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Suptg Archive: (scroll to bottom)


Archive compiled using with only story posts for easier read-through (up to thread 30):

Book 1: http://pastebin.com/iaag8N6Y
Book 2: http://pastebin.com/JcexH2Jv

>thanks to Herald of Shadow for compiling those

Twitter (quest times, cancellations, updates):


Theme music:



Notes on Rolls and Voting:

When I request rolls, each set of three rolls counts for one action. For example, a two-step plan would take the first 6 linked rolls. A particularly bad failure can stop your plans early.

When rolling 1d100, I will consider criticals within the first ten linked rolls. Only criticals that occur in the first three rolls will be counted as "supercrits". This is still the case even if you'd have plan long enough to require more than ten rolls.

When I roll 1d20, the rules are the same, but I only consider criticals for the first five rolls, rather than ten. Criticals in the first three are still "supercrits".

When a plot choice results in extensive debate, I'll try to weed out the most popular trains of thought, and then call a vote on them. When voting, please respond with only a link back to the post and the number corresponding to your opinion. Other votes are discounted.

Finally, note that this is not a democracy; it is a benevolent dictatorship.
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Recent Events Summary:

Auriel sees great opportunities ahead. She wants to try to bring together Felnoir, Kelvere, Arland, and Archon into an alliance to turn and face the Kan-Abar army and the demon lords currently consolidating their position from Evinbrook.

To that end, you met with Felnoir's de-facto leader, the mayor of Maven Lake - and Freja Blackwater's father, Vidar Blackwater himself. He's promised to get in touch with Auriel. Meanwhile, you flew back to Archon to explain the situation to Yi Fang, Sir Flint, and Adavan.

Abigail's entrance into the Archonium was sudden, and not what you expected. She lost herself somewhere within the enchanted gateway, stuck between bits of her personality given life and pitted against one another. With no other recourse, you dived in after her. The archonium transported you to the deep recesses of your own mind.

You met with the elf queen, Ellendra Kalladar, your Humanity, and your Temerity. Queen Kalladar split you before you could fully recover in order to give you what she termed a "choice", after informing you that the elements were an illusion and that fundamentally, there is only Order, and Chaos.

Your Humanity is something new that has coalesced inside you over time, thanks to the opportunity she granted you. Ultimately, you joined forces with it to defeat and reign in your Temerity, who has grudgingly accepted your dominance.

You managed to escape your own visions, and Humanity directed you to Abigail's location within the vast dark of the Archonium that lies between the gateways. Within her vision, 11 long years have passed. In a strange world in which she was the only source of magic, she united warring clans of monsters and beasts and ruled over them as empress. However, after forming that empire, her personality split in three, and have since been locked in an uneasy stalemate.

Welcome back SM.
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>mfw preparing for the feels of this thread
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>Just caught up on the archives
>Finally here for the start of a thread
I'm hype as fuck
Repeating plan to smash the 3 Abbys into eachother until the Archonium Wild Ride stops.
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You're still the best waifu, SM
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I'm home, anon.

i mean
whats the worst that could happen


You've met the Abigail that still sits on the throne of the Empire. She is ambitious, effective, ruthless, and disturbingly in awe of you. She sees you as the long-awaited anchor to help her defeat the other two sides of herself and escape back to the real world.

You tried to introduce the topics of your concern, but she avoided the subject, asking you to stay the night so that you could take in more depth the next day. You decided that a night of rest and meditation was a good idea, and that in the morning you would attempt to gently confront her.
I have my piss jug ready so I don't have to miss a single second.
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You know, technically I'm the best husbando.
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Ability Tree

GREEN abilities have been unlocked and learned.

BLUE abilties are unlocked, but are not yet purchased.

RED abilities are revealed, but locked due to prerequisites.

UNDERLINED abilities are active-use, as opposed to passive. Not all active abilities require mana.

All Revealed Ability Descriptions:


Books the Main Character has read:


Character Sheet including learned abilities and other important information:



Current Statistics:

HP: 54/81
Mana: 24/48
EXP: 17

Shards of Erebus:
(Isolation) - Normal
{Hunger} - Strong
(Silence) - Empowered
{Temerity} - Weak

New Shards:
{Humanity} - Resonant




Earthen Construct (currently in Haven)


Utility belt with purse


Moonsong Shards x 3
Sun-Moon Key
Lightning Key
Succubus Reagents x 1

--Current Location--

Within the Archonium
We gotta choose a side to support, and help that side to win.

Personally I think helping Humanity win the support of the Banshee and Temerity is the way to go about this. We don't want Fang the Second - Coming wearing Abigails skin.

Though knowing the Fangs she would probably turn to Lich-hood.
Did somebody say Shadow Quest?
>Last time...

"So," Abigail says, "the plan is thus: you find this other me, earn her trust - which will be easy enough - and then lure her back here. I'll be well-prepared."

<...prepared for what?>

"She needs to be removed," Abigail says simply. She smiles, and stands from the table. "But let's talk about the details later. Shadow...I've missed you. Tonight, I want you to rest, and tomorrow, we'll spend the day together. A feast in your honor! I'll even cook for you. Does that sound good?"

<...ah...I didn't realize you knew how.>

"I learned - had some free time, after all. I could just think it all up from thin air, but that wouldn't be fun." She claps her hands. Immediately, servant monsters bustle in from a dozen entrances you didn't notice. "They'll escort you to your room. We'll talk more tomorrow, alright?"

<Abigail, there's...Abby, this isn't - >

"Don't worry about it! Tomorrow!" She waves a hand at you and vanishes through a side door.

The servants bow and scrape at you. You don't bother telling them off. You hardly notice them.

It's like another person is wearing Abigail's personality. Sometimes it rings true...and other times, it sounds like the ugly string of a broken violin.

But you're tired from your journey through the Archonium - exhausted, in every sense of the word. You've argued with and battled against yourself, investigated crevices of your mind you'd prefer were left alone, and the effort of it all seems to have hit you all at once.

A safe room, for one night, might not be such a bad idea. And that will give you time to compose words that might get through to...this Abigail.

You're not sure what bothers you more - the sense that she's like a mirror of Fang, or the creeping awareness that she might regard you as something more than a...father-figure?

You don't even know what to call your relationship with her. And if you don't define it, she almost certainly will.

You have a lot to sort through.

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Is it time?
You let the monsters around you hustle you through the maze-like palace and into a luxurious sweet. Apparently it's reserved for only the most honored clan elders. You don't really pay attention to the details.

You sit in the bedroom, on the bed. It's down-soft. Comforting.

>HP: 54/81 from regeneration

<Humanity. What do you think?>

<She's been waiting on us 11 years,> Humanity says. <You got us this far. I trust your judgement. What you say, goes.>


What you understand is that you get to do everything. Great.

You have time before the sun rises again. You decide to meditate on Temerity. It is still barely recovered from your battle. You reach within yourself and grasp the shard, pushing power into it.

>{Temerity} - Weak

You can hear its voice. <You know you need me, Judgement. That is good.>

<Like I said...we should work together.>

<I will not work with the corruption,> it says. <It seems to have left you to your own devices on the matter of the girl. But perhaps you'd like my opinion?>

What do you do?

>actually, I wouldn't
>I'll at least hear you out
>I'll at least hear you out
To dismiss him is to weaken our already fragile mutual trust.

Hear him out
>>I'll at least hear you out
>I'll at least hear you out
I don't trust this fucker at all but hey.
>I'll at least hear you out
Let's hear him. We value everyone's opinion equally, or something like that, right?
>>I'll at least hear you out

But personally she seems to almost have this world of order thing figured out.
We already know exactly what he's going to say, but let him speak up anyway.

>Work with temerity abby so that we can leave
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>>I'll at least hear you out
I know exactly what he's going to say already, but I think it needs saying.
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But I thought you had no defined gender?
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Ohboy ohboy it's Shadow Quest time
I really hope this isn't going to turn into a constant battle with our other shards. I think that's what killed gargoyle quest.
I'm afraid we will have to destroy all magic in this world to stop humans from accidentally destroying it, or watch it happen. How will we be able to handle that decision?
Nah, we're in control. If things go bad, we just ignore/break them. Unless we for some reason have to go into the Archonium again.
>I'll at least hear you out
Hey guys, maybe we should pick up Spirit Lash to see if there's a third Spirit Resistance behind it? And if there isn't we can still get Spirit Siphon. This is encase one of the Abby's go hostile on us because she's a Spirit rape train.
I think we should try to get the ambitious Abby and hiding Abby to combine, somehow.
We can't destroy magic without destroying, well, everything.

It's an all or nothing deal. Magic is chaos, and everything (Including humans) is just a sort of ordered chaos. Removing chaos means reducing reality to absolute nothingness.

What we need to do is take the idea of ordered chaos one step farther - Create chaos that consumes itself, forcing it to stay in a circle of expansion and contraction, like reality is breathing.
>I'll at least hear you out
At least, up until the point where you say we should kill her, leave her, or eat her.
Agreed. Begin plan: Abby Smasher
<...I'll hear you out, at the least.>

Temerity is silent for a moment. You can feel it turning over the words in its head. <...this...Abigail Fang. Once, we had a servant - if we can believe the words of Adavan, that general of Hecate.>

You remember Adavan telling you about Legion - or, David, when he was a man. <You think we can't trust Adavan?>

<Spirit is a more orderly shade of Chaos,> Temerity says, <as are Earth, and Water. But no, Judgement. We can't trust anyone. He is Hecate's man, not ours, which brings me to my point. Allies are indeed valuable; doing everything alone is difficult.>

<What are you saying?>

<Abigail could be that ally.>

<She already is.>

<More than that,> Temerity says. <This is a chance. Here, within her very soul, is an opportunity to mold her.>

<I won't - >

<You said you'd hear me out.>

<Fine. Speak.>

Temerity waits a moment, then starts again. <I know what that flame is thinking - he wants the so-called "human" side of her to win out, as if humanity is somehow intrinsically good. And I know what you want - some sort of idealistic balance that doesn't actually exist.>

<Get to the point.>

<This is our chance to make her like us - /orderly/. She respects - no, she reveres us. It's the best of both worlds, Judgement. You get your companionship...and we return to the mission. If we make her of order, order will accept her as a soldier, as it does us.>

<...let's say...for sake of argument, I go along with it. How would we even do that?>

<I remember when Humanity tried to seep between the cracks of Isolation,> Temerity says. <I felt it. I would do the same, but between the cracks of Abigail's soul. She is very much like a broken shard, wouldn't you say?>

Lore implies magic hasn't always been here, which would mean it's not a natural part of the world. A tumour that can be removed.
I like this thought. And we could add in the dynamo angle as a confirmation that ordered chaos can work.
The idea is bold.

But you're not comfortable with it. At all.

<When the time comes,> Temerity says, <we will be forced to seek our true power, for survival, and to protect those you say you care about - regardless of our original goals. Will you let her stay where she is, a soul of chaos...or bring her into the fold?>

<It didn't work out very well for David, did it?>

<We left him to his own devices. He went insane attempting to please us. We shall not make that mistake again.> Temerity's presence begins to fade back into your core. <Think about it, Judgement. When the time comes...I'll answer your call.>

He vanishes.

That's the conclusion we reached at the end of the last thread. I'd tentatively extend it to the Banshee as well, depending on what she's actually like. (Ambitious Abby isn't exactly an unbiased source of info)
we are Judgement, a shard just as much as Humanity and Temerity and Isolation... could we use ourselves as that glue?
I say yes.
...I guess he want's us to bang her...

Probably should have added that as a no condition...
I'm of the opinion that we should give a big fat "no" when that time comes. I believe there's a middle-ground, and I think it's reachable.
There are ways to end war that don't involve killing the other side, ya know.
If you mean for the Abby binding thing, I say this is good too.
Fuck, Temerity. I have no idea what to say to that.

I like this thought though.
Nope nope nope.

Absolutely not.

Turning people into machines is no better than killing them.
An interesting idea, but I'd say hold off on it until we see what the other Abigails are like. And how would this factor in to the vision anyway? We still need to get out.
God no. Another Legion is a bad, bad idea.
I just want things to go back to the way they were before ;_;
So terminator wants to waifu Abigail-destroyer of cunts?
The banshee abby is of chaos, the cowardly one is childishness and all it holds.
I'm sorry, John. But you jumped in a waterfall and killed yourself. There is no going back.
When you withdraw from within yourself, the sun is already up. Bright light streams in through your bedside window. You wait expectantly.

