--Suptg Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?searchall=Shadow+Quest+------------------Archive compiled with story posts and pictures for an easier read, as well as ability and metadata tables:(big thanks to contributors, especially Sorry!): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/akcvpyo893vvae6/ieUkT-2X3j------------------Twitter (quest times, cancellations, updates):https://twitter.com/ShadowMaster_tg------------------Theme music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLTQ5PlEWko---------Notes on Rolls and Voting:When I request rolls, each set of three rolls counts for one action. For example, a two-step plan would take the first 6 linked rolls. A particularly bad failure can interrupt a string of actions.When rolling 1d100, I will consider criticals within the first ten linked rolls. Only criticals that occur in the first three rolls will be counted as "supercrits". This is still the case even if you'd have plan long enough to require more than ten rolls.When rolling 1d20, the rules are the same, but I only consider criticals for the first five rolls, rather than ten. Criticals in the first three are still "supercrits".When a plot choice results in extensive debate, I'll try to weed out the most popular trains of thought, and then call a vote on them. When voting, please respond with only a link back to the post and the number corresponding to your opinion. Other votes are discounted, including those with dice rolls or extra spaces.Finally, note that this is not a democracy; it is a benevolent dictatorship.
-----Arland Summit Summary: Goals, Objectives, and Major Characters (thanks to Sorry for helping me and the players out!):http://pastebin.com/FsP2C5Hr-----Recent Events Summary:You pursued Matthel into the bowels of the cathedral, and managed to subdue him. However, you let your guard down, and he used the opportunity to warn Metatron to release the sigil's anchor and move it to safety.Arcturis, Hemmelus, and yourself entered the sigil cavern to stop Metatron. A prolonged battle forced Metatron to activate his most powerful spell, which, while killing him, managed to hold you off long enough to transport the sigil to safety.You're now regrouping with your allies, and Arcturis, who has all but comitted himself to your alliance. With Sandalphon scheduled to arrive the next morning, however, he worries that you have no advantages - and now that the fourth demon lord has been summoned, you need every friend you can get.You've consulted with Adavan, who managed to steal the final key to Hecate's seal during the battle against Metatron. You've agreed to free Hecate, after discussing the plan with your inner circle - Donovan, Auriel, Abigail, and Ila.You then brought together Auriel and Fang, who agreed that it was the time to contact the Black Lady. But when you called, she didn't answer.
Ability TreeGREEN abilities have been unlocked and learned.BLUE abilties are unlocked, but are not yet purchased.RED abilities are revealed, but locked due to prerequisites.UNDERLINED abilities are active-use, as opposed to passive. Not all active abilities require mana.All Revealed Ability Descriptions:http://pastebin.com/UBdTaB14Books the Main Character has read:http://pastebin.com/dAXR00gPCharacter Sheet including learned abilities and other important information:http://pastebin.com/JjjiRx6u
Buy Magic Power 5
So when are we healing Dave?
Current Statistics:HP: 64/81Mana: 8/58EXP: 35Shards of Order and Chaos:(Retribution) - Strong(Maker) - Normal(Silence) - Strong(Peace) - Strong(Breeze) - Normal(Hammer) - Broken(Ardor) - Strong{Resolve} - Weak{Humanity} - Resonant--Summoned--Wisp - 1 mana to order--Automatons--Vita (Shade)--Equipment--Utility belt with purse--Inventory--Aurora Water Gem (pocket)Shade (pocket)--Teleport Anchor--Haven - Inner Fortress--Current Location--Dobshire------------------Known Mana Pools:Jacob's Field - entrance to Hecate's tomb - SpiritPalthair Mines - Magnock's Lair - SpiritArchon - Spirit District - SpiritArchon - Shadow District - ShadowArchon - Earth District - EarthArchon - Water Distric - WaterHaven - ShadowAbbotsford - ShadowAurora - WaterVa'ad - South Generator - EarthVa'ad - North Generator - Earth
>>30357096Seconding.Honestly, while Chosening Abby is nice, I have a feeling this is a VERY noticeable thing and people will know something is fucking up if we do it now. I have a feeling we're going to need the max Mana + regen more.
When are we doing that artifact hand thing for Abby?Now might not be the best time but that shit needs to be done here eventually.
>Last time..."...Auriel?"The angel looks at you, Fang, and then shrugs. "Might as well get on with the meet and greet. The bag of bones is right.""I resent that.""Oh no, I've earned Yi Fang's ire," Auriel says. "Whatever shall I do?""If you weren't on my side, I'd make you regret those smarmy comments.""Probably upset your niece, too," Auriel says. "Looks like you've been de-fanged.""Don't make me start joking about wings, now." Fang turns to the wall. "Alright."He pulses power into the cylinder. The blank screen flickers up onto the wall, a thin sheen of mana.You wait.And wait."...I assume," Auriel says, "that something is suppose to happen at this point?"Fang puts the cylinder back into his robes. "She's not answering. Perhaps she's busy.""Even the rulers of the world have to use the lavatory."The comment almost makes you smile. Almost. "...earlier, when I was in the sigil room. Sandalphon mentioned something about her - that she'd been 'managed'. I'm a little worried.""I'm not," Fang says. "So she's a little tied up. There's nothing he could do short of killing her that would stop her for long.""...maybe you're right.">con't
>>30357096I'm thinking we Chosen Abby and lla.Where's the Anon who screencapped SMs post last night saying that Chosening Abby would really help her?
>>30357150muh mp5
>>30357150Oh and the super perks that are completion bonuses? Those transfer with Tree Gift.
>>30357150I want the Titan.
>>30357150>survivabilityWe also have like the world's shittiest natural Light resistance, right when the guy who is king of Light (currently) is coming here and might flip his shit. She will inherit our shitty (and good) resistances when we Chosen her.Now is probably not the best time.
I'm for using Chosen on abby then spending/saving the rest for tree gift.
>>30357195>Her resistances are higher nowYou're kidding, right?
>>30357118I might support this over Chosening Abby at this time. Or maybe even both.It's 5 less XP and Artifacts are powerful in their own right.
>>30357123>>30357150SM saying he would be in favor of a certain thing isn't necessarily hard evidence in favor of a thing being the most effective use of our resources, y'know.I would also be in favor of Chosening, but also like to play devil's advocate.>>30357195Unless we purchase Mirrored Resistances, I'm pretty sure she would just maintain the current bonuses/penalties that she carries over from being a Servant.
>>30357216>normal mortal with slight opposite affinity>ungodly shadow lord whose literal opposite is lightYeah Jim I'm going with my guns here.
>>30357150basedAnd anybody else supporting that we say fuck all this side magic shit and focus on our Shadow magic? Cause, you know, we're kinda the lord of Shadow.
wait, if we gave Abby the shadow tree gift couldn't she just use replicate to make herself a new hand?
>>30357263Wrong Shadow Tree.
>>30357261I want MP5 so we can actually use MORE shadow magic shit. Dark Blizzard is fucking tasty and I want Eclipse to make it the "Death AoE wombo combo"
>>30357195>>30357242Check out how Chosen works again.>Chosen gain greater inherent physical and magical bonuses than Servants. You can have a maximum of 3 Chosen. >Mirrored Resistance - Chosen perfectly share your resistances and weaknesses.We don't have MR yet. Even if it would drop her resistances in some elements lower, we don't have it. And Chosen itself bumps up the base stats.It's a complete improvement.
>>30357263Replicate duplicates appearances; I'm pretty sure we're only able to duplicate form as well because of the baseline skill Amorphous.That, and that's the PHYSICAL shadow tree.
>>30357263You are all of my lols anon, all of 'em.>>30357261Totally. As long as MP5 is included in that.
>>30357288Oh.Well now I feel retarded. Forgive my ability to not observe, though I would still prefer MP5 at this immediate juncture.
Why are people forgetting the Artifact hand thing we already agreed to do?It's less XP to make an Artifact than to Chosen Abby and it gives her some extra power too.
>>30357263Ehh. Giving Abby Earth has much better overall and long term bonuses.
You return to the rest of the group in the cathedral, but before you begin the conversation anew, the wood doors burst open.Gerald, Harvan, and the lords Imil Anderson and Prule Waterford are rushing inside."Father!" Gerald says. "What in the 8 elements is going on?! The cathedral looks like it's about to collapse!"Steward's metallic voice is the first to answer. "The structure has been stabilized. Repairs will be completed in four hours.""I owe you one, tin can," Arcturis says. "Where are you from, anyway?""Va'ad is located in the Timorian Deep, but its exact location is classified."Arcturis shrugs. "If you say so.""Father!""And that magic," Lord Anderson says. "I'm not too talented, but even I felt that. The mages say...it's the fourth.""Right." Arcturis sighs and turns to Gerald, and the others. "I'll explain what's going on."----------"...then...in essence, Sandalphon would have killed Donovan?" Gerald asks. "To summon...Hyperion.""That's the long and the short of it." Arcturis rubs the back of his head. "You can ask the mages around us. You can't find better minds anywhere. They all agree it's crazy, especially with the shell of the core so unstable, and with demon running around...hell, even if it didn't take Donovan's life to do it, it's still a bad time to try and revive elementals.""Do you have proof of all these accusations?" Waterford asks. "The angels will be here tomorrow! How do you expect us to receive them?""...I've made my decision," Arcturis said. "Metatron is dead. Some of his blood is on my hands. Arland has already slapped the Ring City away. We are joining the alliance.">con't
"Madness!""Father," Gerald says, "we should reconsider. Sandalphon may still be reasonable. He doesn't have to know you participated in that battle.""Then what, I throw Hemmelus under the rug?""Not Hemmelus," Gerald says. His eyes flick to you."I hope you aren't suggesting what you think you are," Donovan says."John saved my life in that fight," Arcturis says. "The last thing I want to do is trade a man like that for a madman that thinks nothing of sacrificing one of my own sons to the Nether! Screw your head back on straight, boy, before I do it for you!"Gerald raises his palms. "I understand. Forget I brought it up.""Hmph. Well...when he arrives, we'll see what he has to say. In the meantime, Donovan, you need a safe place to be.""...true." He looks at you."You're thinking what I'm thinking," you say."Yeah.""What am I missing?" Arcturis asks.>reveal your possession of the Nemesis>just say you have a safe place to hide Donovan>some other strategy>note: assuming you're going ahead with hiding Donovan on the Nemesis, Ila will go tell the spirit mages to contact home and bring the airship - and Haven - to Dobshire. These orders aren't set and stone and can be altered with suggestions.
>>30357330It won't really do much for her power. Might have some nifty gadgets and a minor boost to her shadow spells, but she's Spirit based anyway.We shouldn't really do this NOW anyway. we should probably get MP5 (as much as I love Heartstone Titan) and save that stuff for after Sandalthong leaves.
>>30357362aww yiss
>>30357330Mostly because we know more about what making a Chosen entails versus trying to create another Artifact, and there's no way we're not making Abby a Chosen at some point anyway so the downside of burning one of our three unreplenishable Chosen slots is far more reasonable than burning one of our two remaining uses of Artifact.
Something to consider>Purity of Order (passive bonus)>- All allies that Shadow is in physical contact with share his invulnerability to ailments. Servants and higher ranks always have this, regardless of Shadow's presence.>Servants and higher ranksLooks like there's something higher than Chosen. Which makes sense, since Dave has displayed far more power than could be gained from the magic trees only. I bet the highest one will let us tree gift not-magic trees.Imagine. Buff Abby with our physical skills
>>30357386>reveal your possession of the NemesisThis is the best time.
>>30357386>reveal your possession of the NemesisWe need to reveal at least ONE trump card.
>>30357386>reveal your possession of the Nemesis
>>30357362And people actually considered letting Arcturis die, wow.
>>30357386>>reveal your possession of the NemesisI say we do it and bring Haven here.
>>30357408Since there can only be three Chosen, maybe there's only one of the next tierAs a side note, is maximum number of servants related to magical power or not?
>>30357408I bet the third level is called Avatar or something. It makes sense.
>>30357386>reveal your possession of the NemesisWe need to reveal SOMETHING here to get momentum back.We also need to talk to the others about Hecate later.
>>30357428No one really told me last time, who is Arcturis anyways?
>>30357386>reveal your possession of the NemesisHe's already on our side, and this reveal is a good way to assuage the concerns of the rest of the nobles here.
>>30357408ServantChosenAvatar>>30357428Arcturis is best bro
>>30357451When did Hectate turn into Hecate?
>>30357386>>just say you have a safe place to hide Donovan>>some other strategyPick him up and fly him to Haven. That will be FAR better than having Nemesis here when Sandalphon comes.
