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Oh shit nigger(s) it's a /qst/ civ thing.

5 tribes inhabits a nondescript generic fantasy land: the human barbarians, the orc nomads, the treehugging elves, the cave dwelling manlets (goblins, kobolds and imps) and the greedy dragons.
Each tribe gets up to 8 players to guide them through the tribal era and hopefully not die while advancing their culture, technology n shit.

Just give yourself a name to identify which tribe you belong to. Ex: "Elf Faggot"

Each tribe gets 2 actions. The first action can be a regular action (ex: scouting), a cultural action (ex: declare pants are gay) or a tech action (ex: sharpen sticks to make spears). The second action is an extra that differs for each tribe. Humans and Orcs gets an extra regular action, Elves and Dragons gets an extra cultural one while manlets get an extra tech.

After consulting with your team members, reply to my post with your turn.

Currently, Turn 37 has started and no recap for each tribe has been made

Last thread >>515625

Previous threads:
Let's do this.
Here I am.

Reporting sire
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Any humans here? I need ya.
yay fresh bread
I think there should be four more until our avatar wakes up.

I think we should reshape our government into a monarchy/meritocracy.

Where the most capable male becomes the avatar/king and the most capable female becomes the high priestess/Queen
Here for the new thread
Rolled 2 (1d10)

I'm here
I would support a monarchy but I still want the council to be a thing just for rp purposes.
Orcs are becoming too strong. We are trying to thin them out with raids. This turn we are gonna create golems and attack. Next turn we will make swords with our new metalworks tech.
So a monarchy where the king mostly deals with wars and general policy and a council that handles all the small,day to day administrative stuff?
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Almost forgot, here be the anchor post. Give me your recaps.
The king knows we exist now.
I don't think any orcs are around.
I'm thinking.
Culture: Sacrifice 4 orcs to buff Wanpanch also check blessing costs I guess.
Action: Make some meteorite Orc tools to move into the space rock age.
This sounds good. Have the council be like a Roman senate during the imperial era by just having it do less important stuff. For a normal action should we have another orgy? I think we still only have like 10 Elves.
Heres what we got

Do the "Ritual" dragon god wanted us to do, have messia sit it out during it and talk to dragon god to ensure it goes smoothly

Send messia and friends enter the portal and look for stuff
Maybe we should make it a law to have orgies regularly starting this turn and have the divine priestess sing during it because
sure I'll support
Whatsup hats?
So declare a King and Queen while retaining the Elven council and make orgies a regular thing to increase population. Sounds good. Although I think we should make it so that PsychoElf can't be king.
OH SHIT , i got here at the BEST timing!!
Alright, here we go.
Action: Send an expedition along with the dragons led by King Kobs the I to the portal.
Tech: Establish chemistry labs in order to experiment with our resources in a manner that doesn't get us all killed. We need to keep experimenting with our metals to discover something new and stronger than bronze.
It'll be within the citadel as an add-on.
We should make the king and queen determined by a contest.

And start it before he wakes up.

Then he can't be king.
Fellow Barb?

Check the suggested recap Solid and I came up with.
So what your saying is were going full metal alchemist in this house?
Ayy, just make him the Royal ambassador or champion of something, ya silly elf.

Excellent. Grand Smeltery soon i hope.


Pretty much
Why wouldn't you want a man with a holy butt plug as your king?
I agree with your ideas.
What if we make weapons out of meteorite, since we have an easy access to it?
So our recap.
Actuon: Have a archery or something contest to select King and Queen
Cultural: Have the High Priestess over see and sing during daily orgies
That is where our metal comes from.
Yeah, I like the golem idea, and the orc are the only credible threat. Part of me wants to absorb them into a mighty empire and rule all other races, but I don't think it'll happen.

Tl;dr version: Yeah, I support it.
NO No NO wait a minute we forgot to finish the holy enchantments! Don't be so careless. Abort the expidition!
yeah (barbaric senpai)
Barbarian Humans and Skellies begin to build a force of bone golems from arena animals and slain enemies. Their bones are covered with stonearmor thanks to rockology creating the Stonebone Golems

Barbarians attack Orc camp again.
Lemme edit that so no fuck ups occur.
Make our government a monarchy where the king and queen are decided by a bow and magic contest.
But we keep the council to handle the small stuff

Have daily orgies to increase pop that the current priestess sings at.
We finished them last turn, check the turn sheet.
Well there goes our bloodshed
Action: Hunt.
Action: Hunt.
Adding: we attack with everything we got.
Alright but leave some for the goblins
Wait shit nevermind an orc showed up.
Oh shit nvm then.
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>all these nvm(s)
I'm in favor of the first plan.
Specifically we should sacrifice the four orcs who lost in the first round of the tournament
So sacrifice 4 orcs and buff Wanpunch + check blessing prices.
Bang space rocks together to advance to the space age?
The King has us spooked
We finished enchantment?

Dragon to do list:
Upgrade SMITE to greater SMITE

Force Messiah to make babies

Test out resurrection on sentient tribe people. We tested it on moles but they became good(?) undead, what if its a tribesman? I say we abduct one of the undead humans have

We had some loot from the portal surroundings right? Use that to talk to dragon god about something

Make Messiah create the Ten Commandments, not sure what were gonna add we can discuss this

We have some bloodbuff magic from the orcs right? Can we merge bloodbuff aura and holy aura for messiah?

Research earth golems for the manlets to pilot in case of combat

Make hotsprings bath houses

Evolve the kobbos even further

Seek out and tame some of our distant cousins and gift them to kobbos (for a price) as mounts
Next turn I think we should work on home like enhancing the citadels capabilities. I was thinking combining the holy shield with wind magic so theres a constant storm around the citadel that only we control along with the anti undead part.

Also what did you want to do with the enchatments? So we can put some of your ideas in place also.
the four who get sacrificed should be the four beginning loosers of the orc chief battle thing!
Yes. Only SOME of the space rocks though.
Just in case.
Don't worry, he's just a spectator

For now
Sacrifice 4 orcs and buff Wanpunch + check blessing prices.
Bang a couple space rocks together to advance to the space age
1. Forge half the meteorite ore into weapons
2. Sacrifice Half Skull, X Mark, Wolf Face, and Steve to power up Wanpunch
We should have Messiah indoctrina- err 'preach' our younglings not to be greedy with semen in order to increase birth rates. Also something about whenever hoard is inevitably lost due to jew god, to direct hostility towards external conflict and perhaps add in blood rage magic and create greed rage magic where we rampage for phat loot?
Obviously levitating the entire construction of the citadel to an extent to make it more stable, trap a whole bunch of shit, caverns included, have schools in there as well as a military academy in order to develope the finer points of stratagem i.e. Give us battlefield and overall combat bonuses. Other than that make drag-maghan, a brutal martial art focusing on the body and how to best utilize/destroy it.
>Dragons having to remind themselves not to be greedy with semen.
If we levitate, meteors from above will fuck us up as we have less reaction time since the meteor will take less time to reach us.

Also if our magic randomly turns off, were fucked when we crash
I quite like the idea of working on levitating the whole citadel with enchantments, combined with the storm/holy shield will make it almost impossible to shoot down when traveling.
What squad should I join?
Orcs always need people.
Whichever you like
Ayy, orcs could use help.
>Barbarians fire a meteor at us
>Move to the side as meteors cant change course
I really like that idea for levitation and it'll be nice being able to leave whenever we need to
If we can move it, then I can get behind it. But if it just makes us go up and down its suicide

Whats our actions for this turn?
This turn were gonna explore the portal and do the "ritual" to get the avatar.
When are we creating an official currency for everyone?
Manlets are the only one that can mine metal naturally without meteors, so can we mine gold and smelt it in to coins?

I mean, were not legitimate jews if we dont have a monopoly on banking and currency
Ok you two roll for it
Rolled 6025 (1d9001)

But they're the same ...
Well we kinda do already have currency with all those gold coins we just find everywhere laying around and stick into our hoards, unless you want to make a new one.
They're the exact same.
What's special about orcs
Its too early to think about it but since we have a monopoly on the mines we can jew everyone.

But first we need something the other races would want enough to trade for. But we will only accept our coins so they have to sell something of theirs at a currency exchange booth for the coins at high prices in order to buy it in the first place.

We get most of our coins back, something from them all for one thing of ours. Its the ultimate jew. We can also start lending coins as a bank and since we jewed most of our coins back already from the earlier trade, they cant possibly pay back the loan since they have no way of generating the currency without trading more of their own stuff away.

Plus delicious interest.
They're the weeb faction with [Stands]
Good point
I said roll!
they got saitama orc.
We get a bloodshed bonus of 10 at base level.
It goes up by 10 per fight we get in.
It caps at 100.
It resets on new threads.
Hunts count as fights.
We're camping out in the old elf forest with a bonus of 42 for any defense rolls.
That's about it right now.
Yer a grot.
Just say that you guys are the weeb tribe already. It explains enough
The numbers are important.
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OP, what are we waiting for?
Well, are we forced to be generic war monger?
Thats the humans. But they do it for fun and they're the really edgy asshole tribe no one likes
Surprisingly enough.
Only if we want them bloodshed bonuses and blessings, but the humans come knocking often so we never run out of blood. If we'd ever stop stalemating that is.

No that's the hummies.

refer to >>523064
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Yo op, can i use your picture in my Dnd game tonight?
>really edgy asshole tribe
>not dragon jews
What kind of fantasy is this
Wait, what baout those neverminds then? Are there gonna be revisions or not?
Dragon jews are just... Jews.

We're literally jewing the goblins out of their own race right now by outbreeding the original goblins with half gob half dragon halflings.

Just like real life jews with Europe
Op's fantasy, filled with references from previous quests he ran as well as slapstick poop humor, spiced with a decent amount of memage.
It's a free country/internet/basement m8, go right ahead
Orcs >>522970
No idea who else is missing.
I'm fine with that just roll for me. Do it for your busy orc
And dick jokes

Never forget the dick jokes

Dragons, actually, said nevermind and I'm still wiating for the re-recap
>Us assholes
>Literally have only jewed people to negatively effect others
>Meanwhile humans are genociding elves amd trying to kill orcs.
Wait. Have you guys researched astrology yet?

I want to try demon summoning by spilling blood on a pentagram
Exploring the portal with the gobs and messiah after the avatar ritual was the dragon plan.
Rolled 2060 (1d9001)

Still a grot.
>has holy powers on your side
>summon demons
a recipe for disaster
We agreed on it again
NO, We are jewish paladins, no demons allowed.
It just means were prepared to smite any danger that appears. I want to summon and abduct a succubus for my breeding far- err Horny's Fun Farm.

Holy-Demonic chimera when
Op, this quest was supposed to not be serious. Are you telling me holy demons aren't a thing when holy undead are?

Theology should be on the list. Astrology not so much if i'm not mistaken.
Past NaP threads prove Jews cannot be paladins. They will be purged.
A lotta dick jokes. Especially when they involve us. OP just loves giving us magical dildo artifacts
you know, we could go full Ancient Greece and just become gay because "only men can grant true love", or some bullshit like that. We constatly take it up the ass anyway
Where's the holy undead in this thread
Well tell me when you guys can create pentagrams. That should come under geometry and maths right?
Come purge us then rockheads, were waiting in our holy fortress.
Its a recipe for disaster if we allow one in our sanctum.

Just no.

It's hard enough to raise our pop as it is.
Also in reference to the jewing, all of our deals with the gobbos have been mutually beneficial, deals with the other races have kinda been skewed quite a bit in our favor when regarding diplomacy, but we aren't out right assholes.
Never said the Fun Farm was gonna be in the citadel. The uninhabited gob caves should be good enough
Funny, since elves are the only one who raise populations normally.
The rest of us just ask god for more dudes.
Well in in Ancient Greece and Rome they had values and boundaries regarding sexuality. Men were still expected to become fathers and family men and women fucking over men was a severe crime.
You don't remember the miles that we resurrected op? Really?
Who said they were holy
Can't you guys pray to your elf god to make men transvestites(not sure of the correct term) or something?

You elves will literally have both sex organs and men can be pregnant too. You hippies are weird like that and your god is a faggot anyway so he will probably approve
Autocorrect fucks me once again
I'm talking about the moles.

They didn't try to kill us, that's good enough.
You made them non hostile. They are not good. We can snatch them up anytime we go to the kobbo caves
Ay, we can still have orgies. But we should just confess our gayness and give the dicks some love too, ya know?
Plus, OP's dick artifact jokes won't be as effective
I never said we can't make children
cuz they're moles, they don't do much
A weird and /d/eviant idea but plausible. Make all Elves self reproducing females.
You guys have growth right?
When are you guys going full futa route and make dick growth drugs for your females to buttsex you faggots

Sounds like something thats really elf like
Too late? Orc faggot
I'm still against it.
I don't see any reason for it.
Feels like a waste of a turn.
Why don't we just make it so that elves can also come out of trees.
What was in the loot we got from the crypt in >>517332
No, that's fucking sick. Let's just be asexual and grow from trees or something.
You have a problem
Those are dryads not elves
It hasnt been identified yet
A random artifact you have to research.

If Orcs can...
So become one with the forest?
Obviously we trade it to the dragons and let them deal with it
They can, they just have to do it warlike.
We gotta buff Wanpunch first because barbarians aren't gonna stop impaling themselves in the forest.
Don't trade stuff you don't know about.
Enjoy your jewing
Just send everything to the citadel. With our magic knowledge and with the gobs we can identify everything... If we can keep 10% of the loot.

Also you can bring your space rock to us so the gobs can finally make your weeb katana weapons
Yea just make it so elves can be born from elves or just made in trees and come out in some weird fruit egg thing from the tree.
Technically it would be asexually cloning which is something found in nature among more primitive species.
So they use the entire loot pile as projectiles and the ones that can successfully kill are the ones that get identified?
We can totally do this. We'll negotiate cordially and as long as we get something out of it then we're good.
We aren't sending anything until we identify it.
Exactly. I think that could be a good idea. Certainly more efficient than what we have
Maybe we can have that along normal reproduction, that way we get double pop.
No, they won't want it once we realize it's shit.
We must outjew the jews
Trade it for somethin good, whereupon it is realized that the loot is (rolls 64) jack shit
>implying orcs can appraise anything unless it involves war
See >>523182
That's how you guys will appraise it.
>Messia personally appraises the unidentified loot
>+50 roll bonus
Make something nice for the orcs.
Then we might give you the unidentified jack shit in exchange.
No problem friend, your fighting the humans so you get an extra 15 percent off all major appliances. That includes bronze and stone working, in addition to draconian linguistics. Items are sold seperatly however.
1 hour and no update. Great golly gee you other races are sloooow.
Well I did say you guys can bring the space rock from the meteors and we can smelt it in to weeb katanas for you guys
>trying to Jew us when we are fighting a war that benefits you
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The humans created more golems from rock and bone. Unholiness reigns.
Were waiting for op at this point, everyone has their recaps I think.
You dont know the extent of our jew level
Or if you want custom made amulets from questionablemetals™ and holystuff™
We have holy aura and enchantment right?
Can we enchant them in to amulets and sell to the others?
You'll have to pay for trademark usage by the way, but it does fall under the major appliances section so there's that.
>and the artifact is...
>(rolls 100)
>the elves!
I need to remind myself what the dragons have.
Oh shit I know.
I want dragons to use their earth and magma magic to make a moat of magma around the Orc forest.
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Yes we can.
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AND NOW, humans attack orcs, again. Clearly they have nothing better to do.

HUmans and orcs roll 1d100, yadda yadda,
Humans: Chief's Power +30; Boss Skeledragon +10; Rock armor +10; Fire bone fists +10; Improved Arena Training +20; Rockology +2; Rock shields +5; flaming spiky rocks +8; Necro Powers +20; Undead Bone structure +10; Flaming Heavy Metal Rock Hard Boner Spears +30; Sneks +5; El Skelebool +25; Stonebone Golems +10; Skeledragons' Necro Breath +15; Superior Numbers +20

Orcs: Big guys: +5; Wood Bone Mud armor: +15; Board shields +5; Boar mounts: +6; Big Chief Fred The Unicorn +10; Smaller chieftains +5; Super Boar: +2; Bone weapons +5; Fire Bone Spears +5 ; Blood Rage+22; Berserk +5; Orc fu +10; Hotblooded +10; Spirit Fists +10; Spirit Manifest +5;One Punch Orc: +50; Orc God wants blood: +10; Home Turf +45
Hey I have an idea. We can use enchantment to put smite in to some rocks and pebbles and when it hits something solid it explodes holy energy everywhere.

Literally a Holy Hand Grenade™ which we give to goblins so they wont be as useless in battle against undead. Plus they have numbers so its like 30 dragons casting smite if 30 gobs throw it
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Getting sick of the humans' shit.
Rolled 86 (1d100)

Rolled 10 (1d100)

Rolled 99 (1d100)

Oh, humans. When will you learn.
Does our forest or rather the remains of it still give the orcs a defense bonus?
Orcs have to win by 8
222 vs 230 huh
That's where the +45 comes from

It begins
Do the orcs get enough for a win or is it another tie?
Rolled 28 (1d100)

I guess all humans left. Again. This is the coalition all over again
Orcs you should be prepared for when we take the magic out of the forest.
You have us to thank

I just wasn't completely sure since I thought it might be a bonus from the orcs defending.
It's 225 for Orcs.
it's guaranteed a tie
Okay, Can I dammand a peace talk with the humies
So far it's another tie
324 and 316
its 316 for the humans versus 321 for the orcs
unless the humans roll higher, its a draw
Wr will blood the trees and make orc trees.
That's actually really smart, if the gobbos invent a way to use the electricity of theirs to propel those pebels then hot damn that's some straight op shit
OP, just out of curiosity, what bonus do the Ents give us in combat, for now?
Humans roll dammit!
What are the human defense bonuses again?
Can this not be a bloodless tie tho?
Surely there ought to be a few deaths.
Maybe like 10 each?
Use a rip off version of orc charisma...

Since its inconclusive, do they have a staring contest?
Humans aren't gonna lose anything.
They just fucking resurrect anything that dies.
Turf bonuses:
Elves +35 (rising passively)
Orcs: +45
Humans: +82
Gobs and Dragons: +105


SO NO MORRRE HUMAN ROLLS? If so then we have another tie

They'll just resurrect the guys that died and add them to their army you know
The elf's forest is giving them a very big bonus

We have to burn it down
Humies, this war is getting a little long, how about we white peace and you could go genocide someone else
No. We are gonna steal it later. We need to move away from the kingdom eventually
This guy makes a good point. If we enchant the elven forest with holy and wind magic then the barbs won't be able to burn it down.
Also, is Elf god still unreachable?
No fuck that.>>523266
What if they all die then none of then can resurrect?
What kingdom?
>implying that orcs are dumb enough not to SMASH puny human bones
He will be until dildobutt wakes up, 4 turns from now
The kingdom where the king lives.
inb4 global event dickass thief
Assuming they compensate us adequately...
THe point of a tie is nobody wins or lose anything
Wait, if orcs and humans both have things that make them good.. Why don't we just sign a white peace and trade war tech
Well if we do beat them in a roll
Because fuck those guys.
If we keep attacking them while the forest is intact we will keep getting ties.

We have to burn it
Cuz we want you to have less advancement. The point of this attack
Good point what the hell can the orcs give us?

Fealty. That's what, same as the gobbs my friends, all orcs want blood, in that pursuit there is wealth. It all falls into place.
Stop it! no peace!
The final numbers are what counts. And the final numbers have a difference less than 10, that's da rule
One would have better luck trading war tech with a gorilla
Think of it as the molotov ribbentrop pact, they go do something else, and we get half of a nation
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And the "war" came into another draw where nobody really gained anything
We need better tech. If we still had Brocks favor, we would rip them apart. Its our bonuses that are hurting us right now [senpai fucked up by using emoticons and got our +45 taken away]

Also our attack bonus is weaker if we only destroy the forest and the orcs get the same defense modifiers. Kinda pointless.
Don't attack us, go kill someone else, we trade some tech and you can go kill others
Wait a second, if the humans have some skele-orcs in their army, why do the skele-orcs fight their own friends and families? And if the skele-gobs have free will, why did they just give out tech to the guys who killed them? Dat don't make sense.
Then lets farm skulls to get Brocks favor back.
Fuck you orc, you don't speak for dah rest of us orcs
You don't get it man.
We're the only thing that has canceled them out.
Three times now, including punching their largest meteor.
They aren't gonna be happy until we're dead.
undead don't give a fuck
there's no point to diplomacy with the undead
Undead loyalties. Human skellies attacked us before we had necromancy

And if we kill you, you join us. Obvious benefits.
Damn, I had to leave for a few. Missed the roll. Maybe forming a federation with the orcs isn't such a bad idea after all.

If not that, go on a crusade to regain Block's favour.
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Elves has decided to adopt a monarchy+council government structure, to pick out their king they held a magical archery contest.

Do elves want to roll for this contest too? Like the orcs did with their new chief.

IN other news, they ahve incorporated singing into their orgies

It's the skeletons trapped inside their bodies

Or alternatively, undead thinking works different than mortal thinking

Or alternatively alternatively, undeads still want to kill, they jsut happens to be on the side of the humans
hey elves
roll for your head of state
it'll be cool
I like peace.

300 skulls for old bonus. 3000 for +200 upgrade.

We need to kill orcs and stop their growth. Their bonuses are the same.
>IN other news, they ahve incorporated singing into their orgies
Jesus Christ.
Sure why not.

It's not like smiling one can participate.
Meh, good enough for me. And yeah, contest is always kewl
You like dick! We orcs are for blood or our God will take our blood.
I say we roll to decide the monarchy.
At the moment we risk wasting our turns in a stalemate, while the orcs keep building.
OP can the orgies give passive pop bonuses now?
If you haven't noticed, your pop has been going up each turn picture
Then we should hunt beasts again, with these battles we will not get a lot of skulls
Also, i feel like the elf in that picture just dosen't give a fuck about anything. I like him.
Another meme, boys
Crusade for Brock. How many turns would we need to dedicate to crusading to get a bonus OP?

If not, grind for skulls I guess.
We build as well.

Fine. We will do something else.

Make flaming metal swords for the barbs and large swords for golems.

2nd: Ask gobbo and draggo skellies about where they live. We still don't know that.
Depends on who you're crusading against
Oh yea what about our magic school.

Is it getting to work on magic research passively like supposed to?
I also like the idea of a crusade.
Yeah, swords sound good. Do you think we need to worry about Gobs/Drags yet? I can't currently think of anything better (apart from maybe more skull hunting) but I'm just curious as to what to do with the knowledge.
Should we organise another crusade to weaken the humans before they get their favour back?

This time its just us 2, bringing gobs and elves was a mistake
If we find out where everybody lives, would a turn of crusading against each individual race be acceptable?

I mean, hypothetically?
Speaking of magic schools. Reminder that we should get one in the citadel as well. Since we are dragons the passive research will be just as fast as the elves.
Its just good to know. The gobbos and draggos know of the citadel unlike the barbs and other skellies. We can also use this action to just learn secrets of the other races.
You need to lure the humans out of their settlement.
Instead of sacrificing 4 orcs, can we sacrifice 2, then kill the resultant 2 undead for 2+2=4, or is that not how it works?
But you won't discover new spells as fast as we do, if at all.
In fact, even faster.
The only thing elves are superior against us in magic is that they discover new branches of magic easier by asking their god. We arent good at discovering magic so we have to get jewed by our own god first but we're the best at improving the ones we know, I think
I fear this calling us evil at every turn is a subtle way of expressing the king's disapproval.
Just leave them to kill eachother away from us, they wont be able to breach the citadel if they cant breach the orcs home turf when were speced against undead
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THe elven tournament, first round.
Elves, roll 4d2 for results of eeach match, the Elf with the highest last digit will be picked
1st match:
- G'Ene Rik
- Lelgolas
2nd match:
- The Bard
- MC Triple Nipple
3rd match:
- Blind ill Ivan
- Possibly a woman disguising as a man
4th match
- Possibly a man disguising as a woman
- High Elf

Crusading just means auto starting a battle against that race until you or they die

When you sacrifice to a god, the entire sacrificed person is gone
They didn't breach it because they didn't have Brock's favour buff. Without Brock's favour, their bonuses is already almost equal to orcs defending with their home turf bonus.

If they get Brock's favour, they're a threat and we should nip tragedy in the bud.
Rolled 1, 2, 1, 2 = 6 (4d2)

Rolling for contest.

I want blind Ill Ivan to win.
When did elves magically get 2 extra ones?
Their pop is only 6 iirc and lol all of them are male. They can't reproduce lmao
Then with brocks favor they can fuck up orcs but we still have a big advantage on them bonus wise as our home turf is more than twice orcs, then all our holy spell and things. Just leave them alone to kill eachother outside the citadel while we watch the show.
How do you know all of them are male?

I don't think OP ever specified how many of each gender we have.
Their pop is currently 12
Fair enough. Swords and intelligence then? Sets us up nicely for a pilgrimage of destruction against each of the other races. Surely that would gain Brock's favour?
Rolled 2, 1, 2, 1 = 6 (4d2)

Ay, MC Triple Nipple is my homedog, i hope he wins
We can take them on if we team up with the orcs before they get Brock's favour.

Our citadel will be fucked with a meteor enhanced with Brock's favour. Meteor is 100 in order to survive plus Brock's favour so that makes it 145. We literally need to roll a 95 with Messiah to survive that. Plus meteor increases in strength the number of humans thag cast it.

If we don't weaken them now, even if we roll a nat 100 with Messiah we can't defend against a full powered meteor
Rolled 2, 1, 1, 2 = 6 (4d2)

Nope. 300 skulls or more is the only way. Unless OP is more specific about crusades.
Ey manlets. Why don't we make a small shrine to each of the gods? Just to be like "ey hey gods. You be pretty cool." And thats it. Just say hi to the other gods and compliment them a bit
If the crusade is successful it will bring skulls.

brock tried to get in with kobbo god
that's a nope
Well if you want you can vote for it, just know I'm against it and assumingly other dragons as the formula used for group combat is retarded.

Besides if it goes as planned we'll get our avatar and were otherwise good.
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And so the first round has concluded, tune in next turn for the second round.
- Lelgolas
- The Bard
- Possibly a woman disguising as a man
- Possibly a man disguising as a woman
But we dont get the undead pop without skulls, ya?
But we are the hybrid faction. We need a manlet/human manlet! Plus Kobbo isn't a girl. So if Brock does make a move on Kobbo he would be gaaaaaay.
Yes, so everytime you need to make a choice
-Get skulls to sacrifice but no new undeads
-Get new undeads but cant use their skulls for sacrificing
We don't need to crush them completely.

All we need to do is reduce their humans, we can ignore most of their undead apart from the golems.
Even if we don't get skulls we can still create golems out of their corpses, right?
Got it.
They literally always have undead with them, orcs stand no chance in an open field without hometurf and I dont want to deal with them. You also fail to mention how we'd get to the alive ones. Theres no point in dealing with them when we can stay home and do whatever.
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d2)

Dayum, mah homie lost. Well, let's hope at least Weedolas gets the victory
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The orcs sacrificed 4 of their own to add to the sacrificial blood pool. Orc God sees their contribution and as promised, empowered the One Punch Orc.

The orcs also collected the meteor chunks to use as weapons, further research in this field maybe beneficial
What's the effect of empowering the one punch orc
Hey orcs, bring those space rocks to us and we'll make you weapons with the biggest bonus
Dice God can always fuck us over when defending against meteors
Can we get a price check on the other bonuses?
He now gives a +75 bonus

Originally it was +70 but Orc God gave the +5 as a tip
As I've been saying, since they're the weeb tribe you should make them space rock katanas
And thats why were going to figure out how to levitate the citadel so we can move when we need to and not deal any of this shit.
If we use a turn to talk to skellies can we learn things from them?

For example can humans in one action collect a elf, orc, draggo and gobbo skellie and speak individually such as
"Humans ask their companions the following:
Gobbos: Where they live
Draggos:where they live
Orcs: secrets of orc fu
Elves: Dirt pillar spell.

Clarification would be swell. Im going to assume heavy limitations.
The orcs you got don't know refined orc fu.
Pretty sure the latest orcs you guys got was in the one all or nothing attack that backfired horribly.
How can we do that with our current magic set?
Maybe ask Jew God for telekinesis?
Then enchant it in to a device the kobbos made empowered by magic?
I'd assume magic and -fu wouldn't be passable like that but location should be possible
That why we made enchantment, so we can enchant the very citadel itself with the specified effect but it may take awhile. Our version is just holy while the elfs isn't.
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The reamining things you can ask for:
- More pop: 20 fresh battle kills or 20 dead orcs
- Become bigger: 10 fresh battle kills or 10 dead orcs
- Hair: 5 fresh battle kills or 5 dead orcs
- More Blood Magic: 50 fresh battle kills or 50 dead orcs
- Empowering the meteor punching orc even more: 60 fresh battle kills or 60 dead orcs
- Pants: 200 fresh battle kills or 200 dead orcs

Only one at a time and you can't learn new magic from them. Skeletons of any race will lost the magic of that race when they join you, gaining yours instead.
Just an example. I think they did know refind, tho. They do know basic blood magic at least. Also bezerk.

Elves could teach archery or something. Again, an example.

Small question.

How can you even communicate with and extract information from them if they're effectively soulless thralls with no vocal chords that should have 0 recollection of their life among their people?
We managed to get lots of loot when we found the portal right?

Let's ask Jew God for levitation magic next turn
Why don't we get to work on how to sever people and races from magic.

It can be like curse magic.
OP said many times they do have those memories. They join us as undead feeling no sympathy for the living.

Thank you for the information.
We already can levitate with improvised holy and wind.

Ah, pardon, i seem to have missed that.
Lets not, he'll just take everything we have since his jew levels have risen since the first thread.

Remember we innovate, it took two turns for enchantment because it was new, now we only apply it with what we need it to do since we unlocked it.
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Gobbos, Kobbos and Impos worked on improving their alchemy n shieet

It's been established, even before joining the humans that undeads can talk, it's maaaaggggiiiiic
And what were Brock's skull prices?
Oh, that's nice. But we'll have to think about magic when we get to contact elf god, so for now we can't do it.
It's simple. Brock let the skelebois have their brains and stuff at first. Then the other gods ganged up on him so they could get the skeletons souls back. They humies only had the stolen tech because the other gods didn't bully brock yet.

Right OP?

oi humans, can someone do a tl;dr
just missed the whole thread
OP can we work on magic without tree god?
The archery thing could be useful, since slings are getting outdated
nigga there's only been one turn so far this thread
That goblin is like their version of the psychoelf
You suck cuz you lost our Brock favor bonus and we keep tying with Orcs
and already half-way to bump limit

Duely noted.


We should start work on either the smeltery or archives and schools soon enough right?
i lost ???
Does it matter? This board is slow as shit, we can keep the thread alive for half a week after hitting bump limit
Be glad that you are only tying.
We went to 2000 posts one time.
Bumplimit aint shit.
Possibly, but we need to gain bonuses. We can smelt already, we already have writing, we gobbos are pretty smart already. Unless there's a passive thing that OP will give to us if we have those, there's not much benefit.
Have humans used the meteor metal to reinforce the walls?

I know, just meant it as a measure of the signal-to-noise ratio
Please OP please. I'm begging you. Don't let the humies take our techs and knowledge. Please. I will sing your rap songs. I will draw your drawings. But please let my explanation be canon.

Do you need me to rap again? Will you make it canon then?
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600 skulls for the old +45 bonus
1000 for +55
2000 for +75
50 for +20 people each time
100 for some neew magic
150 for empowering the chief some more

Undeads can already do all that even before they join the humans
Who are you, guy? And we have the 2nd highest def bonus. We need more offense.
3000 for +200, still there?

The chem labs should have provided us with some form of passive bonus.

Up to OP to confirm this though.
Loving the new look, Brock.
How did Je- Dragon God's claws feel?
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Almost forgot, the dragons initiated the complex ritual:
all dragons form a circle around the statue, sing kumbaya twice - once forwards and once backwards, then they grab the tail of the dragon on their left and yank 5 times, after that they turn around and kick the dragon on their right in the ass - dead center- 6 times. Finally they join hands again and do a simultaneous backflip that lands themselves on their heads.

The messiah oversaw the proceedings
Dragons, roll 1d100 to see if you completed the ritual properly
Needs >80 to succeed
Messiah bonus +50

Yes that too
Rolled 58 (1d100)

good jobs dragos
So that piece I just made changes nothing? And the humies are still gonna leech of us gobbos?

Anyways did dice god wake up so other gods can whoop him?

And can we work on magic without contacting our god?
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"It was actually his teeth, so itchy and slobbery"

"Regrow your skin back, you creepy asshole"

"But my face is so breezy now"

They only leech all the tech before the bronze era

Rolled 4 (1d20)

Rolling for dice god to wake up right now to see Deez rolls.

Could you please confirm this whether or not this is valid kindly OP?

Also what of the expedition?
Stop before you lock us all to 1d20s again.
Rolled 85 (1d100)

Oh shit rolling
Follow this orc >>523585
Tell me some God gossip, is it true that Orc God's tusks are fake and only stuck together with superglue?
we did more alchemy. What was our first action?

Dragos, why don't we add a magic college in our citadel. That way we can share magic. I am thinking of it like there is 10 gobbos in there and when one race gets some magic the other does too. I mean you have no problem with us getting magic right?
>it was his teeth
Wait, did you two kiss?
If you want magic go to the culture exchange center we built
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And so the ritual is completed successfully, the Dragon God made the statue his avatar and it can now participate in battles and defense. It gives a +50 bonus, but only in battles though.