After a few minutes, there's a knock at the door. "My great lord Shadow," comes a hesitant voice, "the Empress requests your esteemed presence at breakfast, should it please you."

You open the door, shocking the small Imp dressed in a butler's suit. <Lead on.>

You're brought down through the castle and into a large courtyard that extends through the middle of a retaining wall. A round table is set at the intersection of two gravel paths emerging from clusters of precisely clipped bushes and flowerbeds. Songbirds flit and flutter around a small fountain nearby. Abigail is seated at the table; she wears a bright blue dress.

It touches a memory. The same shade of blue you complimented her on. Going by time in the Archonium...it's been a month and a half for you, if you include all your visions. It feels like a lifetime ago.

She gives you a smile like a sunbeam. "Shadow. Good morning."

What do you say?

>compliment her dress
>get right to business


We'll be talking for a bit, now. Time to pull out the big guns, /tg/
A thought.

What if we take all the Abbies and use the opposite shard on all of them?

Fang Abby gets ??? (Judgement?)
Banshee Abby gets Humanity
Scared Abby gets Temeritu
Oh god I don't know what to do

>get right to business
nope, no romancing the unstable Fang!Abby
That's the probable assumption, but SM fucks with assumptions. Black-and-white isn't often a thing here.
If what we know/currently assume is true, then I'd say kill the Banshee. But I'm open to reevaluating that after we get more info.
>Compliment her dress WHILE getting right to busniess.
>compliment her dress
Get her in a good mood first. Then:

<Do you remember when Fang took us all out on his boat, Abby? How he said he used to be a racer? When he entered the Archonium, that was the side of him that he crushed, just like you want to do to this other side of you. But Fang doesn't want you to be like him, Abigail. He wanted you to be better. Maybe he should have done better to practice what he preaches. Maybe he forced you into this behavior with some of his methods. But this isn't what he wanted for you. It isn't what I want for you. And it isn't what you wanted for you uncle, either. Remember? You told me that you thought he was wrong, and that he knew that and did it anyway like a bad habit. I think you may have picked up some bad habits yourself these past 8 years, Abigail.
You said that you didn't think you were alright. That you know something is wrong. Don't ignore that in favor of bad habits. In three years, as just a child, you united an entire Empire at war with itself and in eight years as just a single part of that person you haven't been able to defeat this one enemy. This part of you that you want me to find isn't a weakness that needs to be destroyed, Abigail. It's a strength you need to reunite with.>
Or we could supercharge the fuck out of them by using Hunger on the Banshee, Temerity on Fang Abby, and Humanity on Scared Abby.
I'm leaning towards a stoic greeting, let her open up the discussion and see where she takes it.

Though, we could shoot straight to the point, hit her with a flat "no" right now and get her off-balance.
Then we have three "whole" Abbies and the Archonium explodes.

Or it gives each of the three a new identical vision and we get some Inception going.
If the banshee is mostly chaos, maybe we could, if we find a way to recombine the abbys make the banshee into order before recombining ? this way it might give her some advantages without making her a machine like making her 100% order would ?
<Don't lock yourself away in a drawer.>
Straight to business. We need to hit home that she has to trust is fully. Remind her that the hiding Abby is not her weakness. Is a part of her, important as any other.
>Archonium gate opens
>Abby walks out
>Two more Abbys
>Four, eight, sixteen, thirty two, sixty four, one hundred twenty eight abbys.
u wot

I like this line right here. Assuming she knows about it, of course.
>Abby takes over the world.
>We take over the world
>Army of Abbys
I have lots of stuff to say, but it doesn't necessarily fit right in to the opening discussion. So I'm going to post my wall-of-text, and you lot can decide what parts of it need keeping and if any, where to stick it in.

300+ characters, gonna be two-posts

Time for magic friendship weepy drama speeches
<Abigail, the goal is to master these aspects of yourself, so that when you leave you might move with assuredness and certainty - to be in full possession of yourself, confident in your abilities.
But there are more ways than one to overcome dissent.

So many other before you have settled it as you intend - they kill the pieces of themselves which are weaker.
(Send an impression of Yi Fang, holding up his boating medal, looking forlorn)
But in truth, they are the lesser for it. Conflict is the cowards route to power, taken all too often by humanity, because it is the easiest road. Killing off part of yourself makes you less - not more.
But there is another way to master yourself. You can reconcile those disparate pieces, bring them into understanding.
(Send an impression of Shadow, flanked by Humanity, Temerity, Isolation, Silence, and Hunger)
This path is more difficult. It is frightening, because change is frightening. You will not be who you were when you entered, but you will be more. Someone greater, someone who understands that there is a time and place when some methods are better than others.

Once upon a time, you understood that these alternatives existed.
(Send an impression of Shadow arguing with Yi Fang about the Vanishing Death and of Abigail's interjection, and a feeling of resolve to limit the killing as much as possible)
You understood that monsters can be made -
(an impression of Adavan, at the head of an undead army, prepared to sweep across Jacob's Field)
- or unmade.
(an impression of Adavan, standing guard over Abigail, protecting her)
You were the better for that. Better than the world that saw a Shadow, and cried, "It is different, and therfor it must be killed!"
That piece of you - the indecision which you seek slay - She is your temperance, your compass. She nevers stops looking for a better way forward, a way that's better for everyone, not just herself.
(juxtapose an impression of the Soul vault, crowded with the enslaved souls of Shadow and Spirit mages, with that of Haven, where Light and Shadow and Spirit work side by side)
Is that a part of you that you wish to give up? For what - expedience, an end to self-doubt?

I knew you once, Abigail. I knew your kindness, your campassion. I knew your innocence. And through you, I knew hope. I did not love you because I saw your potential to rule or the power you held inside. I loved you because you were already everything I hoped to be.
(Send her an image of a little girl crying over her parents grave, alongside a feeling of restless hunger dying out in the face of compassion)

You asked me when I came here if I was the real Shadow. Now I ask you - are you the real Abigail? Are you my Abby-Sabby, or are you a shadow?>

>(optional) invoke Humanity
>(optional) invoke ourself (are we even a shard? I don't even know anymore)
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I'll avoid hitting her with the Mack-Truck of righteous logic from 0 to 60...let it lead in naturally.
>>compliment her dress
<A familiar color, I see. Even after all this time, some things really do stay the same. I'm glad.>

I liked this way of putting things from last time, and past-me would probably want me to re-mention what I wanted us to say last time as well even if I kind of like the other guy's way of wording it better.

><The way you are now, had you been in charge, you would have had yourself executed back in Jacob's Field... you must be able to see that, right? The fact that you are able to stand here now—able to think, to laugh, to love—should stand testament to my feelings on the matter.>
><Somewhere, deep down inside, you know that this is not the way things should be. After all, at tea yesterday, you told me that you thought...no, KNEW that something was wrong.>
><I promise you that I will help you make things right again.>

Someone also brought up something during last thread that we told Abby in the past which still rings true in this situation:

><That you feel that way for people who hate you is admirable. Never lose that, Abby-Sabby. I'm proud of you for it. Always look for a better way. Sometimes...it's hard. But if we don't do it, no one will. If we don't do it, how can we expect it from others?>

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I don't think I'm ready
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You got me
It occurs to me that there's a possibility, due to her pseudo-demon heritage, that if she leaves here without her other aspects she may actually be weakened. Given the way this fake world bows to her will she wouldn't actually know if she was weaker without them right now.
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go pls darkxis
Thank you

I look forward to the minor interactions most of all.
<Good morning, Abigail.> You take in her dress. <You look lovely.>

She blushes. "...thanks. I actually picked this one..." She pinches the cloth of her dress. "Well, I don't know if you remember, but - "

<It's your color,> you say.

Her smile blossoms again. She just nods at you.

Things are quiet for a moment. She nibbles at a biscuit, then sets it down. She stands, and you stand with her. "...walk with me?"


You walk down one of the gravel paths that weave between the bushes. She glances at the birds lingering amongst the flowers. "...no Skysever, here. Birds...I really like them, Shadow. Maybe we can do something about that."

<The Skysever?>

She nods. "Mmm."

<Maybe.> You stop. <We need to talk, Abigail. About this place...and about what to do.>

"Yeah." She twines her fingers behind her back and looks at you. "Can I ask you something, first?"

<...of course.>

"...do you...look like a person, ever? I know you can change shape like water, almost. But I was wondering..."

<...when I needed to blend in.>

"Can I see?"

What do you do?

>Replicate John, the humble farmer
>Replicate your old traveling form
>somewhere in between
>remain an amorphous shadow
Hey, I just thought of something.

Doesn't Darkxis seem out of place in the entity that Temerity claims Erebus was?

Why would a being of perfect order existing in a universe of nothingness ever be hungry? What would it consume is a place where nothing existed but itself?
>Replicate your old traveling form
We aren't John. We will never be him.
[x] Something new, based upon our recent experiences.
>somewhere in between
We aren't John, but we embraced the aspect that was him and I don't like our old traveling form.

Replicate Fang. It will help with the conversation. Maybe.
>Replicate your old traveling form
I really really hopes that dissuades her from trying to screw.
>Replicate your old traveling form
Shards were made afterwards to deal with the chaos

>somewhere in between

Like when we were crying? I liked that part, it was sad.
>>somewhere in between
Crazy bitch pls, we are a blob
Remain a blob.
>Replicate your old traveling form
>somewhere in between
>somewhere in between
>>somewhere in between
>>somewhere in between
I never liked the old travelling form, but that John/travel form moment was great.
>Replicate your old traveling form

This is what we use when we need to blend in and technically what she's asking to see.

Seriously, we don't wan to encourage her whiles she's just an aspect.
>somewhere in between
>Replicate your old traveling form
this, making ourselves more male is just going to make ourselves attractive to her.
>>somewhere in between
Our old traveling form was pretty terrible, but going full John seems disingenuous given that we made it through that dream intact.
>all these fags picking in between
Why would he need a shard embodying hunger if that wasn't something he experienced?
>Replicate your old traveling form

We're absolutely not John. That was the entire point of the visions: We're never going to be John.
It's less encouraging her and more that I feel it's a significant choice for Shadow as a character.
>>somewhere in between

Fuck the old travelling form, that was terrible.
>Old traveling form
>Replicate your old traveling form
The old travelling form was perfect. We have no gender and I don't want to establish that we have one by becoming John even slightly.
>>somewhere in between

Never liked the old one anyway.
>somewhere in between
John is bad move. Traveling form sucks.
me neither

But I defer to the questers, not to me!


Vote 1:
>old traveling form, don't feed this Abigail more rope

Vote 2:
>a new replication that honestly reflects current experiences
>We have no gender

That is precisely what creeps me out about that in the first place.

Not saying I want to screw Abby, but I really don't like it.
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>a new replication that honestly reflects current experiences

pic related
> .
nice going brah
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2 wins overwhelmingly. Writing.
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>mfw SM makes us John from picking 2
Dem implications.
It isn't really a problem for me personally, but I think it'd be easier for other people if we aren't androgynous. Especially Abby, who already referred to us as "Mr. Shadow."
Wings of a shadow that boned an adolescent?
I'm finally able to make a thread! Anyways, I just wanted to point out how ironic it was the Temerity called Humanity a corruption because the Temerity stat was originally the Corruption stat.
I like this one pretty well, maybe ditch the spiky vampire collar.
>inb4 SM makes us a hideous hydra of our shards with political-cartoon level themes for each head inter-arguing with each other
Rolled 14

i hope we keep the cloak and hat. i really liked those
Not that it wasn't uncanny as fuck, but she wasn't that young in that vision.
You think carefully about how to appear, and begin to shift. You feel split, between what you made yourself...and between John. Between a life as a Shadow, and life as a man.

What emerges is a blend between the two. You are definitively masculine, and appear physically strong, but you don't have the tanned skin and hard features of John. You have the paler skin of a mage, a man that spends most of his time with his studies and his magic.

Abigail tilts her head at you.

<...that bad?>

"...it's not at all what I imagined," she says. "But it's just so -you-." She smiles. "Handsome, too."

You continue to walk forward. <...getting back to the matter at hand.>


<About earlier...when you killed your servant.>

"...I didn't kill him, Shadow," Abigail says. "I removed him. There's a difference."