>>30357408>Servants and higher ranks>Looks like there's something higher than ChosenFUCK I SLIPPED UPNUUUUUUUUUU MUH SURPRISE FACTOR
>>30357386Gerald is still against us by the way. If Arcturis is to fall in battle then Gerald will immediately try to take control and ditch us.
>>30357491SM Plz. You slipped up before on this same subject and I never mentioned it. I can't remember exactly where, but you implied it accidentally a couple dozen threads ago.
>>30357491The entire ability tree shadow ratio that surrounds the servant and chosen blotches pretty much makes it obvious anyways.
>>30357491It's Avatar isn't it?
>>30357386>>reveal your possession of the NemesisIf Sandalphon loses his wits again and tries to initiate another damage-control Sun Call on Arland, having the Nemesis around for backup couldn't hurt.Unless we're not willing to risk keeping the secret simply with the magical stealth and are just ferrying Flint off somewhere to hide while we're staying around.>>30357491I mean, there's a big, symmetrically oriented white mystery zone hiding adjacent to Chosen and Servant; it wasn't THAT much of a stretch.
>>30357491We've known for a while, we were just being polite.
>>30357459Arcturis is the Lord of Arland (basically the king). He's gruff, impatient, and he hates Yi Fang, and he was terribly hard on Donovan when he was younger, openly considering him the runt of the family. He keeps Arland's best interests at the forefront of his mind.He's a good person at his core, but isn't above discarding useless things and shitting on people he doesn't like. He places more stock in action than words.
>>30357532>>30357491Light tree confirmed.
>>30357386>>just say you have a safe place to hide DonovanI think its not wise to let everyone know this. His place should be kept from even his brothers, *especially* his brothers.
>>30357459Stop yanking my leg, mate.
>>30357527>It's Avatar isn't it?Nope, at least I have that.
>>30357567I wonder what unlocks it.....
>>30357544We're moving the airship.Knowing he's in an airship isn't going to help them know where he's at. Especially if we take the thing to Xile.
>>30357386>reveal your possession of the NemesisTo Arcturius. Using <telepathy> to say we have the Nemesis and can move it and Donovan to Xile if need be.>just say you have a safe place to hide DonovanOut loud, say that we have a safe place to hide him.
>>30357539>He's a good person at his core, but isn't above discarding useless things and shitting on people he doesn't like. He places more stock in action than words.So he's the anti-hero version of us, but as a leader who enjoys snark. I get it now, thank you SM.
>>30357544Telling them about the ship doesn't necessarily have to entail telling them where the ship is going to be.
>>30357386Ok, going with reveal the Nemesis.
>>30357577Completeted Chosen tree.Why don't you think we got a Tree completion bonus from Servant?
>>30357544Harvan would never touch Donny.Gerald is above outright betraying us, he seems a bit to cautious, he'll probably try to sieze power when Arcturis dies.
>>30357577Probably making a Chosen and/or buying all the upgrades for Chosen.
>>30357578Still, it's a whole a lot more knowledge about where Flint is than we would like them to know.
>>30357606It's a fucking stealth ship. They aren't going to just find it.
Anyone else waiting for Arcturis or Hemmelus to notice the fact that John Nyx can use all 4 of the lesser Elements?Cause that's some significant shit right there.
>>30357606Ehh, The Nemesis is best utilized in conjunction with other Airships anyway due to it being a carrier class. It has no weapons of its own.
>>30357604>he'll probably try to sieze power when Arcturis dies.>he'll probably try to sieze power>try to sieze power>sieze powerHe's the heir to the throne, mate
>>30357567I'm betting Dave isn't just a Chosen, he's whatever the third level is and holding back a small portion of our total power. Even if we unlock the ability to make another, we're probably going to have to kill him to free up the ability to use.I'm on to you SM. YOU CAN'T STOP ME!
>>30357601Because Servant, Chosen, and [Bigger Thing] are all technically part of the same tree?>>30357634Yeah... We used all 4 right in front of Hemmy. No way he didn't catch that shit.
We should most definitely get the Sock Puppet ability solely by the virtue of its name.
>>30357582if we are going to tell, at least go with something like this.there are far too many people here to reveal that we will keep flint in a ship.
>>30357606Think of it like this, if they target the Nyxystix they're basically assaulting the lineage of Arland. It puts the majority of Sandelephons options for acquiring Flint to be open military conflict, and Arcturis will understand that.
>>30357634I have a feeling we'll have to give an explanation on who we are soon enough.I'm going with the whole result of an experiment with the Elf Queen and us in order to save Venia from Chaos thing from last night if it comes to needing a cover story.
>>30357634I don't think we've used Spirit around them yet.>>30357648He might help along Arcturis in his retirement
>>30357645I wouldn't be surprised if it could use our spells
>>30357650>heal Dave and keep him or kill him and attain our complete powerDamn son
>>30357654Not really, the only ones who don't know are the orcs, the werewolves, and the Arlanders.
>>30357634Well they already know someone who is skilled in the four greater elements.
>>30357674Spirit Siphon, though it failed. That's aside to the things like hammer.
>>30357686Deep, isn't it. It's just like SM to use story-related ability gates too. Happened with Hydra.
>>30357386why not have Arcturis launch an expidition to recover Xile, with Donovan at its head with
>>30357653Sockpuppets are always fun.
You know, Erebus gave the Moonsong to Dave.So one of the powers of the 3rd level is going to be Shard Gift.
>>30357681Plausible, and our shards like we did with the Noirelev.>>30357670I'm thinking more random shadow elemental that is sentient. Or maybe a Shadow Mage that somehow merged with a shadow elemental in some epic duel. Thugh these are both pretty weak.
>>30357694>not too manythats like a dozen people...
>Donovan is still fucking cursed by the Shelkath>AFTER ALL THIS TIME>AFTER WE WERE SO CLOSE>AFTER WE DID ALMOST EVERYTHING RIGHTI've never been so close to dropping this quest as I am right now.
>>30357718They would get fucked hardcore. You remember Xile right?
>>30357593SM, can we use Hammer as a normal melee weapon or must it always be a Special Usage?
>>30357695The tradeoff is that Hemmy lacks raw power as a result of his quad alignment.John Nyx bodyslammed a walking nuclear reactor into the wall.
>>30357739But they are all important and strong allies.
>>30357747yep thats why we Say hes a xile, but not let him go, or anyone for that matter
>>30357754Maybe if we get it to resonant we could just use it, but iirc we can't right now.
>>30357736Dude, no.The reason why the whole Elf Queen shit works is because it's the truth, sans a few important details.Hemellus is a lie detector. We need to go with the truth. Just not the whole truth.If you want to admit we're not completely human too that's okay but I omitted that detail since it wasn't necessary to sell the idea.
>>30357746Blame people thinking Matthel had anything worth listening to, and move on to focusing down the bigger issues.
>>30357757All these people referring to us as "John Nyx" and not "Shadow" or "Mister Shadow"I am sad ;_;
>>30357794It was SMs intention all along to get us to pick a name.You fools have fallen for his trap!
"Escaping Xile was difficult," you say, "but in so doing, we also secured a means to get there again. An airship - far larger than any that exist now. Auriel tells me it is a carrier class. It is powered by twin dynamos that, together, completely ignore the skysever - and it has several other useful properties as well. Sandalphon won't be able to get inside or even damage it easily."Arcturis slowly nods. "These properties you mention...?""It resists magic," you say. "Enough that it can travel through the skysever itself without a scratch. I'm not sure if it has limitations, but from a practical standpoint, it's more or less invulnerable. It's large enough that the whole city of Haven can fit inside of it.""It's as good a place as any, and it'll be able to stay moving," Arcturis says."I'm afraid the angels will notice something of that size," Hemmelus says."It can turn invisible.""...well. Solves that problem."Fang gives you a pointed look. "One wonders what other mystical artifacts of power were discovered on Xile and left...undocumented."<If you mean the staff...><No,> Fang says. <But don't try to slide things past me, Shadow. I don't like surprises.>It's a stiff reminder that while Fang is on your side, he's still...himself."Ok," Arcturis says. "We'll go with that."You look to Ila. She nods, and vanishes on the spot."Shadow mages," Waterford mumbles."My lord," Anderson says, "with the fourth demon, I fear the Kanians will press their main force to the border. I have to return to my lands. We have no time left.""One week," Arcturis says. "Arland will come in one week. And we need at least that time to coordinate with the others. Hold them that long."Anderson nods. "My lord." The portly man turns and strides out of the cathedral, his humor gone. His face is grim."The rest of you," Arcturis says, "get some sleep, if you can. We'll need to be ready for them come morning.">con't
>>30357783Completely spaced, my bad.Though sentient Shadow Elemental is not a lie.
>>30357794I said John Nyx instead of Shadow because the topic of conversation was the perceptions of the people that know him as John Nyx, not Shadow.
>>30357794Sorry, until it comes out that we are an Elemental Lord our name will have to stay John Nyx
>>30357794Shhh no tears, only planing now
Things known about John Nyx:-Powerful Shadow Mage capable of using all 4 lesser Elements-Young, Mid-20's-Survived the Archonium-Destroyed the Archonium-Involved with Lady Abigail Fang-Freed Shadow and Spirit Mages held by the Ring City-Killed MetatronAnything else?
What do you do now?>gather your inner circle. It's time to tell them about Hecate>check in with Steward. How does he plan to get his forces here? How's Abigail's project coming?>Maybe you should speak with Hemmelus. You don't want any lingering misunderstandings.>talk with someone else------------------------Vote 1:>purchase Magic Power VVote 2:>save experience to 'Chosen' Abigail and/or IlaVote 3:>purchase Heartstone Titan
>>30357428Yeah, Arcturis is turning out to be pretty bro.I was totally wrong about him, and I'm very glad about it.
>>30357839>Maybe you should speak with Hemmelus. You don't want any lingering misunderstandings
>>30357839I want to do all of them but let's go with Hecate talk first.
>>30357839>gather your inner circle. It's time to tell them about HecateHecate first, then Hemmelus, then Steward
>>30357834They don't know we've killed Raziel, Michael and Lucifer, right?
>>30357839 2
>>30357839>gather your inner circle. It's time to tell them about Hecate
>>30357810I'm curious, when they disappear is there a little puff of black smoke?
>>30357839>Maybe you should speak with Hemmelus. You don't want any lingering misunderstandings.I guess we're going with that Elf Queen experiment story and explaining the whole Chaos and Order thing(how well known is that, anyway? Does Hemmelus know already)?
>>30357839 1
>>30357902We really need to tell Arc and everyone that.They think that they have someone stronger than Meta with Sandalthong. It is a very big thing
Just so you know, if we can't get MP5 I'll vote for Ila chosening instead. Mostly because it serves her better than Abby right now.
>>30357839cutting off votes>>30357914No, they just vanish. They're mages, not ninjas. Well, they're basically mage-ninjas, but no, no puffs of smoke.
>>30357839I really wanna Chosen Abby and lla though.Abby gets Earthlla gets Shadow MagicWho should our third Chosen be?and other ideas for Servants were Cain, Hamil, Young Bull, and Steward, maybe Valeria.
Team waifu chosening wins. WELP. Guess Team Magic goes back to the queue.
>>30357950I'd rather just do both.
MP V: 8chosen: 10Alright, you've locked in the choice to Chosen one of them, at least. I assume Abigail?Let's go talk to Hemmelus. What is your explanation to him?
>>30357961Stop trying to waste that much XP on that varied of subjects, chosening is really fucking special. Inner circle xXproShadowzXx, brah.
>>30357961Holy shit stop what are you thinking.
>>30357834Made a trip to Xile and recovered the most powerful airship in the world
>>30357997Do a vote for1: Abby only2: Ila only3: Both
>>30357746Dude, it's not like he died or some shit, they still have to physically get him. And even if shit did go that bad, why drop it? Follow the happening train to the end. Besides, everything is still going pretty good for us, more or less.
>>30357997I vote for Ila. Don't assume SM.
>>30357997I'd rather chosen Ila first, actually. Abigail has a lot of political responsibilities, I don't expect her to be involved in fighting just yet.Ila will be involved a lot, though.
>>30357961how about Auriel
>>30357997We're an experiment done by us and the Elf Queen to combat the growing Chaos in Venia by opposing it with Order magic(Shadow). The process resulted in us losing our memories and we only know a little about ourselves from what the Queen knew of us(not much).All technically true.
>>30357997supporting this>>30358026lla is best girlsis
>>30358024... because its dumb.
