Welcome to Adventure Civ Medieval!In this quest, you will help a medieval realm strive and grow as trouble arises and other nations work on their own agendas.There are four realms, that I will describe in the next posts. how to play:1) choose a realm to play for. change your name to reflect your choice (ex: Bowtie Noble). Max 4 players per realm.2)each turn, your realm has 2 actions. You can choose a cultural, technological, or immediate acion, plus one bonus action based on your realms' bonus action(if your realm has a bonus tech action, you can do any action one time per turn, plus a tech action).3)discuss with your compatriots which actions you will take. Once you're done, reply to my recap anchor post with the recap of your actions.
>>225068here's the map. I'll post the realms and their stories now.For those of you that were there for the tribe era, the cultures have evolved quite a bit, and each realm is facing one or more internal problems right now!
>>225070gimme dat sun
>>225070The people of the Sun are devout fishermen, masters of weaving and wrestling.they have a bonus Cultural action.The shamans have built huge stone temples throughout the country to celebrate the Sun and teach the people magic - for a price. They decide the fate of the country during their holy meetings at the capital.However, after centuries of peace and pleasures, the shamans have grown sloppy and lazy, and it is now deeply rooted in their habits to go wrestle and have fun rather than suffer a thousand pains just to get better at magic.They are in good trading terms with the Bowtie tribe, importing their cloth from there, but feel uneasy when their religion or social order is brought up.
>>225081Obviously more people need to be set on fire
hello !!!! so glad to be back
>>225081The Followers of the Spirits are a tree-dwelling bunch, hunting small game and growing fruit for a living. they have a bonus immediate action.Their common history has confirmed their trust in the elves against the rest of the world. Both people living together have developed mutual cultural qualities; the humans obey the food and everyday restrictions of the Elven way of good life, while the Elves have slowly integrated the inherent misogyny of their followers.However, the Elven women are as fierce as their men, and left by droves, menacing the already small Elven population of extinction. The few Elven women that stayed are determined to brew trouble and shake the patriarchy down.They are isolationists and have no relations with anyone, except some small trade with the copper engineers.
>>225111forgot I changed it to shaman, we don't even have priests.
>>225115The gang's back together.
>>225121A very small gang, but a gang nontheless
>>225125>>225121but we still back baby
>>225135Who says we aren't
>>225108The Kingdom of the Eternal Queen is a feudal realm, where the nobility manages their lands locally, answering only to the highest power of their Queen-Goddess. they have a bonus tech action.From the Forbidden Castle, behind her Ten Thousand Skeletal Warriors, the Eternal Queen rules her lands with an iron fist in a silken glove. In a steel gauntlet.Magic has been forbidden for longer than man can remember, except for minor fire magic for the priests. Only the Queen may use arcane powers in the kingdom, under penalty of death.The Queen has always been ruthless, but these days she has gotten terribly demanding in sacrifices, and her closest servants dread that she might be enjoying taking life more and more. At least, the capital has been clear of beggars lately.They have good relations with the southern degenerates. They host fun parties.They also have an open war with some of the Copper Clans, after a rather bold slave raid of Her Sacredness.
>>225150aww shit she's still alive? atleast we're still friendly with our bros
>>225108Well it seems like this is elf women shit is going to be a real fuckin pain in the ass. Are we still the physically strongest?
>>225150well then..... we necromancers now
Fucking finally! Tree claim!
>>225171Got any ideas for solving the elf population problem? I don't know about you, but I don't want to resort to making an elf rape dungeon to get more elf children.
>>225150The Copper Clans are an eclectic group of constantly feuding warlords and city-states, from a deeply materialistic, self-mutilating people, and minorities from all over the continent.they have a bonus tech action.Three types of clans have emerged of their centuries of struggles. each player of the orange tribe must represent a different clan, if possible, until the clans are united (if ever).the warlords are not the most numerous, but have the largest armies. Constantly feuding, these honor-bound warriors are ready to fight anyone or anything that thinks differently in the name of their code. They own most of the farmlands.the Golden Maiden are descendants of a group of legendary blacksmith women that decided to unite against their war-hungry husbands. Entirely clad in gold, these ladies are knights, lords, and exceptional blacksmiths all in one. Though they are skilled and well protected, they tire faster than men.They aren't very numerous, their armors taking years and considerable resources to make. They own most mines of the country and usually don't go on offensive wars.the Copper Engineers are the mind of their people. Their formidable knowledge of engineering gives them an advantage in battle, be it with ballistas or catapults. They have the largest fleet and conduct trade across the sea.The warlords are at war with the Red God and themselves. The Copper Engineers trade with the elves. turn 1 start!
recap anchor post
>>225168Any room left in the Bowtie Kingdom?
>>225217ya we're still filling out everything!
Aight, so what are we doin
>>225222we should probably explore on our first turn. you got any ideas for culture? we could try to get battlepets back because that's fun and they are kind of more focused on fun than on hard work right now.
>>225211ok soTech:Start to research the gearCulture:Royal Surgeons research the body and the soul to find a way to live forever without any side effects
>>225217Yep join in!
Opting for the copper clans
>>225221>>225231what are we doing for our turn and which clan r u?
>>225202room for warlords?
>>225226Yeah let's go with that, shamans start controlling animals to engage in cockfights( may or may not involve actual cocks) with money bets. Ya know, for fun and not a tactical advantage. We're gonna have to stage a reform soon.
>>225191No fear lads, Tree spirit archer is here> Make a cultural action for the integration of elves and men. This will merge the social makeup of our nation so that we have superior elf genes and super-stronk archer genes.> We are cool with copper engineers right? We should formally trade some techs with them for resources we have> I wonder if we still have our boar cavalry? We should develop them into an essential military unitThoughts?
>>225227Sounds good
>>225238reform should happen but we could implement some fun magic kinda things for starters.
>>225232I'll be the grand designer because no one else willI think it should be Tech: CrossbowsTech: Upgraded plate mail
Must change name to match the situation
>>225246ThereIm the copper engineers btw
>>225245Yeah, get some magic going first under the guise of "fun".>PRETEND to stare at the sunThis must not go on
>>225246okay im the golden maiden then
>>225232As my name implies I'd like to represent the golden maidens aswell.
>>225240I don't think we are cool with anyone anymore since everyone else sank the island. I also think we should put up some wall or palisade so we don't get raided by those elf women
Alright Copper fagsI proposeTech: CrossbowsTech: Boats ... Thought we made boats last time but oh well
Right, soAction: Explore surroundingsCulture: Shamans control animals for bloodsport and gambling
>>225234yup apparently
>>225274>They have the largest fleet... idk
>>225279It didn't say boats on our tech page
>>225270>>225202>The Copper Engineers trade with the elves.Opee said we're cool with some engs.I won't worry about the headstrong elven women, a solution presents itself. Elven men breed with commoner human women. Elf race doesn't die out, and women's sons and daughters will most assuredly have higher social status. Over the years, no social turmoil will exist because everyone is the same.That is, if Opee says they can crossbreed.
>>225288Sup brah
Okay Copper guysHow aboutTech: CrossbowsTech: Great ships with ballistas mounted on it
>>225227We should also look into building a wall to keep out the rats in the future
>>225303we dont know if rats are a problem anymore
>>225301okay sounds cool, im not that familiar with this quest, I followed the first 2 threads I think and i've played my fair share of civ qst
>>225202>>225301Because we are seperated in three tribes, would this mean that certain developments would only go to certain tribes first or would everything still be shared?Is it also just the warlord tribe that is at war with itself and the red god?
>>225288OK so then we train the cavalry, and integrate the elves.
>>225317sorry was away for a bit, but that sounds good
>>225334No probs
Shouldnt we try to get a way for the shamans to stop being lazy when it comes to sunbasking?Like that has been a huge entry point into our access to magic
>>225301Sounds good for now
>>225353Yes, but that comes later, now we get battle animals back.
>>225353yes totally, sunbathing is what made us great, but we could try to find some new ways to get our magic up again.I mean burning your skin for 16 hours a day is so 1000 years ago. we got these fancy temples now maybe we can use that to get some new rituals for spirit magic
>>225367Fancy temples with glasses, mirrors and all that shit so we can mazimize the sunbathing
ITS BACK.Is there still room in the copper clans?
>>225393doesn't look like it, but I wouldn't mind it if you took Warlordit's the chaotic faction after all
> mfw all these orangefags thirsty for orange clan dick instead of superior elven dick
>>225405I'll take over warlord then.
Any open slots for me to join?
>>225449We sun degenerates still ahve a slot left
I present a new form of battlecrabThis way they can bask in the sun and kick ass
>>225227Some doctors went to experiment on corpses to discover the secrets of life and death. When they started to get close to something, they mysteriously disappeared.A stolen copper barge was found, with a large weapon at its aft. From it, the gear could be discovered, and applied to castles for better defense.
>>225456battleCrabs (tm)
>>225460How mysteriously mysterious
>>225460All is fine
>>225460well i tryed. looks like now our only problem is trying to make turns without annoying the queen
>>225373Despite the people's efforts, the Elves would not accept human wives. Their union would be fruitless, anyway, or so they say.The ancestral Boar Cavalry has been reestablished, and riders are being trained again.
For the other coppers, I propose a culture action we could potentially do for this turn. I understand the war lords are constantly at war with ourselves and the other copper clans. I propose that should a individual wrong a fellow copper they are to duel to the death thus reducing the amount of large scale conflicts happening by the problems being solved with a honorable duel.
>>225485damn prude elves
>>225482We could try scouting this turn? Maybe try strenghtening our magic clerics?