<Is there?>

She shrugs, waves a hand around her. "This is all a figment of my imagination. I try not to dwell on that...but I don't want to lose sight of it, either. None of these people - the clans - they're all just unreality. When I was younger, it seemed real, but as time went on it all turned...odd. Fake. As if I was peering into a world through tinted glass, and it was just slightly off."

SM wankery no doubt.

The cloak and the hat can stay. Because why the hell not
Its a play on the song from Gundam wing.
Wings of a boy who killed adolescence.
>a giant shadowy Hecatonchire with Judgement as the head and all of the shards as arms constantly slap-fighting each other while we keep asking them to please just stop for one minute.
Aww SM I though you'd provide a pic of us at last. Ahh well.
Rolled 94

awsome. those were badass. at least in the original picture they were.

ohh abby. did this new point of view happen to coincide with your splitting?
This is what I was thinking. She isn't a heartless killing machine, she just realizes that this is a vision. What's important is that she doesn't become like this outside the Archonium too.
Ah. Carry on, then.
Anyone else think that our Humanity shard at resonant is giving us some major passive bonuses to non-shadow magic? It did that whole aura thing a while ago and it IS magic/chaos according to Temerity.
Just because it isn't really doesn't mean it doesn't matter.

You make me sadface, Abby :(
I'm willing to bet internets on it that you've either got it or are quite close anon, so yes very much.
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>Shadow Jesus
*it isn't real
<But removing someone like that - even if this is just your imagination. It's the principle of the thing."

"Are you saying I should feel hesitant? Or guilty?" Abigail seems bewildered. "Should I feel guilty about erasing a drawing?"

<This place is a test of character, Abigail. There's - >

"Don't call me that."


She stops, and steps closer to you. "...Abby. Just Abby, Shadow."

<Abby,> you say gently. She gives you a small smile, and nods. <Defeating your other selves is not the answer.>

"What?" She draws back. "What do you mean?"

<At tea, yesterday, you told me something was wrong,> you say. <And this is it. You cannot beat down the other sides of yourself and relegate them to servitude. You have to do your best to reconcile them.>

"...you speak as if you know. What it's like." Her lips quiver. "I can feel it pulling on me. I can feel hole where they should be. I...the only way forward is to force them back. But I don't want to lose me in the process. I - you can't possibly understand what this feels - "

<I do,> you say. <I fought through my own visions to get here.>

"...you did?"

<Abby,> you say, <the moment you did not return from the Archonium was one of the most horrifying moments of my life. I went into it with the intention to find you, and pull you out...but I received much more than I bargained for. I am split into shards of power, shards that each have their own mind, their own power. I embraced my Humanity...and I, at least, reigned in my Temerity - among others. Pieces of myself I had to fuse back together.>

"...oh." She doesn't seem to know how to respond.

<I believe that the point isn't to dominate with one or the other,> you continue. <It is to master yourself - it is to gain control. This form I take now...it's because I faced things that scared me, and disturbed me. But I emerged out the other side in one piece. So when I speak to you on these matters...I, perhaps more than anyone, know exactly how you feel at this moment.>

>Anyone else think that our Humanity shard at resonant is giving us some major passive bonuses to non-shadow magic? It did that whole aura thing a while ago and it IS magic/chaos according to Temerity.

Speaking of humanity and magic, we need to point out to temerity that our very presence in the real world is having an affect much like 'the corruption' is having on us.
Sure, we got some chaos in us, but we infected this entire world's ley lines with Order.

We have human Order mages that the world thinks are Shadow mages.

This alone is proof enough that humanity can CHOOSE
>telling her that we aren't the shadow she once knew
MIIIGHT b cool but IDK mahn.

Hey can our shards talk to people? Maybe we could introduce them to her!
Wanting to introduce Temerity, Silence, Hunger, or Isolation to someone else?
U wot m8
I don't think that would really be the best idea. Isolation, Temerity, and Hunger being the majority of our shards...
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Isolation is a pretty cool dude.

Silence is a dick, though.

Isolation is pretty cool. He just stares at you and if he's upset he yawns a chalkboard-y screech.
>silence is a super jerk
>temerity desires to manipulate her for his own selfish reasons
>isolation would just stare, just stare.
>hunger- yeah fuck no, he'd just say that he wants to eat her up

>judgement: dats us
>humanity: pleeeeease listeeeen to meeeee I'm beeeeeing eeeempaaaatheeeetic
Shadow Quest: Feels on tap, all night long
Silence is just completely pragmatic and doesn't care about humans.
I'm wondering if we should really be calling the silence shard Silence.
He's more of a... trickster. Duplicitous. Deceitful, devious shard.
He's so pragmatic that there isn't a difference between being that and just selfish/lazy.

Abigail's eyes have watered up. She's blinking rapidly. "...what...what am I supposed to do?"

<Your uncle wanted you to be different,> you say. <You see, I think he's rather like you.> You send her an impression of Yi Fang - leaning over his desk, rubbing an old, broken medal between his fingertips. <The part of him that was like you shoved the part of him he thought was weaker away. And he's regretted it ever since. He doesn't want you to feel compelled to >

You send her another impression, that of yourself surrounded by your shards. A raving Hunger, a crossed Silence, and a silent Isolation. A looming Temerity, and an always-burning Humanity. And between them, pulled each way, you stand, quietly mediating. <You see, Abby. This is the true path. The more difficult path. Not domination. Union. That is why you are here.>

Abigail's fists clench. "...but...that weaker part of me...she couldn't ever rule our home. She couldn't protect Uncle Yi, or Sir Flint, or Adavan." She looks up at you. "She...she couldn't - "

<Abby. Though you, I knew hope. I did not come to love you because I saw your potential to rule or the power you held inside. I believe it was because you were all the best things I hoped to embody myself. Because when I was alone, you accepted me.>

"But - "

He kinda wants to be in control. And apparently enjoys riddles.
<You said you didn't think that you were alright. You said you know something is wrong. You're right. Remember what you told me about your uncle? You thought he knew he was wrong - but he did it anyway, like a bad habit. But from the looks of things...you might have picked up some bad habits yourself.>

She shakes her head. Her tears flick to the ground. "...no. I haven't. Please, Shadow, don't - "

<Abby!> you shout. You grab her shoulders. She stops, and looks up at you. <I didn't come here to tell you I was disappointed in you and leave. I'm telling you these things because I'm not leaving until I help you get out of here.>

"Do you really...love me?"

What do you say?

Here's how I think it would go. Should be obvious which is which.
>Judgement doesn't really like you, you know. He's a dick. Like, the biggest of dicks.
>Join me and reduce the world to nothing
>I'm hungry. You look delicious.
>Waif- I mean, Abigal! Marry me!

Our shards are like a dysfunctional party of adventurers.
...Didn't we already answer this question before?
Bah! Women!
She "removed" the guy rather than send him to use his powers on the front lines even though she's fighting a war? It was a bad decision. This place has taught her bad habits, and she can't even see that on her own because she's missing the parts of herself that could recognize it.
<What? Bitch please, I'm a shadow god. I can do better.>
<I love you Abby-Sabby. But I'm not human. I will never be human.>
<You're the one that showed me what Love is, how couldn't I?>
>Shadow god
>Not Order god
Rolled 51

alright, so more elequent anon. how do we daughter zone her?
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<As much as something like me could love a person.>

Something like this seems more in character considering our previous choices with the John vision.
For real.
This is... okay.

I mean, let's look at Shadow as we know him. He looks at her as one he wants to protect above all else, yet the human ideas of love such as marriage and lust are still foreign to him, both in knowledge and body.

"When I awoke, I knew nothing. No affection, no love. No anger or compassion. I just was."
<You're the one who gave me my first experience of ... family? Affection? Love? how could I not? I've only just accepted my humanity, but.... I care for you deeply, more than anyone else I've encountered. Is that love?>
I doubt she cares.
Damn it. While yes is true. She's going to think it means a different kind of love.
So, Yes, but with expression of the imprecision of the term love.
We waifu quest now.

I'm sorry.
Is daughter-zoning a thing?
I mean, we love Abby. But it's not romantic love.
I don't know how to say that, though. Any Japanese in the audience that can help us out?
Just say sum thing like <In my own way> or whatever.

You could go back to what you said and call her "your little angel" again, too. Evokes less "lovers" and more "family" I think


This is good, going back to the fact that you've had a struggle defining love.


So, yes...but with attempted daughter-zoning.

If this ends in waifu, it'll be so annoying. Not in a "Waifu is always bad!" kinda way, but it's just not in our character for it to happen.

We are not human, we love and care for her. Anything more would just not happen.
It technically is. We accepted our Humanity vision, just not so fully as to be stuck in it forever.
We love her like Kyousuke loves Kirino
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No, we love her.
Pretty much. Though I don't feel like there is a daughter to zone anymore.
No idea what that is but it sounds gay.
>Anything more would just not happen.
Actually SM has specifically stated that we can fall in love, and we already know that elementals and constructs can be turned into humans.
That's kinda what I want to avoid. Seeing John bang abby was... upsetting. Awful, really quite terrible actually. I don't think we want that kind of relationship and I'm not sure how to explain that to someone who has essentially been alone for eight years without another truly sentient person to interact with that has been obsessed with us since childhood.

Fuck'n SM.
Rolled 7

there we go. we love her like a daughter. we will burn the world to ashes for her, but not lovers
I think you've basically got the point
YEs, Daughteru-zonu
This is going to be INCREDIBLY awkward once we get out of the Archonium.
Shut up with all the waifu/anti-waifu bullshit. Either discuss it after the thread or somewhere else. You're shitting the place up
I like >>26335688
No daughter zoning, could go bad.
[X] Daughter zone
[_] Fuck zone

Go with my blessing.
Daughter-zoning is a GEW.
>So, yes...but with attempted daughter-zoning.

Don't force the daughter-zoning either way, just let the characters play themselves out.

From out vision of john, we know what's possible and what's going in the back of shadow's mind, but we also don't have to accept it. We do have a choice of what is right and not.

Either way, 1) taking advantage of her in this place would be wrong and 2) most of our feelings were for Little Abigail - of course we're confused! She's grown up and split up!
I recall four kinds of love in Greek.
Storge-Family love
Eros-Romantic love
Agape-Love of God or something?

So, a combination of Storge and Phileo.


"Of course! You're my bestest friend!"

And then we get spirited to death.
People want their fix man.
I actually see Shadow falling in love with her eventually.
Yes, all this.
Not... "daughter"-zoning, but the core idea is good.

Pretty much this.

I could see Silence doing it just to dick with fang
No daughter zoning, I can feel it leading to a freak out.
Agape is unconditional
Keyword eventually.
This guy: >>26335815 knows what's up.
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Well, now that we've reached no consensus whatsoever, time to write!

I'll just let the characters play it as comes naturally.

Daughter-zoning will not be forced.
I'm okay with Abigail and Shadow as a couple. Scratch that; I want them to be a couple. At first I didn't, and I found this whole thing to be uncomfortable, but now I've taken a step back to analyze and I've realized that this whole thing has just been so interesting and emotionally intense that I can't imagine Shadow in a relationship with anyone else being anywhere near as meaningful as the one he has with Abby. She's who gave birth to his Humanity. She's who allowed him to feel Love. She's who he risked his life, confronted his true nature, and embraced Humanity for. Abigail has played a pivotal role in Shadow's life and her relationship with him has contributed so much to the person he is today and I honestly can't see her as anything but the most important person in the world to him. And I don't want that to change because Shadow got too uncomfortable to accept her feelings and admit to his own. I really don't. SM said Shadow was capable of romantic feelings and this is the only girl I can see him having them for. I think he needs time to get used to her as an adult though.
It looks like you're inflating a balloon with a hole in it anon, there's exceptionally little of the inflamed discussion you're attempting to draw attention to...
>all the waifu/anti-waifu bullshit.
You mean the only person who said anything about it outside of what's relevant to the choice, and who said it pretty obviously as a joke?
Our love will be agape when the tentacles are done with her
Oedipus as fuck.
That still feels a bit too wrong for me anon, but it's just how I feel.
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Fuck, you got me.

Poor anon, you fell for the pedo-bait :p
This seems about right.

We already know that Shadow WASN'T terribly disturbed by the John vision, just confused.

>When the sky becomes purple, they retreat into the cave. After building a fire, they make love again.
>It's a vision. A figment of yourself. Just magic.
>And yet...something is special about them, and their love.
>But then...if it comes from you...you would find it so, wouldn't you?

