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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Okay, I have a scenario for you, /tg/.

The party early in a campaign finds a secret stash of computer files on a portable hard drive or some such.

Anyone got any suggestions for what kind of juicy secrets the party will find on that data? I'm thinking secret bank accounts, extortion files, map of an abandoned amusement park, the names of all the major factions and their recent operations, etc...

Anything that makes for a good plot hook, ominous foreshadowing, data that’s bizarrely irrelevant and useless at first glance (a normal high school student’s record of class attendance over the last 6 months), useful thing (magic ritual), illegal stuff (schematics for 3d-printed ghost guns), vital evidence (tape of a murder), etc.

The party decides what (out of all the many files) they dive deeper into. (And make themselves a target by having it.)

Keep in mind that studying the files will take time, and at least some of it is encrypted.

I guess you could also convert the computer files into actual paper documents, photos, tapes and so on if the game is set in other times and places.
>An excel file describing the storage and shipping of some euphemistically titled product of vague provenance with a few entries clearly having been hastily deleted
>documents describing how a series of seemingly unrelated properties owned by seemingly unrelated businesses are all owned by the same group through a series of shell companies (perhaps this 'abandoned amusement park' is one of the properties in question?)
>two copies of the same autopsy records whose details do not match.
>security camera footage which shows a person known to the party - or perhaps the party itself
>maps of the local area - each covering topics like school zones or soil quality or what have you - along with one whose contents are not labeled but clearly marked.
>list of phone numbers, some of which have been struck through with a line
>folder full of amateurish 'graphic design is my passion'-tier attempts to create a logo in MS Paint. Despite being mediocre, the symbolism involved in the attempts might be identifiable.
>decade old archived internal emails of a now-defunct local newspaper from around the time of some now largely forgotten minor scandal.
>PDF of a book put out by the local historical society about the career of a local architect whose work has been almost all demolished in the century since his death. Almost.
>dozens of resumes for experts in some obscure field, all annotated with seemingly arbitrary reasons for rejection. The filenames seem to suggest one is missing - perhaps the lucky hire?
Photographs of half a dozen keys
Files on secret affairs, complete with compromising photos of prominent individuals. Include notes on which are deep and real and which are out of context photos of opportunity.

The location of a gigantic stash of cocaine.

A list of donations to a jumble of politicians of your choice. If the PCs bother to correlate the list with the public records, they'll find none of these contributions listed.

Building plans for an apartment block - including the unknown secret passages.

Thieves’ contact info for fences, drop locations or protocols. Maybe floor plans for the next few buildings they were going to hit or door lock tumbler diagrams and emails from a contact who could provide the PCs files for other locks for a price.

The keylist for the local police bodycams and dashcams, and the remote access keys for the off-site backup.

A prisoner manifest that lines up with about half the local missing persons list.

A recipe for meth.

The maintenance manual for a military electronic warfare device.

Local foreclosure and eviction notices, compiled from the county sheriff's office (or relevant authority in your area). Cryptic annotations.

Extensive dental records from a local dentist on a large sample of patients.

Guided meditation self-help videos. Perhaps each paired with a map with a single location marked on it.
>euphemistically titled product of vague provenance with a few entries clearly having been hastily deleted
That doesn't really have the same effect since you don't have eraser marks on an excel sheet. Could be you can turn on comments and edits, to see the original name redlined and someone else saying "We don't call it that, too much attention"
>Details on the construction of a wide variety of faraday cages from phone bags to whole rooms.
>Government records of the local undercity drainage infrastructure taken as screenshots on a smartphone that are poorly labelled and need to be pieced together.
>Various discreet spots where cardwellers gather to park and sleep at night.
>Plans for a cheap slamfire pipe shotgun.
>Lists of access codes for local bathrooms at coffee shops and grocery stores.
>Security foot patrol schedules for a variety of abortion clinics, libraries, and massage parlors.
>Gear manifests for buried caches with the coordinates coded at being halfway between various Amazon delivery boxes.
>Rating reviews for various mental inpatient clinics with a column of yes/no for "mushrooms."
>IRC chatroom list. One of which has what appears to be an AI like chatGPT in it that can be convinced to share certain files.
>GPS coordinates that line up with shipping containers on government property and photographs of keys.
>Soil sample results for a number of properties for sale indicating the soil is contaminated with zinc. Maps indicating closed zinc mines dozens of miles from the properties.
>What aplear to be surveillance photos of a middle aged couple and their child but in the next file over there are bank account and routing numbers. The third file in the series has medical notes and xrays on a man's broken legs and a physical therapy regimen.
>A wide variety of recipies centered on a small number of "storage ingredients" like beans, rice, oats, honey, salt, pepper, lentils, potato flakes, powdered milk, cayenne pepper, ascorbic acid, and wheat.
>A "marajuana manifesto" containing grow setup and instructions for cannabis. Also details voices talking to the author from the walls.
>"Secret Medicine" a file of Facebook video shorts, most of which are obvious medical misinformation and a waste of time.
>An environmental assessment document for some development project that never got off the ground. The only oddity is that the number of a harmless creature are utterly absurd, like 500 million rabbits in a small park.
>A crypto wallet key for some shitcoin with an oddly solid valuation.
>A map of a number of dead drop locations, most of which have been crossed out. Dead drops could be useful or could be just a geochaching game
>A detailed description of a ritual for warding against being caught for traffic violations. It involves ingesting several batteries.
>Record of 10 months of online shopping transactions by one Susan Trounce. Most is just typical white woman amazon shopping. But she has a repeating order for some big ticket item that you probably wouldn't need more than one of. Kitchen sinks or cabinets or something like that.
>Recipes for several home made explosives. Or Just an entire copy of the Anarchists Cookbook. Everyone should have one on a drive somewhere anyway.
>List of dirty or just suggestible cops and authorities for wherever the players are operating. Shouldn't be too deep into the conspiracies, but the ones who will take a bribe to get out of a ticket or approve a business license sort of thing.
>A large number of photos of people in a small nondescript industrial room. All face the camera with a blank look on their face. Many are people the players might know.
>The best pizza place in town's secret sauce recipe
>Instructions on how to make a charm that will block CCTV cameras from filming you. The charm is unfortunately quite large and noticeable to people.
>The door code for the back room of the most popular night club/bar in town.