>>225485The engineers made great progress with ballistae, minimizing the design to make crossbows, and refining their gears to build them on ships.They quite obviously did not share with the other clans, who got nothing this time.
>>225503our priests are only allowed weak fire magic we have to unlock the masses of death magic our queen has
>>225511I knew it, I knew this would happen. Dammit!
Rolled 21 (1d100)>>225317Wildlands scouting:1-30: nothing31 - 70: resources71 - 100: encounter
>>225514Like starting secret death magic cults hiding from the queen?
>>225522Look at all that wonderful nothing. Wonder what's kelp doing
I think the only way to solve the female elf problem is to send an emmisary to the female elves who left and ask what they want. As for the elves at home, I suppose ask the same thing? We certainly cannot threaten elven women the same way we threaten human women. A good action is to build a wall though, as Treetard suggested. Should we grow one from saplings + Accelerate growth?
>>225522not even kelp? c'mon man atleast kelp was something
>>225526nah that's only gonna kill people shes all powerful at this stage of the new game
>>225534Press F to Kelp
>>225518>>225487We should work on uniting the clans soon, that is why I suggested this so they will not go to not war so much with our own people.
>>225537this will probably still be true for this adventure as well
>>225522The people of the Sun went south to take a look around. They found hot and dry forests full of pines, but the scouting party got tired and went home.Cock fighting is the new rage at the capital. Shamans pretend they control the cocks like their ancestors once did, which makes for a good show and good coin.turn 2 start!
>>225511>>225313>>225542We should really do something about this seperation between clans, we won't be able to properly progress as a nation if we can't progress together.
>>225554> control their cocks
>>225558how about we start with the engineers being "hired" by the warlords to advance technology, then they kind of get absorbed into the warlord clan like the brotherhood of steel and scribes.
>>225558That is why I proposed that action, we cannot properly unite if my faction continues the wars with the others.
>>225554cockfighting is great but we should try to get ourselves fit and competitive again.
>>225536im gonnabrb skelle make up the turndo some more magic research
>>225570Ok, bye
>>225567lazyness is a killer
recap anchor postI'll be back tonight for the next turn
>>225566Forgot my trip>>225565That could work, afterwards we can work on integrating the Golden Maidens
Oh shit, are we back?
>>225567We need to also make the shamans stop being lazy fucks, by either reform the system or overthrow them using a new generation of magic users that got all their shit from paid magic school
>>225583yeah, how would you suggest making the reform though? we should probably use 2 culture actions this turn to get a start to making our civ not lazy anymore.
>>225590Well we gotta convince them somehow. Show them that the sun is disappointed with them and shit. For the other culture actions, we could have the warriors train harder
>>225578why dont we unite clan this way:SOCIAL CONSTRUCT:>warlords agree to protect people in exchange for being noble>engineers will become administators, beurocrats, and war advisors>Golden Maiden: shit i dont know, how about we split it up between engineers and warlords? They can retain rights to be individuals, but clan itself destroyed.we all represent different clans so it should work. The warlords are fragmented, but if the two of us representatives agree we should be fine. Anyway its not really a "union" as it is an articles of confederation right now.
>>225600i have idea to make you like you were what about Culture: the more tanned you are the more beautiful you are
>>225612>i have idea to make you like you were what aboutHas Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
Holy fuck we cant even control animals anymoreGuys>>225600>>225590We gotta geet motherfucking spiritual again and quickWhat are the sunbros if not weirdos that sunbathe naked, without that we are nothing
>>225607although I don't like our clan being destroyed I will agree with these terms IF the golden and copper maids can have their own guild and their own decision if they want to participate in any kind of war..
>>225576Tech: Use the Gear to improve the production of tailored goods Culture: Children from prominent nobles are apprenticed directly under the queen to pick up whatever magic she might deem to teach them
>>225617Indeed, naked sunbathing should make a comback as the current hottest fashion
>>225607This sounds promising, we should do this and once the alliance is set, the warlord forces that agreed could set out and crush the rest of the fragmented warlord clans. The social classes sounnd good also, but we need to make sure that they will not be 3 clans but instead a new massive clan with a new name.
>>225629How about we make it so that only SunShamans that have proven their devotion in some way get to be at the top of the hierarchy?Otherwise they are at the bottom and have to work the fields and stuff? that way they dont get to be lazy anymore
>>225627your ideas was better anyway so it doesnt matter
>>225633well this is medieval times and if we were all unified op would make that much harder. Think of europe with guilds and the nobles and merchants, this was much more common. Its not perfect though, but its a start.
>>225635Thing is, how would we enforce that law? They're the ones who have magic....buuuut there's a chance that none of them actually has any magic and are just pretending to do so for the benefits. We should train our warriors in preperation for this.
>>225617>>225629maybe look in the temples for some clues, we should also get a new order, we've got the whole group of shamans that make all the decisions, maybe only the shamans that devote themselves the most get some kind of vote or get more votes something like that.
>>225620>>225607The reason why our clan exists is to stop the war-loving clan(s) (I'm not sure what the engineer's view is on all the wars)The only way to actually try to get the Maiden's clan to dissolve would be to stop waging war on eachother. We could help you with that but If you expect us to just do whatever you want us to that won't work at all.
>>225643Engineers get control of the navy and siege Thats all I'm saying
>>225653Its only the warlords and golden maidens that have the problems:DDDD
>>225645Im thinking either >>225647We have the ones that do have magic (im sure some do) revoke others right to vote Or we can go the other way and raise a group of anti-mages to enforce itWhich could be a good investment for the future because other races can use magic tooMaybe they can be cloud themed? That way the cover the blessings of the sun?
>>225643Lets try it like that then, but the Golden Maidens need to not be abolished or they wont agree to this. We can get a resemblance of unity and the other clans will start sharing their stuff (I'm looking at you engineers.>>225653We will completely intigrate all the clans abilitys in time.
>>225670Op made us jewsWe keep the clans but we act as one nation. We fight together and share tech but we still have clan mentality
>>225666But then we would have to crossover the cultural barrier of thinking anything that blocks out the sun or impede its glorious shining rays is evil. And sooner or later we'd be worshipping other celestial bodies! We'll become a Sky themed tribe! Slippery slope my friend, slippery sloooope.Anyway, we still have to devise of a way to doing any of that first. Looking in temples for clues while the shamans are busy partying might be a good start.
>>225666Sunthemed for the shamans, Cloudthemed for the anti-mages. Sounds good clouds can cover up the sun after all. would the anti-mages come from the warriors group and only exist to make the shamans work harder for now? we can use them later to make some kind of fighting units out of them.I'd suggest the anti-mages and giving the shamans that are the most devote to the sun more voting power.
>>225607If I could suggest something, you could probably have either the warlords or the maidens be in charge of policing while the other is in charge of war.
>>225677Exactly what I am saying, the only problem I'm seeing is the golden Maidens not liking us because of our history but we can fix that later.
>>225670why can't we just have one country with the grand designer, the warlord and the golden maiden leading it? we act as one country but we still have different guilds and stuff
>>225677This is honestly the best suggestion towards our 'unification'. The warlords are only thinking about themselves and keep assuming they will lead if we were to be unified.
>>225680the temples could hold some clues for us. and I'm pretty against the idea that all our shamans have the same voting and shit. the incapable ones should not be on the same ground as the most loyal sunworshippers. it would give them discipline to strive for harder work to get better benefits.
>>225670I think OP made us into clans for a reason.Thats why he added (if they ever unite)He's going to keep us apartany wayCopper guys what aboutTech: Improved farming Actions: Scout the mountains for resources
>>225685>>225684>>225677How about trying to unify the country lead by a council consisting of an equal amount of people from every clan
>>225680Thats trueYeah it'd easily slip into us worshipping other shit and splitting our themesWell fuck
>>225689okay but I wan't to make sure we all get something from this so I propose sending one of my people with the scouting group
>>225687Indeed, but we still need some actual leverage against them first, as getting anti-mages may or may not be possible, and using them immediately in the same turn against the shamans even less so. We could at first find some actual devoted shamans and try convicing them to rein in the lesser ones with good old talking.And as I said, slipperyyy slooope, we may be splitting the themes here
>>225685>>225694I like the idea of a council, but it would I feel it would be best if only the leaders of the respective nations are members and they decide what to do. Meanwhile the clans are coexisting together.>>225697>>225689We should probably work on uniting before doing stuff only one clan will get.
So trees, hows about we scout out wherever the elfazons are camping.
>>225697This is fineSo everyone gets farming tech and representatives go into the mountains
>>225703Yeah I agree with you on the slippery slope, getting devoted shamans to form a group should be our first step to reforming, I mean we can't expect it to happen in one turn.
>>225532>>225712Thats what I'm thinking, we can use an action for that and then maybe trade some techs with coppers? maybe offer boar cavalry services for their wars? Otherwise, a wall is fine.
>>225710We the engineers will spread the new techs because we are the engineers and the most peaceful Look >>225689>>225677
>>225703Okay so fuck the anti mages thing it goes against our sun worshipping too much because our gods the source of magic to usBut we need the shamans back on trackSo how about we vote for Searching for old relics/places of worship to further our understanding of the old waysHave the shamans be required to demonstrate their blessing given to them by the sun to be able to voteThe second action will be an incentive for newer recruits because they will get recognition, it stops people being lazy and it means that the only people that have a say in religious matters are those actually the ones chosen by the sun
So can i have an agreement onTech: Improved farming for allaction: A group with every clan scouts for resources and stuff in near the mountains
>>225718>>225735We would have to also take into account of what would the slackers do in retaliation. Would they comply? Too lazy too care? Or would they react violently to their lazy ways being challenged?
