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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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This is a thread created for the discussion of Quest threads, as well as sharing of advice and guidance for aspiring or current QM's.

Useful links: http://pastebin.com/PHt5Ngbc
This link contains numerous writing guides, as well as the addresses to quest related IRC channels.

This is a directory containing the tweets of most current QM's. While a twitter is by no means mandatory, it is a useful tool for both you and your players.

>QMs: What was the first quest you followed?

>Players: What was the best part of Psion Quest?

>Bonus question: Will we ever see BFQ, Fuck Quest or Cyberpunk Yandere Quest again?
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>>Players: What was the best part of Psion Quest?
I have no idea.
>>Bonus question: Will we ever see BFQ, Fuck Quest or Cyberpunk Yandere Quest again?
No. wouldn't fly under present mod-overlords. No, same reasons. Maybe. I mean, Gobble got back after 6 months hiatus, there is still hope.

>tfw have weekend off and none of yours quests runs
>>Players: What was the best part of Psion Quest?

The way it scarred the collective consciousness of the playerbase in such a way that they still haven't recovered.
What was cyberpunk about cyberpunk yandere quest?
Decking, test tube babies, a bit of other future tech.
First quest I followed was DBZ human quest.

I think I learned how not to run a quest from that.

I never read Psion Quest

Don't read quests purely for lewdness. I watch porn for that. That being said, I don't mind lewdness in a quest. Either way, I'm too new to comment on any of those quests and also wouldn't care if I wasn't new.
So basically like gearspunk uh.

'not like I expected much.
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>C. Ive managed to destroy the pacing and plot with bad management and writing, so now its devolved into what my anons want at the tine and me sonetimes dropping plot hooks/hints

.... yeeeaaaaaaaah.

I can say from experience that your first quest will always be shit. Quite possibly the second and the third, too, depending on how fast you declare them unsalvagable and bail. That's to be expected. They say every successful novelist has to write ten shitty novels to get all the suck out - and it's true. The only way to really learn how to write is to actually write. For quests, you really have to write a quest before you become familiar with the format.

Quests are strange. CYOAs let people vote, but the updates are at least a few pages in length and are typically made every few days, weekly, monthly or never depending on how huge a faggot the author is. Quests are much shorter updates written at the comparative speed of light to an audience participating in realtime. A "game" style quest (any quest where anon rolls dice and/or stats are tracked by the QM with numbers) is a lot more straightforward to work with in that context; a story-focused quest is different. You have to decide how much control anon will have over their character (a difficult balance to strike; giving them true agency without making the character a schitzo ruled by the many little voices inside his head; doubly difficult because that describes the typical QM,) and atop of that you've got to not only write and develop a plot (a difficult writing lesson in itself) but decide how much control anon has over its development (a few alternate endings, major deviations in a branching plot tree, etc.) Shit's hard, and you can only get good with practice.
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Is tg interested? Happening tomorrow.

Don't worry about number of voters, either - you might find your best-quality work, that you're most proud of, is the thing that has the fewest voters. Even if the quest is written by the test-tube child of Stephen King and Neil Gamian, a great many people just aren't going to go for "FutaKnight Quest," and many of the ones that do probably didn't open up that first thread and start reading because they said "wow, that's really good writing."

So tl;dr even if you have to abandon that quest as too far gone to save, don't let it convince you not to keep writing quests. Good QMs usually have a trail of broken quests in their wake; it's how they learned. You've put in the effort, so don't throw it away because you weren't a prodigy that somehow figured it all out on their first run. Keep writin.
I can't say the picture or the title make me perk up with wide-eyed anticipation.
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I doubt I'd be intrested in any smut quest except for one idea (which I don't wanna run because I DO NOT wanna fuck up running it), Rance Quest! I mean, a quest in the Rance world setting. Not the game called "Rance Quest".

Has anyone tried doing that?
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More advice I want to ask for. Is it a good idea let people know that you're new at running quests (and in my case, writing in general) when posting your first quest?

>lot more straightforward to work with


>story focused quest is different.

I wouldn't say that. It definitely does depend on the amount of control you give the anons, but if you give too much or little you're going to have a problem. If you give anon's false choices (aka >go after her or >wait and go after her) then in the end the writing will be dependent completely on you. And most QMs can agree that if they were going to do that, they'd write a novel.

I think that Quests are fun for writers because you don't have to suffer from writer's block. I certainly haven't in my quests, and while I'm still learning to manage them it's a ton of fun to just let it loose on the keyboard and pull up 20K words in a weekend.
No. Plus don't worry, it will be obvious. But people won't have any bias when it comes to judging your writing.

Of course. Despite first appearances, people are pretty understanding. You may have a few fags hop on and troll, but as long as you clearly mark Quest in the subject, it keeps those filter-fags out who ruin people's days. And for the most part, first-time quest writers doesn't mean first-time writers, so you should still be fine.

Good luck with your quest!
>Sparks says he'll do a one-shot for one of the HSQ side characters
>Has the players vote on which they want the one-shot to focus on
>The mystery box is winning

What do you think's in the mystery box?
We're never going to see Fuck Quest again. OP Studios dropped off the face of the fucking Earth after making poll of Best Girl's most hated words, but that was half a year ago. And he only did so when someone made fanart of Best Girl, that he saw by chance.

The ship has sailed.
No, because it is so very, VERY easy to get wrong.
A vision of Galadriel's past, or her actually dream of starting a family with Siegfried.
Just a heads up that the Lovehammer 40k quest thread is now live!

No. don't mention it, just roll with it.
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>Galadriel wants Siegfried's holy sword buried to the hilt inside her in a twisted turn of events.

I'd be okay with this.
>We're never going to see Fuck Quest again.


I'm relatively indifferent. I experienced everything from the beginning, and it lost most of its charm by the end.
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Wouldn't you like to know.
I do know. You can't hide things from me.
Hey is giving theme songs to characters and events pointless or weird? Because I've given everyone a theme song in my current quest but haven't really showed any of them to the players.
hey actually i'm gonna run Below tomorrow because i feel like a walking mess today i really really hate flaking like this but holy shit i am not really in a state of mind where i can do this i'm so sorry

tomorrow is going to happen no matter what though
3 P
Fuck Quest was never good outside of snagging people who needed to be spoonfed their fetish, as they are too lazy/incapable of writing it up themselves.
>starting a family with Siegfried.

Man the Mary sues that would make.