>>30357839>gather your inner circle. It's time to tell them about HecateMan this shit is important. Hecate is a massive, massive trump card.>Maybe you should speak with Hemmelus. You don't want any lingering misunderstandings.We really should talk with him. He saw everything that happened during that fight, and I'm quite certain that he has concluded that John is not a regular mage.
>Updated:Things known about John Nyx:-Powerful Shadow Mage capable of using all 4 lesser Elements-Survived the Archonium-Destroyed the Archonium-Involved with Lady Abigail Fang-Freed Shadow and Spirit Mages held by the Ring City-Made a trip to Xile and recovered a giant airship-Killed MetatronAnything else?
>>30357997"I'm an Erubus and I'm good and nice but I like to consume souls so I'll get stronger. I am good at punching and nightblazing."
>>30358056What about it is dumb? The servanting ideas were just raw unfiltered ideas and i wasn't actually proposing them.
>>30357746take a break from it. i've done so a couple of times and am glad to have done so.
>>30358046I thought about that, but it removes Haven's best healer, her 700 years combat experience with light magic, and it's cruel to make her immortal again when she's finally found a man to spend the rest of her life with.
>>30357997"Yo Hem-dawg, I'm actually Erebus reincarnated."
>>30357997I'd rather do the artifact thing but yeah, Chosen Abby.We need to get to a shadow mana pool though so we'll need access to these guys's pool for teleport or fly there.
>>30357997Ila, you mean.
>>30358064-Somehow got nations and factions to work together despite hundreds of years of hatred and fighting. Unknown how.
>>30357953>np puffs of smokeWhat about little puffs of shadow energy?
>>30357997You want us to Chosen Abby so that when you kill her with that 1 it'll be even more painful, right SM?
>>30358083We'll just have to servant Donovan, too!Fuck no don't do this.Though, I do kind of want to bring up servanting with Auriel to see her reaction.
>>30357997Yes, Abigail.
>>30358065>I'm an Erubus and I'm good and nice but I like to consume souls so I'll get stronger. I am good at punching and I 420Blazeit erry day fagetftfy
>>30357997>What is your explanation to him?What are we trying to explain?
>>30358128I really don't know how she would react and now i'm curious.I miss when we knew next to nothing about humans and were always exploring and being tactless.
>>30358048Is no one else but this guy going to come up with anything to tell Hemmelus?Stop arguing about waifus for a second and make some suggestions/votes, people.
>>30357997>I assume Abigail?Getting ahead of yourself there.
>We're an experiment done by us and the Elf Queen to combat the growing Chaos in Venia by opposing it with Order magic(Shadow). The process resulted in us losing our memories and we only know a little about ourselves from what the Queen knew of us(not much).So this is the explanation we're giving to Hemmelus as to why we're awesome?Alright,Vote 1:>Chosen AbigailVote 2:>Chosen IlaVote 3:>Why not both?
>>30357997But m-muh magic power.
>>30358128What if we servant Joey? If he lives forever he can tell a story about everything!
>>30358083then we just CoNsUmE Hyperion and light servent her and Donovan
>>30357997FUCK NO I say we just keep it, we got fucked over in our last fight so many times because we didn't have mana.We never learn do we.
>>30358121>What about little puffs of shadow energy?The point is to hide, not give yourself away. What do you think this is, one of your Chinese cartoons?
>>303581734Magic power.
>>30358173Lets not servant both right now and instead use the exp's to buy tree gift.
>>30358173I'd rather ask HIM if he feels that we need to explain anything, shadow master. Just coming up to Hemmelus and dropping an explanation that wasn't asked for is pretty LITERALLY STUPID, guys. Don't do it.Get input first, don't provoke your own information.
>>30358173Take the experiment bit out.The Elf Queen did it to us when we were really weak and after we saved her life. We lost our memories as a result.
>>30358207>one of your Chinese cartoons?In my head canon, yes.
>>303581732Fuck this Abaigail isn't even that experienced in combat, if we actually want to see our choosen see combat then waste the XP on lla.
>>30358173 3
>>30358251It was an experiment, sort of. More like a gambit.
I'd like to hear the reasons for the Abigail voters.From where I'm standing, Ila is the most effective choice. She'll be able to make use of it immediately, Abigail won't be fighting until much later in the arc. We can chosen her later.
>>30358278I like the term gambit better. Endeavor also works.
>>30358285>We can chosen her after nomming a d-lordftfy
>>30358173I don't really like that explanation but i don't really see an alternative. Maybe we should ask some allies for ideas?
>>30358173I'd rather we just say hemmelus we are a powerful shadow mage.i definitely dont like the experiment shit.
>>30358285Mai waifu.That's also the reason for some of the Ila voters too, by the way.
>>30358173We could add a bit saying that it was done without our consent.
>>30358285Because tru wuv
>>30358173 2
>>30358173cutting off votes
>>30358173I'm ver tempted to request Shadow Wings here.
>>30358312What if we say we're a freaky shadow monster that tries to help his friends? That's true and I'm sure he'll be chill.
>>30358342All of our Servants get them. and we could have them whenever we want.
>>30358295I think that's kind of the whole point of the explanation. It allows us to finally talk about the Shadow = Order shit and address the whole Venia is tearing itself apart with Chaos thing.
>>30358361I feel the same, since I believe Hemmelus to be one of the few mages able to help us with it, considering his power and experience.
>>30358359During the explanation.
>Hemmelus figures out we're Ereboogaloo2>Doesn't say anything because he thinks we doin good now and doesn't wanna risk a relapseI can see it happening.
Well, I guess we're servanting Ila. When she gets back, I suppose you can do that when you have a moment.So, about Hemmelus...What do you do?>write-in
>>30358385More that we'll actually be able to consult with him about it without him flipping the fuck out
>>30358320>>30358326That's... disappointing.I thought we were past such things.
>>30358396I'm glad 1 lost. I picked 2 and 3.
The reason I voted for Abigail is because SM SAID IT WAS A GOOD IDEA HIM-FUCKING-SELF.THE POST IS RIGHT HERE >>30357150
>>30358392Ask allies for a good cover story. Specifically Auriel, she seems to be good at that sort of thing.
>>30358408There will will always be people who chew knobs
>>30358418Same>>30358429We will do it once we get some more EXP, it is next on the list. then MP5
>>30358392I think people just want to drop the experiment bit and say that we're cooperating with the Elf Queen to stop the Venia exploding from Chaos deal and that our power is the result of a gambit that the two of us pulled off to get through.Technical truth to explain our power and springboard a conversation about Shadow being Order and Venia's core crisis.
>>30358429I trust SM to do things to make the plot interesting, but beyond that I wouldn't... press my luck.
>>30358408I voted for both because I'm still pulling for a Shadow harem ending.
Huh. That's a shame. I wanted to go with Abigail so that she can get to our level. Looks like she'll just have to stay behind for now.
>>30358454Also that we lost our memories.
>>30358433>Ask allies for a good cover story. Specifically Auriel, she seems to be good at that sort of thing.You can either let one of your allies explain, and roll the dice, or you can give an explanation yourself and I'll judge his reaction on the merits of your argument.
>>30358392Why are we trying some cover-up story? We are a shadow mage. Not like that's impossible to believe or a lie...
>>30358452In case you haven't noticed, XP isn't exactly being thrown around like candy anymore.
>>30358392Phone a friend?
>>30358454Agreed on this.
>>30358392"So you know Erebus? A long time ago he broke himself into many parts and I'm one of those parts but I met lots of friends when I became sentient/sapient and I want to make them happy. Dondon is my best friend."
>>30357834-Doesn't give a fuck
>>30358477I'm not seeing very many good arguments.Can we have a discussion with our allies on the subject?
>>30358454>>30358473I think this works.If he presses we might have to reveal that we aren't technically human but that can be explained away by the gambit we pulled to get out power without additional details.
>>30358392SHADOW SISTA!I wanted to get Abby too, but I also wanted an Erasure in our back pocket in case Sandals gets uppity. When we get 5 more xp, I will support Chosening Abby.Something about a something to stop the Chaos because Order... I think it would really help most of the players to get the conversation starting before we pick what say exactly, unless this is just picking a general topic to have in mind when we go in there.It just seems odd to walk in and instantly splorg dump about order and experiments and stop da chaos without getting a bearing on the mood and surroundings of the conversation
>>30358482We got 4 Demon lords coming up. We can snag at least 2.
>>30358477Handle it ourselves.We're a sentient shadow elemental.It's close enough to the truth. It explains a lot about us.And when Sandalthong talks about the "experiment" he took from Yi Fang, which then turned Ring City upside down, we don't have have yet -another- uncomfortable well-here's-the-REAL-truth conversation.
We should call ourselves an unexpected leftover from when Erebus was defeated. We were put in suspension until one day we developed sentience. Don't claim amnesia, just that we're a new form of life. An elemental with free will.
>>30358454This is pretty reasonable.>>30358524It's not unreasonable to reveal that we're not strictly human, especially given that our exploits are eventually going to be tied back to when we were still amorphous as a matter of course.
Anybody else thinking we should HeadHunt that Poison Demon Lord (the one we almost got fucked by on the second trip to Evinbrook) since we're completely immune to it?We would stomp its shit so fast it wouldn't even be funny, and that's a nice chunk of EXP
>>30358565Yeah, that.
>>30358588Unless it has some bullshit ability that poops on immunities.
>>30358588Demon Lords come with an army I thought
>>30358588I'm not sure it's as much Poison as it is Anime Acid Monster, but I feel some coordination will be involved if we want to take those on.There's a lot of things our powers could let us do to the Kanian lines, really. If we're willing to what's necessary.
>>30358565This is also good; a bit less on the topic of why we started doing what we did, but it's more straightforward with what we actually are.
>>30358615I don't think it would, but if we get in trouble we can always supersonic out of there.>>30358627That can be dealt with
>>30358615>what would be the point of immunity then? do we ever fight other enemies with ailment abilities?
>>30358540Someone's optimistic.Vote 1:>My powers are part of a gambit I ran with the elf queen, Ellendra Kalladar, to counteract the rampant growth of chaos in the world, which we suspect is due to problems with the core of chaos. The process was successful, but cost me my memories, and took her out of commission for a long time. I still haven't made anything but basic contact with her.Vote 2:>I'm a sentient shadow elemental, just born last year. I'm still learning a lot, but Donovan's helped keep me on track as my power grows.
>>30358640We could always combine the two.I like the first suggestion because it let's us talk about the Chaos and Order shit.
>>30358653Darkxis had poison. That's about it.
>>30358663if 2 then we talk about the chaos and order aswell
>>30358663This vote is making my asshole pucker.
>>30358663Bleh. I don't like the wording on either of those, I wish we had more time to flesh out option 2.Abstaining, let my fellow players pick my poison.
>>30358663 1
>People reveal xile and ship and all>People reveal being sentient shadow elementalPainful times are ahead.
>>30358724You need to go number 2?
>>30358730we can do that with option 2
option 2 has worked the entire quest so far, don't see why we need to start making up other bullshit now
>>30358728I'm sort of in this boat as well; it'd be far preferable to mix the two a bit than to do one or the other as they stand.Touching on the Order/Chaos dichotomy, our run-in with the elven Queen being responsible with starting us on the path we're on, etc.
>>30358663Why not both? They don't contradict each other at all.We're a shadow elemental with sentience. Ellandra decided she could use us for stopping the Chaos. She did. Done.
>>30358663cutting off votes
>>30358779You know i really like this, idea. as long as it doesn't look like we're her bitch
>>30358766>>30358779Yeah, both explanations work together fine. I like that best.Writing.
>>30358779I like it, any holes guys?
>>30358779Seconding this.
>>30358781I know you want to keep the thread moving at a good rate but,Some of both, SM.Some of both.
We're Choosing Ila? Really? Really? When SM blatantly said Abigail needed more survivability in this war?
>>30358779I can support this.
>>30358779This is far more manageable. Doesn't stretch the truth as much as 1 and doesn't leave out the Chaos/Order stuff like 2.
>>30358813Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy based sm
>>30358819Don't worry, you'll get more exp shortly.
>>30358819SM doesn't always present the best choice anon. He's playing mind games.
>>30358819Abby won't be fighting, and we'll Chosen Abby before the actual fighting starts.>>30358841Now you're scaring me
>>30358819I would have voted both, but this business with City 002 and then Metatron made it blatantly obvious that we NEED an Erasure in reserve for when shit hits the fan.I will vote for Abby getting in the second we acquire 5 more xp.
