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You could still remember your time with her like yesterday. You could still remember her smile, her gentle touch. Although she was only with you for a couple of months during summer three years ago, she still gave your life excitement.

Not very many things happen in your small town. In fact, one could say thats where people go if they want to hide from anyone. Your life was uninteresting and gray until she showed up.

"Shirai..." You whisper her name as you look out to the only way in and out of town. You were still hoping, still wishing she would come back again, even after three years has gone by.

You knew her situation. She told you without shame that she was sent there by her parents to get her away from a boy. "They told me I'm still too young to be seeing anyone but I'm already in highschool after this summer!" You remember her complain to you. Even though you knew she was only there for a short time, it still surprised you quite a bit when she finally left. Even worse was that you never got to say goodbye to her.

Just as you were starting to remember her again, you feel a tap on your shoulder. "Yo! Class rep!"

Immediately, you are taken out of your thoughts by your best friend and neighbour, Shin. "Ah, good morning Shin."

"Jeez... You didn't wait for me again. I know you got elected class rep and all, but would it hurt you to be late once in a while for a friend?" That was when he noticed that you were looking out to the bridge again. "Are you still waiting for her?" He knew that for all these years, you have still been waiting for Shirai.

"No, not at all!" You try and deny it but Shin knew you.

"Jeez... Waiting for her won't do you any good you know! If you really want her back you should go to the city where she lives!"

Just the thought of chasing after Shirai shook you. "No way! She probably won't even remember me by now!" Your mouth says those words, but your heart hopes otherwise. "Besides, she probably already has a boyfriend or something..."

Shin shrugs his shoulders. "Good, you know that you should move on then." He then wraps his arms around your shoulders and pulls you in closer. "I'll let you in on a little secret... Apparently there's a new girl that transferred to our school... I know where she lives thanks to my sources. Do you want to check her out?" He had a mischievous, lewd smile as he asks you the question.

[ ] "No way. That's invasion of privacy you know." Besides, after you graduate you will go to a university in the city and meet up with Shirai again.

[ ] Take a deep breath. "Fine. Let's check her out." Maybe it's time to move on.

[ ] Custom
[ ] "No way. That's invasion of privacy you know." Besides, after you graduate you will go to a university in the city and meet up with Shirai again.
[X] Take a deep breath. "Fine. Let's check her out." Maybe it's time to move on.

Screw this emo shit.
[ ] Take a deep breath. "Fine. Let's check her out." Maybe it's time to move on.

Been a while since I've seen used goods, did you use her for a reason or just random image?
>Dude, that's fucking creepy and you know it.
>I'll introduce myself to her at school
>[ ] Take a deep breath. "Fine. Let's check her out." Maybe it's time to move on.
Maybe it was time to finally move on from Shirai. There's not that many people coming and going to your little town so you don't really have anything to lose by checking this new girl out. Taking a deep breath, you agree to his proposal. "Fine, let's check her out."

"Yes!" Shin celebrates. "I knew it!" He yells out loud. "I knew even you wouldn't be able to resist!" With a smile on his face, Shin leads you to a pretty remote part of town.

"So what do you know about this girl?" You ask him on your way there.

"Hmm nothing much... I just saw moving trucks the other day and followed them." You couldn't help but look at him with a disgusted look. Who knew that your friend was such a stalker. "I thought it was a family moving in but the only one I saw was a pretty girl! She was slender and elegant! I think you'll really like her." He then starts to correct himself. "At least I think she was pretty, I only saw her back for a brief moment!"

When you finally get to the house, the two of you hide behind a utility pole. "There it is, that's her house." Shin points you to a run down apartment. That apartment was known for being a cheap place to stay in. Then, he looks to you. "Hey, you should do it. You should knock on her door and see what she's like."

"Eh?" You gasp out loud. "Why do I have to do it? Shouldn't you do it since it's your idea?!"

"But your the class rep! All you have to do is tell her you are the class rep for her class and that you were just checking out how she was doing!" The little disagreement with Shin on who should knock on her door started to grow into a loud argument.

"How do you know she is in our class?" You bark at him.

"What do you mean? Our school only has one third year class, she is guaranteed to be in it!"

For a second he got you there, but you were able to think of a retort. "How do you know she would be in our year?"

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However, it wasn't long until you hear an unfamiliar voice. "Umm... Excuse me... Can I help you?" You didn't have the best memory in your town, but since it was such a small town, you knew right away that you haven't heard this voice at all. Slowly turning around you are greeted by a strange girl. Right away, your eyes wander to the left side of her face which had huge scars. The fact that she was trying to hide her scars just drew more attention to them.

"Crap... We got caught..." You could hear Shin whisper. "I'll leave this up to you!" Within a single moment, Shin immediately runs away leaving you with the girl.

"Crap! I can't believe that bastard left me!" You thought to yourself as you are left with the new girl.

[ ] "I'm the class rep for your class actually, I was just wondering if you needed help with anything!"

[ ] "Ah, it's nothing. I was just picking up a friend that lived nearby. Sorry to bother you"

[ ] Custom
[ ] "I'm the class rep for your class actually, I was just wondering if you needed help with anything!"

No chickening out now
>[ ] "I'm the class rep for your class actually, I was just wondering if you needed help with anything!"
Inwardly plot Shin's death.
[ ] "I'm the class rep for your class actually, I was just wondering if you needed help with anything!"
>[ ] "I'm the class rep for your class actually, I was just wondering if you needed help with anything!"
Hanako a best.
[X] "Sorry to bother you - I stopped here out of curiosity. It's rare to see new people in our town."
Then introduce yourself.
Do you smell bacon?
What the hell is wrong with her face?
I agree, brown eyes suck.
Dude no she's like a fucking zombie or something. Either op posted the wrong pic or we need some crucifixes and shit.
That's why you shouldn't smoke when you drunk, kids.
Zombie waifu an absolute best.
>TFW I'll never hold my zombie GFs hand while she gently gnaws on my brain
Why even die.
You wrack your brain trying to think of the best excuse you could think off. Finally, you realized that the ribbon on her uniform shows that she was the same age as you. With your quick thinking you tell her. "Actually, I'm the class rep for your class. I just wanted to check up on you if you needed any help."

"Ah, really?" She seems to have bought it. "I see, thanks." She gives you a subtle smile while turning her left side away from you. "I'm doing fine right now. Thanks for checking up on me though."

Relief washes over you as you get yourself out of that situation. "Really? That's good! Then my job here is done then!" You laugh awkwardly as you try and leave. As you turn around to leave, you could've sworn that you heard her calling out to you, but her voice was so meek and quiet that you couldn't be sure.

When you felt her grab onto your sleeve however, that was when you confirmed that she was indeed talking to you. "Ah, sorry... But could you show me where the high school is? I'm not very familiar with the area and I'm not very good with directions..." She holds up the welcome package for your high school. You remembered when you got the same package when you entered three years ago. The directions on there was quite horrible, that was probably why she couldn't figure out where to go.

[ ] "I'll draw you a map. It'll be easy to follow."

[ ] "I don't mind it. Let's walk to school together."

[ ] Custom
>[ ] "I don't mind it. Let's walk to school together."

Nah, that's why you shouldn't drink gasoline while smoking.
So she's fucking hiding it as well.

Goddammit she's dead this isn't SOL it's a horror show.

[ ] "I don't mind it. Let's walk to school together."
Keep on eye on her. If you draw her a map she'll be able to exploit it to kill others in town.
[X] "I don't mind it. Let's walk to school together."