Chem labds means researching chem related things will take less turns

And as always, joint expiditions needs a seperate turn
Next turn trade crypt loot + meteor steel to gob/dragons in exchange for anti-undead enchanted japanese steel?
Preferably with a team of orcs specialized in the art of the jew
Are the humans stil fighting the orcs

Thank you very much.
Now the dragon god can finally have real father-son bonding and not just talking via divine connection.
We should expand it to include a Mage college though, both for the passive research and so there is explicit reason to switch magics easily.
The humans will never stop fighting the orcs.
They might possibly take a short break to get more bonuses, but they will not stop
Calling it quits for now.
We tied and they backed off.
We already looted it.
I was gonna say we identify the artifacts we got.
And make the empty tomb an orc base.
I meant like a full magic school. Where the magic research is faster and better. With the added bonus of future magic being shared between the two factions of Gobbos and Dragos. That way you don't have to spend a turn to learn our magic and vice versa.
Bonus in forest: +45.
Bonus in undead crypt: +0. -50 against the humans since the undead already know their way around
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"If I revealed that, the Orc God would ahve to come down and kill all of you"

"What? no! I ate his face!"

"Your mortals sounds pretty gay"

"No they're not"

"I dunno, why would that one immediately think of kissing then?"

I think we got jewed out of something here. No way he does it for free.

We lost our dignity.
Yeah and we'll add sacred enchantments of undead banisment and smiling too.
So hunting then to get them blessings and bloodshed?
+Identifying the artifacts
It's an indirect kiss since you ate his lips...

Elf God would have masturbatory fantasies over this if he finds out
Obviously the Dragons thought they because you wanted to sex kobbo god. Who isn't a girl.

If you with your simple brain still don't understand. I am calling you gay.
My salt source is coming from autocorrect now. New found sources never cease to amaze.
Don't worry dragon god all the other dragon are straight except for that wierd one that spends to much time alone.
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"pssst, they didn't actually need to do the "ritual", I could have do that anytime I want"

"What? Really?"

"Pffft, yeah. I jsut thought it'd be funny to have them lose their dignity. I even recorded it and put it up in the divine archives so it would last eternally"

"hah, You son of a bitch"
He's already writing a fanfiction, that's why we can't reach him.
Somebody sounds like they needs a smitin'
>elf god fangirling over fapfiction
Pls give me eye bleach
Stop wasting yourself me in this endless conflict. We must fight the true doe. Who profited while we fight? Who laughs while we bleed. We need to ally. Humans and orcs arn't that different, all pawns for their game. We need to stop fighting now
He's gonna publish it to all the gods and put it in the divine archives.
Yeah lets kill the King!
Nigga you're starting to sound like a filthy barbarian.
Our god wants blood and the humans want a fight.
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Before we begin, how many from each side are sent on this journey?
Let the dragons identify the artifacts.
Anything they discover will be better than what we can discover, so it's worth more as a mystery box.
Hunting is good. Should also think about scouting and improving our base
Just send in messia and his 4 dragon friends
I'm hitler, this is my id. I'm on multiple threads so my name might not always be on. My bad.
Messiah and 3 other dragons

Humans will not participate in that.
ALL OF US. Minus Nad (The female Kobbo who was married to the dead imp guy) and some random Imp
9 to make it even if we lose them
King Kobs the I leading of course.
Actually just send in 3 like horny said
hey shut it nerdo
only send what we need to explore, my actions are final
Do a pebble throw and roll 1d5 to see who wins
Clearly we are at an impasse





Imp Ass E
Rolled 4 (1d5)

hey, you fuck we're not putting our entire pop on the line for this expedition
Rolled 4 (1d5)

Let's do a beaker throw instead.

Also I want Nad to be promoted to general. No reason why I just want her to.
>both 4s

Roll again
Rolled 1 (1d5)

god damn it gobbos
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Okay Double Beaker Throw. Roll 1d20.
>both 4
I guess we need a tiebeaker

Heh get it, beaker, tiebeaker

Throw beakers for 1d3
>did not invent glassware
For too long we have fought. If we ally, we could rule the world, the others laugh as we waste our strength away, profiting off this needless war. I think we need an alliance, to be able to realize our potential and to strike back.
>Inb4 they tie again and OP begins senseless kobbo violence.
Rolled 2 (1d5)

Rolled 15 (1d20)

hey, let me reroll
If I beat Imp Inventor's roll with a d20
We go with my actions
They tried to meteor us twice.
Peace isn't gonna get us nowhere.
Rolled 6 (1d20)


And what about this guy? >>523700
You, roll a 1d20 too while stating which plan you want for the manlet side of the journey
The results are inkobclusive



Anyway headbutt eachother for a d2 and see who's the last one standinf
but he did, OP
and he lost his shit
lets keep it moving
If we hit our heads together we would die.
Alright faggots I have shit to do, looks like I'm abandoning qst for today. Night.
Thats the idea
Fuck, he noticed
amazing how everyone mocks humans as savages that settle things by throwing rocks, and everyone is doing the same now
>inb4 OP punishes him.
Seeya nub scrub
fit me....and my entire family of 20 people.
Maaaan these other races take forever. At least my peeps go afk. You guys just cant agree on shit.
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AND SO, the mighty band of Dragon Messiah, King Kob I, 3 dragons and 9 manlets go towards the anicent portal! NOW HERE DOES IT LEAD THEM? THIS QUESTION WILL BE ANSWERED....by a roll I'll make. As this shit is something they can't controllll

It's cosmic irony
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Rolling for dicegod to turn this barb into a troll and force him to guard a shitty wooden bridge. A bridge that is far far away from the barb camp.
Rolled 9 (1d100)

no more rolling you little imp shit
we might need better rolls later
>Inb4 it drops them in the kingdom.
I'm getting out all the bad rolls.
Pfff, we don't.
inb4 it drops them into future wrestling league.

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Rolled 9 (1d10)

1 - Candyland
2 - An ancient tomb
3 - An ancient vault
4 - The Kingdom
5 - The King's throne room
6 - The Future
7 - The future King's bedroom
8 - Hell
9 - The moon
10 - Some dude's house
11 - OP's house
It'd be reaaaal boring without me. Promise.
Well they're dead.
ayyy lmaos
Better hold your breath.
Where are the ayyys? We want the ayyys!
Moon Dragons confirmed?
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And so the oarty went to the moon.

And all died because none are suited for space travel.

And so that ends this episode of MANLETS AND SCALEIES PORTAL ADVENTURES.
Dragon Jesus

He is kill.
>Not even a roll to save the messia
Inb4 alien god or paladins save them.
now, whose the retard that suggested we send our entire pop in to die?
not me
Gee dragon messiah.
What's your father gonna think about this?
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IN totally unrelated news, aliens got a new tourist attraction
BUT THEN KOBBO GOD WAS LIKE. "Here have water breathing. Faggots."

Please OP. I don't want to die.
>I raised a faggot of a son
hold on, OP
you only rolled a D10
there's 11 things on that
>water breathing
>on moon
>Inb4 OP rerolls and it drops you in King's throne room
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>Damn it, my son is gayer than the elf god.

>inb4 Kingdom
Technically he is right. You should reroll
Meanwhile, in Dragon Heaven

"Words cannot describe the disappointment I feel for you right now" said Dragon God to the soul of Dragon messiah

That was the point, none of you fags are getting in here

This doesn't concern us.
we demand a reroll, OP
you didn't roll a d11
So we are doomed to fight each other for another 50 turns until one of us wins and we will always be crippled
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Dragon God was so disappointed, he didn't even send a pic
On the bright side manlets...

At least you didnt end up tossing your entire population into it. Like it almost happened.
Offer money to buy Messiah back. He's Jesus, he reincarnates after three days.
This also, it wont be to hard getting him back
Gobbos let's write a rap. OP really likes raps. If we rap maybe he will allow messiah and and everyone to live! Or at least he will give us a sweet rap buff.
Meanwhile dragon messiah is dead. The "goblins" should be happy they lost so little.
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Alright faglords, who wants a reroll and (potentially) even more failure
He's gonna charge you your entire board for like 11 turns.
yes please
better than instadeath on the moon
mr dragon god sir, is there a way we can get our friend back? you know. the messiah
We need MORE salt.
Yes! Salt for the Salt God!
>inb4 barb hat fag says "NO ONE!"
Cultural action: Declare pants are gay.
Regular action: War with humans and dragons against manlets and orcs.
Alright, maybe we'll die in a not so pathetic way.

Extra serving of salt.
>4 options is insta kill
>3 are potentially dangerous but nothing dragons cant handle. RIP gobs tho
>2 are completely harmless
>the enemys grow stronger
>you could of listened
>it's happening
>humans and dragons against manlets and orcs
>dragon against manlets
Oh yea they are definitely gonna agree with that.
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Rolled 4 (1d11)

Don't say I never did anything for you
1 - Candyland
2 - An ancient tomb
3 - An ancient vault
4 - The Kingdom
5 - The King's throne room
6 - The Future
7 - The future King's bedroom
8 - Hell
9 - The moon
10 - Some dude's house
11 - OP's house
I'm sure my vote doesn't count for anything, but I wanna see this happen.
Better get to running guys.
RIP gobs. We have a chance to escape at least.
fine but we get orcs then.
The end times come.
I'm not sure if this is worse or...
The kingdom?
Messiah has a chance to escape now. Everyone else is fucked.
If he asks where we came from, give him the barbarian's location.

Its where the king.

The super dangerous guy rules.
oh shiet too late
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Fuck you Dice God
Think of him as a monster with a 10 mil atk bonus. And gives you a penalty of -40 mil on your rolls
inb4 kingdom are actually really swell guys
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The party of manlets and dragons are sudenly teleported into a strange place, inhabited by humans, but looks to be more advanced than the barbarians they're used to. They even got proper houses, walls, armors n shit.

"Hey look over there! Aren't those the savages from over the wall?"

"You're right! The hell are they doing here?"

"Dunno. Wanna kill them or something?"

"Maybe the King wants to see them"

"Decisions, decisions"
Did you read kingslayer?
If we aren't part of his kingdom and paying taxes we're fucked.
If you're a barbarian you're already dead.
WAIT! We come in peace!
40 pounds of gold ore in exchange for us not to die,
I haven't looked at Kingslayer. Please give the tl:dr version.
He's gonna demand high taxes for sure.

Maybe just kill you all.

Cause he can.
OH SHIT *hides behind dragon*
They are ded.
Roll for initiative. Fire before manlets can react.
So many different choices, each of you roll 1d100 while stating your actions and whoeer gets the highest gets their choice picked
Major kingslayer spoilers below.
Only horsefucker and merc can kill the king.
After fucking up at killing him twice.
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Rolled 51 (1d100)

Rolled 78 (1d100)

Tell them about the heresy the barbarians are committing
Rolled 39 (1d100)

Say we come in peace, while we all prepare to escape. The manlets get on the Messiah's back and we fly the fuck out of there.
High taxes to not kill you.

No protection or anything.

Those will be extra.
Rolled 55 (1d100)


were not like those savages, we have knowledge!

oh, and this is a god son.
Rolled 86 (1d100)

>Inb4 it doesn't matter cause they don't speak savage.
pls explain
He's gonna kill everyone.
Barbarians are probably first.
Read everything since the wheel was spum. Its been answered at least in double digits by now.
Rolled 75 (1d100)

Rolling for kill them before they escape while wearing a kilt or some shit.
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"Very well, come with us to talk to The King then, don't try anything funny and nobody gets hurt"
Lets go guys, they'll probably try to shoot us down if we run.
Let's use this chance to escape now.
Trust that merc
He's the best character.
I'll be surprised if the dragons don't accidentally squish a house or some human.
Alrighty then.
I admire your workmanship, it must of took ages to make such divine sculptures and buildings. Oh how marvelous!
we'll go with them
Ya know, for the duration of this mini adventure, just roll 1d100 everytime you propose an action
Rolled 36 (1d100)


Rolled 4 (1d100)

We go peacefully while visibly looking terrified
Rolled 28 (1d100)

See? we all can agree on something.
Rolled 2 (1d100)

Alright, we all agree to going with them for now since they're suspicious of our intent.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

The gobbos compliment the architect and tech stuff.
Wow you guys suck at cooperating with dice.
>inb4 smite greg happens again
this fuck is getting us killed!!
fucking hell
imp inventor keeps getting the high rolls
someone promote this man
You saved us

I demands Nad The Kobbo becomes a general. Along with me becoming prime architect or whatever we call it.
Rolled 3767, 367, 5426, 6336, 1852, 4105, 1487 = 23340 (7d9001)

rolling is dice+1d100 in the options field in as u din no.
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And so the party is marched through the streets towards the castle to meet the king.

On the way the manlets complimented the architecture while onlookers...look on at the strange sight

Wait is everyone rolling on this like a normal adventure or is just the lizardmen and manlets?
Rolled 38 (1d100)

So guard guy, what should we know about the king before we get there?
Rolled 68 (1d100)

We keep walking, we compliment how well crafted their armor is and how great their Kingdom looks
Only the dragons and manlets, as they're the ones doing it
Rolled 52 (1d100)

Rolling for me become sultan/emperor of the elves.
We need to grow a giant tree to use as a lookout post and see everything on the map. Then we can just watch mayhem ensue from our cozy forest.
hey from where is this kingdom thing
sorry i'm one of simple mind
It's somewhere.
Probably right next to the barbarian camp.
stop trolling
Rolled 65 (1d100)

Rolling for mega tree. Above 50 says yes.
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Ask about the King were about to meet
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"Pssst, looks like sombody's sucking up"

"More like sucking offf, pffffft"


Previous adventures
Indeed, is there a proper ediquit we should follow?
Rolled 52 (1d100)

Sorry, forgoto the rollo
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Can you tell us anything important that we need to do when talking with the king? While we keep walking
that right guard's eyes are killing me
Also culture action: All elves are racist and think most people are subelf. Only a few are "honoray elves".
Rolled 52 (1d100)

Crack a joke about how sucking up is the only thing manlets do since they're at perfect dicksucking height when standing up
Rolled 22 (1d100)

Rolled 100 (1d100)

"people" includes manlets, orcs etc.
sheit nigga
we cracking jokes now
Eyyy way to waste a roll
>perfect 100
Found the elves?
>the elves were inside the kingdom the whole time
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"Yeah, if you want them to suck your knees or something"


"THe joke is that they're short"

Meanwhile manlets feel inadequate
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Smoothly change subject and ask about the King
Rolled 59 (1d100)

How much longer until we get to the king? Also how should we act around him?
ayy, dragos
you're doing good on rolls
Call him an autistic weaboo and say his waifu a shit.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

dude, what the fuck are you trying to do besides make an idiot of yourself?
i saw that coming....
Manlets can't into comebacks.
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"Don't provoke him or he'll rip your head off, and that's not a metaphor"

"Just don't try anything that may imply you're not actually here for peace and you savages won't die"

"Talk with respect, know what Im sayin"

"And don't pull on his stache, he hates that"
OP will they have to roll to resist pulling his sweet stache?
Rolled 46 (1d100)

We love moustaches. One of us has some awesome Hitler moustache going.

Maybe we can find hobbies that we share
Rolled 17 (1d100)

Cut to us talking to the king
Shit, I woke up too late, thread still going? What'd I miss?
Rolled 97 (1d100)

We'll talk with the King respectfully of course.
Are we near the the King's throne room yet?
Rolled 44 (1d100)

Roll for pull his mustache.
Hey guys, we never got to identify the crap we found in the last thread.
I liked it better when they were dead on the moon. Then it would be a new turn... and we could... you know... do stuff.
hey, its an adventure within an adventure
we don't complain when you humans go out hunting
We know.
It's just that we got this miniquest with the manlets and lizardmen talking to the man who will kill us all.
Yeah. No it's nothing but manlets getting high rolls and pictures of laughing guards.
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You're there

"Alright savages, what do you want?" asked The King

Just use this opportunity to mull over what will you do next turn
My hunts are done in 1 or 2 posts and no one argues and it takes maybe 15 minutes depending how fast op can draw at the time. This is silly billy territory
hunting is a couple of rolls

The key difference is that this has been going on for almost an hour.
Who are you anon?
I agree, Hippy.
>He doesn't want King Stuff
Rolled 99 (1d100)

We came here because your awesome moustache's reputation reached our ears and we wish to admire it in person
Alright orcs, one of our actions should be to cart the loot and ore to the citadel.
For the other... hunt? Suggestions?
Rolled 52 (1d100)

We come in peace and want to talk about our great peoples standing with one another, Sir King.
Rolled 78 (1d100)

There's some barbarians that are raising the undead and making life unpleasant for us. Could there be a way for you to take them out, my liege?
oh shit nevermind this drago has it
Try to identify the loot on our own.
Rolled 52 (1d100)

"Sir King. I apologize for interrupting your grace. We are simple savages transported here via magical means. All we seek is to leave. I beg of thee your great and powerful lord that you allow us to exit your amazing lands."

Yes... lets inform the king about the barbarianswhile were here.
Make blood orc trees, by feeding trees blood magic
King takes your stuff, dummy
Yeah, I think Hunt's good, so we can finally get some of the bonuses Orc God is offering us. Like improved blood magic for one thing
dragos, let imp inventor do the dialogue here
he'll keep us alive and inform the King about the barbarians
Hey at least we got a new king. But yeah hurry up ples I want to start a hemp farm.
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"Oh yes, nice to see my facial reaches even the savages...that may have not come out right. Anyway, is that all you're here for? If so then you may leave, withouth bothering anyone, or else I'll have you executed. If not then then make it quick, this little mini adventure is getting on people's nerves"
lol barbarians
hurry up with that write in my nigga
So what should do for next turn if it ever arrives? I think making Ent sized bows and teaching them how to use them is a good idea.
1. Cart meteor and loot to dragons/gobbos citadel
With orc trees possibly next turn
All orcs good with this?
hey humies how about we do hereditary monarchy
OP they seems to be standing and staring at the king.

Seems disrespectful.
We don't need more combat yet I prefer tech and infrastructure.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

Aye, Great One. O Wise One, you should know that rumours are greatly exaggered. But, now that this Lowly One is in the presence of such almighty moustache, we are in such awe that we have no right to bear witness upon it any longer. The Supreme One's moustache exceeds even the formidable reputation it has gained and transcends the heavens itself.

Us lowly savages bear no privelege to view it any longer and as such, we must leave at once.

And this One may inform you that there exists human barbarians that worship Rocks and does not recognise your almighty moustache, we shall decimate them for their foolishness
Rolled 15 (1d100)

if Imp Inventor doesn't reply
we go with this
An ent army would be neet but what about Culture action?
Any ideas in particular?
Cuz we have a god possessing our chief. Read your own team's page, goddamn.
Since we can work on magic still we should try to make projection magic project magic as tools and weapons.

And work on basic math.
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"Barbarians? You mean that one band of savages that has skeletons in them?"

"I believe so, brother"

"We'll deal with them later then, you may leave, other savages"

Now all you need to do is leave without fucking anything up
yep, and since Humans go before us, we won't even suffer any leaving Orc-Debuffs too if they attack us so we can have One Punch Orc join the hunt.
Ban pants as culture action. MAKE bows for ents as regular.
Im just gonna label you as a troll and ignore further posts. Unless OP forces me to be nice to you.
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And the Humans death clock start now
Rolled 49 (1d100)

We leave without doing anything in particular.
No one does anything stupid. We go back home
Rolled 66 (1d100)

Leave peacefully together with the guards that escorted us to get us safely out of the palace

Once out the doors, ask the guards for directions since the manlets are too dumb to draw maps
Don't now how they could mess that up.
Rolled 23 (1d100)

Very well, we will leave. May good fortune and a long rule await you.

We leave without fucking up hopefully
Rolled 64 (1d100)

We leave. We also give a meeting place were we can trade with the King and talk to him. The meeting place is visible from the mountain and one gobbo will be permanently there.

"It was an honor meeting you your grace. I wish thee great harvests and peaceful days."
I think it would be best that we make Ent sized bows for a normal action and for a culture continue to research magic like hippy said.
>A troll calling someone a troll
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"Go thataway and you'll reach your mountains in no time."

"And yes, we know where you live"
oh fug
alright turn end
that was fun

ent sized bows and projection magic

The bows can probably also used as ballistae.
Rolled 48 (1d100)

Do my action on the way out?
Rolled 79 (1d100)

Thank the guards and crack one last joke about wondering how they know where thr gobs live considering they're so tiny they're like pieces of sand from far away
Rolled 60 (1d100)

The gobbos from a ball and punch the dragon in the arm playfully. AKA very very hard for them. One of them popped a vein.
Im actually very level headed. I banter and heckle like the rest of you. Aren't goblins closer relatives to trolls anyway? Go find a bridge to haunt, manlet.
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"We have our ways" then the guard suddenly disappears.

Well time for turn 38, gimme your recaps
How have we never noticed those scouts in the trees?
Have wanpanch on the hunt.
Orcs make trees into blood magic trees
And then hunt
Sorry guys I had to do this it's for our own good!
Alright so we gonna apply our enchantements to the citadel to get started on making it fly and what else?
Make bows for Ents that should allow us to shoot from farther away.

Make projection magic to let us project our magic as weapons and tools.
Firsr action: Cooperate with goblins about enchanting the entire citadel with wind magic to levitate it

Second action: Have our Seer improve Gust to produce stronger winds

Agree? >>524216
Right, go talk among yourselves for your turns.

I ahve to go buy lunch.
1. Cart meteor and loot to dragons/gobbos citadel
Dragons. We need you to research flying runes. Use both actions to work with us to make flight.

Gobbos we need to make propellers. We need the citadel to fly.

I say we spend both actions on making the citadel fly.
lol ok, maybe it'll give extra defenses (not that it'll affect the Human fight since they go before us), but next turn we need to deal with the Ore and Loot situation.
Yeah this'll work and should be enough to get the flying citadel started up.
Humans make metal flaming swords for themselves, skellies and golems.

Humans then realized they have no idea where draggos and manlets come from. So they asked them about their location and any secrets they may know about their tribe(s)

Were getting the fuck out of this area
That's effort, Imp.
We need to pray for more pop and magic.
We should do some culture actions to emulate the tech we saw in the Kingdom. We need to get wigs too so we can get a sweet mustache like the King has.
How dare you, I was one of the founding orcs! I made you!
Link it. I'm going to sleep so you're the only dragon around. Try to avoid any actions with rolls so go culture-culture
no way. We need to fly. Like right now.

Gobbos vote. Do we fly or do what the king kobbo wants?
Flying is super advanced.
We don't even know how to make propellers or such. We're trying to lift a fucking mountain into the air.
4 actions spent on it. 2 of them from a FLYING RACE. We can try. Even if it takes 2 turns we should do it.
True orcs don't try to sneak in an action
Do you not want Nippon steel? >>523582
First action: Have our Seer improve Gust to produce stronger winds

Second Action: Work on enchanting the citadel with wind magic to make it fly using gobbo help also if they join in.
We don't have enough manpower to do that even with all the Manlets and Dragons working on it. We have to stick to our basics and pray to the Kobbo god for buffs/pop. Wasting it on an experimental flying mountain is not basic.
You guys could just make big pylons to enhance our magic while were doing the actual magics
I'd be happy with a giant machete made out of meteorite.
Actually I want to HUNTHUNTHUNTHUNTHUNTHUNTHUNT get all them sweet blessings and then get some long overdue revenge.
Does that count as cultre though? I gues a better way to prase it would be make progres In elf religon(improves magic spells etc.)
This must be the 3rd time you asked
Magic stuff counts as culture.
So said OP.
Of course we will have enough. It is 3 actions to it. Plus they are using magic. I see no reason why we can not. We have the wind magic. We can just make sails or helicopter blades and use wind magic to propell them. That's not even considering the flight runes.
>implying you can do anything useful beside breath fire and call it "magic"
We've got zap magic, not wind magic. To even get wind magic, we need to pray to Kobbo God.
Dont recall you answering. Or fixing your tag.
>get all them sweet blessings and then get some long overdue revenge.
>Humans: +82
+230 for their other bonuses.
That puts them at +312
Without Orc God wants Blood, we have +195 offensively.
We literally cannot win an offensive strike against the humans.
Why do you think I said hunt so many times?
We're gonna need a lot of blessings to beat bullshit.
Alternatively it's to fuck them over when they attack again.
Then that's all the more reason to get some nippon steel asap
If we imbue the forest with blood magic we can control it, plus we can make entorcs and use the magical wood of it's trees.
A lurker. No need to get a tag
Just because we live together doesn't mean we have to bow down and serve them. Are you sure you don't have the mind of a dragon?
Okay. I am done with you. You are just so autistic. Have a good day sir. and may the odds be ever in your favor.
Double action to use our tech with the dragons magic to make the citadel fly.
but who knows what the blood offering could do for the forest? It may become an Orc Forest that could possibly hinder the humans some more.
ha op create separatist factions
>Call his teammate autistic for not doing a thing you want
>Then links a turn with no input against your teams wishes
Truly I think I know whos the autistic one here.
Fellow elves, should we ally with orcs or humans?
3 more turns. 3 more turns until the Smiling One wakes up and we can speak to our good again. Anyone else think we should make giant turtles in the mean time?
I reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally want entorcs.
We should connect with the forest and hunt.
It's probably one of those who pushed for the bastardization of the manlets
Why don't we connect with the forest and cart the stuff to the citadel?
Can ents ride giant turtles? We could get a Mongolian hourse archer type thing going.
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolling for calming down the gobbos.
Vouching for this, >>524211. As much as Nippon Steel is cool. I'd like to at least see that this forest become the Orc's base of operations first to withstand further attacks and I feel like infusing it with OUR blood is the way to go. Plus, manlets take last action so if they haven't arrived yet when we go there we would have just wasted a turn.
I assume you're new and unfamiliar. The Humans hate us and we've been at war with them since almost the beginning. The Orcs on the other hand are pretty decent but we let them stay in our forest one time and they crippled us right before a barbarian attack which destroyed the old forest. Humans are our sworn enemies and Orcs majorly screwed us up one time.

We have to make giant turtles to find that out. I just got the idea since we keep on getting called out for turtling.
Because we get permanent +10 bonuses with each succesful hunt
Damn, sick burn.
I really don't think we should be wasting our turn on making a mountain fly. We're still in the bronze era and I know there was nothing that could fly besides birds and the dragons we have now. If we keep wasting our actions on experimental stuff, we'll never get as many bonuses or magic to use against the other civs. Right now, we're probably the second weakest after the Elves.

I propose we go trade with the Orks so we can get meteor metal and extra wood for siege weapons like the ballista.
I like both. Hunting will buff us up and trading with gobbos will give us tech. I'll let you guys decide.
We don't even have to succeed.
As long as we get in a fight it goes up.
Alright, just got back, whatsahappening now?
Orcs, I might have to make an action as a Tyrant and veto Imp Inventor's actions so we can trade with you this turn and make us weapons like those weeb katanas you were asking for.
1. Trade with citadel
2. Infuse Trees
3. Hunt

Alright we'll vote.
List the three options in your order of preference.
Whichever option has the least #1 spots, we eliminate, and reorder the votes. Repeat until we have our turn.
I'm the only other gobbo here. (as far as I know) So I am going to link my vote.
The Dragons are working on making the citadel fly. Why shouldn't we help them?
>second weakest
We have a +105 hometurf bonus. We have the most tech out of all the races and have our own personal bodyguards.
>I propose we go trade with the Orks so we can get meteor metal and extra wood for siege weapons like the ballista.
I thought you wanted to pray to kobbo god (>>524258)
>Implying the caravan will arrive in one turn
You got time
>boner for alternative vote
>realize that since we only eliminate once, this is just normal voting
>feel stupid
Culture: Research magics.
Normal: Make giant turtles.

We don't really know how long those weapons would take to get here and I feel much more better if on our next turn the Forest is already Orcified.
Gobbos are fighting each other. Orcs are discussing what are they going to do next turn. Elves hate us. Humans are probably planning to attack us. Dragons are... dunno.
Don't count me in unless you need to untie.
Just a side-note. The humies have an EXTREMELY large bonus to fighting. So flying and making it impossible for them to attack is us pretty important.
If they're not arriving this turn, we're praying to Kobbo God for either more population, more magic or to bless the King with bonuses like the Dragons did with their avatar.

Our tech shouldn't be making a flying mountain, the logistics of it take way MORE than 39 manlets. Its like trying to make a Pyramid with the weakest salves of the bunch.

Trading with the Orcs is a plan that benefits us and the Orcs since its meteor metal and we'll both get new weapons and armor.

They can hit us with meteors from space
What about bows,magics,etc?
We also have slings, slingshots and fire spikey rock ammo.

Also bows we are researching soon.
Don't worry kobbos we'll get around to nullifying their magic.

Unless the kingdom steamrolls them first.
We just plan on if attacked so we dont have to deal with the humies anymore.
Just do whatever gobbos, we'll work on all this magic stuff on our own. Also we should be able to evade a large meteor once we get this done as they cant change course midflight.
You'd be shooting a stone ass thats shielded with magic.
With bonuses that might not carr about that.
*Mass* I typed too fast.
you seem to misjudge something. You think OP has logic in this quest. This is lolrandom not 2serious4me. It is pretty likely OP will let us. As long as our flight involves dicks.

Dragons should be able to shoot down the meteors. Or if the citadel is fast enough just dodge it.

We are going to be way way way high up. So far you can not see us.

>nullify magic
This is why I want a hybrid. So that if one fails the other will keep it running long enough to land .
Flying citadel probably won't work and results in the deaths of hundreds

Also forgot to put the word *Leaving* right before the words *if attacked*
Have fun not breathing, god shooting you down or accidentally going into space and dying.
Please stick to the basics, let the dragons do their own thing. We are not that advanced nor do we have the population to finish this in two turns.
Alright, if there are no other votes, then the two options which did receive a #1 spot, Trade with Citadel and Hunt, will be our move.
Are we in agreement?
I will make a paragraph long rap about you being awesome and flight if you allow us to get a flying citadel this turn.

I have never heard that pop affected research speed. Ever.

It's not that hard. Just do what shield from marvel did and put helipads on the sides.
If you get to us within one turn, which I think will happen. We'll make armor and weapons in the same turn and you can return back home wearing your new armor.
You use helipads to land, stupid imp.
Its not that its research speed, we're trying to lift a mountain in the air. No matter how much research we put into it, we're lifting a millions tons of rock and copper.
In exchange for what?

yeah sure, that'd be fine.

Also, we'd be advancing from the copper age to whatever is hidden in the meteor metals
A bunch of bones walking around is lot easier than making awhole mountain fly.
Why don't you just have the dragons use magic?

Sounds convenient.
The faster we send the caravan the sooner we can stop worrying about it.
Also blood for the blood god and all that.
We'll find a way or die horribly.

Probably the latter, BUT WE'LL TRY!
I get why manlets want the flying citadel so much now. It's not because of protection or anything.

It's because, being in the air, they'll be technically higher than everyone else, and therefore, taller.
We need to know what we are getting in return. That way OP doesn't kill us all for not talking. Do you want another "awkward silence" session?

Who said mountain? I want to cut off the top of the mountain and lift a plate under the citadel. Make it like Dalaran from WoW
You sound like Rock Solid.
If Imp Inventor won't agree, I'll have to do an executive action, Paladin.
What can I roll to make way for my actions? I'd really like us not to waste a turn making a flying mountain.
Alright this is our final decision
uh excess meteor ore, and I guess *if the other Orcs are okay with it* we'll let you study the loot we found (maybe even have *SOME* of it)
OP if we make projection magic does that mean we move into a magic age?

Since we're making stuff out of raw magic.
Well the alternative is taking baby steps doing other things or attacking you guys which theres no point. The difference is the whole dragon team wants to do it instead of just one guy like rock solid.
You notice us barbs dont rock throw anymore. Its better to make a vote and be done with it. Saltyness will ensue, man.

Fair point
Just roll against eachother.

1d10 because gobs are tiny
King gets a +5 because he's the dude that named himself king and other gobs from previous thread jsut kinda went with it
The meteor ore is enough.
Rolled 24 (1d100)

OP can we delegate some of our forces to passively work on mining a plate under our base. Or work on making a flying thing? It would solve a lot of problems.
So trading I guess. What else?

Why would we want your ores? We don't even have steel yet. Be better if you gave us magic. The artifacts are neat though.

I'll have to think of a color to use on your frames

Probably just green
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Fuck making a stupid mountain that flies.
Action: Meet with the Orcs and hail them in to trade.
Tech: Use whatever we get from the Orcs if the trade is successful to make armor/weapons from what they brought. If they brought extra wood, we'll work on making a ballista. This will benefit both of us so the orcs and us gobbos move into the next era of meteor metal. Make sure to smelt the meteor metal.
Rolled 5 (1d10)

Almost disqualified you for cheating there
Green or blue sounds ok.

As long as we say "Trace on!" before we cast it.


And I thought orcs were the weebs

(le no hard feelings king kobbo.)
yeah, sorry, i had a dnd game tonight.
yeah, that will do I guess
We are not attacking?
why not? Weren't one of you guys asking for ore a thread ago?

Fuck wood, I knew we forgot something.

Add wood to the crap we're gonna cart in to the manlets.
1.Cart Wood, Ore, and Loot to Manlets
There was no other barbarians to roll attacks and there was 3 orcs most of the night. Kinda seemed doomful
lucky bastards.
If we were it is because some weird person wanted it. We have a mountain full of ores. We don't need yours. Just gimme dem artifacts.
>inb4 one of the artifacts is a "make a citadel fly" artifact. But the orcs take it.

OP since we have metal armor already do we have to use a tech action to make theirs? I mean we don't have to make a tech action to make ours.
uh but Meteor Ore =/= Non Meteor Ore. But I guess you guys know what you're doing. Is the wood for the ballistas fine? How about a free scholarship to the School of Orc-Fu? *Survival not guaranteed*
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Alright, so we good? These are your actions?