>>30358860Everyone is going to be fighting.
>>30358819their excuse will be that Ila will be doing more fighting despite the fact they have no evidence of this.
>>30358819Abigail and MPV is next, don't worry bro.
>>30358875But "shortly" implies this thread.
>>30358841I'd hope some of this involves eating what's left of Metatron's special protective armor.Unless it got slagged in the inferno because it only works from the inside out or something, I dunno.
>>30358898I think it got slagged because it was just designed to handle the regular fire, not the nuclear bullshit soul fire.
>>30358867We didn't actually need to do it with the City 002 incident, people just panicked
>>30358882Um, because she has much more fighting experience than Abby does? Because she has helped fight against demons before?
>>30358916>not the nuclear bullshit soul fire.also known as "Full Goku Mode"
>>30358932He was a turn or two away from using fuckwiththecore.exe
>>30358882lla always fights, and always wins. Abby gets her hand blown off and looks cute.But i love them both, abby is a fucking tank at summoning.
>>30358939would't the counter argument be that it is because Abby has less fighting experience she should receive the Chosen so she is less likely to die?
>>30358898I think it got kind of fucked when Metatron started busting out his blood magic nuclear furnace bullshit.
>>30358970He was also missing two limbs and nearly dead. We could have grabbed him and dragged him back up that hole and eaten him.
>>30358980Power doesn't help the inexperienced outside of muh chinese cartoons.
>>30358970If people hadn't wasted the shards on that Hive mind thing in the beginning, we could have just hammered him back and saved the exp. And we have no idea of what he was planing on doing or how long it would take.
>>30358980I don't see why Abby needs to be anywhere near the front lines at all, she should make better use of her time and learn the ropes about her military role as leader from Fang.
I kinda want to know why Metatron was in the process of self-immolation.
>>30358980That only works if hey are both going to be fighting the same amount regardless of our decision.Abby will no be on the front lines, lla will. That argument would have worked if we were still out adventuring.
>>30359000>Grab him and pull him away from the objective before letting your guard down rather than using the nuclear option.>What could go wrong?>Matthel.jpg
>>30359022Completely different. In every way shape and form.
While we're here let's see if we can grab a couple of Mana Potions from this guy. Those things are fucking useful.
>>30359061They're probably expensive as hell.If he's willing to give them to us, awesome. If not, I'd love to ask how they're made.
>>30359061And ask him where Arlands' mana pool is.
>>30359088We have more than enough gold in our pocket
>>30359000>>30359017>He was also missing two limbs and nearly deadHe's a construct, he's still a significant threat regardless of his condition. Once he got as close to the core as he did we could no longer afford to hold back. >We could have grabbed him and dragged him back up that hole and eaten him.Maybe, wasn't worth trying though, considering the risks.> no idea of what he was planing on doing or how long it would takeThat's not a reason to take unnecessary risks.
>>30359117Ehh, it's done and over with.
>>30359114Gold stamped with the seal of Aeolus. That seems like a disaster waiting to happen using their ancestral currency as pocket change.
>>30359131Except not really, because you were trying to use it as an example of why we shouldn't hold an Erasure in reserve.
>>30359117can you guys stop this already, i was there for that part and i was one of the few anons screaming bloody murder after people wasted exp on erasure.All we havd to go on that was maybes and how close people were willing to risk themselves.(just like the recent fight)
>>30359140As long as we only trade it with them it's fine.>>30359155No i wasn't, i completely think we should, i was just giving a bit of commentary on a past decision.
>>30359140We could crush a fistfull of it into an ingot if we wanted to.
>>30359140We can just melt and smelt, I mean honestly gold is gold
>>30359183True, we can bend Adamantium without a problem.
>>30359131>We don't need erasure and we didn't need it that one time.>Someone presents logic to having used it.>EH IT'S IN THE PAST>>30359164>one of the few anonsI wonder why.Maybe you're right, and we didn't need to use it then.But it's fucking stupid to be so worried about getting that one more ability that we risk letting him mess with the core and possibly ruin everything.We took that stored 1 for a reason, and it wasn't so that we could take risks and let it be for nothing. If the fight with Metatron proved anything, it's that we should save xp, if not for erasure then to burn for mp.
"Hemmelus, could I have a word?"You take him aside, as the others drift away, to the altar of the cathedral. Steward's regular stonework grinds and clacks in the background. Valeria acts as his manager, humming to herself and reshaping stone from the debris. Harvan watches Steward with mild interest.Hemmelus stands near the carved visage of Aeolus, a long dragon with four sets of wings, two smaller than the others. He faces you. "I assume, John, that you wanted to explain to me...what happened, back in the cavern?""...then you did see.""I see plenty," Hemmelus says. "What I choose to comment upon creates a much smaller list.""...thank you, then.""Oh, you're welcome. Then, on with it.""...I'm a sentient Shadow Elemental."Hemmelus draws back, then leans forward. He peers up at you, as if looking at something through a microscope. "...fascinating. You can use all the lesser elements, though. A bit of a mix.""Yes. I was born just last year, in the far north. I was lucky to run across Ellendra Kalladar.""Aha!" Hemmelus claps his sides. "So that's how that shadow dragon met his end. I'd heard the queen lost her life in that conflict.">con't
>>30359205>>We don't need erasure and we didn't need it that one time.I never said we don't need erasure, ever. I was giving my opinion on a past decision.And plus it's in the past, let it go jesus.
>>30359140That would just mean that it is even more valuable.
"She almost did," you admit. "But my aid won her assistance, and I became part of a sort of experiment. You see, she believes that the balance of Order and Chaos in the world is growing unstable.""Mmmm." Hemmelus rubs his chin. "Partly because of the state of the core, I'd wager. Yes.""You'd agree?""There has never been a mage capable of using all four elements like I can," Hemmelus says, "nor a sentient elemental capable of using all four lessers, either. I've studied myself, more than anything, you know. How can such things be possible? The simplest explanation is usually correct. There is more energy in the world - more capability for great things to happen. A good thing, in some ways. A bad thing, in others. More bad than good, I fear." He frowns deeply. "The core must be stabilized. And soon.""I became part of a sort of experiment with her," you continue. You choose your wording carefully, trying not to lie outright. "The process cost me my memories, but it made me much stronger, eventually. It allowed me to grow...and I can use all four elements. It was a bid to create a solution to the stability problem. I'm the solution.""...you're not telling me the whole truth, John.""No. I'm not.""I trust you will when the time comes," Hemmelus says. "Until then, I have many reasons to trust you, and none not to do so.""Thank you, Hemmelus.""You said that already." Hemmelus smiles at you, then moves down the pews. "I don't know about someone like you, but my bones hurt, I think I have a terrible sunburn where my shield was rather thin over my neck, and it's time for a good sleep. Good night to you, John.""Good night."Hemmelus leaves the cathedral. You approach Steward, who is leveling another block into the cathedral's wall. He's made very quick progress. You suspect he'll beat out his own 4-hour estimate. "Hey, Steward?"He doesn't stop working. "John. You have an inquiry?">con't
>>30359205>We don't need erasureI don't recall him saying that. >We didn't actually need to do it with the City 002 incident, people just panickedThat is exactly what he said. Either you're misreading or you're just being an ass for the sake of being an ass.
"I was wondering about how you'd get your forces to the surface, and, ah, about what I'd asked you about. With Abigail.""We are using the tunnel we dug earlier, that connects to the open space in the forest, north of Haven," Steward says. "That will provide us with a relatively close access point and enable us to support Haven's ground infrastructure. My sentries have already made contact with your settlement, are improving the defenses there, and are establishing support structures.""That's...efficient.""We strive for efficiency. Haven will be well protected. It doubles as an excellent strike point.""Thanks, Steward.""I owe you our existence," Steward says. "There are few favors that we cannot give. As for Abigail's arm, the replacement is finished, but I am unsure how to integrate it into her biology, and it is...metallic, in appearance. It may not appeal to her aesthetic.""I guess I'll talk to her about it...and think about the biology thing.""I see," Steward says. "I will have a drone place it in the Nemesis's cargo bay, in case you decide to utilize it.""One more thing?""Yes?""You mentioned a secret weapon, earlier. Is that something I should know about?""A great construct," Steward says, "to support the army that attacks the Kanians. I will coordinate its appearance with Archon's forces.""How great are we talking?""Very great," Steward says. "It is a grand project indeed, on a scale not seen in centuries. Its size will make it vulnerable, but it should prove very effective for a short time, if needed. Ideally used as cover for a retreat, or to puncture particularly stubborn defenses.""Good to know. Thanks, again. I appreciate what you're doing for us. You don't have an obligation, but...you're here anyway. That means a lot.">con't
>>30359205I was asking you to stop since you reminded me the first time i ever was legitimately pissed at the players in this quest, especially after they ruined my vog plan.Like i said stop it already, with the what ifs, all this levels down to is how much people were willing to take risk, like early consume when we had the chance to do it.
Does anyone else imagine Steward as the gumball machine robot from MST3K?
"It is said," Steward says, "that those with the power, also have the responsibility. Our masters were a hard, and perhaps a callous people, but they believed in the honor and dignity of life. We respect their memory in carrying on their legacy."You give Steward a solemn nod. "I'll keep that in mind."Ila appears behind you. You turn once you sense her. "Ila?""The Nemesis is on the way. It should be just a few hours - well before the angels get here." Her face sets itself. "Everyone's coming all together...just in case Sandalphon tries anything.""Good."What do you do now?>Chosen Ila, and then gather your allies to discuss Hecate>don't Chosen Ila quite yet; gather to discuss Hecate with Adavan>talk to someone else>do something else in Arland>write-in
>>30359228>And plus it's in the past, let it go jesus.There's nothing wrong with having an opinion, and we can debate it, that's part of conversation.But cut this "IT ALREADY HAPPENED LET IT GO" bullshit right now, if you wanna end a conversation just stop quoting. It just makes you seem like an ass trying to dismiss it.If we don't talk about things that happened, we'll end up saying something like RAINBOWS again.Just say "okay" or something.
>>30359248>"...you're not telling me the whole truth, John.">"No. I'm not.">"I trust you will when the time comes," Hemmelus says. "Until then, I have many reasons to trust you, and none not to do so."HEMMELUS BRO OF ALL YEARS.
>>30359291>Chosen Ila, and then gather your allies to discuss Hecate
>>30359232...and also that it technically belongs to them.You don't take somebody's wallet and offer it back to them as a bribe. At lest take the money out first, IE remove proof of ownership.
>>30359291>don't Chosen Ila quite yet; gather to discuss Hecate with AdavanWe need a shadow mana pool and that means leaving Arland for a bit.Best do it later.
>>30359291 >Chosen Ila, and then gather your allies to discuss Hecate
>>30359291>>Chosen Ila, and then gather your allies to discuss HecateWe should have asked Hemmelus about Mana Potions and Where Arlands Mana Pools are.
>>30359291Hecate first. Ila second.We need a shadow mana pool and there isn't one here. Get the conversations done first before we leave.
>>30359291>>Chosen Ila, and then gather your allies to discuss Hecate
>>30359291>don't Chosen Ila quite yet; gather to discuss Hecate with Adavan
>>30359328We can teleport. We already have the portal set up. 30second-1min max until we get there.
>>30359291>Chosen Ilalets get this out of the way.Also we should NOT forget to meditate on shards before tomorrow.
>>30359248>"There has never been a mage capable of using all four elements like I can," Hemmelus says, "nor a sentient elemental capable of using all four lessers, either. I've studied myself, more than anything, you know.>"nor a sentient elemental capable of using all four lessers, either.>"...you're not telling me the whole truth, John."HE KNOWS
>>30359291>don't Chosen Ila quite yet; gather to discuss Hecate with AdavanWe have planning and shit to do first
>>30359364This. Hammer and Resolve.
>>30359291>>Chosen Ila, and then gather your allies to discuss Hecatelets get this over with.
>>30359359>We can teleport. We already have the portal set up.For clarity, your anchor currently leads to the Arland underground.To access a Shadow Mana pool, you'll have to fly there. The closest one is in Haven.I'd call it about an hour and a half to two hours there and back.
>>30359291>>Chosen Ila, and then gather your allies to discuss HecateThough we both fly, we fly much faster.We'll have to sweep her up in our arms and fly her to a shadow mana pool, a quite flight, just the two of us, against a twilight colored sky.Take her down to a nice quiet place where we can give her a piece of ourselves, infuse her with our very essence.
>>30359297To be fair, you're already making yourself seem like an ass.