My own pet zombie! Cool!
[ ] "I don't mind it. Let's walk to school together."

Have you had breakfast yet? I could do with some nice crispy bacon
You know the best way to test if someone's a zombie, right?
Wave a torch at them, to see if they recoil from it.
Zombies are terrified of fire.
What about flaming zombies?
>[ ] "I don't mind it. Let's walk to school together."
flaming zombies run around like madmen for a reason you know.
They're terrified of themselves.
It's why they run so fast, they're trying to escape themselves.
We currently don't have one. As soon as we get the chance I'm open to it. Maybe just a lighter? It's smaller scale and easier to get ahold of.
Put a leash and mouth gag on her - that way you could safely walk your zombie.
We just need a stick, some cloth, and a bit of gasoline.
But we're a class rep and a lighter is something normally only delinquents would have
Grill lighter, maybe we like to cook out?
[ ] "I don't mind it. Let's walk to school together."
So we catch one and offer to not notice him in return for a lighter. We'll even give it back we just need to borrow it.
Why would he care if we turn him in?
Nobody likes getting lectured.
Did we scare OP away?
I hope not.
If he gets pissed off because we found her out early h'es retarded. If he wanted to keep it hidden he should have used a different picture or marked out that side of her face.
She's not a zombie idiot. She's a burn victim.
We'd fucking know if she was. That's not something your character is just blissfully unaware of.
Alright, mate. The joke's gone a little far.
"I don't mind showing you where it is." You tell her. "Let's walk to school together." When you told her you would walk to school with her, she looked quite happy.

Then, she introduces herself to you. "Ah, by the way my name is Hana." She sticks out her right hand.

"Nice to meet you Hana." You tell her with a smile as you shake her hand. After your introductions, the two of you head to school.

While walking to school an awkward silence starts to form between the two of you. It was only natural since the two of you didn't really know each other. "So... Hana..." You try and think of anything to talk with her. "Are you here living alone?"

Unfortunately, Hana seems to nervous to really carry on any conversation. "Yes! I am." Every time you would call out to her she would tense up and give out short answers.

"So what made you decide to move here?"

"I like it here!" After your 5th question or so, you ran out of ideas of what to ask her and once again the silence starts to creep in.

"Ah... It's so hard to talk to her... Maybe she doesn't like to talk or something..." You thought to yourself.

When you got to within viewing distance of the school, you point it out to her. "We are almost there Hana." You point your finger to the school building.

However, the moment she sees the school building she immediately bids you farewell. "T-Thanks for walking me to school. I appreciate it!" She bows to you and before you could even say anything, she was gone.

"Wai-!" You have never really been good at talking with girls except for Shirai so it wasn't a surprise that Hana would run away from you.

"Ah... I guess I came across too strong..." You whisper to yourself. "Oh well." You tell yourself while shrugging your shoulders.

>Ah, by the way my name is Hana
I repeat, Hanako a best.
The undead aren't a joke.
>She bows to you and before you could even say anything, she was gone.

she's also apparently capable of high speed movement so she's some sort of.. revanent maybe?
It didn't say she walked away, just that she was gone.
Probably a shade or a ghost.
Nothing wrong with having a ghost waifu
Either way we need to pick up some salt.

How familiar is our character with the occult?
Never said there was.
Ghostjobs don't work very well, though.
Once you get to class you are greeted by Shin's smile. "So? How did it go?" He puffs his chest out in pride. "You should be thankful you had such a caring friend who set you up with such a hot girl!"

You couldn't believe he had the gall to act like that after he abandoned you. It took all your willpower not to hit him as you go past him to sit on your chair. "I think she hates me." You sigh out.

"Eh? What makes you say that?"

"Well, for starters I don't think she enjoys talking with me. That and she ran away from me when we got to school."

Shin's eyes widen with shock. "Eh? You actually walked her to school?"

"Yeah... I had to, she asked me to show her to school." Trying to comfort you, he pats you on the back.

"Ah, you really are fit to be the class rep. Don't worry about it though, I made a mistake. I didn't see her face yesterday so I thought she was hot. Well she would be if it wasn't for her you know..." Shin points to the left side of his face. "Her scars." Shin continues. "It was pretty creepy though huh? Her scars creep me out man." He sighs as he takes his seat. "Ah... If only she didn't have her scars, she would be the best looking girl in school."

"Speaking of girls." Shin calls out to you. "It seems you are ready to move on from Shirai. How about going with me to a group date after school? All the popular girls from our school is going to be there! What do you say? huh?"

[ ] "Ah, it's okay. I'll pass." You haven't given up on trying to make friends with Hana.

[ ] Although the girls from your class are pretty stuck up, you had nothing else to do after school.

[ ] Custom
[ ] "Ah, it's okay. I'll pass." You haven't given up on trying to make friends with Hana.
We're on 4chan.
There's plenty of salt to spare.

>[ ] "Ah, it's okay. I'll pass." You haven't given up on trying to make friends with Hana.
Popular girls a shit.
>[ ] "Ah, it's okay. I'll pass." You haven't given up on trying to make friends with Hana.
>[ ] "Ah, it's okay. I'll pass." You haven't given up on trying to make friends with Hana.
>hot girl
She sure is, flaming hot even

[ ] "Ah, it's okay. I'll pass." You haven't given up on trying to make friends with Hana.
[X] Group dates are sucks. Hookers are safer option.
Anon, we need to talk.
The popular girls are probably prostitutes
I meant safer than popular girls. At least they care about protection.
>Pick up some salt from the cafeteria
>Hey can I borrow your lighter?
>[ ] "Ah, it's okay. I'll pass." You haven't given up on trying to make friends with Hana.
"Ah, it's okay, I'll pass." You tell him.

"Eh? You still don't want to go on a group date huh? You know Rika has been dying to go out with you."

You shrug your shoulders. "Yeah, but Rika has been with everyone. She seems to go out with a different guy every month."

It wasn't long until the teacher arrives and starts class. The first thing she does was introduce a new student. "We have a new student joining us today. I know we don't get too many transfers, but please be nice to her." Your teacher then calls Hana in. "Hana, please come in."

The moment she comes in, the murmurs starts amongst your classmate. It was a mix reaction. "Eh... What's wrong with her face?" You could hear the people behind you whisper to themselves.

"I don't know but it looks pretty creepy huh? Especially her eyes..."

Hana looked incredibly awkward as she introduces herself. "H-Hello everyone... My name is Hana." She turns around and writes her name on the board. Pleased to meet you all." You could tell she was tense as she bows to the whole class. "P-Please take care of me from now on."

After her introduction, she sits in her assigned seating. Unfortunately, she was assigned to sit on the other side of class away from you. "At least she is wall the way out there right?" Shin tells you with relief in his voice.

See! Everyone knows! My God.. Op are we cursed or something? What did she do to our character? Can we visit a shrine?
Anon, we're undead too.
A revenant.
Shirai killed us.
That's why we were waiting for her return. We want our revenge.
Then why isn't that reflected in the story? Are our memories damaged?
Maybe we jumped from that bridge and killed ourselves - that's real reason why we keeps returning there.
You know.. I have got it in my head that you're the Chuunibyou alter ego of the character.
It's a memory block anon, once we see her again the roiling tides of our hate with crash through the barrier that blocks them.
For the whole morning class you couldn't help but glance at her. Usually, in the comics that you read, the transfer students usually get lots of attention from the class, unfortunately, it wasn't the case for Hana. However, Hana didn't seem to care. In fact it almost seemed like she was used to it from your short observation of her during class.