Pretty sure Shadow is still all mixed up in the brain at the moment, but either way, I'm sure his first priority is getting them both out of the Archonium. Everything else can wait until we know things are going to be alright. Whether postponing things is a SMART choice or not is another thing entirely.
>Implying she's going to walk out of the Archonium as an adult.
>Implying this isn't going to be a billion times more weird if she gets the shadowy appendage and then walks out of here as a 9 year old again instead of a 20 year old.

Our love will be agape when her tentacles are done with us
This. We have to figure things out later, getting out of the Archonium in one literal piece is our priority.
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>Shadow's face when
>9 year old walks into Hell School, doesn't come out
>Uncle freaking out
>Her creepy bodyguard goes in after her
>Two days later, creepy bodyguard and niece come out - they're married and have a small family
>Uncle freaking out more
I mean, I guess but it's basic Psychology. When a person is in a state of conflicting emotions they experience a more potent emotional experience and develop a more potent emotional connection to the cause. This is why people take dates to horror movies, why druggies mix uppers with downers, and why Forbidden Love is so popular. The whole emotional whirlwind that led up to this gave me a stronger emotional investment to Abby and her relationship with Shadow. Now I want more of this wild ride. If Abby and Shadow get together they will certainly be happy, but there will also be this subtle feeling of guilt and discomfort between the two and there will likely be other people to disagree and even be disgusted with the two's relationship. It'll be a great continuation of what we already got here.

Basically I'm a druggie, SM's my dealer, and I want both uppers and downers from him.
Adavan's her creepy bodyguard.

We're her shattered cosmic deity best friend.
Together we fight crime!
Listen. We need to talk about this. You're tearing the family apart. Your addiction is ruining all of our lives!
Waifu quest.
>Basically I'm a druggie, SM's my dealer, and I want both uppers and downers from him.

In that case, I would urge you to sample the other things on his menu before committing to the first choice.
After all, he'll mix those other uppers and downers with the same skill.

I want to make a cocktail pun here, but I'm not feeling up for it.
Later. This decision was the best to make for right now and I want to see where it goes.
There's plenty of shadow named cocktails but I can't quite recall anything Abigail related. Gimmie a minute to google.
I bet shadow could have tons of cock-tails, if he wanted to.
Another addict, jonesing for his fix. This one's cut with pedo tonic too.

it hurtssss us
This needs to happen.
Oh I'm not committing just yet. Just voicing my opinion. I've got 50ish threads worth of SM's usal menu already, after all.
Even if we did get together with Abby, I'd rather not carry on a "disgust" angle afterwards. I enjoy the emotional rides, but if it goes on too long the readers get burned out.
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Yeah, like with Twilight. You know another ride is coming but you get used to these things and eventually want more of other things.
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>my fucking face when reading this fucking post
<When I awoke, I knew nothing. No affection, no love. No anger or compassion. I just was. I only knew I wasn't natural. The zombies in Jacob's Field were more similar to me, than actual people. You're the one who gave me my first experience of...I don't know. I've only just accepted so many things...I feel like I've been trying to hold together something that can't even be held for a month.>

The words stream out from you a bit incoherently. Abigail blinks a bit, trying to interpret the emotion suddenly let off your chest. "...I...um..."

<Abby,> you say, <how could I not love you?>

She throws herself at you. You gingerly catch her in your arms...arms that are very human. You hold her close.

And then you set her away from yourself. <...our first priority is getting out of here. And that means...helping you find yourself.>

"...I love you, too," she says. "I love you." She stares up at you. "I...I'll think about everything you said. It sounds...right. True. Do you know what I mean?"

<I think so.>

She smiles. "...I have a lot of things planned. Maybe...we can just spend the day together?" She holds out her hand expectantly.

What do you do?

>well...alright (don't take her hand)
>of course (take her hand)
>no, we need to focus on leaving this place
>something else
I get you man. But if there is no other angle besides just the two being happy relationships quickly get boring to read.
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit this isn't <But I'm not human.> at all!

...But I suppose it's more accurate, since Shadow isn't sure why that would be an issue and procreation is still confusing to him.


we can work "I'm not Human" in there
No. There is no time. We end this.
No, we need to focus on leaving this place
>no, we need to focus on leaving this place
<We will have time enough when this is over. Time passes strangely here, and it's easy to lose yourself.>

Shadow is acting like a fucking prepubescent bi-curious male, uncertain and inexperienced.
>no, we need to focus on leaving this place
Still take her hand though.


>of course (take her hand)

I'll just be over here, screaming inside my head.
I don't know if this exactly is necessary, but the point is to make it clear that whatever happened with John is not what we want with her.

That's the point!
Forbidden love.
To bad I don't have that picture of "We've crossed the line but let's keep going to see what happens".
We can take a short break, but let's say tonight we can start planning.
Evidently the Shadow's naturally a pedo.
<Wait, Abby. Isn't it customary to imbibe five to ten ignorance potions first? I've been quite curious about copulation, but Auriel and Flint have been reticent about demonstrating. This will be a great moment for science.>
And just like that all the fucks I gave for Shadow Quest are draining away.
Jesus christ this is painful. I've... gotta go SM, I've got plans that don't involve... stuff like this.
>of course (take her hand)

My feels, there's too much.

"No, focus time."
Then grab her hand and Supersonic to the Forest of Indecision.
>no, we need to focus on leaving this place
this, time passes strangely and we don't want to emerge ten years later.
That worked out better than I expected!

>>of course (take her hand)
with a dash of
>>no, we need to focus on leaving this place

This is a chance to influence her towards accepting union.

Keep in mind she doesn't really understand how we work, the various shards and sub-aspects of who we are.

Sharing our experiences in more detail may lead her to the road to accepting the way out.

HOWEVER we need to add two things.
>we can work "I'm not Human" in there
And "We loved as you were, and as good as it is to see you again, you're only part of the lady I met in jacob's field"

I'm envisioning perhaps a half-day with abby, most of it spent trying to persuade her on the OUT OF THE ARCHONIUM path.
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To hail the waaaaifu!
To haaaail the waaaifu!
To hail the waaaifu!

{to the tune of "To Hail the Queen"}
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This seems like a BAD IDEA man. I don't trust this.
Oh come off it, SM's a good enough writer to deliver a good story whatever happens, and we aren't exactly going full tentacle here.
>of course (take her hand)

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>no, we need to focus on leaving this place
<The time for procrastinating is long past.>
This door is swinging open. The knob, the lock, the fucking hinges are all chewed off.
Rolled 44

>no, we need to focus on leaving this place
i believe time is based on decisions here. by making the decision to waist time we invite failure
>no, we need to focus on leaving this place
Oh, just deal with it. You don't honestly think it'll turn into "love Abigail" quest, do you? If anything, this'll just give us more fuel for the fire later.
Keep in mind Shadow still doesn't even know how families really work.
>implying having feelings for Abby isnt IC
Holy fuck you guys just because the MC has feelings for someone you dont have to throw shit at the walls
>Door swinging
>No hinges
Yeah, keep on chewing them knobs, son.
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Been waiting on a chance to post this.
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>everyone panicking
SM made this post fucking ages ago. You've been playing the same quest you were playing then.
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Close enough.
>Door swinging
>Hinges are all chewed off
That's not how doors work, Anon.

Why thank you.
They seem to think it's turning into a waifu quest when then MC doesn't even comprehend "romance" beyond a strange and uncomfortable thing that his vision skinsona did do an alternate gown-up little girl.


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No you're just being a faggot
Start panicing when we start a harem
>of course (take her hand)
>of course (take her hand)

But heavily imply that we should wait until we've escaped this place.
Thank you. This really needs to get edited into that "Daily Reminder" image, if it hasn't been already.
The choice is to waifu or not to waifu, as with all choices my boy, the choice is yours.
About this whole thing and the debating... romance seems really out of character for Shadow. Leave that sub-plot to Flint and Auriel, or Obis and his true love/Blackwater. Besides, of all people, Abigail? The girl who was only eleven a month ago (from our perspective)? I'm sorry, but it's... weeeeird. We should tell her that we love her like family, not... love-love her.


Is going to be fun


Middle of the road options are unpopular, as usual.


There won't be a harem.

There WON'T be a harem.


Vote 1:
>of course! (take her hand)

Vote 2:
>no, we've got to get going
SM, you really should have posted this in the imagedump at the beginning. Maybe the shitstorm could have been averted.

>no, we need to focus on leaving this place
I leave for a few hours expecting the worst.

And I come back to this. It's...a nice surprise.
Am I the only one that's getting a pedotastic feeling from all of this?
No middle option?
Considering that was made after Abby first said she loved us and SM was mentioning the plotberg then too. This was probably the thing he mentioned would be cropping up eventually.
You ain't the only one.
The harem was a joke
For me anyways Shadow having a harem is OOC anyways
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Does 2 somehow rule out holding hands? I don't understand.
>There WON'T be a harem.
Just like there wouldn't be any creepy faggoty waifuing ... OHWAITAFUCKINGSECOND

But I do post "this is not a democracy, it's a benevolent dictatorship" at the beginning
Seriously, this is pretty skeezy. Especially with the John vision.
Uh. Not to say he wasn't planning for this, but.
The Archonium is kind of a big deal. Like, bigger than a bit of awkward romance.
We are in a state of constant plotberg, have been for a few threads.

Of course, it's always possible that this isn't even said plotberg. THIS IS JUST THE WARM-UP.
It's supposed to be creepy and alien and weird.

If anything, it helps us get into character here. Shadow doesn't know what the fuck he's feeling.
This is just the anus preparation for the REAL plotberg.
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Silence: Good, maybe going on a stupid human date or some shit will keep you from pestering me to "do what's right" for three freakin' minutes.
Isolation: じいいいーっ
Humanity: HNNNNNNG.
Temerity: Nope, fuck this, you're WAY off the deep end. I'm splitting off to wander the world in search of people who hate love as much as I do.
An alien being comes to life without any knowledge or experience of emotions and develops them thanks to another being,
Is it really out there for the alien being to become attached to the person who tought it to care for things?
I lost it.
That alien being just happens to be a piece of something that's centuries old and that person just happens to be The Little Girl.

Etc ensues.
I like to imagine that every conversation with silence is like having a conversation with your teenage son.

>Silence, if you could-
>Listen, if you would just help me for five seconds here
>Now you're just being unreasonable
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2 it is.




>tfw players activate your trap card

I know you, /tg/. I know you can't resist your waifu

Still i think people are just being bitchy because of the context, its really not that strange of a thing to happen
I'm happy I didn't raise my son like that.
Yeah. The thing being a little girl.
This but with riddles.

You've spooked me too much, SM. I'm prepared for anything, these days.
Rainbows, SM.
Oh, so you were that anon in the Quest Thread General ranting about waifus?
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Not a little girl anymore.

Maybe some minor emotional damage due to being trapped in a dreamworld for 8 years, but she seems to have a pretty good grip on things.

Actually, that wasn't me. I thought it was Cosgrove too
...Can we work in spending some time with her -while- we work towards getting out of here?

Your options were pretty oppositely split, and i know there were several people arguing for a mix between the two before voting.
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Well it was obvious that she'd go off the deep end. But people here have knee-jerk reactions and have to go maximum anti-waifu to prove who knows what point, as if anyone actually was waifuing. You could've softened the impact m8s.
Druggie anon here SM. Your stuff does not dissapoint.
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huh must have been the mecha meta quest
or one of the actual waifu quests out there
But we did. We voted for daughter-zone and to not encourage her.
A-are you proud of us yet? Did we do the right thing? I just want to make you happy, SM. I just want your approval ;_;
>...Can we work in spending some time with her -while- we work towards getting out of here?
>Your options were pretty oppositely split, and i know there were several people arguing for a mix between the two before voting.



There's no reason to force the issue - the bitching is just occluding the common sense.

Fuck it i voted for that AND wrote the two options that got upvoted to get us here.

>Vote 2:
>>no, we've got to get going

I thought 2 was the option to say NO
and that we have to leave?

Why would that be helping waifu her?
I'm going to be extra dickish to everyone in the QTG's from now on since I know you participate now.

Also, SCP;MLQ. soon.
...Wait, what? But, that was the vote NOT to waifu I thought?

As an addendum, you guys suck.

You got too caught up in the Waifu Bitching that you forgot the *actual scene* - a girl just said we loved us, and then we rejected her.

You guys are dense.