Half Angel Half Jackass

The world ain't ready for that mang.
Oh? Do enlighten everyone as to what's inside then.
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It's obviously both the most interesting one and what you desire to write most, because anons would never not pick the box.

I'm onto you, Sparks.
That's quite a theory you've got there anon. In truth, I actually made the mystery box because if it got chosen I wanted to surprise the anons who've been wanting this for a while.

All I'll say right now is that a lot of anons will be happy when they find out who it is.
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Shoutout from this QM beach bumming at Chincoteague's shores

I'm currently running the Muse Quests.

It is the story of a down-and-out middle aged man discovering the existence of the nine Muses- accompanied by the enigmatic Red Lady- by accident one day after losing his job.

Antithesis to the Muses, a collection of demigod legends from across humanity's history and mythology, are the Demons, abominations which pursue the protagonist for reasons yet unexplained.

It has underlying basis in tarot

It slipped under the radar in its infancy and has continued to do so ever since. Any sort of feedback, participation, or additional player commentary would do it- and me, as the QM- some good.

There will be a thread this sunday evening.


Previous threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=The%20Red%20Lady

QM Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRedL4dy

Pastebin (Info, mechanics, some background): http://pastebin.com/u/RedLady

I'll stop guessing, don't want to spoil it.
Monsterhearts OP? Is that you?
Am I seeing thing or is somebody derping with artemis' tripcode?
There are two artemis'. One is myself, runner of Lost in Time Quest, Magical Soldier Quest (now on pause) and today, Best Dad Ever Quest, over here:


I'm the newer one. The other, Artemis (notice the caps) is the one you may be more familiar with.
>I don't know who is trolling who anymore.jpg
Also Magical Soldier Quest is unfortunate name there were two noteworthy "MSQ" quests, it's only gonna cause confusion.
It's A mystery.

Didn't know about the other MSQ, but that's going to be done with for now, so no need to refer to it!
Mahou Shonen and Modern Satyr the prior got pretty big back in the day and the latter, recent, turned into shitstorm of noteworthy proportions. just FYI.
Very few people know enough about the setting to do it justice, so no.
Any word from Cyclops OP or is he still on hiatus with his Overlord project?
Fuck it, make more MSQs.

It can only increase the discussion pool whenever any of them is discussed.

If levels and upgrades are placebo in a quest, how do you discourage sperging for it then?

Second question:

What quests impose artificial difficulty, and how?
>More advice I want to ask for. Is it a good idea let people know that you're new at running quests (and in my case, writing in general) when posting your first quest?

What happens if you let people know that you've ran several quests before already, but under different trips (but you're embarassed to say which quests)?

That's fine. They'll be able to tell if you have written other quests (from your preferences and writing itself) and figure out if you are good.
I'm sorry.
Things have come up, so no Destiny's Herald tonight.
Personally, I blame Hazama.
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>tfw making props for a quest I'll probably never run

It's probably for the best. At least I'm having fun.
Ugh. Stop abusing linebreaks so much. I basically stopped reading at "enigmatic".
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The original is really a lot better than that forced shit. You should just delete that.
Lost Primarch Quest 5 is up: >>40284592
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Eh, not like it matters much. A reaction is a reaction is a reaction.

Anyway, back to work. Anything to occupy time.
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How important is the "mystery" in a noir quest? Easy enough for the players to figure out? Complex enough that nobody sees it coming? Or is it relatively inconsequential compared to tone, style and atmosphere?
Still looking for feedback on this >>40284122
Where's mah Star Dust Quest?
Read twitter numbnuts.
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My shift changes in a week or so which will give me more time to run things, and I'm bouncing ideas around in my mind right now. Here is what I've come up with.

>Some sort of trippy, surreal horror quest based on OC with heavy influences from Alice in Wonderland
>Prison Quest: Don't drop the soap
>Strategy quest partly inspired by Erfworld
>Some borderline lewd quest involving slavery
>Dark Fantasy Quest involving cyclical reincarnation, racial hatred, and intelligence gathering

>If levels and upgrades are placebo in a quest, how do you discourage sperging for it then?
Bill any advantage as fluff and tiers, then give them out yourself with some regularity or reasoning. Don't put out lists to induce preventive sperging and hues, show things when appropriate.

The Snake Way of the Spear advances if they use a fucking spear, but it's literally how wuxia they look doing shit. If they choose the quest X, something gets enchanted, learned or blessed, etc.
So are you saying "use plot hooks to unlock upgrades" and not "use downtime or active/passive research/training" ?
That should be a given. Letting players advance the upgrades in any method other than QM fiat leads to players abusing whatever system allows them to get more powerful, no matter how unfun it is.
Alright, that make sense. That kind of helps with artificial difficulty as a result of upgrades.
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Eclipsed Moon Quest Episode 83 is up and live


Returning players called to. New players invited to do an archive binge. Vaguely interested parties invited to lurk. Players who dropped are wished well, because I know there is nothing I can really do to get you back because either plot direction or the way I seem to rub people can't be undone...just as long as you anons and namefags alike are happy and having fun.

We're live.
Research is sort of like that, mate. It's the same as loot whoring but perceived as having no risk. If your plot advances in spite of their long term dreams, something always ends off kilt when you crunch the numbers.
As the guy contemplating running a similar quest, I honestly think the mystery itself is largely inconsequential. It is a vehicle for interesting and fun character interaction, and the characters are where most of the effort should be placed, at least in my opinion.
Noir is almost pure atmosphere. The aura of mystery can be held by asking questions about motivations, methods, etc rather than the mystery itself.

Noir isn't a whodunit like Sherlock Holmes or an Agatha Christie novel. It doesn't give the reader/viewer all the clues they need to solve the mystery themselves before the solution is revealed. Noir is unfair. The plot pretty much goes like this:

>leggy dame visits hardboiled alcoholic private dick and gives him a job
>he knows something's fishy about this, but he's poor and also can't say no to leggy dames
>he tries to follow clues, but there aren't enough, and he hits a dead end
>turns out the leggy dame was playing him for a fool the whole time and was setting him up as a patsy
>the private dick ends up a little more broke and cynical than before, or maybe dead if he's not a cash cow franchise.
>turns out the leggy dame was playing him for a fool the whole time and was setting him up as a patsy

Ironically the most popular noir book doesn't do this.
>the private dick
[penis joke intensifies]
And sometimes he ends up as a stiff dick.
>abuses line breaks

Looks like cavespeak is back in boys.