A couple of times, your gaze would meet with Hana's. Almost immediately she would look away. "Hmm I must've done something to make her mad or something..." You think to yourself.

You couldn't focus at all for the morning classes and before you knew it, the lunch bell has rung signalling that it was time for lunch. Your whole class takes a sigh of relief as all you finally get some time to eat and relax.

"Do you need anything from the cafeteria?" Shin asks you. "I'm heading over there now."

"Me? Nah, I packed my lunch today." You hold up the packed lunch your mom made for you.

"Alright then... I guess I'll meet you at the usual spot." Before you answer Shin's question you quickly glance to where Hana was sitting. To your surprise, Hana has already packed her things and was just about to leave the classroom.

[ ] "Hey Shin, do you mind if I invite someone to eat lunch with us?"

[ ] "I think I'll eat alone today actually." Follow Hana and eat lunch with her. She doesn't seem to have made friends yet and you want to make her feel welcome.

[ ] Custom
[ ] "I think I'll eat alone today actually." Follow Hana and eat lunch with her. She doesn't seem to have made friends yet and you want to make her feel welcome.

We've got to keep it from the others. If it attacks we can stab it with a fork or something.

>Remember to grab salt
>[ ] "Hey Shin, do you mind if I invite someone to eat lunch with us?"
[ ] "I think I'll eat alone today actually." Follow Hana and eat lunch with her. She doesn't seem to have made friends yet and you want to make her feel welcome.
We have to isolate her so we're her only friend.
It's all a refrain dream
[ ] "I think I'll eat alone today actually." Follow Hana and eat lunch with her. She doesn't seem to have made friends yet and you want to make her feel welcome.

Welcome my future minion №1.
[ ] "I think I'll eat alone today actually." Follow Hana and eat lunch with her. She doesn't seem to have made friends yet and you want to make her feel welcome.

Shin seems like an asshole
And now I miss corsswire.
>[ ] "I think I'll eat alone today actually." Follow Hana and eat lunch with her. She doesn't seem to have made friends yet and you want to make her feel welcome.
>[ ] "I think I'll eat alone today actually." Follow Hana and eat lunch with her. She doesn't seem to have made friends yet and you want to make her feel welcome.
inb4 shin walks in on us and has his giggity on for the rest of the day
Shin is Quagmire/Charlie Sheen

Also, Tart, it's generally considered polite to remove your namefag when in another QMs quest.
"Hey Shin." You call out to your friend. "I think I'll eat alone actually."

"Eh?" He protests at first. "Don't tell me you are interested in that crispy bacon!"

"Crispy bacon?" You tilt your head in confusion.

Shin points to the left side of his face. "You know, crispy bacon." You couldn't believe that he already has a nickname for Hana.

"You know, you shouldn't be so mean to her. You don't even know how she got that scar."

He laughs it off. "Well, whatever, I'll see you later then!" Once he leaves, you gather your things and you head out to follow Hana.

She was quick, you took your eyes off her for just a couple of minutes, you couldn't find her anymore. "Where did she go?" You think to yourself.

You walk all around school to try and find Hana. Although it wasn't a very big school, you still had troubles finding her. "Where could she have gone?" Then, when you overheard a couple of girls whispering about a strange girl in the bathroom talking to herself in front of a mirror, you figured out where Hana was.

First you listen in to make sure no one else was in there. You didn't need rumours of you being a pervert circulating around the school. "T-Thanks for walking me to school earlier!" When the only voice you heard in there was Hana seemingly practicing for something, you felt like you were in the clear. "Ah... I think that's too informal. We just met each other after all I need to be more polite!" She clears her throat as she starts again. "You have my gratitude for showing me the way earlier this morn-"

Her practice was interrupted as you knock on the door. "Hana? Are you there?"

You hear her gasp in shock. "Y-Yes?" She says in a panic. "I-I'm here... Is that you class rep?"

"It is. I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with me. Did you have plans to eat with anybody else?"

"No... I was just going to eat in the washro-" Before she finishes she stops herself. "No, I don't have plans." You then hear her walk to the door as she slowly opens it. "You don't mind eating with me?" She says while hiding the left side of her face behind the washroom door.

"Not at all. Let's go okay?"

Hesitantly, she asks you again. "You aren't just faking being nice to me are you?"


"O-Okay... Let's go." When she finally agrees, you took her to a secret spot that not even Shin knew.

Once you get to the spot you smile at her. "Here we are." You tell her. Silently, she nods as she sits down on one of the tables. "How do you like it? It's nice huh?"

"Yeah. It is." She quietly responds to you. Once the two of you get settled in, the awkward silence starts again. However, this time, she was the one that breaks it.

"H-Hey, class rep!" Her voice was shaking as she calls out to you. "You have my gratitude for earlier this morning... You know walking me to school. I appreciate it."

"Ah, it's nothing. Don't mention it." You smile at her.

You briefly remembered the way she was practicing in the washroom earlier. "Was she practicing just for me?" You thought to yourself.

"If... If you want to you can have some of my food as thanks. That's what friends do right?" Then, she realizes that she was probably getting ahead of herself. "Ah, nevermind... You are probably just trying to get me settled in right? I shouldn't call myself your friend." Turning to you she bows as she apologizes. "Sorry for getting ahead of myself."

[ ] "It's okay, no harm done."

[ ] "Well, I actually did want to be your friend."

[ ] Custom
>You're right, that's what friends are for.
Give her some of our delicious BLT
>[ ] Custom

"I was thinking more along the lines of servant, actually."
>[ ] "Well, I actually did want to be your friend."
[X] Answer jokingly: "I'm actually gathering minions for my quest to world domination. Wanna join?"
[ ] "Well, I actually did want to be your friend."

>Ready the salt. This demon won't have you.
[ ] "Well, I actually did want to be your friend."

We could easily manipulate her
Definitely second.
Tender Loving Bully?
That would be TLB.
BLT is Big loving thespian.
"Well, you are right, that's what friends are for." You smile at her as you offer her some of your lunch as well.

Although she was happy, she still had her guard up. "You can have some of mine too then." She says as she offers you her food while turning her head away. Although you couldn't see her face, you could still tell she was blushing just because of how red her ears were.

During lunch you got to know her better. You knew that she was from the city. "Me? Yeah, I'm from the city."

"Ah, really? Isn't it more interesting there? Why did you move into a middle of nowhere town like this one?" You just blurted out the question without thinking. When she starts to look melancholic you try and take your question back. "You don't have to answer that if you are uncomfortable with it." You tell her.

"Hmm..." She nods her head as she keeps eating. Before lunch ends, you exchange numbers with her.

"If you ever need anything just give me a call okay?"

"Sure." She tells you with a smile. Although it was very subtle, you could tell that she was getting more and more comfortable around you. She was slowly opening up. When the bell rings, the two of you head back to the classroom. Before you reach the class she stops just like this morning when she left you. "You should go on ahead class rep. I forgot something at the spot we ate lunch. I need to get it."

"Really? I'll help you get it then."

You found her reaction quite odd. "Ah, it's okay! I can do it by myself!" She kept insisting that she can go alone and that you should just go back to class. "I really can do it by myself!" She gives you an awkward smile.

"Alright then."

Once you get to class you take your seat. "I wonder what she forgot?" You thought to yourself. Before leaving earlier, you made sure that you didn't forget anything and scanned the area multiple times for things that you might have forgotten. You found nothing odd left behind. You also didn't find odd so you didn't know what she could've forgotten.

After about a couple of minutes, Hana arrives after you. She arrives just in time so that people wouldn't suspect you ate lunch with her.

