Welcome back to Adventure Civ!Up to three players at a time will control a tribe through the years and decide its movements, cultural and technological advancements, diplomacy, crafting...Four tribes have landed on the island: the farming Tie Tribe, the Sun Tribe fishermen, the Copper Tribe smiths and the Hunter/Gatherers of the Tree Tribe.last actions:Tie Tribe: >>52096Copper Tribe: >>52012Sun Tribe: >>52308Tree Tribe: >>52152
>>65576here's the map of the island. Scouting is done by rolling a d100.The tribesmen were still discussing their next actions. When your choice is made, reply to this post with your recap!
We were having some trouble finding resources, we should probably scout again and hope we find something else than kelp
GLORY TO THE SUN! Opee, would it be possible to overthrow the Strategos and institute a theocracy? I'm not saying this as an action, just curious.
Could you give a quick recap of tribes for new
>>65591>>65592So from last thread:>The sun guys bolstered in their numbers, pray to THE SUN for a sunburst into the sand (and discover glass or level up their spirit juju, whichever works)>Also try to scout for some resources that's hopefully not kelp
>>65597Pretty much.
>>65597Ya we can do alot with glass so lets hope we're able to get that tech
>>65599>>65601Right, so imma link this to Opee>>65584>>65597
>>65592technically yes.
>>65593the links in the OP leads to the last cultural sheet of each tribe, it should be enough?I could do a recap for each but I don't really want to be the one doing it
>>65576Any other people from tree tribe here?
>>65593Each tribe recapped what happened last thread, scroll down and you should get there.
>>65624I think some tribes made a recap in last thread. But I can't link it rn
so we're missing>3 Tie tribe members>3 Copper Tribe members>2 Tree Tribesmenslots open!
Tie claimed
Mobile isn't letting me view the old thread please someone recap senpaitachi
This is pretty much everything you need to know
>>65681Ok I am tie
>>65681All for the glorious tie
>>51194This is the recap for bowtie tribe if I'm right
Oh shit, we're back
So recap for ties:>Turn 1A woman was declared the best fighter of the tribe and thus made chieftess ;Bowties became representations of a person’s strength (and social status), each color representing a different group, the chieftess’s being red;Tinctures were discovered, and the tribesmen scouted for items to fabricate them with.>Turn 2An asshole was burnt for being an asshole to the chieftess, and the priests decided assholes would be free to sacrifice for the gods;A scouting was lead to the north, discovering an area rich in clay, and the tribesmen started digging pits.>Turn 3The granaries were attacked by rodent-like vermins;After a rough winter, a Guard was set up composed of the tribe’s strongest fighters next to the chief, wearing purple ties and standing as high in society as priests;The Tie Tribe took their first steps towards military discipline;The guards spotted the rat people, but are fucking incompetent and cowered.>Turn 4The guards developed a training drill and ordering farmers around;The priests learn wall painting, using it to enforce the law of the gods and the chieftess.>Turn 5The guards learn how to craft stone spears and trained their throwing;An expedition was sent to find the vermins. They found their home but failed miserably, again.Turn 6The chieftess learnt some Death Magic;The farmers celebrated the harvesting season;Guards started training their children to become guards to take their places in the future;Lots of chaos and duels.>Turn 7Based priests spoke up, gaining more power and becoming absolute judges over all other social classes and writing laws, and calming down the people.
Was gonna check in for the ties, but it appears we're full. Well, will check back in later.
>>65584Okay, so our actions will be>Begin using our new weapons to hunt and get more food>Merge the scarring ritual with smelting to hopefully increase our general smelting skill. Have young boys scar themselves over their works, letting their blood mix with the copper. Then, they can present the finished work to a female of their choice as our tribe's ultimate romantic gesture
>>65720>Turn 1As we arrived on the island we started fishing, we also learned how to dry the fish thanks to the sun.>Turn 2To please the sun more shamans started practising more rituals by staring into the sun. also thanks to the sun we can now make kelp fiber. Fishpeople are found in the water near our village, they're agressive towards us.>Turn 3yellow dust is used in festivals and used by shamans to show their devotion to the sun. >Turn 4we now know level 2 spirit magic, we've set up warding totems along the coastline to keep the fishpeople away from us.>turn 5We've tried to learn blood magic but as it turns out blood magic is not compatible with the sun. Thanks to some unseen power we've learned how to use level 3 spiritmagic, we can now posess others, however this works better on animals.>Turn 6We've started ritual wrestling the winner of the competition is the leader of a lax wrestling-based male fighting mob.>Turn 7Dead fish people started showing up on the coast. We posessed a fish to try and find the source which turned out to be a sea witch. we've decided to leave it alone for now.
More useful info. Treefags and copperfags understand one another but not sunbros or tiefags. Sunbros have sun spirits, treefags have tree spiritsTiefags gotta offer sacrifices and have blood magicCopperfags don't believe in gods, cut themselves and like shopping at hot topic. They also trade with the tree people.
yo im back
AYE ITS LITWhatd I miss?
>>65747Turn 0Bark and twig shacks against big tree, women shacks near shit tier tree. We have eaten nuts and berries before that haven't poisoned us, I assume we know which ones they are.>Turn 1We fucked up on making shacks in trees. Kind of still want to do it though at some point.>Turn 2Women as currency for food. Spirit taught us how to use bows. We can eat squirrels and hares. Spirits have promised to teach us the basics of earth magic.>Turn 3Archery is an important art. We should wait until our next spirit encounter. Military unit GET! (Archer). Failed at catching animals.>Turn 4We caught a few animals, some died due to bone breakage. They escaped because we had no pens. Buried animals and hoped spirits wouldnt find out. (p.s. they found out.)>Turn 5Deer is a big nono. Don't kill deer. Elder council is no more, experienced bowmen instead. We got some nice earth magics. ACCELLERATED GROWTH: Can make a sapling grow faster, or make berries mature in a bush. It still drains the soil, and extensive use can kill the plant.>Turn 6Taking parts of trees is ok, only if special ritual is performed.We are now fucking intense hunters.>Turn 7Spirits approve of use of earth magic. Orange buddies!
>>65751But what if we could understand bowtietribe?
>>65736Also if anyone's not following, I'm trying to subtly work towards our undoubted affinity of blood magic without disturbing our disdain for the godsIt may take a while, but we'll get there
>>65779Well I'm pretty sure Opee said only the Tree tribe couldn't understand both the tribes, so I assumed The Sun and bowtie tribe can talk to eachother already
>>65779I'm pretty sure we can. OP didn't mention that we couldn't, only that treeboys can't understand the 2 of us, so it's kinda implied we can converse, no? We'll have to check with him.
>>65787Let's throw some kelp at them and see how they respond.
>>65727You can take my spot.
Ties what are we gonna do this turn?
>>65783Same. The way I understood it, Tree people speak some backwards 3rd world language and Tie and Sun speak glorious common tongue. Coppers understand both, I think?
>>65793Thanks, bor, won't forget your sacrifice, and that's saying a lot, we do a lot of sacrifices.>>65795Shall we attempt trading with another tribe?
>>65797Opee only said Copper can understand Trees, no info if they can speak to us too
we still need the recap for the Tree and Tie tribes!
>>65805yeah i think that for our tech point and for a culture point?
How many are in copper tribe?
>>65828One right now
>>65829make it two.
>>65821Let's adopt animal sacrifices. Then we find a way to capture the rats without killing them, and burn them for the gods.
>>65602by the way, that's a tech (glass) + normal action (scout)Sun tribe only gets cultural + any action, so I can't accept this recap
>>65651HEY I AM BACK.
>>65838Then just pray to the sun for anything and scout for resources
>>65829Ill join too.
>>65829Ill join too
>>65832Nice to see you back, Emo Scribe. I forgot your suggestions for the turn, so I just made my own for now
>>65651make that 2 copper mang.
>>65842>>65850Same person thought first one didn't post
>>65853i think its your suggestion from the last turn. Using ceremonial or something like that. I'll go for anything now.
>>65838>>65584Pray to the spirits for new magic and scout for resources in the woods (at least give us dirt, we got enough kelp mayn ;_;)
maybe trade with orange for copper?
hello scribe
May I suggest we figure out how to make iron for tools and weapons?
>>65870And since we literally can't have a tech action. I gues we are indeed, literally retarded. Or at least cavemen compared to everyone else.Unga Bunga me like sun, me looks at sun lots
>>65870Yeah we want some of those sexy sticks. And the spirits will surely give us something good!
>>65877heya>>65879iron tools should help with the agriculture stuff and open more option to other things. I'm okay with that.
Rolled 73 (1d100)>>65870resource scouting0-10: nothing11-70: resources71-99: deluxe resources100: magical resource
or should we scout the ashlands to the south
>>65898Ayyyy finally a good roll!
>>65898GLORY TO THE SUN! But does deluxe mean loads of said resources or super-good quality wise?>>65880>>65881We Incans now senpai, and they had some pretty impressive achievements for a bunch of people that prayed to the sun and used mostly sticks to build and move shit around
>>65873You're in charge now, I got to go really soon.
bowties? are you all lurking or are you thinking of what do do?
