is sometimes hit or miss tactic.

>he greedy
switch disguises to something less orcy, talk to the guy, find his reasons why is he doing what he is doing (his hearts desires), and then give him offer he cannot possibly refuse. And we may even incorporate little gossip his beloved sis just killled a guy. not sure if it will be neccesary but first cntact we usualy play by ear anyway and our mind reading helps.
also guy is not just greedy but a thief too, he probably doesnt want to be outed.
>technically succubus

Certainly by choice, what would your peers think of you now, reduced to such base instincts...


You can send the imp after her, but it will take time to reach a conclusion without your involvement.


A rather direct plan of action, but it might work. Go ahead and make a roll for the attempt. It sounds like you’re basically trying to find out what he wants, and then just outing yourself in order to give him a demonic offer?

Would that he were a greedy gambler you could have waged his soul in a challenge, but probably not a guy with a family.
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Was busy watching Looper
Back and rolling
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

no hurry, we have time

basically yes, but it really depends in what we learn

So your plan as it were, is to pose as a girl making deliveries, in order to interact with the guy at work at the end of the day. You already know the way to the workshop so it’s just a matter of fetching your horse then riding over the way you know.

Getting to the guy takes a bit of waiting, but with people starting to disperse for the day you have a better chance of it. Starting up a conversation about this and that, you work your way around to him and his personal life. You already had him as an employee for awhile so have some influence of him already, and by sensing you can steer the conversation to get him to talk about his source of greediness.

Which, as it happens to be is out of love. His wife although a commoner, is a very beautiful daughter of a foreign merchant. The guy considers himself to be amazingly lucky to have landed her, but being that she is used to a higher standard of living, the only way he can keep her is by providing her with a cushy home life. Something a peasant like him could never manage, so he has to lie and cheat and steal just to be able to make extra for which his every penny goes to providing for her and trying to give her as fancy life as possible. You sense a lot of stress and anguish from him, and chances are she’s even more greedy than he is (potentially his source of it) and demanding, and he works himself to the bone both legitimately and scheming all he can to appease her. But, he is also immensely happy to do so if it means he gets to return home to her at the end of each day.
That doesn't sound healthy, fookin gold diggers

Anyways i say we tip him about Margo's other businesses and own house, we must have seen where the valuables are and how to get to them while we were her assistant
That sounds wonderful! He’ll put his sister on it right away! But... he’s suspicious as to why you’re telling him this since you’re a complete stranger, basically giving him criminal activity tips out of the blue.
One of her previous workers gave us the tip after some of our friends roughed her up and stabbed her while looking for another job

We thought someone liked him would appreciate the info given how much he already takes, we just want a slice of the money made
That should work then. It won’t really condemn him or prey upon his own greed, but chances are it will get his sister in trouble. He’s fine with your plan though and sharing some profit, if it pans out well.

Are you satisfied to let them mess around with Margot’s businesses and house then, and potentially shoot themselves in the foot?
Sounds good.
sure. Later we can even tell Margot and watch the fireworks when they duke it out with each oher.
Very well then, you’ve no idea when they’ll be on it, but you figure it could take a couple days maybe. Understandably, he doesn’t want to let you in on any plans in case things go awry. It seems like enough rope for them to hang themselves though, so head back for the day?
Go check on the young thief
who dat
The one we let rape us
Not really a thief but sure thing. Takes riding a good ways out of your way but you should be able to reach him by sunset. Make a roll, who knows maybe he’s done a good job.
Rolled 10 (1d100)

Rolled 88 (1d100)


You can ride over for sure, yes and reach his little camp in the woods (though it takes some looking around) and yes indeed he’s still there. He panics at first of course upon your approach, not expecting anyone. He’s got company though, some captive woman dressed rather sparingly. You’d think a hermit or something, like Merryl, but according to the bandit she’s a pagan believer. She’s clearly none too happy about being captured, probably in the same way as you were, but by your own orders the bandit hasn’t mistreated her. She’s unsure about you, given how the bandit isn’t acting hostile towards you.
Or, dressed raggedly is probably the better word than sparingly, clothes in tatters and lots of plant materials and such like she lives in the woods.
Transform! Your soul and servitude or your soul and into the pits of hell
She’s a pagan though, her soul may not go to the Hellscape.
do pagans even play by our rules with completely different pantheon, afterlife and whatnot?

As for wat do, these situations where we tell somebody to go fetch us soul tends to end badly (for victims) so lets talk to the woman. If it goes poorly we can always steal her soul by force and kill her.

Or this, really >>2260129
But I would rather spend at least token effort to know who she is and if she could be useful somehow. Small apology for behaviour of our "friend" , talk in vague terms about us scouting for potential allies and so on... I dont expect much but hey.

Oh, and for the highwayman we have questions after we are finished with the girl. If he knows his way in wilderness/countryside here, if there are more miscreants like him, where are they, if he has contacts etc. Lets clean this place of scum and villainy - or at least nom some additional souls.
Can we do some ritual to assure it becomes ours or goes to hell
You can just converse with her sure, revealing your true self may help your case even. What sort of proposal or argument do you want to make to her? Like offer her servitude, or rewards? Try to convince her that her beliefs are wrong, or she’s been misled?

It’s not like you’re a succubus, so you certainly can take different approaches to convincing people, besides seduction or just brute force. It’ll just take some more finesse to accomplish conversationally or with your personality, what it would with your body or your might.

That ritual claims the soul as yours, but it doesn’t ensure it to the Hellscape. It’s really only useful for personal powerups, like cracking into an energy drink, since it’s worthless for trading.

But yes you can do that if you can’t be bothered to jaw things over with her.
And of course make a roll for a convincing or intimidation attempt if you like. The better described what you say/do, the less high the roll needs to be.
Rolled 13 (1d100)

Rolled 69 (1d100)

offer incentives, comforts and rewards, try to sway her on our side with subtlety while pushing her sin-buttons. On the surface she is living like a hobo which means she really like it or world really hates her (or she is like Merryl, doing forbidden stuff). We need to find out what will tickle her fancy adn then explit it fully. Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. Seven deadly sins. So...

We may aswell start with pride, she is living god knows where and obviously nobody knows about her. She may like it (or not) but that is not a way strong woman should live. Demand respect and acknowledgment.
Look at the other people, with their fancy cities, luxury and niceties. Doesnt she want at least a litlle bit of it for herself and herself alone? (greed and envy)
And how they behave, pompous and overlooking for us, believers of other faiths. They should know better, but alas, nobody is here to teach them a lesson why desecrating places and converting followers is bad for their health. (wrath)
So why not take and use it, enjoy all benefits fully? (lust or gluttony)
And after everything is done and their worls is gone, rule them and force them to make your every whim and wish come true. You will never need to move a finger after that (sloth?)

I am laying it a little thick here but that is all i got.
obviously, dice has some ideas of its own too

Sure enough you can sit down and have a conversation with her. She’s naturally wary of you, a demon, but not as much as a mortal following the theology you belong to, would be. Ever so pleasantly and sweetly, and all the more believable (since herself a pagan, she probably isn’t as aware of the nature or threats demons pose) you pose various arguments to her about why she should consider your proposal, at the same time feeling for any weaknesses she has.

By the end of things, she can’t really deny your validity if you can demonstrate your ability to give power or favor, compared to her living in the woods and worshipping the pagan god she does, with little to show for it and nothing to speak of rewards. Not like she’s greedy and expecting to be lavished with gifts, but if she’s going to devote her life to something, why not something that will actually pay off and can provably do so? Yeah sure, she’ll follow you. Though she would want a trial period first, if you will, to come with you and see what it’s like living with and serving you. If it’s enough of what you cook it up to be, then she’d consider giving her soul over. Fair offer?
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I am ok with that? We have relatively nice house, infinite source of food and we can show her some realy nice tricks or change her to her hearts desire (not sure if we need to slightly corrupt her first but that shouldnt be a problem) in no time.