"She isn't trying to hide the fact that we ate lunch together is she?" That was the only thought going through your mind as afternoon classes begin.

Just like morning classes, you couldn't focus on afternoon classes. This time, you had troubles keeping yourself awake. You had a late night last night and after a big lunch, it took quite a lot of effort not to fall asleep in class.

Your salvation only comes when the bell signalling the end of class finally rings. "Don't forget to do your readings!" Your teacher says before she dismisses the class.

Your class sighs a collective "Yes."

Gathering your things you were preparing to go home. Looking over at Hana, you notice that she was signalling something to you with her hands. You didn't really understand it at all except for the part where she tells you to follow her after she leaves. Following her plan, you meet up with her at the front gates of the school.

"What's up Hana? You wanted to talk to me or something?"

She nods her head. "Yeah... I noticed that you were falling asleep in class so I took these notes for you." She hands you an extra notebook she got from her bag. "Just think of it as thanks for today. I had a really fun first day of school."

"Really? I'm glad then."

Hana bids you farewell. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow at school then. Bye bye, class rep."

[ ] "Wait Hana, I'll walk you home."

[ ] "Wait Hana, do you want to go for a tour around the town?"

[ ] Custom
[X] "Wait Hana, do you want to go for a tour around the town?"
>[ ] Custom
"Okay bye! See you tomorrow!"

Narrowly escaped the grasp of the undead once again to live another day.
Come on, we want to domesticate her. She will eat from our hands!
>[ ] "Wait Hana, do you want to go for a tour around the town?"
That's the kind of thinking that gets class reps eaten.
>[ ] "Wait Hana, I'll walk you home."
You can't go out in public together you fools.
We'll be ok! Just feed her some unimportant secondary characters first.
>She will eat [...] our hands
>[ ] "Wait Hana, do you want to go for a tour around the town?"
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"Wait, Hana." You call out to her before she could leave. "Do you want to go for a tour around town? You are new here right? I figured I can show you around so you know your way around." You give her a smile. "I'll be your personal tour guide!"

In your head Hana would happily accept. Then, the two of you would go around town with happiy smiles on your faces. However, reality didn't play out so well. "Are you sure?" Hana asks you. "Actually... I think it would be best if nobody sees us together..." She tells you. "Besides you have your reputation as the class rep right? You wouldn't want to have rumours about you and me together..." Hana's eyes widen with shock. "Not that I'm assuming I'm good enough to go out with you!" She immediately corrects herself. "It's just, what would people think if they saw you together with me?"

"Eh? Why are you worried about that? You shouldn't worry about that at all you know." You also didn't know why you can't seem to leave Hana alone. You just met her but for some reason you had the urge to take care of her. Did you pity her? "Besides, I don't care what people think." You stick out your hand to her. "You shouldn't think about it too. Let's just have fun today okay?"

She hesitates. Hana looks to you, then she looks at your hand. Slowly, she raises he right hand and she puts it on top of yours. "O-Okay. If you don't mind going with me then, I'll accept." Hana finally agrees to go around town with you as her tour guide.

"Great! I promise you that I'll make it the funnest tour you have ever gotten!" You tell her. The first place you took her too was the shopping district. "If you need food this is where you should go." Although your town was a small town, the shopping district was still quite lively.

Her working eye brightens with a childlike curiosity. "Wow, I've never seen a shopping district like this before... You know where it's all separate shops like this. Whenever I would buy- I mean my family would buy food before it would be at a big grocery store." She was reacting just like Shirai did.

"Really? Well, if you want to we can check out the shops here." Although you were taking Hana for a tour, you eventually follow the same route you took when you took Shirai around town.

The first store you checked out was the pet store. "Wow, they look so cute." Hana's eyes were immediately fixated on the puppies. "Class rep look at them!" For the first time since you've met Hana, you saw her genuine smile.

Her reaction reminded you of Shirai. You remember that Shirai was quite fond of animals even taking in a stray cat that the two of you took care of together during the summer she spent in your town. She was the type of girl that can't leave anything that needed help behind. Maybe she rubbed off on you and now you couldn't just leave Hana behind since she really needed your help.

After the pet store, you took her to the bakery. The aroma of freshly baked bread along with the sweet smell of cake filled the room. "Ah... I'm getting hungry just smelling them..." Hana tells you.

[ ] "Their cake here is pretty cheap if you want to try some."

[ ] "How about I treat you to some cake?" Buy her a slice just like you bought Shirai before.

[ ] Custom
>[ ] Custom
"I'll buy you that cake if you carry my books around for me."
>[ ] Custom
I know right?

> Buy cake for self.
>[ ] "How about I treat you to some cake?" Buy her a slice just like you bought Shirai before.
[ ] "Come to the dark Side! We have Cookies!".
[ ] "How about I treat you to some cake?" Buy her a slice just like you bought Shirai before.
It's the gentleman thing to do.
>[ ] "How about I treat you to some cake?" Buy her a slice just like you bought Shirai before.

I have this ominous feeling.
Changing my mind to second this. Begin the acclimation.

>zombie slave wat do
"Hey, Hana." You call out to her.

"Hmm? What is it class rep?"

"Do you want some cake?" You ask her.

She thinks about it for a little bit. Then she checks her wallet. Showing you an awkward smile she shakes her head. "I don't think I can afford it this time. I still have to buy some supplies for my new house after all."

"If you want to I can treat you."

"Eh?! I could never do that." She gasps in shock. "That's too much..." Hana immediately rejects your offer. "Besides, that would be asking too much of you. I can always wait until next month."

"Ah nonsense! Think of it as a celebration that you came here!" You tell her. Although she tries to refuse it, with a little bit more convincing Hana finally accepts your offer with gratitude.

"Alright sir, that's 2 slices of cake right?"

"Yep." After you pay for the cashier hands it over to you.

"Thank you sir." Then, you hand it over to Hana.

"Here you go Hana. Think of this as a welcoming party!" You smile at her.

"Thanks again class rep." She smiles at you as the two of you find a spot to eat the cake. You find a spot by the window and while you eat, you start to talk to her a bit more. It wasn't long though until trouble comes and find the two of you.

"Ah! Class rep you are here! I can't believe you didn't go on the group date..." Immediately, you recognize her voice. It was Rika. "You know I've been asking Shin to invite you into the group date you know!"

"Hey Rika." You greet her back out of politeness. "I'm a bit busy right now so..."

"Eh? Busy?" Rika wraps her arms around you. "Don't be so mean class rep... Besides who are you with any way?" That was when she notice Hana. "Ah. so it's just her. What are you doing with the undead transfer student, class rep?"

Hana tilts her head in confusion as you notice her mouth, "Undead?" to herself. Then she realizes it must've been her scars. That's why she was given the nickname of "The Undead Transfer Student." Once again she starts to get concerned about it and starts to cover it up.

"I-It's nothing!" Hana speaks up. "He was actually just touring me around. He probably just saw how I'm not fitting in very well and took me around town out of pity!" Hana stands up and bids you farewell. "T-Thanks again for today class rep. I'll see you tomorrow." She has only taken one bite of her cake before having to leave.

"Ah... What a weird girl." Rika whispers to herself. "Oh well, now I have you to myself!" She takes Hana's seat as she gives you a smile. "What do you want to do now?"

[ ] "Please stop calling Hana names." Leave and go after Hana.

[ ] Finish your cake and go home.

[ ] Custom
>[ ] Finish your cake and go home.

Respect the vampire's wishes to not associate with the class rep.
>hand holding
What a lewd girl
[X] Finish your cake and go home.

