Suptg Archive: (scroll to bottom) compiled using with only story posts for easier read-through (up to thread 30):Book 1: 2:>thanks to Herald of Shadow for compiling thoseTwitter (quest times, cancellations, updates): music: on Rolls and Voting:When I request rolls, each set of three rolls counts for one action. For example, a two-step plan would take the first 6 linked rolls. A particularly bad failure can stop your plans early.When rolling 1d100, I will consider criticals within the first ten linked rolls. Only criticals that occur in the first three rolls will be counted as "supercrits". This is still the case even if you'd have plan long enough to require more than ten rolls.When I roll 1d20, the rules are the same, but I only consider criticals for the first five rolls, rather than ten. Criticals in the first three are still "supercrits".When a plot choice results in extensive debate, I'll try to weed out the most popular trains of thought, and then call a vote on them. When voting, please respond with only a link back to the post and the number corresponding to your opinion. Other votes are discounted.Finally, note that this is not a democracy; it is a benevolent dictatorship.
Recent Events Summary:Abigail's entrance into the Archonium was sudden, and not what you expected. She lost herself somewhere within the enchanted gateway, stuck between bits of her personality given life and pitted against one another. With no other recourse, you dived in after her.The archonium transported you to the deep recesses of your own mind. You met with the elf queen, Ellendra Kalladar, your Humanity, and your Temerity. Queen Kalladar informed you that you were, in fact, Erebus. She split you before you could fully recover in order to give you what she termed a "choice", and informed you that the elements were an illusion. Fundamentally, there is only Order, and Chaos.Your Humanity is something new that has coalesced inside you over time, thanks to the opportunity she granted you. Ultimately, you joined forces with it to defeat and reign in your Temerity, who has grudgingly accepted your dominance.You managed to escape your own visions, and Humanity directed you to Abigail's location within the vast dark of the Archonium that lies between the gateways. Within her vision, 11 long years have passed. In a strange world in which she was the only source of magic, she united warring clans of monsters and beasts and ruled over them as empress. However, after forming that empire, her personality split in three, and have since been locked in an uneasy stalemate.>con't
>>26489910aw yea
>>26489910Today is the day.
You met the Abigail that still sits on the throne of the Empire. She is ambitious, effective, ruthless, and disturbingly in awe of you. She sees you as the long-awaited anchor to help her defeat the other two sides of herself and escape back to the real world.After confronting her on subject of her other sides, you were barely able talk her down, and fled to find the third Abigail. You did, and she has agreed to return with you to face her other self.The two Abigails faced off, and the battle was enough to shake the palace. You held back Abigail's fear so that they could fight on even ground, but a new threat showed up - the Banshee, Abigail's third and final portion. Just when it seemed she might be warping you into helplessness, your Temerity arose and turned the tables.The united halves of the Empress and the Knight arrived soon after, but not before the Banshee could escape. You and Abigail tracked her to her lair in the wastes, and now Abigail battles her for dominance while you hold the line against the Banshee's numerous minions.
Ability TreeGREEN abilities have been unlocked and learned.BLUE abilties are unlocked, but are not yet purchased.RED abilities are revealed, but locked due to prerequisites.UNDERLINED abilities are active-use, as opposed to passive. Not all active abilities require mana.All Revealed Ability Descriptions: the Main Character has read: Sheet including learned abilities and other important information:
Current Statistics:HP: 77/81Mana: 23/48EXP: 34Shards of Erebus:(Isolation) - Broken{Hunger} - Normal(Silence) - Empowered{Temerity} - EmpoweredNew Shards:{Humanity} - Resonant--Summoned--Wisp - 1 mana to order.--Automatons--Earthen Construct (currently in Haven)--Equipment--Utility belt with purse--Inventory--Moonsong Shards x 3Sun-Moon KeyLightning KeySuccubus Reagents x 1--Current Location--Within the Archonium
>Last time...Concerned with facing the giant shadow golem directly, you dived into the maze to pick off the flesh golems before they could flank you. You took out one, but a second attacked you from behind. You didn't plan on being away too long.You dodge the golem carefully, predicting its movements from the way its ugly, fleshy body coils, and wait for an opening to make your escape.It rears back for a big strike, then throws its fist forward, leading with all its weight. It's a powerful blow, but you quickly duck out of the way.It slams into a spiked stalagmite just behind you. The rock punctures it through the stomach. Guts spill out onto the ground around it. It weakly tosses its limbs in an attempt to scrape free, but now that weight is working against it.Who could resist such an easy meal? You consume the golem in record time, and it's helpless to resist. It's quick work...very quick work. Hunger is feeling attended to.>you gain 3 EXP (34)>you gain 3 HP (77/81)With that out of the way, you fly up and soar toward the doorway. You're not a moment too soon - a gout of fire roars through the thin passages back on the ground! You see the fire dragon's head poke out of the stone maze and eye you angrily as you make your escape.You land back at the door, and focus your magic back into the earth. It hardens once again. You can hear angered roars of frustration.>mana: 23/48And then, you see more fire. A lot of fire. The rock turns to molten slag as the stream of blue-white fire continues unabated. The fire dragon is melting it's way through by force!The cry of the last flesh golem cuts the air. You swivel to face it as it charges at you. Lumbering behind is the mighty Shadow Golem - but it's heading for the door. With their numbers depleted, they're finally trying to break straight through to Abigail in earnest.>con't with choices
Enemy Forces:Fire DragonSpirit DragonShadow GolemFlesh GolemWhat do you do?>throw the Flesh Golem at the Shadow Golem>go berserk; strike at them both>first, block the door with Earthforge>ignore the flesh golem, focus on stopping the shadow Golem>some other strategy
>>26490003>go berserk; strike at them bothBuy Darkness Within to do so.
I remembered when we were just starting down in that village.I remember where this could of gone, and where it's going.Good job Game Master, you've survived the onslaught on /tg/, enjoy it.
>>26490003>first, block the door with EarthforgeFollow it with a Surge to push them back.Also, think this works for Abigail, SM?
>>26490028Got a Banshee one too.
>>26490028>Dat Abby
>>26490028>>26490038Excellent work anonymous. I'll just recolor a few things here and there...
>>26490042>Can teleport>Weird obsession with a young girl>JUDGEMENT DESU NOOh god. Shadow is Kuroko. What.
>>26490003>go berserk; strike at them both
>>26490003>ignore the flesh golem, focus on stopping the shadow GolemPreferably using magic or our Aura, it's shown to be somewhat insubstantial.We can berserk afterwards, when only certainly physical enemies are left.
>>26490003>first, block the door with Earthforge
>>26490054Glad to be of service. I kind of felt that the image you were using for merged Abigail was a little off. Looked a little too old for 20 and too stout/stocky compared to the Knight and Empress pics you used before. I was determined to find something else that would work.
>>26490003>first, block the door with EarthforgeBiggest priority is keeping them out.
Vote 1:>earthforge to block the doorVote 2:>buy darkness within. HYPER BERSERKVote 3:>use physical shadow to attack the Shadow Golem (that's your aura/shadow attack, not shadow magic)
Can we use the water from a Surge spell to cast Tidal Force, SM? Because that could be a really good way of stopping those dragons.
>>26490173 2
>>26490173 1
>>26490183>>26490187>>26490185>>26490207>>26490209>>26490210It might not be a bad choice, but it's a boring choice.
>>26490222Six more, actually. We need 40.
>>26490222You mean 6.Tao = 25DW = 1515 + 25 = 40
>>26490135I'll bust a recolored one out on you later.>>26490173cutting off votes
>>26490229We almost fucked up last thread because we were ignoring the objective of keeping these out of the room. I don't care if you think it's boring.
>>26490229I'd rather be boring and save Abigail then waste it on excitement.
>>26490173Roll 1d1001) spell effectiveness2) dodge flesh golem
>>26490229Can we skip the next vote and just Harden it now, as well? Get it done with in one post.
Rolled 44>>26490261
Rolled 70>>26490261Rolling>>26490251>>26490248>I don't want to waste my recreation time on fun!
Rolled 79>>26490261
Rolled 53>>26490261
Rolled 92>>26490261
Rolled 62>>26490261
>>26490273>>26490275>>26490278>>26490290Pretty damn good, for once.
>>26490273>I want to waste all our hard work getting to this spot.
Rolled 48>>26490261
>>26490304SMs hard work. I haven't done anything difficult in this quest. And you haven't either.
>>26490273I'm just playing the character and picking the course of action that fits the situation. I can understand wanting to be entertained, it's what we're all here for after all, but I also understand that Shadow doesn't want to fuck this up.
Rolled 43>>26490261>natural 1 inbound
Rolled 16>>26490261
Rolled 58>>26490261Rollin'
>>26490321I'm thinking from Shadow's perspective. I don't think he'd throw everything away just because its more fun.
>1 mana from regen (24/48)You've got priorities - Abigail can't afford distractions. You pour your magic into earthforge.The ground above and below the door trembles, warps, and then moves. A stalagmite from the floor and a stalactite from the ceiling shoot out, slam into one another, and then merge. The door is sealed behind a thick wall of rock.The Shadow Golem slams into it. Chips of stone crumble away, but it holds.The flesh golem is on top of you, but you already accounted its single-mindness. A small nub of rock, the tail end of your earthforge, juts up next to its foot. It trips, and its moment sends it flying toward you. You whip by its flank, slicing through its shoulder.The golem hits the ground hard, rolls, and manages to climb back up quickly, but its right arm is cut deep enough to be useless. It ignores the wound and starts to run back toward youThe temperature of the room is rising rapidly. There's nowhere much for the heat to go, and the dragons haven't let up a bit. It'll only be a little while longer until they're knocking on your doorstep.What do you do?>darkness within; berserk all enemies>finish off and consume the flesh golem; the wall will hold for the moment>use physical shadow to attack the shadow golem>magic (specify)>some other strategy
Rolled 8>>26490297We've been rolling really well for a few threads now. Imminent failure
>>26490379>magic (specify)Surge. Stop that flame dragon and push the Shadow Golem back.