>>65899What about the clay-rich area we found back in Turn 3? Shouldn't we do something with it? Clay could be useful.
bumping the thread on Copper tribe wimmins
>>65917yeah let's scout there
>>65922You're pretty good at this desu. >>65919If we're totally incapable of technology we're fucked, we should at least trade with tie-bois to get textile tech and make sweet Incan headdresses
>>65922You drew that? Holy shit
>>65922noiceSo I'm still waiting for the Trees and Bowties.recap anchor post!
TREE BROSBPLAN:> Culture:Subclass of archers that train with boars as hunter/companions. Use to hunt small game (squirrels/hares) and forage for food. > Action:Explore east (?)
what are we doing for our culture point
>>65940We can explore now, but in the future i think we need to improve the womens huts to make sure no one steals them
I suggest we scout out the volcano too our north for potential resources like sulfur or coal.
>>65951Oh better idea, we'll do this instead
>>65940Subclass of archers that train with boars as hunter/companions. Use to hunt small game (squirrels/hares) and forage for food.
>>65936If we can get some clothing tech from tiebros we can make spirit imbued clothing maybe?
>>65922Fucking sweet
>>65954Heya I'm here now :3
>>65959Or at least something that isn't kelp-based underwear. Because we're allergic to those aprrently.
>>65959>If we can get some clothing tech from tiebros we can make spirit imbued clothing maybe?only if we get some of your sweet copper
>>65966oh wrong group sorry you look all the same
>>65966Hey buddy. The orange club is two blocks down
>>65840>>65939 NOTICE ME SENPAIIn other news, we're researching into Archery and making auto-crossbows to increase our military might.Also, can we have 2 actions like in the other thread? If possible the second action would be to scout for materials for mass production of bows and arrows.
>>65962Praise the tree spirits!
>>65936>>65938yeah, thanks mang. these threads are gold mine for inspiration. also, tree archers>>65953>>65961could you recap our actions this turn?
>>65971we also have the culture roll if we wanna do that?
>>65953You literally never find coal near volcanoes but most metals do form in hydrothermal deposits. Sulfur and sulfides of zinc, lead, iron and most common metals. Also, silver, copper and gold in very small quantities. >>65959It could improve the shamans communion with the spirits, or maybe be used for defense. Best case scenario we put a dude in the best clothes out there and we get a spirit avatar shaman dude.
>>65978Nice, now you can't tell that we don't have necks.
>>65978As far as I know its just figuring out iron and scouting but please correct me if I'm wrong.
how did the bowties lose so many villagers?
>>65980If we could get some metal somehow we could fashion it into a magic championship belt for our wrestling champ
>>65988I submitted for hunting and making smelting part of the scarring ritual before you guys got here, I think Opee already took those
>>65992we will give you cloth if you tutor us in magic
>>65969Right, what goods do we want from the Sun niggers? Do they have anything other than sand and kelp?
>>65998so our roll is gonna be...?
>>65997Is that even possible? Would Opee even allow it? Is bowtie compatible with Spirit magic? So many questions.Questions like "would the bowtiemen be willing to strip naked and sunbathe for 12 hours everyday to learn magic"
>>66005Go for culture, I guess. What does the Scribe think?
>>65996so we should be able to hunt then?I suggest for the usage of ashes and water to increase population hygiene. The scars on the body must be pure and not containing any impurities. Tech => Research Iron ToolsCulture => People start to wash themselves. Are we okay on this?>>65988>>65996
>>65979Think of something and roll for culture if allowed
>>66007no like the basics of magic you tryed blood magic before so you should know how to help us learn fire magic
>>66012i didn't notice the scout action>>65953are using the scout or the culture for the 2nd action?
>>66012I think we would have to find iron before researching it would do any good
>>66012Sounds good we get better tools and don't die from lack of hygiene.
>>66018*are we
>>66007I /think/ tietribe wasn't compatible with spirit magic
>>66020Maybe do the scout instead of iron research?
>>66014so start to use clay to make pottery and bowls and for culture .. i have no idea can we use our culture for scout?
>>66014Some upgrade for the doctors or farmers?
>>66020so....Scout and Culture then?
only the Ties left to drawis >>65971 final?
>>66031what about bad doctors are free sacrifices
>>66039More sacrifices are always good, but I think we need to raise our population for that. I guess if they fuck up really hard and result in someone's death it's okay. Sacrifice is just pretty mucha death penalty for assholes at this point.
>>66028>>66032Yeah, that would make more sense. Scout to look for more metals to use
what about tech- pottery culture- bad doctors are free sacrifice
It is obvious we must make some sort of clothing, as it can become yellow, thus closer to the sun, whereas we just turn pink and burn. Next turn we should trade with the tiemen.
>>66048I still want animal sacrifices, but that could fly.
>>66052we are fine with that if the material you find is good
>>66007you can teach magic to other tribes, but teaching spirit magic to the Tie Tribe is a lost cause
>>66054so do that then?
>>66065Let's go for it. Next turn we look into trading.
>>66058We are incompatible with their magic and they with ours. Also, it's either culture or tech or is the sun tribe simply retarded?
ok >>66038>>66048
>>66070Well, all that staring in the sun gotta have fried something
>>66070everyone get 1 point of ANYTHING(action, culture, tech) and then gets a bonus tech, culture or action depending on their tribe
>>66070You're not incompatible with their magic. It goes in a line. Each tribe has an affinity and is incompatible with the magic before them on the list. Can Opee post the magic chart again?
>>66079So if the Sun tribe wants to get any kind of tech, it would take our whole turn?
>>66083This was the last one.
im gonna have a shower so ill be right back
>>66088what? noyou could do a tech, and then a culture optionone of your options HAS to be culture, that's all
>>66079ooh i see. So ours. is 1 Anything + 1 Tech. >>66083we need to change the action i think.
>>66079I see, I misunderstood. >>66088No, it would be Research+Culture so we'd still get 2 things. We coulnd't do our previous shit because we tried Action+Research, but any X+Culture can go.
>>66096Ah so that's what you meant. I am indeed retarded.
>>66092See, bowtie's magic affinity is fire, so they can't learn spirit, just like sun guys couldn't learn blood
>>66096also bumping thread with Tiemen Mage.
>>66100Then let's have next turn Research + Culture
>>66102Didn't understand this either, we should do some tech stuff next round then!
>>66099So we don't need culture?
>>66099Do we? Opee hasn't said anything. I thought he had already done ours. I think one of my actions counted as tech.
Turn 9 end!The orange tribe youth gift their ritual blades to the woman of their heart, who will then smelt it into her eternal marriage necklace. This sweet gesture bestowed the role of smithing to women, while men mine for the ores.The orange tribe hunts for the large bugs of the ashlands with their bows. They aren't very good with them, but good enough to stabilize their food source.
>>66108Agreed, but afterwards we'll have to get to building the cages and getting animals other than crabs.
>>66121>>66119whoops, so our previous action didn't took effect.
>>66122Yeah, or get more kelp, because we can't get enough of that shit apparently
>>66121How beautiful, a young man cutting off his nipple as a gesture of affection for his beloved.
>>66128Okay, so this turn we do your actionsSearch for metals and bathing, right?
>>66121> tfw no qt orange tribe female to own and use as property
>>66121The people of the sun decided to look for resources, and following a small stream, found lots of papyrus reeds! They found these sturdy fibers a lot easier and better to use than kelp, and rebuilt their homes with woven reeds.The shamans did what they do best, and lied on the sand all day for answers, but nothing came.
>>66137we could only choose either Scout metals or Culture Bath i think.l..also we need to add 1 tech rollWe only have 1 Anything + 1 Tech
>>66128We should still scout if last suggestion wasn't taken. I also propose we alliance with the bow ties so we have real clothes and they get some copper.
>>66143Can hygiene count as a tech
>>66150lets ask opee >>66140
>>66106Ooh niceTie Scribe approves
>>66134What a beautiful culture we have
>>66134This is glorious, but there needs to be more naked sweaty wrestling.
>>66140Sweetness. Time to get that development going
>>66160>>66156I propose we do rope research, since we can make clothing out of rope (albeit retarded but still better than hanging with your dick out) that would make fighting more fun since you have something to grip (other than the penis) and also capture animals with traps or several naked sunpeople.
>>66140The young archers learned to tame the captured boars to follow them during the hunts. The best of them have a chance to enter the council someday.After repeated thefts of womanly property, the women's shack was rebuilt and someone watches the door at all times. The women are unhappy, which basically changes nothing.
>>66175Soon we'll have an actual ring. Then have matches every first and fifth day of the week.
>>66175Rope should be good and we should do something about our leader problem perhaps
>>66175You can make sumo rope belts
>>66178The Tie Tribe finally decided to exploit their clay spot, and begun crafting basic pottery such as containers, bricks and mugs. They don't upgrade their houses yet, because that would be a long action to make.The priests judged the bad doctors guilty of assholery. One was burned, and the others went back to the fields. The Tie Tribe abandoned their interest in medicine. But at least, their population growth should be back to normal.turn 10 start! there will be a global event next turn!