But SM is also kind of dense for forcing opposing choices, and not giving us a write-in or middle ground choice
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I'm going to be reduced to an apathetic wreck that is incapable of feeling anything at all by the end of the night, aren't I?
So, were you the guy saying you hated all other QMs?
You participate in QTGs?

Keep in mind that this is probably what Shadow would do anyway. Of course I love you, now we have to get the fuck out of here. Wait, what? Why would romance matt- no, what're you doing? But my priorities! Agh no keep that AAAAGH
We did. SM a shit though.
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I think the point was that we said we loved her then the anti-waifu's kneejerked to turning down her offer.
>...Wait, what? But, that was the vote NOT to waifu I thought?
>You got too caught up in the Waifu Bitching that you forgot the *actual scene* - a girl just said we loved us, and then we rejected her.

See. not taking the hand = rejecting feelings for her.
That she just spilled her guts on.

Thats why it was the trap card.
I thought that the whole Lone Voter thing was familiar of his writing style...
Look at it this way, I don't think he's ever put his trip on during QTGs. Except maybe once, but my memory is sketchy.
We didn't reject her.

Also, the middle ground option was presented and ignored.
Now you're just trying to place blame. I see only 2 votes for 1 brah, unless they're not yours you don't have an opinion.

Because the other one was mine and I wanted my abby-sabby ;_;

I usually don't post unless I have something specific to say as SM. Reading them is entertaining though.



Yes, the vote was not to waifu. I'm not overriding anything.


I don't know who that guy is, but why would I hate other QMs? I actually enjoy reading quests a lot.

Well, I've got some stuff to write.
We didn't reject her, we said we loved her. Now we just need to get out of here and wait 9 years.
/tg/ in charge of respecting the feelings of a mind scarred little girl
Well, it's not a straight-up rejection. It's more like "Of course I love you, daughter. Now let's get out of here."

(too herself) "B-but that's not the kind of love I meant..."
And SM is pulling bullshit by not giving any option to spend time with her while working toward escaping at a slightly slowed pace.
>And SM is pulling bullshit by not giving any option to spend time with her while working toward escaping at a slightly slowed pace.

This would have been my vote too, but only two options :(
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It's a glorious trainwreck in here.

It's like a train made of shit that was also hauling raw sewage got hit by a tornado.
Can you at least give an explanation WHY we couldn't choose a middle ground between "fritter away time" and "snub"
Because we totally need to get out RIGHT NOW and every day matters.
She's been in here for years, dude. We just voted to break her heart.
SM a shit.
Guys stop it, SM has taught us yet another glorious lesson.
Okay, if this causes a shitstorm with Abby we can just say we can't into understanding PDA. That's a simple and convenient cop out.

<We need to focus on getting out of here,> you say.

"...but..." Her hand sits awkwardly between you.

<This place isn't healthy, for either of us. The first thing - >

She grabs your hand and holds it between her own. "...let's wait. The clan elders are coming...there was going to be a ball tonight. I...we can wait."

<Abby - >

"I have to think about everything!" she says. A few of the birds next to her fly off. "I need a little more time."

<This isn't something we can wait on.>


What do you do?

>...alright. We'll wait. But just one day.
>Abby, I have to insist, for your sake.
Yeah. I kind of feel like we were jipped out of a third option here when most wanted 2 with some hand-holding anyway.

Oh well, damage control time.
We had the option. The vote only gets the most popular choices, and >of course (don't take her hand) wasn't one of them.
Sometimes in life son, there's only two choices; do, and don't.
>...alright. We'll wait. But just one day.
>...alright. We'll wait. But just one day.
God, I feel like we're being sucked into a trap that ends with us trapped here, king of an imaginary kingdom.
>...alright. We'll wait. But just one day.
>...alright. We'll wait. But just one day.
SM a shit.

Big steaming shit.
>...alright. We'll wait. But just one day.
>...alright. We'll wait. But just one day.
also, give her hand a little squeeze
>...alright. We'll wait. But just one day.

Is... is this you giving us an out, or just another layer to the trap?

see anon
your benevolent dictator love and listens to you
>...alright. We'll wait. But just one day.
But only a little. She's about to go through some big changes when we begin operation: SMASH
>Abby, I have to insist, for your sake.

Who knows?
You are the worst.
What's actually happening

i dont even know. did we we reject her? put it off till a later time?
Fun fact: it is something we can wait on. This is one day when she's been here for years; the Archonium isn't going to explode or anything (SM isn't big enough of a dick).
Add the fact that she's been WAITING years for us to come back.
Shadow might not get romance, but he isn't so stupid that he can't understand that she's sad either.
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I can't deal
No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try.
Uh. Did SM just backpedal?
>your benevolent dictator love and listens to you
>not loves and listens
>your dictator love
>and listens to you

Hello Kim Jong il
Doing what she wants is the EASY way.
We're helping her lapse into what is making her trapped here.
We can't waste any more time.
Go find the others and get them to make nice!
>>...alright. We'll wait. But just one day.

Well, she said please.
>>...alright. We'll wait. But just one day.

"There's a ball tonight? I've never been! Of course I'm in!"
"Do you mind if I take a look around your kingdom while you prepare?"
I... Am tentatively thankful.

But I remain suspect. My heart can't take much more of this. I've already hit the whiskey.
We're making her trapped her?
Well, she was waiting for us to save her, but...
Damn that really doesn't flow at all anon. It's practically greek.
"Do you mind if I take a look around your kingdom while you prepare?"

you sir spotted exactly where i was going wiht my post
Saying no to Abby-Sabby is hard :(

Even ancient shadow-lords get to be lazy every once in a while.
I don't even care anymore. Let the faggots get stuck in the archonium. I'm going to go do something more enjoyable.
>>Abby, I have to insist, for your sake.
She gonna go full crazy on us. Brace yoselves.
>it's practically Yoda-speak.
I fixed that for you anon.
It's Yoda.
Fucking kids these days.
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You'll be waiting.

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Yeah, we all know what you're trying to pull here.
Next you'll tell me you don't know who Captain Kirk is.
>all these fags suddenly turn coating
Nope; lets finish this
It's not happening, Anon.
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Aww man you got me yet again you silly anons! But I'll be back!
And once again. I don't know what's right and wrong anymore. I say we keep up the pressure of moving forward. We're not interested in a ball put together by a bunch of mind puppets, we're just letting her rest and moving on.
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I just

I can't

I don't know how to feel anymore. Should I be angry? Do I remember what angry is?
Nothing good can possibly come of this.
> Shadow, I must confess... this isn't exactly a traditional ball.
> What do you mean, Abby? And why are you wearing such a large white dress?
> Abby slowly, psychotically smiles
If this screws us over, fuck you.

First you refuse to give a middle option despite people debating over it, then you tell us that what we chose was the "trap" option that will fuck us over, and now you are looking like you are going to turn around again and say "lel, nope i lied".
I'm angry. We vote to leave and SM calls for a re-vote because he knows they will change their damn minds.
basically this
I'm emptying my ice cream containers because of this thread
Let's be honest, though. It's mostly our fault for being so fucking indecisive. And we should know better then to jump every time SM gets creepy on us.
<...alright,> you say. <We can wait a day. A rest would do us good. But...>

Abigail grips your hand tighter and nods. "Ok."

You give her hand a slight squeeze. <Well...what did you have in mind?>

She smiles. "Well...I've got some preparations to do. I want everything to be just right. So...why don't you go off and explore a bit? The countryside around here is very nice, it's all farms after you get down off the hill. Be back in...four or five hours?"

<I suppose I could do that.>

"Or you can stay," she says quickly. "Whatever makes you happy."

<I'll figure it out.>

"Ok, good. But no peeking in the kitchen! I want it to be a surprise."

<Alright, alright.>

"Shadow." She wraps you in a hug again. "...I love you."

<...love you too.>

Abigail giggles, then skips back. "I'll see you later." She steps off down a gravel path.

What do you do?

>explore the castle
>explore the countryside
>something else
You sound like you might need to take fifteen minutes away from the computer, cool your head a bit
Either way, it should make for an interesting story.

Stop taking it so personally, anon. I am enjoying the emotional rollercoaster.
>I want everything to be just right.
>something else
Lets go talk to the Banshee!
For fucks sake SM.

Can we just fast forward all this?
>something else
Deep Focus. See if we can get a ping on the other Abby. We know she's likely in the Eastern forest.
>explore the countryside
Maybe we can get a sense for where the hidden Abby is.
Oh god. We're leading her on, and we don't even know it because we've never been in love before. SHE thinks we mean romance, what we REALLY mean is family love.
>something else
Banshee. Go spy on it.
...Okay, see, this random fucking thing? Where you were all "OH HO YOU FELL FOR MY TRAP CARD" and then there was fucking NOTHING? That pisses me off.
>Benevolent dictatorship
We're just getting out of it anyway.

I really hope you aren't just getting this now.
Do we mean family love, Anon? Are you sure?
>>explore the countryside
>>something else

Deeeeep focus.

Find the banshee, but also -intentionally- reveal our magical signature to the third abigail, who also has undoubtedly not forgotten us either.

The correct answer to this puzzle is to bring abigail's innocence back to the ball, and merge the two to restore balance - THEN deal with her 'inhuman' half in the same way.
As temerity suggested, not with abigails destruction
Rolled 59

i would say go spy on the banshee, but i dont know if we can find her, let alone get to her without resorting to supersonic.
and supersonic is basicaly a huge "hey abby im leaving you" beacon
no because he loves watching you faggots whine about everything

>something else

Peek in the kitchen.
Use Hunger Shard on wedding cake
What could go wrong?
>bring abigail's innocence back to the ball
Fucking thiiiiiiiiiiiiis

Remember when you were locked in a cage in the middle of the Ring City being tortured by an insane angel?

Can everyone stop being mental goldfish and give me the benefit of the doubt here?


If I let you reevaluate after seeing Abigail's reaction, it's a re-vote and I'm a dick for trying to edge you where I want to go.

But if I forced you into your chosen action despite Abigail's reaction, I'd not be giving you a chance to change your mind, and I'd be a dick anyone.

I made a call on which was worse; if I was a player, I'd rather have more decision points.
Ohhhh shit. We go out, we find her innocence and bring it to the ball. The result will be like something out of Jerry Springer.
>Be back in...four or five hours?
Shadow ain't got time for that.
SM, you can ignore the naysayers. I think most of us are perfectly content to ride this train out, see where it takes us.
>>bring abigail's innocence back to the ball
>Fucking thiiiiiiiiiiiiis

She's -dangerously unbalanced- as we've seen.

She NEEDS to be humanely whole.
We may have convinced this Abigail quite a bit but she is still an aspect of her that is VERY controlling. We need to be careful with what we agree to from now on.
I voted for explore countryside thing. Changing vote to this.
It's not much time, but maybe a fuck-huge mana Sonar ping will help out.
This is a good idea.
>The correct answer to this puzzle is to bring abigail's innocence back to the ball, and merge the two to restore balance
This seems like an interesting way to go about handling the situation.

I mean, she might be irritated at first that we brought an uninvited guest, but the guest is HER, and we already discussed a change of plans with respect to Hiding Abby, so maybe this goes better than expected?
We just have a few grumpy people in this thread for some reason. Youz a gud guy, ess emm.
>Can everyone stop being mental goldfish and give me the benefit of the doubt here?

"A Little Trust in Me" doesn't sound so bad of a title for a book now does it?
Anyways, the answer to that is no, of course, we are all merely one post opinions and our attention while attending 4chan is regulated by that limitation.
Funny how shadow is order and what's ruling his mind right now is pure dissonant chaos.
Explore, prefferably looking for and scouting the borders of the Empire.

We can fly far faster than anything here, and there's no skysever.
(whines) "SHAAAADOOOOOWWW! You're ruining my paaaaaaartyyyyyy!"
>Can everyone stop being mental goldfish and give me the benefit of the doubt here?

This would require people to play the character as presented and immerse themselves in your story, instead of voting for their personal wants and desires and kneejerk reactions.

I do it, but i'm not confident the rest of the thread can.
>if I was a player, I'd rather have more decision points.
As a player, I'd rather not have every single choice result in Doom Paul "YOU DONE FUCKED UP SON!"
>Funny how shadow is order and what's ruling his mind right now is pure dissonant chaos.
Which is why Humanity came about in the first place!
If we had gone the "order' route it would've just been "Erebus destroys everything" quest, with everyone agreeing that we need to kill everything and the only debate being about how!
It all makes sense, really.
Geeze, it's as if you want /tg/ to roleplay.