Depends on what the deal is, we'll cross that threshold when we get there
Good to go
For the Elves yes. I support these ideas and I assume Hippy does as well which makes it a 2/3rds majority.
yeah we're cool
Yes from the elves

Maybe soon we'll learn to summon servant heroes from across time.
Yeah its good
>in the end salty anons made it to the king
>another draw, orcs now more powered up
we need to smash dem portal.
if we get all info needed, let's raid dragons and manlets, those fuckers are crazy for dealing with king. then find portal and cast meteor on/in it
Leave a couple orcs here. 2 reasons. Teach us orcfu, gives us the defense bonus from orcs. And last but not least. HYBRIDS. I am not saying we leech everything off you from the orcs you leave behind just that you are stationed here to defend us and breed.

>uh but Meteor Ore =/= Non Meteor Ore.
I don't think that's confirmed. If it is I would rather get steel than mystery ore.
Nigga we aren't breeding with you.
das mad gay
We dont know about the portal.
I dunno, some non alpha orcs might appreciate a short stack gobbo woman.
that's why I'm not proposing to cast it in now. maybe after dragon raid
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The humans used their newly gained smelting and casting knowledge to made crude swords from unidentified meteor metals.

And then set them on fire.

Also they asked the skeletons of goblins where the manlets live and now they know of the mountain.
but Orcs reproduce through blood. JUST LIKE MY 40K
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wait what? how is it gay?

We should spend a turn making tunnels outside the citadel. Make it hard to navigate and that kinda stuff.

Dats fine. Bleed on a gobbo. AND GIMME MA HYBRIDS.
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Elves developed their magic further, rekindling their connection to the powers of the (new)forest and learned to project their mana into weapons.

They are now in the Magical Tribe Stage

Oh and they made bigass bows for ents.
Rolled 8 (1d10)

next turn actions
1 raid dragons
2 raid manlets
Orcs, here is our plan for trading.
We'll take the wood so we can make siege weapons, we'll give some of those to you when they're done.
We'll take the meteor metals to make weapons and armor out of it and give it to you on the same turn so you return with it. We'll have our own meteor armor/weapons too so we both benefit.
We'll identify the artifacts if you Orcs can't read what's on it, if they're good, we'll give the one with the most combat bonuses to you. We can take the trivial artifacts.
Lastly, if you're okay with leaving some orcs behind they can teach us ORC FU and they can help us mine. We'll teach them how to be smart and writing too so they're super cultured.
So what exactly are we asking for?
We can offer the loot, the wood, and 10% of the ore.
We definitely need undead-killing nippon steel.
We could also ask for tech,
Part of the citadel,
or services like dragon guards or magma moats.
Ideas & preferences, orcs?
We live together rockhead.
The citadel bonus is higher than the orc bonus. Messiah bonus and anti undead bonus, plys anti undead shield doesnt help. No.
We color now
Also dont forget our recently aquired avatar.
cast meteors then?
then attack
enough of turtling
not on the map, you just defend manlets. and being nearby
That's not a bad idea. Give them like a couple rooms in the citadel. Have them live there Have them fuck gobbo girls there and breed.
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Orcs took some resources to go trade with the midgets.

They also hunt
Orcs, roll 1d100 to find what you're hunting
70-100: fierce beasts
40-69: fiercer beasts
10-39: even fiercer beasts
1-9: the fiercest beasts
you should really speak with Imp here since it seems he has different ideas for the ore >>524525. I'm fine with leaving some Orcs.

>Orcs only tribe with no snazzy borders
Hrgh >:(
>Lastly, if you're okay with leaving some orcs behind
I think leaving some orcs behind is a good idea
If for no other reason that we already have a team of orcs with the elves, so if we get some orc telepathy we can act as communicators
They literally live in the same citadel now
The citadels underground rockhead, our old homes are still there but we live in the citadel.
hey, OPyou should do 2d100
to make it go faster
aerial bombardment it is then
Rolled 65 (1d100)

Defense bonus is larger than our max meteor bonus+highest roll
Rolled 48 (1d100)

Anyone else think we should make a map next turn?
We're definitely making meteor weapon katanas for you weeb orcs. There's no question about that.
I have a list of things we can do.

Dispel magic(which can lead into sealing others magics.)
Size change magic
Gravity based magic
Basic math.

OP when will our magic school endeavor bear fruit?
Rolled 54 (1d100)

godfucking dammit
why it is so hard.
Please go bother the orcs, we just wanna be home and be jewish wizards using cool magic.
Hold on a second their OP. Truth be told us manlets have been mining, so much in fact the tunnels are essentially brand new. So would the skele manlets know where the base is? Due to all the tunnel collapses and new tunnels I think not.
Yes do that. Do nothing else but that.

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Orcs found some bigass turtles
Now roll 1d100 to find how many you found

It gave you projection and gave gust back, check your magic list
If the manlets and Dragons are too tough then you should attack the orcs. Alternatively you could always try to kill some Elves but good luck finding us.

What would we need math for?
Because turtles are the answer. How about making metal plated rock armor and attack orcs?
"Know about the mountain" means the humans know the general area of where the gobs and dragons are "supposed to be" not where they actually are
Rolled 6 (1d100)

Hey elves, are you okay with our Orcs attending your magic school and shit? They can at least teach you the crap they learned before they left with you. Oh and OP, do the blessings Orc God gave known to the Orcs with the elves?

Rolled 42 (1d100)

I know almost for a fact no one wants this but I will ask.

Gobbos and Draggos. Do you want to invite the Orcs into our citadel? That way they don't get raided ever and the humies can not attack anything. Ever.
Rolled 32 (1d100)

Some of us ae still uncomfortable with lodging Orcs.
Science and map making and most things.
fucking DNA mutants and hippies reaaaally want us to attack orcs

Hey, orcs, wanna join attacking on mountain? Or we will attack you again, and again. And again.
Oh boy better get my shopping list ready.
That... that was in our last turn. Golems have their giant swords bruh
>Or we will attack you again, and again. And again.
This is why I want the Orcs to join us.
IDK, we already have our forest and next turn we're gonna infuse it with out orc blood. And we don't want to deal with jews and being indoctrinated into a new religion, plus with the forest we have all the shit we need here.

lol no.
Have you heard the saying "don't put all your eggs in one basket"?
We don't want to move into PLEASE_INSERT_METEOR_HERE_TO_SELF_DESTRUCT.citadel
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42 turtles + 20 fierceness = 62 win threshold
Orcs bonus:
One punch Orc + 70; Orc God Wants more blood +20; Big guys: +5; Wood Bone Mud armor: +15; Board shields +5; Boar mounts: +6; Bone weapons +5; Fire Bone Spears +5 ; Meteor Weapons +15; Blood Rage+22; Berserk +5; Orc fu +10; Hotblooded +10; Spirit Fists +10; Spirit Manifest +5;

Well gee, this is a bit overkill for some turtles
>That... that was in our last turn. Golems have their giant swords bruh
missed that
two times
cause fuck it.
I don't think that we need mathematics to make a map. At least I don't think that the dragons did.

You could try fighting us Elves but again, good luck finding us. Although I could see an alliance between you and the orcs in attacking the citadel as useful since Orcs thrive off of bloodshed. Although that's unlikely as they have ties with the people living there.
Ayy orcs
Don't listen to that one Imp
One day we'll have independence from the dragons, but right now we've gotta keep advancing

Alternatively can we tame some of them? Or at least harvest their shells?
Armor. Cuz we need bonuses.
And senpai ruined that
Rolled 98 (1d100)

What level of fierceness is required for hunts to count for "fresh battle kills"?
Do you really think that's enough? Our mountain can withstand their meteors always. Flaming meteors. Flaming meteors that burn forests.

lel we is immune to meteor scrub
anyway I knew no one wanted it but I asked so don't come crawling to the gobbos. Aka asking for help of any kind. Like attacking the humies. or giving you some free tech.
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>Saitama orc alone is enough to take them out
I feel bad for those turtles now. At least show some sympathy when punching them to death.
I'll just be over here with my heart crushed since some gobbos want to leave their age old allys.
After you hunt something, you also gain any resrouces that thing may give

Anything starting from "fierce" to "fiercest"

So orcs won, wat a surpize
Normal: Get giant turtles. cUltre: Research magic even more.
Okay, add metal plates on rock armor then CHESTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
we can always ride our slingshots fired rocks on orcs from above
We are honorabu hunters
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And now, de goblins go out to meet the orc convoy.

What are you trading with eachother?
it ain't like that. Its just that some dragons like horny want to assimilate all of our culture so we're turned into one civ.
you are no fun
our men will handle it, they are not a wusses.
Everyone is so racist to us. We ask more from you guys than you do from us. They only think we are subservient cause we are short, weak and because your dragons. The taller races really are racist assholes.

is gonna be alright drago momma imp is here.
Hornys really the only one that wants to assimilate you seriously I think. Other than that you should be safe so long as you start getting your pure blooded gobbo pop up via turn growth.
Teach us how to smelt & mine and we'll give you whats left of the rock.
We should research Salt magic. For both the irony and uses it will have. Mount some of our giant cocks and fly over the old forest to dump salt. We'll destroy the bonuses left there and be dicks.
We're giving them ton of wood, meteor ore, maybe some artifacts, and a few orcs in exchange for weapons and them identifying the artifacts for us.
>50% of the meteor ore to turn into armor/weapons
>all of the wood so we can make ballistas
>artifacts so we can identify them

The orcs will give us mercenaries so they can teach us orc fu
we'll teach the orcs that stay behind our culture like writing and how to smelt, etc.

Once we get the meteor ore this turn, we'll finish it and give the armor/weapons back to the orc convoy.
Yup. Don't forget some orcfu.
Also can we get population boost because sexy time party? This doesn't count as action because bio says we do this normally anyways.
I don't think we even have salt.
Or know what it is.

We need to mine it or get it from the ocean
We'll be keeping 50% of the ore to make for our own purposes, the 50% that the orcs have will be made into their weaboo katanas/armor
As well as letting 10-20 orcs stay at the citadel, learning stuff from them as well as helping with mining, smelting, defending, and stuff.
Rolled 42 (1d100)

Ignore this.

This orc knows his shit.
YOur pop goes up by 2 each turn
Srsly if u are gunna put that their at least have it effect the game in some way. We have way too low population ATM.
yeah Orcs staying with you guys will teach you while you also teach them about whatever. No jew roll btw op, I think everyone is in agreement with that?
no jew roll
we greenskins are cool
Rolled 85 (1d100)

I must sleep.

If you need a roll for later use this one. Is gonna be good. I feel it in my imp horns.
Oh nvm then lol srry.
Our pop goes up by 2.
Each turn.

That's already pretty nice.
Wait! What about our magic archery tournament to select the king? It must carry on.
Still think we could use some fucking blood trees, since every one but Saitama was ok with it. Next turn.
GIVE wood, ore, loot
GET siege weapons made from wood, nippon steel made from ore, and the best artifacts of those identified
Also some orcs move into the citadel
Also learn tech/magic secrets
Anything else?
Right, so orcs gets weapons and armors made for them and the artifacts analized.

While goblins get wood(heh) and half of the ores and artifacts

Is this correct?
So if the humies attack or we need to jew roll. Use this roll aswell.
don't forget the orcs who are gonna stay behind
we're good to go, OP
After this whole trading thing

Eating lunch made me forgot
yeah next turn, I don't want to leave the forest either.

Some orcs also stay over the Citadel to learn the Manlet Culture and teach the Manlets of Orc-Fu
I also want orc trees.
I just wanted this more
Rolled 51, 55, 25, 55, 85, 40, 44, 89, 51, 90, 20, 9, 99, 76, 56 = 845 (15d100)

Use these rolls for elfs also.
1.normal:get giant turtles
CUltre:research magics more
2.normal:Upgrade or get armour.
CUltre:Reserch magic healing.
3Normal:gather resources
CUltre:Improve magic even further. Use these if no elfs post actions.
Rolled 40, 26, 45, 10, 76, 15, 14, 65, 75, 28, 76, 24 = 494 (12d100)

Use these rolls for elfs also.
1.normal:get giant turtles
CUltre:research magics more
2.normal:Upgrade or get armour.
CUltre:Reserch magic healing.
3Normal:gather resources
CUltre:Improve magic even further. Use these if no elfs post actions.
But you alone didn't win the vote, I'm just saying respect your orc elders.
Dude wtf
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Oh yes and some orcs stayed behind too.

Now gobs, roll 1d100 to identify artifact
1-50: meh
60-80: cool
90-99: great
100: oh shit
Rolled 71 (1d100)

oh shit
Wat u wanna change? Am open for suggest.
Oh and that reminds me we should work on a barrier spell.

So what do on our turn.

I definitely want dispel magic.

Maybe gravity magic or basic math?
inb4 it's a vibrating dildo
also, OP is there multiple artifacts?
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Rolled 15 (1d20)

You didn't even vote. Rolling to out-dapper business orc.
hey OP, since I'm the only gobbo rolling
can I get some Orcs to roll in as well since its a group action?
One idea I have, along with mapping and eventually bigass turtles, is to set up a small empty forest that isn't cloaked. It will act as a decoy to the other tribes.
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My vote was already with the blood trees you know that. Well played with your gentle orc and I raise you a thespian orc.
We get shield magic that protects us from enemy physical attacks(bows/swords etc) and for normal action we get giant turtles.
That also reminds me that illusion magic needs to go on the list.

So maybe dispel magic and illusion magic.

But we should also remember barrier magic.
Sure, orcs roll for artifact quality too
ayy orcs
roll with me, my manlets are nowhere to be found it seems
Rolled 8 (1d100)

So a magic barrier to help protect the forest from something like meteors for example?
Why u have Orc bias? Elf lives matter boi!
Rolled 75 (1d100)

inb4 find the elves with a perf 100
Rolled 100 (1d100)

Yes and we can also make it small for individual elves.
So illusion the forest then barrier under the illusion to stop anyone that can somehow see it.
there are Orcs in the Cidatel
Oh shit
Oh Shit...

God Tier weapons confirmed.
today is kinda a lot of high rolls, weird

Power dildos confirmed
Kinda. I was thinking also more kinda being at least some mesure off defence in a raid. Buil the magic barrier. make the forest great again
found the elves confirmed
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So this... is the power... of orc... charisma...
Godam Orc privilege. The green man keeping us down.
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It seems the orcs found some interesting things inside the tomb:
- Ancient Sword from faraway land: gives +80 bonus to whoever wields it
- Power Gem: Empowers the magic of the tribe into their stronger forms as long as it's in the tribe's possesion
- Ancient helmet: also prossible from the faraway land: gives the ability to see through illusions and one free get out of death free card
- Kingdom Seal: a beacon for the King's forces

I'll leave the gobs and orcs to decide how would they share these things
We give all the combat related stuff to the Orcs.
We'll keep the Kingdom Seal.
God damn you orcs need it.
so thanks to bonuses it's now basically turtling the game.
Take the kingdom seal orcs!

Take it!
The weeb sword and weeb helmet should go to the weeb orcs. The gem maybe should go to the manlets. The kingdom seal should be given as a gift to the humans.

No why should they give it to the humans?
The kingDom seal is tempting helpful against those constant human attacks
>No why should they give it to the humans?
Because barbarians meeting the kingdom is basically a death sentence for them.
>Not taking the power jem
I am salty on the inside but I will not say anything for this is your deal and not ours
If we give it to the gobs.
They can give it to the dragons.
Who can drop it at the humans.
I'm ok with ta king everything but the seal. It's up to you guys.
So the gobs would only take the seal?
Wait Orcs, that Power Gem could be really useful for us. Do you mind lending it to us for now? If we combine that with the Dragon resurrection..
Well more importantly who will get what?
Wanpunch can't get the sword due to reasons.
Does the gem bind to whoever uses it?
If you want that gem on loan you are going to have to make us armor better than what we have.
This, If the Gem can be transferred between users we could make some wombo combos.
>Just noticed that weeb helm let's them see through illusions.

Well guess we can't hide from the orcs.
Its definitely happening this turn. We even put it into our actions that you were gonna return with new armor/weapons.
Yes.The gem will bind itself to the nearest mage or equivalent of the tribe.

Tot ake it away you must kill the magic user holding the gem
Yeah, I guess does our Stands count as magic? I'm not comfortable with giving it to the dragons though since they'd sooner just replace the Human Necro Army with their own Necro Army, we need to guard that shit to make sure the humans don't get it, it'll be safer in the Goblins hands really since they actually use magic now. They can keep the seal since the king already knows them anyway and we don't want to risk the kingdom to attack us. I want to give the weeb weapon and armor to Fred the Unicorn since he's our current Orc Chief. But alternatively, we keep the Power Gem and use it to advance our martial arts/blood magic/stands technique.

This too, instant pop boosts for ALL of us and they can cleanse the human undeads too, and elves you can have your dead elves get revived too. But I'm just not comfortable with trusting the strongest piece of magic to jews.
Ah, so we have to wait for the user to get old for it to have a new user.
But resurrecting us would give us a super big bonus against the undead.
I'm okay with giving them the Gem because they deserve it and they have a chance of beating the humans 1 on 1.
ah now this, we already have our Orc Shaman though so he's the perfect vessel for this.
Obviously Wanpunch can't use the sword. But the helmet, he should take, even though it obscures his glorious bald head.
Thus we give the sword to Fred the Unicorn.
We should let the gobbos take the gem. Unless they want to give it to the dragons. It's only fair we split the artifacts 50/50.
Do the manlets even have any mages?
No we take the gem we take all but the seal since our roll got us this shit.
We'll gladly take the Gem if we'll be the ones using it only. I'll make sure it stays in our hands. 50/50 Orcs?
Some of them can cast zap
Can't we have the gem so we can study it and create similar artefacts?
there's the kobbo king? but I agree with Business Orc, we can further improve our Blood Magic and Stands and since next turn we'll be using Blood Magic Infusion on the forest, it'll even boost whatever benefits it'll give us
We could potentially replicate the Gem and unlock it for us both, Orcs. We just need to research it and pray.
Naw man we get that gem, and the weapons, you get the seal. That seal should be enough.
What will having the gem do to our respective combat bonuses?
Hmmm, can't you study it while it's infused after the next turn once we infuse blood magic to the forest?
I'm ok with them studying it when it's in our possession.
Oh shit, you're right
We could see what effects the gem has while its in use.
Let's do that then.
Orcs, final deal.
You get the helmet, sword and gem which we get to study.
We'll keep the seal.
We're good to go, Paladin.
Deal by me
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This seems like a good time as any, while gobs and orcs are deciding, elves roll 2d2 for The enxt round of Elf King Tourney

It upgrades all of your magic so your current
Blood Rage+22; Hotblooded +10; Spirit Fists +10; Spirit Manifest +5; Lesser Fireball +0
Super Blood Rage+32; Bloodbomb +20; Spirit Fists +20; Spirit Manifest +15; Fireball +5
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Wow that pic is all fucked up, use this instead
deal too
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d2)

Fine, but we get to keep all the artifacts we create after analize the gem
Those are some dank ass bonuses.
Also We know fireball?
The dragons taught you a shitty version of it a while back but tis' so shitty it doesn't even come up in combat
OP, have some Gobbos stick with the Orc convoy so we can study the Gem. We'll be giving them of our pop and they'll be giving some of their pop.
yeah, we knew a lesser form of it thanks to the formation of the coalition and dragons being jews. We got a pretty bad deal there with only having a few bronze plates we had no idea how to use, 5 tiny bows, and that.
Also OP lelgolas won last rounds.

It seems like he's crossed out.
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And so the final round will be between The Bard and Possibly a woman posing as a man

Now he's properly crossed out
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Alright, so all artifacts but the seal go with orcs. While each side trade some members to eachother? Is this the correct artifact deal?
Oh yeah while we're asking stupid questions.
How many blessings can we receive per turn?
Final deal. Good to go.
I hope us Gobbos can learn a thing or two from you Orcs while you're attacking the humans. You're free to use them as you please.
Should we bet on the tourney fellow elfs?
I'm voting for the man who suspiciously looks like a woman.

ah yeah, I guess there'll need to be Manlets in the camp to study its effects in real time
>You're free to use them as you please.

Orc + Goblin = ?
OP, did we ever explored Brock's temple to it's fullest?
well, Orcs and Gobbos look the same besides height
the combination is a mystery
= Slightly taller and beefier Goblin.
And by "slightly" I mean "practically unnoticeably".
Rooting friend. It's tourney not election lol. Or betting if u want.
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And so after the artifact deal, the gobs also made orcs some armors and weapons from the mysterious space metals.

Suspiciously looks like they were inspired by the artifacts found, but no matter.

Gobs can now use the metals and wood how they see fit

A prolasped anus
Fucking get those humans, Orcs
We believe in you
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Meanwhile dragons blew, hue

They also tried to use their wind magics on the citadel, so far all they managed was to erect a wind shield for it. Which caused some confusion as the wind shield blew away the manlets.
Draw them out of their home, tho
We need a terrible name for our samurai orc.
Orcs, we're gonna make some siege weapons so you can bombard the human fort. We'll have the Gobbos that accompanied you to the forest do it since there's a natural supply. Our other tech action will be upgrading King Kobs with bonuses.
we are all Samurai Orcs now, who are also Stand Users. Should we hold another contest to decide who will wield the artifacts (with the exception of the gem being given to the Shaman) or just give the helmet to Saitama Orc and the Sword to Fred?
You could just use the instawin button.
But that wouldn't be fun.
Hell naw. We're rooting for you Orcs, you've gotta take care of those necromancers.
Orcs now have a total base combat bonus of 340

The highest of all

Humans have 230

Dragons have 170

Elves 85 (no avatar)

Manlets 90

Something to consider
You mean one punch orc
I already see how orcs'll stop talk about peace
You should besiege the humans orcs and finally deal with them
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And now turn...39

Recaps, gib
Is this attack or defense numbers?
Pure attack, no def bonuses for all
Alright orcs
We give the gem to our shaman in turn he buffs the trees with blood magic.
We give the artifacts to one punch orc and unicorn.
so it's pointless to attack now.
1st turn - invent rock music to boost our culture, we'll be making angsty songs about salty elves
2nd turn - grind animal skulls for now
will that do, barbs?
Tech: Develop advanced orc sneakers into orc ninjas
Regular: Exterminate the humans
and I see how you faggots are finally eat your words and start turtling
Are you cowering now?
Who ever talked about peace?
It's just nobody will let me to do suicidal attacks
is that even a word?
You shush you got your moment, now it's blood tree time and we need time for the gobbos to make oursiege weapons
Elves what do.

I want dispel.

But what else?

Illusion magic?
Or maybe healing magic or basic first aid?
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I was gonna say. We cash in our 40ish murder points for a population boost.
here we go
Culture: Study the Gem used by the Orcs to enhance their forest. We'll replicate it by studying the effects and what its made of.
Tech: Create actual ballistas using the wood from the forest with our Gobbos that accompanied the Orcs. Make sure to strap wheels to it and create giant bolts for ammo. We'll be gifting it to the Orcs so they have a siege weapon.

We should be good to go. We'll focus on our own realm once we help the orcs this turn.
It was red makes it fasta
And blacroc
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Think I'm the only dragon here

Try to learn how to materialise our various magics into elementals like holy,fire,wind,etc using the seer amd messia to work on it

Smite some bronze while its being smelted to try and make something called divine metal, to try and put us in the divine age
I thought it was related to cow cows

Why would we work on defensive measures when we can wipe out the humans?
We can do blood trees after the humans are dealt with.
Ok well we need to bolster our defence se and make our God happy, making blood trees will do that.
Population boost works next.
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No relation to ambition man
Because of the necromancers
Plus we need time for siege weapons and a way to make sure those skellies stay down.
They stay down when you smash them hard enough.
Any turn we spend not attacking the humans is a turn they get to turtle up, or even just run away.
So, Brothers, we should start working on them arbalests so the orcs siege the fuck outta those savages, also I think we could start prospecting, that way we could identify rocks and ores, and improve our metalworking, what do you think?
Well that was without defense bonuses for the numbers.
They got an extra 100 there alone.
And if we win, then we can take over their fort, which has a higher defensive bonus, anyway
Barbarian turn :
1st action : Cause of boredom thanks to constant draws in battles against orcs, barbs started to bang rocks and metal together, and found a certain nice rythm and tunes while doing so.
Therefore Heavy Metal Rock music was born. It probably buffs culture and some shit.
2nd action :
Fierce animal hunting for skulls.
Most likely if you guys kill all the humans their skeletons will just go back to wandering around like before they were controled if they reform.
Their defense bonus is 82 I think
Don't worry, Saitama
You need a way for them to starve. You've just gotta siege them or make them come out of their fort.
They really animate, it takes powerfull fire to stop those things no matter how hard you smash them.
No we go in with our best shit already there is a good chance we can lose them.
There is always some bullshit.

Here is what I can agree to do, we can attack but after we use one turn to make blood trees. This was promised since last turn.
Since it seems all the other elves aren't here

Turn 1:Make a spell to nullify other spells we can call it dispel.

Turn 2:Illusion magic.
Orc bonus of +340
Human bonus of 230 + 82 = +312
Even with their defensive bonus, we're 28 above them.
I definitely want to try an attack this turn.
And it's best if we develop something offensive to use in the fight.
Blood trees & Attack.
I'm also going to need to hear my other orcs, what do you guys want. Blood trees is non negotiable
You should wait until you have something to negate their defenses, in my opinion.
Actually humans have an additional +20 bonus of having higher numbers.

Any battle that has one side having more than 50 troops counts as that for that side.
I thought so, we shouldn't attack so soon. We need more orcs.
We need to cash in our blood to god.
They have a +20 boost due to outnumbering us.
Also we need hair.
Since we have lookouts and scouts as part of our culture can we defend a march with meteor?
Just put them under seige orcs, then they have to come our or the necromancers starve.
Blood Trees are go

this, we don't want to immediately lose our gear

what kind of hair should we ask for?
This, really only one punch orc doesn't need hair.
I say
Blood trees and what emergency orc says.
Depends on how many do you want to cast it.
If only some of you cast it, you'd still get fightan bonuses.

If all of you cast it, you won't be able to fight while throwing out something that's 150 worth
Popadors? And saiyan hair?
We can only get one blessing a turn.
So here's the question.
Hair for 5 blood points
A population boost for 20
We really do need hair...
If any elves are listening after we get the ability to seal a race from magic we should get to work on severing gods from their race.
More pop.
But if you do go with hair, we're obviously getting crazy anime hair
Orcs, you could go hunting again and raise your bonus
Easy +10
Blood trees
And we get hair
That sound good?
We're spending our blood points we got from huntin
So what's your turn, orcs
I thought my internet crapped out again.
OP - how big of a difference between POPs need to be to maintain superior numbers bonus?
Orcs give gem to shaman in turn give blood magic to the trees.
Then orcs ask for Anime hair.
OP, if the Orcs bless their trees with blood magic and we make the ballistas out of the same trees, do the ballistas get a bonus as well?
And to add to that, how many tribemembers used in casting meteor will influence the combat participating number
small meteor +25 needs 5 members
medium meteor +35 needs 20 members
large meteor +65 needs 40 members
Extra large Meteor +95 needs 80 members
Full Power Meteor +150 needs all members

On the flipside, Full Power Meteor means orcs have to defend against it with only One Punch Orc, Spirit Fists and Blood Rage
Orc POP is 44 now? Or 51. I'm confused. Math is hard
Oh right, they killed their own men to buff OPO
We sacrificed a few to buff wanpunch.
And I think a couple are staying with the manlets and lizardmen.
Also I think we still have some orcs.
fucking savages.
oh well, we cast medium meteor then in time of the defense - aka using 35 POP. we still should maintain our superiour numbers bonus in that case
you are all evil
5, to be exact
wait, disregard that, I can't into math and reading
can't we just automate this process? As long we have superiour numbers bonus - rest casts a meteor
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Humans created Heavy Metal Rock Music by banging rocks and metal together while yelling really loudly, but with a rthym.

Anyway, hunting n shit and more animal cruelty
Barbarians, Roll 2d100. Fiest for fierceness, second for number
60-100: very fierce beasts
30-59: extremely fierce beasts
1-29: the fiercest beasts
Rolled 93, 87 = 180 (2d100)

Rolled 99, 90 = 189 (2d100)

I mean really, what the fuck is wrong with rolls today, this shit is rigged
Welp. We wasted our battle rolls, brother.
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You found: River Sneks
Fierceness factor: 60+ numbers 90 = 150 is the number to beeeat
Chief's Power +30; Boss Skeledragon +10; Rock armor +10; Fire bone fists +10; Improved Arena Training +20; Rock shields +5; Necro Powers +20; Undead Bone structure +10; Skeledragons' Necro Breath +15; Heavy Metal Rock Music morale boost +10
Rolled 87 (1d100)

Another of the dragons cousins.

Brutally slaughtered.
Eventually were gonna run out of cousins.
Rolled 68 (1d100)

No swords or spears? Oh my
Cousins can be pretty hot
Probably around the time they brutally slaughter some wyverns.
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Another dragon cousin

Punched to death
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The elves developed "Camouflage" a spell allowing them to turn themselves semi-invisible to blend in with any enviroment

They also tried to make Dispel, but as a spell to cancel spells, it is one of the most highest forms of magic so theey're havin no luck, won't be done in a turn is what I'm sayin
Do we need to actively research it again or will it just complete after a set amount of turns?
You should probably add a smiling one wakeup timer on there.
It's about 3 turns now?
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The orcs marked the ruined forest's remaining trees with blood, empowring them with their blood magic. Now when the elves in their secret elf forest take back their magical bonuses, the orcs' turf will stay the same.

Oh and they also asked for hair with their kills.

Orcs have now moved into

The Weeaboo age
OP, we'll get auto math for defensive meteor cast or not?
One of them looks like blanka
Oh shit
If unless said different, you auto pick Large meteor
oh hey
we gobbos are part of another civ now
These have been my dreams since day one
IT'S BEAUTIFUL.. Do the gobs in our tribe also gain hair?
Green powah
Honestly of us all the orcs are my favorite civ with their weeaboo abilitys even though I'm a dragon
We /technicolor/ now
that keeps our superior numbers bonus, right? no objections then.
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The gobs sent with the orcs studied the power gem bound to the Orc Shaman, but it's magic so they're haivng no luck even figuring out how it works.

But at least the manlets in the citadel managed to make actual ballistae

No, they're guests
hey, paladin
I specified for the gobbos with the orcs to make ballistae for the orcs
In 1st thread OP said split civs can only do 1 thing in 1 area. So humans cant build two Towers or villages at the same time despite pop location.
>Create actual ballistas using the wood from the forest with our Gobbos that accompanied the Orcs.
welp, even if I specified the gobbos with the orcs doing it
its a no can do
Sorry, Orcs
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Dragons tried to create beings using the elementals, this will be done next turn.

They also tried to smite some smelted bronze. Which didn't do anything.

Oh shit you did, then remove the "the manlets in the citadel" part and replace it with "they" and remove "ballista" from your tech list. Since it's the orcs now.

Actually this applies, since all the actions were for the manlets accompanying the orcs and not split between 2 places
Then makes some next turn
Okay orcs I have a great idea.
We hunt enough to get pants
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AND NOW, Turn 40...A WORLD EVENT, nobody do anything
I read the gobbo post wrong. Whoops. Looks like you are goid to go. I thought they meant both places.
I dance
oh, I thought orcs will attack this turn, oh well
We still have a chance. Rock Music gave a bonus too. Sweet.
You know it just hit me we forgot to research for whenever winter eventually comes around.
skeleton dance incoming? or something else
We have goblins, they can teach us that.
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The world even being....what The King decides to do with the savages.
Before the roll, he contemplates his choices:
1 - Attack one random tribe with a small band of soldiers
2 - Send a scouting party into one random tribe
3 - Launch a projectile at one random tribe, killing at least one tribemember for shits and giggles
4 - Suddenly feel generous and gifts one random tribe something
5 - Comb his mustache
6 - Have one of the court wizards cast a random spell that will affect all the tribes
Oh man we will never be rid of that cuuuraaaazy king!
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Rolled 3 (1d6)

Oh man, this is gonna cost us.
>Inb4 barbs are easy target
That's a wierd way to take a sip by the way, looks like he just dumped it on his lap.
so, roll for which of the tribes get hit?
O... yea
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AND NOW, THE KING HAS LAUNCHED A MAGICAL PROJECTILE AT....All tribes roll, which tribe has the lowest result will get hit

His stache is very absorbent
Must be a royal sip
Rolled 32 (1d100)

where my manlets at?
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Oh dear.
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Rolled 1 (1d100)

Rolled 58 (1d100)

Rolled 84 (1d100)

I feel our destiny
Rolled 24 (1d100)

Oh man! Barbarians just keep getting fucked by the king.
I fucking knew that
Rolled 28 (1d100)

Gonna go crawl in a hole and kill myself. Night people.
Rolled 31 (1d100)

As always, the highest roll from each tribe will be picked.

And the lowest of those rolls will be the one on the chopping block
As a suggestion from a lurker I would love for the orcs to try to get bigger and madder in order to transition to dier orcs (since thats how dire animals were explained to you guys)
Well at this rate manlets are getting it.
wait shit, it's only Orcs and Gobbos with low high rolls now, fuuuuck. Saitama Orc is our only hope
Hey lurker, wanna join the Gobbos temporarily and help roll for us? I'm the only one here
If he's still on
yeah I don't think he's still on, he stopped posting after we got hair. If manlets get it, I wonder if our Orcs can crush the projectile for them.
Well I have the highest for our group maybe the gobbos are just gonna get hit. Dragons didn't roll yet.
they did, they have 70
So far the manlets are in danger, are there no more manlet rolls?
Rolled 67 (1d100)

I haven't yet succumbed to sleep soooo....
A new hero emerges!
I'm pretty much the only one here boss
keep it going unless you want to pity us manlets
Oh shit I guess it's us
welp orcs getting fucked. Since it's magical I wonder if we can catch it with our stands?
Well it doesn't really matter if it hits us.
We still have 37 bloodpoints.
Yep sorry orcs, I'm rooting for you guys but I was requested to help and I felt obliged to assist
What will that do?
Population boost is 20 points.
Or 20 dead orcs
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And so the orcs are the one receiving this gift. Of Death.