As for trial period me can draft contract right now and write it as a trial of sorts. If we dont live to her expectaions after some time, she can have her soul back. (naturally, meanwhile we corrupt and influence her to the point she will be extatic).
But no pressure. All she must really remember now is that our identity is secret. If she rats on us, she dies in most painful and horrible way possible. Nothing personal here but it must be said.

Also dont forget to talk to our boi as mentioned here >>2260168

And I am off to bed again. Have an angel, hope we were badass one too when we still had wings.
Oh and pump our new female friend for information too. Who is she, what does she do, special abilities, how is life and some girly stuff... If she is coming with us we may be able to perhaps use her somehow in some way.
Right, right. You get to talking with the bandit, about his position and whatever he might know. Unfortunately he isn’t able to be much help on that matter because he’s only just recently taken to banditry. It seems he started only about a couple weeks ago, when his master was attacked and killed on the road by some supernatural haunted rider. After that, since they were transporting valuables, he kind of panicked and got greedy. Taking the carriage off the road, he stashed it in the woods and has been waiting for any trouble to blow over and people will stop looking for them, so that he can claim the valuables himself and start anew. At least that was his plan, with you now he’s not so sure, maybe you’re punishment for his greed?

Though, all that said, as your servant he’s not unwilling to try and combat that task you had in mind for him, if you still want him to. Anything to avoid punishment or death.

Not a bad place to leave him for now, maybe he’ll catch some other people for you. Together with the pagan woman then you take your leave, sharing the horse back to your house at an easy pace. Along the way you get to talking and knowing one another, to help put a good hand forward with her. Elen is her name, simple enough. She’s part of the pagan community in the area and supports herself with foraging and trade with the elves in the forested region to the east. Not really special abilities but she is quite good at what she does as well as having something of a positive reptuation in the area as far as pagans go, and on occasion she has gained favor from her god. Compared to what you’re offering though, probably not as much to warrant her meager lifestyle; if you’re not lying to her, then after most of her life spent like this, why shouldn’t she get to appreciate some payoff? Not that her life is all bad though, she’s always on the go and meeting new people, hence why she got caught by the bandit in the first place. Unfortunately that doesn’t lend well to maintaining friends and family which she would appreciate. Outside of her other pagan buddies, most folks would rather not associate with her. Short term relationships, at arms length at best. So another aspect of her life she would appreciate a change.

For the contract though, no way she’s signing anything until she gets an idea. Also she can’t read. At any rate you reach home by nightfall, where conveniently enough Mila was waiting for you and rushes outside attentively. You introduce her and Elen, but she wants to talk to you personally. Elen herself is fine to put up your horse and see to him if you just point out the stable, leaving you with Mila whom tells you she brought some poor schmuck for you to exploit and hopefully exclude her from having to work. Some customer from her job at the inn, whom was sweet on her. Of course he can’t compete with Lucas but she led him on for potential better pay, though in this case for you?
What has Mila told this poor sap?
She’s lured him along with sweet nothings and false promises, when he’s merely taken with her. Of course you can try to spoot feed him whatever poison you wish.
I was hoping for someone desperate

In this case i don't know what to offer tbch

She wants him to take her place in working and bringing in money right?
Damn it.
This Is lazy work Mila!

I guess tell him if he and Mila are in love, you're willing to let him move in so they can be together. Of course, he'll have to sign some long legalese first. Make sure he can support them with his salary and all that.
That was her hope, yes. If you need her to earn her keep then she’s hoping to just fetch some slave more or less for you to enthrall into servitude, in her place.

A really bland deception but who knows, it could work if Mila bats her eyes and shows some skin. Make a roll for the attempt!
I say we reject him honestly, the night Lucas gets pent up and goes all dominant he's going to jump ship and probably try to fuck us up in the process
Rolled 70 (1d100)


I don't understand what you're saying, and honestly I think I'm better off that way.
I don't know if my other post went through but posting again in case it didn't.
Voting for rejecting.
The fact he's in love with her just raises a red flag for the future for me.
Slight majority for rejecting it looks like. Well it’s still expected that he would spend the night here after traveling this way and it being dark already. Though it’s going to be pretty weird accomodating him, not only because of his situation towards Mila, but because of all the different layers of “truth” you’re on with different people in the house.

The imps are sleeping outside tonight, he stays with the maid and leaves first thing in the morning

As for Mila, we need desperate people looking for a new start and the like, not lovestruck fools that might compromise our situation and relationship
Well she was hoping, love or not, you’d just enthrall him to unquestioning service and the love part would make that easier. She’ll try better next time, though she’s disappointed her chance to escape working will have to wait.

Do you just want to keep it very sterile and plain in terms of interactions for the evening then? Just put on an innocent act by everyone till the unsuitable match for Mila is gone tomorrow? Then you can get to working with Elen and the others.
I guess. Not sure why anons didn't even try with the guy, have him sign over his soul and his previous wants and needs really don't matter.

That said, I want Ordan's soul. Not like he ever appears in public, he stays in the house and guards Merryl. Having his soul would let us ensure his absolute loyalty, make him excessively strong, all kinds of stuff.
Yeh, das okay
You can play it safe and have the others do the same towards the guy then, but how would you like to entrap Ordan then? It’s seeming more and more likely as time goes on, he’s already about as loyal as he can get.
>THE Ordan Breaking Plan
>Be all friendly and caring for our close servants
>Show him they're happy with what they have
>Single him out
>Transform and tell him
>He's to be our Champion! Such a fine strong specimen! It's only natural he protects us and our people!
>We'll make him stronger if need be, but he's to be our protector against all
>And in return, we'll provide him with whatever he may need or want that we can provide, within reason
I wanted a secret clause in the contract, but other anons don't like that for some reason so >>2261346
Is fine I guess
Well if you’re not doing a scam contract, and trying to convince him personally, then make a roll for the attempt!
Rolled 33 (1d100)

That's better ain't it?
Rolled 97 (1d100)

We're getting the soul either way.

Well with a proposal like that, it all goes to his head! Why, you don’t know what to expect when you ask him aside to speak in person, and in private reveal the truth to him. Certainly though you didn’t expect him to kneel before you and emphatically pledge himself to you when asked. Before he was not but a lowly hired blade, quite a low reputation position for an orc. But here you are, a true demoness lest his wits deceive him! Though you may be an evil creature by nature, you are still a being of high standing by any measure, as low a being as you may be. To be able to serve a warlord, a strong chief or leader, is something to aspire to for any orc. But something so mighty as yourself? Who is he to complain, even if it may mean a descent into evil? None could judge him otherwise, to hold true to what matters.

Not to mention, talk of making him your champion, and granting him power or more? Even just a lowly servant would be satisfactory, but a prime paragon warrior? This is too good to be true, certainly he is the orc for you. In your offer for whatever he may need or want though, in the spur of the moment he feels bold enough to ask for you yourself to be his, though if that is overstepping he has no regrets about being turned down. Just worth a chance he figures. Either way, it seems he’d be more than glad to trade his soul for greatness in your name.
Let's do it in full demoness form and mention the changes will be slow as to not raise suspicion
Agree but his soul is ours after it.
And soundproof the room for this one time.

Seconding this.
Does he mean his as HIS or just a one time thing?
No he means like wife.
We'll mindwipe him and make him forget halfway through. Because I assume he was planning to claim us if we said yes?