>>225737I agree
>>225740we should think of something that gives them rewards if they devote themselves more
>>225722Boar cav mercinary corps sounds good to me, hopefully we can be payed with women this time instead of the other way around.
>>225728I liked the council because all 3 clans still existed separately but the leaders choose stuff to happen that would benefit them and the 3 clans. >>225737You're expecting the clans to just agree and share what they find, you're greedy jews meanwhile the golden maidens wont want anything to do with us until we work on uniting, you're saying we cant unite because of a vague statement.
>>225747"Who complies gets triple party farvors and an extra holiday. Work even harder to compensate for your off days and get even more. Plus we'll even throw in some kelp"
>>225740The slackers dont necessarily lose anything though, they enjoy doing nothing all day and thats all they want out of this situation.As long as we dont remove their ability to do that they should be fine, they probably wouldnt even care about losing their votes as long as it doesnt force them into somethingAnd thats something we can work on further down the line when there are more genuine shamans than not
>>225757At the moment the only one not agreeing is you...
>>225766Makes sense. We could even convince them with the fact that no voting= even more time to slack off
>>225766>>225762they do indeed not lose anything out of the situation, they can still slack and it gives us our first step into making them competent again.
>>225778>>225781Sounds like we have an agreement, good good.
>>225768I'm talking about the civs, if you were in the first thread you would know that a action conflicting with the peoples culture will either cause bad shit to happen or nothing. Golden Maidens dont like us, while you guys are greedy and dont share.
>>225785So what are our actions this turn?The first cultural one is "Convince the shamans to give up their voting rights with only the truly devoted be allowed to retain it. As that would mean more time for them to slack off and only the actually devoted ones would be bothered to stay"What's the second one?And what if all of them are slackers?
>>225806we should try to make being more devoted appealing instead of trying to make the slackers give up their rights.make the announcement like: "if you devote yourselves to the sun by praying harder you get these dank lost magics. also you can get into the shaman elites or something. slackers are still shamans that can use their magic for warding and scouting.
>>225806If all of them are slackers we are fucked because then we dont have any driving force to try and get spiritual againSecond action Scout? Do something with the crabs? if we even have them considering we cant posess people anymoremaybe do something with our wrestling tradition or the fact that anyone can pay for magic?
>>225816True we could just rephrase it as having a step even higher in the hierarchy for people with magic?That way they just lose out on a rewardBut then we'll have a whole group of the population be just useless, but we could address that later i guess
>>225786Well since he is taking awhile to respond to me I suggest this for the action.The 3 clan leaders are to meet in neutral land, there the warlords and maidens will negotiate to put their history behind them. Meanwhile the engineers will suggest an alliance where they protect all coppers and tech is shared ( they mention this part because their jews and want free stuff)
>>225820you'd still have a group that's useless right now. but we can fix that later. this turn should only be the start to a great civ again.
>>225817We could get the warriors to learn magic too as a backup and to gain battlemages or Sun Paladins
>>225823This is only one action, you guys decide the tech as we need atleast one tech action.
>>225833sunpaladins would be cool as fuck, we should make warriors into battlemages again
>>225834tech: researching better form of government to unite clans
>>225833I get the feeling we are going to end up getting closer and closer to being catholic style crusaders and im not sure how i feel about that But im 1000% down for getting our crabs and battlemages back
>>225834idk, do we have shields? it would be kinda handy to have those...
>>225850we're still incan/aztec styled with a tint of the crusades.
>>225850>catholic style crusaders and im not sure how i feel about thatFucking awesome, filled with rightous zeal and the desire to bring the sun's light to the unenlightenedSadly we don't have the equipment to look the part yet
>>225861But thats so different from what we've been like up until nowWe are just the peaceful dudes that stare at the sun naked and wrestle with eachother in the least homo way, plus armor would feel out of place considering we stay naked so that we get more sun on us
>>225851I can support shields, those are always usefull.
>>225867>least homoYou mean non-homo my friend.
>>225875Well theres always going to be a little homo in there
>>225886a lil gay is okay
>>225886Please, what's homo about 2 naked sweaty oily men grabbing each other under the hot sun to showoff their physical prowess
>>225894it's just dudes being bros
>>225846No we need shields
>>225874>>225851>>225846Sorry for not being active for a while.How about we do this thenCulture: create a council consisting of an equal amount of leaders from all three clans.Tech: Invent shields as shields are a great form of protecting besides armor.
>>225906So its agreed for shields. But remember we need to solve our cutural problems before a council can be made, thats why I suggested a meeting of the 3 clans on neutral grounds.
>>225861>>225867so we're agreed on the first action right? devoting yourself to the sun more will give you more magic, and something with more votes in the council?second action should be making the battleshamans a thing again.
>>225927I'd be down for those options Once we get back to our former glory we can mix things up
>>225923>>225906How does this sound thenCulture: Have a meeting of the 3 clans on neutral grounds To talk about the creation of a council. (consisting of an equal amount of leaders from all three clans.)Tech: Invent shields as shields are a great form of protecting besides armor.
>>225935I already detailed would happen during it here.>>225823This justs put more detail into it so its more likely to succeed
>>225927Yeah, first is convicing the shamans to give a shit with sweet titles like "Super Shaman", "Elite Shaman", "A Ray of the Sun", "Steve", and whatnot.Second is training warriors in magiiic with a college scholarship program
>>225947I agree with this, sounds good.we should also think ahead a bit probably. like what will be our long term plans
>>225952Either light everything on fire so all can be as gloriously incandescent as the sun or spread the word of the sun to everyone
>>225952Well as far as the factions in this quest go, we are pretty much the completely spiritual one so i say we stick to that.Be like monks and keep in with just using simple materials and further increasing out spiritual connection.Maybe we can make like mormon and try to find varying races in the world and try to enlighten them? Or perhaps we can delv into alchemy a bit too, maybe find some liquid light?
Coppers I think we cool with this >>225942I dont think the unification will work but hey.. Im not the one in any danger
>>225986yeah let's do this
>>225979"Hello sir, have you heard the good word of our lord and saviour, The sun?"
>>225979>>225973trying to find races to join our sunloving religion would be fun, we should try to remain as peaceful as we can. I love being the lovable goofs of this civ.
>>225990how about the holy virgin: steve?
>>225997Yeah i definitely done want to go the war monger/forcing people to do shit routeWe are stupid as shit and i love it
>>225986I don't think this will really bring any danger.
>>225986Alright then lets do this, if we need too we can use more turns to fix our differences and unite properly since they will most likely make demands for the other clans there.
>>225997>>226003And the fact that the last time we did the lovable retard routine, we basically became the cause of why the island sunk
>>226009we can be lovable and smart now! crusaders that spread the sun religion.
>>226009To be fair everyone was in panic mode and you had no idea that would happen.
>>226009Ehh the sun willed it
I'll update tomorrow night after work. See you then!
>>226028The night is young Opee
>>226020Sol Vult
>>226028Have a good night opee
>>226028Goodnight opee
>>226028See ya
>>226028Good night.
>>225576>>225942Just linking our turn since you guys seem to agree with it.
>>226028good night!
>>226041let's make the recap post for opee!Culture: the existing shamans are lazy but found something in the temples about magic that they used in the past. a group of shamans decided to strive for this level of magic, they are the super shamans. Culture: training warriors in magic to become battlemages through a scholarship programsomething like this?
>>226064We can't just say "they found something in the temple about magic". We're players, not game masters.
>>226064>>226089So the action should either be "go look in temples for magic clues" or "motivate lazy shamans by promising them sweet sounding titles if they actually start working"
>>226089true though. try to find something about ancient magics and those who strive for greater enlightenment earn the title of super shamans?
>>226097Yeah just phrase it as something like "Introduce a higher new rank to shamans that can only be achieved by showing magical results, their votes are worth much more than that of the regular shamans"
>>226116let's phrase it like that! anyone wanna make the recap?
>>226143How's this: Culture action 1: Motivate lazy shamans by introducing a new, higher shaman rank. Only obtainable through showing proper devotion to the sun and magical prowess. Those who gain this rank will have better voting rights and their words will worth more than the regular, lazy shamans.Culture action 2: Establish scholarship program for warriors so that they can learn magic too. In order to creat battlemages
>>226157Sounds pretty much spot on for what we want yeah
>>226157yah this is good
Long live the Eternal Queen
>>226224that's a deluxe treat, I'll take it
just posting shitty fanart till tomorrow i gues
>>226224it's beautiful
>>226224>read that as "wanna bone?"oh jeez
>>226294just saying if you fought in gold you would die:>way to heavy>way to soft>way to visibleyou wouldnt be able to move and a sword would cut you in half
>>229415yeah I was thinking about that but I tried some other colors and this one looked the most badass, idk maybe iron/copper with a layer of gold or something..
>>229415It might not be practical, that's how they rollThe few golden ones barely fight themselves anyway, they lead
>>229698when can we expect the new update desu?
>>230337I'm home. I'll update after dinner
>>230483whats for dinner? <3
>>230490 ma dick nigguh srry had to do it
>>230490Probably frog legs and snails with a side of baguettes, and a cigarette for dessert. A truly universal french meal.
I'm hungry for some sunworshipping
So how hard do you guys think it'll be to get the 3 clans to stop bickering and unite properly? I think we'll need to do quite a bit of work.