/tg/ is really bad at roleplaying.

That is noted, anonymous.


So, everyone wants to try to find Abigail's other good half?

Is this a full-on search until you find her, or stay in range to be back by five hours later?
>stay in range to be back by five hours later
yeah, but we were railed something chronic into that situation with the angel. i like you, SM, but sometimes, you can be a real dick. the quest is written for your fun and for ours, not for your sadistic pleasure and our bloodwaifu-wars, with the saner indivudals running for cover. you said it yourself, romance wouldnt happen if it wasnt natural, and insane daddy issues version of a child isnt my version of natural. i love the quest, just go easy on us, pls?
>stay in range to be back by five hours later
We need her for the ball, sooner rather than later, no hypersonic but perhaps the deepfocus then supersonic search are a good idea.
Supersonic across the landscape.
I vote that we spend ~four hours searching. That leaves us an hour to convince her to come with us, and no matter how far away it's only 2 XP to HYPERSONIC and be back ASAP.
>stay in range to be back by five hours later
Stay in range but go a bit out of it to Deep Focus. If she pings us outside of the castle she may come to us.
Five hour range, we can move forward our goal without making abby hate us.
You are WRONG!
Stay in range.
The angel-cage-torture situation was a miscommunication that turned out largely alright for everyone involved. I thought we'd already agreed on this.
Well, the situation with the angel was less a product of rails and more a product of communication failure between us and SM.
It didn't turn out alright for Ring City.
Supersonic lets you cover more ground, but moving like that reduces sensory accuracy. Moving slower means you can't cover as much ground, but are able to conduct a more thorough search.

So, go fast, or go thorough?
Stay in range.
but while it was happening i felt pretty shitty with SM. it just wasnt fun, it was annoying and felt like he was trying to prematurely end the quest. he wasnt, he just wanted to introduce a crappy moustache twirling villian
pls dont post with my name psl

As fast as possible without sacrificing our senses
Well well well, I see interesting things have happened while I was away.
Thorough. I'm not sure if Abby would recognize our ping as Shadow. So let's just do a thorough sweep and be done with it.
>Beginning sacrifices
Funnily enough, I felt differently. I thought it was a rather important reminder that we're not god, we can fuck up. Be trapped/helpless/defeated. I enjoyed it. But I respect your opinion.
I swear to God, if the Abigail hiding in the woods is living in a cabin...

what you gonna do Waifu her! I'm sorry that response was unwarranted

use the aforementioned Deep Focus Beacon to -draw attention -to ourselves
>yfw pinging will show the banshee where we are who may also be obsessed with us in a negative way and full forces will be sent to destroy us all at once as a threat to her victory once she knows our location

Just... don't /tg/ dice this one anons.
Rolled 82

Be thorough.
Also, warming up my dice.
B-but where else would she live? It's not like the forest has a lot of bricks! I'm sure any cabins would just be because of the environment and not at all foreshadowing...

I've said my piece on the subject. I can't really say anything specific about your concerns without giving things away.


Roll 1d100 for your search, as fast as possible while still being thorough.

We'll call it 2 actions long for this big search, so I need 6 rolls.
Go thorough.
Rolled 88

Rolled 84

Rolled 89

Rolled 36

Rolled 33

Rolled 86

Rolled 88

Looking good so far, be a shame if someone rolled a 1...
Rolled 41

Rolled 72

Rolled 1

Rolled 75

Rolled 32

>10th roll
Yeah, this is about par for the course.
Rolled 35

Erebus Rises

as does his shadowy appendage
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I knew we were rolling too well.
>inb4 david
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Rolled 17

thats not normal...
but that is
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Moderate failure...

You piece of shit, die.
At least it's a secondary fail, and we rolled well for the primary rolls.
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It was going so well....
So basically this is gonna happen.


If there's two rolls, does that mean we have twenty chances for crits?
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Oh, nice, it looks like we've got thi-


>She's literally directly underneath us when we ping the first time
>The ping attracts the attention of all the local fauna and Abby is crushed under a deluge of curious bears.
>Curious bears
We both know secondary fails don't go that badly.
More like ERABIES,

Nah, I bet I know what happens... the Banshee finds her at the same time we do. We gotta beat her to save Nice!Abby
What, I didn't say HUNGRY bears; they just wanted to know what was up, and what was up was a little girl hiding innawoods.

Now we have to convince the bears to let their new best friend leave with us to civilization, which they despise for multifarious reasons.

Alternate Ending: their condition for letting Abby go with us is that the bears insist that they be invited to the ball as well, and we need to explain to the Empress why all the salmon hors d'oeuvres are gone before the rest of the guests arrive
All while ditching fang-abby at the ball, then she comes along and gets involved in the fight and we sit them all down and tell them to hug and make up and then we shadow ink around them and squeeze as tightly as we can with our juggernaught strength to make them one again.

It was in a doujin I read.
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Sir Bearington?
You fly up and out of the garden.

You glance back once, and you can see Abigail turned to look at you. She watches your progress up and out of the castle until you soar over the wall.

You've got too many feelings bouncing around inside.

What do you want from her? What John wanted? Or...like family? Or...dammit.

The only thing you're sure about is that you're totally unsure.

You...love her. But you hardly know her...this Abigail. This part of Abigail. She isn't /really/ Abigail. Not truly.

You've got to keep that in mind. Getting out of this place has to be priority.

For some reason...you wish you had Flint around. You feel like he'd know what to do.


You fly as fast as you can without going Supersonic. The air rushes by you. The lack of a Skysever is liberating. You can fly as long as you need without interruption.

You focus and expand your senses out as you fly over the landscape. You sense a few dots or Spirit approaching Abigail's vast palace, and Abigail herself stands out above all of them. You fly over the countryside, farther from the capital.

There's a large mountain range ahead - the same that bordered the valley where you entered this world. Beyond the mountains is a smokey, black plain. It must be the wastes, home to the Banshee. You give it a few pings of your Deep Focus, but then curve away and fly elsewhere. What you're looking for wouldn't hide that close to obvious danger.

You remember what Abigail said about the forests, and after flying a bit longer, you find it - a vast forest that borders the empire, at least as large as the Great Forest of Venia. It stretches father back than you can see. You scour it, winding your way deeper and deeper without missing any ground.

Unfortunately, you don't find anything. Still, you've covered most of the ground. Maybe another search will prove fruitful. For now, you need to get back to the capital.

You're about halfway over the plains when something catches your attention - something's flying toward you.

It's a dragon - not as large as the one you fought before. Its scales are a gleaming gold. You pause and hover in flight, unsure if it's with the empire, or the Banshee.

It slows as it nears you. "Hail!" comes a rough roar. "I am an emissary of Her Greatness, the Lady of the Wastes! I would speak with you, Great Shadow!"

What do you do?

>attack the dragon
>let it speak
>something else
>let it speak
<I already tried that once. You're friend just kept spitting fire at me.>
>let it speak
Be ready to fight though.
"I've got some shit to do right now, same place same time tomorrow?"
Let it speak, but keep our guard up, and make sure it keeps it's distance.
>let it speak
<Always with the -great-. Speak.>
>let it speak
Rolled 77

>>let it speak
We wanted this with the last dragon anyway. But let it know we're on a schedule, so make it quick.
>damn that was fast
Engage him in tic-tac-toe
If he can best us, we will give him audience

I knew it would be unanimous for talking.

Shadow Quest loves talking more than CONSUMING
>let it speak
<It is good to know that not all dragons despise conversation.>
We're Judgement, man. We need all the details if we want to Judge properly.
Rolled 38

>Invoke Silence
<We will speak with thee if you answer our riddles three!>
>Its scales are a gleaming gold.

>so hard
>to not apply
>DND knowledge
Hey. We've always asked lots of questions the way American judges ask questions.

...Can't believe I just noticed that.
Looks like we're about to have a dreamland harems of Abbys
>>Implying that it is not a social justice warrior dragon, here to make sure shadow checks his privilege.
You hover in the air cautiously, ready to dart in any direction. <I tried to speak with that other dragon. It tried to light me on fire.>

"The Lady regrets this terribly," the golden dragon says. "We summons are...programmed, you might say, to carry out particular tasks. That one was not capable of being swayed by enemy words."

<I have experience in the area. Give me your message.>

"The Lady recognizes that you are a force which could tip the balance of power within our lands," the dragon says. "She invites you to her side, citing the instability of the other self which is called the empress."

What is your response?

>no thanks
>maybe...but not now
>sure, lead on
Man all this shit with Shadow's feelings for Abigail and we haven't even breached the subject of him being Erebus and a guardian of Order with anyone else. This Archonium arc is just full of crazy developments.
Rolled 84

inb4 the Banshee believes that Empress Abigail's strict domination of her subjects is amoral and is trying to bring down the autocracy
>maybe...but not now
>maybe...but not now
<There are some theories I need to test, as far as I am concerned, the Empress, the Coward, and the Banshee are all merely pieces to be put together into a whole.>
And now we are offered this choice.
Ohhhh boooooy. Good night SM will read thread in archives.
>maybe...but not now
>maybe...but not now
<I believe I'd find just as much nstability within the The Lady as I would her. Inform her I am pursuing other options.
>maybe...but not now
Tell her I intend to achieve the best and intended solution of this world.
>maybe...but not now
>maybe...but not now
<There is more I must learn, first.>
>maybe...but not now

We want to speak with her, but preferably without screwing up our current position.
>maybe...but not now
don't want to upset any one side
>maybe...but not now
<I still need to organize my thoughts. Give me time.>
<While I have not been in this realm for long, what I have seen and heard of your Lady has been ill. For now, I am exploring my options. Rest assured that I will come to see the Banshee eventually, and I would appreciate safe passage when I do.>
I just want the Arconium to end. Been here too long.
>tell her to meet me at the empresses dinner
Awww yissss
We need Abby's other human side to take her. That's not a good move without having found her.
Even though I would like to at least meet with The Banshee, I wouldn't put much trust in her.

We already know that she has tried to assassinate her others using creatures in our likeness, which isn't a quality that weighs favorably on her.
i bet silence would love the banshee
I kind of have this feeling the impostors were more part of the vision testing her. Maybe she figured out Fang used a fake to trick her into entering here and that combined with her reliance on us as been eating at her.
><While I have not been in this realm for long, what I have seen and heard of your Lady has been ill. For now, I am exploring my options. Rest assured that I will come to see the Banshee eventually, and I would appreciate safe passage when I do.>

Seconding this.

plus <Tell her that it is good to see abigail again, and that I have NOT forgotten her - no matter how small a piece she is now.>
<While I have not been in this realm for long, what I have seen and heard of your Lady has been ill. For now, I am exploring my options. Rest assured that I will come to see the Banshee eventually, and I would appreciate safe passage when I do.>

"Hmm..." the dragon says. "I will inform the Lady of your words. But she is not one to wait long."

<I'll go to discuss the situation with her in due time.>

"As you would. Fair travels." The dragon pivots, and soars back toward the mountains that lie between the empire and the wastes.

You fly back toward the palace, contemplating the Banshee. Is she...unstable, like the Abigail you've met? You can't imagine that her demon heritage is anything but. You'll have to use caution.


You return to the palace, landing in the gardens where you took off. A passing servant scurries off when they see you, and soon, you're inundated by more servants. They hustle you into a side room. A dozen pairs of suits and shirts and slacks are pressed and pinned against your skin. One of the monsters, a strange, pale-skinned and black-haired creature with no face suddenly nods, snaps its fingers, and points. The monsters throw the clothing on you after you replicate your human form.

You're pushed and shoved and harried into a long hall with wide doors at the other end. The monsters are gone as soon as they arrived, and you're left alone, slightly confused and unsure if you're supposed to go in or wait.


You turn at Abigail's voice.

She's wearing blue evening gown - the same rich shade that she favored earlier that morning. It is cut conservatively, but leaves no doubt as to the shape of her body. She stops in front of you and smiles. "...sooooo?"

What do you say?

I, personally, enjoy Doom Paul.

I've never read Shadow Quest before, but was curious about your writing style and ended up getting drawn into the insanity of this thread.

I do too, but I don't mean to give people heart attacks, obviously.

Just freak 'em out a little.

Glad to see fresh blood.