You have 44.

So roll 2d44 to see how much of your people dies in the blast.

The first roll is to see how many dies.
The second is to see if One Punch Orc survives, needs to be >22

Note that the orcs killed in this blast is not counted towards the blood sacrifice
that's ok, it was probably coming to us either way
Rolled 6, 31 = 37 (2d44)

>Note that the orcs killed in this blast is not counted towards the blood sacrifice
Fair enough
that's what you get for being weaboos, orcs
>Not killing the barbarians for that 1
I trusted you, NaP
I'm too scared to roll
I'm not rolling that's a good number
Don't roll orcs, you got super lucky
It's the established rule, I have to stick by it

Roll or The King will come and kill the survivors with his pinky
I love you, you bastard.
Wait we all have to roll?
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"Yes, if you don't then t'll be cheating! And cheaters never prosper" - Not The King
Fuck >>525343
Do we have to roll if one of us did already?
hey, those are groucho glasses
only comedians wear those
don't roll, orcs
Rolled 32, 9 = 41 (2d100)


ah fuck welp god wills it.
Rolled 8, 28 = 36 (2d44)

Fuck fuck me fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! After every thing we went through, dice god hear my plea!
Reroll nigga it's a 2d44
Wrong dice dude 2d44
Rolled 15, 11 = 26 (2d44)

ah wait I'm an idiot I was supposed to roll a 2d44

shit this is still terrible. But isn't One Punch Orc wearing the helmet?
There is your sacrifices
I hope you are pleased!
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Now the helmet can only be used to dispell illusions.
it all depends on which roll OP picks but I feel it's gonna be mine since mine has the highest death and sure kill for OP Orc
ok, I'm betting the humies are gonna attack us next turn so we need to hunt the fiercest beasts and ask Orc God for a pop boost.
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And now, turn 41. Recaps, where them be
orcs need to blame dragons and manlets, they made contact with a king

anyway, what do, barbs? attack orcs? one punch orc is gone
I dunno >>525377
Orcs repopulate after devistating blow
Of course
Hunt some more?
Wanpunch survived via. helmet.
Pop boost & Hunt
We do that
Alright so just do this since I'm the only dragon here and I'm getting off for the night as I'm pretty sure I'm doing a terrible job with my turn decisions

Finish up the elementals so we can summon them and stuff

Using bronze working rip off the gobbos designs and make some heavy duty helmets
then maybe not attack orcs
but I want blood
Skeleton Dance. Attack orcs. Meteor from home, attack with rest. Kill them all.
OP do so need to spend a turn to continue dispel research or is it automatic?
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Tech: Create weapons/armor made out of the meteor metal for us manlets now. The King will have his set of armor upgraded. We've decided to copy the Orc style, but we'll look like the nerds in pic related. The Jingasa cone hats and everything. We'll even have the curved weaboo swords.
Culture: Pray to the Kobold God for hair on all the Goblin and Goblin subspecies, including the Kobolds and Imps. I wanna get that MULTICOLORED background too.

>Trying to start an infighting among the coalition
World event was gonna happen either way you filthy human.
yeah, that'll do I guess.
let me come up with recap
>including the Kobolds
Do you really want hairy kobolds?
Since you built a school, it's auto, but it'll need 10 turns
>>Trying to start an infighting among the coalition
you misspelled "evil hoard of unhuman demons which plan to kill us all and smash our skeletons"
I just want a stylish pompadour, Anon. Is that so much to ask for?
Calling it now
Missing dragons.
We're not the ones who spent the last two threads trying to attack another tribe.
>Elves go outside the forest and meditate in the sun to absorb it's fiery heat to unlock fire magic.
>Elves notice things fall and try to harness whatever does this with magic.
Specifying for hair on head in particular. We want afros, pompadours even anime hair.
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Barbarian turn
1st action : Our undead skellebros come up with awesome Skelledance to dance in rythm of our best musicians. That probably boosts culture and some more shit too.
At least we are now the most cultured civ with things to entertain ourselves and boost morale and overall happiness.
2nd action: We attack the orcs once again, using big enough number to get superior numbers bonus, rest stays and cast large(?) meteor as artillery support for our attack.
We get defence bonus too right op?
>2nd action: We attack the orcs once again, using big enough number to get superior numbers bonus, rest stays and cast large(?) meteor as artillery support for our attack.
You do realize you're targeting your own barbarians if you do that right?
well yeah, 340 is before you got the def bonus and blood god bonus
yeah we just enchanted our forest.
we have high enough tower and enough of rockology+trajectory bonus to not hit allies and target rear of your forces
So 340 is our base wit out rolling and Def and blood bonous?
this will end poorly, but I hardly care anymore.
Note that orcs will have a total of 415 bonuses

While yours is 345

And this is after all calculations
so I guess everyone already submitted their turns. Now we play the waiting game.
too late to back out now.
we are not wusses like other civs.
humans have to win by 70
Well we roll too I assume
there's still two of us and what I assume only 1 active humie left. We can hopefully do this.
can we fight until last dead man? Our chief supposed to be immortal.
You're just gonna resurrect anyone who dies
I also still don't get how orcs get their god bonuses, considering they attacked only animals and only twice as far I recall.
While we lost our bonuses cause of a faggot player. Oh well, must not let salt consume me.
I think OP will fuck us over on that one way or another. Whatever.
Our God just demands blood, don't matter where it comes from. I don't know what happened to your god really.
Our bloodshed works like this.
Baselevel starts at 10 and caps at 100.
Every fight we get in increases it by 10, hunt or whenever you guys come by.
It resets whenever there's a new thread.
Don't lie
We're all piles of salt by now.
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Skeletons developed the skeledance, it gives dem morale boosts.

The bonus starts at 20, anytime they fight something it adds 10 to it. Resets each new thread
And if skulls from animal hunts can be used, so can blood from animal hunts
Whoops, meant at 10
our newfag player used emoticon and goodbye god bonus since then. to get it back we need to waste 4-10 turns.
got it, didn't understand that mechanic then. No complains now
For using an emoticon? Fuck never knew such a rule exsisted.
It was during dice god's shenanigans.
those were the dark times for every tribe.
everyone got fucked one way or another
>faggot player
yeah, I am pretty sure that is me
Oh my, kinda glad I missed that.
thread theme

we didn't we were mostly AFK so Dice God paid us no heed.
that was senpai, unless you become tripfag.
for the 3rd time I am senpai..
I changed to barbaric non-weeb person and now barbaric thing
I use the trip bcs of this reason and others
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And now the barbarians attack the orc in what is possibly a terrible, terrible idea, but only with enough people to have the superior bonus.
Which means current orc number (29) +50 = 79 barbs and skeles are fighting. The rest cast a large meteor

Humans: Chief's Power +30; Boss Skeledragon +10; Rock armor +10; Fire bone fists +10; Improved Arena Training +20; Rockology +2; Rock shields +5; flaming spiky rocks +8; Necro Powers +20; Undead Bone structure +10; Flaming Heavy Metal Rock Hard Boner Spears +30; Flaming Metal Swords +10; Sneks +5; El Skelebool +25; Stonebone Golems with giant flaming swords +20; Skeledragons' Necro Breath +15; Heavy Metal Rock Music and Skeledance morale boost +30; Large meteor +65

Orcs: Big guys: +5; Meteor Armors: +25; Board shields +5; Boar mounts: +6; Big Chief Fred The Unicorn +10; Sword from faraway land +80; Smaller chieftains +5; Super Boar: +2; Bone weapons +5; Fire Bone Spears +5 ; Meteor Weapons +15; Super Blood Rage+32; Berserk +5; Orc fu +10; Bloodbomb +20; Spirit Fists +20; Spirit Manifest +15;One Punch Orc: +75; Orc God wants more blood: +30

Each tribe roll 1d100, higest gets picked
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Rolled 55 (1d100)

Rolled 54 (1d100)

Alright orcs there comes a time to stand after being blown to smithereens, this time is now roll damn you ROLL!
Oops, almost forgot to mention

Barbs gets +20 superior numbers
Orcs gets +45 turf bonus
>used all good rolls in hunting
rip in piece attack force.
Rolled 48 (1d100)

325 vs 370
This is gonna be close.
345 vs 415
Okay maybe not
Rolled 35 (1d100)

rolling for overkill
Is there no more players coing to the barbarian's aid?
345+55 vs 54+415
So 400 vs 469
Sheeeeit Orcs win by 69
hat guy seem to fell asleep, unless passing by lurker will help - I doubt anything will change.
Proceed with massacre.
I'm expecting a great picture.
Or something done in less than 10 seconds
Maybe a close up of an orc
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>dem spoilers
Rolled 41 (1d100)

Rolled 1 (1d2)

go with the latter, OP
thnx for trying anyways..
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The longer you put it off the more time could be spent drawing it.
Either that or Brock pissed.
I got no idea how the gods react to orc shenanigans.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

I'll give you another dice to see if I can change your mind
It's our charisma
Welp time to parody jojo gimme a bit

A really long bit
ayy, this'll take a while boys
get your popcorn ready
Normal: Reserch elven steel( makes better weapons and armour.)
Culture: continue working on dispel.
Quality takes time
>Elven steel
Don't have regular steel
That's automatic.
Research regular steel.
Culture: Research war tactics(improves combat efficiency)
What do you think of elven warrior culture?
Don't have iron or fire yet.
Which is why I'm getting fire.
>War tactics.
Guerilla warfare for fighting opponents with higher numbers sounds good.

So we can get it next turn.
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And so the humans got their ass rekt, possibly not a metaphor.

Humans and orcs, both roll 1d100 to see if The Hero Unit of humans, The current chief survives.

No bonuses
Rolled 42 (1d100)

Rolled 33 (1d100)

>if The Hero Unit of humans, The current chief survives.
Is this happening?
Rolled 46 (1d100)

Rolled 9 (1d100)

I'm gonna be honest, I'm pretty ok if Fred dies. His horn was pretty gay
No human chief
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Ok so now.
Normal: Reserch Fire.
Culture: Develop war tatics.
I already locked in turn with OP.

We can do war tactics when the next turn starts along with something else.

Probably barrier magic.
Rolled 100 (1d100)

uh dude, you have to wait for the turn to end to state your turn
New orc enters the match
Yeezus christ, and I was in the middle of drawing the chief surviving too
I mean
One simple reason. You pissed me off.
Humies chief.

The last words he heard...
So goddamnit, gotta draw another pic
I think lack of time limits on reply makes it all way too safe for players. And slows thread to the crawl
Apologies to the manlets for my sudden disappearance yesterday.

It got horribly late and i fell sleep.

I then woke up... late for work...
Lack of players is reason for that.
Hey, Archivist
I had to argue with Inventor over the usefulness of a flying mountain. Forgive me if I seemed like a tyrant, but it wasn't that useful compared to trading with the orcs.
and that. Just saying that lack of progress cause of endless waiting for players slows down game a whole lot
not that'd help us anyway, just I could gone doing my things already and not check thread each 5 mins cause someone still didn't post.
Whoa there.

Its fine. I read up on it. I would have backed you up had i been awake.
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And the chief is killed.

Humans now have to roll 1d100 to reform their skeletons

>40 for skeletons
>60 for raising dead humans as skeletons
>80 for raising dead chief as skeleton
Rolled 33 (1d100)

Rolled 54 (1d100)

also technically race with most players will always get more positive progression than race with less players.
for race of less players it'll become catch 22 to catch up with more regular player filled civs. Unless extreme fuckery will happen. Which also has the biggest chance to fuck civ with least players.
Lich chief incoming
Smash whatever they don't manage to reform.
Holy fucksticks, i just woke up and this is awesome!
Rolled 64 (1d100)

is it too late?
this.. it should be average of the rolls for a fair fight but NaP doesn't understand the concept of fair
Yea orc just obliterated humans with their mad stands.

Also we have camouflage magic.
Got to work on dispel.

And will maybe get fire magic soon.
I can't even see this orcs opponent
at least if I wasn't too late I was able to save almost everyone
Rip chief
I'm checking out during this connection error.
Don't forget to crush the bones of anyone they didn't res.
I'm okay with unfairness, honestly, when it comes to pure luck.
but more players - more consistent results - less randomness.
Less randomness - less fun, at least for me.
and it's really to not take any risks period yet buff yourself up into oblivion. so game rewards turtling. meh
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And so the humans managed to save their forces by turning them into skeletons.

Except for their ex-chief.

But at least they got the helmet back
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Elves lied in the sun and thought about lifting things
oh man that turn was fucking awesome. I forgot what the Orc's turn is gonna be
Elves are taking the first steps to becoming psychics.
all in all I call that a successful outcome
Sure we lost the chief, but lost Literally noone else
Plus one stepcloser to becoming full undead faction
Ey, we got warm hands. That can probably be used as a bonus against winter
That's nice.

And we can probably level it into fire magic.

And minor telekinesis can eventually lead to becoming a tornado of terror.
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Orcs dedicated some kills to Orc God and got poofed some new orcs.

Now they hunt, orcs roll 2d100 to find beast kind and beast number
70-100: fierce beasts
40-69: fiercer beasts
10-39: even fiercer beasts
1-9: the fiercest beasts
you have too hard of a boner for ubdead
Rolled 40, 47 = 87 (2d100)

Okay I lied.
One more set of rolls
Rolled 52, 6 = 58 (2d100)

and you have too much of a murderboner
Rolled 42, 15 = 57 (2d100)

Rolling for more species of animals
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Found 6 Die-er-gophers

Orcs will autowin anyway so they brutally murdered six innocent animals.
at least that one makes sense
Well I'm still requesting that the recap anchor or ending post is all the gods' reactions.
Blood is blood
We should go and hunt in the cave from that last thread, the one with the ferocious beast, we can totally take it on now.
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Goblins wished for hair and made their armor like the orcs

The ahve now also entered the Weeaboo Era

Humans killed the beast and its family already
Orcs, we need to team up immediately

ah, oh yeah that's where they got Skelebool right?
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Dragons managed to summon elementals and improved their helms
I have a proposal fellow humans
We should turtle the living fuck to grow our population to an absolutely massive proportion.
Then drop a meteor on the land in-between all factions.
I call it operation apocalypse
Oh yeah we got more meteorite ore didn't we.
We should really learn how to smith it.
>implying rock solid won't try to do another attack once all the other humans are AFK
We should get light magic with fire magic.

And then combine it to make sun magic.
we got Orcs at the Citadel, they can study from the goblins there.
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Turn 42, recaps goes here
I would have been here to stop him but today I had to go take a test to get off my motorcycle learners
plus since I basically just lost my job more spare time to shitpost on 4chan and catch these threads
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Also OP our pop says 16 still.
Tree god get off the ceiling damnit.
Hey is archivist around? I could use some help doing actions this turn.
oh man, that sucks, hope it went well.

cue Roundabout
Rolled 8 (1d10)

how is ending the world boring
I say we should do it, crash this whole thread with no survivors, plus as our population grows we could lob a few meteors at the orcs or whatever to test their strength

I'm here

I say its time to start working on some practical stuff.

I say we have the chem labs work on using our current resources to develop highly acidic materials.

Also we should probably think about establishing schools.
We spilled the blood of 39 humans
I think we have enough to get more blood magic.
Which should be double the blood magic due to the gem?
Also I dunno something else, scouting maybe?
>Makes note to work on telekinesis to make floating islands to avoid apocalypse.
cause of endless grind.
turns are still going, eh?
well, we can keep grinding and shit, dunno. I'm out of ideas.
can scout something, maybe won't find jack shit.
playing SRWOG2 atm, RNG there is more fun
We'll do education this turn. I was thinking another culture action so we can learn Orc Fu and have monks of our own. Maybe we could combine the two into one greater action? We could teach the Orcs and have the Orcs teach us.
Another thing I forgot to mention.

The contest for our king.
Hmmm, yeah that's fine. Should we ask god for a new branch of magic? Blood Magic and Stands are still awesome though

Yeah this sounds neat too, teach gobbos Orc-Fu, we could train them into a stealth unit
Its just as much of a grind as you normally want to do.
which at the moment is usually Attack, fail, turtle, turtle, repeat
Actually now that I think about it we should at least try to get that magic Gem off of the orcs so we can empower our meteors.
We should make apocalypse our goal after we get that gem from orcs

We're tiny and orc fu is designed to use the orc's bulk to their advantage.

I say we use it as a base to develop a martial art of our own that takes advantage of the fact that others think we're harmless.

Something based on counter-attacks, low blows and preemptive attacks... Basically Krav Maga for manlets.
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Oh right, all this stuff made me forgot,

Roll 1d2 for final results
Can we into smelting Op?
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Gimme day Nat 1.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Rolled 2 (1d2)

Tech Action: Education. We'll elect the smartest gobbos and orcs as teachers to our new school within the Citadel. It's here where we'll teach the orcs our culture and tech while they teach us orc fu and various combat related tactics.
Culture Action: Let's step up our training from working out to learning ORC FU. We'll try to come up with our own version, but we'll use orc fu as a base for it, something that's more designed for manlets. Any Manlet that passes the program will be deemed a 'ninja'.
Dam son.
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And so the new elf king(?) is....An elf that's possibly a female disguising as a male. Possibly.
Still don't have fire

We should probably upgrade our warm hands into a fireball.
so what are humans going to do this turn?
I propose that we see if we can upgrade our meteors to Like a meteor shower or something.
And hold a rock(boulder) throwing contest to pick new chief
hey OP
does Gobbo and Orc population grow even if they're not at home? I'd like the Orcs to feel comfortable where we live too
Every pop grow passively, just that yours is faster
If you want us to feel comfortable you should sacrafice some gobbos to our blood god.
Let's scout north further, so we can expand the map.
for magic enhancement we need skulls, current amount is not enough. either grind for skulls or try some new tech, your call.
ah, so the orc pop that we have on our stat screen will keep growing then?
we just have to wait for the growth to happen then.
If there are no other humans around since Solid seems to be playing something then I guess we do
chief is still alive, just skelefied.

Ork, we should learn to regenerate our bodies thru blood magic so we can have saving rolls too
Muh waifu(husbandso?).
Actually, op if we convince other races to sacrifice to our God would that give us a bonus?
So we gonna evolve warm hands and keep working on illusion?

Excellent. I think we could begin work on the smeltery soon. If we have left over meteor we could try and turn it into an alloy.

We should also try to dig deeper for new metals while we do this.
If the Orcs found a tomb for an ancient civ, I think we can find one under the mountains. I'm definitely down for exploring for new metals.
We should appoint a Chief Blacksmith that makes all our weapons and armor top quality.
Normal: Search for treasure.
Culture:Advance further into war tatics.
Elves what do now?

I'm for upgrading our warm hands to fireball or fire fists.

We can upgrade camouflage to full grade invisibility.

Then we can finally make the invisible forest.
We are not searching for treasure or exploring at all without smiling one.
You high or something, Elf? I'm referring to us Manlets.
Rolled 9 (1d10)

1st action : scouting north - expand the map
2nd action : scouting east - expand the map
if your throw is higher - do what you want.
if my - here is recap op ^ >>525590
Shit replied to wrong post.

Don't mind us manlets.

We're not planning to sever anyone from their gods.
Anyways no treasure.
Rolled 9 (1d10)

I doubt I will get a 10 since dice god hates me but here goes
Scout east?
Contest for chief?
I don't think fire magic will be very useful now, since we aren't fighting anyone and don't have any way of using it. I say we make invisibility and keep working on dispel
After battle we ask our blood god if we get a new branch of magic
Explore our blood forest

do recap, I'll show up for rolls
Dispel research is automatic.

Also fire magic let's us do anything that needs fire like smelting.
And cooking
And leather work.
Final Decision has been reached,
Scout east
And Hold a rock(boulder) throwing contest to pick a new chief
We don't need smelting because we already have projection magic.
But awright, let's go for it.
Hey guys, after this turn, let's see what happens when we grind up the remaining pieces of the meteor and add fire. See if we can make some ...hanabi.
Or better, we could evolve telekenisis
Yea but with tech we can get to work on magitech and make magitech gundam or exosuits eventually.
An elf goes back outside the forest to upgrade warm hands. Preferably so that we can make fire with it.


Elves make camouflage better so that instead of semi-visible they can turn invisible.
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Welp, dragons are missing. And I need to do something anyways, so uh, let's just halt in here until a dragon recap happens.

Updates r here https://twitter.com/notapaladin

See you all hopefully soon
Alright op thanks for the bread that I could be apart of this time.
god damn
shout out to the Orcs in this thread
we may be weeaboos but at least we look cool
it was super worth it to get that trade deal done
Wat? Magitech? We're elves goddamnit, we go full magic or no magic. Dragos and gobbos do that magitech shit.
Also we can smelt metal into badass rings that we can enchant to make elves awesome.
Now that's a better idea. Magical shit that we slap on us to give us abilities. Good shit
You hippies should develops Iron teir hardness wood to use as your armour and shit
Its what I would do
We'll just make a magic aura that functions as armor.

And gives us a cool battle aura.
the wood would also have practical purposes as well
Such as potentially making your forest More Meteor Resistant
I'm not even really worried by that because in a few turns we'll be invisible.

And since you won't know where we are you can't cast another meteor on top of us.
an invisible Forrest won't save you when we blow up the entire world with colossal a meteor
all I have to do is convince everyone else that it is a good Idea
Except for Solid though, he is too much of an ADD idiot so he will have to be ignored
We got a new Ghazghkull right here. Humans are being orky as fuck.
well the orcs aren't being orky so if they aren't then someone has to.
Maybe next world event is god nullifying all bonus so literally everyone is on equal grounds
I just thought about something. If elves evolve their telekenisis, do you think they'll be able to stop a meteor?
It may just be me, but i would find hilarious the sight of an earth-shattering meteor just slowing down and stopping mid-air
I think that wouldn't be too bad, actually.
that's literally Dragons opening portal to hell tier salt there. Besides
>implying King won't punch the meteor back to space
some of the amount of bonuses are getting a little out of hand,
Maybe they should just be limited to hero units or some shit like that
Perhaps re calculations are in order.

God calls it the balance patch
First action: Force Messiah to make babies with Broodmother

Second action: Go out and look for our fiercest cousins to tame and possibly save from human extinction
>kobbos not giving the gem to dragons for 3 favours
This triggers my greedboner.
Perhaps just limit it Hero Units+Total sum of magic stuff+total sum of Tech stuff+Total sum of Defensive bonuses= Total
Cut out all the useless shit, except for humans Giant Sneks keep them since I will get salty if we lose them
Oi, don't make us lose our Ents pls. They're too cute.
Nobody'll lose anything.

I'll just reduce all bonuses into single digits.
And to clarify the second action, Messiah and his trio are the ones going
You need some salt in your system tho, mate. You'll just be tasteless, just like tap water. And
you know why tap water is tasteless? Because it dosen't have salt.
Ah, it's all cool then
You don't want the levels of Salt from that will occur if humans lose the sneks.
they are the one thing I like more than world ending meteors and trying to make humans undead
So if that happens, our world will merge with the elemental realm of salt. Cool.
Are we continuing since the dragons came back?
Eh, I ahve a headache right now anyway so leave this for later.
It got a little too late for me phew
probably for the better I don't think manlets are still here so we might have ended up waiting for them instead
Indeed indeed

Went out for lunch. Get better soon OP.
I was thinking and I have come to the conclusion that most of the strawpoll choices for whatever the next thing is after this is all done and finished should just be the Various hero units since they could make interesting standalone adventures.
I will have to remember to ask him if he would put them on the list whenever this is over,thats if it ever ends that is
what strawpoll?
the strawpoll that decides what adventure thing NaP will do next
With notapaladin, after every adventure is finished, he usually makes a strawpoll with Ideas on what he should do next, sometimes if you pitch your Idea he might put it on it

I approve of this
We should have another contest to decide the queen. Also to something to find out if the "king" is male or female.
I'm bored and started one of these for aye lmaos because I live in the UK and can't play this
pls no bully
UK here as well. Not sure what you meant by being unable to play because of timezones, threads generally start at around 6:30pm and end at 2 am.

Only this thread is different and it started at around 10:30 and went on throughout the night. Fell asleep halfway through
I am going to bed, if OP Decides to continue while I am asleep and if he somehow ends up being the only Human here again can someone please for the love of God Keep Solid from being retarded and getting half the tribe killed.
I turned up just in time today to salvage his retardedness with a lucky roll and only lost the chief.
I'll be here for 3 hours more.
Hat guy may back up, he is in other timezone, so he'll be probably awake
As long as there is at least one other Person here that is both willing to and able to keep your murderboner in check I am fine,
Seriously why the hell would you decide to Attack even though there was pretty much only you here and repeatedly told that we had an extremely unlikely chance of winning
for fun, tired of stalemate

Ya'll from Europe?
From now on if you are the only One here, no major decisions such as attacking just because you are bored. Especially if it is basically sabotage, thats just ruining it for all the other barbarians.
>no major decisions such as attacking just because you are bored
you are no fun
>Especially if it is basically sabotage, thats just ruining it for all the other barbarians.
I thought that attack will go a bit better thanks to meteor we get our chances even, I'm not complete suicidal attacks fan, just half bit.
You need to open notepad or something and keep track of the Various bonuses and shit when orc or anyone is in battle, and get better at math
They had something like a50 or 60 point lead, that was before they added the orc roll and because they had like 4 orc players present VS just your roll that means they had much much better odds of turning that 60 or whatever point lead into a 100+ point lead,
that fight was practically unwinnable and would have required a series of extremely unlucky rolls from the orcs and a very very lucky roll from you
>one doesn't let put barbs on the rocks and make them ride the rocks towards the enemy
>other tries to use common sense too
I just wanted to roll some dice
it's my first this complicated OP adventure, I'm not used to keep in mind such numbers.
>a series of extremely unlucky rolls from the orcs and a very very lucky roll from you
but if that happened it'd be way more memorable and fun thread.
but ok ok, I'll try to keep some POP around. alive.
OP clearly stated before asking for confirmation, the orc lead was 70
I already submitted turn at that point.
I'm not hippie to run away with tail between legs
I am all for silly shit like throwing Rocks with Barbarians riding them,
What I am not for is obviously suicidal attacks with no positive outcomes
I blame senpai
just know that I don't hate you, because without you humans wouldn't be the insane badass edgelords that we currently are.
I just find your murderboner annoying as fuck because our progress in a fair bit of shit slow down to a standstill because of it
I just wanna see shit happens. Like at all. Not +1 bonus after one hour of following the thread.
I guess I'll settle on scouting for some weird ass shit which hopefully won't be jackshit instead of attacking home turfs of races.
unless we'll find hippes
anyway, I'm not that far from you timezone wise, so it's not like I'll manage to ruin everything even if I try.
So don't you worry that much.
yes, if we can find the hippies before they build back up too much/their champion wakes up, then you have my blessing to go to town on them,
but if he wakes up then taking them out will become significantly harder, especially since I Doubt something like orcs accidentally knocking him out for a while will happen again.
And I just though of an Idea,
We should scout out as much landmarks and shit as we can
And then if we can't immediately use them we nuke the fuck out of them with meteors so that no other race can use them
nah, I'm not going to attack them with smiling one being active
again, I attacked orcs cause thought they were fucked by randomness of king enough to make our bonuses equal. I missed somehow that their cheifman survived and submitted a turn. I fucked up, my mistake. What else I can do about it?
I decided to go with attack anyway after got pointed out on point difference, cause I don't want to be as those who ask for rerolls as soon something goes slightly wrong.

for nuking landmarks - no point, other race before using those landmarks need to actually find them themselves. which means going nearby our territory, which means we can ambush. so better just use whatever we can find.
Still if we find something Really good or other another race show interest in it and can't use it I say we should nuke it anyway.
Adopt a policy that if we can't have it no one can.
>nuke this
>nuke that
ghandi plz log in
I have made it my personal end goal to cause the apocalypse, and I already have a plan to do it, we just gotta increase the living fuck out of our Population then cast a full Tribe Meteor
you can't stop me, my autism has already decided that it will happen
Rolled 5 (1d10)

no, it won't
check my 10
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Your rock throwing skills are lame
It will happen whether you want it to or not
dice god why do you hate me?
>Inb4 you try to start it and the king bitch slaps the meteor
where's OP and my manlets at?
Rolled 6 (1d10)

even chicken brains are right >>526523

remember. nothing will ever go your way till the end in OP threads. ever.
they are synonyms for anticlimatic endings
Lets do a Roll Call
If anyone is lurking regardless of Faction, respond to my post with "OP is a Homosexual"
drink your earl grey tea and go to sleep,
no I decided to stay up after I remembered that I don't have to go to work tomorrow, or the day after that, or day after that one
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Human wimps and their puny rock throws

Check my 10 on this boulder throw
well you are like minus 6 hours from mine time zone, so have fun, I'm out to sleep in a hour max.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Rock Solid isn't that bad, although not backing out before shit happens when OP asks, isn't the same as not asking for rerolls.

Apocalipse is a dumb idea, and at best, will draw attention of the king to bitchslap everyone of us, our meteor in particular.
Shouldn't Mr. Neon buttplug wakeup this turn?
or is that next turn.
My reproductive organ is erect in preparation for his awakening.
Rolled 10 (1d10)

rock confirms that
No shit Sherlock. You gotta embrace the dicks, man
>and civs and other barbs wonder why I want to murder everything
Ah, come on, you gotta be comfortable with you sexuality, man. Don't be scared of popping a boner because you looked at a dick or two. It just happens. You gotta flow with it, ya feel me?
that's not the worse that's come about, not even for elves.
Rolled 64 (1d100)

>finds a bigger rock to throw
don't even get me started on dragons and manlets
exterminatus confirmed in planning
Rolled 5915 (1d9001)

We shouldn't have left you guys alone and gave you a chance to rebuild
Jesus christ, how homophobic. C'mon bro, get your dick out. Dicks out for The Smiling One!
that's the degeneracy I was thinking about yes, your satan quads confirm it
>jealous because he sees thick, hard bones all day and he can't use them on himself.
Those are some nice quads you got there...
my dick only comes out For Harambe, skeletons and thoughts of the apocalypse
>satan quads confirm it
again? I got 666 last thread I think
and I didn't even murder anyone. yet
well this thread, you murdered someone
Our chief
Oh, i love taking my dick out for Harambe.
can't argue with that.
I still not sure how that actually works, our chief supposed to be immortal thanks to helm
No, he wasn't supposed to be immortal. Just very strong. Plus the description of the helm said that "it will bind to whoever wears it until the host's death". Either that or the orcs weebness killed him.
Well we simply crushed his head to a point where he can't wear it anymore.
you just had to ruin my meme didn't you
remember kids, guard your asshole like like its a king or the elves will turn it into the grand canyon
What meme? I didn't see no meme there.
That thing about the Grand Canyon, though, that's 100% true
I'd like to make it known that not all elves are gay.

I'm very against making homosexuality a culture thing.
hippie faggots actually remember shit, who would've thought
nerf plz
I bet it is true you pointy eared prick, Just how many woodland critters have you tortured with your asshole
Elves are prett degenerate, they probably molested their champion while he was asleep.

They indirectly molested their own God.
I just realised something.
If OP didn't give in to the dragons Bitching for a reroll we could have potentially gotten Dragon Jesus's skeleton on our team
After all they wouldn't be able to retrieve it for a while due to it being on the moon and all we would have to had done was send a few skeletons through the portal since skeletons don't need to breath
We got lucky with dice on the inspection roll.
and the finisher roll
Yeah, sure, you keep hiding it, homeboy.
MC Scientist says: Nah, they actually are
The real question is how many of them i am molesting right now
With all those orgies, we should have awakened Slaanesh 3 turns ago. And yeah, Elf God totally loves when we touch his holy wood
damn it now I am salty about OP being a pussy and caving in when People beg for rerolls because The dice God was an asshole, we missed out on something great and
the most saltifying thing is that due to the reroll 2 civs didn't get half population insta-gibbed
that as well, if OP is in one of his asshole moods he should stick to his decisions instead of flip flopping and caving in to pressure.
all that accomplishes is it shows he has no integrity
You must be higher than me, dude.
maybe that was the point, showing he can and will flip flop at times. The situation itself I wouldn't say it was really "asshole mood" because the portal was just there, and they used it because they wanted to, and the outcome was rolled. Unlike "Dice god gets drunk"
We didn't even get a saving roll so the salt was rather justified.

Really, we should've went with a save roll instead of rerolling altogether
I think "Dice god got drunk" just started as a joke, then someone said that he was making out with a broom, and it went downhill from there.
Hence why it could be classified "asshole mood"

Moon gate was an in-game object which was interacted with. Not a meta discussion gone wrong.
plus If I am remembering correctly noone really argued against OP during the whole Dice god being drunk moment and most people just rolled with it
'asshole mood' might have been a poor choice of words
but thats what I get for staying up way too long
I think some complaints were made, but mostly everyone was afraid of getting even shittier things handed to them. (As if rolling d20 where usually would be a d100 wasn't bad enough)
Speaking of Dice God, did wake up yet?
Pretty sure al of the Gods are waiting to ambush him for fucking with their mortals
Does OP just not mention the second action? He only seems to talk about 1 action. Did the second happen and he is too lazy to type it out?
Op is lazy as fuck, and usually just draws/talks the easiest or major one and then goes "also this" at the end for the 2nd
I usually extend the God shenanigans as much as I can. Forces him to draw more often.