>>230508I would say somewhere along 600-700 on the absolute mohs scale of hardness
>>230514 :Bowties only: we need a way to control the queen so we can do tech turns without any royal interference
>>230504me too
>>230517You didn't hear this from me but just remember there's a certain faction thats directly at war with your queen that may or may not help with any revolutions in return for something of equal or greater value as payment .
>>230546we still want the queen but as more like a kinda fake royality
>>230549All I can say to that is good luck trying to remove her from absolute power like that.
>>230549she's been alive for ages no way she's gonna give her royalty up
>>230546also she's way op so it will probably kill both factions
>>230562Were talking about the civ with the largest armys and the the best equipped including a load of angry bowties wanting change against 10k skeletons. I'm pretty sure we could deal with that if you guys get on board.
>>23057310k skeletons lead by a lich with crazy life stealing magical abilities, don't forget that part
>>230573>>230577Lets also not forget the blight cloud and flesh golem magics
Man I aint risking a jewish engineers life We'll provide artillery from the water thats all
>>230577Yeah that too, good thing theres only one of her though.
>>230581And her cleavage
>>230562I think the best way to deal with her is through the nobility who are closest to her social standing
>>230582Well, thats basically your speciality so once we deal with the whole uniting thing you wont need to be protected by terrain or defenses but instead by an army in the coppers battles. Really hoping we we'll just mainly just have to deal with the smaller warlord clans and not also deal with the maidens being butthurt at us for liking war.
>>230592I don't think we'll be too butthurt about being at war, it's the fact that you're constantly waging war (against yourselves)
>>230631I kinda interpreted your history as not liking war in general. If your right that means we can use that as a means of unification by dealing with the smaller warlord clans starting shit therefore stopping the conflict and giving us all reasons to get together.
here I am let's do this
>>230648Not liking war in general doesn't mean we don't understand that a war could be beneficial in the end. Though we'd be more of a defensive/ supportive unit
>>230657chieftess loves playing with bones doesn't she?
>>230664she loves dem boners
>>230658You guys could be like a permanent garrison due to you guys mainly fighting defensive wars. Mean while the warlords and engineers go out and do most of the fighting needed.
>>230657That's actually how she sucks out the life of her victims
any other greens here other than me?
>>230680Lurkin around
>>230678Do we have pirates? I really thing we should invest in pirates.
>>230697really? we be pirates now?
>>230699Nahh, it was just for fun, there's not really any benefit.
>>230709For Copper eyes only actually we could steal tech and shit from the other nations....
>>230713But they would know it was us
>>230723How?That would be meta info buddy :DDDDD
I think we're missing two recaps, or did you forget to link them?Turn 2 end!The Bowtie Kingdom applied the gears to their thriving textile industry, greatly improving the quality of clothesmaking and making it more affordable. Fashion is a very important part of a guard's life, for the display of their wealth, but also in hopes a family member will honor their family by being chosen as Consort.A Heir family, far descendants of the Queen, diplomatically tried to give one of their daughter as apprentice to the Queen. Her response was hard with contained anger: "How many times, how many centuries will I have to repeat myself? My magic will never be used by anyone else but me! Wizards only bring death and chaos, I don't care if they're my blood or the last of the rat folk! Now go, unless you want to be on the next sacrifice list!!"Nobody dared bother her any more this year.
>>230728I forgot which post is the recap anchor post, so here is ours, jsut in case>>226157
>>230728well fuck
>>230728This was our recap I think.>>225942
>>230728The queen needs to have an "accident" :DDDDD
>>230728The Golden Maiden called for the Seventh Council of the Lords to take place on their grounds. Most of the greatest warlords agreed to come, and a representative from the Grand Designer. It started promising, though most of the lords were staying dead silent and barely cooperative.Until a warlord came late because he suffered an ambush. He immediately blamed another, whose banner was found on the attackers. Said warlord blamed another of setting him up, and...Well. The usual.Except this time, the Maiden and engineers were involved. it was a bloody year.
>>230728yeah the recap for ours is Action:scout for female elf rebelsAction:make mercinary boar cavalry unit for orange clans to use.
>>230760What about the shields though?
>>230762>Bowtie Skellie>SkellieJust what a skeleton would say
>>230768G A S P
>>230765Check tech list
>>230760>>230763Why are the engineers and the golden maidens seperated from eachother.
>>230781materialistic vs. spiritualistic societies, mostly
>>225576just in case you didnt see the other one>>230761
>>230781Because we hate PC and you girls are feminists
>>230797They also have cooties
>>230805cooties are a myth
well damn, so what we gonn do now?
>>230760Some of the most devout Sun Shamans had enough of the carefree behavior of their peers and, together, decided to stand up and forbid the Grand Pyramid to anyone who doesn't live following the Way the ancients have set. To avoid too much discontent, the booted shamans were given profitable and honorable positions as military teachers, teaching their tricks to troops, greatly improving their scouting and magical perception.The Sun Shamans of the capital, calling themselves the Classical Shamans, have made good progress, and regained some lost magic. But no matter how hard they try, centuries of comfortable life makes it too hard for them to go as far as their ancestors in the Ways of the Sun and hurt themselves for their faith.
>>230811possession woohoo! we never really used the wraith anyways.
Copper goysHeres my proposalTech: Water Wheel millAction: Sow spies in the warlord families..
>>230761rebel scouting:0-40: hostile encounter41-80: discovery81-100: encounter?
Rolled 49 (1d100)>>230820
>>230815BUt our magic powerlevel is still pitiful! We need to try harder, get some DBZ shit going. Time to get naked and stare at the sun intensly again. Pain is merely a minor setback
>>230817why can't we just make some wedding connections (although the maidens wouldn't like to be married to some war-loving brut)
>>230823we should probably invest in the people some more. get new techs or something invest in fishing or agriculture. or just get naked
>>230820hopefully we didnt discover kelp or some shit
>>230829Getting naked is what everyone of us would do anyways no matter what happens, it's a no brainer
>>230833But kelp is awesome
>>230833welp, it's kelp
>>230834we still haven't figured how to make glass. if we used glass we could make the temples filled with glass and make praying not take hours of the day but instead only a little bit of time each day.
>>230837Kelp is just sham trees that grow underwater, you cant fool me.
>>230850Amazing how centuries have gone by and we still haven't discovered that yet. We should invest in extensive research. AKA use fire magic on sand all willy nilly until something happens.
>>230860so tech: discover glass or use fire magic on sand to find new awesomeness
>>230820A chief ordered a suspicious Boar Priestess to be watched closely, and it turns out he was right to do so! The woman has been caught talking with an elf woman late in the night. They talked briefly and quietly, but the spy could overhear something about the Copper merchants.Meanwhile, a bold chief took his proud boar warriors over the sea, to profit from the chaos of the copper barbarians. They are confident in their skills against the rabble they're facing, and earn a king's share for their services, most of which goes back to the mainland.turn 3 start! there will be an event next turn!
>>230817Things that I think are important to do:-Increase the relationship between the engineers ant the maidens (they can benefit each other through blacksmithing and engineering, also because the maidens have acces to the most resources) From this we can also work together to try to stop the warlords.-Try to become more industrialised -Improve our blood magic
>>230867Wrong frame bro
>>230868I'm with this too But the warlords control the farms... maybe our fishing should expand..
>>230860>>230863you already had discovered glass. It's just hard to remember everything. I'll fix the tech tree
>>230867idea:Culture:The queens scribe writes about her life and the history of the kingdom on cloth scrollsTech:glass using fire magic
>>230871ah god damnit
>>230867OH FUCK WE GOT CULTURALLY ENRICHED BY THE SUNS! I knew we couldnt trust that kelp.
>>230875Cool!>>230878we should totally get glass up in the temples as magnifying glasses to use as rituals. (this would also mean we can use it as a culture action)
AlrightAction: Build rice farms on the coast and near engineers and maidensTech: Waterwheel mills We will use the waterwheel to increase our industry.. The extra food will boost engineer and maiden strength.Then we subdue the warlords
>>230867here's the right picture
>>230868Alright I'm back finally, I agree with the maidens and engineers, once they cement a proper alliance they can work with the largest war lord family to deal with the rest of them.As for industrialising we can have the engineers work on a means if mass production.>>230885We already have mills.
>>230868yeah I agree, the maidens and the engineers need each other if we want to make more advanced things, and what does fellfire do again?
>>230877I think we should also try scouting to the north, find out if the rats are still hostile?We could also look into strenghtening our guards, instead of magic, maybe create an order of knightly knights, or witchhunters or something?
>>230877ah..... do we have glass?
>>230885But If we don't use a culture move to try and increase the relationship between the maidens and engineers then the engineers will just keep the waterwheel mills for yourselves
>>230884Right, so first culture action: Install glass into temples to focus sunlight for rituals and general worship.The other action, well, we could try to research some new tech or research magic again to reach our ancestors' level
>>230890Well ..Then we should make gears to make a assembly lines powered by horses.Then we can sell weapons to the elves to wage war against the greenswe america using the elves like ISIS.. what could go wrong
>>230893no that will only hurt us in the long run it will bring a anti magic culture and make it hard to progress magicly
>>230902kek, im in>>230898yeah we prob should do this first...
>>230902We already have gears but dont have horses, we could try and make a person powered assembly line right now though.Also for the second thing, just no. They've been our ancient allys. We should use our cultural action to cement an alliance with the maidens and engineers.
HOL UP AYYY HOL UPSTEAM POWER NIGGASwe'll use the coal from the mines to heat water and they power our factories...so likeCulture: The engineers and maidens fuck or something and they both close nowTech: Steam engine combined with our engineering industrialises our factories
recap anchor postgood night~
are we fine with the turn i made?