>>26490379Bind shadow golem
>>26490379>>use physical shadow to attack the shadow golemIt's the only enemy we really have no idea how to handle, I'd rather take it out quickly and then focus on the enemies we are sure we can just rip into and avoid any surprises.
>>26490415This sounds good. Maybe follow it up with an attack on the flesh golem.
>>26490379>darkness within; berserk all enemiesTime isn't on our side here, the longer we draw this fight out the worse things will get. We still have plenty of HP to eat the defense debuff.
>>26490379>>darkness within; berserk all enemies
>>26490379>darkness within; berserk all enemies
>>26490440I just don't see the point in buying that right now unless we need a last resort.
>>26490476We're going to get it eventually anyway though, so why not? It's not like we still dont have a ton of EXP left over.
>>26490379>use physical shadow to attack the shadow golem
>>26490489We still have to deal with the Banshee's plan after this. We may very well need the extra EXP and HP.
>>26490476>>26490489And even if we end up absolutely needing the Tao EXP for something else, DW can be used without it, as long as we are careful.
Vote 1:>bind Shadow Golem, then focus on flesh golemVote 2:>darkness within, berserk like crazyVote 3:>attack Shadow Golem with Physical Shadow
>>26490513Same applies to Berserk and look how often that is used. That's a lot of exp for a skill that'll more than likely just sit there until Tao is bought.
>>26490506Yeah but we'll still be getting both HP and EXP from these things' corpses.
>>26490513>the Tao EXP>Implying exp is set aside to get TaoNevermore pls go
>>26490544Can't consume in zerk. They're bodies will disappear before eatings.
>>26490521cutting off votesberserk beats physical shadow 6-4TIME FOR DARKNESS
>>26490593Well, at least this will hopefully put an end to a very long and tiring debate.
>>26490606True.EXP: 19Note: the final earth + wind resistance upgrade costs 20 exp
Also!Roll 1d10012 rolls, as Darkness Within lasts 4 long, long turns.
Oh sweet catharsis
>>26490638SM, why is mighty regen still locked?
Rolled 13>>26490646
Rolled 60>>26490646rolling
Rolled 42>>26490646
Rolled 5>>26490646
>>26490656We haven't completed teh water tree, duh.
Rolled 24>>26490646SHITBALLS
>>26490656Need to finish water tree.
Rolled 72>>26490646
>>26490638>Earth & Wind resistanceOh my~
Rolled 45>>26490646cant wait to fail
Rolled 68>>26490646Rollan!
>>26490667This is indeed the case, as you discovered with Darkness Within.>>26490662I chuckle every time anon.
Rolled 29>>26490646OH GOD WHY
Rolled 40>>26490646
Rolled 96>>26490646
Rolled 35>>26490646and no 1s please
Rolled 1>>26490646This mediocrity is astounding!
Fuck. Why'd you guys have to lock us in for 4 turns? I mean, we'll probably not die but going crazy is kind of a really dumb thing to do when we're supposed to be guarding a door.
>>26490696Thank god that won't count.
Rolled 37>>26490696
>>2649064612, 75, 6042, 5, 2472, 45, 6829, 40, 96Just organizing for myself.Give me a minute.
>>26490704Well I figure we should kill a shadow golem, a flesh golem, and a dragon or two in that time.
>>26490723And the other dragon will take advantage of the fact that we're just too mindlessly consumed by bloodlust to slip by and break down our wall.
>>26490749You wanna bet? Because I'll bet 5 internets that doesn't happen.
>>26490749Someone's lost faith in the tried and true SHADOW SMASH it seems.
>>26490756Nah. I'm just saying it was a sub-optimal choice with unnecessary risks. I fully admit to using hyperbole and I believe we'll get through this without too much fucking up.
Rolled 44>>26490715why is the earth and wind labled 2n anyway? we had to get the first 2 to unlock darkness within. i cant think of any way that we could get to this without haveing all 4 resitances. so why couldnt it have just been labled 20?
>>26490847Following pattern?
>>26490867Or he changed DW's prereqs at some point.
>>26490847silence mortalmy OCD demanded 2n
>>26490897>OCD>Left Shadowrage un-underlined for nearly 50 threads.>And Titanic and Supersonic still aren't underlined.>Kindle isn't underlined when it should be.>Certainly more that I'm going to scour the tree and pastebin for and then find and then whine about until you FUCKING FIX THEM
>>26490962Sock Puppet should also be underlined
>>26490962Lemme add to that OCD Nightmare:The Servant passage has a conflicting clause about an unlimited number of Servants and yet I believe one paragraph later it says you can only have ten Servants.
>>26491004I think that might be from beating down Temerity and limiting just how full evil empire we can go now. Could just be a mistake though.
>mana (21/48) from regenThe flesh golem is rushing you again. The giant shadow golem is beating down the barrier you made to protect Abigail. Two dragons are almost on top of you, and they're bringing white-blue fire with them.You need more power, and you need it now.You grasp the untapped energy stored inside of you and push it into your body. You can feel something grow inside of you...a tap that wants to be opened.You open it. flesh golem reaches you.You don't really see it. It's just movement. A mass of eyes and limbs and bone. You break it. You take the pieces and crush them, rip them, and scatter them. When all that is left is a tiny quivering core, you take that and tear it apart until the only thing left is scraps and a black, bloody ooze.A sound takes your mind off the task. A shadow, beating the wall. It annoys you. You rush forward.Your arms meet only air. The golem is suddenly -not- where it was before. This frustrates you.You turn and attack it. You strike again, and again, but you pass through it. It seems to -lessen- itself, and then -unlessen- itself, as if warping the part you'd touch to some place you can't reach.You decide you just need to hit it faster, and faster. You grow an extra limb, and then another, and another. It can't -lessen- itself fast enough, or long enough. One limb passes through, but your second smashes into it. It feels like marble - marble that crumbles.Once it's hurt, its pathetic little tactic stops working as well. You annihilate it with the sadistic joy of kicking down a sandcastle.Fire burns you. White hot. Blue, white. It licks around you, searing your skin.You ignore it, and turn your gaze to face the source of the flames. A giant lizard. The flames leap at you from its maw.>con't
You don't like the fire.You ignore the pain leap straight into the dragon's open mouth. It cuts the fire and tries to snap its jaws shut. You feel no need to stop something that isn't in your way, and simply contort to fit the space between its teeth.The fire came from two separate bits of flesh at the entrance to the dragon's throat. They expelled something, which then made fire when they met.The tongue is in the way. You rip it out. You hear an ugly shriek echoing up the throat, and the jaws open again as blood spurts everywhere. That is annoying.You rip the two glands off the throat of the monster, and then punch an exit through the roof of its mouth. You leap out.The gaseous fluids, uncontrolled, explode within the dragon's maw. Fire and blood pours from the hole you ripped in its skull. It writhes in pain, shrieking again and again, and withdraws deeper into the cave.>you've taken 19 damage (58/81)----------------You blink.What just happened? The flesh golem is just gone - you note a bloody stain on the floor, but there's no sign of it. The shadow golem is just as vanished.The fire dragon is letting loose like you can't believe. It's slamming its neck and body against the cave wall. Smoke is seeping from between its teeth.A crackling surge of spirit magic roils around you!1d100 to dodge
>>26490962Pool of Darkness
>>26491063>mana: 24/48 from regen
>>26491004>>26491046my bad, I changed it to 10. I thought I'd deleted that other passage. Will fix.
Rolled 19>>26491063
Rolled 43>>26491063Jesus christ we need to get Tao.
Rolled 31>>26491089oops
Rolled 69>>26491063
Rolled 61>>26491063holy shit
>>26491056>>26491063That is so fucking metal.
Rolled 15>>26491063
Rolled 64>>26491063Yissss
>>26491090>>26491103Pretty mediocre.
Rolled 63>>26491063
>>26491118We just ripped through the dragon's face from inside its jaws after tearing its tongue out, shit doesn't get much more metal. But I'm sure someone would disagree.
Rolled 36>>26491063welp since the golems are basically gone we can eat what's left of that fire dragon and the spirit dragon
Rolled 73>>26491063
Rolled 95>>26491063HAHA TIME TO DODGE
You leap to the side. The spirit magic bounces and whips after it hits the ground, lashing at you as you make your escape. The blow stings, but you evaded the worst of it.>HP: you've taken 4 damage (54/81)While you were busy, the spirit dragon went to work on your earthen wall. It's almost completely gone - just a bit further and the dragon can fit. When it realizes you're still in one piece, it rears its head back for another blast of spirit energy.What do you do?>more berserking>dodge, counter with a physical attack>dodge, counter with a spell>try to beat it to the punch with a physical attack>some other strategy/combination/youhavetoomanyabilitiesformetolistallplausiblemethodsofattackeveryround
Rolled 7>>26491226>dodge, counter with a physical attackI would say Shadow Beam but spirit is resistant to shadow.
>>26491226>>dodge, counter with a physical attack
>>26491226physical attack it
>>26491246The spirit dragon is uninjured, we can't just eat it right off the bat.
>>26491226More berserking.
>>26491226Blink and physical attack,
>>26491226>dodge, counter with a physical attack
>>26491226I'd say physical attacking with some Gaping Maw with little Consuming thrown in for good measure towards the end.
>>26491226>dodge, counter with a physical attackFollow up with a Gaping Maw.RIP AND TEAR
>>26491264Fuck no. That dragon almost got through our defenses from before and he's the only able bodied opponent left.