We need more effort drawings like the ORCORCORCORC ones
Same here,
Plus I have been in his threads long enough that I have learnt what so say/do to get the results I want and what to not say cause he will twist the living fuck out of it
Sup. Is OP going to host another session today.
You think the helmet survived? What did it do anyways?

Ah I remember that, everyone but Humans had to roll for 2 turns using a d20, bad for orcs since we were supposed to be hunting then.
Probably (not)?
OP started late yesterday, so there might be a late start today.
It did.
Every dragon seems to hail from Europe so if there's a late start you guys might experience Dragon Charisma™

Totally not ripped off from the Orcs
The think the Humans completely forgot about their giant snake mounts. They could do some kill shit with that.
greetings, head hurts, possible break today
What a coincidence my head had just stop hurting today
Dark magic.
More like Dank magic
Ayy lmao.
A question for our government. How should we decide the Queen? We could either have a magic archery tournament like with the king or just vote on the queen.
Or we could make the priestess the queen.

That way our leadership is tied to our religion and we don't have to worry about the two fighting
>Possibly a man disguising as a woman elf gets crowned Queen
I don't think our monarchy and religion would come into conflict but I like the idea of the High Queen also being the High Priestess.
ayy, any manlets around? I wanna discuss some tech/some unique weapons we could make.
you should make stilts and those extendo claw/hand things that also double as weapons of some sort
Plus the stilts would have practical purposes in helping manlets reach high stuff without needing a dragon or someone else to do it for them

I'm here
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Alright, here's some ideas that I wanna throw out.
We should combine our pickaxes and crossbows into one weapon/tool.
It should look something like this. This way our miners have a way to defend themselves from range, and our archers have a way to defend themselves up close by smacking them with the spiked end of the pickaxe.

Since we gave the orcs our ballistas, we should start making more advanced forms of artillery, so I'm thinking a trebuchet or a catapult since we've got mathematics to calculate it and stuff.

We should start using more culture actions to reform. Not all tall races are assholes like the Orcs and Dragons. It might take several turns, but we could incorporate the Orcs more easily into our society if they agree.
I also propose we breed with the orcs and see what result we get. It'll probably just be a Gobbo that gains more strength and a bit of height, but we'll see.

If we keep doing culture actions, we should keep investing into lightning magic so we could get some basic electricity or find a way to use the electricity to propel objects at high speeds. We could also spend our culture action on upgrading our version of Orc Fu.

We should keep digging downwards to explore for tombs and rare metals. I'd like to explore more in general, but culture actions are way better since we haven't been doing them for a while.

I agree with the reforms. I say we invest some time in finding out how to make highly acidic liquids. We can later incorporate those into weaponry and in general utility.

We should definitely dig for other materials and work on the smeltery once we have a larger diversity of metals to work with.

"Theology" would be a step forward in getting more magic since its would effectively be the study of how to better appease Kobbo god.

The orc's integration into our society is up to them, but I'm fine with that.
>The orc's integration into our society is up to them, but I'm fine with that.
if King Kobs the I ever dies, we could elect an Orc for King but that again depends if the Orcs agree with it

Ooh, I've always wanted to turn our shrooms into poison clouds or acid grenades. We're in the weeb age now, so if you've got any wapanese or ching chong themed actions you wanted to do, now is the time to do them.

Let's definitely do Theology, I'm sure our bonuses will rise if the Kobbo God blesses us.

We need to get another project started like the grand smeltery you said. If it gets worked on passively like a Wonder, we'll do that too.

An orc king would probably cause civil war. Lets not to that. We can however create a royal guard and have the orcs join if they show interest.

We can tunnel potential exhaust fumes from the smeltery to the mountain top and make it look like the mountain's actually become an active volcano.

This'll most likely discourage potential attackers.
Something like a Varangian guard would be great. We need a badass retinue to protect the King at all costs like the secret service.
That Volcano idea is good too. I think we might need more food sources too. Moles and Shrooms are all we've got for now.

We can try and find some deep vegetation and find out if they're edible or not.

Alternatively we can try and contact the elves and attempt to exchange some of our knowledge for edible roots and how to cultivate them. Meat may be a problem unless we find new deep fauna to tame, or a deep lake in which to fish.
Taming more animals should be easy, we can take the Orcs out to fight them and we'll autowin since they've got all the bonuses. Plus we'll satiate their lust for blood.

Sounds like we're all set then. We should work on acid first since it should allow us to extract other metals (namely heavy ones) from whatever we mine. We can turn this into basic circuitry once we advanced enough.
We should make it clear that it's acid that burns things instead of the other acid that the Elves probably use.
We should get started on the Wonder as quickly as possible. One of those ideas being the Grand Smeltery. I'm always down for more building ideas though.

Since we only get to do one culture or one regular action per turn, we're gonna have to divide it up.

Next turn, we'll make poison and acid bombs from our shrooms. Since we made that chemistry lab earlier, we should be good. This will be our tech.

For our regular action, we could explore or make the smeltery.

If we do a culture action, we could reform or pray to the Kobold God for more magic.
>One of those ideas being the Grand Smeltery. I'm always down for more building ideas though.

Grand Smeltery, Hall of Archives (to store information), Undercamp (basically martial training camp), etcetera and so on.

Also we should try and have the chem labs work on fermeting stuff. Learning how to make cheeses, and preserving meat through fermentation could definitely help us out in the long run. Also underbeer...
You guys should work with the dragons and convert your mountain into an actual Volcano
And then If It was me I would also try to make a fuck you switch that floods the surrounding countryside with lava
If we decide to explore, we should have an action that buffs our rolls with a bonus. If we upgrade our King with more tech like making a custom sword/helmet, we'll get better bonuses. If possible, if our tech action lets us help with a regular or culture action, we have a greater chance of making stuff happen.
Archivist, you still up?
I think I might have a promotion for you in case the Gobbos at the Orc camp get big enough.

I'm up. Just went out for lunch. Also how do you propose we sort out those actions?

Also tell me about it
If there ever comes a faction within the Orcs that the Gobbos get to partake in. I want you to lead it.
Try and work with the Orcs as much as possible, cause us greenskins gotta work together. It's been my dream since the beginning. I would've done it at the start but, the dragons forced us into an alliance.
Exploring is good, we need to get all the exploration rolls while we still can and build up bonuses for the King so it's impossible for us to lose to RNG while exploring. Ancient Civs give us a lot of good tech especially if we get artifacts and get 'OH SHIT' levels of goodness. Exploring downwards for underground lakes, metals and tombs will give us the biggest advantage.

I'm fine with that, if the orcs agree I'll start working with them immediately.

My opinion is that we should try to exchange a few members at first, later on if they agree they can come join us at the citadel and we can form counsel with each of the race leaders (Dragons, Manlets and Orcs).

As for exploring and looking for new metals i'm up for that, but lets have tech make us something corrosive first so we can start extracting other metals from what we can already mine.

That being said I'm off for a meeting, will return soonish.
Here I was bored while lurking incase something interesting happened so enjoy this shitty Paint drawing from a crazy person with a headache
Its supposed to be a manlet on stilts with a cartoon style extendable Grabber thing in each hand
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Been there done that
I don't even know what that pic is, but the thought of knee high people making themselves the size of everyone else with stilts and grabber things is funny to me

Ed Edd n' Eddy, kids show, classic, check it out.

There's an episode where they literally make automated adjustable stilts.
but I was just talking about normal stilts

Stilts V2.0 are what a true manlet would make.
but you cant get Version 2.0 without making 1.0 first.
Though in another note
>headache didn't go away even after over an hour after I took something for it
>as soon as I put on headphones and started listening to shit it went away almost instantly

Point taken. Good to know you're feeling better even though you'd probably massacre us if you had the chance.
Well, he'd massacre you and everyone really, he's aiming for the apocalipse
yes like this guy said
Everyone is on my kill list
and all I gotta do is hope that OP is in one of his moods when I manage to call in the apocalypse meteor where he decides to not make the king just nullify my decision
I'm clearly a better man here
The meteor is rather weak. It almost auto-loses as it is. And it's weird, the very first time it was used it was +100, and I think the whole human population at the time was rather low, now for +65 you need 40 pop on it.
Any one remembers which thread it was that you got meteor?
Rolled 1 (1d10)

oh yeah my rock throw says otherwise
God damn it
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Rolled 59 (1d100)

I challenge you to a rematch
This time with bigger rocks
found it
63 pop when you got meteor
Half pop (31) on test run of meteor
>Extra large meteor +85

trivia, it was canon's roll that won that thing
Rolled 60 (1d100)

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My word look at those rocks fly
well our turn supposed to get new chief elected.
so it's only fitting
Who else is still here?
no thread today it seems
OP is sick again
A lurker, but I think there's no thread today
Too much salt turns out to be actually bad for my health
shit happens
get better
Get well soon. I hear eating Salt can help with salt induced illness.
Normal:Look for treasure.
Culture:Throw dance party(Increases moral therefore makes us do more damage.
When you get around to it, tell me about this >>528516 meteor nerfing
For some reason I usually get shit rolls when the roll is for something not important, but when it is something important I usually get good rolls
Would you believe I actually had no idea about the meteor then and had to come up with some bullshit number and then later had to come up with another bullshit number
I believe that the meteor should not be nerfed, the other factions just need to discover their own superweapons,
Honestly it's what I assumed.
I just think that as it is now, it's almost useless, everyone can just swat it off
where's OP at?
Probably dead from salt overdose
who still here
Ah yes

One Elf

Surely this is enough for a session
people will show up, we just need the updates
Are others still salty?
We're like weeds OP
More will always pop up.
I'm here

Nice too see you recoverd from the salt overdose.
Forecasts say probably
I'm here!
I'm salty!
Now we're only missing the Orcs but that's nothing new.
Okay so we have 2 Elves, 2 Dragons, 2 barbarians, 1 manlet and 1 Orc.
Makes me sad. I figured that's what happened.
Sounds like the start to a weird porno
More would probably show up in a new thread
Wait, is that not what this is?
Looks tame if we rate it by Elf standards

Needs more wood and tentacle vine monsters
maybe we need a new thread boss
At least we dont have to pay extra for trannies
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And so the humans scouted East and conducted a boulder throwing contest to find who will don the sacred skull to become the new chief.

First, humans roll 1d100 to scout
1-20: bad encounter
30-40: jackshit
50-80: okay encounter
90-100: good encounter
Rolled 11 (1d100)

Rolled 35 (1d100)

Shouldn't it be our turn since we had to stop since there was no dragon around?
There were no turn recaps before you posted yours
If hat guy doesn't get a good roll then it seems it's another round of big fat nothing for the barbarians
All you needed was a recap
Just wait a little longer

I'm sure he will roll
5 more minutes
Do you accept lurker rolls?
Oh shit where did you come from.
Depends, maybe if you roll for barbarians then you're a barbarian now
Don't do it! I'd rather die than be a barbarian
BUt since we're in desperate needs here, you can be a "temporary barbarian" with 1 roll
Rolled 66 (1d100)

They don't even want this roll
I was driving. Did i miss my chance to roll?
Do it now fgt
just roll
Rolled 75 (1d100)

Okay, boss.
Didnt mean to scare you guys. Traversing home from work. At least it isnt jackshit
Figures that as long as it isn't "jackshit" everyone rejoices
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Barbarians found:
A raided carriage.

Dead bodies lay around a wreckage of a wheeled vehicle, weapons scattered everywhere but no treasures to be found. It seems these unfortunate guys were attacked by bandits.

DO what you will
I-Is it from the Kingdom...?
take all the weapons and search for more/clues?
Should we take everything?
Could it be anyone else?
OP what turn will the kingdom begin extermination of the barbarians?
Loot it. We dont know about the Kingdom and we are gonna get killed by him anyway.
That means that there are kingdom level tech bandits somewhere
The aliens!
Another kingdom perhaps.
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And so the barbarians looted the wreckage. Aside from the weapons and armor, they also found a note that would indicate that this carriage belonged to a merchant from the Kingdom. On his way to deliver some goods but was attacked by bandits.

But barbarians can't read so it's just a piece of paper.
Eat paper.

Continue looting and go home.
and this was suposed to be an "okay encounter"
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Anyway, the first round of the Chief tourney has started!

Barbarians, roll 2d4 for first round results
1st match
- Thikskul
- GenRik
2nd match
- Hooded Bones
- Orckil
3rd match
- Glum
- Mr Rattlebones
4th match
- Half-face
- Kodak

Depends on what happens next world event roll

Well nobody died, so that's okay

Just take the paper
Rolled 2, 3 = 5 (2d4)

hooded bones better win
Rolled 4, 4 = 8 (2d4)

Frame ourselves?
Oh fuck I wrote that wrong, roll 4d2, not 2d4
Rolled 2, 2, 2, 1 = 7 (4d2)

wait isn't it 4d2?
Yes, so barbs, roll 4d2
>OP gives barbarians an item to delay the inevitable kingdom attack
>decides to eat it
Rolled 1, 2, 1, 1 = 5 (4d2)

I thought that was odd. Rollin'.
If half-face wins, imagine how many horns will be on his head
Rolled 1, 1, 1, 2 = 5 (4d2)

it's a 50% increase on what the leader would normally have!
I wanted to see a manlet skellington participate.

Too bad its limited to humans
Is like to see a Skeledragon become chieftain of the barbarians. Also nice trips lizard demon.
closest you got is Mr. Rattlebones, who's definitly not a skeleton. also, checked.
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And the first round is over, tune in next time for the secound round
Im just surprised we didnt just give the helm to Boss Skeledragon
Rooting for Hooded Bones, coolest looking sprite.
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One of the elves went out and laid down under the sun again, channeling its solar powers into himself and gained Ember Hands. Now elves can make small fires. But be careful not to burn down your entire forest.

Elves also improved their Camoflage spell and can now turn transparent, peeping realated crimes has since then skyrocketed
>inb4 hooded bones wears the hood to hide his shameful manlet ears
Will those ember hands help us next winter?
>not an elvish archer
Rolled 71 (1d100)

pls this
When will be the next winter?
Either turn 50 or 60
I swear. Its like you DONT want to be a barbarian
? wut
If the manley hooded bones win its gonna be pretty shameful.
Your tribe leader isn't even human, he's short and the fact that he punched out the legitimate barbs in a tourney

Barbs gonna be on suicide watch
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The Orc God was pleased with the Orcs and so gifted them a new magic.

Blood Geyser allows and orc to shoot out a torrent of blood at whatever they're aiming for, blinding their enemies and cause them to be more easily affected by the other blood magics.

Also a great party trick.

Now orcs scout the forest, orcs roll 1d100
1-9: terrible encounter
10-29: bad encounter
30-59: jack shit
60-89: okay encounter
90-100: good encounter
Rolled 63 (1d100)

I already forgot we're in technicolor now.
Are all orcs anemic now?
Rolled 85 (1d100)

>The orcs now have period magic
Eh, they're big guys. They got pleny of blood.

So long as they don't use Blood Geyser unless necessary
Well we just gotta become bigger guys to use it more often.
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Orcs found a fruit tree that fortunately was saved from being ruined by the meteor.

It's the Elephant Fruit Tree.

A favourite of the elves.

What do the orcs do with this?
Rolled 74 (1d100)

is aids a thing in this universe?
Das gay man
I dunno infuse it with blood magic?
You guy should try making trench coats..

Katana+blood magic edge combo isn't complete without fedoras
It can always be made into a thing.
Let the goblins practice with them.
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Clearly we can make this situation much worse, I just don't know how.
Try shoving it in one of your boar's ass

Might give your boars blood rage
That might work.
I'm here what did I miss?
Suddenly, im less for hooded bones. No idea why
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And so the orcs combined all the fruits into one fruit
Now time for some shoving...
Sure is a remnant of the elven forest
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Oh look, a random dragon outta nowhere, let's use this on him
plant it...

Oh dear
Do it
Rolled 17 (1d100)

Wat? No! We already lost enough dignity as it is

Rolling to get away from rapey orcs
Time to scar another dragon for life.
Fuck you dice god
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oh shit
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Rolling to rape the dragon with penis fruit

My condolences, oh tall and horny one.
Rolled 100 (1d100)

What's a dragon doing out here anyway?
I don't remember them sending any scouts.
Ah well
Rolled 5 (1d100)

rolling for some dragonfruit action
Rolled 80 (1d100)

that dragon ain't escaping
oh shit, OH SHIT
Oh shit dragons are getting it.
Rolled 61 (1d100)


Rolling to protect dignity

Rest in spaghetti
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Rolling for the plant to grow thorns once planted
Never forgetti, Dragon's assrapetti
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My sincere condolences.

The dragon has been anally violated by the orc's long thick...fruit.

Forever traumatized. He can never go outside ever again.
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We're the ones that's supposed to be raping others!
Getting plenty of use out of that rainbow gradient aren't you?
How does it feel, being held down by weeaboos?
Stop bullying the dragons. First it's barbarians throwing rocks amd now it orcs forcefully sodomizing them. The dragons deserve this for trying to jew us for our magic for sex dungeons.

Good times.
OH yeah, oh yeah
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Those orcs don't joke around..
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cory in the house
>Inb4 they say Naruto and the dragon gets obliterated.
PLEASE, a real expert in Japanese culture would ask about the manga. Everyone knows the mangoo is better
>should've said Keit-ai
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>Internet goes out and I come back to a violated dragon
He also doesn't look traumatize at all in that picture with his facial expression.
All dragons secretly enjoys getting their anus violated

Especially from lesser beings
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You could've prevented this
Dragons are confirmed masochists.
That also explain the low birthrate.
Anyway, let's stop fucking around, time for the next recap
What about the manlets and victims
Barbs. Lets examine our loot. Swords and sheilds? Make the gobbos copy them and set them on fire?
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Goblins built a school inside the citadel for manlets and orcs to exhange knowledge and culture. Don't let the dragons know though, they might get jealous.

Manlets then asked to be trained in orcfu. Resulting in the death of 2 thanks to both sides being inexperienced in training.
But they're getting there

What I meant was time for the two recap panels
oh wait im retarded
Here's what I'm thinking
Have our Seer develop lightning magic

Dig underground with Messiah to find some magma so we don't need to recast our lava pits constantly anymore and provides heating for winter
King Kobbs you there?

What do you propose we do next turn?
Depends, we need to learn Orc Fu since it'll give us BIG bonuses. If we invest some turns into it, I think we can get in less than two turns.
It'll be a priority action since if King Kobs the I learns it, we'll get big bonuses for him too. We need to make a legendary sword like Muramasa for the King too. We don't have meteor katanas, so I wanna invest in that.

We can also get started on the smeltery so we have the building to do it. Or the acid bombs/poison things you said, but we don't have ninjas yet.
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The dragon messiah is raped by the broodmother in order to make an heir.

Man, dragon males just keep getting traumatized lately.

Anyway, they go scout for distant cousins to tame, dragons roll 1d100

1-79: nope
80-90: really distant cousins
91-100: distant counsins

Dragon Messiah was too traumatized to participate in the expedition
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Kek. He got raped by his adoptive mom. Also rolling because I'm that interested in it.
Rolled 86 (1d100)


Start with the acid. We can use it to potentially extract other metals from the soil and rocks we mine, we can just weaponize it later. We'll move onto the smeltery after that.

We can advance orc fu as a regular action and try to work on ninjas/stealth focused combat once we have krav kobba ready.

Once that's done we can boost King Kobs at will.
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Ah yes, the dragons found some fire salamanders

Now roll 1d100 to see how many you found
Rolled 39 (1d100)

Eeeyyyy waittaminnit. Didnt we kill those generi- oh firetails
Rolled 53 (1d100)

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Attempting to tame fire slamanders
Numbers 39 + Difficulty 50 = 89 -s the number to ebat
Rolled 64 (1d100)

Where's our bonus
Rolled 34 (1d100)

raped them out of you
What are dragons going to do with fire breathing Salamanders? Adopt them and have be part of their society?
Did you miss the part about the messiah being unable to participate
I'm here
And you rolled a zero, nice
Rolled 61 (1d100)

Oops forgot to roll properly
We should atleast have dragon body bonus even if we didn't bring weapons to avoid killing them
it's not combat so those don't apply
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The dragons failed to tame the fire salamanders and went home.

After getting molested by them.
Since they're distant cousins, are we gonna see another dragon subspecies?
Civ Thing Part 8
"Dragon Rape"
The ones who went on the trip (and got violated) were dudes
Can't get pregnant from anal
Do they have a phobia of salamanders now?
Alright, we'll advance our chemistry and dedicate our regular actions to learning Orc Fu. It might take some time.
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AND NOW TURN 43....before getting recaps, let's update the game with a balance patch...
sure sounds okay,
so research weapons and?
more scouting? this time to the south?
The should just come back with Dragon Jesus when he's ready. Convert those dragon-kin.
ow lord habe mercy on us pls
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Then if I may.

General/Cultural Action: We further develop our Orc Fu and start adapting it to the manlet's physique and strength

Tech Action: We have our chemlabs work on developing highly corrosive liquids.
Alright. For action we should make a map and put stuff down on it and for culture I think we should select a queen. We can either have a tournament or just make the High Priestess queen. I kind of want the former just to have a selection and variety of choices.
While it applies the patch post the patch notes
inb4 NaP let's the King take over again and delete the save

Apply this later. I'm fucking braindead from due to sleep depravation...
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I want the high priestess to be queen.
Ayy, don't worry. I'll specify more. Since we've got the school last turn, it'll go by faster.
Hey Dragons heres what we should do:

Appoint a Dragon Martial Master to create our own martial arts, Dracwondo

Bring Messiah and we ensla- tame and save our distant cousins from being genocided by humans
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Oh man I'm hungry, let's leave this incredibly trustworth mustachio'd man to watch over the update

Thanks boss
It's Kingslayer all over again
fuckin hell
>Inb4 he deletes the barbs so he doesn't have to go and kill them.
this gonn be gud
Siege humans?
Invent writing (so that we can later invent manga and trading card games)?
Kill something else?
Rape mate with the goblins?
I just want to see what we can chose from. See if OP has the nerve to do something like put Macha from DoW in or something like that.
>inb4 he turns all the elves into men so they have to impregnate eachother to get retard babies
trying this hard to screw wiht the barbs
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It's fine as long as he doesn't go into the recycle bin and permanently delete them
I was gonna say we should hunt for hopefully 10 animals and scout.
Both with wanpanch.
I wanna get more of them blessings but Hanabi should be interesting.
Also we can't think of a siege until after the balance patch.
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Is king gonna roll to see who he screws?
He isn't screwing anyone.
It's a "balance patch"
>Inb4 he balances it by deleting everyone's stuff.
Well it'll be balanced for him now wouldn't it.
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"Let's copy this to all files"
King the elves here all love your mustache.
I'm not sure if this would be completely fair or good.
Okay change of plans completely.
We do nothing but breathe peacefully.
Don't listen to that knife eared scum. We complimented you first, my liege! It's so bushy and thick and stylish!
Rolled 1 (1d1)

rolling for this not happining
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Heres your (You)
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"Let's balance further by deleting everyone's tech list"
I'm the one who complimented his moustache ya fagt
We basically had no tech to begin with, anyway
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"Magic too"
At least we get to keep our hair
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huehue.. here accept this piece of art a barbarian made for you...
probably should put turn as 1 again too, or ppl will be suspicious
"culture too"
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Rolling for OP to come back and save us.
Do it, wipe the slate clean for everyone. Let the salt flow and ascend to the plane of salt.
If this means humies don't have skeles anymore, it's cool.
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"Let's also delete the other misc stuff they gained, like hair and heroes. And the snazzy borders. Especially the snazzy borders."
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolling for king to leave the elves alone
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolling for not losing our stuff again
Rolled 19 (1d20)

hey, I worked hard for my rainbow colors
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"And now let's scale the dragons down to manlet size"
God damn it...
Rolled 2 (1d20)

OP come back!
Rolled 17 (1d20)

rolling for barbs becoming cringey and weeby
Kekkeroni pepperoni
>tfw orcs are doing a better job than dragons at destroying the manlet racial identity
I bet you 5 shekels you wont do it Mr King.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

OP please return
He already did it.
What are some things you possibly take away from the Elves?
Your libido, for instance
I didn't know that was a thing.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

Please OP come back to us.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

OP pleae
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Dude. Pls.
>Two critical failures in a row
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Patch notes:
- Everyone has been resetted to level 1
- All techs are lost
- All gained extras are lost
- Dragons are now tiny
- Elves can no longer drop mad rhymes
- Manlets had their legs chopped off
- Manga and anime are no longer imported
- Barbarians are dead
- Each tribe can only communicate in grunting
- Cultures are non existant
- Elven forest burned down
- Orc forest got swallowed by an eathquak
- Mountain citadel crubled to dust
- Barb village exploded
Rolled 2 (1d20)

pls? op wake up
Quick. Start coming up with a dope rap if this stuff goes bad.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

>all these 1s
We should all declare Dice God as the Devil in all of our religions
>shitposting loudly.jpg
Thats perfectly balanced king your job is done now let OP take over.
Rolled 3 (1d20)

>barbarians are dead
was this the most original thing you could think of?
>- Manga and anime are no longer imported
You monster.

inb4 King calls us all faggots
well, that was a waste of 42 turns
Welp. We can't rap no more.
*grunt, gruntgrunt. GRUUUUUUUUNT*
Rolled 91 (1d100)


Might as well go for it
That's actually canon though, this was one thing that The King didn't change

So close... Yet so far...
Rolled 1 (1d20)

i guess so...
>manlets without legs
Should've cut their last 2 limbs as well and made them human nuggets
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Buw wait, what's this?
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It was actually OP all along!
Is the kingdom going to get nuked now?
but we clearly saw you leaving!
When is the king going to go after you for impersonating him OP?
But wait.
Another mask!
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Oh dear OP can't you see
Please give us back our magic and tech trees
And please return the smiling one
Without him our faith is done
And please grow back all our trees.
For us it would so greatly please
And getting rid of all our culture is rash
It's building up our salt stash.
So please hear our rhymes and fix this fast.
Cause otherwise we'll never last.
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*dadadada dadadada*
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Oh it's just Xrrrugl'kklddkt, Acient Devourer of souls and left shoes from the Nth Dimension
Rolled 45 (1d100)

ah its Xrrrugl'kklddkt
my oldest enemy..
OP please revert the balance changes, we worked really hard in participating in the game and we don't want to do it all over again.
But wait who is that in his mouth?
Is that John Cena riding inside!
Rolled 1 (1d100)

Can you devour OP's soul?

>inb4 he's soulless
The King made the delete. The balance patch was clearly just a balance patch
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Downloading patchfix
>still using dial-up
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New patchnotes:
- All bonuses are divided by 10 and added up to be one total number known as "combat bonus"
- Dice rolls are still d100
- All info recovered
- Fixed issue where a immortal hellbeast could spawn inside a tribe's bedroom and murderfuck everyone
- Fixed glitch where you could win the game by bribing the king
- Reduced alpaca numbers
- Removed secret insect race
That sounds way more balanced. Thanks, OP. We doing recaps now?
Can we get some numbers for all bonuses before the recap?
>Reduced alpaca numbers
shit update
Let's get back to recaps. I say make a map and select a queen. Personally I think we should have a tournament just so we can see the contestants.
>can't bribe the king now
Time to send in tactical manlet unit to deliver tactical blowjobs
I say the queen is divine priestess.
I say we hunt for some alpacas to tame
any barbs around? I say research kingdom weapons and scout to the south
We could have the priestess be part of the tournament as well.
Fine but we need to invisible the forest and work on a barrier spell next turn.
Sounds like a plan.
What do we need a map for?
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Humans combat bonus: 30
Elves combat bonus: 27
Orcs combat bonus: 40
Goblins combat bonus : 18
Dragons combat bonus: 20

Turf bonuses:
Secret Elven Forest: +5
Orc Blood Forest: +4
Human necrovillage: +8
Mountain Citadel: +10

Human superweapon meteor numbers:
Small meteor +5;
Medium meteor +15;
Large meteor +50;
Extra large Meteor +60;
Full Power Meteor +70;

Only Small and Medium meteors are allowed to to have the combat bonus added alongside a human roll. Others will have that number + human roll

Having superior numbers will now only add +10

NOW TURN 43 officially starts.

RECAPS goes here
We still don't have any idea where we are. We're not showing up on the map until we mark everything around us or another tribe finds us. Also it's good in game since we know where stuff is without being meta.
Ask him>>532294
His idea.

I'd rather work on making the forest invisible or getting a barrier spell.
>elves have a higher combat bonus than us
What is this sorcery
Yeah, that works. But next turn we should work on that invisibility
Smiling One jsut woke up
okay since im the only human here..
pls dont get mad...
1. we research the new weapons (inspect the materials, anything that might be interesting)
2. scout to the south to find things and make a map.
Since smiling one woke up let's send him to scout the area and write down and map it all.
Culture Action: We further develop our Orc Fu and start adapting it to the manlet's physique and strength.
Tech Action: We have our chemlabs work on developing highly corrosive liquids. We'll use the acidic substance to extract metals from the soil and rocks we mine.
Why hunt when we can attack the humans?
One power outage later and i am back
We lack numbers
Culture: Have a magic archery tournament to select a Elven Queen
Action: Make a map of the forest and where we we

Does anyone object or want to modify this?
Aren't dragon combat bonus too weak?
In every fight the superior numbers bonus would be up against us anyway

Essentially when fighting with a pop of 9 and 1 new dragon every 3 turns, were almost always going to be against their bonus + superior numbers bonus

I mean, even gobs can kill us
What if we send someone to the orc camp to steal the artifacts?
>Send out smiling one to scout the area,look for stuff, and map the place

>Hold a wizard and bow tournament for the new queen.
Dragons are the only tribe where opposing teams don't get superior numbers bonus when facing.

Also if there are undead present dragons get a +10
idk we would probably fail but i guess you can send the sneakiest goblin skeleton
Should we not use kingdom weapons and replicate them for better bonus?
Appoint a Dragon Martial Master with a job of developing a martial art, Dracwondo

Bring Messiah and tame some more distant cousins
Goblins are not sneaky. You keep making race facts up. Nothing is canon unless OP says so.

Or if it's actually Canon.
We'd only be 8 behind in bonuses.
And we'd end up killing more.
And we'd be doing the world a big favor
I mean we steal instead of scouting
If you really wanna try I'd be for it.
Just remember 12 orcs are in different places of the world.
Did someone say "fuck, that piece of shit is here.", cause here i am!
I could imagine them being harder to notice than a giant dragon or orc... you dont have to be so butthurt..
We'll use the siege engines so that it won't be too bad if we lose.
Second action is?
I don't think any other dragons are here and I need to sleep in around 30 mins

You guys may need some emergency dragons to roll
Make the siege the second action.
First action is reenact an anime opening to build morale. I mean dance.
Okay replicate what we looted and raid orcs?
Yes, we'll re-enact our favorite anime. >>531880
>do an anime dance
1 Re-enact our favorite anime >>531880 to build morale
2 Siege the humans
Humans take the Kingdom Weapons, replicate with the help of the gobbos and set them on fire. For funsies.

Humans raid orcs with Medium meteor assist.
Yes, if the barb with hats it's okay with it
I am the Barb with Hats
>attack humans
>attack orcs

So these two bands are gonna meet halfway where nobody gets the home turf bonus
Yes, i hope you like that name
well, this will be an interesting matchup
Just as planned.
Inb4 it's another draw
We don't plan.
We do an action and then when it benefits us later down the road, we call it a plan.
See Orc Mercs with elves.
barbs...making a decision without throwing rocks?
My Hat monopoly shows its own benefits huehuehuehue
You, I believe.
they agreed, rock throwing is to settle disputes
Here, pick your poison for the dance

How's your butt?
Don't worry. We need your rolls. They always hold us above water.
Can the dragons have their turn first?

I have to go in 5 mins and there might be no dragons around to roll
Only dragons simultaneously get ass-raped by all other races
Fine, gimme a bit
killing myself when?
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Dragons appointed a Martial Master to develop a special Dragon Martial Art Drakwondo

Another attempt to go tame wild cousins is made

Roll 2d100 for type and numbers found
1-69: nope
70-90: really distant cousins
91-100: distant counsins

Messih gives a +5 bonus
Rolled 88, 75 = 163 (2d100)

>All these races going full weep and making Asian inspired martial arts

These are dark times.
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Found a nest of wyverns!
Roll 1d100 to try to tame them
Numbers 75 + Difficulty 55 = 130 is the number to beat

Base +20
Pity +10
that's impossible for the dragons to beat unless they roll nat 100
Martial arts are mostly asian so no shit.

The manlets are trying to make krav maga which is middle eastern but "asian" nonetheless.
Rolled 55 (1d100)

Fucking nat 100
>Dragons have to roll a nat 100
I'm not so sure this nerf was a good idea
>They need a Nat 100 to succeed.

Guess no wyverns today
that's why there's a pity bonus
the alternative was a guaranteed win.
Rolled 59 (1d100)

Literally no point to roll with this nerf but rolling anyways
Don't get me wrong, shit was getting out of hand.
But a fucking nat 100 in order to succeed something is a little insane.