Make sure you don''t write more than 10 words in a sentence, QMs
That post is definitely abusing line breaks. There's no reason to split the premise into three different paragraphs.
It's not like you separate different ideas in the English language or anything. Thats crazy talk.
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>When your quest does get 10+ anons and upvotes
Are there any quests that incorporate both
A. the forces of hell
B. cybernetics, space ships, or big guns

So basically want DOOM quest.
DOOM sure, but also event horizon.
maybe even also 40k, now that I think about it
Nigga I'm not that anon but this is how it could have been done:

>Shoutout from this QM beach bumming at Chincoteague's shores. I'm currently running the Muse Quests.

>It is the story of a down-and-out middle aged man discovering the existence of the nine Muses- accompanied by the enigmatic Red Lady- by accident one day after losing his job. Antithesis to the Muses, a collection of demigod legends from across humanity's history and mythology, are the Demons, abominations which pursue the protagonist for reasons yet unexplained. It has underlying basis in tarot.

>It slipped under the radar in its infancy and has continued to do so ever since. Any sort of feedback, participation, or additional player commentary would do it- and me, as the QM- some good. There will be a thread this Sunday evening.


It's basic formatting. Grouping ideas into similar condensed paragraphs is better than leaving it all over the place. To wit, would you argue that leaving firewood scattered all around your backyard is the same level of efficiency and as aesthetically pleasing as having it stacked in a neat pile?
Just stop, anon. He's not real.
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I wish I could.
>don't offer choices you don't want to write
>don't plan whole arcs before hand
>always drive the story forward
You know what QMs need? A deck of cards with good/bad plot developments, so they can take an scenario, draw some and not get hung up in epic stories not written.
I try my best to make all my epic stories self contained and transplantable.
It's not easy.
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>The players are hyped up for your thread, and thank you for running at the end.
This is a blue board, don't post your masturbation here.
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Any news on Damp?
Maybe he was just drafted for a year. Isn't he from some south asian country?
I thought he had just come back from his required service when he started the quest, although I'm probably wrong about that.
I've considered setting a game in the late Nighcisa/Early Gele era.

And not telling people it's Rance though of course people who know the series would figure it out
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Weird West Quest is live.

Hopefully actual weird things besides rope will happen this thread.

Do you mean Shota Rope Quest?
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>mfw you guys blow through all the bbeg's I introduce with rope
Change a particular vowel in that, and I would totally play that quest.
I don't write smut ;)
I actually thought that's what it was.
Quieter than a tomb ;~;
In the first thread, there was at least 2 anons trying to make the MC a thirteen year old. Since one of them samefagged on the vote, I let the other option with the most votes win.

Also, first roll was a 99 getting out of rope they were tied up with.
I'm fine with the MC being an adult, so long as the it's still about what I want.
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Well, anon, what do you want?
It's my Boypussy and I want it now!!!
Always so impatient.
>Players: What was the best part of Psion Quest?
Dunno. But stealing the QM option, the best part about Maid Quest was that the plotlines, in general and per girl, kept moving forward.

The shenanigans and craziness was just standard MAID and good QMing.
Crusader Quest needs more Road Warrior chases.
How would that even work?
Horses, carts full of goods, and holy wasteland.
Who could run Private Beast Academy Quest?
"chargen" is voting on the class demography and what you teach. Objective is to survive one week during estrus season. Replay value achieved by going from top grade to lower middle school.

>laying bizantines
What is the best use of pastebins and other such material providing sites in a quest with mechanics?
You give a brief description of the mechanics and stick them in a pastebin so that you don't have to make a post just to explain mechanics.
For smut.
For crunch. Typically crunch heavy quests will gain several players who like going over crunch options. These few players will occasionally bring up plans and options, you call a quick vote on it, and they usually pass like a spending bill in a non-election year. You keep this crunch in a pastebin so that those who like it can enjoy it, and those who don't can ignore it and just passively vote for it now and then when it comes up before going back to story related votes.

That's from my experience at least.
What happened in Psion Quest? The first threads seemed innocent enough, but there's literally no record *anywhere* of the great shitstorm other than a few short descriptions or summaries. I can't even find any caps, much less archives.
For things which have no impact on decision-making, or information that has already been relayed in the quest, but needs to be readily accessible. The latter mostly includes mechanics, although some quests also include basic lore and character profiles. The former mostly consists of world-building.
It's towards the end, like in the last 10 threads or so
Someone nailed down the threads both shitstorms happened in a while ago, but I can't remember them. It's about halfway through the quest for the first and a few threads before the end for the second.
What are the popular, understandable alternatives to "roll 1d100" for quests, plus any supplemental mechanics to the dice roll?
Oh yeah, there was another one back in the middle about hooking up with that guy wasn't there. I forgot about that because the other one was so much worse
Various other versions of "best of 3" mostly, with DCs added in if the QM feels like it. Lots of quests run without any mechanics.
So it's not the last few? I kept scanning the last two threads for the shitstorm. Guess I have to go back further.
So if players don't feel motivated to talk among themselves in the thread, then the problem is in how the choices are given to them? What's a good prompt aside from a block of greentexted choices?
No, >>40293131 is right, it was closer to 10 threads before the end.

What's lost forever is how QTG reacted at the time. While early 2013 QTG was mostly BFQ shitposting, I remember it having some anger about PQ.
>lost forever
No it isn't. You're just too lazy to look.
Solving the problem of quiet players isn't something I can really help you with, since it's so widespread and requires very situational advice to fix.
You want to try and find early 2013 QTGs? Trust me, it's not fun. Anything before April is a bitch to track down.
Found it, thread 55

I guess the shitstorm towards the end was about the waifu not being gay, and this one was where she cheated. Psion Quest was a mess
>So if players don't feel motivated to talk among themselves in the thread, then the problem is in how the choices are given to them?
Or they just don't have something to discuss or desire beyond voting.

You can either remind them about a future matter, allow riders or writeins (>anything else?; specify, etc), or present something that will bring middling amounts of sperg.
There's no guarantee that any of these methods will cause players to talk to each other. The vast majority of quest players are one step above lurkers, and won't post for any reason other than to vote and maybe provide a reason for their vote.
This is strange, a lot of my players are chirpy anons.
Some quests get a relatively large amount of very talkative anons, but most quests are nearly dead outside of QM updates and votes.
>a lot of my players
3-4 at most? When "a lot" get talkative or hype you end up making multiple threads
Same. I love it, I use their conversations and opinions to help frame the MC's state of mind and view of the world, as well as to know which options are the most important to include in a vote or not. It really helps speed things up most of the time.
So? You can just ride it to page 10 and make a two-parter.
The point is there are very, very few quests that get enough discussion to have multiple threads a session. Banished and a few fanfiction quests are the only ones that come to mind. Even in those quests, the majority of readers never vote, and the majority of voters only vote.