>>30359291>>Chosen Ila, and then gather your allies to discuss HecateI think we'll have a tough time selling this since we just got done convincing some of them that it's not a good time to bring the elementals back.
>>30359396Conversation first, then.
>>30359396Or we could use the portal to get back after flying.
>>30359396Why not just ask them about any mana pools in Arland?
>>30359396I completely forgot we moved it.Couldn't we just go to a mana pool in Arland? and then teleport? or is it us only?
We could always ask if theres a mana pool nearby and poolport.
>>30359396or we can portal back once we chosen her.
>>30359450That to.
>>30359396Does Arland really have no mana pools for us to manaport with?Surely Hemmy knows about one.
>>30359426Your response made me snort water up my nose, anon.
>>30359429We could find a mana pool in Arland, use it to go back to Haven, set our anchor there, use the mana pool to go back to Arland, and then teleport the both of us to Haven.That is, of course, if only we can travel via mana pool.
>>30359406You're right, sorry.But something just bugs me seeing someone start to discuss something then say that it's irrelevant either way after getting a response as a way to back out.You can just, like,stop quoting.Like you should do with me right now because I'll harp on about this forever if you let me.
>>30359471We can>Teleportation - Teleport between any mana pools that have been previously touched. Alt: You may establish one portal anchor at a location of your choosing. Afterward, a portal to the anchor can be opened at any time. It takes 2 turns to open in battle, and it takes two turns to close. This skill is easily countered by enemy magic and is best used outside of conflict.
>>30359396Wait, we haven't linked to that pool yet?
>>30359478I dropped it, that is random Anon
Anybody else think that the black spot after Heartstone Titan is Earth+Wind Resistance?Cause it would make sense.
>>30359513I was really just responding to random anon, but you gone done it now. Quote chicken starts now, first to stop quoting loses. Shit up the thread as much as we can until SM updates.
>>30359562No it wouldn't.
>>30359576As tempting as that is this shall be my final response to you.
"Ila, have you seen any mana pools in Arland?"She nods. "While I was out with the others, we went to Dryfeld, to...er...shop.""Go on.""There's a Wind pool and a Water pool there.""I see."The last time you were in Dryfeld was when you were chasing Donovan to the graveyard...and then, when you were pinpointing the location of the sigil. You didn't really have time to scope out mana pools."I'd like you to take me to them, if they're together.""They're relatively close. What do you have in mind?""I've decided," you say, "to lend you a good deal more of my power. I haven't had the energy to do so, but I think you should have it. You're already a shadow mage, so it will help you most of all. If you're ok with that.""...oh!" Ila smiles. "...I'm...very honored, and happily accept."----------------The crowd that had surrounded the cathedral is starting to fade into the night as the hour grows late. You Blink up onto the rooftops, and jump between the chimneys of the castle town. In another moment, you Blink across the river and find yourself in Dryfeld.The buildings here are taller, more elegant, carefully designed. Many are build from wood and brick, rather than the sturdier cobblestone of the central island. Eventually you reach a wide plaza. The Water pool is carefully surrounded by guards and a adamantium barrier. It powers a nearby fountain of clear water, an enchantment that is always on. In the center of the fountain is the statue of a man holding a sword, pointed into the air.You feel the Wind pool nearby. Come to think of it, while you've felt them, you've never interacted with a pool of one of the Higher elements. Probably better to stick with a sure thing, right now.What do you do?>use the Water pool to manaport to Haven and Chosen Ila>try out the Wind pool>some other strategy
>>30359658>try out the Wind pool
>>30359658>use the Water pool to manaport to Haven and Chosen Ila
>>30359658>try out the Wind poolFOR SCIENCE.Touch both of course to mark.
>>30359658>>use the Water pool to manaport to Haven and Chosen Ila
>>30359502You can't teleport to a pool from nowhere. You can teleport to where your portal anchor is, and you can jump between mana pools you've linked to.
>>30359658>try out the Wind poolLike just one tendril. I wanna see what happens.
>>30359658Use the Water Pool.Might as well stick with a sure thing.
>>30359658>Try out the Wind pool just a little, if it feels funny then leave it for later>use the Water pool to manaport to Haven and Chosen Ila
>>30359658>use the Water pool to manaport to Haven and Chosen IlaI wouldn't mind touching the portal on the way back, but I'm scared right now.
>>30359658Dip our wick in the Wind pool to see what happens, then move on to the Water pool.
>>30359658>some other strategyTouch the Water pool first, at the very least.>>try out the Wind poolWe know that all mana is more or less the same on a fundamental level, so it shouldn't have any terribly adverse effects.If we think it feels odd, better to figure that out now. If pools of the Higher elements are either more or less effective for our purposes than those of the Lesser, it's better to learn that now rather than later.
>>30359658HmmHMMMM>try out the Wind poolWhat's the worst that could happen?
>>30359712Agreed, no reason we have to touch it now, we're busy.
>>30359714>Dip our wickJust the tip
>>30359658Either nothing happens or wind pool fucks us up.I do not like those odds.>use the Water pool to manaport to Haven and Chosen Ila
>>30359658Using the Wind pool could not possibly result in something good happening, so>use the Water pool to manaport to Haven and Chosen Ila
>wild QM throws out a mystery box>QM has a stored 1 and has siad it would be used during this time
>>30359733>wind pool is directly tied to the Skysever>Skysever attacks our penis with the force of 1000x hurricanes
>>30359722I'm perfectly fine with waiting until our errand is done to do this as well.
If we're going to touch the stupid thing we should at least anchor nearby in case we roll a 1 and manaport to the moon or something.
>>30359658>try out the Wind poolCome on guys!
>>30359778Our anchor is already in the church basement
>>30359755Used for a planned event that is going to alter the plot in a drastic way, as said multiple times by SM.There's no preventing something that big unless we railroad the whole thing at some point.Deciding to touch a pool would probably not satisfy those conditions, and would also be a dick move that I wouldn't expect from SM, since he also told us to not worry about it during every little event.That said, I don't think we should mess with the wind pool just because it has no point, really.
Ok, we'll skip the wind pool.Set teleport anchor back at Haven?Writing.
Just stopping by to remind everyone to not fuck up.Also SM, you're beautiful and should feel beautiful.
>>30359832Yes for now, since we could move it at anytime back to here.And be sure to get the look on the guards' faces when someone walks up and touches their manapool and then vanishes, and then walks back out of it a moment later and opens a hole in the air for his shadow chick to walk through.
>>30359832Just making sure I have this right.>Manaport to Haven>Open portal>Ila comes through portal>Chosen her>Set anchor in Haven>Manaport back to Arland>Go somewhere and open the portal>Ila comes through Or was she going to drive the airship back?More or less right?
>>30359888She can go through the manaport with us.
>>30359881>>30359888We're capable of bringing people through directly when manaporting.
>>30359853He really is.I'll make you feel beautiful, SM.
>>30359978As long as it gets done.
So any last minute plans?
>>30360139Goddamn those were some sick burns
>>30360139Why not offer to Servant Steward while he's here?Might be a good idea to see if it's possible.
>>30360139We can remind Ila not to kill herself and not to kill Abigail because we like her more. We should do it daily.
You decide to put of investigating the Wind pool. It probably wouldn't lead to anything good, if anything at all. No need to take silly risks.You and Ila Blink near the guards, and you take her hand, and place an arm in the pool. And then, you're gone.----------You're in Haven, at the center of the fortress. Ila is safe on the bank of the the pool.There's a few robots buzzing around, and the hissing scratch and spark of welded metal. The covering over the pool looks a lot more refined, now. The robots must have done some work. Steward was better than his word.But other than that, the place is quiet. You feel other constructs, but no people."The Nemesis left already?""We were drilling from the start to evacuate onto the ship," Ila says. "I'm glad to see it paid off. And...everyone's mostly moved onto it, anyway. Better rooms than the ones we built, heh." She fiddles with her cloak. "So..."You stay where you are, her hand in one arm, your other dipped into the pool. And you begin to transfer your power.>EXP: 20>con't
>Types of summons>...>Shadow - animated undead, as well as shadow spirits and wisps.>implying there is more than one type of wisp
>>30360268Eh, we won't need to - it seems like Great Bull wants a piece of dat ass. Ila will be okay.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK33IGyMTRIIla's skin begins to glow with a purple. Her wings appear unbidden from her back, floating gently above her, feathers like wisps of shadow. She glances back at them.And the glow increases.Darkness blossoms from her wings, a heavy, draping thing. The feathers shift, harden, until they're more like black plates of steel. The shifting metal surrounds her back, and then her shoulders, and then her arms, ending at armored gloves that wrap about her fingers. She tests moving them, and the plates articulate smoothly, without sound. The armor doesn't reflect any light - it's black as a starless night. You can barely make out where one plate begins and another ends.The armor crawls up her neck and wraps the sides of her head, ending with her face and hair still exposed. A purple haze snaps up over her face, and it blinks and flickers with light.She's relatively exposed, still, but her backside is almost completely armored. The darkness is more integrated into her body, now. Her wings won't be easily damaged, and she can probably fly faster like that.But what shocks you is the power you feel emanating from her. The shadow layered upon her soul - no. Your power is grown into her, now, a part of her, not something you can remove. And she's strong. As strong as Arcturis, if he wasn't using the Windburn, or Duke Vellik. Maybe even Hemmelus. Not quite on Yi Fang's level, though.>con't
She stretches her arms. The armor flexes with her, like a second skin. She drops them, and puts the power away, in a sense. You feel it like a door, closing. Her wings collapse in one themselves, and her armor folds back up into a line on her back, still covering her spine, and vanishes, hidden from sight."This...is incredible. I feel like I could do anything!"You smile at her. "Just let me know if you're going to try -anything-."Ila smiles, and she wraps you in a hug. "Thank you, Shadow. I...I'm glad. So glad."You pat her gently on the back. "You're welcome."She takes a step back from you. She lowers her eyes. "...Shadow...about earlier...I...I wasn't fair to you. You've given me everything, and I...I kept putting everything on your shoulders. You're right. I should stand on my own. But still...I'm glad I have this, from you. I..." She puts a hand on her face. "Jeeze. I can't make the words right. I just mean, I hope you're happy, and I'm glad you and Abigail...ah...shit.""...you don't have to say anything else, Ila. I understand." You squeeze her hand. "Thank you.""Yeah. Heh." She looks up at you. "I guess we should get back."---------->portal anchor: Haven, Inner Fortress----------You return to Arland, and then Blink with Ila onto a roof before the guards notice you. In very little time, you're back to the cathedral. "So...what now?">gather Adavan and your allies. It's time to discuss Hecate>something else
>>30360294>it's not the white blob at allWell, shows what I know.LIGHT TREE ACTUALLY CONFIRMED DEFINITELY THIS TIME
>>30360315>No description for Arbiter.SM...
>>30360266thats a novel idea, i would like to see implemented.
>>30360315Time to talk about the Nice Lady.We've been putting this off for long enough.Also, has anyone considered that the Core of Venia is unstable BECAUSE Erebus locked Hyperion away inside?
>>30360294>ArbiterI FUCKING KNEW IT
>>30360315>gather Adavan and your allies. It's time to discuss HecateTime to get this over with.
>>30360347>Is it possible that the core of chaos is unstable because the most chaotic titan is trapped inside?...shit.
>>30360315>gather Adavan and your allies. It's time to discuss Hecate
>>30360338You'll get one when you unlock it.
>>30360349It was Dave's formal title, so it makes sense that it'd be the name for the there-can-be-only-one tier.>>30360315>>gather Adavan and your allies. It's time to discuss Hecate
... Arbiter for Abby. No argument for this choice.
>>30360340Seconding>>30360347Then we better be as strong as possible before getting him out.
>>30360315>gather Adavan and your allies. It's time to discuss HecateARBITER DESCRIPTION WHEN?
>>30360385Goddamnit. Fine.>50 EXPJesus. I think we're grabbing OI before we even consider that though.
>>30360385>>30360338So summoning tree then?
>>30360294>>30360315We just made someone who is almost as stong as us.
>>30360385So when we kill Dave or when we buy all of the Chosen upgrades?
>Those costsHow the fuck are we going to get that much expgoddamn
>>30360418Nah, We're Chosening Abby and then MP5 and the Heartstone Titan.
>>30360434>>30360418None of those.And that's all the hint you're getting.
>>30360385I bet we unlock it when we buy one of the Darkest Grey skills.
What ifWhat if we used Servant on Hecate
>>30360266Let's try this
>mfw Arbiter was unlocked without completing the Chosen tree>mfw that means the Chosen tree may still have a completion bonus
>>30360467I really doubt it. Honestly.