Meant for


That being said the only non asian martial arts that pop into my skull are savate and box, and taking into account the manlet's limb size it'd be pretty hard to punch/kick someone in the chin when they're thrice your size.
Methinks we should hold off on hunting for a while.
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Dragons were then molested by spiky wyvern dicks and went home in failure

That's why you gotta hope for a lower second number when hunting from now on
>you gotta hope for a lower second number when hunting
as it was in the early turns when there were no bonuses
So this is to prevent the cheesing from hunting and farming skulls for easy buffs?
Yeah basically

Sure does suck to be a dragon right now
>spiky wyvern dicks
>no wyvern dicks in view
wtf OP?
Do the dragons have a wyvern phobia that makes them void their dragon brethren do to some similarities in appearance?
We're gonna channel the inner rage against the world within and use it to improve blood buff from the orcs into dragon rage next turn
That wyvern was closing his legs, hiding his spiky wyvern dick. You don't just show your spiky wyvern dick to anyone ya know. It's gotta be a special person to witness your spiky wyvern dick.
yo yo kingo what is our turn?
I also question the validity of us having only a 20 combat bonus with the sheer amount of spells we have and both heros.
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Barbarians replicated the looted swords using their own metals and set them on fire.

Then they moved to raid the orcs, and since the orcs also moved to raid them, both sides will meet in the open field right infront of the barb village.

Ah yes of course, I forgot the avatar, it is now....25. PLus the other magics I forgot to add it is now...30
there's our turn
next turn though, we might have to keep working on Orc Fu. Our tech though, I was thinking meteor weapons, so katanas and stuff. We could get started on enhancing our lightning magic for electricity throughout the Citadel.

I think we need to train our warrior culture into Samurai like bushido or do some experimental breeding with the Orcs so we get a new generation of STRONG Gobbos. That is if the Orcs agree with it.
What do you say, Orcs?
did humans get a bonus for the new swords?
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Meanwhile, humans roll 2d2 for the enxt round of the tourney
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d2)

A +2
Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d2)

Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d2)

Please don't let Hooded Bones be non-human
hooded manlet?
When was stated that the skellie was a manlet?
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Hooded Bones and GLum enters the final round

Which is next turn
yes pls this
well, we don't know yet
but I'm guessing that's a gobbo skele
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The orcs re enacted a scene from ancient eastern scrolls to boost morale

Then they move to attack humans
Could you be more of a cuck?
Maybe it's an Elf skeleton. Elves and Humans are roughly the same size and shape.
yes probably
>tfw posting from phone because was forced to go to a shitty park/picnic for my dads bday
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Orcs vs humans! Again!

Both Roll 1d100
Humans: 32 + 15 medium meteor
Orcs: 40 + 4 Orc God Wants more blood + 2 morale boost (temp)
Rolled 34 (1d100)

Rolled 69 (1d100)

Orcs have to win by 2
oh boy
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Man you'd think we'd get tired of this.
Rolled 45 (1d100)

>Orcs have to win by 2

>Humans: 47
>Orcs: 46
Fuck fucked up the dice what do you put I again
dice+1d100 in options field
dice+1d100 in Options field
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Dice wasn't working because shitty ass phone kept capitalising dice
Rolled 64 (1d100)

wow we fucked up again what a big suprise!
A solid fuck you from dice god
89+46= 135
68+47= 116
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Barbs were defeated!

Now roll 1d100 to reform the undead portion of your forces
>40 for skeletons
>60 for raising dead humans as skeletons
Rolled 1 (1d100)



>Humans have twice as many rolls
>don't even beat the lower orc roll
Proof that orcs are just better at rolling.
Rolled 97 (1d100)

Dice god I hate you
jesus christ, humans
are you sure you aren't rolling a d10?
I feel pity and yet I'm trying to bash your head in.
For fuck's sake
>Orcs and manlets have Afros and that hair I can't name
>Humans have beards

I kind of want to get a special hair style for us now. Something like mohawks
So how many humans were in that fight?
Do skeletons count for orc god? I mean there's no blood.
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And so, more skeletons
5 humans and 5 skeletons
10 orcs
>5 humans
Wow they're really trying to play this safe.
A band of 10 is the default for any raiding that doesn't have a sepcific number.

Applies to everyone but dragons. Since they don't ahve enough
Don't mind me, just bringing the orc god costs down a bit so I don't have to scroll up so much.
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Elves sent a scouting party to scout the area, roll 1d100
1-29: bad encounter
30-49: jackshit
50-89: okay encounter
90-100: good encounter

Smiling One +10
>went from a +100 bonus to 10
Rolled 61 (1d100)

At least he still doesn't have his psychopathic tendencies.
Ah fuck an emrgency came up. Will have to hold things here. Update continues tonight, same time.
good luck, OP

18 hours from now?
See you later and best of luck.

Thanks nig
Best of luck. hope no one is hurt
Celebratory rock throw cause phone posting sucks balls and now I don't have to stick around to make dice rolls
I hate posting from phone it fucks with everything
Rolled 66 (1d100)

I swear to god my phone hates me capitalising and autocorrecting shit I don't want it to making typing annoying as hell
We should hold off on fighting until the bonuses no longer suck
I was thinking Develop spirit gun from spirit fists and summon succubus waifus?
Don't fuck demons.
It never goes well.
Be carefull.
>having autocorrect enabled
hey kobbo king, what happened when we visited the hell maw?
Orcs, do we have you permission to make stronger and taller gobbos from your genes?
What could possibly go wrong?
Don't fuck manlets.
It never goes well.

Don't fuck _____
It never goes well.
Our breeding program begins next turn then. Hopefully prolapsed anuses won't be a thing.
This will merely be phase 1 of our plan for every orc to have a harem of monster girls
>Wanting to make manlets taller and create inequality among manlet kind

Gobbos don't live for long
With each new generation, we've reformed.
We didn't worship a god, but now we do.
>implying it won't just make fuck ugly manlets
I mean it says on the goblin roster that tall people are assholes and manlets should stick together but it's your tribe.

Rolled 81 (1d100)

I have returned!
Nice. Combined with the smiling ones bonus, it's just enough to make it a good encounter.
>reads thread
For next turn you should probably cast max meteor while the bonuses are worth it.
yeah, fuck orcs
I just thought of something, the humans giant snek suspend provide a combat bonus of 5 and now if you divide that by 10 because of the nerf it is less than half a point. At least we still can keep the useless sneks as pets or something
I think OP added all first and then divides. Orcs had many +5 bonuses, and they ended up with 40.
Let's start operation appolypse early, it just might take a while to turn The surrounding area into an unhabitable wasteland
we have some skulls, can use them to gain more human POP then cast meteor on orc camp with all we got
we should use Meteors and Bones to make a wall around the village
The meteors impacts might also have the side effect of creating a kinda moat to make crossing it even harder
>more turtling
I just want all our buildings to be made of meteors and bones, is that too much to ask?
well maybe we can do it later.
one thing I really want to do though is get that magic enhancing gem off of the orcs, see if we can use it to upgrade past our most powerful meteor into something like Doomsday tier or something
You'll never get it
After killing the Orcs, you guys should make a giant bone construct that's over a 100 feet tall. You could just use to steamroll everyone who aren't the Elves since we're still untouchable in the hidden forest.
>After killing the Orcs, you guys should make a giant bone construct that's over a 100 feet tall. You could just use to steamroll everyone
sorry, couldn't hear anything else after "everyone". 4chins are acting up
thats when operation apocalypse comes into play
If we start lobbing our most powerful Meteors at every inch of earth eventually either the world or you guys are going to croak
You'll still have to roll if your meteors are going to strike the forest and even then the forest when have defense bonuses. It would have to be incredibly powerful spell and high roll if you're going to wipe us out like that.
First you have to not suck to get it
This thread still going?
ye, it continues in about 12 hours from now
OP is gone for a bit
Hey Orcs, you on? I've got an idea for us weebs.
I think we can upgrade the sword you found in the tomb even further. You need to apply your blood magic to it, so that the bloodlust overtakes the user and it can't be sheathed until it draws blood. Us Gobbos can focus on upgrading our swordsmithing to the max with our new smeltery and reforge it into the sharpest blade. Since it gave a pretty high bonus like +80 before the balance patch, we might be able to double it.
We'll talk about it with other orcs
I like the sound of this.. make some big ass craters around the village and fill them up with water from the river and put some distant dragons in there...
yes we should upgrade our rock based society into a meteor based society
and upgrade our mud huts into hollowed out meteor huts
space-barbarians? sounds OK to me
Hey guys, I'm back. Just got to the part where this dragon got raped. Fun times ahead?
oh shit, that scared me a bit. So I'm guessing that later challenge rolls will also be scaled down to fit this right?
Welp I guess they weren't but that fixes Humans and us Orcs easily grinding for Blood and Skulls.


Yeah sounds neat.
oh and we should remember to pray to Orc God next turn for new magic. Maybe regeneration magic?
We need to make a case that it's for violence, orc god doesn't want hippy healing shut
You guys should just get a new god at this point
I mean, if the manlets can go between worshipping like 3 different things it shouldn't be too hard for you guys to switch to something else like the weaboo god or some shit
So could humans, seeing as being barbarians is prone to death by kingdom
my plans are for barbarian god to hopefully eventually become something else like lich or skeleton god
He already has a skull for a face thanks to Dragon god eating it
plus by memory he gifted us necromancy so something is definately not right with him
Any Manlet Here?
Since gobbos have a calendar and like funguses, then why don't you make farms and start going full metal alchemist?
Good idea on the sword.
>tfw barbarian god evolves in to death god
You guys are already in the heavy metal age, its not much of a leap to embrace your necromancy and advance in to the death metal age
Just waiting on OP to show up

Do you suppose we should just keep on worshiping kobbo god or try to talk with him and try to establish some sort of pantheon?

The imps are forced to worship him as well, and if things keep going this way we'll have tiny ass orcs running around as well.
Hmmm, hard to say. Our leader should worship whatever their race is based on.
Kobold King worships Kobold God
Imp King worships Imp God

But since we do have multiple races and Gobbo God has forsaken us, we might just have to pray for an Imp God too and get some fire magic. Kobold God doesn't seem to mind having all the Manlet worship though, so we should be fine.

By the way, did we and the dragons get to see the results of our decisions yesterday?
Nope, not yet

Alrighty, just wanted to confirm that
Don't you also kind of worship the Dragon messiah?

That happened when we didn't have an actual god to worship

Dragon to do list

Develop lightning magic

Use our knowledge of bronzeworking to develop ass plate armor to prevent rape

Improve the blood buff magic orcs gave us in to dragon rage by channeling our inner rage against the world by treating us like shit lately

Implement Drakwondo in to practical use by using it together with our bronze staves

Enslave our distant cousins for some fodder minions

Improve gust 2 and make storm magic. Together with lightning we can make storms happen at all times outside the citadel as a barrier combined with our existing barrier

Make bronze armor

update soon

in 30 mins

Should move to a new thread or stay here?
Rolled 10 (1d10)

good luck barbs, I'm outta to sleep.
have a rock
just smash fuckers with meteors cause they are OP atm
and don't let Canon create an undead civ out of barbs
Stay here, this turn is still not done
Yeah unknown that's exactly what's going to happen

Aw yeah
>You know that's exactly what's going to happen
Damn autocorrect.
I'll be out for a bit so mobile rolls for me.
Name will be E-Orc because mobile a shit.
We should work on a defense spell.

Maybe a magic aura that protects who or what is wearing it?
Then we can upgrade the spell that it buffs the user.
I thought we were going to cloak the forest and strengthen it next turn.
I am forced to wifi on mobile. Cellular towers are banned for me. Boo.
Alright, elves are present right?
Yes. Weren't we in the middle of our turn?
ye we've got two of them right here
We were going to cloak the forest yes.

And strengthen?
We don't have any really protective spells.
That's why I want more.
Barrier and maybe a protective aura.
HIghest roll was 81. +10 = 91 for good encounter
Dragon here
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INdeed, so the elves....found a lake.

Aside from providing the regular lake resources, its waters are also magical and can act as a alcoholic beverage.

Good as lube too.
We have alcohol now.
Fuck yea!
Now it's only a matter of time before we become pirates and raid booty.
And now....time to come up with elves for the tourney
OP how much longer till dispel is finished?
What are you guys trying to dispel?
You dragons and us humans

Necromancy and Holy spoop them
We're trying to learn how to dispel magic with magic.

We can maybe use it to make curse magic and ban others from using spells.

Or use it with enchantments to make magic null zones.
The race that will get fucked the most is us since were heavily magic reliant

Apart from disabling your spoopy scary skellies its not much since your humans can punch them out

You guys rely alot on your magic too lmao. If you pick a fight with manlets without magic for all sides they can fuck you assuming smiling one isn't around
im here btw just so you know
K m8
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And so the elf queen tourney starts n shit
First round, roll 4d2
1st match:
- Elana
- Messy Hair
2nd Match
- High Priestess
- High Priestess's sister
3rd match
- Maybe a male disguising as a female
- Atiso
4th match
- Hooded Ears
- Nephenee Cargolor Lusherina CarhanaCaeda Valkrana Esta Jowarin Tyrael Pawenys Gwynnestri Iardi Radelia Ravaralei Shalendra Elajor The Second
The faggot with the long name better win
Rolled 2, 1, 1, 1 = 5 (4d2)

I'm pretty sure the priestess sister is a child.

Are we really gonna do that to the king?
You faggots are already going to Hell because of your degeneracy

Doesn't change much at this point
I vote to let the long name one advance just cause.
Just like all dragons are going to hell because they got buttraped
Well then all you can do now is hoope somebody elf rolls
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And since no other roll is made, the first round has concluded
We'll just make it so that all the losers become the new council from both the king and queen tourney.
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The goblins experimented on corrosive chemicals and trained in Orc-Fu further, but this time adapting it to their tiny weak pathetic bodies
how much further until we learn some of the magic orc fu techniques like spirit fist?
20 real time years
I'm so sorry. I was busy eating dinner.
I want to hold a Drakwondo vs Orcfu competition..
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WHere are they
Any other orcs here? If no, I'm going with:
1 Develop Spirit fists into a spirit gun
2 Use blood magic to summon succubus waifus
Improve upon the Orc's Blood Buff magic we jewed out of them into Dragon Rage by adding in our rage against the world that's treating us like shit lately

Visit the gobs and copy their smelting+casting techniques
OP I know that's a decoy.

You're secretly reading "how to be a dick" underneath!

Tech: Start work on the grand smeltery, where metals are smelted en masse and new alloys tested

General: Dig for new metals
Just want to make the person with a long name queen and and study magic, either cloaking the forest or barrier.
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Make the second action infuse the magic sword with blood magic
Tech: Start work on the grand smeltery, where metals are smelted en masse and new alloys are tested. This will be our wonder project as an upgrade to the Citadel.
Hold on, Archivist. Let's specify.
Action: Let's dig down for more metals, and to look for ancient tunnels/cave systems and possibly tombs. If there's a bonus if King Kobs accompanies the mining/exploration team, have him go with them. If there's no bonus towards exploration, then have King Kobs stay at home. We'll be looking for something more advanced than the meteor and copper metals we've been working with so far.
no waifu no laifu
Let's cloak the forest.
And learn the aura spell I proposed instead.
I have plans for it.
What are you plotting this time OP?
What are your plans for the Aura spell?
1 Develop Spirit fists into a spirit gun
2 infuse the magic sword with blood magic
You know the Kingdom army attack beacon the Orcs picked up

what were we doing again?

1. use meteor spells to 'trench' around our village
2. something else?
We can upgrade it so that it buffs the user while active.
(Stronger faster more durable better senses etc.)
We can also combine it our projection weapons to boost said weapons.

Also if we use the orcs we have to learn blood buff we can maybe make it a blood aura and boost its effects maybe.
Manlets have it iirc.
Button-pressing Bob, why do you ask?
Hey, dragons, we'll give it to you this turn then. Just take it from the cultural exchange and drop it over the humans.

I'm fine with this
Its gonna backfire horribly
If you want to use meteor metal to strenghten the walls, you're better off just doing as you have so far, collect it and use it, rather than risk collateral damage on the village

tl;dr crashing meteors on your own village is retarded
Perhaps, but taking risks is what allowed the humans to have an army of undead.
Okay. For this turn we'll cloak the forest and learn the aura spell.
it wasn't really my idea so.. also I wanted to do it from a 'save' distance
Reinforce our walls with steel and make the NecroFortress
We can use minimeteors to smelt, but we already inherently have ore. We dont have to harvest it every time.
I'll specify just in case

Turn one:use enchantment spells with our invisibility spell around the forest to make it invisible to anyone outside of said forest.

Turn two:Use our magic and make an aura out of it that protects the user from stuff and looks cool.
um that is one action.. we can also use both of our turns for building the fortress to make it extra strong?
it sounds cool though.
We can also use it to learn archery from elf skellies.
That would probably piss off rock solid if you started using "hippy weapons". Please do
That's the wrong post
Humans still haven't linked their recap
I was discussing with the worst member of our team. But yes. Very well.

Barbarians begin to reinforce their walls and towers with meteor metals and begin converting the village into the NecroFortress.

Barbarians are also finally convinced to learn archery from skele-elves once they agreed to use flametipped arrows.
as if my opinion would have changed anything
We will build a moat/trench soon. You've been asking for several threads. We just need to focus on not being dead.
wat, I have not been asking for that, I think you're thinking of another barb, also: raiding orcs = focussing on not being dead?
yeah I think I am leaving the barbarians..

any tribes that want me? I sometimes have good rolls...
gobbos always need players
and we're weeaboos now along with the orcs
We have room as always I guess.
Not enough dragons around so if you're up for some jewing, sure
You should join the Dragons or weeb manlets.
I always wanted to be small and have big ears!
You do have sweet rolls. I will give that credit.

And we had better numbers when we did that. Alive numbers that is.

Welcome aboard
Can you reconsider?
Dragons are in serious need of players.
Have to go in 30 mins so there won't be any dragons around at this rate
we're gonna need that roll for our exploration
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Humans reinforced their walls with metals, also adding some spooky decorations. Gonna milk this whole Necro thing for all its worth.

They also learned of archery from the elven skeles.

Then they set the arrows on fire.

New Total Human Combat bonus: 33

New Home turf bonus: +9
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And now, the final round of the barbarian chief tourney.

Hooded Bones VS Glum

Roll 1d2
Rooting or Dickass Skeleton
Rolled 1 (1d2)

I did it!

Skelly Chief
Let it be a elf skellie
Let it be a elf skellie
The humans should roll to see what species the hooded skeleton is.
OP don't let it be non-human
I dont mind what it is. Prolly an elf. Best man/skellie won
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And so Hooded Bones became Chief Hooded Bones.

He gives a +4 bonus.
I also have to go in about 10 min.. maybe at the next update if there are not enough dragons
It could be a woman... a Elven woman at that,
No evil red glow?
The glow only appears in battle or when chief is displaying power. In normal situations it stays dormant.
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UNDER HOODED BONES's HOOD IS.......another hood
But what's under that hood?
Take off that hood as well.
Ooooh. So he's formerly a Paladi... oh.
It's hoods all the way down.
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More hoods
Lite her on fire!
Is that a cloak of infinite hoods?

Wouldn't that make a black hole or break reality or something.
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It's a male skellie.

NaPs female skellies are distinct
Let me rephrase that: Lite xer on fire!

It's a him you degenerate. Just because elves are sickos doesn't mean everyone else is.
But what it is/was an Elf?
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Elves used their illusion magic to camoflage the forest and also developed a spell that creates a protective aura around them

New Combat Bonus: +28
New Turf Bonus: +6
So then does that mean it's either a male humie or a male manlet?
It's two manlet skeletons stacked up.
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Orcs infused blood magic into the ancient sword, empowering it.

They tried to develop spirit gun. But nobody knew what a gun is.

New Orc Combat Bonus: +42

Sword now needs to kill something every turn. Or else it takes an Orc's life.
There's no giant pointy ears on that skull
Clearly they ground them down.

I guess we have to have a hunt with magic sword now every turn.
If the sword kills an orc does that count towards blessings.

and also No
Could it still be an Orc?
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Manletsstarted The Grand Smeltery Project, will take some time. Like 12 turns. It's a Wonder.

And now they mine/explore the deeper caverns
Manlets roll 1d100
1-29: Extremly bad encounter
30-59: Bad encounter
60-79: Jackshit
80-95: okay encounter
96-100: good encounter

>no tusks

If anyboy keeps asking about the race of Hooded Bones I;m gonna start deleting bonuses
Rolled 99 (1d100)


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Manlets found a hidden acient chamber containing a relic from ancient manlets:

A magical suit of armor meant to compensate the vertically challenged.

It's depowered now but if they could find a way to recharge it then it'll work.

We should attempt to zap it to see if it recharges. Our zap isn't even combat worthy as is, might as well try it.

Also, did we find any new metals aside from whatever the hell the suit of armor is made of?
Meanwhile got a magic dildo...
Meanwhile, got the opportunity to rape a dragon
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AND NOW, the second round of the elven tournament.

2d2, roll it
>implying it's not exactly what you wanted
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d2)

Yfw the two most boring survive... and one is possibly a man
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d2)

I spoke too soon AND forgot my image. Fuck. Oh well.
That makes it even better because the Elven King is possibly a woman disguised as a man.
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And the winners are Messy Hair and Possibly a dude disguising as a chick
It ain't gay if they're both dressing as the opposite gender possibly.
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Recaps, gibe
Am I the only not gay elf?
Orcs? My suggestion.
1 Use blood magic to summon succubi. Kill if hostile, otherwise make waifus.
2 Train onmyojis to quell the undead.

This way even if something goes horribly wrong, we have something to kill for our murder sword.
Question. If entire settlement uses meteor for the +70 bonus, does the enemy still get a combat bonus or do they only get settlement bonus?

What do you suggest chief?
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Almost forgot, thed ragon panel

Using the exchange center, dragons aquired smelting and casting.

They also channeled their rage and turned Blood Buff into Dragon Rage, a more potent form. But since it's blood magic, blood must be spilt in order to work.

So dragons bleed out their anuses whenever they use them.

Like before, only settlement
>1 Use blood magic to summon succubi. Kill if hostile, otherwise make waifus.
>2 Train onmyojis to quell the undead.
Action: We'll be spending this turn trying to get the power armor working. Let's find the power source first, if its a battery and try zapping it with our magic to see if it'll charge. If it works, it'll be King Kobs' personal suit of armor.
Tech: Let's improve our smithing skills. We'll be making meteor weapons like the orcs have. Katanas, Spears, even meteor metal pickaxes to smash through rock faster. If possible, we'll make a sword custom made for the power armor's hands. It should be greatsword sized, like a claymore.
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>The dragons now have anal period magic as a weapon

We should attempt to make some textiles from underground plants eventually, we've been running around wearing scraps of whatever the hell that is for far too long.

Maybe try to establish a currency and a gob-bank.
What do now?

We could send out guys to find mines for metal.
And we need woodworking and stuff too.
So we can eventually make giant flying pirate ships.
Also we need to work on telekinesis so it can fly.
Actually you're wearing mole fur You ahve fur coats too but working in a mine wearing fur coats is probably a bad idea
From hunting and the arena, how many skulls do we have total right now?
We'll jew later. If we can get the power armor working, we might be able to create a drill and convert it for mining. This is a good tech advance and it might give us a bonus while mining if OP is kind.
Aye, we wear the coats for winter. We've prepared a bunch since last time.

Duely noted. I agree, fur coats are probably not the best thing to mine with.
Like 110-ish

Yea lets work on that first. Reverse engineering the robot once we learn how it works would be excellent.
Barbarians use 100 skulls at their alter and offer them to Brock in exchange for the "neeew" magic he had offered, but did not specify.

The entire NecroFortress bands together for. +70 meteor to drop on the blood forest. (I hope i read OPs numbers and rules correctly)
I think elves and dragons are gone
we need some lurkers to become dragons then
Still here but I don't know where hemp is.
Hummies and elves going solo
Tech:Build some dragon armor for our bodys, this includes ass plates to prevent rape.

Culture: Restart the training program boss dragon used to run by having the martial master with the bronze staffs teaching drakwondo as a part of it so dragons will be in top physical and combat shape.
>Like before, only settlement
But then humans only need a 44 to get 110 more than our bonus!
Winning is essentially impossible
One of me. 2/3 of you. Kiiinda screwing myself. Then again your bonus is only +4 while mine is +70.
hey, link your recap so we can get it moving
>Elves train their telekinesis to the next level.
>Elves strengthen aura so that it enhances the users senses and body
>Orcs roll nat 100 on first try
>1st human rolls a 7
>2nd human rolls a 25
>3rd human rolls a 16
>4th human rolls a 1
>Orcs: 100 + 4 settlement bonus = 104
>Humans: 25 + 70 meteor bonus = 95
>Difference less than 10
>nothing happens
*salt levels rising*
Gobbos got a mech. You have One Punch Orc. We all have something seemingly invincible
>One punch orc
>+8 bonus
>+70 bonus
Not to mention the whole "cannot die" thing
If "nothing happens" you get a free metal rock.
That was one time use and we used it
Oh wait nevermind I was thinking about our hat
I had to reset my PC, did anything new happen?
Well you are correct, since when does the orc live forever
Everyone recapped
I posted the elven recap
When I said "cannot die", I was referring to the humans.
Humans literally have a 97.7 % chance of winning, with 3 players each.
You guys beat us brutally everytime before the patch.
And so that means you get a spammable guranteed win button?
Shame that orcs are the most at hand for humans to attack, they're pretty cool guys and don't afraid of anything.
Even though the humans were so loved, yes.
Even when you did manage to lose, you just regenerated.
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Humans sacrificed skulls to Brock and gained a one-time-use spell: Lichdom

When activated, the spell needs 30 live sacrifices to turn one single individual into a Lich. Gives a power boost and also auto revives at base. Or wherever their phylactery is. But if the phylactery is destroyed then they die right away.
Have humans gone too far down the rabbit hole?

I think it might be a good idea do develop some sort of corpse disintigrating powder... might...
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And now humans summon a full power meteor at the Orc because they have nothing better to do than attacking orcs

Humans roll 1d50 as the meteor gives a +70

Orcs roll 1d100
Orcs bonuses:
Turf 4 + One Punch 7
Instawin if humans roll over 30.
Rolled 87 (1d100)

>balancing patch
Rolled 9 (1d50)

50? Now i feel nerfed. Oh well. Rules are rules.
Rolled 95 (1d100)

See? Told you. Nothing for you to worry about.
Butthurt over nuthin
Maybe this time the orcs will punch it towards the humans instead of shattering it.
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It's cool.

Most people do. That's why I am here.
sounds like another bullshit number OP
As knife ears said, if you roll 30 the we can do is tie.
Besides you're just gonna keep throwing them every turn until someone rolls a 40.
For a lurker you're strangely invested in barbarians, why don't you just join them.
Wanna roll for my team if you feel that way?
Rolled 29 (1d50)

Here we goooooooooooo!
Rolled 44 (1d100)

It didn't start that way, but other civs that could be interesting got shittier. I was mostly referencing what you yourself called "bullshit number"

If it is of any use to you
It was a 1d50, man...
Wut. Uhh... hi.
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Either way both of these rolls result in a draw

>other civs that could be interesting got shittier
Is it the weebness
To any manlets out there, I'm out. Will check up on shit when i wake up.
Rolled 14 (1d50)

mostly, yes.
Hell fucking yea.
I did a good
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The elves improved 2 of their magics. They can now lift things with their mind powerssss. And their protective aura also increased their senses and whatnot.

New Elf Bonus: 30
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Orcs used their blood to draw markings and summoned Succubi. Being Succubi, they transformed into the Orcs' most desired form and easily seduced the summoners.

The summoners were later killed in their sleep. But at least they died happy.

There were also a bunch of monks who declared themselves Omninomnomnomsomethingoranother, proclaiming they can quell the undead. No tests to support this claim had been made.
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Goblins tried to use Zap on the armor, but it's not enough. Needs more power.

They also replaced all their bronze stuff with meteor metal instead.
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Dragons made armors for themselves and trained with the Dragon MArtial master in Drakwondo

New Combat Bonus: 34
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And with the complete utter silence. Everybody has left. Probably not even a elf left to roll for the final round of the tourney.

Oh well.
Hey, we're here, boss
We just don't need to roll
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Still here OP
I'm not kill
I just got here
The only dragon here is still here.
Also, I'd like hummies to go differently than staying barbarians/necromancers and this doesn't seem the way the other players want to take them so no need to join

This turn nobody did anything requiring rolls
Im still here.
My computer blew up though.
At least comment on something so I know somebody's still there
well, uh
Archivist left so I've got no one to discuss my turn with
Mobile posting is terrible though
Manlets are a disgrace

like that?
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Anywya, final round, yadda yadda yadda, roll 1d2
Also OP
Not all elves are sickos.

It just seems that they gravitate here for some reason.
The dragons player base is baren as you constantly molest dragons and theres only like one other active player who isn't here right now. Thats the reason for my silence.
Then I'll change it to "some are sickos"
I was contemplating my shit rolls.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

That's fair.
King:Woman pretending to be a man
Queen:Man pretending to be a woman.

That balances out I guess.
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AND SO THE NEW ELF QUEEN IS....Possibly a man pretending to be a woman.
Sounds good to me. Hahahahaha.
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AND NOW, turn 46. The last turn of dis episode.

Quick, recaps.
They should make out.
Also, quads checked.
Take our telekinesis to the next level.(again) For giant landmass lifting potential.

Use enchantment to combine our gust and maxed out telekinesis to make a giant floating island.(Beer Lake included)
Culture: Develop dragon meditation so the dragons will be able to become one with their inner magic energys, and for general relaxation when having nothing to do.

Tech: Since we have a blunt end on our staffs make it so the other end is a blade. They will be called.... Staff Spears.
How about another Orc attack? Might be beneficial.

I also want to set up a scouting party and head south.

Warning you: We are cursed with bad rolls.
Culture: Pray to the Kobold God for even stronger lightning magic to power up the Power armor. We shall test it immediately to see if it works to charge the armor. Have the entire population gather so the power is greater.
Tech: Study the power armor and reverse engineer it to learn how it's being powered and the mechanics of it. The more we know about it, the better.
seems dumb to spam on orks, but you seem to already be set on it.

scouting sounds okay enough. Looking for better tech?
We get that a lot.

I mean a lot.

No one likes us.
Hate even.

I was thinking of looking for more magic or another good weapon to copy. We are starting to fall behind on the arms race and there is only so many items we can coat with metal. I suppose we could let the skelegobbos do research, but we don't exactly have resources... because of our shit scouting. But I think it's our turn to be bold.
That hate is very fair.

And kinda your own fault.
You all take this so personally.
Makes sense, I think?

Okay. Sure. Still, i was reading. Moat makes sense. Or maybe a large chasm around the fortress. We dont have the magic for that though. Something to think about.
You could just, you know, dig.
One digs a ditch not a chasm. Unless OP allows that kind of super digging.
Well considering how we don't want our civs to die and you want to kill us all.

It's to be expected.
fair enough. Read as if you meant magic for moat
Well elves kinda have a big reason to hate you since you blew up their forest.
I'm playing a Civ Game by the rules given to me, using attributes that were given from the start.

Orcs proved it's possible to deviate from that, but I was staying to character for the most part. I'm sorry if our being here strikes at your own fun.

Humans try one more meteor and throw it at the Orcs. +70

Afterward they form up a scouting party and explore south of their fortress to look for anything that could help them with their war efforts. El Skelebool is brought along with some other golems.
No orc recaps?
Well you're free to try to kill us all.
But you shouldn't be surprised that we'd be pleased to wipe you guys out.
Consequences are a given.
>inb4 Orc Charisma makes the Meteor shy and fly into the Citadel
Tech: Invent trading card games
Regular: All out siege against the humans!
Don't give OP ideas, that orc charisma thing was silly enough as it is
we just cleave the unhuman evil
I'm back for rolls if another turn is happening
We just keep having +70 rocks thrown at us.
Action. Weaponize Orc Charisma
Action. Hunt to calm the sword
So which is it
>Humans live in a giant evil metal skull fortress filled with evil skeles while they drop evil meteors on innocent orcs.
And we're the evil ones.
Does not surprise me in the least.

In a game where alliances can happen, I'm sure that this can also make that worse.

I'm just asking you not to take it personally. It's a game. I don't do it cuz I blindly hate you. Then again, this is 4chan. I'm sure 90% of people here have the 'I hate everyone' view.
we are not evil, we are metal
heavy metal
can't you see fancy border
Personally I hate shitty vietnamese traffic
Im just sick of the constant fucking meteors
Oh I don't hate you.
I'm just being somewhat pragmatic.

You're a threat to our existince and show that you enjoy and would prefer to purge us all.

And I refuse to be purged
No seriously, which recap is the right one
Flip a coin
Weaponize Orc Charisma
Full siege against humans
>Inb4 OP kills all orcs so that they don't have a turn.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Trading cards it is
Happy to hear.
Do Orcs even have a written language?
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It's purely pics, no text
Whoops, forgot my blurb.

Humans throw another meteor at the orcs

Humans roll 1d50 as the meteor gives a +70

Orcs roll 1d100
Orcs bonuses:
Turf 4 + One Punch 7
But don't they need paper to make trading cards?
Rolled 12 (1d50)

Okay then.
Here goes nothing.
Rolled 44 (1d50)

Rolled 6 (1d50)

Orcs are fucked this round I can feel it.
Rolled 78 (1d100)

Im sick of all these goddamn space rocks
Rock Solid is back, baby.
They have leaves.

If the forest survives
Shouldn't the forest be like... 50% rubble of meteors at this point? Or at least fill the crater?
Ah well orcs, looks like you'll need to crash at our place for a bit unless manlets activate the kingdom beacon next turn.
Rolled 54 (1d100)

If no more orc rolls then it's 100% rubble and a crater
Hi OP, what do other races need to roll to find the forest now that we made it invisible? Also are there still 5 orcs with us?
There goes our beloved forest.

Humans obliterated it.

Though I wonder what happens to the pissed off animals.
We eat them. If they arnt disintegrated
more skulls
Remember, the orcs knocked out our champion at the crucial moment. Destiny is a cruel but fair mistress.
Exactly 100

The first is for finding the general area (a scouting action)

The second is to see through the magic. (another scouting action)
I'm pretty sure OP said corrupted animals in a obliterated forest are like the fiercest beasts and get high bonuses.