I guess
Well he was hoping something along the lines of being like a power couple. But that may not suit you. Of course you don’t have to accomodate him at all but if you want to throw him a bone then banish his memory after getting his soul you can. Though, if his memory is getting banished is there any point to giving him what he wants to begin with?
Just erase the part about wife, let him remember him everything else cuz it's important
Yes. The massive corruption boost aside from the soul.
But thinking about it now it's probably useless since we're getting his soul.
But fuck it we're already doing it.
good work anons, Plan Orcish Army is a go

playing devils advocate here: why not lead him into some sort of mutual understanding where we will be more than happy to play our part in beeing his for powerplay reasons and he will of course be our number one orc (i really thing getting ourselves army or at least a bunch of orc fighters would be nice since Ordan turned out very well, so we can use them to tackle enemies and other annoying elements). It is not full wife mode but considering Lucas and everything around its is at least something.
Very well then, as you are already going this far you might as well. Besides, it seems appropriate to bring in the final servant to the fold with some celebration, and a chance to be and enjoy yourself.

So having already taken to his room and after dinner at then when most have retired to bed, you make the agreement. A swelling of devotion for you then to do this, and though he is hesitant to act towards you in such a manner, his boldness and orcish drive win out as he lavishes you with affection. How very much more appropriate and enjoyable it all feels, as your true self than as some mortal disguise, that you welcome him to carry you to the bed. The two of you make rough, passionate love as only an orc and a demoness can, and well-thought that you sound proof the room otherwise no one else would have slept. Eventually satisfying one another after a long and rigorous time, the bed strains to support the two of you in the lusty afterglow of sin. Your lithe form, a demonic parody of womanhood, against his powerful form, a savage mortal pinnacle of manhood, few matches better made. Heaving, sweaty bodies staining the bed with sin. Such a shame that it’s just a little treat you’re handing out to him for his devotion, he could have made a decent mortal partner.

Ah, but need not worry about that now, just enjoy the sensation and company. He certainly did, and does, though if only he knew how wonderful an experience it was for you, compared to the usual torments of your home beneath. Lost in thought, you find yourself confused and perhaps even a little annoyed when he tries and fails to stifle some laughter.

”Wh-What? What is it, spit it out!”

”We both green.”

Hmm, yes. An appropriate coincidence you suppose, the hue of his orcish skin and your own, a sort of greenish, reddish, brownish mix. But side by side, skin to skin and body to body, yes visibly green. Funny, you share a little in the laughter.

The next day you awaken to the sense of movement through your domain, the house. Yes, how very much more in-tune you are as your true self. Well someone is awake, maybe someones. Ordan is fast asleep though, spent after your passionate exchange last night. You have lots on your mind, lots to do and a soul contract for him to sign only just there on the side table. But... you suppose you could cherish the feeling of laying in his arms and among the covers for awhile more. Oh how you look forward to being able to remain yourself, your true self more often if not always.

>How to proceed?
Everyone knows and is complete okay with it now
Now we can walk around Nekkid as a full demon during the night

We should invest today into cleaning and springing the place up with all of our servants except for those who work.

Send the maid off to get some seeds to grow back the flowers and trees while the test clean the grounds and stuff
Rolled 5 (1d7)

That’s a viable idea if you want to devote yourself to that path. Like take up your lot and cause with the orcs and related races. However, while it could lead to lots of possibilities, it would also mean probably giving up on this sedentary and noble human life. Of riding off with your orc “husband” and chief-to-be seeking a warband to heed your wishes and will, and following in the footsteps of his kind and their culture of nomadic warlike tendendices. At least in this (majority human) land after all, orcs won’t get far trying to play by the accepted human customs, rules and norms, without significant struggle. But it is possible, just as is leading your own hellish green skinned army.
You can walk around however you want whenever you want now that everyone is aware. Also as benefit of the Warren, you don’t have to worry about having as many imps as you care to running around all the time. At least in the house.

Which, if you want to clean and spruce the house up, the imps would be perfect for that, while everyone else can busy themselves with the grounds. Unless you want to risk the imps being outside, though considering you could basically just unleash and dump hundreds upon hundreds or more onto the grounds to clean it up, even with little chores, so many of them together could have the work done in under an hour if that.

As for seeds, that’s not something so easily obtained, however appropriately enough Elen not only knows of how to obtain various types but also she’s fairly skilled at taking care and nurturing plants, with her foraging skills. She’d be happy to take care of that task for you, and of course maintaining the agreement you both have.
Nah let's all do it, imps included

There's no joy like doing it yourself and with other people!
For humans at least, dunno about demons
something to consider if we get bored with playing nice and want to conquer and burnt he world


>wat do?
making house great again >>2261598
shanghai everybody into checking the house for problems,fetching stuff from city etc. what must be repaired and so. Grounds are mess too, so let our bois and grils do a list of things that need to change and then we just threw imps on it (with human supervision). Inside they should be fine, outside... lets do repairs in the deep of night and look for trouble while they are at it. It wouldnt do if somebody see this madness and run to authorities. And every willing helping hand is ok too.

Ad for us, as long as we are in da house and only our guys are around, we stay demon. It is time to enjoy fruits of our work, even if for limitrd time and confined in small place.
some people like to work and help, if they want to, I say we let them. It is win-win for everybody around.
Alright then, make a roll for the day, to see if by random, anyone happens past and catches sight of what’s going on. Strangers, that is.
Rolled 4 (1d100)

Rolled 27 (1d100)


> TO-DO list

> make the house great again - IN PROGRESS
we impress pagan girl with this and everybody should be more then happy with end results

> corrupt and use pagan girl to convert others
souls for the soul goddess. also can we "convert" her to our "faith"? so she will become something along the line of missionary for us? I have a long term plan in mind here, to convert and de-soul rest of her pagan friends and turn them into our followers. Their god obviously suck, we can surely do better!

> ordan
make him (over time) stronk and hueg, use him to gather or contact one or two more like-minded orcs to form some more formidable force in case we will need it? not sure if we have room to accomodate them though.
Alternatively we can use him to just gather orcs, one at a time, show them how great and awesome he is and then tell them if they want to be like this, he knows somebody powerfull and strong who can make it happen. Orcs crave power so why not give it to them. For a soul, naturally.

> hellscape
invest souls into fort with emphasis on defense first, more servants second, utility third. I believe atm we dont have souls we can get rid of without risk so lets use what we have to upgrade our stuff.

> imps
watch bro and sis while they try rob Margot, dig more info on them. Look for other interesting people to corrupt.

> I am losing sight of what is happening where and for what , so many things to do... I really need to start writing this down somewhere.
ugh, our rolls suck... anybody else lurking here?
Rolled 73 (1d100)

And damn, I completely overlooked this:

> movement in the house
who is this? Can we tell? Is it Milas "guest"? Or Merryl beeing possesed? Is something going on behind our back? Paranoid mode ON!
Will answer these questions and then that will probably be it for tonight, but will resume with these rolls and the grounds keeping tomorrow.


Coverting pagans to your theology is hard but possible, much easier for the holy types. Though pagan souls are worth less, but not significantly so, not like you couldn’t benefit from them. If you wanted to use Elen as an in-road towards her pagan community though, this could be possible. Certainly easier if you uphold your end of the bargain and can present a better life than they had with their god.

I believe the idea was to use the groundskeeper’s house in the meantime for any “forces” you gather, in lieu of some sort of proper fortification elsewhere. Without renovations, the groundskeeper’s house could comfortably accomodate up to four people of average size. That’s without renovations, either mundane or supernatural, like making it bigger inside than should be possible.

As for Ordan himself, yes you could probably improve him up and that way draw to him likeminded orcs. Worth noting though that you don’t only have to rely on orcs for tough folks, nor for that racial group. Trolls and goblins for example are cousin-like species to orcs, and often share similar values and customs. Just a consideration, just as you could have Ordan in charge but of a force of kobolds or something, anything is possible.

At the moment, you have two souls which could be conventionally used (without risk), the maid’s and the bandit’s. Four, if you anticipate Ordan’s and Elen’s.
Oh fuck
Same here
Make sure to send off the guest and check up on Merryl
Again, Merryl cannot be possessed within the house, except by a superior of yours, which her current owner is not.