Don't be too clingy. You might spook her. Greet her tomorrow as if nothing happens.
"You're a fucking bitch."
>[ ] "Please stop calling Hana names." Leave and go after Hana.
[ ] "Please stop calling Hana names." Leave and go after Hana.

No reason we can't do both of these right?
>[ ] "Please stop calling Hana names." Leave and go after Hana.
>[ ] Finish your cake and go home.
>[ ] Custom
Find bro Shin to make up lost time with him immediately.
>[ ] Finish your cake and go home.
You wanted to tell her off. You wanted to call her names. However, you control yourself. If you agitate Rika, you knew Hana would be the one that she'll take her frustration out on. As nicely as you could, you give Rika a smile. "Please stop calling Hana names. I would appreciate it if you could be nicer to her actually."

Rika is taken off-guard. "E-Eh?" She looks at you with a dumbfounded look on her face. "O-Okay, sure, I can stop calling her names."

You finish your cake quickly, and once you were done you excuse yourself. "Well, I have to go, if you'll excuse me." You tell Rika.

"Wait! Class rep!" You knew that if you stayed with her a bit longer, your contempt for her might've slipped out.

On your way home, you contemplate whether or not you should check on Hana. Ultimately, you decided that it would be best to go home. "I don't want to look too clingy... Besides it might spook her if I'm that clingy... I'll just greet her tomorrow like nothing happened." You thought to yourself. "I hope she didn't misunderstand my relationship with Rika."

However, on your way home you receive a text. At first you didn't recognize the number, but once you realized that it was Hana's you immediately open it to read her message.

"Hey, sorry about earlier. I must've caused a misunderstanding with your girlfriend. If I caused the two of you to fight I can explain it to her tomorrow! That you were just being nice to me!" Just as you suspected, she did have a misunderstanding.

>[ ] "Please stop calling Hana names." Leave and go after Hana.
"What the hell, I just finally started to get her to come out of her shell!"
Sending her a text back you explain to her that Rika wasn't your girlfriend. You also tell her that she shouldn't listen to the name calling that your classmates seem to have started. "If you are ever in trouble just tell me okay? Also, I'm not just being nice to you out of pity. I really do want to be your friend."

When you receive a message from Hana, it was a consise message. "Oh. Ok." You try and scroll down to see if you missed anything but there was nothing after that.

Then, your phone rings. This time, Hana was calling you. "Hello?" You answer it.

"Hey..." She sounded a bit quiet, like she was flustered. "F-For tomorrow..." Hana starts to choke on her words as if she was about to ask you something big. "Is it okay if... If we walk together again?"

[ ] Custom
Ah, sorry guys, I started writing before I saw your votes. I'll announce next time when I've started writing.
Eh, no big deal, outcome was essentially the same.
"Sure! But, uh, you sounded like you wanted to say something...?"
Now near is our house to hers?
15 minute walk.
Who lives nearer?
"No, I'm busy."
To the school I mean

[X] No problem.
You live almost the same distance away from school. She is closer but only by a bit.
Sure, do you want to meet on the way or should I head to yours?
"Only if you meet me outside my house."

"And make me lunch."
Writing now
A few days later slowly upgrade the requests

"And make all my friends lunches."
"I don't mind it." You tell Hana.

"Really?" Hana started to sound excited. She then breathes a sigh of relief as if a huge weight was just lifted off her shoulders. "Great! I'll see you tomorrow then!"

"Sure, but should I pick you up at your house? Or should we meet halfway?" Hana thinks about it for a second and since she did ask you to walk with her, she decides that she'll meet you halfway.

"Where should I meet you?"

You start to describe the park near her house. It was on your way to school and it shouldn't be too hard to find. Hana listens intently to your instructions. "Wait class rep, let me write those directions down actually!" You hear her run around in her house trying to find a piee of paper and a pen. "Ah, where did I put my pen!" You hear her from the other line.

When she finally comes back, you repeat your instructions as she writes it down. "Okay, got it! I'll see you tomorrow!" She tells you with an excited tone.

"I'll see you tomorrow Hana."

You didn't know why but you also felt a bit excited about walking with her to school tomorrow. "Hana is a pretty nice girl." You think to yourself.

Once you get to your house you are greeted by your mother. "Welcome back!" She tells you with a smile. "I got the bath ready if you want you can go ahead and use it."

You take your mother's offer of bathing first. Then, after your bath she calls you down for dinner. However you didn't feel hungry at all. It must've been the cake that you ate earlier. "I'm not hungry tonight mom. I think I'll just do my homework and head to bed."

You do some quick reading of Hana's notes. "Wow, her writing is pretty neat." Right away you could tell how much effort she put in writing those notes down. "It would be a waste not to use it..." The whole night, you review your class notes using the notes that Hana took down for you. Eventually you would fall asleep while clutching her notebook in your hands.

What friends?
Shin is best friend.
That night, you started to dream of Shirai. It was the first time in a while you dreamt of her.

She was wearing her traditional clothes. "Come on!" She calls out to you. "We'll be late for the festival!" You started to dream of the last night you had together with her.

"Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming!" You responded to her. That was the night you were supposed to confess to her. The night where you would tell her you have fallen for her. Unfortunately, you never found the time to do so. You put it off for another day and because of that decision you completely missed your chance.

The next morning you woke up with while calling out Shirai's name. "Ah... Why did I have that dream..." You grumble to yourself as you slowly wake up. "I should just forget about her already... I need to forget about her." Looking over at your clock, you realized that you were already late. "Crap! I need to get going. I still need to meet up with Hana after all!"

You get ready as fast as you could. After you shower and brush your teeth you change into your uniform. Then, you go downstairs for a quick breakfast. During breakfast, your mom tells you some shocking news. "Hey, did you hear about Shirai's grandmother?" She asks you.

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"Well, I heard some of our neighbours saying that she was rushed to the hospital this morning. I thought you would know what happened to her since you used to visit her all the time."

It was true that after Shirai left without saying goodbye, you started to visit the house she stayed in while she was there. Her grandparent's, her grandmother in particular, would always invite you inside. She was quite a nice old woman, Shirai's grandmother. You would visit her ever so often but during the last year you got so busy with school that you haven't had the time. The last time you saw her was when her husband died. "Eh, she is at the hospital? I didn't know that?" You say in shock.

"Hmm I thought for sure you'd know more about it..."

[ ] Skip school. Visit Shirai's grandmother at the hospital.

[ ] You will go to school first. You promised Hana after all. Visit Shirai's grandmother after class.

[ ] Custom
[ ] You will go to school first. You promised Hana after all. Visit Shirai's grandmother after class.

Shirai is used goods fuck her
>[ ] You will go to school first. You promised Hana after all. Visit Shirai's grandmother after class.

Eh, that's just part of standard manga protagonist pack. I don't care much of him.
>[ ] Skip school. Visit Shirai's grandmother at the hospital.

oba-san, nooooooo
>[ ] Custom
Ask Hana if she wants to play hookey. Go see grandma.
>[x] You will go to school first. You promised Hana after all. Visit Shirai's grandmother after class.

We might have visited, but from what I'm seeing, we weren't THAT close. Of course, we can visit and offer condolences after school.
[X] Don't go to the hospital.

Honestly, i'm not interested in Shirai.

Hardly. He abandoned us the first chance he got, rather than be our wingman and help us explain our presence at Hana's house.

True friends take the fall, even acting the "idiot" role to make their buddy look good.
It doesn't matter how much you're incapable of getting into character and appreciating your best bro. He still exists.