>>66190>>66186Sunshaman theocracy as a culture action? Next turn we make it cultural practice to fight EVEN MOAR. Nobody tackles the sun, and until we can reach that level we shall not stop training. So, I propose rope research and cultural theocracy.
>>66178Should we sort out the women situation and also explore now? Women might start a rebellion and join the feminazis.
>>66190Yes, the balance of power in the tribe is shifted too much towards the shamans. And that makes people unhappy. And unhappy means darkness, metaphorically. And darkness is bad and evil.
>>66178>Tree tribe women arent amazons
Alright tree lads whats next? We could use the poison berries to make a class of poison archers maybe? Or research leather armor?
>>66153there are both cultural practices and technologies that can improve hygiene, just think of one of them
>>66200Disobedient women have tongues cut.
>>66199Sounds pretty good
>>66200Aw hell, lets try and give women property some freedom (?)
>>66199Right, let's focus a bit less on the shamans right now and on the naked sweaty oily men.
>>66201Perhaps, but if everything is under central control we can direct the people better. Also we will declare jihad on darkness .
>66178That will probably make it worse.>>66218How could we do that? No more big tribesman CCTV?
>>66210>>66191you heard the manSo.... We Scout for iron. and... Try combining ashes with water to wash the body
I think something isn't quite clearonly the shamans are naked blind and spending their day getting a nice toastthe average sun guy looks like this and mostly fishes
>>66231What about the wrestlers
so bow ties lets use our points for all tech upgrades first thing: better homes. secondly thing is scouting the ash planes to the south
>>66233I just realised I'm just as retarded as the Sun Shamans.>>66211^this^
>>66242We do have the wrestler/fighting class, we should focus on the fishers gatherers and wrestlers!
>>66242only naked during parties
>>66230Washing it is then and soon iron which will allow to do many things much easier assuming when we roll we don't get shot and instead something useless like fools gold.
>>66219>>66216>>66249Well, why curb the powers of the shamans? The strategos doesn't seem much of a figurehead desu. And men are more likely to follow if the authority of religion is behind their orders. But if it comes to some mishap due to political imbalance, we can fix that later. I say we do the rope thing and culturally mandate more training to leave the politics as they are for now.
bow ties where are you???
>>66257My phone caused this post have so many misspelled words.
>>66246Lets do the bunny plan, (maybe women take care of them?)
>>66257okay thenScout for Irondevelop hygieneAlso, sunshaman doing sunshaman things
>>66259It's less curbing and more let them do their own thing for now and pay attention to othe rpeople in the tribe
>>66243Sun folk have reeds now, and Copper folk have copper, which would both be useful. We could atempt to trade with them some of our linen or clay?
>>66274>has some sort of lower body wear>not fully blindThat aint a shaman
>>66271They'll absolutely love that. They won't mind being degenerates when they have a fluffy bunny in their arms to cuddle and to wipe their tears on!
>>66277Also, women in Tree culture are objects, so we could trade for them and sacrifice them, that'd be cool with the gods.
>>66277what about one tech for scouting one tech for exploration
>>66283not really due to us having a chieftess so she may veto the idea
>>66257Fool's gold can be used as an iron ore but it gives shitty polluted iron which has to be cleaned by using a furnace and flux. It's also the most common thing you will find in volcanic regions, along with chalcopyrite (copper ore), galena (lead ore) and sfalerite (zinc ore). >>66274N O I C E>>66276Aight, then does the plan remain the same? Increased training as a cultural action and rope research? >>66276
>>66274oh yeah opee, how does trade work in this civ?>>66281okay then
>>66282> shutting up women permanently> qt women have qt petsWhy cant this quest be irl :(
>>66277You want some magic boyoNot like we can help you anyway>>66291Ye
>>66276Yeah we should keep the shamans as they are but with our newfound resources we should invest in the working class of our tribe.If we make rope we can build pens for animals. Then we should posess large farm animals for a food source.
recap anchor post!
Do we have any houses or are we just really advanced cavemen? If so then were basically dwarfs.
>>66303> CultureDisobedient women are silenced by having their tongues cut. > ActionFastest and quitest men sent to capture bunnies to domesticate in our ditches, where women care for them.
so what are we doing
>>66303>TechResearch rope usage>CultureWrestlers now have increased training
>>66289>>66277My one last wish before going to bed : pick up Medicine again soon or else we'll lose out to the competition.
>>66310Are we not venturing east?Also I was looking back and saw your idea about magic warriors. Maybe could infuse some sort of (not learned yet) magic on their arrows?
>>66317Oops forgot to change name
>>66289Such a killjoy.>>66315Explore the ashlands, upgrade our huts. And let's consider trading for that sweet copper and reeds.>>66317And Copper's herbs, could be handy for that.
>>66326 then next turn medicine and trading with copper for herbs and maybe copper it self
>>66331Alright, notify Opee.
>>66319Nah, well do bunnies this turn to make up for the women tongue thing
scouting-explore south to the ashlands Tech- use clay to upgrade huts
>>66303>Research how to use our existing resources like ash and herbs to improve hygiene, prevent our scars from getting infected, etc.>Search for more resources, particularly new metals to work
>>66303Culture-Use Ashes and Water to clean selfScout-Scout for Iron or any similar metals
>>66338Pretty sure if we cut their tongues out it's going to bite us back in the future.
>>66352Well it's not like they can lick you instead
i have to go out soon so if i dont post for a while you can just do whatever
Can I join a tribe?
Rolled 57 (1d100)>>66344Resource Scouting!0-10: nothing11-50: inferior resource51-80: resource80-99: luxury resource100: ???
>>66352Woman aren't worth anything in your tribe anyways
>>66364you can join us
>>66364We got a free slot.
>>66370They're worth some nuts.
>>66342location scouting0-20: hostile encounter21-40: nothing41-70: civ encounter71-99: ???100: ???
>>66383>location scoutingyou didnt roll
Rolled 86 (1d100)>>66383
>>66380ba dum tish
>>66386i have to go bye tell me what ha
>>66389woo? bye again.
>>66392We could explore some too as of now we've only found the beach and a river with reeds
Its only DISOBEDIENT women. Maybe we can make it a cross gender thing?
>>66406I suggest we also explore the ashlands since it's close to the copper tribe and the ash itself can be used in our rituals. Also, ash deposits have bits and pieces of useful rocks and minerals which we could maybe use.
>>66416Indeed, let's do that after we get rope technology
>>66415Rowdy archers are silenced and turned to stealthy archers.
>>66389Might be interesting.
>>66421Ah yeah that works, plus it's useful too.
>>66427>>66389>cultureAny disobedient women or troublesome men have tongues removed. Men continue to become silent archers.
>>66472> nood joins> already veteranBowtie """"""fighters""""""
>>66485Watch your mouth, tree-fucker.
turn 10 end!The sun tribe discovered a way to make rope out of the reeds. Those ropes are helpful with hauling, house building, fishing and much more. Some even like this over kelp for clothes.The wrestlers started scheduling regular practice fights and got tougher overall and praising body care.
>>66525The women of the Tree Tribe have been warned their tongues would be cut with the horribly inappropriate blades if they were disobedient. But the women already knew better than tell their mind to their man.The women also now tend to little captured rabbits, and learned basic animal husbandry.The traders of the copper tribe stopped coming, so they stopped sending bows to them too.
>>66542oh, so that's how trading works. we need to extend the period once a while then
>>66532We getting buff boiii
>>66542The red tribe scouted the ashlands in search of resources, and the guards came back with a treasure! They say the gods blessed their search with these beautiful trinkets, and there was much celebration. The priests decided half was to be burnt to the gods as thanks, and saw how the metal took the shape of the altar afterwards. Basic smelting was discovered!The houses were all rebuilt, starting with the chieftess' down. They require a lot less maintenance, are more spacious and keep warmth better.
>>66542It a good thing tree women never get to leave the village, or they might see how good orange women have it and rebel>>66568MOTHERFUCKER
>>66574we need to step up our smelting. If we find iron, we should be able to upgrade our smelting to create steel.
Im gonna be off for the night, someone TREE TRIBE SLOT OPEN LURKERS!Try to tame wimmins more and explore in meantime(?)
>>66568things didn't go well for the orange tribe this time.First, the traders were attacked by Devils in the forest, and few came back to tell the tale. Then, a woman who went to gather berries never came back...However, the people started digging bath pits and filling them with clear water, using ash and fat to clean themselves. Their frequent baths helps improving their hygiene.The scouts also found a vein of red stone, and women found they could smelt it too - although it is harder to shape and uglier, and thus disregarded.now's the time for the global event!
>>66574>>66584>>66586Don't hate on us, silly Coppers.
>>66596wuh oh
>>66532>>66554Now that we're buff and beyooteeful do we hunt for animals to possess or scout the ashlands? Also, I think we should step up our spiritculture game and make more use of magic, we're lagging behind.