>>230903true, but i think its best to just obey the queen and give up on getting more magic and instead make up for it in physical strenght
>>230900I'd love to get some new tech. maybe agriculture?
>>230929Yeah, some new plants aside from kelp would be good. We've been eating that for centuries, sometimes ya just want some variety
>>230913I like the steam power idea since our guys are really damm smart and we have everything we would need.But change the culture action so it actually mentions an alliance between engineers and maidens.
>>230919Maybe use the tech option to combine steel with our earthenwork castles to reinforce them?
>>230935I love kelp and fish for a diet. but i'd love to eat some berries for a change.so it's decided then: culture: glass temples. Tech. agriculturei'll make a recap post next post.
>>230937do you really think we can get a fully functional steam engine i just one turn? we can just start with this thing (pic)
>>230947Thats fine Its a step toward a powerful techOr we just do steam pistons.
>>230945Good good
>>230947We need to start somewhere.
>>230917culture action: Install glass into temples to focus sunlight for rituals and general worship.Tech action: Discover agriculture
>>230939so Culture:The queens scribe writes about her life and the history of the kingdom on cloth scrollsTech:Steel Doors and fortifications
>>230964yeah, sounds good
This might be a little crazy, but i suggest we get some diplomats and send them over to the all of the copper tribes, even the one ruled by Miss Moneybags ruling the El Dorado of women and gold over there. And we establish an embassy to try to help them reconcile their difrences and work as a middleman. While we are there, we will look for disgrutiled lesbians and offer them honorary man status if they join us and infiltrate the elfazon lair and give us reports on their secrets. What do you think of that?
So can we agree on this?Culture: The engineers and Golden maidens are to try and unite with the hopes of stopping the warlords war mongering with the aid of the most powerfull warlord family so they can claim their lands.Tech: the engineers are to create a steam device capable of moving gears
>>230978Please note since I didn't make it clear that the war lord family helping them is doing it to gain controll of the war lord lands, so no more wars
>>230955also, I don't think we're gonna be able to further our magic right now. most of our shamans are still pretty lazy and aren't praying to the sun too much.if we want to get all the high level magic again we should probably take our lazyness into hands.
>>230990Yes, let's get those improved temples first and work from there. If the current shamans can't deal with pain like the naked beach bums of old, we'll train them to! With intense focused sunlight! Sun wills it.
>>230978i agree
>>231005exactly. we've got to work in steps here.
>>231019Indeed, we're sun people. We chill and do things step by step. Like our pyramids. Because they also have steps.Deepest lore.
>>230978>>230988>>230917I'm linking the turn since it seems a majority agree with it. If this works the wars will stop *hopefully* since theres there only one warlord family left that controls the warlord land.
>>231081The warlords are basically like japan when it was separated into lots of clans. We have to support one clan into winning over the others.
>>231140Thats exactly what the maidens and engineers are doing, supporting the biggest warlord clan so they can absorb the rest of them. Also I just realized they are exactly like japan with all those mini clans fighting after you said that.
>>231157The coppers are basically the japan stand-ins afterall
>>231157Would that make us the portuguese?
>>231194No, the sweeds, because only advantage being near westerns.
>>231213>>231351these meant to go together
For elven eyes only>>230971>>230867 I disagree, our policy should be to divide the Warlords so that our nation remains strong in comparison. The spy mentioned copper merchants being discussed by the women rebels, so we need to be wary of them if they grow strong in case they lure the women. We can maintain friendly relations with one clan, but if any one has too much power we gotta intervene.I propose we focus on the increasing dramatically what little elven population we have now by increasing agricultural output dramatically. In the long run, elven population will increase and more female elves will be nurtured. We can then use a culture move to promote some incentive for this new women elf class to remain loyal to the old regime.
>>231770woah dude, if you want to discuss secret strategy just give me your steam ID and we can talk on there as for what you talk about (FOR GREEN TRIBE ONLY. DO NOT LOOK) We need to have diplomats in all of the clans so the very reason of dissuading them from siding with the rebels. We can achieve alot more with a unified copper country as an ally than one that is lawless and fragmented that hates us for preventing their unification.The elven population is stymed by the lack of women, limiting their growth by the amount of women who can be pregnant. sure, in the end they will return to the same numbers they once had, but new elven females that are born still have the possibility of running of to join the rebels. We need to deal with the rebels to prevent our periodic loss of elves from happening.
>>232377Perhaps we should... Remove the women= currency? Its a pretty old social norm and its clearly hindering progress. As important as our values of proman society is, its also important for elves to be around.
>>232389Im not so sure Opee would be inlcined to remove a cultural trate that we have had from the start, and would probably be engrained into our culture by now.also give me your dang steam ID man.
>>232399Dont have steam. We can evolve women currency norm to give more freedoms. Maybe females have limited seat at council?
Also can Op clarify a few things? > what riches did we get from Orange lands?> what do we trade with copper engineer?> do we control elven council too or just the humans? > we have only one village cheiftain or many? Consequently, we are all in one village or what?> are elves able to teach us magic still? Couldnt we just allocate magic usage to elves?
wew Opee game is back.I will join sun nation, like in last edition.
>>233679So what we doing now guys?What techs we have?What resources we have?
>>233670> what riches did we get from Orange lands?your large pay in gold and substantial looting.> what do we trade with copper engineer?copper and iron tools for exotic fruit and spices> do we control elven council too or just the humans? The elves may decide differently from the masses, but they're a lot more involved in the common interests than the Queen.> we have only one village cheiftain or many? Consequently, we are all in one village or what?many fortified villages of varying size under the guidance of the Grove capital.> are elves able to teach us magic still? Couldnt we just allocate magic usage to elvesno. The current level of magic includes the elves.
>>233697Copper fags what does he mean by >what riches did we get from the Orange lands?Did the mercenaries basically rape us?
>>233650I'm just worried about giving women too much power, since we know some of them were in cahoots with the rebelves and this knewfound power could mean they have an easier chance of sabotaging our efforts.that's why I wanted a spy force we can trust to tell us which of the women is working against us.
>>233731oh hell no aint nobody be raping muh body
>>233737Alright, we can employ a gestapo to keep the peace at home. We should also expand a navy, starting by researching shipbuilding.
>>233731>lowering the resale value of a woman through rape.If we were to loot women it would probably be through kidnapping. Besides it's not like women are the only currency we have, they are just the most valuable thing, kind of like real estate.
>>233687We have kelp, the others are not important. Ayyy.Just check the right side of this pic to see our stuff >>230811
>>233731Nah they just got paid by one of the warlord clans to support them in the war.
Op i think you should give the clans of the orange nation additional turns Like a clan action..
>>233746Sounda OK to me, what do you think of getting foreign women for the job? Do you think there is too much of a chance that they'll become turncoats?
>>233751Every tribe starts with a major hindrance, this is yours
>>233752We can use gelded men> can passoff better as women> wont get seduced > wont feel like betraying genderinb4 futas
Copper peepsLets just assassinate all the warlord families
>>233758um wut? why can't we be friends huehue...
>>233757Sounds pretty good to me, though how do we determine who gets castrated?
>>233758Literally all they do is war, they've probably had people try that against them already. The best chance of dealing with them is what were doing by having one warlord absorb the rest. Since that warlord will be supported by the other 2 clans.
>>233766What if I propose absorbing one clan into ourselves? You will have two clans left and can probably unite faster given fewer clans means more likelihood of a turn you want being completed.
>>233770We should be able to do that ourselfs considering if we were to take your offer we'd lose a third of our nation.
>>233776Yeah didnt think the offer would bite, but worth a try
>>233757So should we castrate the newborns of parents that have shamed their name as a type of penance? Would that be a cultural action?
>>230735How about we stop fucking around with magic and the queen for a while and go for those sweet RNG scoutings?
>>233800Sounds good
>>233800are you sure you want to scout for rats?
>>233805It's better than getting cockblocked on an action by the queen again. Plus, it'll be just like old times.
>>233808gotta love the old times of kelp and rats
>>233813So much I'm willing to propose my team scouts directly specificaly into the fucking ratlands.Scout farmlands and apply gears to our weaponry to create crossbows or some shit. Sounds about right?
>>233815*Ratlands, not farmlands. I don't want us to scout ourselves.
>>233815Maybe develop windmills? windmills are nice
Lets start selling the elven women crossbows and advanced weapons,We need money
>>233749So what about using our crabs on farms? (to plow the field)Or creating some magic shirnes or something like radio antennas (in range of that antenna everyone could use crabs as mountable animals)
>>233819Windmills is good.SoTech : WindmillsAction : Scout RatlandsGo with this?We'll yet have our revenge on our ancient enemy.
>>233796>>233757Hold on there might be a problem if we use eunuchs, because if one of them gets caught, the women would just start checking suspected spies crotches and we'd be back to square one.Honestly i think the only way we are really going to beable to solve this with now drawbacks would be to learn some sort of illusion magic.but for now lets agree that we should increase our agricultural tech.
>>233824yeah, that sounds like a good next turn
>>233822Well we don't have any fields yet, too busy partying for centuries
>>233822that sounds very useful. also using animals (we don't necessary have to use crabs) to help us in work with possesion should help us with certain techniques.like using crabs for help with fishing. oxen for help with farmlands (after we hopefully get that after next turn) etc.
>>233829What about creating some better weapons from obsidian?Like chakrams, bows and arrows, swords like thishttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macuahuitlor some fire magic staffs.Do we have some ranged weapons?