And if you're gonna domesticate this pathetic nerd into eating out of your hand and doing anything to please you, you gotta get her used to being useful.
I'm still not hearing anything that makes him not your best friend.
writing now.
You'll go to school first. "I can visit her after classes." You thought to yourself. For now, you promised to walk with Hana to school and you'll keep that promise. Before, you probably would've gone to see Shirai's grandmother immediately. However, you saw this as you maturing away from Shirai. After you finish you breakfast you bid your mother farewell.

"I'm heading out Mom."

"Take care at school." Your mother tells you as she starts to clean the house. When you get to the meeting spot you start to look around for Hana. You got there a bit late so you were worried that she might've gone on ahead.

Looking around you find no sign of Hana at all. "Hmm where is she?" You decide to check your phone if she messaged your or anything but you had no unread messages and no missed calls. "I guess I'll just wait for her here..."

However, when she still doesn't show up for 15 minutes you start to get worried. You try and give her a call and text her but you got no response. In fact her cellphone kept giving you the same message everytime you called her.

"The phone you are trying to call is currently out of service or turned off. Please try again later."

Finally, you decide to check up on her at her house. Suddenly, an ominous feeling starts to develop in the pit of your stomach.

>to be continued.
Thanks for reading. I'm calling it a night here. I'll continue tomorrow at around 2 PM PST.

I'll announce it here when I'm starting.

Oh those cliffhangers...
Toldja you should skip school and visit oba-san.

Is this a fucking tale quest?
Shin has repeatedly tried to get his bro laid at every chance he gets, thanklessly.

What has Protagonist-kun ever done for him?
Isn't this pretty much the same as Tomboy in Love quest?
Did you forget to sage this dumb already dead thread?

Probably a rebranding to avoid getting banned again.
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starting again in 2 hours
Hana is Shinrai we just don't recognize her because of the burns and time away right?
That'd be a twist. Nah, Shirai is going to come back when we get comfortable with Hana.

Or she'll be visiting her grandma. My money is on her having amnesia.
"The phone you are trying to call is currently out of service or turned off. Please try again later."

Finally, you decide to check up on her at her house. Suddenly, an ominous feeling starts to develop in the pit of your stomach.

On your way to her house, your mind starts to wander if anything did happen to Hana. "No... It can't be... I just talked to her last night. Nothing bad could happen to her."

Then, while walking to her house, you saw Hana by the same pole that you and Shin was arguing at yesterday. "Hana!" You call out to her.

"Ah... Class rep." She sighs out. "I'm sorry I'm late... I was going to try calling you but I lost my cellphone charger during my move..." Hana looked horrible. She looks like she just caught a bad cold. "Let me just catch my breath for a bit and then we can go..." Her face was flush and she looked like she had a bad fever.

[ ] "Hold on Hana, you don't have to go to school. Just stay home for today."

[ ] Take her hand. "Hana, I'll take care of you for today." Stay with her and skip school.

[ ] Custom
>[ ] "Hold on Hana, you don't have to go to school. Just stay home for today

Don't want you to get worse on my account. Will you be needing help?
[ ] "Hold on Hana, you don't have to go to school. Just stay home for today."

Those japanese colds are worse than ebola
[ ] "Hold on Hana, you don't have to go to school. Just stay home for today."
Ah, that omnious cough of doom - yes terrible disease.
> Take her hand. "Hana, I'll take care of you today..."
Enter Captain Save-A-Ho.
>[ ] Take her hand. "Hana, I'll take care of you for today." Stay with her and skip school.
"Hold on Hana, you don't have to go to school today." You didn't want her to get any worse. "Just stay home and rest up. I want you to get better as soon as possible."

She looked a bit disappointed at first. "It's okay! I can endure it!" Hana tries to stand up. "I even practiced going to our meeting spot last night so I won't get lost and be late today..." However she immediately stumbles forward. Luckily you were there to catch her.

"No wonder you caught a cold... You were out late last night weren't you?" Hana nods her head slowly. She now understood that she wasn't in any condition to go anywhere. "I'll drop off your notes for you after school okay?"

Hana nods again. "Okay... I'll wait for you then." After you walk her back inside her house, you head to school. Thanks to Hana you were a bit late.

The whole day you try your best to write the best notes you could. After all Hana did her best for you. The least you can do is return the favour.

Once classes end Shin calls out to you. "Hey, are you going to visit Shirai's grandmother at the hospital? I was thinking of stopping by so if you are going let's go together." Although Shin wasn't as close to Shirai as you were, they were still friends while she stayed. It was the first time that Shin has invited you somewhere that didn't involve group dates.

[ ] "Actually, I can't go today."

[ ] "Let me just drop off these notes to Hana and then we can go."

[ ] Custom
>[ ] "Actually, I can't go today."
[ ] "Actually, I can't go today."
> let me just drop off these notes to Hana...
If she looks like shit, we haul her ass to the hospital.
> If she looks like shit, we haul her ass to the hospital.

[ ] "Let me just drop off these notes to Hana and then we can go."
[ ] "Actually, I can't go today."

Granny is probably already dead
It's not like we are into grannies, so that's okay.
>drop off these notes to Hana and then we can go."
"Ah, sorry. I actually can't go today." Shin looked surprise.

"Eh? Really? Where are you going?" Suddenly, Shin's lips curl into a mischievous smile. "Don't tell me you are going on a date!"

"No, I'm just dropping these notes off at Hana's place." You hold up the notes the you took for Hana.

"Really? That's it?" He seemed a bit disappointed and underwhelmed. "That will take what? Like 2 to 3 minutes? I'll go with you to drop off the notes and then we can go to the hospital."

"I might stay with her too. She lives alone so she probably needs someone to take care of her. I'll probably go some other time." You tell Shin. Plus if you do go to Shirai's grandmother, you'll probably just become curious about Shirai again. You'll start to be obsessed with her again.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Alright then, whatever makes you happy I guess." Shaking his head, he sighs out. "Let me get one thing straight though. You are just doing this because you are the class rep right? You aren't doing this because you like her or anything right? I mean there's no way you'll like that type of girl."

"That type of girl?"

"You know. A disfigured girl. A girl like that is no good. Once you show affection they'll get too clingy to you and become obsessed with you." Shin almost sounded like he was warning you.

[ ] "You know you should really get to know her more before you start to judge her."

[ ] "Of course I don't like her in that way. She is just a friend."

[ ] Custom
>[ ] "You know you should really get to know her more before you start to judge her."
>[ ] "You know you should really get to know her more before you start to judge her."
>[ ] Custom

"What are you, the master of romance?"
>[x] "You know you should really get to know her more before you start to judge her."

"Besides, weren't you the one telling me that I needed to move on from Shirai?"
[ ] "You know you should really get to know her more before you start to judge her."

We should also ask Shin to tell Shirai's grandmother we will visit soon, and apologize for not stopping in today.

He IS our so-called friend, right? He can do that for us.

>He IS our so-called friend, right? He can do that for us.

Or he could run away. Again.
You didn't know why you were so attached to her. "Am I only nice to her because I pity her?" You start to question your motives thanks to Shin. "No, it's nothing like that... There's nothing wrong with wanting to help someone."

Finally you were able to tell Shin off. "You know, you should really get to know her before you judge her like that. Hana is a nice girl." You gather your things and you start to walk out of the classroom. "Oh, by the way, tell Shirai's grandmother that I'll be visiting her soon. Probably tomorrow."

Shin takes a deep breath. "Alright fine, whatever you say."