>>26491226How about we punch it in the taint
>>26491226Blink and Gaping Maw
>>26491226Blink and attack right him behind his head. He cant reach you there.
>>26491262we ate an angel's face, so why can't we eat a spirit dragon?
Vote 1:>dodge, physical counterVote 2:>blink into his blind spot, physical attack
>>26491286This sounds like the most effective attack method so far
>All this 2Something about shadow quest battles?
>>26491342>>26491339>>26491336>>26491335>>26491334>>26491333>>26491332>>26491329and 2 wins by landslide
>>26491350SM has an image for this phenomenon
>>26491350Roll 1d100two actions, six dice
Rolled 26>>26491381
Rolled 57>>26491381
Rolled 93>>26491381
Rolled 79>>26491381
Rolled 15>>26491381
Rolled 44>>26491381Dice for the dice throne.
Rolled 73>>26491381
Rolled 67>>26491381
Rolled 95>>26491381
The energy blast roils forward. Orange light fills the cave as tangles and sparks of spirit magic rumble toward you.You Blink behind the dragon's head and unleash a flurry of limbs, sharpened like the points of spears. You crush the scales at the back of its neck, but its natural armor is strong enough to stop you penetrating too deeply.Still, it's a solid blow. The dragon roars in pain. Its neck bends, and it snaps a few times in your direction, but you're already gone, flying circles around its head.More magic is building in its throat as it eyes you, carefully. A raised claw warns you of an impending swipe, and its tail swishes dangerously.What do you do?>land, try to attack the softer belly>go for the eyes>try to keep attacking the back of the neck, open a deeper wound>magic>strategies
Rolled 75>>26491492>go for the eyesGO FOR THE EYES, BOO, THE EYES!
>>26491492>magic>go for the eyesShadow Beam it. Right in the eye.
>>26491492Rip its throat out.
>>26491492>Go for the eyesAlways go for the eyes.
>>26491525This anon's got it right. Aim for the weak spot.
>>26491492>go for the eyesCone of Destruction right in its eyes
>>26491492go for the eyes, using Cone of Destruction
>>26491492Enough with the subtleties, Shadow Bast his face then consume him.
>>26491549my man
>>26491525Second.>>26491549>>26491553I'd rather a body to consume over disintegration.
>>26491511Oh god, you have swayed me.Go for the eyes.
>>26491549>>26491553that'd blow the body to smithereens, and then where's our XP?
SOVote 1:>claw at its eyes like a shadowy falconVote 2:>cone of destruction IN THE FACE (less concentrated damage, but higher base power and more chance to hit)Vote 3:>shadow beam IN THE EYE (highly concentrated damage, less chance to hit)Vote 4:>fly up reeeeal close for that cone of destruction proximity bonus
>>26491575He is a big guy, lots of stuff to consume after blowing his face off.
>>26491575It's a spirit dragon that means it'll be resistant to Shadow Magic attacks so we should use a stronger attack
Rolled 76>>264916023
>>26491602>shadow beam IN THE EYE (highly concentrated damage, less chance to hit)
>>26491636>>26491637Don't count. Post the number and nothing else.
>>26491636Rolling invalidates votes. Please vote without rolling.
>>26491602 4
>>26491637Vote with just a link and a number, please.
>>26491602The Spirit Dragon is the last visible enemy, right?
>>26491660>>26491651I can always count on anonymous.
Rolled 99>>264916023
>>26491602cutting off votes>>26491674And the fire dragon still rampaging in the back, but the spirit dragon is the last coherent enemy.
I really hope we don't miss.
>>26491700YAY WE GET TO EAT IT!
>>26491696Sorry, hadn't noticed that the field had been automatically filled.
>>26491700Fire Dragon is still alive? With the rupturing we gave to it's fire-breathing glands, it must have high fire resis- oh, right.
>>26490962>Started watching Watamote>Can't even get through half of the first episode, it's too fucking painful
cone: 5beam: 9prox: 5Alright, roll 1d100 for shadow beam
>>26491731Yeah, it's currently suffering quite a lot. Still kicking though.
Rolled 19>>26491736
Rolled 58>>26491736!
Rolled 48>>26491736
Rolled 3>>26491736
Rolled 67>>26491736Captcha: PrimeK CRITICAL
Rolled 96>>26491736>>26491747fuck. herped the derp there.
Rolled 97>>26491736
Comoon, get that sucker.
Rolled 32>>26491736now we miss because Shadow Beam has less of a chance to hit than Cone of Destruction
Rolled 88>>26491736
>>26491754>>26491757Well that's not that good.>>26491783Yet it says in the description that it's incredibly accurate, huh.
>>26491799>>26491602Vote 2:>cone of destruction IN THE FACE (less concentrated damage, but higher base power and more chance to hit)Vote 3:>shadow beam IN THE EYE (highly concentrated damage, less chance to hit)
Rolled 86>>26491736
>>26491799Accurate beam is still less accurate than area of effect.
>>26491817I was referring to the skill description.
>>26491799>muh reading comprehensionbeams have less of a chance to hit than a a cone
>>26491799Sorry, the term I should have used was precise, not accurate.
>>26491821I was referring to the difference between beams and cones and the chance to hit not accuracy
>>26491860>>26491821sorry meant to link to this one>>26491841
mana: 19/48You grab a fistfull of mana and concentrate it into a point in front of you...The dragon's breath glows brighter...You cast at the same time!Your shadow beam pierces the spirit energy and strikes the dragon in its right eye! It roars, and rears away - The spirit energy hits you full on! Luckily, the dragon cut off its own attack when you hit its eye, and you're able to weather the storm without too much damage.>you've taken 3 damage (55/81)The dragon steps back rapidly, trying to keep its balance. It holds a claw to its face and makes a more whimpered roar, but it's not dead yet.The fire dragon is still sounds like a miniature earthquake over there. Apparently it won't be interfering any time soon after the damage it sustained.What do you do?>physical attack, belly>keep hacking at the wound you made on its neck>another magical spell>some other strategy
>>26491884Try to jump down its throat, consume from the inside out.
>>26491884>keep hacking at the wound you made on its neck
>>26491884Gaping Maw
Rolled 19>>26491884>>another magical spellTAKE THE LEFT EYE!
>>26491884>>26491905Yeah Gaping Maw the fucker!
>>26491898This, it's worked in the past.
>>26491913thirding the idea of gaping maw the delicious dragon
>>26491913The thing is stunned, ITS CHOW TIME.
>>26491898>>26491905>>26491899Combine these maybe?
>>26491884Stab ourselves through its belly and then consume it from the wound out.
Rolled 38>>26491884>keep hacking at the wound you made on its neckDECAPITATIOOOOOON!!!
Eat this foo
That felt quick.So...Leap at throat, tear apart/consume from inside?Jesus Christ, how horrifying. When you take a step back this quest is violent as hell, huh?
>>26491884>Gaping MawSpecifically targeting the neck wound.
>>26491978Gaping Mawattack its neck
>>26491978The things we do for our friends.I'm glad the thread has taken the advice of last thread to 'win fast' to heart.
>>26491978I prefer the term 'Fucking Metal'.And I wouldn't have it any other way
>>26491978Eat him through his open eye socket. Like a straw in a big milkshake.
>>26491978We are all about peace, justice, and brutally devouring the flesh of our enemies.
>>26491978It's a dream dragon, SM. Unwad the panties.I like my quests to be bloodbaths
>>26491978I've said it before but Shadow is basically The Specter. A violent aspect of a God who needs an anchor of Humanity to not go full murderous rampage.Also yes.
>>26491978I like my quests like I like my steaks, nice and bloody.
>>26492010"I am going to drink your brain through a bendy-straw."Fucking Metal.
>>26491978It's your fault, you know. We have to physically consume our enemies in order to gather experience. I'd just as soon kill them in a quick, clean, efficient manner - but then we risk missing out on delicious XP.
>>26491978Well, you made it so we only gain exp from consuming living things while they are alive or shortly after they die. Is the resulting violence that surprising?
>>26492021Please, anons...BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODI am the one writing all of it, after all.Alright, roll 1d100. Two actions.If it's good enough I'll fluff it out. If it's not good enough you'll automatically using gaping maw to compensate. If it's so bad that not even gaping maw will save get smacked.
Rolled 35>>26492071
Rolled 19>>26492071
>>26492052Yeah. I have a feeling inconsistent stuff like eating that ship's entire crew wouldn't happen if everyone didn't just look at the situation and go "hey, easy exp."
Rolled 27>>26492071
Rolled 6>>26492071omnomnom
Rolled 51>>26492071OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM
Rolled 60>>26492071
Rolled 40>>26492071SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!
Rolled 63>>26492071
Rolled 66>>26492071RIP. TEAR. KILL!
Rolled 98>>26492071
Rolled 53>>26492071---->>26492081>>26492083Looks like my FCLT 281 grades.
Uhg, these rolls suck.
These rolls are bullshit
>>26492081>>26492083>>26492094>>26492096Welp. Looks like we are going to need Gaping Maw.
>>26492081>>26492083could we get somthing for the 35s
>>26492081>>26492083>>26492094>>26492096Gaping Maw it is then.
>>26492115>>26492119Who forgot to sacrifice the virgins?
>>26492163Anon did.>>26490392>>>26490297>We've been rolling really well for a few threads now.>Imminent failureAlso you got cursed here
Mediocre rolls, huh? I hate those rolls. Less exciting to write.
Rolled 85>>26492190So fix it :(
>>26492190rule of cool! Rule Of Cool! C'mon just this once.
>>26492190I'd say adapt something like OVA's dice mechanic(it's jumpy as fuck) to fix this but it's a bit too late for that.
>>26492216We cannot compromise the integrity of Shadow Quest. We failed, better luck next round.