It's not reasonable for the average QM to expect to have anywhere near that much discussion.
That I can agree with. My advocating of conversation is less directed at QMs as an expectation, and more directed to players.

A healthy conversation about the events in a quest allows you and other players to plan out what you want to do so major votes don't halt the action, they let the QM know what you want to be doing and plan accordingly, they let you create a sense of community with the other players, and they let the QM know that you're having fun. Despite the fact that you vote on every prompt, sometimes it can be hard for the QM to tell if he's writing shit or giving you a fun time. Few things lighten up a QM's face more then watching his players having fun in the quest as they discuss what to do, or comment on the recent events, debate theories, or simply hype themselves up on the most recent happening.

If you participate in a quest you enjoy, let him know you are having fun with lighthearted conversation and shitty fanart. I bring up shitty fanart because let's face it, getting a quality drawfag is a rare thing, but to a QM, that doesn't matter. The fact that you put in the effort to make something at all, even a horrendous ms paint monstrosity, means the world.

As I said in spooky once, shitty fanart to a QM is like macaroni art to a mother, and lighthearted conversation between updates is like a dad overhearing his son having a "my dad could beat up your dad" argument.
That's great and all, but how many players do you think really come to WQDT? How many of them that do come here don't want to put more effort in than they already do, or don't care how much it helps their QM?
Doesn't hurt to say it.
Fair enough. I prefer to talk to the QMs, who I can affect, rather than players, but I can get why you'd want to do otherwise.
QMs can't do all that much to improve healthy conversation, and a QM begging for shitty fanart is just sad. It's something that needs to start naturally from the players, and it creates a positive feedback loop. The players end up feeding the QM data on what they want and what flavor they want it, and the QM can then tailor the quest to match, both in tone and general plot. If the players think an NPC is acting like a cunt, the QM can pick up on that and have the MC react appropriately. Even tiny changes can make a big difference in tone, and that then creates a better quest for the players, which gives them more to discuss because the QM knows what to give them, which gives the QM more feedback.

It can become a self sustaining, self improving system, but it starts with the players. Right now, if a QM gets a fun, talkative player base it's like lightning in a bottle. I'd like to see more QMs get those kinds of players.

Mostly just wishful thinking I guess, but if just one player ends up making a shitty looking crayon drawing for their favorite quest, the rant was worth it.
As a QM, can advertising in WQDT help your quest at all?

From what I can tell, people who go on this board have a vague idea of what quests are going on unless they filter them, just from looking through the catalog. So if you stand a quest and they aren't interested by the OP and the premise, then I don't think there's a point.

But maybe people on WQDT are in general better players, and succumb to shitfits less easily, and are generally more participatory than the usual lurking quester?
People will say not to, but I feel like it can't hurt.
People in the general are worse in all areas. Don't link or even mention your quest here unless you want to attract shitposters.
Now this is just straight up not true.
I agree with this. Most just straight up don't care enough to shitpost in something they don't like, especially if it isn't popular to start with.
Well, I just asked if there was interest in the premise of the quest before I ran it, and then linked it when I did run it, but never since. This was back in the day of QTG though, and I honestly think WQDT is far, far better so I don't see much harm at all in advertising until you get a good solid player base.

And besides, you need to post your twitter here for the vampire to add you, so you might as well link your thread while you do it.
Futa MC votes don't start until QTG finds a new quest.
>help your quest at all?
I feel general populace has diminished, so exposition is diminished. Do discuss about genders, drafts and shit.

>So if you stand a quest and they aren't interested by the OP and the premise, then I don't think there's a point.
OPs, discussion and a some sessions are still the best method to gather a playerbase anyone can come up with.

>But maybe people on WQDT are in general better players
Limited time and energy. I'd probably follow more quests if possible, but I would be mostly a vote or hype player.

My brain runs scenarios for the sorta slow quests with proof of moving plots and updates I can gather clues from.
Don't chargen the character's gender.

Problem solved.
>If the players think an NPC is acting like a cunt, the QM can pick up on that and have the MC react appropriately.
>have the MC react appropriately
QMs: Please do not take liberties to do this anywhere but within a character's internal monologue.

If players actually vote to tell the character they're being a shit, sure, roll with it. If players are joking around OOC about an NPC being a shit and it's in character to do so, having the MC go "Man, what's eating this guy?" to themselves is a cute call-out and people will likely see that sort of stuff as an incentive to be more talkative in-thread. (Just don't get too carried away with it, or you might draw in a crowd who are PRIMARILY interested in hoping their le epic maymays will show up in story posts and treating your thread accordingly.)

Taking players joking around about an NPC having a stick up their ass as a mandate to have the MC tell the NPC to remove said stick is unfathomably stupid unless you're running a quest where the gimmick is that the MC is literally autistic and has no semblance of a social filter.
I have no idea honestly. I guess it helps the lazy notice the quest.

Maybe the maximum shitposters all immigrated to spooky /qtg/. But even if they haven't, well, the general has experienced players, which is both a blessing and a curse. Side-effects of experience may include jadedness, cynicism, and deep-seated Pavlovian conditioning.

Some anons are changed forever, become fallen and just want to watch the world burn. But there are plenty of old hands and QMs here who are experienced who haven't been broken down by the questing scene into becoming the very shitposters they despised. Who brush off the shitstorms at the end of the day, and return every thread determined to make the most of it.
Wouldn't be a problem at all if QTG never got linked, first of all.

Second, a lot of the time when QTG voters are given a gender they just tell the QM to make the MC a futa, even if there's no vote.
Hi there! Artemis, just done with >>40282781. To those who read it, what do you guys think? I've wanted to go a more SoL/D'aww route, and it turned out pretty well, methinks. Anything else I should try and do?
Chargen is one of the cardinal sins of new quests, so it honestly hardly matters.
Obviously. You could write how the MC greets said asshole with a forced smile or tries to duck behind something to avoid being seen to no avail. Just small things to let the players know that the MC has the same opinion of the NPC that they have. Then the QM can add in the vote options to tell the NPC that he's a cunt.
I have never seen that happen.

Why would trolls demanding a chargen vote for something that wasn't offered matter though, and where did that occur.