>>66596Clearly this iron is a man's metal, as copper is a woman's
How many Bowties still lurking here?
>>66596Global event hype perhaps something good?
>>66606Our priest can't get any more magic without outside help since they reached their potential.At least that what I got from last thread.
>>66606We could two things maybe try to find a new kind of magic, we might be sensible to earth magic. The sun gives life to the earth after all. And exploring ashland or woodland to the north might give us something nice
>>66596okay then..... we need to improve our weaponry some more. Also training female warriors should help.I SuggestCulture : Train Women to be a warrior as well, And A pair of Male and Female warriors will train their offspring to be a warrior as well. Those who rejected to be a warrior start becoming a blacksmith instead Tech : Use iron ores to create iron weaponry.
>>66622>>66623Then how about we institute a new class of shamans that focus on possessing and controlling animals so that when we get enough animals we'll be ready for them?
>>66623Or fire. Because the sun is fire.>>66638Or this
>>66626I agree on the iron tools and weapons but I suggest me make suits of copper armor also to protect the tribe and caravans.
>>66596wait, did....did tiemen rob our women?
>>66626I'm not sure how that will impact our societal structurePlus, there's the issue that I don't think that women will be willing to use iron. To try and force them would be swimming upstream, I think. If it continues to be a problem, we should look into it, but for now, I think we should use our culture action to get people used to using iron weapons and armor, at very least the men. We need to start utilizing it as soon as possible, and it will require us to use a few actions to actually get to it
>>66646its either iron weapon or copper armor.
>>66647It's more looting than robbing.
>>66638We could focus on taming/possessing beasts. New class in our tribe
>>66653so, itsCulture :Start Training people to use new Iron weaponry.Tech:Develop Iron Weaponry
>>66642>>66661Nah fuck it, fire magic sounds even better. Also, since the sun is fire and we worship it, we should be able to use it in rituals and sacrifice materials to the spirits, maybe that way they'll stop being prissy and give us more juju. Plus, fire has much more uses than possessed crabs or watchful wards.
>>66669If we get both then we can posses animals and make them fiery suicide bombers
>>66654Can't we get 2 two tech actions? Weren't we 1 tech and 1 anything? So couldn't it be 2 tech because we use the anything for it?
Rolled 40, 46, 58, 81 = 225 (4d100)Global event: terrible winter!no winter will ever come close to the coldness of this one! All tribes will suffer its harsh conditions, but who will come out least harmed?dice difficulty: 100dice bonuses: medicine(20) + warm housing(20) + food preservation(20) + winter food source (10)orange: 20 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 20bowtie: 0+ 20 + 20(pots) + 0 = 40sun: 0 + 20 + 0 + 10 = 30tree: 0 + 0 + 20(earth magic) + 10 = 30-1 pop for every 10 numbers under dice difficulty!
>>66676Kek, that's even better. I vote Culture+culture then. Exploding wards should be pretty fun.
>>66680oh yeah i forgot, Tech+Tech should be possible too
>>66681Orange sure had it bad this turn.
>>66681Doesn't the sun tribe have dried fish as food preservation?
>>66681what's the 4d100 for?
>>66681losses:Orange tribe: 4!Bowtie Tribe: 1!Sun Tribe: 1!Tree Tribe: 0!turn 11 start!
>>66681So we gotta add the bonus to the rolled dice then calculate the dead? And I'm assuming the dice order is the same as the bonus order to determine which tribe gets what?
>>66698>>66705my bad.the sun tribe suffered no losses thanks to their delicious sun dried fishes.
Alright, any bowtie lurking? I'm taking over if I'm the only one here.
>>66705Can we have the same type of action twice if its part of the tribe's bonus? Like can sun get Culture+Culture?>>66720noice
>>66707>>66698Aww yiss. Now time for some fire magic, eh? >>66727Yeh
>>66726Truly, they let you down.
>>66705Tree tribe Fuck yeah
>>66733>>66736Aw shieeeet. So now we gotta train a special class of Possesion Shamans and Pray to the sun for Fire
>>66726uoh boy. >>66705we do Double Tech Roll-Develop Iron Weapon-Develop Copper Armor
I should be back soon.recap anchor post
>>66746Alright, but I still think it might take a culture action to get people willing to use the iron. If that's the case, I'd rather spread out the tech actions since we only get one non tech action per turn max
Next turn I say we buy some tree tribe women since our population is fucked. This turn will make sure no one dies with our supreme equipment.
>>66722I'm here! Feel free to roll for us bossman.
Next tribe when
>>66769That would be the death tribe, whenever Opee gets around to revealing them
>>66752Yoo hoo where are treeple at?
>>66745For fire MAGIC. It seems prayers to the sun have to be very specific.
>>66757>>66759well, i'm going either way. Also i'm off for now. Going to sleep. good luck on repopulating
Oh it was rolled by opee. I say we use our artistic bowtie crafting skills to try crafting more advanced pottery. For rituals, decoration and altars etc.
>>66789Yeah we have to think about how we want to discover fire magic i agree on possession shamans + animals
>>66759Looks like it's you and me now, smith. What do you think? I'd rather not stack tech actions since we have to do one each turn anyway
>>66789We could pray for the sun to give us a sign, some guidance. Then its shining rays would shine harder than ever before and burn something in the immideate area. Like our abundance of kelp, a bush, some fish, a shaman who died happy for the cause, etc...
>>66764I'm delaying plans to start trading in favor of looking more into those trinkets we got from the ashlands, and look for more of it.Next turn, unless something unexpected fucks us up, we'll probably look into medicine and try to reestabilish the doctor class.
>>66752For the bowties;Tech : Research the beutiful trinkets we found and try to find more about what we can do with it.Action : Search the ashlands for more of that good stuff.
>>66799How about teach them that metal is power and they should fight with the strongest metal aka iron. Then make iron armour with them now liking iron?
>>66807Shall we not do anything with our newfound smelting abilities?
>>66752Just in case no treeple respond:>action Explore east for nature spirits>tech/cultureWomen learn to selectively breed bunnies and boars for fat bunny meat and mountable war boars.
>>66830Yeah, I was thinkingtech action=iron workingculture action=get people to use iron for battle. It may not be as pretty as copper, but its function is better, so at the very least, the men should be willing to use it
>>66834Only other metal we have is more of those copper trinkets. We don't really know how to work them beyond smelting, so researching it and finding more of it is the best we can do. Perhaps we'll be able to upgrade our spears.
>>66838Sorry had to leave for a bit. I haven't read anything but your idea is as good as any, I agree.
>>66843As long as we have better metal than everyone else were good military wise. Besides with the armour we pretty much can't die as everyone is using sticks or copper which is much much weaker than iron.
>>66804That might work yeah
>>66843we should send are women over to the sun tribe and have them learn magic.(im sure they wont be seduced by all the tan muscular men)
>>66804The sun works in mysterious but always shiny ways.
>>66916>>66889Praise be to the great shining one
As the legends say, according to the sacred paintings, it went more or less like this.
>>66930So we're all agreed on using two cultures this turn? Training a group of shamans that train themselves in beast possesion and pray to the gods for fire magic?
>>66982Pretty much yeah.
>>66994Don't hate on us, silly tribeless.
>>67009>great fashion senseconfirmed fags
>>66121Orange tribe best tribe.
>>67009You won't be laughing when your weapons bounce off our glorious iron.
>>67034Better hope it happens before next winter, then.
>>67014Tribeless join us. Theres too few treebros
are ties taken?
>>67017That's cause we have the most qt grills, of courseNice depiction, anon
>>67041We have an open slot, or two, don't know if Veteran is still around.
>>67014>living in a shit tribe>having a bowtiePick one
>>67007Can one of you guys link our turn to opee then my mobile won't let me.
>>67014Join us, our bark is better than our bite.Unless you're talking about our women.
>>67056k>>66752Train a group of shamans that specialize in beast possesion and pray to the Sun for fire magic, like some sort of random divine light that burns something in the immediate area to inspire the shamans
>>67065Kek good one
>>66752Sunbois>CultureAttempt to develop fire magic by communion and sun rituals>CultureA new class of shamans focuses on possessing animals and controlling them to the best of their abilities.
>>67070I'm here all week.
Now we just have to wait and shitpost until OP is back.
Someone post a tree tribe meme Im not on pc
backI guess we're good with recaps?>>67017qt af
>>67009>Warriors who backstab peaceful people and loot them>Hard working thieves>God's chosen people yet they don't even worship the correct, one and only godDisgusting faggotry
>>66855did we discover the copper or did we just steal it from the copper tribe
>>67105These shaman look more and more like saitama with every depiction.
>>67116You stole it like the fucking thieves you are
>>67116Well...urm...*cough*...Our brave explorers came across it in their journeys.
>>67130The sun works in mysterious and shining ways
>>66827Resource "Scouting":0-20: failure21-60: mild success61-80: success81-100: great success
>>67130That's actually funny, since Saitama was based on the hero from ONE's first manga he drew as a child, who was called "Sun Man"
Rolled 10 (1d100)>>67157
>>67165Shit. You win this time, Coppers.