>>30360467And there's either another tree in there or the summoning tree is quite large.
I'll ask again I guess,When did Hectate turn into Hecate? This ones for you SM, since you switch between the two quite liberally.
>>30360434buy all grey, and dark grey skillsbuy some black skillsmaybe even the pure darkness skill
Personally I'd rather finish the center tree over getting Heartstong Titan. Abby of course gets Chosen ASAP whatever else we do of course.
>>30360462Hold on now - if we Servant Steward, only his current robo-body will get the enhancement. Let's not forget that Steward is a magical AI the size of a city.His current body doesn't mean shit to him anyways. It would be a waste of XP to reinforce his body.
>>30360446we eat some demon lords.
I just realized something.Physical Shadow tree is the same color as the Servant tree.Hydra tree same color as the Chosen tree.Order Immateria tree same color as the Arbiter tree.There is one patch darker that branches off of OI, the little dark dark grey swirl.There is going to be something that is after Arbiter. Calling it.
How much is Earth/Wind Resistance? I want to color that final thing green.
>>30360486Searching foolz shows that he has literally never said "Hectate" in any of his posts.
>>30360450We have to finish the Shadow Magic tree for some bizarre and unknowable reason which will makes sense later.
>>30360486>Hectate turn into HecateIt should always be Hecate, never Hectate. That's what we in the biz call a typo.As seen here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hecate
>>30360495Then we ask.
>>30360507God damn you bright motherfucker.
>>30360315>adavan timeIT BEGINS
>>30360467It's not unlocked, only revealed. It's not unlocked until it turns blue. It's red, so we can't buy it.
Shadow magic is really what we should focus on if we want to make ourself stronger.
>>30360507what you didnt realize this long ago?
>>30360542Agreed 100%MPV! MPV! MPV! MPV!
>>30360543>Realizing things about Arbiter before it was ever revealedOk.
Hey guys can we get erths gift?
>>30360507Or it might just be SM running out of dark colors to use.
>>30360512How do you search foolz for info in comment boxes, I never figured that out in the interface.
>>30360542Still on the MP5-Shadow Magic boat. Don't worry.
>>30360566Noye ruseman
>>30360561>twisting my wordsstop iti was referencing the fact that he just realized the colors were the same
>>30360495I thought the enhancement would follow his soul and pretty much anything he imbues his consciousness into?I don't know, it's complicated.
>>30360594Why though it improves our healing powers greatly and i keep hearing people bitch about the survivability of our friends.
>>30360566I agree, its only 4 exp and it unlocks two new abilities.
>>30360583The actual search bar is the comment field, anon...
>>30360583The main search bar IS for searching comments.The other fields are just for doing a more advanced search.>>30360594Pretty sure that's not a ruse; Earth's Gift is relatively cheap, leads into at least two other things deeper into the Earth Tree, and at least moderately useful.That said, filling out the Earth tree looks like it's going to be extraordinarily expensive, so I'm not sure this is the path we want to go down at the moment.
While we're waiting, let's reflect on how awesome it is that SM has been running this quest for so long.Remember when Shadow was just a tiny blob of shadow, scared by elves in a cave? When he decided to not eat a little girl despite his hunger?It's fucking adorable.
>>30360566Sure why not its cheap and it buffs our healing.plus i have been wanting to get it for some time now.
>>30360653"THISISALLABIGMISUNDERSTANDING!" was my favorite part of this quest hands down.Fucking Raziel, man.
>>30360644Thanks, that helps out a lot.I've got some sleuthing to do, eheheeheh.
>>30360653Remember when humanity was just a number?
>>30360604Eh, I'm not sure that SM would let us give free Shadow upgrades to Steward's entire fighting forces, that seems a bit overpowered for the comparatively small XP investment we'd provide.SM, could we get any clarification on the Steward/Servant idea?
>>30360595The realization was that Arbiter is going to have something after it. The stuff about the colors was evidence given before the statement or realization, not the realization itself. It's really not that hard to catch that the main focus of his post wasn't the colors themselves, but the implication behind them.
>>30360653I miss those times.I feel like things just got too big, you know?We've got like three different apocalypses to stop and I just want to spend more time being the adorable autist blob adjusting to humanity.
I like the nat 1 book probably the most.
>>30360652It's just that investing into the Earth Tree right now will further divide people when it seems that things have finially settled down/
>>30360652Filing out any tree will be 60+ exp, so spending 4 exp doesn't really make a difference.
>>30360670Same, I still love that Shadow got Flint and Auriel naked together in a bed and stared at the for an entire night.
>>30360730not really people are really vested in the abby upgrade idea, but it was suggested that we try using earths gift to help abby with her stump.
Earth tree is 76 xp just to buy the abilities we have revealed. Easily twice as much to complete it.It is the single most expensive tree we know about right now...
>>30360688I still think that SM was just running out of colors and decided to use those ones twice and maybe switched them around a bit to fit how fast we unlock things making the higher things more mysterious and awesome. But no correlation other than that.
>>30360773What does that say about its power I wonder...
>Ila gets shadowy power armour>Abby gets cyborg god-hand
"Stay put inside," you say. "I'm going to get everyone together."----------------Eventually, you're gathered - Abigail, Donovan, Auriel, Ila, and Adavan. Donovan yawns. "Shadow, I'm tired. Can we call it a night for once?""Um...Ila." Abigail looks at her. "You feel a lot different.""Stronger, you mean," Auriel says.Ila nods. "Shadow lent me a bit more of his power. So, I've got some edge to me, now.""Oh," Abigail says. And that's all the reaction she has."Well," you say, "you're naturally stronger, and with how much more in the public view you are..."Abigail's face remains stony. She throws her thoughts at you. <I don't care about that. Let me know when you can do it for me, too.><...uh, ok.><Good answer.><Um...it will take me time to build the energy.><You need to eat things, huh?> Abigail makes no other sign, but she folds her arms. <Hmm...>"So, why are we here?" Auriel asks."Adavan has something he'd like to say."Adavan steps forward. "...you are all aware of the spiritual power under Jacob's Field, that the Kanians are attempting to access."Auriel nods. "Donovan told me about that.""And Shadow me," Ila says. "Is this about that?""It is," Adavan says. "It's not just a well of power, or some weapon. It's...it..." He hesitates. "Sealed under Jacob's Field, in a tomb of her own design...is Hecate, the Goddess of Spirit."The room is silent."...oh, dear elements," Auriel says. "And you mean to unseal her.""I am her general, her soldier," Adavan says. "It has always been my goal.""How long have you kept this a secret from us?">con't
>>30360736The issue with this is that abiding by this logic at all junctures will lead to us MOSTLY filling out TWO trees, which will cost substantially more than 60+ XP.
Shadow Magic Tree will sadly cost 105 EXP + five unknown ability costs to finish. It won't be cheap either.
>>30360773there is a tree more expensive actually, and i think the summoning tree funny enough is the cheapest tree.
"...I told Shadow when we were in Archon, watching over Abigail.""And you thought," Auriel says, spinning to face you, "that you'd just not tell us?!""Adavan asked me to keep it secret because he feared your reaction," you say. "I owed him that much, at least.""Elements...Light...Hyperion, save us." Auriel heaves a sigh. "This...is quite a powerful advantage. But this...""You accepted that Shadow used to be someone particularly shady," Adavan says. "This is no different.""It's completely different! Shadow lost his memories...he's someone else, now, totally transformed. This is the same Hecate. I don't know...""Hecate was always willing to talk, when other, hotter heads would fight," Adavan says. "She will understand the sensitivity of the current situation. I expect she'll intend to keep herself hidden, until she is needed. And she's the best chance we have of turning this situation around."Auriel swallows, hard. "...fuck. Shit. Do you know...Adavan. Do you know what she put us through?""I helped her raise the undead you fought against. I know.""I had to hack down my own men," Auriel whispers."That was then," Adavan says. "This is now. I've changed. Shadow has changed. You have changed, too. Hecate will join us. She'll embrace this chance for peace."Auriel turns her back. She strides to the wall. She puts a hand on the stone, and leans down, deep in thought."...I don't want to know about it," she says eventually. "Do what you have to do. But I won't forgive her. And don't think I've forgiven you, either, general.""No. I didn't really think so."Auriel stands straight and turns back to you. "Shadow...I will trust you in this. But I cannot help you.""That's alright," Adavan says. "I intended to go with Shadow alone, and hopefully, Abigail.""I will go to, if you'll have me," Ila says."You're welcome to join us."Do you have anything to add?>go immediately>wait to deal with the angels, then go in a few days>write-in
>>30360807<You need to eat things, huh?> Abigail makes no other sign, but she folds her arms. <Hmm...>I think Abby's about to toss a bunch of spare magical items our way to eat for the sake of giving her Chosen. Her Archon inheritance.Oh boy, that's what SM meant about more shortly.
>go immediatelyThe longer she has time to recuperate the better.
>>30360828Tell Adavan that we found a mana pool nearby, so we can get this done tonight if he wants.
>Earth's Gift - Grants target steady regeneration for 3-5 turns. (6 mana)a decent buff for allies.>>30360828>>go immediately
>>30360807><You need to eat things, huh?> Abigail makes no other sign, but she folds her arms. <Hmm...>yesYESSSSS
>>30360828>go immediatelyH-HERE WE GO!
>>30360828>go immediately
>The Chosen buff for Abby was so that Hecate would be unable to nom her because too much shadowy coating.>Abby no shadowy coating[Shadowruns intensify]
>>30360887>>30360848So after chosen abby possible earths gift?
>>30360828>go immediatelyLet's hope the Kanians haven't located the keep! Hah hah haaah!And let's hope that unsealing Hecate doesn't turn to many mages heads.I sense an impending happening.
Abby jealousies are cute.
>>30360908Magic Power 5, guys. The upgrade that improves ALL OF OUR MAGIC. ALL OF IT.
Am I the only one who never liked the idea of unsealing Hecate or bringing in any of the other Elemental lords? Oh well, shit is about to go down.
Jacob's Field is one of the enemy's main supply lines. It might be a good idea to take it out while we're there if we can.
>>30360936Abby just threw a wrench in that. She's gonna demand we chosen her first. Much as I want MP5, and I really do.
>>30360828>go immediatelyIt's time to wake up Hecate.
Rolled 72>>30360941What's the worst that could happen?
>>30360941I don't like them running around doing their own thing. I've always wanted to let Resolve have his way with them to increase their Order and turn them into shards.
>>30360828ManI really hope Adavan hasn't been lying about Hecate being peaceful.
>>30360903I can't wait for Abby to be eaten, then I can laugh, and laugh some more.
>>30360953We might have to.No way they haven't found the tomb yet or wouldn't notice Hecate's unsealing.
>>30360963I really hope Adavan understands Hecate as much as he claims.
>>30360828It's Time To Wake Up
>>30360962What you're thinking is not going to happen. Savvy? Good.
>>30360963Even if she's hostile, she won't attack us outright until we've prevented Hyperion's return.
>>30360828>wait to deal with the angels, then go in a few days
>>30360981>The entrance to Hecate's prison is actually the exit to the Archonium
I assume we regenned our mana and HP, right? Since we've touched the mana pools and all? Right?Make sure we do that before... Hecate.
>>30361000We don't know if she is still sane, isolation is a terrible thing. Still, lets not have the paranoia get out of hand.
"Alright," you say. "Let's leave immediately. If Hecate's out of her prison, well, I'll feel a lot better dealing with Sandalphon.""Good luck, I suppose," Auriel says. "Just come back in one piece."Donovan nods to your group. "Good luck. I'll be on the Nemesis soon, I guess."<Try to work on Auriel for me?>He grins at you, then follows after her, quickly wrapping an arm about the angel's shoulders. Auriel leans into him."Right away?" Adavan says. "Are you sure?""I thought you were in a hurry.""Well..." He inhales. "Now that it's here...hell with it. Let's get this done."--------------------You teleport through the mana pool and emerge in the pool of Spirit just outside where you first found Adavan. It seems wider than when you first found it...Two Kanian mages are standing on the edge of the pool, setting up containment equipment. One burns with fire, another with heavy earth. They turn to look at you.Your group and theirs stare at each other for a long moment.Roll 1d100 to react!!
>>30360963She can't do shit to us.Fighting Shadow is a lose-lose situation for Hecate.If she loses, well you know what generally happens to the losers of fights.If she wins, say hello to Hyperion and Friends!