By your senses you think it’s the maid, it’s someone without a soul and Merryl these days is usually either too lazy to wake up early, or too tired after nights spent with Lucas.

Speaking of Merryl, we should change he again some time soon
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Oh you~~!

Well, Merryll. Right now all I am hoping for is that we dont sudennly go full retard and kill her for no apparent reason (all that KILL MERRYL NOW noise is annoying). I am ok with smiting her if she fucks up again but until that time no killing pls. Also potentially bad PR with everybody in da house so just avoid it.

As for long-term plans, we could try to cuddle her up to beeing adorable little sis she was before we beat her. It would require our apology and sorrow and sadness with our work (I am not saying real one but she doesnt need to know that, right?), some mind-poking and generally speaking just us beeing nice and attentive to her so she could thaw again. This includes learnign her proper witchcraft, what to avoid (she is pants at summoning iirc, low willpower?), etc.

When we finnaly get her soul, I would like to return it to her and then ask for it nicely. So we can keep our resident witch safe, sound, and improve her in way she will never wever think is possible. (We can skip this ofc, but she damned herself once already and there is very good chance she will be dumb and do so again)

>need to go now, cont in few hours
I'm pretty sure he's joking at this point, as long as nothing happens it's just something funny to joke about

Also those were pretty much my plans for her, i wanna go back to the big-lil sis relationship

Overall good stuff anon but the only thing I'm worried about is giving her soul back but if we do all this and that point she won't have any thoughts about leaving us

Also it's 3am, G'night Anon
No these are awful ideas. Give her soul back? Wtf are you on? We keep it and change her to be whatever we want. Make her forget the beating, make her forget she ever lost her soul, but most importantly make her less of a colossal failure.

Not joking. I've always thought that instead of trading multiple souls for Merryls, it would be more efficient to kill Merryl and use a single soul to throw Hellish Party, which would attract multiple witches and warlocks. I just happen to be the only one who wants this.
giving Merryl her soul back and taking it afterwards is just optional action for flavor and our secret demonic amusement.

As for the rest of what you mentioned, sure we can do that. It just feels way to cheesy with zero work on our side (maybe it is just me, dunno).
I dont know if our demoness has personality beyond the hivemind suggestions but big part of feeling good about your accomplishment is that you put down some effort to make them come true. Or at least that was the vibe I got from her actions so far, that she dont mind get her hands dirty and is more talky and less mind-rapey because letting people damn themselves is much better. (but again, this could be just me)

I am going to support whatever decision that seems reasonable enough and appropriate at given time. But crying all day long to "kill merryl" no matter what is basically on same level with "lets kill ourselves lol" nonsence you can see in some quests around here. Merryl fucked up once, was punished and so far she has clean slate again. And she knows next time she screw things will be the last time for her. I am secretly hoping OP is not faget and will veto stupid random bullcrap MC would not normally do. That shit aint funny yo.

After we get her soul back we can finally do some subtle changes to her behavior and personality. More confidence, better willpower, make her a touch smarter and tone down her prone-to-failure stat. I dont know/remember if we already discussed this in greater detail but in general terms I am talking about tweaking this or that, not mindfucking and personality wipe/rewrite. No matter what, at very least, I believe we can prohibit her to talk about anything incriminating and she must obey, yes?

For greater future plans for her, we can do pretty much anything from leaving her at home as ours cuddly witchy plaything to train her as murderwitch to do our bidding, convert people and be adorably badass (and then she receives headpats).
Now that just kills the mood
You might see it that way, but I don't think you're looking at the issue objectively. Plus achieving our goals is already going to take plenty of effort, no need to go looking for more needlessly. Why voluntarily make things hard for ourself?
>letting people damn themselves is better

This is always the case. A person sinning of their own volition is always more valuable to you than being enticed, manipulated, or made to sin.


So after rather anti-romantically sealing the deal with Ordan once he wakes up eventually, basically waiting at the ready with the contract when he stirs, you banish thoughts of marriage from his mind and invite him to get up with you for the day. Which, he’s not opposed to but before you can get out of bed he grabs and pulls you close affectionately, cherishing you in his arms and asking what his mistress bids?

So, after Mila’s failed mark is sent on his way, you throw on a gown and appreciate being able to walk around in your house, as yourself without worry for the first time. It takes some getting used to from the others, but it’s an amazing feeling, both physically and to not have to hide anymore. It’s not like a sudden reversal in personality though, you’re still yourself, so trepidation from the others soon fades. If they were expecting a terrible and fearsome demon to run the roost now, well they’re in for disappointment, but also relief; you’re still you. Back on the Hellscape you’d be torturing them all for sure, but up here of course you can breathe easy, so are fully capable to just sit down with them to breakfast pleasantly and normally. A big benefit this does, towards your bond with them and their resolve to remain. Something which Elen notices in particular, though there’s still the unnerving matter of the nondescript maid wandering about as a dull and fearful servant, obviously enthralled by you.

So over a late breakfast with the others and conversation among them, mostly around getting to know Elen if she could possibly be another addition to the circle, you resolve to make a big change in celebration of your “coming out” if you will. Too long has your estate been a sorry reflection of your lowly mortal disguise, when instead it should be a grand edifice to your demonic majesty! So appropriately for the season, it’s time for spring cleaning, and everyone should find something to do.

So not too long after breakfast and everyone getting a chance to get properly dressed and ready for the day, you start figuring out work to do with them and try to find out what needs doing. Mila and Elen leave together, the former for her job in town and the latter, Lucas taking the day off so she can have his spot on the horse in order for her to go and fetch some of the plants and seed sorts which would benefit the grounds. Otherwise, everyone else contributes to the work effort of either cleaning and sprucing up the main and separate house, or clearing the grounds around them. All of this of course, bolstered by quite literally a reddish tidal wave of imps allowed by you to gush forth from the houes and flood the property. Quite a hectic sight and a bit worrisome for anyone outside of your group to see, but you don’t think it’s a problem, and a chance to take things easy for the time being, again part of the little celebration of being able to walk about your own property without needing a disguise.

Not to mention with so many imps around, all the work (although more hectic and prone to accidents or sabotage) goes phenomenally more quickly.
All through most of the day it goes, you’re able to marvel at how generally productive having such a vast labor force while directed over by your mortal companions is. What would have taken a team of working men a week or more to remove overgrowths and dead plants while making room for new ones in the expansive grounds around the house itself, as just one example of the work that needs doing, for the imps it doesn’t take more than a few hours. Half a day at most for some tasks. And for them, they’re just happy to be free of the Hellscape for however short a time, even if it means lots of hard work. Really all you’d need now for the estate to be really fantastic, is the replacement greenery of course, but a few wagons of supplies for repair. Some masonry for the walls around the house grounds, tiles for the roof, paint for places inside outside, etc... just general construction goods. With those handy, you expect the immediate estate grounds (the walls and everything inside them) could be restored at least to as good as they were when first built, if not better and done so in maybe a day.

Yes indeed, a very productive day overall and something of a point of pride and promise for you, to get to watch and marvel at your own little slice of hell in the mortal realm, your little imp army teeming across the grounds of your stolen manor. Now if only you had a whole city like this... or a country...


Only one slip up unfortunately, but you suppose it’s to be expected. A young farming couple on their way to visit some relatives with goods, got a little lost it seemed and in seeking directions and maybe some help, they ran afoul of the restoration work; basically finding their way to the gate and taking a look inside, seeing the busy imp army. Of course the surge of imps were able to quickly chase after, catch, and drag them kicking and screaming back inside along with their horse.

What to do with them you wonder, over a late lunch, though you wonder how this even happened. Wasn’t someone supposed to be on gaurd against this specific risk? You go to find out for yourself, and let out a resigned groan in realization, when your asking around and investigating reveals the truth.

”Typical, why am I surprised?”