>>67172I heard you had a Tie problem, after we've made a permanant trade route... wanna go hunting?
>>67192About that. I would not be opposed to the idea, but our population is still in dire straights. We need more tribe members. As part of our trade, would you be willing to exchange some women for our goods?
>>67171You tried
Before...>>67165(I'm dreading the after)
Rolled 58 (1d100)>>66838Scouting: spirits0-15: hostile encounter16-50: negative encounter51-75: neutral encounter76-99: positive encounter100:???
Alright, fellow Tie folk, I already see this turn is gonna suck, so let's discuss the possibility of a trading alliance with the Sun Tribe, maybe. I'm sure they'll listen.
>>67209I'd have to confirm with the other members of the council, what do you have to offer?
>>67228We listen to alot of things, most of them being the sun.
>>67231Well, we still have our copper goods that you no longer have access to, as well as medicinal herbs that I'm sure you would be able to bring out the full potential ofWe are not yet willing to exchange any iron at this time, however
>>67241Well, we love the sun, too. More specificaly, we like burning people and other shit to apease the gods, and the sun is basically fire. You are basically all walking burnt men at this point, for standing so much in the sun. What if instead of just trading, we made a sort of research pact to discover some fire magics in union, my sun burnt friend?
>>67228I'm actually a big fan of the sun tribe. Lets get in on that rope and kelp action. >>67241I'm sure you've noticed by now our glorious bowties, I know you guys sometimes prefer being au natural but maybe we could fashion you some swanky loincloths?
>>67248>>67256Well you see, there's a thing that ya need to do when you want to learn sun magic
>>67242Both sound enticing... especially those herbs. We'll get back to you on that.
>>67248>>67256How about an exchange of technologies first? Sustainable development would help both our people
>>67264After the start of the next turn, we could discuss sending some our priests over and join your shamans in learning and researching about fire magic. They'll even go naked, except for the bowties. The bowties stay.
>>67264But they've got a point, we have a common goal into reaching fire magic. However we haven't even met any other tribes yet.
>>67280Oh I'm not refusing their point, I'm just saying everyone gotta strip to commune with the spirits better.
>>67280>>67288So how many turns you think it's gonna take until we get this in motion? I'm sure you can't wait to burn some shit as well.
I'm ok with stripping but i'm not removing my bowtie
>>67297Guess we gotta finish this turn and make contact with eachother first, so at least 2>>67309The bowtie can stay as it doesn't cover that much skin. Unless it's a comically huge novelty bowtie that's bigger than your head, then we might have some problems.
>>67316Ayyy famalam we should trade tech first and foremost, then we go into magic. They have the edge in research and we have the magic edge. Gotta make use of marginal advantage fampai
>>67347Damn, we haven't even started the alliance and you're already conspiring to jew us. Come on, man.
turn 11 end!After a divergence of opinions, the shamans split in two groups: the shamans who want to keep beholding the sun and learning more of its fiery glory, and the battle shamans who want to train animal possession, and fight with powerful creatures against their foes.On a particularly hot summer day, a shaman's dry kelp mat burst in flames. He was feeling the sun's magic until it was put out by his apprentice. This might be a ritual worth trying with no apprentices around.The battle shamans fight against each other with large crabs, and while they deepen their possessing experience, have a lot of fun.
>>67347>>67316Maybe we can collaborate on a project? Rope, yellow paint, clay = Giant altar to the gods?
>>67362Ain't no jewing friend, we all benefit. But trade doesn't work like that, we need to win something as well. If we just give you our juju and we get nothing in return, then what interest do we have?
>>67362We're just figuring out what to trade. We sun people are not the type to sneak around behind someone's back to..back..stab then. As the shadows are dark and dark is evil afterall.
>>67370We pokemon now boys
>>67377>>67380Ah, but we'd both be learning fire magics, which none of us know yet. But it's fine. We'll discuss a technology trade later. First and foremost, we have to meet.
>>67398True, let's scout the ash lands together and hope not terrible rolls happenWhoops now I've jinxed it
>>67399Can't we just explore each other's lands?
>>67370The green tribe decided to go East into the forest to find where the spirits live. They found them, and though they were obviously irritated by the scouts' presence, they let them in. It's a large grove of tall trees, with nest-like houses sprouting from them. Deers can be found roaming around freely.A spirit covered in feathers told the scouts not to come uninvited. They also said not to give the forest's product to barbarians again.The women made great progress in selective breeding. The boars are getting larger and the bunnies fatter every year.
>>67399People need to stock coming to our fucking ashlands all the time
>>67399So we've got to explore north right.? And the tietribe will have to explore south? Meanwhile our culture action should go into furthering the kelpfire ritual
>>67407Ah shit, the spirits have spoken. I'm afraid more bows are out of the question. Not entirely sure about women though.
>>67407>>67402Whoops, forgot that it's no longer neutral land, yeah let's just go towards eachother instead.
>>67406The tie tribe was very interested in the new material brought by the guard scouts. They saw how they melted in the shape of the altar, and made circle shapes into it to make holy rings and baubles themselves.The scouts were sent to get more of it, but this time the women were defended by scarred barbarians, and they came home empty-handed. the Orange Tribe is now hostile to the Bowtie Tribe.
>>67415We can live without the bows. The women will be enough, plus they can teach us about domestication and we can see if we can get some animals of our own
>>67420This is good and bad. I think I know where we could go from here.What do my fellow Tie folk think of scouting for the Sun Tribe with an Action point and trying to build spearpoint molds to upgrade our spears with the extra Tech point?
>>67420The women see more and more iron coming to them from the mine, and though it is ugly and hard to shape, they found out it is a lot more durable than copper. They decided they'd smelt weapons and tools out of it, and give it to the working men. The men feel shame in their ugly metal.The colorful necked angels came to take the life of a tribeswoman to paradise again, but this time the men were close enough to intervene and they scurried away!
turn 12 start!
Tree tribe is at the service of any war as archers.
>>67398We are a peaceful people, friend. :^) Only good can come from our cooperation. >>67411Pretty much
Orange better make those Iron weapons look fancy you sexistsRed are slowly becoming hipster rapistsGreen better not make mommy and daddy angryBlue Pokemon Sun bro's you doing good
Aight guys. Scout north towards the purps and keep on pursuing fire ritual?
Okay tree tribe, what do you think of trade? Some women for medicinal herbs?
>>67460Sure, we will trade silenced women for medicine!
Don't know how many ties are lurking, but if anyone is, what do you think of >>67431
>>67458Well if we try doing a joint-thing with the Tiemen for fire magic we could spend our culture point somehow else.
>>67380>>67458Can i join ?
>>67482You would cut their tongues out just for trade? That's not very nice. Surely the knowledge of domestication would not be that great a loss. What if we started supplying you with copper blades again as well?
>>67488>>67488Actually, how about we keep going the way of fire magic and then teach it to the tieboys in exchange for metalworking tech? >>67489I think we're full breh. There's only 3 spots per tribe
>>67496I don't mean to sound like a dick, but you guys don't really have any metalk to work with, and we only know smelting so far.
>>67494I mean we already have blades, maybe something else if you have? We wont silence women for you, just give you our silenced women. They wont talk back, and they already know how to domesticate anyway
>>67510If there is nothing else of copper that you desire, then I suppose we'll make due with your initial offer. They can still contribute to our tribe, anyway.
>>67505True, what else do you have that we can also use without too much trouble? Knowlege to make fashionable clothing with proper colors? Fistfighting techniques? Do you hace actual weapons we can study from?
>>67431sounds good to me boss!
>>67505We're on a tropical and volcanic island. Metal abounds in these places, so it shouldn't be very hard to find some. Volcanoes yield most common metals, jungle soils form medium-to-large deposits of iron and aluminum. However you are correct. What else could we exchange?
@opee There might be a lot of lurking anons might need a new tribe or something
>>67524You guys know spearfishing, we are spearfighters. I think we could make this workout.
>>67541More tribes == less turns
>>67510you have no silenced women yet. They haven't tried anything.
>>67541Where are they gonna live though. There are only two options left and that is share with existing tribes and the volcano.Oh wait, there's that left part of the island that's kinda unexplored, probably
>>67543Sounds like something we could trade for yeah spearfishing is one of our specialities. We also got kelp if you want.
>>67541>>67551I can do that, though:the player limit per tribe is now 4. 1 free slot in every tribe!
>>67560There is going to be one more tribe, the one with an affinity for death magic
>>67565So are they gonna be huge emos or ironically extremely peppy optimistic people
>>67563That works too!
>>67556Damit opee>>67521We will give you women for medicine and knowledge of copper
>>67587Alright then, that's one actionAs for the other, I was thinking to research armor, for protection. No more dying from getting caught off guard. Any Orangebros here to offer their opinion?
>>67587Now what about our other action? Kind of want some magics...
>>67529Gonna go forward with it, then. Let's make that alliance happen as soon as possible.