Rolled 12lets try the dice again
You flap your wings once, twice, three times to build speed, and lunge for the dragon's face.It swipes you with a claw. You swing wildly to dodge. Its jaws open to snap at you while you're slowed down.Just as planned.The dragon's teeth rips your body, but you're in its mouth - and its vulnerable throat is right in front of you.You begin to shred it to pieces. The insides have no armor, and it's not long before a vibrating shriek echoes off the flesh around you.A blast of spirit roars up its throat and catches you full on! It begins to drive you up out of the dragon's body!>you've taken 8 damage (47/81)Roll 1d100 to withstand the force!
Rolled 10>>26492276
>>26492190See the bright side, if we rolled 100s all the time the truly great moments would have a lessened impact.
>>26492216No can do anon.
Rolled 45>>26492276faggot ass mo fucking dragons
>>26492254You're right anon, I will load up my good luck charms for the next one. Be prepared dice gods.
Rolled 30>>26492276
>>26492276Sure feels like Woody Got Wood in here
Rolled 73>>26492276
Rolled 100>>26492276CANT STOP THE FUNK
Rolled 29>>26492276It's time.
Rolled 22>>26492276
>>26492216shush you, rule of cool is when we write cool actions, we havent so far.>>26492276use shatterkrieg to get futher inside the dragon
>>26492283I suppose.>>26492293>>26492290>>26492282...meeeeeeeeh.>>26492301HA-HA!
>>26492276I dont think so dragon-kun, your guts are mine.
Rolled 42>>26492276>>26492301>Shadow confirmed for powered by FUNK
>>26492301THANK YOU
>>26492301Good job,
>>26492301Fuck yea.
Rolled 48>>26492276I am... the Funkmeister
>>26492301Yes, this is exactly what I wanted to come back too
I feel like we've taken way too much damage compared to the first half of this battle, hope these dragons heal us up a bit.
Rolled 91>>26492276Need to get 10 rolls in, guys.
>>26492190>Mediocre rolls, huh? I hate those rolls. Less exciting to write.There's always Invisible Castle for an actually random dice generator. or at least more random than tg dice
You jab a spiked limb into the inside of the throat. The leverage allows you to hold in place as the magic whips and strikes at you. But slowly, you're being torn out. You lose your grip, and are blasted up - Desperately, you strike again, trying to stop yourself - and your shadow punctures all the way through the lining of the throat and out the wound you made earlier, where the scales were weakened! The roar of magic fades, but the dragon's roar of pain only grows.>49 HP from regen>you've taken 4 damage (45/81)Now it's your turn.Roll 1d100 for Gaping Maw
>>26492335The... funkasaurus.Someone call you momma!
Rolled 50>>26492367FUNK
Rolled 93>>26492367CHOMP
Rolled 36>>26492367Cmon power of FUNK!
Rolled 37>>26492367
Rolled 62>>26492367dice gods aid me in this hour!
Rolled 56>>26492367
Rolled 28>>26492367Funk?
Rolled 42>>26492367
Rolled 35>>26492367
Rolled 66>>26492367
Rolled 36>>26492367minutes clePar
Rolled 74>>26492367Well~
Rolled 72>>26492367Awwight
>>26492364I use this when needed: actions in SQ face a pre-set DC, but it comes in handy.
>>26492377close one, DC was 45.PREPAREYOUR STOMACH
>>26492476no u
>>26492429Aw, man, I just ate though.
>mana: 17/48 (+ 2 from regen last two turns)>HP: 46/81You open your maw. Your magic spins at your core, half-warped space, half shadow, churning everything you touch into its component parts. You turn yourself upon the dragon's throat and move in a circle.The dragon shrieks - and that shriek is cut off as its head is separated from its body.You expand over the throat, and move down. The scales are harder to destroy, but they all dissolve eventually. You latch onto the dragon's body bit by bit, consuming the flesh, and then the magic that lingers at its core. It doesn't have much of a chance to disintegrate before you finish it off.You dissolve it all the way to the claws. Unsupported by flesh, they clatter to the floor.>you've gained 4 HP>you've gained 4 mana (21/48)>you've gained 6 exp (25)You stand back up. The door to Abigail's battle sits in front of you - secure. Mission accomplished.The fire dragon has fallen. It still twitches, but the roaring is now just low, weak grumbles. You can see blackened, ripped patches where explosive fire tore at the inside of its neck and belly. It's not going to last long.It would make an excellent meal.You glance back at the door. Pulses of spirit magic rage within - though you can't see anything, as the doors are shut at the moment.You send a questioning thought to the wisp. It sends you a movie reel of images - Abigail and the Banshee, claws against steel, shrieks like the howling of damned souls arrayed against spirit missiles and illusions. The battle might outdo your own in sheer desperate intensity.What do you do?>enter the room>eat the dragon, wait for Abigail's battle to conclude>some other strategy
>>26492482I don't know
>>26492509can you repeat the question?
>>26492506>eat the dragon, wait for Abigail's battle to conclude
>>26492506Eat the dragon and enter.
>>26492506Eat and wait.This is Abigail's battle. She needs to prove herself, we've just opened the door for her.
>>26492429By the way, can Abby not absorb the part of the Banshee that's overtly... rapey. I'm find that part a wee bit disconcerting.
Rolled 86>>26492506Coup de grace the dragon by droping rocks at him, then run to Abigail.
Rolled 50>>26492506eat dragon, SNEAK into room
>>26492506>eat the dragon, wait for Abigail's battle to concludeAnd keep in touch with Wispbro, just in case.
>>26492506>eat the dragon, wait for Abigail's battle to concludeAbby-sabby's got this. Enjoy the meal and keep watching the fight through wispbro.
>>26492516>can you repeat the question?You're not the boss of me now!You're not the boss of me now!And you ain't so tough.Life isn't fair...
>>26492506Eat the dragon, then make a hole in the door and watch through it.
>>26492506Relax and grab a Sneakers (dragon).
>>26492532It's looking to be more subjugation than fusion. Like Temerity. We should be good.Smut writers get in here, Banshee is totally gonna take over.
>>26492506eat dragon and and only help if asked its her battle after all.
>>26492506>>eat the dragonBut then slip in. Not that I want to intervene, I jsut want to watch first-hand.
>>26492530>This is Abigail's battle. She needs to prove herself, we've just opened the door for her.No, we NEED to be there to stop banshee abby's masterstroke plan - the one seven years in the making, the one dealing with the crystals, or the sudden appearance of Fear - we need to be there just in case.Doesn't mean we can't watch, though.ENTER and OBSERVE
>>26492532All aspects of Abby want the shadowy appendage; the Banshee aspect just has the temerity to take it without asking.
>>26492506>>you've gained 6 exp (25)Can we go ahead and buy Tao?
Rolled 25>>26492555>No, we NEED to be there to stop banshee abby's masterstroke plan - the one seven years in the making, the one dealing with the crystals, or the sudden appearance of Fear - we need to be there just in case.This.
>>26492506TIME FOR TAO
>>26492555Agreed with this, get ready in case shit gets out of hand.
Rolled 10>>26492562im still pushing for void ring then eclipse
>>26492562We can buy it if we come to the point where we need to attack, or after we get out of here.
>>26492562>>26492571I'll third. DW was badass but -very- out of control.
Rolled 85>>26492506>some other strategyeat dragon then head in. stealthaly
>>26492581The problem is if we have to confront those Demon Lords again, Eclipse will be useless.
>>26492506Better let her deal with it, Its her fight and if we enter we might disturb her. Time for a meal.
>>26492562>>26492571Yep. Tao now.
>>26492552It isn't funny - Banshee raping Shadow concept is giving me ridiculous writers block when I go to do other stuff. I can't work on anything.Forgive me SM, but I might actually have to write SQ smut to get it out of my system.
>>26492555This. Gaping Maw the dragon so it doesn't take extra timeI kind of want to say this choice is another one of those Trap Moments, where we have to choose between CONSUME and we wanna be there for abby - any reason we can't drag the dragon in and eat it?
>>26492555I agree. we need to be sneaky about it, but the Banshee's got something up her sleeve. Eat the dragon, then get in there sneak-like.
Rolled 29>>26492597at least void ring. we will probably get another light resist out of it minimum
>>26492506Eat dragon and wait.This is Abby's battle.
>>26492562With the battle over, there's no pressing NEED to buy tao - save shit for stomping on the Demon Lords
>>26492571fourthing Tao, to shut them up if not for the reason that it's actually kinda OK.
>>26492618No, fuck you. If we don't do it now we won't have enough XP when we need it.
>>26492506Eat dragon, go in, Tao.
Fuck it, I want to buy other things but better get Tao out of the way now.
Vote 1:>eat, waitVote 2:>eat, then enter and observe
>>26492606Yeah, I think we should definitely get in there to make sure something horrible doesn't happen.
>>26492604Dont do it bro, save your soul from the shame.
>>26492600>>26492592>>26492562Voting against - buy that shit when we're OUT of the archonium.Just in case we need to bust out an Erasure to bust a whole in the wall and get out.Just because we have 25 points doesn't mean we need to spend it immediately.Save it!
Buy Tao.I want more metal as fuck RIP AND TEAR
>>26492638splurge on another gapping maw to make it quick
>>26492562>>26492571>>26492580>>26492592>>26492600>>26492626SM, can we get a thread-vote on Tao? That way we can just get past it, buy it if Yes and let it alone for a few threads if No.
>>26492604That's a very unfortunate predicament.For you.
>>26492604If you write it,I will fap to it no matter how badly written it is.
>>26492664>splurge on another gapping maw to make it quickAgreement
>>26492638I just know something bad will happen if we enter uninvited. Learn some patience people, Abby-sabby got this.1
Save EXP until we know what we'll be dealing with from the Banshee. We may need to step in and fight and I'd like the exp just in case.