Back saw your new turn im fine with it i was being to focus on the queen we need to progress before we can handle her
>>233839I don't think we do. I don't think we eaven have weapons. Pretty sure all of our combat options come from magic and wrestling
>>233847>>233839we do have obsidian weapons. so I imagine swords but not bows.we could make staves and imbue them with spirit/fire magic for our shamans.
>>233839also we could make those macuahuitl for our warriors.
>>233847>>233850>>233851So we need:+crabs and oxen to help in gettin' more food+better melee weapons (obsidian Macuahuitl?)+ranged weapons (obsidian chakrams?)+better fire magic and some fire magic staffs...and what else we need?
>>233855A wrestling promotion that runs every monday
>>233855those are all pretty good objectives. we should try to focus on our whole civ for a while. using culture actions to make the shamans less lazy and make them strong again. and using our second option for things like you mentioned, and for the welfare of our whole civ. so things like upgrading agriculture after we get it. better carpentry etc.
>>233826> implying there is such a thing as illusion magicWe'll just train women spies, not too bad an idea. Theres bound to be loyal stockholm syndrome-esque women. Anyway, we could use another spy scout action instead of coming up with a structure.
>>233821We dont really need money when we literally make it out of our gold. Besides they cant offer us anything the trees dont already have.
>>233859>using culture actions to make the shamans less lazySo they need some work...Maybe they should make some calendar (like this mayan calendar)?
Wheres OPChristmas Please can we have more than one update a day
>>233875No, you take that update and you'll like it
>>233864yeah that sounds the best, we could even just have someone follow around that boar priestess to try and glean what their plans are,but for now should we just go shipbuilding or agriculture for our tech move?
Tech: IrrigationAction: Train only the most loyal women to spy on potential revolutionary activities of some women.
>>233875Opee probably has a life besides this and might be too busy to be able to make more than 1 update a day.
>>233889He has a a job according to his twitter
here I am, let's go
>>233900Welcome back.
>>233900hey opee!!!okay copper guys what we gonn do?
>>233909First I want to see if our plan with the warlords backfired like the council. Then we go from there.
The Classical Shamans found old paintings depicting giant glass lenses, and decided to build one on each temple. The morning after their construction, the sun burnt grass and houses in a line from the outskirts of town to the temple. They turned it into the cities' main streets and moved the houses elsewhere.Their long use of papyrus taught them how and where papyrus and similiar plants grew, and they managed to divert streams to create artificial, suitable fields for rice and reeds to grow.The widespread school system helps increase the numbers of classical shamans quickly, and they are now present in all major communities.
>>233872how would that help with making them work?
>>233914But since we created that steam device, we should use it to power assembly lines so we can make supplys easier and faster. It'll basically be be like a line of people doing each step as the parts go past them on the assembly line.
>>233917sweet, we're doing pretty good here. we got basic rice farms now maybe upgrade them with the use of animals or get something from >>233855 done.
>>233912I had an idea for our long term goal for the tribeWe work on things like alchemy and make things that rejuvenate you and relax youThen we open up our borders as a tourist hotspot, we can make kelp surfboards and all kinds of random shit
>>233925so kinda expand on being the lazy do good tribe?
>>233927Also we could develop lazers using the sun's powers.We will then use it for partying
>>233930Holy Disco Lights batman
>>233938The holy part is literal in this case
>>233930Lasers and to boil sea water in metalic barrels to create normal water and salt.
new rituals for the shamans?
>>233947But do we evven have metal
>>233917The Copper Engineers found a way to exploit the steam from boiling waters into spinning devices. However their contraptions are weak, and can't do much but spin thread.The Maidens and Engineers agreed to finally build an orderly society in their country, and sent their support to the smallest, least power-hungry warrior in full, so that he may federate his peers. They also bought the Boar Riders.The clan had a lightning fast military success, until the warlords organized themselves against the dishonorable wannabe tyrant, and the war is taking a dramatic turn.copper players, if your clan loses this war, you are not allowed to play in the copper tribe any longer!This war right after the last one is ruining the country, and famine is knocking at the poor man's door.
>>233958ahh bitchI thought I was on the islandSince the maidens control the mines
>>233947>>233942>>233938as for our next turn shall we get some new ritual in for our culture action? or maybe a new celibration? for tech or other maybe make sweet obsidian staves imbued with magic?
Copper engineer turnAction: Build wall
Begin supporting the warlords Fuck dis Me and the warlords can be besties
>>233958The warlords are winning a 1v3, well its up to you guys to try and deal with that. Just so we dont starve we should try sending merchants to the sun tribe.
>>233965Since we still have "shamans pretending to look at the sun", maybe we should divert the sun rays into any lazy shamans whenever they slack off from their holy duties. If they don't accept the sun then we'll bring the sun to them.Results may vary
>>233970Hmm, well if you decide to defect your clan should survive and it'll just be us two
um golden-chan you here? what we doing?
>>233978We need food, Time to start fishing.
>>233976eh yeah we should adress that with our culture action. but I wouldn't do it with enforcement but with encouragement.
Can I just be neutral Op?Can I split and make a new nation...Then I ride back in with tech and kill them all
>>233984Hey! I thought we were friendlies.
>>233984that doesn't sound neutral at all :^)
>>233988We clans We losing the warWhat are we supposed to do?
>>233958I like the incentive you give to actually act like divided warlords
>>233983Yes, atleast they'd get a nice tan if we went that way.
>>233982we are already supplying you with food through the engineers, and the agriculture tech up we did this time should help you guys even more. Besides the more people who die in war, the less mouths you have to feed.
>>233984If you leave then the rest will get steamrolled by the warlords, just saying, of course you could defect and create the most powerfull nation in the world with our two nations combined
>>233990Take death with honor, sudoku to to not roose honor. Make famiry ploud
>>233988yeah we need them food but we can't win this war alone, if we want an army we would have to fo overseas.... and who has a massive army and is feministic af, you guessed it the eternal queen
>>233958Some obedient tree women were given the right to own themselves, on the condition they'd eavesdrop the priestesses and elves, and stay quiet about it.They report the priestesses do indeed spend a bit of time chit chatting with the elves, but they stay quiet around everyone else.Since they already knew how to irrigate, the magically adept farmers instead learned how to enrich the soil, so they could grow plants larger than they would have been naturally without damaging the earth.
>>233999We aint japsThats the maidens and WarlordsThe engineers are European jews
>>233990> claims to be legionnaire> flees from battleRemove Romaboo
>>234002Op can the engineer clan split off and establish a new nation?
>>234004Well Im sorry mister Goldstein, you all look alike
>>234001We are a defensive clan on an Island, what more tactical advantage do you want? We don't need to win the war, we need to outwait this war and get food.
>>234006The romans have fled before
>>234013how did that work out for the romans?
>>234008You can stay neutral and survive, but you'll still be tied with the Copper Nation posts. Which means you'll be able to do your own recaps and things without asking the others about it, but it will be three times weaker.
>>234010>>233993how about that turn boys? got any ideas?
>>233958Opee, can the three clans split up as seperate nations each having one action per turn or something?
>>234018Untill they combine again or something?
>>234017Well getting some use out of obsidian sounds good. Either making magic sticks or whacking sticks.Still on the fence about either establishing new rituals incorporating the glasses or use possesed animals in agriculture and shit
>>234011we can advance in blood magic and try to get some kind of special spells that may give us advantage >>234018lol the extra work
> clans bitching this muchIts for balance you fags. You will steamroll everyone if united
>>234022So what do you say about betraying the maidens for survival and power?
>>234020I'd love to get some better agriculture. as for tech i'd go for the obsidian staves that are imbued. they could be distributed to classical shamans (or made by them or something)>>234022oy vey
>>234025>giving them ideas
>>234023These three things might become usefull:FishingImproving blood magicresearching more into medicine
>>234026YES YES YES sorry senpai...
>>234025The problem is that it's near impossible to unite
>>234025>steamrollWe losing the war united
>>234032>mfw we just became retardedly powerfull.
>>234027So - Use possessed animals in agriculture to improve efficiencyand- Try using magic to bless our obsidian weapons to create magical staves and/or magical macuahuitl
Whats the best course of action here??100% survival but weakish ??% survive but full strong
>>234028I mean its obvious right? Anyways, trees options> mf fleet> salvage tech from copper warzone> conquer ratlands in east> scout for more wimmin treble> written languageSome ideas
Changing my name from Treetard since we dont actually worship trees anymore. We should probably get ready to accept an influx of refugees from the orange tribe. Maybe grow some extra housing to ensure they are able to live in decent conditions. and if no refugees come, we can just use the houses as food storage.
>>234044yeah, the shamans have to do a ritual where they imbue their obsidian staves with magic of their choice. only classical shamans are allowed to wield such a staff. this would mean it's a cultural action.and the agriculture upgrade is a tech action
>>234045The golden maidens have had enough, we've just been proven why we made our own clan. which is to get away from those war-mongering pricks.
>>234049I like this. We should make housegrowing an art, perhaps for the women farmers since they do plantshit.
>>234052Sure, if Opee sees it that way too anyway
>>234053ugh can't we just join the sun people or something what if we join the eternal queen, she would like to learn some bloody shit and a protective isle close to her enemies...
>>234063>learn to shit bloodilywoah
>>234063I'd like to stay away from the queen, btw the queen doesn't like our nation.also, joining the sunbros sounds real tempting right now. but no.