>>67496>>67575Are u goin' full egypt style in buildings?My ideas for this tribe:+ crab riders (rope+crabs+shamans+spirit magic)+ sun towers (monolith in egyptian style from sandstone + magic totems on top of it and some paintings on it- maybe paintings with history of tribe)+ great temple of sun (egyptian style or mayan style pyramid)
>>67601Hello fellow sunbro, have some kelp and yellow dust
>>67602Ok, 1. Collect saplings2. Arrange into frame of building3. Use magix to grow houses with tree wall
>>67442For Tie Tribe;Action : Explore south, all the way to the beach. Let's find those Sun folk.Tech : Using our newfound molding tech, let's make spearhead molds out of clay and make copper spearheads.
>>67633i like this
Ayyyy sunm8s what do we do for culture then? Do we get fire and exchange it for something of the Tiemen's or do we leave it as a joint effort?
Any slots open?
>>67629This will make spirits happy (maybe even give us lvl 2 magic for our effort) and our houses will look amazing.
well im back what happend
>>67442I seem to be the only Orange, so our actions are:>Trade with tree tribe, medicinal herbs and our knowledge of copper for some of their women>Research armor so both our men and women can be protected and no one can get the drop on us like before
>>67648All but Sun have open slots, I think.
>>67648We have a few slots open, our Treetard has taken up hermitship and isn't talking any more.
>>67656yo im back!
>>67656Scratch that. Only Forest and Copper.>>67654We're working towards an alliance with the Sun Tribe, based on our love for fire, spears and being butt naked, of course. Also trying to build copper spears.
>>67638We need to find them first though, so this turn Scout towards north while continue to firekelp ritual for culture
>>67667have we learnt any fire magic?
>>67674No, we're hoping to join our priests to the Sun shamans and join our efforts in learning fire magic together.
>>67674no but we'er going to go meet with the sand people soon and maybe we can collaborate
>>67660Do you have any propaganda to convince me?
>>67686are we trying to form an alliance with each over?
>>67697We're first exploring south to meet them, they are exploring north to meet us. We've already discussed the alliance. I've already submitted our turn: >>67633
>>67695Courtesy of the Tree Spirit Archer
>>67703so we are just waiting for the other clans?
>>67612Sounds fucking sweetI wonder if we have to go the selective breeding route or if theres a magic for making them biggerI still like the idea of trying to make glass so that our shamans can bath in a magnifying glass, as wel as it being a potential upgrade for our towers
>>67668Yes we'll need to get that ritual up again and we might find bowtiebros with our exploring. We should use our newfound battleshamans as exploring party though!
>>67731Lovely name. Tree/10
>>67723Yea, I guess. Will still be at least 2 turns before we get this plan rolling, if all goes well.
well it's about time for me to leave guys, see you tomorrow same time (or a lil bit later)!@opee_adventures for updates
>>67727Aight, so>>67442Get some battleshamans to scout North towards those purps and continue exploring the fire ritual
>>67741Had a good time Opee! Thanks for the thread <3
>>67741Ah okay, see ya Opee
Opee's gone, time to post/create memes.
also when you're done memeingpost your recap here!I'll prepare the updates before starting the thread that way, it'll speed things up
>>67751Welp, it's kelp
>>67741Gotta say our waifu is looking pretty good. I guess we blonde nao.
>>67724So am i in sun tribe or should I join to other one?
>>67804Now that we've got rope (drawing of my friend)
>>67786>>67629>>675872 actions are allowed for us Im pretty sure
>>67612>egytian+mayan stylewelp, behold, the comepletely embelished image of what the sun priest will look like at their maximum powersTruthfully they'll be naked forever>>67798Maybe only the females get hair.>>67819Thread's already over. So if you join early next time before the slots get filled then you're in. For any tribe
>>67834That's wrestling battlegear, completely manly and heterosexual.
>>67779>Action 1Trade with Copper Tribe: Women <-> Copper Knowledge and Medicinal Herbs>Action 2Grow saplings arranged in a house frame with Accelerated Growth for cool and upgraded living areas.
>>67845Incan breh, the Incans were the guys with the sun. However, the important questions is this - RUBRIC SUNMEN WHEN?
>>67845oh ok.btw add that sun priest should ridin' giant crab. :^)...and add some Khopesh instead of spear
Quick question for fellow tree tribesmen. Do we just worship trees and the forest spirits, or are there any specific deity?
>>67886Fine geez
>>67927Each tree contains a holy ancient spirit. They have been part of this Forest before time itself and we are their guests. They strive to keep the peace and we worship them because they are the bestest.
>>67937kekI have idea how to kill that sea witch, but we need a lot of copper... it would be good if we will find some sandstone. We can do some laser.
>>68000You've got some good ideas sunfriend!
Looks like i missed alot. But for the tree tribe, how are we going to keep the women under control? Threats like cutting off their tongues if they miss behave might cause some of the to run away if times get tough. Should we introduce a reward system for good behaviour?
>>68289What system do you suggest?
>>67047>>67090Thanks guys :)>>67420> the women were defended by scarred barbarians, and they came home empty-handed.Get rekt tie scum.
>>68336I could look at your drawings of orange qts all day, anonStay awesome
I'm back what happened since my phone died?
>>68360We're done for the day, but turns have already been submittedWe're trading with tree for some women to up our pop, and we're researching armor
>>68360Also I suggest makibg a outpost in the ashlands to keep out the bow ties.
>>68038Trust me I am engineer.
>>68325Better living quarters maybe? i dont really know, I was just hrowing it out there.
>>68038>>68210>>67834Are you still here?
>>68421Women with brave sons are respected?
>>68431Ya still here!
>>68472thats kind of out of their control, so it doesn't motivate them to work harder. Plus it gives women who just so happen to have brave sons more of a chance to act up, maybe even rebel.
>>68491So with that we could make some kind of death laser? If we got glass we could make some sort of magnifying laser too right? Less practical but easier to make. Still it's pretty end game to make stuff like that probably.
>>68495Idea:>Women have different jobs (within the gatherer kind of role) e.g. Herbalist, Cook, Maid, Cleaner etc. >Those that do better end up being sought after by the males.>Those who are shit at their jobs are unpopular.>This gives them some sort of power to be desirable to others of the tribe.
>>68579that sounds good, it would also make men work harder in order to get the women they want.
>>68519>>68491>end gameThis is just copper "mirror"Tower is using for focusing beam and makin' it stronger.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtzRAjW6KO0 number 3 :https://exploredia.com/top-10-advanced-technologies-ancient-people-had-that-we-dont/
At this point its looking like it'll be copper and trees vs sun and bowties.
>>68850There's still one more tribe to be introduced, and that'll be the one to tip the scales
>>68850at the very least its probabbly going to be Copper+trees vs bowties, unless something happens.
>>68869>>68873Sure is a good thing we have proper weapons, with the two of us combined we'd be quite formidable. Considering we seem to be the most militarly capable.
>>68579Should we maybe train women in growing magic? Like non combative, utility magic
hi, ive been following this quest from its beginning. great work by OP and players too, having a lot of fun. might jump in later. keep it up!
>>68713>>68491Making mirrors out of copper isn't a very good idea, however we wanted to research glass at one time, and copper sheathes at the back of glass does make for some nifty mirrors. >>68210>>67937Noice. Do you have any drawing tips for someone who can't draw? >>68869>>68873We are a peaceful people frend :^)
>>71779You're drawings are great though. Also when we get fire magic we should be able to tech into glass perhaps.
>>66140>The people of the sun decided to look for resources, and following a small stream, found lots of papyrus reeds! They found these sturdy fibers a lot easier and better to use than kelp, and rebuilt their homes with woven reeds.>>71996Also we have papyrus reeds (Cyperus papyrus)We can do many nice things.We should think or "discover" how to use it.And create papyrus farms.Papyrus is building material (better houses, columns), food source and also material for "paper".+The pith of young shoots we can eat both cooked and raw. (we need a more varied diet, right now whole year we eating only dried fish)+ From papyrus we can make mats, beds, cloth, sandals, shields and even bowls and other utensils + We don't have wood, but we can burn woody papyrus roots like effective fuel. But first I think we should make papyrus farms and discover how to use it.>>71779Glass will be cool.
>>68336fuck, I'm bowtie masterrace, but those orange qts...
>>72184Control your urges before we sacrifice you
Orange > tree > Sun > BowfagsCan we all agree on this
>>72201I thought it's the tree guys who had bows
>>72201nah matemanly suns > everyone else
>>72184How can bowties even compete?
is this the new /qst/ culture now?taking new roles and conduct meme and drawings war?
>>72201Orange, please leave our island.
>>72282>only one or two threads>new culture
>>72202Bow as in bowtie. >>72282Well, it's actual OC and contributed by members of the community. Why you gotta be sour?
>>72289What if we creating new trend in qst culture?What if we are creators of something new and big?And we don't know it right now?
>>72298Oh shit. That's true! Most people here can draw something that actually resembles a stickman, you are onto something huge here.
This thread has the best memes. Others can't even compare.