>>26492669>SM, can we get a thread-vote on Tao? That way we can just get past it, buy it if Yes and let it alone for a few threads if No.Fuck that. Do it at the END of the thread where XP Debates don't shit up what is going to be an emotionally touching moment once someone wins - and we might even get ANOTHER archonium trial after this.
If we're going in, then at least use Wispbro as another point of view, so that we can time our entry and hide in such a way that we don't distract NotBansheeAbigail.
>>26492707Every time we try to do xp stuff at the end of the threads, people bitch about "trying to slip it in when people aren't around"You have to do it during the thread or it doesn't get done thanks to whiney assholes.
>>26492714true. we don't want to fuck up their rhythm and get them killed.
>>26492707This is the last of the Archonium, according to SM.Thank goodness.
>>26492731>"trying to slip it in when people aren't around"I've seen that happen precisely once
Buy Tao now, we never agree on anything at the end of the thread, fuck the minority last time we didn't buy robust immunity the the other thing because a samefag was arguing for 6 xp.
The EXP debate can wait for the moment, everyone. We'll do it when things have calmed down, or right after the last post, so every can participate.>>26492638cutting off votes
>>26492707>and we might even get ANOTHER archonium trial after this.Oh god please no.
>>26492731Then do it at the beginning of the next thread.
Ok, 2 wins by a mile.We'll use Gaping Maw to save time.You don't need to roll on this one, the dragon is pretty fucked.Writing.
Welp, looks like the retard choice won. Guess wich one of the abbies has the most potential to profit from potential distractions?
>>26492766Nah, SM said it would be this thread or the last.
>>26492774Please see >>26492714Last thing we need is us throwing down the doors and getting Abby eaten by Banshee when she looks at us.
Pro-Tao same fag, pls go
>>26492808Really going to resort to samefag accusations?
>>26492766yeah, that face is why you don't ASSUME things are going to go any which way.>>26492783>Welp, looks like the retard choice won. Guess wich one of the abbies has the most potential to profit from potential distractions?Or inspiration! We cheerleader now.
>>26492808>People disagree with me in plurality, must be samefag
>>26492799Just like in the movies.
>>26492825>Shadow in a miniskirtMake it happen.
>>26492808just because your opinion is in the minority doesn't make it all a Samefag trying to ruin your fun. accusations like that can ruin a quest, so please don't.
>>26492714>If we're going in, then at least use Wispbro as another point of view, so that we can time our entry and hide in such a way that we don't distract NotBansheeAbigail.That's an excellent idea. Seconding, thirded, etc
>HP: 52/81 from regen>mana: +1Use open your maw in order to more rapidly consume the dragon, so that you can get to Abigail that much faster. With its body already starting to disintegrate, it's quick and easy.>you gained 3 HP (55/81)>you gained 5 mana (19/48)>you gained 7 EXP (32)You dash over to the long, thin door, and slip inside.Roll 1d20Six rolls.
>>26492808>>26492819I'm for getting tao, but doing it when we need to use it or when we have a breather moment.Partly because it allows for us to get cool flavor text if we upgrade+attack.
>>26492833>>26492839>>26492819Samefag detected.
Rolled 15>>26492855
Rolled 20>>26492855god damn it.we were goign to check with wispbro
Rolled 11>>26492855The power of...funk?
Rolled 12>>26492855
Rolled 11>>26492855<SNEAK SNEAK>
>>26492825Implying the fight isn't so fierce that a moment of distraction can lead to one of them landing a critical hit. >gambling like this with Abby-sabbys soulShame on you.
Rolled 4>>26492855
Rolled 16>>26492855Shouldn't it be 10 rolls if they are for 2 actions?
Rolled 10>>26492871>>26492869>>26492867welp
Rolled 20>>26492855
Rolled 11>>26492855,
Rolled 10>>26492855
>>26492871I cannot dispute your logic, or your supercrit.Well played good sir
>>26492871HAHA! TIME FOR <SNEAK>!
Rolled 6>>26492871Nice
>>26492867>>26492869>>26492871>>26492872>>26492875>>26492876>All 6 above 10>20 in the first 3
>>2649288710th roll.
>>26492882Each action is always three rolls, regardless of the type of dice.Crits only count in the first five rolls for a 1d20.
>>26492887Tenth roll.
>>26492905Only first 5 count on d20 rolls.
>>26492917Crits only count in the first 5, even if we need 6?
>>26492877shame on you for ignoring our stealth powers, in order to try to get what you want. If wisp bro hasn't distracted them, we won't either.Hiding is easily within our powers, especially when both powers are distracted.Think about it from a tactical sense:we have cloaking/invisibility, eyes on the fight, and the ability to teleport, and the ability to shrink.If we don't wanna be seen, we won't
>>26492920Doesn't count anyway, 1d2oh SM got there first.
too bad my internet suddenly slow down to a halt would have been nice
>>26492921>Only first 5 count on d20 rolls.But there's two rolls.SM, does this count?
>>26492890I prefer the colour version
>>26492917So, wait, that rule generally works for 1d100 (because we've rarely needed more than 3 actions at once), but with even 2 d20 rolls we pass the 5 roll thing. When we roll d20, is it not 5 instances of rolls per check?
>>26492957Answered above, I guess, so ignore me.
>>26492938Don't post that. SM might need it when he fucks us over
>>26492972I'm sure he has lots of reaction images
>>26492928>IMPLYING As if she wouldn't notice. As if.
>>26492999>"It's time to end this, Banshee!">"Wait - I smell... the Dick. I need it!">Abby forgets what she's doing, Banshee - who has had many dicks in her life - takes advantage of the distraction and kills her.>The Banshee then comes and takes the Dick.
>>26492999>As if she wouldn't notice. As if.and yet wispbro is still alive and not being paid any attention to
>>26492999Could you just quit? Every time in Shadow Quest there's always at least one person saying a single decision or event is completely retarded and it has never once been as bad as they all claimed. Getting real sick of it.
>>26493025Because its a fuckin' whisp. Need I remind you that her will is literally law in here. If she wants to know when you come in, guess what happens?
>>26493042Im just the salt in the soup bro.
>>26493042Agreement>>26493047>Because its a fuckin' whisp. Need I remind you that her will is literally law in here. If she wants to know when you come in, guess what happens?Need I remind you that SM has stated(repeatedly) that both the abigails Reality Hax are nullifying each other?Omnescience doesn't apply.
>>26493047They're canceling out eachothers domain/god powers
>>26493056And look we got the right answer and nothing bad happened. Shadow just looked silly for a moment. Nothing bad actually happened.
>>26492999>>26493025>>26493042>>26493047>>26493055>>26493056>>26493059>>26493060SM is already writing for fuck's sake, just let it be.Everyone knows using Wispbro as to assist in timing our entrance is the best plan anyway.
>>26493060Even when they want the samething? I think not.
>>26493070>implying making yourself look like an idiot isn't bad
>>26493098There's discussion, and then stupid speculation/arguments about something that SM is already writing the outcome to.Let's talk about waifus instead.
>>26493113Michael is best waifu
>>26493099My original point was that people have been saying a decision is going to get us killed/ruin the quest for fucking ever and we're still here. You'd think they'd learn that the world isn't ending on SM's next post, especially when it's for a supercrit.
>>26493113Ila a shit.
>>26493113>imblying shadow mastah isn't capable of changing what he is writing in the fly because KEIKAKU INTENSIFIES!
>>26493113Team Ila
>>26493138Yet SM has also said that we fuck up on the regural and he has to save our asses more than is nececary.
>>26493113we all know that wisp bro is best waifuits been inside us
>>26493113Ila is best waifu.
>>26493042>Could you just quit? Every time in Shadow Quest there's always at least one person saying a single decision or event is completely retarded and it has never once been as bad as they all claimed.>Getting real sick of it.While i can see where you're coming from, pointing out Dumb Shit saved our asses from making abigail lose last thread.If we hadn't changed our mind and did a collective 180, Real Abby would have been beat down by a shadow elemental due to everyone going 'omg consume'
>>26493202>>26493151Aurial best waifu. Flint a shit, steal her.
Oh my god save us from this stupidity Shadow Master pls everyone is a massive retard. Except me.
Rolled 13>>26493231no, u r retarded
>>26493166"Wisp onee-chan I can feel your ice cold shadow essence flowing into my special place!"I'm a terrible person
>>26493231Maybe, but we might have had another round or two while the Golem tried to get through the door. Only SM could confirm for us just how bad that decision may have turned out.
>>26493231Pointing out dumb shit is one thing; claiming it's going to fuck up when neither Abby can spare the reality warping on anything and we rolled a supercrit is dumb shit in and of itself.
>>26493271Doesn't change the fact that not doing stupid things is better than doing stupid things. I will agree that people overreact, but it's usually because they're trying to explain their opinion in an overly zealous way.