>>234067You'd probably dislike us because of the whole worshipping the sun thing
>>234063>>234067You should join us and be a part of our elite female secret police squad
>>234002The greatest writers and historians of the country put together a grand saga about their Queen's feats, in hopes of soothing her temper. They succeded, as the Queen listened melancholically to tales of countless victories, defeats, valiant consorts and cruel betrayals of the past. This year, the Queen's "criminals to be brought to divine justice" list was actually comprised of criminals only. This relief encouraged a population growth in the capital region.Some bold mining lords reinforced their foundations and doors with steel, but the price of such an enterprise is so gargantuan they were not imitated by their peers.
>>234073And the nudity that accomplanies the worshipping
>>234075... intersesting, golden chan?
>>234077So what happens if the engineers team up with the enemy warlords Do I and the warlords surviveSo me and Copper warlord control the copper people?
turn 4 start!recap anchor post
>>234083I assume that all the warlord clans know that you helped that one warlord clan.
>>234087They dont think that..We jews
>>234086Is this okay?>>234044
>>234059>>234052make this our turn for recap? yes or no?
>>234094Youre jumping camps rather quickly. Id say coppers better off withmaidens and warlords against you...
okay so we can't team up with:the warlordsthe engineersthe sunpeoplethe eternal queen....so we can either join the elves or just hope we are strong enough... or join the rats lol
>>234077Alright fellas, let's pick a fight with the rodents.>>233989These will have serious need of updates for the new edition, soon enough.
>>234099Just goes to show that you can't trust jews
>>234091no, you don't know any enchantment. Unless you want the shamans to prance around with wards>>234094using what, youth? felfire?
>>234100Honestly, I thinks it would be best for us maidens to just hold out on our island and try to learn how to fish for now.
>>234106Could we try to imbue staves though?
>>234106k, back to drawing board. A metaphorical one of course, we haven't developed drawing board technology yet
>>234108that's exactly what an enchantment does
>>234106What if the engineers join the enemy warlords..Will me and Copper Warlord be able to control the copper nation
>>234107yeah and get slaughtered by the thousands of fearsome warriors that will rape us and make us their slave wives
>>234108Probably not,gonna need to develop magic if we want that
>>234114Not a bad life :DDDD
>>234114How are they going to get through our defences?All our battle prowess lies in defence, also we're on an island. Good luck to anyone trying to get on an island defended by an army excelling in defence.
>>234111If we combine we could easily have the strength to control the copper lands
>>234115let´s do something else instead of the staves then?
>>234118You'll just starve to death then as we sink the boats of those who try to escape. You need more land to sustain yourselfs.
>>234118I can lease you our boar cavalry in exchange for helping us quell our female uprising.
>>234118okay okay so fish and what? better blood magic becoming the edgy 12 y/o wannabe emo that cuts himself
>>234125Yes, but what? Use the giant focusing lens for new rituals? Have shamans practice magic rigorously again in hopes of new knowledge? Explore for kelp? Use the focused sun rays to heat up huge pools of water to create hot springs? Light shows? Creating a wrestling promotion? SO many choices
>>234128They've been using them in the war as mercenarys, all the warlords just btfo'd everyone.
>>234128looks like we should probably tech up our shipbuilding to help ensure that influx of refugees don't end up in the drink.
>>234128>>234118yo what if we team up with the uprising women and train them in secret and then take over the elves
>>234132whoa! hotsprings sounds fucking amazing. gives the warriors vigor after training. makes our cities tourist hotspots. I AM BEHIND THIS OPTION>>234103you think this sums up the orange civ?
>>234141Lol> women following other women> women overthrowing men everKeep meming friendo
>>2341271. We won't starve if we learn how to fish, don't really need land for fishing.2. Why would we try to leave such a great stronghold.>>234141 We could secretly assist the uprising women, we could also give them refuge on our island
>>234145YEs thats us
>>234141Fuck you asshole, we help your nation survive by lending you our mercinaries and accepting your refugees and you repay us by backstabbing us like the engineers backstabbed you? Do you people have no concept of honor?
>>234152Let me just say this, the maidens are getting thrown back unto their islands if you dont join me. Then your nations on the mainland. I'm simply offering our union as a thing to benefit us both.
>>234157yes we have but if backstabbing means that we can free thousands of women that are held against their will we will do it
>>234086So how does the copper nation do it's actions now, cause we probably won't be able to get to an agreement.
>>234145So..-Use possessed animals in farming to increase efficiency-Use focused sunlight on huge bodies of water to make hotsprings
>>234103so what do we do?
>>234157Dont blame them they are women and dont know any better.In any case, we should send mercs to the battle, no matter what side, or conquer ratlands
>>234163okay so let's do fishing and..... send some secret ships to the elves to train them women?
>>234164ya this sounds like a good turn. I love how laid back our tribe is.
>>234145Looks about right. Until they inevitably destroy each other, that'll do.
>>234171Everybody's all fighting and shit and we're here looking for ways to party better
>>234167He's not going to tell you whats going to happen. I'll you have to go by is the warlords winning a 1v3 easily.
>>234166Scout ratlands and build windmills?
>>234172make up the turn? also hello
>>234086Is this okay now? >>234164
>>234174well I mean sure war can solve problems, but as shown by our glorious nation partying and friendship solves everything.
>>234181This? >>233824Skellie was okay with it.
>>234186And the sun. The sun da bes
>>234170I really don't think we should be looking for more conflict right now though.>>234086Tech: the golden maidens try to learn how to fish to try and battle the famine.Social: the golden maidens try to recollect themselves and decide to protect themselves for a while on their island.
>>234189yeah do that
So engineer can you agree on this?Action: the engineers defect and help the warlords to rule the land together.Tech: the engineers create better farming tools to deal with the famine.
>>234192sure our names should be swapped lol
Tech: ShipbuildingAction: Military expedition (ratlands or orange?)
>>234197>>234086yep this is the final one for the warlords and engineers
>>234190all new hotsprings now at a sunvillage near you!
>>234207I see a prospering alliance engineer bro, make sure to delete that post linked to the recap that said you split off so opee wont get confused.
>>234216Since I'm a pessimist this will end in the engineers bleeding out and the warlords being controlled by OP BUT I HOPE NOT :DDDDDD
>>234221Honestly I did not expect so much shit to go down so fast. But hey, this sure is really damm fun.
We need the green nation turn
>>234204Hey tree tribe, would you be intrested in an island of women to take as property? Just the women though, their land is still part of the copper nation.
>>234204I still think we should prepare for refugees, an influx of population is nothing to scoff at, even if they are subversive we need to convince their population that they arent in a worse position than they ere before so that they dont rise up against us. So i think making extra houses should be one of our actions. As for the rats, they have not attacked us directly yet but in the future we should definitely think about removing that threat once that time comes we should probably team up with the bowties to ensure their defeat.So I think Tech: shipbuilding is fine for now.
>>234247Nigga they our breeding cows
>>234250They'll all die before getting captured. Also whats with you wanting to do shit like that in almost every civ I see you in? Were civilized not savages. We up our population the old fashion way, a shitload of food tech.
>>234255I come from /pol/ ....
couldn't really think of much
>>234086I think it's pretty obvious that it's impossible for the golden maidens to work with the other copper clans. seeing as they are basically planning to invade us.So these are our actionsTech: the golden maidens try to learn how to fish to try and battle the famine.Social: the golden maidens try to recollect themselves and decide to stay on their island protecting themselves and their island.
>>234258Gotta say the greens currently are exactly what you'd expect them to be. Gay elves.
>>234262gay elves who beat women. and to top it they also prey on the war of the coppers and spy on women.
>>234261Engineers dont want anyone to dieEngineers just want to engineer and collect shekels
>>234268Well tbqh senpaiWe copper engineers sell the elven women weapons :DDDDDWe preying on the fact that they too beta to control their white wimmins
>>234268Currently it's a whole big game of who can backstab who first with those guys
>>234275Meanwhile you guys are literally making a party resort.
>>234280We sun people are a partying sort.
>>234280we're gonna be making the ultimate paradise with resorts and hotsprings. as shown it solves problems.
>>234269You've been miking tons of suggestions to try and take over our land with other people.
>>234284Really? I though you were the grappling naked men sort?
>>234286So what are our actions for this turn?
>>234288That counts as partying also
>>234289this: >>234164
>>234288Post your turn green fags
>>234319opee is only updating once a night and not on wednesdays; we have two days to decide what to do
>>234341wewYou aren't to lazy?
>>234438yes.Plus the elf bow guy hasnt replied to my suggestion yet.
>>234249Ok maybe culture turn: tree pride, proto nationalism to prevent disloyalty? Otherwise we can do ships and houses
>>234443Yeah i think we can do tree nationalism and houses, we are already xenophobic by nature anyways so nationalism shouldn't be too much of a stretch, as long as it doesnt affect our diplomacy.
>>234261heres an idea, i saw this in earlier post:>everyone supports ONE strongest warlord>create bill that guarentees rights of the golden tribe. THEY WILL BE NOBILITY. >warlords will become generals>engineers will become beurocrats.
>>236076yes but:>there was a rogue warlord>everyone else was ok>if we support one or 2 warlords who are biggest or best a war we can just conquer the rest.
>>236057We tried that and well... as you see it didn't turn out well for the engineers and maidens when all the warlords united.
>>236085But you need to understand that the big ones are very power hungry. They supported a small one because he was the least likely to do a reversal and destroy them once he had full controll of the warlord armys.