That at least seems like the more harmless kind of shitposting.
Shining example of the awful players contained in the QTG right here.
It's definitely a plus for a niche quest.
EXTENDED chargen. A few simple, well-defined choices work really well.
I've never seen that, and besides, every time a QM asks for advice, the first thing said is "no chargen" and most of the time the first thing he fucking does is run chargen.

It doesn't matter if you get futafags or not, chargen is a bad idea for any new QM. It slows down the thread right at the start and motivates players to fight each other over what character they want to play as. If you are inexperienced enough to ask for advice, you are not experienced enough to do chargen right. Simple as that.
Especially since QMs often seem to have trouble getting what anons are specifically upset with, so that can make it even worse.
Any advice for how to run a succubus quest if I don't want it to be totally smut, but more dealing with the results of it?
Hey, I came up with an idea for a quest called "Extreme Parenting," went to look at the catalog, and saw that you had posted "Best Dad Ever Quest!" I'm pretty sure that my subconscious reading of that title was the germ of the idea for "Extreme Parenting," but I don't think the concepts are all that similar? Although I haven't read your thread too closely.

All this to say, would I be stepping on your toes if I posted a new quest also centrally involving parenting?
Results of smut, hunting a semen demon, being a horn whore?
Including but not limited to.
Any chargen is usually too much for a new QM to handle. They should let it sit until they've gotten a bit of experience.

Extended chargen is literally cancer and anyone who attempts it deserves their futa MC.
Pray a lot before you start running, because it's almost certainly going to get a lot of players expecting smut and demanding you deliver it.

That's not even getting into how it may trigger The Guys Who Work For Free and get your quest nuked from the board.
Vote or roll for powers is good too.

Getting stuck with the runes of Sickness and Decay because of dice still tickles me.
fuck, they went to bed

would anyone be interested in a 'mon/RPG quest where the 'mons are your children and you can dress them up in various costumes for stat bonuses/battle advantages and you fight other parents' childmon teams
I think there's already a quest similar to that, actually.

okay, I guess I'll just withdraw in shame

It's called high school.
Experimenting and starting an Ivalice, Final Fantasy Tactics quest.

Feel free to join if it interests you.
This wouldn't the first succubus quest.
I was joking actually sorta, anyways. Mother's children are op as fuck. but even if there was don't let that stop you from running.
Sure, there have been others, but all of them started quietly or a long time ago. Modern /tg/ can't handle smutty concepts without smut.
oh. in that case I just might do it.

apparently chargen is not a good idea for an inexperienced QM. how about presenting the players with four premade options? directly analogous to the choice between the three starters at the beginning of every pokemon game?
I can go for some smut.
character selects work A LOT BETTER than chargens.
Like >>40295332 said, character select is a lot better. Just beware of people trying to write-in troll characters.

Yes thank you, that's the point. There would be no smut.
Yeah, my character gen was going fine until everyone wanted to make the MC 13 and words like Shota were getting thrown around.

Character select is the way to go.
>Yes thank you, that's the point. There would be no smut.
good to know, thanks
That depends on what kind of quest you want to be running, and how expendable these kids are going to be. In the case of the other "have your kids fight for you" quest, it started out with a small selection of pre-made options of expendable units that could be customized over time. If you want to have them be customizable, then just have them start with a basic battle toddler that can be upgraded with reversible hats and flame jackets later.
Did you not read the beginning of this conversation?
>Any advice for how to run a succubus quest if I don't want it to be totally smut?
In a quest about a creature who has sex with things to eat?

That is...a very bold concept you have there considering every other decision would be a fade-to-black moment.
It was only 2 years different from an official option really.
There is also drug smuggling, assassinations, spying and shit.

I want to go bisexual but I expect /tg/ will push of lesbians.
True, but 15 year olds generally have more meat on their bones.

A good example of this is that there were a few 15 year olds who lied about their age and entered into service during the civil war. A 13 year old would not have been able to do this.

I wouldn't have minded too much, but the word shota kinda turned me off to the whole concept and I probably came down a little harsh on the people suggesting it.
Just cut to the chase make the MC a futa who fucks girls and rapes shotas.
You are running the wrong kind of quest?

Because succubus and smut are BASICALLY hand in hand. Any other type of demon? Not so much, but succubus are basically THE smut demon.
It's 4chan. Any and all children are dubbed shota or loli regardless of context or lewdness levels.
Hmm. I have four inherent battlestats and ten points to spend between them. The kids can improve their stats by one point every year/level, up to fifteen total inherent points, but most of the enhancement comes from equipment/clothes. So they'd start out with differing inherent stat distributions and one set of stat-neutral clothes, and acquire new equipment over time. Does that sound like a workable start/setup? Oh, and if you lose a kid- not a battle, lose a kid permanently- it's game over.
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>MC a futa

Not totally smut still means some smut is acceptable provided it isn't ALL of it.
Sorry man, but it's bound to happen if you run Fuck Demon Quest
Faerie on Akun was basically "here's an amoral sex fiend in a boarding school" for about three sessions before going to stupid places. Try that and probably check out Monsterhearts to see examples of how to characterize monstrous types.
They can go with a strap-on or double sided dildo.
No I mean a succubus is generally 'the slut demon' and if people are playing a succubus, they will want to be doing smut related things or advancing a smut related agenda.

Because, and see if you can keep up with me here, they are playing a succubus.

There is no reason why their plans would NOT be primarily smut-related.

It'd be like being a guard of someone who outclasses you in combat, surrounded by people who also outclass you in combat. Wait, we had that actually. It was called Princess Guard Quest and it was terrible, because there was no point to guarding a princess that is stronger than you.

Much like, there is no point in playing a 'Succubus Quest' where you don't act like a succubus.
How many war spawn do we get? You could have them start with an absolute minimum in every stat, and then have the players customize them by giving them different upbringings. Having one go to baseball, for example, makes them a good hitter and runner, or they could get into hunting and be a good shooter and pick up stealth skills, then as Tactical Teens they would end up with special traits and could be outfitted with gear and equipment to further enhance their lethality and durability in certain areas, which would depend on their training. A hunter could pick between a pistol and camo pants, or a rifle and bluejeans, for example, with one option buffing stealth and the other ranged damage, and then the players could buy more upgrades later with winnings or something.
>It's 4chan. Any and all children are dubbed shota or loli regardless of context or lewdness levels.
That ain't true outside of /a/ and /b/
Let me put it to you this way. Planning to black widow some guy is a totally acceptable version or not total smut.

Hell I half expect them to blow the shopkeepers for discounts.