>>26493264I have the weirdest boner. orange lights blaze in your vision.They die. The two Abigails face each other from across the room. You can see Abigail's staff lying in a corner, blackened and broken. She has only the sword, and the armor, which is rent by claw-marks in several places.The Banshee is in worse shape. Some of her claws are torn away. Gashes that can't quite heal all the way crisscross her wrists and forearms.The Banshee's mouth opens wide, and she shrieks. You duck behind a nearby crystal and bring up your aura - - but you needn't have bothered. The Knight lets loose a shout and brings her sword down in a sharp arc. A beam of orange light like a half-moon erupts from its tip, so strong it cuts the very air. The blast of enchanted sound is blown apart, and the beam continues until it slams into the Banshee.The Banshee loses half her right leg, her right arm, and a good chunk of her shoulder. She falls to the ground.Abigail walks toward her fallen foe, dragging the tip of the blade on the ground behind her in her exhaustion. She reaches the Banshee, and speaks between pants. "...I decided...that...I couldn't you. But I won't let your power die. You're part of me...too. If you want to be.""Do what you think you must," the Banshee wheezes. "I no longer care. But I'll never bow to you.""...then I'll force you."The Banshee's hand twitches weakly. The orange crystals of power around you glow.Abigail thrusts her blade into the heart of her other self. The crystals explode to dust. You reel back, but they halt in midair, rotating. You hear twisted laughter fade into the dark.The Banshee's body warps, trembles...and it floats, like a spirit, and merges with Abigail's body. Her eyes are closed. She sighs, then stands straight, and sheaths her sword.<...Abigail?>>con't
She spins toward you. "Shadow! You're alright. Good."<Those summons weren't enough to stop me. How...are things?>"...under control," Abigail says.There's a sudden spike of spirit magic. You both turn. The archonium's archway lies before you.Abigail laughs. It's not really a chuckle of mirth, but the half-giggle of someone who's relieved beyond relief. "...finally. Finally." A tear drops down her cheek. "I'm so tired, Shadow."< am I. Let's go home.>"Yeah."The fragments of the blood-red crystals suddenly begin to spin. A wind picks up, and a crimson breeze spins them into the door itself. Abigail steps back from the center of the room. You quickly move to put yourself near her, just in case.Slowly, the spinning fades. The door doesn't appear any different. But it feels different. <What just happened?>" was her spell. What she was planning." Abigail frowns deeply. "I had to...dominate her, at the end. The memories are broken."<Where else?>"...I'm not sure. But this isn't the actual spell. She didn't complete it. It's...corrupted."You glance at the archway. The Archonium's twisted steel is an odd metal filled with fire, unmoving when stared at, but different with every passing glance.This archway is different. It feels...infected...with darkness. Shadow magic?No. They're just easy to confuse. It's not's empty."...she changed it," Abigail says. "I'm not sure how to handle this. It's still..." She closes her eyes and focuses for a moment. "I can feel the archonium's magic, but it's as if the destination's been changed. Warped."<I don't like the sound of that.>"Me neither. But we don't have that many options." She looks at you. "Between the two of us...we can probably handle whatever this place throws at us. I'm in if you're in."What is your response?>let's try to figure out something else>no time to lose. Let's go>write-in
The point is, we have nothing to gain by going inside early. She either gets distracted and bad stuff happens, OR no one notices and things proceed as they would have. Unless you guys want to directly intervene in someones fight for their own soul/self. If she won because of us and not her self, can she really claim to be whole? Is all im sayan.
>>26493312>>26493322>inb4 a bunch of annoying assholes keep up the argument and go "I TULD U SO">>26493329Haha sorry man but you kind of posted at a bad time there.
>>26493322>>write-inSend wisp-bro through first
>>26493322Fuck it. Go in.hold Abbys hand while we're at it.
>>26493322It's going to the Nether. I bet you.Humanity could sense other portals, right? See if it can do the same.
>>26493322Oh. Oh shit.She sent the destination to the NETHER. thats why its black!
>>26493322Use Analyze first, we bought super-magic-investigation-skill, I want to use the damn thing to see if it turns up info.
>>26493322Sounds like the gate leads to the nether/demon realm or something like it.Have Abby heal us up first and go I guess
>>26493359Good idea, ask Humanity where it might lead.
>>26493353Fuck yes! use a scout!>>26493359Good! second plan! consult the shards.>>26493358Fuck you this isn't a time for rash decisions!
>>26493353Fucking thiiiiiiiis.Wispbro is without a doubt the best bro ever.
Rolled 15>>26493353Do this, but hum the Stargate theme and refer to whisp as MALP.
>>26493322ask if we can find the gateway that we originally opened when we finished our trials.. it might still be open
>>26493359This sounds worth a try. Humanity may be able to do something.
>>26493322Welp, we'll get to meet Dave. This is a portal to the Nether, the source of Chaos, and Abigail must figure a way to portal us out.Dave, if we can convince him to leave his madness behind and make things more orderly yet again, can perhaps protect us from the pure chaos as he's survived there for so long.We step through the portal and roll with it.
Rolled 15>>26493322>let's try to figure out something else<Can't you try and reverse the process? The spell was activated by the destruction of the crystals, so maybe you could fix it by drawing the power surrounding the getaway into the crystals oncemore?>
>>26493322Why do they never just die like they're supposed to?do this>>26493353
>>26493382hahhaa oh god
>>26493322Time to grit our teeth and move forward. Through the void!
>>26493375>>26493393Let's do both.
>>26493322Use erasure on the gate. Maybe it'll reset it?Or maybe it'll trap us?
>>26493381He's a summon. If it is the nether it will just be his home.
>>26493386This see if we can find that other portal we left behind to go find Abigail in the first place
>>26493322Analyze + Wisp as a scout. cannot be too careful in here.
I thought we were done, SM.You're a shit and I hate you.Plz keep going oh god this is so good.
>>26493322>let's try to figure out something else
>>26493392>Welp, we'll get to meet Dave. This is a portal to the Nether, the source of Chaos, and Abigail must figure a way to portal us out.>>26493411>He's a summon. If it is the nether it will just be his home.Not only that, but I think i figured out her master plan.Demons return to the nether when banished.She hijacked the portal destination to face herself for ROUND TWO, and that's when she wins for reals.>>26493393><Can't you try and reverse the process? The spell was activated by the destruction of the crystals, so maybe you could fix it by drawing the power surrounding the getaway into the crystals oncemore?>This is a good solution, too.Consult the shards! use our magic-sense to try to see what was *actually* done, since we witnessed the event.
>>26493322Say "Ladies first!" and push Abigail through the gate.
>>26493368>Have Abby heal us up first and go I guess
>>26493417>Analyze + Wisp as a scout. cannot be too careful in here.Deep focus! we have forgotten our reflexes.Deep focus and Analyze the crystals/gate
>>26493425>Not only that, but I think i figured out her master plan.>Demons return to the nether when banished.>She hijacked the portal destination to face herself for ROUND TWO, and that's when she wins for reals.Not sure if accurate, but it is at least possible that her subjugated portion will become more powerful and try to take over. Let's try to fix the gate.
>>26493411And this is bad how?Do you know what scouting is?>>26493426>mfw
>>26493441we don't need to fix a broken gate when we can go back to the gate that opened when we snuffed the sun
>>26493450I wasn't saying it was bad, the opposite in fact.
>>26493467>we don't need to fix a broken gate when we can go back to the gate that opened when we snuffed the sunAre we even sure its still there?In fact, we could buy kindle and try to make it appear again
>>26493458>>26493465How about we try heal and purify instead.
>>26493465Erasure might fuck up the Archonium itself.
>>26493475If this is one is broken I don't want to waste time trying to fix a broken gate when we know of a perfectly fine gate back home
>>26493475We can't go back to the gate we got here from.It was like the rest of the archonium gates, one way.
>>26493467It seems kinda retarded that you think that the gate we came in through is still there, I'm not gonna lie.
>>26493488But we kind of entered this vision the wrong way and that gate is outside of this vision.
>>26493468Ah, never mind then, it was hard to tell what you were saying in there.>>26493483Well, it worked on the sun, didn't it?Not that we should actually use it on the gate, because that's stupid, just saying that it probably won't break anything just by being used.
>>26493480>purifyWell.It's not like it will make things WORSE now, does it? let's try it at least.
>>26493483Do we care? This hellhole can meet the void.
>>26493507We didn't use erasure on the sun, we used snuff.
>>26493507We used snuff on the sun, yah idjit.
>>26493497You soar toward the sun. It grows larger. It's bigger than any one thing you've every seen.The fires leap and swirl on its surface. You finally reach the edge of the glowing ball of lava-like chaos. The searing heat penetrates to your core.>38/81It's just a giant ball of light, right? Like any light. Just big.You try to Snuff out the sun.The sun vanishes.FUURRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUWHOOMPHYou reflexively put your hands to your ears to cover the sound...but then, you don't really have ears.You glance down at yourself. In your panic, you assumed that human form between John and the human you created. You allow yourself to melt back to indistinct shadow.You're floating in a void. The darkness is complete. You wonder if this is what it's like to be unable to see in the dark.It all feels very familiar.You can't believe that worked. You suppose not every puzzle has a complicated solution.There's a door far ahead of you - an Archonium gateway. It twinkles with light. You head for it.<Wait!>You stop. <Humanity?><...turn. Keep turning. Aaaand....stop!>You're facing complete blackness. <What is it?><Abigail is that way.><...are you sure? There's nothing there.><...I sense them,> Humanity says. <...other people. Other doors. Hidden. Locked away.'s there. Go. Go!>You fly forward as fast as you can.You're about to ask Humanity if you're going the right way when the world flips around you. The bottom drops out of the world. You feel a sense of vertigo, as if you just passed through an archway. But then...maybe you did.The world settles back around you.WE NEVER WENT THROUGH THAT GATE
>>26493520Blarghuwarhpuh ignore me I'm an idiot.
>>26493480>>26493509>Purify at 9 mana: heal all of a target's ailments and the ailments of all those you are physically touching.It could work.
>>26493507We used Snuff. Erasure completely obliterates everything. You'd destroy the gate, there would be no way out, and the archonium might collapse because we're inside a magic artifact that we just erased from the inside-out.
>>26493519We don't want to fuck it up while we and our interests are inside it.Especially with it costing us 10 EXP that can go to good use elsewhere
>>26493497SO TELL ME HOW DID WE GO THROUGH THAT GATE?It seems kinda retarded that your reading comprehension is this bad.