>>236086did not see the post correctly thx>>236092well then all we have to do is win the war right? we bought the boar riders, so we have calvary advantage, do you know what the enemy has? we fought against each other in another thread, we both know were good at planning war, we can beat this one
>>236095You do realize I'm a warlord:), in the turn it was boar calvalry, 1 small warlord, and maidens and engineers. Once the warlords united they didnt stand a chance. So naturally I cut a deal with the engineers to defect and join us. So now its just the maidens who decided to retreat and fortify their island.
>>236103yeah, were supposed to represent the warlord clan, so if theres two of us, we can claim defeat the organized warlords. worst comes to worst we just take over the maidens and engineers op why do you screw us so?
>>236114You see, thats why I let the engineers join us. We need their brains and technolgy. However, the golden maidens what we need from them is their mines. Other than that they dont have too much. Do you think we should give them a chance at survival in exchange for the mines? Or do we just go command and conquering. After all, after this turn we'll basically rule the mainland.
>>236125honestly save the manpower for war against the rebelling warlords. As long as we have their support it should be fine. But to keep the clans together we have to have social contracts, if we give them gold shit (because its useless for war) then theyll stay happy.
>>236131You do realize we can controll the actions of all warlords. Also who are the rebelling ones in your mind? The ones that united after being attacked or the one who joined the others? You see I've set this up for warlord domination if they didn't unite we would have been fine but since they did I see an opportunity. The nation can finally be united. All it took was the other clans trying something and now the warlords are pushing back hard.
>>236142so do you want to destroy the other clans? because if we do work together the nation is stronger because no clans, just 1 nation.
>>236171Exactly, the engineers are still usefull however and we should integrated them into ours since they already agreed to betray the maidens. They essentially become warlords also but a diffrent branch of sorts. But the maidens will have to go via war. They'll never except us as rulers. Then at last we can achieve unity for our nation.
>>236095;DWar is the only solution
what we found and achieve:>The people of the Sun went south to take a look around. They found hot and dry forests full of pines, but the scouting party got tired and went home.>Cock fighting is the new rage at the capital. Shamans pretend they control the cocks like their ancestors once did, which makes for a good show and good coin.>Some of the most devout Sun Shamans had enough of the carefree behavior of their peers and, together, decided to stand up and forbid the Grand Pyramid to anyone who doesn't live following the Way the ancients have set. >To avoid too much discontent, the booted shamans were given profitable and honorable positions as military teachers, teaching their tricks to troops, greatly improving their scouting and magical perception.>The Sun Shamans of the capital, calling themselves the Classical Shamans, have made good progress, and regained some lost magic. But no matter how hard they try, centuries of comfortable life makes it too hard for them to go as far as their ancestors in the Ways of the Sun and hurt themselves for their faith.>The Classical Shamans found old paintings depicting giant glass lenses, and decided to build one on each temple. The morning after their construction, the sun burnt grass and houses in a line from the outskirts of town to the temple. They turned it into the cities' main streets and moved the houses elsewhere.>Their long use of papyrus taught them how and where papyrus and similiar plants grew, and they managed to divert streams to create artificial, suitable fields for rice and reeds to grow.>The widespread school system helps increase the numbers of classical shamans quickly, and they are now present in all major communities.
Oh my fellow countryman, how I weep for our country, do you not see our real enemy?The Red God is orchestrating our defeat.
>>236360All the Queen did was attack some of the warlords. thats no worse than you've already been doing to yourselfs
>>236368 well yeah, but this might be the only way to actually unite everyone be that as it may the Gods are probably manipulating all of this
why can't coppers just take a break and hava a celebration or something.
>>236360h-how do the goyim know
>>236376Not everyone can accept the rigourous partying life
>>236383I'd still love it if we were to get ourselves a resort paradise
>>236384That's our goal for this game right now. Create a sweet vaction spot.
>>236376the fireworks comes after having more cultural things like warding off "evil gods"
>>236390Don't blame the gods for your own violent tendencies boyo
>>236394 I dont have to believe it but our warlords/people will
>>236373But dont you see? This is the most united the coppers have ever been. All the warlords banded together to deal with a common threat, and now they nearly controll the whole nation. And soon, once thats done we can have a golden age of prosperity.
>>236481>most united the coppers have ever been
>>236481once your common enemy right now is gone, its gonna become a bunch of backstabbing, like what happened in the meeting
>>236484But this just proves they can and will deal with anything that threatens their nation. We may not completely get rid of their warring ways but we now know now they will put aside their differences for the greater good of the nation. The only way to completely stop the warring between them would be to defeat them all, and well no one planned for them to unite.
>>236487then if you won't then a better way would be for the engineers to become a middle man between you and the womenthe engineers supplies everyone with technology, in exchange for a partial alliance within the three with the women providing tons of resources and maybe creating goods to trade with other citieswhilst the warlords are left to conquer lands
>>236489in addition, engineers become rich with resources from women and maybe new knowledge from conquered lands, maybe gain a coin or two
>>236489It seems to be too late for that, the engineers already agreed to join the warlords in exchange for survival. Now its just the maidens about to be trapped on their island. If they surrender, then they will be negotiated with regards to what they would be willing to do for the warlords. But they wont, their people are too pridefull, and they hate our ways.
>>236493they are well versed in defense, it would just become a stalemate and a waste of resources, both of lives and materialsit is never too late to reconsider, uniting may never happen but cooperation, as we can see is possible.
>>236497I want them to surrender but they most likely wont, that is the problem. They'll never except the warlords as superior and integrate themselfs into the new nation.
>>236500never say never, we thought we'd only ever eat kelp. and look at us now we eat rice too baby
>>236502Rice wrapped in kelp
>>236500well, >>234192would you like to create a peace treaty/negotiation?
>>236637Should they want one I have a treaty in mind that could work.
>>236704It would have to take place next turn though, although they probably wont like it.
>>236714what is it?
>>236716Probably involves massive orgies
>>236719i'd agree on that. it's better than all that war
>>236719Massive orgies are always the solution
>>236637There's a reason why we defected, remove that reason and there should be no problem.
>>236716Well assuming you survive this turn which you most likely will here is what I have in mind, this will affect all the clans.You see, we would want you to officially go by the warlord name when dealing with other nations as will the engineers. At home you will still be known as the golden maidens. As shown the warlords are capable of dealing with threats that could end the copper clans, we would keep to our lands to battle with one another but should a foreign invasion happen we shall unite again and its up to you and the engineers to keep them well supplied. And lastly a small warlord force is to be permanent garrisoned in the engineer and maidens land to deter this from happening again and to help local troops defeat a foreign invasion. These are the terms, feel free to negotiate them.
>>236769I don't adore them but I think they are the best thing we can do for all of us right now, But im just scared that opee won't let us
>>236782Agreed, Opee probably won't let us. I think that now that everyone's been pushed back, Opee is just going to make the warlords hate eachother again and make everything impossible.
>>236787It would only require one warlord for the garrison. We would go back to fighting each other again as we did before in our lands. The rest of the treaty is just spreading the name of the warlords and a counter measure to deal with any invasions. It would go against and individual warlords interests by wanting to oppose it, and no doubt the one running the garrisons will be well respected by the others.
Since turns are not due until tomorrow would you guys instead want to do the treaty now and prevent the famine? This way less people would die.
Update tonight hype
>>239670Praise the sun for the update!
>>239746PRAISE IT
Cant wait for bowtie windmills tonight
>>239787The classiest of mills
>>239862Its beautiful
Update hopefully soon
>>240254Hopefully, I want to see the extent to how bad we fucked up our country.
>>240257the eu servers went down
>>240302the servers that connect eu to the main server when down
>>240320which is kinda weird seeing how I'm still connected
>>240336it went down for mei'm in eu too
Rolled 9 (1d100)>>234195scouting fucking rats1-40: hostile rat encounter41-80: rat discovery81-100: non-rat discovery
>>240419Jesus Christ the bowties are indeed tied to rats
>>240419here we go again
>>240430as your are to kelp
>>240445Such is life
>>240419The rats have returned
>>240430bowtie: let's scout into the ratlands we'll probably find something gooddice: hostile rat encounterbowtie: HOW COULD THIS POSSIBLY HAVE HAPPENED?
Rats, rats never changes
>>240456At least we have a excuse to use the TEN THOUSAND STRONG SKELETON ARMY
>>240406Back off scum
>>240406We're strong golden women who don't need no men
>>240494I'll be your white knight
>>240503Weren't you defecting to the warlords and bringing up suggestions about making the maidens your breeding cows though
>>240419turn 4 end!The Marquis of the Septent launched raiding parties on the rats in retaliation to their continuous thievery, burning villages down to the ground. Ths could quickly degenerate in an all-out war.The gear and sails were put together to create the windmill, a formidable asset for any agrarian civilization. +1 pop/turn!The Queen had enough of the historian's flattery, but did not go back to her frenzied sacrifice consumption of before. Yet.
>>240509I can remember something like this as well
>>240517Doesn't even have to remember anything, just need ta scroll up>>240511Nice codppiece
>>240509nah nah nah that aint me
>>240509I know right. If there's anyone we don't want as white knight it's him.
>>240521Oh really, must have been another guy with the exact same ID as you then
>>240511well then we need to war with the rats i think the queen
>>240530i think we should use our tech to study that gun the rat was holding
>>240530I wonder how that would go. Since it looks like they became the skaven.
>>240529No doubt man.It was probably my twin brother..
>>240536so Tech: Research the gun the rat was using Action: Use Our skeletal army to start to go to war with the rats
>>240563uhh it was alexHe was shitposting with my tripjust because I fucked his thread up late week