Rolled 16>>30361030HA HA COMBAT
Rolled 80>>30361030OMNOMNOM
>>30361027Current Statistics:HP: 81/81Mana: 58/58EXP: 20
>>30360807Abigail's jealousy is the real reason I voted for Ila first. Thank you SM.
Rolled 54>>30361030Kill the fire mage first
Rolled 69>>30361030Rolling
Rolled 99>>30361030Welp
Rolled 74>>30361030
Rolled 73>>30361030lel scrubs
Rolled 35>>30361030Oh no
>>30361030and you faggots said Abigail would not be on the front lines.
>>30361031>>30360963she mentioned she was really weak when she contacted us early in the quest
>>30361075>implying these guys pose a threat to us.
Rolled 34>>30361030Hopefully this will give people enough reason to buy earths gift.the nat 1 is gonna be used on abigial here.
Eat these guys then take the mana pool to Haven and servant Abby real quick.Teleportation's great.
>>30361042>>30361053>>30361054>>30361056>>30361057>>30361058all over 50. we're on the right path.
>>30361091>implying it's the mooks I'm worried about
Just please don't let them escape.And maybe we can go spread some more horror like in the good old days.
>>30361075This was not foreseen.
>>30361103Ha. We can totally do that.
a thought just occurred to mewhy dont we just eat all the kanian forces stationed at jacobs field?
>>30361108We just need to put em down silently.lla and us should have the fastest reaction times anyway.
>>30361122>>30361103HA HA!
Of course they'd have a demon lord guarding the vault of spirit they were trying to break into all those threads ago...
>>30361129sounds yummy to me.
Rolled 10>>30361110I'm willing on going through a mini rampage of consuming these guy>>30361030 for .5-1 exp per person.
>>30361091To be fair, judging by the way they feel and the fact that they're being trusted to handle mana pool containment unassisted, they're probably some of the higher-ups.There's also absolutely no possible way they should've been expecting SUDDENLY ENEMIES popping out of the pool they were working on, while we had at least a cursory idea that we were teleporting into enemy-controlled territory, so we've probably got the upper hand regardless.
>>30361103If we get at least 5 exp out of it I'd agree to that.>>30361129They're going to figure out something's up when motherfucking Hecate unseals so might as well.
>>30361129This place really will be cursed.>>30361138Tasty, we have enough forces here atm.
>>30361138So what you're saying is... Kan-Abar only has three demon lords.
>>30361103Do it. These dudes are totally worth at least 5xp.
Rolled 83>>30361129I have been advocating on going hunting for exp for some time, but people kept saying we don't have the time or that we are gaining xp at a steady pace, well now we are at a place full of XP and i'm hoping this turns into a large scale consume athon.
>>30361138>having to fight a demon lord without the aid of any shardstrue despair.
>>30361148The stronger ones are probably outside guarding.>>303611554
What if Hecate agrees to willingly merge with Shadow?
>>30361172Seconding.>>30361180Imagine Abbys jealousy.
>>30361174>that delicious exp and delayed added extra time.so they would need to do this again in 2 months instead of 1.
>Fighting a Demon Lord without our shards to fall back on
>>30361199>Imagine Abbys jealousy.And Addys
>>30361176...guarding from WHAT.Unless they've got a premonition that the mysterious thing that ate all their food that one time is back, they don't have to be that on guard.Jacob's Field has been under continuous control for ages now, and I can't imagine they're keeping maximum security presence at all times.
>>30361201Might be tough but we could do it if pressed, we have lla and Abby and Addy as support. all very strong
I imagine that the Demon Lords are going to be moving in a pack to prevent some strong mage from ganking one of them and putting a damper on the pentaverate plans.
>>30361180>NTRing Adavan
>>30361212Unless you are completely retarded, you guard important places, no matter how far they are from the front lines.NationBuilding/MilitaryTactics 101
>>30361225nope not in a pack, but they should be relatively spread out so if we are lucky we could take 1 out before the others come rushing in.
I wish they all knew and were ok with the fact we are Erebus. It'd be nice to go full badass mode during the war and take a scary form.
>>30361241And why is Jacob's field important to them?To everyone but our little group, this is just a little hick town that had some spooky happenings.
>>30361225>Strong mage>Ganking a Demon lordYou're funny.These guys are each stronger than Auriel minimum who was the 6th strongest, they're probably about 4-5 in the highest ranking. Plus they're probably total assholes and arrogant as fuck. These guys are leaders of their own armies.
>>30361264It was mentioned before that it was one of their main supply lines.
>>30361241I don't much like you, anon, and I wish you'd go back to pastebin instead of being a shitty namefag.
>>30361241I'm not saying they sent everybody home for the holidays, I'm saying that making sure a volatile mana pool (which is a valuable military resource) is secured properly is probably an assignment worth giving to your most capable mages rather than leaving it to grunts while the big shots are left on simple guard duty.
>>30361264They've been here digging for the "vault" as they called it since they invaded all those threads ago, we even spied their mage meeting talking about it quite a bit.
>>30361273He's not wrong, anon.
>>30361264They know that there is some very strong Elementomachy level Spirit Magic under the town, and they want it.
>>30361271they were at even terms, but it seems like the demon knew how to get rid of Auriels blessing.
>>30361273Apologies if i offended you.>>30361277Yeah, It's just easier to guard the choke points.
>>30361286He is a cunt though
>>30361307>>30361271I forgot, but do demon lords get stronger the more there are?If so then yeah he is probably 4-5.
>>30361307He was slowly but steadily pushing her back, which makes me think it would have been ranked 5.>>30361324No
There is no way that SM expected these mages to beat us. Or do much of anything.He's throwing mooks into the grinder as a stalling tactic.He wants more time to make the Hecate entrance amazing.
>>30361322And regular anons aren't all the time? C'mon man I hate obnoxious namefags as much as the next guy but at least he's making sense.
>>30361335He did say he was going to give us EXP.
You throw yourself at the fire mage, jabbing with a dozen spikes of shadow. He doesn't get a spell off before you pin him to the wall, his body sliced open. His innards dump onto the floor in a rush of blood and fluids.Meanwhile, a twisting arrow of darkness pierces the heart of the earth mage. He drops like a stone. You glance back to see Ila with her palm raised, her arms and back covered in the black armor. She looks at her hand. "Well, that's stronger than I remember."You quickly consume the two foes.>you've gained 3 EXP! (23 total)"You know, that doesn't bother me as much as it used to," Ila says. "I remember the first time you did that. Nasty."Abigail sniffs. "It never bothered me."Ila gives her a funny look, then shrugs. Adavan gestures to the old wooden door leading to his crypt. "This way."You all feel a shuddering power above you. A roar echoes through the air, deep, angry. Hungry."Shit," Adavan says. He takes the door off its hinges with a blast of magic and dashes to the end of the crypt. "Hurry!"You all run to the end of the room. He pokes around for a bit, and then his alcove slides open, and together, the four of you drop down into the hole.Air rushes by you. Abigail's hair flops in the wind. You can feel the echoing sound of more roars coming from above. The demon lord is rapidly descending into the tomb.You hit the ground. You morph the top half of your body into a dozen limbs, grab your friends, and take off at top speed - which is quite fast.The vault below the ruins in the Old Forest is huge, easily large enough to hold an airship with room to spare. You fly down to the end, where the great door awaits, as tall and wide as the chamber itself. It is split in four seconds, and the primal representation of the four lesser elements is etched onto its surface.>con't
>>30361334true, but the real trump card it seems is that they are more like muscle mages, since that spell could be used on lla.
An idle thought. What if the demon lords are trying to get their pentawhatever so they can summon David.Who then tries to Erebus back.
Four holes are arranged at the bottom of the door. Each one shows the matching elemental opposites - a wave and a flame, a mountain and a cloud, a bolt of lightning, and what appears to be a ghost; and then a sun and a moon.Adavan takes out the four keys. He makes his way between the holes, quickly inserting them in the appropriate spots. The begin to glow.The demon lord is at the entrance to the tunnel above you."Hurry," Ila says."It should open," Adavan says. "This is it. All the keys."You all stare at the door, waiting.There's a steady grinding sound. Magic flashes - all eight elements, punctuated by a heavy glow of spirit. The door parts from the center, revealing a diamond-shaped portal that grows larger.The ground shudders. You look back. The demon lord has hit the ground. It's a humanoid figure - only huge, twisted, as if someone thought to sew muscles upon muscles on a normal human form. It scampers toward you like a mad ape, eyes red, mouth slavering."Grab the keys, we have to close it behind us!" Adavan shouts.Each of you takes one of the keys. The door stops, and then begins to grind shut. You grab your allies and bodily toss them through the doorway. You slip through last, entering a darkened room.The door closes. The demon lord shoves its arm through the gap! It turns and twists wildly, grasping for purchase, trying to wedge the door open before the magic can seal it!Roll 1d100
Rolled 60>>30361393NOPE
>>30361364>Abigail sniffs. "It never bothered me."abby pls.
Rolled 55>>30361393
Rolled 55>>30361393CONSUME that hand.
Rolled 84>>30361393
Rolled 46>>30361393commencing critfail
Abby is cute.
Rolled 1>>30361393
>>30361393GAPING MAW
>>30361423WELL THEN.
>This Abigail and Ila tensionRawr, cat fight.
>>30361415>>30361423You called it.God fucking damnit.
>>30361423>Shadow Diceâ„¢
>>30361364Abigail sniffs. "It never bothered me."Oh god, SM what are you doing to my heart
Rolled 75>>30361393Reversal crit success?
Rolled 45>>30361393
Rolled 31>>30361393
>>30361423aaaaand we're back on track
>>30361423At least... At least it wasn't a critfail, and at least the initial rolls for the action were fairly good.
>>30361407>>30361410>>30361423>>30361445If only this was Ogre Civ Quest.
>>30361392fuck>to summon Erebus back.
>>30361392Demons, which are literally chaos from the nether given a human form, are not going to do anything that would bring back order, which is their exact opposite.They want to break free from the humans controlling them so they can break everything.
>Ila stops being a moody>Abby starts being a moody SHADOW JUST CAN'T WIN
>>30361423By the way, we should later point out to Ila that Young Bull is into her. She probably missed that.
Rolled 55So we shut the Demon lord out but his arm gets up and starts attacking us?Or maybe we run into some defenses like we did up at leviathans place?
>>30361496>another 55jesus fuck
Rolled 12>>30361496if the former then we eat that shit.
>>30361496>another 55.Man, I don't know.
>>30361496>>30361445>>30361410>>3036140755s, 55s everywhere.
>>30361487It's only until we CHOSEN Abby-Sabby Tabby Cabby Bo-Babby. Shit, I feel gayer just for typing that.
Rolled 94>>30361496>>30361407>>30361410>>303614454 55s?
Rolled 82>>30361393
Ila's Chosening results in power boost from shadow stronger, metal wings, and armour.What's Abby's gonna be like?
>>30361364>That Abigail>I was fine with Shadow eating the corpses of slain foes when I was ten! Ten!
Rolled 57>>30361547Orange is the new Black.
>>30361559>almost a 55.IA pls.
Rolled 79>>30361554>kept her dead parents bodies next to her room>frequented the graveyard at night>was ok with zombies and a murderous blob
>>30361584The graveyard was also right in front of her front door, apparently.
You sharpen a few limbs into blades, and then, as one, bring them down on the arm. You manage to hack partway through. The demon lord screams. You hack again, and again, and the arm is cut off. The door grinds shut. The darkness is complete.The arm twitches, still alive! It rapidly begins to grow, warping, mutating. You change your limbs into clubs and began to beat at it, trying to smash it into the ground. It refuses to die.Abigail fires a volley of spirit missiles. A high-pitched whistle shrieks through the air, and they converge on the growing arm. The spell impacts the limb, and explodes. It's blown to pieces."Phew," Abigail says. "That was close! Adavan, you think it can get through the doorway?""No," Adavan says. "That door was made to hold back forces stronger than a demon lord. All the same, we ought to hurry."The room lights up with a solid glow.The room is covered in steel levers protruding from slots in the stone. Dozens of them, maybe over a hundred. "...what the hell is this?""A puzzle to which only I know the solution," Adavan says. "Let me remember, here...I'm pretty sure it was 3rd, 53rd, 28th...and then..."The levers aren't numbered, and they seem to be randomly arrayed. Adavan continues to mumble to himself, seeing a pattern you can't understand.Something grabs at your attention. You glance to a corner of the room.A piece of the demon's pulverized arm twitches. It starts to grow. And then another, and another."Uh...Adavan?""Hmm?""Hurry it up."You draw together with Ila and Abigail, putting yourselves at each other's backs. Adavan stands just to the side of you, his hand on his forehead."Got it!" he says. He begins to flick a series of levers.Roll 1d100
>>30361547Green lantern-esque sprit summoned ethereal armor.