Proposed action sequence:AnalyzeSend Wisp into gateAsk Abby if she thinks it's reversible--If Anayze doesn't tell us it's stupid, PurifyHold off on Erasure pending more info because that could really fuck shit up.
>>26493531Why don't you people ever just screenshot the text you need?
<Do you think it would be possible to draw that magic back out into the crystals?>Abigail shakes her head. "No. Mana crystals...well, she's been growing them for 8 years or so. It's like putting back together a building after it's been leveled."<Doesn't sound that hard.>"Abigail smirks. "Without magic, Shadow."<I see.>She shakes her head. "You always were like that."<...was I?>She nods, and her smile grows. "I'm glad you haven't changed."<Me too, I suppose.> You size up the doorway. <But in that case, let me send my wisp through, first.>Your wisp bobs up and down under your command, then zips toward the gateway. It touches the silver surface that wavers between the arch - and is destroyed in a puff of black smoke.<...damn.>"I guess summons can't go through."You use Deep Focus, and attempt to Analyze the door as best you can.The magic corrupting the door is clear to you...but you can't draw the line between it and the archonium's own inherent magic. They're nearly blended together. Whatever talent or skill needed to separate them once again, if such a thing exists, is beyond you."Any luck?"<...unfortunately, no.>What do you do?>try to think of something else>through the archway
>>26493557+ Deep Focus, maybe?
>>26493557You forgot consult Shards/Humanity.
>>26493531>WE NEVER WENT THROUGH THAT GATE>It was all a vision for Erebus>We haven't found Abby yet
>>26493567Consult the shards. if they think it isn't stupid, try purifying it.
>>26493567Well, when we snuffed out the sun we just turned around and took a different door than the one appeared. We should show this to Abigail, and try to find the edge of this world.
>>26493567>>try to think of something elseConsult shards
>>26493567Consult shards.
>>26493567Welp, time to see where the gateway will take us!
>>26493567Don't forget to replenish health and mana while still in Abigail's domain!
>>26493567>>try to think of something else>Ask Abby you spawn a shadow or spirit mana pool, either will work>Stand in mana pool and span nightflare (NOT nightblaze) until the bad magic stops
>>26493567See if Humanity or Temerity knows what's up.
>>26493567ask if we could exit the vision and head for the door that opened when we snuffed the sun
>>26493567Consult shards, purify, sure.
>>26493567<Doesn't look like we have a lot of choice here.>
>>26493567>>try to think of something elseshards what do you think
>>26493604Using Temerity may help with that plan.
>>26493567Consult w/ other shards.Do some magic on it.
>>26493567>"I'm glad you haven't changed."<Well, it hasn't been nearly as long for me as it has for you.>Anyway, SM, are we allowed to know if the Sun-Vision gate is still present, or are you gonna make us fly all the way out there and check?
>>26493567>through the archwayIt's obvious that we have no other option.
>>26493634We might still be able to get a little more information before we go though.
>>26493634Last time it was obvious we had no other option we had options we were just dumbo clowns.No, we must inanely stall as much as possible or who knows what thing that doesn't exist that we might miss might perhaps maybe probably catch us off guard but likely howeverially not but sometimes, anon, sometimes.
>>26493634This kind of shit is going to get us killed.All our shit is in order now. We're safe. Abigail's safe. Rushing through will fuck us over.
>>26493678Sure, I can't really see a reason why not to try something like that.EXCEPT!
You fall within yourself.Humanity's flame is already waiting for you. You can feel the negativity coming off of it. <I don't like that door, Judgement.><Me neither. Any ideas?><No. I already tried looking for another way out - like when I found her world, back in that void. Nothing. After we came in, we were encapsulated in this space along with her. This is the only exit.><...I see. There's one more I want to ask, then.><I wouldn't trust him if I were you.><I don't,> you say.You delve deeper, into another place...and you find Temerity waiting. It seems smug. <Come to beg my aid?><If we don't leave, we'll never realize our strength.><You ignored my advice earlier, but as soon as you need help, you come crawling right back. How...Chaotic.><Is there a way to undo the magic on that door?>Temerity slowly shakes its head. <It's all Chaos, Judgement. I have not the power to separate the wheat from the chaff. And no desire to, either.><...I see.>You withdraw back to the surface."Shadow? Shadow, what's wrong?"<Abigail. Sorry. I was just...speaking with a few...others.>Abigail looks confused, and then slowly nods. "...oh. Your"<Yes.>"Sounds kinda useful," she says. "I'm...all me, now, you know? Well. Find out anything?"<No.>She huffs and folds her arms. "Damn." She brightens. "Well, while we're here, I can do this!"HP: 81/81Mana: 48/48EXP: 32What do you do now?>try to think of something else>through the archway
420NightBlaze itIf that's not enough, Erasure.I'm tired of being jerked around. I'm tired the Archonium fucking with us. Abby has been put back together, so let's just break the Archonium. This whole place is fucking criminal to inflict on people, anyway.
>>26493693I'll say it again.Check the other side of the door.
>through the archway
>>26493693Purify, and if that doesn't work, Nightblaze.
>>26493693Try Purifying, check the other side of the door like that guy said.
>>26493693Do we still want to try to purify?
>>26493693>through the archwayTime for a leap of faith.
>>26493712There's nothing on the other side of the door.Purify doesn't work.-------------------->actions?
>>26493693Time to see where this gate shall take us!
>>26493718I guess those 2 are our final options.
>>26493725Nightblaze, 10 mana.
>>26493725Just go through the gate.
>>26493725Enter.Hold hands - because I don't want to get separated, not for lewd reasons.
>>26493725We go.
>>26493725Erasure. I'm not gonna get railroaded ever again.
>>26493725Okay, I'm satisfied with trying shit now. In we go.
>>26493693Try purify if that doesn't work walk through the archway.
>>26493693get void ring, void ring the gateway, hope another one opens
>>26493725I don't trust Nightblaze in a magical artifact. let's go, and make sure we don't get separated.
>>26493737>hold handsYeah, okay.
>>26493730This.Its all Chaos, as Temerity said. Lets just cut through the Gordian knot.
>>26493725Fiiiiiiiiine, enter the fucking gate
>>26493725Shapeshift into a shadow penis and slip through the gate while winking suggestively at Abigail.
>>26493693<Once more unto the breach, then?>
>>26493730This, last ditch effort.
Huh.You remember how SM stated that it would be what we do AFTER the battle that counts?Hmmmm. I honestly can't tell if there's another way be there might be.
>>26493730420 blaze it
>>26493730It took eight years of magic to do whatever was done the this gate, we won't be undoing it with what we have.And erasure wouldn't work either, as it obliterates all chaotic things, and both the gate and the magic are chaotic.
Vote 1:>through the gateVote 2:>use Erasure on the gateVote 2:>nightblaze, maximum power, focused on the gateCYOA
>Nightblaze - Spend 4 to 10 mana. Cancel enchantments and spells in an area around you. Success and range based on mana spent. (about 30 feet. Additional 20 feet per mana. Alternate: Spend 10 mana to attempt to cancel any one single spell in sight-range with a greatly enhanced success rate)GUYSGUYS10 mana nightblaze to cancel the spell cast by the Banshee.
>>26493758"You can enter my breach, Shadow."
>>26493764Shit, you're right.Let's think on this some more, guys. Run through the ability list, examine the crystals some more.
>>26493730This. Fuck this shit, we're SERIOUSLY going to walk into Dave's home turf? Fucking really, people?
>>26493774uhh, 3 is nightblaze. 3.
>>26493774Not focused on the gate, focused on the spell The Banshee Cast
>>26493764We've probably got the best odds we're going to get what with stopping the summons and that supercrit.
I wonder, Abigail is basically the Goddess of this realm. Can she make another gate?
>>26493751>nightblaze orders chaosHow come we didn't unmake everything in radius when we were using it? People, land, reality?
>>26493793>>26493778The spell itself has already been cast. You cannot separate the door from the spell, they are the same entity now.
>>26493808She controls the vision. Not the Archonium. I'm sure she could make a gate, but it wouldn't do jack shit.
>>26493813Because they're not chaos. Temerity a shit.
>>26493808I have a feeling she'd get a "It doesn't work that way, Captain," from the Archonium for trying.
>>26493818Nice to tell us that AFTER we already started voting.
Guys, we learned that the gate and the banshees magic were basically indistinguishable. Casting nightblaze is going to fuck with the gate as much as the spell.You're all idiots.
>>26493818what the fucktake back my vote pls
>>26493818you're telling us NOW after it's a landslide to 420? I want a revote.
>>26493844Oh waaah.
>Nightblaze>On a "magical" doorAre we trying to stay here for an eternity?
>>26493813It's based on your powers, obviously, but it only targets magic because of reasons. It's just an ability.Void Ring, on the other hand...
>>26493844He told us halfway into voting.
>>26493857BUY VOID RING
>>26493866I made the post before reading it. It's right in the fucking post when we analyzed it.
>>26493774Didn't abigail say that the magic itself was corrupt? Does that mean that if we go through we'll just be unmade, instead of moved to nether?
>>26493567>The magic corrupting the door is clear to you...but you can't draw the line between it and the archonium's own inherent magic. They're nearly blended together. Whatever talent or skill needed to separate them once again, if such a thing exists, is beyond you.He told us ages ago, you shits. Read better.
>>26493850>>26493849>>26493835I really thought I had made that clear after describing it as "blended" together and after having Abigail tell you she couldn't separate them and it would require eight years of work to build a similar spell. And after both shards telling you they couldn't help either.But fair enough, the point still wasn't communicated. We can have a revote.
>>26493774>CYOA>Choose Your Own Agony.
>game over>bad end>You've been: Trapped in the Archonium with your waifu.