It seems the strong feelings of some hearts in the house, rubbed off on some of the imps. Or at least the gossip and rumor mill. Lucas had been on guard at the front gate to keep watch of anyone happening past, but stud that you made him to be, he got a little distracted when some imp girls curious about his... prowess, shall we say, approached him with interest. Needless to say, he wasn’t doing a good job of guarding the gate, when he was busy having a romp with a few of them secluded off to the side.

Damn imps, dutiful but terribly fickle. You can probably expect some trouble from them whenever you have so many and such a big effort. At least this basic, lowliest of imps.
In any case, most of the work is all done for the day, at least the work you set out to do, and it’s only about mid-afternoon. So still plenty of day left, though you have to figure out what to do with this captive peasant couple.
Just imagine a posse of female Imps whom just barely reaching Lucas's thighs going at it with him.
Poor things must have been used as cocksocks
I vote for killing and taking souls then call some wolves to clean up and blame.
Give them a chance to sign over their entire souls. If they do, they can go back to their farm and forget this ever happened. As in we'll literally make them forget.
I wanted to do restoration of grounds at night to minimize problems but whatever, souls for the soul goddess.

> witnesses! wat do?
I presume Elen is not around atm? So only our inner circle knows?
Ok, before we do this >>2262374 lets interrogate them first. (as Amelie or demon? anons? either has its benefits and drawbacks)
Who are they, why are they here, who knows about them, who is waiting for them (basically if we can dispose of them easily or they will be missed). And after that we can do some good old tempting. We shoud be able to have some understanding of both of them after talk. At the very least we should try to make the soul-or-die deal. Or riches, or what they want. We should present ourselves as nice lady/demon who doesnt want to harm them though, but cannot allow them to leave jus on their good word no to tell anybody. Perhaps they may benefit of some imp help themselves?

> Lucas
"By the Satans hairy balls, Lucas! You had one job, one job!" facepalm and make mental note to talk to him later and maybe slightly tone down his urges to fuck anything that is willing (or just willpower to resist temptation).
Do you want to present a case to them for that? Or just threaten? Either way, make a roll for the effort.

Well you increased his virility, but it’s not like he’s incredibly endowed, if you will. Said imps wouldn’t have been able to try the same thing with Ordan, for example.

Well you should have made more clear at night lol. But yes, Elen is absent currently.
As a demon. Gotta love that fear factor.
This sounds good too but I don't trust some farmers to keep their mouth shut.
Now that you mention virility. Is it safe to assume Mila ad Merryl are pregnant?
Soul compulsion is absolute. We aren't trusting them. They are literally unable to rat on us.
Rolled 58 (1d100)

I am strongly suspecting OP is having way to much fun with this.

rolling for demonic interrogation, deals and threats in this order. like i wrote here >>2262387
. We can always kill them if we fail (also if we have their souls, we can wipe their minds so they will remember nothing, yes?)

I thought I was. Guess I wasnt after all.
Rolling I guess. If we fail we go with:
Rolled 20 (1d100)

It would've been nice if I had rolled.
Oh, and I just got bad idea... OP, what happens when be grab living being (say, those two unlucky humans) and toss him/her through hellfire? Will said person survive the experience? If yes, what will happen to him/her afterwards (assumin he/she lands in our fort)?
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Just threaten

Souls or die
Mention we can rip away parts of their souls as we kill them anyway
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Here is my roll.
You didn’t increase his fertility, nor Mila or Merryl. It could be possible but it’s not a given.

They would certainly die.


You approach the two captives as you are, frightening them even more than being held fast by a bunch of tormenting imps. You want to know what they’re doing here and about them. According to their shaky responses, as you already know they’re just peasants traveling to meet family. People they lived with, and the family they are traveling to would know about them, be expecting them, and worry when they go missing. However you get them to admit that they live pretty far away (how they were even able to get lost) so you believe if they were to go missing, it’s not like it would obviously be your place that people come looking, they could have vanished anywhere on the long distance.

Well now that that’s out of the way, you can get down to brass tacks, and tell them the reality of the situation and how they’re in danger. Interestingly, the guy right off the bat, offers to willingly give you his soul and serve you or whatever it is demons want, if you will let the girl go unharmed. He’s strong in resolve against you, but for her sake he’ll sacrifice himself more or less. The girl though is more shaky and terrified of you, and is more open to deals and what you could offer her maybe if it means not dying. You could just scare and threaten her, or try to make offers and see what she’ll take maybe. Your choice on that matter, no need to roll.

You also take the chance, in between interrogating one and then the other, to chide Lucas for his lusty carelessness. He sincerely apologizes and wants to redeem himself if you have any way. He slipped it, it’s just that the imps came on very strong and he also felt sorry for them, the way they described their situation and how he could help. True enough you improved his virility but it’s not like he’s a mindless lust beast yet, this was just a mistake which happened to be lust-related. Probably because as you know, the imps gossip and spread rumors, chances are Merryl probably started said gossip offhand.
They can both go unharmed but soulless!
> victims
"He is willing to give his soul for your safety, arent you going to reciprocate, dear girl?" but really, lets just get both of their souls in exchange for their freedom today, wipe their minds of whole thing and send them on their merry way. All they remember from now on is some random traveler pointing them in righ direction to their relatives. Road to damnation is paved with good intensions after all.

...aaaand ka-ching, we have those two souls to trade for Merryls (they are sufficient, right?)

>Merryl again
Oh come on, really? But to tell the truth, we can hardly blame her for this. It is partially our fault for not forseeing what will happen with too virile Lucas, and Lucas is to blame for being more interested in sex than doing his job. I say we publicly good-naturedly humiliate Lucas in front of everybody and tell our friends to not fuck imps. srsly, guys. dont.
We should be thanking Merryl. We got two souls thanks to her.
Headpat Lucas too.
A surprise and a slip up to be sure. But a welcome one.

Reward Merryl's mistake with some physical change?
Rolled 3 (1d4)

Don’t see how you could blame Merryl in any reasonable capacity on this one, it’s just a product of her sitting at home all day, often bored while the imps are around. Obviously there’s going to be times when she wants to talk with someone, and one topic of conversation is her relationship status. It’s not like where she admitted you were a demon to Lucas, she was probably just offhandedly talking about how Lucas makes her happy and is a good lover.


If you steal their souls, wipe their memories and send them on their way though, then at some point or other it’s going to be noticed that they’re soulless. Also if you let them go, and use their souls to trade for Merryl, the devil you’re trading to will be able to control them. What happens if he has them to start talking or try to sabotage you?

As for the victims themselves, after hearing the guy is offering to sacrifice himself, the girl is very endeared by this fact but she’s not willing to go that far for him at risk to herself. No, she’s not willing to make the exchange without something really good for, and her safety was the guy’s only compromise even in the face of torture and eternal torment.
"Girly, you two are package deal. Either you both give me your souls willingly and you will live to see another day happy and none the wiser or I will rip them from your bodies by force and kill you when I am done. I am merely asking nicely here, because I am in a good mood. For now." Slightly poke her mind in right direction and put some fear of hell into her? Surely she dont want to be soulraped and killed. I suppose we can sweeten the deal with some small boon, but cmon, she surely isnt completely stupid. We can even make both of them forget this conversation ever happened so they will still love each other (guy must be pretty pissed she threw him overboard by now)

We can always kill them right after the trade in hell is done, just saying. Possesed humans are still humans with no aditional abilities, right?
You threaten her but to this, she’s actually a bit defiant in holding out for a better deal. You’re right in that she’s not stupid; she knows if no matter how badly you treat her, only she by her own actions can condemn her soul. She’ll die before she gives in and willingly gives you what you want, because at least she’ll still have a place in heaven.