After a 15 min walk, you finally arrive at Hana's house. You knock on her door and call out to her. "Hana, I'm here." Almost immediately you hear Hana's footsteps on the other side of the door.

"Ah, class rep. Come in." Although she still looked sick, she looked way better than this morning. "Sorry about the mess... I couldn't really clean up too much today." Looking around, the only box that's been opened so far was the box labelled, "Nice Clothes."

"I got you the notes by the way." You tell her as you follow her to the kitchen.

"Thank you class rep. I appreciate it." She smiles. "Let me make something real quick. Think of it as thanks for yesterday and today." Hana starts to look through her fridge for anything she could use.

It was the first time since Shirai that you would eat a girl's home cooked meal. "Do you need help?" You ask Hana.

Turning around, she smiles at you. "Ah, no. It's okay. I can do this on my own. I'm used to cooking my own food you know!" For a split second, Hana almost felt like she was showing off to you. "N-Not that I'm saying you are bad at cooking or anything!"

While she cooked, you keep watch beside her. "Are you feeling alright now Hana?"

"Yeah, I am... I think it's just the exhaustion of moving and staying out too late last night that got me." She turns around to you with a smile. "I'm feeling better now though. I can definitely walk with you to school tomorrow." Her eyes widen with shock again. "T-That is if you still want to walk with me... I can understand if you don't want to walk with me anymore since I was late today... Plus I got sick too so..."

[ ] "Don't worry about today Hana. Besides if you wanted to I can pick you up everyday so we could walk to school."

[ ] "Actually, tomorrow I think I'm going to be visiting someone at the hospital. I won't be going to morning classes."

[ ] "Actually, Hana, tomorrow I was thinking of visiting someone at the hospital. Do you want to come along?"

[ ] Custom
>[ ] "Actually, tomorrow I think I'm going to be visiting someone at the hospital. I won't be going to morning classes."

But next day ok?
>[ ] "Don't worry about today Hana. Besides if you wanted to I can pick you up everyday so we could walk to school."
[ ] "Don't worry about today Hana. Besides if you wanted to I can pick you up everyday so we could walk to school."
>[ ] "Actually, tomorrow I think I'm going to be visiting someone at the hospital. I won't be going to morning classes."
> "Actually, Hana, I was thinking of visiting someone at the hospital. Do you want to come along?"

Visit shirai's grandmother alone - 2 votes


Don't visit Shirai's grandmother - 2 votes


Invite Hana to visit Shirai's grandmother - 1 vote

I'll wait for a couple more minutes for a tiebreaker. If not I'll use the dice.
>>[ ] "Actually, tomorrow I think I'm going to be visiting someone at the hospital. I won't be going to morning classes."
Disregard grandmother, acquire baconwaifu.

Not a vote BTW.
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"Ah tomrorow I'm actually going to go visit someone at the hospital." You apologize to Hana but you won't be able to walk to school with her. "I won't be going to morning classes."

"Is that so?" Hana forces herself to smile. "That's okay then."

"We can go the next day though." You immediately tell her to make her feel better. Once she finishes cooking, she serves the food at the living room. There, the two of you started to talk while heaving tea.

It was small talk. It was the standard small talk. "So, what are your hobbies Hana?"

"Me? I guess you could say I like reading." She points to the boxes behind her. "Most of those boxes are actually books." She lets out a small laugh. "I love novels quite a bit since it gives you that sense of adventure!" Seeing her talk excitedly like that about books made her seem like a normal girl.

It felt natural talking to Hana. It was quite easy to talk to her. "How about you? What are your hobbies?"

"I like to read too, but I only read comics and stuff like that." It was one thing the two of you had in common. "I do get what you mean though. Everytime I open the cover of a book I feel like I'm about to go on a grand adventure."

"Right!" Hana's working eye widens with excitement. "Ah, for the longest time I've been home schooled and didn't really get to go out much. I've always wanted to go on an adventure." She lets out a subtle smile. "This is the first time I'm actually going to a real school... I didn't really know what to expect but thanks to you my first day was pretty fun!" Seeing her smile like that makes your heart skip a beat. "I feel like this is the only thing I've been saying to you for a while now... but really, thank you so much."

You start to blush as she gives you gratitude. It's the first time you've made a girl this happy. "I-It's okay Hana, don't mention it." You tell. "That's what friends are for." The whole night you talked with Hana. However, before it got too late you decide to finally go home.

"I should get going, thanks Hana."

You bid her farewell but before you could leave she stops you by grabbing onto your sleeve again. "Ah, hold on class rep... I was actually wondering, do you want to eat dinner with me tonight? That is if you don't mind..."

[ ] "I don't mind it." Eat with Hana.

[ ] "I should actually get going." Heed Shin's warning.

[ ] Custom
>[ ] "I don't mind it." Eat with Hana.

The FUCK does Shin know about anything?
[ ] "I don't mind it." Eat with Hana.
>[ ] "I don't mind it." Eat with Hana.
Hey Hana, don't have me as your only lifeline to humanity, You're a smart girl I'm sure you could make more friends if you tried.
>[ ] "I should actually get going." Heed Shin's warning.
>[ ] "I don't mind it." Eat with Hana.
>Hey Hana, don't have me as your only lifeline to humanity, You're a smart girl I'm sure you could make more friends if you tried.

She won't need any friends friends since we'll be her only lord and master.
>> I don't mind

free food is free food
Are we going to put our dick in burn victim or the whore?

Burns isn't contagious, so choice is obvious.
"I don't mind it." You tell Hana. Free food was free food. You weren't going to reject her offer. Besides Hana's cooking was pretty good. Almost on par with Shirai's.

"Yay!" Hana celebrates. "It's been awhile since I've eaten dinner with someone..." Her smile was from ear to ear. Hana immediately tells you to sit down as she goes to the kitchen. "Let me prepare it okay? It'll take 30 minutes tops!" It almost felt like Hana just wanted to your company even just for a minute more.

You follow Hana into the kitchen. She was diving deep into her fridge for any ingredients left. Unfortunately she has ran out of ingredients. "Sorry, class rep. It might take longer than half an hour. I need to stop by the shopping district to buy some more food." She pulls out a single piece of vegetable from her fridge. "I think I should be able to survive the month with what I have left of my allowance..." She whispers to herself.

She then walks past you into her room. This time Hana puts on a jacket. "I'll be right back Class rep, you can just stay here."

"It's okay, I'll go with you." You smile at her. After all you can't let a girl walk alone that late at night even though your town was quite small.

"Are you sure? You don't mind being seen with me?"

"Not at all." You tell Hana. On your way out, you try and lecture Hana. "You know Hana, you should be more confident. I bet you if you just try you can make more friends than just me."

"You think so?" Hana looks to you like a child looking to her parent. Hana looked completely dependent on you. "Class rep... Would you teach me how to make friends?"

[ ] "I think you can do it by yourself Hana." Now that you thought of it, you might get jealous of Hana makes other friends.

[ ] "For sure. I'll definitely help you make more friends."

[ ] Custom
[ ] Custom
Let me give you some advice. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.

>Yes, that's from ASOIAF.

>[ ] "For sure. I'll definitely help you make more friends."

Shit, what do we know about friends? We hang out with a single douchebag.
>[ ] "For sure. I'll definitely help you make more friends."
>[ ] "For sure. I'll definitely help you make more friends."
If the whore had cute artwork I'd consider it.
You smile at Hana. "Of course, I'll definitely help you make friends!" Then, after you think about it a bit more, you were never really good at making friends in the first place either. You had a single friend, Shin. "Well... At least I'll try to help you." You let out a small awkward laugh. "I don't think I'm that good at making friends though."