"You still look like an angel"
Go with the like an angel callback. I think that's what she's fishing for anyway.


sometimes the simplest answer is the best one.
Oh god, this part is so far removed from the rest of the quest and there's so much you're missing just binge the archives quickly it's so aaaAAAAAAGHGHHGH
<How is my fair lady this evening?>

/tg/ when did you become such a smooth playa
Oh look. Another shitbird that's going to try to vote for things and argue like a retard without reading the rest of the quest first.
Pretty much.

well after all those ERP threads. Oh god I'm joking please don't hurt me!
<You look good enough to EAT>

But no, go with the Angel line
Shhh, be nice.
>a woman fishing for compliments
<So; I'm hungry. >
I refuse to be nice to Nevermore 2.0

If you're here, Nevermore, you're still an ass.
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>/tg/ when did you become such a smooth playa

I've always been a smooth playa, mah homie
That riddle was more of a mess than that, and you know it.

Though, to the newguy: You really should read that last 5-10 threads, at least just going through SM's posts, to get an idea of how things are going.
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>Just get home from work
>catch up with Shadow Quest

Damn guys, and I thought the shitstorm around getting captured by the Ring City was bad.

Well. Now I wish I refreshed before posting.

No more rainbows, that was bad enough :(
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I think you've forgotten how bad it got at Ring City. At least this didn't stall the thread entirely with threats to SM's health. It hit a high level but it didn't boil over like then.
Naw, bruh. I'm just enjoying the madness here. I'm a fan of creators with sadist streaks.

I might catch up through the archives and join you all on this magical journey, but I generally prefer reading quests after they've been completed.

Remember all the threats for if Micheal cuckolded/NTRd Flint. that took up a quarter of the post that day.

There are very few quests that run to completion though?

You gotta enjoy the ride while it lasts.
VMQ completed yesterday. It was a very strange feeling and I'm still in doubt that I actually experienced it.

<You still look like an angel.> Thinking quickly, you step forward and offer her your arm before she throws her hand at you again. She takes it, but uses the opportunity to press up close to your side. You feel torn between a frightened panic and an urge to put an arm around her. You settle on standing there like an idiot.

"Well...though the door, then," she says after a moment.

<Uh, right.>

You enter the door. The ball is lined with people. A quiet murmur of conversation ceases, and then they burst into applause. Abigail smiles and daintily waves a free hand at her subjects. You take it stoically - it's just a vision, anyway.

You're introduced to about three dozen leaders and elders and other people whose titles you don't remember inside of ten minutes. Abigail guides you around the floor, showing you off like a trophy, never taking her arm off yours. You don't grin, but you bear it.

There's a table laden with food. Abigail proudly points out a large plate filled with stuffed croissants, which she made herself. You quickly snatch one up and discover, to your pleasant surprise, that it's actually extremely good, so you eat a second. Her smile fills her face full to bursting, and she pulls you to a long series of chairs set on the other side of the tables.

When she sits, the rest of the room quickly sits with her - apparently everyone has an assigned place. Abigail explains that it's based on importance, seniority, and a hundred other little variables arranged so as not to offend any arch-count-vice-duke of whatever province or another.

When Loli Quest hooked its claws so deep in me that I had a dedicated LQ notepad for solvan puzzles and mysteries, and then the QM just disappeared, I swore to myself: never again.

Once everyone is seated, a battalion of instrumentalists and performers make their appearance in the wide open space cleared of people. They players play, and the performers perform - and it's quite a show. Jugglers toss flaming swords, acrobats leap and dive across the hard floor, and dancers shuffle in the background in time to the music. After the show, Abigail introduces you to the composer and choreographer of the performance, a floating eyeball with wings that speaks telepathically.

If Abigail's vision composed this song, then does that mean it was all her creativity? You don't dwell on that thought long, because it makes your head hurt.

Dancing soon follows. You and Abigail partake of the buffet somewhat, lingering around the edges of the activity.

Eventually, while you're idly clapping for the latest dance, she takes your hand. "I wanted to talk about something. Want to take a walk?"

What is your response?

>aren't we going to dance?
Valkyrian Mercs Quest. A game about a Merc commander in the Valkyria Chronicles setting. Probably not for the average SQ fan but I liked it.
>very well

Neat, I would look into reading through that if I was more of a fan of the setting.
talk is fine
after all good long marriages require well timed communication
I hope we don't end up needing to morph one of our tendrils into a rape whistle.

This was way earlier in the thread, but I wanted to clarify, Agape is selfless, unconditional love.

The kind of love that compelled us to throw ourselves into the Archonium to rescue her.

I don't think we're really capable of the physical attraction that Eros classifies.
>You quickly snatch one up and discover, to your pleasant surprise, that it's actually extremely good, so you eat a secon

Is this.... actually shadow's first time experiencing food for enjoyment, instead of CONSUMPTION?

>Abigail introduces you to the composer and choreographer of the performance, a floating eyeball with wings that speaks telepathically.
Wisp-bro copy! she MUST have missed us!

>"I wanted to talk about something. Want to take a walk?"
<There are things on my mind as well>
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>Is this.... actually shadow's first time experiencing food for enjoyment, instead of CONSUMPTION?



I never thought of that. I bet it reflects a change after we integrated Humanity more fully into ourselves.
Best part? It's not even real food.
Nah, I distinctly remember that we enjoyed the food that Dook provided just before the Raziel clusterfuck happened.
>Is this.... actually shadow's first time experiencing food for enjoyment, instead of CONSUMPTION?
We snuck out to drink soup during one of the VERY early threads (Thread 3) to try and handle our urges, and mentioned that it was good, but ultimately unsatisfying to our deeper hunger.

>You decide to find something to eat. The smell of Linda's soup hangs in the air.
>There's a small but well-stocked kitchen behind the main room - probably for times just like these. You locate the pot of soup, well-covered to preserve as best as possible for many hungry people the next morning.
>You take a few gulps, discovering that you do in fact have a sense of taste. It's tasty. You feel a bit more energized after eating.
>But there's a hole that hasn't been filled. Deeper. Darker. An emptiness. It calls for you to consume something else...
>...something alive.
>You push the feeling away, and it fades as your attention focuses elsewhere.

There have been other mundane eatings along the way as well, IIRC.

Abigail pulls you out of the ball, her head down, ducking between the guests. For some reason, no one notices you leave. You're not sure if they're ignoring you, or if she wants them to ignore you, and so they do.

You're guided into another garden. It's similar to the first - another square of green buried in the walls and towers of the palace.

She lets go of your hand and takes a few steps away. One of her hands pinches the cloth of her dress and works it between two fingers.

<...what's wrong?>

"...I didn't say anything was wrong."

<You're tense.>

Abigail turns back to you. Her eyes are wet. She bites her lip. "Shadow...are you really...on my side?"

<Of course I'm on your side. What is this about? What's got you so worked up?>

"...you told the dragon you'd speak with the Banshee, soon."

<...how do you know about that?>

"Because it was my dragon." She looks up at you. "...so...were you planning on going to her, next? When you said you loved me...I guess that didn't mean just me. It meant all of us. Is that what it was? I'm not good enough alone."

<Abby,> you say gently, <that's totally off-base. I just wanted to try and resolve this all peacefully.>

"She sent a dragon to burn down one of my towns for no reason!" Abigail shouts. "We've never attacked her, not once! What made you think she wanted to resolve this peacefully?!"

<Abigail - >

"Don't!" she says. She has to shout the words to get them through her tears. "Don't start. Don't lecture me again."

<I had to try,> you say, more forcefully. <Why did you set me up? What are you trying to prove?>

"...you love me too much," she says. "...you don't care what I think."

The words cut you like a knife. <What?>

"You don't trust me," she says. "I...when I came here, I was all alone. They thought I was some kind of god. Some of them tried to kill me. I killed so many of them with magic, Shadow. I was forced to learn my magic inside and out to survive. And then I realized the only way I could stop the fighting, stop being attacked, was to force it to stop. And so I did, and then the Archonium split me into pieces as a reward!" She's backed another few steps away from you. "I waited...I waited 11 years. I thought that once you arrived...I thought you would trust me, like I trusted you. But at the first opportunity, you...she's...my other self is weak...but the Banshee - she's just totally wrong! She's not even me!!"

<Abby - >

"Don't Abby me! I'm not 9, Shadow! I can think for myself!" She points an accusing finger at you. "You...you think I'm crazy. You really think I'm nuts, and that the solution is a compromise between me and those two other things."

<If you'd just listen to me for - >

"I've already listened to you!" She takes a long, shaky breath, and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. "If you had the chance...you'd do it. You'd go behind my back to put me back together the way /you think/ I should go! Tell me I'm wrong!!" She shakes her head. "You can't. Because I know you. You'll do what you think is best. What if I don't think that's best? Did you consider that?!"

What is your response?
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I think it's her love for us that's blinding her.
Ok. So Abby's a yandere now. Or something.

<I... I think that you can't make this decision with only one part of your soul. I'm not trying to steer you in one direction, just trying to help you examine all the options first.>
bitch slap that ho
Well for one, getting to speak with the banshee would have been valuable on a tactical level at least: We theoretically would have been able to get an idea on how she acts when no-one has even been able to approach her.

But no, fuck, this is a legitimate concern of hers. She's pretty much spot-on. She's not whole, we want her back to normal, and this spot of her realizes that and is afraid of it.
This one's on you guys, I'm out!
Full imposing figure mode.
<Clearly this trial has bested you, all of you. You are not yourself, and now I must act alone to fix this mess.>

Then we go and find hiding-abby
>this spot of her
this part
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Oh god

I wasn't ready for that at all
Tell her the banshee's just as much a part of her as Temerity is you.

If our endgame is to get all of them to meet peacefully, that's not going to help our cause.
<Then what do you think is best?>

Simple is best, etc.
<I haven't lied to you Abigail, and I won't start. I can't force you to compromise, and even if I could I would not.
We must go to the Banshee queen eventually, and doing so in peace would be far easier than in war. I do not, personally, know what she is like - all I have is hearsay. Would you have me judge her - condemn her - without even speaking?
I would tell you before I went. I have your best interests at heart, Abigail, and I always have. I do trust you, but there are three of you right now and I need a complete picture.
So - can you trust me? Can you at least give me a chance?>
She just doesn't want to be treated like a kid who can't make a decision herself. This is her vision after all. She should be making it.
Oh, almost forgot.
Use Gaping Maw while she's off-balance.
She wants us to give her our trust, just as she gave us her trust when we first met.
>What is your response?
<You think that just because she's "totally wrong" that you can cut that part away and be done with it?>
Then we show her Silence, Darkxis, and Temerity. Maybe Isolation fighting like mad when we met it in the cave and Humanity going berzerk.

Not just the short impressions we gave earlier. More substantial.

<You need to pull yourself together. You need to get out of here. I refuse to let you drown in this magical hell.>
<You speak in fear. You believe you would be weaker as a person if rejoined with your splintered selves. Would I be wiser or kinder if I shed myself of everything but my Temerity? You are worth more whole than broken.>
how about


to this

And if she doesn't see reason, bust out the authority?


This is probably our best shot or we might just shoot ourselves in the foot. At least we tried though
Well dammit.

I suppose we tell her exactly what we have been thinking.

We've wanted to bring her her emotional side so that it would at least be a part of her, so she wouldn't become like Fang.
And we wanted to meet with the Banshee partly because >>26339388 and partly just to understand what the other parts of her were like.

And we should also own up to the fact that yes, we have been trying to shape her, because both in character and as players we care for her too much.
No authority busting, it'd make everything worse. Just let her make her decision.
<The other shards, the banshe and the one in hiding, they're just as much you as the one standing before me now. This is true whether you believe it to be true or not. Still, there is a degree of truth to what you say. This is still your vision. This is still your trial and at the end of the day it will be -you- that overcomes it. I can merely offer my insights and help. Though, even if you revile the other fractured pieces of yourself, I see them all as components of that little girl that helped me not so long ago. I wish to at least see what the other two pieces of your soul think. I owe it to them and I owe it to you, Abby-Sabby.>

<She is a witch we should burn her, that is what the Mayor said. It is a shadow it must be destroyed, that is what an angel said. He was a general he must have no good in his heart, that is what a knight said. Yet each time I have tried to search out an answer for my self instead of believing in rumors and speculation. How can I allow you to damn yourself If I am not there to take part of the burden too?>
Sure, but throw in using us as an example too. We went through this shit.
(Even if we were the exception and we didn't reconcile with most shards so much as force/outriddle them to merge with us.)
Lets add, I that we love her, but that means the whole of her, not a mutilated her, but all of her! In a sense we are both the same, because we are both something more than human.
I want to leave here with you. If you exit this place and something goes wrong, I will never forgive myself. I am afraid, Abigail- You are my anchor and the last thing keeping me from becoming the monster the outside world is convinced I am.