Buuut... if the guy is willing to sacrifice himself, then she can sell her soul for wonderful gifts and reward, and not have to worry because he’d still have sacrificed himself for her. So she can reap the rewards in her mortal life, and in the afterlife still reach heaven because of his sacrifice. It’s a real shame for him and she’d be terribly sorry, but if this is the reality of the situation they are in now, she sees a chance to win big at his expense rather than both of them losing.

>Kill them right after the trade in hell is done

You’re going to let them go though right? So you’d make the trade and then have to go track them down to kill them. Otherwise even in a short time away, their new devil owner could make use of them, possibly against you.

> girly
She will have place in heaven even with her soul in our possesion? Really? Who told her such a load of crap? Just laught about it but hey, lets humor her and negotiate. She has spirit and we like that. (time to read her mind and start truly manipulate - lets find out what she craves)

Also, are there any anons around or is it just me and >>2262836?

> kill them
pretty much this. Let imps watch them and when we greenligh them they rip the couple to shreds. Unfortunate and sad, but neccesary.
Or perhaps we may talk that devil guy into not using this particular couple against us while we agree to do the same with merryl (and close looholes with our legal department).
I don't know anon. I've got a bad feeling about giving them to Merryl's owner.
Have Lucas and Ordan do it. Lucas will be spearheading most tasks from now on.
Well what she wants is like a shopping list, she wants to be beautiful, she wants to not have to work anymore, basically a cushy life.

If you want to just kill them you can, but harming the girl will mean the contract with the guy is void (you didn’t let her go without harm), and the girl wouldn’t have given up her soul anyway. You can of course steal their souls, but those aren’t capable of being traded, they don’t have lasting value; the moment they get used they just go to their proper afterlife (in this case heaven) so they’re really only useful for powering yourself up rather than cashing in use or being traded.
Can we pull some devil trickery and agree, get the guy's soul and then come up with another plan to get the girl's?
Could you elaborate? you want to task Lucas and Ordan with killing them?

Alternatively we can just let the couple go, leave the grounds, snatch them again with imps, tie them and keep them somewhere safe and after the trade is done dispose of them safely.

As an afterthought, devil in question will not be pleased with our dickery so he may retaliate. So it is either:

1) do nothing and hope for the best
2) non-agression pact with devilguy
3) kill the couple and look for third soul

> stolen souls go to heaven
dis general knowledge? y/n
but we can always lie about this, we are good lier

> shopping time
beautiful is easy, we can do that
as for not working, can we summon one of our minion to give her chest full of gold or something while her soul will go to us?
this is also an option
If you can come up with such trickery, without breaking the rules. But that’s on you.

>general knowledge

Righteous souls, of your theology, go to heaven. That is common knowledge. If a demon steals a soul, that isn’t ruining the soul’s sanctitiy, that’s just proving the evil nature of a demon.

So for anyone pious enough or just listened when they went to church or read the good book, then it’s common knowledge that remaining faithful till death, even in the face of torture and horrors, will still provide your soul to heaven. You can lie all you want but the girl seems at least faithful enough to know this so without some amazing scheme you’re not going to be able to convince her she’s wrong on that.

But yes, assuming you fulfill her shopping list and don’t harm her and let her go, the by giving her the gifts she’ll give you her soul willingly and you’ll have kept up your side of the bargain for the guy and he’ll give his soul willingly.
o fuc quick act natural guyds
>THE Demon Trickery Plan
>Agree to the guys terms
>Get his soul and dispose of him
>Let the girl go
>Call some hostile wolves
>Wait for them to incapacitate her
>Come to the "rescue"
>We save her life for her soul and riches to rebuild a new life as a boon for the bad luck

Or if she still refuses, use a ritual to make the souls ours after her death by the wolves injuries on her

Technically doesn't break any rules, we let her go but as far as anyone's concerned, the wolves are just bad luck
>tricking the girl
well, for not working, can we "give" her some of our imps, so they will do her bidding as long as her soul is in our possesion? If she commands them, they wil ldeliver - gold, stuff, labor... and when. wording matters ofc but the gist of it is they leave her the very moment we trade her soul and it wont break the contract because it was written in clever legalise.

dunno, this may work or blow up, besides we cant use stolen soul for trading. we need willing donor here
Well you could get her soul but you’d lose the guy’s soul, since you killed her. I mean he wouldn’t know because he’s dead by then but for the purpose of the contract it would void it.

That could work but the simpler answer also worked too, just giving her money. Or setting her up somplace nice. Your choice, on shoving her off with a box of gold or “giving” her some imps.
How much gold is enought to have nice life until she dies? I would prefer giving her imps with a tweeest since we have like 5k in gold and no easy way to replace them (unless we can call for help to hell, you didnt answer us that one)
Lurker here.
I have to go but I'll try to post when I can.
We *could* send him to search for another person to replace the girl then let her go
risky, and he will most likely end up same way Mila did. Normal humans are rather bad at finding good canditates to corrupt unless they are already in the deep water themselves (and even then they still suck, look at higwayman or that random guy and his girl we killed waaay back. They just snach first guy or gal they can and call it a day)
So qe let the girl go? With some gold
Ok, wrapping it up in one post because it is becomnig rather confusing.

>wat do with gril and boi
Boi is easy, all we need to do is let the girl go.

Girl wants beauty, we can do that afther she hands over her soul.
As for nice life, OP is dead so we dont know how much money is enough for it.
If the amount is reasonable (or we can summon gold from hell, somehow, with assistance from our minions - keep in mind we need girls soul for ourselves tho), give her money and word contract in a way we are trading for fixed amount of cash and some beautyfying.
If this is not possible, "give" her imps and word contract in a way that we are giving her beautyfying and imps are hers as long as her soul is in our possesion (so she will loose them after we trade with devilguy)

If everything goes well and both souls are ours, mindwipe/alter the couple and send them on their merry way.

>thats all i guess
Sounds good anon
No imps. Shove her off with a box of gold summoned from hell, and give her 8/10 looks once we have her soul. Don't trade their souls for Merryls. Keep the mans, send the girls down to your minions.
going to sleep, later anons

> TO-DO list, tl;dr edition
because I hate you
as always, everything here is up to discussion

> meido
single her out and talk to her. we had quite a rocky beginning but she is doing her job properly and we are truly sorry for the whole gender/spieces bending thing and everything (like, yknow, stealing her soul and threatening her with death and doom). we want to do amends, for what is worth because we hate to see her all stressed and uncomfortable. If we are unable to talk her down and set things right so Elen want be suspicious of something fishy happening, just change meidos memories of events so she will be happy to serve and so on
Bottom line: we are making good impression on Elen, therefore meidos attitude need fixing

> Elen and pagans
Do some in-depth talking about pagans, their village/community, what gods they believe in, how is life, do they have priesthood or something like that - we want to know what to expect from her friends, what are their needs and how can we possibly help.
We may even start breaking her faith by saying that supernatural beings like us, gods and whatnot are all the same when it comes down to power, souls, and worshippers. More we get, more powerful we are, and and all those nice things and promises priests sputter around are pretty much just that - promises and bullshit. We, on the other hand, are not hiding anything from her and telling her how it works behind the scene. In exchange for souls and worship we can do miracles, not some parlor tricks or “be good and you will go to heaven after you die, maybe” and other nonsense, and we deliver. She saw the house, right? Imps are just a tip of the iceberg, now imagine veritable army of them working for betterment of her village, ability to wield powerful magics, be stronger then ten men combined, or just be free to pursue her passions, desires and dreams freely and without reprise or repercussions from our side.
We also want to see her village and people at some point in the future co we can evaluate what is what and wat do.
And of course we want to corrupt Elen and get her soul eventually.
(atm I am tired as hell so I am probably rambling but I hope it gets the point across)

> Lucas and co.
tune down their sex drive a little bit so things like impfucking won’t happen again
Also, spend some time with all of them. Lately we were running around raping and getting raped so one lazy day full of social interactions won’t hurt, right?