>>72298Kek'd hard. Drawing memes about a game some neckbearded elegantgentlemen enjoy won't create some form of cultural current, friend, as entertaining as it might be.
>>72298Don't be silly, wouldn't this type of thing only work for quests that have multiple playable factions anyway. Most quests on here aren't like that
>>72298Evo quests are nothing new. Even within non Evo quests there are factions of people who want to take the quest in different directions.
>>72336But we creating better quality.Most of this games dying after first day.Also we have the best drawings.
>>72382Take a look at the copper qt's in thread for proof. And the turn illustrations also.
>>72382See the good thing about this one, is that the OP isn't a douche. The Richard guy from that other civ quest thread is kind of not nice and it just ruins the spirit, and everything seems very intense there.
>>72397I ahve never been in there, what's up with him?
>>72400>>72397Nothing much really, he's an alright dude. I'm the grassy advisor in that thread.
>>72400He's okay but the thread is a bit weird as in it seems more unpredictable and.... random I guess. It's just the way he runs it that's different.
>>72400He's just unhospitible. Cold, not very fun. Feels like he's being forced at gun point to run the quest. I can't get into it if it doesn't feel like the OP does.Plus he's very sparatic with his choices of civlization advancing like he pulls it out of his ass as he goes along. And I don't mind that, but he's so defensive of himself. Just all thsoe things combined.
alright I'm hereI'm gonna take my time updating but you can start the roll call
>>72472k. SUNBROS WW@
>>72472Anymore trees around?
>>72477Right here
>>72472>>72476Sunbro here!
>>72472Orange Tribe reporting for duty
Rolled 88 (1d100)>>67804Scouting north:1-15: hostile encounter16-40: negative encounter41-90: civ encounter91-100:???
Rolled 41 (1d100)>>67799Scouting south:1-15: hostile encounter16-40: negative encounter41-90: civ encounter91-100:???
>>72472Tie pride, island wide.
>>72492Sweet, what we got
Copper here
>>72494>>72492Very lucky!
>>72496Tie Pride Island Wide!
>>72492>>72494Bloody perfect.
Rolled 76, 51 = 127 (2d100)tribal events!natural events are happening in two of the tribes!Rolls: Bowtribe, Sun tribe1-33: terrible!34-66: bad!67-99: better!100: perfect!
>>72504>sun got a bad rollwuh oh
Don't trees have a type of life magic or does it only work on plants?
>>72508Pretty sure it's just for plants. Even if it can effect more, they don't have that level yet
>>72507this is bad, spirits please save us
>>72508Accelerated Growth only works on plants.
>>72504Uh oh. Which roll did we get?
>>72508It's only on plants, but since there is herbal medicine we can work off of those herbs.
>>72514We got 76, Sun got 51.
>>72515Eventually we'll get some healing magic ;)
Hey guys. Missed the thread todayYou all pulled some pretty crazy shit, good work.
>>72511If it did more than plants I would've wanted them to breath life into some metal golems for us.
>>72521Hopefully we can complete that alliance with Sun today. The gods smile upon us.
>>72523Yeah, that's most likely beyond their scope.Also Smith, we have to figure out a way to work our way to blood magic. We can't let ourselves be the only tribe with no magic. Maybe we can spin it some way like we're using our own power and not the gods'. I don't think blood magic has spirits like earth magic, so it might work.
>>72525We never did define what any of the gods were.Maybe we can make the sun a god too.Also are the orange tribe becoming more feminist than us?
>>72521hello!!! so any questions on what happened yesterday?
>>72531You see I have a plan, we could try researching anti magic devices. First would be q type of tower then upgrade to handheld versions. It would take to long to catch up at this point in magic.
>>72532Sungod is best god, you should make the sun your god too yes
>>72538Somehow I doubt that's a thing, and even if it is, I don't think we can just decide to research it.And we don't need to catch up in magic, just get a level or two for utility. We don't know what it can actually do, but if it's even close to spirit magic, it could have tons of functionality.
>>72537Nah, I read the thread.I think what happened was just-We made Pots-Killed an orange girl, took her pretty things-Discovered how to melt shiny rocks-Pots saved us from winter-Tried to kill another orange, they had real swords though-Decided to meet the sun tribe, haven't found them yetI miss anything?
>>72532 no i don't think our ideal system will work with their god maybe we appease holy spirits?
>>72538Well we still have that magic grove of spirits that'll teach us more magic once they think we are ready.
>>72545Oranges are hostile now. And they're allied with Tree Tribe.
>>72545yeah thats it whats happened this thread
We can use accelerated growth on saplings Im sure
>>72549We're incompatible with earth magic though, so it's not even possible for us to learn it from you even if it didn't piss off the spirits. We need to get some of our own.
>>72551also we have a good encounter from last thread
>>72543I still think we should try because we need a counter to the others as their starting to become full blown wizards.
>>72559how does magic applied to each tribe again?. Does opee picked it for us?
>>72564It's a mystery
>>72551Not worriedWhat's the status on green Tribe Necks?
>>72570We haven't even met you guys yet.
>>72570Those wife-beating hippies still haven't developed necks.
>>72563The thing is that there's no precedent for it. It'd be like if the sun guys just went. "This turn, we research death lasers." Except we don't even know how we'd do it.>>72564Each tribe has a magic affinity, and it is impossible for them to learn the magic type before theirs on the magic chart. It should be up there somewhere in the thread.
>>72476Standing by
>>72576oh i see. But i'd like to see our tribe became the anti-magic kind of tribe.
>>72577>>72507>>72415let's have a gay old time today
i think we should for this thread focus on exploration and improving our tech skills maybe a little fire magic?
>>72564I think you have to discover it through events and such.From the previous thread:>>40760>>72576Perhaps we should try and work towards fire magic somehow. We already have more advanced smelting/metal working than other tribes, so fire makes sense for us. There must be some way to discover fire magic...
Anyone checked Opee's twitter today?
>>72576Perhaps we could kidnap a bowties man and experiment and figure out how magic works or perhaps get a volunteer from trees or sun?
>>72580You have an edge with tech, I think you'll be fine if you focus there
>>72588yep just saying that he's gonna be on in >30 min
>>72580If we found some sort of material that was resistant to magic, then it might be possible, but for now it's probably a lost cause.
>>72595Coolio. Bow Time Team already here.
>>72598The Bow Dream Team
>>72598 >>72585read this post by me its my idea for our plan this thread
>>72586We could learn fire, but the thing about magic is that it seems to always work with rituals. That's why our affinity is probably blood magic, we already have the ritual cutting. We could get to blood magic with just a bit of tinkering, I think.
>>72602Agreed, though we should really think about some defense capabilities if we can.Angst Tribe sounds like it's wanting piece if the bow.
>>72611so wall tech next then castles?
>>72620Cool sounding.THE BRICK SHALL NEVER BREAK
>>72622RIP Chieftess :(
>>72606Ah yeah good point, blood magic makes a lot more sense.
>>72622so wait for opee to do last turn then the world event then this idea?
>>72637That was posted one hour ago
>>72637its says >1hr and that was an hour ago
>>72628Don't worry, she still lives on in our hearts.And in most of our turn images.I think black haired girls are hotter than orange tribers anyway.>>72633Yes!
>>72643oh... okay then
>>72649Don't worry, Opee gets stall ups sometimes.I believe in them.
>>72645what happened!
>>72656why...are you looking at me like that?
turn 11 end!The blue tribe went exploring North. They found a tribe of dried mud-dwelling planters wearing weird, complicated, and comfortable looking clothes. They exchanged some stories before going home.The shamans tried the mat burning ritual again. This time the shaman burned until the flames didn't hurt him anymore! And he died. But then another did it and he didn't die! magic tier 1 discovered: flame. Sprout a flame from the palm of the hand. Wizards are unaffected by most fire.a gigantic fishman-demon attacked!impervious to the totems, it rooted them out, opening the way for a mob of fishmen to slip past and attack the village. The wrestlers led by the strategos were of little help, but the giant crabs of the battle shamans routed them, after a few casualties.
>>72657She's just not been around since thread 1
I'm still voting on researchinh antimagic but if the majority want magic then we'll do that,assuming everyone picks it.
>>72662Told you I believed in 'em.
>>72662Now we have fire! This is good!The fishpeople part, not so good.
>>72668Like I said, we would have to know a way of going about it, or we'd probably just be wasting a turn. Don't want to risk it.
>>72669So What about we trade with them in exchange for fire magic
>>72662>The sun shamans response to having one of their members burn to death is light another one on fire and hope for better resultsI love these people
>>72662The Tree Tribe used their knowledge magic to grow saplings into young trees fast, shaping them as they grow into house frames, where they add branches and bark to build sturdier and larger cabins.They started trading with the coppermen again, using the council's extra supply of women. but they were scared of the woods and refused to enter them, so it took place outside.The medicine plants were planted, but they do not fare well in the forest and die out without magical care.As long as women are traded, the population growth of the tribe will be given to the orange tribe.
