/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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January 2009
3488573Cursed Itemsfa/tg/uys discuss cruel and/or lulzy cursed items to release upon their unwitting players...cursed items house rules2009-01-23 5 
March 2009
4010133Unlikely cursed itemsITT: Unlikely cursed items. Be sure not to miss the Cursed Ring of Racism.cursed items2009-03-18 5 
September 2009
5978922Items Cursed with FuOHDEARGOD/tg/ inadvertently creates the most horrifying cursed item imaginable. Bricks were shat, /d/ was pleasedcursed items, womb dagger, ultimate horror, what the fuck, what is this i don't even2009-09-24 40 
June 2011
15134748Cursed ItemsA thread about cursed items in campaigns. Also the story of a druid and a holy turtle.cursed item, storytime2011-06-02 8 
December 2013
28778423Chicken ArmorOP commits the classic blunder with a smut image. /tg/ makes it /tg/-related.writefaggotry, armor, cursed items, lewd2013-12-11 14 
28793153Chicken Armor Pt. II/tg/ revisits the Bondage Chicken, drawfags get involved and we end up with a holy relicwritefaggotry, armor, cursed items, holy items, lewd, drawfaggotry2013-12-12 14 
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