> Ordan
this has some merit >>2261666. Thoughts, anons?

> Merryl
in case we are successful with getting souls from that couple, and after we do hellscape trade, surprise her with good news and start something along the line of this >>2261720

>cont of >>2263351

> house repairs
either summon everything we need from hell (see hellscape below) or go to town and get estimation on material and other stuff we need. jew every vendor to hell and back so they will give us nice price, buy everything, let them deliver it to our porch and throw imps on repairs (same scenario as cleaning grounds basically)

> box of parchment and writing supplies
see house repairs, jew vendors and buy for ridiculously low price

> better imps
wha is dis? how can we get dis? benefits? we should probably use them instead of normal imps, if we can?

> imp watch
we need to keep tabs on sis, bro (they want to steal from Margot) and highwayman (we gave him some tasks to do). put imps on it so we will have fresh intel whenever something interesting pops up.
Also scout for other potential targets/victims

> hellscape
status report, how are things
send all souls we can us or trade, keep stolen ones with us to empower our demon self (if I understand it correctly, stolen soul can be used only for our personal power gain , we can’t do anything else with it, like upgrade fort?)
upgrade keep - defense, offense (get more minions?), utility (summon gold and stuff to (not just) repair house, better imps, idk). Just give us options I guess
trade merryls soul and try to negotiate nonaggression pact with devil guy. srsly, we dont care much about stuff in hell but we don’t want to be on our toes just because some retard in hell wants no fuck with us for no apparent reason.
bloodquill/pen - what did you learn my demons? attack or buy?

Supporting no imps
No. Don't waste time on her, we have her soul. Rewrite her personality to be more cheerful.

We really just need to show her how we live. Not super glamorous now, but definitely way better than the average person.

>Lucas and co.


Not yet. I don't want to make the 2 living souls trade. 3 dead souls if we're really going to do this.

>house repairs
not a priority. why the obsession with ripping off vendors?

>better imps
I highly suspect we get better imps by sending more souls to our minions in hell.

Keep some souls with us for personal power. I said a while ago we should keep the souls we acquire without hellscape help, and they get the ones we need them for. Right now with the farming couple, we get the mans soul by ourselves so we keep it, and we need hellscape magic to summon gold for the woman, so they get her soul.
> elen
To clarify Elen part see this. >>2261649 and >>2261666
I dont want just her soul. I want souls of all pagans she lived with. And she is gonna help us with it, hence wider and broader approach.

> house repairs
in case we are unable to produce gold from thin air, we ned to minimize our expenses. sure, we can steal, but that attracts attention in such a big volume.

And now I am really off.
You can’t see the future or anything, but you suspect like 2.5k gold should sufficiently be enough to live off, as long as she isn’t stupid and blows it all. Fortunately, you could give her that amount, and it would suit the stipulations of the contract she wants. Or if you wanted just keep her here under the stipulations of a good life and keep the money.

You can summon gold from the Hellscape in theory, but for one thing it’s hellish gold, and for another thing you currently don’t have the fort upgraded enough to provide for that so your minions would actually need to trade for or take it.

But that’s the plan then? Have them sign over both souls, then beauty her up, give her a box of gold and send her on her way? Of course, compelling her not to be able to spill the beans about you.

>cont. to answer the walls of text
You say that like swindling a bunch of merchants won't get us talked about. At least if we steal they won't know it was us.

Also, Elen wants to know if worshipping us will give her a better life than worshipping her pagan gods. If she sees that it does, i.e. observes us living like a noble with our companions, she will convert, and vouch for us to her friends.
Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Give her the Hellish gold. In addition to the no talk about us compulsion, add a small exception. If she gets asked about her lack of soul and infernal funding, have her point the askers to a demon far away from where we are. Other side of the country or something.
She can have just been born without a soul. And you don’t have the acess to the hellish gold.

But yes you get a signature from both then, alter the girl’s form to her liking, shove a box of gold in her hands and send her on her way. Though she might have made another good servant, but you have the guy though now at least.
Weren't we going to kill the guy?

The maid’s problem is that she is under the assumption that she’s nothing more than that, your maid. You own her body and soul, and she fears retribution for slipping up, after when she saw your punishment of Merryl. If you eased up on your expectations of her and let her live a little, maybe find some ways to improve her happiness, then she’d probably open up more. As is though you barely treat her more than an imp, why, you never even bothered to ask her name.

Enticing the pagans is one thing, but worship is completely different and something you may not want to dabble in. Servitude, soul submission, these things suit your demonic nature. Worship though, faith devotion, strays into the realm of elevating you beyond just demon to apiring deity. A very complicated business.

>Lucas and co
I assume you mean the circle? What’s the matter, don’t want to throw a bone to your imps now and then? How very cruel a mistress you are. Also if you keep scaling back Lucas, he’s less likely to be able to perform as your stud for the women in the house. Already he’s spending nights with Mila and Merryl, and keeping them happy and satisfied to his credit, but if you keep scaling back your improvements to him that may be his maximum. Already those wretched imp girls wore him out for the day.

You can make that trade but do you really want it to be still living folks you knowingly exploited? Again, if their new owner wished, they could be a serious thorn in your side either by being possessed or just getting to blab about you.

That was brought up but I just wanted to make sure. Since if he’s killed, well he can’t be brought back. Mostly.

Why kill him? No.

I'm happy with things right now. Pass the womans soul down to our hellscape minions, and get a status from them.

>vendors and supplies
That’s a lot of scamming. I take it you want to change your identity each time? Or else you’re going to end up with a bad reputation quickly.

>better imps
The more you upgrade the Warren, the better imps you can get. Right now you just have access to common imps, but just like there’s a demon or a devil or a fiend hierarchy, so too is there one for imps and higher tier ones are more capable, stronger, etc.

Like just one example, the common imps you use now, the best they can manage as disguise is to appear as wild dogs or something like that. Higher level imps though could appear as a person.

So you’ve finished the grounds renovations, and dealt with the peasant couple. You can deal with your Hellscape minions later tonight when everyone is alseep (because even though everyone knows you’re a demon now, there’s still some secrets best kept), but for the rest of the day you can handle one of the tasks listed out. What do you want to devote your attention to?

>The maid
>Other members of the close circle
>The pagans

Or if you had something else in mind.
Ask about how they live normally and what their beliefs are. Ask how she likes living in our party mansion.
Let's take today off like that anon said, use today to just relax and have some fun

And let's also get the maid to be cheery, friendly and stuff
So after the renovations you recall the imps, sending most of them back to the Hellscape all kicking and screaming and crying and attacking one another to try and prove who's best. After that though, you take it easy for the rest of the day, and wonder what to do with your new captive, the peasant guy. You have his soul now and consider killing him but that can wait.

When Elen comes back home, on foot this time as Mila probably parted ways and took the horse, she's got a few bags and good news. A number of seeds she was able to obtain, and then for money and transport she knows of where you could get some hedges and trees from if you wanted to spruce up the garden and such. For now though you spend the rest of the day with her outside, getting to know her while she goes about planing seeds here and there by your direction, where you think things would look best.

Particularly you're curious about her and where she comes from. As it turns out, the pagan "community" is more a broad term for people in the area rather than a specific settlement. They do have a meeting place where some folks live but most only use it for gatherings and events, in fact a good many people are only secretly pagan and have normal lives otherwise. There are plenty of gods around of course, and even in their community there's several venerated. She's of the group who follows Veton, god of the wilderness. Of course in the theology you belong to, he is Saint Veton, for most pagan deities were brought into line when the faith spread through these lands. In general though for the pagans, life is alright but for a number like Elen herself they live pretty meagerly. Certainly if you can offer a comfortable life such as this and give out gifts and rewards for certain rather than by hope, then many like her will be bound to throw in their lot with you. If it isn't because of tradition or culture, then usually one of the reasons to follow pagan gods is because they tend to have a more direct presence than the Creator's flock and so one can provably expect interaction with their deity. However in these lands, pagan gods not brought into the faith (usually by force) are very rare and esoteric, whereas the ones that were brought into line tend to become goody two-shoes, too busy, or simply ineffective to interact with followers as much. So when you're here, in the "flesh" able to touch and be touched and personally giving out favor, actual proof of your devotion to followers, then so too are they more likely to be devoted to you. Whether or not they understand your true, evil nature, well that's their prerogative.