>>26493884The magic of the archonium. Presumably it was corrupted from taking us out of here to taking us to the Nether
>>26493893It's never as clear as it looks. Roleplayers must explore every option, and we often forget that we don't have save/reload.
>>26493893I thought it was pretty clear.Though nightblaze was crazy anyway.
>>26493893Yes please.
>>26493693><No. I already tried looking for another way out - like when I found her world, back in that void. Nothing. After we came in, we were encapsulated in this space along with her. This is the only exit.>>EncapsulatedThat suggest to me that we could cut a hole in the capsule and escape.
--------------------------------Vote 1:>enter the gateVote 2:>use Erasure on the gateVote 3:>nighblaze, maximum power, focused on the gateCYOAagain
I thought we were trying to Nightblaze the Archonium itself.
The Banshee is such a little shit.
>>26493925>>26493932Can we actually attack the 'capsule' itself?
>>26493945How could you fuck that up?
>>26493966>Implying I fucked up
I hate the Archonium so much.Into the void it goes.
>>26493964Is this a thing? If so, we should try it.
I'm pretty sure that entering this gate is a step towards a Bad End. But that's where we're heading.
G-guys? SM hasn't used a Doompaul image once in this thread.I'm scared.
>>26493991I assume it would be casting Erasure on the world.
>>26494006>I cast magic missile at the darkness
>>26493994Then what the fuck is the step towards the Good or Normal end?
>>26493929cutting off votes
>>26493997Yeah. But we can't think of anything else. I'm scanning the text for anything else, for this thread and seven threads back and... feel blind.
>>26493994The spell is incomplete because Abigail beat the Banshee's shit in. The situation is pretty much as best it'll get.
>>26493994What other options are there?Summons can't go through, purify does nothing, Magic or Physical annihilation powers would just destroy the gate and leave us stranded here.
Well, since we're obviously heading into the void here we should just cut the middle man and shout out<DAVE! Get out here you poncy bitch. I know you want to fuck with me, so let's just get the kicking of your ass out of the way early.>
>>26494018I'd rather break the Archonium, just as we broke the Sun.
enter: 11erasure:1blaze it to ashes: 5Entering the gate.One moment.
When we get out of the Archonium, lets smash this piece of shit.
>>26494040Breaking the sun was part of the archonium, else it wouldn't have happened so easily with one low-level skill.
>>26493994Fuck, I bet we're missing something really obvious.Like smash the crystals. Or some reset button or some shit.
>>26494049>No doompaul>No nothingHow is this making me even more paranoid than doompaul?
>>26494056Nah. It's helped us plenty, and pretty much just been doing it's job.
>>26493929Fuck it. Just ERASURE EVERYTHING. Neutral end.
I can't believe /tg/ is so afraid of being railroaded or having to face danger that they're seriously considering options with heavy bad-end vibes just to avoid it.
>>26494062THIS PLACE IS MADE OF FUCKING MAGICThe entire place is FAKEWHY aren't we trying to antimagic the fucking thing?
>>26494062The crystals are already smashed though?>>26494064Probably because it's a whole calm before the storm thing. With there being no indication of a storm... it's... scary.
>>26494088I'd think Erasure-ing a new exit would be the better option, oh well.
>>26494085Well. Yeah.
>>26494088Because we are inside of it? and we have no idea where doing that would land us? and we have no idea if we even could antimagic it, this thing has been around for all of recorded history.
>>26494088Because we're inside it. And while we might be able to live somehow Abigail probably won't since Erasure would go through her just like everything else.
>>26494100>>26494078Then why didn't you VOTE for Erasure?I voted for erasure, and apparently am the only one ;_;
>>26494108Erasure only effects things we're touching, as long as we weren't touching Abby she'd be okay.
>>26494064does this make you feel any better?>captcha Yohstay WarEven Captcha's feeling the vibes of fucking up.
>>26494085No fucking shit we will try to avoid it.The fuck do you wanted us to do, say <Well shucks!> and the jump right into the hellportal?
>>26494064People did ask for less Doom Paul.
Abigail puts a hand on the archway, staring it down for a moment. She looks back at you. "Hey...Shadow?"<Yes?>"" She blushes slightly. "...things, earlier. Can we talk about it when we get out of here?"<...of course. But we should deal with the situation before...> Your words come to a halt. You're not sure how to put it. You feel a fluttering lightness in your chest. It's like fear...but it isn't a chill, as much as an uncomfortable twist of your guts. <Ah...well...>"Right. We get through this first."<Exactly.>"Ok."<Well then.>"Yep."You both stand there for another few seconds, silent.<...I'll go first,> you say. <I can take a surprise attack better than you can. Wait a few moments, then come through after me.>"Alright. Be careful."------------------You step through the archway. The world drops from under you. The familiar sense of inversion washes over you, and your vision spins. You're getting rather used to it, now.Your new location is immediately unfamiliar. You'd hoped it would take you out of this shadow-damned artifact...but from the magic, you didn't really believe it would.You feel an extraordinarily strong urge to crush the archonium into bits when you finally get the hell out of it.>con't
>>26494115I wanted to try nightblaze first.
>>26494116Not if the archonium starts collapsing while she's still essentially a part of the damn thing.
>>26494115Because I was taking a shower, Anon. I'm sorry. It's okay, when we're distorted horribly via the gate, at least we'll know that Erasure could have worked.
Rolled 5, 1 = 6testing...
>>26494124>You feel an extraordinarily strong urge to crush the archonium into bits when you finally get the hell out of it.Damn right we do SM. Damned right we do.
>>26494124>You feel a fluttering lightness in your chest.WORLD WAIFU WAR 3PEDO EDITION
Rolled 5, 1 = 6>>26494133
>>26494124>You feel an extraordinarily strong urge to crush the archonium into bits when you finally get the hell out of it.Fucking Fang. God damn piece of shit.
>>26494158Voting to CONSUME the Archonium.
>>26494145But it's not pedo anymore!It's illegally young in 38 states of America and seven countries of Europe.
You examine your surroundings more closely. You're in a desolate place...actually, it's reminiscent of the Banshee's wastelands. But the black and twisted hills aren't sprinkled with fountains and flowers - there is no island of solace here. Barren rock looms in every direction.By their appearance, you'd think the clouds would promise heavy rain, but the air is parched, and the grounds cracked with dryness. You doubt it's rained in a very long time. Still, the sky moves quickly, as if driven by fierce winds.You can't feel any wind.This place is becoming more disturbing by the minute.Abigail appears next to you. "...what...what is this place?"<I have no idea.>Abigail takes in the view. She gasps, then points. You follow her finger. The top of a distant peak begins to crumble, bend, then round off. Bits of rock are swept away on a stream of air.It's like watching a hundred thousand years of erosion take place over only a few seconds. In short order, the craggy mountain is just a rounded hill.A sudden flood of water rushes over the valley floor between the mountains. You both swivel to take in the sudden motion.The water level starts to drop. For a time, you think it's receding, a sort of flash flood - but then you realize it's -dropping-. It's carving a canyon, inches of progress every second. Layers of rock are exposed to the air as the river vanishes into its dark crevice.<...Abby. Stay close.>Abigail is already practically hugging you, but she nods hard and presses in tighter. " you feel that? Over there?"<...yeah.> Without the distraction of the landscape, you know exactly what she's talking about. An archonium gate.<Judgement,> calls a voice.<...Humanity.><...this's in between things. It's like...a foggy vision of the place she wanted us to go. The archonium is naturally fighting it to keep us inside. Explains the preparation time.><I see.>What do you do?TO BE CONTINUED
>>26494124>You feel an extraordinarily strong urge to crush the archonium into bits when you finally get the hell out of it.Nothing will stop this from happening. it is inevitable
>>26494175>What do you do?>TO BE CONTINUEDWhat
Voting to go full darkness within metal as fuck and literally headbang the Archonium until it is sand.
Rolled 2, 4 = 6>>26494150
>>26494175My family just showed up, I have to go and eat dinner and hang with the relatives.Real quick!Vote 1:>buy TaoVote 2:>don't buy it yet
>>26494170She's 20, jesus people.
>>26494175>TO BE CONTINUEDAwwww come ooon. I just want to leeeave.
>>26494183>Implying that SM won't railroad us by having Fang say "nnoooooooo my chinese legacy" and stopping us
>>26494175Gonna continue later today or do we got for a later date?
>>26494145Creepy and awkward, maybe, but she's 20. No pedo.Anyway, relax, I have plans to deal with this shit.I'll be attempting to continue later tonight, but probably not until after 10pm EST. Hopefully I can go late though, I don't have work till later tomorrow.
>>26494175>she nods hard and presses in tighter. " you feel that?".
>>26494194Why can't we just be Shadow, fatherly figure to a nation of free peoples for all eternity.
>>26494193any chance of continuation later today/tonight?2
>>26494175FUCKYOUSHADOWMASTERI love your writing to death, but you've exhausted the Archonium thing. Let us out already.
>>26494229Because we chose to try to be more understanding.
>>26494193 1
>>26494223Based SM, taking not one but two shots at the quest today.
>>26494223Enjoy the rest of the night SM, hope to see you later tonight, because I want to get off Namek.
>>26494223She is 20 now, but to us she was young just about a day or so ago.
>>26494238Y'know, there's these things called Freudian slips SM. Just make sure you miss the Freudian bucket when you fall down...
I don't even remember what we were doing before this archonium arc. All I know is I want this to end.
>>26494256Which is why it's so confusing for the guy. Though I have to say, the decisions made so far seem to trend to Shadow basically cutting the brakes on the Abigail train himself.
>>26494234Seriously, we're inches from the end. Sorry I had to cut and run.>>26494193cutting off votes. If someone wants to tally I will look at it later I really have to go atm