Or just have blank rows in the excel sheet.
>An AI that can only run on TempleOS.
>A number of reports on logistics in a would without oil indicating Earth carrying capacity would be roughly 1 Billion people mixed in with pictures of human skulls.
>Pictures of the salt flats in Utah during wildfires that created a smoke fog in the distance, clouded, the sky, and turned the sun blood red. This is captioned by verses from various Holy books.
>Various Nextdoor App posts about a man or monkey on the roof of various buildings.
>A collection of ominous graffitti from an urban explorer.
>3d printing instructions for a key to a safe.
>3d printer instructions for a Harlot 22lr pistol and various suppressors. Includes a music video entitled "HK Slap".
>Instructions for home manufacture of bleach.
>Bizarre collection of poorly photoshopped pictures of celebrities labelled "demonic celebrities."
>Map of Springfield, MO covered in symbols entitled "Negi the demons are real"
>Intense photo documentation of a bait shop called Master Baiters. The photo pixel data contains encoded binary addresses to Darkweb sites.
Something like Operation SOMERSAULT where individuals around the nation/around the world are earmarked for something Very Bad.
>A list of symbols and their meanings that correlate to certain graffitti one may see around parts of town, some of with lines resembling "prey here" or "dont come after 2 AM"
>Various low quality photos of an individual, first photo dates from 30 - 20 years before current time, latest one is a few weeks old.
>newspaper cutouts of the yellow pages, same company is circled in red marker in all of them
>list of links to social media videos, all of them related to urban explorarion, only accessible through wayback machine or similar sites, due to the fact that all channels all chanels are deleted.
>file folder titled "DECRIPT LATER" eith various types of files ranging from innocuous PDFs to audio.
>the classic picture of big foot.
Among the files:
>a list of names and corresponding ages. The ages don't match the current age of anyone who's name appears in the list. They're either younger or older than the listed age
>a program that generates a file containing 365 lines of text filled with random sequences of numbers and letters. Sometimes, it generates 366 lines of text instead
>a picture taken after the hard drive was confiscated
>2 Bitcoin
>the complete genealogy of a nobody schmuck going back to Adam and Eve
>a report from a colony on the dark side of the moon
>motivational kitten posters
A list of addresses, landmarks, and times. If the party investigates, they sometimes find dead drops
I have some ideas on maps. Maybe one of the will fit.
>A partially corrupted satellite map of the local area that, upon closer inspection, doesn't match not just the year, but the time period.
>A satellite map of the area before being edited for publishing. It accidentally captured a ritual being performed, or some horrifying thing rising up from the sea or the woods.
>A screenshot of a map, zoomed-in on the location of an abandoned plot of land at the edge of the town, except in the screenshot there's a building there. If the PCs check again in real life, its there too. If they ask anyone in town about it, they say it's always been there. If they ask people who only briefly passed through town before, they say that it indeed was not there before.
Their own character sheets.
>Or just have blank rows in the excel sheet.
Better yet, rows where contents are deleted in the first few columns which are on screen, but contain data in the rest (so name, product code, etc are missing, but shipping dates and the like are there if one scrolls right), implying someone deleted it in a hurry.
>Recipe for small batches of a very mouldable plastic explosive with a low yield. The recipe says its ideal for blowing out locks and doors.
>A detailed ritual for summoning an avatar of a minor deity/demon of fast food.
>Grainy CCTV footage of a parking lot. There seems to be corruption where it just shows static 3 hours into the footage.
>An empty folder named "memetic hazard"
>An old e-invite for a masquerade party at a venue apparently in the middle of a field outside of town. Very detailed dress code and etiquette outline.
>Several in progress graphic design projects for businesses in town.
>A folder of a large number of apparent commissions for a very strange but deniable fetish. Tiles. White women with wonder bread. The sort of thing you hear about on the internet but aren't sure is real.
A folder several GB in size that just says COME_AND_SEE
the means to stop something that already happened
not in a time travel way but as in this wouldv been the biggest political discovery in the world shiftiing the balance of nations if it had been found, say, 15-20 years ago
Folder titled "THE TRUTH" containing conclusive evidence of an ongoing international conspiracy to cover up the fact that the medieval Duchy of Rome still exists today, and that one of the PCs is actually the duke/duchess.

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