Smut is fine but they also have to worry about getting shot and such.
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How much do I need to know about hacking to make a quest where the MC's duties will primarily involve hacking?
you start with one and can adopt more under certain circumstances. I want to get into combat early, so I want them to start with viable combat builds rather than building from the ground up. beyond that all that stuff is good and works.
Your pic is related. Absolutely none at all.
In fact, realistic hacking is boring as fuck, at least from a player perspective.
Then have them start with a basic, versatile Combat Kid that is capable, but does not excel at anything, but give the players chances to purchase special training and items later.

>Adopting children to fight to the death for you
>Not giving birth to an entire army
On a similar route, how well do players fare with being a sneaky, small person who isn't going to be a central player in combat?
If you make the NPCs able to handle themselves in a fight, they'll be fine with hiding behind them.

If you make it so the NPCs can be hurt in a permanent manner, they will flip their shit and try to take control of the fighting.
No idea, but I would recommend giving some control or options over how combat plays out at least.
You'd probably be the stealth hacker variant shadowrunner, with ability to take out guards and such, but not actually able to fight in a stand up manner

NPC harm is going probably be fairly common, though most likely not permanent as long as they have dosh.
As long as you make it very clear ahead of time that good resource management will let them heal any injuries, the players probably won't throw too big of a fit.
Didn't it also have smut DLC, as in you had to pay for the smut scenes?
Except that's wrong, as just noted.
No, that was one of his later quests.
Wrong quest, and that sort of talk is very dangerous.

Disneyland beckons.
It is time for plots centered around everyone being so fucking poor.
my pictures of outlaw star AND bebop are both corrupted somehow
Make it less horrible and more funny, like with most of the NPCs already having lots of augments, so a gunshot wont make them bleed out, but they still need an expensive repair, so until then you can have them always spilling their drinks or dropping things because their arm violently shakes at random, or the hand shoots from the wrist, or the figures make rude gestures of their own accord. Things like that.
well, of course. Nobody is ever ACTUALLY AFFECTED by being perpetually poor.
No, but it gathered interest and some boners, before shifting into another Quest altogether and being trolled by everyone who felt slighted.
I want a quest where the players desperately try to stop a wizard from doing all the bullshit wizards normally do.
Sounds shit. Make the MC that wizard, instead.
The MC is the wizard.
It's about the players trying to stop the wizard.
You're starting your quest in the worst possible timezone. Sorry, but aussies don't play too many quests.
I figured that might be the case. damn my sleep schedule
on that note, is it considered gauche to repost a quest at, like, 8pm that got no responses at 4am?
Nah, people won't care.
oh, sweet then. I'll just try again tomorrow night, assuming it doesn't survive until people who aren't insane or Australian wake up.
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>tfw so embittered the only quest I enjoy any more is Lego Quest
What type of quests do you like? Maybe we can point you in the direction of some fun ones.
Cuckhunter Quest when?
Would this be a quest where you cuckold guys, or hunt down the guys that do the cuckolding?

Because someone tried to run a netorare revenge quest and copped a ban for it.

Just how many QMs have been banned for triggering people with their quest content?

What's the running list of forbidden texts that anon was not meant to know?
I think I recognize that comic.

Croatian right?

It's when you start writing the smut directly in the thread. Or when you clearly anounce you're going to do so.
>Just how many QMs have been banned for triggering people with their quest content?
A few, but not as many as you might think.

Not true, Surreal Television Quest got kicked off the board and it wasn't a smut quest. Orc Warlord has direct smut and has also never been banned.
Of course it got banned. Those who do it for free are huge cuck fetishists.
how is it possible that so many angry fatties can misuse a term like cuck so often
Is having an experienced/middle aged MC an acceptable method to cut down on powersperg and min/maxing, by virtue of them having the basic skills that would require training already learnt?
It has nothing to do with the starting powerlevel.
If you have a way to advance in power with multiple options, powersperg will always be a possibility.
but thats the point, the PC is at their highest skill level and that training gives them no returns, while equipment gives no powerlevel changes as long as it doesnt break.
Well you said basic skills the first time, slightly different idea to being top of their game.
Sure that would work, for that particular issue at least.
NTR revenge quest is transparently not smut.

It is, in fact, smut hate incarnate.
It's hate for a particular subset of smut. Not all smut.
Unless you're arguing all smut is NTR.

>>Dice rolls are all 4d6-4, roll under, unless specified otherwise. The options field should read "dice+4d6+-4"

I bet it was banned for having that convoluted dice system.
So it was 0-20 but with a propensity towards numbers in the middle of the range.

For what purpose?
I don't deserve to have fun.

Yes. All But One.
>I don't deserve to have fun
Nonsense. We all deserve a moment of joy here and there.
>Unless you're arguing all smut is NTR.
Basically how Catholics tend to see all of what they deem bad sex, NTRing god.

At least so I was taught.
As a Catholic, I've always had an unhealthy fixation with fucking the Virgin Mary.
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Not even sure how to react to that.
Do you really think God's going to pick a plain looking girl for his son/himself, or a smoking hot piece of Jewish teen ass?

Sherlock Holmes's or Christie's novels don't give you what you need to solve the mystery, either. It's a literary trick to make the detective seems smarter: the protagonist, and not the narrator, is the only one with all the informations.
>"Find the 5th number in this sequence!"
>one anon posts convoluted 'increasing numbers pattern' of adding 11,1,77, then 7 >>39999260
>another points out these are actually the digits of pi
>anon still insists "well both guesses make equal amounts of sense! who knows?"

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>It doesn't give the reader/viewer all the clues they need to solve the mystery themselves before the solution is revealed
But neither do Sherlock Holmes mysteries. Sherlock tends to just randomly come up with evidence that wasn't actually presented to the reader before or explains details of the evidence that no reader can actually figure out from the descriptions given prior.
>Christie's novels don't give you what you need to solve the mystery
Having recently read through a Hercule Poirot short story collection and several novels where the protagonists weren't detectives, I call bullshit. Agatha Christie generally gives the readers all the evidence they need to figure out the mystery.
I mean, this is literally a big logical problem that comes up, for instance, in the philosophy of linguistics- for any finite set of input-output pairs (for instance, (1, 3), (2, 14), (3, 15), (4, 92)) there's an infinite number of functions that map those inputs to those outputs, but map other inputs to different outputs. Intuitively, the "digits of pi" explanation is a lot more natural than the... whatever... the anon was describing, but from a logical perspective they're equally valid. Not to shit on your point, which is also valid, but any time you extrapolate from finite data to other inputs you're always choosing from an infinite field of equally-valid functions, which I think is fascinating. This is, of course, why we have to use metrics like Occam's Razor- "unnecessarily multiplied entities" in solutions don't mean the solution is incorrect, it just captures our intuition that that solution isn't motivated as simply.
That Warhammer 40k Smut Quest isn't very good.
>I have an idea
>Let's take Bad Thing
>And put it with Also Bad Thing
>Then be surprised it's bad.
That's because it's run by the fags from WST. They've always been some of the worst writers on the board. Hell, on any board.