>>72668>>72684>>72684lets just wait for developmentfor now, strengthening military power is the priority
>>72688we're a peaceful but not very smart folk, but hey atleast we got magic
>>72691The Orange tribe, after such a rough winter, decided to trade the women of the tree men for copper and medicine. The women were taught smithery, but only iron was given to them. They don't see any problem with it, enjoying every bit of their freedom and attention. Women built themselves, and then the men, basic copper and leather breastplates and shin guards for their adventures outside the village. Their materials are based on gender.
>>72679we should do something with our newfound fire magic, and get that traderoute set up with the bowtietribe
>>72711Well, weren't the tie tribe hair brown >>67741
>>72691It seems that the women would prefer to be traded away. Maybe we can use that as incentive, so women who preform well and are obedient get first pick to be traded away?
>>72710yeah we are fine with you trading with us for you materials or tutoring in fire magic
>>72716Oh cool, guess they were.
>>72710Let's either use fire on sand to somehow bullshit our way into glass or pray to the sun more while setting our fire wizards on fire to advance to the next level
>>72722setting them on fire more might be bad. we might be able to get glass now though
>>72710Let's discuss that fire magics research agrrement. Our priests can go naked, but the bowties stay.
>>72705The Tie Tribe scouts went south, and found a bunch of half (or sometimes full) naked weirdos on the beach with terrible fashion sense. They arrived at a celebration, and though they were put off by their strange practices, they found that they were a jolly people.The priests carved stones into spear molds. But only one could be crafted with the remaining copper, which was quite naturally given to the Chieftess.A respected guard challenged the Chieftess to a spear duel! He called her cowardly for using magic in fist fights. Her ego hurt, she accepted. The man was a lot younger and stronger than her, but she managed a lucky strike and fell him with her copper-tipped spear!The Chieftess is feeling her age taking its toll, and begun unholy practice of magic to regain her youth.Spear duels are now commonly accepted. Though they make duels less frequent, most of them are now lethal.
Alright Orange tribe, I think this turn we should either start our way toward blood magic or procure some more food sources.What do you guys think?
>>72747I say blood and we research steel or crossbows.
>>72743 so the chieftess is still alive goodwe also made contact with sun people so thats good
>>72759She's achieved milf status.
>>72747food source, start using iron hoe to develop agriculture.
>>72575I'm loving these
>>72759what now this turn?
>>72743>not expecting women to fight nakedBowties please
>>72769I want to discuss the alliance with the Sun Tribe and send our priests over asap.As for our free tech point, researching more into medicine so we can later reinstitute the doctor class would help out spear dueling problem. I think I've got an idea.
So tree tribe, should we start having a physical training regime for copper sword practice?
>>72756>>72765So we need to use one action for tech, and I think we need to spend a culture action before we can research blood magic.So how about for tech we research agriculture, and then use a culture action to make it so our people are willing to use supernatural methods as long as it comes from their own power, i.e. blood magic? You know as a "fuck the gods, we don't need 'em, we can do it ourselves" sort of thing?
>>72775what is your idea?
>>72775Can't we do something like in the other civ evo game : trade towns? They take like 2-3 turns to build and once built everyone can trade without using an action
>>72767Thanks, senpai.>>72775>>72780So I was thinking, we've got those bodies from people dying in duels. What if we open them up to study anatomy and shit? For the sake of advancements in medicine.
>>72775We'd need a good idea to do it. We already sorta messed up the one attempt.
>>72662Build more totems and papyrus farm.Think what we can do from papyrus >>72068Think how to make glass from sand using fire magic.
>>72765>>72777Using iron to advance agriculture seems like a good idea. Perhaps our population will increase with a reliable food source?And yeah, that seems like good logic for blood magic development.
>>72777What would make them not like it? As far as they know it doesn't come from a god but themselves.
>>72787Oh cool, yeah we could do that.
what about this turn tech:learn how to make bricks and for our other point resource scouting
Calling the sunbros, you there? Let's discuss fire magics and shit.
>>72776>>72717>forget my name twice in a rowI'm really living up to my name here
>>72800I think we already know how to make bricks.
>>72800>>72798OKAY WAIT. What things do you guys want to see happen in the next few turns? I'll draw a chart to help us visualize + keep progress
>>72793Opee introduced us as saying that we were untrusting of anything supernatural, so I'm pretty sure we have to make a cultural change before he'll let us use magic
We definitely got to get onto trying to make glass, it could have a ton of usesLike for instance the death ray/solar energy tower
>>72808are vermin still a thing?
>>72789more tech with papyrus might be good. so maybe tech into papyrus farms?
>>72808I wanna build a wall.I wanna enslave rat people. (This one might be pretty hard)
recap anchor post
>>72808>Multi-purpose alliance with the Sun tribe.>Get more copper for more spears. Perhaps scout the volcano.>Build a wall>>72815>Not mentioning the vermin, hopefully Opee forgets they exist
>>72812I mean that does kinda justify us makeing antimagic devices. Its just a matter of capturing a bowtie man for experimentation considering we have a actual military and they dontm
>>72823Do we have bows? And math? Did we pick up Medicine again?
>>72823i think we shoud see where they come from at least so we could enslave them for mining
>>72832So are you okay with these actions for the turn?>>72777
>>72777thenitsCulture :Encourage self-improvement from self. Enduring the pain from scarring and trying to minimize medicine usage. Spilled blood are stored for trophyTech:develop agriculture using new iron toolsalso bumping with new hot wimins from tree tribes
>>72835We never picked up medicine.>>72838We found where their warren was two threads ago.
maybe we should use our culture action into researching this newfound fire magic some more.And we should really set up a trading route, though we haven't decided on what we want to trade for.also since we're sort of immune to fire. How about we send someone down into the volcano, maybe we'll learn lava magic.
>>72841oh god, what am i typing. encourage self-improvement.
>>72841I like how the second girl is a forest tribe girl.
>>72839If the majority is good with it of course.
>>72729>>72787Kek, these perfectly describe our peaceful nation. >>72819>>72813>>72789Wards are of no use against the fish demons, we should try talking to the devil itself and ask it what it wants. This time we can send a spirit scout instead of a possessed fish, too. I guess this counts as an action pointAs for the culture point, we can spend it to ally/trade with the tiemen, as trade requires 1 culture action from both sides. We're still not sure what to trade though. Could a tieman recap what you have and we don't? As of now we have spirit+fire majeks, crab bros, lots of kelp, papyrus. Tech-wise we have food preservation and ropemaking.
>>72841why do the tree womyns have necks?
>>728435so lets send a hunting party including the chieftess to kill and enslave the vermin
>>72844Hey, Sunny, let's discuss trade routes. You want linen? We could use rope, I bet.
>>72835Oh yeah, we don't have bows either, but we got spears.We don't got math, but we got written language.
>>72841Ayo hol up you're getting even better at dis shit. Hentai when?
>>72856>>72862>>72852Tie bois check dis shit. Inventory recap for trade pl0x >>72850
OH SHITBOWTIE BROSLet's invent nets.
>>72850Makes sense
>>72871oh yeah then trade it with the sun people for reeds
>>72870We got-Spears-Fabric-Bricks-Clay writing tablets-And written language>>72871>>72881Also if we make nets we got that.That'll be great for fishing.
>>72870We got linen and clay.We can teach you spear fighting.We are still looking into joining our minds to create the dopest fire magic ever.We need rope/reeds.We could use spear fishing techniques.We know you really like that fire shit.
>>72888>CrossbowsWe don't even need bows
>>72871hey bowtie friends, we could also help you with your vermin problem by posessing them and eventually burning them.
>>72888that seems good to me lets make up our turn post
>>72882Next turn lets have the Smith's try enchanting the blades for a sort of vampirsm Effect perhaps? A warrior is healed and rejuvenated in battle?
>>72893Or turning them into our pets for further usage.Then burning them.As suicide bombers when needed
Brothers of the sun, I propose we trade papyrus for knowledge of either clayworking or writing. Afterwards we can do joint research.
>>72899Once we discover magic, Opee will tell us exactly what it can do, it has specific effects.
>>72851wait, they don't?...>>72866soon?
>>72902You get to enslave the rats, but once an animal grows too old, we get to burn them for the gods. Crabs would be nice too, once they grow old, of course. How about that?
>>72908None of the tree people have necksThe one that finally does will become the chosen one
>>72908They have necks, he's just memeing
>>72887>>72888>>72896BowBrosI elect that this turnwe:>TechInvent Nets for the purpose of trading with the sun tribe if they want, but also being able to catch prey or people alive on raids.>ActionTrade with Sun Tribe for what they want.
>>72915yep seems good
>>72915I wholeheartedly agree with this decision. Next turn we look into either archery or volcano exploration
>>72915We're still discussing with the suntribe exactly what we'll do. What do you intend to invent nets with?
>>72922Our linen and fabrics.
>>72903Sure, you got my vote
I'm leaving in like half an hour. I don't think I'll be able to make the next update in time, so I'm calling it off early.Also things will have to calm down a bit from now on, I don't have any more afternoons to spend on Adventure Civ. I'll do two or three updates at night instead