If you change, I change as well. I have only just found what makes my human, what some would insist makes me weak. I don't want to destroy that, but for your sake I will.
"...I think, are right, to an extent. Maybe I had already made up my mind that if all of the parts came together, things would work out. Maybe that isn't the case, maybe doing it a different way is the best course of action? I don't know, but it was never my right to decide that. I should have discussed my thoughts with you like a proper adult.

But... You are wrong about one thing. I would never force you to do something you don't want to do."
It's looking more and more like we're going to have to get all the Abbys in one room and smash them together.
Abby has to do this herself, this her trial.
<The things you experience in the Archonium will stay with you, whether you allow it to force you to change or not. If there something that you feel is right, you will find your way to it whether or not a magical gateway has locked away the part that opposes it. Taking the other parts of yourself with you will not magically get rid of the things you care about in the here and now.>

<I just wanted to make sure you didn't leave here any less the girl I cared for than when you came in... The choice to abandon a piece of oneself is not something one should take lightly.>

WE can't do anything.

We can work to get them all in the same room, but they're going to have to decide what happens then.
And she's already failed. So now Shadow has to fix this shit.

Ok, trying to change her mind, sans authority busting.

oh, good one

oh, ok



No trying to pull authority, she's right that we've been trying to manipulate her;
We let her make the final choices on her own, just doing what we can to bring the process to a conclusion from the limbo that it's been in.

Nice one.
No to the authority, at least for my vote. I won't force her to recombine, but I won't support taking the choice away from her. If we don't get through to her with this appeal, we go to Hidey Abby and bring her in. Then we just stand in the middle and let Empress Abby blast us with piss (the piss aimed at Hidey Abby) until she either kills us or lets us have another go at talking.

Full anime mode
Yeesh. I don't envy you for the task of putting all of these responses together.
But at this point, I don't doubt he can. SM is a pretty cool dude.
Hurry up and publish novels so I can buy them all.
At the same time I know how hard it can be, relative of mine is an author and she's been working on getting the same book published for years. I read the first draft when I was 15. It can be tough shit.
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>He wants Abby to piss on us.
Anon pls.
>page 9
Is this gonna be a 2 thread night, or are we just gonna bounce out early?
<They said she was a witch,> you say. Abigail is momentarily thrown by the words - so you keep speaking before she can object. <They said she had to be burned at the stake. I thought differently, Abigail. I did what I thought was right.

<The things you experience in the Archonium will stay with you. I wanted to make sure you didn't leave here any less than the girl I cared for when you came in. Can you blame me for wanting to be sure? Can you blame me for at least wanting to see that side of you for myself? The choice to abandon a piece of yourself is not something you should take lightly.>

"I'm not taking it lightly," Abigail says. Her jaw is so tense she's practically spitting the words between her teeth. "I waited for 8 years precisely because I'm not taking it lightly!!"

<You are right...about what I assumed,> you say. <Maybe I had already made up my mind that if all of the parts came together, things would work out. But I would never force you to do something you don't want to do.>

"...then...you'll listen, to what I think is best?"

<...that would be?>

"...we find the weaker side of myself...and I will subjugate her. Together, we can take the Banshee."

What is your response?

>lie that you'll go with her plan, then balance the scales at the right time
>accept her plan as inevitable and seek out the weaker Abigail
>refuse, and try once again to reiterate that balance is key with words and impressions
It's only 10pm and we started in the afternoon. I'm sensing a two page night.

Once we get past this decision point it'll be the end of the thread. I have work early tomorrow.
nuuuuu mah hopes and dreams smashed in the same minute they were formed!
>refuse, and try once again to reiterate that balance is key with words and impressions
>refuse, and try once again to reiterate that balance is key with words and impressions

Remember, we subjugated temerity ourselves.

We should at least bring the weaker Abby to her, but I hope they can resolve things peacefully together when they actually talk it out.
We need to show her the entire encounter with temerity, and the entire humanity dream. Then reiterate that while we can accept her subjugating her demonic side, we can't allow her to just force her conscience into submission.
>refuse, and try once again to reiterate that balance is key with words and impressions
I think she needs to see just what is exactly a part of us to get where we're coming from. Maybe not the whole story, but she needs to understand what we are and what we've seen.
Show her our plight in merging with our shards. Minus the whole John thing.

Show her the pain and perseverance.

<Will you allow me to speak with the other two first? I do not expect to change your conclusion, But I would be lying if I am not curious as to the solution that the others have devised...>
Basically replay the encounter with humanity and temerity, emphasising the part at the end where we restrain Humanity from obliterating Temerity.

As i see it, i don't mind her subsuming the fearful side of herself, as long as that doesn't cause her to lose he heart.

What i am trying to say is
>accept her plan as inevitable and seek out the weaker Abigail
But at least try and ensure that she doesn't reject all compassion and become fang.
You mean how we suicided into humanity shard fire?
Yes. Lets just be honest and say that we need to talk to and judge the others before we help her.
>>refuse, and try once again to reiterate that balance is key with words and impressions

Show her everything.
Show her our encounter with Humanity
Show her our encounter with Temerity

... Show her our vision of John.

Subjugation is the likely path to take against the Banshee, but cooexistence is the path for Hesitation.

I agree with this.

We may have ended up subjugating Temerity, and Silence still protests going along with us, but we at least tried to TALK to everyone first to get a peaceful resolution.
<...There's that word again. Subjugate - Like it is something that needs to be put into a cage.

I will follow your plan, but you need to promise me one thing in exchange: You will only 'subjugate' the weaker side of yourself if you have exhausted every other option. You must *try* to reconcile, with all your heart.

Because I understand now, the parallels being drawn here. You are something close to judgement, like myself. The banshee appears to be similar to my own temerity, which I forced to heel because of our incompatible ideals.

I am no stranger to subjugating one's dark side, but I did not put a leash on my humanity, or my isolation, or even my hunger - I asked them kindly, and they joined me willingly.>
I'm for showing her everything but still leaving everything up to her. She needs to make the decision.
I like this one.
This is good, though it could use a little refining.

Oh damn, that's good.

But keep in mind, this is ABBY'S test. What worked for us may not work for her.
So, show her everything, including all from your vision with her and John? Or just reiterate your points and more clips?

That's a big difference.
Yeah, let's take this and let SM spruce it up. The core ideas are decent.
>show her everything, including all from your vision with her and John
Oooh, I like you.

feed me pls
>including all from your vision with her and John
hahaha FUCK NO
I'd say promise to bring her the weaker abby, if she promises she will talk and not just dominate
>show her everything
>So, show her everything, including all from your vision with her and John?
We're on page ten...the board is forcing me to make a second thread at this point. Next response will be there.
The whole deal.

I think if we show her what we went through as John, it'll also clarify our feelings for her.

She wants us to trust her, so yeah, sure, let's trust her with everything.
Show everything EXCEPT John.
The former
The other thing is, It feels like this is going the same route as our attempts to diplomance Temerity.

The only really worrying thing is the possibility of her losing compassion entirely by subsuming the scared abby.
I think we can and will avoid that mostly based on our presence here.

Show her everything. She needs to understand what we really mean, even if it is awkward.
I figure it's gonna come out eventually, anyway. Might as well expose in conjunction with our merger-argument, give us brownie points and ensures that the intensity of the feels go on just a wee bit more.
not the vision with john. the others, yeah, sure
Will the thread still be over after next post, or will we go a bit longer?
And this as well:
No, don't show her John. That has nothing to do with this.
no john. at all. other visions, go ahead
No John pls
Use this >>26340013 and then send her the visions afterwords if she still needs persuading afterwards.

DO NOT show her John. That is something Shadow would never be comfortable showing her, or anybody else.
If she wants trust, we'll trust her with everything. Show it all
>show her everything
At the very least, this unstable Abby will probably find it daww worthy or some shit and thus be distracted.

But you have to be able to share your darkest secrets and brightest dreams with someone you love!
Ah hell, let's get the whole thing off our chest.

And the Humanity vision has WAY more to do with things than our discussions with Silence, Hunger and Isolation, at least.

I feel like we can skip touching on the three "minor" shards when we're retelling what we've done on our way here, I think.
Show it all! We can\t hold back now!
Just show everything might as well ride this to the end
not john. do we want daddy issues to have control? she will think she has a chance
OH god I just realized shes going to see the rainbows...
We are telling her that we are Erebus, and all that we are afraid of is daddy issues?

Showing her everything includes showing her that WE'RE FUCKING EREBUS.

Shhh. Just let it happen.

People are strange once you give them a daughteru...

I'm more worried about the rainbow riddle...
I say we put our cards on the table and go all in, may the fates take us where they will.

Yeeeeah we should probably skip that part.
It'll be fine.
Actually, it has arguably less to do with things. We can show her the part where we talked to Humanity, but that was after John. And Hunger and Isolation all joined us willingly, which is the main thing - The shards don't need to be subjugated, they can be persuaded with a kind word.
I think we're plenty afraid of being Erebus, or at least Shadow is, people are just thinking in the moment a little too much.
Fucking no, this is RAINBOW level thinking.
Fun fact, things have consequences.
EVERYTHING since we've got in is a LOT of things.
So what if Abby knows we're Erebus. It's Abby.
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Just a little spaghetti. Just a little. It'll be cute.
Let's just use >>26340013 and NOT do something we'll regret later again.
Shush. It will be fine.
This part for abby is most like the fight with temerity, Only one of the three is going to come out of this with agency, but that doesn't mean that those other pieces won't still matter.

And really, we should stop trying to manipulate her so heavy handedly. It's plainly obvious that she isn't just going to cave to what we say.

And we really should only show the parts of the visions that are relevant to what we are talking about.
If things get heated, would this work?

>(anger rises throughout tirade) I did not subject myself to this for only a third of you. I didn't try my hardest to get a married couple to have a happy life and have it thrown back into my face for a peice of you. I didn't GIVE UP THE ONLY CHANCE I COULD HAVE TO HAVE A FAMILY THAT LOVED ME FOR A SCRAP OF YOUR SOUL. I DIDN'T BURN MYSELF ON THE LOVE OF HUMANITY THAT YOU MADE IN ME TO THE POINT WHERE I DIED FOR SOME OF YOU. I DIDN'T TALK TO THE BITS AND PEICES OF MY OWN SOUL INTO AGREEMENT, DISCOVERED THE TERRIBLE TRUTH BEHIND MYSELF AND MY REASON FOR EXISTING, AND FOUGHT WITH THE CYNICAL, LOGICAL PART OF ME THAT WANTED TO RETURN VENIA TO THE BLACK VOID OF NOTHING FOR THE MERE SAKE OF SECURITY, JUST TO GET ONLY A PALTRY AMOUNT OF THE PERSON WHO WAS MY BELOVED DAUGHTER, MY DEAREST FRIEND, AND THE REASON I'VE BECOME WHAT I AM! (calms down) I came to save you. And I mean EVERYTHING that is you. The good, the bad, the wonderful, the terrible. (crying at this point) I came to save you. I just wish I didn't have to save you from yourself...

Well I do like cute things~

THat's a little over-the-top.

We can get the same point across without yelling at her.
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>(crying at this point)
Absolutely not. That's going full retard.

Just use >>26340013 please
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I probably should have made a distinction between heated and near total persuative breakdown.
>Show her John
>Show her that we're Erebus

Haha, fuck that. Absolutely not.
This is SM. Posting fron cell phone. Internet went bonkers. Restarting computer.
We aren't getting angry. If it gets to the point where she is plainly angry at us again, we just give it.

She's right about us being overly manipulative of her; We go along with her plans for now, and just try to make it so that when it comes down to The Empress assimilating the Runaway, she doesn't kill off her own compassion and sense along with her fear.
Yes. Because that was obviously what was wrong with your post.
> implying she knows who that is
Plus, she would keep it a secret if we wanted
I think we already agreed that we're showing her where we're coming from and giving her the decision.
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No, really, the whole thing was just generally cringeworthy.

D- please try harder/don't quit the day job