You're welcome to fight them though.
Well goddamn
Well I sure hope enjoy drawing black circles whenever its the barbarians turn
What if there was a method around that?

Would we be able to try? Or would we autofail?
Excellent. We safe from those meteor spamming faggots.
we just need a bigger rocks
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And so what's left of the ruined forest got blown up too.

Orcs lose like 70% of their population (not counting the orcs currently not at home) also the gobs visisting them are dead too.

Now Orcs, roll 1d100 to see if One Punch Orc and Big Chief Fred the Unicorn survived or not

>50 for one punch, >60 for Fred

Possibly, I just haven't thought of one yet
There's no way that will work. You'll need a apocalyptical type weapon which would kill everything and I seriously doubt that OP would even allow that.
bigger rocks always work.
eventually, if you try hard enough.
I think a large tribe just using a simple meteor shower. Basically a rain of small meteors while scouting could break your invisibility if our rocks happen to vanish midair.

Or our fire arrows.
I dare you to try doing that with the kingdom.
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Oh I cant wait for next turn where the same fucking thing happens
Rolled 74 (1d100)

Saving our good rolls for exterminating the humans
Orcs, I think it's time you join us in the Citadel and we unleash our final plan.
It's time to use the beacon.
OP there needs to be a cost to spamming space rocks.

Surely it can't be safe to just randomly pull shit from space.
that's the thing
we'll try
and won't survive
that's how we roll
OP mountain is immune to metoer BS right?
It actually causes impotence.
Huh... Never thought of that. Goddamn.

Orcs are still gonna be a problem I see.
They will just regain all their pop in a single turn.
You might as well be skeletons, yourselves. Haha.
So they can't get Rock Solid any more
Also OP shouldn't king notice all these giant falling rocks?

What is he doing about it.
experiment will tell
you like experiments and science, right, manlet?
Use it a safe distance away from the citadel once you do gobbos so it doesn't get caught on the crossfire please.
Relax, they know our general location but not the exact mountain. They'd have to scout to find the one we live in other wise waste time bombing random mountains.
we will just hunt skulls for more pop - faster and better way to get it.
We'll see who has the last [/spoiler]ayy lmao[/space]

Imagine your in North America. Imagine you're in a place like Florida. Now imagine you're in a place like Miami and your trying to find Tampa bay. Imagine if it's invisible. Actually shooting enough meteors to hit Tampa Bay from Miami is insane,
We breed very slowly anyway. We won't even notice.
Your hunting got nerfed. You can't abuse that any more.
we can smash one mountain at the time
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Anyway, the orcs lost their new home. At least before that they managed to collect some leaves and smeared blood on them to make trading cards.

Now they siege the humies in retaliation

Wait til all savages kill themselves and exterminate the survivors. Unless somethig distubs his kingdom first.

As in no more new barbs can be born
Sure dude, just know theres alot of mountains.

Now that I think of it, I wonder if us getting bombed will release the ancient evil under us.
How much combat bonus does trading cards provides?
what about second human action?
how much? can't find
Waaaaiiiiiiit You skipped our scouting action.
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Oh shit I forgot due to all the rolling and waiting for rolls. Before the attack, humans scouted down south.

Roll 1d100 to scout
1-29: bad encounter
30-59: jackshit
60-89: okay encounter
90-100: good encounter
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Just a reminder that the best way to avoid getting hit is not being seen to begin with.
Rolled 15 (1d100)

I was about to say...
Rolled 30 (1d100)

what could possibly go wrong?
Rolled 13 (1d100)

I fucking knew it
Rolled 48 (1d100)

Our hunting wasn't very sufficient to start with. How could it be nerfed more than it was? Our skull prices are super high for the stuff we need/want. Very rarely we get bargains outside of pop.

Okay... I think my shit rolls are out of the way... oh god I jinxed myself
and you ask why barbarians are so mad and kill everything
we had only ONE successful scout for whole game
Pretty much this.
Not our fault Dice God's a dick
OP did dice god wake up yet?
Did the death of all those Orcs count towards our murder goal for the Liche? Or does it have to be human death?
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AND THE HUMANS FOUND....a big fat load of nothing. What else is new.

And now Orcs Siege Humans in a desperate all out attack!

Humans: 38 + Turf 9 + Superior numbers 10 = 57
Orcs: 42 + Orc God wants even more blood +6 + Cards morale boost +2 = 50

He woke up, got beat up and went right back to hating all mortals

Live sacrifices, as in has to be people alive, at the altar, THEN sacrificed. As in if you want to use other races, they have to be prisoners first.
Rolled 92 (1d100)

Rolled 33 (1d100)

Rolled 70 (1d100)

nat 100 incoming
Well... the orcs had a good solid run.
>Dice god gets whooped
Orcs are fucked unless they get another 100.
Rolled 6 (1d100)

they were alright
best from of other civs
Rolled 19 (1d100)

RIP Orcs
fucking storefront captcha
They still have some orcs spread out.
So they're not dead yet.
I think there are still some orcs with us and some in the citadel.
After this if the heros dont escape their attack power will drop drastically. It wont bode well for their future civs health if they dont escape.
After this we should send any orcs still with us away. Drug them if need be so as to secure the secrecy of our forest.
Well that seems a bit mea-
>Remembers how orcs screwed us

Well the forest and lake float now so just push them off.
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And so the orcs were killed mercilessly.

Now for the fate of their hero units.
Orcs and Humans, roll 3d100
The first roll is for One Punch, second is Fred, third is for one lone orc civ survivor
Rolled 95, 22, 84 = 201 (3d100)

Rolled 71, 97, 45 = 213 (3d100)

rolling rolling rolling
Rolled 100, 41, 4 = 145 (3d100)

>4 human players
>2 orc players
nice knowing you
Rolled 48, 76, 75 = 199 (3d100)

One punch and one lone orc civ survivor lives, it seems
and here I thought to ask who was Fred.
oh well
One punch orc is tough as he should be
Rolled 37 (1d100)

>Saitama rolls 100 for One Punch orc
that's real nice.
3d100 not 1d100
He's the (ex)new chief of the orcs, note that his death also means the blood cursed katana is lost
Rolled 14, 100, 36 = 150 (3d100)

are the Barbarians going to get any of the Orc artifacts like the weebsword and weebhelmet?
OP, do the Orcs move into the citadel now?
Can the lone orc civ survivor be a female?
can we have it?
Fred is very very dead
Note that that thing needs 1 kill per turn, no matter who.
As in it'll kill one of you if you don't feed it.
I don't think we want that sword.
I'm pretty sure meteors and killing animals won't satiate it, humans.
Nope nope nope
smash it in pieces.
we are not this blood thristy
You ruined the surprise
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Let's offer it to Brock to see if he wants to trade. If he doesn't want it, we'll have to trash it. We don't need to kill our own guys even more.
I just doubt he'll accept it. he needs skulls and shit.
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And so the Big Chief Fred the Unicorn, wielder of the Blood Blade, was killed along with his tribesmen.

Only One Punch orc and a single Orc Female managed to escape

Now the humans have choices to make:
- Raise the 16 orcs as undead
- Don't raise the 16 orcs as undead and collect their skulls
- Decide what to do with the cursed blade

If they want to, and sure, gotta have some way to repopulate
Dice God is the one that screws us. Brock has been pretty much a bro this whole time. Worth a shot. If not, we can ask for the Skullshop menu to see if he updated.
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Raise orcs as undead, we have other ways to get skulls.
Offer blade to Brock via altar to ask if he can remove the curse.
worth a try I guess.
I don't think have got much choice on where to go, OP
They don't know where the Elves are and the only Orcs they know of are within the Citadel.
There're like 5 orc mercs still with the elves. BUt they dunno what has happened to their brethren
I can agree to this, if like Boss Dragon, Fred the Unicorn becomes another Undead Hero Unit.
Also... how many boars?

Lets see what Brock thinks.
We are so going to drug them and kick them out of the forest. Maybe give them some water from the lake and drop them off with our birds.
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The humans raised the orcs as undead and asked Brock for removing the curse from the blade

"My children, this blade is powered by the Orc Deity, if I remove the curse on it I will directly opppose him...and can no longer use the excuse of "neutrally helping my mortals so if they accidentally kill the orcs I have nothing to do with it". If you're dead set on doing this (hehe, dead) then lock it away until you gain 50 skulls to power the cleansing ritual"

15 boars for 15 orcs plus 1 super boar for Fred

Note that the boars will give no bonus as you already had snek mounts that gave +1
Fred will give +2
Super Boar also gives a +1
>lock it away
all the humans are gonna die and that thing wants blood
nah, I have nothing against orc god
let's break that sword in pieces and throw it out, it's too dangerous to keep around.
We smash the sword in that case.

We take the boar skulls.

We keep Super Boar as a unit along with all Orcs
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Elves further increased their telekinesis, now they can lift treees with their minds. One more turn and they can lift the earth.

Since their magic can't lift their patch of land (yet), they at least use the wind and enchantments to cut out an outline of what they want to lift.

The humans chose to destroy the sword, for safety it was the skeles who did. They punched it into pieces and threw them away.
did they throw it into the hell maw?
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Goblins prayed for better zappy zappy magic and tested it on the armor, still needs more powerrrrrr.

They also tried to study and reverse engineer the thing, but being ancient magitech the thing is too hard to figure out at the moment. They may even break it if they're not careful.

Humans don't know where it is.

So skeles just kinda scattered the pieces into the river, a nearby empty field and threw some into the crater of what used to be the forest
We can learn Orc Fu now... and since its spirit power and not magic... we theoretically can learn about Stands or Spirit fists. Bezerkers, blood stuff.
We don't know it exists. We never even went to the mountains before.
Our minds are stronk as hell.

We should work on illusion magic to tamper with memories.
>So skeles just kinda scattered the pieces into the river, a nearby empty field and threw some into the crater of what used to be the forest
will that affect the ground around it? cause we planned to build settlement around there.
So are the orcs just gonna move into the citadel? I mean Humies can't really attack our base much.
Maybe, maybe not.

Maybe it corrupts the ground.

Maybe it also corrupts the animals.

Or maybe it doesn't do anything.
and because I was gonna say that death raped and kill some barbs :3
maybe OP is too lazy to decide atm
Death only rapes demons or things that looks like demons
I hope not. Thats our water supply
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Hey, don't be dicks, humans
oh wait, you already are
you can't even get it up, you impotent cucks
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The dragons meditated in their freetime now to control their anal evacuations better.

They also make blades and attatched them to the end of their staves.

New dragon combat bonus: 36
I know this is mega but I don't want the barbarians to take up residence in the remains of our former forest. I'm tempted to launch an expedition there and try to reclaim it.
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There's literally nothing there
It's just two massive craters now
Kinda wanna see a map update.
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We end Part 8 of Civ Thing

Join in next time for more bullshit

thanks for the bread, OP
I'm surprised OP didn't use the fact that our forests are invisible as an excuse to not draw them and just write elven forest over nothing.

Later OP thanks for the salt.
Thanks OP
To do that would mean actively deleting the forest part and writing something new.

Which just means more effort.
Thanks, NaP

Fun stuff.
I have plans for the future. Once we have a substantial population we'll send settlers to scout and found another hidden forest. It's always good to have a back up. Also making fertility enhancing drugs could be a good thing.
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i gotchu famicoms
You sunuvabeeetch
You jelly OP?
I'm more partial to jam myself
Well, Dragons, Orcs.
Us Manlets are the only hope now.
We're gonna have to prepare. But with only 9 Orcs left in the Citadel if they join us and only 10 dragons, the Gobbos have to carry the weight now.

We've got one choice, and the beacon is still for ours to use.
We barely have enough numbers to beat all the skeletons and humans, but I think we need to breed to the max. That means more imps, kobbos, half-orcs and of course goblins. If we're outnumbered, then there's no way we can win. If you dragos and orcs want to survive, you've gotta trust us manlets.
Wait did we just obliterate the orcs?
how much population do they have left? 2?
I missed to thread due to being a lazy fuck who sleeps till like 3PM
Rolled 36 (1d100)

Rolled 56 (1d100)

What the fuck happened you guys?
Why did you attack the barbs?
Time to breed with the kobolds and imps finally?

Also I want to scout west for other mountains for a backup shelter in case the citadel is lost
2 left from those who were in the forest.
rest is scattered - some in citadel some in elf forest
sorry about that.
well, we've got no choice but to quadruple our pop
Oh shit I hope that when I scroll down some more the thread is still going
We should be specific on this Spirit Gun thing. I assume you mean YuYu Hakusho Spirit Gun? Then we should specify it to being the Orcs releasing energy through a single small point of their finger
That doesn't look at all like my Japanese Cartoon Waifus!
Who the fuck cares, now there is only 9 of us left.
Well shit, this was a fun ride scrolling down hoping the thread is still alive once I get to the bottom
FUUUUCK. Welp, at least all that blood and carnage could easily give us a pop boost if we survive until next episode
I don't understand what happened

I think its high time we weaponize the acid into corrosive bombs. We should also try to work on some sort of dust that destroys a skeleton's bones, undead or otherwise. We can accompany this with siege weapons and toss huge containers with the stuff at the humans should it ever come to that.

We should probably invite the remaining orcs to the citadel.

We can build chariots for them if they still have boars in exchange for breeding or help with the smeltery/mining or maybe even some boars of our own.

Though this only happens if the orcs accept.
Orcs attacked humans, and lost.

Just like when Humans attacked Orcs, and lost.

Except this time the bonuses are way less
Yeah, but at least there are a few Orcs at the Goblins and Elves place so we're not all totally dead. Orc Shaman is def dead though

Since we're fucked up for a while you guys should take the Shaman's Gem (if it survived anyways) and see if you can use it to power your golem.

I guess we got too complacent, we spent the last few turns just fucking about (Invading a Dragon with Fruit, Summoning Succubis 4 Waifus, not using the Blood from the last few battles for Orc God Blessings). I feel like if we waited for more Orc Pop before doing all that stupid shit we could have survived but I don't want to point fingers. Overall it just sucks how things were going so good for Orcs then immediately shattered. Best we can hope for now is the Pop Blessing from Orc God gives us substantial growth.

We were gone when things were happening it sucked. We were outnumbered both in-game and here in the thread, we could still probably recover like the Elves, turtling it up. We just have to cut down all the stupid shit we've been doing the last few turns. From what I saw there were barely any discussion on what to do and we were pretty much just throwing down weeb stuff.
Jesus, if I were there we may have saved the forest.
New rule among the orcs, don't listen to Saitama Orc, he got one lucky roll and ever since he's been nearly fucking us.
Oh yeah, that reminds me, what exactly did happen to the power gem? I forgot to mention that.

Maybe it fell into the hands of the humans.
Man, it sucks too because I really doubt I'll be even able to play until Friday or something. I was in the threads with all the cool shit happening and it sucks not experiencing this in real time.

It was in the forest with the Shaman r-right? Pls don't do this OP.
Since no humans are here if you can roll a 1d100 higher than 40 then One Punch Orc managed to retrieve it when he escaped with the Last Orc Female
It was with our orc shaman with the gabbos. They were studying the effects the gem had to no avail.
damnit, he remembered, couldn't extract more salt
Rolled 97 (1d100)

Eh, worth a shot. Can BusinessOrc also roll?
Ah but wait! It wasn't the shaman that went with the gobs! It was the gobs that went with the shaman! So this still applies>>536657

But then this guy wins it anyway >>536662

so whoops
I got documents covering my green ass! Why do you think they call me BusinesOrc?! Cuz I take care of Business!
Ah well its fine any ways, Op can we have a charter stating any more weeb shit from Saitamaorc is to be ignored?


5 at the elves
7 at the gobs
2 on the run

That's completely a player-based issue and should be sorted out amongst yourselves
My documents are never wrong, he must have used his vacation days.
I gtot documents saying your documents are wrong. And documents saying my documents saying your documents are wrong are right
not that it would have mattered either ways. Even so it just cuts the action of One Punch Orc having to deliver the Gem to the Gobbos.

Ah dang, welp at least we know where it is hopefully next thread either takes place either 10 Hours from now or 22 Hours from now so we can somehow salvage this.

I say we use Blood Magic on the Golem (after asking the Gobbos of course) then use the Gem on it. We'll use both Gobbo and Orc Blood in case they're hestitant. Then after that ask Orc God for a pop boost then go to the tedious process of electing a new Orc Shaman and finding somewhere place to live and rebuilding Orc Society.
You fool! That might make the golem go out of control and kill us all!
Damn it
But your documents don't have the rd-w2 stamp, and these documents weren't applied with the proper permit of article 2-4!
So OP where exactly is the Gem?
Because I want to get it before we use our lich spell, then use lich spell to make our god a superlich
orcs have it now since no humans were around to counter roll
We already got it you nut job.
We make a new shaman.
Repopulate. Find new digs. Yah dig?
Ah yes but it does have the rd-d2 stamp. Which according to article 6-9, makes it so that they don't require the permit in article 2-4.

You guys can stay with us for a while. We'll be focusing on weaponry for a while in case the hummies decide to attack us.

If you'd care to help us with tasks that require strength such as building the smeltery or mining we can make it worth your while.
then we are not finished with the orcs
I must have that gem to fulfil my desires
That only permits if the documents are registered for zoning permits! These documents are on Orc employees.
When did humans become the bad guys and orcs the saviors of the world?
Control your boner

ba dum tish

Article 4-2-0 overrules all your permits and making me Grandmaster or Yo Shit and whatever I say goes mufugga
I also say that we go SOMEWHERE else undiscovered like the Elves. I don't want fucking Meteors raining down on me every other turn.

Ugh all the choices that were used for our turns were just downright stupid. We made literally no progress and now we're back to square one again like from after the Coalition War.

Let's just ask Orc God for Pop Boost, Repopulating would take too long and there's literally no benefit for using combat bonuses since there's barely any Orcs left to utilize it. But yeah, new Orc Shaman. If we really want to we can ask Dragons to resurrect the Orcs in the Forest buuuut I doubt they'll agree seeing as they already got our Magic so there's nothing worth trading from us other than picking up Meteor Ore for them.
well it all started when Rock solid couldn't contain his murderboner and set us on the path to edginess
Then I decided to embrace it and become one with the edge
Yeah we can ask orc god, but it would be in the dragons best intrest because them hummies have our sword and are over populating.

On second though there's literally just a handful of Orcs left in the forest during the Meteor Strike so there's no benefit really from doing this. I really don't want to rely on another Civ again after what happened to the Elves when we crashed with them. Best we can do now is ask God for Pop Boost and venture off to find a new land.

They broke the sword since they realized they can't use it.
Those orcs are safe for now we venture out we will probably die.
Are we continuing this tonight? I'd love to keep the game going but I'm not sure if our kindly OP would be up for it, we're also missing draggos and elves.
Might not be tonight but tomorrow since I gotta sleep
You sleep? Naw!
You gotta digest the salt somehow
I have to ask OP
If we decided to go full Undead and convert our remaining humans into skeletons would We lose?
because my entire plans for the future hinges on it

Its fine OP. And if I may ask, why do we usually start at night?

Back during sub-cap'n quest we'd start in the morning and keep going all day long.

May I assume its because of work related reasons?
50/50, haven't decided it yet

It's more like there seems to be more people at that time for some reason
Sub cap'n was at night, at least for me, now op does it when I sleep dah bastard.

I see. Would it be possible to start these eariler if more people showed interest?

I'd like to participate a bit more but these occasionally continue throughout the night, and I can't really stay past 2 am otherwise I'll just end up a dead husk of a manlet the following day.

Its fine with it either way, just thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.
Perhaps, perhaps
We have to power up the armor. We need to make a lightning rod to transfer the power of a storm into it. Either that or keep advancing our magic so we can power it up ourselves.

We need something that can destroy meteors though. We need to make a massive siege engine that can target rocks. An anti-air massive rock flinging machine.

If we manage to mine silver we can make a rudimentary battery and evolve from there.

We can also have the chemlab work on explosives so we can start making bombs.

I agree that the meteors are a problem, but we'd still be at a disadvantage in face to face combat due to sheer numbers, hence the corpse corroding powder suggestion.
We need to take out their casters while they're preparing a spell. The less humans they have, the less bonus they get from throwing full power meteors at us.

We're gonna need to plan actions for dragons too, since they're still stuck in the copper age being ass raped. If the Orcs come to the Citadel, we'll plan actions with them as well. If possible, we could possibly have 6 different actions all preparing to deal with the meteor.
We really need to train our Orc Fu more and invest into stealth and since we've got the corrosives working, if there's no skeleton after we melt them down, we could potentially wipe out their skeleton pop too.

Potentially if we advance our magic quickly enough, we could destroy that meteor with one lightning blast, we'd just need a conduit like the lightning rod.

Our top priority is taking out the human casters since they've no way to repopulate since they're impotent plus their hunting is nerfed so whenever they go after any fierce animal, they'll get fucked up.

Wiping their skeleton pop first is the best course of action.

As I see it, we should start out by developing explosives first so we can make ammunition that explodes on impact.

Once that's done I'd like to suggest the development of cluster ammunition for our ballistas (if we have any, otherwise we develop some first).

Basically something that shatters/explodes on impact and tosses acid bombs everywhere.

We can have Orc Fu further developed as a regular action (I assume we'll have our own version of it ready soon enough).

Later actions can include us trying to find silver for the battery. We can ready lightning rods to collect the charge into the battery once that's done. If you want to focus on warfare we could possibly leave this for a bit later.

Would this be acceptable?
Any Humans here, I have an Idea to make us more truly go into the Heavy Metal Age
We should try to invent a way to safely encase our skeletons Bones in a kinda layer of Meteor/heavy metal, then we can decorate them with metal spikes and shit to make them more deadly in combat
Explosives are our best bet. We get explosives and those skeletons can't be put back together since they'll be ash. The Dragons need to stop lazing about and start preparing though. They keep coming up with dumbass projects, when they could've been in the weeaboo age with us and have meteor armor and weapons plus cool hair.

We need to condense this into 4 turns or less.

What do you propose?

Sidenote: We could try and ask Kobb God for Chain lightning if we want something that'll hit lots of stuff on one go.
I'm currently salty as fuck, you Gobbos are ok for me, we don't plan on staying long but we're all for having Orcs work in your mines so you guys can mine faster. If Business Orc is ok with it, I'm fine with allowing you guys to have actions that involve the Orcs in your base that doesn't involve with Orc-Fu and anything obviously terrible for Orcs like making us test potions and crap, mostly things like have them harvest materials outside, make them count in your combat rolls all that jazz. If the other Orcs don't want to set out for new land we can possibly expand the Citadel to house Orcs if you're ok. Though we gotta be cautious, I'm seeing the Humans possibly asking for another pop boost and readying another meteorite to strike at the mountain this time.

Elves are still alive, granted there was like a handful of them and we'll have like 9 Orcs once we venture out. I think we should focus on building ourselves back up, at least the Humans don't have the power of the sword or the power gem. Since every tribe has been coming up with an Anti-Skelly Tactic, I think we should have our Orcs (Once we ask for that pop-boost) practice punching shit in the mines to the point where we can crush metal with just punches, bone crunchingly strong punching

They've been stalling around practicing magic, there's still very few of them though. After the Orcs recover and gain possibly new enhancements and you guys finish up your war gear will you guys be up for Greenies V Humies Part Deux? Hopefully NaP finally knows how to handle battles where two teams take on one team (Hint: It's not doubling up the fucking power of the lone team). It's their saving rolls that's really making this hard for us since they can easily recover from anything with that. With acid weapons that'll put a stop to it

I'm fine with having you guys move in and forming a council with the three races.

We'd basically just ask for help with mining, combat and accelerating the grand smeltery's construction.
First off, Orc Pop needs to be raised so we can match the human and skeleton pop. We need to get a bunch of manlets really quickly.
The second tech action though? I'm not sure. But we need to work on weapons that will take out a skeleton permanently. We need to transition from sharp to blunt weapons like maces and hammers.
The reason why I say we need to do this in 4 turns or less, if we get 6 actions to work with, the humans only have two to counter us with.
If two teams combine into one team then all of them only get two actions since they're a single team now
hey! so what are the plans? are we giving the orcs our orcs?
well, that depends
are you still gonna double up bonuses for the humans even though there's 2 different civs or even 3 different civs teaming up?
I don't want a repeat of the last coalition battle where couldn't win because a 180 bonus was multiplied four times and it becomes impossible to win even with bigger numbers
I like it. Our Gobbos can research that. We need to grind for skulls prolly for living pop or Brock Favor
It's the perfect time for me. Its right when i get out of work when it starts. It used to be when i arrived at work.
Does that mean the Dragons and Manlets only get two Actions between the two of them From now on?
Because those fuckers have been working together from the very start, share almost all their tech, consult each other on how to use their actions and even live together.
>humans complain every time its unbalanced for them when they get a meteor that they can spam each turn
come on now
Clearly the answer is to sextuple all bonuses then divide them by 0

After that go eat lunch

That's a nice idea actually....
It really isn't Very fair though, you guys basically get 4 actions for shit and we get just two and because half the barbarian players love attacking shit we are just getting left in the dust while you guys have just been advancing like crazy on anti-undead shit preparing to just steamroll us

That hasn't really been happening as of late.


I have to agree with this. Hummies effectively have a nuke they can use each turn with little to no drawbacks, with the addition of an ever expanding army.

You can't really blame us for banding together in order to stay alive when their team is comprised nearly entirely by psycopaths...
We lose pop growth by natural means and bodies smashed by meteors cannot be risen. That is our drawback. We cripple our population

Captcha: salt
Hmm, we can ask the Dragons to get off their ass and finally finish mastering Holy Spells. Since NaP doesn't really acknowledge fine tuning tactics in the actual battle. I say have something like
>First Turn
>Orcs Re-enact their Favorite Animus for Morale Boost
>Goblins Launch Acid Bombs towards Human Camp
>Dragons cast Magma from waaay waaaay above and a bit far away from the Human Camp towards the Humans

That way the humans will already be weakened by the time the actual battle starts.

You can keep them we'll just ask Orc God for more Orcs.

They've barely interacted since Gobbos became Gobbos/Kobbos/Impos they've been more with us Orcs since then.

You guys can literally spam 70+1d50 attacks with literally no drawbacks. Besides, literally all advancements we've had had been niggered by the Humans through the skellies. We Orcs don't even have any of the progress we have from the last thread because the Helmet's been used and the Sword's been broken.

>Oh no we can't steal pop from the other civs because we smashed them to bits and there are literally just a handful of them left
How is that a drawback? You guys literally have more Pop than all of other the civs combined.
>We lose pop growth by natural means
When has this even happened?
>highest pop in the game
>better hunt/kill for more skulls so we can invest into even more pop
>very generous diceroll to bring back dead humans and skeletons back
>literally a nuke that can be used from within your own base to attack anything on the map
You guys have been getting the most bullshit in the entire game.
well I stand corrected. But I still think it's a very cheap I win button that was bought with a very paltry amount of skulls same with necromancy.
also we barely ever complain, if you want someone who complains look to the dragons who bitch every time they get a shitty roll or whatever.
Remember when they got a shitty dice roll+bad decision that resulted in the death of Dragon Messiah and half their population and they bitched and moaned that much that OP let them reroll into.
Not once have we complained or asked for rerolls, even when it was just like 1 person doing important rolls, when something bad happens to us most the time we just go "fuck that was retarded" then drop it for a while
Oh. I am not complainig.
At all.
And yes, we do have a superweapon. But it took about 5 turns to get skulls to do it, because at the time we were desperate for population as well.

Our rolls are pretty shit too. We cant scout, meteors took like 5 attempts against the Orcs and i can only name 2 times our hunts had an enemy pop above 50. We get small numbers usually.

RNG aside, orcs can revive almost thier entire pop in one turn just from dying. Kinda awesome for them.

Gobbo tech is a threat and they breed faster, but are super fragile.

Everything has a balance. Its only been a couple turns and elves are back to normal numbers, a floating island and psychic abilities.

Stop getting angry. You are all equally capable.
not every civ has a get out of jail free card like raising your dead
Its not. We got Necromancy and it helped us. If not, one of you guys, probably the cannibals would have done it
We've seen you guys complain as well. Especially after you lost most of your population while back.
Everybody complained, no one is innocent

Point taken.
I was only Salty about Brock's favor being taken away from an out of game emoticon hazard, which should have happened today with the gobbos.

But i dropped it after pointing it out.

I didnt throw a bitchfit when we failed attacks like elves. I didnt demand rerolls for anything. Stop blaming us.
and if I remember correctly and if OP can confirm, we didn't complain to the point of a reroll being done.
Like I said most out complaining is just limited "that was stupid and retarded" and "fucking hell" tier complaints
how many times have there been rerolls done for stuff and what factions were involved in those rerolls

Once for draggos and gobs.
Once for elves

Oh and if Business Orc wasnt a Bro to us we would have lost a battle turn due to Orc Charisma because the Prcs were previously absent. OP actively dicked with us then, like the Brock thing.
When i said everyone, I meant as in every tribe in general, not specifically just youuuu

And when I said everyone complained, I didn't mean everyone complained equally, i lietrally meant everyone complained
Actually 2, once with the elves and seond with gobs and drags
Partly wishing I didn't do that.
It was big of you and we respect that. Just like we respected the fact you whooped us several times in a row. Even before the patch.
Honestly I think that the different factions just have far different playstyles that its a miracle that the thread has held together this long
>Dragons are the type of people who will play something like Age of empires and spend the entire match building a perfectly designed town
>Goblins play sensibly and even out their shit like unit upgrades and such to have a good balance of everything
>Elves are the type that will just upgrade the fuck out of one unit till its the best possible
>humans are the type who will just build a barracks and then build as much of the cheepest unit possible and just zerg rush the other players
>Orcs I can't actually think of a good comparison at the moment
Well that was defence only, everytime we counter attacked we got fucked up.
Home turf bonus can do that
The Orcs watch their animes and argue with other tribes about taste.
We orcs just live the party life
This, Dragons still have the shittiest taste.
I even have a chart on that with my fellow business people.
We found out that Dragons + dildo = bad Anime

But later we found
Bad Anime + Chris Pratt = penis
Those charts are astounding!
We run a respectable business, no tomfoolery here.
What do they say about Barbs?
Upon further inspection of other factions we find clean teeth + skull hat men = profit
Profit + penis = equals Kings profit
Well then
Sorry the charts don't lie,
What I can tell you is this.
One with the most hats + not undead= the biggest penis in the village.
One with the most hats + plus not undead + every other faction = largest of the smallest penis.
Well then!
Well then...
Gobbos and elves OP confirmed smallest dicks.
I have a couple of questions.

How many turns left until the smeltery's finished? 9 right?

Also, which metals and structures do we have access to right now?
Rolled 2 (1d100)

we see everything
Nice rolling

I'm assuming everything you saw in the Kingdom is fair game to be constructed
Bronze n Meteor
a cave
>>humans are the type who will just build a barracks and then build as much of the cheepest unit possible and just zerg rush the other players
I'm actually a turtle which builds everything in Civ games
attacking in this thread is just more fun
Rolled 90 (1d100)

I always rush and turtle here. Wierd.
I really like RNG in all it aspects.
it can provide nice stories
and it did
Seriously. Haha

Well shit, no in-cave huts?

Bedsheets and toilets tho
How can manlets have meteor metal at their disposal when they had a one time small offer of it?
Only humans can obtain it recurrently at will
When did the Elves call for a reroll?
When you attacked the humans, leaving your forest. Elves said they should have a bonus for bows so a reroll happened.
I think its because the meteor the orcs smashed was just massive unlike barbs who make a load of tiny ones fall.
Now I remember. Because we didn't specifically mentioned using bows OP made it just so that we used our hands.
Sharp rocks, but ya.

Also the reroll ended with you guys dying instead of the draw that it was prior
Also Orcs smashed like... 3 giant meteors plus the two that made contact. There is a lot of meteor to go around
Not for manlets, unless they actively leave their citadel to go collect it, no?
Orcs made deliveries for them. They stopped when Orcs stayed to study the gem.

Now they do have to leave and get more if they want to continue.

If the orcs move in with us this won't be necessary.
Of course it well. We are gonna build a fort at the Crator
All the materials are already there!
I starting to doubt that idea, cause it can fuck us over.
we spread chunks of cursed sword in a river and crater, for some reason. We have a chance to build on cursed ground.
Not all. Orcs had to carry them by hand. No wagons were used. And the last twoish meteors were not collected. There should be plenty space rock for us barbs. And i have a plan for the new giant hole.
Its in the water supply. We are fucked no matter what. OP put those things there outside of our control. I will assume that there wont be an issue.
water being cursed depends in which direction it flows.
dunno,OP can fuck us over whenever he can if we go with fortress
I was gonna dig the river out and make a lake fortress out of the crator
Does it involve a Death metal fortress of edge?
because if so I am on board
you have grand plans
are you sure you are not manlet spy
We should leave the crater as pure as possible to as a permanent reminder the orcs and everyone else not to fuck with us
>Death metal fortress of edge
Heavy Death Metal Fortress of Edge Build On Corpses Of Orcs And Elves
also reinforced by their bones
and it got separate huge floor for making jerky
See? Canon thinks big

We get a lake in center of new village. Make big walls and a dam to control water flow. We get skelegobbos to research moving the water (pipes+sewers) to get baths and toilets.

If we get bone strengthening plants... know what happens, Rock Solid?


I had you in mind.

Or we could be fear mongering as usual.
sounds brutal, i'm on board with that Idea
This needs to happen
I need it in my teeth
I thought you'd see things my way. With your Bright Teeth and my Assortment of Hats we will be UNSTOPABLE!!! Mwahahahahahaa!