/v/ knows how to write the sexy better than WST
I'm honestly surprised by how awful it is.

And folks say my smut writing isn't any good.
>And folks say my smut writing isn't any good.
It probably isn't
>It probably isn't
Yeah, probably. I won't dispute that.
I could probably write a really good smut quest but I refuse to do so because it's against my principles.
It's largely because I hate WST gutterscum, folks like them are what killed erpg when we had it here and they're the kinds of folks that continue to parade around its corpse even today. It used to be good then a lot of shits from /a/ and some shits from /d/ and the horde of ~those guys~ from here killed it. I'll never cater to WST. They should be the ones banned, not us. We did nothing wrong.
Outside this quest, WST has nothing to do with the quest community. My advice. Give it a shot and show 'em how its done.
>They should be the ones banned, not us.
Never happening. Mods are on their side.
I agree. The mods do not seem to grasp the meaning of what a "hook-up thread" is.
>a lot of shits from /a/ and some shits from /d/
Bullshit, /tg/'s smut writer crowd didn't need any help to be shit.
You're not telling anon anything they don't already know.
What's especially ridiculous is that they use WST as a hookup thread on occasion
Yeah I just want to bitch about it a bit.
They didn't need the help but it sure hastened the thread's death.

Carpetbomb WST when? They ruined our quaint little weekend thread, I want to ruin theirs.

But those shitwagons will enjoy it. I'm too spiteful. Maybe someday. I dunno. I might. It'd be fun, maybe. I just know that a thread like that will attract those shitters and they test my patience. Maybe I can squick them out and filter them away, they tend to have really basic tastes and limited mindsets, maybe if I write a good, realistic transgender character that isn't just a token "trap" or something they'll lose interest and fuck off. I've written and played all manner of characters in smut stuff and I've always tried to do my research by talking to people before diving into an unfamiliar perspective. I can do it. Have done it before. Any other ideas of what might drive that crowd away? I really do hate those shits. I am that salty.

honestly fuck them
fuck the mods for enabling them
fuck the mods for kicking us out when it was us who needed saving from them
fuck the mods for letting them continue their shit when the core members of our community tried so very hard to establish rules that would preserve us
they really really let us down
>Carpetbomb WST when
Why bother? They're already shit.
>But those shitwagons will enjoy it
Nah. They really don't bother with smut quests at all. This is different because its one of theirs so they all jumped in. Yours is likely to be ignored no matter the subject.
>realistic tranny/trap
Only if by realistic you mean a histrionic, insane asshole who thinks his dick is a cunt and acts like all the worst female stereotypes.
Eye for an eye doesn't do anything. I'm bitter, not spiteful.
>our quaint little weekend thread
/erpg/ was on weekdays too near the end. we flew too close to the sun on wings of pastrami.

Nobody thought there really was a wink-wink-nudge-nudge approach to moderation for weekend-only generals where the day of the week is the condition for being allowed.

Are you sure you don't just lack empathy and hate women? That sounds like the case.

Probably. Wish there was a way to get the mods to make them fuck off.
Yeah and we told people not to fucking do that but of course they couldn't listen. We were on this ice, why the fuck did anyone think it was okay to increase our presence?
Pick one, chief.
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>Wish there was a way to get the mods to make them fuck off
Just turn them into QTG in its final moments.
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After my nodding off, Eclipsed Moon Quest 83 resumes.

This. Just go there and argue fetishes with everyone or have intenet slapfights wit NiceDaemonette. Keep your snooty, above-it-all demeanor that you've had during your bitchfest here for extra effect.
Blue Mage: Beast Slayer Quest will be up soon. It's main focus will be on killing a fuck hueg beast as the final test before the MC's old master steps down from his duty as the protector of his village. Anyone interested?
Sure. So long as it isn't shit.
I'll try my best Anon
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I've been working on a tileset for a quest thread with grid-based combat with central base upgrading. What's the best theme for it?
>managing a witcher school
>BBEG lair
>a group of mercenaries/outlaws taking over a ruined manor in no man's land
>something other, please write what you'd want
>a group of mercenaries/outlaws taking over a ruined manor in no man's land
I like this.

But you could also do exiled royalty forced into the wilderness, working to grow his powerbase after suffering a coup. Or a coalition of rebels fighting against a tyrant. Or a resistance army building a base of operations against an invading and overwhelming enemy nation after they lost their main base.

I like this too:
>BBEG lair
Because I'm a sucker for a quest that lets you play the bad guy. particularly if its a smut quest, but I don't mind if it isn't
>a group of mercenaries/outlaws taking over a ruined manor in no man's land
This one is the most unique.
>witcher school
>grid based combat
It'll never work. Witchers are too fast, and have too much reach.

>BBEG lair
most likely to work, but I haven't seen it done well yet.

>a group of mercenaries/outlaws taking over a ruined manor in no man's land
Outlaws of the Marsh? Sure, if you can handle writing tons of characters and giving them just enough depth.

By the same token,
>Adventurer Guild
in charge of putting quests up to help out the town you're in charge of.

>Frontier Base/Fort
Defend against the enemy waves deal. Keeps the players focused on a short term goal, while giving leeway for a long term goal.
The mercenaries thing is best; especially since it could easily turn into witches school and/or bbeg lair depending on player choice.
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thanks, much appreciated. Time to work on battlefield and village tilesets
>not wanting to run quests because people you hate might enjoy them
That's my number one reason, too many god damn faggots with shit opinions, shit fetishes and shit everything
Surprisingly, fewer than you might think. It's just that attitude of >everything is shit that makes your quest worse for others *and* for you.

You're shit, anon. Give up that preconception of things being shit, and just try. You'll find the shitposters are few and far between.
I'm about to start a quest. I understand the cardinal fuckups. I want to know if it is acceptable within the first few posts to have a multi-segmenter, or should I try to include more interactions during the introduction?

It all depends on what you're doing. My favoured approach is to write the intoduction, and during it contain a few options Which are chargen, yes.. Having a few options intersparsed through the intro will let your own writing style get a groove, and also allow for that initial bit of choice for the readers.