"Eh! Nonsense!" Hana gasps. "You are the class rep! I could only dream of being a class rep but you did it!" For some reason Hana seems to think quite highly of you because you were the class rep. "I'd be glad to accept your help in getting more friends." Hana bows to you. "Please take care of me from now on Class rep."

"I-I'll try my best." Seeing her completely trust you like that catches you off-guard a bit.

After the two of you were ready, you start to head over to the shopping district. As you walked side by side with Hana she calls out to you. "Hey class rep... Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure." You were nervous. What was it that Hana wanted to ask?

"D-Do you have a..." She starts to get flustered as she gets nervous. Seeing her like that starts to get your heart racing. You've seen this situation before, at least in the comics that you read. You've seen where this was headed.

"Is she about to ask me if I have a girl I like?!" Your mind races as you try and think of the perfect answer to her. "If she does ask me if I have a girl I like what should I say? Should I tell her about Shirai?" You think to yourself.

However, your nervousness was all unwarranted as she finishes her question. "Do you have a dish that you like a lot? I can try and make it for you if you want..."

You were both relieved and a bit disappointed as she finishes. "Ah, that was it? I thought you were going to ask me something more personal..." You sigh out.

"Eh? Like what?" Hana asks.

"You know. Like if I have a girl I like or something." You blurt it out without thinking. When you noticed Hana blushing, you start to wish that you could take it back. "Err forget I said that." You tell her. "Let's just start over okay? Hmm let's see a favourite dish huh? Let me think..."

However Hana pulls on your sleeve. "Actually... I am pretty curious... Now that you mention it... I am pretty curious... Do you have a girl that you like?"

[ ] Custom

"Once upon a time, maybe. It didn't end very well though."
[ ] "For sure. I'll definitely help you make more friends."
I'm asexual
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Tell her there is a girl we like, not because its true but so she knows she has no chance.
[ ] "I did, once. I haven't seen her in years however."
"Hmm..." Seeing her seriously asking you like that made you want to answer her seriously. "I did once." You tell her. "I haven't seen her in years though so I guess you could say it didn't end very well."

"Eh?" Hana gasps in shock. "Well, don't worry class rep, she lost out on you!" Hana almost felt like she was mad at the fact that Shirai left you. "She's a stupid girl if she just left you like that."

"Ah, it's not like that." You try and calm Hana down. "We never even started going out or anything like that. I missed my chance to confess to her."

Suddenly the mood between you and Hana starts to get complicated a bit. "Well... I know if I was in her position I would've done it differently." Hana smiles at you to comfort you. Then, when she realizes what she just said she immediately takes it back. "I didn't mean it that way!" She waves her hand in front of her to make sure you didn't misunderstand her. "Just forget what I said class rep. I know I have no chance with you anyways! You are probably the coolest guy in school and I'm just a nobody... For now let's just focus on making you your favourite dish..." Hana nods her head. "Let's go ok?"

During your shopping trip, Hana almost felt like a different person to you. Little by little she was opening up to you and you were getting to know her. "Hmm this is no good." Hana examines the tomatoes one by one. She was trying quite hard just to please you.

While she shops for the finest ingredients, you carry the bags for her. Everytime she would start to pay you would offer up some of your own money but Hana keeps insisting that it was her treat. "It's okay class rep! You don't have to pitch in. This is my treat to you."

Once the shopping trip was finished the two of you go back to her house and she starts to cook for you. "Just relax okay? The food will be done in a bit!" As you watch her cook, you notice that Hana humming a happy tune. She really looked like she was enjoying her time with you.

After about half an hour or so, Hana finally calls you over. "Class rep! Dinner is ready!" Earlier, when you gave her your favourite dish, you couldn't really decide so you listed about 5 dishes. You thought Hand would choose one of them and cook that but to your surprise, she cooked all 5. "I'm a bit nervous since I don't know if you would like them... but please go ahead and have a taste!"

"Wow... You cooked so much Hana." You gasp in shock. The food smelled delicious and looked delicious. If there was something Hana was quite good at, it was cooking. You taste one of the dishes and it tasted amazing. "Wow! It's delicious." You tell her. Then you try out the next one and it was even more delicious. Dish after dish tasted excellent and you had nothing but praise for her.

"T-Thanks class rep." Hana just blushes as you compliment her. "It's nothing big though... I just cooked them according to the cookbook." She takes off her apron with the cat print on it and the two of you start to have dinner.

"Thanks for the food!" The two of you say in unison.

Dinner with Hana was fun. Although you've just met her today, Hana's company was quite enjoyable. Unfortunately, the night had to end sometime. After dinner was over she bids you farewell. "I'll see you tomorrow at school class rep."

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"I'll see you tomorrow then Hana." You tell her. She looked a bit regretful that the night was over but there was nothing she could do.

You didn't know what it was but you felt excited about going to school tomorrow. "I'll drop by the hospital real quick then go to school right away. I should be able to make it in time to eat lunch with Hana!" You thought to yourself.

The whole way home you had a certain hop to your step. You were humming the same joyful tune that Hana was humming while she cooked dinner for you. However, once you get near your house you saw a strange, yet familiar figure waiting outside. "Who is that?" You whisper to yourself.

Walking a bit closer you call out to the girl in front of your house. "Excuse me, can I help you?"

The girl then turns around. Immediately your heart races as you finally see her again. It felt like time slows down as Shirai shows you her usual smile. "Hey! Long time no see! I was moving back in to take care of my grandma while she was at the hospital and I wanted to see if you still lived here. I'm glad it seems like you were still here!" All these years you thought that Shirai has forgotten about you. All these years you lost hope you'll ever see her again.

"Shirai..." You whisper to her.

"Good! You still remember me after all! I was so scared that you would've forgotten about me." She gives you a playful smile as she walks closer to you. That was when you noticed a little girl walking behind Shirai.

"Mama, who is that guy?" The little girl tugs on Shirai's skirt while hiding behind her.

"It's Mama's old friend Maya." Shirai pushes the girl up front. "Now come on, introduce yourself to Mama's friend Maya." You didn't know what it was but you felt a deep pain in your heart. The sweet reunion you thought was happening turned out to be something else.

>to be continued.
Thanks for reading. Calling it a day here. I'll start at the same time tomorrow. If there are any delays, I'll announce it on my twitter.
You finished earlier than yesterday.
Thanks for running. Well that was a kick in the nuts for class rep.
Thanks for the run.
Nah, i expected some shit like that. That's why i pushed to forget our old crush and move on.
Are you not interested in the justifications?
Not much. She was probably pregged by dude which she was moved from by her parents.

I'm not interested in the justifications either.

We'd be better off simply moving on with our life. Not saying we can't be pleasant, but we should stay clear of (trying to) romance Shirai even if she's interested.

Besides, by her own admission, it's pretty clear Shirai knew where we lived all this time, and whatever the issues with her parents, she didn't even bother to drop us a call or a note to tell us where she went. Her grandmother regularly saw us as well, and I can't imagine Shirai was ignorant of that fact either.

I'd rather we try to build something with Hana.

That said, considering how this has gone so far, I'm certain OP is not going to let us do things easily...
yeah, shirai probably belonged to some other guy from the start, it's just that we went full creep on her and kids are a big red flag for me, so... naah
This was a pretty nice run, OP, pro-tier cliffhanger endings!
You don't have to bump it. If the thread dies, I'll make another one tomorrow.
oh alright

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