Canon you come too. We need a mascot.

Welp... Time to fear for our lives then...
as long as its brutal and edgy I'm with you.
Though I just had a crazy Idea
We should use our lichdom spell....to make our god a lich
Is that something from other NaP threads?
Was Fred the one with the magic helmet? If so that means the elves illusions aren't a problem for you guys.
don't you want a shiny super tough teeth? We'll export the shit out of it.
You are going to be impressed by our commercials! Or else - raid
only if you will be vital contribution to ColdGate technology - then I may start support lich idead.
I dont think it works like that. Nor do I want it to.
We'll see what Solid thinks.
Like the King, yes.
Id rather not piss Brock off and lose bonuses. I say we make a normal Liche hero.... oooooorr.....

Make the Liche our NecroPope UnHoly Bones

We are not evil.

We've done nothing to provoke you so far. I'm fine with shiny teeth n' shit.

Either way we'll just keep developing countermeasures in case you do decide to attack for some reason...
We still hate Dragons. So be sure to hide from Space Rocks.
>We are not evil.
what gave you that idea?
>We've done nothing to provoke you so far
aside of being in coalition attack
>what gave you that idea?
I meant we obviously not, what gave you idea that we even can be evil

We're effectively scared shitless of you. What would you have done?
Join the winning side.
You are for some reason, I'm just kinda chill waiting for them to try something.
>What would you have done?
throw rocks, eat jerky, certainly not manipulating our own DNA and not being a slave race of dragons
yes its commonly associated with Barbarians and strong as fuck teeth
Stronger Teeth equals our skeletons can have weaponize bites, nothing will scare the shit out nonhumans than a skeleton who will bite your sword in half.
its not too late to join the winning side, you are in the perfect position to join us and kill the dragons and remaining orcs as they sleep

We are but a peaceful race of manlets. We just want to be left alone in a place where we can experiment with dangerous substances and electricity.
Me too. They need two 100's to even find us and then they have to fight us. We'll probably just make more hidden forests and watch the barbarians kill stuff.
>Stronger Teeth equals our skeletons can have weaponize bites, nothing will scare the shit out nonhumans than a skeleton who will bite your sword in half.
Oh, it's not just Stronger Teeth
ColdGate Brutal is a most majestic thing happen, ever.
It'll blind your enemies, protect your life, chew the unchewable, bite the unbiteable, row row bite the power
Skeletons get a huge defensive boost that's for sure.

If I recall correctly last time you guys chilled you ended up with fruit up your rear...Which is why we're working on countering whatever shit might get flung at us.
>We are but a peaceful race of manlets. We just want to be left alone in a place where we can experiment with dangerous substances and electricity.
as long you are with dragons, there won't be peace
You manlets should join us, that horny dragon wants to defeat you by assimilating your race, why else would he be soo eager when he created imps and kobolds and wants to breed further with imps and kobolds to make lizardmen or some other shit.
Joining us is securing your future as a race, staying with orcs and Dragons you will eventually lose your identity as manlets
Pretty much this.
If you wanna join we just want your pipes. We arnt gonna fuck you tho
You go do that manlet, we've already done our part and have 2 heros ready and are responsible for the citadels shielding.
The goblins really want to get fucked by other races, ecspecially the dragons. I don't think they'll leave them for you.
its mostly just that horny dragon fellow who wants it and like 1 manlet suggested it as a possibility a few times but the others didnt' roll with it

This is something that may be discussable later on.


All in due time.
Also if Orcs surrender they can join us. With limitations
just think about this in the meantime, you are losing your Race via dragon interracial breeding and losing your culture by adopting the orcs weebness.
if you continue on this path you will lose everything and just be basically their errand boys
do we really need them
They are Brothers in Punches
what are we doing about our zaps being too weak? we can maybe invent something that combines the zaps from some goblins..
I doubt they'll forgive genocide of most their POP.
Prolly not. But if they die twoce, maybe they will learn

I'll agree with you on that. If we had a chance to be less belligerent i'd like to move to the noire era as soon as possible.


We need silver to make batteries. We can try to condense electricity there and charge the bot with it.
Why silver? It's a good conductor but component of batteries hadn't heard before.
well if you and the other manlets do decide to join us, just know we wouldn't ask anything from you so often like the orcs and Dragons do. you would be free to experiment and invent to your hearts content and you wouldn't even have to worry about things like ethics either, it would be true freedom to do what you want
what if we would join you as in being peacefull? or do you want us to join you in the battle of the races?

Voltaic pile. Used Silver and Zinc i think. Not sure if OP will let us make one without Zinc though... Though if we can make it with copper instead, we'll go right on ahead.
I was under the impression that one used copper and zinc, so you would actually already be half way there
Joining us would just be moving in. You wouldn't have to fight unless you wanted to, at the moment if you stay with them you are going to end up fighting anyway since they want and expect you to join against us considering you all live in the same place, if you stay you will get caught in the crossfire
Well, guess it's botth
> In 1800, Volta stacked several pairs of alternating copper (or silver) and zinc discs (electrodes)
They have to leave you behind.
See statement above.

And we would allow experiments on skellies and humans if our pop is high enough. You dont need to fight, but you are required to share tech.

Just checked, looks like we're both right.

Guess we should try and make one and aim for zinc if OP doesn't let us make one with copper alone.

Well spotted, you have my thanks.
Humans just want goblins to leave in order to cripple the dragons and kill the dragons by spamming meteors on them.
I'm pretty sure the goblins aren't dumb enough to listen to them anyways.
what gave us away?
You'd be surprised how stupid certain people can be.
its not that, the manlets would be a huge boost to our potential edginess and Metal age stuff potential with their brilliant minds and our unique Tech and stuff they could come up with all sorts of amusing and awesome Toys
they would be stupid to stay with you, slowly absorbing their race and culture into yours and the orcs
Yea like leaving home turf to attack somebody else and get shrekt even with OP saying you would have almost no offensive bonus beforehand.
That'd be just plain retarded.
why so salty? didn't like it when I left because you where being so shit to me?
>slowly absorbing their race and culture into yours
*slowly absorbing their race and culture into your ass

fixed for accuracy

Well we ARE giving the dragons 70% of whatever metals we find in exchange for protection... Whenever they feel like it... While having to participate in campaigns with them... Am I getting this right?
At least the dragons have never attacked the goblins. I wouldn't be surprised if the Barbarians just decided to slaughter all the manlets once they have their tech.

we haven't attacked the manlets at all
the only ones killed were when everyone joined up to try to take us out and some were lost in the battle
plus what >>537058 said the dragons may never have tried to kill them but they are fucking them over all the time and take more than they give the manlets
I'd say it'd be more valuable to keep their word to the manlets. They have an easier time researching, so they can keep making more new stuff. It's a symbiotic thing
>the dragons may never have tried to kill
they ate one manlet the first couple of turns
If the manlets had been on their own I want to say we or some other tribe would've killed them. Manlets are feeble when it comes to physicality. Also that deal was done by both parties. The manlets could've simply refused it at the time.
you said it yourself jut in that post the manlets practically had to accept that deal to secure their own future, if they declined then there would be good chance the dragons or someone else would have wiped them out, now they no longer need that protection from their one sided relationship and have a much much better alternative that won't take as much and give soo little
I don't see their relationship as completely one sided. The goblins still retain around a third of the minerals they mine. Minerals which they don't put use as often as the dragons who need it to appease their God.
>around a third

stick to magic
top kek
Cant you see they don't put them to use because they dont' have enough to use for anything good
Plus the Dragons are always asking them to help with this and that but they Rarely ever help the manlets
The Dragons have helped the manlets in exploring deeper into the mountains. Also what would manlets do with all that metal? Just make pennies? What they have now is sufficient.
any free groups?
they could use it for whatever they wanted, manlets are creative and would come up with some grand and perfect use for all that precious metals that is being simply wasted on the dragons
All groups are free, but no session for 24 hours
The manlets have already made surf like electricity and chemistry. If they want to build some sort of megastructure or world wonder then they just need to. I haven't seen any manlets propose such a thing.
I fail to see how the way they use (or not) their stuff means they should be ok with it being comandeered by the dragons to keep their and their god's jewness in check.

If you want a way to decide, lately dragons have been the group with the least players, I think
If goblins didn't regularly pay the dragons then they would probably raid them and other tribes in search of gold and other riches.
they havn't been trying anything because the dragons and orcs keep them occupied with things all the time trying to drag them into a war with us plus what >>537135 said even though they arent using it its not cool that the dragons just take that much it all the time.
I current'y don't use my semen for anything but that doesn't mean I would want someone to be constantly taking it all the time for their own personal use
You're a skeleton. You don't have any semen. Also I don't think that goblins have to go to war with other tribes lie, the humans. They attacked the humans out of fear and their own will. See >>536963
All the more reason to find new neighbours less prone to throwing temper tantrums

>Also what would manlets do with all that metal?

Precious metals such as silver and gold tend to be highly conductive.

Having metals instead of being dragged to war every 3 turns would help us delve deeper into the world of metal working and electronics.

Also refer to >>534966

Not saying I want to betray anyone, far from it, I'm just stating facts.
So clearly, the kingdom
As opposed to the Barbarians who time and time again have said they want to kill everything that's none human. As soon as the manlets move in the barbarians would probably organize a lynch mob.
I blame scouting
and elves
hey notapaldin, if you are feeling kind can I get a drawing of Barbarian god standing behind a bunch of Barbarians and skeletons with them all looking badass and metal as fuck
nah the manlets are more valuable alive than dead
plus kobolds make cute pets and imps are metal as fuck and a great addition
>Says manlets should leave the dragons to preserve their race and culture
>Wants to make them into pets
only kobolds would be pets and they would be treated with love and care on the count of being too cute to wrong, Imps and gobbos would be free to do what they want
Their king is literally a Kobold
>War every 3 turns
>Your last fight was ages ago
Your last battle was at the group attack I think, then you guys returned to doing manlet stuff again.
I don't know why but I feel as if your edgyness was caused by you guys getting jackshit so much.
interracial relationships are bad
unless they are skeletons
everyone has one so it's ok
>I don't know why but I feel as if your edgyness was caused by you guys getting jackshit so much.
for whole game from the start we had only ONE above jackshit result on scouting
of course it's more profitable to start killing shit instead
then he would be the cutest, most well loved pet of them all,
And they wouldn't be pets in the traditional sense it would just be a title kobolds would get on account of how cute they are

I think you're missing the part where we've been spending half our actions working on combat bonuses because we're preparing for a possible attack situation.
I ain't suggesting interracial relationships just that we should keep kobolds around the most on account of being cute as fug
>Orcs are weebs
>Manlets are weeb race mixers
>Dragons are race mixing Jews
>Barbarians want manlet weeb pets

Suddenly being a gay hippy doesn't sound so bad.
sentient creatures are for killing, not petting

This is why we can't have nice things
>>Barbarians want manlet weeb pets
he is not representative of entire race
Just like barbaric senpai? At least we elves have never had anyone as degenerate as this.
not kobolds, they are too cute for death, unless its a death caused by overpetting and too much love
Dont listen to solid he is just being edgy again
Thats your stuff though, were doing plenty and getting stronk. Meanwhile you guys are doing the same as per king kobbos suggestion and a few other manlets.

Were not responsible for that since your fearing the barbs so you decided to gear up. Meanwhile we're just getting stronk because we've got nothing better to do.
harsh outside world made us recognize that only the strongest will survive
there is nothing but hostile wilderness out there
he is with manlets now, good riddance
stop being Death wannabe

And what of the imps?


You mean aside from playing with oddly shaped fruit?

Before you ask, yes that shit is most likely going to haunt you forever.


>there is nothing but hostile wilderness out there

Which is why we live in a literal cave
why so edgy at the moment?
I was doing well in convincing the manlets in joining us and then you come along and start ruining everything, we don't have to fight everything alone you know
Imps are metal as hell, with some spiky metal armour they would be perfect additions to the aesthetic of the villaige
Correction, it'll haunt that one dragon forever. He's our new ptsd dragon ever since the rock fearing one died.

Fine. Let's say that the dragons decide to go up against the barbarians.

What are we supposed to do?
>why so edgy at the moment?
>we don't have to fight everything alone you know
and why is that
I want the manlets to join to. Truth.

Gobbos can Metal
Join us in hopes we dont critical hit you with a meteor. You share a home.

Join us, no issues. And you get actual houses.
because the manlets would make great allies, even if they don't actually help in fights themselves their technological expertise can help us get bigger and better weapons and stuff to fight with which would let us fight more stuff ,plus they are basically a nonthreat, so we don't have to go full Hitler on their asses to teach them who is boss
manlets should stand on their own
if they are not, they are just slaves

All in due time...
Nah. They are the working class.
We are the warrior class.

And we have Rock Music and Skeledancing. Gobbos should make brass instruments and we can start something big!

King Kobbo and War Chief Skull Hood should be okay with things. But our Future NecroPope UnHoly Bones might say otherwise.
Well we don't really plan on attacking them because I dont really feel like it. And the citadel would need to be scouting by them and we have all our bonuses+holy bonus isn't likely to be assaulted. If they do though then do whatever I guess, be it fighting or running away I don't really care.
I can help with with vi va la revolution for trading benefits and technology sharing, but nothing more
class/cast system is shit
well since the next thread isn't till tomorrow, I am going to bed.
Remember manlets you should join us it would be much much more beneficial than what you have going now with the dragons/orcs and don't let Solids angsty edginess dissuade you. though if he somehow ends up being the only human around in the next thread, don't hold anything he does to you against us
pls don't choose to join the barbarians, we can win this war without them.. or we can't, but it wouldn't me much fun if we would win in 3 turns anyways...

It's at the very least something to consider alongside king kobbo. Rest well.
I honestly don't want you back either.
Please consider. As a turtler I'd recommend this
If the manlets do ever join you, you could throw a rock and decide to kill senpais character.
we get it, you don't like me, you don't have to respond to everything I say, telling me you don't like me :)
Fun fact, in the first two or so threads I was a dragon, but I left them because they were boring
What was your name?
Weren't you the one who rolled and you got barbarians twice.
You joined us trying to make us evolve and it didnt work. Why didntbyiu change a second time? Not that i want you to leave.
Yea, im okay without you.

You do good in Space Civ, tho. See you there.
was it you who rolled civ choosing a lot and end up barb anyway?
>You do good in Space Civ, tho. See you there.
were you talking to me?
'That one dragon everyone hates'
I didnt do much though mostly lurking because it was the start and the others shot down my fun Ideas and were just not active
yeah wanted to change and I couldn't decide who could join, but at the same time wanted to stay dragons because I am a disgusting scalie for dragons and reptiles so put them on the list as well as rolled multiple times, then dice god shat on me
at the time barbarians were the most fun looking and had just begun the path to edginess so I decided to stay to try to help guide you on the path and keep from straying from it, as well as remind of barbarians ultimate fate with my name
>as well as remind of barbarians ultimate fate with my name
you know the fun thing about that name
it was me who named CanonI also named Jojo
>Ended Villain Adventure with SpaceTime Paladin
I only 'participate' in this civ game. you probably confused me with someone else :)
>I accidentally and Indirectly cause end of masked wrestler and lizard freedom fighters from introducing the things that ended up ending them
>also in some necromancer adventure I cause them to go from being a normal necromancer into being a Holy paladin Necromancer
>in villain adventure 2 I caused all the female clones to all be serial Rapists
Xeno senpai?
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I don't think I ever ended any adventure, wasn't in my rolls
but I did combined everything into giant robots in RTS adventure, almost ascended via 80s music then got eaten by god, made metal wizard, that's all I can recall.
some other minor stuff along the way
nope sorry
K (You)

I did minor silly things like Zebra's Watermelon and Simon's coma adventure
>Simon's coma adventure
that one with apple?
Also Wastleland adventure One Punch Bugman and Metal Gear Fruit
No. The rape put him in a coma and Tex somehow followed him inside. Then Fug tried to spoop them in a cthulu suit
But yes, Apple was me also.
I liked one with apple more
It was a good one.
Waiting for king kobbo to discuss our current situation.

I'm reaching a point where i agree with the guy that suggested a discord channel, only that we should make it for everyone instead of just the manlets.
How so?

Some time ago one manlet suggested we make a discord channel for manlets only.

After today's chat i wonder if it wouldn't be best to keep post game chat in another place in order to keep the thread a tad cleaner.

Though that may be the lack of sleep talking.
Do what you gotta do.

You mean go get some sleep? Yea probably...
Yea. Me too.
We're not working with humans. They're tall assholes who raised our dead. If you remember back when we were trying to stamp out the undead in our own cave systems, 3 gobbos died because we couldn't make a decision.
That was before humans had necromancy I believe.
We didnt control those guys. I dont even think we had necromancy yet.

Also we never attacked you. And we dont want your money/loot.
It should be important to note that the barbarians who want you to join them want you and other Kobolds as 'pets'.
Rolled 3 (1d5)

Canon said that. Not me. I want their tech.
Okay. A substantial part or half of the barbarians who want manlets to join want kobolds as pets.
Rock Solid once to kill them.

So... 1/3 wants them a pet
1/3 wants allies
1/3 wants death to all
I don't know why, but I don't think they'll fancy those odds
probably next thread
hey, op, how are you? is everything allright, cause you kinda left in a real hurry. im just making sure your ok.
everything's cool.

I just dozed off
Just for the record I was joking/shitposting when I said I wanted them as pets, I just want them as allies
Though due to a lack of sleep I dragged my joke on for much much too longer than I should
it was in full shitposting mode at that moment since it was like 4 in the morning and I start shitposting when tired
we already have cute as fug Giant sneks as pets, we don't need kobolds with them competing for the love since that will end up with a lot of nommed kobolds accidentally eaten by jealous sneks
I just noticed I was using the wrong name, me skeleton now
And I finally unfucked my computer.
Just to miss all the orcs discussing plans.

I personally think its worth discussing for several reasons.

They're offering better conditions than "We'll take 70% of your findings in exchange for protecting you... sometimes".

Its also worth noting that they're after the dragons, not us. At least for now.

The undead in our cave system is something they didn't cause, since, iirc, it was before the joint attack, meaning they had no idea where we were and couldn't send undead that way.

Either way, even if you don't approve of them, from what I understood they're only attacking because of the dragons. To whom we're almost a slave race from what I gather.
Perhaps. I want to see all the Gobbo skeletons they have disassembled and burned, otherwise no deal.
I don't have a problem with that, you will have to check with the other humans, plus I don't think we have many gobbo skellies anyway, they are definitely a huge minority in our skeleton population,
Though perhaps instead of just dismantling them we could give them to you guys to use as you please, after all you could use the skeletons for more dangerous tasks and minimise the potential loss of manlet life

I'd also like to ask that you not attack the orcs while they're staying with us. Granted you guys probably hate eachother, but its none of our business.

If you desperately want to kill yourselves I suggest you find some ground away from here in which to do battle.

If this agreement does go through and you'd care to do battle in a semi-civilized manner, we can probably build a battle pit where you guys can have a go at eachother's throats every now and then.
well the main human antagonist is Solid, if he can contain himself and orcs contain themselves then everything should be fine

We cannot do that. The Gobbo Skellies have thoughts and feelings. Even if they are murdery, but they only kill what we kill. It's symbiotic that way.

I also dont want a skeleton rebellion for killing brethren. Manlet or otherwise.

We arnt Orcs, we do not willingly kill our own people ourselves.
Prolly gonna turtle at our crater for a bit. We wont attack if you guys need to discuss. But we arnt killing ourselves.
I won't have the gobbos work with the skeletons of their dead ancestors. That's an absolute I'm not willing to cross. There's also no way we live with the humans either. We can move out of the Citadel, but we aren't living in the human's fortress. We can 'work' together by giving you tech, but nothing more than that. As long as it guarantees Manlets won't die to a fuckhuge Meteor, we can do the deal. If you refuse these conditions, we'll keep coming up with tech to negate the undead.
I suggest moving into the Fortress because a missed or deflected meteor could end up smashing you.

Even if you're unable to contain yourselves, as long as you accept to fight inside and only inside the arena while you're here everything should be fine.

We don't want to get our homes wrecked because you decided to go after the orcs.


We've barely started work on the smeltery. We're in a prime position to take the few pieces we have ready with us. Hopefully we can find a cave that's richer in minerals and ores.

Hopefully we can sort out this whole undead business soon enough.
We are Necromancers with a Skeleton Chief.

He's not gonna kill skelegobbos.

Integrate them into your bone golems. They won't "die" this way, and there won't be anymore skelegobbos.

Everyone's happy.
We use the Gobbos for research. We cant fully trust you at the start.

You can have them teach a group of barbarians the basic research methodology before integrating them into the golems.

You'll end up with a small group of researchers this way.
You realize that a manlet golem would be a single normal sized fighter, right? And our golems are made out of animals amd smashed bones. Not self murdered skeletons
>dead ancestors
wat, the gobs skellies are just the dead gobs from the last coalition attack
well, I'm pretty sure it's been like 3 generations of gobbos that have passed since then
hence ancestor
It's been barely a year
Yea you guys just fuck like crazy. Imagine if you orgied.
nigga, I ain't sharing my semen
but really, tech actions are just more useful along with culture actions
We and Business Orc Discussed Crap and here's what I think could be a good plan to go
>Ignore Useless Weeb Shit
>Focus on actual cool Weeb Shit (Martial Arts, Awesome Armor, Awesome Hair, Awesome Techniques)
Also I feel that there should be a rule among us Orcs to not attack any tribes unless 2 or more have agreed too. Saitama Orc was too hasty when all that we did before the attack was have some of our Orcs killed, rape a dragon with fruit, and jack shit when Humans invested in tons of new tech and combat bonuses.

With the plan of action being
>Go to the Gobbo Cave
>Ask Orc God for Pop Boost
>Stay around for a few turns while we bolster our strength
>Decide whether to stay in Citadel or look for a new home like Elves
>Think up on how to beat Skeletons (I vote training our punches until we can effortlessly punch through rock and metal) but there's gotta be a more magical way

Oh and misc shit
>Call out humies that they can't look for the Power Gem since they have no idea what the Power Gem is or that it exists. More or less they would have just thought the Orcs got mad power from all that Weeb Magic or Something
>Green is Good

And shit I assume has fallen through with how the recent threads have went
>The Heroic Band of the Gobbo Orc Dragons fight the Evil Humans
Since Gobbos are now contemplating Human Fellowship and Humans (Nixing Rock Solid) seem to agree. Which means if they eventually plan to betray the coalition, we need to fucking specify that the orcs there learn smeltery and mining.

Too lazy to look up but do Skellies remember their magic? Wouldn't they be cut off from their source (Their God)? Would Skele Orcs be even able to teach Blood Magic considering they have no Blood?
don't worry, orcs
archivist seems to have a boner for humans
you orcs gave us the meteor metal and orc fu, we'd never betray you for that especially if we can get 3 civs to defend the citadel
Pffft. Who said orgied with humans? Gross.

We actively have not looked for the Gem, we just wanted a chance to roll if we found it or not as spoils, is all. But it is at the citadel anyways, so oh well.

And no. Their previous gods do cut off the magic and we can't learn it. That's why we have not discussed learning it.

On the contrary. I'd prefer to be left alone in order to focus on actual research. I'm just not a fan of the dragons because of the way we're being jewed.

If the hummies are willing to leave us alone its fine by me that's all.

I'm unwilling to stab the orcs in the back, especially since they're one of the few races that bother to treat us well.
We can however learn refined Orc Fu and bezerk
Whatever you guys decide to do is fine. You guys never directly harmed us outside of the coalition. Im just not killing my own people to meet demands. Im not asking you gobbos and kobbos and impos to die.
Just reminding, we Orcs still need a sort of trump card.

Berzerk was from Blood Magic though. And I doubt muscle-less, non-green, hairless Skele-Orcs skeletons can handle the full power Orc-Fu considering none of them have souls to manifest as spirits anymore. (That's how necromancy works right?) but that's up to NaP to decide.

On a sidenote, is the bump system here different? Like I swear we've been just behind that Orc Chieftain Quest for hours in the catalog
We gell off the bump list after 750 posts.

Also Skeletons work just as well if not better than humans. NaP skeletons have a very different toughness level.

And Orc Fu can teach us trained combat. Spirit fists and stuff came after for you guys. NaP can decide on that himself. I wont argue that outcome.
No no, berserk actually came from an orc meditating and then realized he didn't like meditating and got angry
That should help us then.
Now that we seem to have this entire affair in order, how do you suggest we proceed King Kobbo?
ah shit you're right. I was thinking of how Dragons made it into Dragon Rage as the basis.

Thread today?
NaP has been on and off socially today.

King Kobbo sure seems hungry for death. Maybe he's just a barbarian crouching.

Those ears are suspicious.

Yes there's supposedly a thread today

I doubt it's a hunger for death. I'm sure he has his reasons.
I think the problem is that we have been too antagonistic and evil as fuck towards all other races so he doesn't want to associate with us at all due to some sense of justice and ethics

Its a possibility.

Personally I'd just like to be left alone in order to expand our caves into an actual underground civ instead of being this attached to the dragons.

If we need to be more militaristic in order to achieve it, so be it.
>Decide whether to stay in Citadel or look for a new home like Elves
Well we could just spend a couple turns at the citadel learning about wheels and make a caravan to stay out of harms way for now.
I thought your gid disapproved technology that isnt used for murder?

You might lose his blessing.
We weaponize wheels then we use them to make a caravan.
It's easy, just add spikes to the wheels and run stuff over
>manlets only now invent spikey rocks
what funny civ full of savages

You mean orcs right?
We've gotta get the power armor working. We need to build a lightning rod that extends out of the peak of the mountain. Either that or keep upgrading our shock magic, but that'll take more time than just creating a lightning rod.

For tech, we've gotta keep creating tech to counter the undead. So that corrosive bomb idea we might have to do.
If possible, we could go on the caravan with the orcs and found a new civ out of harm's way of the humans.
Alright. We offered. You refused. Done deal. We are at war with Manlets
Why is archivist getting a massive rock hard boner towards humans?

Hehe get it it, rock hard
>We cannot do that. The Gobbo Skellies have thoughts and feelings. Even if they are murdery, but they only kill what we kill. It's symbiotic that way.
Nah, you've killed it off first. I specified for that in the deal.
>We are at war with Manlets
we are not technically at war with anyone
we just kill unhumans, same as fierce animals just with some tools at hand
that's a survival stage.
Hey look its the cheater.

Aka the dragon with a boner on his face.

A Rock Hard boner

We should finish up on the bombs in order to bolster our general combat capabilities.

I agree, we should bail and try to find a better place to live in since this one is probably going to go up in smoke soonish.


You guys aren't the only ones with undead running around. There are some in the underground, you know, where we mine and shit...

That being said, if you're so insistent, we might as well start working on those explosives I mentioned.
You killed it when you demanded death of our tribe. Dummy.
>raising OUR dead
>killing your tribe
Those are our Gobbos you took from us, human.

Fuck there go the peace talks.

Welp, back to making shit explode.
you attacked our home volunteerly while sucking dragons privilegies
stop being a wuss
You attacked us! We defended. We reaped our rewards.

Before I forget, wasn't the one god that could wipe out the undead was the dragon one? Didn't the dragons just refused to do so because "muh hoard"?
the best thing about it. Dragons, Elves, Orcs - all had reason to attack
Manlets - didn't have
they just do what dragons tell them
slave race
Lmao they volunteered for it.

Pretty sure iirc no one asked them to come and I tried making them stay because they'll get massacred
>slave race

And this is precisely why I think we should pack our shit and bail.
Just like how you volunteered for that big black fruit?
I blame OP
You really should. Look how much we've advanced in our magic now.
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that was good one
here is thank you pic for the chuckle.
I blame your gayness hurhurhurrrrr
We have a big "fuck you" door under our citadel anyway. If the humans come, forget about fighting we're immediately opening it

You mean the big "fuck literally everything" door? The one you shouldn't open under any circumstance?

Fukkin A I feel safer already.
>inb4 that ancient evil kills everyone aside of human cause of lucky rolls
>or that's a lolisniffer or greg. aka bros to the bone
>implying they wouldn't steal control of your skeletal army
Although it would be fun to see them again after Villain Quest 2 was so short.
At least it felt short
>>implying they wouldn't steal control of your skeletal army
what if we give them hats
My bad. I just like Space Time Paladin.

>mfw Shadow Boss ruler of Hell is in there.
I dunno man you're gonna go against THE villain.
They might give you Zebra for free though.

still better than DoozyBots
>Go for a wank
>When I get back all my work trying to convince the manlets to side with us went down the drain because people with no sense of diplomatic negotiation ruined it
I say we finish up on the bombs for the general combat bonus and scram.

We can continue building the smeltery once we've found safer ground, preferably in a place where people won't say we're safer because there's a literal door to oblivion beneath our feet.

That being said I have to bail for a couple of hours, will return soonish.
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Fuckin pic
I will let you try, but i am not killing our tribe members for it. Lets just gathet beasts and sacrifice them for the Liche
you are way too optimistic about our diplomatic sense when we greet other civ with raids
Canon wasnt there to stop us/you.

For the record, I think using Meteor on the citadel right now is not worth it. Lets work on the Liche and making a second fort at the crator.

I wanna be prepared in case the Door to Oblivion will just simply shatter or accidentally and permanently open.

Not that i am scared either way.
didn't we want to expand?
we just have to convince King Kobbo to put aside his currently over-zealously stubborn negotiating method and find some compromise that isn't "Do exactly what we say to the letter or no deal"
He just doesn't understand what we were offering a genuine, no strings attached Deal and he went and decided to be a stubborn prick trying trying to screw us over when we were being kind and not asking for anything at all other than for them to leave the dragons citadel to aviod manlet casulties because we would be attacking it soon
you may have no diplomatic sense, but I do and it was working, before king Kobbo came along and shattered everything by being an douche for no reason
>for no reason
I'm sleepy
blame timezones
oh hey who up for thread
here, boss
I'm for 2 hours at best
then good luck
Oh boy fresh bread.
I'm here
Yes we do. Thats what i am suggesting. Unless you mean make the village bigger across the river. Seems silly tho
Figured a second camp worked better.

Okay so it wasnt just me. KING K Douche is to blame
I wasn't saying you did it for no reason, King Kobbo did, the other manlets were interesting in a positive relationship with no strings since there was nothing hostile between us, then he came along and started waving stupid Demands and conditions
yes, maybe the other manlets should rebel against him or something, he has his head too far up his own ass from the power of being the 'leader' of their faction
>Yes we do. Thats what i am suggesting. Unless you mean make the village bigger across the river. Seems silly tho
>Figured a second camp worked better.
didn't there was talk about building fortress at forest remains?
Yes. A second fortress
Oh. I see why you are confused. The entire forest is a crator now.
Photoshop is messing up, pls wait
we can populate basically everything aside of mountain area.
maybe do that.
Visit the manlet part of the citadel and see if we can copy zap magic to later upgrade into lightning magic. I want to have thunderstorm barriers around the citadel.

We can alsotry to learn chemistry from them and find a way to mine iron and advance to the iron age

Gonna disappear for like 1 hour. Good luck
Hey any Orcs on?
We've gotta plan our escape.
Yeah we can easily get their lighting zaps from the exchange center I kinda wanted to do that also.

Chemistry for alloys though, I kinda want to improve the elementals to be better and to be a source of labor when needed.
Spread us waaay too thin. Just circle the crator and make a manmade lake. Ezpz
Manlets are you still interested in positive relations,
The terms are simple and no string, we won't or be hostile to you or attack, and you don't do the same
You might wan't to leave the citadel to somewhere else though to avoid getting dragged into fights, I don't think positive relations are possible between us and dragons
We will even help protect you if the dragons decide to be assholes about you leaving their fortress
Rolled 5 (1d10)

>The terms are simple and no string, we won't or be hostile to you or attack, and you don't do the same
>You might wan't to leave the citadel to somewhere else though to avoid getting dragged into fights, I don't think positive relations are possible between us and dragons
>We will even help protect you if the dragons decide to be assholes about you leaving their fortress
slaves need to get their freedom themsevles, otherwise they'll stay slaves
Don't attack the Citadel for four turns and you have a deal. That's my final offer. If you attack us or our new settlement in the future, then we'll never ever trust you humans again.
we should at least protect them until they get set up in their new place
that seems good, if the other humans have no problems then it is most likely a deal
Hmm... if the draggos attack we have a right to defend ourselves. But we will make no plans for 4 turns. Solid, Canon; Can we agree?
>we should at least protect them until they get set up in their new place
seems good the dragons seem to be too happy turtleing eternally anyway, we should track down and finish off the elves for now in the meantime
Also orcs as well if they are not in the citadel
because manlets are weak and without any defences or anything the dragons will easily massacre them if they get salty about them leaving.
they will be useless allies if they are all dead and dragon food
Alright, had to reset the PC for everything to work normal again

thread incoming
also if you want to make a decision for action
throw a rock
don't forget your roots.
>because manlets are weak and without any defences or anything the dragons will easily massacre them if they get salty about them leaving.
>they will be useless allies if they are all dead and dragon food
they need to pay upfront then
we do not provide free services
Because in exhange we can get tech from them and you can finally get your ColdGate faster than before. You'll get yours. Do not worry.

Protect them is keyword. They dont fight WITH us. Dont want to get hurt in battle bonuses.

We need to stomp the Orc flame out permanently. Lets get our Liche. We can make it rain on the elves after.
think of it as an investment, if we protect them now, they will hopefully provide us with cool tech and stuff in the furture
oh hey new thread
I don't believe promises of unhuman scum
>Humans set things on fire and call it an upgrade
You mean Humans right?
ah shit I am. I have classes in like 6 hours and desperately need to study for a quiz but on the other hand I don't want E-Orc in his lonesome here

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