So segment it. Don't start with options straight away, that's terrible.
The first 2 posts can be an intro, and then another 2 posts can be the actual start of the quest. That's the most I think you can squeeze in before TLDR. Mind you, some people might skip that intro.

Quick question, has there been a quest named Fa/tg/uy Quest yet?
I know it's bad to judge by the cover, but I've never heard of a name like that, because it's a fucking retarded name for a quest.
Sure is.
Also, what's up with having a twitter? I mean... what's the point of it?
Announcing and linking threads as well as cancellations.
Can announce your quest threads starting/the schedule. It's helpful when you have people who want to follow your quest but may be forgetful (if you announce things before hand), your schedule changes accidentally, or you have no schedule and just try to run when you can.
What's up with having players? I mean...what's the point of it?
When you run a new thread at an unannounced time in a completely different time slot, some QMs are actually SURPRISED when they don't get players, or don't get the same players as last time.
So what is the ideal character pic generator?

Thinking of using skyrim with mods.
Oic. Thanks guys.
Why would someone ever want players? They just ruin your perfect story.
Why even have story? It just gets in the way of your wonderful smut.
Why type smut? It just gets in the way of your masturbating.
Why even masturbate? It would just get in the way of being productive.
Why get dirty masturbating? It just distracts you from playing quests.
Why even be productive? It just gets in the way of shitposting.
Why even shitpost? It gets in the way of lying to yourself that basic human decency exists.
Archelon pls.
Also, what's the character limit?

it averages about 300~ words, give or take like 25 depending on how robust your vocabulary is.
Thanks guys.
Now I wait for a sucker.
Sucker get.
just posting to unironically say "wow, running a Quest is super fun"
Is cribbing from the outlines and props of a prior /tg/ project that never concluded satisfactorily but changing things up with your own additions unethical?
Just keep in mind, it's all about ethics in questing.

But really, if you can find the original creators maybe ask them what's up? If you can't, and they've abandoned it- it's probably fair game.
I need a little more context than that. If you mean like a worldbuilding/homebrew thread or something, then I say go for it. BFQ was loosely based off of Scholomance, after all, and if they didn't want their work to get used freely they shouldn't have put it on fucking 4chan of all placed.
Please keep your tumblr memes to yourself, faggot.
Posted the ethics in questing in irony, since the "unethical" part reminded me of it.
Ironic faggotry is still faggotry, faggot.
Fair enough. Still, the mystery always gets solved, and the antagonist is a criminal. In hardboiled detective stories it's okay for the detective to fail, because the enemy is a whole corrupt system and the detective never really succeeds in changing it. The only success he can hope for is to maintain his integrity and attitude.

Sherlock Holmes could never say "Forget it, Watson. It's Chinatown."
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>Players that vote for bisexuality.
Bullshit it is.
Tell that to my boyfriend while I ironically get fucked in the ass.
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>Quest that have a vote for sexuality.
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The guy dropped off the face of /tg/ a little under two years ago. It was a pseudo-quest that died due to said guy disappearing. But he laid some interesting groundwork, so I was thinking of filing off the serial numbers, changing names/places and generally taking his basic idea and expanding on it and making it a lot more interactive.
Is that about dungeon delving as a sport?
Hey, I don't deliberately choose malicious options just to fick with a thread. If I'm on a thread, I try hard to be resourceful, trying to figure out stuff and actually discussing what to do.
Then I'd say you're good. Just make liberal use of the filer.

If it ain't then we fucking NEED it.
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Yes. I'm making new teams, a new world and probably a new logo. Possibly even knock-off baseball cards with stats. It's slow-going so far, but I'm having fun world-building so it's not too bad.
I always liked the idea of X-Crawl but thought it didn't work very well in execution. I'd like to see more of the fucked-up trappings of modern pro sports.
>some FFT buffs actually arrive
>already discussing lewd and crazy thievery
I think it'd be more interesting as a kind of blood sport in a traditional fantasy world that progressed past simili-feudalism.
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Then do your thing and I'll do mine
oh shit. I thought I was the only one who remembered. I loved that shit.
To those who it may concern, Best Dad Ever Quest is running over here:>>40300996

Went pretty damn well last night, so let's continue!
Extreme Parenting Quest finished its setup arc and is on to the first plot-y arc! ... in case... anyone cares...

So I had an idea for a little piece of software to notify people when new Quest threads are started on /tg/.

Something to run in the background and check the catalog at specified intervals to see if a new thread is up accoding to certain criteria (so maybe you're looking for threads with 'Kobold Quest' in the title etc).

Would this be of use to anyone? I'd make it open source so folks can ensure there's no virus/botnet/etc, but I have no idea if this would actually be a useful thing or just a waste of time.

What do people think?
So, an updated bronzetask?
I'd use it. Would you be keeping it maintained, and updating it everytime a 4chan update broke it?
How would it display notifications?
What parameters would it look for?

Got a link or anything to Bronzetask? Quick google didn't bring up much besides old /tg/ threads mentioning it and some lamps.

If it was useful, yeah I'd definitely keep it maintained.

The notification would be a native popup, so on Windows a taskbar icon would appear with a popup message bubble. I could almost certainly embed the link to the thread in this.

Criteria-wise probably just allow users to enter a number of search terms and would check the subject & first post of each thread on the catalog for it, compare the datestamp of that thread to the last time it notified you to see if it's a new thread or not, and go from there.
This might be interesting in a general sense (probably more so as a browser add-on rather than a piece of standalone software), though I'm not sure how useful it would be strictly in the context of quests given that there's been fairly widespread adoption of QM twitter accounts, so there's already sort of a manual version of this in place that also serves to provide advance warning of when threads WILL BE running rather than just the moment they go up.

That's not to say that a programmable alert feed (probably handled via the same general parameters as current filtering stuff) for threads in general wouldn't be novel, though. Having a way for people with particular niche interests to actually get an automated list of threads posted with particular things in the subject field or whatnot rather than just the random chance of whether or not they happen to see it might be cool.
I want to run a "Modern Fantasy Life" quest. Slice of life in modern fantasy of a recently graduated human guy. How feasible does it seem? Too boring?
It depends.
/tg/'s interest directly correlates based on the amount of monster-girl waifus the MC can collect in matters such as these. Your success may vary based on that.
>Got a link or anything to Bronzetask?
I think this was the last update, though I'm not sure how helpful a link to it is going to be.


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