In any case, if you can convince Elen, then she thinks if you could hold some sort of celebration and she could call out to others in her community, then you could expect a number of them to show and depending on how convincing a celebration it may entice them to join you.

>But that's just a few hours talking together till evening. What now?
Go remake the maid so she's naturally more friendly and cheerful. Also tell her that her old name is gone, never to be mentioned, and her new name is Maid.

Also rework Ordan so he's at peak bigness and buffness.

Get to know the peasant man whose soul you now own. What skills does he have? Let him know the girl totally sold her own soul for beauty and wealth, and abandoned him.
Let's hold on with that name erasing, need some consensus on that

And we should do things slowly with Ordan, we don't want to make it obvious in case of a surprise visit, have him do heavy lifting work around the house in case anyone's watching
Surprise visit from who? Who visits us that knows Ordan? Who visits us at all? Come on.
Surprise visit

But if you're sure let's do it, buff and strong but not morbidly big

He's already bigger than Lucas in every way.
A small extra oomph won't hurt anyone.
And if it does we can use demon magic to mold the girls so they can accommodate him

Goodnight Anons.
The reservedness of the maid is starting to get on your nerves, she’s too good of a servant so you take her aside and try to convince her to take things more easy. She doesn’t need to wait on you hand and foot and literally play the part of the maid, by now she’s one of the group so she doesn’t have to jump every time you move. As long as she doesn’t mess up terribly, you won’t punish her like Merryl. Sure you own her soul, sure you’re a demon, but as you said before this doesn’t have to be terrible, for her. Maybe even you can convince her that she won’t be suffering a fate of eternal torture.

You’ll have to see how that goes then with her, and if she still remains reserved, you’ll just have to actively change her personality more to your liking. Though, her having a name would help.

The peasant fellow though, Patrice, is a farmer by trade so he’s good at that and some livestock skills. Together with Mila they could make a good pair of workers in that skillset, if you ever took to farming and livestock tending. You break the news about the girl selling him out, and though he’s disheartened to hear it, he’s happy that she made it out and even did quite well for herself. Maybe someday he could see her again.

With Mila’s eventual return, you’re looking forward to a big “family” dinner. However she’s brought yet another person in hopes of excusing herself from work. Although maybe unexpected, this time maybe a little more promise; a person quite terribly afflicted with the wasting disease. You wonder how in the heck Mila is meeting someone like this, turns out she heard from rumors and took a risk to visit a diseased quarter outside of town. This fellow looks quite ghastly and not long for this world, she had to get a wheelbarrow and fashion a way for the horse to tow it for him to even get out this far. He thinks he’s visiting some healer, as Mila convinced him, but she’s confident that in the face of a gruesome death he will sign his soul over for a cure. If you are willing, of course...

Lucas isn’t monstrously packing, you just improved him to be above average, and most of the improvements were to his endurance and virility, so that he has it in him for example to handle up to three ladies a night. Ordan is physically bigger (in all ways) because he’s an orc, but it goes without saying that... well, it would take a brave woman not afraid of pain to go for a roll in the hay with him, shall we say. Any woman smaller than an orc lady, at least.

But sure, you can improve Ordan to say, maximum natural potential, for what is possible for an orc? Like the equivalent of an Olympian athlete; peak physical fitness and form. He would certainly draw attention and make quite the presence, but nothing which would make people suspicious or think anything was afoul. More like impressment and even awe at such a fit and healthy orc fellow.
Oh hey, I have another wall of text for you~! (̞a̠̯̬l̙͝l̼̘͓̙̦͍͡ o͔͜f͕̙̟͚̫ ̙̤̼͖̦̙y̩ͅò̹̤͈̜u̗̦̣͇)̳̳̤̣

if we can make changes to her naturally, do them. No name erasing, just ask her whats her name and be embarrased about whole situation. And if she gets stuck with her attitude, do some mind manipulation. She will be happier after all and it is one less headache for us.

>peasant fellow
uhm, why are we keeping him with us again? when did we choose to do so? What is the plan with him? I believe we wanted to send him and his girl away with new memories so they will not blab? Me is confused fag right now, things doesnt make sense again.

>Mila the plaguebearer
Secretly facepalm. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we should not send people to gather other people. Oh well, back to business. Trade soul for healing him (we can do that right?) and his obedience. Mila will have her money maker. But as always, talk to the guy first and get to know him. If he is another Johnny Nobody we may be able to use him for luring other teminally ill people to us for healing and profit.

>Lucas and co
I just want him (and others) to not prefer sex to their current job (like abandoning guard duty to fuck some horny imps). That is what I mean by toning our friends down. We dont realy need to make Lucas wimpy so he cant do orgies anymore or banning his apparent imp fetish.

Improve? Improve. But like this >>2264011

>What is it with sudden cock size?
Lucas is more or less still normal, just able to outlast everybody, so he can party hard and orgy moar.
Ordan is orcy and we obviously loved it the way it was.
No need to change anything here, now stop beeing /d/.

>surprise visit from who?
We want to keep relatively low profile while doing our stuff or at least to them slowly if we go big. If somebody gets wind of us and our exploits we can have inquisiton or nosy fellows on our tail in no time. Also people have friends, families and so on. I know we are autists here but those guys could come knocking too. And do not forget some randoms like the couple we just dealt with.

>Elen and pagans
So basically we need to throw awesome party if we want her friends to follow. Lets find out what is apropriate then, one more talky time wih Elen I guess.

>Merryl and souls
If we want, in the end, to go safer route and use 3 souls of the dead people, I am ok with it. We just need to find them. It is temting to use those ill people, preferably homeless variety - tell them we will end their sickness, they will give up souls, we kill them. Technically we did our part because they are not sick anymore (or do the same thing with box of gold, really)

> vendors and supplies
I was thinking more along the lines of clever haglling, no outright scamming, goyim. But rest is yes, disguise and all.

> gold vs hellish gold
difference is?

> better imps
are they also less prone to accidents and other impy stuff? so we can trust them more with their tasks?
For what it's worth, the maid's name is Natalie. For Patrice, yeah I'm not sure why he's being kept, it just seems like people backed out on killing him. Wiping his memory and letting him go now isn't going to work that well since the girl is set up well so they can't get along together anymore. As for Lucas, yeah I don't know why it suddenly went /d/ tier, people got the wrong ideas in mind. As for the pagans, I'm sure you can come up with something that will work for a celebration.

As for hellish gold, well it seeps hellish corruption and is very obvious to a priest for example, as well as having some strange properties. For the imps, it depends really. None of them have been prone to accidents yet though, not even the common ones so it's not like that's a risk. They're just mischievous and sometimes unpredictable, but with the Warren claimed and your mortal domain secured, there's never much a concern about them not completing a task you set them to. Or at least not messing it up badly and drawing attention. But certainly, higher tier imps are likely more competent and probably more trustworthy for complex tasks. As well they can be certain types of imps which can do different things. In the same way that with basic ritual power, if there's a problem you need solving, you can come up with a ritual for it. Same with the imps, if there's some sort of requirement you need, there's likely an imp type for that. Like for example if you needed a security alarm for the house, you could get some big-mouth screamer imps whom would do what you might expect them to, and alert of any security breaches.
Also, here is list of who is who in da house and what are they supposed to be doing. We are geting followers at steady pace (and slowly but surely they are becoming a lot) so we s