>>30361584Eh, the first two were because she was trying to revive/talk to them with her powers. Not as creepy with context.
Rolled 90>>30361602
>>30361584Such best girl confirmed.>Half Demon>Missing a hand>Part of the cutthroat nobility>Totally wants to shimmy shadow's shadow shaft.
Rolled 74>>30361602
Rolled 59>>30361602WHY WONT YOU DIE?
>>30361602CONSUME those demons parts.
>>30361616>>30361613NO ONE ROLL
Rolled 86>>30361602...WHY NOT JUST CONSUME THE ARM?!
>>30361602We better eat this thing.
Rolled 25>>30361602CONSUME
Rolled 72>>30361602can we just consume the damn arm already?>>30361628no
We're going to have to Gaping Maw these things to keep them from regenning.
Rolled 27>>30361602
>>30361613My first roll. I'm so happy.
Rolled 4, 16, 12, 15 = 47rollin'
Rolled 88>>30361602lets see if i can roll a second nat 1.
>>30361614>>Totally wants to shimmy shadow's shadow shaft.Made me choke on Carmelcorn.
>>30361670Which two are Abby and which two are Ila?
>>30361670That's abnormally high for Abby, yikes.
Rolled 75bullshit
>>30361670Somebody's embarrassed. Hopefully Abby.
>>30361584>>30361614Y'know, when you put it that way, Abby is kinda fucked up.I love her.
>>30361695You've got a lot of Mangos open, anon.
>>30361668Until we roll a 1 and have 5 demon lords on our ass.
Rolled 86>>30361714you forgot the 10 years spent in a dream.>>30361723just 5.
Rolled 1>>30361668even if that doesn't do it...WHY DIDN'T WE CONSUME THE ARM ONCE WE'D INCAPACITATED IT?
>>30361741Might wanna take your dice off.
>>30361741Do please... restrain your rolling tendencies in the future.
I hope Abby cuts out this jealousy bullshit, we'll give our friends superpowers if we goddamn feel like it.
Rolled 44>>30361724worth it.what really would happen is that it would be used in a spell either explosive or transportation like.>>3036174112 roll
>>30361741Not today wrenloft
>>30361741>1You liar. You're totally Wrenloft.
>>30361741These dice want our blood
>>30361769That is some really good animation on that finger movement.
Rolled 58>>30361670abby adavan, and lla who is the fourth person?
Rolled 69>>30361757>>30361754>>30361760>>30361769it isn't linked to the postAh roll when I want toI leave my friends behindcause if your don't roll and if they don't rollwell they're no friends of mine>>30361763>>30361761Thought I told you I'm not wrenloft
Rolled 3, 10, 20, 17 = 50You leap forward and swarm over several of the pieces, consuming them. But even as you devour them, a few others are blowing up into almost man-sized hunks of flesh, sprouting arms and legs.Ila launches her magic, and shadow arrows pierce the growing creatures. Abigail summons a Revnant, and the sword-wielding ghost glides across the ground, slicing up one of the creatures faster than it can grow. It levels a rotted hand at the remains, and they're vaporized in a blast of spirit.You continue a circuit through the room, and quickly form a strategy with Ila. She pins and damages and enemy with her bolts of shadow, and you follow up, bashing it into the ground and consuming it. It can grow so fast you're just keeping pace with it.Adavan hits another lever, and one wall of the room begins to lift upward. "That's it! Come on!"Abigail summons another Revenant, and then another. One of the growing monsters manages to escape the confusion and leaps up onto the ceiling. It sprouts buds of flesh that drop to the floor, and they too start to grow. In desperation, Abigail starts to form more missiles."Don't!" Adavan shouts. "You'll make more of them! Just use summons, match their numbers!" He himself stays in the room, working levers. The revenants struggle to protect him.The rest of you back out of it, into a wider space beyond the wall. Ila fires bolts at any that leave the stone chamber. Abigail rushes off to the side, and places her hands on the ground. A huge summoning circle appears under her.A flesh-creature stumbles out of the room toward her. A gaping mouth with too many teeth opens, and it shrieks. It runs toward her, claws flailing.>Fire magic to intercept!>Physical attack. Blow it away!>Consume it outright!>some other strategy
Shadow Quest after Chem Lab! Yaaaaa--Oh. Oh my. Back to the zany shenanigans already?
>>30361830>Physical attack.Knock it down and eat it.
Rolled 65>>30361830>>Consume it outright!
>>30361830GAPING MAW
>>30361830>Consume it outright!TRIBUTE TO THE SHADOW GOD
>>30361830Consume, use gaping maw.
>>30361840You're a QM aren't you? Only QMs have Kuybey pics
>>30361830>Consume it outright!Somebody is kicking ass with that 20 and 17.Someone is getting their ass kicked with that 3 and 10.
>>30361830>CONSUME+>gapping Mawwe can't stall in this fight this fucking is gonna keep regrowing.
Holy shit demon lords are unpleasant to deal with. Can't even slam they arm in a door without flesh beasts swarming everywhere.
>>30361871As a matter of fact, I am a QM. But that's neither here nor there.>>30361830>CONSUME
>>30361871>A QM>Don't have Kyubey picksShit, I need to step it the fuck up.
>>30361876Ababby sabby>>30361887Just imagine the XP.
>>30361830>Consume it outright!
>>30361887Speak for yourself. A CUHRAZY fight is just what I need to calm my nerves after the Metatron battle.
>>30361876I hope it's Ila with the 17 and 20, just to continue the tradition of dice-hate on Abby
>>30361830>Consume it outright!I wonder if Dark Blizzard would freeze all of them? Seems a bit too convenient though
Roll 1d100 for Gaping Maw
>>30361887I always wondered if Sandy is counting on the 5 demon lord plan in helping him release his lord.
Rolled 88>>30361924Ha ha time for NOM!
Rolled 57>>30361924
How about an AOE attack?
>>30361911It's hard to tell with the update who's who. They both rolled well last time.
>>30361635Well done, anon.
Rolled 40>>30361924
Rolled 27Sorta tangential here but...>We totally shoulda Chosen'd Abby>>30361927
Rolled 49>>30361924Sometimes, I dream about consume.
>>30361915we lied
Rolled 85>>30361924nat 1.
Rolled 50>>30361924I'll go make a sandwich, and when I'm back this abomination better be done for!
>>30361933>>30361927>>30361926Nicely done.
Rolled 88>>30361924
Rolled 13>>30361930Adavan was against it for some reason.>>30361924>>30361955pretty bad dice.
>>30361967>88>57I think that's easily enough to deal with a minor demon.
>>30361967It'd blow them up and they'd spawn into more fleshbeast.
Rolled 33>>3036192410 roll
>>30361967He was only against Her spirit missiles since they blew it into more chunks.Dark Blizzard should freeze them nicely
>>30361967Dude, an 88, a 57, and a 40 are pretty fucking amazing all recent rolls considered. Take what little good you can get you twit, and your roll is shit too.
>>30361978that's why we have Dark Blizzard, for shit like this.
>>30361973we didn't outright consume it, so probably another round of consume.>>30361988true, but we have allies in close proximity.
>>30361978Depends on the type of spell
>>30362008>didn't outright consume it>Gaping MawAnon...
>>30361998I rolled an 85 the first time the only reason i linked was because of a possible 100.
>>30361995Except people chose to come here before making Abby a chosen, knowing that she was coming. If you didn't predict that there would be fighting at one of the enemies main bases, well...
>>30362042We could literally just open the portal to Haven and Chosen her once we're free of danger for a moment if it's that big of an issue.
>>30361926>>30361927>>30361933Very well roll a d20 please.
>>30362064Ruselord pls.
>>30362064not today ruselord
Rolled 3>>30362064
Rolled 11>>30362064SM please
>>30362064Way too late to the punch.
Rolled 10>>30362064I hope Abby doesn't lose another hand
Rolled 20>>30362064
>>30362074>>30362077As always, the namefags are dumb enough to get rused.
I fell for it again.
>>30362074>>30362077>>30362084>falling for RUSE this hard.
>>30362074>>30362077>>30362080>>30362084>>30362090YOU MOTHERFUCKER.
>>30362064Fuck i just got rused hard
>>30362090Damn you Ruselord! Damn you!
Every time.
In spite of the fact that we have a fucking demon lord chasing us, I find this track so very appropriate to the situation.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6TXMsvgQg
>>30362091I didn't
>>30362064I was planning on doing that later during the pause between adavans puzzle completion and Hecates release. Now you've ruined my chance! If only I hadn't done it last thread...
>>30362064>mfw i used the exact same picture to ruselord people in the /qtg/ a few days ago
Rolled 4 + 1>>30362064FOR THE RUSE>>30361924Also for the actual cause why not
>>30362132>1 on a 1d100 AGAINStop rolling wren, you're drunk.
>>30362132>nat 1>on 1d100StahpFor the love of GodStahp
>>30362126you still can, but you just need to create a real trip that is similar to SM
Rolled 8822 + 1>>30362147It always rolls a 1 on the second dice.
Rolled 1 + 1>>30362132wellp, I'm out again. Nice knowing ya' folksstill wondering why I can't have nice things...you know, considering I JUST ROLLED A UNTAGGED 1d100 AND GOT A 1 ALREADY
>>30362147>>303621594 not 1Who's drunk?Do you guys know how dice work?
Rolled 4 + 1>>30362147>>30362159The second die will always come up 1.
>>30362176hu hu hu
>>30362176AHAHAHAHAHAA legitimate critfail this time. On 1d20, but still.
Rolled 75>>30362172oh whaddya knowlearn something new every day
>>30362176.... But that's an actual 1, on your d20.Stop rolling.
>>30362126New thread soon anon, there is still hope.
Maybe I'm looking too much into this, but is anyone else worried that the Earth tree is the only magic tree to not connect to the Physical Shadow tree?
>>30362125Would you like a medal?
>>30362225its connected to it actually
>>30362225No?I don't know what bizarre shadowrunning you have going on, but it does connect to the Shadow Magic tree if that helps.
Rolled 4>>30362203I can't keep getting 1s. I gotta roll higher eventuallytotally believe rolls are on a rand seed related to timeMaybe I'm just really precise?
>>30362236No, the purple one is the Shadow Magic tree.>>30362225Probably just lack of room.
>>30362236No it isn't. Physical Shadow is the light grey tree in the middle.
>>30362236>>30362225Nevermind, but there is already a tree like that,
>>30362247Holy crap, just stop.
You rush toward the flesh creature. It turns to you, reorienting its arms, but you can swear it looks almost a little confused that you're not running in terror.Oh, right. You're in your human form. It's probably more used to that.You open your maw, and you no longer appear human. A vortex of power swirls at the back of your mouth, and you slam your jaws shut around the top of the creature. It struggles and strains inside your body, but you devour it, one inch at a time, ripping it into its component parts until you reach the stone and it's completely gone.Abigail's summoning sigil turns, and a red dragon appears from a portal to the nether. She points a finger at the stone chamber as Adavan runs out of it, the great stone door closing behind them. "Burn them all!"A puff of smoke leaks from the dragon's nostrils. It snakes its head forward, and a fountain of fire erupts into the square lever-room. The Revnants form a wall at its exit, stopping the flesh creatures from escaping. Ila continues to pepper the rest of them with bolts, keeping the extras from slipping around the ghostly soldiers.It's not long before she can stop casting her magic. All that remains of the flesh creatures is burning piles of ash.One of them twitches.The stone door slams shut.Abigail sighs, and her Revnants vanish. She pats her dragon. It rumbles a growl, and then it slowly dissapates.>you've gained 5 experience (28 total)>con't
>>30362247>Maybe I'm just really precise?That's one way of putting it...
"That thing was stubborn," Ila says."Well, it's sealed for the moment," Adavan says. "This way. Not much further, now." You continue into the chamber you're in. It's a cavern, naturally formed, not built. Stalagmites and stalagtites have grown so far that they've combined in the middle, forming rippling stone columns. Strange colors flash and twist in the orange lights floating above Abigail and Adavan."What is this place?" Abigail says. "Just Hecate's tomb?""One of our meeting places," Adavan says. "An area of retreat, too, if the fortress above was overrun. It was co-opted for her own purposes once the plan was set in motion.""What, exactly, was the plan?" Abigail asks. &q